
Sample records for fracturas faciales vinculadas

  1. Prevalencia de fracturas faciales vinculadas con el deporte Prevalence of facial fractures linked to sports practice

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal en 57 pacientes con fracturas faciales adquiridas durante la actividad deportiva, los cuales fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, en el quinquenio 1992-1996. Este tipo de lesión representó el 6,2 % del total de tratadas en dicho período. En los atletas que jugaban con pelota y practicaban técnicas de combate hubo la mayor prevalencia de estas lesiones, fundamentalmente en los deportes de pelota, boxeo, baloncesto, karate y softbol. El impacto contra otro atleta fue el mecanismo de lesión más frecuente, sobre todo en los grupos de combate y juegos con pelota. Las fracturas de mandíbula dentoalveolares y cigomáticas resultaron ser los patrones de fracturas preponderantes. La conducta terapéutica en estos pacientes no difirió sustancialmente de la aplicada en aquellos con lesiones producidas por otras causas. La restricción de la actividad atlética osciló entre 9 y 15 semanas después del tratamiento inicial. En los atletas de alto rendimiento lesionados se impone establecer las estandarizaciones en su proceso rehabilitador para la toma de decisiones con respecto a su incorporación, tanto a la práctica como a la competencia, lo cual es fundamental en este sentido.A descriptive cross-sectional research study was made on 57 patients with facial fractures suffered during sporting activities. These patients had been seen by the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lara" provincial hospital in Santiago de Cuba from 1992 to 1996 and this type of lesions represented 6.2% of the fractures treated in this period of time. These lesions were more prevailing in athletes who mainly played ball sports, boxing, basketball, karate and softball. The collision with another sportsman was the most frequent injure mechanism fundamentally fight and ball sports. Dentoalveolar and zygomatic mandibular fractures

  2. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Francisco Avello; Allan Avello


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  3. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Avello, Francisco; Avello, Allan


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  4. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial

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    Francisco Avello


    Full Text Available Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino, afectando mayormente a individuos entre 20 y 40 años de edad. Los accidentes de tránsito y las agresiones por robo son las principales causas. El tercio medio del macizo óseo-facial está conformado por un complejo de huesos unidos unos a otros, dentro de los que tenemos principalmente a los maxilares superiores, huesos propios nasales, malares y temporales. Razón por la que se ha querido elaborar una clasificación, que incluya las estructuras óseas mencionadas, que a la vez sea comprensible y de fácil aplicación.

  5. Incidencia de fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz¹


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio para analizar la incidencia de las fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte en los años 1991 al 1993. Se encontró que éstas correspondían al 7,1 % del total; fueron más frecuentes en el sexo masculino y en el grupo de edad de 15 a 24 años. El beisbol fue el deporte que más casos aportó a nuestro estudio; le siguieron el kárate y el baloncesto. La colisión con otro jugador y las caídas fueron las causas más frecuentes. La región nasal fue la más afectada con el 32,5 %. Se recomienda el correcto uso de los medios de prevención de: fracturas faciales, accidentes deportivos, traumatismos faciales y fracturas nasales.The authors carried out a study to analyze the incidence of maxillofacial fractures related to sports from 1991 to 1993. It was found that these were correspondent with 7,1 % of the total of fractures; that were more frequent in masculine sex, and in the 15 to 24 years old age group. Baseball was the sport that brought more cases to the study, followed by martial arts and basketball. Collisions with another players, and downfalls, were the most frequent causes. The nasal region was the most effected one, with 32,5 %. The authors recommend the correct usage of prevention media to avoid facial fractures, sports accidents, facial traumas and nasal fractures.

  6. Comportamiento de las fracturas máxilo-malares

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    Kenny Moreira García

    Full Text Available Introducción: el hueso malar es uno de los huesos más afectados en los traumas faciales. Es fracturado con frecuencia, su tratamiento es común para el cirujano maxilofacial. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de las fracturas máxilo-malares según, edad y sexo, signos y síntomas, tipo de fractura, causa y modalidad terapéutica empleada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal prospectivo de los pacientes atendidos con fracturas máxilo-malares en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2008 a mayo de 2011. Los resultados se mostraron en tablas de simple y doble entrada y como medida resumen se utilizó el porcentaje. Resultados: el comportamiento por grupos de edades mostró 18 pacientes de 31 a 40 años, 14 de 41 a 50 años, 12 de 18 a 30 años, 11 de 51 a 60 y 8 de más de 60 años; 44 pacientes (69,8 % eran masculinos. La agresión física fue causa de 41,3 % de las fracturas, los accidentes de tránsito el 25,4 %, las caídas el 19 % y los accidentes deportivos el 14,3 %. Presentaron dolor 100 % de los pacientes y asimetría facial el 96,8 %. Las fracturas grado III presentes en 50,8 %, 31,8 % grado II, 9,5 y 7,9 % grado IV y I respectivamente. En 24 pacientes se empleó una técnica terapéutica combinada. En 16 pacientes se utilizó la cola de ceja y sólo en un paciente se optó por el abordaje coronal. Conclusiones: de los 63 pacientes los de mayor número fueron, los del sexo masculino y de edades entre 31 y 40 años; el tipo de fractura más frecuente fue la grado III y se identificaron como causas fundamentales las agresiones físicas seguidas de los accidentes de tránsito. Los signos y síntomas más observados fueron el dolor y la asimetría facial La modalidad terapéutica más empleada fue la combinada.

  7. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.

  8. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes pediátricos: Serie de casos

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    Ana Verónica D´Andrea


    Full Text Available La fractura del cóndilo mandibular es una lesión traumática cuya prevalencia en niños es relativamente baja, lo cual puede deberse tanto a factores anatómicos como ambientales. Las consecuencias incluyen anquilosis de la articulación temporomandibular, asimetrías faciales y trastornos funcionales. El tratamiento conservador es el que cuenta con mayor aceptación, siendo el seguimiento cercano y a largo plazo fundamental. Esta investigación describe el seguimiento de 11 pacientes con antecedentes de fracturas condilares, que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia Interceptiva de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCV durante el periodo comprendido entre 2001-2014. Se evaluó la edad del paciente, causa de la fractura, el tipo de fractura, tratamiento recibido y tiempo de duración mediante radiografías panorámicas y tomografías antes y después del tratamiento conservador. Se evaluaron los cambios anatómicos ocurridos. Los tipos de tratamientos variaron desde uso de analgésicos, antiinflamatorios, fisioterapia (ejercicios de apertura y cierre mediante abrebocas y paletas de mordida, aparatos funcionales (Bionator, Klammt, híbridos, y fijación intermaxilar. La prevalencia de fracturas condilares fue de 1,50% siendo las causas más frecuentes caídas de altura y accidentes de tránsito. Las fracturas mas prevalentes fueron 5 casos de fracturas unilaterales y 6 casos de fracturas bilaterales. El tratamiento conservador resultó exitoso en la vasta mayoría de los casos. Como resultado terapéutico se observó remodelado del cóndilo, en ocasiones con leves variantes anatómicas, simetría facial en reposo y apertura. Ningún caso presentó anquilosis de la ATM.

  9. Reconstrucción de Piso Orbitario con esclera en Fracturas del Tercio Medio. Presentación de caso


    Alexis A. Amador-Velázquez; Martha Rodríguez-Milord; Reynaldo Oro-Canelles


    Presentó un caso el cual fue víctima de una agresión con un objeto cortante que le produjo una fractura compleja del tercio medio facial provocándole una Fractura Le Fort III unilateral izquierda y Le Fort II unilateral derecha con herida perforante y extensa en globo ocular izquierdo que fue necesario realizar su eviseración, extrayendo de este un fragmento de esclera del segmento anterior de mas menos 1cm de largo para reparar una fractura mediana en piso orbital derecho logrando su fijaci...

  10. Comportamiento endocrino-metabólico de las fracturas de tercio medio facial

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    Berta Beauballet Fernández


    Full Text Available Se valoran los resultados del comportamiento endocrino-metabólico en 40 pacientes con fracturas del tercio medio facial: 10 nasales, 20 maxilomalares, 2 Lefort I, 4 Lefort II y 4 Lefort III. Según el sexo, 34 pacientes correspondieron al sexo masculino y 6 al femenino. Cuantificamos en orina (muestras de 24 horas: cloruro, sodio, potasio, urea y creatinina; en el ionograma en sangre: cloro, sodio, y potasio; en la química sanguínea: glucosa, clacio, fósforo, urea y creatinina y hemograma con diferencial. Estas muestras se cuantificaron al llegar el paciente, a las 72 horas y a las 24 horas del posoperatorio inmediato. En todos los pacientes estudiados se mantuvo la estabilidad endocrino-metabólica, con excepción de aquéllos portadores de Lefort I, II y III, los cuales en la última muestra tomada presentaron alteraciones del sodio y potasio en el ionograma de orina y sangre.The results of the endocrine and metabolic behaviour in 40 patient with fractures of the medial facial third: 10 nasal, 20 maxillomalar, 2 Lefort I, 4 Lefort II, and 4 Lefort III, are evaluated. 34 patients were males and 6 females. Chloride, sodium, potassium, urea, and creatinine were cuantified in urine (24-hour samples; chlorine, sodium, and potassium in blood ionogram; glucose, calcium, phosphorus, urea, creatinine, and differential blood count in blood chemistry. These samples were taken 72 hours and 24 hours after the immediate postoperative. All the patients studied mantained the endocrine and metabolic stability except those with Leford I, II and III, who in the last sample taken presented alterations of sodium and potassium in the urine and blood ionogram.

  11. Fractura-luxación transemilunar

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    F. Martínez-Martínez

    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón deportista de profesión, que tras un traumatismo durante su práctica deportiva habitual sufre una fractura-luxación transestiloidesradial- transemilunar, lesión que es poco común y que escapa de los patrones típicos. Tras reducción cerrada de urgencia fue intervenido quirúrgicamente realizando osteosíntesis del semilunar y reparación del ligamento escafolunar, con recuperación satisfactoria. Las fracturas-luxaciones carpianas son lesiones severas que pueden asociarse a múltiples patrones de lesiones ligamentosas y óseas. Bain añade el arco translunar (fractura del semilunar para usarlo como complemento al modelo de clasificación de inestabilidades perilunares de Johnson de arco mayor-arco menor. Este tipo de lesión translunar no sigue el esquema descrito por Mayfield, aunque sí es una combinación de este concepto con una fractura del semilunar. En el caso que presentamos se produjo una afectación de los 3 arcos: fractura de la estiloides radial (arco mayor, fractura del semilunar (arco translunar y lesión de los ligamentos carpianos (arco menor; esto aún no se ha estudiado biomecánicamente.

  12. Fractura bipolar de clavícula


    Zamora Navas, P.; Collado Torres, Francisco; Torre Solís, F. de la


    Se presenta un caso de fractura que afecta a ambos extremos de la clavícula. Fractura tipo II de Neer del fragmento distal y fractura del extremo esternal de la clavícula. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico mediante reducción abierta y osteosíntesis con agujas de Kirschner en ambas. El resultado a largo plazo ha sido satisfactorio cosmética y funcionalmente. A case of bipolar fracture affecting both ends of the clavicle is reported. The lesion consisted of a Neer type II fractur...

  13. Organización en el tratamiento del traumatismo panfacial y de las fracturas complejas del tercio medio Organization of treatment in panfacial trauma and complex midfacial fractures

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    J. Muñoz i Vidal


    Full Text Available El manejo del traumatismo panfacial y del tercio medio facial requiere, no sólo del conocimiento de los principios y técnicas básicas de osteosíntesis, sino de un protocolo de actuación reglado antes del acto quirúrgico y adaptado a cada paciente. En este artículo ilustramos la reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas, la secuencia quirúrgica y el manejo postoperatorio del traumatismo panfacial y de las fracturas complejas de tercio medio facial en nuestro hospital. Analizamos un total de 102 pacientes tratados durante los años 2005 y 2006; de ellos, 14 pacientes mostraban fracturas complejas de tercio medio facial, 4 asociadas a otras fracturas de mandíbula o tercio superior facial producidas por fuerzas de alta energía. El grado de éxito lo determinamos por la ausencia de limitación de la motilidad ocular, vía aérea permeable, la correcta mordida-oclusión con mínima secuela estética y la no alteración final de las dimensiones craneofaciales. La prioridad absoluta será enfocar estos pacientes de manera multidisciplinar. La complejidad de estos casos da poco margen a la improvisación por lo que realizar una correcta anamnesis, exploración y planificación prequirúrgica es absolutamente necesario. Todo esto nos permitirá lograr una reconstrucción anatómica ósea tridimensional, la estabilidad de los focos de fractura y la preservación de los órganos en ellos contenidos o implicados, de acuerdo con las medidas antropométricas previas del paciente, con una mínima consecuencia estética y en un único tiempo quirúrgico.Managing of Panfacial and midface trauma requires not only basic knowledge of osteosintesis principles; an order of treatment should be developed by surgeon before surgery and it must be made for each patient. In this article we report the methodology of reduction, fixation and treatment planning of panfacial and midface trauma in our hospital. We analyse 102 facial trauma treated by our department

  14. Utilidad de la Ortopantografía vs TAC facial en el diagnóstico de fracturas de mandíbula

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    M. P. Casteleiro Roca

    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es conocer la utilidad de la Ortopantografía frente a la TAC (Tomografía Axial Computarizada para el diagnóstico de las fracturas de mandíbula, pretendiendo implantar en nuestro hospital recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática en PubMed: la estrategia de búsqueda se define como "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH] AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restringiendo dicha búsqueda a los últimos 5 años (2001-2005 y limitándola a inglés y español. Los criterios de inclusión establecidos son: diseños de estudio, revisiones sistemáticas, meta-análisis, estudios comparando utilidad de Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Como criterios de exclusión marcamos: casos clínicos, cartas al director, no comparar Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Obtenemos 41 artículos que analizamos y clasificamos aplicando los criterios descritos y obteniendo finalmente 3 artículos. Actualmente, como prueba única, la TAC proporciona más información diagnóstica que la Ortopantografía en las fracturas de mandíbula.

  15. Morfología femoral proximal en fracturas de cadera


    Calvo de Mora Rebollo, María Jesús; Albareda Albareda, Jorge Cruz; Seral García, Belén; Martín Ruiz, G.; Lasierra Sanromán, José Manuel; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Es frecuente observar como pacientes que han sufrido una fractura de cadera, si se fracturan posteriormente la cadera contralateral, es del mismo tipo que la primera fractura. El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de relacional la morfología femoral proximal con la producción de un tipo determinado de fractura. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 50 pacientes mayores de 65 años, sin distinción de sexo, que han ingresado en nuestro servicio por fractura femoral proximal, 25 ...

  16. Fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales


    García de Quevedo Puerta, D.; Sesma Solis, P. J.; Fernandez Garcia, L.; Fernández de Córdova, G.


    Se aportan 10 casos de fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales tratados quirúrgicamente de forma diferida con un tiempo medio de demora de 12 días (rango: 3 a 22 días). Nueve fracturas diafisarias fueron tratadas con placa AO de fémur, y una, donde la fractura de cadera asociada pasó inicialmente inadvertida, mediante un clavo de Küntscher. Las fracturas de cadera se fijaron con tornillos de esponjosa (8 casos) o clavo-placa de Richards (2 casos). En todos los paci...

  17. Efectos del tratamiento térmico en la fractura de aceros

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available No obstante de los avances logrados en otros tipos de aleaciones, los aceros se siguen utilizando en forma extensiva en la construcción de elementos estructurales, porque con una adecuada selección y tratamiento técnico, los aceros permiten obtener una conveniente combinación de propiedades mecánicas ante unas exigencias específicas de servicio. La fractura en elementos de máquinas frecuentemente se encuentra asociada a una discontinuidad, la cual provoca una concentración de esfuerzo, lo que puede originar sitios de iniciación de una falla por fractura. La carga límite de fractura es afectada por parámetros geométricos, naturaleza y tipo de carga y propiedades mecánicas del material. La mayoría de fallas por fractura de elementos de máquinas son fallas por fatiga; por lo general una fractura por fatiga tiene lugar por una progresiva generación y crecimiento de grietas hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de fractura súbita de la sección residual resistente. Frecuentemente en una fractura por fatiga se observan marcas de playa, las cuales son evidencias de la posición del frente de grietas antes que se alcance la condición de fractura súbita final. En este trabajo se muestra como el tratamiento térmico de temple y revenido de los aceros afecta el esfuerzo límite de falla por fractura para carga de tracción estática y carga de fatiga uniaxial con la presencia de una entalla severa. También se estudia el efecto del tratamiento térmico en la tenacidad de fractura, propiedad que cuantifica la resistencia al crecimiento súbito de una grieta bajo carga estática.

  18. Comportamiento de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas en el Hospital Universitario de Maabar, República de Yemen Behavior of the maxillofacial fractures in the Maabar's University Hospital, Yemen Republic

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: las fracturas maxilofaciales constituyen más del 50 % del total de fracturas, y en muchas ocasiones están asociadas a otras fracturas del cuerpo humano. Objetivos: estudiar el comportamiento de estas lesiones en el Hospital Universitario de Maabar, de la Universidad de Thamar (Yemen, determinar su relación con la edad, sexo, etiología y localización, y compararlo con los resultados de otros estudios realizados en Cuba y en otros países. Métodos: se realizó un estudio estadístico descriptivo retrospectivo de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas por la brigada de profesores cubanos en este hospital entre los años 2006 y 2009. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, causa de la fractura y región afectada, así como el tipo de fractura y los traumatismos asociados. Resultados: el sexo masculino fue mucho más afectado que el femenino. Los accidentes del tránsito fueron la causa más común (más del 50 % de los casos. La fractura nasal fue la más frecuente, y en más de 150 casos se detectaron traumatismos asociados, muchos muy graves, como fracturas de cráneo, de miembros y heridas de partes blandas. Conclusiones: se confirman los resultados que el sexo masculino es el más afectado, y que los accidentes del tránsito son la principal causa de fracturas en la cara. La fractura nasal es la más frecuente de todas las de los huesos faciales (más del 50 % de los casos, pero otros registran la mandíbula o la región zigomática como la zona más frecuente. Impresionaron las fracturas mandibulares en niños, lo cual no es frecuente en Cuba.Introduction: the maxillofacial fractures account for more than the 50 % of the total of fractures and often are associated with other fractures of the human body. Objectives: to study the behavior of these lesions in patients from the Maabar's University Hospital of the Thamar's University (Yemen, to determine its relation to age, sex, etiology and location and to compare it with

  19. Fracturas costales múltiples asociadas a tos

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    Martín Bosio


    Full Text Available La tos es un frecuente motivo de consulta en la práctica ambulatoria. Aunque generalmente es autolimitada, cuando es crónica e intensa puede ser causa de complicaciones como síncope, neumotórax o más raramente fracturas costales. Presentamos un paciente con fracturas costales múltiples inducidas por la tos. El diagnóstico fue confirmado por un centellograma solicitado luego de la sospecha clínica debida a la intensidad y persistencia del dolor y a pesar de no mostrar alteraciones en las radiografías convencionales. Un centellograma de control a los 5 meses mostró desaparición de los focos hipercaptantes. Las fracturas costales múltiples son una complicación infrecuente de la tos que debería considerarse cuando el dolor torácico es intenso y persistente aun con radiografía de tórax o parrilla costal normal.Multiple rib fractures associated with cough

  20. Utilidad de la Ortopantografía vs TAC facial en el diagnóstico de fracturas de mandíbula Utility of orthopantography vs facial TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic

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    M. P. Casteleiro Roca


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo es conocer la utilidad de la Ortopantografía frente a la TAC (Tomografía Axial Computarizada para el diagnóstico de las fracturas de mandíbula, pretendiendo implantar en nuestro hospital recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática en PubMed: la estrategia de búsqueda se define como "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH] AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restringiendo dicha búsqueda a los últimos 5 años (2001-2005 y limitándola a inglés y español. Los criterios de inclusión establecidos son: diseños de estudio, revisiones sistemáticas, meta-análisis, estudios comparando utilidad de Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Como criterios de exclusión marcamos: casos clínicos, cartas al director, no comparar Ortopantografía frente a TAC en diagnóstico de fracturas mandibulares. Obtenemos 41 artículos que analizamos y clasificamos aplicando los criterios descritos y obteniendo finalmente 3 artículos. Actualmente, como prueba única, la TAC proporciona más información diagnóstica que la Ortopantografía en las fracturas de mandíbula.We consider as objective to know the utility of Orthopantography in jaw fractures diagnostic in front of TAC, with the purpose of implanting recommendations based on evidence in the clinical practice of our hospital. We follow a systematic review in PubMed. The search strategy is defined as "Jaw Fractures" [MeSH]AND "Tomography, X-Ray Computed" [MeSH], restricted to last 5 years (2001-2005, and articles only in english and in spanish. Inclusion criteria were: study designs, systematic review, meta-analysis, comparative studies between Orthopantography and TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic. Exclusion criteria were: case-report, letters and viewpoints, studies don"t comparing Orthopantography in front of TAC in jaw fractures diagnostic. Search strategy provides 41 articles; we analyzed and classified those applying

  1. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.

  2. Enclavado endomedular en fracturas del tercio distal de la tibia


    Arroquy, Damian; Chahla, Jorge; Gomez Rodriguez, Gustavo; Cid Casteulani, Alberto; Svarzchtein, Santiago; Gomez, Diego; Pesciallo, Cesar


    Objetivo: Describir los resultados obtenidos con el enclavado endomedular acerrojado en pacientes con fractura del tercio distal de la tibia. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes con fracturas desplazadas del tercio distal de la tibia, tratadas con clavo endomedular. La muestra incluyo 35 pacientes. El tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio fue de 29.2 meses. Se evaluaron el tiempo de consolidacion, la consolidacion viciosa y las complicaciones. Los resultados funcionales se determinaro...

  3. Septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopia más reducción nasal cerrada en fracturas nasoseptales: estudio comparativo frente a la técnica tradicional

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    Nicolás Pereira

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivos La fractura de los huesos propios nasales es la más frecuente de las fracturas faciales y su hallazgo concomitante con fractura septal varía desde un 34% a un 96.2%. Es necesario un abordaje adecuado para evitar complicaciones como obstrucción nasal y deformidades nasoseptales postraumáticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la técnica de asistencia endoscópica como alternativa para el tratamiento de lesiones septales agudas y compararla con los resultados del abordaje tradicional de esta patología. Material y Método Revisión retrospectiva de casos de fracturas nasoseptales entre enero de 2010 y abril del 2014 en los que se realizó reducción nasal cerrada más septoplastia abierta (técnica tradicional o reducción nasal más septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopía (SSAE. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica y presentamos resultados. Resultados Recogimos 123 pacientes: 33 casos con técnica tradicional y 90 casos con SSAE. Todos debidos a accidentes laborales o en el trayecto hacia/desde el trabajo. Ambos grupos fueron comparables. El tiempo promedio transcurrido entre el accidente y la cirugía tradicional fue 11.4 días y para SSAE fue de 15 días. No se presentaron complicaciones intraoperatorias con ninguna de las técnicas. Hubo 5 pacientes (15.15% operados con técnica tradicional y 3 (3.3% con SSAE que evolucionaron con obstrucción nasal y/o laterorrinia; requirieron rinoseptoplastia secundaria (diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones La SSAE para tratamiento de fracturas nasoseptales supone una innovación que reduce la tasa de rinoseptoplastias secundarias en comparación con la técnica tradicional y lo reportado en la literatura. Es además una técnica reproducible y de bajo costo.

  4. Fractura luxación posterior de cadera asociada a fractura parcelar de la cabeza femoral: a propósito de un caso


    Fernández Gabarda, Rafael; Fernández, E.; Gomar Sancho, Francisco; Jolín Sánchez del Campo, Tomás


    La asociación de luxación posterior traumática de cadera con fractura de la cabeza femoral, es relativamente poco frecuente. Presentamos un varón de 33 años de edad que sufrió un accidente vial con resultado de luxación posterior asociada a fractura de la cabeza femoral craneal a la fovea centralis (tipo II de la clasificación de Pipkin). El tratamiento realizado fue una reducción abierta sin osteosíntesis, dentro de las seis primeras horas. A los dos años el paciente camina co...

  5. Reparacion espontánea de fractura radicular horizontal

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    Jorge Elias Dancur Turizo


    Full Text Available Resumen Se reporta un caso clínico de una fractura radicular horizontal en un central superior izquierdo, que reparó espontáneamente sin tratamiento dental alguno. La fractura se diagnosticó catorce años después de recibir el trauma, en un examen radiográfico rutinario de la consulta endodóntica, ya que el diente sin ninguna sintomatología presentaba al examen clínico cambio de color y al examen radiográfico se observaba zona radiolúcida en la zona apical, por lo que fue remitida del posgrado de ortodoncia al posgrado de endodoncia de la facultad de odontología de la Universidad de Cartagena. Al examen radiográfico realizado en el posgrado de endodoncia se observa línea de fractura radicular horizontal a nivel de la unión del tercio cervical con el tercio medio de la raíz y además se encuentra un defecto óseo al mismo nivel de la fractura radicular. Se realiza el tratamiento de conducto radicular sin complicación alguna. Este caso es sorprendente por realizarse una reparación espontánea sin tratamiento odontológico alguno y más aún sin emitirse un diagnóstico de fractura radicular con anterioridad. (DUAZARY 2010, 79 - 83AbstractIs reported a clinical case of a horizontal root fracture in a maxillary left central incisor that was spontaneously repaired without any dental treatment is reported. The root fracture was diagnosed in an x-ray endodontic examination routine fourteen years after receiving the trauma due to changes in the color of the tooth and asymptomatic, x-ray examination showed a radiolucent zone apically, reason why the patient was sent from orthodontic service to endodontic service at Dentistry School of Cartagena University. Radiographs examination showed a line of horizontal fracture between the union of the cervical third with the middle third and in addition there is a bone defect at the same level of the root fracture. Root canal treatment is done without any complication. This case is surprising

  6. Estudio de la capacidad estabilizadora del peroné en fracturas de tibia de conejo


    Fornells Miquel, P.; GÓMEZ BENITO, M.J.; García Aznar, J. M.; BEA CASCAROSA, J.A.


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la capacidad estabilizadora del peroné en fracturas de tibia. Si dicha capacidad es suficiente, sería posible evitar el uso de sistemas de fijación en los experimentos de laboratorio con este tipo de fracturas. Para comprobarlo se ha realizado una simulación computacional por elementos finitos de la tibia y el peroné de un conejo, con una fractura en el tercio medio superior de la diáfisis sin ningún elemento estabilizador. El conjunto ha sido sometido ...

  7. Fracturas de extremidad proximal de cubito en el niño


    Martínez Castroverde Pérez, Jesús; Casas Cebrián, M.; Doñate Pérez, F.; Martínez Arnáiz, R.; Delgado Mateo, Ricardo; Gallach Sanchís, D.


    Las fracturas y epifisiolisis proximales de cubito, son lesiones raras y cuando se producen suelen estar mínimamente ó no desplazadas, pudiendo ser tratadas de forma conservadoras. En los casos en que existe desplazamiento significativo, requieren reducción abierta y osteosíntesis. Independientemente del tipo de tratamiento utilizado, el resultado final suele ser satisfactorio. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo de 13 casos de fractura-epifisiolisis de extremo proximal de cubito, ocurridas d...

  8. Alternativas de tratamiento en las fracturas de cadera

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Title: Hip fractures Treatment Alternatives.ResumenLas fracturas de cadera son motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestras clínicas y hospitales en pacientes mayores de 60 años. Este tipo de lesiones se producen generalmente ante traumas por caída de baja altura, la mayoría de las veces por caídas en su domicilio. Se han descrito una gran cantidad de factores predisponentes presente en ese grupo etario y dentro de ellos la osteoporosis juega un papel protagónico. Diversas clasificaciones han sido descritas dependiendo de la localización del trazo de fractura, sin embargo, el limite anatómico de la capsula articular del fémur proximal es determinante y permite clasificarlas como intra capsulares y extra capsulares. En la práctica ortopédica actual el tratamiento médico de estas lesiones no tiene indicación, salvo en situaciones muy excepcionales en las cuales la cirugía implica riesgo inminente de muerte en razón a patologías asociadas y es el tratamiento quirúrgico el que ofrece los mejores resultados. La resolución quirúrgica de las fracturas de cadera implica la utilización de una variedad de implantes cuya elección está sujeta a una serie de factores que dependen no solo del tipo de fractura sino situaciones inherentes a cada paciente en particular. El objetivo de esta revisión es buscar consenso en cuanto al tipo de implante a utilizar en las fracturas de cadera dependiendo de diversos factores y dentro de ellos la ubicación del trazo de fractura. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 181 - 189AbstractHip fractures are question common in our clinics and hospitals in patients over 60 years of age. This type of injury usually occur before trauma by falling from a low height, most of the time by a fall at his home. A large number of predisposing factors present in this age group have been described and within them the osteoporosis plays a leading role.Several classifications have been described depending on the location of the fracture

  9. Fractura de stent sirolimus: una causa de restenosis tardía

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    William Amaya


    Full Text Available El primer caso de fractura de stent farmacológico en arterias coronarias fue publicado en 2004, y aunque es un evento infrecuente, las implicaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas siguen siendo un reto. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de género masculino, de 49 años de edad, portador de dos stents medicados, con antedecedente de nuevo evento coronario y diagnóstico de fractura de dichos dispositivos a través de cateterismo.

  10. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis

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    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.

  11. Necrosis de la cabeza femoral tras fractura del cuello femoral tratada mediante osteosíntesis


    Martínez Martín, Angel Antonio; Panisello Sebastiá, Juan José; Lallana Duplá, J.; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    Se presenta un análisis retrospectivo de las necrosis aparecidas en 233 pacientes con fractura de cuello femoral fijada con tornillos de esponjosa. La edad media fue de 80,6 años. Setenta y un pacientes (26%) tuvieron una fractura no desplazada (Garden I o II) y 172 (74%) una fractura desplazada (Garden III o IV). Seis meses tras la cirugía 170 pacientes sobrevivían (72,9%). Treinta y cuatro de ellos (20%) habían desarrollado necrosis y 10 (5,9%) colapso. Tras un seguimiento de 12 meses 114 p...

  12. Efectos de la Hormona Paratiroidea PTH (1-84) en la consolidación de las fracturas


    Aroca Navarro, José Enrique


    1.- INTRODUCCIÓN La osteoporosis es una enfermedad sistémica crónica y progresiva que se caracteriza por una densidad ósea baja y un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura del tejido óseo, que reduce la resistencia a las fuerzas de carga, con un incremento de la fragilidad ósea y de la susceptibilidad de experimentar una fractura ante mínimos traumatismos. Por lo tanto, las fracturas por fragilidad son la consecuencia clínica de la osteoporosis. La incidencia de este tipo de fracturas es m...

  13. Comportamento à Fractura em Modo II do Tecido Ósseo Cortical


    Costa, Jorge Teixeira da


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica A Mecânica da Fractura surge como uma ferramenta essencial para avaliar a “qualidade do tecido ósseo”, tendo esta Dissertação como objectivo contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o comportamento à fractura do tecido ósseo cortical de fémur de bovino, nas condições de carga em modo II e para o sistema de propagação TL. A ênfase foi colocada nos métodos de ensaio mais adequados para o tecido ósseo cortical. Para o efeito, foram analisados os segu...

  14. Fractura por fatiga atípica de la cabeza femoral sobre deslizamiento epifisario crónico


    Escribá Urios, I; Puertes Almenar, L.; Arnau, Rosana; Gomar Sancho, Francisco


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven con fractura de estrés desplazada cuyo trazo se localiza a nivel de la antigua placa físaria de la cabeza femoral. La imagen radiográfica era claramente de fractura de estrés, posiblemente sobre una secuela de epifisiolisis crónica de cabeza femoral. La cadera contralateral era normal y se descartó un cierre tardío de fisis por hipotiroidismo. Por el desplazamiento de la fractura y tiempo de evolución se trató mediante artroplastia total de sustitución...

  15. Fracturas de implantes de tibia. Consecuencias para los ensayos de los implantes


    Frei, S.; Ploeg, H.; Reinschmidt, C.; Heuberger, P.


    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los modelos de fracturas de prótesis de tibia descritos en la literatura y, sobre la base de dichos conocimientos, desarrollar un ensayo para implantes en la cual se logren simular condiciones fisiológicas. El caso descrito con mayor frecuencia en la literatura es la migración de la parte medial de la prótesis, fenómeno que, a menudo, antecede a la fractura de la prótesis. La posición defectuosa resultante de dicha migración modifica el eje ...

  16. Determinació de la Tenacitat de Fractura d’un material fràgil


    Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria


    Identificar, entre totes les propietats mecàniques que caracteritzen un material, quina o quines es requereixen per determinar la Tenacitat de Fractura. Establir relacions entre aquest paràmetre i la “bondat” del material. Fer cerca bibliogràfica per identificar expressions analítiques útils, i per disposar d’un recull de valors de Tenacitat de Fractura per a materials similars (acotar rang de valors possibles). Planificar , dissenyar i executar l’experiment. Definir l’estratègia d’u...

  17. Fractura de compuestos polipropileno-talco


    Velasco Perero, José Ignacio


    La investigación realizada en esta tesis se ha centrado en la caracterización de la fractura de materiales compuestos por una matriz de polipropileno homopolímero isotáctico y diferentes fracciones de partículas laminares de talco. Estos materiales se emplean en la actualidad para la fabricación de piezas por inyección, especialmente en el sector de automoción. Por extrusión de doble tornillo se prepararon dos series de materiales conteniendo diferentes fracciones de talco disperso, el cual f...

  18. Frecuencia y tipo de fracturas en traumatismos maxilofaciales: Evaluación con Tomografía Multislice con reconstrucciones multiplanares y tridimensionales Frequency and types of fractures in maxillofacial traumas: Assessment using MDCT with multiplanar and 3D reconstructions


    Gabriela Tomich; Patricio Baigorria; Nicolás Orlando; Mariano Méjico; Cecilia Costamagna; Roberto Villavicencio


    Introducción. Los traumatismos maxilofaciales (TMF) representan un motivo de consulta común en los servicios de Urgencias. La compleja anatomía del macizo facial requiere de métodos de imágenes multiplanares para su correcta evaluación. Objetivos. Describir la frecuencia y tipos de fracturas en una serie de pacientes con TMF evaluados mediante tomografía computada multislice (TCMS) con reconstrucciones multiplanares y tridimensionales. Materiales y Métodos. Se revisaron en forma retrospectiva...



    Iñigo Etxebarria-Foronda; Javier Mar; Arantzazu Arrospide; Jaime Ruiz de Eguino


    Fundamentos: La intervención quirúrgica en las fracturas de cadera suele demorarse varios días. Nuestro trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Estudiar la estancia preoperatoria de los pacientes ingresados por fractura de cade- ra en los hospitales vascos durante el año 2010 y medir su posible asocia- ción con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, y estimar el coste económico que supone la estancia preoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analizando los siguien- tes datos del Conjunto Mín...

  20. Estudio de la fractura de materiales compuestos por una matriz de plástico


    Maspoch, M. Ll. (Maria Lluïsa)


    Se estudia el comportamiento a fractura de materiales, compuestos por una matriz de plástico en la que se ha dispersado una segunda fase en forma de partículas elastoméricas. Como matriz se han utilizado dos materiales diferentes: una resina de poliéster insaturada y poliestireno. Se estudia la morfología de los materiales compuestos preparados, se determinan los parámetros de fractura y otras propiedades mecánicas, se realiza el estudio fractográfico y finalmente se analizan los resultados e...

  1. Tratamiento con bisfosfonatos y fracturas atípicas Treatment with bisphosphonates and atypical fractures

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    Francisco R. Spivacow


    Full Text Available En los últimos veinticinco años los aminobisfosfonatos se han convertido en las drogas de elección para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis. Son potentes inhibidores de la actividad osteoclástica y reducen la incidencia de nuevas fracturas en pacientes con osteoporosis establecida, pero su prolongada vida media y sus efectos crónicos sobre la fisiología ósea son motivos de preocupación. Teóricamente, una prolongada inhibición del remodelado óseo podría traer aparejada graves efectos adversos, tales como la acumulación de microfracturas y, paradójicamente, la ocurrencia de nuevas fracturas atípicas. Pocos casos de estas infrecuentes fracturas han sido hasta ahora publicados en la literatura mundial. Todas ellas comparten algunas características comunes, además del tratamiento crónico con bisfosfonatos por osteoporosis. La más frecuente es la localización atípica de las mismas. La mayoría ocurren en una o ambas diáfisis femorales, pero también otros huesos pueden estar afectados, entre ellos sacro, isquión, costillas y rama pubiana. Las fracturas son atraumáticas o ante mínimos traumatismos, y en algunos casos fueron precedidas por un dolor prodrómico en la zona de la fractura. Todos los casos tuvieron evidencias bioquímicas o histomorfométricas de bajo recambio óseo. El objetivo de este trabajo es informar sobre tres nuevos casos de pacientes que cumplen con todos los criterios diagnósticos de esta nueva entidad, dos de ellos con fracturas de diáfisis femorales y el restante con fractura de pelvis.In the last twenty five years aminobisphosphonates have became the drugs of choice for the treatment of osteoporosis. They strongly inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and reduce the incidence of new fractures in patients with established osteoporosis, but their long half-life and their chronic effects on bone physiology are a matter of concern. Theoretically a harmful consequence of a prolonged inhibition of bone

  2. Reconstrucción funcional de brazo en fractura abierta III C de húmero

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    M. Mendieta-Espinosa


    Full Text Available Las fracturas abiertas de alta energía tipo III C de Gustilo requieren un abordaje multidisciplinario en el que intervendrán distintas especialidades médicas, personal paramédico y demás profesionales de la salud, a fin de lograr una adecuada evolución del paciente y la restauración de su extremidad. La selección del procedimiento reconstructivo de cobertura dependerá de la localización y magnitud del defecto; pero se necesita una adecuada coordinación para llevar a cabo de forma oportuna la revascularización, la estabilización ósea y la cobertura de tejidos blandos que son la base de un procedimiento exitoso que prevenga la infección, favorezca la consolidación de la fractura y proteja las estructuras óseas, cartilaginosas, tendinosas y neurovasculares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 20 años de edad con fractura abierta de húmero III C según la clasificación de Gustilo, tratado con revascularización mediante colocación de injertos de vena safena a vasos braquiales, y secuencialmente, fijación intramedular de húmero y cobertura con colgajo músculo-cutáneo de dorsal ancho. Tras 10 días de estancia hospitalaria, el paciente logró una adecuada cobertura de la zona de la fractura abierta y restablecimiento de la función de flexión del codo.

  3. Fisioterapia en pacientes geriátricos; Fractura de cadera. Revisión bibliográfica


    Pérez Bermúdez, Nerea


    La fractura de cadera en pacientes geriátricos constituye un problema muy importante en la sociedad española ya que tiene una alta incidencia, la cual no puede explicarse solo por el envejecimiento poblacional sino que residen en muchos más factores. Estas fracturas son una causa muy frecuente de ingreso hospitalario, con su posterior intervención quirúrgica y su tratamiento de fisioterapia. Además representa una de las causas más importantes de mortalidad entre esta población. También pro...

  4. Abordaje transparotídeo para la reducción abierta de las fracturas subcondíleas: Técnica quirúrgica y análisis de sus complicaciones Transparotid approach for the open reduction of subcondylar fractures: Surgical technique and analysis of complications

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    J. Rodríguez Flores


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existen varias opciones para el tratamiento de las fracturas subcondíleas. El abordaje transparotídeo anterior es una de las posibilidades terapéuticas para su reducción abierta y su fijación interna. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una descripción de la técnica quirúrgica y analizar las complicaciones asociadas. Material y métodos: Se realizó una revisión clínica sobre un total de 31 pacientes con 34 fracturas subcondíleas, todas ellas tratadas quirúrgicamente con un abordaje transparotídeo anterior, usando placas y tornillos de osteosíntesis. Resultados: No se registraron complicaciones de ningún tipo en 22 de los 31 pacientes (70,97%, con buena oclusión posquirúrgica en 28 de ellos (90,32%. Las complicaciones relacionadas con el abordaje en nuestra serie de casos fueron las siguientes: 2 casos de paresia facial (5,88%, que en ambos fue leve y transitoria; 6 casos de fístula salival (17,65%, siendo en todos ellos autolimitadas, y 3 infecciones de la herida quirúrgica (8,82%: 2 resueltas con antibióticos y una que requirió también drenaje quirúrgico. Como complicación no relacionada con el tipo de abordaje sino con el tipo de osteosíntesis, hubo 2 casos de fractura de placa de osteosíntesis (5,88%. Conclusiones: El abordaje transparotídeo anterior es seguro, con un bajo riesgo lesivo para el nervio facial. Esta técnica proporciona un adecuado campo quirúrgico que permite la colocación y la fácil fijación de una segunda placa de osteosíntesis en la parte anterior de la fractura. La cicatriz resultante es estética.Introduction: Several options exist for the treatment of subcondylar jaw fractures. The anterior transparotid approach is one of the therapeutic options for open reduction and internal fixation. The aim of this communication was to describe the surgical technique and analyze the related complications. Patients and methods: A clinical review was made of 31 patients with 34

  5. Osteosíntesis con placa puente en fracturas diafisiarias conminutas de húmero.

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    Luis Mancilla Mancilla


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir y evaluar la técnica de osteosíntesis percutánea mínimamente invasiva en fracturas disfisiarias conminutas de húmero. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal de tres pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura de húmero clasificación AO 12C3 tratado quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, evaluándose pérdida sanguínea intraoperatoria, tiempo quirúrgico, movilidad de articulaciones vecinas y callo óseo. Resultados: La perdida promedio de sangre fue de 180cc y el tiempo operatorio promedio 60 minutos. Los pacientes presentaron dolor leve tolerable desde el primer día post operatorio, movilidad del hombro y del codo sin limitación, formación del callo óseo a partir de la cuarta semana y consolidación ósea a las 12 semanas promedio. No hubo lesión del nervio radial. Conclusiones: La placa puente es una alternativa de tratamiento en fracturas conminutas diafisiarias del húmero tanto por su bajo costo como por la rehabilitación funcional precoz de las articulaciones vecinas, asimismo recomendamos la visualización intra operatoria del nervio radial.


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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Full Text Available La osteoporosis puede y debe prevenirse, diagnosticarse y tratarse, preferentemente antes de que aparezca la fractura por fragilidad. El objetivo fue analizar las intervenciones de prevención primaria y secundaria llevadas a cabo en las personas que sufrieron fractura de cadera por fragilidad en 2014 en el sector sanitario de Teruel. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Variables analizadas: sexo, edad, zona básica de salud, residencia, situación funcional basal, antecedente de osteoporosis, fractura de fémur o vertebral, pérdida de estatura, utilización de FRAX, tratamiento al alta, exitus y su causa. Se empleó t- Student y ANOVA para variables cuantitativas por categorías y regresión para relaciones lineales. Resultados: Se incluyó a 148 personas, de las cuales 123 eran mujeres, con una mediana de edad de 87 años, 27,4% tenían dependencia grave o total para las actividades de la vida diaria, 33% estaban institucionalizados. El 10,1% tenían antecedente de fractura de cadera y 10% de fractura vertebral. Constaba diagnóstico de osteoporosis en el 13’7%. En ningún caso se había utilizado la herramienta FRAX®. Habían seguido tratamiento previo con calcio el 12,2%, con vitamina D el 11,5% y con fármacos antiosteoporóticos un 6,8%. Tras la fractura siguió tratamiento para prevención secundaria el 52,7%. A 31/12/2015 había fallecido un 25,7%, con mediana de supervivencia de los fallecidos de 64,5 días, siendo las causas de exitus más frecuentes enfermedad cardiovascular (42,3%, infección (23,1% y neoplasias (11,5%. Conclusiones: En nuestro sector sanitario es infrecuente la valoración de la osteoporosis y del riesgo de fractura en población de riesgo así como la indicación de medidas farmacológicas de prevención primaria. Aunque la indicación de terapia para la prevención secundaria es superior a la reflejada en la literatura, debemos tomar medidas adicionales para mejorar la prevención de fracturas por

  7. Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo de fractura por fragilidad en varones de 40 a 90 años de una zona básica de salud rural

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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La osteoporosis, y como consecuencia de ella las fracturas por fragilidad, se han convertido en los últimos años en un importante problema de salud pública en los países desarrollados. Aunque es bien conocida su epidemiología y factores de riesgo en la mujer postmenopáusica son escasos los trabajos centrados en analizar esta patología en los hombres. El objetivo es determinar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo de fractura por fragilidad en los varones y calcular su riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica mayor y de fractura de cadera. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en una zona de salud rural. La población de estudio fueron los varones de entre 40 y 90 años. No se contemplaron causas de exclusión. Se realizó entrevista personal recogiendo los siguientes datos: edad, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC, antecedente de fractura previa, antecedente de fractura de cadera en progenitores, habito tabáquico, consumo de corticoides, antecedente de artritis reumatoide, osteoporosis secundaria, consumo de alcohol y densidad mineral ósea (DMO. Con estos datos se calculó el riesgo absoluto de fractura y el riesgo de fractura de cadera mediante la aplicación de la herramienta FRAX®. Resultados: Se estudió a 431 hombres. Media de edad 65,8 ± 13,9 años e IMC de 28,4 ± 4,3 Kg/m². A ninguno se le había determinado DMO. Prevalencia de los factores de riesgo: fractura previa 3,7%; progenitores con fractura de cadera 10,4%; fumadores 21,1%; corticoides 2,8%; artritis reumatoide 0,9%; osteoporosis secundaria 2,3%; alcohol 30,9%. Riesgo absoluto de fractura del 3,7 ± 3,1 IC al 95% (3,43-4,02 y riesgo de fractura de cadera del 1,7 ± 2,5 IC al 95% (1,51-1,98. Conclusiones: Especialmente importante en el varón sería supresión del alcohol y del tabaco.

  8. Estudio del efecto de los bifosfonatos (zoledronato) sobre la consolidación de las fracturas


    Salom Taverner, M.


    INTRODUCCIÓN La osteoporosis es una enfermedad sistémica crónica y progresiva que se caracteriza por una densidad ósea baja y por un deterioro de la micro-arquitectura del tejido óseo, que aumenta la probabilidad de sufrir una fractura ante mínimos traumatismos171. La incidencia de este tipo de fracturas es muy alta y además está en aumento151 debido al envejecimiento de la población. Dentro del tratamiento de la osteoporosis los bifosfonatos son los fármacos más utilizados al ser los q...

  9. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavo intramedular elástico estable en fracturas diafisiarias del antebrazo en niños.

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    Francisco Vera Rosas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias del radio y/o cubito mediante la colocación intramedular de clavos Kirschner moldeados en pacientes pediátricos. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo observacional de pacientes tratados con clavo intramedular en fracturas diafisiarias de antebrazo en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia - Lima. Se usaron clavos Kirschner moldeado de acuerdo a especificaciones del clavo ESIN y se evaluaron la técnica operatoria, tiempo de consolidación, complicaciones y funcionalidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 pacientes, 10 de sexo masculino, con edad promedio de 13.7 años (11 a 15 años, se encontró evidencia de consolidación a las seis semanas y el tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 75 minutos. Un paciente presentó parestesias del nervio cubital que remitió a los 4 meses, la perdida sanguínea fue mínima con un abordaje minimamente invasivo. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Conclusión: El uso de clavo Kirschner moldeado es una alternativa de tratamiento en este tipo de fracturas debido a su bajo costo, y resultados comparables con el ESIN que es el tratamiento de elección. (Rev Med Hered 2009;20:151-155.

  10. Evaluación funcional en ancianos intervenidos de fractura de cadera

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    Silvia Montalbán-Quesada


    Full Text Available Estudio observacional prospectivo en pacientes mayores de 65 años intervenidos de fractura de cadera. El objetivo fue conocer la evolución funcional de los pacientes a los tres meses del alta hospitalaria, identificar variables relacionadas con dicha recuperación funcional, describir la mortalidad e institucionalización asociadas al proceso. Se analizaron variables demográficas como edad, sexo, convivencia. Otros aspectos registrados fueron: comorbilidad, deterioro cognitivo, capacidad para caminar, nivel de dependencia según índice de Barthel, institucionalización y mortalidad. Se recogió la información al ingreso y a los 3 meses del alta. El 89,6% de la muestra, fueron mujeres, la edad media fue de 83,56 años. El 40% de los pacientes recuperaron la independencia previa registrándose una mortalidad del 16,7% así como una leve progresión hacia la institucionalización. La capacidad funcional y el deterioro cognitivo del paciente, previos a la fractura condicionan su recuperación funcional y dependencias posteriores.

  11. Tratamiento de las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, 2005-2006

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    Luis Fernando Mena Delgado


    Full Text Available Las fracturas abiertas son el resultado de traumas de alta energía y se caracterizan por grados variables de lesiones esqueléticas y de los tejidos blandos, que incrementar el riesgo de infección y producir complicaciones en la cicatrización. Con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento sobre las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial y su tratamiento, se hizo un estudio retrospectivo en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl (HUSVP, de Medellín, Colombia, para definir la forma de presentación, el tratamiento y las complicaciones en la población de esta ciudad. Durante el período comprendido entre el 1 de mayo de 2005 y el 30 de abril de 2006, se llevó a cabo un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, longitudinal en todos los pacientes atendidos en el HUSVP con diagnóstico de fractura abierta de la diáfisis tibial. Participaron en el estudio 66 pacientes con 67 fracturas abiertas de la tibia, con una edad promedio de 31 años. Los accidentes de tránsito, en especial los relacionados con motocicletas constituyeron la etiología más frecuente. El 24% de las fracturas fueron de tipo I, otro 24%, de tipo II y 51%, de tipo III. La administración de un antimicrobiano se hizo dentro de las primeras 6 horas en 86% de los pacientes. El retardo en la consolidación de la fractura y el desarrollo de algún tipo de infección fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes (34,3%. Este estudio describe el tratamiento de las fracturas abiertas de la diáfisis tibial en el HUSVP y lo compara con el descrito en la literatura; el tratamiento inicial en cuanto a lavados, administración de antibióticos y estabilización de las fracturas fue muy similar al informado en otros estudios.


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    Andrés Camilo Abril Aguilar


    Full Text Available Antecedente. En la valoración radiológica de las fracturas supracondíleas de codo en niños existen algunas mediciones utilizadas como el ángulo de Baumann, el ángulo de inclinación diafisario-condíleo, la línea humeral anterior y la valoración rotacional. No se dispone de evidencia acerca de la concordancia de estas mediciones y los parámetros para determinar un tratamiento o los resultados del mismo, bajo esos criterios. Objetivo. Determinar la concordancia de esas mediciones y su relación con el tratamiento de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en niños. Material y métodos. Diseño observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo de concordancia, de serie de casos de fracturas supracondíleas de húmero distal en niños. Se realizaron las mediciones pre y postoperatorias del ángulo de Baumman, ángulo humerocondilar, línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional en la proyección lateral, por tres observadores para obtener la concordancia interobservador segunlos criterios de Landis y Koch para correlación interobservador e intraobservador. El análisis estadístico se obtuvo con la correlación con el valor Kappa en variables nominales y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para variables continuas. Resultados. 27 niños con edad promedio de 5.7 años. La concordancia interobservador fue buena o excelente para todas las mediciones en la clasificación de Gartland, el tipo de fractura (extensión o flexión, en la medición del ángulo de Baumann pre y post tratamiento y en las evaluaciones de línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional. Los valores fueron aceptables y pobres para las mediciones de la línea humeral anterior y porcentaje rotacional posterior al tratamiento y con mala correlación según los parámetros de Landis y Koch para los tratamientos elegidos y para la duración del mismo así como la aceptación de los resultados del tratamiento. Conclusión. Aunque la concordancia para las mediciones radiol

  13. Fracturas perimplante de fémur tratadas con clavo retrógrado: reporte de un caso y descripción de la técnica quirúrgica.

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    Pablo Ariel Slullitel


    Full Text Available Existe un riesgo tácito de fractura peri-implante de fémur en pacientes con antecedente de fractura pertrocantérica de fémur tratados con tornillos deslizantes de cadera (TDC debido al aumento de la expectativa de vida y a las múltiples comorbilidades. Diversas opciones terapéuticas son posibles dependiendo de si se mantiene la osteosíntesis previa o no. Dada la baja prevalencia de estas fracturas, no existe consenso en la bibliografía actual sobre el tratamiento ideal. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar un caso y describir la técnica quirúrgica de enclavado endomedular retrógrado para el tratamiento de fracturas peri-implante debajo de un TDC.

  14. Maxillofacial injuries and dental trauma in patients aged 19-80 years, Recife, Brazil Lesiones maxilofaciales y traumatismo dental en pacientes de 19 a 80 años, Recife, Brasil

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    A. Leite Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Aim: A retrospective study was undertaken to assess causes of maxillofacial trauma in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Method: A review of 186 patients with maxillofacial injuries aged 19 and 83 years old seen and treated at the Hospital da Restauração between January and December 2006 was conducted and were analyzed according to age, sex, etiology, site of fracture, dentoalveolar trauma and alcohol abuse. Analysis was made in Epi Info using the Chi-square and Fisher´s Exact Tests. Results: It was found that maxillofacial injuries were most frequent in males (89.2% and in the 19-28 year age group (46.8%. Traffic accidents/motorcycle (23.7% and physical violence (20.4% were the most common etiological factor. Facial fractures were detected in 90.9% and a statistically significant difference between sex and facial fracture was found (p = 0.000. The most common facial fracture was maxilla (29.1%, followed by the mandible (27.5%. A positive association between the presence of facial fracture and alcohol consumption was observed (p = 0.002. Dentoalveolar trauma was present in 7.5% of patients. Conclusion: The incidence of facial fractures in Brazilian population is similar than previously reported elsewhere. There were most common in male patients, mainly due to traffic accidents/motorcycle and physical violence.Objetivo: Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo para evaluar las causas de traumatismo maxilofacial en Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Método: Se hizo una revisión de 186 pacientes con lesiones maxilofaciales de 19 a 83 años atendidos y tratados en el Hospital da Restauração entre Enero y Diciembre 2006, analizándoles según edad, sexo, etiología, localización de la fractura, traumatismo dentoalveolar y abuso de alcohol. Se llevó a cabo el análisis en Epi Info, utilizando el Chi cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Resultó que las lesiones maxilofaciales fueron más frecuentes en los hombres (89,2% y en el grupo de edad

  15. Comportamiento a fractura de polímeros envejecidos

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    Argüelles, A.


    Full Text Available The dynamic fracture behaviour of three types of composite materials was studied. Two of the composites were manufactured from the same thermoplastic resin, reinforced with glass or carbon fibre fabric, respectively; the other one, was manufactured with an epoxy resin, reinforced with carbon fibre fabric. The composites were subjected to accelerated ageing effect on a climatic test chamber, under humidity and temperature control, for different notch-Width ratios. The dynamic fracture behaviour was analysed by applying the ASTM E 24.03.03 Standard proposal to Charpy instrumented test results with the goal of validating this testing procedure for composite materials.

    Se estudia aquí el comportamiento a fractura en régimen dinámico de tres tipos de materiales compuestos: dos de ellos fabricados a partir de una misma resina termoplástica reforzada con tejido de fibra de vidrio o de carbono y el otro a partir de una resina de tipo epoxi reforzada con tejido de fibra de carbono. Todos ellos fueron sometidos a envejecimiento acelerado en cámara climática con control de humedad y de temperatura, para diferentes relaciones entre longitud de fisura y ancho de la probeta. El comportamiento a fractura se analizó en régimen dinámico a partir de los datos obtenidos de ensayos Charpy instrumentados, aplicando la propuesta de norma ASTM E 24.03.03, con el objetivo último de validar esta metodología de ensayo sobre materiales compuestos.

  16. Fracturas de clavícula. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos intramedulares flexibles

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D'amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en una serie de casos en el cual se presentan los resultados de 12 fracturas de clavícula tratadas en forma quirúrgica mediante clavos intramedulares flexibles. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados por los autores en la Clínica El Prado del D.T.C.H. de la Ciudad de Santa Marta mediante reducción cerrada bajo control radioscópico. Presentando resultados excelentes y buenos en todos los casos. Así mismo, se evidenció consolidación clínica a las cuatro semanas con reintegro a la vida laboral alrededor de las seis semanas. Todos los pacientes mostraron alto grado de satisfacción con el resultado obtenido. Se concluye que el tratamiento empleado es una alternativa terapéutica a tener en cuenta en aquellas fracturas desplazadas, sean estas del tercio externo, medio o interno que permite consolidación sin las complicaciones que con alguna frecuencia se presentan con el tratamiento conservador. (Duazary 2006; 2:115-120

  17. Influencia del envejecimiento higrotérmico en el comportamiento a fractura de compuestos de matriz termoplástica

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    Zenasni, R.


    Full Text Available Aging was carried out by introducing the materials into a climatic chamber under appropriate conditions of temperature, humidity and time. The materials are made of two types of weaving (2/2 Twill, 8H Satin glass fibre, and (8H Satin carbon fibre. The matrix was polyetherimide(PEI. In order to characterize the interlaminar fracture a mechanical test was carried out using the mode I Double Cantilever Beam (DCB and mode II End Notched Fixed (ENF tests. The analysis consists of knowing the different failure mechanisms which have generated the hygrothermal aging.

    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre la influencia del envejecimiento higrotérmico en el comportamiento a fractura interlaminar de tres tipos de compuestos, dos de ellos reforzados con tejido de fibra de vidrio(2/2 Twill, y 8H Satin y otro con fibra de carbono (8H Satin . El envejecimiento se realizó manteniendo, durante diferentes periodos de tiempo, probetas en una cámara climática bajo unas determinadas condiciones de temperatura y humedad relativa. La determinación de la tenacidad a fractura interlaminar se realizó utilizando probetas de modos I (DCB y II (ENF. El análisis realizado consistió en poner de manifiesto los diferentes mecanismos de rotura a fractura que se generan tras someter las probetas a la exposición higrotérmica. De los resultados de los ensayos se concluye un diferente comportamiento a fractura según el refuerzo existente y también a igual refuerzo, según la trama del tejido.

  18. Estudio comparativo sobre la estabilización de las fracturas cigomáticas

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en el que se analizaron comparativamente los resultados obtenidos con el empleo de los métodos de estabilización del clavo de Steiman y de la sonda Foley en 60 pacientes con fractura cigomática. Se efectuó un muestreo electivo de las lesiones que requirieron la aplicación de métodos de estabilización únicos. La mayor eficiencia terapéutica se obtuvo con el clavo de Steiman en cuanto a los índices de complicaciones y de rehabilitación, lo que a su vez dio lugar a una menor afectación socioeconómica institución-paciente en relación con el método de la sonda de Foley. Este último demostró ser un proceder más universal, al adaptarse a una mayor diversidad de fracturas; además, permite reajustes posoperatorios y facilita la exploración, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las fracturas del suelo orbitario.A longitudinal study was carried out in order to make a comparative analysis of the results obtained by using the stabilization methods of Steiman's neil and Foley's probe in 60 patients with zygomatic fracture. The highest therapeutic efficiency was attained with the Steiman's nail as regards the indexes of complications and rehabilitation, which gave rise to a lower socioeconomic institution-patient affectation, compared with the method of Foley's probe. The latter proved to be a more universal procedure, on adapting to a greater diversity of fractures. Besides, it allows to make postoperative readjustments and enables the exploration, diagnosis, and treatment of the orbital floor fractures.

  19. Fractura de elastómeros EPDM cargados con microesferas de vidrio mediante el trabajo esencial de fractura

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    Velasco, J. I.


    Full Text Available In this work, the essential work of fracture concept (EWF has been applied to untreated and silane- treated glass bead-filled EPDM. It has been proved that this theory is not applicable to pure EPDM due to its high elastic character, but being possible in glass bead-filled EPDM, thus the presence of these particles induces certain plasticity on the EPDM. The results show that the higher adhesion between matrix and particles, the higher value of plastic work of fracture, and the higher final instability of crack propagation. Moreover the influence of processing temperature on the mechanical characteristics of these materials has been studied, noticing a marked drop of stiffness and strength from a temperature processing of 200 ºC. The higher adhesion obtained between EPDM matrix and glass beads through surface treatment has been confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

    En el presente trabajo se ha aplicado el concepto de trabajo esencial de fractura (EWF a una serie de compuestos de EPDM y microesferas de vidrio, sin tratamiento superficial y tratadas con silanos. Se ha comprobado que esta teoría no es aplicable al EPDM puro debido a su elevado carácter elástico, pudiéndose en cambio aplicar a sus compuestos cargados con microesferas de vidrio, pues la presencia de estas partículas induce cierta plasticidad en el EPDM. Los resultados indican que una mayor adhesión entre partícula y matriz se traduce en un mayor valor de trabajo plástico de fractura, así como en una mayor inestabilidad final en la propagación de la grieta. Asimismo se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura de procesado sobre las características mecánicas de estos materiales, observándose una caída acusada de la rigidez y de la resistencia a la tracción en todos los compuestos a partir de una temperatura de procesado de 200 ºC. La mayor adhesión que se consigue entre la matriz de EPDM y las microesferas de vidrio mediante el tratamiento superficial

  20. Estudio comparativo de la morbi-mortalidad en pacientes con fractura de cadera en relación al momento de su tratamiento


    Rodríguez Fernández, Pedro José


    La fractura de cadera especialmente en el anciano, que presenta no solo un problema medico importante por su alta prevalencia y morbimortalidad, sino que también tiene implicaciones sociales de gran magnitud. Se estima que el 20% de las mujeres mayores de 80 años sufre una fractura de cadera. OBJETIVOS Valorar la influencia que tiene la demora quirúrgica durante más de 48 horas en la aparición de complicaciones médicas o quirúrgicas durante le primer año postquirúrgico en los pacientes ancian...

  1. Descripción epidemiológica y evaluación de los desenlaces de interés de las fracturas de platillos tibiales

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    Ricardo Vega Caicedo


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Las fracturas de platillos tibiales suceden conalta frecuencia en grupos especiales como el personal de lapolicía, por su mayor exposición a mecanismos de trauma dealta energía y las características anatómicas y biomecánicaspropias de la extremidad proximal de la tibia, que atribuyena este tipo de fracturas una variabilidad importante en cuantoa abordaje terapéutico y su pronóstico.Materiales y métodos. Estudio tipo de serie de casos (nivelde evidencia IV, en pacientes adultos con fracturas de platillostibiales, con atención inicial en el Hospital Central dela Policía desde enero de 2005 hasta diciembre de 2010, condiagnóstico confirmado por ortopedista y seguimiento mínimode un año, a quienes se les aplicó una ficha de recolección dedatos, con las variables estipuladas en el estudio.Resultados. De 93 pacientes seleccionados, el 82% fueronde sexo masculino y el 91% presentaron fracturas cerradas. Aquienes se les realizó fijación interna más externa suplementariatuvieron mayores tiempos de consolidación radiológica(180 días. Las secuelas más frecuentes fueron Artrosis (24%y meniscopatía (21%, y las principales complicaciónes fueronlas infecciones en un 6,4% de los pacientes, siendo las fracturasabiertas grado III (33% las más afectadas. El promedio deconsolidación radiológica fue de 125 días. Fueron manejadasquirúrgicamente el 69,9% de los casos. El grupo etáreo de 30a 39 años fue el más comprometido. El principal mecanismode trauma fueron los accidentes en moto (40% y el tipo defractura con mayor frecuencia fue la Shatzker tipo IV (28%y las abiertas tipo Gustilo III (75%.Discusión. Las características propias del trabajo comoagente de policía, en cuanto a su rango de edad, sexo predominantey actividades de riesgo como desplazamiento enmoto, porte y utilización de armas de fuego, así como lasactividades de riesgo propias de su trabajo, determinan mecanismosde trauma de moderada y alta energ

  2. Fractura brônquica: Tratamento broncoscópico com colocação de prótese e broncoplastia com balão

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    Daniela Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: A fractura brônquica é uma lesão rara, de mortalidade elevada, e geralmente secundária a traumatismos torácicos fechados. O seu diagnóstico exige alto índice de suspeição, na medida em que as manifestações são variáveis e não específicas. A broncoscopia desempenha um papel primordial no diagnóstico e, em casos seleccionados, no tratamento das fracturas brônquicas.Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um doente politraumatizado com um traumatismo torácico grave após um acidente de trabalho. A broncoscopia revelou fractura extensa do brônquio principal esquerdo, tendo sido realizado tratamento conservador com colocação de prótese e broncoplastia com balão.Apresentase uma revisão da literatura da fractura brônquica e o papel diagnóstico e terapêutico da broncoscopia.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 409-414 Abstract: Bronchial fracture is a rare, life-threatening injury usually associated with blunt chest trauma. It represents a great task in diagnosis, as its manifestations are various and nonspecific.Bronchoscopy has a primordial role to diagnose and, in selective cases, to treat bronchial fractures.The authors present the case report of a patient with a thoracic trauma after an accident in the workplace. The bronchoscopy revealed a fracture of the left main bronchus. Conservative treatment was performed with endobronchial stenting and balloon dilatation.In conclusion, a review of the literature on bronchial fracture and the role of bronchoscopy is presented.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 409-414 Palavras-chave: Fractura brônquica, traumatismo, broncoscopia, prótese brônquica, broncoplastia com balão, Key-words: Bronchial fracture, trauma, bronchoscopy, endobronchial stent, balloon bronchoplasty


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    Rafael Gómez Navarro


    Resultados: El número final de mujeres estudiadas fue 76, su edad media 67,9 ± 13,4. El riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica fue del 8,1 ± 7,9 y el riesgo de fractura de cadera del 3,7 ± 5,3. Se recomendó solicitar DEXA en 9 (11,8% y plantear el inicio de tratamiento en 3 (3,9%. Para 9 mujeres (>84 años, la Guía no establecía recomendaciones. El número necesario de mujeres a cribar para indicar la realización de una DEXA es 8,4 y de 25,3 para iniciar un tratamiento. Se inició en los 3 casos recomendados y en otra mujer más para la que la Guía no emitía recomendación. Conclusiones: La herramienta FRAX® nos ha facilitado determinar de una manera sencilla el riesgo absoluto de fractura osteoporótica y de cadera de las mujeres de nuestra población lo que nos ha ayudado a decidir iniciar tratamiento antirresortivo casi en el 4 % de las estudiadas.

  4. Complicaciones presentadas en pacientes mayores de 65 años ingresados por fractura de cadera en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel


    López-Hurtado, Felipe; Miñarro del Moral, Rosa María; Arroyo Ruiz, Verónica; Rodríguez Borrego, Mª Aurora


    Objetivo: Conocer las complicaciones que se han producido en pacientes mayores de 65 años, ingresados en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel durante el año 2012, con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Metodología: Diseño: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Ámbito, periodo y sujetos de estudio: Pacientes ingresados en el año 2012 mayores de 65 años con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Variables principales: Morbimortalidad recogida en el C...

  5. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia, Í.; Sobrá-Hidalgo, G.Á.


    Resumen Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó...

  6. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico


    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia; G.Á. Sobrá-Hidalgo


    Objetivo: La trombosis venosa profunda del miembro superior es una entidad rara que se asocia con el uso de catéteres, estados de hipercoagulabilidad, anticonceptivos orales, neoplasias, síndrome de costilla cervical o de los escalenos, fracturas de clavícula y trombosis inducida por el esfuerzo. Método: Varón de 53 años que desarrolló una trombosis venosa de las venas axilar, cefálica y basílica tres días después de sufrir una fractura de tercio medio de clavícula que se inmovilizó inicia...

  7. Pacientes con fractura de cadera. Valoración de la cirugía precoz en estados de antiagregación plaquetaria


    Mas i Atance, Jaume


    El tractament estàndard de la fractura de maluc és la cirurgia precoç sota anestèsia raquídia . S'ha descrit un augment de les complicacions quan el tractament es posposa més enllà de les 48 hores, sigui quin sigui el motiu de la demora . El maneig dels pacients amb fractura de maluc que a més es troben en tractament amb antiagregants plaquetaris ha generat controvèrsia, perquè en limitar la possibilitat d'una anestèsia regional, es tendeix a demorar la intervenció per evitar el risc d'una...

  8. Tratamiento y complicaciones de las fracturas de seno frontal Frontal sinus fracture treatment and complications

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    S. Heredero Jung


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las fracturas de seno frontal se producen como resultado de impactos de alta energía. Un tratamiento inadecuado puede conducir a complicaciones serias incluso muchos años después del traumatismo. Objetivos. Evaluar los datos epidemiológicos y revisar las complicaciones asociadas. Estandarizar el protocolo de tratamiento. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron 95 pacientes diagnosticados de fracturas de seno frontal pertenecientes al servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre de Madrid, entre enero de 1990 y diciembre de 2004. Resultados. La edad media de los pacientes revisados es de 34 años. La mayoría son hombres (78% y la causa más frecuente del traumatismo, los accidentes de tráfico. El patrón de fractura más común es el que afecta únicamente a la pared anterior del seno frontal. Las complicaciones descritas son: deformidad estética frontal, sinusitis frontal, mucocele frontal, celulitis fronto-orbitaria, intolerancia al material de osteosíntesis, complicaciones infecciosas del SNC y persistencia de fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Conclusiones. El objetivo ha de estar encaminado a prevenir las complicaciones asociadas a los pacientes con fracturas de seno frontal. Hay que individualizar el protocolo de tratamiento en cada caso. Es recomendable un seguimiento a largo plazo para identificar precozmente las posibles complicaciones.Introduction. Frontal sinus fractures are caused by high velocity impacts. Inappropriate treatment can lead to serious complications, even many years after the trauma. Objectives. To evaluate epidemiological data and associated complications. To standardize the treatment protocol. Materials and methods. the clinical records of 95 patients with frontal sinus fractures treated between January 1990 and December 2004 at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, "12 de Octubre" Hospital (Madrid, Spain, were reviewed. Results. The average age of

  9. Fracturas de tibia: tratamiento con clavo intramedular no fresado (UTN. Experiencia en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

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    Carlos Ruiz Semba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad del uso del clavo sólido intramedular no fresado (UTN en el tratamiento de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia cerradas, expuestas y en seudoartrosis. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo y longitudinal en 12 pacientes con fractura diafisiaria de tibia tratados en el servicio de traumatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia desde febrero 2000 hasta junio del 2001. La técnica usada para colocar el UTN fue la descrita en el Manual de Técnicas Quirúrgicas de la AO. El tiempo de seguimiento total fue de 1 año. Resultados: La consolidación con el uso de este clavo se dio en promedio a las 16 semanas, no presentándose ningún caso de no unión. A pesar de que algunos de nuestros pacientes presentaron lesiones en piel y tejidos blandos, no observamos infecciones superficiales ni profundas. Por otro lado el movimiento de la rodilla, tobillo y articulación subtalar, se inicio en el postoperatorio inmediato, logrando los pacientes hasta el momento un rango articular normal. Conclusiones: El Clavo Intramedular no fresado, es una buena alternativa en el tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia tanto cerradas y expuestas de Iº grado, así como en seudoartrosis, debido a todas las ventajas y buenos resultados obtenidos.(Rev Med Hered 2004; 15:70-75.

  10. Reconstrucción facial postraumática: Experiencia en un centro hospitalario no gubernamental Post-traumatic facial reconstruction: Experience in a private third level medical centre

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    V.J. Visag Castillo


    Full Text Available El trauma facial se asocia a importantes defectos funcionales y estéticos, por lo tanto, su tratamiento rápido y apropiado mejorará los resultados tanto estéticos como funcionales. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, observacional y descriptivo en el que se analizan los registros médico-quirúrgicos de los pacientes sometidos a reconstrucción facial postraumática por cirujanos plásticos en nuestro centro hospitalario entre enero del 2006 y diciembre del 2009. En total, revisamos 51 casos de trauma facial con reconstrucción; el sexo masculino fue el más afectado, la edad media de los pacientes fue de 29 años; el principal tipo de trauma fue el contuso por accidente automovilístico; las reparaciones realizadas de urgencia fueron la mayoría (91 % y la fractura facial más frecuente fue la de órbita y dentro de ella, la de piso orbitario. Las fijaciones más usadas fueron miniplacas y tornillos de titanio, mientras que para el piso de la órbita se empleó la malla de titanio. La media de tiempo quirúrgico fue de 120 minutos. Las principales complicaciones se presentaron en los pacientes más graves y se relacionaron con el evento traumático. Con este estudio intentamos demostrar que en el Hospital Medica Sur (México DF, se presentan los mismos tipos de trauma facial que se reflejan en la literatura al respecto, y que la reparación realizada de urgencia y por cirujanos plásticos tiene buenos resultados tanto funcionales como estéticos.Facial trauma is associated with important functional and aesthetic defects; therefore a quick and correct management improves the functional and aesthetic results. We present a retrospective, observational and descriptive study analyzing the medical charts of those patients who suffered post-traumatic face reconstruction by plastic surgeons, between january 2006 and december 2009. We analyze 51 cases of facial trauma; men where more affected, average age was 29.33 years, the most frequent trauma

  11. Embolismo graso en un niño con distrofia muscular de duchenne y fractura bilateral de fémur. una rara asociación.


    Vergara Amador, Enrique; Galván Villamarín, Fernando; Piña Quintero, Marcela


    Las fracturas de fémur en pacientes que sufren de distrofiamuscular de Duchenne (DMD) son frecuentes, con unaincidencia entre 15-44 por ciento. El embolismo grasose presenta en fracturas de huesos largos generalmenteasociado a trauma de alta energía o a lesiones extensasde tejidos blandos. El diagnóstico de embolismo grasono es tan frecuente en niños posiblemente porque cursacon presentaciones subclínicas. No existen reportesde embolismo graso asociado a distrofia muscular deDuchenne. Informa...

  12. Tratamiento funcional de fracturas desplazadas de olecranon en pacientes mayores de 70 años. [Functional treatment of displaced olecranon fractures in patients older than 70 years old.

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    Gerardo Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo Reportar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos del tratamiento funcional de fracturas desplazadas de olécranon en pacientes >70 años. Material y Métodos Se evaluaron 28 pacientes >70 años con fracturas desplazadas de olécranon. El tratamiento consistió en la inmovilización inicial con una valva de yeso (promedio 5 días y, luego, movilización activa según tolerancia. No se indicó rehabilitación kinesiológica. Ningún paciente fue perdido en el seguimiento. El grupo estaba formado por 27 mujeres y un hombre. La edad promedio era de 82 años. Según la clasificación de la Clínica Mayo, 18 fracturas eran de tipo IIA y 10, de tipo IIB. El seguimiento promedio fue de 14 meses. Resultados La flexo-extensión fue de 142°-15°. La fuerza muscular fue de M5 en 17 pacientes y de M4 en 9. La fuerza de puño fue un 93% del lado contralateral. El dolor según la escala visual analógica fue de 1. La satisfacción con el tratamiento según esta escala fue de 9. Según el puntaje de la Clínica Mayo, 22 pacientes tuvieron resultados excelentes y 6, buenos. El puntaje DASH promedio fue de 15. Veinticuatro pacientes evolucionaron hacia la seudoartrosis. El gap articular final fue, en promedio, de 16 mm. El gap a nivel de la cortical posterior final fue, en promedio de 22 mm. Conclusión El tratamiento no quirúrgico de las fracturas desplazadas de olécranon en pacientes mayores ofrece un nú- mero elevado de buenos resultados funcionales con alto grado de satisfacción. Palabras clave: Fractura de olécranon. Fractura de codo. Tratamiento funcional.

  13. Estructura Organizacional de las Empresas Vinculadas a la Incubadora de Base Tecnológica de la Universidad de Fortaleza: Un Análisis Bajo la Perspectiva de Mintzberg.

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    Sarah Mesquita Lima


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene el objetivo principal de analizar si la configuración estructural predominante de las empresas asociadas a la Incubadora de Base Tecnológica de la Universidad de Fortaleza está vinculada a sus competencias. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se realizó una investigación descriptiva y cualitativa, con estudio de múltiples casos. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante el análisis de documentos, entrevista con el coordinador del Espacio de Desarrollo de Empresas de Tecnología (EDETEC de la UNIFOR y aplicación de cuestionarios auto-administrados en las empresas vinculadas al EDETEC/UNIFOR. Los resultados indicaron el predominio de las configuraciones Burocracia Profesional, Estructura Simple y Adhocracia, estando estas dos últimas directamente vinculadas a las competencias emprendedoras e innovadoras.

  14. Estudio epidemiológico de fracturas nasales en hospitales particulares de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Denis Pimenta E. Souza


    Conclusión: Este estudio proporciona datos básicos sobre las fracturas nasales, importantes para el abordaje terapéutico y la planificación, así como la mejora en la organización y el cuidado de estos pacientes, y la misma puede servir como un parámetro entre los diversos servicios hospitalarios para proporcionar una mejora continua en el servicio y la rutina quirúrgica.

  15. Técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía posterior para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias del húmero. [Posterior minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis for humeral shaft fractures

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    Gerardo Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo Comunicar la técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía posterior para la osteosíntesis de las fracturas diafisarias de húmero y evaluar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de una serie de pacientes. Material y métodos Se evaluaron 11 pacientes (9 hombres y 2 mujeres; edad promedio, 33 años. Diez fracturas eran cerradas y una era expuesta. Se describe prolijamente la técnica quirúrgica. El seguimiento promedio fue de 22 meses. Resultados La flexo-extensión del codo fue de 140º-0°. La movilidad del hombro fue de 170° de elevación, 70° de rotación externa y rotación interna de D9. El dolor según la escala analógica visual: 0 puntos, DASH: 6; puntaje de la Clínica Mayo: 96, test de la UCLA: 33 puntos. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Se observó una alineación normal de la diáfisis humeral en 3 de los pacientes, 7 tenían alguna deformidad en varo y uno en valgo. Un paciente desarrolló una parálisis radial posoperatoria y otro necesitó la extracción del implante por una infección. Conclusiones La técnica mínimamente invasiva posterior es una buena opción para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias de húmero. Es particularmente útil cuando la línea de fractura está cerca de la fosa olecraneana, debido a que, en estos casos, la técnica mínimamente invasiva por vía anterior es difícil de realizar. Los buenos resultados son similares a los reportados con las vías anterior y lateral.

  16. Tratamiento conservador de las fracturas del cóndilo: Evaluación radiológica y clínica Conservative treatment of condyle fractures: Radiological and clinical evaluation

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    A. Wassouf


    Full Text Available Las ventajas del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas del proceso condilar hasta la fecha han despertado controversia en la literatura. El tratamiento conservador es el método de elección en nuestra clínica, por lo tanto, el propósito de este estudio es evaluar los resultados obtenidos en un grupo de nuestros pacientes, seleccionados y aleatorizados, que recibieron un tratamiento conservador de fracturas del proceso condilar. Se evaluaron las intervenciones terapéuticas entre 1997 y 2000 en 30 pacientes (18 varones, 12 mujeres, edad media de 25 años con fracturas del cóndilo y un tiempo de seguimiento medio de 12 meses. Se incluyó un total de 35 fracturas del cóndilo en este estudio. El tratamiento utilizado fue la fijación maxilomandibular (FMM, que se aplicó durante 2 semanas en las fracturas unilaterales y durante 3 a 4 semanas en las fracturas bilaterales. Se realizó una evaluación radiológica inicial del ángulo del proceso condilar fracturado y del acortamiento de la rama ascendente. Se evaluaron las exploraciones clínicas y radiológicas a intervalos regulares (6 semanas y 3, 6 y 12 meses. Cinco pacientes presentaron fracturas bilaterales; todos con luxación anterior. En el grupo de las fracturas unilaterales, 12 pacientes presentaron luxación anterior (valor medio 23° en la radiografía panorámica. Trece pacientes presentaron luxación posterior (valor medio 10°. En la proyección posteroanterior se observó la luxación medial en 12 fracturas (valor medio 14° y luxación lateral en 4 fracturas (valor medio 6°. El acortamiento de la rama ascendente alcanzó un valor medio de 5,40 mm. Se logró una funcionalidad y movilidad satisfactorias en todos los pacientes tratados. Las secuelas postraumáticas fueron el chasquido de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM (5 de 29, la desviación de la boca al abrirse (14 de 27, la reducción de los movimientos laterales y de la protrusión (15 de 29 y finalmente un rango

  17. Profilaxis perioperatoria en fracturas de cadera

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    Raúl L Valdés Lobo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 96 pacientes operados por fracturas de cadera a los cuales se les aplicó profilaxis antimicrobiana perioperatoria. Se usó cefazolina en dosis única de 1 g durante la inducción anestésica (30 min antes de la intervención quirúrgica. Los resultados se compararon con los de otro Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico con características similares al nuestro donde no se aplicó la profilaxis perioperatoria y su tasa de infección fue de 36,8 %, mientras la nuestra fue de sólo el 2 %. Se analizaron los resultados económicos de la aplicación de este método profiláctico, que reduce evidentemente los costos hospitalariosA prospective study of 96 patients operated on of hip fractures and who received perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis was conducted. Cefazolin was used in a unique dose of 1 g during anesthetic induction (30 minutes before the surgical procedure. The results were compared with those of another clinical and surgical hospital with similar characteristics to ours and where no perioperative prophylaxis was applied. Its infection rate was 36.8 % while ours was just 2 %



    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  19. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.


    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz; Ignacio Arzac Ulla; Javier Del Vecchio; Andres Eksarho; Leandro Civetta; Rodrigo Perez Davila


    Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis) con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamie...

  20. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamiento abierto convencional.   Material y métodos Entre 2004 y 2012, se evaluaron 32 fracturas de tibia distal tratadas con técnica MIPO. 20 varones y 12 mujeres. Edad promedio: 40,1 años. El 59,4% presentó fracturas tipo AO 43A; y el 40,6% AO 43C. Tiempo trauma/cirugía: 6,8 días promedio. 24 casos presentaron fractura de peroné. Estadía hospitalaria: 1,5 días promedio. Seguimiento promedio: 39,6 meses, mediante score AOFAS y radiología. Se consignaron complicaciones. Se compararon resultados de grupos  tipo AO A y los tipo AO C.   Resultados Incremento del score AOFAS entre pre y post-operatorio: 73,3 puntos promedio. El grupo AO tipo A: media de 95,89 puntos AOFAS PO. El grupo AO tipo C1-2: media de 92,15 puntos PO. Carga del peso corporal: a las 8,7 semanas promedio. Comparando A= 43A y AO 43C: p: 0,46 (no significativa. Retorno a actividad previa a la lesión:9.3 meses promedio. Comparando tipo A y tipo C: p=0,16 (no significativa. Hubo 18,75% de complicaciones y retiro de osteosíntesis en 14 casos.  Conclusiones  La osteosíntesis mínimamente invasiva con placa y tornillos, es una buena opción para las fracturas de tibia distal; con buena evolución clínico-funcional, y escasas complicaciones comparadas a la cirugía abierta. Las fracturas 43A presentan menos complicaciones mayores que las 43C, tratadas con técnica MIPO.

  1. El nuevo régimen de las operaciones vinculadas

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    Pedro Rosón Silván


    Full Text Available El nuevo y polémico régimen fiscal de operaciones vinculadas supone un cambio radical respecto de la regulación anterior a la Ley de Prevención del Fraude Fiscal de 2006, y pretende aproximar la normativa fiscal a los criterios expresados por las directrices de la OCDE sobre precios de transferencia, y a la nueva normativa contable, que se inspira en las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad asumidas por la Unión Europea. Los principales cambios han afectado no solo al concepto de partes vinculadas (que se ha ampliado o la incorporación de los métodos de valoración de la OCDE, sino, sobre todo a: 1.La creación de una nueva obligación de documentación a cargo del obligado tributario que tiene que valorar sus operaciones a valor de mercado; 2.La creación de dos nuevas infracciones tributarias, para asegurar el cumplimiento de la obligación de documentación; 3.La simplificación del procedimiento de comprobación del valor normal de mercado; 4.La regulación expresa del denominado ajuste secundario. Pese a su novedad y por las presiones de los afectados, se han producido reformas para rebajar tanto las obligaciones de documentación como las sanciones, y, todo hace pensar que dado el contexto de crisis económica, puedan producirse más. The new and polemic fiscal regime of linked operations a radical change supposes respect of the regulation previous to the Law of Prevention of the Tax evasion of 2006, and tries to bring the fiscal regulation near to the criteria expressed by the directives of the OECD on prices of transfer, and to the new countable regulation, which inspires by the International Procedure of Accounting assumed by the European Union. The principal changes have concerned not only the concept of parts linked (that has been extended or the incorporation of the methods of valuation of the OECD, but, especially to: 1.The creation of a new obligation of documentation at the expense of the obliged tributary who has to

  2. Probabilistic fracture mechanics in the integrity evaluation of components; Mecanica de fractura probabilista en la evaluacion de la integridad de componentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franco Nava, Jose Manuel; Torres Toledano, Jose Gerardo; Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Because of the importance of fracture mechanics in applications to pressure vessels, piping and other components used in thermal power plants, the Mechanical Engineering Unit of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been developing activities in this field since some years ago. In this paper, the process for the analysis of probabilistic fracture mechanics is described. As an example, an application to the calculation of fault probability in piping systems, is presented. [Espanol] Dada la importancia de la mecanica de fractura en aplicaciones de recipientes a presion, tuberias y otros componentes utilizados en centrales termicas, la Unidad de Ingenieria Mecanica del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha venido desarrollando actividades en este campo desde hace algunos anos. En el presente trabajo, se describe el proceso para el analisis de mecanica de fractura probabilista. Como ejemplo se presenta una aplicacion al calculo de probabilidad de falla en tuberias.

  3. Probabilistic fracture mechanics in the integrity evaluation of components; Mecanica de fractura probabilista en la evaluacion de la integridad de componentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franco Nava, Jose Manuel; Torres Toledano, Jose Gerardo; Sanchez Sanchez, Ramon [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Because of the importance of fracture mechanics in applications to pressure vessels, piping and other components used in thermal power plants, the Mechanical Engineering Unit of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been developing activities in this field since some years ago. In this paper, the process for the analysis of probabilistic fracture mechanics is described. As an example, an application to the calculation of fault probability in piping systems, is presented. [Espanol] Dada la importancia de la mecanica de fractura en aplicaciones de recipientes a presion, tuberias y otros componentes utilizados en centrales termicas, la Unidad de Ingenieria Mecanica del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha venido desarrollando actividades en este campo desde hace algunos anos. En el presente trabajo, se describe el proceso para el analisis de mecanica de fractura probabilista. Como ejemplo se presenta una aplicacion al calculo de probabilidad de falla en tuberias.

  4. Morbimortalidad Asociada A La Fractura De Cadera Del Paciente Anciano. Analisis De Nuestro Medio


    Juste Lucero, Marta


    La fractura de cadera es una patología prevalente en la población anciana, con un crecimiento exponencial, altas tasas de morbimortalidad asociada, implicaciones en la calidad de vida y consumo de recursos sanitarios. Objetivos: Conocer las variables epidemiológicas de esta patología, el impacto en la atención médica y el proceso que implica para la adecuada previsión de recursos. Describir las causas de demora quirúrgica y sus posibles consecuencias, e implicaciones de todo lo anterior en la...

  5. Factores de riesgo de fracturas por fragilidad en una cohorte de mujeres españolas Risk factors for fragility fractures in a cohort of Spanish women

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    Cristian Tebé


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las fracturas por fragilidad constituyen un problema de salud pública. El objetivo fue analizar la asociación de los principales factores de riesgo de osteoporosis con la fracturas por fragilidad en una cohorte de mujeres con indicación de densitometría ósea. Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva con seguimiento hasta una fractura por fragilidad, de una población de mujeres de 40 a 90 años de edad con una primera visita para realizarse una densitometría entre enero de 1992 y febrero de 2008. Se calcularon la tasa de incidencia de fracturas por 1000 mujeres-año de seguimiento y la hazard ratio (HR de fractura mediante un modelo de regresión de Cox. Resultados: Se estudiaron 49.735 mujeres con una edad media de 57,8 años (desviación estándar: 8,5. De ellas, 3631 mujeres (7,1% declararon al menos una fractura por fragilidad en las visitas posteriores a la basal. Los factores de riesgo con una mayor HR ajustada fueron la edad >75 años respecto a Introduction: Fragility fractures are an important public health issue. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of the main osteoporotic risk factors related to fragility fracture in a cohort of women with an indication of bone densitometry (BD. Methods: A retrospective cohort was followed-up until a fragile fracture occurred, in a population of women aged 40 to 90 years with a first visit for BD between January 1992 and February 2008. We calculated the incidence rate of fracture per 1000 women-years of follow-up, and the hazard ratio (HR of fragile fracture using a Cox regression model. Results: A total of 49,735 women were studied. The average age of participants was 57.8 years (SD: 8.5. Of these, 3631 women (7.1% reported a new fragility fracture in post-baseline visits. Risk factors with higher adjusted HR were age > 75 years compared with age < 55 years (HR: 3.8; 95% CI: 3.3-4.4 and having a BC result evaluated as osteoporosis compared to normal (HR: 2.0; 95% CI: 1

  6. Osteosíntesis de fractura de tobillo. Análisis evolutivo con carga precoz. Estudio preliminar. [Osteosynthesis of ankle fracture. Evolutionary analysis with early loading. Preliminary study].

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción La reducción y osteosíntesis de las fracturas del tobillo, permiten una recuperación precoz. Sin embargo, clásicamente no se permite la carga del peso durante casi 6 semanas. El objetivo del presente estudio, es analizar si la carga inmediata del peso en fracturas de peroné, produce complicaciones y/o desplazamientos secundarios. Material y métodos Se analizaron 21 pacientes operados de fracturas 44AOB1, y se les dio carga inmediata. Se evaluó clínica y radiográficamente la evolución de los mismos. El seguimiento fue a más de 3 meses. Resultados La carga del peso con protección con bota “Walker”, fue ejecutada por los pacientes a los 2 días promedio. El puntaje AOFAS para tobillo evaluado a los 3 meses del post-operatorio fue de 99 puntos promedio. El retorno a la actividad laboral fue promedio 2,1 meses; y el retorno a la actividad deportiva previa, fue promedio de 2,95 meses. En la radiología del POP a más de 90 días de seguimiento, la reducción no sufrió desplazamientos secundarios. Discusión Aun existe controversia sobre el manejo postoperatorio en las fracturas de tobillo. Actualmente se sabe que el movimiento temprano luego de la fijación interna, es beneficioso para disminuir la enfermedad del yeso. La carga de peso temprana facilitaron la restauración de la amplitud de movimiento de la articulación lesionada, disminuyeron la hinchazón, la atrofia de los tejidos blandos, y previnieron el desarrollo de osteoporosis. Conclusiones Las fracturas tipo AO 44B1 de baja energía, tratados mediante reducción y osteosíntesis, pueden realizar carga de peso precoz, sin riesgo de desplazamientos secundarios. La carga precoz junto a la movilización temprana, presenta muy buena evolución clínica, y no incide en un mayor índice de complicaciones.

  7. Utilización del acrílico dental (metil metacrilato) como barra estabilizadora-conectora para reducciones cerradas en fracturas de tibia/peroné o radio/cúbito en caninos


    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  8. Parto distócico asociado a luxo-fractura cervical y compromiso neurológico. Reporte de 4 casos.

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    Gaston Eljure


    La estabilización y descompresión quirúrgica es la mejor alternativa de tratamiento en pacientes con luxo-fractura cervical, a fin de conservar e incluso mejorar la recuperación neurológica. Además permite un mejor manejo de las co-morbilidades que acompañan al recién nacido con déficit neurológico severo.

  9. Toward a universal, automated facial measurement tool in facial reanimation. (United States)

    Hadlock, Tessa A; Urban, Luke S


    To describe a highly quantitative facial function-measuring tool that yields accurate, objective measures of facial position in significantly less time than existing methods. Facial Assessment by Computer Evaluation (FACE) software was designed for facial analysis. Outputs report the static facial landmark positions and dynamic facial movements relevant in facial reanimation. Fifty individuals underwent facial movement analysis using Photoshop-based measurements and the new software; comparisons of agreement and efficiency were made. Comparisons were made between individuals with normal facial animation and patients with paralysis to gauge sensitivity to abnormal movements. Facial measurements were matched using FACE software and Photoshop-based measures at rest and during expressions. The automated assessments required significantly less time than Photoshop-based assessments.FACE measurements easily revealed differences between individuals with normal facial animation and patients with facial paralysis. FACE software produces accurate measurements of facial landmarks and facial movements and is sensitive to paralysis. Given its efficiency, it serves as a useful tool in the clinical setting for zonal facial movement analysis in comprehensive facial nerve rehabilitation programs.

  10. Trombosis venosa profunda masiva de miembro superior secundaria a fractura de tercio medio de clavícula. Caso clínico

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    Í. Úbeda-Pérez de Heredia


    Discusión: Se han reportado algunos casos de trombosis de las venas axilar o subclavia ocasionadas por fracturas claviculares, siendo muy infrecuente la aparición de trombosis extensa afectando a varias venas, en este caso, secundarias al traumatismo o a la presión ejercida por el vendaje.

  11. Uso de recursos y costos asociados a las fracturas en mujeres españolas Use of resources and costs associated to fractures in spanish women

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    Antoni Sicras-Mainar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el uso de recursos y costos debidos a fracturas óseas en mujeres españolas mayores de 50 años en un ámbito poblacional. Se realizó un estudio observacional y retrospectivo, en seis centros de atención primaria y dos hospitales urbanos de España. Se registró datos sociodemográficos, de comorbilidad, uso de recursos (consultas médicas en atención primaria, pruebas complementarias, medicación, atención especializada, hospitalizaciones, visitas, urgencias, costos y pérdida de productividad. Se incluyeron los registros de 19 022 mujeres de los cuales el 7% presentó algún tipo de fractura entre el 2003 y 2007. Las fracturas se asociaron mayoritariamente con osteoporosis (OR: 3,2, fibromialgia (OR: 2,4 y alteraciones tiroideas (OR: 2,2. En el modelo corregido, el costo total para las pacientes que tuvieron fractura fue de USD 3727 mientras que en las que no la tuvieron fue USD 2705,5 (pThe objective of the study was to determine the use of resources and costs due to bone fractures in Spanish women above 50 years of age in the population scope. An observational and retrospective study was conducted in six primary care centers and two urban hospitals in Spain. Socio-demographic and co-morbidity data, use of resources (primary care consultations, complementary tests, medications, specialized care, hospitalizations, visits, urgencies, costs and productivity losses were registered. Records of 19 022 women were included, 7% showed some type of fracture between 2003 and 2007. Fractures were mostly associated with osteoporosis (OR: 3.2, fibromyalgia (OR: 2.4 and thyroid changes (OR: 2.2. In the corrected model, the total cost for patients who had a fracture was USD 3727 compared to USD 2705.5 (p<0.001 for those who did not have it. Patients with a fracture generate a greater use of resources, sanitation costs and work productivity losses

  12. Deformidad facial postraumática asociada a complicación por silastic orbitario 35 años después de implantado

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    Denia Morales Navarro

    Full Text Available Las alteraciones esqueléticas del macizo facial sin tratamiento quirúrgico o con un manejo inadecuado, pueden resultar en deformidad secundaria importante con implicaciones estéticas y funcionales que deben ser consideradas para su tratamiento. El objetivo de esta presentación fue caracterizar el caso de deformidad facial postraumática asociada a complicación por silastic orbitario, 35 años después de implantado este. Se trata de un paciente masculino de 67 años que refirió haber sido tratado al presentar enrojecimiento de un ojo y secreciones. Refiere que hace 35 años fue intervenido quirúrgicamente por fractura “en la zona del ojo izquierdo”, que le colocaron silastic, y que no había tenido problemas hasta el momento en esa área. En el examen físico facial se detectó asimetría facial: ligero enoftalmo del ojo izquierdo, con desnivel pupilar, disminución de la apertura palpebral, rasgo antimongoloide, con eritema de la conjuntiva, quémosis, y abundantes secreciones. Se comprobó limitación del movimiento súpero-externo. Se corrobora la presencia de una fístula en el fondo de saco del párpado inferior. Se diagnostica como deformidad facial postraumática complicada por reacción a cuerpo extraño (al silastic. Fue intervenido quirúrgicamente y se realizó la exéresis del material, y la reconstrucción de la antomía ausente en la zona con malla de titanio. Se obtuvo excelentes resultados. Las lesiones postraumáticas de la cara se asocian generalmente con grandes secuelas funcionales y estéticas. Si se añaden las complicaciones por el empleo de implantes de biomateriales, la determinación de la conducta terapéutica puede ser un reto.

  13. Fractura patológica de la mandíbula asociada a quiste radicular: Reporte de 3 casos clínicos Mandibular pathologic fracture associated with radicular cyst: Report of three clinical cases

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    J. Bouguila


    Full Text Available Introducción. El quiste radicular es el quiste más común de los maxilares. Su tamaño puede variar desde una lesión que abarca el proceso alveolar hasta uno extenso que oblitera el espacio antral maxilar o causa una fractura patológica mandibular. Reporte de casos. Se reportan tres casos con fractura patológica mandibular asociados a quiste radicular ocurridos después de trauma facial. El diagnóstico fue sugerido por un estudio clínico, radiografía panorámica y confirmado por el estudio histopatológico de la pieza operatoria. El tratamiento consistió en enucleación quística seguido por inmovilización de fragmentos con osteosíntesis o bloqueo intermaxilar. El resultado clínico y radiológico a corto plazo fue favorable. Discusión. Se discuten aspectos propios de la patología y su terapia. Conclusión. El éxito del tratamiento depende de una adecuada terapia en que sus principios más importantes son la remoción de la lesión mediante enucleación y una fijación estable.Introduction. Radicular cyst is the most common cyst of the oral cavity. It may range in size from a small periapical lesion to one that can obliterate the antral space or cause mandibular fracture. Case reports. We report three cases of radicular cyst complicated by mandibular fracture that occurred after maxillofacial trauma. The diagnosis was strongly suggested by panoramic radiography and confirmed by pathology examination of the operative specimen. Treatment consisted in cyst enucleation followed by immobilization of fragments by osteosynthesis or maxillomandibular fixation. The clinical and radiologic outcome was favorable. Discussion. The particularities and treatment are discussed. Conclusion. Treatment success is dependent on adequate therapy, the principles of which are removing the lesion and providing stable fixation.

  14. Tendencia, estacionalidad y distribución geográfica de la incidencia de fractura de cadera en un área de salud de la Comunidad Valenciana: (1994-2000

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    José María Tenías


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La incidencia de fractura de cadera ha sido estimada en nuestro país en periodos cortos de tiempo, sin valorar los cambios temporales de tendencia y estacionalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es estimar la incidencia de fractura de cadera en un Área de Salud de la Comunidad Valenciana durante 7 años (1994-2000, explorando su tendencia, estacionalidad y los cambios geográficos por zonas de salud y tipo de núcleo, rural o urbano. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de los casos de FC en mayores de 45 años. Se excluyeron los pacientes no residentes en el Área, las fracturas patológicas y las producidas por accidente de tráfico. Los cambios temporales y geográficos de la incidencia se estimaron por regresión de Poisson. Resultados: La incidencia global de fractura de cadera en mayores de 45 años fue de 274 casos por 100000 habitantes y año (IC95% 259-288. En hombres fue de 149 y en mujeres de 383 casos por 100000 habitantes-año. La distribución temporal mostró una tendencia positiva aunque no significativa, con un incremento medio mensual de la incidencia del 0,04%. Esta tendencia fue mayor para hombres que para mujeres. Se observó una clara estacionalidad, con incidencias relativas menores en los meses de primavera y verano. La incidencia no varió significativamente por zonas de salud ni por el tipo de núcleo urbano o rural. Conclusiones: La incidencia de FC es similar aunque algo superior a la de otras provincias españolas. Se observa una discreta tendencia positiva y una clara estacionalidad, sin cambios geográficos significativos.

  15. Sound-induced facial synkinesis following facial nerve paralysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ma, Ming-San; van der Hoeven, Johannes H.; Nicolai, Jean-Philippe A.; Meek, Marcel F.

    Facial synkinesis (or synkinesia) (FS) occurs frequently after paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve and is in most cases due to aberrant regeneration of (branches of) the facial nerve. Patients suffer from inappropriate and involuntary synchronous facial muscle contractions. Here we describe two

  16. Modelo de remodelación de callo óseo de fractura de fémur humano


    García Rodríguez, Javier


    De la revisión histórica realizada anteriormente se desprende que tanto la remodelación ósea externa como el modelado del comportamiento micromecánico del callo óseo de fractura han sido dos temas a los que se les ha prestado relativamente poca atención por parte de los científicos. En lo que a la remodelación externa se refiere, la razón de esta ausencia de trabajos científicos puede estar fundamentada en que este...

  17. [Facial palsy]. (United States)

    Cavoy, R


    Facial palsy is a daily challenge for the clinicians. Determining whether facial nerve palsy is peripheral or central is a key step in the diagnosis. Central nervous lesions can give facial palsy which may be easily differentiated from peripheral palsy. The next question is the peripheral facial paralysis idiopathic or symptomatic. A good knowledge of anatomy of facial nerve is helpful. A structure approach is given to identify additional features that distinguish symptomatic facial palsy from idiopathic one. The main cause of peripheral facial palsies is idiopathic one, or Bell's palsy, which remains a diagnosis of exclusion. The most common cause of symptomatic peripheral facial palsy is Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. Early identification of symptomatic facial palsy is important because of often worst outcome and different management. The prognosis of Bell's palsy is on the whole favorable and is improved with a prompt tapering course of prednisone. In Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, an antiviral therapy is added along with prednisone. We also discussed of current treatment recommendations. We will review short and long term complications of peripheral facial palsy.

  18. Sound-induced facial synkinesis following facial nerve paralysis. (United States)

    Ma, Ming-San; van der Hoeven, Johannes H; Nicolai, Jean-Philippe A; Meek, Marcel F


    Facial synkinesis (or synkinesia) (FS) occurs frequently after paresis or paralysis of the facial nerve and is in most cases due to aberrant regeneration of (branches of) the facial nerve. Patients suffer from inappropriate and involuntary synchronous facial muscle contractions. Here we describe two cases of sound-induced facial synkinesis (SFS) after facial nerve injury. As far as we know, this phenomenon has not been described in the English literature before. Patient A presented with right hemifacial palsy after lesion of the facial nerve due to skull base fracture. He reported involuntary muscle activity at the right corner of the mouth, specifically on hearing ringing keys. Patient B suffered from left hemifacial palsy following otitis media and developed involuntary muscle contraction in the facial musculature specifically on hearing clapping hands or a trumpet sound. Both patients were evaluated by means of video, audio and EMG analysis. Possible mechanisms in the pathophysiology of SFS are postulated and therapeutic options are discussed.


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    Iñigo Etxebarria-Foronda


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La intervención quirúrgica en las fracturas de cadera suele demorarse varios días. Nuestro trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Estudiar la estancia preoperatoria de los pacientes ingresados por fractura de cade- ra en los hospitales vascos durante el año 2010 y medir su posible asocia- ción con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria, y estimar el coste económico que supone la estancia preoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analizando los siguien- tes datos del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos (CMBD: hospital, edad, sexo, estancia preoperatoria, estado al alta, diagnósticos asociados y pro- cedimiento quirúrgico. Además, se estudió el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson y se calculó el coste unitario de la estancia pre y postoperatoria mediante modelos de regresión múltiple. Resultados. Se analizó una muestra de 1.856 intervenciones. La es- tancia preoperatoria fue de 2,7 días y la postoperatoria de 9,7 días. El cos- te medio por ingreso fue de 12.552,12 euros. El coste medio de la estan- cia preoperatoria fue de 1295,5 euros. La mortalidad fue del 5%. Conclusiones. La estancia preoperatoria no es un factor estadística- mente asociado con la mortalidad, aunque aumenta significativamente el coste total. No encontramos una asociación entre la demora quirúrgica y la mortalidad, aunque sí tiene una clara influencia en el coste total del proceso. La reducción del tiempo prequirúrgico permite ahorrar costes.

  20. Facial dynamics and emotional expressions in facial aging treatments. (United States)

    Michaud, Thierry; Gassia, Véronique; Belhaouari, Lakhdar


    Facial expressions convey emotions that form the foundation of interpersonal relationships, and many of these emotions promote and regulate our social linkages. Hence, the facial aging symptomatological analysis and the treatment plan must of necessity include knowledge of the facial dynamics and the emotional expressions of the face. This approach aims to more closely meet patients' expectations of natural-looking results, by correcting age-related negative expressions while observing the emotional language of the face. This article will successively describe patients' expectations, the role of facial expressions in relational dynamics, the relationship between facial structures and facial expressions, and the way facial aging mimics negative expressions. Eventually, therapeutic implications for facial aging treatment will be addressed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Multiracial Facial Golden Ratio and Evaluation of Facial Appearance.

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    Mohammad Khursheed Alam

    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate the association of facial proportion and its relation to the golden ratio with the evaluation of facial appearance among Malaysian population. This was a cross-sectional study with 286 randomly selected from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM Health Campus students (150 females and 136 males; 100 Malaysian Chinese, 100 Malaysian Malay and 86 Malaysian Indian, with the mean age of 21.54 ± 1.56 (Age range, 18-25. Facial indices obtained from direct facial measurements were used for the classification of facial shape into short, ideal and long. A validated structured questionnaire was used to assess subjects' evaluation of their own facial appearance. The mean facial indices of Malaysian Indian (MI, Malaysian Chinese (MC and Malaysian Malay (MM were 1.59 ± 0.19, 1.57 ± 0.25 and 1.54 ± 0.23 respectively. Only MC showed significant sexual dimorphism in facial index (P = 0.047; P<0.05 but no significant difference was found between races. Out of the 286 subjects, 49 (17.1% were of ideal facial shape, 156 (54.5% short and 81 (28.3% long. The facial evaluation questionnaire showed that MC had the lowest satisfaction with mean score of 2.18 ± 0.97 for overall impression and 2.15 ± 1.04 for facial parts, compared to MM and MI, with mean score of 1.80 ± 0.97 and 1.64 ± 0.74 respectively for overall impression; 1.75 ± 0.95 and 1.70 ± 0.83 respectively for facial parts.1 Only 17.1% of Malaysian facial proportion conformed to the golden ratio, with majority of the population having short face (54.5%; 2 Facial index did not depend significantly on races; 3 Significant sexual dimorphism was shown among Malaysian Chinese; 4 All three races are generally satisfied with their own facial appearance; 5 No significant association was found between golden ratio and facial evaluation score among Malaysian population.

  2. Multiracial Facial Golden Ratio and Evaluation of Facial Appearance. (United States)

    Alam, Mohammad Khursheed; Mohd Noor, Nor Farid; Basri, Rehana; Yew, Tan Fo; Wen, Tay Hui


    This study aimed to investigate the association of facial proportion and its relation to the golden ratio with the evaluation of facial appearance among Malaysian population. This was a cross-sectional study with 286 randomly selected from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Health Campus students (150 females and 136 males; 100 Malaysian Chinese, 100 Malaysian Malay and 86 Malaysian Indian), with the mean age of 21.54 ± 1.56 (Age range, 18-25). Facial indices obtained from direct facial measurements were used for the classification of facial shape into short, ideal and long. A validated structured questionnaire was used to assess subjects' evaluation of their own facial appearance. The mean facial indices of Malaysian Indian (MI), Malaysian Chinese (MC) and Malaysian Malay (MM) were 1.59 ± 0.19, 1.57 ± 0.25 and 1.54 ± 0.23 respectively. Only MC showed significant sexual dimorphism in facial index (P = 0.047; Pmean score of 2.18 ± 0.97 for overall impression and 2.15 ± 1.04 for facial parts, compared to MM and MI, with mean score of 1.80 ± 0.97 and 1.64 ± 0.74 respectively for overall impression; 1.75 ± 0.95 and 1.70 ± 0.83 respectively for facial parts. 1) Only 17.1% of Malaysian facial proportion conformed to the golden ratio, with majority of the population having short face (54.5%); 2) Facial index did not depend significantly on races; 3) Significant sexual dimorphism was shown among Malaysian Chinese; 4) All three races are generally satisfied with their own facial appearance; 5) No significant association was found between golden ratio and facial evaluation score among Malaysian population.

  3. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis Incidence of and risk factors associated with fractures of the proximal femur due to osteoporosis

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    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.Every year more than one million fractures of the proximal femur occur in the world, especially in older persons. Given the continuous aging experienced by populations, such

  4. Traumatic facial nerve neuroma with facial palsy presenting in infancy. (United States)

    Clark, James H; Burger, Peter C; Boahene, Derek Kofi; Niparko, John K


    To describe the management of traumatic neuroma of the facial nerve in a child and literature review. Sixteen-month-old male subject. Radiological imaging and surgery. Facial nerve function. The patient presented at 16 months with a right facial palsy and was found to have a right facial nerve traumatic neuroma. A transmastoid, middle fossa resection of the right facial nerve lesion was undertaken with a successful facial nerve-to-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis. The facial palsy improved postoperatively. A traumatic neuroma should be considered in an infant who presents with facial palsy, even in the absence of an obvious history of trauma. The treatment of such lesion is complex in any age group but especially in young children. Symptoms, age, lesion size, growth rate, and facial nerve function determine the appropriate management.

  5. Fractura de cadera en adultos mayores: prevalencia y costos en dos hospitales. Tabasco, México, 2009 Hip fracture in older adults: prevalence and costs in two hospitals. Tabasco, Mexico, 2009

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    Elsy del Carmen Quevedo-Tejero


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y costos directos de atención de fractura de cadera en adultos mayores derechohabientes usuarios de los hospitales de referencia del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS y de Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX en Villahermosa, Tabasco, México, en el año 2009. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal. La información se basó en los registros de intervenciones quirúrgicas e informes institucionales de adultos mayores hospitalizados con registro de su atención.Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo considerando las variables: edad, sexo,tipo de fractura de cadera, mes de ocurrencia y costo directo de atención. Resultados.De 10765 registros de adultos mayores hospitalizados se encontró 57 casos de fractura de cadera (33 en el IMSS y 24 en PEMEX. La prevalencia de fractura de cadera fue 0,5% (IMSS 1,1% y PEMEX 0,3%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres y en mayores de 69 años de edad. El tipo de fractura más frecuente fue en el cuello del fémur (78,9% del total. El costo estimado de atención médica hospitalaria por paciente fue de USD 5 803 en el IMSS y USD 11 800 en PEMEX. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de fractura de cadera fue mayor en los usuarios del IMSS. Los costos estimados de atención por paciente fueron mayores a los reportados en otras instituciones del sistema nacional de salud mexicano.Objectives. To determine hip fracture prevalence and direct healthcare costs in elderly users of the reference hospitals of the Mexican Institute of Social Insurance (IMSS by spanish initials and Mexican Oils (PEMEX by spanish initials, from Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, during 2009. Materials and methods. This is a cross-sectional study. The information was based on the registers of surgical interventions and institutional reports of the elderly inpatients who had a registered attention in their institution. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed considering the following variables: age

  6. Estrategias vinculadas a la atención de los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad

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    Elaineth Abasali


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar estrategias instruccionales vinculadas a la atención de estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad, pertenecientes a la UPEL-IPC. La metodología estuvo constituida por un proyecto factible, con investigación de campo, documental y no experimental, se abordó el Modelo General de Desarrollo Tecnológico (MGDT de Szczurek (1990, el cual está constituido por cuatro fases: Estudio de Necesidades, Diseño de la Solución, Implantación y Evaluación. Los sujetos de investigación fueron  16 estudiantes con discapacidad, y 19 profesores del Departamento de Tecnología Educativa del IPC. En la implantación se ejecutó el diseño de la solución, obteniéndose resultados favorables, y posteriormente se procedió a la evaluación de todas las fases.

  7. Redefinición de competencias vinculadas a la productividad

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    José María Romero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La formación por competencias ha adquirido un papel relevante en las últimas décadas. Entre otros aspectos de este enfoque, se han relacionado con la productividad en las empresas. En este momento, es pertinente una revisión de aquellas competencias transversales que pueden vincularse con la productividad y que pueden abrir nuevas perspectivas de estudio de este campo. Este artículo es el resultado de una revisión de la literatura existente sobre competencias profesionales y productividad empresarial en las bases de datos ProQuest, ERIC, ISOC y Dialnet. Mediante la confrontación de tres listados distintos de competencias obtenidos en la revisión de la literatura, se ha generado un único listado con 25 competencias transversales y la definición de las mismas, para su aplicación en futuras investigaciones, gestión del personal en las organizaciones y el posible establecimiento de planes formativos para transmitir aquellas competencias productivas. Los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica realizada posibilitan nuevas aproximaciones a la identificación de competencias, ofreciendo un listado actualizado de las competencias transversales vinculadas a la productividad que coinciden con las aportadas en otras investigaciones realizadas sobre competencias predictivas de un rendimiento eficaz, competencias para la empleabilidad y competencias en Formación Profesional del área de Servicios Socioculturales y a la Comunidad.

  8. Colesteatoma causando paralisia facial Cholesteatoma causing facial paralysis

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    José Ricardo Gurgel Testa


    Full Text Available A paralisia facial causada pelo colesteatoma é pouco freqüente. As porções do nervo mais acometidas são a timpânica e a região do 2º joelho. Nos casos de disseminação da lesão colesteatomatosa para o epitímpano anterior, o gânglio geniculado é o segmento do nervo facial mais sujeito à injúria. A etiopatogenia pode estar ligada à compressão do nervo pelo colesteatoma seguida de diminuição do seu suprimento vascular como também pela possível ação de substâncias neurotóxicas produzidas pela matriz do tumor ou pelas bactérias nele contidas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência, as características clínicas e o tratamento da paralisia facial decorrente da lesão colesteatomatosa. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo envolvendo dez casos de paralisia facial por colesteatoma selecionados através de levantamento de 206 descompressões do nervo facial com diferentes etiologias, realizadas na UNIFESP-EPM nos últimos dez anos. RESULTADOS: A incidência de paralisia facial por colesteatoma neste estudo foi de 4,85%,com predominância do sexo feminino (60%. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 39 anos. A duração e o grau da paralisia (inicial juntamente com a extensão da lesão foram importantes em relação à recuperação funcional do nervo facial. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico precoce é fundamental para que ocorra um resultado funcional mais adequado. Nos casos de ruptura ou intensa fibrose do tecido nervoso, o enxerto de nervo (auricular magno/sural e/ou a anastomose hipoglosso-facial podem ser sugeridas.Facial paralysis caused by cholesteatoma is uncommon. The portions most frequently involved are horizontal (tympanic and second genu segments. When cholesteatomas extend over the anterior epitympanic space, the facial nerve is placed in jeopardy in the region of the geniculate ganglion. The aetiology can be related to compression of the nerve followed by impairment of its

  9. The role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy in facial nerve damage. (United States)

    Sun, Yan; Liu, Limei; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Daogong; Wang, Haibo


    Facial nerve is easy to be damaged, and there are many reconstructive methods for facial nerve reconstructive, such as facial nerve end to end anastomosis, the great auricular nerve graft, the sural nerve graft, or hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis. However, there is still little study about great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to identify the role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy and the mechanism. Rat models of facial nerve cut (FC), facial nerve end to end anastomosis (FF), facial-great auricular neurorrhaphy (FG), and control (Ctrl) were established. Apex nasi amesiality observation, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence assays were employed to investigate the function and mechanism. In apex nasi amesiality observation, it was found apex nasi amesiality of FG group was partly recovered. Additionally, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence assays revealed that facial-great auricular neurorrhaphy could transfer nerve impulse and express AChR which was better than facial nerve cut and worse than facial nerve end to end anastomosis. The present study indicated that great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy is a substantial solution for facial lesion repair, as it is efficiently preventing facial muscles atrophy by generating neurotransmitter like ACh.

  10. Effect of mix design on the size-independent fracture energy of normal- and high-strength self-compacting concrete; Influencia de la composición de la mezcla sobre la energía de fractura de hormigones autocompactantes de resistencias media y alta.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cifuentes, H.; Ríos, J.D.; Gómez, E.J.


    Self-compacting concrete has a characteristic microstructure inherent to its specific composition. The higher content of fine particles in self-compacting concrete relative to the equivalent vibrated concrete produces a different fracture behavior that affects the main fracture parameters. In this work, a comprehensive experimental investigation of the fracture behavior of self-compacting concrete has been carried out. Twelve different self-compacting concrete mixes with compressive strength ranging from 39 to 124 MPa (wider range than in other studies) have been subjected to three-point bending tests in order to determine the specific fracture energy. The influence of the mix design and its composition (coarse aggregate fraction, the water to binder ratio and the paste to solids ratio) on its fracture behavior has been analyzed. Moreover, further evidence of the objectivity of the size-independent fracture energy results, obtained by the two most commonly used methods, has been p [Spanish] Los hormigones autocompactantes tienen una microestructura interna inherente a su composición específica. Su mayor contenido de partículas finas, en comparación con hormigones vibrados equivalentes, provoca un comportamiento diferente en fractura que afecta a los principales parámetros de fractura. En este trabajo, se ha realizado una amplia investigación experimental del comportamiento en fractura de hormigones autocompactantes. Así, se han realizado ensayos de flexión en tres puntos para determinar sus propiedades de fractura sobre 12 hormigones autocompactantes de diferente composición, con resistencias a compresión que van desde 39 hasta 124 MPa (mayor que en otros estudios). De esta forma, se ha analizado la influencia de la dosificación del hormigón y su composición (contenido en árido grueso, relación agua-cemento y pasta-sólidos) sobre su comportamiento en fractura. Además, se ha validado, para hormigones autocompactantes, la objetividad de los

  11. Epidemiologia de les fractures perinatals a l'Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol. Relació entre el tipus de fractura de clavícula i la paràlisi braquial obstètrica.


    Casellas García, Gemma


    Les fractures de clavícula perinatals són una complicació impredictible i inevitable dels nounats i un percentatge presentarà paràlisi braquial (PBO) que freqüentment s'autoresolt. S'estudien els factors de risc de la fractura i és el primer treball que estudia la relació entre el tipus de fractura clavicular i la presència de PBO al naixement i la permanència d'aquesta complicació. L'afectació del terç proximal de clavícula i la distòcia d'espatlles són factors de risc per al desenvolupament...

  12. Determinación de la tenacidad a la fractura de muestras de Acero 45 fundido, empleando las correlaciones entre el KIC y la energía de impacto medida en el ensayo de Charpy. // Determination of the fracture tenacity of cast Steel grade 45 samples, using th

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    F. Ramos Morales


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se determinan los valores de tenacidad a la fractura (KIC de muestras de Acero 45 fundido,empleando las correlaciones entre la tenacidad a la fractura y la energía de impacto (CVN obtenida del ensayo de Charpy.Se hace una discusión sobre las correlaciones que más se ajustan en la región de transición y en upper shelf. Se comparanlos valores obtenidos de estas correlaciones a valores de tenacidad a la fractura establecidos en la literatura.Palabras claves: Fractura, energía de impacto, acero fundido.______________________________________________________________________________Abstract.In this paper, the values of fracture toughness (KIC are determined on specimens of cast steel grade 45, using thecorrelations among the fracture toughness (KIC and the impact energy (CVN obtained from a Charpy test. A discussion ismade on the correlations that are better adjusted in the transition region and in upper shelf region. The obtained values arecompared from these correlations to values of fracture toughness (KIC settled down in the literature.Key words. Fracture, impact energy, cast steel.

  13. MRI of the facial nerve in idiopathic facial palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saatci, I.; Sahintuerk, F.; Sennaroglu, L.; Boyvat, F.; Guersel, B.; Besim, A.


    The purpose of this prospective study was to define the enhancement pattern of the facial nerve in idiopathic facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with routine doses of gadolinium-DTPA (0.1 mmol/kg). Using 0.5 T imager, 24 patients were examined with a mean interval time of 13.7 days between the onset of symptoms and the MR examination. Contralateral asymptomatic facial nerves constituted the control group and five of the normal facial nerves (20.8%) showed enhancement confined to the geniculate ganglion. Hence, contrast enhancement limited to the geniculate ganglion in the abnormal facial nerve (3 of 24) was referred to a equivocal. Not encountered in any of the normal facial nerves, enhancement of other segments alone or associated with geniculate ganglion enhancement was considered to be abnormal and noted in 70.8% of the symptomatic facial nerves. The most frequently enhancing segments were the geniculate ganglion and the distal intracanalicular segment. (orig.)

  14. MRI of the facial nerve in idiopathic facial palsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saatci, I. [Dept. of Radiology, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey); Sahintuerk, F. [Dept. of Radiology, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey); Sennaroglu, L. [Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey); Boyvat, F. [Dept. of Radiology, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey); Guersel, B. [Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey); Besim, A. [Dept. of Radiology, Hacettepe Univ., Hospital Sihhiye, Ankara (Turkey)


    The purpose of this prospective study was to define the enhancement pattern of the facial nerve in idiopathic facial paralysis (Bell`s palsy) on magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with routine doses of gadolinium-DTPA (0.1 mmol/kg). Using 0.5 T imager, 24 patients were examined with a mean interval time of 13.7 days between the onset of symptoms and the MR examination. Contralateral asymptomatic facial nerves constituted the control group and five of the normal facial nerves (20.8%) showed enhancement confined to the geniculate ganglion. Hence, contrast enhancement limited to the geniculate ganglion in the abnormal facial nerve (3 of 24) was referred to a equivocal. Not encountered in any of the normal facial nerves, enhancement of other segments alone or associated with geniculate ganglion enhancement was considered to be abnormal and noted in 70.8% of the symptomatic facial nerves. The most frequently enhancing segments were the geniculate ganglion and the distal intracanalicular segment. (orig.)

  15. Facial paralysis (United States)

    ... otherwise healthy, facial paralysis is often due to Bell palsy . This is a condition in which the facial ... speech, or occupational therapist. If facial paralysis from Bell palsy lasts for more than 6 to 12 months, ...

  16. Manejo del enoftalmos como secuela de fracturas del complejo cigomático-orbitario con apoyo de estereolitografía

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    Full Text Available El enoftalmos postraumático se define como la discrepancia entre el volumen orbitario y su contenido; este balance puede verse alterado por múltiples factores, como el secuestro tardío del contenido orbitario por atrapamiento en el sitio de la fractura, herniación del contenido orbitario, necrosis del tejido adiposo orbitario, contracción cicatricial del tejido retrobulbar, pérdida del sistema de suspensión ligamentario del globo ocular y aumento de volumen de la cavidad orbitaria. El presente estudio aborda el problema del enoftalmos postraumático como una deformidad difícil de corregir. Están descritos abordajes cutáneos extensos como el coronal, el subciliar o el intraoral; la técnica descrita por Henry Kawamoto en 1998 describe un procedimiento de menor invasión mediante abordajes de mínima exposición que permiten la refracturación y el alineamiento del cuerpo zigomático, brindando así grandes ventajas sobre las técnicas convencionales. Presentamos el método aplicado en el servicio de Cirugía Reconstructiva del Centro Médico del Instituto de Seguridad Social del Estado de México y Municipios (ISSEMyM para el manejo de pacientes con enoftalmos como secuela de traumatismos del complejo cigomático-malar; para ello empleamos un método por asistencia con modelos estereolitográficos para la planificación quirúrgica del diseño de osteotomías para corregir la deformidad facial y para determinar las dimensiones del defecto a reparar, así como el tipo y cantidad de materiales aloplásticos o autólogos a emplear. Compartimos la experiencia de los casos tratados en nuestro Servicio entre 2006 y 2010.

  17. Facial Sports Injuries (United States)

    ... Marketplace Find an ENT Doctor Near You Facial Sports Injuries Facial Sports Injuries Patient Health Information News ... should receive immediate medical attention. Prevention Of Facial Sports Injuries The best way to treat facial sports ...

  18. Facial Cosmetic Surgery (United States)

    ... to find out more. Facial Cosmetic Surgery Facial Cosmetic Surgery Extensive education and training in surgical procedures ... to find out more. Facial Cosmetic Surgery Facial Cosmetic Surgery Extensive education and training in surgical procedures ...

  19. Comparación entre la clasificación AO pediátrica y la de Días-Tachdjian en fracturas de tobillo Infantiles. [Comparison between the pediatric AO classification and the Dias-Tachdjian classification in pediatric ankle fractures

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    Agustina Ponzone


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el grado de confiabilidad entre dos clasificaciones globalmente empleadas para fracturas de tobillo en la edad pediátrica. Materiales y métodos Se estudiaron 53 pacientes: 34 de sexo masculino y 19 de sexo femenino, con antecedentes de fractura de tobillo. Se emplearon dos clasificaciones. Se llevó a cabo un estudio detallado calculando el valor kappa de Cohen para la confiabilidad intraobservador y, para calcular el acuerdo interobservador, se dedujo el valor kappa utilizando el método de Fleiss. Resultados El acuerdo intraobservador e interobservador en las dos clasificaciones no fue convincentemente diferente entre los distintos grupos de examinadores. Conclusiones Durante la edad pediátrica, es posible encontrar diferentes tipos fracturarios y distintos mecanismos en una misma fractura. Se observó que estos patrones no quedaban englobados en ninguna de las dos clasificaciones, que fueron improductivas para la planificación quirúrgica.

  20. Nivel de conocimiento y conducta de docentes de educación escolar básica de escuelas públicas frente a casos de avulsión y fractura dentaria

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y conducta de los docentes de Educación Inicial, docentes del 1er Ciclo, docentes del 2do Ciclo y docentes de Educación Física de las escuelas públicas de la ciudad de San Lorenzo (Paraguay frente a casos de Avulsión y Fractura Dentaria durante el año 2009. Material y Método: El diseño fue tipo observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. El muestreo fue probabilístico; teniendo en cuenta los criterios de selección dentro de una muestra de 141 docentes. Se clasificaron los datos según el género, grupo etáreo, grado de capacitación, y años de experiencia profesional; para lo cual se confeccionó un cuestionario. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente de los docentes fue el moderado con un 50 % (70/141, seguido por el conocimiento bajo con un 27% (38/141. La conducta a seguir sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente por los docentes fue el regular con un 47 % (66/141, seguido por la conducta a seguir favorable con un 30% (42/141. Conclusión: el nivel de conocimiento sobre avulsión y fractura dentaria más frecuente fue el moderado, en cuanto a los resultados de la conducta a seguir el más frecuente fue el de regular. Teniendo en cuenta los datos anteriormente presentados se torna necesario implementar campañas educativas sobre la atención de emergencias en Traumatismos Dentales en las escuelas, ya que en el ambiente escolar la persona más cercana al niño es el docente y su intervención en el momento que el niño sufre el traumatismo dental puede ser determinante para la resolución de los daños que éste pueda haber sufrido.

  1. Effect of a Facial Muscle Exercise Device on Facial Rejuvenation. (United States)

    Hwang, Ui-Jae; Kwon, Oh-Yun; Jung, Sung-Hoon; Ahn, Sun-Hee; Gwak, Gyeong-Tae


    The efficacy of facial muscle exercises (FMEs) for facial rejuvenation is controversial. In the majority of previous studies, nonquantitative assessment tools were used to assess the benefits of FMEs. This study examined the effectiveness of FMEs using a Pao (MTG, Nagoya, Japan) device to quantify facial rejuvenation. Fifty females were asked to perform FMEs using a Pao device for 30 seconds twice a day for 8 weeks. Facial muscle thickness and cross-sectional area were measured sonographically. Facial surface distance, surface area, and volumes were determined using a laser scanning system before and after FME. Facial muscle thickness, cross-sectional area, midfacial surface distances, jawline surface distance, and lower facial surface area and volume were compared bilaterally before and after FME using a paired Student t test. The cross-sectional areas of the zygomaticus major and digastric muscles increased significantly (right: P jawline surface distances (right: P = 0.004, left: P = 0.003) decreased significantly after FME using the Pao device. The lower facial surface areas (right: P = 0.005, left: P = 0.006) and volumes (right: P = 0.001, left: P = 0.002) were also significantly reduced after FME using the Pao device. FME using the Pao device can increase facial muscle thickness and cross-sectional area, thus contributing to facial rejuvenation. © 2018 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc.

  2. Fracturas de tibia, tratamiento con CIMB no fresados

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    Roberto Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos en el cual se analizan diversos aspectos inherentes al tratamiento quirúrgico de 92 fracturas de tibia diafisiarias cerradas y abiertas tipo I y II de Gustillo, tratadas con Clavos Intramedulares Bloqueados No Fresados (CIMBNF de las 125 atendidas servicio de ortopedia y traumatología de la Clínica El Prado de la Ciudad de Santa Marta D.T.C.H., entre diciembre del 2005 y diciembre del 2007. Se excluyeron de este estudio 33 casos en los cuales por diversas causas se realizó otro tipo de tratamiento fuera ortopédico o quirúrgico mediante colocación de fijadores externos. Utilizamos la clasificación del AO en la cual a este tipo de lesiones corresponde el número 42. Encontramos una alta incidencia en accidentes de transito como factor productor de este tipo de lesión y dentro de ellos la motocicleta como vehículo mas frecuente. Fueron evaluados 86 de los 92 pacientes que corresponde al 93.5% y dentro de ellos se presentaron complicaciones mayores en el 4.6%, cabe mencionar Infecciones post operatorias y deformidades a nivel proximal y distal por diversas causas, las cuales fueron corregidas con procedimientos ulteriores. (Duazary 2008; 1: 4 - 8

  3. Facial Fractures. (United States)

    Ricketts, Sophie; Gill, Hameet S; Fialkov, Jeffery A; Matic, Damir B; Antonyshyn, Oleh M


    After reading this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of some of the changes in aspects of facial fracture management. 2. Assess a patient presenting with facial fractures. 3. Understand indications and timing of surgery. 4. Recognize exposures of the craniomaxillofacial skeleton. 5. Identify methods for repair of typical facial fracture patterns. 6. Discuss the common complications seen with facial fractures. Restoration of the facial skeleton and associated soft tissues after trauma involves accurate clinical and radiologic assessment to effectively plan a management approach for these injuries. When surgical intervention is necessary, timing, exposure, sequencing, and execution of repair are all integral to achieving the best long-term outcomes for these patients.

  4. Fracturas Fisarias Salter-Harris VI de Tobillo y Pie. [Salter-Harris VI fractures of the foot and ankle.

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    Julio Javier Masquijo


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas Salter-Harris VI (SHVI son lesiones que se caracterizan por presentar ablación del anillo pericondral. Son infrecuentes en niños pero potencialmente devastadoras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el mecanismo de producción, el tratamiento y los resultados funcionales de estas lesiones localizadas en el pie y el tobillo. Material y métodos Se analizaron retrospectivamente todos los pacientes con lesiones SHVI de tobillo y pie tratadas entre Enero de 2010 y Enero de 2013. Se documentaron datos demográficos, clasificación, mecanismo de lesión, tipo de lesiones asociadas y número de cirugías que requirieron. Los pacientes fueron evaluados funcionalmente con el score de AOFAS y radiográficamente para determinar la viabilidad de la fisis, acortamiento del miembro o deformidad angular. Resultados Se analizaron 5 fracturas en 4 pacientes (3 masculinos y 1 femenino. La edad promedio al momento de la lesión fue de 7.5 años (rango, 6  a 10 años. El seguimiento promedio fue de 26.2 meses (rango, 12 - 37 meses. De acuerdo a la subclasificación de Peterson 3 pertenecían al grupo A, 1 al B y 1 al C. 3 lesiones se produjeron como consecuencia de accidentes de moto y 2 por auto versus peatón. Todos los casos se acompañaron de pérdida de sustancia, el 75% presentaba lesiones en más de un hueso y el 50% lesiones tendinosas asociadas. Cada paciente requirió un promedio de 3.2 cirugías (rango, 2 a 5. El score AOFAS promedio fue de 79.8 puntos (rango, 62 – 100 puntos. Radiográficamente, solo el 40% de las fisis afectadas permanecían viables al último control. Conclusión Las fracturas SHVI se acompañan de una gran variedad de lesiones asociadas, requieren múltiples cirugías y suelen producir un cierre precoz de la fisis y algún grado de discapacidad.  Se requieren medidas de prevención para evitar la exposición de los niños a este tipo de lesiones. El tratamiento temprano es fundamental para

  5. The Prevalence of Cosmetic Facial Plastic Procedures among Facial Plastic Surgeons. (United States)

    Moayer, Roxana; Sand, Jordan P; Han, Albert; Nabili, Vishad; Keller, Gregory S


    This is the first study to report on the prevalence of cosmetic facial plastic surgery use among facial plastic surgeons. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency with which facial plastic surgeons have cosmetic procedures themselves. A secondary aim is to determine whether trends in usage of cosmetic facial procedures among facial plastic surgeons are similar to that of nonsurgeons. The study design was an anonymous, five-question, Internet survey distributed via email set in a single academic institution. Board-certified members of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) were included in this study. Self-reported history of cosmetic facial plastic surgery or minimally invasive procedures were recorded. The survey also queried participants for demographic data. A total of 216 members of the AAFPRS responded to the questionnaire. Ninety percent of respondents were male ( n  = 192) and 10.3% were female ( n  = 22). Thirty-three percent of respondents were aged 31 to 40 years ( n  = 70), 25% were aged 41 to 50 years ( n  = 53), 21.4% were aged 51 to 60 years ( n  = 46), and 20.5% were older than 60 years ( n  = 44). Thirty-six percent of respondents had a surgical cosmetic facial procedure and 75% has at least one minimally invasive cosmetic facial procedure. Facial plastic surgeons are frequent users of cosmetic facial plastic surgery. This finding may be due to access, knowledge base, values, or attitudes. By better understanding surgeon attitudes toward facial plastic surgery, we can improve communication with patients and delivery of care. This study is a first step in understanding use of facial plastic procedures among facial plastic surgeons. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  6. Reproducibility of the dynamics of facial expressions in unilateral facial palsy. (United States)

    Alagha, M A; Ju, X; Morley, S; Ayoub, A


    The aim of this study was to assess the reproducibility of non-verbal facial expressions in unilateral facial paralysis using dynamic four-dimensional (4D) imaging. The Di4D system was used to record five facial expressions of 20 adult patients. The system captured 60 three-dimensional (3D) images per second; each facial expression took 3-4seconds which was recorded in real time. Thus a set of 180 3D facial images was generated for each expression. The procedure was repeated after 30min to assess the reproducibility of the expressions. A mathematical facial mesh consisting of thousands of quasi-point 'vertices' was conformed to the face in order to determine the morphological characteristics in a comprehensive manner. The vertices were tracked throughout the sequence of the 180 images. Five key 3D facial frames from each sequence of images were analyzed. Comparisons were made between the first and second capture of each facial expression to assess the reproducibility of facial movements. Corresponding images were aligned using partial Procrustes analysis, and the root mean square distance between them was calculated and analyzed statistically (paired Student t-test, PFacial expressions of lip purse, cheek puff, and raising of eyebrows were reproducible. Facial expressions of maximum smile and forceful eye closure were not reproducible. The limited coordination of various groups of facial muscles contributed to the lack of reproducibility of these facial expressions. 4D imaging is a useful clinical tool for the assessment of facial expressions. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Estudio de la microestructura femoral de pacientes con coxartrosis y con fractura de cadera mediante micro-TAC


    Sainz-Aja Guerra, J.A.; Alonso, M.A.; Ferreño Blanco, D.; Pérez-Núñez, M.I.; Ruiz Martínez, E.; García-Ibarbia, C.; Casado del Prado, J.A.; Gutiérrez-Solana, F.; Riancho, J.A.


    La disminución de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), es decir, del volumen de tejido óseo por unidad de volumen del esqueleto, es característica de la osteoporosis, mientras que se ha sugerido que la artrosis se acompaña de un aumento de la DMO a nivel local y sistémico. Para comprobar esta hipótesis analizamos mediante microTAC el hueso trabecular de la cabeza femoral de 10 pacientes con fractura de cadera y 9 con coxartrosis. El análisis no reveló diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos ...

  8. The influence of different facial components on facial aesthetics.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faure, J.C.; Rieffe, C.; Maltha, J.C.


    Facial aesthetics have an important influence on social behaviour and perception in our society. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of facial symmetry and inter-ocular distance on the assessment of facial aesthetics, factors that are often suggested as major contributors to

  9. Evaluación de la fractura por fatiga del cigüeñal de un motor Diesel. // Evaluation of the crank shaft fatigue failure of a boat diesel engine.

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    R. A. Goytisolo Espinosa


    Full Text Available En el Trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada por el colectivo de Mecánica Aplicada de laFacultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de La Universidad de Cienfuegos, con vistas a esclarecer la causa de la fractura delcigüeñal de uno de los motores de la Moto Nave “Mar del Sur” de le Empresa EQUITALL.La investigación del material del cigüeñal arrojó que se trata de acero 30. Los cálculos realizados demostraron, que lacapacidad resistente de este acero es insuficiente para soportar las tensiones que se desarrollan en el codo de salida delcigüeñal y los factores de seguridad a la fatiga en algunos de los puntos mas críticos del cachete, por donde se produjo lafractura, dan inferiores a la unidad y la aplicación de la Mecánica de la Fractura Subcrítica, confirmó que la Vida Útil delárbol con dicho material, es muy limitada.Palabras claves: Cigüeñal diesel, fractura por fatiga, mecánica de la fractura subcrítica.__________________________________________________________________________Abstract.This research paper shows the results of an investigation carried out by the Applied Mechanics staff of the MechanicalEngineering faculty of the Cienfuegos University. It was developed in order to determine the crankshaft failure causes ofengines of a boat diesel engine.The crankshaft material investigation showed that it was steel grade 30. The calculations showed that the steel resistancecapacity is not enough to support the stresses produced in the crankshaft output elbow. The fatigue security factors in someof the most critical areas of the cheek, where the failure took place, are lower than unity. The subcritical fracture mechanicsapplication confirmed that the shaft working life is quite limited with this steel.Key words: Diesel crankshaft, fatigue fracture, subcritical fracture mechanics.

  10. Papel de los bisfosfonatos en la osteonecrosis mandibular

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    J. Hernández Reyna


    Full Text Available Los bisfosfonatos son fármacos utilizados en el manejo de los trastornos primarios y secundarios del hueso, principalmente en la osteoporosis, tanto local como general, enfermedades metabólicas óseas, calcificación de tejidos blandos y estados de hipercalcemia. Pueden actuar también como antineoplásicos al inhibir la activación de proteínas vinculadas al cáncer. En los últimos años se ha incrementado su uso para la prevención de osteoporosis posmenopáusicas, gracias a que favorece el incremento en la densidad mineral ósea, lo que ha permitido la disminución de fracturas.

  11. Osteosíntesis intraoral asistida por endoscopia en las fracturas del proceso condilar de la mandíbula: revisión de 53 casos Endoscopically assisted intraoral osteosynthesis in mandibular condylar process fractures: a review of 53 cases

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    Carlos Cristobal Goizueta-Adame


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La reducción anatómica con fijación rígida de la fractura extracapsular del cóndilo de la mandíbula es esencial para asegurar la correcta función articular. El abordaje intraoral ha demostrado ser una vía segura y de escasa morbilidad. Los autores revisan una serie de 53 pacientes con fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular tratados mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna rígida a través de un acceso exclusivamente intraoral asistido por endoscopia. Material y métodos: El objetivo de la cirugía fue la reducción anatómica y la fijación interna mediante osteosíntesis rígida a través de una incisión intraoral. Se realizó una revisión de los casos intervenidos entre 2007 y 2011. Resultados: Treinta y cinco fracturas subcondíleas y 20 fracturas de cuello de cóndilo fueron intervenidas por este método. Un 55% de las fracturas presentaron una o más fracturas asociadas. A partir del control postoperatorio con ortopantomografía, se constató la corrección o mejoría del alineamiento de los fragmentos en 51 fracturas (92%. En 37 pacientes (69,8% se evitó la fijación intermaxilar. En estos pacientes se recuperó la apertura oral a las 5 semanas y media de la cirugía. En el resto, el plazo fue de casi 9 semanas de media tras la retirada del bloqueo. Cinco pacientes presentaron alteraciones oclusales, mientras que una paciente presentó limitación de apertura oral. Conclusiones: La reducción abierta con fijación interna rígida de las fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular mediante abordaje intraoral asistido por endoscopia es un tratamiento eficaz, seguro y reproducible.Objectives: The anatomic reduction with rigid fixation of an extracapsular mandibular condyle fracture is essential to ensure that the joint functions correctly. The intraoral approach has been shown to be safe and with a low morbidity. The authors review a series of 53 patients with extracapsular mandibular condyle

  12. The role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy in facial nerve damage


    Sun, Yan; Liu, Limei; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Daogong; Wang, Haibo


    Background: Facial nerve is easy to be damaged, and there are many reconstructive methods for facial nerve reconstructive, such as facial nerve end to end anastomosis, the great auricular nerve graft, the sural nerve graft, or hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis. However, there is still little study about great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to identify the role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy and the mechanism. Methods: Rat models of facia...

  13. Facial soft tissue analysis among various vertical facial patterns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeelani, W.; Fida, M.; Shaikh, A.


    Background: The emergence of soft tissue paradigm in orthodontics has made various soft tissue parameters an integral part of the orthodontic problem list. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare various facial soft tissue parameters on lateral cephalograms among patients with short, average and long facial patterns. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the lateral cephalograms of 180 adult subjects divided into three equal groups, i.e., short, average and long face according to the vertical facial pattern. Incisal display at rest, nose height, upper and lower lip lengths, degree of lip procumbency and the nasolabial angle were measured for each individual. The gender differences for these soft tissue parameters were determined using Mann-Whitney U test while the comparison among different facial patterns was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Significant differences in the incisal display at rest, total nasal height, lip procumbency, the nasolabial angle and the upper and lower lip lengths were found among the three vertical facial patterns. A significant positive correlation of nose and lip dimensions was found with the underlying skeletal pattern. Similarly, the incisal display at rest, upper and lower lip procumbency and the nasolabial angle were significantly correlated with the lower anterior facial height. Conclusion: Short facial pattern is associated with minimal incisal display, recumbent upper and lower lips and acute nasolabial angle while the long facial pattern is associated with excessive incisal display, procumbent upper and lower lips and obtuse nasolabial angle. (author)

  14. Dynamic Facial Prosthetics for Sufferers of Facial Paralysis

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    Fergal Coulter


    Full Text Available BackgroundThis paper discusses the various methods and the materialsfor the fabrication of active artificial facial muscles. Theprimary use for these will be the reanimation of paralysedor atrophied muscles in sufferers of non-recoverableunilateral facial paralysis.MethodThe prosthetic solution described in this paper is based onsensing muscle motion of the contralateral healthy musclesand replicating that motion across a patient’s paralysed sideof the face, via solid state and thin film actuators. Thedevelopment of this facial prosthetic device focused onrecreating a varying intensity smile, with emphasis ontiming, displacement and the appearance of the wrinklesand folds that commonly appear around the nose and eyesduring the expression.An animatronic face was constructed with actuations beingmade to a silicone representation musculature, usingmultiple shape-memory alloy cascades. Alongside theartificial muscle physical prototype, a facial expressionrecognition software system was constructed. This formsthe basis of an automated calibration and reconfigurationsystem for the artificial muscles following implantation, soas to suit the implantee’s unique physiognomy.ResultsAn animatronic model face with silicone musculature wasdesigned and built to evaluate the performance of ShapeMemory Alloy artificial muscles, their power controlcircuitry and software control systems. A dual facial motionsensing system was designed to allow real time control overmodel – a piezoresistive flex sensor to measure physicalmotion, and a computer vision system to evaluate real toartificial muscle performance.Analysis of various facial expressions in real subjects wasmade, which give useful data upon which to base thesystems parameter limits.ConclusionThe system performed well, and the various strengths andshortcomings of the materials and methods are reviewedand considered for the next research phase, when newpolymer based artificial muscles are constructed

  15. Facial Fractures. (United States)

    Ghosh, Rajarshi; Gopalkrishnan, Kulandaswamy


    The aim of this study is to retrospectively analyze the incidence of facial fractures along with age, gender predilection, etiology, commonest site, associated dental injuries, and any complications of patients operated in Craniofacial Unit of SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital. This retrospective study was conducted at the Department of OMFS, SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad from January 2003 to December 2013. Data were recorded for the cause of injury, age and gender distribution, frequency and type of injury, localization and frequency of soft tissue injuries, dentoalveolar trauma, facial bone fractures, complications, concomitant injuries, and different treatment protocols.All the data were analyzed using statistical analysis that is chi-squared test. A total of 1146 patients reported at our unit with facial fractures during these 10 years. Males accounted for a higher frequency of facial fractures (88.8%). Mandible was the commonest bone to be fractured among all the facial bones (71.2%). Maxillary central incisors were the most common teeth to be injured (33.8%) and avulsion was the most common type of injury (44.6%). Commonest postoperative complication was plate infection (11%) leading to plate removal. Other injuries associated with facial fractures were rib fractures, head injuries, upper and lower limb fractures, etc., among these rib fractures were seen most frequently (21.6%). This study was performed to compare the different etiologic factors leading to diverse facial fracture patterns. By statistical analysis of this record the authors come to know about the relationship of facial fractures with gender, age, associated comorbidities, etc.

  16. Adolescents with HIV and facial lipoatrophy: response to facial stimulation

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    Jesus Claudio Gabana-Silveira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effects of facial stimulation over the superficial muscles of the face in individuals with facial lipoatrophy associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV and with no indication for treatment with polymethyl methacrylate. METHOD: The study sample comprised four adolescents of both genders ranging from 13 to 17 years in age. To participate in the study, the participants had to score six or less points on the Facial Lipoatrophy Index. The facial stimulation program used in our study consisted of 12 weekly 30-minute sessions during which individuals received therapy. The therapy consisted of intra- and extra-oral muscle contraction and stretching maneuvers of the zygomaticus major and minor and the masseter muscles. Pre- and post-treatment results were obtained using anthropometric static measurements of the face and the Facial Lipoatrophy Index. RESULTS: The results suggest that the therapeutic program effectively improved the volume of the buccinators. No significant differences were observed for the measurements of the medial portion of the face, the lateral portion of the face, the volume of the masseter muscle, or Facial Lipoatrophy Index scores. CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggest that facial maneuvers applied to the superficial muscles of the face of adolescents with facial lipoatrophy associated with HIV improved the facial area volume related to the buccinators muscles. We believe that our results will encourage future research with HIV patients, especially for patients who do not have the possibility of receiving an alternative aesthetic treatment.

  17. Cálculo de la tenacidad de fractura a través de ensayos dinámicos

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    Perosanz, f. J.


    Full Text Available The most critical component of a Nuclear Power Station is the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV, due to safety and integrity requirements. The RPV is subjected to neutron radiation and this phenomenon lead to microstructural changes in the material and modifications in the mechanical properties. Due to this effects, it is necessary to assess the structural integrity of the RPV along the operational life through surveillance programs. The main objetive of this surveillance programs is to determine the fracture toughness of the material. At present this objective is reached combining direct measures and prediction techniques. In this work, direct measures of fracture toughness using instrumented Charpy V impact testing are present using a CIEMAT development on analysis of results.

    Uno de los componentes críticos de una central nuclear es la vasija del reactor, debido a su función de contención del núcleo. Dicha vasija está sometida a irradiación neutrónica, lo que provoca cambios microestructurales en el material y pérdida de propiedades mecánicas. Debido a estos efectos, es necesario monitorizar su integridad estructural a lo largo de su vida de operación. Para ello se establecen los llamados programas de vigilancia. El objetivo final de estos ensayos es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material. Actualmente, esto se consigue indirectamente mediante técnicas de predicción establecidas en diferentes normativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de determinar la tenacidad de fractura del material de la vasija directamente a través del ensayo Charpy V instrumentado. Para ello se ha desarrollado en el CIEMAT una metodología de ensayos y análisis de resultados.

  18. A facial marker in facial wasting rehabilitation. (United States)

    Rauso, Raffaele; Tartaro, Gianpaolo; Freda, Nicola; Rusciani, Antonio; Curinga, Giuseppe


    Facial lipoatrophy is one of the most distressing manifestation for HIV patients. It can be stigmatizing, severely affecting quality of life and self-esteem, and it may result in reduced antiretroviral adherence. Several filling techniques have been proposed in facial wasting restoration, with different outcomes. The aim of this study is to present a triangular area that is useful to fill in facial wasting rehabilitation. Twenty-eight HIV patients rehabilitated for facial wasting were enrolled in this study. Sixteen were rehabilitated with a non-resorbable filler and twelve with structural fat graft harvested from lipohypertrophied areas. A photographic pre-operative and post-operative evaluation was performed by the patients and by two plastic surgeons who were "blinded." The filled area, in both patients rehabilitated with structural fat grafts or non-resorbable filler, was a triangular area of depression identified between the nasolabial fold, the malar arch, and the line that connects these two anatomical landmarks. The cosmetic result was evaluated after three months after the last filling procedure in the non-resorbable filler group and after three months post-surgery in the structural fat graft group. The mean patient satisfaction score was 8.7 as assessed with a visual analogue scale. The mean score for blinded evaluators was 7.6. In this study the authors describe a triangular area of the face, between the nasolabial fold, the malar arch, and the line that connects these two anatomical landmarks, where a good aesthetic facial restoration in HIV patients with facial wasting may be achieved regardless of which filling technique is used.

  19. [Facial nerve neurinomas]. (United States)

    Sokołowski, Jacek; Bartoszewicz, Robert; Morawski, Krzysztof; Jamróz, Barbara; Niemczyk, Kazimierz


    Evaluation of diagnostic, surgical technique, treatment results facial nerve neurinomas and its comparison with literature was the main purpose of this study. Seven cases of patients (2005-2011) with facial nerve schwannomas were included to retrospective analysis in the Department of Otolaryngology, Medical University of Warsaw. All patients were assessed with history of the disease, physical examination, hearing tests, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging, electronystagmography. Cases were observed in the direction of potential complications and recurrences. Neurinoma of the facial nerve occurred in the vertical segment (n=2), facial nerve geniculum (n=1) and the internal auditory canal (n=4). The symptoms observed in patients were analyzed: facial nerve paresis (n=3), hearing loss (n=2), dizziness (n=1). Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography allowed to confirm the presence of the tumor and to assess its staging. Schwannoma of the facial nerve has been surgically removed using the middle fossa approach (n=5) and by antromastoidectomy (n=2). Anatomical continuity of the facial nerve was achieved in 3 cases. In the twelve months after surgery, facial nerve paresis was rated at level II-III° HB. There was no recurrence of the tumor in radiological observation. Facial nerve neurinoma is a rare tumor. Currently surgical techniques allow in most cases, the radical removing of the lesion and reconstruction of the VII nerve function. The rate of recurrence is low. A tumor of the facial nerve should be considered in the differential diagnosis of nerve VII paresis. Copyright © 2013 Polish Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Society. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z.o.o. All rights reserved.

  20. Contralateral botulinum toxin injection to improve facial asymmetry after acute facial paralysis. (United States)

    Kim, Jin


    The application of botulinum toxin to the healthy side of the face in patients with long-standing facial paralysis has been shown to be a minimally invasive technique that improves facial symmetry at rest and during facial motion, but our experience using botulinum toxin therapy for facial sequelae prompted the idea that botulinum toxin might be useful in acute cases of facial paralysis, leading to improve facial asymmetry. In cases in which medical or surgical treatment options are limited because of existing medical problems or advanced age, most patients with acute facial palsy are advised to await spontaneous recovery or are informed that no effective intervention exists. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of botulinum toxin treatment for facial asymmetry in 18 patients after acute facial palsy who could not be optimally treated by medical or surgical management because of severe medical or other problems. From 2009 to 2011, nine patients with Bell's palsy, 5 with herpes zoster oticus and 4 with traumatic facial palsy (10 men and 8 women; age range, 22-82 yr; mean, 50.8 yr) participated in this study. Botulinum toxin A (Botox; Allergan Incorporated, Irvine, CA, USA) was injected using a tuberculin syringe with a 27-gauge needle. The amount injected per site varied from 2.5 to 3 U, and the total dose used per patient was 32 to 68 U (mean, 47.5 +/- 8.4 U). After administration of a single dose of botulinum toxin A on the nonparalyzed side of 18 patients with acute facial paralysis, marked relief of facial asymmetry was observed in 8 patients within 1 month of injection. Decreased facial asymmetry and strengthened facial function on the paralyzed side led to an increased HB and SB grade within 6 months after injection. Use of botulinum toxin after acute facial palsy cases is of great value. Such therapy decreases the relative hyperkinesis contralateral to the paralysis, leading to greater symmetric function. Especially in patients with medical

  1. Rejuvenecimiento facial

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    L. Daniel Jacubovsky, Dr.


    Full Text Available El envejecimiento facial es un proceso único y particular a cada individuo y está regido en especial por su carga genética. El lifting facial es una compleja técnica desarrollada en nuestra especialidad desde principios de siglo, para revertir los principales signos de este proceso. Los factores secundarios que gravitan en el envejecimiento facial son múltiples y por ello las ritidectomías o lifting cérvico faciales descritas han buscado corregir los cambios fisonómicos del envejecimiento excursionando, como se describe, en todos los planos tisulares involucrados. Esta cirugía por lo tanto, exige conocimiento cabal de la anatomía quirúrgica, pericia y experiencia para reducir las complicaciones, estigmas quirúrgicos y revisiones secundarias. La ridectomía facial ha evolucionado hacia un procedimiento más simple, de incisiones más cortas y disecciones menos extensas. Las suspensiones musculares han variado en su ejecución y los vectores de montaje y resección cutánea son cruciales en los resultados estéticos de la cirugía cérvico facial. Hoy estos vectores son de tracción más vertical. La corrección de la flaccidez va acompañada de un interés en reponer el volumen de la superficie del rostro, en especial el tercio medio. Las técnicas quirúrgicas de rejuvenecimiento, en especial el lifting facial, exigen una planificación para cada paciente. Las técnicas adjuntas al lifting, como blefaroplastias, mentoplastía, lipoaspiración de cuello, implantes faciales y otras, también han tenido una positiva evolución hacia la reducción de riesgos y mejor éxito estético.

  2. Quantitative facial asymmetry: using three-dimensional photogrammetry to measure baseline facial surface symmetry. (United States)

    Taylor, Helena O; Morrison, Clinton S; Linden, Olivia; Phillips, Benjamin; Chang, Johnny; Byrne, Margaret E; Sullivan, Stephen R; Forrest, Christopher R


    Although symmetry is hailed as a fundamental goal of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, our tools for measuring this outcome have been limited and subjective. With the advent of three-dimensional photogrammetry, surface geometry can be captured, manipulated, and measured quantitatively. Until now, few normative data existed with regard to facial surface symmetry. Here, we present a method for reproducibly calculating overall facial symmetry and present normative data on 100 subjects. We enrolled 100 volunteers who underwent three-dimensional photogrammetry of their faces in repose. We collected demographic data on age, sex, and race and subjectively scored facial symmetry. We calculated the root mean square deviation (RMSD) between the native and reflected faces, reflecting about a plane of maximum symmetry. We analyzed the interobserver reliability of the subjective assessment of facial asymmetry and the quantitative measurements and compared the subjective and objective values. We also classified areas of greatest asymmetry as localized to the upper, middle, or lower facial thirds. This cluster of normative data was compared with a group of patients with subtle but increasing amounts of facial asymmetry. We imaged 100 subjects by three-dimensional photogrammetry. There was a poor interobserver correlation between subjective assessments of asymmetry (r = 0.56). There was a high interobserver reliability for quantitative measurements of facial symmetry RMSD calculations (r = 0.91-0.95). The mean RMSD for this normative population was found to be 0.80 ± 0.24 mm. Areas of greatest asymmetry were distributed as follows: 10% upper facial third, 49% central facial third, and 41% lower facial third. Precise measurement permitted discrimination of subtle facial asymmetry within this normative group and distinguished norms from patients with subtle facial asymmetry, with placement of RMSDs along an asymmetry ruler. Facial surface symmetry, which is poorly assessed

  3. Asians' Facial Responsiveness to Basic Tastes by Automated Facial Expression Analysis System. (United States)

    Zhi, Ruicong; Cao, Lianyu; Cao, Gang


    Growing evidence shows that consumer choices in real life are mostly driven by unconscious mechanisms rather than conscious. The unconscious process could be measured by behavioral measurements. This study aims to apply automatic facial expression analysis technique for consumers' emotion representation, and explore the relationships between sensory perception and facial responses. Basic taste solutions (sourness, sweetness, bitterness, umami, and saltiness) with 6 levels plus water were used, which could cover most of the tastes found in food and drink. The other contribution of this study is to analyze the characteristics of facial expressions and correlation between facial expressions and perceptive hedonic liking for Asian consumers. Up until now, the facial expression application researches only reported for western consumers, while few related researches investigated the facial responses during food consuming for Asian consumers. Experimental results indicated that facial expressions could identify different stimuli with various concentrations and different hedonic levels. The perceived liking increased at lower concentrations and decreased at higher concentrations, while samples with medium concentrations were perceived as the most pleasant except sweetness and bitterness. High correlations were founded between perceived intensities of bitterness, umami, saltiness, and facial reactions of disgust and fear. Facial expression disgust and anger could characterize emotion "dislike," and happiness could characterize emotion "like," while neutral could represent "neither like nor dislike." The identified facial expressions agree with the perceived sensory emotions elicited by basic taste solutions. The correlation analysis between hedonic levels and facial expression intensities obtained in this study are in accordance with that discussed for western consumers. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  4. Facial exercises for facial rejuvenation: a control group study. (United States)

    De Vos, Marie-Camille; Van den Brande, Helen; Boone, Barbara; Van Borsel, John


    Facial exercises are a noninvasive alternative to medical approaches to facial rejuvenation. Logopedists could be involved in providing these exercises. Little research has been conducted, however, on the effectiveness of exercises for facial rejuvenation. This study assessed the effectiveness of 4 exercises purportedly reducing wrinkles and sagging of the facial skin. A control group study was conducted with 18 participants, 9 of whom (the experimental group) underwent daily training for 7 weeks. Pictures taken before and after 7 weeks of 5 facial areas (forehead, nasolabial folds, area above the upper lip, jawline and area under the chin) were evaluated by a panel of laypersons. In addition, the participants of the experimental group evaluated their own pictures. Evaluation included the pairwise presentation of pictures before and after 7 weeks and scoring of the same pictures by means of visual analogue scales in a random presentation. Only one significant difference was found between the control and experimental group. In the experimental group, the picture after therapy of the upper lip was more frequently chosen to be the younger-looking one by the panel. It cannot be concluded that facial exercises are effective. More systematic research is needed. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  5. Despidos laborales. Fracturas sociales e identitarias

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    García Calavia, Miguel Angel


    Full Text Available The thousands of collective dismissals which have opened the beginning of the century in Spain do not just mean nearly two hundred thousand jobs (lots of them with a very long validity and the same amount of broken life projects, but also ways of social reproduction, broken identities, institutions and social guarantees that crumble. Amazingly, these social upheavals often become eclipsed by discourses that appeal to economic considerations, the requirements of modernization or the requests of the logic of globalization. At this article, the consequences of the break of the social link intertwined along the second half of the twentieth century are investigated. For that, we have been rebuilt some of the expressions from narratives told by those who have lost their jobs in plants or companies that have been or still remain leaders on their own product markets, as wellas from the process of shutdown or employment collective agreement.

    Los varios miles de despidos colectivos que han inaugurado el comienzo de siglo en España no suponen solo casi doscientos mil empleos destruidos, muchos de ellos con una larguísima vigencia, otros tantos proyectos de vida quebrados, sino también formas de reproducción social, de identidad rotas, instituciones y garantías sociales que se desmoronan. Sorprendentemente, estas fracturas sociales quedan eclipsadas con frecuencia tras unos discursos que apelan a los imperativos económicos, a las exigencias de la modernización, a los requerimientos de la lógica de la globalización. En el presente artículo se indagan las consecuencias del quebranto de la vinculación social entretejida en la segunda mitad del siglo XX para lo que se han reconstruido algunas de sus expresiones a partir de las narraciones efectuadas por quienes han perdido su puesto de trabajo en plantas de empresas que han sido o son líderes en sus respectivos mercados de productos, así como los procesos de cierre o ajuste colectivo de

  6. Avaliação comparativa entre agradabilidade facial e análise subjetiva do Padrão Facial Comparative evaluation among facial attractiveness and subjective analysis of Facial Pattern

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    Olívia Morihisa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estudar duas análises subjetivas faciais utilizadas para o diagnóstico ortodôntico, avaliação da agradabilidade facial e definição de Padrão Facial, e verificar a associação existente entre elas. MÉTODOS: utilizou-se 208 fotografias faciais padronizadas (104 laterais e 104 frontais de 104 indivíduos escolhidos aleatoriamente, as quais foram submetidas à avaliação da agradabilidade por dois grupos distintos (Grupo " Ortodontia" e Grupo " Leigos" , que classificaram os indivíduos em " agradável" , " aceitável" ou " desagradável" . Os indivíduos também foram classificados quanto ao Padrão Facial por três examinadores calibrados, utilizando-se apenas a vista lateral. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: após a análise estatística, verificou-se que houve associação fortemente positiva entre a agradabilidade facial e o Padrão Facial para a norma lateral, porém não para a frontal, em que os indivíduos tenderam a ser bem classificados mesmo no Padrão II.AIM: To study two subjective facial analysis commonly used on orthodontic diagnosis and to verify the association between the evaluation of facial attractiveness and Facial Pattern definition. METHODS: Two hundred and eight standardized face photographs (104 in lateral view and 104 in frontal view of 104 randomly chosen individuals were used in the present study. They were classified as " pleasant" , " acceptable" and " not pleasant" by two distinct groups: " Lay people" and " Orthodontists" . The individuals were either classified according to their Facial Pattern using lateral view images. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: After statistical analysis, it was noted a strong positive concordance between facial attractiveness in lateral view and Facial Pattern, however, frontal view attractiveness classification did not have good concordance with Facial Pattern, tending to have good attractiveness classification even in Facial Pattern II.

  7. Facial trauma. (United States)

    Peeters, N; Lemkens, P; Leach, R; Gemels B; Schepers, S; Lemmens, W

    Facial trauma. Patients with facial trauma must be assessed in a systematic way so as to avoid missing any injury. Severe and disfiguring facial injuries can be distracting. However, clinicians must first focus on the basics of trauma care, following the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) system of care. Maxillofacial trauma occurs in a significant number of severely injured patients. Life- and sight-threatening injuries must be excluded during the primary and secondary surveys. Special attention must be paid to sight-threatening injuries in stabilized patients through early referral to an appropriate specialist or the early initiation of emergency care treatment. The gold standard for the radiographic evaluation of facial injuries is computed tomography (CT) imaging. Nasal fractures are the most frequent isolated facial fractures. Isolated nasal fractures are principally diagnosed through history and clinical examination. Closed reduction is the most frequently performed treatment for isolated nasal fractures, with a fractured nasal septum as a predictor of failure. Ear, nose and throat surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons and ophthalmologists must all develop an adequate treatment plan for patients with complex maxillofacial trauma.

  8. An analysis of facial nerve function in irradiated and unirradiated facial nerve grafts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, Paul D.; Eshleman, Jeffrey S.; Foote, Robert L.; Strome, Scott E.


    Purpose: The effect of high-dose radiation therapy on facial nerve grafts is controversial. Some authors believe radiotherapy is so detrimental to the outcome of facial nerve graft function that dynamic or static slings should be performed instead of facial nerve grafts in all patients who are to receive postoperative radiation therapy. Unfortunately, the facial function achieved with dynamic and static slings is almost always inferior to that after facial nerve grafts. In this retrospective study, we compared facial nerve function in irradiated and unirradiated nerve grafts. Methods and Materials: The medical records of 818 patients with neoplasms involving the parotid gland who received treatment between 1974 and 1997 were reviewed, of whom 66 underwent facial nerve grafting. Fourteen patients who died or had a recurrence less than a year after their facial nerve graft were excluded. The median follow-up for the remaining 52 patients was 10.6 years. Cable nerve grafts were performed in 50 patients and direct anastomoses of the facial nerve in two. Facial nerve function was scored by means of the House-Brackmann (H-B) facial grading system. Twenty-eight of the 52 patients received postoperative radiotherapy. The median time from nerve grafting to start of radiotherapy was 5.1 weeks. The median and mean doses of radiation were 6000 and 6033 cGy, respectively, for the irradiated grafts. One patient received preoperative radiotherapy to a total dose of 5000 cGy in 25 fractions and underwent surgery 1 month after the completion of radiotherapy. This patient was placed, by convention, in the irradiated facial nerve graft cohort. Results: Potential prognostic factors for facial nerve function such as age, gender, extent of surgery at the time of nerve grafting, preoperative facial nerve palsy, duration of preoperative palsy if present, or number of previous operations in the parotid bed were relatively well balanced between irradiated and unirradiated patients. However

  9. Análisis de falla por fractura en tuberías de conducción de petróleo

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    Héctor Hernández A.


    Full Text Available Una sobre presión en una tubería puede ser tal que se presente una falla por inestabilidad plástica. Para cuando se encuentra una discontinuidad la presión de falla se puede reducir ostensiblemente en especial cuando se tienen fenómenos de fragilidad lo cual no es extraño en uniones soldadas. Las discontinuidades pueden provenir del material, como son las deslaminaciones, o generadas en procesos de soldadura como son inclusiones de escoria y porosidades. Con un tiempo prolongado de servicio una falta de penetración en una soldadura puede producir fenómenos de corrosión por estancamiento reduciéndose la sección resistente hasta obtenerse una condición crítica de falla por fractura. En este trabajo en primer término se presentan conceptos teóricos de falla por inestabilidad plástica en recipientes a presión de pared delgada los cuales son confrontados con los resultados de modelo experimental de laboratorio y en segundo término mediante conceptos de mecánica de fractura se presenta la condición de falla para cuando se cuenta con la presencia de un defecto tipo grieta. Con un modelo de tubería de aluminio se muestra que con una presión fluctuante baja una grieta puede crecer a un tamaño crítico de falla después de un determinado número de ciclos de presión.

  10. Facial Expression Recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pantic, Maja; Li, S.; Jain, A.


    Facial expression recognition is a process performed by humans or computers, which consists of: 1. Locating faces in the scene (e.g., in an image; this step is also referred to as face detection), 2. Extracting facial features from the detected face region (e.g., detecting the shape of facial

  11. Evaluación in vitro de la fractura de los instrumentos rotatorios Mtwo® y ProTaper®

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    Sandra Bibiana Rodríguez Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el éxito del tratamiento endodóntico depende dela eliminación de los microorganismos con la preparación quimiomecánica. Los instrumentos rotatorios de Níquel-Titanio ofrecenuna mayor flexibilidad y eficiencia en el corte, pero la fracturade estos puede ocurrir inesperadamente por fatiga del metal.Objetivo: determinar in vitro el primer instrumento que presentefractura y el número de usos antes de observarla en los sistemasrotatorios Mtwo® y ProTaper®. Metodología: estudio experimentalin vitro con presentación de resultados descriptivos comparativos.Se utilizó un total de 50 instrumentos rotatorios ProTaper® y40 Mtwo® para preparar cubos acrílicos Maillefer® con curvassimuladas registrándose cuál es la primera lima de cada serie quese fracturó y cuántos usos soportó cada juego de limas antes de lafractura. Resultados: el número de usos antes de la fractura paraProTaper® es 3.9 y para Mtwo® es 9.7 La primera lima ProTaper®en fracturarse fue la F1 y para Mtwo® es la 25/.06. Conclusión: laduración de los instrumentos rotatorios de Mtwo® es mayor a losde ProTaper® (p 0.0001. Se observó una incidencia relativamentealta de fractura para el instrumento F1 del sistema ProTaper® a los4 usos y del instrumento 25/.06 para el sistema Mtwo® a los 10 usos,con una baja incidencia de deformación o cambio en la estructuraidentificable macroscópicamente antes de presentarse la falla.

  12. Caracterización del comportamiento en fractura de paneles sandwich de placas de yeso laminado y lana de roca


    Alonso Vera, Juan Antonio; Reyes Pozo, Encarnación; Gálvez Ruíz, Jaime


    En esta comunicación se presenta el trabajo realizado para la caracterización experimental de un panel sándwich de yeso laminado y lana de roca, así como de cada uno de sus componentes: placa de yeso laminado, placa de yeso, lana de roca y papel. Para ello se diseñó una campaña de ensayos destinados a obtener las propiedades resistentes de los materiales estudiados, así como la energía específica de fractura, GF, y las curvas completas de carga aplicada frente a desplazamientos. A partir de l...

  13. Slowing down Presentation of Facial Movements and Vocal Sounds Enhances Facial Expression Recognition and Induces Facial-Vocal Imitation in Children with Autism (United States)

    Tardif, Carole; Laine, France; Rodriguez, Melissa; Gepner, Bruno


    This study examined the effects of slowing down presentation of facial expressions and their corresponding vocal sounds on facial expression recognition and facial and/or vocal imitation in children with autism. Twelve autistic children and twenty-four normal control children were presented with emotional and non-emotional facial expressions on…

  14. Aplicación de un modelo no lineal al estudio del comportamiento en fractura del hormigón


    Bissio, Juan Francisco; Villa, E. Ignacio


    El hormigón es uno de los materiales más utilizados en la construcción de obras civiles, viales e hidráulicas. Su uso se ha generalizado debido no solamente a la elevada resistencia a la compresión que posee, sino también a su durabilidad, trabajabilidad y economía, y a la posibilidad de disponer de él a pie de obra en la mayoría de los lugares. Entre las características más salientes de este material pueden citarse su comportamiento en fractura, de tipo cuasifrágil, y su escasa resistencia f...

  15. Facial anatomy. (United States)

    Marur, Tania; Tuna, Yakup; Demirci, Selman


    Dermatologic problems of the face affect both function and aesthetics, which are based on complex anatomical features. Treating dermatologic problems while preserving the aesthetics and functions of the face requires knowledge of normal anatomy. When performing successfully invasive procedures of the face, it is essential to understand its underlying topographic anatomy. This chapter presents the anatomy of the facial musculature and neurovascular structures in a systematic way with some clinically important aspects. We describe the attachments of the mimetic and masticatory muscles and emphasize their functions and nerve supply. We highlight clinically relevant facial topographic anatomy by explaining the course and location of the sensory and motor nerves of the face and facial vasculature with their relations. Additionally, this chapter reviews the recent nomenclature of the branching pattern of the facial artery. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Diplegia facial traumatica Traumatic facial diplegia: a case report

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    J. Fortes-Rego


    Full Text Available É relatado um caso de paralisia facial bilateral, incompleta, associada a hipoacusia esquerda, após traumatismo cranioencefálico, com fraturas evidenciadas radiológicamente. Algumas considerações são formuladas tentando relacionar ditas manifestações com fraturas do osso temporal.A case of traumatic facial diplegia with left partial loss of hearing following head injury is reported. X-rays showed fractures on the occipital and left temporal bones. A review of traumatic facial paralysis is made.

  17. [Peripheral facial nerve lesion induced long-term dendritic retraction in pyramidal cortico-facial neurons]. (United States)

    Urrego, Diana; Múnera, Alejandro; Troncoso, Julieta


    Little evidence is available concerning the morphological modifications of motor cortex neurons associated with peripheral nerve injuries, and the consequences of those injuries on post lesion functional recovery. Dendritic branching of cortico-facial neurons was characterized with respect to the effects of irreversible facial nerve injury. Twenty-four adult male rats were distributed into four groups: sham (no lesion surgery), and dendritic assessment at 1, 3 and 5 weeks post surgery. Eighteen lesion animals underwent surgical transection of the mandibular and buccal branches of the facial nerve. Dendritic branching was examined by contralateral primary motor cortex slices stained with the Golgi-Cox technique. Layer V pyramidal (cortico-facial) neurons from sham and injured animals were reconstructed and their dendritic branching was compared using Sholl analysis. Animals with facial nerve lesions displayed persistent vibrissal paralysis throughout the five week observation period. Compared with control animal neurons, cortico-facial pyramidal neurons of surgically injured animals displayed shrinkage of their dendritic branches at statistically significant levels. This shrinkage persisted for at least five weeks after facial nerve injury. Irreversible facial motoneuron axonal damage induced persistent dendritic arborization shrinkage in contralateral cortico-facial neurons. This morphological reorganization may be the physiological basis of functional sequelae observed in peripheral facial palsy patients.

  18. Cánula rígida, alternativa en el tratamiento estético-funcional de la apicoformación por fractura complicada de corona

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    Javier Alvarez Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Las edades más afectadas, por la presencia de fracturas complicadas de corona, son la niñez y la adolescencia. En la mayoría de los pacientes se afectan los incisivos centrales superiores permanentes de incompleta formación apical. Esto implica una disminución de las capacidades de masticación, dicción y trae consigo implicaciones psicológicas en la adolescencia. El tratamiento consiste en la aplicación de una técnica de apicoformación que dificulta lograr al unísono la resolución de la afección estética. Nuestro propósito es describir un caso de apicoformación en incisivo central superior izquierdo, con cementación de cánula rígida, conformación de muñón y restauración estético-funcional definitiva. Un paciente de 8 años, masculino acude a consulta tras sufrir traumatismo dentoalveolar consistente en fractura complicada de corona. Los rayos X muestran ligero ensanchamiento periodontal y ápice inmaduro. Se le aplicó anestesia local, se realizó la extirpación pulpar total del diente afectado, y se colocó medicamento intraconducto. La culminación del tratamiento de restauración total coronaria se realizó con la cementación con ionómero de vidrio tipo II de una cánula rígida No. 22 hasta las dos terceras partes de la longitud de trabajo; alrededor de esta se conformó un muñón y corona de nano composite híbrido fotopolimerizable. Se controló evolución cada 24 días, durante tres meses para comprobar el estado de maduración apical. La cementación de la cánula rígida, consituye una alternativa para el tratamiento funcional de la apicoformación por fractura complicada de corona. Supone una rápida recuperación de las funciones bucodentales y psicológico-sociales integrales del paciente.

  19. Facial Pain Followed by Unilateral Facial Nerve Palsy: A Case Report with Literature Review


    GV, Sowmya; BS, Manjunatha; Goel, Saurabh; Singh, Mohit Pal; Astekar, Madhusudan


    Peripheral facial nerve palsy is the commonest cranial nerve motor neuropathy. The causes range from cerebrovascular accident to iatrogenic damage, but there are few reports of facial nerve paralysis attributable to odontogenic infections. In majority of the cases, recovery of facial muscle function begins within first three weeks after onset. This article reports a unique case of 32-year-old male patient who developed facial pain followed by unilateral facial nerve paralysis due to odontogen...

  20. Osteosíntesis percutánea con placas volares bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de radio Descripción de la técnica y resultados preliminares. [Percutaneous volar locked plate fixation in metaphyseal fractures of distal radius: technical description and preliminary results].

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    Natalia del Milagro Gutierrez Olivera


    Full Text Available Objetivo Evaluar resultados objetivos y subjetivos obtenidos luego de realizar osteosíntesis con placas en T bloqueadas volares, colocadas con técnica mínimamente invasiva, en fracturas del radio distal con extensión metafisaria. Material y Métodos Evaluación retrospectiva de seis pacientes adultos que presentaron fracturas inestables de radio distal, extra-articulares o articulares parciales, con extensión  metafisaria, tratadas quirúrgicamente con placas en T largas de compresión bloqueadas volares, mediante  técnica mínimamente invasiva, entre 2007 y  2012. Edad promedio 40,6 años. Todas las fracturas fueron cerradas, clasificadas como tipo 23A3 (n: 5 y 23B1 (n: 1 según el Sistema AO/ASIF. Se realizó reducción indirecta de la fractura, bajo visión radioscópica, a través de dos pequeñas incisiones se deslizó en forma percutánea una placa bloqueada volar en T. Se analizaron  parámetros radiológicos (angulación volar, inclinación radial y altura radial, el rango de movimiento y la fuerza. Los resultados subjetivos fueron evaluados usando la Escala de DASH y la Escala Visual Análoga. Resultados Tiempo de consolidaron promedio de 2,3 meses. Los resultados radiográficos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre el primer y el último control radiográfico al año de seguimiento. Flexión y extensión promedio 70° y 60°, pronación y supinación 79° y 80° respectivamente. Fuerza de prensión promedio 78,4%. El score de DASH 19,84 puntos y el EVA 1,5 puntos. Conclusión Las técnicas mínimamente invasivas reducen el daño quirúrgico y complicaciones. Son una opción en pacientes con daño severo de partes blandas, conminución metafisaria y trauma de alta energía. Pequeñas incisiones alejadas del sitio de fractura respetan los tejidos blandos y la biología ósea, contribuyendo a lograr la consolidación. La colocación de placas volares bloqueadas percutáneas es un procedimiento técnicamente demandante

  1. Facial infiltrative lipomatosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haloi, A.K.; Ditchfield, M.; Pennington, A.; Philips, R.


    Although there are multiple case reports and small series concerning facial infiltrative lipomatosis, there is no composite radiological description of the condition. Radiological evaluation of facial infiltrative lipomatosis using plain film, sonography, CT and MRI. We radiologically evaluated four patients with facial infiltrative lipomatosis. Initial plain radiographs of the face were acquired in all patients. Three children had an initial sonographic examination to evaluate the condition, followed by MRI. One child had a CT and then MRI. One child had abnormalities on plain radiographs. Sonographically, the lesions were seen as ill-defined heterogeneously hypoechoic areas with indistinct margins. On CT images, the lesions did not have a homogeneous fat density but showed some relatively more dense areas in deeper parts of the lesions. MRI provided better delineation of the exact extent of the process and characterization of facial infiltrative lipomatosis. Facial infiltrative lipomatosis should be considered as a differential diagnosis of vascular or lymphatic malformation when a child presents with unilateral facial swelling. MRI is the most useful single imaging modality to evaluate the condition, as it provides the best delineation of the exact extent of the process. (orig.)

  2. Chondromyxoid fibroma of the mastoid facial nerve canal mimicking a facial nerve schwannoma. (United States)

    Thompson, Andrew L; Bharatha, Aditya; Aviv, Richard I; Nedzelski, Julian; Chen, Joseph; Bilbao, Juan M; Wong, John; Saad, Reda; Symons, Sean P


    Chondromyxoid fibroma of the skull base is a rare entity. Involvement of the temporal bone is particularly rare. We present an unusual case of progressive facial nerve paralysis with imaging and clinical findings most suggestive of a facial nerve schwannoma. The lesion was tubular in appearance, expanded the mastoid facial nerve canal, protruded out of the stylomastoid foramen, and enhanced homogeneously. The only unusual imaging feature was minor calcification within the tumor. Surgery revealed an irregular, cystic lesion. Pathology diagnosed a chondromyxoid fibroma involving the mastoid portion of the facial nerve canal, destroying the facial nerve.

  3. Development of the Korean Facial Emotion Stimuli: Korea University Facial Expression Collection 2nd Edition

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    Sun-Min Kim


    Full Text Available Background: Developing valid emotional facial stimuli for specific ethnicities creates ample opportunities to investigate both the nature of emotional facial information processing in general and clinical populations as well as the underlying mechanisms of facial emotion processing within and across cultures. Given that most entries in emotional facial stimuli databases were developed with western samples, and given that very few of the eastern emotional facial stimuli sets were based strictly on the Ekman’s Facial Action Coding System, developing valid emotional facial stimuli of eastern samples remains a high priority.Aims: To develop and examine the psychometric properties of six basic emotional facial stimuli recruiting professional Korean actors and actresses based on the Ekman’s Facial Action Coding System for the Korea University Facial Expression Collection-Second Edition (KUFEC-II.Materials And Methods: Stimulus selection was done in two phases. First, researchers evaluated the clarity and intensity of each stimulus developed based on the Facial Action Coding System. Second, researchers selected a total of 399 stimuli from a total of 57 actors and actresses, which were then rated on accuracy, intensity, valence, and arousal by 75 independent raters.Conclusion: The hit rates between the targeted and rated expressions of the KUFEC-II were all above 80%, except for fear (50% and disgust (63%. The KUFEC-II appears to be a valid emotional facial stimuli database, providing the largest set of emotional facial stimuli. The mean intensity score was 5.63 (out of 7, suggesting that the stimuli delivered the targeted emotions with great intensity. All positive expressions were rated as having a high positive valence, whereas all negative expressions were rated as having a high negative valence. The KUFEC II is expected to be widely used in various psychological studies on emotional facial expression. KUFEC-II stimuli can be obtained through

  4. Caricaturing facial expressions. (United States)

    Calder, A J; Rowland, D; Young, A W; Nimmo-Smith, I; Keane, J; Perrett, D I


    The physical differences between facial expressions (e.g. fear) and a reference norm (e.g. a neutral expression) were altered to produce photographic-quality caricatures. In Experiment 1, participants rated caricatures of fear, happiness and sadness for their intensity of these three emotions; a second group of participants rated how 'face-like' the caricatures appeared. With increasing levels of exaggeration the caricatures were rated as more emotionally intense, but less 'face-like'. Experiment 2 demonstrated a similar relationship between emotional intensity and level of caricature for six different facial expressions. Experiments 3 and 4 compared intensity ratings of facial expression caricatures prepared relative to a selection of reference norms - a neutral expression, an average expression, or a different facial expression (e.g. anger caricatured relative to fear). Each norm produced a linear relationship between caricature and rated intensity of emotion; this finding is inconsistent with two-dimensional models of the perceptual representation of facial expression. An exemplar-based multidimensional model is proposed as an alternative account.

  5. Parotidectomía y vena facial Parotidectomy and facial vein

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    F. Hernández Altemir


    Full Text Available La cirugía de los tumores benignos de la parótida, es una cirugía de relaciones con estructuras fundamentalmente nerviosas cuyo daño, representa un gravísimo problema psicosomático por definirlo de una manera genérica. Para ayudar al manejo quirúrgico del nervio facial periférico, es por lo que en el presente artículo tratamos de enfatizar la importancia de la vena facial en la disección y conservación del nervio, precisamente donde su disección suele ser más comprometida, esto es en las ramas más caudales. El trabajo que vamos a desarrollar hay que verlo pues, como un ensalzamiento de las estructuras venosas en el seguimiento y control del nervio facial periférico y de porqué no, el nervio auricular mayor no siempre suficientemente valorado en la cirugía de la parótida al perder protagonismo con el facial.Benign parotid tumor surgery is related to fundamental nervous structures, defined simply: that when damaged cause great psychosomatic problems. In order to make peripheral facial nerve surgery easy to handle for the surgeon this article emphasizes the importance of the facial vein in the dissection and conservation of the nerve. Its dissection can be compromised if the caudal branches are damaged. The study that we develop should be seen as praise for the vein structures in the follow up and control of the peripheral facial nerve, and the main auricular nerve that is often undervalued when it is no longer the protagonist in the face.

  6. Enhancing facial features by using clear facial features (United States)

    Rofoo, Fanar Fareed Hanna


    The similarity of features between individuals of same ethnicity motivated the idea of this project. The idea of this project is to extract features of clear facial image and impose them on blurred facial image of same ethnic origin as an approach to enhance a blurred facial image. A database of clear images containing 30 individuals equally divided to five different ethnicities which were Arab, African, Chines, European and Indian. Software was built to perform pre-processing on images in order to align the features of clear and blurred images. And the idea was to extract features of clear facial image or template built from clear facial images using wavelet transformation to impose them on blurred image by using reverse wavelet. The results of this approach did not come well as all the features did not align together as in most cases the eyes were aligned but the nose or mouth were not aligned. Then we decided in the next approach to deal with features separately but in the result in some cases a blocky effect was present on features due to not having close matching features. In general the available small database did not help to achieve the goal results, because of the number of available individuals. The color information and features similarity could be more investigated to achieve better results by having larger database as well as improving the process of enhancement by the availability of closer matches in each ethnicity.

  7. Efecto del tamaño de probeta y orientación en la resistencia a la tracción y a la tenacidad a la fractura

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    Terán, J.


    Full Text Available In this work, an experimental research was conducted to determine size and orientation effects on tension and toughness properties through CTOD-R curves, using standard and miniature specimens taken from a structural steel plate. Compliance function estimation for the miniature size samples through load-displacement curves was considered. Experimental and statistical results showed that size and orientation affect tension and toughness properties. The miniature tension test specimens showed strength values slightly greater than the standard ones but with less ductility. Miniature specimen CTOD-R curves showed sensibility to load changes and measurement method of crack aperture and crack length. Inconsistency in fracture toughness for specimen orientation longitudinal circumferential (LC regarding size effect was also observed. Short orientations showed less strength and toughness than the other directions.

    Este trabajo se dirigió a determinar el efecto de tamaño y orientación en las propiedades de tracción y tenacidad a la fractura mediante las curvas CTOD-R, utilizando probetas estándar y miniatura de una placa de acero estructural. El estudio requirió la estimación de la función flexibilidad de las probetas miniatura a partir de la curva carga versus desplazamiento. Los resultados experimentales y estadísticos muestran que tanto el tamaño como la orientación afectan las propiedades mecánicas y la tenacidad a la fractura. Las probetas miniatura de tracción mostraron valores de resistencia ligeramente mayores que las estándar pero una menor ductilidad. Las curvas CTOD-R de las probetas miniatura mostraron ser sensibles a las variaciones de carga y al método de medición de la abertura y longitud de la grieta. Asimismo, se observó inconsistencia del efecto de tamaño en la tenacidad a la fractura en la orientación longitudinal circunferencial (LC, siendo las orientaciones cortas menos resistentes y tenaces que las otras

  8. Facial reanimation by muscle-nerve neurotization after facial nerve sacrifice. Case report. (United States)

    Taupin, A; Labbé, D; Babin, E; Fromager, G


    Recovering a certain degree of mimicry after sacrifice of the facial nerve is a clinically recognized finding. The authors report a case of hemifacial reanimation suggesting a phenomenon of neurotization from muscle-to-nerve. A woman benefited from a parotidectomy with sacrifice of the left facial nerve indicated for recurrent tumor in the gland. The distal branches of the facial nerve, isolated at the time of resection, were buried in the masseter muscle underneath. The patient recovered a voluntary hémifacial motricity. The electromyographic analysis of the motor activity of the zygomaticus major before and after block of the masseter nerve showed a dependence between mimic muscles and the masseter muscle. Several hypotheses have been advanced to explain the spontaneous reanimation of facial paralysis. The clinical case makes it possible to argue in favor of muscle-to-nerve neurotization from masseter muscle to distal branches of the facial nerve. It illustrates the quality of motricity that can be obtained thanks to this procedure. The authors describe a simple implantation technique of distal branches of the facial nerve in the masseter muscle during a radical parotidectomy with facial nerve sacrifice and recovery of resting tone but also a quality voluntary mimicry. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Representing affective facial expressions for robots and embodied conversational agents by facial landmarks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, C.; Ham, J.R.C.; Postma, E.O.; Midden, C.J.H.; Joosten, B.; Goudbeek, M.


    Affective robots and embodied conversational agents require convincing facial expressions to make them socially acceptable. To be able to virtually generate facial expressions, we need to investigate the relationship between technology and human perception of affective and social signals. Facial

  10. Recurrent unilateral facial nerve palsy in a child with dehiscent facial nerve canal

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    Christopher Liu


    Full Text Available Objective: The dehiscent facial nerve canal has been well documented in histopathological studies of temporal bones as well as in clinical setting. We describe clinical and radiologic features of a child with recurrent facial nerve palsy and dehiscent facial nerve canal. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Results: A 5-year-old male was referred to the otolaryngology clinic for evaluation of recurrent acute otitis media and hearing loss. He also developed recurrent left peripheral FN palsy associated with episodes of bilateral acute otitis media. High resolution computed tomography of the temporal bones revealed incomplete bony coverage of the tympanic segment of the left facial nerve. Conclusions: Recurrent peripheral FN palsy may occur in children with recurrent acute otitis media in the presence of a dehiscent facial nerve canal. Facial nerve canal dehiscence should be considered in the differential diagnosis of children with recurrent peripheral FN palsy.

  11. Pediatric facial injuries: It's management


    Singh, Geeta; Mohammad, Shadab; Pal, U. S.; Hariram,; Malkunje, Laxman R.; Singh, Nimisha


    Background: Facial injuries in children always present a challenge in respect of their diagnosis and management. Since these children are of a growing age every care should be taken so that later the overall growth pattern of the facial skeleton in these children is not jeopardized. Purpose: To access the most feasible method for the management of facial injuries in children without hampering the facial growth. Materials and Methods: Sixty child patients with facial trauma were selected rando...

  12. Facial Sports Injuries (United States)

    ... the patient has HIV or hepatitis. Facial Fractures Sports injuries can cause potentially serious broken bones or fractures of the face. Common symptoms of facial fractures include: swelling and bruising, ...

  13. Outcome of a graduated minimally invasive facial reanimation in patients with facial paralysis. (United States)

    Holtmann, Laura C; Eckstein, Anja; Stähr, Kerstin; Xing, Minzhi; Lang, Stephan; Mattheis, Stefan


    Peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve is the most frequent of all cranial nerve disorders. Despite advances in facial surgery, the functional and aesthetic reconstruction of a paralyzed face remains a challenge. Graduated minimally invasive facial reanimation is based on a modular principle. According to the patients' needs, precondition, and expectations, the following modules can be performed: temporalis muscle transposition and facelift, nasal valve suspension, endoscopic brow lift, and eyelid reconstruction. Applying a concept of a graduated minimally invasive facial reanimation may help minimize surgical trauma and reduce morbidity. Twenty patients underwent a graduated minimally invasive facial reanimation. A retrospective chart review was performed with a follow-up examination between 1 and 8 months after surgery. The FACEgram software was used to calculate pre- and postoperative eyelid closure, the level of brows, nasal, and philtral symmetry as well as oral commissure position at rest and oral commissure excursion with smile. As a patient-oriented outcome parameter, the Glasgow Benefit Inventory questionnaire was applied. There was a statistically significant improvement in the postoperative score of eyelid closure, brow asymmetry, nasal asymmetry, philtral asymmetry as well as oral commissure symmetry at rest (p facial nerve repair or microneurovascular tissue transfer cannot be applied, graduated minimally invasive facial reanimation is a promising option to restore facial function and symmetry at rest.

  14. Does Facial Amimia Impact the Recognition of Facial Emotions? An EMG Study in Parkinson’s Disease (United States)

    Argaud, Soizic; Delplanque, Sylvain; Houvenaghel, Jean-François; Auffret, Manon; Duprez, Joan; Vérin, Marc; Grandjean, Didier; Sauleau, Paul


    According to embodied simulation theory, understanding other people’s emotions is fostered by facial mimicry. However, studies assessing the effect of facial mimicry on the recognition of emotion are still controversial. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), one of the most distinctive clinical features is facial amimia, a reduction in facial expressiveness, but patients also show emotional disturbances. The present study used the pathological model of PD to examine the role of facial mimicry on emotion recognition by investigating EMG responses in PD patients during a facial emotion recognition task (anger, joy, neutral). Our results evidenced a significant decrease in facial mimicry for joy in PD, essentially linked to the absence of reaction of the zygomaticus major and the orbicularis oculi muscles in response to happy avatars, whereas facial mimicry for expressions of anger was relatively preserved. We also confirmed that PD patients were less accurate in recognizing positive and neutral facial expressions and highlighted a beneficial effect of facial mimicry on the recognition of emotion. We thus provide additional arguments for embodied simulation theory suggesting that facial mimicry is a potential lever for therapeutic actions in PD even if it seems not to be necessarily required in recognizing emotion as such. PMID:27467393

  15. Incongruence Between Observers’ and Observed Facial Muscle Activation Reduces Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions From Video Stimuli

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    Tanja S. H. Wingenbach


    Full Text Available According to embodied cognition accounts, viewing others’ facial emotion can elicit the respective emotion representation in observers which entails simulations of sensory, motor, and contextual experiences. In line with that, published research found viewing others’ facial emotion to elicit automatic matched facial muscle activation, which was further found to facilitate emotion recognition. Perhaps making congruent facial muscle activity explicit produces an even greater recognition advantage. If there is conflicting sensory information, i.e., incongruent facial muscle activity, this might impede recognition. The effects of actively manipulating facial muscle activity on facial emotion recognition from videos were investigated across three experimental conditions: (a explicit imitation of viewed facial emotional expressions (stimulus-congruent condition, (b pen-holding with the lips (stimulus-incongruent condition, and (c passive viewing (control condition. It was hypothesised that (1 experimental condition (a and (b result in greater facial muscle activity than (c, (2 experimental condition (a increases emotion recognition accuracy from others’ faces compared to (c, (3 experimental condition (b lowers recognition accuracy for expressions with a salient facial feature in the lower, but not the upper face area, compared to (c. Participants (42 males, 42 females underwent a facial emotion recognition experiment (ADFES-BIV while electromyography (EMG was recorded from five facial muscle sites. The experimental conditions’ order was counter-balanced. Pen-holding caused stimulus-incongruent facial muscle activity for expressions with facial feature saliency in the lower face region, which reduced recognition of lower face region emotions. Explicit imitation caused stimulus-congruent facial muscle activity without modulating recognition. Methodological implications are discussed.

  16. Incongruence Between Observers' and Observed Facial Muscle Activation Reduces Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions From Video Stimuli. (United States)

    Wingenbach, Tanja S H; Brosnan, Mark; Pfaltz, Monique C; Plichta, Michael M; Ashwin, Chris


    According to embodied cognition accounts, viewing others' facial emotion can elicit the respective emotion representation in observers which entails simulations of sensory, motor, and contextual experiences. In line with that, published research found viewing others' facial emotion to elicit automatic matched facial muscle activation, which was further found to facilitate emotion recognition. Perhaps making congruent facial muscle activity explicit produces an even greater recognition advantage. If there is conflicting sensory information, i.e., incongruent facial muscle activity, this might impede recognition. The effects of actively manipulating facial muscle activity on facial emotion recognition from videos were investigated across three experimental conditions: (a) explicit imitation of viewed facial emotional expressions (stimulus-congruent condition), (b) pen-holding with the lips (stimulus-incongruent condition), and (c) passive viewing (control condition). It was hypothesised that (1) experimental condition (a) and (b) result in greater facial muscle activity than (c), (2) experimental condition (a) increases emotion recognition accuracy from others' faces compared to (c), (3) experimental condition (b) lowers recognition accuracy for expressions with a salient facial feature in the lower, but not the upper face area, compared to (c). Participants (42 males, 42 females) underwent a facial emotion recognition experiment (ADFES-BIV) while electromyography (EMG) was recorded from five facial muscle sites. The experimental conditions' order was counter-balanced. Pen-holding caused stimulus-incongruent facial muscle activity for expressions with facial feature saliency in the lower face region, which reduced recognition of lower face region emotions. Explicit imitation caused stimulus-congruent facial muscle activity without modulating recognition. Methodological implications are discussed.

  17. Incongruence Between Observers’ and Observed Facial Muscle Activation Reduces Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions From Video Stimuli (United States)

    Wingenbach, Tanja S. H.; Brosnan, Mark; Pfaltz, Monique C.; Plichta, Michael M.; Ashwin, Chris


    According to embodied cognition accounts, viewing others’ facial emotion can elicit the respective emotion representation in observers which entails simulations of sensory, motor, and contextual experiences. In line with that, published research found viewing others’ facial emotion to elicit automatic matched facial muscle activation, which was further found to facilitate emotion recognition. Perhaps making congruent facial muscle activity explicit produces an even greater recognition advantage. If there is conflicting sensory information, i.e., incongruent facial muscle activity, this might impede recognition. The effects of actively manipulating facial muscle activity on facial emotion recognition from videos were investigated across three experimental conditions: (a) explicit imitation of viewed facial emotional expressions (stimulus-congruent condition), (b) pen-holding with the lips (stimulus-incongruent condition), and (c) passive viewing (control condition). It was hypothesised that (1) experimental condition (a) and (b) result in greater facial muscle activity than (c), (2) experimental condition (a) increases emotion recognition accuracy from others’ faces compared to (c), (3) experimental condition (b) lowers recognition accuracy for expressions with a salient facial feature in the lower, but not the upper face area, compared to (c). Participants (42 males, 42 females) underwent a facial emotion recognition experiment (ADFES-BIV) while electromyography (EMG) was recorded from five facial muscle sites. The experimental conditions’ order was counter-balanced. Pen-holding caused stimulus-incongruent facial muscle activity for expressions with facial feature saliency in the lower face region, which reduced recognition of lower face region emotions. Explicit imitation caused stimulus-congruent facial muscle activity without modulating recognition. Methodological implications are discussed. PMID:29928240

  18. Fractura y mecanismos de deformación de un polipropileno reforzado con cenizas y modificado con un copolímero de bloque


    García Pardo, Santiago


    [Resumo] Nesta memoria, preséntase os resultados do estudio da fractura e deformación de compostos de polipropileno (PP), un copolímero olefínico en bloque (OBC) e cinzas, procedentes da queima de biomasa forestal, modificadas cun axente de acoplamento silano e procesadas por técnicas de extrusión. Caracterizáronse as propiedades mecánicas dos novos materiais mediante a súa resistencia á tracción, ó impacto e a morfoloxía asociada obtida por microscopia electrónica de varrido (SEM). As ...

  19. Facial orientation and facial shape in extant great apes: a geometric morphometric analysis of covariation. (United States)

    Neaux, Dimitri; Guy, Franck; Gilissen, Emmanuel; Coudyzer, Walter; Vignaud, Patrick; Ducrocq, Stéphane


    The organization of the bony face is complex, its morphology being influenced in part by the rest of the cranium. Characterizing the facial morphological variation and craniofacial covariation patterns in extant hominids is fundamental to the understanding of their evolutionary history. Numerous studies on hominid facial shape have proposed hypotheses concerning the relationship between the anterior facial shape, facial block orientation and basicranial flexion. In this study we test these hypotheses in a sample of adult specimens belonging to three extant hominid genera (Homo, Pan and Gorilla). Intraspecific variation and covariation patterns are analyzed using geometric morphometric methods and multivariate statistics, such as partial least squared on three-dimensional landmarks coordinates. Our results indicate significant intraspecific covariation between facial shape, facial block orientation and basicranial flexion. Hominids share similar characteristics in the relationship between anterior facial shape and facial block orientation. Modern humans exhibit a specific pattern in the covariation between anterior facial shape and basicranial flexion. This peculiar feature underscores the role of modern humans' highly-flexed basicranium in the overall integration of the cranium. Furthermore, our results are consistent with the hypothesis of a relationship between the reduction of the value of the cranial base angle and a downward rotation of the facial block in modern humans, and to a lesser extent in chimpanzees.

  20. Avaliação de seis anos de fraturas cervicais subaxiais Evaluación de seis años de fracturas cervicales subaxiales Evaluation of six years of cervical sub-axial fractures

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    Leonardo Franco Pinheiro Gaia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os fatores relacionados ao trauma cervical, segundo o tipo de fratura baseado na classificação AO. Levando-se em consideração aspectos etiológicos e epidemiológicos do evento. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários de pacientes com fratura cervical, no período de 2004 a 2009. Estudou-se as fraturas subaxiais (C3-C7, por se enquadrarem em apenas uma classificação (AO. Usou-se radiografias frente e perfil, e tomografias para dividir as fraturas em A (compressão, B (distração e C (rotação, de acordo com o padrão apresentado. Analisou-se os seguintes parâmetros: sexo, idade, classificação AO, mecanismo de trauma, presença de déficit neurológico, e tratamento cirúrgico ou conservador. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 264 prontuários, sendo 216 pacientes do sexo masculino e 48 femininos. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 38,55 anos. O mecanismo de trauma mais comum das fraturas cervical subaxiais foi o acidente automobilístico com 84 casos. Quanto ao tipo de fratura pela classificação AO, a mais frequente foi do tipo B. Dos casos avaliados, 136 pacientes apresentaram déficit neurológico, parcial ou completo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 166 casos. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados apresentados demonstram que as fraturas cervicais representam um importante problema para a saúde no Brasil, pública e privada. A prevenção das fraturas cervicais apresenta a melhor relação custo benefício na abordagem destas lesões.OBJETIVO: Evaluar retrospectivamente los factores relacionados al trauma cervical, según el tipo de fractura, basándose en la clasificación AO, considerandose los aspectos etiológicos y epidemiológicos del evento. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizadas retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de pacientes con fractura cervical, desde el 2004 hasta el 2009. Se estudiaron las fracturas subaxiales (C3-C7, ya que éstas se encuadran en apenas una clasificaci

  1. Hypoglossal-facial nerve "side"-to-side neurorrhaphy for facial paralysis resulting from closed temporal bone fractures. (United States)

    Su, Diya; Li, Dezhi; Wang, Shiwei; Qiao, Hui; Li, Ping; Wang, Binbin; Wan, Hong; Schumacher, Michael; Liu, Song


    Closed temporal bone fractures due to cranial trauma often result in facial nerve injury, frequently inducing incomplete facial paralysis. Conventional hypoglossal-facial nerve end-to-end neurorrhaphy may not be suitable for these injuries because sacrifice of the lesioned facial nerve for neurorrhaphy destroys the remnant axons and/or potential spontaneous innervation. we modified the classical method by hypoglossal-facial nerve "side"-to-side neurorrhaphy using an interpositional predegenerated nerve graft to treat these injuries. Five patients who experienced facial paralysis resulting from closed temporal bone fractures due to cranial trauma were treated with the "side"-to-side neurorrhaphy. An additional 4 patients did not receive the neurorrhaphy and served as controls. Before treatment, all patients had suffered House-Brackmann (H-B) grade V or VI facial paralysis for a mean of 5 months. During the 12-30 months of follow-up period, no further detectable deficits were observed, but an improvement in facial nerve function was evidenced over time in the 5 neurorrhaphy-treated patients. At the end of follow-up, the improved facial function reached H-B grade II in 3, grade III in 1 and grade IV in 1 of the 5 patients, consistent with the electrophysiological examinations. In the control group, two patients showed slightly spontaneous innervation with facial function improved from H-B grade VI to V, and the other patients remained unchanged at H-B grade V or VI. We concluded that the hypoglossal-facial nerve "side"-to-side neurorrhaphy can preserve the injured facial nerve and is suitable for treating significant incomplete facial paralysis resulting from closed temporal bone fractures, providing an evident beneficial effect. Moreover, this treatment may be performed earlier after the onset of facial paralysis in order to reduce the unfavorable changes to the injured facial nerve and atrophy of its target muscles due to long-term denervation and allow axonal

  2. [Descending hypoglossal branch-facial nerve anastomosis in treating unilateral facial palsy after acoustic neuroma resection]. (United States)

    Liang, Jiantao; Li, Mingchu; Chen, Ge; Guo, Hongchuan; Zhang, Qiuhang; Bao, Yuhai


    To evaluate the efficiency of the descending hypoglossal branch-facial nerve anastomosis for the severe facial palsy after acoustic neuroma resection. The clinical data of 14 patients (6 males, 8 females, average age 45. 6 years old) underwent descending hypoglossal branch-facial nerve anastomosis for treatment of unilateral facial palsy was analyzed retrospectively. All patients previously had undergone resection of a large acoustic neuroma. House-Brackmann (H-B) grading system was used to evaluate the pre-, post-operative and follow up facial nerve function status. 12 cases (85.7%) had long follow up, with an average follow-up period of 24. 6 months. 6 patients had good outcome (H-B 2 - 3 grade); 5 patients had fair outcome (H-B 3 - 4 grade) and 1 patient had poor outcome (H-B 5 grade) Only 1 patient suffered hemitongue myoparalysis owing to the operation. Descending hypoglossal branch-facial nerve anastomosis is effective for facial reanimation, and it has little impact on the function of chewing, swallowing and pronunciation of the patients compared with the traditional hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis.

  3. The face is not an empty canvas: how facial expressions interact with facial appearance. (United States)

    Hess, Ursula; Adams, Reginald B; Kleck, Robert E


    Faces are not simply blank canvases upon which facial expressions write their emotional messages. In fact, facial appearance and facial movement are both important social signalling systems in their own right. We here provide multiple lines of evidence for the notion that the social signals derived from facial appearance on the one hand and facial movement on the other interact in a complex manner, sometimes reinforcing and sometimes contradicting one another. Faces provide information on who a person is. Sex, age, ethnicity, personality and other characteristics that can define a person and the social group the person belongs to can all be derived from the face alone. The present article argues that faces interact with the perception of emotion expressions because this information informs a decoder's expectations regarding an expresser's probable emotional reactions. Facial appearance also interacts more directly with the interpretation of facial movement because some of the features that are used to derive personality or sex information are also features that closely resemble certain emotional expressions, thereby enhancing or diluting the perceived strength of particular expressions.

  4. Accurate landmarking of three-dimensional facial data in the presence of facial expressions and occlusions using a three-dimensional statistical facial feature model. (United States)

    Zhao, Xi; Dellandréa, Emmanuel; Chen, Liming; Kakadiaris, Ioannis A


    Three-dimensional face landmarking aims at automatically localizing facial landmarks and has a wide range of applications (e.g., face recognition, face tracking, and facial expression analysis). Existing methods assume neutral facial expressions and unoccluded faces. In this paper, we propose a general learning-based framework for reliable landmark localization on 3-D facial data under challenging conditions (i.e., facial expressions and occlusions). Our approach relies on a statistical model, called 3-D statistical facial feature model, which learns both the global variations in configurational relationships between landmarks and the local variations of texture and geometry around each landmark. Based on this model, we further propose an occlusion classifier and a fitting algorithm. Results from experiments on three publicly available 3-D face databases (FRGC, BU-3-DFE, and Bosphorus) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, in terms of landmarking accuracy and robustness, in the presence of expressions and occlusions.

  5. Impaired Overt Facial Mimicry in Response to Dynamic Facial Expressions in High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (United States)

    Yoshimura, Sayaka; Sato, Wataru; Uono, Shota; Toichi, Motomi


    Previous electromyographic studies have reported that individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) exhibited atypical patterns of facial muscle activity in response to facial expression stimuli. However, whether such activity is expressed in visible facial mimicry remains unknown. To investigate this issue, we videotaped facial responses in…

  6. The MPI facial expression database--a validated database of emotional and conversational facial expressions.

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    Kathrin Kaulard

    Full Text Available The ability to communicate is one of the core aspects of human life. For this, we use not only verbal but also nonverbal signals of remarkable complexity. Among the latter, facial expressions belong to the most important information channels. Despite the large variety of facial expressions we use in daily life, research on facial expressions has so far mostly focused on the emotional aspect. Consequently, most databases of facial expressions available to the research community also include only emotional expressions, neglecting the largely unexplored aspect of conversational expressions. To fill this gap, we present the MPI facial expression database, which contains a large variety of natural emotional and conversational expressions. The database contains 55 different facial expressions performed by 19 German participants. Expressions were elicited with the help of a method-acting protocol, which guarantees both well-defined and natural facial expressions. The method-acting protocol was based on every-day scenarios, which are used to define the necessary context information for each expression. All facial expressions are available in three repetitions, in two intensities, as well as from three different camera angles. A detailed frame annotation is provided, from which a dynamic and a static version of the database have been created. In addition to describing the database in detail, we also present the results of an experiment with two conditions that serve to validate the context scenarios as well as the naturalness and recognizability of the video sequences. Our results provide clear evidence that conversational expressions can be recognized surprisingly well from visual information alone. The MPI facial expression database will enable researchers from different research fields (including the perceptual and cognitive sciences, but also affective computing, as well as computer vision to investigate the processing of a wider range of natural

  7. Facial EMG responses to dynamic emotional facial expressions in boys with disruptive behavior disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wied, de M.; Boxtel, van Anton; Zaalberg, R.; Goudena, P.P.; Matthys, W.


    Based on the assumption that facial mimicry is a key factor in emotional empathy, and clinical observations that children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) are weak empathizers, the present study explored whether DBD boys are less facially responsive to facial expressions of emotions than

  8. Case Report: A true median facial cleft (crano-facial dysraphia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Case Report: A true median facial cleft (crano-facial dysraphia, atessier type O) in Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos. ... Patient had a multidisciplinary care by the obstetrician, Neonatologist, anesthesiologist and the plastic surgery team who scheduled a soft tissue repair of the upper lip defect, columella and ...

  9. Outcome of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques


    Mohamed, Aboshanif; Omi, Eigo; Honda, Kohei; Suzuki, Shinsuke; Ishikawa, Kazuo


    Abstract Introduction: There is no technique of facial nerve reconstruction that guarantees facial function recovery up to grade III. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques. Methods: Facial nerve reconstruction was performed in 22 patients (facial nerve interpositional graft in 11 patients and hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer in another 11 patients). All patients had facial function House-Brackmann (HB) grade VI, either caused by...

  10. FRAX TM: un nuevo instrumento para calcular el riesgo absoluto de fracturas a 10 años FRAX TM: A new instrument for calculating 10-year absolute fracture risk

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    Haraldo Claus-Hermberg


    Full Text Available La eficacia de nuevos agentes farmacológicos para la prevención de fracturas osteoporóticas y la decisión de intervención con la misma finalidad en la práctica clínica han sido guiadas por la evaluación de la densitometría ósea (DMO. Sin embargo, reconociendo la naturaleza multifactorial de ese desenlace, recientemente se dio a conocer el calculador Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX™ que persiguiendo los mismos objetivos de modelos previos, integra y combina varios de esos factores ponderadamente para estimar el riesgo absoluto de fractura de cadera o un combinado de fracturas osteoporóticas para los siguientes 10 años. El mismo sería ajustable a cualquier país incorporando al modelo la incidencia de fractura de cadera y las expectativas de vida edad- y sexo-específicas para la población a que pertenece el individuo. Este instrumento es presentado como un nuevo paradigma para ayudar en la toma de decisiones terapéuticas, especialmente farmacológicas. En la presente revisión se discuten algunas de sus características, como ser: la pretendida aplicabilidad a poblaciones de distintos países, la conveniencia de utilizar el riesgo absoluto a 10 años para todo el espectro etario de interés y si la eficacia de los tratamientos farmacológicos para la prevención de fracturas óseas en pacientes osteoporóticos podrá comprobarse también en pacientes seleccionados para tratamiento en base a este modelo. Finalmente, se llama la atención sobre el hecho de que aún no están claramente determinados los umbrales de riesgo orientadores para la toma de decisiones, los que obviamente tendrán un relevante impacto en el número de pacientes pasibles de tratamiento.The efficacy of new pharmacological agents for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures and the clinical decision to intervene with that purpose in daily medical practice have been guided by the evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD. However, given the multifactorial

  11. Microbial biofilms on silicone facial prostheses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ariani, Nina


    Facial disfigurements can result from oncologic surgery, trauma and congenital deformities. These disfigurements can be rehabilitated with facial prostheses. Facial prostheses are usually made of silicones. A problem of facial prostheses is that microorganisms can colonize their surface. It is hard

  12. [Facial tics and spasms]. (United States)

    Potgieser, Adriaan R E; van Dijk, J Marc C; Elting, Jan Willem J; de Koning-Tijssen, Marina A J


    Facial tics and spasms are socially incapacitating, but effective treatment is often available. The clinical picture is sufficient for distinguishing between the different diseases that cause this affliction.We describe three cases of patients with facial tics or spasms: one case of tics, which are familiar to many physicians; one case of blepharospasms; and one case of hemifacial spasms. We discuss the differential diagnosis and the treatment possibilities for facial tics and spasms. Early diagnosis and treatment is important, because of the associated social incapacitation. Botulin toxin should be considered as a treatment option for facial tics and a curative neurosurgical intervention should be considered for hemifacial spasms.

  13. Síndrome de dolor facial

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    DR. F. Eugenio Tenhamm


    Full Text Available El dolor o algia facial constituye un síndrome doloroso de las estructuras cráneo faciales bajo el cual se agrupan un gran número de enfermedades. La mejor manera de abordar el diagnóstico diferencial de las entidades que causan el dolor facial es usando un algoritmo que identifica cuatro síndromes dolorosos principales que son: las neuralgias faciales, los dolores faciales con síntomas y signos neurológicos, las cefaleas autonómicas trigeminales y los dolores faciales sin síntomas ni signos neurológicos. Una evaluación clínica detallada de los pacientes, permite una aproximación etiológica lo que orienta el estudio diagnóstico y permite ofrecer una terapia específica a la mayoría de los casos

  14. Outcome of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques. (United States)

    Mohamed, Aboshanif; Omi, Eigo; Honda, Kohei; Suzuki, Shinsuke; Ishikawa, Kazuo

    There is no technique of facial nerve reconstruction that guarantees facial function recovery up to grade III. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques. Facial nerve reconstruction was performed in 22 patients (facial nerve interpositional graft in 11 patients and hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer in another 11 patients). All patients had facial function House-Brackmann (HB) grade VI, either caused by trauma or after resection of a tumor. All patients were submitted to a primary nerve reconstruction except 7 patients, where late reconstruction was performed two weeks to four months after the initial surgery. The follow-up period was at least two years. For facial nerve interpositional graft technique, we achieved facial function HB grade III in eight patients and grade IV in three patients. Synkinesis was found in eight patients, and facial contracture with synkinesis was found in two patients. In regards to hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer using different modifications, we achieved facial function HB grade III in nine patients and grade IV in two patients. Facial contracture, synkinesis and tongue atrophy were found in three patients, and synkinesis was found in five patients. However, those who had primary direct facial-hypoglossal end-to-side anastomosis showed the best result without any neurological deficit. Among various reanimation techniques, when indicated, direct end-to-side facial-hypoglossal anastomosis through epineural suturing is the most effective technique with excellent outcomes for facial reanimation and preservation of tongue movement, particularly when performed as a primary technique. Copyright © 2016 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  15. Facial Transplantation Surgery Introduction


    Eun, Seok-Chan


    Severely disfiguring facial injuries can have a devastating impact on the patient's quality of life. During the past decade, vascularized facial allotransplantation has progressed from an experimental possibility to a clinical reality in the fields of disease, trauma, and congenital malformations. This technique may now be considered a viable option for repairing complex craniofacial defects for which the results of autologous reconstruction remain suboptimal. Vascularized facial allotranspla...

  16. Outcome of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aboshanif Mohamed

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: There is no technique of facial nerve reconstruction that guarantees facial function recovery up to grade III. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of different facial nerve reconstruction techniques. Methods: Facial nerve reconstruction was performed in 22 patients (facial nerve interpositional graft in 11 patients and hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer in another 11 patients. All patients had facial function House-Brackmann (HB grade VI, either caused by trauma or after resection of a tumor. All patients were submitted to a primary nerve reconstruction except 7 patients, where late reconstruction was performed two weeks to four months after the initial surgery. The follow-up period was at least two years. Results: For facial nerve interpositional graft technique, we achieved facial function HB grade III in eight patients and grade IV in three patients. Synkinesis was found in eight patients, and facial contracture with synkinesis was found in two patients. In regards to hypoglossal-facial nerve transfer using different modifications, we achieved facial function HB grade III in nine patients and grade IV in two patients. Facial contracture, synkinesis and tongue atrophy were found in three patients, and synkinesis was found in five patients. However, those who had primary direct facial-hypoglossal end-to-side anastomosis showed the best result without any neurological deficit. Conclusion: Among various reanimation techniques, when indicated, direct end-to-side facial-hypoglossal anastomosis through epineural suturing is the most effective technique with excellent outcomes for facial reanimation and preservation of tongue movement, particularly when performed as a primary technique.

  17. Recognizing Facial Expressions Automatically from Video (United States)

    Shan, Caifeng; Braspenning, Ralph

    Facial expressions, resulting from movements of the facial muscles, are the face changes in response to a person's internal emotional states, intentions, or social communications. There is a considerable history associated with the study on facial expressions. Darwin [22] was the first to describe in details the specific facial expressions associated with emotions in animals and humans, who argued that all mammals show emotions reliably in their faces. Since that, facial expression analysis has been a area of great research interest for behavioral scientists [27]. Psychological studies [48, 3] suggest that facial expressions, as the main mode for nonverbal communication, play a vital role in human face-to-face communication. For illustration, we show some examples of facial expressions in Fig. 1.

  18. Rejuvenecimiento facial en "doble sigma" "Double ogee" facial rejuvenation

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    O. M. Ramírez


    Full Text Available Las técnicas subperiósticas descritas por Tessier revolucionaron el tratamiento del envejecimiento facial, recomendando esta vía para tratar los signos tempranos del envejecimiento en pacientes jóvenes y de mediana edad. Psillakis refinó la técnica y Ramírez describió un método más seguro y eficaz de lifting subperióstico, demostrando que la técnica subperióstica de rejuveneciento facial se puede aplicar en el amplio espectro del envejecimiento facial. La introducción del endoscopio en el tratamiento del envejecimiento facial ha abierto una nueva era en la Cirugía Estética. Hoy la disección subperióstica asistida endocópicamente del tercio superior, medio e inferior de la cara, proporciona un medio eficaz para la reposición de los tejidos blandos, con posibilidad de aumento del esqueleto óseo craneofacial, menor edema facial postoperatorio, mínima lesión de las ramas del nervio facial y mejor tratamiento de las mejillas. Este abordaje, desarrollado y refinado durante la última década, se conoce como "Ritidectomía en Doble Sigma". El Arco Veneciano en doble sigma, bien conocido en Arquitectura desde la antigüedad, se caracteriza por ser un trazo armónico de curva convexa y a continuación curva cóncava. Cuando se observa una cara joven, desde un ángulo oblicuo, presenta una distribución característica de los tejidos, previamente descrita para el tercio medio como un arco ojival arquitectónico o una curva en forma de "S". Sin embargo, en un examen más detallado de la cara joven, en la vista de tres cuartos, el perfil completo revela una "arco ojival doble" o una sigma "S" doble. Para ver este recíproco y multicurvilíneo trazo de la belleza, debemos ver la cara en posición oblicua y así poder ver ambos cantos mediales. En esta posición, la cara joven presenta una convexidad característica de la cola de la ceja que confluye en la concavidad de la pared orbitaria lateral formando así el primer arco (superior

  19. Facial transplantation for massive traumatic injuries. (United States)

    Alam, Daniel S; Chi, John J


    This article describes the challenges of facial reconstruction and the role of facial transplantation in certain facial defects and injuries. This information is of value to surgeons assessing facial injuries with massive soft tissue loss or injury. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Quality of life assessment in facial palsy: validation of the Dutch Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale. (United States)

    Kleiss, Ingrid J; Beurskens, Carien H G; Stalmeier, Peep F M; Ingels, Koen J A O; Marres, Henri A M


    This study aimed at validating an existing health-related quality of life questionnaire for patients with facial palsy for implementation in the Dutch language and culture. The Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale was translated into the Dutch language using a forward-backward translation method. A pilot test with the translated questionnaire was performed in 10 patients with facial palsy and 10 normal subjects. Finally, cross-cultural adaption was accomplished at our outpatient clinic for facial palsy. Analyses for internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct validity and responsiveness were performed. Ninety-three patients completed the Dutch Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale, the Dutch Facial Disability Index, and the Dutch Short Form (36) Health Survey. Cronbach's α, representing internal consistency, was 0.800. Test-retest reliability was shown by an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.737. Correlations with the House-Brackmann score, Sunnybrook score, Facial Disability Index physical function, and social/well-being function were -0.292, 0.570, 0.713, and 0.575, respectively. The SF-36 domains correlate best with the FaCE social function domain, with the strongest correlation between the both social function domains (r = 0.576). The FaCE score did statistically significantly increase in 35 patients receiving botulinum toxin type A (P = 0.042, Student t test). The domains 'facial comfort' and 'social function' improved statistically significantly as well (P = 0.022 and P = 0.046, respectively, Student t-test). The Dutch Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale shows good psychometric values and can be implemented in the management of Dutch-speaking patients with facial palsy in the Netherlands. Translation of the instrument into other languages may lead to widespread use, making evaluation and comparison possible among different providers.

  1. Facial nerve conduction after sclerotherapy in children with facial lymphatic malformations: report of two cases. (United States)

    Lin, Pei-Jung; Guo, Yuh-Cherng; Lin, Jan-You; Chang, Yu-Tang


    Surgical excision is thought to be the standard treatment of choice for lymphatic malformations. However, when the lesions are limited to the face only, surgical scar and facial nerve injury may impair cosmetics and facial expression. Sclerotherapy, an injection of a sclerosing agent directly through the skin into a lesion, is an alternative method. By evaluating facial nerve conduction, we observed the long-term effect of facial lymphatic malformations after intralesional injection of OK-432 and correlated the findings with anatomic outcomes. One 12-year-old boy with a lesion over the right-side preauricular area adjacent to the main trunk of facial nerve and the other 5-year-old boy with a lesion in the left-sided cheek involving the buccinator muscle were enrolled. The follow-up data of more than one year, including clinical appearance, computed tomography (CT) scan and facial nerve evaluation were collected. The facial nerve conduction study was normal in both cases. Blink reflex in both children revealed normal results as well. Complete resolution was noted on outward appearance and CT scan. The neurophysiologic data were compatible with good anatomic and functional outcomes. Our report suggests that the inflammatory reaction of OK-432 did not interfere with adjacent facial nerve conduction.

  2. Facial Nerve Paralysis due to a Pleomorphic Adenoma with the Imaging Characteristics of a Facial Nerve Schwannoma. (United States)

    Nader, Marc-Elie; Bell, Diana; Sturgis, Erich M; Ginsberg, Lawrence E; Gidley, Paul W


    Background Facial nerve paralysis in a patient with a salivary gland mass usually denotes malignancy. However, facial paralysis can also be caused by benign salivary gland tumors. Methods We present a case of facial nerve paralysis due to a benign salivary gland tumor that had the imaging characteristics of an intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma. Results The patient presented to our clinic 4 years after the onset of facial nerve paralysis initially diagnosed as Bell palsy. Computed tomography demonstrated filling and erosion of the stylomastoid foramen with a mass on the facial nerve. Postoperative histopathology showed the presence of a pleomorphic adenoma. Facial paralysis was thought to be caused by extrinsic nerve compression. Conclusions This case illustrates the difficulty of accurate preoperative diagnosis of a parotid gland mass and reinforces the concept that facial nerve paralysis in the context of salivary gland tumors may not always indicate malignancy.

  3. Advances in facial reanimation. (United States)

    Tate, James R; Tollefson, Travis T


    Facial paralysis often has a significant emotional impact on patients. Along with the myriad of new surgical techniques in managing facial paralysis comes the challenge of selecting the most effective procedure for the patient. This review delineates common surgical techniques and reviews state-of-the-art techniques. The options for dynamic reanimation of the paralyzed face must be examined in the context of several patient factors, including age, overall health, and patient desires. The best functional results are obtained with direct facial nerve anastomosis and interpositional nerve grafts. In long-standing facial paralysis, temporalis muscle transfer gives a dependable and quick result. Microvascular free tissue transfer is a reliable technique with reanimation potential whose results continue to improve as microsurgical expertise increases. Postoperative results can be improved with ancillary soft tissue procedures, as well as botulinum toxin. The paper provides an overview of recent advances in facial reanimation, including preoperative assessment, surgical reconstruction options, and postoperative management.

  4. Computer Aided Facial Prosthetics Manufacturing System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peng H.K.


    Full Text Available Facial deformities can impose burden to the patient. There are many solutions for facial deformities such as plastic surgery and facial prosthetics. However, current fabrication method of facial prosthetics is high-cost and time consuming. This study aimed to identify a new method to construct a customized facial prosthetic. A 3D scanner, computer software and 3D printer were used in this study. Results showed that the new developed method can be used to produce a customized facial prosthetics. The advantages of the developed method over the conventional process are low cost, reduce waste of material and pollution in order to meet the green concept.

  5. Satisfaction with facial appearance and its determinants in adults with severe congenital facial disfigurement: a case-referent study. (United States)

    Versnel, S L; Duivenvoorden, H J; Passchier, J; Mathijssen, I M J


    Patients with severe congenital facial disfigurement have a long track record of operations and hospital visits by the time they are 18 years old. The fact that their facial deformity is congenital may have an impact on how satisfied these patients are with their appearance. This study evaluated the level of satisfaction with facial appearance of congenital and of acquired facially disfigured adults, and explored demographic, physical and psychological determinants of this satisfaction. Differences compared with non-disfigured adults were examined. Fifty-nine adults with a rare facial cleft, 59 adults with a facial deformity traumatically acquired in adulthood, and a reference group of 201 non-disfigured adults completed standardised demographic, physical and psychological questionnaires. The congenital and acquired groups did not differ significantly in the level of satisfaction with facial appearance, but both were significantly less satisfied than the reference group. In facially disfigured adults, level of education, number of affected facial parts and facial function were determinants of the level of satisfaction. High fear of negative appearance evaluation by others (FNAE) and low self-esteem (SE) were strong psychological determinants. Although FNAE was higher in both patient groups, SE was similar in all three groups. Satisfaction with facial appearance of individuals with a congenital or acquired facial deformity is similar and will seldom reach the level of satisfaction of non-disfigured persons. A combination of surgical correction (with attention for facial profile and restoring facial functions) and psychological help (to increase SE and lower FNAE) may improve patient satisfaction. Copyright 2009 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. P2-28: An Amplification of Feedback from Facial Muscles Strengthened Sympathetic Activations to Emotional Facial Cues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Younbyoung Chae


    Full Text Available The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that feedback from cutaneous and muscular afferents influences our emotions during the control of facial expressions. Enhanced facial expressiveness is correlated with an increase in autonomic arousal, and self-reported emotional experience, while limited facial expression attenuates these responses. The present study was aimed at investigating the difference in emotional response in imitated versus observed facial expressions. For this, we measured the facial electromyogram of the corrugator muscle as well as the skin conductance response (SCR while participants were either imitating or simply observing emotional facial expressions. We found that participants produced significantly greater facial electromyogram activation during imitations compared to observations of angry faces. Similarly, they exhibited significantly greater SCR during imitations to angry faces compared to observations. An amplification of feedback from face muscles during imitation strengthened sympathetic activation to negative emotional cues. These findings suggest that manipulations of muscular feedback could modulate the bodily expression of emotion and perhaps also the emotional response itself.

  7. Exacerbation of Facial Motoneuron Loss after Facial Nerve Axotomy in CCR3-Deficient Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derek A Wainwright


    Full Text Available We have previously demonstrated a neuroprotective mechanism of FMN (facial motoneuron survival after facial nerve axotomy that is dependent on CD4+ Th2 cell interaction with peripheral antigen-presenting cells, as well as CNS (central nervous system-resident microglia. PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide is expressed by injured FMN and increases Th2-associated chemokine expression in cultured murine microglia. Collectively, these results suggest a model involving CD4+ Th2 cell migration to the facial motor nucleus after injury via microglial expression of Th2-associated chemokines. However, to respond to Th2-associated chemokines, Th2 cells must express the appropriate Th2-associated chemokine receptors. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that Th2-associated chemokine receptors increase in the facial motor nucleus after facial nerve axotomy at timepoints consistent with significant T-cell infiltration. Microarray analysis of Th2-associated chemokine receptors was followed up with real-time PCR for CCR3, which indicated that facial nerve injury increases CCR3 mRNA levels in mouse facial motor nucleus. Unexpectedly, quantitative- and co-immunofluorescence revealed increased CCR3 expression localizing to FMN in the facial motor nucleus after facial nerve axotomy. Compared with WT (wild-type, a significant decrease in FMN survival 4 weeks after axotomy was observed in CCR3–/– mice. Additionally, compared with WT, a significant decrease in FMN survival 4 weeks after axotomy was observed in Rag2 –/– (recombination activating gene-2-deficient mice adoptively transferred CD4+ T-cells isolated from CCR3–/– mice, but not in CCR3–/– mice adoptively transferred CD4+ T-cells derived from WT mice. These results provide a basis for further investigation into the co-operation between CD4+ T-cell- and CCR3-mediated neuroprotection after FMN injury.

  8. The MPI Facial Expression Database — A Validated Database of Emotional and Conversational Facial Expressions (United States)

    Kaulard, Kathrin; Cunningham, Douglas W.; Bülthoff, Heinrich H.; Wallraven, Christian


    The ability to communicate is one of the core aspects of human life. For this, we use not only verbal but also nonverbal signals of remarkable complexity. Among the latter, facial expressions belong to the most important information channels. Despite the large variety of facial expressions we use in daily life, research on facial expressions has so far mostly focused on the emotional aspect. Consequently, most databases of facial expressions available to the research community also include only emotional expressions, neglecting the largely unexplored aspect of conversational expressions. To fill this gap, we present the MPI facial expression database, which contains a large variety of natural emotional and conversational expressions. The database contains 55 different facial expressions performed by 19 German participants. Expressions were elicited with the help of a method-acting protocol, which guarantees both well-defined and natural facial expressions. The method-acting protocol was based on every-day scenarios, which are used to define the necessary context information for each expression. All facial expressions are available in three repetitions, in two intensities, as well as from three different camera angles. A detailed frame annotation is provided, from which a dynamic and a static version of the database have been created. In addition to describing the database in detail, we also present the results of an experiment with two conditions that serve to validate the context scenarios as well as the naturalness and recognizability of the video sequences. Our results provide clear evidence that conversational expressions can be recognized surprisingly well from visual information alone. The MPI facial expression database will enable researchers from different research fields (including the perceptual and cognitive sciences, but also affective computing, as well as computer vision) to investigate the processing of a wider range of natural facial expressions

  9. The enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal: a new CT finding of facial nerve canal fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong Ruozhen; Li Yuhua; Gong Wuxian; Wu Lebin


    Objective: To discuss the value of enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal in the diagnosis of facial nerve canal fracture. Methods: Thirty patients with facial nerve canal fracture underwent axial and coronal CT scan. The correlation between the fracture and the enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal was analyzed. The ability of showing the fracture and enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal in axial and coronal imaging were compared. Results: Fracture of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal was found in the operation in 30 patients, while the fracture was detected in CT in 18 patients. Enlargement of geniculate ganglion of facial nerve was detected in 30 patients in the operation, while the enlargement of fossa was found in CT in 28 cases. Enlargement and fracture of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal were both detected in CT images in 18 patients. Only the enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal was shown in 12 patients in CT. Conclusion: Enlargement of geniculate fossa of facial nerve canal was a useful finding in the diagnosis of fracture of geniculate fossa in patients with facial paralysis, even no fracture line was shown on CT images. (authors)

  10. Facial Nerve Paralysis due to a Pleomorphic Adenoma with the Imaging Characteristics of a Facial Nerve Schwannoma


    Nader, Marc-Elie; Bell, Diana; Sturgis, Erich M.; Ginsberg, Lawrence E.; Gidley, Paul W.


    Background Facial nerve paralysis in a patient with a salivary gland mass usually denotes malignancy. However, facial paralysis can also be caused by benign salivary gland tumors. Methods We present a case of facial nerve paralysis due to a benign salivary gland tumor that had the imaging characteristics of an intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma. Results The patient presented to our clinic 4 years after the onset of facial nerve paralysis initially diagnosed as Bell palsy. Computed tomograph...

  11. Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volumetry of Facial Muscles in Healthy Patients with Facial Palsy (United States)

    Volk, Gerd F.; Karamyan, Inna; Klingner, Carsten M.; Reichenbach, Jürgen R.


    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has not yet been established systematically to detect structural muscular changes after facial nerve lesion. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate quantitative assessment of MRI muscle volume data for facial muscles. Methods: Ten healthy subjects and 5 patients with facial palsy were recruited. Using manual or semiautomatic segmentation of 3T MRI, volume measurements were performed for the frontal, procerus, risorius, corrugator supercilii, orbicularis oculi, nasalis, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levator labii superioris, orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, and mentalis, as well as for the masseter and temporalis as masticatory muscles for control. Results: All muscles except the frontal (identification in 4/10 volunteers), procerus (4/10), risorius (6/10), and zygomaticus minor (8/10) were identified in all volunteers. Sex or age effects were not seen (all P > 0.05). There was no facial asymmetry with exception of the zygomaticus major (larger on the left side; P = 0.012). The exploratory examination of 5 patients revealed considerably smaller muscle volumes on the palsy side 2 months after facial injury. One patient with chronic palsy showed substantial muscle volume decrease, which also occurred in another patient with incomplete chronic palsy restricted to the involved facial area. Facial nerve reconstruction led to mixed results of decreased but also increased muscle volumes on the palsy side compared with the healthy side. Conclusions: First systematic quantitative MRI volume measures of 5 different clinical presentations of facial paralysis are provided. PMID:25289366

  12. [Prosopagnosia and facial expression recognition]. (United States)

    Koyama, Shinichi


    This paper reviews clinical neuropsychological studies that have indicated that the recognition of a person's identity and the recognition of facial expressions are processed by different cortical and subcortical areas of the brain. The fusiform gyrus, especially the right fusiform gyrus, plays an important role in the recognition of identity. The superior temporal sulcus, amygdala, and medial frontal cortex play important roles in facial-expression recognition. Both facial recognition and facial-expression recognition are highly intellectual processes that involve several regions of the brain.

  13. MR findings of facial nerve on oblique sagittal MRI using TMJ surface coil: normal vs peripheral facial nerve palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yong Ok; Lee, Myeong Jun; Lee, Chang Joon; Yoo, Jeong Hyun


    To evaluate the findings of normal facial nerve, as seen on oblique sagittal MRI using a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) surface coil, and then to evaluate abnormal findings of peripheral facial nerve palsy. We retrospectively reviewed the MR findings of 20 patients with peripheral facial palsy and 50 normal facial nerves of 36 patients without facial palsy. All underwent oblique sagittal MRI using a T MJ surface coil. We analyzed the course, signal intensity, thickness, location, and degree of enhancement of the facial nerve. According to the angle made by the proximal parotid segment on the axis of the mastoid segment, course was classified as anterior angulation (obtuse and acute, or buckling), straight and posterior angulation. Among 50 normal facial nerves, 24 (48%) were straight, and 23 (46%) demonstrated anterior angulation; 34 (68%) showed iso signal intensity on T1W1. In the group of patients, course on the affected side was either straight (40%) or showed anterior angulation (55%), and signal intensity in 80% of cases was isointense. These findings were similar to those in the normal group, but in patients with post-traumatic or post-operative facial palsy, buckling, of course, appeared. In 12 of 18 facial palsy cases (66.6%) in which contrast materials were administered, a normal facial nerve of the opposite facial canal showed mild enhancement on more than one segment, but on the affected side the facial nerve showed diffuse enhancement in all 14 patients with acute facial palsy. Eleven of these (79%) showed fair or marked enhancement on more than one segment, and in 12 (86%), mild enhancement of the proximal parotid segment was noted. Four of six chronic facial palsy cases (66.6%) showed atrophy of the facial nerve. When oblique sagittal MR images are obtained using a TMJ surface coil, enhancement of the proximal parotid segment of the facial nerve and fair or marked enhancement of at least one segment within the facial canal always suggests pathology of

  14. Facial neuroma masquerading as acoustic neuroma. (United States)

    Sayegh, Eli T; Kaur, Gurvinder; Ivan, Michael E; Bloch, Orin; Cheung, Steven W; Parsa, Andrew T


    Facial nerve neuromas are rare benign tumors that may be initially misdiagnosed as acoustic neuromas when situated near the auditory apparatus. We describe a patient with a large cystic tumor with associated trigeminal, facial, audiovestibular, and brainstem dysfunction, which was suspicious for acoustic neuroma on preoperative neuroimaging. Intraoperative investigation revealed a facial nerve neuroma located in the cerebellopontine angle and internal acoustic canal. Gross total resection of the tumor via retrosigmoid craniotomy was curative. Transection of the facial nerve necessitated facial reanimation 4 months later via hypoglossal-facial cross-anastomosis. Clinicians should recognize the natural history, diagnostic approach, and management of this unusual and mimetic lesion. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Persistent facial pain conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forssell, Heli; Alstergren, Per; Bakke, Merete


    Persistent facial pains, especially temporomandibular disorders (TMD), are common conditions. As dentists are responsible for the treatment of most of these disorders, up-to date knowledge on the latest advances in the field is essential for successful diagnosis and management. The review covers...... TMD, and different neuropathic or putative neuropathic facial pains such as persistent idiopathic facial pain and atypical odontalgia, trigeminal neuralgia and painful posttraumatic trigeminal neuropathy. The article presents an overview of TMD pain as a biopsychosocial condition, its prevalence......, clinical features, consequences, central and peripheral mechanisms, diagnostic criteria (DC/TMD), and principles of management. For each of the neuropathic facial pain entities, the definitions, prevalence, clinical features, and diagnostics are described. The current understanding of the pathophysiology...

  16. Computed tomography in facial trauma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zilkha, A.


    Computed tomography (CT), plain radiography, and conventional tomography were performed on 30 patients with facial trauma. CT demonstrated bone and soft-tissue involvement. In all cases, CT was superior to tomography in the assessment of facial injury. It is suggested that CT follow plain radiography in the evaluation of facial trauma

  17. Facial transplantation surgery introduction. (United States)

    Eun, Seok-Chan


    Severely disfiguring facial injuries can have a devastating impact on the patient's quality of life. During the past decade, vascularized facial allotransplantation has progressed from an experimental possibility to a clinical reality in the fields of disease, trauma, and congenital malformations. This technique may now be considered a viable option for repairing complex craniofacial defects for which the results of autologous reconstruction remain suboptimal. Vascularized facial allotransplantation permits optimal anatomical reconstruction and provides desired functional, esthetic, and psychosocial benefits that are far superior to those achieved with conventional methods. Along with dramatic improvements in their functional statuses, patients regain the ability to make facial expressions such as smiling and to perform various functions such as smelling, eating, drinking, and speaking. The ideas in the 1997 movie "Face/Off" have now been realized in the clinical field. The objective of this article is to introduce this new surgical field, provide a basis for examining the status of the field of face transplantation, and stimulate and enhance facial transplantation studies in Korea.

  18. Facial reanimation with gracilis muscle transfer neurotized to cross-facial nerve graft versus masseteric nerve: a comparative study using the FACIAL CLIMA evaluating system. (United States)

    Hontanilla, Bernardo; Marre, Diego; Cabello, Alvaro


    Longstanding unilateral facial paralysis is best addressed with microneurovascular muscle transplantation. Neurotization can be obtained from the cross-facial or the masseter nerve. The authors present a quantitative comparison of both procedures using the FACIAL CLIMA system. Forty-seven patients with complete unilateral facial paralysis underwent reanimation with a free gracilis transplant neurotized to either a cross-facial nerve graft (group I, n=20) or to the ipsilateral masseteric nerve (group II, n=27). Commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity were measured using the FACIAL CLIMA system. Postoperative intragroup commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity means of the reanimated versus the normal side were first compared using the independent samples t test. Mean percentage of recovery of both parameters were compared between the groups using the independent samples t test. Significant differences of mean commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity between the reanimated side and the normal side were observed in group I (p=0.001 and p=0.014, respectively) but not in group II. Intergroup comparisons showed that both commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity were higher in group II, with significant differences for commissural displacement (p=0.048). Mean percentage of recovery of both parameters was higher in group II, with significant differences for commissural displacement (p=0.042). Free gracilis muscle transfer neurotized by the masseteric nerve is a reliable technique for reanimation of longstanding facial paralysis. Compared with cross-facial nerve graft neurotization, this technique provides better symmetry and a higher degree of recovery. Therapeutic, III.

  19. Are facial injuries really different? An observational cohort study comparing appearance concern and psychological distress in facial trauma and non-facial trauma patients. (United States)

    Rahtz, Emmylou; Bhui, Kamaldeep; Hutchison, Iain; Korszun, Ania


    Facial injuries are widely assumed to lead to stigma and significant psychosocial burden. Experimental studies of face perception support this idea, but there is very little empirical evidence to guide treatment. This study sought to address the gap. Data were collected from 193 patients admitted to hospital following facial or other trauma. Ninety (90) participants were successfully followed up 8 months later. Participants completed measures of appearance concern and psychological distress (post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms). Participants were classified by site of injury (facial or non-facial injury). The overall levels of appearance concern were comparable to those of the general population, and there was no evidence of more appearance concern among people with facial injuries. Women and younger people were significantly more likely to experience appearance concern at baseline. Baseline and 8-month psychological distress, although common in the sample, did not differ according to the site of injury. Changes in appearance concern were, however, strongly associated with psychological distress at follow-up. We conclude that although appearance concern is severe among some people with facial injury, it is not especially different to those with non-facial injuries or the general public; changes in appearance concern, however, appear to correlate with psychological distress. We therefore suggest that interventions might focus on those with heightened appearance concern and should target cognitive bias and psychological distress. Copyright © 2017 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Misrecognition of facial expressions in delinquents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matsuura Naomi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Previous reports have suggested impairment in facial expression recognition in delinquents, but controversy remains with respect to how such recognition is impaired. To address this issue, we investigated facial expression recognition in delinquents in detail. Methods We tested 24 male adolescent/young adult delinquents incarcerated in correctional facilities. We compared their performances with those of 24 age- and gender-matched control participants. Using standard photographs of facial expressions illustrating six basic emotions, participants matched each emotional facial expression with an appropriate verbal label. Results Delinquents were less accurate in the recognition of facial expressions that conveyed disgust than were control participants. The delinquents misrecognized the facial expressions of disgust as anger more frequently than did controls. Conclusion These results suggest that one of the underpinnings of delinquency might be impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions, with a specific bias toward interpreting disgusted expressions as hostile angry expressions.

  1. Peripheral facial palsy in children. (United States)

    Yılmaz, Unsal; Cubukçu, Duygu; Yılmaz, Tuba Sevim; Akıncı, Gülçin; Ozcan, Muazzez; Güzel, Orkide


    The aim of this study is to evaluate the types and clinical characteristics of peripheral facial palsy in children. The hospital charts of children diagnosed with peripheral facial palsy were reviewed retrospectively. A total of 81 children (42 female and 39 male) with a mean age of 9.2 ± 4.3 years were included in the study. Causes of facial palsy were 65 (80.2%) idiopathic (Bell palsy) facial palsy, 9 (11.1%) otitis media/mastoiditis, and tumor, trauma, congenital facial palsy, chickenpox, Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, enlarged lymph nodes, and familial Mediterranean fever (each 1; 1.2%). Five (6.1%) patients had recurrent attacks. In patients with Bell palsy, female/male and right/left ratios were 36/29 and 35/30, respectively. Of them, 31 (47.7%) had a history of preceding infection. The overall rate of complete recovery was 98.4%. A wide variety of disorders can present with peripheral facial palsy in children. Therefore, careful investigation and differential diagnosis is essential. © The Author(s) 2013.

  2. Facial expressions and pair bonds in hylobatids. (United States)

    Florkiewicz, Brittany; Skollar, Gabriella; Reichard, Ulrich H


    Facial expressions are an important component of primate communication that functions to transmit social information and modulate intentions and motivations. Chimpanzees and macaques, for example, produce a variety of facial expressions when communicating with conspecifics. Hylobatids also produce various facial expressions; however, the origin and function of these facial expressions are still largely unclear. It has been suggested that larger facial expression repertoires may have evolved in the context of social complexity, but this link has yet to be tested at a broader empirical basis. The social complexity hypothesis offers a possible explanation for the evolution of complex communicative signals such as facial expressions, because as the complexity of an individual's social environment increases so does the need for communicative signals. We used an intraspecies, pair-focused study design to test the link between facial expressions and sociality within hylobatids, specifically the strength of pair-bonds. The current study compared 206 hr of video and 103 hr of focal animal data for ten hylobatid pairs from three genera (Nomascus, Hoolock, and Hylobates) living at the Gibbon Conservation Center. Using video footage, we explored 5,969 facial expressions along three dimensions: repertoire use, repertoire breadth, and facial expression synchrony [FES]. We then used focal animal data to compare dimensions of facial expressiveness to pair bond strength and behavioral synchrony. Hylobatids in our study overlapped in only half of their facial expressions (50%) with the only other detailed, quantitative study of hylobatid facial expressions, while 27 facial expressions were uniquely observed in our study animals. Taken together, hylobatids have a large facial expression repertoire of at least 80 unique facial expressions. Contrary to our prediction, facial repertoire composition was not significantly correlated with pair bond strength, rates of territorial synchrony

  3. Facial talon cusps.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McNamara, T


    This is a report of two patients with isolated facial talon cusps. One occurred on a permanent mandibular central incisor; the other on a permanent maxillary canine. The locations of these talon cusps suggests that the definition of a talon cusp include teeth in addition to the incisor group and be extended to include the facial aspect of teeth.

  4. Imaging the Facial Nerve: A Contemporary Review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, S.; Roehm, P.C.; Mends, F.; Hagiwara, M.; Fatterpekar, G.


    Imaging plays a critical role in the evaluation of a number of facial nerve disorders. The facial nerve has a complex anatomical course; thus, a thorough understanding of the course of the facial nerve is essential to localize the sites of pathology. Facial nerve dysfunction can occur from a variety of causes, which can often be identified on imaging. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are helpful for identifying bony facial canal and soft tissue abnormalities, respectively. Ultrasound of the facial nerve has been used to predict functional outcomes in patients with Bell’s palsy. More recently, diffusion tensor tractography has appeared as a new modality which allows three-dimensional display of facial nerve fibers

  5. Facial nerve palsy due to birth trauma (United States)

    Seventh cranial nerve palsy due to birth trauma; Facial palsy - birth trauma; Facial palsy - neonate; Facial palsy - infant ... An infant's facial nerve is also called the seventh cranial nerve. It can be damaged just before or at the time of delivery. ...

  6. Electrical and transcranial magnetic stimulation of the facial nerve: diagnostic relevance in acute isolated facial nerve palsy. (United States)

    Happe, Svenja; Bunten, Sabine


    Unilateral facial weakness is common. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allows identification of a conduction failure at the level of the canalicular portion of the facial nerve and may help to confirm the diagnosis. We retrospectively analyzed 216 patients with the diagnosis of peripheral facial palsy. The electrophysiological investigations included the blink reflex, preauricular electrical stimulation and the response to TMS at the labyrinthine part of the canalicular proportion of the facial nerve within 3 days after symptom onset. A similar reduction or loss of the TMS amplitude (p facial palsy without being specific for Bell's palsy. These data shed light on the TMS-based diagnosis of peripheral facial palsy, an ability to localize the site of lesion within the Fallopian channel regardless of the underlying pathology. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  7. Lo que no te contaron de las fracturas de fémur. [What nobody told you about femur fractures.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Alejandro Ricciardi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo relaciona  la bibliografía con la experiencia de nuestros cirujanos  para afrontar  dificultades con un  instrumental defectuoso en el tratamiento de fracturas de fémur con osteosíntesis endomedulares y estimar la existencia de un canal de reclamo. Objetivos 1.Enumerar inconvenientes técnicos presentados en cirugías de fémur. 3. Comparar  diferentes centros y problemas afrontados. 4. Estimar canales de reclamo. Material y Métodos 1: Estudio retrospectivo observacional descriptivo sobre las historias clínicas y archivo radiológico de nuestra institución. 2: Encuesta on-line enviada a traumatólogos generales. 3: Consulta con ANMAT, IRAM, Ministerio de Salud de la ciudad y la Nación. Resultados: 1. 31 pacientes con fracturas de fémur tratados con osteosíntesis endomedulares entre enero de 2008 a agosto de 2013. Se documentaron 19 casos de fallas o defectos del instrumental de colocación en 15 pacientes. Los problemas más frecuentes fueron las guías y las mechas. 3. 270 respuestas. 19 provincias nacionales. Respuestas de Colombia, Ecuador, Italia, Australia y Bolivia. Se obtuvieron 180 respuestas de centros privados y 90 de centros públicos. 4. 4 vías de reclamo: ANMAT bajo el programa de Tecnovigilancia, IRAM por el incumplimiento de las Normas ISO 9001, Ministerio de Salud por incumplimiento de la resolución 255 y por incumplimiento de la Ley Básica de Salud 153 Art. 12 (ítem k y l y AAOT, en la subcomisión de Implantes. Conclusión Queda explicita la diferencia entre hospitales públicos y centros privados donde en estos últimos las estadísticas fueron favorables. El medio laboral solo definió prevalencia de inconvenientes técnicos pero los tipos de inconvenientes fueron los mismos. Existen formas y recursos para denunciar y enfrentar esta problemática.

  8. Evaluación del trabajo esencial de fractura en chapa de un acero de alta resistencia de fase dual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gutiérrez, D.


    Full Text Available Fracture toughness of advanced high strength steels (AHSS, can be used to optimize crash behavior of structural components. However it cannot be readily measured in metal sheet because of the sheet thickness. In this work, the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF methodology is proposed to evaluate the fracture toughness of metal sheets. It has been successfully applied in polymers films and some metal sheets. However, their information about the applicability of this methodology to AHSS is relatively scarce. In the present work the fracture toughness of a Dual Phase (strength of 800 MPa and drawing steel sheets has been measured by means of the EWF. The results show that the test requirements are met and also show the clear influence of notch radii on the measured values, specially for the AHSS grade. Thus, the EWF is postulated as a methodology to evaluate the fracture toughness in AHSS sheets.

    La tenacidad de fractura de aceros de alta resistencia (AHSS, es una propiedad interesante para optimizar el comportamiento a impacto, pero su caracterización experimental en chapas metálicas es compleja debido a su espesor. En este trabajo se plantea el método del Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (TEF, como alternativa al cálculo de la tenacidad. Este método ya ha sido utilizado con éxito en polímeros y aceros dúctiles, aunque la información sobre su aplicación en AHSS es escasa. Se ha evaluado la tenacidad en un acero de fase dual de 800 MPa de resistencia y se ha comparado con la de un acero de embutición. Los resultados muestran que se cumplen los requisitos del método y ponen en evidencia la influencia del radio de entalla en el valor obtenido de TEF, especialmente para AHSS. Con todo ello, el método TEF se puede usar para caracterizar la tenacidad de AHSS en formato chapa.

  9. Facial Muscle Coordination in Monkeys During Rhythmic Facial Expressions and Ingestive Movements (United States)

    Shepherd, Stephen V.; Lanzilotto, Marco; Ghazanfar, Asif A.


    Evolutionary hypotheses regarding the origins of communication signals generally, and primate orofacial communication signals in particular, suggest that these signals derive by ritualization of noncommunicative behaviors, notably including ingestive behaviors such as chewing and nursing. These theories are appealing in part because of the prominent periodicities in both types of behavior. Despite their intuitive appeal, however, there are little or no data with which to evaluate these theories because the coordination of muscles innervated by the facial nucleus has not been carefully compared between communicative and ingestive movements. Such data are especially crucial for reconciling neurophysiological assumptions regarding facial motor control in communication and ingestion. We here address this gap by contrasting the coordination of facial muscles during different types of rhythmic orofacial behavior in macaque monkeys, finding that the perioral muscles innervated by the facial nucleus are rhythmically coordinated during lipsmacks and that this coordination appears distinct from that observed during ingestion. PMID:22553017

  10. Uso de concentrados autólogos de plaquetas como tratamiento de una fractura escapular y una lesión del plexo braquial producidas por un disparo en un caballo Use of autologous platelet concentrates as treatment for a scapular fracture and brachial plexus nerve injury produced by a gunshot in a horse


    C López; JU Carmona; I Samudio


    Las heridas de bala han sido escasamente descritas en caballos. Los disparos a corta distancia suelen producir daños en tejidos blandos y fracturas conminutas. Un caso de una fractura conminuta del cuello de la escápula con lesión aguda del plexo braquial producida por una bala de 9 mm en un semental de seis años de edad es descrito. El paciente fue tratado con éxito mediante la combinación de desbridamiento quirúrgico de la región afectada e inyección local de varias dosis de concentrados au...

  11. Facial Action Units Recognition: A Comparative Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Popa, M.C.; Rothkrantz, L.J.M.; Wiggers, P.; Braspenning, R.A.C.; Shan, C.


    Many approaches to facial expression recognition focus on assessing the six basic emotions (anger, disgust, happiness, fear, sadness, and surprise). Real-life situations proved to produce many more subtle facial expressions. A reliable way of analyzing the facial behavior is the Facial Action Coding

  12. Pediatric facial injuries: It's management. (United States)

    Singh, Geeta; Mohammad, Shadab; Pal, U S; Hariram; Malkunje, Laxman R; Singh, Nimisha


    Facial injuries in children always present a challenge in respect of their diagnosis and management. Since these children are of a growing age every care should be taken so that later the overall growth pattern of the facial skeleton in these children is not jeopardized. To access the most feasible method for the management of facial injuries in children without hampering the facial growth. Sixty child patients with facial trauma were selected randomly for this study. On the basis of examination and investigations a suitable management approach involving rest and observation, open or closed reduction and immobilization, trans-osseous (TO) wiring, mini bone plate fixation, splinting and replantation, elevation and fixation of zygoma, etc. were carried out. In our study fall was the predominant cause for most of the facial injuries in children. There was a 1.09% incidence of facial injuries in children up to 16 years of age amongst the total patients. The age-wise distribution of the fracture amongst groups (I, II and III) was found to be 26.67%, 51.67% and 21.67% respectively. Male to female patient ratio was 3:1. The majority of the cases of facial injuries were seen in Group II patients (6-11 years) i.e. 51.67%. The mandibular fracture was found to be the most common fracture (0.60%) followed by dentoalveolar (0.27%), mandibular + midface (0.07) and midface (0.02%) fractures. Most of the mandibular fractures were found in the parasymphysis region. Simple fracture seems to be commonest in the mandible. Most of the mandibular and midface fractures in children were amenable to conservative therapies except a few which required surgical intervention.

  13. Performance-driven facial animation: basic research on human judgments of emotional state in facial avatars. (United States)

    Rizzo, A A; Neumann, U; Enciso, R; Fidaleo, D; Noh, J Y


    Virtual reality is rapidly evolving into a pragmatically usable technology for mental health (MH) applications. As the underlying enabling technologies continue to evolve and allow us to design more useful and usable structural virtual environments (VEs), the next important challenge will involve populating these environments with virtual representations of humans (avatars). This will be vital to create mental health VEs that leverage the use of avatars for applications that require human-human interaction and communication. As Alessi et al.1 pointed out at the 8th Annual Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference (MMVR8), virtual humans have mainly appeared in MH applications to "serve the role of props, rather than humans." More believable avatars inhabiting VEs would open up possibilities for MH applications that address social interaction, communication, instruction, assessment, and rehabilitation issues. They could also serve to enhance realism that might in turn promote the experience of presence in VR. Additionally, it will soon be possible to use computer-generated avatars that serve to provide believable dynamic facial and bodily representations of individuals communicating from a distance in real time. This could support the delivery, in shared virtual environments, of more natural human interaction styles, similar to what is used in real life between people. These techniques could enhance communication and interaction by leveraging our natural sensing and perceiving capabilities and offer the potential to model human-computer-human interaction after human-human interaction. To enhance the authenticity of virtual human representations, advances in the rendering of facial and gestural behaviors that support implicit communication will be needed. In this regard, the current paper presents data from a study that compared human raters' judgments of emotional expression between actual video clips of facial expressions and identical expressions rendered on a

  14. Virtual 3-D Facial Reconstruction

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    Martin Paul Evison


    Full Text Available Facial reconstructions in archaeology allow empathy with people who lived in the past and enjoy considerable popularity with the public. It is a common misconception that facial reconstruction will produce an exact likeness; a resemblance is the best that can be hoped for. Research at Sheffield University is aimed at the development of a computer system for facial reconstruction that will be accurate, rapid, repeatable, accessible and flexible. This research is described and prototypical 3-D facial reconstructions are presented. Interpolation models simulating obesity, ageing and ethnic affiliation are also described. Some strengths and weaknesses in the models, and their potential for application in archaeology are discussed.

  15. Facial Baroparesis Caused by Scuba Diving

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    Daisuke Kamide


    tympanic membrane and right facial palsy without other neurological findings. But facial palsy was disappeared immediately after myringotomy. We considered that the etiology of this case was neuropraxia of facial nerve in middle ear caused by over pressure of middle ear.

  16. Botulinum Toxin (Botox) for Facial Wrinkles (United States)

    ... Stories Español Eye Health / Eye Health A-Z Botulinum Toxin (Botox) for Facial Wrinkles Sections Botulinum Toxin (Botox) ... Facial Wrinkles How Does Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Work? Botulinum Toxin (Botox) for Facial Wrinkles Leer en Español: La ...

  17. High-intensity facial nerve lesions on T2-weighted images in chronic persistent facial nerve palsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, T. [Dept. of Radiology, Sendai City Hospital, Sendai (Japan); Dept. of Radiology, Tottori Univ. (Japan); Ishii, K. [Dept. of Radiology, Sendai City Hospital, Sendai (Japan); Okitsu, T. [Dept. of Otolaryngology, Sendai City Hospital (Japan); Ogawa, T. [Dept. of Radiology, Tottori Univ. (Japan); Okudera, T. [Dept. of Radiology, Research Inst. of Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita, Akita (Japan)


    Our aim was to estimate the value of MRI in detecting irreversibly paralysed facial nerves. We examined 95 consecutive patients with a facial nerve palsy (14 with a persistent palsy, and 81 with good recovery), using a 1.0 T unit, with T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. The geniculate ganglion and tympanic segment had gave high signal on T2-weighted images in the chronic stage of persistent palsy, but not in acute palsy. The enhancement pattern of the facial nerve in the chronic persistent facial nerve palsy is similar to that in the acute palsy with good recovery. These findings suggest that T2-weighted MRI can be used to show severely damaged facial nerves. (orig.)

  18. Operant conditioning of facial displays of pain. (United States)

    Kunz, Miriam; Rainville, Pierre; Lautenbacher, Stefan


    The operant model of chronic pain posits that nonverbal pain behavior, such as facial expressions, is sensitive to reinforcement, but experimental evidence supporting this assumption is sparse. The aim of the present study was to investigate in a healthy population a) whether facial pain behavior can indeed be operantly conditioned using a discriminative reinforcement schedule to increase and decrease facial pain behavior and b) to what extent these changes affect pain experience indexed by self-ratings. In the experimental group (n = 29), the participants were reinforced every time that they showed pain-indicative facial behavior (up-conditioning) or a neutral expression (down-conditioning) in response to painful heat stimulation. Once facial pain behavior was successfully up- or down-conditioned, respectively (which occurred in 72% of participants), facial pain displays and self-report ratings were assessed. In addition, a control group (n = 11) was used that was yoked to the reinforcement plans of the experimental group. During the conditioning phases, reinforcement led to significant changes in facial pain behavior in the majority of the experimental group (p .136). Fine-grained analyses of facial muscle movements revealed a similar picture. Furthermore, the decline in facial pain displays (as observed during down-conditioning) strongly predicted changes in pain ratings (R(2) = 0.329). These results suggest that a) facial pain displays are sensitive to reinforcement and b) that changes in facial pain displays can affect self-report ratings.

  19. Reconocimiento facial


    Urtiaga Abad, Juan Alfonso


    El presente proyecto trata sobre uno de los campos más problemáticos de la inteligencia artificial, el reconocimiento facial. Algo tan sencillo para las personas como es reconocer una cara conocida se traduce en complejos algoritmos y miles de datos procesados en cuestión de segundos. El proyecto comienza con un estudio del estado del arte de las diversas técnicas de reconocimiento facial, desde las más utilizadas y probadas como el PCA y el LDA, hasta técnicas experimentales que utilizan ...

  20. Facial Displays Are Tools for Social Influence. (United States)

    Crivelli, Carlos; Fridlund, Alan J


    Based on modern theories of signal evolution and animal communication, the behavioral ecology view of facial displays (BECV) reconceives our 'facial expressions of emotion' as social tools that serve as lead signs to contingent action in social negotiation. BECV offers an externalist, functionalist view of facial displays that is not bound to Western conceptions about either expressions or emotions. It easily accommodates recent findings of diversity in facial displays, their public context-dependency, and the curious but common occurrence of solitary facial behavior. Finally, BECV restores continuity of human facial behavior research with modern functional accounts of non-human communication, and provides a non-mentalistic account of facial displays well-suited to new developments in artificial intelligence and social robotics. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  1. Does facial resemblance enhance cooperation?

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    Trang Giang

    Full Text Available Facial self-resemblance has been proposed to serve as a kinship cue that facilitates cooperation between kin. In the present study, facial resemblance was manipulated by morphing stimulus faces with the participants' own faces or control faces (resulting in self-resemblant or other-resemblant composite faces. A norming study showed that the perceived degree of kinship was higher for the participants and the self-resemblant composite faces than for actual first-degree relatives. Effects of facial self-resemblance on trust and cooperation were tested in a paradigm that has proven to be sensitive to facial trustworthiness, facial likability, and facial expression. First, participants played a cooperation game in which the composite faces were shown. Then, likability ratings were assessed. In a source memory test, participants were required to identify old and new faces, and were asked to remember whether the faces belonged to cooperators or cheaters in the cooperation game. Old-new recognition was enhanced for self-resemblant faces in comparison to other-resemblant faces. However, facial self-resemblance had no effects on the degree of cooperation in the cooperation game, on the emotional evaluation of the faces as reflected in the likability judgments, and on the expectation that a face belonged to a cooperator rather than to a cheater. Therefore, the present results are clearly inconsistent with the assumption of an evolved kin recognition module built into the human face recognition system.

  2. Facial skin care products and cosmetics. (United States)

    Draelos, Zoe Diana


    Facial skin care products and cosmetics can both aid or incite facial dermatoses. Properly selected skin care can create an environment for barrier repair aiding in the re-establishment of a healing biofilm and diminution of facial redness; however, skin care products that aggressively remove intercellular lipids or cause irritation must be eliminated before the red face will resolve. Cosmetics are an additive variable either aiding or challenging facial skin health. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Pseudotumoural hypertrophic neuritis of the facial nerve


    Zanoletti, E; Mazzoni, A; Barbò, R


    In a retrospective study of our cases of recurrent paralysis of the facial nerve of tumoural and non-tumoural origin, a tumour-like lesion of the intra-temporal course of the facial nerve, mimicking facial nerve schwannoma, was found and investigated in 4 cases. This was defined as, pseudotumoral hypertrophic neuritis of the facial nerve. The picture was one of recurrent acute facial palsy with incomplete recovery and imaging of a benign tumour. It was different from the well-known recurrent ...

  4. Imaging of the facial nerve

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veillon, F. [Service de Radiologie I, Hopital de Hautepierre, 67098 Strasbourg Cedex (France)], E-mail:; Ramos-Taboada, L.; Abu-Eid, M. [Service de Radiologie I, Hopital de Hautepierre, 67098 Strasbourg Cedex (France); Charpiot, A. [Service d' ORL, Hopital de Hautepierre, 67098 Strasbourg Cedex (France); Riehm, S. [Service de Radiologie I, Hopital de Hautepierre, 67098 Strasbourg Cedex (France)


    The facial nerve is responsible for the motor innervation of the face. It has a visceral motor function (lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual glands and secretion of the nose); it conveys a great part of the taste fibers, participates to the general sensory of the auricle (skin of the concha) and the wall of the external auditory meatus. The facial mimic, production of tears, nasal flow and salivation all depend on the facial nerve. In order to image the facial nerve it is mandatory to be knowledgeable about its normal anatomy including the course of its efferent and afferent fibers and about relevant technical considerations regarding CT and MR to be able to achieve high-resolution images of the nerve.

  5. Forensic Facial Reconstruction: The Final Frontier. (United States)

    Gupta, Sonia; Gupta, Vineeta; Vij, Hitesh; Vij, Ruchieka; Tyagi, Nutan


    Forensic facial reconstruction can be used to identify unknown human remains when other techniques fail. Through this article, we attempt to review the different methods of facial reconstruction reported in literature. There are several techniques of doing facial reconstruction, which vary from two dimensional drawings to three dimensional clay models. With the advancement in 3D technology, a rapid, efficient and cost effective computerized 3D forensic facial reconstruction method has been developed which has brought down the degree of error previously encountered. There are several methods of manual facial reconstruction but the combination Manchester method has been reported to be the best and most accurate method for the positive recognition of an individual. Recognition allows the involved government agencies to make a list of suspected victims'. This list can then be narrowed down and a positive identification may be given by the more conventional method of forensic medicine. Facial reconstruction allows visual identification by the individual's family and associates to become easy and more definite.

  6. Magnetic resonance imaging of facial muscles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farrugia, M.E. [Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford (United Kingdom)], E-mail:; Bydder, G.M. [Department of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, CA 92103-8226 (United States); Francis, J.M.; Robson, M.D. [OCMR, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford (United Kingdom)


    Facial and tongue muscles are commonly involved in patients with neuromuscular disorders. However, these muscles are not as easily accessible for biopsy and pathological examination as limb muscles. We have previously investigated myasthenia gravis patients with MuSK antibodies for facial and tongue muscle atrophy using different magnetic resonance imaging sequences, including ultrashort echo time techniques and image analysis tools that allowed us to obtain quantitative assessments of facial muscles. This imaging study had shown that facial muscle measurement is possible and that useful information can be obtained using a quantitative approach. In this paper we aim to review in detail the methods that we applied to our study, to enable clinicians to study these muscles within the domain of neuromuscular disease, oncological or head and neck specialties. Quantitative assessment of the facial musculature may be of value in improving the understanding of pathological processes occurring within facial muscles in certain neuromuscular disorders.

  7. Magnetic resonance imaging of facial muscles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrugia, M.E.; Bydder, G.M.; Francis, J.M.; Robson, M.D.


    Facial and tongue muscles are commonly involved in patients with neuromuscular disorders. However, these muscles are not as easily accessible for biopsy and pathological examination as limb muscles. We have previously investigated myasthenia gravis patients with MuSK antibodies for facial and tongue muscle atrophy using different magnetic resonance imaging sequences, including ultrashort echo time techniques and image analysis tools that allowed us to obtain quantitative assessments of facial muscles. This imaging study had shown that facial muscle measurement is possible and that useful information can be obtained using a quantitative approach. In this paper we aim to review in detail the methods that we applied to our study, to enable clinicians to study these muscles within the domain of neuromuscular disease, oncological or head and neck specialties. Quantitative assessment of the facial musculature may be of value in improving the understanding of pathological processes occurring within facial muscles in certain neuromuscular disorders

  8. Determinación de las propiedades mecánicas y mecanismos de fractura de electrolitos soportados de YSZ y GDC mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada

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    Segarra, M.


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the different mechanical properties and the different fracture mechanisms activated during the intrumented indentation process of the electrolytes based on yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ and gadolinia doped ceria (GDC, for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs. Both materials, with a thickness of 200 μm, were shaped by uniaxial pressing at 500 MPa, and sintered at 1400ºC. Mechanical properties such as hardness (H and Young’s modulus (E have been studied at different penetration depths using the Oliver and Pharr equations. The different fracture mechanisms activated during the instrumented indentation process have been studied at constant penetration depth of 500 nm, performed with a diamond Berkovich tip indenter. The residual indentation imprints have been observed with atomic force microscopy (AFM. The hardness and Young’s modulus for YSZ electrolytes are higher than for GDC materials, due to the different fracture mechanism activated during the indentation process. As a result, the electrolytes of YSZ presented trans- and intergranular fracture mechanisms, depending on the place of the residual indentation imprint (in the grain boundary or in the middle of the grain, respectively. However, the GDC electrolyte revealed radical cracks at the corners of the residual nanoindentation imprints, thus producing a phenomenon known as chipping.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades mecánicas, así como los diferentes mecanismos de fractura activados mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada, de electrolitos basados en circona estabilizada con itria (“yttria stabilized zirconia”,YSZ y ceria dopada con gadolinia (“gadolinia doped ceria”, GDC, para pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, SOFCs. Ambos materiales, con un espesor final de 200 μm, se conformaron mediante prensado uniaxial a 500 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1400ºC. Propiedades mecánicas tales

  9. Perceived functional impact of abnormal facial appearance. (United States)

    Rankin, Marlene; Borah, Gregory L


    Functional facial deformities are usually described as those that impair respiration, eating, hearing, or speech. Yet facial scars and cutaneous deformities have a significant negative effect on social functionality that has been poorly documented in the scientific literature. Insurance companies are declining payments for reconstructive surgical procedures for facial deformities caused by congenital disabilities and after cancer or trauma operations that do not affect mechanical facial activity. The purpose of this study was to establish a large, sample-based evaluation of the perceived social functioning, interpersonal characteristics, and employability indices for a range of facial appearances (normal and abnormal). Adult volunteer evaluators (n = 210) provided their subjective perceptions based on facial physical appearance, and an analysis of the consequences of facial deformity on parameters of preferential treatment was performed. A two-group comparative research design rated the differences among 10 examples of digitally altered facial photographs of actual patients among various age and ethnic groups with "normal" and "abnormal" congenital deformities or posttrauma scars. Photographs of adult patients with observable congenital and posttraumatic deformities (abnormal) were digitally retouched to eliminate the stigmatic defects (normal). The normal and abnormal photographs of identical patients were evaluated by the large sample study group on nine parameters of social functioning, such as honesty, employability, attractiveness, and effectiveness, using a visual analogue rating scale. Patients with abnormal facial characteristics were rated as significantly less honest (p = 0.007), less employable (p = 0.001), less trustworthy (p = 0.01), less optimistic (p = 0.001), less effective (p = 0.02), less capable (p = 0.002), less intelligent (p = 0.03), less popular (p = 0.001), and less attractive (p = 0.001) than were the same patients with normal facial

  10. Possibilities of pfysiotherapy in facial nerve paresis


    ZIFČÁKOVÁ, Šárka


    The bachelor thesis addresses paresis of the facial nerve. The facial nerve paresis is a rather common illness, which cannot be often cured without consequences despite all the modern treatments. The paresis of the facial nerve occurs in two forms, central and peripheral. A central paresis is a result of a lesion located above the motor nucleus of the facial nerve. A peripheral paresis is caused by a lesion located either in the location of the motor nucleus or in the course of the facial ner...

  11. Facial colliculus syndrome

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    Rupinderjeet Kaur


    Full Text Available A male patient presented with horizontal diplopia and conjugate gaze palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI revealed acute infarct in right facial colliculus which is an anatomical elevation on the dorsal aspect of Pons. This elevation is due the 6th cranial nerve nucleus and the motor fibres of facial nerve which loop dorsal to this nucleus. Anatomical correlation of the clinical symptoms is also depicted in this report.

  12. Cranio-facial clefts in pre-hispanic America. (United States)

    Marius-Nunez, A L; Wasiak, D T


    Among the representations of congenital malformations in Moche ceramic art, cranio-facial clefts have been portrayed in pottery found in Moche burials. These pottery vessels were used as domestic items during lifetime and funerary offerings upon death. The aim of this study was to examine archeological evidence for representations of cranio-facial cleft malformations in Moche vessels. Pottery depicting malformations of the midface in Moche collections in Lima-Peru were studied. The malformations portrayed on pottery were analyzed using the Tessier classification. Photographs were authorized by the Larco Museo.Three vessels were observed to have median cranio-facial dysraphia in association with midline cleft of the lower lip with cleft of the mandible. ML001489 portrays a median cranio-facial dysraphia with an orbital cleft and a midline cleft of the lower lip extending to the mandible. ML001514 represents a median facial dysraphia in association with an orbital facial cleft and a vertical orbital dystopia. ML001491 illustrates a median facial cleft with a soft tissue cleft. Three cases of midline, orbital and lateral facial clefts have been portrayed in Moche full-figure portrait vessels. They represent the earliest registries of congenital cranio-facial malformations in ancient Peru. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. [Surgical treatment in otogenic facial nerve palsy]. (United States)

    Feng, Guo-Dong; Gao, Zhi-Qiang; Zhai, Meng-Yao; Lü, Wei; Qi, Fang; Jiang, Hong; Zha, Yang; Shen, Peng


    To study the character of facial nerve palsy due to four different auris diseases including chronic otitis media, Hunt syndrome, tumor and physical or chemical factors, and to discuss the principles of the surgical management of otogenic facial nerve palsy. The clinical characters of 24 patients with otogenic facial nerve palsy because of the four different auris diseases were retrospectively analyzed, all the cases were performed surgical management from October 1991 to March 2007. Facial nerve function was evaluated with House-Brackmann (HB) grading system. The 24 patients including 10 males and 14 females were analysis, of whom 12 cases due to cholesteatoma, 3 cases due to chronic otitis media, 3 cases due to Hunt syndrome, 2 cases resulted from acute otitis media, 2 cases due to physical or chemical factors and 2 cases due to tumor. All cases were treated with operations included facial nerve decompression, lesion resection with facial nerve decompression and lesion resection without facial nerve decompression, 1 patient's facial nerve was resected because of the tumor. According to HB grade system, I degree recovery was attained in 4 cases, while II degree in 10 cases, III degree in 6 cases, IV degree in 2 cases, V degree in 2 cases and VI degree in 1 case. Removing the lesions completely was the basic factor to the surgery of otogenic facial palsy, moreover, it was important to have facial nerve decompression soon after lesion removal.

  14. Obtención de la tenacidad de fractura dinámica de iniciación de materiales elásticos y lineales

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    Fernández-Sáez, José


    Full Text Available The need to guarantee the structural integrity of key mechanical and structural components require the use of the damage tolerant concepts in their design, and the fracture properties of the material must be known in actual operations conditions. The behaviour of components subjected to dynamic loads is very different from that under static loads: the existence of inertial forces and the strain rate may affect the properties of the material. This works aims to present the experimental techniques most commonly used to determine the dynamic fracture properties of linear elastic materials, as well as the analytical and numerical tools used to interpret the experiments.

    La necesidad de garantizar la integridad de componentes mecánicos y estructurales de gran responsabilidad obliga a utilizar conceptos de tolerancia al daño en su diseño, para lo cual es necesario conocer las propiedades de fractura del material en las condiciones reales de operación. Cuando los componentes en estudio están sometidos a cargas dinámicas, su comportamiento, en comparación con el que tendría en condiciones estáticas, presenta importantes diferencias: la presencia de fuerzas de inercia y la posible influencia de la velocidad de deformación en las propiedades del material. El propósito de este trabajo es exponer las técnicas experimentales más utilizadas para la determinación de las propiedades de fractura de los materiales elásticos y lineales en condiciones dinámicas, así como de las herramientas analíticas y numéricas necesarias para la interpretación de los correspondientes ensayos.

  15. Experimental-numerical analysis of the fracture mechanic in polymeric materials; Analisis numerico-experimental de la mecanica de la fractura en materiales polimeros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beltran Fernandez, Juan Alfonso; Hernandez Gomez, Luis H; Urriolagoitia Calderon, Guillermo; Villa y Rabasa, Gabriel; Rodriguez, Gustavo Ricardo; Mendoza Nunez, Maribel A [Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Zacatenco (Mexico)


    In this piece of work some fracture testings on specimens with a lateral fracture are made to analyze the resultant stress state around of the tip of the fracture and the way in which the strength of the material is modified to get the fracture toughness, to the load mode I. Also, it is explained the way in which mechanic properties were got in the Polymetil-Methacylate, (PMMA), such as: modulus of elasticity, maximum tensile stress, yielding stress and stress-unitary strain, stress-rate and strain-rate curves, throughout of the carry out of the tensile testing. With the objective to know the real mechanical behavior with the initial loading conditions established and different testing velocities. All and each one of the results are calculated experimental and numerically and validated throughout of the finite element method, using the software ANSYS 5.5.3. [Spanish] En este trabajo se efectuan pruebas de fractura en especimenes con una grieta lateral, para analizar el estado de esfuerzos resultantes alrededor de la punta de la grieta y la forma en que se afecta la resistencia del material a fin de obtener la tenacidad de fractura para el modo de carga I. Ademas, se explica la forma como se obtienen las propiedades mecanicas en el polimetil metacrilato (PMMA), tales como: modulo de elasticidad, esfuerzo normal maximo, esfuerzo de cadencia y las curvas esfuerzo-deformacion unitaria, esfuerzo-tiempo (stress-rate) y deformacion-tiempo (strain-rate), a traves de la realizacion de la prueba de tension. Se busca conocer el comportamiento mecanico real ante las condiciones de carga establecidas y a distintas velocidades de prueba. Todo y cada uno de los resultados se efectuan de manera experimental y son evaluados numericamente a traves del metodo del elemento finito, con el programa ANSYS 5.5.3.

  16. Facial identity and facial expression are initially integrated at visual perceptual stages of face processing. (United States)

    Fisher, Katie; Towler, John; Eimer, Martin


    It is frequently assumed that facial identity and facial expression are analysed in functionally and anatomically distinct streams within the core visual face processing system. To investigate whether expression and identity interact during the visual processing of faces, we employed a sequential matching procedure where participants compared either the identity or the expression of two successively presented faces, and ignored the other irrelevant dimension. Repetitions versus changes of facial identity and expression were varied independently across trials, and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during task performance. Irrelevant facial identity and irrelevant expression both interfered with performance in the expression and identity matching tasks. These symmetrical interference effects show that neither identity nor expression can be selectively ignored during face matching, and suggest that they are not processed independently. N250r components to identity repetitions that reflect identity matching mechanisms in face-selective visual cortex were delayed and attenuated when there was an expression change, demonstrating that facial expression interferes with visual identity matching. These findings provide new evidence for interactions between facial identity and expression within the core visual processing system, and question the hypothesis that these two attributes are processed independently. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Perceptually Valid Facial Expressions for Character-Based Applications

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    Ali Arya


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the problem of creating facial expression of mixed emotions in a perceptually valid way. The research has been done in the context of a “game-like” health and education applications aimed at studying social competency and facial expression awareness in autistic children as well as native language learning, but the results can be applied to many other applications such as games with need for dynamic facial expressions or tools for automating the creation of facial animations. Most existing methods for creating facial expressions of mixed emotions use operations like averaging to create the combined effect of two universal emotions. Such methods may be mathematically justifiable but are not necessarily valid from a perceptual point of view. The research reported here starts by user experiments aiming at understanding how people combine facial actions to express mixed emotions, and how the viewers perceive a set of facial actions in terms of underlying emotions. Using the results of these experiments and a three-dimensional emotion model, we associate facial actions to dimensions and regions in the emotion space, and create a facial expression based on the location of the mixed emotion in the three-dimensional space. We call these regionalized facial actions “facial expression units.”

  18. Intraoperative facial motor evoked potentials monitoring with transcranial electrical stimulation for preservation of facial nerve function in patients with large acoustic neuroma

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIU Bai-yun; TIAN Yong-ji; LIU Wen; LIU Shu-ling; QIAO Hui; ZHANG Jun-ting; JIA Gui-jun


    Background Although various monitoring techniques have been used routinely in the treatment of the lesions in the skull base, iatrogenic facial paresis or paralysis remains a significant clinical problem. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of intraoperative facial motor evoked potentials monitoring with transcranial electrical stimulation on preservation of facial nerve function.Method From January to November 2005, 19 patients with large acoustic neuroma were treated using intraoperative facial motor evoked potentials monitoring with transcranial electrical stimulation (TCEMEP) for preservation of facial nerve function. The relationship between the decrease of MEP amplitude after tumor removal and the postoperative function of the facial nerve was analyzed.Results MEP amplitude decreased more than 75% in 11 patients, of which 6 presented significant facial paralysis (H-B grade 3), and 5 had mild facial paralysis (H-B grade 2). In the other 8 patients, whose MEP amplitude decreased less than 75%, 1 experienced significant facial paralysis, 5 had mild facial paralysis, and 2 were normal.Conclusions Intraoperative TCEMEP can be used to predict postoperative function of the facial nerve. The decreased MEP amplitude above 75 % is an alarm point for possible severe facial paralysis.

  19. What do facial expressions of emotion express in young children? The relationship between facial display and EMG measures

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    Michela Balconi


    Full Text Available The present paper explored the relationship between emotional facial response and electromyographic modulation in children when they observe facial expression of emotions. Facial responsiveness (evaluated by arousal and valence ratings and psychophysiological correlates (facial electromyography, EMG were analyzed when children looked at six facial expressions of emotions (happiness, anger, fear, sadness, surprise and disgust. About EMG measure, corrugator and zygomatic muscle activity was monitored in response to different emotional types. ANOVAs showed differences for both EMG and facial response across the subjects, as a function of different emotions. Specifically, some emotions were well expressed by all the subjects (such as happiness, anger and fear in terms of high arousal, whereas some others were less level arousal (such as sadness. Zygomatic activity was increased mainly for happiness, from one hand, corrugator activity was increased mainly for anger, fear and surprise, from the other hand. More generally, EMG and facial behavior were highly correlated each other, showing a “mirror” effect with respect of the observed faces.

  20. Facial Expression Recognition Through Machine Learning

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    Nazia Perveen


    Full Text Available Facial expressions communicate non-verbal cues which play an important role in interpersonal relations. Automatic recognition of facial expressions can be an important element of normal human-machine interfaces it might likewise be utilized as a part of behavioral science and in clinical practice. In spite of the fact that people perceive facial expressions for all intents and purposes immediately solid expression recognition by machine is still a challenge. From the point of view of automatic recognition a facial expression can be considered to comprise of disfigurements of the facial parts and their spatial relations or changes in the faces pigmentation. Research into automatic recognition of the facial expressions addresses the issues encompassing the representation and arrangement of static or dynamic qualities of these distortions or face pigmentation. We get results by utilizing the CVIPtools. We have taken train data set of six facial expressions of three persons and for train data set purpose we have total border mask sample 90 and 30 border mask sample for test data set purpose and we use RST- Invariant features and texture features for feature analysis and then classified them by using k- Nearest Neighbor classification algorithm. The maximum accuracy is 90.

  1. Traumatic facial nerve palsy: CT patterns of facial nerve canal fracture and correlation with clinical severity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Jae Cheol; Kim, Sang Joon; Park, Hyun Min; Lee, Young Suk; Lee, Jee Young [College of Medicine, Dankook Univ., Chonan (Korea, Republic of)


    To analyse the patterns of facial nerve canal injury seen at temporal bone computed tomography (CT) in patients with traumatic facial nerve palsy and to correlate these with clinical manifestations and outcome. Thirty cases of temporal bone CT in 29 patients with traumatic facial nerve palsy were analyzed with regard to the patterns of facial nerve canal involvement. The patterns were correlated with clinical grade, the electroneurographic (ENoG) findings, and clinical outcome. For clinical grading, the House-Brackmann scale was used, as follows:grade I-IV, partial palsy group; grade V-VI, complete palsy group. The electroneuronographic findings were categorized as mild to moderate (below 90%) or severe (90% and over) degeneration. In 25 cases, the bony wall of the facial nerve canals was involved directly (direct finding): discontinuity of the bony wall was onted in 22 cases, bony spicules in ten, and bony wall displacement in five. Indirect findings were canal widening in nine cases and adjacent bone fracture in two. In one case, there were no direct or indirect findings. All cases in which there was complete palsy (n=8) showed one or more direct findings including spicules in six, while in the incomplete palsy group (n=22), 17 cases showed direct findings. In the severe degeneration group (n=13), on ENog, 12 cases demonstrated direct findings, including spicules in nine cases. In 24 patients, symptoms of facial palsy showed improvement at follow up evaluation. Four of the five patients in whom symptoms did not improve had spicules. Among ten patients with spicules, five underwent surgery and symptoms improved in four of these; among the five patients not operated on , symptoms did not improve in three. In most patients with facial palsy after temporal bone injury, temporal bone CT revealed direct or indirect facial nerve canal involvement, and in complete palsy or severe degeneration groups, there were direct findings in most cases. We believe that meticulous

  2. Intratemporal Facial Nerve Paralysis- A Three Year Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anirban Ghosh


    Full Text Available Introduction This study on intratemporal facial paralysis is an attempt to understand the aetiology of facial nerve paralysis, effect of different management protocols and the outcome after long-term follow-up. Materials and Methods A prospective longitudinal study was conducted from September 2005 to August 2008 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of a medical college in Kolkata comprising 50 patients of intratemporal facial palsy. All cases were periodically followed up for at least 6 months and their prognostic outcome along with different treatment options were analyzed. Result Among different causes of facial palsy, Bell’s palsy is the commonest cause; whereas cholesteatoma and granulation were common findings in otogenic facial palsy. Traumatic facial palsies were exclusively due to longitudinal fracture of temporal bone running through geniculate ganglion. Herpes zoster oticus and neoplasia related facial palsies had significantly poorer outcome. Discussion Otogenic facial palsy showed excellent outcome after mastoid exploration and facial decompression. Transcanal decompression was performed in traumatic facial palsies showing inadequate recovery. Complete removal of cholesteatoma over dehiscent facial nerve gave better postoperative recovery. Conclusion The stapedial reflex test is the most objective and reproducible of all topodiagnostic tests. Return of the stapedial reflex within 3 weeks of injury indicates good prognosis. Bell’s palsy responded well to conservative measures. All traumatic facial palsies were due to longitudinal fracture and 2/3rd of these patients showed favourable outcome with medical therapy.

  3. Estrutura de referência para incubadoras pertencentes a redes de habitats de inovação tecnológica e vinculadas a instituições de ensino


    Rasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. A partir do estudo de caso da REPARTE (Rede Paranaense de Incubadoras e Parques Tecnológicos), esta pesquisa construiu uma estrutura de referência de incubadoras pertencentes a redes de habitats de inovação tecnológica vinculadas às instituições de ensino superior (IES). O objetivo desta estrutura de referência é orientar o desenvolvimento de incubadoras atrav...

  4. Social Use of Facial Expressions in Hylobatids (United States)

    Scheider, Linda; Waller, Bridget M.; Oña, Leonardo; Burrows, Anne M.; Liebal, Katja


    Non-human primates use various communicative means in interactions with others. While primate gestures are commonly considered to be intentionally and flexibly used signals, facial expressions are often referred to as inflexible, automatic expressions of affective internal states. To explore whether and how non-human primates use facial expressions in specific communicative interactions, we studied five species of small apes (gibbons) by employing a newly established Facial Action Coding System for hylobatid species (GibbonFACS). We found that, despite individuals often being in close proximity to each other, in social (as opposed to non-social contexts) the duration of facial expressions was significantly longer when gibbons were facing another individual compared to non-facing situations. Social contexts included grooming, agonistic interactions and play, whereas non-social contexts included resting and self-grooming. Additionally, gibbons used facial expressions while facing another individual more often in social contexts than non-social contexts where facial expressions were produced regardless of the attentional state of the partner. Also, facial expressions were more likely ‘responded to’ by the partner’s facial expressions when facing another individual than non-facing. Taken together, our results indicate that gibbons use their facial expressions differentially depending on the social context and are able to use them in a directed way in communicative interactions with other conspecifics. PMID:26978660

  5. Enhanced MRI in patients with facial palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanagida, Masahiro; Kato, Tsutomu; Ushiro, Koichi; Kitajiri, Masanori; Yamashita, Toshio; Kumazawa, Tadami; Tanaka, Yoshimasa


    We performed Gd-DTPA-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations at several stages in 40 patients with peripheral facial nerve palsy (Bell's palsy and Ramsay-Hunt syndrome). In 38 of the 40 patients, one and more enhanced region could be seen in certain portion of the facial nerve in the temporal bone on the affected side, whereas no enhanced regions were seen on the intact side. Correlations between the timing of the MRI examination and the location of the enhanced regions were analysed. In all 6 patients examined by MRI within 5 days after the onset of facial nerve palsy, enhanced regions were present in the meatal portion. In 3 of the 8 patients (38%) examined by MRI 6 to 10 days after the onset of facial palsy, enhanced areas were seen in both the meatal and labyrinthine portions. In 8 of the 9 patients (89%) tested 11 to 20 days after the onset of palsy, the vertical portion was enhanced. In the 12 patients examined by MRI 21 to 40 days after the onset of facial nerve palsy, the meatal portion was not enhanced while the labyrinthine portion, the horizontal portion and the vertical portion were enhanced in 5 (42%), 8 (67%) and 11 (92%), respectively. Enhancement in the vertical portion was observed in all 5 patients examined more than 41 days after the onset of facial palsy. These results suggest that the central portion of the facial nerve in the temporal bone tends to be enhanced in the early stage of facial nerve palsy, while the peripheral portion is enhanced in the late stage. These changes of Gd-DTPA enhanced regions in the facial nerve may suggest dromic degeneration of the facial nerve in peripheral facial nerve palsy. (author)

  6. Influence of gravity upon some facial signs. (United States)

    Flament, F; Bazin, R; Piot, B


    Facial clinical signs and their integration are the basis of perception than others could have from ourselves, noticeably the age they imagine we are. Facial modifications in motion and their objective measurements before and after application of skin regimen are essential to go further in evaluation capacities to describe efficacy in facial dynamics. Quantification of facial modifications vis à vis gravity will allow us to answer about 'control' of facial shape in daily activities. Standardized photographs of the faces of 30 Caucasian female subjects of various ages (24-73 year) were successively taken at upright and supine positions within a short time interval. All these pictures were therefore reframed - any bias due to facial features was avoided when evaluating one single sign - for clinical quotation by trained experts of several facial signs regarding published standardized photographic scales. For all subjects, the supine position increased facial width but not height, giving a more fuller appearance to the face. More importantly, the supine position changed the severity of facial ageing features (e.g. wrinkles) compared to an upright position and whether these features were attenuated or exacerbated depended on their facial location. Supine station mostly modifies signs of the lower half of the face whereas those of the upper half appear unchanged or slightly accentuated. These changes appear much more marked in the older groups, where some deep labial folds almost vanish. These alterations decreased the perceived ages of the subjects by an average of 3.8 years. Although preliminary, this study suggests that a 90° rotation of the facial skin vis à vis gravity induces rapid rearrangements among which changes in tensional forces within and across the face, motility of interstitial free water among underlying skin tissue and/or alterations of facial Langer lines, likely play a significant role. © 2015 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Société Fran

  7. Regional Brain Responses Are Biased Toward Infant Facial Expressions Compared to Adult Facial Expressions in Nulliparous Women. (United States)

    Li, Bingbing; Cheng, Gang; Zhang, Dajun; Wei, Dongtao; Qiao, Lei; Wang, Xiangpeng; Che, Xianwei


    Recent neuroimaging studies suggest that neutral infant faces compared to neutral adult faces elicit greater activity in brain areas associated with face processing, attention, empathic response, reward, and movement. However, whether infant facial expressions evoke larger brain responses than adult facial expressions remains unclear. Here, we performed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging in nulliparous women while they were presented with images of matched unfamiliar infant and adult facial expressions (happy, neutral, and uncomfortable/sad) in a pseudo-randomized order. We found that the bilateral fusiform and right lingual gyrus were overall more activated during the presentation of infant facial expressions compared to adult facial expressions. Uncomfortable infant faces compared to sad adult faces evoked greater activation in the bilateral fusiform gyrus, precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, posterior cingulate cortex-thalamus, and precuneus. Neutral infant faces activated larger brain responses in the left fusiform gyrus compared to neutral adult faces. Happy infant faces compared to happy adult faces elicited larger responses in areas of the brain associated with emotion and reward processing using a more liberal threshold of p facial expressions compared to adult facial expressions among nulliparous women, and this bias may be modulated by individual differences in Interest-In-Infants and perspective taking ability.

  8. [Idiopathic facial paralysis in children]. (United States)

    Achour, I; Chakroun, A; Ayedi, S; Ben Rhaiem, Z; Mnejja, M; Charfeddine, I; Hammami, B; Ghorbel, A


    Idiopathic facial palsy is the most common cause of facial nerve palsy in children. Controversy exists regarding treatment options. The objectives of this study were to review the epidemiological and clinical characteristics as well as the outcome of idiopathic facial palsy in children to suggest appropriate treatment. A retrospective study was conducted on children with a diagnosis of idiopathic facial palsy from 2007 to 2012. A total of 37 cases (13 males, 24 females) with a mean age of 13.9 years were included in this analysis. The mean duration between onset of Bell's palsy and consultation was 3 days. Of these patients, 78.3% had moderately severe (grade IV) or severe paralysis (grade V on the House and Brackmann grading). Twenty-seven patients were treated in an outpatient context, three patients were hospitalized, and seven patients were treated as outpatients and subsequently hospitalized. All patients received corticosteroids. Eight of them also received antiviral treatment. The complete recovery rate was 94.6% (35/37). The duration of complete recovery was 7.4 weeks. Children with idiopathic facial palsy have a very good prognosis. The complete recovery rate exceeds 90%. However, controversy exists regarding treatment options. High-quality studies have been conducted on adult populations. Medical treatment based on corticosteroids alone or combined with antiviral treatment is certainly effective in improving facial function outcomes in adults. In children, the recommendation for prescription of steroids and antiviral drugs based on adult treatment appears to be justified. Randomized controlled trials in the pediatric population are recommended to define a strategy for management of idiopathic facial paralysis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Reconstruction of facial nerve injuries in children. (United States)

    Fattah, Adel; Borschel, Gregory H; Zuker, Ron M


    Facial nerve trauma is uncommon in children, and many spontaneously recover some function; nonetheless, loss of facial nerve activity leads to functional impairment of ocular and oral sphincters and nasal orifice. In many cases, the impediment posed by facial asymmetry and reduced mimetic function more significantly affects the child's psychosocial interactions. As such, reconstruction of the facial nerve affords great benefits in quality of life. The therapeutic strategy is dependent on numerous factors, including the cause of facial nerve injury, the deficit, the prognosis for recovery, and the time elapsed since the injury. The options for treatment include a diverse range of surgical techniques including static lifts and slings, nerve repairs, nerve grafts and nerve transfers, regional, and microvascular free muscle transfer. We review our strategies for addressing facial nerve injuries in children.

  10. Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging in facial nerve paralysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tien, R.D.; Dillon, W.P.


    GD-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging was used to evaluate 11 patients with facial nerve paralysis (five acute idiopathic facial palsy (Bell palsy), three chronic recurrent facial palsy, one acute facial palsy after local radiation therapy, one chronic facial dyskinesia, and one facial neuroma). In eight of 11 patients, there was marked enhancement of the infratemporal facial nerve from the labyrinthine segment to the stylomastoid foramen. Two patients had additional contrast enhancement in the internal auditory canal segment. In one patient, enhancement persisted (but to a lesser degree) 8 weeks after symptoms had resolved. In one patient, no enhancement was seen 15 months after resolution of Bell palsy. The facial neuroma was seen as a focal nodular enhancement in the mastoid segment of the facial nerve

  11. Facial Animations: Future Research Directions & Challenges (United States)

    Alkawaz, Mohammed Hazim; Mohamad, Dzulkifli; Rehman, Amjad; Basori, Ahmad Hoirul


    Nowadays, computer facial animation is used in a significant multitude fields that brought human and social to study the computer games, films and interactive multimedia reality growth. Authoring the computer facial animation, complex and subtle expressions are challenging and fraught with problems. As a result, the current most authored using universal computer animation techniques often limit the production quality and quantity of facial animation. With the supplement of computer power, facial appreciative, software sophistication and new face-centric methods emerging are immature in nature. Therefore, this paper concentrates to define and managerially categorize current and emerged surveyed facial animation experts to define the recent state of the field, observed bottlenecks and developing techniques. This paper further presents a real-time simulation model of human worry and howling with detail discussion about their astonish, sorrow, annoyance and panic perception.

  12. Ultraestrutura do nervo facial intratemporal em pacientes com paralisia facial idiopática: estudo de evidências de infecção viral Intratemporal facial nerve ultrastructure in patients with idiopathic facial paralysis: viral infection evidence study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosangela Aló Maluza Florez


    Full Text Available A etiologia da paralisia facial periférica idiopática (PFPI ainda é uma incógnita, no entanto, alguns autores aventam a possibilidade de ser uma infecção viral. OBJETIVO: Analisar a ultraestrutura do nervo facial procurando evidências virais que possam nos fornecer dados etiológicos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram estudados 20 pacientes com PFP, com graus de moderado a severo, de ambos os sexos, entre 18-60 anos, provenientes de Ambulatório de Distúrbios do Nervo Facial. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Estudo, onze pacientes com PFPI e Controle, nove pacientes com Paralisia Facial Periférica Traumática ou Tumoral. Foram estudados fragmentos de bainha do nervo facial ou fragmentos de seus cotos, que durante a cirurgia de reparação do nervo facial, seriam desprezados ou encaminhados para estudo anatomopatológico. O tecido foi fixado em glutaraldeído 2% e analisado em Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão. RESULTADO: Observamos no grupo estudo atividade celular intensa de reparação com aumento de fibras colágenas, fibroblastos com organelas desenvolvidas, isentos de partículas virais. No grupo controle esta atividade de reparação não foi evidente, mas também não foram observadas partículas virais. CONCLUSÃO: Não foram encontradas partículas virais, no entanto, houve evidências de intensa atividade de reparação ou infecção viral.The etiology of idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (IPFP is still uncertain; however, some authors suggest the possibility of a viral infection. AIM: to analyze the ultrastructure of the facial nerve seeking viral evidences that might provide etiological data. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied 20 patients with peripheral facial palsy (PFP, with moderate to severe FP, of both genders, between 18-60 years of age, from the Clinic of Facial Nerve Disorders. The patients were broken down into two groups - Study: eleven patients with IPFP and Control: nine patients with trauma or tumor

  13. Caracterização funcional da mímica facial na paralisia facial em trauma de face: relato de caso clínico Functional characterization of facial mimicry in facial paralysis of face trauma: a clinical case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Bonfim de Jesus


    Full Text Available TEMA: mímica facial na paralisia facial ocasionada por trauma de face. PROCEDIMENTOS: estudo de caso da mímica facial de um paciente com paralisia facial periférica no lado direito com sequelas decorrente de trauma por projétil de arma de fogo, adulto jovem do sexo masculino, comerciante autônomo. Foi realizada análise documental e fotográfica por meio de anamnese, avaliação e escala de graduação de da paralisia facial House e Brackmann. RESULTADOS: na avaliação da paralisia facial em repouso encontrou-se no lado direito (lesado: desvio de comissura labial, desvio de filtro, narina mais elevada e olho mais aberto. Em movimento, ainda no lado da lesão, observou-se: abolição de rugas frontais, incompetência no fechamento ocular natural e fechamento completo ao forçar, ausência de elevação de narina, rima naso-labial mais pronunciada, protrusão labial desviada para este lado, pouca retração labial, eversão de lábio inferior, comissura labial elevada, desvio de filtro, reduzida capacidade de inflar bochechas. O paciente apresentou sincinesia de olho/lábios e contratura com hipertonia de frontal, prócero, levantador da asa do nariz, risório, zigomático maior, zigomático menor, levantador do lábio superior, depressor do lábio inferior, mentual no lado da lesão e a fratura ocorreu em côndilo direito e o paciente referiu dor orofacial ao dormir e ao mastigar no lado comprometido. CONCLUSÃO: a lesão do nervo facial associada ao trauma de face provocou a alteração da mímica facial no lado direito o que gerou desfiguramento e distúrbios da mastigação.BACKGROUND: facial mimicry in the paralysis of the face that occurs because of a trauma in the face. PROCEDURES: case study of facial mimicry of a patient with peripheral facial paralysis, on the right side of the face, with sequels that happened because of a trauma because of a fire gun projectile; a young man, a self-employed trader. A documental and photographical

  14. The identification of unfolding facial expressions. (United States)

    Fiorentini, Chiara; Schmidt, Susanna; Viviani, Paolo


    We asked whether the identification of emotional facial expressions (FEs) involves the simultaneous perception of the facial configuration or the detection of emotion-specific diagnostic cues. We recorded at high speed (500 frames s-1) the unfolding of the FE in five actors, each expressing six emotions (anger, surprise, happiness, disgust, fear, sadness). Recordings were coded every 10 frames (20 ms of real time) with the Facial Action Coding System (FACS, Ekman et al 2002, Salt Lake City, UT: Research Nexus eBook) to identify the facial actions contributing to each expression, and their intensity changes over time. Recordings were shown in slow motion (1/20 of recording speed) to one hundred observers in a forced-choice identification task. Participants were asked to identify the emotion during the presentation as soon as they felt confident to do so. Responses were recorded along with the associated response times (RTs). The RT probability density functions for both correct and incorrect responses were correlated with the facial activity during the presentation. There were systematic correlations between facial activities, response probabilities, and RT peaks, and significant differences in RT distributions for correct and incorrect answers. The results show that a reliable response is possible long before the full FE configuration is reached. This suggests that identification is reached by integrating in time individual diagnostic facial actions, and does not require perceiving the full apex configuration.

  15. Evolution of facial color pattern complexity in lemurs. (United States)

    Rakotonirina, Hanitriniaina; Kappeler, Peter M; Fichtel, Claudia


    Interspecific variation in facial color patterns across New and Old World primates has been linked to species recognition and group size. Because group size has opposite effects on interspecific variation in facial color patterns in these two radiations, a study of the third large primate radiation may shed light on convergences and divergences in this context. We therefore compiled published social and ecological data and analyzed facial photographs of 65 lemur species to categorize variation in hair length, hair and skin coloration as well as color brightness. Phylogenetically controlled analyses revealed that group size and the number of sympatric species did not influence the evolution of facial color complexity in lemurs. Climatic factors, however, influenced facial color complexity, pigmentation and hair length in a few facial regions. Hair length in two facial regions was also correlated with group size and may facilitate individual recognition. Since phylogenetic signals were moderate to high for most models, genetic drift may have also played a role in the evolution of facial color patterns of lemurs. In conclusion, social factors seem to have played only a subordinate role in the evolution of facial color complexity in lemurs, and, more generally, group size appears to have no systematic functional effect on facial color complexity across all primates.

  16. Control de accesos mediante reconocimiento facial


    Rodríguez Rodríguez, Bruno


    En esta memoria expone el trabajo que se ha llevado a cabo para intentar crear un sistema de reconocimiento facial. This paper outlines the work carried out in the attempt of creating a facial recognition system. En aquesta memòria exposa el treball que s'ha dut a terme en l'intent de crear un sistema de reconeixement facial.

  17. Dermal fillers for facial soft tissue augmentation. (United States)

    Dastoor, Sarosh F; Misch, Carl E; Wang, Hom-Lay


    Nowadays, patients are demanding not only enhancement to their dental (micro) esthetics, but also their overall facial (macro) esthetics. Soft tissue augmentation via dermal filling agents may be used to correct facial defects such as wrinkles caused by age, gravity, and trauma; thin lips; asymmetrical facial appearances; buccal fold depressions; and others. This article will review the pathogenesis of facial wrinkles, history, techniques, materials, complications, and clinical controversies regarding dermal fillers for soft tissue augmentation.

  18. Nablus mask-like facial syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allanson, Judith; Smith, Amanda; Hare, Heather


    Nablus mask-like facial syndrome (NMLFS) has many distinctive phenotypic features, particularly tight glistening skin with reduced facial expression, blepharophimosis, telecanthus, bulky nasal tip, abnormal external ear architecture, upswept frontal hairline, and sparse eyebrows. Over the last few...

  19. Face Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Independent or Interactive Processing of Facial Identity and Facial Expression? (United States)

    Krebs, Julia F.; Biswas, Ajanta; Pascalis, Olivier; Kamp-Becker, Inge; Remschmidt, Helmuth; Schwarzer, Gudrun


    The current study investigated if deficits in processing emotional expression affect facial identity processing and vice versa in children with autism spectrum disorder. Children with autism and IQ and age matched typically developing children classified faces either by emotional expression, thereby ignoring facial identity or by facial identity…

  20. Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing of photoaged facial and non-facial skin: histologic and clinical results and side effects. (United States)

    Sasaki, Gordon H; Travis, Heather M; Tucker, Barbara


    CO(2) fractional ablation offers the potential for facial and non-facial skin resurfacing with minimal downtime and rapid recovery. The purpose of this study was (i) to document the average depths and density of adnexal structures in non-lasered facial and non-facial body skin; (ii) to determine injury in ex vivo human thigh skin with varying fractional laser modes; and (iii) to evaluate the clinical safety and efficacy of treatments. Histologies were obtained from non-lasered facial and non-facial skin from 121 patients and from 14 samples of excised lasered thigh skin. Seventy-one patients were evaluated after varying energy (mJ) and density settings by superficial ablation, deeper penetration, and combined treatment. Skin thickness and adnexal density in non-lasered skin exhibited variable ranges: epidermis (47-105 mum); papillary dermis (61-105 mum); reticular dermis (983-1986 mum); hair follicles (2-14/ HPF); sebaceous glands (2-23/HPF); sweat glands (2-7/HPF). Histological studies of samples from human thigh skin demonstrated that increased fluencies in the superficial, deep and combined mode resulted in predictable deeper levels of ablations and thermal injury. An increase in density settings results in total ablation of the epidermis. Clinical improvement of rhytids and pigmentations in facial and non-facial skin was proportional to increasing energy and density settings. Patient assessments and clinical gradings by the Wilcoxon's test of outcomes correlated with more aggressive settings. Prior knowledge of normal skin depths and adnexal densities, as well as ex vivo skin laser-injury profiles at varying fluencies and densities, improve the safety and efficiency of fractional CO(2) for photorejuvenation of facial and non-facial skin.

  1. Sympathicotomy for isolated facial blushing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Licht, Peter Bjørn; Pilegaard, Hans K; Ladegaard, Lars


    Background. Facial blushing is one of the most peculiar of human expressions. The pathophysiology is unclear, and the prevalence is unknown. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy may cure the symptom and is increasingly used in patients with isolated facial blushing. The evidence base for the optimal level...... of targeting the sympathetic chain is limited to retrospective case studies. We present a randomized clinical trial. Methods. 100 patients were randomized (web-based, single-blinded) to rib-oriented (R2 or R2-R3) sympathicotomy for isolated facial blushing at two university hospitals during a 6-year period...... between R2 and R2-R3 sympathicotomy for isolated facial blushing. Both were effective, and QOL increased significantly. Despite very frequent side effects, the vast majority of patients were satisfied. Surprisingly, many patients experienced mild recurrent symptoms within the first year; this should...

  2. Facial nerve paralysis in children (United States)

    Ciorba, Andrea; Corazzi, Virginia; Conz, Veronica; Bianchini, Chiara; Aimoni, Claudia


    Facial nerve palsy is a condition with several implications, particularly when occurring in childhood. It represents a serious clinical problem as it causes significant concerns in doctors because of its etiology, its treatment options and its outcome, as well as in little patients and their parents, because of functional and aesthetic outcomes. There are several described causes of facial nerve paralysis in children, as it can be congenital (due to delivery traumas and genetic or malformative diseases) or acquired (due to infective, inflammatory, neoplastic, traumatic or iatrogenic causes). Nonetheless, in approximately 40%-75% of the cases, the cause of unilateral facial paralysis still remains idiopathic. A careful diagnostic workout and differential diagnosis are particularly recommended in case of pediatric facial nerve palsy, in order to establish the most appropriate treatment, as the therapeutic approach differs in relation to the etiology. PMID:26677445

  3. Restoring facial shape in face lifting: the role of skeletal support in facial analysis and midface soft-tissue repositioning. (United States)

    Stuzin, James M


    Aesthetic analysis in facial rejuvenation has traditionally been subordinate to technical solutions. While concerns regarding correction of facial laxity, a reduction in the depth of the nasolabial fold, and improvement of both the jowl and the jawline are worthy goals in rhytidectomy, the aesthetic concept of restoring facial shape to a more youthful appearance is equally important. Restoring facial shape in face lifting requires an understanding of how the face ages and then the formulation of a treatment plan that is individualized for the patient. Re-establishment of facial contour is significantly influenced by the re-elevation of descended facial fat through superficial musculoaponeurotic system manipulation; it can be approached through a variety of technical solutions. Underlying skeletal support affects not only the appearance of the face in youth but also how the face ages and influences the operative plan in terms of the requirements for fat repositioning. Formulating a treatment plan that is patient specific and based on the artistic goals as influenced by skeletal support is the key element for consistency in restoring facial shape in face lifting.

  4. Fractura de radio distal: abordaje mininvasivo con preservación del pronador cuadrado. [Distal radius fracture: minimally invasive approach with pronator quadrates preservation.

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    Gabriel Clembosky


    Full Text Available Objetivo Describir y analizar una técnica de osteosíntesis palmar de radio distal con preservación del pronador cuadrado. Material y Métodos Se revisaron, en forma retrospectiva, 24 pacientes operados con esta técnica (16 mujeres y 8 hombres; edad promedio 65 años. Doce fracturas eran de tipo A; 7, de tipo B y 5, de tipo C. La técnica quirúrgica consiste en practicar una incisión cutánea de 25 mm y profundizar hasta observar el pronador cuadrado. Sin seccionarlo, se realiza una disección de su borde distal, a fin de introducir la placa bloqueada volar por debajo del músculo. Se colocan los tornillos distales bajo visión directa y los tornillos proximales, en forma percutánea. La evaluación posoperatoria se llevó a cabo mediante análisis clínico-funcional y radiográfico. Resultados En el último control, todos los pacientes presentaban signos clínicos y radiográficos de consolidación ósea. El puntaje en la escala DASH fue, en promedio, de 4,8. Se observó una inclinación palmar posoperatoria de la superficie articular del radio de 14,3º promedio y una inclinación radial de 26,3º promedio. No se detectaron complicaciones relacionadas con la fractura, el implante o la herida quirúrgica en ninguno de los controles posoperatorios. Conclusiones Sin bien no existe bibliografía que demuestre que la técnica mininvasiva sea superior, sostenemos que el hecho de obtener resultados similares con ambos abordajes (mininvasivo y convencional justifica llevar a cabo esta técnica con preservación del pronador cuadrado, sobre todo en los pacientes preocupados por el aspecto cosmético de la cicatriz.

  5. Facial recognition in education system (United States)

    Krithika, L. B.; Venkatesh, K.; Rathore, S.; Kumar, M. Harish


    Human beings exploit emotions comprehensively for conveying messages and their resolution. Emotion detection and face recognition can provide an interface between the individuals and technologies. The most successful applications of recognition analysis are recognition of faces. Many different techniques have been used to recognize the facial expressions and emotion detection handle varying poses. In this paper, we approach an efficient method to recognize the facial expressions to track face points and distances. This can automatically identify observer face movements and face expression in image. This can capture different aspects of emotion and facial expressions.

  6. Three-dimensional cranio-facial computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pozzi Muccelli, R; Stagul, F; Pozzi Muccelli, F; Zuiani, C; Smathers, R


    Computed tomography allows today to reconstruct three-dimensional (eD) images fram axial scans. The authors report their experience in cranio-facial pathology achived in two Departments of Radiology (University of Trieste, Italy and University of Standford, California). 3D images have been realized using two different softwares, one of which allows to reconstruct both soft tissue and bone structures. The application in maxillo-facial traumas, cranio-facial malformations and head tumours are disscussed. 3D images turned out to be very useful for the optimal visualization and for the spatial demostration of the lesion and have potential applications in cranio-facial surgery and radiotherapy.

  7. Three-dimensional cranio-facial computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pozzi Muccelli, R.; Stagul, F.; Pozzi Muccelli, F.; Zuiani, C.; Smathers, R.


    Computed tomography allows today to reconstruct three-dimensional (eD) images fram axial scans. The authors report their experience in cranio-facial pathology achived in two Departments of Radiology (University of Trieste, Italy and University of Standford, California). 3D images have been realized using two different softwares, one of which allows to reconstruct both soft tissue and bone structures. The application in maxillo-facial traumas, cranio-facial malformations and head tumours are disscussed. 3D images turned out to be very useful for the optimal visualization and for the spatial demostration of the lesion and have potential applications in cranio-facial surgery and radiotherapy

  8. Enclavado endomedular retrógrado en fracturas diafisarias de fémur: indicaciones, técnica y resultados. [Retrograde­ nailing­ for­ diaphyseal­ femoral­ fracture:­ indications,­ technique­ and­ outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Pereira


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: el enclavado endomedular fresado anterógrado es el método de elección para el tratamiento de las fracturas diafisarias de fémur. Sin embargo, la técnica retrógrada surgió como alternativa para situaciones en las que la técnica anterógrada tiene ciertas desventajas. Materiales ­y ­Métodos:­ entre marzo de 2001 y enero de 2011, se realizaron 110 enclavados retrógrados de fémur, 34 de ellos en pacientes con fracturas diafisarias de fémur. Los mecanismos de lesión fueron: colisión vehicular (15 casos, traumatismo de baja energía (18 casos y proyectil de arma de fuego (1 caso. Once pacientes (31% tenían lesiones asociadas. Resultados:­ treinta y tres pacientes consiguieron la consolidación ósea (97%. El tiempo medio de consolidación fue de 84 días para los clavos fresados y de 112 días para los no fresados. Hubo un caso de retraso de la consolidación. El rango de movilidad de la rodilla promedio fue de 130º de flexión (mínimo 100º y máximo 150º. Seis pacientes (17,6% refirieron dolor de rodilla. Conclusiones:­ el clavo retrógrado para el tratamiento de fracturas diafisarias de fémur consigue resultados de consolidación similares a los del clavo anterógrado de fémur. Sus posibles ventajas son la técnica simple, un menor tiempo quirúrgico y la posibilidad de operar sin el uso de una mesa de tracción.

  9. Diagnosis and surgical outcomes of intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma showing normal facial nerve function. (United States)

    Lee, D W; Byeon, H K; Chung, H P; Choi, E C; Kim, S-H; Park, Y M


    The findings of intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma (FNS) using preoperative diagnostic tools, including ultrasonography (US)-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy, computed tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were analyzed to determine if there are any useful findings that might suggest the presence of a lesion. Treatment guidelines are suggested. The medical records of 15 patients who were diagnosed with an intraparotid FNS were retrospectively analyzed. US and CT scans provide clinicians with only limited information; gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted images from MRI provide more specific findings. Tumors could be removed successfully with surgical exploration, preserving facial nerve function at the same time. Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MRI showed more characteristic findings for the diagnosis of intraparotid FNS. Intraparotid FNS without facial palsy can be diagnosed with MRI preoperatively, and surgical exploration is a suitable treatment modality which can remove the tumor and preserve facial nerve function. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Agency and facial emotion judgment in context. (United States)

    Ito, Kenichi; Masuda, Takahiko; Li, Liman Man Wai


    Past research showed that East Asians' belief in holism was expressed as their tendencies to include background facial emotions into the evaluation of target faces more than North Americans. However, this pattern can be interpreted as North Americans' tendency to downplay background facial emotions due to their conceptualization of facial emotion as volitional expression of internal states. Examining this alternative explanation, we investigated whether different types of contextual information produce varying degrees of effect on one's face evaluation across cultures. In three studies, European Canadians and East Asians rated the intensity of target facial emotions surrounded with either affectively salient landscape sceneries or background facial emotions. The results showed that, although affectively salient landscapes influenced the judgment of both cultural groups, only European Canadians downplayed the background facial emotions. The role of agency as differently conceptualized across cultures and multilayered systems of cultural meanings are discussed.

  11. [Multidisciplinary approach of facial injuries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dubois, L.; Schreurs, R.; Lapid, O.; Saeed, P.; Adriaensen, G.F.; Hoefnagels, F.M.; Jong, V.M. de


    BACKGROUND: Approximately one quarter of polytrauma patients has facial injuries, which usually lead to loss of form and function. Several specialties are involved in the acute and reconstructive phases of facial injuries, such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, otorhinolaryngology, plastic surgery,

  12. Marker optimization for facial motion acquisition and deformation. (United States)

    Le, Binh H; Zhu, Mingyang; Deng, Zhigang


    A long-standing problem in marker-based facial motion capture is what are the optimal facial mocap marker layouts. Despite its wide range of potential applications, this problem has not yet been systematically explored to date. This paper describes an approach to compute optimized marker layouts for facial motion acquisition as optimization of characteristic control points from a set of high-resolution, ground-truth facial mesh sequences. Specifically, the thin-shell linear deformation model is imposed onto the example pose reconstruction process via optional hard constraints such as symmetry and multiresolution constraints. Through our experiments and comparisons, we validate the effectiveness, robustness, and accuracy of our approach. Besides guiding minimal yet effective placement of facial mocap markers, we also describe and demonstrate its two selected applications: marker-based facial mesh skinning and multiresolution facial performance capture.

  13. Computer facial animation

    CERN Document Server

    Parke, Frederic I


    This comprehensive work provides the fundamentals of computer facial animation and brings into sharper focus techniques that are becoming mainstream in the industry. Over the past decade, since the publication of the first edition, there have been significant developments by academic research groups and in the film and games industries leading to the development of morphable face models, performance driven animation, as well as increasingly detailed lip-synchronization and hair modeling techniques. These topics are described in the context of existing facial animation principles. The second ed

  14. Measuring facial expression of emotion. (United States)

    Wolf, Karsten


    Research into emotions has increased in recent decades, especially on the subject of recognition of emotions. However, studies of the facial expressions of emotion were compromised by technical problems with visible video analysis and electromyography in experimental settings. These have only recently been overcome. There have been new developments in the field of automated computerized facial recognition; allowing real-time identification of facial expression in social environments. This review addresses three approaches to measuring facial expression of emotion and describes their specific contributions to understanding emotion in the healthy population and in persons with mental illness. Despite recent progress, studies on human emotions have been hindered by the lack of consensus on an emotion theory suited to examining the dynamic aspects of emotion and its expression. Studying expression of emotion in patients with mental health conditions for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes will profit from theoretical and methodological progress.

  15. Facial trauma (United States)

    Maxillofacial injury; Midface trauma; Facial injury; LeFort injuries ... Hockberger RS, Walls RM, eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice . 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier ...

  16. Resultados clínico-radiológicos en pacientes jóvenes con fractura articular completa de radio distal tratados con placa palmar bloqueada. [Clinical and radiological results in young patients with complete articular distal radius fractures treated with volar locked plate.

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    Pablo De Carli


    Conclusión: El tratamiento de las fracturas de radio distal tipo C en pacientes jóvenes con placa palmar bloqueada muestra resultados clínicos y radiológicos favorables con corrección de la mayoría de los escalones articulares.

  17. Facial Emotions Recognition using Gabor Transform and Facial Animation Parameters with Neural Networks (United States)

    Harit, Aditya; Joshi, J. C., Col; Gupta, K. K.


    The paper proposed an automatic facial emotion recognition algorithm which comprises of two main components: feature extraction and expression recognition. The algorithm uses a Gabor filter bank on fiducial points to find the facial expression features. The resulting magnitudes of Gabor transforms, along with 14 chosen FAPs (Facial Animation Parameters), compose the feature space. There are two stages: the training phase and the recognition phase. Firstly, for the present 6 different emotions, the system classifies all training expressions in 6 different classes (one for each emotion) in the training stage. In the recognition phase, it recognizes the emotion by applying the Gabor bank to a face image, then finds the fiducial points, and then feeds it to the trained neural architecture.

  18. A study on facial expressions recognition (United States)

    Xu, Jingjing


    In terms of communication, postures and facial expressions of such feelings like happiness, anger and sadness play important roles in conveying information. With the development of the technology, recently a number of algorithms dealing with face alignment, face landmark detection, classification, facial landmark localization and pose estimation have been put forward. However, there are a lot of challenges and problems need to be fixed. In this paper, a few technologies have been concluded and analyzed, and they all relate to handling facial expressions recognition and poses like pose-indexed based multi-view method for face alignment, robust facial landmark detection under significant head pose and occlusion, partitioning the input domain for classification, robust statistics face formalization.

  19. Reparación de fracturas de suelo orbitario con hidroxiapatita HAP-200 Repair of orbital floor fractures with HAP-200 hydroxyapatite

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico y radiográfico pre y posoperatorio en 4 pacientes con fracturas del suelo orbitario reparadas con hidroxiapatita HAP-200. En ninguno de los pacientes se encontró reacción adversa ante este material implantalógico y sí muy buena tolerancia y adaptabilidad, lo que nos reafirmó su alta biocompatibilidad, por lo que lo recomendamos en el tratamiento de esta afección.A pre- and postoperative clinical and X-ray study was conducted in 4 patients with orbital floor fractures repaired with HAP-200hydroxyapatite. . No adverse reaction to this material was observed in any of the patients, who showed a good tolerance and adaptability that confirmed its high biocompatibility and make it recommendable for treating this affection.

  20. Desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento facial


    Vivas Imparato, Abdón Alejandro


    El objetivo principal alrededor del cual se desenvuelve este proyecto es el desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento facial. Entre sus objetivos específicos se encuentran: realizar una primera aproximación sobre las técnicas de reconocimiento facial existentes en la actualidad, elegir una aplicación donde pueda ser útil el reconocimiento facial, diseñar y desarrollar un programa en MATLAB que lleve a cabo la función de reconocimiento facial, y evaluar el funcionamiento del sistema desarroll...

  1. MR imaging of the intraparotid facial nerve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurihara, Hiroaki; Iwasawa, Tae; Yoshida, Tetsuo; Furukawa, Masaki


    Using a 1.5T MR imaging system, seven normal volunteers and 6 patients with parotid tumors were studied and their intraparotid facial nerves were directly imaged. The findings were evaluated by T1-weighted axial, sagittal and oblique images. The facial nerve appeared to be relatively hypointensive within the highsignal parotid parenchyma, and the main trunks of the facial nerves were observed directly in all the cases examined. Their main divisions were detected in all the volunteers and 5 of 6 patients were imaged obliquely. The facial nerves run in various fashions and so the oblique scan planes were determined individually to detect this running figure directly. To verify our observations, surgical findings of the facial nerve were compared with the MR images or results. (author)

  2. EquiFACS: The Equine Facial Action Coding System.

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    Jen Wathan

    Full Text Available Although previous studies of horses have investigated their facial expressions in specific contexts, e.g. pain, until now there has been no methodology available that documents all the possible facial movements of the horse and provides a way to record all potential facial configurations. This is essential for an objective description of horse facial expressions across a range of contexts that reflect different emotional states. Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS provide a systematic methodology of identifying and coding facial expressions on the basis of underlying facial musculature and muscle movement. FACS are anatomically based and document all possible facial movements rather than a configuration of movements associated with a particular situation. Consequently, FACS can be applied as a tool for a wide range of research questions. We developed FACS for the domestic horse (Equus caballus through anatomical investigation of the underlying musculature and subsequent analysis of naturally occurring behaviour captured on high quality video. Discrete facial movements were identified and described in terms of the underlying muscle contractions, in correspondence with previous FACS systems. The reliability of others to be able to learn this system (EquiFACS and consistently code behavioural sequences was high--and this included people with no previous experience of horses. A wide range of facial movements were identified, including many that are also seen in primates and other domestic animals (dogs and cats. EquiFACS provides a method that can now be used to document the facial movements associated with different social contexts and thus to address questions relevant to understanding social cognition and comparative psychology, as well as informing current veterinary and animal welfare practices.

  3. Photometric analysis applied in determining facial type

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Flaquer Martins


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: In orthodontics, determining the facial type is a key element in the prescription of a correct diagnosis. In the early days of our specialty, observation and measurement of craniofacial structures were done directly on the face, in photographs or plaster casts. With the development of radiographic methods, cephalometric analysis replaced the direct facial analysis. Seeking to validate the analysis of facial soft tissues, this work compares two different methods used to determining the facial types, the anthropometric and the cephalometric methods. METHODS: The sample consisted of sixty-four Brazilian individuals, adults, Caucasian, of both genders, who agreed to participate in this research. All individuals had lateral cephalograms and facial frontal photographs. The facial types were determined by the Vert Index (cephalometric and the Facial Index (photographs. RESULTS: The agreement analysis (Kappa, made for both types of analysis, found an agreement of 76.5%. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the Facial Index can be used as an adjunct to orthodontic diagnosis, or as an alternative method for pre-selection of a sample, avoiding that research subjects have to undergo unnecessary tests.INTRODUÇÃO: em Ortodontia, a determinação do tipo facial é um elemento-chave na prescrição de um diagnóstico correto. Nos primórdios de nossa especialidade, a observação e a medição das estruturas craniofaciais eram feitas diretamente na face, em fotografias ou em modelos de gesso. Com o desenvolvimento dos métodos radiográficos, a análise cefalométrica foi substituindo a análise facial direta. Visando legitimar o estudo dos tecidos moles faciais, esse trabalho comparou a determinação do tipo facial pelos métodos antropométrico e cefalométrico. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de sessenta e quatro indivíduos brasileiros, adultos, leucodermas, de ambos os sexos, que aceitaram participar da pesquisa. De todos os indivíduos da amostra

  4. Peripheral facial weakness (Bell's palsy). (United States)

    Basić-Kes, Vanja; Dobrota, Vesna Dermanović; Cesarik, Marijan; Matovina, Lucija Zadro; Madzar, Zrinko; Zavoreo, Iris; Demarin, Vida


    Peripheral facial weakness is a facial nerve damage that results in muscle weakness on one side of the face. It may be idiopathic (Bell's palsy) or may have a detectable cause. Almost 80% of peripheral facial weakness cases are primary and the rest of them are secondary. The most frequent causes of secondary peripheral facial weakness are systemic viral infections, trauma, surgery, diabetes, local infections, tumor, immune disorders, drugs, degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, etc. The diagnosis relies upon the presence of typical signs and symptoms, blood chemistry tests, cerebrospinal fluid investigations, nerve conduction studies and neuroimaging methods (cerebral MRI, x-ray of the skull and mastoid). Treatment of secondary peripheral facial weakness is based on therapy for the underlying disorder, unlike the treatment of Bell's palsy that is controversial due to the lack of large, randomized, controlled, prospective studies. There are some indications that steroids or antiviral agents are beneficial but there are also studies that show no beneficial effect. Additional treatments include eye protection, physiotherapy, acupuncture, botulinum toxin, or surgery. Bell's palsy has a benign prognosis with complete recovery in about 80% of patients, 15% experience some mode of permanent nerve damage and severe consequences remain in 5% of patients.

  5. Comparison of Direct Side-to-End and End-to-End Hypoglossal-Facial Anastomosis for Facial Nerve Repair. (United States)

    Samii, Madjid; Alimohamadi, Maysam; Khouzani, Reza Karimi; Rashid, Masoud Rafizadeh; Gerganov, Venelin


    The hypoglossal facial anastomosis (HFA) is the gold standard for facial reanimation in patients with severe facial nerve palsy. The major drawbacks of the classic HFA technique are lingual morbidities due to hypoglossal nerve transection. The side-to-end HFA is a modification of the classic technique with fewer tongue-related morbidities. In this study we compared the outcome of the classic end-to-end and the direct side-to-end HFA surgeries performed at our center in regards to the facial reanimation success rate and tongue-related morbidities. Twenty-six successive cases of HFA were enrolled. In 9 of them end-to-end anastomoses were performed, and 17 had direct side-to-end anastomoses. The House-Brackmann (HB) and Pitty and Tator (PT) scales were used to document surgical outcome. The hemiglossal atrophy, swallowing, and hypoglossal nerve function were assessed at follow-up. The original pathology was vestibular schwannoma in 15, meningioma in 4, brain stem glioma in 4, and other pathologies in 3. The mean interval between facial palsy and HFA was 18 months (range: 0-60). The median follow-up period was 20 months. The PT grade at follow-up was worse in patients with a longer interval from facial palsy and HFA (P value: 0.041). The lesion type was the only other factor that affected PT grade (the best results in vestibular schwannoma and the worst in the other pathologies group, P value: 0.038). The recovery period for facial tonicity was longer in patients with radiation therapy before HFA (13.5 vs. 8.5 months) and those with a longer than 2-year interval from facial palsy to HFA (13.5 vs. 8.5 months). Although no significant difference between the side-to-end and the end-to-end groups was seen in terms of facial nerve functional recovery, patients from the side-to-end group had a significantly lower rate of lingual morbidities (tongue hemiatrophy: 100% vs. 5.8%, swallowing difficulty: 55% vs. 11.7%, speech disorder 33% vs. 0%). With the side-to-end HFA

  6. Restorative interventions for HIV facial lipoatrophy. (United States)

    Carey, Dianne; Liew, Steven; Emery, Sean


    Facial lipoatrophy is a common and distressing manifestation of HIV lipodystrophy. The changes in facial appearance can reduce quality of life, self esteem and antiretroviral adherence. Apart from the modest benefits of thymidine-based nucleoside analog cessation, there are no proven therapies for lipoatrophy. Management of established fat loss can be challenging as restoration of lost fat mass is extremely gradual. Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures can restore lost facial volume. Both biodegradable and permanent filling agents have been investigated for HIV facial lipoatrophy. Biodegradable products offer a good safety profile, but maintenance of aesthetic benefits necessitates reinjection over time. Although permanent products offer longevity and lower treatment costs, adverse events should they occur can be serious and of long duration. Despite the substantial increase in options for soft-tissue augmentation in recent years, well-performed clinical studies in HIV-infected adults with facial lipoatrophy are scarce, and long-term clinical safety data are lacking. This review will summarize available efficacy and safety data of the biodegradable and permanent agents utilized for soft-tissue augmentation in this population. Difficulties associated with comparing treatment efficacy data, assessment of facial lipoatrophy presence and severity, and measurement of facial fat will be discussed. Available data indicate that in HIV-infected adults, most filling agents have short-term clinically safety, and can provide aesthetic improvement and improve well-being, social functioning and quality of life. However, well-designed studies with objectively assessed endpoints are needed to elucidate optimal treatments for this distressing condition.

  7. Facial nerve mapping and monitoring in lymphatic malformation surgery. (United States)

    Chiara, Jospeh; Kinney, Greg; Slimp, Jefferson; Lee, Gi Soo; Oliaei, Sepehr; Perkins, Jonathan A


    Establish the efficacy of preoperative facial nerve mapping and continuous intraoperative EMG monitoring in protecting the facial nerve during resection of cervicofacial lymphatic malformations. Retrospective study in which patients were clinically followed for at least 6 months postoperatively, and long-term outcome was evaluated. Patient demographics, lesion characteristics (i.e., size, stage, location) were recorded. Operative notes revealed surgical techniques, findings, and complications. Preoperative, short-/long-term postoperative facial nerve function was standardized using the House-Brackmann Classification. Mapping was done prior to incision by percutaneously stimulating the facial nerve and its branches and recording the motor responses. Intraoperative monitoring and mapping were accomplished using a four-channel, free-running EMG. Neurophysiologists continuously monitored EMG responses and blindly analyzed intraoperative findings and final EMG interpretations for abnormalities. Seven patients collectively underwent 8 lymphatic malformation surgeries. Median age was 30 months (2-105 months). Lymphatic malformation diagnosis was recorded in 6/8 surgeries. Facial nerve function was House-Brackmann grade I in 8/8 cases preoperatively. Facial nerve was abnormally elongated in 1/8 cases. EMG monitoring recorded abnormal activity in 4/8 cases--two suggesting facial nerve irritation, and two with possible facial nerve damage. Transient or long-term facial nerve paresis occurred in 1/8 cases (House-Brackmann grade II). Preoperative facial nerve mapping combined with continuous intraoperative EMG and mapping is a successful method of identifying the facial nerve course and protecting it from injury during resection of cervicofacial lymphatic malformations involving the facial nerve.

  8. Magnetically retained silicone facial prosthesis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 9, 2013 ... Prosthetic camouflaging of facial defects and use of silicone maxillofacial material are the alternatives to the surgical retreatment. Silicone elastomers provide more options to clinician for customization of the facial prosthesis which is simple, esthetically good when coupled with bio magnets for retention.

  9. The neurosurgical treatment of neuropathic facial pain. (United States)

    Brown, Jeffrey A


    This article reviews the definition, etiology and evaluation, and medical and neurosurgical treatment of neuropathic facial pain. A neuropathic origin for facial pain should be considered when evaluating a patient for rhinologic surgery because of complaints of facial pain. Neuropathic facial pain is caused by vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve in the prepontine cistern and is characterized by an intermittent prickling or stabbing component or a constant burning, searing pain. Medical treatment consists of anticonvulsant medication. Neurosurgical treatment may require microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Predicting facial characteristics from complex polygenic variations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fagertun, Jens; Wolffhechel, Karin Marie Brandt; Pers, Tune


    Research into the importance of the human genome in the context of facial appearance is receiving increasing attention and has led to the detection of several Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of importance. In this work we attempt a holistic approach predicting facial characteristics from...... genetic principal components across a population of 1,266 individuals. For this we perform a genome-wide association analysis to select a large number of SNPs linked to specific facial traits, recode these to genetic principal components and then use these principal components as predictors for facial...

  11. Identidades, poder e incidencia política de organizaciones vinculadas a inmigrantes nicaragüenses en costa rica: aportes teóricos y metodológicos

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    Francisco Javier Mojica-Mendieta


    Full Text Available Propone desde un enfoque de investigación cualitativo, comprender la relación entre las representaciones sociales de las identidades nacionales y la incidencia de la política de distintas organizaciones vinculadas con inmigrantes nicaragüenses, con el fin de dar insumos tendientes a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población inmigrante en Costa Rica. Abstract The article proposes an approach from the qualitative research standpoint to understand the relationship between the social representations of the national identities and the political incidence of different political organization linked to Nicaraguan inmigrants as bases for the betterment of the inmigrant population in Costa Rica.

  12. Small vestibular schwannomas presenting with facial nerve palsy. (United States)

    Espahbodi, Mana; Carlson, Matthew L; Fang, Te-Yung; Thompson, Reid C; Haynes, David S


    To describe the surgical management and convalescence of two patients presenting with severe facial nerve weakness associated with small intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas (VS). Retrospective review. Two adult female patients presenting with audiovestibular symptoms and subacute facial nerve paralysis (House-Brackmann Grade IV and V). In both cases, post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed an enhancing lesion within the internal auditory canal without lateral extension beyond the fundus. Translabyrinthine exploration demonstrated vestibular nerve origin of tumor, extrinsic to the facial nerve, and frozen section pathology confirmed schwannoma. Gross total tumor resection with VIIth cranial nerve preservation and decompression of the labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve was performed. Both patients recovered full motor function between 6 and 8 months after surgery. Although rare, small VS may cause severe facial neuropathy, mimicking the presentation of facial nerve schwannomas and other less common pathologies. In the absence of labyrinthine extension on MRI, surgical exploration is the only reliable means of establishing a diagnosis. In the case of confirmed VS, early gross total resection with facial nerve preservation and labyrinthine segment decompression may afford full motor recovery-an outcome that cannot be achieved with facial nerve grafting.

  13. Do Dynamic Compared to Static Facial Expressions of Happiness and Anger Reveal Enhanced Facial Mimicry?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krystyna Rymarczyk

    Full Text Available Facial mimicry is the spontaneous response to others' facial expressions by mirroring or matching the interaction partner. Recent evidence suggested that mimicry may not be only an automatic reaction but could be dependent on many factors, including social context, type of task in which the participant is engaged, or stimulus properties (dynamic vs static presentation. In the present study, we investigated the impact of dynamic facial expression and sex differences on facial mimicry and judgment of emotional intensity. Electromyography recordings were recorded from the corrugator supercilii, zygomaticus major, and orbicularis oculi muscles during passive observation of static and dynamic images of happiness and anger. The ratings of the emotional intensity of facial expressions were also analysed. As predicted, dynamic expressions were rated as more intense than static ones. Compared to static images, dynamic displays of happiness also evoked stronger activity in the zygomaticus major and orbicularis oculi, suggesting that subjects experienced positive emotion. No muscles showed mimicry activity in response to angry faces. Moreover, we found that women exhibited greater zygomaticus major muscle activity in response to dynamic happiness stimuli than static stimuli. Our data support the hypothesis that people mimic positive emotions and confirm the importance of dynamic stimuli in some emotional processing.

  14. Variación de la energía de fractura del hormigón debido a la acción de los ciclos hielo-deshielo


    Enfedaque Díaz, Alejandro; Romero Mendoza, Héctor Leonardo; Gálvez Ruiz, Jaime


    El aumento de la vida útil de las estructuras de hormigón en la normativa europea y española ha hecho que la durabilidad del hormigón sea muy importante en el proyecto y construcción de las obras civiles. El deterioro del hormigón cuando está sometido a ciclos hielo-deshielo se mide empleando normas que no evalúan el deterioro de las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón. En este trabajo se ha diseñado una campaña experimental en la que se mide la energía de fractura de un hormigón conv...

  15. Serviços bibliotecários para dispositivos móveis: O caso das bibliotecas vinculadas ao Conselho Nacional para Assuntos Bibliotecários das Instituições de Educação Superior do México

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    Eugenia de los Ángeles Ortega Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analisar quais são os serviços bibliotecários e as aplicações (apps que se estão utilizando dentro das bibliotecas acadêmicas das Instituições de Educação Superior vinculadas ao Conselho Nacional para Assuntos Bibliotecários das Instituições de Educação Superior (CONPAB-IES, A. C. de México. Método: Foi realizado uma revisão da literatura em bancos de dados e revistas especializadas em Biblioteconomia e Ciências da Informação com ajuda dos recursos digitais da Direção Geral de Bibliotecas da Universidade Nacional Autônoma de México. Resultados e conclusões: O desenvolvimento de apps e serviços bibliotecários dispositivos móveis em bibliotecas acadêmicas das Instituições de Educação Superior,vinculadas ao CONPAB-IES, A. C., mostra uma tendência pelo desenvolvimento de coleções digitais em formatos amigaveis para PC e laptop, a diferença dos smartphones e tablets.

  16. Identification of facial shape by applying golden ratio to the facial measurements: an interracial study in malaysian population. (United States)

    Packiriswamy, Vasanthakumar; Kumar, Pramod; Rao, Mohandas


    The "golden ratio" is considered as a universal facial aesthetical standard. Researcher's opinion that deviation from golden ratio can result in development of facial abnormalities. This study was designed to study the facial morphology and to identify individuals with normal, short, and long face. We studied 300 Malaysian nationality subjects aged 18-28 years of Chinese, Indian, and Malay extraction. The parameters measured were physiognomical facial height and width of face, and physiognomical facial index was calculated. Face shape was classified based on golden ratio. Independent t test was done to test the difference between sexes and among the races. The mean values of the measurements and index showed significant sexual and interracial differences. Out of 300 subjects, the face shape was normal in 60 subjects, short in 224 subjects, and long in 16 subjects. As anticipated, the measurements showed variations according to gender and race. Only 60 subjects had a regular face shape, and remaining 240 subjects had irregular face shape (short and long). Since the short and long shape individuals may be at risk of developing various disorders, the knowledge of facial shapes in the given population is important for early diagnostic and treatment procedures.

  17. Perception of global facial geometry is modulated through experience

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    Meike Ramon


    Full Text Available Identification of personally familiar faces is highly efficient across various viewing conditions. While the presence of robust facial representations stored in memory is considered to aid this process, the mechanisms underlying invariant identification remain unclear. Two experiments tested the hypothesis that facial representations stored in memory are associated with differential perceptual processing of the overall facial geometry. Subjects who were personally familiar or unfamiliar with the identities presented discriminated between stimuli whose overall facial geometry had been manipulated to maintain or alter the original facial configuration (see Barton, Zhao & Keenan, 2003. The results demonstrate that familiarity gives rise to more efficient processing of global facial geometry, and are interpreted in terms of increased holistic processing of facial information that is maintained across viewing distances.

  18. A small-world network model of facial emotion recognition. (United States)

    Takehara, Takuma; Ochiai, Fumio; Suzuki, Naoto


    Various models have been proposed to increase understanding of the cognitive basis of facial emotions. Despite those efforts, interactions between facial emotions have received minimal attention. If collective behaviours relating to each facial emotion in the comprehensive cognitive system could be assumed, specific facial emotion relationship patterns might emerge. In this study, we demonstrate that the frameworks of complex networks can effectively capture those patterns. We generate 81 facial emotion images (6 prototypes and 75 morphs) and then ask participants to rate degrees of similarity in 3240 facial emotion pairs in a paired comparison task. A facial emotion network constructed on the basis of similarity clearly forms a small-world network, which features an extremely short average network distance and close connectivity. Further, even if two facial emotions have opposing valences, they are connected within only two steps. In addition, we show that intermediary morphs are crucial for maintaining full network integration, whereas prototypes are not at all important. These results suggest the existence of collective behaviours in the cognitive systems of facial emotions and also describe why people can efficiently recognize facial emotions in terms of information transmission and propagation. For comparison, we construct three simulated networks--one based on the categorical model, one based on the dimensional model, and one random network. The results reveal that small-world connectivity in facial emotion networks is apparently different from those networks, suggesting that a small-world network is the most suitable model for capturing the cognitive basis of facial emotions.

  19. [Presurgical orthodontics for facial asymmetry]. (United States)

    Labarrère, H


    As with the treatment of all facial deformities, orthodontic pre-surgical preparation for facial asymmetry should aim at correcting severe occlusal discrepancies not solely on the basis of a narrow occlusal analysis but also in a way that will not disturb the proposed surgical protocol. In addition, facial asymmetries require specific adjustments, difficult to derive and to apply because of their inherent atypical morphological orientation of both alveolar and basal bony support. Three treated cases illustrate different solutions to problems posed by pathological torque: this torque must be considered with respect to proposed surgical changes, within the framework of their limitations and their possible contra-indications.

  20. Pattern of facial palsy in a typical Nigerian specialist hospital. (United States)

    Lamina, S; Hanif, S


    Data on incidence of facial palsy is generally lacking in Nigeria. To assess six years' incidence of facial palsy in Murtala Muhammed Specialist Hospital (MMSH), Kano, Nigeria. The records of patients diagnosed as facial problems between January 2000 and December 2005 were scrutinized. Data on diagnosis, age, sex, side affected, occupation and causes were obtained. A total number of 698 patients with facial problems were recorded. Five hundred and ninety four (85%) were diagnosed as facial palsy. Out of the diagnosed facial palsy, males (56.2%) had a higher incidence than females; 20-34 years age group (40.3%) had a greater prevalence; the commonest cause of facial palsy was found out to be Idiopathic (39.1%) and was most common among business men (31.6%). Right sided facial palsy (52.2%) was predominant. Incidence of facial palsy was highest in 2003 (25.3%) and decreased from 2004. It was concluded that the incidence of facial palsy was high and Bell's palsy remains the most common causes of facial (nerve) paralysis.

  1. Facial Palsy Following Embolization of a Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. (United States)

    Tawfik, Kareem O; Harmon, Jeffrey J; Walters, Zoe; Samy, Ravi; de Alarcon, Alessandro; Stevens, Shawn M; Abruzzo, Todd


    To describe a case of the rare complication of facial palsy following preoperative embolization of a juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA). To illustrate the vascular supply to the facial nerve and as a result, highlight the etiology of the facial nerve palsy. The angiography and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of a case of facial palsy following preoperative embolization of a JNA is reviewed. A 13-year-old male developed left-sided facial palsy following preoperative embolization of a left-sided JNA. Evaluation of MR imaging studies and retrospective review of the angiographic data suggested errant embolization of particles into the petrosquamosal branch of the middle meningeal artery (MMA), a branch of the internal maxillary artery (IMA), through collateral vasculature. The petrosquamosal branch of the MMA is the predominant blood supply to the facial nerve in the facial canal. The facial palsy resolved since complete infarction of the nerve was likely prevented by collateral blood supply from the stylomastoid artery. Facial palsy is a potential complication of embolization of the IMA, a branch of the external carotid artery (ECA). This is secondary to ischemia of the facial nerve due to embolization of its vascular supply. Clinicians should be aware of this potential complication and counsel patients accordingly prior to embolization for JNA.

  2. 3D-Ultrasonography for evaluation of facial muscles in patients with chronic facial palsy or defective healing: a pilot study. (United States)

    Volk, Gerd Fabian; Pohlmann, Martin; Finkensieper, Mira; Chalmers, Heather J; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando


    While standardized methods are established to examine the pathway from motorcortex to the peripheral nerve in patients with facial palsy, a reliable method to evaluate the facial muscles in patients with long-term palsy for therapy planning is lacking. A 3D ultrasonographic (US) acquisition system driven by a motorized linear mover combined with conventional US probe was used to acquire 3D data sets of several facial muscles on both sides of the face in a healthy subject and seven patients with different types of unilateral degenerative facial nerve lesions. The US results were correlated to the duration of palsy and the electromyography results. Consistent 3D US based volumetry through bilateral comparison was feasible for parts of the frontalis muscle, orbicularis oculi muscle, depressor anguli oris muscle, depressor labii inferioris muscle, and mentalis muscle. With the exception of the frontal muscle, the facial muscles volumes were much smaller on the palsy side (minimum: 3% for the depressor labii inferior muscle) than on the healthy side in patients with severe facial nerve lesion. In contrast, the frontal muscles did not show a side difference. In the two patients with defective healing after spontaneous regeneration a decrease in muscle volume was not seen. Synkinesis and hyperkinesis was even more correlated to muscle hypertrophy on the palsy compared with the healthy side. 3D ultrasonography seems to be a promising tool for regional and quantitative evaluation of facial muscles in patients with facial palsy receiving a facial reconstructive surgery or conservative treatment.

  3. Nerve crush but not displacement-induced stretch of the intra-arachnoidal facial nerve promotes facial palsy after cerebellopontine angle surgery. (United States)

    Bendella, Habib; Brackmann, Derald E; Goldbrunner, Roland; Angelov, Doychin N


    Little is known about the reasons for occurrence of facial nerve palsy after removal of cerebellopontine angle tumors. Since the intra-arachnoidal portion of the facial nerve is considered to be so vulnerable that even the slightest tension or pinch may result in ruptured axons, we tested whether a graded stretch or controlled crush would affect the postoperative motor performance of the facial (vibrissal) muscle in rats. Thirty Wistar rats, divided into five groups (one with intact controls and four with facial nerve lesions), were used. Under inhalation anesthesia, the occipital squama was opened, the cerebellum gently retracted to the left, and the intra-arachnoidal segment of the right facial nerve exposed. A mechanical displacement of the brainstem with 1 or 3 mm toward the midline or an electromagnet-controlled crush of the facial nerve with a tweezers at a closure velocity of 50 and 100 mm/s was applied. On the next day, whisking motor performance was determined by video-based motion analysis. Even the larger (with 3 mm) mechanical displacement of the brainstem had no harmful effect: The amplitude of the vibrissal whisks was in the normal range of 50°-60°. On the other hand, even the light nerve crush (50 mm/s) injured the facial nerve and resulted in paralyzed vibrissal muscles (amplitude of 10°-15°). We conclude that, contrary to the generally acknowledged assumptions, it is the nerve crush but not the displacement-induced stretching of the intra-arachnoidal facial trunk that promotes facial palsy after cerebellopontine angle surgery in rats.

  4. Estimador de calidad en sistemas de reconocimiento facial


    Espejo Caballero, Daniel


    El fin de este proyecto es conseguir obtener una estimación de la calidad de una imagen facial, a partir del estudio y extracción de características obtenidas, a partir de las imágenes faciales. The goal of this project is get a quality estimation of a facial image, using the extraction and learning of the differents features that we can extract from a facial image.

  5. Recognizing Facial Slivers. (United States)

    Gilad-Gutnick, Sharon; Harmatz, Elia Samuel; Tsourides, Kleovoulos; Yovel, Galit; Sinha, Pawan


    We report here an unexpectedly robust ability of healthy human individuals ( n = 40) to recognize extremely distorted needle-like facial images, challenging the well-entrenched notion that veridical spatial configuration is necessary for extracting facial identity. In face identification tasks of parametrically compressed internal and external features, we found that the sum of performances on each cue falls significantly short of performance on full faces, despite the equal visual information available from both measures (with full faces essentially being a superposition of internal and external features). We hypothesize that this large deficit stems from the use of positional information about how the internal features are positioned relative to the external features. To test this, we systematically changed the relations between internal and external features and found preferential encoding of vertical but not horizontal spatial relationships in facial representations ( n = 20). Finally, we employ magnetoencephalography imaging ( n = 20) to demonstrate a close mapping between the behavioral psychometric curve and the amplitude of the M250 face familiarity, but not M170 face-sensitive evoked response field component, providing evidence that the M250 can be modulated by faces that are perceptually identifiable, irrespective of extreme distortions to the face's veridical configuration. We theorize that the tolerance to compressive distortions has evolved from the need to recognize faces across varying viewpoints. Our findings help clarify the important, but poorly defined, concept of facial configuration and also enable an association between behavioral performance and previously reported neural correlates of face perception.

  6. Tratamiento de las fracturas mediodiafisarias y del tercio distal del fémur con clavo endomedular retrógrado. [Retrograde ­intramedullary­ nailing­ for ­the­ treatment­ of­ shaft ­and­ distal ­third­ femoral­ fractures

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    Jorge L. Plos


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: Este trabajo analiza los resultados del enclavado endomedular retrógrado para tratar las fracturas mediodiafisarias y del tercio distal del fémur, en pacientes politraumatizados, obesos y de edad avanzada. Materiales­ y­ Métodos: De 2002 a 2009, se trataron 21 fracturas, con un seguimiento promedio de 27 meses, 2 pacientes no completaron el seguimiento mínimo. La edad promedio fue de 58.9 años, 10 pacientes eran politraumatizados y 5, obesos. Doce de los 19 tenían >65 años. La cirugía se practicó en mesa radiolúcida estándar, sin accesorios de tracción. El abordaje fue intraarticular intercondíleo. Resultados: Se logró la consolidación de las fracturas en 18 pacientes (98,74% entre los 4 y 6 meses del posoperatorio. Un paciente presentó retraso de consolidación y fue tratado con nueva cirugía para recambio del clavo. No hubo infección en el sitio quirúrgico; 16 pacientes (84,21% recuperaron la actividad funcional previa al accidente. Conclusiones:­ El enclavado endomedular retrógrado es una terapéutica válida en enfermos politraumatizados, pacientes obesos y adultos mayores, pues aplica la eficacia de los clavos endomedulares, con menor complejidad en el desarrollo de la técnica quirúrgica. Aún queda por estudiar la evolución a largo plazo del abordaje intraarticular intercondíleo.

  7. [The history of facial paralysis]. (United States)

    Glicenstein, J


    Facial paralysis has been a recognized condition since Antiquity, and was mentionned by Hippocratus. In the 17th century, in 1687, the Dutch physician Stalpart Van der Wiel rendered a detailed observation. It was, however, Charles Bell who, in 1821, provided the description that specified the role of the facial nerve. Facial nerve surgery began at the end of the 19th century. Three different techniques were used successively: nerve anastomosis, (XI-VII Balance 1895, XII-VII, Korte 1903), myoplasties (Lexer 1908), and suspensions (Stein 1913). Bunnell successfully accomplished the first direct facial nerve repair in the temporal bone, in 1927, and in 1932 Balance and Duel experimented with nerve grafts. Thanks to progress in microsurgical techniques, the first faciofacial anastomosis was realized in 1970 (Smith, Scaramella), and an account of the first microneurovascular muscle transfer published in 1976 by Harii. Treatment of the eyelid paralysis was at the origin of numerous operations beginning in the 1960s; including palpebral spring (Morel Fatio 1962) silicone sling (Arion 1972), upperlid loading with gold plate (Illig 1968), magnets (Muhlbauer 1973) and transfacial nerve grafts (Anderl 1973). By the end of the 20th century, surgeons had at their disposal a wide range of valid techniques for facial nerve surgery, including modernized versions of older techniques. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Positive facial expressions during retrieval of self-defining memories. (United States)

    Gandolphe, Marie Charlotte; Nandrino, Jean Louis; Delelis, Gérald; Ducro, Claire; Lavallee, Audrey; Saloppe, Xavier; Moustafa, Ahmed A; El Haj, Mohamad


    In this study, we investigated, for the first time, facial expressions during the retrieval of Self-defining memories (i.e., those vivid and emotionally intense memories of enduring concerns or unresolved conflicts). Participants self-rated the emotional valence of their Self-defining memories and autobiographical retrieval was analyzed with a facial analysis software. This software (Facereader) synthesizes the facial expression information (i.e., cheek, lips, muscles, eyebrow muscles) to describe and categorize facial expressions (i.e., neutral, happy, sad, surprised, angry, scared, and disgusted facial expressions). We found that participants showed more emotional than neutral facial expressions during the retrieval of Self-defining memories. We also found that participants showed more positive than negative facial expressions during the retrieval of Self-defining memories. Interestingly, participants attributed positive valence to the retrieved memories. These findings are the first to demonstrate the consistency between facial expressions and the emotional subjective experience of Self-defining memories. These findings provide valuable physiological information about the emotional experience of the past.

  9. Análisis de la fractura vertebral y la cifosis en la fibrosis quística. Importancia del ejercicio físico en esta patología


    Tejero García, Sergio


    Objetivos: Observar la relación entre la actividad física diaria y la masa ósea de los pacientes con FQ. Analizar la fractura vertebral y la cifosis en este grupo de sujetos.Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo transversal en 50 pacientes mayores de 16 años afectados de FQ. Se cuantificó y monitorizó la actividad física diaria mediante un monitor metabólico. Se corroboró la tolerancia al ejercicio físico mediante la prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar y el test de los...

  10. [Changes in facial nerve function, morphology and neurotrophic factor III expression following three types of facial nerve injury]. (United States)

    Zhang, Lili; Wang, Haibo; Fan, Zhaomin; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Haiyan


    To study the changes in facial nerve function, morphology and neurotrophic factor III (NT-3) expression following three types of facial nerve injury. Changes in facial nerve function (in terms of blink reflex (BF), vibrissae movement (VM) and position of nasal tip) were assessed in 45 rats in response to three types of facial nerve injury: partial section of the extratemporal segment (group one), partial section of the facial canal segment (group two) and complete transection of the facial canal segment lesion (group three). All facial nerves specimen were then cut into two parts at the site of the lesion after being taken from the lesion site on 1st, 7th, 21st post-surgery-days (PSD). Changes of morphology and NT-3 expression were evaluated using the improved trichrome stain and immunohistochemistry techniques ,respectively. Changes in facial nerve function: In group 1, all animals had no blink reflex (BF) and weak vibrissae movement (VM) at the 1st PSD; The blink reflex in 80% of the rats recovered partly and the vibrissae movement in 40% of the rats returned to normal at the 7th PSD; The facial nerve function in 600 of the rats was almost normal at the 21st PSD. In group 2, all left facial nerve paralyzed at the 1st PSD; The blink reflex partly recovered in 40% of the rats and the vibrissae movement was weak in 80% of the rats at the 7th PSD; 8000 of the rats'BF were almost normal and 40% of the rats' VM completely recovered at the 21st PSD. In group 3, The recovery couldn't happen at anytime. Changes in morphology: In group 1, the size of nerve fiber differed in facial canal segment and some of myelin sheath and axons degenerated at the 7th PSD; The fibres' degeneration turned into regeneration at the 21st PSD; In group 2, the morphologic changes in this group were familiar with the group 1 while the degenerated fibers were more and dispersed in transection at the 7th PSD; Regeneration of nerve fibers happened at the 21st PSD. In group 3, most of the fibers

  11. Hypoglossal-facial-jump-anastomosis without an interposition nerve graft. (United States)

    Beutner, Dirk; Luers, Jan C; Grosheva, Maria


    The hypoglossal-facial-anastomosis is the most often applied procedure for the reanimation of a long lasting peripheral facial nerve paralysis. The use of an interposition graft and its end-to-side anastomosis to the hypoglossal nerve allows the preservation of the tongue function and also requires two anastomosis sites and a free second donor nerve. We describe the modified technique of the hypoglossal-facial-jump-anastomosis without an interposition and present the first results. Retrospective case study. We performed the facial nerve reconstruction in five patients. The indication for the surgery was a long-standing facial paralysis with preserved portion distal to geniculate ganglion, absent voluntary activity in the needle facial electromyography, and an intact bilateral hypoglossal nerve. Following mastoidectomy, the facial nerve was mobilized in the fallopian canal down to its bifurcation in the parotid gland and cut in its tympanic portion distal to the lesion. Then, a tensionless end-to-side suture to the hypoglossal nerve was performed. The facial function was monitored up to 16 months postoperatively. The reconstruction technique succeeded in all patients: The facial function improved within the average time period of 10 months to the House-Brackmann score 3. This modified technique of the hypoglossal-facial reanimation is a valid method with good clinical results, especially in cases of a preserved intramastoidal facial nerve. Level 4. Copyright © 2013 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  12. Extra Facial Landmark Localization via Global Shape Reconstruction

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    Shuqiu Tan


    Full Text Available Localizing facial landmarks is a popular topic in the field of face analysis. However, problems arose in practical applications such as handling pose variations and partial occlusions while maintaining moderate training model size and computational efficiency still challenges current solutions. In this paper, we present a global shape reconstruction method for locating extra facial landmarks comparing to facial landmarks used in the training phase. In the proposed method, the reduced configuration of facial landmarks is first decomposed into corresponding sparse coefficients. Then explicit face shape correlations are exploited to regress between sparse coefficients of different facial landmark configurations. Finally extra facial landmarks are reconstructed by combining the pretrained shape dictionary and the approximation of sparse coefficients. By applying the proposed method, both the training time and the model size of a class of methods which stack local evidences as an appearance descriptor can be scaled down with only a minor compromise in detection accuracy. Extensive experiments prove that the proposed method is feasible and is able to reconstruct extra facial landmarks even under very asymmetrical face poses.

  13. Profilaxis con antibióticos en fracturas de base de cráneo: ¿tiene justificación esa conducta?

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    Justo Luis González González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de 380 pacientes con fractura de la base del cráneo y a 71 de ellos (18,7 % se les administraron antibióticos como profilaxis de la meningoencefalitis y a 309 (81,3 % no se les suministraron estos agentes. Se evaluó la relación entre uso profiláctico o terapéutico de antimicrobianos, localización de la fractura, lesiones asociadas, complicaciones sépticas, edad y sexo, con la aparición de meningoencefalitis. Desarrollaron infección del sistema nervioso central 7 pacientes (1,8 %, 3 de ellos (4,2 % entre los que recibieron profilaxis y 4 (1,3 % entre los que no la recibieron. Se probó que la presencia de meningoencefalitis estaba asociada con el tipo de complicaciones sépticas que además pudieron tener los pacientes, así como al uso de antibióticos como terapéutica de éstas en análisis bivariado, lo que no se corroboró en el multivariado. Se concluye que el empleo de antibióticos profilácticos en estos pacientes no tiene justificación, lo que convierte a esta conducta en una práctica negativa desde el punto de vista médico y económicoA study of 380 patients with basilar skull fracture was performed. 71 (18.7 % of these patients were given antibiotic prophylaxis for meningoencephalitis and 309 (81.3 % were not. The relation of prophylactic or therapeutical use of antimicrobial agents, fracture location, associated injures, septic complications, age and sex to the meningoencephalitis coming out was evaluated. 7 patients (1.8 % developed infections of the central nervous system, 3 (4.2 % had been treated with antibiotics and 4 (1.3 % had not. The bivariate analysis proved that the meningoencephalitis was linked to the type of septic complications that might affect patients as well as the therapeutical use of antibiotics to eliminate them but the multivariate analysis did not demonstrate so. It is concluded that the use of the antibiotic prophylaxis in these patients is not substantiated which turns

  14. Masseteric-facial nerve transposition for reanimation of the smile in incomplete facial paralysis. (United States)

    Hontanilla, Bernardo; Marre, Diego


    Incomplete facial paralysis occurs in about a third of patients with Bell's palsy. Although their faces are symmetrical at rest, when they smile they have varying degrees of disfigurement. Currently, cross-face nerve grafting is one of the most useful techniques for reanimation. Transfer of the masseteric nerve, although widely used for complete paralysis, has not to our knowledge been reported for incomplete palsy. Between December 2008 and November 2013, we reanimated the faces of 9 patients (2 men and 7 women) with incomplete unilateral facial paralysis with transposition of the masseteric nerve. Sex, age at operation, cause of paralysis, duration of denervation, recipient nerves used, and duration of follow-up were recorded. Commissural excursion, velocity, and patients' satisfaction were evaluated with the FACIAL CLIMA and a questionnaire, respectively. The mean (SD) age at operation was 39 (±6) years and the duration of denervation was 29 (±19) months. There were no complications that required further intervention. Duration of follow-up ranged from 6-26 months. FACIAL CLIMA showed improvement in both commissural excursion and velocity of more than two thirds in 6 patients, more than one half in 2 patients and less than one half in one. Qualitative evaluation showed a slight or pronounced improvement in 7/9 patients. The masseteric nerve is a reliable alternative for reanimation of the smile in patients with incomplete facial paralysis. Its main advantages include its consistent anatomy, a one-stage operation, and low morbidity at the donor site. Copyright © 2015 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. What does facial symmetry reveal about health and personality?

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    Švegar Domagoj


    Full Text Available Over the last two decades, facial symmetry has been intensively researched. The present article aims to summarize empirical research concerning relations between facial symmetry and health and facial symmetry and personality. A systematic review of the literature shows that facial symmetry is one of the most influential visual markers of attractiveness and health, important for mate selection, while asymmetry can be considered a consequence of an individual’s inability to resist environmental and genetic stressors during development of the organism. However, in spite of evidence suggesting that preferences for facial symmetry are deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, a strong connection between facial symmetry and health is demonstrated only in studies measuring perceived health, while there is only scarce evidence corroborating the link between symmetry and actual health. The interconnections between facial symmetry and personality have not yet been extensively researched. Less than a dozen studies have addressed that issue and they have reached different conclusions. Some evidence suggests that facial symmetry signals personality attributes that indicate good psychological health, while other findings imply that pro-social personality traits negatively correlate with facial symmetry.

  16. The Association Between Men's Sexist Attitudes and Facial Hair. (United States)

    Oldmeadow, Julian A; Dixson, Barnaby J


    Facial hair, like many masculine secondary sexual traits, plays a significant role in perceptions of an array of sociosexual traits in men. While there is consensus that beards enhance perceptions of masculinity, age, social dominance, and aggressiveness, the perceived attractiveness of facial hair varies greatly across women. Given the ease with which facial hair can be groomed and removed entirely, why should some men retain beards and others choose to remove them? We hypothesized that men with relatively sexist attitudes would be more likely to allow their facial hair to grow than men with less sexist attitudes. Men from the USA (n = 223) and India (n = 309) completed an online survey measuring demographic variables, ambivalent sexism, and facial hair status. After controlling for demographic variables, men with facial hair were significantly higher in hostile sexism than clean-shaven men; hostile sexism was a significant predictor of facial hair status over and above demographic variables; and facial hair was more frequent among ambivalent and hostile sexists than among benevolent and non-sexists. It is suggested that sexist men choose to grow facial hair because it maximizes sexual dimorphism and augments perceived masculinity and dominance.

  17. Looking with different eyes: The psychological meaning of categorisation goals moderates facial reactivity to facial expressions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dillen, L.F.; Harris, L.T.; van Dijk, W.W.; Rotteveel, M.


    In the present research we examined whether the psychological meaning of people's categorisation goals affects facial muscle activity in response to facial expressions of emotion. We had participants associate eye colour (blue, brown) with either a personality trait (extraversion) or a physical

  18. Facial nerve problems and Bell's palsy


    Sala, DV; Venter, C; Valenas, O


    Bell's palsy is paralysis or weakness of muscle at the hemifacial level, a form of temporary facial paralysis, probable a virus infection or trauma, to one or two facial nerves. Damage to the facial nerve innervating the muscles on one side of the face result in a flabby appearance, fell the respective hemiface. Nerve damage can also affect the sense of taste and salivary and lacrimal secretion. This condition begins suddenly, often overnight, and usually gets better on its own within a few w...

  19. [Measuring impairment of facial affects recognition in schizophrenia. Preliminary study of the facial emotions recognition task (TREF)]. (United States)

    Gaudelus, B; Virgile, J; Peyroux, E; Leleu, A; Baudouin, J-Y; Franck, N


    The impairment of social cognition, including facial affects recognition, is a well-established trait in schizophrenia, and specific cognitive remediation programs focusing on facial affects recognition have been developed by different teams worldwide. However, even though social cognitive impairments have been confirmed, previous studies have also shown heterogeneity of the results between different subjects. Therefore, assessment of personal abilities should be measured individually before proposing such programs. Most research teams apply tasks based on facial affects recognition by Ekman et al. or Gur et al. However, these tasks are not easily applicable in a clinical exercise. Here, we present the Facial Emotions Recognition Test (TREF), which is designed to identify facial affects recognition impairments in a clinical practice. The test is composed of 54 photos and evaluates abilities in the recognition of six universal emotions (joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust and contempt). Each of these emotions is represented with colored photos of 4 different models (two men and two women) at nine intensity levels from 20 to 100%. Each photo is presented during 10 seconds; no time limit for responding is applied. The present study compared the scores of the TREF test in a sample of healthy controls (64 subjects) and people with stabilized schizophrenia (45 subjects) according to the DSM IV-TR criteria. We analysed global scores for all emotions, as well as sub scores for each emotion between these two groups, taking into account gender differences. Our results were coherent with previous findings. Applying TREF, we confirmed an impairment in facial affects recognition in schizophrenia by showing significant differences between the two groups in their global results (76.45% for healthy controls versus 61.28% for people with schizophrenia), as well as in sub scores for each emotion except for joy. Scores for women were significantly higher than for men in the population

  20. Eagle's syndrome with facial palsy

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    Mohammed Al-Hashim


    Full Text Available Eagle's syndrome (ES is a rare disease in which the styloid process is elongated and compressing adjacent structures. We describe a rare presentation of ES in which the patient presented with facial palsy. Facial palsy as a presentation of ES is very rare. A review of the English literature revealed only one previously reported case. Our case is a 39-year-old male who presented with left facial palsy. He also reported a 9-year history of the classical symptoms of ES. A computed tomography scan with three-dimensional reconstruction confirmed the diagnoses. He was started on conservative management but without significant improvement. Surgical intervention was offered, but the patient refused. It is important for otolaryngologists, dentists, and other specialists who deal with head and neck problems to be able to recognize ES despite its rarity. Although the patient responded to a treatment similar to that of Bell's palsy because of the clinical features and imaging, ES was most likely the cause of his facial palsy.

  1. Facial Scar Revision: Understanding Facial Scar Treatment (United States)

    ... keep the head elevated when lying down, to use cold compresses to reduce swelling, and to avoid any activity that places undue stress on the area of the incision. Depending on the surgery performed and the site of the scar, the facial plastic surgeon will explain the types of activities to ...

  2. A statistical method for 2D facial landmarking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dibeklioğlu, H.; Salah, A.A.; Gevers, T.


    Many facial-analysis approaches rely on robust and accurate automatic facial landmarking to correctly function. In this paper, we describe a statistical method for automatic facial-landmark localization. Our landmarking relies on a parsimonious mixture model of Gabor wavelet features, computed in

  3. Valproic Acid Promotes Survival of Facial Motor Neurons in Adult Rats After Facial Nerve Transection: a Pilot Study. (United States)

    Zhang, Lili; Fan, Zhaomin; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Liu, Wenwen; Bai, Xiaohui; Zhou, Meijuan; Li, Jianfeng; Wang, Haibo


    Valproic acid (VPA), a medication primarily used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, has been applied to the repair of central and peripheral nervous system injury. The present study investigated the effect of VPA on functional recovery, survival of facial motor neurons (FMNs), and expression of proteins in rats after facial nerve trunk transection by functional measurement, Nissl staining, TUNEL, immunofluorescence, and Western blot. Following facial nerve injury, all rats in group VPA showed a better functional recovery, which was significant at the given time, compared with group NS. The Nissl staining results demonstrated that the number of FMNs survival in group VPA was higher than that in group normal saline (NS). TUNEL staining showed that axonal injury of facial nerve could lead to neuronal apoptosis of FMNs. But treatment of VPA significantly reduced cell apoptosis by decreasing the expression of Bax protein and increased neuronal survival by upregulating the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43) expression in injured FMNs compared with group NS. Overall, our findings suggest that VPA may advance functional recovery, reduce lesion-induced apoptosis, and promote neuron survival after facial nerve transection in rats. This study provides an experimental evidence for better understanding the mechanism of injury and repair of peripheral facial paralysis.

  4. Facial Nerve Trauma: Evaluation and Considerations in Management


    Gordin, Eli; Lee, Thomas S.; Ducic, Yadranko; Arnaoutakis, Demetri


    The management of facial paralysis continues to evolve. Understanding the facial nerve anatomy and the different methods of evaluating the degree of facial nerve injury are crucial for successful management. When the facial nerve is transected, direct coaptation leads to the best outcome, followed by interpositional nerve grafting. In cases where motor end plates are still intact but a primary repair or graft is not feasible, a nerve transfer should be employed. When complete muscle atrophy h...

  5. Delayed facial nerve decompression for Bell's palsy. (United States)

    Kim, Sang Hoon; Jung, Junyang; Lee, Jong Ha; Byun, Jae Yong; Park, Moon Suh; Yeo, Seung Geun


    Incomplete recovery of facial motor function continues to be long-term sequelae in some patients with Bell's palsy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of transmastoid facial nerve decompression after steroid and antiviral treatment in patients with late stage Bell's palsy. Twelve patients underwent surgical decompression for Bell's palsy 21-70 days after onset, whereas 22 patients were followed up after steroid and antiviral therapy without decompression. Surgical criteria included greater than 90 % degeneration on electroneuronography and no voluntary electromyography potentials. This study was a retrospective study of electrodiagnostic data and medical chart review between 2006 and 2013. Recovery from facial palsy was assessed using the House-Brackmann grading system. Final recovery rate did not differ significantly in the two groups; however, all patients in the decompression group recovered to at least House-Brackmann grade III at final follow-up. Although postoperative hearing threshold was increased in both groups, there was no significant between group difference in hearing threshold. Transmastoid decompression of the facial nerve in patients with severe late stage Bell's palsy at risk for a poor facial nerve outcome reduced severe complications of facial palsy with minimal morbidity.

  6. Facial biometrics of peri-oral changes in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Zou, L; Adegun, O K; Willis, A; Fortune, Farida


    Crohn's disease is a chronic relapsing and remitting inflammatory condition which affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract. In the oro-facial region, patients can present peri-oral swellings which results in severe facial disfigurement. To date, assessing the degree of facial changes and evaluation of treatment outcomes relies on clinical observation and semi-quantitative methods. In this paper, we describe the development of a robust and reproducible measurement strategy using 3-D facial biometrics to objectively quantify the extent and progression of oro-facial Crohn's disease. Using facial laser scanning, 32 serial images from 13 Crohn's patients attending the Oral Medicine clinic were acquired during relapse, remission, and post-treatment phases. Utilising theories of coordinate metrology, the facial images were subjected to registration, regions of interest identification, and reproducible repositioning prior to obtaining volume measurements. To quantify the changes in tissue volume, scan images from consecutive appointments were compared to the baseline (first scan image). Reproducibility test was performed to ascertain the degree of uncertainty in volume measurements. 3-D facial biometric imaging is a reliable method to identify and quantify peri-oral swelling in Crohn's patients. Comparison of facial scan images at different phases of the disease revealed precisely profile and volume changes. The volume measurements were highly reproducible as adjudged from the 1% standard deviation. 3-D facial biometrics measurements in Crohn's patients with oro-facial involvement offers a quick, robust, economical and objective approach for guided therapeutic intervention and routine assessment of treatment efficacy on the clinic.

  7. Ethnic differences in the structural properties of facial skin. (United States)

    Sugiyama-Nakagiri, Yoriko; Sugata, Keiichi; Hachiya, Akira; Osanai, Osamu; Ohuchi, Atsushi; Kitahara, Takashi


    Conspicuous facial pores are one type of serious aesthetic defects for many women. However, the mechanism(s) that underlie the conspicuousness of facial pores remains unclear. We previously characterized the epidermal architecture around facial pores that correlated with the appearance of those pores. A survey was carried out to elucidate ethnic-dependent differences in facial pore size and in epidermal architecture. The subjects included 80 healthy women (aged 30-39: Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics and African Americans) living in Dallas in the USA. First, surface replicas were collected to compare pore sizes of cheek skin. Second, horizontal cross-sectioned images from cheek skin were obtained non-invasively from the same subjects using in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and the severity of impairment of epidermal architecture around facial pores was determined. Finally, to compare racial differences in the architecture of the interfollicular epidermis of facial cheek skin, horizontal cross-sectioned images were obtained and the numbers of dermal papillae were counted. Asians had the smallest pore areas compared with other racial groups. Regarding the epidermal architecture around facial pores, all ethnic groups observed in this study had similar morphological features and African Americans showed substantially more severe impairment of architecture around facial pores than any other racial group. In addition, significant differences were observed in the architecture of the interfollicular epidermis between ethnic groups. These results suggest that facial pore size, the epidermal architecture around facial pores and the architecture of the interfollicular epidermis differ between ethnic groups. This might affect the appearance of facial pores.

  8. Mirroring Facial Expressions and Emotions in Dyadic Conversations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Navarretta, Costanza


    This paper presents an investigation of mirroring facial expressions and the emotions which they convey in dyadic naturally occurring first encounters. Mirroring facial expressions are a common phenomenon in face-to-face interactions, and they are due to the mirror neuron system which has been...... and overlapping facial expressions are very frequent. In this study, we want to determine whether the overlapping facial expressions are mirrored or are otherwise correlated in the encounters, and to what extent mirroring facial expressions convey the same emotion. The results of our study show that the majority...... of smiles and laughs, and one fifth of the occurrences of raised eyebrows are mirrored in the data. Moreover some facial traits in co-occurring expressions co-occur more often than it would be expected by chance. Finally, amusement, and to a lesser extent friendliness, are often emotions shared by both...

  9. Delineation of facial archetypes by 3d averaging. (United States)

    Shaweesh, Ashraf I; Thomas, C David L; Bankier, Agnes; Clement, John G


    The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of creating archetypal 3D faces through computerized 3D facial averaging. A 3D surface scanner Fiore and its software were used to acquire the 3D scans of the faces while 3D Rugle3 and locally-developed software generated the holistic facial averages. 3D facial averages were created from two ethnic groups; European and Japanese and from children with three previous genetic disorders; Williams syndrome, achondroplasia and Sotos syndrome as well as the normal control group. The method included averaging the corresponding depth (z) coordinates of the 3D facial scans. Compared with other face averaging techniques there was not any warping or filling in the spaces by interpolation; however, this facial average lacked colour information. The results showed that as few as 14 faces were sufficient to create an archetypal facial average. In turn this would make it practical to use face averaging as an identification tool in cases where it would be difficult to recruit a larger number of participants. In generating the average, correcting for size differences among faces was shown to adjust the average outlines of the facial features. It is assumed that 3D facial averaging would help in the identification of the ethnic status of persons whose identity may not be known with certainty. In clinical medicine, it would have a great potential for the diagnosis of syndromes with distinctive facial features. The system would also assist in the education of clinicians in the recognition and identification of such syndromes.

  10. Sad Facial Expressions Increase Choice Blindness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yajie Wang


    Full Text Available Previous studies have discovered a fascinating phenomenon known as choice blindness—individuals fail to detect mismatches between the face they choose and the face replaced by the experimenter. Although previous studies have reported a couple of factors that can modulate the magnitude of choice blindness, the potential effect of facial expression on choice blindness has not yet been explored. Using faces with sad and neutral expressions (Experiment 1 and faces with happy and neutral expressions (Experiment 2 in the classic choice blindness paradigm, the present study investigated the effects of facial expressions on choice blindness. The results showed that the detection rate was significantly lower on sad faces than neutral faces, whereas no significant difference was observed between happy faces and neutral faces. The exploratory analysis of verbal reports found that participants who reported less facial features for sad (as compared to neutral expressions also tended to show a lower detection rate of sad (as compared to neutral faces. These findings indicated that sad facial expressions increased choice blindness, which might have resulted from inhibition of further processing of the detailed facial features by the less attractive sad expressions (as compared to neutral expressions.

  11. Sad Facial Expressions Increase Choice Blindness. (United States)

    Wang, Yajie; Zhao, Song; Zhang, Zhijie; Feng, Wenfeng


    Previous studies have discovered a fascinating phenomenon known as choice blindness-individuals fail to detect mismatches between the face they choose and the face replaced by the experimenter. Although previous studies have reported a couple of factors that can modulate the magnitude of choice blindness, the potential effect of facial expression on choice blindness has not yet been explored. Using faces with sad and neutral expressions (Experiment 1) and faces with happy and neutral expressions (Experiment 2) in the classic choice blindness paradigm, the present study investigated the effects of facial expressions on choice blindness. The results showed that the detection rate was significantly lower on sad faces than neutral faces, whereas no significant difference was observed between happy faces and neutral faces. The exploratory analysis of verbal reports found that participants who reported less facial features for sad (as compared to neutral) expressions also tended to show a lower detection rate of sad (as compared to neutral) faces. These findings indicated that sad facial expressions increased choice blindness, which might have resulted from inhibition of further processing of the detailed facial features by the less attractive sad expressions (as compared to neutral expressions).

  12. Adaptive evolution of facial colour patterns in Neotropical primates. (United States)

    Santana, Sharlene E; Lynch Alfaro, Jessica; Alfaro, Michael E


    The rich diversity of primate faces has interested naturalists for over a century. Researchers have long proposed that social behaviours have shaped the evolution of primate facial diversity. However, the primate face constitutes a unique structure where the diverse and potentially competing functions of communication, ecology and physiology intersect, and the major determinants of facial diversity remain poorly understood. Here, we provide the first evidence for an adaptive role of facial colour patterns and pigmentation within Neotropical primates. Consistent with the hypothesis that facial patterns function in communication and species recognition, we find that species living in smaller groups and in sympatry with a higher number of congener species have evolved more complex patterns of facial colour. The evolution of facial pigmentation and hair length is linked to ecological factors, and ecogeographical rules related to UV radiation and thermoregulation are met by some facial regions. Our results demonstrate the interaction of behavioural and ecological factors in shaping one of the most outstanding facial diversities of any mammalian lineage.

  13. Análisis facial en ortodoncia


    Mendoza Corbetto, Marco


    Las consideraciones sobre estética facial han sido conceptos inseparables de los principios y de la práctica de la ortodoncia y hoy en día se hace necesario enfatizar la importancia del análisis facial como examen complementario indispensable para el diagnóstico y planeamiento ortodóntico, resaltando que la mejora de la morfología facial debe ser el objetivo del tratamiento de las maloclusion es. Según Baldwin 5 el paciente busca en un tratamiento ortodóntico la ...

  14. Heartbeat Rate Measurement from Facial Video

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haque, Mohammad Ahsanul; Irani, Ramin; Nasrollahi, Kamal


    Heartbeat Rate (HR) reveals a person’s health condition. This paper presents an effective system for measuring HR from facial videos acquired in a more realistic environment than the testing environment of current systems. The proposed method utilizes a facial feature point tracking method...... by combining a ‘Good feature to track’ and a ‘Supervised descent method’ in order to overcome the limitations of currently available facial video based HR measuring systems. Such limitations include, e.g., unrealistic restriction of the subject’s movement and artificial lighting during data capture. A face...

  15. Total Facial Nerve Decompression for Severe Traumatic Facial Nerve Paralysis: A Review of 10 Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sertac Yetiser


    Full Text Available Management of traumatic facial nerve disorders is challenging. Facial nerve decompression is indicated if 90–95% loss of function is seen at the very early period on ENoG or if there is axonal degeneration on EMG lately with no sign of recovery. Middle cranial or translabyrinthine approach is selected depending on hearing. The aim of this study is to present retrospective review of 10 patients with sudden onset complete facial paralysis after trauma who underwent total facial nerve decompression. Operation time after injury is ranging between 16 and105 days. Excitation threshold, supramaximal stimulation, and amplitude on the paralytic side were worse than at least %85 of the healthy side. Six of 11 patients had HBG-II, one patient had HBG-I, 3 patients had HBG-III, and one patient had HBG-IV recovery. Stretch, compression injuries with disruption of the endoneurial tubules undetectable at the time of surgery and lack of timely decompression may be associated with suboptimal results in our series.

  16. Dermatological Feasibility of Multimodal Facial Color Imaging Modality for Cross-Evaluation of Facial Actinic Keratosis (United States)

    Bae, Youngwoo; Son, Taeyoon; Nelson, J. Stuart; Kim, Jae-Hong; Choi, Eung Ho; Jung, Byungjo


    Background/Purpose Digital color image analysis is currently considered as a routine procedure in dermatology. In our previous study, a multimodal facial color imaging modality (MFCIM), which provides a conventional, parallel- and cross-polarization, and fluorescent color image, was introduced for objective evaluation of various facial skin lesions. This study introduces a commercial version of MFCIM, DermaVision-PRO, for routine clinical use in dermatology and demonstrates its dermatological feasibility for cross-evaluation of skin lesions. Methods/Results Sample images of subjects with actinic keratosis or non-melanoma skin cancers were obtained at four different imaging modes. Various image analysis methods were applied to cross-evaluate the skin lesion and, finally, extract valuable diagnostic information. DermaVision-PRO is potentially a useful tool as an objective macroscopic imaging modality for quick prescreening and cross-evaluation of facial skin lesions. Conclusion DermaVision-PRO may be utilized as a useful tool for cross-evaluation of widely distributed facial skin lesions and an efficient database management of patient information. PMID:20923462

  17. People with chronic facial pain perform worse than controls at a facial emotion recognition task, but it is not all about the emotion. (United States)

    von Piekartz, H; Wallwork, S B; Mohr, G; Butler, D S; Moseley, G L


    Alexithymia, or a lack of emotional awareness, is prevalent in some chronic pain conditions and has been linked to poor recognition of others' emotions. Recognising others' emotions from their facial expression involves both emotional and motor processing, but the possible contribution of motor disruption has not been considered. It is possible that poor performance on emotional recognition tasks could reflect problems with emotional processing, motor processing or both. We hypothesised that people with chronic facial pain would be less accurate in recognising others' emotions from facial expressions, would be less accurate in a motor imagery task involving the face, and that performance on both tasks would be positively related. A convenience sample of 19 people (15 females) with chronic facial pain and 19 gender-matched controls participated. They undertook two tasks; in the first task, they identified the facial emotion presented in a photograph. In the second, they identified whether the person in the image had a facial feature pointed towards their left or right side, a well-recognised paradigm to induce implicit motor imagery. People with chronic facial pain performed worse than controls at both tasks (Facially Expressed Emotion Labelling (FEEL) task P facial pain were worse than controls at both the FEEL emotion recognition task and the left/right facial expression task and performance covaried within participants. We propose that disrupted motor processing may underpin or at least contribute to the difficulty that facial pain patients have in emotion recognition and that further research that tests this proposal is warranted. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Spontaneous and posed facial expression in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Smith, M C; Smith, M K; Ellgring, H


    Spontaneous and posed emotional facial expressions in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD, n = 12) were compared with those of healthy age-matched controls (n = 12). The intensity and amount of facial expression in PD patients were expected to be reduced for spontaneous but not posed expressions. Emotional stimuli were video clips selected from films, 2-5 min in duration, designed to elicit feelings of happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, or anger. Facial movements were coded using Ekman and Friesen's (1978) Facial Action Coding System (FACS). In addition, participants rated their emotional experience on 9-point Likert scales. The PD group showed significantly less overall facial reactivity than did controls when viewing the films. The predicted Group X Condition (spontaneous vs. posed) interaction effect on smile intensity was found when PD participants with more severe disease were compared with those with milder disease and with controls. In contrast, ratings of emotional experience were similar for both groups. Depression was positively associated with emotion rating but not with measures of facial activity. Spontaneous facial expression appears to be selectively affected in PD, whereas posed expression and emotional experience remain relatively intact.

  19. Advances in face detection and facial image analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Celebi, M; Smolka, Bogdan


    This book presents the state-of-the-art in face detection and analysis. It outlines new research directions, including in particular psychology-based facial dynamics recognition, aimed at various applications such as behavior analysis, deception detection, and diagnosis of various psychological disorders. Topics of interest include face and facial landmark detection, face recognition, facial expression and emotion analysis, facial dynamics analysis, face classification, identification, and clustering, and gaze direction and head pose estimation, as well as applications of face analysis.

  20. Idiopathic ophthalmodynia and idiopathic rhinalgia: two topographic facial pain syndromes. (United States)

    Pareja, Juan A; Cuadrado, María L; Porta-Etessam, Jesús; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, César; Gili, Pablo; Caminero, Ana B; Cebrián, José L


    To describe 2 topographic facial pain conditions with the pain clearly localized in the eye (idiopathic ophthalmodynia) or in the nose (idiopathic rhinalgia), and to propose their distinction from persistent idiopathic facial pain. Persistent idiopathic facial pain, burning mouth syndrome, atypical odontalgia, and facial arthromyalgia are idiopathic facial pain syndromes that have been separated according to topographical criteria. Still, some other facial pain syndromes might have been veiled under the broad term of persistent idiopathic facial pain. Through a 10-year period we have studied all patients referred to our neurological clinic because of facial pain of unknown etiology that might deviate from all well-characterized facial pain syndromes. In a group of patients we have identified 2 consistent clinical pictures with pain precisely located either in the eye (n=11) or in the nose (n=7). Clinical features resembled those of other localized idiopathic facial syndromes, the key differences relying on the topographic distribution of the pain. Both idiopathic ophthalmodynia and idiopathic rhinalgia seem specific pain syndromes with a distinctive location, and may deserve a nosologic status just as other focal pain syndromes of the face. Whether all such focal syndromes are topographic variants of persistent idiopathic facial pain or independent disorders remains a controversial issue.

  1. Categorical Perception of Affective and Linguistic Facial Expressions (United States)

    McCullough, Stephen; Emmorey, Karen


    Two experiments investigated categorical perception (CP) effects for affective facial expressions and linguistic facial expressions from American Sign Language (ASL) for Deaf native signers and hearing non-signers. Facial expressions were presented in isolation (Experiment 1) or in an ASL verb context (Experiment 2). Participants performed ABX…

  2. Factors contributing to the adaptation aftereffects of facial expression. (United States)

    Butler, Andrea; Oruc, Ipek; Fox, Christopher J; Barton, Jason J S


    Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of adaptation aftereffects for facial expressions. Here we investigated which aspects of facial stimuli contribute to these aftereffects. In Experiment 1, we examined the role of local adaptation to image elements such as curvature, shape and orientation, independent of expression, by using hybrid faces constructed from either the same or opposing expressions. While hybrid faces made with consistent expressions generated aftereffects as large as those with normal faces, there were no aftereffects from hybrid faces made from different expressions, despite the fact that these contained the same local image elements. In Experiment 2, we examined the role of facial features independent of the normal face configuration by contrasting adaptation with whole faces to adaptation with scrambled faces. We found that scrambled faces also generated significant aftereffects, indicating that expressive features without a normal facial configuration could generate expression aftereffects. In Experiment 3, we examined the role of facial configuration by using schematic faces made from line elements that in isolation do not carry expression-related information (e.g. curved segments and straight lines) but that convey an expression when arranged in a normal facial configuration. We obtained a significant aftereffect for facial configurations but not scrambled configurations of these line elements. We conclude that facial expression aftereffects are not due to local adaptation to image elements but due to high-level adaptation of neural representations that involve both facial features and facial configuration.

  3. Variant facial artery in the submandibular region. (United States)

    Vadgaonkar, Rajanigandha; Rai, Rajalakshmi; Prabhu, Latha V; Bv, Murlimanju; Samapriya, Neha


    Facial artery has been considered to be the most important vascular pedicle in facial rejuvenation procedures and submandibular gland (SMG) resection. It usually arises from the external carotid artery and passes from the carotid to digastric triangle, deep to the posterior belly of digastric muscle, and lodges in a groove at the posterior end of the SMG. It then passes between SMG and the mandible to reach the face after winding around the base of the mandible. During a routine dissection, in a 62-year-old female cadaver, in Kasturba Medical College Mangalore, an unusual pattern in the cervical course of facial artery was revealed. The right facial artery was found to pierce the whole substance of the SMG before winding around the lower border of the mandible to enter the facial region. Awareness of existence of such a variant and its comparison to the normal anatomy will be useful to oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

  4. Unsupervised learning of facial emotion decoding skills. (United States)

    Huelle, Jan O; Sack, Benjamin; Broer, Katja; Komlewa, Irina; Anders, Silke


    Research on the mechanisms underlying human facial emotion recognition has long focussed on genetically determined neural algorithms and often neglected the question of how these algorithms might be tuned by social learning. Here we show that facial emotion decoding skills can be significantly and sustainably improved by practice without an external teaching signal. Participants saw video clips of dynamic facial expressions of five different women and were asked to decide which of four possible emotions (anger, disgust, fear, and sadness) was shown in each clip. Although no external information about the correctness of the participant's response or the sender's true affective state was provided, participants showed a significant increase of facial emotion recognition accuracy both within and across two training sessions two days to several weeks apart. We discuss several similarities and differences between the unsupervised improvement of facial decoding skills observed in the current study, unsupervised perceptual learning of simple stimuli described in previous studies and practice effects often observed in cognitive tasks.

  5. Mothers' pupillary responses to infant facial expressions. (United States)

    Yrttiaho, Santeri; Niehaus, Dana; Thomas, Eileen; Leppänen, Jukka M


    Human parental care relies heavily on the ability to monitor and respond to a child's affective states. The current study examined pupil diameter as a potential physiological index of mothers' affective response to infant facial expressions. Pupillary time-series were measured from 86 mothers of young infants in response to an array of photographic infant faces falling into four emotive categories based on valence (positive vs. negative) and arousal (mild vs. strong). Pupil dilation was highly sensitive to the valence of facial expressions, being larger for negative vs. positive facial expressions. A separate control experiment with luminance-matched non-face stimuli indicated that the valence effect was specific to facial expressions and cannot be explained by luminance confounds. Pupil response was not sensitive to the arousal level of facial expressions. The results show the feasibility of using pupil diameter as a marker of mothers' affective responses to ecologically valid infant stimuli and point to a particularly prompt maternal response to infant distress cues.

  6. Facial soft tissue changes after orthodontic treatment | Aksakalli ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: To successfully meet expectations on facial esthetics, it is important to understand normal craniofacial growth and the impact of orthodontic treatment thereon. To date, there have been few studies documenting changes in facial esthetics through photography. The objective of this study was to compare facial soft ...

  7. [A text-book case of tropical facial elephantiasis]. (United States)

    Dilu, N-J; Sokolo, R


    Tropical facial elephantiasis is a nosological entity which can arise from various underlying causes: von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis, lymphatic and cutaneodermal filarioses, deep mycosis. We report an exceptional case of tropical facial elephantiasis caused by onchocercosis and entomophtoromycosis (rhinophycomycosis). The patient's facial morphology was noted "hippopotamus-face" or "dog-face". Onchocercosis and entomophtoromycosis are two diseases known to cause facial elephantiasis. We have not however been able to find any case report in the literature of co-morbidity nor any information on factors predictive of concomitant occurrence.

  8. Dynamic facial expression recognition based on geometric and texture features (United States)

    Li, Ming; Wang, Zengfu


    Recently, dynamic facial expression recognition in videos has attracted growing attention. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic facial expression recognition method by using geometric and texture features. In our system, the facial landmark movements and texture variations upon pairwise images are used to perform the dynamic facial expression recognition tasks. For one facial expression sequence, pairwise images are created between the first frame and each of its subsequent frames. Integration of both geometric and texture features further enhances the representation of the facial expressions. Finally, Support Vector Machine is used for facial expression recognition. Experiments conducted on the extended Cohn-Kanade database show that our proposed method can achieve a competitive performance with other methods.

  9. Some Aspects of Facial Nerve Paralysis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 20, 1973 ... the facial nerve has tremendous regenerative ability. The paretic, or flaccid, ... fresh axoplasm moving into it from the cell-body. Only when the axon .... tivity of the ear to sound, homolateral to the facial paralysis. The cause is ...

  10. Neural Correlates of Facial Mimicry: Simultaneous Measurements of EMG and BOLD Responses during Perception of Dynamic Compared to Static Facial Expressions (United States)

    Rymarczyk, Krystyna; Żurawski, Łukasz; Jankowiak-Siuda, Kamila; Szatkowska, Iwona


    Facial mimicry (FM) is an automatic response to imitate the facial expressions of others. However, neural correlates of the phenomenon are as yet not well established. We investigated this issue using simultaneously recorded EMG and BOLD signals during perception of dynamic and static emotional facial expressions of happiness and anger. During display presentations, BOLD signals and zygomaticus major (ZM), corrugator supercilii (CS) and orbicularis oculi (OO) EMG responses were recorded simultaneously from 46 healthy individuals. Subjects reacted spontaneously to happy facial expressions with increased EMG activity in ZM and OO muscles and decreased CS activity, which was interpreted as FM. Facial muscle responses correlated with BOLD activity in regions associated with motor simulation of facial expressions [i.e., inferior frontal gyrus, a classical Mirror Neuron System (MNS)]. Further, we also found correlations for regions associated with emotional processing (i.e., insula, part of the extended MNS). It is concluded that FM involves both motor and emotional brain structures, especially during perception of natural emotional expressions. PMID:29467691

  11. Automated facial acne assessment from smartphone images (United States)

    Amini, Mohammad; Vasefi, Fartash; Valdebran, Manuel; Huang, Kevin; Zhang, Haomiao; Kemp, William; MacKinnon, Nicholas


    A smartphone mobile medical application is presented, that provides analysis of the health of skin on the face using a smartphone image and cloud-based image processing techniques. The mobile application employs the use of the camera to capture a front face image of a subject, after which the captured image is spatially calibrated based on fiducial points such as position of the iris of the eye. A facial recognition algorithm is used to identify features of the human face image, to normalize the image, and to define facial regions of interest (ROI) for acne assessment. We identify acne lesions and classify them into two categories: those that are papules and those that are pustules. Automated facial acne assessment was validated by performing tests on images of 60 digital human models and 10 real human face images. The application was able to identify 92% of acne lesions within five facial ROIs. The classification accuracy for separating papules from pustules was 98%. Combined with in-app documentation of treatment, lifestyle factors, and automated facial acne assessment, the app can be used in both cosmetic and clinical dermatology. It allows users to quantitatively self-measure acne severity and treatment efficacy on an ongoing basis to help them manage their chronic facial acne.

  12. Botulinum toxin in the management of facial paralysis. (United States)

    Cabin, Jonathan A; Massry, Guy G; Azizzadeh, Babak


    Complete flaccid facial paralysis, as well as the synkinetic and hyperkinetic sequelae of partial recovery, has significant impact on quality of life. Patients suffer from functional deficiencies, cosmetic deformity, discomfort and social consequences leading to emotional distress. Despite an extensive and sophisticated array of available interventions for facial reanimation, most patients have persistent issues that require consistent follow-up. In long-term management, botulinum toxin (BT) injection remains a critical tool in the treatment of the facial paralysis patient, particularly in the case of synkinesis, hyperkinesis and imbalance. We review the recent scientific literature and highlight key principles and developments in the use of BT in the management of facial paralysis, including less common applications for acute facial paralysis, hyperlacrimation and pseudoptosis. We reviewed the literature for the latest advances in the use of BT in facial paralysis, including applications and technique, as well as measurement tools and adjunct exercises. We also share our experience in treating our own patient population. BT continues to be a well tolerated and effective tool in the long-term management of facial paralysis, specifically in treating synkinesis, imbalance and hyperkinesis, as well as hyperlacrimation and pseudoptosis. Consistent measurement tools and adjunct neuromuscular retraining are crucial in the successful deployment of BT. Controversy exists as to whether BT should be used to manage facial paralysis during the acute phase, and whether BT application to the nonparalyzed face can improve long-term recovery in the paralyzed side.

  13. Trisomy 21 and facial developmental instability. (United States)

    Starbuck, John M; Cole, Theodore M; Reeves, Roger H; Richtsmeier, Joan T


    The most common live-born human aneuploidy is trisomy 21, which causes Down syndrome (DS). Dosage imbalance of genes on chromosome 21 (Hsa21) affects complex gene-regulatory interactions and alters development to produce a wide range of phenotypes, including characteristic facial dysmorphology. Little is known about how trisomy 21 alters craniofacial morphogenesis to create this characteristic appearance. Proponents of the "amplified developmental instability" hypothesis argue that trisomy 21 causes a generalized genetic imbalance that disrupts evolutionarily conserved developmental pathways by decreasing developmental homeostasis and precision throughout development. Based on this model, we test the hypothesis that DS faces exhibit increased developmental instability relative to euploid individuals. Developmental instability was assessed by a statistical analysis of fluctuating asymmetry. We compared the magnitude and patterns of fluctuating asymmetry among siblings using three-dimensional coordinate locations of 20 anatomic landmarks collected from facial surface reconstructions in four age-matched samples ranging from 4 to 12 years: (1) DS individuals (n = 55); (2) biological siblings of DS individuals (n = 55); 3) and 4) two samples of typically developing individuals (n = 55 for each sample), who are euploid siblings and age-matched to the DS individuals and their euploid siblings (samples 1 and 2). Identification in the DS sample of facial prominences exhibiting increased fluctuating asymmetry during facial morphogenesis provides evidence for increased developmental instability in DS faces. We found the highest developmental instability in facial structures derived from the mandibular prominence and lowest in facial regions derived from the frontal prominence. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Long-Term Facial Nerve Outcomes after Microsurgical Resection of Vestibular Schwannomas in Patients with Preoperative Facial Nerve Palsy. (United States)

    Mooney, Michael A; Hendricks, Benjamin; Sarris, Christina E; Spetzler, Robert F; Almefty, Kaith K; Porter, Randall W


    Objectives  This study aimed at evaluating facial nerve outcomes in vestibular schwannoma patients presenting with preoperative facial nerve palsy. Design  A retrospective review. Setting  Single-institution cohort. Participants  Overall, 368 consecutive patients underwent vestibular schwannoma resection. Patients with prior microsurgery or radiosurgery were excluded. Main Outcome Measures  Incidence, House-Brackmann grade. Results  Of 368 patients, 9 had confirmed preoperative facial nerve dysfunction not caused by prior treatment, for an estimated incidence of 2.4%. Seven of these nine patients had Koos grade 4 tumors. Mean tumor diameter was 3.0 cm (range: 2.1-4.4 cm), and seven of nine tumors were subtotally resected. All nine patients were followed up clinically for ≥ 6 months. Of the six patients with a preoperative House-Brackmann grade of II, two improved to grade I, three were stable, and one patient worsened to grade III. Of the three patients with grade III or worse, all remained stable at last follow-up. Conclusions  Preoperative facial nerve palsy is rare in patients with vestibular schwannoma; it tends to occur in patients with relatively large lesions. Detailed long-term outcomes of facial nerve function after microsurgical resection for these patients have not been reported previously. We followed nine patients and found that eight (89%) of the nine patients had either stable or improved facial nerve outcomes after treatment. Management strategies varied for these patients, including rates of subtotal versus gross-total resection and the use of stereotactic radiosurgery in patients with residual tumor. These results can be used to help counsel patients preoperatively on expected outcomes of facial nerve function after treatment.

  15. Peripheral facial nerve dysfunction: CT evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Disbro, M.A.; Harnsberger, H.R.; Osborn, A.G.


    Peripheral facial nerve dysfunction may have a clinically apparent or occult cause. The authors reviewed the clinical and radiographic records of 36 patients with peripheral facial nerve dysfunction to obtain information on the location of the suspected lesion and the number, sequence, and type of radiographic evaluations performed. Inadequate clinical evaluations before computed tomography (CT) was done and unnecessary CT examinations were also noted. They have suggested a practical clinical and radiographic scheme to evaluate progressive peripheral facial dysfunction with no apparent cause. If this scheme is applied, unnecessary radiologic tests and delays in diagnosis and treatment may be avoided.

  16. Facial Expression at Retrieval Affects Recognition of Facial Identity

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    Wenfeng eChen


    Full Text Available It is well known that memory can be modulated by emotional stimuli at the time of encoding and consolidation. For example, happy faces create better identity recognition than faces with certain other expressions. However, the influence of facial expression at the time of retrieval remains unknown in the literature. To separate the potential influence of expression at retrieval from its effects at earlier stages, we had participants learn neutral faces but manipulated facial expression at the time of memory retrieval in a standard old/new recognition task. The results showed a clear effect of facial expression, where happy test faces were identified more successfully than angry test faces. This effect is unlikely due to greater image similarity between the neutral learning face and the happy test face, because image analysis showed that the happy test faces are in fact less similar to the neutral learning faces relative to the angry test faces. In the second experiment, we investigated whether this emotional effect is influenced by the expression at the time of learning. We employed angry or happy faces as learning stimuli, and angry, happy, and neutral faces as test stimuli. The results showed that the emotional effect at retrieval is robust across different encoding conditions with happy or angry expressions. These findings indicate that emotional expressions affect the retrieval process in identity recognition, and identity recognition does not rely on emotional association between learning and test faces.

  17. A Deep Learning Perspective on the Origin of Facial Expressions


    Breuer, Ran; Kimmel, Ron


    Facial expressions play a significant role in human communication and behavior. Psychologists have long studied the relationship between facial expressions and emotions. Paul Ekman et al., devised the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to taxonomize human facial expressions and model their behavior. The ability to recognize facial expressions automatically, enables novel applications in fields like human-computer interaction, social gaming, and psychological research. There has been a tremend...

  18. Magnetic resonance imaging of facial nerve schwannoma. (United States)

    Thompson, Andrew L; Aviv, Richard I; Chen, Joseph M; Nedzelski, Julian M; Yuen, Heng-Wai; Fox, Allan J; Bharatha, Aditya; Bartlett, Eric S; Symons, Sean P


    This study characterizes the magnetic resonance (MR) appearances of facial nerve schwannoma (FNS). We hypothesize that the extent of FNS demonstrated on MR will be greater compared to prior computed tomography studies, that geniculate involvement will be most common, and that cerebellar pontine angle (CPA) and internal auditory canal (IAC) involvement will more frequently result in sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Retrospective study. Clinical, pathologic, and enhanced MR imaging records of 30 patients with FNS were analyzed. Morphologic characteristics and extent of segmental facial nerve involvement were documented. Median age at initial imaging was 51 years (range, 28-76 years). Pathologic confirmation was obtained in 14 patients (47%), and the diagnosis reached in the remainder by identification of a mass, thickening, and enhancement along the course of the facial nerve. All 30 lesions involved two or more contiguous segments of the facial nerve, with 28 (93%) involving three or more segments. The median segments involved per lesion was 4, mean of 3.83. Geniculate involvement was most common, in 29 patients (97%). CPA (P = .001) and IAC (P = .02) involvement was significantly related to SNHL. Seventeen patients (57%) presented with facial nerve dysfunction, manifesting in 12 patients as facial nerve weakness or paralysis, and/or in eight with involuntary movements of the facial musculature. This study highlights the morphologic heterogeneity and typical multisegment involvement of FNS. Enhanced MR is the imaging modality of choice for FNS. The neuroradiologist must accurately diagnose and characterize this lesion, and thus facilitate optimal preoperative planning and counseling.

  19. Facial trauma among victims of terrestrial transport accidents. (United States)

    d'Avila, Sérgio; Barbosa, Kevan Guilherme Nóbrega; Bernardino, Ítalo de Macedo; da Nóbrega, Lorena Marques; Bento, Patrícia Meira; E Ferreira, Efigênia Ferreira


    In developing countries, terrestrial transport accidents - TTA, especially those involving automobiles and motorcycles - are a major cause of facial trauma, surpassing urban violence. This cross-sectional census study attempted to determine facial trauma occurrence with terrestrial transport accidents etiology, involving cars, motorcycles, or accidents with pedestrians in the northeastern region of Brazil, and examine victims' socio-demographic characteristics. Morbidity data from forensic service reports of victims who sought care from January to December 2012 were analyzed. Altogether, 2379 reports were evaluated, of which 673 were related to terrestrial transport accidents and 103 involved facial trauma. Three previously trained and calibrated researchers collected data using a specific form. Facial trauma occurrence rate was 15.3% (n=103). The most affected age group was 20-29 years (48.3%), and more men than women were affected (2.81:1). Motorcycles were involved in the majority of accidents resulting in facial trauma (66.3%). The occurrence of facial trauma in terrestrial transport accident victims tends to affect a greater proportion of young and male subjects, and the most prevalent accidents involve motorcycles. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  20. Frame-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Geometrical Features

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    Anwar Saeed


    Full Text Available To improve the human-computer interaction (HCI to be as good as human-human interaction, building an efficient approach for human emotion recognition is required. These emotions could be fused from several modalities such as facial expression, hand gesture, acoustic data, and biophysiological data. In this paper, we address the frame-based perception of the universal human facial expressions (happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, with the help of several geometrical features. Unlike many other geometry-based approaches, the frame-based method does not rely on prior knowledge of a person-specific neutral expression; this knowledge is gained through human intervention and not available in real scenarios. Additionally, we provide a method to investigate the performance of the geometry-based approaches under various facial point localization errors. From an evaluation on two public benchmark datasets, we have found that using eight facial points, we can achieve the state-of-the-art recognition rate. However, this state-of-the-art geometry-based approach exploits features derived from 68 facial points and requires prior knowledge of the person-specific neutral expression. The expression recognition rate using geometrical features is adversely affected by the errors in the facial point localization, especially for the expressions with subtle facial deformations.

  1. Orientations for the successful categorization of facial expressions and their link with facial features. (United States)

    Duncan, Justin; Gosselin, Frédéric; Cobarro, Charlène; Dugas, Gabrielle; Blais, Caroline; Fiset, Daniel


    Horizontal information was recently suggested to be crucial for face identification. In the present paper, we expand on this finding and investigate the role of orientations for all the basic facial expressions and neutrality. To this end, we developed orientation bubbles to quantify utilization of the orientation spectrum by the visual system in a facial expression categorization task. We first validated the procedure in Experiment 1 with a simple plaid-detection task. In Experiment 2, we used orientation bubbles to reveal the diagnostic-i.e., task relevant-orientations for the basic facial expressions and neutrality. Overall, we found that horizontal information was highly diagnostic for expressions-surprise excepted. We also found that utilization of horizontal information strongly predicted performance level in this task. Despite the recent surge of research on horizontals, the link with local features remains unexplored. We were thus also interested in investigating this link. In Experiment 3, location bubbles were used to reveal the diagnostic features for the basic facial expressions. Crucially, Experiments 2 and 3 were run in parallel on the same participants, in an interleaved fashion. This way, we were able to correlate individual orientation and local diagnostic profiles. Our results indicate that individual differences in horizontal tuning are best predicted by utilization of the eyes.

  2. Measurement of facial movements with Photoshop software during treatment of facial nerve palsy* (United States)

    Pourmomeny, Abbas Ali; Zadmehr, Hassan; Hossaini, Mohsen


    BACKGROUND: Evaluating the function of facial nerve is essential in order to determine the influences of various treatment methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate and assess the agreement of Photoshop scaling system versus the facial grading system (FGS). METHODS: In this semi-experimental study, thirty subjects with facial nerve paralysis were recruited. The evaluation of all patients before and after the treatment was performed by FGS and Photoshop measurements. RESULTS: The mean values of FGS before and after the treatment were 35 ± 25 and 67 ± 24, respectively (p Photoshop assessment, mean changes of face expressions in the impaired side relative to the normal side in rest position and three main movements of the face were 3.4 ± 0.55 and 4.04 ± 0.49 millimeter before and after the treatment, respectively (p Photoshop was more objective than using FGS. Therefore, it may be recommended to use this method instead. PMID:22973325

  3. Measurement of facial movements with Photoshop software during treatment of facial nerve palsy. (United States)

    Pourmomeny, Abbas Ali; Zadmehr, Hassan; Hossaini, Mohsen


    Evaluating the function of facial nerve is essential in order to determine the influences of various treatment methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate and assess the agreement of Photoshop scaling system versus the facial grading system (FGS). In this semi-experimental study, thirty subjects with facial nerve paralysis were recruited. The evaluation of all patients before and after the treatment was performed by FGS and Photoshop measurements. The mean values of FGS before and after the treatment were 35 ± 25 and 67 ± 24, respectively (p Photoshop assessment, mean changes of face expressions in the impaired side relative to the normal side in rest position and three main movements of the face were 3.4 ± 0.55 and 4.04 ± 0.49 millimeter before and after the treatment, respectively (p Photoshop was more objective than using FGS. Therefore, it may be recommended to use this method instead.

  4. Facial Affect Displays during Tutoring Sessions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ghijsen, M.; Heylen, Dirk K.J.; Nijholt, Antinus; op den Akker, Hendrikus J.A.


    An emotionally intelligent tutoring system should be able to provide feedback to students, taking into account relevant aspects of the mental state of the student. Facial expressions, put in context, might provide some cues with respect to this state. We discuss the analysis of the facial expression

  5. Greater perceptual sensitivity to happy facial expression. (United States)

    Maher, Stephen; Ekstrom, Tor; Chen, Yue


    Perception of subtle facial expressions is essential for social functioning; yet it is unclear if human perceptual sensitivities differ in detecting varying types of facial emotions. Evidence diverges as to whether salient negative versus positive emotions (such as sadness versus happiness) are preferentially processed. Here, we measured perceptual thresholds for the detection of four types of emotion in faces--happiness, fear, anger, and sadness--using psychophysical methods. We also evaluated the association of the perceptual performances with facial morphological changes between neutral and respective emotion types. Human observers were highly sensitive to happiness compared with the other emotional expressions. Further, this heightened perceptual sensitivity to happy expressions can be attributed largely to the emotion-induced morphological change of a particular facial feature (end-lip raise).

  6. Misinterpretation of facial expression: a cross-cultural study. (United States)

    Shioiri, T; Someya, T; Helmeste, D; Tang, S W


    Accurately recognizing facial emotional expressions is important in psychiatrist-versus-patient interactions. This might be difficult when the physician and patients are from different cultures. More than two decades of research on facial expressions have documented the universality of the emotions of anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. In contrast, some research data supported the concept that there are significant cultural differences in the judgment of emotion. In this pilot study, the recognition of emotional facial expressions in 123 Japanese subjects was evaluated using the Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expression of Emotion (JACFEE) photos. The results indicated that Japanese subjects experienced difficulties in recognizing some emotional facial expressions and misunderstood others as depicted by the posers, when compared to previous studies using American subjects. Interestingly, the sex and cultural background of the poser did not appear to influence the accuracy of recognition. The data suggest that in this young Japanese sample, judgment of certain emotional facial expressions was significantly different from the Americans. Further exploration in this area is warranted due to its importance in cross-cultural clinician-patient interactions.

  7. Facial attractiveness, symmetry and cues of good genes. (United States)

    Scheib, J E; Gangestad, S W; Thornhill, R


    Cues of phenotypic condition should be among those used by women in their choice of mates. One marker of better phenotypic condition is thought to be symmetrical bilateral body and facial features. However, it is not clear whether women use symmetry as the primary cue in assessing the phenotypic quality of potential mates or whether symmetry is correlated with other facial markers affecting physical attractiveness. Using photographs of men's faces, for which facial symmetry had been measured, we found a relationship between women's attractiveness ratings of these faces and symmetry, but the subjects could not rate facial symmetry accurately. Moreover, the relationship between facial attractiveness and symmetry was still observed, even when symmetry cues were removed by presenting only the left or right half of faces. These results suggest that attractive features other than symmetry can be used to assess phenotypic condition. We identified one such cue, facial masculinity (cheek-bone prominence and a relatively longer lower face), which was related to both symmetry and full- and half-face attractiveness.

  8. Do facial movements express emotions or communicate motives? (United States)

    Parkinson, Brian


    This article addresses the debate between emotion-expression and motive-communication approaches to facial movements, focusing on Ekman's (1972) and Fridlund's (1994) contrasting models and their historical antecedents. Available evidence suggests that the presence of others either reduces or increases facial responses, depending on the quality and strength of the emotional manipulation and on the nature of the relationship between interactants. Although both display rules and social motives provide viable explanations of audience "inhibition" effects, some audience facilitation effects are less easily accommodated within an emotion-expression perspective. In particular, emotion is not a sufficient condition for a corresponding "expression," even discounting explicit regulation, and, apparently, "spontaneous" facial movements may be facilitated by the presence of others. Further, there is no direct evidence that any particular facial movement provides an unambiguous expression of a specific emotion. However, information communicated by facial movements is not necessarily extrinsic to emotion. Facial movements not only transmit emotion-relevant information but also contribute to ongoing processes of emotional action in accordance with pragmatic theories.

  9. The reconstruction of male hair-bearing facial regions. (United States)

    Ridgway, Emily B; Pribaz, Julian J


    Loss of hair-bearing regions of the face caused by trauma, tumor resection, or burn presents a difficult reconstructive task for plastic surgeons. The ideal tissue substitute should have the same characteristics as the facial area affected, consisting of thin, pliable tissue with a similar color match and hair-bearing quality. This is a retrospective study of 34 male patients who underwent reconstruction of hair-bearing facial regions performed by the senior author (J.J.P.). Local and pedicled flaps were used primarily to reconstruct defects after tumor extirpation, trauma, infections, and burns. Two patients had irradiation before reconstruction. Two patients had prior facial reconstruction with free flaps. The authors found that certain techniques of reconstructing defects in hair-bearing facial regions were more successful than others in particular facial regions and in different sizes of defects. The authors were able to develop a simple algorithm for management of facial defects involving the hair-bearing regions of the eyebrow, sideburn, beard, and mustache that may prospectively aid the planning of reconstructive strategy in these cases.

  10. A dynamic appearance descriptor approach to facial actions temporal modeling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jiang, Bihan; Valstar, Michel; Martinez, Brais; Pantic, Maja

    Both the configuration and the dynamics of facial expressions are crucial for the interpretation of human facial behavior. Yet to date, the vast majority of reported efforts in the field either do not take the dynamics of facial expressions into account, or focus only on prototypic facial

  11. ORIGIN OF THE FACIAL ARTERY FROM THE LINGUAL-FACIAL TRUNK AND ITS COURSE THROUGH THE SUBMANDIBULAR SALIVARY GLAND: A CASE REPORT. Origen de la arteria facial desde el tronco lingual-facial y su curso a través de la glándula salival submandibular: informe

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    Srinivasa Rao Sirasanagandla


    Full Text Available La disección cuidadosa del tercio posterior de la parte superficial de la glándula salival submandibular es uno de los pasos quirúrgicos esenciales en la extirpación endoscópica glandular, evitando daños en la arteria facial. Un buen conocimiento de la poco común relación entre la arteria facial y la glándula salival submandibular es de vital importancia para llevar a cabo de forma eficiente y segura la extirpación de la glándula submandibular. Las variaciones del patrón de ramificación de la arteria facial son bien conocidas y han sido expuestas en el pasado. Sin embargo, las variaciones en su origen y trayectoria son poco frecuentes. Durante una rutinaria disección de cabeza y cuello para los estudiantes universitarios de Medicina, observamos la inusual trayectoria de la arteria facial en el triángulo digástrico derecho en un cadáver de un varón de origen indio de aproximadamente 60 años. La arteria facial derecha se originó de la común lingual-facial del tronco por encima del nivel del asta mayor del hueso hioides, y luego atravesar a través de la sustancia de la parte superficial de la glándula submandibular, sin la formación de un bucle. Después la arteria entraba en la cara por el ángulo anteroinferior del masetero. A continuación, en su trayectoria intraglandular, esta arteria mostraba pequeñas ramificaciones glandulares.  Careful dissection of the posterior one third of the superficial part of the submandibular salivary gland is one of the essential surgical steps in endoscopic glandular excision, to avoid injury to the facial artery. A sound knowledge of unusual relationship of the facial artery with the submandibular salivary gland is essentially important to perform the safe and efficient submandibular gland excision. Different types of variations in the branching pattern of the facial artery have been reported in the past. However, variations in the origin and course of the facial artery are very rare

  12. Prótesis de cúpula monopolar en el tratamiento de fracturas y luxofracturas del radio. [Monopolar ­radial­ head ­arthroplasty­ in ­the ­treatment­ of ­fracture and ­fracture-dislocations ­of ­the ­radius.

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    Gerardo L. Gallucci


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar retrospectivamente los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de una serie consecutiva de pacientes con fracturas y luxofracturas de la cúpula radial a quienes se les realizó el reemplazo por una prótesis monopolar. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: Se incluyeron 20 pacientes. Criterios de inclusión: <18 años, con fracturas o luxofracturas de la cúpula radial, tratados con prótesis monoblock de titanio y seguimiento mínimo de un año. Quince eran mujeres, edad promedio 59 años. Siete eran fracturas aisladas y 13, luxofracturas. Se evaluaron el grado de aflojamiento protésico, la erosión capitelar, el ensanchamiento del espacio articular humeral lateral y las calcificaciones heterotópicas. El seguimiento fue de 26 meses. Resultados: La flexo-extensión fue de 139º-5º y la prono-supinación, de 79-79°. El arco total fue de 134°. Fuerza de puño: 84% del lado contralateral. El dolor según la escala analógica visual fue de 2, DASH: 11 puntos, 13 resultados excelentes y 6 buenos. Se detectó aflojamiento del implante (12 casos, aumento de la radiolucidez capitelar (4 casos y ensanchamiento del espacio ulnohumeral lateral (2 casos. Hubo 2 complicaciones: una neurodocitis cubital que debió ser operada y una extracción de implante por aflojamiento y dolor. Conclusiones: El reemplazo de la cúpula radial en lesiones no reconstruibles es una opción terapéutica viable, con buenos resultados funcionales a corto y mediano plazo. La recuperación de la estabilidad articular fue posible en todos los casos y el índice de aflojamiento protésico asintomático fue elevado.

  13. Unsupervised learning of facial emotion decoding skills

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    Jan Oliver Huelle


    Full Text Available Research on the mechanisms underlying human facial emotion recognition has long focussed on genetically determined neural algorithms and often neglected the question of how these algorithms might be tuned by social learning. Here we show that facial emotion decoding skills can be significantly and sustainably improved by practise without an external teaching signal. Participants saw video clips of dynamic facial expressions of five different women and were asked to decide which of four possible emotions (anger, disgust, fear and sadness was shown in each clip. Although no external information about the correctness of the participant’s response or the sender’s true affective state was provided, participants showed a significant increase of facial emotion recognition accuracy both within and across two training sessions two days to several weeks apart. We discuss several similarities and differences between the unsupervised improvement of facial decoding skills observed in the current study, unsupervised perceptual learning of simple stimuli described in previous studies and practise effects often observed in cognitive tasks.

  14. Fusiform Correlates of Facial Memory in Autism

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    Nicholas Lange


    Full Text Available Prior studies have shown that performance on standardized measures of memory in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD is substantially reduced in comparison to matched typically developing controls (TDC. Given reported deficits in face processing in autism, the current study compared performance on an immediate and delayed facial memory task for individuals with ASD and TDC. In addition, we examined volumetric differences in classic facial memory regions of interest (ROI between the two groups, including the fusiform, amygdala, and hippocampus. We then explored the relationship between ROI volume and facial memory performance. We found larger volumes in the autism group in the left amygdala and left hippocampus compared to TDC. In contrast, TDC had larger left fusiform gyrus volumes when compared with ASD. Interestingly, we also found significant negative correlations between delayed facial memory performance and volume of the left and right fusiform and the left hippocampus for the ASD group but not for TDC. The possibility of larger fusiform volume as a marker of abnormal connectivity and decreased facial memory is discussed.

  15. Soccer-Related Facial Trauma: A Nationwide Perspective. (United States)

    Bobian, Michael R; Hanba, Curtis J; Svider, Peter F; Hojjat, Houmehr; Folbe, Adam J; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Shkoukani, Mahdi A


    Soccer participation continues to increase among all ages in the US. Our objective was to analyze trends in soccer-related facial injury epidemiology, demographics, and mechanisms of injury. The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System was evaluated for soccer-related facial injuries from 2010 through 2014. Results for product code "soccer" were filtered for injures to the face. Number of injuries was extrapolated, and data were analyzed for age, sex, specific injury diagnoses, locations, and mechanisms. In all, 2054 soccer-related facial trauma entries were analyzed. During this time, the number of injures remained relatively stable. Lacerations were the most common diagnosis (44.2%), followed by contusions and fractures. The most common sites of fracture were the nose (75.1%). Of fractures with a reported mechanism of injury, the most common was head-to-head collisions (39.0%). Patients soccer-related facial trauma has remained stable, but the severity of such injuries remain a danger. Facial protection in soccer is virtually absent, and our findings reinforce the need to educate athletes, families, and physicians on injury awareness and prevention. © The Author(s) 2016.

  16. Stability of Facial Affective Expressions in Schizophrenia

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    H. Fatouros-Bergman


    Full Text Available Thirty-two videorecorded interviews were conducted by two interviewers with eight patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Each patient was interviewed four times: three weekly interviews by the first interviewer and one additional interview by the second interviewer. 64 selected sequences where the patients were speaking about psychotic experiences were scored for facial affective behaviour with Emotion Facial Action Coding System (EMFACS. In accordance with previous research, the results show that patients diagnosed with schizophrenia express negative facial affectivity. Facial affective behaviour seems not to be dependent on temporality, since within-subjects ANOVA revealed no substantial changes in the amount of affects displayed across the weekly interview occasions. Whereas previous findings found contempt to be the most frequent affect in patients, in the present material disgust was as common, but depended on the interviewer. The results suggest that facial affectivity in these patients is primarily dominated by the negative emotions of disgust and, to a lesser extent, contempt and implies that this seems to be a fairly stable feature.

  17. Discrimination of gender using facial image with expression change (United States)

    Kuniyada, Jun; Fukuda, Takahiro; Terada, Kenji


    By carrying out marketing research, the managers of large-sized department stores or small convenience stores obtain the information such as ratio of men and women of visitors and an age group, and improve their management plan. However, these works are carried out in the manual operations, and it becomes a big burden to small stores. In this paper, the authors propose a method of men and women discrimination by extracting difference of the facial expression change from color facial images. Now, there are a lot of methods of the automatic recognition of the individual using a motion facial image or a still facial image in the field of image processing. However, it is very difficult to discriminate gender under the influence of the hairstyle and clothes, etc. Therefore, we propose the method which is not affected by personality such as size and position of facial parts by paying attention to a change of an expression. In this method, it is necessary to obtain two facial images with an expression and an expressionless. First, a region of facial surface and the regions of facial parts such as eyes, nose, and mouth are extracted in the facial image with color information of hue and saturation in HSV color system and emphasized edge information. Next, the features are extracted by calculating the rate of the change of each facial part generated by an expression change. In the last step, the values of those features are compared between the input data and the database, and the gender is discriminated. In this paper, it experimented for the laughing expression and smile expression, and good results were provided for discriminating gender.

  18. [Neural representations of facial identity and its associative meaning]. (United States)

    Eifuku, Satoshi


    Since the discovery of "face cells" in the early 1980s, single-cell recording experiments in non-human primates have made significant contributions toward the elucidation of neural mechanisms underlying face perception and recognition. In this paper, we review the recent progress in face cell studies, including the recent remarkable findings of the face patches that are scattered around the anterior temporal cortical areas of monkeys. In particular, we focus on the neural representations of facial identity within these areas. The identification of faces requires both discrimination of facial identities and generalization across facial views. It has been indicated by some laboratories that the population of face cells found in the anterior ventral inferior temporal cortex of monkeys represent facial identity in a manner which is facial view-invariant. These findings suggest a relatively distributed representation that operates for facial identification. It has also been shown that certain individual neurons in the medial temporal lobe of humans represent view-invariant facial identity. This finding suggests a relatively sparse representation that may be employed for memory formation. Finally, we summarize our recent study, showing that the population of face cells in the anterior ventral inferior temporal cortex of monkeys that represent view-invariant facial identity, can also represent learned paired associations between an abstract picture and a particular facial identity, extending our understanding of the function of the anterior ventral inferior temporal cortex in the recognition of associative meanings of faces.

  19. Teoría de la mente en un grupo de personas vinculadas al conflicto armado y en proceso de resocialización

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    Mónica Gómez


    Full Text Available La teoría de la mente es la capacidad de inferir, predecir y atribuir estados mentales a otras personas. Este constructo ha sido estudiado desde numerosas patologías, como el autismo, la esquizofrenia y el síndrome de down. Estudios recientes han mostrado que las alteraciones de la teoría de la mente pueden ser observadas en los diferentes cuadros clínicos derivados de alteraciones del lóbulo frontal, como la personalidad antisocial. Algunos autores plantean que un aspecto esencial de la teoría de la mente es la empatía. Sin embargo, este constructo no ha sido estudiado en población normal colombiana con conductas violentas y delictivas que han estado vinculadas al conflicto armado. Este artículo tiene como propósito describir algunas características de la tom en sujetos que estuvieron vinculados al conflicto armado en antioquia con manifestaciones sintomáticas relacionadas con comportamientos violentos y delictivos.

  20. Automatic facial animation parameters extraction in MPEG-4 visual communication (United States)

    Yang, Chenggen; Gong, Wanwei; Yu, Lu


    Facial Animation Parameters (FAPs) are defined in MPEG-4 to animate a facial object. The algorithm proposed in this paper to extract these FAPs is applied to very low bit-rate video communication, in which the scene is composed of a head-and-shoulder object with complex background. This paper addresses the algorithm to automatically extract all FAPs needed to animate a generic facial model, estimate the 3D motion of head by points. The proposed algorithm extracts human facial region by color segmentation and intra-frame and inter-frame edge detection. Facial structure and edge distribution of facial feature such as vertical and horizontal gradient histograms are used to locate the facial feature region. Parabola and circle deformable templates are employed to fit facial feature and extract a part of FAPs. A special data structure is proposed to describe deformable templates to reduce time consumption for computing energy functions. Another part of FAPs, 3D rigid head motion vectors, are estimated by corresponding-points method. A 3D head wire-frame model provides facial semantic information for selection of proper corresponding points, which helps to increase accuracy of 3D rigid object motion estimation.

  1. Post traumatic facial nerve palsy without temporal bone fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scuotto, A.; Cappabianca, S.; Capasso, R.; Porto, A.; D'Oria, S.; Rotondo, M.


    Facial nerve injury following head trauma is a frequent event with or without temporal bone fractures. Computed tomography is the imaging modality of choice for assessing the possible bone disruption of the facial nerve canal. Magnetic resonance is helpful in presence of a facial nerve paralysis, unexplained by computed tomography findings. We present a case of delayed post-traumatic facial nerve palsy without radiological evidence of temporal bone fractures, in which magnetic resonance was crucial for diagnosing the nerve impairment. Radiological findings in accordance both with electrodiagnostic tests and clinical presentation suggested the successful conservative management. - Highlights: • Facial nerve is more prone to damage than any other cranial nerve after trauma. • Facial nerve trauma is usually associated with temporal bone fractures. • MRI is mandatory in case of no evidence of bone disruption at CT.

  2. Facial expression system on video using widrow hoff (United States)

    Jannah, M.; Zarlis, M.; Mawengkang, H.


    Facial expressions recognition is one of interesting research. This research contains human feeling to computer application Such as the interaction between human and computer, data compression, facial animation and facial detection from the video. The purpose of this research is to create facial expression system that captures image from the video camera. The system in this research uses Widrow-Hoff learning method in training and testing image with Adaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE) approach. The system performance is evaluated by two parameters, detection rate and false positive rate. The system accuracy depends on good technique and face position that trained and tested.

  3. Stop staring facial modeling and animation done right

    CERN Document Server

    Osipa, Jason


    The de facto official source on facial animation—now updated!. If you want to do character facial modeling and animation at the high levels achieved in today's films and games, Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right, Third Edition , is for you. While thoroughly covering the basics such as squash and stretch, lip syncs, and much more, this new edition has been thoroughly updated to capture the very newest professional design techniques, as well as changes in software, including using Python to automate tasks.: Shows you how to create facial animation for movies, games, and more;

  4. Pediatric facial fractures: evolving patterns of treatment. (United States)

    Posnick, J C; Wells, M; Pron, G E


    This study reviews the treatment of facial trauma between October 1986 and December 1990 at a major pediatric referral center. The mechanism of injury, location and pattern of facial fractures, pattern of facial injury, soft tissue injuries, and any associated injuries to other organ systems were recorded, and fracture management and perioperative complications reviewed. The study population consisted of 137 patients who sustained 318 facial fractures. Eighty-one patients (171 fractures) were seen in the acute stage, and 56 patients (147 fractures) were seen for reconstruction of a secondary deformity. Injuries in boys were more prevalent than in girls (63% versus 37%), and the 6- to 12-year cohort made up the largest group (42%). Most fractures resulted from traffic-related accidents (50%), falls (23%), or sports-related injuries (15%). Mandibular (34%) and orbital fractures (23%) predominated; fewer midfacial fractures (7%) were sustained than would be expected in a similar adult population. Three quarters of the patients with acute fractures required operative intervention. Closed reduction techniques with maxillomandibular fixation were frequently chosen for mandibular condyle fractures and open reduction techniques (35%) for other regions of the facial skeleton. When open reduction was indicated, plate-and-screw fixation was the preferred method of stabilization (65%). The long-term effects of the injuries and the treatment given on facial growth remain undetermined. Perioperative complication rates directly related to the surgery were low.

  5. Paralisia facial periférica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Jarjura Jorge Jr.


    Full Text Available Os autores fazem uma revisão sobre o anatomo fisiologia, os diagnósticos clinico e eletrofisiológico da Paralisia Facial Periférica assim como relacionam as afecções envolvidas no processo, discutindo seu tratamento clinico e cirúrgico. Em seguida relatam 5 casos de diversas etiologias tratados no ambulatório de Paralisia Facial da Disciplina de Otorrinolaringologia da FCMB da PUC-SP.

  6. The effects of facial adiposity on attractiveness and perceived leadership ability. (United States)

    Re, Daniel E; Perrett, David I


    Facial attractiveness has a positive influence on electoral success both in experimental paradigms and in the real world. One parameter that influences facial attractiveness and social judgements is facial adiposity (a facial correlate to body mass index, BMI). Overweight people have high facial adiposity and are perceived to be less attractive and lower in leadership ability. Here, we used an interactive design in order to assess whether the most attractive level of facial adiposity is also perceived as most leader-like. We found that participants reduced facial adiposity more to maximize attractiveness than to maximize perceived leadership ability. These results indicate that facial appearance impacts leadership judgements beyond the effects of attractiveness. We suggest that the disparity between optimal facial adiposity in attractiveness and leadership judgements stems from social trends that have produced thin ideals for attractiveness, while leadership judgements are associated with perception of physical dominance.

  7. Computed tomography of the facial canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiuchi, Sousuke


    The radiological details of the facial canal was investigated by computed tomography. In the first part of this study, dry skulls were used to delineate the full course of the facial canal by computed tomography. In the second part of this study, the patients with chronic otitis media and secondary cholesteatoma were evaluated. The labyrinthine and tympanic parts of the canal were well demonstrated with the axial scanning, and the mastoid part with the coronal scanning. Moreover, computed tomography showed excellent delineation of the middle ear contents. In patients with secondary cholesteatoma, the destructions of the intratympanic course of the bony facial canal were also assessed preoperatively. (author)

  8. Fusing Facial Features for Face Recognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jamal Ahmad Dargham


    Full Text Available Face recognition is an important biometric method because of its potential applications in many fields, such as access control, surveillance, and human-computer interaction. In this paper, a face recognition system that fuses the outputs of three face recognition systems based on Gabor jets is presented. The first system uses the magnitude, the second uses the phase, and the third uses the phase-weighted magnitude of the jets. The jets are generated from facial landmarks selected using three selection methods. It was found out that fusing the facial features gives better recognition rate than either facial feature used individually regardless of the landmark selection method.

  9. Analysis of Facial Expression by Taste Stimulation (United States)

    Tobitani, Kensuke; Kato, Kunihito; Yamamoto, Kazuhiko

    In this study, we focused on the basic taste stimulation for the analysis of real facial expressions. We considered that the expressions caused by taste stimulation were unaffected by individuality or emotion, that is, such expressions were involuntary. We analyzed the movement of facial muscles by taste stimulation and compared real expressions with artificial expressions. From the result, we identified an obvious difference between real and artificial expressions. Thus, our method would be a new approach for facial expression recognition.

  10. Case report of a patient with peripheral facial nerve palsy


    Rysová, Jana


    Title of bachelor's thesis: Case report of a patient with peripheral facial nerve palsy Summary: Teoretical part of bachelor's thesis contains theoretical foundation of peripheral facial nerve palsy. Practical part of bachelor's thesis contains physiotherapeutic case report of patient with peripheral facial nerve palsy. Key words: peripheral facial nerve palsy, casuistry, rehabilitation

  11. Detección facial y reconocimiento anímico mediante las expresiones faciales




    The project is based on the software development elaborated with the program LabView. The mentioned program aims to detect people's faces in a video, as well as their genre and mood state. El proyecto se basa en el desarrollo de un software elaborado con el programa LabView. Dicho programa pretende detectar la cara de las personas en un vídeo, así como su género y su estado de ánimo. Bartual González, R. (2017). Detección facial y reconocimiento anímico mediante las expresiones faciales...

  12. Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma: Report of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seyyed Basir Hashemi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Intra parotid facial nerve schowannoma is a rare tumor. Case report: In this article we presented two cases of intra parotid facial nerve schowannoma. In two cases tumor presented with asymptomatic parotid mass that mimic pleomorphic adenoma. No preoperative facial nerve dysfunction in cases is detected. Diagnostic result and surgical management are discussed in this paper.  

  13. Comparison of hemihypoglossal nerve versus masseteric nerve transpositions in the rehabilitation of short-term facial paralysis using the Facial Clima evaluating system. (United States)

    Hontanilla, Bernardo; Marré, Diego


    Masseteric and hypoglossal nerve transfers are reliable alternatives for reanimating short-term facial paralysis. To date, few studies exist in the literature comparing these techniques. This work presents a quantitative comparison of masseter-facial transposition versus hemihypoglossal facial transposition with a nerve graft using the Facial Clima system. Forty-six patients with complete unilateral facial paralysis underwent reanimation with either hemihypoglossal transposition with a nerve graft (group I, n = 25) or direct masseteric-facial coaptation (group II, n = 21). Commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity were measured using the Facial Clima system. Postoperative intragroup commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity means of the reanimated versus the normal side were first compared using a paired sample t test. Then, mean percentages of recovery of both parameters were compared between the groups using an independent sample t test. Onset of movement was also compared between the groups. Significant differences of mean commissural displacement and commissural contraction velocity between the reanimated side and the normal side were observed in group I but not in group II. Mean percentage of recovery of both parameters did not differ between the groups. Patients in group II showed a significantly faster onset of movement compared with those in group I (62 ± 4.6 days versus 136 ± 7.4 days, p = 0.013). Reanimation of short-term facial paralysis can be satisfactorily addressed by means of either hemihypoglossal transposition with a nerve graft or direct masseteric-facial coaptation. However, with the latter, better symmetry and a faster onset of movement are observed. In addition, masseteric nerve transfer avoids morbidity from nerve graft harvesting. Therapeutic, III.

  14. Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Valstar, M.F.; Mehu, M.; Jiang, Bihan; Pantic, Maja; Scherer, K.

    Automatic facial expression recognition has been an active topic in computer science for over two decades, in particular facial action coding system action unit (AU) detection and classification of a number of discrete emotion states from facial expressive imagery. Standardization and comparability

  15. Contralateral reinnervation of midline muscles in nonidiopathic facial palsy.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gilhuis, H.J.; Beurskens, C.H.G.; Vries, J. de; Marres, H.A.M.; Hartman, E.H.M.; Zwarts, M.J.


    The purpose of this study was to analyze contralateral reinnervation of the facial nerve in eight patients with complete facial palsy after surgery or trauma and seven healthy volunteers. All patients had contralateral reinnervation of facial muscles as demonstrated by electrical nerve stimulation

  16. Automatic Generation of Facial Expression Using Triangular Geometric Deformation


    Jia-Shing Sheu; Tsu-Shien Hsieh; Ho-Nien Shou


    This paper presents an image deformation algorithm and constructs an automatic facial expression generation system to generate new facial expressions in neutral state. After the users input the face image in a neutral state into the system, the system separates the possible facial areas and the image background by skin color segmentation. It then uses the morphological operation to remove noise and to capture the organs of facial expression, such as the eyes, mouth, eyebrow, and nose. The fea...

  17. The effect of facial expressions on respirators contact pressures. (United States)

    Cai, Mang; Shen, Shengnan; Li, Hui


    This study investigated the effect of four typical facial expressions (calmness, happiness, sadness and surprise) on contact characteristics between an N95 filtering facepiece respirator and a headform. The respirator model comprised two layers (an inner layer and an outer layer) and a nose clip. The headform model was comprised of a skin layer, a fatty tissue layer embedded with eight muscles, and a skull layer. Four typical facial expressions were generated by the coordinated contraction of four facial muscles. After that, the distribution of the contact pressure on the headform, as well as the contact area, were calculated. Results demonstrated that the nasal clip could help make the respirator move closer to the nose bridge while causing facial discomfort. Moreover, contact areas varied with different facial expressions, and facial expressions significantly altered contact pressures at different key areas, which may result in leakage.

  18. Altering sensorimotor feedback disrupts visual discrimination of facial expressions. (United States)

    Wood, Adrienne; Lupyan, Gary; Sherrin, Steven; Niedenthal, Paula


    Looking at another person's facial expression of emotion can trigger the same neural processes involved in producing the expression, and such responses play a functional role in emotion recognition. Disrupting individuals' facial action, for example, interferes with verbal emotion recognition tasks. We tested the hypothesis that facial responses also play a functional role in the perceptual processing of emotional expressions. We altered the facial action of participants with a gel facemask while they performed a task that involved distinguishing target expressions from highly similar distractors. Relative to control participants, participants in the facemask condition demonstrated inferior perceptual discrimination of facial expressions, but not of nonface stimuli. The findings suggest that somatosensory/motor processes involving the face contribute to the visual perceptual-and not just conceptual-processing of facial expressions. More broadly, our study contributes to growing evidence for the fundamentally interactive nature of the perceptual inputs from different sensory modalities.

  19. Genetics Home Reference: oral-facial-digital syndrome (United States)

    ... related conditions that affect the development of the oral cavity (the mouth and teeth), facial features, and digits ( ... this disorder involve problems with development of the oral cavity , facial features, and digits. Most forms are also ...

  20. Facial attractiveness, symmetry, and physical fitness in young women. (United States)

    Hönekopp, Johannes; Bartholomé, Tobias; Jansen, Gregor


    This study explores the evolutionary-based hypothesis that facial attractiveness (a guiding force in mate selection) is a cue for physical fitness (presumably an important contributor to mate value in ancestral times). Since fluctuating asymmetry, a measure of developmental stability, is known to be a valid cue for fitness in several biological domains, we scrutinized facial asymmetry as a potential mediator between attractiveness and fitness. In our sample of young women, facial beauty indeed indicated physical fitness. The relationships that pertained to asymmetry were in the expected direction. However, a closer analysis revealed that facial asymmetry did not mediate the relationship between fitness and attractiveness. Unexpected problems regarding the measurement of facial asymmetry are discussed.


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    G. A. Kukharev


    Full Text Available In the paper a method of generating of standard type linear barcodes from facial images is proposed. The method is based on use of the histogram of facial image brightness, averaging the histogram on a limited number of intervals, quantization of results in a range of decimal numbers from 0 to 9 and table conversion into the final barcode. The proposed solution is computationally low-cost and not requires the use of specialized software on image processing that allows generating of facial barcodes in mobile systems, and thus the proposed method can be interpreted as an express method. Results of tests on the Face94 and CUHK Face Sketch FERET Databases showed that the proposed method is a new solution for use in the real-world practice and ensures the stability of generated barcodes in changes of scale, pose and mirroring of a facial image, and also changes of a facial expression and shadows on faces from local lighting. The proposed method is based on generating of a standard barcode directly from the facial image, and thus contains the subjective information about a person's face.

  2. Enlarged facial pores: an update on treatments. (United States)

    Dong, Joanna; Lanoue, Julien; Goldenberg, Gary


    Enlarged facial pores remain a common dermatologic and cosmetic concern from acne and rosacea, among other conditions, that is difficult to treat due to the multifactorial nature of their pathogenesis and negative impact on patients' quality of life. Enlarged facial pores are primarily treated through addressing associative factors, such as increased sebum production and cutaneous aging. We review the current treatment modalities for enlarged or dense facial pores, including topical retinoids, chemical peels, oral antiandrogens, and lasers and devices, with a focus on newer therapies.

  3. 3D Facial Pattern Analysis for Autism (United States)


    et al. (2001) proposed a two-level Garbor wavelet network (GWN) to detect eight facial features. In Bhuiyan et al. (2003) six facial features are...Toyama, K., Krüger, V., 2001. Hierarchical Wavelet Networks for Facial Feature Localization. ICCV’01 Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and... pathological  (red) and normal structure (blue) (b)  signed distance map (negative distance indicates the  pathological  shape is inside) (c) raw

  4. Sex differences in attention to disgust facial expressions. (United States)

    Kraines, Morganne A; Kelberer, Lucas J A; Wells, Tony T


    Research demonstrates that women experience disgust more readily and with more intensity than men. The experience of disgust is associated with increased attention to disgust-related stimuli, but no prior study has examined sex differences in attention to disgust facial expressions. We hypothesised that women, compared to men, would demonstrate increased attention to disgust facial expressions. Participants (n = 172) completed an eye tracking task to measure visual attention to emotional facial expressions. Results indicated that women spent more time attending to disgust facial expressions compared to men. Unexpectedly, we found that men spent significantly more time attending to neutral faces compared to women. The findings indicate that women's increased experience of emotional disgust also extends to attention to disgust facial stimuli. These findings may help to explain sex differences in the experience of disgust and in diagnoses of anxiety disorders in which disgust plays an important role.

  5. Overview of Facial Plastic Surgery and Current Developments (United States)

    Chuang, Jessica; Barnes, Christian; Wong, Brian J. F.


    Facial plastic surgery is a multidisciplinary specialty largely driven by otolaryngology but includes oral maxillary surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, and plastic surgery. It encompasses both reconstructive and cosmetic components. The scope of practice for facial plastic surgeons in the United States may include rhinoplasty, browlifts, blepharoplasty, facelifts, microvascular reconstruction of the head and neck, craniomaxillofacial trauma reconstruction, and correction of defects in the face after skin cancer resection. Facial plastic surgery also encompasses the use of injectable fillers, neural modulators (e.g., BOTOX Cosmetic, Allergan Pharmaceuticals, Westport, Ireland), lasers, and other devices aimed at rejuvenating skin. Facial plastic surgery is a constantly evolving field with continuing innovative advances in surgical techniques and cosmetic adjunctive technologies. This article aims to give an overview of the various procedures that encompass the field of facial plastic surgery and to highlight the recent advances and trends in procedures and surgical techniques. PMID:28824978

  6. Enhanced subliminal emotional responses to dynamic facial expressions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wataru eSato


    Full Text Available Emotional processing without conscious awareness plays an important role in human social interaction. Several behavioral studies reported that subliminal presentation of photographs of emotional facial expressions induces unconscious emotional processing. However, it was difficult to elicit strong and robust effects using this method. We hypothesized that dynamic presentations of facial expressions would enhance subliminal emotional effects and tested this hypothesis with two experiments. Fearful or happy facial expressions were presented dynamically or statically in either the left or the right visual field for 20 (Experiment 1 and 30 (Experiment 2 ms. Nonsense target ideographs were then presented, and participants reported their preference for them. The results consistently showed that dynamic presentations of emotional facial expressions induced more evident emotional biases toward subsequent targets than did static ones. These results indicate that dynamic presentations of emotional facial expressions induce more evident unconscious emotional processing.

  7. Centralization or decentralization of facial structures in Korean young adults. (United States)

    Yoo, Ja-Young; Kim, Jeong-Nam; Shin, Kang-Jae; Kim, Soon-Heum; Choi, Hyun-Gon; Jeon, Hyun-Soo; Koh, Ki-Seok; Song, Wu-Chul


    It is well known that facial beauty is dictated by facial type, and harmony between the eyes, nose, and mouth. Furthermore, facial impression is judged according to the overall facial contour and the relationship between the facial structures. The aims of the present study were to determine the optimal criteria for the assessment of gathering or separation of the facial structures and to define standardized ratios for centralization or decentralization of the facial structures.Four different lengths were measured, and 2 indexes were calculated from standardized photographs of 551 volunteers. Centralization and decentralization were assessed using the width index (interpupillary distance / facial width) and height index (eyes-mouth distance / facial height). The mean ranges of the width index and height index were 42.0 to 45.0 and 36.0 to 39.0, respectively. The width index did not differ with sex, but males had more decentralized faces, and females had more centralized faces, vertically. The incidence rate of decentralized faces among the men was 30.3%, and that of centralized faces among the women was 25.2%.The mean ranges in width and height indexes have been determined in a Korean population. Faces with width and height index scores under and over the median ranges are determined to be "centralized" and "decentralized," respectively.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    -As the conditions which cause pain in the facial structures are many and varied, the ... involvement of the auriculo-temporal nerve and is usually relieved by avulsion of that .... of its effects. If it is uspected that a lesion in the po terior fossa ma ...

  9. Botulinum toxin treatment for facial palsy: A systematic review. (United States)

    Cooper, Lilli; Lui, Michael; Nduka, Charles


    Facial palsy may be complicated by ipsilateral synkinesis or contralateral hyperkinesis. Botulinum toxin is increasingly used in the management of facial palsy; however, the optimum dose, treatment interval, adjunct therapy and performance as compared with alternative treatments have not been well established. This study aimed to systematically review the evidence for the use of botulinum toxin in facial palsy. The Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE(R) (1946 to September 2015) and Embase Classic + Embase (1947 to September 2015) were searched for randomised studies using botulinum toxin in facial palsy. Forty-seven studies were identified, and three included. Their physical and patient-reported outcomes are described, and observations and cautions are discussed. Facial asymmetry has a strong correlation to subjective domains such as impairment in social interaction and perception of self-image and appearance. Botulinum toxin injections represent a minimally invasive technique that is helpful in restoring facial symmetry at rest and during movement in chronic, and potentially acute, facial palsy. Botulinum toxin in combination with physical therapy may be particularly helpful. Currently, there is a paucity of data; areas for further research are suggested. A strong body of evidence may allow botulinum toxin treatment to be nationally standardised and recommended in the management of facial palsy. Copyright © 2017 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. The influence of context on distinct facial expressions of disgust. (United States)

    Reschke, Peter J; Walle, Eric A; Knothe, Jennifer M; Lopez, Lukas D


    Face perception is susceptible to contextual influence and perceived physical similarities between emotion cues. However, studies often use structurally homogeneous facial expressions, making it difficult to explore how within-emotion variability in facial configuration affects emotion perception. This study examined the influence of context on the emotional perception of categorically identical, yet physically distinct, facial expressions of disgust. Participants categorized two perceptually distinct disgust facial expressions, "closed" (i.e., scrunched nose, closed mouth) and "open" (i.e., scrunched nose, open mouth, protruding tongue), that were embedded in contexts comprising emotion postures and scenes. Results demonstrated that the effect of nonfacial elements was significantly stronger for "open" disgust facial expressions than "closed" disgust facial expressions. These findings provide support that physical similarity within discrete categories of facial expressions is mutable and plays an important role in affective face perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  11. Automatic three-dimensional quantitative analysis for evaluation of facial movement. (United States)

    Hontanilla, B; Aubá, C


    The aim of this study is to present a new 3D capture system of facial movements called FACIAL CLIMA. It is an automatic optical motion system that involves placing special reflecting dots on the subject's face and video recording with three infrared-light cameras the subject performing several face movements such as smile, mouth puckering, eye closure and forehead elevation. Images from the cameras are automatically processed with a software program that generates customised information such as 3D data on velocities and areas. The study has been performed in 20 healthy volunteers. The accuracy of the measurement process and the intrarater and interrater reliabilities have been evaluated. Comparison of a known distance and angle with those obtained by FACIAL CLIMA shows that this system is accurate to within 0.13 mm and 0.41 degrees . In conclusion, the accuracy of the FACIAL CLIMA system for evaluation of facial movements is demonstrated and also the high intrarater and interrater reliability. It has advantages with respect to other systems that have been developed for evaluation of facial movements, such as short calibration time, short measuring time, easiness to use and it provides not only distances but also velocities and areas. Thus the FACIAL CLIMA system could be considered as an adequate tool to assess the outcome of facial paralysis reanimation surgery. Thus, patients with facial paralysis could be compared between surgical centres such that effectiveness of facial reanimation operations could be evaluated.

  12. Posterior fossa gangliocytoma with facial nerve invasion: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koerbel Andrei


    Full Text Available A 5 year-old boy with a cerebellar gangliocytoma with a peripheral right facial paresis and ataxia is presented. His MRI showed a heterogenous, diffuse lesion, isointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2-weigthed sequences, involving the right cerebellar hemisphere with direct extension into the right facial nerve. The present case is the first description of a gangliocytoma with direct facial nerve invasion, as demonstrated for the facial nerve paresis and supported by MRI and surgical inspection.

  13. Preliminary cephalometric study of the relationship between facial morphology and sex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alhassan Kadri


    Full Text Available Morphology of the face depends on many factors, such as sex, ethnicity, race, climate, nutrition, genetic constitution and socio-economic status. In the developed countries, there is well established database on facial anthropometry and for the purpose of identification. In Ghana however, there is very little documented information on cephalometric indices for biometric and forensic purposes. This study therefore, aimed at establishing baseline data to assess the relationship between sex using upper, lower and total cephalometric indices. One hundred participants made up of sixty males and forty females from KNUST were recruited for the study. Linear facial anthropometry were taken using calibrated Shahe digital calipers whiles participants sat with head in natural position. The facial anthropometric measurements were generally higher in males than in females. Upper facial height, facial width, nasal width, biocular diameter, lower facial height, lip length and total facial height were statistically significant and (p < 0.05. The present study shows the existence of statistically significant sexual dimorphism in the study population using cephalo-facial dimensions. Keywords: Cephalometry, Facial height, Facial width, Nasal width, Biocular diameter, Sexually dimorphic

  14. Association of impaired facial affect recognition with basic facial and visual processing deficits in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Norton, Daniel; McBain, Ryan; Holt, Daphne J; Ongur, Dost; Chen, Yue


    Impaired emotion recognition has been reported in schizophrenia, yet the nature of this impairment is not completely understood. Recognition of facial emotion depends on processing affective and nonaffective facial signals, as well as basic visual attributes. We examined whether and how poor facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia is related to basic visual processing and nonaffective face recognition. Schizophrenia patients (n = 32) and healthy control subjects (n = 29) performed emotion discrimination, identity discrimination, and visual contrast detection tasks, where the emotionality, distinctiveness of identity, or visual contrast was systematically manipulated. Subjects determined which of two presentations in a trial contained the target: the emotional face for emotion discrimination, a specific individual for identity discrimination, and a sinusoidal grating for contrast detection. Patients had significantly higher thresholds (worse performance) than control subjects for discriminating both fearful and happy faces. Furthermore, patients' poor performance in fear discrimination was predicted by performance in visual detection and face identity discrimination. Schizophrenia patients require greater emotional signal strength to discriminate fearful or happy face images from neutral ones. Deficient emotion recognition in schizophrenia does not appear to be determined solely by affective processing but is also linked to the processing of basic visual and facial information.


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    DRA. Susana Benítez S.


    Full Text Available La parálisis facial afecta la musculatura de la mímica facial, generando alteraciones estéticas, funcionales y psicosociales. El manejo multidisciplinario es clave para lograr los mejores resultados, especialmente como apoyo a la cirugía reconstructiva. La estrategia de tratamiento está basada en un enfrentamiento sistemático de acuerdo a las características semiológicas y electromiográficas de cada paciente, lo que permite agruparlos de acuerdo a la reversibilidad y severidad de su patología. Los métodos de reconstrucción quirúrgica pueden ser estáticos o dinámicos (injerto cruzado de nervio sural, colgajo muscular libre con injerto de nervio sural ipsilateral o cruzado y colgajo mini-temporal. Incorporar la terapia física dentro del protocolo quirúrgico puede lograr mayor activación muscular, mayor simetría facial y reducir molestias postoperatorias como el edema facial, manejo de cicatrices, entre otros. Aunque existe reconocimiento sobre el impacto que posee el tratamiento de la parálisis facial, no existe a la fecha amplio consenso sobre cuál es el óptimo manejo de esta condición, y a pesar de los avances reportados durante los últimos años y la cantidad de técnicas propuestas en la literatura, la reanimación facial sigue siendo un desafío en cirugía reparadora.

  16. Decoding Facial Expressions: A New Test with Decoding Norms. (United States)

    Leathers, Dale G.; Emigh, Ted H.


    Describes the development and testing of a new facial meaning sensitivity test designed to determine how specialized are the meanings that can be decoded from facial expressions. Demonstrates the use of the test to measure a receiver's current level of skill in decoding facial expressions. (JMF)

  17. Wireless electronic-tattoo for long-term high fidelity facial muscle recordings (United States)

    Inzelberg, Lilah; David Pur, Moshe; Steinberg, Stanislav; Rand, David; Farah, Maroun; Hanein, Yael


    Facial surface electromyography (sEMG) is a powerful tool for objective evaluation of human facial expressions and was accordingly suggested in recent years for a wide range of psychological and neurological assessment applications. Owing to technical challenges, in particular the cumbersome gelled electrodes, the use of facial sEMG was so far limited. Using innovative facial temporary tattoos optimized specifically for facial applications, we demonstrate the use of sEMG as a platform for robust identification of facial muscle activation. In particular, differentiation between diverse facial muscles is demonstrated. We also demonstrate a wireless version of the system. The potential use of the presented technology for user-experience monitoring and objective psychological and neurological evaluations is discussed.

  18. Time perception and dynamics of facial expressions of emotions.

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    Sophie L Fayolle

    Full Text Available Two experiments were run to examine the effects of dynamic displays of facial expressions of emotions on time judgments. The participants were given a temporal bisection task with emotional facial expressions presented in a dynamic or a static display. Two emotional facial expressions and a neutral expression were tested and compared. Each of the emotional expressions had the same affective valence (unpleasant, but one was high-arousing (expressing anger and the other low-arousing (expressing sadness. Our results showed that time judgments are highly sensitive to movements in facial expressions and the emotions expressed. Indeed, longer perceived durations were found in response to the dynamic faces and the high-arousing emotional expressions compared to the static faces and low-arousing expressions. In addition, the facial movements amplified the effect of emotions on time perception. Dynamic facial expressions are thus interesting tools for examining variations in temporal judgments in different social contexts.

  19. Visual Working Memory Capacity for Emotional Facial Expressions

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    Domagoj Švegar


    Full Text Available The capacity of visual working memory is limited to no more than four items. At the same time, it is limited not only by the number of objects, but also by the total amount of information that needs to be memorized, and the relation between the information load per object and the number of objects that can be stored into visual working memory is inverse. The objective of the present experiment was to compute visual working memory capacity for emotional facial expressions, and in order to do so, change detection tasks were applied. Pictures of human emotional facial expressions were presented to 24 participants in 1008 experimental trials, each of which began with a presentation of a fixation mark, which was followed by a short simultaneous presentation of six emotional facial expressions. After that, a blank screen was presented, and after such inter-stimulus interval, one facial expression was presented at one of previously occupied locations. Participants had to answer if the facial expression presented at test is different or identical as the expression presented at that same location before the retention interval. Memory capacity was estimated through accuracy of responding, by the formula constructed by Pashler (1988, adopted from signal detection theory. It was found that visual working memory capacity for emotional facial expressions equals 3.07, which is high compared to capacity for facial identities and other visual stimuli. The obtained results were explained within the framework of evolutionary psychology.

  20. Automatic Facial Expression Recognition and Operator Functional State (United States)

    Blanson, Nina


    The prevalence of human error in safety-critical occupations remains a major challenge to mission success despite increasing automation in control processes. Although various methods have been proposed to prevent incidences of human error, none of these have been developed to employ the detection and regulation of Operator Functional State (OFS), or the optimal condition of the operator while performing a task, in work environments due to drawbacks such as obtrusiveness and impracticality. A video-based system with the ability to infer an individual's emotional state from facial feature patterning mitigates some of the problems associated with other methods of detecting OFS, like obtrusiveness and impracticality in integration with the mission environment. This paper explores the utility of facial expression recognition as a technology for inferring OFS by first expounding on the intricacies of OFS and the scientific background behind emotion and its relationship with an individual's state. Then, descriptions of the feedback loop and the emotion protocols proposed for the facial recognition program are explained. A basic version of the facial expression recognition program uses Haar classifiers and OpenCV libraries to automatically locate key facial landmarks during a live video stream. Various methods of creating facial expression recognition software are reviewed to guide future extensions of the program. The paper concludes with an examination of the steps necessary in the research of emotion and recommendations for the creation of an automatic facial expression recognition program for use in real-time, safety-critical missions

  1. Automatic Facial Expression Recognition and Operator Functional State (United States)

    Blanson, Nina


    The prevalence of human error in safety-critical occupations remains a major challenge to mission success despite increasing automation in control processes. Although various methods have been proposed to prevent incidences of human error, none of these have been developed to employ the detection and regulation of Operator Functional State (OFS), or the optimal condition of the operator while performing a task, in work environments due to drawbacks such as obtrusiveness and impracticality. A video-based system with the ability to infer an individual's emotional state from facial feature patterning mitigates some of the problems associated with other methods of detecting OFS, like obtrusiveness and impracticality in integration with the mission environment. This paper explores the utility of facial expression recognition as a technology for inferring OFS by first expounding on the intricacies of OFS and the scientific background behind emotion and its relationship with an individual's state. Then, descriptions of the feedback loop and the emotion protocols proposed for the facial recognition program are explained. A basic version of the facial expression recognition program uses Haar classifiers and OpenCV libraries to automatically locate key facial landmarks during a live video stream. Various methods of creating facial expression recognition software are reviewed to guide future extensions of the program. The paper concludes with an examination of the steps necessary in the research of emotion and recommendations for the creation of an automatic facial expression recognition program for use in real-time, safety-critical missions.


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    Héctor José Ciro Velasquez


    Full Text Available Se hizo la caracterización reológica de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana L. a través de la respuesta mecánica bajo ensayos de compresión unidireccional a pruebas de firmeza y fractura, para 3 grados de madurez (verde, pintón y maduro y los días transcurridos después de la cosecha (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 días. Los resultados indicaron que la fuerza de firmeza y la resistencia mecánica a la fractura en dos sentidos de carga longitudinal y transversal disminuyen con el tiempo de poscosecha de la fruta, indicando que el fruto maduro es mas susceptible al daño mecánico con respecto al verde y pintón.A rheological characterization under unidirectional compression of uchuva fruits (Physalis peruviana L. was undertaken measuring the flesh firmness force and the fracture force according to three specifc developmental stages unripe, ripenning, ripe and five postharvest times (1,3,5,7 and 9 days. The results showed that the flesh firmness and the mechanical resistance to the fracture in two loading directions longitudinal and transversal diminish with the postharvest time. Moreover, the ripe fruit is more susceptible to mechanical damage with respect to unripe and ripening fruit.

  3. Investigação em Performance e a fractura epistemológica

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    Jorge Salgado Correia


    Full Text Available A tendência de integrar a produção artística no corpo da investigação académica, embora de diferentes modos e com variável pertinência, tem crescido consideravelmente. Isto tem acontecido, em muitos casos, por factores conjunturais em que artistas –devido à sua “nova” condição de docentes universitários– investigam sobretudo o seu trabalho artístico, isto é, como se preparam (a nível musical, técnico ou psicológico, como ensaiam, como produzem sentido, como criam as suas narrativas emocionais, como as executam, ou como são percebidos e/ou apreciados pelas suas audiências, contribuindo assim para a compreensão dos seus processos criativos e do ritual da performance. Enquadram-se assim no âmbito da subdisciplina da Musicologia denominada Estudos em Performance. Alguns porém, ao focalizarem-se nos inextricáveis aspectos da experiência estética: poiésis, aesthesis e/ou katarsis, assumem uma investigação em que a prática performativa é uma componente essencial tanto do processo como dos resultados de investigação. Esta nova realidade, que poderemos denominar Investigação em Performance resulta assim de uma fractura no modelo epistemológico dos Estudos em Performance e encontra grandes afinidades com a emergente área da Investigação Artística, obrigando-nos a repensar conceitos como “conhecimento”, “investigação” e “validação”. Neste quadro teórico a noção de embodied meaning é crucial. 

  4. Facial Expression Generation from Speaker's Emotional States in Daily Conversation (United States)

    Mori, Hiroki; Ohshima, Koh

    A framework for generating facial expressions from emotional states in daily conversation is described. It provides a mapping between emotional states and facial expressions, where the former is represented by vectors with psychologically-defined abstract dimensions, and the latter is coded by the Facial Action Coding System. In order to obtain the mapping, parallel data with rated emotional states and facial expressions were collected for utterances of a female speaker, and a neural network was trained with the data. The effectiveness of proposed method is verified by a subjective evaluation test. As the result, the Mean Opinion Score with respect to the suitability of generated facial expression was 3.86 for the speaker, which was close to that of hand-made facial expressions.

  5. Long-term psychological functioning of adults with severe congenital facial disfigurement. (United States)

    Versnel, Sarah L; Plomp, Raul G; Passchier, Jan; Duivenvoorden, Hugo J; Mathijssen, Irene M J


    In adults with severe congenital facial disfigurement, assessment of long-term psychological impact remains limited. This study determines the long-term psychological functioning in these patients and evaluates differences compared with patients with acquired facial disfigurement and a non-facially disfigured reference group. Also explored is the extent to which psychological functioning of the congenital group is related to satisfaction with facial appearance, fear of negative appearance evaluation by others, self-esteem, and severity of the facial deformity. Fifty-nine adults with severe congenital facial disfigurement, 59 adults with a traumatically acquired facial deformity in adulthood, and 120 non-facially disfigured adults completed standardized psychological, physical, and demographic questionnaires, including the Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Achenbach Adult Self-Report, the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, and a visual analogue scale. Adults with severe congenital facial disfigurement had relatively normal psychological functioning but appeared more prone to internalizing problems than the non-facially disfigured adults. Compared with patients with an acquired facial deformity, the congenital group displayed fewer problems on the physical component score of quality of life only. Satisfaction with facial appearance, fear of negative appearance evaluation, and self-esteem were good predictors of the different aspects of psychological functioning, with the exception of the physical component score of quality of life. Improving satisfaction with facial appearance (by surgery), enhancing self-esteem, or lowering fear of negative appearance evaluation (by psychological support) may enhance long-term psychological functioning. Future research should focus on the individual patient and risk factors for maladjustment. Risk, II.

  6. Nerve growth factor reduces apoptotic cell death in rat facial motor neurons after facial nerve injury. (United States)

    Hui, Lian; Yuan, Jing; Ren, Zhong; Jiang, Xuejun


    To assess the effects of nerve growth factor (NGF) on motor neurons after induction of a facial nerve lesion, and to compare the effects of different routes of NGF injection on motor neuron survival. This study was carried out in the Department of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, China Medical University, Liaoning, China from October 2012 to March 2013. Male Wistar rats (n = 65) were randomly assigned into 4 groups: A) healthy controls; B) facial nerve lesion model + normal saline injection; C) facial nerve lesion model + NGF injection through the stylomastoid foramen; D) facial nerve lesion model + intraperitoneal injection of NGF. Apoptotic cell death was detected using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling assay. Expression of caspase-3 and p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) was determined by immunohistochemistry. Injection of NGF significantly reduced cell apoptosis, and also greatly decreased caspase-3 and PUMA expression in injured motor neurons. Group C exhibited better efficacy for preventing cellular apoptosis and decreasing caspase-3 and PUMA expression compared with group D (pfacial nerve injury in rats. The NGF injected through the stylomastoid foramen demonstrated better protective efficacy than when injected intraperitoneally.

  7. Effects of Face and Background Color on Facial Expression Perception

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    Tetsuto Minami


    Full Text Available Detecting others’ emotional states from their faces is an essential component of successful social interaction. However, the ability to perceive emotional expressions is reported to be modulated by a number of factors. We have previously found that facial color modulates the judgment of facial expression, while another study has shown that background color plays a modulatory role. Therefore, in this study, we directly compared the effects of face and background color on facial expression judgment within a single experiment. Fear-to-anger morphed faces were presented in face and background color conditions. Our results showed that judgments of facial expressions was influenced by both face and background color. However, facial color effects were significantly greater than background color effects, although the color saturation of faces was lower compared to background colors. These results suggest that facial color is intimately related to the judgment of facial expression, over and above the influence of simple color.

  8. Combat-Related Facial Burns: Analysis of Strategic Pitfalls (United States)


    OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 01 JAN 2015 2. REPORT TYPE N/A 3. DATES COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Combat Related Facial Burns...facial autograft failure, number and types of early eyelid release procedures, rates of concomitant facial fractures, associated fungal infec- tion...allograft or autograft. In a pro- spective observational study examining the late out- comes of grafting of burned faces, the surgeon debrided the wound

  9. The review and results of different methods for facial recognition (United States)

    Le, Yifan


    In recent years, facial recognition draws much attention due to its wide potential applications. As a unique technology in Biometric Identification, facial recognition represents a significant improvement since it could be operated without cooperation of people under detection. Hence, facial recognition will be taken into defense system, medical detection, human behavior understanding, etc. Several theories and methods have been established to make progress in facial recognition: (1) A novel two-stage facial landmark localization method is proposed which has more accurate facial localization effect under specific database; (2) A statistical face frontalization method is proposed which outperforms state-of-the-art methods for face landmark localization; (3) It proposes a general facial landmark detection algorithm to handle images with severe occlusion and images with large head poses; (4) There are three methods proposed on Face Alignment including shape augmented regression method, pose-indexed based multi-view method and a learning based method via regressing local binary features. The aim of this paper is to analyze previous work of different aspects in facial recognition, focusing on concrete method and performance under various databases. In addition, some improvement measures and suggestions in potential applications will be put forward.

  10. Magnetoencephalographic study on facial movements

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    Kensaku eMiki


    Full Text Available In this review, we introduced our three studies that focused on facial movements. In the first study, we examined the temporal characteristics of neural responses elicited by viewing mouth movements, and assessed differences between the responses to mouth opening and closing movements and an averting eyes condition. Our results showed that the occipitotemporal area, the human MT/V5 homologue, was active in the perception of both mouth and eye motions. Viewing mouth and eye movements did not elicit significantly different activity in the occipitotemporal area, which indicated that perception of the movement of facial parts may be processed in the same manner, and this is different from motion in general. In the second study, we investigated whether early activity in the occipitotemporal region evoked by eye movements was influenced by a face contour and/or features such as the mouth. Our results revealed specific information processing for eye movements in the occipitotemporal region, and this activity was significantly influenced by whether movements appeared with the facial contour and/or features, in other words, whether the eyes moved, even if the movement itself was the same. In the third study, we examined the effects of inverting the facial contour (hair and chin and features (eyes, nose, and mouth on processing for static and dynamic face perception. Our results showed the following: (1 In static face perception, activity in the right fusiform area was affected more by the inversion of features while that in the left fusiform area was affected more by a disruption in the spatial relationship between the contour and features, and (2 In dynamic face perception, activity in the right occipitotemporal area was affected by the inversion of the facial contour.

  11. [Neurological disease and facial recognition]. (United States)

    Kawamura, Mitsuru; Sugimoto, Azusa; Kobayakawa, Mutsutaka; Tsuruya, Natsuko


    To discuss the neurological basis of facial recognition, we present our case reports of impaired recognition and a review of previous literature. First, we present a case of infarction and discuss prosopagnosia, which has had a large impact on face recognition research. From a study of patient symptoms, we assume that prosopagnosia may be caused by unilateral right occipitotemporal lesion and right cerebral dominance of facial recognition. Further, circumscribed lesion and degenerative disease may also cause progressive prosopagnosia. Apperceptive prosopagnosia is observed in patients with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), pathologically considered as Alzheimer's disease, and associative prosopagnosia in frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Second, we discuss face recognition as part of communication. Patients with Parkinson disease show social cognitive impairments, such as difficulty in facial expression recognition and deficits in theory of mind as detected by the reading the mind in the eyes test. Pathological and functional imaging studies indicate that social cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease is possibly related to damages in the amygdalae and surrounding limbic system. The social cognitive deficits can be observed in the early stages of Parkinson disease, and even in the prodromal stage, for example, patients with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) show impairment in facial expression recognition. Further, patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM 1), which is a multisystem disease that mainly affects the muscles, show social cognitive impairment similar to that of Parkinson disease. Our previous study showed that facial expression recognition impairment of DM 1 patients is associated with lesion in the amygdalae and insulae. Our study results indicate that behaviors and personality traits in DM 1 patients, which are revealed by social cognitive impairment, are attributable to dysfunction of the limbic system.

  12. Facial nerve palsy associated with a cystic lesion of the temporal bone. (United States)

    Kim, Na Hyun; Shin, Seung-Ho


    Facial nerve palsy results in the loss of facial expression and is most commonly caused by a benign, self-limiting inflammatory condition known as Bell palsy. However, there are other conditions that may cause facial paralysis, such as neoplastic conditions of the facial nerve, traumatic nerve injury, and temporal bone lesions. We present a case of facial nerve palsy concurrent with a benign cystic lesion of the temporal bone, adjacent to the tympanic segment of the facial nerve. The patient's symptoms subsided after facial nerve decompression via a transmastoid approach.

  13. Facial Expression Recognition using Multiclass Ensemble Least-Square Support Vector Machine (United States)

    Lawi, Armin; Sya'Rani Machrizzandi, M.


    Facial expression is one of behavior characteristics of human-being. The use of biometrics technology system with facial expression characteristics makes it possible to recognize a person’s mood or emotion. The basic components of facial expression analysis system are face detection, face image extraction, facial classification and facial expressions recognition. This paper uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm to extract facial features with expression parameters, i.e., happy, sad, neutral, angry, fear, and disgusted. Then Multiclass Ensemble Least-Squares Support Vector Machine (MELS-SVM) is used for the classification process of facial expression. The result of MELS-SVM model obtained from our 185 different expression images of 10 persons showed high accuracy level of 99.998% using RBF kernel.

  14. Middle ear osteoma causing progressive facial nerve weakness: a case report. (United States)

    Curtis, Kate; Bance, Manohar; Carter, Michael; Hong, Paul


    Facial nerve weakness is most commonly due to Bell's palsy or cerebrovascular accidents. Rarely, middle ear tumor presents with facial nerve dysfunction. We report a very unusual case of middle ear osteoma in a 49-year-old Caucasian woman causing progressive facial nerve deficit. A subtle middle ear lesion was observed on otoscopy and computed tomographic images demonstrated an osseous middle ear tumor. Complete surgical excision resulted in the partial recovery of facial nerve function. Facial nerve dysfunction is rarely caused by middle ear tumors. The weakness is typically due to a compressive effect on the middle ear portion of the facial nerve. Early recognition is crucial since removal of these lesions may lead to the recuperation of facial nerve function.

  15. Clinical characteristics of patients with facial psoriasis in Malaysia. (United States)

    Syed Nong Chek, Sharifah Rosniza; Robinson, Suganthy; Mohd Affandi, Azura; Baharum, Nurakmal


    Psoriasis involving the face is visible and can cause considerable emotional distress to patients. Its presence may also confer a poorer prognosis for the patient. This study sought to evaluate the characteristics of facial psoriasis in Malaysia. A cross-sectional study conducted using data from the Malaysian Psoriasis Registry from 2007 to 2011. Specific risk factors, i.e., age, age of onset, gender, duration of disease, obesity group, body surface area, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), family history of psoriasis, nail involvement, psoriatic arthritis, phototherapy, systemic therapy, clinic visit, days of work/school, and hospital admission due to psoriasis in the last 6 months were analyzed. A total of 48.4% of patients had facial psoriasis. Variables significantly associated with facial psoriasis are younger age, younger age of onset of psoriasis of ≤ 40 years, male, severity of psoriasis involving >10% of the body surface area, higher DLQI of >10, nail involvement, and history of hospitalization due to psoriasis. This study found that facial psoriasis is not as rare as previously thought. Ambient ultraviolet light, sebum, and contact with chemicals from facial products may reduce the severity of facial psoriasis, but these factors do not reduce the prevalence of facial psoriasis. The association with younger age, younger age of onset, higher percentage of body surface area involvement, higher DLQI of > 10, nail involvement, and hospitalization due to psoriasis support the notion that facial psoriasis is a marker of severe disease. © 2016 The International Society of Dermatology.

  16. Static facial expression recognition with convolution neural networks (United States)

    Zhang, Feng; Chen, Zhong; Ouyang, Chao; Zhang, Yifei


    Facial expression recognition is a currently active research topic in the fields of computer vision, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we have developed a convolutional neural networks (CNN) for classifying human emotions from static facial expression into one of the seven facial emotion categories. We pre-train our CNN model on the combined FER2013 dataset formed by train, validation and test set and fine-tune on the extended Cohn-Kanade database. In order to reduce the overfitting of the models, we utilized different techniques including dropout and batch normalization in addition to data augmentation. According to the experimental result, our CNN model has excellent classification performance and robustness for facial expression recognition.

  17. Female Facial Attractiveness Assessed from Three-Dimensional Contour Lines by University Students

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    Jinwara Jirathamopas


    Full Text Available Background: Three-dimensional (3D images could provide more accurate evaluation for facial attractiveness than two-dimensional (2D images. The 3D facial image could be simplified into gray scale 3D contour lines. Whether female facial attractiveness could be perceived in these simplified 3D facial contour lines should be determined. Methods: A series of 100 2D photographs (one frontal and two lateral views and 3D contour lines extracted from 3D facial images of females were projected onto a screen. Each image presentation lasted 5 s, and the evaluators marked their impression of each image’s facial attractiveness on a five-point Likert scale within 3 s of its presentation. The evaluation of the 3D contour lines was performed twice, 2 weeks apart. The evaluators were university students. Results: High consistency (r = 0.92 was found for the first and second evaluation of 3D facial contour lines for female facial attractiveness. The judgments of unattractive face were more consistent than the judgments of attractive face. Male students tended to give lower scores than female students in the evaluation of female facial attractiveness. Conclusions: Female facial attractiveness could be evaluated by 3D facial contour lines. 3D facial contour lines should be one of the key factors of facial attractiveness.

  18. Tensor Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Facial Recognition. (United States)

    Tao, Dapeng; Guo, Yanan; Li, Yaotang; Gao, Xinbo


    Facial recognition, one of the basic topics in computer vision and pattern recognition, has received substantial attention in recent years. However, for those traditional facial recognition algorithms, the facial images are reshaped to a long vector, thereby losing part of the original spatial constraints of each pixel. In this paper, a new tensor-based feature extraction algorithm termed tensor rank preserving discriminant analysis (TRPDA) for facial image recognition is proposed; the proposed method involves two stages: in the first stage, the low-dimensional tensor subspace of the original input tensor samples was obtained; in the second stage, discriminative locality alignment was utilized to obtain the ultimate vector feature representation for subsequent facial recognition. On the one hand, the proposed TRPDA algorithm fully utilizes the natural structure of the input samples, and it applies an optimization criterion that can directly handle the tensor spectral analysis problem, thereby decreasing the computation cost compared those traditional tensor-based feature selection algorithms. On the other hand, the proposed TRPDA algorithm extracts feature by finding a tensor subspace that preserves most of the rank order information of the intra-class input samples. Experiments on the three facial databases are performed here to determine the effectiveness of the proposed TRPDA algorithm.

  19. Macaques can predict social outcomes from facial expressions. (United States)

    Waller, Bridget M; Whitehouse, Jamie; Micheletta, Jérôme


    There is widespread acceptance that facial expressions are useful in social interactions, but empirical demonstration of their adaptive function has remained elusive. Here, we investigated whether macaques can use the facial expressions of others to predict the future outcomes of social interaction. Crested macaques (Macaca nigra) were shown an approach between two unknown individuals on a touchscreen and were required to choose between one of two potential social outcomes. The facial expressions of the actors were manipulated in the last frame of the video. One subject reached the experimental stage and accurately predicted different social outcomes depending on which facial expressions the actors displayed. The bared-teeth display (homologue of the human smile) was most strongly associated with predicted friendly outcomes. Contrary to our predictions, screams and threat faces were not associated more with conflict outcomes. Overall, therefore, the presence of any facial expression (compared to neutral) caused the subject to choose friendly outcomes more than negative outcomes. Facial expression in general, therefore, indicated a reduced likelihood of social conflict. The findings dispute traditional theories that view expressions only as indicators of present emotion and instead suggest that expressions form part of complex social interactions where individuals think beyond the present.

  20. Cross-face nerve grafting for reanimation of incomplete facial paralysis: quantitative outcomes using the FACIAL CLIMA system and patient satisfaction. (United States)

    Hontanilla, Bernardo; Marre, Diego; Cabello, Alvaro


    Although in most cases Bell palsy resolves spontaneously, approximately one-third of patients will present sequela including facial synkinesis and paresis. Currently, the techniques available for reanimation of these patients include hypoglossal nerve transposition, free muscle transfer, and cross-face nerve grafting (CFNG). Between December 2008 and March 2012, eight patients with incomplete unilateral facial paralysis were reanimated with two-stage CFNG. Gender, age at surgery, etiology of paralysis denervation time, donor and recipient nerves, presence of facial synkinesis, and follow-up were registered. Commissural excursion and velocity and patient satisfaction were evaluated with the FACIAL CLIMA and a questionnaire, respectively. Mean age at surgery was 33.8 ± 11.5 years; mean time of denervation was 96.6 ± 109.8 months. No complications requiring surgery were registered. Follow-up period ranged from 7 to 33 months with a mean of 19 ± 9.7 months. FACIAL CLIMA showed improvement of both commissural excursion and velocity greater than 75% in 4 patients, greater than 50% in 2 patients, and less than 50% in the remaining two patients. Qualitative evaluation revealed a high grade of satisfaction in six patients (75%). Two-stage CFNG is a reliable technique for reanimation of incomplete facial paralysis with a high grade of patient satisfaction. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  1. Estudio del tratamiento de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia en el Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza entre 1998 y 2008


    Gómez Palacio, Victoria Eugenia; Gil Albarova, Jorge; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    INTRODUCCIÓN O MOTIVACIÓN DEL TEMA: Las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia es un tema de gran interés, presente en libros de traumatología infantil, en las revistas científicas relacionadas, en cursos y congresos. Este interés se centra, por la gran incidencia de esta patología, presente en el día a día del traumatólogo. Con las múltiples controversias que se pueden encontrar. Además es una patología a la que tengo que hacer frente en el día a día de mi actividad profesional en...

  2. Digital analysis of facial landmarks in determining facial midline among Punjabi population

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    Nirmal Kurian


    Full Text Available Introduction: Prosthodontic rehabilitation aims to achieve the best possible facial esthetic appearance for a patient. Attaining facial symmetry forms the basic element for esthetics, and knowledge of the midline of face will result in a better understanding of dentofacial esthetics. Currently, there are no guidelines that direct the choice of specific anatomic landmarks to determine the midline of the face or mouth. Most clinicians choose one specific anatomic landmark and an imaginary line passing through it. Thus, the clinician is left with no established guidelines to determine facial midline. Objective: The purpose of the study is to digitally determine the relationship of facial landmarks with midline of face and formulate a guideline for choosing anatomic landmark among Punjabi population. Materials and Methods: Three commonly used anatomic landmarks, namely nasion, tip of the nose, and tip of the philtrum, were marked clinically on 100 participants (age range: 21–45 years. Frontal full-face digital images of the participants in smile were then made under standardized conditions. Midline analysis was carried out digitally using an image analyzing software. The entire process of midline analysis was done by a single observer and repeated twice. Reliability analysis and one-sample t-tests were conducted. Results: The results indicated that each of the four landmarks deviated uniquely and significantly (P < 0.001 from the midlines of the face as well as the mouth. Conclusions: Within the limitations of the study, the hierarchy of anatomic landmarks closest to the midline of the face in smile was as follows: (1 Intercommissural midlines, (2 Tip of philtrum, (3 Nasion, (4 Tip of the nose, and (5 Dental midlines. The hierarchy of anatomical landmarks closest to the intercommissural/mouth midline was: (1 Tip of philtrum, (2 Tip of the nose, (3 Nasion, and (4 dental midline.

  3. Some Aspects of Facial Nerve Paralysis. Part III. Complications ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Some Aspects of Facial Nerve Paralysis. Part III. Complications, Prognosis and management. ... It should be possible to set a definite prognosis within 2 weeks after the onset of facial paralysis, and in many cases even sooner. In the prognosis of facial paralysis the aetiological and time factors involved, the completeness of ...

  4. DisFace: A Database of Human Facial Disorders

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    Paramjit Kaur


    Full Text Available Face is an integral part of human body by which an individual communicates in the society. Its importance can be highlighted by the fact that a person deprived of face cannot sustain in the living world. In the past few decades, human face has gained attention of several researchers, whether it is related to facial anthropometry, facial disorder, face transplantation or face reconstruction. Several researches have also shown the correlation between neuropsychiatry disorders and human face and also that how face recognition abilities are correlated with these disorders. Currently, several databases exist which contain the facial images of several individuals captured from different sources. The advantage of these databases is that the images in these databases can be used for testing and training purpose. However, in current date no such database exists which would provide not only facial images of individuals; but also the literature concerning the human face, list of several genes controlling human face, list of facial disorders and various tools which work on facial images. Thus, the current research aims at developing a database of human facial disorders using bioinformatics approach. The database will contain information about facial diseases, medications, symptoms, findings, etc. The information will be extracted from several other databases like OMIM, PubChem, Radiopedia, Medline Plus, FDA, etc. and links to them will also be provided. Initially, the diseases specific for human face have been obtained from already created published corpora of literature using text mining approach. Becas tool was used to obtain the specific task.  A dataset will be created and stored in the form of database. It will be a database containing cross-referenced index of human facial diseases, medications, symptoms, signs, etc. Thus, a database on human face with complete existing information about human facial disorders will be developed. The novelty of the


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    Diana Marcela Ospina Monsalve


    Full Text Available Se hizo la caracterización reológica de la fruta de lulo (Solanum quitoense x Solanum hirtun a través de la respuesta mecánica bajo ensayos de compresión unidireccional a pruebas de firmeza y fractura, de acuerdo a dos grados de madurez comercial (pintón y maduro y tiempos de poscosecha (0, 3, 6, 9 días. Adicionalmente se determinaron propiedades físico-químicas tales como concentración de azúcares, pH y color. Las frutas fueron sometidas a ensayos de compresión unidireccional usando un analizador de textura a una velocidad de deformación de 1 mm∙s. Los ensayos para la prueba de fractura se realizaron según dos sentidos de carga (longitudinal y transversal y la prueba de firmeza se determinó en dos ángulos de incidencia. Los resultados mostraron que el comportamiento reológico de la fruta a ensayos de fractura y firmeza es altamente dependiente del tiempo transcurrido después de la cosecha de la fruta y condiciones fisiológicas (grado de madurez, situación ésta que refleja el comportamiento visco elástico y anisotrópico del producto. Los valores de la fuerza de fractura indicaron que la fruta pintona resiste mayor carga de aplastamiento con respecto al fruta madura. La fruta resiste más carga en sentido longitudinal que transversal, mostrando valores para frutas pintonas en posición longitudinal de 226 N y en posición transversal de 84,8 N, y para las frutas maduras se encontró una fuerza de fractura media en posición longitudinal de 180 N y en posición transversal de 68,5N. Para la fuerza de firmeza media (pulpa el valor máximo para frutas maduras fue de 1,4 N, y para frutas pintonas de 1,1 N. La fuerza de firmeza máxima (epicarpio tomó como valores máximos para las frutas maduras 14,4 N y para los frutas pintonas de 15,7 N.A rheological characterization of lulo fruits (Solanum quitoense x Solanum hirtum by using the test of unidirectional compression to firmness and fracture tests, according to two degrees of

  6. Anaplastology in times of facial transplantation: Still a reasonable treatment option? (United States)

    Toso, Sabine Maria; Menzel, Kerstin; Motzkus, Yvonne; Klein, Martin; Menneking, Horst; Raguse, Jan-Dirk; Nahles, Susanne; Hoffmeister, Bodo; Adolphs, Nicolai


    Optimum functional and aesthetic facial reconstruction is still a challenge in patients who suffer from inborn or acquired facial deformity. It is known that functional and aesthetic impairment can result in significant psychosocial strain, leading to the social isolation of patients who are affected by major facial deformities. Microvascular techniques and increasing experience in facial transplantation certainly contribute to better restorative outcomes. However, these technologies also have some drawbacks, limitations and unsolved problems. Extensive facial defects which include several aesthetic units and dentition can be restored by combining dental prostheses and anaplastology, thus providing an adequate functional and aesthetic outcome in selected patients without the drawbacks of major surgical procedures. Referring to some representative patient cases, it is shown how extreme facial disfigurement after oncological surgery can be palliated by combining intraoral dentures with extraoral facial prostheses using individualized treatment and without the need for major reconstructive surgery. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Judgments of facial attractiveness as a combination of facial parts information over time: Social and aesthetic factors. (United States)

    Saegusa, Chihiro; Watanabe, Katsumi


    Facial attractiveness can be judged on the basis of visual information acquired in a very short duration, but the absolute level of attractiveness changes depending on the duration of the observation. However, how information from individual facial parts contributes to the judgment of whole-face attractiveness is unknown. In the current study, we examined how contributions of facial parts to the judgment of whole-face attractiveness would change over time. In separate sessions, participants evaluated the attractiveness of whole faces, as well as of the eyes, nose, and mouth after observing them for 20, 100, and 1,000 ms. Correlation and multiple regression analyses indicated that the eyes made a consistently high contribution to whole-face attractiveness, even with an observation duration of 20 ms, whereas the contribution of other facial parts increased as the observation duration grew longer. When the eyes were averted, the attractiveness ratings for the whole face were decreased marginally. In addition, the contribution advantage of the eyes at the 20-ms observation duration was diminished. We interpret these results to indicate that (a) eye gaze signals social attractiveness at the early stage (perhaps in combination with emotional expression), (b) other facial parts start contributing to the judgment of whole-face attractiveness by forming aesthetic attractiveness, and (c) there is a dynamic interplay between social and aesthetic attractiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  8. Evolution of facial color pattern complexity in lemurs


    Rakotonirina, Hanitriniaina; Kappeler, Peter M.; Fichtel, Claudia


    Interspecific variation in facial color patterns across New and Old World primates has been linked to species recognition and group size. Because group size has opposite effects on interspecific variation in facial color patterns in these two radiations, a study of the third large primate radiation may shed light on convergences and divergences in this context. We therefore compiled published social and ecological data and analyzed facial photographs of 65 lemur species to categorize variatio...

  9. Perception of facial profile attractiveness by a Saudi sample

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talic, Nabeel; Alshakhs, Mohammad S.


    Previous studies have reported different levels of perception of attractiveness among different ethnicities and among varying education-level groups on facial profile rating.To study the perception of facial profile attractiveness among Saudi dentists and lay-individuals. Digital facial profile images with altered degree of prognathism and retrognathism were presented to a sample of 60 Saudi dentists and 60 lay-persons with equal gender distribution. High reliability of repeated assessment of profile images was detected (ICC=0.982). Significant difference in perception of facial profile was found between genders (P<0.05) and among the groups with different education backgrounds (P<0.001). General agreement was established in both sample groups on average facial profile to be the most attractive and on the most retrognathic profile to be the least attractive. (author)

  10. Granuloma Faciale Treatment: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Lindhaus


    Full Text Available Granuloma faciale is an uncommon benign chronic dermatosis characterized by reddish-brown to violaceous asymptomatic plaques appearing predominantly on the face. The pathogenesis of granuloma faciale remains unclear, and it is frequently unresponsive to therapy. This systematic review aims to summarize all recent publications on the management of granuloma faciale. The publications are mainly individual case reports, small case series and a few retrospective studies. Treatment options included topical, intralesional and systemic corticosteroids, topical pimecrolimus and tacrolimus, topical and systemic dapsone, systemic hydroxychloroquine, clofazimine, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors. More invasive therapies using lasers as well as cryosurgery and surgery were also reported. Topical glucocorticosteroids and tacrolimus remain treatments of first choice, possibly supplemented by topical dapsone.

  11. Unilateral facial pain and lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shakespeare, T.P.; Stevens, M.J.


    Facial pain in lung cancer patients may be secondary to metastatic disease to the brain or skull base. Since 1983 there have been 19 published reports of hemi-facial pain as a non-metastatic complication of lung carcinoma. This report describes an additional case in whom unilateral face pain preceded the diagnosis of lung cancer by 9 months. A clinical diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia was made after a normal brain CT scan. Later on the patient complained of global lethargy, weight loss and haemoptysis. A chest X-ray disclosed a 6 cm right hilar mass that was further defined with a whole body CT scan. The neural mechanism of the unilateral facial pain is discussed and the literature reviewed. 14 refs., 1 tab

  12. Unilateral facial pain and lung cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shakespeare, T.P.; Stevens, M.J. [Royal North Shore Hospital, Crows Nest, NSW (Australia)


    Facial pain in lung cancer patients may be secondary to metastatic disease to the brain or skull base. Since 1983 there have been 19 published reports of hemi-facial pain as a non-metastatic complication of lung carcinoma. This report describes an additional case in whom unilateral face pain preceded the diagnosis of lung cancer by 9 months. A clinical diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia was made after a normal brain CT scan. Later on the patient complained of global lethargy, weight loss and haemoptysis. A chest X-ray disclosed a 6 cm right hilar mass that was further defined with a whole body CT scan. The neural mechanism of the unilateral facial pain is discussed and the literature reviewed. 14 refs., 1 tab.

  13. Facial duplication: case, review, and embryogenesis. (United States)

    Barr, M


    The craniofacial anatomy of an infant with facial duplication is described. There were four eyes, two noses, two maxillae, and one mandible. Anterior to the single pituitary the brain was duplicated and there was bilateral arhinencephaly. Portions of the brain were extruded into a large frontal encephalocele. Cases of symmetrical facial duplication reported in the literature range from two complete faces on a single head (diprosopus) to simple nasal duplication. The variety of patterns of duplication suggests that the doubling of facial components arises in several different ways: Forking of the notochord, duplication of the prosencephalon, duplication of the olfactory placodes, and duplication of maxillary and/or mandibular growth centers around the margins of the stomatodeal plate. Among reported cases, the female:male ratio is 2:1.

  14. Interference among the Processing of Facial Emotion, Face Race, and Face Gender (United States)

    Li, Yongna; Tse, Chi-Shing


    People can process multiple dimensions of facial properties simultaneously. Facial processing models are based on the processing of facial properties. The current study examined the processing of facial emotion, face race, and face gender using categorization tasks. The same set of Chinese, White and Black faces, each posing a neutral, happy or angry expression, was used in three experiments. Facial emotion interacted with face race in all the tasks. The interaction of face race and face gender was found in the race and gender categorization tasks, whereas the interaction of facial emotion and face gender was significant in the emotion and gender categorization tasks. These results provided evidence for a symmetric interaction between variant facial properties (emotion) and invariant facial properties (race and gender). PMID:27840621

  15. Interference among the Processing of Facial Emotion, Face Race, and Face Gender. (United States)

    Li, Yongna; Tse, Chi-Shing


    People can process multiple dimensions of facial properties simultaneously. Facial processing models are based on the processing of facial properties. The current study examined the processing of facial emotion, face race, and face gender using categorization tasks. The same set of Chinese, White and Black faces, each posing a neutral, happy or angry expression, was used in three experiments. Facial emotion interacted with face race in all the tasks. The interaction of face race and face gender was found in the race and gender categorization tasks, whereas the interaction of facial emotion and face gender was significant in the emotion and gender categorization tasks. These results provided evidence for a symmetric interaction between variant facial properties (emotion) and invariant facial properties (race and gender).

  16. Extracranial Facial Nerve Schwannoma Treated by Hypo-fractionated CyberKnife Radiosurgery. (United States)

    Sasaki, Ayaka; Miyazaki, Shinichiro; Hori, Tomokatsu


    Facial nerve schwannoma is a rare intracranial tumor. Treatment for this benign tumor has been controversial. Here, we report a case of extracranial facial nerve schwannoma treated successfully by hypo-fractionated CyberKnife (Accuray, Sunnyvale, CA) radiosurgery and discuss the efficacy of this treatment. A 34-year-old female noticed a swelling in her right mastoid process. The lesion enlarged over a seven-month period, and she experienced facial spasm on the right side. She was diagnosed with a facial schwannoma via a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the head and neck and was told to wait until the facial nerve palsy subsides. She was referred to our hospital for radiation therapy. We planned a fractionated CyberKnife radiosurgery for three consecutive days. After CyberKnife radiosurgery, the mass in the right parotid gradually decreased in size, and the facial nerve palsy disappeared. At her eight-month follow-up, her facial spasm had completely disappeared. There has been no recurrence and the facial nerve function has been normal. We successfully demonstrated the efficacy of CyberKnife radiosurgery as an alternative treatment that also preserves neurofunction for facial nerve schwannomas.

  17. Temporal distribution of alcohol related facial fractures. (United States)

    Lee, Kai H; Qiu, Michael; Sun, Jiandong


    This study aimed to address 2 important aspects of temporal pattern in alcohol-related facial fractures: (1) comparison of temporal pattern of alcohol-related facial fracture (alcohol group) presentation with non-alcohol-related fracture (non-alcohol group) presentation; (2) temporal pattern of patient demographic characteristics, injury characteristics, and surgical management in the alcohol group presentation. This study retrospectively examined the Victorian admitted episodes data set (VAED) for the years 2010 to 2013. VAED is a standardized set of data collected during all hospital presentations in Victoria. The study found higher incidence of alcohol-related facial fracture presentations during weekends and during the summer and spring months compared with non-alcohol-related fractures (statistically significant). Alcohol-related facial fractures are more likely to involve male patients in the 20- to 29-year age group, occur as a result of interpersonal violence, and require shorter hospital stays during weekend admissions (statistically significant). No statistically significant relationship has been observed in seasonal variation across all variables. This study found distinct characteristics in temporal distribution of alcohol-related facial fractures. These characteristics are, in particular, significant in weekend trauma admissions. Such information is important in workforce planning, resource distribution, and implementation of injury prevention programs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Effect of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture on Facial Elasticity: An Open-Label, Single-Arm Pilot Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Younghee Yun


    Full Text Available Background. The use of acupuncture for cosmetic purposes has gained popularity worldwide. Facial cosmetic acupuncture (FCA is applied to the head, face, and neck. However, little evidence supports the efficacy and safety of FCA. We hypothesized that FCA affects facial elasticity by restoring resting mimetic muscle tone through the insertion of needles into the muscles of the head, face, and neck. Methods. This open-label, single-arm pilot study was implemented at Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong from August through September 2011. Participants were women aged 40 to 59 years with a Glogau photoaging scale III. Participants received five treatment sessions over three weeks. Participants were measured before and after FCA. The primary outcome was the Moire topography criteria. The secondary outcome was a patient-oriented self-assessment scale of facial elasticity. Results. Among 50 women screened, 28 were eligible and 27 completed the five FCA treatment sessions. A significant improvement after FCA treatment was evident according to mean change in Moire topography criteria (from 1.70 ± 0.724 to 2.26 ± 1.059, P<0.0001. The most common adverse event was mild bruising at the needle site. Conclusions. In this pilot study, FCA showed promising results as a therapy for facial elasticity. However, further large-scale trials with a controlled design and objective measurements are needed.

  19. Serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphism affects detection of facial expressions.

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    Ai Koizumi

    Full Text Available Previous studies have demonstrated that the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR affects the recognition of facial expressions and attention to them. However, the relationship between 5-HTTLPR and the perceptual detection of others' facial expressions, the process which takes place prior to emotional labeling (i.e., recognition, is not clear. To examine whether the perceptual detection of emotional facial expressions is influenced by the allelic variation (short/long of 5-HTTLPR, happy and sad facial expressions were presented at weak and mid intensities (25% and 50%. Ninety-eight participants, genotyped for 5-HTTLPR, judged whether emotion in images of faces was present. Participants with short alleles showed higher sensitivity (d' to happy than to sad expressions, while participants with long allele(s showed no such positivity advantage. This effect of 5-HTTLPR was found at different facial expression intensities among males and females. The results suggest that at the perceptual stage, a short allele enhances the processing of positive facial expressions rather than that of negative facial expressions.

  20. Facial Expression Recognition via Non-Negative Least-Squares Sparse Coding

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    Ying Chen


    Full Text Available Sparse coding is an active research subject in signal processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. A novel method of facial expression recognition via non-negative least squares (NNLS sparse coding is presented in this paper. The NNLS sparse coding is used to form a facial expression classifier. To testify the performance of the presented method, local binary patterns (LBP and the raw pixels are extracted for facial feature representation. Facial expression recognition experiments are conducted on the Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE database. Compared with other widely used methods such as linear support vector machines (SVM, sparse representation-based classifier (SRC, nearest subspace classifier (NSC, K-nearest neighbor (KNN and radial basis function neural networks (RBFNN, the experiment results indicate that the presented NNLS method performs better than other used methods on facial expression recognition tasks.

  1. Peripheral facial palsy: Speech, communication and oral motor function. (United States)

    Movérare, T; Lohmander, A; Hultcrantz, M; Sjögreen, L


    The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of acquired unilateral peripheral facial palsy on speech, communication and oral functions and to study the relationship between the degree of facial palsy and articulation, saliva control, eating ability and lip force. In this descriptive study, 27 patients (15 men and 12 women, mean age 48years) with unilateral peripheral facial palsy were included if they were graded under 70 on the Sunnybrook Facial Grading System. The assessment was carried out in connection with customary visits to the ENT Clinic and comprised lip force, articulation and intelligibility, together with perceived ability to communicate and ability to eat and control saliva conducted through self-response questionnaires. The patients with unilateral facial palsy had significantly lower lip force, poorer articulation and ability to eat and control saliva compared with reference data in healthy populations. The degree of facial palsy correlated significantly with lip force but not with articulation, intelligibility, perceived communication ability or reported ability to eat and control saliva. Acquired peripheral facial palsy may affect communication and the ability to eat and control saliva. Physicians should be aware that there is no direct correlation between the degree of facial palsy and the possible effect on communication, eating ability and saliva control. Physicians are therefore recommended to ask specific questions relating to problems with these functions during customary medical visits and offer possible intervention by a speech-language pathologist or a physiotherapist. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. A Facial Control Method Using Emotional Parameters in Sensibility Robot (United States)

    Shibata, Hiroshi; Kanoh, Masayoshi; Kato, Shohei; Kunitachi, Tsutomu; Itoh, Hidenori

    The “Ifbot” robot communicates with people by considering its own “emotions”. Ifbot has many facial expressions to communicate enjoyment. These are used to express its internal emotions, purposes, reactions caused by external stimulus, and entertainment such as singing songs. All these facial expressions are developed by designers manually. Using this approach, we must design all facial motions, if we want Ifbot to express them. It, however, is not realistic. We have therefore developed a system which convert Ifbot's emotions to its facial expressions automatically. In this paper, we propose a method for creating Ifbot's facial expressions from parameters, emotional parameters, which handle its internal emotions computationally.

  3. Facial Nerve Schwannoma of the Cerebellopontine Angle: A Diagnostic Challenge


    Lassaletta, Luis; Roda, José María; Frutos, Remedios; Patrón, Mercedes; Gavilán, Javier


    Facial nerve schwannomas are rare lesions that may involve any segment of the facial nerve. Because of their rarity and the lack of a consistent clinical and radiological pattern, facial nerve schwannomas located at the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and internal auditory canal (IAC) represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for clinicians. In this report, a case of a CPA/IAC facial nerve schwannoma is presented. Contemporary diagnosis and management of this rare lesion are analyzed.

  4. Case Report: Magnetically retained silicone facial prosthesis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prosthetic camouflaging of facial defects and use of silicone maxillofacial material are the alternatives to the surgical retreatment. Silicone elastomers provide more options to clinician for customization of the facial prosthesis which is simple, esthetically good when coupled with bio magnets for retention. Key words: Magnet ...

  5. A neuroendocrine account of facial mimicry and its dynamic modulation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaijenvanger, Eline J.; Hofman, Dennis; Bos, Peter A.


    Facial expressions are considered central in conveying information about one's emotional state. During social encounters, facial expressions of another individual are often automatically imitated by the observer, a process referred to as ‘facial mimicry’. This process is assumed to facilitate

  6. Penetrating gunshot wound to the head: transotic approach to remove the bullet and masseteric-facial nerve anastomosis for early facial reanimation. (United States)

    Donnarumma, Pasquale; Tarantino, Roberto; Gennaro, Paolo; Mitro, Valeria; Valentini, Valentino; Magliulo, Giuseppe; Delfini, Roberto


    Gunshot wounds to the head (GSWH) account for the majority of penetrating brain injuries, and are the most lethal. Since they are rare in Europe, the number of neurosurgeons who have experienced this type of traumatic injury is decreasing, and fewer cases are reported in the literature. We describe a case of gunshot to the temporal bone in which the bullet penetrated the skull resulting in the facial nerve paralysis. It was excised with the transotic approach. Microsurgical anastomosis among the masseteric nerve and the facial nerve was performed. GSWH are often devastating. The in-hospital mortality for civilians with penetrating craniocerebral injury is very high. Survivors often have high rate of complications. When facial paralysis is present, masseteric-facial direct neurorraphy represent a good treatment.

  7. Facial emotion perception impairments in schizophrenia patients with comorbid antisocial personality disorder. (United States)

    Tang, Dorothy Y Y; Liu, Amy C Y; Lui, Simon S Y; Lam, Bess Y H; Siu, Bonnie W M; Lee, Tatia M C; Cheung, Eric F C


    Impairment in facial emotion perception is believed to be associated with aggression. Schizophrenia patients with antisocial features are more impaired in facial emotion perception than their counterparts without these features. However, previous studies did not define the comorbidity of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) using stringent criteria. We recruited 30 participants with dual diagnoses of ASPD and schizophrenia, 30 participants with schizophrenia and 30 controls. We employed the Facial Emotional Recognition paradigm to measure facial emotion perception, and administered a battery of neurocognitive tests. The Life History of Aggression scale was used. ANOVAs and ANCOVAs were conducted to examine group differences in facial emotion perception, and control for the effect of other neurocognitive dysfunctions on facial emotion perception. Correlational analyses were conducted to examine the association between facial emotion perception and aggression. Patients with dual diagnoses performed worst in facial emotion perception among the three groups. The group differences in facial emotion perception remained significant, even after other neurocognitive impairments were controlled for. Severity of aggression was correlated with impairment in perceiving negative-valenced facial emotions in patients with dual diagnoses. Our findings support the presence of facial emotion perception impairment and its association with aggression in schizophrenia patients with comorbid ASPD. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Analysis of facial expressions in parkinson's disease through video-based automatic methods. (United States)

    Bandini, Andrea; Orlandi, Silvia; Escalante, Hugo Jair; Giovannelli, Fabio; Cincotta, Massimo; Reyes-Garcia, Carlos A; Vanni, Paola; Zaccara, Gaetano; Manfredi, Claudia


    The automatic analysis of facial expressions is an evolving field that finds several clinical applications. One of these applications is the study of facial bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease (PD), which is a major motor sign of this neurodegenerative illness. Facial bradykinesia consists in the reduction/loss of facial movements and emotional facial expressions called hypomimia. In this work we propose an automatic method for studying facial expressions in PD patients relying on video-based METHODS: 17 Parkinsonian patients and 17 healthy control subjects were asked to show basic facial expressions, upon request of the clinician and after the imitation of a visual cue on a screen. Through an existing face tracker, the Euclidean distance of the facial model from a neutral baseline was computed in order to quantify the changes in facial expressivity during the tasks. Moreover, an automatic facial expressions recognition algorithm was trained in order to study how PD expressions differed from the standard expressions. Results show that control subjects reported on average higher distances than PD patients along the tasks. This confirms that control subjects show larger movements during both posed and imitated facial expressions. Moreover, our results demonstrate that anger and disgust are the two most impaired expressions in PD patients. Contactless video-based systems can be important techniques for analyzing facial expressions also in rehabilitation, in particular speech therapy, where patients could get a definite advantage from a real-time feedback about the proper facial expressions/movements to perform. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Plastic surgery and the biometric e-passport: implications for facial recognition. (United States)

    Ologunde, Rele


    This correspondence comments on the challenges of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery on the facial recognition algorithms employed by biometric passports. The limitations of facial recognition technology in patients who have undergone facial plastic surgery are also discussed. Finally, the advice of the UK HM passport office to people who undergo facial surgery is reported.

  10. Compound facial expressions of emotion: from basic research to clinical applications (United States)

    Du, Shichuan; Martinez, Aleix M.


    Emotions are sometimes revealed through facial expressions. When these natural facial articulations involve the contraction of the same muscle groups in people of distinct cultural upbringings, this is taken as evidence of a biological origin of these emotions. While past research had identified facial expressions associated with a single internally felt category (eg, the facial expression of happiness when we feel joyful), we have recently studied facial expressions observed when people experience compound emotions (eg, the facial expression of happy surprise when we feel joyful in a surprised way, as, for example, at a surprise birthday party). Our research has identified 17 compound expressions consistently produced across cultures, suggesting that the number of facial expressions of emotion of biological origin is much larger than previously believed. The present paper provides an overview of these findings and shows evidence supporting the view that spontaneous expressions are produced using the same facial articulations previously identified in laboratory experiments. We also discuss the implications of our results in the study of psychopathologies, and consider several open research questions. PMID:26869845

  11. Compound facial expressions of emotion: from basic research to clinical applications. (United States)

    Du, Shichuan; Martinez, Aleix M


    Emotions are sometimes revealed through facial expressions. When these natural facial articulations involve the contraction of the same muscle groups in people of distinct cultural upbringings, this is taken as evidence of a biological origin of these emotions. While past research had identified facial expressions associated with a single internally felt category (eg, the facial expression of happiness when we feel joyful), we have recently studied facial expressions observed when people experience compound emotions (eg, the facial expression of happy surprise when we feel joyful in a surprised way, as, for example, at a surprise birthday party). Our research has identified 17 compound expressions consistently produced across cultures, suggesting that the number of facial expressions of emotion of biological origin is much larger than previously believed. The present paper provides an overview of these findings and shows evidence supporting the view that spontaneous expressions are produced using the same facial articulations previously identified in laboratory experiments. We also discuss the implications of our results in the study of psychopathologies, and consider several open research questions.

  12. Fracturas por estrés en deportistas: Valor de la resonancia magnética en la predicción de la morbilidad Stress fractures in athletes: Role of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting injury morbidity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Maquirriain


    Full Text Available La resonancia magnética ha mostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para el diagnóstico precoz de las fracturas por estrés y para la determinación de la gravedad de estas lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre la gravedad de las fracturas por estrés en deportistas, determinada por resonancia magnética y la morbilidad, estimada por el tiempo de retorno al deporte. Se estudiaron 34 casos de fracturas por estrés, correspondientes a 29 deportistas (12 mujeres; 17 varones; edad 26.3 ± 12.5 años, mediante radiografías y resonancia magnética. Las lesiones fueron clasificadas en cuatro grados según la escala de Arendt. Se determinaron la localización anatómica, el nivel de actividad, el tiempo de diagnóstico y el tiempo de retorno a la actividad deportiva. Los huesos más afectados fueron la tibia (n=12; 35.2%, el escafoides tarsiano (n=5; 14.7% y los metatarsianos (n=4; 11.7. La gravedad de las lesiones fue: grado 1: 14.7%; grado 2: 14.7%; grado 3: 38.2%; grado 4: 32.4%. La correlación entre la gravedad de la lesión y el tiempo de recuperación fue de r=0.66 (p=0.0002. Como conclusión, existe una correlación positiva significativa entre la gravedad de la fractura por estrés, determinada por resonancia magnética, y el tiempo de recuperación. La utilización sistemática de esta clasificación puede ayudar a definir con mayor precisión el cuadro clínico, controlar la rehabilitación y estimar el retorno a la actividad deportiva.Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool for stress fractures (SF diagnosis, allowing the estimation of injury severity. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between the severity of SF in athletes determined by magnetic resonance imaging and the morbidity estimated as the time to return to sport. Thirty-four cases of stress fractures, (29 athletes; 12 female, 17 male; age 26.3 ± 12.5, were studied by radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging. Injuries were

  13. Facial Feedback Mechanisms in Autistic Spectrum Disorders (United States)

    Stel, Marielle; van den Heuvel, Claudia; Smeets, Raymond C.


    Facial feedback mechanisms of adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) were investigated utilizing three studies. Facial expressions, which became activated via automatic (Studies 1 and 2) or intentional (Study 2) mimicry, or via holding a pen between the teeth (Study 3), influenced corresponding emotions for controls, while individuals…

  14. Regression-based Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rudovic, Ognjen; Patras, Ioannis; Pantic, Maja


    We present a regression-based scheme for multi-view facial expression recognition based on 2蚠D geometric features. We address the problem by mapping facial points (e.g. mouth corners) from non-frontal to frontal view where further recognition of the expressions can be performed using a

  15. Enhancement of the facial nerve at MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebarski, S.S.; Telian, S.; Niparko, J.


    In the few cases studied, normal facial nerves are reported to show no MR enhancement. Because this did not fit clinical experience, the authors designed a retrospective imaging review with anatomic correlation. Between June 1989 and June 1990, 175 patients underwent focused temporal bone MR imaging before and after administration of intravenous gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.1 mmol/kg). Exclusion criteria for the study included facial nerve dysfunction (subjective or objective); facial nerve mass; central nervous system infection, inflammation, or trauma; neurofibromatosis; or previous cranial surgery of any type. The following sequences were reviewed: GE 1.5-T axial spin-echo TR 567 msec, TE 20 msec, 256 x 192, 2.0 excitations, 20-cm field of view, 3-mm section thickness. Imaging analysis was a side-by side comparison of the images and region-of-interest quantified signal intensity. Anatomic correlation included a comparison with dissection and axial histologic sections. Ninety-three patients (aged 15-75 years) were available for imaging analysis after the exclusionary criteria were applied. With 46 patients (92 facial nerves) analyzed, they found that 76 nerves (83%) showed easily visible gadopentetate dimeglumine enhancement, especially about the geniculate ganglia. Sixteen (17%) of the 92 nerves did not show visible enhancement, but region-of-interest analysis showed increased intensity after gadopentetate dimeglumine administration. Sixteen patients (42%) showed right-to-left asymmetry in facial nerve enhancement. The facial nerves showed enhancement in the geniculate, tympanic, and fallopian portions; the facial nerve within the IAC showed no enhancement. This corresponded exactly with the topographic features of a circummeural arterial/venous plexus seen on the anatomic preparations

  16. Facial Contrast Is a Cross-Cultural Cue for Perceiving Age. (United States)

    Porcheron, Aurélie; Mauger, Emmanuelle; Soppelsa, Frédérique; Liu, Yuli; Ge, Liezhong; Pascalis, Olivier; Russell, Richard; Morizot, Frédérique


    Age is a fundamental social dimension and a youthful appearance is of importance for many individuals, perhaps because it is a relevant predictor of aspects of health, facial attractiveness and general well-being. We recently showed that facial contrast-the color and luminance difference between facial features and the surrounding skin-is age-related and a cue to age perception of Caucasian women. Specifically, aspects of facial contrast decrease with age in Caucasian women, and Caucasian female faces with higher contrast look younger (Porcheron et al., 2013). Here we investigated faces of other ethnic groups and raters of other cultures to see whether facial contrast is a cross-cultural youth-related attribute. Using large sets of full face color photographs of Chinese, Latin American and black South African women aged 20-80, we measured the luminance and color contrast between the facial features (the eyes, the lips, and the brows) and the surrounding skin. Most aspects of facial contrast that were previously found to decrease with age in Caucasian women were also found to decrease with age in the other ethnic groups. Though the overall pattern of changes with age was common to all women, there were also some differences between the groups. In a separate study, individual faces of the 4 ethnic groups were perceived younger by French and Chinese participants when the aspects of facial contrast that vary with age in the majority of faces were artificially increased, but older when they were artificially decreased. Altogether these findings indicate that facial contrast is a cross-cultural cue to youthfulness. Because cosmetics were shown to enhance facial contrast, this work provides some support for the notion that a universal function of cosmetics is to make female faces look younger.

  17. Facial Contrast Is a Cross-Cultural Cue for Perceiving Age

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aurélie Porcheron


    Full Text Available Age is a fundamental social dimension and a youthful appearance is of importance for many individuals, perhaps because it is a relevant predictor of aspects of health, facial attractiveness and general well-being. We recently showed that facial contrast—the color and luminance difference between facial features and the surrounding skin—is age-related and a cue to age perception of Caucasian women. Specifically, aspects of facial contrast decrease with age in Caucasian women, and Caucasian female faces with higher contrast look younger (Porcheron et al., 2013. Here we investigated faces of other ethnic groups and raters of other cultures to see whether facial contrast is a cross-cultural youth-related attribute. Using large sets of full face color photographs of Chinese, Latin American and black South African women aged 20–80, we measured the luminance and color contrast between the facial features (the eyes, the lips, and the brows and the surrounding skin. Most aspects of facial contrast that were previously found to decrease with age in Caucasian women were also found to decrease with age in the other ethnic groups. Though the overall pattern of changes with age was common to all women, there were also some differences between the groups. In a separate study, individual faces of the 4 ethnic groups were perceived younger by French and Chinese participants when the aspects of facial contrast that vary with age in the majority of faces were artificially increased, but older when they were artificially decreased. Altogether these findings indicate that facial contrast is a cross-cultural cue to youthfulness. Because cosmetics were shown to enhance facial contrast, this work provides some support for the notion that a universal function of cosmetics is to make female faces look younger.

  18. Children with Facial Morphea Managing Everyday Life: A Qualitative Study. (United States)

    Stasiulis, E; Gladstone, B; Boydell, K; O'Brien, C; Pope, E; Laxer, R


    This study explores the everyday experiences of children with facial morphea by examining the psychosocial impact of living with facial morphea and how children and their families manage its impact. We used a qualitative, social constructionist approach involving focus groups, in-depth interviews and drawing activities with 10 children with facial morphea 8-17 years of age and 13 parents. Interpretive thematic analysis was utilized to examine the data. Children and parents reported on the stress of living with facial morphea, which was related to the lack of knowledge about facial morphea and the extent to which they perceived themselves as different from others. Self-perceptions were based on the visibility of the lesion, different phases of life transitions and reactions of others, (e.g. intrusive questioning and bullying). Medication routines and side effects, such as weight gain added to participants' stress. To manage the impact of facial morphea, children and their parents used strategies to normalize the experience by hiding physical signs of the illness, constructing explanations about what 'it' is, and by connecting with their peers. Understanding what it is like to live with facial morphea from the perspectives of children and parents is important for devising ways to support children with facial morphea to achieve a better quality of life. Health care providers can help families access resources to manage anxiety, deal with bullying and construct adequate explanations of facial morphea, as well as providing opportunities for peer support. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. Four not six: Revealing culturally common facial expressions of emotion. (United States)

    Jack, Rachael E; Sun, Wei; Delis, Ioannis; Garrod, Oliver G B; Schyns, Philippe G


    As a highly social species, humans generate complex facial expressions to communicate a diverse range of emotions. Since Darwin's work, identifying among these complex patterns which are common across cultures and which are culture-specific has remained a central question in psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and more recently machine vision and social robotics. Classic approaches to addressing this question typically tested the cross-cultural recognition of theoretically motivated facial expressions representing 6 emotions, and reported universality. Yet, variable recognition accuracy across cultures suggests a narrower cross-cultural communication supported by sets of simpler expressive patterns embedded in more complex facial expressions. We explore this hypothesis by modeling the facial expressions of over 60 emotions across 2 cultures, and segregating out the latent expressive patterns. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we first map the conceptual organization of a broad spectrum of emotion words by building semantic networks in 2 cultures. For each emotion word in each culture, we then model and validate its corresponding dynamic facial expression, producing over 60 culturally valid facial expression models. We then apply to the pooled models a multivariate data reduction technique, revealing 4 latent and culturally common facial expression patterns that each communicates specific combinations of valence, arousal, and dominance. We then reveal the face movements that accentuate each latent expressive pattern to create complex facial expressions. Our data questions the widely held view that 6 facial expression patterns are universal, instead suggesting 4 latent expressive patterns with direct implications for emotion communication, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and social robotics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Facial sculpting and tissue augmentation. (United States)

    Carruthers, Jean D A; Carruthers, Alastair


    Until recently, deep facial sculpting was exclusively the domain of surgical interventions. Recent advances in the available array of dermal and subdermal fillers combined with an esthetic appreciation by both surgeons and nonsurgeons alike of the positive effect of filling the volume-depleted face have led to an expansion in the indications for the use of soft tissue augmenting agents. Subdermal support of the lateral two-thirds of the brow, the nasojugal fold, the malar and buccal fat pads, the lateral lip commissures, and the perioral region, including the pre-jowl sulcus, all restore youthful facial contour and harmony. An important advance in technique is the subdermal rather than the intradermal injection plane. "Instant" facial sculpting giving a brow-lift, cheek-lift, lip expansion, and perioral augmentation is possible using modern soft tissue augmenting agents. The softer, more relaxed appearance contrasts to the somewhat "pulled" appearance of subjects who have had surgical overcorrections. Treatments can be combined with botulinum toxin and other procedures if required. Newer advances in the use of fillers include the use of fillers injected in the subdermal plane for "lunchtime" facial sculpting. Using the modern esthetic filler compounds, which are biodegradable but longer lasting, subjects can have a "rehearsal" treatment or make it ongoing. Some individuals, such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related lipoatrophy or those who desire to obtain a longer-lasting effect, may elect to use a nonbiodegradable filling agent.