
Sample records for fr biologisch-dynamische wirtschaftsweise

  1. Zum biologisch-dynamischen Forschungsansatz – Nur philosophisches Beiwerk oder Erkenntnisbedingung einer Wissenschaft vom Leben?


    Hagel, Ingo


    [Einleitung:] Die Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschaftsweise ist die älteste unter den verschiedenen Methoden des Ökologischen Landbaus. Ihr geistiges Fundament ist eine Reihe von Vorträgen, die Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) im Jahr 1924 in Koberwitz bei Breslau für Landwirte hielt (STEINER 1924a). Daher können ihre Voraussetzungen und Intentionen und auch ihr Forschungsansatz nicht losgelöst von dem spirituellen Weltbild der Anthroposophie, deren Begründer Rudolf Steiner ist, betrachtet werden. ...

  2. Biological dynamic lighting in an office building; Biologisch dynamische verlichting in een kantoorgebouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Visser, R. [Professional Lighting Designers' Association PLDA, Guetersloh (Germany)


    The aim of so-called biodynamic lighting systems is to influence human biological rhythms such that productivity, alertness, wellbeing and health are improved. In the office building of Grontmij in Amersfoort, Netherlands, experiments were carried out with biodynamic lighting systems. [Dutch] In de afgelopen jaren hebben verschillende fabrikanten biologisch dynamische verlichtingssystemen op de markt gebracht. Uitgangspunt voor dergelijke systemen is om biologische ritmen van de mens zodanig te beinvloeden dat productiviteit, alertheid, welbevinden en ook de gezondheid in meer of mindere mate verbeteren. Om ervaring in de kantooromgeving op te doen, is een aantal van deze systemen op diverse locaties in het gebouw van de Grontmij in Amersfoort aangebracht. Vervolgens is onderzoek gedaan naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden en eigenschappen ervan in de praktijk.

  3. Biologisch-dynamische Forschung zwischen "wissenschaftlicher Weltsicht" und "Ideologie"


    Eysel, Georg


    Der Beitrag zeigt den Konflikt zwischen "wertefreier" Wissenschaft und "ganzheitlicher" Forschung auf. Ein Zusammenspiel bio-dynamischer Forschung und der Anthroposophie mit anderen Disziplinen könnte einen Beitrag zu einem neuen Wissenschaftsbegriff mit umfassender Weltanschauung leisten. Dialog, Verständnis, Toleranz, Offenheit, kritisches Hinterfragen und Mut zur sinnvollen Anpassung sind dafür notwendige Schritte.

  4. Huisverkoop van biologisch vlees : handboek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijden, van der C.H.T.M.


    Voor biologische boeren die willen beginnen met de verkoop van biologisch vlees aan huis, is het 'Handboek Huisverkoop Biologisch Vlees' samengesteld. Het handboek bevat o.a. marketingtips en een overzicht van de wet- en regelgeving. Het is opgesteld door Wageningen UR in samenwerking met Biologica

  5. Kringlopen in de biologische landbouw: best belangrijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, J.F.F.P.; Wit, de J.


    In het meerjarige onderzoeksprogramma 'Intersectorale samenwerking binnen de biologische landbouw' wordt gezocht naar concepten voor samenwerking, met als doel kringlopen binnen biologische landbouwsystemen beter te sluiten. De huidige kringloop binnen de Nederlandse biologische landbouw kan

  6. Uienrassenkeuze 2004 - rassenonderzoek biologische zaaiuien

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lammerts Van Bueren, E.


    Gegevens over het aanbod van biologisch uitgangsmateriaal voor ui in 2004, en de resultaten van het rassenonderzoek biologische zaaiuien teelt 2001 en 2002 en bewaring 2002 en 2003. Voor belangrijke gewas- en bewaareigenschappen lijkt de rasvolgorde niet te veranderen wanneer uien gangbaar of

  7. Regionale clustering biologische landbouw; Randvoorwaarde voor groei?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stokkers, R.; Braker, M.; Lenssinck, F.; Waal, van der B.H.C.


    Onderzoek naar het effect van regionale clustering op de groei van de biologische landbouw in Nederland. Op basis van literatuuronderzoek en interviews met woordvoerders van regionale samenwerkingsverbanden worden die activiteiten in de biologische landbouw onderscheiden, waarbij regionale

  8. Een (Duits) eitje : afzet biologische pluimveehouderij 2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Werf, van der J.T.N.; Kijlstra, A.


    Het aantal biologische pluimveebedrijven in Nederland neemt snel toe. Veel van de grotere biologische bedrijven exporteren hun eieren via pakstations naar Duitsland. De rest van de bedrijven zet de eieren binnenlands af via pakstations en een deel verkoopt ze direct aan huis of via

  9. Control and coordination of robotic fish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, Chen


    Het verbazingwekkende dynamische gedrag van scholen vissen en andere groepen sociale dieren in de natuur zijn in de afgelopen jaren in de belangstelling komen te staan van multidisciplinair onderzoek. In dit proefschrift passen we fundamentele gereedschappen uit de regeltechniek toe op biologische

  10. Biologische producten natuurlijk verpakt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoden van Velzen, E.U.


    Hoe milieuvriendelijk zijn hernieuwbare en biologisch afbreekbare kunststofverpakkingen eigenlijk? Voor het verpakkend bedrijfsleven is het lastig om daarachter te komen en dus weloverwogen keuzes te maken. In het onderzoek ‘Natuurlijk verpakt’ – uitgevoerd door Wageningen UR Food & Biobased

  11. Biologische Angriffe auf Mauerwerke

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schober, G.; Kort, H.S.M.; Balen, van K.; Bronswijk, van J.E.M.H.


    Zusammenfassung: Biologische Angriffe durch Mauerwerkbewuchs führen zu Schadensbildern, die durch Festigkeitsverlust, Formveränderungen oder Farbveränderungen auf den Oberflächen charakterisiert sind. Allerdings sind nur einige spezialisierte Pflanzen an die extremen Bedingungen dieser Lebensräume

  12. De invloed van bodemreiniging op de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adema DMM*; Boer JLM de; Gestel CAM van; Jong P de*


    Er werd onderzoek uitgevoerd met als doel het uitlooggedrag en de biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen in verontreinigde gronden voor en na reiniging te bepalen. Dit (deel)rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het onderzoek naar de biologische beschikbaarheid. Op zes locaties in Nederland

  13. Biologische agentia en bouwfysica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bronswijk, van J.E.M.H.


    Het voor het eerst door de politiek geformuleerde begrip 'biologische agentia' omvat zowel de schadelijke organismen zelf, als de door hen afgescheiden verbindingen. De overlast is velerlei: knaagschade, verkleuring, parasitaire en allergische aandoeningen. Daar 2 tot 3 van iedere 5 huishoudens met

  14. Classificatie van biologische agentia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein MR; LIS; cib


    Deze rapportage omvat een inventarisatie van de problematiek rond de classificatie van biologische agentia, die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken.

    De constatering is dat de Europese lijst met classificaties verouderd is en geactualiseerd en uitgebreid zou moeten worden. De lijst bevat

  15. Biologische consumptie-aardappelrassen : smaaktoetsing van gekookt product : meerjarige toetsing op smaakeigenschappen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van C.A.P.


    In 2007 is daarom vanuit Bioconnect Innovatiegroep Productkwaliteit een project gestart ter verbetering van de productkwaliteit bij een aantal grotere biologische gewassen. Het doel van het project was: 1. Verhoging van de productkwaliteit van het biologische product door ontwikkeling van nieuwe

  16. Deskstudie biologische bestrijding van invasieve exotische oever- en wateronkruiden in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kempenaar, C.; Franke, A.C.; Lotz, L.A.P.


    In dit rapport wordt een overzicht gegeven van biologische onkruidbestrijding in het algemeen, en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van biologische bestrijding van elf belangrijke exotische oever+ en wateronkruiden in Nederland in het bijzonder. De gepresenteerde informatie betreft vooral onderzoek+ en

  17. Zicht op dierlijke biologische ketens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Kijlstra, A.; Boekhoff, M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeemanalyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  18. Sortiment biologische laanbomen en sierheesters onder het vergrootglas : interview met Margareth Hop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, R.; Hop, M.E.C.M.


    In tegenstelling tot de traditionele boomkwekerijgewassen is binnen de Nederlandse boomkwekerijsector de markt voor biologische boomkwekerijproducten nog steeds uiterst bescheiden. Telers horen vaak van afnemers dat het nog beperkte sortiment dat biologisch leverbaar is, hier mee te maken heeft.

  19. Monitoring onkruid op biologische bedrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teenstra, E.D.; Riemens, M.M.


    De beheersing van onkruiden op biologische bedrijven houdt niet op bij de bestrijding in het gewas. Ook gewaskeuze, teeltsysteem en vruchtopvolging hebben een grote invloed op de onkruiddruk en op de onkruidontwikkeling op het bedrijf. Telers van het praktijknetwerk BIOM gaven aan behoefte te hebben

  20. Biologische bestrijdingsmiddelen kunnen imago ernstig schaden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sukkel, W.


    In Nederland zijn zijn voor de akkerbouw en de vollegrondsgroententeelt slechts vier biologische (niet-synthetische) middelen toegestaan: Bacillus thuringiensis, pyretrine + piperonylbutoxide, koperoxychloride en zwavel. Een opsomming van de tot nu toe bekende eigenschappen (doelorganismen;

  1. PPO Glastuinbouw en LEI helpen biologische ketenprojecten op weg: "vernieuwing moet wel uit de biologische hoek komen"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staalduinen, van Jan; Poot, E.H.; Wertheim-Heck, S.C.O.


    Het biologische marktsegment is vanwege de hogere kostprijs van het geteelde product een natuurlijke kraamkamer voor productinnovatie. De zoektocht naar tastbaar onderscheid en aansprekende verkoopconcepten vereist multidisciplinaire samenwerking van teelt- en marktonderzoek. LEI en PPO Glastuinbouw

  2. Zicht op de plantaardige biologische keten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnands, J.H.M.; Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.; Hoorweg, M.J.; Kik, C.; Rossing, W.A.H.; Scholten, O.M.


    De studie vormt een onderdeel van het project 'Visies op biologische landbouw: een systeem analyse'. Dit project is gefinancierd door Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum uit middelen voor Strategische Expertise Ontwikkeling. In dit project worden mensbeelden onderscheiden om de visies te

  3. Vervolgonderzoek ecologische risico's Noorderbos : chemische en biologische beschikbaarheid van chroom : rapportage fase 2

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groenenberg, J.E.; Bloem, J.; Faber, J.H.; Dijcker, R.


    Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van het vervolgonderzoek van de chemische en biologische monitoring van de ernstig met chroom vervuilde bodem van het Noorderbos in Tilburg. Er is specifiek aandacht besteed aan de chemische en biologische beschikbaarheid van metalen met name van chroom waarvan

  4. Assortiment-kanaalmatch voor biologische fair tradeproducten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Stichting FairBites ontwikkelt middels een innovatief organisatiemodel biologische en fair trade voedingsproducten voor de out-of-home (OOH) markt. Deze producten zijn zeer beperkt beschikbaar in dit marktsegment dat ± 35% van de voedingsmarkt vertegenwoordigd. FairBites richt zich op jong

  5. Via diergezondheidsmanagement naar minimalisering van antibioticagebruik : weetjes en praktische tips voor de biologische varkenshouder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bokma-Bakker, M.H.; Vermeer, H.M.; Houwers, H.W.J.; Eijck, I.; Leeijen, J.


    In deze waaier staan weetjes en praktische tips om uw diergezondheidsmanagement op uw biologische varkensbedrijf te versterken en daarmee het gebruik van antibiotica te minimaliseren. De weetjes en tips zijn o.a. gebaseerd op de ervaringen die biologische varkenshouders hebben opgedaan in een

  6. Eisen doen de kostprijs rijzen: berekend op 6,20 Euro per 17-weekse biologische hen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.


    Sinds 1 januari dit jaar gelden verscherpte voorwaarden voor de opfok van biologische leghennen. Deze aanscherping heeft een fors kostprijsverhogend effect. De Animal Sciences Group heeft daarom de productiekosten op het biologisch opfokbedrijf opnieuw bestudeerd.

  7. Boomkwekerij op veen : bedrijfseconomische resultaten biologische boomkwekerij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Snoek, B.; Schuring, W.; Leijden, van J.P.H.


    Resultaten van een onderzoek op PPO-locatie Boskoop naar de bedrijfseconomische mogelijkheden van biologische boomteelt. Zes gewassen uit de gewasgroep siergewassen (Acer, Buxus, Magnolia, Mahonia, Prunus en Syringa) werden in twee jaar opgekweekt van plantgoed naar leverbaar materiaal. In tabellen

  8. Sortimentsverbreding van biologische zomerbloemen in de volle grond : eindverslag

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hop, M.E.C.M.


    De handel in biologische zomerbloemen heeft behoefte aan uitbreiding van het sortiment. In overleg met verschillende partners uit de keten zijn 5 verschillende gewassen beproefd en enkele planten gedemonstreerd: Amaranthus (amarant), Carthamus (safloer), Eryngium (kruisdistel), Helenium en Tagetes

  9. Biological degradation of partially oxidated constituents of stabilized sapropel; Biologischer Abbau teiloxidierter Inhaltsstoffe stabilisierter Faulschlaemme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scheminski, A.; Krull, R.; Hempel, D.C. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Bioverfahrenstechnik


    Partial oxidation of sapropel with ozone destroys the cell walls of microorganisms in sludge and releases the cell constituents. Substances that are not biologically degraded because of the size or structure of their molecules are transformed into smaller, water-soluble and biologically degradable fractions by the reaction with ozone. The experiments aim to render the partially oxidated sewage sludge constituents highly biologically degradable using a minimum of oxidation agents. For the experiments described, stabilized sapropels with low biological activity are used. Hence the ozone is mainly used for the partial oxidation of recalcitrant constituents. (orig.) [German] Durch partielle Oxidation von Faulschlaemmen mit Ozon werden die Zellwaende der Mikroorganismen im Schlamm zerstoert und die Zellinhaltsstoffe freigesetzt. Dabei werden Substanzen, die aufgrund ihrer Molekuelgroesse oder -struktur biologisch nicht abgebaut werden, durch die Reaktion mit Ozon in kleinere, wasserloesliche und biologisch abbaubare Bruchstuecke ueberfuehrt. Ziel der Versuche ist es, durch den Einsatz moeglichst geringer Mengen an Oxidationsmitteln eine hohe biologische Abbaubarkeit der teiloxidierten Klaerschlamminhaltsstoffe zu erreichen. Fuer die hier vorgestellten Experimente wurden stabilisierte Faulschlaemme mit geringer biologischer Aktivitaet eingesetzt. Dadurch wird das Ozon vorwiegend zur Teiloxidation recalcitranter Inhaltsstoffe genutzt. (orig.)

  10. Biologische effectiviteit van bespuitingen: effecten van druppelgrootte en waterkwaliteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zande, van de J.C.; Schans, van der D.A.; Koster, A.T.J.


    Deze rapportage beschrijft de invloed van watervolume, druppelgrootte en kwaliteit van het tankmengsel op de biologische effectiviteit van bespuitingen. Onder kwaliteit van het tankmengsel wordt in dit verband verstaan: temperatuur, hardheid, pH en zoutgehalte (chloor en ijzerzouten) van de

  11. Invoegen, uitvoegen en ritsen : over de dynamiek van biologische membranen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Helms, J.B.


    De titel 'INVOEGEN, UITVOEGEN EN RITSEN' duidt op dynamische processen, die zich alleen kunnen afspelen door middel van samenwerkingsverbanden. Er valt niets in te voegen, uit te voegen of te ritsen als er geen medespelers zijn. Als deze titel ergens op van toepassing is, dan is het wel de

  12. Organische precisiebemesting in de biologische landbouw?; praktische toepassingen blijken mogelijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, de B.; Heinen, M.


    Welke mogelijkheden voor organische precisiebemesting zijn er in de biologische akkerbouw? Uitleg over de relaties tussen gewasgroei en stikstofmineralisatie, bodemstructuur en bodemprocessen, en over de opzet van het onderzoek naar organische precisiebemesting in aardappel

  13. Biologische leefstijlfactoren in volwassen afstandsonderwijs: voorspellen van cognitief presteren en leerprestatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gijselaers, Jérôme


    Gijselaers, H. J. M. (2015, 29 October). Biologische leefstijlfactoren in volwassen afstandsonderwijs: voorspellen van cognitief presteren en leerprestatie [Biological lifestyle factors in adult distance education: predicting cognitive and learning performance]. Pitch given for the board of

  14. Control of a reactor for conditioning of biogenic waste materials. Final report; Steuerung eines Reaktors zur Aufbereitung von Abfaellen mit biogenen Bestandteilen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bartha, B.; Brummack, J.; Kloeden, W.


    Mechanical-biological waste treatment implies biological drying and mechanical separation; it produces a pollutant-free fuel fraction with good calorific value and inorganic fractions available for recycling. Apart from some prototypes, mostly static aerobic reactors are used. For moist residues, dynamic reactors may be interesting as they permit coupling of thermal and mechanical processes, i.e. parallel biological drying and mechanical separation. A discontinuous rotary kiln reactor for biological drying of residues was developed in this project. (orig.) [German] Die mechanisch-biologische Aufbereitung von Restabfaellen (MBA) hat sich zu einem Systembaustein innerhalb der Restabfallentsorgung entwickelt. Das Hauptanwendungsziel besteht darin, durch die Kombination von biologischer Trocknung mit mechanischen Stofftrennverfahren eine heizwertreiche und schadstoffentfrachtete Fraktion mit Brennstoffeigenschaften, sowie verwertbare anorganische Fraktionen aus dem Restabfall zu gewinnen. Die Ausgangssituation zeigte, dass, abgesehen von einigen prototypischen Anlagen, in der MBA-Technologie hauptsaechlich statische, aerob arbeitende Reaktoren (Rottetunnel und Rotteboxen) fuer den biologischen Schritt eingesetzt werden. Fuer feuchte Restabfaelle erscheint es interessant, dynamische Reaktoren einzusetzen, die die Kopplung thermischer und mechanischer Prozesse erlauben, die also die biologische Trocknung und den mechanischen Aufschluss parallel zulassen. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde die Steuerung eines diskontinuierlich betriebenen Drehrohrreaktors zur biologischen Trocknung von Restabfaellen entwickelt. (orig.)

  15. Kennis, hét knelpunt in de biologische teelt van blauwe bessen in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peppelman, G.; Balkhoven, J.M.T.


    Vanuit de markt wordt de vraag naar biologisch geteeltde producten steeds groter. Daarnaast is men op zoek naar teeltmethoden die minder bestrijdingsmiddelen toepassen, omdat bij steeds meer middelen de gebruikstoestemming in blauwe besen op het etiket verdwijnt. Daarom is een verkenning gedaan naar

  16. Groenbemesters in biologische teeltsystemen: Wat dragen zij bij aan een ecologisch beheer van onkruiden?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kruidhof, H.M.; Bastiaans, L.; Molema, G.J.


    In 2003 is een vierjarig project gestart met als doel de optimalisatie van de bijdrage van groenbemesters aan het onkruidbeheer in biologische teeltsystemen. Groenbemesters kunnen een belangrijke rol spelen in de vruchtwisseling en een hoge toegevoegde waarde hebben. In het najaar kan een goed

  17. CO2 dosering in de biologische glastuinbouw: Onderzoek naar alternatieve bronnen - Toepassingen in gangbare tuinbouw

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, P.C.M.; Lans, van der C.J.M.


    In dit onderzoek is uitgewerkt wat de behoefte aan CO2 is op glastuinbouw bedrijven en hoe deze behoefte op biologische bedrijven ingevuld wordt. Factoren die de CO2 behoefte beïnvloeden zijn de gewasopname, de aangehouden concentratie in de kas en de ventilatie. Als CO2 bron zorgt de ingebrachte

  18. Hoge kostprijs, maar concurrerend : 12,5 cent (grondhuisvesting) of 11,7 cent (volière) per biologisch ei

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeij, I.


    De Animal Sciences Group in Lelystad heeft de productiekosten op het biologisch legpluimveebedrijf berekend. Bij de berekening van de kostprijs is uitgegaan van twee modelbedrijven, een bedrijf met grondhuisvesting en een bedrijf met volièrehuisvesting. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat de

  19. Ecoflex. Dynamic traffic management based on measured air quality; Ecoflex. Dynamisch verkeersmanagement op basis van gemeten luchtkwaliteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voogt, M.; Van Baalen, J.; Stelwage, U.; Weststrate, H. [TNO Urban Environment and Safety, Delft (Netherlands); De Koning, A.; Turksma, S. [Peek Traffic, Amersfoort (Netherlands)


    Local air quality measurements can be used as input for a dynamic traffic management system. This makes it possible to deploy emission reducing measures exactly when they are needed. This concept has been demonstrated by TNO and Peek in the EcoFLEX project. [Dutch] Lokale luchtkwaliteitsmetingen kunnen worden gebruikt als input voor een dynamisch verkeersmanagementysteem. Zo wordt het mogelijk om emissiereducerende maatregelen juist dan in te zetten wanneer deze nodig zijn. Dit concept is door TNO en Peek gedemonstreerd in het EcoFLEX-project.

  20. Prestatiekenmerken van de bepaling van As, Cd, Pb en Hg in voeding en biologisch materiaal met ICP-MS en AFS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velde-Koerts T van der; Bom CM; LAC


    Een ICP-MS-methode werd ontwikkeld voor de bepaling van As, Cd en Pb in salpeterzuur-destruaten van voeding en biologisch materiaal. De methode werd geoptimaliseerd op basis van minimale spectrale storingen en matrixeffecten met behulp van correctieformules, interne standaarden en

  1. Dynamic traffic management and air quality; Dynamisch verkeersmanagement en luchtkwaliteit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Traffic flow can be improved by means of dynamic routing and regulation as a result of which traffic might choose a different route. Therefore, in this report also attention is paid to the effects on other road sections, such as improvement of the air quality. Calculations were carried out for the cases Southeast Amsterdam, Alkmaar and De Bilt. The detailed impacts on traffic and on air quality are available in the annex. All the reported air quality impacts are calculated using CAR II, version 8.0 for the year 2010. [Dutch] Doorstroming van het verkeer kan worden bevorderd door middel van dynamisch routeren en doseren. Het verkeer zal door deze maatregel een andere route gaan kiezen. Daarom besteedt de publicatie ook aandacht aan de effecten op de overige wegvakken, zoals verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit. Voor deze publikatie zijn berekeningen uitgevoerd voor de cases Amsterdam-zuidoost, Alkmaar en De Bilt. De gedetailleerde verkeerseffecten en effecten op luchtkwaliteit staan in de gratis beschikbare bijlage. Alle in deze rapportage opgenomen effecten op luchtkwaliteit zijn berekend met CAR II, versie 8.0 voor het jaar 2010.

  2. Behaviour at landfills of waste having undergone mechanic-biological and thermal conditioning; Deponieverhalten mechanisch-biologisch und thermisch behandelten Restabfalls

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Danhamer, H.; Dach, J.; Jager, J. [Institut WAR, Darmstadt (Germany). FG Abfalltechnik


    The work studies, in landfill test reactors, water, gas and heat transport as well as gas and leachate formation in waste having undergone mechanical-biological and thermal conditioning. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es wurde der Wasser-, Gas- und Waermetransport, sowie die Gasbildung- und Sickerwasserbelastung mechanisch-biologisch und thermisch vorbehandelter Abfaelle in Deponieversuchsreaktoren untersucht. (orig.)

  3. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2008 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van M.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn door Wageningen IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De benodigde monsters

  4. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2009 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van M.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn in 2009 door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot (visziekten). De benodigde

  5. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2005 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.) : Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoofen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan

  6. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2006 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.; Barneveld, van E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden werden door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat- Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ) in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens

  7. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2003 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platychthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot en mosselen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan biologische parameters werden bepaald. Tevens werden milieukritische stoffen

  8. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2004 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot en mosselen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kotterman, M.J.J.


    In opdracht van RWS-RIKZ werden door het RIVO werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De werkzaamheden bestonden uit het verzamelen van monsters bot waarvan biologische parameters werden bepaald. Tevens werden milieukritische stoffen

  9. Resultaten van het Rijkswaterstaat JAMP 2009 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot


    Hoek-van Nieuwenhuizen, van, M.; Barneveld, van, E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden zijn in 2009 door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot (visziekten). De benodigde monsters bot werden verzameld door IMARES. Tevens werd materiaal van bot verzameld voor chemisch onderzoek en geanalyseerd.

  10. Resultaten van het RWS-RIKZ JAMP 2006 monitoringsprogramma van bot (Platichthys flesus L.). Biologische gegevens van bot en milieukritische stoffen in bot


    Kotterman, M.J.J.; Barneveld, van, E.


    De in dit rapport beschreven werkzaamheden werden door IMARES uitgevoerd op basis van een opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat- Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee (RIKZ) in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. De opdracht hield in het verkrijgen van biologische gegevens van bot. De benodigde monsters bot werden verzameld door IMARES. Tevens werd materiaal van bot verzameld voor chemisch onderzoek en geanalyseerd.

  11. Gevoelige bodem koesteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein Swormink, B.; Livestock Research,


    Graslandbeheer en bemesting op het biologische melkveebedrijf van Durk Oosterhof in Drachten (Fr). Alle percelen, op leemachtig zand, worden maximaal benut voor de productie van grasklaver. Op het bedrijf is, in het kader van het Bioveem-project, onderzoek gedaan naar de effectiviteit van dierlijke

  12. Consequences of the amended Biomass Waste Ordinance for biological waste treatment; Konsequenzen der novellierten Bioabfallverordnung fuer die biologische Abfallbehandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kehres, Bertram [Bundesguetegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. (BGK), Koeln (Germany)


    The amended Biomass Waste Ordinance will bring about changes in biological waste treatment to which operators of composting and fermenting plants will have to adapt. The contribution outlines the most relevant changes; at the time of publication, it was not known how the Bundesrat would decide with regard to the Amendment, probably in late March 2012. (orig.) [German] Die Novelle der Bioabfallverordnung wird fuer die biologische Abfallbehandlung verschiedene Veraenderungen mit sich bringen, auf die sich Betreiber von Kompostierungs- und von Vergaerungsanlagen einzustellen haben. Auf die wesentlichen Aenderungen wird in diesem Beitrag eingegangen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Abfassung dieses Beitrages ist allerdings noch nicht vollstaendig bekannt, wie der Bundesrat - voraussichtlich Ende Maerz 2012 - ueber die Novelle abschliessend entscheiden wird. (orig.)

  13. Evaluation of combustion experiments conducted during the research and development project ``Mechanical-biological waste conditioning in combination with thermal processing of partial waste fractions``; Auswertung der Verbrennungsversuche zum Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben ``mechanisch-biologische Restmuellbehandlung unter Einbindung thermischer Verfahren fuer Teilfraktionen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jager, J.; Lohf, A.; Herr, C. [Institut WAR, Darmstadt (Germany)


    The technical code on municipal waste makes specific demands on waste to be deposited at landfills which can only be met if mechanical-biological conditioning of waste as well as thermal processing of partial waste fractions are continued also in the future. But waste that has undergone mechanical or mechanical-biological conditioning presents different combustion properties from those of unconditioned waste. In this second stage of the research project, the thermal processability of waste having undergone mechanical or mechanical-biological conditioning was studied. Together with the results from the first project stage, where the throughput represented exclusively mechanically conditioned material, the results of the latter measuring campaigns comprehensively demonstrate possibilities for the thermal processing of partial waste fractions having undergone biological-mechanical conditioning, and inform on changes in plant performance. (orig.) [Deutsch] Um die in der TA-Siedlungsabfall an den abzulagernden Restmuell gestellten Deponieeingangsbedingungen zu erfuellen, muss neben einer mechanisch-biologischen Aufbereitung bei Teilfraktionen auch weiterhin eine thermische Behandlung eingeplant werden. Die Verbrennungseigenschaften von mechanisch oder mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandeltem Restmuell weichen allerdings von denen von unbehandeltem Restmuell ab. In dieser zweiten Projektphase des Forschungsvorhabens wurde eine Untersuchung bezueglich der thermischen Behandelbarkeit von mechanisch und auch biologisch vorbehandeltem Muell durchgefuehrt. Die Ergebnisse der Messkampagnen bilden zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der ersten Projektphase, in der ausschliesslich mechanisch vorbehandeltes Material durchgesetzt wurde, eine umfassende Darstellung ueber Moeglichkeiten und veraenderte Anlagenverhalten bei der thermischen Behandlung von Teilfraktionen aus der biologisch-mechanisch Vorbehandlung. (orig.)

  14. Mechanical-biological waste treatment and anaerobic processes. 59. information meeting, Neuwied, October 1999; Mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung und Anaerobverfahren. 59. Informationsgespraech in Neuwied im Oktober 1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hangen, H.O.; Euler, H.; Leonhardt, H.W. [comps.


    This proceedings volume discusses the specifications for and cost of mechanical-biological waste treatment, the optimisation of economic efficiency and pollutant emissons, the combination of mechanical-biological and thermal waste treatment processes, the value of mechanical-biological waste treatment, waste management concepts, process engineering and practical experience, and the eco-balance of the process. [German] Themen dieses Proceedingsbandes sind: Anforderungen und Kosten der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung; Optimierung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Emissionssituation; Kombination von mechanisch-biologischer und thermischer Muellbehandlung; Bewertung der mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlung, Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte, Verfahrenstechnik und Betriebserfahrungen; Oekobilanz. (SR)

  15. Dynamic interaction of brakes, tyres and road surface; Dynamische Interaktion Bremse - Reifen - Strasse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huinink, H.; Schroeder, C.


    Rubber friction of rough surfaces is characterised by the molecular physics of the highly dynamic interaction between a polymer network and the road on nano- micrao- and macroscale length. The problems of power transmission of ALS-controlled tyres at quasi-stationary conditions (interaction tyres/braking system) are described by the grip/slip characteristics defined for the area of tyre contact, which in terms forms the basis for the interaction between material and road surface (according to Persson 1997) under the respective technical conditions of the vehicle. ALS-braking with time-dependent brake torque is a technically highly dynamic system state within the interaction of material, tyres, vehicle and road surface. New systems based on sensors such as the side-torsion-sensor made by Continental AG improve safety, comfort and economy by combining this feature with a vehicle management system which uses tyre forces and -deformation as input parameters. [Deutsch] Die Gummireibung auf rauhen Oberflaechen ist durch eine molekulare Physik der hochdynamischen Interaktion Polymernetzwerk / Fahrbahn auf nano-, mikro- und makroskaligen Laengen gekennzeichnet. Die Problematik der Kraftuebertragung bei ABS-geregelten Reifen unter quasistationaeren Bedingungen (Interaktion Reifen - Bremssystem) wird durch die in der Bodenaufstandsflaeche ortsaufgeloesten Kraftschluss - Schlupf - Kennlinien erfasst, deren Basis die Interaktion Material / Fahrbahn nach Persson (1997) unter den gegebenen technischen Bedingungen am Fahrzeug darstellt. Der ABS-Bremsvorgang bei zeitabhaengigem Bremsmoment ist ein technisch hochdynamischer Systemzustand im Wechselspiel Material - Reifen - Fahrzeug-Fahrbahn. Auf der Sensorik basierende dynamische Systemerweiterungen, wie z.B. durch den Seitenwand-Torsions-Sensor der Continental AG, verbessern Fahrsicherheit, Komfort und Wirtschaftlichkeit durch die Kombination mit einem Fahrzeugmanagementsystem, das die Reifenkraefte und -verformungen als

  16. Higher efficiency of the filtration stage in the treatment of biologically treated waste water for reuse (MESAB II). Final report; Erhoehung der Effizienz der Filtrationsstufe bei der Aufbereitung von biologisch behandeltem Abwasser zur Mehrfachnutzung (MESAB II). Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marzinkowski, J.M. [Bergische Univ., Wuppertal (Germany); Fiedler, P.; Hartmann


    The work focussed on the microfiltration of biologically pretreated waste water of the textile finishing industry. By enhancing the filtration capacity from 25-30 l/m{sup 2}h to about 45 l/m{sup 2}h and lower energy consumption, the cost was to be reduced from 2.30 EUR/m{sup 3} to less than 1.80 EUR/m{sup 3}, thus making water recirculation economically efficient. Biological deposits on the filter membranes were to be removed without interrupting the filtering process and without using biocides or other aggressive chemical substances. (orig.) [German] Bei der Mikrofiltration von biologisch vorbehandeltem Abwasser aus der Textilveredlung sollten durch Erhoehung der Filtratleistung von bisher 25 bis 30 L/m{sup 2}h auf ca. 45 L/m{sup 2}h und Verringerung des Energieverbrauches die Kosten fuer die Aufbereitung des Abwassers fuer einen Wiedereinsatz als Brauchwasser bei verschiedenen Textilveredlungsprozessen von bisher 2,30 Euro/m{sup 3} (Az. 10890) auf weniger als 1,80 Euro/m{sup 3} gesenkt werden und somit die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Brauchwasserrueckgewinnung erreicht werden. Die Entfernung biologischer Belaege von den Filtrationsmembranen sollte ohne Unterbrechnung der Filtratgewinnung und ohne Verwendung von Bioziden oder anderen aggressiven Chemikalien erfolgen. (orig.)

  17. Static-dynamic MR urography. Comparison with excretory urography and scintigraphy in experimentally induced urinary tract obstruction (UTO); Statisch-dynamische MR-Urographie. Vergleich mit Ausscheidungsurographie und Szintigraphie bei experimentell induzierter Harntransportstoerung (HTS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rohrschneider, W.K.; Wunsch, R.; Troeger, J. [Paediatrische Radiologie, Univ. Heidelberg (Germany); Hoffend, J. [Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Univ. Heidelberg (Germany); Becker, K. [Inst. fuer Versuchstierkunde, Univ. Heidelberg (Germany); Darge, K.; Clorius, J.H. [Kooperationseinheit Nuklearmedizin, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg (Germany); Kooijman, H. [Philips Medizin-Systeme, Hamburg (Germany)


    Purpose: To assess the diagnostic value of combined static-dynamic MR urography (MRU) for the functional-morphological evaluation of experimentally induced urinary tract obstruction. Methods: Static-dynamic MRU - combination study with a respiratory-triggered 3D-IR-TSE sequence and a dynamic 2D-FFE sequence after Gd-DTPA and furosemide - was obtained in comparison with {sup 99m}Tc-MAG3 diuretic renal scintigraphy (DRS), excretory urography (EU) and ultrasound (US) in 29 healthy piglets and in 20 piglets with surgically induced ureteric stenosis (total of 50 postoperative examination blocks). Results: MRU allowed complete depiction of the urinary tract in all controls, in operated piglets the stenosis was always correctly identified. Quality of MRU was superior to EU in 36 to 43 comparative studies. Calculation of single kidney function from parenchymal renograms, and assessment of urinary excretion from whole-kidney renograms resulted in a highly significant agreement of MRU with DRS. Conclusion: Static-dynamic MR urography allows excellent depiction of experimentally induced urinary tract obstruction, and reliable assessment of individual renal function and urinary excretion. Two advantages of the method stand out, it does not require radiation and it permits a functional-morphological correlation. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Einschaetzung der Wertigkeit der kombinierten statisch-dynamischen MR-Urographie (MRU) zur umfassenden funktionell-morphologischen Diagnostik tierexperimentell induzierter Harntransportstoerungen. Methodik: Die statisch-dynamische MRU-Kombination aus einer atemgetriggerten 3D-IR-TSE-Sequenz und einer dynamischen 2D-FFE-Sequenz nach Gd-DTPA und Furosemid - wurde im Vergleich zu {sup 99m}Tc-MAG3-Diurese-Nierenszintigraphie (DNS), Ultraschall (US) und Ausscheidungsurographie (AUG) bei 29 gesunden Ferkeln sowie bei 20 Ferkeln mit operativ indizierter Harnwegsstenose (insgesamt 50 postoperative Untersuchungsbloecke) durchgefuehrt. Ergebnisse: Die MRU

  18. Ecotoxicological and human toxicological risk assessment of PAH-contaminated soils before and after biological treatment; Oekotoxikologische und humantoxikologische Risikobewertung PAK-belasteter Boeden vor und nach biologischer Behandlung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roos, P.H.; Hanstein, W.G. [Bochum Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Physiologische Chemie; Weissenfels, W.D. [RAG Umwelt Kommunal GmbH, Bottrop (Germany); Afferden, M. van [IMTA, Jiutepec, Mor. (Mexico); Pfeifer, F. [DMT-Gesellschaft fuer Forschung und Pruefung mbH, Essen (Germany)


    The goal of the present work is to assess the adverse effects of soil bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) which remain in soils after biological remediation. We focus on risk assessment for mammalian species with respect to the oral uptake of contaminated soil particles and compare the results of a biomarker test with those of an ecotoxicological assay, the bioluminescence inhibition test with Vibrio fischeri. As a biomarker effect in mammals, we determined the liver microsomal cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1A1 which is induced by PAH in exposed rats. After biological soil treatment, different amounts of PAH remain in the soil depending on the soil properties and initial pollutant composition. Particularly, higher condensated PAH resists biological treatment due to its hydrophobicity. In addition, high amounts of organic carbon in the soils affect remediation efficiency. In the bioluminescence inhibition test, eluates of all biologically treated soils studied do not reveal any or only low inhibitory effects. In contrast, the oral uptake of biologically treated contaminated soils leads to induction levels for CYP1A1 similar to those in the untreated samples. A good correlation is obtained between CYP1A1 levels and the amount of 5 and 6-ring PAH in the soil samples. The main result is that the remediation efficiency determined by the luminescence test is not reflected by the biomarker test, a finding which indicates the high bioavailability of residual PAH in soils. Consequently, new criteria for human risk assessment can be delineated. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, moegliche toxische Wirkungen PAK-belasteter Boeden vor und nach biologischer Sanierung zu erfassen. Hierbei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Abschaetzung des Risikos fuer Saeugetiere nach oraler Aufnahme von Bodenpartikeln. Als Biomarker-Effekt fuer die PAK-Aufnahme haben wir in Ratten die Induktion des lebermikrosomalen P450-Enzyms CYP1A1 bestimmt, dessen Expression durch PAK moduliert

  19. Biological mechanisms of radiation effects; Biologische Mechanismen der Strahlenwirkung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gruber, S.; Doerr, W. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, ATRAB - Angewandte und Translationale Radiobiologie, Univ.-Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Wien (Austria)


    Tumorinduktion fuehren. Die Kenntnis der biologischen Mechanismen dieser Effekte ist essenziell fuer eine Individualisierung der Applikation. Biologische Mechanismen - auf geweblicher und molekularer Ebene - der klinischen Manifestation eines Strahleneffekts, Dosisabhaengigkeit des Risikos und des zeitlichen Verlaufs, Einflussfaktoren. Der zeitliche Verlauf der Reaktion von Geweben auf eine Strahlenexposition erstreckt sich ueber weite Bereiche bis hin zu vielen Jahrzehnten. Es werden fruehe und spaete gewebliche Strahleneffekte unterschieden, deren Pathobiologie sich wesentlich unterscheidet. Es sind vonseiten des Expositionsmusters verschiedene Einflussfaktoren (''R'') auf die klinische Manifestation von Strahleneffekten bekannt. Die Strahlentoleranz normaler Gewebestrukturen bzgl. der Induktion eines funktionellen Defizits variiert stark, hat aber immer einen Schwellenwert, welcher bei diagnostischen Massnahmen in der Regel nicht ueberschritten wird. Das Risiko einer letalen strahleninduzierten Tumorerkrankung (Ganzkoerperexposition 5 %/Gy) ist bei einer medizinischen Strahlenapplikation im Vergleich zum natuerlichen Risiko als sehr gering einzuschaetzen. Die Patientenaufklaerung muss dies in ausgewogener Weise widerspiegeln. (orig.)

  20. New results by adding additives to rapidly biodegradable lubricants; Neue Ergebnisse zum Thema: Additivierung von biologisch schnell abbaubaren Schmierstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fessenbecker, A.; Rossrucker, T.; Korff, J.


    Fluids of two different chemical categories are currently established in the market as the basic oils for rapidly biodegradable lubricants: Polyglycols and organic esters, the latter representing the more significant volume. The wide range of substances in ester chemistry and the resulting variety in properties such as oxidative stability, hydrolytic stability, corrosion protection and wear protection properties necessitate a differentiated view of, for instance, the additives used. Standard lubricant tests are used to analyze these substances and properties. Classification in three different groups helps us come to clear terms with the wide variety of esters available. - Unsaturated native esters (rapeseed oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.); - unsaturated synthetic esters (TMP oleates, etc.); - saturated synthetic esters (dicarboxylic acid esters, etc.). The test result for the different additives, among them readily biodegradable ones, in typical representatives of the above ester classes are compared as the basis for evaluation of sometimes widely varying behaviour in each basic fluid. Attempts are made to analyze various interrelationships between additives and technical properties, e.g. influence of the choice of additives on the hydrolytic stability of esters. Acidic or highly alkaline additives catalyze the destruction of esters and should be avoided. Tests acc. to-ASTM-D 2619 (`Coca-Cola` Test) and ASTM-D 943 (`TOST-Test`) reveal ways to improve the hydrolytic properties with hydrolytic protoction additives. The oxidative behaviour of esters with varying degrees of saturation makes it necessary to optimize the antioxidants for a given system of basic oil. This is shown clearly on the basis of trial results with standardized lubricant oxidation tests. (orig.) [Deutsch] Als Basisoele fuer biologisch schnell abbaubare Schmierstoffe haben sich derzeit am Markt zwei chemisch unterschiedliche Kategorien von Fluessigkeiten etabliert: Polyglykole und organische Ester

  1. Mechanical-biological waste conditioning with controlled venting - the Meisenheim mechanical-biological waste conditioning plant; Mechanisch-biologische Restabfallbehandlung nach dem Kaminzugverfahren - MBRA Meisenheim

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hangen, H.O. [Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kreuznach (Germany)


    The decision of the rural district of Bad Kreuznach to propose creating facilities for mechanical-biological waste conditioning at the new northern Meisenheim landfill was consistent and correct. It will ensure that the material deposited at this new, state-of-the-art landfill is organically `lean` and can be deposited with a high density. Preliminary sifting of the material prior to depositing safeguards that no improper components are inadvertently included. Three years of operation warrant the statement that waste components that cannot be appropriately biologically conditioned should be eliminated prior to rotting. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die Entscheidung des Landkreises Bad Kreuznach, der neu eingerichteten Norddeponie Meisenheim eine MBRA vorzuschlaten, war auf jeden Fall konsequent und richtig. Es ist damit sicher gestellt, dass in diesem neuen nach dem Stand der Technik eingerichteten Deponiebereich von Anfang an ein Material eingelagert wird, das `organisch abgemagert` ist und mit hoher Einbaudichte eingebaut werden kann. Die Sichtung des gesamten Deponie-Inputs in der Vorsortierhalle gibt ein Stueck Sicherheit, dass keine nicht zugelassenen Stoffe verdeckt dem Ablagerungsbereich der Deponie zugefuehrt werden. Nach mehr als 3 Jahren Betriebszeit kann festgestellt werden, dass biologisch nicht sinnvoll behandelbare Abfallbestandteile vor dem Rotteprozess abgetrennt werden sollten. (orig.)

  2. Biological monitoring of blood toluene in exposed printing shop workers; Biologisches Monitoring von Toluol am Beispiel belasteter Druckereiarbeiter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hammer, K.D. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene; Pietsch, S. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene; Pfeiffer, E.H. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Ordinariat fuer Hygiene


    42 toluene exposed printing workers were monitored and the results compared with those of a control group of 45 blood donors. Monitoring was done by means of blood toluene and hippuric acid excretion measurements. The mean indoor air concentration of toluene amounted to 230 mg/m{sup 3}. The blood toluene averaged up to 830 {mu}g/l. The median of hippuric acid excretion was in the range of 0,405 mg/mg creatinine for the control group and 1,938 mg/mg creatinine for the exposed group respectively. Hippuric acid showed a positive correlation toward ORSA-tube toluene measurements with good significance (p=0,000). Considerable high individual deviations in toluene metabolism occurred, and were discussed as a result of smoking and drinking behavior. (orig.) [Deutsch] 42 Druckereiarbeiter, die einer Raumluft mit einer mittleren Toluolkonzentration von 230 {mu}g/m{sup 3} exponiert waren, wurden untersucht und die Ergebnisse einer unbelasteten Kontrollgruppe bestehend aus 45 Blutspendern gegenuebergestellt. Als Parameter fuer ein biologisches Monitoring wurde die Blut-Toluolkonzentration und die Exkretion von Hippursaeure verwendet. Die Blut-Toluolkonzentration lag im Mittel bei 830 {mu}g/l. Der Mittelwert der Hippursaeure im Urin der unbelasteten Gruppe lag bei 0,405 mg/mg Kreatinin und der belasteten Gruppe bei 1,938 mg/mg Kreatinin. Die Hippursaeureausscheidung war hoch signifikant mit den Werten der ORSA-Roehrchen fuer die Luft-Toluolkonzentration korreliert (p=0,000). Erhebliche individuelle Abweichungen im Toluol-Metabolismus wurden deutlich und anhand von Rauch- und Trinkgewohnheiten diskutiert. (orig.)

  3. Genotypische diversiteit en rhizosfeerkolonisatie van DAPG-producerende Pseudomonas spp.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergsma-Vlami, M.


    Het antibioticum 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) speelt een belangrijke rol in biologische bestrijding van verschillende plantenpathogenen door fluorescerende Pseudomonas-soorten. DAPG-producerende Pseudomonas-stammen zijn effectief in biologische bestrijding, maar hun saprofytisch vermogen is

  4. Identification of synthetic dynamic transfer-models and of their disturbances in the time-domain; Identifikation synthetischer dynamischer Uebertragungsmodelle und ihrer Stoerungen im Zeitbereich

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Levenhagen, J.


    signals prior to its application to a real system. From the geodetic point of view the dynamic system `dam wall` recommends itself for this final step because of its high intrinsic degree of complexity. (orig.) [Deutsch] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz zur Modellidentifikation dynamischer Uebertragungssysteme im Zeitbereich behandelt. Darueber hinaus wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, um insbesondere betragsmaessig kleine Stoerungen (Anomalien) eines bereits identifizierten Modells signifikant aufdecken zu koennen. Die Identifikation beruht auf der Kenntnis der systembeschreibenden diskreten Ein- und Ausgangssignale einerseits und der Annahme einer diese ineinander transformierenden Modellklasse andererseits. Liegen keine Informationen ueber die innere Struktur des zugrundeliegenden Systems vor, dann sollte die Wahl der Modellklasse moeglichst geringe Einschraenkungen mit sich bringen. Diese Forderung wird von sog. erweiterten Volterra-Modellen gut erfuellt. Eine Extraktion des nach einem wohldefinierten Bewertungskriterium `besten` Modells aus der vorgegebenen Klasse stellt ein kombinatorisches Optimierungsproblem in einem binaeren Modellraum dar. Zu dessen Loesung kommt ein genetischer Algorithmus zum Einsatz, in welchem einzelne Modelle als Individuen innerhalb von Modellpopulationen behandelt werden. Dabei erfolgt die Bewertung dieser Individuen in Anlehnung an ihre Faehigkeit, zukuenftiges Systemverhalten praedizieren zu koennen. Ergaenzend lassen sich guenstige Soll-Eigenschaften fuer die Individuen formulieren, deren Nichterfuellung zum Verwurf des betreffenden Modells fuehrt. Fuer die Parameterschaetzung im genetischen Algorithmus wird ein einfaches Regressionsmodell verwendet. Autoregressive Modellanteile fuehren allerdings dazu, dass die Parameter nur verzerrt geschaetzt werden; darueber hinaus sind Verteilungsaussagen nicht ohne weiteres moeglich. Voruntersuchungen liefern jedoch die Erkenntnis, dass der Einsatz alternativer komplexerer

  5. An autonomous robot for weed control : design, navigation and control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, T.


    In de biologische landbouw worden geen chemische middelen toegepast voor onkruidbestrijding. Een van de grootste knelpunten in de biologische open teelt (bv suikerbieten, uien) is het onkruidprobleem. Voor de onkruidbestrijding tussen de rijen zijn mechanische methodes voor onkruidbestrijding

  6. Biologie en criminologie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Ruim zes jaar na het themanummer 'Biologische factoren van agressief gedrag' (2000) is er nu opnieuw een speciale aflevering over de verhouding tussen biologie en criminologie. Een belangrijke aanleiding zijn de vele onderzoeken naar biologische factoren van psychopathie, agressie, antisociaal

  7. Meerjarige wortelonkruiden : onderzoeksplan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houwers, G.; Kammer, H.; Westerdijk, K.; Bleeker, P.O.


    Er zijn op akkerbouwbedrijven, vooral op biologisch, problemen met de bestrijding van meerjarige wortelonkruiden. Het probleem wordt ook steeds groter. Door middel van biologische grond ontsmetting (BGO) wordt het aantal meerjarige wortelonkruiden verminderd, maar hoeveel en hoe sterk dat is, is

  8. Biobrood van eigen bodem: een ketenproject

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postma, R.; Bakker, den A.; Derksen, V.; Kruiger, K.; Maassen, J.; Osman, A.M.; Schepers, H.E.


    In 2007 is het ketenproject “Biobrood van eigen bodem” uitgevoerd in het kader van het coinnovatieprogramma biologische afzetketens. Het betrof een samenwerkingsproject van een aantal ketenpartijen uit de biologische broodketen en een aantal kennisinstellingen. Het doel van het project was gericht

  9. Effect Bacillus thuringiensis gekwantificeerd

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elderson, J.; Belder, den E.


    PRI onderzocht in veldproeven de effecten van het biologische middel Dipel WP voor de bestrijding van rupsen (koolmot e.a.) in de biologische spruitkoolteelt. Na behandeling loopt het aantal koolmotten fors terug; de opbrengst van de behandelde en onbehandelde velden was gelijk, maar de kwaliteit

  10. Biodiversiteit in theorie en praktijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hengeveld, R.


    Biodiversiteit is een recent en nog slecht gedefinieerd begrip. Doorgaans wordt het op tweeërlij wijze opgevat en gemeten. De eerste betreft het loutere aantal soorten in een gebied, ongeacht hun identiteit of biologische eigenschappen. De tweede wijze betreft juist de biologische variatie in

  11. Warm water voor alle plantuien (Interview)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schepers, H.T.A.M.


    De innovatieve kracht van de biologische sector wordt ook wel omschreven met het begrip kraamkamer. Wat dit zoal inhoudt wordt zichtbaar gemaakt in deze publicatie. Waardevolle innovaties in de biologische landbouw worden geïllustreerd aan de hand van uitkomsten, ervaringen en interviews. Gangbare

  12. Combination of biological treatment of waste air and liquid effluents in small and medium-sized businesses by using spherical carrier media in exchange with each other. Final report; Kombination der biologischen Behandlung von Abluft- und Abwasserreinigung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen durch die Verwendung von kugeligen Traegermaterialien im gegenseitigen Austausch. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kunz, P.M.; Brunk, M.; Bentz, P.; Bach, K.; Marcos del Rio, O.; Stahl, B.; Wolf, C.


    A combined system for biological treatment of solvent-contaminated liquid and gaseous effluents was to be constructed. The system was to be mobile for demonstration purposes in industrial processes and was to serve for dimensioning of full-scale systems. The system works by a combined process via exchange of spherical carriers with a growth of micro-organisms. Two pilot systems of the Institut fuer Biologische Verfahrenstechnik, one for liquid and one for gaseous effluents, were combined for this purpose, ensuring exchange of carrier materials between the two units. (orig.) [German] Aufgabe im Rahmen dieses F+E-Vorhabens war es gewesen, eine kombinierte biologische Abluft- und Abwasserreinigungsanlage - speziell fuer loesungsmittelhaltige Abluft und Abwaesser - zu untersuchen. Dazu sollte eine Anlage aufgebaut werden, die auch als Demonstrations- und Versuchsanlage zu Industriebetrieben gebracht und dort zur Dimensionierung von full-scale-Anlage eingesetzt werden kann. Idee fuer dieses Vorhaben war gewesen, die Kombination beider Behandlungssysteme ueber den Austausch von mit Mikroorganismen bewachsenem Traegermaterial herzustellen. Am Institut fuer Biologische Verfahrenstechnik existierte bereits eine Pilotanlage fuer die biologische Abwasserreinigung mit kugeligem Traegermaterial (Vario-Bio-Reaktor) und eine Pilotanlage fuer die biologische Behandlung von Abluft nach dem Trickling-Filter-Prinzip mit ebenfalls kugeligem Traegermaterial. Diese beiden Anlagen sollten miteinander kombiniert und der Austausch des Traegermaterials hergestellt werden. (orig.)

  13. Hoornloos fokken : praktische aspecten bij het opbouwen van een hoornloze veestapel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, G.


    De biologische melkveehouderij streeft naar een hoog dierenwelzijn en wil de integriteit van de dieren zo min mogelijk aantasten. Maar omdat veel stallen nog niet zijn aangepast aan het houden van dieren met hoorns, moeten de meeste biologische boeren toch onthoornen. Het fokken van hoornloze dieren

  14. The influence of dynamic analyses on the development of modern wind power plant bearings; Der Einfluss dynamischer Analysen auf die Entwicklung moderner Lagerungskonzepte fuer WKA's

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goebel, Werner [SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt (Germany)


    In Wind-Kraft-Journal 3-/2003, the various possibilities of analyzing dynamic processes in wind power systems were presented, using the example of the main gear. This contribution now focuses on shaft displacement in axial direction, which enhances the possibility of axial sliding of the rolling elements. SKF, one of the main producers of bearings, always took care to analyze both types of analysis in the design of momentum bearing concepts. The results showed that higher stiffness is achieved ideally with a two-row tapered roller concept combined with a flexible cage and a pressure angle up to 45 degree. (orig.) [German] Im Wind-Kraft-Journal Ausgabe 3/2003 wurden am Beispiel des Hauptgetriebes verschiedene Moeglichkeiten der Analyse dynamischer Vorgaenge in Windkraftanlagen vorgestellt. Anhand des Phaenomens Drehmomentenumkehr, welche in WKA nachgewiesen ist, wurde aufgezeigt, wie sich die Lastuebertragung in den Waelzlagern veraendert und die Wellen zu einander verschieben. Diese Relativbewegungen werden mit zunehmender Elastizitaet der gesamten Konstruktion und mit zunehmendem Lagerspiel groesser. Aufgrund der traegen Massen der bewegten Bauteile erzeugen die Wellenverschiebungen unerwuenschte Zusatzlasten fuer die Waelzlager. Der groesste Anteil der Wellenverschiebungen erfolgt in axialer Richtung. Damit steigt bei Rollenlargern die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens von Verschleiss erzeugendem axialen Gleiten der Waelzkoerper. SKF hat von Anfang an bei der Auslegung von Momentenlagerkonzepten beide Analysemethoden eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die oben genannten Massnahmen zur Erhoehung der Lagersteifigkeit ideal mittels eines Lagerdesigns auf Basis eines zweireihigen Kegelrollenlagers in Verbindung mit einem flexiblen Kaefig und einem Druckwinkel bis 45 realisiert werden koennen. (orig.)

  15. Onkruidonderdrukking door zwarte grond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bleeker, P.O.


    Onkruid beperken in vooral fijnzadige gewassen als zaaiuien en peen is nog steeds één van de dingen die veel arbeid vragen op de biologische akker- en tuinbouwbedrijven. Naar aanleiding van een idee van Anton van Vilsteren (biologische teler) is in samenwerking met van Hienen Mechanisatie, PPO

  16. Zum Wissenschaftsverständnis der modernen Evolutionsbiologie (United States)

    Sommer, Ralf J.

    Die moderne Evolutionsbiologie hat ihren Ursprung in den Arbeiten von Charles Darwin und Alfred Wallace (Darwin 1963). Der gemeinsame Ausgangspunkt des Evolutionsgedanken ist dabei die Beobachtung, dass die biologische Welt nicht konstant ist. Biologische Systeme und alle darin lebenden Organismen unterliegen über längere Zeiträume hinweg einer stetigen Veränderung. Diese grundlegende Eigenschaft biologischer Systeme macht die Biologie zu einer historischen Wissenschaft und stellt einen wichtigen Gegensatz zu großen Teilen der Physik dar. Obwohl die Aussage von der Veränderlichkeit der Arten heute trivial klingt, war sie im 19. Jahrhundert eine Revolution, da die Konstanz der Arten und der Welt eine vorherrschende Stellung im damaligen Weltbild hatte (Amundson 2005).

  17. Aptamers as a tool to detect estrogens


    Vanschoenbeek, Katrijn


    Biosensoren vormen een verlengde van de menselijke kijk op de wereld. Mensen zijn uiterst gevoelig voor de fysische omgeving en zijn in staat veranderingen in bijvoorbeeld licht, temperatuur en vochtigheid waar te nemen. De gevoeligheid van mensen voor de chemische en biologische omgeving is daarentegen veel beperkter. Levenskwaliteit is echter sterk afhankelijk van geschikte chemische of biologische composities. Afwijkingen in het menselijke lichaam (bv. betreffende metabolieten, metaalionen...

  18. Biodegradable plastics in composting. Results of a practical experiment in the Bad Duerkheim district; Einsatz von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen in der Kompostwirtschaft. Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Praxisversuch im Landkreis Bad Duerkheim

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pabst, Klaus [Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Bad Duerkheim, Bad Duerkheim (Germany)


    For collecting biomass waste, about 65,000 households in the Bad Duerkheim district were given ten bags each of the compostable BASF plastic material Ecovio {sup registered} FS. The biomass waste collected in the Ecovio {sup registered} bags were composted in a composting plant. After the compost process, no residues of the Ecovio {sup registered} bags were found in the rotting, i.e. they are completely degradable. Neither the compost quality nor the working processes in the composting plant were affected, and there was no bigger volume of sorting residues. 90% of the users stated that they were satisfied with the new biomass waste bags. (orig.) [German] Fuer die Entsorgung des Bioabfalls erhielten rund 65.000 Haushalte aus dem Landkreis Bad Duerkheim je zehn Biomuelltuten aus dem kompostierbaren BASF-Kunststoff Ecovio {sup registered} FS. Die in diesen Ecovio {sup registered} -Tueten gesammelten Bioabfaelle wurden im Biokompostwerk zu Kompost verarbeitet. Nach dem Kompostierungsprozess konnten keine Reste der Ecovio {sup registered} -Folien mehr in der Rotte gefunden werden, und sie wurden vollstaendig biologisch abgebaut. Durch den Einsatz dieser Tueten wurden weder die Kompostqualitaet noch die Arbeitsablaeufe im Biokompostwerk beeintraechtigt. Eine Erhoehung der Sortierreste war nicht festzustellen. Im Rahmen einer Kundenbefragung aeusserten sich rund 90% zufrieden mit dem Einsatz dieser Biomuelltueten. (orig.)

  19. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  20. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  1. Impact of dynamic traffic management on air quality. Final report of a study on the impact of dynamic traffic management on the air quality along highways; Invloed DVM op de luchtkwaliteit. Eindrapport onderzoek naar het effect van dynamisch verkeersmanagement op de luchtkwaliteit langs snelwegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drewes, W.; Fransen, W. [DHV, Amersfoort (Netherlands)


    Within the Air Quality Innovation programme (IPL) a broad survey has been carried out on the possibilities of Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) to improve air quality. This report finalizes the survey that was carried out within the IPL, and summarizes the results of the separate reports. Next to this final report, also a recommendation was made with regard to applying DTM to improve air quality. The final report starts with a comprehensive summary of the results of all the sub-surveys. In addition, for each sub-survey and other relevant publications, used in preparing the recommendation, the key issues and abstracts are presented. [Dutch] Binnen het Innovatieprogramma Luchtkwaliteit (IPL) is breed onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden om met Dynamisch Verkeersmanagement (DVM) de luchtkwaliteit te verbeteren. Dit rapport sluit het onderzoek dat binnen het IPL is uitgevoerd af en vat de afzonderlijk gerapporteerde resultaten samen. Naast dit eindrapport is ook een toepassingsadvies gericht op het inzetten van DVM ter verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit opgesteld. Het eindrapport begint met een integrale samenvatting van de resultaten van alle deelonderzoeken. Daarnaast zijn van elk deelonderzoek en andere relevante publicaties die gebruikt zijn bij het opstellen van het toepassingsadvies de kernpunten en beknopte samenvattingen opgenomen.

  2. Study of the driving processes of frontal precipitation. Final report; Untersuchung der steuernden Prozesse bei der Niederschlagsbildung an Fronten. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gross, P.; Kraus, H.


    The mesoscale dynamic processes, which contribute to the formation of precipitation in the vicinity of fronts, are investigated using dynamically initialized fields of the EM. Cross-sections perpendicular to 12 fronts elucidate, that the ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation is the dominant dynamical feature of a front. Precipitation develops in the upward branch of this secondary circulation closely related to the humidity budget including three-dimensional advection and source terms. The dynamical mechanisms (deformation- and shear-forcing), which dominate the development of both ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation and precipitation, are of very different type. Primitive models of fronts, like the polar front theory, don`t come up with this variability of the atmospheric forcing. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die mesoskaligen dynamischen Prozesse, die in der Umgebung von Fronten zur Bildung von Niederschlag fuehren, werden mit Hilfe von dynamisch initialisierten Feldern des EM untersucht. In Querschnitten senkrecht zu insgesamt 12 Fronten kristallisiert sich die ageostrophische Querzirkulation als bedeutendstes dynamisches Element einer Front heraus. Im aufsteigenden Ast dieser Sekundaerzirkulation entsteht, in engem Zusammenhang mit dem Haushalt der spezifischen Feuchte mit seinen besonders wichtigen Advektions- und Quelltermen, Niederschlag. Die dynamische Mechanismen (Deformations- und Scherungsforcing), die zur Ausbildung der Querzirkulation fuehren, sind in hohem Masse variabel. Dieser Mannigfaltigkeit des atmosphaerischen Antriebes werden einfache Frontmodelle, wie z.B. die Polarfronttheorie, nicht gerecht. (orig.)

  3. Cleaning of process and excess water from organic waste fermentation with a combination of biological treatment stage and microfiltration; Reinigung von Prozess- und Ueberschusswaessern aus der Bioabfallvergaerung durch Kombination aus biologischer Stufe und Mikrofiltration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buer, T.; Schumacher, J. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Lehrstuhl und Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft


    Within the framework of an R and D project sponsored by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, cleaning of process and excess water from organic waste fermentation plants was studied at the Institute for Siedlungswasserwirtschaft of Aachen Technical University RWTH. The focus in studying these waste waters was on the adaptation and optimization of the ZenoGem {sup trademark} process - a biological cleaning technique with an integrated microfiltration membrane. The use of this technology had the following objectives: to safeguard compliance with the limiting values for direct or indirect discharge of excess water and to reduce the heavy metal freight of circulating process water reentering the fermentation process for mashing raw organic waste. Thus the pollutant content of the fermentation residue was to be cut down. (orig.) [German] Im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt gefoerderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens wurde am Institut fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen die Prozess- und Ueberschusswasserreinigung von Bioabfallvergaerungsanlagen untersucht. Dabei stellte die Adaption und Optimierung des ZenoGem {sup trademark} -Verfahrens - ein biologisches Reinigungsverfahren mit integrierter Mikrofiltrationsmembran - fuer diese Abwaesser den Untersuchungsschwerpunkt dar. Ziel war es, mit dieser Technologie zum einen die Grenzwerte fuer eine direkte oder indirekte Einleitung des Ueberschusswassers zu gewaehrleisten und zum anderen die zirkulierenden Prozesswaesser, die in den Vergaerungsprozess zum Anmaischen der Roh-Bioabfaelle zurueckgefuehrt werden, an Schwermetallen zu entfrachten. Hierdurch sollte eine Schadstoffreduktion im Gaerreststoff erzielt werden. (orig.)

  4. Ecologically justified regulatory provisions for riverine hydroelectric power plants and minimum instream flow requirements in diverted streams; Oekologisch begruendete, dynamische Mindestwasserregelungen bei Ausleitungskraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jorde, K.


    Fliessgewaesserbiozoenosen elementare Bedeutung hat, wurde dabei angestrebt. Unter fiktiven Mindestwasservorgaben sollte durch die modellhafte Gegenueberstellung oekologischer Folgeeffekte mit den entsprechenden wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen fuer die Kraftwerke ein Instrumentarium geschaffen werden, das als sinnvolle, sowohl oekologisch als auch oekonomisch zielgerichtete Entscheidungshilfe bei der Bemessung und Optimierung zukuenftiger Mindestwasserauflagen dienen kann. In der Arbeit wurde erstmals die zeitliche und raeumliche Variabilitaet des sohlnahen Stroemungsmusters in einem Flussabschnitt untersucht und daraus, ergaenzt durch Habitatsimulationen, ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung oekologisch begruendeter, dynamischer Mindestwasserregelungen fuer Ausleitungsstrecken abgeleitet. FST-Halbkugel-Messungen erwiesen sich dabei als gut geeignet. Mit FST-Halbkugeln lassen sich die Sohlschubspannungen in natuerlichen Gewaessern weitaus zuverlaessiger und effektiver erfassen, als beispielsweise mit Fluegelmessungen. Mit Hilfe von CASIMIR wurden FST-Halbkugel-Untersuchungen dreier morphologisch unterschiedlicher Versuchsstrecken ausgewertet. An den daraus abgeleiteten ASS-Modellen wurden verschiedene Mindestwasserregelungen einschliesslich des derzeit bestehenden Zustandes verglichen. Drei unterschiedliche Jahre wurden dabei zugrunde gelegt. (orig./SR)

  5. Ecologically justified regulatory provisions for riverine hydroelectric power plants and minimum instream flow requirements in diverted streams; Oekologisch begruendete, dynamische Mindestwasserregelungen bei Ausleitungskraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jorde, K


    Fliessgewaesserbiozoenosen elementare Bedeutung hat, wurde dabei angestrebt. Unter fiktiven Mindestwasservorgaben sollte durch die modellhafte Gegenueberstellung oekologischer Folgeeffekte mit den entsprechenden wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen fuer die Kraftwerke ein Instrumentarium geschaffen werden, das als sinnvolle, sowohl oekologisch als auch oekonomisch zielgerichtete Entscheidungshilfe bei der Bemessung und Optimierung zukuenftiger Mindestwasserauflagen dienen kann. In der Arbeit wurde erstmals die zeitliche und raeumliche Variabilitaet des sohlnahen Stroemungsmusters in einem Flussabschnitt untersucht und daraus, ergaenzt durch Habitatsimulationen, ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung oekologisch begruendeter, dynamischer Mindestwasserregelungen fuer Ausleitungsstrecken abgeleitet. FST-Halbkugel-Messungen erwiesen sich dabei als gut geeignet. Mit FST-Halbkugeln lassen sich die Sohlschubspannungen in natuerlichen Gewaessern weitaus zuverlaessiger und effektiver erfassen, als beispielsweise mit Fluegelmessungen. Mit Hilfe von CASIMIR wurden FST-Halbkugel-Untersuchungen dreier morphologisch unterschiedlicher Versuchsstrecken ausgewertet. An den daraus abgeleiteten ASS-Modellen wurden verschiedene Mindestwasserregelungen einschliesslich des derzeit bestehenden Zustandes verglichen. Drei unterschiedliche Jahre wurden dabei zugrunde gelegt. (orig./SR)

  6. Dynamic magnetic resonance defecography in the diagnosis of combined pelvic floor disorders in proctology; Dynamische MR-Defaekographie zur Diagnostik kombinierter Beckenbodenfunktionsstoerungen in der Proktologie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paetzel, C.; Strotzer, M.; Lenhart, M.; Feuerbach, S. [Klinikum der Univ. Regensburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Fuerst, A.; Rentsch, M. [Klinikum der Univ. Regensburg (Germany). Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik


    Grundlage zur Beurteilung der einzelnen Verfahren darstellte. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Obstipation (n = 15) zeigten innere Schleimhautvorfaelle (n = 5), anteriore Rektozelen (n = 8), Beckenbodendeszensus (n = 5), Enterozelen (n = 2) und anorektale Dyssynergien (n = 3). Bei Patienten mit Stuhlinkontinenz (n = 15) wurden anteriore Rektozelen (n = 10), Beckenbodendeszensus (n = 11), Enterozelen (n = 2), innere Schleimhautvorfaelle (n = 1) und eine Insuffizienz der Puborektalisschlinge nachgewiesen. Harninkontinenz war in 10 Faellen mit einer Zystozele und in 4 Faellen mit Normalbefunden im Bereich der Harnblase verbunden. Die Diagnose bei Patienten mit unspezifischen Beschwerden (n = 6) bestanden in anorektaler Dyssynergie (n = 4), innerem Mukosaprolaps (n = 2) und einem Beckenbodendeszensus. Die MRT zeigte sich im Nachweis von Enterozelen, Zystozelen und des Beckenbodendeszensus gegenueber der klinischen Untersuchung ueberlegen. Schlussfolgerungen: die dynamische MRT liefert komplexe und therapierelevante Informationen in der Diagnostik von Beckenbodenfunktionsstoerungen. (orig.)

  7. Magnetic resonance tomography-guided interventional procedure for diagnosis of prostate cancer; MRT-gezielte interventionelle Verfahren zur Abklaerung des Prostatakarzinoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schernthaner, M.; Helbich, T.H.; Fueger, B.J.; Memarsadeghi, M.; Stiglbauer, A.; Linhart, H.G.; Doan, A.; Pinker, K.; Brader, P. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Univ.-Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Division fuer Molekulare und Gender-Bildgebung, Wien (Austria); Margreiter, M. [Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Univ.-Klinik fuer Urologie, Wien (Austria)


    In recent years magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been increasingly established in the diagnosis of prostate cancer in addition to transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). The use of T2-weighted imaging allows an exact delineation of the zonal anatomy of the prostate and its surrounding structures. Other MR imaging tools, such as dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging or diffusion-weighted imaging allow an inference of the biochemical characteristics (multiparametric MRI). Prostate cancer, which could only be diagnosed using MR imaging or lesions suspected as being prostate cancer, which are localized in the anterior aspect of the prostate and were missed with repetitive TRUS biopsy, need to undergo MR guided biopsy. Recent studies have shown a good correlation between MR imaging and histopathology of specimens collected by MR-guided biopsy. Improved lesion targeting is therefore possible with MR-guided biopsy. So far data suggest that MR-guided biopsy of the prostate is a promising alternative diagnostic tool to TRUS-guided biopsy. (orig.) [German] Neben dem transrektalen Ultraschall (TRUS) hat sich in den letzten Jahren die MRT als nichtinvasive Methode zur Bildgebung von Prostatatumoren etabliert. Mittels T2-gewichteter Sequenzen ist eine exakte anatomische Darstellung der Prostata und ihrer umliegenden Strukturen moeglich. Andere MRT-Techniken ermoeglichen Rueckschluesse auf das biologische Verhalten des Tumors: dynamische kontrastmittelverstaerkte T1-gewichtete Sequenzen zur Darstellung der Angiogenese, diffusionsgewichtete Aufnahmen zur Beurteilung der Zelldichte und die Spektroskopie zur Bestimmung von Gewebemetaboliten wie Cholin und Kreatin (multiparametrische Bildgebung). Prostatatumoren, die nur mittels MRT nachweisbar sind oder verdaechtige Tumoren, die hauptsaechlich anterior in der Prostata lokalisiert sind und in wiederholten TRUS-gezielten Biopsien verfehlt wurden, benoetigen eine MRT-gezielte Biopsie zur Diagnosesicherung. Die bisherigen

  8. Biologische Internationale Handel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, J.H.; Bunte, F.H.J.


    Organic products are considered to have a major impact worldwide on sustainable development due to their contribution to a better environment and the improvement of animal welfare. On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the market for organic products is being

  9. From useful to beloved - the relationship of man's animal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stassen, E.N.


    Samenvatting van de oratie 'Van bruikbaar tot dierbaar : over de relatie mens dier' van prof. dr. Elsbeth Stassen, hoogleraar Dier en Samenleving aan Wageningen Universiteit, over de complexe en dynamische wereld van de mens-dier-relatie

  10. Essays on the Dynamic Portfolio Choice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.B. Gutkowska


    textabstractHet onderwerp van dit proefschrift is dynamische portfoliokeuze. In de eerste twee hoofdstukken behandelen we het probleem dat vaak bij portfoliokeuze zonder beperkingen een rol speelt, namelijk afdekking (hedging) van ongunstige veranderingen in de toestandsvariabelen. In deze context

  11. Control in onzekerheid : Inzichten in de oorlogsvoering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Berg, Kjell; Budding, G.; Planjer, Frank; Wytema, Laura


    Mede vanwege de omvangrijke decentralisaties en het steeds complexer en dynamischer worden van de omgeving hebben gemeenten te maken met meer onzekerheid bij hun taakuitvoering. Tegelijkertijd zien we dat veel van de gehanteerde planning & controlinstrumenten nog gebaseerd zijn op het ‘PDCA-denken’.

  12. Samen onderwijs maken. Over het ontwerpen van adaptief onderwijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Terwel, J.


    In deze inaugurele rede staat het vraagstuk van de afstemming (adaptatie) van de leeromgeving op de leerlingen centraal. Bij afstemming gaat het altijd om een dynamische interactie tussen leerling en leeromgeving. In de eerste drie jaren van het voortgezet onderwijs, de basisvorming, worden

  13. Structuring nature´s and science´s complexity


    Leiber, Theodor


    Structuring nature´s and science´s complexity : system laws and explanations. - In: Dynamisches Denken und Handeln : Philosophie und Wissenschaft in einer komplexen Welt ; Festschrift für Klaus Mainzer zum 60. Geburtstag / Theodor Leiber (Hg.). - Stuttgart : Hirzel, 2007. - S. 193-212

  14. Cloud computing: Grijs of Groen? over energie-efficiëntie en duurzaamheid van Infrastructure as a Service

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spitzer, A.M.; Worm, D.T.H.; Bomhof, F.W.; Bastiaans, M.


    Cloud computing is het op afroep, dynamisch ontsluiten van een verzameling ICT-middelen (zoals netwerken, opslag, verwerking, applicaties en diensten) over een netwerk. In dit rapport is uitgegaan van “Infrastructure as a Service”-clouds: opslag- en verwerkingscapaciteit wordt als dienst ter

  15. Integrated production - Product zonder markt?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zadoks, J.C.


    Het vermarkten van zowel ecologisch als economisch duurzame landbouwproducten (vollegrondsgroenten die geïntegreerd of biologisch zijn geproduceerd) was de rode draad op een internationale workshop in Amsterdam

  16. Fast Reactor Knowledge Organization System (FR-KOS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costantini, Livio


    FR-KOS Web-portal general concepts: FR-KOS web-portal is an integrated and unique solution for knowledge preservation, retrieval and management in fast reactor (FR) knowledge domain; The exploitation of the FR-KOS provides an effective and flexible tool to access FR knowledge repositories. The dynamic and interactive process of searching information is guided by structures that are based on the FR Taxonomy; FR-KOS can be extended to other types of reactor and technologies, such as PWR, WWER, BWR, CANDU, etc. In addition can also be utilized in other information management process such as the preservation of nuclear accidents knowledg;. FR-KOS addresses needs in non-structured knowledge preservation for both embarking countries and countries with established nuclear power; FR-KOS repositories contain more that 50.000 samples of technical and scientific publications, including full text documents in different languages (English, German, French and eventually in Russian)

  17. 75 FR 5320 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ..., identified by FR 4004, FR MSD-4, FR MSD-5, FR G-FIN, or FR G-FINW, by any of the following methods: Agency... form number: FR MSD-4 and FR MSD-5. OMB control number: 7100-0100 and 7100-0101. Frequency: On occasion... dealers. Estimated annual reporting hours: FR MSD-4, 48 hours; and FR MSD-5, 36 hours. Estimated average...

  18. Comparative design study of FR plants with various coolants. 1. Studies on Na coolant FR, Pb-Bi coolant FR, gas coolant FR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konomura, Mamoru; Shimakawa, Yoshio; Hori, Toru; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Kida, Masanori; Kasai, Shigeo; Ichimiya, Masakazu


    In Phase I of the Feasibility Studies on the Commercialized Fast Reactor (FR) Cycle System, plant designs on FR were performed with various coolants. This report describes the plant designs on FR with sodium, lead-bismuth, CO 2 gas and He gas coolants. A construction cost of 0.2 million yen/kWe was set up as a design goal. The result is as follows: The sodium reactor has a capability to obtain the goal, and lead-bismuth and gas reactors may satisfy the goal with further improvements. (author)

  19. Toepassing natuurlijke geotextielen in beekdalen onderzocht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gosselink, R.; Dam, van J.; Klompenburg, van J.


    Biologisch afbreekbare (natuurlijke) geotextielen gemaakt uit plantaardige vezelgrondstoffen zijn interessant voor het tegengaan van erosie bij de inrichting van natuurvriendelijke oevers en bieden voordelen boven synthetische geotextielen (vegetatieontwikkeling, verwijderingskosten, milieu). Het

  20. The Illiterate Listener : On Music Cognition, Musicality and Methodology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Honing, Henkjan


    Al sinds onze babytijd hebben wij, mensen, een grote perceptuele gevoeligheid voor zowel de melodische, ritmische als dynamische aspecten van spraak en muziek. Het gaat, voor zover we nu weten, om een uniek menselijke aanleg voor het waarnemen, interpreteren en waarderen van muziek, nog voordat er

  1. Sierteelt op zand

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janmaat, L.


    Informatiepagina van Wageningen UR en het Louis Bolk Instituut. over het onderzoek aan een biologisch bedrijfssysteem met bloembollen, vaste planten, zomerbloemen en sierheesters in de Bollenstreek, met extra aandacht voor de bodemkwaliteit

  2. Energiebehoefte bio-leghennen wijkt af van gangbare hen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Knegsel, van A.T.M.; Krimpen, van M.M.


    De gedachte is dat de energie- en eiwitbehoeften van biologisch gehouden pluimvee verschilt van die van gangbaar gehouden kippen. Om meer zicht te krijgen op dit verschil in behoeften, is een literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd

  3. 7 CFR 29.1044 - Orange Red (FR). (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Orange Red (FR). 29.1044 Section 29.1044 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing... Type 92) § 29.1044 Orange Red (FR). A yellowish red. [42 FR 21092, Apr. 25, 1977. Redesignated at 47 FR...

  4. Dynamics of temporal wetlands under changing weather conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dullo, Bikila Warkineh


    Moerassen of in het engels “wetlands”zijn dynamische ecosystemen die voor de mensheid van heel veel nut zijn en zijn geweest, zowel direct of op een indirecte manier. Ze zijn echter heel sterk afhankelijk van de heersende waterhuishouding van het gebied. Op zijn beurt is de hydrologie afhankelijk

  5. On the Agora : Power and public space in Hellenistic and Roman Greece

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dickenson, C.P.


    Het leven op de Griekse ‘agora’ was bruisender, dynamischer en belangrijker voor het functioneren van de stad dan tot nu toe aangenomen. Dat stelt Chris Dickenson op basis van zijn promoteonderzoek. De agora was een levendige openbare ruimte tot ver in de Romeinse periode, die zeer belangrijk bleef

  6. Biologischer Anbau von Strauchbeeren


    Schmid, Andi


    Das Merkblatt enthält auf Österreich angepasste, praxisnahe Informationen zur Produktion von hochwertigen Strauchbeeren wie Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren und Heidelbeeren. Weiterhin: übersichtliche Hinweise zur Planung, Standortwahl, Sortenauswahl, Bodenvorbereitung und Pflanzung, Bewässerung, Nährstoffversorgung, Witterungsschutz, Beikrautregulierung, Ernte und Lagerung. (Diese Publikation enthält spezifische Informationen für Österreich)

  7. De inzet van kruiden om agressie bij mannelijke ongecastreerde varkens te verminderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van A.G.M.


    Vanuit het project antibioticavermindering in de biologische varkenshouderij is aan het Institute for Ethnobotany and Zoopharmacognosy (IEZ) de vraag gesteld of kruiden kunnen helpen om de agressie bij ongecastreerde mannelijke varkens (beren) te verminderen.

  8. 76 FR 25534 - Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F Propellers (United States)


    ... 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the... through FR2279 inclusive, FR 2398, FR2449 to FR2958 inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722 inclusive, and FR20010723RT to FR20020127RT inclusive, installed. Propeller blades reworked to Hamilton Sundstrand Service...

  9. Modifications of collagen and chromatin in ECM-related disease : Uncovering therapeutic targets for fibrosis and cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gjaltema, Rutger Almer Friso


    De extracellulaire matrix (ECM) is essentieel voor vele biologische functies en wordt strikt gereguleerd vanaf transcriptie tot post-translationeel niveau. Wanneer deze balans verstoord wordt kunnen er verscheidene ECM-gerelateerde ziekten ontstaan. Fibroproliferatieve aandoeningen, zoals

  10. Future dynamics in f(R) theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, D.; Andrade, V.C. de; Maia, C.; Reboucas, M.J.; Teixeira, A.F.F.


    The f(R) gravity theories provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration without invoking a dark energy matter component used in the cosmological modeling in the framework of general relativity. However, the freedom in the choice of the functional forms of f(R) gives rise to the problem of the degeneracy among these gravity theories on theoretical and (or) observational grounds. In this paper we examine the question as to whether the future dynamics can be used to break the degeneracy between f(R) gravity theories by investigating the dynamics of spatially homogeneous and isotropic dust flat models in two f(R) gravity theories, namely the well known f(R) = R+αR n gravity and another byAviles et al., whose motivation comes from the cosmographic approach to f(R) gravity. We perform a detailed numerical study of the dynamics of these theories taking into account the recent constraints on the cosmological parameters made by the Planck Collaboration. We demonstrate that besides being useful for discriminating between these two f(R) gravity theories, the future dynamics technique can also be used to determine the finite-time behavior as well as the fate of the Universe in the framework of these f(R) gravity theories. There also emerges from our analysis the result that one still can have a dust flat FLRWsolution with a big rip, if gravity is governed by f(R) = R+αR n . We also show that FLRW dust solutions with f'' < 0 do not necessarily lead to singularities. (orig.)

  11. New perspective of real options theory for policy analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sadowski, B.M.


    In deze Reflectie geeft Sadowski een alternatief, of eigenlijk een aanvulling op de KBA, vanuit de real options theory, zoals die ook in de financiële sector gebruikt wordt. Het idee is dat er in dynamische markten veel ontwikkelingen zijn: technologisch, een markt in beweging of industriële

  12. Detection of prostate carcinomas with T1-weighted dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Value of two-compartment model; Detektion von Prostatakarzinomen mit T1-gewichteter Kontrastmittel-unterstuetzter dynamischer MRT. Wertigkeit des Zweikompartimentemodells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiessling, F.; Lichy, M.; Farhan, N.; Delorme, S.; Kauczor, H.U. [Abteilung fuer Radiologie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg (Germany); Grobholz, R. [Abteilung fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Heilmann, M. [Abteilung fuer Physik in der Radiologie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg (Germany); Michel, M.S.; Trojan, L. [Abteilung fuer Urologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Werner, A.; Rabe, J. [Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim (Germany); Schlemmer, H.P. [Abteilung fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen (Germany)


    Aim The suitability of dynamic parameters of the two-compartment model for detecting prostate carcinomas and its correlation with tumor microvascular density were evaluated. The study included 43 patients with biopsy-proven prostate carcinoma: 28 were examined by 1.0-T MRI (Turbo-FLASH) and 15 by 1.5-T MRI (FLASH) with infusion of 0.1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA. Signal time curves were parametrized with an open two-compartment model in amplitude and exchange rate constants (k{sub ep}).The microvascular density of resected prostate carcinomas was determined. The microvascular density in the tumors was significantly higher than in the adjacent healthy prostate tissue and correlated in both sequences with k{sub ep}. Prostate carcinomas of the peripheral zone were demarcated by amplitude and k{sub ep}. In the Turbo-FLASH sequence there was a significant difference between the tumor tissue and healthy peripheral zone in terms of k{sub ep} and in the FLASH sequence in terms of amplitude. Prostate carcinomas can be visualized with dynamic T1-weighted MR sequences using a two-compartment model. Moreover, the parameter k{sub ep} reveals the microvascular density in the tumor and can thus provide valuable clinical information for characterizing the tumors. (orig.) [German] Die Eignung dynamischer Parameter des Zweikompartimentemodells zur Erkennung von Prostatakarzinomen und deren Korrelation mit der Tumormikrogefaessdichte wurden evaluiert. 43 Patienten mit bioptisch gesichertem Prostatakarzinom wurden untersucht, 28 mit 1,0 T- (Turbo-FLASH-) und 15 bei 1,5-T-MRT (FLASH) unter Infusion von 0,1 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA. Signal-Zeit-Kurven wurden nach einem offenen Zweikompartimentemodell in Amplitude sowie Austauschratenkonstante (k{sub ep}) parametrisiert. An resezierten Prostatakarzinomen wurde die Mikrogefaessdichte bestimmt.Ergebnisse Die Mikrogefaessdichte in den Tumoren war signifikant hoeher als im angrenzenden gesunden Prostatagewebe und korrelierte bei beiden Sequenzen mit k{sub ep

  13. Influence of dissolved product gas on organism retention in biogas tower reactors; Der Einfluss geloester Produktgase auf den Organismenrueckhalt in Biogas-Turmreaktoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pietsch, T.; Maerkl, H. [Technische Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg (Germany). Arbeitsbereich Bioprozess- und Bioverfahrenstechnik


    In biogas tower reactors, considerable oversaturations of CO{sub 2} dissolved in molecular form in the liquid phase can occur, compared to the thermodynamic steady state with the gas phase. In buildings of low height, upflow designs cause biological CO{sub 2} production along the reactor to saturate the liquid phase with carbonic acid, and also cause the pH value increasing from acid degradation to bind CO{sub 2} in the form of hydrogen carbonate HCO{sup -}{sub 3}. Where buildings are very high, the liquid phase becomes degassed through a decrease in CO{sub 2} partial pressure because of decreasing hydrostatic pressure along the length of the reactor. Rising gas bubbles in the liquid phase as well as enclosed gas bubbles in biomass particles slow down their sedimentation considerably and can result in flotation of biomass particles owing to gas expansion from declining hydrostatic pressure. A sedimentation characteristics for biomass under decreasing hydrostatic pressure is given. Conditions critical to biomass retention are energy input into CO{sub 2}-oversaturated liquids as well as dynamically rapid drops in pH value owing to associated CO{sub 2} degassing. (orig.) [German] In Biogas-Turmreaktoren koennen erhebliche Uebersaettigungen von molekular geloestem CO{sub 2} in der Fluessigphase gegenueber dem thermodynamischen Gleichgewichtszustand mit der Gasphase auftreten. Bei geringer Bauhoehe fuehrt bei upflow-Konzepten die biologische CO{sub 2}-Produktion entlang des Reaktors zu einer Aufsaettigung der Fluessigphase mit Kohlensaeure und der durch Saeureabbau ansteigende pH-Wert zu einer Bindung des CO{sub 2} in Form des Hydrogencarbonats HCO{sub 3}{sup -}. Sehr grosse Bauhoehen fuehren zu einer Entgasung der Fluessigphase durch Abnahme des CO{sub 2}-Partialdruckes aufgrund des abnehmenden hydrostatischen Druckes entlang der Reaktorhoehe. Aufsteigende Gasblasen in der Fluessigphase sowie eingeschlossene Gasblasen in Biomassepartikeln mindern deren

  14. Exploiting Catalytic Promiscuity for Biocatalysis : Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation by a Proline-Based Tautomerase

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miao, Yufeng


    Een belangrijk thema bij het ontwikkelen van nieuwe biokatalysatoren is katalytische promiscuïteit, waarbij een enzym alternatieve reacties katalyseert naast de reactie die biologisch relevant is. Promiscue enzymactiviteiten zijn een veelbelovende bron van synthetisch bruikbare katalytische

  15. Levend of dood, dat is de vraag!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lee, van der T.A.J.; Leeuwen, van G.; Haan, de E.; Helder, J.; Koenraadt, H.; Bonants, P.J.M.


    In de literatuur zijn voor de detectie van plantenpathogenen diverse methodieken beschreven. De biologische methodieken detecteren alleen levende organismen. Morfologische, serologische en moleculaire technieken maken mmestal geen onderscheid tussen dood en levend of infectieus en niet infectieus.

  16. Geïntegreerde gewasbescherming is meer dan efficiënter gebruik van chemische middelen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vereijken, P.H.


    Om de langdurige schadelijke gevolgen voor het milieu een halt toe te roepen is integratie van economische en ecologische doelen vereist. Dit betekent dat biologische en fysische methoden van gewasbescherming de voorkeur verdienen boven de chemische bestrijding

  17. Total interaction theory and practice of a new paradigm for the design disciplines

    CERN Document Server

    Buurman, Gerhard M


    Interaktivität beschreibt eine dynamische Kooperation von Mensch und Technik und bedingt ein neues Denken unter der Annahme von einem «Leben in Technik». Das Buch führt Wissenschaftler und Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Praxisbereichen zusammen und gibt einen Überblick über das technologische und konzeptionelle Rüstzeug von Gestaltern.

  18. 77 FR 7968 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... Regulation Sequence No. Title Identifier No. 392 Non-Federal Oil and Gas 1024-AD78 Rights. National Park.... Timetable: Action Date FR Cite NPRM 07/00/12 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes. Agency Contact... anaconda, and Beni anaconda. Timetable: Action Date FR Cite ANPRM 01/31/08 73 FR 5784 ANPRM Comment Period...

  19. Knowledge Preservation and Data Collection on FR in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Donghui


    China has established the knowledge preservation and data collection system on FR preliminary and some data has been used to design new fast reactor, such as CFR600. • The best way to preserve FR knowledge is to construct a real fast reactor. All of the FR member countries should push FR commercialization forward together. • The agency could push the FR data collaboration based on some necessary roles

  20. Medische begeleiding produktiepersoneel uit oogpunt van produktbescherming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boot R; Bremer VHP; Hannik CA; Middelkoop-Selman YB; van Steenis G


    Dit rapport bevat globale richtlijnen betreffende gezondheidsaspecten van personeel, binnen het RIVM betrokken bij de bereiding van biologische prudkten voor humane toepassing, gericht op bescherming van deze produkten. In het rapport : a) wordt het betreffende produktiepersoneel (PP) nader

  1. Grote rol voor agrarische natuur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, A.J.


    In het kader van het BIOM-project (Biologische landbouw, Innovatie en Omschakeling) is varkenshouder Van der Groes in Haps (Noord-Brabant) omgeschakeld, en een schoolvoorbeeld geworden van multifunctionele landbouw, met fokzeugen, mestvarkens, melkgeiten, minicamping en boerderijwinkel. Op alle

  2. Exploring the glucosylation potential of glucansucrases : From enzyme to product

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Devlamynck, Tim Nick


    De introductie van een glycosylgroep kan zowel de fysicochemische als biologische eigenschappen van organische moleculen, zoals antioxidanten, antibiotica en zoetstoffen, beïnvloeden. Een industrieel relevant voorbeeld is de glycosylatie van steviolglycosiden, zoete verbindingen die geëxtraheerd

  3. Small systems, small sensors : Integrating sensing technologies into microfluidic and organ-on-a-chip devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oomen, Pieter Edmond


    Pieter Oomen presenteert in zijn proefschrift verschillende microfluïdische systemen met geïntegreerde sensors voor biologische en chemische analyses. Deze geminiaturiseerde systemen kennen veel voordelen: reagentia- en monstergebruik worden verminderd, parallelle experimenten kunnen op een enkel

  4. Eenmalig mestuitrijden zonder schade

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, de H.C.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Schouten, T.; Bloem, J.


    In het voorjaar van 2005 is in het kader van het onderzoeksproject '100 procent biologische mest' met een zware zodenbemester eenmalig drijfmest uitgereden op een blijvend graslandbodem met klaver, waarna de effecten op bodemleven en -structuur zijn onderzocht

  5. Stikstofvoorziening in teelten onder glas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marcelis, L.F.M.


    WUR doet meerjarig onderzoek naar kritische succesfactoren voor het realiseren van een effectief management van organische stof op biologische glastuinbouwbedrijven. De organische-stofvoorziening speelt een belangrijke rol, zowel in relatie tot het bereiken van evenwichtsbemesting als in relatie tot

  6. 75 FR 62333 - Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F Propellers (United States)


    ...., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this proposed AD, the regulatory... that the 247F propeller blades, P/N 817370-1, S/Ns FR2449 to FR2958 inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722 inclusive, and FR20010723RT to FR20020127RT inclusive, manufactured since January 1999, might also have...

  7. 76 FR 7101 - Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Propellers Model 247F Propellers (United States)


    ..., except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this AD, the regulatory evaluation, any comments received... blades part number (P/N) 817370-1, S/Ns FR2449 to FR2958 inclusive, FR20010710 to FR20010722 inclusive, and FR20010723RT to FR20020127RT inclusive, before December 31, 2010. We determined that those S/N...

  8. On the statistical analysis of images in low-dose electron microscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Slump, Cornelis Herman


    Dit proefschrift handelt over de statistische aspecten van de beeldvorming en de beeldinterpretatie van elektronen-microscoop beelden. Het blijkt dat met name biologische preparaten erg stralingsgevoelig zijn. Om nu stralingsschade aan het object en daarmee artefacten in de afbeelding zoveel

  9. Niedermolekulare Verbindungen aus Spinnen als chemische Sensoren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Christian Adam; Kristensen, Anders S.; Strømgaard, Kristian


    sie als Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung, Synthese und biologische Untersuchung synthetischer Analoga verwendet. Weit weniger erforscht sind hingegen Verbindungen, die der Kommunikation von Spinnen dienen. Vor kurzem wurden jedoch auf dem Gebiet der Pheromone und Allomone aus Spinnen neue...

  10. Cardiovascular molecular imaging

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Haas, Hans


    Moleculaire beeldvormingstechnieken zoals PET en SPECT maken biologische processen zichtbaar. Ze gebruiken radiotracers, die worden toegediend aan levende patiënten of proefdieren. Het scheuren van atherosclerotische plaque in een kransslagader is de hoofdoorzaak van het myocardinfarct en kan leiden

  11. Mindfulness voor volwassenen met een licht verstandelijke beperking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Punt, M.; Helmond, P.E.; Meirmans, M.; Otten, R.; Speckens, A.E.M.


    Mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB) hebben veelal te maken met een opeenstapeling van verschillende biologische, psychologische en sociale factoren, waardoor zij vijf tot zes keer meer kans hebben op het ontwikkelen van psychopathologie dan normaal begaafden (Allen, 2008; Buckles,

  12. Movie and Comic-Review: Star Trek

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karl H. Stingeder


    Full Text Available Ob als Film oder Comic: Star Trek ist eine Vision, eine Utopie voller atem­beraubender Bilder, mannigfaltiger Charaktere und gegensätzlicher (biologischer Gruppierungen als Metapher zu den Gegensätzen und Gemeinsamkeiten auf unserem blauen Planeten.

  13. Bestrijding schadelijke rupsensoorten in de glastuinbouw met sluipwespen : toetsing van Cotesia vanessae in het laboratorium en toetsing van Meteorus gyrator tegen turkse mot (Chrysodeixis chalcites) in komkommer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Haaring, M.A.


    Zowel in groente- als sierteelten onder glas komen rupsen voor uit de families Noctuidae, Tortricidae en Pyralidae. Bestaande chemische middelen of biologische bestrijders voldoen vaak niet. Uit literatuuronderzoek zijn een aantal sluipwespsoorten gekomen die kandidaat zijn voor de bestrijding van

  14. Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van een geintegreerd bestrijdingssysteem voor de rode luis Myzus nicotianae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijken, van M.J.


    De geïntegreerde plaagbestrijding van de paprikateelt onder glas, wordt sinds 1993 verstoord door de opkomst van de rode luis, Myzus nicotianae. Deze luis is namelijk resistent tegen het selectieve chemische correctiemiddel pirimicarb en een effectieve biologische bestrijding was onvoldoende

  15. Genetic engineering of Penicillium chrysogenum for the reactivation of biosynthetic pathways with potential pharmaceutical value

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Guzmán Chávez, Fernando


    Sinds de ontdekking van penicilline door Alexander Fleming wordt de filamenteuze schimmel Penicillium chrysogenum op grote schaal gebruikt voor de industriële productie van β-lactam antibiotica. Van origine kan deze schimmel ook andere, mogelijk bruikbare, biologisch actieve componenten produceren.

  16. Detectie van ziektesymptomen met behulp van fluorescentiebeelden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loon, van P.C.C.


    Rapport over de positie van de biologische paddestoelenteelt op intersectoraal en (inter)-regionaal niveau. Het overzicht in tabel- en schemavorm van de stromen grondstoffen en producten verduidelijkt de intersectorale positie van de champignonteelt. Dit kan een aanzet zijn bij het signaleren en

  17. Groene petfles dichterbij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haveren, van J.


    Jacco van Haveren van Wageningen UR Food and Biobased Research zoekt in zijn laboratorium samen met collega’s naar een groen alternatief voor de petfles. De eerste resultaten zijn positief, de biologische vervanger lijkt in eerste oogopslag goed op de PET uit aardolie.

  18. RECURF project : bio-composieten op basis van textielresten, unieke eigenschappen, belevingswaarde en recyclebaarheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Matthijs; Oskam, Inge; Lepelaar, Mark


    Er zijn nieuwe materialen gecreëerd door textielresten te mengen met bio-based plastics en deze te bewerken m.b.v. digitale productietechnieken. De nieuwe materialen hebben goede mechanische en functionele eigenschappen, alsmede een hoge belevingswaarde . Tevens zijn de nieuwe materialen biologisch

  19. Geïntegreerde bestrijding van citruswolluis Planococcus citri in roos

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pijnakker, J.; Leman, A.; Hennekam, M.


    Citruswolluis, Planococcus citri (Risso), is een van de belangrijkste plagen geworden in de rozenteelt onder glas. Er is inmiddels veel praktijkervaring met de toepassing van biologische bestrijders om haarden uit te roeien. Voor de professionele tuinbouw is de effectiviteit van deze aanpak

  20. On the effects of sampling, analysis and interpretation strategies for complex forensic DNA research with focus on sexual assault cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Benschop, C.C.G.


    Forensisch DNA-onderzoek kan een grote bijdrage leveren aan het oplossen van diverse soorten misdrijven. Dit DNA-onderzoek kan complex zijn, bijvoorbeeld als de hoeveelheid celmateriaal minimaal is of als het biologische spoor celmateriaal bevat van meerdere (aan elkaar verwante) donoren. Corina

  1. Knoflook remt App

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mul, M.F.; Becker, P.M.; Peet-Schwering, van der C.M.C.; Wikselaar, van P.G.; Wisselink, H.J.; Stockhofe, N.


    De Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen UR heeft in opdracht van biologische varkenshouders onderzocht of het mogelijk is om in plaats van antibiotica, knoflook te gebruiken voor de bestrijding van longontsteking door de bacterie Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). Uit de resultaten blijkt dat

  2. Eindrapportage gele rozeluis in de teelt van aardbei onder glas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Linden, van der A.


    Van de vele soorten bladluizen die op aardbei kunnen voorkomen is de gele rozeluis Rhodobium porosum het moeilijkst chemisch te bestrijden. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de biologische bestrijding van de luis met natuurlijke vijanden als de sluipwespen, gaas en zweefvliegen en insectpathogene

  3. Gezondheidsschade door calamiteiten met gevaarlijke stoffen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weger, D. de; Feron, V.J.; Zwart, A.; Vrijer, F. de


    Door de Afdeling Industriële Veiligheid van IMET-TNO (Instituut voor Milieu- en Energietechnologie, Hoofdgroep Milieu en Energie te Apeldoorn) en de Afdeling Biologische Toxicologie van ITV-TNO (Instituur voor Toxicologie en voeding, Hoofdgroep Voeding te Zeist) is het project 'Gezondheidsschade

  4. Regenvastheid van zwavel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jong, de P.F.; Scholten-Grit, G.; Anbergen, R.H.N.; Heijne, B.


    Binnen de biologische fruitteelt is het aantal gewasbeschermingsmiddelen dat toegepast mag worden zeer beperkt. De meest belangrijke ziekte waar tegen bestreden moet worden, is schurft (Venturia inaequalis). Het middel zwavel is het meest toegepaste fungicide dat op dit moment wordt ingezet op

  5. EM: effectieve microben of effectieve magie? : Een onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van Effectieve Micro-organismen (EM)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bruggen, van A.H.C.; Blok, W.J.; Vos, de O.J.; Volker, D.; Diepen, G.


    In dit onderzoek werden de effecten bepaald van het microbiële middel EM (Effectieve Microorganismen) op het verloop van het composteringsproces en op de ziektewerendheid tegen wortelziekten. EM werd ook toegevoegd aan biologisch beteelde gronden in de vorm van gefermenteerd organisch materiaal

  6. 75 FR 19973 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... Municipal Securities Dealer. Agency form number: FR MSD-4 and FR MSD-5. OMB control number: 7100-0100 and... activities as municipal securities dealers. Estimated annual reporting hours: FR MSD-4, 48 hours; and FR MSD-5, 36 hours. Estimated average hours per response: FR MSD-4, 1 hour; and FR MSD- 5, 0.25 hours...

  7. The increase of biofouling in cooling water; Microweb reduceert biofouling in koelwater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Boer, B.; Overgaauw, C. (eds.)


    A method to prevent biofouling in cooling water systems is to remove materials which stimulate the growth of micro-organisms. Such materials are in particular biodegradable materials as amino acids, carbon hydrates and volatile fatty acids. The Dutch research institute TNO carries out research on biofiltration by means of which biofouling and other forms of pollution can be controlled or prevented. TNO developed a biofilter for this purpose: MICROWEB. [Dutch] Een preventieve methode om biofouling in koelwatersystemen te beheersen is het verwijderen van stoffen die de groei van micro-organismen bevorderen. Het zijn vooral gemakkelijk biologisch afbreekbare componenten zoals aminozuren, koolhydraten en vluchtige vetzuren die al bij zeer lage concentraties (vanaf enkele microgrammen per liter), biologische groei stimuleren. TNO onderzoekt op welke wijze biofiltratie een positieve bijdrage levert aan het beheersen van biofouling en andere vormen van vervuiling. TNO ontwikkelde hiervoor een biofilter onder de naam MICROWEB.

  8. 76 FR 54717 - Supervised Securities Holding Companies Registration (United States)


    ... other financial statements submitted to the securities holding company's current consolidated supervisor... Y-9ES), The Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9CS... Companies (FR Y-6), The Report of Foreign Banking Organizations (FR Y-7), The Consolidated Financial...

  9. Dispersion behaviour of rape oil methyl ester and rape-oil-based hydraulic oils in soils and on soil surfaces with due consideration to the technical performance capabilities of the hydraulic oils. Part-project 1: studies on model ecosystems. Part-project 2: provision of oils with defined degrees of ageing. Final report; Ausbreitungsverhalten von Rapsoelmethylester und Hydraulikoelen auf Rapsoelbasis im Boden und auf Bodenoberflaechen unter Beruecksichtigung der technischen Leistungsfaehigkeit der Hydraulikoele. Teilvorhaben 1: Untersuchungen an Modelloekosystemen. Teilvorhaben 2: Bereitstellung definiert gealterter Hydraulikoele. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paul, W.; Schuett, C.; Roemer, A.; Foelster, N.; Lemke, M.


    The purpose of the present cooperative research project is to study the toxicity, the degradation and in particular the dispersion behaviour of biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic oils and rape oil methyl esters (RME) in soils and waters with a special focus on hydraulic oils. This is to serve as a basis for developing guidelines for action in the event of accidents involving biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic fluids that ensure proper accident reporting and handling. The outcome of the cooperative research project is to permit a first risk assessment for the soil and water compartments in the event of accidents involving hydraulic oils and RME. Another task is to clarify to what extent it is permissible to deviate from the usual measures prescribed for oil accidents involving crude oil when biologically rapidly degradable hydraulic oils or RME are involved instead. [German] Ziel des Verbundvorhabens ist es, die Toxizitaet, den Abbau und insbesondere das Ausbreitungsverhalten von biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikoelen und Rapsoelmethylester (RME) in Boden und Wasser zu untersuchen, wobei der Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten bei den Hydraulikoelen liegt. Damit sollen Verfahrensrichtlinien angegeben werden, die im Falle von Unfaellen mit biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikfluessigkeiten oder Biodiesel eine angemessene Unfallaufnahme und -abwicklung sicherstellen. Als Ergebnis des Verbundvorhabens soll eine erste Risikoabschaetzung fuer die Kompartimente Boden und Wasser bei Unfaellen mit Hydraulikoelen und RME moeglich sein. Darueber hinaus soll geklaert werden, inwieweit Abweichungen von den ueblichen Massnahmen bei Oelunfaellen mit Mineraloelprodukten im Vergleich zu biologisch schnell abbaubaren Hydraulikoelen oder RME moeglich sind. (orig.)

  10. Classification of biological agents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klein MR; LIS; cib


    Deze rapportage omvat een inventarisatie van de problematiek rond de classificatie van biologische agentia, die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken.

    De constatering is dat de Europese lijst met classificaties verouderd is en geactualiseerd en uitgebreid zou moeten worden. De lijst bevat

  11. Wieden zonder handwerk : wat mogen we van de onkruidrobot verwachten?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lokhorst, C.; Achten, V.T.J.M.; Bakker, T.; Goense, D.; Vermeulen, G.D.


    IMAG en WUR werken aan de ontwikkeling van een wiedrobot die geschikt is voor de Nederlandse omstandigheden en die het benodigde aantal uren handwieden in de biologische vollegrondsteelten kan helpen verminderen. Inmiddels is een programma van eisen geformuleerd en is onderzoek gestart naar de

  12. Barcode van DNA. Democratisering van de taxonomie door digitaal identificatiesysteem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, F.T.


    Het herkennen van biologische soorten aan de hand van een gestandaardiseerde DNA-barcode heeft de laatste tijd een enorme vlucht genomen. Gedreven door aan de ene kant de biodiversiteitscrises en de mogelijke global change, en aan de andere kant zowel razendsnelle technologische vooruitgang als ook

  13. Met .naturalis in zee: Nederlands koraalrifonderzoek in de Indo-Pacific

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoeksema, B.W.


    In een serie arikelen onder de naam 'Met Naturalis in zee', zal Onderwatersport in samenwerking met het Leidse museum Naturalis met enige regelmaat aandacht besteden aan Nederlands biologisch koraalrifonderzoek in de Indische en de Stille Oceaan. Bert Hoeksema schreef de introductie van de serie.

  14. The rate of living in tau mutant Syrian hamsters : Studies on the impact of a circadian allele on temporal organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oklejewicz, Malgorzata Marta


    De temporele organisatie van gedrag en fysiologie in de meeste organismen is gebaseerd op een inwendig gegenereerd 24 uurs patroon. Deze "circadiane" ritmiciteit is in de evolutie ontstaan als aanpassing aan de aardrotatie. Naast de circadiane oscillatie treden er biologische cvcli op op allerlei

  15. Mineralenbolus geiten alleen bij tekorten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, E.A.A.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Govaerts, W.


    Op biologische geitenbedrijven zijn er soms twijfels over de mineralenvoorziening van de geiten. Afwijkende vacht, kromme pootjes en een slechte vruchtbaarheid zouden aanwijzingen kunnen zijn voor tekorten aan mineralen. In de stalperiode 2008/2009 is nagegaan of de bloedwaarden bij de geiten en hun

  16. Kruiden voor kippen?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van T.; Puls, I.; Animal Sciences Group (ASG),


    In de biologische pluimveesector worden regelmatig kruidenmiddelen gebruikt, en ook in de reguliere pluimveehouderij worden steeds meer producten op basis van kruiden toegepast. Wat zijn dat voor middelen en wat kan hiervan worden verwacht? Welk product te kiezen uit het ruime aanbod? In dit

  17. Het cliché: Homeopathie is kwakzalverij!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baars, T.; Ellinger, L.; Livestock Research,


    In het project Bioveem (gericht op de biologische melkveehouderij) wordt o.a. gewerkt aan het verkrijgen van een beter inzicht in de homeopathie. Er is een deskstudie geschreven waarin wordt aangegeven waarom de toepassing van homeopathie zo moeilijk geaccepteerd wordt (de discussie rondom het

  18. Maatregelen ter beperking van energiegebruik en broeikasgasemissies in de melkveehouderij, akkerbouw en vollegrondsgroenteteelt

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haan, de J.J.; Schooten, van H.A.; Bos, J.F.F.P.; Wel, van der C.; Voort, van der M.P.J.


    In dit rapport wordt getracht de beschikbare kennis over maatregelen in de biologische melkveehouderij, akkerbouw en vollegrondsgroenteteelt op een rij te zetten. Aspecten uit de keten zijn buiten beschouwing gelaten. Er is voor gekozen om de ca 20 meest effectieve maatregelen te beschrijven die

  19. Thermal processing of conditioned waste and fuel substitutes; Thermische Behandlung vorbehandelter Abfaelle und Ersatzbrennstoffe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velden, F. van der; Engweiler, J. [Von Roll Umwelttechnik AG, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Different technologies for the thermal processing of mechanical-biologically conditioned waste are described and compared in terms of cost and flexibility. (orig.) [Deutsch] Es werden verschiedene Technologien der thermischen Behandlung mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandelter Abfaelle vorgestellt und im Hinblick auf Kosten und Flexibilitaet verglichen. (orig.)

  20. 7 CFR 29.3068 - Tannish-red color (FR). (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Tannish-red color (FR). 29.3068 Section 29.3068 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards... Type 93) § 29.3068 Tannish-red color (FR). A light red shaded toward tan. [24 FR 8771, Oct. 29, 1959...

  1. f(R) gravity solutions for evolving wormholes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bhattacharya, Subhra [Presidency University, Department of Mathematics, Kolkata (India); Chakraborty, Subenoy [Jadavpur University, Department of Mathematics, Kolkata (India)


    The scalar-tensor f(R) theory of gravity is considered in the framework of a simple inhomogeneous space-time model. In this research we use the reconstruction technique to look for possible evolving wormhole solutions within viable f(R) gravity formalism. These f(R) models are then constrained so that they are consistent with existing experimental data. Energy conditions related to the matter threading the wormhole are analyzed graphically and are in general found to obey the null energy conditions (NEC) in regions around the throat, while in the limit f(R) = R, NEC can be violated at large in regions around the throat. (orig.)

  2. Exploring plane-symmetric solutions in f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shamir, M. F., E-mail: [National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Department of Sciences and Humanities (Pakistan)


    The modified theories of gravity, especially the f(R) gravity, have attracted much attention in the last decade. This paper is devoted to exploring plane-symmetric solutions in the context of metric f(R) gravity. We extend the work on static plane-symmetric vacuum solutions in f(R) gravity already available in the literature [1, 2]. The modified field equations are solved using the assumptions of both constant and nonconstant scalar curvature. Some well-known solutions are recovered with power-law and logarithmic forms of f(R) models.

  3. 78 FR 37565 - Endangered Species; Issuance of Permits (United States)


    ... Living Treasures Wild 77 FR 68809; November January 22, 2013. Animal Park. 16, 2012. 88777A Wild Wonders... 70457; November January 11, 2013. 26, 2012. 713600 Kingdom Of The Mammals. 77 FR 70457; November January... International Center 78 FR 12777; February April 11, 2013. For The Preservation 25, 2013. Of Wild Animals...

  4. Bedeutung von Umwelt- und Organismusfaktoren bei Autoaggressionen


    Rohmann, Ulrich H.; Elbing, Ulrich; Hartmann, Hellmut


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden übergeordnete Hypothesen zu autoaggressiven Verhaltensweisen formuliert, wobei prozeßhafte Abläufe von umweltbezogenen und organischen Variablen angenommen werden. Eine solche dynamische Beziehung hat ihre Bedeutung sowohl für verursachende als auch aufrechterhaltende Faktoren. In einer Querschnittuntersuchung lassen sich Korrelationen von Tageszeit- und Tätigkeitscharakteristiken (umweltbezogene Variablen) zur Autoaggressionshäufigkeit und Pulsfrequenz (Orga...

  5. Biologische Groente met Meer Waarde

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weening, K.


    Purpose of the project is to develop an added value concept of tomato and cucumber, through integrating various areas of expertise. Five companies (two growers, a wholesaler, a retailer and a health shop supplier) cooperate with two institutes (PPO glasshouse and A&F). The project consists of

  6. Voeding biologische melkschapen : praktijkevaluatie voedernormen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkaik, J.C.; Hindle, V.A.; Middelkoop, van J.A.; Riel, van J.W.; Sebek, L.B.J.


    On-farm assessment indicates that present feeding standards for dairy sheep lead to overestimation in protein requirement. The proposed lowering of the (protein) standards can be justified on both nutritional and economical grounds. The proposed lowering in feed protein allowance will lead to

  7. 75 FR 10692 - Maritime Communications (United States)


    ...] Maritime Communications ACTION: Final rule; correction. SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission published in the Federal Register of February 2, 2010 (75 FR 5241), a document in the Maritime Radio..., 2010 (75 FR 5241) to ensure that its rules governing the Maritime Radio Services continue to promote...

  8. In search of the proton channel : An electrophysiological study on the polar leaves of Elodea densa and Potamogeton lucens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miedema, Hendrik


    In tegenstelling tot het mechanisme waarmee ionen als K+, CI- en Ca2+, biologische membranen passeren, is over het mechanisme van passief proton (H+) transport nog erg weinig bekend. Een van de oorzaken is dat isotoopstudies niet kunnen worden gebruikt voor dit type transport. Voorts is

  9. Richtlijn detoxificatie van psychoactieve middelen: Verantwoord ambulant of intramuraal detoxificeren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, B.A.G.; Oort, M.M.H.J. van; Schellekens, A.F.A.; Haan, H.A. de; Jong, C.A.J. de


    Een keur aan experts geeft in deze richtlijn aan hoe op verantwoorde wijze het proces van detoxificatie van verslavende middelen kan worden doorlopen en begeleid. Daarbij ligt het accent van het complex van interventies op de biologische aspecten van de verslavingsproblemen, maar is er ook aandacht

  10. Pyridine alcohols and thiols : Synthesis, properties and applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koning, Bartjan


    Enzymen spelen in het leven van mens, dier en plant een enorm grote rol. Enzymen zijn biologische katalysatoren dwz. versnellers van (bio)chemische processen die zich in levende organismen afspelen. Enzymen zijn eiwitten die opgebouwd zijn uit aminozuren. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in de werking van

  11. Biodiversiteit onder glas : voedsel voor luizenbestrijders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janmaat, L.; Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Kleppe, R.


    In het praktijknetwerk 'Biodiversiteit onder glas' is door glastuinders geëxperimenteerd met bloemen in en rond de kas. Al dan niet in combinatie met bankerplanten zoals granen. Deze brochure is gemaakt om kennis over bloemen en biologische bestrijders te geven en specifiek het nut van

  12. Geodesic congruences in the Palatini f(R) theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shojai, Fatimah; Shojai, Ali


    We shall investigate the properties of a congruence of geodesics in the framework of Palatini f(R) theories. We shall evaluate the modified geodesic deviation equation and the Raychaudhuri's equation and show that f(R) Palatini theories do not necessarily lead to attractive forces. Also, we shall study energy condition for f(R) Palatini gravity via a perturbative analysis of the Raychaudhuri's equation.

  13. Nonlinear evolution of f(R) cosmologies. I. Methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oyaizu, Hiroaki


    We introduce the method and the implementation of a cosmological simulation of a class of metric-variation f(R) models that accelerate the cosmological expansion without a cosmological constant and evade solar-system bounds of small-field deviations to general relativity. Such simulations are shown to reduce to solving a nonlinear Poisson equation for the scalar degree of freedom introduced by the f(R) modifications. We detail the method to efficiently solve the nonlinear Poisson equation by using a Newton-Gauss-Seidel relaxation scheme coupled with the multigrid method to accelerate the convergence. The simulations are shown to satisfy tests comparing the simulated outcome to analytical solutions for simple situations, and the dynamics of the simulations are tested with orbital and Zeldovich collapse tests. Finally, we present several static and dynamical simulations using realistic cosmological parameters to highlight the differences between standard physics and f(R) physics. In general, we find that the f(R) modifications result in stronger gravitational attraction that enhances the dark matter power spectrum by ∼20% for large but observationally allowed f(R) modifications. A more detailed study of the nonlinear f(R) effects on the power spectrum are presented in a companion paper.

  14. A Framework and Strategies for Determining Reference Conditions for Streams with Legacy Sediments on Military Installations (United States)


    water where there is a sharp change in channel slope, such as a waterfall or lake, resulting from differential rates of erosion above and below the...Beitrage zur Lehre von der biologische Gewasserbeurteilung. International Review of Hydrobiology 2:126-52. ———. 1909. Oekologie der Saprobien. Uber

  15. Toeval

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haakma, S.; Lemmens, E.; Meester, R.; Nijhuis, T.; Dieks, D.G.B.J.


    De sterrenkundige Fred Hoyle vergeleek de verklaring van de evolutie van leven op aarde op grond van toeval met een orkaan die over een autokerkhof raast en een auto geheel in elkaar zet. Het lijkt vergezocht, dat complexe systemen (in dit geval biologische) ontstaan zouden zijn door louter

  16. Groenbemesters en aaltjesmanagement; De belangrijke rol van deze groene motor in de grond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korthals, G.W.; Sukkel, W.


    Groenbemesters spelen een essentiële rol in de (biologische) rotatie, ook al heeft het gebruik ervan zowel voor- als nadelen. Bij een doordachte keus uit het aanbod aan groenbemesters wegen de voordelen op tegen de nadelen. Een groenbemester wordt steeds vaker gezien als de 'groene' motor voor

  17. De stikstofstromen bij Oosterhof nader bekeken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schröder, J.J.; Eekeren, van N.J.M.; Oosterhof, D.


    Biologische melkveehouders zijn geïnteresseerd in de vraag of en tegen welke prijs zij mest zouden kunnen verkopen aan collega-akkerbouwers, zonder daarbij een wissel te trekken op de duurzaamheid van hun eigen melkveebedrijf. Het antwoord hierop wordt in de eerste plaats bepaald door de mate waarin


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antognini, Joe; Bird, Jonathan; Martini, Paul


    We have identified and studied a sample of 151 FR IIs found in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the MaxBCG cluster catalog with data from FIRST and NVSS. We have compared the radio luminosities and projected lengths of these FR IIs to the projected length distribution of a range of mock catalogs generated by an FR II model and estimate the FR II lifetime to be 1.9 × 10 8 yr. The uncertainty in the lifetime calculation is a factor of two, primarily due to uncertainties in the intracluster medium (ICM) density and the FR II axial ratio. We furthermore measure the jet power distribution of FR IIs in BCGs and find that it is well described by a log-normal distribution with a median power of 1.1 × 10 37 W and a coefficient of variation of 2.2. These jet powers are nearly linearly related to the observed luminosities, and this relation is steeper than many other estimates, although it is dependent on the jet model. We investigate correlations between FR II and cluster properties and find that galaxy luminosity is correlated with jet power. This implies that jet power is also correlated with black hole mass, as the stellar luminosity of a BCG should be a good proxy for its spheroid mass and therefore the black hole mass. Jet power, however, is not correlated with cluster richness, nor is FR II lifetime strongly correlated with any cluster properties. We calculate the enthalpy of the lobes to examine the impact of the FR IIs on the ICM and find that heating due to adiabatic expansion is too small to offset radiative cooling by a factor of at least six. In contrast, the jet power is approximately an order of magnitude larger than required to counteract cooling. We conclude that if feedback from FR IIs offsets cooling of the ICM, then heating must be primarily due to another mechanism associated with FR II expansion.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antognini, Joe; Bird, Jonathan; Martini, Paul, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, 140 W 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States)


    We have identified and studied a sample of 151 FR IIs found in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the MaxBCG cluster catalog with data from FIRST and NVSS. We have compared the radio luminosities and projected lengths of these FR IIs to the projected length distribution of a range of mock catalogs generated by an FR II model and estimate the FR II lifetime to be 1.9 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup 8} yr. The uncertainty in the lifetime calculation is a factor of two, primarily due to uncertainties in the intracluster medium (ICM) density and the FR II axial ratio. We furthermore measure the jet power distribution of FR IIs in BCGs and find that it is well described by a log-normal distribution with a median power of 1.1 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup 37} W and a coefficient of variation of 2.2. These jet powers are nearly linearly related to the observed luminosities, and this relation is steeper than many other estimates, although it is dependent on the jet model. We investigate correlations between FR II and cluster properties and find that galaxy luminosity is correlated with jet power. This implies that jet power is also correlated with black hole mass, as the stellar luminosity of a BCG should be a good proxy for its spheroid mass and therefore the black hole mass. Jet power, however, is not correlated with cluster richness, nor is FR II lifetime strongly correlated with any cluster properties. We calculate the enthalpy of the lobes to examine the impact of the FR IIs on the ICM and find that heating due to adiabatic expansion is too small to offset radiative cooling by a factor of at least six. In contrast, the jet power is approximately an order of magnitude larger than required to counteract cooling. We conclude that if feedback from FR IIs offsets cooling of the ICM, then heating must be primarily due to another mechanism associated with FR II expansion.

  20. 76 FR 40052 - Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... for Infusion Pumps. 165 Food Labeling: Nutrition 0910-AG56 Labeling for Food Sold in Vending Machines. 166 Food Labeling: Nutrition 0910-AG57 Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar... American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009). Timetable: Action Date FR Cite NPRM 07/14/10 75 FR 40867...

  1. 75 FR 14131 - Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (United States)


    ... electronically through an online application system at . (75 FR at 3805). NTIA... March 26, 2010. (75 FR 10464, Mar. 8, 2010). NTIA announces this extension in the Application Closing...

  2. Kooperative Planung im Kontext informeller Siedlungen in Porto Alegre, Brasilien


    Zellhuber, Andrea


    Wie die meisten lateinamerikanischen Großstädte zeichnet sich die Peripherie von Porto Alegre durch ein dynamisches und ungeregeltes Siedlungswachstum in Form von Landbesetzungen und illegalen Parzellierungen aus. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der qualitativen Sozial¬forschung werden anhand einer Fallstudie insbesondere die damit verbundenen städtischen Umweltkonflikte analysiert und deren Einbeziehung in kooperative Planungsverfahren untersucht. Die Prozesse des ungeregelten Siedlungswachstums am S...

  3. Imagem, texto, sensibilização, criatividade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Azenha Junior


    Full Text Available Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die dynamische Wechselbeziehung zwischen Bild und Text bei der didaktischen Bearbeitung verschiedener Textsorten im Rahmen der Fremdsprachen- bzw. Übersetzungsdidaktik zu untersuchen. Am Beispiel von Textsorten aus dem Bereich der Wissenschaft, Technik, Literatur und Sprachvermittlung wird versucht, erfolgreiche und mißlungene Anwendungen ikonischer Mittel bei der Textproduktion unter die Lupe zu nehmen und didaktische Konsequenzen daraus zu ziehen.

  4. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the decays of 206Fr and 208Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ritchie, B.G.


    206 Fr and 208 Fr were mass separated and observed with large-volume semiconductor detectors in calibrated geometries. Alpha, gamma, and electron singles and gamma-gamma and gamma-electron coincidence data were taken. The alpha decay experiments permitted the determination of the alpha branching ratios for 206 208 Fr as well as 205 207 Fr. The method used includes the information obtained from the electron capture decay studies of those nuclei. The alpha branching ratios obtained are generally higher than those reported previously. Energies and half-lives are in general agreement with previous measurements. The alpha measurements also revealed the presence of a heretofore unobserved alpha-emitting isomer in 206 Fr. The isomer has a half-life of 0.7 +- 0.1 seconds, and the energy of the associated alpha decay is 6.930 +- 0.005 MeV. Gamma data taken with the alpha measurements suggest that the isomeric level is 531 keV above the 206 Fr ground state, with the associated alpha decay populating a level at 391 keV in the 202 At nucleus. Measured alpha branching ratios were analyzed with the Rasmussen reduced width formalism. All observed francium decays were deduced to be unhindered. This study produced detailed level schemes for 206 Rn and 208 Rn. The gamma and electron data permitted the determination of internal conversion coefficients, multipolarities, spins, and parities. It appears from systematics that two different bands of states above J/sup π/ = 4+ are populated by in-beam studies. The deduced level scheme of 208 Rn was studied in the interacting boson approximation (IBA) with the computer code PHINT. The level scheme is readily explained with this model up to around 2 MeV. Good agreement between theory and experiment was also obtained for 204 Rn and 206 Rn, but the limited detail in these decay schemes does not provide conclusive evidence for the applicability of the IBA. 28 figures, 10 tables

  5. Dynamics of anisotropic power-law f(R) cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shamir, M. F.


    Modified theories of gravity have attracted much attention of the researchers in the recent years. In particular, the f(R) theory has been investigated extensively due to important f(R) gravity models in cosmological contexts. This paper is devoted to exploring an anisotropic universe in metric f(R) gravity. A locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I cosmological model is considered for this purpose. Exact solutions of modified field equations are obtained for a well-known f(R) gravity model. The energy conditions are also discussed for the model under consideration. The viability of the model is investigated via graphical analysis using the present-day values of cosmological parameters. The model satisfies null energy, weak energy, and dominant energy conditions for a particular range of the anisotropy parameter while the strong energy condition is violated, which shows that the anisotropic universe in f(R) gravity supports the crucial issue of accelerated expansion of the universe.

  6. Dynamics of anisotropic power-law f(R) cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shamir, M. F., E-mail: [National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus, Department of Sciences and Humanities (Pakistan)


    Modified theories of gravity have attracted much attention of the researchers in the recent years. In particular, the f(R) theory has been investigated extensively due to important f(R) gravity models in cosmological contexts. This paper is devoted to exploring an anisotropic universe in metric f(R) gravity. A locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I cosmological model is considered for this purpose. Exact solutions of modified field equations are obtained for a well-known f(R) gravity model. The energy conditions are also discussed for the model under consideration. The viability of the model is investigated via graphical analysis using the present-day values of cosmological parameters. The model satisfies null energy, weak energy, and dominant energy conditions for a particular range of the anisotropy parameter while the strong energy condition is violated, which shows that the anisotropic universe in f(R) gravity supports the crucial issue of accelerated expansion of the universe.

  7. 76 FR 50881 - Required Scale Tests (United States)


    ... RIN 0580-AB10 Required Scale Tests AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration... required scale tests. Those documents defined ``limited seasonal basis'' incorrectly. This document... 20, 2011 (76 FR 3485) and on April 4, 2011 (76 FR 18348), concerning required scale tests. Those...

  8. Clustering of galaxies with f(R) gravity (United States)

    Capozziello, Salvatore; Faizal, Mir; Hameeda, Mir; Pourhassan, Behnam; Salzano, Vincenzo; Upadhyay, Sudhaker


    Based on thermodynamics, we discuss the galactic clustering of expanding Universe by assuming the gravitational interaction through the modified Newton's potential given by f(R) gravity. We compute the corrected N-particle partition function analytically. The corrected partition function leads to more exact equations of state of the system. By assuming that the system follows quasi-equilibrium, we derive the exact distribution function that exhibits the f(R) correction. Moreover, we evaluate the critical temperature and discuss the stability of the system. We observe the effects of correction of f(R) gravity on the power-law behaviour of particle-particle correlation function also. In order to check the feasibility of an f(R) gravity approach to the clustering of galaxies, we compare our results with an observational galaxy cluster catalogue.

  9. Introductie van de Chevon : een zoektocht naar de afzet van geitenvlees

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eleveld, I.; Louis Bolk,


    Het afmesten en afzetten van lammeren op een biologisch bedrijf is geen gemakkelijke weg. Aan de smaak van het vlees zal het niet liggen. De chevon, lammeren met een leeftijd van 5 tot 7 maand, geven vlees met karakter: een vleugje geit! De onbekendheid van het vlees vereist een zorgvuldige

  10. Vorderingen bij betere handhaving nuttige bestrijders in kas : Naar een echte geïntegreerde bestrijding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Messelink, G.J.


    Bij biologische bestrijding is de gebruikelijke vraag: welke natuurlijke vijand pakt de plaag het beste aan? Maar het is tijd voor een andere basisvraag: welke natuurlijke vijanden passen het best bij je gewas en het aangeboden voedsel? Zo’n insteek vergroot de kans dat ze zich lang handhaven in de

  11. 78 FR 1570 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... Deregulatory Priorities. Gregory H. Woods, General Counsel. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy--Proposed... Action 10/01/12 77 FR 59719 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes. Agency Contact: Stephen Witkowski, Phone: 202 586-7463, Email: stephen[email protected] . RIN: 1904-AB90 [FR Doc. 2012-31497...

  12. Spectroscopy of high spin states in sup(211,212,213)Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrne, A.P.; Dracoulis, G.D.; Fahlander, C.; Hubel, H.; Poletti, A.R.; Stuchbery, A.E.; Gerl, J.; Davie, R.F.; Poletti, S.J.


    The level structures of 211 Fr, 212 Fr and 213 Fr have been observed to high spins, approx. 28(h/2π) (and excitation energies approx. 8 MeV) using a variety of gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques. The structure of these nuclides is discussed in terms of couplings of single particle states through empirical shell model calculations. Good agreement with experiment is obtained. In 212 Fr and 213 Fr core-excited configurations are required to explain the properties of the highest states. A number of long lived states were observed in each nucleus some of which decay by by enhanced E3 transitions. The E3 transition strengths are discussed

  13. Alpha decay 225Ac→221Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudrya, S.A.; Sergienko, V.A.; Gorozhankin, V.M.; Gromov, K.Ya.; Malikov, Sh.R.; Malov, L.A.; Fominykh, V.I.; Tsupko-Sitnikov, V.V.; Chumin, V.G.; Yakushev, E.A.


    In-depth investigation of (α-γ)-coincidences at the 225 Ac decay is carried out. Twenty-one new weak γ-rays are found; 18 γ-rays earlier ascribed to the 225 Ac decay are not confirmed. The quantitative analysis of the (α-γ)-coincidences makes it possible to find the intensity of population of 221 Fr levels by the α decay and multipolarities of five weak γ-transitions. The conversion electron spectrum is investigated in the range of 5-24 keV with a high (some 20 eV) energy resolution. A new M1 type 10.6-keV γ-transition is found. The proposed 225 Ac decay scheme includes 31 excited 221 Fr states. Parities are established for 16 of them. Possible spin values are proposed for 221 Fr levels. Properties of excited 221 Fr states are satisfactorily described by the quasiparticle-phonon nuclear model without the assumption of static octupole deformation

  14. 75 FR 66762 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... and Salary Surveys. Agency form number: FR 29a,b. OMB control number: 7100-0290. Frequency: FR 29a, annually; FR 29b, on occasion. Reporters: Employers considered competitors for Federal Reserve employees... Institutions Reforms, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) agencies \\1\\ conduct the FR 29a survey...

  15. 75 FR 50763 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ... competitors of the Federal Reserve Board. The data from the surveys primarily are used to determine the... and Salary Surveys. Agency form number: FR 29a,b. OMB control number: 7100-0290. Frequency: FR 29a, annually; FR 29b, on occasion. Reporters: Employers considered competitors for Federal Reserve employees...

  16. 78 FR 30327 - Endangered Species; Marine Mammals; Issuance of Permits (United States)


    .... Applicant Federal Register notice Permit issuance date Endangered Species 65816A Lewis Henderson........ 77... FR 24510; April 24, June 1, 2012. 2012. 69106A Lewis Henderson........ 77 FR 24510; April 24, June 1... 11, 2012. 2012. 213382 Virginia Safari Park & 77 FR 26779; May 7, July 21, 2012. Preservation Center...

  17. ionFR: Ionospheric Faraday rotation [Dataset

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sotomayor-Beltran, C.; et al., [Unknown; Hessels, J.W.T.; van Leeuwen, J.; Markoff, S.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.


    IonFR calculates the amount of ionospheric Faraday rotation for a specific epoch, geographic location, and line-of-sight. The code uses a number of publicly available, GPS-derived total electron content maps and the most recent release of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. ionFR can be

  18. 78 FR 47412 - Tyson D. Quy, M.D.; Decision and Order (United States)


    ... Green, Jr., M.D., 59 FR 51,453 (DEA 1994); David E. Trawick, D.D.S., 53 FR 5,326 (DEA 1988). Here, the...) (ten years); Norman Alpert, M.D., 58 FR 67,420, 67,421 (DEA 1993) (seven years). Here, the conditions...

  19. 78 FR 44275 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... Rights. National Park Service--Completed Actions Regulation Sequence No. Title Identifier No. 200 Winter.... Timetable: Action Date FR Cite NPRM 07/00/13 Final Action 05/00/14 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required...: Action Date FR Cite NPRM 10/00/14 Final Action 10/00/14 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes...

  20. Solar System constraints to general f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiba, Takeshi; Smith, Tristan L.; Erickcek, Adrienne L.


    It has been proposed that cosmic acceleration or inflation can be driven by replacing the Einstein-Hilbert action of general relativity with a function f(R) of the Ricci scalar R. Such f(R) gravity theories have been shown to be equivalent to scalar-tensor theories of gravity that are incompatible with Solar System tests of general relativity, as long as the scalar field propagates over Solar System scales. Specifically, the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter in the equivalent scalar-tensor theory is γ=1/2, which is far outside the range allowed by observations. In response to a flurry of papers that questioned the equivalence of f(R) theory to scalar-tensor theories, it was recently shown explicitly, without resorting to the scalar-tensor equivalence, that the vacuum field equations for 1/R gravity around a spherically symmetric mass also yield γ=1/2. Here we generalize this analysis to f(R) gravity and enumerate the conditions that, when satisfied by the function f(R), lead to the prediction that γ=1/2

  1. f(R) gravity and chameleon theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brax, Philippe; Bruck, Carsten van de; Davis, Anne-Christine; Shaw, Douglas J.


    We analyze f(R) modifications of Einstein's gravity as dark energy models in the light of their connection with chameleon theories. Formulated as scalar-tensor theories, the f(R) theories imply the existence of a strong coupling of the scalar field to matter. This would violate all experimental gravitational tests on deviations from Newton's law. Fortunately, the existence of a matter dependent mass and a thin-shell effect allows one to alleviate these constraints. The thin-shell condition also implies strong restrictions on the cosmological dynamics of the f(R) theories. As a consequence, we find that the equation of state of dark energy is constrained to be extremely close to -1 in the recent past. We also examine the potential effects of f(R) theories in the context of the Eoet-wash experiments. We show that the requirement of a thin shell for the test bodies is not enough to guarantee a null result on deviations from Newton's law. As long as dark energy accounts for a sizeable fraction of the total energy density of the Universe, the constraints that we deduce also forbid any measurable deviation of the dark energy equation of state from -1. All in all, we find that both cosmological and laboratory tests imply that f(R) models are almost coincident with a ΛCDM model at the background level.

  2. Nemerteans from Curaçao

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Corrêa, Diva Diniz


    All species treated in this paper were collected by me between January and June 1962, during my stay at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute), Curaçao. I am deeply indebted to the Government of the Netherlands, which awarded me a grant enabling me to

  3. Opisthobranchs from the Lesser Antilles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bois-Reymond Marcus, Eveline du; Marcus, Ernst


    Thanks to help of the Government of the Netherlands, Dr. DIVA DINIZ CORRÊA, a lecturer in our Department, was able to work at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute; Carmabi) Curaçao, from January to July 1962. Besides actinians and nemerteans for her own

  4. Preclinical imaging in animal models of radiation therapy; Praeklinische Bildgebung im Tiermodell bei Strahlentherapie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikolaou, K.; Cyran, C.C.; Reiser, M.F.; Clevert, D.-A. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Lauber, K. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Strahlentherapie, Muenchen (Germany)


    Modern radiotherapy benefits from precise and targeted diagnostic and pretherapeutic imaging. Standard imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) offer high morphological detail but only limited functional information on tumors. Novel functional and molecular imaging modalities provide biological information about tumors in addition to detailed morphological information. Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) CT or ultrasound-based perfusion imaging as well as hybrid modalities, such as positron emission tomography (PET) CT or MRI-PET have the potential to identify and precisely delineate viable and/or perfused tumor areas, enabling optimization of targeted radiotherapy. Functional information on tissue microcirculation and/or glucose metabolism allow a more precise definition and treatment of tumors while reducing the radiation dose and sparing the surrounding healthy tissue. In the development of new imaging methods for planning individualized radiotherapy, preclinical imaging and research plays a pivotal role, as the value of multimodality imaging can only be assessed, tested and adequately developed in a preclinical setting, i.e. in animal tumor models. New functional imaging modalities will play an increasing role for the surveillance of early treatment response during radiation therapy and in the assessment of the potential value of new combination therapies (e.g. combining anti-angiogenic drugs with radiotherapy). (orig.) [German] Die moderne Strahlentherapie profitiert massgeblich von einer detaillierten wie auch funktionellen praetherapeutischen Bildgebung. Die ueblicherweise praetherapeutisch eingesetzten radiologischen Standardverfahren wie die Computertomographie liefern zwar hochwertige morphologische Details, jedoch keine funktionelle Information. Es ist somit ein zunehmender Bedarf an funktionellen und molekularen Bildgebungsmodalitaeten feststellbar, mit denen ergaenzend zur morphologischen Bildgebung auch biologisch

  5. Alpha decay 225 Ac → 221Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gromov, K. Ya.; Gorozhankin, V.M.; Malov, L.A.; Fominykh, V.I.; Tsupko-Sitnikov, V.V.; Chumin, V.G.; Jakushev, E.A.; Kudrya, S.A.; Sergienko, V.A.; Malikov, Sh.R.


    Full text: Considerable attention has been given to nuclei with A = 220 - 230 recently. In this region there occurs transition from the spherical to the deformed nuclear shape, which gives rise to some specific features in the nuclear structure. In particular, negative parity levels with low excitation energies have been found in even-even nuclei from this region [1, 2]. One of the nuclei allowing experimental investigation of the above properties is 221 Fr. The nuclide 221 Fr is from the region of isotopes which does not include stable nuclei and thus it cannot be studied in several-nucleon transfer reactions. In addition, the neutron excess in this nucleus makes it impossible to study the nucleus in reactions with heavy ions. Experimental information on the 221 Fr level structure can only be gained from investigation of the 225 Ac (T 1/2 = 10 days) alpha decay or the 221 Rn (T 1/2 = 25 min) beta decay. In the latter case the possibilities of the investigation are restricted by difficulties in making of 221 Rn sources. Therefore, most information on the structure and properties of 221 Fr is derived from investigation of the 225 Ac α -decay [3]. In-depth investigation of ( α - γ )- coincidences at the 225 Ac decay is carried out. Twenty-one new weak γ - rays are found; 18 γ-rays earlier ascribed to the 225 Ac decay are not confirmed. The quantitative analysis of the ( α - γ )- coincidences makes it possible to find the intensity of 221 Fr levels by the decay and multipolarities of five weak γ -transitions. The conversion electron spectrum is investigated in the range of 5 † 24 keV with a high (some 20 eV) energy resolution. A new M1 type 10.6-keV γ-transition is found. The proposed 225 Ac decay scheme includes 31 excited 221 Fr states. Parities are established for 16 of them. Possible spin values are proposed for 221 Fr levels. Properties of excited 221 Fr states are satisfactorily described by the quasiparticle-phonon nuclear model without the

  6. Die Erwartungen der Industrie für 2014


    Knipper, Michael; Wissmann, Matthias; Tillmann, Utz; Mittelbach, Klaus; Wiechers, Ralph


    Die deutsche Gesamtwirtschaft hatte sich 2013 weniger dynamisch entwickelt als erwartet. Vor allem die Ausfuhren wuchsen nach hohen Wachstumsraten in den Vorjahren parallel zum gesamten Welthandel nur langsam. Davon waren auch die Industriebranchen Maschinenbau, Chemie und Elektrotechnik betroffen, während die Automobilindustrie weltweit kräftig wuchs. Die Bauindustrie ist dagegen weniger exportabhängig. Für 2014 rechnen die Industriebranchen mit einer nachhaltigen Besserung der Konjunktur, u...

  7. Information processing in complex networks


    Quax, R.


    Eerste resultaten van onderzoek van Rick Quax suggereren dat een combinatie van informatietheorie, netwerktheorie en statistische mechanica kan leiden tot een veelbelovende theorie om het gedrag van complexe netwerken te voorspellen. Er bestaat nog weinig theorie over het gedrag van dynamische eenheden die verbonden zijn in een netwerk, zoals neuronen in een breinnetwerk of genen in een gen-regulatienetwerk. Quax combineert informatietheorie, netwerktheorie, en statistische onderzoeken en mec...

  8. Constraint propagation equations of the 3+1 decomposition of f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paschalidis, Vasileios; Shapiro, Stuart L; Halataei, Seyyed M H; Sawicki, Ignacy


    Theories of gravity other than general relativity (GR) can explain the observed cosmic acceleration without a cosmological constant. One such class of theories of gravity is f(R). Metric f(R) theories have been proven to be equivalent to Brans-Dicke (BD) scalar-tensor gravity without a kinetic term (ω = 0). Using this equivalence and a 3+1 decomposition of the theory, it has been shown that metric f(R) gravity admits a well-posed initial value problem. However, it has not been proven that the 3+1 evolution equations of metric f(R) gravity preserve the (Hamiltonian and momentum) constraints. In this paper, we show that this is indeed the case. In addition, we show that the mathematical form of the constraint propagation equations in BD-equilavent f(R) gravity and in f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and Einstein frames is exactly the same as in the standard ADM 3+1 decomposition of GR. Finally, we point out that current numerical relativity codes can incorporate the 3+1 evolution equations of metric f(R) gravity by modifying the stress-energy tensor and adding an additional scalar field evolution equation. We hope that this work will serve as a starting point for relativists to develop fully dynamical codes for valid f(R) models.

  9. 75 FR 57690 - Acquisition Regulation: Sustainable Acquisition (United States)


    ... general guidelines issued by OMB. OMB's guidelines were published at 67 FR 8452 (February 22, 2002), and DOE's guidelines were published at 67 FR 62446 (October 7, 2002). DOE has reviewed today's rule under... products. (5) Environmentally preferable and energy efficient electronics including desktop computers...

  10. Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bois-Reymond Marcus, du Eveline; Marcus, Ernst


    Professor Dr. DIVA DINIZ CORRÊA, Head of the Department of Zoology of the University of São Paulo, was able to work at the “Caraïbisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut” (Caribbean Marine Biological Institute: Carmabi) at Curaçao from December 1965 to March 1966, thanks to a grant received from the

  11. TWG-FR Activity Report for the Period May 2011 – May 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monti, Stefano


    Recent Recommendations of the TWG-FR & implementation: ⇨ Increase the efforts to make more countries participating in its activities → Sweden became full member of TWG-FR this year. ⇨ Concentrate all research and technical activities related to FR under the TWG-FR umbrella. An efficient and effective interface between INPRO and TWG-FR should be established to avoid duplication/overlapping of activities → done. ⇨ Closer cooperation links should be established with FR-related activities implemented within the framework of other international programmes (e.g. GIF, INPRO, OECD/NEA, ESNII) → systematic collaboration with INPRO, interface with GIF, participation to NEA-TF on SFR, member of External Advisory Committee of some Euratom projects. ⇨ Continue to secure training and education in the field of Fast Neutron System Physics, Technology and Applications, and respective Schools/Seminars should be held on a regular basis → 4 events: 2 in 2011 and 2 in 2012 (Trieste, Bariloche). ⇨ Launch new CRPs in the field of safety of FR with special emphasis on severe accidents → launch of EBR-II CRP + 4 related Workshops/TMs. ⇨ The IAEA, with technical inputs from the TWG-FR, should produce international safety standards relevant to fast reactors → Initiated discussion with Department of Nuclear Safety and Security + INPRO/GIF for SFR Safety Design Criteria

  12. Effective Dark Matter Halo Catalog in f(R) Gravity. (United States)

    He, Jian-Hua; Hawken, Adam J; Li, Baojiu; Guzzo, Luigi


    We introduce the idea of an effective dark matter halo catalog in f(R) gravity, which is built using the effective density field. Using a suite of high resolution N-body simulations, we find that the dynamical properties of halos, such as the distribution of density, velocity dispersion, specific angular momentum and spin, in the effective catalog of f(R) gravity closely mimic those in the cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Thus, when using effective halos, an f(R) model can be viewed as a ΛCDM model. This effective catalog therefore provides a convenient way for studying the baryonic physics, the galaxy halo occupation distribution and even semianalytical galaxy formation in f(R) cosmologies.

  13. Numerical simulation of spatial whole-body vibration behaviour of sitting man taking into account individual anthropometry and position; Numerische Simulation des raeumlichen Ganzkoerperschwingungsverhaltens des sitzenden Menschen unter Beruecksichtigung der individuellen Anthropometrie und Haltung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pankoke, S.


    A dynamic FE model of the anatomy of humans in sitting position is presented for assessing the dynamic internal response of the human body to the effect of external vibrations. The model can be adapted to individual body measures, different positions and different spatial orientation. It was verified on the basis of extensive measured data. The problem of contact between the human body and the driver seat is solved by a simplified static description. The model comprises a sub-model of the lumbar vertebral column for assessing the spatial load distributions in this body region. [German] In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein dynamisches, an der menschlichen Anatomie orientiertes Finite-Elemente-Modell des sitzenden Menschen vorgestellt, das es gestaltet, dynamische innere Antworten des Koerpers auf von aussen auf den Menschen einwirkende Schwingungen zu ermitteln. Das Modell ist ueber eine Auswahl anthropometrischer Masse an das Schwingungsverhalten eines Individuums anpassbar und ermoeglicht zudem die Simulation von Schwingungseinwirkungen in unterschiedlichen Haltungen und in allen Raumrichtungen. Die Modellverifikation erfolgte an umfangreichen Messdatenbestaenden. Das Kontaktproblem des Menschen zum Fahrzeugsitz ist durch eine vereinfachte statische Beschreibung abgebildet. Ferner beinhaltet das Ganzkoerpermodell ein Submodell der Lendenwirbelsaeule, mit dessen Hilfe die aus den Ganzkoerperschwingungen folgenden raeumlichen Beanspruchungsverteilungen in der Lendenwirbelsaeule ermittelt werden koennen. (orig.)

  14. 基于FrFT-MUSIC的空时频算法%Space-time-frequency Algorithm Based on FrFT-MUSIC

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    张声杰; 刘梅


    针对传统时频分析方法难以对星载分布式合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统中地面目标速度进行准确估计的问题,提出了分数阶傅里叶变换(FrFT)-多重信号分类(MUSIC)空时频方法.利用FrFT获得信号向量并构造空时频分布矩阵;应用该分布矩阵替代传统MUSIC算法中的协方差矩阵,从而求得FrFT- MUSIC空时频谱,通过对谱函数进行搜索估计目标速度.仿真实验表明,该方法的目标速度估计精度高,抗噪声能力强.%The fractional Fourier transform (FrFT)-multipIe signal classification (MUSIC) space-time-frequency algorithm is proposed to solve the problem that it is difficult for the traditional time-frequency analysis method to accurately estimate the ground targets' azimuth speed which is coupled with spaceborne distributed synthetic aperture radar" (SAR). The signal vector is obtained and the space-time-frequency distribution matrix is formed by FrFT. Then, this distribution matrix is used instead of the traditional MUSIC covariance matrix to construct FrFT- MUSIC spectral function. Target speed is estimated by searching. Simulation results show that this algorithm has a high accuracy of parameter estimation and strong resistance to noise.

  15. Untersuchungen am System NMMO/H2O/Cellulose


    Cibik, T.


    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung des Zweistoffsystems N-Methylmorpholin-N-oxid (NMMO)/H2O und des Dreistoffsystems NMMO/H2O/Cellulose sowie mit der Herstellung und Charakterisierung von faserverstärkten Cellulosefolien. Das binäre System wird mittels Dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie und Röntgenweitwinkel-Diffraktometrie untersucht und dadurch das Schmelzverhalten und die Phasenzusammensetzung dieses Systems im festen Zustand als Funktion des NMMO/H2O-Verhältnisses bes...

  16. Adaptive Regenerative Braking in Electric Vehicles


    Kubaisi, Rayad


    Elektrofahrzeuge fahren lokal emissionsfrei und tragen damit dazu bei, die Emissionen in Städten zu reduzieren. Zusätzlich, zeichnen sich Elektrofahrzeuge durch ein dynamisches Fahrverhalten aus. Nachteilig wirkt sich bei den meisten Elektrofahrzeugen, die geringe Reichweite auf die Akzeptanz bei Neuwagenkäufern aus. Eine der Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Reichweite von Elektrofahrzeuge ist das regenerative Bremsen. Hierbei wird die kinetische Energie des Fahrzeugs durch generatorisches...

  17. Investigation of octupole deformations in the Fr217 nucleus by yrast spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hulne, S.


    The spectroscopic characteristics of the yrast levels of Fr217 are determined. The level scheme up to a value of J = (39/2 + ) for angular momentum and parity is established. The production of the Fr217 nucleus in a heavy ion collision reaction was only possible by using a radioactive Pb210 target. The method for preparing the target is described. The Fr217 nucleus belongs to the category of nuclei showing octupole effects. Mass A = 217 seems to be the lower limit of the region where these effects occur [fr

  18. 76 FR 58300 - Affirmative Decisions on Petitions for Modification Granted in Whole or in Part (United States)


    ... govern the application, processing, and disposition of petitions for modification. This Federal Register... Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700 (Oil and gas wells). Docket Number: M-2009-005-C. FR Notice: 74 FR 23747 (May 20... CFR 75.1700 (Oil and gas wells). Docket Number: M-2009-006-C. FR Notice: 74 FR 23748 (May 20, 2009...

  19. Kunnen biologische herkauwers zonder synthetische vitaminen


    Smolders, E.A.A.; Kan, C.A.


    Uit berekeningen blijkt dat er voor koeien in de stalperiode soms een tekort dreigt aan vitamine D en E. Voor vitamine A geldt dat alleen in rantsoenen met uitsluitende hooi. Gehalten van vitamine A in voordroogkuilen van gras/klaver op Bioveembedrijven komen redelijk overeen met literatuurgegevens. Die van vitamine E waren de helft van wat verwacht werd en het gehalte aan vitamine D was in de Nederlandse kuilen veel hoger dan wat elders gevonden is.

  20. Opstandige biologische bestrijder van het wortelknobbelaaltje

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wurff, van der A.W.G.


    Uit een in vitro toets blijkt dat de bacterie Pasteuria penetrans een veelbelovende bestrijder is van het wortelknobbelaaltje. De bacterie heeft echter een sterke voorkeur voor bepaalde stammen uit een kas van een bioteler van kasgroenten. Knobbelaaltjes bij andere biotelers lieten de bacterie links

  1. Haben repetitive DNA-Sequenzen biologische Funktionen? (United States)

    John, Maliyakal E.; Knöchel, Walter


    By DNA reassociation kinetics it is known that the eucaryotic genome consists of non-repetitive DNA, middle-repetitive DNA and highly repetitive DNA. Whereas the majority of protein-coding genes is located on non-repetitive DNA, repetitive DNA forms a constitutive part of eucaryotic DNA and its amount in most cases equals or even substantially exceeds that of non-repetitive DNA. During the past years a large body of data on repetitive DNA has accumulated and these have prompted speculations ranging from specific roles in the regulation of gene expression to that of a selfish entity with inconsequential functions. The following article summarizes recent findings on structural, transcriptional and evolutionary aspects and, although by no means being proven, some possible biological functions are discussed.

  2. f(R) gravity, torsion and non-metricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sotiriou, Thomas P


    For both f(R) theories of gravity with an independent symmetric connection (no torsion), usually referred to as Palatini f(R) gravity theories, and for f(R) theories of gravity with torsion but no non-metricity, called U4 theories, it has been shown that the independent connection can actually be eliminated algebraically, as long as this connection does not couple to matter. Remarkably, the outcome in both cases is the same theory, which is dynamically equivalent with an ω 0 = -3/2 Brans-Dicke theory. It is shown here that even for the most general case of an independent connection with both non-metricity and torsion, one arrives at exactly the same theory as in the more restricted cases. This generalizes the previous results and explains why assuming that either the torsion or the non-metricity vanishing ultimately leads to the same theory. It also demonstrates that f(R) actions cannot support an independent connection which carries dynamical degrees of freedom, irrespective of how general this connection is, at least as long as there is no connection-matter coupling. (fast track communication)

  3. 77 FR 32881 - Supervised Securities Holding Company Registration (United States)


    ...), The Report of Foreign Banking Organizations (FR Y-7), The Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank... Y-9ES), The Supplement to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9CS... comprehensive consolidated supervision by a foreign regulator, a nonbank financial company supervised by the...

  4. Le developpement de Limacella glioderma (Fr.) R. Maire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reijnders, A.F.M.


    A comparison of the development of Limacella guttata (Fr.) Konrad & Maublanc with that of L. glioderma (Fr.) R. Maire shows clearly that the latter is of a more primitive type. This conclusion is based on the following observations: a. Limacella guttata has a pileocarpic development: the first

  5. 77 FR 62150 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Kentucky; Approval of Revisions to the... (United States)


    ....34 Standard of 10/23/01 66 FR 53661 05/15/91 Performance for Existing Pneumatic Rubber Tire... Abbreviations and 11/19/02 67 FR 69688 05/15/02 Acronyms. 1.04 Performance Tests... 10/23/01 66 FR 53660 11/19... 10/23/01 66 FR 53660 06/13/79 Requirements. Reg 6--Standards of Performance for Existing Affected...

  6. 78 FR 6107 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... Derivatives Market Activity (FR 3036; OMB No. 7100-0285). The FR 2436 collects similar data on the outstanding... of Foreign Exchange and Derivative Market Activity. Agency form number: FR 3036. OMB control number... and derivatives market and dealers. Estimated annual reporting hours: Turnover Survey, 2,275 hours...

  7. 75 FR 30003 - Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records (United States)


    ... and title, by any of the following methods: * Federal Rulemaking Portal:, 2006; 71 FR 35342) and OPM/GOVT-5, Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records (June 19, 2006; 71 FR...

  8. Development of Streptomyces sp. FR-008 as an emerging chassis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qian Liu


    Full Text Available Microbial-derived natural products are important in both the pharmaceutical industry and academic research. As the metabolic potential of original producer especially Streptomyces is often limited by slow growth rate, complicated cultivation profile, and unfeasible genetic manipulation, so exploring a Streptomyces as a super industrial chassis is valuable and urgent. Streptomyces sp. FR-008 is a fast-growing microorganism and can also produce a considerable amount of macrolide candicidin via modular polyketide synthase. In this study, we evaluated Streptomyces sp. FR-008 as a potential industrial-production chassis. First, PacBio sequencing and transcriptome analyses indicated that the Streptomyces sp. FR-008 genome size is 7.26 Mb, which represents one of the smallest of currently sequenced Streptomyces genomes. In addition, we simplified the conjugation procedure without heat-shock and pre-germination treatments but with high conjugation efficiency, suggesting it is inherently capable of accepting heterologous DNA. In addition, a series of promoters selected from literatures was assessed based on GusA activity in Streptomyces sp. FR-008. Compared with the common used promoter ermE*-p, the strength of these promoters comprise a library with a constitutive range of 60–860%, thus providing the useful regulatory elements for future genetic engineering purpose. In order to minimum the genome, we also target deleted three endogenous polyketide synthase (PKS gene clusters to generate a mutant LQ3. LQ3 is thus an “updated” version of Streptomyces sp. FR-008, producing fewer secondary metabolites profiles than Streptomyces sp. FR-008. We believe this work could facilitate further development of Streptomyces sp. FR-008 for use in biotechnological applications.

  9. Watermelon germplasm lines USVL246-FR2 and USVL252-FR2 tolerant to fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum race 2 (United States)

    Two improved germplasm lines of wild watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) designated USVL246-FR2 and USVL252-FR2 were released in 2012 by the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Wechter et al. 2012). These lines are each highly uniform for growth characteri...

  10. Waste processing at tannery Royal Hulshof in Lichtenvoorde, Netherlands; Reststromen leerlooierij duurzaam verwerkt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Jong, K [ed.


    The title tannery has put into operation a biological water purification insallation which not only operates in an efficient way, but also produces green gas and converts nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas. [Dutch] Leerlooierij Koninklijke Hulshof in Lichtenvoorde nam onlangs een biologische waterzuivering in gebruik die niet alleen efficienter werkt, maar oo groen gas produceert en de stikstofverbindingen omzet in stikstofgas.

  11. f(R) gravity cosmology in scalar degree of freedom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goswami, Umananda Dev; Deka, Kabita


    The models of f(R) gravity belong to an important class of modified gravity models where the late time cosmic accelerated expansion is considered as the manifestation of the large scale modification of the force of gravity. f(R) gravity models can be expressed in terms of a scalar degree of freedom by explicit redefinition of model's variable. Here we report about the study of the features of cosmological parameters and hence the cosmological evolution using the scalar degree of freedom of the f(R) = ξR n gravity model in the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) background

  12. 76 FR 27904 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana (United States)


    ... Web site is an ``anonymous access'' system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact... ``Qualified observer'' defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943. 1-2-62.1 ``Quench car'' defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412. 1-2-63 Quenching 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943. 1-2-63.1 ``Quench reservoir...

  13. 75 FR 6112 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Georgia: Update to Materials... (United States)


    ...) Incinerators........ 6/15/98 12/2/99, 64 FR 67491 391-3-1-.02(2)(d) Fuel-burning 1/17/79 9/18/79, 44 FR 54047...-.02(2)(aa) VOC Emissions from 1/9/91 10/13/92, 57 FR 46780 Wire Coating. 391-3-1-.02(2)(bb) Petroleum...)(lll) NOX Emissions from 2/16/00 7/10/01, 66 FR 35906 Fuel-burning Equipment. 391-3-1-.02(2)(mmm) NOX...

  14. 77 FR 59244 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Extension of Currently-Approved Information Collection... (United States)


    ... September 30, 1998 (63 FR 52192). Pursuant to this authority, the BTS, now part of the Research and... transferred the responsibility for the F&OS program from BTS to FMCSA (69 FR 51009). On August 10, 2006 (71 FR... financial and statistical reporting regulations of BTS formerly located in chapter XI of title 49 CFR to...

  15. Reduction of FR900525 using an S-(2-aminoethyl) l-cysteine-resistant mutant. (United States)

    Shimizu, Shiho; Futase, Ayako; Yokoyama, Tatsuya; Ueda, Satoshi; Honda, Hiroyuki


    FK506 (tacrolimus), a macrolide compound with immunosuppressant activity, has been proven to have clinical importance and has been manufactured industrially since 1993 by using mutants with high FK506-production ability; these mutants have been developed from the wild strain Streptomyces tsukubaensis No. 9993. FR900525 is one of the by-products of FK506 production. However, there was no effective industrial method to separate FR900525 from FK506 due to the structural similarity between the two compounds. Therefore, reducing the level of FR900525 was a serious problem in the industrial strain A. In this study, we aimed to reduce the FR900525 production. We first determined that pipecolic acid level was a critical parameter for controlling FR900525 production in strain A. S-(2-Aminoethyl) l-cysteine (AEC)-resistant mutants has been reported to increase lysine productivity successfully in a variety of lysine-producing microorganisms. Therefore, next, we applied a selection of AEC-resistant mutants to enhance pipecolic acid biosynthesis. Finally, four AEC-resistant mutants were obtained from strain A using ultraviolet irradiation, and three of them showed less FR900525 productivity compared to the parental strain A. Our findings indicated that AEC resistance was effective phenotype marker for increasing pipecolic acid productivity and for reducing FR900525 production in S. tsukubaensis. Thus, our study provides an efficient method for reducing FR90025 level during FK506 biosynthesis. Copyright © 2017 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Multidimensional evaluation on FR cycle systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakai, Ryodai; Fujii, Sumio; Takakuma, Katsuyuki; Katoh, Atsushi; Ono, Kiyoshi; Ohtaki, Akira; Shiotani, Hiroki


    This report explains some results of the multidimensional evaluation on various fast reactor cycle system concepts from an interim report of the 2nd phase of ''Feasibility Study on Commercialized FR Cycle System''. This method is designed to give more objective and more quantitative evaluations to clarify commercialized system candidate concepts. Here we brief current evaluation method from the five viewpoints of safety, economy, environment, resource and non-proliferation, with some trial evaluation results for some cycles consist of promising technologies in reactor, core and fuel, reprocessing and fuel manufacture. Moreover, we describe FR cycle deployment scenarios which describe advantages and disadvantages of the cycles from the viewpoints of uranium resource and radioactive waste based on long-term nuclear material mass flow analyses and advantages of the deployment of FR cycle itself from the viewpoints of the comparison with alternative power supplies as well as cost and benefit. (author)

  17. A=225 implantation for $^{221}$Fr source for TRIUMF atom trap

    CERN Multimedia

    The FrPNC Collaboration is mounting an atom trap for parity violation experiments and precision spectroscopy on francium atoms at TRIUMF's ISAC facility. We would like to use ISOLDE's capability of simultaneously implanting A=225 (while another experiment runs online) to make a long-lived source feeding $^{221}$Fr for tests of the trap. $^{225}$Ra $\\beta$-decays to $^{225}$Ac, which then $\\alpha$-decays, producing 100 keV $^{221}$Fr t$_{1/2}$= 4.8 minute recoils. The implanted A=225 source would be shipped to TRIUMF, where it would be held for several minutes at a time a few mm from the same yttrium foil that normally receives the ISAC beam. SRIM calculations imply that 20% of the $^{221}$Fr will be implanted in a 1 cm diameter spot on the yttrium. Then the yttrium foil is moved to the trap and heated to release the Fr atoms, just as in normal ISAC online operation. A test implantation will be done at 10$^{7}$/sec production for 1 day, testing whether carbon cracking on the implantation foil in the mass separ...

  18. 78 FR 34120 - Endangered Species; Marine Mammals; Issuance of Permits (United States)


    ..., 2012 October 22, 2012. 73893A A.C. Ranch 77 FR 46514; August 3, September 27, 2012. 2012. 75535A Dub...; August 3, September 27, 2012. 2012. 75592A Dub Wallace Ranch LLC..... 77 FR 46514; August 3, September 27...

  19. Possible antigravity regions in F(R) theory?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bamba, Kazuharu, E-mail: [Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Nojiri, Shin' ichi, E-mail: [Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Odintsov, Sergei D., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602 (Japan); Instituciò Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona (Spain); Institut de Ciencies de l' Espai (CSIC-IEEC), Campus UAB, Facultat de Ciencies, Torre C5-Par-2a pl, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) (Spain); Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Kievskaya Avenue, 60, 634061, Tomsk (Russian Federation); Sáez-Gómez, Diego, E-mail: [Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity Centre (ACGC) and Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, Cape Town (South Africa); Fisika Teorikoaren eta Zientziaren Historia Saila, Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 644 Posta Kutxatila, 48080 Bilbao (Spain)


    We construct an F(R) gravity theory corresponding to the Weyl invariant two scalar field theory. We investigate whether such F(R) gravity can have the antigravity regions where the Weyl curvature invariant does not diverge at the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. It is revealed that the divergence cannot be evaded completely but can be much milder than that in the original Weyl invariant two scalar field theory.

  20. Holographic dark energy and f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aghamohammadi, A [Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj, Sanandaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Saaidi, Kh, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    We investigate the corresponding relation between f(R) gravity and holographic dark energy. We introduce a type of energy density from f(R) that has the same role as holographic dark energy. We obtain the differential equation that specifies the evolution of the introduced energy density parameter based on a varying gravitational constant. We discover the relation for the equation of state parameter for low redshifts that contains varying G correction.

  1. Possible antigravity regions in F(R) theory? (United States)

    Bamba, Kazuharu; Nojiri, Shin'ichi; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Sáez-Gómez, Diego


    We construct an F(R) gravity theory corresponding to the Weyl invariant two scalar field theory. We investigate whether such F(R) gravity can have the antigravity regions where the Weyl curvature invariant does not diverge at the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. It is revealed that the divergence cannot be evaded completely but can be much milder than that in the original Weyl invariant two scalar field theory.

  2. Possible antigravity regions in F(R) theory?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bamba, Kazuharu; Nojiri, Shin'ichi; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Sáez-Gómez, Diego


    We construct an F(R) gravity theory corresponding to the Weyl invariant two scalar field theory. We investigate whether such F(R) gravity can have the antigravity regions where the Weyl curvature invariant does not diverge at the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. It is revealed that the divergence cannot be evaded completely but can be much milder than that in the original Weyl invariant two scalar field theory.

  3. 78 FR 48932 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ... make corresponding revisions to the Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9C... Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9SP). DATES: Comments must be... the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), have approved the publication for...

  4. Cosmological reconstruction of realistic modified F(R) gravities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nojiri, Shin'ichi; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Saez-Gomez, Diego


    The cosmological reconstruction scheme for modified F(R) gravity is developed in terms of e-folding (or, redshift). It is demonstrated how any FRW cosmology may emerge from specific F(R) theory. The specific examples of well-known cosmological evolution are reconstructed, including ΛCDM cosmology, deceleration with transition to phantom superacceleration era which may develop singularity or be transient. The application of this scheme to viable F(R) gravities unifying inflation with dark energy era is proposed. The additional reconstruction of such models leads to non-leading gravitational correction mainly relevant at the early/late universe and helping to pass the cosmological bounds (if necessary). It is also shown how cosmological reconstruction scheme may be generalized in the presence of scalar field.

  5. 77 FR 24762 - Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential... (United States)


    ... instruction standards. Refer to Hyundai Motor Company (74 FR 9125, March 2, 209); Ford Motor Company (73 FR 11462, March 3, 2008); Mazda North America Operations (73 FR 11464, March 3, 2008); Ford Motor Company...-0176; Notice 2] Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc., Grant of Petition for Decision of...

  6. Emotional reactions after event learning : a Rift between Implicit and Explicit Conditioned Valence in Humans Pain Relief Lerning


    Andreatta, Marta


    Organismen vermeiden Gefahren und streben nach Belohnungen, um zu überleben. Klassische Konditionierung ist ein einfaches Model, das erklärt, wie Tiere und Menschen Ereignisse in Verbindung bringen. Dieses Lernen ermöglicht Lebewesen Gefahr oder Belohnung direkt vorherzusehen. Normalerweise besteht das Konditionierungsparadigma aus der Präsentation eines neutralen Stimulus zusammen mit einem biologisch bedeutsamen Event (der unkonditionierte Stimulus – US). Aufgrund dieser Assoziation erwirbt...

  7. Small systems, small sensors: Integrating sensing technologies into microfluidic and organ-on-a-chip devices


    Oomen, Pieter Edmond


    Pieter Oomen presenteert in zijn proefschrift verschillende microfluïdische systemen met geïntegreerde sensors voor biologische en chemische analyses. Deze geminiaturiseerde systemen kennen veel voordelen: reagentia- en monstergebruik worden verminderd, parallelle experimenten kunnen op een enkel apparaat worden gedaan en natuurlijke celomgevingen kunnen worden nagebootst in incubatiesystemen (orgaan-op-chip). Echter, om zulke systemen te controleren en systematisch te verbeteren gedurende de...

  8. Waste treatment by the CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} process; Abfallbehandlung nach dem CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} -Restabfallbehandlungsverfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lippmann, A. [CCP GmbH, Waste Management, Merkers (Germany)


    The CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} process involves either an aerobic (composting) or an anaerobic (fermentation) biological treatment stage, or a combination of both. [German] Bei dem CCP/EuRec {sup trademark} -Restabfallbehandlungsverfahren handelt es sich um ein leistungsfaehiges System zur biologischen Behandlung von Restabfaellen. Die biologische Behandlungsstufe kann wahlweise aerob (Rotte) oder anaerob (Vergaerung) erfolgen. Eine Kombination zwischen beiden Varianten ist ebenfalls moeglich. (orig.)

  9. Computing the Fréchet distance between folded polygons

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cook IV, A.F.; Driemel, A.; Sherette, J.; Wenk, C.


    Computing the Fréchet distance for surfaces is a surprisingly hard problem and the only known polynomial-time algorithm is limited to computing it between flat surfaces. We study the problem of computing the Fréchet distance for a class of non-flat surfaces called folded polygons. We present a

  10. 78 FR 71565 - Secretarial Infrastructure Business Development Mission to Mexico (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Business Liaison Secretarial Infrastructure Business Development... amending the Notice published at 78 FR 48855, August 12, 2013, regarding the Secretarial Infrastructure..., Trade Program Assistant. [FR Doc. 2013-28579 Filed 11-27-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510-FP-P ...

  11. 75 FR 63181 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ... recordkeeping requirement for brokers and dealers to document the purpose of their loans secured by margin stock.... The purpose statements, FR U-1 and FR G-3, are recordkeeping requirements for brokers and dealers... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request AGENCY...

  12. Evaluation methodology and prospective introduction scenarios of FR cycle systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujii, Sumio; Katoh, Atsushi; Sato, Kazujiro


    The 21st century society will be facing growing demand of energy, global environmental issues and concerns about fossil fuel exhaustion. In this society, it is essential to seek for a sustainable energy system to solve these energy-related concerns. In order to find ways for solving these problems, 'Feasibility Study on Commercialized FR Cycle System' was launched in 1999 as a joint research project of JNC, electric utilities, JAERI, CRIEPI etc. This project aims to build promising FR cycle technologies for the 21st century. Now, we are in the second phase (JFY 2001-2005) of this project. At the end of the second phase, we will propose promising concepts through applying innovative technologies. We started this Feasibility Study with defining the development target, which ended in five items; safety, economy, environmental burden, resource utilization and nuclear non-proliferation. These items should also serve as basic viewpoints to evaluate achievements of the study. This paper describes how we evaluate FR cycle options to come up with the final promising candidates. This paper also describes a prospective scenario to introduce FR cycle system, which shows how the FR cycle will be replacing existing LWRs by using limited natural uranium resource and spent fuels. (author)

  13. 75 FR 58305 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Revised Format for... (United States)


    ... monoxide, Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide... 60735 Sec. 6. 7/31/2009 11/20/2009, 74 FR 60197 Sec. 3. 1-2 Definitions 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943.../2009, 74 FR 52891.... Paragraph (c). and Marion Cos. 2009 Chicago Hydrocarbon Control Strategy..... 8...

  14. General proof of the entropy principle for self-gravitating fluid in f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, Xiongjun [Department of Physics and Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Structures andQuantum Control of Ministry of Education, Hunan Normal University,Changsha, Hunan 410081 (China); Guo, Minyong [Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875 (China); Jing, Jiliang [Department of Physics and Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Structures andQuantum Control of Ministry of Education, Hunan Normal University,Changsha, Hunan 410081 (China)


    The discussions on the connection between gravity and thermodynamics attract much attention recently. We consider a static self-gravitating perfect fluid system in f(R) gravity, which is an important theory could explain the accelerated expansion of the universe. We first show that the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation of f(R) theories can be obtained by thermodynamical method in spherical symmetric spacetime. Then we prove that the maximum entropy principle is also valid for f(R) gravity in general static spacetimes beyond spherical symmetry. The result shows that if the constraint equation is satisfied and the temperature of fluid obeys Tolmans law, the extrema of total entropy implies other components of gravitational equations. Conversely, if f(R) gravitational equation hold, the total entropy of the fluid should be extremum. Our work suggests a general and solid connection between f(R) gravity and thermodynamics.

  15. 75 FR 6151 - Chartering and Field of Membership for Federal Credit Unions (United States)


    ... the terms ``rural district'' and ``in danger of insolvency'' for emergency merger purposes. 74 FR... the term ``in danger of insolvency'' for emergency merger purposes. 74 FR 68722 (December 29, 2009...

  16. Robust approach to f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaime, Luisa G.; Patino, Leonardo; Salgado, Marcelo


    We consider metric f(R) theories of gravity without mapping them to their scalar-tensor counterpart, but using the Ricci scalar itself as an ''extra'' degree of freedom. This approach avoids then the introduction of a scalar-field potential that might be ill defined (not single valued). In order to explicitly show the usefulness of this method, we focus on static and spherically symmetric spacetimes and deal with the recent controversy about the existence of extended relativistic objects in certain class of f(R) models.

  17. 77 FR 35021 - Kwan Bo Jin, M.D.; Decision and Order (United States)


    ...] DEA registration is not appropriate.'' Anibal P. Herrera, M.D., 61 FR 65,075, 65,078 (DEA 1996); see... ``there were serious questions as to the integrity of the registrant.'' Anibal P. Herrera, M.D., 61 FR 65...

  18. Galaxy-galaxy weak gravitational lensing in f(R) gravity (United States)

    Li, Baojiu; Shirasaki, Masato


    We present an analysis of galaxy-galaxy weak gravitational lensing (GGL) in chameleon f(R) gravity - a leading candidate of non-standard gravity models. For the analysis, we have created mock galaxy catalogues based on dark matter haloes from two sets of numerical simulations, using a halo occupation distribution (HOD) prescription which allows a redshift dependence of galaxy number density. To make a fairer comparison between the f(R) and Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) models, their HOD parameters are tuned so that the galaxy two-point correlation functions in real space (and therefore the projected two-point correlation functions) match. While the f(R) model predicts an enhancement of the convergence power spectrum by up to ˜ 30 per cent compared to the standard ΛCDM model with the same parameters, the maximum enhancement of GGL is only half as large and less than 5 per cent on separations above ˜1-2 h-1 Mpc, because the latter is a cross-correlation of shear (or matter, which is more strongly affected by modified gravity) and galaxy (which is weakly affected given the good match between galaxy autocorrelations in the two models) fields. We also study the possibility of reconstructing the matter power spectrum by combination of GGL and galaxy clustering in f(R) gravity. We find that the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient remains at unity down to ˜2-3 h-1 Mpc at relevant redshifts even in f(R) gravity, indicating joint analysis of GGL and galaxy clustering can be a powerful probe of matter density fluctuations in chameleon gravity. The scale dependence of the model differences in their predictions of GGL can potentially allows us to break the degeneracy between f(R) gravity and other cosmological parameters such as Ωm and σ8.

  19. 77 FR 67816 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ... complements the triennial Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity (FR 3036; OMB No. 7100... Derivative Market Activity. Agency form number: FR 3036. OMB control number: 7100-0285. Frequency: One-time... derivatives market and dealers. Estimated annual reporting hours: Turnover Survey, 2,275 hours; Outstandings...

  20. The holographic bound in the scalar-tensor and f(R) gravities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Firouzjaee, J.T.


    The holographic bound has been extended to the different theory of gravities such as scalar-tensor gravity and f(R) gravity according to the Noether charge definition of the entropy for a black hole surface. We have introduced some popular examples of the flat FRW cosmology in order to investigate holographic bound in scalar-tensor and f(R) gravity. Using the holographic bound, we put an additional constraint on scalar-tensor gravity and the f(R) gravity parameters. We also discuss the transformation from Jordan frame to Einstein frame. (orig.)

  1. Late-time cosmological approach in mimetic f(R, T) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baffou, E.H. [Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), Porto-Novo (Benin); Houndjo, M.J.S. [Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), Porto-Novo (Benin); Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de Natitingou, Natitingou (Benin); Hamani-Daouda, M. [Universite de Niamey, Departement de Physique, Niamey (Niger); Alvarenga, F.G. [Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Departamento de Engenharia e Ciencias Naturais, CEUNES, Sao Mateus, ES (Brazil)


    In this paper, we investigate the late-time cosmic acceleration in mimetic f(R, T) gravity with the Lagrange multiplier and potential in a Universe containing, besides radiation and dark energy, a self-interacting (collisional) matter. We obtain through the modified Friedmann equations the main equation that can describe the cosmological evolution. Then, with several models from Q(z) and the well-known particular model f(R, T), we perform an analysis of the late-time evolution. We examine the behavior of the Hubble parameter, the dark energy equation of state and the total effective equation of state and in each case we compare the resulting picture with the non-collisional matter (assumed as dust) and also with the collisional matter in mimetic f(R, T) gravity. The results obtained are in good agreement with the observational data and show that in the presence of the collisional matter the dark energy oscillations in mimetic f(R, T) gravity can be damped. (orig.)

  2. Treatment factors influencing survival in pancreatic carcinoma; Der Einfluss der Therapie auf das Ueberleben von Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom. Eine Analyse von Einzelfaktoren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warszawski, N.; Warszawski, A.; Schneider, B.M.; Roettinger, E.M. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. Radiologie 2 (Strahlentherapie); Link, K.H.; Gansauge, F. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Allgemeinchirurgie; Lutz, M.P. [Ulm Univ. (Germany). Abt. Innere Medizin 1


    . Zusaetzlich erhielten 37 Patienten mehrere Chemotherapiezyklen mit Mitoxantron, 5-Fluorouracil und Cis-Platin, entweder intravenoes (14/38) oder intraarteriell (23/38). Der Einfluss von Behandlungsfaktoren auf das Ueberleben wurde untersucht. Die biologisch effektive Dosis wurde mit Hilfe des linearquadratischen Models ({alpha}/{beta}=25 Gy) berechnet bei einem taeglichen Wirkungsverlust von 0,85 Gy ab Tag 28. Ergebnisse: Behandlungsfaktoren, die das Ueberleben beeinflussten, waren die Resektion (p=0,02), die strahlentherapeutische Behandlungseit (p=0,03) und die biologisch effektive Dosis (p<0,002). Gesamtdosis und Applikationsart der Chemotherapie hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss. Das strahlentherapeutische Behandlungsvolumen wies eine negative Korrelation (r=-0,5 mit p=0,06) mit dem Geamtueberleben auf, ohne dass eine Korrelation zwischen Tumorgroesse, Tumorstadium und Behandlungsvolumen nachweisbar war. In der multivariaten Analyse behielt allein die biologisch effektive Dosis mit p=0,02 ihre Signifikanz. Schlussfolgerungen: Neben der Resektion beeinflusst die biologisch effektive Dosis das Ueberleben der Pankreaskarzinompatienten. Das Bestrahlungsvolumen soll so klein wie moeglich gehalten und eine Unterbrechung der Strahlentherapie soll vermieden werden. (orig.)

  3. 76 FR 65653 - New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Review (United States)


    ... current within their review cycle, there are also multiple standards in different phases of the review... Rock Plants NN 04/16/1982 (47FR16589) 10/17/2000 3 4 (65FR61760) Polymeric Coating of Supporting VVV 09... whether review of a particular NSPS is necessary during the review cycle. A listing of any NSPS for which...

  4. 78 FR 17108 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Washington; Revised Format for... (United States)


    ...), EPA revised the procedures for IBR'ing Federally-approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between... Violations--Notices 9/8/93 2/22/95, 60 FR 9778 132 Criminal Penalty 11/13/94 10/24/95, 60 FR 54439 133 Civil............ Regulatory Actions & Civil 9/21/95 2/26/97, 62 FR 8624......... Penalties. 400-240......... Criminal...

  5. 78 FR 61348 - Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Portsmouth (United States)


    ...On September 16, 2013, in FR Doc. 2013-22453, on page 56871, the Department of Energy (DOE) published a notice of open meeting announcing a meeting on October 2, 2013 of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Portsmouth (78 FR 56871). This notice announces the cancellation of this meeting.

  6. 78 FR 38976 - Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request (United States)


    ...)). Abstract: The Federal Reserve proposes to implement the mandatory Report of Selected Money Market Rates (FR... used in the analysis of current money market conditions. The FR 2420 would collect data for three.... Excluded from Eurodollar transactions are: Demand deposits (as defined on the Schedule E of the Call Report...

  7. 77 FR 26777 - Endangered Species; Marine Mammals; Issuance of Permits (United States)


    ... not operate to the disadvantage of the endangered species, and (3) The granted permit would be..., 2012. 64654A Double Springs 77 FR 6816; March 14, 2012. Partnership Ltd. February 9, 2012. 64656A Double Springs 77 FR 6816; March 14, 2012. Partnership Ltd. February 9, 2012. 64723A Larry Friesenhahn...

  8. 75 FR 47797 - Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records (United States)


    ... Officer, Department of Defense. Deletion: S330.40 CAHS System name: Employee Assistance Program Records (August 27, 1999; 64 FR 46889). Reason: This collection is covered under the existing DHHS/FOH EAP Privacy notice 09-90-0010, entitled ``Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Records, HHS/OS/ASAM/OHR.'' [FR Doc. 2010...

  9. f(R) constant-roll inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Motohashi, Hayato [Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Valencia (Spain); Starobinsky, Alexei A. [L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The previously introduced class of two-parametric phenomenological inflationary models in general relativity in which the slow-roll assumption is replaced by the more general, constant-roll condition is generalized to the case of f(R) gravity. A simple constant-roll condition is defined in the original Jordan frame, and exact expressions for a scalaron potential in the Einstein frame, for a function f(R) (in the parametric form) and for inflationary dynamics are obtained. The region of the model parameters permitted by the latest observational constraints on the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio of primordial metric perturbations generated during inflation is determined. (orig.)

  10. 76 FR 69333 - Derivatives Clearing Organization General Provisions and Core Principles (United States)


    ... Management)); 75 FR 78185 (Dec. 15, 2010) (Core Principles J, K, L, and M (Information Management)); 75 FR... Parts 1, 21, 39 et al. Derivatives Clearing Organization General Provisions and Core Principles; Final... Derivatives Clearing Organization General Provisions and Core Principles AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading...

  11. F(R Gravity’s Rainbow and Its Einstein Counterpart

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. H. Hendi


    Full Text Available Motivated by UV completion of general relativity with a modification of a geometry at high energy scale, it is expected to have an energy dependent geometry. In this paper, we introduce charged black hole solutions with power Maxwell invariant source in the context of gravity’s rainbow. In addition, we investigate two classes of F(R gravity’s rainbow solutions. At first, we study energy dependent F(R gravity without energy-momentum tensor, and then we obtain F(R gravity’s rainbow in the presence of conformally invariant Maxwell source. We study geometrical properties of the mentioned solutions and compare their results. We also give some related comments regarding thermodynamical behavior of the obtained solutions and discuss thermal stability of the solutions.

  12. Cosmology of Horava-Lifshitz f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chakrabarti, Sayan K.; Sen, Anjan A.


    We discuss the cosmology of recently proposed Horava-Lifshitz f(R) gravity. In particular, we derive the modified Hubble equation that reduces to the standard HL gravity case in appropriate limit. We show how the bounce solutions in this theory are modified due to nonlinear effect of f(R) gravity. In addition we find that the solutions exist when the Universe can make turn around for large scale-factor. Therefore, in principle, the Universe in this set-up can show cyclic behavior. (orig.)

  13. Cosmology of Horava-Lifshitz f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chakrabarti, Sayan K. [Univ. Tecnica de Lisboa (Portugal). Inst. Superior Tecnico; Dutta, Koushik [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Sen, Anjan A. [Centre of Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Dehli (India)


    We discuss the cosmology of recently proposed Horava-Lifshitz f(R) gravity. In particular, we derive the modified Hubble equation that reduces to the standard HL gravity case in appropriate limit. We show how the bounce solutions in this theory are modified due to nonlinear effect of f(R) gravity. In addition we find that the solutions exist when the Universe can make turn around for large scale-factor. Therefore, in principle, the Universe in this set-up can show cyclic behavior. (orig.)

  14. 75 FR 81349 - Change to the Reporting Date for Certain Data Elements Required Under the Mandatory Reporting of... (United States)


    ... facilities. Ammonia Manufacturing 325311 Anhydrous and aqueous ammonia manufacturing facilities. Cement Production 327310 Portland Cement manufacturing plants. Electronics Manufacturing 334111 Microcomputers.... Ammonia Manufacturing......... G 74 FR 56260, Revised 11-24- 2010. Cement Production H 74 FR 56260, 75 FR...

  15. Constraining f(R gravity in solar system, cosmology and binary pulsar systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tan Liu


    Full Text Available The f(R gravity can be cast into the form of a scalar–tensor theory, and scalar degree of freedom can be suppressed in high-density regions by the chameleon mechanism. In this article, for the general f(R gravity, using a scalar–tensor representation with the chameleon mechanism, we calculate the parametrized post-Newtonian parameters γ and β, the effective gravitational constant Geff, and the effective cosmological constant Λeff. In addition, for the general f(R gravity, we also calculate the rate of orbital period decay of the binary system due to gravitational radiation. Then we apply these results to specific f(R models (Hu–Sawicki model, Tsujikawa model and Starobinsky model and derive the constraints on the model parameters by combining the observations in solar system, cosmological scales and the binary systems.

  16. Implementation of the ordinances issued under the Technical Guide for Refuse Management and quality assurance of fermentation products. 60. information meeting at Wolfsburg, October 2000; Umsetzung der TASi-Nachfolge-Verordnungen und Guetesicherung von Gaerprodukten. 60. Informationsgespraech in Wolfsburg im Oktober 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fricke, K.; Hangen, H.O.; Leonhardt, H.W. [comps.


    The lectures and discussions held at this event produced new insights concerning the successor ordinances to the Household Waste Technical Code, quality assurance for fermented products and problems surrounding the composting of biodegradable wastes. [German] Vortraege und Diskussionen werden neue Erkenntnisse nicht nur zu den TASi-Nachfolge-Verordnungen, sondern auch zur Guetesicherung von Gaerprodukten und zur Problematik der Kompostierung biologisch abbaubarer Werkstoffe bringen. Wir wuenschen der Tagung einen guten Verlauf. (orig.)

  17. Wider die dualistische Position akademischen Schreibens: Das Schreiben einer Doktorarbeit als leibgebundene Praxis


    Hanrahan, Mary


    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Spannung zwischen der dualistischen Tradition unseres Kulturkreises (WERTHEIM, 1999) einerseits und neueren Ansätzen, die die Konstruktion und Genese von Wissen als leibgebundenes Handeln innerhalb biologischer und ökologischer Systeme nachzuvollziehen versuchen andererseits (z.B. DAMASIO, 1994; LEAR, 1998; LEMKE, 1995; MATURANA & VARELA, 1992). Dabei werden auch Implikationen eines biosozialen Modells für Forschungsmethodologie und für akademisches Schreib...

  18. Challenging the Dualistic Assumptions of Academic Writing: Representing Ph.D. Research As Embodied Practice


    Hanrahan, Mary


    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der Spannung zwischen der dualistischen Tradition unseres Kulturkreises (WERTHEIM, 1999) einerseits und neueren Ansätzen, die die Konstruktion und Genese von Wissen als leibgebundenes Handeln innerhalb biologischer und ökologischer Systeme nachzuvollziehen versuchen andererseits (z.B. DAMASIO, 1994; LEAR, 1998; LEMKE, 1995; MATURANA & VARELA, 1992). Dabei werden auch Implikationen eines biosozialen Modells für Forschungsmethodologie und für akademisches Schreib...

  19. Existence of relativistic stars in f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Upadhye, Amol; Hu, Wayne


    We refute recent claims in the literature that stars with relativistically deep potentials cannot exist in f(R) gravity. Numerical examples of stable stars, including relativistic (GM * /r * ∼0.1), constant density stars, are studied. As a star is made larger, nonlinear 'chameleon' effects screen much of the star's mass, stabilizing gravity at the stellar center. Furthermore, we show that the onset of this chameleon screening is unrelated to strong gravity. At large central pressures P>ρ/3, f(R) gravity, like general relativity, does have a maximum gravitational potential, but at a slightly smaller value: GM * /r * | max =0.345<4/9 for constant density and one choice of parameters. This difference is associated with negative central curvature R under general relativity not being accessed in the f(R) model, but does not apply to any known astrophysical object.

  20. A viable logarithmic f(R) model for inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amin, M.; Khalil, S. [Center for Fundamental Physics, Zewail City of Science and Technology,6 October City, Giza (Egypt); Salah, M. [Center for Fundamental Physics, Zewail City of Science and Technology,6 October City, Giza (Egypt); Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University,Giza (Egypt)


    Inflation in the framework of f(R) modified gravity is revisited. We study the conditions that f(R) should satisfy in order to lead to a viable inflationary model in the original form and in the Einstein frame. Based on these criteria we propose a new logarithmic model as a potential candidate for f(R) theories aiming to describe inflation consistent with observations from Planck satellite (2015). The model predicts scalar spectral index 0.9615

  1. Closed string tachyon driving f(R) cosmology (United States)

    Wang, Peng; Wu, Houwen; Yang, Haitang


    To study quantum effects on the bulk tachyon dynamics, we replace R with f(R) in the low-energy effective action that couples gravity, the dilaton, and the bulk closed string tachyon of bosonic closed string theory and study properties of their classical solutions. The α' corrections of the graviton-dilaton-tachyon system are implemented in the f(R). We obtain the tachyon-induced rolling solutions and show that the string metric does not need to remain fixed in some cases. In the case with H( t=‑∞ ) = , only the R and R2 terms in f(R) play a role in obtaining the rolling solutions with nontrivial metric. The singular behavior of more classical solutions are investigated and found to be modified by quantum effects. In particular, there could exist some classical solutions, in which the tachyon field rolls down from a maximum of the tachyon potential while the dilaton expectation value is always bounded from above during the rolling process.

  2. 77 FR 8002 - Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (United States)


    ... include requirements for public rights-of-way. Timetable: Action Date FR Cite Notice of Intent to Form...) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities: Public Rights- of-Way. ARCHITECTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION... ferries, excursion boats, and other passenger vessels. Timetable: Action Date FR Cite Notice of Intent to...

  3. Fr Luigi Giussani’s Concept of Education - an Outline

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Rynio


    Full Text Available This outline focuses on the multifarious academic, pedagogical and social activities of Fr Luigi Giussani, Professor of Theology, Italian thinker and scholar renowned for his numerous accomplishments. Due to his exceptional attentiveness, inquisitiveness and courage he has been certainly well-known and highly-regarded not only in university and ecclesiastical but also in the cultural and political spheres of life. The author of this study describes Fr Giussani as an exceptional scholar and educator emphasising the pedagogical aspect of his activities. The study explains his understanding of pedagogy and education. Selected achievements from his biography con fi rm Fr Giussani to be an exceptional human being, educator and scholar. As an educator, Fr Giussani holds a sober and realistic view of man and his formation: the true value of man, he claims, lies in being rational and free. Complete trust in God and great love for a human person de fi ne the most fundamental elements of his approach. The outline also includes a short biographical note and describes popular ways of education, formative events, the educators and educatee’s personality constituents, and the relationship between freedom, conscience, tradition and education.

  4. 76 FR 73604 - Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records (United States)


    ... Defense. Deletion: K890.12 Identity Management (IDM) (March 18, 2010, 75 FR 13090). Reason: Due to policy... (SAAM) project (formerly known as Identity Management). [FR Doc. 2011-30698 Filed 11-28-11; 8:45 am... Docket Management System Office, 4800 Mark Center Drive, East Tower, 2nd floor, Suite 02G09, Alexandria...

  5. Distinguishing f(R) theories from general relativity by gravitational lensing effect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Hongguang [Beijing Normal University, Department of Physics, Beijing (China); Aix Marseille Universite et Universite de Toulon, Centre de Physique Theorique (UMR 7332), Marseille (France); Wang, Xin; Li, Haida; Ma, Yongge [Beijing Normal University, Department of Physics, Beijing (China)


    The post-Newtonian formulation of a general class of f(R) theories is set up in a third-order approximation. It turns out that the information of a specific form of f(R) gravity is encoded in the Yukawa potential, which is contained in the perturbative expansion of the metric components. Although the Yukawa potential is canceled in the second-order expression of the effective refraction index of light, detailed analysis shows that the difference of the lensing effect between the f(R) gravity and general relativity does appear at the third order when √(f''(0)/f{sup '}(0)) is larger than the distance d{sub 0} to the gravitational source. However, the difference between these two kinds of theories will disappear in the axially symmetric spacetime region. Therefore only in very rare case the f(R) theories are distinguishable from general relativity by gravitational lensing effect in a third-order post-Newtonian approximation. (orig.)

  6. Forty-Fourth Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: - Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); - Review the progress since the 43rd TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; - Consider topical technical meeting arrangements for 2012-2013, as well as review FR-related activities included in the IAEA Project&Budget (P&B) biennium 2012-2013; - Review the IAEA’s ongoing information exchange and coordinated research projects in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives (GIF, INPRO, NEA, ESNII, etc.)

  7. Promising fast reactor systems in the feasibility study on commercialized FR cycle system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakamoto, Y.; Kotake, S.; Enuma, Y.; Sagayama, Y.; Nishikawa, A.; Ando, M.


    The Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor (FR) Cycle Systems is under way in order to propose prominent FR cycle systems that will respond to the diverse needs of society in the future. The design studies on various FR system concepts have been achieved and then the evaluations of potential to achieve the development targets have been carried out. Crucial issues have been found out for each FR system concept and their development plans for the key technologies are summarized as the roadmap. The characteristics and the differences in performances have been investigated. The crucial issues and the development periods have been clarified. Further investigation is now in progress. The promising concept will be proposed based on result of comparative evaluation at the end of the Phase II study. (authors)

  8. Kowledge-based dynamic network safety calculations. Wissensbasierte dynamische Netzsicherheitsberechnungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kulicke, B [Inst. fuer Hochspannungstechnik und Starkstromanlagen, Berlin (Germany); Schlegel, S [Inst. fuer Hochspannungstechnik und Starkstromanlagen, Berlin (Germany)


    An important part of network operation management is the estimation and maintenance of the security of supply. So far the control personnel has only been supported by static network analyses and safety calculations. The authors describe an expert system, which is coupled to a real time simulation program on a transputer basis, for dynamic network safety calculations. They also introduce the system concept and the most important functions of the expert system. (orig.)

  9. Prozessentwicklung für die kontinuierliche dynamisch kinetische Racematspaltung


    Roosen, Christoph


    A dynamic kinetic resolution is an interesting and reasonable extension for a simple kinetic resolution. Especially for the connection of an enzymatic catalysed kinetic resolution and a chemical catalysed racemisation very good results are known from literature. Common compatibility problems between both reactions and interaction between both catalysts require a long development which is a criterion of exclusion for many industrial processes. Within this thesis a reaction engineering solution...

  10. Biologische beheersing wortelvlieg (Psila rosae) in 2009

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broek, van den R.C.F.M.; Gruppen, R.; Kamstra, J.H.


    Since 2007 Applied Plant Research (PPO) investigates whether the carrot root fly (Psila rosae) can be disorientated by applying strong smelling oils. A mature carrot root fly can find a carrot field by smell. The question is whether the smell of carrots may be masked by strong smelling oils so that

  11. Biologische Wirkungen der Bestrahlung mit schweren Ionen (United States)

    Kiefer, Jürgen


    Experiments with accelerated heavy ions may contribute to the understanding of biological radiation action. After outlining the theoretical background experiments are described which were carried out at the UNILAC-machine (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany) where ions up to uranium can be accelerated to maximal specific energies of 10 MeV/u. Yeast cells served as biological test systems with the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (r-RNA), colony-forming ability and mutation induction as experimental endpoints. A relationship between action and energy deposition by individual particles can be demonstrated for the inhibition of r-RNA synthesis, in other cases the ion energy plays also an important role indicating that the interaction of δ-electrons from different particles contributes significantly to the biological effect.

  12. Research of the cost-benefit analysis for FR cycle research and development. The annual report of the FY 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiotani, Hiroki; Shinoda, Yoshihiko; Hirao, Kazunori


    This report is intended to explain the outline of the research and development (R and D) in the FY 2001 on cost-benefit analysis of FR (Fast Reactor) cycle system concepts. The work was conducted as a part of the JNC's Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems (the F/S)'. In the FY 2001, the work conducted in the JNC was summed up as the followings: Conceptual study on cost-benefit analysis for FR cycle R and D. Refinement on the evaluation procedure and improvement over operation efficiency. Cost-benefit analysis of the reference FR cycle and sensitivity analysis with the revised system. Cost-benefit analyses of R and Ds for various FR cycle candidate concepts including FR cycle concepts studied in the F/S phase 1. The work made it possible to evaluate the cost effectiveness of various FR cycle systems efficiently. The cost-benefit analysis, which is often used for the policy evaluation, is considered to be applicable to FR cycle system concepts in the F/S. (author)

  13. A no-hair theorem for black holes in f(R) gravity (United States)

    Cañate, Pedro


    In this work we present a no-hair theorem which discards the existence of four-dimensional asymptotically flat, static and spherically symmetric or stationary axisymmetric, non-trivial black holes in the frame of f(R) gravity under metric formalism. Here we show that our no-hair theorem also can discard asymptotic de Sitter stationary and axisymmetric non-trivial black holes. The novelty is that this no-hair theorem is built without resorting to known mapping between f(R) gravity and scalar–tensor theory. Thus, an advantage will be that our no-hair theorem applies as well to metric f(R) models that cannot be mapped to scalar–tensor theory.

  14. 78 FR 27153 - Duty Periods for Establishing Eligibility for Health Care (United States)


    .... Quartermaster Corps Female Recognized 46 FR 11857. Clerical Employees serving with effective January the.... civilian female employees Recognized 59 FR 298. of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps effective while serving in the.... civilian female employees of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps while serving in the Defense of Bataan and...

  15. 77 FR 68149 - Karen Paul Holley, M.D.; Decision and Order (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration [Docket No. 12-51] Karen Paul Holley, M.D... revoke the DEA Certificate of Registration (COR), Number BH8988339, of Karen Paul Holley, M.D....D., 74 FR 17528, 174529 (2009); John B. Freitas, D.O., 74 FR 17524, 17525 (2009); Roger A. Rodriguez...

  16. Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: • Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); • Review the progress since the 44 th TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; • Consider topical technical meeting arrangements for 2012-2013, as well as review FR-related activities included in the IAEA Programme & Budget (P&B) biennium 2012-2013; • Review the IAEA’s concluded, on-going and planned coordinated research projects in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives (GIF, INPRO, NEA, ESNII, etc.). The 45th Meeting of the TWG-FR reached the following conclusions/recommendations: • The participants expressed satisfaction and appreciation for the large amount of new information on on-going activities carried out by the Member States in the field of FR and ADS exchanged during the meeting; • Also the organizations which have participated to the TWG-FR meeting for the first time expressed their appreciation for the lively discussion and the results and thanked the IAEA for inviting them at the meeting; • The meeting was very useful in particular for collecting inputs and advice in view of the preparation of the IAEA Programme & Budget 2014-2015 (and then 2016-2017) in the area of FR and ADS technology development; • The TWG-FR remains an unique international forum for information exchange in the field of fast neutron systems and for promoting RT&D activities in this area; • Due to the increasing interest in FR and in view of the forthcoming realizations, it would be advisable to increase the involvement of industries, regulators and other R&D organizations; • The annual TWG-FR meeting should focused on exchange of information on national and international programmes, avoiding duplications or overlapping’s with other IAEA initiatives in the field;

  17. Validation and Verification (V and V) Testing on Midscale Flame Resistant (FR) Test Method (United States)


    materials . The results demonstrated that the Midscale test is a quick and cost-effective method for evaluation of FR performance of design features...standard and novel FR materials and design configurations during fire engulfment. Details of the test method and its development can be found in the...employed in the FRACU is a ripstop fabric blend of 65% FR rayon, 25% para- aramid and 10% nylon. The iCVC material is Nylon/Cotton/Nomex. All three

  18. Combining mechanical-biological residual waste treatment plants with the carbonisation-combustion process; Kombination MBA mit dem Schwel-Brenn-Verfahren

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diekmann, J.; Wiehn, G. [Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Erlangen (Germany). Bereich Energieerzeugung


    The disposal market for household waste is strongly influenced by the legal framework governing it. A further factor that makes it difficult for the authorities responsible for disposal to decide on residual waste disposal by means of thermal or mechanical-biological treatment plants is the downward pressure on disposal prices from inexpensive, underused landfills. This makes it all the more important for a future-oriented waste management to develop a both economically and ecologically optimised waste disposal concept. In this situation there is much in favour of adopting a concept consisting of a combination of mechanical, mechanical-biological, and thermal treatment which takes due account of waste disposal concepts at the regional and supraregional scale. [Deutsch] Der Entsorgungsmarkt fuer Siedlungsabfaelle wird stark durch die Entwicklung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. Hinzu kommt, dass der Entscheidungsprozess der oeffentlichen Entsorgungstraeger zur Restabfallentsorgung mittels thermischer oder mechanisch-biologischer Anlagen durch den Druck auf die Entsorgungspreise aufgrund der kostenguenstigen, nicht ausgelasteten Deponien erschwert wird. Umso mehr muss das Ziel einer zukunftsorientierten Abfallwirtschaft sein, unter oekonomischen und oekologischen Gesichtspunkten ein optimiertes Abfallkonzept aufzubauen. Hier kann es sehr hilfreich sein, sich eines Konzeptes, bestehend aus der Kombination von mechanischer, mechanisch-biologischer und thermischer Behandlung unter Beruecksichtigung des regionalen und ueberregionalen Abfallkonzeptes zu bedienen. (orig./SR)

  19. 78 FR 64204 - Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory Personnel Management Demonstration Project... (United States)


    ... Personnel Management Demonstration Project, Department of Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR); Amendment... ONR Personnel Management Demonstration Project (75 FR 77380-77447, December 10, 2010). SUMMARY: On December 10, 2010 (75 FR 77380-77447), DoD published a notice of approval of a personnel management...

  20. 78 FR 55225 - Determination of Attainment for the Chico Nonattainment Area for the 2006 Fine Particle Standard... (United States)


    ...); and 75 FR 27944 (May 19, 2010) (Coso Junction, California area). Thus EPA has established that, under... Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993); Does not... based on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997); Is not a...

  1. Disentangling the f(R). Duality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broy, Benedict J.; Westphal, Alexander; Pedro, Francisco G.; Univ. Autonoma de Madrid


    Motivated by UV realisations of Starobinsky-like inflation models, we study generic exponential plateau-like potentials to understand whether an exact f(R)-formulation may still be obtained when the asymptotic shift-symmetry of the potential is broken for larger field values. Potentials which break the shift symmetry with rising exponentials at large field values only allow for corresponding f(R)-descriptions with a leading order term R n with 1 2 -term survives as part of a series expansion of the function f(R) and thus cannot maintain a plateau for all field values. We further find a lean and instructive way to obtain a function f(R) describing m 2 φ 2 -inflation which breaks the shift symmetry with a monomial, and corresponds to effectively logarithmic corrections to an R+R 2 model. These examples emphasise that higher order terms in f(R)-theory may not be neglected if they are present at all. Additionally, we relate the function f(R) corresponding to chaotic inflation to a more general Jordan frame set-up. In addition, we consider f(R)-duals of two given UV examples, both from supergravity and string theory. Finally, we outline the CMB phenomenology of these models which show effects of power suppression at low-l.

  2. On the 221 Rn → 221 Fr decay scheme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gromov, K.Ya.; Norseev, Yu.V.; Samatov, Zh.K.; Fominykh, V.I.; Chumin, V.G.; Kudrya, S.A.; Sergienko, V.A.


    The results of investigating the 221 Rnβ - - decay and the 225 Ac α-decay are compared. It is shown that 221 Fr levels at 145.9 and 393.2 keV are excited at the 221 Rn decay. Intensities and reduced probabilities of the β - - decay to the 221 Fr levels are determined. A conclusion is drawn that the parity of the 221 Rn ground state is positive

  3. Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Presentations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: • Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); • Review the progress since the 44 th TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; • Consider topical technical meeting arrangements for 2012-2013, as well as review FR-related activities included in the IAEA Programme & Budget (P&B) biennium 2012-2013; • Review the IAEA’s concluded, on-going and planned coordinated research projects in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives (GIF, INPRO, NEA, ESNII, etc.)

  4. Reconstructing an f(R) model from holographic dark energy: using the observational evidence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saaidi, Kh; Aghamohammadi, A


    We investigate the correspondence relation between f(R) gravity and an interacting holographic dark energy (HDE). By obtaining the conditions needed for some observational evidence such as positive acceleration expansion of the Universe, crossing the phantom divide line and validity of the thermodynamics second law in an interacting HDE model and corresponding it with the f(R) model of gravity, we find a viable f(R) model that can explain the present Universe. We also obtain the explicit evolutionary forms of the corresponding scalar field, potential and scale factor of the Universe. (paper)

  5. 76 FR 36879 - Minnesota: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision (United States)


    ... Treatment Subcategories for Radioactively Contaminated Cadmium-, Mercury-, and Silver- Containing Batteries..., 1998 (63 FR 28556) Land Disposal Restrictions Phase IV; Hazardous Soils Treatment Standards and..., October 22, 1998 (63 FR 56710) Hazardous Remediation Waste Management Requirements (HWIR-Media), Checklist...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiaberge, Marco; Tremblay, Grant; Macchetto, F. Duccio; Sparks, W. B.; Capetti, Alessandro; Tozzi, Paolo


    We present a search for FR I radio galaxies between 1 < z < 2 in the COSMOS field. In absence of spectroscopic redshift measurements, the selection method is based on multiple steps which make use of both radio and optical constraints. The basic assumptions are that (1) the break in radio power between low-power FR Is and the more powerful FR IIs does not change with redshift, and (2) that the photometric properties of the host galaxies of low-power radio galaxies in the distant universe are similar to those of FR IIs in the same redshift bin, as is the case for nearby radio galaxies. We describe the results of our search, which yields 37 low-power radio galaxy candidates that are possibly FR Is. We show that a large fraction of these low-luminosity radio galaxies display a compact radio morphology that does not correspond to the FR I morphological classification. Furthermore, our objects are apparently associated with galaxies that show clear signs of interactions, at odds with the typical behavior observed in low-z FR I hosts. The compact radio morphology might imply that we are observing intrinsically small and possibly young objects that will eventually evolve into the giant FR Is we observe in the local universe. One of the objects appears as pointlike in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. This might belong to a population of FR I-QSOs, which however would represent a tiny minority of the overall population of high-z FR Is. As for the local FR Is, a large fraction of our objects are likely to be associated with groups or clusters, making them 'beacons' for high-redshift clusters of galaxies. Our search for candidate high-z FR Is we present in this paper constitutes a pilot study for objects to be observed with future high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments such as the EVLA and ALMA in the radio band, HST/WFC3 in the optical and IR, James Webb Space Telescope in the IR, as well as future generation X-ray satellites.

  7. Chemistry and biology of natural product derived protease inhibitors


    Stolze, Sara Christina


    Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation sollten Naturstoffe und davon abgeleitete Derivate synthetisiert und im Hinblick auf ihre biologische Aktivität als Protease-Inhibitoren untersucht werden. Für die Naturstoffklasse der 3-Amino-6-Hydroxy-2-piperidon(Ahp)-Cyclodepsipeptide, die als nicht-kovalente Serin-Protease-Inhibitoren bekannt sind, konnte eine Festphasensynthese basierend auf einem allgemeinen Ahp-Vorläufermolekül entwickelt werden. Für den Ahp-Vorläufer wurde eine Lösungssynthese entwicke...

  8. Strategien zur HLA-Typisierung mit PyrosequencingTM


    Entz, Patricia


    Der Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplex ist durch seine biologische Funktion eine für die Diagnostik und Forschung äußerst wichtige Region im humanen Genom. Die Untersuchung von HLA-Genorten stellt ein wichtiges Instrument in der molekulargenetischen Praxis dar. Die Pyrosequencing-Technik ist gut geeignet, um kurze DNA-Abschnitte mit weitgehend bekannter Sequenz schnell und effizient zu untersuchen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Pyrosequencing-basierten Methoden zur HLA-Typisierung....

  9. Purification of antilisterial peptide (SubtilosinA from novel Bacillus tequilensis FR9 and demonstrate their pathogen invasion protection ability using human carcinoma cell line.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rizwana Parveen Rani


    Full Text Available This study focuses on isolation, screening and characterization of novel probiotics from gastrointestinal tract of free-range chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus. Fifty seven colonies were isolated and three isolates (FR4, FR9 and FR12 were selected and identified as Lactobacillus gasseri FR4, Bacillus tequilensis FR9 and L. animalis FR12 by 16S rRNA sequencing. Three strains were able to survive in stimulated acidic and bile conditions and inhibit the growth of pathogens. Especially, FR9 exhibited maximum inhibition against Listeria monocytogenes and none of them exhibited hemolytic activity. Native-PAGE revealed the presence of low molecular weight (3.4-5.0 KDa antimicrobial peptide. The peptide was further purified by Sephadex G-50 column and RP-HPLC using C18 column. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of antimicrobial peptide showed 100% consensus to antilisterial peptide SubtilosinA and SboA gene was amplified from FR9 genome. FR9 showed maximum aggregation activity, EPS production (85.46 mg/L and cholesterol assimilation (63.12 ± 0.05 µg/mL. Strong adhesion property (12.6% and pathogen invasion protection ability was revealed by B. tequilensis FR9 towards HCT-116 human colon carcinoma cell line. This is the first study to demonstrate antilisterial SubtilosinA production of B. tequilensis. Our results indicate that B. tequilensis FR9 strain furnish the essential characteristics of a potential probiotics and might be incorporated into human and animal food supplements.

  10. Japanese FR Deployment Scenario Study after the Fukushima Accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Kiyoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ohtaki, Akira; Mukaida, Kyoko; Abe, Tomoyuki


    Conclusion: • The results revealed a need for the implementation of reprocessing and development of FR from the view point of reducing waste, etc. in the medium to long term. • JAEA’s contribution to international cooperation and standardization focusing on the enhancement of safety and reduction of the radioactive waste burden will be increasingly important in current situation. • JAEA intend to continue to build and propose FR deployment scenarios and identify their characteristics

  11. 77 FR 15966 - Ohio: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision (United States)


    ... Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final..., 1989 (54 FR 27170) to implement the RCRA hazardous waste management program. We granted authorization... Combustors; Final Rule, Checklist 198, February 14, 2002 (67 FR 6968); Hazardous Waste Management System...

  12. 78 FR 17140 - Upholstered Furniture Fire Safety Technology; Meeting and Request for Comments (United States)


    ... retardant (FR) chemicals, specialty fibers/fabrics without FR chemicals, inherently fire resistant materials... Furniture Fire Safety Technology; Meeting and Request for Comments AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety... Commission (CPSC, Commission, or we) is announcing its intent to hold a meeting on upholstered furniture fire...

  13. Unifying inflation with dark energy in modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elizalde, E.; Saez-Gomez, D.; Nojiri, S.; Odintsov, S.D.


    We study FRW cosmology for a non-linear modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity which has a viable convenient counterpart. A unified description of early-time inflation and late-time acceleration is possible in this theory, but the cosmological dynamic details are generically different from the ones of the convenient viable F(R) model. Remarkably, for some specific choice of parameters they do coincide. The emergence of finite-time future singularities is investigated in detail. It is shown that these singularities can be cured by adding an extra, higher-derivative term, which turns out to be qualitatively different when compared with the corresponding one of the convenient F(R) theory. (orig.)

  14. Propagating Degrees of Freedom in f(R Gravity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yun Soo Myung


    Full Text Available We have computed the number of polarization modes of gravitational waves propagating in the Minkowski background in f(R gravity. These are three of two from transverse-traceless tensor modes and one from a massive trace mode, which confirms the results found in the literature. There is no massless breathing mode and the massive trace mode corresponds to the Ricci scalar. A newly defined metric tensor in f(R gravity satisfies the transverse-traceless (TT condition as well as the TT wave equation.

  15. The coincidence problem in holographic f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bisabr, Yousef, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Lavizan, Tehran 16788 (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    It is well known that f(R) gravity models formulated in the Einstein conformal frame are equivalent to Einstein gravity together with a minimally coupled scalar field. In this case, the scalar field couples with the matter sector and the coupling term is given by the conformal factor. We apply the holographic principle to such interacting models. In a spatially flat universe, we show that the Einstein frame representation of f(R) models leads to a constant ratio of energy densities of dark matter to dark energy.

  16. Phage FR38 Treatment on Sprague Dawley Rat Inferred from Blood Parameters and Organ Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The ability of phage FR38 to lysis indigenous Salmonella P38 from feces of diarrheal patient has been studied. However, effects of phage FR38 on organ system were not revealed as yet. This study was conducted to observe the effect of phage FR38 on blood chemistry, kidney functions, and liver functions. Twelve Sprague-Dawley rats were used as a model for this study that were divided into two groups; (i control and (ii treated group with phage FR38. For treated phage group, each rat was administered by 5 ml/kg bw of 1.59•107 pfu/ml of phage intragastric. The blood parameters were analysed on day 16. The results revealed that body and organs weight, erythrocyte, hematocrit, hemoglobin, leukocyte, total protein, creatinine, SGOT, and SGPT of phage treatment rats were not significantly different with the control rats on day 16 (P > 0.05. Therefore, this study showed was no effect of phage FR38 on body weight, blood chemistry, kidney and liver functions of the rat (P > 0.05.

  17. Phage FR38 Treatment on Sprague Dawley Rat Inferred from Blood Parameters and Organ Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The ability of phage FR38 to lysis indigenous Salmonella P38 from feces of diarrheal patient has been studied. However, effects of phage FR38 on organ system were not revealed as yet. This study was conducted to observe the effect of phage FR38 on blood chemistry, kidney functions, and liver functions. Twelve Sprague-Dawley rats were used as a model for this study that were divided into two groups; (i control and (ii treated group with phage FR38. For treated phage group, each rat was administered by 5 ml/kg bw of 1.59-107 pfu/ml of phage intragastric. The blood parameters were analysed on day 16. The results revealed that body and organs weight, erythrocyte, hematocrit, hemoglobin, leukocyte, total protein, creatinine, SGOT, and SGPT of phage treatment rats were not significantly different with the control rats on day 16 (P > 0.05. Therefore, this study showed was no effect of phage FR38 on body weight, blood chemistry, kidney and liver functions of the rat (P > 0.05.

  18. Constraint on reconstructed f(R) gravity models from gravitational waves (United States)

    Lee, Seokcheon


    The gravitational wave (GW) detection of a binary neutron star inspiral made by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo paves the unprecedented way for multi-messenger observations. The propagation speed of this GW can be scrutinized by comparing the arrival times between GW and neutrinos or photons. It provides the constraint on the mass of the graviton. f(R) gravity theories have the habitual non-zero mass gravitons in addition to usual massless ones. Previously, we show that the model independent f(R) gravity theories can be constructed from the both background evolution and the matter growth with one undetermined parameter. We show that this parameter can be constrained from the graviton mass bound obtained from GW detection. Thus, the GW detection provides the invaluable constraint on the validity of f(R) gravity theories.

  19. Herbert Fröhlich a physicist ahead of his time

    CERN Document Server

    Hyland, G J


    This biography provides a stimulating and coherent blend of scientific and personal narratives describing the many achievements of the theoretical physicist Herbert Fröhlich. For more than half a century, Fröhlich was an internationally renowned and much respected figure who exerted a decisive influence, often as a ‘man ahead of his time’, in fields as diverse as meson theory and biology. Although best known for his contributions to the theory of dielectrics and superconductivity, he worked in many other fields, his most important legacy being the pioneering introduction quantum field-theoretical methods into condensed matter physics in 1952, which revolutionised the subsequent development of the subject. Gerard Hyland has written an absorbing and informative account, in which Herbert Fröhlich’s magnetic personality shines through.

  20. 77 FR 15755 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... Reports Report title: Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies. Agency form number: FR... operations. The FR Y-9C consists of standardized financial statements similar to the Federal Financial..., supporting statements and approved collection of information instruments are placed into OMB's public docket...

  1. f(R in Holographic and Agegraphic Dark Energy Models and the Generalized Uncertainty Principle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barun Majumder


    Full Text Available We studied a unified approach with the holographic, new agegraphic, and f(R dark energy model to construct the form of f(R which in general is responsible for the curvature driven explanation of the very early inflation along with presently observed late time acceleration. We considered the generalized uncertainty principle in our approach which incorporated the corrections in the entropy-area relation and thereby modified the energy densities for the cosmological dark energy models considered. We found that holographic and new agegraphic f(R gravity models can behave like phantom or quintessence models in the spatially flat FRW universe. We also found a distinct term in the form of f(R which goes as R 3 / 2 due to the consideration of the GUP modified energy densities. Although the presence of this term in the action can be important in explaining the early inflationary scenario, Capozziello et al. recently showed that f(R ~ R 3 / 2 leads to an accelerated expansion, that is, a negative value for the deceleration parameter q which fits well with SNeIa and WMAP data.

  2. Forty-Sixth Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: • Review the current status and the progress since the 45th TWG-FR meeting of FR and ADS technology development activities in IAEA Member States; • Review the activities (past, present and planned) of the IAEA’s project, “Support for fast reactor research, technology development and deployment” to ensure that they remain relevant to the needs of Member States; • Provide the experts group with updates to advise the IAEA on FR and ADS activities, including on proposals for relevant studies and reviews; • Serve as a means for exchanging information on national and international FR and ADS programmes; • Review the main achievements and outcomes of the “International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycle: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios – FR13”, held on 4 – 7 March 2013 in Paris, France; • Promote the exchange of technical information by proposing topics for, and assisting in the organization of, IAEA Workshops and Technical Meetings for 2014-2015 and further, and • Review the IAEA’s concluded, on-going and planned coordinated research projects (CRPs) in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives (GIF, INPRO, NEA, Euratom, etc.)

  3. Extension of loop quantum gravity to f(R) theories. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiangdong; Ma, Yongge


    The four-dimensional metric f(R) theories of gravity are cast into connection-dynamical formalism with real su(2) connections as configuration variables. Through this formalism, the classical metric f(R) theories are quantized by extending the loop quantization scheme of general relativity. Our results imply that the nonperturbative quantization procedure of loop quantum gravity is valid not only for general relativity but also for a rather general class of four-dimensional metric theories of gravity.

  4. 76 FR 36989 - Medical Devices; Exception From General Requirements for Informed Consent (United States)


    ...: I. Background A. Overview of Final Rule In the Federal Register of June 7, 2006 (71 FR 32827), FDA... contended that the rule will allow the use of experimental tests, which have an unknown rate of inaccurate... be entitled to withdraw previously collected data from the research database * * *'' (71 FR 32827 at...

  5. 76 FR 19524 - Privacy Act of 1974; Deletion of System of Records (United States)


    ...), which was first published FR Vol. 52, No 155 dated August 12, 1987. The system of records known as... means to grant individuals access permissions to the resources of the Austin Data Processing Center. The... replaced by 87VA045, ``Automated Customer Registration System (ACRS)-VA'', which was published in FR Vol...

  6. 78 FR 46499 - Change in Terminology: “Mental Retardation” to “Intellectual Disability” (United States)


    ... Change in Terminology: ``Mental Retardation'' to ``Intellectual Disability'' AGENCY: Social Security... INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl Williams, Office of Medical Listings Improvement, Social Security Administration... terminology.\\3\\ \\2\\ Public Law 111-256. \\3\\ See 77 FR 29002 and 77 FR 6022-01. Public Comments In the NPRM, we...

  7. SN 2012fr

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Contreras, Carlos; Phillips, M. M.; Burns, Christopher R.


    We present detailed ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared light curves of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2012fr, which exploded in the Fornax cluster member NGC 1365. These precise high-cadence light curves provide a dense coverage of the flux evolution from -12 to +140 days with respect to the epo...

  8. String duality transformations in f(R) gravity from Noether symmetry approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capozziello, Salvatore [Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli ' ' Federico II' ' , Compl. Univ. di Monte S. Angelo, Edificio G, Via Cinthia, I-80126, Napoli (Italy); Gionti, Gabriele S.J. [Specola Vaticana, Vatican City, V-00120, Vatican City State (Vatican City State, Holy See); Vernieri, Daniele, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 6 et CNRS, UMR 7095, Institut d' Astrophysique de Paris, GReCO, 98bis Bd Arago, 75014 Paris (France)


    We select f(R) gravity models that undergo scale factor duality transformations. As a starting point, we consider the tree-level effective gravitational action of bosonic String Theory coupled with the dilaton field. This theory inherits the Busher's duality of its parent String Theory. Using conformal transformations of the metric tensor, it is possible to map the tree-level dilaton-graviton string effective action into f(R) gravity, relating the dilaton field to the Ricci scalar curvature. Furthermore, the duality can be framed under the standard of Noether symmetries and exact cosmological solutions are derived. Using suitable changes of variables, the string-based f(R) Lagrangians are shown in cases where the duality transformation becomes a parity inversion.

  9. String duality transformations in f(R) gravity from Noether symmetry approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capozziello, Salvatore; Gionti, Gabriele S.J.; Vernieri, Daniele


    We select f(R) gravity models that undergo scale factor duality transformations. As a starting point, we consider the tree-level effective gravitational action of bosonic String Theory coupled with the dilaton field. This theory inherits the Busher's duality of its parent String Theory. Using conformal transformations of the metric tensor, it is possible to map the tree-level dilaton-graviton string effective action into f(R) gravity, relating the dilaton field to the Ricci scalar curvature. Furthermore, the duality can be framed under the standard of Noether symmetries and exact cosmological solutions are derived. Using suitable changes of variables, the string-based f(R) Lagrangians are shown in cases where the duality transformation becomes a parity inversion

  10. 78 FR 24785 - Public Hearing (United States)


    ... Spring, Logan Branch Watershed), Spring Township, Centre County, Pa. Application for surface water...: April 19, 2013. Paul O. Swartz, Executive Director. [FR Doc. 2013-09887 Filed 4-25-13; 8:45 am] BILLING...

  11. 78 FR 11858 - Applications for New Awards; Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Program (United States)


    ... on December 15, 2010 (75 FR 78486), and corrected on May 12, 2011 (76 FR 27637). Arts includes music... baseline outcome measurement is compared with a post treatment measure, the treatment would then be stopped...

  12. 76 FR 56242 - Energy Northwest; Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (United States)


    ... Northwest's Columbia Generating Station,'' was received via E-Filing on August 22, 2011.\\1\\ \\1\\ On August 22... with the NRC E-Filing rule, which the NRC promulgated in August 2007 (72 FR 49,139). Issued at..., 1972, published in the Federal Register, 37 FR 28,710 (1972), and the Commission's regulations, see, e...

  13. 77 FR 4999 - Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to LG From the Department of Energy Clothes Washer Test... (United States)


    ..., 2011)); (76 FR 79666 (Dec. 22, 2011)) and Samsung (76 FR 13169 (Mar. 10, 2011)); 76 FR 50207 (Aug. 12... consideration of all the material that was submitted by LG, the waivers granted to Whirlpool, GE, Samsung and... clothes washer products for compliance, marketing, or other purposes only to the extent that such products...

  14. 78 FR 47024 - Excepted Service (United States)


    ... Readiness). Department of Education......... Office of the Under Executive Director, DB130022 4/3/2013... Kaplan, Acting Director. [FR Doc. 2013-18607 Filed 8-1-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6325-39-P ...

  15. 77 FR 32970 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... more granular data reported in the FR Y-14Q and the FR Y-14M schedules for their Consolidated Financial... collections of information. Copies of the Paperwork Reduction Act Submission, supporting statements and... nonbank financial companies supervised by the Federal Reserve are subject to enhanced risk-based and...

  16. 77 FR 56842 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated... (United States)


    ... Organizational Structure, Annual Report of Bank Holding Companies, and Annual Report of Foreign Banking... supplement to the FR Y-10) a one-time verification of each SLHC's organizational structure. After considering... the Report of Changes in Organizational Structure. Agency form number: FR Y-10E. OMB control number...

  17. Microorganisms are making large progress. DaimlerChrysler supports biotechnology research at universities; Mikroorganismen geben Gas. DaimlerChrysler unterstuetzt Biotechnologieforschung an Hochschulen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to improve the cooperation between economy and science the DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund sponsors research at American universities. Some projects deal with hydrogen that is generated biologically and supposed to be stored in new tanks. (orig.) [German] Um die Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu verbessern, sponsert der DaimlerChrysler Challenge Fund die Forschung an nordamerikanischen Hochschulen. Einige Projekte befassen sich mit Wasserstoff, der biologisch erzeugt und in neuartigen Tanks gespeichert werden soll. (orig.)

  18. Comparative studies in farther-reaching waste water cleaning in different reactor systems; Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung in unterschiedlichen Reaktorsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dockhorn, T. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Siedlungswasserwirtschaft


    Three semi-technical pilot plants (completely mixed reactor, cascade, SBR) were operated in parallel under equal starting conditions. The influence of the type of reactor on the processes COD elimination, nitrification, denitrification and biological P elimination under operating conditions was studied. (orig.) [German] Es wurden drei halbtechnische Versuchsanlagen (volldurchmischter Reaktor, Kaskade, SBR) unter gleichen Ausgangsbedingungen parallel betrieben. Hierbei wurde der Einfluss des Reaktortyps auf die Prozesse CSB-Elimination, Nitrifikation, Denitrifikation sowie biologische P-Elimination unter Betriebsbedingungen untersucht. (orig.)

  19. Stability of the Einstein static universe in f(R, T) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shabani, Hamid [University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Zahedan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Ziaie, Amir Hadi [Kahnooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Department of Physics, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    The Einstein static (ES) universe has played a major role in various emergent scenarios recently proposed in order to cure the problem of the initial singularity of the standard model of cosmology. In the model we address, we study the existence and stability of an ES universe in the context of f(R, T) modified theories of gravity. Considering specific forms of the f(R, T) function, we seek for the existence of solutions representing ES state. Using dynamical system techniques along with numerical analysis, we find two classes of solutions: the first one is always unstable of the saddle type, while the second is always stable so that its dynamical behavior corresponds to a center equilibrium point. The importance of the second class of solutions is due to the significant role they play in constructing non-singular emergent models in which the universe could have experienced past-eternally a series of infinite oscillations about such an initial static state after which it enters, through a suitable physical mechanism, to an inflationary era. Considering specific forms for the functionality of f(R, T), we show that this theory is capable of providing cosmological solutions which admit emergent universe (EU) scenarios. We also investigate homogeneous scalar perturbations for the mentioned models. The stability regions of the solutions are parametrized by a linear equation of state (EoS) parameter and other free parameters that will be introduced for the models. Our results suggest that modifications in f(R, T) gravity would lead to stable solutions which are unstable in f(R) gravity model. (orig.)

  20. Stability of the Einstein static universe in f(R, T) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shabani, Hamid; Ziaie, Amir Hadi


    The Einstein static (ES) universe has played a major role in various emergent scenarios recently proposed in order to cure the problem of the initial singularity of the standard model of cosmology. In the model we address, we study the existence and stability of an ES universe in the context of f(R, T) modified theories of gravity. Considering specific forms of the f(R, T) function, we seek for the existence of solutions representing ES state. Using dynamical system techniques along with numerical analysis, we find two classes of solutions: the first one is always unstable of the saddle type, while the second is always stable so that its dynamical behavior corresponds to a center equilibrium point. The importance of the second class of solutions is due to the significant role they play in constructing non-singular emergent models in which the universe could have experienced past-eternally a series of infinite oscillations about such an initial static state after which it enters, through a suitable physical mechanism, to an inflationary era. Considering specific forms for the functionality of f(R, T), we show that this theory is capable of providing cosmological solutions which admit emergent universe (EU) scenarios. We also investigate homogeneous scalar perturbations for the mentioned models. The stability regions of the solutions are parametrized by a linear equation of state (EoS) parameter and other free parameters that will be introduced for the models. Our results suggest that modifications in f(R, T) gravity would lead to stable solutions which are unstable in f(R) gravity model. (orig.)

  1. 78 FR 27058 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Louisiana; Approval of Section 110... (United States)


    ... and Fuels (69 FR 38958); and (4) EPA's Locomotive and Marine Compression-Ignition Engines rule (73 FR... Products Group IV (Miscellaneous Metal Products Coatings, Plastic Parts Coatings, Auto and Light-Duty Truck...

  2. 78 FR 40778 - Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... information. ADDRESSES: Mayflower Renaissance Hotel Washington, 1127 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washington DC 20036..., 2013. Diane Janosek, Chief Legal Officer, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. [FR Doc. 2013...

  3. 77 FR 71097 - Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List (United States)


    ... Trading FZE, P.O Box 10559, Ras Al Khaimah, U.A.E.; and Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAKFTZ), U.A.E..., the Emirati entity, Infotec, a.k.a., Info Tech, Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAKFTZ), U.A.E. The... EAR. (See Sec. 77 FR [INSERT FR --I. Tec Trading FZE, 744.11 of the PAGE NUMBER] P.O. Box 10559, Ras...

  4. Generation of spherically symmetric metrics in f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amirabi, Z.; Halilsoy, M.; Mazharimousavi, S.H. [Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Physics, Gazimagusa (Turkey)


    In D-dimensional spherically symmetric f(R) gravity there are three unknown functions to be determined from the fourth order differential equations. It is shown that the system remarkably may be integrated to relate two functions through the third one to provide a reduction to second order equations accompanied with a large class of potential solutions. The third function, which acts as the generator of the process, is F(R) = (df(R))/(dR). We recall that our generating function has been employed as a scalar field with an accompanying self-interacting potential previously, which is entirely different from our approach. Reduction of f(R) theory into a system of equations seems to be efficient enough to generate a solution corresponding to each generating function. As particular examples, besides the known ones, we obtain new black hole solutions in any dimension D. We further extend our analysis to cover non-zero energy-momentum tensors. Global monopole and Maxwell sources are given as examples. (orig.)

  5. Probing the f(R) formalism through gravitational wave polarizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, M.E.S.; Miranda, O.D.; Araujo, J.C.N. de


    The direct observation of gravitational waves (GW) in the near future, and the corresponding determination of the number of independent polarizations, is a powerful tool to test general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. In the present work we use the Newman-Penrose formalism to characterize GWs in quadratic gravity and in a particular class of f(R) Lagrangians. We find that both quadratic gravity and the f(R) theory belong to the most general invariant class of GWs, i.e., they can present up to six independent polarizations of GWs. For a particular combination of the parameters, we find that quadratic gravity can present up to five polarizations states. On the other hand, if we use the Palatini approach for f(R) theories, GWs present only the usual two transverse-traceless polarizations such as in general relativity. Thus, we conclude that the observation of GWs can strongly constrain the suitable formalism for these theories.

  6. 75 FR 58328 - Nebraska: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions (United States)


    ... (67 FR 48393). Specifically, the commenter argued that the Phase IV Land Disposal Restriction (LDR... Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001), because it is not a... inconsistent with applicable law for EPA, when it reviews a State authorization application, to require the use...

  7. 77 FR 34229 - Idaho: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program; Revision (United States)


    ... waste regulated under RCRA. In 2003, EPA proposed the sector as an enforcement priority for fiscal years...) Amendments (73 FR 18970, April 8, 2008); F019 Exemption for Wastewater Treatment Sludges from Auto... Comparable Fuel Exclusion (75 FR 33712, June 15, 2010). The federal regulation for the Export of Shipments of...

  8. 77 FR 68076 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Redesignation of... (United States)


    ... preserve the environmental benefits provided by CAIR, North Carolina v. EPA, 550 F.3d 1176, 1178 (DC Cir... CSR 19. See 71 FR 64468 (November 2, 2006) (approving NSR program into the SIP) and 77 FR 63736...

  9. 75 FR 47540 - Extension of the Award Period for Certain Minority Business Enterprise Centers (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Minority Business Development Agency [Docket No.: 100730316-0318-02... Development Agency, Commerce. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA... Alabama MBEC Mobile Area Chamber of State of Alabama........ 71 FR 42351, as amended by 71 FR 45773 and by...

  10. 75 FR 5545 - Explosives (United States)


    ... the Storage of Ammonium Nitrate. OSHA subsequently made several minor revisions to the standard (37 FR... explosives; storing ammonium nitrate; and storing small arms ammunition, small arms primers, and small arms..., which is extremely widespread, causes lung disease, silicosis and lung cancer. Terminating the...

  11. Jean Frémon/Rue du Regard


    Mokhtari, Sylvie


    La prose de Jean Frémon sur la peinture se déploie ici en 48 courts textes, dont une bonne moitié d’entre eux avait déjà connu une première édition dans des revues. Abordés isolément, les œuvres de Bill Viola, David Hockney, Antoni Tàpies, Gilles Aillaud, Roy Lichtenstein… sont soumises à la traduction littéraire qu’en donne le « regardeur de tableau, jardinier, journalier, vagabond » et écrivain. J. Frémon chemine entre art et littérature à la rencontre d’artistes qui l’interpellent dans l’H...

  12. Search for permanent EDM using laser cooled Fr atoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawamura, Hirokazu, E-mail: [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Aoki, T. [University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Japan); Arikawa, H.; Ezure, S. [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Furukawa, T. [Tokyo Metropolitan University, Department of Physics (Japan); Harada, K. [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Hatakeyama, A. [Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Applied Physics (Japan); Hatanaka, K. [Osaka University, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (Japan); Hayamizu, T. [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Imai, K. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Advanced Science Research Center (Japan); Inoue, T.; Ishikawa, T.; Itoh, M.; Kato, T. [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Murakami, T. [Kyoto University, Department of Physics (Japan); Nataraj, H. S.; Sato, T. [Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (Japan); Shimizu, Y. [Tohoku University, Department of Physics (Japan); Wakasa, T. [Kyushu University, Department of Physics (Japan); Yoshida, H. P. [Osaka University, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (Japan); and others


    The existence of a non-zero electric dipole moment (EDM) implies the violation of time reversal symmetry. As the time-reversal symmetry violation predicted by the Standard Model (SM) for the electron EDM is too small to be observed with current experimental techniques and any a non-zero EDM would indicate new physics beyond the SM. The tiny signal from the electron EDM is enhanced in the heavy atoms such as francium (Fr). We are constructing the laser-cooled Fr factory to search for the electron EDM.

  13. Reduction of environmental impact by FR cycle deployment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Atsushi; Nakai, Ryodai


    In this report radioactive waste generations in terms of disposal volume or disposal field equivalent, and the radioactive toxicity of HLW are evaluated to clarify the promising nuclear scenario for the sake of realization of sustainable society in 21st century. This analysis was conducted based on the outcomes of the mass flow evaluation tool 'FAMILY-21' which calculates a material balance for TRU in the following scenarios. 1) LWR once-through scenario, 2) Pu partly recycling in LWR scenario, 3) Pu full recycling in LWR scenario, 4) FBR deployment scenario, 5) Interim storage scenario. The result shows that the cumulative area of low level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal field at 2150 in the FR cycle deployment scenario is 1.8 times larger than that in the LWR once-through scenario. The area of LLW disposal field at 2150 is a few km 2 in all the scenarios. In contrast, the cumulative area of high level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal field at 2150 in the FR cycle deployment scenario is less than half of that in the LWR once-through scenario. The area of HLW disposal field at 2150 is about 10 times of the area of LLW disposal field. Moreover, the FR deployment reduces the radioactive toxicity of HLW by U/TRU recycling, and shortens the period to decay under the natural Uranium toxicity level. Considering the area of radioactive waste disposal field and the radioactive toxicity of HLW, the advantage of the FR cycle deployment is indicated quantitatively from the viewpoint of the environmental burden reduction. (author)

  14. 76 FR 63549 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Miscellaneous Metal and... (United States)


    .... manufacturing operations. 8-2-11 Fabric and vinyl coating. 10/23/1988 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082. 8-2-12 Wood... transports and 11/5/1999 5/31/2002, 67 FR 38006. vapor collection systems; records. Rule 5. Miscellaneous...

  15. 78 FR 9915 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Basel II... (United States)


    ...: Standardized Approach for Risk- Weighted Assets; Market Discipline and Disclosure Requirements (77 FR 52888...; Market Discipline and Disclosure Requirements (77 FR 52888); Regulatory Capital Rules: Advanced... certain approaches for determining risk-weighted assets, and (4) make certain public disclosures regarding...

  16. 75 FR 82277 - Health Insurance Issuers Implementing Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements Under the Patient... (United States)


    ...-AA06 Health Insurance Issuers Implementing Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements Under the Patient... Register (FR Doc 2010-29596 (75 FR 74864)) entitled ``Health Insurance Issuers Implementing Medical Loss... request for comments entitled ``Health Insurance Issuers Implementing Medical Loss Ratio (MLR...

  17. 75 FR 43409 - Rhode Island: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions (United States)


    ...--Statistical Methods for Evaluating Ground-Water Monitoring Data from Hazardous Waste Facilities, 53 FR 39720... Refining Primary and Secondary Oil/Water/Solids Separation Sludge Listings, 56 FR 21955, May 13, 1991: Rule... handle hazardous sludges as hazardous wastes when they leave the zero discharge unit. Whether this...

  18. Early radiological diagnostics for scapholunate dissociation (SLD); Radiologische Fruehdiagnostik der skapholunaeren Dissoziation (SLD)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmitt, R.; Froehner, S.; Fodor, S.; Christopoulos, G. [Herz- und Gefaessklinik GmbH, Institut fuer Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Bad Neustadt an der Saale (Germany); Kalb, K.H. [Herz- und Gefaessklinik GmbH, Bad Neustadt an der Saale (Germany). Klinik fuer Handchirurgie


    The partial tear of the scapholunate ligament (pre-dynamic stage of SLD) as well as the complete tear (dynamic stage) does not lead to carpal malalignment. However, if the completely ruptured ligament is accompanied by lesions of the extrinsic ligaments, both the scaphoid and the lunate are malaligned already at rest (static stage of SLD). Later, osteoarthritis will develop, beginning in the radioscaphoid compartment, progressing to the midcarpal joint, and ending in a carpal collapse (osteoarthrotic stage of SLD). Dynamic SLD is detectable only in stress views and in cinematography. The high utility of MRI for directly visualizing the injured ligament is emphasized: reparation tissue is focally enhanced at the rupture site by intravenously applied contrast agent; the individual segments of the scapholunate ligament can be visualized in direct MR arthrography, therefore allowing differentiation of partial and complete ligamentous tears. (orig.) [German] Die Teilruptur des Lig. scapholunatum (praedynamisches Stadium) und die isolierte Komplettruptur (dynamisches Stadium) fuehren zu keiner karpalen Gefuegestoerung in Ruhe. Erst wenn die Komplettruptur von Laesionen der extrinsischen Bandstabilisatoren begleitet wird, stehen das Skaphoid und Lunatum bereits in Ruhe in Fehlstellung (statisches Stadium). Spaeter kommt es zur Handgelenkarthrose, zuerst radioskaphoidal, dann mediokarpal mit Ausbildung eines karpalen Kollapses (arthrotisches Stadium). Die dynamische Instabilitaet ist nur mit Stressaufnahmen und kinematographisch nachweisbar. Die MRT vermag das rupturierte Lig. scapholunatum direkt darzustellen: Intravenoes verabreichtes Kontrastmittel reichert sich fokal am Reparationsgewebe der Rupturstelle an; mit der direkten MR-Arthrogaphie koennen die Bandsegmente besser abgegrenzt und Partial- von Komplettrupturen unterschieden werden. (orig.)

  19. FR4-based electromagnetic energy harvester for wireless sensor nodes (United States)

    Hatipoglu, G.; Ürey, H.


    Electromagnetic (EM) energy harvesting seems to be one of the most promising ways to power wireless sensors in a wireless sensor network. In this paper, FR4, the most commonly used PCB material, is utilized as a mechanical vibrating structure for EM energy harvesting for body-worn sensors and intelligent tire sensors, which involve impact loadings. FR4 can be a better material for such applications compared to silicon MEMS devices due to lower stiffness and broadband response. In order to demonstrate FR4 performance and broadband response, three moving magnet type EM generator designs are developed and investigated throughout the paper. A velocity-damped harvester simulation model is first developed, including a detailed magnetic model and the magnetic damping effects. The numerical results agree well with the experimental results. Human running acceleration at the hip area that is obtained experimentally is simulated in order to demonstrate system performance, which results in a scavenged power of about 40 µW with 15 m s-2 acceleration input. The designed FR4 energy scavengers with mechanical stoppers implemented are particularly well suited for nearly periodic and non-sinusoidal high- g excitations with rich harmonic content. For the intelligent tire applications, a special compact FR4 scavenger is designed that is able to withstand large shocks and vibrations due to mechanical shock stoppers built into the structure. Using our design, 0.4 mW power across a load resistance at off-resonance operation is obtained in shaker experiments. In the actual operation, the tangential accelerations as a result of the tire-road contact are estimated to supply power around 1 mW with our design, which is sufficient for powering wireless tire sensors. The normalized power density (NPD) of the designed actuators compares favorably with most actuators reported in the literature.

  20. FR4-based electromagnetic energy harvester for wireless sensor nodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatipoglu, G; Ürey, H


    Electromagnetic (EM) energy harvesting seems to be one of the most promising ways to power wireless sensors in a wireless sensor network. In this paper, FR4, the most commonly used PCB material, is utilized as a mechanical vibrating structure for EM energy harvesting for body-worn sensors and intelligent tire sensors, which involve impact loadings. FR4 can be a better material for such applications compared to silicon MEMS devices due to lower stiffness and broadband response. In order to demonstrate FR4 performance and broadband response, three moving magnet type EM generator designs are developed and investigated throughout the paper. A velocity-damped harvester simulation model is first developed, including a detailed magnetic model and the magnetic damping effects. The numerical results agree well with the experimental results. Human running acceleration at the hip area that is obtained experimentally is simulated in order to demonstrate system performance, which results in a scavenged power of about 40 µW with 15 m s −2 acceleration input. The designed FR4 energy scavengers with mechanical stoppers implemented are particularly well suited for nearly periodic and non-sinusoidal high- g excitations with rich harmonic content. For the intelligent tire applications, a special compact FR4 scavenger is designed that is able to withstand large shocks and vibrations due to mechanical shock stoppers built into the structure. Using our design, 0.4 mW power across a load resistance at off-resonance operation is obtained in shaker experiments. In the actual operation, the tangential accelerations as a result of the tire–road contact are estimated to supply power around 1 mW with our design, which is sufficient for powering wireless tire sensors. The normalized power density (NPD) of the designed actuators compares favorably with most actuators reported in the literature

  1. Chronische Polyarthritis (Früharthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Machold K


    Full Text Available Die Akkumulation von Knorpel- und Knochenschäden, wie sie für chronisch-destruktive Arthritisformen typisch ist, kann durch frühzeitige Intervention mit wirksamen Medikamenten verzögert oder verhindert werden. Voraussetzung ist die rechtzeitige Übernahme der Betreuung gefährdeter Patienten durch einen in der speziellen rheumatologischen Diagnostik und Therapie bewanderten Arzt. Dieser muß das gesamte Repertoire der Arthritistherapie (Medikamente, ergotherapeutische und physiotherapeutische Maßnahmen, Patientenaufklärung etc. entsprechend dem „State of the Art“ beherrschen. In den letzten Jahren erfolgte in vielen Ländern die Etablierung von Spezialeinrichtungen für Patienten mit früher Arthritis. Die an diesen Patienten gewonnenen Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, daß die „kritische Periode“, innerhalb derer eine chronische Arthritis möglicherweise reversibel ist, bei 6 bis 12 Wochen liegt.

  2. Exact solutions for scalar field cosmology in f(R) gravity (United States)

    Maharaj, S. D.; Goswami, R.; Chervon, S. V.; Nikolaev, A. V.


    We study scalar field FLRW cosmology in the content of f(R) gravity. Our consideration is restricted to the spatially flat Friedmann universe. We derived the general evolution equations of the model, and showed that the scalar field equation is automatically satisfied for any form of the f(R) function. We also derived representations for kinetic and potential energies, as well as for the acceleration in terms of the Hubble parameter and the form of the f(R) function. Next we found the exact cosmological solutions in modified gravity without specifying the f(R) function. With negligible acceleration of the scalar curvature, we found that the de Sitter inflationary solution is always attained. Also we obtained new solutions with special restrictions on the integration constants. These solutions contain oscillating, accelerating, decelerating and even contracting universes. For further investigation, we selected special cases which can be applied with early or late inflation. We also found exact solutions for the general case for the model with negligible acceleration of the scalar curvature in terms of special Airy functions. Using initial conditions which represent the universe at the present epoch, we determined the constants of integration. This allows for the comparison of the scale factor in the new solutions with that for current stage of the universe evolution in the ΛCDM model.

  3. First observation of high spin states and isomeric decay in 210Fr

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanjilal, D.; Saha, S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Goswami, A.; Kshetri, R.; Raut, R.; Muralithar, S.; Singh, R. P.; Mukherjee, G.; Mukherjee, B.


    The first observation of the prompt and the delayed γ transitions involving the high spin states in 210 Fr is reported. The decay of the high spin states and the isomeric levels of 210 Fr, identified for the first time from the known sequence of low-lying transitions found earlier in the α decay of 214 Ac, were studied. High spin states of the doubly-odd 210 Fr, which were produced by the fusion evaporation reaction 197 Au ( 16 O, xn) 213-x Fr, were populated and the subsequent emitted γ rays were detected through the high-sensitivity germanium clover detector array INGA. The level scheme up to yrast levels of 5.3 MeV excitation energy and ∼20(ℎ/2π) angular momentum could be established for the first time through γγ, γγΔT coincidence, and DCO ratio measurements. A new low-lying isomeric transition at E γ = 203(2) keV was observed. The half-life was measured to be T 1/2 = 41(2) ns. The measured half-life was compared with the corresponding single-particle estimate, based on the level scheme obtained from the experiment.

  4. Stellar equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in the f(R, T) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, G.A.; Moraes, P.H.R.S.; Marinho, R.M.; Malheiro, M. [Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Departamento de Fisica, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Lobato, R.V. [Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Departamento de Fisica, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Sapienza Universita di Roma, Dipartimento di Fisica, Rome (Italy); ICRANet, Pescara (Italy); Arbanil, Jose D.V. [Universidad Privada del Norte, Departamento de Ciencias, Lima (Peru); Otoniel, E. [Universidade Federal do Cariri, Instituto de Formacao de Professores, Brejo Santo, CE (Brazil)


    In this work we investigate the equilibrium configurations of white dwarfs in a modified gravity theory, namely, f(R, T) gravity, for which R and T stand for the Ricci scalar and trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. Considering the functional form f(R, T) = R+2λT, with λ being a constant, we obtain the hydrostatic equilibrium equation for the theory. Some physical properties of white dwarfs, such as: mass, radius, pressure and energy density, as well as their dependence on the parameter λ are derived. More massive and larger white dwarfs are found for negative values of λ when it decreases. The equilibrium configurations predict a maximum mass limit for white dwarfs slightly above the Chandrasekhar limit, with larger radii and lower central densities when compared to standard gravity outcomes. The most important effect of f(R, T) theory for massive white dwarfs is the increase of the radius in comparison with GR and also f(R) results. By comparing our results with some observational data of massive white dwarfs we also find a lower limit for λ, namely, λ > -3 x 10{sup -4}. (orig.)

  5. Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR) (39th annual meeting). Working material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 39th Annual Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG FR) was held from 15-19 May 2006 in Beijing, China, at the invitation of the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAEA). The meeting was attended by TWG-FR Members and Advisers from the following Member States (MS): Belgium (observer), Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Sweden (observer), the United Kingdom, and the United States. Belarus, Switzerland, the European Commission, and OECD/NEA were unable to participate. Moreover, Prof. Carlo Rubbia, CERN director general emeritus, participated, upon IAEA invitation, in the meeting as distinguished scientist and IAEA expert. Mr. S.C. Chetal, from India (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, IGCAR), was appointed chairman. The objectives of the meeting were to: - Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); - Review the progress since the 38th TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; - Consider meeting arrangements for 2006 and 2007; - Reviewed the Agency's ongoing information exchange and co-ordinated research activities in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as co-ordination of the TWG-FR's activities with other organizations; - Discuss future joint activities in view of the Agency's Programme and Budget Cycle 2008-2009 (and beyond)

  6. 100-FR-3 groundwater/soil gas supplemental limited field investigation report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1993, a Limited Field Investigation (LFI) was conducted for the 100-FR-3 Operable Unit which identified trichloroethylene (TCE) as a contaminant of potential concern (COPC) (DOE-RL 1994). In groundwater samples collected for the LFI, TCE was detected in well 199-177-1 at a concentration exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maximum contaminant level (5 μg/L) and Washington State groundwater criteria (3 μg/L). With the concurrence of the EPA and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), a supplemental LFI was conducted to determine the extent and potential source of TCE groundwater contamination associated with the 100-FR-3 Operable Unit. This report summarizes the activities and results of the groundwater/soil gas supplemental LFI for the 100-FR-3 Operable Unit. The primary objective of this investigation was to assess the lateral distribution of TCE in shallow (3 to 5 ft below the water table) groundwater associated with the 100-FR-3 Operable Unit. The second objective was to assess soil gas (3 to 5 concentrations in the study area in an attempt to identify potential sources of TCE and develop a correlation between soil gas and groundwater concentrations). Finally, the third objective of the investigation was to refine the site conceptual model

  7. Drip Irrigation Aided Phytoremediation for Removal of TCE FR-om Groundwater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilde, E.W.


    Groundwater in D-Area at the Savannah River Site (SRS) is contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE) and by-products resulting FR-om discharges of this organic solvent during past disposal practices. This contaminated groundwater occurs primarily at depths of 9 meters to 15 meters below ground surface, well below the depths that are typically penetrated by plant roots. The process investigated in this study involved pumping water FR-om the contaminated aquifer and discharging the water into overlying test plots two inches below the surface using drip irrigation. The field treatability study was conducted FR-om 8/31/00 to 4/18/02 using six 0.08 hectare test plots, two each containing pines, cottonwoods, and no vegetation (controls). The primary objective was to determine the overall effectiveness of the process for TCE removal and to determine the principal biotic and abiotic pathways for its removal. Results demonstrated that the process provides a viable method to remove TCE-contaminated groundwater. The data clearly showed that the presence of trees reduced volatilization of TCE FR-om the drip irrigation system to the atmosphere. Influent groundwater TCE concentrations averaging 89 mg/L were reduced to non-detectable levels (less than 5 mg/L) within the upper two feet of soil (rhizosphere)

  8. 75 FR 7150 - Sunshine Act Meetings (United States)


    ....3, 515.21, and 520.3--Request for Extension of Time. Contact Person for More Information: Rachel Dickon, Assistant Secretary, (202) 523-5725. Rachel Dickon, Assistant Secretary. [FR Doc. 2010-3063 Filed...

  9. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung


    Burkhardt, Johannes


    Geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung. - In: Macht und Recht / Ulrich Lappenküper ... (Hrsg.). - Paderborn u.a. : Schöningh, 2010. - S. 33-51. - (Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung: Wissenschaftliche Reihe ; 13)

  10. 77 FR 23793 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Extension of a Currently-Approved Information... (United States)


    ... Statistics on September 30, 1998 (63 FR 52192). Pursuant to this authority, the BTS, now part of the Research... transferred the responsibility for the F&OS program from BTS, to FMCSA (69 FR 51009). On August 10, 2006 (71... financial and statistical reporting regulations of BTS that were formerly located at chapter XI of title 49...

  11. 77 FR 65314 - Missouri: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions (United States)


    ... application, subject to the limitations of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA). New... RCRA Cluster XI NESHAPS: Final Standards for 65 FR 42292, 07/10/ 10 CSR 25- Hazardous Air Pollutants 00... 66 FR 35087, 7/ *10 CSR 25- Checklist 188. 03/01. 7.7270(2)(D)6 is excluded from the authorization...

  12. Physical attributes of anisotropic compact stars in f(R, G) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shamir, M.F.; Zia, Saeeda [National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Department of Sciences and Humanities, Lahore (Pakistan)


    Modified gravity is one of the potential candidates to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe. Current study highlights the materialization of anisotropic compact stars in the context of f(R, G) theory of gravity. In particular, to gain insight in the physical behavior of three stars namely, Her X1, SAX J 1808-3658 and 4U 1820-30, energy density, and radial and tangential pressures are calculated. The f(R, G) gravity model is split into a Starobinsky like f(R) model and a power law f(G) model. The main feature of the work is a 3-dimensional graphical analysis in which, anisotropic measurements, energy conditions and stability attributes of these stars are discussed. It is shown that all three stars behave as usual for positive values of the f(G) model parameter n. (orig.)

  13. 78 FR 62988 - Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Certain Consumer Products and... (United States)

    2013-10-23 ) (last accessed September 2010); 76 FR 37408, 37514, 37541-42 (June 27, 2011... rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. DOE has made its procedures and policies available on the Office of the... requires agencies to examine the constitutional and statutory authority supporting any action that would...

  14. 76 FR 27898 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Prevention of... (United States)


    ... material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be publicly available only...] applicable to a previously unregulated pollutant.'' Id. at 67 FR 80240 and 67 FR 80264. Among other things... the assessment process; (3) that demonstrate a clear, imminent and substantial danger to the public...

  15. Dependence of the half-life of 221Fr on the implantation environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olaizola, B.; Fraile, L.M.; Riisager, Karsten


    The possible dependence of the half-life of 221Fr on the solid-state environment has been investigated by the simultaneous measurement of implanted 221Fr ions in an insulator (Si) and a metallic substrate (Au) at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. Our results indicate that, if existing, the difference ...

  16. [Fortieth Annual] Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: - Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); - Review the progress since the 39th TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; - Consider meeting arrangements for 2007, 2008 and 2009; - Review the Agency’s ongoing information exchange and co-ordinated research activities in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations; - Discuss future joint activities in view of the Agency’s Programme and Budget Cycle 2008–2009 (and beyond)

  17. 75 FR 22689 - Fiscal Service (United States)


    ... the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, Financial Accounting and Services..., 2010. Sandra Paylor-Sanders, Acting Director, Financial Accounting and Services Division. [FR Doc. 2010... Bonding Company AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury. ACTION...

  18. 76 FR 57845 - Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; California; San Joaquin Valley; Attainment Plan for... (United States)


    ... Stationary Gas Turbines....... 4703 3rd Q--2007 September 2007 74 FR 53888 (October 21, 2009). S-IND-24 Soil Decontamination......... 4651 3rd Q--2007 September 2007 74 FR 52894 (October 15, 2009). S-IND-6 Polystyrene Foam...

  19. 77 FR 34218 - Clothing Allowance; Correction (United States)


    ..., Radioactive materials, Veterans, Vietnam. Approved: June 6, 2012. Robert C. McFetridge, Direc tor, Regulation... distinct type''. [FR Doc. 2012-14108 Filed 6-8-12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8320-01-P ...

  20. 76 FR 17459 - Sunshine Act Meeting (United States)


    ... available in alternate formats to accommodate visual and hearing impairments. Individuals who have a disability and need an accommodation to attend the meeting may notify Katherine Ward, at (202) 295-1500 or FR...

  1. 75 FR 30915 - Computer Matching Program Between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of... (United States)


    ... FR 29275 (June 19, 2009), and last amended at 75 FR (April 27, 2010). e. Inclusive dates of the...:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays). Please call (202) 461-4902 for an appointment...

  2. 75 FR 4408 - Notice of Public Meeting (United States)


    ..., pharmaceutical companies, health care delivery organizations, agricultural producers, consumer groups, and other...: January 20, 2010. Tanja Popovic, Chief Science Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [FR...

  3. 76 FR 40648 - Safety Enhancements Part 139, Certification of Airports; Reopening of Comment Period (United States)


    ... that was published on February 1, 2011. In that document, the FAA proposed several safety enhancements...-0247; Notice No. 11-01] RIN 2120-AJ70 Safety Enhancements Part 139, Certification of Airports... comment period for the NPRM published on February 1, 2011 (76 FR 5510) and reopened (76 FR 20570) April 13...

  4. 76 FR 67229 - Governors' Designees Receiving Advance Notification of Transportation of Certain Shipments of... (United States)


    ... of Transportation of Certain Shipments of Nuclear Waste and Spent Fuel On January 6, 1982 (47 FR 596 and 47 FR 600), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published in the Federal Register final... Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 451-2172, 24 hours: (907) 457- 1421, Cell: (907) 347-7779, (907) 451...

  5. 77 FR 38859 - Governors' Designees Receiving Advance Notification of Transportation of Certain Shipments of... (United States)


    ... of Transportation of Certain Shipments of Nuclear Waste and Spent Fuel On January 6, 1982 (47 FR 596 and 47 FR 600), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published in the Federal Register final... Conservation, State of Alaska, 555 Cordova Street, Anchorage, AK 99501, (907) 269- 1099, 24 hours: (907) 457...

  6. 76 FR 22817 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; South Carolina; Update to... (United States)


    ... Manufacturing'' 3. ``Section III--Kraft Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Plants'' 4. ``Section IV--Portland Cement Manufacturing'' 5. ``Section VI--Hot Mix Asphalt Manufacturing'' 6. ``Section VII--Metal Refining;'' [[Page... 54 FR 40659 Manufacturing Plants. Section IV Portland Cement 2/28/1986 2/17/1987 52 FR 4772...

  7. 76 FR 12054 - Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results... (United States)


    ... Paper Products From the People's Republic of China, 71 FR 53079, 53082 (September 8, 2006); Final...: Petroleum Wax Candles from the People's Republic of China, 72 FR 52355, 52356 (September 13, 2007). In... Value and Negative Final Determination of Critical Circumstances: Certain Frozen and Canned Warmwater...

  8. 75 FR 19613 - First Administrative Review of Sodium Hexametaphosphate from the People's Republic of China... (United States)


    ... Critical Circumstances, In Part: Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's Republic of China, 71 FR... Administrative Review: Petroleum Wax Candles from the People's Republic of China, 72 FR 52355, 52356 (September... Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Negative Preliminary Determination of Critical...

  9. Ein dynamisches Multi-Akteurs-Modell zur integrierten Bewertung des Klimawandels


    Weber, M.


    The interactions between climate and the socio-economic system are investigated with a Multi-Actor Dynamic Integrated Assessment Model (MADIAM) obtained by coupling a nonlinear impulse response model of the climate sub-system (NICCS) to a multi-actor dynamic economic model (MADEM). The main goal is to initiate a model development that is able to treat the dynamics of the coupled climate socio-economic system, including endogenous technological change, in a non-equilibrium situation, thereby o...

  10. Keys to evaluating and comparing FR fabric

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enright, M. [Westex Inc., Chicago, IL (United States)


    Exposure to electric arc flashes can result in the ignition of clothing, and can kill people at distances of 10 feet. This article discussed recent standards and regulations passed to ensure that employees working on or near energized electrical equipment use protective clothing made of flame resistant (FR) fabrics. The codes will require companies to comply with CSA Standard Z462 and determine which protective garments and FR fabrics are available. Employers will also be required to perform flash hazard analyses in order to determine the potential energy of hazards. Flash hazard analyses are typically performed by calculating the potential incident energy of equipment. Protective clothing is required to meet corresponding hazard risk categories. The ASTM F1506 Standard was developed to provide minimum specifications for protective clothing. The standard requires that the fabric used in protective garments must be resistant to arc flashes of varying energy levels. Many companies are simplifying compliance to the standards by implementing uniform programs that meet the highest requirements of the Standards. Arc flash suits are then made available for tasks involving higher energy level equipment. It was concluded that it is important to identify potential hazards and obtain industry consensus standards before investing in FR protective clothing. 2 figs.

  11. 78 FR 44247 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... published previously a final rule establishing energy conservation standards for ice-cream freezers, self... and to add a test for measuring ice maker energy use. Timetable: Action Date FR Cite NPRM 07/00/13...

  12. Copy number and haplotype variation at the VRN-A1 and central FR-A2 loci are associated with frost tolerance in hexaploid wheat. (United States)

    Zhu, Jie; Pearce, Stephen; Burke, Adrienne; See, Deven Robert; Skinner, Daniel Z; Dubcovsky, Jorge; Garland-Campbell, Kimberly


    The interaction between VRN - A1 and FR - A2 largely affect the frost tolerance of hexaploid wheat. Frost tolerance is critical for wheat survival during cold winters. Natural variation for this trait is mainly associated with allelic differences at the VERNALIZATION 1 (VRN1) and FROST RESISTANCE 2 (FR2) loci. VRN1 regulates the transition between vegetative and reproductive stages and FR2, a locus including several tandemly duplicated C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR (CBF) transcription factors, regulates the expression of Cold-regulated genes. We identified sequence and copy number variation at these two loci among winter and spring wheat varieties and characterized their association with frost tolerance. We identified two FR-A2 haplotypes-'FR-A2-S' and 'FR-A2-T'-distinguished by two insertion/deletions and ten single nucleotide polymorphisms within the CBF-A12 and CBF-A15 genes. Increased copy number of CBF-A14 was frequently associated with the FR-A2-T haplotype and with higher CBF14 transcript levels in response to cold. Factorial ANOVAs revealed significant interactions between VRN1 and FR-A2 for frost tolerance in both winter and spring panels suggesting a crosstalk between vernalization and cold acclimation pathways. The model including these two loci and their interaction explained 32.0 and 20.7 % of the variation in frost tolerance in the winter and spring panels, respectively. The interaction was validated in a winter wheat F 4:5 population segregating for both genes. Increased VRN-A1 copy number was associated with improved frost tolerance among varieties carrying the FR-A2-T allele but not among those carrying the FR-A2-S allele. These results suggest that selection of varieties carrying the FR-A2-T allele and three copies of the recessive vrn-A1 allele would be a good strategy to improve frost tolerance in wheat.

  13. 77 FR 32178 - Fiscal Service (United States)


    ... of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, Financial Accounting and Services Division, Surety... Carrico, Director, Financial Accounting and Services Division. [FR Doc. 2012-13044 Filed 5-30-12; 8:45 am...: Alterra Reinsurance USA, Inc. AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department of the...

  14. 75 FR 72815 - Procurement List Proposed Additions (United States)


    ... Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando... Orlando, Orlando, FL. Patricia Briscoe, Deputy Director, Business Operations. [FR Doc. 2010-29753 Filed 11...

  15. Opfok van biologische leghennen in verschillende Europese landen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bestman, M.W.P.


    At EU-level there are no specific regulations for organic rearing hens. Therefore the different countries use different interpretations of the rules that do exist. However, not only the rules vary per country, but also the way the rearing is being organised in the different countries. From a study

  16. Lage krachtvoergiften en diergezondheid in de biologische melkveehouderij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zom, R.L.G.; Smolders, E.A.A.


    Organic dairy farmers have multiple reasons to choose a farm strategy with low concentrate input per unit of milk produced. First and foremost, concentrates and concentrate replacers of organic origin are expensive. Therefore, depending on the milk prices, concentrate feeding is often uneconomical.

  17. Biologisch en gemak : een combinatie voor de toekomst?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijk, van E.E.C.; Tacken, G.M.L.


    The aim of this consumer survey was to explore how convenience can be combined with the product fresh organic meat. In the survey, 24 light users of fresh organic meat were asked for their opinion on what organic stands for, in particular in relation to fresh organic meat. It also investigated what

  18. Emissies uit de biologische veehouderij : processen en factoren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mosquera Losada, J.; Hol, J.M.G.; Groenestein, C.M.


    Organic farming places greater demands on animal welfare, for example by requiring the use of straw and more space available to the animals in the animal house as well as outdoors. There is still little known on the environmental impacts of the organic livestock production. The aim of this research

  19. Fysische, chemische en biologische bestrijding van pectinolytische Erwinia's

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, van der J.M.; Doorn, van J.


    Rotveroorzakende bacteriën, met name pectinolytische Erwinia spp., zijn verantwoordelijk voor veel schade in de diverse gewassen, vooral in de teelt van aardappelen en de bloembolgewassen hyacint, zantedeschia en iris. In deze literatuurstudie worden de beschikbare gegevens nog eens nader bekeken

  20. Waardering van de duurzaamheidsprestaties van de biologische landbouw

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meeusen, M.J.G.; Reinhard, A.J.; Bos, E.J.


    New insights into the contribution of organic agriculture to a sustainable society form the background to a study aimed at re-evaluating the social effects of the organic sector. This study compares the social costs and benefi ts of organic agriculture with those of regular agriculture. The focus is

  1. Bioremediation without earth moving. Biologische Altlastensanierung ohne Erdaushub

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franz, B; Knapp, A; Mueller, D


    According to rough estimates, there are 70,000 sites in the pre-unification Federal Republic of Germany where contamination is suspected. Some 50 to 60% of the contaminated sites are suitable for bioremediation. The Bioux-S process permits in-situ cleanup without any need for complicated and expensive earth moving operations. The culture conditions of the aerobic microorganisms already present in the soil are improved by the introduction of pure oxygen and special nutrients. Such microorganisms are already ideally adapted to the contaminants present and utilise them partly as nutrients and partly to maintain their energy balance. The process has already been successfully used for bioremediation of refinery and gasworks as well as chemical production sites. (orig.).

  2. 78 FR 1832 - Sunshine Act Meeting (United States)


    ... be free and open to the public. If you require a translator or interpreter, please notify the... the agency Web site at: . Dated: January 7, 2013. Rafael Moure-Eraso, Chairperson. [FR Doc...

  3. 77 FR 32496 - Notice of Meeting (United States)


    ... . For additional information please contact Paloma Adams-Allen at (202) 712-4378 or [email protected] . Dated: May 29, 2012. Paloma Adams-Allen, ACVFA Executive Director (A). [FR Doc. 2012-13351 Filed 5-31-12...

  4. 76 FR 31946 - Energy Conservation Program for Certain Industrial Equipment: Publication of the Petition for... (United States)


    ... operational characteristics similar to the commercial multi-split products manufactured by Mitsubishi, Samsung... reducing its operating capacity to as little as 10% of its rated capacity. Zone diversity enables AIRSTAGE... 17528, April 9,2007); Samsung (72 FR 71387, Dec. 17, 2007); FUJITSU (72 FR 71383, Dec. 17, 2007); Daikin...

  5. 76 FR 48874 - Notice of Meetings; Correction (United States)


    ... Advisory Committees (Advisory Committee for Women's Services, and the Tribal Technical Advisory Committee... Workplace Programs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [FR Doc. 2011-20026 Filed 8-8...

  6. 75 FR 42470 - Nebraska Disaster #NE-00038 (United States)


    ..., Greeley, Harlan, Hayes, Holt, Howard, Keya Paha, Knox, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, Madison, Mcpherson, Morrill... and 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc. 2010-17778 Filed...

  7. 75 FR 33355 - Sunshine Act Meeting (United States)


    .... 2. Consider and act on revisions to the LSC Accounting Guide for LSC Recipients. 3. Public comment.... Batie, Corporate Secretary. [FR Doc. 2010-14171 Filed 6-9-10; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 7050-01-P ...

  8. Forty-Second Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: - Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); - Review the progress since the 41st TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; - Consider topical technical meetings meeting arrangements for 2009, 2010, 2011 and beyond; - Review the IAEA’s ongoing information exchange and coordinated research activities in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives; - Discuss future joint activities in view of IAEA’s Programme and Budget Cycles beyond 2010-2011

  9. 78 FR 73884 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993; National... (United States)


    ..., Norman, OK; Helicon Chemical Company LLC, Orlando, FL; Lewis Machine & Tool Company, Milan, IL; Lund..., Blackhawk Management, Houston, TX; Blue Juice, Inc., San Rafael, CA; Engineering and Management Executives... FR 52787). Patricia A. Brink, Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust Division. [FR Doc. 2013-29272...

  10. 77 FR 24459 - Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe Fittings From Italy: Final Results of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ....g., Magnesium Metal From the Russian Federation: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 75 FR 26922 (May 13, 2010), unchanged in Magnesium Metal From the Russian Federation..., Malaysia, and the Philippines, 66 FR 11257, 11258 (February, 23, 2001). We intend to issue assessment...

  11. 78 FR 8185 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Initiation of 5-Year Status Reviews of 44 Species... (United States)


    .... 04/1994. Haha Cyanea Endangered U.S.A (HI)....... 59 FR 10305; 03/ hamatiflora ssp. 04/1994. carlsonii. Haha Cyanea shipmanii. Endangered U.S.A (HI)....... 59 FR 10305; 03/ 04/1994. Asplenium-leaved...

  12. 77 FR 9655 - Mobility Fund Phase I Auction Updated List of Potentially Eligible Census Blocks (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [AU Docket No. 12-25; DA 12-187] Mobility Fund Phase I Auction.... DATES: Pursuant to the Auction 901 (Mobility Fund Phase I) Comment Public Notice, 77 FR 7152, February... 9, 2012. ADDRESSES: Pursuant to the Auction 901 (Mobility Fund Phase I) Comment Public Notice, 77 FR...

  13. 76 FR 33786 - Affirmative Decisions on Petitions for Modification Granted in Whole or in Part (United States)


    ... application, processing, and disposition of petitions for modification. This Federal Register Notice notifies.... No. 36-05018, located in Greene County, Pennsylvania. Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700 (Oil and... Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700 (Oil and gas wells). Docket Number: M-2009-023-C. FR Notice: 74 FR 67915 (December...

  14. 78 FR 49773 - Affirmative Decisions on Petitions for Modification Granted in Whole or in Part (United States)


    ... govern the application, processing, and disposition of petitions for modification. This Federal Register..., located in Taylor County, West Virginia. Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700 (Oil and gas wells). Docket.... Regulation Affected: 30 CFR 75.1700 (Oil and gas wells). Docket Number: M-2012-008-M. FR Notice: 77 FR 59674...

  15. 78 FR 15664 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Interstate Transport... (United States)


    ... Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter... (August 8, 2011, 76 FR 48208). The Transport Rule was intended to replace the earlier Clean Air Interstate..., 2005); and Transport Rule or Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, 76 FR 48208 (August 8, 2011). \\4\\ CAIR...

  16. 75 FR 4383 - Pesticide Products: Registration Applications (United States)


    ..., Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (7511P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection..., Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. [FR Doc. 2010-1582 Filed 1-26-10...

  17. 76 FR 4266 - New Mexico Regulatory Program (United States)


    ... Requirements, Permit Eligibility, definitions of Ownership and Control, the AVS, Alternative Enforcement (65 FR 79582); and October 28, 1994, Use of the AVS in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Permit Approval...

  18. Thermodynamic laws for generalized f(R) gravity with curvature-matter coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Yabo; Zhao Yueyue; Cai Ronggen; Lu Jianbo; Lu Junwang; Gao Xiaojing


    The first law and the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics for the generalized f(R) gravity with curvature-matter coupling are studied in the spatially homogeneous, isotropic FRW universe. The research results show that the field equations of the generalized f(R) gravity with curvature-matter coupling can be cast to the form of the first law of thermodynamics with the so-called the entropy production terms dS ¯ and the GSL can be given by considering the FRW universe filled only with ordinary matter enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon with the Hawking temperature. Furthermore, as a concrete example, by utilizing the GSL the constraints on the gravitational model with f 1 (R)=R+αR l and f 2 (R)=R m are also discussed. It is worth noting these results given by us are quite general and can degenerate to the ones in Einstein's general relativity and pure f(R) gravity with non-coupling and non-minimal coupling as special cases. Comparing with the case of Einstein's general relativity, the appearance of the entropy production term dS ¯ in the first law of thermodynamics demonstrates that the horizon thermodynamics is non-equilibrium one for generalized f(R) gravity with curvature-matter coupling, which is consistent with the arguments given in Akbar and Cai (2007) [13] and Eling et al. (2006) [18].

  19. Species of Hypholoma (Fr. P. Kumm. (Strophariaceae, Agaricales in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil Espécies de Hypholoma (Fr. P. Kumm. (Strophariaceae, Agaricales no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vagner Gularte Cortez


    Full Text Available Detailed descriptions, illustrations, discussions and a key for identification of the known species of the genus Hypholoma (Fr. P. Kumm. in Rio Grande do Sul state are presented, as well as a revision of the Hypholoma specimens deposited in the Fungi Rickiani collection. Based on the authors' collections and the herbarium revision, the following species were recognized: H. aurantiacum (Cooke Faus, H. ericaeum (Pers.: Fr. Kühner, and H. subviride (Berk. & M.A. Curtis Dennis.Neste trabalho são apresentadas descrições, ilustrações, discussões e chave de identificação para as espécies do gênero Hypholoma (Fr. P. Kumm. conhecidas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, além de uma revisão do material de Hypholoma depositado na coleção Fungi Rickiani. A partir das coletas realizadas pelos autores, bem como estudo do material depositado nos principais herbários do estado e do país, verificou-se a ocorrência das seguintes espécies: H. aurantiacum (Cooke Faus, H. ericaeum (Pers.: Fr. Kühner e H. subviride (Berk. & M.A. Curtis Dennis.

  20. Servants of Peitho: Pindar fr.122

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Pippin Burnett


    Full Text Available Pindar's skolion fr.122 need not concern temple prostitutes of Aphrodite, but is rather a sympotic celebration of a private person's donation of prostitutes for the enjoyment of a party of men of Corinth.

  1. 75 FR 12564 - Issuance of Permits (United States)


    ... Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act, by any party who submits a written request for a copy of such.... University. 225854 Tom S. Smith, Brigham 74 FR 57702; November February 18, 2010 Young University. 9, 2009...

  2. On Analytical Solutions of f(R) Modified Gravity Theories in FLRW Cosmologies (United States)

    Domazet, Silvije; Radovanović, Voja; Simonović, Marko; Štefančić, Hrvoje


    A novel analytical method for f(R) modified theories without matter in Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetimes is introduced. The equation of motion for the scale factor in terms of cosmic time is reduced to the equation for the evolution of the Ricci scalar R with the Hubble parameter H. The solution of equation of motion for actions of the form of power law in Ricci scalar R is presented with a detailed elaboration of the action quadratic in R. The reverse use of the introduced method is exemplified in finding functional forms f(R), which leads to specified scale factor functions. The analytical solutions are corroborated by numerical calculations with excellent agreement. Possible further applications to the phases of inflationary expansion and late-time acceleration as well as f(R) theories with radiation are outlined.

  3. Dynamique de fréquentation des grands mammifères dans une ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 juil. 2016 ... RÉSUMÉ. Objectifs : Dans le but de connaitre les animaux fréquentant les clairières (ou Baï) forestières au Gabon, une étude sur la fréquentation du Baï de Momba par les grands mammifères a été conduite durant la petite saison des pluies pendant deux mois du 19 février au 13 mars 2012. Méthodologie ...

  4. Late time acceleration of the universe in f(R) gravity model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukherjee, Ankan


    In this work, a new way to look at the nature of late time dynamics of the universe for f(R) gravity models using the contracted Bianchi Identity has been proposed. As the Einstein field equations contain derivatives of the curvature scalar R, the contracted Bianchi identity yields a second order nonlinear differential equation in H, the Hubble parameter. This equation is studied for two particular forms of f(R), and the late time behaviour of the model is discussed. (author)

  5. 78 FR 69097 - Performance Review Board Members (United States)


    ... Michael Etzinger, Executive Officer and Director, Office of Management, Technology and Operations. Janine... Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [FR Doc. 2013-27423 Filed 11-15-13; 8:45 am] BILLING...

  6. Studying the highly bent spectra of FR II-type radio galaxies with the KDA EXT model (United States)

    Kuligowska, Elżbieta


    Context. The Kaiser, Dennett-Thorpe & Alexander (KDA, 1997, MNRAS, 292, 723) EXT model, that is, the extension of the KDA model of Fanaroff & Riley (FR) II-type source evolution, is applied and confronted with the observational data for selected FR II-type radio sources with significantly aged radio spectra. Aim. A sample of FR II-type radio galaxies with radio spectra strongly bent at their highest frequencies is used for testing the usefulness of the KDA EXT model. Methods: The dynamical evolution of FR II-type sources predicted with the KDA EXT model is briefly presented and discussed. The results are then compared to the ones obtained with the classical KDA approach, assuming the source's continuous injection and self-similarity. Results: The results and corresponding diagrams obtained for the eight sample sources indicate that the KDA EXT model predicts the observed radio spectra significantly better than the best spectral fit provided by the original KDA model.

  7. Development of FR fuel cycle in japan (1) development scope of fuel cycle technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, H.; Funasaka, H.; Namekawa, T.


    A fast reactor (FR) cycle has a potential to realize a sustainable energy supply system that is harmonized with environment by fully recycling both uranium (U) and transuranium (TRU) elements. In Japan, a Feasibility Study on Commercialized FR Cycle Systems (FS) was launched in July 1999, and through two different study phases, a final report was presented in 2006. As a result of FS, a combined system of sodium-cooled FR with mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, advanced aqueous reprocessing and simplified pelletizing fuel fabrication was considered to be most promising for commercialization. The advanced aqueous reprocessing system, which is called the New Extraction system for TRU recovery (NEXT), consists of a U crystallization process for the bulk of U recovery, a simplified solvent extraction process for residual U, plutonium (Pu) and neptunium (Np) without Pu partitioning and purification, and a process for recovering americium (Am) and curium (Cm) from the raffinate. The ratio of Pu/U concentration in the mother solution after crystallization is adequate for MOX fuel fabrication, and thus complicated powder mixing processes for adjusting Pu content in MOX fuel can be eliminated in the subsequent simplified fuel fabrication system. In this system, lubricant-mixing process can also be eliminated by adopting the advanced technology in which lubricant is coated on the inner surface of a die before fuel powder supply. Such a simplification could help us overcoming the difficulty to treat MA bearing fuel powders in a hot cell. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) reviewed these results of FS in 2006 and identified the most promising FR cycle concept proposed in the FS phase II study as a mainline choice for commercialization. According to such a governmental assessment, R and D activities of FR cycle systems were decided to be concentrated mainly to the innovative technology development for the mainline concept. The stage of R and D project was

  8. Stellar configurations in f(R) theories of gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henttunen, K.; Multamaeki, T.; Vilja, I.


    We study stellar configurations and the space-time around them in metric f(R) theories of gravity. In particular, we focus on the polytropic model of the Sun in two specific cases: the f(R)=R-μ 4 /R model and a model with a stabilizing higher order term f(R)=R-μ 4 /R+βR 3 /(3μ 4 ). We show how the stellar configuration in the f(R) theory can, by appropriate initial conditions, be selected to be equal to that described by the Lane-Emden equation and how a simple scaling relation exists between the solutions. We also derive the correct solution analytically near the center of the star in f(R) theory. Previous analytical and numerical results are confirmed, indicating that the space-time around the Sun is incompatible with solar system constraints in the f(R)=R-μ 4 /R model. Numerical work shows that stellar configurations, with a regular metric at the center, lead to γ PPN ≅1/2 outside the star for both models, i.e., the Schwarzschild-de Sitter space-time is not the correct vacuum solution for such configurations. This shows that even when one fine-tunes the initial conditions inside a star such that the mass of the effective scalar in the equivalent scalar-tensor theory is large, γ PPN is still 1/2 outside the star. Conversely, by selecting the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric as the outside solution, or equivalently setting the mass of the effective scalar to be large outside the star, we find that the stellar configuration is unchanged but the metric is irregular at the center. The possibility of constructing a f(R) theory compatible with the solar system experiments and possible new constraints arising from the radius-mass relation of stellar objects is discussed

  9. 78 FR 23162 - Supervision and Regulation Assessments for Bank Holding Companies and Savings and Loan Holding... (United States)


    ... bank holding company's Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C) forms; \\3... Balance Sheet of the BHC's Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C) (OMB No... holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets, and nonbank financial companies...

  10. 77 FR 31486 - Virginia Regulatory Program (United States)


    ... United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Nat'l Mining Ass'n v. Kempthorne... Federal VER regulations promulgated by OSM on December 17, 1999 (64 FR 70766-70838). Nat'l Mining Ass'n v...

  11. 76 FR 33806 - Tennessee Disaster Number TN-00053 (United States)


    ... Only): Alabama: Limestone, Madison. Tennessee: Bedford, Franklin, Giles, Marshall, Moore. All other... 59002 and 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc. 2011-14274...

  12. 75 FR 51119 - Kentucky Disaster Number KY-00035 (United States)


    ... Loans): Madison, Mason, Rowan. Contiguous Counties: (Economic Injury Loans Only): Kentucky: Bath... Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc...

  13. 76 FR 35937 - New York Disaster #NY-00105 (United States)


    ..., Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Madison, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Steuben, Tioga, Ulster, Warren... Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc...

  14. 78 FR 71724 - Rail Depreciation Studies (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board Rail Depreciation Studies AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board, DOT. ACTION: Notice of OMB Approval of Information Collection. SUMMARY... collection, Rail Depreciation Studies. See 78 FR 18676 (Mar. 27, 2013). This collection, codified at 49 CFR...

  15. 77 FR 64837 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Fourth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 227, Standards of Navigation Performance AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S... Operations Group, Federal Aviation Administration. [FR Doc. 2012-26034 Filed 10-22-12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE...

  16. 78 FR 41183 - Federal Aviation Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Meeting: RTCA Program Management Committee AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION... Operations Group, Federal Aviation Administration. [FR Doc. 2013-16464 Filed 7-8-13; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE...

  17. Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR) (41st Annual Meeting). Working Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objectives of the meeting were to: - Exchange information on the national programmes on Fast Reactors (FR) and Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS); - Review the progress since the 40th TWG-FR Annual Meeting, including the status of the actions; - Consider meeting arrangements for 2008, 2009, 2010 and beyond; - Review the IAEA’s ongoing information exchange and coordinated research activities in the technical fields relevant to the TWG-FR (FRs and ADS), as well as coordination of the TWG-FR’s activities with other organizations and international initiatives; - Discuss future joint activities in view of IAEA’s Programme and Budget Cycles beyond 2008-2009

  18. Intensive neutron source based on powerful electron linear accelerator LIA-30 and pulsed nuclear reactor FR-1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bossamykin, V S; Koshelev, A S; Gerasimov, A I; Gordeev, V S; Grishin, A V; Averchenkov, V Ya; Lazarev, S A; Maslov, G N; Odintsov, Yu M [All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov (Russian Federation)


    Some results are given of investigations on joint operation modes of the linear induction electron accelerator LIA-30 ({approx} 40 MeV, {approx} 100 kA, {approx} 20 ns) and the pulsed reactor FR-1 with a compact metal core, aimed at achieving high intensity neutron fluxes. The multiplication factor Q for prompt neutrons in the FR-1 booster mode operation increased from 100 to 4500. The total output of prompt neutrons from FR-1 at Q = 2570 was 1.4 x 10{sup 16} 1/pulse with a pulse half width of {approx} 25 {mu}s. (author). 4 figs., 4 refs.

  19. 76 FR 35351 - Capital Plans (United States)


    ... reflected on the bank holding company's consolidated financial statement for bank holding companies (FR Y-9C... distribution (the proposal or proposed rule).\\1\\ During the years leading up to the recent financial crisis... times of economic and financial stress. The proposal is intended to address such practices, building...

  20. 76 FR 13128 - Magnesium Metal From the Russian Federation: Revocation of Antidumping Duty Order Pursuant to... (United States)


    ... reasonably foreseeable time. See Magnesium From China and Russia, 76 FR 11813 (March 3, 2011), and USITC... States within a reasonably foreseeable time. Therefore, the Department is revoking the antidumping duty...); Magnesium From China and Russia, 75 FR 9252 (March 1, 2010). As a result of its sunset review, the...

  1. 75 FR 70237 - California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; California Heavy-Duty On-Highway Otto... (United States)


    ... for the current CARB categories of heavy-duty vehicles are within-the-scope of the previously granted...) (Diesel) and 53 FR 7022 (March 4, 1988) (Otto-cycle). \\3\\ 69 FR 59920 (October 6, 2004). CARB's current... threshold test of materiality and * * * thereafter assess such material evidence against a standard of proof...

  2. 77 FR 13547 - Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Preliminary Results of... (United States)


    ... Critical Circumstances, In Part: Certain Lined Paper Products From the People's Republic of China, 71 FR... Administrative Review: Petroleum Wax Candles from the People's Republic of China, 72 FR 52355, 52356 (September... invoice date. \\42\\ See, e.g., Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Negative...

  3. Generalisation for regular black holes on general relativity to f(R) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodrigues, Manuel E. [Universidade Federal do Para Campus Universitario de Abaetetuba, Faculdade de Ciencias Exatas e Tecnologia, Abaetetuba, Para (Brazil); Universidade Federal do Para, Faculdade de Fisica, PPGF, Belem, Para (Brazil); Fabris, Julio C. [Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES (Brazil); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow (Russian Federation); Junior, Ednaldo L.B. [Universidade Federal do Para, Faculdade de Fisica, PPGF, Belem, Para (Brazil); Universidade Federal do Para, Campus Universitario de Tucurui, Faculdade de Engenharia da Computacao, Tucurui, Para (Brazil); Marques, Glauber T. [Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia ICIBE - LASIC, Belem, PA (Brazil)


    IIn this paper, we determine regular black hole solutions using a very general f(R) theory, coupled to a nonlinear electromagnetic field given by a Lagrangian L{sub NED}. The functions f(R) and L{sub NED} are in principle left unspecified. Instead, the model is constructed through a choice of the mass function M(r) presented in the metric coefficients. Solutions which have a regular behaviour of the geometric invariants are found. These solutions have two horizons, the event horizon and the Cauchy horizon. All energy conditions are satisfied in the whole space-time, except the strong energy condition (SEC), which is violated near the Cauchy horizon.We present also a new theorem related to the energy conditions in f(R) gravity, re-obtaining the well-known conditions in the context of general relativity when the geometry of the solution is the same. (orig.)

  4. 78 FR 21183 - Persons on Whom Sanctions Have Been Imposed Under the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 and the Iran... (United States)


    ...: On general issues: Office of Sanctions Policy and Implementation, Department of State, Telephone... FR 56866, September 14, 2011) --Petro[acute]leos de Venezuela S.A. (see Public Notice 7585, 76 FR...

  5. 76 FR 54521 - Montana Disaster Number MT-00062 (United States)


    ..., Broadwater, Carter, Chouteau, Fallon, Flathead, Golden Valley, Madison, Park, Phillips, Pondera, Powell... 59008) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc. 2011-22419 Filed 8-31...

  6. Cosmology of f(R) gravity in the metric variational approach (United States)

    Li, Baojiu; Barrow, John D.


    We consider the cosmologies that arise in a subclass of f(R) gravity with f(R)=R+μ2n+2/(-R)n and n∈(-1,0) in the metric (as opposed to the Palatini) variational approach to deriving the gravitational field equations. The calculations of the isotropic and homogeneous cosmological models are undertaken in the Jordan frame and at both the background and the perturbation levels. For the former, we also discuss the connection to the Einstein frame in which the extra degree of freedom in the theory is associated with a scalar field sharing some of the properties of a “chameleon” field. For the latter, we derive the cosmological perturbation equations in general theories of f(R) gravity in covariant form and implement them numerically to calculate the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and matter power spectra of the cosmological model. The CMB power is shown to reduce at low l’s, and the matter power spectrum is almost scale independent at small scales, thus having a similar shape to that in standard general relativity. These are in stark contrast with what was found in the Palatini f(R) gravity, where the CMB power is largely amplified at low l’s and the matter spectrum is strongly scale dependent at small scales. These features make the present model more adaptable than that arising from the Palatini f(R) field equations, and none of the data on background evolution, CMB power spectrum, or matter power spectrum currently rule it out.

  7. Chameleon halo modeling in f(R) gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yin; Hu, Wayne


    We model the chameleon effect on cosmological statistics for the modified gravity f(R) model of cosmic acceleration. The chameleon effect, required to make the model compatible with local tests of gravity, reduces force enhancement as a function of the depth of the gravitational potential wells of collapsed structure and so is readily incorporated into a halo model by including parameters for the chameleon mass threshold and rapidity of transition. We show that the abundance of halos around the chameleon mass threshold is enhanced by both the merging from below and the lack of merging to larger masses. This property also controls the power spectrum in the nonlinear regime and we provide a description of the transition to the linear regime that is valid for a wide range of f(R) models.

  8. Wormholes in viable f(R) modified theories of gravity and weak energy condition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavlovic, Petar [Universitaet Hamburg, II. Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Hamburg (Germany); Sossich, Marko [University of Zagreb, Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb (Croatia)


    In this work wormholes in viable f(R) gravity models are analyzed. We are interested in exact solutions for stress-energy tensor components depending on different shape and redshift functions. Several solutions of gravitational equations for different f(R) models are examined. The solutions found imply no need for exotic material, while this need is implied in the standard general theory of relativity. A simple expression for weak energy condition (WEC) violation near the throat is derived and analyzed. High curvature regime is also discussed, as well as the question of the highest possible values of the Ricci scalar for which the WEC is not violated near the throat, and corresponding functions are calculated for several models. The approach here differs from the one that has been common since no additional assumptions to simplify the equations have been made, and the functions in f(R) models are not considered to be arbitrary functions, but rather a feature of the theory that has to be evaluated on the basis of consistency with observations for the Solar System and cosmological evolution. Therefore in this work we show that the existence of wormholes without exotic matter is not only possible in simple arbitrary f(R) models, but also in models that are in accordance with empirical data. (orig.)

  9. Models of f(R) cosmic acceleration that evade solar system tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Wayne; Sawicki, Ignacy


    We study a class of metric-variation f(R) models that accelerates the expansion without a cosmological constant and satisfies both cosmological and solar-system tests in the small-field limit of the parameter space. Solar-system tests alone place only weak bounds on these models, since the additional scalar degree of freedom is locked to the high-curvature general-relativistic prediction across more than 25 orders of magnitude in density, out through the solar corona. This agreement requires that the galactic halo be of sufficient extent to maintain the galaxy at high curvature in the presence of the low-curvature cosmological background. If the galactic halo and local environment in f(R) models do not have substantially deeper potentials than expected in ΛCDM, then cosmological field amplitudes |f R | > or approx.10 -6 will cause the galactic interior to evolve to low curvature during the acceleration epoch. Viability of large-deviation models therefore rests on the structure and evolution of the galactic halo, requiring cosmological simulations of f(R) models, and not directly on solar-system tests. Even small deviations that conservatively satisfy both galactic and solar-system constraints can still be tested by future, percent-level measurements of the linear power spectrum, while they remain undetectable to cosmological-distance measures. Although we illustrate these effects in a specific class of models, the requirements on f(R) are phrased in a nearly model-independent manner

  10. 77 FR 12801 - Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results, Partial... (United States)


    ..., the Department preliminarily determines that the respondents in this review did not make sales in the... Administrative Review, 76 FR 51940 (August 19, 2011). Based on our examination of the sales data submitted by... Administrative Review, 66 FR 27063 (May 16, 2001); Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value...

  11. 75 FR 7244 - Narrow Woven Ribbons with Woven Selvedge from the People's Republic of China: Preliminary... (United States)


    ... the United States at less than fair value (``LTFV''), as provided in section 733 of the Tariff Act of... Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada, 67 FR 15539 (April...: Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value and Postponement of Final Determination, 73 FR...

  12. 76 FR 56724 - Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations (United States)


    ... Town of Clarkstown. Hackensack River confluence. At the upstream side of +248 +247 Little Tor Road... Emergency Management Agency. [FR Doc. 2011-23413 Filed 9-13-11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9110-12-P ...

  13. 78 FR 62311 - Leif Erikson Day, 2013 (United States)


    ... our Nordic-American heritage, the Congress, by joint resolution (Public Law 88-566) approved on... thirty- eighth. (Presidential Sig.) [FR Doc. 2013-24501 Filed 10-15-13; 8:45 am] Billing code 3295-F4 ...

  14. 75 FR 17571 - Pendimethalin; Pesticide Tolerances (United States)


    ... Enforcement Methodology Adequate enforcement methodology, using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry... Order Reviews This final rule establishes tolerances under section 408(d) of FFDCA in response to a... actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR 51735...

  15. 78 FR 22545 - Performance Review Board (United States)


    ... FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Harriette H. Charbonneau, Director of Human Resources, Federal Maritime... prescribed by the Office of Personnel Management, one or more performance review boards. The board shall..., Managing Director 15. Austin L. Schmitt, Director, Strategic Planning and Regulatory Review [FR Doc. 2013...

  16. 76 FR 51847 - Air Cargo Screening (United States)


    ... apply to international inbound cargo. \\2\\ 74 FR 47672. The IFR provides detailed information on TSA's... Chain Management Professionals, Express Delivery and Logistics Association, International Air Transport... use in other countries for international inbound cargo. TSA Response: TSA is working closely with its...

  17. 78 FR 69133 - Drug Enforcement Administration (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration Manufacturer of Controlled Substances..., California 94085, made application by renewal to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to be registered... Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration. [FR Doc. 2013-27486 Filed 11-15-13; 8:45 am] BILLING...

  18. 76 FR 74631 - Capital Plans (United States)


    ... Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C). This calculation will be effective as of the due... to rely on tentative fourth quarter financial statements in developing its capital plan and suggested... rule applies only to bank holding companies with $50 billion or more of total consolidated assets...

  19. [History of the therapeutic uses of the tinder polypore, Fomes fomentarius (L. : Fr]. (United States)

    Roussel, Bertrand; Rapior, Sylvie; Charlot, Colette; Masson, Christian-Louis; Boutié, Paul


    This paper presents the major therapeutic uses of Fomes fomentarius (L. : Fr.) Fr., tinder polypore. The context of this fungus is a wooly and soft material so called amadou (tinder). During the XVIII and XIXth centuries, the fungal material was used as haemostatic dressing and bandage to keep the temperature and compress parts of the body. It was also used as cautery for moxibustion and was reported in several traditional pharmacopoeias (Hungarian, Chinese, Indian).

  20. Brane f(R) gravity and the dark side of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borzou, A.; Sepangi, H. R.; Shahidi, S.; Yousefi, R.


    We consider a brane world scenario in which the bulk action is assumed to have the form of a generic function of the Ricci scalar f(R) and derive the resulting Einstein field equation on the brane. In a constant curvature bulk a conserved geometric quantity appears in the field equations which can be associated with matter. We present spherically symmetric solutions which account for galaxy rotation curves in a specific form. Then cosmological solutions by assuming a specific form for f(R) are derived which can explain an accelerated expanding universe.

  1. 76 FR 58716 - Telemarketing Sales Rule (United States)


    ... FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 16 CFR Part 310 Telemarketing Sales Rule AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission... Telemarketing Sales Rule in the Federal Register on August 10, 2010 (75 FR 48458), with new provisions to..., Division of Marketing Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC...

  2. 75 FR 9725 - Free Annual File Disclosures (United States)


    ... activities of companies that attempt to trick people into buying something that they are entitled by Federal... maintain the file disclosure for future reference. 74 FR at 52917- 918. Cf. Franchise Rule, 16 CFR 436.6(b...

  3. 76 FR 21879 - Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to LG... (United States)


    ... granted waivers to Electrolux (76 FR 11440 (March 2, 2011)) and Samsung (76 FR 13169 (March 10, 2011... granted to Whirlpool, GE, Samsung and Electrolux, as well as previously to LG, the clothes washer test... make representations about the energy use of its clothes washer products for compliance, marketing, or...

  4. 77 FR 77064 - Notice of Petition for Waiver of BSH Corporation From the Department of Energy Residential... (United States)


    ... at ). Calculations Water Use Based on the DOE... petitions on October 1, 2012 (77 FR 59916 and 77 FR 59918, respectively). BSH states that ``hard'' water can... a water softener will minimize pre-rinsing and rewashing, and consumers will have less reason to...

  5. 78 FR 74012 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Oregon; Revised Format for Materials... (United States)


    ... technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and.... Technology. 226-0140 Additional Control 7/1/2001 1/22/2003, 68 FR Requirements for 2891. Stationary Sources... Who is Subject to 4/12/2007 12/19/2011, 76 FR ECO? 78571. 242-0030 What Does ECO 4/12/2007 12/19/2011...

  6. Effects of landfills on the limnology of associated running waters; Gefaehrdung von Oberflaechengewaessern durch Altablagerungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baier, B. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Kappus, B. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Boehmer, J. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Nill, A. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie; Rahmann, H. [Hohenheim Univ., Stuttgart (Germany). Inst. fuer Zoologie


    Five small brooks influenced by runoff from landfills were surveyed from May 1993 to March 1994 using chemical and biological methods. Results showed clear impacts on the macroinvertebrate fauna as a result of pollutants in three of the five brooks studied. (orig.) [Deutsch] Im Einflussbereich von Altdeponien wurden fuenf kleine Fliessgewaesser von Mai 1993 bis Maerz 1994 wasserchemisch und biologisch untersucht. Anhand der Untersuchungsergebnisse wurde eine Gefaehrdungsabschaetzung der Oberflaechengewaesser durch die Altablagerungen vorgenommen. Danach waren bei drei der fuenf untersuchten Deponien aufgrund von Schadstoffeintraegen Auswirkungen auf die Makrobenthosfauna der angrenzenden Fliessgewaesser erkennbar. (orig.)

  7. Exploring the liminality: properties of haloes and subhaloes in borderline f(R) gravity (United States)

    Shi, Difu; Li, Baojiu; Han, Jiaxin; Gao, Liang; Hellwing, Wojciech A.


    We investigate the properties of dark matter haloes and subhaloes in an f(R) gravity model with |fR0| = 10-6, using a very-high-resolution N-body simulation. The model is a borderline between being cosmologically interesting and yet still consistent with current data. We find that the halo mass function in this model has a maximum 20 per cent enhancement compared with the Λ-cold-dark-matter (ΛCDM) predictions between z = 1 and 0. Because of the chameleon mechanism which screens the deviation from standard gravity in dense environments, haloes more massive than 1013 h-1 M⊙ in this f(R) model have very similar properties to haloes of similar mass in ΛCDM, while less massive haloes, such as that of the Milky Way, can have steeper inner density profiles and higher velocity dispersions due to their weaker screening. The halo concentration is remarkably enhanced for low-mass haloes in this model due to a deepening of the total gravitational potential. Contrary to the naive expectation, the halo formation time zf is later for low-mass haloes in this model, a consequence of these haloes growing faster than their counterparts in ΛCDM at late times and the definition of zf. Subhaloes, especially those less massive than 1011 h-1 M⊙, are substantially more abundant in this f(R) model for host haloes less massive than 1013 h-1 M⊙. We discuss the implications of these results for the Milky Way satellite abundance problem. Although the overall halo and subhalo properties in this borderline f(R) model are close to their ΛCDM predictions, our results suggest that studies of the Local Group and astrophysical systems, aided by high-resolution simulations, can be valuable for further tests of it.

  8. 75 FR 7956 - Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations (United States)


    ... Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735. Executive Order... Springs, 212 D Rocket Miner. Street, Rock Springs, WY 82901. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No...

  9. 78 FR 23252 - Ocean Transportation Intermediary License Revocations (United States)


    .... Address: Giralda Farms, Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940. Date Revoked: March 29, 2013. Reason: Failed to... maintain a valid bond. James A. Nussbaumer, Deputy Director, Bureau of Certification and Licensing. [FR Doc...

  10. 76 FR 33395 - Tennessee; Disaster Number TN-00052 (United States)


    ..., Johnson, Lake, Madison, Mcminn, Mcnairy, Monroe, Rhea, Shelby, Weakley. All other information in the...) James E. Rivera, Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc. 2011-14163 Filed 6-7-11; 8:45...

  11. Erfolgreiche Koordination durch Kultur? : Herrschaftsmythen der Frühen Neuzeit und die Organizational-Culture-These


    Ewert, Ulf Christian


    Herrschaftsmythen können als spezifische Gestaltungselemente einer Organisationskultur interpretiert werden. Sie waren in den frühneuzeitlichen Systemen Mittel des politischen Zusammenwirkens, gerichtet auf Integration und Definition der jeweiligen Organisation. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind neun frühneuzeitliche Mythen, darunter der Roi Soleil, Neues Israel und Wilhelm Tell. Hinterfragt wurden wahrgenommene Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den neun Mythen, deren integrative und revolutionäre Muster...

  12. 75 FR 22240 - Cyprodinil; Pesticide Tolerances (United States)


    ... commodities. In addition, a high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) method... Executive Order Reviews This final rule establishes tolerances under section 408(d) of FFDCA in response to... types of actions from review under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and Review (58 FR...

  13. 77 FR 17034 - Procurement List; Addition (United States)


    ...: Base Supply Center, National Maritime Intelligence Center/Office of Naval Intelligence, 4251 Suitland... Activity: Dept. of the Navy, Office Of Naval Intelligence, Washington, DC. Barry S. Lineback, Director, Business Operations. [FR Doc. 2012-7006 Filed 3-22-12; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6353-01-P ...

  14. 77 FR 3772 - Economic Impact Policy (United States)


    ... new petrochemical facility in Mexico. The financed amount associated with the U.S. export contract... its products primarily within Mexico, and also to the U.S., Central America, and South America... in the Federal Register. Angela Mariana Freyre, Senior Vice President and General Counsel. [FR Doc...

  15. 77 FR 71833 - Tribal Consultation Policy (United States)


    ... Relationship and Tribal Self- Determination B. Open Communications and Respect for Cultural Values and... viewed online in their entirety at:!docketDetail ;dct=FR%252BPR%252BN%252BO...-Government Relationship and Tribal Self-Determination One commenter recommended editing this section to...

  16. 77 FR 71400 - Procurement List, Additions (United States)


    .... Contracting Activity: DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY TROOP SUPPORT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Coverage: C-List for 100% of the requirement of the Department of Defense, as aggregated by the Defense Logistics Agency Troop... ARMY, W071 ENDIST KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CITY, MO. Barry S. Lineback, Director, Business Operations. [FR...

  17. 78 FR 34016 - Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Options To Promote Rural Broadband in Rate-Of-Return... (United States)


    ... document is available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference... carriers supports such networks, and indeed, under the USF/ICC Transformation Order, 76 FR 73830, November... originally sought comment on this proposal in the USF/ICC Transformation Order FNPRM, 76 FR 73830, November...

  18. The simplest non-minimal matter-geometry coupling in the f(R, T) cosmology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moraes, P.H.R.S. [ITA - Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Departamento de Fisica, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Sahoo, P.K. [Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani, Department of Mathematics, Hyderabad (India)


    f(R, T) gravity is an extended theory of gravity in which the gravitational action contains general terms of both the Ricci scalar R and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor T. In this way, f(R, T) models are capable of describing a non-minimal coupling between geometry (through terms in R) and matter (through terms in T). In this article we construct a cosmological model from the simplest non-minimal matter-geometry coupling within the f(R, T) gravity formalism, by means of an effective energy-momentum tensor, given by the sum of the usual matter energy-momentum tensor with a dark energy contribution, with the latter coming from the matter-geometry coupling terms. We apply the energy conditions to our solutions in order to obtain a range of values for the free parameters of the model which yield a healthy and well-behaved scenario. For some values of the free parameters which are submissive to the energy conditions application, it is possible to predict a transition from a decelerated period of the expansion of the universe to a period of acceleration (dark energy era). We also propose further applications of this particular case of the f(R, T) formalism in order to check its reliability in other fields, rather than cosmology. (orig.)

  19. The simplest non-minimal matter-geometry coupling in the f(R, T) cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, P.H.R.S.; Sahoo, P.K.


    f(R, T) gravity is an extended theory of gravity in which the gravitational action contains general terms of both the Ricci scalar R and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor T. In this way, f(R, T) models are capable of describing a non-minimal coupling between geometry (through terms in R) and matter (through terms in T). In this article we construct a cosmological model from the simplest non-minimal matter-geometry coupling within the f(R, T) gravity formalism, by means of an effective energy-momentum tensor, given by the sum of the usual matter energy-momentum tensor with a dark energy contribution, with the latter coming from the matter-geometry coupling terms. We apply the energy conditions to our solutions in order to obtain a range of values for the free parameters of the model which yield a healthy and well-behaved scenario. For some values of the free parameters which are submissive to the energy conditions application, it is possible to predict a transition from a decelerated period of the expansion of the universe to a period of acceleration (dark energy era). We also propose further applications of this particular case of the f(R, T) formalism in order to check its reliability in other fields, rather than cosmology. (orig.)

  20. Study of some chaotic inflationary models in f(R) gravity (United States)

    Sharif, M.; Nawazish, Iqra


    In this paper, we discuss an inflationary scenario via scalar field and fluid cosmology for an anisotropic homogeneous universe model in f(R) gravity. We consider an equation of state which corresponds to a quasi-de Sitter expansion and investigate the effect of the anisotropy parameter for different values of the deviation parameter. We evaluate potential models like linear, quadratic and quartic models which correspond to chaotic inflation. We construct the observational parameters for a power-law model of f(R) gravity and construct the graphical analysis of tensor-scalar ratio and spectral index which indicates the consistency of these parameters with Planck 2015 data.

  1. 77 FR 34344 - Circular Welded Non-Alloy Steel Pipe From the Republic of Korea: Final Results of the Antidumping... (United States)


    ... of Korea, Mexico, and Venezuela, 61 FR 11608 (March 21, 1996). In accordance with this determination... Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May 6, 2003) (``Assessment Policy Notice''). This... transaction. See Assessment Policy Notice for a full discussion of this clarification. Cash Deposit...

  2. 76 FR 67197 - Small Entity Compliance Guide: Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements... (United States)


    ...The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is correcting a notice that appeared in the Federal Register of October 25, 2011 (76 FR 66074). The document announced the availability of a guidance for industry entitled ``Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements--Small Entity Compliance Guide'' for a final rule that published in the Federal Register of June 22, 2011 (76 FR 36628). The notice published with an incorrect docket number. This document corrects that error.

  3. 78 FR 51129 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 6-Month Extension of Final Determination for the... (United States)


    .... DATES: The comment period for the proposed rule published August 22, 2012, at 77 FR 50768, is reopened..., Austin Ecological Services Field Office, 10711 Burnet Rd, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78758; by telephone 512...: Background On August 22, 2012, we published in the Federal Register a proposed rule (77 FR 50768) to list the...

  4. 75 FR 60281 - National Public Lands Day, 2010 (United States)


    .... Every September, thousands of Americans volunteer their time and talents to protect our parks, national... hundred and thirty-fifth. (Presidential Sig.) [FR Doc. 2010-24646 Filed 9-28-10; 11:15 am] Billing code...

  5. 78 FR 53732 - Marine Mammals; File No. 14325 (United States)


    ... the identity of the Principal Investigator from Dr. Lorrie Rea to Michael Rehberg. The permit was amended on July 12, 2012 (77 FR 38587), to include: manual restraint of pups in the eastern Distinct...

  6. 76 FR 39812 - Modoc County Resource Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... Coordinator, Stephen Riley at (530) 233-8705. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The business meeting on July 11, 2011... meeting. Dated: June 23, 2011. Kimberly H. Anderson, Forest Supervisor. [FR Doc. 2011-17022 Filed 7-6-11...

  7. 75 FR 79049 - Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability (United States)


    ... opened in transit. This guide also incorporates suggestions for ensuring that TIDs are properly applied..., Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. [FR Doc. 2010-31729 Filed 12-16-10; 8:45 am...

  8. Standard cosmological evolution in the f(R) model to Kaluza-Klein cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aghmohammadi, A; Abolhassani, M R; Saaidi, Kh; Vajdi, A


    In this paper, using f(R) theory of gravity we explicitly calculate cosmological evolution in the presence of a perfect fluid source in four- and five-dimensional space-time in which this cosmological evolution in self-creation is presented by Reddy et al (2009 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48 10). An exact cosmological model is presented using a relation between Einstein's gravity field equation components due to a metric with the same component from f(R) theory of gravity. Some physics and kinematical properties of the model are also discussed.

  9. 77 FR 43520 - Significant New Use Rules on a Certain Chemical Substance; Removal of Significant New Use Rules (United States)


    ... April 27, 2012 (77 FR 25236) (FRL-9343-4). If you have questions regarding the applicability of this... (77 FR 25236). If you have questions, consult the technical person listed under FOR FURTHER... 2070-AB27 Significant New Use Rules on a Certain Chemical Substance; Removal of Significant New Use...

  10. 76 FR 79666 - Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to LG from the Department of Energy Residential Clothes... (United States)


    ..., 2011)) and Samsung (76 FR 13169 (Mar. 10, 2011); 76 FR 50207 (Aug. 12, 2011)). DOE notes that its... was submitted by LG, the waivers granted to Whirlpool, GE, Samsung and Electrolux, as well as... may make representations about the energy use of its clothes washer products for compliance, marketing...

  11. 77 FR 66434 - Certain Frozen Warmwater Shrimp From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not... (United States)


    ... Canned Warmwater Shrimp From the People's Republic of China, 69 FR 70997 (December 8, 2004) (``PRC Final... Devi Sea Foods Ltd. (``Devi''), rather than data for Nekkanti, as the basis for calculating the raw... Determination: Certain Frozen and Canned Warmwater Shrimp From the People's Republic of China, 69 FR 42654 (July...

  12. 76 FR 53903 - Delegation of Authorities (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Delegation of Authorities Notice is hereby given that I... Delegations of Authority, last published at 55 FR 9363 (March 13, 1990). Title I--Quality, Affordable Health... the Public Health Service Act. The delegation includes, but does not limit the authority to, directing...

  13. 78 FR 18594 - Delegation of Authorities (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Delegation of Authorities Notice is hereby given that I... Delegations of Authority, last published at 55 FR 9363 (March 13, 1990). Affordable Care Act Title I--Quality... Programs. This delegation of authorities excludes the authority to issue regulations and to submit reports...

  14. 76 FR 76815 - Business Opportunity Rule (United States)


    ... Used Throughout This Statement of Basis and Purpose ``Amended Franchise Rule'' refers to the amended Franchise Rule published at 72 FR 15444 (Mar. 30, 2007) and codified at 16 CFR 436. ``ANPR'' refers to the.../bcp/workshops/bizopps/disclosure-form-report.pdf . ``Original Franchise Rule'' refers to the original...

  15. 78 FR 32991 - Connect America Fund (United States)


    ..., 2013. The full text of this document is available for public inspection during regular business hours.... Introduction 1. In the USF/ICC Transformation Order, 76 FR 73830, November 29, 2011, the Commission... the USF/ICC Transformation Order, an unsubsidized competitor in areas where the price cap carrier will...

  16. 78 FR 70881 - Connect America Fund (United States)


    ... this document is available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference.../Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2013/db1031/DA-13-2115A1.pdf . I. Introduction 1. In the USF/ICC Transformation Order, 78 FR 38227, June 26, 2013, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission...

  17. 76 FR 18348 - Required Scale Tests (United States)


    ... RIN 0580-AB10 Required Scale Tests AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration... published a document in the Federal Register on January 20, 2011 (76 FR 3485), defining required scale tests... the last sentence of paragraph (a) to read as follows: Sec. 201.72 Scales; testing of. (a...

  18. 75 FR 43491 - Sunshine Act Meetings (United States)


    ....-10:30 a.m., Wednesday July 21, 2010. Changes to Meeting: Meeting postponed. For a recorded message containing the latest agenda information, call (301) 504-7948. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact..., Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 504-7923. Dated: July 21, 2010. . Todd A. Stevenson, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2010...

  19. 75 FR 30074 - Notice of Docketing, Proposed Action, and Opportunity for a Hearing for Renewal of Special... (United States)


    ... hearing, in accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule, which the NRC promulgated on August 28, 2007 (72 FR... entities participating under 10 CFR 2.315(c), must be filed in accordance with the NRC E-Filing rule (72 FR 49139, August 28, 2007). The E-Filing process requires participants to submit and serve all adjudicatory...

  20. 77 FR 17325 - Special Conditions: Airbus, A350-900 Series Airplane; Passenger Seats With Non-Traditional, Large... (United States)


    ... accommodates side-by-side placement of LD-3 containers in the cargo compartment. The basic A350-900 series... special conditions consist of applying the identical test conditions required of all other large panels in...), Notice No. 85-10 (50 FR 15038, April 16, 1985) and the Final Rule at Amendment 25-61 (51 FR 26206, July...