
Sample records for foliar del guayabo


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    Juliette Valdés-Infante


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar un programa de mejoramiento genético del guayabo (Psidium guajava L. en Cuba, que contribuya a un uso más eficiente de los recursos fitogenéticos del cultivo. El mismo comienza a partir de la colección, con la prospección de genotipos autóctonos, la introducción de accesiones y parientes silvestres con origen geográfico diverso. Dichas actividades son vitales para el posterior enriquecimiento y mantenimiento de la colección, unido a las diferentes formas de propagación sexual y asexual que garantizan la multiplicación del material y permiten crear nuevas fuentes de variabilidad y una vez establecida, se procede a su caracterización. Para esto se refieren un grupo de descriptores mínimos que pueden ser útiles para homogenizar estudios de este tipo a nivel internacional y para la confección de catálogos de cultivares, con gran demanda por parte de productores y especialistas. Para el manejo racional del germoplasma es necesario conocer la variabilidad existente; en este sentido, se recomiendan caracteres morfológicos altamente discriminativos así como marcadores moleculares AFLP y SSR, cuya combinación permite identificar accesiones y formar grupos de diversidad, no solo en guayabo sino también en otros representantes de Myrtaceae. Todo este análisis integral garantiza un proceso de selección más eficiente de genotipos promisorios para diferentes propósitos (mejoramiento, conservación y comercialización. Sobre esta base se recomiendan cruzamientos que pueden servir para la evaluación de híbridos con características comerciales deseables, además del desarrollo de un mapa de ligamiento genético y la asociación a QTLs, como primer paso para una futura selección asistida por marcadores. Se destaca también el papel del cultivo de tejidos, como método alternativo de conservación y para el mejoramiento del guayabo, a través de los principales resultados obtenidos en el

  2. La biotecnología como herramienta para la propagación, conservación y el mejoramiento genético del guayabo

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    Juliette Valdés-Infante Herrero


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Biotechnology as a tool for propagation, con­servation and genetic breeding in guava Resumen: Las técnicas biotecnológicas contribuyen positiva y significativamente en los programas de propagación, conservación y mejoramiento de las especies vegetales. Dentro de éstas, el cultivo de tejidos, el desarrollo de mapas de ligamientos genéticos y de QTLs y la detección de genes de interés han demostrado ser de gran utilidad para los mencionados propósitos. En este sentido, se estandarizó una técnica para la multiplicación in vitro de la forma silvestre de guayabo en tres fases de cultivo: establecimiento, multiplicación de propágulos y enraizamiento. La misma constituye una vía de utilidad para la propagación, la conservación de germoplasma y el mejoramiento genético en la especie. Además, se estandarizó un método de conservación a corto-mediano plazo. Por otra parte, se construyó un mapa de ligamiento genético para la especie empleando marcadores AFLP y SSR. Los 11 grupos del mapa de ligamiento genético y los 50 QTLs relacionados con caracteres vegetativos y de calidad interna y externa del fruto, constituyen el punto de partida para el clonaje de genes de interés agrícola y la implementación futura de la selección asistida por marcadores en el guayabo. De igual forma, las 176 secuencias candidatas a genes de resistencia (RGL y del desarrollo de la planta (MADS-box y HOMEO-box detectadas pueden ser de gran utilidad en la saturación del mapa de ligamiento referido, el estudio de la variabilidad presente en el cultivo, así como en la solución de problemas relacionados con el rendimiento, la producción y la resistencia a estrés biótico y abiótico. Palabras clave: in vitro; mapa de ligamiento; QTLs; RGL; genes del desarrollo;  guayabo Abstract: Biotechnologies contribute positively and signifi­cantly in the propagation, conservation and breeding programs of many plant species. From them, tissue


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    Josué Francisco Silva Junior


    Full Text Available La variabilidad en guayaba en las colecciones de germoplasma en Brasil es todavía bastante restricta, existiendo muchas "landraces" a ser recolectadas y caracterizadas. La necesidad de diversificar y aumentar la disponibilidad de genotipos productivos y de buena calidad, hizo con que el Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA introdujera en la "Chapada do Araripe", en la región semiárida del Estado de Pernambuco, una colección de germoplasma de guayabo conducida bajo régimen de sequío. La colección es constituida de 21 accesos (IPA B-22.1, IPA B-15.1, IPA B-14.3, IPA B-14.2, Patillo 1.1, Patillo 1.2, Patillo 1.3, Patillo 2.1, Patillo 2.3, Red Selection of Florida 1, Ruby Supreme.2, Ruby Supreme.3, Surubim.3, EEF.3, IPA B-38.3, IPA B-38.1, White Selection of Florida.1, White Selection of Florida.2, Pentecostes.3, Grande Vermelha.2 e Red Selection of Florida.2 originarios de varias partes de Brasil. Fueron observados descriptores de caracterización y evaluación. Debido a su rusticidad, el guayabo se adaptó a la "Chapada do Araripe" y la colección presentó una gran variabilidad entre las características evaluadas. Considerando la doble utilización de ese germoplasma, se constató que los accesos de pulpa roja para la agrindustria Patillo2.3, Ruby Supreme.3, e IPA B-15.1 se han destacado por sus buenas producciones y Red Selection of Florida.1, por aliar buena producción a frutos grandes y de pulpa espesa. Entre los accesos destinados exclusivamente al consumo in natura, se debe destacar la 'Grande Vermelha.2' por las mismas razones.

  4. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Guayabos Sheet N-15

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gancio, F.; Ford, I.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Guayabos) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils of Arapey, Guichon, Mercedes and Asencio formations in the Cretaceous period

  5. Estudio del comportamiento de la brotación foliar, la floración y la fructificación del cacao

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    Tovar Germán


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    Se estudiaron los ritmos de brotación foliar, floración y fructificación en una plantación joven de híbridos de cacao. La brotación foliar tuvo un comportamiento rítmico y la duración del ciclo del renuevo fue de, aproximadamente, ocho semanas. En algunos periodos la brotación apareció después de periodos de lluvia que siguieron a periodos marcados de sequia (1984. Sin embargo, en 1985 cuando la precipitación fue abundante a lo largo del año, el ritmo de la brotación fue sensiblemente igual la floración tuvo un comportamiento bimodal a lo largo del año, siendo más importante el pico del primer semestre. La formación de frutos tuvo una distribución normal a través del año y 1a mayor parte se forma en el segundo semestre. La tasa de cuajamiento de frutos fue mayor durante los meses de tendencia seca y, en general, aumenta cuando la floración declina.


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    Isabel del Socorro Masis Suazo


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó en la empresa Familiar Café El Golfo, ubicada en la comunidad Guayabo Central a 53 Kilómetros, sureste del Municipio de Siuna, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Norte (RACCN. Se orientó al análisis de estrategias de mercadotecnia que utilizan, describe lo que implementa la microempresa, identificó las oportunidades de mercado en este negocio y propone acciones estratégicas con relación a los factores que influyen en este campo. Es de carácter descriptivo con un enfoque cualitativo. Las técnicas que se utilizaron fueron: la entrevista individual a propietarios de la microempresa, comerciantes y consumidores. La observación directa, se realizó en el área de producción y almacenamiento del producto. De acuerdo a la información que se obtuvo mediante la aplicación de los instrumentos en contraste con la teoría, se considera, que la microempresa Familiar Café El Golfo hace uso de estrategias de mercadotecnia, pero no en su totalidad. Las propiedades físicas de este producto, prometen excelente oportunidades de mercado; sin embargo, es necesario que la empresa complemente otras estrategias de mercadotecnia a las que implementan por el negocio. Con respecto a las acciones estratégicas propuestas, estas servirán como una herramienta para el aumento de las ventas en la comercialización de su producto. Summary The research was conducted in the family business “Cafe El Golfo”, located in the Guayabo Central community at 53 kilometers southeast of the municipality of Siuna, Autonomous Region of the North Caribbean Coast (RACCN. It was oriented to the analysis of the marketing strategies they employ; it also describes the actions implemented by the microenterprise, it identifies the market opportunities in this business and proposes strategic actions in relation to the factors influencing this field. The study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The techniques that were used: individual interviews to

  7. Anatomía foliar y caulinar de Stemodia hassleriana (Scrophulariaceae, una especie endémica del Paraguay Foliar and caulinar anatomy of Stemodia hassleriana (Scrophulariaceae, a species endemic to Paraguay

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    María de las Mercedes Sosa


    Full Text Available Se estudia la anatomía foliar y caulinar de Stemodia hassleriana Chodat, especie endémica del Paraguay. Esta especie se distingue de las restantes Stemodia del Paraguay por presentar el tallo con colénquima y seis costillas notorias. Se describe y compara la estructura anatómica de la hoja y el tallo con la de otras especies del género. Se ilustran algunos caracteres útiles para su reconocimiento.Foliar and caulinar anatomy of Stemodia hassleriana Chodat, a species endemic to Paraguay is studied. This species is distinguished from the remaining species of Stemodia from Paraguay since it presents the stems with collenchyma and six notorious ribs. Stem and leaves anatomical structures are described and compared with other species of the genus. Some useful characters for the recognition of this species are illustrated.

  8. Efecto de la sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis sobre la fotosíntesis y transpiración foliar del banano (Musa sp. AAA, cv. Valery

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    Martín Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de relacionar el ataque de la Sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis con las tasas fotosintética y de transpiración foliares, se sembraron rebrotes del tercer ciclo de producción de una plantación del cv. Valery en potes plásticos de 4 litros. Las plantas se mantuvieron dentro de un invernadero a humedad relativa y temperatura del 90% y 27°C, respectivamente. Al emitir 6 hojas, las 4 más jóvenes fueron inoculadas con conidios de M. fijiensis a partir de cultivos monospóricos de aislamientos silvestres. Dos riegos diarios por aspersión mantuvieron una película de agua sobre las hojas. Se aplicó una suspensión de 150000 conidios ml-1 sobre el envés de las hojas utilizando un aerógrafo, en 2 fechas con un intervalo de 30 días entre ellas, para obtener diferentes grados de severidad y estadios de la enfermedad en hojas de diferentes edades. Tanto la determinación visual del porcentaje de severidad como la del estadio de desarrollo de la enfermedad, fueron llevadas a cabo en los 6,25 cm2 del área foliar cubierta por la cubeta del medidor infrarrojo de gases, utilizado para determinar las tasas fotosintéticas y transpiratorias foliares. La tasa fotosintética neta foliar (Fn; μmoles de CO2 reducidos por m2 s-1 decayó con el incremento del porcentaje de severidad (Fn=-0,1517 x+6,845; R2=0,72 y el estadio de la enfermedad (Fn=-1,62 x+8,36; R2=0,60. El impacto del patógeno sobre la tasa transpiratoria foliar (E; mmoles de agua m-2 s-1 fue relativamente menor, como lo mostró la regresión de E contra el porcentaje de severidad (E=-0,0122 x+2,429; R2=0,11

  9. Anatomía foliar y del pecíolo de cuatro especies de Lupinus (Fabaceae Foliar and petiole anatomy of four species of Lupinus (Fabaceae

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    Juan Francisco Zamora-Natera


    Full Text Available Se describe y compara la anatomía foliar y del pecíolo de 4 especies del género Lupinus (L. aschenbornii S.Schauer, L. exaltatus Zucc., L. montanus Kunth y L. reflexus Rose que se distribuyen en un gradiente altitudinal en el Parque Nacional Nevado de Colima. Las hojas se fijaron en campo y se procesaron mediante la técnica de inclusión en parafina. Parte de las láminas se deshidrataron para caracterizar la superficie foliar por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido. Las especies comparten la epidermis papilosa de paredes anticlinales con diferentes grados de ondulación, estomas anomocíticos, tricomas simples lineares y mesofilo bifacial. Los folíolos de L. montanus son glabros en la superficie abaxial, las estrías cuticulares sobre las células localizadas en la base de los tricomas es un rasgo característico de L. montanus y de L. reflexus. Las diferencias encontradas en espesor de la lámina y del mesofilo así como la abundancia de ceras epicuticulares pueden estar influenciadas por el ambiente. Distintivamente, el número y distribución de haces vasculares en los pecíolos difieren entre las 4 especies y podrían ser de utilidad para diferenciarlas si estos resultados se confirman al estudiar un mayor número de especies de Lupinus.The aims of this study were to describe and compare the foliar and petiole anatomy of 4 species of Lupinus (L. aschenbornii S.Schauer, L. exaltatus Zucc., L. montanus Kunth, and L. reflexus Rose distributed in an elevation gradient at Parque Nacional Nevado de Colima. Leaves were fixed in the field and prepared using the paraffin embedding technique. In addition, part of the blades was dehydrated to describe leaf surface through the scanning electron microscope. The 4 species shared a papillose epidermis with undulated anticlinal walls in different degrees, stomata anomocytic, simple unicellular trichomes, and bifacial mesophyll. Leaflets of L. montanus are glabrous on the abaxial surface

  10. Efecto del uso predominante de fungicidas sistémicos para el control de Sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella Fijiensis Morelet en el área foliar del banano

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    MSc. José Quevedo Guerrero


    Full Text Available Sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerellafijiensis Morelet,enfermedad que afecta la capacidad fotosintética de la planta de banano en zonas donde la humedad relativa es alta, y favorece sudesarrollo, hacendel sur del Guayas y del norte de la provincia de El Oro, sus hábitats favoritos, han llevado a los productores al uso indiscriminado de los fungicidas existentes en el mercado. Actualmente existen estrategias de control con el uso de fungicidas protectantes y sistémicos que contribuyen a disminuir los daños ocasionados por este hongo. Este trabajo plantea analizar la eficiencia de los fungicidas más usados comúnmente por los productores en cuatro fincas bananeras para estimar su eficiencia mediante el preaviso biológico en plantas prontas a la floración, utilizando un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con pruebas de Tukey al 0.05 de confiabilidad. Los resultados indicaron que las fincas San Andrés 1-2 y San Andrés 3 ubicadas en la zona Balao, y que usaron en sus programas de control de Sigatoka negra fungicidas protectantes y sistémicos en rotación y mezcla, además de aplicaciones de abonos foliares, presentaron valores estadísticamente diferentes a las otras fincas que aplicaron una mayor cantidad de ciclos con fungicidas sistémicos. Las fincas Elizabeth 2 y La Italia presentaron estados evolutivos más altos en las hojas más jóvenes y una emisión foliar más lenta. Se puede concluir que las fincas San Andrés 1-2 y San Andrés 3 mostraron diferencias significativas en el número de hojas sanas a la cosecha, estados evolutivos y emisión foliar, con un mejor estado fitosanitario.

  11. Área foliar del yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poep. & Endl. H. Rob. estimada mediante método indirecto.

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    Juan Francisco Seminario-Cunya


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el área foliar de ocho morfotipos de yacón mediante análisis de regresión lineal simple. La investigación se realizó entre los años 2014 y 2015, en el Programa de Raíces y Tubérculos Andinos de la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, Perú (7° 10’ 00’’ S, 78° 30’00’’ W, 2650 msnm. Se tomaron cien hojas de cada morfotipo, incluyendo hojas de los estratos basal, medio y terminal de plantas en plena oración. Las siluetas de las hojas frescas se dibujaron en papel y se midió el largo (L y ancho mayor de la lámina (W. El área medida (o real de la lámina se determinó con planímetro digital. Con el área medida (variable dependiente y los valores de largo, ancho, largo al cuadrado, ancho al cuadrado, largo x ancho y largo/ancho (como variables independientes, se realizó el análisis de regresión para cada morfotipo. En todos los morfotipos, excepto en dos, las mejores ecuaciones para estimar el área foliar, fueron aquellas en donde intervino el producto de L x W. La ecuación A= 20,41 + 0,4167 (L x W (r2 = 0,89 permitió estimar el área foliar de los ocho morfotipos en conjunto. El área del peciolo de los morfotipos en estudio signi có 15%, respecto del área total de la hoja.

  12. Estimación del área y del peso seco foliar en Elaeis guineellsis, Elaeis oleifera y el hibrido interespecifico E. Guineensis x E. Oleífera

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    Contreras Angela P.


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    Este trabajo se planteo can la finalidad de determinar modelos estadísticos que permitan estimar el área y el peso foliar a través de métodos indirectos (no destructivos en Elaeis guineensis (Palma africana, Elaeis oleifera (Palma Noli, y el hibrido interespecifico E. guineensis X E. oleifera (Afrieana X Noli . Los experimentos de campo se efectuaron en las Haciendas Santa Bárbara y Chaparral-Cuernavaca, de la plantación Unipalma, ubicadas en la zona palmera de los llanos orientales en Colombia. Como resultado de la investigación, se obtuvo la validación del modelo propuesto por Corley et a1. (1971 y la innovación y ajuste de nuevos modelos que estiman los parámetros de crecimiento sin necesidad de muestreos destructivos. Los modelos propuestos en este trabajo, están ajustados a las condiciones del trópico colombiano.


    Palabras claves: Palma de aceite, área foliar, peso foliar, parámetros de crecimiento.


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    Enrique Quevedo García


    Full Text Available Abstract. A study was conducted to determine the variables that estimated the leaf limbo area and the leaf limbo dry weight of peach Prunus persica (L. Batsch cv. Jarillo. Fifty leaves, aged 2.5 months, were selected and measured: leaf limbo length and width, petiole length, leaf length, petiole diameter, leaf limbo fresh weight, petiole fresh weight, leaf fresh weight, leaf limbo dry weight, petiole dry weight, leaf dry weight, length/width limbo, petiole length/limbo length and leaf limbo area. The results allowed to obtain regression equations for estimating the leaf area and the limbo dry weight. Using the lineal models LA = b1 + b2 (LLL x LLW and LA= b1+ b2LLL + b3LLW a leaf area equation was determined. Alternative models to calculate limbo dry weight were evaluated LLDW = -b1+ b2 LLFW and LLDW= - b1 + b2LLL + b3PL. The best equations found with an R2 of 0.99 were LA = 1.572 + 0.65169(LLL x LLW, LA=-23.106+2.8064LLW + 3.6761LLL and LLDW = -0.002+0.401(LLFW.Resumen. Se realizó un estudio para determinar las variables que estimaran el área del limbo foliar y el peso seco del limbo de durazno Prunus persica (L. Batsch cv. Jarillo. Se seleccionaron cincuenta hojas con 2,5 meses de edad, fueron medidos: ancho del limbo, longitud del limbo, longitud del peciolo, longitud hoja, diámetro peciolo, peso fresco del limbo, peso fresco del peciolo, peso fresco de la hoja, peso seco del limbo, peso seco peciolo, peso seco de la hoja, longitud /ancho limbo, longitud del peciolo/longitud del limbo, área foliar del limbo. Los resultados alcanzados permitieron obtener ecuaciones de regresión para estimar el área foliar del limbo y el peso seco del limbo. Se halló una ecuación para la determinación del área foliar del limbo con los modelos lineales LA = b1 + b2 (LLL x LLW y LA= b1 + b2LLL + b3LLW. También se evaluaron modelos alternativas para calcular el peso seco del limbo, LLDW = -b1+ b2LLFW y LLDW= - b1 + b2LLL + b3PL. Las mejores ecuaciones

  14. Estimación de la biomasa foliar seca de Lippia graveolens Kunth del sureste de Coahuila

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    Eulalia Edith Villavicencio Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El orégano es un recurso forestal no maderable de importancia comercial, considerado como una especie aromática y culinaria que se aprovecha en las zonas semiáridas de Coahuila, con una producción mayor a 700 t anuales, y representa para el sector rural una opción productiva. Con el propósito de cuantificar el recurso y contribuir a regular su aprovechamiento, se determinaron las relaciones alométricas de individuos de orégano recolectados en 20 poblaciones naturales distribuidas en los municipios General Cepeda, Parras de la Fuente y Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, para seleccionar un modelo que estime la biomasa foliar seca (Bfs de la planta. A partir de un muestreo destructivo, se analizaron 706 plantas, de las cuales se obtuvo su altura total (At, diámetro mayor arbustivo (DM y diámetro menor arbustivo (Dm, diámetro promedio (Dp de la copa y biomasa foliar seca (Bfs. Con la prueba de correlación de Pearson se eligieron las variables más relacionadas con la Bfs , las cuales se emplearon para ajustar 10 modelos de regresión mediante el procedimiento PROC MODEL. El modelo seleccionado fue el de Schumacher-Hall Bfs 0.00599(Dp1.935454(At0.256803por registrar valores superiores de R2aju (0.80 y el menor valor en la raíz del cuadrado medio del error (RCME, 0.304, considerando la significancia de sus parámetros (p≤ 0.0001, a partir de este se elaboró una tabla de doble entrada que estima la Bfs de las plantas.

  15. Evaluación de fertilizantes foliares sobre la producción en café (Coffea arabica L.)


    Omar A. Sosa-M.; Alveiro Salamanca-J.


    En  la subestación experimental Paraguaicito de Cenicafé, ubicada en el municipio de Buenavista, departamento del Quindío,  se  realizó un ensayo con  fertilizantes  foliares, en café variedad Colombia de 24 meses de edad, con una distancia de siembra de 2 x 1 m. Las aplicaciones foliares se realizaron 58 ý 88 días después del pico de floración principal, con el fin de evaluar su efecto sobre la producción, el factor de conversión y el rendimiento en  trilla. Los  fertilizantes  foliares util...

  16. Dinámica del daño foliar en plántulas de Drimys granadensis (Winteraceae y Clusia multiflora (Clusiaceae en el bosque altoandino de la Cordillera Oriental colombiana

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    Carolina Ramos


    Full Text Available Además de las estrategias fitoquímicas especializadas, las plantas pueden usar la producción sincrónica de hojas como un método de saciado de patógenos y herbívoros. Con el fin de determinar si las especies del bosque altoandino colombiano Clusia multiflora (Clusiaceae y Drimys granadensis (Winteraceae recurren a la producción sincrónica de hojas para controlar los efectos de la herbivoría y el ataque microbiano, y establecer que relación existe entre el estado de salud, el crecimiento y la mortalidad de plántulas, se evaluó la dinámica del daño foliar sobre diferentes cohortes. Dado que una plántula tolerante a la sombra recientemente emergida no puede suplir los costos fisiológicos de una estrategia especializada, se esperaba una alta sincronía en la producción de hojas en las plántulas más jóvenes, y diferencias en el daño foliar entre cohortes. Se midieron cuatro variables que evaluaban el estado de salud a lo largo del tiempo, en tres cohortes de plántulas: Proporción de hojas predadas, proporción de hojas sanas, proporción de hojas enfermas o con daño puntual y crecimiento. Ambas especies mostraron diferencias significativas entre épocas, en la proporción de hojas sanas; pero no hubo un efecto de la interacción tiempo-cohorte, por lo tanto la producción sincrónica de hojas no fue una estrategia más usada por alguna cohorte en particular. El daño foliar osciló a través del tiempo, lo cual puede ser explicado por los pulsos en la producción de hojas. Sin embargo, ésta estrategia tuvo poca eficiencia para controlar el ataque por patógenos. En general, el comportamiento unificado de todas las variables fue afectado por la cohorte, el tiempo, la especie y todas las diferentes interacciones. La relación entre crecimiento y daño foliar fue condicionado por el clima. La mayor mortalidad se dio durante la estación seca, y un cuarto de las muertes en D. granadensis fueron causadas por la acción conjunta de

  17. Sistema integrado de recomendación y diagnosis: una alternativa para la interpretación de resultados del análisis foliar en café Diagnosis and recommendation integrated systems (dris: an alternative for interpretation of results of foliar analysis in coffee

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    Arboleda V. Celso


    Full Text Available Con el fin de proveer otras alternativas de interpretación de resultados del análisis foliar en café, diferente a la tabla
    de contenido "normal", se aplicó la metodología SIRD (Sistema Integrado de Recomendación y Oiagnosis5 a la información proveniente de un experimento con N-P-K,
    factorial de 33 realizado en CENICAFE, Colombia. Los nutrimentos incluidos en el análisis foliar y su interpretación fueron N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe y B. Por primera vez, con fines de diaqnóstico , se obtuvo la tabla de normas SIRD para café con base en una producción de 2.750 Kg de c.p.s/ha que
    incluye 1036 análisis foliares, para un total de 28 relaciones binarias de cociente entre los 8 nutrimentos mencionados. SI RO presentó la interpretación de resultados del análisis
    foliar en forma más clara que los elaborados con la Tabla de Contenido "normal", pues agrupó en orden de importancia en las necesidades del cultivo, todos los elementos nutritivos estudiados. Los diagnósticos elaborados mediante SIRD fueron válidos, pues al seguir su recomendación se observó respuesta tanto en la composición interna de la planta como en la producción de café. El calcio, según el enfoque SIRD, se mostró como un elemento potencialmente limitante de la producción en la zona donde se analizó la validez del enfoque. La suma en valor absoluto de los indicadores SIRD, llamados Indice de Balance Nutricional, presentó correlación negativa y altamente significativa para los análisis foliares correspondientes a los meses de mayo.Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated Systems (DRIS norms were developed for the interpretation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and B contents of coffee (Coffea arabica L. leaves, obtained from a N-P-K factorial experiment at two different locations of the Colombian Coffee Zone. For diagnostic purposes of coffee nutrition this is the first time a DRIS norm is derived. The DRIS approach allows a better


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Cuantificaciones del área foliar en plantas son importantes en estudios de daños ocasionados por enfermedades, por lo tanto su determinación requiere el uso de equipamientos que no siempre se encuentran disponibles para todos. La utilización de determinaciones indirectas, como el peso de materia fresca o seca podría ayudar en este proceso. En este trabajo, se evaluó la relación entre el peso de hojas y área foliar, a partir de plantas recolectadas en el estadío R7.1, en 64 parcelas de campo con el cultivar de soja Nidera 5909 RG. El peso fresco fue medido luego de la colecta, el peso seco después de 48 horas de incubación a 65° C y el área foliar a través de un integralizador digital Licor. Fueron obtenidas ecuaciones significativas (p < 0.0001 e R2 de 0.74 a 0.97 para cada estrato y para la planta entera. Para la media de la planta, la relación de área foliar fue de y = 45.53 x + 19.03 para peso fresco e y = 176.17 x – 75.30 para peso seco. Esta herramienta se presenta potencialmente viable para estimar el área foliar de la planta. La utilización del peso seco es mas trabajosa, más no requiere pesaje de las hojas inmediatamente después de su colecta. La utilización futura de esta herramienta requiere estudios adicionales con otros cultivares a fin de verificarse si el comportamiento es similar.

  19. Bioconcentraciones foliares de elementos minerales en Lippia alba (salvia morada)


    Schroeder, María A; Burgos, Ángela M


    Introducción: la salvia morada es un subarbusto aromático, que crece de modo espontáneo en América Central y del Sur. Frecuentemente es cultivada en jardines como ornamental, por su intenso aroma y sus propiedades medicinales y culinarias. No se encontraron estudios sobre parámetros nutricionales en esta especie. Objetivos: determinar las bioconcentraciones foliares de elementos minerales en Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson que crece naturalmente en el bioambiente del nort...

  20. Probability of foliar injury for Acer sp. based on foliar fluoride concentrations. (United States)

    McDonough, Andrew M; Dixon, Murray J; Terry, Debbie T; Todd, Aaron K; Luciani, Michael A; Williamson, Michele L; Roszak, Danuta S; Farias, Kim A


    Fluoride is considered one of the most phytotoxic elements to plants, and indicative fluoride injury has been associated over a wide range of foliar fluoride concentrations. The aim of this study was to determine the probability of indicative foliar fluoride injury based on Acer sp. foliar fluoride concentrations using a logistic regression model. Foliage from Acer nedundo, Acer saccharinum, Acer saccharum and Acer platanoides was collected along a distance gradient from three separate brick manufacturing facilities in southern Ontario as part of a long-term monitoring programme between 1995 and 2014. Hydrogen fluoride is the major emission source associated with the manufacturing facilities resulting with highly elevated foliar fluoride close to the facilities and decreasing with distance. Consistent with other studies, indicative fluoride injury was observed over a wide range of foliar concentrations (9.9-480.0 μg F -  g -1 ). The logistic regression model was statistically significant for the Acer sp. group, A. negundo and A. saccharinum; consequently, A. negundo being the most sensitive species among the group. In addition, A. saccharum and A. platanoides were not statistically significant within the model. We are unaware of published foliar fluoride values for Acer sp. within Canada, and this research provides policy maker and scientist with probabilities of indicative foliar injury for common urban Acer sp. trees that can help guide decisions about emissions controls. Further research should focus on mechanisms driving indicative fluoride injury over wide ranging foliar fluoride concentrations and help determine foliar fluoride thresholds for damage.


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    Ana Teresa Jaramillo-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se describen las características anatómicas y morfológicas de la hojas compuestas deAlvaradoaamorphoidesLiebm.procedentede una selva baja caducifolia ubicada en el municipio deTlaquiltenango, Morelos, México. Las hojas se fijaron y se prepararon para obtener secciones transversales, longitudinales yparadermalesen un criostatoLeicaa -20°C. Se tiñeron con safranina-azulalcianoy azul de toluidina; se deshidrataron y montaron con resina. Se siguieron los protocolos dediafanizaciónpara describir la arquitectura foliar. Para las descripciones anatómicas y morfológicas se midieron: los pecíolos ypeciólulos, la lámina, los pelos, las células epidérmicas y los parénquimas en empalizada y esponjoso. A los caracteres mensurables se les aplicaron los siguientes análisis: de varianzas de una vía o en su caso pruebas no paramétricas. Se registraron datos deΨxy valores de conductancia estomática. Los resultados muestran: hojas compuestas y pubescentes imparipinnadas confilotaxishelicoidal, con venaciónbroquidódromafestonada. Hojasbifaciadashipostomáticas, con estomasanomocíticosy hundidos en cámaras pre-estomáticas con células epidérmicas modificadas en papilas. Elpecióluloes móvil, presenta parénquima cortical con drusas y depósitos de origenpolifenólico. Los valores deΨhfueron del orden de -3.29 y -2.01MParegistrados en junio y septiembre respectivamente. Se observó que aunque la morfología de la epidermis y el movimiento foliar reducen el área de exposición de la hoja a la radiación solar directa, los espacios intercelulares delmesófilopermiten el desarrollo de unainterfaselíquido-vapor que logra valores hasta de 313mmol/m2sdegsen promedio, lo que sugiere el continuo abastecimientode una capa límite que evita un posible sobrecalentamiento de las hojas.


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    Róger Fallas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis de los resultados de análisis foliares del cultivo de la papa, procesados en el Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas de la Universi - dad de Costa Rica (LSF-CIA/UCR durante el 2006 al 2012. También, mediante diferentes fuen - tes de la literatura, se recopilaron los niveles crí - ticos foliares (NC establecidos para el cultivo de la papa en diferentes regiones del mundo. Con esa información, se comparó el porcentaje de mues - tras analizadas en Costa Rica que se encontraban por debajo de los niveles críticos reportados. Se encontraron concentraciones por debajo del nivel crítico, en una gran cantidad de muestras, para los elementos B, Ca y Mg, según el criterio de NC utilizado en la interpretación de los resultados (mínimo o promedio de la literatura.

  3. Respuesta de plántulas de café a la fertilización foliar y la aplicación de pulpa de café compostada.

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    Posada Tobón Claudia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la respuesta de plántulas de café a la aplicación de fertilizantes foliares y compost de pulpa de café como parte del sustrato de crecimiento. Las plántulas de café (Coffea arabica L c.v. Colombia se transplantaron a bolsas plásticas que contenían suelo (Typic Dystrudept o una mezcla suelo con pulpa (suelo+pulpa en proporción 3:1. Treinta días después del trasplante las plántulas de café recibieron uno de cinco fertilizantes foliares (16-16-2-EM, 18-10-4-EM, 10-4-7-0.5, 12-60-0 y 7.5-0.5-3.5. Las aplicaciones se repitieron cada treinta días durante los siguientes cinco meses. Para ambos sustratos (suelo y suelo+pulpa se incluyeron testigos sin fertilización foliar. Los tratamientos se organizaron en un diseño experimental completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento. Mensualmente se evaluó el número de hojas y la altura de las plantas. Ciento ochenta días después del trasplante se cosecharon las plántulas y se determinó la masa seca aérea y radical. Los resultados indican que solamente hubo respuesta significativa (P  0.01 de las plántulas de café a la fertilización foliar cuando el sustrato fue suelo+pulpa. El fertilizante foliar 12-60-0 incrementó significativamente el crecimiento de las plantas por encima de los otros fertilizantes. Los resultados son discutidos en términos de los cambios en la fertilidad del suelo debido a la aplicación de la pulpa de café y al balance nutricional que pueden proveer los fertilizantes foliares.

  4. Caracterización química y evaluación de la actividad antifúngica del aceite esencial foliar de Lippia alba contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Alexander Pérez Cordero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar y evaluar in vitro la eficiencia del aceite esencial foliar de Lippia alba contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Se extrajo el aceite esencial a partir de las hojas mediante el método de hidrodestilación asistida por microondas (MWHD y se identificaron sus metabolitos mediante una cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC/MS. La evaluación in vitro se realizó empleando 4 concentraciones del aceite esencial (500, 1000, 3000 y 10000 ppm diluidas en acetona; se utilizó un control positivo con Benomil 1 g/L, un control negativo con acetona y un testigo absoluto; la eficiencia del aceite se midió mediante el porcentaje de índice antifúngico (%I.A. El componente mayoritario en el aceite esencial fue el citral (34.62 a 40.03% y que el mayor %I.A se encontró a la concentración de 10000 ppm (97.8%, muy similar a la del Benomil (100%. Lo anterior demostraría la eficacia del aceite esencial de L. alba para controlar a C. gloeosporioides, y su posible uso como fungicida biológico.

  5. Effects of light availability and growth rate on leaf lifespan of four temperate rainforest Proteaceae Efectos de la luminosidad y de las tasas de crecimiento sobre longevidad foliar de cuatro Proteáceas del bosque templado lluvioso

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    de la longevidad foliar, y también los vínculos con otros rasgos foliares. Sin embargo, una teoría comprensiva de la longevidad foliar aún no emerge de dichos estudios. El efecto de las tasas de crecimiento sobre el autosombramiento podría ser determinante en la variación tanto intra- como interespecífica en la longevidad foliar. De ser así, se esperaría que la longevidad foliar de las especies heliófitas, de crecimiento rápido, respondiera más marcadamente a la luminosidad que la de las especies tolerantes a la sombra, de crecimiento lento. Medimos crecimiento en altura, sobrevivencia foliar y producción de nuevas hojas, en árboles juveniles de cuatro Proteáceas Chilenas, con el objetivo de explorar los efectos de la luminosidad y del autosombramiento sobre la longevidad foliar. La longevidad foliar mostró una relación inversa con la disponibilidad de luz difusa, y la pendiente de esta relación fue más elevada en dos especies heliófitas (Embothrium coccineum, Lomatia hirsuta que en dos especies más tolerantes a la sombra (Lomatia ferruginea, Gevuina avellana. Dicho patrón mostró cierta simetría con la variación interespecífica en el efecto de la luminosidad sobre el crecimiento en altura, ya que el crecimiento de las dos especies heliófitas respondió más notoriamente a la luminosidad que el crecimiento de L. ferruginea y G. avellana. Un análisis de vías sugirió que la luminosidad influyó en la longevidad foliar principalmente por el efecto del crecimiento sobre el autosombramiento: cuando la tasa de producción de nuevas hojas se mantuvo constante mediante la regresión múltiple, la luminosidad en sí no tuvo efecto significativo sobre la longevidad foliar de ninguna de las cuatro especies. Sin embargo, entre 29 y 79 % de la variación intraespecífica en la longevidad foliar no pudo explicarse por la luminosidad o la tasa de producción foliar. Si el autosombramiento efectivamente es el principal determinante inmediato de la



    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete; Alejandra Herrera-Barrantes


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas), silicio foliar, silicio fol...


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    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  8. Pérdida de pubescencia foliar y sus efectos fisiológicos en Espeletia paipana(Asterales, Asteraceae, en el departamento de Boyacá-Colombia

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    Sindy Buitrago


    Full Text Available Espeletia paipanaes una roseta caulescente gigante en peligro de extinción, endémica del departamento de Boyacá. Con el fin de establecer si una enfermedad en la planta, atribuida a la acción patogénica de microorganismos endófitos y caracterizada por la pérdida de pubescencia foliar (PPF, puede ser causante de la acelerada mortandad poblacional, se evaluó el desempeño fisiológico de la especie con y sin PPF. La incidencia (% de hojas afectadas por cada uno de los 27 individuos de la población actual y severidad (% de área foliar afectada en 135 hojas de la PPF fueron monitoreadas durante un periodo de nueve meses, en tres zonas topográficas a diferentes altitudes. Parámetros fisiológicos como conductancia estomática (Gs y temperatura foliar (Tfol e índice de contenido de clorofila (ICC fueron medidos en hojas sanas y enfermas durante cuatro días consecutivos, tanto en la época seca como en la época húmeda. El estudio fue complementado con aislamientos y pruebas de patogenici-dad para identificar el agente causal de la PPF. En general, aunque la incidencia de la enfermedad en E. paipanafue constante a lo largo del tiempo, la severidad avanzó superando el 60 % del área foliar. El aumento de la severidad en el haz fue atribuido al efecto foto-oxidativo de las altas radiaciones entre las 11:00 y14:00 h. La reducción del área foliar funcional a causa de la PPF, llevó a una baja Gs con serias implicaciones en la fijación de carbono, y por tanto limitando el crecimiento y la renovación de biomasa. El efecto estacional en la Tfol varió de acuerdo con la zona topográfica, mientras que el ICC no presentó un patrón definido con relación a la PPF; sus valores bajos podrían estar relacionados con la producción de otros pigmentos. Finalmente, aunque no es posible asegurar que Botrytissp. es el causante de la pérdida de pubescencia foliar, se postula como el agente causal más probable debido a su alta representatividad en

  9. Modelo para estimar a área foliar de Combretum leprosum Mart.

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    Willame dos Santos Candido


    Full Text Available Combretum leprosum Mart. -Combretaceae es un arbusto utilizado en la medicina popular del noreste de Brasil como antiulceroso, antihemorrágica y antinociceptiva. En este estudio se desarrolló un modelo para el cálculo de área foliar de Combretum leprosum usando mediciones lineales de longitud (C y ancho máximo (L de la hoja. Se recolectaron 200 láminas de hojas de una población de C. leprosum nativo en un área de conservación de la Caatinga en el campus de la Universidad Federal Rural de la Semi árido en Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte. Las hojas se obtuvieron de árboles adultos y el área foliar se midió utilizando un integrador (LI-3100, LI-COR. El análisis de regresión se hizo con el programa SAEG. Para estimar el área foliar de C. leprosum se puede utilizar la ecuación lineal simple de regresión A = 0.7103 x (C x L, que es equivalente a tomar 71.03% de los productos de la longitud a lo largo de la nervadura central y el ancho máximo, con un coeficiente de determinación de 0.952617.

  10. Foliar Epidermal Studies of Plants in Euphorbiaceae

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    H. A. Thakur


    Full Text Available This paper describes foliar epidermal structure in 17 species belonging to 17 genera of the family Euphoprbiaceae. Anomocytic stomata is predominant, rarely they are anisocytic, paracytic on the same foliar surface with different combinations. Leaves are hypostomatic and rarely amphistomatic. The foliar surface is smooth, rarely striated. The foliar epidermal cell walls are straight or undulate. Distribution of stomata, stomatal index, stomatal frequency, stomatal size and other cell wall contours are described in detail.

  11. Evaluación de fertilizantes foliares sobre la producción en café (Coffea arabica L.

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    Omar A. Sosa-M.


    Full Text Available En  la subestación experimental Paraguaicito de Cenicafé, ubicada en el municipio de Buenavista, departamento del Quindío,  se  realizó un ensayo con  fertilizantes  foliares, en café variedad Colombia de 24 meses de edad, con una distancia de siembra de 2 x 1 m. Las aplicaciones foliares se realizaron 58 ý 88 días después del pico de floración principal, con el fin de evaluar su efecto sobre la producción, el factor de conversión y el rendimiento en  trilla. Los  fertilizantes  foliares utilizados  fueron: Úrea, MAP, Nitrato de Calcio  al 1%, KCl, Kelatex Calcio, Kelatex Magnesio al 0,25%, Borosol al 0,3%, Nitrato de potasio al 4%, Kelatex calcio (0,25% + Borosol (0,3% y Úrea  (1% + KCl  (0,25% + MAP  (1%. Los  resultados obtenidos no mostraron diferencias estadísticas sobre la producción de la primera cosecha de 2007, ya que la aplicación foliar de los fertilizantes no influyó sobre el factor de conversión, el cual presentó un valor promedio de 5,17, que se puede considerar aceptable con  respecto al promedio nacional. El  rendimiento en  trilla no presentó diferencias  significativas  entre  tratamientos,  aunque presentó un factor promedio de 88,68kg (cps; valor por debajo  de  la  línea de comercialización  nacional  que actualmente es de 92,8kg (cps.

  12. Respuestas foliares de Aristotelia chilensis (Molina Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae a la fragmentación del bosque maulino Leaf responses of Aristotelia chilensis (Molina Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae to the fragmentation of the Maulino forest

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    Full Text Available La fragmentación que ha sufrido el bosque nativo de Chile debido a la fuerte presión antrópica ha causado, además de la grave pérdida de habitat, la modificación del microclima de los parches de bosque remanente que alguna vez constituyeron un bosque continuo de especies nativas. Estos cambios generarían respuestas morfológicas, químicas y fisiológicas en plantas capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar respuestas a nivel de las hojas ante el aumento de radiación solar y disminución de agua en el suelo que ocurre al interior de los fragmentos. Para esto utilizamos a Aristotelia chilensis, especie que crece tanto en fragmentos como en bosque continuo, y comparamos parámetros relacionados a su morfología foliar en bosque y fragmentos y medimos su repercusión en la capacidad fotosintética de A. chilensis. En términos morfológicos, se observó una disminución del área foliar y del área foliar específica en los fragmentos, siendo 1,2 veces menor que en el bosque continuo. En los fragmentos, el grosor de la epidermis y del parénquima esponjoso son más de 1,3 veces mas gruesos que en el bosque continuo. El grosor del parénquima en empalizada, en cambio, no se vio modificado. La cantidad de nitrógeno en las hojas es 1,2 veces mayor en el bosque continuo que en los fragmentos, mientras que el contenido de carbono no varía. La conductancia estomática en el bosque continuo fue 1,5 veces mayor que en los fragmentos. Aristotelia chilensis responde morfológica y fisiológicamente ante los cambios abióticos generados por la fragmentación de los bosques, lo que le permite sobrevivir tanto en ambientes de baja luminosidad como el bosque continuo y en ambientes de alta luminosidad y bajo contenido hídrico como los fragmentos de bosque, manteniendo tasas fotosintéticas semejantes en ambos ambientesFragmentation of the Maulino forest implies significant habitat loss, as well as the

  13. Arquitectura y anatomía foliar del complejo Polypodium plesiosorum sensu Moran (Polypodiaceae

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    J. Daniel Tejero-Díez


    Full Text Available El complejo Polypodium plesisorum es un grupo de morfología heterogénea. Se estudió la arquitectura y anatomía foliar de 12 especies que constituyen el complejo de Polypodium plesiosorum reconocidas por Moran, y otras 23 especies de Polypodium (complejos P. dulce, P. polypodioides y P. vulgare sunsu Moran y géneros relacionados taxonómicamente (Goniophlebium, Phlebodium, Pleopeltis, Serpocaulon, Synammia con fines comparativos. Dos grupos de especies homogéneas fueron establecidos en el complejo P. plesisorum. Uno de ellos se reconoce por el tipo de anastomosis de las venas (tipo III: Polypodium conterminans (originalmente considerado en el grupo de P. dulce de venación libre según Moran, P. hispidulum, P. plesiosorum y P. rhodopleuron. El segundo grupo formado por Polypodium arcanum, P. castaneum, P. colpodes, P. eatonii y P. flagellare, se reconoce por el tipo de anastomosis de las venas (tipo IV y la forma en que se fusionan los cordones vasculares a lo largo del eje pecíoloraquis de la hoja. Los caracteres estudiados ayudaron a relacionar las especies restantes con otros grupos fuera del complejo estudiado.Architecture and leaf anatomy of the Polypodium plesiosorum sensu Moran complex (Polypodiaceae. The Polypodium plesisorum complex is a heterogeneous morphology group. We studied leaf architecture and anatomy of 12 species of this group, in addition to other 23 species of Polypodium (P. dulce, P. polypodioides and P. vulgare complex sensu Moran and related genera (Goniophlebium, Phlebodium, Pleopeltis, Serpocaulon, Synammia, for comparative purposes. Two homogeneous groups of species were established in P. plesiosorum complex. One of them is recognized based on the type of anastomosis of the veins (Type III: Polypodium conterminans (originally considered in the group of P. dulce with free venation by Moran, P. hispidulum, P. plesiosorum and P. rhodopleuron. The second group with Polypodium arcanum, P. castaneum, P. colpodes, P

  14. Influence of foliar fertilization on walnut foliar zinc levels and nut production in black walnut (United States)

    William R. Reid; Andrew L. Thomas


    The impact of foliar zinc fertilizer application on nut-bearing black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) trees was studied. Foliar sprays were applied three times per season on two cultivars during four growing seasons by wetting the foliage of the entire crown using a tank mix containing 500 ppm zinc, starting at leaf burst and continuing at 2 week intervals...

  15. Determinación del Área Foliar en Fotografías Tomadas con una Cámara Web, un Teléfono Celular o una Cámara Semiprofesional Leaf Area Measurement in Photographs Taken with a Webcam, a Cell Phone or a Semi Professional Camera

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    Natalia Rincón Guerrero


    Full Text Available Resumen. Las determinaciones de área foliar son muy usadas en investigación agrícola. Para su cuantificación existen equipos automáticos, pero costosos y de escasa disponibilidad. Para superar estos limitantes, en esta investigación se acoplaron el uso de cámaras digitales (de un teléfono celular, una cámara web o una cámara digital semiprofesional y un software libre para análisis de imágenes (ImageJ, con el fin de determinar el área foliar en forma simple, precisa y a bajo costo. Para estimar la sensibilidad de este sistema, en la primera prueba se compararon las áreas generadas por un medidor de área foliar y por las fotografías tomadas con tres tipos de cámara digital, sobre cuadrados de papel verde de áreas conocidas. En la segunda prueba se correlacionaron los valores de área foliar obtenidos con el medidor de área foliar y los obtenidos a partir del análisis de fotografías de hojas tomadas con las tres cámaras digitales, en cinco especies vegetales, que variaban en morfología y color de hojas. Los resultados indicaron coeficientes de correlación mayores a 0,99 entre los valores de área real de las piezas de papel y los valores de área estimados por el medidor de área foliar o de las fotografías. En la segunda prueba, las mediciones de area foliar obtenidas con el medidor de area foliar y con las cámaras digitales presentaron coeficientes de correlación muy altos (r=1. Los coeficientes de líneas de regresión entre las áreas del medidor de área foliar y de las fotografías del teléfono celular estuvieron entre 0,98 y 1,02, indicando una desviación máxima de 2% comparado con las mediciones del medidor de área foliar. Estos resultados sugieren una gama amplia de posibilidades para este sistema como herramienta para la investigación agrícola y biológica, debido a la disponibilidad de estos equipos que son de bajo costo, fáciles de usar y portátiles.Abstract. Leaf area is a plant trait widely assessed

  16. Foliar additional nutrition in the fruit growing field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soare, M.; Borlan, Z.; Gavriluta, I.; Budoi, G.; Marinca, C.; Bandu, G.G.


    This paper presents data concerning the influence of foliar application of some types of complex foliar fertilizers under the conditions of SCPP Caransebes (Caras-Severin district). The composition of these nutrients fulfils the nutritional needs of the fruit growing species on the fruit yield obtained in orchards. The application of different types of foliar nutrients on plants teguments resulted in some significant yield increases for the two species that were studied: apple and plum tree. The novelty of this paper is represented by the apparent degrees of productive use in yields of the macro and micronutrients from foliar fertilizers, as well as the productive use degrees of nutrients present in soil and of the nutrients applied in soil (we took into account the mean values for the studied years). The apparent degrees of productive use (in yield increases) of the nutrients from complex foliar fertilizers applied on apple-trees and plum-trees generally exceed 100 %. They determine high levels of productive use of the nutrients from soil and foliar nutrients applied. The experimental data emphasize the ecological protection effect of the supplementary foliar fertilization for the yield stimulation especially on soils with light texture and sloping soils. Refs. 6 (author)


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    Lina María Salazar Peláez


    Full Text Available La Sigatoka Negra, causada por el hongo Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, es considerada la enfermedad de mayor importancia económica para los cultivos de musáceas alimenticias. Su control, se fundamenta en la aplicación de fungicidas sintéticos, cuyo modo de acción viene siendo vulnerado por poblaciones del hongo. La presente investigación, ha explorado la posibilidad de desarrollar una estrategia de regulación biológica, basada en el estudio y manipulación de algunos de los factores bióticos y abióticos que interactúan en la filosfera de banano, con el objetivo de incrementar las poblaciones epifitas naturales de bacterias quitinolíticas y glucanolíticas, las cuales pueden afectar negativamente la germinación del patógeno. Con base en una fase previa a este estudio, en la cual se realizó una caracterización químico-microbiológica parcial de la filosfera de plantas de banano y plátano bajo condiciones del Urabá antioqueño (Colombia, se evaluaron 14 sustratos foliares, compuestos por quitina coloidal (QC [4 %], harina de cebada (HC [2,5 %] y urea (U [1 %], solas ó en combinación, los cuales siempre estuvieron acompañados de una solución mineral base y una solución adherente-dispersante. Aquellos sustratos a base de HC y U, produjeron los mayores incrementos en las poblaciones de bacterias líticas epifitas, con recuentos superiores a las 10.000 veces, con respecto a sus poblaciones iniciales sobre hojas de banano del cultivar Gran Enano, y de hasta 8,6 y 15 veces mayores para las bacterias quitinolíticas y glucanolíticas respectivamente, con relación a la población en el tratamiento sin sustratos foliares. Se discute la influencia de la precipitación sobre las poblaciones de dichas bacterias líticas y la necesidad de ajustar una formulación que mejore las posibilidades de control sobre la sigatoka negra.Black Sigatoka, caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, is considered the economically most

  18. Estimativa da área foliar da berinjela em função das dimensões foliares

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    Fernando Dill Hinnah


    Full Text Available Este trabalho explora diferentes modelos não destrutivos de estimativa da área foliar de Solanum melongela L. através de medidas do comprimento (C e largura (L do limbo foliar. Para tanto, um cultivo de berinjela em estufa plástica foi conduzido no período de março a junho de 2007. Amostraram-se folhas de plantas em momentos aleatórios totalizando 186 folhas, sendo 98 utilizadas na estimativa dos parâmetros dos modelos e 88 para sua validação. As amostragens abrangeram amplo espectro de dimensões foliares, visando minimizar a raiz do quadrado médio do erro (RQME. Elas foram realizadas aos 71, 79, 81, 85, 92 e 99 dias após o transplante. Posteriormente obteve-se o maior número possível de discos foliares com o auxílio de um calador de 25 mm de diâmetro. Correlações foram realizadas entre a área foliar obtida pelo método dos discos com as dimensões lineares de L e C, o produto entre elas (CL e o quadrado do comprimento multiplicado pela largura (C²L. Análises de regressão para 20 modelos foram obtidas, entre quadráticos, exponenciais, lineares, logarítmicos e de potência, dos quais 12 apresentaram coeficiente de determinação (R² elevado. O modelo quadrático (Y = -5,78+0,4981CL-3,263.10-4CL² e o da potência (Y = 0,4395CL1,0055 apresentaram melhores estimativas, com R² de 0,964 para ambos e RQME de 33,2 e 34,4, respectivamente. Com a medida apenas de uma dimensão foliar, o modelo quadrático (Y = -63,5+10,492L+0,2822L²; R² = 0,937; RQME = 44,1 apresenta-se como alternativa, pouco afetando a precisão da estimativa.

  19. Caracteres diagnósticos foliares en táxones ibéricos de Isoetes L. (Isoetaceae, Pteridophyta

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    Rolleri, Cristina H.


    Full Text Available This is a comparative study of foliar morphology of the species of Isoetes L. growing in the Iberian Península. The taxa included are /. durieui and /. histrix (terrestrial, /. setaceum, and /. velatum subsp. Velatum (amphibious, and /. brochonii, I. echinosporum, I. x hickeyi, I. lacustre, I. longissimum and /. velatum subsp. Asturicense (aquatic. Material of an undescribed amphibious tetraploid taxon related to /. velatum was also included in this study and referred as Isoetes sp. until proper description. Several Iberian collections, together with European and American specimens of some of the taxa were analyzed. Selected diagnostic characters of the microphylls are: cuticular ornamentation (striae, ridges and warts, cuticular flanges, epidermal patterns, stomata distribution and dimensions, foliar transverse sectíons outline, degree of development of the mesophyll, presence or absence, and distribution of the mechanical tissues (collenchyma, diaphragms, and presence or absence and type of intercellular pectic protuberances. All characters are stable, and do not vary with the age of the plants or the microphylls. Cuticular striae, ridges and warts, as well as stomata develop early in plantlets. Stomata present in the microphylls of two aquatic taxa (/. longissimum, I. velatum subsp. asturicense suggest that their absence is not entirely due to influence of aquatic environment. Collenchyma occurs, also, in species growing in different habitats. Restored herbarium material proved to be as useful as fresh or fixed material, an important advantage in the case of Isoetes species, many of which grow in vulnerable áreas or are known only through herbarium specimens due to destruction of their pristine habitats.Se presenta un estudio de morfología foliar comparada en los táxones del género Isoetes que crecen en la Península Ibérica: /. durieui e /. histrix (terrestres, /. setaceum, I. velatum subsp. velatum (anfibios e /. brochonii, I

  20. Manutenção da área foliar e produtividade de arroz irrigado com a aplicação de fertilizantes foliares no estádio de emborrachamento Foliar area maintenance and yield with application of foliar fertilizers on booting stage of irrigated rice

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    Edinalvo Rabaioli Camargo


    Full Text Available A utilização de fertilizantes foliares, aplicados ao final do ciclo da cultura do arroz irrigado, pode proporcionar complementação nutricional para a planta e proteção contra patógenos com reflexos na produtividade. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a utilização de fertilizantes foliares, aplicados no estádio de emborrachamento, sobre a produtividade do arroz irrigado. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola 2005/2006, em área experimental de várzea do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por 10 fertilizantes foliares, dois produtos aplicados via sementes, um fungicida e a testemunha. Os fertilizantes não influenciaram qualquer parâmetro avaliado. As condições climáticas e o manejo da adubação anterior à aplicação dos tratamentos foliares propiciaram condições favoráveis para o arroz expressar o seu potencial produtivo, em torno de 10.000kg ha-1. Neste nível de produtividade, os produtos utilizados não aumentaram a produtividade do arroz irrigado.The use of foliar fertilizers applied to the reproductive phase of rice can improve the plant nutrition and protect the field against foliar diseases with gains in yield. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the use of the foliar fertilizers applied to the booting stage in order to verify the irrigated rice yield. The experiment was carried out in 2005/06 in a lowland area in Santa Maria-RS, Brazil. The treatments, arranged in a randomized block design with four replications, were constituted by 10 foliar fertilizers available in the market, two products applied to seeds, a fungicide, and a check treatment. The treatments presented no effects on any of the variables studied. The suitable climatic conditions and the fertilizer management carried out before the application of the foliar treatments led to the

  1. Foliar absorption of 15N labeled urea by tea plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoshina, Tsuguo; Kozai, Shuji; Ishigaki, Kozo


    The effect of foliar application on the nitrogen nutrient status of tea shoots has been studied using 15 N labelled urea. Furthermore, the difference in nitrogen utilization by tea plant between foliar applied and top dressed nitrogen was investigated using 15 N labelled urea and ammonium sulfate. The foliar application of urea increased the amount of chlorophyll and total nitrogen in the new shoot, and the foliar application was more effective under shading condition. The urea sprayed upon old leaves prior to the opening of new leaf translocated to the new shoots. However, the foliar application after the opening of new leaf was more effective on nitrogen absorption by new shoots than one prior to that, and rather than top dressing for new shoots. It could be recognized that the foliar application of urea raises the nitrogen nutrient status of tea leaves in summer. (author)

  2. Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Craine, J M; Elmore, A J; Aidar, M P M


    Ratios of nitrogen (N) isotopes in leaves could elucidate underlying patterns of N cycling across ecological gradients. To better understand global-scale patterns of N cycling, we compiled data on foliar N isotope ratios (d15N), foliar N concentrations, mycorrhizal type and climate for over 11 00...

  3. Evaluación de minerales alumino silicatos de Norte de Santander para fabricar piezas cerámicas de gran formato


    Sandra Milena Rozo-Rincón; Jorge Sánchez-Molina; John Freddy Gelves-Díaz


    Se dan a conocer los resultados de la influencia del feldespato al ser mezclado con arcilla del área metropolitana de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia), en relación con las principales variables que son tenidas en cuenta a la hora de fabricar un producto cerámico tradicional de gran formato mediante técnica de conformado por extrusión. Los materiales empleados fueron arcillas provenientes de las formaciones León y Guayabo, y el feldespato del municipio de Sardinata, los cuales fueron estu...

  4. Descomposición foliar in situ de Heliconia marginata en un humedal herbáceo (Barlovento, Venezuela

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    Ruben Torres


    Full Text Available Los humedales herbáceos se encuentran entre los ecosistemas más productivos del planeta debido a procesos biogeoquímicos particulares originados por plantas emergentes, lo que se traduce en magnificación de la producción de biomasa viva y deposición continua de materia orgánica muerta. Se hizo un experimento de campo en un humedal herbáceo de la región de Barlovento para cuantificar el coeficiente de descomposición foliar de Heliconia marginata (Heliconiaceae en condiciones naturales.Heliconia marginataconforma una zona de vegetación monoespecífica a lo largo del borde suroeste del humedal. Se recolectaron hojas deH. marginata, las que una vez secas se colocaron en bolsas de descomposición y se incubaron in situ durante 68 días. A diferentes intervalos de tiempo se retiraron las bolsas para determinar el peso seco libre de cenizas. Simultáneamente se midieron algunas variables fisicoquímicas (pH, conductividad, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto y la profundidad del agua, las mismas no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los días transcurridos del experimento. La descomposición foliar deH. marginatamostró dos etapas: descomposición moderadamente rápida durante los primeros cuatro días, con un porcentaje de pérdida de 13% del peso seco libre de cenizas, y otra donde la descomposición ocurrió lentamente. El coeficiente de descomposición deH. marginatafue 0.0068 días-1, valor comparable con los de otras especies emergentes con coeficientes altos. La vida media (t50 o tiempo para la descomposición de 50% del material vegetal fue de 147 días, pero el periodo de incubación sólo comprendió lavado de material. Una fauna folívora y detritívora casi ausente hace suponer que las características estructurales deH. marginatadeterminan una descomposición y reciclado de materia orgánica lentos dentro del ecosistema.

  5. Estimativa da área foliar de nabo forrageiro em função de dimensões foliares

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    Alberto Cargnelutti Filho


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo para estimar a área foliar de nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg determinada por fotos digitais, em função do comprimento, ou da largura e/ou do produto comprimento vezes largura da folha. Aos 76 dias após a semeadura, foram coletadas 557 folhas da haste principal de 92 plantas, sendo mensurados o comprimento (C e a largura (L de cada folha, e calculado o produto comprimento × largura (C×L. Após, determinou-se a área foliar (Y, por meio do método de fotos digitais. Do total de folhas, separaram-se, aleatoriamente, 450 folhas para a construção de modelos do tipo quadrático, potência e linear de Y em função de C, da L, e/ou de C×L. 107 folhas foram usadas para a validação dos modelos. O modelo do tipo potência da área foliar obtida por meio do método de fotos digitais (Ŷ=0,6843x0,9221, R²=0,9862 em função do produto comprimento × largura é adequado para estimar a área foliar de nabo forrageiro.

  6. Anatomía foliar y caulinar en especies de Stemodia (Scrophulariaceae Foliar and caulinar anatomy in species of Stemodia (Scrophulariaceae

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    Maria De Las Mercedes Sosa


    Full Text Available Se describe la estructura anatómica foliar y caulinar en el género Stemodia. Son consideradas siete especies: S. ericifolia (Kuntze K. Schum., S. hyptoides Cham. & Schltdl., S. lanceolata Benth., S. lobelioides Lehm., S. palustris A. St.-Hil., S. stricta Cham. & Schltdl. y S. verticillata (Mill. Hassl. Se hallaron diferencias en la epidermis foliar, donde hay variación en el tipo de estomas y de tricomas, y en la forma de las papilas epidérmicas; también en la estructura del mesofilo. Se describen e ilustran cuatro tipos de tricomas considerando si son o no glandulares y el número de células que lo conforman. El estudio de la anatomía caulinar mostró diferencias en cuanto a la presencia de aerénquima cortical y de laguna medular, y el porcentaje de espacios en el aerénquima cortical.Comparative anatomical studies of the leaves and stems on the genus Stemodia are presented. Seven species are considered: S. ericifolia (Kuntze K. Schum., S. hyptoides Cham. & Schltdl., S. lanceolata Benth., S. lobelioides Lehm., S. palustris A. St.-Hil., S. stricta Cham. & Schltdl. and S. verticillata (Mill. Hassl. There are variation in the stomatal and trichome types, form of the papillae and mesophyll structure. Four trichome types are described and illustrated considering if they are glandular or non-glandular and the number of cells. The stems present a quite homogeneous anatomical structure. Some differences in the amount and distribution of the aerenchyma and the size of the intercellular spaces are observed.

  7. Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability (United States)

    Joseph M. Craine; Andrew J. Elmore; Marcos P. M. Aidar; Mercedes Bustamante; Todd E. Dawson; Erik A. Hobbie; Ansgar Kahmen; Michelle C. Mack; Kendra K. McLauchlan; Anders Michelsen; Gabriela Nardoto; Linda H. Pardo; Josep Penuelas; Peter B. Reich; Edward A.G. Schuur; William D. Stock; Pamela H. Templer; Ross A. Virginia; Jeffrey M. Welker; Ian J. Wright


    Ratios of nitrogen (N) isotopes in leaves could elucidate underlying patterns of N cycling across ecological gradients. To better understand global-scale patterns of N cycling, we compiled data on foliar N isotope ratios, foliar N concentrations, mycorrhizal type and climate for over 11 000 plants worldwide. Global-scale comparisons of other components of the N cycle...

  8. Estimating foliar nitrogen in Eucalyptus using vegetation indexes

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    Luiz Felipe Ramalho de Oliveira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Nitrogen (N has commonly been applied in Eucalyptus stands in Brazil and it has a direct relation with biomass production and chlorophyll content. Foliar N concentrations are used to diagnose soil and plant fertility levels and to develop N fertilizer application rates. Normally, foliar N is obtained using destructive methods, but indirect analyses using Vegetation Indexes (VIs may be possible. The aim of this work was to evaluate VIs to estimate foliar N concentration in three Eucalyptus clones. Lower crown leaves of three clonal Eucalyptus plantations (25 months old were classified into five color patterns using the Munsell Plant Tissue Color Chart. For each color, N concentration was determined by the Kjeldahl method and foliar reflectance was measured using a CI-710 Miniature Leaf Spectrometer. Foliar reflectance data were used to obtain the VIs and the VIs were used to estimate N concentrations. In the visible region, the relationship between N concentration and reflectance percentage was negative. The highest correlations between VIs and N concentrations were obtained by the Inflection Point Position (IPP, r = 0.97, Normalized Difference Red-Edge (reNDVI, r = 0.97 and Modified Red-Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (mNDI, r = 0.97. Vegetation indexes on the red edge region provided the most accurate estimates of foliar N concentration. The reNDVI index provided the best N concentration estimates in leaves of different colors of Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla × urophylla (R2 = 0.97 and RMSE = 0.91 g kg−1.

  9. Use of the radioisotopes in foliar fertilizing studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muraoka, T.; Boaretto, A.E.


    The utilization of the radioactive isotopes is studied to evaluate the efficiency of nitrogen in foliar fertilizers. One of the objectives was study the urea absorption via foliar in time function in sugar cane. The nitrogen 15 determination was done by mass spectrometer. (author)

  10. Diagnosing foliar nutrient dynamics of Eucalyptus grandis in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fertilisation is one of the most cost-effective methods of increasing and maintaining the productivity of Eucalyptus grandis plantations in South Africa. This silvicultural practice can be optimised by using the foliar nutrient ratios measured in plants at maximum growth as a guideline for fertiliser application. The foliar nutrient ...

  11. Phylogenetic Structure of Foliar Spectral Traits in Tropical Forest Canopies

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    Kelly M. McManus


    Full Text Available The Spectranomics approach to tropical forest remote sensing has established a link between foliar reflectance spectra and the phylogenetic composition of tropical canopy tree communities vis-à-vis the taxonomic organization of biochemical trait variation. However, a direct relationship between phylogenetic affiliation and foliar reflectance spectra of species has not been established. We sought to develop this relationship by quantifying the extent to which underlying patterns of phylogenetic structure drive interspecific variation among foliar reflectance spectra within three Neotropical canopy tree communities with varying levels of soil fertility. We interpreted the resulting spectral patterns of phylogenetic signal in the context of foliar biochemical traits that may contribute to the spectral-phylogenetic link. We utilized a multi-model ensemble to elucidate trait-spectral relationships, and quantified phylogenetic signal for spectral wavelengths and traits using Pagel’s lambda statistic. Foliar reflectance spectra showed evidence of phylogenetic influence primarily within the visible and shortwave infrared spectral regions. These regions were also selected by the multi-model ensemble as those most important to the quantitative prediction of several foliar biochemical traits. Patterns of phylogenetic organization of spectra and traits varied across sites and with soil fertility, indicative of the complex interactions between the environmental and phylogenetic controls underlying patterns of biodiversity.


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    Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira Filho


    Full Text Available There are just a few studies using foliar sprays with micronutrients on pineapple crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the B and Zn effect, as chelate, acid or salt, via foliar feeding, on fruit yield and quality. The experiment was carried out in Guaraçaí, São Paulo State, Brazil, in a loamy medium texture soil, by using Smooth Cayenne (Hawaiian pineapple seedlings. A randomized block design with four replications was adopted, with 110 g ha-1 of B and 250 g ha-1 of Zn for each application. Two foliar sprays were applied, at 7 and 9 months after planting. The B and Zn sources did not affect the total soluble solids contents, titratable acidity, average fruit diameter, fruit length without crown, and maturity index. Only the B, Zn, and K concentrations in the leaves were influenced by the application of micronutrients.

    Poucos são os estudos desenvolvidos com a aplicação via foliar de micronutrientes, na cultura do abacaxi. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de B e Zn, em forma de quelato, ácido ou sal, via foliar, buscando-se obter respostas sobre os efeitos na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. O experimento foi realizado em Guaraçaí (SP, em solo com textura média. Foram utilizadas mudas tipo filhote, da cultivar Smooth Cayenne (Havaiano. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se fontes para fornecer, em cada aplicação, 110 g ha-1 de B e 250 g ha-1 de Zn. Foram realizadas duas pulverizações foliares, aos 7 e 9 meses após o plantio. As fontes de B e Zn não exerceram efeito nos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, diâmetro médio do fruto, comprimento do fruto sem coroa e índice de maturação. Apenas os teores de B, Zn e K, na


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    La salinidad disminuye el rendimiento en zonas áridas y semiáridas. Con el aumento de la demanda de agua de riego, se están buscando fuentes alternativas. El agua de mar se consideró previamente inutilizable para irrigación debido a su salinidad. Sin embargo, esta agua puede ser utilizada con éxito en cultivos bajo ciertas condiciones. Los aminoácidos son bioestimulantes bien conocidos por sus efectos positivos sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento, y por mitigar significativamente las lesiones causadas por estrés abióticos. Por lo tanto, en el presente studio se investigó el efecto del tratamiento exógeno con aminoácidos sobre plantas de haba que crecen bajo estrés salino por irrigación con agua de mar. Se evaluó la reducción de daños por salinidad en plantas de haba mediante el uso de una mezcla de aminoácidos para mejorar los parámetros morfológicos y bioquímicos, y por lo tanto elevar el nivel de rendimiento de la planta. Se desarrolló un experimento en macetas para paliar los efectos nocivos de la salinidad del agua de mar en el cv. De haba Giza 843 por aspersion foliar de una mezcla de aminoácidos con diferentes concentraciones (0, 500, 1000 o 1500 mg L-1. El riego de plantas de haba con niveles de agua de mar de 3.13 y 6.25 dS m-1 condujo a reducciones significativas en la altura de planta, número de hojas de la planta, peso fresco y seco de los brotes, y en el contenido foliar de pigmentos fotosintéticos, carbohidratos totales, polisacáridos y ácidos nucleicos (ADN y ARN. La salinidad del agua de mar indujo un mayor contenido de Na+ y Cl- , y una disminución del contenido de K+, K+: Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ y P3+. El riego de plantas de haba con diferentes niveles de agua de mar redujo el rendimiento de semillas y el peso seco total por planta en comparación con las regadas con agua corriente. Además, el contenido de carbohidratos y proteína total en las semillas disminuyeron con el aumento de los niveles de salinidad del agua de mar. La

  14. Financial management from the competitiveness of the agriculture of a banana group in the provinces of Guayas and Los Ríos

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    Wilson Roberto Briones Caicedo


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo fue evaluar la gestión financiera desde la competitividad de las agrícolas de un grupo bananero en dos provincias del país. se realizó un análisis de los estados financieros auditados en el año 2010 de las agrícolas de un grupo bananero, los cuales fueron comparados entre sí y con los índices promedios de la Superintendencia, Resaltando que la agrícola Alquimiada presenta el valor más alto por caja producida, mientras que el valor más bajo lo presenta La Vilmita Havilmi.  Las que mayormente tienen problemas en cuanto a pago de sus obligaciones a corto plazo son Guayabo Guayabosa, La Gordita Halagor S.A, Salapisa, Samanesa y  Marjorie Damarjo; mientras que Alquimiada, Paul de Mar y  La Vilmita Havilmi S.A., no presentan problemas de liquidez  esta última  es la más eficiente, por cuanto su  indicador está por encima de la media del sector, en lo que respecta a rentabilidad todas están por debajo del  promedio del sector; y en cuanto al apalancamiento financiero se demostró que las agrícolas Guayabo Guayabosa,  Havilmi Vilmita y Samanesa  presentan un posición muy mesurada, mientras que en las otras agrícolas su indicador está por encima del promedio del sector, considerando que mientras más bajos  sean estos índices mayor será el respaldo contra las pérdidas en caso de liquidar alguna de ellas.


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    Yader Mejía Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como propósito evaluar la efectividad de las diferentes dosis de un biofertilizante foliar sobre el rendimiento del cultivo de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris en época de postrera, en la comunidad El Cañal, Kukra River, Bluefields, en el ciclo productivo 2008-2009. Se utilizó un diseño completo al azar, cuatro tratamientos con dos repeticiones, cada repetición constó de 63 plantas de frijol (n=126. Los tratamientos fueron: T1 (testigo; T2: 0.25 litros de biofertilizante; T3: 0.37 lt. y T4: 0.5 lt. En todos los tratamientos, incluyendo al testigo, se hizo deshierbe y en todos, excepto el testigo, se aplicó el biofertilizante disuelto en 10 litros de agua. Se realizaron tres mediciones (21, 36 y 51 días después de la siembra.Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos en la altura de las plantas, pero si en el porcentaje de afectación por herbívoros, así como en el número de vainas por planta y de granos por vaina. El tratamiento T4 registró el menor ataque por herbívoros, la mayor producción en función del número de vainas por planta, de granos por vaina y peso total de los granos de frijol, en cambio el testigo fue el que registró el menor rendimiento con respecto a todas estas variables. El uso del biofertilizante foliar aumentó el rendimiento del cultivo de frijol en todas las dosis.SummaryThe aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of different doses of a foliar biofertilizer on crop production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris throughout season time in the community of El Cañal, Kukra River, Bluefields, during the production cycle 2008-2009. A random design was used, four treatments with two replications, each replication consisted of 63 bean plants (n=126. The treatments were: T1 (baton, T2: 0.25 liters of biofertilizer, T3: 0.37 lt. and T4: 0.5 lt.  In all the treatments, including the baton, weeding was done, and in all except the baton

  16. Evaluation of soil and foliar fertilization on wheat yield and quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ndiema, A.C.; Maina, M.P.D.; Kamundia, W.J.


    Traditionally wheat farmers in Kenya apply basal compound fertilizer like diammonium phosphate (DAP), Triple super phosphate (TSP). Plants require a considerable number of different elements for optimal growth. One way of supplying these micronutrients is through foliar fertilization. However there was an increase of 71.7% for 40kg N/ha plus bayfolan in Njoro over the control, 61.8% for bayfolan alone a foliar fertilizer, which contain a wide range of plant nutrients. In Molo the control out-yielded all the treatments indicating that planting the crop with DAP is sufficient. Foliar fertilizer was applied directly to the plant leaves to enhance crop yield due to their rapid absorption. The potential of improving yields comes as a result of increase in number of seeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of foliar fertilizer on wheat yield when used alone or in combination with soil-applied fertilizers. Byfolan is a fast acting fertilizer with nutrients rapidly becoming available to the plant. The composition of Bayfolan includes N (11%), P (8%), K (6%), Fe (0.019%), Mn (0.016%). Zn (0.0061% ), Co (0.00035%), Mo (0.00009%), sodium, sulphur, vitamin B 1 and growth hormones. The design was RCBD with nine (9) treatments and three (3) replications. The treatments included control, 20kg N/ha, 40kg N/ha, 80kg N/ha, Bayfolan foliar, 20kg N/ha + Baylon a foliar, 40kg N/ha + Bayfolan foliar, 20kg N/ha urea in solution form, 20kg N/ha urea in solution form + Bayfolan foliar. DAP was applied at the rate of 130kg/ha, as a blanket treatment at planting timeto provide N and P for initial growth. Significant difference in spike density and kernel weight at 5% level was observed at farms in Njoro but not at farms in Molo. (author)

  17. Self-cleaning Foliar Surfaces Characterization using RIMAPS Technique and Variogram Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosi, Pablo E.


    Along the last ten years many important studies about characterization of self-cleaning foliar surfaces have been done and focused new interest on this kind of surfaces.These studies were possible due to the development of a novel preparation technique for this biological material that let us observe the delicate structures of a foliar surface under scanning electron microscope (S.E.M.).This technique consists of replacing the natural water of the specimen by glycerol. Digital S.E.M. images from both self-cleaning and non-self-cleaning foliar surfaces were obtained and analyzed using RIMAPS technique and Variograms method. Our results revealed the existence of a common and exclusive geometrical pattern that is found in species which present self-cleaning foliar surfaces.This pattern combines at least nine different directions.The results from the Variograms method showed that the stomata play a key role in the determination of foliar surface roughness. In addition, spectra from RIMAPS technique constitute a fingerprint of a foliar surface so they can be used to find evolutionary relationships among species.Further studies will provide more detailed information to fully elucidate the self-cleaning pattern, so it might be possible to reproduce it on an artificial surface and make it self-cleaning

  18. Estimativa da área foliar de Crambe abyssinica por discos foliares e por fotos digitais Estimate leaf area of Crambe abyssinica for leaf discs and digital photos

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    Marcos Toebe


    Full Text Available A área foliar é importante na determinação do crescimento e desenvolvimento das culturas agrícolas. Assim, os objetivos do trabalho foram comparar os métodos de discos foliares e de fotos digitais na estimativa da área foliar de Crambe abyssinica e modelar a área foliar em função do comprimento (C, da largura (L e ou do produto comprimento vezes largura (CxL de diferentes tamanhos de folhas. Para isso, em 308 folhas, foram determinados a área foliar, o comprimento, a largura e o produto comprimento vezes largura por meio dos métodos de discos foliares e de fotos digitais. Em seguida, foram comparados os métodos por meio do coeficiente de correlação linear entre a área foliar. A seguir, em cada método, modelou-se a área foliar (Y em função do C, da L e do CxL, por meio dos modelos: linear, linear simples, quadrático, geométrico e exponencial. Os coeficientes de correlação linear de Pearson e de Spearman entre a área foliar dos métodos de discos foliares e de fotos digitais foram de 0,9917 e 0,9889, respectivamente, o que revela métodos concordantes. Em ambos os métodos, os modelos quadráticos e geométricos apresentaram os melhores coeficientes de determinação da área foliar em função do comprimento e da largura das folhas. A largura da folha é a variável que melhor estima a área foliar. O método de fotos digitais pode ser utilizado para estimar a área foliar de crambe.Leaf area is important in determining the growth and development of agricultural crops. The aim of this study was to compare the methods of leaf discs and digital photos in estimating leaf area of Crambe abyssinica, and model leaf area according to length (C, width (L and/ or the product of length width (CxL for different sizes of leaves. For this, in 308 leaves it was determined the leaf area, length, width and the product of length width using the methods of leaf discs and digital photos. Then the methods were compared using the linear

  19. Molecular mechanisms of foliar water uptake in a desert tree. (United States)

    Yan, Xia; Zhou, Maoxian; Dong, Xicun; Zou, Songbing; Xiao, Honglang; Ma, Xiao-Fei


    Water deficits severely affect growth, particularly for the plants in arid and semiarid regions of the world. In addition to precipitation, other subsidiary water, such as dew, fog, clouds and small rain showers, may also be absorbed by leaves in a process known as foliar water uptake. With the severe scarcity of water in desert regions, this process is increasingly becoming a necessity. Studies have reported on physical and physiological processes of foliar water uptake. However, the molecular mechanisms remain less understood. As major channels for water regulation and transport, aquaporins (AQPs) are involved in this process. However, due to the regulatory complexity and functional diversity of AQPs, their molecular mechanism for foliar water uptake remains unclear. In this study, Tamarix ramosissima, a tree species widely distributed in desert regions, was investigated for gene expression patterns of AQPs and for sap flow velocity. Our results suggest that the foliar water uptake of T. ramosissima occurs in natural fields at night when the humidity is over a threshold of 85 %. The diurnal gene expression pattern of AQPs suggests that most AQP gene expressions display a circadian rhythm, and this could affect both photosynthesis and transpiration. At night, the PIP2-1 gene is also upregulated with increased relative air humidity. This gene expression pattern may allow desert plants to regulate foliar water uptake to adapt to extreme drought. This study suggests a molecular basis of foliar water uptake in desert plants. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company.

  20. Estimating foliar biochemistry from hyperspectral data in mixed forest canopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huber Gharib, Silvia; Kneubühler, Mathias; Psomas, Achilleas


    data to estimate the foliar concentration of nitrogen, carbon and water in three mixed forest canopies in Switzerland. With multiple linear regression models, continuum-removed and normalized HyMap spectra were related to foliar biochemistry on an individual tree level. The six spectral wavebands used...

  1. Organismic-Scale Remote Sensing of Canopy Foliar Traits in Lowland Tropical Forests

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    K. Dana Chadwick


    Full Text Available Airborne high fidelity imaging spectroscopy (HiFIS holds great promise for bridging the gap between field studies of functional diversity, which are spatially limited, and satellite detection of ecosystem properties, which lacks resolution to understand within landscape dynamics. We use Carnegie Airborne Observatory HiFIS data combined with field collected foliar trait data to develop quantitative prediction models of foliar traits at the tree-crown level across over 1000 ha of humid tropical forest. We predicted foliar leaf mass per area (LMA as well as foliar concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium for canopy emergent trees (R2: 0.45–0.67, relative RMSE: 11%–14%. Correlations between remotely sensed model coefficients for these foliar traits are similar to those found in laboratory studies, suggesting that the detection of these mineral nutrients is possible through their biochemical stoichiometry. Maps derived from HiFIS provide quantitative foliar trait information across a tropical forest landscape at fine spatial resolution, and along environmental gradients. Multi-nutrient maps implemented at the fine organismic scale will subsequently provide new insight to the functional biogeography and biological diversity of tropical forest ecosystems.

  2. Foliar uptake of cesium from the water column by aquatic macrophytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinder, J.E. [Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29801 (United States); Hinton, T.G. [Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29801 (United States)]. E-mail:; Whicker, F.W. [Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1618 (United States)


    The probable occurrence and rate of foliar absorption of stable cesium ({sup 133}Cs) from the water column by aquatic macrophyte species was analyzed following the addition of {sup 133}Cs into a small reservoir near Aiken, South Carolina, USA. An uptake parameter u (10{sup 3} L kg{sup -1} d{sup -1}) and a loss rate parameter k (d{sup -1}) were estimated for each species using time series of {sup 133}Cs concentrations in the water and plant tissues. Foliar uptake, as indicated by rapid increases in plant concentrations following the {sup 133}Cs addition, occurred in two floating-leaf species, Brasenia schreberi and Nymphaea odorata, and two submerged species, Myriophyllum spicatum and Utricularia inflata. These species had values of u {>=} 0.75 x 10{sup 3} L kg{sup -1} d{sup -1}. Less evidence for foliar uptake was observed in three emergent species, including Typha latifolia. Ratios of u to k for B. schreberi, M. spicatum, N. odorata and U. inflata can be used to estimate concentration ratios (CR) at equilibrium, and these estimates were generally within a factor of 2 of the CR for {sup 137}Cs for these species in the same reservoir. This correspondence suggests that foliar uptake of Cs was the principal absorption mechanism for these species. Assessments of: (1) the prevalence of foliar uptake of potassium, rubidium and Cs isotopes by aquatic macrophytes and (2) the possible importance of foliar uptake of Cs in other lentic systems are made from a review of foliar uptake studies and estimation of comparable u and k values from lake studies involving Cs releases.

  3. Técnicas hortícolas para optimizar el tamaño y la calidad del fruto del naranjo (Citrus sinensis L.

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    Cabezas-Gutiérrez Marco


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    Con el fin de mejorar la calidad del fruto de la variedad de naranja Sweety Orange injertada sobre el patrón enanizante ‘Flying Dragon’, se realizó un experimento en el que se probaron técnicas de anillado de ramas, defoliación parcial, raleo de frutos, fertilización foliar, aplicaciones de sacarosa al follaje y poda de ramas no productivas. El trabajo se realizó en un huerto comercial en el norte del departamento del Valle del Cauca (Colombia, en plantas de 9 años de edad. Al comparar los resultados con el experimento control se observa que: i el anillado de ramas productivas influyó significativamente en la producción total de fruta por planta e incrementó el número de frutos retenidos en el árbol en un 38%; ii la aplicación de sacarosa mejoró la calidad interna del fruto al incrementar el contenido de sólidos solubles totales en un 10% y disminuir la acidez en un 36%. Ni la selección de fruta ni la fertilización foliar mostraron diferencias significativas con el tratamiento control. Se concluye que la combinación de anillado y aplicaciones externas de sacarosa pueden ser técnicas útiles para mejorar la calidad del naranjo en la zona cafetera colombiana.


  4. Improvement of Soybean (Glycine max L. Yield with Urea Foliar Application at Growth Stages

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    Mahmood Tohidi


    Full Text Available To investigate the effects of nitrogen foliar application at different growth stages of soybean on the yield and yield components this experiment was performed in Shush, north of Khuzestan, Iran, during growing season of 2014. The experiment was in split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Experimental treatments consisted of four levels of nitrogen fertilizer foliar applications as control (no nitrogen foliar application, 25, 50 and 75 kg/ha pure nitrogen from urea source (46% pure nitrogen assigned to the main plots and spraying times in three levels, at vegetative stage, flowering stage and podding stage to the subplots. Results showed that the effects of nitrogen foliar application on traits measured in this experiment like leaf area index, number of pod per plant, number of seeds per pod, thousand seed weight, seed yield, biologic yield, harvest index, protein percent and protein yield and also interaction of different levels of nitrogen foliar application and different growth stages, were significant. Oil percent and yield were only significant under the effect of nitrogen foliar application treatments at different growth stages while the interaction of different levels of nitrogen foliar application and different growth stages, were not significant. In this experiment nitrogen foliar application increased seed yield. The highest seed yield amounted to 2466 kg/ha when 50kg/ha of foliar nitrogen applied at vegetative growth stage and lowest seed yield amounted to 1295 kg/ha in the control treatment at the stage of podding. In general, results demonstrated that 50 kg/ha treatment could be considered as the best management option of nitrogen foliar application for soybean at vegetative growth stage.

  5. variability in foliar phenolic composition of several quercus species in northern mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salazar, J.A.A.; Antuna, E.M.; Abarca, N.A.; Alvarado, E.A.D.


    Quantitative and qualitative composition of the foliar phenolic compounds were investigated in 81 individual specimens of several white oak species (Quercus spp.). The trees were growing in twelve locations in Durango, Mexico. The phenol profiles were determined by HPLC-DAD and a Folin-Ciocateuprocedure. The results revealed that: (i) the foliar phenol profiles of all species analysed were complex and formed by 6 to 30 compounds, (ii) the flavonols mostly quercetin glycoside, isorhamnetin glycoside, kaempferol glycoside and phenolic acids were the main identified compounds, (iii) there was a high intra and inter-specific variability in the foliar phenol profiles both at the quantitative and qualitative levels, and (iv) the foliar phenol profiles indicated a slight species-specific tendency for phenols to be accumulated, although this was not clearly distinguished. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in the content and composition of the foliar flavonoids between species were observed due to the large environmental and soil conditions variability between localities. (author)

  6. Foliar pH as a new plant trati: van it explain variation in foliar chemistry and carbon cycling processes among subarctiv plant species and types?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Quested, H.M.; van Logtestijn, R.S.P; Perez-Harguindeguy, N.; Gwynn-Jones, D.; Diaz, S.; Callaghan, T.V.; Press, M.C.; Aerts, R.


    Plant traits have become popular as predictors of interspecific variation in important ecosystem properties and processes. Here we introduce foliar pH as a possible new plant trait, and tested whether (1) green leaf pH or leaf litter pH correlates with biochemical and structural foliar traits that

  7. Foliar water uptake of Tamarix ramosissima from an atmosphere of high humidity. (United States)

    Li, Shuang; Xiao, Hong-lang; Zhao, Liang; Zhou, Mao-Xian; Wang, Fang


    Many species have been found to be capable of foliar water uptake, but little research has focused on this in desert plants. Tamarix ramosissima was investigated to determine whether its leaves can directly absorb water from high humidity atmosphere and, if they can, to understand the magnitude and importance of foliar water uptake. Various techniques were adopted to demonstrate foliar water uptake under submergence or high atmospheric humidity. The mean increase in leaf water content after submergence was 29.38% and 20.93% for mature and tender leaves, respectively. In the chamber experiment, obvious reverse sap flow occurred when relative humidity (RH) was persistently above 90%. Reverse flow was recorded first in twigs, then in branches and stems. For the stem, the percentage of negative sap flow rate accounting for the maximum value of sap flow reached 10.71%, and its amount accounted for 7.54% of diurnal sap flow. Small rainfall can not only compensate water loss of plant by foliar uptake, but also suppress transpiration. Foliar uptake can appear in the daytime under certain rainfall events. High atmospheric humidity is beneficial for enhancing the water status of plants. Foliar uptake should be an important strategy of water acquisition for desert plants.

  8. Foliar Water Uptake of Tamarix ramosissima from an Atmosphere of High Humidity

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    Shuang Li


    Full Text Available Many species have been found to be capable of foliar water uptake, but little research has focused on this in desert plants. Tamarix ramosissima was investigated to determine whether its leaves can directly absorb water from high humidity atmosphere and, if they can, to understand the magnitude and importance of foliar water uptake. Various techniques were adopted to demonstrate foliar water uptake under submergence or high atmospheric humidity. The mean increase in leaf water content after submergence was 29.38% and 20.93% for mature and tender leaves, respectively. In the chamber experiment, obvious reverse sap flow occurred when relative humidity (RH was persistently above 90%. Reverse flow was recorded first in twigs, then in branches and stems. For the stem, the percentage of negative sap flow rate accounting for the maximum value of sap flow reached 10.71%, and its amount accounted for 7.54% of diurnal sap flow. Small rainfall can not only compensate water loss of plant by foliar uptake, but also suppress transpiration. Foliar uptake can appear in the daytime under certain rainfall events. High atmospheric humidity is beneficial for enhancing the water status of plants. Foliar uptake should be an important strategy of water acquisition for desert plants.

  9. Wind effects on leaf morphology for the mangrove Conocarpus erecta at an oceanic island from the Mexican Pacific Ocean Efectos del viento en la morfología foliar del mangle Conocarpus erecta en una isla océanica del Pacífico mexicano

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    Full Text Available Leaf morphology was measured and aerodynamical attributes as well as transpiration rates were calculated for the mangrove Conocarpus erecta from sites naturally sheltered or sites exposed to oceanic winds at Socorro Island, Mexico, and compared with those of C. erecta, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle at a mainland estuary near La Manzanilla, Jalisco, Mexico. Leaves of C. erecta, 5.98 cm in length and 2.03 cm in width, were the smallest and most streamlined of the mainland mangroves. Moreover, both leaf dimensions were 32 % smaller for trees from the exposed sites on Socorro Island than on the mainland. For a given wind velocity, Reynolds numbers were 10 to 33 % lower at Socorro Island than on the mainland for leaves of C. erecta, leading to a 17 to 45 % lower drag force exerted by wind on such leaves. Reynolds numbers characterize the degree of turbulence of a fluid moving adjacent to the surface of an object; here such a dimensionless number was used as a measure of fluttering for leaves. Transpiration rates for C. erecta were 25 % lower for plants growing at exposed sites on Socorro Island than on the sheltered sites, whose midday transpiration averaged 4 mmol m_2 s_1. Conocarpus erecta was better suited than the other mainland mangroves to windy environments owing to its smaller and more streamlined leaves. The population from Socorro Island underwent further morphological changes in response to wind at exposed sites, explaining, in part, the presence of this species and not of other mangroves on this oceanic Pacific islandSe midió la morfología foliar y se calcularon atributos aerodinámicos además de tasas potenciales de transpiración del mangle Conocarpus erecta en sitios naturalmente protegidos y expuestos al viento oceánico en la Isla Socorro, México, y de C. erecta, Laguncularia racemosa y Rhizophora mangle en un estuario continental cerca de La Manzanilla, Jalisco, México. Se realizaron comparaciones entre especies


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    Nadia Guadalupe Sánchez-Coello


    Full Text Available La mayoría de las cícadas contienen altas concentraciones de aceites esenciales, flavonoides, polifenoles y polisacáridos que interfieren en la extracción de ADN, causando productos de amplificación errados o inhibiendo la PCR. La optimización del aislamiento del ADN y el empleo de iniciadores de secuencias intergénicas repetidas simples (ISSRs se investigaron en Ceratozamia mexicana Brongn., una cícada mexicana en peligro de extinción. El ADN obtenido de tejido foliar fresco, con un amortiguador modificado de cetil trimetil amonio, nos permitió obtener un ADN de buena calidad, sin pigmentos coloridos o contaminantes. La modificación al protocolo de extracción de ADN, basado en CTAB, fue un prelavado por 1 h, del tejido foliar, con una solución de 0.7 M de NaCl, para facilitar la lisis celular. El ADN extraído exitosamente se amplificó por PCR, usando seis iniciadores arbitrarios ISSR. Se observaron productos de amplificación reproducibles en todas las reacciones de PCR. Nuestros resultados muestran que la implementación mejora significativamente la calidad del ADN obtenido, usando una concentración baja de iniciadores (25 pM. Se detectaron 23 bandas fuertes, nueve de las cuales fueron polimórficas. Los resultados indican que el protocolo de optimización del aislamiento del ADN y en el sistema de PCR es viable para futuros trabajos en esta especie. Este trabajo es el primer protocolo de extracción de ADN y de ISSR reportado para esta especie ornamental en peligro de extinción.

  11. Modelos para la estimación no destructiva del área foliar de dos cultivares de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz en la Argentina Models for non-destructive leaf area estimation of two cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz cultivars in Argentina

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    A.M. Burgos


    Full Text Available La medición del área foliar (AF en mandioca es difícil de realizar, ya que sus hojas poseen lóbulos particularmente irregulares que precisan procedimientos meticulosos y lentos, y se requieren instrumentos sofisticados y costosos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue ajustar y evaluar modelos estadísticos predictivos para estimar, de manera simple y precisa, el AF de dos cultivares de mandioca cultivados en Corrientes, Argentina. En las diferentes muestras se determinaron las dimensiones lineales y el peso seco de las hojas. Se ajustaron ecuaciones de regresión lineal múltiple para estimar el AF mediante el método de selección de variables stepwise para dos cultivares de mandioca. El modelo seleccionado por su buen ajuste y precisión para estimar el área foliar fue: AF = ß0 + ß1.LP(cm +ß2.SLC(cm² ß3.ΣLL(cm , el cuál está basado en dimensiones no destructivas y de fácil medición. Dicho modelo requiere de diferentes estimaciones de sus parámetros para cada cultivar. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio demuestran que bajo las condiciones de evaluación, el área foliar puede ser estimada usando simples mediciones lineales, como ser la longitud del pecíolo, la sumatoria de la longitud de los lóbulos y la superficie del lóbulo central para ambos cultivares.It is difficult to make the measurement of the cassava leaf area (LA due to the irregular shape of the lobes which need meticulous, time consuming and tedious methods and demand sophisticated and expensive instruments. The aim of this research was to adjust and to evaluate simple and precise statistical predictive models in order to estimate the LA of two cassava cultivars grown in Corrientes, Argentina. In the different samples, leaves linear dimensions and leaf dry weight were determinated. Lineal regression equations for two cassava cultivars were tested to estimate LA though the stepwise variable selection method. The model selected due to its goodness of

  12. Controls over foliar N:P ratios in tropical rain forests. (United States)

    Townsend, Alan R; Cleveland, Cory C; Asner, Gregory P; Bustamante, Mercedes M C


    Correlations between foliar nutrient concentrations and soil nutrient availability have been found in multiple ecosystems. These relationships have led to the use of foliar nutrients as an index of nutrient status and to the prediction of broadscale patterns in ecosystem processes. More recently, a growing interest in ecological stoichiometry has fueled multiple analyses of foliar nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios within and across ecosystems. These studies have observed that N:P values are generally elevated in tropical forests when compared to higher latitude ecosystems, adding weight to a common belief that tropical forests are generally N rich and P poor. However, while these broad generalizations may have merit, their simplicity masks the enormous environmental heterogeneity that exists within the tropics; such variation includes large ranges in soil fertility and climate, as well as the highest plant species diversity of any biome. Here we present original data on foliar N and P concentrations from 150 mature canopy tree species in Costa Rica and Brazil, and combine those data with a comprehensive new literature synthesis to explore the major sources of variation in foliar N:P values within the tropics. We found no relationship between N:P ratios and either latitude or mean annual precipitation within the tropics alone. There is, however, evidence of seasonal controls; in our Costa Rica sites, foliar N:P values differed by 25% between wet and dry seasons. The N:P ratios do vary with soil P availability and/or soil order, but there is substantial overlap across coarse divisions in soil type, and perhaps the most striking feature of the data set is variation at the species level. Taken as a whole, our results imply that the dominant influence on foliar N:P ratios in the tropics is species variability and that, unlike marine systems and perhaps many other terrestrial biomes, the N:P stoichiometry of tropical forests is not well constrained. Thus any use of N

  13. Ozone air pollution and foliar injury development on native plants of Switzerland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, Kristopher; Skelly, John M.; Schaub, Marcus; Kraeuchi, Norbert; Hug, Christian; Landolt, Werner; Bleuler, Peter


    Visible ozone-induced foliar injury on native forest species of Switzerland was identified and confirmed under ambient OTC-conditions and related to the current European AOT40 standard. - The objectives of this study were to examine the foliar sensitivity to ozone exposure of 12 tree, shrub, and herbaceous species native to southern Switzerland and determine the seasonal cumulative ozone exposures required to induce visible foliar injury. The study was conducted from the beginning of May through the end of August during 2000 and 2001 using an open-top chamber research facility located within the Lattecaldo Cantonal Forest Nursery in Canton Ticino, southern Switzerland (600 m asl). Plants were examined daily and dates of initial foliar injury were recorded in order to determine the cumulative AOT40 ppb h ozone exposure required to cause visible foliar injury. Plant responses to ozone varied significantly among species; 11 species exhibited visible symptoms typical of exposures to ambient ozone. The symptomatic species (from most to least sensitive) were Populus nigra, Viburnum lantana, Salix alba, Crataegus monogyna, Viburnum opulus, Tilia platyphyllos, Cornus alba, Prunus avium, Fraxinus excelsior, Ribes alpinum, and Tilia cordata; Clematis spp. did not show foliar symptoms. Of the 11 symptomatic species, five showed initial injury below the critical level AOT40 10 ppmh O 3 in the 2001 season


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    Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez


    ha, con una cobertura foliar de 12,526 m2·ha-1, lo que indica una cobertura del 100 % y sobreposición de copas. Los valores del índice de riqueza de Margalef (DMg=3.64 y de diversidad de Shannon (H'=2.39 indicaron alta diversidad.

  15. Environmental protection foliar fertilization in areas subject to limitation of fertilizers use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavriluta, I.; Alexandrescu, A; Budoi, G.; Bireescu, L.; Bireescu, G.


    Significant increases of plant productivity have been recorded in field experiments conducted between 1991 - 1994 using general purpose complex foliar fertilizers as well as aminoacid containing complex foliar fertilizers. These increases at the same time had positive environmental effects against chemical pollution, especially with nitrates. As a rule, the greater the degree of nutrient efficiency, especially of nitrate, the lower are the losses, which are subject to transfer to the environment. So in the light of environmental protection against chemical pollution using foliar fertilization is certainly beneficial for crops and for all other components of the agricultural environment giving rise to its significant improvement. Both, foliar and soil fertilization in areas with limitation of fertilizer use should be carried out under a continuous and strict analytical check of plant, soil and water. Refs. 14 (author)

  16. Aplicação foliar de fertilizantes organominerais em cultura de alface Foliar application of organic mineral fertilizer in lettuce

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    José Magno Q Luz


    Full Text Available A aplicação de fertilizantes organominerais tem permitido respostas positivas em diversas olerícolas. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a produção de mudas e produção comercial de alface, cultivar Vera, em função da aplicação foliar de fertilizantes organominerais líquidos, de outubro de 2005 a janeiro de 2006. A etapa de produção de mudas foi realizada em viveiro especializado na produção de mudas de hortaliças em Uberlândia e a condução da fase de campo foi realizada em área da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Analisou-se altura e número de folhas, massa fresca da parte aérea e diâmetro de raízes das mudas, massas fresca da parte aérea e de raízes das plantas na fase de campo. Foram empregados os fertilizantes organominerais Aminoagro Raiz, Aminoagro Folha Top, Aminoagro Mol, Nobrico Star, Aminolom Foliar e Lombrico Mol 75. O primeiro experimento utilizando mudas foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 15 repetições. O segundo experimento instalado a campo, foi feito em blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. O uso exclusivo dos produtos organominerais líquidos, via aplicação foliar foi superior à testemunha para a maioria das variáveis avaliadas nas fases de muda e campo na alface, cultivar Vera.Biofertilizer application provides positive responses of several vegetable crops. The effect of foliar application of liquid biofertilizers on seedling and on commercial production of lettuce cultivar Vera were evaluated from October 2005 to January 2006. Seedling production was carried out in a nursery specialized in the production of vegetable seedlings, in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and the crop growing was carried out at a field of the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia. Plant height, number of leaves, aboveground part fresh weight and root diameter were evaluated on seedlings and fresh weight of the aboveground part and roots were evaluated on plants in the field. Aminoagro Raiz

  17. Contributing factors in foliar uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen at leaf level

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wuyts, Karen, E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Ecology, Research Group ENdEMIC, Dept. Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Forest and Nature Lab (ForNaLab), Dept. Forest and Water Management, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267, B-9090 Gontrode-Melle (Belgium); Adriaenssens, Sandy, E-mail: [Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL-CELINE), Kunstlaan 10–11, B-1210 Brussels (Belgium); Staelens, Jeroen, E-mail: [Flemish Environment Agency (VMM), Kronenburgstraat 45, B-2000 Antwerp (Belgium); Wuytack, Tatiana, E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Ecology, Research Group ENdEMIC, Dept. Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Van Wittenberghe, Shari, E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Ecology, Research Group ENdEMIC, Dept. Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Boeckx, Pascal, E-mail: [Isotope Bioscience Laboratory (ISOFYS), Dept. Applied Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent (Belgium); Samson, Roeland, E-mail: [Laboratory of Environmental and Urban Ecology, Research Group ENdEMIC, Dept. Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp (Belgium); Verheyen, Kris, E-mail: [Forest and Nature Lab (ForNaLab), Dept. Forest and Water Management, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267, B-9090 Gontrode-Melle (Belgium)


    We investigated the influence of leaf traits, rainwater chemistry, and pedospheric nitrogen (N) fertilisation on the aqueous uptake of inorganic N by physiologically active tree leaves. Leaves of juvenile silver birch and European beech trees, supplied with NH{sub 4}NO{sub 3} to the soil at rates from 0 to 200 kg N ha{sup −1} y{sup −1}, were individually exposed to 100 μl of artificial rainwater containing {sup 15}NH{sub 4}{sup +} or {sup 15}NO{sub 3}{sup −} at two concentration levels for one hour. In the next vegetative period, the experiment was repeated with NH{sub 4}{sup +} at the highest concentration only. The N form and the N concentration in the applied rainwater and, to a lesser extent, the pedospheric N treatment and the leaf traits affected the aqueous foliar N uptake. The foliar uptake of NH{sub 4}{sup +} by birch increased when leaves were more wettable. High leaf N concentration and leaf mass per area enhanced the foliar N uptake, and NO{sub 3}{sup −} uptake in particular, by birch. Variation in the foliar N uptake by the beech trees could not be explained by the leaf traits considered. In the first experiment, N fertilisation stimulated the foliar N uptake in both species, which was on average 1.42–1.78 times higher at the highest soil N dose than at the zero dose. However, data variability was high and the effect was not appreciable in the second experiment. Our data suggest that next to rainwater chemistry (N form and concentration) also forest N status could play a role in the partitioning of N entering the ecosystem through the soil and the canopy. Models of canopy uptake of aqueous N at the leaf level should take account of leaf traits such as wettability and N concentration. - Highlights: • Foliar uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) by potted trees was studied. • Leaves were individually exposed to rainwater drops containing {sup 15}NH{sub 4}{sup +} or {sup 15}NO{sub 3}{sup −}. • Foliar N uptake efficiency depended on

  18. Foliar uptake of zinc by vascular plants. Radiometric study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maresova, J.; Remenarova, L.; Hornik, M.; Pipiska, M.; Augustin, J.; Lesny, J.


    The aim of this paper was to obtain quantitative data of foliar uptake kinetics and long distance transport of zinc in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants. Zinc was used as a model of microelement and toxic metal, tobacco and hop as a representatives of agriculturally important plants. A tip of leaf blade was immersed in the solution spiked with 65 ZnCl 2 and foliar uptake and translocation to other parts of the plant grown in nutrient solution was measured by gamma-spectrometry and autoradiography. We found that foliar zinc uptake by both plants is dependent on the initial metal concentration within the range C 0 = 10-100 μmol dm -3 ZnCl 2 . Zinc is immobilized mainly in immersed part of the contact leaf and only 0 = 0.1 mmol dm -3 ZnCl 2 concentrations >2.5 mg/g Zn and 4.8 mg/g Zn (dry wt.) in immersed part of tobacco and hop leaf plant, respectively were found after 5 days of exposure. Low mobility of zinc entering the plant via the leaf surface can be attributed to the immobilization of zinc into Zn-ligand complexes with high stability constants log K at pH 6.0-8.0, such as the reaction products of Zn 2+ ions with citric acid, histidine or phosphates. Zinc can be extracted from dried leaves by the solutions of inorganic salts, carboxylic acids, amino acids and synthetic complexing ligands such as EDTA. Anionic (SDS) and non-ionic (Tween 40) surfactants causes the decrease of the Zn foliar uptake, but not translocation of Zn from the contact leaf area. Obtained data are discussed from the point of view of possible limited efficiency of liquid formulations designed for practical applications as Zn foliar fertilizers. (author)

  19. Vegetation Indices for Mapping Canopy Foliar Nitrogen in a Mixed Temperate Forest

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    Zhihui Wang


    Full Text Available Hyperspectral remote sensing serves as an effective tool for estimating foliar nitrogen using a variety of techniques. Vegetation indices (VIs are a simple means of retrieving foliar nitrogen. Despite their popularity, few studies have been conducted to examine the utility of VIs for mapping canopy foliar nitrogen in a mixed forest context. In this study, we assessed the performance of 32 vegetation indices derived from HySpex airborne hyperspectral images for estimating canopy mass-based foliar nitrogen concentration (%N in the Bavarian Forest National Park. The partial least squares regression (PLSR was performed for comparison. These vegetation indices were classified into three categories that are mostly correlated to nitrogen, chlorophyll, and structural properties such as leaf area index (LAI. %N was destructively measured in 26 broadleaf, needle leaf, and mixed stand plots to represent the different species and canopy structure. The canopy foliar %N is defined as the plot-level mean foliar %N of all species weighted by species canopy foliar mass fraction. Our results showed that the variance of canopy foliar %N is mainly explained by functional type and species composition. The normalized difference nitrogen index (NDNI produced the most accurate estimation of %N (R2CV = 0.79, RMSECV = 0.26. A comparable estimation of %N was obtained by the chlorophyll index Boochs2 (R2CV = 0.76, RMSECV = 0.27. In addition, the mean NIR reflectance (800–850 nm, representing canopy structural properties, also achieved a good accuracy in %N estimation (R2CV = 0.73, RMSECV = 0.30. The PLSR model provided a less accurate estimation of %N (R2CV = 0.69, RMSECV = 0.32. We argue that the good performance of all three categories of vegetation indices in %N estimation can be attributed to the synergy among plant traits (i.e., canopy structure, leaf chemical and optical properties while these traits may converge across plant species for evolutionary reasons. Our

  20. Foliar application of two silica sols reduced cadmium accumulation in rice grains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chuanping; Li Fangbai; Luo Chunling; Liu Xinming; Wang Shihua; Liu Tongxu; Li Xiangdong


    In the present study, pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of foliar application of two silica (Si) sols on the alleviation of cadmium (Cd) toxicity in contaminated soil to rice. Results showed that the foliar application of Si sols significantly increased the dry weight of grains (without husk) and shoots in rice grown in Cd contaminated soil, whereas the Cd concentration in the grains and shoots decreased obviously. The total accumulation of Cd in rice grains also decreased with the application of both of the Si sols, but no significant effect was found on the Cd accumulation in the shoots. For the optimal effect, Si-sol-B should be foliar applied at the tillering-stage during rice growth. The mechanism of Si foliar application to alleviate the toxicity and accumulation of Cd in grains of rice may be related to the probable Cd sequestration in the shoot cell walls

  1. Foliar and ecosystem respiration in an old-growth tropical rain forest (United States)

    Molly A. Cavaleri; Steven F. Oberbauer; Michael G. Ryan


    Foliar respiration is a major component of ecosystem respiration, yet extrapolations are often uncertain in tropical forests because of indirect estimates of leaf area index (LAI).A portable tower was used to directly measure LAI and night-time foliar respiration from 52 vertical transects throughout an old-growth tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. In this study, we (...

  2. Concentração foliar de manganês e zinco em laranjeiras adubadas com óxidos e carbonatos via foliar Leaf concentrations of manganese and zinc in the orange fertilized via foliar application with oxides and carbonates

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    Leandro José Grava de Godoy


    Full Text Available Dentre os micronutrientes, o Zn e o Mn limitam a produção dos citros, no Brasil. A aplicação foliar tem sido a forma tradicional de fornecimento, contudo, a eficiência desta adubação depende de uma série de fatores, entre eles o tipo de fertilizante. Foram realizados dois experimentos em pomar com laranjeiras Pêra, enxertadas em limão cravo, com sete anos de idade, em Botucatu, SP. No primeiro experimento foram avaliadas três fontes de Mn via foliar: carbonato de manganês A, carbonato de manganês B e sulfato manganoso, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 250 e 500 g ha-1 de Mn, mais o controle, pulverizado somente com água. No segundo experimento foram testadas três fontes de Zn para aplicação foliar: óxido de zinco A, óxido de zinco B e sulfato de zinco, em duas doses para cada fertilizante, correspondente a 375 e 750 g ha-1 de Zn, mais o controle. As amostragens de folhas foram realizadas mensalmente, iniciando aos 30 dias após aplicação dos tratamentos. A aplicação foliar com carbonato de manganês B, na dose de 500 g ha-1 Mn, e com óxido de zinco B, na dose de 750 g ha-1, proporcionaram, respectivamente, níveis nutricionais adequados de Mn e Zn nas folhas de laranjeira. Na ausência de chuvas, os teores adequados de Mn e Zn no solo, não permitem suprir satisfatoriamente as laranjeiras Pêra enxertadas em limoeiro cravo.Among micronutrients, Zn and Mn limit the production of citrus in Brazil. Foliar application has been the traditional form of supply, however the efficiency of this type of fertilization depends on a number of factors, including the type of fertilizer used. Two experiments were conducted in an orchard of seven year old Pêra orange, grafted onto Rangpur lime, in Botucatu, São Paulo. In the first experiment three sources of Mn, applied via foliar application, were evaluated: manganese carbonate A, manganese carbonate B and manganese sulphate, at two rates per fertilizer

  3. Alternativas bioorgánicas en la multiplicación por esquejes de Psidium guajava (L.

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    Pedro Jesús López Labarta


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo, de emplear diferentes estimuladores para la reproducción del guayabo por esquejes en condiciones semicontroladas, la investigación se realizó en la finca la Nueva Esperanza, perteneciente a la Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios Fortalecida Renato Guitart del municipio Camagüey, en el período comprendido de febrero a mayo del 2016. Se contó con una cámara para la reproducción de posturas del guayabo por esquejes, la cual posee riego por microjet programado; el soporte utilizado es la zeolita con diámetro de 1 a 3 mm, empleándose un diseño completamente aleatorizado con 6 tratamientos y 3 repeticiones cada uno. Se realizó la evaluación de plantas con gemas y sin gemas, plantas con raíces, número de hojas y plantas vivas en el cultivo de la guayaba. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó el SSPS versión 11.5.1 con análisis de varianza de clasificación simple, aplicando los rangos múltiples de Duncan para un nivel de significación de 0,05 %. Las alternativas bioorgánicas empleadas, determinaron eficiencia positiva en los mecanismos fisiológicos en el desarrollo de las plántulas, los tratamientos que mejor comportamiento fenológico fueron el humus líquido natural más ácido indolacético, humus líquido natural más ácido fosfórico y el humus líquido fortificado.

  4. Crecimiento, rendimiento y rentabilidad del maíz VS-535 en función del biofertilizante y nitrógeno/Growth, performance and protability of VS-535 corn based on biofertilizer and nitrogen

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    Cid Aguilar-Carpio


    Full Text Available . El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del biofertilizante y del nitrógeno en la variedad sintética de maíz VS-535 sobre la ocurrencia de las fases fenológicas, análisis de crecimiento, rendimiento, componentes, e- ciencia en el uso del agua, contenido de nitrógeno y la rentabilidad. La siembra se realizó el 10 de julio de 2012, los tratamientos fueron la inoculación de biofertilizante y la aplicación de 0, 80 y 160 kg ha−1 de nitrógeno. Se contabilizó el número de hojas y el área foliar, con lo que se calculó el índice (IAF y la duración de área foliar (DAFT. También se determinó el contenido de materia seca (MS, las tasa de crecimiento del cultivo (T CC, y la tasa de asimilación neta (T AN. En madurez siológica se evaluó el contenido de materia seca (MS y el rendimiento de grano (RG, se calculó la eciencia en el uso del agua y del nitrógeno, y se realizó un análisis económico. Con 160 kg ha−1 de nitrógeno se tuvo el mayor IAF y DAFT. Para MS, EUA, EAN, T CC, mientras que las mayores T AN se tuvieron con biofertilizante y nitrógeno a 80 y 160 kg ha−1 . Para RG la mayor respuesta se encontró con biofertilizante y nitrógeno a 160 kg ha−1 , lo que genero la mayor rentabilidad del cultivo.

  5. Foliar absorption and translocation of 137cs in egyptian olive plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramadan, A.A.; Maly, A.I.


    Foliar absorption and translocation of 137Cs by olive leaves were studied. Olive seedlings were transferred to the greenhouse in pots containing fine Nile silt.. Two seriies of pot experiments were conducted at the Nuclear Research Center site at Inshas. The treatments were conducted on leaves at the two middle nodes of the selected shoots. The lower surface of the olive leaf absorbed more 137Cs at the studied pH values as compared with the upper surface. The results show that changing the pH from 2 to 3 had no have any effect on the foliar absorption of 137Cs. Further increase of pH value caused the 137Cs foliar absorption to show a minimum at pH 5 then a maximum at pH 7. At pH 8 the foliar absorption of 137Cs started to decrease again. The concentration of translocated 137Cs was found to decrease gradually in the leaves above and below the treated ones. Absorption of 137Cs increased with time in the first 24 hours followed by lower absorption rates till the end of the experiment after 148 hours

  6. Molecular mechanisms of foliar water uptake in a desert tree


    Yan, Xia; Zhou, Maoxian; Dong, Xicun; Zou, Songbing; Xiao, Honglang; Ma, Xiao-Fei


    Water deficits severely affect growth, particularly for the plants in arid and semiarid regions of the world. In addition to precipitation, other subsidiary water, such as dew, fog, clouds and small rain showers, may also be absorbed by leaves in a process known as foliar water uptake. With the severe scarcity of water in desert regions, this process is increasingly becoming a necessity. Studies have reported on physical and physiological processes of foliar water uptake. However, the molecul...

  7. Effects of Zn, macronutrients, and their interactions through foliar applications on winter wheat grain nutritional quality.

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    Shaoxia Wang

    Full Text Available Although application of Zn combined with macronutrients (K, P, and N can be used to fortify wheat grain with Zn, little is known about their interactions when foliar application is employed or the influences of common soil fertility management practices (e.g. N and straw management on their efficiency. Therefore, the effects of foliar-applied Zn and N, P, or K on grain nutritional quality (especially Zn were investigated in wheat grown under different soil N rates at two sites with (Sanyuan or without (Yangling employing straw return. A 4-year-long field experiment was also conducted to evaluate the environmental stability of the foliar formulations. Across 6 site-years, foliar Zn application alone or combined with N, P, or K fertilizers resulted in 95.7%, 101%, 67.9% and 121% increases in grain Zn concentration, respectively. In terms of increasing grain Zn concentration, foliar-applied Zn positively interacted with N (at Sanyuan and K (at Yangling, but negatively interacted with P at any condition tested, suggesting depressive effects of foliarly-applied P on physiological availability of Zn. Although these interaction effects were the major factor that governing the efficiency of foliar-applied Zn combined with N, P, or K on grain Zn concentration, the magnitude of the increase/decrease in grain Zn (-3.96~5.71 mg kg-1 due to these interactions was much less than the average increases following Zn+K (31.3, Zn+P (18.7, and Zn+N (26.5 mg kg-1 treatments relative to that observed in foliar Zn-only treatment. The combined foliar application of Zn with N, P, or K did not cause any adverse impact on grain yield and other nutritional quality and in some cases slightly increased grain yield and macronutrient concentrations. Grain phytic acid:Zn molar ratios were respectively 52.0%, 53.1%, 43.4% and 63.5% lower in the foliar Zn, Zn+N, Zn+P and Zn+K treatments than in the control treatment. These effects were consistent over four years and across three

  8. Effects of Zn, macronutrients, and their interactions through foliar applications on winter wheat grain nutritional quality. (United States)

    Wang, Shaoxia; Li, Meng; Liu, Ke; Tian, Xiaohong; Li, Shuo; Chen, Yanlong; Jia, Zhou


    Although application of Zn combined with macronutrients (K, P, and N) can be used to fortify wheat grain with Zn, little is known about their interactions when foliar application is employed or the influences of common soil fertility management practices (e.g. N and straw management) on their efficiency. Therefore, the effects of foliar-applied Zn and N, P, or K on grain nutritional quality (especially Zn) were investigated in wheat grown under different soil N rates at two sites with (Sanyuan) or without (Yangling) employing straw return. A 4-year-long field experiment was also conducted to evaluate the environmental stability of the foliar formulations. Across 6 site-years, foliar Zn application alone or combined with N, P, or K fertilizers resulted in 95.7%, 101%, 67.9% and 121% increases in grain Zn concentration, respectively. In terms of increasing grain Zn concentration, foliar-applied Zn positively interacted with N (at Sanyuan) and K (at Yangling), but negatively interacted with P at any condition tested, suggesting depressive effects of foliarly-applied P on physiological availability of Zn. Although these interaction effects were the major factor that governing the efficiency of foliar-applied Zn combined with N, P, or K on grain Zn concentration, the magnitude of the increase/decrease in grain Zn (-3.96~5.71 mg kg-1) due to these interactions was much less than the average increases following Zn+K (31.3), Zn+P (18.7), and Zn+N (26.5 mg kg-1) treatments relative to that observed in foliar Zn-only treatment. The combined foliar application of Zn with N, P, or K did not cause any adverse impact on grain yield and other nutritional quality and in some cases slightly increased grain yield and macronutrient concentrations. Grain phytic acid:Zn molar ratios were respectively 52.0%, 53.1%, 43.4% and 63.5% lower in the foliar Zn, Zn+N, Zn+P and Zn+K treatments than in the control treatment. These effects were consistent over four years and across three soil N

  9. Comparing algorithms for estimating foliar biomass of conifers in the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    Crystal L. Raymond; Donald. McKenzie


    Accurate estimates of foliar biomass (FB) are important for quantifying carbon storage in forest ecosystems, but FB is not always reported in regional or national inventories. Foliar biomass also drives key ecological processes in ecosystem models. Published algorithms for estimating FB in conifer species of the Pacific Northwest can yield signifi cantly different...

  10. Reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en árboles de bosques montanos en los Andes centrales de Colombia

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    Miguel Vera


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las concentraciones y los porcentajes de reabsorción de nitrógeno y fósforo foliar en cinco especies de árboles de un bosque montano bajo (BMB a 1850 m.s.n.m. y en cinco de un bosque montano alto (BMA a 2800 m.s.n.m en la Cordillera Central colombiana, asi como la disponibilidad de nitrógeno y fósforo del suelo. Los porcentajes de reabsorción de N y P no fueron significativamente diferentes entre las especies de estos dos bosques. A pesar de esto, se observó que la reabsorción de P foliar tendió a ser mayor en las especies del BMB donde la concentración de P en el suelo fue significativamente más baja (3.2 ppm vs. 9.0 ppm. Cuando la reabsorción de P foliar se expresó como función de la concentración en hojas maduras en 12 tipos de bosques montanos tropicales, se encontró una correlación negativa y estadísticamente significativa. Estos resultados sugieren que los porcentajes de reabsorción de P foliar en bosques montanos estarían controlados parcialmente por la disponibilidad del elemento.Mature leaves and litterfall were collected between November 1992 and February 1993 from one to three individuals of five canopy tree species of a lower montane rain forest (LMRF at 1850 m. and five canopy tree species of an upper montane rain forest (UMRF at 2800 m. in the Central Andes of Colombia, to determine the concentrations and percentage retranslocation of nitrogen and phosphorus. The availability of these two nutrients was measured in the soils, by means of extracts of NH3-NH4, NO2-NO3 and PO4, and incubations of surface soil samples (0-10 cm to measure the rates of nitrogen mineralization and nitrification. In the species of the LMRF the average concentration of N in mature leaves (1.19 % dry weight and litterfall (0.87 % was significantly higher than in mature leaves (0.90 % and litterfall (0.59 % of the tree species of the UMRF. Percentage retranslocation of N and P were not significantly different between the

  11. Regional assessment of N saturation using foliar and root δ15N (United States)

    L.H. Pardo; P.H. Templer; C.L. Goodale; S. Duke; P.M. Groffman; M.B. Adams; P. Boeckx; J. Boggs; J. Campbell; B. Colman; J. Compton; B. Emmett; P. Gundersen; J. Kjonaas; G. Lovett; M. Mack; A. Magill; M. Mbila; M.J. Mitchell; G. McGee; S. McNulty; K. Nadelhoffer; S. Ollinger; D. Ross; H. Rueth; L. Rustad; P. Schaberg; S. Schiff; P. Schleppi; J. Spoelstra; W. Wessel


    N saturation induced by atmospheric N deposition can have serious consequences for forest health in many regions. In order to evaluate whether foliar δ15N may be a robust, regional-scale measure of the onset of N saturation in forest ecosystems, we assembled a large dataset on atmospheric N deposition, foliar and root δ

  12. Comparison between Seed and Foliar Treatment as a Tool in Integrated Pest Management. (United States)

    Matyjaszczyk, Ewa


    A study into doses of seed treatments and foliar plant protection products containing an identical active substance registered to control the same pest in the same crops was carried out in the European Union. The results show that, for fungicides, the use of seed treatment is often connected with a significantly lower release of active substance per hectare when compared to foliar treatments. In 11 of 13 cases, the difference was 8-fold or higher. For insecticides, in most of the cases, the consumption of an active substance was several times higher for seed treatment, in one case for foliar application.

  13. Foliar-applied urea modulates nitric oxide synthesis metabolism and glycinebetaine accumulation in drought-stressed maize

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, L.; Tian, L.; Lai, J.; Zheng, P.; Liang, Z.; Alva, A


    Foliar urea has been proved to play a better positive role in enhancing accumulation of nitric oxide (NO) and glycinebetaine (GB) in maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress (DS). However, it is unclear how foliar urea affects biosynthetic metabolism of NO and its relationship with GB accumulation. This study was on investigating the effect of foliar- applied urea on seedlings of maize cultivar Zhengdan 958 grown in a hydroponic medium under DS or No DS. Contents of NO and GB and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity increased and peaked 12 h after the treatment. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) followed the similar pattern 6h after the treatment. Under DS foliar urea application increased NR and NOS activity and, thereby, increased NO formation. Therefore, enhancement in activities of both NRA and NOS resulted in an increase of NO accumulation. Foliar- applied urea could induce an increased NO burst by enhanced NO synthesis metabolism as a nitrogen signal, possibly resulting in GB accumulation under DS. (author)

  14. Foliar retention, transport and leaching of polonium-210 and lead-210

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Athalye, V V; Mistry, K B


    Polonium-210 and lead-210, the long-lived daughter radionuclides of gaseous radon-222, are deposited on plant surfaces under conditions of atmospheric washout. Foliar retention, transport and leaching of these radionuclides in Red Kidney beans were investigated in nutrient culture experiments. Under identical conditions, over 90 percent of foliar applied radiolead was retained by the plant while only about 30 percent of polonium was retained. Over a 48-hr period small quantities of polonium were translocated from the treated leaflet to other parts of the plant. By comparison, radiolead was totally immobilized at the site of retention. Leachability of root absorbed radiolead from bean leaves was 20-fold greater than that of polonium. The marked differences in the extent of foliar retention, translocation and leaching of polonium and radiolead could significantly affect the levels of these long-lived radionuclides attained in plants.

  15. Effect of Foliar Application of Micro Nutrients on Physiological Growth Indices and Total Dry Matter Yield of Forage Corn

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    A. Soleymani


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the effect of foliar application of micro nutrients on physiological growth indices and total dry matter yield of forage corn. Field experiment was conducted in 2006 at Bersian village Isfahan. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. Plant treated with 8 foliar application treatments (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe + Mn, Cu + Zn, Fe + Mn + Cu + Zn and control. The responses to foliar application in total dry weight, LAI and CGR appeared to differ between the treatments, but there is no significant difference in NAR between the treatments. Maximum leaf area index gained in foliar application of Fe but there is significant difference between this treatment and other treatments except foliar application of Zn and Fe + Mn. Foliar application of Fe and Fe + Mn result to maximum total dry weight, but there is no significant difference between these treatments and foliar application of Zn, Mn, Mn + Cu and Fe + Zn + Cu +Mn. Maximum and minimum NAR gained in foliar application of Mn and control treatments respectively. Maximum CGR gained in foliar application of Zn, there is significant difference between this treatment and others. Control treatment in comparison with others shows minimum value in all measured factors. The results indicate that foliar application of micro nutrients particularly Fe and Fe+Mn may be suitable to product maximum total dry matter yield under similar condition.

  16. Effect of foliar fertilizer and fungicidal protection against leaf spot diseases on winter wheat

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    Agnieszka Mączyńska


    Full Text Available Field experiments were carried out in the seasons 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 in Plant Protection Institute, Sooenicowice Branch to assess the influence of foliar fertilizers such as Ekolist PK 1, Ekolist Mg, Mikrosol Z and Urea on healthiness of winter wheat. Foliar fertilizers were mixed with fungicides. The fungicides were applied at full or half recommended doses. The effect of the disease on wheat leaves was evaluated three times in each vegetation season. Remaining green leaf area (GLA of leaves was also determined. GLA of the leaves F-1 was not significantly different for each combination with different fertilization and different levels of chemical treatment. The application of foliar fertilizer only had no effect on green leaf area (GLA. The results indicate that foliar fertilization of all experimental plots improved leaf condition and therefore halted the development of wheat leaf diseases. The increases of 1000 grain mass and yield was high for each plot where a fertilizer and a full or half dose of a fungicide was applied. Foliar fertilizing with no chemical control had no proven effect on studied parameters.

  17. Inferring foliar water uptake using stable isotopes of water. (United States)

    Goldsmith, Gregory R; Lehmann, Marco M; Cernusak, Lucas A; Arend, Matthias; Siegwolf, Rolf T W


    A growing number of studies have described the direct absorption of water into leaves, a phenomenon known as foliar water uptake. The resultant increase in the amount of water in the leaf can be important for plant function. Exposing leaves to isotopically enriched or depleted water sources has become a common method for establishing whether or not a plant is capable of carrying out foliar water uptake. However, a careful inspection of our understanding of the fluxes of water isotopes between leaves and the atmosphere under high humidity conditions shows that there can clearly be isotopic exchange between the two pools even in the absence of a change in the mass of water in the leaf. We provide experimental evidence that while leaf water isotope ratios may change following exposure to a fog event using water with a depleted oxygen isotope ratio, leaf mass only changes when leaves are experiencing a water deficit that creates a driving gradient for the uptake of water by the leaf. Studies that rely on stable isotopes of water as a means of studying plant water use, particularly with respect to foliar water uptake, must consider the effects of these isotopic exchange processes.

  18. Consumo de hojas por herbívoros en manglares del estuario del Río Dagua, Costa Pacífica Colombiana

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    Isabel C. Romero


    Full Text Available Leaf consumption by herbivores in mangroves of the Dagua river estuary, Pacific coast of Colombia. Herbivore leaf consumption of various mangrove species in relation to environmental factors and leaf hardness were studied in the Dagua river estuary, Colombia. Leaf consumption and damage were assessed by measuring the percentage of area attacked by herbivores, distinguishing between consumption and damage. The species that suffered the highest consumption, such as Avicennia germinans (Avicenniaceae and Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae, had softer leaves and less herbivore species when compared with Rhizophora spp. (Rhizophoraceae and Pelliciera rhizophorae (Theaceae. The abundance and diversity of leaf grazing and its variability among mangrove species in the Dagua River estuary, show the importance of the trophic dynamics of live vegetable matter, in spite of their relatively low contribution to removing organic matter. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (4: 1205-1214. Epub 2006 Dec. 15Se estudió el consumo foliar por herbívoros en hojas de varias especies de mangle con relación a los factores ambientales y la dureza de las hojas en el estuario del río Dagua. La intensidad del consumo o de los daños producidos en las hojas se cuantificó determinando el porcentaje de área foliar afectado por herbívoros separando las distintas señales de consumo o daño de las hojas. Las especies más consumidas, como A germinans y L. racemosa, presentan el menor número de tipos de huellas de daños y menor dureza que las especies menos consumidas como Rhizophora sp. y P. rhizophorae. La abundancia y diversidad de huellas de ataque por herbívoros y su variabilidad a lo largo del estuario del río Dagua, muestra la importancia de los procesos de consumo de tejido vegetal vivo en el bosque de manglar dentro de la red trófica del sistema estuarino

  19. A two-compartment exposure device for foliar uptake study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zuo, Q.; Lin, H.; Zhang, X.L.; Li, Q.L.; Liu, S.Z.; Tao, S.


    An airtight two-chamber exposure devise was designed for investigating foliar uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by plants. The upper and the bottom chambers of the device were air-tightly separated by an aluminum foil and the plant aerial tissues and roots were exposed in the two chambers, respectively. The device was tested using maize exposed to several PAH species. Positive correlations between air and aerial tissue concentrations of the exposed PAH species were revealed. PAHs spiking in the culture solution had no influence on the leaf concentrations. -- A two-compartment gastight exposure device was developed for investigation of foliar uptake of PAHs by plants

  20. Variabilidad genética según RAPD de árboles de guayabo 'Media China' procedentes de cuatro plantaciones y su respuesta morfológica a baja disponibilidad de nutrimentos

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    J. L. Domínguez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación se evaluó la variabilidad molecular y morfológica mediante marcadores tipo RAPD’s (Polimorfismos en el ADN Amplificados al Azar, de plantas de guayabo (Psidium guajava L. ‘Media China’ derivadas de semilla y sometidas a baja disponibilidad de Fe y Zn. Se establecieron asociaciones entre diecisiete caracteres morfológicos y 49 loci RAPD’s y la respuesta de las plantas al estrés nutrimental, mediante análisis de agrupamiento empleando el NTSYS, DARwin y χ2. El análisis de los patrones RAPD’s obtenidos de una muestra de 82 plantas indicó la existencia de variabilidad genética entre las mismas. De un total de 49 loci evaluados el 96 % fueron polimórficos, con un índice de diversidad promedio igual a 0.744. El análisis comparativo de la eficiencia de los marcadores RAPD’s derivados de 82 plantas contra marcadores morfológicos obtenidos de 72 plantas para definir y diferenciar grupos de genotipos con y sin síntomas de deficiencia de Fe y Zn, indicó que los marcadores RAPD’s son más eficientes para tal propósito. Los grupos de plantas sin síntomas se asociaron con la presencia de los loci RAPD’s A20-4, A20-2 y A20-1, con un peso molecular de 0.85, 1.4 y 1.6 kb y una frecuencia de 86.5, 78 y 89 %, respectivamente; mientras que la característica común para las plantas con síntomas fue la presencia de una banda A03-3, de 1.3 kb y una frecuencia de 74 %. Por la asociación de tres loci y el caracter ausencia de síntomas, se infiere que este caracter es poligénico, determinado por el efecto combinado de las bandas A20- 4, A20-2 Y A20-1, es necesaria esta combinación para la definición de los grupos sin síntomas por deficiencia de Fe y Zn. Al calcular la correlación, se encontró una asociación no significativa, con una r = 0.05743. Cuando el análisis se realizó integrando los dos tipos de marcadores en una sola matriz y utilizando el coeficiente χ2, no se encontró separación entre los

  1. De-coupling seasonal changes in water content and dry matter to predict live conifer foliar moisture content (United States)

    W. Matt Jolly; Ann M. Hadlow; Kathleen Huguet


    Live foliar moisture content (LFMC) significantly influences wildland fire behaviour. However, characterising variations in LFMC is difficult because both foliar mass and dry mass can change throughout the season. Here we quantify the seasonal changes in both plant water status and dry matter partitioning. We collected new and old foliar samples from Pinus contorta for...

  2. Climatic limits on foliar growth during major droughts in the southwestern USA (United States)

    Weiss, Jeremy L.; Betancourt, Julio L.; Overpeck, Jonathan T.


    Pronounced droughts during the 1950s and 2000s in the American Southwest provide an opportunity to compare mesoscale ecosystem responses to anomalously dry conditions before and during the regional warming that started in the late 1970s. This year-round warming has produced fewer cool season freezes, losses in regional snowpack, an 8-10 day advance in spring onset, and hotter summers, all of which should affect vegetation differently across seasons and elevations. Here, we examine indices that represent climatic limits on foliar growth for both drought periods and evaluate these indices for areas that experienced tree mortality during the 2000s drought. Relative to the 1950s drought, warmer conditions during the 2000s drought decreased the occurrence of temperatures too low for foliar growth at lower elevations in winter and higher elevations in summer. Higher vapor pressure deficits (VPDs), largely driven by warmer temperatures in the more recent drought, were more limiting to foliar growth from spring through summer at lower and middle elevations. At many locations where tree mortality occurred during the 2000s drought, low-temperature constraints on foliar growth were extremely unlimiting, whereas VPD constraints were extremely limiting from early spring through late autumn. Our analysis shows that in physiographically complex regions such as the Southwest, seasonality and elevational gradients are important for understanding vegetative responses to warming. It also suggests that continued warming will both increase the degree to which VPD limits foliar growth during future droughts and expand its reach to higher elevations and other seasons.


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    Tatiana Vega Rojas


    Full Text Available El análisis de crecimiento de 5 híbridos de zanahoria ( Daucus carota L. se efectuó en Cipreses de Oreamuno, Cartago, con el objetivo de describir el crecimiento y la fenología del cul - tivo de zanahoria. El análisis de crecimiento se realizó mediante la metodología de análisis fun - cional. Se evaluó el área foliar y peso seco total de cada órgano de la planta, se ajustaron modelos de regresión no lineal para dichas variables, se obtuvieron los parámetros que definen las fun - ciones matemáticas que describen el crecimiento y se representó gráficamente cada modelo para cada variable evaluada. Las variables de peso seco total y de raíz se ajustaron en la función logística no-lineal asintótica: PS=alfa/(1+exp(- beta(x-gamma; el peso seco de hojas y el área foliar se ajustaron en la función tipo “campana”: PS=alfa*exp(-beta(x-gamma 2 . Las plantas pre - sentaron una curva de crecimiento sigmoidal con fases bien definidas: una fase de crecimiento lento, luego una etapa de crecimiento exponen - cial, seguida de una etapa de disminución del crecimiento y por último una etapa de estabili - dad. La planta dedica sus primeros estados de desarrollo a establecer su maquinaria fotosin - tética, en competencia directa con el desarrollo radical. La raíz comienza a engrosar entre los 63 dds y los 77 dds según el híbrido, durante la etapa II de crecimiento, con una mayor proporción de asimilados destinados a la raíz, lo que conduce a un aumento en su diámetro. Finalmente, del análisis de las variables de peso seco total y área foliar, se puede establecer 2 grupos: por un lado Suprema, Esperanza y Bangor, y por otro CLX- 3193 y Sirkana. El primer grupo presentó los valores más altos para dichas variables.

  4. Foliar pH as a new plant trait: can it explain variation in foliar chemistry and carbon cycling processes among subarctic plant species and types? (United States)

    Cornelissen, J H C; Quested, H M; van Logtestijn, R S P; Pérez-Harguindeguy, N; Gwynn-Jones, D; Díaz, S; Callaghan, T V; Press, M C; Aerts, R


    Plant traits have become popular as predictors of interspecific variation in important ecosystem properties and processes. Here we introduce foliar pH as a possible new plant trait, and tested whether (1) green leaf pH or leaf litter pH correlates with biochemical and structural foliar traits that are linked to biogeochemical cycling; (2) there is consistent variation in green leaf pH or leaf litter pH among plant types as defined by nutrient uptake mode and higher taxonomy; (3) green leaf pH can predict a significant proportion of variation in leaf digestibility among plant species and types; (4) leaf litter pH can predict a significant proportion of variation in leaf litter decomposability among plant species and types. We found some evidence in support of all four hypotheses for a wide range of species in a subarctic flora, although cryptogams (fern allies and a moss) tended to weaken the patterns by showing relatively poor leaf digestibility or litter decomposability at a given pH. Among seed plant species, green leaf pH itself explained only up to a third of the interspecific variation in leaf digestibility and leaf litter up to a quarter of the interspecific variation in leaf litter decomposability. However, foliar pH substantially improved the power of foliar lignin and/or cellulose concentrations as predictors of these processes when added to regression models as a second variable. When species were aggregated into plant types as defined by higher taxonomy and nutrient uptake mode, green-specific leaf area was a more powerful predictor of digestibility or decomposability than any of the biochemical traits including pH. The usefulness of foliar pH as a new predictive trait, whether or not in combination with other traits, remains to be tested across more plant species, types and biomes, and also in relation to other plant or ecosystem traits and processes.

  5. The Effect of Zinc Sulfate Different Amount Soil and Foliar Application on Correlated Grain Characters in Sweet Corn

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    J. Mahmoodi,


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to evaluate the effects different concentrations of zinc sulfate applications at different growth stages on sweet corn at the Research Station of Faculty of Agriculture in Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch in 2012. The study was conducted in split plot experiment based on Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Treatments were seven levels of zinc sulfate application methods: (control, soil application, foliar application at 6-8 leaf growth stage, tasseling, grain filling stage, foliar application at three stages, soil application with foliar application at three stages as main plot, three levels of foliar and soil application of zinc sulfate: (0.003, 0.005 and 0.007 for foliar application and 15, 25 and 35 kg/ha for soil application as sub plot. Results showed that the highest grain yield correlated characters were obtained in foliar application at three stages and soil application with foliar application at three stages. In these conditions increasing of dry grain yield and ear were more than 50%. The higher values for grain production were obtained in Zn foliar application with 0.005 concentration (25 kg/ha soil application. Zinc sulfate increased Zn content of grains produced more than 100%. Thus, using Zn not only increases sweet corn grain and ear yield but also increased quality of products.


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    Cid Aguilar Carpio


    Full Text Available Para reducir el costo de producción en maíz y conservar el ambiente es necesario sustituir o complementar la fertilización química con biofertilizantes. Sin embargo, en maíz con biofertilizantes no se han encontrado efectos en crecimiento y rendimiento de grano. Por lo que, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la producción de materia seca, tasa de asimilación neta, tasa de crecimiento del cultivo y rendimiento de grano de maíz mejorado y criollo en siembra temprana bajo riego, en función del nitrógeno y biofertilizante aplicado. El estudio se estableció en Iguala, Gro., el 23 de enero del 2011; bajo condiciones de riego se sembró el maíz criollo raza “Vandeño” y el híbrido H 562, los tratamientos consistieron en la inoculación a la semilla del biofertilizante y la aplicación de 0, 80 y 160 kg N ha-1. Para evaluar el crecimiento del cultivo, se contabilizó el número de hojas y el área foliar. Con estos datos se calcularon las tasas medias de crecimiento del cultivo ¯TCC y asimilación neta ¯TAN. A la madurez fisiológica se evaluó la materia seca total (MS y rendimiento de grano (RG. En Vandeño el uso de biofertilizante y 160 kg N ha-1 incrementó la MS durante el desarrollo del cultivo, pero no fue significativo para el RG. En cuanto al índice y duración de área foliar, el más alto fue con 80 y 160 kg N ha-1, lo que ocasionó la mayor , pero no así en la . En relación a H-562, la más alta producción de materia seca total y rendimiento de grano fue con 160 kg N ha-1, asimismo se incrementó el índice y duración de área foliar, que generó la más alta tasa de crecimiento del cultivo y asimilación neta.

  7. Herbage Production and Quality of Shrub Indigofera Treated by Different Concentration of Foliar Fertilizer

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    L. Abdullah


    Full Text Available A field experiment on fodder legume Indigofera sp. was conducted to investigate the effects of foliar fertilizer concentration on forage yield and quality, and to identify optimum concentrations among the fertilizer treatments on herbage yield, chemical composition (CP, NDF, ADF, minerals, and in vitro dry matter (IVDMD as wll as organic matter (IVOMD digestibility in goat’s rumen. Randomized block design was used for the six concentration of fertilizer treatments; control, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 g/10 l with 3 replicates. Leaves were sprayed with foliar fertilizer at 30, 34, 38, and 42 days after harvest. Samples were collected at 2 harvest times with 60 days cutting interval. Application of the foliar fertilizer up to 30 g/10 l significantly increased herbage DM yield, twig numbers, tannin, saponin, Ca and P content, as well as herbage digestibility (IVDMD and IVOMD. The lower and higher concentration of foliar fertilizer resulted in lower value of those parameters, but NDF and ADF contents had the opposite patterns. The optimum level of foliar fertilizer that resulted the highest herbage yield and quality was 30 g/10 l, and the highest in vitro digestibility and Ca concentration was 20 g/10 l.

  8. Taxonomic value of foliar characters in Dahlstedtia Malme: Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae Valor taxonômico de caracteres foliares em Dahlstedtia Malme: Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae

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    Simone de Pádua Teixeira


    Full Text Available Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae is a neotropical genus, native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and comprises two species, D. pinnata (Benth. Malme and D. pentaphylla (Taub. Burk., although it has been considered a monotypic genus by some authors. Leaf anatomy was compared to verify the presence of anatomical characters to help delimit species. Foliar primordium, leaflet, petiolule, petiole and pulvinus were collected from cultivated plants (Campinas, SP, Brazil and from natural populations (Picinguaba, Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil - D. pinnata; Antonina, PR, Brazil - D. pentaphylla. Studies on leaflet surface assessment (Scanning Electron Microscopy, as well as histology and venation analyses were carried out of dehydrated, fresh and fixed material from two species. Leaflet material was macerated for stomatal counts. Histological sections, obtained by free-hand cut or microtome, were stained with Toluidine Blue, Safranin/Alcian Blue, Ferric Chloride, Acid Phloroglucin. Secretory cavities are present in the lamina, petiolule, petiole, pulvinus and leaf primordium in D. pentaphylla, but not in D. pinnata, and can be considered an important character for species diagnosis. Other leaf characters were uninformative in delimiting Dahlstedtia species. There is cambial activity in the petiolule, petiole and pulvinus. This study, associated with other available data, supports the recognition of two species in Dahlstedtia.Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae é um gênero neotropical, com duas espécies reconhecidas, D. pinnata (Benth. Malme e D. pentaphylla (Taub. Burk., embora tenha sido considerado monotípico por alguns autores. Seus representantes ocorrem na Floresta Atlântica, nos Estados do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo comparativo da anatomia foliar, para verificar a presença de caracteres que possam auxiliar a identificação das espécies. Primórdio foliar, lâmina foliar, peciólulo, pecíolo e pulvino

  9. Decoupling Seasonal Changes in Water Content and Dry Matter to Predict Live Conifer Foliar Moisture Content.


    Jolly, W. M.; Hadlow, A. M.; Huguet, K.


    Live foliar moisture content (LFMC) significantly influences wildland fire behaviour. However, characterising variations in LFMC is difficult because both foliar mass and dry mass can change throughout the season. Here we quantify the seasonal changes in both plant water status and dry matter partitioning. We collected new and old foliar samples fromPinus contorta for two growing seasons and quantified their LFMC, relative water content (RWC) and dry matter chemistry. LFMC quantifies the amou...

  10. Effect of foliar nitrogen and sulphur application on aromatic expression of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sauvignon blanc

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    Florian Lacroux


    Significance and impact of the study: Vine nitrogen deficiency can negatively impact on grape aroma potential. Soil nitrogen application can increase vine nitrogen status, but it has several drawbacks: it increases vigour and enhances Botrytis susceptibility. This study shows that foliar N and foliar N + S applications can improve vine nitrogen status and enhance aroma expression in Sauvignon blanc wines without the negative impact on vigour and Botrytis susceptibility. Although this study was carried out on Sauvignon blanc vines, it is likely that foliar N or foliar N + S applications will have similar effects on other grapevine varieties containing volatile thiols (Colombard, Riesling, Petit Manseng and Sémillon.

  11. Modelos para a estimação da área foliar de feijão de porco por dimensões foliares

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    Marcos Toebe


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi modelar a área foliar de feijão de porco determinada por fotos digitais em função do comprimento ou da largura e/ou do produto comprimento vezes largura do limbo do folíolo central da folha. Em seis períodos de desenvolvimento da cultura (29, 43, 57, 73, 87 e 101 dias após a emergência foram coletadas, aleatoriamente, 745 folhas. Cada folha é composta pelos folíolos esquerdo, central e direito. Nas 745 folhas foi mensurado o comprimento (CFC e a largura (LFC e calculado o produto do comprimento pela largura (CFC×LFC do limbo do folíolo central. A seguir, determinou-se a área foliar (soma da área dos folíolos esquerdo, central e direito por meio do método de fotos digitais (Y. Do total de folhas, foram separadas, aleatoriamente, 605 folhas para a construção de modelos do tipo quadrático, potência e linear de Y em função do CFC, da LFC, e/ou do CFC×LFC e 140 folhas para a validação dos modelos. Em feijão de porco, o modelo tipo potência (Ŷ=3,7046x1,8747, R²=0,9757 da largura do limbo do folíolo central é adequado para estimar a área foliar obtida por fotos digitais.

  12. Desarrollo reproductivo del “amancay” Ismene amancaes (Amaryllidaceae en su ambiente natural

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    Mery L. Suni


    Full Text Available Ismene amancaes “amancay” es una especie bulbosa característica de las formaciones vegetales denominadas “Lomas” de la costa central del Perú. Emerge al iniciar el periodo de neblina que ocurre en junio, durante el invierno. Presenta flores grandes amarillas y con agradable aroma, muy apreciadas y de valor ornamental. A fin de conocer el desarrollo reproductivo de Ismene amancaes en su ambiente natural se hicieron muestreos mensuales de sus bulbos durante todo un año. Se realizaron observaciones del interior del bulbo para determinar el inicio de la formación y desarrollo de las yemas florales y se relacionó con la formación de sus hojas y la humedad edáfica. Se puede indicar que las primeras yemas florales se hacen evidentes el año anterior a su emergencia, en el mes de diciembre, alcanzando el máximo número de yemas florales en febrero (periodo de verano. La diferenciación de las yemas florales se inicia luego de haberse formado las hojas que saldrán el siguiente año y en el periodo de máximo descenso de la humedad edáfica y de incremento de la temperatura (noviembre. La inflorescencia es la única ramificación que se forma mientras que la yema apical continua formando hojitas. En junio, la pequeña inflorescencia alcanza el cuello del bulbo y avanza seguido por las hojas formadas antes de la inflorescencia siendo envolventes a la inflorescencia misma y a la yema foliar apical. La yema foliar continuará su desarrollo y en julio dos de sus hojas salen del bulbo, las siguientes aun pequeñas quedan dentro y brotarán en el periodo de Lomas del siguiente año. Se puede señalar que el éxito reproductivo de Ismene amancaes en su etapa inicial es dependiente de los fotoasimilados acumulados como biomasa del bulbo en el periodo de Lomas anterior.

  13. Morfo-anatomia foliar de Ocotea gardneri (Meisn. Mez (Lauraceae-Lauroideae

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    Denise F. Coutinho

    Full Text Available Ocotea gardneri (Meisn. Mez é uma espécie arbórea, encontrada no nordeste brasileiro, principalmente nos estados da Paraíba e Pernambuco, conhecida por "louro-branco" e "louro-babão". Neste trabalho realizou-se morfodiagnoses (macroscópica e microscópica de folhas de O. gardneri, com o objetivo de fornecer subsídios à sua caracterização e identificação. Para a morfologia externa, analisaram-se amostras frescas e conservadas em álcool (70º, com auxílio de estereomicroscópio, e observações de campo. Realizaram-se secções transversais em lâminas foliares e pecíolos, e seções paradérmicas nas duas faces de lâminas foliares. Ocotea gardneri possui folhas elípticas a oval-elípticas, margem inteira, levemente ondeada, ápice agudo e base arredondada. A lâmina foliar é hipoestomática com estômatos do tipo paracítico; a epiderme é uniestratificada, com células de paredes retas e espessadas; o mesofilo é isobilateral, aqui referido pela primeira vez para uma espécie de Lauraceae, com células e ductos secretores evidentes e feixes vasculares colaterais envolvidos pela bainha esclerenquimática. Este conjunto de caracteres aliado à morfologia foliar, permitiram o estabelecimento de parâmetros que possibilitarão a caracterização de folhas de Ocotea gardneri em testes de autenticidade, bem como auxiliarão em estudos da taxonomia da espécie estudada.

  14. Response of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. Cultivars to Foliar Applications of Magnesium

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    Michele Pisante


    Full Text Available Magnesium deficiencies have been shown to be particularly dangerous to short cycled crops, both on sandy and clay soils. Such deficiencies may be corrected by foliar fertilisations, but in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. no experimental data may be found to support this hypothesis. Therefore this paper was aimed at studying the effect of foliar Mg-applications (56, 112 and 224 g ha-1 in single application at flowering or splitted half dose at 4-leaf stage and half at flowering alone and with Zn (200 g ha-1 on yield and quality of two French bean genotypes (Bronco, Cadillac. Foliar Mg-applications significantly increased pod yield and, considering the highest rate with respect to the untreated, such an increase was 78% and 32% for Bronco and Cadillac, respectively. Split applications were also more effective, with yield increases of 109% and 50% for the two genotypes. Concerning quality, foliar Mg applications showed a significant effect particularly on sugars, calcium, phosphate, sulphate and Mg contents in pods. On the other hand, a significant effect on the accumulation of nitrates was noted, especially with split applications (144% increase vs. unfertilised and, in some cases, an antagonistic effect on K content (10-20% decrease on average. Foliar Mg fertilisation of French bean seemed to be a promising practice with reference to human health and nutrition, tough some care is needed to avoid the accumulation of nitrates in pods. Split applications seemed to be more effective, while the addition of Zn to the fertiliser mix did not give any relevant effect.

  15. Ecoanatomía foliar de arbustos y árboles del distrito chaqueño oriental de la Argentina

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    Ana Arambarri


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar caracteres anatómicos foliares que contribuyan a una mejor comprensión de la relación planta-ambiente y al desarrollo de tecnologías para el aprovechamiento sustentable y conservación de los bosques de esta región. Para ello se aplicaron técnicas histológicas convencionales sobre hojas de ejemplares de 36 especies recolectadas en la región chaqueña húmeda. Se determinaron densidades por mm-2 de células epidérmicas, estomas y tricomas, tipos de mesofilo, tipo y distribución de los tejidos vascular y de sostén. La mayoría de los árboles de la región en estudio presentan hojas hipostomáticas con mesofilo dorsiventral, elevada densidad de células epidérmicas (4000-7000/mm-2, una densidad intermedia de estomas (300-500/mm-2 y baja densidad de tricomas (< 35/mm-2. La comparación con los caracteres anatómicos foliares de los arbustos y árboles de las Provincias Biogeográficas Paranaense, de las Yungas y Chaqueña permite concluir que los rasgos más variables son la distribución de estomas y tipo de mesofilo. Las hojas xeromórficas son anfistomáticas, equifaciales y las mesomórficas son hipostomáticas, bifaciales. En el Distrito Chaqueño Oriental las hojas son predominantemente meso-xeromórficas, ya que a sus rasgos mesomórficos se suman otros xeromórficos como elevada densidad de células epidérmicas y abundante tejido esclerenquimático.

  16. Shifting Foliar N:P Ratios with Experimental Soil Warming in Tussock Tundra (United States)

    Jasinski, B.; Mack, M. C.; Schuur, E.; Mauritz, M.; Walker, X. J.


    Warming temperatures in the Arctic and boreal ecosystems are currently driving widespread permafrost thaw. Thermokarst is one form of thaw, in which a deepening active soil layer and associated hydrologic changes can lead to increased nutrient availability and shifts in plant community composition. Individual plant species often differ in their ability to access nutrients and adapt to new environmental conditions. While nitrogen (N) is often the nutrient most limiting to Arctic plant communities, the extent to which plant available phosphorus (P) from previously frozen mineral soil may increase as the active layer deepens is still uncertain. To understand the changing relationship between species' uptake of N and P in a thermokarst environment, we assessed foliar N:P ratios from 2015 in two species, a tussock sedge (Eriophorum vaginatum) and a dwarf shrub (Rubus chamaemorus), at a moist acidic tussock tundra experimental passive soil warming site. The passive soil warming treatment increased active layer depth in warmed plots by 35.4 cm (+/- 1.1 cm), an 80% increase over the control plots. E.vaginatum demonstrated a 16.9% decrease (p=0.012, 95% CI [-27.99%, -5.94%]) in foliar N:P ratios in warmed plots, driven mostly by an increase in foliar phosphorus. Foliar N:P ratios of R.chamaemorus showed no significant change. However, foliar samples of R.chamaemorus were significantly enriched in the isotope 15N in soil warming plots (9.9% increase (p=0.002, 95% CI [4.45%, 15.39%])), while the sedge E.vaginatum was slightly depleted. These results suggest that (1) in environments with thawing mineral soil plant available phosphorus may increase more quickly than nitrogen, and (2) that species' uptake strategies and responses to increasing N and P will vary, which has implications for future ecological shifts in thawing ecosystems.

  17. Erythroneura lawsoni abundance and feeding injury levels are influenced by foliar nutrient status in intensively managed American sycamore.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coyle, David, Robert: Aubrey, Doug, Patric; Bentz, Jo-Ann


    Abstract 1 Abundance and feeding injury of the leafhopper Erythroneura lawsoni Robinson was measured in an intensively-managed American sycamore Platanus occidentalis L. plantation. Trees were planted in spring 2000 in a randomized complete block design, and received one of three annual treatments: (i) fertilization (120 kg N/ha/year); (ii) irrigation (3.0 cm/week); (iii) fertilization + irrigation; or (iv) control (no treatment). 2 Foliar nutrient concentrations were significantly influenced by the treatments because only sulphur and manganese levels were not statistically greater in trees receiving fertilization. 3 Over 116 000 E. lawsoni were captured on sticky traps during the study. Leafhopper abundance was highest on nonfertilized trees for the majority of the season, and was positively correlated with foliar nutrient concentrations. Significant temporal variation in E. lawsoni abundance occurred, suggesting five discrete generations in South Carolina. 4 Significant temporal variation occurred in E. lawsoni foliar injury levels, with the highest injury ratings occurring in late June and August. Foliar injury was negatively correlated with foliar nutrient content, and higher levels of injury occurred more frequently on nonfertilized trees. 5 The results obtained in the present study indicated that increased E. lawsoni abundance occurred on trees that did not receive fertilization. Nonfertilized trees experienced greater foliar injury, suggesting that lower foliar nutrient status may have led to increased levels of compensatory feeding.

  18. Foliar moisture content of Pacific Northwest vegetation and its relation to wildland fire behavior. (United States)

    James K. Agee; Clinton S. Wright; Nathan Williamson; Mark H. Huff


    Fotiar moisture was monitored for five conifers and associated understory vegetation in Pacific Northwest forests. Decline in foliar moisture of new foliage occurred over the dry season, while less variation was evident in older foliage. Late season foliar moisture ranged from 130 to 170%. In riparian-upland comparisons, largest differences were found for understory...

  19. Adubação foliar com macro e micronutrientes no crescimento de mudas micropropagadas do abacaxizeiro cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] em diferentes recipientes Foliar fertilization with macro and micronutrients in the growth of plantlets micropropagated of pineapple cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] in different containers

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    Izaias dos Santos Bregonci


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação foliar com macro e micronutrientes no crescimento das mudas micropropagadas do abacaxizeiro cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill], em diferentes recipientes. O experimento foi em esquema fatorial 8x3, adubação foliar em 8 níveis e recipientes em 3 níveis, através de um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 repetições. As mudas foram padronizadas com altura média de 7,12 cm. As adubações foliares foram feitas com uréia, cloreto de potássio, ácido bórico, um formulado comercial com macro e micronutrientes e testemunha (pulverização com água e os recipientes: bandeja de isopor com 200 células; tubete pequeno de 115 cm³; e tubete grande com 300 cm³. O substrato utilizado foi o plantmax hortaliças®. Avaliaram-se as características área foliar, altura de planta e massa seca da parte aérea e da raiz, aos 140 dias do transplantio. Os adubos foliares proporcionaram maior crescimento em área foliar, altura e massa seca da parte aérea às mudas do abacaxizeiro, embora com resultados diferentes. Os adubos foliares não aumentaram a massa seca do sistema radicular. A bandeja de isopor apresentou as menores médias, com todos os adubos foliares para área foliar, altura e massa seca da parte aérea das mudas do abacaxizeiro. O tubete pequeno e o tubete grande apresentaram resultados semelhantes com a maioria dos adubos foliares utilizados.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the foliar fertilization with macro and micronutrients on the growth of the plantlets micropropagated of pineapple cv. Gold [Ananas comosus (L. Merrill] in different containers. The experiment was mounted in factorial arrangement 8x3, with foliar fertilization in 8 levels and containers in 3 levels, through a completely randomized design with five repetitions. The plantlets were standardized with average height of 7,12 cm. The foliar fertilization was used in the urea

  20. Effect of Nutrient Solution Concentration, Time and Frequency of Foliar Application on Growth of Leaf and Daughter Corms of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.

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    R Khorasani


    Full Text Available In order to investigate the effect of different levels of nutrient solution concentration and times and frequencies of foliar applications on dry weight, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations of leaf and corm of saffron, a pot experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement and three replications under open door conditions in research garden of ferdowsi university, faculty of agriculture. The experimental treatments were included 4 levels of solution concentration (0, 4, 8 and 12 per 1000 and 7 levels of time and frequency of foliar applications (F1: foliar application on 3th February, F2: foliar application on 18th February, F3: foliar application on 5th March, F4: foliar applications on 3th and 18th February, F5: foliar applications on 3th February and 5th March, F6: foliar applications on 18th February and 5th March, F7: foliar applications on 3th and 18th February and 5th March. Results of variance analysis showed that fresh and dry weight of corm and leaf were not influenced by concentration, time and frequency of foliar applications. Also, comparison of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations of leaf and corm showed that there was no significant difference between levels of foliar treatments and control. Therefore, it seems that due attention to pattern of leaf and low nutrient demand of saffron, foliar applications in different levels of nutrient solution concentrations and times and frequencies of foliar applications could not increase vegetative growth and consequently, could not improve the growth and nutritional properties of saffron corms.

  1. [Dynamics of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen during foliar litter decomposition under artificial forest gap in Pinus massoniana plantation. (United States)

    Zhang, Ming Jin; Chen, Liang Hua; Zhang, Jian; Yang, Wan Qin; Liu, Hua; Li, Xun; Zhang, Yan


    Nowadays large areas of plantations have caused serious ecological problems such as soil degradation and biodiversity decline. Artificial tending thinning and construction of mixed forest are frequently used ways when we manage plantations. To understand the effect of this operation mode on nutrient cycle of plantation ecosystem, we detected the dynamics of microbial bio-mass carbon and nitrogen during foliar litter decomposition of Pinus massoniana and Toona ciliate in seven types of gap in different sizes (G 1 : 100 m 2 , G 2 : 225 m 2 , G 3 : 400 m 2 , G 4 : 625 m 2 , G 5 : 900 m 2 , G 6 : 1225 m 2 , G 7 : 1600 m 2 ) of 42-year-old P. massoniana plantations in a hilly area of the upper Yang-tze River. The results showed that small and medium-sized forest gaps(G 1 -G 5 ) were more advantageous for the increment of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in the process of foliar litter decomposition. Along with the foliar litter decomposition during the experiment (360 d), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) in P. massoniana foliar litter and MBN in T. ciliata foliar litter first increased and then decreased, and respectively reached the maxima 9.87, 0.22 and 0.80 g·kg -1 on the 180 th d. But the peak (44.40 g·kg -1 ) of MBC in T. ciliata foliar litter appeared on the 90 th d. Microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in T. ciliate was significantly higher than that of P. massoniana during foliar litter decomposition. Microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in foliar litter was not only significantly associated with average daily temperature and the water content of foliar litter, but also closely related to the change of the quality of litter. Therefore, in the thinning, forest gap size could be controlled in the range of from 100 to 900 m 2 to facilitate the increase of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in the process of foliar litter decomposition, accelerate the decomposition of foliar litter and improve soil fertility of plantations.

  2. Importance of Foliar Nitrogen Concentration to Predict Forest Productivity in the Mid-Atlantic Region (United States)

    Yude Pan; John Hom; Jennifer Jenkins; Richard Birdsey


    To assess what difference it might make to include spatially defined estimates of foliar nitrogen in the regional application of a forest ecosystem model (PnET-II), we composed model predictions of wood production from extensive ground-based forest inventory analysis data across the Mid-Atlantic region. Spatial variation in foliar N concentration was assigned based on...

  3. Effects of Foliar Selenite on the Nutrient Components of Turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa Linn.

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    Xiong Li


    Full Text Available We administered foliar applications of 50, 100, and 200 mg L−1 selenium (Se, selenite on turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa Linn. and detected the changes in the main nutrient components in fleshy roots. Results showed that the foliar application of Se (IV significantly increased the Se content in turnip, and Se (IV positively affected the uptake of several mineral elements, including magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, and copper. Se (IV treatments also improved the synthesis of protein and multiple amino acids instead of crude fat and total carbohydrate in turnip, indicating that the foliar application of Se (IV could enhance Se biofortification in turnip and promote its nutritional value. We recommended 50–100 mg L−1 Se treatment for foliar application on turnip based on the daily intake of Se for adults (96–139 μg person−1 day−1 and its favorable effects on the nutrient components of turnip.

  4. Effects of foliar selenite on the nutrient components of turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa Linn.) (United States)

    Li, Xiong; Li, Boqun; Yang, Yongping


    We administered foliar applications of 50, 100 and 200 mg L‑1 selenium (Se, selenite) on turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa Linn.) and detected the changes in the main nutrient components in fleshy roots. Results showed that the foliar application of Se (Ⅳ) significantly increased the Se content in turnip, and Se (Ⅳ) positively affected the uptake of several mineral elements, including magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and copper. Se (Ⅳ) treatments also improved the synthesis of protein and multiple amino acids instead of crude fat and total carbohydrate in turnip, indicating that the foliar application of Se (Ⅳ) could enhance Se biofortification in turnip and promote its nutritional value. We recommended 50–100 mg L‑1 Se treatment for foliar application on turnip based on the daily intake of Se for adults (96–139 µg person‑1 day‑1) and its favourable effects on the nutrient components of turnip.

  5. Mapping spatial variability of foliar nitrogen in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plantations with multispectral Sentinel-2 MSI data (United States)

    Chemura, Abel; Mutanga, Onisimo; Odindi, John; Kutywayo, Dumisani


    Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting factor to coffee development and productivity. Therefore, development of rapid, spatially explicit and temporal remote sensing-based approaches to determine spatial variability of coffee foliar N are imperative for increasing yields, reducing production costs and mitigating environmental impacts associated with excessive N applications. This study sought to assess the value of Sentinel-2 MSI spectral bands and vegetation indices in empirical estimation of coffee foliar N content at landscape level. Results showed that coffee foliar N is related to Sentinel-2 MSI B4 (R2 = 0.32), B6 (R2 = 0.49), B7 (R2 = 0.42), B8 (R2 = 0.57) and B12 (R2 = 0.24) bands. Vegetation indices were more related to coffee foliar N as shown by the Inverted Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index - IRECI (R2 = 0.66), Relative Normalized Difference Index - RNDVI (R2 = 0.48), CIRE1 (R2 = 0.28), and Normalized Difference Infrared Index - NDII (R2 = 0.37). These variables were also identified by the random forest variable optimisation as the most valuable in coffee foliar N prediction. Modelling coffee foliar N using vegetation indices produced better accuracy (R2 = 0.71 with RMSE = 0.27 for all and R2 = 0.73 with RMSE = 0.25 for optimized variables), compared to using spectral bands (R2 = 0.57 with RMSE = 0.32 for all and R2 = 0.58 with RMSE = 0.32 for optimized variables). Combining optimized bands and vegetation indices produced the best results in coffee foliar N modelling (R2 = 0.78, RMSE = 0.23). All the three best performing models (all vegetation indices, optimized vegetation indices and combining optimal bands and optimal vegetation indices) established that 15.2 ha (4.7%) of the total area under investigation had low foliar N levels (landscape scale.

  6. Foliar micromorphology of Lippia javanica (Burm.F) Spreng ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Lippia javanica (Burm.F.) Spreng is an aromatic indigenous South African plant with culinary and medicinal values. This study investigated the foliar morphology and elemental composition of the plant because not much data concerning the anatomical and micro-morphological features can be found in ...

  7. Absorção e redistribuição do nitrogênio aplicado via foliar em videiras jovens Uptake and redistribution of nitrogen in foliar application in young grapevines

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    Gustavo Brunetto


    Full Text Available A aplicação de nitrogênio via foliar antes da senescência das folhas da videira pode ser uma estratégia para aumentar as reservas deste nutriente nas partes perenes, uma vez que as mesmas são disponibilizadas no início do crescimento vegetativo dos órgãos anuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de estimar a absorção e a redistribuição do N adicionado via foliar em videiras jovens. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação na EMBRAPA-Uva e Vinho, no município de Bento Gonçalves (RS. Foram utilizadas as variedades Chardonnay e Riesling Itálico com porta-enxerto 101-14 Mgt. Foi cultivada uma planta por vaso contendo 10kg de solo Neossolo Litólico. A aplicação do N via foliar foi parcelada em três vezes, durante três dias sucessivos. Foram aplicados 84,84mg N planta-1 na forma de (15NH42SO4 . As plantas foram colhidas em sete épocas diferentes. Após a colheita, as plantas foram fracionadas em folhas, enxerto, porta-enxerto, raízes grossas (>2mm e raízes finas (The foliar application of nitrogen before the leaves senescence may be a strategy to increase the nutrient reserves in the perennial parts, being available in the beginning of the vegetative growth of the annual parts. The objective of this work was to estimate the uptake and redistribution of N applied by foliar way in young grapevines. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at EMBRAPA-Grape and Wine, Bento Gonçalves Southern Brazil. The cultivars used were Chardonnay and Riesling Italic grafted on rootstock 101-14 Mgt. It was cultivated one plant by vase with 10kg of soil Udorthent. The foliar application of N was parceled in three times during three successive days. It was applied 84,84mg N plant-1 using (15NH42SO4 . The plants were collected in seven times, during vegetative growth. The plants were fractionated in leaves, graft, carry-graft, thick roots (>2mm and fine roots (<2mm, oven-dried, weighted, and analyzed N-total and 15N contents. The

  8. Estimativa da área foliar de Sida cordifolia e Sida rhombifolia usando dimensões lineares do limbo foliar Estimate of Sida cordifolia and Sida rhombifolia leaf area using leaf blade linear dimensions

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    S. Bianco


    Full Text Available A estimativa da área foliar pode auxiliar na compreensão de relações de interferência entre plantas daninhas e cultivadas. Com o objetivo de obter uma equação que, por meio de parâmetros lineares dimensionais das folhas, permita a estimativa da área foliar de Sida cordifolia e Sida rhombifolia, estudaram-se as correlações entre área foliar real (Af e parâmetros dimensionais do limbo foliar, como o comprimento (C ao longo da nervura principal e a largura máxima (L perpendicular à nervura principal. Foram analisados 200 limbos foliares de cada espécie, coletados em diferentes agroecossistemas na Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Jaboticabal. Os modelos estatísticos utilizados foram linear: Y = a + bx; linear simples: Y = bx; geométrico: Y = ax b; e exponencial: Y = ab x. Todos os modelos analisados podem ser empregados para estimação da área foliar de S. cordifolia e S. rhombifolia. Sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples, envolvendo o produto C*L, considerando-se o coeficiente linear igual a zero, em função da praticidade desta. Desse modo, a estimativa da área foliar de S. cordifolia pode ser obtida pela fórmula Af = 0,7878*(C*L, com coeficiente de determinação de 0,9307, enquanto para S. rhombifolia a estimativa da área foliar pode ser obtida pela fórmula Af = 0,6423*(C*L, com coeficiente de determinação de 0,9711.Leaf area estimate may contribute to understand the relationship of interference between weeds and crops. The objective of this research was to obtain a mathematical equation to estimate Sida cordifolia and Sida rhombifolia leaf area based on linear measures of leaf blade. Correlation studies were conducted between real leaf area (Af and dimensional leaf blade parameters such as leaf length (C and maximum leaf width (L. Around 200 leaf blades of each species were analyzed, collected from several agro-ecosystems at São Paulo State University, in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The statistical

  9. Influencia del evento "El Niño 1997-98" en el desarrollo de Ismene amancaes (Amaryllldaceae, Liliopsidae

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    Silvia Agüero


    Full Text Available En años de condiciones climatológicas normales el inicio de los meses de humedad en las lomas es en junio; la especie bulbifera Ismene amaneaes "amancaes" es una de las primeras en rebrotar en relación a otras herbáceas, por lo que resulta ser una indicadora del inicio de la humedad en las lomas. El presente estudio realizado en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay, Prov. Huaura, Opto. Lima, presenta datos de los registros realizados entre julio 1997 y mayo 1998. Las evaluaciones periódicas in sítu de plantas juveniles permitieron determinar la variación del área foliar, número de hojas, diámetro y altura del cuello del bulbo, asimismo, se cuantificó la humedad del suelo. En las plantas adultas se registró las etapas de su ciclo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron relacionados con el retraso de los meses húmedos de "lomas" (agosto 97 y su duración hasta 1998. La temperatura y humedad fluctuantes registradas durante "El Niño" incidió en el acelerado desarrollo de los individuos. Las plantas juveniles mostraron la mayor área foliar a inicios de setiembre (83,9 cm2 por plama y fue decreciendo hacia octubre en relación directa del contenido de humedad en el suelo. El 30% de las plantas adultas florecieron y sólo el 40% de éstas fructificaron, lo que redujo su capacidad de propagación sexual. El incremento de la humedad del suelo, en los meses siguientes, no influyó en el nuevo rebrote de la planta a diferencia de otras especies que si reiniciaron o prolongaron su ciclo.

  10. Noise-resistant spectral features for retrieving foliar chemical parameters (United States)

    Foliar chemical constituents are important indicators for understanding vegetation growing status and ecosystem functionality. Provided the noncontact and nondestructive traits, the hyperspectral analysis is a superior and efficient method for deriving these parameters. In practical implementation o...

  11. Utilização de Acibenzolar-S-Methyl para controle de doenças foliares da soja Use of Acibenzolar-S-Methyl to control foliar diseases of soybean

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    Leandro Jose Dallagnol


    Full Text Available O controle das doenças foliares na cultura da soja pode ser obtido pela utilização de métodos genéticos, culturais e químicos. A utilização de ativadores químicos dos mecanismos de defesa é uma alternativa de controle induzido. Para avaliar o efeito na eficácia com a inclusão de Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (ASM no programa de controle químico das doenças foliares na cultura da soja, um experimento foi instalado com as cultivares IAS 5, CD 201 e RS 10. O efeito do ASM foi avaliada isoladamente e em mistura com Difenoconazole aplicados nos estádios R3, R4 e R5.1 e o Azoxystrobin em R5.1. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a severidade das doenças de final de ciclo (DFC, desfolha, área foliar verde e rendimento de grãos. A inclusão de ASM nos programas de controle químico aumentou, na maioria dos casos, a eficácia dos fungicidas para todos os parâmetros avaliados, porém com variação entre as cultivares. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com aplicações de Difenoconazole + ASM aplicado em R3 e R4, não sendo verificado efeito na eficácia do Azoxystrobin (R5.1. O incremento no rendimento das cultivares foi influenciado pela tolerância das cultivares as doenças, sendo positivo para as cultivares CD 201 e RS 10 com aplicação de ASM + Difenoconazole em R4.The chemical control of foliar diseases in soybean can be achieved by using genetic, cultural and chemical practices. The use of activators of plant defense mechanisms is an alternative for disease control. An experiment was carried out with the cultivars 'IAS 5', 'CD 201' and 'RS 10' aiming to evaluate the efficacy of the inclusion of Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (ASM to the chemical control program of foliar diseases in soybean. The effect of ASM was evaluated separately and mixture with Difenoconazol sprayed on to plants at the growth stages of R3, R4, R5. 1 Azoxystrobin was sprayed on R5.1. The variables evaluated were diseases severities at the end of the crop, desfoliation, green

  12. Residual effect of sugar cane ratoon of urea nitrogen foliar application to plant cane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.; Lara Cabezas, W.A.R.; Coleti, J.T.


    The residual effect of urea - N, foliar applied to plant cane, on sugar cane ratoon is studied. Setts grown in drums containing washed sand are used. 180 days from planting, foliar fertilizer (43.5% urea solution) labelled with 3.95 atom % 15 N is applied. The first harvest is made 7 days after application and final harvest of resprouting at 123 days. (M.A.C.) [pt

  13. Estimativa da área foliar do girassol por método não destrutivo

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    Leonardo Angelo de Aquino


    Full Text Available Métodos de fácil execução, rápidos e não destrutivos, que possibilitem estimar a área foliar com precisão, são importantes para avaliar o crescimento das plantas nas condições de campo. Objetivou-se no presente trabalho, ajustar equações para estimar a área do limbo foliar e a área das folhas do girassol, em função das medidas lineares do limbo e do número de folhas por planta, incluindo a verificação da possibilidade de modelos comuns para as cultivares BR-122 e M-734. Seis plantas de cada cultivar nos estádios de início de florescimento e de florescimento pleno foram coletadas. As áreas dos limbos foliares foram determinadas por método direto. Foram medidos o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal e a largura de forma perpendicular à inserção do limbo no pecíolo. Foram ajustados os modelos linear, quadrático, cúbico, exponencial e potencial. Os modelos potenciais Ŷi = 1,6329Xi1,7164 e Ŷi = 0,5405Xi1,0212 com a utilização, respectivamente, das medidas da largura e do produto largura e comprimento são os mais adequados para estimar a área do limbo foliar do girassol. O modelo Ŷi = 5,1014Xi2,4383 permite estimar com precisão a área foliar total do girassol em função do número de folhas por planta. A precisão das equações ajustadas para as estimativas da área do limbo foliar ou de folhas por planta não é reduzida quando se ajustam modelos comuns às cultivares BR-122 e M-734.

  14. Contribution of foliar leaching and dry deposition to sulfate in net throughfall below deciduous trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garten, C.T. Jr.; Bondietti, E.A.; Lomax, R.D.


    Experiments were conducted at Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee in 1986 with radioactive 35 S to quantify the contribution of foliar leaching and dry deposition to sulfate (SO 4 2- ) in net throughfall (NTF). Two red maple (Acer rubrum) and two yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) trees (12-15 m tall) were radiolabeled by stem well injection. Total S and 35 S were measured in leaves; 35 S and SO 4 2- were measured in throughfall (THF). The contribution of foliar leaching to SO 4 2- in NTF, THF minus incident precipitation, was estimated by isotope dilution of 35 S in NTF arising from nonradioactive S in dry deposition. The per cent contribution of foliar leaching to SO 4 2- in NTF was greatest during the week following isotope labeling and during the period of autumn leaf fall. During the growing season, foliar leaching accounted for 80% of the SO 4 2- in NTF beneath the study trees. Dry deposition of S to these tree species can be reasonably approximated during summer from the measurement of SO 4 2- flux in NTF. (author)

  15. Malabsorption of mineral nutrients and effects of foliar fertilization on continuously cropped capsicum annuum l. var. annuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye, X.H.; Zhao, Z.L.; Zhao, Z.L.; Zhao, H.B.


    Cayenne pepper (C. annuum var. annuum) cultivar known as line No. 5 was used to establish a reference baseline for fertilization experiments under conditions of continuous cropping versus crop rotation. The effects of continuous cropping on absorption of 11 essential nutrient elements and fruit yield were studied. Concurrently, we also examined the effects of foliar application of urea + KH/sub 2/ PO/sub 4/ and Fe + B + Zn + Mn on nutrient absorption due to continuous cropping. The results showed that, compared with peppers grown in rotation soil, continuous cropping affected the uptake of eight elements (P, K, Mg, Fe, B, Zn, Mn, Cu) and transport of these elements to the aerial parts of the plant, although the element concentrations in continuous cropping soil were not lower than those in rotation soil. Continuous cropping caused a decline in fruit yield. The impact of continuous cropping on the uptake of trace elements was greater than it was for macro elements. Foliar application of urea + KH/sub 2/ PO/sub 4/ significantly improved the P, Mg, Fe, and Mo content of continuously-cropped pepper plants, but did not significantly improve the content of N and K, and there was an antagonistic effect on Zn uptake. Foliar application of Fe + B + Zn + Mn, significantly increased the Fe, B, Zn, Mn, and P content in the plants; Ca uptake in the leaves and fruits was promoted to a certain degree, but there was obvious antagonism toward Mo and Cu uptake in the stems, leaves and fruits. Pepper fruit yields were significantly increased by foliar application of urea + KH/sub 2/ PO/sub 4/ or foliar application of Fe + B + Zn + Mn. However the effects of foliar application of Fe + B + Zn + Mn on increased production were significantly better than the effects of foliar application of urea + KH/sub 2/ PO/sub 4/. (author)

  16. Foliar and soil application of 15N-labelled fertilizers in the cultivation of common bean and soybean

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papanicolaou, E.P.; Skarlou, V.D.; Apostolakis, C.G.; Katranis, N.


    In two field experiments (one with beans and one with soybeans) during 1977, the influence of soil application of different nitrogen fertilizers and also of foliar application of the Hanway nutrient solution (N-P-K-S) on nitrogen fixation, grain yield and fertilizer utilization was studied. The nodule data for soybeans indicated that urea applied as starter, topdress or foliar spray adversely affected nodule number and weight. Starter (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 had an effect similar to urea, while starter NH 4 NO 3 had slight or no adverse effect. Use of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 or NH 4 NO 3 in the Hanway solution had a strong adverse effect. Yield data of the soybean experiment indicated that urea, applied as starter or starter plus topdress, had no essential effect while foliar spray showed a clear adverse effect on the grain yield of soybean-nod. When (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 or NH 4 NO 3 were used in the foliar spray, the adverse effect was more evident. Non-nod soybean showed slight yield response to topdress N and significant positive response to Hanway foliar spray. In the bean experiment some evidence of positive response to topdress N plus Hanway foliar spray was observed in the non-nod crop, but it was not significant. The utilization coefficient of the applied fertilizers varied with the treatments. The highest utilization coefficient (50-70%), for both experiments, was observed when urea was applied as foliar spray. Application of urea as starter gave low utilization while topdress application gave high utilization in the soybean experiment and low in that of common bean. Under the experimental conditions starter urea was better utilized than starter ammonium sulphate or nitrate. (author)

  17. Changes in radiocesium contamination from Fukushima in foliar parts of 10 common tree species in Japan between 2011 and 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshihara, Toshihiro; Matsumura, Hideyuki; Tsuzaki, Masaharu; Wakamatsu, Takashi; Kobayashi, Takuya; Hashida, Shin-nosuke; Nagaoka, Toru; Goto, Fumiyuki


    Yearly changes in radiocesium ( 137 Cs) contamination, primarily due to the Fukushima accident of March 2011, were observed in the foliar parts of 10 common woody species in Japan (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Cedrus deodara, Pinus densiflora, Cryptomeria japonica, Phyllostachys pubescens, Cinnamomum camphora, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Prunus × yedoensis, Acer buergerianum, and Aesculus hippocastanum). The samples were obtained from Abiko (approximately 200 km SSW of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant) during each growing season between 2011 and 2013, and the foliar parts were examined based on their year of expansion and location in each trees. The radiocesium concentrations generally decreased with time; however, the concentrations and rates of decrease varied among species, age of foliar parts, and locations. The radiocesium concentrations in the 2012 current-year foliar parts were 29%–220% of those from 2011, while those from 2013 fell to between 14% and 42% of the 2011 values. The net decontamination in the foliage was higher in evergreen species than in deciduous species. The radiocesium concentrations in the upper foliar parts were higher than those in the lower parts particularly in C. japonica. In addition, the radiocesium concentrations were higher in the current-year foliar parts than in the 1-year-old foliar parts, particularly in 2013. Thus, the influence of the direct deposition of the fallout was reduced with time, and the translocation ability of radiocesium from old to new tissues became more influential. Similar to the behavior of potassium in trees, Cs redistribution probably occurred primarily due to internal nutrient translocation mechanisms. - Highlights: • 137 Cs concentrations of foliar parts expanded in 2013 was 14–42% of those in 2011. • The rates of decrease varied with the species, sampling part, and position. • Newly expanded foliar parts contain higher 137 Cs concentrations than older parts. • 137 Cs translocation

  18. Comportamento da área foliar da videira “Isabel” submetida a diferentes tipos e doses de biofertilizantes

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    Olivânia dos Santos Nascimento


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se verificar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes tipos e doses de biofertilizante, na área foliar da videira ‘Isabel’ em cultivo orgânico nas condições edafoclimáticas de Catolé do Rocha-PB. Estudou-se os efeitos de 5 tipos de biofertilizante biofertilizante e 8 doses na área foliar da videira ‘Isabel’ após a primeira poda de produção. O experimento foi conduzido sob condições de campo, em área pertencente à Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campus IV. O delineamento adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com 40 tratamentos, no esquema fatorial 5 x 8, com 4  repetições, totalizando 160 parcelas experimentais, os tratamentos consistiram em aplicações crescentes de diferentes biofertilizante, aplicados de forma independente. O valor da área foliar unitária da videira Isabel aumentou com o incremento da dose do biofertilizante B1 até um limite ótimo de 0,93 L/planta/aplicação; o valor da área foliar unitária diminuiu com o aumento da dose do biofertilizante B1 acima do limite ótimo de 0,93 L/planta/aplicação; a utilização de biofertilizante enriquecido com farinha de rocha e leguminosa (B3 proporcionou maior área foliar unitária e área foliar da planta da videira Isabel.

  19. Imaging spectroscopy of foliar biochemistry in forestry environments ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Remote sensing estimates of leaf biochemicals provide valuable information on ecosystem functioning, vitality and state at local to global spatial scales. This paper aims to give an overview of the state of the art of foliar biochemistry assessment in general and, where possible, attention is given to: (1) Eucalyptus forest ...

  20. Statistical analysis of grapevine mortality associated with esca or Eutypa dieback foliar expression

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    Full Text Available Esca and Eutypa dieback are two major wood diseases of grapevine in France. Their widespread distribution in vineyards leads to vine decline and to a loss in productivity. However, little is known either about the temporal dynamics of these diseases at plant level, and equally, the relationships between foliar expression of the diseases and vine death is relatively unknown too.  To investigate this last question, the vines of six vineyards cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in the Bordeaux region were surveyed, by recording foliar symptoms, dead arms and dead plants from 2004 to 2010. In 2008, 2009 and 2010, approximately five percent of the asymptomatic vines died but the percentage of dead vines which had previously expressed esca foliar symptoms was higher, and varied between vineyards. A logistic regression model was used to determine the previous years of symptomatic expression associated with vine mortality. The mortality of esca is always associated with the foliar symptom expression of the year preceding vine death. One or two other earlier years of expression frequently represented additional risk factors. The Eutypa dieback symptom was also a risk factor of death, superior or equal to that of esca. The study of the internal necroses of vines expressing esca or Eutypa dieback is discussed in the light of these statistical results.

  1. Evaluación del efecto de fertilización, aplicación de estiércol y absorción de elementos en el rendimiento de la secuencia papa-kiwicha, evaluado mediante la técnica del elemento faltante

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    Edgardo Alaluna G.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo evalúa el efecto de la fertilización al suelo, incorporación de estiércol y fertilización foliar de los elementos N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn y Zn, los cuales fueron evaluados mediante la técnica del elemento faltante. El experimento se condujo en un suelo de textura tipo arena de la Costa central del Perú y se usaron como plantas indicadoras los cultivos de papa y kiwicha, este último para evaluar el efecto residual de cada uno de los tratamientos. La fertilización al suelo para cada elemento en mg kg,l fue de 200 =N, PP5 Y K20; 50 =MgO Y Fe; 25 = Mn y Zn. Se utilizó el diseño completo al azar con arreglo factorial, con tres repeticiones y conducido en macetas de 4 kg de suelo. La evaluación consistió en medir el rendimiento de materia seca total y absorción total de nutrientes analizados en los tejidos de la papa y kiwicha. Con la incorporación de 25 l/ha estiércol es posible suplir los requerimientos nutricionales de los elementos Fe, Mn y Zn para el cultivo de la papa; así mismo, mediante este procedimiento se puedo suplir parcialmente los requerimientos de K y Mg Y de manera muy limitada los de P y N. En la kiwicha el tratamiento completo mostró ligera depresión en su rendimiento comparado con las ausencias de Mg, K, Mn y P, pues estos elementos fueron favorecidos por la mineralización del estiércol adicionado al cultivo anterior. Así mismo, el efecto residual del estiércol favoreció la disponibilidad del N, P Y K, los cuales incrementaron la producción en 1025%, 42% Y 13% con relación a los tratamientos sin estiércol, y mostró efecto negativo frente a las ausencias de Mn, Fe y Zn debido a la quelación de estos con la materia orgánica. La fertilización foliar sólo mostró efecto positivo en los tratamientos con buen balance nutricional a nivel del suelo como en los casos del completo, testigo y en ausencia de elementos menores. En los tratamientos con estiércol se observó efecto positivo

  2. Soil and Foliar Arthropod Abundance and Diversity in Five Cropping Systems in the Coastal Plains of North Carolina. (United States)

    Adams, Paul R; Orr, David B; Arellano, Consuelo; Cardoza, Yasmin J


    Soil and foliar arthropod populations in agricultural settings respond to environmental disturbance and degradation, impacting functional biodiversity in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate system level management effects on soil and foliar arthropod abundance and diversity in corn and soybean. Our field experiment was a completely randomized block design with three replicates for five farming systems which included: Conventional clean till, conventional long rotation, conventional no-till, organic clean till, and organic reduced till. Soil arthropod sampling was accomplished by pitfall trapping. Foliar arthropod sampling was accomplished by scouting corn and sweep netting soybean. Overall soil arthropod abundance was significantly impacted by cropping in corn and for foliar arthropods in soybeans. Conventional long rotation and organic clean till systems were highest in overall soil arthropod abundance for corn while organic reduced till systems exceeded all other systems for overall foliar arthropod abundance in soybeans. Foliar arthropod abundance over sampling weeks was significantly impacted by cropping system and is suspected to be the result of in-field weed and cover crop cultivation practices. This suggests that the sum of management practices within production systems impact soil and foliar arthropod abundance and diversity and that the effects of these systems are dynamic over the cropping season. Changes in diversity may be explained by weed management practices as sources of disturbance and reduced arthropod refuges via weed reduction. Furthermore, our results suggest agricultural systems lower in management intensity, whether due to organic practices or reduced levels of disturbance, foster greater arthropod diversity. © The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  3. A preliminary survey of foliar sclerenchyma in neotropical Loranthaceae

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijt, J.; Lye, D.


    The foliar sclerenchyma of all genera of neotropical Loranthaceae is surveyed by means of cleared leaves, using selected species. Three general categories of sclerenchyma are recognized. Fibers may form discontinuous or continuous bundles associated with veins or, more rarely, occur as individual

  4. Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Biosciences; Volume 42; Issue 2. Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide and a xyloglucan oligosaccharide on capsiate content and gene expression associatedwith capsinoids synthesis in Capsicum annuum L. AY ZUNUN-PÉREZ T GUEVARA-FIGUEROA SN ...

  5. Foliar biofilms of Burkholderia pyrrocinia FP62 on geraniums (United States)

    Biofilm formation on foliar surfaces is commonly associated with plants in water-saturated environments (e.g. tropics or modified environments). On most leaf surfaces bacteria are thought to reside in aggregates with limited production of an exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix. However, the biocontrol ag...

  6. Morfoanatomia foliar de Palicourea longepedunculata Gardiner (Rubiaceae

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    Pereira Zefa Valdivina


    Full Text Available O gênero Palicourea - tribo Psychotrieae - compreende cerca de 200 espécies e destaca-se por apresentar alcalóides indólicos muitas vezes tóxicos para bovinos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi contribuir para o conhecimento da família Rubiaceae, enfatizando os aspectos da morfoanatomia foliar de Palicourea longepedunculata. O material foi coletado na Reserva Florestal Mata do Paraíso (RFMP, município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, e amostras-testemunha foram depositadas no herbário VIC. Folhas provenientes do quarto nó foram fixadas em FAA50 e conservadas em etanol 70%. Seções transversais e longitudinais do pecíolo e da lâmina foliar foram obtidas em micrótomo de mesa para montagem de lâminas permanentes, conforme metodologia usual. As folhas são simples, opostas, inteiras, ovais lanceoladas, dorsiventrais e hipoestomáticas. A epiderme do pecíolo e da lâmina foliar é uniestratificada, papilosa na face adaxial da folha e recoberta por cutícula delgada. Os estômatos são paracíticos e ocorrem no mesmo nível das demais células epidérmicas. O mesofilo é constituído por uma camada de parênquima paliçádico e de várias de parênquima lacunoso. Na face adaxial e abaxial da nervura mediana e no bordo da lâmina observa-se colênquima subepidérmico. Um feixe vascular do tipo colateral, em forma de "U", distribui-se ao longo do pecíolo e da nervura mediana, acompanhado, invariavelmente, por dois feixes menores localizados lateralmente. No córtex do pecíolo e da nervura mediana observa-se aerênquima. As características anatômicas seguem o padrão descrito para as Rubiaceae, e algumas delas são interpretadas como adaptações a ambientes úmidos e sombreados no qual a espécie ocorre.

  7. Antecipação do período de diagnose foliar em laranjeira 'Pêra' no Amazonas

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    Jairo Rafael Machado Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de se antecipar o período de realização da diagnose foliar em laranjeira 'Pêra'. Vinte e sete pomares representativos da região produtora de laranja do Estado do Amazonas foram monitorados durante o ano agrícola de 2011/2012. Foram realizadas diagnoses da composição nutricional (CND em amostras foliares retiradas durante a floração e quando a árvore apresentava frutos com três e seis meses de idade (época tradicional para o monitoramento nutricional. Pomares com produtividade superior a 25 Mg ha‑1 foram selecionados para o estabelecimento dos padrões de referência. O estado nutricional da laranja variou com o estádio fenológico no qual se realizou a amostragem foliar, o que fez com que fosse necessário estabelecer normas CND para cada período. Com a antecipação da diagnose para o período de floração, observou-se aumento nas concentrações foliares de N, P, K e Cu diminuição e nas de Ca. A antecipação da diagnose foliar em laranja 'Pêra' depende da geração de padrões nutricionais CND específicos para cada época de amostragem.

  8. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and nitrogen addition on foliar stoichiometry of nitrogen and phosphorus of five tree species in subtropical model forest ecosystems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Wenjuan; Zhou Guoyi; Liu Juxiu; Zhang Deqiang; Xu Zhihong; Liu Shizhong


    The effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and nitrogen (N) addition on foliar N and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry were investigated in five native tree species (four non-N 2 fixers and one N 2 fixer) in open-top chambers in southern China from 2005 to 2009. The high foliar N:P ratios induced by high foliar N and low foliar P indicate that plants may be more limited by P than by N. The changes in foliar N:P ratios were largely determined by P dynamics rather than N under both elevated CO 2 and N addition. Foliar N:P ratios in the non-N 2 fixers showed some negative responses to elevated CO 2 , while N addition reduced foliar N:P ratios in the N 2 fixer. The results suggest that N addition would facilitate the N 2 fixer rather than the non-N 2 fixers to regulate the stoichiometric balance under elevated CO 2 . - Highlights: ► Five native tree species in southern China were more limited by P than by N. ► Shifts in foliar N:P ratios were driven by P dynamic under the global change. ► N addition lowered foliar N:P ratios in the N 2 fixer under elevated CO 2 . - N addition could facilitate the N 2 fixer rather than the non-N 2 fixers to regulate foliar N and P stoichiometry under elevated CO 2 in subtropical forests.

  9. Effect of Foliar Application of Phosphorus and Water Deficit on Yield and Yield Components of Winter Wheat (Cultivar Alvand

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    M. Vafapour


    Full Text Available In order to study the effects of foliar application of phosphorus (P and water deficit on yield and yield components of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Alvand, a split-plot experiment, with completely randomized blocks design and three replications, was carried out at the Research Farm of Boyer Ahmad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station, 13 km west of Yasouj, in 2008-2009. The main plots were irrigation at three levels (1- full irrigation (control, 2- deficit irrigation from the stem elongation to booting stage, and 3- deficit irrigation from booting stage to the end of growth period and the subplots were five levels of foliar application of P fertilizer (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 kg/ha KH2PO4. The results showed that the effects of different irrigation regimes and foliar application of P were significant on all traits, and their interaction was significant on plant height, number of grain per spike, grain yield and biological yield. Full irrigation and foliar application of 6 kg/ha P produced the highest grain and biological yield (6000 and 14170 kg/ha, respectively and deficit irrigation from the stem elongation to booting stage without foliar application of P produced the lowest grain and biological yield (2920 and 8219 kg/ha, respectively. Foliar application of P affects significantly the evaluated traits only in drought-stress treatments and its effect was not significant in full irrigation treatment. In general, foliar application of 9 kg/ha P compensated the losses in wheat due to drought stress.

  10. Leaf age affects the responses of foliar injury and gas exchange to tropospheric ozone in Prunus serotina seedlings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jianwei; Schaub, Marcus; Ferdinand, Jonathan A.; Skelly, John M.; Steiner, Kim C.; Savage, James E.


    We investigated the effect of leaf age on the response of net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (g wv ), foliar injury, and leaf nitrogen concentration (N L ) to tropospheric ozone (O 3 ) on Prunus serotina seedlings grown in open-plots (AA) and open-top chambers, supplied with either carbon-filtered or non-filtered air. We found significant variation in A, g wv , foliar injury, and N L (P 3 treatments. Seedlings in AA showed the highest A and g wv due to relatively low vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Older leaves showed significantly lower A, g wv , N L , and higher foliar injury (P wv , and foliar injury to O 3 . Both VPD and N L had a strong influence on leaf gas exchange. Foliar O 3 -induced injury appeared when cumulative O 3 uptake reached 8-12 mmol m -2 , depending on soil water availability. The mechanistic assessment of O 3 -induced injury is a valuable approach for a biologically relevant O 3 risk assessment for forest trees. - Ozone effects on symptom development and leaf gas exchange interacted with leaf age and N-content on black cherry seedlings.

  11. Estimación de la biomasa foliar de Prosopis flexuosa mediante relaciones alométricas Estimation of leaf biomass in Prosopis flexuosa by means of allometric relationships

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Ledesma


    Full Text Available La estimación alométrica de la biomasa foliar arbórea es necesaria para determinar la producción primaria y para analizar algunas de las interacciones ecológicas entre los árboles y los demás componentes de la vegetación. El objetivo del trabajo fue ajustar y seleccionar modelos para estimar la biomasa foliar de Prosopis flexuosa a partir de variables dendrométricas. Se apearon seis árboles, se midió su diámetro y se calculó el área de albura de muestras transversales de leño, en cuatro niveles: en los órdenes de ramificación dentro de la copa viva (ramas secundarias, terciarias y cuaternarias agrupadas, en el extremo distal de las ramas primarias y en los extremos distal y basal del fuste. Se recolectaron las hojas correspondientes a cada nivel y se obtuvo el peso seco. El área de albura fue la mejor variable predictora de biomasa foliar, aunque el diámetro tuvo buen ajuste en ramas dentro de la copa viva y en ramas primarias. Los modelos calculados con variables de fuste tuvieron menor ajuste. Se concluye que para la estimación no destructiva de la biomasa foliar de plantas adultas de Prosopis flexuosa es recomendable utilizar el modelo basado en el diámetro distal de las ramas primarias.The estimation of leaf biomass, usually performed by alometric relations, is important for the interpretation of primary production and for the assessment of ecological interactions between trees and the rest of the components in a wood vegetation. The goal for the present work was to adjust and to select allometric models for the estimation of leaf biomass Prosopis flexuosa based on dendrometric variables. Six trees were surveyed. The diameter and sapwood area of transversal samples of wood were determined at four different levels: in the orders of ramification within living crown (secondary, tertiary and quaternary grouped branches, at the distal portions of primary branches and in the apical and basal portions of bole. The leaves were

  12. Effects of ozone on the foliar histology of the mastic plant (Pistacia lentiscus L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reig-Arminana, J.; Calatayud, V.; Cervero, J.; Garcia-Breijo, F.J.; Ibars, A.; Sanz, M.J.


    An open-top chamber study was conducted to investigate the tissue and cellular-level foliar effects of ozone (O 3 ) on a Mediterranean evergreen species, the mastic plant (Pistacia lentiscus L.). Plants were exposed at three different O 3 levels, and leaf samples were collected periodically from the beginning of the exposure. Although no visible foliar injury was evident, alterations of the plastids and vacuoles in the mesophyll were observed. Senescence processes were accelerated with an anomalous stacking of tannin vacuoles, and a reduction in the size and number of the chloroplasts. Overall, most of the modifications induced by O 3 were consistent with previously reported observations on deciduous broadleaf species, with the exception of alterations in the cells covering the secretory channels, reported here as a new finding. Comments on the feasibility of using microscopy to validate O 3 related field observations and subtle foliar injury are also given

  13. Susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel, a key foliar host of sudden oak death (United States)

    Brian L. Anacker; Nathan E. Rank; Daniel Hüberli; Matteo Garbelotto; Sarah Gordon; Rich Whitkus; Tami Harnik; Matthew Meshriy; Lori Miles; Ross K. Meentemeyer


    Sudden oak death, caused by the water mold Phytophthora ramorum, is a plant disease responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of oak and tanoak trees. Some foliar hosts play a major role in the epidemiology of this disease. Upon infection by P. ramorum, these foliar hosts express non-fatal leaf lesions from which large...

  14. [Foliar water use efficiency of Platycladus orientalis sapling under different soil water contents]. (United States)

    Zhang, Yong E; Yu, Xin Xiao; Chen, Li Hua; Jia, Guo Dong; Zhao, Na; Li, Han Zhi; Chang, Xiao Min


    The determination of plant foliar water use efficiency will be of great value to improve our understanding about mechanism of plant water consumption and provide important basis of regional forest ecosystem management and maintenance, thus, laboratory controlled experiments were carried out to obtain Platycladus orientalis sapling foliar water use efficiency under five different soil water contents, including instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE gs ) derived from gas exchange and short-term water use efficiency (WUE cp ) caculated using carbon isotope model. The results showed that, controlled by stomatal conductance (g s ), foliar net photosynthesis rate (P n ) and transpiration rate (T r ) increased as soil water content increased, which both reached maximum va-lues at soil water content of 70%-80% field capacity (FC), while WUE gs reached a maximum of 7.26 mmol·m -2 ·s -1 at the lowest soil water content (35%-45% FC). Both δ 13 C of water-soluble leaf and twig phloem material achieved maximum values at the lowest soil water content (35%-45% FC). Besides, δ 13 C values of leaf water-soluble compounds were significantly greater than that of phloem exudates, indicating that there was depletion in 13 C in twig phloem compared with leaf water-soluble compounds and no obvious fractionation in the process of water-soluble material transportation from leaf to twig. Foliar WUE cp also reached a maximum of 7.26 mmol·m -2 ·s -1 at the lowest soil water content (35%-45% FC). There was some difference between foliar WUE gs and WUE cp under the same condition, and the average difference was 0.52 mmol·m -2 ·s -1 . The WUE gs had great space-time variability, by contrast, WUE cp was more representative. It was concluded that P. orientalis sapling adapted to drought condition by increasing water use efficiency and decreasing physiological activity.

  15. Patrones de nerviación foliar en Myrtaceae de la Estación Biológica La Selva, provincia de Heredia, Costa Rica

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    J. Gabriela Jolochin


    Full Text Available Se realizaron descripciones de la arquitectura foliar, con énfasis en patrones de nerviación, de cuatro géneros y 14 especies de Myrtaceae incluyendo dos especies citadas como exóticas, para la Estación Biológica La Selva, OET, Heredia, Costa Rica. El material fresco descrito fue coleccionado en la estación biológica y fueron visitados los herbarios INB y CR, además de consultar el herbario de la propia estación e imágenes del MO. El 85% de las especies presentan un patrón de nerviación secundaria camptódromo- broquidódromo y ca. 50% poseen nervaduras secundarias rectas, que sólo se curvan cercanas al margen simulando una nervadura intramarginal. Las nervaduras terciarias son detectables a simple vista sólo en siete de las especies, de las cuales cuatro poseen un patrón reticulado y la nerviación última marginal en arcos o no visible. La combinación de los datos de arquitectura foliar con patrones de nerviación permitió discriminar las especies y obtener una clave de determinación de fácil uso en el campo.


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    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate physiological quality in seeds of sweet sorghum grown under semi-arid conditions, and to determine the age of physiological maturity of the seeds as a function of the foliar application of potassium silicate. The experiment was carried out at the Curu Valley Experimental Farm, in Pentecoste in the state of Ceará, during the rainy seasons of 2014 and 2015. The BRS 506 and BRS 511 varieties were used, under foliar fertilisation with potassium silicate at doses of 500, 1000 and 1500 mL.ha -1, in addition to the control lots (with no application; harvesting was at four periods, 30, 37, 44 and 51 days after full bloom (DAB. The percentage and speed of germination were evaluated, together with the accelerated ageing test and seedling growth. The seeds presented greater than 90% germination from 37 DAB, reaching high seedling vigour at 51 DAB. Foliar fertilisation with potassium silicate under the conditions of the experiment resulted in an increase in the physiological quality of the seeds. The BRS 506 and BRS 511 cultivars displayed the highest physiological quality between 49 and 53 DAF.

  17. Effects of Foliar Application of Nitrogen, Zinc and Manganese on Yield, Yield Components and Grain Quality of Chickpea in Two Growing Seasons

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    B. Shirani


    Full Text Available To study the effects of foliar application of zinc, manganese and nitrogen on yield, yield components and grain quality of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L. two experiments, one in autumn and the other in spring were conducted at Research Farm, Shahrekord University in 2009-2010 growing season each as a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were foliar application of zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate mixture, nitrogen and distilled water (as control. The results showed that planting season had a significant effect on plant height, 100-seed weight and seed yield. All measured traits, except plant height, increased in winter compared to spring growing season. This increase was more than 12% for grain yield. Foliar application of nutrients significantly affected seed yield and seed yield components. Foliar application of nitrogen, presumably, through significant increase in number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant and 100-seed weight, increased the grain yield by 6.2% compared to control. Foliar application × planting season interactions were significant for plant height and number of pods per plant. Foliar application of nitrogen caused a significant increase in grain yield and protein content. Foliar application of zinc sulphate significantly increased Zn content of grains however it did not affect seed yield. In conclusion, foliar application of nitrogen could be suggested for increasing protein and grain yield in chickpea under similar conditions to that of the present study.

  18. Anatomía foliar de hierbas terrestres medicinales que crecen en la región rioplatense (Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Marcelo P. M. Hernández


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto “Anatomía de los órganos vegetativos con propiedades medicinales de Espermatófitas rioplatenses. I. Hierbas terrestres”. En esta oportunidad realizamos el estudio de las características micrográficas foliares de 62 especies pertenecientes a 24 familias. El objetivo fue generar una clave dicotómica para identificar los taxones a partir de las hojas, ya sea que este material se encuentre al estado entero o fragmentado y brindar información en un cuadro comparativo de los parámetros cuantitativos, los cuales son importantes herramientas en el control de calidad farmacognóstica. Se estudiaron hojas maduras frescas y de ejemplares de herbario empleando técnicas histológicas convencionales (“peeling”, impronta, diafanización, cortes transversales. Se practicaron métodos microquímicos para la identificación de almidón, mucílagos, sustancias lipofílicas y mirosina. Las principales diferencias se encontraron en la forma de las células epidérmicas, distribución y tipo de estomas, tipos de tricomas, mesofilo foliar, características de la vena media e índices estomático y de pilosidad. La presencia de una endodermis conspicua; los diferentes tipos de cristales y reservorios secretores internos (células, cavidades y conductos contribuyeron a la elaboración de una clave de diferenciación.

  19. Effect of some factors on foliar absorption and mobility of Fe59 in plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, F.A.


    Three experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions using Fe 59 and seedlings of guava and orange to study the effect of PH value (3-8), Fe SO 4 concentrations in combination with three values of PH on foliar absorption and mobility of Fe. In addition, a comparative study to evaluate some compounds of iron for foliar spray was achieved. Foliar absorption of Fe 59 by guava leaves and its mobility were considerably influenced by PH value of spray solution. Maximum absorption and translocation were observed at PH 6. However, most of the absorbed iron 'about 90%' was retained in the treated leaves and the portion 'about 10%' acropetally and basipetally translocated. Upward transport of iron was more pronounced than downward one. Total iron in plant derived from applied FeSO 4 was greatly increased, whereas utilization percent of it was reduced by increasing the rate of Fe in spray solution. Generally, FeSO 4 had a good efficiency which ranged from about 25-43%. Specific absorption of iron by orange leaves was higher than that of guava leaves. From plant nutritional point of view, efficiency of FeSo 4 , Fe-metalosate and multi mineral-metalosate as different sources of Fe through foliar application remarkably varied and FeSO 4 was highly efficient one in comparison with metalosate compounds

  20. Foliar fertilizations with boron and growth regulators on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cv floresta culture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masunaga, S.I.; Chueire, F.B.; Teixeira, N.T.


    The experiment was realized to verify the possibility of applying Boron as foliar fertilization with growth regulators: indol acetic acid, giberellic acid, ethephon and cycocel. The other objective was to compare the foliar and soil fertilization, with Boron, on the lettuce culture. The results showed that there wasn't difference of production between the treatments. Meanwhile the application of growth regulator modified the Boron grade in the leaves. (author) [pt

  1. Effects of soil and foliar applications of iron and zinc on flowering and essential oil of chamomile at greenhouse conditions

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    Yousef NASIRI


    Full Text Available In order to study the effects of soil and foliar applications of iron (Fe and zinc (Zn on flowering, flower yield and essential oil production of German chamomile a pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran in 2012. The experiment was arranged as completely randomized design with 12 treatments and three replications. Treatments were as follow: T1: control – without Fe or Zn fertilizers, T2: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T3: 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T4: 30 mg FeSO4.7H2O + 22 mg ZnSO4.7H2O kg-1 dry soil, T5: foliar spraying of FeSO4.7H2O (3.5 g L-1, T6: foliar spraying of FeSO4.7H2O (7.0 g L-1, T7: foliar spraying of ZnSO4.7H2O (2.5 g L-1, T8: foliar spraying of ZnSO4.7H2O (5.0 g L-1, T9: T5+T7, T10: T5+T8, T11: T6+T7, T12: T6+T8. The foliar spraying was done two times during the growing period. The results revealed that the flower number, flower yield, essential oil content and essential oil yield were significantly increased by soil and foliar applications of Fe + Zn, compared with the control (untreated. The highest flower number (477 plant-1, flower yield (11.6 g pot-1, essential oil content (0.88 % and essential oil yield (119 mg pot-1 were recorded for the soil application of Fe + Zn (T4 by 58, 68, 21.4 and 105 % increment compared to the control, respectively. Foliar application of Fe + Zn (T12 was placed at the next rank; however this treatment had no significant difference with the soil application of Fe + Zn (T4. Other treatments did not show significant differences with the control. Generally, the results showed that soil or foliar application of Fe + Zn can be effective on increase or improve of quantity and quality of chamomile yield. Moreover, use of foliar application as a low cost method especially in areas with alkaline or calcareous soils can be recommended.

  2. New substrate containing agroindustrial carnauba residue for production of papaya under foliar fertilization

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    Francisca G. Albano

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The use of organic waste in the composition of substrates for seedlings constitutes an alternative to the recycling of these materials. Thus, an experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate the production of ‘Formosa’ papaya seedlings in substrate containing carnauba wax residue, under foliar fertilization. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates, with treatments distributed in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, corresponding to five materials used as substrates, in the presence and absence of foliar fertilization. The materials used were: earthworm humus, carnauba residue + fresh rice husk; carnauba residue in powder; carnauba residue semi-decomposed and mixture of carnauba residues: carnauba residue + fresh rice husk + carnauba residue semi-decomposed + carnauba residue in powder, at the proportion 1:1:1. The agroindustrial residue of carnauba wax semi-decomposed can be used as substrates in the production of ‘Formosa’ papaya seedlings. The foliar fertilization increases the quality of papaya seedlings, leading to increment in leaf area, root volume and sulfur content in the leaves, thus becoming a necessary practice.

  3. An Approach for Foliar Trait Retrieval from Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy of Tropical Forests

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    Roberta E. Martin


    Full Text Available Spatial information on forest functional composition is needed to inform management and conservation efforts, yet this information is lacking, particularly in tropical regions. Canopy foliar traits underpin the functional biodiversity of forests, and have been shown to be remotely measurable using airborne 350–2510 nm imaging spectrometers. We used newly acquired imaging spectroscopy data constrained with concurrent light detection and ranging (LiDAR measurements from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO, and field measurements, to test the performance of the Spectranomics approach for foliar trait retrieval. The method was previously developed in Neotropical forests, and was tested here in the humid tropical forests of Malaysian Borneo. Multiple foliar chemical traits, as well as leaf mass per area (LMA, were estimated with demonstrable precision and accuracy. The results were similar to those observed for Neotropical forests, suggesting a more general use of the Spectranomics approach for mapping canopy traits in tropical forests. Future mapping studies using this approach can advance scientific investigations and applications based on imaging spectroscopy.

  4. Zinc complexed chitosan/TPP nanoparticles: A promising micronutrient nanocarrier suited for foliar application. (United States)

    Deshpande, Paresh; Dapkekar, Ashwin; Oak, Manoj D; Paknikar, Kishore M; Rajwade, Jyutika M


    Cultivation of cereals in zinc deficient soils leads to declined nutritional quality of grain. Zinc deficiency in humans is a consequence of consumption of micronutrient deficient cereals as staple food. To achieve an increase in zinc density in grain, we evaluated zinc complexed chitosan nanoparticles (Zn-CNP) as a potential 'nanocarrier' suited for foliar fertilization. Zn-CNP were synthesized using tri-polyphosphate as a cross-linker. Spherical Zn-CNP (diameter 250-300nm) were positively charged (zeta potential, +42.34mV) and contained ∼20mg Zn/g (w/w). Plant growth in zinc deficient sand media, followed by foliar application of Zn-CNP (twice-a-week, for 5 weeks) after anthesis resulted in 27 and 42% increase in grain zinc content of MACS 3125 and UC1114 (durum wheat cultivars) respectively. Translocation of zinc ions from foliar applied Zn-CNP into the leaf and seed tissue was demonstrated using zinquin and dithizone stains, respectively. The study indicates the suitability of chitosan-based nanocarriers in agronomic biofortification. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Foliar flavonoids of nine species of Bauhinia




    Foliar flavonoids of nine species of Bauhinia were isolated and identified. All the compounds correspond to glycosides derived from kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin and myricetin. Derivatives of the latter aglyconhe seem to be rare in Bauhinia. Derivatives of isorhamnetin are commonly found in species of subgenus Bauhinia and were not detected in the two species of subgenus Phanera. Flavonoid patterns of species of the former subgenus are in general more complex than those of the latter. ...

  6. Foliar fungi of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)


    Millberg, Hanna


    Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is an ecologically and economically important tree species in Fennoscandia. Scots pine needles host a variety of fungi, some with the potential to profoundly influence their host. These fungi can have beneficial or detrimental effects with important implications for both forest health and primary production. In this thesis, the foliar fungi of Scots pine needles were investigated with the aim of exploring spatial and temporal patterns, and development with needle...

  7. Mapping Loci That Control Tuber and Foliar Symptoms Caused by PVY in Autotetraploid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). (United States)

    da Silva, Washington L; Ingram, Jason; Hackett, Christine A; Coombs, Joseph J; Douches, David; Bryan, Glenn J; De Jong, Walter; Gray, Stewart


    Potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD) is a tuber deformity associated with infection by the tuber necrotic strain of Potato virus Y (PVY NTN ). PTNRD negatively impacts tuber quality and marketability, and poses a serious threat to seed and commercial potato production worldwide. PVY NTN symptoms differ in the cultivars Waneta and Pike: Waneta expresses severe PTNRD and foliar mosaic with vein and leaf necrosis, whereas Pike does not express PTNRD and mosaic is the only foliar symptom. To map loci that influence tuber and foliar symptoms, 236 F 1 progeny of a cross between Waneta and Pike were inoculated with PVY NTN isolate NY090029 and genotyped using 12,808 potato SNPs. Foliar symptom type and severity were monitored for 10 wk, while tubers were evaluated for PTNRD expression at harvest and again after 60 d in storage. Pairwise correlation analyses indicate a strong association between PTNRD and vein necrosis (τ = 0.4195). QTL analyses revealed major-effect QTL on chromosomes 4 and 5 for mosaic, 4 for PTNRD, and 5 for foliar necrosis symptoms. Locating QTL associated with PVY-related symptoms provides a foundation for breeders to develop markers that can be used to eliminate potato clones with undesirable phenotypes, e.g. , those likely to develop PTNRD or to be symptomless carriers of PVY. Copyright © 2017 Silva et al.

  8. Adubação foliar com níquel e molibdênio no feijoeiro comum cv. Ouro Vermelho

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    José Francisco Lopes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de níquel (Ni e molibdênio (Mo sobre componentes de rendimento, crescimento e composição mineral do feijoeiro comum Ouro Vermelho. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e arranjo fatorial 5 x 2, constituído de doses de Ni (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 g ha-1 e de Mo (0 e 80 g ha-1, aplicadas por via foliar, aos 25 dias após a semeadura, na forma de cloreto de níquel hexaidratado e de molibdato de amônio, respectivamente. As doses de Ni não influenciaram os teores foliares de N, P, K, Fe, Mo e Ni, aumentaram, porém, os teores de N, Ni e de proteína bruta na semente. A aplicação foliar de Mo reduziu os teores foliares de P, Fe e Ni, aumentou, no entanto, o teor foliar de Mo e o teor de N, Mo e de proteína bruta na semente. Observou-se que as doses de Ni e de Mo não afetaram a massa de sementes, o número de sementes por vagem, o número de vagens por planta e a massa seca de raiz do feijoeiro. A aplicação de Mo aumentou em 21,62% o número de nódulos.

  9. Foliar nitrogen application in Cabernet Sauvignon vines: Effects on wine flavonoid and amino acid content. (United States)

    Gutiérrez-Gamboa, Gastón; Garde-Cerdán, Teresa; Portu, Javier; Moreno-Simunovic, Yerko; Martínez-Gil, Ana M


    Wine quality greatly depends on its chemical composition. Among the most important wine chemical compounds, flavonoids are the major contributors to wine organoleptic properties while amino acids have a huge impact on fermentation development and wine volatile profile. Likewise, nitrogen applications are known to have an impact on wine composition. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the effects of foliar nitrogen applications on wine flavonoid and amino acid composition. The experiment involved five foliar nitrogen applications at veraison time: urea (Ur), urea plus sulphur (Ur+S), arginine (Arg), and two commercial fertilizers Nutrimyr Thiols (NT) and Basfoliar Algae (BA). The results showed that nitrogen foliar treatments decreased wine flavonoid content although the effect varied according to each treatment. This could be related to a low vine nitrogen requirement, since must yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) was above acceptable threshold values for all samples. With regard to wine amino acid content, all treatments except for Ur increased its values after the applications. Finally, foliar nitrogen treatments greatly influenced wine composition. Among them, urea seemed to exert the most negative effect on both phenolics and amino acids. In addition, an inverse relationship between wine amino acid content and flavonol concentration was exhibited. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Efecto del ácido giberélico y la 6-bencilaminopurina sobre el desarrollo de yemas en injertos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.

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    Cárdenas-Hernández Julián F.


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    Gran parte de los cultivos de cacao en el país son viejos y necesitan ser renovados debido a sus bajos rendimientos. Por esta razón se aborda la producción masiva de plántulas injertadas con materiales de alta productividad, que sin embargo presentan problemas en el prendimiento y desarrollo de las yemas. En el Centro de Investigación Nataima-Corpoica (Espinal, Tolima, plántulas de cacao del clon IMC67 tratadas con desbrote apical fueron injertadas con yemas de los clones CCN51 e ICS95. El ensayo siguió un diseño completamente aleatorizado con siete tratamientos, tres de ellos correspondientes a concentraciones de 5, 10 y 15 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico (AG3, y otros tres aplicando 6-bencilaminopurina (6BAP en las mismas concentraciones, más un testigo sin aplicación de hormonas. Cada 3 días se midieron la altura, el diámetro, la longitud, el número de hojas y el área foliar del injerto, además de su masa fresca y seca al final del experimento, el cual duró 30 días. El AG3 permitió alcanzar los mayores valores en longitud, número de hojas, área foliar y masa fresca y seca del injerto. Para los mismos parámetros, los tratamientos con 6BAP alcanzaron valores similares a los obtenidos con AG3 (con diferencias estadísticas en algunos casos, además de los mayores diámetros del injerto. Dentro de las aplicaciones de AG3, la realizada a una concentración de 10 mg L-1 mostró los mejores resultados en ambos clones. Sin la aplicación de hormonas, las yemas del clon ICS95 desarrollaron una mayor área foliar y alcanzaron mayores valores de masa fresca y seca que las yemas del clon CCN51. Sin embargo, después de aplicar los tratamientos, los dos clones presentaron valores similares.

  11. Effects of ozone on the foliar histology of the mastic plant (Pistacia lentiscus L.)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reig-Arminana, J.; Calatayud, V.; Cervero, J.; Garcia-Breijo, F.J.; Ibars, A.; Sanz, M.J


    An open-top chamber study was conducted to investigate the tissue and cellular-level foliar effects of ozone (O{sub 3}) on a Mediterranean evergreen species, the mastic plant (Pistacia lentiscus L.). Plants were exposed at three different O{sub 3} levels, and leaf samples were collected periodically from the beginning of the exposure. Although no visible foliar injury was evident, alterations of the plastids and vacuoles in the mesophyll were observed. Senescence processes were accelerated with an anomalous stacking of tannin vacuoles, and a reduction in the size and number of the chloroplasts. Overall, most of the modifications induced by O{sub 3} were consistent with previously reported observations on deciduous broadleaf species, with the exception of alterations in the cells covering the secretory channels, reported here as a new finding. Comments on the feasibility of using microscopy to validate O{sub 3} related field observations and subtle foliar injury are also given.

  12. Efecto de diferentes concentraciones de ácido antranílico en el crecimiento del maíz

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    José Luis Hernández-Mendoza


    Full Text Available La rizobacteria Azospirillum brasilense basa su capacidad promotora del crecimiento vegetal en la producción de auxinas y otras hormonas, entre ellas el ácido antranílico (AA. En este trabajo se determinó el efecto del AA (0, 500, 1000, 3000 y 5000 ppm en el crecimiento y la acumulación de biomasa del híbrido de maíz 83G66 en condiciones de invernadero. El AA de 500 a 3000 ppm promovió un mayor crecimiento (área foliar y altura de planta, y el AA de 1000 y 3000 ppm incrementó significativamente la biomasa seca en maíz en comparación con el testigo. El 90% de la asimilación del AA en las plantas ocurrió durante los primeros 10 días después del tratamiento.

  13. Corn silage from corn treated with foliar fungicide and performance of Holstein cows. (United States)

    Haerr, K J; Lopes, N M; Pereira, M N; Fellows, G M; Cardoso, F C


    Foliar fungicide application to corn plants is used in corn aimed for corn silage in the dairy industry, but questions regarding frequency of application and its effect on corn silage quality and feed conversion when fed to dairy cows remain prevalent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of various foliar fungicide applications to corn on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, and milk composition when fed to dairy cows. Sixty-four Holstein cows with parity 2.5±1.5, 653±80kg of body weight, and 161±51d in milk were blocked and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 corn silage treatments (total mixed ration with 35% of the dry matter as corn silage). Treatments were as follows: control (CON), corn silage with no applications of foliar fungicide; treatment 1 (1X), corn silage from corn that received 1 application of pyraclostrobin (PYR) foliar fungicide (Headline; BASF Corp.) at corn vegetative stage 5; treatment 2 (2X), corn silage from corn that received the same application as 1X plus another application of a mixture of PYR and metconazole (Headline AMP; BASF Corp.) at corn reproductive stage 1 ("silking"); and treatment 3 (3X), corn silage from corn that received the same applications as 2X as well as a third application of PYR and metconazole at reproductive stage 3 ("milky kernel"). Corn was harvested at about 32% dry matter and 3/4 milk line stage of kernel development and ensiled for 200d. Treatments were fed to cows for 5wk, with the last week being used for statistical inferences. Week -1 was used as a covariate in the statistical analysis. Dry matter intake tended to be lower for cows fed corn silage treated with fungicide than CON (23.8, 23.0, 19.5, and 21.3kg for CON, 1X, 2X, and 3X, respectively). A linear treatment effect for DMI was observed, with DMI decreasing as foliar fungicide applications increased. Treatments CON, 1X, 2X, and 3X did not differ for milk yield (34.5, 34.5, 34.2, and 34.4kg/d, respectively); however, a trend for

  14. European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus, L.) green attack affects foliar reflectance and biochemical properties (United States)

    Abdullah, Haidi; Darvishzadeh, Roshanak; Skidmore, Andrew K.; Groen, Thomas A.; Heurich, Marco


    The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus, L. (hereafter bark beetle), causes major economic loss to the forest industry in Europe, especially in Norway Spruce (Picea abies). To minimise economic loss and preclude a mass outbreak, early detection of bark beetle infestation (so-called ;green attack; stage - a period at which trees are yet to show visual signs of infestation stress) is, therefore, a crucial step in the management of Norway spruce stands. It is expected that a bark beetle infestation at the green attack stage affects a tree's physiological and chemical status. However, the concurrent effect on key foliar biochemical such as foliar nitrogen and chlorophyll as well as spectral responses are not well documented in the literature. Therefore, in this study, the early detection of bark beetle green attacks is investigated by examining foliar biochemical and spectral properties (400-2000 nm). We also assessed whether bark beetle infestation affects the estimation accuracy of foliar biochemicals. An extensive field survey was conducted in the Bavarian Forest National Park (BFNP), Germany, in the early summer of 2015 to collect leaf samples from 120 healthy and green attacked trees. The spectra of the leaf samples were measured using an ASD FieldSpec3 equipped with an integrating sphere. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between healthy and infested needle samples were found in the mean reflectance spectra, with the most pronounced differences being observed in the NIR and SWIR regions between 730 and 1370 nm. Furthermore, significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in the biochemical compositions (chlorophyll and nitrogen concentration) of healthy versus green attacked samples. Our results further demonstrate that the estimation accuracy of foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations, utilising partial least square regression model, was lower for the infested compared to the healthy trees. We show that early stage of infestation reduces not only

  15. [Effects of different soil types on the foliar δ13C values of common local plant species in karst rocky desertification area in central Guizhou Province]. (United States)

    Du, Xue-lian; Wang, Shi-jie; Luo, Xu-qiang


    By measuring the foliar δ13C values of common local plant species grown in different soil types in Wangjiazhai catchments, a typical karst desertification area in Qingzhen City, Central Guizhou, we studied the impact of soil type and rocky desertification grade on the foliar δ13C values. The results showed that the foliar δ13C values were more negative in yellow soil area than those in black calcareous area and there was no obvious difference in foliar δ13C values between these two soil types. The distribution interval of foliar δ13C values in yellow soil area was narrower than those in black calcareous area and the variation coefficient of foliar δ13C values in yellow soil area were smaller than those in black calcareous area. With increasing degree of karst rocky desertification, the foliar δ13C values of plant community in black calcareous area increased, whereas those in yellow soil area first increased and then decreased. The result of multiple comparison showed that the difference in foliar δ13C values of plant community among rocky desertification grade was not obvious in yellow soil area, but it was obvious in black calcareous area. Correlation analysis between the foliar δ13C values of plant species and the main environmental factors indicated that slope and soil thickness were the main factors which affected the foliar δ13C values of plants in yellow soil area and soil water contant was the main factor in black calcareous area. The impact of soil on the foliar δ13C values was realized by adjusting the soil moisture in study area.

  16. Changes in radiocesium contamination from Fukushima in foliar parts of 10 common tree species in Japan between 2011 and 2013. (United States)

    Yoshihara, Toshihiro; Matsumura, Hideyuki; Tsuzaki, Masaharu; Wakamatsu, Takashi; Kobayashi, Takuya; Hashida, Shin-Nosuke; Nagaoka, Toru; Goto, Fumiyuki


    Yearly changes in radiocesium ((137)Cs) contamination, primarily due to the Fukushima accident of March 2011, were observed in the foliar parts of 10 common woody species in Japan (Chamaecyparis obtusa, Cedrus deodara, Pinus densiflora, Cryptomeria japonica, Phyllostachys pubescens, Cinnamomum camphora, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Prunus × yedoensis, Acer buergerianum, and Aesculus hippocastanum). The samples were obtained from Abiko (approximately 200 km SSW of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant) during each growing season between 2011 and 2013, and the foliar parts were examined based on their year of expansion and location in each trees. The radiocesium concentrations generally decreased with time; however, the concentrations and rates of decrease varied among species, age of foliar parts, and locations. The radiocesium concentrations in the 2012 current-year foliar parts were 29%-220% of those from 2011, while those from 2013 fell to between 14% and 42% of the 2011 values. The net decontamination in the foliage was higher in evergreen species than in deciduous species. The radiocesium concentrations in the upper foliar parts were higher than those in the lower parts particularly in C. japonica. In addition, the radiocesium concentrations were higher in the current-year foliar parts than in the 1-year-old foliar parts, particularly in 2013. Thus, the influence of the direct deposition of the fallout was reduced with time, and the translocation ability of radiocesium from old to new tissues became more influential. Similar to the behavior of potassium in trees, Cs redistribution probably occurred primarily due to internal nutrient translocation mechanisms. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  17. Relação entre a temperatura e o molhamento foliar no monocíclo da Sigatoka-negra

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    Cleilson do Nascimento Uchôa


    Full Text Available A influência da temperatura (21, 24, 27 e 30 °C e da duração do tempo de molhamento foliar (0, 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas na penetração do agente causal da Sigatoka-negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis foi quantificada em ambiente controlado. A área abaixo da curva do progresso da doença (AACPD e a incidência foram influenciadas pela temperatura e pela duração do tempo de molhamento foliar. Foram constatadas diferenças significativas (P=0,05 nos valores da AACPD para as diferentes temperaturas, bem como verificada a interação significativa (P=0,05 entre temperaturas e o molhamento foliar. Em todas as temperaturas foi possível a observação de sintomas, entretanto, a maior AACPD foi observada em folhas inoculadas que permaneceram na temperatura de 24 e 27°C, a partir de 48 horas de molhamento foliar. Nas temperaturas de 21ºC e 30°C a incidência de Sigatoka-negra foi menor. O período de molhamento foliar mínimo para o progresso da doença foi de 24 horas. Não foram observados sintomas de Sigatoka-negra em folhas inoculados com o molhamento foliar de 0 hora e 12 horas em todas as temperaturas. As folhas assintomáticas, após 5 dias em câmara úmida apresentavam sintomas característicos de Sigatoka-negra, demonstrando que os conídios inoculados nas folhas permaneceram viáveis por um período na ausência de água livre na folha.

  18. Foliar nutrition in apple production | Murtic | African Journal of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive review of research papers dealing with the effect of foliar feeding on development parameters in apple trees in an attempt to obtain a more thorough insight into the advantages and disadvantages of this fertilization type and facilitate the potential use of this practice ...

  19. Análisis del crecimiento de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Batavia’ cultivada en un suelo salino de la Sabana de Bogotá

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    Carranza Carlos


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    La salinidad es una limitante en cultivos hortícolas a nivel mundial, que ocasiona alteraciones en el crecimiento, baja absorción y distribución de nutrientes a diferentes órganos de la planta y cambios en la calidad. El análisis de crecimiento en especies hortícolas como la lechuga establecido en un suelo salino no había sido estudiado con profundidad en la Sabana de Bogotá. El experimento se realizó en el Centro Agropecuario Marengo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ubicado en el km 12 vía Bogotá-Mosquera. En tres parcelas de 300 m2 cada una, con 8,3 plantas/m2, regadas con aguas del distrito La Ramada, se realizaron muestreos cada 8 días, se midió el área foliar y el peso seco. Se estimaron los parámetros de crecimiento con el modelo logístico y con la ecuación ajustada mediante el software SAS. Empleando el enfoque funcional, se derivaron algunos índices de crecimiento: tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRC, índice de área foliar (IAF, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, tasa de crecimiento del cultivo (TCC, área foliar específica (AFE y la relación de área foliar (RAF. La TRC máxima en los primeros 10 días después del trasplante (ddt fue de 0,1164 g g-1 día-1; IAF máximo a los 61 días: 6,78; la TAN a los 24 ddt alcanzó el máximo de 0,00046 g cm-2 día-1; la TCC presentó el máximo a los 35 ddt, con 0,0007 g cm-2 día-1; la AFE máxima fue de 497,55 cm2 g-1 al trasplante y la RAF alta al trasplante de 483,38 cm2 g-1. La salinidad presente en los suelos del Centro Agropecuario Marengo ocasionó una reducción en los parámetros de crecimiento en lechuga.

  20. Moscas minadoras del girasol y sus enemigos naturales

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    Full Text Available Las “moscas minadoras” se caracterizan por excavar túneles (“minas” en el interior de las hojas, consumiendo el mesófilo y dejando intacta la epidermis foliar o, al menos, su pared externa. Hay especies cuyas larvas, en lugar de realizar estas galerías en las hojas, viven y se alimentan en el interior de otros tejidos vegetales,barrenando tallos, semillas, frutos, etc. Por consiguiente, y desde el punto de vista del posible control biológico de estos organismos perjudiciales, resulta de sumo interés el hecho de poder identificar las distintas especies a través del daño que efectúan a la planta hospedera. En consecuencia, se brinda una clave práctica para el reconocimiento de las especies asociadas al cultivo de girasol, a partir de la observación del daño y también una síntesis de la información disponible sobre cada una de ellas. Por último, y teniendo en cuenta que los enemigos naturales (particularmente los parasitoides, ejercen un efecto importante sobre las poblacionesde las moscas minadoras, se presenta información sobre los organismos benéficos asociados a agromícidos del girasol, como posibles agentes de regulación.

  1. Absorption of foliar-applied arsenic by the arsenic hyperaccumulating fern (Pteris vittata L.)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bondada, Bhaskar R.; Tu, Shuxin; Ma, Lena Q


    The fact that heavy metals can enter various domains of the plant system through foliar pathways spurred us to explore if the fronds of the Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.), a hyperaccumulator of arsenic, a carcinogenic metalloid, was proficient in absorbing arsenic in the form of sprays. The specific objective of this study was to investigate the impact of frond age, form of arsenic, and time of application on the absorption of foliar-applied arsenic by the brake fern; also examined were the effects of foliar sprays on surface ultrastructure and arsenic speciation in the frond following absorption. Foliar sprays of different arsenic concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 ppm) were applied to young and fertile fronds. A positive linear relationship existed between arsenic concentration and absorption; the arsenic concentration of fronds increased from 50 to 200 ppm. Time-course analysis with excised pinnae indicated an initial linear increase followed by a plateau at 48 h. The young fronds with immature sori absorbed more arsenic (3100 ppm) than the fertile mature fronds (890 ppm). In the frond, the arsenic absorption was greatest in the lamina of the pinnae followed by the sori and the rachis. Applying arsenic during night (20:00-22:00 h) or afternoon (12:00-14:00 h) resulted in greater absorption of arsenic than the application in the morning (08:00-10:00 h). The arsenic absorption was greater through abaxial surfaces than through adaxial surfaces. The brake fern absorbed more arsenic when it was applied in the form of arsenite. Regardless of the form of arsenic and the surface it was applied to, arsenic occurred as arsenite, the reduced and the most toxic form of arsenic, after having been absorbed by the fronds. Scanning electron microscopy revealed no surface morphological alterations following all arsenic sprays. The study unequivocally illustrated that the Chinese brake fern absorbed foliar-applied arsenic with great efficiency. Consequently, the

  2. Absorption of foliar-applied arsenic by the arsenic hyperaccumulating fern (Pteris vittata L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondada, Bhaskar R.; Tu, Shuxin; Ma, Lena Q.


    The fact that heavy metals can enter various domains of the plant system through foliar pathways spurred us to explore if the fronds of the Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata L.), a hyperaccumulator of arsenic, a carcinogenic metalloid, was proficient in absorbing arsenic in the form of sprays. The specific objective of this study was to investigate the impact of frond age, form of arsenic, and time of application on the absorption of foliar-applied arsenic by the brake fern; also examined were the effects of foliar sprays on surface ultrastructure and arsenic speciation in the frond following absorption. Foliar sprays of different arsenic concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 ppm) were applied to young and fertile fronds. A positive linear relationship existed between arsenic concentration and absorption; the arsenic concentration of fronds increased from 50 to 200 ppm. Time-course analysis with excised pinnae indicated an initial linear increase followed by a plateau at 48 h. The young fronds with immature sori absorbed more arsenic (3100 ppm) than the fertile mature fronds (890 ppm). In the frond, the arsenic absorption was greatest in the lamina of the pinnae followed by the sori and the rachis. Applying arsenic during night (20:00-22:00 h) or afternoon (12:00-14:00 h) resulted in greater absorption of arsenic than the application in the morning (08:00-10:00 h). The arsenic absorption was greater through abaxial surfaces than through adaxial surfaces. The brake fern absorbed more arsenic when it was applied in the form of arsenite. Regardless of the form of arsenic and the surface it was applied to, arsenic occurred as arsenite, the reduced and the most toxic form of arsenic, after having been absorbed by the fronds. Scanning electron microscopy revealed no surface morphological alterations following all arsenic sprays. The study unequivocally illustrated that the Chinese brake fern absorbed foliar-applied arsenic with great efficiency. Consequently, the

  3. Leaf age affects the responses of foliar injury and gas exchange to tropospheric ozone in Prunus serotina seedlings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang Jianwei, E-mail: jianweizhang@fs.fed.u [Environmental Resources Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); School of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Schaub, Marcus; Ferdinand, Jonathan A. [Environmental Resources Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Skelly, John M. [Department of Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Steiner, Kim C. [School of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Savage, James E. [Department of Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States)


    We investigated the effect of leaf age on the response of net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (g{sub wv}), foliar injury, and leaf nitrogen concentration (N{sub L}) to tropospheric ozone (O{sub 3}) on Prunus serotina seedlings grown in open-plots (AA) and open-top chambers, supplied with either carbon-filtered or non-filtered air. We found significant variation in A, g{sub wv}, foliar injury, and N{sub L} (P < 0.05) among O{sub 3} treatments. Seedlings in AA showed the highest A and g{sub wv} due to relatively low vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Older leaves showed significantly lower A, g{sub wv}, N{sub L}, and higher foliar injury (P < 0.001) than younger leaves. Leaf age affected the response of A, g{sub wv}, and foliar injury to O{sub 3}. Both VPD and N{sub L} had a strong influence on leaf gas exchange. Foliar O{sub 3}-induced injury appeared when cumulative O{sub 3} uptake reached 8-12 mmol m{sup -2}, depending on soil water availability. The mechanistic assessment of O{sub 3}-induced injury is a valuable approach for a biologically relevant O{sub 3} risk assessment for forest trees. - Ozone effects on symptom development and leaf gas exchange interacted with leaf age and N-content on black cherry seedlings.

  4. Effect of Maize Hybrid and Foliar Fungicides on Yield Under Low Foliar Disease Severity Conditions. (United States)

    Mallowa, Sally O; Esker, Paul D; Paul, Pierce A; Bradley, Carl A; Chapara, Venkata R; Conley, Shawn P; Robertson, Alison E


    Foliar fungicide use in the U.S. Corn Belt increased in the last decade; however, questions persist pertaining to its value and sustainability. Multistate field trials were established from 2010 to 2012 in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin to examine how hybrid and foliar fungicide influenced disease intensity and yield. The experimental design was in a split-split plot with main plots consisting of hybrids varying in resistance to gray leaf spot (caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis) and northern corn leaf blight (caused by Setosphaera turcica), subplots corresponding to four application timings of the fungicide pyraclostrobin, and sub-subplots represented by inoculations with either C. zeae-maydis, S. turcica, or both at two vegetative growth stages. Fungicide application (VT/R1) significantly reduced total disease severity relative to the control in five of eight site-years (P<0.05). Disease was reduced by approximately 30% at Wisconsin in 2011, 20% at Illinois in 2010, 29% at Iowa in 2010, and 32 and 30% at Ohio in 2010 and 2012, respectively. These disease severities ranged from 0.2 to 0.3% in Wisconsin in 2011 to 16.7 to 22.1% in Illinois in 2010. The untreated control had significantly lower yield (P<0.05) than the fungicide-treated in three site-years. Fungicide application increased the yield by approximately 6% at Ohio in 2010, 5% at Wisconsin in 2010 and 6% in 2011. Yield differences ranged from 8,403 to 8,890 kg/ha in Wisconsin 2011 to 11,362 to 11,919 kg/ha in Wisconsin 2010. Results suggest susceptibility to disease and prevailing environment are important drivers of observed differences. Yield increases as a result of the physiological benefits of plant health benefits under low disease were not consistent.

  5. Estimativa de área foliar da videira 'Niagara Rosada' conduzida em sistema de latada, região norte fluminense

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    Miquéias Permanhani


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estabelecer um modelo matemático para estimar de forma precisa a área foliar da videira 'Niagara Rosada' na região de Cardoso Moreira-RJ, realizou-se este trabalho em vinhedo particular do sítio pioneiro, implantado no ano de 2002, em sistema de latada. Foram coletadas aleatoriamente, no ciclo de produção iniciado em 2011, 70 folhas de diversos tamanhos, completamente expandidas e sem danos aparentes para determinar a relação entre a área foliar (AF e a área do círculo (AC, considerando seu diâmetro igual à largura da folha. Por meio da análise de regressão, obteve-se a equação linear (AFes = 0,82*AC + 16,12 que, juntamente com mais outras duas, foram utilizadas para comparar a área foliar estimada com a área foliar medida em 30 folhas do ciclo de produção posterior (Março de 2012. Constatou-se que as equações apresentadas permitem estimar de forma precisa a área foliar da videira 'Niagara Rosada/IAC 572' conduzida em sistema de latada, na região de Cardoso Moreira-RJ, com apenas uma dimensão foliar: a largura da folha, sendo que o modelo de regressão obtido (AFes = 0,82*AC + 16,12 foi o que menos subestimou a área da folha comparada (coeficiente angular = 0,99, seguido pelo modelo indicado por Pedro Jr. et al. (1986.


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    María Elena Galindo-Tovar


    Full Text Available México es el primer productor y consumidor de aguacate a nivel mundial. Las condiciones ecotopográficas de la zona Centro del estado de Veracruz y la distribución natural del género Persea, convierten el área en un gran acervo genético del aguacate. Debido a que esta especie presenta un alto grado de hibridación, la evaluación de las relaciones genéticas permite distinguir diferentes taxa e identificar material promisorio para programas de mejoramiento. El objetivo fue analizar las relaciones genéticas de Persea americana en la zona Centro del estado de Veracruz, mediante microsatélites. Se analizaron muestras foliares de 44 árboles ubicados en siete localidades; se realizó extracción de ADN y su amplificación utilizando iniciadores para microsatélites. Los datos se analizaron con el programa PopGene 3.2. Todas las localidades resultaron polimórficas, y aunque mostraron baja diferenciación genética, en el dendrograma se observaron dos grupos definidos por características de altitud, clima y suelo.

  7. Ultraestructura de bambúes del género Dendrocalamus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae cultivados en Costa Rica II: Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus

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    Mayra Montiel


    Full Text Available Mediante el microscopio electrónico de barrido se analizaron muestras de lámina foliar, culmo y rama, así como las brácteas del culmo y yemas de las ramas de Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus. Se determinó la presencia en la epidermis abaxial de la lámina foliar de dos tipos de papilas céricas, esféricas y alargadas; éstas últimas rodeando los estomas de bajo domo. Sólo en la superficie adaxial de la nervadura central de la lámina foliar aparecen grandes tricomas en forma de gancho. En la zona abaxial de las brácteas del culmo, hay tricomas alargados y delgados similares a los de las brácteas de D. giganteus y las yemas de las ramas están cubiertas por tricomas bicelulares.We used a scanning electron microscope to observe leaf laminae, culms, branches, culm bracts and branch buds of Dendrocalamus latiflorus var. latiflorus grown in Costa Rica. In the abaxial epidermis of the leaf lamina we found two types of ceric papillae, rounded and elongated, the latter surrounding the low dome stomata. Only the adaxial surface of the central nervature (leaf lamina has big hook-sshaped trichomes. In the abaxial zone of the culm bract there are thin elongated trichomes, similar to those from the bract of Dendrocalamus giganteus. The branch buds are covered by bicelular trichomes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(Suppl. 2: 51-57. Epub 2006 Dec. 01.

  8. Variation in foliar water content and hyperspectral reflectance of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sirex noctilio, the Eurasian wood wasp, is one of the major pests responsible for declining forest health in pine forests located in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Researchers have shown that stress induced by S. noctilio causes a rapid decrease in foliar water content, with the foliage of the tree changing from a dark green to a ...



    Kapolna, Emese; Laursen, Kristian H.; Hillestrøm, Peter; Husted, Søren; Larsen, Erik H.


    The aim of this work was to study the selenium accumulation in carrot and onion plants using foliar application by sodium selenite and sodium selenate. Furthermore, we aimed at identifying the Se species biosynthesised by onion and carrot plants. The results were used to prepare for production of 77Se enriched plants for an ongoing human absorption study.

  10. The Effects Foliar Application of Methanol at Different Growth Stages on Kernel Related Traits in Chickpea var. ILC 482

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    N. Naeimi,


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of foliar application of methanol on certain kernel related traits at different growth stages of pea var. ILC482 at the Research Station of Faculty of Agriculture in Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch in 2011. The study was conducted in split plot experiment based on Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Treatments were three levels methanol foliar application at different growth stages (vegetative, reproductive and foliar application at both two stages which considered as main factor, six levels of foliar application of methanol concentrations: (0 [control], 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30% as sub factor. Results showed that the interactions of methanol applications growth stages and its concentrations on grain number per plant, 100 kernel weight, grain yield, grain filing rate and harvest index were significantly different. Foliar application of methanol at reproductive stage decrease kernel related traits, but this application at both growth stages had positive effect on grain production and kernel related traits. This positive effect on number and 100 kernel weight were significant. The highest grain yield (2460 kg/ha was obtained by 20% concentration of methanol at both growth stages that increased grain yield above 13.5% compared to the control condition.


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    Arturo Brenes Angulo


    Full Text Available Los cultivares de arándano Sharpblue, Woodard, Bonita y Delite se propagaron a partir de secciones de hoja procedentes de explantes uninodales establecidos in vitro y de secciones de hoja directamente del campo. Los explantes se colocaron en medio WPM suplementado con 1, 5 mg.l -1 de TDZ para promover la brotación; luego se subcultivaron a medio fresco WPM suplementado con 0,5 ó 1,0 mg.l -1 de Zeatina, para promover el crecimiento de los brotes. Se determinó la longitud de la micromacolla y el número de brotes >2mm y >1cm por microma - colla. Brotes de 8-10 cm se cosecharon a las 8 semanas y se subcultivaron en WPM suple - mentado con 0, 1, 2, 4 u 8 mg.l -1 de AIB, para promover su enraizamiento; a las 10 semanas se trasplantaron a invernadero para aclimatización. Al cultivar los segmentos foliares en WPM con 1, 5 mg.l -1 de TDZ se formaron micromacollas en todas las variedades, independientemente de la procedencia de la hoja, con un efecto significati - vo del cultivar, la procedencia, del explante y la interacción cultivar x procedencia, para el núme - ro de brotes >2 mm obtenidos. El tamaño de la micromacolla varió significativamente según cultivares, procedencia del explante e interacción cultivares x procedencia x concentración de zea - tina, al trasferirse a un medio con 2 concentracio - nes del regulador de crecimiento, pero no hubo diferencias con respecto a éstas. El número de brotes > 2mm y la longitud del más largo variaron significativamente con el cultivar, y la interacción cultivar x procedencia del explante en WPM con 0,5 mg.l -1 de Zeatina. Explantes de Woodard a partir de vitrohoja produjeron el mayor número de brotes (44,70±13,34 y Delite de vitrohoja el menor (21,50±4,99. Los brotes subcultivados en WPM con diferentes concentraciones de AIB mostraron enraizamiento menor al 10% en todos los tratamientos. Sin embargo, al trasplantarse a invernadero se obtuvo 100% de enraizamiento, independientemente del

  12. Purple Phototrophic Bacterium Enhances Stevioside Yield by Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni via Foliar Spray and Rhizosphere Irrigation (United States)

    Wu, Jing; Wang, Yiming; Lin, Xiangui


    This study was conducted to compare the effects of foliar spray and rhizosphere irrigation with purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) on growth and stevioside (ST) yield of Stevia. rebaudiana. The S. rebaudiana plants were treated by foliar spray, rhizosphere irrigation, and spray plus irrigation with PPB for 10 days, respectively. All treatments enhanced growth of S. rebaudiana, and the foliar method was more efficient than irrigation. Spraying combined with irrigation increased the ST yield plant -1 by 69.2% as compared to the control. The soil dehydrogenase activity, S. rebaudiana shoot biomass, chlorophyll content in new leaves, and soluble sugar in old leaves were affected significantly by S+I treatment, too. The PPB probably works in the rhizosphere by activating the metabolic activity of soil bacteria, and on leaves by excreting phytohormones or enhancing the activity of phyllosphere microorganisms. PMID:23825677

  13. Effect of Nitrogen Foliar Application on Canola Yield (Brassica napus L. and Nitrogen Efficiency across Different Sowing Dates

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    S Doori


    Full Text Available Introduction Between oil seeds, from the quality, quantity and nutrition index point of view, canola has the top level . Because of the solubility of N fertilizers, the time of urea application, is very important and one of the main reasons of the reduction in N application efficiency is utilization of urea in an inappropriate time. By precisely foliar application of nitrogen, the efficiency of nitrogen transformation to the grain will be very high because in this method the leaf is considered the main organ of nitrogen uptake and a low amount of absorbed nitrogen was transferred to the root and entered the soil. The more division of N application in growth stages and in accordance with plant need and foliar application result in increasing nitrogen use efficiency. The delay in sowing will result in the reduction of yield and this is due to low LAI, and thus low radiation absorb in vegetable phase and shorter reproductive phase with high temperature in flowering and subsequent stages that result in low prolific silique and make disorder in transferring stored material to grain. In this experiment using N foliar application to decrease the adverse effect of delay in sowing is objective. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted in 2013-2014 in Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resource University of Khuzestan. Experiment was conducted as split plots in a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. In this experiment sowing date]optimum sowing (27 November, 17 December and late sowing (30 December [were assigned to main plots and several time of N-foliar application with 5 percent density from urea (20 liter per ha, ]TO (control, T1 (foliar N application in rosette stage, T2 (foliar N application in budding stage, T3 (foliar N application in flowering stage[ were placed in sub-plots in randomized way. Fertilizing was based on the results of soil examination. Therefore, 162 kg ha-1 of pure nitrogen (from resource urea in the way

  14. Improving Tolerance of Faba Bean during Early Growth Stages to Salinity through Micronutrients Foliar Spray

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    Mohamed M. EL FOULY


    Full Text Available Salinity, either of soil or of irrigation water, causes disturbances in plant growth and nutrient balance. Previous work indicates that applying nutrients by foliar application increases tolerance to salinity. A pot experiment with three replicates was carried out in the green house of NRC, Cairo, Egypt, to study the effect of micronutrients foliar application on salt tolerance of faba bean. Two concentrations of a micronutrient compound (0.1% and 0.15% were sprayed in two different treatments prior to or after the salinity treatments. Levels of NaCl (0.00-1000-2000-5000 ppm were supplied to irrigation water. Results indicated that 2000 and 5000 ppm NaCl inhibited growth and nutrient uptake. Spraying micronutrients could restore the negative effect of salinity on dry weight and nutrients uptake, when sprayed either before or after the salinity treatments. It is suggested that micronutrient foliar sprays could be used to improve plant tolerance to salinity.

  15. Foliar injury responses of eleven plant species to ozone/sulfur dioxide mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tingey, D T; Reinert, R A; Dunning, J A; Heck, W W


    Eleven plant species were exposed to ozone and/or sulfur dioxide to determine if a mixture of the two gases enhanced foliar injury. Tobacco, radish, and alfalfa developed more injury that the additive injury of the single gases. In other species, such as cabbage, broccoli, and tomato, the foliar injury from mixed-gas exposures was additive or less than additive. Leaf injury from the ozone/sulfur dioxide mixture appeared as upper surface flecking, stipple, bifacial necrosis, and lower surface glazing and, in general, appeared similar to injury from oxidant or ozone. The concentrations of ozone and sulfur dioxide that caused plant injury were similar to those found in urban areas. These concentrations may result in yield losses to plants grown under field conditions.

  16. Seasonal trends in reduced leaf gas exchange and ozone-induced foliar injury in three ozone sensitive woody plant species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novak, K.; Schaub, M.; Fuhrer, J.; Skelly, J.M.; Hug, C.; Landolt, W.; Bleuler, P.; Kraeuchi, N.


    Seasonal trends in leaf gas exchange and ozone-induced visible foliar injury were investigated for three ozone sensitive woody plant species. Seedlings of Populus nigra L., Viburnum lantana L., and Fraxinus excelsior L. were grown in charcoal-filtered chambers, non-filtered chambers and open plots. Injury assessments and leaf gas exchange measurements were conducted from June to October during 2002. All species developed typical ozone-induced foliar injury. For plants exposed to non-filtered air as compared to the charcoal-filtered air, mean net photosynthesis was reduced by 25%, 21%, and 18% and mean stomatal conductance was reduced by 25%, 16%, and 8% for P. nigra, V. lantana, and F. excelsior, respectively. The timing and severity of the reductions in leaf gas exchange were species specific and corresponded to the onset of visible foliar injury. - Reductions in leaf gas exchange corresponded to the onset of ozone-induced visible foliar injury for seedlings exposed to ambient ozone exposures

  17. Seasonal trends in reduced leaf gas exchange and ozone-induced foliar injury in three ozone sensitive woody plant species

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Novak, K. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland)]. E-mail:; Schaub, M. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland); Fuhrer, J. [Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture FAL, 8046 Zurich (Switzerland); Skelly, J.M. [Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Hug, C. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland); Landolt, W. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland); Bleuler, P. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland); Kraeuchi, N. [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, 8903 Birmensdorf (Switzerland)


    Seasonal trends in leaf gas exchange and ozone-induced visible foliar injury were investigated for three ozone sensitive woody plant species. Seedlings of Populus nigra L., Viburnum lantana L., and Fraxinus excelsior L. were grown in charcoal-filtered chambers, non-filtered chambers and open plots. Injury assessments and leaf gas exchange measurements were conducted from June to October during 2002. All species developed typical ozone-induced foliar injury. For plants exposed to non-filtered air as compared to the charcoal-filtered air, mean net photosynthesis was reduced by 25%, 21%, and 18% and mean stomatal conductance was reduced by 25%, 16%, and 8% for P. nigra, V. lantana, and F. excelsior, respectively. The timing and severity of the reductions in leaf gas exchange were species specific and corresponded to the onset of visible foliar injury. - Reductions in leaf gas exchange corresponded to the onset of ozone-induced visible foliar injury for seedlings exposed to ambient ozone exposures.

  18. Complementary Evaluation of Iron Deficiency Root Responses to Assess the Effectiveness of Different Iron Foliar Applications for Chlorosis Remediation

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    Marta Fuentes


    Full Text Available Iron deficiency in plants is caused by a low availability of iron in the soil, and its main visual symptom is leaf yellowing due to a decrease in chlorophyll content, along with a reduction in plant growth and fruit quality. Foliar sprays with Fe compounds are an economic alternative to the treatment with expensive synthetic Fe-chelates applied to the soil, although the efficacy of foliar treatments is rather limited. Generally, plant response to Fe-foliar treatments is monitored by measuring chlorophyll content (or related parameters as SPAD index. However, different studies have shown that foliar Fe sprays cause a local regreening and that translocation of the applied Fe within the plant is quite low. In this context, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of foliar applications of different Fe compounds [FeSO4, Fe(III-EDTA, and Fe(III-heptagluconate] on Fe-deficient cucumber plants, by studying the main physiological plant root responses to Fe deficiency [root Fe(III chelate reductase (FCR activity; acidification of the nutrient solution; and expression of the Fe deficiency responsive genes encoding FCR, CsFRO1, Fe(II root transporter CsIRT1, and two plasma membrane H+-ATPases, CsHA1 and CsHA2], along with SPAD index, plant growth and Fe content. The results showed that the overall assessment of Fe-deficiency root responses improved the evaluation of the efficacy of the Fe-foliar treatments compared to just monitoring SPAD indexes. Thus, FCR activity and expression of Fe-deficiency response genes, especially CsFRO1 and CsHA1, preceded the trend of SPAD index and acted as indicators of whether the plant was sensing or not metabolically active Fe due to the treatments. Principal component analysis of the data also provided a graphical tool to evaluate the evolution of plant responses to foliar Fe treatments with time.


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    Paulo Sérgio Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Foliar nutrient contents are evaluated in several fruit trees with many objectives. Leaf analysis constitutes a way of evaluating the nutritional requirements of crops. Due to the positive impact that fertilizers have on crop yields, researchers frequently try to evaluate the correlations between yield and foliar nutrient contents. This work's objective was to present fruit yields from the 4th to the 6th cropping seasons, evaluate foliar nutrient contents (on the 5th cropping season, and estimate the correlations between these two groups of traits for 20 half-sibling custard apple tree progenies. The progenies were evaluated in a random block design with five replicates and four plants per plot. One hundred leaves were collected from the middle third of the canopy (in height of each of four plants in each plot. The leaves were collected haphazardly, i.e., in a random manner, but without using a drawing mechanism. In the analysis of variance, the nutrient concentrations in the leaves from plants of each plot were represented by the average of four plants in the plot. Fruit yield in the various progenies did not depend on cropping season; progeny A4 was the most productive. No Spearman correlation was found between leaf nutrient concentrations and fruit yield. Increased nutrient concentrations in the leaves were progeny-dependent, i.e., with regard to Na (progenies FE5 and JG1, Ca (progeny A4, Mg (progeny SM7, N (progeny A3, P (progeny M, and K contents (progeny JG3. Spearman's correlation was negative between Na-Mg, Na-Ca, and Mg-P contents, and positive between Mg-Ca and N-K contents.

  20. A study of the wet deposit and foliar uptake of iodine and strontium on rye-grass and clover

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angeletti, Livio; Levi, Emilio; Commission of the European Communities, Ispra


    Foliar uptake of iodine and strontium by rye-grass and clover was studied as a function of aspersion intensities. At the same time, the contribution of root sorption to foliar uptake was measured. The effective half-lives of radionuclides of standing and harvested grass were also determined together with their uptake under the action of demineralized water aspersion [fr

  1. Metal and metalloid foliar uptake by various plant species exposed to atmospheric industrial fallout: Mechanisms involved for lead

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schreck, E., E-mail: [Universite de Toulouse (France); INP, UPS (France); EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement) (France); ENSAT, Avenue de l' Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France); CNRS (France); EcoLab, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France); Foucault, Y. [Universite de Toulouse (France); INP, UPS (France); EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement) (France); ENSAT, Avenue de l' Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France); CNRS (France); EcoLab, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France); STCM, Societe de Traitements Chimiques des Metaux, 30 Avenue de Fondeyre 31200 Toulouse (France); Sarret, G. [ISTerre (UMR 5275), Universite J. Fourier and CNRS, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 (France); Sobanska, S. [LASIR (UMR CNRS 8516), Universite de Lille 1, Bat. C5, 59655 Villeneuve d' Ascq cedex (France); Cecillon, L. [ISTerre (UMR 5275), Universite J. Fourier and CNRS, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 (France); Castrec-Rouelle, M. [Universite Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC-Paris 6), Bioemco (Biogeochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux), Site Jussieu, Tour 56, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05 (France); Uzu, G. [Laboratoire d' Aerologie (UMR 5560), OMP, UPS 14, Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse (France); GET (UMR 5563), IRD, 14, Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse (France); Dumat, C. [Universite de Toulouse (France); INP, UPS (France); EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement) (France); ENSAT, Avenue de l' Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France); CNRS (France); EcoLab, 31326 Castanet Tolosan (France)


    Fine and ultrafine metallic particulate matters (PMs) are emitted from metallurgic activities in peri-urban zones into the atmosphere and can be deposited in terrestrial ecosystems. The foliar transfer of metals and metalloids and their fate in plant leaves remain unclear, although this way of penetration may be a major contributor to the transfer of metals into plants. This study focused on the foliar uptake of various metals and metalloids from enriched PM (Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb, As, and especially lead (Pb)) resulting from the emissions of a battery-recycling factory. Metal and metalloid foliar uptake by various vegetable species, exhibiting different morphologies, use (food or fodder) and life-cycle (lettuce, parsley and rye-grass) were studied. The mechanisms involved in foliar metal transfer from atmospheric particulate matter fallout, using lead (Pb) as a model element was also investigated. Several complementary techniques (micro-X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry) were used to investigate the localization and the speciation of lead in their edible parts, i.e. leaves. The results showed lead-enriched PM on the surface of plant leaves. Biogeochemical transformations occurred on the leaf surfaces with the formation of lead secondary species (PbCO{sub 3} and organic Pb). Some compounds were internalized in their primary form (PbSO{sub 4}) underneath an organic layer. Internalization through the cuticle or penetration through stomata openings are proposed as two major mechanisms involved in foliar uptake of particulate matter. - Graphical abstract: Overall picture of performed observations and mechanisms potentially involved in lead foliar uptake. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Foliar uptake of metallic particulate matter (PM) is of environmental and health concerns. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The leaf morphology influences the adsorption

  2. Ozone sensitivity of Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior young trees in relation to leaf structure and foliar ozone uptake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerosa, Giacomo; Marzuoli, Riccardo; Bussotti, Filippo; Pancrazi, Marica; Ballarin-Denti, Antonio


    The difference in ozone sensitivity between Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus exclesior is explained by their different stomatal ozone uptake and by their different foliar structure. - During the summer of 2001, 2-year-old Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus sylvatica plants were subjected to ozone-rich environmental conditions at the Regional Forest Nursery at Curno (Northern Italy). Atmospheric ozone concentrations and stomatal conductance were measured, in order to calculate the foliar fluxes by means of a one-dimensional model. The foliar structure of both species was examined (thickness of the lamina and of the individual tissues, leaf mass per area, leaf density) and chlorophyll a fluorescence was determined as a response parameter. Stomatal conductance was always greater in Fraxinus excelsior, as was ozone uptake, although the highest absorption peaks did not match the peaks of ozone concentration in the atmosphere. The foliar structure can help explain this phenomenon: Fraxinus excelsior has a thicker mesophyll than Fagus sylvatica (indicating a greater photosynthesis potential) and a reduced foliar density. This last parameter, related to the apoplastic fraction, suggests a greater ability to disseminate the gases within the leaf as well as a greater potential detoxifying capacity. As foliar symptoms spread, the parameters relating to chlorophyll a fluorescence also change. PI (Performance Index, Strasser, A., Srivastava, A., Tsimilli-Michael, M., 2000. The fluorescence transient as a tool to characterize and screen photosynthetic samples. In: Yunus, M., Pathre, U., Mohanty, P., (Eds.) Probing Photosynthesis: Mechanisms, Regulation and Adaptation. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp. 445-483.) has proved to be a more suitable index than Fv/Fm (Quantum Yield Efficiency) to record the onset of stress conditions

  3. Accounting for the effect of temperature in clarifying the response of foliar nitrogen isotope ratios to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. (United States)

    Chen, Chongjuan; Li, Jiazhu; Wang, Guoan; Shi, Minrui


    Atmospheric nitrogen deposition affects nitrogen isotope composition (δ 15 N) in plants. However, both negative effect and positive effect have been reported. The effects of climate on plant δ 15 N have not been corrected for in previous studies, this has impeded discovery of a true effect of atmospheric N deposition on plant δ 15 N. To obtain a more reliable result, it is necessary to correct for the effects of climatic factors. Here, we measured δ 15 N and N contents of plants and soils in Baiwangshan and Mount Dongling, north China. Atmospheric N deposition in Baiwangshan was much higher than Mount Dongling. Generally, however, foliar N contents showed no difference between the two regions and foliar δ 15 N was significantly lower in Baiwangshan than Mount Dongling. The corrected foliar δ 15 N after accounting for a predicted value assumed to vary with temperature was obviously more negative in Baiwangshan than Mount Dongling. Thus, this suggested the necessity of temperature correction in revealing the effect of N deposition on foliar δ 15 N. Temperature, soil N sources and mycorrhizal fungi could not explain the difference in foliar δ 15 N between the two regions, this indicated that atmospheric N deposition had a negative effect on plant δ 15 N. Additionally, this study also showed that the corrected foliar δ 15 N of bulk data set increased with altitude above 1300m in Mount Dongling, this provided an another evidence for the conclusion that atmospheric N deposition could cause 15 N-depletion in plants. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Foliar Nutritional Quality Explains Patchy Browsing Damage Caused by an Invasive Mammal.

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    Hannah R Windley

    Full Text Available Introduced herbivores frequently inflict significant, yet patchy damage on native ecosystems through selective browsing. However, there are few instances where the underlying cause of this patchy damage has been revealed. We aimed to determine if the nutritional quality of foliage could predict the browsing preferences of an invasive mammalian herbivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula, in a temperate forest in New Zealand. We quantified the spatial and temporal variation in four key aspects of the foliar chemistry (total nitrogen, available nitrogen, in vitro dry matter digestibility and tannin effect of 275 trees representing five native tree species. Simultaneously, we assessed the severity of browsing damage caused by possums on those trees in order to relate selective browsing to foliar nutritional quality. We found significant spatial and temporal variation in nutritional quality among individuals of each tree species examined, as well as among tree species. There was a positive relationship between the available nitrogen concentration of foliage (a measure of in vitro digestible protein and the severity of damage caused by browsing by possums. This study highlights the importance of nutritional quality, specifically, the foliar available nitrogen concentration of individual trees, in predicting the impact of an invasive mammal. Revealing the underlying cause of patchy browsing by an invasive mammal provides new insights for conservation of native forests and targeted control of invasive herbivores in forest ecosystems.

  5. Improving growth and yield of cowpea by foliar application of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Water stress impaired cowpea plant growth and decreased ion percentage and chlorophyll and carbohydrate concentration in the shoot as well as yield and its quality. Foliar-applied chitosan, in particular 250 mg/l, increased plant growth, yield and its quality as well as physiological constituents in plant shoot under stressed ...

  6. Impact of Potassium Foliar Application in Alleviating the Harmful Effects of Salinity in Spinach

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    Amirhooshang jalali


    Full Text Available Introduction: Spinach is an important leafy vegetable in the cold season, and despite the fact that is considered as low-calorie food source contains significant amount of minerals such as iron, and vitamin A and C. According to the University of Utah 3.8 dS m-1 is salinity tolerance threshold for the spinach and yield decrease that have been reported by 10%, 25% and 50% at 5.5, 7 and 8 dS m-1 salinity. The necessity to supply adequate potassium has been demonstrated in salinity conditions. In salt stress conditions, foliar application of K in spinach, reduces the harmful effects of salt and increase the ratio of potassium to sodium (1.61 to 2.72. Foliar application of K with prevent of potassium transfer from root to shoot is causing continuation of photosynthesis and reduce the effects of salinity. Absorption of potassium from the leaves depends on the type of used compound. In this context, characteristics of plant (leaves with a waxy composition, duration of growth and leaf area are important. 100 kg ha-1 of potassium in salt stress conditions by reducing the absorption of sodium, increased salt tolerance on the sunflower. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the foliar application of K on the yield and yield components of spinach in salt stress condition, a study was conducted in 2012 by using split plot randomized based on complete block design with four replications at Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station. Three levels of irrigation water salinity consisted of a control (2 dS m-1, well water with salinity (4 dS m-1 and well water with salinity (8dS m-1 arranged in main plots and two levels of control and foliar applications of potassium fertilizer containing potassium oxide solubility in water (2.5 ml per liter arranged in subplots. Statistical analysis was conducted by using SAS software and statistical tests were compared with Duncan at 5 percent. Result and Discussions: The results showed that the yield of

  7. Balance nutricional y número de hojas como variables de predicción del rendimiento del plátano Hartón.




    El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una ecuación de regresión que permitiese estimar el rendimiento (Y) del plátano Hartón (Musa AAB subgrupo plátano cv. Hartón), con la relación entre el Índice de Balance de Nutrientes DRIS (IBN-DRIS) (X1) y el número de hojas de la planta madre (X2). Usando un muestreo completamente al azar, se colectaron 398 muestras de tejido foliar. Se obtuvo la ecuación: Y = 30,351** - 8,644** log X1 + 0,27502*X2, con R² de 0,6206***, con distribución normal de ...

  8. Effect of foliar fertilization on Ananas comosus L. Merr. cv. `Cayena lisa' acclimatization

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    Ortelio Hurtado


    Full Text Available The low survival and slow growth of in vitro pineapple plants (Ananas comosus L. Merr. in acclimatization stage limit the use of biotechnological techniques for it propagation. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar fertilization in the acclimatization of pineapple plants cv. `Smooth Cayenne'. Two variants of foliar fertilization were compared. The first, plants were fertilized daily after the last irrigation with a minimum dose increased until three months of culture. The second included the same fertilizer at maximum dose with daily dose foliar applications after the last irrigation 10 days from planting to three months of cultivation. As a control, unfertilized plants were included. Every 20 days to three months of culture height (cm of plants was measured, the number of leaves per plant was quantified and the length and width of the leaves was measured. It was observed that fertilization had effect under the experimental conditions tested on the plants variables. After 90 days of culture plants obtained in the treatment with daily fertilization at maximun dose (option 2, met the requirements of height, length and width of the leaf for transplantation to field conditions. Key words: pineapple, propagation, zeolite

  9. Assimilação foliar de enxofre elementar pela soja Foliar elementary sulfur assimilation by soybean

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    Godofredo Cesar Vitti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a assimilação de enxofre elementar (S0, aplicado nas folhas de soja, e sua eficiência comparada à adubação feita ao solo, de acordo com a dose e a natureza da fonte do nutriente. O S0 aplicado às folhas, independentemente da dose e fonte, foi assimilado pela planta, o que acarretou em aumento no teor de proteína total na folha. Todas as fontes de S aplicadas às folhas aumentaram a produção de grãos, semelhantemente à aplicação ao solo. Observou-se uma mesma produtividade com o uso de 20 kg ha-1 de S0 no solo ou de 6 kg ha-1 via foliar. A eficiência da aplicação de S via foliar, com base no conteúdo de proteína solúvel total, foi superior à da aplicação ao solo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the elementary sulfur (S0 assimilation applied on soybean leaves, and its efficiency compared to the fertilization done in the soil, according to the dose and nature of the nutrient source. The S0 applied to leaves, independently of the dose and source, was assimilated by the plant, what resulted in increase of total protein content in the leaf. All S sources applied to leaves increased the grain yield, similarly to the application to the soil. The same productivity was observed with the use of 20 kg ha-1 of S0 in the soil or 6 kg ha-1 applied to leaves. The elementary S application efficiency on leaves, based on the content of total soluble protein, was superior to application efficiency on soil.

  10. Competition between rice (Oryza sativa L.) and (barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.) as affected by methanol foliar application. (United States)

    Rezaeieh, Alireza D; Aminpanah, Hashem; Sadeghi, Seyed M


    Pot experiment was conducted in Iran, to evaluate the effect of methanol on competition between rice (Oryza sativa) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design with a factorial treatment arrangement and three replicates. Factors were two aqueous methanol foliar applications (0, and 14% v/v) and five rice: barnyardgrass ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:6, and 0:100). Replacement series diagrams for aboveground dry weight illustrated that 'Shiroudi' was more competitive than barnyardgrass as averaged across methanol foliar applications. When methanol was not sprayed, the lines for 'Shiroudi' and barnyardgrass intersected at 75:25 rice: barnyardgrass ratio, but when methanol was sprayed at 14% v/v, the lines for 'Shiroudi' and barnyardgrass intersect at the left of the 75:25 rice: barnyardgrass mixture proportion. These indicate that methanol application reduced competitive ability of 'Shiroudi' against barnyardgrass for aboveground biomass accumulation. At the same time, Methanol foliar application significantly reduced the relative crowding coefficient of 'Shiroudi' while simultaneously it significantly increased the relative crowding coefficient of barnyard grass. This indicates that methanol foliar application reduced the competitive ability of 'Shiroudi' against barnyardgrass for shoot biomass accumulation. This experiment illustrated that foliar spray of aqueous methanol can not be recommended for rice under weedy conditions.

  11. Effect of Foliar Application of Iron, Zinc and Manganese on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Two Varieties of Grain Millet

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    H. Javadi


    Full Text Available In order to study the effect of foliar application of Fe, Zn and Mn on yield, yield components and protein content of two varieties of grain millet an experiment was conducted as factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications in research field of Birjand branch, Islamic Azad University at 2010.  In this study two millet varieties including Bastan (Setaria italica and Pishahang (Panicum miliaceum, and six levels of foliar micronutrient fertilizer including control, Fe, Zn, Mn, (Fe+Zn, (Fe+Zn+Mn were investigated. The results indicated that, panicle length, 1000 grain weight and panicle number per m2 were higher in Pishahang than Bastan, but grain yield, number of seeds per panicle, harvest index and protein yield were higher in Bastan. Characteristics such as panicle length, biological yield and harvest index and protein percentage were affected by foliar micronutrient fertilizer but grain yield remained unchanged. Foliar application with (Fe+Zn+Mn increased protein content compared to the control, but it did not affect protein yield. According to the results of this experiment, Bastan millet variety and foliar application of Zn is potent to produce the maximum grain yield, albeit it warrants further studies.

  12. Foliar nectar enhances plant-mite mutualisms: the effect of leaf sugar on the control of powdery mildew by domatia-inhabiting mites. (United States)

    Weber, Marjorie G; Porturas, Laura D; Taylor, Scott A


    Mite domatia are small structures on the underside of plant leaves that provide homes for predacious or fungivorous mites. In turn, mites inhabiting domatia defend the plant by consuming leaf herbivores and pathogens, which can result in a domatia-mediated, plant-mite defence mutualism. Several recent studies have suggested that plants receive enhanced benefits when they provide a foliar food source, such as sugars secreted from extrafloral nectaries, to mite mutualists alongside mite domatia. However, the effect of foliar sugar on reducing leaf pathogen load via domatia-inhabiting mites has not been directly investigated. To fill this gap, the links between foliar sugar addition, domatia-inhabiting mite abundance, and pathogen load were experimentally evaluated in wild grape. Furthermore, because the proposed combined benefits of providing food and housing have been hypothesized to select for the evolutionary correlation of extrafloral nectaries and domatia across plant lineages, a literature survey aimed at determining the overlap of mite domatia and extrafloral nectaries across plant groups was also conducted. It was found that leaves with artificial addition of foliar sugar had 58-80 % more mites than leaves without foliar sugar addition, and that higher mite abundances translated to reduced powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) loads on leaves. It was found that mite domatia and extrafloral nectaries occur non-randomly in the same clades across Eudicots. Genera with both traits are reported to highlight candidate lineages for future studies. Together, the results demonstrate that foliar sugar can indeed enhance the efficacy of domatia-mediated plant-mite mutualisms, and suggest that this synergism has the potential to influence the co-distribution of foliar nectar and mite domatia across plants. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  13. Sedimentologic indicators of the Miocene tectonic evolution in the Nunchia syncline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez Arias, Juan Carlos; Mora, Andres; Parra, Mauricio


    The study area corresponds to the Nunchia syncline, which is located in the eastern foothills of the eastern cordillera of Colombia. This structure is bounded by the Yopal thrust to the east, and Guaicaramo thrust to the west. This syncline has mostly outcrops of Miocene units, which belong to the Carbonera (C1-C5), Leon and Guayabo formations. Here we use sedimentologic data, especially in the Guayabo Formation, in order to determine the influence of active tectonics during its deposition. Petrographic analyses of sandstones indicate the presence of components associated with upper Cretaceous - Paleocene formations in the eastern cordillera. Paleocurrent orientation shows a preferential trend towards the se during the deposition of most of the studied formations, with a reversal in flow direction towards the W-NW during the deposition of the middle Guayabo Formation preserved in the Nunchia syncline. The collected data allows establishing a structural evolution in the Nunchia syncline which was therefore active during most of the Miocene. This evolution appears to be continuous, although fragmentation of the geological record shows more specific periods of tectonic activity.

  14. Foliar Absorption, Translocation and Utilization of Zn-65 by Mango Seedlings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, F.A.; Sharaf, A.N.M.; Awad, S.M.; Abu EL Azm, S.K.


    Greenhouse experiment was designed using ZnSO 4 at rates of 0.125,0.25 and 0.50%. Solutions were adjusted to ph 6.0 and Tween-20 was added as a surfactant. The prepared solutions were labelled with carrier-free Zn-65. Six-month old mango seedlings were arranged in a complete block design to study the foliar absorption,translocation and percentage use of Zn-65 as influenced by soil application of phosphorus. The total absorption of Zn-65 by mango leaves was affected by spraying treatment of Zn-65 and soil application of phosphorus. In this respect increasing the rates of labelled Zn solution resulted in a great increment in the total absorption of in total absorption of Zn-65 by mango leaves was observed due to increasing P rates as a soil application from 0.0 up to 100 ppm. Translocation of the absorbed Zn-65 either in upward or downward direction was positively related to the absorbed amount. The percentage use of Zn-65 by mango leaves was reduced by increasing foliar Zn rates. On the contrary, it was slightly increased as a result of increasing soil application rate of P. Generally, the percentage use of Zn-65 mango leaves was ranged between 8.7 and 16.87 under the conditions of this experiment. Therefore, foliar application of ZnSO 4 could be recommended as a good source of Zn for mango nutrition in particular with addition of high rates of phosphorus as a soil application

  15. Foliar urea application affects nitric oxide burst and glycine betaine metabolism in two maize cultivars under drought

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, L.; Zhang, X.; Wang, K.; Zhao, Y.; Zhai, Y.; Gao, M.


    Foliar urea has been proved to act a better role in alleviation of the negative effects of drought stress (DS). However, the modulation mechanism of foliar urea are not conclusive in view of nitric oxide (NO) burst and glycine betaine metabolism and their relationship. Two maize ( Zea mays L.) cultivars (Zhengdan 958, JD958, Jundan 20, ZD20) were grown in hydroponic medium, which were treated with spraying of urea concentration of 15 g L/sup -1/ and two water regimes (non-stress and DS simulated by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 15% w/v, MW 6000). The ten-day DS treatment increased betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) activity, choline content and nitric oxide (NO) content acted as the key enzyme, initial substrate and a nitrogenous signal substance respectively in GB synthesis metabolism, thus, induced to great GB accumulation. The accumulation of NO reached the summit earlier than that of GB. The more positive/less negative responses were recorded in JD958 as compared with ZD20 to DS. Addition of foliar ur ea could increase accumulation of choline and BADH activity as well as NO content, thereby, increase GB accumulation under DS. These positive effects of urea applying foliarly on all parameters measured were more pronounced in cultivar JD20 than those in ZD958 under drought. It is, therefore, concluded that increases of both BADH activity and choline content possibly resulted in enhancement of GB accumulation. Foliar urea application could provoke better GB accumulation by modulation of GB metabolism, possibly mediating by NO burst as a signal molecule during drought, especially in the drought sensitive maize cultivar. (author)

  16. Leaf anatomy of Gaillardia cabrerae (Asteraceae: Basic plan and comparative study of two contrasting habitat populations Anatomía foliar de Gaillardia cabrerae (Asteraceae: plan básico y estudio comparativo de dos poblaciones de hábitats contrastantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Beinticinco


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the leaf anatomy pattern of Gaillardia cabrerae Covas, an exclusive endemic camephyte from the Lihué Calel National Park, province of La Pampa, Argentina. Leaf cross sections and peelings of plants growing in two different populations were used to determine the basic leaf anatomy patterns and to estimate the influence of growth conditions in the two microhabitats. The analysis showed differences in epidermal cells area, stomata density and main diameter, lacunar parenchyma cells and central vascular bundle diameter and palisade parenchyma cells dimensions. These aspects might be reflecting environmental conditions of the populations, especially sun exposure and soil moisture. The results provide information on the relationship of the species to its environment, which could be used in the establishment of conservation policies.Gaillardia cabrerae Covas es un caméfito endémico del Parque Nacional Lihué Calel. En este estudio se evalúan características anatómicas de individuos de dos poblaciones provenientes de diferentes microhábitats de las Sierras de Lihué Calel. La información proporcionada es importante para entender las condiciones de vida de la especie y provee información inherente para establecer planes de conservación. Mediante cortes transversales y la técnica de peeling fue posible determinar el plan básico de la anatomía foliar y también verificar diferencias significativas en el área de células epidérmicas, densidad estomática, diámetro mayor de los estomas, diámetro de células del parénquima lagunar y del haz vascular central y en las dimensiones de las células del parénquima en empalizada. Las condiciones ambientales a las cuales estas poblaciones están sometidas, especialmente la exposición solar y la humedad del suelo son posibles factores que podrían explicar las diferencias detectadas en la anatomía foliar para ambas poblaciones.

  17. Improvement of growth and productivity of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. through foliar applications of naphthalene acetic acid

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    Shazia Parveen


    Full Text Available Plant growth regulators like naphthalene acetic acid (NAA positively affect the growth and yield of crop plants. An experiment was conducted to check the foliar application of NAA on growth and yield components of cotton variety Bt.121 under field condition at research area of agriculture farm near Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies (CIDS, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The experiment was comprised of foliar application of NAA (1% viz. T0 (control, T1 (One spray of NAA, T2 (Two sprays of NAA, T3 (Three sprays of NAA, T4 (Four sprays of NAA. The first foliar spray was applied at 45 days after sowing (DAS and later on it was continued with 15 days interval with skilled labour by hand pump sprayer. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design and each treatment was replicated three times. Data recorded on growth, chlorophyll contents, yield and yield components showed a significant increase with the application of NAA. Furthermore, earliness index, mean maturity date and production rate index were also influenced with foliar application of NAA. On the basis of growth and yield parameters it can be concluded that four spray of NAA (1% can be applied commercially under field conditions.

  18. Foliar K application delays leaf senescence of winter rape-seed (Brassica napus L.) under waterlogging

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Lin Wan; Chao Hu; Chang Chen; Liyan Zhang; Ni Ma; Chunlei Zhang


    To better understand waterlogging effect on leaf senescence in winter rapseed (Brassica napus L.) during flowering stage, experiments were designed to explore foliar K application influences on adverse effects of waterlogging stress. Winter rapeseed was sprayed with K after waterlogging at initial flowering stage. Results indicated that waterlog-ging significantly decreased leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and transpiration rate (Tr). It also declined maximum quantum yield of PS II (Fv/Fm), quantum yield of electron transport (ΦPS II) and pho-tochemical quenching (qP), but increased leaf non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and minimal fluorescence (Fo). Interestingly, exogenous application of K significantly alleviated waterlogging-induced photosynthesis inhibition. Foliar K application increased RuBisCO activation, chlorophyll and soluble protein contents, while significantly decreased MDA con-tent under waterlogging stress. Moreover, K supplementation improved accumulation of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, N, Zn2+, Mn2+, Fe2+ in leaves. In general, foliar K application is effective in alleviating deleterious effects of waterlogging stress and delays leaf senescence of winter rapeseed.

  19. Does foliar application of salicylic acid protects nitrate reductase and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study was conducted to assess whether exogenous applied salicylic acid (SA) as a foliar spray could ameliorate the adverse effects of virus infection in two maize cultivars (maize cv. sabaini and maize cv. Nab El-gamal). The plants were grown under normal field conditions for two weeks in sand clay soil, and ...

  20. Área foliar de duas trepadeiras infestantes de cana-de-açúcar utilizando dimensões lineares de folhas Foliar area estimate of two sugarcane-infesting weeds using leaf blade linear dimensions

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    N.P. Cardozo


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo obter uma equação, por meio de medidas lineares dimensionais das folhas, que permitisse a estimativa da área foliar de Momordica charantia e Pyrostegia venusta. Entre maio e dezembro de 2007, foram estudadas as correlações entre a área folia real (Sf e as medidas dimensionais do limbo foliar, como o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C e a largura máxima (L perpendicular à nervura principal. Todas as equações, exponenciais geométricas ou lineares simples, permitiram boas estimativas da área foliar. Do ponto de vista prático, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto C x L, considerando-se o coeficiente linear igual a zero. Desse modo, a estimativa da área foliar de Momordica charantia pode ser feita pela fórmula Sf = 0,4963 x (C x L, e a de Pyrostegia venusta, por Sf = 0,6649 x (C x L.The aim of this study was to obtain a mathematical equation to estimate the leaf area of Momordica charantia and Pyrostegia venusta using linear leaf blade measurements. Correlation studies were conducted involving real leaf area (Sf and leaf length (C, maximum leaf width (L and C x L. The linear and geometric equations involving parameter C provided good leaf area estimates. From a practical viewpoint, the simple linear equation of the regression model is suggested using the C x L parameter, i.e., considering the linear coefficient equal to zero. Thus, leaf area estimate of Momordica charantia can be obtained by using the equation Sf = 0.4963 x (C x L, and that of Pyrostegia venusta by using equation Sf = 0.6649 x (C x L.

  1. Efecto del uso de quitosano en el mejoramiento del cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.

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    José Alejandro Molina Zerpa


    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen alternativas tecnológicas para el aprovechamiento de los desechos de crustáceos y su conversión en productos de utilidad como lo son la quitina y su derivado el quitosano.  En esta investigación, se utilizó gel de quitosano para aplicarlo a la variedad de arroz SD20 para mejorar su cultivo. El análisis mediante IR del quitosano utilizado mostró similitud con los espectros para cada una de las muestras, confirmando con estos resultados que la utilización de diferentes quitinas obtenidas por la desmineralización con HCl y H3PO4 no afectó la identidad del producto, pues se mantienen las bandas de los grupos funcionales más importantes, demostrándose así que las quitinas se transformaron en una nueva materia prima como el quitosano. Las plantas tratadas con quitosano presentaron alturas mayores, con incrementos de altura hasta de 16,57% en comparación al testigo. Además, produjo un incremento de la raíz de 52% para los 12 días de siembra en comparación con el testigo. Se observó en las plantas de arroz un color verde más intenso que en lote testigo, estos resultados se deben a la capacidad estimulante del quitosano, ya que actúa mejorando el enraizamiento y la producción de área foliar de la planta. Se encontró una diferencia de 1025 kg/ha, y un incremento en la cosecha de 16,21% con respecto al tratamiento sin quitosano. Se concluye que el cultivo de arroz, variedad SD20A, tuvo un desarrollo vegetativo mejor con el tratamiento con quitosano.

  2. Response of winter rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera Metzg., Sinsk to foliar fertilization and different seeding rates

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    Cezary A. Kwiatkowski


    Full Text Available A field experiment in growing winter rape was carried out during the period 2009-2011 in a family farm (owned by Mr. M. Bednarczyk located in Jaroszewice (Lublin region, on podzolic soil. Plant biometric features as well as yield and seed qualitative parameters (oil, protein and glucosinolate content were evaluated depending on the following rates of soil NPK fertilizers and on foliar fertilization (autumn spraying with the fertilizer solution: 100% and 75% of NPK as well as urea + nickel chelate + MgSO4H2O; 100% and 75% of NPK as well as urea + Plonvit R + MgSO4H2O. Plots without foliar fertilization (only 100% of NPK were the control treatment. The other experimental factor was the seeding rate (2.5 kg×ha-1 – 30 cm row spacing; 4 kg×ha-1 – 18 cm row spacing. Foliar spraying was done once in the autumn in the second decade of October. Tillage as well as mechanical and chemical control of agricultural pests in the plantation were typical for this plant species and consistent with the recommendations for winter rape protection. A hypothesis was made that the application of foliar fertilizers would have a beneficial effect on winter rape productivity, at the same time maintaining the high quality of raw material. It was also assumed that a reduction in the seeding rate of winter oilseed rape would result in reduced plant lodging and an increased number of siliques per plant; as a consequence, seed and oil productivity would be at a level not lower than that obtained at the higher seeding rate. The present study has proved that foliar fertilization of winter oilseed rape in the autumn period contributes to improved plant winter hardiness and increased productivity. The application of foliar fertilizers also enables the rates of basic mineral NPK fertilizers to be reduced by 25% without detriment to seed yield. Foliar fertilizers have been found to have a weaker effect on changing the chemical composition of rapeseed. The study has shown that

  3. Foliar nutrient status of Pinus ponderosa exposed to ozone and acid rain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, P.D.; Houpis, J.L.J.


    A direct effect of foliar exposure to acid rain may be increased leaching of nutrient elements. Ozone exposure, through degradation of the cuticle and cellular membranes, may also result in increased nutrient leaching. To test these hypotheses, the foliar concentrations of 13 nutrient elements were monitored for mature branches of three clones of Pinus ponderosa exposed to ozone and/or acid rain. The three clones represented three distinct levels of phenotypic vigor. Branches were exposed to charcoal filtered, ambient, or 2 x ambient concentrations of ozone and received no acid rain (NAP), pH 5.1 rain (5.1), or pH 3.0 (3.0) rain. Following 10 months of continuous ozone exposure and 3 months of weekly rain applications, the concentrations of P and Mg differed significantly among rain treatments with a ranking of: 5.1 < NAP < 3.0. The S concentration increased with rain application regardless of pH. For the clones of moderate and low vigor, the concentration of N decreased with increasing rain acidity. There was no evidence of significant ozone or ozone x acid rain response. Among the three families, high phenotypic vigor was associated with significantly greater concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, B and An. These results indicate generally negligible leaching as a result of exposure to acid rain and/or ozone for one growing season. Increases in foliar concentrations of S, Mg and P are possibly the result of evaporative surface deposition from the rain solution

  4. Variation in Foliar δ13C of Desert Plant Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. among Different Environments in Northwestern China (United States)

    Ma, J.; Pendall, E.; Chen, F.


    Reaumuria soongorica is a dominant desert shrub species in arid regions of northwest China, it playing an important role in the maintenance of the stability and continuity of desert ecosystem. The objectives of this study were to investigate the distribution characteristics of foliar δ13C value in R. soongorica, establish the correlations between foliar characteristics and environmental factors, and identify the major factor controlling the variations of foliar δ13C among different environments. Leaves of R. soongorica were collected from 21 natural populations in its major distribution area in northwestern China, across a range of mean annual precipitation from 27 to 328 mm, at altitudes from 394 to 1987 m above sea level, at latitudes from 36°N to 45°N and at longitudes from 81°E to 107°E. We measured the leaf nitrogen (LN), phosphorus (LP), potassium content (LK), leaf water content (LWC) and foliar δ13C in leaves of 407 individuals, and the soil physicochemical properties including nitrogen (SN), phosphorus (SP), soil organic matter (SOM), soil water contents (SWC) and total dissolved solids (TDS). Mean annual precipitation (MAP), mean annual temperature (MAT), evaporation, mean relative humidity (MRH) and duration of sunshine (DS), were collected from the Cold and Arid Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We observed that the foliar δ13C values increased significantly with the decreasing of MAP (r = -0.623, P = 0.003) and MRH(r = -0.702, P = 0.002), and decreased with decreasing DS and evaporation. No significant correlation with MAT was detected in δ13C values of R. soongorica. The correlations between foliar δ13C value and the soil factors demonstrated that the foliar δ13C values in R. soongorica significantly increased with the decreasing SWC (r = - 0.470, P = 0.037) and increasing TDS (r = 0.507, P = 0.022) in soil. There were no significant correlations between the foliar δ13C values and soil pH, total

  5. Influência da nutrição mineral foliar sobre doenças da parte aérea da cultura do trigo

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available A utilização de fungicida para o controle de doenças foliares na cultura do trigo é prática comum entre os triticultores. Contudo, devido ao impacto ambiental provocado pelo seu uso generalizado, buscam-se alternativas para controle dos fitopatógenos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da nutrição mineral foliar sobre as doenças foliares do trigo, bem como seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento da planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e quatro tratamentos: 1- testemunha; 2- adubação foliar aos 30 dias após a emergência (DAE e aos 75 DAE; 3- fungicida aos 30 e 75 DAE; e 4- adubação foliar aos 30 DAE e adubação foliar mais fungicida aos 75 DAE. Foram realizadas nove avaliações da incidência e da severidade do oídio, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo das áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença; três avaliações da severidade da ferrugem e da mancha da gluma; e duas avaliações da mancha amarela. Foram determinadas a massa de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e a produtividade da cultura. Foi observada redução da incidência e da severidade de oídio em função da adubação foliar, apenas na primeira avaliação de incidência e nas segunda e quinta avaliações de severidade da doença. O efeito complementar dos nutrientes com o fungicida para redução das doenças foi observado apenas para a mancha amarela, com redução de aproximadamente 11,16 % da severidade. Os maiores valores de produtividade foram observados para os tratamentos apenas com fungicida e, com fungicida mais nutrientes. A adubação foliar proporcionou aumento da massa fresca de raízes e massa seca de raízes. Apesar disso, não houve aumento da massa fresca da parte aérea em função da adubação foliar.

  6. Ecosystem, location, and climate effects on foliar secondary metabolites of lodgepole pine populations from central British Columbia. (United States)

    Wallis, Christopher M; Huber, Dezene P W; Lewis, Kathy J


    Lodgepole pines, Pinus contorta Douglas ex Louden var. latifolia Engelm. ex S. Watson, are encountering increased abiotic stress and pest activity due to recent increases in temperature and changes in precipitation throughout their range. This tree species counters these threats by producing secondary metabolites, including phenolics and terpenoids. We examined foliar levels of lignin, soluble phenolics, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, and diterpenoids in 12 stands in British Columbia, Canada. We used these data to assess associations among foliar secondary metabolite levels and ecosystem, geographic, and climatic variables. Regressions were also performed to observe which combinations of variables best explained secondary metabolite variance. Stands of P. c. latifolia in the Coastal Western Hemlock and Interior Cedar/Hemlock biogeoclimatic zones had consistently greater foliar levels of almost all measured secondary metabolites than did other stands. Lignin was present in greater amounts in Boreal White/Black Spruce ecosystem (i.e., northern) stands than in southern stands, suggesting a role for this metabolite in pine survival in the boreal forest. Attempts to develop regression models with geographic and climatic variables to explain foliar secondary metabolite levels resulted in multiple models with similar predictive capability. Since foliar secondary metabolite levels appeared to vary most between stand ecosystem types and not as much due to geographic and climatic variables, metabolic profiles appeared best matched to the stress levels within local environments. It is unknown if differences in secondary metabolite levels are the result of genetic adaptation or phenotypic plasticity, but results from this and other studies suggest that both are important. These results are interpreted in light of ongoing efforts to assist in the migration of certain populations of P. c. latifolia northward in an effort to counter predicted effects of climate change.

  7. Intercomparison of Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices, Ground Spectroscopy, and Foliar Chemistry Data from NEON (United States)

    Hulslander, D.; Warren, J. N.; Weintraub, S. R.


    Hyperspectral imaging systems can be used to produce spectral reflectance curves giving rich information about composition, relative abundances of materials, mixes and combinations. Indices based on just a few spectral bands have been used for over 40 years to study vegetation health, mineral abundance, and more. These indices are much simpler to visualize and use than a full hyperspectral data set which may contain over 400 bands. Yet historically, it has been difficult to directly relate remotely sensed spectral indices to quantitative biophysical properties significant to forest ecology such as canopy nitrogen, lignin, and chlorophyll. This linkage is a critical piece in enabling the detection of high value ecological information, usually only available from labor-intensive canopy foliar chemistry sampling, to the geographic and temporal coverage available via remote sensing. Previous studies have shown some promising results linking ground-based data and remotely sensed indices, but are consistently limited in time, geographic extent, and land cover type. Moreover, previous studies are often focused on tuning linkage algorithms for the purpose of achieving good results for only one study site or one type of vegetation, precluding development of more generalized algorithms. The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a unique system of 47 terrestrial sites covering all of the major eco-climatic domains of the US, including AK, HI, and Puerto Rico. These sites are regularly monitored and sampled using uniform instrumentation and protocols, including both foliar chemistry sampling and remote sensing flights for high resolution hyperspectral, LiDAR, and digital camera data acquisition. In this study we compare the results of foliar chemistry analysis to the remote sensing vegetation indices and investigate possible sources for variance and difference through the use of the larger hyperspectral dataset as well as ground based spectrometer measurements of

  8. Foliar Nutrient Distribution Patterns in Sympatric Maple Species Reflect Contrasting Sensitivity to Excess Manganese. (United States)

    Fernando, Denise R; Marshall, Alan T; Lynch, Jonathan P


    Sugar maple and red maple are closely-related co-occurring tree species significant to the North American forest biome. Plant abiotic stress effects including nutritional imbalance and manganese (Mn) toxicity are well documented within this system, and are implicated in enhanced susceptibility to biotic stresses such as insect attack. Both tree species are known to overaccumulate foliar manganese (Mn) when growing on unbuffered acidified soils, however, sugar maple is Mn-sensitive, while red maple is not. Currently there is no knowledge about the cellular sequestration of Mn and other nutrients in these two species. Here, electron-probe x-ray microanalysis was employed to examine cellular and sub-cellular deposition of excessively accumulated foliar Mn and other mineral nutrients in vivo. For both species, excess foliar Mn was deposited in symplastic cellular compartments. There were striking between-species differences in Mn, magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) and calcium (Ca) distribution patterns. Unusually, Mn was highly co-localised with Mg in mesophyll cells of red maple only. The known sensitivity of sugar maple to excess Mn is likely linked to Mg deficiency in the leaf mesophyll. There was strong evidence that Mn toxicity in sugar maple is primarily a symplastic process. For each species, leaf-surface damage due to biotic stress including insect herbivory was compared between sites with acidified and non-acidified soils. Although it was greatest overall in red maple, there was no difference in biotic stress damage to red maple leaves between acidified and non-acidified soils. Sugar maple trees on buffered non-acidified soil were less damaged by biotic stress compared to those on unbuffered acidified soil, where they are also affected by Mn toxicity abiotic stress. This study concluded that foliar nutrient distribution in symplastic compartments is a determinant of Mn sensitivity, and that Mn stress hinders plant resistance to biotic stress.

  9. Caracterización física, morfológica y evaluación de las curvas de empastamiento de musáceas (Musa spp.

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    Javier Darío Hoyos-Leyva


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron veinte variedades de musáceas de diferente composición genética: AB, BB, AAA, AAB, ABB, AAAA y AAAB, del Banco de Germoplasma existente en la hacienda Las Vegas, de Fedeplátano, Chinchiná (1360 m.s.n.m., 4° 58' N y 75° 20' O, Colombia. La caracterización incluyó propiedades físicas como peso, diámetro, longitud, materia seca y porcentaje de cáscara del fruto y propiedades funcionales como harinas y almidones. El análisis de componentes principales (ACP mostró que las variedades de plátano se diferencian por su mayor tamaño (peso, longitud y diámetro. M. B. Tani, ICAFHIA 110, Saba, y los plátanos del subgrupo Bluggoe tuvieron altos porcentajes de cáscara. Entre los demás clones no se observaron diferencian entre sí. Los plátanos de cocción del subgrupo Plantain presentaron el mayor contenido de materia seca. Bocadillo Chileno e híbridos postre (exceptuando FHIA-1, presentaron mayor contenido de fracción comestible frente a las demás variedades. La temperatura de inicio de gelatinización de las harinas en el RVA varió entre 66.58 °C para la variedad Bocadillo Chileno y 75.21 °C para Mbindi. La viscosidad máxima varió entre 441.57 y 1837.17 cP para las variedades Tafetán Rojo y Dwarf Cavendish, respectivamente. La facilidad de cocción varió entre 2.76 min en Bocadillo Chileno y 7.55 min en Gros Michel Guayabo. La temperatura de inicio de gelatinización de los almidones varió entre 65.58°C para Gros Michel Guayabo y 74.41°C en Tafetán Rojo. La variedad Yangambi Km3 presentó la viscosidad máxima a 483.24 cP e Indio a 1958.44cP. La variedad Mbindi presentó la mayor facilidad de cocción (1.91 min mientras que FHIA-1 presentó el mayor tiempo (9.49 min.

  10. Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Lavandula angustifolia to Salinity Under Mineral Foliar Application (United States)

    Chrysargyris, Antonios; Michailidi, Evgenia; Tzortzakis, Nikos


    Saline water has been proposed as a solution to partially cover plant water demands due to scarcity of irrigation water in hot arid areas. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) plants were grown hydroponically under salinity (0–25–50–100 mM NaCl). The overcome of salinity stress was examined by K, Zn, and Si foliar application for the plant physiological and biochemical characteristics. The present study indicated that high (100 mM NaCl) salinity decreased plant growth, content of phenolics and antioxidant status and essential oil (EO) yield, while low-moderate salinity levels maintained the volatile oil profile in lavender. The integrated foliar application of K and Zn lighten the presumable detrimental effects of salinity in terms of fresh biomass, antioxidant capacity, and EO yield. Moderate salinity stress along with balanced concentration of K though foliar application changed the primary metabolites pathways in favor of major volatile oil constituents biosynthesis and therefore lavender plant has the potential for cultivation under prevalent semi-saline conditions. Zn and Si application, had lesser effects on the content of EO constituents, even though altered salinity induced changings. Our results have demonstrated that lavender growth/development and EO production may be affected by saline levels, whereas mechanisms for alteration of induced stress are of great significance considering the importance of the oil composition, as well. PMID:29731759

  11. Induction of drought tolerance in zea mays l. by foliar application of triacontanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perveen, S.; Iqbal, M.; Nawaz, A.


    In the present study, we assessed the effect of foliar application of triacontanol (TRIA) on various growth and physiochemical parameters of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars (cv. MMRI-Yellow and cv. Hybrid S-515) under different irrigation levels i.e., normal watering (control) and watering at 60% of the field capacity (drought). Seeds of the two maize cultivars were sown in plastic pots filled with sandy loam soil (2 kg in each). Foliar application of TRIA (0, 2 and 5 micro M) was performed after two weeks of drought stress to 28-day-old plants. Data of 58-day-old maize plants was collected for analysis of various growth and physiochemical attributes. Drought stress significantly decreased growth and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity while increased the activities of catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) and the contents of total phenolics, total soluble proteins, glycinebetaine (GB) and free proline. Foliar treatment with TRIA further increased CAT and POD activities whereas decreased the contents of hydrogen peroxide (H/sub 2/O/sub 2/), malondialdehyde (MDA), total phenolics and GB in the maize plants when under drought stress. Of the two maize cultivars, cv. MMRI-Yellow excelled the growth under both normal and drought stress (60% of the field capacity). Overall, TRIA (5 micro M) was much more effective in modulating various growth and physiochemical attributes, and thus improving drought tolerance in maize plants. (author)

  12. Foliar applications of iron promote flavonoids accumulation in grape berry of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot grown in the iron deficiency soil. (United States)

    Shi, Pengbao; Song, Changzheng; Chen, Haiju; Duan, Bingbing; Zhang, Zhenwen; Meng, Jiangfei


    Flavonoids are important compounds for grape and wine quality. Foliar fertilization with iron compounds has been reported to have a substantial impact on grape composition in the grapevines growing in calcareous soil. However, much less is known about its real impact on flavonoid composition. In the present study, Ferric ethylenediamine di (O-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (Fe-EDDHA) was foliar applied to Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevines growing in calcareous soil over two consecutive vintages in order to study its effect on grape flavonoid composition. Fe-EDDHA foliar supply tended to increase grape sugar, anthocyanin and flavonol content, decrease acid content and enhance the juice pH when compared to the control. Principal component analysis showed that the vintage also had influence on grape quality. The results suggested that Fe-EDDHA foliar application had an enhancement effect on grape secondary metabolism, and the effect increased the nutritional value of the consequent grapes and wines. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Vector control and foliar nutrition to maintain economic sustainability of bearing citrus in Florida groves affected by huanglongbing. (United States)

    Stansly, Philip A; Arevalo, H Alejandro; Qureshi, Jawwad A; Jones, Moneen M; Hendricks, Katherine; Roberts, Pamela D; Roka, Fritz M


    Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening is a bacterial disease vectored by the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) causing tree decline, and yield loss. Vector control and foliar nutrition are used in Florida to slow the spread of HLB and mitigate debilitating effects of the disease. A four year replicated field study was initiated February 2008 in a 5.2-ha commercial block of young 'Valencia' orange trees employing a factorial design to evaluate individual and compound effects of vector management and foliar nutrition. Insecticides were sprayed during tree dormancy and when psyllid populations exceeded a nominal threshold. A mixture consisting primarily of micro- and macro-nutrients was applied three times a year corresponding to the principal foliar flushes. Differences in ACP numbers from five- to 13-fold were maintained in insecticide treated and untreated plots. Incidence of HLB estimated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), rose from 30% at the beginning of the study to 95% in only 18 months. Highest yields all four years were seen from trees receiving both foliar nutrition and vector control. Production for these trees in the fourth year was close to the pre-HLB regional average for 10 year old 'Valencia' on 'Swingle'. Nevertheless, at current juice prices, the extra revenue generated from the combined insecticide and nutritional treatment did not cover the added treatment costs. This experiment demonstrated that vector control, especially when combined with enhanced foliar nutrition, could significantly increase yields in a citrus orchard with high incidence of HLB. Economic thresholds for both insecticide and nutrient applications are needed under different market and environmental conditions. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.

  14. Rain-Induced Wash-Off of Chemical Warfare Agent (VX) from Foliar Surfaces of Living Plants Maintained in a Surety Hood (United States)


    RAIN-INDUCED WASH-OFF OF CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENT (VX) FROM FOLIAR SURFACES OF LIVING PLANTS MAINTAINED IN A...Final 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) May 2014 – Sep 2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Rain-Induced Wash-Off of Chemical Warfare Agent (VX) from Foliar...galli Foliage Chemical warfare agent (CWA) O-ethyl-S-(2

  15. Acclimation of foliar respiration and photosynthesis in response to experimental warming in a temperate steppe in northern China.

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    Yonggang Chi

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Thermal acclimation of foliar respiration and photosynthesis is critical for projection of changes in carbon exchange of terrestrial ecosystems under global warming. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A field manipulative experiment was conducted to elevate foliar temperature (Tleaf by 2.07°C in a temperate steppe in northern China. Rd/Tleaf curves (responses of dark respiration to Tleaf, An/Tleaf curves (responses of light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rates to Tleaf, responses of biochemical limitations and diffusion limitations in gross CO2 assimilation rates (Ag to Tleaf, and foliar nitrogen (N concentration in Stipa krylovii Roshev. were measured in 2010 (a dry year and 2011 (a wet year. Significant thermal acclimation of Rd to 6-year experimental warming was found. However, An had a limited ability to acclimate to a warmer climate regime. Thermal acclimation of Rd was associated with not only the direct effects of warming, but also the changes in foliar N concentration induced by warming. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Warming decreased the temperature sensitivity (Q10 of the response of Rd/Ag ratio to Tleaf. Our findings may have important implications for improving ecosystem models in simulating carbon cycles and advancing understanding on the interactions between climate change and ecosystem functions.

  16. Combined effects of drought stress and npk foliar spray on growth, physiological processes and nutrient uptake in wheat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shabir, R.N.; Waraocj, E.A.


    The present study investigated the effects of supplemental foliar nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) spray, alone or in various combinations, on physiological processes and nutrients uptake in wheat under water deficit conditions. The study comprised of two phases; during the first phase, ten local wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated for their response to PEG-6000 induced osmotic stress. One drought tolerant (Bhakkar-2002) and sensitive (Shafaq-2006) genotype selected from screening experiments were used in the second phase to determine the individual and combined effects of N, P and K foliar spray on physiological mechanisms in wheat under drought stress. The results revealed that limited water supply significantly reduced germination, growth and uptake of N, P and K. Supplemental foliar fertilisation of these macronutrients alone or in different combinations significantly improved the water relations, gas exchange characteristics and nutrient contents in both the genotypes. Bhakkar-2002 maintained higher turgor, net CO/sub 2/ assimilation rate (Pn), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs) and accumulated more N, P and K in shoot than Shafaq-2006. The foliar spray of NPK in combination was effective in improving wheat growth under both well-watered and water-deficit conditions. (author)

  17. Selenium supplementation of Portuguese wheat cultivars through foliar treatment in actual field conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catarina Galinha; Pacheco, A.M.G.; Maria do Carmo Freitas; Jose Coutinho; Benvindo Macas; Ana Sofia Almeida


    Selenium (Se) is a trace element essential to the well-being and health quality of humankind. Plant-derived foodstuffs, namely cereals, are the major dietary sources of Se in most countries throughout the world, even if Se contents are strongly dependent upon the corresponding levels in cereal-growing soils. Therefore, wheat is one of the staple crops that appears as an obvious candidate for Se biofortification, considering its gross-tonnage production and nutritional relevance worldwide. The present paper focuses on the ability of bread and durum wheat-Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf., respectively-to accumulate Se after supplementation via a foliar-addition procedure. Two of the most representative wheat cultivars in Portugal - Jordao (bread) and Marialva (durum) - have been selected for supplementation trials, following the same agronomic practices and field schedules as the regular (non-supplemented) crops of those varieties (sowing: November 2010; harvesting: July 2011). Foliar additions were performed at the booting and grain-filling stages, using sodium selenate and sodium selenite solutions at three different Se concentrations-equivalent to field supplementation rates of 4, 20 and 100 g of Se per ha-with and without potassium iodide. Selenium contents in wheat grains obtained under foliar application are compared to data from regular wheat samples (field blanks) grown at the same soil/season, yet devoid of any Se supplementation. Total Se in all field samples was determined by cyclic neutron activation analysis (CNAA), via the short-lived nuclide 77m Se (half-life time: 17.5 s), in the Portuguese Research Reactor (RPI; CTN-IST, Sacavem). Quality control of the analytical procedure was asserted through concurrent analyses of NIST-SRM R 1567a (Wheat Flour). Results show that foliar additions can increase Se contents in mature grains up to 15 and 40 times for Marialva and Jordao, respectively, when compared to non-supplemented crops. Jordao and

  18. The effects of canopy cover on throughfall and soil chemistry in two forest sites in the Mexico City air basin; Los efectos de la cobertura de dosel en disminucion y la quimica del suelo en dos lugares de bosque en la cuenca de aire de la Ciudad de Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez-Suarez, M. [Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (IPICYT), San Luis Potosi, S.L.P. (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Fenn, M.E. [United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Fire Laboratory, Riverside, California (United States); Cetina-Alcala, V.M.; Aldrete, A. [Instituto de Recursos Naturales, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Edo. de Mexico (Mexico)


    Throughfall and soil chemistry were compared in two sites with differing atmospheric deposition: Desierto de los Leones National Park (high atmospheric deposition) and Zoquiapan National Park (low atmospheric deposition). Throughfall fluxes of NO{sub 3}-, SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, Ca, Mg and K were compared under two canopy cover types: Abies religiosa Schl. (fir) and Pinus hartwegii Lindl. (pine), in comparison with sites without cover canopy, e.g. forests clearings. Throughfall fluxes decreased in the following order: fir > pine > forest clearing. Nitrogen balance under canopy of fir and pine resulted in negative values for net throughfall of NH{sub 4}+ at Desierto de los Leones and Zoquiapan, while NO{sub 3}-, only resulted in negative values under canopy cover at the low deposition site. With few exceptions, concentrations of total C, N and S, soluble SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, and Ca{sub 2}+ were higher in soil under fir canopies than under pine or in forest clearings. In polluted sites, the densely foliated fir canopies generally resulted in higher throughfall fluxes and soil accumulation of N, S and Mg compared to pine canopies or open areas. The elevated atmospheric depositions affect the functional process of forest ecosystem, particularly the throughfall and nutrients intern cycle, and these effects depend of the cover and present tree species. [Spanish] El escurrimiento foliar y la quimica del suelo fueron comparados en dos sitios con diferente deposito atmosferico: el Parque Nacional Desierto de los Leones (alto deposito atmosferico) y el Parque Nacional Zoquiapan (bajo deposito atmosferico). Se compararon los flujos de NO{sub 3}-, SO{sub 4}{sup 2}-, Ca, Mg y K en el escurrimiento foliar bajo el dosel de dos especies de arboles: Abies religiosa Schl. (oyamel) y Pinus hartwegii Lindl. (pino), en comparacion con sitios sin cobertura, es decir en claros del bosque. Los flujos disminuyeron en el siguiente orden: oyamel >pino >claros. El consumo de N del dosel resulto en

  19. Review of cleaning techniques and their effects on the chemical composition of foliar samples

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rossini Oliva, S.; Raitio, H.


    Chemical foliar analysis is a tool widely used to study tree nutrition and to monitor the impact and extent of air pollutants. This paper reviews a number of cleaning methods, and the effects of cleaning on foliar chemistry. Cleaning may include mechanical techniques such as the use of dry or moistened tissues, shaking, blowing, and brushing, or use various washing techniques with water or other solvents. Owing to the diversity of plant species, tissue differences, etc., there is no standard procedure for all kinds of samples. Analysis of uncleaned leaves is considered a good method for assessing the degree of air contamination because it provides an estimate of the element content of the deposits on leaf surfaces or when the analysis is aimed at the investigation of transfer of elements along the food chain. Sample cleaning is recommended in order (1) to investigate the transfer rate of chemical elements from soil to plants, (2) to qualify the washoff of dry deposition from foliage and (3) to separate superficially absorbed and biomass-incorporated elements. Since there is not a standard cleaning procedure for all kinds of samples and aims, it is advised to conduct a pilot study in order to be able to establish a cleaning procedure to provide reliable foliar data. (orig.)

  20. Costs and benefits of insecticide and foliar nutrient applications to huanglongbing-infected citrus trees. (United States)

    Tansey, James A; Vanaclocha, Pilar; Monzo, Cesar; Jones, Moneen; Stansly, Philip A


    The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), vectors Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, which causes huanglongbing (HLB). In Florida, HLB incidence is approaching 100% statewide. Yields have decreased and production costs have increased since 2005. Despite this, some growers are maintaining a level of production and attribute this in part to aggressive psyllid control and foliar nutrition sprays. However, the value of these practices is debated. A replicated field study was initiated in 2008 in a commercial block of 'Valencia' sweet orange trees to evaluate individual and combined effects of foliar nutrition and ACP control. Results from 2012-2016 are presented. Insecticides consistently reduced ACP populations. However, neither insecticide nor nutrition applications significantly influenced HLB incidence or PCR copy number in mature trees. In reset trees, infection continued to build and reached 100% in all treatments. Greatest yields (kg fruit ha -1 ) and production (kg solids ha -1 ) were obtained from trees receiving both insecticides and foliar nutrition. All treatments resulted in production and financial gains relative to controls. However, material and application costs associated with the nutrition component offset these gains, resulting in lesser benefits than insecticides applied alone. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  1. Diagnóstico do estado nutricional de n em porta-enxertos de citros, utilizando-se de teores foliares de clorofila


    Decarlos Neto, Antônio; Siqueira, Dalmo Lopes de; Pereira, Paulo Roberto Gomes; Venegas, Victor Hugo Alvarez


    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os teores foliares de clorofila total (a+b) em porta-enxertos de citros cultivados em tubetes, como índices no diagnóstico do estado nutricional de N, de acordo com adição das doses de N (0; 400; 800; 1.600; 3.200 e 4.800 mg/dm³ de N no substrato). Os teores foliares de clorofila total apresentaram alta correlação positiva com a altura, diâmetro do caule, massa da matéria seca da parte aérea e raízes, área foliar e teor de N-NO3 da parte aérea dos porta-e...

  2. Equações para a estimativa do índice de área foliar do cafeeiro

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    Favarin José Laércio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a variação temporal do índice de área foliar (IAF da cultura de café, utilizando um método simples e não-destrutivo, foi instalado um experimento no Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizou-se a cultivar Mundo Novo IAC 388-17, enxertada sobre a cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258 (de 15 até 35 meses de idade, no espaçamento de 2,5 x 1,0 m. Foram coletadas todas as folhas de duas plantas de café, em intervalos de 60 a 150 dias, para a mensuração da área foliar com o equipamento LI-COR (modelo 3100. Para obter a relação funcional entre IAF e diferentes variáveis de crescimento (altura da planta, número e massa total de folhas e área foliar e arquitetura da copa (área da seção inferior, média e superior do dossel, área lateral do dossel, diâmetro inferior, médio e superior do dossel, volume do dossel da planta e altura do primeiro par de ramos, assumiu-se que a parte aérea do cafeeiro tem a forma cônica. O diâmetro da seção inferior do dossel (primeiro par de ramos e a altura da planta podem ser utilizadas para estimar o índice de área foliar do cafeeiro.

  3. Anatomía ecológica de algunas especies del género Paspalum (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paniceae

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    Sandra S. Aliscioni


    Full Text Available Aliscioni, S. S. 2000. Anatomía ecológica de algunas especies del género Paspalum(Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paniceae. Darwiniana 38(3-4: 187-207.El género Paspalum L. presenta un elevado número de especies, con una amplia variabilidadmorfológica y una extensa distribución geográfica. Sus especies crecen en hábitats sumamente diversos,desde ambientes muy húmedos o acuáticos, a lugares secos de suelos arcillosos o arenosos, muchas vecessalinos. Dada la diversidad de ambientes en los que puede hallarse Paspalum, se estudiaron lascaracterísticas anatómico-foliares presentes en el género con la finalidad de interpretar diferentesestrategias adaptativas en distintas especies. Se presenta una descripción general de la anatomía foliar delgénero y se discuten ciertos caracteres anatómicos, interpretando su posible relación con las condicionesdel hábitat

  4. influence of foliar applications of calcium chloride and borax on fruit

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr. A Rab


    Dec 16, 2011 ... The influence of foliar application of calcium chloride and borax calcium on fruit skin strength and cracking incidence in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit was investigated at 25 days interval and also the evaluation of fruit skin calcium and boron contents, skin strength, ion leakage from skin discs and.

  5. Genetics and physiology of the nuclearly inherited yellow foliar mutants in soybean (United States)

    Plant photosynthetic pigments are important in harvesting the light energy and transfer of energy during photosynthesis. There are several yellow foliar mutants discovered in soybean and chromosomal locations for about half of them have been deduced. Viable-yellow mutants are capable of surviving wi...

  6. Leaf Surface Scanning Electron Microscopy of 16 Mulberry Genotypes (Morus spp. with Respect to their Feeding Value in Silkworm (Bombyx mori L. Rearing Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido de la Superficie Foliar de 16 Genotipos de Morus spp. en Relación a su Valor Alimenticio para Crianza del Gusano de la Seda (Bombyx mori L.

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    B.K Singhal


    disponibilidad de hojas es siempre el factor limitante y, por lo tanto, los sub-trópicos contribuyen con menos de 1% del total de la producción nacional de seda comparado con más de 60% bajo condiciones tropicales. Además de las condiciones climáticas, esto se debe al número muy limitado de genotipos de morera disponible en esta región para la crianza de gusanos de seda. Se introdujeron 15 genotipos de morera (‘Tr-10’,‘Chinese White’, ‘K-2’, ‘Sujanpur Local’,‘BC2-59’,‘S-1635’,‘C-1730’,‘Mandalaya’,‘S-30’ (Vishala,‘RFS-175’,‘Anantha’,‘C-2016’,‘C-2017’,‘S-41’ and ‘V-1’ a los sub-trópicos, pero permanecieron inexplorados. En sericultura, la superficie foliar es también un parámetro importante para la aceptación por parte del gusano por no tener inconvenientes alimentarios y para los programas de mejoramiento de morera. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar las posibilidades de utilizar estos 16 genotipos para sericultura evaluando las características de su superficie foliar por microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los genotipos se agruparon en diferentes categorías según producción foliar, tamaño y número de estomas por unidad de área, y longitud de tricomas e idioblastos. Destacó ‘Mandalaya’ junto al popular ‘S-146’ por su producción foliar y características deseadas de superficie foliar. Además, basado en las características de sus hojas, los genotipos ‘K-2’,‘S-41’ y‘Sujanpur Local’ también se sugieren para desarrollar genotipos de morera de alto rendimiento en los sub-trópicos de la India.

  7. Fluoride-induced foliar injury in Solanum pseudo-capsicum: its induction in the dark and activation in the light

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    MacLean, D.C.; Schneider, R.C.; Weinstein, L.H.


    The differential responses of plants exposed to hydrogen fluoride (HF) in continuous light or darkness were investigated in Jerusalem cherry Solanum pseudo-capsicum L. Plants exposed to HF in the dark develop few, if any, foliar symptoms by the end of the exposure period, but severe foliar injury develops rapidly upon transfer to the light after exposure. The results suggest that light is required for the expression of responses induced by exposure to HF in the dark.

  8. Foliar application of calcium chloride and borax affects the fruit skin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The influence of foliar application of calcium chloride and borax calcium on fruit skin strength and cracking incidence in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit was investigated at 25 days interval and also the evaluation of fruit skin calcium and boron contents, skin strength, ion leakage from skin discs and fruit cracking in four ...

  9. Effect of potassium and potting-bag size on foliar biomass and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Foliar fresh mass was significantly increased by the interaction between K concentration and potting-bag size. Growers may use a 5.3 mmol L−1 K concentration and a 5 L potting bag for optimum production of rose geranium under soil-less cultivation. Keywords: C:G ratio, enzyme activation, oil quality, potassium, rose ...

  10. Producción y propiedades químicas del caucho en clones de Hevea según los estados fenológicos

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    Juliano Quarteroli Silva


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el desempeño productivo y el contenido de macronutrientes del caucho extraído de cuatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis, en diferentes sistemas de sangría y estados fenológicos de las plantas. El experimento fue realizado en los años agrícolas de 2010 y 2011, en diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar, en parcelas subdivididas, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos principales - clones GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873 e RRIM 600 - fueron ubicados en las parcelas, y los subtratamientos, que fueron los sistemas de sangría ½S d/2, ½S d/4 ET 2,5% y ½S d/7 ET 2,5%, se ubicaron en las subparcelas. Las variables analizadas fueron producción y contenido de macronutrientes. Las muestras fueron obtenidas en los estados fenológicos de brotación foliar, hojas maduras y senescencia foliar. La producción y los contenidos de macronutrientes del caucho son más influenciados por la práctica de sangría que por el material genético en los estados fenológicos más restrictivos para el follaje de caucho.

  11. Nanoparticle synthesis and delivery by an aerosol route for watermelon plant foliar uptake (United States)

    Wang, Wei-Ning; Tarafdar, Jagadish C.; Biswas, Pratim


    An aerosol process was developed for synthesis and delivery of nanoparticles for living watermelon plant foliar uptake. This is an efficient technique capable of generating nanoparticles with controllable particle sizes and number concentrations. Aerosolized nanoparticles were easily applied to leaf surfaces and enter the stomata via gas uptake, avoiding direct interaction with soil systems, eliminating potential ecological risks. The uptake and transport of nanoparticles inside the watermelon plants were investigated systematically by various techniques, such as elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and plant anatomy by transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed that certain fractions of nanoparticles ( d p watermelon plants. The particle size and number concentration played an important role in nanoparticle translocation inside the plants. In addition, the nanoparticle application method, working environment, and leaf structure are also important factors to be considered for successful plant foliar uptake.

  12. Physiological characteristics of Plantago major under SO2 exposure as affected by foliar iron spray. (United States)

    Mohasseli, Vahid; Khoshgoftarmanesh, Amir Hossein; Shariatmadari, Hossein


    Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is considered as a main air pollutant in industrialized areas that can damage vegetation. In the present study, we investigated how exposure to SO 2 and foliar application of iron (Fe) would affect certain physiological characteristics of Plantago major. The plant seedlings exposed or unexposed to SO 2 (3900 μg m -3 ) were non-supplemented or supplemented with Fe (3 g L -1 ) as foliar spray. Plants were exposed to SO 2 for 6 weeks in 100 × 70 × 70 cm chambers. Fumigation of plants with SO 2 was performed for 3 h daily for 3 days per week (alternate day). Lower leaf Fe concentration in the plants exposed to SO 2 at no added Fe treatment was accompanied with incidence of chlorosis symptoms and reduced chlorophyll concentration. No visible chlorotic symptoms were observed on the SO 2 -exposed plants supplied with Fe that accumulated higher Fe in their leaves. Both at with and without added Fe treatments, catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) activity was higher in the plants fumigated with SO 2 in comparison with those non-fumigated with SO 2 . Foliar application of Fe was also effective in increasing activity of antioxidant enzymes CAT and POD. Exposure to SO 2 led to reduced cellulose but enhanced lignin content of plant leaf cell wall. The results obtained showed that foliar application of Fe was effective in reducing the effects of exposure to SO 2 on cell wall composition. In contrast to SO 2 , application of Fe increased cellulose while decreased lignin content of the leaf cell wall. This might be due to reduced oxidative stress induced by SO 2 in plants supplied with Fe compared with those unsupplied with Fe.

  13. Effect of foliar application of chitosan and salicylic acid on the growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) varieties (United States)

    Hasanah, Y.; Sembiring, M.


    Elicitors such as chitosan and salicylic acid could be used not only to increase isoflavone concentration of soybean seeds, but also to increase the growth and seed yield. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of foliar application of elicitor compounds (i.e. chitosan, and salicylic acid)on the growth of two soybean varieties under dry land conditions. Experimental design was a randomized block design with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor was soybean varieties (Wilis and Devon). The second factor was foliar application of elicitors consisted of without elicitor; chitosan at V4 (four trifoliate leaves are fully developed); chitosan at R3 (early podding); chitosan at V4 and R3; salicylic acid at V4; salicylic acid at R3 and salicylic acid at V4 and R3. Parameters observed was plant height at 2-7 week after planting (WAP), shoot dry weight and root dry weight. The results suggest that the Wilis variety had higher plant height 7 WAP than Devon. The foliar application of chitosan increased the plant height at 7 WAP, shoot dry weight and root dry weight. The foliar application of chitosan at V4 and R3 on Devon variety increased shoot dry weight.

  14. [Characteristics of foliar delta13C values of common shrub species in various microhabitats with different karst rocky desertification degrees]. (United States)

    Du, Xue-Lian; Wang, Shi-Jie; Rong, Li


    By measuring the foliar delta13C values of 5 common shrub species (Rhamnus davurica, Pyracantha fortuneana, Rubus biflorus, Zanthoxylum planispinum, and Viburnum utile) growing in various microhabitats in Wangjiazhai catchment, a typical karst desertification area in Guizhou Province, this paper studied the spatial heterogeneity of plant water use at niche scale and the response of the heterogeneity to different karst rocky desertification degrees. The foliar delta13C values of the shrub species in the microhabitats followed the order of stony surface > stony gully > stony crevice > soil surface, and those of the majority of the species were more negative in the microhabitat soil surface than in the others. The foliar delta13C values decreased in the sequence of V. utile > R. biflorus > Z. planispinum > P. fortuneana > R. davurica, and the mean foliar delta13C value of the shrubs and that of typical species in various microhabitats all increased with increasing karst rocky desertification degree, differed significantly among different microhabitats. It was suggested that with the increasing degree of karst rocky desertification, the structure and functions of karst habitats were impaired, microhabitats differentiated gradually, and drought degree increased.

  15. Effect of Foliar Application of Chitosan on Growth and Biochemical Characteristics of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. under Water Deficit Stress

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    batool mahdavi


    Full Text Available In order to study the effects of water deficit stress and foliar application of chitosan in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L., a pot experiment was conducted in 2009. Experimental design was a randomized complete block in factorial arrangement with three replications. Experimental factors were water deficit levels (unstressed (control and 70% available water depletion from soil (water deficit stress, chitosan concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.1%, all dissolved in 1% acetic acid along with an additional treatment of distilled water and foliar application times (before and during stem elongation. The results showed that water deficit stress reduced plant height, leaf area, shoot and root dry weight, root height and volume. Whereas, foliar application of chitosan increased mentioned traits. In addition, water deficit stress decreased chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll concentration and relative water content. Carotenoid, proline and malondialdehyde (MDA content were increased in response to stress. Foliar application of chitosan increased chlorophyll fluorescence, relative water content (68.77% and chlorophyll b in the water deficit stressed plants, whereas decreased MDA content. The results of the present study indicate that application of chitosan can reduce the harmful effects of water deficit and improve plant growth.

  16. Interpretação de confrontos em perícias de crimes violentos baseados em anatomia foliar

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    Marina Milanello do Amaral


    Full Text Available A megadiversidade de plantas no território brasileiro representa um grande potencial forense. No entanto, conhecimentos botânicos estabelecidos há séculos são esporadicamente empregados em procedimentos forenses. A Botânica Forense, em particular o estudo da morfologia externa e interna (anatomia das plantas, possibilita a caracterização de amostras e a identificação da espécie, oferecendo grande auxílio para o embasamento de linhas investigativas e, em alguns casos, configurando-se como importante prova material. Nas perícias de crimes violentos letais intencionais, como homicídio, execução sumária, estupro e roubo seguido de morte, é comum se encontrarem folhas ou fragmentos foliares aderidos a solas de calçado e tapetes de veículos de suspeitos. Confrontar esses vestígios com as amostras de folhas e fragmentos foliares do local de crime pode representar a única alternativa de materialidade, na falta de impressões dígito-papilares, pegadas ou material biológico humano. Neste estudo de caso, apresentamos três exames de confronto de amostras vegetais em investigações de roubo seguido de morte e execução sumária no Estado de São Paulo. Folhas e fragmentos foliares do local de crime foram comparados com folhas e fragmentos foliares de peças associadas ao(s suspeito(s a partir da observação da morfologia externa e da anatomia. Em todos os casos foi possível obter informações sobre a morfologia externa e, principalmente, sobre a anatomia dos fragmentos foliares, permitindo realizar comparações e apresentar como resultados dois confrontos negativos e um confronto parcialmente positivo. A experiência obtida com esses exames revelou que o planejamento das coletas de amostras botânicas nos locais de crime condiciona a interpretação dos resultados.

  17. The Relationship Between Soils and Foliar Nutrition For Planted Royal Paulownia (United States)

    James E. Johnson; David O. Mitchem; Richard E. Kreh


    Royal paulownia is becoming an important hardwood plantation species in the southern U.S. A study was done to investigate two novel site preparation techniques for aiding the establishment of royal paulownia seedlings in the Virginia Piedmont. The effects of these treatments on the foliar nutrition of first year seedlings was determined, as was the relationship...

  18. Effect of polybag size and foliar application of urea on cocoa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effects of different polybag sizes and foliar application of urea on the growth of cocoa seedlings in the nursery were studied at the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana substation at Afosu in the Eastern Region of Ghana between June 2004 and May 2005. Hybrid cocoa seeds were sown in polybags measuring 17.5 cm ...

  19. Método não destrutivo para determinação da área foliar da videira, cultivar BRS-Violeta

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    Gustavo Malagi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as combinações entre o comprimento das nervuras secundárias e principal de folhas na estimativa da área foliar da videira cultivar BRS-Violeta. Realizou-se a coleta aleatória de 200 folhas intactas e completamente desenvolvidas, em uma área de cultivo experimental. Determinaram-se a área foliar real (AFR e o comprimento das nervuras secundárias (esquerda - direita e principal. Obtiveram-se três regressões com seus coeficientes de determinação para a identificação da relação mais precisa, considerando o comprimento da nervura principal (CNP, o somatório do comprimento das nervuras secundárias (SCNS e o somatório entre o comprimento das nervuras secundárias e o comprimento da nervura principal (SCNSP, como variáveis independentes. A AFR foi considerada variável dependente nas três regressões. Observou-se que a relação entre AFR x SCNS proporcionou o maior coeficiente de determinação (0,87. A área foliar estimada pela equação obtida pela relação AFR x SCNS garantiu uma precisão de 87%, segundo a relação entre AFR x AFE (área foliar estimada. Portanto, conclui-se que a área foliar da videira cultivar BRS-Violeta pode ser estimada pela equação y = 0,2169 (SCNS² + 5,3642 (SCNS - 34,725, com precisão satisfatória.

  20. Seasonal development of ozone-induced foliar injury on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Lara; Neufeld, Howard S.; Chappelka, Arthur H.; Burkey, Kent O.; Davison, Alan W.


    The goals of this study were to document the development of ozone-induced foliar injury, on a leaf-by-leaf basis, and to develop ozone exposure relationships for leaf cohorts and individual tall milkweeds (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plants were classified as either ozone-sensitive or insensitive based on the amount of foliar injury. Sensitive plants developed injury earlier in the season and to a greater extent than insensitive plants. Older leaf cohorts were more likely to belong to high injury classes by the end of each of the two growing seasons. In addition, leaf loss was more likely for older cohorts (2000) and lower leaf positions (2001) than younger cohorts and upper leaves, respectively. Most leaves abscised without prior ozone-like stippling or chlorosis. Failure to take this into account can result in underestimation of the effects of ozone on these plants. - Leaf loss was not necessarily accompanied by symptoms of foliar ozone injury

  1. Seasonal development of ozone-induced foliar injury on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Lara [Department of Biology, 572 Rivers Street, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608 (United States)]. E-mail:; Neufeld, Howard S. [Department of Biology, 572 Rivers Street, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608 (United States); Chappelka, Arthur H. [School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 108 M White-Smith Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (United States); Burkey, Kent O. [US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Science Research Unit and Department of Crop Science, North Carolina State University, 3908 Inwood Road, Raleigh, NC 26703 (United States); Davison, Alan W. [School of Biology, Ridley Building, University of Newcastle, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU (United Kingdom)


    The goals of this study were to document the development of ozone-induced foliar injury, on a leaf-by-leaf basis, and to develop ozone exposure relationships for leaf cohorts and individual tall milkweeds (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plants were classified as either ozone-sensitive or insensitive based on the amount of foliar injury. Sensitive plants developed injury earlier in the season and to a greater extent than insensitive plants. Older leaf cohorts were more likely to belong to high injury classes by the end of each of the two growing seasons. In addition, leaf loss was more likely for older cohorts (2000) and lower leaf positions (2001) than younger cohorts and upper leaves, respectively. Most leaves abscised without prior ozone-like stippling or chlorosis. Failure to take this into account can result in underestimation of the effects of ozone on these plants. - Leaf loss was not necessarily accompanied by symptoms of foliar ozone injury.

  2. Impact of elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on foliar elemental composition in a short rotation poplar plantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marinari, Sara; Calfapietra, Carlo; De Angelis, Paolo; Mugnozza, Giuseppe Scarascia; Grego, Stefano


    The experiment was carried out on a short rotation coppice culture of poplars (POP-EUROFACE, Central Italy), growing in a free air carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere (FACE). The specific objective of this work was to study whether elevated CO 2 and fertilization (two CO 2 treatments, elevated CO 2 and control, two N fertilization treatments, fertilized and unfertilized), as well as the interaction between treatments caused an unbalanced nutritional status of leaves in three poplar species (P. x euramericana, P. nigra and P. alba). Finally, we discuss the ecological implications of a possible change in foliar nutrients concentration. CO 2 enrichment reduced foliar nitrogen and increased the concentration of magnesium; whereas nitrogen fertilization had opposite effects on leaf nitrogen and magnesium concentrations. Moreover, the interaction between elevated CO 2 and N fertilization amplified some element unbalances such as the K/N-ratio. - CO 2 enrichment reduced foliar nitrogen and increased the magnesium concentration in poplar

  3. Physiological responses of Tillandsia albida (Bromeliaceae) to long-term foliar metal application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kováčik, Jozef; Klejdus, Bořivoj; Štork, František; Hedbavny, Josef


    Highlights: ► Impact of foliar Cd, Ni and Cd + Ni application on Tillandsia albida was studied. ► Cd caused visible damage and enhanced stress parameters in combined treatment. ► Nitrogenous compounds were slightly affected but phenols were up- and down-regulated. ► Mineral nutrients (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, and Zn) were not affected by any of treatments. ► Total Cd or Ni reached ca. 0.04% and Ni was more absorbed than Cd. - Abstract: The impact of 2-month foliar application of cadmium, nickel and their combination (10 μM) on Tillandsia albida was studied. Cadmium caused damage of tissue but assimilation pigments were depressed in Cd + Ni variant only. Stress-related parameters (ROS and peroxidase activities) were elevated by Cd and Cd + Ni while MDA content remained unaffected. Free amino acids accumulated the most in Ni alone but soluble proteins were not influenced. Among phenolic acids, mainly vanillin contributed to increase of their sum in all variants while soluble phenols even decreased in Cd + Ni and flavonols slightly increased in Cd variants. Phenolic enzymes showed negligible responses to almost all treatments. Mineral nutrients (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, and Zn) were not affected by metal application but N content increased. Total Cd or Ni amounts reached over 400 μg g −1 DW and were not affected if metal alone and combined treatment is compared while absorbed content differed (ca. 50% of total Cd was absorbed while almost all Ni was absorbed). These data indicate tolerance of T. albida to foliar metal application and together with strong xerophytic morphology, use for environmental studies is recommended.

  4. Efeitos do sombreamento na anatomia foliar de Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng Harms e Schinnus terebinthifolius Raddi

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    M.S. Santos


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de analisar as alterações na anatomia foliar de Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng Harms e Schinnus terebinthifolius Raddi quando cultivadas em ambientes de sombra moderada ou densa, simulando as condições naturais encontradas em sistemas agroflorestais tradicionais do sul da Bahia, Brasil. Plantas das duas espécies, com aproximadamente um ano de idade, foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação sob quatro níveis de sombreamento (25%, 17%, 10% e 5%. Estudos anatômicos do limbo foliar foram realizados a partir de material incluído em parafina e seccionado em micrótomo rotativo. Os diferentes níveis de sombreamento ocasionaram alterações na estrutura do mesofilo de ambas as espécies, com diferenças significativas na espessura do parênquima paliçádico, limbo foliar, e densidade estomática. Nas condições em que o experimento foi realizado os resultados obtidos indicaram que G. integrifolia apresenta maior capacidade de aclimatação a ambientes de sombra moderada e densa do que S. terebinthifolius, sendo mais indicada para o cultivo em sistemas agroflorestais pré-estabelecidos.

  5. Soil and foliar analysis laboratories in Costa Rica: a report of the Comite de Laboratorios de Analisis de Suelos, Plantas y Aguas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corrales, Marco; Bertsch, Floria; Bejarano, Jose Antonio


    The situation of soils and foliar analysis laboratories in Costa Rica is showed in this job. The characteristics and methodologies of each laboratory are described, as well as the results of the National Exchange Programs, which have been implemented among all of them for the last 6 years, and which are denominated as PINAS for soils and PINAF for foliar. For each determination, soil as well as foliar, achievements in homologation of methodologies are stressed, and estimates obtained on intrinsic variability - resulting from processing control samples - are discussed. With the results of control samples that have been analyzed in 15 national laboratories, the internal variability of each one was evaluated, comparisons among them were made, and estimations of the intrinsic variability shown by each determination were made. At PINAS, more than 60 soil control samples have been processed, with 2 extracting solutions (Modified KCl-Olsen and Mehlich 3), and with 3 to 6 replicates per solution; at PINAF, 16 control foliar samples have been processed, also repeated 3 times in each laboratory. In general, the internal variability of the laboratories is low; for soil determinations, variation among laboratories fluctuated 10-20%, and for foliar the fluctuation was even lower (10-15%). The assessment can be made, that having these variations among results from different laboratories is quite acceptable, yet subject to improvement. (author) [es

  6. Changes in the dynamics of foliar N metabolites in oak saplings by drought and air warming depend on species and soil type.

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    Bin Hu

    Full Text Available Climate change poses direct or indirect influences on physiological mechanisms in plants. In particular, long living plants like trees have to cope with the predicted climate changes (i.e. drought and air warming during their life span. The present study aimed to quantify the consequences of simulated climate change for foliar N metabolites over a drought-rewetting-drought course. Saplings of three Central European oak species (i.e. Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens were tested on two different soil types (i.e. acidic and calcareous. Consecutive drought periods increased foliar amino acid-N and soluble protein-N concentrations at the expense of structural N in all three oak species. In addition, transient effects on foliar metabolite dynamics were observed over the drought-rewetting-drought course. The lowest levels of foliar soluble protein-N, amino acid-N and potassium cation with a minor response to drought and air warming were found in the oak species originating from the driest/warmest habitat (Q. pubescens compared to Q. robur and Q. petraea. Higher foliar osmolyte-N and potassium under drought and air warming were observed in all oak species when grown on calcareous versus acidic soil. These results indicate that species-specific differences in physiological mechanisms to compensate drought and elevated temperature are modified by soil acidity.

  7. Balance nutricional y número de hojas como variables de predicción del rendimiento del plátano Hartón Nutritional balance and number of leaves as variables for yield prediction of the Horn plantain

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    Vianel Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar una ecuación de regresión que permitiese estimar el rendimiento (Y del plátano Hartón (Musa AAB subgrupo plátano cv. Hartón, con la relación entre el Índice de Balance de Nutrientes DRIS (IBN-DRIS (X1 y el número de hojas de la planta madre (X2. Usando un muestreo completamente al azar, se colectaron 398 muestras de tejido foliar. Se obtuvo la ecuación: Y = 30,351** - 8,644** log X1 + 0,27502*X2, con R² de 0,6206***, con distribución normal de los residuos. Pudo demostrarse que con la misma se puede predecir el rendimiento potencial de cualquier plantación del plátano Hartón en el área de estudio.The objective of this work was to develop a regression equation for yield estimation of the Horn plantain crop (Musa AAB subgroup platano cv. Horn, with the relationship between the Nutrient Balance Indexes (DRIS-NBI (X1 and the number of leaves of the plant (X2. Totally at random, 398 foliar samples were collected. The regression equation developed is Y= 30.351** - 8.644** log X1+ 0.27502*X2, with R² of 0.6206***, with normal distribution of the residuals. By the developed equation, the potential yield of any Horn plantain plantation in the sampling area could be predicted.

  8. Foliar application effects of beet vinasse on rice yield and chemical composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tejada, M.; Garcia-Martinez, A. M.; Benitez, C.; Gonzalez, J. L.; Bautista, J.; Parrado, J.


    This study presents an account of rice (oriza sativa cv. Puntal) yield quality parameters as influenced by the foliar application of an industrial byproduct (beet vinasse). Beet (Beta vulgaris L. Subsp.vurgaris) vinasse is a product of great agricultural interest, because of its organic matter content, N and K concentrations. (Author)

  9. Anatomia foliar de quatro espécies do gênero Cattleya Lindl. (Orchidaceae do Planalto Central Brasileiro Foliar anatomy of four species of genus Cattleya Lindl. (Orchidaceae of the Brazilian Central Planalt

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    Rosane Zanenga-Godoy


    Full Text Available As espécies analisadas (Cattleya araguaiensis Pabst, C. bicolor Lindl., C. nobilior Rchb. e C. walkeriana Gardn. apresentam epiderme uniestratificada em ambas as faces da lâmina foliar, ocorrendo estômatos na face abaxial; deposição de cera epicuticular em crostas, escamas, flocos e plaquetas; em C. araguaiensis ocorrem estegmatas incrustados nas células epidérmicas; em todas as espécies ocorre hipoderme com células de paredes espessadas; mesofilo bifacial, compacto; células paliçádicas atípicas, com barras de espessamento; feixes vasculares colaterais dispostos alternadamente, acompanhados por bainha de fibras; cordões fibrosos acompanhados por estegmatas ocorrem longitudinalmente na lâmina foliar; presença de ráfides. Os aspectos descritos revelam acentuada xeromorfia, em função de economia de água.The analyzed species (Cattleya araguaiensis Pabst, C. bicolor Lindl., C. nobilior Rchb. e C. walkeriana Gardn. present unistratified epidermis at both surfaces with stomata at abaxial surface; deposition of epicuticular wax in crusts, scales, granules and plates; C. araguaiensis presents stegmata at epidermal cells; others characteristics present at all species are: hypodermis cells with thick walls; bifacial and compact mesophyll; atipic cells ofpalisade parenchyma with thichness bars; collateral vascular bundles alternate accompanied by sheath fibers; cordon fibers accompanied by stegmata in the foliar blade; raphids. The described aspects reveal accentuate xeromorphy for water economy.

  10. Aplicação foliar de tratamentos para o controle do míldio e da podridão-de-escamas de bulbos de cebola Foliar spray of treatments in the control of downy mildew and bulb rot in onion

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    João Américo Wordell Filho


    Full Text Available Em experimento de campo, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação foliar de tratamentos para o controle do míldio (Peronospora destructor e da podridão de bulbos (Burkholderia cepacia de cebola: testemunha, clorotalonil/metalaxyl + clorotalonil, fosfito de potássio, fertilizante foliar (03-00-16, N-P-K, calda bordalesa, calda bordalesa/fosfito de potássio, acibenzolar-S-methyl, pulverizados semanalmente; extrato de alga (Ulva fasciata e ulvana, aplicados a cada 7, 14 e 21 dias. Somente a pulverização semanal com fungicidas sintéticos ou com o fertilizante (03-00-16; 400 mL de p.c./100 L foi capaz de reduzir significativamente a severidade do míldio, em 60 ou 23%, respectivamente, em relação à testemunha não pulverizada, sem aumentar o rendimento de bulbos. O tratamento com fertilizantes ricos em potássio resultou em maior incidência da podridão de bulbos armazenados por cinco meses. O conteúdo de açúcares solúveis e incidência da podridão de bulbos de cebola foram correlacionados significativamente (-0,629, p A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of foliar sprays with the following treatments on the downy mildew (Peronospora destructor and bulb rot (Burkholderia cepacia in onions: non-treated control, fungicide chlorotalonil/metalaxyl + chlorotalonil, potassium phosphite, foliar fertilizer (03-00-16, N-P-K, bordeaux mixture, bordeaux mixture/potassium phosphite, acibenzolar-S-methyl weekly applied; extract of alga Ulva fasciata and ulvan sprayed every 7, 14 and 21 days. Only the weekly spraying of fungicides and fertilizer (03-00-16, 400 mL/100 L significantly reduced the mildew severity by 60 and 23%, respectively, but did not increase the bulb yield. The foliar application of potassium rich fertilizers resulted in a higher incidence of rotten bulbs after 5 months in storage. Soluble sugar content and rot incidence of onion bulbs were significantly correlated (-0,629, p < 0,05.


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    Full Text Available Wheat is a major winter crop in southern Brazil. To maximize its productivity, there should be no biotic or abiotic restrictions that can affect the yield components. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the changes caused in the wheat crop yield components by silicon foliar application. The experiment was conducted in two growing seasons. In the first year, five wheat cultivars (Quartzo, Campo Real, Onix and Fundacep Lineage were assessed and in the second year four were assessed (Mirante, Campo Real, Horizonte and Quartzo. In both years the crops were subjected to three doses of silicon (0, 3 and 6 L of silicon ha -1. The silicon was applied during the tillering, booting and anthesis stages. The yield components assessed were the number of plants, number of ears, number of fertile tillers, dry matter per plant, hectoliter weight, number of spikelets, number of grains per spike, weight of hundred grains, grain yield and harvest index. Most yield components did not respond to the silicon foliar application. The harvest index (first year and the number of tillers (second year however presented a quadratic relationship with the supply of silicon. The remaining differences were attributed to variations among the wheat cultivars.


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    Hugo Alexandre Coelho


    Full Text Available The nutritional requirements of crops, in general, becomes more intense with the beginning of the reproductive phase, being more critical at the time of seed formation, when considerable amounts of nutrients are they translocation, this requirement should be increased to the fact that nutrients are essential to training and development of new bodies of booking. This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of foliar application of zinc (zinc oxide Zn 700 g L-1 in bean plant, compared to leaf application of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4 and control (without application of Zn. The experiment was installed in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - UNESP / Campus de Botucatu-SP. Was placed in containers with a capacity of 20L of soil and leaf applications encompassing four schemes and two of rain, with 5 replicates per treatment, a total of 40 vessels. The results for the factorial design did not show in general, significantly different answers when evaluated on the simulation of rain or the lack of simulation. The treatment (700g L-1 of ZnO has demonstrated agronomic efficiency as its foliar application, with results equal or exceed the application of ZnSO4 and control when applied at the same dose of Zn.

  13. Progresso temporal da ferrugem e redução sobre a área foliar e os componentes do rendimento de grãos em soja

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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available El ciclo de cultivo de soya 2009-10 favoreció una mayor intensidad de la roya asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow y Sydow en el sur de Brasil, por tanto fue necesario evaluar el avance del hongo y su efecto en el rendimiento del cultivo. Las evaluaciones fueron realizadas en experimentos de campo con 64 parcelas (2.7 x 5 m del cultivar Glycine max L. (Nidera 5909 RG, establecido el 05/12/09. Para generar gradientes de la enfermedad se utilizaron los fungicidas tebuconazol y epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina, en una, dos o tres aplicaciones en estadios fenológicos diferentes. La enfermedad fue cuantificada por el número de lesiones y urédias, posteriormente convertido para severidad (%. Se cuantificó también el índice de área foliar (IAF al final del llenado de granos y los componentes de rendimiento después de la cosecha. La severidad promedio final de la enfermedad superó el 50%. Las diferencias en severidad entre los estratos de la planta fueron influenciados por la cantidad inicial de la enfermedad, una vez que las tasas de progreso, determinadas por los modelos Logístico y de Gompertz, fueron semejantes entre los estratos (0.13 a 0.14 para Logístico y 0.10 a 0.11 para Gompertz. El IAF fue bajo (1.96 en las plantas no tratadas vs. 4.40 en el tratamiento con cuatro aplicaciones de epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina. Los programas de control iniciados en el estadio fenológico V9, con dos o tres aplicaciones, difirieron del testigo en el IAF. El número de vainas y granos por planta, así como de granos por vaina, no variaron entre los tratamientos. Sólo existió diferencia en el peso de granos del estrato superior, cuando los fungicidas fueron aplicados dos o tres veces a partir del estadio fenológico V9.

  14. Foliar manganese accumulation by Maytenus founieri (Celastraceae) in its native New Caledonian habitats: populational variation and localization by X-ray microanalysis. (United States)

    Fernando, D R; Woodrow, I E; Jaffré, T; Dumontet, V; Marshall, A T; Baker, A J M


    Hyperaccumulation by plants is a rare phenomenon that has potential practical benefits. The majority of manganese (Mn) hyperaccumulators discovered to date occur in New Caledonia, and little is known about their ecophysiology. This study reports on natural populations of one such species, the endemic shrub Maytenus founieri. Mean foliar Mn concentrations of two populations growing on ultramafic substrates with varying soil pHs were obtained. Leaf anatomies were examined by light microscopy, while the spatial distributions of foliar Mn in both populations were examined by qualitative scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). Plants growing on two different substrates were found to have very different mean dry weight (DW) foliar Mn concentrations. Light microscopy showed that the leaves had very distinct thick dermal structures, consisting of multiple layers of large cells in the hypodermis. In vivo X-ray microprobe analyses revealed that, in both populations, Mn sequestration occurred primarily in these dermal tissues. The finding here that foliar Mn is most highly localized in the nonphotosynthetic tissues of M. founieri contrasts with results from similar studies on other woody species that accumulate high Mn concentrations in their shoots.

  15. Effects of magnesium sulfate on the foliar absorption of phosphates at the pumpkin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chamel, A.


    The foliar absorption of phosphates labelled with 32 P and applied with or without magnesium sulfate on the first leaf of pumpkin seedlings have been studied. The magnesium sulfate applied with the phosphate reduces plainly the absorption rate of 32 P. (O.M.) [fr

  16. The Effect of Nitroxin Biofertilizer and Foliar Applicatin of Micronutrients Time Consumption on Yield and Yield Components of New Wheat Cultivars under Khorramabad Climatic Conditions

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    A. Vaez


    Full Text Available Introduction In order to study the effects of Nitroxin biofertilizer and foliar application of micronutrients time consumption on yield and yield components of new wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum & T. durum under Khorramabad climatic conditions, an experiment was conducted as factorial based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at the research farm khorramabad during growing season of 2012-2013. Considering the positive effect of inoculation with bio-fertilizer and foliar Nitroxin micronutrients and reaction of cultivars to this type of fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizers and the importance of wheat as one of the main crops, this study aims to determine the most appropriate time for foliar and Nitroxin application of micronutrients at the different stages of plant growth and bio-fertilizer application on yield and yield components. Materials and Methods The first factor was considered in six levels: N0: The lack of the seed insemination with nitroxin biofertilizer and without the foliar application of micronutrients (control, N1: the seed inoculation with the nitroxin biofertilizer, N2: the foliar application of micronutrients at the jointing stage, N3: the foliar application of micronutrients at the heading stage, N4: the seed insemination with nitroxin biofertilizer and foliar application of micronutrients at the jointing stage, N5: the seed insemination with nitroxin biofertilizer and foliar application of micronutrients at the heading stage. The second factor was considered at two levels, consisting: V1: Parsi cultivar and V2: Dena cultivar. MSTATC Software was used for data analysis and means were compared by Duncan's multiple range test at the 5% level. Results and Discussion In this experiment the grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, 1000- grain weight, spike number per m-2, grain number per spike and spikelet number per spike of wheat were studied. The results of the data variance analysis has

  17. Evaluación del impacto en la salud de la contaminación del suelo Health impact assessment of soil pollution

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    Koldo Cambra Contín


    Full Text Available El suelo integra y refleja todas las actividades que han tenido lugar en el curso de su existencia, entre ellas las actividades industriales contaminantes y el vertido de residuos. A su vez, puede ser el origen de la contaminación del aire (por volatilización o suspensión de partículas, del agua subterránea y superficial (por lixiviación y arrastre, y de los vegetales que se cultiven en el lugar (por absorción radicular o foliar. La probabilidad y la magnitud de la exposición de las poblaciones humanas a los contaminantes del suelo dependen de la accesibilidad y del uso del mismo, y pueden variar drásticamente en las remodelaciones urbanísticas.En los años 90 se generalizó el uso de la evaluación de riesgos tanto para valorar zonas contaminadas como para fijar límites máximos admisibles de contaminantes en suelo.The soil reflects every activity taking place on it, such as polluting industrial activities and waste disposal. Contaminated soils also may be the source of pollution of air (volatilization and suspension of particles, of surface and groundwater (leaching and running-off, and of vegetables grown there ( root and leaf absorption. The likelihood and extent of human exposure to soil contaminants depends on its accessibility to populations and, consequently, it can be altered dramatically when land use is changed at urban renewals.During the 90s health risk assessment was broadly used to evaluate the risk of contaminated soils and to set up maximum acceptable levels of pollutants in soil.

  18. Foliar δ13C Showed No Altitudinal Trend in an Arid Region and Atmospheric Pressure Exerted a Negative Effect on Plant δ13C

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    Zixun Chen


    Full Text Available Previous studies have suggested foliar δ13C generally increases with altitude. However, some observations reported no changes or even decreased trends in foliar δ13C. We noted that all the studies in which δ13C increased with elevation were conducted in the human regions, whereas those investigations in which δ13C did not vary or decreased were conducted in areas with water stress. Thus, we proposed that the pattern of increasing δ13C with elevation is not a general one, and that δ13C may remain unchanged or decrease in plants grown in arid environments. To test the hypothesis, we sampled plants along altitude gradients on the shady and sunny slopes of Mount Tianshan characterized by arid and semiarid climates. The measurements of foliar δ13C showed no altitudinal trends for the plants grown on either of the slopes. Therefore, this study supported our hypothesis. In addition, the present study addressed the effect of atmospheric pressure on plant δ13C by accounting for the effects of temperature and precipitation on δ13C. This study found that the residual foliar δ13C increased with increasing altitude, suggesting that atmospheric pressure played a negative role in foliar δ13C.

  19. Physiological responses of Tillandsia albida (Bromeliaceae) to long-term foliar metal application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovacik, Jozef, E-mail: [Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno (Czech Republic); CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno (Czech Republic); Klejdus, Borivoj [Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno (Czech Republic); CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno (Czech Republic); Stork, Frantisek [Department of Botany, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University, Manesova 23, 041 67 Kosice (Slovakia); Hedbavny, Josef [Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno (Czech Republic)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Impact of foliar Cd, Ni and Cd + Ni application on Tillandsia albida was studied. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Cd caused visible damage and enhanced stress parameters in combined treatment. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Nitrogenous compounds were slightly affected but phenols were up- and down-regulated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Mineral nutrients (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, and Zn) were not affected by any of treatments. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Total Cd or Ni reached ca. 0.04% and Ni was more absorbed than Cd. - Abstract: The impact of 2-month foliar application of cadmium, nickel and their combination (10 {mu}M) on Tillandsia albida was studied. Cadmium caused damage of tissue but assimilation pigments were depressed in Cd + Ni variant only. Stress-related parameters (ROS and peroxidase activities) were elevated by Cd and Cd + Ni while MDA content remained unaffected. Free amino acids accumulated the most in Ni alone but soluble proteins were not influenced. Among phenolic acids, mainly vanillin contributed to increase of their sum in all variants while soluble phenols even decreased in Cd + Ni and flavonols slightly increased in Cd variants. Phenolic enzymes showed negligible responses to almost all treatments. Mineral nutrients (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, and Zn) were not affected by metal application but N content increased. Total Cd or Ni amounts reached over 400 {mu}g g{sup -1} DW and were not affected if metal alone and combined treatment is compared while absorbed content differed (ca. 50% of total Cd was absorbed while almost all Ni was absorbed). These data indicate tolerance of T. albida to foliar metal application and together with strong xerophytic morphology, use for environmental studies is recommended.

  20. Vine-shoot waste aqueous extract applied as foliar fertilizer to grapevines: Effect on amino acids and fermentative volatile content. (United States)

    Sánchez-Gómez, R; Garde-Cerdán, T; Zalacain, A; Garcia, R; Cabrita, M J; Salinas, M R


    The aim of this work was to study the influence of foliar applications of different wood aqueous extracts on the amino acid content of musts and wines from Airén variety; and to study their relationship with the volatile compounds formed during alcoholic fermentation. For this purpose, the foliar treatments proposed were a vine-shoot aqueous extract applied in one and two times, and an oak extract which was only applied once. Results obtained show the potential of Airén vine-shoot waste aqueous extracts to be used as foliar fertilizer, enhancing the wine amino acid content especially when they were applied once. Similar results were observed with the aqueous oak extract. Regarding wine fermentative volatile compounds, there is a close relationship between musts and their wines amino acid content allowing us to discuss about the role of proline during the alcoholic fermentation and the generation of certain volatiles. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Controle de verrugose, melanose e leprose em laranja pera, com fungicidas e acaricida em mistura com adubo foliar Control of citrus scab, melanose and leprosis with fungicides and miticide mixed to foliar fertilizer

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    W. Bettiol


    Full Text Available Pulverizações com ziram (Rodisan SC, oxicloreto de cobre (Coprantol BR e óxido de fembutatina (Torque 500 SC em dosagens normais e subdosagens, isoladamente ou em mistura com um adubo foliar originário da fermentação glutâmica do melaço, controlaram de forma efetiva a verrugose, melanose e leprose em laranja pera. A aplicação isolada do resíduo da fermentação glutâmica do melaço, base para diversos adubos foliares, nas dosagens de 0,25% e 5% do produto comercial Ajifol, não interferiu na ocorrência de verrugose e melanose. Entretanto, ocasionou um aumento do número de frutos com leprose, do número de lesões de leprose por fruto e do número de ácaros da leprose (Brevipalpus phoenicis Geipsks nas folhas e nos frutos.Normal dosage and tinder-dosage sprays of ziram (Rodisan SC; cooper oxychloride (Coprantol BR and fenbutatin oxide (Torque 500 SC, isolately or in association with Ajifol, a foliar fertilizer from molasses glutamic fermentation, provided efficient control of scab, melanose and leprosis in 'Pera' orange. Sprays of Ajifol at 0.25 and 5% had no effect on the rate of occurrence of scab and melanose, but was correlated with increases in the rates of fruits with symptoms of leprosis, number of leprosis spots per fruit, and the number of leprosis mites (Brevipalpus phoenicis Geijskes on leaves and fruits.

  2. Aplicações de fertilizantes foliares na nutrição e na produção do pimentão e do tomateiro Foliar fertilizer applications on nutrition and yield of sweet pepper and tomato

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    Hamilton S. Pereira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a eficiência de fertilizantes foliares, contendo Ca e B, na nutrição e produção do pimentão cv. Mayata e do tomate cv. Carmem, cultivados em estufas. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com seis tratamentos, três e quatro repetições, respectivamente, para o tomateiro e pimentão. Os tratamentos foram a água de retortagem de xisto (100; 78; 3,0; 12,5; 3,0; 12,5; 4,0 e 0,2 g.L-1 de N, K, S, Ca, Mg, B, Mn e Mo, respectivamente a 0,1; 0,25; 0,5 e 1%; os sais ácido bórico (170 de B a 0,15% mais cloreto de cálcio a 0,15% e o quelato de cálcio (200 de Ca a 0,1% e boro orgânico (10 de B a 0,15%. A aplicação de água de retortagem de xisto a 0,5% via foliar aumentou em 27,4% a produção de frutos de pimentão e os teores foliares de Mg e S em relação à aplicação desse fertilizante a 0,1%. Para o tomateiro, as pulverizações com água de retortagem de xisto a 0,5 e 1% elevaram em 60,5 e 93,8% a produção de frutos em comparação à menor dose desse fertilizante. Os maiores teores de B nas folhas de pimentão e de tomate foram obtidos com as aplicações de sais e resultaram em sintomas visuais de toxicidade de B no início do desenvolvimento das culturas.The efficiency of foliar fertilizers was evaluated on nutrition and yield of sweet pepper cv. Mayata and tomato cv. Carmem, cultivated in plastic greenhouse. For the two experiments the experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with three and four replications for tomato and sweet pepper, respectively, and six treatments (schist retortage water 0.1; 0.25; 0.5 and 1%; boric acid 0.15% plus clorate calcium 0.15% and quelate Ca 0.1% plus organic B 0.15%. The foliar application of schist retortage water 0.5% increased 27.4% the sweet pepper fruit yield and foliar concentrations of Mg and S compared to this fertilizer 0.1%. For tomato, the application of schist retortage water 0.5 and 1% increased 60.5 and 93.8% the fruit yield

  3. Área foliar de Zinnia elegans Jacq. em diferentes épocas de semeadura e sistemas de condução.

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    Ana Christina Rossini Pinto


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, estudaram-se os efeitos de épocas de semeadura e sistemas de condução sobre a área foliar de Zinnia elegans e determinaram-se equações de regressão para a estimativa da área foliar de plantas submetidas a diferentes sistemas de condução. Definiram-se três estádios de desenvolvimento da planta para coleta das folhas: anterior à visualização da gema florífera apical, com gema florífera apical visível e em floração. Em cada estádio, foram coletadas, respectivamente, 45, 50 e 140 folhas por tratamento, num experimento em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições, analisado em esquema fatorial 3 X 3 (3 épocas de semeadura e 3 sistemas de condução. Determinaram-se o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C, a largura máxima perpendicular à nervura principal (L e a área foliar real (AFR. Estudaram-se as relações existentes entre a área foliar real e o produto do comprimento pela largura da folha, por meio de modelos de regressão linear. Concluiu-se que a área foliar foi influenciada pela época de semeadura, no estádio anterior à visualização dagema florífera apical e no de gema florífera apical visível, e pela época de semeadura e sistema de condução, no estádio de floração plena. Embora todos os modelos de regressão obtidos fossem adequados para estimar a área foliar real, recomendam-se, pela sua simplicidade, os modelos lineares sem intercepto AFR = 0,808907 CL, para o estádio anterior à visualização da gema florífera apical, AFR = 0,814309 CL, para o estádio de gema florífera apical visível, e AFR = 0,806762 CL, para o estádio de floração plena.

  4. Shrimp pond effluent dominates foliar nitrogen in disturbed mangroves as mapped using hyperspectral imagery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fauzi, A.; Skidmore, A.K.; van Gils, H.A.M.J.; Schlerf, M.; Heitkonig, I.M.A.


    Conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds creates fragmentation and eutrophication. Detection of the spatial variation of foliar nitrogen is essential for understanding the effect of eutrophication on mangroves. We aim (i) to estimate nitrogen variability across mangrove landscapes of the Mahakam

  5. Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on the Growth and Foliar Chemistry of Transgenic Bt Cotton

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Gang Wu; Fa-Jun Chen; Feng Ge; Yu-Cheng Sun


    A field study was carried out to quantify plant growth and the foliar chemistry of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)cotton (cv. GK-12) exposed to ambient CO2 and elevated (double-ambient) CO2 for different lengths of time (1, 2 and 3 months) in 2004 and 2005. The results indicated that CO2 levels significantly affected plant height, leaf area per plant and leaf chemistry of transgenic Bt cotton. Significantly, higher plant height and leaf area per plant were observed after cotton plants that were grown in elevated CO2 were compared with plants grown in ambient CO2 for 1, 2 and 3 months in the investigation. Simultaneously, significant interaction between CO2 level x investigating year was observed in leaf area per plant. Moreover, foliar total amino acids were increased by 14%, 13%, 11% and 12%, 14%, 10% in transgenic Bt cotton after exposed to elevated CO2 for 1, 2 or 3 months compared with ambient CO2 in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Condensed tannin occurrence increased by 17%, 11%, 9% in 2004 and 12%, 11%, 9% in 2005 in transgenic Bt cotton after being exposed to elevated CO2 for 1, 2 or 3 months compared with ambient CO2 for the same time. However, Bt toxin decreased by 3.0%,2.9%, 3.1% and 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.9% in transgenic Bt cotton after exposed to elevated CO2 for 1, 2 or 3months compared with ambient CO2 for same time in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Furthermore, there was prominent interaction on the foliar total amino acids between the CO2 level and the time of cotton plant being exposed to elevated CO2. It is presumed that elevated CO2 can alter the plant growth and hence ultimately the phenotype allocation to foliar chemistical components of transgenic Bt cotton, which may in turn, affect the plant-herbivore interactions.

  6. A comparison of two methods for estimating conifer live foliar moisture content (United States)

    W. Matt Jolly; Ann M. Hadlow


    Foliar moisture content is an important factor regulating how wildland fires ignite in and spread through live fuels but moisture content determination methods are rarely standardised between studies. One such difference lies between the uses of rapid moisture analysers or drying ovens. Both of these methods are commonly used in live fuel research but they have never...

  7. Comportamento da área foliar da videira “Isabel” submetida a diferentes tipos e doses de biofertilizantes


    Olivânia dos Santos Nascimento; Aldair Souza Medeiros; Atos Tavares Gomes; Fábio Itano dos Santos Alves; José Geraldo Rodrigues dos Santos


    Objetivou-se verificar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes tipos e doses de biofertilizante, na área foliar da videira ‘Isabel’ em cultivo orgânico nas condições edafoclimáticas de Catolé do Rocha-PB. Estudou-se os efeitos de 5 tipos de biofertilizante biofertilizante e 8 doses na área foliar da videira ‘Isabel’ após a primeira poda de produção. O experimento foi conduzido sob condições de campo, em área pertencente à Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Campus IV. O delineamento adotado foi o d...

  8. Muhlenbergia monandra (Poaceae: Eragrostideae, nueva especie anual endémica del Perú

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    J. José Alegría Olivera


    Full Text Available Se describe e ilustra Muhlenbergia monandra, endémica de Perú. La nueva especie se caracteriza por sus glumas mayores que el antecio, por tener inflorescencias espiciformes y las flores cleistógamas con un estambre. La anatomía foliar se describe e ilustra y se detallan sus caracteres diferenciales. Se incluyen observaciones sobre la epidermis de la lemma y las glumas realizadas con el Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido. Se discute la posición taxonómica de la nueva entidad y las diferencias con las especies anuales relacionadas que habitan en América del Sur

  9. Estudio comparativo de la composición biomineral de cuatro especies del género Gunnera de la Argentina


    Acosta Ricci, Yamila Celeste; Fernández Pepi, María Gabriela; Arriaga, Mirta Olga


    Este trabajo tuvo por objeto caracterizar y analizar, comparativamente, la producción de biominerales en especies del género Gunnera presentes en Argentina (G. apiculata, G. lobata, G. magellanica y G. tinctoria). Se describe y analiza cualitativa y cuantitativamente los biominerales tanto cálcicos como silíceos, ubicados en sus tejidos. Se ha identificado elementos anatómicos foliares con validez taxonómica que permiten diferenciar los taxa a nivel de especie o grupo de especies, como ser, l...

  10. Estudio comparativo de la composición biomineral de cuatro especies del género Gunnera de la Argentina


    Acosta Ricci, Yamila C; Fernández Pepi, María G; Arriaga, Mirta O


    Este trabajo tuvo por objeto caracterizar y analizar, comparativamente, la producción de biominerales en especies del género Gunnera presentes en Argentina (G. apiculata, G. lobata, G. magellanica y G. tinctoria). Se describe y analiza cualitativa y cuantitativamente los biominerales tanto cálcicos como silíceos, ubicados en sus tejidos. Se ha identificado elementos anatómicos foliares con validez taxonómica que permiten diferenciar los taxa a nivel de especie o grupo de especies, como ser, l...

  11. Modelos alométricos para estimativa da área foliar de boldo pelo método não destrutivo

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    Samuel Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available A área foliar é uma das mais importantes medidas de avaliação do crescimento vegetativo, em virtude de estar ligada ao incremento de matéria seca nas plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar e obter o melhor modelo matemático para estimativa da área foliar do boldo (Plectranthus ornatus em função das suas dimensões alométricas. Utilizou-se um cultivo de boldo localizado na propriedade São Domingos no município de Alegre - ES, onde foram coletadas 80 folhas de 12 arbustos em outubro de 2013. As regressões foram determinadas considerando-se a área foliar real (AFR como variável dependente e o comprimento (C, largura (L e o produto do (C x L de cada folha como variáveis independentes. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a equação exponencial    y = 22033e0,1523x foi o melhor modelo matemático para estimar a área foliar do boldo, com R² de 0,62. Os modelos que utilizaram apenas a largura das folhas mostraram-se mais adequados para estimar a área das folhas do boldo, uma vez que apresentam maior correlação.

  12. Foliar Application of Potassium Fertilizer to Reduce the Effects of Salinity in Potato

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    H Molahoseini


    Full Text Available Introduction The potato of commerce (Solanum tuberosum L. is an annual dicot species. It is an autotetraploid with 4x=48 chromosomes. In Iran the consumption per capita of potato is over the 35 kg. Potato production is usually done without reducing yield in the irrigation water salinity 1-2 dS m-1, but 4.2 dS m-1 salinity reduces yield by 26 percent. 10, 25 and 50 percent yield reduction have been reported in soil electrical conductivity 2.5, 3.8 and 5.9 dS m-1, respectively . Between the ability of plant species to maintain potassium levels and their tolerance to salinity is positive correlation and on this basis nutritional irregularity due to increased salinity can be compensated by increasing of potassium fertilizer. In tolerant plant species, during times of increased salinity, selective absorption of potassium increased. The ability of plants to maintain a certain level of K/Na within the cell is essential for salt tolerance and sometimes of these ratios is used as indicators of salinity tolerance. Potato yield in response to salt stress, according to a variety of uses, can be reduced from 20 to 85 percent. Harmful effects of salinity in the beginning stages of tubers and tuber growth stage are important, therefore, tuber number and tuber size are two important components of yield which may reduce in the effect of salinity. Accelerate the aging process of the shoot, unwanted earliness, are of the reasons for the reduction in tuber size. Materials and Methods A field experiment was conducted in the agricultural and natural resources research center (31° 32´ N, 51° 51´ E, Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran. According to twenty years statistics, rainfall and temperature means for experiment location were 110 mm and 25 °C, respectively. The experiment was conducted as a factorial in a completely randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were three levels of foliar K application (control, K sulphate 10 ppm, and 2.5 ppm

  13. Foliar and soil chemistry at red spruce sites in the Monongahela National Forest (United States)

    Stephanie J. Connolly


    In 2005, soil and foliar chemistry were sampled from 10 sites in the Monongahela National Forest which support red spruce. Soils were sampled from hand-dug pits, by horizon, from the O-horizon to bedrock or 152 cm, and each pit was described fully. Replicate, archived samples also were collected.

  14. Contribución al Conocimiento de las Moscas de las Frutas (Tephritidae y sus Parasitoides en el Departamento de Antioquia

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    Yepes R. Francisco


    Full Text Available Las moscas de las frutas constituyen, como grupo, la plaga insectil mas importante de estos cultivos en Colombia y en el mundo. Además de Anastrepha spp., la especie más dañina dentro de las verdaderas moscas de las frutas (Tephritidae, la mosca del Mediterráneo, fue detectada por primera vez en Colombia en 1986 y confirmada su presencia en Antioquia en abril de 1987. El trabajo se realizó en tres fases simultáneamente; una de campo (11 regiones, otra de laboratorio (procesamiento de muestras y la tercera consistió en la obtención de la identificación de las especies (moscas y parasitoides Los resultados fueron: especie más distribuida y frecuentemente registrada en mayor número de hospedantes fue Anastrepha striata; fue reportada por primera vez en guayabo anselmo (Campomanesia cornifolia y guayabo de mono (Bellucia axinanthera, especie que ataca a B. axinanthera en el nordeste y oriente antioqueños es A sp. "F-]", aparentemente no descrita y considerada dentro de un grupo actualmente bajo revisión, 3.en total se encontraron 13 especies diferentes de Tephritidae (incluyendo los géneros de Anastrepha, Ceratitis y Toxotrypana y siete especies de Lonchaeidae (Neosilba spp. y Dasiops spp., 4.dentro de los parasitoides de larva-pupa de Anastrepha spp. se destacan: Doryctobracon areolatus y D. crawfordi¡ Opius anastrephae, Asobara anastrephaey Microcrasis sp. pertenecientes a la familia Braconidae y Aganaspis pelleranoi (Eucoilidae y Aceratoneuromyia indicum (Eulophidae.

  15. Effects of Vermi-compost Fertilizer Application and Foliar Spraying on Yield and Yield Component of Isabgol (Plantago ovate L. Medicinal Plant

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    Asghar Rahimi


    Full Text Available Introduction Vermi-compost is the ability of some species of earthworms to consume and break down a wide range of organic residues such as sewage sludge, animal wastes, crop residues and industrial refuse. Vermi-composts are usually more stable than their parent materials with increased availability of nutrients and improved physicochemical and microbiological properties. Aerial compost tea contains high populations of live microorganism consisting of rhizobactria, trichoderma and pseudomonas species which increase the growth and yield of the plant. Acid humic is the main humic substance and the important ingredient of soil organic matter (humus which causes increase of yield and quality of crop. The aim of this research is evaluating the effect of vermi-compost and foliar application of compost tea and acid humic on yield, yield component and mucilage content of isabgol. Vermiwash as the extract of vermi-compost is liquid organic fertilizer obtained from unit of vermiculture and vermi-compost as drainage. It is used as a foliar spraying on the leaf. Vermiwash stimulate and increase the yield of crop products and foliar application of vermiwash can be caused of plant resistance to different factors and can prevent leaf necrosis. Material and Methods In order to study the effect of vermi-compost and foliar application of tea compost and acid humic on growth indices of isabgol (Plantago ovata, an experiment was conducted as a factorial based on complete randomized design with three replications in agricultural research farm at Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan. Treatments were included application of vermi-compost (0 (control, 4, 8, 12 and 16 t.ha-1 and 3 levels of foliar application (distilled water as control, acid humic and compost tea. Samples for evaluating of yield, yield components and mucilage content were taken from 1 m2 area of each treatment. Tea compost solution prepared using mix of vermi-compost, acid humic, yeast and alga extract

  16. Relationships between net photosynthesis and foliar nitrogen concentrations in a loblobby pine forest ecosystem grown in elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Springer, C. J.; Thomas, R. B.; Delucia, E. H.


    The effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on the relationship between light-saturated net photosynthesis and area-based foliar nitrogen concentration in the canopy of a loblobby pine forest at the Duke Forest FACE experiment was examined. Two overstory and four understory tree species were examined at their growth carbon dioxide concentrations during the early summer and late summer of 1999, 2001 and 2002. Light-saturated net photosynthesis and foliar nitrogen relationship were compared to determine if the stimulatory effects of elevated carbon dioxide on net photosynthesis had declined. Results at all three sample times showed no difference in either the slopes, or in the y-intercepts of the net photosynthesis-foliar nitrogen relationship when measured at common carbon dioxide concentrations. Net photosynthesis was also unaffected by growth in elevated carbon dioxide, indicating that these overstory and understory trees continued to show strong stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide. 46 refs., 6 tabs., 3 figs

  17. Estimativa não destrutiva do teor foliar de nitrogênio em cacaueiro utilizando clorofilômetro

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    Paulo Alfredo de Santana Dantas


    Full Text Available A substituição do método tradicional de avaliação do teor de nitrogênio (N na planta pelo uso do medidor portátil de clorofilas do tipo SPAD é promissora por se tratar de um aparelho portátil que estabelece um índice de modo não destrutivo, instantâneo e com menor custo. Objetivou-se determinar a capacidade deste aparelho em estimar o teor foliar de N do cacaueiro. A área de abrangência deste estudo envolve as zonas climáticas úmida e úmida a subúmida da região cacaueira da Bahia. Foram selecionadas dez propriedades rurais, em cada zona, com lavoura em sistema agrossilvicultural, que tiveram a área renovada por enxertia de broto basal com clones tolerantes à vassoura-de-bruxa. Em cada propriedade, quatro plantas com idade superior a quatro anos foram selecionadas em condições edáficas e topográficas distintas. Foram coletadas oito folhas sadias por planta e, em cada uma delas, foram feitas seis leituras do índice SPAD. Além disso, determinaram-se o teor e o conteúdo de N na folha, a área foliar (AF e a massa foliar específica (MFE. O índice SPAD correlacionou se, significativa e positivamente com o teor foliar de N (r = 0,74, com a AF (r = 0,62 e negativamente com a MFE (r = -0,57. Não houve correlação entre o conteúdo de N e o índice SPAD. O modelo de regressão linear simples para a predição do teor de N, a partir do índice SPAD, sem a distinção dos ambientes, foi o mais apropriado.

  18. Uptake of soil-, foliar-and pod-applied nitrogen and phosphorus by rape (Brassica napus L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Qinzheng; Xi Haifu; Lang Xianhua


    Uptake of soil-applied and foliar-and pod applied N, P by rape was studied by using 32 P and 15 N labelled fertilizer under pot culture condition. Application of phosphorus fertilizer to purplish clayey paddy soil which was poor in available P had influence on utilization of basal-dressed NH 4 HCO 3 by rape and subsequently on its growth and seed yield. Utilization rate of applied N in whole plant and seeds were 3.66 and 5.13 fold respectively as compared with control when 187.5 kg/ha of superphosphate were applied and increased with increasing application of superphosphate (187.5-562.5 kg/ha). Application of P fertilizer not only increased uptake of N but also promoted transportation of N from vegetative organs to seeds. Rape plant uptook 69.09% of foliar-and pod-applied N in form of 2% solution of urea after flowering and transported the N to seeds in greater proportion than that of soil-applied N. In the same period, 60% of foliar- and pod-applied P in form of 0.2% KH 2 PO 4 was absorbed by rape plant, most of which was in leaves. Uptake of N and P by rape increased 17.89% and 27.78% respectively when urea and phosphate was applied together compared with using urea and phosphate alone. Uptake of basal-dressed P by rape plant was 6% at early growing stage

  19. Effect of simulated sulfuric acid rain on yield, growth and foliar injury of several crops

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, J J; Neely, G E; Perrigan, S C; Grothaus, L C


    This study was designed to reveal patterns of response of major United States crops to sulfuric acid rain. Potted plants were grown in field chambers and exposed to simulated sulfuric acid rain (pH 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0) or to a control rain (pH 5.6). At harvest, the weights of the marketable portion, total aboveground portion and roots were determined for 28 crops. Of these, marketable yield production was inhibited for 5 crops (radish, beet, carrot, mustard greens, broccoli), stimulated for 6 crops (tomato, green pepper, strawberry, alfalfa, orchardgrass, timothy), and ambiguously affected for 1 crop (potato). In addition, stem and leaf production of sweet corn was stimulated. Visible injury of tomatoes might have decreased their marketabiity. No statistically significant effects on yield were observed for the other 15 crops. The results suggest that the likelihood of yield being affected by acid depends on the part of the plant utilized, as well as on species. Effects on the aboveground portion of crops and on roots are also presented. Plants were regularly examined for foliar injury associated with acid rain. Of the 35 cultivars examined, the foliage of 31 was injured at pH 3.0, 28 at pH 3.5, and 5 at pH 4.0. Foliar injury was not generally related to effects on yield. However, foliar injury of Swiss chard, mustard greens and spinach was severe enough to adversely affect marketability.

  20. Análisis y estimación de parámetros e índices de crecimiento del árbol de Maraco (Theobroma bicolorH.B.K. a primera floración

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    Hernández G. María Soledad


    Full Text Available El maraco (Theobroma bicolor H.B.K. es un frutal amazónico con alto potencial agroindustrial. Para su inclusión dentro de la economía de mercado regional es indispensable conocer su comportamiento fisiológico durante ta'tase vegetativa con el fin de establecer la eficiencia de acumulación de materia
    seca. Entonces, se hace necesario desarrollar estudios que conduzcan a un mayor conocimiento de la especie, permitiendo con ello, generar alternativas para su producción comercial dentro del entorno amazónico. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el crecimiento vegetativo de la especie a partir del cálculo de las medidas derivadas de crecimiento: Tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, Tasa de crecimiento relativo (TCR, Tasa de crecimiento del cultivo (TCC, Relación del área foliar (RAF, Duración del área foliar (DAF e índice de área foliar (IAF en el árbol de maraco, desde su siembra definitiva en el campo hasta la primera
    floración. Se encontró que el área fotosintética del árbol y su materia seca aumentaron a lo largo de toda la fase vegetativa, con un patrón de crecimiento sigmoidal. Los índices TAN, TCR y TCC se hicieron máximos en el período previo al iniciar de la fase reproductiva, con lo cual se logró, en la planta, el balance carbono/nitrógeno requerido para
    la transición entre una fase y otra. Igualmente, la RAF se hizo máxima para la misma etapa. El análisis de crecimiento permitió cuantificar el crecimiento de la planta, su producción de materia seca y la expansión del área foliar, con lo cual se podrá en adelante, generar prácticas adecuadas de fertilización que promuevan la producción de tejidos fotosintéticos y pigmentos clorofílicos. De igual manera, se podrá establecer la arquitectura de planta ideal que permita la mayor eficiencia en el cultivo para la conversión de la energía radiante en energía química.
    The Maraco is an amazonic fruit with a high potential for

  1. Ozone uptake (flux) as it relates to ozone-induced foliar symptoms of Prunus serotina and Populus maximowizii x trichocarpa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orendovici-Best, T.; Skelly, J.M.; Davis, D.D.; Ferdinand, J.A.; Savage, J.E.; Stevenson, R.E.


    Field studies were conducted during 2003 and 2004 from early June to the end of August, at 20 sites of lower or higher elevation within north-central Pennsylvania, using seedlings of black cherry (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.) and ramets of hybrid poplar (Populus maximowizii x trichocarpa). A linear model was developed to estimate the influence of local environmental conditions on stomatal conductance. The most significant factors explaining stomatal variance were tree species, air temperature, leaf vapor pressure deficit, elevation, and time of day. Overall, environmental factors explained less than 35% of the variation in stomatal conductance. Ozone did not affect gas exchange rates in either poplar or cherry. Ozone-induced foliar injury was positively correlated with cumulative ozone exposures, expressed as SUM40. Overall, the amount of foliar injury was better correlated to a flux-based approach rather than to an exposure-based approach. More severe foliar injuries were observed on plants growing at higher elevations. - Within heterogeneous environments, ozone flux does not completely explain the variation observed in ozone-induced visible injury

  2. Contribuição das ramificações e a evolução do índice de área foliar em cultivares modernas de soja

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    Alencar Junior Zanon


    Full Text Available Os objetivos neste trabalho foram quantificar a contribuição das ramificações e a evolução do índice de área foliar em cultivares modernas de soja com diferentes grupos de maturação, tipos de crescimento, semeadas em diferentes épocas e regiões produtoras de soja no Rio Grande do Sul. Experimentos de campo foram conduzidos durante o ano agrícola 2013/2014 em Santa Maria, Júlio de Castilhos e em três lavouras comerciais de soja nos municípios de Restinga Sêca, Tupanciretã e Água Santa. Avaliaram-se (data de ocorrência os estágios reprodutivos e a determinação do índice de área foliar total, máximo, da haste principal e das ramificações em treze cultivares de soja. O índice de área foliar das ramificações contribui com cerca de 31%, 12,3% e 11% do índice de área foliar total nas cultivares determinadas, e com 20,2%, 11,8% e 9% do índice de área foliar total nas cultivares indeterminadas nas semeaduras de setembro, novembro e fevereiro, respectivamente, em Santa Maria. A maioria das cultivares apresentou uma redução no índice de área foliar total, máximo, da haste principal e das ramificações com o atraso da época de semeadura, independentemente do grupo de maturação e tipo de crescimento.

  3. Foliar exposure of the crop Lactuca sativa to silver nanoparticles: Evidence for internalization and changes in Ag speciation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larue, Camille, E-mail: [ISTerre, Université Grenoble 1, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France); Castillo-Michel, Hiram, E-mail: [ESRF, Beamline ID21, Grenoble (France); Sobanska, Sophie, E-mail: [LASIR, UMR CNRS 8516, Université Lille 1, Bât C5, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex (France); Cécillon, Lauric, E-mail: [ISTerre, Université Grenoble 1, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France); Bureau, Sarah, E-mail: [ISTerre, Université Grenoble 1, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France); Barthès, Véronique, E-mail: [CEA/LITEN/DTNM/L2T, CEA Grenoble, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Ouerdane, Laurent, E-mail: [LCABIE/IPREM-UMR 5254, Université de Pau et des Pays de l‘Adour, 64053 Pau Cedex 9 (France); Carrière, Marie, E-mail: [UMR E3 CEA-UJF/LAN, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Sarret, Géraldine, E-mail: [ISTerre, Université Grenoble 1, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France)


    Highlights: • Ag-NPs are internalized inside lettuce leaves after foliar exposure to a suspension of Ag-NPs. • A classical washing process is inefficient at decreasing significantly Ag content. • Ag-NPs in plants undergo oxidation, and resulting ionic Ag are complexed with organic compounds including thiol-containing molecules. • Foliar exposure to Ag-NPs does not lead to detectable phytotoxicity symptoms. -- Abstract: The impact of engineered nanomaterials on plants, which act as a major point of entry of contaminants into trophic chains, is little documented. The foliar pathway is even less known than the soil-root pathway. However, significant inputs of nanoparticles (NPs) on plant foliage may be expected due to deposition of atmospheric particles or application of NP-containing pesticides. The uptake of Ag-NPs in the crop species Lactuca sativa after foliar exposure and their possible biotransformation and phytotoxic effects were studied. In addition to chemical analyses and ecotoxicological tests, micro X-ray fluorescence, micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and electron microscopy were used to localize and determine the speciation of Ag at sub-micrometer resolution. Although no sign of phytotoxicity was observed, Ag was effectively trapped on lettuce leaves and a thorough washing did not decrease Ag content significantly. We provide first evidence for the entrapment of Ag-NPs by the cuticle and penetration in the leaf tissue through stomata, for the diffusion of Ag in leaf tissues, and oxidation of Ag-NPs and complexation of Ag{sup +} by thiol-containing molecules. Such type of information is crucial for better assessing the risk associated to Ag-NP containing products.

  4. Foliar Mn accumulation in eastern Australian herbarium specimens: prospecting for 'new' Mn hyperaccumulators and potential applications in taxonomy. (United States)

    Fernando, Denise R; Guymer, Gordon; Reeves, Roger D; Woodrow, Ian E; Baker, Alan J; Batianoff, George N


    The analysis of herbarium specimens has previously been used to prospect for 'new' hyperaccumulators, while the use of foliar manganese (Mn) concentrations as a taxonomic tool has been suggested. On the basis of their geographic and taxonomic affiliations to known Mn hyperaccumulators, six eastern Australian genera from the Queensland Herbarium collection were sampled for leaf tissue analyses. ICP-OES was used to measure Mn and other elemental concentrations in 47 species within the genera Austromyrtus, Lenwebbia, Gossia (Myrtaceae), Macadamia (Proteaceae), Maytenus and Denhamia (Celastraceae). The resulting data demonstrated (a) up to seven 'new' Mn hyperaccumulators, mostly tropical rainforest species; (b) that one of these 'new' Mn hyperaccumulators also had notably elevated foliar Ni concentrations; (c) evidence of an interrelationship between foliar Mn and Al uptake among the Macadamias; (d) considerable variability of Mn hyperaccumulation within Gossia; and (e) the possibility that Maytenus cunninghamii may include subspecies. Gossia bamagensis, G. fragrantissima, G. sankowsiorum, G. gonoclada and Maytenus cunninghamii were identified as 'new' Mn hyperaccumulators, while Gossia lucida and G. shepherdii are possible 'new' Mn hyperaccumulators. Of the three Myrtaceae genera examined, Mn hyperaccumulation appears restricted to Gossia, supporting its recent taxonomic revision. In the context of this present investigation and existing information, a reassesment of the general definition of Mn hyperaccumulation may be warranted. Morphological variation of Maytenus cunninghamii at two extremities was consistent with variation in Mn accumulation, indicating two possible 'new' subspecies. Although caution should be exercised in interpreting the data, surveying herbarium specimens by chemical analysis has provided an effective means of assessing foliar Mn accumulation. These findings should be followed up by field studies.

  5. Foliar exposure of the crop Lactuca sativa to silver nanoparticles: Evidence for internalization and changes in Ag speciation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larue, Camille; Castillo-Michel, Hiram; Sobanska, Sophie; Cécillon, Lauric; Bureau, Sarah; Barthès, Véronique; Ouerdane, Laurent; Carrière, Marie; Sarret, Géraldine


    Highlights: • Ag-NPs are internalized inside lettuce leaves after foliar exposure to a suspension of Ag-NPs. • A classical washing process is inefficient at decreasing significantly Ag content. • Ag-NPs in plants undergo oxidation, and resulting ionic Ag are complexed with organic compounds including thiol-containing molecules. • Foliar exposure to Ag-NPs does not lead to detectable phytotoxicity symptoms. -- Abstract: The impact of engineered nanomaterials on plants, which act as a major point of entry of contaminants into trophic chains, is little documented. The foliar pathway is even less known than the soil-root pathway. However, significant inputs of nanoparticles (NPs) on plant foliage may be expected due to deposition of atmospheric particles or application of NP-containing pesticides. The uptake of Ag-NPs in the crop species Lactuca sativa after foliar exposure and their possible biotransformation and phytotoxic effects were studied. In addition to chemical analyses and ecotoxicological tests, micro X-ray fluorescence, micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and electron microscopy were used to localize and determine the speciation of Ag at sub-micrometer resolution. Although no sign of phytotoxicity was observed, Ag was effectively trapped on lettuce leaves and a thorough washing did not decrease Ag content significantly. We provide first evidence for the entrapment of Ag-NPs by the cuticle and penetration in the leaf tissue through stomata, for the diffusion of Ag in leaf tissues, and oxidation of Ag-NPs and complexation of Ag + by thiol-containing molecules. Such type of information is crucial for better assessing the risk associated to Ag-NP containing products

  6. Behavior of Foliares Applications of Humus Mixed with the NPK in Rice Cultivation (Oryza Sativa L..

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Saborit Reyes


    Full Text Available Taking into consideration the observation of one green yellowsh clorosis in the plantations of rice, after the cold campaings and the disminishing of the agricultural efficiency of the cerial in areas of Saint Elena Land belonging to the fortified cooperatove of credits and service (FCCS Camilo Cienfuegos in Las Nuevas, La Sierpe, Province of Sancti – Spiritus, were done foliars aplications with mineral fertilizing as, N.P.K to different doses and moments of applications, in order to obtain alternative of nutrition for the cultivation, the work was done on a green yellowish ferralitic ground since 2009 to 2011, using LP-5 cultivation doing the sowing by the method of transplantation, fertilization. It was done mixing 49L. ha-¹ of liquid warm humus with 0.35 Kg. ha-¹ of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The results shown that the use of the foliar fertilization with liquid worm humus mixed with the N.P.K minerals, increased the efficiency, obtaining 5.3t. ha-¹ as an average in different variants used. The economic analysis showed that the treatment with 40% of nitrogen was reduced with seven foliars applications, it was highest to the witness N.P.K in 1.5t . ha-¹ of the grain obtaining a relative benefit of 4264.55 pesos by hectarea.

  7. Alteration of foliar flavonoid chemistry induced by enhanced UV-B radiation in field-grown Pinus ponderosa, Quercus rubra and Pseudotsuga menziesii. (United States)

    Warren, Jeffrey M; Bassman, John H; Mattinson, D Scott; Fellman, John K; Edwards, Gerald E; Robberecht, Ronald


    Chromatographic analyses of foliage from several tree species illustrate the species-specific effects of UV-B radiation on both quantity and composition of foliar flavonoids. Pinus ponderosa, Quercus rubra and Pseudotsuga menziesii were field-grown under modulated ambient (1x) and enhanced (2x) biologically effective UV-B radiation. Foliage was harvested seasonally over a 3-year period, extracted, purified and the flavonoid fraction applied to a mu Bondapak/C(18) column HPLC system sampling at 254 nm. Total flavonoid concentrations in Quercus rubra foliage were more than twice (leaf area basis) that of the other species; Pseudotsuga menziesii foliage had intermediate levels and P. ponderosa had the lowest concentrations of total flavonoids. No statistically significant UV-B radiation-induced effects were found in total foliar flavonoid concentrations for any species; however, concentrations of specific compounds within each species exhibited significant treatment effects. Higher (but statistically insignificant) levels of flavonoids were induced by UV-B irradiation in 1- and 2-year-old P. ponderosa foliage. Total flavonoid concentrations in 2-year-old needles increased by 50% (1x ambient UV-B radiation) or 70% (2x ambient UV-B radiation) from that of 1-year-old tissue. Foliar flavonoids of Q. rubra under enhanced UV-B radiation tended to shift from early-eluting compounds to less polar flavonoids eluting later. There were no clear patterns of UV-B radiation effects on 1-year-old P. menziesii foliage. However, 2-year-old tissue had slightly higher foliar flavonoids under the 2x UV-B radiation treatment compared to ambient levels. Results suggest that enhanced UV-B radiation will alter foliar flavonoid composition and concentrations in forest tree species, which could impact tissue protection, and ultimately, competition, herbivory or litter decomposition.

  8. Seasonal variability of leaf area index and foliar nitrogen in contrasting dry-mesic tundras

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campioli, Matteo; Michelsen, Anders; Lemeur, Raoul


    Assimilation and exchange of carbon for arctic ecosystems depend strongly on leaf area index (LAI) and total foliar nitrogen (TFN). For dry-mesic tundras, the seasonality of these characteristics is unexplored. We addressed this knowledge gap by measuring variations of LAI and TFN at five contras...

  9. Foliar uptake of 137Cs from the water column by aquatic macrophytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, M.S.; Pinder, J.E. III


    A transplant experiment was performed to determine the relative importances of root uptake from the sediments and foliar uptake from the water column in determining the accumulation of 137 Cs by aquatic macrophytes. Uncontaminated individuals of three species, Brasenia schreberi, Nymphaea odorata and Nymphoides cordata, were transplanted into pots containing either contaminated sediments (i.e. 1.2 Bq 137 Cs g -1 dry mass) or uncontaminated sediments (i.e. -1 dry mass) and immersed in Pond B, a former reactor cooling pond where 137 Cs concentrations in surface waters range from 0.4 to 0.8 Bq liter -1 . The plants is uncontaminated sediments rapidly accumulated 137 Cs from the water column and after 35 days of immersion had 137 Cs concentrations in leaves that were: (1) not statistically significantly different from those for plants in contaminated sediments; and (2) similar to those for the same species growing naturally in Pond B. The similarity in 137 Cs concentrations between naturally-occurring plants and those in pots with uncontaminated sediments suggests that foliar uptake from the water column is the principal mode of Cs accumulation by these species in Pond B. (author)

  10. Distribution, Seasonal Variations and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Foliar Dust of Nanjing, China. (United States)

    Zha, Yan; Zhang, Yinlong; Ma, Zilong; Tang, Jie; Sun, Kai


    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of concern for both ecosystem and human health due to their potential teratogenic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic properties. The concentration of ∑ 16 PAHs in foliar dust ranged from 49.4 to 19,018.1 µg kg -1 , with a mean value of 7074.5 µg kg -1 . There were significant seasonal variations in the concentration of ∑ 16 PAHs, with the concentration in winter being almost twice as high as in summer. Similarly, the differences between PAH profiles in different seasons indicated that they had common sources, which were attributed to the combined effect of regional transport and local emissions. The diagnostic ratios of indicator compounds indicated that PAHs detected in foliar dust originated from a mixture of gasoline vehicle emissions, biomass, and coal combustion in Nanjing. According to the ecological risk classification of ∑ 16 PAHs, the ecological risk caused by PAHs was high since the value of RQ ∑16PAHs(MPCs) was ≥ 1 and RQ ∑16PAHs(NCs) were ≥ 800. The mean values for RQ∑ 16 PAHs (MPCs) and RQ∑ 16 PAHs (NCs) were 14.8 and 2368.9, which indicated a relatively high ecological risks of PAHs in foliar dust in Nanjing.

  11. Effect of two doses of urea foliar application on leaves and grape nitrogen composition during two vintages. (United States)

    Pérez-Álvarez, Eva P; Garde-Cerdán, Teresa; García-Escudero, Enrique; Martínez-Vidaurre, José María


    Nitrogen affects grapevine growth and also yeast metabolism, which have a direct influence on fermentation kinetics and the formation of different volatile compounds. Throughout the grapevine cycle, soil nitrogen availability and grape nitrogen composition can vary because of different factors. Nitrogen foliar applications can contribute toward enhancing grapevine nitrogen status and minimize the problem of leaching that traditional nitrogen-soil applications can provoke. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of urea foliar applications on grapevine nitrogen status and grape amino acid content. Accordingly, two different doses of urea were applied over the leaves of a 'Tempranillo' vineyard. The highest urea doses affected nitrogen content on blade leaf tissues after veraison. Must amino acid profiles were modified by urea application and some of the compounds increased their concentrations. The effect of year on the increase of must total amino acid concentrations was more important than the effect of the doses applied. Urea foliar applications can be an interesting tool for decreasing grapevine nitrogen deficiencies. This method of nitrogen implementation in the vineyard could avoid sluggish fermentation problems during winemaking, enhance must nitrogen composition, and contribute to improving wine quality. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  12. Movement of foliar uptake radionuclides in radish. [Raphanus sativus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yanagisawa, K.; Kamada, H.


    The purpose of this investigation was to study the translocation of /sup 60/Co, /sup 54/Mn, and two representative fission products of /sup 85/Sr and /sup 137/Cs in radish (Raphanus sativus) and to provide a translocation rate for a given nuclide. The effect of air humidity on the foliar uptake-translocation was also investigated. Retention of the radionuclides was usually higher in plants grown under conditions of 100% humidity at night as opposed to conditions of a constant humidity of 70%. Results indicate that Co and Cs translocate much more than Mn and Sr in the plant.

  13. Determinacion del N y P en abonos organicos mediante la tecnica del elemento faltante y un bioensayo microbiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Salas


    Full Text Available Mediante la tecnica del elemento faltante en ferinvernadero y el uso de un bioensayo microbiano se determin6 la disponibilidad de N y P en 6 sus- greenhoutratos: suelo s6lo 0 en mezcla 9: 1 con diversos abo- nos organicos, a saber: pollinaza (CM, compost (C, bocashi (B, vermicompost (V 0 broza de ca- determife (Br. En ambos bioensayos y para cada sustrato se realiz6 un experimento factorial 2x2 (fertiliza- ci6n con P y N; las combinaciones resultantes fue- ron: +P, +N, +P+N y -P-N (testigo. En el bioensa- yo microbiano se utiliz6 un diseno de bloques al azar con 6 repeticiones y se midi6 el crecimiento microde la biomasa microbiana nativa (BM 2 dias des- pues de aplicar el tratamiento e incubar con gluco- sa. En la prueba de invernadero se utiliz6 un dise- no completamente al azar con 4 repeticiones, se utiliz6 sorgo (Sorghum vulgare como planta indi- cadora. Se midi6 el peso seco de la parte aerea de lasplantas a los 34 dias de la siembra (PS y el con- tenido foliar de nutrimentos. Ambos bioensayos in- sordicaron respuesta del suelo a la aplicaci6n de P y N. La mezcla del suelo con un 10% de CM, CoB mostraron los valores mas altos de BM y PS. La mezcla suelo:CM no respondi6 a ningun tratamien- to qufmico, mientras que en mezcla con el C 0 el B respondi6 a la aplicaci6n de N pero no al P. Con el Vola Br se obtuvo las menores respuestas de las variables y hubo respuesta ala adici6n de P y N. La tecnica del elemento faltante de invernadero

  14. Investigating organic matter in Fanno Creek, Oregon, Part 1 of 3: estimating annual foliar biomass for a deciduous-dominant urban riparian corridor (United States)

    Sobieszczyk, Steven; Keith, Mackenzie K.; Rounds, Stewart A.; Goldman, Jami H.


    For this study, we explored the amount, type, and distribution of foliar biomass that is deposited annually as leaf litter to Fanno Creek and its floodplain in Portland, Oregon, USA. Organic matter is a significant contributor to the decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations observed in Fanno Creek each year and leaf litter is amongst the largest sources of organic matter to the stream channel and floodplain. Using a combination of field measurements and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) point cloud data, the annual foliar biomass was estimated for 13 stream reaches along the creek. Biomass estimates were divided into two sets: (1) the annual foliage available from the entire floodplain overstory canopy, and (2) the annual foliage overhanging the stream, which likely contributes leaf litter directly to the creek each year. Based on these computations, an estimated 991 (±22%) metric tons (tonnes, t) of foliar biomass is produced annually above the floodplain, with about 136 t (±24%) of that foliage falling directly into Fanno Creek. The distribution of foliar biomass varies by reach, with between 150 and 640 t/km2 produced along the floodplain and between 400 and 1100 t/km2 available over the channel. Biomass estimates vary by reach based primarily on the density of tree cover, with forest-dominant reaches containing more mature deciduous trees with broader tree canopies than either wetland or urban-dominant reaches, thus supplying more organic material to the creek. By quantifying the foliar biomass along Fanno Creek we have provided a reach-scale assessment of terrestrial organic matter loading, thereby providing land managers useful information for planning future restoration efforts.

  15. Nanoparticle synthesis and delivery by an aerosol route for watermelon plant foliar uptake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Weining; Tarafdar, Jagadish C.; Biswas, Pratim


    An aerosol process was developed for synthesis and delivery of nanoparticles for living watermelon plant foliar uptake. This is an efficient technique capable of generating nanoparticles with controllable particle sizes and number concentrations. Aerosolized nanoparticles were easily applied to leaf surfaces and enter the stomata via gas uptake, avoiding direct interaction with soil systems, eliminating potential ecological risks. The uptake and transport of nanoparticles inside the watermelon plants were investigated systematically by various techniques, such as elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and plant anatomy by transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed that certain fractions of nanoparticles (d p < 100 nm) generated by the aerosol process could enter the leaf following the stomatal pathway, then pass through the stem, and reach the root of the watermelon plants. The particle size and number concentration played an important role in nanoparticle translocation inside the plants. In addition, the nanoparticle application method, working environment, and leaf structure are also important factors to be considered for successful plant foliar uptake.

  16. Nanoparticle synthesis and delivery by an aerosol route for watermelon plant foliar uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Weining [Washington University in St. Louis, Aerosol and Air Quality Research Laboratory, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering (United States); Tarafdar, Jagadish C. [Central Arid Zone Research Institute (India); Biswas, Pratim, E-mail: [Washington University in St. Louis, Aerosol and Air Quality Research Laboratory, Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering (United States)


    An aerosol process was developed for synthesis and delivery of nanoparticles for living watermelon plant foliar uptake. This is an efficient technique capable of generating nanoparticles with controllable particle sizes and number concentrations. Aerosolized nanoparticles were easily applied to leaf surfaces and enter the stomata via gas uptake, avoiding direct interaction with soil systems, eliminating potential ecological risks. The uptake and transport of nanoparticles inside the watermelon plants were investigated systematically by various techniques, such as elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and plant anatomy by transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed that certain fractions of nanoparticles (d{sub p} < 100 nm) generated by the aerosol process could enter the leaf following the stomatal pathway, then pass through the stem, and reach the root of the watermelon plants. The particle size and number concentration played an important role in nanoparticle translocation inside the plants. In addition, the nanoparticle application method, working environment, and leaf structure are also important factors to be considered for successful plant foliar uptake.


    Ozone exposure was related to ozone-induced visible foliar injury in ponderosa and Jeffrey pines growing on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Measurements of ozone exposure, chlorotic mottle and fascicle retention were collected during the years ...

  18. Iron supply to soybean plants through the foliar application of IDHA/Fe3+: effect of plant nutritional status and adjuvants. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Lucena, Patricia; Ropero, Edgar; Hernández-Apaolaza, Lourdes; Lucena, Juan J


    Synthetic Fe chelates are commonly used to overcome Fe deficiencies in crops, but most of them are scarcely biodegradable. Iminodisuccinic acid (IDHA) is a biodegradable chelating agent that is currently being evaluated as an alternative to EDTA. In this work, the efficacy of the foliar application of IDHA/Fe(3+) to soybean chlorotic plants under controlled conditions was studied, testing the influence of the adjuvant used and of the plant nutritional status. When IDHA/Fe(3+) was applied to soybean plants with severe Fe chlorosis and the foliar sprays were the sole source of Fe, this chelate behaved similarly to the EDTA/Fe(3+) and the recovery of the plants was slight in both cases. The same chelates were tested when foliar sprays were an additional source of Fe for mildly chlorotic plants, which were also being supplied with low concentrations of Fe applied to the nutrient solution. Then, plant recovery was appreciable in all cases, and the IDHA/Fe(3+) was as effective as EDTA/Fe(3+). Among the adjuvants studied, a urea-based product was the only one that did not damage the leaf surface and that could improve the efficiency of IDHA/Fe(3+) up tp the level of EDTA/Fe(3+). Thus, it was concluded the foliar application of IDHA/Fe(3+) can be an environmentally friendly alternative to the non-biodegradable chelate EDTA/Fe(3+) when the appropriate adjuvant is used. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry.

  19. Neutron activation analysis of archaeological ceramics from the Central Valley and Turrialba, Costa Rica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chapdelaine, Claude; Vazquez Leiva, Ricardo; Kennedy, Greg


    Neutron activation analysis of 56 ceramic samples is oriented toward a better understanding of the interaction and autonomy among late Period V (A.D. 500-1000) and Period VI (A.D. 1000-1550) societies in the Central Valley and Turrialba. Samples are selected from three sites, Guayabo, Agua Caliente and La Ribera, the samples correspond to (1) local types and (2) polychrome types considered trade goods coming from Guanacaste/Nicoya. Data have supported the Guanacaste-Nicoyan origen of the polychrome pottery. Regarding the Central Valley and Turrialba local types, very little evidence was found for their exchange among communities. This result is explicable on the basis of political autonomy and economic autarky of first-tier chiefdom sites such as Agua Caliente and Guayabo. (author) [es

  20. El daminozide aumenta el diámetro de inflorescencia del crisantemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev., cultivar polaris white

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Á. G. Esquivel-Pool


    Full Text Available Se probaron varias concentraciones (1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 y 5,000 mg·litro-1 de daminozide sobre plantas de crisantemo cv. Polaris White, en maceta y se midieron el incremento del diámetro del tallo, altura de la planta, número de nudos, longitud de entrenudos, diámetro de la inflorescencia, biomasa y área foliar para comparar su efecto contra un testigo. La concentración de 1,000 mg·litro-1 provocó que los tallos incrementaran su diámetro 10.08 % en comparación con el testigo en tanto que con 4,000 mg·litro-1 el diámetro del tallo se redujo 8 %. Los entrenudos disminuyeron su longitud hasta 76 % con 4,000 mg·litro-1 en comparación con el testigo. Concentraciones iguales o mayores a 2,000 mg·litro-1 redujeron hasta en 34.3 % la altura de la planta. El daminozide favoreció el crecimiento de las inflorescencias incrementando su diámetro 31.22 % en promedio

  1. Evaluación de minerales alumino silicatos de Norte de Santander para fabricar piezas cerámicas de gran formato

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Milena Rozo-Rincón


    Full Text Available Se dan a conocer los resultados de la influencia del feldespato al ser mezclado con arcilla del área metropolitana de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia, en relación con las principales variables que son tenidas en cuenta a la hora de fabricar un producto cerámico tradicional de gran formato mediante técnica de conformado por extrusión. Los materiales empleados fueron arcillas provenientes de las formaciones León y Guayabo, y el feldespato del municipio de Sardinata, los cuales fueron estudiados mediante difracción de rayos (DRX y fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX. Las probetas conformadas se realizaron empleando proporciones de 100:0, 90:10 y 80:20 de arcilla-feldespato, respectivamente, y fueron sometidas a cocción a las temperaturas de 950°C-1000°C-1050°C. Se observó que la adición de feldespato mejoró de manera significativa las propiedades estudiadas para todas las arcillas empleadas en comparación con la mezcla patrón. Las muestras preparadas con arcilla Támesis presentaron el mejor desempeño.

  2. In situ analysis of foliar zinc absorption and short-distance movement in fresh and hydrated leaves of tomato and citrus using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy (United States)

    Du, Yumei; Kopittke, Peter M.; Noller, Barry N.; James, Simon A.; Harris, Hugh H.; Xu, Zhi Ping; Li, Peng; Mulligan, David R.; Huang, Longbin


    Background and Aims Globally, zinc deficiency is one of the most important nutritional factors limiting crop yield and quality. Despite widespread use of foliar-applied zinc fertilizers, much remains unknown regarding the movement of zinc from the foliar surface into the vascular structure for translocation into other tissues and the key factors affecting this diffusion. Methods Using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy (µ-XRF), absorption of foliar-applied zinc nitrate or zinc hydroxide nitrate was examined in fresh leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and citrus (Citrus reticulatus). Key Results The foliar absorption of zinc increased concentrations in the underlying tissues by up to 600-fold in tomato but only up to 5-fold in citrus. The magnitude of this absorption was influenced by the form of zinc applied, the zinc status of the treated leaf and the leaf surface to which it was applied (abaxial or adaxial). Once the zinc had moved through the leaf surface it appeared to bind strongly, with limited further redistribution. Regardless of this, in these underlying tissues zinc moved into the lower-order veins, with concentrations 2- to 10-fold higher than in the adjacent tissues. However, even once in higher-order veins, the movement of zinc was still comparatively limited, with concentrations decreasing to levels similar to the background within 1–10 mm. Conclusions The results advance our understanding of the factors that influence the efficacy of foliar zinc fertilizers and demonstrate the merits of an innovative methodology for studying foliar zinc translocation mechanisms. PMID:25399024

  3. Efecto de un bioproducto a base de Pseudomona aeruginosa en el cultivo del tomate (Solanum licopersicum Mill

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elein Terry Alfonso


    Full Text Available El uso de bioproductos se incrementa gradualmente en la agricultura de países que propugnan un cambio hacia un modelo en armonía con el medioambiente. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la respuesta del cultivo del tomate a la aplicación del bioproducto Gluticid®, obtenido a partir de metabolitos activos de Pseudomona aeruginosa. Los experimentos se desarrollaron en áreas experimentales del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA de Cuba, y se estudiaron cinco tratamientos, cuatro con la aplicación de Gluticid® y un tratamiento testigo (sin aplicación del producto. Los tratamientos con Gluticid® (5 g.L-1, se realizaron imbibiendo las semillas con el producto (15 y 30 min y a su vez se realizó una segunda aplicación foliar del bioproducto. En el cultivo se evaluaron algunas variables de crecimiento y desarrollo, y se determinó el rendimiento agrícola. Los resultados mostraron la efectividad del bioproducto, destacándose el tratamiento que recibió la aplicación de Gluticid® una sola vez con 30 min de imbibición, confirmándose la efectividad de este bioproducto en la obtención de plantas más vigorosas, así como un estímulo en el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas con la consiguiente obtención de rendimientos aceptables.

  4. Efecto de los surfactantes sobre la absorción de agroquímicos en plantas

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    José Antonio Vera-Núñez


    Full Text Available Introducción. La eficiencia de absorción y removilización de una molécula o compuesto químico aplicado a un sistema biológico depende de interacciones entre factores bióticos y abióticos. Para el caso de vegetales, destaca la composición físico-química y concentración de la molécula, el estado fisiológico del órgano donde se aplica y el manejo del producto (dosis y forma de aplicación. Existen diferentes tecnologías a base de compuestos químicos tensoactivos que permiten aumentar la absorción del compuesto aplicado en plantas de interés agrícola. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del surfactante INEX-A (COSMOCELMR sobre la absorción de compuestos con actividad sistémica comúnmente aplicados en la agricultura a través del marcaje isotópico bajo condiciones de invernadero. Métodos. Se desarrollaron los ensayos siguientes: 1 herbicida (14C-Glifosato aplicado vía foliar en zacate Johnson (Sorghum halepense, 2 insecticida (14C-Imidacloprid aplicado vía foliar, 3 insecticida (14C-Imidacloprid aplicado vía suelo y 4 nutrimento (32P-Fosfato de amonio monobásico aplicado vía foliar en tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum. Resultados. El efecto del surfactante INEX-A aumentó la absorción de las moléculas en estudio en comparación con los tratamientos donde no se aplicó éste surfactante, esto generó una mayor removilización de las moléculas y probablemente una mayor producción de metabolitos secundarios que tienen como origen o intermediario a dichas moléculas. El efecto del surfactante INEX-A osciló en el rango 22-100 % en relación al incremento de la absorción de las moléculas en estudio. Cuando se aplicó el surfactante INEX-A se incrementó 12 veces la absorción del insecticida 14C-Imidacloprid aplicado vía foliar. Asimismo, la removilización hacia el grupo de hojas superiores vs. hojas inferiores fue mayor. Además, el efecto del INEX-A presentó una relación directa en función al tipo de

  5. A hybrid model for mapping relative differences in belowground biomass and root: Shoot ratios using spectral reflectance, foliar N and plant biophysical data within coastal marsh (United States)

    Jessica L. O'Connell,; Byrd, Kristin B.; Maggi Kelly,


    Broad-scale estimates of belowground biomass are needed to understand wetland resiliency and C and N cycling, but these estimates are difficult to obtain because root:shoot ratios vary considerably both within and between species. We used remotely-sensed estimates of two aboveground plant characteristics, aboveground biomass and % foliar N to explore biomass allocation in low diversity freshwater impounded peatlands (Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, CA, USA). We developed a hybrid modeling approach to relate remotely-sensed estimates of % foliar N (a surrogate for environmental N and plant available nutrients) and aboveground biomass to field-measured belowground biomass for species specific and mixed species models. We estimated up to 90% of variation in foliar N concentration using partial least squares (PLS) regression of full-spectrum field spectrometer reflectance data. Landsat 7 reflectance data explained up to 70% of % foliar N and 67% of aboveground biomass. Spectrally estimated foliar N or aboveground biomass had negative relationships with belowground biomass and root:shoot ratio in both Schoenoplectus acutus and Typha, consistent with a balanced growth model, which suggests plants only allocate growth belowground when additional nutrients are necessary to support shoot development. Hybrid models explained up to 76% of variation in belowground biomass and 86% of variation in root:shoot ratio. Our modeling approach provides a method for developing maps of spatial variation in wetland belowground biomass.

  6. Effect of the available soil water and organic matter on the castor bean foliar area growth; Influencia da agua disponivel e materia organica no crescimento da area foliar da mamoneira

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacerda, Rogerio D. de; Almeida, Larissa C.; Guerra, Hugo O. Carvalho; Souza, Cristiana M. de; Batista, Faed R. [Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), PB (Brazil)], Emails:,,,,


    The Brazilian potential for bio fuel production through the cultivation of oil seeds is immeasurable. On the Northeast is possible to cultivate the castor bean, peanuts, sesame, babassu and other species. Just for the castor bean there exist 3.0 millions of hectares able for cultivation. The experiment had as objective to study the effect of available soil water for plants and organic matter on the foliar area production. It was conducted on the field during the period of October 2008 to March 2009 using an experimental design 2 x 4 factorial on a randomized-complete block design, constituted of two soil organic matter contents (5.0{sup -1} and 25.0{sup -1}) and four soil water contents (100, 90, 80 and 70% of the soil available water for the plants) with 3 replicates. On each 100 m{sup 2} parcel 50 plants were cultivated until 180 days after the sowing, DAS. The analyses of variance allowed to observe that the addition of organic matter increased the foliar areas in 20,7% and the available water produced an increment of 51,5% when were elevated from 70 to 100%. (author)

  7. Foliar copper uptake by maize plants: effects on growth and yield

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    Rogério Hidalgo Barbosa


    Full Text Available A slight increase in the levels of a certain nutrient can cause a significant increase in crop yield or can cause phytotoxicity symptoms. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of copper (Cu on the growth and yield of DG-501 maize. The experiment was carried out between December 2009 and April 2010 in conventional tillage. When plants were with six to eight leaves, Cu (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600g ha-1 was applied to the leaves. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block with five replications. When 50% of the plants were in flowering, it was evaluated the plant height, culm diameter, height of the first ear insertion, leaf area, and chlorophyll content. At harvest, it was evaluated diameter and length of the ear, yield and thousand grain weight. There was a linear reduction in the plant height and in the height of the first ear insertion with increasing Cu doses. On the other hand, chlorophyll content, leaf area, diameter and length of ear, thousand grain weight and yield increased at doses up to 100g ha-1 Cu, however, decreased at higher doses. Therefore, foliar Cu application at doses higher than 100g ha-1 has toxic effect in maize plants with losses in growth and yield.

  8. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-dependent production of transformed roots from foliar explants of pepper (Capsicum annuum): a new and efficient tool for functional analysis of genes. (United States)

    Aarrouf, J; Castro-Quezada, P; Mallard, S; Caromel, B; Lizzi, Y; Lefebvre, V


    Pepper is known to be a recalcitrant species to genetic transformation via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A. rhizogenes-mediated transformation offers an alternative and rapid possibility to study gene functions in roots. In our study, we developed a new and efficient system for A. rhizogenes transformation of the cultivated species Capsicum annuum. Hypocotyls and foliar organs (true leaves and cotyledons) of Yolo Wonder (YW) and Criollo de Morelos 334 (CM334) pepper cultivars were inoculated with the two constructs pBIN-gus and pHKN29-gfp of A. rhizogenes strain A4RS. Foliar explants of both pepper genotypes infected by A4RS-pBIN-gus or A4RS-pHKN29-gfp produced transformed roots. Optimal results were obtained using the combination of the foliar explants with A4RS-pHKN29-gfp. 20.5% of YW foliar explants and 14.6% of CM334 foliar explants inoculated with A4RS-pHKN29-gfp produced at least one root expressing uniform green fluorescent protein. We confirmed by polymerase chain reaction the presence of the rolB and gfp genes in the co-transformed roots ensuring that they integrated both the T-DNA from the Ri plasmid and the reporter gene. We also demonstrated that co-transformed roots of YW and CM334 displayed the same resistance response to Phytophthora capsici than the corresponding untransformed roots. Our novel procedure to produce C. annuum hairy roots will thus support the functional analysis of potential resistance genes involved in pepper P. capsici interaction.

  9. Morfometria e nervação foliar em procedências de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill. (Aquifoliaceae = Morphometry and foliar venation in origins of maté (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill. (Aquifoliaceae

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    Vânia Helena Techio


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a morfologia foliar morfometria e nervação foliar de procedências de erva-mate coletadas no Sul do Brasil e Argentina. Analisaram-se 30 folhas de cada procedência, obtendo-se cinco medidas (comprimento total da folha, largura máxima, comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima, comprimento do pecíolo e área e calculando-se dois índices (comprimento total sobre a largura máxima e comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima sobre o comprimento total da folha. Para anervação foliar, as folhas foram clarificadas por meio da técnica de diafanização. Os maiores e menores valores morfométricos foram, respectivamente, 118 e 67 mm para comprimento da folha, 51 e 34 mm para largura máxima, 78 e 42 mm para comprimento desde a base até alargura máxima, 16 e 10 mm para comprimento do pecíolo, 2,3 e 2 mm para comprimento sobre largura máxima e 0,65 e 0,6 para comprimento desde a base até a largura máxima sobre o comprimento da folha. Quanto à nervação foliar, não foram observadas diferenças entre as folhas das distintas procedências, as quais apresentaram nervação primária penada, nervação secundária semicraspedódroma, nervuras terciárias com percurso alternado e sinuoso, nervação quaternária reticulada, constituída por polígonos regulares e nervação de 5ª ordem dicotomizante.The present research aimed to evaluate the foliar morphology(morphometry and leaf venation of origins of maté collected in southern Brazil and Argentina. For the study of the morphometry, thirty leaves/plant were analyzed, and five measurements (leaf total length, maximum width, length from the base until maximum width, area and petiole length and two indices were obtained (total leaf length on maximum width and length from basis until maximum width on total leaf length. The leaves were clarified by the clarificationtechnique and examined in stereomicroscope. The highest and lowest values of leaf

  10. Effect of ambient-level gas-phase peroxides on foliar injury, growth, and net photosynthesis in Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Xuan, E-mail: [Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, No.8, Dayangfang, Anwai, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012 (China); Aoki, Masatoshi [Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Saiwaicho 3-5-8, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8509 (Japan); Takami, Akinori [National Institute for Environmental Studies, Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8506 (Japan); Chai Fahe [Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, No.8, Dayangfang, Anwai, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012 (China); Hatakeyama, Shiro [Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Saiwaicho 3-5-8, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8509 (Japan)


    To investigate the effects of ambient-level gas-phase peroxides concurrent with O{sub 3} on foliar injury, photosynthesis, and biomass in herbaceous plants, we exposed Japanese radish (Raphanus sativus) to clean air, 50 ppb O{sub 3}, 100 ppb O{sub 3}, and 2-3 ppb peroxides + 50 ppb O{sub 3} in outdoor chambers. Compared with exposure to 100 ppb O{sub 3}, exposure to 2-3 ppb peroxides + 50 ppb O{sub 3} induced greater damage in foliar injury, net photosynthetic rates and biomass; the pattern of foliar injury and the cause of net photosynthetic rate reduction also differed from those occurring with O{sub 3} exposure alone. These results indicate for the first time that sub-ppb peroxides + 50 ppb O{sub 3} can cause more severe damage to plants than 100 ppb O{sub 3}, and that not only O{sub 3}, but also peroxides, could be contributing to the herbaceous plant damage and forest decline observed in Japan's air-polluted urban and remote mountains areas. - Ambient-level gas-phase peroxides coexisted with 50 ppb O{sub 3} may contribute to the herbaceous plants damage and forest decline observed in Japan.

  11. Análisis de crecimiento del chile jalapeño (capsicum annuum l. cv. hot, en Alajuela, Costa Rica

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    Álvaro Azofeifa


    Full Text Available El patrón de crecimiento de la planta de chile jalapeño (Capsicum annuum, cv Hot, se analizó durante un ciclo de cultivo, en Alajuela, Costa Rica, de mayo a noviembre de 1995. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con 4 repeticiones, los tratamientos fueron las épocas de muestreo. Cada 14 días, a partir del 85% de plántulas emergidas (26 días después de la siembra, DDS, fueron muestreadas 8 plantas, se determinó el área foliar y el peso seco en cada sección (raíz, parte aérea, flor y fruto, variables con las cuales se determinaron los índices fisiológicos y morfológicos. Las plantas presentaron una curva de crecimiento sigmoidal, con las siguientes fases: a- de 26-82 DDS: esta fase se caracterizó por un crecimiento lento, debido a que la planta era muy pequeña y apenas estaba desarrollando su sistema radical y foliar; bde 83-110 DDS: fase de rápido crecimiento vegetativo y reproductivo de las plantas. La planta presenta los valores de índice de crecimiento relativo (ICR e índice de asimilación neta (IAN más altos y los del índice de área foliar (IAF e índice de cosecha (K son crecientes. Tanto la razón de área foliar (RAF como la de peso radical (RPR presentan las reducciones más importantes; c- de 111-152 DDS: la tasa de crecimiento disminuye gradualmente. El crecimiento vegetativo y reproductivo es menor que en la fase anterior. Presenta valores de ICR, IAN y RAF decrecientes, K permanece constante; d- de 153-166 DDS, la planta alcanza la madurez y las tasas de crecimiento tienden a estabilizarse. El ICR presenta un valor cercano a cero. Los índices IAN, RAF y RPR son bajos y constantes; e- de 167-180 DDS, la planta muestra signos de senescencia y el contenido de materia seca decrece. El ICR muestra valores negativos. La producción de biomasa está ligada a la fenología de la planta, principalmente durante la floración y la fructificación. En estas fases, la planta invierte cantidades similares

  12. Contrasting nutritional acclimation of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh. and red maple (Acer rubrum L. to increasing conifers and soil acidity as demonstrated by foliar nutrient balances

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    Alexandre Collin


    Full Text Available Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall, SM is believed to be more sensitive to acidic and nutrient-poor soils associated with conifer-dominated stands than red maple (Acer rubrum L., RM. Greater foliar nutrient use efficiency (FNUE of RM is likely the cause for this difference. In the context of climate change, this greater FNUE could be key in favouring northward migration of RM over SM. We used the concept of foliar nutrient balances to study the nutrition of SM and RM seedlings along an increasing gradient in forest floor acidity conditioned by increasing proportions of conifers (pH values ranging from 4.39 under hardwoods, to 4.29 under mixed hardwood-conifer stands and 4.05 under conifer-dominated stands. Nutrients were subjected to isometric log-ratio (ilr transformation, which views the leaf as one closed system and considers interactions between nutrients. The ilr method eliminates numerical biases and weak statistical inferences based on raw or operationally’’ log-transformed data. We analyzed foliar nutrients of SM and RM seedlings and found that the [Ca,Mg,K|P,N] and [Ca,Mg|K] balances of SM seedlings were significantly different among soil acidity levels, whereas they did not vary for RM seedlings. For SM seedlings, these differences among soil acidity levels were due to a significant decrease in foliar Ca and Mg concentrations with increasing forest floor acidity. Similar differences in foliar balances were also found between healthy and declining SM stands estimated from literature values. Conversely, foliar balances of RM seedlings did not differ among soil acidity levels, even though untransformed foliar nutrient concentrations were significantly different. This result highlights the importance of using ilr transformation, since it provides more sensitive results than standard testing of untransformed nutrient concentrations. The lower nutrient requirements of RM and its greater capacity to maintain nutrient equilibrium are

  13. Ex Vivo Application of Secreted Metabolites Produced by Soil-Inhabiting Bacillus spp. Efficiently Controls Foliar Diseases Caused by Alternaria spp. (United States)

    Ali, Gul Shad; El-Sayed, Ashraf S A; Patel, Jaimin S; Green, Kari B; Ali, Mohammad; Brennan, Mary; Norman, David


    Bacterial biological control agents (BCAs) are largely used as live products to control plant pathogens. However, due to variable environmental and ecological factors, live BCAs usually fail to produce desirable results against foliar pathogens. In this study, we investigated the potential of cell-free culture filtrates of 12 different bacterial BCAs isolated from flower beds for controlling foliar diseases caused by Alternaria spp. In vitro studies showed that culture filtrates from two isolates belonging to Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens displayed strong efficacy and potencies against Alternaria spp. The antimicrobial activity of the culture filtrate of these two biological control agents was effective over a wider range of pH (3.0 to 9.0) and was not affected by autoclaving or proteolysis. Comparative liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analyses showed that a complex mixture of cyclic lipopeptides, primarily of the fengycin A and fengycin B families, was significantly higher in these two BCAs than inactive Bacillus spp. Interaction studies with mixtures of culture filtrates of these two species revealed additive activity, suggesting that they produce similar products, which was confirmed by LC-tandem MS analyses. In in planta pre- and postinoculation trials, foliar application of culture filtrates of B. subtilis reduced lesion sizes and lesion frequencies caused by Alternaria alternata by 68 to 81%. Taken together, our studies suggest that instead of live bacteria, culture filtrates of B. subtilis and B. amyloliquefaciens can be applied either individually or in combination for controlling foliar diseases caused by Alternaria species. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  14. Comparative SEM and LM foliar epidermal and palyno-morphological studies of Amaranthaceae and its taxonomic implications. (United States)

    Hussain, Amara Noor; Zafar, Muhammad; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Khan, Raees; Yaseen, Ghulam; Khan, Muhammad Saleem; Nazir, Abdul; Khan, Amir Muhammad; Shaheen, Shabnum


    Palynological features as well as comparative foliar epidermal using light and scanning electron microscope (SEM) of 17 species (10genera) of Amaranthaceae have been studied for its taxonomic significance. Different foliar and palynological micro-morphological characters were examined to explain their value in resolving the difficulty in identification. All species were amphistomatic but stomata on abaxial surface were more abundant. Taxonomically significant epidermal character including stomata type, trichomes (unicellular, multicellular, and capitate) and epidermal cells shapes (polygonal and irregular) were also observed. Pollens of this family are Polypantoporate, pores large, spheroidal, mesoporous region is sparsely to scabrate, densely psilate, and spinulose. All these characters can be active at species level for identification purpose. This study indicates that at different taxonomic levels, LM and SEM pollen and epidermal morphology is explanatory and significant to identify species and genera. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Foliar nitrogen and potassium applications improve photosynthetic activities and water relations in sunflower under moisture deficit condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hussain, R.A.; Ahmad, R.


    This study investigated the influence of foliar supplementation of nitrogen (N) potassium (K) and their combination on photosynthetic activities, physiological indices and water relations of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids Hysen-33 and LG-5551 under water deficit condition. Studies were conducted in a wire-house at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Treatments were two water stress levels [100 (control) and 60% field capacity (water deficit)], six levels of foliar spray (no spray, water spray, 1% N, 1% K, 0.5% N + 0.5% K and 1% N + 1% K) and each treatment was replicated three times. Results showed that water stress reduced the photosynthetic activities: Pn (photosynthetic rate), E (rate of tanspiration) and gs (stomatal conductance) and water relations i.e., pie w (water potential), pie s (osmotic potential) and pie p (turgor potential) . Soil moisture deficit also significantly reduced the plant height, root length, fresh and dry matter which consequently affected the plant height stress tolerance index (PHSI), root length stress tolerance index (RLSI) and dry matter stress tolerance index (DMSI) in both sunflower hybrids. However, foliar supplementation with N and K or N+K improved the photosynthetic activities, water relations and physiological indices of both the sunflower hybrids. The findings of present study suggest that application of N+K is necessary to have high plant productivity. (author)

  16. Foliar nutrients explain goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, adult feeding preference among four California oak species (United States)

    Yigen Chen; Tom. W. Coleman; Michael. I. Jones; Mary. L. Flint; Steven. J. Seybold


    Adults of the invasive goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), consumed foliar weight in no-choice feeding tests of, in descending order, California black oak Quercus kelloggii Newb., Engelmann oak, Quercus engelmannii Greene, coast live oak, Quercus...

  17. Physiological responses of Tillandsia albida (Bromeliaceae) to long-term foliar metal application. (United States)

    Kováčik, Jozef; Klejdus, Bořivoj; Stork, František; Hedbavny, Josef


    The impact of 2-month foliar application of cadmium, nickel and their combination (10 μM) on Tillandsia albida was studied. Cadmium caused damage of tissue but assimilation pigments were depressed in Cd+Ni variant only. Stress-related parameters (ROS and peroxidase activities) were elevated by Cd and Cd+Ni while MDA content remained unaffected. Free amino acids accumulated the most in Ni alone but soluble proteins were not influenced. Among phenolic acids, mainly vanillin contributed to increase of their sum in all variants while soluble phenols even decreased in Cd+Ni and flavonols slightly increased in Cd variants. Phenolic enzymes showed negligible responses to almost all treatments. Mineral nutrients (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, and Zn) were not affected by metal application but N content increased. Total Cd or Ni amounts reached over 400 μg g(-1) DW and were not affected if metal alone and combined treatment is compared while absorbed content differed (ca. 50% of total Cd was absorbed while almost all Ni was absorbed). These data indicate tolerance of T. albida to foliar metal application and together with strong xerophytic morphology, use for environmental studies is recommended. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Morfologia e distribuição de galhas foliares de Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae

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    Claudia Scareli-Santos


    Full Text Available Galhas são estruturas que exibem associações específicas entre o indutor e a planta hospedeira, onde são evidenciadas modificações morfológicas, anatômicas e químicas dos tecidos vegetais. Objetivou-se descrever a morfologia e a distribuição de galhas foliares de Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae. Foram coletadas 294 folhas, da porção apical dos ramos, de indivíduos localizados na Universidade Federal do Tocantins - Campus Araguaína, TO. Foram realizadas análises morfológicas utilizando microscópio estereoscópico, paquímetro e bibliografia específica. Determinou-se o número de galhas no limbo foliar seguida da análise de regressão linear entre o número de galhas por limbo e o seu comprimento. Foram observadas galhas do tipo cônico atravessando a lâmina foliar, glabras, de coloração verde quando jovens e vermelho alaranjadas quando maduras, com distribuição isolada/agrupada e aderência total; internamente apresentou um lóculo e uma larva do indutor (Cecidomyiidae. A distribuição das galhas no limbo apresentou diferenças significativas (p<0,001, em ordem decrescente foi observado maior número de galhas entre as nervuras (57,1%, sobre a nervura secundária (35,7%, na margem (6,3% e na nervura central (1,2%; a análise de regressão linear apresentou fracamente positiva (r2= 0,03; coeficiente de Pearson= 0,2025, o que sugere que a oviposição está associada, em parte, com o tamanho do limbo e que outras variáveis podem ser determinantes. Estes são os primeiros registros de galhas em A. occidentale no estado do Tocantins.

  19. Are nitrate exports in stream water linked to nitrogen fluxes in decomposing foliar litter? (United States)

    Kathryn B. Piatek; Mary Beth. Adams


    The central hardwood forest receives some of the highest rates of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, which results in nitrate leaching to surface waters. Immobilization of N in foliar litter during litter decomposition represents a potential mechanism for temporal retention of atmospherically deposited N in forest ecosystems. When litter N dynamics switch to the N-...

  20. Integrated effect of nutrients from a recirculation aquaponic system and foliar nutrition on the yield of tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. and Solanum pimpinellifolium. (United States)

    Gullian Klanian, Mariel; Delgadillo Diaz, Mariana; Aranda, Javier; Rosales Juárez, Carolina


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of tomato plants to efficiently use the nitrogen (N) of a recirculation aquaponic system (RAS) and to evaluate the effects of foliar fertilization as a complement to the water nutrition on the growth of the two tomato cultivars. The significant effect of six macro- and seven micronutrients was evaluated on the plant growth and on the fruit yield. Two experiments were performed in a nutrient film aquaponic unit. The first experiment was designed to study the effects of foliar fertilization on the seedlings of two tomato cultivars Costoluto Genovese (CG) (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Currant tomato (Ct) (Solanum pimpinellifolium) with 8% of weekly water exchange (WE8%-RAS). The foliar fertilizer was formulated with N restriction in the last 11 weeks (TF1). In the second experiment, two other foliar fertilization treatments (TF2 and TF3) were applied with a concentration of nutrients twice and triple that in TF1, but with a lower proportion of NPK ratio. These treatments were tested on the cultivar CG in a RAS with zero water exchange (WE0%-RAS). The data from the 1st experiment showed a positive effect of the foliar fertilization on the yield of both cultivars. The fertilization markedly influenced the dry matter weight of the CG; however, this effect was not observed in the Ct. The root length of both cultivars was positively influenced by the P content, whereas the plant height was affected by the excess of Co and S. According to the results from the 2nd experiment, the TF2 plants had the highest number of fruits with a high mean weight. The system was efficient in utilizing N from fish tank; the water K favored the yield of the CG fruit and the foliar K favored the growth of the TF2 plants. With a decrease in the foliar N, the CG plants were able to absorb 27.5% of the NO 3 - and 7.06% of total ammonia nitrogen from water. The absolute and relative growth rate of Nile tilapia was not affected by the rate

  1. Efeito do sombreamento na anatomia foliar de plantas jovens de andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aubl.

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    Dayse de Souza Aragão


    Full Text Available A capacidade de utilização da luz varia entre as espécies, e o sucesso de cada indivíduo depende de suas respostas morfoanatômicas. Este estudo avaliou a influência de diferentes intensidades luminosas sobre a anatomia foliar de mudas de Carapa guianensis Aubl. Folhas sadias do segundo e terceiro nós foram coletadas de plantas jovens desenvolvidas em quatro níveis de sombreamento: 30%, 50%, 70% e 0% (pleno sol, durante oito meses de experimento. Análises anatômicas foram feitas sob Microscopia Óptica (MO, a partir de lâminas temporárias e permanentes e sob Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV. A densidade estomática não apresentou diferenças significativas. As dimensões estomáticas e a espessura dos tecidos da lâmina foliar foram maiores com o aumento da intensidade luminosa. C. guianensis apresenta plasticidade anatômica, possibilitando a sobrevivência na floresta sob distintas condições luminosas.

  2. Avaliação de produtos para a nutrição da videira via foliar

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    J. C. Fráguas


    Full Text Available A nutrição da videira é fator fundamental para uma produção com qualidade. Muitas vezes, por razões fisiológicas, principalmente nutricionais, ocorrem problemas de baixa brotação, refletindo na produtividade da videira. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de formulações de macro e micronutrientes via foliar, ativadas com poliexose, na produção de videira com deficiência na brotação, realizou-se um experimento por dois anos, em um vinhedo do cv. Merlot enxertado sobre o porta-enxerto R110, formado no sistema lira, localizado no município de Monte Belo do Sul (RS. Os tratamentos, em número de 11, foram compostos por três programas de nutrição foliar, cada um com três dosagens, um programa denominado tratamento básico (TB e um tratamento-testemunha (sem nutrição foliar chamado de tratamento do produtor (TP. O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Foram avaliadas as variáveis: produtividade por gema, produtividade por gema brotada, percentagem de gemas brotadas, produção por planta e por área, qualidade das uvas (ºBrix, acidez total e pH, índices de doenças nos cachos, diagnóstico nutricional e relação custo-benefício dos programas. A análise estatística (contrastes ortogonais só registrou efeitos significativos entre as doses 2 e 3, dentro do programa 2, para percentagem de gemas brotadas (1994/95. Na safra de 1995/96, os efeitos significativos foram para adubação foliar contra a testemunha e para as doses 2 e 3, nos programas 1 e 2, para a produtividade por gema e percentagem de gemas brotadas. Houve efeito cumulativo dos programas nas variáveis analisadas. As relações custo-benefício do TB foram superiores às dos demais programas e, em relação à testemunha, alcançaram 1:12,8 e 1:16,0, nas safras de 1994/95 e 1995/96, respectivamente.

  3. Nanocarrier-mediated foliar zinc fertilization influences expression of metal homeostasis related genes in flag leaves and enhances gluten content in durum wheat


    Deshpande, Paresh; Dapkekar, Ashwin; Oak, Manoj; Paknikar, Kishore; Rajwade, Jyutika


    Background Wheat is the staple food for most of the world’s population; however, it is a poor source of zinc. Foliar fertilization of zinc via zinc loaded chitosan nanocarriers (Zn-CNP) post-anthesis has proved to be a promising approach for grain zinc enhancement in durum wheat as evidenced in our earlier study. However, the molecular mechanism of uptake of zinc via Zn-CNP remains unclear. Methods/Principle findings Foliar application of Zn-CNP was performed at post anthesis stages in two du...

  4. Aplicação foliar de cálcio em pessegueiro na Serra Gaúcha: avaliação do teor de nutrientes na folha, no fruto e produção Foliar application of calcium in peach in Serra Gaúcha: evaluation of content of nutrients in the leaf, fruit and yield

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    Gustavo Brunetto


    Full Text Available Na região Sul do Brasil, as aplicações foliares de cálcio têm sido usadas durante o ciclo produtivo do pessegueiro. Entretanto se carece de conhecimentos sobre o teor de cálcio e de outros nutrientes na folha, usada para estimar o estado nutricional da planta, no fruto, utilizado como referência para definir a ocorrência de distúrbio fisiológico e na produção. O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de pulverizações foliares de diferentes fontes de cálcio no seu teor e de outros nutrientes nas folhas, nos frutos e na produção. O trabalho compreendeu dois experimentos e foi conduzido na safra agrícola de 2003/2004, em um pomar comercial de pessegueiro da cultivar Chimarrita, em Pinto Bandeira-RS, sobre um Cambissolo Húmico. O experimento 1 consistiu de uma, duas e três pulverizações foliares de cloreto de cálcio nas concentrações de 0 (água; 0,5; 1,0 e 2,0%. O experimento 2 compreendeu uma, duas e três pulverizações foliares de nitrato de cálcio nas concentrações de 0 (água; 0,5; 1,0 e 2,0%. O delineamento experimental usado nos dois experimentos foi de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições e três plantas por parcela, que foram distribuídas ao longo da linha de plantio. Nas plantas dos dois experimentos, foram coletadas folhas completas (limbo+pecíolo do terço médio dos ramos do ano, nos diferentes lados da planta, secas, moídas e preparadas para a análise dos teores de cálcio, nitrogênio, potássio e magnésio. Na maturação completa, os frutos foram colhidos e determinados a massa, a produção e os teores de cálcio, nitrogênio, potássio e magnésio. Os resultados mostraram que as aplicações foliares de cloreto de cálcio e nitrato de cálcio durante o ciclo produtivo do pessegueiro aumentaram o teor de cálcio na folha. Porém, não afetaram o teor de nitrogênio, potássio e magnésio na folha, o teor de cálcio, nitrogênio, potássio e magnésio no fruto e na produção.Foliar application of

  5. Foliar Mn accumulation in eastern Australian herbarium specimens: prospecting for ‘new’ Mn hyperaccumulators and potential applications in taxonomy (United States)

    Fernando, Denise R.; Guymer, Gordon; Reeves, Roger D.; Woodrow, Ian E.; Baker, Alan J.; Batianoff, George N.


    Background and Aims The analysis of herbarium specimens has previously been used to prospect for ‘new’ hyperaccumulators, while the use of foliar manganese (Mn) concentrations as a taxonomic tool has been suggested. On the basis of their geographic and taxonomic affiliations to known Mn hyperaccumulators, six eastern Australian genera from the Queensland Herbarium collection were sampled for leaf tissue analyses. Methods ICP-OES was used to measure Mn and other elemental concentrations in 47 species within the genera Austromyrtus, Lenwebbia, Gossia (Myrtaceae), Macadamia (Proteaceae), Maytenus and Denhamia (Celastraceae). Key Results The resulting data demonstrated (a) up to seven ‘new’ Mn hyperaccumulators, mostly tropical rainforest species; (b) that one of these ‘new’ Mn hyperaccumulators also had notably elevated foliar Ni concentrations; (c) evidence of an interrelationship between foliar Mn and Al uptake among the Macadamias; (d) considerable variability of Mn hyperaccumulation within Gossia; and (e) the possibility that Maytenus cunninghamii may include subspecies. Conclusions Gossia bamagensis, G. fragrantissima, G. sankowsiorum, G. gonoclada and Maytenus cunninghamii were identified as ‘new’ Mn hyperaccumulators, while Gossia lucida and G. shepherdii are possible ‘new’ Mn hyperaccumulators. Of the three Myrtaceae genera examined, Mn hyperaccumulation appears restricted to Gossia, supporting its recent taxonomic revision. In the context of this present investigation and existing information, a reassesment of the general definition of Mn hyperaccumulation may be warranted. Morphological variation of Maytenus cunninghamii at two extremities was consistent with variation in Mn accumulation, indicating two possible ‘new’ subspecies. Although caution should be exercised in interpreting the data, surveying herbarium specimens by chemical analysis has provided an effective means of assessing foliar Mn accumulation. These findings should be

  6. Avaliação da nutrição de plantações jovens de eucalipto por análise foliar e métodos não destrutivos Nutrition evaluation in young Eucalyptus plantation by foliar analysis and non-destructive methods

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    Ana Carla Madeira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o crescimento e estado nutritivo de jovens Eucalyptus por análise foliar tradicional (teores de N, P e pigmentos fotossintéticos e com o medidor de clorofila SPAD-502. Efectuou-se uma gestão diferenciada dos resíduos de abate da plantação anterior, com incorporação dos resíduos no solo (I, remoção dos resíduos (R, e distribuição dos resíduos à superfície (S; aplicou-se um fertilizante azotado (IF, RF e SF e introduziuse uma leguminosa do género Lupinus (IL e RL. Não houve diferenças significativas no crescimento entre I, R e S. A aplicação de fertilizante intensificou o crescimento em SF e IF. O teor foliar de N foi no início positivamente afectado pelo Lupinus (IL e RL. Após a primeira aplicação de fertilizante, este teor foi significativamente superior em IF, RF e SF, esbatendo-se a diferença entre tratamentos após as aplicações seguintes; semelhante padrão foi observado para os pigmentos e o SPAD. Os valores de SPAD correlacionaram-se (PThe growth and nutritional state of young Eucalyptus was evaluated by foliar analysis (contents of N, P and photosynthetic pigments and the SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter. An experimental system was used with different harvest residues management, such as incorporation of residues into the soil (I, removal of residues (R, and distribution of residues on the soil surface (S, with N fertiliser application (IF, RF and SF, and with the leguminous Lupinus seeding (IL and RL. No significant differences in growth were found between the I, R and S. Application of fertiliser increased growth in the SF and IF. Initially, foliar N content was positively affected by the leguminous (RL and IL. After the first fertiliser application, a higher N content was observed in the IF, RF and SF, the differences being reduced in the following applications; a similar trend was observed for extracted pigments and SPAD values. Foliar N contents were correlated (P<0.05 with SPAD values. The

  7. Determine the Optimal Levels of Bio-fertilizers and Foliar Application of Iron on Yield and Quality Indices of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.

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    zahra mir


    Full Text Available Introduction In conventional agricultural systems to obtain the highest performance continuous use of chemical fertilizers is inevitable. The health of the plant, soil and living matter depends on the rotation of food elements in the ecosystem. This cycle is disrupted as a result of the loss of soil fertility, its food imbalance and inappropriate cultivation practices. Bio-fertilizers are composed of beneficial microorganisms, each for a specific purpose, such as nitrogen fixation, release of phosphate ions, potassium, iron. It should be noted that most studies in the field for sour Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa are based on the use of various chemical fertilizers, but the reaction of this plant to bio-fertilizers and iron solubilization has not been considered. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of bio fertilizers and iron on yield and quality traits of Roselle in hot and dry weather conditions. Materials and Methods In order to investigate the effects of bio-fertilizers and foliar application iron on yield and quality indicators Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa experiment in Research field of Zabol University Agriculture Institute in 2015-2016 years was performed with split-plot based on completely randomized design and three replications. Treatments consisted of four levels of bio-fertilizers: control (without fertilizer, vermicompost, cow manure, seaweed and iron foliar applications include: lack of iron, foliar application at a rate of 3cc per thousand, 6cc per thousand was considered. As a source of bio-fertilizer treatments and foliar application iron levels were considered as sub plots. Before sowing Roselle seeds, vermicompost and manure were added to the soil and inoculation operation . Measurements were: economic yield, biological yield, harvest index, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids, anthocyanins, carbohydrates and protein. Statistical analysis of data was done with SAS software version 9.1 and mean comparison with

  8. Métodos de análisis foliar aplicados bosques naturales y exóticos de interés comercial: características, ventajas y desventajas.

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    Carlos Esse


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo, corresponde a una síntesis bibliográfica cuyo objetivo radica en la descripción de las principales características de tres de los métodos más utilizados en los análisis de tejido foliar de origen vegetal. Para ello, se analizaron los estudios relacionados la temática expuesta, desde los cuales se extrajeron los principales resultados y discusiones sobre las ventajas del uso de cada uno de ellos. Los métodos aquí presentados corresponden al método de los valores críticos (VC, método DRIS (diagnosis and recommendation integrated system, y método a través del análisis de vectores. Las principales conclusiones indican que los tres métodos permiten abordar en general las distintas condiciones en las cuales crecen los bosques naturales y exóticos de interés comercial, no destacándose ningún método sobre otro, sin embargo, cada uno posee sus ventajas dependiendo de la especie tratada y el sitio. Lo anterior permite su recomendación con base a características de la especie analizada y las condiciones de sitio en las cuales crece y se desarrollan las especies forestales.

  9. Effect of the foliar enrichment and herbicides on maize and associated weeds irrigated with drainage water

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    Roshdy M.H. Tagour


    Full Text Available A two-year field experiment was conducted during summer seasons of 2013 and 2014, which were irrigated by drainage water which belong to salinity class (C3S1 to C4S2, to study the effect of the foliar enrichment namely (Anti-stress and weed management treatments (some pre and post-emergence herbicides and two-hand hoeing on maize growth, yield, yield components and chemical composition of maize grains and associated weeds (Portulaca oleracea, Amaranthus retroflexus and Echinochloa colonum. The results illustrated that application of the foliar enrichment enhanced the dry weight of weeds and increased maize growth characters, yield and yield components and total crude protein and total oil percentage of grain maize, as compared with untreated treatment. All weed management treatments caused a significant reduction in total dry weight of weeds at 60 and 80 days after sowing in both seasons. Two-hand hoeing treatment exerted the highest decrease in total dry weight of weeds followed by metribuzin, oxadiagyl, fluroxypyr and bentazon, respectively at 60 and 80 days after sowing compared with other weed management treatments. While, the highest values of maize growth, yield, yield components and maize grains' content of protein and oil was obtained with two-hand hoeing followed by metribuzin, oxadiagyl, fluroxypyr and bentazon, respectively. While, two hands hoeing produced the maximum values of leaf area, ear length, the weight of kernels plant−1, but applying of metribuzin treatment gave the highest values of total oil percentage of grain maize when the foliar enrichment was used.

  10. Influência da temperatura e da duração do molhamento foliar na severidade do míldio da cebola

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    Leandro Luiz Marcuzzo

    Full Text Available RESUMO No presente trabalho foram estudadas, em condições controladas para o desenvolvimento de um modelo climático baseado na influência da temperatura (10, 15, 20 e 25°C e da duração do molhamento foliar (6, 12, 24 e 48 horas na severidade do míldio da cebola incitado por Peronospora destructor. A densidade relativa de lesões foi influenciada pela temperatura e pela duração do molhamento foliar (P<0,05. A doença foi mais severa na temperatura de 15°C. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão não linear. A função beta generalizada foi usada para ajuste dos dados de severidade e temperatura, enquanto uma função logística foi escolhida para representar o efeito do molhamento foliar na severidade do míldio da cebola. A superfície de resposta obtida pelo produto das duas funções foi expressa por SE = 0,1506 * (((x-80,0614 * ((30-x0,1419 * (0,71642/(1+0,56954 * exp (-0,04460*y, onde SE, representa o valor da severidade estimada (0,1; x, a temperatura (ºC e y, o molhamento foliar (horas. Este modelo climático deverá ser validado em condições de campo para aferir o seu emprego como um sistema de previsão computacional para o míldio da cebola

  11. Changes in conifer and deciduous forest foliar and forest floor chemistry and basal area tree growth across a nitrogen (N) deposition gradient in the northeastern US (United States)

    Johnny L. Boggs; Steven G. McNulty; Linda H. Pardo


    We evaluated foliar and forest floor chemistry across a gradient of N deposition in the Northeast at 11 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) sites in 1987/1988 and foliar and forest floor chemistry and basal area growth at six paired spruce and deciduous sites in 1999. The six red spruce plots were a subset of the original 1987/1988 spruce sites. In 1999...

  12. Indicadores de crecimiento de una población de 48 clones de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. con valor forrajero

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    Yoslen Fernández Gálvez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar indicadores de crecimiento en una población de 48 clones de caña de azúcar con rasgos fenotípicos promisorios para la producción de forraje. Se evaluaron los indicadores: área foliar (A; índice de área foliar (LAI; razón de área foliar (LAR; área foliar específica (SLA; razón de peso foliar (LWR; tasa de crecimiento del cultivo (CGR; tasa de asimilación neta (NAR; tasa de crecimiento relativo en peso (RGR; velocidad de producción de biomasa (G; duración del área foliar (LAD y duración de la biomasa (Z, con una periodicidad de un mes desde los 187 y hasta los 370 días. Se determinaron los valores mínimos, medios, máximos y la varianza de la población en todas las edades de corte y para cada una de las variables evaluadas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten contar con valores cuantitativos que pueden ser utilizados como referencia para la selección y evaluación de genotipos con características forrajeras para la alimentación de rumiantes.

  13. Foliar application with nano-silicon alleviates Cd toxicity in rice seedlings. (United States)

    Wang, Shihua; Wang, Fayuan; Gao, Shuangcheng


    Nanofertilizers may be more effective than regular fertilizers in improving plant nutrition, enhancing nutrition use efficiency, and protecting plants from environmental stress. A hydroponic pot experiment was conducted to study the role of foliar application with 2.5 mM nano-silicon in alleviating Cd stress in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. cv Youyou 128) grown in solution added with or without 20 μM CdCl2. The results showed that Cd treatment decreased the growth and the contents of Mg, Fe, Zn, chlorophyll a, and glutathione (GSH), accompanied by a significant increase in Cd accumulation. However, foliar application with nano-Si improved the growth, Mg, Fe, and Zn nutrition, and the contents of chlorophyll a of the rice seedlings under Cd stress and decreased Cd accumulation and translocation of Cd from root to shoot. Cd treatment produced oxidative stress to rice seedlings indicated by a higher lipid peroxidation level (as malondialdehyde (MDA)) and higher activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT), and a lower GSH content. However, those nano-Si-treated plants had lower MDA but higher GSH content and different antioxidant enzyme activities, indicating a higher Cd tolerance in them. The results suggested that nano-Si application alleviated Cd toxicity in rice by decreasing Cd accumulation, Cd partitioning in shoot and MDA level and by increasing content of some mineral elements (Mg, Fe, and Zn) and antioxidant capacity.

  14. Foliar anatomy and histochemistry in seven species of Eucalyptus Anatomia e histoquímica foliar de sete espécies de Eucalyptus

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    Leonardo David Tuffi Santos


    Full Text Available This work aimed to describe the foliar anatomy of seven species of Eucalyptus, emphasizing the characterization of secretory structures and the chemical nature of the compounds secreted and /or present in the leaves. Anatomical characterization and histochemical evaluation to determine the nature and localization of the secondary compounds were carried out in fully expanded leaves, according to standard methodology. Anatomical differences were verified among the species studied, especially in E. pyrocarpa. Sub-epidermal cavities were the only secretory structures found in the seven species studied, with higher density in E. pellita and lower in E. pilularis. The following compounds were histochemically detected: lipophilic compounds, specifically lipids of the essential or resin-oil type and sesquiterpene lactones found in the lumen of the cavities of the seven species; and hydrophilic compounds, of the phenolic compound type found in the mesophyll of all the species studied and on the epidermis of some of them. The results confirmed the complexity of the product secreted by the cavities, stressing the homogeneous histochemistry nature of these compounds among the species. However, the phenolic compounds results may be an indication of important variations in adaptations and ecological relations, since they show differences among the species.Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho descrever a anatomia foliar de sete espécies de Eucalyptus, com ênfase na caracterização de estruturas secretoras e da natureza química dos compostos secretados e/ou presentes no limbo foliar. A caracterização anatômica e a avaliação histoquímica para determinação da natureza e localização dos compostos secundários foram realizadas em folhas totalmente expandidas segundo metodologia usual. Houve diferenças anatômicas entre as espécies estudadas, especialmente em E. pyrocarpo. Cavidades subepidérmicas foram as únicas estruturas secretoras encontradas

  15. Biocontrol del moho foliar del tomate Cladosporium fulvum empleando cuatro hongos antagonistas Biocontrole do mofo foliar em tomateiro empregando quatro fungos antagonistas Biocontrol of leaf mold of tomato Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke 1883 employing four antagonistic fungi

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    Enrique Torres


    Full Text Available El moho foliar Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke 1883 produce una enfermedad que ataca el cultivo de tomate en invernadero en el Perú. Como alternativa al control de este patógeno se probó la eficiencia bajo condiciones in vitro e invernadero de cuatro hongos antagonistas: Hansfordia pulvinata (Berk y Curt 1958, Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai 1969, T. viride (Persoon 1821 y T. virens (Miller, Giddens y Foster 1963. El cultivo y crecimiento de los hongos se realizó en Agar Sabouraud para Trichoderma spp. y en Agar Jugo V8 para H. pulvinata. El bioensayo empleado fue el de placas precolonizadas propuesto por Krauss. En condiciones in vitro se observó que a 24 ºC y 72 h, el crecimiento de T. harzianum fue estadísticamente diferente de las otras tres especies ensayadas, y a 28 ºC fue similar a T. viride. A 24 ºC y a las 120 h, T. virens fue diferente de todas las especies evaluadas. A las 168 h el crecimiento de las tres especies de Trichoderma fue estadísticamente similar, diferenciándose de H. pulvinata. A 28 ºC a las 120 h y 168 h los resultados fueron estadísticamente similares para las tres especies de Trichoderma, pero diferentes de H. pulvinata. El mecanismo de acción más común para los hongos antagonistas fue el micoparasitismo. Finalmente, T. harzianum fue más eficiente debido a que redujo la severidad de la enfermedad en un 19,35 % bajo condiciones de invernadero.O mofo foliar Cladosporium fulvum (Cooke, 1883 produz uma enfermidade que ataca o cultivo do tomateiro em casa de vegetação no Peru. Como alternativa ao controle desse patógeno, testou-se a eficiência, sob condições in vitro e casa de vegetatção, de quatro fungos antagonistas: Hansfordia pulvinata (Berk y Curt 1958, Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai 1969, T. viride (Persoon 1821 y T. virens (Miller, Giddens y Foster 1963. O cultivo e crescimento dos fungos foi realizado em Agar Sabouraud para Trichoderma spp. e em Agar Suco V8 para H. pulvinata. O bioensaio empregado

  16. Slow-cycle effects of foliar herbivory alter the nitrogen acquisition and population size of Collembola (United States)

    Mark A. Bradford; Tara Gancos; Christopher J. Frost


    In terrestrial systems there is a close relationship between litter quality and the activity and abundance of decomposers. Therefore, the potential exists for aboveground, herbivore-induced changes in foliar chemistry to affect soil decomposer fauna. These herbivore-induced changes in chemistry may persist across growing seasons. While the impacts of such slow-cycle...

  17. New substrate containing agroindustrial carnauba residue for production of papaya under foliar fertilization


    Albano,Francisca G.; Cavalcante,Ítalo H. L.; Machado,Jailson S.; Lacerda,Claudivan F. de; Silva,Esdras R. da; Sousa,Humberto G. de


    ABSTRACT The use of organic waste in the composition of substrates for seedlings constitutes an alternative to the recycling of these materials. Thus, an experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate the production of ‘Formosa’ papaya seedlings in substrate containing carnauba wax residue, under foliar fertilization. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates, with treatments distributed in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, corresponding to five mater...

  18. Increasing Selenium and Yellow Pigment Concentrations in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) Grain with Foliar Application of Selenite. (United States)

    Ning, Na; Yuan, Xiang-Yang; Dong, Shu-Qi; Wen, Yin-Yuan; Gao, Zhen-Pan; Guo, Mei-Jun; Guo, Ping-Yi


    Although addition of selenium (Se) is known to increase Se in crops, it is unclear whether exogenous Se is linked to nutritional and functional components in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.). In this study, we examined the potential of increasing Se and yellow pigment (YP) in foxtail millet grain by foliar application of Se. Field experiments were conducted during the growing season of foxtail millet in 2013 and 2014 to assess the effects of foliar spray of sodium selenite (10-210 g Se ha(-1)) on the yield, Se uptake and accumulation, total YP, and microminerals in the grain. Average grain yields with Se application were 5.60 and 4.53 t ha(-1) in the 2 years, showing no significant differences from the unfertilized control. However, grain Se concentration increased linearly with Se application rate, by 8.92 and 6.09 μg kg(-1) in the 2 years with application of 1 g Se ha(-1) (maximum grain recovery rates of Se fertilizer, 52 and 28 %). Likewise, total grain YP concentration markedly increased by 0.038 and 0.031 mg kg(-1) in the 2 years with application of 1 g Se ha(-1). Grain Mn, Cu, Fe, and Zn concentrations were not significantly affected by Se application. This study indicated that foliar application of Se effectively and reliably increased the concentrations of Se and YP in foxtail millet grain without affecting the yield or mineral micronutrient concentrations. Thus, foliar-applied selenite has a significant potential to increase the concentrations of selenium and YP (putative lutein (Shen, J Cereal Sci 61:86-93, 2015; Abdel-Aal, Cereal Chem 79:455-457, 2002; Abdel-Aal, J Agric Food Chem 55:787-794, 2007)) of foxtail millet and, thus, the health benefits of this crop.

  19. Meta-analysis of yield response of hybrid field corn to foliar fungicides in the U.S. Corn Belt. (United States)

    Paul, P A; Madden, L V; Bradley, C A; Robertson, A E; Munkvold, G P; Shaner, G; Wise, K A; Malvick, D K; Allen, T W; Grybauskas, A; Vincelli, P; Esker, P


    The use of foliar fungicides on field corn has increased greatly over the past 5 years in the United States in an attempt to increase yields, despite limited evidence that use of the fungicides is consistently profitable. To assess the value of using fungicides in grain corn production, random-effects meta-analyses were performed on results from foliar fungicide experiments conducted during 2002 to 2009 in 14 states across the United States to determine the mean yield response to the fungicides azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, and propiconazole + azoxystrobin. For all fungicides, the yield difference between treated and nontreated plots was highly variable among studies. All four fungicides resulted in a significant mean yield increase relative to the nontreated plots (P pyraclostrobin (256 kg/ha), and lowest for azoxystrobin (230 kg/ha). Baseline yield (mean yield in the nontreated plots) had a significant effect on yield for propiconazole + azoxystrobin (P pyraclostrobin, propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, and propiconazole + azoxystrobin but not to azoxystrobin. Mean yield difference was generally higher in the lowest yield and higher disease severity categories than in the highest yield and lower disease categories. The probability of failing to recover the fungicide application cost (p(loss)) also was estimated for a range of grain corn prices and application costs. At the 10-year average corn grain price of $0.12/kg ($2.97/bushel) and application costs of $40 to 95/ha, p(loss) for disease severity pyraclostrobin, 0.62 to 0.93 for propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, 0.58 to 0.89 for propiconazole + azoxystrobin, and 0.91 to 0.99 for azoxystrobin. When disease severity was >5%, the corresponding probabilities were 0.36 to 95, 0.25 to 0.69, 0.25 to 0.64, and 0.37 to 0.98 for the four fungicides. In conclusion, the high p(loss) values found in most scenarios suggest that the use of these foliar fungicides is unlikely to be profitable when

  20. Foliar fertilization of sugarcane (Saccharum spp): absorption and translocation of 15-N-labeled urea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivelin, P.C.O.; Carvalho, J.G. de; Silva, A.Q. da; Primavesi, A.C.P.A.; Camacho, E.; Eimori, I.E.; Guilherme, M.R.


    The absorption and translocation of foliar applied nitrogen as urea solution to sugar cane plants was evaluated. An experiment using the isotope dilution technique with 15 N labeled urea was carried out in green house condition. Seedlings of sugarcane variety IAC 53-150 were planted in pots with 5KG of top soil''latossolo vermelho amarelo, fase arenosa'' (Haplustox). (M.A.C.) [pt

  1. Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Foliar Uptake, Phytotoxicity, and Consequences for Sustainable Urban Agriculture. (United States)

    Xiong, TianTian; Dumat, Camille; Dappe, Vincent; Vezin, Hervé; Schreck, Eva; Shahid, Muhammad; Pierart, Antoine; Sobanska, Sophie


    Throughout the world, urban agriculture supplies fresh local vegetables to city populations. However, the increasing anthropogenic uses of metal-containing nanoparticles (NPs) such as CuO-NPs in urban areas may contaminate vegetables through foliar uptake. This study focused on the CuO-NP transfer processes in leafy edible vegetables (i.e., lettuce and cabbage) to assess their potential phytotoxicity. Vegetables were exposed via leaves for 5, 10, or 15 days to various concentrations of CuO-NPs (0, 10, or 250 mg per plant). Biomass and gas exchange values were determined in relation to the Cu uptake rate, localization, and Cu speciation within the plant tissues. High foliar Cu uptake occurred after exposure for 15 days for lettuce [3773 mg (kg of dry weight) -1 ] and cabbage [4448 mg (kg of dry weight) -1 ], along with (i) decreased plant weight, net photosynthesis level, and water content and (ii) necrotic Cu-rich areas near deformed stomata containing CuO-NPs observed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Analysis of the CuO-NP transfer rate (7.8-242 μg day -1 ), translocation of Cu from leaves to roots and Cu speciation biotransformation in leaf tissues using electron paramagnetic resonance, suggests the involvement of plant Cu regulation processes. Finally, a potential health risk associated with consumption of vegetables contaminated with CuO-NPs was highlighted.

  2. Foliar Potassium Fertilizer Additives Affect Soybean Response and Weed Control with Glyphosate

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    Kelly A. Nelson


    Full Text Available Research in 2004 and 2005 determined the effects of foliar-applied K-fertilizer sources (0-0-62-0 (%N-%P2O5-%K2O-%S, 0-0-25-17, 3-18-18-0, and 5-0-20-13 and additive rates (2.2, 8.8, and 17.6 kg K ha−1 on glyphosate-resistant soybean response and weed control. Field experiments were conducted at Novelty and Portageville with high soil test K and weed populations and at Malden with low soil test K and weed populations. At Novelty, grain yield increased with fertilizer additives at 8.8 kg K ha−1 in a high-yield, weed-free environment in 2004, but fertilizer additives reduced yield up to 470 kg ha−1 in a low-yield year (2005 depending on the K source and rate. At Portageville, K-fertilizer additives increased grain yield from 700 to 1160 kg ha−1 compared to diammonium sulfate, depending on the K source and rate. At Malden, there was no yield response to K sources. Differences in leaf tissue K (P=0.03, S (P=0.03, B (P=0.0001, and Cu (P=0.008 concentrations among treatments were detected 14 d after treatment at Novelty and Malden. Tank mixtures of K-fertilizer additives with glyphosate may provide an option for foliar K applications.

  3. Spatial estimation of foliar phosphorus in different species of the genus Coffea based on soil properties

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    Samuel de Assis Silva


    Full Text Available Information underlying analyses of coffee fertilization systems should consider both the soil and the nutritional status of plants. This study investigated the spatial relationship between phosphorus (P levels in coffee plant tissues and soil chemical and physical properties. The study was performed using two arabica and one canephora coffee variety. Sampling grids were established in the areas, and the points georeferenced. The assessed properties of the soil were levels of available phosphorus (P-Mehlich, remaining phosphorus (P-rem and particle size, and of the plant tissue, phosphorus levels (foliar P. The data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and probability tests. Geostatistical and trend analyses were only performed for pairs of variables with significant linear correlation. The spatial variability for foliar P content was high for the variety Catuai and medium for the other evaluated plants. Unlike P-Mehlich, the variability in P-rem of the soil indicated the nutritional status of this nutrient in the plant.

  4. Pattern of zinc-65 incorporation into soybean seeds by root absorption, stem injection, and foliar application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.; Weaver, C.M.


    The pattern of 65 Zn incorporation into soybean seeds of plants grown hydroponically and intrinsically labeled with 65 Zn by root absorption, stem injection, and foliar application was studied. Stem injection resulted in the greatest (64.5% of dose) accumulation of 65 Zn while incorporation of 65 Zn through root absorption was the least (23.4%) and through foliar application was intermediate (37.5%). Regardless of the labeling techniques, approximately 40-45% of the seed 65 Zn was associated with the subcellular organelles. The pattern of zinc incorporation did not change appreciably as a result of the labeling technique. The major portion of the soluble zinc was not associated with the major proteins (11S and 7S) of soybeans but either was free or was associated with very low molecular weight amino acids, peptides, or their complexes with phytic acid. Zinc in soybean seems to be ionically bound, and this association is affected by the pH of the extracting buffer

  5. Modelo para determinção da área foliar de Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln Model for leaf area determination in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln


    Marcia Xavier Peiter; Adroaldo Dias Robaina; Ana Rita Costenaro Parizi


    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a verificação de um procedimento matemático que permita a descrição do crescimento foliar de Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln.) e possa prever a sua área foliar fotossinteticamente ativa a partir de medidas não destrutivas de folhas. As mudas de Kalanchoe Cv. "Gold Jewel" foram cultivadas para o procedimento experimental em vasos irrigados com doses recomendadas para a cultura. Semanalmente, foram retirados três vasos da estufa e as plantas tiver...

  6. Method for the analysis of triadimefon and ethofumesate from dislodgeable foliar residues on turfgrass by solid-phase extraction and in-vial elution. (United States)

    Runes, H B; Jenkins, J J; Field, J A


    Triadimefon, a fungicide, and ethofumesate, an herbicide, are commonly applied to turfgrass in the Pacific Northwest, resulting in foliar residues. A simple and rapid method was developed to determine triadimefon and ethofumesate concentrations from dislodgeable foliar residues on turfgrass. Turfgrass samples were washed, and wash water containing surfactant (a 0.126% solution) was collected for residue analysis. This analytical method utilizes a 25 mm C(8) Empore disk and in-vial elution to quantitatively determine triadimefon and ethofumesate in 170 mL aqueous samples. The analytes were eluted by placing the disk in a 2 mL autosampler vial with 980 microL of ethyl acetate and 20 microL of 2-chlorolepidine, the internal standard, for analysis by GC/MS. The method quantitation limits are 0.29 microg/L for ethofumesate and 0.59 microg/L for triadimefon. The method detection limits are 0.047 microg/L and 0.29 microg/L for ethofumesate and triadimefon, respectively. Concentrations of triadimefon and ethofumesate from dislodgeable foliar residues from a field study are reported.

  7. Foliar potassium nitrate application improves the tolerance of Citrus macrophylla L. seedlings to drought conditions. (United States)

    Gimeno, V; Díaz-López, L; Simón-Grao, S; Martínez, V; Martínez-Nicolás, J J; García-Sánchez, F


    Scarcity of water is a severe limitation in citrus tree productivity. There are few studies that consider how to manage nitrogen (N) nutrition in crops suffering water deficit. A pot experiment under controlled-environment chambers was conducted to explore if additional N supply via foliar application could improve the drought tolerance of Citrus macrophylla L. seedlings under dry conditions. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to a completely random design with two water treatments (drought stress and 100% water/field capacity). Plants under drought stress (DS) received three different N supplies via foliar application (DS: 0, DS + NH4NO3: 2% NH4NO3, DS + KNO3: 2% KNO3). KNO3-spraying increased leaf and stem DW as compared with DS + NH4NO3 and DS treatments. Leaf water potential (Ψw) was decreased by drought stress in all the treatments. However, in plants from DS + NH4NO and DS + KNO3, this was due to a decrease in the leaf osmotic potential, whereas the decrease in those from the DS treatment was due to a decrease in the leaf turgor potential. These responses were correlated with the leaf proline and K concentrations. DS + KNO3-treated plants had a higher leaf proline and K concentration than DS-treated plants. In terms of leaf gas exchange parameters, it was observed that net assimilation of CO2 [Formula: see text] was decreased by drought stress, but this reduction was much lower in DS + KNO3-treated plants. Thus, when all results are taken into account, it can be concluded that a 2% foliar-KNO3 application can enhance the tolerance of citrus plants to water stress by increasing the osmotic adjustment process. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Effect of Rhizobium inoculation of seeds and foliar fertilization on productivity of Pisum sativum L.

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    Tadeusz Zając


    Full Text Available Pea (Pisum sativum L. is the second most important grain legume crop in the world which has a wide array of uses for human food and fodder. One of the major factors that determines the use of field pea is the yield potential of cultivars. Presently, pre-sowing inoculation of pea seeds and foliar application of microelement fertilizers are prospective solutions and may be reasonable agrotechnical options. This research was undertaken because of the potentially high productivity of the 'afila' morphotype in good wheat complex soils. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of vaccination with Rhizobium and foliar micronutrient fertilization on yield of the afila pea variety. The research was based on a two-year (2009–2010 controlled field experiment, conducted in four replicates and carried out on the experimental field of the Bayer company located in Modzurów, Silesian region. experimental field soil was Umbrisol – slightly degraded chernozem, formed from loess. Nitragina inoculant, as a source of symbiotic bacteria, was applied before sowing seeds. Green area index (GAI of the canopy, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI were determined at characteristic growth stages. The presented results of this study on symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous plants show that the combined application of Nitragina and Photrel was the best combination for productivity. Remote measurements of the pea canopy indexes indicated the formation of the optimum leaf area which effectively used photosynthetically active radiation. The use of Nitragina as a donor of effective Rhizobium for pea plants resulted in slightly higher GAI values and the optimization of PAR and NDVI. It is not recommended to use foliar fertilizers or Nitragina separately due to the slowing of pea productivity.

  9. Variation in foliar nitrogen and albedo in response to nitrogen fertilization and elevated CO2 (United States)

    Haley F. Wicklein; Scott V. Ollinger; Mary E. Martin; David Y. Hollinger; Lucie C. Lepine; Michelle C. Day; Megan K. Bartlett; Andrew D. Richardson; Richard J. Norby


    Foliar nitrogen has been shown to be positively correlated with midsummer canopy albedo and canopy near infrared (NIR) reflectance over a broad range of plant functional types (e.g., forests, grasslands, and agricultural lands). To date, the mechanism(s) driving the nitrogen-albedo relationship have not been established, and it is unknown whether factors affecting...

  10. Evaluación de las aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en la provincia de Tucumán Evaluation of aerial abamectin applications to control citrus leafminer in Tucumán province

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    Hernán Salas


    Full Text Available Desde fines de 1995, el minador de la hoja se ha convertido en una de las plagas más importantes de los cítricos de la región. El corto tiempo en que desarrolla sus generaciones, la disponibilidad de brotes nuevos durante el verano y la relación entre la plaga y la dispersión de la cancrosis obliga al productor a realizar hasta seis aplicaciones para su control. Operativamente, solo es posible pulverizar en forma terrestre 4 hectáreas por hora, mientras que por avión, en el mismo tiempo se tratan 100 hectáreas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia del control de la plaga mediante un programa de manejo que incluye monitoreo y aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin entre los años 2002 y 2006. Se seleccionaron seis fincas comerciales aplicadas y seis sin tratar en dos zonas de la provincia. La aplicación se realizó con un avión Air Tractor equipado con micronaires empleando 20 l de agua, 5 l de aceite mineral y 1,8 g i.a. de abamectin (Vertimec 1,8%® por hectárea. El número de aplicaciones por campaña y por zona varió dependiendo de los resultados del monitoreo. Se extrajeron muestras semanalmente y se evaluó el porcentaje de hojas con larvas vivas. Al final de la experiencia se estimó el daño foliar en brotes previamente marcados. En las fincas tratadas con aplicaciones aéreas de abamectin, en todas las campañas evaluadas, el porcentaje de infestación del minador varió entre 15 y 34% y el de daño foliar entre 2 y 8% mientras que en las fincas testigo la infestación fue entre 35 y 60% y el daño foliar, entre 18 y 30%. El monitoreo de la plaga permitió ajustar el número de aplicaciones en cada año y zona para lograr un manejo racional del minador.Since 1995, the citrus leafminer has become one of the most important citrus pests in the region. Its short generation time, the availability of new flushes during summer and the relationship between the pest and canker spread, force citrus farmers to make up

  11. Multiplicación in vitro de Psidium guajava L. en sistemas de inmersión temporal

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    Jorge Alberto Vilchez Perozo


    Full Text Available Título en español: Multiplicación in vitro de Psidium guajava L. en sistemas de inmersión temporal Título en ingles: In vitro multiplication of Psidium guajava L. in temporary immersion systems Resumen: La introducción de nuevos cultivares de guayabo (Psidium guajava L. amerita su propagación masiva, lo cual solo puede ser satisfecho mediante la micropropagación. Sin embargo la micropropagación convencional dejó de ser económicamente eficiente, debido al uso de agentes gelificantes y el elevado número de operaciones manuales, por esta razón se planteó en esta investigación, generar una metodología que permita disminuir los costos de producción por la exclusión del gelificante en los medios de cultivo, evaluando los sistemas de inmersión temporal (SIT en la multiplicación in vitro de guayabo. Para lo cual, se evaluó el efecto del cultivo en SIT, se comparó los SIT tipo BIT® y RITA® y se evaluó el tiempo(1 y 2 min y frecuencia(3 y 4 veces/día de inmersión. Luego de seis semanas de cultivo se evaluó: número de brotes(NB, numero de nudos(NN, longitud de brote(LB y coeficiente de multiplicación(CM. Con el empleo de SIT se logró valores superiores para NB(2,17, NN(3,5, LB(10,7 mm y CM(2,8. En la comparación entre SIT tipo RITA y BIT, valores superiores se obtuvieron con el RITA® para NB(3,8, NN(3,8, LB(16,6 mm y CM(10,4. Se determinó que con 2 min de inmersión se logró los mayores valores de NB(3,7, NN(13,4, LB(15,3 mm y con 2 min de inmersión 3-4 veces/día el mayor CM(9,4 y 10,4. Se concluye que el cultivo en RITA® en la multiplicación favoreció crecimiento y la proliferación de brotes de guayabo. Palabras clave: BIT®, guayabo, medio de cultivo líquido, micropropagación, RITA®. Abstract: The introduction of new cultivars of guava (Psidium guajava L. deserves its mass propagation, which can only be satisfied by micropropagation. However conventional micropropagation stopped being economically efficient

  12. Foliar application of ascorbic acid mitigates sodium chloride induced stress in eggplant (solanum melongena l.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jan, S.; Hamayun, M.


    The current work was designed to test the effect of sodium chloride on germination, seedling establishment, vegetative growth, yield, chemical contents and ionic composition of eggplant. The consequences of foliar application of ascorbic acid (AA) on mitigation of adverse effects of sodium chloride were also tested. The seeds of Solanum melongena were germinated using NaCl (60 mM, 100 mM) and ascorbic acid (100 and 200 mM). High levels of salinity significantly affected the seed germination and seedling fresh and dry weights. Plants grown under salinity stress with foliar application of ascorbic acid showed significant increase in germination percentage and seedlings growth as compare to control plants. Sodium chloride stress showed adverse effects on plant height, root length, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry biomass, total chlorophyll, carbohydrates and proteins as compared to untreated plants. The relative water content, electrolyte leakage were increased and Na+ and K+ ions balance was disturbed in different plant parts. Ascorbic acid (100 and 200ppm) enhanced all the growth parameters affected adversely by sodium chloride stress. (author)

  13. Assessment of Paclobutrazol’s Time and Concentration of Foliar Application on Production and Germination of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Mini-tube

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    B Saadatian


    Full Text Available Introduction Health and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. seeds are important in the potato seed production technology. Moreover, the basic seed materials must be free of pathogens. Therefore tissue culture techniques are used at this stage in the laboratory to produce disease free seeds. Mini-tubers can be produced after acclimatization from plantlets as tissue culture which are planted at high densities in the greenhouse in beds or containers using different substrate mixtures, or even in hydroponic culture. Foliar application of growth regulators is a way to increase potato mini-tuber production. Growth regulators influence on potato mini-tuber dormancy. Triazoles, a family which Paclobutrazol belongs to them, have both fungitoxic and plant growth regulatory effects. In addition, they can also protect plants against various stresses. Therefore, the triazoles have been characterized as plant multi-protestants. Paclobutrazol changes the relationship between source and sink and by this way, affects plant production. Also, it can inhibit giberellic acid biosynthesis. Some morphological changes observed in paclobutrazol-treated plants include the inhibition of plant growth, decreased inter-nodal elongation and increased root to shoot ratios. Time of paclobutrazol foliar application is an important factor which changes plant characters (Lim et al., 2004. This study implemented to evaluate foliar application of paclobutrazol concentrations at different time on production and mini-tuber dormancy. Materials and Methods The factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with four replications was conducted at the faculty of agriculture’s research greenhouse, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2013. Plantlets of Agria cv. produced from nodal tissue culture in Murashinge and Skoog (MS medium. After 25 days, plantlets of free disease and uniform exported to plastic pots with 12 cm diameter and 30 cm height. Perlite, cocopite

  14. Modelos para estimativa da área foliar de Curcuma alismatifolia e Vurcuma zedoaria Leaf area prediction models for Curcuma alismatifolia and Curcuma zedoaria

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    Ana Christina Rossini Pinto


    Full Text Available O presente estudo determina modelos para estimativa da área foliar de Curcuma alismatifolia e de Curcuma zedoaria. Para utilização destas espécies como ornamentais, é necessário o estabelecimento de técnicas de produção adequadas. Assim, a determinação da área foliar é importante, pois é usada para avaliar a resposta da planta a fatores ambientais e técnicas culturais. O uso de modelos para estimar a área foliar é um método simples, de boa precisão e não destrutivo. No estádio de floração foram coletadas cem folhas de C.alismatifolia ('Pink' e 'White' e de C.zedoaria. Determinaram-se o comprimento (C e a largura (L máximos e a área foliar real (AFR, com auxílio de integrador de área foliar (LI-3100. Estudaram-se as relações entre a AFR e o C, L e CL (produto do comprimento pela largura da folha, por meio de modelos de regressão linear. Os modelos AFR = 0,59048 CL (C.alismatifolia 'Pink', AFR = 6,08410 + 0,52162 CL (C.alismatifolia 'White' e AFR = 0,70233 CL (C.zedoaria são estatisticamente adequados para estimar a área foliar real.The present work establishes regression models to estimate leaf area of Curcuma alismatifolia and Curcuma zedoaria. To use these of species as ornamental plants is necessary to establish adequate cultivation techniques. Thus, the determination of leaf area is very important, once it is used to evaluate plant response to environmental factors and crop techniques. The use of prediction models to estimate leaf area is a simple, accurate and nondestructive method. At the stage of flowering, a hundred leaves of C.alismatifolia ('Pink' and 'White' and C.zedoaria were collected for each species and cultivar. Maximum length (L, maximum width (W and real leaf area (RLA were measured with a leaf area meter (LI-3100. The relation between RLA and the L, W and the product of length by width (LW, was studied through linear regression models. The models RLA = 0.59048 LW (C.alismatifolia 'Pink', RLA = 6

  15. Modelos de regressão para estimativa da área foliar de espécies brasileiras do gênero Tillandsia L. (Bromeliaceae.

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    Patrícia Gabarra Mendonça


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar equações de regressão para estimativa da área foliar de Tillandsia spp. nativas do Brasil. Determinaram-se o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C, a largura máxima (L e a área foliar real de, no mínimo, 100 folhas de cada espécie, mantidas intactas nas plantas. Calcularam-se relações lineares existentes entre a área foliar real e as dimensões C, L e CL (produto entre o comprimento e a largura da folha. O modelo de regressão linear com intercepto foi o mais adequado, e as equações recomendadas, sendo AFE= área foliar estimada, foram: para Tillandsia carminea, AFE= 0,281188 + 0,562219 CL (R2= 0,7296; :Tillandsia dura, AFE= 0,891231 + 0,412457 CL (R2= 0,8432; Tillandsia gardneri, AFE= 2,54412 + 0,445525 CL (R2= 0,8662; Tillandsia geminiflora, AFE= 0,674484 + 0,444418 CL (R2= 0,8474; Tillandsia globosa, AFE= 1,9494 + 0,3804 CL (R2= 0,8178; Tillandsia grazielae, AFE= 0,518512 + 0,530259 CL (R2= 0,7608; Tillandsia kautskyi, AFE= 0,59338 + 0,374353 CL (R2= 0,6931; Tillandsia reclinata, AFE= 0,0379111 + 0,641623 CL (R2= 0,9169; Tillandsia stricta, AFE= 0,3937 + 0,4277 C (R2= 0,8661, ou AFE= 1,21336 + 0,385727 CL (R2= 0,8607; Tillandsia tenuifolia, AFE= 0,991226 + 0,402221 CL (R2= 0,7523.

  16. New substrate containing agroindustrial carnauba residue for production of papaya under foliar fertilization


    Albano, Francisca G.; Cavalcante, Ítalo H. L.; Machado, Jailson S.; Lacerda, Claudivan F. de; Silva, Esdras R. da; Sousa, Humberto G. de


    ABSTRACT The use of organic waste in the composition of substrates for seedlings constitutes an alternative to the recycling of these materials. Thus, an experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate the production of ‘Formosa’ papaya seedlings in substrate containing carnauba wax residue, under foliar fertilization. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates, with treatments distributed in a 5 x 2 factorial scheme, corresponding to five materials used as...


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    D. Vargas-Álvarez


    Full Text Available En esta investigación, se evaluó por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución el contenido de algunos flavonoides en hojas de guayabo con respecto a la defoliación, sequía y poda. La defoliación en los árboles provocó el incremento de miricetina de 59 a 128 mg·kg-1, quercetina de 945 a 1707 mg·kg-1 y kaempferol de 44 a 57 mg·kg-1. La sequía incrementó la luteolina de 33 a 89 mg·kg-1. La poda incrementó la miricetina de 54 a 64 mg·kg-1 y quercetina de 850 a 1042 mg·kg-1. Los árboles de guayaba alteran su composición de miricetina, quercetina, kaempferol y luteolina con el estrés de defoliación, sequía y poda.

  18. Relación entre morfología foliar de antófitos y factores abióticos en las principales pluvisilvas de la Región Oriental cubana

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    Eddy Martínez Quesada


    Full Text Available Se estudió la morfología foliar de los antófitos que son representativos de cuatro tipos de pluvisilvas de la Región Oriental de Cuba y se relacionó con los principales factores abióticos. Se encontró que existen varios tipos de hojas, pero predominó la micrófila en las especies endémicas y la mesófila, en las no endémicas. En la epidermis foliar se hallaron estructuras que son características de plantas mesomórficas y algunas xeromórficas, pero también se observaron otras que permiten una adaptación a las condiciones de alta humedad atmosférica, las que se consideraron higromórficas.Relationship between antophyte foliar morphology and abiotic factors in the main rainforests of Eastern Cuba. The foliar morphology of representative antophytes in four rainforest types of Eastern Cuba was studied in relation to the main abiotic factors. Although there are several leaf types in these forests, the microphyll type is the most important among endemic species in the ophiolites complex and the Montane rainforest. At the Lowland rainforest (metamorphic complex the mesophyll leaf was the most important. Most foliar epidermis had structures normally found in mesomorphic plants, but xeromorphic and higromorphic morphologies were also present. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2: 235-256. Epub 2009 June 30.

  19. Foliar uptake of fog water and transport belowground alleviates drought effects in the cloud forest tree species, Drimys brasiliensis (Winteraceae). (United States)

    Eller, Cleiton B; Lima, Aline L; Oliveira, Rafael S


    Foliar water uptake (FWU) is a common water acquisition mechanism for plants inhabiting temperate fog-affected ecosystems, but the prevalence and consequences of this process for the water and carbon balance of tropical cloud forest species are unknown. We performed a series of experiments under field and glasshouse conditions using a combination of methods (sap flow, fluorescent apoplastic tracers and stable isotopes) to trace fog water movement from foliage to belowground components of Drimys brasiliensis. In addition, we measured leaf water potential, leaf gas exchange, leaf water repellency and growth of plants under contrasting soil water availabilities and fog exposure in glasshouse experiments to evaluate FWU effects on the water and carbon balance of D. brasiliensis saplings. Fog water diffused directly through leaf cuticles and contributed up to 42% of total foliar water content. FWU caused reversals in sap flow in stems and roots of up to 26% of daily maximum transpiration. Fog water transported through the xylem reached belowground pools and enhanced leaf water potential, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and growth relative to plants sheltered from fog. Foliar uptake of fog water is an important water acquisition mechanism that can mitigate the deleterious effects of soil water deficits for D. brasiliensis. © 2013 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2013 New Phytologist Trust.

  20. Foliar or root exposures to smelter particles: Consequences for lead compartmentalization and speciation in plant leaves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schreck, Eva; Dappe, Vincent; Sarret, Géraldine; Sobanska, Sophie; Nowak, Dorota; Nowak, Jakub; Stefaniak, Elżbieta Anna; Magnin, Valérie; Ranieri, Vincent; Dumat, Camille


    In urban areas with high fallout of airborne particles, metal uptake by plants mainly occurs by foliar pathways and can strongly impact crop quality. However, there is a lack of knowledge on metal localization and speciation in plants after pollution exposure, especially in the case of foliar uptake. In this study, two contrasting crops, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.), were exposed to Pb-rich particles emitted by a Pb-recycling factory via either atmospheric or soil application. Pb accumulation in plant leaves was observed for both ways of exposure. The mechanisms involved in Pb uptake were investigated using a combination of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques (electron microscopy, laser ablation, Raman microspectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy). The results show that Pb localization and speciation are strongly influenced by the type of exposure (root or shoot pathway) and the plant species. Foliar exposure is the main pathway of uptake, involving the highest concentrations in plant tissues. Under atmospheric fallouts, Pb-rich particles were strongly adsorbed on the leaf surface of both plant species. In lettuce, stomata contained Pb-rich particles in their apertures, with some deformations of guard cells. In addition to PbO and PbSO 4 , chemical forms that were also observed in pristine particles, new species were identified: organic compounds (minimum 20%) and hexagonal platy crystals of PbCO 3 . In rye-grass, the changes in Pb speciation were even more egregious: Pb–cell wall and Pb–organic acid complexes were the major species observed. For root exposure, identified here as a minor pathway of Pb transfer compared to foliar uptake, another secondary species, pyromorphite, was identified in rye-grass leaves. Finally, combining bulk and spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques permitted both the overall speciation and the minor but possibly highly reactive lead species to be determined in order to better

  1. Foliar or root exposures to smelter particles: Consequences for lead compartmentalization and speciation in plant leaves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schreck, Eva [Université de Toulouse, INP, UPS, EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement), ENSAT, Avenue de l' Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France); CNRS, EcoLab, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France); Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET), Observatoire Midi Pyrénées, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, IRD, 14 Avenue E. Belin, F-31400 Toulouse (France); Dappe, Vincent [LASIR (UMR CNRS 8516), Université de Lille 1, Bât. C5, 59655 Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex (France); Sarret, Géraldine [ISTerre, UMR 5275, Université Grenoble I, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France); Sobanska, Sophie [LASIR (UMR CNRS 8516), Université de Lille 1, Bât. C5, 59655 Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex (France); Nowak, Dorota; Nowak, Jakub; Stefaniak, Elżbieta Anna [Department of Chemistry, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Kraśnicka 102, 20-718 Lublin (Poland); Magnin, Valérie [ISTerre, UMR 5275, Université Grenoble I, CNRS, F-38041 Grenoble (France); Ranieri, Vincent [CEA-INAC, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9 (France); Dumat, Camille, E-mail: [Université de Toulouse, INP, UPS, EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement), ENSAT, Avenue de l' Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France); CNRS, EcoLab, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan (France)


    In urban areas with high fallout of airborne particles, metal uptake by plants mainly occurs by foliar pathways and can strongly impact crop quality. However, there is a lack of knowledge on metal localization and speciation in plants after pollution exposure, especially in the case of foliar uptake. In this study, two contrasting crops, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.), were exposed to Pb-rich particles emitted by a Pb-recycling factory via either atmospheric or soil application. Pb accumulation in plant leaves was observed for both ways of exposure. The mechanisms involved in Pb uptake were investigated using a combination of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques (electron microscopy, laser ablation, Raman microspectroscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy). The results show that Pb localization and speciation are strongly influenced by the type of exposure (root or shoot pathway) and the plant species. Foliar exposure is the main pathway of uptake, involving the highest concentrations in plant tissues. Under atmospheric fallouts, Pb-rich particles were strongly adsorbed on the leaf surface of both plant species. In lettuce, stomata contained Pb-rich particles in their apertures, with some deformations of guard cells. In addition to PbO and PbSO{sub 4}, chemical forms that were also observed in pristine particles, new species were identified: organic compounds (minimum 20%) and hexagonal platy crystals of PbCO{sub 3}. In rye-grass, the changes in Pb speciation were even more egregious: Pb–cell wall and Pb–organic acid complexes were the major species observed. For root exposure, identified here as a minor pathway of Pb transfer compared to foliar uptake, another secondary species, pyromorphite, was identified in rye-grass leaves. Finally, combining bulk and spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques permitted both the overall speciation and the minor but possibly highly reactive lead species to be determined in order to

  2. Nitrate transporters in leaves and their potential roles in foliar uptake of nitrogen dioxide

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    Yanbo eHu


    Full Text Available While plant roots are specialized organs for the uptake and transport of water and nutrients, the absorption of gaseous or liquid mineral elements by aerial plant parts has been recognized since more than one century. Nitrogen (N is an essential macronutrient which generally absorbed either as nitrate (NO3- or ammonium (NH4+ by plant roots. Gaseous nitrogen pollutants like N dioxide (NO2 can also be absorbed by plant surfaces and assimilated via the NO3– assimilation pathway. The subsequent NO3– flux may induce or repress the expression of various NO3–-responsive genes encoding for instance, the transmembrane transporters, NO3–/NO2– (nitrite reductase, or assimilatory enzymes involved in N metabolism. Based on the existing information, the aim of this review was to theoretically analyze the potential link between foliar NO2 absorption and N transport and metabolism. For such purpose, an overview of the state of knowledge on the NO3– transporter genes identified in leaves or shoots of various species and their roles for NO3– transport across the tonoplast and plasma membrane, in addition to the process of phloem loading is briefly provided. It is assumed that a NO2-induced ac-cumulation of NO3–/NO2– may alter the expression of such genes, hence linking transmembrane NO3– transporters and foliar uptake of NO2. It is likely that NRT1/NRT2 gene expression and spe-cies-dependent apoplastic buffer capacity may be also related to the species-specific foliar NO2 uptake process. It is concluded that further work focusing on the expression of NRT1 (NRT1.1, NRT1.7, NRT1.11 and NRT1.12, NRT2 (NRT2.1, NRT2.4 and NRT2.5 and chloride channel family genes (CLCa and CLCd may help us elucidate the physiological and metabolic response of plants fumigated with NO2.

  3. Absorption and transport of manganese of different labelled sources with 54b Mn applied via foliar in citrus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boaretto, Rodrigo Marcelli; Boaretto, Antonio Enedi; Muraoka, Takashi; Roque, Marcio Lucio


    Foliar fertilization is considered an efficient way to feed the plants, mainly with micronutrients. Studies on foliar absorption and transport of Mn have been necessary as well as on comparing different sources of this micronutrient solution applied on the leaves. The objective of the experiment was to study the Mn absorption from four sources by orange leaves and transport of the leaf absorbed Mn to the other parts of the plant. Orange plants were grown in greenhouse and some of their leaves received solution with a Mn concentration of 0.06% (MnSO 4 , MnCl 2 , lignin sulfonate-Mn and EDTA-Mn). The fertilizer solutions were labeled with 54 Mn. After 3, 6, 12, 24 hours and 2, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120 days from Mn application to the leaves, the plants were harvested. The leaves which received the Mn solution were separated from the other parts of the plants and washed in sequence with detergent solution (0.1%), distilled water, HCl solution (3%) and distilled water in order to remove the Mn remaining on the leaf surface. The 54 Mn activity of the samples was determined by monochannel gamma spectrometry. Chloride was the most efficient Mn source for foliar fertilization, followed by sulfate and lignin sulfonate; EDTA was the least efficient source. Only 10% of 54 Mn absorbed by the leaves was translocated to the other parts of the plant. (author)

  4. Compatibilidade entre acaricidas e fertilizantes foliares em função de diferentes águas no controle do ácaro da leprose dos citros Brevipalpus phoenicis Compatibility between acaricides and foliar fertilizers in different water resources for citrus leprosis mite control Brevipalpus phoenicis

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    Daniel Júnior de Andrade


    Full Text Available A adição de fertilizantes foliares à calda acaricida é frequentemente empregada na citricultura com o intuito de reduzir os custos das aplicações. Todavia, as implicações desta prática, na maioria dos casos, são desconhecidas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de caldas acaricidas em mistura com fertilizantes foliares e preparadas com diferentes águas no controle do ácaro B. phoenicis. Foram realizados dois experimentos em laboratório, nos anos de 2009 e 2010, utilizando-se de frutos de laranja para conter ácaros Brevipalpus phoenicis. Um dos experimentos constou de três bioensaios, nos quais se procurou verificar o efeito das misturas entre fertilizantes foliares e os acaricidas cyhexatin, propargite e acrinatrhrin sobre B. phoenicis. No outro experimento, além de verificar o efeito das misturas de fertilizantes com os acaricidas propargite e acrinatrhrin, buscou-se também avaliar o efeito de águas coletadas em diferentes fontes utilizadas no preparo das caldas sobre B. phoenicis. Os resultados evidenciaram que a aplicação dos fertilizantes foliares cloreto de zinco, cloreto de manganês, ureia e a mistura de fosfito de potássio + ureia + cloreto de zinco não afetaram a ação dos acaricidas cyhexatin, propargite e acrinathrin sobre o controle de B. phoenicis. As misturas dos cloretos de zinco e de manganês com o sulfato de magnésio e a adição de fosfito de potássio diminuíram a eficiência dos acaricidas propargite e acrinathrin, não devendo, a princípio, ser adicionadas numa mesma aplicação. Águas provenientes dos municípios paulistas de Itápolis, Pirangi e Pirassununga interferiram na ação dos acaricidas propargite e acrinathin sobre B. phoenicis, sendo que a água coletada em Itápolis apresentou resultados superiores em termos de eficiência. Verificaram-se alterações dos valores de pH e da condutividade elétrica após a adição de alguns dos fertilizantes à calda acaricida.The addition

  5. Adubação foliar de boro em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura do amendoim

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    João Paulo Machado Mantovani


    Full Text Available A adubação boratada foliar, na cultura do amendoim, pode ser uma estratégia viável para fornecimento desse elemento à planta; porém, são poucos os conhecimentos sobre dosagens, épocas e efeitos de parcelamento das doses. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características de produção e a composição mineral foliar em diferentes doses, épocas de aplicação e parcelamentos da adubação boratada. O experimento foi conduzido na safra de verão 2010/2011, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em Rubiácea (SP. Foram estudadas as doses de zero; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 kg ha-1 de boro (B, aplicadas por via foliar, utilizando-se como fonte o ácido bórico. Os efeitos da adubação boratada foram testados em doses únicas nos estádios V1 ou R5, além do parcelamento da dose de 1,0 kg ha-1 (0,5 kg ha-1 em V1 e R5, de 1,5 (0,75 kg ha-1 em V1 e R5; 0,5 kg ha-1 em V1, R1 e R5 e de 2,0 kg ha-1 (1,0 kg ha-1 em V1 e R5; 0,5 kg ha-1 em V1, R1, R3 e R5. O aumento na produtividade de amendoim em casca ocorreu apenas com a dose de 1,5 kg ha-1, parcelada em três aplicações de 0,5 kg ha-1 em V1, R1 e R5. A utilização de 2,0 kg ha-1 de B foliar no amendoim causou efeito depressivo na produtividade, rendimento e número de vagens por planta.

  6. Aporte de hojarasca y renovación foliar del manglar en un sistema estuarino del Sureste de México

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    Ma. Teresa Barreiro-Güemes


    Full Text Available Los patrones de producción de hojarasca fueron estudiados en Pom-Atasta, un sistema estuarino asociado a la Laguna de Términos Campeche, México. Se seleccionaron cuatro rodales de manglar, contrastantes por sus condiciones de influencia de marea. Se colocaron al azar diez trampas en cada sitio para la colecta de hojarasca, estas fueron revisadas a intervalos mensuales durante un ciclo anual (1995-96. El material recolectado fue clasificado, secado y pesado. La floración de Avicennia germinans se presentó desde junio hasta septiembre; Rhizophora mangle presentó flores e hipocotilos todo el año. Los bosques más productivos fueron los ribereños dominados por A. germinans en la zona de menor influencia de marea, con condiciones hipohalinas de escasa variación anual y substratos limo-arcillosos. La producción promedio de hojarasca varió entre 1.8 y 4.5 g m-2 dìa-1. y respondió a los periodos climáticos de la región. En octubre de 1995 los ciclones Roxane y Opal se presentaron en la región y causaron una extraordinaria defoliación con aportes de hojarasca de 8 a 12 g m-2día-1 cifras que exceden a las registradas para manglares de México, del Caribe y del Ecuador. La tasa de renovación de follaje fue de 129-392 días.The patterns of mangrove litter production were studied in Pom-Atasta, a estuarine system linked to Terminos Lagoon, Campeche coast, Mexico. Four sampling sites with contrasting conditions of tidal influence were selected. Ten litter baskets placed randomly in each site for litter fall evaluation, were emptied monthly during an annual cycle (1995-1996. Litter material was classified, dried and weighed. The flowering season for Avicennia germinans was from June through September; Rhizophora mangle had flowers and hypocotyls year round. The most productive site was riverine forest dominated by A. germinans in the area with least tidal influence and hypohaline conditions, low annual salinity variation and lime-clay soils

  7. Complex bioclimatic and soil gradients shape leaf trait variation in Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae among austral forests in Patagonia Gradientes bioclimáticos y edáficos modelan la variación en caracteres foliares de Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae en los bosques australes de la Patagonia

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    nutrient conditions are useful predictors for leaf size and structure in the widespread E. coccineum. The SLA patterns probably resulted from lower values in long lasting leaves, in addition to increasing soil nitrogen, so leaves in the south are thicker. Alternatively, it could be consequence from non-isometrical scaling of LA and DM, so larger leaves such as those under oceanic western climates have lower SLA. Patterns of multiple leaf trait variation along complex environmental gradients may become uncoupled from each other, differing from what is suggested in the literature for traits that vary along simple environmental gradients.Los patrones de variación de un rasgo pueden ser adaptativos cuando varían en relación a un gradiente ambiental. En particular, los caracteres foliares pueden afectar la productividad y la habilidad competitiva de las plantas. Identificamos patrones de variación en el tamaño y forma de la hoja con la heterogeneidad ambiental en una de las especies de más amplia distribución del bosque templado de Sudamérica: Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae. Colectamos hojas y muestras compuestas de suelo de 35 poblaciones entre los 38° y 55° de latitud S, cubriendo un amplio rango de precipitación media anual (MAP y de temperatura media anual (MAT. En cada localidad se midieron nueve caracteres morfológicos foliares, algunos de los cuales están correlacionados entre sí, de manera que enfocaremos en algunos rasgos representativos. Predecimos que el área de la hoja (LA, el peso seco (DM, y el área foliar específica (SLA tenderán a aumentar y la forma de la hoja se alargará con el aumento de la temperatura, la precipitación y la disponibilidad de nutrientes en el suelo. También esperamos que el clima de la estación de crecimiento esté más asociado con los rasgos foliares que las métricas climáticas anuales. Utilizamos regresiones múltiples bivariadas y paso a paso reversas para analizar la dependencia de los rasgos morfológicos con

  8. Regional patterns in foliar 15N across a gradient of nitrogen deposition in the northeastern US (United States)

    Linda H. Pardo; Steven G. McNulty; Johnny L. Boggs; Sara Duke


    Recent studies have demonstrated that natural abundance 15N can be a useful tool for assessing nitrogen saturation, because as nitrification and nitrate loss increase, d15N of foliage and soil also increases. We measured foliar d15N at 11 high-elevation spruce-fir stands along an N deposition gradient...

  9. Leaf age affects the responses of foliar injury and gas exchange to tropospheric ozone in Prunus serotina seedlings (United States)

    Jianwei Zhang; Marcus Schaub; Jonathan A. Ferdinand; John M. Skelly; Kim C. Steiner; James E. Savage


    We investigated the effect of leaf age on the response of net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gwv), foliar injury, and leaf nitrogen concentration (NL) to tropospheric ozone (O3) on Prunus serotina seedlings grown in open-plots (AA) and open-top...

  10. Micromorfologia Foliar de Espécies de Sida spp. (guanxumas Leaf Micromorphology of Sida spp. Species (prickly sida

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    L.H.B. Albert


    Full Text Available A eficácia dos herbicidas aplicados à folha é influenciada pela morfologia da superfície foliar que recebe a calda. A topografia da superfície foliar, o grau e o tipo da formação da cera epicuticular e a presença, tipo e distribuição de tricomas são características que influenciam a distribuição da calda pulverizada sobre a superfície foliar e, conseqüentemente, a eficácia do controle da planta daninha. Diante desses fatos, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer morfologicamente a superfície foliar de três espécies de guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia , Sida glaziovii e Sida cordifolia . A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Microscopia Eletrônica Aplicada à Pesquisa Agropecuária (NAP/MEPA, instalada na ESALQ/USP-Piracicaba/SP. As amostras biológicas foram fixadas, posteriormente desidratadas, secas ao ponto crítico e recobertas com ouro. Após a evaporação com metal, as amostras das folhas foram observadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura Zeiss, operando entre 5 e 15 kV. Verificou-se que a superfície adaxial das espécies S. rhombifolia e S. glaziovii apresentou tricomas estelares e simples (não-ramificados, tanto curtos como longos, e também glandulares simples, tanto curtos como longos; S. glaziovii apresentou a maior quantidade destes. A espécie que apresentou maior presença de ceras epicuticulares foi S. rhombifolia, cuja aparência é estriada e a orientação aleatória. Das três espécies, S. cordifolia foi a que mostrou menor quantidade de tricomas, possuindo na superfície adaxial predominantemente tricomas simples e/ou com duas ramificações e também tricomas glandulares simples e curtos. A cutícula apresentou superfície plana e lisa, sem o aspecto estriado das outras duas espécies analisadas. Todas as espécies são anfiestomáticas, com predominância do tipo anomocítico, que é característico da família Malvaceae.The efficacy of leaf - applied herbicides is

  11. Response of Some Bread Wheat Cultivars to Foliar Application of Zn and Fe Different Forms in Two Locations with Different Soil Properties

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    E Arazmjoo


    Full Text Available Introduction Zinc (Zn and iron (Fe are essential mineral nutrients for plant and human growth, and dietary Zn and Fe deficiencies are a worldwide nutritional problem. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA of Zn and Fe are 15 mg and 10 mg per day for human, respectively. However, micronutrient deficiencies affect more than half of the world’s population, especially women and preschool children. Iron is one of the most important micronutrients, and approximately two billion people suffer from iron deficiency worldwide. Zinc deficiency is also considered to be quite common and affects newborn, children, pregnant women and elderly. Micronutrient malnutrition in human in developing countries is derived from deficiencies of these elements in staple food. It is believed that increasing the micronutrient concentrations in these crops could increase the dietary intake of these elements in these regions significantly. More than 80% of arable soils in Iran are zinc-deficient with an average yield depression of around 50%. It is, therefore, highly important to develop cost-effective and quick solutions to the Zn and Fe deficiency problem. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the effect of foliar application of zinc and iron different forms on yield components, phonological and morphological traits and grain yield of some wheat cultivars in two locations with different physico-chemical soil properties, two experiments in factorial arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications conducted during 2015-16 cropping season. Experimental treatments were included: wheat cultivars Roshan, Roshan Back cross (old cultivars, Bam and Ofogh (new cultivars, zinc application in three levels of foliar application of water (control, zinc sulfate and chelated zinc and iron application in three levels of foliar application of water (control, iron sulfate and chelated iron (equivalent to 2.5 kg ha-1. The first experiment was conducted at the

  12. The Effects of Foliar Application of Methanol on Morphological Characteristics of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. under Drought Stress Condition

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    N. Armand


    Full Text Available Introduction Available water is an important factor for plant growth in arid environments. Results indicated that foliar application of methanol is believed to be more important than the drought tolerance in C3 plant. Since bean is a C3 plant, it performs light respiration under intense heat, light and water stress due to internal leaf CO2 concentration reduction and oxygen concentration increase. Light respiration can cause up to 20% loss of carbon in plants and decrease the yield. Increasing concentration of carbon dioxide can neutralize the effect caused by drought stress. Thus, the use of substances that can cause an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the plant, leads to improving the yield under the drought conditions. One of the ways of increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in plants is by using compounds such as methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol as well as use of the amino acids of glycine, glutamate and aspartate. Plants can easily absorb methanol sprayed on leaves and use it as a carbon source added to atmospheric carbon. Methanol is relatively smaller compared to the CO2 molecules, so it can be easily absorbed and utilized by plants. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the effects of foliar application of methanol on some morphological characteristics of bean under drought stress, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized block design with three replications in 2014 at the Khatam Alanbia University of Behbahan. The treatment of spraying methanol was at 4 levels include control (without spraying, 10, 20 and 30% v/v methanol which added 2 g l-1 glycine to each of solutions. Adding glycine to aqueous solution of methanol leads to prevention of damages caused by the toxicity of methanol. The drought factors including control (100% field of capacity, moderate drought stress (50% field of capacity and severe drought stress (25% field of capacity were considered. In this experiment

  13. Propiedades del suelo y productividad de Pinus taeda L. en la Mesopotamia Argentina

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    Rodolfo Andrés Martiarena


    Full Text Available Nuestro objetivo fue establecer la vinculación entre  algunas características edáficas y el crecimiento de P. taeda, en su zona de plantación comercial en la Mesopotamia Argentina. La hipótesis es que la causa principal de la reducción de la productividad de las plantaciones es la profundidad de suelo y el volumen efectivo aprovechable por las plantas, y no el contenido de nutrientes. El trabajo se realizó entre los 28º 30’ S, en la provincia de Corrientes, hasta los 25º 30’ S, en la provincia de Misiones. Se seleccionaron 31 sitios donde, 1- se tomaron muestras de suelo para determinar nutrientes y densidad aparente, 2- se midieron las variables dasométricas de las plantaciones y se calculó el Índice de Sitio (IS, 3- se tomaron muestras foliares y se analizaron las concentraciones de C, N y P. El análisis estadístico se realizó con INFOSTAT 2.0. Los sitios se asignaron a tres grupos edafoclimáticos: 1 sitios con suelos rojos del Norte, 2 sitios con suelos pedregosos del Norte y, 3 sitios con suelos rojos del Sur. El crecimiento de las plantaciones de P. taeda fue menor (menor IS en los suelos pedregosos, con más nutrientes, una menor profundidad efectiva y un  menor volumen ocupado por la fracción fina. En la zona norte, la mayor oferta de nutrientes en los suelos pedregosos (respecto de los rojos, no resultó en un aumento en la concentración de nutrientes foliares. La menor capacidad de retención de agua y un menor volumen a ser explorado por las raíces de las plantas, constituyeron la principal limitante al crecimiento en los suelos pedregosos. A pesar de las diferencias en precipitación, todos los sitios correspondieron a la misma Zona de Vida Bosque Subtropical húmedo. Entre los suelos rojos profundos, de similar concentración y contenido de nutrientes, la zona Sur resultó la más favorable para el crecimiento (mayor IS. Esta respuesta en el menos lluvioso sur  puede relacionarse con una mayor demanda atmosf

  14. Growth analisys and assimilate partitioning in physalis plants under leaf fertilization intervalsAnálise de crescimento e partição de assimilados em plantas de fisalis submetidas a intervalos de adubação foliar

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    Tiago Pedó


    Full Text Available The work was conducted in greenhouse and aimed to analyze the growth and partitioning of assimilates in Physalis peruviana subjected in intervals of leaf fertilization. The plants were collected at regular intervals of fourteen days after transplantation until the end of the cycle and determined the dry mass and leaf area. From the primary data analysis was applied to growth analysis and calculated the total dry matter production (Wt, rates of dry matter production (Ct, relative growth (Rw, net assimilation (Ea, leaf area index (L, relative growth of leaf area (Fa and ratios of leaf area and leaf mass (Fw, specific leaf area (Sa and dry matter partitioning between organs. Plants of Physalis peruviana subjected to leaf fertilization biweekly reached higher Wt, Ct, number of fruits and similar dry mass of fruits (Wfr of plants subjected to foliar weekly application and higher Wfr compared to plants without application leaf of fertilization. Thus, the application of leaf fertilization provided benefits of growth and the partition of assimilates in Physalis peruviana plants. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação e objetivou analisar o crescimento e a partição de assimilados em Physalis peruviana submetida a intervalos de adubação foliar. As plantas foram coletadas a intervalos regulares de quatorze dias após o transplante até o final do ciclo e foram determinados a massa seca e a área foliar. A partir dos dados primários foi aplicada a análise de crescimento, sendo calculados a massa seca total (Wt, taxas de produção de matéria seca (Ct, crescimento relativo (Rw e assimilatória liquída (Ea, índice de área foliar (L, razões de área foliar (Fa e massa foliar (Fw, área foliar específica (Sa, partição de matéria seca entre órgãos e o número de frutos. Plantas de Physalis peruviana submetidas à adubação foliar quinzenal atingiram maior Wt, Ct, superior número de frutos e semelhante matéria seca de frutos (Wfr a

  15. Crecimiento en longitud foliar y dinámica de población de tallos de cinco asociaciones de gramineas y leguminosa bajo pastoreo

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    Rigoberto Castro Rivera


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la elongación, crecimiento, senescencia, peso y dinámica de tallos de cinco asociaciones conformadas por dos gramíneas y una leguminosa sembradas en diferentes proporciones. Se evaluaron cinco tratamientos: 4:3:3; 4:6:0; 4:0:6; 4:4:2 y 4:2:4 de trébol blanco-ovillo-ballico perenne, los cuales se distribuyeron en 20 unidades experimentales de 104 m2 , en un diseño en bloques completos al azar. La mayor elongación y crecimiento neto de la hoja de las especies evaluadas fue en verano, con 7.1 y 6.53 cm tallo -1 d -1 , para el pasto ovillo, y 7 y 6.7 cm tallo -1 d -1 , para ballico perenne; en trébol blanco no existió diferencia en el recambio de tejido foliar y del peciolo en verano y primavera ( P>0.05. El mayor peso de tallos de ballico perenne y ovillo se registró en verano (0.38g -1 tallo - 1 y las mayores densidades en la época de invierno (9,961 y 10,423 tallos m-2 , respectivamente. El recambio de tejido de las especies evaluadas presentó marcada estacionalidad, siendo más dinámico en verano que en otoño. La asociación de tres especies permitió una mayor dinámica en comparación con la asociación de dos especies.

  16. Foliar leaching, translocation, and biogenic emission of 35S in radiolabeled loblolly pines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garten, C.T. Jr.


    Foliar leaching, basipetal (downward) translocation, and biogenic emission of sulfur (S), as traced by 35 S, were examined in a field study of loblolly pines. Four trees were radiolabeled by injection with amounts of 35 S in the 6-8 MBq range, and concentrations in needle fall, stemflow, throughfall, and aboveground biomass were measured over a period of 15-20 wk after injection. The contribution of dry deposition to sulfate-sulfur (SO 4 2- -S) concentrations in net throughfall (throughfall SO 4 2- -S concentration minus that in incident precipitation) beneath all four trees was > 90%. Calculations indicated that about half of the summertime SO 2 dry deposition flux to the loblolly pines was fixed in the canopy and not subsequently leached by rainfall. Based on mass balance calculations, 35 S losses through biogenic emissions from girdled trees were inferred to be 25-28% of the amount injected. Estimates based on chamber methods and mass balance calculations indicated a range in daily biogenic S emission of 0.1-10 μg/g dry needles. Translocation of 35 S to roots in nongirdled trees was estimated to be between 14 and 25% of the injection. It is hypothesized that biogenic emission and basipetal translocation of S (and not foliar leaching) are important mechanisms by which forest trees physiologically adapt to excess S in the environment

  17. Commercial Digital Camera to Estimate Postharvest Leaf Area Index in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on a Vertical Trellis Uso de una Cámara Digital Comercial para Estimar el Índice de Área Foliar en Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon en Poscosecha Conducida en Espaldera Vertical

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    Miguel Espinosa L.


    Full Text Available The leaf area index (LAI of a vineyard (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon located in the commune of Cauquenes, Maule Region in Chile, was estimated from digital images obtained with a commercial camera using two indirect methods: Leaf Area Gap and Brightness (LAGB and -Photogrammetric Leaf Area Quantification System (PLAQS. The latter requires deleafing of the grapevine. In a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI map, three points of vine vigor were selected: high, medium, and low for which horizontal and vertical images were obtained. Images were filtered with the Arc View GIS 3.1 program to provide only leaf images and corresponding pixel numbers. Image area and square meters per linear meter were calculated. The best models were selected from  three linear regression adjustments: i LAI of LAGB vertical images of with LAI of PLAQS, ii LAI of PLAQS horizontal images with and, iii LAI of both types of images with PLAQS. The parameters in all models were significant. Adjustment between the LAGB and PLAQS vertical images provides greater simplicity and easy calculation since it requires only a vertical image to estimate LAI. Images thus obtained can accurately estimate LAI in this type of cultivar.En un viñedo (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon ubicado en la comuna de Cauquenes, Región del Maule, se estimó el índice de área foliar (LAI mediante imagen digital obtenida de una cámara fotográfica comercial, a partir de dos métodos indirectos: Espacio y Brillo Área Foliar (LAGB y Sistema Cuantificador de Área Foliar por Fotogrametría (PLAQS. Este último, requiere el deshoje de la parra. En un mapa de índice vegetativo diferencial normalizado (NDVI, se seleccionaron tres puntos de vigor de las vides: alto, medio y bajo, en cada uno de los cuales se obtuvo una imagen horizontal y vertical. Las imágenes se filtraron con el programa Arc View GIS 3.1, dejando sólo las hojas y el número de píxeles correspondientes. Se

  18. Influence of foliar fertilization with manganese on germination, vigor and storage time of RR soybean seeds

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    Vanessa Leonardo Ignácio


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of foliar fertilizer doses containing Mn of phenological stages of suggested application in RR soybeans, to recover management damages with glyphosate at postemergence application on seed vigor in post-harvest and post six months storage. The seeds originated from a field experiment conducted , which included two applications of glyphosate, concomitant with foliar fertilizer in growth stages V4 and V6, with 0.00, 113.50 and 227.00 mg ha-1doses of Mn2+. Germination, GSI (Germination Speed Index, electrical conductivity tests and the first count of seeds were conducted. The application of Mn did not affect the physiological quality of RR soy in postharvest. However, in post-storage, higher doses of Mn had a negative effect on tests of abnormal seedlings, GSI and electrical conductivity. The applications of Mn, regardless of the developmental stage, did not interfere in the germination and first count tests, with and without storage. The electrical conductivity test showed a higher correlation with the seed germination test in the post-harvest treatment.

  19. Effects of foliar dressing of selenite and silicate alone or combined with different soil ameliorants on the accumulation of As and Cd and antioxidant system in Brassica campestris. (United States)

    Ding, Yongzhen; Wang, Yongjiu; Zheng, Xiangqun; Cheng, Weimin; Shi, Rongguang; Feng, Renwei


    This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of using a combined technology to synchronously reduce As and Cd accumulation in the edible parts of Brassica campestris. The results showed that a foliar application of selenite (Se) and silicon (Si) combined with soil ameliorants (including Ca-Mg-P fertilizer, sodium silicate and red mud) showed limited effects on the growth of B. campestris. The As concentration in the leaves of B. campestris in all treatments was below the Chinese safety standard. When sodium silicate and Ca-Mg-P fertilizer were added to the soil, the additional foliar application of Se and Si could in some cases help further reduce the concentrations of As and Cd in the leaves of B. campestris. However, when red mud was applied to the soil, the foliar application of Se and Si enhanced the Cd concentration in the leaves of B. campestris. In most cases, high levels of soil ameliorants plus foliar application of Se and Si significantly enhanced the As concentrations in both the soil solution and the roots of B. campestris but reduced the soil solution Cd concentration and the leaf As concentration. Most of the treatments reduced the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentration in the leaves of B. campestris, and the foliar application of Se and Si helped the soil ameliorants alleviate the oxidative stress resulting from As and Cd exposure. In this study, several treatments significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). However, the enzymes peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) were not induced by most treatments. In summary, the combined treatment of 1gkg -1 Ca-Mg-P fertilizer plus foliar spraying 2mmolL -1 sodium selenite was most effective in reducing the Cd concentration and a rather strong ability to reduce the As concentration and trigger the activities of SOD and APX in the leaves of B. campestris. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Sapwood area as an estimator of leaf area and foliar weight in cherrybark oak and green ash (United States)

    James S. Meadows; John D. Hodges


    The relationships between foliar weight/leaf area and four stem dimensions (d.b.h., total stem cross-sectional area, total sapwood area, and current sapwood area at breast height) were investigated in two important bottomland tree species of the Southern United States, cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia ...

  1. Seasonal development of ozone-induced foliar injury on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. (United States)

    Souza, Lara; Neufeld, Howard S; Chappelka, Arthur H; Burkey, Kent O; Davison, Alan W


    The goals of this study were to document the development of ozone-induced foliar injury, on a leaf-by-leaf basis, and to develop ozone exposure relationships for leaf cohorts and individual tall milkweeds (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plants were classified as either ozone-sensitive or insensitive based on the amount of foliar injury. Sensitive plants developed injury earlier in the season and to a greater extent than insensitive plants. Older leaf cohorts were more likely to belong to high injury classes by the end of each of the two growing seasons. In addition, leaf loss was more likely for older cohorts (2000) and lower leaf positions (2001) than younger cohorts and upper leaves, respectively. Most leaves abscised without prior ozone-like stippling or chlorosis. Failure to take this into account can result in underestimation of the effects of ozone on these plants.

  2. Temporal patterns of foliar ozone symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. (United States)

    Chappelka, A H; Somers, G L; Renfro, J R


    Incidence and severity of ozone-induced foliar symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) along selected trails in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by two surveys/season conducted from 1992 through 1996. Overall incidence was 73%, and was 84%, 44%, 90%, 58%, and 82% for 1992-1996, respectively for the same clusters. Average incidence was 61% and 84% for the 1st and 2nd surveys, respectively. Seasonal comparisons showed two distinct injury groupings regarding incidence and severity of injury: 1992, 1994 and 1996 (high injury); 1993 and 1995 (low injury). No discernible patterns were observed between symptomatic and asymptomatic plants regarding height, herbivory or flowering. Regression analyses indicated no differentiation in foliar symptoms regarding topographic position, aspect, slope or elevation over the 5-year study period. Our findings indicate other micro-site or genetic factors may control ozone sensitivity of tall milkweed in GRSM.

  3. Influência da época seca na qualidade do aporte foliar em floresta semidecidual

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    Rafael Nogueira Scoriza


    Full Text Available A serrapilheira apresenta uma importante função na ciclagem de nutrientes florestais, sendo as folhas as principais transportadoras desses nutrientes. Como a dinâmica da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual é fortemente demarcada pelos fatores climáticos, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência temporal da temperatura e precipitação no aporte de carbono (C e nitrogênio (N foliares em fragmentos florestais. O estudo foi desenvolvido em cinco fragmentos florestais em Sorocaba, SP, onde foram demarcadas dez parcelas de 100m2, sendo instalados três coletores cônicos de 0,25m2 em cada. A coleta da serrapilheira foi feita de março a julho de 2008, onde o material foliar foi separado do restante da serrapilheira. Para a avaliação do teor de C e N foram sorteadas cinco amostras por mês, sendo estas moídas e analisadas. O teor e a quantidade de C e N apresentaram diferenças entre os meses. O carbono esteve diretamente relacionado com a quantidade de folhas aportadas enquanto que o nitrogênio esteve relacionado diretamente com a temperatura e a precipitação.

  4. Detecting terrestrial nutrient limitation: a global meta-analysis of foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization

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    Rebecca eOstertag


    Full Text Available Examining foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization provides an alternative method for detecting nutrient limitation of ecosystems, which is logistically simpler to measure than biomass change. We present a meta-analysis of response ratios of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus (RRN, RRP after addition of fertilizer of nitrogen (N, phosphorus (P, or the two elements in combination, in relation to climate, ecosystem type, life form, family, and methodological factors. Results support other meta-analyses using biomass, and demonstrate there is strong evidence for nutrient limitation in natural communities. However, because N fertilization experiments greatly outnumber P fertilization trials, it is difficult to discern the absolute importance of N vs. P vs. co-limitation across ecosystems. Despite these caveats, it is striking that results did not follow conventional wisdom that temperate ecosystems are N-limited and tropical ones are P-limited. In addition, the use of ratios of N-to-P rather than response ratios also are a useful index of nutrient limitation, but due to large overlap in values, there are unlikely to be universal cutoff values for delimiting N vs. P limitation. Differences in RRN and RRP were most significant across ecosystem types, plant families, life forms, and between competitive environments, but not across climatic variables.

  5. 110mAg root and foliar uptake in vegetables and its migration in soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shang, Z.R.; Leung, J.K.C.


    110m Ag, as a radionuclide of corrosion products in water-cooled nuclear reactors, was detected in the liquid effluents of Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (GNPS) of Daya Bay under normal operation conditions. Experiments on a simulated terrestrial agricultural ecosystem were carried out using the pot experiment approach. The most common plants in Hong Kong and the South China vegetable gardens such as lettuce, Chinese spinach, kale, carrot, pepper, eggplant, bean, flowering cabbage, celery, European onion and cucumber were selected for 110m Ag root and foliar uptake tests. The results show that carrot, kale and flowering cabbage have the greatest values of soil to plant transfer factor among the vegetables, while 110m Ag can be transferred to Chinese spinach via foliar uptake. Flowering cabbage, the most popular leafy vegetable locally, could be used as a biomonitor for the radioisotope contamination in vegetables. Soil column and adsorption tests were also carried out to study the leaching ability and distributio coefficient (K d ) of 110m Ag in the soil. The results show that most of the radionuclide was adsorbed in the top 1 cm of soil regardless of the pH value. The K d was also determined

  6. Changes in conifer and deciduous forest foliar and forest floor chemistry and basal area tree growth across a nitrogen (N) deposition gradient in the northeastern US

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boggs, Johnny L.; McNulty, Steven G.; Pardo, Linda H.


    We evaluated foliar and forest floor chemistry across a gradient of N deposition in the Northeast at 11 red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) sites in 1987/1988 and foliar and forest floor chemistry and basal area growth at six paired spruce and deciduous sites in 1999. The six red spruce plots were a subset of the original 1987/1988 spruce sites. In 1999, we observed a significant correlation between mean growing season temperature and red spruce basal area growth. Red spruce and deciduous foliar %N correlated significantly with N deposition. Although N deposition has not changed significantly from 1987/1988 to 1999, net nitrification potential decreased significantly at Whiteface. This decrease in net potential nitrification is not consistent with the N saturation hypothesis and suggests that non-N deposition controls, such as climatic factors and immobilization of down dead wood, might have limited N cycling. - Data from the 1999 remeasurement of the red spruce forests suggest that N deposition, to some extent, is continuing to influence red spruce across the northeastern US as illustrated by a significant correlation between N deposition and red spruce foliar %N. Our data also suggest that the decrease in forest floor %N and net nitrification potential across sites from 1987 to 1999 may be due to factors other than N deposition, such as climatic factors and N immobilization in fine woody material (<5 cm diameter)

  7. Relationship between photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency and foliar phosphorus fractions in tropical tree species


    Hidaka, Amane; Kitayama, Kanehiro


    How plants develop adaptive strategies to efficiently use nutrients on infertile soils is an important topic in plant ecology. It has been suggested that, with decreasing phosphorus (P) availability, plants increase photosynthetic P-use efficiency (PPUE) (i.e., the ratio of instantaneous photosynthetic carbon assimilation rate per unit foliar P). However, the mechanism to increase PPUE remains unclear. In this study, we tested whether high PPUE is explained by an optimized allocation of P in ...


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    S. Salazar-García


    Full Text Available En los huertos de aguacate "Hass" de los municipios de Tepic y Xalisco, Nayarit, son frecuentes los niveles foliares debajo de lo normal de zinc (Zn y la presencia de síntomas visuales de deficiencia de Zn en hojas, brotes y frutos. Esta investigación se desarrolló del 2001 al 2005 en dos huertos comerciales de aguacate ''Hass'' cultivados sin riego en el municipio de Tepic con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de las aplicaciones de sulfato de zinc (ZnSO4, al follaje o al suelo, sobre los niveles foliares de Zn, así como sobre la producción, tamaño y forma del fruto. El suelo de los huertos era de textura ligera, pH 5.8 y bajo contenido de Zn (1.4 a 3.13 1. Los tratamientos al follaje fueron aplicados en 8 L agua/árbol y consistieron en: a una aspersión con 4,056 g ZnSO4.L-1 agua (1.46 g Zn, y b dos aspersiones con 2.28 g ZnSO4.L-1 agua (0.73 g Zn; ambos tratamientos proporcionaron 11.68 g Zn.árbol-1. Los tratamientos al suelo consistieron en: a una aplicación (1.5 kg, y b dos aplicaciones (0.75 kg c/u anuales de ZnSO4 (35.5 % Zn al suelo. El tratamiento control no recibió Zn. Las aspersiones foliares con ZnSO4 no corrigieron la deficiencia foliar de Zn, ni tuvieron efecto sobre la producción y tamaño del fruto. Dos aplicaciones al suelo con 0.75 kg ZnSO4.árbol-1.año resultaron en el mayor incremento del rendimiento, tamaño y forma (más alargada del fruto, reduciendo la cantidad de frutos pequeños y redondos. Este tratamiento también incrementó los niveles de Zn en las hojas y en la pulpa del fruto. Se encontró una pobre relación entre los niveles de ZnSO4 aplicados al suelo y el contenido foliar de Zn.


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    Caroline da Cruz Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O uso de extratos vegetais tem sido amplamente estudado como controle biológico alternativo de doenças de plantas, especialmente aquelas causadas por fungos patogênicos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antifúngica in vitro do extrato bruto etanólico obtido de folhas de algodão (Gossypium arboreum L., Malvaceae em diferentes concentrações sob o desenvolvimento micelial do fungo fitopatogênico Lasiodiplodia theobromae. O ensaio foi conduzido nos Laboratórios de Microbiologia/Fitopatologia/Genética e de Cultivo/Isolamento da Universidade do Estado do Amapá/UEAP, em Macapá, Amapá. Em um Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC, seis tratamentos e seis repetições foram organizados: T1 (controle negativo – BDA (Batata-Dextrose-Ágar + 0 mg.mL-1 (extrato foliar; T2 - BDA + 5 mg.mL-1 (extrato foliar; T3 - BDA + 10 mg.mL-1 (extrato foliar; T4 - BDA + 20 mg.mL-1 (extrato foliar; T5 - BDA + 2,5 mL de etanol e T6 (controle positivo - BDA + 2,5 mL de fungicida comercial (Derosal®. As variáveis inibição do crescimento micelial (ICM, índice de velocidade de crescimento micelial (IVCM e área abaixo da curva de cobertura de crescimento micelial (AACCM foram calculadas ao final do experimento. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato bruto etanólico das folhas de G. arboreum não apresentou atividade antifúngica in vitro frente ao fungo L. theobromae nas concentrações testadas. O extrato induziu o crescimento micelial do fungo, especialmente na concentração 10 mg.mL-1, a qual apresentou condição ideal para o desenvolvimento das estruturas do fungo. Palavras-chave: Malvaceae, extrato vegetal, controle biológico, fitopatógeno.

  10. The effect of soil and foliar applications of magnesium fertilisers on yields and quality of vine (Vitis vinifera, L. grapes

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    Andrea Zatloukalová


    Full Text Available A one-year field trial was established with the vine variety Ryzlink vlašský (Riesling italico to evaluate the effect of spring soil applications and 5x repeated foliar application of magnesium fertilisers on yields and quality of grapes. On light soil of the experimental locality Žabčice (ca 25 km south of Brno visual symptoms of Mg deficiency on vine leaves had been monitored in the past. The experiment involved 4 treatments: 1 unfertilised control; 2 spring soil application of Kieserite – 20 kg Mg.ha−1; 3 5x foliar application of a 5% solution of Epso Combitop – Mg, S, Mn, Zn; 11.8 kg Mg.ha−1; 4 5x foliar applications of a 5% solution of Epso Top – Mg, S; 14.8 kg Mg.ha−1.No significant differences among the treatments were detected in the contents of K (1.40–1.67% and Ca (1.63–1.91% in leaves sampled after the applications. After foliar applications the contents of Mg and S significantly increased in treatments 3–4 to 0.42–0.49% and 0.34–0.40 %, respectively compared to treatments 1–2 (0.29–0.30% and 0.22%, respectively. The content of Zn (173–380−1 and Mn (90–551−1 increased significantly in treatment 3 compared to the other treatments. The chlorophyll index did not differ among the treatments. Grape yields (t.ha−1 in treatments 1–4 were the following: 7.04–8.16–7.51–7.26 t.ha−1, respectively. Only the soil-applied treatment 2 differed significantly from the other treatments. The content of sugar (16.5–17.9 °NM, titratable acids (12.78–13.25 g.l−1 and the pH of must (3.02–3.11 did not differ among the treatments.

  11. Caracterización química foliar de los árboles de aguacate criollo (Persea americana var. drymifolia en los bancos de germoplasma de Michoacán, México Foliar chemical caracterization of the creole avocado trees (Persea americana var. drymifolia in the germplasm banks from Michoacán, Mexico

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    Cintia A. Rincón-Hernández


    Full Text Available Persea americana var. drymifolia (aguacate criollo mexicano se emplea como portainjerto en huertos de aguacate Hass y es fuente de genes de resistencia a plagas y patógenos para éste y otros cultivares. El aguacate criollo mexicano se está sustituyendo por cultivares comerciales o perdiendo por la destrucción de ecosistemas. Por eso, se estudiaron 250 árboles (52 accesiones de 14 estados de México; 247 de criollo mexicano y 3 híbridos de éste con P.shiedeana, P. americana var. americana y P. americana var. guatemalensis, plantados en los bancos de germoplasma en Michoacán. Se analizó la composición química mediante cromatografía de gases-masas. Hubo alta variabilidad química entre los árboles del banco de germoplasma con los 64 compuestos detectados. El análisis de cúmulos mostró 2 grandes grupos químicos con 100% disimilitud y 22 grupos a 10% de disimilitud. Los híbridos se agruparon de manera diferente a los árboles con características típicas de criollo y difieren en su altitud de origen. Corroboramos que los volátiles foliares sirven como marcadores para diferenciar los criollos típicos de sus híbridos y que mucha variación atribuida a la variedad criolla proviene de hibridaciones en zonas de contacto de esta variedad con otras variedades o especies de Persea.Persea americana var. drymifolia (mexican creole avocado is used as rootstock in Hass avocado orchards and it is a source of genes for resistance to pests and pathogens for this and other cultivars. The Mexican varieties are being replaced by commercial cultivars or lost by the destruction of ecosystems. Therefore, we studied 250 avocado trees of 52 accessions from 14 Mexican states; 247 mexican creole avocado and 3 hybrids of that tree with P. shiedeana, P. americana var. americana or P. americana var. guatemalensis, planted at germplasm banks, Michoacán. Foliar chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS. High chemical variability among the trees was found

  12. Caracterizacion de nueve genotipos de maiz (Zea mays L. en relacion a area foliar y coeficiente de extincion de luz Caracterização de nove genótipos de milho (Zea mays L. en relação à área foliar e coeficiente de extinção de luz Evaluation of nine corn (Zea mays L. genotypes in relation to leaf area and light extinction coefficient

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    R.G. Camacho


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron nueve materiales genéticos de maíz (Arichuna, Baraure, Braquítico, Experimental-2, Foremaíz PB, FM-6, Obregón, Proscca-71 y Tocorón, en relación con área promedio de hoja por planta, área foliar total por planta (AFT, índice de área foliar (IAF, y coeficiente de extinción de luz (K a 0,50 m, 1,00 m, 1,50 m, 2,00 m y 2,50 m de altura de la planta (medidos a partir del suelo. Además, estudios de correlación y regresión simple fueron hechos entre rendimiento (R y IAF. Se encontraron rangos de variación para las diversas variables: Area promedio de hoja por planta(471cm² para Foremaiz PB y 606 cm² para Baraure; AFT ( 5 327cm² en Foremaiz PB y 8 411 cm² para Braquítico; IAF (4,26, Foremaiz PB y 6,67, Braquítico; K (0,23 para Braquítico y 0,42, Arichuna; rendimiento (2 877 kg.ha-1, Braquítico y 4 784 kg.ha-1 en Tocorón. La relación entre rendimiento y IAF no fue significativa(r = 0,07. La asociación de IAF y K file muy bien descrita por la ley de Beer.Foram caracterizados nove materiais genéticos de milho (Arichuna, Baraure, Braquítico, Experimental-2, Foremaíz PB, FM-6, Obregón, Proseca-71 y Tocorón com relação a área foliar média de folhas por planta(AF, área foliar total por planta (AFT, índice de área foliar (IAF e coeficiente de extinção de luz (K a 0,50m, 1,00m, 1,50m, 2,00m e 2,50m de altura (a partir do solo. Foram encontrados os seguintes intervalos de variação para as diversas variáveis: área média de folhas por planta (471 cm² para Foremaíz PB e 606 cm² Baraure; área foliar total por planta: 5 327 cm² (Foremaiz PB e 8 411 cm² (Braquítico, índice de área foliar: 4,26 (Foremaiz PB e 6,67 (Braquítico; coeficiente de extinção de luz: 0,23 (Braquítico e 0,42 (Arichuna; rendimento: 2 877 kg.ha-1 (Braquítico e 4 784 kg.ha-1 (Tocorón. Não foi encontrada relação entre o rendimento e o IAF (r = 0,07, e a associação do IAF e K foi muito bem explicada pela lei de Beer

  13. Promoción del crecimiento en plantas de Capsicum annuum por nanopartículas de óxido de zinc

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    B. Méndez-Argüello


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones de la nanotecnología (NT en los sistemas agrícolas son diversas, ofreciendo el potencial para mejorar significativamente su productividad y eficiencia al reducir costos y cantidades de agroquímicos aplicados. Las nanopartículas (NPs metálicas de óxido de zinc, cobre y fierro, ya sean puras o mezcladas con plata, están siendo estudiadas globalmente por su potencial agrícola como promotores de crecimiento, nanofertilizantes y antimicrobiales. Considerando lo antes señalado, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de NPs de óxido de zinc puras (NPsZnO y con plata (NPsZnO+Ag en el crecimiento de plantas de chile (Capsicum annuum. La síntesis y caracterización de las NPs mencionadas se realizó mediante el método de sol-gel. La aplicación foliar de las NPs a las plantas se hizo semanalmente; el diseño experimental empleado fue completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron mediante un análisis de varianza y prueba de rango múltiple Tukey (p≤0.05. Los resultados señalan que las plantas expuestas a la aplicación de NPsZnO + Ag al 2.5% en peso, tuvieron significativamente mayor crecimiento y producción de biomasa en comparación con las plantas del tratamiento control, mostrando valores superiores de altura (16.8%, área foliar (30.3%, producción de biomasa total (59.5%, biomasa seca de raíz (112.5%, biomasa seca de tallo (76% y longitud de raíz (24.4%. También se observó un incremento del índice de clorofila (8% y número de hojas (32.6%. El efecto promotor de crecimiento de las NPs aplicadas podría atribuirse a la actividad del zinc como precursor de la producción de auxinas que promueven división y elongación celular; así como por su influencia en la reactividad del ácido indolacético, el cual actúa como fitoestimulante hormonal. También puede ser factible que las NPs estudiadas estén involucradas en la biosíntesis de citoquininas

  14. Fertilização com boro e zinco no solo em complementação à aplicação via foliar em laranjeira Pêra

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    Quaggio José Antônio


    Full Text Available As deficiências de boro (B e zinco (Zn são as mais freqüentes na citricultura brasileira e há escassez de conhecimento sobre critérios de diagnóstico e manejo desses nutrientes nessa cultura. A aplicação foliar tem sido a forma tradicional de fornecimento desses nutrientes, a despeito da baixa redistribuição na planta cítrica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da aplicação complementar de B e Zn no solo em comparação com a aplicação via foliar e estabelecer curvas de calibração de análises de solo e de folhas com a produtividade da laranjeira Pêra. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento fatorial 4², com três repetições. Foram aplicadas no solo as doses anuais de 0, 2, 4 e 6 kg ha-1 de B (ácido bórico e Zn (sulfato de zinco, em complemento à adubação foliar. A produção de frutos aumentou significativamente com a aplicação de B no solo até a dose de 4 kg ha-1, enquanto a aplicação de Zn no solo mostrou-se pouco eficiente. As doses de B afetaram a qualidade dos frutos. A produtividade máxima foi obtida com teor de B no solo de 1,0 mg dm-3, e na folha de cerca de 300 mg kg-1. A aplicação foliar de B, apesar de evitar os sintomas típicos de deficiência, não otimizou a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos, enquanto a aplicação foliar de Zn mostrou-se eficiente. Curvas de calibração de análises de solo e de folhas mostraram a necessidade de rever as classes de interpretação desses micronutrientes na citricultura.

  15. Control efficacy of Ca-containing foliar fertilizers on bitter pit in bagged 'Fuji' apple and effects on the Ca and N contents of apple fruits and leaves. (United States)

    Yu, Xian-Mei; Wang, Jin-Zheng; Nie, Pei-Xian; Xue, Xaio-Min; Wang, Gui-Ping; An, Miao


    The preharvest application of Ca-containing foliar fertilizers can reduce bitter pit (BP) incidence in apples and improve fruit quality by increasing the Ca content and decreasing both the N content and the N/Ca ratio in fruits. In this study, we aimed to investigate the control efficacy of Ca-containing fertilizers on BP incidence and the effects on the Ca and N contents in bagged 'Fuji' apple by spraying the foliar fertilizer containing calcium chloride (CaCl 2 ), calcium nitrate [Ca(NO 3 ) 2 ] or calcium formate [Ca(HCOO) 2 ] at early stage [5 days after full bloom (DAFB) + 40 DAFB] and at late stage (80 DAFB + 125 DAFB). The BP incidences were reduced significantly with the reduce percentage of 43.2~73.0%, and the efficacy of spraying at early stage was significantly higher than that of spraying at late stage. The Ca content of bagged apple fruits was increased while the N content and N/Ca ratio were decreased after spraying Ca-containing foliar fertilizers, however, the Ca content, N content and N/Ca ratio of apple leaves were differentially influenced. The foliar fertilizer containing CaCl 2, Ca(NO 3 ) 2 or Ca(HCOO) 2 could be used at early stage to control BP in apple and improve the quality of bagged apple fruits. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  16. Concentração foliar de nutrientes em cultivares de Coffea arabica L. sob espaçamentos adensados Foliar nutrient contents in cultivars of Coffea arabica L. at condensed spacings

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    Humberto Silva Augusto


    Full Text Available Os plantios adensados de café proporcionam melhor reciclagem de nutrientes e conseqüentemente reduzem a perda de nutrientes do solo por erosão, lixiviação e oxidação da matéria orgânica. Avaliaram-se as influências de diferentes espaçamentos na concentração de macro e micronutrientes em folhas de cafeeiro das cultivares IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 e UFV 3880. Ao início do experimento o solo foi arado para incorporação do calcário. As mudas foram plantadas em covas de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,40 m, espaçadas entre si em 0,75 m na fileira. Na adubação de plantio aplicou-se 200 g de Fosfato Natural de Araxá, 50 g de Superfosfato Simples por cova, e 15 dias após o plantio 2L/cova de esterco em cobertura. As demais adubações foram realizadas segundo o recomendado para a cultura do café. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados num esquema fatorial 6 x 4 (seis cultivares x quatro espaçamentos, com seis repetições. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro fileiras de 4,50 m de comprimento, espaçadas entre fileiras em 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 2,5 m. Amostras de folhas foram retiradas aos 21 e 34 meses para avaliação dos teores foliares de macro e micronutrientes. O adensamento não influenciou na concentração de nutrientes nas folhas aos 21 meses após o plantio, mas influenciou as concentrações foliares de P, K e Mg aos 34 meses após o plantio.Coffee-tree condensed plantings provide reduction in the loss of the soil nutrients by erosion, lixiviation and oxidation of the organic matter, and even increase nutrient recycling. This experiment aimed evaluates the influence of different spacing among rows on the nutrient foliar contents of coffee-tree varieties, and was performed in randomized blocks with 24 treatments and six replications. The employed varieties IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 and UFV 3880 were planted with a spacing of 0,75 m among plants and 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 and 2,5m among rows. Each plot was composed

  17. Improving tolerance of sunflower and safflower during growth stages to salinity through foliar spray of nutrient solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jabeen, N.; Ahmad, R.


    The effect of salinity and foliar application of nutrient solutions on sunflower and safflower in vegetative and reproductive phases of the growth were investigated in Bio saline Research Field, University of Karachi, Pakistan. The seeds were sown in pots under non saline condition and saline water irrigation was started at three leaf stage after germination. Different concentration of saline water were made by dissolving 3g and 6g sea salt per litre of tap water, equivalent to an EC of 4.8 and 8.6 dS/m respectively. Nutrient solution (KNO/sub 3 /, H/sub 3/ BO/sub 3/, Fe-EDTA or its mixture) was sprayed thrice, i.e., 45, 75 and 95 days after planting. KNO/sub 3/ was given at the rate 250 ppm and other H/sub 3/ BO/sub 3/ and Fe-EDTA was given at the rate 5 ppm. Salinity caused a significant reduction in nutrient uptake, height, biomass and yield of both sunflower and safflower. Foliar application of macro and micro nutrients (i.e. KNO/sub 3/, H/sub 3/BO/sub 3/, Fe-EDTA and mixture of KNO/sub 3/ + H/sub 3/BO/sub 3/ + Fe-EDTA) partially minimized the salt induced deficiency and showed significant increase in height, fresh and dry biomass, number and weight of seeds, and amount of oil per sunflower and safflower plant irrespective to their growth under non saline or saline conditions. Among the nutrient solutions, mixture of KNO/sub 3/+ H/sub 3/BO/sub 3/ + Fe-EDTA seemed to be the most effective followed by H/sub 3/ BO/sub 3/ and Fe-EDTA. These results suggested that foliar application of nutrients could be used to improve plant tolerance to salinity by alleviating the adverse effects of salinity on growth and reproductive yield. (author)

  18. Influence of foliar applications of humic acids on yield and fruit quality of table grape cv. Italia

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    Giuseppe Ferrara


    Significance and impact of study: This study gives new information about the positive effects of foliar application of humic acids, active components of soil and compost organic matter, on yield and fruit quality of table grape. In organic viticulture humic acids may find a valid and appropriate application for a technical and economical use.

  19. Foliar uptake of radioisotopes and its consequences for the contamination of agricultural products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Proehl, G.


    The contamination of nutritional parts of plants via radionuclides taken up through the leaves depends on the mobility of the radionuclides in the plant. The alkaline metals, iodine and technetium for example, are considered as mobile; due to the migration in the interior of the plant, these nuclides cause the highest food contamination after foliar uptake of radionuclides. The alkaline earth metals, cerium, ruthenium and plutonium are considered as immobile; the contamination by these elements is almost exclusively induced by direct nuclide deposition on the nutritional parts of the plants. Cobalt, zinc, manganese and iron have a certain middle position with regard to radionuclide migration. Gaseous iodine is taken up through slit-like apertures. The uptake may be very effective; under humid conditions the uptake is higher than under arid conditions. Due to the short half-time period only the meadow-cow-milk-path is relevant for the exposure to iodine 131, for other paths however, the longeval iodine 129 is important. The development of the specific activity of meadow grass after one single deposition can be described with a massdependent interceptory factor and two subsequent meteorologic half-times of 14 and 28 d. Model estimations show that after nuclear disorders in the middle of the year for some radionuclides and important nutritients the human activity supply via foliar uptake will exceed the activity supply via soil - root migration by up to 2 magnitudes during the next 50 years. (orig./MG) [de

  20. Foliar injury response of petunia and kidney bean to simultaneous and alternate exposures to ozone and PAN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nouchi, I.; Mayumi, H.; Yamazoe, F.


    Petunia at about 6 weeks old and kidney bean at two growing stages (6-7 days old and 16-18 days old) were exposed separately to O/sub 3/ (0-0.40 ppm) and PAN (0-0.25 ppm) for 4 h and to the mixture for the same time. In addition, petunia was exposed to O/sub 3/ (0.10-0.40 ppm) and then PAN (0.010-0.040 ppm) for 4 h, respectively. Foliar injury of petunia and kidney bean in exposures to the mixtures of O/sub 3/ and PAN was significantly smaller than that induced by each oxidant, with the exception of PAN injury on young leaves of 16-18 day-old kidney bean. The percentage of foliar injury caused by either of the mixed pollutants decreased with an increase of the concentration of the other oxidant, and was found to approximate a logarithmic function of the combined pollutant concentrations expressed as O/sub 3/ minum PAN or vice versa. Alternate exposures caused no additive or synergistic injuries. 23 references, 3 figures, 6 tables.

  1. Foliar injury response of petunia and kidney bean to simultaneous and alternate exposures to ozone and pan (United States)

    Nouchi, Isamu; Mayumi, Hirokazu; Yamazoe, Fumio

    Petunia at about 6 weeks old and kidney bean at two growing stages (6-7 days old and 16-18 days old) were exposed separately to O 3, (0-0.40 ppm) and PAN (0-0.25 ppm) for 4 h and to the mixture for the same time. In addition, petunia was exposed to O, (0.10-0.40 ppm) and then PAN (0.010-0.040 ppm) for 4 h, respectively. Foliar injury of petunia and kidney bean in exposures to the mixtures of O 3 and PAN was significantly smaller than that induced by each oxidant, with the exception of PAN injury on young leaves of 16-18 day-old kidney bean. The percentage of foliar injury caused by either of the mixed pollutants decreased with an increase of the concentration of the other oxidant, and was found to approximate a logarithmic function of the combined pollutant concentrations expressed as O 3, minum PAN or vice versa. Alternate exposures caused no additive or synergistic injuries.

  2. Temperature responses of photosynthetic capacity parameters were not affected by foliar nitrogen content in mature Pinus sylvestris. (United States)

    Tarvainen, Lasse; Lutz, Martina; Räntfors, Mats; Näsholm, Torgny; Wallin, Göran


    A key weakness in current Earth System Models is the representation of thermal acclimation of photosynthesis in response to changes in growth temperatures. Previous studies in boreal and temperate ecosystems have shown leaf-scale photosynthetic capacity parameters, the maximum rates of carboxylation (V cmax ) and electron transport (J max ), to be positively correlated with foliar nitrogen (N) content at a given reference temperature. It is also known that V cmax and J max exhibit temperature optima that are affected by various environmental factors and, further, that N partitioning among the foliar photosynthetic pools is affected by N availability. However, despite the strong recent anthropogenic influence on atmospheric temperatures and N deposition to forests, little is known about the role of foliar N contents in controlling the photosynthetic temperature responses. In this study, we investigated the temperature dependencies of V cmax and J max in 1-year-old needles of mature boreal Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) trees growing under low and high N availabilities in northern Sweden. We found that needle N status did not significantly affect the temperature responses of V cmax or J max when the responses were fitted to a peaked function. If such N insensitivity is a common tree trait it will simplify the interpretation of the results from gradient and multi-species studies, which commonly use sites with differing N availabilities, on temperature acclimation of photosynthetic capacity. Moreover, it will simplify modeling efforts aimed at understanding future carbon uptake by precluding the need to adjust the shape of the temperature response curves to variation in N availability. © 2017 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.

  3. Physiological and foliar injury responses of Prunus serotina, Fraxinus americana, and Acer rubrum seedlings to varying soil moisture and ozone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaub, M.; Skelly, J.M.; Steiner, K.C.; Davis, D.D.; Pennypacker, S.P.; Zhang, J.; Ferdinand, J.A.; Savage, J.E.; Stevenson, R.E.


    High soil water availability favors ozone uptake, increases foliar injury, and exacerbates the negative ozone effect on gas exchange of seedlings of deciduous tree species. - Sixteen black cherry (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.), 10 white ash (Fraxinus americana, L.) and 10 red maple (Acer rubrum, L.) 1-year old seedlings were planted per plot in 1997 on a former nursery bed within 12 open-top chambers and six open plots. Seedlings were exposed to three different ozone scenarios (ambient air: 100% O 3 ; non-filtered air: 98% ambient O 3 ; charcoal-filtered air: 50% ambient O 3 ) within each of two different water regimes (nine plots irrigated, nine plots non-irrigated) during three growing seasons. During the 1998 and 1999 growing season, leaf gas exchange, plant water relations, and foliar injury were measured. Climatic data, ambient- and chamber-ozone-concentrations were monitored. We found that seedlings grown under irrigated conditions had similar (in 1998) but significantly higher gas exchange rates (in 1999) than seedlings grown within non-irrigated plots among similar ozone exposures. Cherry and ash had similar ozone uptake but cherry developed more ozone-induced injury (<34% affected leaf area, LAA) than ash (<5% LAA), while maple rarely showed foliar injury, indicating the species differed in ozone sensitivity. Significantly more severe injury on seedlings grown under irrigated conditions than seedlings grown under non-irrigated conditions demonstrated that soil moisture altered seedling responses to ambient ozone exposures

  4. Correlation of epiphyllous bud differentiation with foliar senescence in crassulacean succulent Kalanchoe pinnata as revealed by thidiazuron and ethrel application. (United States)

    Jaiswal, Sarita; Sawhney, Sudhir


    Leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata have crenate margins with each notch bearing a dormant bud competent to develop into a healthy plantlet. Leaf detachment is a common signal for inducing two contrastingly different leaf-based processes, i.e. epiphyllous bud development into plantlet and foliar senescence. To investigate differentiation of bud and its correlation, if any, with foliar senescence, thidiazuron (TDZ), having cytokinin activity and ethrel (ETH), an ethylene releasing compound, were employed. The experimental system was comprised of marginal leaf discs, each harbouring an epiphyllous bud. Most of the growth characteristics of plantlet developing from the epiphyllous bud were significantly inhibited by TDZ but promoted by ETH. The two regulators modulated senescence in a manner different for leaf discs and plantlet leaves. Thus, TDZ caused a complete retention whereas ETH a complete loss of chlorophyll in the leaf discs. In contrast, the former resulted in a complete depletion of chlorophyll from the plantlet leaves producing an albino effect, while the latter reduced it by 50% only. In combined dispensation of the two regulators, the effect of TDZ was expressed in majority of responses studied. The results presented in this investigation clearly show that the foliar processes of epiphyllous bud differentiation and senescence are interlinked as TDZ that delayed senescence inhibited epiphyllous bud differentiation and ETH that hastened senescence promoted it. A working hypothesis to interpret responsiveness of the disc-bud composite on lines of a source-sink duo, has been proposed.

  5. Leaf phenology and its associated traits in the wintergreen species Aristotelia chilensis (Mol. Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae Fenología foliar y sus caracteres asociados en la especie invierno-verde Aristotelia chilensis (Mol. Stuntz (Elaeocarpaceae

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    Full Text Available The post-summer leaf demography of the wintergreen species Aristotelia chilensis growing near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, is described. Its specific leaf mass (SLM, g m-2 is compared to that of the deciduous and evergreen species of the Andean-Patagonian forests and to that of other communities abroad. The pattern of leaf emergence is intermediate, with leaf flush in spring (basal cohort, BC, followed by successive unfolding of the remaining leaves (distal cohort, DC during summer. The senescence of the BC occurs mainly in autumn, with a loss of 11-31 % of its SLM. The DC falls synchronously in mid-spring and the SLM loss in winter is 10-13 %. The SLM of A. chilensis (103.6 ± 6.2 g m-2 is intermediate when compared to the general mean values of deciduous (73.7 ± 15.9 g m-2 and evergreen species (154.8 ± 45.8 g m-2. The SLM of deciduous and evergreen species of three different forests near San Carlos de Bariloche varied significantly at the end of the growing season while that of A. chilensis showed more constant values. The periodicity of leaf production and senescence in A. chilensis allows the maintenance of one leaf cohort throughout the year, covering the carbon demand for flowering and leaf production in spring. This differentiates the deciduous from the wintergreen species, despite their similar mean leaf life span values, while the evergreen species have a longer leaf turnover. Considering the conditions for growth in each studied forest, the leaf life span was not the only factor determining the SLM value. This variable would also depend on multiple stresses that may act during the ontogenesis and evolution of the leaves in each phenological groupSe describe la demografía foliar después del verano de la especie invierno-verde Aristotelia chilensis, creciendo cerca de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Se compara su peso específico foliar (SLM, g m-2 con los valores de especies deciduas y siempreverdes de los

  6. Teores foliares de nutrientes no maracujazeiro amarelo em função de adubação nitrogenada, irrigação e epócas de amostragem

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    Carvalho Almy Junior Cordeiro de


    Full Text Available A realização de diagnósticos de culturas, através do conhecimento dos teores foliares dos nutrientes, em cada condição de cultivo, se justifica e tem por finalidade corrigir deficiências, inclusive com a utilização de ferramentas tais como o DRIS (Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação, que auxiliam no manejo para a obtenção de altos rendimentos das culturas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da adubação nitrogenada, irrigação e época de amostragem nos teores dos nutrientes foliares na cultura do maracujazeiro amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa. O experimento foi conduzido em Campos-RJ, em Argissolo Amarelo distrófico, onde foram combinadas quatro doses de nitrogênio (50 a 650 g por planta por ano de N com 6 lâminas de irrigação (0 a 125% da ETo - Evapotranspiração de referência. Na maior produtividade de frutos (41,3 t ha-1, os teores de nutrientes foliares variaram de 40,8 a 58,1 g kg-1 de N, 2,58 a 3,85 g kg-1 de P, 23,2 a 38 g kg-1 de K, 6,13 a 14,4 g kg-1 de Ca, 2,23 a 4,28 g kg-1 de Mg, 3,2 a 4,64 g kg-1 de S, 13,1 a 32,4 g kg-1 de Cl, 21,1 a 36,5 mg kg-1 de Zn, 44,4 a 94,5 mg kg-1 de Mn, 82 a 246 mg kg-1 de Fe, 16,8 a 48,9 mg kg-1 de B e 3,97 a 234 mg kg-1 de Cu. A adubação nitrogenada afetou os teores foliares de N, K, S, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cl e B. A irrigação elevou os teores foliares de Cl e de Na e não influenciou nos teores foliares dos outros nutrientes.

  7. Endohyphal bacterium enhances production of indole-3-acetic acid by a foliar fungal endophyte.

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    Michele T Hoffman

    Full Text Available Numerous plant pathogens, rhizosphere symbionts, and endophytic bacteria and yeasts produce the important phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, often with profound effects on host plants. However, to date IAA production has not been documented among foliar endophytes -- the diverse guild of primarily filamentous Ascomycota that live within healthy, above-ground tissues of all plant species studied thus far. Recently bacteria that live within hyphae of endophytes (endohyphal bacteria have been detected, but their effects have not been studied previously. Here we show not only that IAA is produced in vitro by a foliar endophyte (here identified as Pestalotiopsis aff. neglecta, Xylariales, but that IAA production is enhanced significantly when the endophyte hosts an endohyphal bacterium (here identified as Luteibacter sp., Xanthomonadales. Both the endophyte and the endophyte/bacterium complex appear to rely on an L-tryptophan dependent pathway for IAA synthesis. The bacterium can be isolated from the fungus when the symbiotic complex is cultivated at 36°C. In pure culture the bacterium does not produce IAA. Culture filtrate from the endophyte-bacterium complex significantly enhances growth of tomato in vitro relative to controls and to filtrate from the endophyte alone. Together these results speak to a facultative symbiosis between an endophyte and endohyphal bacterium that strongly influences IAA production, providing a new framework in which to explore endophyte-plant interactions.

  8. Leaf optical properties shed light on foliar trait variability at individual to global scales (United States)

    Shiklomanov, A. N.; Serbin, S.; Dietze, M.


    Recent syntheses of large trait databases have contributed immensely to our understanding of drivers of plant function at the global scale. However, the global trade-offs revealed by such syntheses, such as the trade-off between leaf productivity and resilience (i.e. "leaf economics spectrum"), are often absent at smaller scales and fail to correlate with actual functional limitations. An improved understanding of how traits vary among communities, species, and individuals is critical to accurate representations of vegetation ecophysiology and ecological dynamics in ecosystem models. Spectral data from both field observations and remote sensing platforms present a rich and widely available source of information on plant traits. Here, we apply Bayesian inversion of the PROSPECT leaf radiative transfer model to a large global database of over 60,000 field spectra and plant traits to (1) comprehensively assess the accuracy of leaf trait estimation using PROSPECT spectral inversion; (2) investigate the correlations between optical traits estimable from PROSPECT and other important foliar traits such as nitrogen and lignin concentrations; and (3) identify dominant sources of variability and characterize trade-offs in optical and non-optical foliar traits. Our work provides a key methodological contribution by validating physically-based retrieval of plant traits from remote sensing observations, and provides insights about trait trade-offs related to plant acclimation, adaptation, and community assembly.

  9. Respuesta fisiológica del ñame espino (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir a las densidades de siembra

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    Dairo J. Pérez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la respuesta fisiológica del ñame espino (Dioscorea rotundata cv. brasilero en función del incremento de las densidades de siembra, bajo la oferta ambiental del Sinú medio. El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Córdoba (Montería, Colombia, donde se evaluaron las densidades de siembra de 45.455, 30.303, 22.727 y 10.101 plantas/ha; bajo un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con tres repeticiones. Las variables de respuestas consideradas fueron la fotosíntesis neta (Pn, medida en tres etapas fenológicas (vegetativa, inicio y final de tuberización; y los índices de crecimiento: tasa absoluta de crecimiento (TAC, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRC e índice de área foliar (IAF. La Pn no varió entre las densidades de siembra (p≤0,05, pero después de la etapa vegetativa, se redujo en promedio un 19,14% para el inicio y final de la tuberización. La TAC y la TRC tuvieron similar tendencia, se incrementaron desde la etapa vegetativa, pero esta última se redujo al final del cultivo. La TAN comenzó a decrecer desde la etapa vegetativa con un leve incremento al final del ciclo. El IAF se incrementó significativamente a partir de la tuberización, para las densidades de siembra superiores a 10.101 plantas/ha, alcanzando valores entre 3,08 y 4,03. Se concluye que los índices de crecimiento a excepción del IAF y la Pn, no variaron entre las densidades de siembra, probablemente por la capacidad de la especie de regular su actividad fisiológica en función de la densidad de siembra.


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    Vinícius Jardel Szareski


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi avaliar a resposta de diferentes fertilizantes foliares aplicados na cultura da soja e as associações lineares entre os componentes do rendimento de grãos, nas condições edafoclimáticas da Região do Alto Uruguai, RS. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos testados foram: T1: sem aplicação de bioestimulantes; T2: aplicação de NITAMIN®; T3: aplicação de BIOZIME®; T4: aplicação de Bioamino Extra®; T5: Aplicação de NIPHOKAN®, onde avaliou-se os componentes do rendimento de grãos da soja. A aplicação de micronutrientes e bioestimulantes via foliar não acarreta em aumento no rendimento de grãos da soja, para as condições edafoclimáticas da Região do Alto Uruguai. O rendimento de grãos apresenta correlação positiva com o número de ramificações, número de legumes nas ramificações, número total de legumes, número de grãos por planta e massa de mil grãos.


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    Ronaldo Ribeiro de Morais


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o curso diário e sazonal do potencial hídrico foliar de mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae em sistema agroflorestal (SAF. O experimento foi realizado em árvores de S. macrophylla plantadas num sistema agroflorestal instalado no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, AM. Avaliou-se o potencial hídrico foliar (Ψf dos cursos diário e sazonal nos anos 2004 e 2005, por meio da utilização de bomba de pressão tipo Scholander. Os resultados indicaram que os valores do Ψf de S. macrophylla, de modo geral, foram superiores no início da manhã e no final da tarde, com redução acentuada ao meio-dia, e que, em relação à sazonalidade de precipitação, as menores taxas foram reportadas para a época menos chuvosa, variando de -26 bar em 2004 para -31bar em 2005. Verificou-se que o potencial hídrico de Swietenia macrophylla em sistema agroflorestal sofreu reduções significativas em razão dos baixos índices pluviométricos entre junho e outubro de 2005.

  12. {sup 110m}Ag root and foliar uptake in vegetables and its migration in soil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shang, Z.R.; Leung, J.K.C. E-mail:


    {sup 110m}Ag, as a radionuclide of corrosion products in water-cooled nuclear reactors, was detected in the liquid effluents of Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (GNPS) of Daya Bay under normal operation conditions. Experiments on a simulated terrestrial agricultural ecosystem were carried out using the pot experiment approach. The most common plants in Hong Kong and the South China vegetable gardens such as lettuce, Chinese spinach, kale, carrot, pepper, eggplant, bean, flowering cabbage, celery, European onion and cucumber were selected for {sup 110m}Ag root and foliar uptake tests. The results show that carrot, kale and flowering cabbage have the greatest values of soil to plant transfer factor among the vegetables, while{sup 110m}Ag can be transferred to Chinese spinach via foliar uptake. Flowering cabbage, the most popular leafy vegetable locally, could be used as a biomonitor for the radioisotope contamination in vegetables. Soil column and adsorption tests were also carried out to study the leaching ability and distributio coefficient (K{sub d}) of {sup 110m}Ag in the soil. The results show that most of the radionuclide was adsorbed in the top 1 cm of soil regardless of the pH value. The K{sub d} was also determined.

  13. Crescimento foliar e atividades das enzimas antioxidativas em plântulas de girassol suplementadas com percolado de aterro sanitário e submetidas a estresse hídrico

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    Francisco Holanda Nunes Junior


    Full Text Available Em regiões áridas ou semiáridas, a escassez hídrica tem sido um dos principais fatores limitantes da produção agrícola. Diante disso, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar os efeitos da aplicação de percolado de aterro sanitário no crescimento foliar (número de folhas e área foliar e as atividades das enzimas antioxidativas: superóxido dismutase (SOD, catalase (CAT, peroxidase do ascorbato (APX e peroxidase do guaiacol (GPX em folhas e raízes de plântulas de girassol submetidas às condições de estresse hídrico. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, disposto em arranjo fatorial dois (irrigadas ou não irrigadas x quatro (areia; areia + adubo orgânico 100 kg N ha-1; areia + percolado de aterro sanitário 100 kg N ha-1; areia + percolado de aterro sanitário 150 kg N ha-1, com cinco repetições. Em relação aos parâmetros foliares, o tratamento 100 kg N ha-1 suplementado com percolado de aterro sanitário obteve os melhores incrementos no número de folhas e área foliar. Além disso, verificaram-se aumentos nas atividades das enzimas antioxidativas em folhas e raízes de plântulas de girassol suplementadas com percolado de aterro sanitário, sendo provável que as reduções dos efeitos deletérios do estresse hídrico nas variáveis foliares dos tratamentos suplementados com percolado de aterro sanitário tenham ocorrido em virtude das maiores atividades das enzimas antioxidativas, especialmente as da CAT nas folhas e GPX nas raízes.

  14. Improvement of antioxidant activities and yield of spring maize through seed priming and foliar application of plant growth regulators under heat stress conditions

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    Ijaz Ahmad


    Full Text Available Heat stress during reproductive and grain filling phases adversely affects the growth of cereals through reduction in grain’s number and size. However, exogenous application of antioxidants, plant growth regulators and osmoprotectants may be helpful to minimize these heat induced yield losses in cereals. This two year study was conducted to evaluate the role of exogenous application of ascorbic acid (AsA, salicylic acid (SA and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 applied through seed priming or foliar spray on biochemical, physiological, morphological and yield related traits, grain yield and quality of late spring sown hybrid maize. The experiment was conducted in the spring season of 2007 and 2008. We observed that application of AsA, SA and H2O2 applied through seed priming or foliar spray improved the physiological, biochemical, morphological and yield related traits, grain yield and grain quality of late spring sown maize in both years. In both years, we observed higher superoxide dismutase (SOD, catalase (CAT and peroxidase (POD activity in the plants where AsA, SA and H2O2were applied through seed priming or foliar spray than control. Membrane stability index (MSI, relative water contents (RWC, chlorophyll contents, grain yield and grain oil contents were also improved by exogenous application of AsA, SA and H2O2 in both years. Seed priming of AsA, SA and H2O2was equally effective as the foliar application. In conclusion, seed priming with AsA, SA and H2O2 may be opted to lessen the heat induced yield losses in late sown spring hybrid maize. Heat tolerance induced by ASA, SA and H2O2 may be attributed to increase in antioxidant activities and MSI which maintained RWC and chlorophyll contents in maize resulting in better grain yield in heat stress conditions.

  15. Análise histoquímica foliar do amendoim: genótipos 'Tatu' e SO-909 Leaf histochemical analyses of peanut: genotypes 'Tatu' and SO-909

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    Renato Ferraz de Arruda Veiga


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por finalidade a análise histoquímica foliar de dois genótipos de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L., do tipo botânico Valência: SO-53 ('Tatu' e SO-909 (PI-259747, cuja literatura demonstra apresentarem respostas diferentes de resistência às principais moléstias fúngicas foliares do Brasil. Seções transversais das seguintes estruturas - pulvino, haste peciolar, raque, pulvínulo e folíolo - e seções paradérmicas de folíolos coletados em dois anos agrícolas consecutivos, foram analisadas quanto à presença de alcalóides, amido, calose, celulose pura, celulose com pectina, cera, cristais, cutina, lignina, mucilagem, óleo, resina, tanino e ureídeos (micrograma por folíolo (grama. As diferenças qualitativas histoquímicas observadas nos diversos tecidos, como a freqüência de tanino, alcalóide, pectina e óleo, supostamente, podem ser responsáveis pela resistência ou suscetibilidade dos genótipos às moléstias fúngicas foliares. Para fins de caracterização, mostrou-se eficiente a avaliação de pureza de celulose.Leaf histochemical analyses were made in two genotypes of Arachis hypogaea L., of the Valencia group, which present different responses to some of the peanut foliar diseases. The analyses were performed on cross sections of the pulvini, petiole, rachis, pulvinulus and leaflets. The following constituents were observed: alkaloids, callose, cellulose with pectin, cristal, cutin, lignin, mucilage, oil, pure cellulose, resin, starch, tannin, wax and weight of ureides by leaflets. Some histochemical characteristics such the amount of tannin, alkaloids, pectin and oil can be produce different responses of peanut to foliar fungal diseases, and can be used in the characterization of peanut genotypes like the amount of pure cellulose and cellulose with pectin.

  16. The Effects of Foliar Application of Urea, Calcium Nitrate and Boric Acid on Growth and Yield of Greenhouse Cucumber (cv. Khassib

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    Naser Nasrolahzadehasl


    Full Text Available Introduction: Cucumis sativus L. is one of the most eminent and consuming vegetables which is widely cultivated in the Middle East. Using the controlled and greenhouse cultivation is one of the most appropriate methods to increase production per unit area. In this method, controlling the effective factors of production such as plant nutrition is the important factor to achieve high performance. Besides the accuracy applied in nutritional regulation of plant roots (both in soil and hypothermic environments, in many cases, foliar nutrition is considered by breeder of greenhouse productions. Foliar nutrition is more effective on young leaves, and deficiency of macro and micro nutrients can be removed by this factor. Khassib is one of the most important cultivar of greenhouse cucumber which is widely cultivated in Iran. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of foliar application on greenhouse cucumber. Materials and Methods: The experiment was performed on greenhouse cucumber (cv. Khassib for five months (from March 2007 to July 2008 in Ziba Dasht Technical Instruction Center which is located near Karaj, Iran. For this reason the experiment was conducted based on split-split-plot design with three replications. Eight experimental treatments were applied for foliar application including U1C1B1: urea + calcium nitrate +boric acid, U1C1B0: urea + calcium nitrate, U1C0B1: urea + boric acid, U1C0B0: urea, U0C1B1: calcium nitrate + boric acid, U0C1B0: calcium nitrate, U0C0B1: boric acid, U0C0B0: control. The effects of urea, calcium nitrate and boric acid in concentrations 3, 10 and 0.5 (gL-1 respectively on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of greenhouse cucumber, including fruit yield, yield of first class fruit, number of fruits, percentage of first class fruit, fruits T.S.S, plant length, percentage of leaf dry matter, and leaf weight ratio were studied. Results and Discussion: The results showed that calcium nitrate had a

  17. Epiderme dos segmentos foliares de Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae em três fases de desenvolvimento Epidermis of leaf segments from Mauritia flexuosaL. f. (Arecaceae on three phases of development

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    Mahedy Araújo Bastos Passos


    Full Text Available São apresentados os dados anatômicos da epiderme dos segmentos foliares de Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae em três fases do desenvolvimento. Os segmentos foliares foram analisados em toda a extensão do limbo. As células intercostais da epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial evidenciam-se com paredes sinuosas, retangulares e orientadas longitudinalmente em relação ao eixo do segmento foliar com acentuada presença de corpos de sílica esférico-espinulosos. As células epidérmicas da região costal de ambas as faces apresentam paredes retas e variam entre curtas, longas e arredondadas. Os tricomas são simples, unicelulares, longos, com base mais alargada. Os segmentos foliares de M. flexuosa são anfiestomáticos com estômatos tetracíticos. Em secção transversal a epiderme foliar é uniestratificada com câmara subestomática ampla. Os resultados obtidos não demonstraram variações expressivas entre as três fases de desenvolvimento e os caracteres encontrados parecem ser comuns a outras palmeiras.Anatomic data on the epidermis leaf segments from Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae are presented on three phases of development. Leaf segments were analyzed on the all extension of leaf. Both adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells stand out with sinuous walls, rectangular and longitudinally oriented to the foliar axis with the marked presence of spherical- spiny silica bodies. The back epidermal cells of both surfaces present straight walls and vary among short, long and round. Trichomes are unicellular, simple, long, with a wider base. Leaf segments from M. flexuosa are anphistomatic with tetracitic type stomats. In a cross-section the leaf skin is unistratified with a broad substimatic chamber. The findings obtained showed no significant variations among the three phases of development and the characters that were found appear to be common on other palm trees.

  18. Fibra de coco e adubação foliar no crescimento e na nutrição de Cryptanthus sinuosus Coconut fiber and foliar fertilization on the growth and nutrition of Cryptanthus sinuosus

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    Janie M Jasmim


    Full Text Available Plantas de Cryptanthus sinuosus foram cultivadas em três substratos (mesocarpo de coco - MC; mesocarpo de coco lavado - MCL e xaxim-X, visando comparar o efeito da fibra de coco verde, como substrato, àquele da fibra de xaxim sobre o crescimento e teores de nutrientes das plantas, sob três níveis de adubação foliar: 50, 100 e 150% de solução contendo 210 mg L-1 de N, 31 mg L-1 de P e 234 mg L-1 de K. O experimento constou de um fatorial em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e três plantas por parcela, uma planta por vaso e conduzido em casa de vegetação. O número de folhas, diâmetro da roseta, massa da matéria seca (MS de folhas e raízes e teores de nutrientes foram avaliados. As plantas cultivadas em X apresentaram valores de MS de folhas e de raízes mais altos que aquelas em MC, mas não diferiram estatisticamente daqueles observados nas plantas em MCL. As plantas cultivadas em MC e MCL apresentaram características semelhantes indicando que a alta condutividade elétrica encontrada no substrato MC não prejudicou o acúmulo de matéria seca. As plantas cultivadas em MC e MCL apresentaram menores teores foliares de N, P, S que as cultivadas em X, porém com coloração e arquitetura foliares mais atrativas. Os diferentes níveis de adubação utilizados não tiveram efeito diferenciado sobre as características de crescimento, nem sobre os teores de nutrientes nas plantas.Cryptanthus sinuosus plants were grown in three substrates (coconut mesocarp - MC, rinsed coconut mesocarp - MCL and tree fern fiber-X aiming to compare the effect of green coconut fiber as substrate with tree fern fiber on the plant growth and nutrient contents, under three foliar fertilization levels (50, 100 and 150% of a solution containing 210 mg L-1 of N, 31 mg L-1 of P and 234 mg L-1 of K. The experimental design was a factorial scheme of randomized blocks with four replications and three plants per plot, one plant per pot, and was

  19. Estimativa da área foliar de meloeiro em estádios fenológicos por fotos digitais Estimate of the leaf area of melon plant in growing stages for digital photos

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    Sidinei José Lopes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a precisão do método de fotos digitais na estimativa da área foliar de meloeiro e encontrar modelos matemáticos de estimativa da área foliar em função de medidas lineares da folha para diferentes estádios fenológicos. Foram fotografadas todas as folhas ímpares de 8 plantas após transplante definitivo, através de câmera fotográfica digital, resultando, durante todo o ciclo da cultura, em 4.188 fotos, das quais mediu-se a área foliar, o comprimento e a largura da folha, por meio do software Sigma Scan Pro v. 5.0, Jandel Scientific. Para verificar a precisão do método de fotos digitais, retirou-se uma amostra de 40 folhas, de onde foram obtidas a área foliar através do método padrão de discos foliares e pelo método de fotos. Foi encontrada uma correlação de 0,99 entre o método padrão (discos e o de fotos. O método de fotos digitais pode ser utilizado para estimar a área foliar da cultura de meloeiro, e a estimativa da área foliar de meloeiro por estádio fenológico apresenta maior precisão, sendo a maior variabilidade na estimativa da área da folha observada no período reprodutivo. A largura máxima da folha de meloeiro é a medida linear que melhor estima a área foliar.This experiment was aimed at evaluating the precision of digital photos in estimating the leaf area of watermelon plants and to find mathematical models that estimates leaf area as a function of leaf linear measurements at different growth stages. All odd leaves of eight plants were photographed after being established on the field using a digital camera that resulted in 4,188 photos in which length and width were measured using a Sigma Scan Pro v. 5.0 Jandel Scientific software. In order to estimate the precision of the digital photos method, a sample consisting of 40 leaves was taken and leaf area measured using the standard leaf disks and the photo method. A 0.99 correlation coefficient was detected between

  20. Eleven-year response of foliar chemistry to chronic nitrogen and sulfur additions at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (United States)

    Jose Alexander Elvir; Lindsey Rustad; G. Bruce Wiersma; Ivan Fernandez; Alan S. White; Gregory J. White


    The foliar chemistry of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.), and red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) was studied from 1993 to 2003 at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). The BBWM is a paired-watershed forest ecosystem study, with one watershed treated bimonthly since...

  1. El calcio es un nutriente limitante en cafetales bajo manejo intensivo de fertilizantes en Ultisoles

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    Sebastián Castro-Tanzi


    Full Text Available La producción intensiva de café (Coffea arabica demanda cantidades considerables de potasio (K y nitrógeno (N. En agroecosistemas fertilizados con N, K y P, es razonable prever que el calcio (Ca ó el magnesio (Mg resulten limitantes. Se exploró la relación entre la fertilidad de K, Ca y Mg en el suelo y su efecto nutritivo en hojas de café cultivado en Ultisoles; también se analizaron asociaciones entre la variación de estos macronutrientes en el tejido foliar y la productividad del cultivo. Se tomaron 6 muestras de suelo y de tejido foliar durante 2 años en 26 fincas cafetaleras del cantón de Tarrazú, Costa Rica. Para cada nutriente se construyeron modelos de regresión lineal y para desarrollarlos se relacionaron el contenido de los mismos en tejido foliar y en la solución intercambiable del suelo. A partir del modelo se establecieron asociaciones entre Ca, Mg y K en las hojas y el suelo. Adicionalmente, se caracterizaron el estatus nutricional del follaje, la estructura y la producción de las plantas de café en 2 parcelas en cada uno de 39 lotes (12 plantas por parcela; 78 parcelas. Mediante indicadores de productividad, se clasificó post-hoc cada par de parcelas en una de 2 categorías, definidas entre menor y mayor productividad, lo que generó así, un quasiexperimento de bloques al azar. El contraste entre productividades se utilizó para analizar la variación de los macronutrientes en el tejido foliar. El análisis de variancia reveló que las hojas de las parcelas de alta productividad contenían más Ca que aquellas con menor rendimiento. Igualmente, el contenido de K y las relaciones Ca/K y Ca/N en estas últimas muestras fue relativamente menor (valor-p<0,05. Esto corrobora la importancia del Ca en la productividad de café sobre Ultisoles.

  2. Niveles de nitrógeno y su fraccionamiento en el cultivo del gladiolo para suelos Ferralíticos Rojos Nitrogen levels and their fractioning in gladiolus cultivation for Ferralitic Red soils

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    María Isabel Hernández Díaz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar niveles crecientes de nitrógeno y momentos de aplicación del fertilizante nitrogenado en el cultivo del gladiolo. La experiencia se desarrolló en el Instituto de Investigaciones Hortícolas Liliana Dimitrova (Municipio de Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba, en un suelo Ferralítico Rojo, entre los meses de octubre y febrero de las campañas 2004/2005 y 2005/2006. Se evaluaron los componentes de la calidad de las espigas y del material de plantación, así como el efecto de los tratamientos en el estado nutricional de la planta y en la vida en anaquel de las espigas. No se observaron diferencias entre las dosis de nitrógeno y los momentos de aplicación del fertilizante en las variables de calidad de la espiga y del cormo. No obstante, con la variante 70 kg ha-1 de N, aplicada ½ en plantación y ½ a los 60 días posteriores, se logra un mayor porcentaje de espigas ubicadas en las categorías comerciales y un menor número de tallos florales de calidad inferior. En cuanto al estado nutricional de la plantación, existe una relación positiva entre los niveles y los contenidos foliares de nitrógeno aplicados.The objective of this study was to evaluate growing nitrogen levels and application time of the nitrogen fertilizer in gladiolus cultivation. The experiment was carried out at Instituto de Investigaciones Hortículas Liliana Dimitrova (in the Municipality of Quivicán, La Habana, Cuba in an Oxisol soil, from October to February of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 crop seasons. The quality components of the spikes and plant material were evaluated, as well as the effect of the treatments on the plant nutritional state and the shelf life of the spikes. No differences between nitrogen doses and fertilizer application time in quality variables of spikes and corms were observed. Nevertheless, with the variant 70 kg ha-1 of N, one half applied in plantation and the other half applied 60 days later, a higher

  3. Anatomia foliar de quatro espécies do gênero Cattleya Lindl. (Orchidaceae) do Planalto Central Brasileiro Foliar anatomy of four species of genus Cattleya Lindl. (Orchidaceae) of the Brazilian Central Planalt


    Rosane Zanenga-Godoy; Cecilia Gonçalves Costa


    As espécies analisadas (Cattleya araguaiensis Pabst, C. bicolor Lindl., C. nobilior Rchb. e C. walkeriana Gardn.) apresentam epiderme uniestratificada em ambas as faces da lâmina foliar, ocorrendo estômatos na face abaxial; deposição de cera epicuticular em crostas, escamas, flocos e plaquetas; em C. araguaiensis ocorrem estegmatas incrustados nas células epidérmicas; em todas as espécies ocorre hipoderme com células de paredes espessadas; mesofilo bifacial, compacto; células paliçádicas atíp...

  4. Temporal patterns of foliar ozone symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chappelka, A.H.; Somers, G.L.; Renfro, J.R.


    Incidence and severity of ozone-induced foliar symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) along selected trails in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by two surveys/season conducted from 1992 through 1996. Overall incidence was 73%, and was 84%, 44%, 90%, 58%, and 82% for 1992-1996, respectively for the same clusters. Average incidence was 61% and 84% for the 1st and 2nd surveys, respectively. Seasonal comparisons showed two distinct injury groupings regarding incidence and severity of injury: 1992, 1994 and 1996 (high injury); 1993 and 1995 (low injury). No discernible patterns were observed between symptomatic and asymptomatic plants regarding height, herbivory or flowering. Regression analyses indicated no differentiation in foliar symptoms regarding topographic position, aspect, slope or elevation over the 5-year study period. Our findings indicate other micro-site or genetic factors may control ozone sensitivity of tall milkweed in GRSM. - Ground-level ozone has the potential to cause deleterious effects to tall milkweed growing in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  5. Influence of Formulation on the Cuticular Penetration and on Spray Deposit Properties of Manganese and Zinc Foliar Fertilizers

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    Alvin Alexander


    Full Text Available Foliar fertilization, or the application of nutrient solutions to the foliage of plants, has become a very important tool as a supplement to traditional soil fertilization. So far, knowledge about the real mechanisms of foliar nutrient uptake is still limited. In this study different manganese (Mn and zinc (Zn carriers differing in their solubility and chemical characteristics (chelated or non-chelated, with or without the presence of a surfactant-penetrant were compared with regard to their penetration characteristics through enzymatically-isolated cuticles. The experiments were explicitly conducted under high humidity conditions in order not to penalize compounds with a higher deliquescent point. The results show that Mn penetrates more rapidly through the cuticle than Zn ions for unknown reasons. The addition of a surfactant-penetrant enhances the penetration rate in the case of Mn ions. This trend is much less pronounced for zinc ions. Formulations based on insoluble carriers, such as carbonate or oxide, only poorly penetrate through the cuticle. In order to rapidly control micronutrient deficiency problems, only fully water soluble micronutrient carriers should be used.

  6. Temporal patterns of foliar ozone symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chappelka, A.H. [School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (United States)], E-mail:; Somers, G.L. [School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849 (United States); Renfro, J.R. [USDI National Park Service, Resource Management and Science Division, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, TN 37738 (United States)


    Incidence and severity of ozone-induced foliar symptoms on tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata L.) along selected trails in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by two surveys/season conducted from 1992 through 1996. Overall incidence was 73%, and was 84%, 44%, 90%, 58%, and 82% for 1992-1996, respectively for the same clusters. Average incidence was 61% and 84% for the 1st and 2nd surveys, respectively. Seasonal comparisons showed two distinct injury groupings regarding incidence and severity of injury: 1992, 1994 and 1996 (high injury); 1993 and 1995 (low injury). No discernible patterns were observed between symptomatic and asymptomatic plants regarding height, herbivory or flowering. Regression analyses indicated no differentiation in foliar symptoms regarding topographic position, aspect, slope or elevation over the 5-year study period. Our findings indicate other micro-site or genetic factors may control ozone sensitivity of tall milkweed in GRSM. - Ground-level ozone has the potential to cause deleterious effects to tall milkweed growing in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

  7. Relação entre concentrações foliares de carboidratos solúveis totais e tolerância ao frio em diferentes espécies de Eucalyptus spp.

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    Mireli Moura Pitz Floriani


    Full Text Available objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da rustificação sobre a tolerância ao frio em Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden, Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage, Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden e Eucalyptus saligna Sm., através da quantificação dos teores foliares de carboidratos solúveis totais e de prolina. Mudas das quatro espécies (com três meses de idade e cerca de 50 cm de altura foram submetidas a dois períodos de rustificação (0 e 21 dias de exposição a temperaturas diurnas de 5 ºC e noturnas de 1 ºC, com fotoperíodo controlado de 12 horas. Ao final de cada período de rustificação, as mudas foram submetidas durante 3 horas a três gradientes de temperatura abaixo de zero (-2 ºC, -5 ºC e -8 ºC. Foram feitas avaliações das concentrações foliares de carboidratos solúveis totais e de prolina, da temperatura letal de 50 % (TL50 e do índice de dano ao frio. Não foi identificada a presença de prolina nos tecidos foliares das espécies avaliadas. No entanto, em mudas não rustificadas, observou-se diferenças entre as espécies quanto à concentração foliar de carboidratos, sendo maior em Eucalyptus benthamii, intermediária em Eucalyptus dunnii e Eucalyptus grandis, e menor em Eucalyptus saligna. A rustificação causou um aumento na concentração foliar de carboidratos de 2,9; 2,5; 2,8 e 1,3 vezes em Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus benthamii, Eucalyptus saligna e Eucalyptus grandis, respectivamente. Em mudas que não foram submetidas à rustificação, a TL50 foi mais baixa em Eucalyptus benthamii, intermediária em Eucalyptus dunnii e Eucalyptus grandis, e mais alta em Eucalyptus saligna. No entanto, com a rustificação das plantas não houve diferenças entre as espécies quanto à TL50. Observou-se que a TL50 diminuiu com a rustificação, exceto no Eucalyptus benthamii. Houve correlação negativa entre a concentração foliar de carboidratos solúveis totais e a TL50

  8. Efeito da cerosidade foliar na reação de variedades de cebola (Allium cepa L. a herbicidas de pós-emergência Effect of the foliar waxiness of onion varieties (Allium cepa L. in reaction to post-emergence herbicides

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    P.V. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Em ensaios experimentais, realizados no Departamento de Genética da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba - SP, verificou-se o efeito da ce rosidade foliar na reação de variedades de cebola a herbicidas de pós-emergência. Utilizaram-se variedades do grupo não ceroso, como Granex e Texas Grano, e variedades do grupo ceroso, como Baia Periforme, Barreiro SMP-IV, Red Creole e Roxa Chata SMP-IV, no 1.º ensaio; e variedades do grupo não ceroso, como Excel Bermudas 986 e Texas Grano, e variedades do grupo ceroso, como Baia Periforme, Pira Couto, Pira Dura, Pira Ouro A/R, Red Creole e Roxa Chata SMP-IV, no 2.º ensaio. Os herbicidas de pós-emergência e as doses utilizadas foram: bentazon, 0,48 kg i.a./ha e prometryne 1,60 kg i.a./ha, no 1.0 ensaio; e ácido sulfúrico (4%, bentazon 0,48 kg i.a./ha, prometryne 1,60 kg i.a./ha e diuron 1,60 kg i.a./ha, no 2: ensaio. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a cerosidade foliar é um dos mecanismos de resistência de cebola à ação de herbicidas de pós-emergência.In experimental trials, carried out in the Department of Genetic of ESALQ, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba - SP, the effect of the foliar waxiness in reaction of onion varieties at postemergence herbicides was studied. Glossy group varieties such as Granex and Texas Grano and non-glossy group varieties such as Baia Periforme, Barreiro SMP-IV, Red Creole and Roxa-Chata SMP-IV, were tested in 1st. experiment; and glossy group varieties such as Excel Bermudas 986 and Texas Grano and nonglossy group varieties such as Baia Periforme, Pira Couto, Pira Dura, Pira Ouro A/R, Red Creole and Roxa Chata SMP-IV, in 2nd experiment. The following post-emergence herbicides and doses were used: bentazon 0,48 kg a.i./ha and prometryne 1,60 kg a.i./ha, in the last experiment: and sulphuric acid (4%, bentazon 0,48 kg a.i./ha, prometryne 1,60 kg a.i./ha and diuron 1,60 kg a.i./ha, in the 2nd experiment

  9. Adubos foliares quelatizados e sais na absorção de boro, manganês e zinco em laranjeira ?Pera?

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    Santos Carlos Henrique dos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a eficiência de formulações de adubos foliares quelatizados na absorção dos micronutrientes boro, manganês e zinco, com a aplicação convencional de sais em plantas de laranjeira ?Pera? (Citrus sinensis (L. Osbeck. Para tanto foi conduzido experimento nas dependências do Departamento de Ciência do Solo da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP/Campus de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Utilizaram-se plantas de laranjeira ?Pera? (Citrus sinensis (L. Osbeck enxertadas sobre limoeiro ?Cravo? (Citrus limonia Osbeck, com 2 anos de idade, plantadas em caixas de 250 litros. Os adubos foliares utilizados foram: Grex Citros na dose de 1,0 mL L-1; Copas citros 2,0 mL L-1; Plantin Citros 1,0 mL L-1; Citrolino 2,0 mL L-1; Fertamin Citros 1,75 mL L-1; Yogen Citros 2,0 mL L-1; MS-2 1,0 mL L-1; Sais, Sais + 1,0 g L-1 de KCl e Sais substituindo o ZnSO4 pelo ZnCl2. O volume de aplicação, foi de 1 litro de calda planta-1. Em todos os tratamentos adicionou-se o espalhante adesivo do grupo químico dos alquifenoletoxilados a 0,03%. A amostragem das folhas foi realizada 30 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos, coletando-se a 3a ou 4a folha de ramos vegetativos no início do florescimento, dos 4 quadrantes, localizados na região mediana da planta, totalizando 10 folhas por planta. A aplicação foliar de micronutrientes, favoreceu a absorção e resultou no aumento do teor foliar de Mn e Zn mas não de B, sendo que a presença de cloreto aumentou os teores de Zn na folhas de laranjeira ?Pera?, proporcionando maior absorção do que o sulfato e sulfato adicionado ao cloreto de potássio. Os resultados mostram, também, que os produtos quelatizados Yogen e MS-2, para as condições deste estudo, não foram eficientes como fontes fornecedoras de Mn.

  10. Evaluation of Foliar Spraying of Zinc and Calcium Fertilizers on Yield and Physiological Traits of Safflower under Lead Stress

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    P Jamshidi


    Full Text Available Introduction In order to evaluate the effect of foliar spraying of zinc and calcium on yield and physiological traits of safflower under lead stress, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design was performed in Kerman agricultural and natural resource research and education center in 2014-2015 with three replications. The first factorial included three levels (control, and 0.5 and 1 μM lead spraying, whereas the second and third factorials were spraying zinc sulfate at three concentrations (zero, and 10 and 20 μM and spraying calcium chloride at two levels (zero and 20 μM, respectively. According to the results, grain yield, the 1000-grain weight, leaf dry weight, number of seeds per head, head weight and chlorophyll content decreased. On the other hand, a significant increase was observed in the activities of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase enzymes and amount of malondialdehyde in plants. Moreover, spraying zinc fertilizer in lead treatment resulted in a significant increase in activity of catalase enzyme, reduction of membrane lipid peroxidation, prevention of chlorophyll destruction and maintenance of grain yield. However, the effect of spraying calcium fertilize in lead treatment was only significant on chlorophyll content. According to the results of the research, it seems that spraying zinc fertilizer had more effects on improved growth of safflower under lead stress, compared to spraying calcium fertilizer. Therefore, in air pollution with heavy metals (lead, application of zinc sulfate fertilizer can be an effective approach to maintain the growth and production of plants. Among the various heavy metals, lead (Pb is a major anthropogenic pollutant that has been released to the environment since the industrial revolution and accumulated in different terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems These elements will transfer to leaves in polluted areas and will rapidly uptake and cause irreparable damages to the most

  11. Anatomía micrográfica del folíolo de la palma neotropical Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae

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    Francisco Paulo Chaimsohn


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron hojas de plantas jóvenes cultivadas para producción de palmito de la variedad Diamantes 10 de ascendencia del Alto Amazonas. Se estudió la anatomía micrográfica foliar y la frecuencia de estomas en la superficie adaxial y abaxial de los foliolos de Bactris gasipaes provenientes de una plantación experimental en un régimen de fertilización química y una densidad de población de 5000 plantas por hectárea, en Guápiles, Costa Rica. Se confirmó la presencia de rafidios y células buliformes en la superficie abaxial de las láminas foliares y del tejido hipodermico en ambos lados. Confirmamos la ausencia de la anatomía Krantz en esta especie, reafirmando la fotosíntesis C3 como mecanismo metabólico en la familia Palmaceae. La densidad promedio de estomas en la superficie abaxial fue de 96,87±16,31 y en la superficie adaxial fue de 14,20±4,05 micrografic anatomy of the Neotropical palm Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae. The economic importance of the palm Bactris gasipaes is growing in the Neotropoical region. We collected leaflets from plants under a chemical fertilization regime and a population of 5000 plants per hectare, in Costa Rica. The variety, Diamantes 10, has an ascendency fom the upper Amazon basin. We used Harries hematoxiline, eocine and standard light microscopy techniques. The presence of raphids and buliform cells was confirmed for the abaxial surface of the leaflets and for the hypodermic tissue on both sides. The absence of the Krantz anatomy was confirmed in consistence with former observations about the C3 photosynthesis in other species of Palmaceae. The average stomatal density on the abaxial surface was 96.87±16.31 and 14.20±4.05 in the adaxial surface. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2: 951-959. Epub 2008 June 30.


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    Edwin Javier Barrios-Gómez


    Full Text Available Se estudió el efecto del déficit hídrico del suelo y temperatura alta del aire en las relaciones hídricas y temperatura del dosel del cultivo (Tc, rendimiento de semilla (RS y sus componentes en 8 variedades de frijol del tipo "Flor de Mayo" (FM y una variedad criolla. Se realizaron 3 experimentos de campo; Montecillo en riego (MR con la aplicación de agua de la siembra a la madurez, Montecillo en secano (MS con la lluvia como fuente única de humedad y Celaya en secano (CS con lluvia y 2 riegos suplementarios en floración. Se utilizó una dosis de fertilización de 80 kg.ha-1 de nitrógeno y 40 kg.ha-1 de fósforo. En MR el potencial hídrico foliar ( =-0,33 Mpa, osmótico ( =-1,26 Mpa y de turgencia y (P=0,93 Mpa fue más alto que en CS ( =-0,77, =-1,36 y P=0,59 Mpa y MS ( =-1,22, =-1,57 y P=0,35 Mpa; MS, con mayor deficiencia hídrica del suelo, tuvo mayor reducción en y , y mayor grado de ajuste osmótico (AO=0,70 Mpa. El AO estuvo positiva y significativamente asociado con RS y biomasa aérea final (BMAF en los 2 ambientes de secano. La Tc en MR (26,7°C fue más baja que en CS (30,8°C y MS (36,6°C; el estrés por calor se agudizó con el descenso en el contenido hídrico de las plantas en el ambiente más seco (MS; Tc se relacionó negativa y significativamente con y en MS. La alta Tc también tuvo efecto significativo en la producción de BMAF y RS y sus componentes; la alta Tc redujo el RS, BMAF, número de vainas normales.m-2 (VN.m-2 y peso de 100 semillas (P100S en 12,5, 10,7, 10,2 y 3,4% por cada ºC (-1 ºC de aumento en la Tc, respectivamente.

  13. Foliar fertilization of peanuts with cobalt and molybdenum: agronomic characteristics of production and physiological potential of seeds

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    Rafael Marani Barbosa


    Full Text Available As a crop, the peanut is becoming increasingly important in Brazil because it is used to renew areas where sugarcane is cultivated. The peanuts are mainly used by the candy industry and their importance has also grown because of the exploitation of oil crops to produce biodiesel. This study aimed to determine the effect of applying different levels Co and Mo foliar fertilizer to two peanut cultivars. The experiment was conducted in cerrado, during the rainy season, and the treatments consisted of applying Mo and Co fertilizer at zero, 400 and 800g.ha–1 to the Runner IAC 886 and IAC Tatu ST cultivars. The study found that there were differences in the parameters of the cultivars but there were no changes when the rates of cobalt and molybdenum were increased. The foliar application of cobalt and molybdenum in doses up to 800g.ha–1, during the initial stage of seed formation, does not change the agronomic characteristics of peanuts; Runner IAC 886 is more productive than the IAC Tatu ST cultivar, and seeds with higher molybdenum content do not have more physiological potential.

  14. Caracteres morfológicos de Bolbitis serratifolia (Dryopteridaceae de Argentina

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    María del Carmen Lavalle


    Full Text Available Se estudió Bolbitis serratifoliasobre la base de rasgos morfológicos del esporófito, con el fin de aportar nuevos datos al conocimiento del género; se lo comparó con otro género de la misma familia y se pusieron a prueba distintos caracteres diagnósticos. Se trabajó sobre arquitectura foliar, venación, indumento, modelo epidérmico de las pinnas, estomas y esporas. El dimorfismo foliar, las frondes imparipinnadas, la venación reticulada con venilla excurrente, los ejes escamosos, las láminas glabras y las esporas triletes; son caracteres morfológicos que permiten identificar esta especie.

  15. Seasonal relationships between foliar moisture content, heat content and biochemistry of lodge pole pine and big sagebrush foliage (United States)

    Yi Qi; Matt Jolly; Philip E. Dennison; Rachael C. Kropp


    Wildland fires propagate by liberating energy contained within living and senescent plant biomass. The maximum amount of energy that can be generated by burning a given plant part can be quantified and is generally referred to as its heat content (HC). Many studies have examined heat content of wildland fuels but studies examining the seasonal variation in foliar HC...

  16. A novel Botrytis species is associated with a newly emergent foliar disease in cultivated Hemerocallis.

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    Robert T Grant-Downton

    Full Text Available Foliar tissue samples of cultivated daylilies (Hemerocallis hybrids showing the symptoms of a newly emergent foliar disease known as 'spring sickness' were investigated for associated fungi. The cause(s of this disease remain obscure. We isolated repeatedly a fungal species which proved to be member of the genus Botrytis, based on immunological tests. DNA sequence analysis of these isolates, using several different phyogenetically informative genes, indicated that they represent a new Botrytis species, most closely related to B. elliptica (lily blight, fire blight which is a major pathogen of cultivated Lilium. The distinction of the isolates was confirmed by morphological analysis of asexual sporulating cultures. Pathogenicity tests on Hemerocallis tissues in vitro demonstrated that this new species was able to induce lesions and rapid tissue necrosis. Based on this data, we infer that this new species, described here as B. deweyae, is likely to be an important contributor to the development of 'spring sickness' symptoms. Pathogenesis may be promoted by developmental and environmental factors that favour assault by this necrotrophic pathogen. The emergence of this disease is suggested to have been triggered by breeding-related changes in cultivated hybrids, particularly the erosion of genetic diversity. Our investigation confirms that emergent plant diseases are important and deserve close monitoring, especially in intensively in-bred plants.

  17. Evaluating Maize Yield and the Quality of Response to Vermicompost, in Thiobacillus and Foliar Application of Fe and Zn

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    Elnaz Davaran Hagh


    Full Text Available Introduction Half of the world's population suffers from micronutrients malnutrition. Use of bio-fertilizers in sustainable agricultural systems is important in production and enables plants to absorb more water from soil and improves plant nutrient uptake and photosynthesis. Benefits of vermicompost application in agriculture is due to its content of organic matter, plant nutrients and plant growth promotion. Vermicompost increases the absorption and transition of nutrients from soil to roots and improves plant growth (Simsek-Ersahin, 2011. Zn and Fe application is highly important; foliar application causes faster and higher absorption rate and cures deficiencies symptoms (Ghaffari et al., 2010. Thiobacillus is a chemolithotroph bacterium, receiving energy from sulfur oxidation. This bacterium acidifies microcites in the rhizosphere, increasing the availability of nutrients to plant roots (Kaya et al., 2009. Regarding the benefits of integrated nutrient management, this experiment was conducted with the aim of testing the effects of Fe and Zn foliar spraying, Thiobacillu sthiooxidans inoculation and vermicompost application on growth, yield and bio fortification of popcorn maize. Materials and methods This experiment was conducted in 2012 at the research field of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Iran. The experiment was conducted in factorial in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications and four factors: vermicompost application in soil (0 and 2 t.ha-1, applied in strip form below the seeds before cultivation, inoculation with Thiobacillus thiooxidans, with a population of 108cfu.g-1. Sulfur was inoculated with T. thiooxidans prior to application. Fe chelate foliar application (without spraying and two times spraying of 0.002 concentration of 13% Fe chelate and Zn chelate foliar application (without spraying and two times spraying of 0.002 concentration of 15% Zn chelate. Maize seeds (Zea mays L. var

  18. Effects of a combination of elicitation and precursor feeding on grape amino acid composition through foliar applications to Garnacha vineyard. (United States)

    Gutiérrez-Gamboa, Gastón; Portu, Javier; López, Rosa; Santamaría, Pilar; Garde-Cerdán, Teresa


    Vine foliar applications of phenylalanine (Phe) or methyl jasmonate (MeJ) could improve the synthesis of secondary metabolites. However, there are no reports focusing on the effects of elicitation supported by precursor feeding on must amino acid composition in grapevines. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the elicitation of methyl jasmonate (MeJ) supported by phenylalanine (Phe) as a precursor feeding (MeJ+Phe) and its application individually on must amino acid composition. Results showed that foliar Phe and MeJ treatments decreased the concentration of most of the studied amino acids with respect to the control (p≤0.05). MeJ+Phe treatment did not affect must nitrogen content. Musts obtained from MeJ+Phe showed higher concentration of several amino acids than samples from Phe and MeJ applications. Therefore, other sources of precursor feeding could support elicitation, to improve amino acid composition and be considered as a tool for viticulture. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Evaluation of two systerns of soil desinfection and its interaction with sorne rnicronutrient formulations on the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum in two carnation varieties Evaluación de dos sistemas de desinfección del suelo y su interacción con algunas formulaciones de microelementos sobre la incidencia de Fusarium oxysporum en dos variedades de clavel

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    Orozco de Amézquita Martha


    Full Text Available A research was done in a commercial greenhouse in order to evaluate two soil treatments before planting and foliar application of Zinc, Cooper, Manganese, Boron and Molybdenum in the control of vascular wilt of Carnation caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi. A greater reduction ofthe fungus population in the seil and disease incidence was observed with
    the soil treatment with Dazomet + steam. The application of micronutrients to the foliage of the plants did not produce a significant control of the disease.
    La investigación se realizó en un cultivo comercial de clavel con el objeto de evaluar el tratamiento del suelo con una mezcla de un fumigante + vapor y la aplicación foliar de Zinc, Cobre, Manganeso, Boro y Molibdeno en las variedades New Pink y Scania, para el control del marchitamiento vascular ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi. La mayor población del hongo en el suelo y la menor incidencia de la enfermedad se obtuvo con la aplicación de Dazomet + Vapor. La aplicación de micronutrientes al follaje de las plantas no produjo una disminución significativa de la enfermedad, ni un aumento en la producción de flores. Evaluation of two systems of soil desinfection and their interaction with some formulation of micronutrients on the incidence of Fusetium oxysporum in two carnation varieties.

  20. Nitrogen, potassium and plant growth retardant effects on oil content and quality of cotton seed

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    Alkassas, A. R.


    Full Text Available The aim of this field experiment was to investigate the effect of nitrogen, potassium and a plant growth retardant (PGR on seed yield and protein and oil content of an Egyptian cotton cultivar (Gossypium barbadense Giza 86. Treatments consisted of: soil application of N (95 and 143 kg N ha-1 in the form ammonium nitrate, foliar application of potassium (0, 319, 638 or 957 g K ha-1 as potassium sulfate and foliar application of mepiquat chloride (MC (0 and 48 + 24 g active ingredient ha-1 on seed, protein and oil yields and oil properties of Egyptian cotton cultivar “Giza 86” (Gossypium barbadense. After applying the higher N-rate, foliar application of potassium and plant growth retardant MC significantly increased seed yield and the content of seed protein and oil, seed oil refractive index, unsaponifiable matter and total unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic. In contrast, oil acid and saponification value as well as total saturated fatty acids were decreased by foliar application of potassium and MC. The seed oil content was decreased with soil application of N.El objetivo de los experimentos de campo fue investigar el efecto del nitrogeno, potasio y retardantes del crecimiento de plantas sobre el contenido en proteínas y aceite de una semilla de algodón cultivada en Egipto (Gossypium barbadense Giza 86. Los tratamientos consistieron en la aplicación en suelo de N (95 and 143 kg N ha-1 en forma de nitrato amónico, aplicación foliar de K (0, 319, 638 or 957 g K ha-1 como sulfato potásico y aplicación foliar de cloruro de m mepiquat (MC (0 and 48 + 24 g de ingrediente activo ha-1 sobre un cultivar de algodón «Giza 86» (Gossypium barbadense. La aplicación de la cantidad más elevada de N, unida a la aplicación de potasio y del retardador MC, aumentó significativamente el rendimiento en semilla, así como el contenido en proteinas y en aceite. Respecto al aceite, aumentó el índice de refracción, la fracci

  1. Effect of the counter anion of cesium on foliar uptake and translocation

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    Hasegawa, Hidenao [Department of Radioecology, Institute for Environmental Sciences, 1-7, Ienomae, Obuchi, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 039-3212 (Japan)], E-mail:; Tsukada, Hirofumi; Kawabata, Hitoshi [Department of Radioecology, Institute for Environmental Sciences, 1-7, Ienomae, Obuchi, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 039-3212 (Japan); Chikuchi, Yuki [JGC Plantech Aomori Co. Ltd., Rokkasho, Aomori 039-3212 (Japan); Takaku, Yuichi; Hisamatsu, Shun' ichi [Department of Radioecology, Institute for Environmental Sciences, 1-7, Ienomae, Obuchi, Rokkasho, Kamikita-gun, Aomori 039-3212 (Japan)


    Direct deposition of radioactive material onto crops is one important pathway for safety assessment of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. Foliar uptake of Cs by radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Redchim) was studied by applying droplets of Cs solution (CsCl or CsNO{sub 3}) on an upper leaf surface. The uptake of Cs was strongly affected by counter anions of Cs in the applied solution. Approximately 80% of Cs was absorbed for CsCl solution, while only 20% was absorbed for CsNO{sub 3}. The partition of absorbed Cs between leaf and root tuber was quite similar for both Cs compounds, which indicated that behavior of the absorbed Cs in radish was the same for both.

  2. Decomposition of the Rubber Tree Hevea brasiliensis Litter at Two Depths Descomposición del Mantillo del Árbol del Caucho Hevea brasiliensis en Dos Profundidades

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    Thiago Claudino Gréggio


    Full Text Available The decomposition of soil litter contributes to maintaining agricultural sustainability, since the nutrients released by microbial activity are determinants of the net productivity of the agroecosystem. The decomposition of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis [Willd. ex A. Juss.] Müll. Arg. leaves located on the surface and buried in at 10 cm depth in Forest and Savannah (Cerradão soils (Oxisols was studied, with emphasis on the production of CO2 and the monthly variation of the remaining amounts of litter mass, soluble substances, cellulose and lignin. To evaluate CO2 production, H. brasiliensis leaves were incubated for 30 days in soils from the 0-2 cm and 10-12 cm layers. CO2 production increased in the 0-2 cm layer in comparison to the 10-12 cm layer. Litter mass and soluble substance loss was of 62 and 72% at the end of nine months of incubation, and of 38 and 65%, respectively, in the first three months, being greater in the deeper (71-74% than in surface layer (48-55%. Forest soil stimulated more litter mass loss and cellulose decomposition (only in the surface layer than Savannah soil. The cellulose (25% content decreased and lignin (30% increased in the initial months of incubation, however, at the end of the period of this study the same content (29% was found.La descomposición del mantillo del suelo contribuye a mantener la sostenibilidad agrícola, puesto que los nutrientes liberados por la actividad microbiana son determinantes para la productividad del ecosistema. La descomposición de hojas del árbol del caucho (Hevea brasiliensis [Willd. ex A. Juss.] Müll. Arg. colocadas en la superficie y enterradas en la profundidad de 10 cm en los suelos de Bosque y Cerradão (Oxisols se estudió con énfasis en la producción de CO2 y la variación mensual de las cantidades remanentes de masa foliar (MF, substancias solubles (SS, celulosa y lignina. Para evaluar la producción de CO2, se incubaron hojas del H. brasiliensis por 30 días en

  3. Preliminary Essay on the Effect of Foliar Treatment with the Fungicide Triadimenol on Barley Culture Infected by Scald

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    Nasraoui, B.


    Full Text Available This study deals with the foliar treatment by the fungicide triadimenol against barley scald. Results have shown that two or three triadimenol treatments have practically stopped the infection evolution. The disease have slightly extended with only one treatment. Moreover, other assessment showed that one, two or three triadimenol treatments were significantly associated to the same increase in the yield.

  4. The effect of irrigation and foliar fertilization on the colonization of american ginseng (Panax quinquefolium l. diseased parts by different micro-organisms

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    Alina Pastucha


    Full Text Available Field studies on the health of American ginseng cultivated in the Lublin district on poor sandy soil were conducted in the years 2004-2006. The studies involved treatment combinations with irrigation and without irrigation as well as foliar fertilization with Alkalin PK and Resistim of American ginseng plants. Mycological analysis was made of diseased ginseng parts with the aim of determining the quantitative and qualitative composition of fungi-like organisms and fungi threatening the cultivation of this plant. Fungi from the genera of Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium and the following species Alternaria alternata, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, as well as fungi-like organisms: Pythium irregulare and Phytophthora sp., were isolated from the infected parts of ginseng. The smallest number of fungi was isolated from the plants growing on the plots without irrigation and those where foliar application with Alkalin PK was applied.

  5. Effects of urea foliar application and of ammonium sulphate and urea applied to the soil on yield and N utilization by beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muraoka, T.; Victoria, R.L.; Oliveira, J.P.; Boaretto, A.E.


    The effects of nitrogen applied to the soil (as ammonium sulphate and urea) and foliar application of urea supplementing or not the soil application, on bean yield and nitrogen utilization are studied in a cerrado soil. Labelled ammonium sulphate is applied at the rate of 20Kg N/ha at seeding or 15 or 25 days after seeding and 40 Kg N/ha at seeding or in two different applications. Labelled urea is applied at the rate of 20kg N/ha at seeding and 40 Kg N/ha splitted. Foliar application is done at 15,22, 29,36 and 45 days after seeding, with 2% urea solution labelled with 10% 15 N. (M.A.C.) [pt

  6. Tracing Sources and Contamination Assessments of Heavy Metals in Road and Foliar Dusts in a Typical Mining City, China. (United States)

    Yang, Jie; Teng, Yanguo; Song, Liuting; Zuo, Rui


    Road and foliar dust samples from four land-use districts of Panzhihua City, a famous V-Ti magnetite production area of China, were collected to investigate the sources and distribution characteristics of 9 heavy metals (V, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn). The results suggest that foliar samples had smaller particle size and higher heavy metal contents than road dusts. The contamination assessments of heavy metals were as follows: Pb and V (significant enrichment) > Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn (moderate enrichment) > Cd and Ni (minimal enrichment). Statistical analyses showed Pb, as the primary pollution element, originated from waste incineration and lead-fuel combustion. The sources of Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, V, and Mn were fugitive dust and traffic activities. Potential origins of Cu were corrosion of alloys used in vehicle components, vehicle covers, or other metallic surfaces and materials. The sources of Cd were different from any other heavy metals. Traffic and industrial activities were the main anthropogenic origins of heavy metals in dusts of Panzhihua, and more attention should be paid to heavy metal pollution in agricultural area.

  7. Effect of gibberellin, auxin and kinetin treatments combined with foliar applied NPK on the yield of Capsicum annuum L. fruits and their capsaicin content

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    Tomasz J. Nowak


    Full Text Available The Wrocław version of hydroponic culture was applied. Under optimal conditions of root fertilization the plants were sprayed with growth regulators sueh as gibberellins, auxins and kinetins, and .their mixtures. Each growth regulator treatment was applied with or without NPK added. The influence of these treatments on the fresh and dry weight of the fruit, percentage of ripe fruits and content and yield of capsaicin was studied. The highest yield of fruits and capsaicin. was obtained from plants sprayed with gibberellic acid and kinetin (in concentrations of 10 and 5 mg/l, respectively together with NPK foliar application. No influence of ,growth regulators and foliar-applied NPK was noted on capsaicin content and dry weight of fruits.

  8. Foliar carbon dynamics of piñon and juniper in response to experimental drought and heat (United States)

    Collins, A.; Ryan, M. G.; Adams, H. D.; Dickman, L. T.; Garcia-Forner, N.; Grossiord, C.; Powers, H. H.; Sevanto, S.; McDowell, N. G.


    Plant respiration (R) is generally well-coupled with temperature and in the absence of thermal acclimation, respiration is expected to increase as climate change brings higher temperatures. Increased drought is also predicted for future climate, which could drive respiration higher if the carbon (C) cost to maintain tissues (Rm) or grow increases, or lower if substrate or other factors become limiting. We examined the effects of temperature and drought on R as well as photosynthesis, growth, and carbohydrate storage of mature individuals of two co-dominant tree species. Three mature, in-situ piñon (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) trees were assigned to each of the following treatments: +4.8 °C; 45% reduced precipitation; a combination of both (heat + drought); along with ambient control and treatment controls. Rm measured prior to foliar and twig growth was far more sensitive to drought in piñon, and heat in juniper. Total respiration (Rt, R not partitioned) acclimated to temperature in piñon such that elevated temperature had minimal impacts on Rt; however, juniper exhibited higher Rt with elevated temperature, thus juniper did not display any thermal acclimation. Rt in both species was weakly associated with temperature, but strongly correlated with pre-dawn water potential, photosynthetic assimilation (A) rates, and in piñon, foliar carbohydrates. For both species, heat caused far more days where A-R was negative than did drought. The consequences of drought alone and heat alone in piñon included higher Rt per unit growth, indicating that each abiotic stress forces a greater allocation of Rt to maintenance costs, and both drought + heat in combination results in far fewer days that foliar carbohydrates could sustain R in both species. Notably, the much higher A and R of juniper than piñon is consistent with predicted superior carbon budget regulation of juniper than piñon during drought; however, juniper's lack of temperature acclimation

  9. Foliar flavonoids from Tanacetum vulgare var. boreale and their geographical variation. (United States)

    Uehara, Ayumi; Akiyama, Shinobu; Iwashina, Tsukasa


    Foliar flavonoids of Tanacetum vulgare var. boreale were isolated. Eight flavonoid glycosides, 7-O-glucosides of apigenin, luteolin, scutellarein and 6- hydroxyluteolin, and 7-O-glucuronides of apigenin, luteolin, chrysoeriol and eriodictyol were identified. Moreover, eight flavonoid aglycones, apigenin, luteolin, hispidulin, nepetin, eupatilin, jaceosidin, pectolinarigenin and axillarin were also isolated and identified. The flavonoid composition of two varieties of T. vulgare, i.e. var. boreale and var. vulgare, were compared. All samples of var. boreale and one sample of var. vulgare had the same flavonoid pattern, and could be distinguished from almost all the samples of var. vulgare. Thus, the occurrence of chemotypes, which are characterized by either the presence or absence of scutellarein 7-O-glucoside, eriodictyol 7-O-glucuronide and pectolinarigenin was shown in T. vulgare sensu lato.


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    Betty Mendoza


    Full Text Available El desempeño de los métodos de digestión, vía seca (DVS y ácida asistida por microondas (DAAM fue evaluado en el análisis de muestras foliares de caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.. También se evaluó el efecto de las técnicas de detección comúnmente utilizadas en el laboratorio [P: espectrometría de absorción molecular visible (UV-VIS; K: espectrometría de emisión atómica (AES; Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn: espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (FAAS] respecto a la técnica de fluorescencia de rayos X de reflexión total (TXRF sobre los resultados obtenidos a partir de los dos métodos de digestión. La exactitud y precisión de los métodos de digestión se determinó con dos muestras certificadas, Tejido vegetal N°6 y N°11 (Comisión de Normalización y Acreditación - Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo. La determinación de P vía TXRF reportó resultados mayores respecto a UV-VIS en las muestras foliares de caña de azúcar. Los métodos de digestión mostraron resultados exactos y precisos en Ca cuando se utiliza FAAS o TXRF. En Zn y Cu se presentan desviaciones y varianzas asociadas a las concentraciones bajas en las muestras y su relación con el blanco de reactivos. En general, la precisión y exactitud están relacionadas principalmente con el rango de concentración de cada elemento en las muestras y el límite de cuantificación. No se encontro diferencias apreciables en cuanto al desempeño analítico de ambos métodos de digestión. La detección por TXRF presenta menor eficiencia analítica en cuanto a exactitud y precisión en algunos elementos, pero menores costos en tiempo de análisis.

  11. Organogênese de explante foliar de clones de Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla Organogenesis of the leaf explant of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla clones

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    Elisa Cristina Soares de Carvalho Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos dos reguladores de crescimento TDZ [1-fenil-3-(1,2,3-tia-diazol-5-iluréia], BAP (6-benzilaminopurina e ANA (ácido naftalenoacético no desempenho da propagação in vitro por organogênese de explante foliar de três clones híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla. Houve resposta diferenciada dos clones quanto a intensidade, textura e coloração dos calos, em razão dos tratamentos com os reguladores de crescimento. Os melhores resultados de calejamento dos três genótipos foram observados nos tratamentos com a combinação dos reguladores de crescimento TDZ (0,5 mg L-1 e ANA (0,1 mg L-1, obtendo-se 100% de calejamento no explante foliar. Os piores resultados de calejamento foram observados nos tratamentos com a combinação dos reguladores de crescimento BAP (0,1 mg L-1 e ANA (0,1 mg L-1. Em relação à regeneração, a melhor resposta foi obtida com 1,0 mg L-1 BAP em que 8% dos calos formados a partir de explantes foliares regeneraram gemas, com número médio destas formadas por calo igual a 4,2.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of growth regulators TDZ [1-phenil-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl urea], BAP (6-benzilaminopurine e NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid on the in vitro propagation by organogenesis from foliar explants of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla. Depending on the clone used, there were singular responses to growth regulators treatment regarding callusing intensity, texture and color. The best results of the three genotypes used were observed with the TDZ (0.5 mg L-1 and NAA (0.1 mg L-1 treatment, where 100% of the foliar explants presented callus. The worst results were observed with the BAP (0.1 mg L-1 and NAA (0.1 mg L-1 treatment. Subsequently, considering the regeneration process, the best response was achieved with 1.0 mg L-1 BAP, in which 8% of the calli regenerated buds, with an average of 4.2 buds per explant.

  12. Aspectos fisiológicos de estevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni en el Caribe colombiano: I. Efecto de la radiación incidente sobre el área foliar y la distribución de biomasa

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    Jarma Alfredo


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    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es uno de los 154 miembros del genero Stevia. El componente edulcorante de sus hojas se debe a glucosidos de diterpeno. Los principales glucosidos de esteviol son: esteviosido, rebaudiosido A, rebaudiosido C y dulcosido A. Este trabajo se realizo en Monteria (Colombia, con el proposito de evaluar el efecto de cuatro niveles de radiacion incidente sobre el comportamiento fisiologico de S. rebaudiana, bajo las condiciones ambientales delvalle del Sinu, en el Caribe colombiano. Se planteo un diseno completo al azar con arreglo factorial, en el que los factores fueron los porcentajes de la radiacion incidente en la region (19%, 24%, 56% y 100% y los genotipos de estevia ‘Morita 1’ y ‘Morita 2’. Los resultados indicaron que el area foliar de ‘Morita 2’ es superior a ‘Morita 1’, independientemente de la radiacion. Los altos niveles de radiacion incidente (100% y 56% registraron la mayor acumulacion de biomasa de las hojas, siendo superior en ‘Morita 2’. La mayor proporcion de la biomasa de las hojas, con respecto a la del tallo, en los primeros 60 d indica que la planta se dedico a fortalecer su aparato fotosintetico; luego, la migracion de fotoasimilados se hizo en mayor proporcion hacia los tallos, terminando con una tendencia estable hacia ambas demandas.

  13. Patrones de arquitectura foliar en la subtribu Conceveibinae (Euphorbiaceae

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    Murillo Aldana José Carmelo


    Full Text Available The leaf architecture of the species ofthe subtribe Conceveibinae is of great taxonomic value. The pattern of the secondary venation, the number of tertiary veins and the development, arrangement and forms of the areolations are the most useful characters to separate species or groups of species. The areolation is important to separate the sections; in the sect. Gavarretia has imperfect development, while the sect. Conceveiba is incomplete or developed. Venation in Conceveiba is pinnate craspedodromous or pinnate semicraspedodromous, except for C. martiana, C. ptariana, C. maynasensis, and C. pleiostemona where it is actinodromous. The number of pairs of secondary veins is usually less than 10. The tertiary venation is percurrent and frequently oblique. The marginal venation is looped and there are not  intersecondary veins. The largest venation order is between 5° and 7°; in general the veins of 4° and 5° orders are orthogonal. The results ofthis study support as well as inc1usion of Gavarretia and Polyandra in Conceveiba, and the separation of the sections Conceveiba and Gavarretia.La arquitectura foliar de las especies de la subtribu Conceveibinae es de gran valor taxonómico. El patrón de la venación secundaria, el número de venas terciarias y el desarrollo, el arreglo y la forma de las aréolas están entre los caracteres más útiles para separar especies o grupos de especies. Las aréolas tienen importancia para separar las secciones; en la sección Gavarretia tienen desarrollo imperfecto, en tanto que en la sección Conceveiba son incompletas o bien desarrolladas. La venación de las especies de Conceveiba es pinnada craspedódroma b pinnada semicraspedódroma, con excepción de C. martiana, C. maynasensis, C. ptariana y C. pleiostemona en las que es actinódroma. El número de pares de venas secundarias usualmente es menor de 10. La venación terciaria es percurrente y frecuentemente oblicua. La venación marginal es areolada y


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    Cristina BUNESCU


    Full Text Available The paper aimed to demonstrate the impact of fertilization and foliar stimulation products both on increasing the resistance to major phytopathogens attacks, and on increasing the quantity and quality of wine grapes harvest. Applying the foliar fertilizer products Plonvit Kali (c1, Tytanit (c2 and Optysil (c3 to vines, for a period of three years (2011/2013, in phenophases of intensive growth of shoots and grapes at approved dosages, simultaneously with pesticide treatment, not only a reduction of pathogenic fungi attack was obtained, but also and an increase of harvest without diminishing the quality of the grapes.

  15. Effects of Foliar Applications of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Castor Bean (Ricinus cmmunis L. Seed Yield and its Components under Water Deficit Conditions

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    M. Mosavi


    Full Text Available To determine the effects of foliar applications of some macroelements on castor seed yield and its components under drought stress conditions, an experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center of East Azerbaijan province. A factorial experiment, based on randomized complete block design with three replications, was carried out during 2013 growing season. Treatment factors consisted of irrigations with two levels (no water deficit and water deficit during grain filling stage and of foliar applications of macroelements with four levels [control, wettable sulfur (0.2 percent, nitrogen (urea: 0.6 percent and phosphor (super phosphate triple: 0.4 percent. Traits studied were: plant height, number of inflorescence, number of lateral branches, number of leaves, leaf temperature, relative water content, number of seeds per plant, 1000-kernal weight and seed yield. All traits, except number of inflorescence, were affected significantly by drought stress. Water deficit reduced plant height, number of leaves, number of seeds per plant, 1000-kernal weight, seed yield, relative water content, while it increased leaf temperature. Number of lateral branches was affected significantly by interaction between factors. Maximum latral branches (1.86 were obtained under non-stress treatment with nitrogen foliar application. Moderate drought stress had significant effect on leaf temperature and relative water content. It seems that, these traits can be used in determination of water deficit effects on castor bean.

  16. Foliar uptake of 134Cs and 85Sr in strawberry as function by leaf age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fortunati, P.; Brambilla, M.; Speroni, F.; Carini, F.


    In this paper a study of the foliar uptake and translocation of 134 Cs and 85 Sr in a herbaceous fruit plant is presented. In particular, absorption, translocation and loss of these radionuclides in strawberry plants have been studied in relation to the age of contaminated leaves. Strawberry plants were contaminated by distributing droplets of an aqueous solution containing 134 CsCl and 85 SrCl 2 on the surface of two leaves per plant. One half of the plants was contaminated through two young leaves, a second half through two old leaves. Sets of plants were collected 1 day, 7 days and 15 days after contamination. One half of them was rinsed with double distilled water before gamma analysis. Rinsing contaminated leaves removes on average 55% of the applied 134 Cs and 45% of 85 Sr. The activity removed decreases during the 15 days of the experimental study, both for 134 Cs and for 85 Sr, suggesting an increase in foliar absorption during this period. The activity removed does not differ between old and young leaves. 'External loss' is lower for young than old contaminated leaves. 'Internal loss' through translocation occurs mainly for 134 Cs. Translocation coefficients from contaminated leaves to fruits are two orders of magnitude higher for 134 Cs (4.0%), than for 85 Sr (0.05%). Leaf to fruit translocation coefficients for 134 Cs are higher from young leaves (5.8%), than from old leaves (2.3%)

  17. Studies on the effects of application of different foliar fertilizer materials, crop residue and inter cropping on Banana plants

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    Hassan, Yusuf Munim [Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Khartoum (Sudan)


    Five separate experiments were conducted at university of Khartoum demonstration farm during 1993 to 1995 under both orchard and nursery conditions to evaluate the effect of foliar application of different fertilizers, use of crop residue and intercropping on banana (dwarf cavendish). In the first experiment, the effects of foliar application of different concentrations of potassium solution (38%) were studied. The results indicated that application of all concentrations resulted in greater increases in overall growth parameters, higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents, higher values of yield and yield components , finger length of both plant crop and the first ratoon crop and reduction of time from planting to flowering and from flowering to harvesting of both plant crop and the first crop compared to the control. In the second experiment, the effects of three different foliar fertilizers, namely, compound cryst, fetrilon comb-2 and x-garden were investigated. The results revealed that all fertilizers gave greater values of all growth parameters, higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents, higher values of yield and yield components , finger length of both plant crop and the first ratoon crop and reduction of time from planting to flowering and from flowering to harvesting of both plant crop and the first crop compared to the control. In the third experiment, the effect of four different fertilizer materials containing different combinations of NPK on growth parameters and nutrient elements contents of leaves of banana suckers grown under nursery conditions was evaluated. The results revealed that all fertilizer materials gave greater increases of growth parameters over the control as well as higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents. In the fourth experiment, the effect of different concentrations of N{sub 19}, P{sub 19}, K{sub 19} fertilizers on growth characteristics and nutrient elements contents of leaves of banana

  18. Studies on the effects of application of different foliar fertilizer materials, crop residue and inter cropping on Banana plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, Yusuf Munim


    Five separate experiments were conducted at university of Khartoum demonstration farm during 1993 to 1995 under both orchard and nursery conditions to evaluate the effect of foliar application of different fertilizers, use of crop residue and intercropping on banana (dwarf cavendish). In the first experiment, the effects of foliar application of different concentrations of potassium solution (38%) were studied. The results indicated that application of all concentrations resulted in greater increases in overall growth parameters, higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents, higher values of yield and yield components , finger length of both plant crop and the first ratoon crop and reduction of time from planting to flowering and from flowering to harvesting of both plant crop and the first crop compared to the control. In the second experiment, the effects of three different foliar fertilizers, namely, compound cryst, fetrilon comb-2 and x-garden were investigated. The results revealed that all fertilizers gave greater values of all growth parameters, higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents, higher values of yield and yield components , finger length of both plant crop and the first ratoon crop and reduction of time from planting to flowering and from flowering to harvesting of both plant crop and the first crop compared to the control. In the third experiment, the effect of four different fertilizer materials containing different combinations of NPK on growth parameters and nutrient elements contents of leaves of banana suckers grown under nursery conditions was evaluated. The results revealed that all fertilizer materials gave greater increases of growth parameters over the control as well as higher leaf-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu contents. In the fourth experiment, the effect of different concentrations of N 19 , P 19 , K 19 fertilizers on growth characteristics and nutrient elements contents of leaves of banana suckers was

  19. Ecophysiological and foliar nitrogen concentration responses of understorey Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus sp. to prescribed burning. (United States)

    Ma, Ling; Rao, Xingquan; Lu, Ping; Bai, Shahla Hosseini; Xu, Zhihong; Chen, Xiaoyang; Blumfield, Timothy; Xie, Jun


    Eucalyptus spp. is a dominant tree genus in Australia and most Eucalyptus spp. are canopy dominant species. In Australian natural forests, Eucalyptus spp. commonly are associated with understorey legumes which play a crucial role for ecological restoration owing to their nitrogen (N) fixing ability for replenishing the soil N lost after frequent prescribed burning. This study aimed to explore to what extent physiological responses of these species differ 7 and 12 years after last fire. Two most common understorey Acacia spp., Acacia leiocalyx and A. disparrima, as well as one non-leguminous Eucalyptus resinifera, were studied due to their dominance in the forest. Both A. leiocalyx and A. disparrima showed higher carbon (C) assimilation capacity, maximum photosynthetic capacity, and moderate foliar C/N ratio compared with E. resinifera. A. leiocalyx showed various advantages compared to A. disparrima such as higher photosynthetic capacity, adaptation to wider light range and higher foliar total N (TNmass). A. leiocalyx also relied on N2-fixing ability for longer time compared to A. disparrima. The results suggested that the two Acacia spp. were more beneficial to C and N cycles for the post burning ecosystem than the non-N2-fixing species E. resinifera. A. leiocalyx had greater contribution to complementing soil N cycle long after burning compared to A. disparrima.

  20. Aplicaciones terrestres de bajo volumen con abamectin y spinosad para el control químico del minador de los cítricos en limoneros Abamectin and spinosad low volume applications to control citrus leafminer on lemon trees

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    Hernán Salas


    Full Text Available El minador de los cítricos, Phyllocnistis citrella, produce daños directos al afectar los brotes nuevos de las plantas jóvenes, e indirectos al permitir la entrada de la bacteria responsable de la cancrosis de los cítricos, a través de las heridas que producen las larvas en las hojas. Este daño indirecto motivó a los productores citrícolas a controlar las poblaciones del minador también en plantas adultas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el control de P. citrella mediante aplicaciones con bajo volumen de abamectin y spinosad, combinados con aceite mineral emulsionable. Las aplicaciones de bajo volumen se hicieron durante tres campañas consecutivas sobre plantas de limonero de siete años de edad al momento de iniciar las experiencias, usando 2 l de caldo formulado por planta. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: abamectin (1,8 g i.a./ha, spinosad (24 g i.a./ha, ambos combinados con aceite mineral, y un testigo sin tratar. Se hicieron dos aplicaciones por campaña cada 15 días. Se extrajeron muestras semanalmente para evaluar el porcentaje de hojas con larvas vivas. Al final de la experiencia se estimó el daño foliar en brotes previamente marcados. Tanto abamectin como spinosad controlaron la plaga durante 14 días y el porcentaje de área foliar dañada fue menor a 3,5%. El control obtenido con ambos tratamientos, nos permite disponer de dos opciones de activos para el control del minador con el fin de rotar los productos y evitar posibles problemas de resistencia.The citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella, produces direct damages affecting new flushes of young trees, and indirect ones, since the wounds produced on the leaves by the leafminer represent an entry way for the bacterium responsible for citrus canker. This indirect damage has motivated citrus farmers to control leafminer on adult trees. The aim of this work was to evaluate leafminer control using low volume applications of abamectin and spinosad with mineral

  1. Análisis del sitio de un bosque altoandino con énfasis en el mantillo. Microcuenca de la quebrada "La Vieja", Bogotá, Colombia

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    Johanna Paola Vargas Núñez


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa materia orgánica es un compartimento importante dentro de los ecosistemas y su estudiopuede proporcionar criterios de manejo para ecosistemas con conflicto de uso, como son los Bos-ques Altoandinos en Colombia. Para realizar este estudio, se escogió un bosque altoandino en loscerros orientales de la ciudad de Bogotá. Para el sitio de estudio se caracterizaron las reservasorgánicas y minerales de los compartimentos foliar, mantillo y suelo; adicionalmente se establecióla descomposición mediante el método de canastas de descomposición de tres mantillos de dis-tintas procedencias (bosque altoandino de Bojacá, bosque de robles de Pacho y páramo de CruzVerde, además del mantillo del sitio, y de cuatro especies seleccionadas (Clusia multiflora, Piperbogotense, Juglans neotropicay Tillandsia fendleri. Las especies con mayor descomposición fueronJuglans neotropicay Piper bogotense, las cuales presentaron también los mayores contenidos denutrientes y la mayor liberación de nutrientes en la descomposición; Clusia multifloray Tillandsiafendleripresentaron menor descomposición y menores contenidos de nutrientes. C. multiflorapre-sentó una liberación media de nutrientes y T. fendleriuna liberación baja. Basándose en estascaracterísticas, se sugiere utilizar a J. neotropicay P. bogotense para la movilización de nutrientesdentro del sitio y a C. multiflorapara promover la reserva de nutrientes dentro del mantillo delbosque. El aporte desde el compartimento foliar al compartimento mantillo representado en lacaída de hojarasca fue de 13.4 Ton · Ha-1 · Año-1, siendo las especies que más aportan Clusiamultiflora, Vaccinumsp. y Weinmannia tomentosa. La profundidad promedio del mantillo fue de 16cm, con una densidad promedio de 14.32 Kg · m-3y un peso promedio de 23.49 Ton por hectárea.El mantillo proveniente de Bojacá y el mantillo nativo del sitio presentaron la mayor descom-posición, los mayores contenidos de nutrientes y

  2. Effect of foliar application of amino acid and calcium chelate on some quality and quantity of Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples

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    M. Arabloo


    Full Text Available In order to investigate the effects of foliar application of amino acid and calcium chelate on „Golden Delicious‟ and „Granny smith‟ apple trees, a randomized complete block design with four repetitions was conducted. Apple trees were sprayed with (0, 2, 4 mg L-1 of amino acid and (0, 2, 4 mg L-1 calcium chelate and their combination. Fruit weight, fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titretable acidity and calcium content of fruits were determined. All the applied treatments significantly increased quality and quantity traits compared to the control trees in both cultivars. The combination of amino acid and calcium chelate increased weight of both cultivars. Thus, in this study combination of amino acid and calcium chelate foliar spray treatment could be recommended from results as they significantly increased quality and quantity traits of „Golden delicious‟ and „Granny smith‟ apple trees.

  3. Absorción de nutrientes a través de la hoja

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    Ritma Giordana Murillo Castillo


    Full Text Available La fertilización foliar es una práctica efectiva para la corrección de deficiencias nutricionales en plantas que se encuentran bajo condiciones de estrés o en suelos con baja disponibilidad de nutrientes. Consiste en aplicar disoluciones de nutrientes directamente sobre las hojas. Esta absorción en la hoja se desarrolla mayoritariamente a través de la epidermis, por difusión, debido al gradiente de concentración del nutriente que se establece entre la superficie de la hoja y en el interior de la epidermis. Una vez que el nutriente ha ingresado al citoplasma de las células epidermales, la movilización de este ocurre en forma relativamente expedita. La principal barrera que el nutriente debe atravesar es la cutícula, la cual está compuesta de ceras. Las características físico-químicas del nutriente, tales como tamaño y polaridad controlan la tasa de absorción. El presente artículo provee una descripción detallada del proceso de absorción foliar de nutrientes y su influencia en el desarrollo y uso de fertilizantes foliares.

  4. Ozone exposure, defoliation of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and visible foliar symptoms on native plants in selected plots of South-Western Europe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferretti, Marco; Calderisi, Marco; Bussotti, Filippo


    The relationships between crown defoliation of beech, visible foliar symptoms on native vegetation and ozone exposure were investigated on permanent monitoring sites in South-Western Europe in the years 2000-2002. Relationships between defoliation of beech and O 3 (seasonal mean, 2-week maximum, AOT40) were investigated by means of multiple regression models (11 plots, 1-3 years of data each) and a model based on temporal autocorrelation of defoliation data (14 plots, 1-3 years of data each). Different multiple regression techniques were used. The four models generated (R 2 = 0.71-0.85, explained variance in cross-validation 61-78%) identified several significant predictors of defoliation, with AOT40 (p = 0.008) and foliar content of phosphorous (p = 0.0002-0.0004) being common to all models. The autocorrelation model (R 2 = 0.55; p 35,000 ppbh). O 3 -like visible foliar symptoms were recorded on 65 species at 47% of the common monitoring sites in 2001 and 38% in 2002. No relationship was found between O 3 exposure, frequency of symptomatic sites and frequency of species with symptoms (R 2 = 0.11; p > 0.05). A number of questions related to the ecological and methodological basis of the survey were identified. Inherent sampling and non-sampling errors and multicollinearity of the data suggest great caution when examining results obtained from mensurational, correlative studies. - Ozone AOT40 was identified as a significant predictor of defoliation of beech, but a limited relationship was found between ozone exposure and visible symptoms on native vegetation

  5. Effects of foliar application of inactivated yeast on the phenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Agiorgitiko grapes under different irrigation levels

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    Kogkou C


    Full Text Available Charikleia Kogkou,1 Evangelia Chorti,2 Maria Kyraleou,1 Stamatina Kallithraka,1 Stefanos Koundouras,3 Gerard Logan,1 Ioannis Kanakis,4 Yorgos Kotseridis1 1Laboratory of Enology, Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 2Cooperative Winery of Nemea, Nemea, Greece; 3Laboratory of Viticulture, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece; 4Fassoulis Grapevine Nurseries, Nemea, Greece Abstract: Recent climate changes have caused the rising of average growing season temperatures leading to the advancement of vine phenological stages and to earlier harvests. This could result in the production of grapes with advanced berry sugar accumulation, but incomplete phenolic ripeness, thereby jeopardizing wine quality. This study aims to evaluate the effects of the application of a new product consisting of yeast derivatives on the phenolic maturity and composition of Agiorgitiko grapes and wines, under contrasting water conditions. The experiment was arranged as a 2×2 factorial design in a commercial vineyard situated in southern Greece, combining foliar spraying with LalVigne® Mature (two applications after veraison and an untreated control and water conditions (deficit irrigation and nonirrigated. Irrigation accelerated berry sugar accumulation, increased berry weight and anthocyanin content, and decreased skin tannin concentration. Spraying with yeast derivatives did not affect phenolic content of berry components, and it had no effect on must attributes. Foliar application of yeast derivatives resulted in a higher phenolic potential of the produced wines, only when combined with irrigation. Keywords: foliar spray, deficit irrigation, phenolic maturity, anthocyanins, tannins

  6. Carboidratos foliares durante a floração e os estádios iniciais de crescimento de frutilhos em tangerineira 'Ponkan'

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    Rodrigo Amato Moreira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de carboidratos foliares em tangerineira 'Ponkan' (Citrus reticulata, durante o pleno florescimento e os estádios iniciais de crescimento dos frutilhos, e identificar a melhor época para realização do raleio químico. O experimento foi realizado durante dois anos de produção (2009/2010 e 2010/2011, com quatro épocas de amostragem de folhas: 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias após o pleno florescimento. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas no tempo, quatro repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. Para determinar a utilização dos carboidratos pelas plantas, foram avaliados os teores de açúcares solúveis, açúcares redutores e amido na matéria seca das folhas. Nas mesmas épocas de amostragem foliar, o tamanho dos frutilhos também foi determinado. Os teores foliares de carboidratos solúveis aumentam e os de amido diminuem entre 35 e 50 dias após o pleno florescimento. No final da fase de fixação dos frutilhos, a partir dos 50 dias após o pleno florescimento, os teores de açúcares solúveis nas folhas diminuem. A melhor época para a realização do raleio químico em tangerineira 'Ponkan' é logo após a fase de queda fisiológica, quando os frutilhos atingirem cerca de 18 mm de diâmetro, aos 50 dias após o pleno florescimento.

  7. Teledetección satelital cuantitativa para estimar el área basal del bosque de Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae: El rol del índice de área foliar como información auxiliar Quantitative remote sensing to estimate basal area in Nothofagus pumilio (Nothofagaceae forest: The role of leaf area index as ancillary information

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    Full Text Available Los bosques de lenga (Nothofagus pumilio son el recurso forestal más importante de la región andino patagónica argentina, sin embargo, para implementar planes de manejo en pos de prevenir o revertir su degradación es necesario disponer de mayor información sobre su estructura. Una alternativa para obtener esa información es relacionar datos satelitales con las características del bosque a través de modelos físicos y estadísticos. Pero, ¿cuál es el método más eficaz? El índice de área foliar (IAF se encuentra relacionado con la reflectividad del dosel vegetal a través del modelo de transferencia radiativa PROSAIL, lo que permite desarrollar técnicas de teledetección satelital para estimar el IAF con bases físicas, en vez de con modelos estadísticos. De ese modo se puede aprovechar la relación empírico-biológica existente entre el IAF y la estructura del bosque para estimar el área basal. El objetivo principal fue comparar la exactitud de tres métodos para estimar el área basal de la lenga con datos SPOT-5. Los métodos comparados fueron: estadístico directo (ED, estadístico de dos pasos (E2P y físico-estadístico de dos pasos (FE2P. La exactitud fue evaluada con 24 parcelas no involucradas en el ajuste o calibración de los modelos. No se hallaron diferencias significativas en la exactitud de la alternativa físico-estadística en comparación con las netamente estadísticas. Sin embargo, en base al análisis conjunto de los resultados y lo reportado por otros investigadores, se concluye que la ventaja de utilizar modelos físicos radica en la mayor robustez de la estimación y no en la mayor exactitud.Lenga forests (Nothofagus pumilio are the most important forest resource of the Argentinean Andean Patagonia, however, more information about their structure is needed to implement forest management policies and practices in order to prevent their degradation and revert it. One option to obtain this kind of information

  8. Incidencia de la mecanización del suelo sobre sus propiedades físicas y el crecimiento vegetativo de papaya (Carica papaya L.

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    Diego Fernando Mendez


    Full Text Available Para determinar la incidencia de la mecanización del suelo sobre sus propiedades físicas y el crecimiento vegetativo de papaya en Florencia (Caquetá, se utilizó el Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con tres tratamientos: suelo mecanizado con Motoazada, Azadón y no mecanizado - Testigo y cuatro repeticiones. Se midió en campo la resistencia a la penetración y los índices de crecimiento vegetativo, mientras que en laboratorio se calcularon la porosidad total, y la densidad aparente. En el mes uno (M1 la resistencia a la penetración presentó diferencias significativas (p0,05 en ninguna de las profundidades. La densidad aparente y resistencia a la penetración aumentaron a través del tiempo. Los mayores valores de producción de asimilados y rendimiento en adsorción de energía lumínica representada en la tasa de asimilación neta, se presentaron a los 180 días después de la siembra en Testigo, donde alcanzó 10,04gm-2dia-1. La duración de área foliar y la tasa de crecimiento del cultivo fueron las variables más sensibles en respuesta de los cambios de porosidad y resistencia a la penetración del suelo. El Testigo, alcanzó los mayores niveles de tasa de asimilación neta, posiblemente por la homogeneidad en la ganancia de asimilados, a través del periodo fotosintético evaluado.

  9. Ecoanatomía foliar deárboles y arbustos delos distritos chaqueños occidental y serrano (Argentina Leaf ecoanatomy of trees and shrubs from Chacoan Occidental and Serrano Districts (Argentina

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    Ana M Arambarri


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar parámetros micrográficos foliares que permitan comprender mejor la relación planta-ambiente y contribuyan al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías para el aprovechamiento sustentable y conservación de los bosques de esta región. Se empleó material de hoja de ejemplares recolectados en la región subtropical seca de la provincia chaqueña y material fresco de especies creciendo en zona templado-húmeda para comparar las variaciones de la estructura foliar. Se determinaron densidades por mm-2 de células epidérmicas, estomas y tricomas, tipos de mesofilo y tipo y distribución de los tejidos vascular y de sostén. Se encontró que estos caracteres anatómicos de la hoja son influenciados por una combinación de factores intraespecíficos y del ambiente. Los caracteres xeromórficos puestos de manifiesto fueron: presencia de ceras epicuticulares, estrías cuticulares, estomas hundidos con reborde peristomático, de epidermis bistrata o pluristrata y/o de hipodermis, mesofilo en empalizada o isolateral y abundante esclerénquima. Algunas especies tales como: Celtis ehrenbergiana, C. iguanaea, Jodina rhombifolia, Lycium cestroides y Parkinsonia aculeata, muestran desde caracteres xeromórficos (e.g. hojas anfistomáticas, equifaciales hasta caracteres mesomórficos (e.g. hojas hipostomáticas, bifaciales incluyendo algunos hidromórficos como la ausencia de esclerénquima.The objective of this work was to evaluate foliar micrographic parameters to deepen our understanding of the plant-environment relationships, contributing to new technologies to preserve the forests of this area. Leaf material of specimens collected in chacoan biogeographic province with subtropical and dry climatic conditions, and from species growing in template and humid conditions were studied to compare leaf structure variations. Epidermal cells, stomata and trichomes by unit of area (mm-2, types of mesophyll, sclerenchymatic tissue

  10. Aplicação foliar de nitrogênio em videira: avaliação do teor na folha e das reservas nitrogenadas e de carboidratos nas gemas dos ramos do ano Nitrogen foliar spraying in grapevine: content in leaves and reserve of nitrogen and carboihydrates in shoots buds

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    Gustavo Brunetto


    Full Text Available No Rio Grande do Sul (RS, as aplicações foliares de nitrogênio, quando necessárias, têm sido usadas para complementar a adubação via solo. Entretanto, carece-se de informações dos efeitos da freqüência e da quantidade de N aplicado sobre a sua dinâmica na folha e de reservas nitrogenadas e de carboidratos nas partes perenes da videira, que compõem o objetivo deste trabalho. O trabalho foi conduzido em um vinhedo da cultivar Chenin Blanc, safra 2004/05, na Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Bento Gonçalves (RS, sobre um Neossolo Litólico. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma, duas e três aplicações foliares de 0 (água; 1,11; 2,23; 3,31 e 4,41g de N planta-1. Após cada aplicação de nitrogênio, foram coletadas folhas inteiras (limbo+pecíolo no terço médio dos ramos do ano, no interior e exterior dos diferentes lados da planta, secas, moídas e preparadas para a análise de N total. Na última época de coleta de folhas, foram coletados três ramos do ano em cada planta, retiradas seis gemas em cada ramo, as quais foram submetidas à análise de amido, carboidratos solúveis totais, carboidratos redutores, aminoácidos totais e proteínas totais. As aplicações foliares de N aumentaram o teor do nutriente na folha inteira, de forma destacada, nas épocas de coletas próximas às aplicações; entretanto, essas aplicações diminuíram os teores de amido e carboidratos solúveis totais nas gemas dos ramos do ano e não afetaram os teores de carboidratos redutores e os totais de aminoácidos e proteínas.Leaf nitrogen application is used in grapevines in Southern Brazil as complement to soil fertilization. On the other hand, there is no information about its affects on nitrogen content in the leaves and nitrogen and carbohydrates reserves in the perennial parts. The experiment was carried out in 2004/2005, with the objective to evaluate the effect of nitrogen foliar spraying on leaves and nitrogen and carbohydrates reserves in shoots buds


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    Carolina Vásquez Restrepo


    Full Text Available El mercado mundial de edulcorantes orgánicos es una oportunidad para la panela, producto básico de la canasta familiar que representa ingresos importantes para la población rural colombiana. El balso blanco (Heliocarpus americanus L. Sin. H. popayanensis Hook & Arn. es la especie más usada en procesos de clarificación de la panela en Antioquia y las zonas cañeras húmedas colombianas. Pero la extracción de la corteza de árboles obtenidos de la regeneración natural comienza a ser insostenible, por el daño causado a los individuos y la presión creciente a este recurso. La prohibición del uso de sustancias químicas en procesos de clarificación de panela ha aumentado la demanda de la corteza del balso blanco. En este trabajo se estimó el enraizamiento de estacas juveniles de balso blanco, por propagadores de subirrigación. Se realizaron dos experimentos, utilizando ácido anaftalenacético (ANA. En el primero se evaluó el efecto del transporte, cicatrizante y sustrato sobre el enraizamiento de las estacas de balso blanco. El mejor medio de transporte fue en cristales de hidrogel para mantener la humedad de las estacas, sin utilizar cicatrizante y sembrándolas en el sustrato tierra (55 % de enraizamiento. En el segundo se analizó la influencia de la intensidad lumínica y el área foliar en el porcentaje de enraizamiento de las estacas. El más alto enraizamiento se obtuvo con el tratamiento de doble sombra y un área foliar de 20 cm² (25 % de enraizamiento. Aunque los mejores resultados indican un relativo éxito en el uso de medios de enraizamiento, es una primera aproximación para propagar esta especie que necesita ser protegida.The world market of organic edulcorants is an opportunity for “panela”, a basic domestic consumption product that provides important income to rural population. White balsum (Heliocarpus americanus L. Sin. H. popayanensis Hook & Arn. is the most used species in the panela clarification processes in

  12. Tracing Sources and Contamination Assessments of Heavy Metals in Road and Foliar Dusts in a Typical Mining City, China.

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    Jie Yang

    Full Text Available Road and foliar dust samples from four land-use districts of Panzhihua City, a famous V-Ti magnetite production area of China, were collected to investigate the sources and distribution characteristics of 9 heavy metals (V, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn. The results suggest that foliar samples had smaller particle size and higher heavy metal contents than road dusts. The contamination assessments of heavy metals were as follows: Pb and V (significant enrichment > Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn (moderate enrichment > Cd and Ni (minimal enrichment. Statistical analyses showed Pb, as the primary pollution element, originated from waste incineration and lead-fuel combustion. The sources of Zn, Ni, Cr, Fe, V, and Mn were fugitive dust and traffic activities. Potential origins of Cu were corrosion of alloys used in vehicle components, vehicle covers, or other metallic surfaces and materials. The sources of Cd were different from any other heavy metals. Traffic and industrial activities were the main anthropogenic origins of heavy metals in dusts of Panzhihua, and more attention should be paid to heavy metal pollution in agricultural area.

  13. Fungos associados ao processo de decomposição foliar: 2 anos de estudo

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    Anelise Kappes Marques


    Full Text Available O processo de decomposição da matéria orgânica em córregos de baixa ordem, realizado em grande parte pelos fungos, é importante para o fornecimento de energia a diversos níveis tróficos neste ecossistema. O presente trabalho avaliou a variação temporal de bolores e leveduras associados ao processo de decomposição foliar em um córrego de baixa ordem no cerrado tocantinense. Detrito vegetal misto foi coletado do aporte vertical da vegetação ripária e colocado em sacos de malha grossa e submersos por 30 dias no córrego Buritizal. O isolamento e contagem dos fungos filamentosos e leveduras foi realizado a partir do macerado de discos foliares em caldo peptonado e semeado em placas de petri contendo meio BDA e YMA incubados por 30 dias. As contagens de leveduras variaram de 1,42 logUFC.gMOF em junho de 2011 a 5,90 logUFC.gMOF em abril de 2012. Os fungos filamentosos variaram de 1,98 logUFC.gMOF em julho de 2011 a 6,27 logUFC.gMOF em março de 2013. As maiores contagens de fungos filamentosos e leveduras ocorreram em ambos períodos chuvosos porém somente os filamentosos apresentam diferença estatisticamente significativa e podem estar associadas as enxurradas, quando há o escoamento da serrapilheira e solo das margens com consequente maior entrada de geofungos e demais sapróbios associados ao aporte horizontal.

  14. Response of cotton, alfalfa, and cantaloupe to foliar-deposited salt in an arid environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, W.C.; Karpiscak, M.M.; Bartels, P.G.


    The cooling towers at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS), located 80 km west of Phoenix, AZ, will release as estimated 2.1 Mg/d of particulates (primarily salts) into the atmosphere when the station is in full operation. The saline drift will disperse and settle onto agricultural fields surrounding the station. Field studies were conducted in 1983 to investigate the influence of foliar-applied saline aerosol on crop growth, foliar injury, and tissue elemental concentration on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), alfalfa (medicago sativa L.), and cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) in an arid environment. The treatment aerosol solutions simulated treated wastewater effluent and included all essential plant nutrients and other elements, including trace concentrations of heavy metals. The treatments included unsprayed plots, and plots sprayed with salt solutions at 0 (distilled water), 8, 83, and 415 kg/(ha yr). The alfalfa received an additional 829 kg/(ha yr) treatment. The species were evaluated in separate experiments on Mohave clay loam and Sonoita sandy loam soils (Typic Haplargid) near Marana, AZ. Cotton treated with 415 kg/(ha yr) had significantly less chlorosis and tended to be slightly taller than the cotton in the unsprayed plots. The alfalfa treated at a rate of 829 kg/(ha yr) showed significantly more leaf margin necrosis than did the unsprayed alfalfa. In the cantaloupe, there were no visually apparent differences among salt treatments. Hand-harvested cotton plots had a significant reduction is seed cotton yield at the 415 kg/(ha yr) treatment. A similar though nonsignificant, trend towards reduced yield with increased salt treatment was observed in machine-harvested cotton plots

  15. Modelos de determinação não-destrutiva da área foliar em girassol Models for estimating leaf area in sunflower

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    Ivan Carlos Maldaner


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram obter e testar modelos matemáticos de estimativa da área do limbo foliar em função das suas dimensões lineares para o girassol. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos na área experimental do departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. As plantas de girassol foram coletadas a partir dos 27 dias após emergência (DAE. A área foliar (AF foi determinada pelo método dos discos. Ajustaram-se modelos lineares, quadráticos, cúbicos e potenciais entre área foliar e comprimento ou largura e seus produtos (comprimento*largura, sendo eliminados os que apresentaram coeficiente de determinação menor do que 0,90. A estatística utilizada para avaliar o desempenho dos modelos foi a raiz do quadrado médio do erro (RQME. Os modelos que melhor se ajustaram aos dados foram: potência, quadrático e cúbico, considerando a largura como variável independente. A área foliar de girassol pode ser estimada com o modelo potência, por ser o mais preciso, e a largura da folha.The objective of this study was to obtain and to numerical models to estimate the leaf area in function leaves linear dimension in sunflower. Two experiments were conducted at the experimental area of the Plant Science Department of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Plants of sunflower were collected starting 27 days after emergency (DAE. The disks method was used to determine the leaf area (LA. Leaves were dried in oven at 65°C until constant weight. Linear, quadratic, cubic and power models between leaf area and length or width, and the product (length * width, were fitted. Models that apresented coefficient of determination lower than 0.90 were not selected. The statistic used to evaluate the performance of the models was the root mean square error (RQME. Models that had the best fit were power, quadratic and cubic using blade width as the independent variable. Leaf area in sunflower can be

  16. Crecimiento de Morus alba L. durante la etapa de establecimiento, a partir del trasplante de posturas Growth of Morus alba L. during the establishment stage, since seedling transplant

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    Gertrudis Pentón


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento morfoagronómico de la especie Morus alba L. var.Tigreada durante la primera etapa de establecimiento, a partir del trasplante de posturas. Para ello, se determinó la respuesta del cultivo al manejo de estas para el trasplante, se caracterizó el crecimiento y se determinaron las variables lineales que permiten cuantificar el área foliar de dicha variedad. Las posturas se mantuvieron en el vivero durante 120 días y se trasplantaron en el período lluvioso. Los surcos se orientaron de este a oeste, con un marco de siembra de 1,0 x 0,5 m. Se mantuvo un adecuado control de las malezas, las plagas y las enfermedades. No se regó y se aplicó materia orgánica en el momento del trasplante. Se establecieron dos formas de manejo de las posturas para el trasplante: deshoje total, y corte a la altura de 50 cm y deshoje total. Durante la etapa inicial de crecimiento posterior al trasplante, se obtuvo un ligero aumento en la capacidad de rebrote de las posturas cortadas y deshojadas. Ello no afectó el establecimiento de la especie, pues a los 135 días la producción de biomasa foliar varió entre 100 y 116 g/planta. El crecimiento en los primeros 155 días describió una curva sigmoidea, caracterizada por un ritmo lento durante los primeros 21 días; a ello le siguió un crecimiento intenso entre los 30 y 135 días, el cual se tornó nuevamente lento con el inicio de la época seca o invernal. Se demostró que la medición del largo de la hoja y su ajuste a través de los modelos no lineales Y = B0+B1X+B2X2 y Y = B0+B1X+B2X2+B3X3 permiten estimar el área foliar, y ello se cumple para la condición de que el largo del óvalo foliar mida entre 1,3 y 20,4 cm. La alta correlación encontrada hace apropiado este procedimiento de estimación.The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphoagronomic performance of the specie Morus alba L. var. Tigreada during the first establishment stage

  17. Assessing the risk of foliar injury from ozone on vegetation in parks in the U.S. National Park Service's Vital Signs Network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohut, Robert


    The risk of ozone injury to plants was assessed in support of the National Park Service's Vital Signs Monitoring Network program. The assessment examined bioindicator species, evaluated levels of ozone exposure, and investigated soil moisture conditions during periods of exposure for a 5-year period in each park. The assessment assigned each park a risk rating of high, moderate, or low. For the 244 parks for which assessments were conducted, the risk of foliar injury was high in 65 parks, moderate in 46 parks, and low in 131 parks. Among the well-known parks with a high risk of ozone injury are Gettysburg, Valley Forge, Delaware Water Gap, Cape Cod, Fire Island, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, Manassas, Wolf Trap Farm Park, Mammoth Cave, Shiloh, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Great Smoky Mountains, Joshua Tree, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, and Yosemite. - An assessment of the risk of foliar ozone injury on plants was conducted for 269 parks in support of the U.S. National Park Service's Vital Signs Monitoring Network Program

  18. Leaf life spans of some conifers of the temperate forests of South America Longevidad foliar de algunas coníferas de los bosques templados de Sudamérica

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    Full Text Available Interspecific variation in leaf life span has wide-ranging implications for plant species sorting on resource availability gradients, and for ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. Very little is known about leaf life spans of evergreen trees in the temperate forests of South America. Leaf life spans were estimated by static demographic methods, and associated leaf traits measured, for four conifers of this region. It was expected that leaf life span variation would correlate negatively with soil fertility of habitats normally occupied by each species. This prediction was upheld by the data. The mean leaf life span determined for Araucaria araucana (24 years is among the highest figures reported for any plant species. This extreme leaf longevity was associated with very robust construction (high leaf mass per unit area and very low nitrogen content. These aspects of the ecology of A. araucana may affect its fitness in two ways. Firstly, slow foliage turnover will reduce its annual nutrient requirements for crown maintenance, a trait that is thought to be crucial for survival on nutrient-poor sites. Secondly, the low decomposability of A. araucana leaf litter is likely to cause nutrient immobilisation, possibly favouring site retention by A. araucana in the face of competition from faster-growing but more nutrient-demanding species. Interspecific variation in leaf life span appeared to be systematically related to variation in leaf mass per unit area (LMA and leaf nitrogen, in agreement with a large body of evidence that leaf evolution is constrained by a trade-off between trait combinations which optimise carbon gain and growth in resource-rich habitats, and those which favour persistence in chronically adverse environmentsLas diferencias específicas en longevidad foliar tienen importantes implicancias para la distribución de las plantas en relación con gradientes de recursos, y en procesos ecosistémicos tales como el ciclaje de

  19. Effect of salt stress on nutrient concentration, photosynthetic pigments, proline and foliar morphology of Salvinia auriculata Aubl. Efeito do estresse salino sobre as concentrações de nutrientes, pigmentos fotossintéticos, prolina e na morfologia foliar de Salvinia auriculata Aubl.

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    Maria Angélica da Conceição Gomes


    Full Text Available AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effects of NaCI and Na2So4 salts on Ca, CI, K, Mg N, P, S and Na content as well as on the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and carotenoids, proline content and on the foliar morphology of Salvinia auriculata Aubl. METHODS: The plants were collected in Jacu lagoon, located in the North of Rio de Janeiro State, and after a five-day-acclimation period, experiments were performed in the greenhouse with 0, 100, 200 mM concentrations of NaCI and Na2SO4 salts and the usual techniques for light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: After seven days of experiment, a decrease in the content of Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, P, N ions as well as in the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll-a,b and carotenoids in Salvinia auriculata under saline treatments was observed. The proline content showed an upward tendency as compared to the control. Under transmission electron microscopy, it was observed that, on the foliar limb, there was a membrane system disorder, mainly of chloroplasts, with higher presence of starch grains of plant cells subjected to salinity. Under scanning electron microscope, the integrity of trichomes and foliar limb cells of Salvinia auriculata subjected to the control treatment as well as the changes caused by salinization on the surface of cells were observed. CONCLUSION: As for all the salinization effects evaluated, it was noticed that the increase in Na2SO4 salt concentration resulted in higher morphological and nutritional alterations in the floating aquatic macrophyte, Salvinia auriculata.OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos dos sais NaCl e Na2SO4 sobre o conteúdo de Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N, P, S, Na; teor de pigmentos fotossintéticos (clorofila-a, clorofilab-b e carotenóides; teor de prolina e a morfologia das folhas de Salvinia auriculata Aubl. MÉTODOS: As plantas foram coletadas na lagoa do Jacu localizada no Norte do Estado do Rio de

  20. Interaction of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with Citrus maxima leaves and the corresponding physiological effects via foliar application. (United States)

    Hu, Jing; Guo, Huiyuan; Li, Junli; Wang, Yunqiang; Xiao, Lian; Xing, Baoshan


    Nutrient-containing nanomaterials have been developed as fertilizers to foster plant growth and agricultural yield through root applications. However, if applied through leaves, how these nanomaterials, e.g. γ-Fe 2 O 3 nanoparticles (NPs), influence the plant growth and health are largely unknown. This study is aimed to assess the effects of foliar-applied γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and their ionic counterparts on plant physiology of Citrus maxima and the associated mechanisms. No significant changes of chlorophyll content and root activity were observed upon the exposure of 20-100 mg/L γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and Fe 3+ . In C. maxima roots, no oxidative stress occurred under all Fe treatments. In the shoots, 20 and 50 mg/L γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs did not induce oxidative stress while 100 mg/L γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs did. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between the dosages of γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and Fe 3+ and iron accumulation in shoots. However, the accumulated iron in shoots was not translocated down to roots. We observed down-regulation of ferric-chelate reductase (FRO2) gene expression exposed to γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and Fe 3+ treatments. The gene expression of a Fe 2+ transporter, Nramp3, was down regulated as well under γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs exposure. Although 100 mg/L γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and 20-100 mg/L Fe 3+ led to higher wax content, genes associated with wax formation (WIN1) and transport (ABCG12) were downregulated or unchanged compared to the control. Our results showed that both γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and Fe 3+ exposure via foliar spray had an inconsequential effect on plant growth, but γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs can reduce nutrient loss due to their the strong adsorption ability. C. maxima plants exposed to γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs and Fe 3+ were in iron-replete status. Moreover, the biosynthesis and transport of wax is a collaborative and multigene controlled process. This study compared the various effects of γ-Fe 2 O 3 NPs, Fe 3+ and Fe chelate and exhibited the advantages of NPs as a foliar fertilizer