
Sample records for forma axonal aguda

  1. Algunas observaciones sobre la apendicitis aguda en los niños

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    Luis Piñeros Suárez


    Full Text Available La apendicitis aguda en los niños, presenta actitudes particulares que diferencian de la apendicitis aguda del adulto y que vienen a formar grupos clínicos casi exclusivamente de la infancia. De una manera general, las formas más graves, las formas fulminantes de la apendicitis aguda se encuentran especialmente en la infancia y en estas formas graves llama poderosamente la atención, la falta de relación entre los signos clínicos observados y la importancia de las lesiones encontradas en el apéndice y el peritoneo, pues en los niños con signos de intensidad media y sin que se hayan presentado los síntomas que en el adulto caracterizan las formas graves de apendicitis, podemos encontrar en las operaciones practicadas en las primeras 24 a 36 horas, peritonitis generalizadas, formas de apendicitis gangrenosas, que no son frecuentes en el adulto y mucho menos en un lapso de tiempo tan corto.

  2. Leucemia congénita aguda

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    Nilvia Esther González García


    Full Text Available La leucemia aguda durante el período neonatal es poco frecuente de evolución rápida y pronóstico sombrío. Sus características clínicas y biológicas difieren de las encontradas en niños de mayor edad, y su inicio se caracteriza por afectación cutánea, hepatoesplenomegalia, hiperleucocitosis e infiltración del sistema nervioso central. Se han observado pacientes con formas tanto mieloides como linfoides, pero la leucemia mieloide aguda parece predominar en esta etapa de la vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con leucemia congénita clasificada morfológicamente, con aparición de manifestaciones clínicas de enfermedad hematológica desde el nacimiento y diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda congénita.

  3. Resultados do tratamento da pancreatite aguda grave

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    Franz Robert Apodaca-Torrez

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do Protocolo de Atendimento de pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite aguda grave. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, consecutivamente, a partir de janeiro de 2002, idade, sexo, etiologia, tempo de internação, tipo de tratamento e mortalidade de 37 pacientes portadores de pancreatite aguda grave. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou de 20 a 88 anos (média de 50 anos; 27% foram do sexo feminino e 73% do masculino. O tempo médio global de internação foi 47 dias. Treze pacientes foram tratados cirurgicamente; a média de operações realizadas foi duas por paciente. Ocorreram seis óbitos dentre os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico (46% e dois óbitos no grupo submetido somente ao tratamento clínico (8,3%. A mortalidade global foi 21% CONCLUSÃO: Após a modificação na forma de abordagem dos pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave, houve diminuição da mortalidade e uma tendência para a conduta expectante.

  4. Hepatitis viral aguda

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    Héctor Rubén Hernández Garcés


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de las hepatitis virales agudas sobre aspectos vinculados a su etiología. Se tuvieron en cuenta además algunos datos epidemiológicos, las formas clínicas más importantes, los exámenes complementarios con especial énfasis en los marcadores virales y el diagnóstico positivoA bibliographical review of acute viral hepatitis was made taking into account those aspects connected with its etiology. Some epidemiological markers, the most important clinical forms, and the complementary examinations with special emphasis on the viral markers and the positive diagnosis were also considered

  5. Ataxias agudas en la infancia

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    Yaline Betancourt Fursow


    Full Text Available La ataxia cerebelosa aguda infantil (ACAI es la forma más frecuente de complicación neurológica por el virus de la varicela.Descritas dentro del grupo de las cerebelitis agudas. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: evaluar la presentación clínica, manejo y seguimiento de niños hospitalizados con ACAI en un hospital pediátrico terciario donde la inmunización para varicela no está disponible (parte I y describir los diagnósticos diferenciales de la cerebelitis aguda (parte II. Estudiamos 95 pacientes. Los criterios diagnósticos de ataxia aguda se basaron en: pérdida aguda de la coordinación o dificultad para la marcha con o sin nistagmo asociado y duración menor de 48 horas, en un niño previamente sano. Estos criterios se cumplían en todos los casos valorados, excepto en las ataxias secundarias a ingesta de tóxicos, en los que la duración debía ser menor de 24 horas para su inclusión en el estudio. Se registraron los datos en una historia clínica pediátrica y neurológica. Entre los pacientes inmunosuprimidos la incidencia mayor fue la complicación por varicela. La mayoría de los pacientes fueron varones. El rango de edad fue la preescolar, 5 años . El intervalo entre la presentación del rash y el ingreso fue de 1 a 3 días. El estudio de LCR se practicó en 59.5% de los casos. La TAC y la resonancia magnética cerebral (RM presentaron edema en el 33.3%. El aciclovir endovenoso fue utilizado en 23 pacientes; pero no hubo diferencias significativas en las manifestaciones clínicas y seguimiento entre tratados y no tratados. La ataxia fue la primera manifestación clínica. La estadía hospitalaria fue de 4 días (rango: 2-11 días.

  6. Abdomen agudo ocasionado por apendicitis aguda de probable origen tuberculoso. Informe de un caso


    Montiel-Jarquín, Álvaro José; Alvarado-Ortega, Iván; Romero-Figueroa, María del Socorro; Rodríguez-Pérez, Fabiola; Rodríguez-Lima, Felipe; Loria-Castellanos, Jorge


    RESUMEN Antecedentes: la apendicitis aguda tuberculosa es una enfermedad rara, constituye de 0,001 % a 0,01 % de las formas clínicas de tuberculosis. Se presenta un caso de apendicitis aguda probablemente tuberculosa como causa de abdomen agudo quirúrgico. Caso clínico: hombre de 29 años con cuadro de dolor abdominal leve a moderado que se intensificó y localizó en el hemiabdomen derecho, claudicación, febrícula, vómito, mal estado general, leucocitosis de 11 300/µL y neutrofilia de 91 %....

  7. Pneumonia aguda fibrinosa e organizante

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    Cláudia Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo: O padrão histológico de Pneumonia Aguda Fibrinosa e Organizante (AFOP – Acute Fibrinous And Organizing Pneumonia, descrito por Beasley em 2002, caracteriza-se pela existência de fibrina intra-alveolar sob a forma de bolas de fibrina e pneumonia organizativa difusa. A apresentação clínica desta doença intersticial pulmonar pode ser aguda ou subaguda, diferindo no entanto dos outros padrões histológicos habitualmente associados a lesão pulmonar aguda – Lesão Alveolar Difusa (DAD, Pneumonia Organizativa (OP e Pneumonia Eosinofílica (EP.A propósito deste tema, os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura e descrevem o caso clínico de um doente de 44 anos, com aspectos imagiológicos e evolução pouco habituais. Abstract: The histologic pattern of Acute Fibrinous and Organizing Pneumonia (AFOP, described by Beasley in 2002, is characterized by the existence of intra alveolar fibrin in the form of fibrin “balls” and diffuse organizing pneumonia. Presenting symptoms of this interstitial pulmonary disease can be acute or subacute. However, it differs from the well-recognized histologic patterns of acute pulmonary lesion – Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD, Organizing Pneumonia (OP and Eosinophilic Pneumonia (EP.The authors carry out a review of the literature concerning this topic and describe the clinical case of a 44-year-old patient with unusual imaging features and outcome. Palavras-chave: AFOP, bolas de fibrina, pneumonia organizativa, Key-word: AFOP, fibrin balls, organizing pneumonia

  8. Leucemia congénita aguda Acute congenital leukemia

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    Nilvia Esther González García


    Full Text Available La leucemia aguda durante el período neonatal es poco frecuente de evolución rápida y pronóstico sombrío. Sus características clínicas y biológicas difieren de las encontradas en niños de mayor edad, y su inicio se caracteriza por afectación cutánea, hepatoesplenomegalia, hiperleucocitosis e infiltración del sistema nervioso central. Se han observado pacientes con formas tanto mieloides como linfoides, pero la leucemia mieloide aguda parece predominar en esta etapa de la vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con leucemia congénita clasificada morfológicamente, con aparición de manifestaciones clínicas de enfermedad hematológica desde el nacimiento y diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda congénita.Acute leukemia during neonatal period is not frequent, of a fast course and gloomy prognosis. Its clinical and biological features differ of that present in older children and it onset is characterized by cutaneous affection, hepatosplenomegaly, hyperleukocytosis and infiltration of central nervous system (CNS. There are patients presenting with myeloid and lymphoid types, but the acute leukemia seems to predominate in this stage of life. This is the case of a patient with acute leukemia morphologically classified, with appearance of clinical manifestations of hematologic disease from birth and a diagnosis of congenital acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  9. O mosaico patogênico da pancreatite aguda grave

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    Márcio Cavalcante Carneiro

    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda tem sido alvo de grandes discussões que vão desde o entendimento de sua fisiopatologia até a investigação de novas modalidades terapêuticas. Reconhece-se que a necrose pancreática e a falência orgânica múltipla - mormente associadas à infecção - representam os principais fatores determinantes da evolução para o óbito, mas, apesar dos grandes avanços em seu estudo, a doença permanece como um desafio para o clínico e o cirurgião. Deste modo, um melhor conhecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua fisiopatologia pode ser a chave para um tratamento mais eficaz, principalmente em relação às formas graves, cuja letalidade ainda encontra-se substancialmente elevada. Baseado nestas considerações, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo a revisão bibliográfica da fisiopatologia, dos fatores patogênicos envolvidos na história natural da pancreatite aguda grave e dos eventos associados à síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e à sepse, esboçando-se assim o mosaico patogênico desta importante condição.

  10. Classificação de gravidade na pancreatite aguda

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    Tercio De Campos

    Full Text Available De acordo com a Classificação de Atlanta a pancreatite aguda pode ser dividida, baseado em sua severidade, em uma forma leve ou grave. Uma série de aspectos têm sido discutidos nos últimos anos, tais como, quantas categorias de gravidade devem ser consideradas; se o doente com falência orgânica é igual ao doente com necrose infectada; qual o papel da falência orgânica transitória; e como avaliar a falência orgânica. A reunião de revista"Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE realizou uma avaliação crítica de artigos relacionados a este tema, considerando três artigos recentes que delinearam duas grandes revisões publicadas nos últimos meses. Estes artigos sugerem a classificação de gravidade em três ou quatro categorias, ao invés de pancreatite aguda leve ou grave, além de discutir qual o melhor escore para avaliar a falência orgânica. As seguintes recomendações foram propostas: (1 A pancreatite aguda deve ser classificada em quatro categorias: leve, moderada, grave e crítica, o que permite uma melhor determinação das características dos doentes; (2 Avaliação de falência orgânica com um escore de gravidade, preferencialmente algum que avalie diretamente cada falência orgânica, tais como o SOFA e o MODS (Marshall. O SOFA parece ter maior acurácia, mas o MODS tem melhor aplicabilidade devido à facilidade de uso.

  11. Sarcoidosis aguda: Variante de Síndrome de Löfgren sin eritema nodoso


    Pérez, Gerardo; Facal, Jorge


    El síndrome de Löfgren, es una variante aguda de la sarcoidosis, que se caracteriza por fiebre, eritema nodoso, adenomegalias hiliares pulmonares y artritis. En general, tiene un curso benigno y autolimitado, que contrasta con las formas crónicas que requieren uso de corticoides y tienen tendencia a la recidiva. Se describe aquí el caso clínico de un paciente joven, de sexo masculino, con artritis pero sin eritema nodoso, lo que dificultó el planteo diagnóstico de síndrome de Löfgren. Se real...

  12. Mielopatia transversa em adulto portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica: relato de caso

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    Brito José Correia de Farias


    Full Text Available Relatamos um caso de mielopatia transversa aguda em paciente masculino de 31 anos de idade, branco, portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica, subtipo L3 (LLA-L3. Esta é uma forma grave de leucemia e compromete mais crianças em relação aos adultos. Menos de 1% dos pacientes leucêmicos apresentam complicações espinais. No paciente em estudo, a sintomatologia instalou-se de modo abrupto e com as seguintes características: dores nas costas, paraplegia crural flácida e perda das funções sensitivas e vegetativas abaixo do segmento afetado. O diagnóstico etiológico foi estabelecido após a realização dos seguintes exames: hemograma, mielograma, análise do líquido cefalorraqueano e ressonância magnética de coluna dorsal. Foi instituído tratamento específico, que não interferiu com a evolução fatal da doença.

  13. Forma atípica de tireoidite supurativa aguda em paciente pediátrico: relato de caso


    Torres, Maria Rosineide dos S.; Medeiros, Carla C. M.; Nóbrega Neto, Sebastião Horácio; Souza, Lincoln S.; Rodrigues, Mônica L. C.; Silva, Maria Nelice M.; Maior, Lyzandra de H. C. S.; Avelino, Márcia C.; Mourão, Germana T. F.


    A tireoidite aguda é uma doença rara. Na infância associa-se principalmente a anormalidades congênitas com acometimento do lobo esquerdo. Na ausência de tireoidopatia preexistente, a função tireoidiana geralmente está normal. Relatamos um caso de uma menina, 6 anos de idade, com tumoração associada a sinais flogísticos na região cervical anterior há 15 dias acompanhada de leucocitose com desvio à esquerda, VSH e TSH elevados. Não havia história prévia de tireoidopatia. A ultra-sonografia da r...

  14. Respostas cardiovasculares agudas em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo Nintendo Wii

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    Renato Aparecido de Souza


    Full Text Available DOI: Recentemente, tem sido verificada a utilização do Nintendo Wii no contexto da saúde. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas monitoradas por meio do comportamento da frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e duplo produto, em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo console Nintendo Wii. A amostra foi composta por 18 universitários saudáveis, com média de idade de 22,07 ± 1,34 anos. As variáveis foram observadas com uso de deltas (valor final - inicial após 25 arremessos de basquetebol em duas situações experimentais: (I com o voluntário sentado e, (II com o voluntário saltando verticalmente. Os resultados sugerem que a prática de atividade física em ambiente virtual emulado pelo Nintendo Wii é capaz de alterar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas, especialmente, quando realizada em associação a saltos verticais. Assim, os resultados sustentam a viabilidade do uso do Nintendo Wii em programas de treinamento e favorecem sua indicação de forma mais segura.


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:La insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia.En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal. SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one.In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia. En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal.SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one. In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.

  17. Notas sobre apendicitis aguda


    Méndez S., Martín


    Hacer un buen diagnóstico, tener el valor de la responsabilidad operando precozmente los enfermos, en los cuales después de minucioso examen se cree o se tiene certeza de una apendicitis aguda, es uno de los méritos de todo buen cirujano. Sin duda tendrá que luchar contra todo, la familia, el enfermo y los allegados; pero si triunfa y vence logrará éxitos y salvará vidas. Parece fácil diagnosticar unaapendicitis aguda y sin embargo, es necesario decirlo claro, nada hay tan complicado y en oca...

  18. Suscetibilidade genética na lesão pulmonar aguda e síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda Genetic susceptibility in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Fernando Suparregui Dias


    Full Text Available A lesão pulmonar aguda e sua forma mais grave, a síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda, são o denominador comum de várias doenças que podem provocar uma inflamação exagerada nos pulmões. Nos últimos anos, essa variabilidade tem sido atribuída, pelo menos em parte, a fatores genéticos. O presente estudo tem por objetivos revisar o papel dos principais genes envolvidos na suscetibilidade, morbidade e mortalidade na lesão pulmonar aguda e na síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Através de pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e LiLACS, empregando-se os unitermos lesão pulmonar aguda, síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda e síndrome da angústia respiratória do adulto em combinação com polimorfismos genéticos, foram selecionados 69 artigos, dos quais 38 foram incluídos nesta revisão. Foram também considerados artigos relevantes extraídos das referências bibliográficas nos artigos selecionados das bases de dados. Os polimorfismos genéticos são variantes gênicas presentes em pelo menos 1% da população. A presença destas variantes genéticas pode influenciar a expressão de mediadores da resposta inflamatória, afetando diretamente a suscetibilidade à lesão pulmonar aguda, a intensidade da inflamação no parênquima pulmonar, a evolução e o desfecho destes pacientes. Estudos de associação com grandes populações e passíveis de reprodução permitirão de modo definitivo a inclusão da genômica no arsenal diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapêutico de pacientes com lesão pulmonar aguda/síndrome da angústia respiratória agudaAcute lung injury and its most severe presentation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, are a common denominator for several diseases which can lead to exaggerated lung inflammation. In the last years this variability has been ascribed, at least partially, to genetic issues. This study aims to review the role of the main genes involved in acute lung injury and acute respiratory

  19. Intoxicación aguda por cocaína en un lactante no asociada a lactancia materna: A propósito de un caso clínico


    Decia1, Mónica; Pan, Melina; Telechea, Héctor; Laborde, Amalia; Menchaca, Amanda


    La intoxicación aguda por cocaína es infrecuente en lactantes y niños. Las formas más frecuentes de presentación clínica son las convulsiones tónico-clónicas en apirexia, alteraciones motoras y la excitación psicomotriz. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 1 mes que ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Niños del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell por una intoxicación aguda por cocaína. El cuadro clínico consistió en manifestaciones secundarias a un estado hiperadrenérgico generali...

  20. Daño pulmonar agudo relacionado con la transfusión (Trali y Bartonelosis aguda

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    Douglas López de Guimaraes


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un varón de 22 años procedente de la periferia de la ciudad de Huaraz, Perú, que acude al Hospital "Victor Ramos Guardia" de Huaraz con un tiempo de enfermedad de 14 días, febril, pálido e ictérico, en el frotis de sangre periférica se encuentran formas bacilares de Bartonella bacilliformis en 99% de la lámina; se inicia tratamiento antibiótico con ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacino. Al día siguiente se le indica transfusión de dos paquetes globulares (puesto que tenía 6,2 g/dL de Hb, dos horas después presenta dolor toráxico, tos seca exigente, vómitos, dificultad respiratoria y cianosis, en la auscultación se encuentran roncantes y crepitantes, la radiografía de tórax muestra infiltrado alveolar difuso a predominio derecho. Es trasladado a la UCI donde recibe oxígeno con máscara de reservorio, dopamina, corticoides y se inicia el monitoreo hemodinámico; responde en forma satisfactoria, sale de alta con frotis negativo a Bartonella bacilliformis. Es el primer caso de daño pulmonar agudo relacionado con la transfusión (TRALI asociado con Bartonelosis aguda con cuadro clínico - radiológico y evolución compatible, es importante distinguir entre la complicación pulmonar debido a la sepsis grave por Bartonelosis aguda, que puede producir un cuadro clínico similar y el TRALI.

  1. Insuficiencia renal aguda con necrosis tubular aguda secundaria a picadura masiva de abejas

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    Gustavo A. Aroca - Martínez


    Full Text Available Leñador de 46 años consulta al servicio de nefrología, de la Clínica Renal de la Costa en Barranquilla, con episodio de insuficiencia renal aguda 48 horas después de haber sufrido múltiples picaduras por abejas africanizadas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presentó incremento de enzimas musculares (AST LDH, y de pruebas de función renal, motivo por el cual fue dializado en varias ocasiones. Con mejoría total, se decide egresar y manejar ambulatoriamente. Se concluye que el caso se trata de una insuficiencia renal por necrosis tubular aguda por rabdomiolisis debida a la picadura múltiple de abejas africanizadas.

  2. Infarto esplénico secundario a pancreatitis aguda Splenic infarction secondary to acute pancreatitis

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    J. J. Arenal Vera


    Full Text Available Fundamento y objetivo: la estrecha relación anatómica del páncreas con los vasos esplénicos y el bazo es responsable de complicaciones esplénicas en el curso de la pancreatitis aguda. El objetivo es presentar dos casos clínicos de pancreatitis aguda grave que sufrieron infarto esplénico como complicación de la enfermedad pancreática. Pacientes, participantes: en un periodo de tres meses, dos pacientes fueron diagnosticados de infarto esplénico secundario a pancreatitis aguda. En ambos casos el diagnóstico y seguimiento evolutivo del infarto esplénico se hizo a través de tomografía axial computerizada. Resultados: en el primer paciente, las imágenes muestran de forma inequívoca la afectación de la arteria esplénica por el proceso inflamatorio pancreático. En el segundo, no se pudo demostrar afectación de los vasos esplénicos, por lo que la única posible explicación etiológica es un incremento de coagulabilidad intravascular. Conclusiones: sería recomendable añadir las complicaciones esplénicas al conjunto de complicaciones graves extrapancreáticas de la pancreatitis aguda. La tomografía axial computerizada es de gran utilidad para la detección y seguimiento de las complicaciones esplénicas de la pancreatitis aguda.Background and objective: the close anatomic relationship of the pancreas with the splenic vessels and the spleen is responsible for splenic complications in the course of acute pancreatitis. Our objective was to report two cases of severe acute pancreatitis complicated by splenic infarction. Patients: in a three-month period of time two patients were diagnosed with splenic infarction secondary to acute pancreatitis. In both cases splenic infarction diagnosis and follow-up were carried out using computed tomography. Results: in the first case images clearly showed a narrowing of the splenic artery due to the inflammatory pancreatic condition. In the second case no involvement of the splenic vessels could

  3. Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available Introducción: La apendicitis aguda es la enfermedad intrabdominal más frecuente tratada de urgencia. Resulta de interés la utilización de la Escala de Alvarado en el diagnóstico de esta patología por su contribución a la disminución de apendicectomías negativas. Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda en pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital IESS Ambato. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal en pacientes hospitalizados con cuadro de dolor abdominal y sospecha de apendicitis aguda, valorados en el Servicio de Cirugía General en el Hospital General IESS Ambato en el período junio 2015 a noviembre del año 2015. Resultados: De acuerdo al resultado histopatológico predominó la apendicitis aguda supurada con (n=83, 54.9%; seguida de apendicitis aguda gangrenosa (n=35, 23.2%; apendicitis aguda precoz (n=15, 9.9%; mientras que el resultado normal y apendicitis aguda gangrenosa perforada se encontraron con los mismos valores (n=9, 5.9%. Conclusiones: Existió un puntaje elevado de la Escala de Alvarado para el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda según la severidad de los hallazgos descritos en el resultado histopatológico posterior a la apendicectomía. El resultado histopatológico de mayor frecuencia fue la apendicitis aguda supurada, con un riesgo medio en la Escala de Alvarado, la cual es más sensible en periodos de gravedad.

  4. Respostas cardiovasculares agudas na extensão do joelho realizada em diferentes formas de execução Respuestas cardiovasculares agudas a la extensión de rodilla realizada en diferentes formas de ejecución Acute cardiovascular responses on knee extension at different performance modes

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    Marcos Doederlein Polito


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi verificar as pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD, freqüência cardíaca (FC e duplo-produto (DP durante e após a extensão do joelho realizada de forma uni e bilateral até a exaustão. Dezoito indivíduos - seis homens e 12 mulheres - (33 ± 11 anos; 63,5 ± 11,4kg; 168,6 ± 7,1cm, voluntários, saudáveis e experientes no treinamento de força realizaram três séries de 12 repetições máximas da extensão do joelho, realizadas de forma uni (UN e bilateral (BI. A pressão arterial foi medida pelo método auscultatório ao final de cada série e durante 20 minutos após o exercício, com intervalos de cinco minutos. A ANOVA de duas entradas com medidas repetidas mostrou que a variação percentual em relação ao repouso (D% da PAS foi significativamente maior na 3ª série (UN = 31,7 ± 11,9%; BI = 38,5 ± 10,9% que na 1ª (UN = 19,5 ± 12,5%; BI = 26,0 ± 10,2%. Quanto à PAD, o D% foi maior na 3ª série (UN = 48,5 ± 13,9%; BI = 51,4 ± 13,3% que na 1ª (UN = 30,5 ± 13,0%; BI = 34,9 ± 16,0% e na 2ª (UN = 40,9 ± 15,4%; BI = 47,3 ± 12,9%. Não foram observadas diferenças para FC e DP, assim como entre os modos de execução. Após o exercício, não foram identificadas diferenças entre todas as variáveis observadas. Aparentemente, a forma de execução da extensão unilateral do joelho não repercutiria sobre as respostas cardiovasculares agudas, durante ou após o exercício. Contudo, a execução bilateral mostrou tendência a elevar os valores de PAS e DP em relação à execução unilateral, o que deve ser considerado na prescrição para pessoas que necessitem de cuidados especiais.El objetivo de este estudio fué verificar las presiones arterial sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD, frecuencia cardíaca (FC y producto doble (DP durante y después de la extensión de rodilla realizada de forma uni y bilateral hasta el agotamiento. Dieciocho individuos - seis hombres y 12 mujeres

  5. Regeneración axonal posterior a lesiones traumáticas de médula espinal: Papel crítico de galectina-1

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    Héctor R Quintá


    Full Text Available Al producirse una lesión de médula espinal (LME, un sinnúmero de proteínas inhibidoras de la regeneración axonal ocupan el sitio de lesión en forma secuencial. La primer proteína en llegar al mismo se conoce como semaforina 3A (Sema3A, siendo además una de las más potentes por su acción de inhibir la regeneración axonal. A nivel mecanístico la unión de esta proteína al complejo-receptor neuronal neuropilin-1 (NRP-1/PlexinA4 evita que se produzca regeneración axonal. En este trabajo de revisión se discutirá la acción de galectin-1 (Gal-1, una proteína endógena de unión a glicanos, que selectivamente se une al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4 de las neuronas lesionadas a través de un mecanismo dependiente de interacciones lectina-glicano, interrumpiendo la señalización generada por Sema3A y permitiendo de esta manera la regeneración axonal y recuperación locomotora luego de producirse la LME. Mientras ambas formas de Gal-1 (monomérica y dimérica contribuyen a la inactivación de la microglia, solo la forma dimérica de Gal-1 es capaz de unirse al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4 y promover regeneración axonal. Por lo tanto, Gal-1 dimérica produce recuperación de las lesiones espinales interfiriendo en la señalización de Sema3A a través de la unión al complejo-receptor NRP-1/PlexinA4, sugiriendo el uso de esta lectina en su forma dimérica para el tratamiento de pacientes con LME.

  6. Comportamiento de la otitis media aguda

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    Gladys Fuentes Fernández

    Full Text Available Introducción: la otitis media aguda es una complicación de las infecciones respiratorias agudas altas, frecuente en los niños menores de 5 años. Objetivos: caracterizar su comportamiento, según edad y sexo, e identificar algunos factores de riesgo en este grupo de edad. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 554 niños ingresados en el hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana con el diagnóstico de otitis media aguda, durante los años 2006-2010. Los datos se recogieron de las historias clínicas. Resultados: la otitis media aguda fue más frecuente en el sexo masculino (58,7 % y en los menores de 1 año (53,1 %. El antecedente de bajo peso (33,9 % y la prematuridad (27,5 %, la asistencia a círculos infantiles (43,5 % y el hábito de fumar de los padres (58,4 %, además del antecedente de ingresos hospitalarios por otitis media en el mes previo a la aparición del episodio actual (59,0 %, constituyeron los principales factores de riesgo en el presente estudio. Conclusiones: la otitis media es una causa frecuente de ingresos hospitalarios, y se identifican como principales factores de riesgo la asistencia a círculos infantiles y el tabaquismo de algunos de los padres.

  7. Slowing of axonal regeneration is correlated with increased axonal viscosity during aging

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    Heidemann Steven R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As we age, the speed of axonal regeneration declines. At the biophysical level, why this occurs is not well understood. Results To investigate we first measured the rate of axonal elongation of sensory neurons cultured from neonatal and adult rats. We found that neonatal axons grew 40% faster than adult axons (11.5 µm/hour vs. 8.2 µm/hour. To determine how the mechanical properties of axons change during maturation, we used force calibrated towing needles to measure the viscosity (stiffness and strength of substrate adhesion of neonatal and adult sensory axons. We found no significant difference in the strength of adhesions, but did find that adult axons were 3 times intrinsically stiffer than neonatal axons. Conclusions Taken together, our results suggest decreasing axonal stiffness may be part of an effective strategy to accelerate the regeneration of axons in the adult peripheral nervous system.

  8. Sumário de atualização da II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda 2009/2011

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    Marcelo Westerlund Montera


    Full Text Available Nos últimos dois anos, observamos diversas modificações na abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica dos pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca aguda (IC aguda, o que nos motivou quanto à necessidade da realização de um sumário de atualização da II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda de 2009. Na avaliação diagnóstica, o fluxograma diagnóstico foi simplificado e foi fortalecido o papel da avaliação clínica e ecocardiograma. Na avaliação clínico-hemodinâmica admissional, o ecocardiograma hemodinâmico ganhou destaque no auxilio da definição dessa condição no paciente com IC aguda na sala de emergência. Na avaliação prognóstica, os biomarcadores tiveram seu papel mais bem estabelecido, e a síndrome cardiorrenal teve seus critérios e valor prognóstico mais bem definidos. Os fluxogramas de abordagem terapêutica foram revistos, tornando-se mais simples e objetivos. Dentre os avanços na terapêutica medicamentosa destacam-se a segurança e a importância da manutenção ou introdução dos betabloqueadores na terapêutica admissional. A anticoagulação, de acordo com as novas evidências, ganha um espectro maior de indicações. O edema agudo de pulmão tem bem estabelecido os seus modelos hemodinâmicos de apresentação com suas distintas formas de abordagens terapêuticas, com novos níveis de indicação e evidência. No tratamento cirúrgico da IC aguda, a revascularização miocárdica, a abordagem das lesões mecânicas e o transplante cardíaco foram revistos e atualizados. Este sumário de atualização fortalece a II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda por mantê-la atualizada e rejuvenescida. Todos os clínicos cardiologistas que lidam com pacientes com IC aguda encontrarão na diretriz e em seu sumário de atualização importantes instrumentos no auxílio da prática clínica para o melhor diagnóstico e tratamento de seus pacientes.

  9. Primeras experiencias con drenaje biliar percutáneo de urgencia en la colangitis aguda

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    José Luis González González

    Full Text Available Introducción: la obstrucción biliar es motivo frecuente de morbilidad en los pacientes con metástasis hepáticas, adenopatías periportales y cáncer hepatobiliopancreático. La colangitis aguda es la complicación más temida, debido a su mortalidad. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros abordajes percutáneos realizados por cirujanos del Hospital Clínicoquirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras" como herramienta para el tratamiento urgente de esta entidad. Objetivo: caracterizar el drenaje percutáneo transparietohepático de urgencia en pacientes con colangitis aguda e ictericia obstructiva. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y aplicado con 30 pacientes atendidos de esta forma en dicha institución entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2010. Resultados: el diagnóstico etiológico preponderante fue el de tumor maligno de la cabeza del páncreas. La localización baja de la lesión duplicó a la localización alta. La mejoría clínica de la ictericia se evidenció en la mayoría de los pacientes después de una semana tras el procedimiento: el drenaje percutáneo constituyó el método definitivo en el 73,3 % de los pacientes. Las edades medias para los distintos diagnósticos etiológicos exhibieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. No hubo complicaciones ni mortalidad relacionadas con el procedimiento. Conclusiones: el drenaje biliar percutáneo guiado por ultrasonido es una herramienta útil y segura para el tratamiento de urgencia de la colangitis aguda. Es un método que pueden realizar los cirujanos generales con entrenamiento adecuado y específico, y tiene asociadas pocas complicaciones.

  10. Pneumonia eosinofílica aguda com evolução para síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda: caso clínico


    J.P.F. Baptista; P.C. Casanova; J.P.A. Sousa; P.J. Martins; A. Simões; V. Fernandes; J. Souto; J.J. Costa; A. Rebelo; L. Carvalho; J. Pimentel


    RESUMO: Os autores apresentam um caso de pneumonia eosinofílica aguda (PEA) associada a síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda grave num adolescente previamente saudável, medicado com nitrofurantoína. A PEA deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial da pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, bem como na lista das patologias causadoras de síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda, e o seu diagnóstico deve ser sugerido pela presença de alveolite eosinofílica no líquido de lavagem broncoalveol...

  11. Pancreatitis aguda grave asociada a gangrena vesicular


    Arroyo-Sánchez, Abel S; Aguirre-Mejía, Rosa Y; Echenique-Martínez, Sergio E


    Se presenta el caso un paciente diabético que desarrolló un cuadro de pancreatitis aguda grave asociada a gangrena vesicular, en el que se evaluó la aplicabilidad de los criterios de clasificación y manejo de la hoja de ruta para pancreatitis aguda, así mismo se proponen algunos tópicos que pudieran ser investigados a futuro We present a diabetic patient who developed severe acute pancreatitis associated to gallbladder gangrene, in this case we assessed the applicability of classification ...

  12. Dynamics of target recognition by interstitial axon branching along developing cortical axons. (United States)

    Bastmeyer, M; O'Leary, D D


    Corticospinal axons innervate their midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal targets by extending collateral branches interstitially along their length. To establish that the axon shaft rather than the axonal growth cone is responsible for target recognition in this system, and to characterize the dynamics of interstitial branch formation, we have studied this process in an in vivo-like setting using slice cultures from neonatal mice containing the entire pathway of corticospinal axons. Corticospinal axons labeled with the dye 1,1'-dioctodecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (or Dil) were imaged using time-lapse video microscopy of their pathway overlying the basilar pons, their major hindbrain target. The axon shaft millimeters behind the growth cone exhibits several dynamic behaviors, including the de novo formation of varicosities and filopodia-like extensions, and a behavior that we term "pulsation," which is characterized by a variable thickening and thining of short segments of the axon. An individual axon can have multiple sites of branching activity, with many of the branches being transient. These dynamic behaviors occur along the portion of the axon shaft overlying the basilar pons, but not just caudal to it. Once the collaterals extend into the pontine neuropil, they branch further in the neuropil, while the parent axon becomes quiescent. Thus, the branching activity is spatially restricted to specific portions of the axon, as well as temporally restricted to a relatively brief time window. These findings provide definitive evidence that collateral branches form de novo along corticospinal axons and establish that the process of target recognition in this system is a property of the axon shaft rather than the leading growth cone.

  13. VIH: Infeccion aguda, pesquisa y manejo

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    Cortés S. Esteban, Dr.


    Si bien existe una relativa facilidad para realizar el diagnóstico de un paciente con la infección crónica por VIH, existe por otro lado una relativa dificultad para realizar el diagnóstico de la infección aguda en etapas tempranas de la infección. Esta situación es de importancia desde el punto de vista de la Salud Pública por cuanto en la infección aguda es cuando se producen las viremias más elevadas y por tanto la mayor facilidad para que el sujeto sea infectante y disemine la infección viral.

  14. Axonal GABAA receptors. (United States)

    Trigo, Federico F; Marty, Alain; Stell, Brandon M


    Type A GABA receptors (GABA(A)Rs) are well established as the main inhibitory receptors in the mature mammalian forebrain. In recent years, evidence has accumulated showing that GABA(A)Rs are prevalent not only in the somatodendritic compartment of CNS neurons, but also in their axonal compartment. Evidence for axonal GABA(A)Rs includes new immunohistochemical and immunogold data: direct recording from single axonal terminals; and effects of local applications of GABA(A)R modulators on action potential generation, on axonal calcium signalling, and on neurotransmitter release. Strikingly, whereas presynaptic GABA(A)Rs have long been considered inhibitory, the new studies in the mammalian brain mostly indicate an excitatory action. Depending on the neuron that is under study, axonal GABA(A)Rs can be activated by ambient GABA, by GABA spillover, or by an autocrine action, to increase either action potential firing and/or transmitter release. In certain neurons, the excitatory effects of axonal GABA(A)Rs persist into adulthood. Altogether, axonal GABA(A)Rs appear as potent neuronal modulators of the mammalian CNS.

  15. Ascending Midbrain Dopaminergic Axons Require Descending GAD65 Axon Fascicles for Normal Pathfinding

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    Claudia Marcela Garcia-Peña


    Full Text Available The Nigrostriatal pathway (NSP is formed by dopaminergic axons that project from the ventral midbrain to the dorsolateral striatum as part of the medial forebrain bundle. Previous studies have implicated chemotropic proteins in the formation of the NSP during development but little is known of the role of substrate-anchored signals in this process. We observed in mouse and rat embryos that midbrain dopaminergic axons ascend in close apposition to descending GAD65-positive axon bundles throughout their trajectory to the striatum. To test whether such interaction is important for dopaminergic axon pathfinding, we analyzed transgenic mouse embryos in which the GAD65 axon bundle was reduced by the conditional expression of the diphtheria toxin. In these embryos we observed dopaminergic misprojection into the hypothalamic region and abnormal projection in the striatum. In addition, analysis of Robo1/2 and Slit1/2 knockout embryos revealed that the previously described dopaminergic misprojection in these embryos is accompanied by severe alterations in the GAD65 axon scaffold. Additional studies with cultured dopaminergic neurons and whole embryos suggest that NCAM and Robo proteins are involved in the interaction of GAD65 and dopaminergic axons. These results indicate that the fasciculation between descending GAD65 axon bundles and ascending dopaminergic axons is required for the stereotypical NSP formation during brain development and that known guidance cues may determine this projection indirectly by instructing the pathfinding of the axons that are part of the GAD65 axon scaffold.

  16. Nefrite Intersticial Aguda Após Exposição a Losartan

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    Letícia Schwerz Weinert


    Full Text Available Nefrite intersticial aguda é uma causa comum de perda aguda de função renal. Exposição a drogas é o fator desencadeante mais freqüentemente relatado, porém auto-imunidade e infecções também estão associadas. Os inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina têm sido relatados como possíveis agentes, porém não há relato na literatura de nefrite intersticial com uso de losartan. Descrevemos então, o caso de perda aguda de função renal após exposição a losartan, em paciente com dano renal prévio por nefropatia diabética, cuja biópsia renal diagnosticou nefrite intersticial aguda.

  17. Action Potential Dynamics in Fine Axons Probed with an Axonally Targeted Optical Voltage Sensor. (United States)

    Ma, Yihe; Bayguinov, Peter O; Jackson, Meyer B


    The complex and malleable conduction properties of axons determine how action potentials propagate through extensive axonal arbors to reach synaptic terminals. The excitability of axonal membranes plays a major role in neural circuit function, but because most axons are too thin for conventional electrical recording, their properties remain largely unexplored. To overcome this obstacle, we used a genetically encoded hybrid voltage sensor (hVOS) harboring an axonal targeting motif. Expressing this probe in transgenic mice enabled us to monitor voltage changes optically in two populations of axons in hippocampal slices, the large axons of dentate granule cells (mossy fibers) in the stratum lucidum of the CA3 region and the much finer axons of hilar mossy cells in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. Action potentials propagated with distinct velocities in each type of axon. Repetitive firing broadened action potentials in both populations, but at an intermediate frequency the degree of broadening differed. Repetitive firing also attenuated action potential amplitudes in both mossy cell and granule cell axons. These results indicate that the features of use-dependent action potential broadening, and possible failure, observed previously in large nerve terminals also appear in much finer unmyelinated axons. Subtle differences in the frequency dependences could influence the propagation of activity through different pathways to excite different populations of neurons. The axonally targeted hVOS probe used here opens up the diverse repertoire of neuronal processes to detailed biophysical study.

  18. Axon-Axon Interactions Regulate Topographic Optic Tract Sorting via CYFIP2-Dependent WAVE Complex Function. (United States)

    Cioni, Jean-Michel; Wong, Hovy Ho-Wai; Bressan, Dario; Kodama, Lay; Harris, William A; Holt, Christine E


    The axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are topographically sorted before they arrive at the optic tectum. This pre-target sorting, typical of axon tracts throughout the brain, is poorly understood. Here, we show that cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting proteins (CYFIPs) fulfill non-redundant functions in RGCs, with CYFIP1 mediating axon growth and CYFIP2 specifically involved in axon sorting. We find that CYFIP2 mediates homotypic and heterotypic contact-triggered fasciculation and repulsion responses between dorsal and ventral axons. CYFIP2 associates with transporting ribonucleoprotein particles in axons and regulates translation. Axon-axon contact stimulates CYFIP2 to move into growth cones where it joins the actin nucleating WAVE regulatory complex (WRC) in the periphery and regulates actin remodeling and filopodial dynamics. CYFIP2's function in axon sorting is mediated by its binding to the WRC but not its translational regulation. Together, these findings uncover CYFIP2 as a key regulatory link between axon-axon interactions, filopodial dynamics, and optic tract sorting. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Apendicitis Aguda


    Jorge Fallas González


    La apendicitis aguda, descrita desde 1886, es la emergencia quirúrgica más común. Tiene su mayor incidencia durante la adultez joven y su menor incidencia en niños y adultos mayores. Su diagnóstico se basa en una historia clínica completa, un examen físico bien orientado y en una adecuada interpretación de los exámenes de laboratorio y gabinete. A pesar de ser una entidad de resolución quirúrgica, su tratamiento engloba diferentes aspectos médicosAcute appendicitis, described since 1886, is t...

  20. Glia to axon RNA transfer. (United States)

    Sotelo, José Roberto; Canclini, Lucía; Kun, Alejandra; Sotelo-Silveira, José Roberto; Calliari, Aldo; Cal, Karina; Bresque, Mariana; Dipaolo, Andrés; Farias, Joaquina; Mercer, John A


    The existence of RNA in axons has been a matter of dispute for decades. Evidence for RNA and ribosomes has now accumulated to a point at which it is difficult to question, much of the disputes turned to the origin of these axonal RNAs. In this review, we focus on studies addressing the origin of axonal RNAs and ribosomes. The neuronal soma as the source of most axonal RNAs has been demonstrated and is indisputable. However, the surrounding glial cells may be a supplemental source of axonal RNAs, a matter scarcely investigated in the literature. Here, we review the few papers that have demonstrated that glial-to-axon RNA transfer is not only feasible, but likely. We describe this process in both invertebrate axons and vertebrate axons. Schwann cell to axon ribosomes transfer was conclusively demonstrated (Court et al. [2008]: J. Neurosci 28:11024-11029; Court et al. [2011]: Glia 59:1529-1539). However, mRNA transfer still remains to be demonstrated in a conclusive way. The intercellular transport of mRNA has interesting implications, particularly with respect to the integration of glial and axonal function. This evolving field is likely to impact our understanding of the cell biology of the axon in both normal and pathological conditions. Most importantly, if the synthesis of proteins in the axon can be controlled by interacting glia, the possibilities for clinical interventions in injury and neurodegeneration are greatly increased. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. The genetics of axonal transport and axonal transport disorders.

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    Jason E Duncan


    Full Text Available Neurons are specialized cells with a complex architecture that includes elaborate dendritic branches and a long, narrow axon that extends from the cell body to the synaptic terminal. The organized transport of essential biological materials throughout the neuron is required to support its growth, function, and viability. In this review, we focus on insights that have emerged from the genetic analysis of long-distance axonal transport between the cell body and the synaptic terminal. We also discuss recent genetic evidence that supports the hypothesis that disruptions in axonal transport may cause or dramatically contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.

  2. Gingivitis ulceronecrosante aguda

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    Eduardo de la Teja-Ángeles


    Full Text Available La gingivitis ulcerativa necrosante, conocida por sus siglas en inglés como GUN (anteriormente se le conocía como enfermedad de Vincent o “boca de trinchera” por afectar a soldados en guerra, es una enfermedad poco frecuente.1-6 Se caracteriza por ser una infección aguda y dolorosa en la que las encías sangran, hay necrosis de las papilas interdentales y ataque al estado general.

  3. Otitis media aguda: nuevo enfoque terapéutico

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    Ileana Alvarez Lam


    Full Text Available La otitis media aguda continúa siendo una de las enfermedades infecciosas más frecuentes en la infancia. Se hace una revisión del tema haciendo énfasis en la conducta terapéutica actual luego del surgimiento de complejos mecanismos de resistencia bacteriana creados por los microorganismos causantes de la enfermedad. Como toda enfermedad infecciosa las esperanzas están cifradas en el surgimiento de una vacuna que impacte de forma positiva en nuestra población infantil. En tal sentido se hace una reflexión sobre el uso de la vacuna antineumocócica de 7 valencias (Prevnar y su repercusión sobre esta enfermedad.Acute otitis media is still one of the most common infectious diseases among children. A review of the topic is made giving emphasis to the present therapeutic conduct after the appearance of complex mechanisms of bacterial resistance created by the microorganisms causing the disease. As in every infectious disease, we place our hopes on the emergence of a vaccine with a positive impact on our infantile population. In this sense, a reflection is made on the use of the heptavalent antipneumococcic vaccine (Prevnar and its repercussion on this disease.

  4. Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda


    Gutiérrez Muñoz, Fernando R.


    La función respiratoria básica es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido carbono; lo que implica un perfecto equilibrio y control entre los componentes del sistema respiratorio. a insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (IRA) es la incapacidad del sistema respiratorio de cumplir su función básica, que es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono. Basic respiratory function is gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which implies a perfect balance and control between the compo...

  5. Necrose pancreática delimitada e outros conceitos atuais na avaliação radiológica da pancreatite aguda

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    Elen Freitas de Cerqueira Cunha


    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda é uma condição inflamatória causada por ativação intracelular e extravasamento inapropriado de enzimas proteolíticas que determinam destruição do parênquima pancreático e dos tecidos peripancreáticos. Consiste em uma condição clínica bastante frequente, identificando-se duas formas principais de apresentação: a forma edematosa, menos intensa, e a forma necrosante, a forma grave da doença que acomete uma proporção significativa dos pacientes. A avaliação radiológica, sobretudo por tomografia computadorizada, tem papel fundamental na definição da conduta nos casos graves, sobretudo no que diz respeito à caracterização das complicações locais, que têm implicação prognóstica, e na determinação do tipo de abordagem terapêutica. Novos conceitos incluem a subdivisão da pancreatite necrosante nas formas de necrose do parênquima pancreático concomitante com necrose dos tecidos peripancreáticos ou necrose restrita aos tecidos peripancreáticos. Além disso, houve sistematização dos termos: acúmulos líquidos agudos peripancreáticos, pseudocisto, alterações pós-necróticas pancreáticas/peripancreáticas e necrose pancreática delimitada. Tal conhecimento é de extrema relevância no sentido de uniformizar a linguagem entre os especialistas envolvidos no diagnóstico e tratamento desses pacientes.

  6. Microcristais biliares na pancreatite aguda idiopática: indício para etiologia biliar oculta subjacente

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    CHEBLI Júlio Maria Fonseca


    Full Text Available As principais causas de inflamação pancreática no mundo são a litíase biliar e o alcoolismo crônico. Admite-se que 10 a 30% das pancreatites agudas sejam idiopáticas. Sugere-se que parte destas são causadas por microlitíase ou barro biliar, identificados pela presença de microcristais no sedimento biliar. Neste estudo, realizou-se análise microscópica da bile obtida por colangiopancreatografia endoscópica, em pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática, pancreatite aguda biliar e pancreatite crônica alcoólica - 20 em cada grupo. Pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática e microcristais na bile foram submetidos a colecistectomia. Naqueles inaptos à cirurgia efetuou-se esfincterotomia endoscópica ou tratamento com ácido ursodesoxicólico. Pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática sem cristais não receberam tratamento específico. A prevalência de microcristais biliares em pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática (75% e pancreatite aguda biliar (90% foi significativamente maior que naqueles com pancreatite crônica alcoólica (15%. A detecção de microcristais apresentou sensibilidade de 90%, especificidade de 85%, valor preditivo positivo de 85,7%, valor preditivo negativo de 89,4% e acurácia de 87,5% em identificar pancreatite de origem biliar. Nos pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática recurrente, cursando com microcristais, houve redução significante dos episódios de pancreatite após tratamento específico. No seguimento deste grupo durante 23,3 meses, recidiva ocorreu apenas naqueles que apresentavam "fator biliar persistente" (coledocolitíase ou microcristais. Todos os pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática submetidos a colecistectomia apresentavam colecistite crônica, e microlitíase foi observada em um paciente. No seguimento ultra-sonográfico, colelitíase foi detectada em um dos casos. No subgrupo de cinco pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática sem microcristais houve uma recidiva. Estudo


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    Dr. Francisco J. Krause


    Full Text Available La otitis media aguda es una patología infecciosa del oído medio muy frecuente. El diagnóstico es clínico, por lo que es fundamental un acucioso examen físico y una neumootoscopía para evaluar la movilidad timpánica. Hay dos tendencias respecto al manejo, tratamiento antibiótico inmediato u observación estricta (dependiendo de las características del paciente y del cuadro clínico. Los gérmenes más frecuentes son los virus, Neumococo, Haemophilus influenza y Moraxella catarrhalis. La prevalencia de cada uno de ellos varía según región geográfica y según la presencia de vacunación. La resistencia a antibióticos ha ido en aumento en estos años, pero aún puede considerarse sensible a amoxicilina por lo que se recomienda su uso como primera línea. En el caso de fracaso a tratamiento pueden utilizarse asociaciones con B-lactámicos y/o cefalosporinas, dejando en forma excepcional clindamicina o quinolonas. Aquellos niños con OMA recurrente requerirán evaluación por especialidad para mayor estudio y tratamiento.

  8. Efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda

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    Raidel González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Son numerosos los pacientes aquejados de algias vertebrales, tanto lumbares como dorsales y cervicales. Se realizó esta investigación con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en la lumbalgia aguda, en pacientes atendidos en el policlínico universitario “Raúl Sánchez” de la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda, pertenecientes a dicha área de salud. La muestra quedó conformada por 68 pacientes de ambos sexos con lumbalgia aguda, diagnosticados clínicamente y mayores de 17 años de edad. En la investigación predominó el sexo femenino (67,6 % y el rango de edad estuvo entre 40 y 49 años. El esfuerzo físico fue el principal factor desencadenante (47,1 %. Con el tratamiento de la magnetoterapia aplicado a los pacientes se redujeron los estadios del dolor. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron una respuesta clínica excelente y mejoraron los síntomas entre los siete y diez días (61,8 %. No se reportaron efectos adversos. La magnetoterapia resultó efectiva en el tratamiento de pacientes aquejados de lumbalgia aguda

  9. Signal propagation along the axon. (United States)

    Rama, Sylvain; Zbili, Mickaël; Debanne, Dominique


    Axons link distant brain regions and are usually considered as simple transmission cables in which reliable propagation occurs once an action potential has been generated. Safe propagation of action potentials relies on specific ion channel expression at strategic points of the axon such as nodes of Ranvier or axonal branch points. However, while action potentials are generally considered as the quantum of neuronal information, their signaling is not entirely digital. In fact, both their shape and their conduction speed have been shown to be modulated by activity, leading to regulations of synaptic latency and synaptic strength. We report here newly identified mechanisms of (1) safe spike propagation along the axon, (2) compartmentalization of action potential shape in the axon, (3) analog modulation of spike-evoked synaptic transmission and (4) alteration in conduction time after persistent regulation of axon morphology in central neurons. We discuss the contribution of these regulations in information processing. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Serie de 8 casos de parotiditis supurada aguda neonatal

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez

    Full Text Available La parotiditis supurada aguda es una infección poco frecuente en la práctica del pediatra y neonatólogo. El objetivo es mostrar nuestra experiencia en la atención de serie de casos con parotiditis supurada aguda en el período neonatal, y describir sus características de presentación. Se presentan los hallazgos clínicos en 8 pacientes con parotiditis supurativa neonatal, quienes estuvieron ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "Juan Manuel Márquez", durante el período de 22 años (desde el año 1992 hasta el año 2013, y se contrasta con los reportes publicados en la literatura internacional. Las características de presentación de la parotiditis aguda supurada de nuestros casos concuerdan con la literatura revisada en muchos aspectos, y se demuestra que es, además, una infección poco frecuente en el período neonatal. Es la primera publicación sobre esta entidad en neonatos en Cuba, y la mayor serie de casos en el ámbito latinoamericano.

  11. Incidencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda en menores de cinco años

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    Mayelín Ávila Labrada


    Full Text Available La enfermedad diarreica aguda es motivo frecuente de consulta pediátrica, representando un problema grave de salud pública. Los agentes infecciosos son causa frecuente de diarrea aguda. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo sobre la prevalencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda en menores de cinco años, atendidos en la clínica “Simón Bolívar” en la ciudad de Mariara del municipio Diego Ibarra, Carabobo, Venezuela; en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2012, lo cual ofreció información de cinco años completos. La prevalencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda disminuyó significativamente en el intervalo 2009-2011, sin embargo, se caracterizó por tener la mayor prevalencia en los años extremos, 2012 y 2008, por ese orden. Los varones y los del grupo de uno a cuatro años fueron los que más incidieron en cada uno de los años estudiados

  12. Notas sobre apendicitis aguda

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    Martín Méndez S.


    apendicitis aguda y sin embargo, es necesario decirlo claro, nada hay tan complicado y en ocasiones tan oscuro. Sin duda, a medida que los conocimientos clínicos se extienden, se va iluminando el campo, antes inexplorado, de la cirugía apendicular, y hoy día casi todos los médicos y cirujanos tienen un criterio científico muy bien formado para lograr hacer un buen diagnóstico y aconsejar o llevar a cabo una intervención quirúrgica.

  13. Axons take a dive (United States)

    Tong, Cheuk Ka; Cebrián-Silla, Arantxa; Paredes, Mercedes F; Huang, Eric J; García-Verdugo, Jose Manuel; Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo


    In the walls of the lateral ventricles of the adult mammalian brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) and ependymal (E1) cells share the apical surface of the ventricular–subventricular zone (V–SVZ). In a recent article, we show that supraependymal serotonergic (5HT) axons originating from the raphe nuclei in mice form an extensive plexus on the walls of the lateral ventricles where they contact E1 cells and NSCs. Here we further characterize the contacts between 5HT supraependymal axons and E1 cells in mice, and show that suprependymal axons tightly associated to E1 cells are also present in the walls of the human lateral ventricles. These observations raise interesting questions about the function of supraependymal axons in the regulation of E1 cells. PMID:26413556

  14. Axonal regeneration in zebrafish spinal cord (United States)

    Hui, Subhra Prakash


    Abstract In the present review we discuss two interrelated events—axonal damage and repair—known to occur after spinal cord injury (SCI) in the zebrafish. Adult zebrafish are capable of regenerating axonal tracts and can restore full functionality after SCI. Unlike fish, axon regeneration in the adult mammalian central nervous system is extremely limited. As a consequence of an injury there is very little repair of disengaged axons and therefore functional deficit persists after SCI in adult mammals. In contrast, peripheral nervous system axons readily regenerate following injury and hence allow functional recovery both in mammals and fish. A better mechanistic understanding of these three scenarios could provide a more comprehensive insight into the success or failure of axonal regeneration after SCI. This review summarizes the present understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of axonal regeneration, in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system, and large scale gene expression analysis is used to focus on different events during regeneration. The discovery and identification of genes involved in zebrafish spinal cord regeneration and subsequent functional experimentation will provide more insight into the endogenous mechanism of myelination and remyelination. Furthermore, precise knowledge of the mechanism underlying the extraordinary axonal regeneration process in zebrafish will also allow us to unravel the potential therapeutic strategies to be implemented for enhancing regrowth and remyelination of axons in mammals. PMID:29721326

  15. Meninges-derived cues control axon guidance. (United States)

    Suter, Tracey A C S; DeLoughery, Zachary J; Jaworski, Alexander


    The axons of developing neurons travel long distances along stereotyped pathways under the direction of extracellular cues sensed by the axonal growth cone. Guidance cues are either secreted proteins that diffuse freely or bind the extracellular matrix, or membrane-anchored proteins. Different populations of axons express distinct sets of receptors for guidance cues, which results in differential responses to specific ligands. The full repertoire of axon guidance cues and receptors and the identity of the tissues producing these cues remain to be elucidated. The meninges are connective tissue layers enveloping the vertebrate brain and spinal cord that serve to protect the central nervous system (CNS). The meninges also instruct nervous system development by regulating the generation and migration of neural progenitors, but it has not been determined whether they help guide axons to their targets. Here, we investigate a possible role for the meninges in neuronal wiring. Using mouse neural tissue explants, we show that developing spinal cord meninges produce secreted attractive and repulsive cues that can guide multiple types of axons in vitro. We find that motor and sensory neurons, which project axons across the CNS-peripheral nervous system (PNS) boundary, are attracted by meninges. Conversely, axons of both ipsi- and contralaterally projecting dorsal spinal cord interneurons are repelled by meninges. The responses of these axonal populations to the meninges are consistent with their trajectories relative to meninges in vivo, suggesting that meningeal guidance factors contribute to nervous system wiring and control which axons are able to traverse the CNS-PNS boundary. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Mielitis aguda necrotizante en un paciente con Sida Acute necrotizing myelitis in an AIDS patient

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    M. Corti


    Full Text Available Como consecuencia de la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana tipo-1 (HIV-1, otros patógenos como citomegalovirus (CMV y herpes simple tipo 1-2 (HSV 1-2 pueden comprometer tanto el sistema nervioso central como el periférico. Estos agentes pueden involucrar también a la médula espinal y causar una mielitis aguda necrotizante. Esta complicación ocurre por lo general en pacientes con enfermedad HIV/sida avanzada y marcada inmunodeficiencia, con recuentos de linfocitos T CD4+ de menos de 50 cél/µL. El cuadro clínico, los cambios en el LCR y las neuroimágenes generan una importante sospecha diagnóstica. Es fundamental el inicio precoz de la terapia antiviral específica. Se presenta un paciente con enfermedad avanzada debida al HIV-1 y mielitis aguda necrotizante por CMV y HSV bajo la forma clínica de síndrome de la cola de caballo.In the setting of HIV infection, cytomegalovirus (CMV and herpes simplex virus type 1-2 (HSV 1-2 can affect both the central and peripheral nervous systems. These agents can involve the spinal cord and produce a necrotizing transverse myelitis. This usually occurs in AIDS patients with severe immunodeficiency: CD4 + lymphocyte counts typically are less than 50 cell/µL. The clinical presentation, CSF and imaging studies can provide a high level of suspicion diagnosis. Prompt initiation of antiviral specific drugs is essential. We report a patient with an acute necrotizing myelitis (cauda equina syndrome secondary to CMV and HSV infections.

  17. Estado oxidante e antioxidante de crianças com bronquiolite aguda

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    Rusen Dundaroz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O estresse oxidativo demonstrou contribuir para a patogênese de doenças pulmonares inflamatórias agudas e crônicas. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o estado oxidante/antioxidante de crianças com bronquiolite aguda por meio de mensuração da capacidade antioxidante total do plasma, estado oxidante total e índice de estresse oxidativo. MÉTODOS: As crianças com bronquiolite aguda encaminhadas para o Departamento de Emergência Pediátrica do hospital universitário entre janeiro e abril 2012 foram comparadas a controles saudáveis de mesma idade. Os pacientes com bronquiolite aguda tiveram essa doença classificada como leve e moderada. O estado oxidante e antioxidante foi avaliado pela mensuração da capacidade antioxidante total do plasma, estado oxidante total e índice de estresse oxidativo. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas 31 crianças com bronquiolite aguda com idade de três meses a dois anos e 37 crianças saudáveis. O estado oxidante total (EOT foi maior em pacientes com bronquiolite aguda do que no grupo de controle (5,16±1,99 µmol H2O2 em comparação a 3,78±1,78 µmol H2O2 [p = 0,004]. A capacidade antioxidante total (CAT foi significativamente menor em crianças com bronquiolite que no grupo de controle (2,51±0,37 µmol Trolox equivalente/L em comparação a 2,75±0,39 µmol Trolox Eqv/L (p = 0,013. Os pacientes com bronquiolite moderada apresentaram níveis de EOT mais elevados que os com bronquiolite leve e os do grupo de controle (p = 0,03, p < 0,001. Os pacientes com bronquiolite moderada apresentaram níveis de IEO mais elevados que os do grupo de controle (p = 0,015. O nível de saturação de oxigênio de pacientes com bronquiolite foi inversamente correlacionado ao nível de EOT (r = -0,476, p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: O equilíbrio entre os sistemas oxidante e antioxidante é interrompido em crianças com bronquiolite moderada, indicando que o fator de estresse poderá ter um papel na patogênese da doença.

  18. Studies of axon-glial cell interactions and periaxonal K+ homeostasis--II. The effect of axonal stimulation, cholinergic agents and transport inhibitors on the resistance in series with the axon membrane. (United States)

    Hassan, S; Lieberman, E M


    The small electrical resistance in series with the axon membrane is generally modeled as the intercellular pathway for current flow through the periaxonal glial (Schwann cell) sheath. The series resistance of the medial giant axon of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, was found to vary with conditions known to affect the electrical properties of the periaxonal glia. Series resistance was estimated from computer analysed voltage waveforms generated by axial wire-constant current and space clamp techniques. The average series resistance for all axons was 6.2 +/- 0.5 omega cm2 (n = 128). Values ranged between 1 and 30 omega cm2. The series resistance of axons with low resting membrane resistance (less than 1500 omega cm2) increased an average of 30% when stimulated for 45 s to 7 min (50 Hz) whereas the series resistance of high membrane resistance (greater than 1500 omega cm2) axons decreased an average of 10%. Carbachol (10(-7) M) caused the series resistance of low membrane resistance axons to decrease during stimulation but had no effect on high membrane resistance axons. d-Tubocurare (10(-8) M) caused the series resistance of high membrane resistance axons to increase during stimulation but had no effect on low membrane resistance axons. Bumetanide, a Na-K-Cl cotransport inhibitor and low [K+]o, prevented the stimulation-induced increase in series resistance of low membrane resistance axons but had no effect on the high membrane resistance axons. The results suggest that the series resistance of axons varies in response to the activity of the glial K+ uptake mechanisms stimulated by the appearance of K+ in the periaxonal space during action potential generation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  19. Otomastoidite Aguda em Criança

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    João Araújo


    Full Text Available Criança de 2 anos, sexo masculino, diagnóstico de otite média aguda bilateral, medicada inicialmente com amoxicilina + clavulanato 90 mg/kg/dia desde há 7 dias, internada por agravamento do quadro à esquerda, com edema e eritema retroauricular, apagamento do sulco retroauricular [...] Recebido: 07/09/2015 · Aceite: 7/01/2016

  20. O papel da avaliação inicial simplificada no prognóstico da pancreatite aguda

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    Márcio Cavalcante Carneiro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a avaliação clínico-laboratorial inicial simplificada com a gravidade da pancreatite aguda e a presença de necrose. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes com diagnóstico final de PA internados no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho - UFRJ entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2002. Foi considerado apenas o primeiro episódio de cada paciente. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística. Foram estudados 164 pacientes onde a idade média foi de 43,7 anos. RESULTADOS: A etiologia biliar foi a mais freqüente com 43,9% dos casos. A incidência de necrose foi de 21,3% e a mortalidade global de 23,2%. Observamos que a ausência de taquicardia na admissão estava associada à forma branda da doença, e que os níveis plasmáticos de uréia e creatinina elevados na admissão estão associados à forma grave da doença, e a hiperglicemia (121mg/dl à necrose pancreática. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação inicial simplificada ainda tem espaço, embora que limitado, no acompanhamento do paciente com PA.

  1. Acute nutritional axonal neuropathy. (United States)

    Hamel, Johanna; Logigian, Eric L


    This study describes clinical, laboratory, and electrodiagnostic features of a severe acute axonal polyneuropathy common to patients with acute nutritional deficiency in the setting of alcoholism, bariatric surgery (BS), or anorexia. Retrospective analysis of clinical, electrodiagnostic, and laboratory data of patients with acute axonal neuropathy. Thirteen patients were identified with a severe, painful, sensory or sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy that developed over 2-12 weeks with sensory ataxia, areflexia, variable muscle weakness, poor nutritional status, and weight loss, often with prolonged vomiting and normal cerebrospinal fluid protein. Vitamin B6 was low in half and thiamine was low in all patients when obtained before supplementation. Patients improved with weight gain and vitamin supplementation, with motor greater than sensory recovery. We suggest that acute or subacute axonal neuropathy in patients with weight loss or vomiting associated with alcohol abuse, BS, or dietary deficiency is one syndrome, caused by micronutrient deficiencies. Muscle Nerve 57: 33-39, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Axon degeneration: make the Schwann cell great again

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    Keit Men Wong


    Full Text Available Axonal degeneration is a pivotal feature of many neurodegenerative conditions and substantially accounts for neurological morbidity. A widely used experimental model to study the mechanisms of axonal degeneration is Wallerian degeneration (WD, which occurs after acute axonal injury. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS, WD is characterized by swift dismantling and clearance of injured axons with their myelin sheaths. This is a prerequisite for successful axonal regeneration. In the central nervous system (CNS, WD is much slower, which significantly contributes to failed axonal regeneration. Although it is well-documented that Schwann cells (SCs have a critical role in the regenerative potential of the PNS, to date we have only scarce knowledge as to how SCs 'sense' axonal injury and immediately respond to it. In this regard, it remains unknown as to whether SCs play the role of a passive bystander or an active director during the execution of the highly orchestrated disintegration program of axons. Older reports, together with more recent studies, suggest that SCs mount dynamic injury responses minutes after axonal injury, long before axonal breakdown occurs. The swift SC response to axonal injury could play either a pro-degenerative role, or alternatively a supportive role, to the integrity of distressed axons that have not yet committed to degenerate. Indeed, supporting the latter concept, recent findings in a chronic PNS neurodegeneration model indicate that deactivation of a key molecule promoting SC injury responses exacerbates axonal loss. If this holds true in a broader spectrum of conditions, it may provide the grounds for the development of new glia-centric therapeutic approaches to counteract axonal loss.

  3. Intoxicação experimental aguda por Senecio brasiliensis em ovinos e indução de resistência à intoxicação

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    Fabiane B. Grecco


    Full Text Available Ovinos são mais resistentes à intoxicação por Senecio spp. que bovinos e equinos. Para determinar se essa resistência é induzida pela ingestão de pequenas e repetidas doses da planta e se essa resistência é duradoura, foram realizados três experimentos com folhas e talos verdes de Senecio brasilienses. Para determinar a dose mínima que causa intoxicação aguda (experimento 1, foram administradas doses únicas de 60, 80, 90, 100 e 100g/kg de peso corporal (pc a cinco ovinos, respectivamente. Os animais que receberam 60 e 80 g/kg de pc de S. brasiliensis não adoeceram, porém o ovino que recebeu 80g/kg de pc apresentava fibrose e megalocitose discretas nas biópsias realizadas aos 90, 120 e 150 dias do término da administração da planta. Os ovinos que receberam 90 e 100g/kg de pc apresentaram anorexia, prostração, movimentos de pedalagem, dor abdominal e morte 12-48 horas após o aparecimento dos sinais clínicos. Na necropsia havia ascite, petéquias disseminadas e acentuação do padrão lobular hepático. Histologicamente havia necrose hemorrágica centro-lobular. No Experimento 2 a dose capaz de causar a intoxicação aguda foi fracionada e administrada em duas, cinco e 10 doses diárias para 3 ovinos, respectivamente. A dose tóxica fracionada não provocou sinais clínicos de intoxicação em nenhum dos ovinos, porém havia fibrose periportal e megalocitose moderadas nas biopsias realizadas aos 60 dias do término da administração da planta, as quais não evoluíram. O ovino que recebeu a dose fracionada em 10 administrações não apresentou lesões histológicas nas biópsias. Para determinar se os ovinos tornam-se resistentes à forma aguda da intoxicação (experimento 3, foram administradas doses diárias de 15g/kg de pc por 30 dias e 30g/kg de pc por 10 dias a quatro ovinos. No dia seguinte à última administração dois ovinos receberam a dose única de 100g/kg de pc de S. brasiliensis, mas não adoeceram nem

  4. Motor axon excitability during Wallerian degeneration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moldovan, Mihai; Alvarez, Susana; Krarup, Christian


    Axonal loss and degeneration are major factors in determining long-term outcome in patients with peripheral nerve disorders or injury. Following loss of axonal continuity, the isolated nerve stump distal to the lesion undergoes Wallerian degeneration in several phases. In the initial 'latent' phase......, action potential propagation and structural integrity of the distal segment are maintained. The aim of this study was to investigate in vivo the changes in membrane function of motor axons during the 'latent' phase of Wallerian degeneration. Multiple indices of axonal excitability of the tibial nerve...

  5. Efectividad de la acupuntura en la crisis aguda de asma bronquial

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    María Teresa Paz Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad respiratoria con significativa prevalencia y una de las principales causas de ingreso hospitalario y la acupuntura una forma terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional y Natural con múltiples indicaciones, dentro de ellas esta afección. Objetivo: determinar la evolución de los pacientes asmáticos persistentes moderados de ambos sexos antes y después del tratamiento con acupuntura en el servicio de urgencia en el Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado de Pinar del Río. Material y método: se realizó un estudio de intervención, prospectivo, longitudinal, utilizando la acupuntura como modalidad terapéutica de la Medicina Tradicional China en pacientes que acudieron al cuerpo de guardia de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Rio, en el período comprendido entre octubre-diciembre del 2013. El universo lo integraron todos los pacientes que acudieron a la consulta con crisis aguda de asma bronquial (223 y la muestra, 83 pacientes clasificados como asmáticos persistentes moderados utilizándose acupuntura en los puntos pulmón 7, vaso concepción 17 y vejiga 13 al grupo de estudio (41 pacientes y 42 con tratamiento convencional. Resultados: al tratar estos pacientes se ha evidenciado que el 78,4% de ellos mejoró por la aplicación de este método milenario. Ninguno presentó complicaciones y sólo 11 pacientes no mejoraron. Conclusiones: los pacientes respondieron de igual forma al tratamiento sin distinción de edad y sexo, demostrando este método ser eficiente, de fácil aplicación con aparición de menos reacciones adversas y además, económico.

  6. Npn-1 contributes to axon-axon interactions that differentially control sensory and motor innervation of the limb.

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    Rosa-Eva Huettl


    Full Text Available The initiation, execution, and completion of complex locomotor behaviors are depending on precisely integrated neural circuitries consisting of motor pathways that activate muscles in the extremities and sensory afferents that deliver feedback to motoneurons. These projections form in tight temporal and spatial vicinities during development, yet the molecular mechanisms and cues coordinating these processes are not well understood. Using cell-type specific ablation of the axon guidance receptor Neuropilin-1 (Npn-1 in spinal motoneurons or in sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG, we have explored the contribution of this signaling pathway to correct innervation of the limb. We show that Npn-1 controls the fasciculation of both projections and mediates inter-axonal communication. Removal of Npn-1 from sensory neurons results in defasciculation of sensory axons and, surprisingly, also of motor axons. In addition, the tight coupling between these two heterotypic axonal populations is lifted with sensory fibers now leading the spinal nerve projection. These findings are corroborated by partial genetic elimination of sensory neurons, which causes defasciculation of motor projections to the limb. Deletion of Npn-1 from motoneurons leads to severe defasciculation of motor axons in the distal limb and dorsal-ventral pathfinding errors, while outgrowth and fasciculation of sensory trajectories into the limb remain unaffected. Genetic elimination of motoneurons, however, revealed that sensory axons need only minimal scaffolding by motor axons to establish their projections in the distal limb. Thus, motor and sensory axons are mutually dependent on each other for the generation of their trajectories and interact in part through Npn-1-mediated fasciculation before and within the plexus region of the limbs.

  7. EFA6 regulates selective polarised transport and axon regeneration from the axon initial segment

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Eva, R.; Koseki, H.; Kanamarlapudi, V.; Fawcett, James


    Roč. 130, č. 21 (2017), s. 3663-3675 ISSN 0021-9533 Institutional support: RVO:68378041 Keywords : axon regeneration * axon transport * neuronal polarisation Subject RIV: FH - Neurology OBOR OECD: Neuroscience s (including psychophysiology Impact factor: 4.431, year: 2016

  8. Lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e pancreatite aguda: relato de dois casos


    Azevedo, Ana Beatriz Cordeiro de; Brito, Fabiano Almeida; Santos, Flávia Patrícia Sena Teixeira; Ferreira, Gilda Aparecida; Carvalho, Marco Antônio Parreiras de


    A pancreatite aguda é uma manifestação incomum do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) e a freqüência desta associação não é conhecida. Contudo, a pancreatite aguda é um diagnóstico diferencial importante na avaliação da dor abdominal em pacientes com LES. Os pacientes, normalmente, apresentam dor de intensidade variável, algumas vezes simulando abdome agudo. Vários fatores têm sido implicados na patogênese desta condição, tais como fenômenos autoimunes, vasculite, anticorpos antifosfolípides e ...

  9. Dynamics of mitochondrial transport in axons

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    Robert Francis Niescier


    Full Text Available The polarized structure and long neurites of neurons pose a unique challenge for proper mitochondrial distribution. It is widely accepted that mitochondria move from the cell body to axon ends and vice versa; however, we have found that mitochondria originating from the axon ends moving in the retrograde direction never reach to the cell body, and only a limited number of mitochondria moving in the anterograde direction from the cell body arrive at the axon ends of mouse hippocampal neurons. Furthermore, we have derived a mathematical formula using the Fokker-Planck equation to characterize features of mitochondrial transport, and the equation could determine altered mitochondrial transport in axons overexpressing parkin. Our analysis will provide new insights into the dynamics of mitochondrial transport in axons of normal and unhealthy neurons.

  10. Estudo comparativo, prospectivo e randomizado do resultado de duas formas de tratamento clínico das lesões ligamentares primárias agudas e graves do tornozelo


    Marcelo Pires Prado


    Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação dos resultados funcionais, e da incidência da instabilidade articular mecânica, resultantes do tratamento clínico das lesões ligamentares primárias, agudas e graves do tornozelo (associada a instabilidade articular). Esta lesão é extremamente frequente e acomete indivíduos jovens, economicamente e fisicamente ativos, causando prejuízos pessoais e econômicos importantes. Existe dificuldade no adequado diagnóstico e heterogeneidade na escolh...

  11. Leucemias agudas en ancianos de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba

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    Lidia Clara Suárez Beyríes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de 64 pacientes mayores de 60 años con leucemia aguda, atendidos en el Servicio de Hematología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el quinquenio 2006-2011, para determinar las principales características clínicas y hematológicas en el momento del diagnóstico, así como la supervivencia global de los afectados, aunque los tratamientos administrados no tenían criterio curativo. La edad promedio de los ancianos fue de 70 años, en un rango etario de 60 a 90; en tanto, la variedad no linfoblástica representó 98,4 %, y todos los pacientes presentaron anemia y trombocitopenia como alteraciones hematológicas, con incremento en los requerimientos transfusionales. De igual forma, la presencia de blastos en la sangre periférica se demostró en 50 % y la hiperleucocitosis en 59,4 %, mientras las principales causas de muerte estuvieron relacionadas con la hemorragia cerebral y la progresión de la enfermedad con la infiltración multiorgánica, lo cual condujo a una supervivencia muy corta de los integrantes de la serie

  12. Formation of longitudinal axon pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans. (United States)

    Hutter, Harald


    The small number of neurons and the simple architecture of the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) nervous system enables researchers to study axonal pathfinding at the level of individually identified axons. Axons in C. elegans extend predominantly along one of the two major body axes, the anterior-posterior axis and the dorso-ventral axis. This review will focus on axon navigation along the anterior-posterior axis, leading to the establishment of the longitudinal axon tracts, with a focus on the largest longitudinal axon tract, the ventral nerve cord (VNC). In the VNC, axons grow out in a stereotypic order, with early outgrowing axons (pioneers) playing an important role in guiding later outgrowing (follower) axons. Genetic screens have identified a number of genes specifically affecting the formation of longitudinal axon tracts. These genes include secreted proteins, putative receptors and adhesion molecules, as well as intracellular proteins regulating the cell's response to guidance cues. In contrast to dorso-ventral navigation, no major general guidance cues required for the establishment of longitudinal pathways have been identified so far. The limited penetrance of defects found in many mutants affecting longitudinal navigation suggests that guidance cues act redundantly in this process. The majority of the axon guidance genes identified in C. elegans are evolutionary conserved, i.e. have homologs in other animals, including vertebrates. For a number of these genes, a role in axon guidance has not been described outside C. elegans. Taken together, studies in C. elegans contribute to a fundamental understanding of the molecular basis of axonal navigation that can be extended to other animals, including vertebrates and probably humans as well. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Axonal Membranes and Their Domains: Assembly and Function of the Axon Initial Segment and Node of Ranvier

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    Andrew D. Nelson


    Full Text Available Neurons are highly specialized cells of the nervous system that receive, process and transmit electrical signals critical for normal brain function. Here, we review the intricate organization of axonal membrane domains that facilitate rapid action potential conduction underlying communication between complex neuronal circuits. Two critical excitable domains of vertebrate axons are the axon initial segment (AIS and the nodes of Ranvier, which are characterized by the high concentrations of voltage-gated ion channels, cell adhesion molecules and specialized cytoskeletal networks. The AIS is located at the proximal region of the axon and serves as the site of action potential initiation, while nodes of Ranvier, gaps between adjacent myelin sheaths, allow rapid propagation of the action potential through saltatory conduction. The AIS and nodes of Ranvier are assembled by ankyrins, spectrins and their associated binding partners through the clustering of membrane proteins and connection to the underlying cytoskeleton network. Although the AIS and nodes of Ranvier share similar protein composition, their mechanisms of assembly are strikingly different. Here we will cover the mechanisms of formation and maintenance of these axonal excitable membrane domains, specifically highlighting the similarities and differences between them. We will also discuss recent advances in super resolution fluorescence imaging which have elucidated the arrangement of the submembranous axonal cytoskeleton revealing a surprising structural organization necessary to maintain axonal organization and function. Finally, human mutations in axonal domain components have been associated with a growing number of neurological disorders including severe cognitive dysfunction, epilepsy, autism, neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders. Overall, this review highlights the assembly, maintenance and function of axonal excitable domains, particularly the AIS and nodes of

  14. Use of self-complementary adeno-associated virus serotype 2 as a tracer for labeling axons: implications for axon regeneration.

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    Yingpeng Liu

    Full Text Available Various types of tracers are available for use in axon regeneration, but they require an extra operational tracer injection, time-consuming immunohistochemical analysis and cause non-specific labeling. Considerable efforts over the past years have explored other methodologies, especially the use of viral vectors, to investigate axon regeneration after injury. Recent studies have demonstrated that self-complementary Adeno-Associated Virus (scAAV induced a high transduction efficiency and faster expression of transgenes. Here, we describe for the first time the use of scAAV2-GFP to label long-projection axons in the corticospinal tract (CST, rubrospinal tract (RST and the central axons of dorsal root ganglion (DRG in the normal and lesioned animal models. We found that scAAV2-GFP could efficiently transduce neurons in the sensorimotor cortex, red nucleus and DRG. Strong GFP expression could be transported anterogradely along the axon to label the numerous axon fibers from CST, RST and central axons of DRG separately. Comparison of the scAAV2 vector with single-stranded (ss AAV2 vector in co-labeled sections showed that the scAAV2 vector induced a faster and stronger transgene expression than the ssAAV2 vector in DRG neurons and their axons. In both spinal cord lesion and dorsal root crush injury models, scAAV-GFP could efficiently label the lesioned and regenerated axons around the lesion cavity and the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ respectively. Further, scAAV2-GFP vector could be combined with traditional tracer to specifically label sensory and motor axons after spinal cord lesion. Thus, we show that using scAAV2-GFP as a tracer is a more effective and efficient way to study axon regeneration following injury.

  15. Esofagitis necrosante aguda: análisis retrospectivo Acute esophageal necrosis: a retrospective case series

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    R. Ramos


    Full Text Available Introducción: la esofagitis necrosante aguda es una entidad rara. Se reconoce por el aspecto negro difuso del esófago a la endoscopia. Su incidencia e patogénesis se desconoce. Pacientes y métodos: se analizaron retrospectivamente 11 pacientes con esofagitis necrosante aguda desde el punto de vista de los datos clínicos, de laboratorio y endoscopicos en 2 años. Resultados: se analizaron las endoscopias realizadas a 3.976 pacientes, observándose esofagitis necrosante aguda en 11 pacientes. El estado nutricional era malo en 6 pacientes. La resolución completa de la esofagitis se observó en cuatro pacientes. Durante el seguimiento se observó una estenosis en un paciente y un nuevo episodio de esofagitis necrosante aguda en otro paciente. Siete pacientes fallecieron, pero esta elevada mortalidad parece deberse a las enfermedades de base y no es atribuible a las lesiones de la esofagitis necrosante. Conclusiones: la incidencia de esofagitis necrosante aguda en nuestra serie fue 0,28%. La esofagitis necrosante aguda tiene una elevada mortalidad.Background: acute esophageal necrosis has been considered a rare event. It is defined as the presence of diffuse dark pigmentation of the esophagus on upper endoscopy. Its incidence has not yet been established. The pathogenesis remains unknown. Patients and methods: a retrospective analysis of clinical, laboratory, endoscopic, and histological data, and of the clinical course of 11 patients with acute necrotizing esophagitis was carried out over a 2-year period. Results: among 3,976 patients who underwent upper endoscopy, 11 (0.28% with acute esophageal necrosis were identified. Nutritional status was poor for 6 patients. Complete resolution of acute esophageal necrosis without further recurrence was observed in 4. One stricture appeared during follow-up and other patient developed new-onset acute esophageal necrosis. Seven patients died, but no death was directly related to acute esophageal necrosis

  16. Intoxicaciones agudas en pediatría

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    Yalena Prado Vizcaíno


    Full Text Available Introducción: las intoxicaciones han sido en los últimos años una importante causa de aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad en edades pediátricas. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento clínico de las intoxicaciones agudas en la etapa de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2009 en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler". Métodos: el estudio se realizó en el Hospital "William Soler". Se revisaron las historias clínicas, los registros de intoxicaciones agudas y las tarjetas de codificación de egresos hospitalarios por intoxicaciones de los pacientes llegados al hospital en esta etapa. Resultados: se recibieron en el hospital 886 pacientes. El grupo de mayor frecuencia de intoxicaciones fue el de 1 a 5 años, con predominio del sexo masculino, aunque sin diferencias significativas con respecto al sexo femenino. Las intoxicaciones más frecuentes fueron por medicamentos, fundamentalmente psicofármacos y antibióticos, seguido por alimentos y por productos químicos del hogar. El 30,2 % de los casos fueron ingresados. Conclusiones: estos resultados nos hacen pensar en la necesidad de estar alertas y crear acciones encaminadas a proteger o evitar las intoxicaciones en edades tan vulnerables.

  17. Bases moleculares de las leucemias agudas

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    G. Martínez Antuña


    Full Text Available El gran desarrollo de la biología molecular en los últimos años ha contribuido a un importante avance en los conocimientos relacionados con las bases moleculares de las leucemias agudas (LA. Ademas de profundizar en la biología de estas enfermedades y conocer las bases moleculares, ha renido también gran impacto en mejorar el resultado de los tratamientos y disminuir la toxicidad de las terapias.

  18. Cargo distributions differentiate pathological axonal transport impairments. (United States)

    Mitchell, Cassie S; Lee, Robert H


    Axonal transport is an essential process in neurons, analogous to shipping goods, by which energetic and cellular building supplies are carried downstream (anterogradely) and wastes are carried upstream (retrogradely) by molecular motors, which act as cargo porters. Impairments in axonal transport have been linked to devastating and often lethal neurodegenerative diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's. Axonal transport impairment types include a decrease in available motors for cargo transport (motor depletion), the presence of defective or non-functional motors (motor dilution), and the presence of increased or larger cargos (protein aggregation). An impediment to potential treatment identification has been the inability to determine what type(s) of axonal transport impairment candidates that could be present in a given disease. In this study, we utilize a computational model and common axonal transport experimental metrics to reveal the axonal transport impairment general characteristics or "signatures" that result from three general defect types of motor depletion, motor dilution, and protein aggregation. Our results not only provide a means to discern these general impairments types, they also reveal key dynamic and emergent features of axonal transport, which potentially underlie multiple impairment types. The identified characteristics, as well as the analytical method, can be used to help elucidate the axonal transport impairments observed in experimental and clinical data. For example, using the model-predicted defect signatures, we identify the defect candidates, which are most likely to be responsible for the axonal transport impairments in the G93A SOD1 mouse model of ALS. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. NGAL urinária em pacientes sem e com lesão renal aguda em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Mirian Watanabe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia diagnóstica e prognóstica da lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária em pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo do tipo coorte, prospectivo, longitudinal desenvolvido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica especializada em cardiologia. Os pacientes foram estratificados segundo os grupos sem e com lesão renal aguda, acompanhados a partir das primeiras 24 horas de internação até a alta hospitalar ou óbito. A creatinina sérica, o fluxo urinário e a lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária foram coletadas em dois períodos: 24 horas e 48 horas de admissão. Resultados: Foram avaliados 83 pacientes clínicos da unidade de terapia intensiva, com predomínio do gênero masculino (57,8%. Os pacientes foram agrupados em sem lesão renal aguda (N=18, com lesão renal aguda (N=28 ou com lesão renal aguda grave (N=37. Entre os pacientes com lesão renal aguda e lesão renal aguda grave, foram prevalentes os portadores de doenças crônicas, em uso de ventilação mecânica e em terapia de substituição renal, além daqueles com maiores taxas de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e hospitalar, e maior mortalidade. O grupo com lesão renal aguda não apresentou alteração significativa da creatinina sérica nas primeiras 24 horas na unidade de terapia intensiva, apesar dos níveis elevados de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofilica urinária demonstrados nos grupos com lesão renal aguda e lesão renal aguda grave (p<0,001. Níveis elevados de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária na amostra foram associados ao óbito. Conclusão: A elevação nos níveis de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária antecede as variações da creatinina sérica em pacientes com lesão renal aguda e pode ser associada ao óbito.

  20. Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kole, Maarten H. P.; Letzkus, Johannes J.; Stuart, Greg J.


    Action potentials are binary signals that transmit information via their rate and temporal pattern. In this context, the axon is thought of as a transmission line, devoid of a role in neuronal computation. Here, we show a highly localized role of axonal Kv1 potassium channels in shaping the action

  1. Elucidation of axonal transport by radioautography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Droz, Bernard.


    Radioautography permits to distinguish various pathways within the axons: the axoplasm which includes soluble enzymes and constituents of the cytoskeleton moving with slow axoplasmic flow; the mitochondria which are conveyed as organelles; the smooth endoplasmic reticulum which ensures the fast axonal transport of membrane constituents delivered to axolemma, synaptic vesicles, presynaptic membranes or mitochondria. Furthermore radioautography makes it possible to visualize intercellular exchanges of molecules between axon and glia

  2. The axonal cytoskeleton : from organization to function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kevenaar, Josta T; Hoogenraad, Casper C

    The axon is the single long fiber that extends from the neuron and transmits electrical signals away from the cell body. The neuronal cytoskeleton, composed of microtubules (MTs), actin filaments and neurofilaments, is not only required for axon formation and axonal transport but also provides the

  3. Differential effects of myostatin deficiency on motor and sensory axons. (United States)

    Jones, Maria R; Villalón, Eric; Northcutt, Adam J; Calcutt, Nigel A; Garcia, Michael L


    Deletion of myostatin in mice (MSTN -/- ) alters structural properties of peripheral axons. However, properties like axon diameter and myelin thickness were analyzed in mixed nerves, so it is unclear whether loss of myostatin affects motor, sensory, or both types of axons. Using the MSTN -/- mouse model, we analyzed the effects of increasing the number of muscle fibers on axon diameter, myelin thickness, and internode length in motor and sensory axons. Axon diameter and myelin thickness were increased in motor axons of MSTN -/- mice without affecting internode length or axon number. The number of sensory axons was increased without affecting their structural properties. These results suggest that motor and sensory axons establish structural properties by independent mechanisms. Moreover, in motor axons, instructive cues from the neuromuscular junction may play a role in co-regulating axon diameter and myelin thickness, whereas internode length is established independently. Muscle Nerve 56: E100-E107, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Nutritional support in patients with severe acute pancreatitis Soporte nutricional en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave

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    Mónica Marcela Peláez Hernández


    Full Text Available Severe acute pancreatitis is associated with a systemic inflammatory response leading to a hypermetabolic, hypercatabolic condition; for those reasons, patients suffering from this disease require an excellent artificial nutritional support in order to maintain the structural integrity and the function of vital organs with minimal pancreatic secretion. Total parenteral nutrition has been the standard practice in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis because of the favorable outcomes of early nutritional support while avoiding pancreatic stimulation; however, recent evidence suggests there are potentially greater benefits with enteral as compared with parenteral nutrition, including fewer septic and metabolic complications and lesser costs. That is why present guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis recommend that enteral instead of parenteral nutrition be used in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. La pancreatitis aguda, especialmente en su forma grave, está asociada con una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica que lleva a un estado de hipermetabolismo e hipercatabolismo, en el que se requiere un excelente soporte nutricional que permita mantener la integridad estructural y la función de los órganos vitales con un estímulo mínimo de la secreción pancreática. La nutrición parenteral total era el soporte de elección, que permitía obtener todos los beneficios de la nutrición temprana sin estimular la secreción pancreática; pero la evidencia actual muestra mayores beneficios con la nutrición enteral, porque se asocia con menos complicaciones infecciosas y metabólicas y con disminución en los costos. Por ello las guías actuales de tratamiento de la pancreatitis aguda grave recomiendan como primera elección el soporte nutricional enteral.

  5. Comportamento da síndrome coronariana aguda: resultados de um registro brasileiro

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    Leopoldo Soares Piegas


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O Brasil carece de registros multicêntricos publicados de síndrome coronariana aguda. OBJETIVO: O Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda é um estudo multicêntrico nacional com objetivo de apresentar dados representativos das características clínicas, e manejo e evolução hospitalares dessa síndrome. MÉTODOS: Participaram 23 hospitais de 14 cidades. Foram elegíveis pacientes que se apresentaram com suspeita de síndrome coronariana aguda nas primeiras 24 horas, com quadro clínico sugestivo, associado a alterações eletrocardiográficas compatíveis e/ou marcadores de necrose. O seguimento foi realizado até o óbito ou a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, foram incluídos 2.693 pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda, sendo 864 (32,1% mulheres. O diagnóstico final foi de angina instável para 1.141 (42,4% pacientes, com mortalidade de 3,06% deles; de infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supradesnível de ST para 529 (19,6% pacientes, com mortalidade de 6,8% deles; e de infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnível de ST para 950 (35,3% pacientes, com mortalidade de 8,1% deles; tiveram diagnóstico não confirmado 73 (2,7% pacientes, com mortalidade de 1,36% deles. A mortalidade global foi de 5,53%. O modelo de regressão logística múltipla identificou o gênero feminino (OR=1,45, o diabetes melito (OR=1,59, o índice de massa corporal (OR=1,27 e a intervenção coronariana percutânea (OR=0,70 como fatores de risco de óbito, para demografia e intervenções. Um modelo para óbito por complicações maiores identificou choque cardiogênico/Edema Agudo de Pulmão (OR=4,57, reinfarto (OR=3,48, acidente vascular cerebral (OR=21,56, sangramento grave (OR=3,33, parada cardiorrespiratória (OR=40,27 e classe funcional de Killip (OR=3,37. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados do Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda não diferem de outros coletados fora do país. Seus achados poder

  6. The axon-protective WLD(S) protein partially rescues mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis after axonal injury. (United States)

    Godzik, Katharina; Coleman, Michael P


    The axon-protective Wallerian degeneration slow (WLD(S)) protein can ameliorate the decline in axonal ATP levels after neurite transection. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this effect is associated with maintenance of mitochondrial respiration and/or glycolysis. We used isolated neurites of superior cervical ganglion (SCG) cultures in the Seahorse XF-24 Metabolic Flux Analyser to determine mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis under different conditions. We observed that both mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis declined significantly during the latent phase of Wallerian degeneration. WLD(S) partially reduced the decline both in glycolysis and in mitochondrial respiration. In addition, we found that depleting NAD levels in uncut cultures led to changes in mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis similar to those rescued by WLD(S) after cut, suggesting that the maintenance of NAD levels in Wld(S) neurites after axonal injury at least partially underlies the maintenance of ATP levels. However, by using another axon-protective mutation (Sarm1(-/-)), we could demonstrate that rescue of basal ECAR (and hence probably glycolysis) rather than basal OCR (mitochondrial respiration) may be part of the protective phenotype to delay Wallerian degeneration. These findings open new routes to study glycolysis and the connection between NAD and ATP levels in axon degeneration, which may help to eventually develop therapeutic strategies to treat neurodegenerative diseases.

  7. Comparação do corticoide inalatório e oral no tratamento da disfonia aguda Use of inhaled versus oral steroids for acute dysphonia

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    Andréa Moreira Veiga de Souza


    Full Text Available A disfonia aguda é um quadro comum na prática clínica. Seu tratamento, principalmente em adultos, não é bem definido na literatura. O corticoide é o tratamento medicamentoso mais recomendado. Os estudos existentes, entretanto, não são suficientes para a determinação da superioridade entre diferentes corticoides e a melhor forma de administração. OBJETIVO: Este estudo clínico prospectivo teve como objetivo comparar o efeito do corticoide inalatório na forma de pó seco com o efeito do corticoide oral, no tratamento da disfonia aguda. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 32 pacientes adultos, divididos em dois grupos de 16 pacientes para cada um dos tratamentos, antes e após sete dias do uso da medicação. Os pacientes foram submetidos à videolaringosocpia e avaliação perceptiva e acústica da voz. RESULTADOS: O tratamento inalatório e oral reduziram significativamente a hiperemia, o edema e melhorou o movimento muco-ondulatório; entretanto, a redução do edema foi estatisticamente mais significativa (p = 0,012 nos pacientes tratados com a forma inalatória. A comparação dos valores da análise perceptiva auditiva e das medidas acústicas após tratamento entre os grupos, entretanto, não apresentou significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Houve melhora significativa da laringite aguda nas avaliações realizadas, em todos os pacientes estudados, com os dois tratamentos. O tratamento com corticoide inalatório foi significativamente mais efetivo na redução do edema.Acute dysphonia is a frequent condition in clinical practice. Its treatment, especially in adults, is not well established in the literature. Steroids are the most recommended drug treatment. However, the existing studies are not enough to establish superiority among the different steroids and the best route of administration. OBJECTIVE: This prospective clinical study aimed at comparing the effect of inhaling steroids as a dry powder with the effect of oral steroids to

  8. Increased mitochondrial content in remyelinated axons: implications for multiple sclerosis (United States)

    Zambonin, Jessica L.; Zhao, Chao; Ohno, Nobuhiko; Campbell, Graham R.; Engeham, Sarah; Ziabreva, Iryna; Schwarz, Nadine; Lee, Sok Ee; Frischer, Josa M.; Turnbull, Doug M.; Trapp, Bruce D.; Lassmann, Hans; Franklin, Robin J. M.


    Mitochondrial content within axons increases following demyelination in the central nervous system, presumably as a response to the changes in energy needs of axons imposed by redistribution of sodium channels. Myelin sheaths can be restored in demyelinated axons and remyelination in some multiple sclerosis lesions is extensive, while in others it is incomplete or absent. The effects of remyelination on axonal mitochondrial content in multiple sclerosis, particularly whether remyelination completely reverses the mitochondrial changes that follow demyelination, are currently unknown. In this study, we analysed axonal mitochondria within demyelinated, remyelinated and myelinated axons in post-mortem tissue from patients with multiple sclerosis and controls, as well as in experimental models of demyelination and remyelination, in vivo and in vitro. Immunofluorescent labelling of mitochondria (porin, a voltage-dependent anion channel expressed on all mitochondria) and axons (neurofilament), and ultrastructural imaging showed that in both multiple sclerosis and experimental demyelination, mitochondrial content within remyelinated axons was significantly less than in acutely and chronically demyelinated axons but more numerous than in myelinated axons. The greater mitochondrial content within remyelinated, compared with myelinated, axons was due to an increase in density of porin elements whereas increase in size accounted for the change observed in demyelinated axons. The increase in mitochondrial content in remyelinated axons was associated with an increase in mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV activity. In vitro studies showed a significant increase in the number of stationary mitochondria in remyelinated compared with myelinated and demyelinated axons. The number of mobile mitochondria in remyelinated axons did not significantly differ from myelinated axons, although significantly greater than in demyelinated axons. Our neuropathological data and findings in

  9. Creatine pretreatment protects cortical axons from energy depletion in vitro (United States)

    Shen, Hua; Goldberg, Mark P.


    Creatine is a natural nitrogenous guanidino compound involved in bioenergy metabolism. Although creatine has been shown to protect neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) from experimental hypoxia/ischemia, it remains unclear if creatine may also protect CNS axons, and if the potential axonal protection depends on glial cells. To evaluate the direct impact of creatine on CNS axons, cortical axons were cultured in a separate compartment from their somas and proximal neurites using a modified two-compartment culture device. Axons in the axon compartment were subjected to acute energy depletion, an in vitro model of white matter ischemia, by exposure to 6 mM sodium azide for 30 min in the absence of glucose and pyruvate. Energy depletion reduced axonal ATP by 65%, depolarized axonal resting potential, and damaged 75% of axons. Application of creatine (10 mM) to both compartments of the culture at 24 h prior to energy depletion significantly reduced axonal damage by 50%. In line with the role of creatine in the bioenergy metabolism, this application also alleviated the axonal ATP loss and depolarization. Inhibition of axonal depolarization by blocking sodium influx with tetrodotoxin also effectively reduced the axonal damage caused by energy depletion. Further study revealed that the creatine effect was independent of glial cells, as axonal protection was sustained even when creatine was applied only to the axon compartment (free from somas and glial cells) for as little as 2 h. In contrast, application of creatine after energy depletion did not protect axons. The data provide the first evidence that creatine pretreatment may directly protect CNS axons from energy deficiency. PMID:22521466

  10. Axonal regeneration and development of de novo axons from distal dendrites of adult feline commissural interneurons after a proximal axotomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fenrich, Keith K; Skelton, Nicole; MacDermid, Victoria E


    Following proximal axotomy, several types of neurons sprout de novo axons from distal dendrites. These processes may represent a means of forming new circuits following spinal cord injury. However, it is not know whether mammalian spinal interneurons, axotomized as a result of a spinal cord injury......, develop de novo axons. Our goal was to determine whether spinal commissural interneurons (CINs), axotomized by 3-4-mm midsagittal transection at C3, form de novo axons from distal dendrites. All experiments were performed on adult cats. CINs in C3 were stained with extracellular injections of Neurobiotin...... at 4-5 weeks post injury. The somata of axotomized CINs were identified by the presence of immunoreactivity for the axonal growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43). Nearly half of the CINs had de novo axons that emerged from distal dendrites. These axons lacked immunoreactivity for the dendritic protein...

  11. Tratamiento quirúrgico de las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio

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    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo

    Full Text Available Introducción: las colecciones agudas o crónicas del pericardio con frecuencia producen una compresión del corazón que en los casos crónicos conlleva invalidez y, en los agudos, peligro de muerte por taponamiento cardíaco. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" entre 1995 y 2012 a causa de colecciones pericárdicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con los pacientes atendidos quirúrgicamente en dicha institución por colecciones del pericardio. Constituyeron el universo 24 pacientes: 22 con colecciones agudas y 2 con colecciones crónicas. Resultados: la causa más frecuente de los derrames agudos fue la pericarditis aguda idiopática (25 %. Las colecciones crónicas fueron por pericarditis fibrosa de causa idiopática en el 100 % de los enfermos. La intervención realizada fue la resección del pericardio y el drenaje de las colecciones agudas mediante toracotomía izquierda o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea. En las colecciones de origen maligno se realizó la resección pericárdica con fines paliativos y, en los derrames por lesión traumática del corazón, la sutura de este órgano fue el tratamiento quirúrgico empleado en todos los casos. En las pericarditis constrictivas, la pericardiectomía radical fue el tratamiento empleado en el 100 % de los casos. Conclusiones: el tratamiento quirúrgico en las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio permite drenar el contenido por una ventana pericárdica obtenida por toracoscopia o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea, mientras que la toracotomía izquierda es útil en las emergencias. En los derrames crónicos con fibrosis y síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca, la pericardiectomía radical mediante esternotomía media ofrece los mejores resultados.

  12. Modeling of axonal endoplasmic reticulum network by spastic paraplegia proteins. (United States)

    Yalçın, Belgin; Zhao, Lu; Stofanko, Martin; O'Sullivan, Niamh C; Kang, Zi Han; Roost, Annika; Thomas, Matthew R; Zaessinger, Sophie; Blard, Olivier; Patto, Alex L; Sohail, Anood; Baena, Valentina; Terasaki, Mark; O'Kane, Cahir J


    Axons contain a smooth tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network that is thought to be continuous with ER throughout the neuron; the mechanisms that form this axonal network are unknown. Mutations affecting reticulon or REEP proteins, with intramembrane hairpin domains that model ER membranes, cause an axon degenerative disease, hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). We show that Drosophila axons have a dynamic axonal ER network, which these proteins help to model. Loss of HSP hairpin proteins causes ER sheet expansion, partial loss of ER from distal motor axons, and occasional discontinuities in axonal ER. Ultrastructural analysis reveals an extensive ER network in axons, which shows larger and fewer tubules in larvae that lack reticulon and REEP proteins, consistent with loss of membrane curvature. Therefore HSP hairpin-containing proteins are required for shaping and continuity of axonal ER, thus suggesting roles for ER modeling in axon maintenance and function.

  13. Schwann Cell Glycogen Selectively Supports Myelinated Axon Function (United States)

    Brown, Angus M; Evans, Richard D; Black, Joel; Ransom, Bruce R


    Objectives Interruption of energy supply to peripheral axons is a cause of axon loss. We determined if glycogen was present in mammalian peripheral nerve, and if it supported axon conduction during aglycemia. Methods We used biochemical assay and electron microscopy to determine the presence of glycogen, and electrophysiology to monitor axon function. Results Glycogen was present in sciatic nerve, its concentration varying directly with ambient [glucose]. Electron microscopy detected glycogen granules primarily in myelinating Schwann cell cytoplasm and these diminished after exposure to aglycemia. During aglycemia, conduction failure in large myelinated axons (A fibers) mirrored the time-course of glycogen loss. Latency to CAP failure was directly related to nerve glycogen content at aglycemia onset. Glycogen did not benefit the function of slow-conducting, small diameter unmyelinated axons (C fibers) during aglycemia. Blocking glycogen breakdown pharmacologically accelerated CAP failure during aglycemia in A fibers, but not in C fibers. Lactate was as effective as glucose in supporting sciatic nerve function, and was continuously released into the extracellular space in the presence of glucose and fell rapidly during aglycemia. Interpretation Our findings indicated that glycogen is present in peripheral nerve, primarily in myelinating Schwann cells, and exclusively supports large diameter, myelinated axon conduction during aglycemia. Available evidence suggests that peripheral nerve glycogen breaks down during aglycemia and is passed, probably as lactate, to myelinated axons to support function. Unmyelinated axons are not protected by glycogen and are more vulnerable to dysfunction during periods of hypoglycemia. PMID:23034913

  14. Nutrição na pancreatite aguda : monografia : Nutrition in acute pancreatitis


    Oliveira, Joana da Silva


    Resumo da tese:A pancreatite aguda (PA) é uma doença inflamatória aguda do pâncreas de etiologia multifactorial e pode ter atingimento local (PA ligeira a moderada) ou sistémico (PA grave). A magnitude da lesão pancreática, a presença e extensão da necrose e de infecção determinam o grau de gravidade. Prever a gravidade é fundamental para direccionar antecipadamente a terapêutica médica e nutricional. Na sua maioria, os episódios de PA são ligeiros a moderados, de resolução espontânea, enquan...

  15. Death Receptor 6 Promotes Wallerian Degeneration in Peripheral Axons. (United States)

    Gamage, Kanchana K; Cheng, Irene; Park, Rachel E; Karim, Mardeen S; Edamura, Kazusa; Hughes, Christopher; Spano, Anthony J; Erisir, Alev; Deppmann, Christopher D


    Axon degeneration during development is required to sculpt a functional nervous system and is also a hallmark of pathological insult, such as injury [1, 2]. Despite similar morphological characteristics, very little overlap in molecular mechanisms has been reported between pathological and developmental degeneration [3-5]. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), developmental axon pruning relies on receptor-mediated extrinsic degeneration mechanisms to determine which axons are maintained or degenerated [5-7]. Receptors have not been implicated in Wallerian axon degeneration; instead, axon autonomous, intrinsic mechanisms are thought to be the primary driver for this type of axon disintegration [8-10]. Here we survey the role of neuronally expressed, paralogous tumor necrosis factor receptor super family (TNFRSF) members in Wallerian degeneration. We find that an orphan receptor, death receptor 6 (DR6), is required to drive axon degeneration after axotomy in sympathetic and sensory neurons cultured in microfluidic devices. We sought to validate these in vitro findings in vivo using a transected sciatic nerve model. Consistent with the in vitro findings, DR6 -/- animals displayed preserved axons up to 4 weeks after injury. In contrast to phenotypes observed in Wld s and Sarm1 -/- mice, preserved axons in DR6 -/- animals display profound myelin remodeling. This indicates that deterioration of axons and myelin after axotomy are mechanistically distinct processes. Finally, we find that JNK signaling after injury requires DR6, suggesting a link between this novel extrinsic pathway and the axon autonomous, intrinsic pathways that have become established for Wallerian degeneration. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Detección molecular de las translocaciones más comunes en Leucemia aguda mediante RT-PCR

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    L. García


    Full Text Available Evaluar la incidencia de las translocaciones t(4;11, t(1;19, t(9;22 y t(12;21 en leucemia linfoide aguda (LLA y t(15;17, t(8;21 e Inv.(16 en leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA. Correlacionar los resultados obtenidos con el diagnóstico morfológico y citogenético.

  17. Electrophysiology of Axonal Constrictions (United States)

    Johnson, Christopher; Jung, Peter; Brown, Anthony


    Axons of myelinated neurons are constricted at the nodes of Ranvier, where they are directly exposed to the extracellular space and where the vast majority of the ion channels are located. These constrictions are generated by local regulation of the kinetics of neurofilaments the most important cytoskeletal elements of the axon. In this paper we discuss how this shape affects the electrophysiological function of the neuron. Specifically, although the nodes are short (about 1 μm) in comparison to the distance between nodes (hundreds of μm) they have a substantial influence on the conduction velocity of neurons. We show through computational modeling that nodal constrictions (all other features such as numbers of ion channels left constant) reduce the required fiber diameter for a given target conduction velocity by up to 50% in comparison to an unconstricted axon. We further show that the predicted optimal fiber morphologies closely match reported fiber morphologies. Supported by The National Science Foundation (IOS 1146789)

  18. Tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide aguda del niño en Cuba Treatment of children acute myeloid leukemia in Cuba

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    Andrea Menéndez Veitía


    Full Text Available Introducción: la leucemia mieloide aguda representa alrededor del 20 % de las leucemias agudas de la niñez con una respuesta al tratamiento y supervivencia menores que la leucemia linfoide aguda. Objetivo: describir los resultados obtenidos con el tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide aguda del niño en algunos centros de Cuba en el período 2000-2008. Métodos: se trataron 46 pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda, se excluyeron los casos con leucemia promielocítica, diagnosticados a partir del año 2000 en las provincias occidentales, Sancti Spíritus y Villa Clara. Se aplicaron dos esquemas de tratamiento tipo BFM en dos períodos: en el primero (2000 -2003 se incluyeron 27 enfermos y en el segundo (2004-2008, 19. La diferencia fundamental entre los dos períodos consistió en la consolidación que en la segunda etapa fue de ciclos más intensos y cortos. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino (n = 32 y la mediana de edad fue de 9 años. La remisión inicial fue del 71 % en la primera etapa y 89 % en la segunda. La supervivencia libre de eventos (SLE en todos los pacientes fue del 40 % a los 5 años y la supervivencia global (SV fue del 44 % en igual período. En la SLE en las dos etapas se encontraron diferencias significativas siendo mayor en la segunda. En los años comprendidos entre el 2000 y el 2003 la SV a los 5 años fue del 31 %, mientras que entre 2004 y 2008 fue del 63 %. No se empleó el trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas de forma sistemática. Conclusiones: estos resultados muestran un nivel comparable a los alcanzados a internacionalmente, lo que representa un importante logro del Sistema Nacional de Salud de Cuba.Introduction. acute myeloid leukemia represents about 20 % of all leukemias in childhood with results and survival smaller than in acute lymphoid leukemia. Objectives: to describe the results obtained with the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in children in some Cuban centers in from 2000 to 2008

  19. Falla cardíaca aguda


    Sénior Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Gándara Ricardo, Jairo Alfonso


    Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 26 años de edad, que acudió al Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación (Medellín) con síntomas y signos de falla cardíaca aguda y diagnóstico previo de falla cardíaca crónica con fracción de expulsión disminuida, de origen no claro, tromboembolismo pulmonar y ataque cerebrovascular isquémico, sin modulación neurohormonal óptima. Ingresó a la institución con hallazgos clínicos de sobrecarga hídrica y baja perfusión tisular, con requerimiento de ...

  20. Internodal function in normal and regenerated mammalian axons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moldovan, M; Krarup, C


    AIM: Following Wallerian degeneration, peripheral myelinated axons have the ability to regenerate and, given a proper pathway, establish functional connections with targets. In spite of this capacity, the clinical outcome of nerve regeneration remains unsatisfactory. Early studies have found...... that regenerated internodes remain persistently short though this abnormality did not seem to influence recovery in conduction. It remains unclear to which extent abnormalities in axonal function itself may contribute to the poor outcome of nerve regeneration. METHODS: We review experimental evidence indicating...... that internodes play an active role in axonal function. RESULTS: By investigating internodal contribution to axonal excitability we have found evidence that axonal function may be permanently compromised in regenerated nerves. Furthermore, we illustrate that internodal function is also abnormal in regenerated...

  1. Dermatose Neutrofílica Febril Aguda: A propósito de um caso clínico.

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    Edite Marques Mendes


    Full Text Available Introdução: O síndrome de Sweet ou dermatose neutrofílica febril aguda, é uma patologia inflamatória incomum caracterizada pelo aparecimento abrupto de lesões cutâneas dolorosas, tipo nódulos, placas ou pápulas eritematosas e edematosas. Febre e leucocitose podem acompanhar as lesões cutâneas, com frequente envolvimento ocular ou de outros órgãos. Pode estar associado a infecção, malignidade ou exposição a fármacos. O tratamento de primeira linha são os glucocorticóides. Caso Clínico: Homem de 65 anos. Recorreu ao serviço de urgência por tosse produtiva e dor torácica. Teve alta com o diagnóstico de traqueobronquite aguda e medicado com amoxicilina e acido clavulânico. Regressou 3 dias depois por aparecimento de lesões cutâneas não pruriginosas e dolorosas. Sem febre. Ao exame objectivo apresentava diversas lesões cutâneas: placas, pápulas e vesiculas, eritematosas, de forma ovóide (as maiores de 2cm, algumas confluentes. Distribuídas pela zona occipital, pescoço, tórax e pelas extremidades superiores, com raras lesões no abdómen e membros inferiores. Apresentava também pigmentação vermelho-violacea periorbital. Analiticamente com leucocitose (14.3908/mm3, com neutrofilia (90%, elevação da proteina C reactiva (25,5mg/dL e da velocidade de sedimentação (80mm. Internado por suspeita de síndrome de Sweet, para estudo etiológico e controlo de sintomas. Electroforese proteínas normal. Resultado histológico da biópsia de pele revelou infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico difuso cutâneo compatíveis com síndrome de Sweet. Iniciou tratamento com prednisolona 20 mg, com melhoria 72h após o início de corticoterapia. Diagnóstico final: Síndrome de Sweet Clássico/Idiopático. Conclusão: Os autores pretendem descrever um síndrome incomum, muitas vezes no contexto de infecções ou exposição a fármacos. No entanto, salienta-se a associação frequente com patologia neoplásica, pelo que se deve

  2. Optofluidic control of axonal guidance (United States)

    Gu, Ling; Ordonez, Simon; Black, Bryan; Mohanty, Samarendra K.


    Significant efforts are being made for control on axonal guidance due to its importance in nerve regeneration and in the formation of functional neuronal circuitry in-vitro. These include several physical (topographic modification, optical force, and electric field), chemical (surface functionalization cues) and hybrid (electro-chemical, photochemical etc) methods. Here, we report comparison of the effect of linear flow versus microfluidic flow produced by an opticallydriven micromotor in guiding retinal ganglion axons. A circularly polarized laser tweezers was used to hold, position and spin birefringent calcite particle near growth cone, which in turn resulted in microfluidic flow. The flow rate and resulting shear-force on axons could be controlled by a varying the power of the laser tweezers beam. The calcite particles were placed separately in one chamber and single particle was transported through microfluidic channel to another chamber containing the retina explant. In presence of flow, the turning of axons was found to strongly correlate with the direction of flow. Turning angle as high as 90° was achieved. Optofluidic-manipulation can be applied to other types of mammalian neurons and also can be extended to stimulate mechano-sensing neurons.

  3. Can injured adult CNS axons regenerate by recapitulating development? (United States)

    Hilton, Brett J; Bradke, Frank


    In the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS), neurons typically fail to regenerate their axons after injury. During development, by contrast, neurons extend axons effectively. A variety of intracellular mechanisms mediate this difference, including changes in gene expression, the ability to form a growth cone, differences in mitochondrial function/axonal transport and the efficacy of synaptic transmission. In turn, these intracellular processes are linked to extracellular differences between the developing and adult CNS. During development, the extracellular environment directs axon growth and circuit formation. In adulthood, by contrast, extracellular factors, such as myelin and the extracellular matrix, restrict axon growth. Here, we discuss whether the reactivation of developmental processes can elicit axon regeneration in the injured CNS. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  4. Intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva durante doce años

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    Palazón Sánchez C


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Conocer la epidemiología de las intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva y evaluar el pronóstico de la PCR y mortalidad asociada a los distintos tóxicos Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo realizado en el servicio de medicina intensiva polivalente de 10 camas, ubicado en un Hospital General de adultos. Período de estudio 12 años. Revisión de las historias clínicas de las personas ingresadas en el servicio de medicina intensiva por intoxicaciones agudas graves. Se recogieron datos demográficos, existencia de PCR al ingreso, necesidad de VM, complicaciones de las intoxicaciones agudas graves y mortalidad de la serie. Se realizó un análisis global y por año de estudio. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se realizó con el paquete SPSS mediante la "t" de Student o la "chi" cuadrado, considerando valores significativos si p<0,05 Resultados: Se han incluido 233 sujetos, de los que 130 fueron varones. La estancia media fue de 4 días. El 63% de los pacientes fueron menores de 40 años (p<0,05. La intoxicación más frecuente fue la medicamentosa debida a un solo producto (72%. La supervivencia tras la PCR fue del 40% (4/10. La mortalidad global se situó en el 5,6% (n=13, habiendo precisado el 92% de los sujetos que posteriormente murieron, VM en algún momento de su ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Conclusiones: En nuestro medio, la intoxicación más frecuente es la medicamentosa. La mortalidad se muestra dependiente del carácter de voluntariedad, pero independiente del tipo de tóxico (medicamentoso o no. La PCR asociada a las intoxicaciones agudas graves tiene, en nuestra serie, un mejor pronostico que la asociada a otras patologías. La VM asociada a las intoxicaciones agudas graves tiene una mortalidad baja (15,7%

  5. Dependence of regenerated sensory axons on continuous neurotrophin-3 delivery. (United States)

    Hou, Shaoping; Nicholson, LaShae; van Niekerk, Erna; Motsch, Melanie; Blesch, Armin


    Previous studies have shown that injured dorsal column sensory axons extend across a spinal cord lesion site if axons are guided by a gradient of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) rostral to the lesion. Here we examined whether continuous NT-3 delivery is necessary to sustain regenerated axons in the injured spinal cord. Using tetracycline-regulated (tet-off) lentiviral gene delivery, NT-3 expression was tightly controlled by doxycycline administration. To examine axon growth responses to regulated NT-3 expression, adult rats underwent a C3 dorsal funiculus lesion. The lesion site was filled with bone marrow stromal cells, tet-off-NT-3 virus was injected rostral to the lesion site, and the intrinsic growth capacity of sensory neurons was activated by a conditioning lesion. When NT-3 gene expression was turned on, cholera toxin β-subunit-labeled sensory axons regenerated into and beyond the lesion/graft site. Surprisingly, the number of regenerated axons significantly declined when NT-3 expression was turned off, whereas continued NT-3 expression sustained regenerated axons. Quantification of axon numbers beyond the lesion demonstrated a significant decline of axon growth in animals with transient NT-3 expression, only some axons that had regenerated over longer distance were sustained. Regenerated axons were located in white matter and did not form axodendritic synapses but expressed presynaptic markers when closely associated with NG2-labeled cells. A decline in axon density was also observed within cellular grafts after NT-3 expression was turned off possibly via reduction in L1 and laminin expression in Schwann cells. Thus, multiple mechanisms underlie the inability of transient NT-3 expression to fully sustain regenerated sensory axons.

  6. Dor aguda no joelho do paciente idoso Acute knee pain in elderly patients

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    Gilberto Luís Camanho


    Full Text Available A dor aguda no joelho de pacientes idosos é freqüente, sendo caracterizada por seu aparecimento súbito, sem causa aparente, com exame radiográfico dentro dos padrões da normalidade, na maioria dos casos. A etiologia da dor aguda no joelho é decorrente de insuficiência das estruturas, e seu quadro clínico difere completamente daquele determinado pela osteoartrose, sendo sempre unilateral e ocorre na grande maioria em pacientes do sexo feminino, após a quinta década de vida, e na região medial do joelho (local de maior carga. Com o propósito de analisar as possíveis etiologias para a dor aguda do joelho de pacientes acima de 60 anos de idade, suas características e tratamento, os autores discutem as etiologias relacionadas à dor aguda: lesão meniscal, fratura por fadiga e osteonecrose idiopática.Acute knee pain in elderly patients is not uncommon, and is characterized by a sudden onset, no apparent cause, and by normal radiographic findings in most cases. The etiology of acute knee pain is the result of insufficient structures, and clinical symptoms are totally different from the symptoms seen in osteoarthrosis. This acute pain in the knee is always unilateral and in the medial region of the knee joint (site with the heaviest load, predominantly in females after the fifth decade of live. In order to consider the possible etiologies for acute knee joint pain in patients older than 60 years, its characteristics and treatment, the authors discuss etiologies related to acute pain: lesion of the meniscus, stress fracture, and idiopathic osteonecrosis.

  7. Comunicação e educação nas consultas de crianças com infecções respiratórias agudas

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    Ana Paula Alves de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar as orientações de cuidado à criança com infecções respiratórias agudas (IRA e descrever o processo de comunicação entre profissionais e mães na consulta. Os dados foram coletados em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, em entrevistas e observação de consultas de enfermeiras e médicos a crianças com IRA. Os resultados mostram orientações variáveis e incompletas entre os profissionais, predominantemente prescritivas e centradas na doença, principalmente no tratamento medicamentoso. A comunicação é centrada no profissional, o que não favorece um processo educativo emancipatório. Conclui-se a necessidade de incluir esses conteúdos na formação inicial e permanente dos profissionais.

  8. Carambola como causa de lesão renal aguda

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    Karilla Lany Scaranello


    Full Text Available A carambola pertence à família das Oxalidáceas, espécie Averrhoa carambola. É rica em sais minerais, vitaminas A, C, complexo B e ácido oxálico. Estudos recentes demonstram que a toxicidade da fruta difere entre os indivíduos e pode ser explicada pelas respostas biológicas individuais como idade, quantidade da ingestão, neurotoxinas em cada tipo de fruta. Adicionalmente, a nefrotoxicidade causada pela fruta é dose dependente, podendo levar ao desenvolvimento de lesão renal aguda pela deposição de cristais de oxalato de cálcio intratubular, assim como por lesão direta das células epiteliais tubulares, levando à apoptose das mesmas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente que, após a ingestão do suco da fruta e fruta in natura, desenvolveu lesão renal aguda, necessitando de terapia dialítica, evoluindo com desfecho favorável e recuperação da função renal.

  9. Two Modes of the Axonal Interferon Response Limit Alphaherpesvirus Neuroinvasion

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    Ren Song


    Full Text Available Infection by alphaherpesviruses, including herpes simplex virus (HSV and pseudorabies virus (PRV, typically begins at epithelial surfaces and continues into the peripheral nervous system (PNS. Inflammatory responses are induced at the infected peripheral site prior to invasion of the PNS. When the peripheral tissue is first infected, only the innervating axons are exposed to this inflammatory milieu, which includes the interferons (IFNs. The fundamental question is how do PNS cell bodies respond to these distant, potentially damaging events experienced by axons. Using compartmented cultures that physically separate neuron axons from cell bodies, we found that pretreating isolated axons with beta interferon (IFN-β or gamma interferon (IFN-γ significantly diminished the number of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1 and PRV particles moving in axons toward the cell bodies in a receptor-dependent manner. Exposing axons to IFN-β induced STAT1 phosphorylation (p-STAT1 only in axons, while exposure of axons to IFN-γ induced p-STAT1 accumulation in distant cell body nuclei. Blocking transcription in cell bodies eliminated antiviral effects induced by IFN-γ, but not those induced by IFN-β. Proteomic analysis of IFN-β- or IFN-γ-treated axons identified several differentially regulated proteins. Therefore, unlike treatment with IFN-γ, IFN-β induces a noncanonical, local antiviral response in axons. The activation of a local IFN response in axons represents a new paradigm for cytokine control of neuroinvasion.

  10. Brief electrical stimulation accelerates axon regeneration in the peripheral nervous system and promotes sensory axon regeneration in the central nervous system. (United States)

    Gordon, Tessa; Udina, Esther; Verge, Valerie M K; de Chaves, Elena I Posse


    Injured peripheral but not central nerves regenerate their axons but functional recovery is often poor. We demonstrate that prolonged periods of axon separation from targets and Schwann cell denervation eliminate regenerative capacity in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). A substantial delay of 4 weeks for all regenerating axons to cross a site of repair of sectioned nerve contributes to the long period of separation. Findings that 1h 20Hz bipolar electrical stimulation accelerates axon outgrowth across the repair site and the downstream reinnervation of denervated muscles in rats and human patients, provides a new and exciting method to improve functional recovery after nerve injuries. Drugs that elevate neuronal cAMP and activate PKA promote axon outgrowth in vivo and in vitro, mimicking the electrical stimulation effect. Rapid expression of neurotrophic factors and their receptors and then of growth associated proteins thereafter via cAMP, is the likely mechanism by which electrical stimulation accelerates axon outgrowth from the site of injury in both peripheral and central nervous systems.

  11. 4S RNA is transported axonally in normal and regenerating axons of the sciatic nerves of rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindquist, T D; Ingoglia, N A; Gould, R M [Departments of Physiology and Neuroscience, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA


    Experiments were designed to determine if following injection of (/sup 3/H)uridine into the lumbar spinal cord of the rat, (/sup 3/H)RNA could be demonstrated within axons of the sciatic nerve, and if 4S RNA is the predominant predominant RNA species present in these axons.

  12. Guidance of retinal axons in mammals. (United States)

    Herrera, Eloísa; Erskine, Lynda; Morenilla-Palao, Cruz


    In order to navigate through the surrounding environment many mammals, including humans, primarily rely on vision. The eye, composed of the choroid, sclera, retinal pigmented epithelium, cornea, lens, iris and retina, is the structure that receives the light and converts it into electrical impulses. The retina contains six major types of neurons involving in receiving and modifying visual information and passing it onto higher visual processing centres in the brain. Visual information is relayed to the brain via the axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), a projection known as the optic pathway. The proper formation of this pathway during development is essential for normal vision in the adult individual. Along this pathway there are several points where visual axons face 'choices' in their direction of growth. Understanding how these choices are made has advanced significantly our knowledge of axon guidance mechanisms. Thus, the development of the visual pathway has served as an extremely useful model to reveal general principles of axon pathfinding throughout the nervous system. However, due to its particularities, some cellular and molecular mechanisms are specific for the visual circuit. Here we review both general and specific mechanisms involved in the guidance of mammalian RGC axons when they are traveling from the retina to the brain to establish precise and stereotyped connections that will sustain vision. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Ataxia cerebelar aguda na criança

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    Valeriana Moura Ribeiro


    Full Text Available São relatados os casos de 6 crianças com ataxia cerebelar aguda. Admitem os autores a presença de um fator etiológico de caráter viral comum a todos êles, discutindo os mecanismos patogênicos com base nos casos da literatura. A evolução foi favorável em todos os pacientes, com regressão completa da sintomatologia, dentro do período de 6 a 60 dias.

  14. Axonal Conduction Delays, Brain State, and Corticogeniculate Communication. (United States)

    Stoelzel, Carl R; Bereshpolova, Yulia; Alonso, Jose-Manuel; Swadlow, Harvey A


    Thalamocortical conduction times are short, but layer 6 corticothalamic axons display an enormous range of conduction times, some exceeding 40-50 ms. Here, we investigate (1) how axonal conduction times of corticogeniculate (CG) neurons are related to the visual information conveyed to the thalamus, and (2) how alert versus nonalert awake brain states affect visual processing across the spectrum of CG conduction times. In awake female Dutch-Belted rabbits, we found 58% of CG neurons to be visually responsive, and 42% to be unresponsive. All responsive CG neurons had simple, orientation-selective receptive fields, and generated sustained responses to stationary stimuli. CG axonal conduction times were strongly related to modulated firing rates (F1 values) generated by drifting grating stimuli, and their associated interspike interval distributions, suggesting a continuum of visual responsiveness spanning the spectrum of axonal conduction times. CG conduction times were also significantly related to visual response latency, contrast sensitivity (C-50 values), directional selectivity, and optimal stimulus velocity. Increasing alertness did not cause visually unresponsive CG neurons to become responsive and did not change the response linearity (F1/F0 ratios) of visually responsive CG neurons. However, for visually responsive CG neurons, increased alertness nearly doubled the modulated response amplitude to optimal visual stimulation (F1 values), significantly shortened response latency, and dramatically increased response reliability. These effects of alertness were uniform across the broad spectrum of CG axonal conduction times. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Corticothalamic neurons of layer 6 send a dense feedback projection to thalamic nuclei that provide input to sensory neocortex. While sensory information reaches the cortex after brief thalamocortical axonal delays, corticothalamic axons can exhibit conduction delays of <2 ms to 40-50 ms. Here, in the corticogeniculate

  15. Fcγ receptor-mediated inflammation inhibits axon regeneration.

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    Gang Zhang

    Full Text Available Anti-glycan/ganglioside antibodies are the most common immune effectors found in patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which is a peripheral autoimmune neuropathy. We previously reported that disease-relevant anti-glycan autoantibodies inhibited axon regeneration, which echo the clinical association of these antibodies and poor recovery in Guillain-Barré Syndrome. However, the specific molecular and cellular elements involved in this antibody-mediated inhibition of axon regeneration are not previously defined. This study examined the role of Fcγ receptors and macrophages in the antibody-mediated inhibition of axon regeneration. A well characterized antibody passive transfer sciatic nerve crush and transplant models were used to study the anti-ganglioside antibody-mediated inhibition of axon regeneration in wild type and various mutant and transgenic mice with altered expression of specific Fcγ receptors and macrophage/microglia populations. Outcome measures included behavior, electrophysiology, morphometry, immunocytochemistry, quantitative real-time PCR, and western blotting. We demonstrate that the presence of autoantibodies, directed against neuronal/axonal cell surface gangliosides, in the injured mammalian peripheral nerves switch the proregenerative inflammatory environment to growth inhibitory milieu by engaging specific activating Fcγ receptors on recruited monocyte-derived macrophages to cause severe inhibition of axon regeneration. Our data demonstrate that the antibody orchestrated Fcγ receptor-mediated switch in inflammation is one mechanism underlying inhibition of axon regeneration. These findings have clinical implications for nerve repair and recovery in antibody-mediated immune neuropathies. Our results add to the complexity of axon regeneration in injured peripheral and central nervous systems as adverse effects of B cells and autoantibodies on neural injury and repair are increasingly recognized.

  16. Relación entre las infecciones respiratorias agudas altas y el asma bronquial

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    Verónica Soler Fonseca

    Full Text Available Introducción: la infección respiratoria es la enfermedad más frecuente en los seres humanos, pues es responsable de la mitad de todas las enfermedades agudas. En Cuba al igual que en el resto del mundo, el asma bronquial constituye un importante problema de salud con incidencia relevante en los niños. Se señala que las infecciones virales están involucradas en la patogénesis del asma, sobre todo en el paciente pediátrico. Objetivo: identificar la influencia de las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas Altas en la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis de asma bronquial. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo de los pacientes ingresados con asma bronquial en el servicio de enfermedades respiratorias del Hospital Pediátrico Docente de San Miguel del Padrón, durante todo el año 2008. Resultados: el tiempo de evolución de la IRAA más frecuente que desencadenó la crisis de asma bronquial fue de más de 7 días, con un 54,8 %. Un total de 188 pacientes presentaron rinofaringitis aguda catarral relacionada con la aparición de la crisis de asma bronquial, lo que representó el 82,4 % del total de la muestra. Conclusiones: predominó el grupo de 1 a 4 años con manifestaciones respiratorias altas de posible etiología viral sin diferencias apreciables en relación con el sexo. La mayoría de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio presentaron IRAA de etiología viral (Rinofaringitis, que precedieron la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial.

  17. Aspectos disautonômicos da porfiria aguda intermitente: a propósito de seis casos

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    Charles P. Tilbery


    Full Text Available Foram estudados seis casos de porfiria aguda intermitente, sendo enfocados os aspectos disautonômicos apresentados durante a longa permanência hospitalar dos doentes (média de 64 dias. Foram observados taquicardia sinusal e hipertensão arterial (4 casos, parada cardíaca (3 casos e depressão respiratória (5 casos. Os autores tecem comentários a propósito da fisiopatologia destas alterações e chamam a atenção sobre o prognóstico sombrio da porfiria aguda intermitente.

  18. Hindsight regulates photoreceptor axon targeting through transcriptional control of jitterbug/Filamin and multiple genes involved in axon guidance in Drosophila. (United States)

    Oliva, Carlos; Molina-Fernandez, Claudia; Maureira, Miguel; Candia, Noemi; López, Estefanía; Hassan, Bassem; Aerts, Stein; Cánovas, José; Olguín, Patricio; Sierralta, Jimena


    During axon targeting, a stereotyped pattern of connectivity is achieved by the integration of intrinsic genetic programs and the response to extrinsic long and short-range directional cues. How this coordination occurs is the subject of intense study. Transcription factors play a central role due to their ability to regulate the expression of multiple genes required to sense and respond to these cues during development. Here we show that the transcription factor HNT regulates layer-specific photoreceptor axon targeting in Drosophila through transcriptional control of jbug/Filamin and multiple genes involved in axon guidance and cytoskeleton organization.Using a microarray analysis we identified 235 genes whose expression levels were changed by HNT overexpression in the eye primordia. We analyzed nine candidate genes involved in cytoskeleton regulation and axon guidance, six of which displayed significantly altered gene expression levels in hnt mutant retinas. Functional analysis confirmed the role of OTK/PTK7 in photoreceptor axon targeting and uncovered Tiggrin, an integrin ligand, and Jbug/Filamin, a conserved actin- binding protein, as new factors that participate of photoreceptor axon targeting. Moreover, we provided in silico and molecular evidence that supports jbug/Filamin as a direct transcriptional target of HNT and that HNT acts partially through Jbug/Filamin in vivo to regulate axon guidance. Our work broadens the understanding of how HNT regulates the coordinated expression of a group of genes to achieve the correct connectivity pattern in the Drosophila visual system. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1018-1032, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Neurotrophin Signaling via Long-Distance Axonal Transport (United States)

    Chowdary, Praveen D.; Che, Dung L.; Cui, Bianxiao


    Neurotrophins are a family of target-derived growth factors that support survival, development, and maintenance of innervating neurons. Owing to the unique architecture of neurons, neurotrophins that act locally on the axonal terminals must convey their signals across the entire axon for subsequent regulation of gene transcription in the cell nucleus. This long-distance retrograde signaling, a motor-driven process that can take hours or days, has been a subject of intense interest. In the last decade, live-cell imaging with high sensitivity has significantly increased our capability to track the transport of neurotrophins, their receptors, and subsequent signals in real time. This review summarizes recent research progress in understanding neurotrophin-receptor interactions at the axonal terminal and their transport dynamics along the axon. We emphasize high-resolution studies at the single-molecule level and also discuss recent technical advances in the field.

  20. Axonal inclusions in the crab Hemigrapsus nudus. (United States)

    Smith, R S


    Light microscopic examination of living giant axons from the walking legs of Hemigrapsus nudus revealed intra-axonal inclusions which were usually several tens of micrometers long and about 5 micron wide. The inclusions were filled with small light-scattering particles. The inclusions were shown, by thin section electron microscopy, to be composed largely 68% by volume) of mitochondria. Each inclusion was surrounded by membrane bounded spaces which are presumed to represent a part of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Similar inclusions were not found in the leg axons of a variety of other decapod crustaceans.

  1. Con-nectin axons and dendrites. (United States)

    Beaudoin, Gerard M J


    Unlike adherens junctions, synapses are asymmetric connections, usually between axons and dendrites, that rely on various cell adhesion molecules for structural stability and function. Two cell types of adhesion molecules found at adherens junctions, cadherins and nectins, are thought to mediate homophilic interaction between neighboring cells. In this issue, Togashi et al. (see p. 141) demonstrate that the differential localization of two heterophilic interacting nectins mediates the selective attraction of axons and dendrites in cooperation with cadherins.

  2. Caracterización epidemiológica de la descompensación aguda del asma bronquial

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    Yanin Arteaga Prado


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial tiene una compleja fisiopatología que involucra la presencia en el paciente de factores genéticos de atopia, mecanismos inmunológicos disfuncionales. Objetivo: caracterizar la asociación de diversos aspectos epidemiológicos con la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma bronquial. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal a 118 pacientes del área de dos consultorios médicos del Policlínico Universitario "Hermanos Cruz" de la Ciudad de Pinar del Río durante el primer trimestre del 2012. Se comparó el grupo de pacientes que presentaron descompensaciones de la enfermedad con el grupo de pacientes que no se descompensó. Se aplicó un cuestionario para explorar las variables de interés. Para verificar la asociación entre variables se utilizó el estadígrafo ji cuadrado para un valor de significación estadística á=0.05. Resultados: las descompensaciones agudas fueron casi dos veces más frecuentes en el sexo femenino. De manera muy significativa (Z=3,26 p<0,01 una tercera parte de los asmáticos de su enfermedad; las amas de casa y los estudiantes fueron los más afectados. Solo el 38,1 % de los asmáticos tuvo un adecuado seguimiento por un especialista (clínico, pediatra, alergólogo o inmunólogo y de estos solo el 11,1 % presentaron descompensaciones agudas, en tanto se descompensó un 39,7 % de los que no tienen seguimiento especializado. Conclusiones: la degradación de las condiciones de la vivienda favoreció la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma. En tres cuartas partes de las casas había animales domésticos, existiendo una fuerte asociación entre esta condición y la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del paciente asmático.

  3. A growing field: The regulation of axonal regeneration by Wnt signaling. (United States)

    Garcia, Armando L; Udeh, Adanna; Kalahasty, Karthik; Hackam, Abigail S


    The canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway is a highly conserved signaling cascade that plays critical roles during embryogenesis. Wnt ligands regulate axonal extension, growth cone guidance and synaptogenesis throughout the developing central nervous system (CNS). Recently, studies in mammalian and fish model systems have demonstrated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling also promotes axonal regeneration in the adult optic nerve and spinal cord after injury, raising the possibility that Wnt could be developed as a therapeutic strategy. In this review, we summarize experimental evidence that reveals novel roles for Wnt signaling in the injured CNS, and discuss possible mechanisms by which Wnt ligands could overcome molecular barriers inhibiting axonal growth to promote regeneration. A central challenge in the neuroscience field is developing therapeutic strategies that induce robust axonal regeneration. Although adult axons have the capacity to respond to axonal guidance molecules after injury, there are several major obstacles for axonal growth, including extensive neuronal death, glial scars at the injury site, and lack of axonal guidance signals. Research in rodents demonstrated that activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in retinal neurons and radial glia induced neuronal survival and axonal growth, but that activation within reactive glia at the injury site promoted proliferation and glial scar formation. Studies in zebrafish spinal cord injury models confirm an axonal regenerative role for Wnt/β-catenin signaling and identified the cell types responsible. Additionally, in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that Wnt induces axonal and neurite growth through transcription-dependent effects of its central mediator β-catenin, potentially by inducing regeneration-promoting genes. Canonical Wnt signaling may also function through transcription-independent interactions of β-catenin with cytoskeletal elements, which could stabilize growing axons and control growth cone

  4. Mechanisms of Distal Axonal Degeneration in Peripheral Neuropathies (United States)

    Cashman, Christopher R.; Höke, Ahmet


    Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of a variety of diseases and treatments, including diabetes, cancer chemotherapy, and infectious causes (HIV, hepatitis C, and Campylobacter jejuni). Despite the fundamental difference between these insults, peripheral neuropathy develops as a combination of just six primary mechanisms: altered metabolism, covalent modification, altered organelle function and reactive oxygen species formation, altered intracellular and inflammatory signaling, slowed axonal transport, and altered ion channel dynamics and expression. All of these pathways converge to lead to axon dysfunction and symptoms of neuropathy. The detailed mechanisms of axon degeneration itself have begun to be elucidated with studies of animal models with altered degeneration kinetics, including the slowed Wallerian degeneration (Wlds) and Sarmknockout animal models. These studies have shown axonal degeneration to occur througha programmed pathway of injury signaling and cytoskeletal degradation. Insights into the common disease insults that converge on the axonal degeneration pathway promise to facilitate the development of therapeutics that may be effective against other mechanisms of neurodegeneration. PMID:25617478

  5. Oligodendrocyte Development in the Absence of Their Target Axons In Vivo.

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    Rafael Almeida

    Full Text Available Oligodendrocytes form myelin around axons of the central nervous system, enabling saltatory conduction. Recent work has established that axons can regulate certain aspects of oligodendrocyte development and myelination, yet remarkably oligodendrocytes in culture retain the ability to differentiate in the absence of axons and elaborate myelin sheaths around synthetic axon-like substrates. It remains unclear the extent to which the life-course of oligodendrocytes requires the presence of, or signals derived from axons in vivo. In particular, it is unclear whether the specific axons fated for myelination regulate the oligodendrocyte population in a living organism, and if so, which precise steps of oligodendrocyte-cell lineage progression are regulated by target axons. Here, we use live-imaging of zebrafish larvae carrying transgenic reporters that label oligodendrocyte-lineage cells to investigate which aspects of oligodendrocyte development, from specification to differentiation, are affected when we manipulate the target axonal environment. To drastically reduce the number of axons targeted for myelination, we use a previously identified kinesin-binding protein (kbp mutant, in which the first myelinated axons in the spinal cord, reticulospinal axons, do not fully grow in length, creating a region in the posterior spinal cord where most initial targets for myelination are absent. We find that a 73% reduction of reticulospinal axon surface in the posterior spinal cord of kbp mutants results in a 27% reduction in the number of oligodendrocytes. By time-lapse analysis of transgenic OPC reporters, we find that the reduction in oligodendrocyte number is explained by a reduction in OPC proliferation and survival. Interestingly, OPC specification and migration are unaltered in the near absence of normal axonal targets. Finally, we find that timely differentiation of OPCs into oligodendrocytes does not depend at all on the presence of target axons

  6. Sertralina e pancreatite aguda: relato de caso Sertraline and acute pancreatitis: a case-report

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    André Malbergier


    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda é uma patologia grave e com considerável morbidade e mortalidade. Vários fatores são apontados como possíveis causas de pancreatite aguda. Neste relato, será apresentado um caso de pancreatite aguda com possível associação causal com um inibidor seletivo de recaptura de serotonina: sertralina. Após um mês de tratamento com sertralina, uma paciente do sexo feminino, 55 anos, desenvolveu forte dor abdominal e elevação da amilase sérica. Após internação e retirada da sertralina, seus sintomas remitiram e os níveis de amilase voltaram ao normal. Pela potencial gravidade do quadro e pelo amplo uso desta medicação, tal associação deve ser lembrada em investigações de casos de pancreatite aguda.Acute pancreatitis is a severe disease with considerable morbidity and mortality. Many risk factors are causally related to acute pancreatitis. In this report, a case of acute pancreatitis with possible causal relationship with the use of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, sertraline, will be discussed. After one month of treatment with sertraline, a female patient, 55 years-old, developed a severe abdominal pain and showed a serum amylase elevation. She was admitted to the hospital and the use of sertraline was interrupted. After that, the symptoms remitted and the serum amylase level returned to normal. Because of the potential severity of this disease and the widespread use of sertraline, this association should be reminded when investigating possible causes for acute pancreatitis.

  7. Axonal loss in the multiple sclerosis spinal cord revisited. (United States)

    Petrova, Natalia; Carassiti, Daniele; Altmann, Daniel R; Baker, David; Schmierer, Klaus


    Preventing chronic disease deterioration is an unmet need in people with multiple sclerosis, where axonal loss is considered a key substrate of disability. Clinically, chronic multiple sclerosis often presents as progressive myelopathy. Spinal cord cross-sectional area (CSA) assessed using MRI predicts increasing disability and has, by inference, been proposed as an indirect index of axonal degeneration. However, the association between CSA and axonal loss, and their correlation with demyelination, have never been systematically investigated using human post mortem tissue. We extensively sampled spinal cords of seven women and six men with multiple sclerosis (mean disease duration= 29 years) and five healthy controls to quantify axonal density and its association with demyelination and CSA. 396 tissue blocks were embedded in paraffin and immuno-stained for myelin basic protein and phosphorylated neurofilaments. Measurements included total CSA, areas of (i) lateral cortico-spinal tracts, (ii) gray matter, (iii) white matter, (iv) demyelination, and the number of axons within the lateral cortico-spinal tracts. Linear mixed models were used to analyze relationships. In multiple sclerosis CSA reduction at cervical, thoracic and lumbar levels ranged between 19 and 24% with white (19-24%) and gray (17-21%) matter atrophy contributing equally across levels. Axonal density in multiple sclerosis was lower by 57-62% across all levels and affected all fibers regardless of diameter. Demyelination affected 24-48% of the gray matter, most extensively at the thoracic level, and 11-13% of the white matter, with no significant differences across levels. Disease duration was associated with reduced axonal density, however not with any area index. Significant association was detected between focal demyelination and decreased axonal density. In conclusion, over nearly 30 years multiple sclerosis reduces axonal density by 60% throughout the spinal cord. Spinal cord cross sectional area

  8. Time course of ongoing activity during neuritis and following axonal transport disruption. (United States)

    Satkeviciute, Ieva; Goodwin, George; Bove, Geoffrey M; Dilley, Andrew


    Local nerve inflammation (neuritis) leads to ongoing activity and axonal mechanical sensitivity (AMS) along intact nociceptor axons and disrupts axonal transport. This phenomenon forms the most feasible cause of radiating pain, such as sciatica. We have previously shown that axonal transport disruption without inflammation or degeneration also leads to AMS but does not cause ongoing activity at the time point when AMS occurs, despite causing cutaneous hypersensitivity. However, there have been no systematic studies of ongoing activity during neuritis or noninflammatory axonal transport disruption. In this study, we present the time course of ongoing activity from primary sensory neurons following neuritis and vinblastine-induced axonal transport disruption. Whereas 24% of C/slow Aδ-fiber neurons had ongoing activity during neuritis, few (disruption of axonal transport without inflammation does not lead to ongoing activity in sensory neurons, including nociceptors, but does cause a rapid and transient development of AMS. Because it is proposed that AMS underlies mechanically induced radiating pain, and a transient disruption of axonal transport (as previously reported) leads to transient AMS, it follows that processes that disrupt axonal transport, such as neuritis, must persist to maintain AMS and the associated symptoms. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Many patients with radiating pain lack signs of nerve injury on clinical examination but may have neuritis, which disrupts axonal transport. We have shown that axonal transport disruption does not induce ongoing activity in primary sensory neurons but does cause transient axonal mechanical sensitivity. The present data complete a profile of key axonal sensitivities following axonal transport disruption. Collectively, this profile supports that an active peripheral process is necessary for maintained axonal sensitivities.

  9. Epigenetic regulation of axon and dendrite growth

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    Ephraim F Trakhtenberg


    Full Text Available Neuroregenerative therapies for central nervous system (CNS injury, neurodegenerative disease, or stroke require axons of damaged neurons to grow and reinnervate their targets. However, mature mammalian CNS neurons do not regenerate their axons, limiting recovery in these diseases (Yiu and He, 2006. CNS’ regenerative failure may be attributable to the development of an inhibitory CNS environment by glial-associated inhibitory molecules (Yiu and He, 2006, and by various cell-autonomous factors (Sun and He, 2010. Intrinsic axon growth ability also declines developmentally (Li et al., 1995; Goldberg et al., 2002; Bouslama-Oueghlani et al., 2003; Blackmore and Letourneau, 2006 and is dependent on transcription (Moore et al., 2009. Although neurons’ intrinsic capacity for axon growth may depend in part on the panoply of expressed transcription factors (Moore and Goldberg, 2011, epigenetic factors such as the accessibility of DNA and organization of chromatin are required for downstream genes to be transcribed. Thus a potential approach to overcoming regenerative failure focuses on the epigenetic mechanisms regulating regenerative gene expression in the CNS. Here we review molecular mechanisms regulating the epigenetic state of DNA through chromatin modifications, their implications for regulating axon and dendrite growth, and important new directions for this field of study.

  10. Neuron-to-neuron transmission of α-synuclein fibrils through axonal transport (United States)

    Freundt, Eric C.; Maynard, Nate; Clancy, Eileen K.; Roy, Shyamali; Bousset, Luc; Sourigues, Yannick; Covert, Markus; Melki, Ronald; Kirkegaard, Karla; Brahic, Michel


    Objective The lesions of Parkinson's disease spread through the brain in a characteristic pattern that corresponds to axonal projections. Previous observations suggest that misfolded α-synuclein could behave as a prion, moving from neuron to neuron and causing endogenous α-synuclein to misfold. Here, we characterized and quantified the axonal transport of α-synuclein fibrils and showed that fibrils could be transferred from axons to second-order neurons following anterograde transport. Methods We grew primary cortical mouse neurons in microfluidic devices to separate soma from axonal projections in fluidically isolated microenvironments. We used live-cell imaging and immunofluorescence to characterize the transport of fluorescent α-synuclein fibrils and their transfer to second-order neurons. Results Fibrillar α-synuclein was internalized by primary neurons and transported in axons with kinetics consistent with slow component-b of axonal transport (fast axonal transport with saltatory movement). Fibrillar α-synuclein was readily observed in the cell bodies of second-order neurons following anterograde axonal transport. Axon-to-soma transfer appeared not to require synaptic contacts. Interpretation These results support the hypothesis that the progression of Parkinson's disease can be caused by neuron-to-neuron spread of α-synuclein aggregates and that the anatomical pattern of progression of lesions between axonally connected areas results from the axonal transport of such aggregates. That the transfer did not appear to be transsynaptic gives hope that α-synuclein fibrils could be intercepted by drugs during the extra-cellular phase of their journey. PMID:23109146

  11. Axon density and axon orientation dispersion in children born preterm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kelly, Claire E.; Thompson, Deanne K.; Chen, Jian; Leemans, Alexander; Adamson, Christopher L.; Inder, Terrie E.; Cheong, Jeanie L Y; Doyle, Lex W.; Anderson, Peter J.


    Background Very preterm birth (VPT, <32 weeks' gestation) is associated with altered white matter fractional anisotropy (FA), the biological basis of which is uncertain but may relate to changes in axon density and/or dispersion, which can be measured using Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density

  12. Axon-glia interaction and membrane traffic in myelin formation

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    Robin eWhite


    Full Text Available In vertebrate nervous systems myelination of neuronal axons has evolved to increase conduction velocity of electrical impulses with minimal space and energy requirements. Myelin is formed by specialised glial cells which ensheath axons with a lipid-rich insulating membrane. Myelination is a multi-step process initiated by axon-glia recognition triggering glial polarisation followed by targeted myelin membrane expansion and compaction. Thereby, a myelin sheath of complex subdomain structure is established. Continuous communication between neurons and glial cells is essential for myelin maintenance and axonal integrity. A diverse group of diseases, from multiple sclerosis to schizophrenia, have been linked to malfunction of myelinating cells reflecting the physiological importance of the axon-glial unit. This review describes the mechanisms of axonal signal integration by oligodendrocytes emphasising the central role of the Src-family kinase Fyn during CNS myelination. Furthermore, we discuss myelin membrane trafficking with particular focus on endocytic recycling and the control of PLP (proteolipid protein transport by SNARE proteins. Finally, PLP mistrafficking is considered in the context of myelin diseases.

  13. Soporte nutricional en la insuficiencia renal aguda

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    O. Cristina Olivos, Dra.


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA se presenta frecuentemente en distintas condiciones clínicas y es especialmente frecuente en unidades de cuidados intensivos. La presencia de IRA se considera como un factor de riesgo independiente de morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria. De ahí la importancia de evaluar los diversos factores determinantes de su evolución, entre los que cuenta la desnutrición calórico-proteica. El propósito de esta revisión es analizar la literatura más relevante hasta la actualidad en este tema.


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    Laura Rocío Orellana-Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la toxicidad aguda por Aleurites moluccana por administración oral en ratas Sprague-Dawley. Metodología: Estudio experimental realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina-UNMSM. Se usaron treinta ratas Sprague-Dawley, hembras y machos, de 6 semanas de edad. Se formaron aleatoriamente tres grupos de diez ratas: grupo A1, recibió 8,2 mg/Kg de peso de A. moluccana; grupo  A2, recibió 2000 mg/Kg de peso de A. moluccana; grupo control, recibió agua ad libitum. Se evaluaron los signos clínicos de toxicidad, los pesos, variables bioquímicas y las características histopatológicas de hígado, riñón, corazón, intestino, bazo y gónadas. Se consideró significativo un p0,05. Los grupos  A1 y A2 presentaron signos clínicos de toxicidad y la muerte de tres ratas; células hepáticas binucleadas y regenerativas en el hígado; y hemorragia glomerular en el riñón. Conclusiones: Las variables clínicas e histopatológicas en hígado y riñón demostraron que la Aleurites moluccana produce toxicidad aguda, las variables bioquímicas no demostraron este efecto. Palabras Claves: Aleurites moluccana, Toxicidad aguda, Ratas Sprague-Dawley.

  15. Síndrome coronariana aguda em paciente jovem com sintomas atípicos

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    Gustavo Daher


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico da dor torácica aguda no setor de emergência pode ser difícil e desafiador, incluindo diversos diagnósticos diferenciais, dentre eles: causas benignas a causas potencialmente fatais. O diagnóstico na maioria das vezesé estabelecido através do quadro clínico e de exames complementares como: marcadores de necrose miocárdica, eletrocardiograma e radiografia de tórax.A angiotomografia coronariana tem sido utilizada nos casos de dor torácica aguda com baixa ou intermediária probabilidade de síndrome coronariana aguda, permitindo sua exclusão e conseqüente alta precoce dos pacientes. Apresentamosrelato de caso de uma paciente jovem com dor precordial atípica e marcadores de necrose miocárdica discretamente elevados. Considerando-se a epidemiologia e o quadro clínico da paciente, foi feita hipótese diagnóstica inicial de miocardite. A angiotomografia cardíaca com pesquisa de realce tardiofoi solicitada. Apesar do escore de cálcio ter sido zero, foi diagnosticada lesão estenosante grave no terço médio da artéria coronária descendente anterior com realce tardio na parede anterior do ventrículo esquerdo, compatível comnecrose miocárdica. A paciente foi submetida a cateterismo com angioplastia da lesão.

  16. Highly effective photonic cue for repulsive axonal guidance.

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    Bryan J Black

    Full Text Available In vivo nerve repair requires not only the ability to regenerate damaged axons, but most importantly, the ability to guide developing or regenerating axons along paths that will result in functional connections. Furthermore, basic studies in neuroscience and neuro-electronic interface design require the ability to construct in vitro neural circuitry. Both these applications require the development of a noninvasive, highly effective tool for axonal growth-cone guidance. To date, a myriad of technologies have been introduced based on chemical, electrical, mechanical, and hybrid approaches (such as electro-chemical, optofluidic flow and photo-chemical methods. These methods are either lacking in desired spatial and temporal selectivity or require the introduction of invasive external factors. Within the last fifteen years however, several attractive guidance cues have been developed using purely light based cues to achieve axonal guidance. Here, we report a novel, purely optical repulsive guidance technique that uses low power, near infrared light, and demonstrates the guidance of primary goldfish retinal ganglion cell axons through turns of up to 120 degrees and over distances of ∼90 µm.

  17. Axon diameter mapping in crossing fibers with diffusion MRI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Hui; Dyrby, Tim B; Alexander, Daniel C


    This paper proposes a technique for a previously unaddressed problem, namely, mapping axon diameter in crossing fiber regions, using diffusion MRI. Direct measurement of tissue microstructure of this kind using diffusion MRI offers a new class of biomarkers that give more specific information about...... tissue than measures derived from diffusion tensor imaging. Most existing techniques for axon diameter mapping assume a single axon orientation in the tissue model, which limits their application to only the most coherently oriented brain white matter, such as the corpus callosum, where the single...... model to enable axon diameter mapping in voxels with crossing fibers. We show in simulation that the technique can provide robust axon diameter estimates in a two-fiber crossing with the crossing angle as small as 45 degrees. Using ex vivo imaging data, we further demonstrate the feasibility...

  18. Cerebelite aguda causada por vírus Epstein-Barr: relato de caso

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    Teive Hélio A.G.


    Full Text Available A cerebelite aguda pode ocorrer em associação a infecção pelo vírus da varicela-zoster, enterovirus, caxumba, micoplasma e outros agentes infecciosos. A cerebelite aguda é uma complicação rara da infecção pelo vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos com história de 12 dias de evolução com náuseas, vômitos, ataxia de marcha e membros, tremor cefálico e de membros, opsoclono, mioclonias e rash cutâneo. Sorologia para EBV foi positiva. A infecção pelo EBV, com complicações neurológicas, pode não se apresentar com os sinais e sintomas clássicos da mononucleose infeciosa.

  19. Insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Regional de Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

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    Ronald J. Ajcalon


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda, es una condición común en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos (UCIA y probablemente una consecuencia de la enfermedad crítica que se asocia a resultados clínicos adversos, altos costos y una mortalidad de más del 50%, sobre todo si se requiere tratamiento de reemplazo renal. El objetivo fue determinar la incidencia de insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes ingresados a la UCIA. El estudio fue prospectivo, longitudinal, observacional, en 101 pacientes ingresados en la UCIA del Hospital Regional de Cuilapa. Se diagnosticaron 101 pacientes durante el periodo de estudio con insuficiencia renal aguda represento el 27.4% del total de pacientes internados (368 en el servicio en un año. La incidencia de mortalidad en pacientes que requieren terapia de reemplazo renal y se encuentran en ventilación mecánica es del 100%. Del total de pacientes estudiados, según la escala Akin, se encontró que el 49.5% de los pacientes correspondían a grado II, aunque el grado I también fue frecuente (29%, y que el 22 % de los pacientes correspondían a grado III. La patología que mayormente se asoció al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda fue sepsis grave con un 31%, seguido de pacientes sometidos a cirugía mayor e hipovolemia con el 21 y 18% respectivamente. Se halló una incidencia aumentada de insuficiencia renal aguda comparado con estadísticas internacionales, cuya etiología fue mayormente causada por procesos sépticos.

  20. Effect of hyperthermia on experimental acute pancreatitis Efeito da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda experimental

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    José Luiz Jesus de Almeida


    Full Text Available BACKGROUD: Recent studies indicate that hyperthermia can change inflammatory mechanisms and protect experimental animals from deleterious effects of secretagogue-induced acute pancreatitis AIM: To evaluate the effects of hyperthermia post-treatment on cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats METHODS: Twenty animals were divided in two groups: group I (n = 10, rats with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis undergone hyperthermia, and group II (n = 10, animals with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis that were kept normothermic. In all groups, amylase serum levels, histologic damage, vascular permeability and pancreatic water content were assessed. Acute pancreatitis was induced by administration of two cerulein injections (20 mcg/kg. A single dose of Evans' blue dye was administered along with the second dose of cerulein. All animals also received a subcutaneous injection of saline solution. After this process, animals undergone hyperthermia were heated in a cage with two 100 W lamps. Body temperature was increased to 39.5ºC and maintained at that level for 45 minutes. Normothermia rats were kept at room temperature in a second cage RESULTS: Control animals had typical edema, serum amylase activity and morphologic changes of this acute pancreatitis model. Hyperthermia post-treatment ameliorated the pancreatic edema, whereas the histologic damage and the serum amylase level remained unchanged CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest a beneficial effect of the thermal stress on inflammatory edema in experimental acute pancreatitis.RACIONAL: Estudos recentes indicam que a hipertermia pode modificar mecanismos inflamatórios e proteger animais experimentais dos efeitos deletérios da pancreatite aguda induzida por secretagogos OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da hipertermia como tratamento da pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína em ratos MÉTODOS: Vinte animais foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo I (n = 10, ratos com pancreatite aguda induzida por

  1. SnoN facilitates axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury.

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    Jiun L Do

    Full Text Available Adult CNS neurons exhibit a reduced capacity for growth compared to developing neurons, due in part to downregulation of growth-associated genes as development is completed. We tested the hypothesis that SnoN, an embryonically regulated transcription factor that specifies growth of the axonal compartment, can enhance growth in injured adult neurons. In vitro, SnoN overexpression in dissociated adult DRG neuronal cultures significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth. Moreover, TGF-β1, a negative regulator of SnoN, inhibited neurite outgrowth, and SnoN over-expression overcame this inhibition. We then examined whether SnoN influenced axonal regeneration in vivo: indeed, expression of a mutant form of SnoN resistant to degradation significantly enhanced axonal regeneration following cervical spinal cord injury, despite peri-lesional upregulation of TGF-β1. Thus, a developmental mechanism that specifies extension of the axonal compartment also promotes axonal regeneration after adult CNS injury.

  2. Miopia aguda induzida por topiramato: relato de dois casos

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    Kathy Dadam Sgrott


    Full Text Available RESUMO A miopia aguda pode ser desencadeada pelo uso de medicações sistêmicas, dentre elas, o anticonvulsivante topiramato. Este trabalho descreve dois casos de pacientes jovens com quadro agudo bilateral de miopia induzida por terapia com topiramato para controle de síndrome depressiva, fazendo relação com casos semelhantes descritos na literatura e revisão bibliográfica pertinente.

  3. N-docosahexaenoylethanolamine regulates Hedgehog signaling and promotes growth of cortical axons

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    Giorgi Kharebava


    Full Text Available Axonogenesis, a process for the establishment of neuron connectivity, is central to brain function. The role of metabolites derived from docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3 that is specifically enriched in the brain, has not been addressed in axon development. In this study, we tested if synaptamide (N-docosahexaenoylethanolamine, an endogenous metabolite of DHA, affects axon growth in cultured cortical neurons. We found that synaptamide increased the average axon length, inhibited GLI family zinc finger 1 (GLI1 transcription and sonic hedgehog (Shh target gene expression while inducing cAMP elevation. Similar effects were produced by cyclopamine, a regulator of the Shh pathway. Conversely, Shh antagonized elevation of cAMP and blocked synaptamide-mediated increase in axon length. Activation of Shh pathway by a smoothened (SMO agonist (SAG or overexpression of SMO did not inhibit axon growth mediated by synaptamide or cyclopamine. Instead, adenylate cyclase inhibitor SQ22536 abolished synaptamide-mediated axon growth indicating requirement of cAMP elevation for this process. Our findings establish that synaptamide promotes axon growth while Shh antagonizes synaptamide-mediated cAMP elevation and axon growth by a SMO-independent, non-canonical pathway.

  4. Protein Prenylation Constitutes an Endogenous Brake on Axonal Growth

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    Hai Li


    Full Text Available Suboptimal axonal regeneration contributes to the consequences of nervous system trauma and neurodegenerative disease, but the intrinsic mechanisms that regulate axon growth remain unclear. We screened 50,400 small molecules for their ability to promote axon outgrowth on inhibitory substrata. The most potent hits were the statins, which stimulated growth of all mouse- and human-patient-derived neurons tested, both in vitro and in vivo, as did combined inhibition of the protein prenylation enzymes farnesyltransferase (PFT and geranylgeranyl transferase I (PGGT-1. Compensatory sprouting of motor axons may delay clinical onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS. Accordingly, elevated levels of PGGT1B, which would be predicted to reduce sprouting, were found in motor neurons of early- versus late-onset ALS patients postmortem. The mevalonate-prenylation pathway therefore constitutes an endogenous brake on axonal growth, and its inhibition provides a potential therapeutic approach to accelerate neuronal regeneration in humans.

  5. Modality-Specific Axonal Regeneration: Towards selective regenerative neural interfaces

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    Parisa eLotfi


    Full Text Available Regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces have been proposed as viable alternatives for the natural control of robotic prosthetic devices. However, sensory and motor axons at the neural interface are of mixed submodality types, which difficult the specific recording from motor axons and the eliciting of precise sensory modalities through selective stimulation. Here we evaluated the possibility of using type-specific neurotrophins to preferentially entice the regeneration of defined axonal populations from transected peripheral nerves into separate compartments. Segregation of mixed sensory fibers from dorsal root ganglion neurons was evaluated in vitro by compartmentalized diffusion delivery of nerve growth factor (NGF and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3, to preferentially entice the growth of TrkA+ nociceptive and TrkC+ proprioceptive subsets of sensory neurons, respectively. The average axon length in the NGF channel increased 2.5 fold compared to that in saline or NT-3, whereas the number of branches increased 3 fold in the NT-3 channels. These results were confirmed using a 3-D Y-shaped in vitro assay showing that the arm containing NGF was able to entice a 5-fold increase in axonal length of unbranched fibers. To address if such segregation can be enticed in vivo, a Y-shaped tubing was used to allow regeneration of the transected adult rat sciatic nerve into separate compartments filled with either NFG or NT-3. A significant increase in the number of CGRP+ pain fibers were attracted towards the sural nerve, while N-52+ large diameter axons were observed in the tibial and NT-3 compartments. This study demonstrates the guided enrichment of sensory axons in specific regenerative chambers, and supports the notion that neurotrophic factors can be used to segregate sensory and perhaps motor axons in separate peripheral interfaces.

  6. Localization of mRNA in vertebrate axonal compartments by in situ hybridization. (United States)

    Sotelo-Silveira, José Roberto; Calliari, Aldo; Kun, Alejandra; Elizondo, Victoria; Canclini, Lucía; Sotelo, José Roberto


    The conclusive demonstration of RNA in vertebrate axons by in situ hybridization (ISH) has been elusive. We review the most important reasons for difficulties, including low concentration of axonal RNAs, localization in specific cortical domains, and the need to isolate axons. We demonstrate the importance of axon micro-dissection to obtain a whole mount perspective of mRNA distribution in the axonal territory. We describe a protocol to perform fluorescent ISH in isolated axons and guidelines for the preservation of structural and molecular integrity of cortical RNA-containing domains (e.g., Periaxoplasmic Ribosomal Plaques, or PARPs) in isolated axoplasm.

  7. An αII Spectrin-Based Cytoskeleton Protects Large-Diameter Myelinated Axons from Degeneration. (United States)

    Huang, Claire Yu-Mei; Zhang, Chuansheng; Zollinger, Daniel R; Leterrier, Christophe; Rasband, Matthew N


    Axons must withstand mechanical forces, including tension, torsion, and compression. Spectrins and actin form a periodic cytoskeleton proposed to protect axons against these forces. However, because spectrins also participate in assembly of axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier, it is difficult to uncouple their roles in maintaining axon integrity from their functions at AIS and nodes. To overcome this problem and to determine the importance of spectrin cytoskeletons for axon integrity, we generated mice with αII spectrin-deficient peripheral sensory neurons. The axons of these neurons are very long and exposed to the mechanical forces associated with limb movement; most lack an AIS, and some are unmyelinated and have no nodes. We analyzed αII spectrin-deficient mice of both sexes and found that, in myelinated axons, αII spectrin forms a periodic cytoskeleton with βIV and βII spectrin at nodes of Ranvier and paranodes, respectively, but that loss of αII spectrin disrupts this organization. Avil-cre;Sptan1 f/f mice have reduced numbers of nodes, disrupted paranodal junctions, and mislocalized Kv1 K + channels. We show that the density of nodal βIV spectrin is constant among axons, but the density of nodal αII spectrin increases with axon diameter. Remarkably, Avil-cre;Sptan1 f/f mice have intact nociception and small-diameter axons, but severe ataxia due to preferential degeneration of large-diameter myelinated axons. Our results suggest that nodal αII spectrin helps resist the mechanical forces experienced by large-diameter axons, and that αII spectrin-dependent cytoskeletons are also required for assembly of nodes of Ranvier. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT A periodic axonal cytoskeleton consisting of actin and spectrin has been proposed to help axons resist the mechanical forces to which they are exposed (e.g., compression, torsion, and stretch). However, until now, no vertebrate animal model has tested the requirement of the spectrin cytoskeleton in

  8. Optogenetically enhanced axon regeneration: motor versus sensory neuron-specific stimulation. (United States)

    Ward, Patricia J; Clanton, Scott L; English, Arthur W


    Brief neuronal activation in injured peripheral nerves is both necessary and sufficient to enhance motor axon regeneration, and this effect is specific to the activated motoneurons. It is less clear whether sensory neurons respond in a similar manner to neuronal activation following peripheral axotomy. Further, it is unknown to what extent enhancement of axon regeneration with increased neuronal activity relies on a reflexive interaction within the spinal circuitry. We used mouse genetics and optical tools to evaluate the precision and selectivity of system-specific neuronal activation to enhance axon regeneration in a mixed nerve. We evaluated sensory and motor axon regeneration in two different mouse models expressing the light-sensitive cation channel, channelrhodopsin (ChR2). We selectively activated either sensory or motor axons using light stimulation combined with transection and repair of the sciatic nerve. Regardless of genotype, the number of ChR2-positive neurons whose axons had regenerated successfully was greater following system-specific optical treatment, with no effect on the number of ChR2-negative neurons (whether motor or sensory neurons). We conclude that acute system-specific neuronal activation is sufficient to enhance both motor and sensory axon regeneration. This regeneration-enhancing effect is likely cell autonomous. © 2018 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Axon-somatic back-propagation in detailed models of spinal alpha motoneurons

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    Pietro eBalbi


    Full Text Available Antidromic action potentials following distal stimulation of motor axons occasionally fail to invade the soma of alpha motoneurons in spinal cord, due to their passing through regions of high non-uniformity.Morphologically detailed conductance-based models of cat spinal alpha motoneurons have been developed, with the aim to reproduce and clarify some aspects of the electrophysiological behavior of the antidromic axon-somatic spike propagation. Fourteen 3D morphologically detailed somata and dendrites of cat spinal alpha motoneurons have been imported from an open-access web-based database of neuronal morphologies,, and instantiated in neurocomputational models. An axon hillock, an axonal initial segment and a myelinated axon are added to each model.By sweeping the diameter of the axonal initial segment (AIS and the axon hillock, as well as the maximal conductances of sodium channels at the AIS and at the soma, the developed models are able to show the relationships between different geometric and electrophysiological configurations and the voltage attenuation of the antidromically travelling wave.In particular, a greater than usually admitted sodium conductance at AIS is necessary and sufficient to overcome the dramatic voltage attenuation occurring during antidromic spike propagation both at the myelinated axon-AIS and at the AIS-soma transitions.

  10. A Communication Theoretical Modeling of Axonal Propagation in Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons. (United States)

    Ramezani, Hamideh; Akan, Ozgur B


    Understanding the fundamentals of communication among neurons, known as neuro-spike communication, leads to reach bio-inspired nanoscale communication paradigms. In this paper, we focus on a part of neuro-spike communication, known as axonal transmission, and propose a realistic model for it. The shape of the spike during axonal transmission varies according to previously applied stimulations to the neuron, and these variations affect the amount of information communicated between neurons. Hence, to reach an accurate model for neuro-spike communication, the memory of axon and its effect on the axonal transmission should be considered, which are not studied in the existing literature. In this paper, we extract the important factors on the memory of axon and define memory states based on these factors. We also describe the transition among these states and the properties of axonal transmission in each of them. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed model can follow changes in the axonal functionality properly by simulating the proposed model and reporting the root mean square error between simulation results and experimental data.

  11. Is action potential threshold lowest in the axon?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kole, Maarten H. P.; Stuart, Greg J.


    Action potential threshold is thought to be lowest in the axon, but when measured using conventional techniques, we found that action potential voltage threshold of rat cortical pyramidal neurons was higher in the axon than at other neuronal locations. In contrast, both current threshold and voltage

  12. Mechanistic logic underlying the axonal transport of cytosolic proteins (United States)

    Scott, David A.; Das, Utpal; Tang, Yong; Roy, Subhojit


    Proteins vital to presynaptic function are synthesized in the neuronal perikarya and delivered into synapses via two modes of axonal transport. While membrane-anchoring proteins are conveyed in fast axonal transport via motor-driven vesicles, cytosolic proteins travel in slow axonal transport; via mechanisms that are poorly understood. We found that in cultured axons, populations of cytosolic proteins tagged to photoactivable-GFP (PA-GFP) move with a slow motor-dependent anterograde bias; distinct from vesicular-trafficking or diffusion of untagged PA-GFP. The overall bias is likely generated by an intricate particle-kinetics involving transient assembly and short-range vectorial spurts. In-vivo biochemical studies reveal that cytosolic proteins are organized into higher-order structures within axon-enriched fractions that are largely segregated from vesicles. Data-driven biophysical modeling best predicts a scenario where soluble molecules dynamically assemble into mobile supra-molecular structures. We propose a model where cytosolic proteins are transported by dynamically assembling into multi-protein complexes that are directly/indirectly conveyed by motors. PMID:21555071

  13. Inmunofenotipos aberrantes en leucemias agudas en una población hospitalaria de Buenos Aires

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    Viviana Novoa


    Full Text Available La citometría de flujo multiparamétrica es el método de elección para la caracterización inmunofenotípica de las células hematopoyéticas clonales presentes en los distintos procesos leucémicos agudos. El objetivo fue analizar la expresión de antígenos de membrana y evaluar la presencia de fenotipos aberrantes en los blastos de pacientes con diagnóstico de leucemia aguda, que permiten el monitoreo de la respuesta al tratamiento. Se revisaron los inmunofenotipos de 364 muestras de pacientes adultos derivadas a nuestro laboratorio en un período de 7 años. El inmunofenotipo se realizó por citometría de flujo con un amplio panel de anticuerpos monoclonales con el que se evaluó la expresión de antígenos de linaje linfoide, mieloide y también antígenos de maduración. De las 364 muestras estudiadas, 60.2% presentaron un fenotipo compatible con leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA, 28.8% con leucemia linfoblástica B (LLA-B, 6.6% con leucemia linfoblástica T (LLA-T y 4.4% con leucemias agudas poco frecuentes. La presencia de fenotipos aberrantes se observó en 89% de los casos, los fenotipos aberrantes identificados fueron: 1 infidelidad de linaje: LMA (54%, LLA-B (40%, LLA-T (29%; 2 ausencia de expresión antigénica: LMA (21%, LLA-B (35%, LLA-T (70%; 3 alteración de la expresión antigénica: LMA (67%, LLA-B (66%, LLA-T (84%; 4 asincronismo madurativo: LMA (26%, LLA-B (37% y 5 fenotipo ectópico: LLA-T 96%. El análisis por citometría de flujo multiparamétrica de las leucemias agudas permitió la identificación de fenotipos aberrantes en la mayoría de nuestros pacientes, que son de utilidad para el monitoreo de la respuesta al tratamiento.

  14. The Pseudopod System for Axon-Glia Interactions: Stimulation and Isolation of Schwann Cell Protrusions that Form in Response to Axonal Membranes. (United States)

    Poitelon, Yannick; Feltri, M Laura


    In the peripheral nervous system, axons dictate the differentiation state of Schwann cells. Most of this axonal influence on Schwann cells is due to juxtacrine interactions between axonal transmembrane molecules (e.g., the neuregulin growth factor) and receptors on the Schwann cell (e.g., the ErbB2/ErbB3 receptor). The fleeting nature of this interaction together with the lack of synchronicity in the development of the Schwann cell population limits our capability to study this phenomenon in vivo. Here we present a simple Boyden Chamber-based method to study this important cell-cell interaction event. We isolate the early protrusions of Schwann cells that are generated in response to juxtacrine stimulation by sensory neuronal membranes. This method is compatible with a large array of current biochemical analyses and provides an effective approach to study biomolecules that are differentially localized in Schwann cell protrusions and cell bodies in response to axonal signals. A similar approach can be extended to different kinds of cell-cell interactions.

  15. Coréia aguda na gravidez

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    Walter C. Pereira


    Full Text Available São apresentados doze casos de coréia aguda observados entre 150.000 gestantes (1/12.500. A maioria dos surtos ocorreu no segundo trimestre da primeira gravidez. A duração média dos sintomas foi de três meses, não tendo sido registrado caso algum de óbito materno. Todos os partos foram espontâneos e normais. Houve apenas um óbito fetal conseqüente a choque hemorrágico. São tecidas considerações a propósito dos aspectos clínico, laboratorial e prognóstico da coréia gravídica, sendo focalizado mais pormenorizadamente o problema fisiopatogênico dessa afecção.

  16. Characterization of axon formation in the embryonic stem cell-derived motoneuron. (United States)

    Pan, Hung-Chuan; Wu, Ya-Ting; Shen, Shih-Cheng; Wang, Chi-Chung; Tsai, Ming-Shiun; Cheng, Fu-Chou; Lin, Shinn-Zong; Chen, Ching-Wen; Liu, Ching-San; Su, Hong-Lin


    The developing neural cell must form a highly organized architecture to properly receive and transmit nerve signals. Neural formation from embryonic stem (ES) cells provides a novel system for studying axonogenesis, which are orchestrated by polarity-regulating molecules. Here the ES-derived motoneurons, identified by HB9 promoter-driven green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression, showed characteristics of motoneuron-specific gene expression. In the majority of motoneurons, one of the bilateral neurites developed into an axon that featured with axonal markers, including Tau1, vesicle acetylcholine transporter, and synaptophysin. Interestingly, one third of the motoneurons developed bi-axonal processes but no multiple axonal GFP cell was found. The neuronal polarity-regulating proteins, including the phosphorylated AKT and ERK, were compartmentalized into both of the bilateral axonal tips. Importantly, this aberrant axon morphology was still present after the engraftment of GFP(+) neurons into the spinal cord, suggesting that even a mature neural environment fails to provide a proper niche to guide normal axon formation. These findings underscore the necessity for evaluating the morphogenesis and functionality of neurons before the clinical trials using ES or somatic stem cells.

  17. Motor Axonal Regeneration After Partial and Complete Spinal Cord Transection (United States)

    Lu, Paul; Blesch, Armin; Graham, Lori; Wang, Yaozhi; Samara, Ramsey; Banos, Karla; Haringer, Verena; Havton, Leif; Weishaupt, Nina; Bennett, David; Fouad, Karim; Tuszynski, Mark H.


    We subjected rats to either partial mid-cervical or complete upper thoracic spinal cord transections and examined whether combinatorial treatments support motor axonal regeneration into and beyond the lesion. Subjects received cAMP injections into brainstem reticular motor neurons to stimulate their endogenous growth state, bone marrow stromal cell grafts in lesion sites to provide permissive matrices for axonal growth, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gradients beyond the lesion to stimulate distal growth of motor axons. Findings were compared to several control groups. Combinatorial treatment generated motor axon regeneration beyond both C5 hemisection and complete transection sites. Yet despite formation of synapses with neurons below the lesion, motor outcomes worsened after partial cervical lesions and spasticity worsened after complete transection. These findings highlight the complexity of spinal cord repair, and the need for additional control and shaping of axonal regeneration. PMID:22699902

  18. Candidiasis hepatoesplénica en un paciente con leucemia mieloide aguda Hepatosplenic candidiasis in acute myeloid leukemia

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    A. Larregina


    Full Text Available La candidiasis diseminada crónica, principalmente en su variedad hepatoesplénica, es una de las formas clínicas más características de infección invasora por Candida en pacientes hematológicos. Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón de 31 años, con leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA M2, internado en el Servicio de Clínica Médica del hospital, que luego del tratamiento quimioterápico de inducción y consolidación presentó neutropenia febril leve. La candidiasis hepatoesplénica fue diagnosticada por tomografía axial computada (TAC y biopsia hepática. El enfermo fue tratado con anfotericina B, seguida de la forma liposomal hasta completar los 4 g. Se le dió el alta en espera de transplante de médula ósea. En este paciente se demostró que la sospecha temprana de candidiasis hepatoesplénica ayudó en la elección de un método de diagnóstico precoz y a su correcto tratamiento.Chronic diseminated candidiasis - mainly its hepatosplenic form- is one of the most characteristic invasive infection due to Candida in haematological patients. A case is presented of a 31 year old man admitted to the Clinical Department with acute mieloid leukosis M2, showing febrile neutropenia after induction and consolidation chemotherapy. Hepatoesplenic candidiasis was diagnosed and confirmed by computered axial tomography (CAT and hepatic biopsy; amphotericin B followed by liposome encapsuled amphotericin B up to complete a total dose of 4 g was used for treatment. The patient was discharged waiting for bone marrow transplantation. Early suspicion of hepatosplenic candidiasis helps to select a rapid diagnosis method and an effective treatment.

  19. Acutely damaged axons are remyelinated in multiple sclerosis and experimental models of demyelination. (United States)

    Schultz, Verena; van der Meer, Franziska; Wrzos, Claudia; Scheidt, Uta; Bahn, Erik; Stadelmann, Christine; Brück, Wolfgang; Junker, Andreas


    Remyelination is in the center of new therapies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis to resolve and improve disease symptoms and protect axons from further damage. Although remyelination is considered beneficial in the long term, it is not known, whether this is also the case early in lesion formation. Additionally, the precise timing of acute axonal damage and remyelination has not been assessed so far. To shed light onto the interrelation between axons and the myelin sheath during de- and remyelination, we employed cuprizone- and focal lysolecithin-induced demyelination and performed time course experiments assessing the evolution of early and late stage remyelination and axonal damage. We observed damaged axons with signs of remyelination after cuprizone diet cessation and lysolecithin injection. Similar observations were made in early multiple sclerosis lesions. To assess the correlation of remyelination and axonal damage in multiple sclerosis lesions, we took advantage of a cohort of patients with early and late stage remyelinated lesions and assessed the number of APP- and SMI32- positive damaged axons and the density of SMI31-positive and silver impregnated preserved axons. Early de- and remyelinating lesions did not differ with respect to axonal density and axonal damage, but we observed a lower axonal density in late stage demyelinated multiple sclerosis lesions than in remyelinated multiple sclerosis lesions. Our findings suggest that remyelination may not only be protective over a long period of time, but may play an important role in the immediate axonal recuperation after a demyelinating insult. © 2017 The Authors GLIA Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. A developmental timing switch promotes axon outgrowth independent of known guidance receptors.

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    Katherine Olsson-Carter


    Full Text Available To form functional neuronal connections, axon outgrowth and guidance must be tightly regulated across space as well as time. While a number of genes and pathways have been shown to control spatial features of axon development, very little is known about the in vivo mechanisms that direct the timing of axon initiation and elongation. The Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite specific motor neurons (HSNs extend a single axon ventrally and then anteriorly during the L4 larval stage. Here we show the lin-4 microRNA promotes HSN axon initiation after cell cycle withdrawal. Axons fail to form in lin-4 mutants, while they grow prematurely in lin-4-overexpressing animals. lin-4 is required to down-regulate two inhibitors of HSN differentiation--the transcriptional regulator LIN-14 and the "stemness" factor LIN-28--and it likely does so through a cell-autonomous mechanism. This developmental switch depends neither on the UNC-40/DCC and SAX-3/Robo receptors nor on the direction of axon growth, demonstrating that it acts independently of ventral guidance signals to control the timing of HSN axon elongation.

  1. The Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Axon Guidance in Mossy Fiber Sprouting

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    Ryuta Koyama


    Full Text Available The question of whether mossy fiber sprouting is epileptogenic has not been resolved; both sprouting-induced recurrent excitatory and inhibitory circuit hypotheses have been experimentally (but not fully supported. Therefore, whether mossy fiber sprouting is a potential therapeutic target for epilepsy remains under debate. Moreover, the axon guidance mechanisms of mossy fiber sprouting have attracted the interest of neuroscientists. Sprouting of mossy fibers exhibits several uncommon axonal growth features in the basically non-plastic adult brain. For example, robust branching of axonal collaterals arises from pre-existing primary mossy fiber axons. Understanding the branching mechanisms in adulthood may contribute to axonal regeneration therapies in neuroregenerative medicine in which robust axonal re-growth is essential. Additionally, because granule cells are produced throughout life in the neurogenic dentate gyrus, it is interesting to examine whether the mossy fibers of newly generated granule cells follow the pre-existing trajectories of sprouted mossy fibers in the epileptic brain. Understanding these axon guidance mechanisms may contribute to neuron transplantation therapies, for which the incorporation of transplanted neurons into pre-existing neural circuits is essential. Thus, clarifying the axon guidance mechanisms of mossy fiber sprouting could lead to an understanding of central nervous system (CNS network reorganization and plasticity. Here, we review the molecular and cellular mechanisms of axon guidance in mossy fiber sprouting by discussing mainly in vitro studies.

  2. Plexin A3 and turnout regulate motor axonal branch morphogenesis in zebrafish.

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    Rajiv Sainath

    Full Text Available During embryogenesis motor axons navigate to their target muscles, where individual motor axons develop complex branch morphologies. The mechanisms that control axonal branching morphogenesis have been studied intensively, yet it still remains unclear when branches begin to form or how branch locations are determined. Live cell imaging of individual zebrafish motor axons reveals that the first axonal branches are generated at the ventral extent of the myotome via bifurcation of the growth cone. Subsequent branches are generated by collateral branching restricted to their synaptic target field along the distal portion of the axon. This precisely timed and spatially restricted branching process is disrupted in turnout mutants we identified in a forward genetic screen. Molecular genetic mapping positioned the turnout mutation within a 300 kb region encompassing eight annotated genes, however sequence analysis of all eight open reading frames failed to unambiguously identify the turnout mutation. Chimeric analysis and single cell labeling reveal that turnout function is required cell non-autonomously for intraspinal motor axon guidance and peripheral branch formation. turnout mutant motor axons form the first branch on time via growth cone bifurcation, but unlike wild-type they form collateral branches precociously, when the growth cone is still navigating towards the ventral myotome. These precocious collateral branches emerge along the proximal region of the axon shaft typically devoid of branches, and they develop into stable, permanent branches. Furthermore, we find that null mutants of the guidance receptor plexin A3 display identical motor axon branching defects, and time lapse analysis reveals that precocious branch formation in turnout and plexin A3 mutants is due to increased stability of otherwise short-lived axonal protrusions. Thus, plexin A3 dependent intrinsic and turnout dependent extrinsic mechanisms suppress collateral branch

  3. Efecto de la restitución temprana de la nutrición oral en la pancreatitis aguda leve


    Vega Sandoval, Carlos Andres; Isaza Restrepo, Andres; Moscoso Daza, Alejandro


    Aunque el manejo nutricional de los pacientes con Pancreatitis Aguda Severa ha sido bien establecido por la evidencia disponible, el inicio de la vía oral en Pancreatitis Leve no ha sido igualmente estudiado. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto del inicio temprano de la nutrición por vía oral en estos pacientes. Métodos: Realizamos un descriptivo serie de comparación de casos en los cuales comparamos la evolución y resultados del manejo de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda ant...

  4. A high mitochondrial transport rate characterizes CNS neurons with high axonal regeneration capacity.

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    Romain Cartoni

    Full Text Available Improving axonal transport in the injured and diseased central nervous system has been proposed as a promising strategy to improve neuronal repair. However, the contribution of each cargo to the repair mechanism is unknown. DRG neurons globally increase axonal transport during regeneration. Because the transport of specific cargos after axonal insult has not been examined systematically in a model of enhanced regenerative capacity, it is unknown whether the transport of all cargos would be modulated equally in injured central nervous system neurons. Here, using a microfluidic culture system we compared neurons co-deleted for PTEN and SOCS3, an established model of high axonal regeneration capacity, to control neurons. We measured the axonal transport of three cargos (mitochondria, synaptic vesicles and late endosomes in regenerating axons and found that the transport of mitochondria, but not the other cargos, was increased in PTEN/SOCS3 co-deleted axons relative to controls. The results reported here suggest a pivotal role for this organelle during axonal regeneration.

  5. Dendrosomatic Sonic Hedgehog Signaling in Hippocampal Neurons Regulates Axon Elongation (United States)

    Petralia, Ronald S.; Ott, Carolyn; Wang, Ya-Xian; Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer; Mattson, Mark P.


    The presence of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and its signaling components in the neurons of the hippocampus raises a question about what role the Shh signaling pathway may play in these neurons. We show here that activation of the Shh signaling pathway stimulates axon elongation in rat hippocampal neurons. This Shh-induced effect depends on the pathway transducer Smoothened (Smo) and the transcription factor Gli1. The axon itself does not respond directly to Shh; instead, the Shh signal transduction originates from the somatodendritic region of the neurons and occurs in neurons with and without detectable primary cilia. Upon Shh stimulation, Smo localization to dendrites increases significantly. Shh pathway activation results in increased levels of profilin1 (Pfn1), an actin-binding protein. Mutations in Pfn1's actin-binding sites or reduction of Pfn1 eliminate the Shh-induced axon elongation. These findings indicate that Shh can regulate axon growth, which may be critical for development of hippocampal neurons. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Although numerous signaling mechanisms have been identified that act directly on axons to regulate their outgrowth, it is not known whether signals transduced in dendrites may also affect axon outgrowth. We describe here a transcellular signaling pathway in embryonic hippocampal neurons in which activation of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) receptors in dendrites stimulates axon growth. The pathway involves the dendritic-membrane-associated Shh signal transducer Smoothened (Smo) and the transcription factor Gli, which induces the expression of the gene encoding the actin-binding protein profilin 1. Our findings suggest scenarios in which stimulation of Shh in dendrites results in accelerated outgrowth of the axon, which therefore reaches its presumptive postsynaptic target cell more quickly. By this mechanism, Shh may play critical roles in the development of hippocampal neuronal circuits. PMID:26658865

  6. The nano-architecture of the axonal cytoskeleton. (United States)

    Leterrier, Christophe; Dubey, Pankaj; Roy, Subhojit


    The corporeal beauty of the neuronal cytoskeleton has captured the imagination of generations of scientists. One of the easiest cellular structures to visualize by light microscopy, its existence has been known for well over 100 years, yet we have only recently begun to fully appreciate its intricacy and diversity. Recent studies combining new probes with super-resolution microscopy and live imaging have revealed surprising details about the axonal cytoskeleton and, in particular, have discovered previously unknown actin-based structures. Along with traditional electron microscopy, these newer techniques offer a nanoscale view of the axonal cytoskeleton, which is important for our understanding of neuronal form and function, and lay the foundation for future studies. In this Review, we summarize existing concepts in the field and highlight contemporary discoveries that have fundamentally altered our perception of the axonal cytoskeleton.

  7. GSK3 controls axon growth via CLASP-mediated regulation of growth cone microtubules (United States)

    Hur, Eun-Mi; Saijilafu; Lee, Byoung Dae; Kim, Seong-Jin; Xu, Wen-Lin; Zhou, Feng-Quan


    Suppression of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) activity in neurons yields pleiotropic outcomes, causing both axon growth promotion and inhibition. Previous studies have suggested that specific GSK3 substrates, such as adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2), support axon growth by regulating the stability of axonal microtubules (MTs), but the substrate(s) and mechanisms conveying axon growth inhibition remain elusive. Here we show that CLIP (cytoplasmic linker protein)-associated protein (CLASP), originally identified as a MT plus end-binding protein, displays both plus end-binding and lattice-binding activities in nerve growth cones, and reveal that the two MT-binding activities regulate axon growth in an opposing manner: The lattice-binding activity mediates axon growth inhibition induced by suppression of GSK3 activity via preventing MT protrusion into the growth cone periphery, whereas the plus end-binding property supports axon extension via stabilizing the growing ends of axonal MTs. We propose a model in which CLASP transduces GSK3 activity levels to differentially control axon growth by coordinating the stability and configuration of growth cone MTs. PMID:21937714

  8. Quantifying mechanical force in axonal growth and guidance

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    Ahmad Ibrahim Mahmoud Athamneh


    Full Text Available Mechanical force plays a fundamental role in neuronal development, physiology, and regeneration. In particular, research has shown that force is involved in growth cone-mediated axonal growth and guidance as well as stretch-induced elongation when an organism increases in size after forming initial synaptic connections. However, much of the details about the exact role of force in these fundamental processes remain unknown. In this review, we highlight (1 standing questions concerning the role of mechanical force in axonal growth and guidance and (2 different experimental techniques used to quantify forces in axons and growth cones. We believe that satisfying answers to these questions will require quantitative information about the relationship between elongation, forces, cytoskeletal dynamics, axonal transport, signaling, substrate adhesion, and stiffness contributing to directional growth advance. Furthermore, we address why a wide range of force values have been reported in the literature, and what these values mean in the context of neuronal mechanics. We hope that this review will provide a guide for those interested in studying the role of force in development and regeneration of neuronal networks.

  9. Parallel simulation of axon growth in the nervous system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. Wensch; B.P. Sommeijer (Ben)


    textabstractIn this paper we discuss a model from neurobiology, which describes theoutgrowth of axons from neurons in the nervous system. The model combines ordinary differential equations, defining the movement of the axons, with parabolic partial differential equations. The parabolic equations

  10. Golgi bypass for local delivery of axonal proteins, fact or fiction? (United States)

    González, Carolina; Cornejo, Víctor Hugo; Couve, Andrés


    Although translation of cytosolic proteins is well described in axons, much less is known about the synthesis, processing and trafficking of transmembrane and secreted proteins. A canonical rough endoplasmic reticulum or a stacked Golgi apparatus has not been detected in axons, generating doubts about the functionality of a local route. However, axons contain mRNAs for membrane and secreted proteins, translation factors, ribosomal components, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and post-endoplasmic reticulum elements that may contribute to local biosynthesis and plasma membrane delivery. Here we consider the evidence supporting a local secretory system in axons. We discuss exocytic elements and examples of autonomous axonal trafficking that impact development and maintenance. We also examine whether unconventional post-endoplasmic reticulum pathways may replace the canonical Golgi apparatus. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Retinoic acid signaling in axonal regeneration

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    Radhika ePuttagunta


    Full Text Available Following an acute central nervous system injury, axonal regeneration and functional recovery are extremely limited. This is due to an extrinsic inhibitory growth environment and the lack of intrinsic growth competence. Retinoic acid (RA signaling, essential in developmental dorsoventral patterning and specification of spinal motor neurons, has been shown through its receptor, the transcription factor RA receptor β2 (RARß2, to induce axonal regeneration following spinal cord injury (SCI. Recently, it has been shown that in dorsal root ganglia neurons, cAMP levels were greatly increased by lentiviral RARβ2 expression and contributed to neurite outgrowth. Moreover, RARβ agonists, in cerebellar granule neurons and in the brain in vivo, induced phosphoinositide 3-kinase dependent phosphorylation of AKT that was involved in RARβ-dependent neurite outgrowth. More recently, RA-RARß pathways were shown to directly transcriptionally repress a member of the inhibitory Nogo receptor complex, Lingo-1, under an axonal growth inhibitory environment in vitro as well as following spinal injury in vivo. This perspective focuses on these newly discovered molecular mechanisms and future directions in the field.

  12. Structure and Function of an Actin-Based Filter in the Proximal Axon

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    Varuzhan Balasanyan


    Full Text Available Summary: The essential organization of microtubules within neurons has been described; however, less is known about how neuronal actin is arranged and the functional implications of its arrangement. Here, we describe, in live cells, an actin-based structure in the proximal axon that selectively prevents some proteins from entering the axon while allowing the passage of others. Concentrated patches of actin in proximal axons are present shortly after axonal specification in rat and zebrafish neurons imaged live, and they mark positions where anterogradely traveling vesicles carrying dendritic proteins halt and reverse. Patches colocalize with the ARP2/3 complex, and when ARP2/3-mediated nucleation is blocked, a dendritic protein mislocalizes to the axon. Patches are highly dynamic, with few persisting longer than 30 min. In neurons in culture and in vivo, actin appears to form a contiguous, semipermeable barrier, despite its apparently sparse distribution, preventing axonal localization of constitutively active myosin Va but not myosin VI. : Balasanyan et al. find dynamic patches of actin in proximal axons of live neurons, mature and newly differentiated, in culture and in vivo. Patches contribute to a filter that sequesters some proteins within the somatodendritic domain while allowing others to pass into the axon, leading to polarized localization of proteins.

  13. Differential Axonal Projection of Mitral and Tufted Cells in the Mouse Main Olfactory System

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    Shin Nagayama


    Full Text Available In the past decade, much has been elucidated regarding the functional organization of the axonal connection of olfactory sensory neurons to olfactory bulb (OB glomeruli. However, the manner in which projection neurons of the OB process odorant input and send this information to higher brain centers remains unclear. Here, we report long-range, large-scale tracing of the axonal projection patterns of OB neurons using two-photon microscopy. Tracer injection into a single glomerulus demonstrated widely distributed mitral/tufted cell axonal projections on the lateroventral surface of the mouse brain, including the anterior/posterior piriform cortex (PC and olfactory tubercle (OT. We noted two distinct groups of labeled axons: PC-orienting axons and OT-orienting axons. Each group occupied distinct parts of the lateral olfactory tract. PC-orienting axons projected axon collaterals to a wide area of the PC but only a few collaterals to the OT. OT-orienting axons densely projected axon collaterals primarily to the anterolateral OT (alOT. Different colored dye injections into the superficial and deep portions of the OB external plexiform layer revealed that the PC-orienting axon populations originated in presumed mitral cells and the OT-orienting axons in presumed tufted cells. These data suggest that although mitral and tufted cells receive similar odor signals from a shared glomerulus, they process the odor information in different ways and send their output to different higher brain centers via the PC and alOT.

  14. Intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva durante doce años

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    César Palazón Sánchez


    Full Text Available Conocer 12 epidemiología de las u~tux~- aciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva y evaluar el pronóstico de la PCR y mortalidad asociada a los distintos tóxicos.

  15. Leucemia linfoblástica aguda em lactentes: 20 anos de experiência

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    Amanda Ibagy


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar pacientes com menos de dois anos de idade com leucemia linfoblástica aguda atendidos no período de 1990 a 2010, em um centro de referência estadual. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, epidemiológico, transversal, descritivo e observacional. Pacientes incluídos tinham menos de dois anos de idade, com leucemia linfoblástica aguda, tratados no período de 1990 a 2010 na unidade de oncologia pediátrica de um centro de referência estadual, totalizando 41 casos. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes eram Caucasianos e 60,9% eram do sexo feminino. Com relação à idade, 24,38% tinham menos de seis meses, 17,07% tinham entre seis meses e um ano e 58,53% mais do que um ano de idade. A idade de seis meses foi estatisticamente significante para o desfecho de óbito. Os sinais e sintomas predominantes foram febre, hematomas e petéquias. Uma contagem de leucócitos superior a 100.000 foi observada em 34,14% dos casos; hemoglobina inferior a 11 em 95,13% e contagem de plaquetas inferior a 100.000, em 75,61% dos casos. Infiltração do sistema nervoso central estava presente em 12,91% dos pacientes. Em relação à linhagem, a linhagem B predominou (73%, mas a linhagem de células T foi estatisticamente significativa para o óbito. Trinta e nove por cento dos pacientes tiveram recorrência da doença. Em relação ao estado vital, 70,73% dos pacientes morreram, sendo choque séptico a principal causa. CONCLUSÕES: leucemia linfoblástica aguda em crianças tem uma alta taxa de mortalidade, principalmente em crianças menores de um ano e linhagem derivada de células T.

  16. Cortical Interneuron Subtypes Vary in Their Axonal Action Potential Properties. (United States)

    Casale, Amanda E; Foust, Amanda J; Bal, Thierry; McCormick, David A


    The role of interneurons in cortical microcircuits is strongly influenced by their passive and active electrical properties. Although different types of interneurons exhibit unique electrophysiological properties recorded at the soma, it is not yet clear whether these differences are also manifested in other neuronal compartments. To address this question, we have used voltage-sensitive dye to image the propagation of action potentials into the fine collaterals of axons and dendrites in two of the largest cortical interneuron subtypes in the mouse: fast-spiking interneurons, which are typically basket or chandelier neurons; and somatostatin containing interneurons, which are typically regular spiking Martinotti cells. We found that fast-spiking and somatostatin-expressing interneurons differed in their electrophysiological characteristics along their entire dendrosomatoaxonal extent. The action potentials generated in the somata and axons, including axon collaterals, of somatostatin-expressing interneurons are significantly broader than those generated in the same compartments of fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons. In addition, action potentials back-propagated into the dendrites of somatostatin-expressing interneurons much more readily than fast-spiking interneurons. Pharmacological investigations suggested that axonal action potential repolarization in both cell types depends critically upon Kv1 channels, whereas the axonal and somatic action potentials of somatostatin-expressing interneurons also depend on BK Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels. These results indicate that the two broad classes of interneurons studied here have expressly different subcellular physiological properties, allowing them to perform unique computational roles in cortical circuit operations. Neurons in the cerebral cortex are of two major types: excitatory and inhibitory. The proper balance of excitation and inhibition in the brain is critical for its operation. Neurons contain three main

  17. Current Opportunities for Clinical Monitoring of Axonal Pathology in Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Parmenion P. Tsitsopoulos


    Full Text Available Traumatic brain injury (TBI is a multidimensional and highly complex disease commonly resulting in widespread injury to axons, due to rapid inertial acceleration/deceleration forces transmitted to the brain during impact. Axonal injury leads to brain network dysfunction, significantly contributing to cognitive and functional impairments frequently observed in TBI survivors. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI is a clinical entity suggested by impaired level of consciousness and coma on clinical examination and characterized by widespread injury to the hemispheric white matter tracts, the corpus callosum and the brain stem. The clinical course of DAI is commonly unpredictable and it remains a challenging entity with limited therapeutic options, to date. Although axonal integrity may be disrupted at impact, the majority of axonal pathology evolves over time, resulting from delayed activation of complex intracellular biochemical cascades. Activation of these secondary biochemical pathways may lead to axonal transection, named secondary axotomy, and be responsible for the clinical decline of DAI patients. Advances in the neurocritical care of TBI patients have been achieved by refinements in multimodality monitoring for prevention and early detection of secondary injury factors, which can be applied also to DAI. There is an emerging role for biomarkers in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and interstitial fluid using microdialysis in the evaluation of axonal injury in TBI. These biomarker studies have assessed various axonal and neuroglial markers as well as inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and chemokines. Moreover, modern neuroimaging can detect subtle or overt DAI/white matter changes in diffuse TBI patients across all injury severities using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, diffusion tensor imaging, and positron emission tomography. Importantly, serial neuroimaging studies provide evidence for evolving axonal injury. Since axonal injury may be a key

  18. A dam for retrograde axonal degeneration in multiple sclerosis?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Balk, L.J.; Twisk, J.W.R.; Steenwijk, M.D.; Daams, M.; Tewarie, P.; Killestein, J.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Polman, C.H.; Petzold, A.F.S.


    Objective: Trans-synaptic axonal degeneration is a mechanism by which neurodegeneration can spread from a sick to a healthy neuron in the central nervous system. This study investigated to what extent trans-synaptic axonal degeneration takes place within the visual pathway in multiple sclerosis

  19. Calpain Inhibition Reduces Axolemmal Leakage in Traumatic Axonal Injury

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    János Sándor


    Full Text Available Calcium-induced, calpain-mediated proteolysis (CMSP has recently been implicated to the pathogenesis of diffuse (traumatic axonal injury (TAI. Some studies suggested that subaxolemmal CMSP may contribute to axolemmal permeability (AP alterations observed in TAI. Seeking direct evidence for this premise we investigated whether subaxolemmal CMSP may contribute to axolemmal permeability alterations (APA and pre-injury calpain-inhibition could reduce AP in a rat model of TAI. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP, a tracer that accumulates in axons with APA was administered one hour prior to injury into the lateral ventricle; 30 min preinjury a single tail vein bolus injection of 30 mg/kg MDL-28170 (a calpain inhibitor or its vehicle was applied in Wistar rats exposed to impact acceleration brain injury. Histological detection of traumatically injured axonal segments accumulating HRP and statistical analysis revealed that pre-injury administration of the calpain inhibitor MDL-28170 significantly reduced the average length of HRP-labeled axonal segments. The axono-protective effect of pre-injury calpain inhibition recently demonstrated with classical immunohistochemical markers of TAI was further corroborated in this experiment; significant reduction of the length of labeled axons in the drug-treated rats implicate CMSP in the progression of altered AP in TAI.

  20. Subtypes of GABAergic neurons project axons in the neocortex

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    Shigeyoshi Higo


    Full Text Available γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic neurons in the neocortex have been regarded as interneurons and speculated to modulate the activity of neurons locally. Recently, however, several experiments revealed that neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS-positive GABAergic neurons project cortico-cortically with long axons. In this study, we illustrate Golgi-like images of the nNOS-positive GABAergic neurons using a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d reaction and follow the emanating axon branches in cat brain sections. These axon branches projected cortico-cortically with other non-labeled arcuate fibers, contra-laterally via the corpus callosum and anterior commissure. The labeled fibers were not limited to the neocortex but found also in the fimbria of the hippocampus. In order to have additional information on these GABAergic neuron projections, we investigated green fluorescent protein (GFP-labeled GABAergic neurons in GAD67-Cre knock-in / GFP Cre-reporter mice. GFP-labeled axons emanate densely, especially in the fimbria, a small number in the anterior commissure, and very sparsely in the corpus callosum. These two different approaches confirm that not only nNOS-positive GABAergic neurons but also other subtypes of GABAergic neurons project long axons in the cerebral cortex and are in a position to be involved in information processing.

  1. Study of acute hepatotoxicity of Equisetum arvense L. in rats Estudo da hepatotoxicidade aguda da Equisetum arvense L. em ratos

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    Nilo César do Vale Baracho


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the acute hepatotoxicity of Equisentum arvense L. in rats. METHODS: Fifty Wistar rats were used, these being divided in four groups, one being the control (receiving only water and the other groups receiving graded doses of Equisentum arvense L. (30, 50, and 100mg/kg respectively for 14 days. Blood samples were obtained to determine TGO, TGP, FA, DHL and GT-gamma activities. After that, hepatic tissue samples were collected for the anatomopathologic analysis. RESULTS: The anatomopathologic exam of the hepatic tissue showed organ with preserved lobular structure. In the same way, there was no significant change in the seric activities of the hepatic enzymes when compared to control group. CONCLUSION: The oral treatment with graded doses of Equisentum arvense L. was not able to produce hepatic changes. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the chronic hepatotoxicity of Equisentum arvense L. in rats.OBJETIVO: Investigar a hepatotoxicidade aguda da Equisetum arvense L. em ratos. MÉTODOS: foram utilizados 50 ratos Wistar, os quais foram divididos em quatro grupos, sendo um controle (recebendo apenas água e os outros grupos recebendo doses crescentes de cavalinha (30, 50 e 100mg/Kg, respectivamente por 14 dias. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para determinação da atividade sérica de TGO, TGP, FA, DHL e gama-GT. Em seguida, foram obtidas amostras de tecido hepático para análise anatomopatológica. RESULTADOS: O exame anatomopatológico de tecido hepático demonstrou órgão com estrutura lobular preservada. Da mesma forma, não houve alteração significativa na atividade sérica das enzimas hepáticas, quando comparado ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com doses crescentes de Equisetum arvense L., não induziu hepatotoxicidade aguda em ratos. Novos estudos são necessários para avaliar a hepatoxicidade crônica de Equisetum arvense L. em ratos.

  2. Wnt5a regulates midbrain dopaminergic axon growth and guidance.

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    Brette D Blakely


    Full Text Available During development, precise temporal and spatial gradients are responsible for guiding axons to their appropriate targets. Within the developing ventral midbrain (VM the cues that guide dopaminergic (DA axons to their forebrain targets remain to be fully elucidated. Wnts are morphogens that have been identified as axon guidance molecules. Several Wnts are expressed in the VM where they regulate the birth of DA neurons. Here, we describe that a precise temporo-spatial expression of Wnt5a accompanies the development of nigrostriatal projections by VM DA neurons. In mice at E11.5, Wnt5a is expressed in the VM where it was found to promote DA neurite and axonal growth in VM primary cultures. By E14.5, when DA axons are approaching their striatal target, Wnt5a causes DA neurite retraction in primary cultures. Co-culture of VM explants with Wnt5a-overexpressing cell aggregates revealed that Wnt5a is capable of repelling DA neurites. Antagonism experiments revealed that the effects of Wnt5a are mediated by the Frizzled receptors and by the small GTPase, Rac1 (a component of the non-canonical Wnt planar cell polarity pathway. Moreover, the effects were specific as they could be blocked by Wnt5a antibody, sFRPs and RYK-Fc. The importance of Wnt5a in DA axon morphogenesis was further verified in Wnt5a-/- mice, where fasciculation of the medial forebrain bundle (MFB as well as the density of DA neurites in the MFB and striatal terminals were disrupted. Thus, our results identify a novel role of Wnt5a in DA axon growth and guidance.

  3. Target-Derived Neurotrophins Coordinate Transcription and Transport of Bclw to Prevent Axonal Degeneration (United States)

    Cosker, Katharina E.; Pazyra-Murphy, Maria F.; Fenstermacher, Sara J.


    Establishment of neuronal circuitry depends on both formation and refinement of neural connections. During this process, target-derived neurotrophins regulate both transcription and translation to enable selective axon survival or elimination. However, it is not known whether retrograde signaling pathways that control transcription are coordinated with neurotrophin-regulated actions that transpire in the axon. Here we report that target-derived neurotrophins coordinate transcription of the antiapoptotic gene bclw with transport of bclw mRNA to the axon, and thereby prevent axonal degeneration in rat and mouse sensory neurons. We show that neurotrophin stimulation of nerve terminals elicits new bclw transcripts that are immediately transported to the axons and translated into protein. Bclw interacts with Bax and suppresses the caspase6 apoptotic cascade that fosters axonal degeneration. The scope of bclw regulation at the levels of transcription, transport, and translation provides a mechanism whereby sustained neurotrophin stimulation can be integrated over time, so that axonal survival is restricted to neurons connected within a stable circuit. PMID:23516285

  4. N-Propionylmannosamine stimulates axonal elongation in a murine model of sciatic nerve injury

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    Christian Witzel


    Full Text Available Increasing evidence indicates that sialic acid plays an important role during nerve regeneration. Sialic acids can be modified in vitro as well as in vivo using metabolic oligosaccharide engineering of the N-acyl side chain. N-Propionylmannosamine (ManNProp increases neurite outgrowth and accelerates the reestablishment of functional synapses in vitro. We investigated the influence of systemic ManNProp application using a specific in vivo mouse model. Using mice expressing axonal fluorescent proteins, we quantified the extension of regenerating axons, the number of regenerating axons, the number of arborising axons and the number of branches per axon 5 days after injury. Sciatic nerves from non-expressing mice were grafted into those expressing yellow fluorescent protein. We began a twice-daily intraperitoneal application of either peracetylated ManNProp (200 mg/kg or saline solution 5 days before injury, and continued it until nerve harvest (5 days after transection. ManNProp significantly increased the mean distance of axonal regeneration (2.49 mm vs. 1.53 mm; P < 0.005 and the number of arborizing axons (21% vs. 16% P = 0.008 5 days after sciatic nerve grafting. ManNProp did not affect the number of regenerating axons or the number of branches per arborizing axon. The biochemical glycoengineering of the N-acyl side chain of sialic acid might be a promising approach for improving peripheral nerve regeneration.

  5. Spontaneous axonal regeneration in rodent spinal cord after ischemic injury

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Euler, Mia; Janson, A M; Larsen, Jytte Overgaard


    cells, while other fibers were unmyelinated. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that some of the regenerated fibers were tyrosine hydroxylase- or serotonin-immunoreactive, indicating a central origin. These findings suggest that there is a considerable amount of spontaneous regeneration after spinal cord......Here we present evidence for spontaneous and long-lasting regeneration of CNS axons after spinal cord lesions in adult rats. The length of 200 kD neurofilament (NF)-immunolabeled axons was estimated after photochemically induced ischemic spinal cord lesions using a stereological tool. The total...... length of all NF-immunolabeled axons within the lesion cavities was increased 6- to 10-fold at 5, 10, and 15 wk post-lesion compared with 1 wk post-surgery. In ultrastructural studies we found the putatively regenerating axons within the lesion to be associated either with oligodendrocytes or Schwann...

  6. The disruption of mitochondrial axonal transport is an early event in neuroinflammation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Errea, Oihana; Moreno, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Franquesa, Alba


    in the cerebellar slice cultures was analyzed through high-resolution respirometry assays and quantification of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. RESULTS: Both conditions promoted an increase in the size and complexity of axonal mitochondria evident in electron microscopy images, suggesting a compensatory...... acutely impairs axonal mitochondrial transportation, which would promote an inappropriate delivery of energy throughout axons and, by this way, contribute to axonal damage. Thus, preserving axonal mitochondrial transport might represent a promising avenue to exploit as a therapeutic target...... response. Such compensation was reflected at the tissue level as increased respiratory activity of complexes I and IV and as a transient increase in ATP production in response to acute inflammation. Notably, time-lapse microscopy indicated that mitochondrial transport (mean velocity) was severely impaired...

  7. Axonal sprouting regulates myelin basic protein gene expression in denervated mouse hippocampus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, M B; Poulsen, F R; Finsen, B


    to 35 days after transection of the entorhino-hippocampal perforant path axonal projection. In situ hybridization analysis showed that anterograde axonal and terminal degeneration lead to upregulated oligodendrocyte MBP mRNA expression starting between day 2 and day 4, in (1) the deep part of stratum...... axonal and terminal degeneration, myelin degenerative changes, microglial activation and axotomi-induced axonal sprouting. Oligodendrocyte MBP mRNA expression reached maximum in both these areas at day 7. MBP gene transcription remained constant in stratum radiatum, stratum pyramidale and stratum oriens...... of CA1, areas that were unaffected by perforant path transection. These results provide strong evidence that oligodendrocyte MBP gene expression can be regulated by axonal sprouting independently of microglial activation in the injured adult CNS....

  8. Insuficiencia renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente Bothrops

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    Gustavo A. Aroca Martínez


    Full Text Available Mujer de 58 años de edad, remitida a urgencias por presentar cuadro clínico de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA secundaria a mordedura de serpiente (Bothrops Atrox. Ingresa hipotensa con elevación de azoados e hiperkalemia, ecografía renal dentro de parámetros normales. Se maneja terapia dialítica con lo cual presenta mejoría clínica. En este reporte se detallan aspectos del diagnóstico, manejo clínico y posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican el daño renal.

  9. The Influence of Glutamate on Axonal Compound Action Potential In Vitro. (United States)

    Abouelela, Ahmed; Wieraszko, Andrzej


    Background  Our previous experiments demonstrated modulation of the amplitude of the axonal compound action potential (CAP) by electrical stimulation. To verify assumption that glutamate released from axons could be involved in this phenomenon, the modification of the axonal CAP induced by glutamate was investigated. Objectives  The major objective of this research is to verify the hypothesis that axonal activity would trigger the release of glutamate, which in turn would interact with specific axonal receptors modifying the amplitude of the action potential. Methods  Segments of the sciatic nerve were exposed to exogenous glutamate in vitro, and CAP was recorded before and after glutamate application. In some experiments, the release of radioactive glutamate analog from the sciatic nerve exposed to exogenous glutamate was also evaluated. Results  The glutamate-induced increase in CAP was blocked by different glutamate receptor antagonists. The effect of glutamate was not observed in Ca-free medium, and was blocked by antagonists of calcium channels. Exogenous glutamate, applied to the segments of sciatic nerve, induced the release of radioactive glutamate analog, demonstrating glutamate-induced glutamate release. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that axolemma contains components necessary for glutamatergic neurotransmission. Conclusion  The proteins of the axonal membrane can under the influence of electrical stimulation or exogenous glutamate change membrane permeability and ionic conductance, leading to a change in the amplitude of CAP. We suggest that increased axonal activity leads to the release of glutamate that results in changes in the amplitude of CAPs.

  10. Blast overpressure induced axonal injury changes in rat brainstem and spinal cord

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    Srinivasu Kallakuri


    Full Text Available Introduction: Blast induced neurotrauma has been the signature wound in returning soldiers from the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of importance is understanding the pathomechansim(s of blast overpressure (OP induced axonal injury. Although several recent animal models of blast injury indicate the neuronal and axonal injury in various brain regions, animal studies related to axonal injury in the white matter (WM tracts of cervical spinal cord are limited. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of axonal injury in WM tracts of cervical spinal cord in male Sprague Dawley rats subjected to a single insult of blast OP. Materials and Methods: Sagittal brainstem sections and horizontal cervical spinal cord sections from blast and sham animals were stained by neurofilament light (NF-L chain and beta amyloid precursor protein immunocytochemistry and observed for axonal injury changes. Results: Observations from this preliminary study demonstrate axonal injury changes in the form of prominent swellings, retraction bulbs, and putative signs of membrane disruptions in the brainstem and cervical spinal cord WM tracts of rats subjected to blast OP. Conclusions: Prominent axonal injury changes following the blast OP exposure in brainstem and cervical spinal WM tracts underscores the need for careful evaluation of blast induced injury changes and associated symptoms. NF-L immunocytochemistry can be considered as an additional tool to assess the blast OP induced axonal injury.

  11. Modelling in vivo action potential propagation along a giant axon. (United States)

    George, Stuart; Foster, Jamie M; Richardson, Giles


    A partial differential equation model for the three-dimensional current flow in an excitable, unmyelinated axon is considered. Where the axon radius is significantly below a critical value R(crit) (that depends upon intra- and extra-cellular conductivity and ion channel conductance) the resistance of the intracellular space is significantly higher than that of the extracellular space, such that the potential outside the axon is uniformly small whilst the intracellular potential is approximated by the transmembrane potential. In turn, since the current flow is predominantly axial, it can be shown that the transmembrane potential is approximated by a solution to the one-dimensional cable equation. It is noted that the radius of the squid giant axon, investigated by (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952e), lies close to R(crit). This motivates us to apply the three-dimensional model to the squid giant axon and compare the results thus found to those obtained using the cable equation. In the context of the in vitro experiments conducted in (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952e) we find only a small difference between the wave profiles determined using these two different approaches and little difference between the speeds of action potential propagation predicted. This suggests that the cable equation approximation is accurate in this scenario. However when applied to the it in vivo setting, in which the conductivity of the surrounding tissue is considerably lower than that of the axoplasm, there are marked differences in both wave profile and speed of action potential propagation calculated using the two approaches. In particular, the cable equation significantly over predicts the increase in the velocity of propagation as axon radius increases. The consequences of these results are discussed in terms of the evolutionary costs associated with increasing the speed of action potential propagation by increasing axon radius.

  12. Regional Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Loss in a Murine Glaucoma Model. (United States)

    Schaub, Julie A; Kimball, Elizabeth C; Steinhart, Matthew R; Nguyen, Cathy; Pease, Mary E; Oglesby, Ericka N; Jefferys, Joan L; Quigley, Harry A


    To determine if retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon loss in experimental mouse glaucoma is uniform in the optic nerve. Experimental glaucoma was induced for 6 weeks with a microbead injection model in CD1 (n = 78) and C57BL/6 (B6, n = 68) mice. From epoxy-embedded sections of optic nerve 1 to 2 mm posterior to the globe, total nerve area and regional axon density (axons/1600 μm2) were measured in superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal zones. Control eyes of CD1 mice have higher axon density and more total RGCs than control B6 mice eyes. There were no significant differences in control regional axon density in all mice or by strain (all P > 0.2, mixed model). Exposure to elevated IOP caused loss of RGC in both strains. In CD1 mice, axon density declined without significant loss of nerve area, while B6 mice had less density loss, but greater decrease in nerve area. Axon density loss in glaucoma eyes was not significantly greater in any region in either mouse strain (both P > 0.2, mixed model). In moderately damaged CD1 glaucoma eyes, and CD1 eyes with the greatest IOP elevation exposure, density loss differed by region (P = 0.05, P = 0.03, mixed model) with the greatest loss in the temporal and superior regions, while in severely injured B6 nerves superior loss was greater than inferior loss (P = 0.01, mixed model, Bonferroni corrected). There was selectively greater loss of superior and temporal optic nerve axons of RGCs in mouse glaucoma at certain stages of damage. Differences in nerve area change suggest non-RGC responses differ between mouse strains.

  13. Independent signaling by Drosophila insulin receptor for axon guidance and growth

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    Caroline Rita Li


    Full Text Available The Drosophila insulin receptor (DInR regulates a diverse array of biological processes including growth, axon guidance, and sugar homeostasis. Growth regulation by DInR is mediated by Chico, the Drosophila homolog of vertebrate insulin-receptor-substrate proteins IRS1-4. In contrast, DInR regulation of photoreceptor axon guidance in the developing visual system is mediated by the SH2-SH3 domain adaptor protein Dreadlocks (Dock. In vitro studies by others identified five NPXY motifs, one in the juxtamembrane region and four in the signaling C-terminal tail (C-tail, important for interaction with Chico. Here we used yeast two-hybrid assays to identify regions in the DInR C-tail that interact with Dock. These Dock-binding sites were in separate portions of the C-tail from the previously identified Chico-binding sites. To test whether these sites are required for growth or axon guidance in whole animals, a panel of DInR proteins, in which the putative Chico and Dock interaction sites had been mutated individually or in combination, were tested for their ability to rescue viability, growth, and axon guidance defects of dinr mutant flies. Sites required for viability were identified. Unexpectedly, mutation of both putative Dock binding sites, either individually or in combination, did not lead to defects in photoreceptor axon guidance. Thus, either sites also required for viability are necessary for DInR function in axon guidance and/or there is redundancy built into the DInR/Dock interaction such that Dock is able to interact with multiple regions of DInR. We also found that simultaneous mutation of all 5 NPXY motifs implicated in Chico interaction drastically decreased growth in both male and female adult flies. Mutation of these 5 NPXY motifs did not affect photoreceptor axon guidance, showing that different sites within DInR control growth and axon guidance.

  14. Developmental time windows for axon growth influence neuronal network topology. (United States)

    Lim, Sol; Kaiser, Marcus


    Early brain connectivity development consists of multiple stages: birth of neurons, their migration and the subsequent growth of axons and dendrites. Each stage occurs within a certain period of time depending on types of neurons and cortical layers. Forming synapses between neurons either by growing axons starting at similar times for all neurons (much-overlapped time windows) or at different time points (less-overlapped) may affect the topological and spatial properties of neuronal networks. Here, we explore the extreme cases of axon formation during early development, either starting at the same time for all neurons (parallel, i.e., maximally overlapped time windows) or occurring for each neuron separately one neuron after another (serial, i.e., no overlaps in time windows). For both cases, the number of potential and established synapses remained comparable. Topological and spatial properties, however, differed: Neurons that started axon growth early on in serial growth achieved higher out-degrees, higher local efficiency and longer axon lengths while neurons demonstrated more homogeneous connectivity patterns for parallel growth. Second, connection probability decreased more rapidly with distance between neurons for parallel growth than for serial growth. Third, bidirectional connections were more numerous for parallel growth. Finally, we tested our predictions with C. elegans data. Together, this indicates that time windows for axon growth influence the topological and spatial properties of neuronal networks opening up the possibility to a posteriori estimate developmental mechanisms based on network properties of a developed network.

  15. Parametric Probability Distribution Functions for Axon Diameters of Corpus Callosum

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    Farshid eSepehrband


    Full Text Available Axon diameter is an important neuroanatomical characteristic of the nervous system that alters in the course of neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Axon diameters vary, even within a fiber bundle, and are not normally distributed. An accurate distribution function is therefore beneficial, either to describe axon diameters that are obtained from a direct measurement technique (e.g., microscopy, or to infer them indirectly (e.g., using diffusion-weighted MRI. The gamma distribution is a common choice for this purpose (particularly for the inferential approach because it resembles the distribution profile of measured axon diameters which has been consistently shown to be non-negative and right-skewed. In this study we compared a wide range of parametric probability distribution functions against empirical data obtained from electron microscopy images. We observed that the gamma distribution fails to accurately describe the main characteristics of the axon diameter distribution, such as location and scale of the mode and the profile of distribution tails. We also found that the generalized extreme value distribution consistently fitted the measured distribution better than other distribution functions. This suggests that there may be distinct subpopulations of axons in the corpus callosum, each with their own distribution profiles. In addition, we observed that several other distributions outperformed the gamma distribution, yet had the same number of unknown parameters; these were the inverse Gaussian, log normal, log logistic and Birnbaum-Saunders distributions.

  16. Transient developmental Purkinje cell axonal torpedoes in healthy and ataxic mouse cerebellum

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    Lovisa Ljungberg


    Full Text Available Information is carried out of the cerebellar cortical microcircuit via action potentials propagated along Purkinje cell axons. In several human neurodegenerative diseases, focal axonal swellings on Purkinje cells – known as torpedoes – have been associated with Purkinje cell loss. Interestingly, torpedoes are also reported to appear transiently during development in rat cerebellum. The function of Purkinje cell axonal torpedoes in health as well as in disease is poorly understood. We investigated the properties of developmental torpedoes in the postnatal mouse cerebellum of wildtype and transgenic mice. We found that Purkinje cell axonal torpedoes transiently appeared on axons of Purkinje neurons, with the largest number of torpedoes observed at postnatal day 11 (P11. This was after peak developmental apoptosis had occurred, when Purkinje cell counts in a lobule were static, suggesting that most developmental torpedoes appear on axons of neurons that persist into adulthood. We found that developmental torpedoes were not associated with a presynaptic GABAergic marker, indicating that they are not synapses. They were seldom found at axonal collateral branch points, and lacked microglia enrichment, suggesting that they are unlikely to be involved in axonal refinement. Interestingly, we found several differences between developmental torpedoes and disease-related torpedoes: developmental torpedoes occured largely on myelinated axons, and were not associated with changes in basket cell innervation on their parent soma. Disease-related torpedoes are typically reported to contain neurofilament; while the majority of developmental torpedoes did as well, a fraction of smaller developmental torpedoes did not. These differences indicate that developmental torpedoes may not be functionally identical to disease-related torpedoes. To study this further, we used a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6, and found elevated disease

  17. Bridging the gap: axonal fusion drives rapid functional recovery of the nervous system

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    Jean-Sébastien Teoh


    Full Text Available Injuries to the central or peripheral nervous system frequently cause long-term disabilities because damaged neurons are unable to efficiently self-repair. This inherent deficiency necessitates the need for new treatment options aimed at restoring lost function to patients. Compared to humans, a number of species possess far greater regenerative capabilities, and can therefore provide important insights into how our own nervous systems can be repaired. In particular, several invertebrate species have been shown to rapidly initiate regeneration post-injury, allowing separated axon segments to re-join. This process, known as axonal fusion, represents a highly efficient repair mechanism as a regrowing axon needs to only bridge the site of damage and fuse with its separated counterpart in order to re-establish its original structure. Our recent findings in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have expanded the promise of axonal fusion by demonstrating that it can restore complete function to damaged neurons. Moreover, we revealed the importance of injury-induced changes in the composition of the axonal membrane for mediating axonal fusion, and discovered that the level of axonal fusion can be enhanced by promoting a neuron's intrinsic growth potential. A complete understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling axonal fusion may permit similar approaches to be applied in a clinical setting.

  18. MuSC is involved in regulating axonal fasciculation of mouse primary vestibular afferents. (United States)

    Kawauchi, Daisuke; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Sekine-Aizawa, Yoko; Fujita, Shinobu C; Murakami, Fujio


    Regulation of axonal fasciculation plays an important role in the precise patterning of neural circuits. Selective fasciculation contributes to the sorting of different types of axons and prevents the misrouting of axons. However, axons must defasciculate once they reach the target area. To study the regulation of fasciculation, we focused on the primary vestibulo-cerebellar afferents (PVAs), which show a dramatic change from fasciculated axon bundles to defasciculated individual axons at their target region, the cerebellar primordium. To understand how fasciculation and defasciculation are regulated in this system, we investigated the roles of murine SC1-related protein (MuSC), a molecule belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. We show: (i) by comparing 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (Dil) labelling and anti-MuSC immunohistochemistry, that downregulation of MuSC in PVAs during development is concomitant with the defasciculation of PVA axons; (ii) in a binding assay with cells expressing MuSC, that MuSC has cell-adhesive activity via a homophilic binding mechanism, and this activity is increased by multimerization; and (iii) that MuSC also displays neurite outgrowth-promoting activity in vestibular ganglion cultures. These findings suggest that MuSC is involved in axonal fasciculation and its downregulation may help to initiate the defasciculation of PVAs.

  19. Isquemia aguda de miembros inferiores secundaria a ergortismo

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    Franco J. Vallejo, MD


    Full Text Available Paciente de género femenino, de 21 años de edad, quien ingresó por dolor progresivo e intenso en miembros inferiores, y refirió antecedente reciente de ingestión de derivados del ergot. Al examen físico se observó ausencia de pulsos en ambos miembros inferiores. Por angiotomografia se documentó disminución severa, generalizada y bilateral, del calibre de los vasos arteriales de miembros inferiores. Se diagnosticó isquemia arterial aguda secundaria a ergotismo y se inició tratamiento con vasodilatadores y calcio-antagonistas, que resolvió los síntomas en su totalidad.

  20. Caracterización del comportamiento clínico-quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda en una unidad hospitalaria de Pinar del Río

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    Eduardo Rogelio García Noguera


    Full Text Available Introducción: la pancreatitis aguda es una enfermedad que produce diversos grados de inflamación en el órgano y puede llegar hasta la necrosis glandular. Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico-quirúrgico en los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Rio, en el periodo de 2009-2012. Material y método: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, longitudinal, retrospectiva, en pacientes con diagnóstico de pancreatitis aguda, ingresados en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado", de Pinar del Río, entre el 2009 y el 2012. Resultados: el 53,3% de los pacientes ingresó en el Servicio de Cirugía y el resto en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El 77,8% de los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente antes de transcurrir 48 horas desde el ingreso. Existió un predominio notable de enfermos complicados que ingresaron en las salas de cirugía, prevaleciendo en estos las complicaciones agudas o sistémicas. En los pacientes operados la mortalidad se elevó considerablemente un 42,1%. Conclusiones: para llevar a cabo una conducta adecuada en los pacientes ingresados con pancreatitis aguda, y de esta manera reducir las complicaciones y fallecimiento por esta causa, se deben ingresar desde el inicio en una sala de cuidados intensivos; además de incrementar el empleo de investigaciones como la TAC abdominal y disminuir los casos intervenidos quirúrgicamente.

  1. Calcio sérico total y calcio corregido como predictores de severidad en pancreatitis aguda

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    A.A. Gutiérrez-Jiménez


    Conclusiones: El CT y CCA tomados en las primeras 24 h son útiles como predictores de severidad en pancreatitis aguda, con valores de S y predictivos comparables o superiores a los de las escalas pronósticas tradicionales.

  2. Primeiro consenso brasileiro do tratamento da fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral

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    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta a síntese das conclusões do Iº Consenso Brasileiro do Tratamento da Fase Aguda do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC. Tratou-se de reunião patrocinada e coordenada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Cerebrovasculares, com neurologistas especializados nas doenças cerebrovasculares, que analisaram os principais itens da conduta dos AVC.

  3. Asma aguda em adultos na sala de emergência: o manejo clínico na primeira hora

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    Full Text Available Asma é doença com alta prevalência em nosso meio e ao redor do mundo. Embora novas opções terapêuticas tenham sido recentemente desenvolvidas, parece haver aumento mundial na sua morbidade e mortalidade. Em muitas instituições, as exacerbações asmáticas ainda constituem emergência médica muito comum. As evidências têm demonstrado que a primeira hora no manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência concentra decisões cruciais que podem determinar o desfecho desta situação clínica. Nesta revisão não-sistemática, os autores enfocaram a primeira hora da avaliação e tratamento do paciente com asma aguda na sala de emergência, descrevendo uma estratégia apropriada para o seu manejo. São consideradas as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico, avaliação da gravidade, tratamento farmacológico, avaliação das complicações e decisão sobre onde se realizará o tratamento adicional. Espera-se que estas recomendações contribuam para que o médico clínico tome a decisão apropriada na primeira hora do manejo da asma aguda.

  4. Sodium Channel β2 Subunits Prevent Action Potential Propagation Failures at Axonal Branch Points. (United States)

    Cho, In Ha; Panzera, Lauren C; Chin, Morven; Hoppa, Michael B


    Neurotransmitter release depends on voltage-gated Na + channels (Na v s) to propagate an action potential (AP) successfully from the axon hillock to a synaptic terminal. Unmyelinated sections of axon are very diverse structures encompassing branch points and numerous presynaptic terminals with undefined molecular partners of Na + channels. Using optical recordings of Ca 2+ and membrane voltage, we demonstrate here that Na + channel β2 subunits (Na v β2s) are required to prevent AP propagation failures across the axonal arborization of cultured rat hippocampal neurons (mixed male and female). When Na v β2 expression was reduced, we identified two specific phenotypes: (1) membrane excitability and AP-evoked Ca 2+ entry were impaired at synapses and (2) AP propagation was severely compromised with >40% of axonal branches no longer responding to AP-stimulation. We went on to show that a great deal of electrical signaling heterogeneity exists in AP waveforms across the axonal arborization independent of axon morphology. Therefore, Na v β2 is a critical regulator of axonal excitability and synaptic function in unmyelinated axons. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels are fulcrums of neurotransmission that convert electrical inputs into chemical outputs in the form of vesicle fusion at synaptic terminals. However, the role of the electrical signal, the presynaptic action potential (AP), in modulating synaptic transmission is less clear. What is the fidelity of a propagating AP waveform in the axon and what molecules shape it throughout the axonal arborization? Our work identifies several new features of AP propagation in unmyelinated axons: (1) branches of a single axonal arborization have variable AP waveforms independent of morphology, (2) Na + channel β2 subunits modulate AP-evoked Ca 2+ -influx, and (3) β2 subunits maintain successful AP propagation across the axonal arbor. These findings are relevant to understanding the flow of excitation in the

  5. Pannexin 1 Modulates Axonal Growth in Mouse Peripheral Nerves

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    Steven M. Horton


    Full Text Available The pannexin family of channels consists of three members—pannexin-1 (Panx1, pannexin-2 (Panx2, and pannexin-3 (Panx3 that enable the exchange of metabolites and signaling molecules between intracellular and extracellular compartments. Pannexin-mediated release of intracellular ATP into the extracellular space has been tied to a number of cellular activities, primarily through the activity of type P2 purinergic receptors. Previous work indicates that the opening of Panx1 channels and activation of purinergic receptors by extracellular ATP may cause inflammation and apoptosis. In the CNS (central nervous system and PNS (peripheral nervous system, coupled pannexin, and P2 functions have been linked to peripheral sensitization (pain pathways. Purinergic pathways are also essential for other critical processes in the PNS, including myelination and neurite outgrowth. However, whether such pathways are pannexin-dependent remains to be determined. In this study, we use a Panx1 knockout mouse model and pharmacological inhibitors of the Panx1 and the ATP-mediated signaling pathway to fill gaps in our understanding of Panx1 localization in peripheral nerves, roles for Panx1 in axonal outgrowth and myelination, and neurite extension. Our data show that Panx1 is localized to axonal, myelin, and vascular compartments of the peripheral nerves. Knockout of Panx1 gene significantly increased axonal caliber in vivo and axonal growth rate in cultured dorsal root ganglia (DRG neurons. Furthermore, genetic knockout of Panx1 or inhibition of components of purinergic signaling, by treatment with probenecid and apyrase, resulted in denser axonal outgrowth from cultured DRG explants compared to untreated wild-types. Our findings suggest that Panx1 regulates axonal growth in the peripheral nervous system.

  6. A influência do controle subjetivo de intensidade sobre fadiga percebida e lactato capilar em duas formas de treinamento resistido

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    Cauê Vazquez La Scala Teixeira


    Full Text Available DOI:   A percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE é um método utilizado para controlar a intensidade no treinamento resistido (TR. Porém há escassez de estudos que comparam respostas fisiológicas e perceptivas agudas entre formas distintas de TR. O estudo teve como objetivo comparar as respostas agudas de lactato (LAC e fadiga percebida (FAD entre treinamento resistido manual (TRM e TR com pesos livres (TRPL com intensidades controladas por PSE, bem como observar a correlação entre LAC e FAD nas duas intervenções. Participaram 14 homens (40,29+8,63 anos, IMC = 26,53+5,24 Kg/m² previamente não treinados que foram submetidos a sessões únicas de TRM e TRPL, com intensidade controlada por PSE (entre 5 e 7. LAC e FAD foram analisados nos momentos pré-teste e pós-teste. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se análise de variância com medidas repetidas e post-hoc de Bonferroni. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5% (P ≤ 0,05. O tamanho do efeito (ES foi calculado para analisar a magnitude das respostas e o coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson para verificar associação entre LAC e FAD. Ambas as intervenções aumentaram LAC no período pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste, porém o aumento foi maior no TRM. A FAD aumentou no período pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste, em ambos os protocolos, sem diferença entre eles. No entanto, o ES foi maior para o TRM. A correlação entre FAD e LAC foi moderada em três das quatro avaliações. Foi possível concluir que na mesma zona de intensidade na PSE pode representar respostas fisiológicas diferentes entre duas formas distintas de TR, portanto, a utilização da PSE para controle de intensidade, nessas condições, deve ser vista com cautela.

  7. Oligodendroglial MCT1 and Metabolic Support of Axons in Multiple Sclerosis (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0524 TITLE:Oligodendroglial MCT1 and Metabolic Support of Axons in Multiple Sclerosis PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jeffrey D...29 Sep 2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Oligodendroglial MCT1 and Metabolic Support of Axons in Multiple Sclerosis 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER W81XWH-14-1-0524...MCT1 in injured oligodendroglia of multiple sclerosis patients contributes to axon neurodegeneration and that increasing MCT1 will be protective in the

  8. Integration of shallow gradients of Shh and Netrin-1 guides commissural axons. (United States)

    Sloan, Tyler F W; Qasaimeh, Mohammad A; Juncker, David; Yam, Patricia T; Charron, Frédéric


    During nervous system development, gradients of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and Netrin-1 attract growth cones of commissural axons toward the floor plate of the embryonic spinal cord. Mice defective for either Shh or Netrin-1 signaling have commissural axon guidance defects, suggesting that both Shh and Netrin-1 are required for correct axon guidance. However, how Shh and Netrin-1 collaborate to guide axons is not known. We first quantified the steepness of the Shh gradient in the spinal cord and found that it is mostly very shallow. We then developed an in vitro microfluidic guidance assay to simulate these shallow gradients. We found that axons of dissociated commissural neurons respond to steep but not shallow gradients of Shh or Netrin-1. However, when we presented axons with combined Shh and Netrin-1 gradients, they had heightened sensitivity to the guidance cues, turning in response to shallower gradients that were unable to guide axons when only one cue was present. Furthermore, these shallow gradients polarized growth cone Src-family kinase (SFK) activity only when Shh and Netrin-1 were combined, indicating that SFKs can integrate the two guidance cues. Together, our results indicate that Shh and Netrin-1 synergize to enable growth cones to sense shallow gradients in regions of the spinal cord where the steepness of a single guidance cue is insufficient to guide axons, and we identify a novel type of synergy that occurs when the steepness (and not the concentration) of a guidance cue is limiting.

  9. Incidencia y factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea aguda en una comunidad rural de la selva peruana

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    César Henríquez Camacho


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia y factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea aguda en una comunidad rural localizada en la selva del departamento de San Martín, Perú. Material y métodos: Una cohorte de 119 personas fue seleccionada al azar entre la población de 446 habitantes y seguida diariamente por un mes entre enero y febrero de 1999, buscando casos de diarrea aguda, definida como tres ó más cámaras de deposiciones al día por no más de 3 días. Un estudio caso control pareado fue diseñado para determinar los factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea. Resultados: Fueron observados 18 casos de diarrea aguda; la incidencia fue 15.1 casos por 100 personas-mes (IC 95%: 9.45-23.12. La edad media de los casos fue de 10.7 años (rango: 1-34 años y 66% de los casos fueron niños menores de 10 años de edad. Los factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea fueron: consumo de alimentos crudos, RR: 2.2 (IC 95%: 1.12-4.33, consumo de alimentos no lavados, RR: 4.47 (IC 95%: 1.56-12.82, falta de lavado de manos antes de alimentarse, RR: 9.61 (95% IC: 1.44-64.16, consumo de agua no hervida, RR: 4.52 (IC 95%: 1.23-16.65 y alimentación fuera de casa, RR: 2.2 (IC 95%: 1.51-3.20. La diferencia en el número promedio (DE de personas que vivían por casa entre casos y controles fue de 4.38 (1.03 vs. 3.22 (0.54, p=0.0003, respectivamente. No hubo diferencia en el tiempo de residencia en la comunidad entre casos y controles, media de 5.61 ( 5.04 años vs. 8.83 (9.79, p=0.5747. Conclusiones: Diarrea aguda es un problema de salud pública en la selva de San Martín. Hacinamiento, carencia de saneamiento y pobres prácticas higiénicas son los responsables para adquirir diarrea aguda en esta comunidad de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Campañas educativas y mejora en las condiciones sanitarias son claramente necesarias para superar este problema.

  10. Regulation of Axonal Midline Guidance by Prolyl 4-Hydroxylation in Caenorhabditis elegans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torpe, Nanna; Pocock, Roger David John


    , little is known of its importance in the control of axon guidance. In a screen of prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4H) mutants, we found that genetic removal of a specific P4H subunit, DPY-18, causes dramatic defects in C. elegans neuroanatomy. In dpy-18 mutant animals, the axons of specific ventral nerve cord......Neuronal wiring during development requires that the growth cones of axons and dendrites are correctly guided to their appropriate targets. As in other animals, axon growth cones in Caenorhabditis elegans integrate information in their extracellular environment via interactions among transiently...

  11. Delineating neurotrophin-3 dependent signaling pathways underlying sympathetic axon growth along intermediate targets. (United States)

    Keeler, Austin B; Suo, Dong; Park, Juyeon; Deppmann, Christopher D


    Postganglionic sympathetic neurons detect vascular derived neurotrophin 3 (NT3) via the axonally expressed receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkA, to promote chemo-attraction along intermediate targets. Once axons arrive to their final target, a structurally related neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor (NGF), also acts through TrkA to promote final target innervation. Does TrkA signal differently at these different locales? We previously found that Coronin-1 is upregulated in sympathetic neurons upon exposure to NGF, thereby endowing the NGF-TrkA complex with new signaling capabilities (i.e. calcium signaling), which dampens axon growth and branching. Based on the notion that axons do not express functional levels of Coronin-1 prior to final target innervation, we developed an in vitro model for axon growth and branching along intermediate targets using Coro1a -/- neurons grown in NT3. We found that, similar to NGF-TrkA, NT3-TrkA is capable of inducing MAPK and PI3K in the presence or absence of Coronin-1. However, unlike NGF, NT3 does not induce calcium release from intracellular stores. Using a combination of pharmacology, knockout neurons and in vitro functional assays, we suggest that the NT3-TrkA complex uses Ras/MAPK and/or PI3K-AKT signaling to induce axon growth and inhibit axon branching along intermediate targets. However, in the presence of Coronin-1, these signaling pathways lose their ability to impact NT3 dependent axon growth or branching. This is consistent with a role for Coronin-1 as a molecular switch for axon behavior and suggests that Coronin-1 suppresses NT3 dependent axon behavior. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Motoneuron axon pathfinding errors in zebrafish: Differential effects related to concentration and timing of nicotine exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menelaou, Evdokia; Paul, Latoya T.; Perera, Surangi N.; Svoboda, Kurt R.


    Nicotine exposure during embryonic stages of development can affect many neurodevelopmental processes. In the developing zebrafish, exposure to nicotine was reported to cause axonal pathfinding errors in the later born secondary motoneurons (SMNs). These alterations in SMN axon morphology coincided with muscle degeneration at high nicotine concentrations (15–30 μM). Previous work showed that the paralytic mutant zebrafish known as sofa potato exhibited nicotine-induced effects onto SMN axons at these high concentrations but in the absence of any muscle deficits, indicating that pathfinding errors could occur independent of muscle effects. In this study, we used varying concentrations of nicotine at different developmental windows of exposure to specifically isolate its effects onto subpopulations of motoneuron axons. We found that nicotine exposure can affect SMN axon morphology in a dose-dependent manner. At low concentrations of nicotine, SMN axons exhibited pathfinding errors, in the absence of any nicotine-induced muscle abnormalities. Moreover, the nicotine exposure paradigms used affected the 3 subpopulations of SMN axons differently, but the dorsal projecting SMN axons were primarily affected. We then identified morphologically distinct pathfinding errors that best described the nicotine-induced effects on dorsal projecting SMN axons. To test whether SMN pathfinding was potentially influenced by alterations in the early born primary motoneuron (PMN), we performed dual labeling studies, where both PMN and SMN axons were simultaneously labeled with antibodies. We show that only a subset of the SMN axon pathfinding errors coincided with abnormal PMN axonal targeting in nicotine-exposed zebrafish. We conclude that nicotine exposure can exert differential effects depending on the levels of nicotine and developmental exposure window. - Highlights: • Embryonic nicotine exposure can specifically affect secondary motoneuron axons in a dose-dependent manner.

  13. Motoneuron axon pathfinding errors in zebrafish: Differential effects related to concentration and timing of nicotine exposure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menelaou, Evdokia; Paul, Latoya T. [Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Perera, Surangi N. [Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53205 (United States); Svoboda, Kurt R., E-mail: [Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53205 (United States)


    Nicotine exposure during embryonic stages of development can affect many neurodevelopmental processes. In the developing zebrafish, exposure to nicotine was reported to cause axonal pathfinding errors in the later born secondary motoneurons (SMNs). These alterations in SMN axon morphology coincided with muscle degeneration at high nicotine concentrations (15–30 μM). Previous work showed that the paralytic mutant zebrafish known as sofa potato exhibited nicotine-induced effects onto SMN axons at these high concentrations but in the absence of any muscle deficits, indicating that pathfinding errors could occur independent of muscle effects. In this study, we used varying concentrations of nicotine at different developmental windows of exposure to specifically isolate its effects onto subpopulations of motoneuron axons. We found that nicotine exposure can affect SMN axon morphology in a dose-dependent manner. At low concentrations of nicotine, SMN axons exhibited pathfinding errors, in the absence of any nicotine-induced muscle abnormalities. Moreover, the nicotine exposure paradigms used affected the 3 subpopulations of SMN axons differently, but the dorsal projecting SMN axons were primarily affected. We then identified morphologically distinct pathfinding errors that best described the nicotine-induced effects on dorsal projecting SMN axons. To test whether SMN pathfinding was potentially influenced by alterations in the early born primary motoneuron (PMN), we performed dual labeling studies, where both PMN and SMN axons were simultaneously labeled with antibodies. We show that only a subset of the SMN axon pathfinding errors coincided with abnormal PMN axonal targeting in nicotine-exposed zebrafish. We conclude that nicotine exposure can exert differential effects depending on the levels of nicotine and developmental exposure window. - Highlights: • Embryonic nicotine exposure can specifically affect secondary motoneuron axons in a dose-dependent manner.

  14. Effects of X-irradiation on axonal sprouting induced by botulinum toxin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez, S; Duchen, L W [National Hospital, London (UK); Hornsey, S [Hammersmith Hospital, London (UK). M.R.C. Cyclotron Unit


    The effect of X-irradiation on axonal sprouting of motor nerves induced by botulinum toxin was examined. Muscles of one leg in the mouse were X-irradiated (15Gy) prior to the injection of a locally paralysing dose of botulinum toxin. It was found that axonal sprouting occurred as expected, but the sprouts remained unmyelinated and many degenerated. Fewer new end-plates were formed, muscles remained more severely atrophied and supersensitive to acetylcholine and recovery of neuromuscular transmission was greatly delayed when compared with the effects of botulinum toxin alone. X-irradiation did not prevent sprouting but, probably by impairing Schwann cell proliferation, altered axon-Schwann cell relationships and prevented the maturation of newly-formed axons and the differentiation of new end-plates.

  15. Modeling of the axon membrane skeleton structure and implications for its mechanical properties.

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    Yihao Zhang


    Full Text Available Super-resolution microscopy recently revealed that, unlike the soma and dendrites, the axon membrane skeleton is structured as a series of actin rings connected by spectrin filaments that are held under tension. Currently, the structure-function relationship of the axonal structure is unclear. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM to show that the stiffness of the axon plasma membrane is significantly higher than the stiffnesses of dendrites and somata. To examine whether the structure of the axon plasma membrane determines its overall stiffness, we introduced a coarse-grain molecular dynamics model of the axon membrane skeleton that reproduces the structure identified by super-resolution microscopy. Our proposed computational model accurately simulates the median value of the Young's modulus of the axon plasma membrane determined by atomic force microscopy. It also predicts that because the spectrin filaments are under entropic tension, the thermal random motion of the voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav, which are bound to ankyrin particles, a critical axonal protein, is reduced compared to the thermal motion when spectrin filaments are held at equilibrium. Lastly, our model predicts that because spectrin filaments are under tension, any axonal injuries that lacerate spectrin filaments will likely lead to a permanent disruption of the membrane skeleton due to the inability of spectrin filaments to spontaneously form their initial under-tension configuration.

  16. Modeling of the axon membrane skeleton structure and implications for its mechanical properties. (United States)

    Zhang, Yihao; Abiraman, Krithika; Li, He; Pierce, David M; Tzingounis, Anastasios V; Lykotrafitis, George


    Super-resolution microscopy recently revealed that, unlike the soma and dendrites, the axon membrane skeleton is structured as a series of actin rings connected by spectrin filaments that are held under tension. Currently, the structure-function relationship of the axonal structure is unclear. Here, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to show that the stiffness of the axon plasma membrane is significantly higher than the stiffnesses of dendrites and somata. To examine whether the structure of the axon plasma membrane determines its overall stiffness, we introduced a coarse-grain molecular dynamics model of the axon membrane skeleton that reproduces the structure identified by super-resolution microscopy. Our proposed computational model accurately simulates the median value of the Young's modulus of the axon plasma membrane determined by atomic force microscopy. It also predicts that because the spectrin filaments are under entropic tension, the thermal random motion of the voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav), which are bound to ankyrin particles, a critical axonal protein, is reduced compared to the thermal motion when spectrin filaments are held at equilibrium. Lastly, our model predicts that because spectrin filaments are under tension, any axonal injuries that lacerate spectrin filaments will likely lead to a permanent disruption of the membrane skeleton due to the inability of spectrin filaments to spontaneously form their initial under-tension configuration.

  17. Microtubule-targeting drugs rescue axonal swellings in cortical neurons from spastin knockout mice

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    Coralie Fassier


    Mutations in SPG4, encoding the microtubule-severing protein spastin, are responsible for the most frequent form of hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP, a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases characterized by degeneration of the corticospinal tracts. We previously reported that mice harboring a deletion in Spg4, generating a premature stop codon, develop progressive axonal degeneration characterized by focal axonal swellings associated with impaired axonal transport. To further characterize the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying this mutant phenotype, we have assessed microtubule dynamics and axonal transport in primary cultures of cortical neurons from spastin-mutant mice. We show an early and marked impairment of microtubule dynamics all along the axons of spastin-deficient cortical neurons, which is likely to be responsible for the occurrence of axonal swellings and cargo stalling. Our analysis also reveals that a modulation of microtubule dynamics by microtubule-targeting drugs rescues the mutant phenotype of cortical neurons. Together, these results contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of SPG4-linked HSP and ascertain the influence of microtubule-targeted drugs on the early axonal phenotype in a mouse model of the disease.

  18. In vivo imaging reveals mitophagy independence in the maintenance of axonal mitochondria during normal aging. (United States)

    Cao, Xu; Wang, Haiqiong; Wang, Zhao; Wang, Qingyao; Zhang, Shuang; Deng, Yuanping; Fang, Yanshan


    Mitophagy is thought to be a critical mitochondrial quality control mechanism in neurons and has been extensively studied in neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease. However, little is known about how mitochondria are maintained in the lengthy neuronal axons in the context of physiological aging. Here, we utilized the unique Drosophila wing nerve model and in vivo imaging to rigorously profile changes in axonal mitochondria during aging. We revealed that mitochondria became fragmented and accumulated in aged axons. However, lack of Pink1 or Parkin did not lead to the accumulation of axonal mitochondria or axonal degeneration. Further, unlike in in vitro cultured neurons, we found that mitophagy rarely occurred in intact axons in vivo, even in aged animals. Furthermore, blocking overall mitophagy by knockdown of the core autophagy genes Atg12 or Atg17 had little effect on the turnover of axonal mitochondria or axonal integrity, suggesting that mitophagy is not required for axonal maintenance; this is regardless of whether the mitophagy is PINK1-Parkin dependent or independent. In contrast, downregulation of mitochondrial fission-fusion genes caused age-dependent axonal degeneration. Moreover, Opa1 expression in the fly head was significantly decreased with age, which may underlie the accumulation of fragmented mitochondria in aged axons. Finally, we showed that adult-onset, neuronal downregulation of the fission-fusion, but not mitophagy genes, dramatically accelerated features of aging. We propose that axonal mitochondria are maintained independently of mitophagy and that mitophagy-independent mechanisms such as fission-fusion may be central to the maintenance of axonal mitochondria and neural integrity during normal aging. © 2017 The Authors. Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Synaptic Democracy and Vesicular Transport in Axons (United States)

    Bressloff, Paul C.; Levien, Ethan


    Synaptic democracy concerns the general problem of how regions of an axon or dendrite far from the cell body (soma) of a neuron can play an effective role in neuronal function. For example, stimulated synapses far from the soma are unlikely to influence the firing of a neuron unless some sort of active dendritic processing occurs. Analogously, the motor-driven transport of newly synthesized proteins from the soma to presynaptic targets along the axon tends to favor the delivery of resources to proximal synapses. Both of these phenomena reflect fundamental limitations of transport processes based on a localized source. In this Letter, we show that a more democratic distribution of proteins along an axon can be achieved by making the transport process less efficient. This involves two components: bidirectional or "stop-and-go" motor transport (which can be modeled in terms of advection-diffusion), and reversible interactions between motor-cargo complexes and synaptic targets. Both of these features have recently been observed experimentally. Our model suggests that, just as in human societies, there needs to be a balance between "efficiency" and "equality".

  20. Characterization of patients with head trauma and traumatic axonal injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mosquera Betancourt, Dra.C. Gretel; Van Duc, Dr. Hanh; Casares Delgado, Dr. Jorge Alejandro; Hernández González, Dr. Erick Héctor


    Background: traumatic axonal injury is characterized by multifocal lesions, consequences of primary, secondary and tertiary damage which is able to cause varying degrees of disability. Objective: to characterize patients with traumatic axonal injury. Methods: a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted from January 2014 to December 2015. The target population was composed of 35 patients over age 18 whose diagnosis was traumatic axonal injury type I and IV of the Marshall computed tomographic (CT) classification. With the data collected from medical records revisions and direct observation, a database was created in SPSS for its processing through univariate and multivariate techniques. Results: male patients between 18 and 30 years old without bad habits prevailed. Most of the patients survived and death was associated with the presence of severe traumatic axonal injury, Marshall computed tomographic (CT) classification degree III, complications and presence of trauma in thorax, abdomen and cervical spine. Conclusions: diagnosis of traumatic axonal injury is based on the clinical radiological correlation based on images from tomography and it is confirmed by Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Histological study shows injuries that are not demonstrated in the most advanced radiological studies. Its prevention is the most fundamental base in medical assistance, followed by neurocritical attention oriented by neuromonitoring. (author)

  1. Functional complexity of the axonal growth cone: a proteomic analysis.

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    Adriana Estrada-Bernal

    Full Text Available The growth cone, the tip of the emerging neurite, plays a crucial role in establishing the wiring of the developing nervous system. We performed an extensive proteomic analysis of axonal growth cones isolated from the brains of fetal Sprague-Dawley rats. Approximately 2000 proteins were identified at ≥ 99% confidence level. Using informatics, including functional annotation cluster and KEGG pathway analysis, we found great diversity of proteins involved in axonal pathfinding, cytoskeletal remodeling, vesicular traffic and carbohydrate metabolism, as expected. We also found a large and complex array of proteins involved in translation, protein folding, posttranslational processing, and proteasome/ubiquitination-dependent degradation. Immunofluorescence studies performed on hippocampal neurons in culture confirmed the presence in the axonal growth cone of proteins representative of these processes. These analyses also provide evidence for rough endoplasmic reticulum and reveal a reticular structure equipped with Golgi-like functions in the axonal growth cone. Furthermore, Western blot revealed the growth cone enrichment, relative to fetal brain homogenate, of some of the proteins involved in protein synthesis, folding and catabolism. Our study provides a resource for further research and amplifies the relatively recently developed concept that the axonal growth cone is equipped with proteins capable of performing a highly diverse range of functions.

  2. Wnt3 and Gata4 regulate axon regeneration in adult mouse DRG neurons. (United States)

    Duan, Run-Shan; Liu, Pei-Pei; Xi, Feng; Wang, Wei-Hua; Tang, Gang-Bin; Wang, Rui-Ying; Saijilafu; Liu, Chang-Mei


    Neurons in the adult central nervous system (CNS) have a poor intrinsic axon growth potential after injury, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Wingless-related mouse mammary tumor virus integration site (WNT) family members regulate neural stem cell proliferation, axon tract and forebrain development in the nervous system. Here we report that Wnt3 is an important modulator of axon regeneration. Downregulation or overexpression of Wnt3 in adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons enhances or inhibits their axon regeneration ability respectively in vitro and in vivo. Especially, we show that Wnt3 modulates axon regeneration by repressing mRNA translation of the important transcription factor Gata4 via binding to the three prime untranslated region (3'UTR). Downregulation of Gata4 could restore the phenotype exhibited by Wnt3 downregulation in DRG neurons. Taken together, these data indicate that Wnt3 is a key intrinsic regulator of axon growth ability of the nervous system. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Phospholipid synthesis in the squid giant axon: incorporation of lipid precursors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gould, R.M.; Pant, H.; Gainer, H.; Tytell, M.


    The squid giant axon and extruded axoplasm from the giant axon were used to study the capacity of axoplasm for phospholipid synthesis. Extruded axoplasm, suspended in chemically defined media, catalyzed the synthesis of phospholipids from all of the precursors tested. /sup 32/P-Labeled inorganic phosphate and gamma-labeled ATP were actively incorporated into phosphatidylinositol phosphate, while (2-/sup 3/H)myo-inositol and L-(/sup 3/H(G))serine were actively incorporated into phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine, respectively. Though less well utilized. (2-/sup 3/H)glycerol was incorporated into phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylinositol, and triglyceride, and methyl-3H)choline and (1-/sup 3/H)ethanolamine were incorporated into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, respectively. Isolated squid giant axons were incubated in artificial seawater containing the above precursors. The axoplasm was extruded following the incubations. Although most of the product lipids were recovered in the sheath (composed of cortical axoplasm, axolemma, and surrounding satellite cells), significant amounts (4-20%) were present in the extruded axoplasm. With tritiated choline and myo-inositol, the major labeled phospholipids found in both the extruded axoplasm and the sheath were phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol, respectively. With both glycerol and phosphate, phosphatidylethanolamine was a major labeled lipid in both axoplasm and sheath. These findings demonstrate that all classes of phospholipids are formed by endogenous synthetic enzymes in axoplasm. In addition, we feel that the different patterns of incorporation by intact axons and extruded axoplasm indicate that surrounding sheath cells contribute lipids to axoplasm. A comprehensive picture of axonal lipid metabolism should include axoplasmic synthesis and glial-axon transfer as pathways complementing the axonal transport of perikaryally formed lipids.

  4. Perilesional edema in radiation necrosis reflects axonal degeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez-Torres, Carlos J; Yuan, Liya; Schmidt, Robert E; Rich, Keith M; Ackerman, Joseph JH; Garbow, Joel R


    Recently, we characterized a Gamma Knife® radiation necrosis mouse model with various magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols to identify biomarkers useful in differentiation from tumors. Though the irradiation was focal to one hemisphere, a contralateral injury was observed that appeared to be localized in the white matter only. Interestingly, this injury was identifiable in T2-weighted images, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) maps, but not on post-contrast T1-weighted images. This observation of edema independent of vascular changes is akin to the perilesional edema seen in clinical radiation necrosis. The pathology underlying the observed white-matter MRI changes was explored by performing immunohistochemistry for healthy axons and myelin. The presence of both healthy axons and myelin was reduced in the contralateral white-matter lesion. Based on our immunohistochemical findings, the contralateral white-matter injury is most likely due to axonal degeneration

  5. Dynamic Changes of Neuroskeletal Proteins in DRGs Underlie Impaired Axonal Maturation and Progressive Axonal Degeneration in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Hideki Kamiya


    Full Text Available We investigated mechanisms underlying progressive axonal dysfunction and structural deficits in type 1 BB/Wor-rats from 1 week to 10 month diabetes duration. Motor and sensory conduction velocities were decreased after 4 and 6 weeks of diabetes and declined further over the remaining 9 months. Myelinated sural nerve fibers showed progressive deficits in fiber numbers and sizes. Structural deficits in unmyelinated axonal size were evident at 2 month and deficits in number were present at 4 mo. These changes were preceded by decreased availability of insulin, C-peptide and IGF-1 and decreased expression of neurofilaments and β-III-tubulin. Upregulation of phosphorylating stress kinases like Cdk5, p-GSK-3β, and p42/44 resulted in increased phosphorylation of neurofilaments. Increasing activity of p-GSK-3β correlated with increasing phosphorylation of NFH, whereas decreasing Cdk5 correlated with diminishing phosphorylation of NFM. The data suggest that impaired neurotrophic support results in sequentially impaired synthesis and postranslational modifications of neuroskeletal proteins, resulting in progressive deficits in axonal function, maturation and size.

  6. Esclerosis múltiple: Revisión bibliográfica Multiple sclerosis: Bigliographical review

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    Dania Ruíz García


    Full Text Available La esclerosis múltiple es la causa principal de discapacidad neurológica en adultos jóvenes. Tiene un amplio espectro clínico, desde formas benignas a malignas. En Cuba, región tropical considerada de baja prevalencia, existen alrededor de 550 a 1 650 pacientes. La enfermedad se inicia entre los 20 y los 40 años, predomina en mujeres, su etiología es desconocida y diversos mecanismos patogénicos han sido planteados. Es inmunomediada y se caracteriza por desmielinización, edema, remielinización y daño axonal. Existe en forma silente, o sea, que es activa incluso durante la aparente estabilidad clínica. Sus formas clínicas son exacerbación-remisión, crónica progresiva, benigna y aguda fulminante. Para el diagnóstico se utilizan los criterios de Mc Donalds revisados. La resonancia magnética de imágenes tiene valor para el diagnóstico y para el pronóstico. La metilprednisolona se emplea en el tratamiento de los brotes y para retardar las recurrencias, y el interferón beta 1, en la forma progresiva secundaria.Multiple sclerosis is the main cause of neurological disability in young adults. It has a wide clinical spectrum from benign to malignant forms. In Cuba , a tropical region considered of low prevalence, there are approximately from 550 to 1 650 patients. The disease begins in individuals aged 20-40, with a predominance of females. Its aetiology is unknown, and diverse pathogenic mechanisms have been suggested. It is immunomediated, and it is also characterized by demyelination, edema, remyelination, and axonal damage. There is a silent form that may be active even during the apparent clinical stability. Its clinical forms are exacerbation-remission, progressive chronic, benign, and fulminant acute. The reviewed McDonald's criteria are used for the diagnosis. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is valuable for the diagnosis and prognosis. Methylprednisolone is used to treat outbreaks, and to delay relapses, whereas

  7. Independent signaling by Drosophila insulin receptor for axon guidance and growth. (United States)

    Li, Caroline R; Guo, Dongyu; Pick, Leslie


    The Drosophila insulin receptor (DInR) regulates a diverse array of biological processes including growth, axon guidance, and sugar homeostasis. Growth regulation by DInR is mediated by Chico, the Drosophila homolog of vertebrate insulin receptor substrate proteins IRS1-4. In contrast, DInR regulation of photoreceptor axon guidance in the developing visual system is mediated by the SH2-SH3 domain adaptor protein Dreadlocks (Dock). In vitro studies by others identified five NPXY motifs, one in the juxtamembrane region and four in the signaling C-terminal tail (C-tail), important for interaction with Chico. Here we used yeast two-hybrid assays to identify regions in the DInR C-tail that interact with Dock. These Dock binding sites were in separate portions of the C-tail from the previously identified Chico binding sites. To test whether these sites are required for growth or axon guidance in whole animals, a panel of DInR proteins, in which the putative Chico and Dock interaction sites had been mutated individually or in combination, were tested for their ability to rescue viability, growth and axon guidance defects of dinr mutant flies. Sites required for viability were identified. Unexpectedly, mutation of both putative Dock binding sites, either individually or in combination, did not lead to defects in photoreceptor axon guidance. Thus, either sites also required for viability are necessary for DInR function in axon guidance and/or there is redundancy built into the DInR/Dock interaction such that Dock is able to interact with multiple regions of DInR. We also found that simultaneous mutation of all five NPXY motifs implicated in Chico interaction drastically decreased growth in both male and female adult flies. These animals resembled chico mutants, supporting the notion that DInR interacts directly with Chico in vivo to control body size. Mutation of these five NPXY motifs did not affect photoreceptor axon guidance, segregating the roles of DInR in the

  8. Chronic severe axonal polyneuropathy associated with hyperthyroidism and multivitamin deficiency. (United States)

    Sugie, Kazuma; Umehara, Fujio; Kataoka, Hiroshi; Kumazawa, Aya; Ueno, Satoshi


    Hyperthyroidism is often associated with various neuromuscular disorders, most commonly proximal myopathy. Peripheral nerve involvement in hyperthyroidism is very uncommon and has rarely been reported. We describe a 29-year-old woman with untreated hyperthyroidism who presented with chronic severe axonal sensory-motor polyneuropathy. Peripheral nerve involvement developed together with other symptoms of hyperthyroidism 2 years before presentation. She also had anorexia nervosa for the past 6 months, resulting in multivitamin deficiency. Electrophysiological and pathological findings as well as clinical manifestations confirmed the diagnosis of severe axonal polyneuropathy. Anorexia nervosa has been considered a manifestation of untreated hyperthyroidism. We considered hyperthyroidism to be an important causal factor in the polyneuropathy in our patient, although peripheral nerve involvement in hyperthyroidism is rare. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of chronic severe axonal polyneuropathy ascribed to both hyperthyroidism and multivitamin deficiency. Our findings strongly suggest that not only multivitamin deficiency, but also hyperthyroidism can cause axonal polyneuropathy, thus expanding the clinical spectrum of hyperthyroidism.

  9. Molecular Analysis of Sensory Axon Branching Unraveled a cGMP-Dependent Signaling Cascade. (United States)

    Dumoulin, Alexandre; Ter-Avetisyan, Gohar; Schmidt, Hannes; Rathjen, Fritz G


    Axonal branching is a key process in the establishment of circuit connectivity within the nervous system. Molecular-genetic studies have shown that a specific form of axonal branching—the bifurcation of sensory neurons at the transition zone between the peripheral and the central nervous system—is regulated by a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent signaling cascade which is composed of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), the receptor guanylyl cyclase Npr2, and cGMP-dependent protein kinase Iα (cGKIα). In the absence of any one of these components, neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and cranial sensory ganglia no longer bifurcate, and instead turn in either an ascending or a descending direction. In contrast, collateral axonal branch formation which represents a second type of axonal branch formation is not affected by inactivation of CNP, Npr2, or cGKI. Whereas axon bifurcation was lost in mouse mutants deficient for components of CNP-induced cGMP formation; the absence of the cGMP-degrading enzyme phosphodiesterase 2A had no effect on axon bifurcation. Adult mice that lack sensory axon bifurcation due to the conditional inactivation of Npr2-mediated cGMP signaling in DRG neurons demonstrated an altered shape of sensory axon terminal fields in the spinal cord, indicating that elaborate compensatory mechanisms reorganize neuronal circuits in the absence of bifurcation. On a functional level, these mice showed impaired heat sensation and nociception induced by chemical irritants, whereas responses to cold sensation, mechanical stimulation, and motor coordination are normal. These data point to a critical role of axon bifurcation for the processing of acute pain perception.

  10. Molecular Analysis of Sensory Axon Branching Unraveled a cGMP-Dependent Signaling Cascade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Dumoulin


    Full Text Available Axonal branching is a key process in the establishment of circuit connectivity within the nervous system. Molecular-genetic studies have shown that a specific form of axonal branching—the bifurcation of sensory neurons at the transition zone between the peripheral and the central nervous system—is regulated by a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP-dependent signaling cascade which is composed of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP, the receptor guanylyl cyclase Npr2, and cGMP-dependent protein kinase Iα (cGKIα. In the absence of any one of these components, neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG and cranial sensory ganglia no longer bifurcate, and instead turn in either an ascending or a descending direction. In contrast, collateral axonal branch formation which represents a second type of axonal branch formation is not affected by inactivation of CNP, Npr2, or cGKI. Whereas axon bifurcation was lost in mouse mutants deficient for components of CNP-induced cGMP formation; the absence of the cGMP-degrading enzyme phosphodiesterase 2A had no effect on axon bifurcation. Adult mice that lack sensory axon bifurcation due to the conditional inactivation of Npr2-mediated cGMP signaling in DRG neurons demonstrated an altered shape of sensory axon terminal fields in the spinal cord, indicating that elaborate compensatory mechanisms reorganize neuronal circuits in the absence of bifurcation. On a functional level, these mice showed impaired heat sensation and nociception induced by chemical irritants, whereas responses to cold sensation, mechanical stimulation, and motor coordination are normal. These data point to a critical role of axon bifurcation for the processing of acute pain perception.

  11. Acidosis láctica severa y leucemia aguda

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    David Loja


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 27 años de edad con leucemia linfoblástica aguda, quien presentó acidosis láctica severa como complicación metabólica. Ella acudió con desnutrición severa, anemia marcada y síndrome consuntivo. No había compromiso del sistema reticuloendotelial y un mielograma inicial fue normal. Estos factores retardaron el diagnóstico y obligaron a ampliar el diagnóstico diferencial. La sospecha de neoplasia hematológica asociada a acidosis láctica sin causa aparente permitió reevaluar el caso con un nuevo mielograma y establecer el diagnóstico.

  12. Uncovering sensory axonal dysfunction in asymptomatic type 2 diabetic neuropathy.

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    Jia-Ying Sung

    Full Text Available This study investigated sensory and motor nerve excitability properties to elucidate the development of diabetic neuropathy. A total of 109 type 2 diabetes patients were recruited, and 106 were analyzed. According to neuropathy severity, patients were categorized into G0, G1, and G2+3 groups using the total neuropathy score-reduced (TNSr. Patients in the G0 group were asymptomatic and had a TNSr score of 0. Sensory and motor nerve excitability data from diabetic patients were compared with data from 33 healthy controls. Clinical assessment, nerve conduction studies, and sensory and motor nerve excitability testing data were analyzed to determine axonal dysfunction in diabetic neuropathy. In the G0 group, sensory excitability testing revealed increased stimulus for the 50% sensory nerve action potential (P<0.05, shortened strength-duration time constant (P<0.01, increased superexcitability (P<0.01, decreased subexcitability (P<0.05, decreased accommodation to depolarizing current (P<0.01, and a trend of decreased accommodation to hyperpolarizing current in threshold electrotonus. All the changes progressed into G1 (TNSr 1-8 and G2+3 (TNSr 9-24 groups. In contrast, motor excitability only had significantly increased stimulus for the 50% compound motor nerve action potential (P<0.01 in the G0 group. This study revealed that the development of axonal dysfunction in sensory axons occurred prior to and in a different fashion from motor axons. Additionally, sensory nerve excitability tests can detect axonal dysfunction even in asymptomatic patients. These insights further our understanding of diabetic neuropathy and enable the early detection of sensory axonal abnormalities, which may provide a basis for neuroprotective therapeutic approaches.

  13. NMNAT1 inhibits axon degeneration via blockade of SARM1-mediated NAD+ depletion (United States)

    Sasaki, Yo; Nakagawa, Takashi; Mao, Xianrong; DiAntonio, Aaron; Milbrandt, Jeffrey


    Overexpression of the NAD+ biosynthetic enzyme NMNAT1 leads to preservation of injured axons. While increased NAD+ or decreased NMN levels are thought to be critical to this process, the mechanism(s) of this axon protection remain obscure. Using steady-state and flux analysis of NAD+ metabolites in healthy and injured mouse dorsal root ganglion axons, we find that rather than altering NAD+ synthesis, NMNAT1 instead blocks the injury-induced, SARM1-dependent NAD+ consumption that is central to axon degeneration. DOI: PMID:27735788

  14. Axon tension regulates fasciculation/defasciculation through the control of axon shaft zippering

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šmít, Daniel; Fouquet, C.; Pincet, F.; Zápotocký, Martin; Trembleau, A.


    Roč. 6, Apr 19 (2017), č. článku e19907. ISSN 2050-084X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-16755S; GA MŠk(CZ) 7AMB12FR002 Institutional support: RVO:67985823 Keywords : biophysics * cell adhesion * coarsening * developmental biology * mathematical model * mechanical tension * axon guidance Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics OBOR OECD: Biophysics Impact factor: 7.725, year: 2016

  15. Reversible Axonal Dystrophy by Calcium Modulation in Frataxin-Deficient Sensory Neurons of YG8R Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belén Mollá


    Full Text Available Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA is a peripheral neuropathy involving a loss of proprioceptive sensory neurons. Studies of biopsies from patients suggest that axonal dysfunction precedes the death of proprioceptive neurons in a dying-back process. We observed that the deficiency of frataxin in sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia (DRG of the YG8R mouse model causes the formation of axonal spheroids which retain dysfunctional mitochondria, shows alterations in the cytoskeleton and it produces impairment of axonal transport and autophagic flux. The homogenous distribution of axonal spheroids along the neurites supports the existence of continues focal damages. This lead us to propose for FRDA a model of distal axonopathy based on axonal focal damages. In addition, we observed the involvement of oxidative stress and dyshomeostasis of calcium in axonal spheroid formation generating axonal injury as a primary cause of pathophysiology. Axonal spheroids may be a consequence of calcium imbalance, thus we propose the quenching or removal extracellular Ca2+ to prevent spheroids formation. In our neuronal model, treatments with BAPTA and o-phenanthroline reverted the axonal dystrophy and the mitochondrial dysmorphic parameters. These results support the hypothesis that axonal pathology is reversible in FRDA by pharmacological manipulation of intracellular Ca2+ with Ca2+ chelators or metalloprotease inhibitors, preventing Ca2+-mediated axonal injury. Thus, the modulation of Ca2+ levels may be a relevant therapeutic target to develop early axonal protection and prevent dying-back neurodegeneration.

  16. Role of calpains in the injury-induced dysfunction and degeneration of the mammalian axon. (United States)

    Ma, Marek


    Axonal injury and degeneration, whether primary or secondary, contribute to the morbidity and mortality seen in many acquired and inherited central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) disorders, such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral ischemia, neurodegenerative diseases, and peripheral neuropathies. The calpain family of proteases has been mechanistically linked to the dysfunction and degeneration of axons. While the direct mechanisms by which transection, mechanical strain, ischemia, or complement activation trigger intra-axonal calpain activity are likely different, the downstream effects of unregulated calpain activity may be similar in seemingly disparate diseases. In this review, a brief examination of axonal structure is followed by a focused overview of the calpain family. Finally, the mechanisms by which calpains may disrupt the axonal cytoskeleton, transport, and specialized domains (axon initial segment, nodes, and terminals) are discussed. © 2013.

  17. Hydrogels as scaffolds and delivery systems to enhance axonal regeneration after injuries

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    Oscar A. Carballo-Molina


    Full Text Available Damage caused to neural tissue by disease or injury frequently produces a discontinuity in the nervous system. Such damage generates diverse alterations that are commonly permanent, due to the limited regeneration capacity of the adult nervous system, particularly the Central Nervous System (CNS. The cellular reaction to noxious stimulus leads to several events such as the formation of glial and fibrous scars, which inhibit axonal regeneration in both the CNS and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS. Although in the PNS there is some degree of nerve regeneration, it is common that the growing axons reinnervate incorrect areas, causing mismatches. Providing a permissive substrate for axonal regeneration in combination with delivery systems for the release of molecules, which enhances axonal growth, could increase regeneration and the recovery of functions in the CNS or the PNS. Currently, there are no effective vehicles to supply growth factors or cells to the damaged/diseased nervous system. Hydrogels are polymers that are biodegradable, biocompatible and have the capacity to deliver a large range of molecules in situ. The inclusion of cultured neural cells into hydrogels forming three-dimensional structures allows the formation of synapses and neuronal survival. There is also evidence showing that hydrogels constitute an amenable substrate for axonal growth of endogenous or grafted cells, overcoming the presence of axonal regeneration inhibitory molecules, in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Recent experiments suggest that hydrogels can carry and deliver several proteins relevant for improving neuronal survival and axonal growth. Although the use of hydrogels is appealing, its effectiveness is still a matter of discussion, and more results are needed to achieve consistent recovery using different parameters. This review also discusses areas of opportunity where hydrogels can be applied, in order to promote axonal regeneration of

  18. Amigdalitis aguda recurrente bacteriana: Estudio prospectivo, comparativo y controlado de sus características clínicas y microbiológicas


    Der M,Carolina; Iñiguez C,Rodrigo; Guzman D,Ana Maria; Jofré P,David; Iñiguez C,Armando; Labarca L,Jaime


    Introducción: La amigdalitis aguda recurrente es una patología de frecuente consulta, es una de las indicaciones de amigdalectomía. No se sabe con exactitud el origen de esta patología. Objetivo: Identificar la microbiología y patrones de susceptibilidad de las bacterias en la amigdalitis aguda recurrente bacteriana (AARB) a los antimicrobianos más comúnmente en el medio nacional, usados en su tratamiento. Material y método: Se planificó un estudio prospectivo, controlado y ciego. Se evaluaro...

  19. Glomerulonefritis aguda post-infecciosa asociada a neumonía neumocócica Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis associated to pneumococcal pneumonia


    S. Fernández de Miguel; E. de Goicoechea Manzanares; M. Gaboli; J.M. Sánchez Granados; V. Murga Herrera


    Presentamos un niño de 6 años con insuficiencia renal aguda secundaria a glomerulonefritis asociada a neumonía neumocócica. El paciente presentó en primer lugar un síndrome nefrítico con hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria, edemas y deterioro de la función renal, siendo diagnosticado a continuación de neumonía con derrame pleural. La función renal se normalizó tras 72 horas, persistiendo una hipertensión arterial que precisó tratamiento en la fase aguda. El cuadro se resolvió sin secue...

  20. Nuclear-Encoded Mitochondrial mRNAs: A Powerful Force in Axonal Growth and Development. (United States)

    Gale, Jenna R; Aschrafi, Armaz; Gioio, Anthony E; Kaplan, Barry B


    Axons, their growth cones, and synaptic nerve terminals are neuronal subcompartments that have high energetic needs. As such, they are enriched in mitochondria, which supply the ATP necessary to meet these demands. To date, a heterogeneous population of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNAs has been identified in distal axons and growth cones. Accumulating evidence suggests that the local translation of these mRNAs is required for mitochondrial maintenance and axonal viability. Here, we review evidence that suggests a critical role for axonal translation of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial mRNAs in axonal growth and development. Additionally, we explore the role that site-specific translation at the mitochondria itself may play in this process. Finally, we briefly review the clinical implications of dysregulation of local translation of mitochondrial-related mRNAs in neurodevelopmental disorders.

  1. Growing axons analysis by using Granulometric Size Distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, Mariela A; Ballarin, Virginia L; Rapacioli, Melina; CelIn, A R; Sanchez, V; Flores, V


    Neurite growth (neuritogenesis) in vitro is a common methodology in the field of developmental neurobiology. Morphological analyses of growing neurites are usually difficult because their thinness and low contrast usually prevent to observe clearly their shape, number, length and spatial orientation. This paper presents the use of the granulometric size distribution in order to automatically obtain information about the shape, size and spatial orientation of growing axons in tissue cultures. The results here presented show that the granulometric size distribution results in a very useful morphological tool since it allows the automatic detection of growing axons and the precise characterization of a relevant parameter indicative of the axonal growth spatial orientation such as the quantification of the angle of deviation of the growing direction. The developed algorithms automatically quantify this orientation by facilitating the analysis of these images, which is important given the large number of images that need to be processed for this type of study.

  2. Axonal plasticity elicits long-term changes in oligodendroglia and myelinated fibers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drøjdahl, Nina; Nielsen, Helle Hvilsted; Gardi, Jonathan E


    Axons are linked to induction of myelination during development and to the maintenance of myelin and myelinated tracts in the adult CNS. Currently, it is unknown whether and how axonal plasticity in adult CNS impacts the myelinating cells and their precursors. In this article, we report that newly...... formed axonal sprouts are able to induce a protracted myelination response in adult CNS. We show that newly formed axonal sprouts, induced by lesion of the entorhino-hippocampal perforant pathway, have the ability to induce a myelination response in stratum radiatum and lucidum CA3. The lesion resulted...... in significant recruitment of newly formed myelinating cells, documented by incorporation of the proliferation marker bromodeoxyuridine into chondroitin sulphate NG2 expressing cells in stratum radiatum and lucidum CA3 early after lesion, and the occurrence of a 28% increase in the number of oligodendrocytes...

  3. Uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso para tratamento da asma aguda grave da criança no pronto-socorro

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    Tânia Mara Baraky Bittar


    Full Text Available A asma aguda grave é uma emergência médica que deve ser diagnosticada e tratada rapidamente. O tratamento inicial inclui broncodilatadores e corticosteróides sistêmicos. Em casos graves, com fraca resposta ao tratamento padrão, o sulfato de magnésio venoso surge como opção terapêutica. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar a literatura sobre o uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso na asma aguda em crianças no pronto-socorro no que se refere a eficácia, indicação, dosagem, efeitos adversos e contraindicações. Realizada revisão narrativa por meio das Bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cochrane Database of Systmatic Reviews, entre 2000 e 2010. Utilizados os descritores: asthma, children, emergency, magnesium sulfate. Incluídos oito ensaios clínicos controlados, três meta-análises, um estudo retrospectivo, oito artigos de revisão e um estudo transversal. A eficácia do magnésio venoso em crianças foi observada por vários autores, com raros efeitos adversos. Seu uso foi indicado para os pacientes com asma aguda moderada e grave que não responderam ao tratamento inicial com broncodilatador e corticosteróide. As contraindicações em pediatria são poucas. Entre elas estão insuficiência renal e bloqueio atrioventricular. Existem poucos relatos da interação do magnésio com drogas de uso pediátrico. Apesar da segurança, na prática, o magnésio venoso é pouco usado na asma aguda em pediatria. Na maioria das vezes, é indicado tardiamente para impedir falência respiratória e internação na unidade de cuidados intensivos. Os estudos demonstram que o magnésio venoso é uma droga eficaz e segura na criança com asma aguda grave, porém o seu uso no pronto-socorro ainda é limitado.

  4. Axonal excitability properties in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (United States)

    Vucic, Steve; Kiernan, Matthew C


    To investigate axolemmal ion channel function in patients diagnosed with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A recently described threshold tracking protocol was implemented to measure multiple indices of axonal excitability in 26 ALS patients by stimulating the median motor nerve at the wrist. The excitability indices studied included: stimulus-response curve (SR); strength-duration time constant (tauSD); current/threshold relationship; threshold electrotonus to a 100 ms polarizing current; and recovery curves to a supramaximal stimulus. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitudes were significantly reduced in ALS patients (ALS, 2.84+/-1.17 mV; controls, 8.27+/-1.09 mV, P<0.0005) and the SR curves for both 0.2 and 1 ms pulse widths were shifted in a hyperpolarized direction. Threshold electrotonus revealed a greater threshold change to both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing conditioning stimuli, similar to the 'fanned out' appearance that occurs with membrane hyperpolarization. The tauSD was significantly increased in ALS patients (ALS, 0.50+/-0.03 ms; controls, 0.42+/-0.02 ms, P<0.05). The recovery cycle of excitability following a conditioning supramaximal stimulus revealed increased superexcitability in ALS patients (ALS, 29.63+/-1.25%; controls, 25.11+/-1.01%, P<0.01). Threshold tracking studies revealed changes indicative of widespread dysfunction in axonal ion channel conduction, including increased persistent Na+ channel conduction, and abnormalities of fast paranodal K+ and internodal slow K+ channel function, in ALS patients. An increase in persistent Na+ conductances coupled with reduction in K+ currents would predispose axons of ALS patients to generation of fasciculations and cramps. Axonal excitability studies may provide insight into mechanisms responsible for motor neuron loss in ALS.

  5. Crisis aguda de Asma Bronquial. Diagnóstico y tratamiento estandarizado

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    Anelia de la Caridad Rojas-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de intervención en 150 pacientes con diagnóstico de Asma Bronquial que acudieron con crisis aguda al Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Pediátrico de Holguín, de Enero del 2009 hasta Diciembre del 2010; para evaluar la evolución de los mismos después de la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas. Se aplicó tratamiento a los pacientes según lo establecido, observando su respuesta. Predominó el grupo de 4 a 8 años del sexo masculino, el 52 % de los pacientes presentaron crisis ligeras, buena respuesta al uso de broncodilatadores en aerosol, se aplicó la Prednisona por vía oral en la mayoría de los casos que lo requirieron, el 68,7 % realizó tratamiento domiciliario con respuestas controladas y solo en el 31,3 % se decidió ingreso hospitalario lo que permitió arribar a la siguiente conclusión: Con la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas Clínicas par a el manejo de la exacerbación aguda del Asma Bronquial se logró una clasificación adecuada de la severidad de la misma, buena respuesta a los tratamientos utilizados y disminución de los ingresos hospitalarios.

  6. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  7. Mapping axonal density and average diameter using non-monotonic time-dependent gradient-echo MRI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nunes, Daniel; Cruz, Tomás L; Jespersen, Sune N


    available in the clinic, or extremely long acquisition schemes to extract information from parameter-intensive models. In this study, we suggest that simple and time-efficient multi-gradient-echo (MGE) MRI can be used to extract the axon density from susceptibility-driven non-monotonic decay in the time...... the quantitative results are compared against ground-truth histology, they seem to reflect the axonal fraction (though with a bias, as evident from Bland-Altman analysis). As well, the extra-axonal fraction can be estimated. The results suggest that our model is oversimplified, yet at the same time evidencing......-dependent signal. We show, both theoretically and with simulations, that a non-monotonic signal decay will occur for multi-compartmental microstructures – such as axons and extra-axonal spaces, which we here used in a simple model for the microstructure – and that, for axons parallel to the main magnetic field...

  8. Pielonefritis enfisematosa aguda bilateral: Un desafío terapéutico Acute bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis: A therapeutic challenge

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    Marcelo J. Melero


    Full Text Available La pielonefritis enfisematosa es una forma poco común de infección renal, caracterizada por la presencia de bacterias coliformes productoras de gas que afecta preferentemente a los pacientes diabéticos. Comunicamos el caso de una mujer diabética de 57 años de edad que ingresó en el hospital por un shock séptico, signos de pielonefritis enfisematosa aguda bilateral y cetoacidosis diabética. En los cultivos de las muestras de orina y sangre desarrolló Escherichia coli. La paciente fue tratada exitosamente con antibióticos de amplio espectro por un tiempo prolongado, control diabético y medidas de sostén solamente. No fue necesario el drenaje con catéteres o la nefrectomía para superar esta situación potencialmente letal.Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare form of kidney infection characterized by the presence of gas-forming coliform bacteria which affects more frequently diabetic subjects. We report the case of a 57-years-old diabetic woman, who was admitted in septic shock, signs of acute bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis, and diabetic ketoacidosis. Both blood and urine cultures yielded Escherichia coli. The patient was successfully treated using long-term broad-spectrum antibiotics, diabetic control and supportive measures alone. Catheter drainage and nephrectomy were not necessary to overcome this life threatening situation.

  9. Aféresis en el tratamiento de pancreatitis aguda hipertrigliceridémica: Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Zaragoza, José J.; Villa, Gianluca; Borbolla-Arizti, Juan Pablo; Salgado-Hernández, Turmalina; Cerón-Díaz, Ulises


    La hipertrigliceridemia severa está asociada con varias patologías incluyendo pancreatitis aguda. Las opciones de tratamiento para la pancreatitis aguda hipertrigliceridémica incluyen insulina, glucosa y heparina en infusión, así como muchos tipos de aféresis. Los pacientes se pueden beneficiar del uso temprano de recambio plasmático para reducir los niveles de lípidos en sangre. El tiempo de inicio y el tipo de terapia juegan un papel importante para conseguir los beneficios completos del pr...

  10. Detection of axonal synapses in 3D two-photon images.

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    Cher Bass

    Full Text Available Studies of structural plasticity in the brain often require the detection and analysis of axonal synapses (boutons. To date, bouton detection has been largely manual or semi-automated, relying on a step that traces the axons before detection the boutons. If tracing the axon fails, the accuracy of bouton detection is compromised. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that does not require tracing the axon to detect axonal boutons in 3D two-photon images taken from the mouse cortex. To find the most appropriate techniques for this task, we compared several well-known algorithms for interest point detection and feature descriptor generation. The final algorithm proposed has the following main steps: (1 a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG based feature enhancement module to accentuate the appearance of boutons; (2 a Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF interest point detector to find candidate locations for feature extraction; (3 non-maximum suppression to eliminate candidates that were detected more than once in the same local region; (4 generation of feature descriptors based on Gabor filters; (5 a Support Vector Machine (SVM classifier, trained on features from labelled data, and was used to distinguish between bouton and non-bouton candidates. We found that our method achieved a Recall of 95%, Precision of 76%, and F1 score of 84% within a new dataset that we make available for accessing bouton detection. On average, Recall and F1 score were significantly better than the current state-of-the-art method, while Precision was not significantly different. In conclusion, in this article we demonstrate that our approach, which is independent of axon tracing, can detect boutons to a high level of accuracy, and improves on the detection performance of existing approaches. The data and code (with an easy to use GUI used in this article are available from open source repositories.

  11. Computed tomography in diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwadate, Yasuo; Ono, Juniti; Okimura, Yoshitaka; Suda, Sumio; Isobe, Katsumi; Yamaura, Akira.


    Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) has been described in instances of prolonged traumatic coma on the basis of the neuropathological findings, but the same findings are also found in patients with cerebral concussion. Experimental studies confirm that the quality of survivors following trauma is directly proportional to the amount of primarily injured-axon. When the injured axon lies in a widespread area of the brain, outcome for the patient is always poor. In a series of 260 severely head-injured patients, based on their poor outcome, 69 (27%) were diagnosed as DAI. Because of their relatively good outcome, eighty-two patients (32%) were classified into non-DAI group. The predominant CT finding of DAI patients was intraparenchymal deep-seated hemorrhagic lesion. This was observed in 28 patients (41%). Normal CT was also observed in 11 patients (16%). On the other hand, 8 of the non-DAI group (10%) manifested deep-seated lesions. Diffuse cerebral swelling (DCS) appeared in both groups in the same incidence. Subarachnoid hematoma in the perimesencephalic cistern (SAH (PMC)) and intraventricular hematoma (IVH) were observed in 64% of the DAI group, and in 23% of the non-DAI group. The available evidence indicates that various types of hematoma seen in the deep-seated structures of the brain do not have an absolute diagnostic value, but the frequency of hematoma is thought to increase in proportion to the amount of injured-axon. (author)

  12. Chondroitin-4-sulfation negatively regulates axonal guidance and growth (United States)

    Wang, Hang; Katagiri, Yasuhiro; McCann, Thomas E.; Unsworth, Edward; Goldsmith, Paul; Yu, Zu-Xi; Tan, Fei; Santiago, Lizzie; Mills, Edward M.; Wang, Yu; Symes, Aviva J.; Geller, Herbert M.


    Summary Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains endow extracellular matrix proteoglycans with diversity and complexity based upon the length, composition, and charge distribution of the polysaccharide chain. Using cultured primary neurons, we show that specific sulfation in the GAG chains of chondroitin sulfate (CS) mediates neuronal guidance cues and axonal growth inhibition. Chondroitin-4-sulfate (CS-A), but not chondroitin-6-sulfate (CS-C), exhibits a strong negative guidance cue to mouse cerebellar granule neurons. Enzymatic and gene-based manipulations of 4-sulfation in the GAG side chains alter their ability to direct growing axons. Furthermore, 4-sulfated CS GAG chains are rapidly and significantly increased in regions that do not support axonal regeneration proximal to spinal cord lesions in mice. Thus, our findings provide the evidence showing that specific sulfation along the carbohydrate backbone carries instructions to regulate neuronal function. PMID:18768934

  13. Formas asociativas: Una aproximación a las formas asociativas en el Reino Unido.

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    David Ricardo Sotomonte Mujica


    Full Text Available Este escrito se encuentra destinado a proporcionar al lector un acercamiento a las formas asociativas más importantes y utilizadas previstas dentro de la legislación del Reino Unido de La Gran Bretaña para la actividad empresarial. De igual forma es una guía para los estudiantes y profesionales del derecho, encaminada a facilitar la comprensión de las formas asociativas existentes en el sistema del common law.

  14. A Combinatorial Approach to Induce Sensory Axon Regeneration into the Dorsal Root Avulsed Spinal Cord

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoeber, Jan; Konig, Niclas; Trolle, Carl


    Spinal root injuries result in newly formed glial scar formation, which prevents regeneration of sensory axons causing permanent sensory loss. Previous studies showed that delivery of trophic factors or implantation of human neural progenitor cells supports sensory axon regeneration and partly......MIM), supported sensory axon regeneration. However, when hscNSPC and MesoMIM were combined, sensory axon regeneration failed. Morphological and tracing analysis showed that sensory axons grow through the newly established glial scar along “bridges” formed by migrating stem cells. Coimplantation of Meso...... their level of differentiation. Our data show that (1) the ability of stem cells to migrate into the spinal cord and organize cellular “bridges” in the newly formed interface is crucial for successful sensory axon regeneration, (2) trophic factor mimetics delivered by mesoporous silica may be a convenient...

  15. Partial Denervation of Subbasal Axons Persists Following Debridement Wounds to the Mouse Cornea (United States)

    Pajoohesh-Ganji, Ahdeah; Pal-Ghosh, Sonali; Tadvalkar, Gauri; Kyne, Briana M.; Saban, Daniel R.; Stepp, Mary Ann


    Although sensory reinnervation occurs after injury in the PNS, poor reinnervation in the elderly and those with diabetes often leads to pathology. Here we quantify subbasal axon density in the central and peripheral mouse cornea over time after three different types of injury. The mouse cornea is highly innervated with a dense array of subbasal nerves that form a spiral called the vortex at the corneal center or apex; these nerves are readily detected within flat mounted corneas. After anesthesia, corneal epithelial cells were removed using either a dulled blade or a rotating burr within an area demarcated centrally with a 1.5 mm trephine. A third wound type, superficial trephination, involved demarcating the area with the 1.5 mm trephine but not removing cells. By 7d after superficial trephination, subbasal axon density returns to control levels; by 28d the vortex reforms. Although axon density is similar to control 14d after dulled blade and rotating burr wounding, defects in axon morphology at the corneal apex remain. After 14d, axons retract from the center leaving the subbasal axon density reduced by 37.2% and 36.8% at 28d after dulled blade and rotating burr wounding, respectively, compared to control. Assessment of inflammation using flow cytometry shows that persistent inflammation is not a factor in the incomplete reinnervation. Expression of mRNAs encoding 22 regeneration associated genes (RAGs) involved in axon targeting assessed by QPCR reveals that netrin-1 and ephrin signaling are altered after wounding. Subpopulations of corneal epithelial basal cells at the corneal apex stop expressing ki67 as early as 7d after injury and by 14d and 28d after wounding, many of these basal cells undergo apoptosis and die. While subbasal axons are restored to their normal density and morphology after superficial trephination, subbasal axon recovery is partial after debridement wounds. The increase in corneal epithelial basal cell apoptosis at the apex observed at 14d

  16. Self-amplifying autocrine actions of BDNF in axon development


    Cheng, Pei-Lin; Song, Ai-Hong; Wong, Yu-Hui; Wang, Sheng; Zhang, Xiang; Poo, Mu-Ming


    A critical step in neuronal development is the formation of axon/dendrite polarity, a process involving symmetry breaking in the newborn neuron. Local self-amplifying processes could enhance and stabilize the initial asymmetry in the distribution of axon/dendrite determinants, but the identity of these processes remains elusive. We here report that BDNF, a secreted neurotrophin essential for the survival and differentiation of many neuronal populations, serves as a self-amplifying autocrine f...

  17. Características clínico epidemiologicas de los pacientes con Leucemia Aguda del Servicio de Hematologia del Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo


    Polo-Capuñay, Ana María; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; León-Seminario, Carlos Alberto; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Pérez-Villena, Joan Flaubert; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Yovera-Merino, Jhonny David; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Barraza-Chavesta, Omar; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Torres-Anaya, Victor; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Diaz-Vélez., Cristian; Universidad de San Martín de Porres


    OBJETIVOIdentificar las características clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes con leucemia en el área de Hematología del H.A.A.A.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOEstudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo. Se revisaron 55 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de Leucemia Aguda, tomadas de la oficina de registro del HNAAA, durante el periodo de Enero 2005 a Marzo 2010.RESULTADOSEn el periodo de estudio, se diagnosticaron 142 casos de Leucemia, 105 (73.94%) correspondieron a Leucemia aguda. De...

  18. Reação de fase aguda e sua relação com o desempenho de cavalos em competição de longa distância

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    L.A. Amaral


    Full Text Available O exercício físico é um dos estímulos fisiológicos mais estressantes que um animal pode sofrer e, dependendo de sua intensidade, sugere-se que possa gerar uma reação mediada por proteínas de fase aguda (PFA. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a reação de fase aguda e sua relação com o desempenho de cavalos submetidos a uma competição de longa distância. O experimento foi desenvolvido durante a Marcha de Resistência anual promovida pela Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Cavalos Crioulos (ABCCC, composta por um percurso de 750km percorrido durante 15 dias. Foram avaliados 23 equinos, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo o grupo 1 composto pelos 10 primeiros colocados na competição e o grupo 2 formado pelos 13 animais que concluíram a competição em colocações inferiores ou foram desclassificados antes de terminar a prova. Efetuaram-se coletas sanguíneas em repouso (dia 0 e no último dia de competição, e foi realizado o teste de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE para identificar as proteínas (albumina, haptoglobina, ceruloplasmina, transferrina, imunoglobulina G, imunoglobulina A, glicoproteína ácida e proteína de peso molecular de 23kDa. Os resultados demonstraram que o exercício físico imposto influenciou de forma significativa (P<0,0001 as concentrações séricas de haptoglobina, ceruloplasmina, imunoglobulina A, glicoproteína ácida e proteína de peso molecular de 23kDa. Quando comparados os resultados dos grupos estudados, observou-se que a concentração de haptoglobina após a competição foi superior no grupo de animais com baixo desempenho (grupo 2. Conclui-se que a competição de longa duração é capaz de gerar reação de fase aguda e que o monitoramento da concentração de haptoglobina pode ser um sinalizador de processo inflamatório e baixo desempenho.


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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade identificar as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utilizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Necessidades Básicas de Maslow. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  20. BORC/kinesin-1 ensemble drives polarized transport of lysosomes into the axon. (United States)

    Farías, Ginny G; Guardia, Carlos M; De Pace, Raffaella; Britt, Dylan J; Bonifacino, Juan S


    The ability of lysosomes to move within the cytoplasm is important for many cellular functions. This ability is particularly critical in neurons, which comprise vast, highly differentiated domains such as the axon and dendrites. The mechanisms that control lysosome movement in these domains, however, remain poorly understood. Here we show that an ensemble of BORC, Arl8, SKIP, and kinesin-1, previously shown to mediate centrifugal transport of lysosomes in nonneuronal cells, specifically drives lysosome transport into the axon, and not the dendrites, in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. This transport is essential for maintenance of axonal growth-cone dynamics and autophagosome turnover. Our findings illustrate how a general mechanism for lysosome dispersal in nonneuronal cells is adapted to drive polarized transport in neurons, and emphasize the importance of this mechanism for critical axonal processes.

  1. Live Imaging of Calcium Dynamics during Axon Degeneration Reveals Two Functionally Distinct Phases of Calcium Influx (United States)

    Yamagishi, Yuya; Tessier-Lavigne, Marc


    Calcium is a key regulator of axon degeneration caused by trauma and disease, but its specific spatial and temporal dynamics in injured axons remain unclear. To clarify the function of calcium in axon degeneration, we observed calcium dynamics in single injured neurons in live zebrafish larvae and tested the temporal requirement for calcium in zebrafish neurons and cultured mouse DRG neurons. Using laser axotomy to induce Wallerian degeneration (WD) in zebrafish peripheral sensory axons, we monitored calcium dynamics from injury to fragmentation, revealing two stereotyped phases of axonal calcium influx. First, axotomy triggered a transient local calcium wave originating at the injury site. This initial calcium wave only disrupted mitochondria near the injury site and was not altered by expression of the protective WD slow (WldS) protein. Inducing multiple waves with additional axotomies did not change the kinetics of degeneration. In contrast, a second phase of calcium influx occurring minutes before fragmentation spread as a wave throughout the axon, entered mitochondria, and was abolished by WldS expression. In live zebrafish, chelating calcium after the first wave, but before the second wave, delayed the progress of fragmentation. In cultured DRG neurons, chelating calcium early in the process of WD did not alter degeneration, but chelating calcium late in WD delayed fragmentation. We propose that a terminal calcium wave is a key instructive component of the axon degeneration program. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Axon degeneration resulting from trauma or neurodegenerative disease can cause devastating deficits in neural function. Understanding the molecular and cellular events that execute axon degeneration is essential for developing treatments to address these conditions. Calcium is known to contribute to axon degeneration, but its temporal requirements in this process have been unclear. Live calcium imaging in severed zebrafish neurons and temporally controlled

  2. Environmental Subconcussive Injury, Axonal Injury, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

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    Wendy A. Morley


    Full Text Available Brain injury occurs in two phases: the initial injury itself and a secondary cascade of precise immune-based neurochemical events. The secondary phase is typically functional in nature and characterized by delayed axonal injury with more axonal disconnections occurring than in the initial phase. Axonal injury occurs across the spectrum of disease severity, with subconcussive injury, especially when repetitive, now considered capable of producing significant neurological damage consistent with axonal injury seen in clinically evident concussion, despite no observable symptoms. This review is the first to introduce the concept of environmental subconcussive injury (ESCI and sets out how secondary brain damage from ESCI once past the juncture of microglial activation appears to follow the same neuron-damaging pathway as secondary brain damage from conventional brain injury. The immune response associated with ESCI is strikingly similar to that mounted after conventional concussion. Specifically, microglial activation is followed closely by glutamate and calcium flux, excitotoxicity, reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species (RNS generation, lipid peroxidation, and mitochondrial dysfunction and energy crisis. ESCI damage also occurs in two phases, with the primary damage coming from microbiome injury (due to microbiome-altering events and secondary damage (axonal injury from progressive secondary neurochemical events. The concept of ESCI and the underlying mechanisms have profound implications for the understanding of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE etiology because it has previously been suggested that repetitive axonal injury may be the primary CTE pathogenesis in susceptible individuals and it is best correlated with lifetime brain trauma load. Taken together, it appears that susceptibility to brain injury and downstream neurodegenerative diseases, such as CTE, can be conceptualized as a continuum of brain resilience. At one end

  3. Conservative approach versus urgent appendectomy in surgical management of acute appendicitis with abscess or phlegmon Resultados del tratamiento conservador inicial y de la cirugía urgente en la apendicitis aguda evolucionada

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    J. M. Aranda-Narváez


    Full Text Available Background: Surgical management of acute appendicitis with appendiceal abscess or phlegmon remains controversial. We studied the results of initial conservative treatment (antibiotics and percutaneous drainage if necessary, with or without interval appendectomy compared with immediate surgery. Methods: We undertook an observational, retrospective cohort study of patients with a clinical and radiological diagnosis of acute appendicitis with an abscess or phlegmon, treated in our hospital between January 1997 and March 2009. Patients younger than 14, with severe sepsis or with diffuse peritonitis were excluded. A study group of 15 patients with acute appendicitis complicated with an abscess or phlegmon underwent conservative treatment. A control group was composed of the other patients, who all underwent urgent appendectomy, matched for age and later randomized 1:1. The infectious risk stratification was established with the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (NNIS index. Dependent variables were hospital stay and surgical site infection. Analysis was with SPSS, with p Introducción: Existe controversia acerca del tratamiento idóneo de la apendicitis aguda evolucionada en forma de absceso o flemón. Realizamos un estudio para la evaluación de resultados del tratamiento conservador inicial (antibiótico y drenaje percutáneo si se precisa, con/sin apendicectomía diferida y del tratamiento quirúrgico urgente. Método: Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes retrospectivas. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y radiológico de apendicitis aguda evolucionada en forma de absceso o flemón, tratados en nuestro hospital entre enero 1997 y marzo 2009, excluyendo pacientes pediátricos, con sepsis grave o peritonitis difusa. En 15 pacientes con apendicitis complicada con absceso o flemón (cohorte de estudio se indicó tratamiento conservador inicial. El grupo control se obtuvo del resto de pacientes (en

  4. Multiple sclerosis and anterograde axonal degeneration study by magnetic resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinez Pardo, P.; Capdevila Cirera, A.; Sanz Marin, P.M.; Gili Planas, J.


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that affects specifically the myelin. Its diagnosis by imaging techniques is, since the development of magnetic resonance (MR), relatively simple, and its occasional association with anterograde axonal degeneration (WD) has been reported. In both disorders, there is a lengthening of the T1 and T2 relaxation times. In the present report, 76 patients with MS with less than 4 plaques in the typical periventricular position were studied retrospectively, resulting in a rate of association with anterograde axonal degeneration of 8%. We consider that in spite of their same behavior in MR,MS and WD, with moreover represent completely different pathologies, are perfectly differential by MR. The S-E images with longer repetition and echo times in the axial and coronal planes have proved to be those most sensitive for this differentiation. Given that MS is specific pathology of then myelin, the axonal damages in delayed until several plaques adjacent to an axon affect it. We consider that this, added to the restriction of our study group (less than 4 plaques), is the cause of the pow percentage of the MS-WD association in our study. (Author)

  5. Noninvasive Detection and Differentiation of Axonal Injury/Loss, Demyelination, and Inflammation (United States)


    phosphorylated neurofilament primary antibody (SMI-31; 1:1000, Covance , US) to stain non-injured axons, and in rabbit anti-myelin basic protein (MBP) primary...neurofilament antibody (SMI- 31; 1:1000, Covance , US) to stain non-injured axons or with rabbit anti-myelin basic protein (MBP) antibody (1:1000, Sigma Inc

  6. Assessing the direct effects of deep brain stimulation using embedded axon models (United States)

    Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N.; Steinmetz, Peter N.


    To better understand the spatial extent of the direct effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on neurons, we implemented a geometrically realistic finite element electrical model incorporating anisotropic and inhomogenous conductivities. The model included the subthalamic nucleus (STN), substantia nigra (SN), zona incerta (ZI), fields of Forel H2 (FF), internal capsule (IC) and Medtronic 3387/3389 electrode. To quantify the effects of stimulation, we extended previous studies by using multi-compartment axon models with geometry and orientation consistent with anatomical features of the brain regions of interest. Simulation of axonal firing produced a map of relative changes in axonal activation. Voltage-controlled stimulation, with clinically typical parameters at the dorso-lateral STN, caused axon activation up to 4 mm from the target. This activation occurred within the FF, IC, SN and ZI with current intensities close to the average injected during DBS (3 mA). A sensitivity analysis of model parameters (fiber size, fiber orientation, degree of inhomogeneity, degree of anisotropy, electrode configuration) revealed that the FF and IC were consistently activated. Direct activation of axons outside the STN suggests that other brain regions may be involved in the beneficial effects of DBS when treating Parkinsonian symptoms.

  7. Formation of compact myelin is required for maturation of the axonal cytoskeleton (United States)

    Brady, S. T.; Witt, A. S.; Kirkpatrick, L. L.; de Waegh, S. M.; Readhead, C.; Tu, P. H.; Lee, V. M.


    Although traditional roles ascribed to myelinating glial cells are structural and supportive, the importance of compact myelin for proper functioning of the nervous system can be inferred from mutations in myelin proteins and neuropathologies associated with loss of myelin. Myelinating Schwann cells are known to affect local properties of peripheral axons (de Waegh et al., 1992), but little is known about effects of oligodendrocytes on CNS axons. The shiverer mutant mouse has a deletion in the myelin basic protein gene that eliminates compact myelin in the CNS. In shiverer mice, both local axonal features like phosphorylation of cytoskeletal proteins and neuronal perikaryon functions like cytoskeletal gene expression are altered. This leads to changes in the organization and composition of the axonal cytoskeleton in shiverer unmyelinated axons relative to age-matched wild-type myelinated fibers, although connectivity and patterns of neuronal activity are comparable. Remarkably, transgenic shiverer mice with thin myelin sheaths display an intermediate phenotype indicating that CNS neurons are sensitive to myelin sheath thickness. These results indicate that formation of a normal compact myelin sheath is required for normal maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton in large CNS neurons.

  8. Developmental plasticity of ascending spinal axons studies using the North American opossum, Didelphis virginiana. (United States)

    Terman, J R; Wang, X M; Martin, G F


    The objectives of the present study were to determine if axons of all ascending tracts grow through the lesion after transection of the thoracic spinal cord during development in the North American opossum, and if so, whether they reach regions of the brain they normally innervate. Opossum pups were subjected to transection of the mid-thoracic cord at PD5, PD8, PD12, PD20, or PD26 and injections of Fast Blue (FB) into the lower thoracic or upper lumbar cord 30-40 days or 6 months later. In the PD5 transected cases, labeled axons were present in all of the supraspinal areas labeled by comparable injections in unlesioned, age-matched controls. In the experimental cases, however, labeled axons appeared to be fewer in number and in some areas more restricted in location than in the controls. When lesions were made at PD8, labeled axons were present in the brain of animals allowed to survive 30-40 days prior to FB injections but they were not observed in those allowed to survive 6 months. When lesions were made at PD12 or later, labeled axons were never found rostral to the lesion. It appears, therefore, that axons of all ascending spinal pathways grow though the lesion after transection of the thoracic cord in developing opossums and that they innervate appropriate areas of the brain. Interestingly, the critical period for such growth is shorter than that for most descending axons, suggesting that factors which influence loss of developmental plasticity are not the same for all axons.

  9. Formas duradouras e formas emergentes de trabalho precário entre os jornalistas brasileiros

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    Jeferson Bertolini


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca dimensionar o conceito de trabalho precário entre os jornalistas brasileiros. O texto indica que a categoria sempre esteve exposta a formas precárias de trabalho, mas que o problema se agravou nos últimos 10 anos, com as tecnologias digitais: elas redefiniram o perfil do profissional e reordenaram o modelo de negócio das empresas do setor. O manuscrito, baseado em levantamento bibliográfico e experiência de campo, lista oito formas duradouras e oito formas emergentes de trabalho precário no jornalismo.

  10. BORC/kinesin-1 ensemble drives polarized transport of lysosomes into the axon (United States)

    Farías, Ginny G.; Guardia, Carlos M.; De Pace, Raffaella; Britt, Dylan J.; Bonifacino, Juan S.


    The ability of lysosomes to move within the cytoplasm is important for many cellular functions. This ability is particularly critical in neurons, which comprise vast, highly differentiated domains such as the axon and dendrites. The mechanisms that control lysosome movement in these domains, however, remain poorly understood. Here we show that an ensemble of BORC, Arl8, SKIP, and kinesin-1, previously shown to mediate centrifugal transport of lysosomes in nonneuronal cells, specifically drives lysosome transport into the axon, and not the dendrites, in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. This transport is essential for maintenance of axonal growth-cone dynamics and autophagosome turnover. Our findings illustrate how a general mechanism for lysosome dispersal in nonneuronal cells is adapted to drive polarized transport in neurons, and emphasize the importance of this mechanism for critical axonal processes. PMID:28320970

  11. Insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva: Estudio de 42 pacientes

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    Isabel Caravia Pubillones


    Full Text Available Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 42 pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos del Instituto de Nefrología con el diagnóstico de insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva (IRAO, con 1 ó 2 riñones funcionantes. Los pacientes estudiados estaban entre la 5ta y la 7ma década de la vida, con una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino. La causa más frecuente de IRAO fue la litiasis renal (47,62 %, seguida por las enfermedades tumorales que infiltraban los uréteres (28,57 %. Se empleó tratamiento médico en 9 pacientes y el resto (33 fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Las principales complicaciones fueron sépticas con un franco predominio de las infecciones del tractus urinario (38,5 %. Hubo 3 fallecidos, 2 de ellos por complicaciones cardiovasculares. Del total de insuficiencias renales agudas que se atendieron en nuestro Centro, el 10,6 % correspondió a IRAO. La efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico empleado fue del 94,4 % de curación en los pacientes atendidosMedical records of 42 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Institute of Nephrology diagnosed as having acute obstructive renal failure with 1 or 2 kidneys functioning, were revised. Patients studied ware at the 5th and 7th decade of life with a greater incidence in males. The most frequent cause of acute obstructive renal failure was renal lithiasis (47.62 %, followed by tumor diseases which were infiltrating the ureters (28.57 %. Medical treatment was employed in 9 patients and the remaining (33 were submitted to surgical treatment. The main complications were septic with predominance of urinary tract infections (38.5 %. Three patients died, 2 of them as a result of cardiovascular complications. Of the total number of cases presenting with acute renal failure and treated in our center, 10.6 % had an acute obstructive renal failure. The effectiveness of the surgical treatment performed was 94.4 % of healing in patients treated for this

  12. In silico modeling of axonal reconnection within a discrete fiber tract after spinal cord injury. (United States)

    Woolfe, Franco; Waxman, Stephen G; Hains, Bryan C


    Following spinal cord injury (SCI), descending axons that carry motor commands from the brain to the spinal cord are injured or transected, producing chronic motor dysfunction and paralysis. Reconnection of these axons is a major prerequisite for restoration of function after SCI. Thus far, only modest gains in motor function have been achieved experimentally or in the clinic after SCI, identifying the practical limitations of current treatment approaches. In this paper, we use an ordinary differential equation (ODE) to simulate the relative and synergistic contributions of several experimentally-established biological factors related to inhibition or promotion of axonal repair and restoration of function after SCI. The factors were mathematically modeled by the ODE. The results of our simulation show that in a model system, many factors influenced the achievability of axonal reconnection. Certain factors more strongly affected axonal reconnection in isolation, and some factors interacted in a synergistic fashion to produce further improvements in axonal reconnection. Our data suggest that mathematical modeling may be useful in evaluating the complex interactions of discrete therapeutic factors not possible in experimental preparations, and highlight the benefit of a combinatorial therapeutic approach focused on promoting axonal sprouting, attraction of cut ends, and removal of growth inhibition for achieving axonal reconnection. Predictions of this simulation may be of utility in guiding future experiments aimed at restoring function after SCI.

  13. Epidemia de infección respiratoria aguda observaciones hospitalarias


    Chavarría Milanés, José Fernando; Mata, Leonardo; Mohs Villalta, Edgar; Ramírez, Giselle; Lizano, Lucía


    artículo -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, 1985 Se describe la clínica, tratamiento y complicaciones de 81 niños lactantes con infección respiratoria aguda. Los niños provenían del cantón central de San José y fueron admitidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños del 10 de noviembre al 15 de diciembre de 1983. Se encontró un 57% de varones y un 43% de mujeres; los más afectados fueron los niños menores de 3 meses. Más de la mitad de los niños egresó con el di...

  14. Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda Caso clínico


    Jiménez Navarro, Nuria


    El cáncer es una de las segundas causas de muerte de nuestra población considerándose también la segunda causa de muerte entre los 0-14 años de edad. Es una enfermedad multifactorial que consigue deteriorar al paciente tanto física como psíquicamente. La leucemia linfoblástica aguda es el cáncer más relevante en niños, constituyendo el 80% de los casos. Está localizado en las células sanguíneas, normalmente en los glóbulos blancos, de la médula ósea, afectando a la función inmunológica. Debid...

  15. BmRobo2/3 is required for axon guidance in the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Tong; Yu, Qi; Zhou, Qi-Sheng; Zhao, Xiao; Liu, Zhao-Yang; Cui, Wei-Zheng; Liu, Qing-Xin


    Axon guidance is critical for proper wiring of the nervous system. During the neural development, the axon guidance molecules play a key role and direct axons to choose the correct way to reach the target. Robo, as the receptor of axon guidance molecule Slit, is evolutionarily conserved from planarians to humans. However, the function of Robo in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, remained unknown. In this study, we cloned robo2/3 from B. mori (Bmrobo2/3), a homologue of robo2/3 in Tribolium castaneum. Moreover, BmRobo2/3 was localized in the neuropil, and RNAi-mediated knockdown of Bmrobo2/3 resulted in the longitudinal connectives forming closer to the midline. These data demonstrate that BmRobo2/3 is required for axon guidance in the silkworm. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Toxicidade aguda e risco ambiental do antibiótico oxitetraciclina para tilápia ( Oreochromis niloticus , Daphnia magna e Lemna minor

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    A.A. Machado

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi classificar o antibiótico Terramicina(r de acordo com a toxicidade aguda e o risco de intoxicação ambiental para Oreochromis niloticus, Daphnia magna e Lemna minor, com base no seu ingrediente ativo oxitetraciclina (OTC. Além disso, observou-se a ocorrência de sinais de intoxicação aguda em peixes e o efeito da diluição do antibiótico sobre as variáveis de qualidade de água. Alevinos, neonatos e frondes foram expostos a concentrações de OTC. De acordo com os resultados dos testes de toxicidade aguda, a Terramicina(r foi classificada pela toxicidade aguda e pelo risco de intoxicação ambiental. Para O. niloticus, a CL(I50; 48h calculada foi de 6,92 mg L-1, para D. magna a CE(I50; 48h foi de 0,17mg.L-1, enquanto para L. minor a CI(I50;7d foi de 0,68 mg L-1. A Terramicina(r foi classificada como muito tóxica para O. niloticus e extremamente tóxica para D. magna e L. minor e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental para os três organismos testados. Concentrações de 7,5 e 8,0 mg L-1 de OTC reduziram a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água. De acordo com este estudo, a Terramicina(r não deve ser utilizada na aquicultura, pois é altamente tóxica e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental aos organismos teste.

  17. Sensory axon-derived neuregulin-1 is required for axoglial signaling and normal sensory function but not for long-term axon maintenance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fricker, F.R.; Zhu, N.; Tsantoulas, C.


    " pockets. The total number of axons in the sural nerve was unchanged, but a greater proportion was unmyelinated. In addition, we observed large-diameter axons that were in a 1:1 relationship with Schwann cells, surrounded by a basal lamina but not myelinated. There was no evidence of DRG or Schwann cell...... death; the markers of different DRG cell populations and cutaneous innervation were unchanged. These anatomical changes were reflected in a slowing of conduction velocity at the lower end of the A-fiber conduction velocity range and a new population of more rapidly conducting C-fibers that are likely...

  18. Dorsal column sensory axons degenerate due to impaired microvascular perfusion after spinal cord injury in rats (United States)

    Muradov, Johongir M.; Ewan, Eric E.; Hagg, Theo


    The mechanisms contributing to axon loss after spinal cord injury (SCI) are largely unknown but may involve microvascular loss as we have previously suggested. Here, we used a mild contusive injury (120 kdyn IH impactor) at T9 in rats focusing on ascending primary sensory dorsal column axons, anterogradely traced from the sciatic nerves. The injury caused a rapid and progressive loss of dorsal column microvasculature and oligodendrocytes at the injury site and penumbra and a ~70% loss of the sensory axons, by 24 hours. To model the microvascular loss, focal ischemia of the T9 dorsal columns was achieved via phototoxic activation of intravenously injected rose bengal. This caused an ~53% loss of sensory axons and an ~80% loss of dorsal column oligodendrocytes by 24 hours. Axon loss correlated with the extent and axial length of microvessel and oligodendrocyte loss along the dorsal column. To determine if oligodendrocyte loss contributes to axon loss, the glial toxin ethidium bromide (EB; 0.3 µg/µl) was microinjected into the T9 dorsal columns, and resulted in an ~88% loss of dorsal column oligodendrocytes and an ~56% loss of sensory axons after 72 hours. EB also caused an ~72% loss of microvessels. Lower concentrations of EB resulted in less axon, oligodendrocyte and microvessel loss, which were highly correlated (R2 = 0.81). These data suggest that focal spinal cord ischemia causes both oligodendrocyte and axon degeneration, which are perhaps linked. Importantly, they highlight the need of limiting the penumbral spread of ischemia and oligodendrocyte loss after SCI in order to protect axons. PMID:23978615

  19. Glia-axon interactions and the regulation of the extracellular K+ in the peripheral nerve. (United States)

    Jirounek, P; Robert, A; Kindler, E; Blazek, T


    Changes in membrane potential of both axons and Schwann cells were measured simultaneously during electrical activity and during the period of recovery in the rabbit vagus nerve by the use of the sucrose-gap apparatus. During low-frequency stimulation (0.5-1 Hz) the preparation developed a ouabain-sensitive hyperpolarization. This hyperpolarization increased when the inwardly rectifying K+ channels in Schwann cells were blocked with Ba2+, indicating that the hyperpolarization was generated by the electrogenic glial Na(+)-K+ pump. During trains at higher frequencies (15 Hz), the preparation depolarized, but after cessation of the stimulation it developed a posttetanic hyperpolarization (PTH). The PTH was also ouabain-sensitive and was strongly enhanced by Cs+ which is known to block the hyperpolarization-activated inward current (Ih) in axons but not in glial cells. These results show that the PTH reflects mainly the axonal electrogenic pump. Our results indicate that during activity the K+ released from the firing axons is removed from the extracellular space by Schwann cells and that after cessation of the stimulation the K+ surplus returns from Schwann cells back to axons. Both the glial and axonal K+ uptake is mediated by successive activation of the glial and axonal Na(+)-K+ pump. The nature of the signalling mechanisms that control the pumping rates of the respective pumps remain unknown.

  20. Efecto de los inotrópicos sobre la mortalidad en falla cardiaca aguda. Metaanálisis en red de ensayos clínicos


    Juan M. Sénior; Edison Muñoz; James Díaz


    Introducción: en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda es necesario el uso de inotrópicos para lograr su estabilización. Objetivo: definir cuál de los medicamentos inotrópicos se asocia con menor mortalidad. Metodología: se realizó un metaanálisis en red con la aproximación frecuentista. La búsqueda sistemática incluyó PUBMED, EMBASE, CENTRAL, DARE, Epistemonikos, SieELO, LILACS y OpenGray. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos con asignación aleatoria en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda que re...

  1. Infección respiratoria aguda en niños que acuden a un centro de desarrollo infantil

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    Nandí-Lozano Eugenia


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Establecer la incidencia de infección respiratoria y los patrones de colonización faríngea en niños que asisten a guarderías. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte en niños menores de cuatro años de edad, de uno u otro sexo, asistentes a la guardería del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, de la Ciudad de México, durante abril a octubre de 1999. Se registró la presencia de infección de vías aéreas superiores cada semana, y de colonización cada tres meses, mediante un exudado nasofaríngeo. Se hizo estadística descriptiva de las variables analizadas. Se determinaron tasas de infección respiratoria aguda. Resultados. Se estudiaron 85 niños, 40 del sexo femenino (47% y 45 del sexo masculino (53% durante un total de 9 090 niños/día de seguimiento. Tres niños tenían antecedentes de atopia (3.52%, seis niños antecedentes de asma (7.05%, y 39 eran expuestos a tabaquismo pasivo (45.88%. Se diagnosticaron 246 rinofaringitis (95.3%, nueve otitis media aguda (3.48%, tres bronquiolitis (1.16%, para un total de 258 eventos de infección respiratoria aguda. La tasa de incidencia global fue de 10.35 infecciones por niño/año de observación (IC 95% 8.7-12.0. La incidencia de otitis y bronquiolitis fue de 0.36 y 0.12 eventos por niño/año de observación. Se tomaron cultivos nasofaríngeos con una prevalencia de colonización para S. pneumoniae de 20.4%, H. influenzae no tipificable 13.1% y Moraxella catarrhalis 8.1%. Conclusiones. Los resultados no sólo demuestran una alta prevalencia de colonización debido a cepas invasivas, sino que también revelan una tasa de incidencia de infección respiratoria aguda del doble de lo reportado en estudios de comunidad. Estos resultados ayudan a caracterizar un problema pobremente documentado en nuestro país.

  2. In vivo electrophysiological measurement of the rat ulnar nerve with axonal excitability testing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wild, Brandon M.; Morris, Renée; Moldovan, Mihai


    Electrophysiology enables the objective assessment of peripheral nerve function in vivo. Traditional nerve conduction measures such as amplitude and latency detect chronic axon loss and demyelination, respectively. Axonal excitability techniques "by threshold tracking" expand upon these measures...... by providing information regarding the activity of ion channels, pumps and exchangers that relate to acute function and may precede degenerative events. As such, the use of axonal excitability in animal models of neurological disorders may provide a useful in vivo measure to assess novel therapeutic...... interventions. Here we describe an experimental setup for multiple measures of motor axonal excitability techniques in the rat ulnar nerve. The animals are anesthetized with isoflurane and carefully monitored to ensure constant and adequate depth of anesthesia. Body temperature, respiration rate, heart rate...

  3. Complicaciones de la apendicectomía por apendicitis aguda Complications of the appendicectomy due to acute appendicitis

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    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La apendicectomía por apendicitis aguda es la operación de urgencia más común en los servicios quirúrgicos, pero no está exenta de complicaciones condicionadas por factores poco conocidos, cuya determinación podría disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad por esta causa. Fue objetivo de esta investigación identificar algunos factores relacionados con la aparición de complicaciones en los pacientes apendicectomizados por apendicitis aguda. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y prospectivo de 560 pacientes apendicectomizados, con diagnóstico histopatológico de apendicitis aguda, egresados del Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Provincial Docente «Saturnino Lora» de Santiago de Cuba durante el 2006. RESULTADOS. El 21,6 % de la serie sufrió algún tipo de complicación, principalmente la infección del sitio operatorio. Las complicaciones aumentaron en relación con la edad y se presentaron más frecuentemente en los pacientes con enfermedades asociadas, estado físico más precario, mayor tiempo de evolución preoperatoria, así como en las formas histopatológicas más avanzadas de la afección (en las que se incluyen los 4 pacientes fallecidos. La aparición de tales complicaciones puede ser causa de reintervenciones y de aumento de la estadía hospitalaria. CONCLUSIONES. El diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad y la apendicectomía inmediata con una técnica quirúrgica adecuada previenen la aparición de complicaciones posquirúrgicas y determinan el éxito del único tratamiento eficaz contra la afección más común que causa el abdomen agudo, cuyo pronóstico depende en gran medida y entre otros factores, del tiempo de evolución preoperatoria y de la fase en que se encuentre el proceso morboso al realizar la intervención.INTRODUCTION. Appendicectomy due to acute appendicitis is the commonest urgency operation in surgical services but it is not exempt from complications conditions by

  4. Axon-Sorting Multifunctional Nerve Guides: Accelerating Restoration of Nerve Function (United States)


    factor (singly & in selected combinations) in the organotypic model system for preferential sensory or motor axon extension. Use confocal microscopy to...track axon extension of labeled sensory or motor neurons from spinal cord slices (motor) or dorsal root ganglia ( DRG ) (sensory). 20 Thy1-YFP mice...RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Established a system of color-coded mixed nerve tracking using GFP and RFP expressing motor and sensory neurons (Figure 1

  5. Depth-sensing nano-indentation on a myelinated axon at various stages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Wei-Chin; Liao, Jiunn-Der; Lin, Chou-Ching K; Ju, Ming-Shaung


    A nano-mechanical characterization of a multi-layered myelin sheath structure, which enfolds an axon and plays a critical role in the transmission of nerve impulses, is conducted. Schwann cells co-cultured in vitro with PC12 cells for various co-culture times are differentiated to form a myelinated axon, which is then observed using a transmission electron microscope. Three major myelination stages, with distinct structural characteristics and thicknesses around the axon, can be produced by varying the co-culture time. A dynamic contact module and continuous depth-sensing nano-indentation are used on the myelinated structure to obtain the load-on-sample versus measured displacement curve of a multi-layered myelin sheath, which is used to determine the work required for the nano-indentation tip to penetrate the myelin sheath. By analyzing the harmonic contact stiffness versus the measured displacement profile, the results can be used to estimate the three stages of the multi-layered structure on a myelinated axon. The method can also be used to evaluate the development stages of myelination or demyelination during nerve regeneration.

  6. Axonal propagation of simple and complex spikes in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. (United States)

    Khaliq, Zayd M; Raman, Indira M


    In cerebellar Purkinje neurons, the reliability of propagation of high-frequency simple spikes and spikelets of complex spikes is likely to regulate inhibition of Purkinje target neurons. To test the extent to which a one-to-one correspondence exists between somatic and axonal spikes, we made dual somatic and axonal recordings from Purkinje neurons in mouse cerebellar slices. Somatic action potentials were recorded with a whole-cell pipette, and the corresponding axonal signals were recorded extracellularly with a loose-patch pipette. Propagation of spontaneous and evoked simple spikes was highly reliable. At somatic firing rates of approximately 200 spikes/sec, 375 Hz during somatic hyperpolarizations that silenced spontaneous firing to approximately 150 Hz during spontaneous activity. The probability of propagation of individual spikelets could be described quantitatively as a saturating function of spikelet amplitude, rate of rise, or preceding interspike interval. The results suggest that ion channels of Purkinje axons are adapted to produce extremely short refractory periods and that brief bursts of forward-propagating action potentials generated by complex spikes may contribute transiently to inhibition of postsynaptic neurons.

  7. Partial denervation of sub-basal axons persists following debridement wounds to the mouse cornea. (United States)

    Pajoohesh-Ganji, Ahdeah; Pal-Ghosh, Sonali; Tadvalkar, Gauri; Kyne, Briana M; Saban, Daniel R; Stepp, Mary Ann


    Although sensory reinnervation occurs after injury in the peripheral nervous system, poor reinnervation in the elderly and those with diabetes often leads to pathology. Here we quantify sub-basal axon density in the central and peripheral mouse cornea over time after three different types of injury. The mouse cornea is highly innervated with a dense array of sub-basal nerves that form a spiral called the vortex at the corneal center or apex; these nerves are readily detected within flat mounted corneas. After anesthesia, corneal epithelial cells were removed using either a dulled blade or a rotating burr within an area demarcated centrally with a 1.5 mm trephine. A third wound type, superficial trephination, involved demarcating the area with the 1.5 mm trephine but not removing cells. By 7 days after superficial trephination, sub-basal axon density returns to control levels; by 28 days the vortex reforms. Although axon density is similar to control 14 days after dulled blade and rotating burr wounding, defects in axon morphology at the corneal apex remain. After 14 days, axons retract from the center leaving the sub-basal axon density reduced by 37.2 and 36.8% at 28 days after dulled blade and rotating burr wounding, respectively, compared with control. Assessment of inflammation using flow cytometry shows that persistent inflammation is not a factor in the incomplete reinnervation. Expression of mRNAs encoding 22 regeneration-associated genes involved in axon targeting assessed by QPCR reveals that netrin-1 and ephrin signaling are altered after wounding. Subpopulations of corneal epithelial basal cells at the corneal apex stop expressing ki67 as early as 7 days after injury and by 14 and 28 days after wounding, many of these basal cells undergo apoptosis and die. Although sub-basal axons are restored to their normal density and morphology after superficial trephination, sub-basal axon recovery is partial after debridement wounds. The increase in corneal

  8. Histoplasmose pulmonar aguda no Rio Grande do Sul Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Gisela Unis


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A histoplasmose pulmonar aguda depende da inalação de uma grande quantidade de propágulos fúngicos por um paciente hígido. O tempo de exposição determina a gravidade da doença. Uma epidemia é influenciada por fatores que afetam o crescimento e a transmissão do Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum na natureza. OBJETIVO: Identificar os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínico-laboratoriais dos pacientes com histoplasmose pulmonar aguda no Rio Grande do Sul e compará-los com as microepidemias relatadas no Brasil. MÉTODO: Foram revisados 212 prontuários clínicos de pacientes com histoplasmose dos arquivos do Laboratório de Micologia do Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre (RS num período de 25 anos (1977-2002. Foram identificados e incluídos no estudo os casos de histoplasmose pulmonar aguda com cultivo positivo e/ou achado histopatológico compatível. As microepidemias foram diagnosticadas com a comprovação de um caso ou evidência soromicológica com história clínica compatível. Foram revisadas as microepidemias publicadas no Brasil. RESULTADOS: Dezoito de um total de 212 pacientes (8,5% foram incluídos no trabalho. A idade variou de 8 a 63 anos (média de 35,4; mediana de 34,5, e 67% eram do sexo masculino. A história epidemiológica foi sugestiva em 11 pacientes (61%. O tipo primário de histoplasmose pulmonar aguda foi o mais freqüente (17; 95%. Houve predomínio de casos isolados. CONCLUSÃO: O reconhecimento de casos isolados e a presença de microepidemias demonstram a abundância do H. capsulatum no solo, e juntamente com a ocorrência de todas as formas da doença, confirmam o Rio Grande do Sul como hiperendêmico para histoplasmose.BACKGROUND: Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis is a respiratory infection occurring when an otherwise healthy individual inhales a large quantity of fungal propagules. Length of exposure determines disease severity. An epidemic is influenced by factors affecting the

  9. DISCO Interacting Protein 2 regulates axonal bifurcation and guidance of Drosophila mushroom body neurons. (United States)

    Nitta, Yohei; Yamazaki, Daisuke; Sugie, Atsushi; Hiroi, Makoto; Tabata, Tetsuya


    Axonal branching is one of the key processes within the enormous complexity of the nervous system to enable a single neuron to send information to multiple targets. However, the molecular mechanisms that control branch formation are poorly understood. In particular, previous studies have rarely addressed the mechanisms underlying axonal bifurcation, in which axons form new branches via splitting of the growth cone. We demonstrate that DISCO Interacting Protein 2 (DIP2) is required for precise axonal bifurcation in Drosophila mushroom body (MB) neurons by suppressing ectopic bifurcation and regulating the guidance of sister axons. We also found that DIP2 localize to the plasma membrane. Domain function analysis revealed that the AMP-synthetase domains of DIP2 are essential for its function, which may involve exerting a catalytic activity that modifies fatty acids. Genetic analysis and subsequent biochemical analysis suggested that DIP2 is involved in the fatty acid metabolization of acyl-CoA. Taken together, our results reveal a function of DIP2 in the developing nervous system and provide a potential functional relationship between fatty acid metabolism and axon morphogenesis. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Infecciones respiratorias agudas en los niños. Posibles medidas de control


    Mohs Villalta, Edgar


    Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, 1985 Las infecciones respiratorias agudas que representan el 50% aproximadamente, de los casos de enfermedades que deben notificarse a las autoridades y de las consultas pediátricas de pacientes ambulatorios en los países en desarrollo, son también una de las principales causas de las enfermedades contraídas en los hospitales y de mortalidad por enfermedades nosocomiales. En 1982, por *mph:), fueron la...

  11. Neuron-glia signaling and the protection of axon function by Schwann cells. (United States)

    Quintes, Susanne; Goebbels, Sandra; Saher, Gesine; Schwab, Markus H; Nave, Klaus-Armin


    The interaction between neurons and glial cells is a feature of all higher nervous systems. In the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, Schwann cells ensheath and myelinate axons thereby allowing rapid saltatory conduction and ensuring axonal integrity. Recently, some of the key molecules in neuron-Schwann cell signaling have been identified. Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) type III presented on the axonal surface determines the myelination fate of axons and controls myelin sheath thickness. Recent observations suggest that NRG1 regulates myelination via the control of Schwann cell cholesterol biosynthesis. This concept is supported by the finding that high cholesterol levels in Schwann cells are a rate-limiting factor for myelin protein production and transport of the major myelin protein P0 from the endoplasmic reticulum into the growing myelin sheath. NRG1 type III activates ErbB receptors on the Schwann cell, which leads to an increase in intracellular PIP3 levels via the PI3-kinase pathway. Surprisingly, enforced elevation of PIP3 levels by inactivation of the phosphatase PTEN in developing and mature Schwann cells does not entirely mimic NRG1 type III stimulated myelin growth, but predominantly causes focal hypermyelination starting at Schmidt-Lanterman incisures and nodes of Ranvier. This indicates that the glial transduction of pro-myelinating signals has to be under tight and life-long control to preserve integrity of the myelinated axon. Understanding the cross talk between neurons and Schwann cells will help to further define the role of glia in preserving axonal integrity and to develop therapeutic strategies for peripheral neuropathies such as CMT1A.

  12. Retinal glia promote dorsal root ganglion axon regeneration.

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    Barbara Lorber

    Full Text Available Axon regeneration in the adult central nervous system (CNS is limited by several factors including a lack of neurotrophic support. Recent studies have shown that glia from the adult rat CNS, specifically retinal astrocytes and Müller glia, can promote regeneration of retinal ganglion cell axons. In the present study we investigated whether retinal glia also exert a growth promoting effect outside the visual system. We found that retinal glial conditioned medium significantly enhanced neurite growth and branching of adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRG in culture. Furthermore, transplantation of retinal glia significantly enhanced regeneration of DRG axons past the dorsal root entry zone after root crush in adult rats. To identify the factors that mediate the growth promoting effects of retinal glia, mass spectrometric analysis of retinal glial conditioned medium was performed. Apolipoprotein E and secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC were found to be present in high abundance, a finding further confirmed by western blotting. Inhibition of Apolipoprotein E and SPARC significantly reduced the neuritogenic effects of retinal glial conditioned medium on DRG in culture, suggesting that Apolipoprotein E and SPARC are the major mediators of this regenerative response.

  13. Botulinum toxin's axonal transport from periphery to the spinal cord. (United States)

    Matak, Ivica; Riederer, Peter; Lacković, Zdravko


    Axonal transport of enzymatically active botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) from periphery to the CNS has been described in facial and trigeminal nerve, leading to cleavage of synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) in central nuclei. Aim of present study was to examine the existence of axonal transport of peripherally applied BTX-A to spinal cord via sciatic nerve. We employed BTX-A-cleaved SNAP-25 immunohistochemistry of lumbar spinal cord after intramuscular and subcutaneous hind limb injections, and intraneural BTX-A sciatic nerve injections. Truncated SNAP-25 in ipsilateral spinal cord ventral horns and dorsal horns appeared after single peripheral BTX-A administrations, even at low intramuscular dose applied (5 U/kg). Cleaved SNAP-25 appearance in the spinal cord after BTX-A injection into the sciatic nerve was prevented by proximal intrasciatic injection of colchicine (5 mM, 2 μl). Cleaved SNAP-25 in ventral horn, using choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT) double labeling, was localized within cholinergic neurons. These results extend the recent findings on BTX-A retrograde axonal transport in facial and trigeminal nerve. Appearance of truncated SNAP-25 in spinal cord following low-dose peripheral BTX-A suggest that the axonal transport of BTX-A occurs commonly following peripheral application. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Axonal degeneration in association with carpal tunnel syndrome Degeneração axonal na síndrome do túnel do carpo

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    Marcelo Ribeiro Caetano


    Full Text Available Median nerve entrapment in the palm to wrist segment is known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS. Electromyography is the best evaluation test to confirm the disease, as it shows a median reduced conduction velocity and/or conduction block; however, the usual CTS electrodiagnostic tests do not separate segmental demyelination alone from segmental demyelination plus secondary axonal degeneration. We studied 100 hands from CTS patients (classified as mild, moderate, and severe, and 50 hands from normal subjects. The median palmar sensory nerve action potential (SNAP amplitude was measured and compared between the two groups. It would be expected that SNAP was normal if no axonal degeneration had occurred. The results showed that in mild CTS group and part of moderate CTS group SNAP amplitude was normal, whereas in severe CTS group, and part of moderate group SNAP amplitude was reduced, proving that axonal degeneration was involved. As it is well stated that axonal lesions have worse prognosis than segmental demyelinating ones, this simple test may help to preditic the CTS outcome and treatment.A compressão do nervo mediano no segmento punho-palma produz uma entidade clínica conhecida como síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC. A eletroneuromiografia é o exame de escolha para o diagnóstico da STC, através da identificação de diminuição de velocidade e/ou bloqueio de condução quando estudamos a neurocondução do nervo mediano, no trecho do punho. Entretanto, as técnicas comumente usadas não conseguem separar a lesão em mielínica focal com ou sem degeneração axonal secundária. Avaliamos 100 mãos de pacientes com STC e comparamos com 50 mãos de um grupo controle. Medimos a amplitude do potencial de ação do nervo sensitivo do mediano, com estímulo na palma e captação no dedo, e comparamos entre os grupos controle e de pacientes (o grupo de STC foi subdividido em leve, moderado e grave. Era esperado que a amplitude do potencial

  15. The transmembrane collagen COL-99 guides longitudinally extending axons in C. elegans. (United States)

    Taylor, Jesse; Unsoeld, Thomas; Hutter, Harald


    We have identified the transmembrane collagen, COL-99, in a genetic screen for novel genes involved in axon guidance in the nematode C. elegans. COL-99 is similar to transmembrane collagens type XIII, XXIII and XXV in vertebrates. col-99 mutants exhibit guidance defects in axons extending along the major longitudinal axon tracts, most prominently the left ventral nerve cord (VNC). COL-99 is expressed in the hypodermis during the time of axon outgrowth. We provide evidence that a furin cleavage site in COL-99 is essential for function, suggesting that COL-99 is released from the cells producing it. Vertebrate homologs of COL-99 have been shown to be expressed in mammalian nervous systems and linked to various neurological disease but have not been associated with guidance of extending neurons. col-99 acts genetically with the discoidin domain receptors ddr-1 and ddr-2, which are expressed by neurons affected in col-99 mutants. Discoidin domain receptors are activated by collagens in vertebrates. DDR-1 and DDR-2 may function as receptors for COL-99. Our results establish a novel role for a transmembrane collagen in axonal guidance and asymmetry establishment of the VNC. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Perfiles clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda

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    Luis Eduardo Calderón


    Conclusiones: la falla cardíaca aguda descompensada es el perfil de presentación clínica más común en nuestra población con dos tercios del total de casos. El perfil hemodinámico más frecuente fue el “caliente y húmedo” (Stevenson B, resultados que concuerdan con lo observado en estudios locales y registros internacionales.

  17. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  18. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  19. Fisiopatología del síndrome de Guillain Barré axonal Physiopathology of axonal acute Guillain Barré syndrome

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    Juan Guillermo Montoya Ch.


    Full Text Available Se describe la fisiopatología del síndrome de Guillain Barré axonal. Se consideran especialmente cinco aspectos: 1 Agentes etiológicos, específicamente el Campylobacter jejuni. 2 Susceptibilidad genética humana. 3 Mimetismo molecular entre lipopolisacáridos y lipoproteínas. 4 Mecanismo de acción de los anticuerpos antigangliósidos y 5 Hallazgos patológicos. The physiopathology of axonal acute Guillain Barré syndrome is described. Five aspects are considered, namely: 1 Etiologic agents emphasizing on Campylobacter jejuni. 2 Human genetic predisposition. 3 Molecular mimicry between lipopolysaccharides and gangliosides. 4 Mechanisms of action of antiganglioside antibodies and, 5 Pathologic findings.

  20. Las nuevas formas de racismo


    Gutiérrez López-Dóriga, Cristina


    El racismo tal y como lo conocíamos ha disminuido considerablemente ya que ha debido adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias sociales. Esta adaptación ha creado una nueva forma de expresión de este fenómeno, más larvada pero igual de dañina que las anteriores formas manifiestas. Y aunque las bases que sustentan esta nueva forma de racismo dependen de la historia cultural del lugar, siendo así diferentes en Europa y Estados Unidos, ambas aluden a los mismos procesos que crean y mantienen la desigual...

  1. Interleucina-18 (IL-18 y otros parámetros inmunológicos como marcadores de gravedad en la pancreatitis aguda Interleukin 18 (IL-18 and other immunological parameters as markers of severity in acute pancreatitis

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    M. A. Martín


    Full Text Available Objetivo: se trata de comparar prospectivamente el comportamiento durante la primera semana del ingreso de los niveles de interleucina-18 (IL-18, y otros parámetros inmunológicos entre pacientes con pancreatitis aguda con y sin criterios de gravedad, así como entre pacientes con y sin desarrollo ulterior de seudoquiste. Pacientes y métodos: se compararon en 36 pacientes con pancreatitis aguda los resultados de sTNF-RI, IL-1Ra, IL-6 e IL-18 los días 1, 2, 3 y 7 desde el ingreso entre pancretitis leve, grave y un grupo control (13 pacientes con cólico biliar simple, así como entre pacientes con o sin seudoquiste. Resultados: al comparar pancreatitis leve con grave, IL-18 fue significativamente superior sólo el primer día en las pancreatitis graves y los otros parámetros a partir del segundo día de forma mantenida. También en pacientes que desarrollaron seudoquiste, IL-18 estuvo significativamente elevada el primer día. Conclusiones: IL-18 resultó el marcador más precoz de complicaciones y gravedad de la pancreatitis aguda a nivel sistémico y local (seudoquiste.Objective: our aim was to prospectively compare the behavior of interleukin 18 (IL-18 levels and other immunological parameters during the first week of hospitalization between acute pancreatitis patients with and without severity criteria, as well as between patients with and without late pseudocyst development. Patients and methods: in 36 patients with acute pancreatitis we compared sTNF-RI, IL-1Ra, IL-6, and IL-18 levels at days 1, 2, 3 and 7 after hospitalization between mild pancreatitis, severe pancreatitis, and a "control" group (13 patients with uncomplicated biliary colic, as well as between patients with and without pseudocyst. Results: on comparing mild to severe pancreatitis, IL-18 was significantly higher only the first day in severe pancreatitis, while the other parameters were steadily higher after the second day. In patients developing pseudocyst, IL-18 was

  2. The Actin-Binding Protein α-Adducin Is Required for Maintaining Axon Diameter

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    Sérgio Carvalho Leite


    Full Text Available The actin-binding protein adducin was recently identified as a component of the neuronal subcortical cytoskeleton. Here, we analyzed mice lacking adducin to uncover the function of this protein in actin rings. α-adducin knockout mice presented progressive axon enlargement in the spinal cord and optic and sciatic nerves, followed by axon degeneration and loss. Using stimulated emission depletion super-resolution microscopy, we show that a periodic subcortical actin cytoskeleton is assembled in every neuron type inspected including retinal ganglion cells and dorsal root ganglia neurons. In neurons devoid of adducin, the actin ring diameter increased, although the inter-ring periodicity was maintained. In vitro, the actin ring diameter adjusted as axons grew, suggesting the lattice is dynamic. Our data support a model in which adducin activity is not essential for actin ring assembly and periodicity but is necessary to control the diameter of both actin rings and axons and actin filament growth within rings.

  3. The Actin-Binding Protein α-Adducin Is Required for Maintaining Axon Diameter. (United States)

    Leite, Sérgio Carvalho; Sampaio, Paula; Sousa, Vera Filipe; Nogueira-Rodrigues, Joana; Pinto-Costa, Rita; Peters, Luanne Laurel; Brites, Pedro; Sousa, Mónica Mendes


    The actin-binding protein adducin was recently identified as a component of the neuronal subcortical cytoskeleton. Here, we analyzed mice lacking adducin to uncover the function of this protein in actin rings. α-adducin knockout mice presented progressive axon enlargement in the spinal cord and optic and sciatic nerves, followed by axon degeneration and loss. Using stimulated emission depletion super-resolution microscopy, we show that a periodic subcortical actin cytoskeleton is assembled in every neuron type inspected including retinal ganglion cells and dorsal root ganglia neurons. In neurons devoid of adducin, the actin ring diameter increased, although the inter-ring periodicity was maintained. In vitro, the actin ring diameter adjusted as axons grew, suggesting the lattice is dynamic. Our data support a model in which adducin activity is not essential for actin ring assembly and periodicity but is necessary to control the diameter of both actin rings and axons and actin filament growth within rings. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Intra-axonal Synthesis of SNAP25 Is Required for the Formation of Presynaptic Terminals

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    Andreia F.R. Batista


    Full Text Available Localized protein synthesis is a mechanism for developing axons to react acutely and in a spatially restricted manner to extracellular signals. As such, it is important for many aspects of axonal development, but its role in the formation of presynapses remains poorly understood. We found that the induced assembly of presynaptic terminals required local protein synthesis. Newly synthesized proteins were detectable at nascent presynapses within 15 min of inducing synapse formation in isolated axons. The transcript for the t-SNARE protein SNAP25, which is required for the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane, was recruited to presynaptic sites and locally translated. Inhibition of intra-axonal SNAP25 synthesis affected the clustering of SNAP25 and other presynaptic proteins and interfered with the release of synaptic vesicles from presynaptic sites. This study reveals a critical role for the axonal synthesis of SNAP25 in the assembly of presynaptic terminals.

  5. Síndrome de Guillain Barré en pediatría Guillain-Barré syndrome in pediatrics

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    Ricardo Erazo Torricelli


    Full Text Available Este trabajo revisa el conocimiento actual sobre el síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB en niños. El SGB se define como una parálisis flácida arrefléxica aguda y se clasifica en 4 subgrupos: polirradiculopatía aguda inflamatoria desmielinizante (AIDP, neuropatía axonal sensitivo-motora aguda (AMSAN, neuropatía axonal motora aguda (AMAN y síndrome de Miller-Fisher (SMF. La AIDP se asocia en un 30-50% a compromiso de pares craneales, lo cual no se observa en la AMAN. El SMF se caracteriza por ataxia, oftalmoplejía y arreflexia, pero puede presentar también compromiso de pares craneales. Datos recientes de la anatomía patológica y la fisiopatología del SGB destacan la importancia de la infección por Campylobacter jejuni en la generación de anticuerpos anti-gangliósidos (GM1 en AIDP, GQ1b en SMF y GD1a en AMAN que lesionan la mielina en AIDP y SMF y el axón en AMAN. El diagnóstico diferencial debe descartar enfermedades del sistema nervioso central (SNC (encefalitis, encefalomielitis, mielitis, síndromes miasténicos, neuropatías tóxicas por metales pesados, fármacos, substancias químicas o toxinas animales y cuadros miopáticos, especialmente la miositis aguda infecciosa benigna y la neuromiopatía del paciente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Es importante el tratamiento con inmunoglobulina en dosis total de 2 gramos por kilogramo a administrar en 48 horas. La plasmaféresis puede ser igualmente eficaz. El SGB tiene buen pronóstico en niños, con una recuperación total en el 85% de los casos. La rehabilitación es fundamental para lograr una recuperación más rápida e integral.This paper reviews the current knowledge about Guillain- Barré syndrome (GBS. GBS is defined as an acute, areflexic, flaccid paralysis, which is classified into 4 subgroups: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP, acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN, acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN and Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS

  6. Transfer of vesicles from Schwann cell to axon: a novel mechanism of communication in the peripheral nervous system

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    María Alejandra eLopez-Verrilli


    Full Text Available Schwann cells (SCs are the glial component of the peripheral nervous system, with essential roles during development and maintenance of axons, as well as during regenerative processes after nerve injury. SCs increase conduction velocities by myelinating axons, regulate synaptic activity at presynaptic nerve terminals and are a source of trophic factors to neurons. Thus, development and maintenance of peripheral nerves are crucially dependent on local signalling between SCs and axons. In addition to the classic mechanisms of intercellular signalling, the possibility of communication through secreted vesicles has been poorly explored to date. Interesting recent findings suggest the occurrence of lateral transfer mediated by vesicles from glial cells to axons that could have important roles in axonal growth and axonal regeneration. Here, we review the role of vesicular transfer from SCs to axons and propose the benefits of this means in supporting neuronal and axonal maintenance and regeneration after nerve damage.

  7. Trafficking of cholesterol from cell bodies to distal axons in Niemann Pick C1-deficient neurons. (United States)

    Karten, Barbara; Vance, Dennis E; Campenot, Robert B; Vance, Jean E


    Niemann Pick type C (NPC) disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. In cells lacking functional NPC1 protein, endocytosed cholesterol accumulates in late endosomes/lysosomes. We utilized primary neuronal cultures in which cell bodies and distal axons reside in separate compartments to investigate the requirement of NPC1 protein for transport of cholesterol from cell bodies to distal axons. We have recently observed that in NPC1-deficient neurons compared with wild-type neurons, cholesterol accumulates in cell bodies but is reduced in distal axons (Karten, B., Vance, D. E., Campenot, R. B., and Vance, J. E. (2002) J. Neurochem. 83, 1154-1163). We now show that NPC1 protein is expressed in both cell bodies and distal axons. In NPC1-deficient neurons, cholesterol delivered to cell bodies from low density lipoproteins (LDLs), high density lipoproteins, or cyclodextrin complexes was transported into axons in normal amounts, whereas transport of endogenously synthesized cholesterol was impaired. Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis with pravastatin in wild-type and NPC1-deficient neurons reduced axonal growth. However, LDLs restored a normal rate of growth to wild-type but not NPC1-deficient neurons treated with pravastatin. Thus, although LDL cholesterol is transported into axons of NPC1-deficient neurons, this source of cholesterol does not sustain normal axonal growth. Over the lifespan of NPC1-deficient neurons, these defects in cholesterol transport might be responsible for the observed altered distribution of cholesterol between cell bodies and axons and, consequently, might contribute to the neurological dysfunction in NPC disease.

  8. Embolectomía en una embolia pulmonar aguda masiva

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    Manuel Carnero Alcázar


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 57 años que, en el seno de un meningioma microcítico, padece una tromboembolia pulmonar masiva aguda con inestabilidad hemodinámica. Dado el riesgo de hemorragia por el tumor craneal, se contraindica la terapia fibrinolítica y se procede a practicar embolectomía pulmonar. Ésta se realiza bajo anestesia general, con canulación convencional y bajo hipotermia moderada. Se extrae émbolo en el tronco de la arteria pulmonar y con catéter de Fogarty se extraen émbolos en ramas lobares y segmentarias. Discutimos la asociación de enfermedad tromboembólica con determinadas neoplasias y el tratamiento de la tromboembolia pulmonar

  9. Bergmann glia and the recognition molecule CHL1 organize GABAergic axons and direct innervation of Purkinje cell dendrites.

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    Fabrice Ango


    Full Text Available The geometric and subcellular organization of axon arbors distributes and regulates electrical signaling in neurons and networks, but the underlying mechanisms have remained elusive. In rodent cerebellar cortex, stellate interneurons elaborate characteristic axon arbors that selectively innervate Purkinje cell dendrites and likely regulate dendritic integration. We used GFP BAC transgenic reporter mice to examine the cellular processes and molecular mechanisms underlying the development of stellate cell axons and their innervation pattern. We show that stellate axons are organized and guided towards Purkinje cell dendrites by an intermediate scaffold of Bergmann glial (BG fibers. The L1 family immunoglobulin protein Close Homologue of L1 (CHL1 is localized to apical BG fibers and stellate cells during the development of stellate axon arbors. In the absence of CHL1, stellate axons deviate from BG fibers and show aberrant branching and orientation. Furthermore, synapse formation between aberrant stellate axons and Purkinje dendrites is reduced and cannot be maintained, leading to progressive atrophy of axon terminals. These results establish BG fibers as a guiding scaffold and CHL1 a molecular signal in the organization of stellate axon arbors and in directing their dendritic innervation.

  10. Axons Pull on the Brain, But Tension Does Not Drive Cortical Folding (United States)

    Xu, Gang; Knutsen, Andrew K.; Dikranian, Krikor; Kroenke, Christopher D.; Bayly, Philip V.; Taber, Larry A.


    During human brain development, the cerebral cortex undergoes substantial folding, leading to its characteristic highly convoluted form. Folding is necessary to accommodate the expansion of the cerbral cortex; abnormal cortical folding is linked to various neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism and mental retardation. Although this process requires mechanical forces, the specific force-generating mechanisms that drive folding remain unclear. The two most widely accepted hypotheses are (1) folding is caused by differential growth of the cortex and (2) folding is caused by mechanical tension generated in axons. Direct evidence supporting either theory, however, is lacking. Here we show that axons are indeed under considerable tension in the developing ferret brain, but the patterns of tissue stress are not consistent with a causal role for axonal tension. In particular, microdissection assays reveal that significant tension exists along axons aligned circumferentially in subcortical white matter tracts, as well as those aligned radially inside developing gyri (outward folds). Contrary to previous speculation, however, axonal tension is not directed across developing gyri, suggesting that axon tension does not drive folding. On the other hand, using computational (finite element) models, we show that differential cortical growth accompanied by remodeling of the subplate leads to outward folds and stress fields that are consistent with our microdissection experiments, supporting a mechanism involving differential growth. Local perturbations, such as temporal differences in the initiation of cortical growth, can ensure consistent folding patterns. This study shows that a combination of experimental and computational mechanics can be used to evaluate competing hypotheses of morphogenesis, and illuminate the biomechanics of cortical folding. PMID:20590291

  11. Colesterol y triglicéridos como marcadores bioquímicos del estado de la enfermedad del paciente con leucemia linfocítica aguda


    Marco Guzmán; Miguel Sandoval


    Objetivo: Determinar la relación de los niveles séricos de colesterol y triglicéridos con el estado de respuesta al tratamiento quimioterápico de inducción de pacientes con leucemia linfocítica aguda. Material y Métodos: La muestra la conforman 25 pacientes de 2 a 18 años de edad, admitidos al Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas con un diagnóstico reciente de leucemia linfocítica aguda; determinándose en ellos sus concentraciones séricas de colesterol total, colesterol-HDL, colesterol-LDL y...

  12. The Kinesin Adaptor Calsyntenin-1 Organizes Microtubule Polarity and Regulates Dynamics during Sensory Axon Arbor Development

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    Mary C. Halloran


    Full Text Available Axon growth and branching, and development of neuronal polarity are critically dependent on proper organization and dynamics of the microtubule (MT cytoskeleton. MTs must organize with correct polarity for delivery of diverse cargos to appropriate subcellular locations, yet the molecular mechanisms regulating MT polarity remain poorly understood. Moreover, how an actively branching axon reorganizes MTs to direct their plus ends distally at branch points is unknown. We used high-speed, in vivo imaging of polymerizing MT plus ends to characterize MT dynamics in developing sensory axon arbors in zebrafish embryos. We find that axonal MTs are highly dynamic throughout development, and that the peripheral and central axons of sensory neurons show differences in MT behaviors. Furthermore, we show that Calsyntenin-1 (Clstn-1, a kinesin adaptor required for sensory axon branching, also regulates MT polarity in developing axon arbors. In wild type neurons the vast majority of MTs are directed in the correct plus-end-distal orientation from early stages of development. Loss of Clstn-1 causes an increase in MTs polymerizing in the retrograde direction. These misoriented MTs most often are found near growth cones and branch points, suggesting Clstn-1 is particularly important for organizing MT polarity at these locations. Together, our results suggest that Clstn-1, in addition to regulating kinesin-mediated cargo transport, also organizes the underlying MT highway during axon arbor development.

  13. Vesicular Axonal Transport is Modified In Vivo by Tau Deletion or Overexpression in Drosophila

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    Yasmina Talmat-Amar


    Full Text Available Structural microtubule associated protein Tau is found in high amount in axons and is involved in several neurodegenerative diseases. Although many studies have highlighted the toxicity of an excess of Tau in neurons, the in vivo understanding of the endogenous role of Tau in axon morphology and physiology is poor. Indeed, knock-out mice display no strong cytoskeleton or axonal transport phenotype, probably because of some important functional redundancy with other microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs. Here, we took advantage of the model organism Drosophila, which genome contains only one homologue of the Tau/MAP2/MAP4 family to decipher (endogenous Tau functions. We found that Tau depletion leads to a decrease in microtubule number and microtubule density within axons, while Tau excess leads to the opposite phenotypes. Analysis of vesicular transport in tau mutants showed altered mobility of vesicles, but no change in the total amount of putatively mobile vesicles, whereas both aspects were affected when Tau was overexpressed. In conclusion, we show that loss of Tau in tau mutants not only leads to a decrease in axonal microtubule density, but also impairs axonal vesicular transport, albeit to a lesser extent compared to the effects of an excess of Tau.

  14. Early development of the circumferential axonal pathway in mouse and chick spinal cord. (United States)

    Holley, J A


    The early development of the circumferential axonal pathway in the brachial and lumbar spinal cord of mouse and chick embryos was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The cellular processes which comprise this pathway grow in the transverse plane and along the lateral margin of the marginal zone (i.e., circumferentially oriented), as typified by the early embryonic commissural axons. The first formative event observed was in the ventrolateral margin of the primitive spinal cord ventricular zone. Cellular processes were found near the external limiting membrane that appeared to grow a variable distance either dorsally or ventrally. Later in development, presumptive motor column neurons migrated into the ventrolateral region, distal to these early circumferentially oriented processes. Concurrently, other circumferentially oriented perikarya and processes appeared along the dorsolateral margin. Due to their aligned sites of origin and parallel growth, the circumferential processes formed a more or less continuous line or pathway, which in about 10% of the scanned specimens could be followed along the entire lateral margin of the embryonic spinal cord. Several specimens later in development had two sets of aligned circumferential processes in the ventral region. Large numbers of circumferential axons were then found to follow the preformed pathway by fasciculation, after the primitive motor column had become established. Since the earliest circumferential processes appeared to differentiate into axons and were found nearly 24 hours prior to growth of most circumferential axons, their role in guidance as pioneering axons was suggested.

  15. Functional characterization and axonal transport of quantum dot labeled BDNF


    Xie, Wenjun; Zhang, Kai; Cui, Bianxiao


    Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a key role in the growth, development and maintenance of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Exogenous BDNF activates its membrane receptors at the axon terminal, and subsequently sends regulation signals to the cell body. To understand how BDNF signal propagates in neurons, it is important to follow the trafficking of BDNF after it is internalized at the axon terminal. Here we labeled BDNF with bright, photostable quantum dot (QD-BDNF) a...

  16. Pro Forma Registration of Companies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    The article analyses the view taken by Community law on companies' pro forma registration in another EU or EEA country. Community law recognises pro forma registration under company law, i.e. a brass plate is sufficient, whereas it does not recognise pro forma registration under tax law, i.......e. a brass plate is not sufficient. The article provides reasons for the differential treatment of the two contexts and clarifies the difference on the basis of the Hubbard criterion, in which it was ruled that the effectiveness of Community law cannot vary according to the various branches of national law....

  17. Axonal Control of the Adult Neural Stem Cell Niche (United States)

    Tong, Cheuk Ka; Chen, Jiadong; Cebrián-Silla, Arantxa; Mirzadeh, Zaman; Obernier, Kirsten; Guinto, Cristina D.; Tecott, Laurence H.; García-Verdugo, Jose Manuel; Kriegstein, Arnold; Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo


    SUMMARY The ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) is an extensive germinal niche containing neural stem cells (NSC) in the walls of the lateral ventricles of the adult brain. How the adult brain’s neural activity influences the behavior of adult NSCs remains largely unknown. We show that serotonergic (5HT) axons originating from a small group of neurons in the raphe form an extensive plexus on most of the ventricular walls. Electron microscopy revealed intimate contacts between 5HT axons and NSCs (B1) or ependymal cells (E1) and these cells were labeled by a transsynaptic viral tracer injected into the raphe. B1 cells express the 5HT receptors 2C and 5A. Electrophysiology showed that activation of these receptors in B1 cells induced small inward currents. Intraventricular infusion of 5HT2C agonist or antagonist increased or decreased V-SVZ proliferation, respectively. These results indicate that supraependymal 5HT axons directly interact with NSCs to regulate neurogenesis via 5HT2C. PMID:24561083

  18. A phantom axon setup for validating models of action potential recordings. (United States)

    Rossel, Olivier; Soulier, Fabien; Bernard, Serge; Guiraud, David; Cathébras, Guy


    Electrode designs and strategies for electroneurogram recordings are often tested first by computer simulations and then by animal models, but they are rarely implanted for long-term evaluation in humans. The models show that the amplitude of the potential at the surface of an axon is higher in front of the nodes of Ranvier than at the internodes; however, this has not been investigated through in vivo measurements. An original experimental method is presented to emulate a single fiber action potential in an infinite conductive volume, allowing the potential of an axon to be recorded at both the nodes of Ranvier and the internodes, for a wide range of electrode-to-fiber radial distances. The paper particularly investigates the differences in the action potential amplitude along the longitudinal axis of an axon. At a short radial distance, the action potential amplitude measured in front of a node of Ranvier is two times larger than in the middle of two nodes. Moreover, farther from the phantom axon, the measured action potential amplitude is almost constant along the longitudinal axis. The results of this new method confirm the computer simulations, with a correlation of 97.6 %.

  19. Pengungkapan Pro Forma, Mendukung atau Menyesatkan Investor?

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    Yohanis Rura


    Full Text Available Pro forma is originated from Latin. It contains different meaning depends on which discipline it is used. In accounting, pro forma disclosure is used to show effect of important transaction which occurs after the end of periods, or which occurs during period but not fully reflected in historical cost financial statement of a firm. Pro forma disclosure has the objective to support (but might mislead investor in decision making focused on particular influence of important transaction. Company with low GAAP profit information; less profitable company and has higher level of debt but more liquid, whose P-E ratio and market to book is higher than other companies in the industry; has the tendency to do pro forma disclosure. Pro forma disclosure has been supported by several theories such as: efficient market theory, catering theory, agency theory, signaling theory, and stakeholder theory. However, there are problems in reporting pro forma figures. There is no standard to it. Therefore, information on pro forma disclosure might also mislead less sophisticated investor.

  20. The Drosophila HEM-2/NAP1 homolog KETTE controls axonal pathfinding and cytoskeletal organization. (United States)

    Hummel, T; Leifker, K; Klämbt, C


    In Drosophila, the correct formation of the segmental commissures depends on neuron-glial interactions at the midline. The VUM midline neurons extend axons along which glial cells migrate in between anterior and posterior commissures. Here, we show that the gene kette is required for the normal projection of the VUM axons and subsequently disrupts glial migration. Axonal projection defects are also found for many other moto- and interneurons. In addition, kette affects the cell morphology of mesodermal and epidermal derivatives, which show an abnormal actin cytoskeleton. The KETTE protein is homologous to the transmembrane protein HEM-2/NAP1 evolutionary conserved from worms to vertebrates. In vitro analysis has shown a specific interaction of the vertebrate HEM-2/NAP1 with the SH2-SH3 adapter protein NCK and the small GTPase RAC1, which both have been implicated in regulating cytoskeleton organization and axonal growth. Hypomorphic kette mutations lead to axonal defects similar to mutations in the Drosophila NCK homolog dreadlocks. Furthermore, we show that kette and dock mutants genetically interact. NCK is thought to interact with the small G proteins RAC1 and CDC42, which play a role in axonal growth. In line with these observations, a kette phenocopy can be obtained following directed expression of mutant DCDC42 or DRAC1 in the CNS midline. In addition, the kette mutant phenotype can be partially rescued by expression of an activated DRAC1 transgene. Our data suggest an important role of the HEM-2 protein in cytoskeletal organization during axonal pathfinding.

  1. Axonal Spheroid Accumulation In the Brainstem and Spinal Cord of A Young Angus Cow with Ataxia. (United States)

    Hanshaw, D M; Finnie, J W; Manavis, J; Kessell, A E


    An 18-month-old Angus cow presented with rapidly developing ataxia and subsequently died. The finding of large numbers of axonal spheroids in brainstem nuclei and spinal cord grey matter, bilaterally symmetrical in distribution, was consistent with a histopathological diagnosis of neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD). Most of the axonal swellings were immunopositive to amyloid precursor protein, suggesting that interruption to axonal flow was important in their genesis. The topographical distribution of axonal spheroids in the brain and spinal cord in this bovine case closely resembled that found in the ovine neurodegenerative disorder termed NAD, in which axonal swellings are the major pathological feature. This appears to be the first reported case of this type of NAD in cattle. The aetiology of the spheroidal aggregations in this case was not determined. There was no evidence from the case history or neuropathology to indicate whether the axonal spheroids in this case involved an acquired or heritable aetiology. © 2015 Australian Veterinary Association.

  2. Caracterización inmunofenotípica de pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda

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    Daily Pino Blanco

    Full Text Available Introducción: la leucemia mieloide aguda incluye un grupo heterogéneo de neoplasias caracterizadas por una expansión clonal de mieloblastos, cuya clasificación involucra varios criterios, incluidos los inmunológicos. Objetivo: caracterizar el inmunofenotipo de los pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda evaluados en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de los pacientes diagnosticados con este tipo de leucemia, cuyas muestras de sangre fueron procesadas en el Departamento de Inmunología en el período 2008-2012. Se usó un ultramicrométodo inmunocitoquímico que utiliza un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales específicos de antígenos mieloides y linfoides. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, subtipo de leucemia y expresión de marcadores inmunológicos, cuyas asociaciones fueron analizadas con los estadígrafos Chi-cuadrado y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: se estudiaron 58 pacientes, 28 del sexo femenino y 30 del masculino. El grupo de edad predominante fue de 0 a 9 años con una mediana de 26 años. El subtipo M4 resultó el más frecuente (30,4 %. Los subtipos M4 y M7 predominaron en niños, mientras que el M0, predominó en adultos, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p d»0,05. La combinación de los antígenos panmieloides CD13 y CD33 se presentó en el 91 % de los enfermos. Las combinaciones de CD13/CD33, CD14/CD15, CD33/CD14 y CD33/CD15 mostraron correlación significativa. En el 20,6 % de los pacientes evaluados, fueron detectados, además, antígenos linfoides. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo y la edad. El antígeno CD7 fue el más expresado, seguido de los antígenos: CD3, CD20, CD22 y CD79, en igual proporción. Conclusiones: el inmunofenotipaje celular demostró ser un procedimiento útil para confirmar el diagnóstico morfológico y clínico de la leucemia mieloide aguda.

  3. Chondroitin sulfates do not impede axonal regeneration in goldfish spinal cord. (United States)

    Takeda, Akihito; Okada, Soichiro; Funakoshi, Kengo


    Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans produced in glial scar tissue are a major inhibitory factor for axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury in mammals. The inhibition is largely due to chondroitin sulfates, whose effects differ according to the sulfation pattern. In contrast to mammals, fish nerves spontaneously regenerate beyond the scar tissue after spinal cord injury, although the mechanisms that allow for axons to pass through the scar are unclear. Here, we used immunohistochemistry to examine the expression of two chondroitin sulfates with different sulfation variants at the lesion site in goldfish spinal cord. The intact spinal cord was immunoreactive for both chondroitin sulfate-A (CS-A) and chondroitin sulfate-C (CS-C), and CS-A immunoreactivity overlapped extensively with glial processes positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein. At 1week after inducing the spinal lesion, CS-A immunoreactivity was observed in the cell bodies and extracellular matrix, as well as in glial processes surrounding the lesion center. At 2weeks after the spinal lesion, regenerating axons entering the lesion center overtook the CS-A abundant area. In contrast, at 1week after lesion induction, CS-C immunoreactivity was significantly decreased, and at 2weeks after lesion induction, CS-C immunoreactivity was observed along the regenerating axons entering the lesion center. The present findings suggest that after spinal cord injury in goldfish, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans are deposited in the extracellular matrix at the lesion site but do not form an impenetrable barrier to the growth of regenerating axons. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Investigation on the mechanism of peripheral axonal injury in glaucoma

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    Jun- Hong Zhao


    Full Text Available AIM: To compare the angles of longitudinal section of sclera around optic nerve heads and the never fiber layer changes in healthy adults and patients with glaucoma, and to investigate the mechanism of peripheral retinal axonal injury, with the combined knowledge of biomechanics. METHODS: The optical nerves and their peripheral tissue specimen in the 12 eyes from health adult donators and 12 eyes from glaucoma patient donators were dyed by Glees' method to compare the angles of longitudinal section of sclera around optic nerve heads(through optic nerve center, and to observe the anatomical features of the peripheral retinal axons. RESULTS: The mean angle of longitudinal section of sclera around optic nerve in healthy adults was 73.3°, while that in patients with absolute glaucoma was 75.6°. The difference showed no significance(t=1.44, P>0.05. There was a sharp bend in the course of peripheral optical fiber in healthy adults. However, the optic nerve fiber disappeared completely in patients with glaucoma end stage. CONCLUSION: The angle between the medial edge and leading edge of sclera(around optic nerve headsis an acute angle. The optical fiber in glaucoma end stage disappeared completely. The phenomenon may be related to high intraocular pressure, the sclera shape, the shear modulus of sclera and axons, and “axonal bending-injury” mechanism.

  5. Impaired Mitochondrial Dynamics Underlie Axonal Defects in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias. (United States)

    Denton, Kyle; Mou, Yongchao; Xu, Chong-Chong; Shah, Dhruvi; Chang, Jaerak; Blackstone, Craig; Li, Xue-Jun


    Mechanisms by which long corticospinal axons degenerate in hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) are largely unknown. Here, we have generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patients with two autosomal recessive forms of HSP, SPG15 and SPG48, which are caused by mutations in the ZFYVE26 and AP5Z1 genes encoding proteins in the same complex, the spastizin and AP5Z1 proteins, respectively. In patient iPSC-derived telencephalic glutamatergic and midbrain dopaminergic neurons, neurite number, length and branching are significantly reduced, recapitulating disease-specific phenotypes. We analyzed mitochondrial morphology and noted a significant reduction in both mitochondrial length and their densities within axons of these HSP neurons. Mitochondrial membrane potential was also decreased, confirming functional mitochondrial defects. Notably, mdivi-1, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial fission GTPase DRP1, rescues mitochondrial morphology defects and suppresses the impairment in neurite outgrowth and late-onset apoptosis in HSP neurons. Furthermore, knockdown of these HSP genes causes similar axonal defects, also mitigated by treatment with mdivi-1. Finally, neurite outgrowth defects in SPG15 and SPG48 cortical neurons can be rescued by knocking down DRP1 directly. Thus, abnormal mitochondrial morphology caused by an imbalance of mitochondrial fission and fusion underlies specific axonal defects and serves as a potential therapeutic target for SPG15 and SPG48.

  6. Tri-partite complex for axonal transport drug delivery achieves pharmacological effect

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    Frederickson Martyn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Targeted delivery of pharmaceutical agents into selected populations of CNS (Central Nervous System neurons is an extremely compelling goal. Currently, systemic methods are generally used for delivery of pain medications, anti-virals for treatment of dermatomal infections, anti-spasmodics, and neuroprotectants. Systemic side effects or undesirable effects on parts of the CNS that are not involved in the pathology limit efficacy and limit clinical utility for many classes of pharmaceuticals. Axonal transport from the periphery offers a possible selective route, but there has been little progress towards design of agents that can accomplish targeted delivery via this intraneural route. To achieve this goal, we developed a tripartite molecular construction concept involving an axonal transport facilitator molecule, a polymer linker, and a large number of drug molecules conjugated to the linker, then sought to evaluate its neurobiology and pharmacological behavior. Results We developed chemical synthesis methodologies for assembling these tripartite complexes using a variety of axonal transport facilitators including nerve growth factor, wheat germ agglutinin, and synthetic facilitators derived from phage display work. Loading of up to 100 drug molecules per complex was achieved. Conjugation methods were used that allowed the drugs to be released in active form inside the cell body after transport. Intramuscular and intradermal injection proved effective for introducing pharmacologically effective doses into selected populations of CNS neurons. Pharmacological efficacy with gabapentin in a paw withdrawal latency model revealed a ten fold increase in half life and a 300 fold decrease in necessary dose relative to systemic administration for gabapentin when the drug was delivered by axonal transport using the tripartite vehicle. Conclusion Specific targeting of selected subpopulations of CNS neurons for drug delivery by axonal

  7. Polarized axonal surface expression of neuronal KCNQ potassium channels is regulated by calmodulin interaction with KCNQ2 subunit.

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    John P Cavaretta

    Full Text Available KCNQ potassium channels composed of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 subunits give rise to the M-current, a slow-activating and non-inactivating voltage-dependent potassium current that limits repetitive firing of action potentials. KCNQ channels are enriched at the surface of axons and axonal initial segments, the sites for action potential generation and modulation. Their enrichment at the axonal surface is impaired by mutations in KCNQ2 carboxy-terminal tail that cause benign familial neonatal convulsion and myokymia, suggesting that their correct surface distribution and density at the axon is crucial for control of neuronal excitability. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for regulating enrichment of KCNQ channels at the neuronal axon remain elusive. Here, we show that enrichment of KCNQ channels at the axonal surface of dissociated rat hippocampal cultured neurons is regulated by ubiquitous calcium sensor calmodulin. Using immunocytochemistry and the cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4 membrane protein as a trafficking reporter, we demonstrate that fusion of KCNQ2 carboxy-terminal tail is sufficient to target CD4 protein to the axonal surface whereas inhibition of calmodulin binding to KCNQ2 abolishes axonal surface expression of CD4 fusion proteins by retaining them in the endoplasmic reticulum. Disruption of calmodulin binding to KCNQ2 also impairs enrichment of heteromeric KCNQ2/KCNQ3 channels at the axonal surface by blocking their trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the axon. Consistently, hippocampal neuronal excitability is dampened by transient expression of wild-type KCNQ2 but not mutant KCNQ2 deficient in calmodulin binding. Furthermore, coexpression of mutant calmodulin, which can interact with KCNQ2/KCNQ3 channels but not calcium, reduces but does not abolish their enrichment at the axonal surface, suggesting that apo calmodulin but not calcium-bound calmodulin is necessary for their preferential targeting to the axonal

  8. Wnt Signalling Promotes Actin Dynamics during Axon Remodelling through the Actin-Binding Protein Eps8.

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    Eleanna Stamatakou

    Full Text Available Upon arrival at their synaptic targets, axons slow down their growth and extensively remodel before the assembly of presynaptic boutons. Wnt proteins are target-derived secreted factors that promote axonal remodelling and synaptic assembly. In the developing spinal cord, Wnts secreted by motor neurons promote axonal remodelling of NT-3 responsive dorsal root ganglia neurons. Axon remodelling induced by Wnts is characterised by growth cone pausing and enlargement, processes that depend on the re-organisation of microtubules. However, the contribution of the actin cytoskeleton has remained unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt3a regulates the actin cytoskeleton by rapidly inducing F-actin accumulation in growth cones from rodent DRG neurons through the scaffold protein Dishevelled-1 (Dvl1 and the serine-threonine kinase Gsk3β. Importantly, these changes in actin cytoskeleton occurs before enlargement of the growth cones is evident. Time-lapse imaging shows that Wnt3a increases lamellar protrusion and filopodia velocity. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of actin assembly demonstrates that Wnt3a increases actin dynamics. Through a yeast-two hybrid screen, we identified the actin-binding protein Eps8 as a direct interactor of Dvl1, a scaffold protein crucial for the Wnt signalling pathway. Gain of function of Eps8 mimics Wnt-mediated axon remodelling, whereas Eps8 silencing blocks the axon remodelling activity of Wnt3a. Importantly, blockade of the Dvl1-Eps8 interaction completely abolishes Wnt3a-mediated axonal remodelling. These findings demonstrate a novel role for Wnt-Dvl1 signalling through Eps8 in the regulation of axonal remodeling.

  9. Relação lipase/amilase nas pancreatites agudas de causa biliar e nas pancreatites agudas/crônicas agudizadas de causa alcoólica Lipase/amylase ratio in biliary acute pancreatitis and alcoholic acute/acutized chronic pancreatitis

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    Ricardo Custódio Pacheco


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Pancreatites agudas de causas alcoólica ou biliar podem necessitar de abordagens terapêuticas diferentes. OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade da relação lipase/amilase em diferenciar as causas alcoólica ou biliar na pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados nove pacientes com pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada alcoólica, todos homens, com idade média (desvio padrão de 39,8 ± 7,0 anos (grupo I e 29 com pancreatite aguda biliar, sendo 8 homens e 21 mulheres, com idade média de 43,6 ± 19,9 anos (grupo II. As amilasemias e lipasemias foram determinadas em pacientes com sintomatologia há, no máximo, 48 horas. A relação lipase/amilase foi calculada utilizando-se valores de amilasemia e lipasemia expressas como múltiplos de seus respectivos valores superiores de referência. RESULTADOS: As médias das lipasemias (4.814 ± 3.670 U/L e amilasemias (1.282 ± 777 U/L no grupo I foram semelhantes às do grupo II (2.697 ± 2.391 e 1.878 ± 1.319 U/L, respectivamente, mas a média das relações lipase/amilase foi significantemente maior no grupo I (4,4 ± 3,6 do que no grupo II (2,2 ± 2,2. Relação lipase/amilase >3 foi significantemente mais freqüente no grupo I (66,7% do que no grupo II (24,1% e diferenciou os dois grupos com sensibilidade de 67% e especificidade de 76%. CONCLUSÕES: 1 as amilasemias e lipasemias não diferenciaram os dois grupos avaliados; 2 relação lipase/amilase >3 é mais freqüente na pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada alcoólica do que na pancreatite aguda biliar, e pode ser útil na diferenciação destas duas causas de pancreatite.BACKGROUND: Alcoholic or biliary acute pancreatitis may need different therapeutic approaches. AIM: Assessing the validity of lipase/amylase ratio in differentiating biliary from alcoholic acute pancreatitis/acutized chronic pancreatitis. METHODS: Nine male patients (mean age and standard deviation: 39.8 ± 7.0 years

  10. Developmental axon stretch stimulates neuron growth while maintaining normal electrical activity, intracellular calcium flux, and somatic morphology. (United States)

    Loverde, Joseph R; Pfister, Bryan J


    Elongation of nerve fibers intuitively occurs throughout mammalian development, and is synchronized with expansion of the growing body. While most tissue systems enlarge through mitosis and differentiation, elongation of nerve fibers is remarkably unique. The emerging paradigm suggests that axons undergo stretch as contiguous tissues enlarge between the proximal and distal segments of spanning nerve fibers. While stretch is distinct from growth, tension is a known stimulus which regulates the growth of axons. Here, we hypothesized that the axon stretch-growth process may be a natural form of injury, whereby regenerative processes fortify elongating axons in order to prevent disconnection. Harnessing the live imaging capability of our axon stretch-growth bioreactors, we assessed neurons both during and following stretch for biomarkers associated with injury. Utilizing whole-cell patch clamp recording, we found no evidence of changes in spontaneous action potential activity or degradation of elicited action potentials during real-time axon stretch at strains of up to 18% applied over 5 min. Unlike traumatic axonal injury, functional calcium imaging of the soma revealed no shifts in free intracellular calcium during axon stretch. Finally, the cross-sectional areas of nuclei and cytoplasms were normal, with no evidence of chromatolysis following week-long stretch-growth limited to the lower of 25% strain or 3 mm total daily stretch. The neuronal growth cascade coupled to stretch was concluded to be independent of the changes in membrane potential, action potential generation, or calcium flux associated with traumatic injury. While axon stretch-growth is likely to share overlap with regenerative processes, we conclude that developmental stretch is a distinct stimulus from traumatic axon injury.

  11. Developmental Axon Stretch Stimulates Neuron Growth While Maintaining Normal Electrical Activity, Intracellular Calcium Flux, and Somatic Morphology

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    Joseph R Loverde


    Full Text Available Elongation of nerve fibers intuitively occurs throughout mammalian development, and is synchronized with expansion of the growing body. While most tissue systems enlarge through mitosis and differentiation, elongation of nerve fibers is remarkably unique. The emerging paradigm suggests that axons undergo stretch as contiguous tissues enlarge between the proximal and distal segments of spanning nerve fibers. While stretch is distinct from growth, tension is a known stimulus which regulates the growth of axons. Here, we hypothesized that the axon stretch-growth process may be a natural form of injury, whereby regenerative processes fortify elongating axons in order to prevent disconnection. Harnessing the live imaging capability of our axon stretch-growth bioreactors, we assessed neurons both during and following stretch for biomarkers associated with injury. Utilizing whole-cell patch clamp recording, we found no evidence of changes in spontaneous action potential activity or degradation of elicited action potentials during real-time axon stretch at strains of up to 18 % applied over 5 minutes. Unlike traumatic axonal injury, functional calcium imaging of the soma revealed no shifts in free intracellular calcium during axon stretch. Finally, the cross-sectional areas of nuclei and cytoplasms were normal, with no evidence of chromatolysis following week-long stretch-growth limited to the lower of 25 % strain or 3 mm total daily stretch. The neuronal growth cascade coupled to stretch was concluded to be independent of the changes in membrane potential, action potential generation, or calcium flux associated with traumatic injury. While axon stretch-growth is likely to share overlap with regenerative processes, we conclude that developmental stretch is a distinct stimulus from traumatic axon injury.

  12. Axon Termination, Pruning, and Synaptogenesis in the Giant Fiber System of Drosophila melanogaster Is Promoted by Highwire. (United States)

    Borgen, Melissa; Rowland, Kimberly; Boerner, Jana; Lloyd, Brandon; Khan, Aruna; Murphey, Rodney


    The ubiquitin ligase Highwire has a conserved role in synapse formation. Here, we show that Highwire coordinates several facets of central synapse formation in the Drosophila melanogaster giant fiber system, including axon termination, axon pruning, and synaptic function. Despite the similarities to the fly neuromuscular junction, the role of Highwire and the underlying signaling pathways are distinct in the fly's giant fiber system. During development, branching of the giant fiber presynaptic terminal occurs and, normally, the transient branches are pruned away. However, in highwire mutants these ectopic branches persist, indicating that Highwire promotes axon pruning. highwire mutants also exhibit defects in synaptic function. Highwire promotes axon pruning and synaptic function cell-autonomously by attenuating a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway including Wallenda, c-Jun N-terminal kinase/Basket, and the transcription factor Jun. We also show a novel role for Highwire in non-cell autonomous promotion of synaptic function from the midline glia. Highwire also regulates axon termination in the giant fibers, as highwire mutant axons exhibit severe overgrowth beyond the pruning defect. This excessive axon growth is increased by manipulating Fos expression in the cells surrounding the giant fiber terminal, suggesting that Fos regulates a trans -synaptic signal that promotes giant fiber axon growth. Copyright © 2017 by the Genetics Society of America.

  13. Retinopatia de Purtscher-like e pancreatite aguda Purtscher-like retinopathy and acute pancreatitis

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    Kelly Fernandes de Paula Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Retinopatia de Purtscher-like é uma baixa súbita da visão associada à imagem de múltiplas áreas branco-amareladas (manchas algodonosas e hemorragias no pólo posterior de ambos os olhos. O exato mecanismo da injúria ainda não é claro, mas provavelmente seria de natureza embólica.Tem sido descrita em uma variedade de condições, incluindo pancreatite aguda, síndrome de embolia gordurosa, insuficiência renal, nascimento (parto e pós-parto, desordens do tecido conectivo, entre outras. Serão relatados três casos de pancreatite aguda confirmada pelos exames laboratoriais e história clínica, associadas a alterações no exame do fundo de olho, compatíveis com esta retinopatia.Purtscher-like retinopathy is acute loss of vision associated image of the multiple areas of retinal whitening and hemorrhage in the posterior pole of both eyes. The exact mechanism of injury remains unclear, current evidence suggests that it is embolic in nature. In a variety of conditions are been described including acute pancreatitis, fat embolism syndrome, renal failure, childbirth, and connective tissue disorders. Will are related three cases of the acute pancreatitis which was confirmed by complementary laboratory studies and clinical history, associated from exam of the fundus of the eye, similar is this retinopathy.

  14. Drug therapy for chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrancken, A. F. J. E.; van Schaik, I. N.; Hughes, R. A. C.; Notermans, N. C.


    BACKGROUND: Chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy is an insidiously progressive sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy that affects elderly people. Although severe disability or handicap does not occur, it reduces quality of life. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether drug therapy for chronic idiopathic

  15. Vesicular glutamate release from central axons contributes to myelin damage. (United States)

    Doyle, Sean; Hansen, Daniel Bloch; Vella, Jasmine; Bond, Peter; Harper, Glenn; Zammit, Christian; Valentino, Mario; Fern, Robert


    The axon myelin sheath is prone to injury associated with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor activation but the source of glutamate in this context is unknown. Myelin damage results in permanent action potential loss and severe functional deficit in the white matter of the CNS, for example in ischemic stroke. Here, we show that in rats and mice, ischemic conditions trigger activation of myelinic NMDA receptors incorporating GluN2C/D subunits following release of axonal vesicular glutamate into the peri-axonal space under the myelin sheath. Glial sources of glutamate such as reverse transport did not contribute significantly to this phenomenon. We demonstrate selective myelin uptake and retention of a GluN2C/D NMDA receptor negative allosteric modulator that shields myelin from ischemic injury. The findings potentially support a rational approach toward a low-impact prophylactic therapy to protect patients at risk of stroke and other forms of excitotoxic injury.

  16. p27Kip1 Modulates Axonal Transport by Regulating α-Tubulin Acetyltransferase 1 Stability

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    Giovanni Morelli


    Full Text Available Summary: The protein p27Kip1 plays roles that extend beyond cell-cycle regulation during cerebral cortex development, such as the regulation of neuronal migration and neurite branching via signaling pathways that converge on the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Microtubule-dependent transport is essential for the maturation of neurons and the establishment of neuronal connectivity though synapse formation and maintenance. Here, we show that p27Kip1 controls the transport of vesicles and organelles along the axon of mice cortical projection neurons in vitro. Moreover, suppression of the p27Kip1 ortholog, dacapo, in Drosophila melanogaster disrupts axonal transport in vivo, leading to the reduction of locomotor activity in third instar larvae and adult flies. At the molecular level, p27Kip1 stabilizes the α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1, thereby promoting the acetylation of microtubules, a post-translational modification required for proper axonal transport. : Morelli et al. report that p27Kip1/Dacapo modulates the acetylation of microtubules in axons via stabilization of ATAT1, the main α-tubulin acetyltransferase. Its conditional loss leads to the reduction of bidirectional axonal transport of vesicles and mitochondria in vitro in mice and in vivo in Drosophila. Keywords: p27Kip1, dacapo, acetylation, axonal transport, ATAT1, alpha-tubulin, HDAC6, Drosophila, mouse, cerebral cortex

  17. Particularidades del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda en edades pediátricas

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    Valentín Santiago Rodríguez Moya

    Full Text Available Desde las primeras descripciones del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda los pediatras intensivistas reconocieron que posee particularidades que la hacen diferente en la población pediátrica. El objetivo de este trabajo es divulgar la definición específica en el modelo infantil, aunque existen similitudes en la fisiopatología del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria en adultos y niños. Se revisaron los conceptos vigentes sobre el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda desde su descripción, a través de los diferentes consensos (desde el de 1994 hasta el de 2015 y se señalaron las recomendaciones en el tratamiento y seguimiento de esta entidad. Los tópicos que se trataron fueron: concepto; prevalencia y epidemiología; fisiopatología, severidad y enfermedades asociadas; soporte ventilatorio; tratamientos secundarios específicos sobre el pulmón; tratamientos concomitantes; monitoreo general y pulmonar; soporte ventilatorio no invasivo; terapia extracorpórea y el seguimiento a largo plazo. Las recomendaciones propuestas en la última conferencia de consenso para el tratamiento del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria en edades pediátricas permiten optimizar el tratamiento e identificar necesidades futuras de investigación del tema.

  18. Esofagitis necrotizante aguda: Una entidad inusual

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    Silvana E. Pramparo


    Full Text Available La esofagitis necrotizante aguda (ENA, también denominada esófago negro, es una rara enfermedad poco descripta en la literatura médica. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 80 años, con hemorragia digestiva alta quien desarrolló un esófago negro luego de un episodio de hipotensión. La necrosis fue confirmada histológicamente. Los pacientes se presentan con hematemesis y melena en más del 70% de los casos. Los hallazgos endoscópicos muestran una coloración negruzca de la mucosa esofágica. El diagnóstico se realiza con endoscopia y confirmación histológica. La mortalidad es alta (más del 50% aunque relacionada a las enfermedades de base del paciente. Por último, podemos decir que la sospecha es muy importante en el diagnóstico de ENA, particularmente en pacientes ancianos con enfermedades asociadas y evidencia de hemorragia digestiva alta. En este trabajo describimos las características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de un paciente con ENA.

  19. Mouse Intermittent Hypoxia Mimicking Apnea of Prematurity: Effects on Myelinogenesis and Axonal Maturation (United States)



    Premature babies are at high risk for both infantile apnea and long-term neurobehavioral deficits. Recent studies suggest that diffuse structural changes in brain white matter are a positive predictor of poor cognitive outcomes. Since oligodendrocyte maturation, myelination, axon development and synapse formation mainly occur in the 3rd trimester of gestation and 1st postnatal year, infantile apnea could lead to and/or exaggerate white matter impairments in preterm neonates. Therefore, we investigated oligodendroglia and axon development in a neonatal mouse model of intermittent hypoxia between postnatal days 2 to 10. During critical phases of central nervous system development, intermittent hypoxia induced hypomyelination in the corpus callosum, striatum, fornix and cerebellum, but not the pons or spinal cord. Intermittent hypoxia-elicited alterations in myelin-forming processes were reflected by decreased expression of myelin proteins, including MBP, PLP, MAG and CNPase, possibly due to arrested maturation of oligodendrocytes. Ultra-structural abnormalities were apparent in the myelin sheath and axon. Immature oligodendrocytes were more vulnerable to neonatal intermittent hypoxia exposures than developing axons, suggesting that hypomyelination may contribute, at least partially, to axonal deficits. Insufficient neurofilament synthesis with anomalous components of neurofilament subunits, β-tubulin and MAP2 isoforms indicated immaturity of axons in intermittent hypoxia-exposed mouse brains. In addition, down-regulation of Synapsin I, Synaptophysin and Gap-43 phosphorylation suggested a potential stunt in axonogenesis and synaptogenesis. The region-selective and complex impairment in brain white matter induced by intermittent hypoxia was further associated with electrophysiological changes that may underlie long-term neurobehavioral sequelae. PMID:21953180

  20. Current contribution of diffusion tensor imaging in the evaluation of diffuse axonal injury

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    Daphine Centola Grassi

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Traumatic brain injury (TBI is the number one cause of death and morbidity among young adults. Moreover, survivors are frequently left with functional disabilities during the most productive years of their lives. One main aspect of TBI pathology is diffuse axonal injury, which is increasingly recognized due to its presence in 40% to 50% of all cases that require hospital admission. Diffuse axonal injury is defined as widespread axonal damage and is characterized by complete axotomy and secondary reactions due to overall axonopathy. These changes can be seen in neuroimaging studies as hemorrhagic focal areas and diffuse edema. However, the diffuse axonal injury findings are frequently under-recognized in conventional neuroimaging studies. In such scenarios, diffuse tensor imaging (DTI plays an important role because it provides further information on white matter integrity that is not obtained with standard magnetic resonance imaging sequences. Extensive reviews concerning the physics of DTI and its use in the context of TBI patients have been published, but these issues are still hazy for many allied-health professionals. Herein, we aim to review the current contribution of diverse state-of-the-art DTI analytical methods to the understanding of diffuse axonal injury pathophysiology and prognosis, to serve as a quick reference for those interested in planning new studies and who are involved in the care of TBI victims. For this purpose, a comprehensive search in Pubmed was performed using the following keywords: “traumatic brain injury”, “diffuse axonal injury”, and “diffusion tensor imaging”.

  1. Investigating the Slow Axonal Transport of Neurofilaments: A Precursor for Optimal Neuronal Signaling (United States)

    Johnson, Christopher M.

    Neurofilaments are the intermediate filaments of neurons and are the most abundant structure of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Once synthesized within the cell body they are then transported throughout the axon along microtubule tracks, driven by the molecular motors kinesin and dynein. This movement is characterized by long pauses with no movement interrupted by infrequent bouts of rapid movement, resulting in an aggregate dense cytoskeletal structure, which serves to regulate an axon's shape and size. Curiously, the modulated kinetics of these polymers produces a very regular, yet non-uniform, morphology in myelinated axons which are composed of discretely spaced myelin-ensheathed segments that are separated by short constricted regions called "nodes of Ranvier". This unique design optimizes the conduction velocity of myelinated axons at minimal fiber size. Hence, neurofilaments regulate the axon caliber to optimize neuron function. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the motile mechanism of neurofilament transport as well as the resulting electrophysiological effects that follow. We start by examining highly time-resolved kymograph images generated from recorded neurofilament movement via epifluorescence microscopy. Using kymograph analysis, edge detection algorithms, and pixel smoothing tactics, neurofilament trajectories are extracted and used to obtain statistical distributions for the characteristics of how these filaments move within cells. The results suggest that the observed intermittent and bidirectional motions of these filaments might be explained by a model in which dynein and kinesin motors attach to a single neurofilament cargo and interact through mechanical forces only (i.e. a "tug-of-war" model). We test this hypothesis by developing two discrete-state stochastic models for the kinetic cycles of kinesin and dynein, which are then incorporated into a separate stochastic model that represents the posed tug-of-war scenario. We then

  2. Efecto del calcio sobre la toxicidad aguda de aluminio en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss expuestos en aguas de diferente pH

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    Rolando Vega


    Full Text Available En la producción de alevines de salmón de la región de la Araucanía (sur de Chile se presentan importantes eventos de mortalidad aguda sin rasgos patológicos aparentes. El problema se focaliza en ejemplares de 0,2 a 1 g y las causas apuntan a procesos de acidificación del pH del agua y a la presencia de ciertos metales pesados, entre los cuales destaca el aluminio, que alcanza concentraciones más allá de los rangos de tolerancia de los peces. La información científica indica que concentraciones de 5 mg Ca L-1 en el afluente son suficientes para mantener a salvo los peces del efectos tóxico del aluminio. Sin embargo, los problemas en la producción de alevines de salmón indican que se requiere un mayor conocimiento científico y evidencia experimental que soporte el desarrollo de procesos y tecnologías para el tratamiento de los afluentes de las pisciculturas chilenas. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de cuatro concentraciones de calcio (0, 5, 10 y 20 mg Ca L-1 sobre la toxicidad aguda de 500 μg Al L-1 en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss de 0,1 g en agua de cultivo a pH 5, 6 y 7. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la dosis de calcio que reduce la toxicidad aguda de aluminio y los tiempos mínimos de reacción que podrían disponer los piscicultores para tomar medidas preventivas ante una concentración aguda de aluminio en el agua de cultivo. Los resultados indican que antes de 8 h de exposición a una concentración tóxica de aluminio los piscicultores deberían asegurar en el agua de cultivo una dosis superior a 10 mg Ca L-1 y un pH >6 como medida remedial para reducir el efecto de intoxicación aguda causada por aluminio.

  3. Proteinograma sérico, com ênfase em proteínas de fase aguda, de bovinos sadios e bovinos portadores de enfermidade aguda de ocorrência natural


    Simplício,K.M.M.G.; Sousa,F.C.; Fagliari,J.J.; Silva,P.C.


    Nas últimas décadas, as proteínas de fase aguda (PFAs) tornaram-se biomarcadores de escolha em medicina humana para identificação e monitoração de doenças. Não há razão para imaginar que tais pesquisas clínicas não sejam igualmente úteis na medicina veterinária. Com o objetivo de verificar a importância das PFAs como biomarcadores de doenças inflamatórias em bovinos, determinou-se o proteinograma sérico, por meio da técnica de eletroforese SDS-PAGE, com interesse especial nas PFAs. Foram util...

  4. In vivo phosphorylation of axonal proteins in goldfish optic nerve during regeneration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larrivee, D.C.; Grafstein, B.


    In vivo phosphorylation of axonal proteins was investigated in normal and regenerating optic nerves of goldfish by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. By 6-24 h after intraocular injection of H/sub 3/(32)PO/sub 4/, approximately 20 optic nerve proteins ranging in size from 19 to 180 kilodaltons and in pI from 4.4 to 6.8 were seen to have incorporated radiolabel. Five of these proteins showed a robust increase in incorporation of phosphate during regeneration. Among the latter was an acidic (pI 4.5) 45-kilodalton protein, which has previously been shown to be conveyed by fast axonal transport and to increase dramatically in its rate of synthesis during regeneration of goldfish optic axons.

  5. Sustained maximal voluntary contraction produces independent changes in human motor axons and the muscle they innervate.

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    David A Milder

    Full Text Available The repetitive discharges required to produce a sustained muscle contraction results in activity-dependent hyperpolarization of the motor axons and a reduction in the force-generating capacity of the muscle. We investigated the relationship between these changes in the adductor pollicis muscle and the motor axons of its ulnar nerve supply, and the reproducibility of these changes. Ten subjects performed a 1-min maximal voluntary contraction. Activity-dependent changes in axonal excitability were measured using threshold tracking with electrical stimulation at the wrist; changes in the muscle were assessed as evoked and voluntary electromyography (EMG and isometric force. Separate components of axonal excitability and muscle properties were tested at 5 min intervals after the sustained contraction in 5 separate sessions. The current threshold required to produce the target muscle action potential increased immediately after the contraction by 14.8% (p<0.05, reflecting decreased axonal excitability secondary to hyperpolarization. This was not correlated with the decline in amplitude of muscle force or evoked EMG. A late reversal in threshold current after the initial recovery from hyperpolarization peaked at -5.9% at ∼35 min (p<0.05. This pattern was mirrored by other indices of axonal excitability revealing a previously unreported depolarization of motor axons in the late recovery period. Measures of axonal excitability were relatively stable at rest but less so after sustained activity. The coefficient of variation (CoV for threshold current increase was higher after activity (CoV 0.54, p<0.05 whereas changes in voluntary (CoV 0.12 and evoked twitch (CoV 0.15 force were relatively stable. These results demonstrate that activity-dependent changes in motor axon excitability are unlikely to contribute to concomitant changes in the muscle after sustained activity in healthy people. The variability in axonal excitability after sustained activity

  6. Macrophages Promote Axon Regeneration with Concurrent Neurotoxicity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gensel, J.C.; Nakamura, S.; Guan, Z.; Rooijen, van N.; Ankeny, D.P.; Popovich, P.G.


    Activated macrophages can promote regeneration of CNS axons. However, macrophages also release factors that kill neurons. These opposing functions are likely induced simultaneously but are rarely considered together in the same experimental preparation. A goal of this study was to unequivocally

  7. [Severe, subacute axonal polyneuropathy due to hypophosphatemia].

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eijk, J.J.J. van; Abdo, W.F.; Deurwaarder, E. den; Zwarts, M.J.; Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de


    A 46-year-old man receiving tube feeding because of anorexia and weight loss developed progressive neurological symptoms initially resembling Guillain-Barre syndrome. Eventually axonal neuropathy due to severe hypophosphatemia was diagnosed. Hypophosphatemia can be caused by the so-called refeeding

  8. Relação entre forma e vazio, com fantasia e imaginação : o vazio é forma, a forma é vazio : experiências fora e dentro da sala de aula


    Guerra, Manuel Pereira Rodrigues


    Este trabalho Cria e Recria a Forma e Vazio com Fantasia e Imaginação,apresentando uma forte ligação entre a Forma e Vazio. Considerando mesmo,que o vazio é forma e a forma é vazio,por outro lado, é no vazio que as formas acontecem. Além das experiências que foram desenvolvidas individualmente, também trabalhei conjuntamente em grupos com os alunos. Este trabalho ajudou a uma boa cooperação entre o professor e os alunos. Estas experiências demonstram, que os pedagogos, os professores devem da...

  9. Piezoelectric ceramic (PZT) modulates axonal guidance growth of rat cortical neurons via RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 pathways. (United States)

    Wen, Jianqiang; Liu, Meili


    Electrical stimulation is critical for axonal connection, which can stimulate axonal migration and deformation to promote axonal growth in the nervous system. Netrin-1, an axonal guidance cue, can also promote axonal guidance growth, but the molecular mechanism of axonal guidance growth under indirect electric stimulation is still unknown. We investigated the molecular mechanism of axonal guidance growth under piezoelectric ceramic lead zirconate titanate (PZT) stimulation in the primary cultured cortical neurons. PZT induced marked axonal elongation. Moreover, PZT activated the excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) by increasing the frequency and amplitude of EPSCs of the cortical neurons in patch clamp assay. PZT downregulated the expression of Netrin-1 and its receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC). Rho GTPase signaling is involved in interactions of Netrin-1 and DCC. PZT activated RhoA. Dramatic decrease of Cdc42 and Rac1 was also observed after PZT treatment. RhoA inhibitor Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme (C3-Exo) prevented the PZT-induced downregulation of Netrin-1 and DCC. We suggest that PZT can promote axonal guidance growth by downregulation of Netrin-1 and DCC to mediate axonal repulsive responses via the Rho GTPase signaling pathway. Obviously, piezoelectric materials may provide a new approach for axonal recovery and be beneficial for clinical therapy in the future.

  10. Prevalência de toxoplasmose aguda em gestantes, incidência de toxoplasmose congênita e desempenho de testes diagnósticos em toxoplasmose congênita


    Ivana Rosângela dos Santos Varella


    Introdução: A infecção aguda pelo Toxoplasma gondii em gestantes pode determinar infecção fetal através de passagem transplacentária. As crianças afetadas podem desenvolver coriorretinite e déficit neurológico, na ausência de tratamento adequado. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência de toxoplasmose aguda em gestantes atendidas na maternidade do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, avaliando possíveis diferenças nas freqüências ao longo do período estudado; medir a incidência de toxoplasmose congê...

  11. The Microtubule Regulatory Protein Stathmin Is Required to Maintain the Integrity of Axonal Microtubules in Drosophila (United States)

    Duncan, Jason E.; Lytle, Nikki K.; Zuniga, Alfredo; Goldstein, Lawrence S. B.


    Axonal transport, a form of long-distance, bi-directional intracellular transport that occurs between the cell body and synaptic terminal, is critical in maintaining the function and viability of neurons. We have identified a requirement for the stathmin (stai) gene in the maintenance of axonal microtubules and regulation of axonal transport in Drosophila . The stai gene encodes a cytosolic phosphoprotein that regulates microtubule dynamics by partitioning tubulin dimers between pools of soluble tubulin and polymerized microtubules, and by directly binding to microtubules and promoting depolymerization. Analysis of stai function in Drosophila , which has a single stai gene, circumvents potential complications with studies performed in vertebrate systems in which mutant phenotypes may be compensated by genetic redundancy of other members of the stai gene family. This has allowed us to identify an essential function for stai in the maintenance of the integrity of axonal microtubules. In addition to the severe disruption in the abundance and architecture of microtubules in the axons of stai mutant Drosophila , we also observe additional neurological phenotypes associated with loss of stai function including a posterior paralysis and tail-flip phenotype in third instar larvae, aberrant accumulation of transported membranous organelles in stai deficient axons, a progressive bang-sensitive response to mechanical stimulation reminiscent of the class of Drosophila mutants used to model human epileptic seizures, and a reduced adult lifespan. Reductions in the levels of Kinesin-1, the primary anterograde motor in axonal transport, enhance these phenotypes. Collectively, our results indicate that stai has an important role in neuronal function, likely through the maintenance of microtubule integrity in the axons of nerves of the peripheral nervous system necessary to support and sustain long-distance axonal transport. PMID:23840848

  12. Forma y esfuerzos estructurales


    Cervera Bravo, Jaime


    El objetivo del texto es analizar el comportamiento estructural desde la perspectiva de la forma de la estructura, determinando los parámetros de forma especialmente relevantes. Esto permitirá comprender los medios --las herramientas de transformación formal-- que pueden emplearse para recorrer un amplio abanico tipológico, con especial énfasis en los tipos de cubierta, como si de un continuo se tratase. En este continuo el comportamiento global será idéntico en todas las estructuras, po...

  13. Hierarchical axon targeting of Drosophila olfactory receptor neurons specified by the proneural transcription factors Atonal and Amos. (United States)

    Okumura, Misako; Kato, Tomoko; Miura, Masayuki; Chihara, Takahiro


    Sensory information is spatially represented in the brain to form a neural map. It has been suggested that axon-axon interactions are important for neural map formation; however, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We used the Drosophila antennal lobe, the first olfactory center in the brain, as a model for studying neural map formation. Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) expressing the same odorant receptor target their axons to a single glomerulus out of approximately 50 glomeruli in the antennal lobe. Previous studies have showed that the axons of Atonal ORNs, specified by Atonal, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor, pioneer antennal lobe formation; however, the details remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that genetic ablation of Atonal ORNs affects antennal lobe structure and axon targeting of Amos ORNs, another type of ORN specified by the bHLH transcription factor Amos. During development, Atonal ORNs reach the antennal lobe and form the axon commissure before Amos ORNs. We also found that N-cadherin knockdown specifically in Atonal ORNs disrupts the glomerular boundary in the whole antennal lobe. Our results suggest that Atonal ORNs function as pioneer axons. Thus, correct axon targeting of Atonal ORNs is essential for formation of the whole antennal lobe. © 2015 The Molecular Biology Society of Japan and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  14. Axon guidance molecules in vascular patterning. (United States)

    Adams, Ralf H; Eichmann, Anne


    Endothelial cells (ECs) form extensive, highly branched and hierarchically organized tubular networks in vertebrates to ensure the proper distribution of molecular and cellular cargo in the vertebrate body. The growth of this vascular system during development, tissue repair or in disease conditions involves the sprouting, migration and proliferation of endothelial cells in a process termed angiogenesis. Surprisingly, specialized ECs, so-called tip cells, which lead and guide endothelial sprouts, share many feature with another guidance structure, the axonal growth cone. Tip cells are motile, invasive and extend numerous filopodial protrusions sensing growth factors, extracellular matrix and other attractive or repulsive cues in their tissue environment. Axonal growth cones and endothelial tip cells also respond to signals belonging to the same molecular families, such as Slits and Roundabouts, Netrins and UNC5 receptors, Semaphorins, Plexins and Neuropilins, and Eph receptors and ephrin ligands. Here we summarize fundamental principles of angiogenic growth, the selection and function of tip cells and the underlying regulation by guidance cues, the Notch pathway and vascular endothelial growth factor signaling.

  15. Oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokines contribute to demyelination and axonal damage in a cerebellar culture model of neuroinflammation. (United States)

    di Penta, Alessandra; Moreno, Beatriz; Reix, Stephanie; Fernandez-Diez, Begoña; Villanueva, Maite; Errea, Oihana; Escala, Nagore; Vandenbroeck, Koen; Comella, Joan X; Villoslada, Pablo


    Demyelination and axonal damage are critical processes in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines elicited by inflammation mediates tissue damage. To monitor the demyelination and axonal injury associated with microglia activation we employed a model using cerebellar organotypic cultures stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Microglia activated by LPS released pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα), and increased the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This activation was associated with demyelination and axonal damage in cerebellar cultures. Axonal damage, as revealed by the presence of non-phosphorylated neurofilaments, mitochondrial accumulation in axonal spheroids, and axonal transection, was associated with stronger iNOS expression and concomitant increases in ROS. Moreover, we analyzed the contribution of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in demyelination and axonal degeneration using the iNOS inhibitor ethyl pyruvate, a free-scavenger and xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol, as well as via blockage of pro-inflammatory cytokines using a Fc-TNFR1 construct. We found that blocking microglia activation with ethyl pyruvate or allopurinol significantly decreased axonal damage, and to a lesser extent, demyelination. Blocking TNFα significantly decreased demyelination but did not prevented axonal damage. Moreover, the most common therapy for MS, interferon-beta, was used as an example of an immunomodulator compound that can be tested in this model. In vitro, interferon-beta treatment decreased oxidative stress (iNOS and ROS levels) and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines after LPS stimulation, reducing axonal damage. The model of neuroinflammation using cerebellar culture stimulated with endotoxin mimicked myelin and axonal damage mediated by the combination of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines

  16. Drug therapy for chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warendorf, Janna; Vrancken, Alexander F.J.E.; van Schaik, Ivo N.; Hughes, Richard A.C.; Notermans, Nicolette C.


    Background: Chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP) is an insidiously progressive sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy that affects elderly people. Although severe disability or handicap does not occur, CIAP reduces quality of life. CIAP is diagnosed in 10% to 25% of people referred for

  17. Drug therapy for chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warendorf, Janna; Vrancken, Alexander F. J. E.; van Schaik, Ivo N.; Hughes, Richard A. C.; Notermans, Nicolette C.


    Chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP) is an insidiously progressive sensory or sensorimotor polyneuropathy that affects elderly people. Although severe disability or handicap does not occur, CIAP reduces quality of life. CIAP is diagnosed in 10% to 25% of people referred for evaluation of

  18. Fractional cable equation for general geometry: A model of axons with swellings and anomalous diffusion (United States)

    López-Sánchez, Erick J.; Romero, Juan M.; Yépez-Martínez, Huitzilin


    Different experimental studies have reported anomalous diffusion in brain tissues and notably this anomalous diffusion is expressed through fractional derivatives. Axons are important to understand neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Indeed, abnormal accumulation of proteins and organelles in axons is a hallmark of these diseases. The diffusion in the axons can become anomalous as a result of this abnormality. In this case the voltage propagation in axons is affected. Another hallmark of different neurodegenerative diseases is given by discrete swellings along the axon. In order to model the voltage propagation in axons with anomalous diffusion and swellings, in this paper we propose a fractional cable equation for a general geometry. This generalized equation depends on fractional parameters and geometric quantities such as the curvature and torsion of the cable. For a cable with a constant radius we show that the voltage decreases when the fractional effect increases. In cables with swellings we find that when the fractional effect or the swelling radius increases, the voltage decreases. Similar behavior is obtained when the number of swellings and the fractional effect increase. Moreover, we find that when the radius swelling (or the number of swellings) and the fractional effect increase at the same time, the voltage dramatically decreases.

  19. Fiber Optic Detection of Action Potentials in Axons

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Smela, Elisabeth


    In prior exploratory research, we had designed a fiber optic sensor utilizing a long period Bragg grating for the purpose of detecting action potentials in axons optically, through a change in index...

  20. EphA4 blockers promote axonal regeneration and functional recovery following spinal cord injury in mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yona Goldshmit

    Full Text Available Upregulation and activation of developmental axon guidance molecules, such as semaphorins and members of the Eph receptor tyrosine kinase family and their ligands, the ephrins, play a role in the inhibition of axonal regeneration following injury to the central nervous system. Previously we have demonstrated in a knockout model that axonal regeneration following spinal cord injury is promoted in the absence of the axon guidance protein EphA4. Antagonism of EphA4 was therefore proposed as a potential therapy to promote recovery from spinal cord injury. To further assess this potential, two soluble recombinant blockers of EphA4, unclustered ephrin-A5-Fc and EphA4-Fc, were examined for their ability to promote axonal regeneration and to improve functional outcome following spinal cord hemisection in wildtype mice. A 2-week administration of either of these blockers following spinal cord injury was sufficient to promote substantial axonal regeneration and functional recovery by 5 weeks following injury. Both inhibitors produced a moderate reduction in astrocytic gliosis, indicating that much of the effect of the blockers may be due to promotion of axon growth. These studies provide definitive evidence that soluble inhibitors of EphA4 function offer considerable therapeutic potential for the treatment of spinal cord injury and may have broader potential for the treatment of other central nervous system injuries.

  1. Regulated viral BDNF delivery in combination with Schwann cells promotes axonal regeneration through capillary alginate hydrogels after spinal cord injury. (United States)

    Liu, Shengwen; Sandner, Beatrice; Schackel, Thomas; Nicholson, LaShae; Chtarto, Abdelwahed; Tenenbaum, Liliane; Puttagunta, Radhika; Müller, Rainer; Weidner, Norbert; Blesch, Armin


    Grafting of cell-seeded alginate capillary hydrogels into a spinal cord lesion site provides an axonal bridge while physically directing regenerating axonal growth in a linear pattern. However, without an additional growth stimulus, bridging axons fail to extend into the distal host spinal cord. Here we examined whether a combinatory strategy would support regeneration of descending axons across a cervical (C5) lateral hemisection lesion in the rat spinal cord. Following spinal cord transections, Schwann cell (SC)-seeded alginate hydrogels were grafted to the lesion site and AAV5 expressing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) under control of a tetracycline-regulated promoter was injected caudally. In addition, we examined whether SC injection into the caudal spinal parenchyma would further enhance regeneration of descending axons to re-enter the host spinal cord. Our data show that both serotonergic and descending axons traced by biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) extend throughout the scaffolds. The number of regenerating axons is significantly increased when caudal BDNF expression is activated and transient BDNF delivery is able to sustain axons after gene expression is switched off. Descending axons are confined to the caudal graft/host interface even with continuous BDNF expression for 8weeks. Only with a caudal injection of SCs, a pathway facilitating axonal regeneration through the host/graft interface is generated allowing axons to successfully re-enter the caudal spinal cord. Recovery from spinal cord injury is poor due to the limited regeneration observed in the adult mammalian central nervous system. Biomaterials, cell transplantation and growth factors that can guide axons across a lesion site, provide a cellular substrate, stimulate axon growth and have shown some promise in increasing the growth distance of regenerating axons. In the present study, we combined an alginate biomaterial with linear channels with transplantation of Schwann cells within

  2. Chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon inhibit axonal growth by interfering with the morphogenic activity of acetylcholinesterase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Dongren; Howard, Angela; Bruun, Donald; Ajua-Alemanj, Mispa; Pickart, Cecile; Lein, Pamela J.


    A primary role of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is regulation of cholinergic neurotransmission by hydrolysis of synaptic acetylcholine. In the developing nervous system, however, AChE also functions as a morphogenic factor to promote axonal growth. This raises the question of whether organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) that are known to selectively bind to and inactivate the enzymatic function of AChE also interfere with its morphogenic function to perturb axonogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we exposed primary cultures of sensory neurons derived from embryonic rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) to chlorpyrifos (CPF) or its oxon metabolite (CPFO). Both OPs significantly decreased axonal length at concentrations that had no effect on cell viability, protein synthesis or the enzymatic activity of AChE. Comparative analyses of the effects of CPF and CPFO on axonal growth in DRG neurons cultured from AChE nullizygous (AChE -/- ) versus wild type (AChE +/+ ) mice indicated that while these OPs inhibited axonal growth in AChE +/+ DRG neurons, they had no effect on axonal growth in AChE -/- DRG neurons. However, transfection of AChE -/- DRG neurons with cDNA encoding full-length AChE restored the wild type response to the axon inhibitory effects of OPs. These data indicate that inhibition of axonal growth by OPs requires AChE, but the mechanism involves inhibition of the morphogenic rather than enzymatic activity of AChE. These findings suggest a novel mechanism for explaining not only the functional deficits observed in children and animals following developmental exposure to OPs, but also the increased vulnerability of the developing nervous system to OPs

  3. Axonal degeneration stimulates the formation of NG2+ cells and oligodendrocytes in the mouse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Helle Hvilsted; Ladeby, Rune; Drøjdahl, Nina


    the response of the NG2+ cells to the different components of demyelinating pathology, we investigated the response of adult NG2+ cells to axonal degeneration in the absence of primary myelin or oligodendrocyte pathology. Axonal degeneration was induced in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mice...... by transection of the entorhino-dentate perforant path projection. The acutely induced degeneration of axons and terminals resulted in a prompt response of NG2+ cells, consisting of morphological transformation, cellular proliferation, and upregulation of NG2 expression days 2-3 after surgery. This was followed...

  4. hnRNP R and its main interactor, the noncoding RNA 7SK, coregulate the axonal transcriptome of motoneurons. (United States)

    Briese, Michael; Saal-Bauernschubert, Lena; Ji, Changhe; Moradi, Mehri; Ghanawi, Hanaa; Uhl, Michael; Appenzeller, Silke; Backofen, Rolf; Sendtner, Michael


    Disturbed RNA processing and subcellular transport contribute to the pathomechanisms of motoneuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy. RNA-binding proteins are involved in these processes, but the mechanisms by which they regulate the subcellular diversity of transcriptomes, particularly in axons, are not understood. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R (hnRNP R) interacts with several proteins involved in motoneuron diseases. It is located in axons of developing motoneurons, and its depletion causes defects in axon growth. Here, we used individual nucleotide-resolution cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (iCLIP) to determine the RNA interactome of hnRNP R in motoneurons. We identified ∼3,500 RNA targets, predominantly with functions in synaptic transmission and axon guidance. Among the RNA targets identified by iCLIP, the noncoding RNA 7SK was the top interactor of hnRNP R. We detected 7SK in the nucleus and also in the cytosol of motoneurons. In axons, 7SK localized in close proximity to hnRNP R, and depletion of hnRNP R reduced axonal 7SK. Furthermore, suppression of 7SK led to defective axon growth that was accompanied by axonal transcriptome alterations similar to those caused by hnRNP R depletion. Using a series of 7SK-deletion mutants, we show that the function of 7SK in axon elongation depends on its interaction with hnRNP R but not with the PTEF-B complex involved in transcriptional regulation. These results propose a role for 7SK as an essential interactor of hnRNP R to regulate its function in axon maintenance. Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.

  5. Diapause formation and downregulation of insulin-like signaling via DAF-16/FOXO delays axonal degeneration and neuronal loss.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Calixto

    Full Text Available Axonal degeneration is a key event in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative conditions. We show here that mec-4d triggered axonal degeneration of Caenorhabditis elegans neurons and mammalian axons share mechanistical similarities, as both are rescued by inhibition of calcium increase, mitochondrial dysfunction, and NMNAT overexpression. We then explore whether reactive oxygen species (ROS participate in axonal degeneration and neuronal demise. C. elegans dauers have enhanced anti-ROS systems, and dauer mec-4d worms are completely protected from axonal degeneration and neuronal loss. Mechanistically, downregulation of the Insulin/IGF-1-like signaling (IIS pathway protects neurons from degenerating in a DAF-16/FOXO-dependent manner and is related to superoxide dismutase and catalase-increased expression. Caloric restriction and systemic antioxidant treatment, which decrease oxidative damage, protect C. elegans axons from mec-4d-mediated degeneration and delay Wallerian degeneration in mice. In summary, we show that the IIS pathway is essential in maintaining neuronal homeostasis under pro-degenerative stimuli and identify ROS as a key intermediate of neuronal degeneration in vivo. Since axonal degeneration represents an early pathological event in neurodegeneration, our work identifies potential targets for therapeutic intervention in several conditions characterized by axonal loss and functional impairment.

  6. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  7. Valor Diagnóstico do Aumento dos Eosinóftlos e Linfocitos no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar em Doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos


    Kazui Soma; Nobukazu Takada; Masaru Kubota; Masato Katagiri; Nobuo Yanase; Tomoyuki Tomita; Takashj Ohwada


    RESUMO: Os autores analisaram de 1983 a 199 1, a utilidade da contagem diferencial de células no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar (LBA) em doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda (IRA) e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos (IPD), com particular interesse nos que apresentavam níveis elevados de eosinóflos ou de linfocitos no LBA. Foram estudados 118 doentes com insuficiência respiratória para aguda e com PaO2

  8. Cross-talk between KLF4 and STAT3 regulates axon regeneration (United States)

    Qin, Song; Zou, Yuhua; Zhang, Chun-Li


    Cytokine-induced activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) promotes the regrowth of damaged axons in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Here we show that KLF4 physically interacts with STAT3 upon cytokine-induced phosphorylation of tyrosine 705 (Y705) on STAT3. This interaction suppresses STAT3-dependent gene expression by blocking its DNA-binding activity. The deletion of KLF4 in vivo induces axon regeneration of adult retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) via Janus kinase (JAK)-STAT3 signalling. This regeneration can be greatly enhanced by exogenous cytokine treatment, or removal of an endogenous JAK-STAT3 pathway inhibitor called suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3). These findings reveal an unexpected cross-talk between KLF4 and activated STAT3 in the regulation of axon regeneration that might have therapeutic implications in promoting repair of injured adult CNS.

  9. Neurofilament subunit (NFL) head domain phosphorylation regulates axonal transport of neurofilaments.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Yates, Darran M


    Neurofilaments are the intermediate filaments of neurons and are synthesised in neuronal cell bodies and then transported through axons. Neurofilament light chain (NFL) is a principal component of neurofilaments, and phosphorylation of NFL head domain is believed to regulate the assembly of neurofilaments. However, the role that NFL phosphorylation has on transport of neurofilaments is poorly understood. To address this issue, we monitored axonal transport of phosphorylation mutants of NFL. We mutated four known phosphorylation sites in NFL head domain to either preclude phosphorylation, or mimic permanent phosphorylation. Mutation to preclude phosphorylation had no effect on transport but mutation of three sites to mimic permanent phosphorylation inhibited transport. Mutation of all four sites together to mimic permanent phosphorylation proved especially potent at inhibiting transport and also disrupted neurofilament assembly. Our results suggest that NFL head domain phosphorylation is a regulator of neurofilament axonal transport.

  10. Internalization and Axonal Transport of the HIV Glycoprotein gp120 (United States)

    Berth, Sarah; Caicedo, Hector Hugo; Sarma, Tulika; Morfini, Gerardo


    The HIV glycoprotein gp120, a neurotoxic HIV glycoprotein that is overproduced and shed by HIV-infected macrophages, is associated with neurological complications of HIV such as distal sensory polyneuropathy, but interactions of gp120 in the peripheral nervous system remain to be characterized. Here, we demonstrate internalization of extracellular gp120 in a manner partially independent of binding to its coreceptor CXCR4 by F11 neuroblastoma cells and cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons. Immunocytochemical and pharmacological experiments indicate that gp120 does not undergo trafficking through the endolysosomal pathway. Instead, gp120 is mainly internalized through lipid rafts in a cholesterol-dependent manner, with a minor fraction being internalized by fluid phase pinocytosis. Experiments using compartmentalized microfluidic chambers further indicate that, after internalization, endocytosed gp120 selectively undergoes retrograde but not anterograde axonal transport from axons to neuronal cell bodies. Collectively, these studies illuminate mechanisms of gp120 internalization and axonal transport in peripheral nervous system neurons, providing a novel framework for mechanisms for gp120 neurotoxicity. PMID:25636314

  11. Modulação da pressão intracraniana em um modelo experimental de hipertensão abdominal e lesão pulmonar aguda


    Zampieri,Fernando Godinho; Almeida,Juliana Roberta; Schettino,Guilherme Pinto de Paula; Park,Marcelo; Machado,Fabio Santana; Azevedo,Luciano Cesar Pontes


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de alterações hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e metabólicas sobre a pressão intracraniana em um modelo de lesão pulmonar aguda e síndrome compartimental abdominal. MÉTODOS: Oito porcos Agroceres foram submetidos, após a instrumentação, a cinco cenários clínicos: 1) estado basal com baixa pressão intra-abdominal e pulmão sadio; 2) pneumoperitôneo, com pressão intra-abdominal de 20 mm Hg; 3) lesão pulmonar aguda induzida por lavagem pulmonar e desativação de surfactante;...

  12. Schwann cell transplantation improves reticulospinal axon growth and forelimb strength after severe cervical spinal cord contusion. (United States)

    Schaal, S M; Kitay, B M; Cho, K S; Lo, T P; Barakat, D J; Marcillo, A E; Sanchez, A R; Andrade, C M; Pearse, D D


    Schwann cell (SC) implantation alone has been shown to promote the growth of propriospinal and sensory axons, but not long-tract descending axons, after thoracic spinal cord injury (SCI). In the current study, we examined if an axotomy close to the cell body of origin (so as to enhance the intrinsic growth response) could permit supraspinal axons to grow onto SC grafts. Adult female Fischer rats received a severe (C5) cervical contusion (1.1 mm displacement, 3 KDyn). At 1 week postinjury, 2 million SCs ex vivo transduced with lentiviral vector encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were implanted within media into the injury epicenter; injury-only animals served as controls. Animals were tested weekly using the BBB score for 7 weeks postimplantation and received at end point tests for upper body strength: self-supported forelimb hanging, forearm grip force, and the incline plane. Following behavioral assessment, animals were anterogradely traced bilaterally from the reticular formation using BDA-Texas Red. Stereological quantification revealed a twofold increase in the numbers of preserved NeuN+ neurons rostral and caudal to the injury/graft site in SC implanted animals, corroborating previous reports of their neuroprotective efficacy. Examination of labeled reticulospinal axon growth revealed that while rarely an axon was present within the lesion site of injury-only controls, numerous reticulospinal axons had penetrated the SC implant/lesion milieu. This has not been observed following implantation of SCs alone into the injured thoracic spinal cord. Significant behavioral improvements over injury-only controls in upper limb strength, including an enhanced grip strength (a 296% increase) and an increased self-supported forelimb hanging, accompanied SC-mediated neuroprotection and reticulospinal axon growth. The current study further supports the neuroprotective efficacy of SC implants after SCI and demonstrates that SCs alone are capable of supporting

  13. Craniocerebral trauma. Magnetic resonance imaging of diffuse axonal injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mallouhi, A.


    Acceleration-deceleration rotational brain trauma is a common cause of disability or death in young adults and often leads to a focal destruction of axons. The resulting pathology, axonal shear injury is referred to as diffuse axonal injury (DAI). The DAI-associated lesions occur bilaterally, are widely dispersed and have been observed in the surface and deep white matter. They are found near to and far from the impact site. When DAI is clinically suspected, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the method of choice for further clarification, especially in patients where cranial computed tomography (CT) is inconspicuous. To investigate the presence of DAI after traumatic brain injury (TBI), a multimodal MRI approach is applied including the common structural and also functional imaging sequences. For structural MRI, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) weighted and susceptibility contrast imaging (SWI) are the sequences mainly used. The SWI technique is extremely sensitive to blood breakdown products, which appear as small signal voids at three locations, at the gray-white interface, in the corpus callosum and in the brain stem. Functional MRI comprises a group of constantly developing techniques that have great potential in optimal evaluation of the white matter in patients after craniocerebral trauma. These imaging techniques allow the visualization of changes associated with shear injuries, such as functional impairment of axons and decreased blood flow and abnormal metabolic activity of the brain parts affected. The multimodal MRI approach in patients with DAI results in a more detailed and differentiated representation of the underlying pathophysiological changes of the injured nerve tracts and helps to improve the diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of MRI. When DAI is suspected multimodal MRI should be performed as soon as possible after craniocerebral injury. (orig.) [de

  14. Polyethylene glycol restores axonal conduction after corpus callosum transection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravinder Bamba


    Full Text Available Polyethylene glycol (PEG has been shown to restore axonal continuity after peripheral nerve transection in animal models. We hypothesized that PEG can also restore axonal continuity in the central nervous system. In this current experiment, coronal sectioning of the brains of Sprague-Dawley rats was performed after animal sacrifice. 3Brain high-resolution microelectrode arrays (MEA were used to measure mean firing rate (MFR and peak amplitude across the corpus callosum of the ex-vivo brain slices. The corpus callosum was subsequently transected and repeated measurements were performed. The cut ends of the corpus callosum were still apposite at this time. A PEG solution was applied to the injury site and repeated measurements were performed. MEA measurements showed that PEG was capable of restoring electrophysiology signaling after transection of central nerves. Before injury, the average MFRs at the ipsilateral, midline, and contralateral corpus callosum were 0.76, 0.66, and 0.65 spikes/second, respectively, and the average peak amplitudes were 69.79, 58.68, and 49.60 μV, respectively. After injury, the average MFRs were 0.71, 0.14, and 0.25 spikes/second, respectively and peak amplitudes were 52.11, 8.98, and 16.09 μV, respectively. After application of PEG, there were spikes in MFR and peak amplitude at the injury site and contralaterally. The average MFRs were 0.75, 0.55, and 0.47 spikes/second at the ipsilateral, midline, and contralateral corpus callosum, respectively and peak amplitudes were 59.44, 45.33, 40.02 μV, respectively. There were statistically differences in the average MFRs and peak amplitudes between the midline and non-midline corpus callosum groups (P < 0.01, P < 0.05. These findings suggest that PEG restores axonal conduction between severed central nerves, potentially representing axonal fusion.

  15. Polyethylene glycol restores axonal conduction after corpus callosum transection. (United States)

    Bamba, Ravinder; Riley, D Colton; Boyer, Richard B; Pollins, Alonda C; Shack, R Bruce; Thayer, Wesley P


    Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been shown to restore axonal continuity after peripheral nerve transection in animal models. We hypothesized that PEG can also restore axonal continuity in the central nervous system. In this current experiment, coronal sectioning of the brains of Sprague-Dawley rats was performed after animal sacrifice. 3Brain high-resolution microelectrode arrays (MEA) were used to measure mean firing rate (MFR) and peak amplitude across the corpus callosum of the ex-vivo brain slices. The corpus callosum was subsequently transected and repeated measurements were performed. The cut ends of the corpus callosum were still apposite at this time. A PEG solution was applied to the injury site and repeated measurements were performed. MEA measurements showed that PEG was capable of restoring electrophysiology signaling after transection of central nerves. Before injury, the average MFRs at the ipsilateral, midline, and contralateral corpus callosum were 0.76, 0.66, and 0.65 spikes/second, respectively, and the average peak amplitudes were 69.79, 58.68, and 49.60 μV, respectively. After injury, the average MFRs were 0.71, 0.14, and 0.25 spikes/second, respectively and peak amplitudes were 52.11, 8.98, and 16.09 μV, respectively. After application of PEG, there were spikes in MFR and peak amplitude at the injury site and contralaterally. The average MFRs were 0.75, 0.55, and 0.47 spikes/second at the ipsilateral, midline, and contralateral corpus callosum, respectively and peak amplitudes were 59.44, 45.33, 40.02 μV, respectively. There were statistically differences in the average MFRs and peak amplitudes between the midline and non-midline corpus callosum groups ( P < 0.01, P < 0.05). These findings suggest that PEG restores axonal conduction between severed central nerves, potentially representing axonal fusion.

  16. PTEN deletion from adult-generated dentate granule cells disrupts granule cell mossy fiber axon structure. (United States)

    LaSarge, Candi L; Santos, Victor R; Danzer, Steve C


    Dysregulation of the mTOR-signaling pathway is implicated in the development of temporal lobe epilepsy. In mice, deletion of PTEN from hippocampal dentate granule cells leads to mTOR hyperactivation and promotes the rapid onset of spontaneous seizures. The mechanism by which these abnormal cells initiate epileptogenesis, however, is unclear. PTEN-knockout granule cells develop abnormally, exhibiting morphological features indicative of increased excitatory input. If these cells are directly responsible for seizure genesis, it follows that they should also possess increased output. To test this prediction, dentate granule cell axon morphology was quantified in control and PTEN-knockout mice. Unexpectedly, PTEN deletion increased giant mossy fiber bouton spacing along the axon length, suggesting reduced innervation of CA3. Increased width of the mossy fiber axon pathway in stratum lucidum, however, which likely reflects an unusual increase in mossy fiber axon collateralization in this region, offsets the reduction in boutons per axon length. These morphological changes predict a net increase in granule cell innervation of CA3. Increased diameter of axons from PTEN-knockout cells would further enhance granule cell communication with CA3. Altogether, these findings suggest that amplified information flow through the hippocampal circuit contributes to seizure occurrence in the PTEN-knockout mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda unilateral. A propósito de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Isabel Díaz Zapién


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que inicia su cuadro clínico con disminución súbita de agudeza visual acompañado de la presencia de un escotoma central en ojo derecho unilateral, sin otros síntomas acompañantes, antecedentes personales patológicos negados, 4 semanas después la paciente recupera visión llegando a un 20/20 sin la presencia del escotoma. La epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda (EPPPMA es una patología inflamatoria coriorretiniana, que se presenta en adultos jóvenes, sanos, sin predominio por algún género, produciendo alteraciones visuales agudas, con hallazgos fundoscópicos característicos de lesiones placoides blanco-amarillentas a nivel del epitelio pigmentario de la retina. El diagnóstico se basa en los datos clínicos y la evolución complementado con la fluorangiografía, la mayoría de los casos con buen pronóstico visual, con una recuperación de la agudeza visual completa dentro de las primeras 3-6 semanas.

  18. Oxidative Stress and Proinflammatory Cytokines Contribute to Demyelination and Axonal Damage in a Cerebellar Culture Model of Neuroinflammation (United States)

    di Penta, Alessandra; Moreno, Beatriz; Reix, Stephanie; Fernandez-Diez, Begoña; Villanueva, Maite; Errea, Oihana; Escala, Nagore; Vandenbroeck, Koen; Comella, Joan X.; Villoslada, Pablo


    Background Demyelination and axonal damage are critical processes in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines elicited by inflammation mediates tissue damage. Methods/Principal Findings To monitor the demyelination and axonal injury associated with microglia activation we employed a model using cerebellar organotypic cultures stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Microglia activated by LPS released pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα), and increased the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This activation was associated with demyelination and axonal damage in cerebellar cultures. Axonal damage, as revealed by the presence of non-phosphorylated neurofilaments, mitochondrial accumulation in axonal spheroids, and axonal transection, was associated with stronger iNOS expression and concomitant increases in ROS. Moreover, we analyzed the contribution of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in demyelination and axonal degeneration using the iNOS inhibitor ethyl pyruvate, a free-scavenger and xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol, as well as via blockage of pro-inflammatory cytokines using a Fc-TNFR1 construct. We found that blocking microglia activation with ethyl pyruvate or allopurinol significantly decreased axonal damage, and to a lesser extent, demyelination. Blocking TNFα significantly decreased demyelination but did not prevented axonal damage. Moreover, the most common therapy for MS, interferon-beta, was used as an example of an immunomodulator compound that can be tested in this model. In vitro, interferon-beta treatment decreased oxidative stress (iNOS and ROS levels) and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines after LPS stimulation, reducing axonal damage. Conclusion The model of neuroinflammation using cerebellar culture stimulated with endotoxin mimicked myelin and axonal damage mediated by the combination of

  19. Genetic dysfunction of MT-ATP6 causes axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Pitceathly, Robert D S


    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is the most common inherited neuromuscular disorder, affecting 1 in 2,500 individuals. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are not generally considered within the differential diagnosis of patients with uncomplicated inherited neuropathy, despite the essential requirement of ATP for axonal function. We identified the mtDNA mutation m.9185T>C in MT-ATP6, encoding the ATP6 subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (OXPHOS complex V), at homoplasmic levels in a family with mitochondrial disease in whom a severe motor axonal neuropathy was a striking feature. This led us to hypothesize that mutations in the 2 mtDNA complex V subunit encoding genes, MT-ATP6 and MT-ATP8, might be an unrecognized cause of isolated axonal CMT and distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN).

  20. A novel ALS-associated variant in UBQLN4 regulates motor axon morphogenesis (United States)

    Edens, Brittany M; Yan, Jianhua; Miller, Nimrod; Deng, Han-Xiang; Siddique, Teepu; Ma, Yongchao C


    The etiological underpinnings of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are complex and incompletely understood, although contributions to pathogenesis by regulators of proteolytic pathways have become increasingly apparent. Here, we present a novel variant in UBQLN4 that is associated with ALS and show that its expression compromises motor axon morphogenesis in mouse motor neurons and in zebrafish. We further demonstrate that the ALS-associated UBQLN4 variant impairs proteasomal function, and identify the Wnt signaling pathway effector beta-catenin as a UBQLN4 substrate. Inhibition of beta-catenin function rescues the UBQLN4 variant-induced motor axon phenotypes. These findings provide a strong link between the regulation of axonal morphogenesis and a new ALS-associated gene variant mediated by protein degradation pathways. DOI: PMID:28463112

  1. In Vitro Analysis of the Role of Schwann Cells on Axonal Degeneration and Regeneration Using Sensory Neurons from Dorsal Root Ganglia. (United States)

    López-Leal, Rodrigo; Diaz, Paula; Court, Felipe A


    Sensory neurons from dorsal root ganglion efficiently regenerate after peripheral nerve injuries. These neurons are widely used as a model system to study degenerative mechanisms of the soma and axons, as well as regenerative axonal growth in the peripheral nervous system. This chapter describes techniques associated to the study of axonal degeneration and regeneration using explant cultures of dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons in vitro in the presence or absence of Schwann cells. Schwann cells are extremely important due to their involvement in tissue clearance during axonal degeneration as well as their known pro-regenerative effect during regeneration in the peripheral nervous system. We describe methods to induce and study axonal degeneration triggered by axotomy (mechanical separation of the axon from its soma) and treatment with vinblastine (which blocks axonal transport), which constitute clinically relevant mechanical and toxic models of axonal degeneration. In addition, we describe three different methods to evaluate axonal regeneration using quantitative methods. These protocols constitute a valuable tool to analyze in vitro mechanisms associated to axonal degeneration and regeneration of sensory neurons and the role of Schwann cells in these processes.

  2. Reduced axonal transport in Parkinson's disease cybrid neurites is restored by light therapy

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    De Taboada Luis


    Full Text Available Abstract Background It has been hypothesized that reduced axonal transport contributes to the degeneration of neuronal processes in Parkinson's disease (PD. Mitochondria supply the adenosine triphosphate (ATP needed to support axonal transport and contribute to many other cellular functions essential for the survival of neuronal cells. Furthermore, mitochondria in PD tissues are metabolically and functionally compromised. To address this hypothesis, we measured the velocity of mitochondrial movement in human transmitochondrial cybrid "cytoplasmic hybrid" neuronal cells bearing mitochondrial DNA from patients with sporadic PD and disease-free age-matched volunteer controls (CNT. The absorption of low level, near-infrared laser light by components of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (mtETC enhances mitochondrial metabolism, stimulates oxidative phosphorylation and improves redox capacity. PD and CNT cybrid neuronal cells were exposed to near-infrared laser light to determine if the velocity of mitochondrial movement can be restored by low level light therapy (LLLT. Axonal transport of labeled mitochondria was documented by time lapse microscopy in dopaminergic PD and CNT cybrid neuronal cells before and after illumination with an 810 nm diode laser (50 mW/cm2 for 40 seconds. Oxygen utilization and assembly of mtETC complexes were also determined. Results The velocity of mitochondrial movement in PD cybrid neuronal cells (0.175 +/- 0.005 SEM was significantly reduced (p Conclusion The results from this study support our proposal that axonal transport is reduced in sporadic PD and that a single, brief treatment with near-infrared light can restore axonal transport to control levels. These results are the first demonstration that LLLT can increase axonal transport in model human dopaminergic neuronal cells and they suggest that LLLT could be developed as a novel treatment to improve neuronal function in patients with PD.

  3. Drosophila growth cones: a genetically tractable platform for the analysis of axonal growth dynamics. (United States)

    Sánchez-Soriano, Natalia; Gonçalves-Pimentel, Catarina; Beaven, Robin; Haessler, Ulrike; Ofner-Ziegenfuss, Lisa; Ballestrem, Christoph; Prokop, Andreas


    The formation of neuronal networks, during development and regeneration, requires outgrowth of axons along reproducible paths toward their appropriate postsynaptic target cells. Axonal extension occurs at growth cones (GCs) at the tips of axons. GC advance and navigation requires the activity of their cytoskeletal networks, comprising filamentous actin (F-actin) in lamellipodia and filopodia as well as dynamic microtubules (MTs) emanating from bundles of the axonal core. The molecular mechanisms governing these two cytoskeletal networks, their cross-talk, and their response to extracellular signaling cues are only partially understood, hindering our conceptual understanding of how regulated changes in GC behavior are controlled. Here, we introduce Drosophila GCs as a suitable model to address these mechanisms. Morphological and cytoskeletal readouts of Drosophila GCs are similar to those of other models, including mammals, as demonstrated here for MT and F-actin dynamics, axonal growth rates, filopodial structure and motility, organizational principles of MT networks, and subcellular marker localization. Therefore, we expect fundamental insights gained in Drosophila to be translatable into vertebrate biology. The advantage of the Drosophila model over others is its enormous amenability to combinatorial genetics as a powerful strategy to address the complexity of regulatory networks governing axonal growth. Thus, using pharmacological and genetic manipulations, we demonstrate a role of the actin cytoskeleton in a specific form of MT organization (loop formation), known to regulate GC pausing behavior. We demonstrate these events to be mediated by the actin-MT linking factor Short stop, thus identifying an essential molecular player in this context.

  4. Constitutively expressed Protocadherin-α regulates the coalescence and elimination of homotypic olfactory axons through its cytoplasmic region

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    Sonoko eHasegawa


    Full Text Available Olfactory sensory neuron (OSN axons coalesce into specific glomeruli in the olfactory bulb (OB according to their odorant receptor (OR expression. Several guidance molecules enhance the coalescence of homotypic OSN projections, in an OR-specific- and neural-activity-dependent manner. However, the mechanism by which homotypic OSN axons are organized into glomeruli is unsolved. We previously reported that the clustered protocadherin-α (Pcdh-α family of diverse cadherin-related molecules plays roles in the coalescence and elimination of homotypic OSN axons throughout development. Here we showed that the elimination of small ectopic homotypic glomeruli required the constitutive expression of a Pcdh-α isoform and Pcdh-α’s cytoplasmic region, but not OR specificity or neural activity. These results suggest that Pcdh-α proteins provide a cytoplasmic signal to regulate repulsive activity for homotypic OSN axons independently of OR expression and neural activity. The counterbalancing effect of Pcdh-α proteins for the axonal coalescence mechanisms mediated by other olfactory guidance molecules indicate a possible mechanism for the organization of homotypic OSN axons into glomeruli during development.

  5. γ-diketone central neuropathy: quantitative morphometric analysis of axons in rat spinal cord white matter regions and nerve roots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    LoPachin, Richard M.; Jortner, Bernard S.; Reid, Maria L.; Das, Soma


    A quantitative analytical method was used to measure myelinated axon morphometric parameters (e.g., axon area, ratio of axon area/fiber area, and index of circularity) in rat nervous tissue during intoxication with 2,5-hexanedione (HD). Parameters were assessed in nerve roots (dorsal and ventral) and in ascending (gracile fasciculus and spinocerebellar tract) and descending (corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts) spinal cord white matter tracts (L4-L5) of rats intoxicated with HD at two different daily dose-rates (175 or 400 mg HD/kg/day, gavage). For each dose-rate, tissue was sampled at four neurological endpoints: unaffected, slight, moderate, and severe toxicity, as determined by gait analysis and measurements of grip strength. Results indicate that, regardless of the HD dose-rate, axon atrophy (reduced axon area) was a widespread, abundant effect that developed in concert with neurological deficits. The atrophy response occurred contemporaneously in both ascending and descending spinal tracts, which suggests that loss of caliber developed simultaneously along the proximodistal axon axis. In contrast, swollen axons were a numerically small component and were present in nerve roots and spinal tracts only during subchronic intoxication at the lower HD dose-rate (i.e., 175 mg/kg/day). Intoxication at the higher dose-rate (400 mg/kg/day) produced neurological deficits in the absence of axonal swellings. These observations in conjunction with our previous studies of HD-induced peripheral neuropathy (Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 135 (1995) 58; and Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 165 (2000) 127) indicate that axon atrophy, and not axonal swelling, is a primary neuropathic phenomenon

  6. 3Tesla magnetic resonance examination of a patient suffering from diffuse axonal injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonchev, S.; Zlatareva, D.; Hadjidekov, V.


    Diffuse axonal injury has been observed in traumatic brain injury. Both type of lesions - haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic, demonstrate on MRI. We would like to introduce you a 24 year old outpatient man, who was examined in our Department with a past medical history of severe traumatic brain injury, followed by two weeks of coma in Intensive care, discharged from hospital with good outcome. Subsequently cognitive impairments have developed and an episode of tonic-clonic seizure have been undergone by the patient. 3Tesla MRI was performed and lesions typical for diffuse axonal injury were found. MRI is the study of choice for demonstrating the lesions of diffuse axonal injury in the acute and chronic period

  7. Dendrites of cerebellar granule cells correctly recognize their target axons for synaptogenesis in vitro. (United States)

    Ito, Shoko; Takeichi, Masatoshi


    Neural circuits are generated by precisely ordered synaptic connections among neurons, and this process is thought to rely on the ability of neurons to recognize specific partners. However, it is also known that neurons promiscuously form synapses with nonspecific partners, in particular when cultured in vitro, causing controversies about neural recognition mechanisms. Here we reexamined whether neurons can or cannot select particular partners in vitro. In the cerebellum, granule cell (GC) dendrites form synaptic connections specifically with mossy fibers, but not with climbing fibers. We cocultured GC neurons with pontine or inferior olivary axons, the major sources for mossy and climbing fibers, respectively, as well as with hippocampal axons as a control. The GC neurons formed synapses with pontine axons predominantly at the distal ends of their dendrites, reproducing the characteristic morphology of their synapses observed in vivo, whereas they failed to do so when combined with other axons. In the latter case, synaptic proteins could accumulate between axons and dendrites, but these synapses were randomly distributed throughout the contact sites, and also their synaptic vesicle recycling was anomalous. These observations suggest that GC dendrites can select their authentic partners for synaptogenesis even in vitro, forming the synapses with a GC-specific nature only with them.

  8. Sodium channels in axons and glial cells of the optic nerve of Necturus maculosa. (United States)

    Tang, C M; Strichartz, G R; Orkand, R K


    Experiments investigating both the binding of radioactively labelled saxitoxin (STX) and the electrophysiological response to drugs that increase the sodium permeability of excitable membranes were conducted in an effort to detect sodium channels in glial cells of the optic nerve of Necturus maculosa, the mudpuppy. Glial cells in nerves from chronically enucleated animals, which lack optic nerve axons, show no saturable uptake of STX whereas a saturable uptake is clearly present in normal optic nerves. The normal nerve is depolarized by aconitine, batrachotoxin, and veratridine (10(-6)-10(-5) M), whereas the all-glial preparation is only depolarized by veratridine and at concentrations greater than 10(-3) M. Unlike the depolarization caused by veratridine in normal nerves, the response in the all-glial tissue is not blocked by tetrodotoxin nor enhanced by scorpion venom (Leiurus quinquestriatus). In glial cells of the normal nerve, where axons are also present, the addition of 10(-5) M veratridine does lead to a transient depolarization; however, it is much briefer than the axonal response to veratridine in this same tissue. This glial response to veratridine could be caused by the efflux of K+ from the drug-depolarized axons, and is similar to the glial response to extracellular K+ accumulation resulting from action potentials in the axon.

  9. Utilizing Combined Methodologies to Define the Role of Plasma Membrane Delivery During Axon Branching and Neuronal Morphogenesis. (United States)

    Winkle, Cortney C; Hanlin, Christopher C; Gupton, Stephanie L


    During neural development, growing axons extend to multiple synaptic partners by elaborating axonal branches. Axon branching is promoted by extracellular guidance cues like netrin-1 and results in dramatic increases to the surface area of the axonal plasma membrane. Netrin-1-dependent axon branching likely involves temporal and spatial control of plasma membrane expansion, the components of which are supplied through exocytic vesicle fusion. These fusion events are preceded by formation of SNARE complexes, comprising a v-SNARE, such as VAMP2 (vesicle-associated membrane protein 2), and plasma membrane t-SNAREs, syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 (synaptosomal-associated protein 25). Detailed herein isa multi-pronged approach used to examine the role of SNARE mediated exocytosis in axon branching. The strength of the combined approach is data acquisition at a range of spatial and temporal resolutions, spanning from the dynamics of single vesicle fusion events in individual neurons to SNARE complex formation and axon branching in populations of cultured neurons. This protocol takes advantage of established biochemical approaches to assay levels of endogenous SNARE complexes and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy of cortical neurons expressing VAMP2 tagged with a pH-sensitive GFP (VAMP2-pHlourin) to identify netrin-1 dependent changes in exocytic activity in individual neurons. To elucidate the timing of netrin-1-dependent branching, time-lapse differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy of single neurons over the order of hours is utilized. Fixed cell immunofluorescence paired with botulinum neurotoxins that cleave SNARE machinery and block exocytosis demonstrates that netrin-1 dependent axon branching requires SNARE-mediated exocytic activity.

  10. Caries dental aguda del primer molar permanente en niños de 12 años

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    Daniel Enrique Reyes Romagosa

    Full Text Available Introducción: el primer molar permanente es considerado la llave de la oclusión dentaria, la presencia de caries en éste es elevada, lo que dificulta el logro de las metas trazadas por organizaciones de salud a nivel mundial en este grupo de edad. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la caries dental aguda en primer molar permanente en una población de 12 años de edad atendida en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz de la Parroquia Goaigoaza. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz. Parroquia Goaigoaza, municipio Puerto Cabello, estado Carabobo, en el período comprendido entre abril del 2009 a abril 2010. Se seleccionaron 97 pacientes de 12 años de edad los que constituyeron el universo y la muestra. Acudieron a la consulta por dolor debido a la presencia de caries dental aguda. Se registraron las variables: edad, sexo, grado clínico de la caries dental, estímulos externos que provocaron dolor, la cara dental y la arcada dentaria más afectadas. La información fue recogida mediante interrogatorio y examen clínico. Resultados: el sexo masculino representó el 63,9 %. La caries dental de 3er grado estuvo presente en un 68 %. Los estímulos externos que provocaron dolor fueron: el frío presente en 75,2 % y los alimentos dulces en 69,1 % en ambos sexos. El primer molar inferior derecho resultó más afectado (46,4 % que el izquierdo (36,1 %, así como la arcada dentaria inferior (25,8 % y la cara oclusal (64,9 %. Conclusiones: predominaron el sexo masculino y la caries dental aguda de 3er grado. El frío y los alimentos dulces fueron los estímulos externos más frecuentes. Los más afectados resultaron el primer molar inferior derecho, la cara oclusal y la arcada dentaria inferior.

  11. Diabetes insipidus como manifestação inicial de leucemia mieloide aguda em paciente com monossomia do cromossomo 7

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    Amanda Dias Lima Morais


    Full Text Available O diabetes insipidus (DI central é uma síndrome caracterizada pela incapacidade de concentração urinária devido à deficiência do hormônio antidiurético. O envolvimento do sistema nervoso central é frequente nas leucemias, mas a ocorrência de DI é rara e confere pior prognóstico. A patogênese do DI na leucemia não é totalmente conhecida, mas a infiltração do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário por células leucêmicas parece ser um fator responsável. O presente relato descreve o caso de um paciente que apresentou DI como primeira manifestação de leucemia mieloide aguda e que evoluiu com dificuldades de ajustes do sódio sérico, da poliúria e da reposição volêmica, necessitando de permanência prolongada em unidade de cuidados intensivos. Palavras-chave: diabetes insipidus; leucemia mieloide aguda; monossomia; cromossomo 7.

  12. A Novel Approach for Studying the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Myelinated and Non-Myelinated Axons in the CNS White Matter.

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    Lijun Li

    Full Text Available Advances in brain connectomics set the need for detailed knowledge of functional properties of myelinated and non-myelinated (if present axons in specific white matter pathways. The corpus callosum (CC, a major white matter structure interconnecting brain hemispheres, is extensively used for studying CNS axonal function. Unlike another widely used CNS white matter preparation, the optic nerve where all axons are myelinated, the CC contains also a large population of non-myelinated axons, making it particularly useful for studying both types of axons. Electrophysiological studies of optic nerve use suction electrodes on nerve ends to stimulate and record compound action potentials (CAPs that adequately represent its axonal population, whereas CC studies use microelectrodes (MEs, recording from a limited area within the CC. Here we introduce a novel robust isolated "whole" CC preparation comparable to optic nerve. Unlike ME recordings where the CC CAP peaks representing myelinated and non-myelinated axons vary broadly in size, "whole" CC CAPs show stable reproducible ratios of these two main peaks, and also reveal a third peak, suggesting a distinct group of smaller caliber non-myelinated axons. We provide detailed characterization of "whole" CC CAPs and conduction velocities of myelinated and non-myelinated axons along the rostro-caudal axis of CC body and show advantages of this preparation for comparing axonal function in wild type and dysmyelinated shiverer mice, studying the effects of temperature dependence, bath-applied drugs and ischemia modeled by oxygen-glucose deprivation. Due to the isolation from gray matter, our approach allows for studying CC axonal function without possible "contamination" by reverberating signals from gray matter. Our analysis of "whole" CC CAPs revealed higher complexity of myelinated and non-myelinated axonal populations, not noticed earlier. This preparation may have a broad range of applications as a robust

  13. Conduction velocity is regulated by sodium channel inactivation in unmyelinated axons innervating the rat cranial meninges. (United States)

    De Col, Roberto; Messlinger, Karl; Carr, Richard W


    Axonal conduction velocity varies according to the level of preceding impulse activity. In unmyelinated axons this typically results in a slowing of conduction velocity and a parallel increase in threshold. It is currently held that Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-dependent axonal hyperpolarization is responsible for this slowing but this has long been equivocal. We therefore examined conduction velocity changes during repetitive activation of single unmyelinated axons innervating the rat cranial meninges. In direct contradiction to the currently accepted postulate, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase blockade actually enhanced activity-induced conduction velocity slowing, while the degree of velocity slowing was curtailed in the presence of lidocaine (10-300 microm) and carbamazepine (30-500 microm) but not tetrodotoxin (TTX, 10-80 nm). This suggests that a change in the number of available sodium channels is the most prominent factor responsible for activity-induced changes in conduction velocity in unmyelinated axons. At moderate stimulus frequencies, axonal conduction velocity is determined by an interaction between residual sodium channel inactivation following each impulse and the retrieval of channels from inactivation by a concomitant Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase-mediated hyperpolarization. Since the process is primarily dependent upon sodium channel availability, tracking conduction velocity provides a means of accessing relative changes in the excitability of nociceptive neurons.

  14. Diffuse axonal injury: detection of changes in anisotropy of water diffusion by diffusion-weighted imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, J.H.M.; Tsui, E.Y.K.; Yuen, M.K.; Peh, W.C.G.; Fong, D.; Fok, K.F.; Leung, K.M.; Fung, K.K.L.


    Myelinated axons of white matter demonstrate prominent directional differences in water diffusion. We performed diffusion-weighted imaging on ten patients with head injury to explore the feasibility of using water diffusion anisotropy for quantitating diffuse axonal injury. We showed significant decrease in diffusion anisotropy indices in areas with or without signal abnormality on T2 and T2*-weighted images. We conclude that the water diffusion anisotropy index a potentially useful, sensitive and quantitative way of diagnosing and assessing patients with diffuse axonal injury. (orig.)

  15. Possible Effects of Synaptic Imbalances on Oligodendrocyte-Axonic Interactions in Schizophrenia: a Hypothetical Model

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    Bernhard Joseph Mitterauer


    Full Text Available AbstractA model of glial-neuronal interactions is proposed that could be explanatory for the demyelination identified in brains with schizophrenia. According to this model, receptors on astrocytes in glial-neuronal synaptic units are not functional, loosing their modulatory influence on synaptic neurotransmission. Hence, an unconstrained neurotransmission flux occurs that hyperactivates the axon and floods the cognate receptors of neurotransmitters on oligodendrocytes. The excess of neurotransmitters may have a toxic effect on oligodendrocytes and myelin, causing demyelination. In parallel, an increasing impairment of axons may disconnect neuronal networks. It is formally shown how oligodendrocytes normally categorize axonic information processing via their processes. Demyelination decomposes the oligodendrocyte-axonic system making it incapable to generate categories of information. This incoherence may be responsible for symptoms of disorganization in schizophrenia, such as thought disorder, inappropriate affect and incommunicable motor behavior. In parallel, the loss of oligodendrocytes affects gap junctions in the panglial syncytium, presumably responsible for memory impairment in schizophrenia.

  16. Consideraciones actuales sobre el diagnóstico de la apendicitis aguda: Current criteria Diagnosis of acute appendicitis:

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    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar algunos aspectos relacionados con el diagnóstico preoperatorio de la apendicitis aguda, según variables seleccionadas, así como establecer comparaciones con los hallazgos de otros autores. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo de 560 pacientes operados y dados de alta con el diagnóstico histopatológico de apendicitis aguda. Los pacientes fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Provincial Docente «Saturnino Lora» de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2006. RESULTADOS. Entre los resultados más importantes sobresalieron el predominio de los varones jóvenes con mediana de edad de 25,5 años y la preponderancia del diagnóstico clínico. La mediana del tiempo de evolución preoperatoria fue mayor en los hombres y predominaron las variedades gangrenosa y perforada, aunque la primacía correspondió a la apendicitis supurada. En los fallecidos se detectaron las formas histopatológicas más graves, y estos fueron ancianos con manifestaciones clínicas atípicas de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIONES. El método clínico continúa teniendo una importancia capital, pues a través de él se puede diagnosticar precozmente esta urgencia tan común y reducir el tiempo de evolución preoperatoria, cuya prolongación es causa de morbilidad y mortalidad innecesarias.INTRODUCTION: The aim of present paper was to identify some features related to preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis, according the selected variables, as well as to establish comparisons with findings from other authors. METHODS: We made a prospective, descriptive and observational study of 560 patients operated on and discharged with the histopathology diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Patients were seen in General Surgery Service of the "Saturnino Lora" Teaching Provincial Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during year 2006. RESULTS: Among the more significant results

  17. The L1-type cell adhesion molecule Neuroglian is necessary for maintenance of sensory axon advance in the Drosophila embryo

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    Martin Veronica


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cell adhesion molecules have long been implicated in the regulation of axon growth, but the precise cellular roles played by individual cell adhesion molecules and the molecular basis for their action are still not well understood. We have used the sensory system of the Drosophila embryo to shed light on the mechanism by which the L1-type cell adhesion molecule Neuroglian regulates axon growth. Results We have found a highly penetrant sensory axon stalling phenotype in neuroglian mutant embryos. Axons stalled at a variety of positions along their normal trajectory, but most commonly in the periphery some distance along the peripheral nerve. All lateral and dorsal cluster sensory neurons examined, except for the dorsal cluster neuron dbd, showed stalling. Sensory axons were never seen to project along inappropriate pathways in neuroglian mutants and stalled axons showed normal patterns of fasciculation within nerves. The growth cones of stalled axons possessed a simple morphology, similar to their appearance in wild-type embryos when advancing along nerves. Driving expression of the wild-type form of Neuroglian in sensory neurons alone rescued the neuroglian mutant phenotype of both pioneering and follower neurons. A partial rescue was achieved by expressing the Neuroglian extracellular domain. Over/mis-expression of Neuroglian in all neurons, oenocytes or trachea had no apparent effect on sensory axon growth. Conclusion We conclude that Neuroglian is necessary to maintain axon advance along axonal substrates, but is not required for initiation of axon outgrowth, axon fasciculation or recognition of correct growth substrates. Expression of Neuroglian in sensory neurons alone is sufficient to promote axon advance and the intracellular region of the molecule is largely dispensable for this function. It is unlikely, therefore, that Nrg acts as a molecular 'clutch' to couple adhesion of F-actin within the growth cone to the

  18. Impaired axonal Na+ current by hindlimb unloading: implication for disuse neuromuscular atrophy

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    Chimeglkham eBanzrai


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize the excitability changes in peripheral motor axons caused by hindlimb unloading, which is a model of disuse neuromuscular atrophy. Hindlimb unloading was performed in normal 6-week-old male mice by fixing the proximal tail by a clip connected to the top of the animal’s cage for 3 weeks. Axonal excitability studies were performed by stimulating the sciatic nerve at the ankle and recording the compound muscle action potential from the foot. The amplitudes of the motor responses of the unloading group were 51% of the control amplitudes (2.2 ± 1.3 mV [HLU] vs. 4.3 ± 1.2 mV [Control], P = 0.03. Multiple axonal excitability analysis showed that the unloading group had a smaller strength-duration time constant (SDTC and late subexcitability (recovery cycle than the controls (0.075 ± 0.01 [HLU] vs. 0.12 ± 0.01 [Control], P < 0.01; 5.4 ± 1.0 [HLU] vs. 10.0 ± 1.3 % [Control], P = 0.01, respectively. Three weeks after releasing from HLU, the SDTC became comparable to the control range. Using a modeling study, the observed differences in the waveforms could be explained by reduced persistent Na+ currents along with parameters related to current leakage. Quantification of RNA of a SCA1A gene coding a voltage-gated Na+ channel tended to be decreased in the sciatic nerve in HLU. The present study suggested that axonal ion currents are altered in vivo by hindlimb unloading. It is still undetermined whether the dysfunctional axonal ion currents have any pathogenicity on neuromuscular atrophy or are the results of neural plasticity by atrophy.

  19. Cortical compression rapidly trimmed transcallosal projections and altered axonal anterograde transport machinery. (United States)

    Chen, Li-Jin; Wang, Yueh-Jan; Tseng, Guo-Fang


    Trauma and tumor compressing the brain distort underlying cortical neurons. Compressed cortical neurons remodel their dendrites instantly. The effects on axons however remain unclear. Using a rat epidural bead implantation model, we studied the effects of unilateral somatosensory cortical compression on its transcallosal projection and the reversibility of the changes following decompression. Compression reduced the density, branching profuseness and boutons of the projection axons in the contralateral homotopic cortex 1week and 1month post-compression. Projection fiber density was higher 1-month than 1-week post-compression, suggesting adaptive temporal changes. Compression reduced contralateral cortical synaptophysin, vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) and postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD95) expressions in a week and the first two marker proteins further by 1month. βIII-tubulin and kinesin light chain (KLC) expressions in the corpus callosum (CC) where transcallosal axons traveled were also decreased. Kinesin heavy chain (KHC) level in CC was temporarily increased 1week after compression. Decompression increased transcallosal axon density and branching profuseness to higher than sham while bouton density returned to sham levels. This was accompanied by restoration of synaptophysin, VGLUT1 and PSD95 expressions in the contralateral cortex of the 1-week, but not the 1-month, compression rats. Decompression restored βIII-tubulin, but not KLC and KHC expressions in CC. However, KLC and KHC expressions in the cell bodies of the layer II/III pyramidal neurons partially recovered. Our results show cerebral compression compromised cortical axonal outputs and reduced transcallosal projection. Some of these changes did not recover in long-term decompression. Copyright © 2017 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Action potential propagation recorded from single axonal arbors using multi-electrode arrays. (United States)

    Tovar, Kenneth R; Bridges, Daniel C; Wu, Bian; Randall, Connor; Audouard, Morgane; Jang, Jiwon; Hansma, Paul K; Kosik, Kenneth S


    We report the presence of co-occurring extracellular action potentials (eAPs) from cultured mouse hippocampal neurons among groups of planar electrodes on multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). The invariant sequences of eAPs among co-active electrode groups, repeated co-occurrences and short inter-electrode latencies are consistent with action potential propagation in unmyelinated axons. Repeated eAP co-detection by multiple electrodes was widespread in all our data records. Co-detection of eAPs confirms they result from the same neuron and allows these eAPs to be isolated from all other spikes independently of spike sorting algorithms. We averaged co-occurring events and revealed additional electrodes with eAPs that would otherwise be below detection threshold. We used these eAP cohorts to explore the temperature sensitivity of action potential propagation and the relationship between voltage-gated sodium channel density and propagation velocity. The sequence of eAPs among co-active electrodes 'fingerprints' neurons giving rise to these events and identifies them within neuronal ensembles. We used this property and the non-invasive nature of extracellular recording to monitor changes in excitability at multiple points in single axonal arbors simultaneously over several hours, demonstrating independence of axonal segments. Over several weeks, we recorded changes in inter-electrode propagation latencies and ongoing changes in excitability in different regions of single axonal arbors. Our work illustrates how repeated eAP co-occurrences can be used to extract physiological data from single axons with low electrode density MEAs. However, repeated eAP co-occurrences leads to over-sampling spikes from single neurons and thus can confound traditional spike-train analysis.

  1. Efeitos de um programa de reabilitação acelerado após o tratamento cirúrgico da ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles


    Ott, Rafael Duvelius


    Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um protocolo acelerado de reabilitação (ACE) versus um protocolo tradicional de imobilização do tornozelo (TRA) sobre a função muscular e articular, após o tratamento cirúrgico da ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles. Método: 37 pacientes com diagnóstico de ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico aberto com reparo término-terminal pela técnica de Krackow. Após a cirurgia, foram divididos em dois grupos: no grupo ACE foi utiliza...

  2. Avaliação do antígeno SAG2a recombinante de Toxoplasma gondii como um potencial marcador diagnóstico para Toxoplasmose humana aguda


    Béla, Samantha Ribeiro


    Proteínas recombinantes têm sido utilizadas para o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii para diferenciar entre as fases aguda e crônica da toxoplasmose. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a reatividade de anticorpos IgG e IgG1 através de imunoensaios em soros de pacientes com toxoplasmose aguda e crônica dirigidos contra dois antígenos recombinantes clonados e expressos em E. coli, SAG2A (molécula recombinante total) e SAG2A(DELTA) (molécula recombinante deletada do...

  3. Mitochondrial Dynamics Decrease Prior to Axon Degeneration Induced by Vincristine and are Partially Rescued by Overexpressed cytNmnat1.

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    Gregory Berbusse


    Full Text Available Axon degeneration is a prominent feature of various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and is often characterized by aberrant mitochondrial dynamics. Mitochondrial fission, fusion, and motility have been shown to be particularly important in progressive neurodegeneration. Thus we investigated these imperative dynamics, as well as mitochondrial fragmentation in vincristine induced axon degradation in cultured DRG neurons. CytNmnat1 inhibits axon degeneration in various paradigms including vincristine toxicity. The mechanism of its protection is not yet fully understood; therefore, we also investigated the effect of cytNmnat1 on mitochondrial dynamics in vincristine treated neurons. We observed that vincristine treatment decreases the rate of mitochondrial fission, fusion and motility and induces mitochondrial fragmentation. These mitochondrial events precede visible axon degeneration. Overexpression of cytNmnat1 inhibits axon degeneration and preserves the normal mitochondrial dynamics and motility in vincristine treated neurons. We suggest the alterations in mitochondrial structure and dynamics are early events which lead to axon degeneration and cytNmnat1 blocks axon degeneration by halting the vincristine induced changes to mitochondrial structure and dynamics.

  4. Interaction between the soma and the axon terminal of horizontal cells in carp retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, M.; van Dijk, B. W.; Spekreijse, H.


    In teleost retina, the receptive fields of horizontal cell axon terminals have a larger space constant than the receptive fields of the horizontal cell somata. Generally this difference in receptive field size is attributed to the cell coupling which is assumed to be stronger in the horizontal axon

  5. Specific effects of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-interacting protein 1 in neuronal axons

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    Shu Tang


    Full Text Available c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK-interacting protein 3 plays an important role in brain-derived neurotrophic factor/tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB anterograde axonal transport. It remains unclear whether JNK-interacting protein 1 mediates similar effects, or whether JNK-interacting protein 1 affects the regulation of TrkB anterograde axonal transport. In this study, we isolated rat embryonic hippocampus and cultured hippocampal neurons in vitro. Coimmunoprecipitation results demonstrated that JNK-interacting protein 1 formed TrkB complexes in vitro and in vivo. Immunocytochemistry results showed that when JNK-interacting protein 1 was highly expressed, the distribution of TrkB gradually increased in axon terminals. However, the distribution of TrkB reduced in axon terminals after knocking out JNK-interacting protein 1. In addition, there were differences in distribution of TrkB after JNK-interacting protein 1 was knocked out compared with not. However, knockout of JNK-interacting protein 1 did not affect the distribution of TrkB in dendrites. These findings confirm that JNK-interacting protein 1 can interact with TrkB in neuronal cells, and can regulate the transport of TrkB in axons, but not in dendrites.

  6. Formas cocoides de Helicobacter pylori: viables o degenerativas

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    Felipe Cava


    Full Text Available De los trabajos presentados acerca de las formas cocoides de Helicobacter pylori se deduce una controversia mucho mayor que la resultante del mero estudio clínico de este microorganismo. Parece claro que existe una conversión tanto in vivo como in vitro de las formas espirales a las formas cocoides inducida por varios motivos, como cultivos prolongados, estrés físico y químico, y agentes antimicrobianos. En esta revisión repasamos los puntos de vista que han dividido a investigadores de esta área en dos grupos bien definidos: Los que consideran a estas formas cocoides como un producto no viable de degeneración celular y los que piensan que estas formas son estructuras viables,durmientes o de resistencia frente a condiciones ambientales adversas. Esta discrepancia conlleva a que interrogantes sobre la relación entre la transmisión de la enfermedad y estas formas cocoides permanezcan sin respuesta todavía.

  7. Analysis of axonal regeneration in the central and peripheral nervous systems of the NG2-deficient mouse

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    Lieberman Alexander R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan NG2 blocks neurite outgrowth in vitro and has been proposed as a major inhibitor of axonal regeneration in the CNS. Although a substantial body of evidence underpins this hypothesis, it is challenged by recent findings including strong expression of NG2 in regenerating peripheral nerve. Results We studied axonal regeneration in the PNS and CNS of genetically engineered mice that do not express NG2, and in sex and age matched wild-type controls. In the CNS, we used anterograde tracing with BDA to study corticospinal tract (CST axons after spinal cord injury and transganglionic labelling with CT-HRP to trace ascending sensory dorsal column (DC axons after DC lesions and a conditioning lesion of the sciatic nerve. Injury to these fibre tracts resulted in no difference between knockout and wild-type mice in the ability of CST axons or DC axons to enter or cross the lesion site. Similarly, after dorsal root injury (with conditioning lesion, most regenerating dorsal root axons failed to grow across the dorsal root entry zone in both transgenic and wild-type mice. Following sciatic nerve injuries, functional recovery was assessed by analysis of the toe-spreading reflex and cutaneous sensitivity to Von Frey hairs. Anatomical correlates of regeneration were assessed by: retrograde labelling of regenerating dorsal root ganglion (DRG cells with DiAsp; immunostaining with PGP 9.5 to visualise sensory reinnervation of plantar hindpaws; electron microscopic analysis of regenerating axons in tibial and digital nerves; and by silver-cholinesterase histochemical study of motor end plate reinnervation. We also examined functional and anatomical correlates of regeneration after injury of the facial nerve by assessing the time taken for whisker movements and corneal reflexes to recover and by retrograde labelling of regenerated axons with Fluorogold and DiAsp. None of the anatomical or functional analyses

  8. Transposición del ligamento coracoacromial en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda

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    Osvaldo Pereda Cardoso


    Full Text Available Introducción: la luxación de la articulación acromioclavicular es frecuente en la práctica ortopédica diaria, estimándose su incidencia en aproximadamente el 10 % de todas las luxaciones alrededor del hombro. Existen numerosas técnicas quirúrgicas descritas para su tratamiento con resultados variables. Objetivo: describir la evolución clínica del dolor, la movilidad del hombro y la reincorporación de los pacientes a sus actividades habituales, con el uso de la técnica de transposición del ligamento acromioclavicular. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de descriptivo de 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de luxación acromioclavicular aguda tratados quirúrgicamente mediante la técnica mencionada; se tuvo en cuenta la evolución clínica del dolor, la movilidad del hombro y la reincorporación de los pacientes a sus actividades después de la cirugía, y para ello se empleó el test funcional de Imatani. Resultados: la transposición del ligamento coracoacromial resultó ser una técnica útil y relativamente sencilla para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda, con muy buenos resultados inmediatos, se logró considerable disminución o alivio total del dolor y recuperación completa o casi completa del rango de movilidad de la articulación del hombro, que le permite al paciente una vez rehabilitado, reincorporarse a sus actividades habituales. Conclusiones: la transposición del ligamento coracoacromial resultó útil en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda, en cuanto al alivio del dolor, la movilidad y reincorporación a las actividades habituales.

  9. Serotonin induces memory-like, rapamycin-sensitive hyperexcitability in sensory axons of aplysia that contributes to injury responses. (United States)

    Weragoda, Ramal M S; Walters, Edgar T


    The induction of long-term facilitation (LTF) of synapses of Aplysia sensory neurons (SNs) by serotonin (5-HT) has provided an important mechanistic model of memory, but little is known about other long-term effects of 5-HT on sensory properties. Here we show that crushing peripheral nerves results in long-term hyperexcitability (LTH) of the axons of these nociceptive SNs that requires 5-HT activity in the injured nerve. Serotonin application to a nerve segment induces local axonal (but not somal) LTH that is inhibited by 5-HT-receptor antagonists. Blockade of crush-induced axonal LTH by an antagonist, methiothepin, provides evidence for mediation of this injury response by 5-HT. This is the first demonstration in any axon of neuromodulator-induced LTH, a phenomenon potentially important for long-lasting pain. Methiothepin does not reduce axonal LTH induced by local depolarization, so 5-HT is not required for all forms of axonal LTH. Serotonin-induced axonal LTH is expressed as reduced spike threshold and increased repetitive firing, whereas depolarization-induced LTH involves only reduced threshold. Like crush- and depolarization-induced LTH, 5-HT-induced LTH is blocked by inhibiting protein synthesis. Blockade by rapamycin, which also blocks synaptic LTF, is interesting because the eukaryotic protein kinase that is the target of rapamycin (TOR) has a conserved role in promoting growth by stimulating translation of proteins required for translation. Rapamycin sensitivity suggests that localized increases in translation of proteins that promote axonal conduction and excitability at sites of nerve injury may be regulated by the same signals that increase translation of proteins that promote neuronal growth.

  10. BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b control axon repulsion in the silkworm Bombyx mori. (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Tong; Yu, Qi; Zhou, Qi-Sheng; Zhao, Xiao; Liu, Zhao-Yang; Cui, Wei-Zheng; Liu, Qing-Xin


    The development of the nervous system is based on the growth and connection of axons, and axon guidance molecules are the dominant regulators during this course. Robo, as the receptor of axon guidance molecule Slit, plays a key role as a conserved repellent cue for axon guidance during the development of the central nervous system. However, the function of Robo in the silkworm Bombyx mori is unknown. In this study, we cloned two novel robo genes in B. mori (Bmrobo1a and Bmrobo1b). BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b lack an Ig and a FNIII domain in the extracellular region and the CC0 and CC2 motifs in the intracellular region. BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b were colocalized with BmSlit in the neuropil. Knock-down of Bmrobo1a and Bmrobo1b by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in abnormal development of axons. Our results suggest that BmRobo1a and BmRobo1b have repulsive function in axon guidance, even though their structures are different from Robo1 of other species. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Variable laterality of corticospinal tract axons that regenerate after spinal cord injury as a result of PTEN deletion or knock-down (United States)

    Willenberg, Rafer; Zukor, Katherine; Liu, Kai; He, Zhigang; Steward, Oswald


    Corticospinal tract (CST) axons from one hemisphere normally extend and terminate predominantly in the contralateral spinal cord. We previously showed that deleting PTEN in the sensorimotor cortex enables CST axons to regenerate after spinal cord injury and that some regenerating axons extend along the “wrong” side. Here, we characterize the degree of specificity of regrowth in terms of laterality. PTEN was selectively deleted via cortical AAV-Cre injections in neonatal PTEN-floxed mice. As adults, mice received dorsal hemisection injuries at T12 or complete crush injuries at T9. CST axons from one hemisphere were traced by unilateral BDA injections in PTEN-deleted mice with spinal cord injury and in non-injured PTEN-floxed mice that had not received AAV-Cre. In non-injured mice, 97.9 ± 0.7% of BDA-labeled axons in white matter and 88.5 ± 1.0% of BDA-labeled axons in grey matter were contralateral to the cortex of origin. In contrast, laterality of CST axons that extended past a lesion due to PTEN deletion varied across animals. In some cases, regenerated axons extended predominantly on the ipsilateral side, in other cases, axons extended predominantly contralaterally, and in others, axons were similar in numbers on both sides. Similar results were seen in analyses of cases from previous studies using shRNA-mediated PTEN knock-down. These results indicate that CST axons that extend past a lesion due to PTEN deletion or knock-down do not maintain the contralateral rule of the non-injured CST, highlighting one aspect for how resultant circuitry from regenerating axons may differ from that of the uninjured CST. PMID:26878190

  12. Surto de toxoplasmose aguda transmitida através da ingestão de carne crua de gado ovino

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    Bonametti Ana Maria


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam 17 casos de toxoplasmose aguda sintomática adquirida pela ingestão de carne crua de carneiro, servida em uma festa à qual todos os pacientes compareceram. Em relação ao quadro clínico, o período de incubação da doença variou de 6 a 13 dias (10,9 ± 7,0 e 16 (94,5% pacientes apresentaram febre, cefaléia, mialgia, artralgia e adenomegalia (cervical ou cervical/axilar. Outros sinais clínicos encontrados foram: hepatomegalia em 6 pacientes, esplenomegalia em 4 e exantema em 2. Um paciente apresentou quadro clínico de corioretinite, confirmada através de exame oftalmológico. Todos os pacientes apresentavam títulos séricos de anticorpos específicos (IgG e IgM que evidenciavam fase aguda de toxoplasmose, pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta. Todos os pacientes foram tratados especificamente e houve boa resposta clínica e laboratorial ao tratamento.

  13. Insuficiência renal aguda em pacientes com sepse grave: fatores prognósticos = Acute renal injury in patients with severe sepsis: prognostic factors

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    Okamoto, Thábata Yaedu


    Conclusões: A insuficiência renal aguda foi ocorrência comum nos pacientes com sepse, fazendo parte de um quadro de disfunção de múltiplos órgãos e sistemas, particularmente nos pacientes com diagnóstico de choque séptico, estando associada a aumento da probabilidade de morte nesses pacientes graves. O uso de drogas vasoativas foi o único fator de risco para mortalidade em pacientes com sepse e insuficiência renal aguda que se manteve na análise multivariada. Estes resultados apontam para a importância do tratamento precoce dos quadros de sepse grave a tempo de prevenir a evolução para choque séptico e para insuficiência renal

  14. Hepatite aguda colestática pelo propiltiouracil: relato de caso

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    PAROLIN Mônica Beatriz


    Full Text Available Propiltiouracil é uma droga amplamente utilizada no tratamento do hipertiroidismo. A hepatotoxicidade é um dos efeitos colaterais mais raros e também mais graves associados a ela. Relata-se um caso de hepatite aguda colestática que acomete um jovem de 15 anos em uso de propiltiouracil para tratamento de hipertiroidismo. Causas virais, metabólicas e autoimunes foram excluídas e a biopsia hepática revelou achados histopatológicos sugestivos de hepatite colestática induzida por droga. Com a suspensão da droga, houve remissão dos sintomas e normalização progressiva das provas de função hepática. Raramente, os pacientes em uso de propiltiouracil podem desenvolver injúria hepática grave.

  15. Defective Ca2+ channel clustering in axon terminals disturbs excitability in motoneurons in spinal muscular atrophy


    Jablonka, Sibylle; Beck, Marcus; Lechner, Barbara Dorothea; Mayer, Christine; Sendtner, Michael


    Proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a motoneuron disease for which there is currently no effective treatment. In animal models of SMA, spinal motoneurons exhibit reduced axon elongation and growth cone size. These defects correlate with reduced β-actin messenger RNA and protein levels in distal axons. We show that survival motoneuron gene (Smn)–deficient motoneurons exhibit severe defects in clustering Cav2.2 channels in axonal growth cones. These defects also correlate with a reduced f...



    Steward, Oswald; Zheng, Binhai; Tessier-Lavigne, Marc; Hofstadter, Maura; Sharp, Kelli; Yee, Kelly Matsudaira


    Studies that have assessed regeneration of corticospinal tract (CST) axons in mice following genetic modifications or other treatments have tacitly assumed that there is little if any regeneration of CST axons in normal mice in the absence of some intervention. Here, we document a previously unrecognized capability for regenerative growth of CST axons in normal mice that involves growth past the lesion via the ventral column. Mice received dorsal hemisection injuries at thoracic level 6–7, wh...

  17. Estrategia de atención de niños hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas

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    Ana M Ferrari


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas, aumentar los conocimientos sobre esa patología y mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asistenciales, por medio de una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno.MÉTODOS: La estrategia se basó en la utilización de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento, internación por cuidados progresivos y por enfermedad, adecuación de los recursos asistenciales y creación de un sistema de registro permanente, informatizado. Se incorporó la investigación sistemática de la etiología viral para racionalizar el uso de la medicación y reducir las infecciones intrahospitalarias. RESULTADOS: Durante la aplicación del Plan (19/V-19/IX/99 ingresaron 3.317 niños; 1.347 (40.61% presentaban infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas. Se captaron 1.096 (81%, de los cuales 71% eran menores de un año. Predominaron las infecciones respiratorias virales (68%. Los criterios de ingreso fueron saturación de oxígeno <95%, polipnea, tiraje o derrame pleural en el 92.4% de los niños. La magnitud de la demanda impidió que las pautas de aislamiento individual o en grupo se cumplieran en todos los casos. El uso de la medicación se ajustó a lo recomendado en un elevado porcentaje: no recibieron antibióticos 73% de las bronquiolitis ni 72% de las neumonías virales, y 96% de las neumonias bacterianas los recibieron según pauta; se redujo el uso de broncodilatadores y de corticoides. El gasto en medicamentos disminuyó fundamentalmente en el grupo de los corticoides y tuvo el mayor impacto en el costo por día/cama de antibióticos. CONCLUSIONES: Disminuir la morbimortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas requiere continuar mejorando la calidad de la atención hospitalaria y fortalecer los programas de promoción de salud y de control de las enfermedades prevalentes, en el primer nivel de atención.

  18. Estrategia de atención de niños hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas

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    Ferrari Ana M


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas, aumentar los conocimientos sobre esa patología y mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asistenciales, por medio de una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno.MÉTODOS: La estrategia se basó en la utilización de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento, internación por cuidados progresivos y por enfermedad, adecuación de los recursos asistenciales y creación de un sistema de registro permanente, informatizado. Se incorporó la investigación sistemática de la etiología viral para racionalizar el uso de la medicación y reducir las infecciones intrahospitalarias. RESULTADOS: Durante la aplicación del Plan (19/V-19/IX/99 ingresaron 3.317 niños; 1.347 (40.61% presentaban infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas. Se captaron 1.096 (81%, de los cuales 71% eran menores de un año. Predominaron las infecciones respiratorias virales (68%. Los criterios de ingreso fueron saturación de oxígeno <95%, polipnea, tiraje o derrame pleural en el 92.4% de los niños. La magnitud de la demanda impidió que las pautas de aislamiento individual o en grupo se cumplieran en todos los casos. El uso de la medicación se ajustó a lo recomendado en un elevado porcentaje: no recibieron antibióticos 73% de las bronquiolitis ni 72% de las neumonías virales, y 96% de las neumonias bacterianas los recibieron según pauta; se redujo el uso de broncodilatadores y de corticoides. El gasto en medicamentos disminuyó fundamentalmente en el grupo de los corticoides y tuvo el mayor impacto en el costo por día/cama de antibióticos. CONCLUSIONES: Disminuir la morbimortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas requiere continuar mejorando la calidad de la atención hospitalaria y fortalecer los programas de promoción de salud y de control de las enfermedades prevalentes, en el primer nivel de atención.

  19. Pro forma: impact on communication skills? (United States)

    Morris, Marie; Donohoe, Gary; Hennessy, Martina; O Ciardha, Caoilte


    A doctor performs 160 000-300 000 interviews during a lifetime career, thus making the medical interview the most common procedure in clinical medicine. It is reported that 60-80 per cent of diagnosis is based on history taking, yet there is little published data advising on the best method for medical students to initially attain and further refine these core skills during their medical degree. Medical students interviewed two patients: using an open interview first, based on the Calgary-Cambridge approach, and then using a structured pro forma. The students' medical data were assessed by a senior lecturer, and their communication skills were assessed by a behavioural scientist and by the patients. An exact Wilcoxon paired signed rank test was conducted to determine whether there was a difference between the open interview and pro forma methods for history taking and communication skills. The test yielded p-values of 0.0017 and 0.069, respectively, with the pro forma method providing a statistically significantly higher history-taking score and communication score than the open interview method. Subjectively, patients reported the pro forma method as being preferable. Medical students in the early years of training benefit from a structured history-taking pro forma to assist them gather an accurate data set without compromising their interpersonal and communication skills. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Relação do sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona com as respostas cardiovasculares ao exercício


    Karla Fabiana Goessler


    O exercício físico, seja de forma aguda ou de forma crônica, pode ocasionar modificações cardiovasculares. Tais modificações podem ter relações com o sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona (SRAA) e o entendimento sobre esse tema ainda necessita de maiores investigações. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: 1) verificar por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura a influência dos componentes e dos polimorfismos do SRAA, nas alterações da pressão arterial (PA) promovidas...

  1. Hemiplejía aguda infantil asociada a infección por enterovirus


    Muñoz, Erika; Caramuta, Luciana; Frenkel, Susana; Cáceres, Lidia


    El ictus isquémico en la infancia es una entidad infrecuente, en el 50% de los casos no existe una causa identificable. Sin embargo, con el advenimiento de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas se han podido conocer más afecciones causales. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 9 años con hemiplejía aguda izquierda, con estudios de neuroimágenes poco significativos y en la cual el análisis del líquido cefalorraquídeo por método de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para ARN viral, fue positivo pa...

  2. IFNgamma enhances microglial reactions to hippocampal axonal degeneration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, M B; Hegelund, I V; Lomholt, N D


    periods. Message for the immune cytokine interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) was undetectable, and glial reactivity to axonal lesions occurred as normal in IFNgamma-deficient mice. Microglial responses to lesion-induced neuronal injury were markedly enhanced in myelin basic protein promoter-driven transgenic mice...

  3. Regeneration of supraspinal axons after transection of the thoracic spinal cord in the developing opossum, Didelphis virginiana. (United States)

    Wang, X M; Terman, J R; Martin, G F


    When the thoracic spinal cord of the North American opossum is transected early in development, supraspinal axons grow through the lesion. In the experiments reported here, we asked whether regeneration of cut axons contributes to such growth. Fast Blue (FB) was injected into the lumbar cord on postnatal day (PD)5, 8, 15, or 20. Five days later, FB was removed by gentle suction, and the spinal cord was transected at thoracic levels. Fourteen days later, rhodamine B dextran was injected between the site of the FB injection and the lesion. The pups were maintained for an additional 7-10 days before killing and perfusion. We assumed that supraspinal neurons that contained FB survived axotomy and those that contained both FB and rhodamine B dextran supported regenerating axons. In the PD5 group (lesioned at PD10), regenerative growth was documented for axons originating in all of the supraspinal nuclei that innervate the lumbar cord by PD10. When the injections were made at the later ages, however, neurons that supported regenerative growth were fewer in number and regionally restricted. In some cases, they were limited primarily to the red nucleus, the medullary raphe, and the adjacent reticular formation. Our results show that regeneration of cut axons contributes to growth of supraspinal axons through the lesion after transection of the thoracic cord in developing opossums and that the critical period for regenerative growth is not the same for all axons.

  4. Changes in the management of patients with severe acute pancreatitis Mudanças no manejo de doentes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Tercio De Campos


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Severe acute pancreatitis is present in up to 25% of patients with acute pancreatitis, with considerable mortality. Changes in the management of acute pancreatitis in the last 2 decades contributed to reduce the mortality. AIM: To show the evolution in the management of severe acute pancreatitis, comparing two different approaches. METHODS: All patients with severe acute pancreatitis from 1999 to 2005 were included. We compared the results of a retrospective review from 1999 to 2002 (group A with a prospective protocol, from 2003 to 2005 (group B. In group A severe pancreatitis was defined by the presence of systemic or local complications. In group B the Atlanta criteria were used to define severity. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, etiology, APACHE II, leukocytes, bicarbonate, fluid collections and necrosis on computed tomography, surgical treatment and mortality. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients were classified as severe, 24 in group A and 47 in group B. The mean APACHE II in groups A and B were 10.7 ± 3.5 and 9.3 ± 4.5, respectively. Necrosis was seen in 12 patients (50% in group A and in 21 patients (44.7% in group B. Half of the patients in group A and two (4.3% in group B underwent to pancreatic interventions. Mortality reached 45.8% in group A and 8.5% in group B. CONCLUSION: A specific approach and a prospective protocol can change the results in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis.RACIONAL: A pancreatite aguda grave está presente em até 25% dos doentes com pancreatite aguda, com mortalidade considerável. Mudanças no tratamento da pancreatite aguda nas últimas duas décadas contribuíram para a redução da mortalidade destes doentes. OBJETIVO: Mostrar a evolução do manejo da pancreatite aguda, comparando duas diferentes abordagens. MÉTODOS: Todos os doentes com pancreatite aguda grave de 1999 a 2005 do Serviço de Emergência da Santa Casa de São Paulo, SP, foram incluídos. Os

  5. T-cell- and macrophage-mediated axon damage in the absence of a CNS-specific immune response: involvement of metalloproteinases. (United States)

    Newman, T A; Woolley, S T; Hughes, P M; Sibson, N R; Anthony, D C; Perry, V H


    Recent evidence has highlighted the fact that axon injury is an important component of multiple sclerosis pathology. The issue of whether a CNS antigen-specific immune response is required to produce axon injury remains unresolved. We investigated the extent and time course of axon injury in a rodent model of a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction directed against the mycobacterium bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Using MRI, we determined whether the ongoing axon injury is restricted to the period during which the blood-brain barrier is compromised. DTH lesions were initiated in adult rats by intracerebral injection of heat-killed BCG followed by a peripheral challenge with BCG. Our findings demonstrate that a DTH reaction to a non-CNS antigen within a CNS white matter tract leads to axon injury. Ongoing axon injury persisted throughout the 3-month period studied and was not restricted to the period of blood-brain barrier breakdown, as detected by MRI enhancing lesions. We have previously demonstrated that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are upregulated in multiple sclerosis plaques and DTH lesions. In this study we demonstrated that microinjection of activated MMPs into the cortical white matter results in axon injury. Our results show that axon injury, possibly mediated by MMPs, is immunologically non-specific and may continue behind an intact blood-brain barrier.

  6. Massive accumulation of luminal protease-deficient axonal lysosomes at Alzheimer's disease amyloid plaques. (United States)

    Gowrishankar, Swetha; Yuan, Peng; Wu, Yumei; Schrag, Matthew; Paradise, Summer; Grutzendler, Jaime; De Camilli, Pietro; Ferguson, Shawn M


    Through a comprehensive analysis of organellar markers in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, we document a massive accumulation of lysosome-like organelles at amyloid plaques and establish that the majority of these organelles reside within swollen axons that contact the amyloid deposits. This close spatial relationship between axonal lysosome accumulation and extracellular amyloid aggregates was observed from the earliest stages of β-amyloid deposition. Notably, we discovered that lysosomes that accumulate in such axons are lacking in multiple soluble luminal proteases and thus are predicted to be unable to efficiently degrade proteinaceous cargos. Of relevance to Alzheimer's disease, β-secretase (BACE1), the protein that initiates amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein and which is a substrate for these proteases, builds up at these sites. Furthermore, through a comparison between the axonal lysosome accumulations at amyloid plaques and neuronal lysosomes of the wild-type brain, we identified a similar, naturally occurring population of lysosome-like organelles in neuronal processes that is also defined by its low luminal protease content. In conjunction with emerging evidence that the lysosomal maturation of endosomes and autophagosomes is coupled to their retrograde transport, our results suggest that extracellular β-amyloid deposits cause a local impairment in the retrograde axonal transport of lysosome precursors, leading to their accumulation and a blockade in their further maturation. This study both advances understanding of Alzheimer's disease brain pathology and provides new insights into the subcellular organization of neuronal lysosomes that may have broader relevance to other neurodegenerative diseases with a lysosomal component to their pathology.

  7. Effects of laminin blended with chitosan on axon guidance on patterned substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, N; Guan, Y J; Chen, X B [Division of Biomedical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon S7N 5A9 (Canada); Li, M G [Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon S7N 5A9 (Canada); Schreyer, D J, E-mail: niz504@mail.usask.c [Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Center, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, S7K 0M7 (Canada)


    Axon guidance is a crucial consideration in the design of tissue scaffolds used to promote nerve regeneration. Here we investigate the combined use of laminin (a putative axon adhesion and guidance molecule) and chitosan (a leading candidate base material for the construction of scaffolds) for promoting axon guidance in cultured adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Using a dispensing-based rapid prototyping (DBRP) technique, two-dimensional grid patterns were created by dispensing chitosan or laminin-blended chitosan substrate strands oriented in orthogonal directions. In vitro experiments illustrated DRG neurites on these patterns preferentially grew upon and followed the laminin-blended chitosan pathways. These results suggest that an orientation of neurite growth can be achieved in an artificially patterned substrate by creating selectively biofunctional pathways. The DBRP technique may provide improved strategies for the use of biofunctional pathways in the design of three-dimensional scaffolds for guidance of nerve repair.

  8. Effects of laminin blended with chitosan on axon guidance on patterned substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu, N; Guan, Y J; Chen, X B; Li, M G; Schreyer, D J


    Axon guidance is a crucial consideration in the design of tissue scaffolds used to promote nerve regeneration. Here we investigate the combined use of laminin (a putative axon adhesion and guidance molecule) and chitosan (a leading candidate base material for the construction of scaffolds) for promoting axon guidance in cultured adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Using a dispensing-based rapid prototyping (DBRP) technique, two-dimensional grid patterns were created by dispensing chitosan or laminin-blended chitosan substrate strands oriented in orthogonal directions. In vitro experiments illustrated DRG neurites on these patterns preferentially grew upon and followed the laminin-blended chitosan pathways. These results suggest that an orientation of neurite growth can be achieved in an artificially patterned substrate by creating selectively biofunctional pathways. The DBRP technique may provide improved strategies for the use of biofunctional pathways in the design of three-dimensional scaffolds for guidance of nerve repair.

  9. ON Cone Bipolar Cell Axonal Synapses in the OFF Inner Plexiform Layer of the Rabbit Retina (United States)

    Lauritzen, J. Scott; Anderson, James R.; Jones, Bryan W.; Watt, Carl B.; Mohammed, Shoeb; Hoang, John V.; Marc, Robert E.


    Analysis of the rabbit retinal connectome RC1 reveals that the division between the ON and OFF inner plexiform layer (IPL) is not structurally absolute. ON cone bipolar cells make non-canonical axonal synapses onto specific targets and receive amacrine cell synapses in the nominal OFF layer, creating novel motifs, including inhibitory crossover networks. Automated transmission electron microscope (ATEM) imaging, molecular tagging, tracing, and rendering of ≈ 400 bipolar cells reveals axonal ribbons in 36% of ON cone bipolar cells, throughout the OFF IPL. The targets include GABA-positive amacrine cells (γACs), glycine-positive amacrine cells (GACs) and ganglion cells. Most ON cone bipolar cell axonal contacts target GACs driven by OFF cone bipolar cells, forming new architectures for generating ON-OFF amacrine cells. Many of these ON-OFF GACs target ON cone bipolar cell axons, ON γACs and/or ON-OFF ganglion cells, representing widespread mechanisms for OFF to ON crossover inhibition. Other targets include OFF γACs presynaptic to OFF bipolar cells, forming γAC-mediated crossover motifs. ON cone bipolar cell axonal ribbons drive bistratified ON-OFF ganglion cells in the OFF layer and provide ON drive to polarity-appropriate targets such as bistratified diving ganglion cells (bsdGCs). The targeting precision of ON cone bipolar cell axonal synapses shows that this drive incidence is necessarily a joint distribution of cone bipolar cell axonal frequency and target cell trajectories through a given volume of the OFF layer. Such joint distribution sampling is likely common when targets are sparser than sources and when sources are coupled, as are ON cone bipolar cells. PMID:23042441

  10. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: reflexiones sobre el tratamiento antimicrobiano secuencial en la apendicitis aguda complicada

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    José Carlos Bueno Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Actualmente los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS constituyen un importante espacio de trabajo en la política pública, la educación y la investigación. La introducción de nuevos procedimientos y tecnologías en la atención médica debe analizarse desde la perspectiva de los estudios de CTS porque requiere de un sustento científico-tecnológico y tiene que cumplir, entre otros, con los requisitos éticos de aplicabilidad a los seres humanos. La utilización secuencial de los antimicrobianos en el tratamiento postoperatorio de la apendicitis aguda complicada en los niños, constituye una modificación de la terapéutica comúnmente empleada en Cuba y en muchas instituciones de salud del mundo. El presente trabajo muestra una reflexión sobre los pilares científicos, tecnológicos y sociales que sustentan la aplicación de un nuevo protocolo de tratamiento con el uso secuencial de los antimicrobianos en los niños con apendicitis aguda complicada.

  11. Abordaje transumbilical en pacientes pediátricos con sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Un serie de 424 pacientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Augusto Zárate Suárez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: El tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda implica su extirpación; es frecuente la solicitud de cicatrices postquirúrgicas del mejor tamaño posible. Una de las estrategias disponibles es el abordaje transumbilical. Objetivos: Descubrir las características clínicas y los desenlaces operatorios de los pacientes pediátricos en quienes se realiza apendicectomía vía transumbilical. Metodología: Estudio prospectivo de 424 pacientes sucesivos en cuanto a los desenlaces operatorios a corto plazo. Resultados: El tiempo promedio de intervención quirúrgica fue de 22 minutos; 95,8% de los pacientes presentó evolución satisfactoria del postquirúrgico; 1,4% de los pacientes se reintervino para drenar un absceso intracavitario residual y 0,2% presentó infencción de sitio operatorio sin mas complicaciones. Conclusión: El abordaje transumbilical de la apendicitis es una alternativa minimamente invasiva para todos los estados de apendicitis aguda e implica disminución del tiempo de realización, menor estancia del postquirúrgico, menor incidencia de complicaciones y mayor conformidad con los resultados estéticos.

  12. Prediction of Functional Outcome in Axonal Guillain-Barre Syndrome. (United States)

    Sung, Eun Jung; Kim, Dae Yul; Chang, Min Cheol; Ko, Eun Jae


    To identify the factors that could predict the functional outcome in patients with the axonal type of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). Two hundred and two GBS patients admitted to our university hospital between 2003 and 2014 were reviewed retrospectively. We defined a good outcome as being "able to walk independently at 1 month after onset" and a poor outcome as being "unable to walk independently at 1 month after onset". We evaluated the factors that differed between the good and poor outcome groups. Twenty-four patients were classified into the acute motor axonal neuropathy type. There was a statistically significant difference between the good and poor outcome groups in terms of the GBS disability score at admission, and GBS disability score and Medical Research Council sum score at 1 month after admission. In an electrophysiologic analysis, the good outcome group showed greater amplitude of median, ulnar, deep peroneal, and posterior tibial nerve compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) and greater amplitude of median, ulnar, and superficial peroneal sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP) than the poor outcome group. A lower GBS disability score at admission, high amplitude of median, ulnar, deep peroneal, and posterior tibial CMAPs, and high amplitude of median, ulnar, and superficial peroneal SNAPs were associated with being able to walk at 1 month in patients with axonal GBS.

  13. Pathophysiologic insights into motor axonal function in Kennedy disease. (United States)

    Vucic, Steve; Kiernan, Matthew C


    Kennedy disease (KD), or spinobulbomuscular atrophy, is a slowly progressive inherited neurodegenerative disorder, marked by prominent fasciculations that typically precede the development of other symptoms. Although the genetic basis of KD relates to triplet (CAG) repeat expansion in the androgen receptor (AR) gene on the X chromosome, the mechanisms underlying the clinical presentation in KD have yet to be established. Consequently, the present study applied axonal excitability techniques to investigate the pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with KD. Peripheral nerve excitability studies were undertaken in 7 patients with KD with compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) recorded from the right abductor pollicis brevis. Strength-duration time constant (KD 0.54 +/- 0.03 msec; controls, 0.41 +/- 0.02 msec, p TEd [90 to 100 msec], 50.75 +/- 1.98%; controls TEd [90 to 100 msec], 45.67 +/- 0.67%, p < 0.01) and hyperpolarizing (KD TEh [90 to 100 msec], 128.5 +/- 6.9%; controls TEh [90 to 100 msec], 120.5 +/- 2.4%) conditioning pulses. Measurements of refractoriness, superexcitability, and late subexcitability changed appropriately for axonal hyperpolarization, perhaps reflecting the effects of increased ectopic activity. In total, the increase in the strength-duration time constant may be the primary event, occurring early in course of the disease, contributing to the development of axonal hyperexcitability in Kennedy disease, and thereby to the generation of fasciculations, a characteristic hallmark of the disease.

  14. Selective axonal growth of embryonic hippocampal neurons according to topographic features of various sizes and shapes

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    Christine E Schmidt


    Full Text Available David Y Fozdar1*, Jae Y Lee2*, Christine E Schmidt2–6, Shaochen Chen1,3–5,7,1Departments of Mechanical Engineering, 2Chemical Engineering, 3Biomedical Engineering; 4Center for Nano Molecular Science and Technology; 5Texas Materials Institute; 6Institute of Neuroscience; 7Microelectronics Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA *Contributed equally to this workPurpose: Understanding how surface features influence the establishment and outgrowth of the axon of developing neurons at the single cell level may aid in designing implantable scaffolds for the regeneration of damaged nerves. Past studies have shown that micropatterned ridge-groove structures not only instigate axon polarization, alignment, and extension, but are also preferred over smooth surfaces and even neurotrophic ligands.Methods: Here, we performed axonal-outgrowth competition assays using a proprietary four-quadrant topography grid to determine the capacity of various micropatterned topographies to act as stimuli sequestering axon extension. Each topography in the grid consisted of an array of microscale (approximately 2 µm or submicroscale (approximately 300 nm holes or lines with variable dimensions. Individual rat embryonic hippocampal cells were positioned either between two juxtaposing topographies or at the borders of individual topographies juxtaposing unpatterned smooth surface, cultured for 24 hours, and analyzed with respect to axonal selection using conventional imaging techniques.Results: Topography was found to influence axon formation and extension relative to smooth surface, and the distance of neurons relative to topography was found to impact whether the topography could serve as an effective cue. Neurons were also found to prefer submicroscale over microscale features and holes over lines for a given feature size.Conclusion: The results suggest that implementing physical cues of various shapes and sizes on nerve guidance conduits

  15. Miocardite na forma aguda da doença de Chagas

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    Eitel Duarte


    Full Text Available The autopsy of a case of CHAGAS'S disease or American tryponosomiasis (a girl, 5 years old, dead in the 22nd day of illness is reported. The anatomic diagnosis was a follows: Acute diffuse chagasic nyocarditis. Chagasic encephalitis. Chagasic lymphadenitis of the right posterior auricular node. Tuberculosis of the bronchial and pulmonary nodes. Chronic passive hyperemia and atelectasia of the lungs. Chronic passive congestion and hemorrhages of the spleen. Serous hepatitis. Parotiditis. Edema of the right eyelids. Bilateral hydrothorax. Hydropericardium. Hydroperitoneum. The morphology of Schizotrypanum cruzi in the myocardium is considered. Besides agglomerates with typical small oval or round intracellular bodies, pre-flagellate and flagellate organisms, others are found in which the great amount of parasites and marked pressure exerted by them against each other render very difficult their identification; sometimes the similitude of such agglamerates to Toxoplasma is striking (Fig. 1 and 1 A. In such a case, the structure of the blepharoplast (Fig. 1 and IA, usually preserved, is profitable and allows the identification of the pre-flagellate and flagellate forms of Schizotrypanum cruzi. Most of the small sensitive nerves in the epicardium shows mononuclear infiltration of the perineurium (perineuritis, Figs. 12-14. Microscopically there is extensive Zenker's degeneration (Figs. 6-8 and parasitism of the heart muscle fibers, marked cellular infiltration of the interstitial connective tissue, which are found in the ordinary musculature of every chamber of the heart (Figs. 10-11 as well as in Tawara's node (Fig. 9, main bundle (Fig. 2 and right (Fig. 4 and left (Fig. 5 septal divisions of the bundle of His, and perineuritis. Those anatomic changes are associated to an abnormal electrocardiogram presenting some similitude to that of an anemic infarct of the anterior wall of the heart and which will be discussed elsewhere (unpublished paper by Dias, Nobrega & Laranja.

  16. The effects of voluntary running exercise coincidence with social isolation after early weaning on monoaminergic axonal development. (United States)

    Ishikawa, J; Ishikawa, A


    The axonal development of serotonin (5-HT)-, noradrenaline (NA)-, or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-containing monoaminergic neurons is affected by rearing conditions during the juvenile period. Impaired monoaminergic axonal development is implicated in the pathophysiology of emotional and cognitive dysfunction. On the other hand, exercise may have beneficial effects on emotional and learning performance in adults. We have examined whether voluntary running exercise during social isolation after early weaning (early weaning/social isolation; EI) from postnatal day (PD) 14-28 could prevent the impaired monoaminergic axonal development associated with EI. Compared with control animals reared with their dam and siblings until PD28, the EI animals showed lower density of 5-HT and NA axons in the dorsal-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and basolateral nucleus of the amygdala and of NA- and TH-containing axons in the ventral-mPFC. These adverse effects of EI were not observed in rats taking part in voluntary running (EI+R) when these animals were compared to controls. The 5-HT axon density in the ventral-mPFC was significantly higher in the EI+R rats than that in the EI rats, although both these values were significantly lower than those in the control rats. The density of monoaminergic axons in the dentate gyrus and CA3 of the hippocampus was not affected by either EI or EI+R. These results suggest that the beneficial effects of voluntary running may be because of the modulation of monoaminergic axonal morphology. Our findings will hopefully provide the basis for future research into the beneficial effects of voluntary exercise during the juvenile period on brain development and emotional and cognitive performance. Copyright © 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Effects of p-xylene inhalation on axonal transport in the rat retinal ganglion cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Padilla, S.S.; Lyerly, D.P. (Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC (USA))


    Although the solvent xylene is suspected of producing nervous system dysfunction in animals and humans, little is known regarding the neurochemical consequences of xylene inhalation. The intent of this study was to determine the effect of intermittent, acute, and subchronic p-xylene exposure on the axonal transport of proteins and glycoproteins within the rat retinofugal tract. A number of different exposure regimens were tested ranging from 50 ppm for a single 6-hr exposure to 1600 ppm 6 hr/day, 5 days/week, for a total of 8 exposure days. Immediately following removal from the inhalation chambers rats were injected intraocularly with (35S)methionine and (3H)fucose (to label retinal proteins and glycoproteins, respectively) and the axonal transport of labeled macromolecules to axons (optic nerve and optic tract) and nerve endings (lateral geniculate body and superior colliculus) was examined 20 hr after precursor injection. Only relatively severe exposure regimens (i.e., 800 or 1600 ppm 6 hr/day, 5 days/week, for 1.5 weeks) produced significant reductions in axonal transport; there was a moderate reduction in the axonal transport of 35S-labeled proteins in the 800-ppm-treated group which was more widespread in the 1600 ppm-treated group. Transport of 3H-labeled glycoproteins was less affected. Assessment of retinal metabolism immediately after isotope injection indicated that the rate of precursor uptake was not reduced in either treatment group. Furthermore, rapid transport was still substantially reduced in animals exposed to 1600 ppm p-xylene and allowed a 13-day withdrawal period. These data indicate that p-xylene inhalation decreases rapid axonal transport supplied to the projections of the rat retinal ganglion cells immediately after cessation of inhalation exposure and that this decreased transport is still apparent 13 days after the last exposure.

  18. Effects of p-xylene inhalation on axonal transport in the rat retinal ganglion cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilla, S.S.; Lyerly, D.P.


    Although the solvent xylene is suspected of producing nervous system dysfunction in animals and humans, little is known regarding the neurochemical consequences of xylene inhalation. The intent of this study was to determine the effect of intermittent, acute, and subchronic p-xylene exposure on the axonal transport of proteins and glycoproteins within the rat retinofugal tract. A number of different exposure regimens were tested ranging from 50 ppm for a single 6-hr exposure to 1600 ppm 6 hr/day, 5 days/week, for a total of 8 exposure days. Immediately following removal from the inhalation chambers rats were injected intraocularly with [35S]methionine and [3H]fucose (to label retinal proteins and glycoproteins, respectively) and the axonal transport of labeled macromolecules to axons (optic nerve and optic tract) and nerve endings (lateral geniculate body and superior colliculus) was examined 20 hr after precursor injection. Only relatively severe exposure regimens (i.e., 800 or 1600 ppm 6 hr/day, 5 days/week, for 1.5 weeks) produced significant reductions in axonal transport; there was a moderate reduction in the axonal transport of 35S-labeled proteins in the 800-ppm-treated group which was more widespread in the 1600 ppm-treated group. Transport of 3H-labeled glycoproteins was less affected. Assessment of retinal metabolism immediately after isotope injection indicated that the rate of precursor uptake was not reduced in either treatment group. Furthermore, rapid transport was still substantially reduced in animals exposed to 1600 ppm p-xylene and allowed a 13-day withdrawal period. These data indicate that p-xylene inhalation decreases rapid axonal transport supplied to the projections of the rat retinal ganglion cells immediately after cessation of inhalation exposure and that this decreased transport is still apparent 13 days after the last exposure

  19. Optically-Induced Neuronal Activity Is Sufficient to Promote Functional Motor Axon Regeneration In Vivo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia J Ward

    Full Text Available Peripheral nerve injuries are common, and functional recovery is very poor. Beyond surgical repair of the nerve, there are currently no treatment options for these patients. In experimental models of nerve injury, interventions (such as exercise and electrical stimulation that increase neuronal activity of the injured neurons effectively enhance axon regeneration. Here, we utilized optogenetics to determine whether increased activity alone is sufficient to promote motor axon regeneration. In thy-1-ChR2/YFP transgenic mice in which a subset of motoneurons express the light-sensitive cation channel, channelrhodopsin (ChR2, we activated axons in the sciatic nerve using blue light immediately prior to transection and surgical repair of the sciatic nerve. At four weeks post-injury, direct muscle EMG responses evoked with both optical and electrical stimuli as well as the ratio of these optical/electrical evoked EMG responses were significantly greater in mice that received optical treatment. Thus, significantly more ChR2+ axons successfully re-innervated the gastrocnemius muscle in mice that received optical treatment. Sections of the gastrocnemius muscles were reacted with antibodies to Synaptic Vesicle Protein 2 (SV2 to quantify the number of re-occupied motor endplates. The number of SV2+ endplates was greater in mice that received optical treatment. The number of retrogradely-labeled motoneurons following intramuscular injection of cholera toxin subunit B (conjugated to Alexa Fluor 555 was greater in mice that received optical treatment. Thus, the acute (1 hour, one-time optical treatment resulted in robust, long-lasting effects compared to untreated animals as well as untreated axons (ChR2-. We conclude that neuronal activation is sufficient to promote motor axon regeneration, and this regenerative effect is specific to the activated neurons.

  20. A fast and robust method for automated analysis of axonal transport. (United States)

    Welzel, Oliver; Knörr, Jutta; Stroebel, Armin M; Kornhuber, Johannes; Groemer, Teja W


    Cargo movement along axons and dendrites is indispensable for the survival and maintenance of neuronal networks. Key parameters of this transport such as particle velocities and pausing times are often studied using kymograph construction, which converts the transport along a line of interest from a time-lapse movie into a position versus time image. Here we present a method for the automatic analysis of such kymographs based on the Hough transform, which is a robust and fast technique to extract lines from images. The applicability of the method was tested on simulated kymograph images and real data from axonal transport of synaptophysin and tetanus toxin as well as the velocity analysis of synaptic vesicle sharing between adjacent synapses in hippocampal neurons. Efficiency analysis revealed that the algorithm is able to detect a wide range of velocities and can be used at low signal-to-noise ratios. The present work enables the quantification of axonal transport parameters with high throughput with no a priori assumptions and minimal human intervention.

  1. DRG axon elongation and growth cone collapse rate induced by Sema3A are differently dependent on NGF concentration. (United States)

    Kaselis, Andrius; Treinys, Rimantas; Vosyliūtė, Rūta; Šatkauskas, Saulius


    Regeneration of embryonic and adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory axons is highly impeded when they encounter neuronal growth cone-collapsing factor semaphorin3A (Sema3A). On the other hand, increasing evidence shows that DRG axon's regeneration can be stimulated by nerve growth factor (NGF). In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether increased NGF concentrations can counterweight Sema3A-induced inhibitory responses in 15-day-old mouse embryo (E15) DRG axons. The DRG explants were grown in Neurobasal-based medium with different NGF concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 ng/mL and then treated with Sema3A at constant 10 ng/mL concentration. To evaluate interplay between NGF and Sema3A number of DRG axons, axon outgrowth distance and collapse rate were measured. We found that the increased NGF concentrations abolish Sema3A-induced inhibitory effect on axon outgrowth, while they have no effect on Sema3A-induced collapse rate.

  2. Uncoupling nicotine mediated motoneuron axonal pathfinding errors and muscle degeneration in zebrafish

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welsh, Lillian; Tanguay, Robert L.; Svoboda, Kurt R.


    Zebrafish embryos offer a unique opportunity to investigate the mechanisms by which nicotine exposure impacts early vertebrate development. Embryos exposed to nicotine become functionally paralyzed by 42 hpf suggesting that the neuromuscular system is compromised in exposed embryos. We previously demonstrated that secondary spinal motoneurons in nicotine-exposed embryos were delayed in development and that their axons made pathfinding errors (Svoboda, K.R., Vijayaraghaven, S., Tanguay, R.L., 2002. Nicotinic receptors mediate changes in spinal motoneuron development and axonal pathfinding in embryonic zebrafish exposed to nicotine. J. Neurosci. 22, 10731-10741). In that study, we did not consider the potential role that altered skeletal muscle development caused by nicotine exposure could play in contributing to the errors in spinal motoneuron axon pathfinding. In this study, we show that an alteration in skeletal muscle development occurs in tandem with alterations in spinal motoneuron development upon exposure to nicotine. The alteration in the muscle involves the binding of nicotine to the muscle-specific AChRs. The nicotine-induced alteration in muscle development does not occur in the zebrafish mutant (sofa potato, [sop]), which lacks muscle-specific AChRs. Even though muscle development is unaffected by nicotine exposure in sop mutants, motoneuron axonal pathfinding errors still occur in these mutants, indicating a direct effect of nicotine exposure on nervous system development.

  3. Diagnósticos de enfermagem em adultos com leucemia mielóide aguda


    Souza, Luccas Melo de; Gorini, Maria Isabel Pinto Coelho


    Trata-se de um estudo de casos, que objetivou identificar os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem (DE) de pacientes adultos com Leucemia Mielóide Aguda, a fim de fornecer subsídios à Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de entrevista e observação, além da aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem. Durantes os três meses da coleta de dados, outros DEs foram encontrados através de novas buscas nos prontuários dos 6 pacientes. Os 32 DEs encontrados foram agrupados conforme a Te...



    Hidalgo M,Juan José; Molina P,Marta; Varo GM,Begoña; Rivas R,Salvador; Bernabeu A,José Ramón; Perales M,Alfredo


    La apendicitis aguda es la urgencia quirúrgica no obstétrica más frecuente durante el embarazo. Se ha asociado a parto pretérmino y a morbimortalidad fetal y materna, especialmente cuando se complica con peritonitis. Los cambios anatómicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos que se producen durante la gestación pueden alterar los síntomas y signos típicos asociados a la apendicitis. Esto puede retrasar el diagnóstico y dar lugar a un aumento de la morbimortalidad materna y fetal. Presentamos el caso ...

  5. Immunohistochemical and transcriptome analyses indicate complex breakdown of axonal transport mechanisms in canine distemper leukoencephalitis. (United States)

    Spitzbarth, Ingo; Lempp, Charlotte; Kegler, Kristel; Ulrich, Reiner; Kalkuhl, Arno; Deschl, Ulrich; Baumgärtner, Wolfgang; Seehusen, Frauke


    CDV-DL (Canine distemper virus-induced demyelinating leukoencephalitis) represents a spontaneously occurring animal model for demyelinating disorders. Axonopathy represents a key pathomechanism in this disease; however, its underlying pathogenesis has not been addressed in detail so far. This study aimed at the characterization of axonal cytoskeletal, transport, and potential regenerative changes with a parallel focus upon Schwann cell remyelination. Immunohistochemistry of canine cerebellar tissue as well as a comparative analysis of genes from an independent microarray study were performed. Increased axonal immunoreactivity for nonphosphorylated neurofilament was followed by loss of cytoskeletal and motor proteins. Interestingly, a subset of genes encoding for neurofilament subunits and motor proteins was up-regulated in the chronic stage compared to dogs with subacute CDV-DL. However, immunohistochemically, hints for axonal regeneration were restricted to up-regulated axonal positivity of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, while growth-associated protein 43, erythropoietin and its receptor were not or even down-regulated. Periaxin-positive structures, indicative of Schwann cell remyelination, were only detected within few advanced lesions. The present findings demonstrate a complex sequence of axonal cytoskeletal breakdown mechanisms. Moreover, though sparse, this is the first report of Schwann cell remyelination in CDV-DL. Facilitation of these very limited endogenous regenerative responses represents an important topic for future research.

  6. Slow Muscle Precursors Lay Down a Collagen XV Matrix Fingerprint to Guide Motor Axon Navigation. (United States)

    Guillon, Emilie; Bretaud, Sandrine; Ruggiero, Florence


    The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides local positional information to guide motoneuron axons toward their muscle target. Collagen XV is a basement membrane component mainly expressed in skeletal muscle. We have identified two zebrafish paralogs of the human COL15A1 gene, col15a1a and col15a1b, which display distinct expression patterns. Here we show that col15a1b is expressed and deposited in the motor path ECM by slow muscle precursors also called adaxial cells. We further demonstrate that collagen XV-B deposition is both temporally and spatially regulated before motor axon extension from the spinal cord in such a way that it remains in this region after the adaxial cells have migrated toward the periphery of the myotome. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments in zebrafish embryos demonstrate that col15a1b expression and subsequent collagen XV-B deposition and organization in the motor path ECM depend on a previously undescribed two-step mechanism involving Hedgehog/Gli and unplugged/MuSK signaling pathways. In silico analysis predicts a putative Gli binding site in the col15a1b proximal promoter. Using col15a1b promoter-reporter constructs, we demonstrate that col15a1b participates in the slow muscle genetic program as a direct target of Hedgehog/Gli signaling. Loss and gain of col15a1b function provoke pathfinding errors in primary and secondary motoneuron axons both at and beyond the choice point where axon pathway selection takes place. These defects result in muscle atrophy and compromised swimming behavior, a phenotype partially rescued by injection of a smyhc1:col15a1b construct. These reveal an unexpected and novel role for collagen XV in motor axon pathfinding and neuromuscular development. In addition to the archetypal axon guidance cues, the extracellular matrix provides local information that guides motor axons from the spinal cord to their muscle targets. Many of the proteins involved are unknown. Using the zebrafish model, we identified an

  7. Co-immobilization of semaphorin3A and nerve growth factor to guide and pattern axons. (United States)

    McCormick, Aleesha M; Jarmusik, Natalie A; Leipzig, Nic D


    Immobilization of axon guidance cues offers a powerful tissue regenerative strategy to control the presentation and spatial location of these biomolecules. We use our previously developed immobilization strategy to specifically tether recombinant biotinylated nerve growth factor (bNGF) and biotinylated semaphorin3A (bSema3A) to chitosan films as an outgrowth and guidance platform. DRG neurite length and number for a range of single cues of immobilized bNGF or bSema3A were examined to determine a concentration response. Next single and dual cues of bNGF and bSema3A were immobilized and DRG guidance was assessed in response to a step concentration change from zero. Overall, immobilized groups caused axon extension, retraction and turning depending on the ratio of bNGF and bSema3A immobilized in the encountered region. This response indicated the exquisite sensitivity of DRG axons to both attractive and repulsive tethered cues. bSema3A concentrations of 0.10 and 0.49 ng/mm(2), when co-immobilized with bNGF (at 0.86 and 0.43 ng/mm(2) respectively), caused axons to turn away from the co-immobilized region. Immunocytochemical analysis showed that at these bSema3A concentrations, axons inside the co-immobilized region display microtubule degradation and breakdown of actin filaments. At the lowest bSema3A concentration (0.01 ng/mm(2)) co-immobilized with a higher bNGF concentration (2.16 ng/mm(2)), neurite lengths are shorter in the immobilized area, but bNGF dominates the guidance mechanism as neurites are directed toward the immobilized region. Future applications can pattern these cues in various geometries and gradients in order to better modulate axon guidance in terms of polarity, extension and branching. Nervous system formation and regeneration requires key molecules for guiding the growth cone and nervous system patterning. In vivo these molecules work in conjunction with one another to modulate axon guidance, and often they are tethered to limit spatial

  8. Inmunofenotipaje celular en el diagnóstico de las leucemias agudas híbridas Cellular immunophenotyping in the diagnosis of acute hybrid leukemias

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    Vianed Marsán Suárez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 118 leucemias agudas en un período de 4 años. El fenotipaje celular se realizó a través del ultramicrométodo inmunocitoquímico (UMICIQ, mediante la utilización de un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales con el que se evaluó la expresión de antígenos linfoides y mieloides. La expresión de antígenos mieloides en pacientes con leucemia linfoide aguda se encontró en el 28,4 % y de antígenos linfoides en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda en el 56,7 %. Las leucemias agudas híbridas representaron el 16,1 % del total de pacientes estudiados: 73,7 % al inicio de la enfermedad y el 26,3 % restante en el estudio posterior al tratamiento de inducción de la remisión, lo que sugiere en estos últimos la posibilidad de cambio de linaje por la selección de variantes resistentes a drogas procedentes del clon original, o la aparición de neoplasias secundarias por el uso de drogas genotóxicas118 acute leukemias were studied during 4 years. The cellular phenotyping was carried out through the immunocytochemical ultramicromethod by using a panel of monoclonal antibodies with which the expression of lymphoid and myeloid antigens was evaluated. The expression of myeloid antigens in patients with acute lymphoid leukemia was found in 28.4 %, whereas the expression of lymphoid antigens in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia was observed in 56.7 %. The acute hybrid leukemias accounted for 16.1 % of the total of patients studied: 73.7 % at the onset of the disease and the other 26.3 % in the study following the induction treatment of the referred patients, which suggests in the latter the possibility of changing lineage by selecting variantes resistant to drugs from the original clon, or the appearance of secondary neoplasias due to the use of genotoxic drugs

  9. Origin, course, and laterality of spinocerebellar axons in the North American opossum, Didelphis virginiana. (United States)

    Terman, J R; Wang, X M; Martin, G F


    Spinocerebellar axons have been studied extensively in placental mammals, but there have been no full reports on their origin, laterality, or spinal course in any marsupial. We have used the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) to obtain such information and to ask whether any spinocerebellar neurons innervate both the anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum through axonal collaterals. To identify spinal neurons that project to the cerebellum, we employed the retrograde transport of Fluoro-Gold (FG) from the anterior lobe, the main target of spinocerebellar axons. In some cases, cerebellar injections of FG were combined with hemisections of the rostral cervical or midthoracic spinal cord, so that laterality of spinocerebellar connections could be established. To determine whether single neurons project to both the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe, injections of Fast Blue (FB) into the anterior lobe were combined with injections of Diamidino yellow (DY) or rhodamine B dextran (RBD) into the posterior lobe, or vice versa. Following injections of FG into the anterior lobe, neurons were labeled throughout the length of the spinal cord, which differed in laminar distribution and laterality of their projections. Among other areas, neurons were labeled in the central cervical nucleus, the nucleus centrobasalis, Clarke's nucleus, the dorsal horn dorsal spinocerebellar tract area, the spinal border region, and Stilling's nucleus. When anterior lobe injections of FB were combined with injections of RBD or DY into the posterior lobe, or vice versa, some double-labeled neurons were present in all major spinocerebellar groups. Cerebellar injections of FG also retrogradely labeled spinocerebellar axons, allowing us to document their locations in the gray matter as well as within the periphery of the lateral and ventral funiculi at all spinal levels. A few spinocerebellar axons also were found in the dorsal funiculus (a dorsal column-spinocerebellar tract

  10. Beyond Parkinson disease: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the axon guidance pathway.

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    Timothy G Lesnick


    Full Text Available We recently described a genomic pathway approach to study complex diseases. We demonstrated that models constructed using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs within axon guidance pathway genes were highly predictive of Parkinson disease (PD susceptibility, survival free of PD, and age at onset of PD within two independent whole-genome association datasets. We also demonstrated that several axon guidance pathway genes represented by SNPs within our final models were differentially expressed in PD.Here we employed our genomic pathway approach to analyze data from a whole-genome association dataset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; and demonstrated that models constructed using SNPs within axon guidance pathway genes were highly predictive of ALS susceptibility (odds ratio = 1739.73, p = 2.92x10(-60, survival free of ALS (hazards ratio = 149.80, p = 1.25x10(-74, and age at onset of ALS (R(2 = 0.86, p = 5.96x10(-66. We also extended our analyses of a whole-genome association dataset of PD, which shared 320,202 genomic SNPs in common with the whole-genome association dataset of ALS. We compared for ALS and PD the genes represented by SNPs in the final models for susceptibility, survival free of disease, and age at onset of disease and noted that 52.2%, 37.8%, and 34.9% of the genes were shared respectively.Our findings for the axon guidance pathway and ALS have prior biological plausibility, overlap partially with PD, and may provide important insight into the causes of these and related neurodegenerative disorders.

  11. Hemograma e proteínas de fase aguda de bezerros sadios do nascimento aos 30 dias de idade

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    Thaís G. Rocha


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da dinâmica das alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos e na cinética das proteínas de fase aguda em animais saudáveis nas primeiras semanas de vida é essencial para a interpretação correta dessas avaliações em situações de morbidez e para diferenciar animais sadios e enfermos de forma confiável. Com o intuito de avaliar a cinética desses parâmetros no primeiro mês de vida de bezerros de corte sadios, filhos de vacas primíparas ou pluríparas, amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da ingestão de colostro e 1, 2, 7, 15 e 30 dias após o nascimento. Os parâmetros eritrocitários foram influenciados pelo número de partos das vacas e o leucograma mostrou alterações características de influência do cortisol fetal liberado por ocasião do nascimento. O teor sérico de proteína total aumentou significativamente após a ingestão do colostro. As concentrações de ceruloplasmina, haptoglobina e proteínas de pesos moleculares 33 kDa e 23 kDa aumentaram significativamente no primeiro dia de vida, seja pela resposta ao nascimento ou pela ingestão do colostro, enquanto os teores de transferrina, albumina e α1-glicoproteína ácida mantiveram-se relativamente estáveis nos primeiros dias de vida, aumentando gradualmente até os 30 dias de idade.

  12. El problema Patogénico de las Pancreatitis Agudas. Lesiones producidas por la Etionina.


    Pera Blanco-Morales, Cristóbal


    Cuando en el año 1952 realizamos una extensa revisión del problema de la necrosis aguda del páncreas, conveníamos en que eran tres las razones que justifican el gran interés que el estudio de esta afección conserva en la actualidad: a) Las dudas existentes acerca de su etiología y patogénesis. b) La extraordinaria gravedad del proceso que conduce a la muerte en una elevada proporción de casos. c) La incertidumbre sobre cua...

  13. Polygalae Radix Extract Prevents Axonal Degeneration and Memory Deficits in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. (United States)

    Kuboyama, Tomoharu; Hirotsu, Keisuke; Arai, Tetsuya; Yamasaki, Hiroo; Tohda, Chihiro


    Memory impairments in Alzheimer's disease (AD) occur due to degenerated axons and disrupted neural networks. Since only limited recovery is possible after the destruction of neural networks, preventing axonal degeneration during the early stages of disease progression is necessary to prevent AD. Polygalae Radix (roots of Polygala tenuifolia ; PR) is a traditional herbal medicine used for sedation and amnesia. In this study, we aimed to clarify and analyze the preventive effects of PR against memory deficits in a transgenic AD mouse model, 5XFAD. 5XFAD mice demonstrated memory deficits at the age of 5 months. Thus, the water extract of Polygalae Radix (PR extract) was orally administered to 4-month-old 5XFAD mice that did not show signs of memory impairment. After consecutive administrations for 56 days, the PR extract prevented cognitive deficit and axon degeneration associated with the accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) plaques in the perirhinal cortex of the 5XFAD mice. PR extract did not influence the formation of Aβ plaques in the brain of the 5XFAD mice. In cultured neurons, the PR extract prevented axonal growth cone collapse and axonal atrophy induced by Aβ. Additionally, it prevented Aβ-induced endocytosis at the growth cone of cultured neurons. Our previous study reported that endocytosis inhibition was enough to prevent Aβ-induced growth cone collapse, axonal degeneration, and memory impairments. Therefore, the PR extract possibly prevented axonal degeneration and memory impairment by inhibiting endocytosis. PR is the first preventive drug candidate for AD that inhibits endocytosis in neurons.

  14. Neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, regulates thalamocortical axon pathfinding and the organization of the cortical somatosensory representation in mouse (United States)

    Enriquez-Barreto, Lilian; Palazzetti, Cecilia; Brennaman, Leann H.; Maness, Patricia F.; Fairén, Alfonso


    To study the potential role of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in the development of thalamocortical (TC) axon topography, wild type, and NCAM null mutant mice were analyzed for NCAM expression, projection, and targeting of TC afferents within the somatosensory area of the neocortex. Here we report that NCAM and its α-2,8-linked polysialic acid (PSA) are expressed in developing TC axons during projection to the neocortex. Pathfinding of TC axons in wild type and null mutant mice was mapped using anterograde DiI labeling. At embryonic day E16.5, null mutant mice displayed misguided TC axons in the dorsal telencephalon, but not in the ventral telencephalon, an intermediate target that initially sorts TC axons toward correct neocortical areas. During the early postnatal period, rostrolateral TC axons within the internal capsule along the ventral telencephalon adopted distorted trajectories in the ventral telencephalon and failed to reach the neocortex in NCAM null mutant animals. NCAM null mutants showed abnormal segregation of layer IV barrels in a restricted portion of the somatosensory cortex. As shown by Nissl and cytochrome oxidase staining, barrels of the anterolateral barrel subfield (ALBSF) and the most distal barrels of the posteromedial barrel subfield (PMBSF) did not segregate properly in null mutant mice. These results indicate a novel role for NCAM in axonal pathfinding and topographic sorting of TC axons, which may be important for the function of specific territories of sensory representation in the somatosensory cortex. PMID:22723769

  15. Axonal transport and secretion of fibrillar forms of α-synuclein, Aβ42 peptide and HTTExon 1. (United States)

    Brahic, Michel; Bousset, Luc; Bieri, Gregor; Melki, Ronald; Gitler, Aaron D


    Accruing evidence suggests that prion-like behavior of fibrillar forms of α-synuclein, β-amyloid peptide and mutant huntingtin are responsible for the spread of the lesions that characterize Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease and Huntington disease, respectively. It is unknown whether these distinct protein assemblies are transported within and between neurons by similar or distinct mechanisms. It is also unclear if neuronal death or injury is required for neuron-to-neuron transfer. To address these questions, we used mouse primary cortical neurons grown in microfluidic devices to measure the amounts of α-synuclein, Aβ42 and HTTExon1 fibrils transported by axons in both directions (anterograde and retrograde), as well as to examine the mechanism of their release from axons after anterograde transport. We observed that the three fibrils were transported in both anterograde and retrograde directions but with strikingly different efficiencies. The amount of Aβ42 fibrils transported was ten times higher than that of the other two fibrils. HTTExon1 was efficiently transported in the retrograde direction but only marginally in the anterograde direction. Finally, using neurons from two distinct mutant mouse strains whose axons are highly resistant to neurodegeneration (Wld(S) and Sarm1(-/-)), we found that the three different fibrils were secreted by axons after anterograde transport, in the absence of axonal lysis, indicating that trans-neuronal spread can occur in intact healthy neurons. In summary, fibrils of α-synuclein, Aβ42 and HTTExon1 are all transported in axons but in directions and amounts that are specific of each fibril. After anterograde transport, the three fibrils were secreted in the medium in the absence of axon lysis. Continuous secretion could play an important role in the spread of pathology between neurons but may be amenable to pharmacological intervention.

  16. Anterograde axonal transport and intercellular transfer of WGA-HRP in trigeminal-innervated sensory receptors of rat incisive papilla. (United States)

    Chan, K Y; Byers, M R


    The ultrastructure and identification of WGA-HRP-labeled sensory receptors in the rat incisive papilla (the most anterior part of hard palate) were studied using semiserial thin sections. Various sensory receptors were organized according to three locations: dome region (ventral), chemosensory corpuscle region (medial to orifice of incisive canal), and lateral labium (apposing the incisive canal). In the dome region, the sensory receptors were localized in three sensory zones that were associated with surface ridges (one medial and two lateral). In each of these zones, intraepithelial receptor axons and Merkel receptors occurred in the epithelium, while simple unencapsulated corpuscles, glomerular-Meissner corpuscles, and incisive (encapsulated) corpuscles occurred in the lamina propria. In the chemosensory corpuscle region, chemosensory corpuscles and intraepithelial receptor axons were located in the epithelium, and incisive corpuscles were present in the lamina propria. In the lateral labium, only intraepithelial receptor axons were prominent. In all these sensory receptors, the preterminal axons and axon terminals were labeled with the tracer protein. In addition, some nonneuronal cells closely associated with the axon terminals were selectively labeled, e.g., terminal Schwann cells, lamellar Schwann cells, Merkel cells, corpuscular basal cells and chemosensory cells. Other adjacent cells were not labeled, e.g., unspecialized epithelial cells, capsular cells, corpuscular sustentacular cells, and fibroblasts. In both labeled axons and cells, WGA-HRP was incorporated into vesicles, tubules, and vacuolar organelles. The specific intercellular transfer of tracer protein may indicate trophic interactions between axon terminals and support cells in sensory receptors. The specific organization of multiple sensory receptors in the rat incisive papilla may provide a useful alternative system for studying somatosensory physiology.

  17. Incidencia de las leucemias agudas en niños de la ciudad de México, de 1982 a 1991

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    Mejía-Aranguré Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Medir la tasa de incidencia de las leucemias agudas (LA en las diferentes delegaciones políticas del Distrito Federal y evaluar si existe una tendencia significativa en dichos padecimientos en tales delegaciones. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo realizado en seis hospitales de la ciudad de México, los que atienden a cerca de 97.5% de todos los niños con cáncer de esta ciudad. Los datos se capturaron de 1995 a 1996, y se analizaron en 1999, en el Hospital de Pediatría del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Para cada delegación se calcularon la tasa de incidencia anual promedio, la tasa estandarizada y la razón estandarizada de morbilidad (REM con intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC 95%. La tendencia se evaluó con la tasa de cambio promedio. RESULTADOS: Se observó una tendencia al incremento en la incidencia de la leucemia aguda linfoblástica (LAL en cinco delegaciones: Alvaro Obregón, Cuauhtémoc, Gustavo A. Madero, Iztacalco y Venustiano Carranza. En la leucemia aguda mieloblástica (LAM no se notificaron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la incidencia en ninguna delegación política. Sólo con LAM se encontró una REM significativa y correspondió a la delegación Alvaro Obregón (REM= 2.91, IC 95% 1.63 - 4.80. Las REM más altas se encontraron en el sur y suroeste de la ciudad. CONCLUSIONES: Sólo se observó incremento en la incidencia de LAL en cinco delegaciones políticas. La incidencia más alta de LAM se encontró en la delegación Alvaro Obregón.

  18. Resolving the biophysics of axon transmembrane polarization in a single closed-form description

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melendy, Robert F., E-mail: [School of Engineering and Computational Sciences, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia 24515 (United States)


    When a depolarizing event occurs across a cell membrane there is a remarkable change in its electrical properties. A complete depolarization event produces a considerably rapid increase in voltage that propagates longitudinally along the axon and is accompanied by changes in axial conductance. A dynamically changing magnetic field is associated with the passage of the action potential down the axon. Over 75 years of research has gone into the quantification of this phenomenon. To date, no unified model exist that resolves transmembrane polarization in a closed-form description. Here, a simple but formative description of propagated signaling phenomena in the membrane of an axon is presented in closed-form. The focus is on using both biophysics and mathematical methods for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms governing transmembrane polarization. The results presented demonstrate how to resolve electromagnetic and thermodynamic factors that govern transmembrane potential. Computational results are supported by well-established quantitative descriptions of propagated signaling phenomena in the membrane of an axon. The findings demonstrate how intracellular conductance, the thermodynamics of magnetization, and current modulation function together in generating an action potential in a unified closed-form description. The work presented in this paper provides compelling evidence that three basic factors contribute to the propagated signaling in the membrane of an axon. It is anticipated this work will compel those in biophysics, physical biology, and in the computational neurosciences to probe deeper into the classical and quantum features of membrane magnetization and signaling. It is hoped that subsequent investigations of this sort will be advanced by the computational features of this model without having to resort to numerical methods of analysis.

  19. Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 2 (Nmnat2 regulates axon integrity in the mouse embryo.

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    Amy N Hicks

    Full Text Available Using transposon-mediated gene-trap mutagenesis, we have generated a novel mouse mutant termed Blad (Bloated Bladder. Homozygous mutant mice die perinatally showing a greatly distended bladder, underdeveloped diaphragm and a reduction in total skeletal muscle mass. Wild type and heterozygote mice appear normal. Using PCR, we identified a transposon insertion site in the first intron of Nmnat2 (Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenyltransferase 2. Nmnat2 is expressed predominantly in the brain and nervous system and has been linked to the survival of axons. Expression of this gene is undetectable in Nmnat2(blad/blad mutants. Examination of the brains of E18.5 Nmnat2(blad/blad mutant embryos did not reveal any obvious morphological changes. In contrast, E18.5 Nmnat2(blad/blad homozygotes showed an approximate 60% reduction of spinal motoneurons in the lumbar region and a more than 80% reduction in the sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG. In addition, facial motoneuron numbers were severely reduced, and there was virtually a complete absence of axons in the hind limb. Our observations suggest that during embryogenesis, Nmnat2 plays an important role in axonal growth or maintenance. It appears that in the absence of Nmnat2, major target organs and tissues (e.g., muscle are not functionally innervated resulting in perinatal lethality. In addition, neither Nmnat1 nor 3 can compensate for the loss of Nmnat2. Whilst there have been recent suggestions that Nmnat2 may be an endogenous modulator of axon integrity, this work represents the first in vivo study demonstrating that Nmnat2 is involved in axon development or survival in a mammal.

  20. Interactions between entorhinal axons and target hippocampal neurons: a role for glutamate in the development of hippocampal circuitry. (United States)

    Mattson, M P; Lee, R E; Adams, M E; Guthrie, P B; Kater, S B


    A coculture system consisting of input axons from entorhinal cortex explants and target hippocampal pyramidal neurons was used to demonstrate that glutamate, released spontaneously from afferent axons, can influence both dendritic geometry of target neurons and formation of presumptive synaptic sites. Dendritic outgrowth was reduced in hippocampal neurons growing on entorhinal axons when compared with neurons growing off the axons. Presumptive presynaptic sites were observed in association with hippocampal neuron dendrites and somas. HPLC analysis showed that glutamate was released from the explants in an activity- and Ca2(+)-dependent manner. The general glutamate receptor antagonist D-glutamylglycine significantly increased dendritic outgrowth in pyramidal neurons associated with entorhinal axons and reduced presumptive presynaptic sites. Tetrodotoxin and reduction of extracellular Ca2+ also promoted dendritic outgrowth and reduced the formation of presumptive synaptic sites. The results suggest that the neurotransmitter glutamate may play important roles in the development of hippocampal circuitry.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laureys, G.; Valentino, M.; Demol, F.; Zammit, C.; Muscat, R.; Cambron, M.; Kooijman, R.; De Keyser, J.


    In vitro studies have demonstrated that beta 2-adrenergic receptor activation stimulates glycogen degradation in astrocytes, generating lactate as a potential energy source for neurons. Using in vivo microdialysis in mouse cerebellar white matter we demonstrate continuous axonal lactate uptake and

  2. En masse in vitro functional profiling of the axonal mechanosensitivity of sensory neurons. (United States)

    Usoskin, Dmitry; Zilberter, Misha; Linnarsson, Sten; Hjerling-Leffler, Jens; Uhlén, Per; Harkany, Tibor; Ernfors, Patrik


    Perception of the environment relies on somatosensory neurons. Mechanosensory, proprioceptor and many nociceptor subtypes of these neurons have specific mechanosensitivity profiles to adequately differentiate stimulus patterns. Nevertheless, the cellular basis of differential mechanosensation remains largely elusive. Successful transduction of sensory information relies on the recruitment of sensory neurons and mechanosensation occurring at their peripheral axonal endings in vivo. Conspicuously, existing in vitro models aimed to decipher molecular mechanisms of mechanosensation test single sensory neuron somata at any one time. Here, we introduce a compartmental in vitro chamber design to deliver precisely controlled mechanical stimulation of sensory axons with synchronous real-time imaging of Ca(2+) transients in neuronal somata that reliably reflect action potential firing patterns. We report of three previously not characterized types of mechanosensitive neuron subpopulations with distinct intrinsic axonal properties tuned specifically to static indentation or vibration stimuli, showing that different classes of sensory neurons are tuned to specific types of mechanical stimuli. Primary receptor currents of vibration neurons display rapidly adapting conductance reliably detected for every single stimulus during vibration and are consistently converted into action potentials. This result allows for the characterization of two critical steps of mechanosensation in vivo: primary signal detection and signal conversion into specific action potential firing patterns in axons.

  3. Cell-type specific expression of constitutively-active Rheb promotes regeneration of bulbospinal respiratory axons following cervical SCI. (United States)

    Urban, Mark W; Ghosh, Biswarup; Strojny, Laura R; Block, Cole G; Blazejewski, Sara M; Wright, Megan C; Smith, George M; Lepore, Angelo C


    Damage to respiratory neural circuitry and consequent loss of diaphragm function is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in individuals suffering from traumatic cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Repair of CNS axons after SCI remains a therapeutic challenge, despite current efforts. SCI disrupts inspiratory signals originating in the rostral ventral respiratory group (rVRG) of the medulla from their phrenic motor neuron (PhMN) targets, resulting in loss of diaphragm function. Using a rat model of cervical hemisection SCI, we aimed to restore rVRG-PhMN-diaphragm circuitry by stimulating regeneration of injured rVRG axons via targeted induction of Rheb (ras homolog enriched in brain), a signaling molecule that regulates neuronal-intrinsic axon growth potential. Following C2 hemisection, we performed intra-rVRG injection of an adeno-associated virus serotype-2 (AAV2) vector that drives expression of a constitutively-active form of Rheb (cRheb). rVRG neuron-specific cRheb expression robustly increased mTOR pathway activity within the transduced rVRG neuron population ipsilateral to the hemisection, as assessed by levels of phosphorylated ribosomal S6 kinase. By co-injecting our novel AAV2-mCherry/WGA anterograde/trans-synaptic axonal tracer into rVRG, we found that cRheb expression promoted regeneration of injured rVRG axons into the lesion site, while we observed no rVRG axon regrowth with AAV2-GFP control. AAV2-cRheb also significantly reduced rVRG axonal dieback within the intact spinal cord rostral to the lesion. However, cRheb expression did not promote any recovery of ipsilateral hemi-diaphragm function, as assessed by inspiratory electromyography (EMG) burst amplitudes. This lack of functional recovery was likely because regrowing rVRG fibers did not extend back into the caudal spinal cord to synaptically reinnervate PhMNs that we retrogradely-labeled with cholera toxin B from the ipsilateral hemi-diaphragm. Our findings demonstrate that enhancing neuronal

  4. Cellular and Axonal Diversity in Molecular Layer Heterotopia of the Rat Cerebellar Vermis

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    Sarah E. Van Dine


    Full Text Available Molecular layer heterotopia of the cerebellar primary fissure are a characteristic of many rat strains and are hypothesized to result from defect of granule cells exiting the external granule cell layer during cerebellar development. However, the cellular and axonal constituents of these malformations remain poorly understood. In the present report, we use histochemistry and immunocytochemistry to identify neuronal, glial, and axonal classes in molecular layer heterotopia. In particular, we identify parvalbumin-expressing molecular layer interneurons in heterotopia as well as three glial cell types including Bergmann glia, Olig2-expressing oligodendrocytes, and Iba1-expressing microglia. In addition, we document the presence of myelinated, serotonergic, catecholaminergic, and cholinergic axons in heterotopia indicating possible spinal and brainstem afferent projections to heterotopic cells. These findings are relevant toward understanding the mechanisms of normal and abnormal cerebellar development.

  5. PI3K-GSK3 signalling regulates mammalian axon regeneration by inducing the expression of Smad1 (United States)

    Saijilafu; Hur, Eun-Mi; Liu, Chang-Mei; Jiao, Zhongxian; Xu, Wen-Lin; Zhou, Feng-Quan


    In contrast to neurons in the central nervous system, mature neurons in the mammalian peripheral nervous system (PNS) can regenerate axons after injury, in part, by enhancing intrinsic growth competence. However, the signalling pathways that enhance the growth potential and induce spontaneous axon regeneration remain poorly understood. Here we reveal that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling is activated in response to peripheral axotomy and that PI3K pathway is required for sensory axon regeneration. Moreover, we show that glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), rather than mammalian target of rapamycin, mediates PI3K-dependent augmentation of the growth potential in the PNS. Furthermore, we show that PI3K-GSK3 signal is conveyed by the induction of a transcription factor Smad1 and that acute depletion of Smad1 in adult mice prevents axon regeneration in vivo. Together, these results suggest PI3K-GSK3-Smad1 signalling as a central module for promoting sensory axon regeneration in the mammalian nervous system.

  6. Spinal muscular atrophy pathogenic mutations impair the axonogenic properties of axonal-survival of motor neuron. (United States)

    Locatelli, Denise; d'Errico, Paolo; Capra, Silvia; Finardi, Adele; Colciaghi, Francesca; Setola, Veronica; Terao, Mineko; Garattini, Enrico; Battaglia, Giorgio


    The axonal survival of motor neuron (a-SMN) protein is a truncated isoform of SMN1, the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) disease gene. a-SMN is selectively localized in axons and endowed with remarkable axonogenic properties. At present, the role of a-SMN in SMA is unknown. As a first step to verify a link between a-SMN and SMA, we investigated by means of over-expression experiments in neuroblastoma-spinal cord hybrid cell line (NSC34) whether SMA pathogenic mutations located in the N-terminal part of the protein affected a-SMN function. We demonstrated here that either SMN1 missense mutations or small intragenic re-arrangements located in the Tudor domain consistently altered the a-SMN capability of inducing axonal elongation in vitro. Mutated human a-SMN proteins determined in almost all NSC34 motor neurons the growth of short axons with prominent morphologic abnormalities. Our data indicate that the Tudor domain is critical in dictating a-SMN function possibly because it is an association domain for proteins involved in axon growth. They also indicate that Tudor domain mutations are functionally relevant not only for FL-SMN but also for a-SMN, raising the possibility that also a-SMN loss of function may contribute to the pathogenic steps leading to SMA. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Neurochemistry © 2012 International Society for Neurochemistry.

  7. Lesão renal aguda séptica versus não séptica em pacientes graves: características e desfechos clínicos

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    Marília Galvão Cruz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever e comparar as características e os desfechos clínicos de pacientes com lesão renal aguda séptica e não séptica. Métodos: Coorte aberta com 117 pacientes graves com lesão renal aguda consecutivamente admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva, sendo excluídos aqueles que apresentavam doença renal crônica em estágio avançado, transplante renal, internação ou morte em um período inferior a 24 horas. Presença de sepse e óbito intra-hospitalar representaram, respectivamente, a exposição e o desfecho principal. Análise de confundimento foi realizada com a regressão logística. Resultados: Não houve diferenças na média de idade entre os grupos com lesão renal aguda séptica e não séptica [65,30±(21,27 anos versus 66,35±12,82 anos; p=0,75]. Nos dois grupos, similarmente, observou-se predomínio do sexo feminino (57,4% versus 52,4%; p=0,49 e de afrodescendentes (81,5% versus 76,2%; p=0,49. Os pacientes com sepse apresentaram maiores médias de escore Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [21,73±7,26 versus 15,75± (5,98; p18,5 (OR: 9,77; IC95%: 3,73-25,58 foram associados ao óbito. Conclusão: Sepse foi um preditor independente para óbito. Existem diferenças entre as características e desfechos clínicos dos pacientes com lesão renal aguda séptica versus não séptica.

  8. Antiretroviral Therapy-Associated Acute Motor and Sensory Axonal Neuropathy

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    Kimberly N. Capers


    Full Text Available Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS has been reported in HIV-infected patients in association with the immune reconstitution syndrome whose symptoms can be mimicked by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART-mediated mitochondrial toxicity. We report a case of a 17-year-old, HIV-infected patient on HAART with a normal CD4 count and undetectable viral load, presenting with acute lower extremity weakness associated with lactatemia. Electromyography/nerve conduction studies revealed absent sensory potentials and decreased compound muscle action potentials, consistent with a diagnosis of acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. Lactatemia resolved following cessation of HAART; however, neurological deficits minimally improved over several months in spite of immune modulatory therapy. This case highlights the potential association between HAART, mitochondrial toxicity and acute axonal neuropathies in HIV-infected patients, distinct from the immune reconstitution syndrome.

  9. Is rhabdomyolysis an additional factor in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis? É a rabdomiólise um fator adicional na patogônese da insuficiencia renal aguda na leptospirose?

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    Reinaldo Martinelli


    Full Text Available Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute renal failure in our environment. Although several mechanisms are implicated, the role of rhabdomyolysis in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis has not been analysed. Sixteen patients with the diagnosis of leptospiroses consecutively admitted to the hospital were prospectively studied. The disease was characterized by sudden onset in all patients and, at admission, jaundice, conjunctival suffusion and myalgias. Mild to moderate proteinuria with unremarkable urinary sediment was recorded in 37.5% of the patients and abnormal levels of urea creatinine were found in 87.5% and 74.0%, respectively. Increased levels of aminotranspherase were documented in all 12 and CPK in all 10 patients studied. Serum myoglobin levels greater than 120µg/l recorded in 56.2%. A correlation between myoglobin and renal failure or severity of disease, however, could not be established.Leptospirose é uma importante causa de insuficiência renal aguda, em nosso ambiente. Embora vários sejam os mecanismos implicados, o papel da rabdomiólise na patogênese da insuficiência renal aguda na leptospirose ainda não foi analisado. Com esse objetivo, 16 pacientes com o diagnóstico da forma icterohemorrágica da leptospirose consecutivamente admitidos no Hospital Couto Maia, Salvador, Bahia, foram prospectivamente estudados. A doença foi caracterizada por início súbito e, à admissão, ictericia, sufusões hemorrágicas conjuntivais e mialgias. Proteinúria de intensidade média a moderada com sedimento urinário inexpressivo foi observada em 37,5% dos pacientes e níveis séricos elevados de uréia e creatinina em 78,5% e 74,0%, respectivamente. Níveis aumentados de aminotransferase foram documentados em todos os 12 e de CPK em todos os 10 pacientes avaliados para essas enzimas. Níveis séricos maiores que 120µg/l foram observados em 56,2% dos pacientes. Não foram encontradas correlações, entretanto

  10. O uso do Aloe sp (aloe vera em feridas agudas e crônicas: revisão integrativa

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    Lucélia Terra Chini


    Full Text Available Objetivos: buscar evidencias disponibles en la literatura acerca del uso de Aloe sp (sábila en la cicatrización de heridas agudas y crónicas. Materiales y método: se trata de una revisión integradora realizada en las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed y Scopus, en el periodo de febrero a marzo del 2015. La búsqueda resultó en 178 publicaciones. Resultados: siete estudios constituyeron la revisión, los cuales involucraron personas con heridas de cesárea, heridas de episiotomía, quemaduras, área donadora de injerto, heridas posthemorroidectomía y heridas fisuarias anales crónicas. Se evidenció que la sábila promueve la cicatrización de heridas, además de disminuir el dolor en fisuras anales crónicas y quemaduras. Conclusiones: la sábila representa una nueva terapéutica en el tratamiento de heridas; sin embargo, las evidencias disponibles sobre su eficacia y seguridad son ineficientes para legitimar su uso en la cicatrización de heridas agudas y crónicas; por lo tanto, no se pueden generalizar.

  11. Calsyntenin-1 shelters APP from proteolytic processing during anterograde axonal transport

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    Martin Steuble


    Endocytosis of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP is thought to represent the major source of substrate for the production of the amyloidogenic Aβ peptide by the β-secretase BACE1. The irreversible nature of proteolytic cleavage implies the existence of an efficient replenishment route for APP from its sites of synthesis to the cell surface. We recently found that APP exits the trans-Golgi network in intimate association with calsyntenin-1, a transmembrane cargo-docking protein for Kinesin-1-mediated vesicular transport. Here we characterized the function of calsyntenin-1 in neuronal APP transport using selective immunoisolation of intracellular trafficking organelles, immunocytochemistry, live-imaging, and RNAi. We found that APP is co-transported with calsyntenin-1 along axons to early endosomes in the central region of growth cones in carriers that exclude the α-secretase ADAM10. Intriguingly, calsyntenin-1/APP organelles contained BACE1, suggesting premature cleavage of APP along its anterograde path. However, we found that APP contained in calsyntenin-1/APP organelles was stable. We further analyzed vesicular trafficking of APP in cultured hippocampal neurons, in which calsyntenin-1 was reduced by RNAi. We found a markedly increased co-localization of APP and ADAM10 in axons and growth cones, along with increased proteolytic processing of APP and Aβ secretion in these neurons. This suggested that the reduced capacity for calsyntenin-1-dependent APP transport resulted in mis-sorting of APP into additional axonal carriers and, therefore, the premature encounter of unprotected APP with its ectodomain proteases. In combination, our results characterize calsyntenin-1/APP organelles as carriers for sheltered anterograde axonal transport of APP.

  12. Fatores de risco para internação por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade


    Macedo,Silvia Elaine Cardozo; Menezes,Ana Maria Baptista; Albernaz,Elaine; Post,Paulo; Knorst,Marli


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores de risco para hospitalização por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Os casos foram crianças de até um ano de idade, que se hospitalizaram por doença respiratória aguda, de agosto de 1997 a julho de 1998. Os controles foram crianças da comunidade, da mesma idade, sem hospitalização prévia por essa doença. Um questionário investigando exposição a fatores de risco foi aplicado às mães...

  13. Sigma-1 receptor agonist increases axon outgrowth of hippocampal neurons via voltage-gated calcium ions channels. (United States)

    Li, Dong; Zhang, Shu-Zhuo; Yao, Yu-Hong; Xiang, Yun; Ma, Xiao-Yun; Wei, Xiao-Li; Yan, Hai-Tao; Liu, Xiao-Yan


    Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) are unique endoplasmic reticulum proteins that have been implicated in both neurodegenerative and ischemic diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and stroke. Accumulating evidence has suggested that Sig-1R plays a role in neuroprotection and axon outgrowth. The underlying mechanisms of Sig-1R-mediated neuroprotection have been well elucidated. However, the mechanisms underlying the effects of Sig-1R on axon outgrowth are not fully understood. To clarify this issue, we utilized immunofluorescence to compare the axon lengths of cultured naïve hippocampal neurons before and after the application of the Sig-1R agonist, SA4503. Then, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence were used to examine voltage-gated calcium ion channel (VGCCs) currents in the cell membranes and growth cones. We found that Sig-1R activation dramatically enhanced the axonal length of the naïve hippocampal neurons. Application of the Sig-1R antagonist NE100 and gene knockdown techniques both demonstrated the effects of Sig-1R. The growth-promoting effect of SA4503 was accompanied by the inhibition of voltage-gated Ca 2+ influx and was recapitulated by incubating the neurons with the L-type, N-type, and P/Q-type VGCC blockers, nimodipine, MVIIA and ω-agatoxin IVA, respectively. This effect was unrelated to glial cells. The application of SA4503 transformed the growth cone morphologies from complicated to simple, which favored axon outgrowth. Sig-1R activation can enhance axon outgrowth and may have a substantial influence on neurogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. High-Frequency Stimulation of Dorsal Column Axons: Potential Underlying Mechanism of Paresthesia-Free Neuropathic Pain Relief. (United States)

    Arle, Jeffrey E; Mei, Longzhi; Carlson, Kristen W; Shils, Jay L


    Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) treats neuropathic pain through retrograde stimulation of dorsal column axons and their inhibitory effects on wide dynamic range (WDR) neurons. Typical SCS uses frequencies from 50-100 Hz. Newer stimulation paradigms use high-frequency stimulation (HFS) up to 10 kHz and produce pain relief but without paresthesia. Our hypothesis is that HFS preferentially blocks larger diameter axons (12-15 µm) based on dynamics of ion channel gates and the electric potential gradient seen along the axon, resulting in inhibition of WDR cells without paresthesia. We input field potential values from a finite element model of SCS into an active axon model with ion channel subcomponents for fiber diameters 1-20 µm and simulated dynamics on a 0.001 msec time scale. Assuming some degree of wave rectification seen at the axon, action potential (AP) blockade occurs as hypothesized, preferentially in larger over smaller diameters with blockade in most medium and large diameters occurring between 4.5 and 10 kHz. Simulations show both ion channel gate and virtual anode dynamics are necessary. At clinical HFS frequencies and pulse widths, HFS preferentially blocks larger-diameter fibers and concomitantly recruits medium and smaller fibers. These effects are a result of interaction between ion gate dynamics and the "activating function" (AF) deriving from current distribution over the axon. The larger fibers that cause paresthesia in low-frequency simulation are blocked, while medium and smaller fibers are recruited, leading to paresthesia-free neuropathic pain relief by inhibiting WDR cells. © 2016 International Neuromodulation Society.

  15. Massive accumulation of luminal protease-deficient axonal lysosomes at Alzheimer’s disease amyloid plaques (United States)

    Gowrishankar, Swetha; Yuan, Peng; Wu, Yumei; Schrag, Matthew; Paradise, Summer; Grutzendler, Jaime; De Camilli, Pietro; Ferguson, Shawn M.


    Through a comprehensive analysis of organellar markers in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, we document a massive accumulation of lysosome-like organelles at amyloid plaques and establish that the majority of these organelles reside within swollen axons that contact the amyloid deposits. This close spatial relationship between axonal lysosome accumulation and extracellular amyloid aggregates was observed from the earliest stages of β-amyloid deposition. Notably, we discovered that lysosomes that accumulate in such axons are lacking in multiple soluble luminal proteases and thus are predicted to be unable to efficiently degrade proteinaceous cargos. Of relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, β-secretase (BACE1), the protein that initiates amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein and which is a substrate for these proteases, builds up at these sites. Furthermore, through a comparison between the axonal lysosome accumulations at amyloid plaques and neuronal lysosomes of the wild-type brain, we identified a similar, naturally occurring population of lysosome-like organelles in neuronal processes that is also defined by its low luminal protease content. In conjunction with emerging evidence that the lysosomal maturation of endosomes and autophagosomes is coupled to their retrograde transport, our results suggest that extracellular β-amyloid deposits cause a local impairment in the retrograde axonal transport of lysosome precursors, leading to their accumulation and a blockade in their further maturation. This study both advances understanding of Alzheimer’s disease brain pathology and provides new insights into the subcellular organization of neuronal lysosomes that may have broader relevance to other neurodegenerative diseases with a lysosomal component to their pathology. PMID:26124111

  16. Forma urbana tradicional e modernista:

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    Dr. Arq. Antônio Tarcìsio da Luz Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre algumas das implicações da forma urbana tradicional e da forma urbana modernista, para o uso e estética dos espaços ur banos, tais como a existência de conexões visuais e funcionais entre as edifca- ções e os espaços abertos públicos e o uso dado aos pavimentos térreos. Na "for ma urbana tradicional" as edifcações possuem portas frontais e janelas voltadas para as ruas públicas, enquanto na "forma urbana modernista" as edifcações ten dem a ter portas e janelas distantes das vias públicas e/ou voltadas para espaços abertos internos ao quarteirão, sem distinção entre portas e janelas frontais e pos teriores. Assim, exemplos de cidades em diferentes países são utilizados para as comparações e reflexões envolvendo estes aspectos. As principais consequências destas análises reforçam a necessidade de um melhor entendimento em relação às implicações da forma urbana para o uso e a estética dos espaços urbanos. Adi cionalmente, destaca–se a importância da existência de conexões visuais e fun cionais entre os térreos das edifcações e os espaços abertos públicos para a vi talidade, segurança e aparência dos espaços urbanos.

  17. High dendritic expression of Ih in the proximity of the axon origin controls the integrative properties of nigral dopamine neurons. (United States)

    Engel, Dominique; Seutin, Vincent


    The hyperpolarization-activated cation current Ih is expressed in dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra, but the subcellular distribution of the current and its role in synaptic integration remain unknown. We used cell-attached patch recordings to determine the localization profile of Ih along the somatodendritic axis of nigral dopamine neurons in slices from young rats. Ih density is higher in axon-bearing dendrites, in a membrane area close to the axon origin, than in the soma and axon-lacking dendrites. Dual current-clamp recordings revealed a similar contribution of Ih to the waveform of single excitatory postsynaptic potentials throughout the somatodendritic domain. The Ih blocker ZD 7288 increased the temporal summation in all dendrites with a comparable effect in axon- and non-axon dendrites. The strategic position of Ih in the proximity of the axon may influence importantly transitions between pacemaker and bursting activities and consequently the downstream release of dopamine. Dendrites of most neurons express voltage-gated ion channels in their membrane. In combination with passive properties, active currents confer to dendrites a high computational potential. The hyperpolarization-activated cation current Ih present in the dendrites of some pyramidal neurons affects their membrane and integration properties, synaptic plasticity and higher functions such as memory. A gradient of increasing h-channel density towards distal dendrites has been found to be responsible for the location independence of excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) waveform and temporal summation in cortical and hippocampal pyramidal cells. However, reports on other cell types revealed that smoother gradients or even linear distributions of Ih can achieve homogeneous temporal summation. Although the existence of a robust, slowly activating Ih current has been repeatedly demonstrated in nigral dopamine neurons, its subcellular distribution and precise role in synaptic integration

  18. Retinal ganglion cell survival and axon regeneration after optic nerve injury in naked mole-rats. (United States)

    Park, Kevin K; Luo, Xueting; Mooney, Skyler J; Yungher, Benjamin J; Belin, Stephane; Wang, Chen; Holmes, Melissa M; He, Zhigang


    In the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS), axonal damage often triggers neuronal cell death and glial activation, with very limited spontaneous axon regeneration. In this study, we performed optic nerve injury in adult naked mole-rats, the longest living rodent, with a maximum life span exceeding 30 years, and found that injury responses in this species are quite distinct from those in other mammalian species. In contrast to what is seen in other mammals, the majority of injured retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) survive with relatively high spontaneous axon regeneration. Furthermore, injured RGCs display activated signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3), whereas astrocytes in the optic nerve robustly occupy and fill the lesion area days after injury. These neuron-intrinsic and -extrinsic injury responses are reminiscent of those in "cold-blooded" animals, such as fish and amphibians, suggesting that the naked mole-rat is a powerful model for exploring the mechanisms of neuronal injury responses and axon regeneration in mammals. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:380-388, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. MicroRNA-338 Attenuates Cortical Neuronal Outgrowth by Modulating the Expression of Axon Guidance Genes. (United States)

    Kos, Aron; Klein-Gunnewiek, Teun; Meinhardt, Julia; Loohuis, Nikkie F M Olde; van Bokhoven, Hans; Kaplan, Barry B; Martens, Gerard J; Kolk, Sharon M; Aschrafi, Armaz


    MicroRNAs (miRs) are small non-coding RNAs that confer robustness to gene networks through post-transcriptional gene regulation. Previously, we identified miR-338 as a modulator of axonal outgrowth in sympathetic neurons. In the current study, we examined the role of miR-338 in the development of cortical neurons and uncovered its downstream mRNA targets. Long-term inhibition of miR-338 during neuronal differentiation resulted in reduced dendritic complexity and altered dendritic spine morphology. Furthermore, monitoring axon outgrowth in cortical cells revealed that miR-338 overexpression decreased, whereas inhibition of miR-338 increased axonal length. To identify gene targets mediating the observed phenotype, we inhibited miR-338 in cortical neurons and performed whole-transcriptome analysis. Pathway analysis revealed that miR-338 modulates a subset of transcripts involved in the axonal guidance machinery by means of direct and indirect gene targeting. Collectively, our results implicate miR-338 as a novel regulator of cortical neuronal maturation by fine-tuning the expression of gene networks governing cortical outgrowth.

  20. Loss of Fractalkine Signaling Exacerbates Axon Transport Dysfunction in a Chronic Model of Glaucoma. (United States)

    Breen, Kevin T; Anderson, Sarah R; Steele, Michael R; Calkins, David J; Bosco, Alejandra; Vetter, Monica L


    Neurodegeneration in glaucoma results in decline and loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), and is associated with activation of myeloid cells such as microglia and macrophages. The chemokine fractalkine (FKN or Cx3cl1) mediates communication from neurons to myeloid cells. Signaling through its receptor Cx3cr1 has been implicated in multiple neurodegenerative diseases, but the effects on neuronal pathology are variable. Since it is unknown how FKN-mediated crosstalk influences RGC degeneration in glaucoma, we assessed this in a chronic mouse model, DBA/2J. We analyzed a DBA/2J substrain deficient in Cx3cr1, and compared compartmentalized RGC degeneration and myeloid cell responses to those in standard DBA/2J mice. We found that loss of FKN signaling exacerbates axon transport dysfunction, an early event in neurodegeneration, with a significant increase in RGCs with somal accumulation of the axonal protein phosphorylated neurofilament, and reduced retinal expression of genes involved in axon transport, Kif1b, and Atp8a2. There was no change in the loss of Brn3-positive RGCs, and no difference in the extent of damage to the proximal optic nerve, suggesting that the loss of fractalkine signaling primarily affects axon transport. Since Cx3cr1 is specifically expressed in myeloid cells, we assessed changes in retinal microglial number and activation, changes in gene expression, and the extent of macrophage infiltration. We found that loss of fractalkine signaling led to innate immune changes within the retina, including increased infiltration of peripheral macrophages and upregulated nitric oxide synthase-2 (Nos-2) expression in myeloid cells, which contributes to the production of NO and can promote axon transport deficits. In contrast, resident retinal microglia appeared unchanged either in number, morphology, or expression of the myeloid activation marker ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba1). There was also no significant increase in the proinflammatory

  1. Efeitos hemodinâmicos da sobrecarga ventricular direita aguda experimental

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    Flávio Brito Filho


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A sobrecarga ventricular direita aguda está associada a situações clínicas de elevada morbimortalidade, tais como: ressecções pulmonares extensas, tromboembolismo pulmonar, transplante pulmonar e edema pulmonar das altitudes. Alguns pontos de sua fisiopatologia permanecem obscuros. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos hemodinâmicos da sobrecarga ventricular direita aguda experimental em suínos. MÉTODOS: A sobrecarga ventricular direita foi induzida pela oclusão das artérias pulmonares através de ligaduras. Vinte porcos foram utilizados no estudo, sendo alocados em 04 grupos: um controle, não submetido à oclusão vascular pulmonar, e três de sobrecarga ventricular direita submetidos à oclusão das seguintes artérias pulmonares: SVD1 (artéria pulmonar esquerda; SVD2 (artéria pulmonar esquerda e do lobo inferior direito e SVD3 (artéria pulmonar esquerda, do lobo inferior direito e do lobo mediastinal, obstruindo a vasculatura pulmonar em 42, 76 e 82,0% respectivamente. Variáveis de hemodinâmica foram medidas a cada 15 minutos durante a uma hora do estudo. Na análise estatística, foram utilizados ajustes de modelos lineares mistos com estrutura de variâncias e covariâncias. RESULTADOS: Nas comparações intergrupais, houve aumento significativo da frequência cardíaca (p = 0,004, pressão arterial pulmonar média (p = 0,001 e pressão capilar pulmonar (p < 0,0001. Houve redução significativa da pressão arterial média (p = 0,01 e do índice sistólico (p = 0,002. Não houve diferença significativa no índice cardíaco (p = 0,94. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da intensa sobrecarga ventricular direita promovida pela obstrução de 82,0% da vasculatura pulmonar e pelo aumento significativo da pressão arterial pulmonar não houve disfunção cardiovascular severa e/ou choque circulatório no período estudado.

  2. Evaluación rápida de la etiología del síndrome febril en Lima-Callao


    Torres de Yon, Yvonne; Espinosa, Manuel


    Según la Oficina General de Epidemiología (OGE) durante el año 2004 a nivel nacional se presentaron 59 850 casos de infecciones respiratorias agudas, de ellas, 835 casos se presentaron como neumonía, de esta forma grave de infección.

  3. Polygalae Radix Extract Prevents Axonal Degeneration and Memory Deficits in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Tomoharu Kuboyama


    Full Text Available Memory impairments in Alzheimer’s disease (AD occur due to degenerated axons and disrupted neural networks. Since only limited recovery is possible after the destruction of neural networks, preventing axonal degeneration during the early stages of disease progression is necessary to prevent AD. Polygalae Radix (roots of Polygala tenuifolia; PR is a traditional herbal medicine used for sedation and amnesia. In this study, we aimed to clarify and analyze the preventive effects of PR against memory deficits in a transgenic AD mouse model, 5XFAD. 5XFAD mice demonstrated memory deficits at the age of 5 months. Thus, the water extract of Polygalae Radix (PR extract was orally administered to 4-month-old 5XFAD mice that did not show signs of memory impairment. After consecutive administrations for 56 days, the PR extract prevented cognitive deficit and axon degeneration associated with the accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ plaques in the perirhinal cortex of the 5XFAD mice. PR extract did not influence the formation of Aβ plaques in the brain of the 5XFAD mice. In cultured neurons, the PR extract prevented axonal growth cone collapse and axonal atrophy induced by Aβ. Additionally, it prevented Aβ-induced endocytosis at the growth cone of cultured neurons. Our previous study reported that endocytosis inhibition was enough to prevent Aβ-induced growth cone collapse, axonal degeneration, and memory impairments. Therefore, the PR extract possibly prevented axonal degeneration and memory impairment by inhibiting endocytosis. PR is the first preventive drug candidate for AD that inhibits endocytosis in neurons.

  4. Regeneration of Drosophila sensory neuron axons and dendrites is regulated by the Akt pathway involving Pten and microRNA bantam (United States)

    Song, Yuanquan; Ori-McKenney, Kassandra M.; Zheng, Yi; Han, Chun; Jan, Lily Yeh; Jan, Yuh Nung


    Both cell-intrinsic and extrinsic pathways govern axon regeneration, but only a limited number of factors have been identified and it is not clear to what extent axon regeneration is evolutionarily conserved. Whether dendrites also regenerate is unknown. Here we report that, like the axons of mammalian sensory neurons, the axons of certain Drosophila dendritic arborization (da) neurons are capable of substantial regeneration in the periphery but not in the CNS, and activating the Akt pathway enhances axon regeneration in the CNS. Moreover, those da neurons capable of axon regeneration also display dendrite regeneration, which is cell type-specific, developmentally regulated, and associated with microtubule polarity reversal. Dendrite regeneration is restrained via inhibition of the Akt pathway in da neurons by the epithelial cell-derived microRNA bantam but is facilitated by cell-autonomous activation of the Akt pathway. Our study begins to reveal mechanisms for dendrite regeneration, which depends on both extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including the PTEN–Akt pathway that is also important for axon regeneration. We thus established an important new model system—the fly da neuron regeneration model that resembles the mammalian injury model—with which to study and gain novel insights into the regeneration machinery. PMID:22759636

  5. Pαx6 expression in postmitotic neurons mediates the growth of axons in response to SFRP1.

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    Alvaro Sebastián-Serrano

    Full Text Available During development, the mechanisms that specify neuronal subclasses are coupled to those that determine their axonal response to guidance cues. Pax6 is a homedomain transcription factor required for the specification of a variety of neural precursors. After cell cycle exit, Pax6 expression is often shut down in the precursor progeny and most postmitotic neurons no longer express detectable levels of the protein. There are however exceptions and high Pax6 protein levels are found, for example, in postmitotic retinal ganglion cells (RGCs, dopaminergic neurons of the olfactory bulb and the limbic system in the telencephalon. The function of Pax6 in these differentiating neurons remains mostly elusive. Here, we demonstrate that Pax6 mediates the response of growing axons to SFRP1, a secreted molecule expressed in several Pax6-positive forebrain territories. Forced expression of Pax6 in cultured postmitotic cortical neurons, which do not normally express Pax6, was sufficient to increment axonal length. Growth was blocked by the addition of anti-SFRP1 antibodies, whereas exogenously added SFRP1 increased axonal growth of Pax6-transfected neurons but not that of control or untransfected cortical neurons. In the reverse scenario, shRNA-mediated knock-down of Pax6 in mouse retinal explants specifically abolished RGCs axonal growth induced by SFRP1, but had no effect on RGCs differentiation and it did not modify the effect of Shh or Netrin on axon growth. Taken together these results demonstrate that expression of Pax6 is necessary and sufficient to render postmitotic neurons competent to respond to SFRP1. These results reveal a novel and unexpected function of Pax6 in postmitotic neurons and situate Pax6 and SFRP1 as pair regulators of axonal connectivity.

  6. Acute pancreatitis associated with hypercalcemia: A report of two cases Pancreatitis aguda asociada a hipercalcemia: Presentación de dos casos

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    J. Egea Valenzuela


    Full Text Available Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism is a rare etiology for acute pancreatitis, oscillating between 1.5 and 7% in the different series. Although the cause-effect relationship and the pathophysiology of the condition are not clear, it seems that the association among them is not incidental, and serum calcium could be a major risk factor, so that pancreatitis would come to occur during severe hypercalcemia attacks. Mutations in different genes have been proposed as well to justify why only some patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia develop acute pancreatitis. References to cases like these ones are rare in the literature. We report two patients with acute pancreatitis associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia, one of them with a fatal outcome.La hipercalcemia secundaria a hiperparatiroidismo es una causa rara de pancreatitis aguda, variando entre el 1,5-7% según las series consultadas. Aunque la relación causal y la fisiopatología del proceso no están totalmente aclaradas, parece claro que la asociación no es incidental y que los niveles de calcio sérico serían un factor de riesgo mayor, desencadenándose los cuadros de pancreatitis durante las crisis de hipercalcemia. También se han descrito alteraciones en diversos genes que podrían estar implicados, justificando por qué sólo unos pocos pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario e hipercalcemia sufren pancreatitis aguda. Existen muy pocas referencias en la literatura a casos como los que nos ocupan. Presentamos a continuación dos pacientes con cuadros de pancreatitis aguda asociados a hiperparatiroidismo e hipercalcemia, uno de ellos con desenlace fatal.

  7. Caenorhabditis elegans VEM-1, a novel membrane protein, regulates the guidance of ventral nerve cord-associated axons. (United States)

    Runko, Erik; Kaprielian, Zaven


    In the developing CNS, pathfinding growth cones use intermediate target- and pioneer axon-associated guidance cues to navigate along stereotypical trajectories. We previously showed that the novel membrane-associated protein Vema is localized to the floor plate and the optic chiasm, intermediate targets located at the ventral midline of the spinal cord and diencephalon in the developing rodent CNS, respectively. Here, we report that the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of vema, vem-1, is expressed by the AVG pioneer midline neuron and by several neurons that extend longitudinally projecting axons into the ventral nerve cord (VNC). In vem-1 mutants and vem-1 (RNAi) animals, a subset of posteriorly projecting interneuron axons either fail to extend ventrally to the VNC and, instead, assume aberrant lateral positions or are inappropriately located in the left tract of the VNC. In addition, ventral motor neuron axons exhibit pathfinding errors within the VNC and along the dorsoventral body axis. The conserved UNC-40/DCC and SAX-3-/Robo receptors mediate signaling events that regulate axon guidance in a wide variety of systems. Double-mutant analyses reveal that vem-1 genetically interacts with unc-40 and is likely to function in parallel with sax-3 to regulate the guidance of a subset of VNC-associated interneuron and motor neuron axons. Consistent with these genetic data, we also show that VEM-1 is capable of physically interacting with UNC-40 but not SAX-3.

  8. Factores de riesgo para infección respiratoria aguda baja grave en Bogotá, 2001.

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    María Belén Jaimes


    Full Text Available La gravedad de la infección respiratoria aguda (IRA es mayor en países en desarrollo, sobre todo entre grupos social y económicamente pobres. Las neumonías virales son las más comunes, especialmente en niños. Con el fin de medir algunos factores asociados con formas graves de infección respiratoria baja realizamos un estudio de casos y controles prospectivo y de base hospitalaria en Bogotá entre noviembre de 2000 y agosto de 2001. Los casos fueron niños entre 2 meses y 5 años que llenaban los criterios de la OMS para IRA grave o muy grave. Los controles eran niños con IRA en el mismo rango de edad, que consultaban al mismo hospital y que no presentaban tirajes. Se estudiaron 638 niños entre los 2 meses y los 5 años de edad (277 casos y 361 controles. Los factores más importantes fueron: vivienda en préstamo (OR=2,7; IC95%: 1,06-7,07, compartir la cama (OR=1,88; IC95%: 1,0-3,7, más de 9 personas en la misma casa (OR=1,82; IC95%: 1,0-3,51 y fumadores en la vivienda (OR=1,4; IC95%: 1,0-2,05. Se tomaron 114 muestras nasofaríngeas (niños con 3 días de haber iniciado síntomas y se obtuvieron virus en 98 de ellas, y se identificó el virus sincitial respiratorio en 41,8%, virus influenza A en 3,1% y virus influenza B en 1%. El 100% de los aislamientos positivos para influenza A y B fueron enviados al CDC en Atlanta, donde fueron clasificados como influenza A/PANAMA/2007/99-like e influenza B/SICHUAN/379/99-like, respectivamente.

  9. Surto de aflatoxicose aguda em cães no município de Pelotas/RS

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    Karina Guterres

    Full Text Available RESUMO: As aflatoxinas pertencem ao grupo das micotoxinas e são substâncias sintetizadas durante a multiplicação de fungos que podem contaminar alimentos e rações animais, produzindo efeitos agudos ou crônicos naqueles que os consomem. Os cães são sensíveis aos efeitos tóxicos das aflatoxinas, havendo dificuldades de diagnóstico definitivo desta doença devido a fatores, como a inespecificidade dos sinais clínicos e o custo elevado da análise da presença de toxinas na alimentação. Desta forma, o objetivo deste artigo foi relatar um surto de aflatoxicose em dezoito caninos, no município de Pelotas - RS, no qual apenas um canino não veio a óbito, após a ingestão de quirelas de milho e arroz contaminadas. O diagnóstico definitivo de aflatoxicose aguda foi obtido através dos dados da anamnese, exames complementares, resultados de necropsia e histopatologia, além de análise da presença de toxinas na alimentação dos animais. Na necropsia observou-se degeneração e necrose hepática severa e na análise das amostras de alimento foi constatada a presença de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, em um somatório de 898,2μg/kg na quirela de milho e de 409,86μg/kg na de arroz. Assim sendo, medidas de conscientização acerca do controle e prevenção das micotoxicoses devem ser tomadas, salientando os possíveis danos à saúde dos animais. Além disto, métodos de identificação de micotoxinas, devem ser implementados na rotina hospitalar, incluindo a análise da ração oferecida, visto que a aflatoxicose, muitas vezes é subestimada.

  10. Sonic Hedgehog switches on Wnt/planar cell polarity signaling in commissural axon growth cones by reducing levels of Shisa2 (United States)

    Onishi, Keisuke


    Commissural axons switch on responsiveness to Wnt attraction during midline crossing and turn anteriorly only after exiting the floor plate. We report here that Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-Smoothened signaling downregulates Shisa2, which inhibits the glycosylation and cell surface presentation of Frizzled3 in rodent commissural axon growth cones. Constitutive Shisa2 expression causes randomized turning of post-crossing commissural axons along the anterior–posterior (A–P) axis. Loss of Shisa2 led to precocious anterior turning of commissural axons before or during midline crossing. Post-crossing commissural axon turning is completely randomized along the A–P axis when Wntless, which is essential for Wnt secretion, is conditionally knocked out in the floor plate. This regulatory link between Shh and planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling may also occur in other developmental processes. PMID:28885142

  11. Hyaluronic acid hydrogels with IKVAV peptides for tissue repair and axonal regeneration in an injured rat brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei, Y T; Tian, W M; Yu, X; Cui, F Z; Hou, S P; Xu, Q Y; Lee, In-Seop


    A biocompatible hydrogel of hyaluronic acid with the neurite-promoting peptide sequence of IKVAV was synthesized. The characterization of the hydrogel shows an open porous structure and a large surface area available for cell interaction. Its ability to promote tissue repair and axonal regeneration in the lesioned rat cerebrum is also evaluated. After implantation, the polymer hydrogel repaired the tissue defect and formed a permissive interface with the host tissue. Axonal growth occurred within the microstructure of the network. Within 6 weeks the polymer implant was invaded by host-derived tissue, glial cells, blood vessels and axons. Such a hydrogel matrix showed the properties of neuron conduction. It has the potential to repair tissue defects in the central nervous system by promoting the formation of a tissue matrix and axonal growth by replacing the lost tissue

  12. Normal axonal ion channel function in large peripheral nerve fibers following chronic ciguatera sensitization. (United States)

    Vucic, Steve; Kiernan, Matthew C


    Although the acute clinical effects of ciguatera poisoning, due to ingestion of ciguatoxin, are mediated by activation of transient Na+ channels, the mechanisms underlying ciguatera sensitization remain undefined. Axonal excitability studies were performed by stimulating the median motor and sensory nerves in two patients with ciguatera sensitization. Excitability parameters were all within normal limits, thereby arguing against dysfunction of axonal membrane ion channels in large-diameter fibers in ciguatera sensitization.

  13. Conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches universitárias relativos às infecções respiratórias agudas na infância Conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías universitarias relativos a las infecciones respiratorias agudas en la infancia Knowledge and practices of university day care center workers relative to acute respiratory infections in childhood

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    Roberta Cristiane P. Alves


    Full Text Available Dada a elevada freqüência de infecções respiratórias agudas em creches, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches relativos à prevenção, detecção precoce e manejo desses agravos. Mediante quatorze entrevistas estruturadas em duas creches universitárias da cidade de São Paulo, verificou-se que as trabalhadoras: demonstram familiaridade com diversos agravos; apontam febre e respiração ruidosa como sinais de gravidade; consideram poluição e transmissão como principais causas; referem o cuidado com o ambiente como melhor forma de controle; cuidam mantendo observação contínua da criança e intervenções de higiene e conforto e maior cuidado emocional; consideram educação e cuidado interligados no atendimento infantil, manifestando necessidade de maior preparo para cuidar; têm na prática diária a fonte de seus conhecimentos.Dada la elevada frecuencia de infecciones respiratorias agudas en guarderías, el objetivo en este trabajo fue identificar conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías relativos a la prevención, detección precoz y manejo de esas afecciones. Mediante catorce entrevistas estructuradas en dos guarderías universitarias de la ciudad de São Paulo, se verificó que las trabajadoras: demuestran familiaridad con las diversas afecciones; señalan fiebre y respiración ruidosa como signos de gravedad; consideran a la polución y transmisión como sus principales causas; refieren al cuidado del ambiente como la mejor forma de control; se preocupan con la observación continua del niño y con acciones de higiene, confort y cuidado emocional; consideran que la educación y el cuidado son necesarios para atender a los niños y desean mayor preparación para cuidar; tienen en la práctica diaria la fuente de sus conocimientos.Given the increasing frequency of acute respiratory infections in day care centers, the objective of this work was to identify

  14. Tratamento da necrose aguda de retina: revisão sistemática Treatment of acute retinal necrosis: systematic review

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    Moysés Eduardo Zajdenweber


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi pela realização de revisão sistemática, determinar o melhor tratamento para a necrose aguda de retina. MÉTODOS: Seguindo a orientação metodológica da Colaboração Cochrane e de seu subgrupo editorial "Eye and Vision Group", o autor, por meio de mecanismos de busca, selecionou trabalhos sobre o tratamento da necrose aguda de retina. RESULTADO: Foram selecionadas 146 referências bibliográficas, sendo considerados como relevantes 13 estudos. Destes estudos 2 foram considerados como preenchendo os critérios de inclusão. O primeiro estudo aponta a possibilidade de o tratamento para necrose aguda de retina, com aciclovir endovenoso associado a corticóide sistêmico, proteger o olho contralateral de acometimento. Foram estudados 54 pacientes, 31 tratados e 23 não tratados, sendo observada incidência de doença no olho contralateral de 12,9% no grupo tratado e de 69,5% no grupo não tratado. O segundo estudo incluído mostra 19 olhos acometidos com necrose aguda de retina, sendo que 12 destes olhos foram submetidos à fotocoagulação com laser de argônio, com o objetivo de prevenir o descolamento de retina. Dos 12 olhos, 2 desenvolveram descolamento de retina (16,6% ao passo que, no grupo não tratado, composto por 7 olhos, 4 desenvolveram descolamento de retina (57,1%. CONCLUSÃO: O autor conclui que os dois tipos de intervenção propostos se mostraram eficazes, porém, como os estudos são metodologicamente fracos, torna-se necessária a realização de estudos clínicos randomizados para que se possa estabelecer o melhor tratamento para a necrose aguda de retina.PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify, according to an sistematic review, the best treatment for acute retinal necrosis. METHODS: Following the methodologic guidance of the Cochrane Collaboration and its editorial subgroup "Eye and Vision Group", using search strategy for study identification, articles about the treatment

  15. Dynamics of oligodendrocyte responses to anterograde axonal (Wallerian) and terminal degeneration in normal and TNF-transgenic mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drøjdahl, Nina; Fenger, Christina; Nielsen, Helle H


    degeneration and lesion-induced axonal sprouting in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in TNF-transgenic mice with the response in genetically normal mice. Transectioning of the entorhino-dentate perforant path axonal projection increased hippocampal TNF mRNA expression in both types of mice, but to significantly...... larger levels in the TNF-transgenics. At 5 days after axonal transection, numbers of oligodendrocytes and myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA expression in the denervated dentate gyrus in TNF-transgenic mice had increased to the same extent as in nontransgenic littermates. At this time, transgenics showed...

  16. Pancreatitis aguda por hipertrigliceridemia severa: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Herrera Del Águila, Dwight Denis; Garavito Rentería, Jorge; Linarez Medina, Karen; Lizarzaburu Rodríguez, Víctor


    La pancreatitis aguda por hipertrigliceridemia se presenta en aproximadamente 1-4 % de los casos, es la tercera causa de pancreatitis luego de la etiología biliar y alcohólica. La hipertrigliceridemia puede ser producida por causas primarias asociadas a trastornos genéticos en el metabolismo de los lípidos, y por casusas secundarias. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 32 años de edad, natural de Huancayo, con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemia mixta severa con hip...

  17. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la diverticulitis aguda en la Comunidad Valenciana. Estudio multicéntrico.


    Salvador Martínez, Antonio


    Diverticulitis aguda. Estado actual y controversias Este término representa un espectro de los cambios inflamatorios que van desde una inflamación local subclínica hasta la peritonitis generalizada con perforación libre. Su mecanismo de aparición gira alrededor de una perforación de un divertículo. El antiguo concepto de obstrucción luminal probablemente represente un hecho raro. El aumento de la presión intraluminal o las partículas espesadas de alimentos pueden erosionar la pared d...

  18. Axonal transport and incorporation of radioactivity after injection of N-[3H]acetyl-D-mannosamine into rat mesencephalon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loopuijt, L.D.


    A study has been performed to demonstrate the possibility of incorporation of sialic acid into nerve endings of the rubrospinal tract after antegrade axonal transport. Young adult rats received injections of N-[ 3 H]acetyl-D-mannosamine into the red nucleus and axonal transport of the tritiated compounds along the axons of afferent and efferent connections of the red nucleus was studied and the transported material was analysed. Light microscopic autoradiography and biochemical methods were used. (Auth./C.F.)

  19. Evidence that glutamate mediates axon-to-Schwann cell signaling in the squid. (United States)

    Lieberman, E M; Abbott, N J; Hassan, S


    High-frequency stimulation (100 Hz) of isolated giant axons of the small squid Alloteuthis subulata and the large squid Loligo forbesi caused the periaxonal Schwann cell resting potential (Em = -40 mV) to hyperpolarize up to 11 mV in direct proportion to train duration and action potential amplitude. In both species, the Schwann cell also hyperpolarized up to 17 mV with the application of L-glutamate (10(-9) to 10(-6) M), in a dose-dependent manner. By contrast, in the presence of 10(-8) M d-tubocurarine (d-TC) to block the cholinergic component of the Schwann cell response, Schwann cells depolarized 8-9 mV during electrical stimulation of the axon or application of L-glutamate. In the presence of 10(-5) M 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (2-APB), the hyperpolarization to glutamate and to axon stimulation was blocked, whereas the cholinergic (carbachol-induced) hyperpolarization was unaffected. In experiments with Alloteuthis, L-aspartate (10(-7) M) also caused a Schwann cell hyperpolarization, but this was not blocked by 2-APB. In tests with glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists, quisqualate (10(-5) M) produced a hyperpolarization blocked by 10(-4) M L-glutamic acid diethylester (GDEE), which also blocked the response to axonal stimulation. Kainic acid (10(-4) M) also caused a hyperpolarization, but n-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA; 10(-4) M), ibotenate (10(-5) M), alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole proprionate (AMPA; (10(-4) M), and isethionate (10(-5) M) had no effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  20. Regulation of Adult CNS Axonal Regeneration by the Post-transcriptional Regulator Cpeb1

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    Wilson Pak-Kin Lou


    Full Text Available Adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS neurons are unable to regenerate following axonal injury, leading to permanent functional impairments. Yet, the reasons underlying this regeneration failure are not fully understood. Here, we studied the transcriptome and translatome shortly after spinal cord injury. Profiling of the total and ribosome-bound RNA in injured and naïve spinal cords identified a substantial post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. In particular, transcripts associated with nervous system development were down-regulated in the total RNA fraction while remaining stably loaded onto ribosomes. Interestingly, motif association analysis of post-transcriptionally regulated transcripts identified the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE as enriched in a subset of these transcripts that was more resistant to injury-induced reduction at the transcriptome level. Modulation of these transcripts by overexpression of the CPE binding protein, Cpeb1, in mouse and Drosophila CNS neurons promoted axonal regeneration following injury. Our study uncovered a global evolutionarily conserved post-transcriptional mechanism enhancing regeneration of injured CNS axons.