
Sample records for fogo selvagem disease

  1. FOGO-2014: Monitoring the Fogo 2014 Eruption, Cape Verde (United States)

    Fernandes, Rui; Faria, Bruno


    Fogo volcano, located in the Cape Verde Archipelago offshore Western Africa, is a complete stratovolcano system that was created by the Cape Verde hotspot, forming the island of Fogo. The top (Pico do Fogo) reaches ~2830m above sea level, and raises ~1100m above Chã das Caldeiras, an almost flat circular area with approximately 10 kilometres in the north-south direction and 7 kilometres in the east-west direction. Chã das Caldeiras, surrounded towards the West by the ~1000m high Bordeira rampart, has been inhabited since the early 20th Century, because it is one of the most productive agricultural areas in this semi-arid country. Fogo volcano erupted on November 23, 2014 (~10:00UTC) on a subsidiary vent of the main cone, after 19 years of inactivity. C4G (Collaboratory for Geosciences), a distributed research infrastructure created in 2014 in the framework of the Portuguese Roadmap for Strategic Research Infrastructures, immediately offered support to the Cape Verdean authorities, with the goal of complementing the permanent geophysical monitoring network operated in Fogo island by INMG, the Cape Verdean Meteorological and Geophysical Institute. This permanent network is composed of seven seismographic stations and three tiltmeter stations, and the data is transmitted in real time to the INMG geophysical laboratory in São Vicente Island, where it is analysed on a routine basis. Pre-eruptive activity started to be detected by the permanent monitoring network on October 2014, with earthquakes occurring at depths larger than 15 km. These events led to a first volcanic warning to the Cape Verdean Civil Protection Agency. On November 22 several volcano-tectonic earthquakes were recorded at shallow depths, indicating shallow fracturing. On the basis of this activity, INMG issued a formal alert of an impending eruption to the Civil Protection Agency, ~24 hours before the onset of the eruption. Volcanic tremor and clear tiltmeter signals were recorded about one hour

  2. O papel educativo da fotografia de vida selvagem

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    Cristina Bruzzo


    Full Text Available Este texto examina duas reportagens dos fotógrafos James Balog e Michael Nichols, da revista National Geographic, sobre animais selvagens em zoológicos para questionar o que nos ensinam as denominadas fotografias de animais a respeito do lugar reservado à vida selvagem na cultura contemporânea. Partindo das considerações do filósofo francês Didi-Huberman e de estudos sobre a domesticação, busca-se fornecer subsídios para compreender o propósito educativo da fotografia de animais.

  3. Effects of religion, economics, and geography on genetic structure of Fogo Island, Newfoundland. (United States)

    Crawford, M H; Koertevlyessy, T; Huntsman, R G; Collins, M; Duggirala, R; Martin, L; Keeping, D


    The population structure of Fogo Island, Newfoundland is described using geography, religious affiliation, economic factors (such as the presence of a fish-packing plant), and genetic markers. Five different analytic methods, R-matrix analysis, r ii VS. mean per locus heterozygosity, predicted kinship (ϕ), mean first passage time, and Mantel matrix comparisons, were applied to the Fogo Island genetic and demographic data. The results suggest that geography plays a role on Fogo Island in the distribution of genes, while religion, ethnicity, and economic factors play less significant roles. The communities with fish-packing plants and tourism serve as migratory "sinks" for Fogo islanders seeking employment. Reproductively, the most isolated village on Fogo Island is Tilting, and this is reflected in its genetic uniqueness, initially caused by Irish settlement and subsequently the action of stochastic processes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Copyright © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc., A Wiley Company.

  4. Mortes e crimes cometidos com armas de fogo na cidade autônoma de Buenos Aires, 2002

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    Hugo Spinelli

    Full Text Available A violência se constitui em um dos problemas mais graves da América Latina. O uso de pequenas e leves armas de fogo é considerada a principal responsável por este fato. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descobrir, a partir de dados do setor saúde, da justiça e da polícia, o número de mortes e crimes envolvendo armas de fogo ocorridos na cidade de Buenos Aires em 2002. Os dados sobre mortalidade e crimes foram obtidos dos Sistemas Nacionais de Estatísticas Vitais e Informação Criminal e os dados sobre apreensão de armas de fogo foram disponibilizados pela Polícia Federal. Utilizaram-se também dados de uma investigação anterior realizada por meio de entrevistas domiciliares a respeito de vitimização por armas de fogo. Durante o período ocorreram 1.304 mortes violentas, dos quais 23.7% corresponderam a mortes provocadas por armas de fogo. Dos 171 indiciamentos policiais por homicídio doloso, 60% haviam sido cometidos com armas de fogo. Das 2.108 pessoas entrevistadas, 6,7% haviam sido vítimas de um crime cometido com arma de fogo. Foram apreendidas 1.887 armas de fogo. A taxa de eventos violentos registrados foi maior nas delegacias da zona sudoeste da cidade, que se caracteriza por condições de vida mais precárias. O impacto da violência e sua relação com armas de fogo constitui-se em um tema relevante da agenda pública.

  5. Fogo Volcano (São Miguel, Azores): a hazardous edifice


    Wallenstein, Nicolau; Duncan, Angus; Chester, David; Marques, Rui


    Le volcan Fogo, le plus grand des trois volcans actifs sur l’île São Miguel dans les Açores, montre une variété d’aléas qui sont liés à des processus non éruptifs. Souvent nommés aléas volcaniques indirects, ils sont, sur le Fogo, le produit d’interactions entre l’édifice volcanique instable et les processus contrôlés par des mécanismes sismiques, hydrothermaux, gravitaires et hydrologiques. Il s’avère que de nombreuses maisons, routes et ponts sont en danger si une activité séismique importa...

  6. Adaptação das plantas ao fogo: enfoque na transição floresta - campo

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    Heringer Ingrid


    Full Text Available A presença de campos entremeados pela floresta de araucária, na região do planalto meridional sul brasileiro, surpreende os estudiosos, pois a vigorar o clima atual, de maiores precipitações, a tendência seria o desenvolvimento de vegetação florestal. Os distúrbios, sobretudo a interação fogo-pastejo, e as baixas temperaturas da região, são os grandes responsáveis pelos limites e expansão da floresta latifoliada, e predomínio daquele tipo de vegetação. A vegetação campestre e arbórea submetida por longo período a fogos recorrentes desenvolveu uma série de estratégias no sentido de tolerar, evitar ou responder ao fogo. A resposta individual das plantas ao fogo envolve alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas, enquanto, na comunidade, observam-se mudanças na dinâmica da associação entre espécies. Na vegetação campestre, as gramíneas são o componente da comunidade mais tolerante ao fogo, devido ao contínuo crescimento dos meristemas intercalares e de novos afilhos que crescem protegidos no solo ou na bainha de folhas velhas. O fogo estimula o florescimento em plantas cuja forma de crescimento evita grande perda de material na queima. Também promove a liberação de sementes através do choque térmico ou de substâncias liberadas na fumaça. Na comunidade, os efeitos do fogo sobre as plantas são sentidos em relação ao modo de sobrevivência, natureza e localização dos tecidos regenerados. O comportamento das plantas em relação à queima pode ser como dependentes (estímulo à reprodução, resistentes (estímulo ao rebrote, ou plantas que evitam o fogo (ciclo anual. Portanto, o fogo tem complexos efeitos sobre a estrutura da vegetação, sendo que espécies vegetais sensíveis e tolerantes à queima tem diferentes sítios de preferência no ambiente.

  7. A rock- and palaeomagnetic study of recent lavas and 1995 volcanic glass on Fogo (Cape Verde Islands)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, M.F.; Abrahamsen, N.; Riisager, P.


    Fogo is the only island in the Cape Verde archipelago with accounts of historical volcanic activity.Here we present palaeomagnetic data from seven geologically recent lava flows on Fogo, including one glassy, volcanic flow from the eruption in 1995. Almost all samples behaved well during alternat......Fogo is the only island in the Cape Verde archipelago with accounts of historical volcanic activity.Here we present palaeomagnetic data from seven geologically recent lava flows on Fogo, including one glassy, volcanic flow from the eruption in 1995. Almost all samples behaved well during...

  8. Interação entre projetil de arma de fogo e superfícies de vidro


    Amanda Balbinotto Dal Magro; Airton Carlos Kraemer


    O presente trabalho visa estudar a interação entre projetil de arma de fogo e superfícies de vidro possibilitando estabelecer o sentido e a sequência dos disparos realizados, através de uma revisão bibliográfica com artigos diversos. A balística forense estuda a arma de fogo e os efeitos provocados pelos projeteis expelidos por ela. Existem métodos que podem auxiliar o perito a descobrir se determinada arma de fogo foi utilizada para efetuar um disparo. Os efeitos provocados por estes projete...

  9. Pistola Finca Pinos: ferramenta ou arma de fogo?

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    Rodrigo Grazinoli Garrido


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende analisar a possibilidade de uso da ferramenta denominada “pistola finca pinos”, utilizada na construção civil, como arma de fogo na execução de crimes contra a vida. Serão examinados os tipos, as características e o mecanismo de funcionamento da pistola finca pinos e munição associada, em comparação às características da arma de fogo, com o objetivo de avaliar sua possível aplicação na prática de crime. Serão verificadas as normas regulamentadoras da venda e manuseio dessa ferramenta, assim como a análise de alguns casos de mortes decorrentes do uso da pistola finca pinos e a diagnose diferencial conferida a cada caso: homicídio, suicídio ou acidente.

  10. Resistência ao fogo de vigas parcialmente embebidas com betão


    Piloto, P.A.G.; Gavilan, Ana; Mesquita, L.M.R.


    Neste artigo serão apresentados resultados dos ensaios de resistência ao fogo de elementos de viga parcialmente embebidos com betão. Os elementos de viga foram ensaiados à flexão, com aplicação de uma carga constante localizada a meio vão, submetida a uma curva de incêndio nominal ISO 834, [1-2]. Foram determinados os tempos de resistência ao fogo, as temperaturas críticas e os modos de colapso para cada grau de utilização.

  11. Lesões provocadas por armas de fogo atendidas em serviços de urgência e emergência brasileiros

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    Adalgisa Peixoto Ribeiro

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo objetiva analisar os atendimentos de pessoas lesionadas por armas de fogo, em serviços de urgência e emergência brasileiros, em 2014. Realizou-se um estudo transversal dos atendimentos de pacientes com lesões por arma de fogo, em 24 capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal, incluídos no VIVA Inquérito. Foram calculadas frequências simples e relativas das variáveis relacionadas aos pacientes e ao evento e foi ajustado um modelo logístico para amostras complexas tendo como desfecho os atendimentos a pacientes com lesões por arma de fogo. Os resultados mostram que 0,7% dos atendimentos por outros acidentes (exceto os de transporte, 1,5% por lesões autoprovocadas, 15,9% por agressões e 65,1% por intervenção legal foram provocados por arma de fogo. Houve predomínio de atendimentos a pacientes do sexo masculino, de adultos jovens (20 a 39 anos, de cor da pele parda e com baixa escolaridade. Os membros e múltiplos órgãos foram os locais mais atingidos. Conclui-se discutindo sobre os esforços para o controle de armas de fogo em circulação no país e como elas podem potencializar desfechos graves e letais em brigas e conflitos interpessoais.

  12. Geo-ecological spatial pattern analysis of the island of Fogo (Cape Verde) (United States)

    Olehowski, C.; Naumann, S.; Fischer, D.; Siegmund, A.


    With its small-scale climatic, floristic and geo-ecological differentiation, the island of Fogo is an optimal research area for understanding semi-arid island ecosystems in the marginal tropics. Because of the high variability in precipitation, the archipelago of Cape Verde has a potentially high ecological vulnerability, which is caused mainly by population growth, intensification of agricultural land use and increasing tourism. In this context, a geo-ecological spatial pattern analysis has been conducted for Fogo, including several types of geo-ecological layers like vegetation, elevation, aspect, soil and geology. The different kinds of spatial patterns that are detected can be used as a first tool to display distinctive levels of ecological vulnerability. These levels could constitute a base for sustainable land use planning and the redevelopment of agricultural strategies.

  13. Características físicas de um latossolo vermelho-escuro no Cerrado de Planaltina, DF, submetido à ação do fogo

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    Full Text Available Os principais efeitos do fogo como manejo de solo estão relacionados a alterações biológicas e químicas do solo. A queima pode ainda alterar a umidade do solo em razão de mudanças na taxa de infiltração, na taxa de transpiração, na porosidade e na repelência do solo à água. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro muito argiloso, plano, fase campo cerrado, submetido à ação do fogo, após ser utilizado durante 20 anos em pastagem nativa sem queima. Uma área de 1,25 ha foi submetida à ação bienal do fogo, e uma área adjacente, do mesmo tamanho, foi mantida protegida da ação do fogo. Após seis anos, não houve variações marcantes nas características físicas do solo induzidas pelo fogo, exceto no aumento da umidade do solo nas parcelas não queimadas. Nas parcelas onde se aplicou o fogo, observou-se tendência para o aumento da microporosidade, que pode ser atribuída à compactação promovida pelo impacto das gotas de chuva no solo desnudado pelo fogo. Conclui-se, entretanto, que a queima bienal não foi suficiente para provocar degradação no período estudado.

  14. Mortalidade por homicídios no Brasil na década de 90: o papel das armas de fogo

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    Peres Maria Fernanda Tourinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução da mortalidade por homicídio no Brasil, na década de 1990, buscando analisar a contribuição das armas de fogo. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico descritivo de série temporal para o período 1991 a 2000. Dados sobre óbitos por causas externas, segundo local de residência, foram obtidos para a população total e grupos de sexo. A fonte de dados utilizada foi o Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde (SIM/Datasus. Os homicídios foram classificados em homicídios por armas de fogo, por outros instrumentos e por meios não especificados. Foram calculados a mortalidade proporcional e os coeficientes de mortalidade (/100.000 habitantes. RESULTADOS: Os homicídios foram responsáveis por 33% dos óbitos por causas externas na década de 1990. As armas de fogo contribuíram com mais de 50% dos casos já em 1991, e com cerca de 70% no ano 2000. Esse crescimento ocorreu em ambos os grupos de sexo e em todas as capitais. O coeficiente de mortalidade por homicídio cresceu 27,5%, sendo que o incremento nos homicídios cometidos com armas de fogo foi de 72,5%. No período houve uma queda nos casos decorrentes de instrumentos não especificados, o que pode explicar parte do incremento observado para os homicídios com armas de fogo. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados indicam significativa contribuição das armas de fogo para o crescimento dos homicídios na década de 1990. Problemas na qualidade das informações, tanto no que se refere às mortes com intencionalidade indeterminada como ao tipo de instrumento utilizado, prejudicaram a análise dos dados.

  15. Breve notícia da recente erupção na ilha do Fogo e suas consequências

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    Fernando Costa


    Full Text Available BRIEF NOTES ABOUT THE RECENT VOLCANIC ERUPTION AT FOGO ISLAND - This article provides a concise description of the volcanic eruption that occurred in 1995 in the island of Fogo (Cape Verde. It focuses on the evolution of the eruption, its characteristics, and the alteration it produced on the topography and morphology of the landscape of Chã das Caldeiras. The consequences of this phenomenon on the human and agricultural occupation are also emphasized.

  16. Mortalidade por armas de fogo no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: uma análise espacial

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    Szwarcwald Célia Landman


    Full Text Available O aumento da mortalidade por armas de fogo no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, tem tomado um aspecto alarmante. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a evolução temporal da mortalidade por armas de fogo neste estado, no período de 1979 a 1992, conforme sexo, idade e região de residência (capital, cinturão metropolitano e interior do estado e estudar a propagação da epidemia ao longo do tempo e do espaço, com a utilização de técnicas de análise estatística espacial. No período analisado, a mortalidade por armas de fogo teve o seu maior crescimento entre adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos, do sexo masculino; estas taxas variaram de 13 a 16% para este grupo, conforme a região de residência. Para o grupo das crianças de 10 a 14 anos, a mortalidade por armas de fogo teve um acréscimo de 10% ao ano. Foi nítida a interiorização da mortalidade por armas de fogo. No início da série, observou-se uma direção preferencial de disseminação, ao longo dos municípios situados na costa leste do estado, acompanhando o trajeto de uma rodovia federal. Entre 1990 e 1992, entretanto, a difusão ocorreu em praticamente todas as direções. A constatação empírica da expansão generalizada da mortalidade por armas de fogo nega as afirmações corriqueiras de concentração da violência nos bolsões de pobreza das metrópoles brasileiras. Os programas para prevenir e controlar a epidemia devem abordar o problema sob diferentes aspectos, enfocando questões tanto no plano coletivo (proliferação de armas entre a população vinculada ao contrabando internacional de armas, aumento da criminalidade, expansão do tráfico de drogas e exclusão de oportunidades sociais, assim como no plano individual (relações e interações dos jovens com seu ambiente, em nível da família, da escola e da sociedade.

  17. Uma investigação do ser-aí do menino selvagem à luz do pensamento heideggeriano


    Feijoo, Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de; Gill, Débora; Protasio, Myriam Moreira


    Este trabalho busca, na história de Victor de Aveyron, elementos para discutir o modo pelo qual a existência humana se constitui. Por não ter convivido em ambiente humano, Victor foi motivo de intensas discussões no meio científico, especialmente entre os empiristas e os racionalistas. Nesta pesquisa assumimos uma postura fenomenológica, trazendo a história do menino selvagem à discussão por meio da fenomenologia hermenêutica de Heidegger, apontando, assim, para o caráter de indeterminação, o...

  18. Mortes e crimes cometidos com armas de fogo na cidade autônoma de Buenos Aires, 2002


    Spinelli,Hugo; Alazraqui,Marcio; Zunino,Gabriela; Olaeta,Hernán; Poggese,Héctor; Concaro,Carola; Porterie,Sidonie


    A violência se constitui em um dos problemas mais graves da América Latina. O uso de pequenas e leves armas de fogo é considerada a principal responsável por este fato. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descobrir, a partir de dados do setor saúde, da justiça e da polícia, o número de mortes e crimes envolvendo armas de fogo ocorridos na cidade de Buenos Aires em 2002. Os dados sobre mortalidade e crimes foram obtidos dos Sistemas Nacionais de Estatísticas Vitais e Informação Criminal e os d...

  19. Aves associadas ao manejo com fogo em áreas de campo na porção sul do Bioma Mata Atlântica


    Petry, Maria Virginia; Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS; Piuco, Roberta da Cruz; Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS; Brummelhaus, Jaqueline; Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos/UNISINOS


    Ambientes de campo natural estão se tornando cada vez mais ameaçados na região do Planalto das Araucárias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em parte devido à ação do fogo e à presença do gado. Nos meses de agosto de 2005 e agosto de 2006, foram realizadas expedições a campo, no município de Cambará do Sul, com o objetivo de comparar a riqueza, abundância e discutir as variações da composição da avifauna quanto aos efeitos do fogo em áreas de campo com manejo de fogo controlado e em áreas de camp...

  20. Investigating collapse structures in oceanic islands using magnetotelluric surveys: The case of Fogo Island in Cape Verde (United States)

    Martínez-Moreno, F. J.; Monteiro Santos, F. A.; Madeira, J.; Pous, J.; Bernardo, I.; Soares, A.; Esteves, M.; Adão, F.; Ribeiro, J.; Mata, J.; Brum da Silveira, A.


    One of the most remarkable natural events on Earth are the large lateral flank collapses of oceanic volcanoes, involving volumes of rock exceeding tens of km3. These collapses are relatively frequent in recent geological times as supported by evidence found in the geomorphology of volcanic island edifices and associated debris flows deposited on the proximal ocean floor. The Island of Fogo in the Cape Verde archipelago is one of the most active and prominent oceanic volcanoes on Earth. The island has an average diameter of 25 km and reaches a maximum elevation of 2829 m above sea level (m a.s.l.) at Pico do Fogo, a young stratovolcano located within a summit depression open eastward due to a large lateral flank collapse. The sudden collapse of the eastern flank of Fogo Island produced a megatsunami 73 ky ago. The limits of the flank collapse were deduced as well from geomorphologic markers within the island. The headwall of the collapse scar is interpreted as either being located beneath the post-collapse volcanic infill of the summit depression or located further west, corresponding to the Bordeira wall that partially surrounds it. The magnetotelluric (MT) method provides a depth distribution of the ground resistivity obtained by the simultaneous measurement of the natural variations of the electric and magnetic field of the Earth. Two N-S magnetotelluric profiles were acquired across the collapsed area to determine its geometry and boundaries. The acquired MT data allowed the determination of the limits of the collapsed area more accurately as well as its morphology at depth and thickness of the post-collapse infill. According to the newly obtained MT data and the bathymetry of the eastern submarine flank of Fogo, the volume involved in the flank collapse is estimated in 110 km3. This volume -the first calculated onshore- stands between the previously published more conservative and excessive calculations -offshore- that were exclusively based in geomorphic

  1. Terapêutica interdisciplinar para fratura cominutiva de côndilo por projétil de arma de fogo: enfoque miofuncional


    Bianchini,Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves; Moraes,Rogério Bonfante; Nazario,Daniella; Luz,João Gualberto de Cerqueira


    TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente...

  2. FOGO, de Álvaro Andrade Garcia: o livro digital como escritura palimpséstica

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    Rogério Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, propõe-se refletir sobre os procedimentos poéticos no livro Fogo, o qual pode ser tratado como uma produção multiplataforma do autor, uma vez que essa obra contém múltiplas versões, envolvendo as plataformas impressa e digital. No impresso, a obra passa por processos de reescritura, primeiramente porque Fogo (2002 pode ser vista como uma escrita palimpséstica (tal como propõe Gérard Genette de O beijo que virou poema (1984, uma obra juvenil do autor, e que depois se transformou num duplo de livro de artista, numa parceria entre o autor e a designer Daniela Karan, em 2002. Ao passar para o formato digital, a obra também adquire versões e passa por adaptações, tanto no sentido de explorar o potencial de virtualização quanto para promover uma integração entre a versão digital e as obras originalmente impressas, revistas dentro de uma nova organização de linguagens.

  3. O fogo e seus efeitos sobre a herpeto e a mastofauna terrestre no Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande (PR/MS), Brasil


    Koproski, Letícia de Paulo


    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande, Unidade de Conservação situada na região sul da planície de inundação do alto Rio Paraná, na divisa dos Estados do Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Os objetivos foram caracterizar o perfil dos incêndios, definir a estação de perigo de incêndios, descrever as atitudes dos animais frente ao fogo, identificar as espécies atingidas pelos incêndios e relacionar a natureza das lesões causadas pelo fogo, e identificar as esp...

  4. Multi-disciplinary Monitoring of the 2014 Eruption of Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde (United States)

    Fernandes, R. M. S.; Faria, B. V. E.


    The Fogo volcano, located in the Cape Verde Archipelago (offshore Western Africa), is a complete stratovolcano system. It is the most recent expression of the Cape Verde hotspot, that has formed the archipelago. The summit reaches ~2830m above sea level, and raises 1100m above Chã das Caldeiras, an almost flat circular area. The last eruption of Fogo started on November 23, 2014 (~10:00UTC), after 19 years of inactivity. C4G, a distributed research infrastructure created in 2014 in the framework of the Portuguese Roadmap for Strategic Research Infrastructures, collaborated immediately with INMG, the Cape Verdean Meteorological and Geophysical Institut with the goal of complementing the permanent geophysical monitoring network in operation on Fogo island. The INMG permanent network is composed of seven seismographic stations and three tiltmeter stations, with real-time data transmitted. On the basis of increased pre-event activity (which started in October 2014), INMG issued a formal alert of an impending eruption to the Civil Protection Agency, about 24 hours before the onset of the eruption. Although the eruption caused no casualties or personal injuries due to the warnings issued, the lava expelled by the eruption (which last until the end of January) destroyed the two main villages in the caldera (~1000 inhabitants) and covered vast areas of agricultural land, causing very large economic losses and an uncertain future of the local populations. The C4G team installed a network of seven GNSS receivers and nine seismometers, distributed by the entire island. The data collection started on 28th November 2014, and continued until the end of January 2015. The mission also included a new detailed gravimetric survey of the island, the acquisition of geological samples, and the analysis of the air quality during the eruption. We present here a detailed description of the monitoring efforts carried out during the eruption as well as initial results of the analysis of the

  5. Remote sensing and GIS based study of potential erosion and degradation areas on the island Fogo (Cape Verde Islands) (United States)

    Olehowski, Claas; Naumann, Simone; Siegmund, Alexander


    The Island of Fogo (Cape Verde) is affected by processes of erosion and degradation, caused mainly by a high population growth and global change. With its small scaled climatic, floristic and geo-ecological differentiation, the island of Fogo is an optimal research space for understanding semiarid island ecosystems in the marginal tropics and their behaviour to erosion and degradation processes. For that reason, a change detection analysis over the past two decades is generated, showing the level and direction of land cover and land use change. Two satellite images from 1984 and 2007 will classified by a Maximum Likelihood approach. In a further step, an image of 1974 will be also integrated in this change detection analysis, enlarging the study over the last three decades.

  6. Polymorphism of the promoter region and exon 1 of the CTLA4 gene in endemic pemphigus foliaceus (fogo selvagem

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    D.P. Pavoni


    Full Text Available Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF is an autoimmune bullous skin disease characterized by acantholysis and antibodies against a desmosomal protein, desmoglein 1. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to development of this multifactorial disease. HLA class II and some cytokine gene polymorphisms are the only genetic markers thus far known to be associated with susceptibility to or protection from EPF. The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 gene (CTLA4 encodes a key immunoreceptor molecule that regulates and inhibits T-cell proliferation. It participates in the regulatory process controlling autoreactivity and therefore has been considered a strong candidate gene in autoimmune diseases. In the search for genes that might influence EPF pathogenesis, we analyzed variants of the CTLA4 gene in a sample of 118 patients and 291 controls from a Brazilian population. This is the first study investigating the possible role of polymorphisms of the 2q33 chromosomal region in differential susceptibility to pemphigus foliaceus. Promoter region and exon 1 single nucleotide polymorphisms -318 (C,T and 49 (A,G were genotyped using sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes after amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. The allelic and genotypic frequencies did not differ significantly between the patient and the control groups (-318T: 9.8 and 10.9%, 49G: 33.0 and 35.2% were the allelic frequencies in patients and controls, respectively. In addition, no significant difference was found when the patient and control population samples were stratified by the presence of HLA-DRB1 alleles. We conclude that the CTLA4 -318 (C,T and 49 (A,G polymorphisms do not play a major role in EPF development.

  7. Monitoring diffuse He degassing from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde (United States)

    Alonso, Mar; Dionis, Samara; Fernandes, Paulo; Melián, Gladys; Asensio-Ramos, María; Padilla, Germán D.; Hernández, Pedro A.; Pérez, Nemesio M.; Silva, Sonia


    Fogo (476km2) is one of the Sotavento islands of Cape Verde archipelago. The main geomorphological feature is the presence of a 9 km wide caldera hosting one of the world's most active volcanoes, Pico do Fogo (2829 m.a.s.l.), with the last eruption occurring on November 2014. Pico do Fogo volcano is characterized by the existence of a fumarolic field situated NW inside the summit crater and composed by low- and high-temperature gas discharges (90 to above 200oC respectively) with widespread sulfur precipitates at the surface, typical of hydrothermal alteration. As part of the geochemical monitoring program for the volcanic surveillance of Fogo volcano, twelve surveys of diffuse Helium (He) emission through the surface of the crater have been performed since 2008. He emission has been measured because it is considered as an excellent geochemical indicator (Pogorsky and Quirt 1981) due to its geochemical properties. Recent results clearly show the importance of helium emission studies for the prediction of major volcanic events and the importance of continuous monitoring of this gas in active volcanic regions (Padrón et al. 2013). Soil He emission rates were measured always at the same 63 sampling sites distributed inside the crater and covering an area of 0.142km2. At each measurement site, soil gas was collected in 10 cc glass vials with a hypodermic syringe by inserting to 40 cm depth a 50 cm stainless probe and later analyzed for He content by a quadrupole mass spectrometer Pfeiffer Omnistar 422. Diffusive and convective emission values were estimated at each sampling site following the Fick and Darcy's laws. The He emission rate through the crater was estimated after making the spatial interpolation maps using sequential Gaussian simulation. The average emission rate during these eight years of study is 3.3 kg d-1. The emission rate showed an important increase (up to 5.7 kg d-1) eight months before the 2014 eruption onset. During the eruptive period the crater

  8. Mortes e crimes cometidos com armas de fogo na cidade autônoma de Buenos Aires, 2002 Firearm-related deaths and crime in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, 2002

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    Hugo Spinelli


    Full Text Available A violência se constitui em um dos problemas mais graves da América Latina. O uso de pequenas e leves armas de fogo é considerada a principal responsável por este fato. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descobrir, a partir de dados do setor saúde, da justiça e da polícia, o número de mortes e crimes envolvendo armas de fogo ocorridos na cidade de Buenos Aires em 2002. Os dados sobre mortalidade e crimes foram obtidos dos Sistemas Nacionais de Estatísticas Vitais e Informação Criminal e os dados sobre apreensão de armas de fogo foram disponibilizados pela Polícia Federal. Utilizaram-se também dados de uma investigação anterior realizada por meio de entrevistas domiciliares a respeito de vitimização por armas de fogo. Durante o período ocorreram 1.304 mortes violentas, dos quais 23.7% corresponderam a mortes provocadas por armas de fogo. Dos 171 indiciamentos policiais por homicídio doloso, 60% haviam sido cometidos com armas de fogo. Das 2.108 pessoas entrevistadas, 6,7% haviam sido vítimas de um crime cometido com arma de fogo. Foram apreendidas 1.887 armas de fogo. A taxa de eventos violentos registrados foi maior nas delegacias da zona sudoeste da cidade, que se caracteriza por condições de vida mais precárias. O impacto da violência e sua relação com armas de fogo constitui-se em um tema relevante da agenda pública.Violence is one of the most serious challenges in Latin American societies. Possession and use of small arms and light weapons are considered to be among the main factors behind it. The aim of this paper is to describe deaths and crimes involving the use of a firearm in the City of Buenos Aires in 2002, focusing the health, justice and police sectors. Data on mortality and crimes were obtained from the National Systems for vital statistics and criminal information; data on firearm seizures were supplied by the Argentine Federal Police. Household interviews conducted for a previous research on firearm

  9. Mortes e crimes cometidos com armas de fogo na Cidade Autônoma de Buenos Aires, 2002 Firearm-related deaths and crime in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, 2002

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    Spinelli Hugo


    Full Text Available Resumo A violência se constitui em um dos problemas mais graves da América Latina. O uso de pequenas e leves armas de fogo é considerado o principal responsável por esse fato. O objetivo do presente trabalhoé descobrir, a partir de dados do setor de saúde, justiça e polícia, o número de mortes e crimes envolvendo armas de fogo ocorridos na cidade de Buenos Aires, em 2002. Os dados sobre mortalidade e crimes foram obtidos dos Sistemas Nacionais de Estatísticas Vitais e Informação Criminal, e os dados sobre apreensão de armas de fogo foram disponibilizados pela Polícia Federal Argentina.Utilizaram-se também dados de uma investigação anterior, realizada por meio de entrevistas domiciliares a respeito de vitimização por armas de fogo. Durante o período, ocorreram 1.304 mortes violentas, das quais 23,7% foram provocadas por armas de fogo. Dos 171 indiciamentos policiais por homicídio doloso, 60% haviam sido cometidos com armas de fogo. Das 2.108 pessoas entrevistadas, 6,7% haviam sido vítimas de crimes cometidos com arma de fogo. Foram apreendidas 1.887 armas de fogo. A taxa de eventos violentos registrados foi maior nas delegacias da zona sudoeste da cidade, que se caracteriza por condições de vida mais precárias. O impacto da violência e sua relação com armas de fogo constituemse em um tema relevante da agenda pública.Abstract Violence is one of the most serious challenges in Latin American societies. Possession and use of small arms and light weapons are considered to be among the main factors behind it. The aim of this paper is to describe deaths and crimes involving the use of a firearm in the City of Buenos Aires in 2002, focusing the health, justice and police sectors. Data on mortality and crimes were obtained from the National Systems for vital statistics and criminal information; data on firearm seizures were supplied by the Argentine Federal Police. Household interviews conducted for a previous research on

  10. Prática e Formação: Psicólogos na Peritagem em Porte de Arma de Fogo

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    Julia Carolina Rafalski


    Full Text Available Com o desenvolvimento e a crescente atualização da Avaliação Psicológica como área, prática e formação, os diferentes desafios enfrentados pelos psicólogos atuantes nesta temática têm sido discutidos. É pouco comum, contudo, a discussão das práticas e competências dos profissionais que atuam na Concessão de Porte de Arma de Fogo. Com o objetivo de conhecer estas atividades e este contexto de trabalho, foram entrevistados 14 psicólogos atuantes como peritos em concessão de porte de arma de fogo em um estado do Sudeste, sendo todos do sexo feminino, com idades entre 30 e 60 anos (M = 39,1 anos, DP = 7,1 anos. Os resultados apontam que a falta de formação voltada para a peritagem em porte de arma de fogo, bem como a formação deficitária em Avaliação Psicológica, podem conduzir a percepções negativas dentro deste contexto de atuação. A preocupação burocrática e documental que envolve esta avaliação, a falta de parâmetros para avaliação de perfil dos avaliados e o problema do descrédito do psicólogo como avaliador surgiram como temáticas adjacentes, suscitando a discussão do papel da formação na disseminação de melhores práticas profissionais.

  11. Population size, breeding biology and on-land threats of Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae) in Fogo Island, Cape Verde. (United States)

    Militão, Teresa; Dinis, Herculano Andrade; Zango, Laura; Calabuig, Pascual; Stefan, Laura M; González-Solís, Jacob


    Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae) is currently considered near threatened, but little is known about its population size, breeding biology and on land threats, jeopardizing its management and conservation. To improve this situation, we captured, marked and recaptured (CMR) birds using mist-nets over 10 years; measured and sexed them; monitored up to 14 burrows, deployed GPS devices on breeders and analyzed activity data of geolocators retrieved from breeders in Fogo (Cape Verde). We set cat traps over the colony and investigated their domestic/feral origin by marking domestic cats from a nearby village with transponders, by deploying GPS devices on domestic cats and by performing stable isotope analyses of fur of the trapped and domestic cats. The population of Fogo was estimated to be 293 birds, including immatures (95% CI: 233-254, CMR modelling). Based on geolocator activity data and nest monitoring we determined the breeding phenology of this species and we found biometric differences between sexes. While monitoring breeding performance, we verified a still ongoing cat predation and human harvesting. Overall, data gathered from trapped cats without transponder, cats GPS trips and the distinct isotopic values between domestic and trapped cats suggest cats visiting the colony are of feral origin. GPS tracks from breeders showed birds left and returned to the colony using the sector NE of the islands, where high level of public lights should be avoided specially during the fledging period. Main threats for the Cape Verde petrel in the remaining breeding islands are currently unknown but likely to be similar to Fogo, calling for an urgent assessment of population trends and the control of main threats in all Cape Verde Islands and uplisting its conservation status.

  12. Population size, breeding biology and on-land threats of Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae in Fogo Island, Cape Verde.

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    Teresa Militão

    Full Text Available Cape Verde petrel (Pterodroma feae is currently considered near threatened, but little is known about its population size, breeding biology and on land threats, jeopardizing its management and conservation. To improve this situation, we captured, marked and recaptured (CMR birds using mist-nets over 10 years; measured and sexed them; monitored up to 14 burrows, deployed GPS devices on breeders and analyzed activity data of geolocators retrieved from breeders in Fogo (Cape Verde. We set cat traps over the colony and investigated their domestic/feral origin by marking domestic cats from a nearby village with transponders, by deploying GPS devices on domestic cats and by performing stable isotope analyses of fur of the trapped and domestic cats. The population of Fogo was estimated to be 293 birds, including immatures (95% CI: 233-254, CMR modelling. Based on geolocator activity data and nest monitoring we determined the breeding phenology of this species and we found biometric differences between sexes. While monitoring breeding performance, we verified a still ongoing cat predation and human harvesting. Overall, data gathered from trapped cats without transponder, cats GPS trips and the distinct isotopic values between domestic and trapped cats suggest cats visiting the colony are of feral origin. GPS tracks from breeders showed birds left and returned to the colony using the sector NE of the islands, where high level of public lights should be avoided specially during the fledging period. Main threats for the Cape Verde petrel in the remaining breeding islands are currently unknown but likely to be similar to Fogo, calling for an urgent assessment of population trends and the control of main threats in all Cape Verde Islands and uplisting its conservation status.

  13. The distribution pattern of trace elements in Pedra do Fogo formation, permian of Maranhao Basin and it application as an environment indicator of sedimentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, C.M. de.


    The present investigation consisted of a geochemical study of the medium and upper layers of the Pedra do Fogo Formation aiming at correlating its elemental distribution pattern with the sedimentary environment where that formation was deposited. Pelitic material with carbonate content below 30% was sampled in the three different outcrops of the Pedra do Fogo Formation for mineralogical and chemical analyses. Illite and dolomite, with subordinate amounts of smectite, calcite, quartz and K-feldspar were determined by X-ray diffraction techniques as the constituents of the mineral assemblages. Trace element (B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Li, Mn, Ni, P, V, Pb, Sr, Rb and Zn), CO sub(2) and K concentrations were determined by emission spectrography, atomic absorption spectrometry and colorimetry. The interpretation of the chemical data based on B-V, Ga-B, B-K sub(2) O and B-Ga-Rb diagrams and on B content indicates a wite range of variation for the medium salinity during the deposition of the Pedra do Fogo rocks. Accordingly, the observed sequence is composed of intercalations of marine and fresh water sediments, the latter being dominant. The marine intercalations are more frequent in the bottom of the sampled stratigraphic section and become progressively rarer towards the top layers which were deposited in a typically fresh water environment. (author)

  14. Reducing volcanic risk on Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde, through a participatory approach: which outcome? (United States)

    Texier-Teixeira, P.; Chouraqui, F.; Perrillat-Collomb, A.; Lavigne, F.; Cadag, J. R.; Grancher, D.


    This research paper presents the outcomes of Work Package 5 (socio-economical vulnerability assessment and community-based disaster risk reduction) of the MIAVITA (MItigate and Assess risk from Volcanic Impact on Terrain and human Activities) research programme conducted on Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde. The study lasted for almost 3 years (May 2010 to January 2012), of which most of the time was spent in the village of Chã das Caldeiras, situated within the 9 km wide caldera of the volcano inside Fogo Natural Park. The objectives of the programme included assessment of the vulnerability of the community at risk in terms of livelihoods, access to resources, and power relations between the local people and the different public and private institutions. These are important factors that need to be investigated in order to understand the root causes of vulnerability of the local people. This case study shows that the voluntary exposure of people to volcanic threats is linked to daily access to sources of livelihood, especially agriculture and tourism. This is despite the perception of people of the risk to their lives and properties. In order to counter the factors of vulnerability, the study also aimed to identify and enhance local capacities. To achieve such an objective, a participatory three-dimensional mapping (P3DM) activity was conducted to facilitate the dialogue between the local people and the different stakeholders as well as to prepare plans and measures to reduce volcanic risk. The P3DM was a half success considering that it has not yet led to an operational plan which takes into account the local capacities. The main reasons included (1) the non-participatory aspect of the project at the beginning which should have identified priorities for people and let them lead the project to ensure the sustainability of (2) deep conflicts within the community which complicated the focus group discussions around the 3-D map, and the difficulties in involving more

  15. Endemic Pemphigus foliaceus ("Fogo selvagem": a series from the Northeastern region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, 1973-1998 Pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (Fogo selvagem: casuística da região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 1973-1998

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    Maria Paula do Valle CHIOSSI


    Full Text Available Endemic Pemphigus Foliaceus (EPF is a bullous autoimmune skin disease whose incidence used to be high in the State of São Paulo (SP, Brazil, during the forties, but has declined thereafter. OBJECTIVES: to report a series of EPF patients from the northeastern region of SP. METHODS: a retrospective study concerning demographic and epidemiological data of patients seen from 1973 to 1998 was conducted at the University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, SP. RESULTS: bullous disease was diagnosed in 340 patients, 245 with EPF (72.1%, 9.4 cases per year, 60.4% females, and 70.2% white, 7 to 82 year-old (29.4% in their teens; 46.9% lived in the rural zone. Concerning profession, housewives predominated among women (67.6% and agricultural workers among men (40.2%. The time of disease was less than 1 year in 62.0% of cases, followed by 1 and 5 years (27%, and more than 5 years for the remaining patients (11%. 36.7% of patients were referred by the Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR XVIII of Ribeirão Preto, with the largest number of cases being from Ribeirão Preto and Batatais: 33.3% and 23.3%, respectively; 22% from DIR XIII (Franca; 13.5% from DIR VII (Araraquara; 2.9% from DIR IX (Barretos; 4.1% from other DIRs of SP, and 20.8% from other States (16.7% from Minas Gerais. Thirteen (5.3% patients reported occurrence of the disease in some relative, and 4 (1.6% in neighbors. CONCLUSIONS: the present data characterize the northeastern region of the state of São Paulo as a remaining endemic focus of EPF.FUNDAMENTOS: O pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (PFE é doença bolhosa auto-imune, em que o Estado de São Paulo (SP destacou-se por sua alta incidência na década de 1940, a partir da qual é descrito seu declínio. OBJETIVOS: relatar casuística do PFE na região nordeste de SP. MÉTODO: levantamento de prontuários de pacientes com doenças bolhosas, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de S

  16. Homicídio juvenil por arma de fogo e reorganização familiar: um estudo de caso

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    Domingues, Daniela Fontoura


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a morte de jovens provocada por armas de fogo tem vitimado inúmeras famílias, exigindo ajustes no sistema familiar para lidar com a perda. Este estudo de caso teve por objetivo investigar fatores de risco e de proteção que interferiram na reorganização da família de um jovem vitimado por homicídio por arma de fogo, nos primeiros cinco anos após o episódio. Participaram da pesquisa a mãe e uma das irmãs da vítima, que responderam a um questionário de caracterização do sistema familiar e a uma entrevista semiestruturada, submetida à análise dos núcleos de sentido. Foram identificados três núcleos: os sentimentos vivenciados frente à perda, o modo como a família lidou com a situação e as mudanças decorrentes do homicídio. O estudo apontou a presença tanto de fatores de risco quanto de proteção que influenciaram as relações interpessoais e a reorganização da família do jovem

  17. Reducing volcanic risk on Fogo Volcano, Cape-Verde, through a participatory approach: which out coming? (United States)

    Texier-Teixeira, P.; Chouraqui, F.; Perrillat-Collomb, A.; Lavigne, F.; Cadag, J. R.; Grancher, D.


    This research paper presents the outcomes of the Work Package 5 (Socio-economical Vulnerability Assessment and Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction) of the MIAVITA Research Program (MItigate and Assess risk from Volcanic Impact on Terrain and human Activities) conducted in Fogo Volcano, Cape-Verde. The study lasted for almost 3 yr (May 2010-January 2012) of which most of the time was spent in the village of Chã das Caldeiras, situated within the 9 km-wide caldera of the volcano inside the Fogo Natural Park. The objectives of the program included assessment of the vulnerability of the community at risk in terms of livelihoods, access to resources, and power relations between the local people and the different public and private institutions. These are important factors that need to be investigated in order to understand the root causes of vulnerability of the local people. This case study shows that the voluntary exposure of people at volcanic threats is linked with daily access to sources of livelihood specially agriculture and tourism. This is despite the perception of people of the risk on their lives and properties. In order to counter the factors of vulnerability, the study also aimed to identify and enhance local capacities. To achieve such objective, a Participatory 3-Dimensional Mapping (P3DM) activity was conducted to facilitate the dialogue between the local people and the different stakeholders as well as to prepare plans and measures to reduce volcanic risk. The P3DM was a half success considering that it has not yet led to an operational plan which takes into account the local capacities. The main reasons included (1) the non-participative aspect of the project at the beginning which should have identified priorities for people and let them lead the project to ensure the sustainability (2) deep conflicts within the community which complicated the focus group discussions around the 3-D map, and the difficulties to involve more marginalized people

  18. Palaeointensity Results from 1951 and 1995 Lava Flows, Fogo, Cape Verde: A Comparison between Thellier and LTD-DHT Shaw Methods (United States)

    Brown, M. C.; Cropsey, J.; Bowles, J. A.; Feinberg, J. M.


    As part of an ongoing effort to link the success rate of palaeointensity experiments to specific rock magnetic properties, we present new palaeointensity results from basaltic lavas erupted in 1951 and 1995 on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde. Both Thellier and LTD-DHT Shaw palaeointensity experiments were used to estimate the historical field strength. The intensity of the field during these eruptions is constrained by data from the Mbour geomagnetic observatory (Senegal) and IGRF10. In 1951, the magnetic field intensity at Fogo was approximately 33.8 µT during the eruption of three distinct surface flows, covering approximately 14 km2. The field intensity was approximately 32.5 µT during a 1995 eruption of one large flow that extends 4 km2 across the caldera floor. Different volcanic textures were sampled from multiple sites within both the 1951 and 1995 lava flows, including glass-rich pahoehoe and aa flows, highly vesicular flows, and massive non-vesicular lava. Detailed rock magnetic measurements demonstrate that each site and texture displays distinctively different rock magnetic properties. We assess possible links between the outcome of the Thellier and LTD-DHT palaeointensity experiments and the distribution of magnetic domain states, average oxidation state, and laboratory induced alteration.

  19. Caracteristicas de crescimento de uma linhagem selvagem de Streptococcus thermophilus, sua adesão em superficie de aço inoxidavel e comportamento frente a detergencia e sanificação


    Ana Lourdes Neves Gandara


    Resumo: Microrganismo selvagem isolado de leite pasteurizado, obtido de processo contínuo de pasteurização HTST com 4 h de operação foi identificado como Streptococcus thermophilus, formando a maior densidade celular em caldo M11 a 45°C em 6h. O número de células viáveis desse microrganismo foi avaliado em meios de cultura PCA, APT, MRS e Ml1 sendo os meios M11 e MRS os que permitiram melhor crescimento. Menores contagens do microrganismo foram observadas no meio APT em relação aos meios ante...

  20. Analyzing land surface temperature variations during Fogo Island (Cape Verde) 2014-2015 eruption with Landsat 8 images (United States)

    Vieira, D.; Teodoro, A.; Gomes, A.


    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an important parameter related to land surface processes that changes continuously through time. Assessing its dynamics during a volcanic eruption has both environmental and socio-economical interest. Lava flows and other volcanic materials produced and deposited throughout an eruption transform the landscape, contributing to its heterogeneity and altering LST measurements. This paper aims to assess variations of satellite-derived LST and to detect patterns during the latest Fogo Island (Cape Verde) eruption, extending from November 2014 through February 2015. LST data was obtained through four processed Landsat 8 images, focused on the caldera where Pico do Fogo volcano sits. QGIS' plugin Semi-Automatic Classification was used in order to apply atmospheric corrections and radiometric calibrations. The algorithm used to retrieve LST values is a single-channel method, in which emissivity values are known. The absence of in situ measurements is compensated by the use of MODIS sensor-derived LST data, used to compare with Landsat retrieved measurements. LST data analysis shows as expected that the highest LST values are located inside the caldera. High temperature values were also founded on the south-facing flank of the caldera. Although spatial patterns observed on the retrieved data remained roughly the same during the time period considered, temperature values changed throughout the area and over time, as it was also expected. LST values followed the eruption dynamic experiencing a growth followed by a decline. Moreover, it seems possible to recognize areas affected by lava flows of previous eruptions, due to well-defined LST spatial patterns.

  1. Avaliação do impacte de fogos florestais nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos


    Ferreira, J.P.L.; Quinta-Nova, L.C.; Leitão, T.


    Foram apresentados os estudos desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto “Avaliação do impacte de fogos florestais nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos” (POCI/AGR/59180/2004), designadamente: (1) caracterização e análise do coberto vegetal lenhoso e o seu contributo para a produção de cinzas resultantes de incêndios florestais; (2) estudos relativos à caracterização dos solos, águas e cinzas da combustão de matéria vegetal das áreas estudadas, da biomassa e o potencial de transferência d...

  2. The 2014-15 eruption and the short-term geochemical evolution of the Fogo volcano (Cape Verde): Evidence for small-scale mantle heterogeneity (United States)

    Mata, J.; Martins, S.; Mattielli, N.; Madeira, J.; Faria, B.; Ramalho, R. S.; Silva, P.; Moreira, M.; Caldeira, R.; Moreira, M.; Rodrigues, J.; Martins, L.


    Recurrent eruptions at very active ocean island volcanoes provide the ideal means to gain insight on the scale of spatial variations at the mantle source and on temporal changes of magma genesis and evolution processes. In 2014, after 19 years of quiescence, Fogo volcano (Cape Verde Archipelago) experienced a new eruption, with the vents located 200 m from those of the 1995 eruption, and less than 2000 m from those of the 1951 event. This offered a unique opportunity to investigate the existence of small-scale mantle heterogeneities and the short-term compositional evolution of magmas erupted by a very active oceanic volcano like Fogo. Here we present petrological and geochemical data from the early stages of the Fogo's most recent eruption - started on November 23, 2014 - and compare them with the signature of previous eruptions (particularly those of 1995 and 1951). The magmas erupted in 2014 are alkaline (up to 23.4% and 0.94% of normative ne and lc, respectively) with somewhat evolved compositions (Mg # < 56), ranging from tephrites to phonotephrites. The eruption of phonotephritic lavas preceded the effusion of tephritic ones. Lavas carried to the surface clinopyroxene and kaersutite phenocrysts and cognate megacrysts, which indicate that the main stages of magma evolution occurred in magma chambers most probably located at mantle depths (25.6 ± 5.5 km below sea level). This was followed by a shallower (< 1.5 km below sea level) and shorter (≈ 50 days) magma stagnation before the eruption. 2014 magmas have more unradiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Nd compositions than those of the previous 1951 and 1995 eruptions, which generally have less radiogenic Pb ratios. These isotopic differences - coming from quasi-coeval materials erupted almost in the same place - are remarkable and reflect the small-scale heterogeneity of the underlying mantle source. Moreover, they reflect the limited isotopic averaging of the source composition during partial melting events as

  3. Neural system antigens are recognized by autoantibodies from patients affected by a new variant of endemic pemphigus foliaceus in Colombia. (United States)

    Abreu-Velez, Ana Maria; Howard, Michael S; Yi, Hong; Gao, Weiqing; Hashimoto, Takashi; Grossniklaus, Hans E


    Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF), is also known as "fogo selvagem" or "wild fire," reflecting the intense burning sensation of the skin reported by patients with this disease. Based on this finding, we tested for neural autoreactivity in patients affected by a new variant of EPF (El Bagre-EPF). We tested 20 El Bagre-EPF patients, 20 normal controls from the endemic area, and 20 age- and sex-matched normal controls from outside the endemic area. We tested for autoreactivity to several immunoglobulins and complement. Both human skin and bovine tail were used as antigens. We detected autoreactivity to neural structures, mechanoreceptors, nerves, perineural cell layers of the arachnoid envelope around the optic nerve, brain structures, and to neuromuscular spindles; these structures colocalized with several neural markers. The patient antibodies also colocalized with desmoplakins 1 and 2, with the armadillo repeat protein deleted in velo-cardio-facial syndrome and with p0071 antibodies. Autoreactivity was also found associated with neurovascular bundles innervating the skin, and immunoelectron microscopy using protein A gold against patient antibodies was positive against the nerve axons. Paucicellularity of the intraepidermal nerve endings and defragmentation of the neural plexus were seen in 70% of the cases and not in the controls from the endemic area (pEPF patients vis-a-vis the weakness of the extensor nerves, and furthermore, the autoreactivity to nerves in EPF could explain the "burning sensation" encountered in EPF disease.

  4. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado


    Bolina,Fabrício Longhi; Prager,Gustavo Luis; Rodrigues,Eduardo; Tutikian,Bernardo Fonseca


    ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,0...

  5. Rare Earth and other Chemical Elements Accumulation in Vines of Fogo Island (Cape Verde) (United States)

    Marques, Rosa; Prudêncio, Maria Isabel; Rocha, Fernando; Dias, Maria Isabel; Franco, Dulce


    The Fogo Island is the fourth bigger island of the Cape Verde (central Atlantic Ocean). This archipelago is located 570 kilometres off the coast of West Africa, and is characterized by a semi-arid climate. The volcanic soils of the caldera of this island, with an active volcanism during historical times, have been used for viticulture. The study of uptake of chemical elements by vines - absorption and translocation to grapes - grown in soils developed on alkaline pyroclasts is the main goal of this work. The concentrations of 27 chemical elements in bark, leafs and grapes of two vines, as well as in the corresponding soils ( 50). The bioavailable fraction of Cr and As in these soils may be due to the low percentage of iron oxides (particularly in the form of nanoparticles), which play an important role in the retention of these elements. The factors responsible for the phytoavailability of Sb in soils and its uptake by plants it's still poorly known. Although the Sb concentrations in earth's crust are low, higher concentrations of this element in soils may be related with hydrothermal and volcanic processes. Also, the temperature may influence the accumulation of Sb in plants, with an increase of the Sb uptake by plants at higher temperatures, due to an increased desorption rate of Sb from soil particles. Concerning U, its mobility and dispersion in soils is controlled by its oxidation state, its adsorption capacity in clay minerals or iron oxides, and the ability to form more or less soluble complexes. Although U concentrations in these volcanic soils are low, there is a fraction available for absorption and accumulation by grapes. Concerning the rare earth elements (REE), it should be noted that the light REE are not enriched in any part of the vines studied, and only the heavy REE are enriched in grapes (EF = 20-50); this can be explained by the preferential uptake of the heavy REE, after primary minerals breakdown and the formation of more soluble compounds

  6. O Brasil diz sim às armas de fogo: uma análise sobre o referendo do desarmamento


    Esteves, Eulícia


    O trabalho analisa o processo eleitoral do referendo sobre a proibição da comercialização de armas de fogo e munição no Brasil a partir das percepções e motivações dos eleitores. Tendo como fonte de pesquisa as cartas de leitores de três jornais de grande circulação no país, pretende identificar os principais valores, sentimentos e argumentos mencionados na justificação do voto. Para isso, apresenta algumas considerações sobre cultura política, cultura do medo, percepções da insegurança e da ...

  7. Mortalidade por homicídios no Brasil na década de 90: o papel das armas de fogo


    Peres,Maria Fernanda Tourinho; Santos,Patrícia Carla dos


    OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução da mortalidade por homicídio no Brasil, na década de 1990, buscando analisar a contribuição das armas de fogo. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico descritivo de série temporal para o período 1991 a 2000. Dados sobre óbitos por causas externas, segundo local de residência, foram obtidos para a população total e grupos de sexo. A fonte de dados utilizada foi o Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde (SIM/Datasus). Os homicídios foram classificados em ...

  8. Using gravimetry to probe small to large scale lithospheric structure at Fogo Island (Cape Verde) (United States)

    Fernandes, R.; Bos, M. S.; Dumont, S.; Oliveira, C. S.; Miranda, E. H.; Almeida, P. G.


    The Fogo volcano is located on one of the Cape Verde islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Its last eruption was from November 2014 to February 2015 and destroyed two villages. To better understand its volcanic plumbing system, but also its eruptive dynamics that would contribute to hazard assessment and risk mitigation, the project "FIRE - Fogo Island volcano: multi-disciplinary Research on 2014/15 Eruption" was rapidly conceived in collaboration with local institutions. Despite a regular eruptive activity in the last centuries ( 20 years), no magmatic chamber has been evidenced yet and this is what we are investigating using gravimetry in the FIRE project. Approximately 70 relative new gravity observations were made by the C4G mission during the 2014 eruption, using a SCINTREX CG­3M gravimeter. The spacing between observation points was around 5 km for most of the island and around 2 km in Chã das Caldeiras, close to the 2014 eruption vent. In January 2017, 48 additional observations were made which densified the post-eruption observations in Chã das Caldeiras. The exact location of each observation point was determined with an accuracy of <10 cm from co­located GNSS receivers. The gravity residuals are fitted to the predicted gravity effect from modelled magma chambers with various diameters, depths and density contrasts in order to investigate if such a chamber can explain the measurements. A digital terrain model of the island, refined with a high-resolution terrain model of 10m resolution in the Chã das Caldeiras produced as part of the project, will be used to remove the gravitational effect of the topography. In addition, the new gravity observations can be used to improve global geopotential models such as EGM2008/EIGEN6C4 over the island and to compute a new elastic thickness of the crust underneath the island. Pim (2006) estimated that the elastic thickness Te is around 30 km in this region which is normal for the age of lithosphere, suggesting that it has

  9. A 15-year post evaluation of the fire effects on ant community in an area of Amazonian forest Uma avaliação após 15 anos do efeito do fogo sobre a comunidade de formiga em uma área de floresta amazônica

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    Jean C. Santos


    Full Text Available Fire represents an important disturbance to ant communities in areas of fire regime. Otherwise, little is known about the effects of fire on ant communities in areas of non-fire regimes, such as in the Amazonian region. We evaluated the long-term effect of fire on ant species richness in a rain forest (Bacaba Plateau burned 15-years ago and compare our data with the data of primary unburned forest. A total of 85 ant species distributed in 21 genera and 14 tribes were collected; among them, 72 and 44 species were found on the litter and vegetation, respectively. The fire damaged forest studied supports an intermediate richness of ants when compared to a primary unburned rain forest in the same region. A comparative analysis of ant species richness showed that the Bacaba Plateau presented a different ant fauna when compared with the primary unburned forests, suggesting that fire can alter ant species composition. Although, our results cannot be conclusive on the effects of fire on ant community, they represent a pioneer data on human induced fire in tropical rain forests.O fogo representa uma importante perturbação para a comunidade de formigas em áreas de regime de fogo. No entanto, pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos do fogo na comunidade de formiga em áreas de não-regime, tal como a região da Amazônia. Nós analisamos o efeito de longo prazo do fogo sobre a riqueza de formiga numa floresta tropical queimada 15 anos atrás e comparamos nossos dados, com os de uma floresta primária não-queimada. Foram coletadas um total de 85 espécies de formigas distribuídas em 21 gêneros e 14 tribos, dentre eles 72 e 44 espécies foram encontradas na liteira e vegetação, respectivamente. Esta área de floresta queimada, com 85 espécies, pode suportar uma riqueza intermédia de formigas quando comparadas com uma floresta tropical primária não-queimada, com 29, 22 e 98 espécies na mesma região. Uma análise comparativa da riqueza de espécies de


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    Jardel Boscardin


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do fogo sobre a fauna de formigas associada à Pinus elliottii Engelm. O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, numa área experimental junto ao Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, em um plantio de um hectare de Pinus elliottii com 28 anos de idade, com espaçamento de 2 m x 2 m, no qual ocorreu um incêndio no final de novembro de 2008. Um mês após, iniciou-se uma amostragem da fauna de formigas, concluída em novembro de 2009. Utilizou-se o método de interceptação de insetos perambulantes através do uso de armadilhas de solo sem atrativo, distribuídas no centro do povoamento, sendo dispostas 10 armadilhas em transecto linear simples, a intervalos de 10 metros e que permaneceram enterradas por 48 horas. Ao final deste período, o material biológico foi acondicionado em potes plásticos, encaminhado ao laboratório para triagem, onde as formigas foram separadas em morfoespécies e prosseguiram para identificação. A partir dos levantamentos foram encontradas 25 espécies de formigas distribuídas em onze gêneros, oito tribos e quatro subfamílias. Destas, as que apresentaram maiores frequências de ocorrência em suas respectivas subfamílias foram Pseudomyrmex termitarius (46,7%, Acromyrmex crassispinus e Pachycondyla striata (ambas com 35,8%, e Camponotus blandus (25,0%. O fogo é um agente de distúrbio ambiental por vezes significativo, causando efeitos positivos e negativos sobre a fauna edáfica. Sua ação pode ter gerado efeito indireto negativo sobre Crematogaster victima e positivo sobre Pseudomyrmex termitarius, Acromyrmex crassispinus, Pachycondyla striata e Camponotus blandus presentes no sub-bosque de Pinus elliottii, pós-incêndio. 


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    Geraedson Aristides da SILVA


    Full Text Available As lesões crâniocerebrais ocasionadas por armas de fogo mantêm-se em números crescentes nos últimos anos, desencadeando na vida de pacientes e familiares transtornos psíquicos e funcionais capazes de alterar todo ciclo de desenvolvimento sócio-familiar. Objetivo: Relatar o caso de um paciente de quinze anos vítima de traumatismo crânio-encefálico, correlacionando-o com a plasticidade neuronal adquirida através da reabilitação da fisioterapia neurofuncional. Materiais e métodos: Este trabalho constitui-se em um relato de caso com um paciente vítima de traumatismo crânio-encefálico por arma de fogo. Tendo como base da reabilitação, exercícios dos métodos Kabat e Bobath, ou seja, a partir das principais técnicas utilizadas pela fisioterapia neurofuncional. Resultados: Foi possível evidenciar reabilitação neuromotora associada a plasticidade neuronal após um tempo total de dezoito meses consecutivos de fisioterapia com intervenções realizadas quatro vezes por semana com duração média de cinqüenta minutos. Conclusão: Mesmo que na contemporaneidade a fisioterapia neurofuncional seja reconhecida e demonstre resultados eficazes na plasticidade neuronal através deste e de outros estudos, as técnicas utilizadas pela mesma precisam ser amplamente estudadas, de forma individual e agrupadas, para que assim sejam mais evidenciadas a partir de estudos com um maior número de indivíduos.

  12. Eficiência de um retardante de longa duração na redução da propagação do fogo Efficiency of a long term retardant in the reduction of fire propagation

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    Guido Assunção Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Os aceiros não naturais têm sido alternativa viável e de amplo uso no meio florestal, nas unidades de conservação e nas margens de rodovias para a redução na propagação do fogo. O seu principal objetivo é o de quebrar a continuidade do material combustível, compartimentalizando a área preferencialmente por grupo de material combustível homogêneo. Com o surgimento de novos produtos e de novos equipamentos de aplicação, os aceiros tradicionais têm sido substituídos por aceiros molhados, aceiros verdes ou aceiros químicos. Dentre as técnicas existentes, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo testar a melhor dosagem de um supressante de fogo, em uma área de pastagem formada pela gramínea Brachiaria decumbens. O supressante utilizado foi o phos-chek, um produto cujo princípio ativo é uma mistura de fosfato de amônio com sulfato de amônio na concentração de 0,134 kg/L. As dosagens aplicadas foram de 300, 600, 900 e 1.200 mL/m². A aplicação foi feita com bomba costal anti-incêndio, em parcelas de 2,0 x 5,0 m, com quatro repetições, utilizando-se o delineamento experimental de parcelas inteiramente ao acaso. Foram medidos o tempo gasto para o fogo queimar a parcela sem o produto; o tempo gasto para o fogo queimar a parcela com o produto; a distância que o fogo avançou na parcela com o produto; e a intensidade de queima, além do monitoramento do tempo, medindo-se a umidade relativa e a velocidade do vento em períodos de uma hora. A linha de fogo demorou cerca de 25 vezes mais tempo para queimar dentro da parcela com o produto, na dosagem de 1.200 mL/m², que na parte sem o produto. O fogo queimou toda a parcela na dosagem de 300 mL/m², mas o tempo de queima na parte com o produto foi maior que na sem produto. O phos-chek altera a reação da combustão, retardando o processo de queima e, quanto maior a dosagem, maior o efeito na inibição da reação. A melhor dosagem foi a de 1.200 mL/m², mas deve-se estudar o

  13. Regeneração pós-fogo em um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual no município de Viçosa, MG

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    Sebastião Martins Venâncio


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a vegetação colonizadora seis meses após perturbação por fogo, em uma á rea do Campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, em Viçosa (20o 45’ S, 42o 51’ W , MG. A á rea total de floresta secundá ria atingida por incê ndio foi de 12 hectares, apresentando níveis diferenciados de destruição da vegetação. O estudo concentrou-se no trecho onde o efeito do fogo foi mais drá stico, com a destruição total da cobertura vegetal. Dentro da á rea de estudo, foram comparadas duas toposseqüê ncias de relevo: côncavo (ravina e convexo (crista. Em cada toposseqüê ncia, foram instaladas dezoito parcelas contíguas de 5x5 m, totalizando 36 parcelas, nas quais foram identificadas todas as plantas vasculares. No total, foram amostradas 75 espécies, pertencentes a 26 famílias. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram: Asteraceae (14, Poaceae (10, Malvaceae (7 e Fabaceae (6. Na toposseq üê ncia crista as espécies com maior valor de cobertura foram: Sida carpinifolia seguida de Melinis minutiflora, Diodia alata e Eupatorium laevigatum, e na ravina: Melinis minutiflora, Eupatorium laevigatum, Sida carpinifolia e Sidastrum paniculatum. Todas as parcelas apresentaram mais de 90% da á rea coberta por vegetação herbá cea e subarbustiva, destacando a importâ ncia dessa vegetação inicial na proteção do solo contra processos erosivos em relevos acidentados.

  14. Diagnóstico do uso do fogo no entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB, MG Diagnosis of the use of fire at Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB, MG

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    Verônica Rocha Bonfim


    Full Text Available O emprego do fogo é uma prática alternativa comum no meio rural, por ser uma técnica eficiente para diversas finalidades na visão de muitos agricultores. Esta técnica requer uma série de cuidados para não incorrer em desastres ambientais, como incêndios florestais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar um diagnóstico do uso do fogo pelos produtores rurais do entorno do Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB, Estado de Minas Gerais, e verificar sua percepção com relação aos incêndios florestais. Para tanto, foram amostradas três regiões distintas e representativas do entorno do PESB: Araponga, Pedra Bonita e Fervedouro. Os dados foram obtidos mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com uso de questionário. Concluiu-se que o uso do fogo é ainda uma prática comum entre os produtores rurais, por ser mais viável economicamente e pelo seu rápido efeito. Entretanto, há um consenso sobre os prejuízos que ele pode causar ao solo, às suas vidas e ao meio ambiente.The use of fire slash and Burn is a common alternative practice in the rural area, seen by many farmers as an efficient technique for various purposes. However, this technique should be carefully employed so as not to cause environmental disasters, such as forest fires. The objective of this work is to make a diagnosis of the use of fire by farmers nearby the Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB, in Minas Gerais and verify their perception of forest fire. The use of fire is still a common practice among farmers since it is economically viable and presents fast results. However, there is a consensus concerning its harmful effects on the soil, human life and the environment.

  15. Dermatoses bolhosas auto-imunes Autoimmune bullous dermatoses

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    Paulo R. Cunha


    Full Text Available Dermatoses bolhosas autoimunes são doenças cuja manifestação cutânea primária e fundamental consiste em vesículas e bolhas. Classificam-se conforme a localização da bolha, em intraepidérmica e subepidérmica. Os pacientes produzem autoanticorpos contra estruturas específicas da pele detectáveis por técnicas de imunofluorescência, immunobloting e Elisa. Os recentes avanços da biologia molecular e celular têm permitido conhecer esses autoantígenos, contra os quais os pacientes se sensibilizam e que estão localizados na epiderme ou na junção dermoepidérmica. São doenças de baixa incidência, porém de elevada morbidade e por vezes letais. O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar e descrever os progressos nos conhecimentos de quatro doenças vésico-bolhosas autoimunes: pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (fogo selvagem, pênfigo vulgar, penfigóide bolhoso e dermatite herpetiforme.Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are diseases in which blisters and vesicles are the primary and fundamental types of skin lesion. Their classification is based on the location of the blister: intraepidermal and subepidermal. Patients produce autoantibodies against self-specific structures of the skin detectable by immunofluorescence techniques, immunoblotting and ELISA. Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have brought to knowledge these self-antigens, against which patients are sensitized, and which are found in epidermis or in the dermo-epidermal junction. These are low incidence, but high morbidity diseases that may be fatal. The aim of this article is to review and describe the progress of four autoimmune vesiculobullous disorders: endemic pemphigus foliaceous (wild fire, pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis.


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    Gilberto Figueiredo Martins


    Full Text Available As figurações literárias dos espaços privados - territórios da intimidade – têm sido reiteradamente revisitadas pela fortuna crítica da obra de Clarice Lispector. Entretanto, nos romances, contos e crônicas da escritora também não poucas vezes os espaços públicos são representados como localidades potencialmente promissoras para o desenvolvimento de processos de individuação de personagens e narradores. Calçadas, ruas, esquinas, grandes avenidas, bondes e parques são cenários privilegiados para o exercício de diferentes modos de subjetivação e formas de sociabilidade, sobretudo porque neles aumentam as chances de o sujeito se defrontar com variadas formas de encarnação da alteridade. Espacialidade arquetípica por excelência, o mar comparece em textos curtos de fundo autobiográfico e ganha destaque no romance de estréia de Clarice, Perto do coração selvagem, publicado em 1943. Privilegiando a interface Psicanálise/Estudos Literários, o ensaio apóia-se nos escritos teóricos de Melanie Klein para realizar a leitura interpretativa das imagens marítimas presentes no livro, vinculando-as ao processo de formação e de construção da subjetividade da protagonista Joana. Palavras-chave: Literatura e Psicanálise; Clarice Lispector; Melanie Klein.

  17. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado

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    Fabrício Longhi Bolina

    Full Text Available ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,00 m em um forno vertical normatizado, foram analisadas duas espessuras de paredes de concreto armado maciço, de 10 e 14 cm, com um mesmo traço, observando o comportamento em termos de isolamento térmico, estanqueidade e estabilidade. Evidenciou-se que as amostras atenderam as condições aplicáveis para até 120 minutos de ensaio, com a de 14 cm mostrando melhores índices de isolamento térmico e estanqueidade.

  18. Condições de vida e saúde reprodutiva de adolescentes residentes na comunidade de Roda de Fogo, Recife Life conditions and reproductive health of teenagers living in the Roda de Fogo community, Recife

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    Ana Cláudia Figueiró


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever a situação da gravidez e maternidade em adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos, residentes na comunidade de Roda de Fogo, relacionando sua condição social e famíliar. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, censitário, transversal, utilizando dados do Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica. Variáveis dependentes: adolescente grávida ou mãe. Variáveis independentes relacionadas ao adolescente: sexo, idade, escolaridade e ocupação; relativas à família: domicílio, ocupação e, tipo de emprego dos pais número de residentes casa, cômodos, luz elétrica e participação em grupos comunitários. O chi2 e o odds ratio foram usados para calcular a associação das variáveis. RESULTADOS: 88,0% dos adolescentes estudavam e 7,8% trabalhavam. Maior proporção de mães do que de pais residiam no mesmo domicílio. 91,6% dos pais e 54,3% das mães trabalhavam. 31,1% das famílias participavam de grupos comunitários. Na faixa de 15 a 19 anos 3,8% das adolescentes estavam grávidas e 11,9% eram mães. CONCLUSÕES: a estrutura familiar repercute na vida dos adolescentes e na sua condição de gravidez ou maternidade. Esta condição está associada com o abandono da escola, a ausência do pai e/ou da mãe do domicílio, o desemprego paterno e/ou materno e a menor participação da família em grupos comunitários.OBJECTIVES: to describe pregnancy and maternity of adolescents between 10 and 19 years old living in the Roda de Fogo community relating it to social and family conditions. METHODS: descriptive census, cross-sectional study using data of the Basic Information Attention System. Dependent variables: pregnant or adolescent mothers. Independent variables related to adolescents: Sex, age, education, and job. Related to family: home, job and type of jobs of parents, number of people living in the house, number of rooms, electricity and participation in community groups. The chi2 test and the odds ratio were used to calculate variables

  19. Condutas de enfermagem diante das vítimas de ferimentos por armas de fogo em serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência

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    Jobson Henrique Silveira Alves


    Full Text Available O atendimento pré-hospitalar é fundamental para pacientes vítimas de ferimento por arma de fogo, pois é essencial na redução das sequelas decorrentes da mesma, assim como para melhores condições de sobrevida das vítimas. As lesões provenientes por disparos de arma de fogo são uma das mais incidentes formas de violência atualmente, representando um problema de saúde pública pela frequência com que ocorre; devido a fatores como este, vê-se a importância da assistência de enfermagem qualificada ainda na cena da ocorrência. O estudo objetiva descrever as condutas do enfermeiro atuante no Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU frente às ocorrências com vítimas Ferimentos por Armas de Fogo (FAF. O estudo é do tipo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem quantiqualitativa, com participação de nove enfermeiras mediante assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, através de um questionário contendo perguntas objetivas e subjetivas. Os resultados mostram 56% dos entrevistados revelam não enfrentar dificuldades na assistência as vítimas de FAF, porém os relatados foram em relação a segurança da equipe e a falta de auxílio para conter os cidadãos que acompanham o atendimento com curiosidade; 100% da amostra participaram de cursos de treinamento. Em relato todas as enfermeiras entrevistadas já prestaram conduta a vítima de FAF e a consideram a assistência de enfermagem prestada no atendimento pré-hospitalar (APH como resolutiva. Nursing conducts front of victims injured by firearms in emergency mobile care serviceAbstract: The prehospital care is critical to patient injury victims by firearms, it is essential to reduce the consequences resulting from it, as well as better conditions of survival of the victims. Injuries from firearm shots are one of the incidents forms of violence currently representing a public health problem by the frequency with which it occurs; due to factors like this, we

  20. Influências de Atta spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae na recuperação da vegetação pós-fogo em floresta de transição amazônica Influences of leafcutter ant Atta spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae on vegetation recovery after fire in Amazonian transitional forest

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    Karine Santana Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou o papel das saúvas na recuperação da vegetação pós-fogo. Foi hipotetizado que a perturbação do fogo aumenta a abundância de ninhos de saúva (1 e as atividades de remoção de sementes (2 e desfolha (3, especialmente no ambiente de borda. Os ninhos de saúva foram inventariados e mapeados e após 17 meses, checados para o registro de sua atividade e de novas colônias emergindo na área. Realizou-se experimentos comparativos de remoção de sementes e desfolha de plântulas em duas parcelas de 50 ha, uma submetida a fogo anual (tratamento e outra sem fogo (controle. A abundância de ninhos de saúva foi maior na parcela tratamento que na parcela controle, especialmente na borda da floresta. As espécies encontradas foram: Atta cephalotes, A. laevigata e A. sexdens , sendo esta última a espécie mais abundante e que mostrou aumento em número de colônias ativas após 17 meses. O aumento na abundância de ninhos na parcela tratamento foi acompanhado por um aumento na atividade dessas formigas. Enquanto mais de duas folhas foram arrancadas por plântula nessa parcela, menos de uma foi registrada na parcela controle. Também a abundância média de galhos desfolhados e de sementes removidas por saúvas foi maior na parcela tratamento que na parcela controle. As saúvas tanto podem diminuir ou retardar o processo de regeneração florestal pós-fogo, quanto acelerá-lo, devido à elevada predação seletiva que favorece as espécies menos palatáveis. Desta forma, suas atividades podem modificador apenas a composição da vegetação recuperando-se do fogo.In this study we investigated the role of leaf-cutting ants in the post-fire vegetation recovery. We hypothesized that a forest plot submitted to annual fire presents: (1 higher abundance of leaf-cutting ant nests; (2 higher removal of seeds; and (3 higher herbivory rates of leaf-cutting ants, when compared to the forest plots without fire (control. The leaf


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    Ana Maria Roselino


    Full Text Available Introduction: Pemphigus foliaceus (PF is endemic in some South American countries, especially in Colombia and Brazil; in Brazil, it is also known as fogo selvagem (FS. We aimed to study the presence of mast cells and the expression of the mast/stem cell growth factor receptor (c-kit/CD117 in PF skin biopsies, as well as the role of IgE in the disease pathogenesis. Methods: Forty-four skin biopsies from patients affected by endemic PF (EPF (30 patients from El Bagre, Colombia, and 14 from the northeastern region of São Paulo State, Brazil, 48 control biopsies from Colombian and Brazilian endemic areas, and additional control biopsies from none endemic areas in Colombia and the USA non were studied. Immunohistochemistry (IHC was performed to evaluate skin biopsies with anti-mast cell tryptase (MCT, anti-c-kit and anti-IgE antibodies. We also searched for serum IgE in 30 EPF and 30 non-atopic controls from the El Bagre region via ELISA. In our El Bagre patients and controls, we also searched for IgE in skin samples by direct immunofluorescence. Results: In 100% of the EPF biopsies, MCT, c-kit and IgE were identified with stronger expression relative to control biopsies, especially in the inflammatory infiltrates around upper dermal blood vessels and dermal eccrine glands. IgE staining was positive along the BMZ in some EPF skin samples. The DIF results confirmed a linear deposition of IgE at the BMZ. Increased IgE serum levels were also noted in PF patients relative to controls.. Conclusions: In patients with EPF, the observed increased expression of MCT, c-kit and IgE in lesional skin, associated with higher serum IgE levels may indicate possible IgE participation in the antigenic response.

  2. Presentation of the Multimédia Game "Geolover" Concept, to Educational Enchancement of the Geolocical Heritage of the Following Regions: "Ilha do Fogo" (Cabo-Verde), Seridó (Brasil), Sabugal (Portugal) and Açores (Portugal) (United States)

    Cabral, João; Gomes, Ana; Alfama, Vera; Oliveira, Sirlene; Pinharandas, Carlos; Fonseca, Pedro; Campos, José; Nobre, José


    "Geolover" - Presentation of the multimédia game concept, to educational enchancement of the geolocical heritage of the following regions: : "Ilha do Fogo" (Cabo-Verde), Seridó (Brasil), Sabugal and Açores (Portugal). "Geolover" is a multitouch game, played by four players simultaneously, identified by 4 mascots and using as sceneries, the four regions landscapes, aimed to the young people with ages between 8 and 12 years old. The main objective is value the geological heritage of the Ilha do Fogo (Cabo Verde), Seridó in State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil) , Sabugal in Beira Alta province (Portugal) and Arquipélago dos Açores (Portuguese autonomous region). These regions have a great geological heritage like volcanology, plutonic rocks, sedimentar formations, metamorphic, paleontologic, mineralogic, geomorphologic, hydric and mining resources. Such heritage is being used in the different regions has base of studies to senior scientists and were used to great scientific researches. The diversified and distinguished cultural heritage of these four regions is referenced and it's a value to the union of the students from these three continents, with the Portuguese language as communication tool. The variety of the geological wealth and cultural of these regions, results in the common objective of their valuing like Geoparks. His creation on these three regions is a strategy with a great relevance to the socio-economic development. With the creation of this game, we promote the union of these 3 countries from these three continents, the universal values of the heritage richness that are offered by our planet.

  3. O papel educativo da fotografia de vida selvagem Le rôle educatif de la photographie de la vie sauvage The educacional purpose of wildlife photography

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    Cristina Bruzzo


    Full Text Available Este texto examina duas reportagens dos fotógrafos James Balog e Michael Nichols, da revista National Geographic, sobre animais selvagens em zoológicos para questionar o que nos ensinam as denominadas fotografias de animais a respeito do lugar reservado à vida selvagem na cultura contemporânea. Partindo das considerações do filósofo francês Didi-Huberman e de estudos sobre a domesticação, busca-se fornecer subsídios para compreender o propósito educativo da fotografia de animais.Ce texte examine deux reportages des photographes James Balog et Michael Nichols, de la revue National Geographic, sur les animaux sauvages dans des parcs zoologiques pour questionner ce que nous enseigne les dites photographies d′animaux à propos de la place réservée à la vie sauvage dans la culture contemporaine. Partant des considérations du philosophe français Didi-Huberman et d′études sur la domestication, on cherche à apporter des éléments pour comprendre l′objectif éducatif de la photographie d′animaux.The intention of this paper is to examining two articles of National Geographic photographers James Balog and Michael Nichols on wild animals kept in zoos in order to questioning what the so called photographs of wild animals can teach us on wildlife proper space in contemporary culture. Considering French philosopher′s Didi-Huberman assumptions as well as studies on domestication this paper tries to provide information in order to understand the educational purpose of animal photography.

  4. De Profundis - experiências do litoral (presença do espaço arquetípico no romance Perto do Coração Selvagem, de Clarice Lispector

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    Gilberto Figueiredo Martins


    Full Text Available As figurações literárias dos espaços privados - territórios da intimidade – têm sido reiteradamente revisitadas pela fortuna crítica da obra de Clarice Lispector. Entretanto, nos romances, contos e crônicas da escritora também não poucas vezes os espaços públicos são representados como localidades potencialmente promissoras para o desenvolvimento de processos de individuação de personagens e narradores. Calçadas, ruas, esquinas, grandes avenidas, bondes e parques são cenários privilegiados para o exercício de diferentes modos de subjetivação e formas de sociabilidade, sobretudo porque neles aumentam as chances de o sujeito se defrontar com variadas formas de encarnação da alteridade. Espacialidade arquetípica por excelência, o mar comparece em textos curtos de fundo autobiográfico e ganha destaque no romance de estréia de Clarice, Perto do coração selvagem, publicado em 1943. Privilegiando a interface Psicanálise/Estudos Literários, o ensaio apóia-se nos escritos teóricos de Melanie Klein para realizar a leitura interpretativa das imagens marítimas presentes no livro, vinculando-as ao processo de formação e de construção da subjetividade da protagonista Joana. Palavras-chave: Literatura e Psicanálise; Clarice Lispector; Melanie Klein.


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    Bárbara Del Rio Araújo (CEFET-MG/UFMG


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende, a partir da interpretação hegeliana da tragédia Antígona, discutir como o elemento trágico pode ser revelador do traço individual e social, naquilo que diz respeito à formação histórica. Na leitura de Hegel, a peça de Sófocles cria um conflito entre a ordem familiar e a esfera pública. A tensão entre a natureza subjetiva e o lastro cultural constrói o trágico, que, para além da tragédia, é apresentado como um modus reflexivo a compor outros gêneros literários, como, por exemplo, a forma romanesca.  No romance, o conflito trágico pode levar a discussão entre o desejo individual e os limites impostos pela sociedade, encerrando uma esfera-paradoxo, na qual princípios e valores excludentes estão simultaneamente presentes. Especificamente em Fogo morto, o trágico configura a fatura do texto, sendo representativo dos destinos das figuras assim como do próprio sistema nacional, marcado por um processo de progresso conservador. Essa comunicação sobre a forma trágica busca afirmar como o teatro e seus elementos tem relação com a cultura a ponto, até mesmo, de influir em outros gêneros literários, tornando-os, ao mesmo tempo, específicos e pertencentes a uma universalidade. A partir da discussão teórica - implementada por Peter Szondi, Raymond Williams e Terry Eagleton - é possível entender que tanto Antígona quanto Fogo Morto revela concepções de trágico comuns à cultura que pertencem, demonstrando que a arte é uma manifestação do mundo sensível, relegando, assim, a possibilidade de ser um mero produto de regras e imitações.

  6. Imunofluorescência indireta no pênfigo foliáceo endêmico. contribuição para sua padronização

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    Horácio Friedman


    Full Text Available O propósito da presente investigação foi padronizar a reação de imunofluorescência indireta para Pênfigo Foliáceo Endêmico (Fogo Selvagem. Verificamos que a pele humana normal é o substrato ideal e que pode proceder de prepúcio, cabeça, pescoço ou da parede abdominal anterior. A lavagem prévia da pele precedendo a incubação com o soro deve ser evitada pois a antigenicidade pode ser diminuída. O TAS-cálcio preserva as propriedades antigênicas da pele e deve ser preferido como diluente para os soros. Lâminas cobertas com albumina são úteis porque aumentam a aderência dos cortes de pele. A diluição apropriada do conjugado é convenientemente determinada pelo teste de imunodifusão radial (método de Ouch-terlony. Com referência à correlação entre título de anticorpos e atividade clínica, concluímos que um título igual ou maior do que 160 era de mau prognóstico pois estava associado à forma generalizada da doença ou à casos de forma localizada refratários à terapêutica usual. Contudo, esta obervação requer confirmação através de estudos que envolvam uma abordagem clínica apropriada.

  7. Imagens e Momentos



    Foto 1CV – Com o Director do Parque Natural do Fogo, Alexandre Nevsky, Cabo Verde Autoria: Joaquim Ramos Pinto Foto 2CV – Paisagem do Parque Natural do Fogo, Cabo Verde Autoria: Joaquim Ramos Pinto Foto 3CV – O Pico do Fogo, Cabo Verde Autoria: Joaquim Ramos Pinto Foto 4CV – Adega Vinho Chã de Caldeiras (vinho da ilha do Fogo), Cabo Verde Autoria: Joaquim Ramos Pinto Foto 5CV – Produção de vinha em Chã de Caldeiras (vinho da ilha do Fogo), Cabo Verde Autoria: Joaquim Ramos Pinto Foto 6CV...


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    Guilherme Augusto Verola Mataveli

    Full Text Available As queimadas atingem grandes áreas, constituindo-se como um agente modelador dos ecossistemas e contribuem para o acúmulo de gases e aerossóis na atmosfera. Atualmente, o sensoriamento remoto é a principal fonte de dados para estudar as queimadas devido à aquisição de dados globais com uma periodicidade constante. No entanto, são necessárias mais informações sobre as queimadas além da sua localização espacial, dentre elas a biomassa queimada. O método mais utilizado para isso atualmente é derivado da Potência Radiativa do Fogo (FRP, já que a energia emitida como radiação eletromagnética durante a combustão pode ser diretamente relacionada com a biomassa queimada. Contudo, alguns fatores introduzem erros nas estimativas de FRP, como o ângulo de visada. Assim, para avaliar a influência dessa variável na FRP foi realizado um experimento de combustão em pequena escala utilizando como biomassa a palha da cana-de-açúcar. Ainda, foi determinado o coeficiente de biomassa queimada para a cana-de-açúcar. As estimativas obtidas permitiram concluir que a FRP diminui com o aumento do ângulo de visada, e, sendo assim, o ângulo de visada foi considerado no coeficiente de biomassa queimada. Pretende-se futuramente empregar os resultados encontrados para estimar a biomassa queimada e suas emissões provenientes da queimada pré-colheita da cana-de-açúcar.

  9. Adesão de linhagem selvagem de Streptococcus thermophilus em superfície de aço inoxidável e efeitos da higienização na sua remoção Adhesion of a wild strain of Streptococcus thermophilus onto stainless steel surfaces and the effects of cleaning and sanification on its removal

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    Ana Lourdes Neves GÂNDARA


    Full Text Available Linhagem selvagem de Streptococcus thermophilus isolada de leite pasteurizado foi avaliada em modelo experimental quanto a adesão em superfície de aço inoxidável e comportamento frente à limpeza e sanificação. Em leite, a adesão do microrganismo em aço inoxidável foi estudada em 6h de contato a 45°C sob agitação e uma higienização com detergentes alcalino e ácido seguida de sanificação foi utilizada para avaliação do comportamento das células aderidas frente à higienização. Esse microrganismo aderiu a essa superfície produzindo uma carga de 10(4UFC/cm². Após a limpeza alcalina não foram detectadas células aderidas; em seguida a limpeza ácida 6 UFC/cm² ainda foram detectadas. A sanificação com hipoclorito de sódio, após a limpeza, foi suficiente para reduzir a carga de S. thermophilus selvagem aderida ao aço inoxidável. O modelo experimental mostrou-se adequado para o estudo, indicando que a cultura selvagem de Streptococcus thermophilus é produtora de biofilme em superfície de aço inoxidável. A limpeza da superfície de aço inoxidável por detergência alcalina remove mais que 99,9% das células aderidas. Pequenos números de células remanescentes são removidos na detergência ácida o que demonstra a necessidade das diferentes etapas e tipos de detergentes para a eficiência da limpeza. Melhores resultados na remoção desse biofilme são alcançadas com detergência alcalina seguida de detergência ácida e mais eficientemente quando se utiliza uma sanificação complementar com hipoclorito de sódio.A wild strain of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from pasteurized milk was evaluated using an experimental model with respect to its adhesion onto stainless steel surfaces and its behaviour when submitted to cleansing and sanification. In milk, the adhesion of the microorganism on to stainless steel surfaces was studied after 6 hours of contact at 45°C with agitation, and after a cleansing process

  10. Screening of Passiflora species for reaction to Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus reveals an immune wild species Seleção de espécies de Passiflora inoculadas com o vírus do mosaico do caupi revela a imunidade de uma espécie selvagem

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    Scheila da Conceição Maciel


    Full Text Available Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV is a potyvirus that causes the most serious virus disease of passion fruit crops in Brazil. It is transmitted by several species of aphids in a non-persistent, non-circulative manner. The reaction of 16 species of Passiflora to infection by mechanical inoculation with four Brazilian isolates of CABMV was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Only P. suberosa, a wild species, was resistant to infection by all virus isolates, in two independent assays. P. suberosa grafted onto infected P. edulis f. flavicarpa did not develop symptoms; neither was the virus detected by RT-PCR in the upper leaves, suggesting that this species is immune to CABMV.O vírus do mosaico do caupi (Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus - CABMV é um potyvirus que causa uma das mais importantes doenças do maracujazeiro no Brasil. O vírus é transmitido por diversas espécies de afídeos de maneira não persistente, não circulativa. A reação de 16 espécies de Passiflora à infecção com quatro isolados brasileiros do CABMV, por meio de inoculação mecânica foi avaliada em condições de casa-de-vegetação. Somente a espécie selvagem P. suberosa foi resistente à infecção com todos os isolados do CABMV, em dois ensaios independentes. Plantas de P. suberosa enxertadas em plantas de P. edulis f. flavicarpa infectadas com o CABMV também não desenvolveram sintomas da doença. O vírus também não foi detectado por RT-PCR nas folhas superiores das plantas, sugerindo que essa espécie é imune ao CABMV.

  11. Biocontrol potential of salinity tolerant mutants of Trichoderma harzianum against Fusarium oxysporum Potencial de biocontrole de mutantes sal-tolerantes de Trichoderma harzianum contra Fusarium oxysporum

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    Hassan Abdel-Latif A. Mohamed


    Full Text Available Exposing a wild-type culture of Trichoderma harzianum to gamma irradiation induced two stable salt-tolerant mutants (Th50M6 and Th50M11. Under saline conditions, both mutants greatly surpassed their wild type strain in growth rate, sporulation and biological proficiency against Fusarium oxysporum, the causal agent of tomato wilt disease. Tolerant T. harzianum mutants detained a capability to grow and convinced sporulation in growth media containing up to 69 mM NaCl. In comparison with their parent strain, characterization of both mutants confirmed that they have reinforced contents of proline and hydroxyproline, relatively higher sodium content compared to potassium, calcium or magnesium contents, higher level of total phenols. Electrophoretic analysis of total soluble proteins in the salt tolerance mutant Th50M6 showed different bands accumulated in response to 69 mM NaCl. Data also showed that mutants produce certain active metabolites, such as chitinases, cellulases, beta-galactosidases, as well as, some antibiotics i.e., trichodermin, gliotoxin and gliovirin. Trichoderma mutants significantly reduced wilt disease incidence and improved yield and mineral contents of tomato plants under both saline and non-saline soil conditions, as well as, under infested and natural conditions. T. harzianum mutants were also more efficient in dropping the F. oxysporum growth in rhizosphere compared to the wild type strain. Population density of both mutants in rhizosphere far exceeded that of T. harzianum wild type strain.A exposição de uma cepa selvagem de Trichoderma harzianum à irradiação gama induziu dois mutantes tolerantes a sal (Th50M6 e Th50M11. Em condições salinas, os dois mutantes foram muito superiores à cepa selvagem em relação à velocidade de multiplicação, esporulação e eficiência contra Fusarium oxysporum, o agente causador da doença wilt do tomate. Os mutantes tolerantes foram capazes de multiplicação e esporulação em

  12. Pênfigo foliáceo endêmico (fogo-selvagem no grupo indígena Xavánte, Mato Grosso, Brasil Endemic pemphigus foliaceus among the Xavánte indians, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Horacio Friedman


    Full Text Available Foi realizado inquérito soro-epidemiológico através de testes de imunofluorescência indireta e imunoprecipitação visando determinar a prevalência do pênfígo foliáceo endêmico (PFE na população indígena Xavánte do Brasil Central. Do total de 163 amostras de soro testadas, 5 (3,1% foram positivas à imunofluorescência. Todos os soros positivos procediam de indivíduos com sintomas clínicos da doença. Não foram observadas diferenças do PFE entre os Xavánte e a população em geral sob o ponto de vista imunológico, já que se verificou uma predominância da IgG4 entre os anticorpos nos pacientes indígenas.A sero-epidemiological survey was carried out by means of indirect immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation tests in order to determine the prevalence of endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF among the Xavánte Indians from Central Brazil. Out of 163 serum samples, 5 (3.1% tested positive for immunofluorescence. All positive sera were from patients showing clinical signs of the disease. The immunological features of EPF among the Xavánte do not differ from those of non-Indian populations, as was observed a predominance of IgG4 among the antibodies of the Indian subjects.

  13. The tryptic cleavage product of the mature form of the bovine desmoglein 1 ectodomain is one of the antigen moieties immunoprecipitated by all sera from symptomatic patients affected by a new variant of endemic pemphigus. (United States)

    Abréu-Vélez, Ana María; Javier Patiño, Pablo; Montoya, Fernando; Bollag, Wendy B


    Multiple antigens are recognized by sera from patients with pemphigus foliaceus (PF). Several have been identified including keratin 59, desmocollins, envoplakin, periplakin, and desmogleins 1 and 3 (Dsg1 and Dsg3). In addition, an 80 kDa antigen was identified as the N-terminal fragment of Dsg1 using as antigen source an insoluble epidermal cell envelope preparation. However, still unsolved was the identity of the most important antigenic moiety, a 45 kDa tryptic fragment which is recognized by all sera from patients with fogo selvagem, pemphigus foliaceus, by half of pemphigus vulgaris sera and by a new variant of endemic pemphigus in E1 Bagre, Colombia that resembles Senear-Usher syndrome. Here, we report the identification of the 45 kDa conformational epitope of a soluble tryptic cleavage product from viable bovine epidermis. To elucidate the nature of this peptide, viable bovine epidermis was trypsin-digested, and glycosylated peptides were partially purified on a concanavalin A (Con-A) affinity column. This column fraction was then used as an antigen source for further immunoaffinity purification. A PF patient's serum covalently coupled to a Staphylococcus aureus protein A column was incubated with the Con-A eluted products and the immuno-isolated antigen was separated by SDS-PAGE, transferred to a membrane, and visualized with Coomassie blue, silver and amido black stains. The 45 kD band was subjected to amino acid sequence analysis revealing the sequence, EXIKFAAAXREGED, which matched the mature form of the extracellular domain of bovine Dsg1. This study confirms the biological importance of the ectodomain of Dsg1 as well as the relevance of conformational epitopes in various types of pemphigus.

  14. The response of reptile communities to wildfires in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park


    Ferreira, Tiago António Pinto


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ecologia, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. O fogo é um componente importante em muitos ecossistemas terrestres, essencial para entender a ecologia e diversidade de comunidades em regiões propensas ao fogo. O fogo produz impactos na fauna directamente, através de mortalidade, ou indirectamente, por mudanças na estrutura do habitat e disponibilidade de recursos (ex., al...

  15. Physical anthropology and the description of the 'savage' in the Brazilian Anthropological Exhibition of 1882 Antropologia física e a descrição do 'selvagem' na Exposição Antropológica Brasileira de 1882

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    Juanma Sánchez Arteaga


    Full Text Available This paper discusses attempts to popularize scientific knowledge about anthropology through exhibitions of natives in the United States and Brazil from the nineteenth century to the beginnings of the twentieth century. In the First Brazilian Anthropological Exposition (Rio de Janeiro, 1882, a group of Botocudos was characterized in a manner that can be related to the reification of the myth of the savage, an important part of the European culture that played a significant role in the construction of anthropological knowledge in the nineteenth century. From the analyses of such exhibitions, we derive implications for science popularization and education, concerning the ideological undertones of scientific knowledge.Analisa tentativas de popularizar o conhecimento científico em antropologia por meio da exibição de nativos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, no século XX e no começo do XX. Focaliza a Primeira Exposição Antropológica Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro, 1882, em que foi apresentado um grupo de Botocudos, de modo relacionável à reificação do mito do selvagem, importante componente da cultura europeia e mais especificamente da construção do conhecimento antropológico no Oitocentos. As conclusões concernem à popularização da ciência e, por extensão, à educação em ciência, em especial quanto aos valores ideológicos subjacentes ao conhecimento científico.

  16. Estudo descritivo do perfil das vítimas com ferimentos por projéteis de arma de fogo e dos custos assistenciais em um hospital da Rede Viva Sentinela

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    Paulo Roberto Maciel

    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil das vítimas com ferimentos causados por projéteis de armas de fogo (PAF e o custo dos atendimentos em uma instituição de referência no Centro-Oeste brasileiro pertencente à Rede Viva Sentinela. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo descritivo, com amostra por conveniência, no período de janeiro a março de 2013; as fontes de dados foram entrevista, prontuários dos participantes e o departamento de estatística do hospital. RESULTADOS: participaram 150 vítimas, entre as quais predominaram indivíduos do sexo masculino (94,7%, jovens (67,3% e usuários de álcool/drogas (80,0%; o principal motivo desses incidentes foi o tráfico/dívidas de drogas (45,3%; o custo médio foi de R$1.291,93 por atendimento. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria das vítimas por PAF eram homens jovens, usuários de álcool/drogas, e o envolvimento com o tráfico foi o motivo mais frequente da vitimização; o custo médio assistencial desses pacientes foi elevado.

  17. Do selvagem convertível

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    Andréa Daher

    Full Text Available A atitude de tolerância frente à alteridade indígena e a representação do índio tupinambá docilmente "convertível" contidas no relato do capuchinho Claude d'Abbeville,Histoire de la Mission... en l'isle de Maragnan (1614, são claramente tributárias do livro do huguenote Jean de Léry,Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil (1578. O capuchinho parafraseia o huguenote em várias passagens, mostrando o índio como objeto de análise "etnográfica", sem excluí-lo - como faz Léry - da possibilidade de salvação. Provavelmente, Claude d'Abbeville responde, desta forma, às expectativas do público francês, num contexto de exortação à colonização do Maranhão e de propaganda da obra apostólica da Ordem dos Capuchinhos.

  18. Desarmamento no Brasil: Lei 9.437/97 x Lei 10.826/03


    Márcio Santos Aleixo; Guilherme Antônio Behr


    A segregação da sociedade brasileira, somada a histórica e farta disponibilidade de armas de fogo e munição, acarreta em elevados índices de criminalidade. Contudo, observa-se grande evolução na legislação brasileira relativa às armas de fogo visando restringir seu acesso, datando do início do século XVII aos dias atuais. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo discutir acerca do controle normativo das armas de fogo por parte do Estado, dando base para uma futura convalidação da...

  19. Desarmamento no Brasil: Lei 9.437/97 x Lei 10.826/03

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    Márcio Santos Aleixo


    Full Text Available A segregação da sociedade brasileira, somada a histórica e farta disponibilidade de armas de fogo e munição, acarreta em elevados índices de criminalidade. Contudo, observa-se grande evolução na legislação brasileira relativa às armas de fogo visando restringir seu acesso, datando do início do século XVII aos dias atuais. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo discutir acerca do controle normativo das armas de fogo por parte do Estado, dando base para uma futura convalidação da eficiência de sua estratégia. Assim, por meio da revisão da literatura, levantou-se um breve histórico referente às normas que visam controlar o comércio e uso de armas de fogo no Brasil e teceu-se uma comparação entre as Leis 9.437/97 e 10.826/03. Por fim, fica claro que aumenta gradativamente a restrição à compra e ao porte de armas de fogo no Brasil, assim como a coerência ao tipificar e cominar penas diferentes frente a diferentes condutas por parte do agente.

  20. Caracterização das vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo, atendidas pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência em Campo Grande-MS Characterization of victims injured by firearms assisted by the Mobile Emergency Care Service in Campo Grande-MS

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    Simone Sanches


    Full Text Available A violência, em todas as suas apresentações, tem crescido de forma avassaladora no país, elevando os indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade por causas externas. O uso das armas de fogo, muitas vezes, faz vítimas fatais ou que podem permanecer sequeladas. Tal fato tem aumentado o ônus do estado com internações hospitalares e acréscimo dos anos de vida perdidos da população jovem, que constitui a grande maioria dessas vítimas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou fazer um levantamento das vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo, atendidas pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência no município de Campo Grande-MS, no período de abril de 2005 a abril de 2007, nos dois primeiros anos de funcionamento, desde a implantação desse serviço na capital do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Realizou-se estudo descritivo, baseado em análise documental do sistema de informação do SAMU do município de Campo Grande-MS. Foram descritos 233 atendimentos. Os resultados evidenciaram 213 vítimas do sexo masculino, a faixa etária mais acometida foi dos 20 aos 24 anos de idade, a cabeça e o pescoço foram as partes do corpo mais atingidas e a região Sul do município de Campo Grande foi a que concentrou maior número de atendimentos. Conclui-se que a violência por arma de fogo em Campo Grande-MS atinge a camada economicamente ativa da população e provém de regiões de bolsões de pobreza e desigualdade social, justificando a implantação de um serviço como o SAMU.Violence has grown in an overwhelming way in Brazil, raising the indicators of morbidity and mortality by external causes. Many times, the use of firearms makes fatal victims or victims who may remain disabled. This fact has increased the State's onus regarding hospital costs and also the number of life years that the young population loses, as it forms the majority of the victims. The present study aimed to survey the victims of injuries caused by firearms, assisted by

  1. A study of stomach contents of Cory's shearwater, Calonectris diomedea borealis (Cory, 1881) (Aves: Procellariidae), from the Macaronesian Islands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartog, den J.C.; Clarke, M.R.


    Data are presented on the diet of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea borealis (Cory, 1881) resulting from stomach investigations based on 18 birds from Hierro (Canary Islands), 5 from Selvagem Grande (Selvagens or Salvage Islands), 2 from São Miguel and 1 from São Jorge (Azores), collected

  2. Alterações dos folículos pilo-sebáceos em um caso de sindromo bolhoso do grupo pênfigo: presença de inclusões intranucleares das doenças por virus filtraveis

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    Carlos Gatti


    Full Text Available Tendo a oportunidade de estudar fragmentos de pele retirados de diversas regiões, algumas providas de abundante revestimento capilar, em um caso de autopsia de doente com sindromo bolhoso do grupo pênfigo, chamaram a nossa atenção as alterações histologicas dos folículos pilo-sebaceso, sôbre as quais não encontramos referencia especial na literatura que nos foi dado consultar.Several skin fragments were available for histological study some of them from hairy regions in a case of pemphigus vulgaris observed in Asunción, Paraguay, which came to autopsy. The lesions on the skin are similar to those described in "fogo selvagem", a subtype of pemphigus which is endemic and sometimes epidemic in South America. The hair follicle shows hyperplasia of the outer sheath (acanthosis, acantholysis, dyskeratosis as well as necrosis of epithelial cells, dilatation of its mouth, loosening and loos of the hair. The first changes mentioned are more or less similar to those described in the epidermis. The striking finding, however, is the presence in some of them of intranuclear inclusion bodies in most cells of the outer sheath. The enlarged nuclei show thickening of the nuclear membrane and condensation of most intranuclear structures in acidophilic corpuscles of irregular shape, sometimes single, other times multiple, always separated from the nuclear membrane by a clear space apparently deprived of structure. Remaining portions of the linin reticulum are sometimes recognised besides the inclusion bodies. Minute granules suggestive of elementary corpuscles appear scattered in other nuclei faintly blue stained (advanced stages of the intranuclear inclusion bodies?. Intranuclear inclusion bodies could be demonstrated also in the epithelial cells of sebaceous glands which presented changes similar to those found in the hair follicles, but never in the cells of the epidermis. The histological changes in the epidermis however were quite similar to those

  3. Direito e sociedade na Amazônia: sobre a proibição legal do uso do fogo em atividades econômicas agropastoris Law and society in the Amazon: the legal prohibition on the use of fire in agropastoral economic activities

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    David Wilson de Abreu Pardo


    Full Text Available Análise de conflito socioambiental causado pelo uso do fogo em atividades econômicas agropastoris na amazônia, com o objetivo de oferecer tratamento jurídico para a problemática, construindo o argumento a partir do nível da lei e passando ao nível dos direitos e da Constituição, inserindo neste os temas da economia e da cultura. Procedimento de análise e tratamento dos argumentos e interesses dos atores tais quais reconstruídos, sugerindo a resolução do ponto de vista do direito como prática social, com enfoque crítico e contextualizado. Discussão do problema ilustrada com dados de um processo de ação civil pública proposta pelo Ministério Público no Acre. Plano de trabalho com descrição inicial do problema das queimadas na Amazônia. Depois, reflexão sobre o sentido da lei florestal e regulação administrativa da prática. Finalmente, exame do argumento constitucional, refutando contestações da economia e da cultura. Conclusão pela cessação das queimadas como técnica de produção econômica na Amazônia, excetuando o uso restrito e controlado do fogo na agricultura de subsistência praticado por populações tradicionais e indígenas.Analysis of environmental conflict caused by the use of fire in agropastoral economic activities in the Amazon. Purpose of providing legal treatment for the problem, building the argument from the level of the law and passing the level of rights and the constitution by inserting in the themes of economy and culture. Procedure for analysis and processing of arguments and interests of actors, such as they rebuilt, suggesting the resolution of the point of view of law as a social practice, focusing on critical and contextualized. Discussion of the problem illustrated with data from a process of public civil action filed by prosecutors in acre. Work plan with the initial description of the problem of fires in the Amazon. Then reflect on the meaning of the forestry law and administrative

  4. O sobe e desce das taxas de homicídios na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte: Armas de fogo, drogas e políticas de segurança pública

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    Marco Antônio Couto Marinho


    Full Text Available O artigo visa, através do diálogo com a literatura especializada e dados do Ministério da Saúde, à análise de determinados fatores sociais e políticos sobre as oscilações na taxa de homicídio na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte entre 1998 e 2007. Analisamos fatores como o aumento das mortes decorrentes do uso de armas de fogo; a possível influência do crack; a vitimização juvenil; políticas públicas preventivas, como o programa Fica Vivo, e de cunho repressivo, como a ampliação do sistema penitenciário. E, por fim, explora-se o modo como a metropolização incide sobre a distribuição espacial do homicídio. The Rising and Falling Homicide Rates in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte: Firearms, Drugs and Public Security Policies draws on specialist literature and official numbers to review certain social and political factors related to the fluctuations in the murder rate in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte between 1998 and 2007. We assessed factors such as the increased number of deaths resulting from firearms, the possible influence of crack, juvenile victimisation, and public preventive and repressive policies. Finally, there is an examination of how metropolitanization overlaps the spatial distribution of homicides.Key words: homicide, metropolitan region, Belo Horizonte, public security

  5. Caracterização e análise do coberto vegetal lenhoso e o seu contributo para a produção de cinzas resultantes de incêndios florestais


    Quinta-Nova, L.C.; Fernandez, P.


    No Projecto POCI/AGR/59180/2004, concluído em 2009 (cf. Lobo-Ferreira et al., 2009), apresenta-se uma metodologia para avaliação quantitativa dos impactos dos fogos florestais na quantidade e qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Nesta metodologia procura-se avaliar as alterações que possam ter ocorrido após o fogo: (A) em volumes de recarga, (B) volumes de escoamento superficial, (C) qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Esta metodologia considera: (1) tipo e densid...

  6. A tradução desobediente do poeta Douglas Diegues

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    Thais Ferreira Pompêo de Camargo


    Full Text Available Este artigo buscar ampliar o conceito de tradução embasado nas teorias de Walter Benjamin, Haroldo de Campos, Néstor García Canclini e John Milton, aproximando-o da crítica cultural. Busca também, a partir do conceito aumentado de tradução, analisar a obra de Douglas Diegues, cuja poética é cuidadosamente construída e enraizada sobre bases ligadas ao conceito de tradução criativa. O poeta brasileiro escreve em portunhol selvagem (mistura entre o português, espanhol e guarani, língua literária desobediente que funciona como ponte, aproximando diversas culturas que coabitam a América Latina. Uma narrativa poética que culmina na tradução de obras canônicas para o portunhol selvagem, prática batizada por ele de transdeliração. Dessa forma, o poeta, astutamente, cria diálogo e arcabouço retóricos e subjetivos codificados na língua fronteiriça.

  7. Terapêutica interdisciplinar para fratura cominutiva de côndilo por projétil de arma de fogo: enfoque miofuncional Interdisciplinary approach for comminuted condyle fracture of by firearms: myofunctional focus

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    Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves Bianchini


    Full Text Available TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente encaminhado para avaliação e procedimentos fonoaudiológicos após conduta da equipe de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial, sem remoção do projétil, alojado superficialmente, próximo da origem do músculo esternocleidomastóideo à direita, com fratura condilar cominutiva e lesão do nervo facial. Foram aspectos observados em avaliação: mordida aberta anterior, importante redução da amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares com desvios para o lado acometido, ausência de lateralidade contralateral, dor muscular, paralisia e parestesia em terço médio e superior da hemiface direita. Realizadas sessões de terapia miofuncional seguindo protocolo específico para traumas de face constando de: drenagem de edema; manipulações na musculatura levantadora da mandíbula ipsilateral; ampliação e correção dos movimentos mandibulares; procedimentos específicos referentes à paralisia facial e reorganização funcional direcionada. RESULTADOS: após oito semanas de terapia os resultados obtidos mostram restabelecimento de amplitude e da simetria dos movimentos mandibulares, reorganização da mastigação, adequação da deglutição e fala, remissão da sintomatologia dolorosa e remissão da paralisia do terço médio. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento conservador da fratura por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial resultou na reabilitação funcional da mandíbula e face dirigindo os movimentos e estimulando a adequação das funções estomatogn

  8. Um Estudo do Discurso Psicanalítico no Filme Fahrenheit 451: a destruição do conhecimento

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    Paula Puhl


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca fazer uma análise, a partir do filme Fahrenheit 451, por intermédio da personagem do bombeiro Montag, utilizando as idéias de Gaston Bachelard expostas em suas obras, em especial, em a Psicanálise do Fogo, a fim de verificar o significado do Fogo na obra cinematográfica. O pensamento de Bachelard se caracteriza pela busca da subjetividade na interpretação das imagens, ligando a poesia à ciência, servindo como suporte teórico para a interpretação da comunicação cinematográfica.

  9. Impacto do fogo no componente arbóreo de uma floresta estacional semidecídua no município de Ibituruna, MG, Brasil Impact of fire on the arboreal component of a seasonal semideciduous forest in Ibituruna, southeastern Brazil

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    Vagner Fernandes da Silva


    Full Text Available Foram realizados inventários da comunidade arbórea, da topografia e dos solos de um fragmento de floresta semidecídua com o objetivo de avaliar os impactos de um incêndio ocorrido em 1999, na estrutura da comunidade arbórea e na composição e diversidade de espécies, bem como as relações entre a severidade do incêndio e variáveis do ambiente físico. O fragmento florestal, com área de 57 ha, está localizado nas coordenadas de 21º09'S e 44º50'W, no município de Ibituruna, MG. Os inventários foram conduzidos em dois setores do fragmento. Na Encosta, foram realizados dois inventários: o primeiro, em 1997, antes do incêndio, foi feito em quinze parcelas de 5×50 m e o segundo, em 2001, posterior ao incêndio, em treze parcelas de 20×20 m. No Vale, foi conduzido em 2001 um inventário em 13 parcelas de 20×20 m distribuídas ao longo da linha de frente definida pela propagação máxima do incêndio. Nos inventários foram registradas a espécie, a circunferência à altura do peito (CAS e a altura total de todos os indivíduos arbóreos com diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP > 5 cm. Em cada parcela, foram obtidas variáveis topográficas, variáveis químicas e texturais do solo e gerados um fator borda e um índice de dano por fogo (IDF. O incêndio causou impactos consideráveis ao componente arbóreo da vegetação. A densidade e a área basal total de indivíduos arbóreos foram reduzidas e esta redução concentrou-se nas classes de menores diâmetros e alturas. Onde o incêndio foi mais severo (maior IDF, foram maiores as proporções de árvores mortas em pé em relação às sobreviventes, expressas tanto em densidade como em área basal. Na Encosta, as espécies que atingem menor porte na maturidade caíram na ordem de abundância relativa depois do fogo. Dois anos após o incêndio houve aumento na diversidade e riqueza de espécies de árvores provavelmente devido ao acréscimo de espécies pioneiras nas áreas abertas

  10. A switch in the Atlantic Oscillation correlates with inter-annual changes in foraging location and food habits of Macaronesian shearwaters (Puffinus baroli) nesting on two islands of the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean (United States)

    Ramos, Jaime A.; Isabel Fagundes, Ana; Xavier, José C.; Fidalgo, Vera; Ceia, Filipe R.; Medeiros, Renata; Paiva, Vitor H.


    Changes in oceanographic conditions, shaped by changes in large-scale atmospheric phenomena such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), alters the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. Such signals are readily captured by marine top predators, given that their use of foraging habitats and diets change when the NAO changes. In this study we assessed sexual, seasonal and annual (2010/11-2012/13) differences in diet, trophic and isotopic niche (using δ15N and δ13C values of whole blood, 1st primary, 8th secondary and breast feathers), foraging locations and oceanographic variation within foraging areas for Macaronesian shearwaters' (Puffinus baroli) during two years of contrasting NAO values, and between two sub-tropical islands 330 km apart in the North Atlantic Ocean, Cima Islet and Selvagem Grande. These two locations provide contrasting oceanographic foraging regimes for the birds, because the second colony is much closer to the African coast (375 vs 650 km), and, therefore, to the upwelling area of the Canary Current. There was a marked environmental perturbation in 2010/2011, related with a negative NAO Index and lower marine productivity (lower concentration of Chlorophyll a). This event corresponded to the Macaronesian shearwaters feeding farther north and west, which was readily seen in change of both δ15N and δ13C values, and in a higher intake of cephalopods. Diet and stable isotopes did not differ between sexes. Regurgitation analysis indicate a dominance of cephalopods in both islands, but prey fish were important for Selvagem Grande in 2012 and cephalopods for Cima Islet in 2011. Both δ15N and δ13C values were significantly higher for Cima Islet than for Selvagem Grande, irrespective of year, season and tissue sampled. SIBER analysis showed smaller isotopic niches for the breeding period. Our study suggests that during years of poor environmental conditions Macaronesian shearwaters shift their foraging location to more pelagic waters

  11. Uma investigação do ser-aí do menino selvagem à luz do pensamento heideggeriano Una investigación del ser-ahí del niño salvaje a luz del pensamiento heideggeriano An investigation of the Dasein of the wild boy through Heidegger's thought

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    Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de Feijoo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho busca, na história de Victor de Aveyron, elementos para discutir o modo pelo qual a existência humana se constitui. Por não ter convivido em ambiente humano, Victor foi motivo de intensas discussões no meio científico, especialmente entre os empiristas e os racionalistas. Nesta pesquisa assumimos uma postura fenomenológica, trazendo a história do menino selvagem à discussão por meio da fenomenologia hermenêutica de Heidegger, apontando, assim, para o caráter de indeterminação, o "ter de ser", e de singularidade da existência, sempre em jogo na constituição do modo de ser do homem.Este trabajo busca en la historia de Víctor de Aveyron elementos para discutir el modo por el cual la existencia humana se constituye. Por no haber convivido en ambiente humano, Víctor ha sido motivo de intensas discusiones en el medio científico, especialmente entre los empiristas y los racionalistas. En esta investigación asumimos una postura fenomenológica, trayendo la historia do menino salvaje a discusión por medio de la fenomenología hermenéutica de Heidegger, apuntando, así, para el carácter de indeterminación, o "tener de ser", e de singularidad de la existencia, siempre en juego en la constitución del modo de ser del hombre.This work aims to find, in the story of Victor of Aveyron, elements to discuss the way in which human existence is constituted. For not having lived in the human environment, Victor was the subject of intense discussions within the scientific community, especially among empiricists and rationalists. In this research we take a phenomenological approach, bringing the story of the wild boy into the discussion through the Heidegger's phenomenology hermeneutic, pointing to the character of indeterminacy, mineness; and the singularity of the existence, always presented in the constitution of man's way of being.

  12. Suicídio atípico com dois ou mais disparos efetivos de arma de fogo: casuística do Instituto Médico Legal de Belo Horizonte e implicações periciais

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    Leonardo Santos Bordoni


    Full Text Available O Brasil ocupou o oitavo lugar em números absolutos de suicídios no mundo em 2012. Apesar do suicídio com arma de fogo (AF não ser a modalidade mais comum, é frequente seu encontro na prática pericial criminal. Na maioria dos suicídios com AF há apenas um disparo efetivo e o encontro de duas ou mais lesões de entrada classifica o suicídio como atípico. Neste estudo foram avaliados os suicídios atípicos com dois ou mais disparos efetivos de AF nas necropsias do Instituto Médico Legal de Belo Horizonte realizadas entre 2006 e 2012. Foram resgatados cinco casos, correspondendo a 2,63% do total de suicídios com AF autopsiados no período estudado. A maioria dos casos era do sexo masculino, solteira, tinha pele morena, apresentava idade média de 42,3 anos e recebeu atendimento médico previamente ao óbito. Em quatro casos foram observadas duas lesões de entrada de projéteis de AF e em apenas um foram observadas três. Todos apresentavam lesões de entrada no tórax, a maioria localizada na região peitoral esquerda. Em dois indivíduos houve lesões de entrada no tórax e na cabeça. A causa da morte da maioria foi traumatismo torácico perfuro-contuso. Apesar da necropsia forense ser crucial no estabelecimento da causa médica da morte e na avaliação da capacidade de desempenhar atos motores voluntários após um primeiro disparo, a investigação criminal de casos de suicídios atípicos é um trabalho multidisciplinar, onde cada uma das peças periciais deve se encaixar adequadamente para o estabelecimento correto da causa jurídica da morte.

  13. Compostos fenólicos e capacidade antioxidante em frutos de tomateiros mutantes fotomorfogenéticos

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    Tiago Dias


    Full Text Available Compostos fenólicos e capacidade antioxidante são mecanismos de defesa das plantas aos danos do estresse oxidativo. Os compostos fenólicos são sintetizados pela via dos fenilpropanoides, cuja enzima chave, fenilalanina amônia liase, é influenciada pela luz e ação de fotorreceptores, como o fitocromo. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a concentração de compostos fenólicos e a capacidade antioxidante de frutos de microtomateiro selvagem, cultivar "Micro-Tom" (MT, e seus mutantes fotomorfogenéticos high pigment 1 (hp1, super-responsivo a eventos mediados por luz e aurea (au, deficiente quantitativo em fitocromos. Vinte frutos maduros de cada genótipo (MT, hp1 e au foram utilizados para as análises, realizadas em triplicata. Para quantificação dos compostos fenólicos totais, foi utilizado o método de Folin-Ciocalteu e a capacidade antioxidante foi realizada pelos métodos Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP e 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH. Os frutos do mutante hp1 apresentaram maiores conteúdos de compostos fenólicos totais e também maior capacidade antioxidante em relação à cultivar selvagem ("MT" e ao mutante au, o qual não diferiu significativamente da cultivar "MT".

  14. Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus citriodora on amaryllis and associated grassy weed Efeitos alelopáticos do Eucalyptus citriodora sobre amarílis e em gramíneas daninhas associadas

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    K.G El-Rokiek


    secas de Eucalyptus citriodora na germinação e no crescimento inicial de aveia-selvagem (Avena fatua. A germinação da semente, a raiz e o comprimento da brotação apresentaram diferentes graus de inibição, de acordo com a concentração do extrato aquoso. As maiores porcentagens de inibição da germinação, de raiz e de comprimento de brotação foram registradas com extrato fresco das folhas a 25%. Com base no trabalho preliminar (experimento em placa de Petri, foram conduzidos estudos na estufa do Centro de Pesquisa Nacional, Egito, em duas estações de inverno: 2006/2007 e 2007/2008. Nesse local, foram avaliados os efeitos de tratamentos foliar e do solo de extratos aquosos das folhas frescas e secas de Eucalyptus citriodora na aveia-selvagem, assim como no crescimento e no florescimento da espécie Hippeastrum hybridum, em comparação com a dose recomendada do herbicida tralkoxydim. Os pesos frescos e secos do amarílis sofreram aumento significativo, bem como o florescimento, quando tratados com os extratos, principalmente com a pulverização do extrato das folhas frescas. Entretanto, os pesos frescos e secos da aveia-selvagem foram reduzidos significativamente pelos extratos aquosos, tanto frescos como secos, indicando intoxicação. O herbicida tralkoxydim causou a inibição completa de aveia-selvagem em comparação ao controle. Os estudos envolveram a avaliação dos índices endógenos de fenóis totais na espécie daninha. Em todos os tratamentos, os efeitos inibitórios nas espécies daninhas foram correlacionados com o acúmulo de índices internos dos fenóis totais, comparados aos respectivos controles. Constatou-se boa correlação entre a quantidade de fenóis e o desempenho do crescimento na espécie daninha. Este estudo estabeleceu o efeito dos extratos aquosos sobre a espécie daninha aveia-selvagem associada ao amarílis, o que pode servir como ferramenta para estabelecer seu potencial herbicida.

  15. Condições fisiológicas que favorecem a síntese de ácido L-ascórbico (vitamina C) por culturas de Kluyveromyces lactis metabolicamente engenheirada


    Alvim, Mariana Caroline Tocantins


    O ácido L-ascórbico (ALA) é produzido naturalmente por plantas a partir de D-glicose. Leveduras sintetizam um metabólito semelhante, o ácido D-eritroascórbico (ADEA). Embora este composto não mostre atividade contra o escorbuto, ele contém uma função antioxidante, mas é produzido pelo micro-organismo em baixas concentrações. Recentemente, com a finalidade de fazer as leveduras serem capazes de converter o componente D-galactose da D-lactose do soro de queijo em ALA, a linhagem selvagem de Klu...

  16. Como era ruim o meu francês

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    Teresa Cristina Duarte Simões


    Full Text Available Desde muito cedo, o cinema brasileiro começou a representar o índio nacional. As imagens propostas vão da do bom selvagem rousseauniano à do indígena espoliado de sua cultura e de suas raízes em luta para reaver as terras dos antepassados. Diversos filmes rodados no Brasil por diretores estrangeiros ou com uma certa cultura estrangeira, propõem elementos interessantes para analisar essa questão de representação, mais precisamente, os filmes: A Terra dos Homens Vermelhos, Corumbiara et Amazon for ever.

  17. Stshastlivoje nebo v almazah / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    29. juulil lõppes VII rahvusvaheline A. P. Tshehhovi nimeline teatrifestival Moskvas. Nähtud lavastustest : Robert Lepage ja teater Ex Machina "The Far Side of the Moon", Declan Donnellan ja teater Cheek By Jowl "Cymbeline" W. Shakespeare'i järgi ning Pina Bausch koos Wuppertali tantsuteatriga "Masurca Fogo"

  18. Stshastlivoje nebo v almazahh / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    30. maist kuni 29. juulini toimunud VII rahvusvahelisest A. P. Tšehhovi nimelisest teatrifestivalist Moskvas. Lavastustest : Robert Lepage ja teater Ex Machina "Kuu tagumine külg", Declan Donnellan ja teater Cheek By Jowl "Cymbeline" W. Shakespeare'i järgi ning Pina Bauschi ja Wuppertali tantsuteatri "Masurca Fogo"

  19. Õnnelik teemantidega taevas / Eteri Kekelidze ; tõlk. Madis Kolk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    30. maist kuni 29. juulini toimunud VII rahvusvahelisest A. P. Tšehhovi nimelisest teatrifestivalist Moskvas. Lavastustest : Robert Lepage ja teater Ex Machina "Kuu tagumine külg", Declan Donnellan ja teater Cheek By Jowl "Cymbeline" W. Shakespeare'i järgi ning Pina Bausch koos Wuppertali tantsuteatriga "Masurca Fogo"

  20. Don Quixote Sebastianised. In a Forlorn Place in Europe, which the Author Attempted to Call Tristiania

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    Maria Fernanda de Abreu


    Full Text Available This article comments the work of the Portuguese playwright Carlos Selvagem, Dulcinéa ou a última aventura de Dom Quixote, a Heroic Farce represented at the Teatro Nacional Dona Maria, in Lisbon, on January 1944, with settings by Almada Negreiros and music by Ernesto Halffter. From a comparative perspective, and regarding the study of the Quixote’s recreations, the text published in the book is analyzed, contextualizing, in both political and ideological aspects, the «sebastianization» of the Cervantes’ hero presented here, interpreting it’s development concerning the plot, and observing its relationship with Cervantes’ model.


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    Ana Paula Grillo El-Jaick


    Full Text Available Este trabalho nasce da hipótese de que, hoje, temos um outro objeto sobre o qual recai a dúvida cética: a linguagem. Com esse ponto de partida, fui buscar em nossa fonte do ceticismo ocidental, Sexto Empírico, algum vestígio que já indicasse alguma suspensão do juízo quanto à estabilidade do significado linguístico. Deste modo, este escrito é uma investigação a respeito da linguagem cética de Sexto Empírico. O objetivo aqui é buscar identificar que perspectiva(s de linguagem orienta(m o pirrônico em seus escritos que chegaram até nós, principalmente em seu tratado Contra os gramáticos. Longe de querer extrair de Sexto Empírico qualquer doutrina, meu interesse foi caracterizar o ponto de vista (cético-linguístico adotado como pano de fundo para suas considerações céticas.  

  2. Fenologia e produção de frutos de Caryocar brasiliense Cambess. E Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart. J.F.Macbr. em diferentes regimes de queima

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    Renata Françoso


    Full Text Available O conhecimento dos períodos reprodutivos e vegetativos das plantas é de extrema importância para coletas de sementes e produção de mudas. No Cerrado, as interações da biota com o fogo são de grande interesse, já que esses fatores estão intimamente relacionados e podem ser determinantes na manutenção das populações vegetais. Durante 12 meses, foi estudada a fenologia de duas espécies nativas do Cerrado (Enterolobium gummiferum (Mart. J.F.Macbr. e Caryocar brasiliense Cambess. em dois regimes de queima: em sítio mantido sob queima bienal modal no mês de agosto (PBM e em sítio controle, livre de fogo há 14 anos (PC. Os testes de uniformidade foram realizados para verificar a sazonalidade das fases fenológicas. A seleção de modelos por critério de informação de Akaike foi realizada utilizando as variáveis climáticas da área de estudo para identificar quais delas são melhores preditoras das fases fenológicas. A produção de frutos foi estimada nos dois tratamentos. Praticamente, todas as fenofases apresentaram picos de produtividade, com exceção da brotação foliar de C. brasiliense em PC, queda foliar da mesma espécie nos dois tratamentos e E. gummiferum na PC. Em geral, o comportamento fenológico de ambas as espécies não diferiu de outros estudos. Porém, o fogo retardou a troca de folhas e inibiu as fases reprodutivas de C. brasiliense, o que corrobora o comportamento já observado em outras espécies nativas do Cerrado em áreas com incidência de queimadas.


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    Carlos Fernando Lemos


    Full Text Available As queimadas são responsáveis por custos financeiros e degradação ambiental. Este estudo avalia as áreas de risco de incêndio, com base no índice de Haines (IH em setembro de 2003, em comparação com a climatologia de 1968-1995. Setembro é o mês mais crítico para incêndios florestais. A avaliação se baseia no NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (National Center for ambiental Previsão/National Center for Atmospheric Research. Os resultados demonstram que o Índice de Haines era capaz de reproduzir as áreas com maior incidência de fogo. Este índice mostrou que a atmosfera era mais suscetível ao desenvolvimento de fogo em setembro de 2003, em comparação com a climatologia. Esta pesquisa irá ajudar a gerenciar as áreas críticas e a tomada de decisões estratégicas para combate a incêndios no estado de Minas Gerais.

  4. Improvement of xylanase production by a parasexual cross between Aspergillus niger strains

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    Octavio Loera


    Full Text Available A diploid strain (D4 isolated via parasexual recombination between two Aspergillus niger xylanase overproducing mutants was characterised in terms of enzyme production and catabolite repression by glucose. This strain increased xylanase production (607 nkat/ml, which was nearly 100% higher than titers achieved by the wild type strain (305 nkat/ml and 28% higher than the best mutant used to induce parasexual cycle. Diploid D4 was also less sensitive to carbon catabolite repression by glucose, since xylanolytic activity was detected under conditions normally repressing production by the wild type strain. No decrease in maximal xylanase levels was observed in the presence of glucose for diploid D4.Um cepa diplóide (D4 isolada por combinação parasexual entre dois Aspergillus niger, mutantes superprodutores de xylanase foi caracterizado através da produção de (607 nkat/ml e repressão catabólica por glicose. Essa cepa aumenta a produção de xylanase em mais de 100% em comparação com uma cepa selvagem (305 nkat/ml e 28% superior do que o melhor mutante usado para induzir o ciclo parasexual. A cepa diplóide D4 foi também menos sensível a repressão catabólica pela glicose, sendo que a atividade xylanolitica foi detectada sob condições normalmente de produção repressiva pela cepa selvagem. Não foi observado um decréscimo na produção máxima de xylanase em presença de glicose para o diplóide D4.

  5. Aproveitamento de resíduos da agroindústria do óleo de dendê para a produção de lipase por Aspergillus Níger

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    Edmar das Mercês Penha


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o desempenho de duas linhagens de Aspergillus niger (mutante 11T53A14 e selvagem C previamente selecionadas como promissoras para a produção de lipases, utilizando meios de cultivo formulados a partir da torta de dendê (palmiste e da borra alcalina do refino do óleo de dendê (borra de dendê, resíduos provenientes da agroindústria do óleo de dendê (palma por fermentação em estado sólido (FES. Os experimentos de produção da enzima em FES foram conduzidos em colunas aeradas, incubadas em banho-maria a 32ºC com entrada controlada de ar não umedecido de 1,0vvm. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a cepa mutante A. niger 11T53A14 em meio contendo torta de dendê umedecida com solução sulfato de amônio (1,2% e com a adição de 3% da borra de dendê. O valor máximo da atividade da lipase neste meio foi de 72,57U gss-1 em 48 horas. Esse valor foi 47,5% superior ao obtido no meio sem a borra de dendê. A comparação do desempenho da cepa mutante com a cepa selvagem mostrou que o meio composto por torta de dendê adicionado com sulfato de amônio e borra de dendê induziu ambas as linhagens a produzir lipases com bons níveis de atividade, além de reduzir o tempo de processo de fermentação.

  6. In vitro study on the interaction of human papillomavirus in cell from peripheral blood leukocytes.


    Vívian Szulczewski


    O papilomavírus humano (HPV) é o principal agente etiológico do câncer cervical e anogenital, sendo o HPV16 e o HPV18 os vírus de alto risco. Estudos recentes evidenciaram que além da transmissão sexual do HPV, há outras formas de contágio. Entretanto, a dificuldade na obtenção de quantidades viáveis do tipo selvagem ou mutante do HPV tem limitado em muito os estudos de diversos aspectos da biologia do papilomavírus. Este estudo investigou a possibilidade de o HPV infectar células leucocitári...

  7. Brasil: a economia do capitalismo selvagem Brazil: the economics of savage capitalism

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    Regis de Castro Andrade


    Full Text Available Originalmente publicado em 1981 na publicação que precedeu Lua Nova e no ano seguinte na Inglaterra (em Gienefel, M. e Godfrey, M., ed., The Struggle for Development - National Strategies in an International Context. London, Wiley, este artigo traça um retrato da economia brasileira da perspectiva do início dos anos 80. Analisa a formação e as características do "modelo brasileiro", examina o boom de 1968-1973 (o "milagre brasileiro" e assinala a emergência de uma nova etapa, em que fatores externos à economia nacional passariam a preponderar. Sustenta que o novo período seria marcado por tensões agudas, em parte porque o sistema político não seria capaz de assimilar os problemas econômicos.Originally published in 1981, in the periodical preceding Lua Nova and in England the next year (in Gienefil, M. and Godfrey, M., ed., The Struggle for Development - National Stratregies in an International Context. London, Wiley, this article draws a picture of the Brazilian economy from de point of view of the early 80's. The construction and the features of the "brazilian model" as well as the boom of 1968-73 (the "brazilian miracle" are analyzed, and the emergence of a new stage with external factors at the forefront is pointed out. The author holds that the new period would be marked by acute tensions, partly due to the inability of the political system to tackle the economic problems.

  8. Efeito de queimadas sobre a estrutura e composição da comunidade vegetal lenhosa do cerrado sentido restrito em Caldas Novas, GO Effect of fire on the structure and floristic composition of a cerrado sensu stricto area in Caldas Novas, GO

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    Sérgio de Faria Lopes


    Full Text Available Considerando que o regime de queima é um dos principais fatores que alteram a estrutura e composição de espécies de uma comunidade vegetal, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o efeito do fogo na composição florística e estrutura da vegetação lenhosa de Cerrado sentido restrito no Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas (PESCAN, Goiás, submetida a diferentes regimes de queima. Foram utilizadas duas áreas de Cerrado sentido restrito: uma delas submetida ao fogo em 2002 e 2006 e outra sem a passagem do fogo nessas duas épocas. Em cada área foram estabelecidas 25 parcelas de 20 x 20 m, sendo incluídas no estudo todas as árvores (C30>15 cm. As duas áreas estudadas apresentaram composição florística similar, evidenciada pelo Coeficiente de Sorensen, o qual encontrou 84% de similaridade na composição florística entre as áreas. Entretanto, a estrutura da vegetação apresentou diferenças relevantes, evidenciada pelo Indice de Similaridade de Bray Curtis, o qual obteve valor de 0,67, que foi refletido por mudanças na estrutura das comunidades estudadas. A área queimada apresentou menor número de indivíduos, de espécies, menor valor de área basal e, por conseguinte, do Índice de Diversidade de Shannon (H' e Equabilidade (J'. Nesse sentido, provavelmente a frequência das queimadas ocorridas na área não foram suficientes para evidenciar o efeito do fogo no processo de alteração na composição das espécies lenhosas. Entretanto, o fogo exerceu papel relevante na modificação da estrutura da vegetação.Considering that the regimes of burning modify important factors of the structure and composition of the species of a plant community, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of burning on the floristic composition and structure of the wood vegetation of the cerrado sensu stricto at the Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas (PESCAN, Goiás, submitted to different times of burning. Two areas had been

  9. Geotourism, Medical Geology and local development: Cape Verde case study (United States)

    Rocha, F.; Ferreira da Silva, E.


    Geotourism and Geoparks in particular are real opportunities to rural developments promoting the rate decline of unemployment and emigration through engaging the local communities in geopark activities and tourism marketing in the form of adventure tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism and health geotourism. Geotourism is closely linked with Medical Geology. The intake of minerals and chemical elements for food, water, soil (through geophagy) or dust can be accomplished by ingestion, inhalation or dermal absorption. Pelotherapy or “Mudtherapy” is the use of mud/clay for therapeutic applications, internal or external. Cape Verde archipelago is located in Atlantic ocean, 400 km westwards of Senegal coast. Geotourism is being developed, mainly focused on the development of a geopark in Fogo island huge caldera, but also trying to take advantage of their potentialities for Geomedecine. A cooperative program established between Cape Verde University (UCV) and Aveiro University (UA, Portugal) is under way, aiming, on a first stage, to identify Geotouristic potentialities and, on a second stage, to develop products. Geotourism is being developed, mainly focused on the development of a geopark in Fogo isl. huge caldera, but also trying to take advantage of their potentialities for Geomedecine.

  10. "Dê-me segurança ou lhe dou um não": em busca do eleitor mediano no referendo das armas

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    Ari Francisco de Araujo Junior


    Full Text Available Em 2005, a sociedade brasileira participou de um referendo sobre o comércio legal de armas de fogo, e optou pela deste comércio. Nesse processo dois grupos de interesse foram formados, o grupo do SIM, favorável à proibição do comércio de armas de fogo, e o grupo do NÃO, em posição oposta. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar os argumentos de cada grupo, a partir de um modelo analítico e identificar os determinantes do resultado do referendo, utilizando dados em nível municipal. Os resultados indicam que a proporção de votos no NÃO é negativamente correlacionado com a taxa de homicídio em 2002 e positivamente correlacionado com a variação desta taxa de 1995 a 2002. Assim, nos municípios em que a recente da violência foi maior, os cidadãos não desejam abrir mão do direito de adquirirem armas de fogo.On October 23, 2005, the Brazilian society faced a referendum with two options: "to not ban the legal market for firearms" and "to ban the legal market for firearms". Voters chose the first option. Along the months before the voting day, two interest groups were formed: one, called "No" - arguing for not banning the market - and the other group, called "Yes" - for the ban. This article has two main objectives: first, to analyze the arguments of each group using an analytical model and, two, to identify the determinants of the voter's choice using data at the local level. The main results indicate that the votes for No were negatively correlated to the homicide rate (measured in 2002 and positively correlated with the marginal change of the homicide rate (between 1995 and 2002. Thus, cities in which the violence increases more quickly, the citizens did not choose to ban the legal market for firearms.

  11. Armas de fuego en el entorno urbano y políticas públicas de control

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    Luis Gerardo Gabaldón


    Full Text Available El artículo refiere datos de tres encuestas de victimización por armas de fuego levantadas en parroquias de Caracas, Venezuela, entre 2011 y 2012. Se observó predominancia de hombres y jóvenes como víctimas y victimarios y mayor incidencia de hechos contra las personas en los estratos más bajos. La denuncia se encuentra por debajo de los índices de otros estudios nacionales de victimización, aunque los hechos son calificados como graves por más del 80% de los encuestados y casi 90% considera riesgoso poseer armas de fuego en el hogar. El artículo concluye con una revisión de los resultados y propuestas de la Comisión Presidencial para el Control de Armas, Municiones y Desarme y las perspectivas para una política pública consensuada de control de la violencia asociada a las armas de fuego. O artigo apresenta dados de três pesquisas de vitimização por armas de fogo feitas em Caracas, Venezuela, entre 2011 e 2012. Observou-se a predominância de homens e jovens como vítimas e perpetradores e maior incidência de eventos contra as pessoas nos estratos sociais mais baixos. A denúncia é inferior às taxas de outros estudos nacionais de vitimização, embora os atos sejam classificados como graves por mais de 80% dos entrevistados e quase 90% considera arriscado possuir armas de fogo em casa. O artigo conclui revisando os resultados e propostas da Comissão Presidencial para o Controle de Armas, Munições e Desarmamento e as perspectivas de uma política pública de controle da violência associada a armas de fogo.Palavras-chave: armas de fogo, violência, crime, política pública, Venezuela Firearms in the Urban Environment and Public Control Policies reports data from three firearms victimization surveys carried out in Caracas, Venezuela, between 2011 and 2012. It was observed prevalence of men and youth as victims and perpetrators and a higher incidence of acts against people in the lower social stratas. The complaint is

  12. Variação no custo de internações hospitalares por lesões: os casos dos traumatismos cranianos e acidentes por armas de fogo Cost variation of hospitalization due to injuries: head trauma and fire arm accidents

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    Maria Cristina C. Feijó


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva propor dois modelos de regressão linear para o estudo da variação no custo das internações hospitalares, coletadas pelo SUS, para procedimentos relacionados a duas classes de lesões: traumatismos crânio-encefálicos e afins (n = 98.156; acidentes por armas de fogo e afins (n = 8.970. Utilizou-se os dados das AIHs de 1997 de todo país, disponibilizados pelo SIH-SUS. As variáveis explicativas empregadas foram sexo, idade, natureza jurídica dos hospitais, regiões do país, internações em capitais, uso de UTI, realização de cirurgia, ocorrência de morte, dias de permanência, procedimentos mais freqüentes, procedimentos especiais e interações entre algumas variáveis. Os dois modelos mostraram-se bem ajustados, revelando R² iguais a 0,7264 para o primeiro modelo e 0,7663 para o segundo. As variáveis explicativas do primeiro modelo foram todas significantes e apenas três do segundo modelo não apresentaram significância estatística. As variáveis mais expressivas nos dois modelos foram uso de UTI e realização de cirurgia. Foram efetuados diagnósticos para a verificação de pontos extremos, multicolinearidade, forma funcional e homoscedasticidade.This article proposes two linear regression models on cost variation of hospitalization (based on data from the Brazilian National Unified Health System - SUS for two types of injuries: head trauma and related cases (n = 98,156; fire arm injuries and related cases (n = 8,970. Data were collected from the 1997 standardized Hospital Admittance Forms covering all of Brazil. Explanatory variables were gender, age, hospital administration model (public, private, etc., region of the country, hospitalization in a capital city, use of ICU, surgery, death, duration of hospitalization, most frequent procedures, special procedures, and interaction among certain variables. The two models adjusted well, with R² = 0.7264 for the first and 0.7663 for the second. Explanatory


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    Ana Paula Sales Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo transversal analisou as características epidemiológicas de adolescentes internados por ferimentos por armas de fogo e armas brancas em três serviços de emergência de Campo Grande, MS, e estimou os gastos hospitalares dessas internações. Métodos: Os dados, de 78 adolescentes (71 masculinos e 7 femininas de 10 a 19 anos, foram coletados de prontuários abrangendo o período de um ano. Dados sobre custos provieram dos espelhos de autorizações de internação hospitalar. Resultados: Dos pacientes masculinos, 46 (58,9% foram vítimas de armas de fogo e 25 (32,1% de armas brancas; nas pacientes, esses números foram 1 (14,3% e 6 (85,7%, respectivamente. O tempo médio de internação foi de 6,8 dias, com custo médio de R$ 935,00.Conclusão: Constatou-se que em adolescentes as lesões causadas por ambos os tipos de arma são frequentes e têm alto custo econômico e social para as vítimas, suas famílias e a sociedade.

  14. Estudo retrospectivo de janeiro de 1998 a maio de 2005, no Hospital Universitário de Maringá, sobre ferimentos por arma branca e arma de fogo = Retrospective study (january 1998 / may 2005 at the University Hospital of Maringá, on wounds caused by edged weapons and firearms

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    Marco Aurélio Valadão Fagundes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as características dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Maringá (HUM, com ferimento por arma branca (FAB e por arma de fogo (FAF, quanto ao sexo, idade, às regiões corporais, órgãos mais atingidos, tempo de internamento, complicações e mortalidade. Após análise de uma planilhaelaborada para a pesquisa, observou-se que 68% dos atendimentos foram por FAB e 32%, por FAF, sendo a maioria homens (mais de 90%, adultos jovens (2ª e 3ª década, por FAF e FAB, respectivamente. As regiões mais acometidas foram abdome e tórax. e os órgãos mais atingidos foram intestino delgado e fígado, na lesão por arma branca, e fígado e intestino delgado, no FAF. A complicação mais comum foi o choque hipovolêmico. Concluiu-se que os FAB ocorreram em maior número no sexo masculino, na terceira década de vida.The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of patients assisted at the University Hospital of Maringá (HUM with wounds from edged weapons (EWW or firearms (FW, in regards to gender, age, wounded body areas, most affected body organs,length of hospitalization, complications and mortality rates. After the analysis of a worksheet elaborated for the study, it was observed that 68% of admissions had been for EWW and 32% for FW. The majority were men (90% and young adults (20s and 30s, for FW and EWW, respectively. The most affected body areas were the abdomen and thorax, and the most wounded organs were, in order: the small intestine and liver for EWW, and the liver and small intestine for FW. The most common complication was hypovolemic shock. It was concluded that EWW had occurred in larger numbers than FW, withpredominance in males in their 30s.


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    Eliege Terezinha Brum


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi feita a análise econômica de dez sistemas de produção de acácia-negra, amostrados em 23 propriedades rurais localizadas nos municípios com tradição na acacicultura. Foram analisados os seguintes sistemas que utilizam a regeneração induzida pelo fogo: acácia-negra (AN em monocultivo (S1, AN consorciada com milho (S2, com feijão (S3 e com batata inglesa (S4. Os sistemas de plantio de mudas analisados foram: AN em monocultivo (S5, monocultivo da AN em sucessão agrícola (S6, AN em consórcios com melancia (S7, com milho (S8, com feijão (S9 e com pecuária (S10. Para a análise econômica foram utilizados os critérios do Valor Presemte Líquido(VPL, Valor Esperado da Terra (VET, Razão Benefício/Custo (RBC e Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR. A idade de rotação otimizada da acácia-negra através da maximização do VPL, foi igual a 7 anos para taxas de juros que variam de 6 a 10 % a.a., em todos os sistemas de produção. Em áreas novas, ou onde a regeneração pelo fogo não é possível, o sistema mais eficiente e rentável foi o plantio de mudas consorciado com melancia, pois o VPL, a taxa 6 % a.a., foi de 1.436,06 US$/ha e o RBC foi 2,13, para sítios com produtividades médias de 227 st/ha de madeira comercial e 14 t/ha de casca seca a 12 % de umidade, aos 7 anos de idade. Em áreas onde é possível a regeneração induzida pelo fogo, o consórcio com batata inglesa é o mais recomendável, pois aos 7 anos, em sítios médios o VLP e o RBC, a taxa 6 % a.a., foram 1.063,99 US$/ha e 2,13, respectivamente.

  16. Community-based tourism in Cape Verde - a case study


    Tomas Lopez-Guzman; Osvaldo Borges; Ana Maria Castillo-Canalejo


    Community-based tourism is taking its place in the world as an alternative to traditional tourist destinations, especially in developing countries. This form of tourism allows for greater contact with the local community and for the tourist to experience new sensations while enabling the economic and social development of the geographic area. In this paper, the results of fieldwork carried out in the island of Fogo (Cape Verde) are presented, assessing the opinion and perception tourists visi...

  17. Breeding biology of a winter-breeding procellariiform in the North Atlantic, the Macaronesian shearwater Puffinus lherminieri baroli. (United States)

    Fagundes, Ana Isabel; Ramos, Jaime A; Ramos, Urtelinda; Medeiros, Renata; Paiva, Vitor H


    The breeding success of burrow-nesting seabirds may be influenced by both nest site characteristics and oceanographic conditions influencing food availability at sea. In this study we describe the breeding biology of the winter-breeding Macaronesian shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri baroli), including nest site characteristics and interspecific competition. We also evaluate the possible effects of changing oceanographic conditions on breeding phenology and breeding success. The study was carried out over two breeding seasons on two islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, Cima Islet and Selvagem Grande. Oceanographic characteristics differed between years. On a regional scale, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index was low and negative in 2011, and on a local scale, birds used areas with significantly lower values of chlorophyll a concentration and significantly higher values of sea surface temperature anomalies. Hatching success was higher in 2012 than in 2011. At both colonies, egg cracking was the main cause of hatching failure, but in 2011 several eggs on Selvagem Grande were deserted. In 2012 birds laid earlier and chicks had longer wings and were heavier. At both colonies, nests that were deeper, were sheltered from prevailing winds and had small chambers and a soil substrate had a higher probability of being used successfully by the birds. Nests occupied solely by Macaronesian shearwaters were much deeper and had less volume than nests shared with other species. Our study suggests that the breeding success of Macaronesian shearwaters is strongly related to nest site characteristics and that at-sea environmental conditions exert a strong influence on reproductive parameters, with birds breeding in a poor year (evaluated in terms of lower marine productivity) laying much later and their chicks growing at a slower rate than in a good year. The influence of nest site characteristics and environmental conditions may be very important for understanding the breeding

  18. Avaliação dos sistemas de informações sobre nascidos vivos e óbitos no Brasil na década de 2000

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    Paulo Germano de Frias


    Full Text Available Resumo No Nordeste brasileiro, a morte por fogo é uma ameaça onipresente e banalizada entre mulheres empobrecidas. Este estudo antropológico descreve a experiência do sofrimento de ser queimada. Em 2009, foram investigados seis casos “ricos em informação” no Centro de Queimados, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Entrevistas etnográficas abertas com informantes-chave, narrativas de experiências vividas e observação participante na clínica e no domicílio foram realizadas. Utilizamos os métodos Análise de Conteúdo, Sistemas de Signos, Significados e Ações e Interpretação Semântica Contextualizada. Revelou-se que as metáforas emergentes são carregadas de significância cultural da “monstruosidade” e da violência de gênero pelo fogo – inscrita impiedosamente no corpo feminino. O “acidente por combustível” (álcool esconde a cruel realidade de “carne crua e torrada”. A cicatriz é capaz de desfigurá-las em “não-pessoas”, maculando sua reputação moral e gerando a rejeição social. No Nordeste brasileiro, a vulnerabilidade social provocada pela sequela da queimadura exige uma política de humanização do cuidado.

  19. Plants used in the treatment of leishmanial ulcers due to Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis in an endemic area of Bahia, Brazil

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    Flávio França


    Full Text Available This paper records the plants used in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis (L(Vb among the rural population of a cocoa- producing coastal area of Bahia state, Brazil. An enquiry conducted among a hundred patients identified 49 plant species used to treat skin ulceration caused by this Leishmania species. The principal plants used are caju-branco (Anacardium occidentale - Anacardiaceae, used by 65% of the population, folha-fogo (Clidemia hirta - Melastomataceae 39%, alfavaca-grossa (Plectranthus amboinicus - Lamiaceae 33%, mastruz (Chenopodium ambrosioides - Chenopodiaceae 31%, erva-de-santa-maria (Solatium americanum - Solanaceae (25% and transagem (Plantago major - Plantaginaceae. 2%.Este trabalho relata as plantas usadas no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea, causada por Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis (L(Vb, na população rural da faixa litorânea produtora de cacau do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Um inquérito realizado entre 100 pacientes, identificou 49 espécies de plantas usadas para tratar úlceras de pele causadas por esta espécie de Leishmânia. As principais plantas usadas foram o cajueiro-branco (Anacardium occidentale - Anacardiaceae usado por 65% da população, a folha-fogo (Clidemia hirta - Melastomataceae 39%, a alfavaca-grossa (Plectranthus amboinicus - Lamiaceae 33%, o mastruz (Chenopodium ambrosioides - henopodiaceae 31%, a erva-de-santa-maria (Solanum americanum - Solanaceae 25% e a transagem (Plantago major - Plantaginaceae 2%.

  20. Campo rupestre recém-queimado na Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil: plantas de rebrota e sementes, com espécies endêmicas na rocha Recently burnt 'campo rupestre' in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil: resprouters and seeders, with endemic rock species

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    Sâmia Paula Santos Neves


    Full Text Available O fogo é um distúrbio recorrente em muitas áreas da Chapada Diamantina, geralmente originado por ação antrópica e que ocasiona rápidas mudanças nas comunidades. Este trabalho objetiva conhecer a composição e estrutura da vegetação de uma área de campo rupestre recém-queimada no Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil, situada entre 700 e 800 m acima do nível do mar, visando discussão das estratégias de regeneração das espécies mais conspícuas e das similaridades florísticas entre áreas com e sem distúrbio recente de fogo. Foi realizado um censo das espécies de plantas vasculares ocorrentes em 16 parcelas de 10x10 m, sendo as coberturas estimadas em cinco subparcelas de 2x2 m de cada parcela. Foram encontradas 85 espécies de 34 famílias, sendo 11 de monocotiledôneas, 22 de eudicotiledôneas e uma de monilófita. A espécie mais abundante foi Panicum trinii Kunth (Poaceae e a mais frequente Periandra mediterranea (Vell. Taub. (Fabaceae. O índice de Shannon foi 3,4. A área estudada agrupou-se com a área de afloramento rochoso em altitude menos elevada (38% de similaridade. É possível que o fogo seja mais frequente nessas áreas menos isoladas, em relação às dos topos de morros. As espécies dominantes se restabeleceram principalmente a partir de gemas de sistemas subterrâneos e aéreos. Uma das espécies mais frequentes, Dactylaena microphylla Eichler, estabeceu-se de sementes. Espécies endêmicas sensíveis à ação do fogo sobrevivem em ilhas de vegetação nos afloramentos rochosos.Fire is a recurrent disturbance in many areas of Chapada Diamantina, generally set by human activity that drives rapid changes in communities. This study aims to investigate the composition and structure of 'campo rupestre' vegetation in a recently burned area, between 700 and 800 m above sea level, at Chapada Diamantina National Park, Bahia, Brazil, and to discuss the strategies of regeneration for the most

  1. Coriorretinite esclopetária

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    Isaac Carvalho de Oliveira Ramos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de trauma ocular por projétil de arma de fogo, que atingiu e se alojou na cavidade orbitária, desenvolvendo coriorretinite esclopetária. Foram abordados o mecanismo fisiopatológico, os principais achados clínicos e de exames complementares, além das opções de tratamento. As características do caso relatado reforçam a importância de uma abordagem multidisciplinar no trauma ocular.



    Ana Mª Castillo Canalejo; Tomás López Guzmán


    El turismo del vino se está desarrollando significativamente en algunas regiones vitivinícolas del mundo satisfaciendo una demanda de viajeros que buscan unos destinos que supongan la experimentación de nuevas sensaciones que tengan que ver con la cultura local. En esta línea, el objetivo de este artículo es explorar las posibilidades del enoturismo en la isla de Fogo (Cabo Verde). Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se analizan los principales recursos turísticos de esta zona para fomentar este tip...

  3. Análise econômica dos sistemas de produção com acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii de Wild. no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Frederico Dimas Fleig


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Neste trabalho foi feita a análise econômica de dez sistemas de produção de acácia-negra, amostradas em 23 propriedades rurais localizadas nos municípios com tradição na acacicultura. Foram analisados os seguintes sistemas que utilizam a regeneração induzida pelo fogo: acácia-negra (AN em monocultivo (S1, AN com milho (S2, com feijão (S3 e com batata inglesa (S4. Os sistemas de plantio de mudas analisadas foram: AN em monocultivo (S5, monocultivo de AN em sucessão agrícola (S6, AN em consórcio com melancia (S7, com milho (S8, com feijão (S9 e com pecuária (S10. Para a análise econômica foram utilizados os critérios do Valor Liquido Presente (VLP, Valor Esperado da Terra (VET, Razão Beneficio/Custo (RBC e Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR. A idade de rotação otimizada da acácia-negra através da maximização do VLP, foi igual a 7 anos para taxas de juros que variam de 6 a 10% a.a., em todos os sistemas de produção. Em áreas novas, ou onde a regeneração pelo fogo não é possível, o sistema mais eficiente e rentável foi o plantio de mudas consorciado com melancia, pois o VLP, a taxa 6% a.a., foi de 1.436,06 US$/ha e o RBC foi 2,13, para sítios com produtividades médias de 227 st/ha de madeira comercial e 14 t/ha de casca seca a 12% de umidade, aos 7 anos de idade. Em áreas onde é possível a regeneração induzida pelo fogo, o consórcio com batata inglesa é o mais rentável, pois aos 7 anos, em sítios médios o VLP e o RBC, a taxa 6% a.a., foram 1.063,99 US$/ha e 2,13, respectivamente.

  4. Plantas cultivadas e invasoras como habitat para predadores do gênero Orius(Wolff (Heteroptera: anthocoridae Crops and weeds as host plants Orius species (Heteroptera: anthocoridae

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    Luís Cláudio Paterno Silveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar as espécies de Orius associadas a plantas cultivadas e invasoras presentes em uma localidade de Minas Gerais e três de São Paulo, nos anos de 1999 e 2000. As coletas foram realizadas através de batidas das plantas no interior de sacos plásticos para desalojar os insetos. Posteriormente, as espécies foram separadas em laboratório. O predador Orius insidiosus (Say foi coletado nas culturas de milho (Zea mays L., milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L. R.Br., sorgo (Sorghum spp., feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L., girassol (Helianthus annuus L., alfafa (Medicago sativa L., soja [Glycine max (L. Merr.], crisântemo (Chrysanthemum spp., tango (Solidago canadensis L. e cartamus (Carthamus tinctorius L. e nas plantas invasoras picão-preto (Bidens pilosa L., caruru (Amaranthus sp., losna-branca (Parthenium hysterophorus L. e apaga-fogo (Alternanthera ficoidea L.. Orius thyestes Herring foi encontrado nas plantas invasoras picão-preto, caruru e apaga-fogo. Orius perpunctatus (Reuter e Orius sp. foram coletados principalmente nas plantas invasoras picão-preto, caruru e apaga-fogo e no milho. Constatou-se que muitas dessas plantas são reservatórios naturais para esses predadores, em termos de habitat, abrigo, presas e pólen.The aim of this research was to record the Orius species present on some crops and weeds in areas located in the southeast region in Brazil, during 1999 and 2000. The insect collections were made through the tapping method to dislodge the insects from the plant into a plastic bag. The identifications of the specimens was done in the laboratory. Orius insidiosus (Say was collected on the following crops: corn (Zea mays L., pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L. R.Br., sorghum (Sorghum spp., bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., soybean (Glycine max (L. Merr., chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp., tango (Solidago canadensis L. and carthamus

  5. Suscetibilidade do ambiente a ocorrências de queimadas sob condições climáticas atuais e de futuro aquecimento global Environmental susceptibility for the occurance of vegetacion burning under present day and future clobal warming conditions

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    Anailton Sales Mélo


    Full Text Available As queimadas, a nível global, são a segunda maior fonte de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Um passo importante para a redução dos impactos das queimadas é por meio de investigação da suscetibilidade, que um determinado ambiente possui para a queima ou mesmo para o alastramento do fogo (risco de fogo. Diante da necessidade de se conhecer possíveis implicações das mudanças na circulação atmosférica em um futuro próximo, pretende-se neste trabalho investigar a suscetibilidade do ambiente à ocorrência de queimadas, baseado no índice de risco de queimadas, a saber: o Índice de Haines (IH. Para tanto, dados de modelagem numérica do modelo ECHAM5/MPI-OM, e dados das reanálises do NCEP são empregados para os cálculos do IH em dois períodos: atual (1980-2000 e projeções climáticas para o final do século (2080-2100. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que o modelo de risco de fogo reproduz bem as áreas com maior incidência de queimadas sob condições atuais, e que sob condições de aquecimento global detectou-se um aumento na área de risco em especial para a região Amazônica.Vegetation burning is the second source of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. An important step to reduce the climate impact of these emissions is to investigate the atmospheric susceptibility of a region for fire development (fire risk. This study aims to investigate the environmental susceptibility to fire development, based on the burning risk index: the Haines Index (HI. The study is carried out with data from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM climate model and the NCEP reanalysis data, to calculate the HI during two periods: present day (1980-2000 and climate projections for the end of the 21st century (2080-2100. Based upon the results, we concluded that the Haines index could reproduce properly the areas with the highest fire incidence under present conditions. Moreover, it has been found an enlargement in the fire risk area under global

  6. Mortes por suicídio: diferenças de gênero e nível socioeconômico

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    Leticia Marín-León


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência da mortalidade por suicídio e o perfil sociodemográfico, identificando diferenças de sexo e nível socioeconômico. MÉTODOS: Analisou-se a tendência das taxas brutas de suicídio, em Campinas, SP, no período 1976-2001, segundo o sexo. Para a análise sociodemográfica dos óbitos, no período de 1996-2001, foi utilizado o Banco de Dados de Óbitos de Campinas. Para a análise das diferenças socioeconômicas utilizou-se abordagem ecológica, em que as 42 áreas de abrangência das unidades básicas dos serviços de saúde foram agrupadas em quatro estratos homogêneos. Calcularam-se taxas padronizadas por idade (método direto. RESULTADOS: Comparando a outros países, a mortalidade por suicídio no município foi baixa (<5 ób/100.000 hab. A sobremortalidade masculina foi superior a 2,7 suicídios masculinos para cada suicídio feminino. Em 1980-1985 as maiores taxas foram observadas nos adultos de 55 anos e mais; já em 1997-2001 as taxas são mais elevadas nos adultos de 35-54 anos. Entre os homens, os meios mais utilizados são o enforcamento (36,4% e as armas de fogo (31,8%. Entre as mulheres predomina o envenenamento (24,2%, seguido pelas armas de fogo e enforcamento (21,2% cada; este último ocorreu predominantemente no domicílio (75,7%; já as mortes por arma de fogo e envenenamento ocorreram em maior proporção em hospitais. Diferentemente dos homicídios, os suicídios não apresentam aumento progressivo das taxas com a diminuição do nível socioeconômico. CONCLUSÕES: As taxas são baixas, oscilando com aumentos e declínios sucessivos, sem tendência continua de crescimento ou redução. Os riscos de morte por suicídio são maiores nos homens e não aumentam com a redução do nível socioeconômico.

  7. Monitoring of fumarole discharge and CO2 soil degassing in the Azores: contribution to volcanic surveillance and public health risk assessment

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    C. Faria


    Full Text Available Fluid geochemistry monitoring in the Azores involves the regular sampling and analysis of gas discharges from fumaroles and measurements of CO2 diffuse soil gas emissions. Main degassing areas under monitoring are associated with hydrothermal systems of active central volcanoes in S. Miguel, Terceira and Graciosa islands. Fumarole discharge analysis since 1991 show that apart from steam these gas emissions are CO2 dominated with H2S, H2, CH4 and N2 in minor amounts. Mapping of CO2 diffuse soil emissions in S. Miguel Island lead to the conclusion that some inhabited areas are located within hazard-zones. At Furnas village, inside Furnas volcano caldera, about 62% of the 896 houses are within the CO2 anomaly, 5% being in areas of moderate to high risk. At Ribeira Seca, on the north flank of Fogo volcano, few family houses were evacuated when CO2 concentrations in the air reached 8 mol%. To assess and analyse the CO2 soil flux emissions, continuous monitoring stations were installed in S. Miguel (2, Terceira and Graciosa islands. The statistical analysis of the data showed that some meteorological parameters influence the CO2 flux. The average of CO2 flux in S. Miguel stations ranges from 250 g/m2/d at Furnas volcano to 530 g/m2/d at Fogo volcano. At Terceira Island it is about 330 g/m2/d and at Graciosa 4400 g/m2/d.

  8. Sistemática do gênero Nectomys Peters, 1861 (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae)


    Elisandra de Almeida Chiquito


    A tribo Oryzomyini abriga 34 dos 86 gêneros sigmodontíneos e apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica, ocorrendo em diversos habitats desde a Terra do Fogo ao sudeste dos Estados Unidos; com representantes cursoriais, arborícolas ou ainda semi-aquáticos, e com diferentes hábitos alimentares, variando de onívoros a insetívoros. Estudos sistemáticos nessa tribo têm sido desenvolvidos com base em dados de morfologia, morfometria, informações citogenéticas e moleculares, o que vêm contribuindo par...



    Ana Paula Sales Silva; Elenir Rose Jardim Cury Pontes; João Ricardo Filgueiras Tognini


    Objetivo: Este estudo transversal analisou as características epidemiológicas de adolescentes internados por ferimentos por armas de fogo e armas brancas em três serviços de emergência de Campo Grande, MS, e estimou os gastos hospitalares dessas internações. Métodos: Os dados, de 78 adolescentes (71 masculinos e 7 femininas) de 10 a 19 anos, foram coletados de prontuários abrangendo o período de um ano. Dados sobre custos provieram dos espelhos de autorizações de internação hospitalar. Result...

  10. Fatores preditivos de morbidade e mortalidade no trauma penetrante do cólon


    Thiago Rodrigues Araujo Calderan


    Resumo: A lesão de cólon, que ocorre em 25% a 41% dos ferimentos por projétil de arma de fogo (FPAF) e em 5% a 20% dos ferimentos por arma branca (FAB) que acometem o abdome, apesar de possuir baixa mortalidade, apresenta uma alta morbidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar quais os fatores prognósticos envolvidos no aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade no trauma penetrante do cólon. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo de 21 anos, em que 462 pacientes foram admitidos com traum...

  11. Earlier history of the ≥70-Ma-old Canary hotspot based on the temporal and geochemical evolution of the Selvagen Archipelago and neighboring seamounts in the eastern North Atlantic (United States)

    Geldmacher, Jörg; Hoernle, Kaj; van den Bogaard, Paul; Zankl, Goor; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter


    Major element, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data, combined with 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, of volcanic rocks from the Selvagen Islands and neighboring seamounts in the eastern North Atlantic reveal the earlier history of the ≥70 Ma old Canary hotspot. A basanitic to phonolitic late shield stage intrusive complex (29 Ma) is exposed on Selvagem Pequena. The evolution of Selvagem Grande can be divided into three magmatic phases: a tephritic to phonolitic late shield stage intrusive complex (24-26 Ma) and two rejuvenated or post-erosional stages (8-12 and 3.4 Ma) consisting of alkali basalt, basanite and rare phonolite. During the early to mid-Miocene volcanic hiatus (12-24 Ma), the top of the volcano was beneath sea level as evidenced by marine carbonate sediments (13-24 Ma, dated through correlation of 87Sr/86Sr with the seawater Sr isotope curve). The geochemistry of the shield stage lavas indicates that they derive from plume sources, whereas the post-erosional lavas are derived from metasomatized lithospheric sources. Five sampled seamounts to the east and northeast of the islands range in composition from alkali basalt and basanite to phonolite. Samples from Dacia, Conception Bank and Lars were dated at 9, 17 and 68 Ma, respectively. Geochemical data suggest that the dredged samples come from the post-erosional stage of volcanism, and therefore, the dates represent minimum ages for the seamount volcanoes. The elevation of erosional platforms formed at wave base decrease from Selvagen Grande (∼100 m above sea level) to Lars seamount (∼900 m below sea level), suggesting a southwest to northwest age progression and that all of these seamounts are older than the Selvagen Islands. Trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition of the Selvagen Islands and neighboring seamounts are consistent with their origin from the Canary plume. Interaction of the weak Canary mantle plume with a slow moving plate appears to be responsible for generating a 450-km

  12. Estudo retrospectivo de janeiro de 1998 a maio de 2005, no Hospital Universitário de Maringá, sobre ferimentos por arma branca e arma de fogo - doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v29i2.1084 Retrospective study (january 1998 / may 2005 at the University Hospital of Maringá, on wounds caused by edged weapons and firearms - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.1084

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    Ana Carolina Schiavon


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as características dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Maringá (HUM, com ferimento por arma branca (FAB e por arma de fogo (FAF, quanto ao sexo, idade, às regiões corporais, órgãos mais atingidos, tempo de internamento, complicações e mortalidade. Após análise de uma planilha elaborada para a pesquisa, observou-se que 68% dos atendimentos foram por FAB e 32%, por FAF, sendo a maioria homens (mais de 90%, adultos jovens (2ª e 3ª década, por FAF e FAB, respectivamente. As regiões mais acometidas foram abdome e tórax. e os órgãos mais atingidos foram intestino delgado e fígado, na lesão por arma branca, e fígado e intestino delgado, no FAF. A complicação mais comum foi o choque hipovolêmico. Concluiu-se que os FAB ocorreram em maior número no sexo masculino, na terceira década de vidaThe objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of patients assisted at the University Hospital of Maringá (HUM with wounds from edged weapons (EWW or firearms (FW, in regards to gender, age, wounded body areas, most affected body organs, length of hospitalization, complications and mortality rates. After the analysis of a worksheet elaborated for the study, it was observed that 68% of admissions had been for EWW and 32% for FW. The majority were men (90% and young adults (20s and 30s, for FW and EWW, respectively. The most affected body areas were the abdomen and thorax, and the most wounded organs were, in order: the small intestine and liver for EWW, and the liver and small intestine for FW. The most common complication was hypovolemic shock. It was concluded that EWW had occurred in larger numbers than FW, with predominance in males in their 30s

  13. Wildfires, soil carbon balance and resilient organic matter in Mediterranean ecosystems. A review Los incendios forestales, el balance de carbono en el suelo y la materia orgánica resiliente en ecosistemas mediterráneos. Una revision Incêndios florestais, balanço do carbono no solo e matéria orgânica resiliente em ecossistemas mediterrânicos. Uma revisâo

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    Gonzalo Almendros


    principales efectos sistemáticos del fuego sobre la materia orgánica incluyen cambios en su solubilidad y propiedades coloidales, así como degradación térmica selectiva, condensaciones estructurales y ciclación de formas de C y N en el suelo. Estos efectos, en conjunto, se consideran responsables del aumento en la diversidad química de la materia orgánica debido a la generación térmica de nuevos compuestos inexistentes en los correspondientes suelos no afectados por el fuego. Además de ello, deben considerarse los efectos no sistemáticos del fuego, que dependen de las condiciones ambientales locales y la amplia diversidad de los tipos de incendios. También se discuten los resultados de estudios sobre efectos del fuego en experimentos de simulación en laboratorio, que constituyen una aproximación experimental indispensable para diferenciar los efectos intrínsecos de los incendios en el suelo de aquellos producidos por aportes de necromasa carbonizada. Finalmente, se revisan los efectos del fuego en la estructura molecular de las sustancias húmicas, que pueden ser asociadas con cambios en las propiedades de los suelos, en particular respecto a la resistencia a la biodegradación, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, disponibilidad de N, repelencia al agua y estabilidad de los agregados del suelo.

    Neste estudo faz-se uma revisão dos efeitos dos incêndios florestais nos solos mediterrânicos dando particular enfase aos efeitos nos processos biogeoquímicos de acumulação e sequestro de C no solo. Por outro lado, revem-se os aspectos relacionados com os efeitos dos incêndios sobre a composição e propriedades das substâncias húmicas e outras formas resilientes de C no solo. Os principais efeitos sistemáticos do fogo sobre a matéria orgânica incluem alterações da sua solubilidade e propriedades coloidais, bem como degradação térmica selectiva e condensação e ciclagem das formas de C e N no solo. Estes efeitos


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    Andréia dos Santos Sachete


    Full Text Available A história de Kaspar Hauser foi retratada em filme pelo autor Werner Herzog. Este filme apresenta uma criança selvagem, encarcerada, sem nenhum contato verbal ou social até por volta de seus 16 anos. Esta criança, quando levada a uma comunidade alemã, passa a ser objeto de curiosidade e estudo, devido a não conseguir se expressar, conceituar, raciocinar, ou até mesmo diferenciar sonho de realidade. Durante sua convivência nesta comunidade, pôde ser observado o seu desenvolvimento na linguagem e sua socialização. Este artigo reflete sobre o desenvolvimento linguístico e social de Kaspar Hauser, sob o viés do sócio-interacionismo vygotskiano. Destaca-se que, a interação com outro indivíduo foi essêncial para o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem do protagonista do filme.

  15. Traumatic injuries during the postoperative period after orthognathic surgery in patient with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate = Injúria traumática durante o período pós-operatório após cirurgia ortognática em paciente com fissura transforame incisivo bilateral

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    Menezes, Luciane Macedo de


    Conclusão: Pacientes que realizaram cirurgia ortognática estão sujeitos a complicações pós-operatórias; infecção, acidentes com veículo motor, armas de fogo, violência doméstica estão entre as causas mais comuns citadas de complicações no pós-operatório tardio. O conhecimento dessas intercorrências possibilita que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas para evitarem-se complicações graves principalmente em pacientes com fissuras que necessitam da abordagem de uma equipe interdisciplinar composta por profissionais de saúde

  16. Materiais compósitos à base de gesso contendo eva (Etileno Acetato de Vinila) e vermiculita: otimização de misturas e propriedades termomecânicas


    Oliveira, Marilia Pereira de


    O gesso é um dos materiais de construção mais antigos que se tem conhecimento. Algumas de suas propriedades lhe confere vantagens como, resistência ao fogo, isolamentos térmico e acústico. Em virtude de ser um ligante menos agressivo ao ambiente que o cimento Portland, seu uso deve ser incentivado e novas aplicações estudadas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as propriedades físico-mecânicas e térmicas de compósitos à base de gesso com a incorporação de vermiculita e de...

  17. Aquisição e Processamento de Imagens de Microscopia em Balística Forense


    Mota, Tiago Miguel Barbosa


    As novas tecnologias aplicadas ao processamento de imagem e reconhecimento de padrões têm sido alvo de um grande progresso nas últimas décadas. A sua aplicação é transversal a diversas áreas da ciência, nomeadamente a área da balística forense. O estudo de evidências (invólucros e projeteis) encontradas numa cena de crime, recorrendo a técnicas de processamento e análise de imagem, é pertinente pelo facto de, aquando do disparo, as armas de fogo imprimirem marcas únicas nos invólucros e projé...

  18. The Daughters of Fire: Walter Hugo Khouri's female gothic

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    Daniel Serravalle de Sá


    This article seeks to investigate the connections between WalterHugo Khouri’s film As Filhas do Fogo (1978 and the Gothicstressing matters of gender, race and nationality. More than asimple re-classification, this Gothic framework of study seeks todemonstrate that the representation of necromancy, mysteriousdeaths and female imprisonment in a tropical manor suggest issueslinked to Brazilian cultural identity and concerns. By associatingKhouri’s film to a form that is representative of popularentertainment this article seeks to establish a case in point ofhow the notion of Gothic can be a useful concept in the investigationof Brazilian film history.

  19. Uso do fogo em propriedades rurais do cerrado em Cavalcante, GO

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    Daniel Xavier Lara


    Full Text Available The use of fire as a land tool management is a common practice in the agricultural area. This practice requires a lot of care to avoid forest fires and uncontrollable fires. The uncontrollable fires can reach plantations, pastures and improvements. The objective of this work was to evaluate the fire management patterns and economic impacts of the fire management in the country areas in the region of Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the city of Cavalcante, Goiás. The data collection was made by means of direct interviews, burnt areas, improvements damages and costs evaluation. Fifty agricultural producers used the fire as a tool of farming handling. The first stage of the data collection was carried out during 2003. Information on the size of burnt area, damages and investments in wildfire prevention was collected. The second survey, mode with the same 50 land owners, was carried out in 2004 dry station. The data of 2003 and 2004 was compared. Results showed that the use of fire, in such a place, causes damages for those land owners who use the fire as a land management tool and for land owners who do not use it. The lack of prevention activities and fire control approaches are the main causes of uncrontrolled burnts in Chapada dos Veadeiros.

  20. Disquisiciones en torno al portunhol selvagem. Del horror de los profesores a una “lengua pura”

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    Jorge J. Locane


    Full Text Available Los Estados-nación latinoamericanos fueron fundados por las élites criollas a partir de una ideología monolingüe que debía organizar también las literaturas nacionales. Frente a este principio, recientemente han comenzado a ganar visibilidad literaturas producidas en zonas de tránsito cultural y lingüístico que cuestionan aquellos órdenes de cuño colonial. Este estudio destaca la importancia de la literatura elaborada en la frontera entre Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina y Paraguay, y pone en evidencia cómo su emergencia, al haber provocado la reacción de voceros de agencias normativas, no deja de problematizar intereses culturales y comerciales. Latin American nation states were founded by creole elites based on a monolingual ideology that should also organize national literatures. In opposition to this principle, literatures produced in areas of cultural and linguistic transit have recently begun to gain visibility questioning those colonial orders. This study highlights the importance of literature produced on the border between Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay and demonstrates how its emergence, having caused the regulatory agencies spokesmen’s reaction, problematizes cultural and commercial interests.

  1. Canine distemper virus infection in a lesser grison (Galictis cuja: first report and virus phylogeny Infecção pelo vírus da cinomose canina em um furão (Galictis cuja: primeiro relato e filogenia viral

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    Jane Megid


    Full Text Available Infectious diseases in wild animals have been increasing as a result of their habitat alterations and closer contact with domestic animals. Canine distemper virus (CDV has been reported in several species of wild carnivores, presenting a threat to wildlife conservation. We described the first case of canine distemper virus infection in lesser grison (Galictis cuja. A free-ranging individual, with no visible clinical sigs, presented sudden death after one day in captivity. Molecular diagnosis for CDV infection was performed using whole blood collected by postmortem intracardiac puncture, which resulted positive. The virus phylogeny indicated that domestic dogs were the probable source of infection.Doenças infecciosas em animais selvagens têm aumentado devido às alterações em seu habitat e ao maior contato com animais domésticos. A cinomose já foi descrita em diversas espécies de carnívoros selvagens, representando uma ameaça à conservação da vida selvagem. Nesse estudo é descrito o primeiro caso de infecção pelo vírus da cinomose em um furão (Galictis cuja. Um indivíduo de vida livre, sem sinais clínicos aparentes, apresentou morte súbita após um dia em cativeiro. Foi realizado o diagnóstico molecular para detecção do vírus da cinomose canina, sendo o resultado positivo. A filogenia do vírus indicou que cães domésticos foram a provável fonte de infecção.

  2. Pneumonia lipóide exógena – Caso clínico

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    Daniela Ferreira


    Full Text Available Resumo: A pneumonia lipóide exógena (PLE é uma patologia pouco frequente que resulta da aspiração ou inalação de hidrocarbonetos exógenos. A forma aguda pode observar-se em casos de aspiração acidental de material lipídico descrita tradicionalmente em cuspidores-de-fogo.Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma PLE aguda de um paciente de 19 anos, cuspidor de fogo, que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência após inalação de petróleo.Tecem-se ainda breves considerações sobre os aspectos clínico-imagiológicos mais relevantes desta situação.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (6: 567-572 Abstract: Exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP is an infrequent pathology that results from the aspiration or inhalation of exogenous hydrocarbon. The acute form may be seen in cases of accidental aspiration of fatlike material traditionally described in fire-eaters.The authors present the case report of an acute ELP in a 19 year-old patient, fire-eater, admitted at the Emergency Room after inhalation of petroleum.By conclusion, some brief considerations on clinical-imagiological aspects of this situation are discussed.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (6: 567-572 Palavras-chave: Aspiração, hidrocarbonetos, broncofibroscopia, oil-red, Key-words: Aspiration, hydrocarbon, bronchoscopy, “oil red”

  3. Compósitos à base de gesso com resíduos de EVA e vermiculita


    Oliveira,Marilia P. de; Barbosa,Normando P.; Torres,Sandro M.; Leal,Antonio F.; Silva,Cibelle G.


    O gesso é um dos materiais de construção mais antigos de que se tem conhecimento. Algumas de suas propriedades lhes conferem vantagens, tais como resistência ao fogo e isolamentos térmico e acústico. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar as propriedades físico-mecânicas de compósitos à base de gesso com a incorporação de resíduos da indústria de calçados, o etileno acetato de vinila (EVA) e a vermiculita. O desenvolvimento desses compósitos tem como propósito a produção de elementos de rev...

  4. Avaliação diagnóstica da laparoscopia associada à análise do líquido intraperitoneal nas lesões intra-abdominais provocadas por arma de ar comprimido: estudo experimental em cães


    Lima, Cássio Renato Montenegro de; Steinman, Eliana; Novo, Fernando da Costa Ferreira; Heil, Romualdo Izon; Poggetti, Renato Sérgio; Birolini, Dario


    Avaliação de eficácia da laparoscopia, associada à análise bacteriológica do líquido intraperitoneal pela coloração de Gram., no diagnóstico de lesões intra-abdominais provocadas em cães com arma de ar comprimido. A alta incidência de óbitos como resultado de ferimentos por arma de fogo tem contribuído para implantação de novas técnicas diagnósticas. O uso crescente de laparoscopia diagnóstica em urgências torna necessário aprimorar qualidade e fidedignidade dos resultados obtidos. Este exper...

  5. Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits - Diseases of Vegetable Crops - Diseases of Grapes - Diseases of Tree Nuts. (United States)

    Petersen, Donald H.; And Others

    This agriculture extension service publication from Pennsylvania State University consists of four sections on plant disease recognition and control. The titles of these four sections are: (1) Some Important Diseases of Tree Fruits; (2) Diseases of Vegetable Crops; (3) Diseases of Crops; and (4) Diseases of Tree Nuts. The first section discusses…

  6. Renal disease in patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Boonpheng, Boonphiphop; Cheungpasitporn, Wisit; Wijarnpreecha, Karn


    Celiac disease, an inflammatory disease of small bowel caused by sensitivity to dietary gluten and related protein, affects approximately 0.5-1% of the population in the Western world. Extra-intestinal symptoms and associated diseases are increasingly recognized including diabetes mellitus type 1, thyroid disease, dermatitis herpetiformis and ataxia. There have also been a number of reports of various types of renal involvement in patients with celiac disease including diabetes nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome related to malabsorption, oxalate nephropathy, and associations of celiac disease with chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease. This review aims to present the current literature on possible pathologic mechanisms underlying renal disease in patients with celiac disease.

  7. [Periodontal disease in pediatric rheumatic diseases]. (United States)

    Fabri, Gisele M C; Savioli, Cynthia; Siqueira, José T; Campos, Lucia M; Bonfá, Eloisa; Silva, Clovis A


    Gingivitis and periodontitis are immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases characterized by chronic localized infections usually associated with insidious inflammation This narrative review discusses periodontal diseases and mechanisms influencing the immune response and autoimmunity in pediatric rheumatic diseases (PRD), particularly juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (C-SLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Gingivitis was more frequently observed in these diseases compared to health controls, whereas periodontitis was a rare finding. In JIA patients, gingivitis and periodontitis were related to mechanical factors, chronic arthritis with functional disability, dysregulation of the immunoinflammatory response, diet and drugs, mainly corticosteroids and cyclosporine. In C-SLE, gingivitis was associated with longer disease period, high doses of corticosteroids, B-cell hyperactivation and immunoglobulin G elevation. There are scarce data on periodontal diseases in JDM population, and a unique gingival pattern, characterized by gingival erythema, capillary dilation and bush-loop formation, was observed in active patients. In conclusion, gingivitis was the most common periodontal disease in PRD. The observed association with disease activity reinforces the need for future studies to determine if resolution of this complication will influence disease course or severity. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Antinomias do zoológico humano: sociabilidade selvagem, reality shows e regressão da consciência

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    Francisco Rüdiger


    Full Text Available Estuda-se no artigo as articulações ideológicas e sentido histórico dos chamados reality shows na sociedade brasileira contemporânea. Em primeiro, situamos o gênero numa perspectiva histórica, sublinhado suas raí­zes religiosas e populares em conexão com a formação do sistema de poder próprio do Ocidente. Depois, expõem-se alguns aspectos do fenômeno, chamando atenção para sua estrutura interna e seu sentido concreto em nossa organização societária, com base nas suas versões brasileiras. Em terceiro, focamos os textos nas relações de poder que se articulam por meio desses programas, discutindo algumas das várias teorizações a seu respeito. Adiante e continuando a recorrer a matérias de imprensa, procede-se a um julgamento dessas últimas, visando propor uma interpretação histórica de seu significado. A conclusão retorna ao marco inicial e oferece uma visão geral em que talvez se possa pensar melhor o que está em jogo nos reality shows. Palavras-chave reality shows no Brasil, programas de televisão, sociabilidade Abstract This article analyses the ideological connections and historical meaning of the so-called reality shows in the contemporary Brazillian society. At first, we locate this genre in a historical perspective, stressing its religious and popular roots but also the connections between it and the power systems that have built Western World. Secondly, the text expose the main features of this kind of television show, calling attention to its inner structure but also to its meaning in our social organization, making critical remarks about their Brazillian versions. Focusing on the power relations that are articulated in it, we discuss some theories made about them. The historical meaning of these shows in our present circumstances is projected in the fourth stage of the article, that explores some materials extracted from the press. Finally, we return to the larger historical context and offer a general interpretation to think these programs in it. Key words brazillian reality shows, television shows, sociability

  9. Groundwater resources of Mosteiros basin, island of Fogo, Cape Verde, West Africa (United States)

    Heilweil, Victor M.; Gingerich, Stephen B.; Plummer, Niel; Verstraeten, Ingrid M.


    Groundwater resources in Cape Verde provide water for agriculture, industry, and human consumption. These resources are limited and susceptible to contamination. Additional groundwater resources are needed for continued agricultural development, particularly during times of drought, but increased use and (or) climatic change may have adverse effects on the quantity and quality of freshwater available. In volcanic island aquifers such as those of Cape Verde, a lens of fresh groundwater typically ?floats? upon a layer of brackish water at the freshwater/saltwater boundary, and increased pumping may cause salt water intrusion or other contamination. A recent U.S. Geological Survey study assessed baseline groundwater conditions in watersheds on three islands of Cape Verde to provide the scientific basis for sustainably developing water resources and minimizing future groundwater depletion and contamination.

  10. Screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Skaaby, Tea; Sørensen, Lars Tue


    Knowledge about temporal associations for screen-detected gallstone disease and cardiovascular disease is limited. The objective of this study was to determine if screen-detected gallstones or cholecystectomy was associated with development of cardiovascular disease. A cohort study of three...... of cardiovascular disease through nationwide registers until December 2014. Multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed including traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors and apolipoprotein E genotype. Gallstone disease was identified in 10% (591/5928) of participants at baseline of whom 6.8% had...... gallstones and 3.2% had cholecystectomy. The study population was followed for a period of 32 years with only 1% lost to follow-up. Gallstone disease was associated with all cardiovascular disease (hazard ratio (HR) 1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.17;1.59]) and to the subgroups coronary artery (HR 1...

  11. Hazard Potential of Volcanic Flank Collapses Raised by New Megatsunami Evidence (United States)

    Ramalho, R. S.; Winckler, G.; Madeira, J.; Helffrich, G. R.; Hipólito, A.; Quartau, R.; Adena, K.; Schaefer, J. M.


    Large-scale gravitational flank collapses of steep volcanic islands are hypothetically capable of triggering megatsunamis with highly catastrophic effects. Yet evidence for the existence and impact of collapsed-triggered megatsunamis and their run-up heights remains scarce and/or is highly contentious. Therefore a considerable debate still exists over the potential magnitude of collapse-triggered tsunamis and their inherent hazard. In particular, doubts still remain whether or not large-scale flank failures typically generate enough volume flux to result in megatsunamis, or alternatively operate by slow-moving or multiple smaller episodic failures with much lower tsunamigenic potential. Here we show that one of the tallest and most active oceanic volcanoes on Earth - Fogo, in the Cape Verde Islands - collapsed catastrophically and triggered a megatsunami with devastating near-field effects ~73,000 years ago. Our deductions are based on the recent discovery and cosmogenic 3He dating of tsunamigenic deposits - comprising fields of stranded megaclasts, chaotic conglomerates, and sand sheets - found on the adjacent Santiago Island, which attest to the impact of this megatsunami and document wave run-up heights exceeding 270 m. The evidence reported here implies that Fogo's flank failure involved at least one sudden and voluminous event that resulted in a megatsunami, in contrast to what has been suggested before. Our work thus provides another line of evidence that large-scale flank failures at steep volcanic islands may indeed happen catastrophically and are capable of triggering tsunamis of enormous height and energy. This new line of evidence therefore reinforces the hazard potential of volcanic island collapses and stands as a warning that such hazard should not be underestimated, particularly in areas where volcanic island edifices are close to other islands or to highly populated continental margins.

  12. Polimorfismo molecular em Lonchocarpus cultratus (Fabaceae de áreas ripárias de reflorestamento natural no alto rio Paraná, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i3.1596 Molecular polymorphism in Lonchocarpus cultratus (Fabaceae from riparian areas of natural reforesting in Upper Paraná River, Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i3.1596

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    Léia Carolina Lucio


    Full Text Available No Sul e Sudeste do Brasil, Lonchocarpus cultratus (Vell. A.M.G. Azevedo e H.C. Lima é uma espécie arbórea importante para o reflorestamento natural, incluindo áreas ripárias. Em florestas regeneradas, diferentemente de florestas não perturbadas, esta espécie tem sido observada como agregados de plantas semelhantes entre si, ao ponto de ter sido formulada a hipótese de serem clones. Em um estudo prévio, brotamento de raízes foi observado em L. cultratus, em uma floresta afetada pelo fogo. No presente estudo, análises de polimorfismo de RAPD revelaram alta diversidade genética entre as plantas de agregados de L. cultratus, em uma floresta ripária afetada pelo fogo, no alto rio Paraná. Os dados permitem sugerir que reprodução sexual tem sido a usual estratégia reprodutiva de colonização de L. cultratus, nesta área de reflorestamento naturalLonchocarpus cultratus (Vell. A.M.G. Azevedo and H.C. Lima is an important plant species in areas of natural reforesting in South and Southeastern Brazil, including riparian areas. This arboreous species seems to reproduce by seeds in undisturbed forests. In regenerating forests, however, L. cultratus has been observed mostly as patches of aggregates, consisting of highly similar plants, resembling clones. Sprouting from root buds had been previously observed in L. cultratus in a forest affected by fire. In the present study, RAPD polymorphism revealed high genetic diversity among plants from L. cultratus aggregates in a natural restoring riparian forest affected by fires, in the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. These data allow the suggestion that sexual reproduction has been the L. cultratus usual reproductive strategy to colonize the reforesting riparian area

  13. Projeto de lajes mistas nervuradas de concreto em incêndio

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    I. Pierin

    Full Text Available As normas brasileiras de estruturas em situação de incêndio fornecem dimensões mínimas para as lajes nervuradas para assegurar as funções corta fogo e de estabilidade estrutural. Porém, uma nova laje mista nervurada lançada no mercado brasileiro não é coberta por qualquerdas normas brasileiras para a situação de incêndio. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados inéditos, frutos de análises numéricastérmicas e estruturais para esse tipo de laje. Foram estudadas lajes com preenchimento de bloco de concreto celular, lajota cerâmica e EPSsuportado por placa cimentícia. O sistema construtivo é considerado como isolante térmico se possuir a capacidade de impedir a ocorrência,na face que não está exposta ao incêndio, de incrementos de temperatura maiores que 140 ºC na média dos pontos de medida ou maioresque 180 ºC em qualquer ponto de medida. A função estrutural foi determinada admitindo a limitação da temperatura das armaduras de vigas elajes em 500 ºC. As análises foram realizadas com auxílio dos programas ATERM e Super Tempcalc, programas computacionais para análisetérmica bidimensional de transferência de calor, por meio do método dos elementos finitos. Como resultado, serão apresentadas tabelas quecorrelacionarão o TRRF (tempo requerido de resistência ao fogo às dimensões da laje e posição das armaduras. Antes do uso em projeto,esses resultados deverão ser confirmados por análise experimental.

  14. Fossil Groups as Cosmological Labs (United States)

    D'Onghia, Elena

    Optical and X-ray measurements of fossil groups (FGs) suggest that they are old and relaxed systems. If FGs are assembled at higher redshift, there is enough time for intermediate-luminosity galaxies to merge, resulting in the formation of the brightest group galaxy (BGG). We carry out the first, systematic study of a large sample of FGs, the "FOssil Group Origins'' (FOGO) based on an International Time Project at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory. For ten FOGO FGs we have been awarded time at SUZAKU Telescope to measure the temperature of the hot intragroup gas (IGM). For these systems we plan to evaluate and correlate their X-ray luminosity and X-ray temperature, Lx-Tx, optical luminosity and X-ray temperature, Lopt-Tx, and group velocity dispersion with their X-ray temperature, sigma V-Tx, as compared to the non fossil systems. By combining these observations with state-of-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulations we will open a new window into the study of the IGM and the nature of fossil systems. Our proposed work will be of direct relevance for the understanding and interpretation of data from several NASA science missions. Specifically, the scaling relations obtained from these data combined with our predictions obtained using state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulation numerical adopting a new hydrodynamical scheme will motivate new proposal on CHANDRA X-ray telescope for fossil groups and clusters. We will additionally create a public Online Planetarium Show. This will be an educational site, containing an interactive program called: "A Voyage to our Universe''. In the show we will provide observed images of fossil groups and similar images and movies obtained from the numerical simulations showing their evolution. The online planetarium show will be a useful reference and an interactive educational tool for both students and the public.

  15. Fotografia, Patrimônio e Mundialização da Cultura: um relato de experiência da exposição “Barco de Fogo”

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    Rosana Eduardo da Silva Leal


    Full Text Available As exposições fotográficas constituem importantes ferramentas de difusão artística, educativa e cultural. Quando realizadas no exterior, atuam como mecanismos de promoção e mundialização das culturas, servindo como instrumentos importantes de valorização do patrimônio e das identidades de povos e sociedades.  É nesta vertente que se situa o presente trabalho, que tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre fotografia, patrimônio e mundialização da cultura, por meio da exposição fotográfica “Barco de Fogo”, do artista sergipano Márcio Garcez. O barco de fogo constitui uma das manifestações culturais mais significativas do estado de Sergipe, fazendo parte do ciclo junino do estado. Sua produção envolve um considerado número de pessoas presentes desde o processo de confecção, passando pela soltura e chegando à apresentação. Sua confecção se dá nos barracões existentes no município, estando embasada em um trabalho coletivo que está associado a uma mistura de carpintaria, engenharia e artesanato. Tal manifestação cultural resulta de um saber-fazer construído por meio de sensibilidade, criatividade e engenhosidade de seus artesãos, conhecidos como fogueteiros. Para refletir sobre tais temas, trataremos do papel da fotografia como registro documental, etnográfico e histórico, considerando sua importância como fonte de pesquisa sobre o patrimônio dos povos e comportamentos culturais. Posteriormente apresentaremos a cultura dos barcos de fogo, tema principal da exposição aqui apresentada, bem como seu autor. E em seguida, trataremos das edições da referida mostra artística.

  16. Detecção de cicatrizes de incêndios florestais utilizando a técnica de análise por vetor de mudança na terra indígena sete de setembro - Rondônia / Forest fire scars detection using change-vector analysis in the sete de setembro indigenous land - Rondonia

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    Philip Martin Fearnside


    Full Text Available A Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro (TISS localiza-se no arco do desmatamento, caracterizada por ser uma região de grande pressão antrópica. Esta condição a torna susceptível às ameaças da degradação florestal por incêndios, exploração madeireira ilegal e corte raso para uso agropecuário. Assim, esse estudo teve por finalidade mapear áreas de floresta afetadas pela ação do fogo no período de 2010 a 2011, utilizando imagens TM/Landsat e a técnica de detecção por análise de vetor de mudança. Os resultados mostraram uma área total de 4.187 hectares de florestas afetadas pelo fogo no interior da TISS, correspondendo a cerca de 1,7 % da área total da terra indígena. O monitoramento de terras indígenas por técnicas de sensoriamento remoto é fundamental para avaliar a vulnerabilidade dessas áreas às pressões humanas.AbstractThe Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land is situated in Brazil’s “arc of deforestation,” which is a region characterized by high anthropic pressure. This makes the reserve susceptible to forest degradation by fires, illegal logging and clearcutting for agriculture and ranching. The purpose of the present study was to map forest areas affected by fire from 2010 to 2011 using TM/Landsat images and the changevector analysis detection technique. The results showed a total area of 4187 hectares of forest affected by fire in the indigenous reserve, or about 1.7% of the total reserve area. Monitoring of indigenous lands by remote sensing techniques is essential in order to evaluate the vulnerability of these areas to pressures from human activities.

  17. Lysosomal storage disease 2 - Pompe's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Ploeg, Ans T.; Reuser, Arnold J. J.


    Pompe's disease, glycogen-storage disease type II, and acid maltase deficiency are alternative names for the same metabolic disorder. It is a pan-ethnic autosomal recessive trait characterised by acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency leading to lysosomal glycogen storage. Pompe's disease is also

  18. Resistência de maciços rochosos estruturalmente complexos de mineração submetidos a carregamentos dinâmicos


    Tejada Cervantes, Luis Martin


    Esta tese de doutorado foi desenvolvida numa fase de construção de taludes altos numa cava a céu aberto de mineração e trata da estimativa de parâmetros de resistência e deformabilidade do maciço rochoso antes e após da escavação a fogo (carregamentos dinâmicos) numa parede rochosa geológica e estruturalmente complexa na mineração de cobre Tintaya para assim avaliar a provável redução de parâmetros num determinado volume dentro do maciço rochoso com perturbação induzida pelo rápido avance ...

  19. Aplicação da técnica de simulação para análise da superposição de ondas sísmicas geradas em desmonte de rocha pela dispersão dos tempos de retardo utilizando o método de Monte Carlo


    Klen, André Monteiro


    Este trabalho é resultado de um estudo através de simulação baseada no Método de Monte Carlo, da relação que existe entre a dispersão dos tempos de retardo dos acessórios de iniciação e elementos de retardos de superfície com o excesso de vibração provocado pela superposição de ondas sísmicas em atividades de desmonte de rocha por explosivo em lavra a céu aberto. As conclusões foram desenvolvidas a partir dos resultados gerados pela simulação de diferentes planos de fogo, constituídos por ret...

  20. Estudo comparativo do comportamento da costura em tecido que retarda a chama submetida ao calor e à chama


    Sandra Monteiro de Albuquerque


    A necessária atenção que se dá à seleção do tecido base da vestimenta de proteção ao calor e ao fogo é, algumas vezes, negligenciada no momento da confecção do produto. Fatores como a terceirização do processo de costura pelas empresas e a inspeção de qualidade somente no seu final, podem dificultar tanto o acompanhamento do processo de confecção, quanto a observação das especificações das normas regulamentadoras, possibilitando produção de vestimentas ineficazes na sua função protetora. A in...

  1. Farber's Disease (United States)

    ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ... management, and therapy of rare diseases, including the lipid storage diseases. Research on lipid storage diseases within the Network includes ...

  2. Association between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases

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    Patrícia Weidlich


    Full Text Available Current evidence suggests that periodontal disease may be associated with systemic diseases. This paper reviewed the published data about the relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes and respiratory diseases, focusing on studies conducted in the Brazilian population. Only a few studies were found in the literature focusing on Brazilians (3 concerning cardiovascular disease, 7 about pregnancy outcomes, 9 about diabetes and one regarding pneumonia. Although the majority of them observed an association between periodontitis and systemic conditions, a causal relationship still needs to be demonstrated. Further studies, particularly interventional well-designed investigations, with larger sample sizes, need to be conducted in Brazilian populations.

  3. Link Between Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (United States)

    Shah, Ayesha; Walker, Marjorie; Burger, Daniel; Martin, Neal; von Wulffen, Moritz; Koloski, Natasha; Jones, Mike; Talley, Nicholas J; Holtmann, Gerald J


    The aim of this analysis was to assess in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) the risk of celiac disease and in celiac disease patients the risk of IBD. Previous studies report a possible association between IBD and celiac disease; however, this link is controversial. Using the search terms "inflammatory bowel disease" and "celiac disease," we identified initially 1525 publications. In total 27 studies met inclusion criteria. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the prevalence of IBD in celiac disease and vice versa were compared with published prevalence rates for the respective geographic regions. We included 41,482 adult IBD patients (20,357 with Crohn's disease; 19,791 with ulcerative colitis; and 459 patients with celiac disease). Overall, in IBD patients the prevalence of celiac disease was 1110/100,000 (95% CI, 1010-1210/100,000) as compared with a prevalence of 620/100,000 (95% CI, 610-630/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.99-2.50). In contrast, in patients with celiac disease, 2130/100,000 had IBD (95% CI, 1590-2670/100,000) as compared with 260/100,000 (95% CI, 250/100,000-270/100,000) in the respective populations (odds ratio, 11.10; 95% CI, 8.55-14.40). This effect was not different for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Although there was no evidence for publication bias for celiac disease in IBD, the funnel plot suggested that the association between IBD in celiac disease might be influenced by publication bias. The data are consistent with the notion that celiac disease is a risk factor for IBD and to lesser degree patients with IBD have an increased risk of celiac disease.

  4. [Autoimmune thyroid disease and other non-endocrine autoimmune diseases]. (United States)

    Dilas, Ljiljana Todorović; Icin, Tijana; Paro, Jovanka Novaković; Bajkin, Ivana


    Autoimmune diseases are chronic conditions initiated by the loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens. They constitute heterogeneous group of disorders, in which multiple alterations in the immune system result in a spectrum of syndromes that either target specific organs or affect the body systematically. Recent epidemiological studies have shown a possible shift of one autoimmune disease to another or the fact that more than one autoimmune disease may coexist in a single patient or in the same family. Numerous autoimmune diseases have been shown to coexist frequently with thyroid autoimmune diseases. AUTOIMMNUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: This part of the study reviews the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease coexisting with: pernicious anaemia, vitiligo, celiac disease, autoimmune liver disease, miastenia gravis, alopecia areata and sclerosis multiplex, and several recommendations for screening have been given. AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE AND OTHER ORGAN NON-SPECIFIC NON-ENDOCRINE AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: Special attention is given to the correlation between autoimmune thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, syndrome Sjögren, systemic sclerosis and mixed connective tissue disease. Screening for autoimmune thyroid diseases should be recommended in everyday clinical practice, in patients with primary organ-specific or organ non-specific autoimmune disease. Otherwise, in patients with primary thyroid autoimmune disease, there is no good reason of seeking for all other autoimmune diseases, although these patients have a greater risk of developing other autoimmune disease. Economic aspects of medicine require further analyzing of these data, from cost/benefit point of view to justified either mandatory screening or medical practitioner judgment.

  5. Descrição, produtividade e estabilidade da cultivar de soja IAC-23, resistente a insetos Description, yield and stability of early soybean insect resistant cultivar IAC-23

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoel Albino Coelho de Miranda


    Full Text Available A cultivar de soja IAC-23 foi obtida pelo método genealógico modificado, a partir do cruzamento BR-6 X IAC 83-23, tendo sido avaliada com a designação IAC 93-345, em 14 ambientes, nos Estados de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais. Os ensaios finais foram desenvolvidos em Conceição das Alagoas (MG, Mococa (SP e Campinas (SP, em 1994/95; em Conceição das Alagoas, Campinas, Morro Agudo (SP e Tarumã (SP em 1995/96; Conceição das Alagoas, Mococa, Campinas, Morro Agudo, Tarumã e Ribeirão Preto (SP, em 1996/97; e em Campinas em 1998/99. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Em semeaduras de novembro, esse cultivar precoce, com período juvenil longo, floresceu aos 43 dias, após a semeadura, e suas plantas atingiram 67 cm de estatura. A duração entre a emergência das plântulas e o estádio de maturação (R-8 foi de 106 dias, dentro do grupo de maturação precoce. O rendimento médio de grãos foi de 3.017 kg.ha-1. As plantas na maturação apresentam pubescência marrom e sementes amarelas com hilo marrom. Essa cultivar apresenta resistência às doenças pústula-bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines, fogo-selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, cancro-da-haste (Diaporthe phaseolorum f. sp. meridionalis e mancha-café ("soybean mosaic virus", SMV. Apresenta também resistência a insetos mastigadores e sugadores, semelhante à cultivar IAC-17 e superior à IAS-5. A produtividade e estabilidade apresentadas pela cultivar IAC-23 sugerem sua indicação para condições edafoclimáticas similares às dos experimentos realizados.The breeding line IAC 93-345(IAC-23 was selected from the cross BR-6 XIAC 83-23 through single seed descent method (SSD to increase insect resistance, and was evaluated at fourteen environments at São Paulo (SP and Minas Gerais (MG States: Conceição das Alagoas (MG, Mococa and Campinas (SP (1994/95; in Conceição das Alagoas, Mococa, Campinas, Morro Agudo, Tarumã and

  6. Huntington's disease: a perplexing neurological disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Huntington's disease is an inherited intricate brain illness. It is a neurodegenerative, insidious disorder; the onset of the disease is very late to diagnose. It is caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the Huntingtin gene, which encodes an abnormally long polyglutamine repeat in the Huntingtin protein. Huntington's disease ...

  7. Endocrine Diseases (United States)

    ... Syndrome (PCOS) Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease Primary Hyperparathyroidism Prolactinoma Thyroid Tests Turner Syndrome Contact Us The National ... Management Liver Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition Blood Diseases Diagnostic Tests La información de la ...

  8. Bridas al Corazón Salvaje - Epistolario

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    Luis Branda


    Full Text Available El epistolario que se presenta es una continuación del que mantuvieron dos académicos, el Dr. Alberto Golding (bueno como el oro, pero potencialmente maleable y la Dra. Manman Touchstone (comprueba si algo o alguien es genuino (Branda, 2015. El título se inspira en la primera novela de Clarice Lispector, Perto do coração selvagem donde las relaciones humanas se examinan a través de los sentimientos de una mujer y donde la protagonista dice “No entanto como seria bom construir alguma coisa pura, liberta do falso amor sublimizado, liberta do medo de não amar... Medo de não amar, pior do que o medo de não ser amado...” (Lispector, 1995: 108. Los correspondientes en este epistolario intercalan sus sentimientos y reflexiones siendo el tema dominante el análisis de la naturaleza de las relaciones amorosas, incluyendo la de los padres a su progenie y la separación o el escoger un nuevo camino; “Não fugir, mas ir” (Lispector, 1995: 208

  9. Educação e infanticídio Education and infanticide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro de Lajonquière


    Full Text Available Problematiza-se a idéia corrente sobre o amor que os adultos de hoje professam a respeito das crianças, esclarecido graças à ciência. A diferença entre as figuras do estrangeiro, do selvagem e do extraterrestre, bem como o recurso ao raciocínio psicanalítico, permite ao autor elucidar os destinos possíveis que os adultos reservam fantasmaticamente às crianças. O destino de uma educação estaria, em parte, atrelado a cada uma dessas formas "adultas" de se receber uma criança no mundo.The current idea about the love adults nowadays express towards children enlightened by the scientific knowledge is questioned. The difference between the foreigner, the savage and the extraterrestrial figures besides the resources of the psychoanalytical thought allowed the author to elucidate the possible fates that adults phantasmatically reserve to children. The destiny of an education would be, in part, linked to each of these "adult" forms of receiving a child in the world.

  10. Ribbing disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukkada, Philson J; Franklin, Teenu; Rajeswaran, Rangasami; Joseph, Santhosh


    Ribbing disease is a rare sclerosing dysplasia that involves long tubular bones, especially the tibia and femur. It occurs after puberty and is reported to be more common in women. In this article we describe how Ribbing disease can be differentiated from diseases like Engelmann-Camurati disease, van Buchem disease, Erdheim-Chester disease, osteoid osteoma, chronic osteomyelitis, stress fracture, etc

  11. Liposomes for Targeted Delivery of Active Agents against Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Spuch


    Full Text Available Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease represent a huge unmet medical need. The prevalence of both diseases is increasing, but the efficacy of treatment is still very limited due to various factors including the blood brain barrier (BBB. Drug delivery to the brain remains the major challenge for the treatment of all neurodegenerative diseases because of the numerous protective barriers surrounding the central nervous system. New therapeutic drugs that cross the BBB are critically needed for treatment of many brain diseases. One of the significant factors on neurotherapeutics is the constraint of the blood brain barrier and the drug release kinetics that cause peripheral serious side effects. Contrary to common belief, neurodegenerative and neurological diseases may be multisystemic in nature, and this presents numerous difficulties for their potential treatment. Overall, the aim of this paper is to summarize the last findings and news related to liposome technology in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and demonstrate the potential of this technology for the development of novel therapeutics and the possible applications of liposomes in the two most widespread neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

  12. Women's Heart Disease: Heart Disease Risk Factors (United States)

    ... this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Women's Heart Disease Heart Disease Risk Factors Past Issues / Winter 2014 Table ... or habits may raise your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). These conditions are known as risk ...

  13. The Relationship Between Fatty Liver Disease and Periodontal Disease (United States)


    Periodontitis is a highly prevalent and destructive chronic disease. Numerous studies support an association between periodontal disease and other...destruction seen in periodontal disease. The association between the two diseases has never been investigated. A reasonable mechanism in which periodontal ...disease may play a role in the destruction seen in NAFLD is the remote site infection of periodontal disease. Chewing and oral hygiene measures lead to

  14. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - A multisystem disease? (United States)

    Mikolasevic, Ivana; Milic, Sandra; Turk Wensveen, Tamara; Grgic, Ivana; Jakopcic, Ivan; Stimac, Davor; Wensveen, Felix; Orlic, Lidija


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common comorbidities associated with overweight and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Importantly, NAFLD is one of its most dangerous complications because it can lead to severe liver pathologies, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatic cellular carcinoma. Given the increasing worldwide prevalence of obesity, NAFLD has become the most common cause of chronic liver disease and therefore is a major global health problem. Currently, NAFLD is predominantly regarded as a hepatic manifestation of MetS. However, accumulating evidence indicates that the effects of NAFLD extend beyond the liver and are negatively associated with a range of chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is becoming increasingly clear that these diseases are the result of the same underlying pathophysiological processes associated with MetS, such as insulin resistance, chronic systemic inflammation and dyslipidemia. As a result, they have been shown to be independent reciprocal risk factors. In addition, recent data have shown that NAFLD actively contributes to aggravation of the pathophysiology of CVD, T2DM, and CKD, as well as several other pathologies. Thus, NAFLD is a direct cause of many chronic diseases associated with MetS, and better detection and treatment of fatty liver disease is therefore urgently needed. As non-invasive screening methods for liver disease become increasingly available, detection and treatment of NAFLD in patients with MetS should therefore be considered by both (sub-) specialists and primary care physicians. PMID:27920470

  15. Cardiovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kodama, Kazunori


    This paper is aimed to discuss the involvement of delayed radiation effects of A-bomb exposure in cardiovascular diseases. First, the relationship between radiation and cardiovascular diseases is reviewed in the literature. Animal experiments have confirmed the relationship between ionizing radiation and vascular lesions. There are many reports which describe ischemic heart disease, cervical and cerebrovascular diseases, and peripheral disease occurring after radiation therapy. The previous A-bomb survivor cohort studies, i.e., the RERF Life Span Study and Adult Health Study, have dealt with the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases, the prevalence or incidence of cardiovascular diseases, pathological findings, clinical observation of arteriosclerosis, ECG abnormality, blood pressure abnormality, and cardiac function. The following findings have been suggested: (1) A-bomb exposure is likely to be involved in the mortality rate and incidence of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases; (2) similarly, the involvement of A-bomb exposure is considered in the prevalence of the arch of aorta; (3) ECG abnormality corresponding to ischemic heart disease may reflect the involvement of A-bomb exposure. To confirm the above findings, further studies are required on the basis of more accurate information and the appropriate number of cohort samples. Little evidence has been presented for the correlation between A-bomb exposure and both rheumatic heart disease and congenital heart disease. (N.K.) 88 refs

  16. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 +/- 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 +/- 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients.

  17. Composição florística de uma comunidade savânica no Rio Grande do Norte, Nordeste do Brasil Floristic composition of a savanna community in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil

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    Ana Cláudia Pereira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available No município de Rio do Fogo foi registrada, em 1976, somente através de imagens de radar, uma comunidade de Cerrado para a qual, até então, não havia estudo in loco. Algumas questões foram elaboradas sobre essa comunidade: A região delimitada e descrita por meio de imagens de radar pode ser considerada Cerrado, do ponto de vista florístico? Qual a fitogeografia das espécies registradas nessa comunidade? Há ocorrência de espécies raras, endêmicas ou ameaçadas de extinção na composição florística dessa comunidade? Para responder a estas questões realizou-se o levantamento florístico em 400 ha, no período de agosto/2007 a setembro/2009. Os dados indicaram que das 94 espécies registradas em Rio do Fogo, 73 são associadas ao Cerrado, 69 também se distribuem na Caatinga, 60 na Floresta Atlântica, 47 na Floresta Amazônica, 14 no Pantanal e 11 no Pampa. Foram listadas pela primeira vez para o Rio Grande do Norte (RN 39 espécies; Stylosanthes gracilis Kunth (Fabaceae e Aristida laevis (Nees Kunth (Poaceae são citadas pela primeira vez para o Nordeste do Brasil. Aspilia procumbens Baker (Asteraceae apresentou distribuição restrita ao estado e insere-se na categoria criticamente em perigo; já Stilpnopappus cearensis Hubber na categoria vulnerável à extinção. Concluiu-se que essa área pode ser classificada floristicamente como pertencente ao domínio do Cerrado, podendo ser apontada como área-chave para a conservação.In the municipality of Rio do Fogo (in 1976 a savanna community was registered by radar that, until now, has not been studied in loco. Some questions were asked about this community: Is this area Cerrado, floristically? What is the phytogeography of plant species in this community? Do rare, endemic or endangered species occur in this community? To answer these questions a floristic inventory, from August 2007 to September 2009, was performed in 400 ha of this region. The data indicated that of the 94

  18. Participação da radiologia nas perícias necroscópicas de baleados realizadas no Instituto Médico-Legal do Rio de Janeiro The role of radiology in autopsy in gunshot wounds cases performed at "Instituto Médico Legal" of Rio de Janeiro

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    Silvia Falcão de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este trabalho aborda as conseqüências de laudos necroscópicos incompletos de baleados, nos casos em que não foi possível o uso de recursos radiológicos para localizar os projéteis de arma de fogo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 8.185 laudos necroscópicos do Instituto Médico-Legal Afrânio Peixoto, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, referentes à demanda total de cadáveres no período de 1º de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2001, dos quais 3.122 casos corresponderam a necropsias de baleados. RESULTADOS: Desses casos, 309 corpos foram sepultados contendo ainda, no seu interior, projéteis de arma de fogo, podendo suscitar futuras indagações judiciais. No mesmo período foram solicitadas 23 exumações, 12 delas com a finalidade de recolher projéteis. Foram calculados os gastos relacionados à realização de necropsias de baleados - R$ 996,85 - e custos alusivos à realização de exumações com a finalidade de recolher projéteis de arma de fogo - R$ 1.155,40, visando a estabelecer o montante financeiro que poderia ser poupado pelos cofres públicos, a ser alocado para finalidades outras, se a perícia médico-legal de baleados, no exame inicial, obtivesse sucesso. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados permitiram concluir que todos os atos necroscópicos de baleados devem seguir protocolos específicos, uma vez que perícias incompletas exigem exumação posterior, com gastos adicionais desnecessários.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the consequences of incomplete necropsy reports of gunshot victims, in cases in which radiological methods were not used to locate the firearm projectiles. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 8,185 necropsy reports of "Instituto Médico-Legal Afrânio Peixoto", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were reviewed. This corresponds to the total number of corpses of the period from January to December 2001, and 3,122 of these consisted of autopsies of gunshot victims. RESULTS: Out of these 3,122, 309 bodies were buried with the firearm

  19. Mortalidade por homicídios em Município da Região Sul do Brasil, 1996 a 2005 Homicide mortality in a city of southern Brazil, 1996-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Élida Azevedo Hennington


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos homicídios em São Leopoldo, comparando-o com o do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo que utilizou dados disponibilizados pelo Datasus/Ministério da Saúde no período de 1996 a 2005. Os indicadores calculados foram: coeficientes de mortalidade padronizada; mortalidade proporcional segundo grupo etário; coeficiente de mortalidade segundo cor; e percentual de mortes causadas por arma de fogo. Além destes, foram construídas as taxas de mortalidade por homicídio nos municípios gaúchos com população superior a 50.000 habitantes para o período analisado. Os coeficientes de mortalidade em São Leopoldo representaram o dobro das taxas ocorridas no Estado. A população mais atingida foi a de adultos jovens e a razão entre os sexos foi de 8,4 óbitos em homens para cada óbito feminino no Rio Grande do Sul e 9,4 em São Leopoldo. 86% dos homicídios foram perpetrados por armas de fogo em São Leopoldo e 72% no Rio Grande do Sul. O risco de morrer foi 44% maior na população negra de São Leopoldo. O homicídio é uma importante causa de morte precoce no RS, embora São Leopoldo apresente um perfil de maior gravidade - taxas maiores, maior percentual de uso de armas de fogo e evidências de sobremortalidade de jovens negros quando comparado ao Estado.The objective of this study is to outline the epidemiological profile of homicides in the city of São Leopoldo and compare it to that of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is a descriptive epidemiological study that used data provided by the Datasus/Ministry of Health for the period from 1996 to 2005. The indicators brought out by the study were the following: homicide standardized death rates; age-specific homicide death rates; homicide death rates according to race; and the percentage of deaths caused by firearms. Homicide mortality rates were calculated for cities of Rio Grande do Sul with more

  20. Celiac disease and new diseases related to gluten (United States)

    Jiménez Ortega, Ana Isabel; Martínez García, Rosa María; Quiles Blanco, María José; Majid Abu Naji, Jamil Abdel; González Iglesias, María José


    Celiac disease is the most common chronic intestinal disease. Nowadays it´s known that this is a multisistemic pathology of immune mechanism, triggered by gluten, which occurs in genetically susceptible individuals. It affects approximately 1% of the world population, which is a very high prevalence, affects all age groups and has symptoms both digestive and extra-digestive. Since it is a disease that requires maintaining a gluten-free diet and medical monitoring for life, it is important to know it and establish its diagnosis properly. Along with celiac disease a number of new diseases related to gluten are diagnosed increasingly, including the non celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. The suffering of celiac disease, or other related diseases, by conditioning diet changes of the affected individual, it may be associated with nutritional imbalances that need to monitor and try to solve. Therefore patients with this problem need special nutritional advice.

  1. Refractory disease in autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vasconcelos, Carlos; Kallenberg, Cees; Shoenfeld, Yehuda

    Refractory disease (RD) definition has different meanings but it is dynamic, according to knowledge and the availability of new drugs. It should be differentiated from severe disease and damage definitions and it must take into account duration of adequate therapy and compliance of the patient. It

  2. Thyroid diseases and cerebrovascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Squizzato, A.; Gerdes, V. E. A.; Brandjes, D. P. M.; Büller, H. R.; Stam, J.


    Background and Purpose-Acute cerebral ischemia has been described in different diseases of the thyroid gland, and not only as a result of thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke. The purpose of this review is to summarize the studies on the relationship between thyroid diseases and

  3. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease......'s degree of similarity to previously diagnosed disease population. A summary of patient data and results of the computation are displayed in a succinct Disease State Fingerprint (DSF) visualization. The visualization clearly discloses how patient data contributes to the AD state, facilitating rapid...

  4. Dermatological diseases in patients with chronic kidney disease. (United States)

    Gagnon1, Amy L; Desai, Tejas


    There are a variety of dermatological diseases that are more commonly seen in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal transplants than the general population. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Pubmed (NLM), LISTA (EBSCO) and Web of Science has been searched. Some cutaneous diseases are clearly unique to this population. Of them, Lindsay's Nails, xerosis cutis, dryness of the skin, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and acquired perforating dermatosis have been described in chronic kidney disease patients. The most common malignancy found in all transplant recipients is non-melanoma skin cancer. It is important for patients and physicians to recognize the manifestations of skin disease in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease to mitigate the morbidity associated with these conditions.

  5. Addison's Disease (United States)

    ... of potassium and low levels of sodium. What causes Addison’s disease? Addison’s disease is caused by injury to your ... example, a problem with your pituitary gland can cause secondary Addison’s disease. Or, you may develop Addison’s disease if you ...

  6. Heart Diseases (United States)

    ... you're like most people, you think that heart disease is a problem for others. But heart disease is the number one killer in the ... of disability. There are many different forms of heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease ...

  7. Estrogen-related and other disease diagnoses preceding Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Latourelle, Jeanne C; Dybdal, Merete; Destefano, Anita L


    Estrogen exposure has been associated with the occurrence of Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as many other disorders, and yet the mechanisms underlying these relations are often unknown. While it is likely that estrogen exposure modifies the risk of various diseases through many different...... mechanisms, some estrogen-related disease processes might work in similar manners and result in association between the diseases. Indeed, the association between diseases need not be due only to estrogen-related factors, but due to similar disease processes from a variety of mechanisms....

  8. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  9. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children with Interstitial Lung Disease. (United States)

    Dziekiewicz, M A; Karolewska-Bochenek, K; Dembiński, Ł; Gawronska, A; Krenke, K; Lange, J; Banasiuk, M; Kuchar, E; Kulus, M; Albrecht, P; Banaszkiewicz, A


    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is common in adult patients with interstitial lung disease. However, no data currently exist regarding the prevalence and characteristics of the disease in pediatric patients with interstitial lung disease. The aim of the present study was to prospectively assess the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease and characterize its features in children with interstitial lung disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was established based on 24 h pH-impedance monitoring (MII-pH). Gastroesophageal reflux episodes (GERs) were classified according to widely recognized criteria as acid, weakly acid, weakly alkaline, or proximal. Eighteen consecutive patients (15 boys, aged 0.2-11.6 years) were enrolled in the study. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed in a half (9/18) of children. A thousand GERs were detected by MII-pH (median 53.5; IQR 39.0-75.5). Of these, 585 (58.5 %) episodes were acidic, 407 (40.7 %) were weakly acidic, and eight (0.8 %) were weakly alkaline. There were 637 (63.7 %) proximal GERs. The patients in whom gastroesophageal reflux disease was diagnosed had a significantly higher number of proximal and total GERs. We conclude that the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children with interstitial lung disease is high; thus, the disease should be considered regardless of presenting clinical symptoms. A high frequency of non-acid and proximal GERs makes the MII-pH method a preferable choice for the detection of reflux episodes in this patient population.

  10. Disease-modifying drugs in Alzheimer's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghezzi L


    Full Text Available Laura Ghezzi, Elio Scarpini, Daniela Galimberti Neurology Unit, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Fondazione Cà Granda, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD is an age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia. The early stages of AD are characterized by short-term memory loss. Once the disease progresses, patients experience difficulties in sense of direction, oral communication, calculation, ability to learn, and cognitive thinking. The median duration of the disease is 10 years. The pathology is characterized by deposition of amyloid beta peptide (so-called senile plaques and tau protein in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. Currently, two classes of drugs are licensed by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of AD, ie, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for mild to moderate AD, and memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, for moderate and severe AD. Treatment with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or memantine aims at slowing progression and controlling symptoms, whereas drugs under development are intended to modify the pathologic steps leading to AD. Herein, we review the clinical features, pharmacologic properties, and cost-effectiveness of the available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, and focus on disease-modifying drugs aiming to interfere with the amyloid beta peptide, including vaccination, passive immunization, and tau deposition. Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, disease-modifying drugs, diagnosis, treatment

  11. Perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid or early azathioprine/biological therapy are predictors of disease behavior change in patients with Crohn’s disease (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Czegledi, Zsofia; Szamosi, Tamas; Banai, Janos; David, Gyula; Zsigmond, Ferenc; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Gemela, Orsolya; Papp, Janos; Lakatos, Laszlo


    AIM: To assess the combined effect of disease phenotype, smoking and medical therapy [steroid, azathioprine (AZA), AZA/biological therapy] on the probability of disease behavior change in a Caucasian cohort of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). METHODS: Three hundred and forty well-characterized, unrelated, consecutive CD patients were analyzed (M/F: 155/185, duration: 9.4 ± 7.5 years) with a complete clinical follow-up. Medical records including disease phenotype according to the Montreal classification, extraintestinal manifestations, use of medications and surgical events were analyzed retrospectively. Patients were interviewed on their smoking habits at the time of diagnosis and during the regular follow-up visits. RESULTS: A change in disease behavior was observed in 30.8% of patients with an initially non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease behavior after a mean disease duration of 9.0 ± 7.2 years. In a logistic regression analysis corrected for disease duration, perianal disease, smoking, steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy use were independent predictors of disease behavior change. In a subsequent Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and a proportional Cox regression analysis, disease location (P = 0.001), presence of perianal disease (P < 0.001), prior steroid use (P = 0.006), early AZA (P = 0.005) or AZA/biological therapy (P = 0.002), or smoking (P = 0.032) were independent predictors of disease behavior change. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that perianal disease, small bowel disease, smoking, prior steroid use, early AZA or AZA/biological therapy are all predictors of disease behavior change in CD patients. PMID:19630105

  12. [Inpatients days in patients with respiratory diseases and periodontal disease]. (United States)

    Fernández-Plata, Rosario; Olmedo-Torres, Daniel; Martínez-Briseño, David; González-Cruz, Herminia; Casa-Medina, Guillermo; García-Sancho, Cecilia


    Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory gingival process that has been associated with the severity of respiratory diseases. In Mexico a prevalence of 78% was found in population with social security and > 60 years old. The aim of this study is to establish the association between periodontal disease and respiratory diseases according to the inpatient days. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to December 2011. We included hospitalized patients, ≥ 18 years of age, without sedation or intubated. A dentist classified patients into two groups according to the severity of the periodontal disease: mild-to-moderate and severe. We estimated medians of inpatient days by disease and severity. Negative binomial models were adjusted to estimate incidence rate ratios and predicted inpatient days. 3,059 patients were enrolled. The median of observed and predicted inpatient days was higher in the group of severe periodontal disease (p disease, tuberculosis, and influenza had the highest incidence rates ratios of periodontal disease (p periodontal disease is positively -associated with inpatient days of patients with respiratory diseases.

  13. Disease phenotype at diagnosis in pediatric Crohn's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Bie, Charlotte I; Paerregaard, Anders; Kolacek, Sanja


    It has been speculated that pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) is a distinct disease entity, with probably different disease subtypes. We therefore aimed to accurately phenotype newly diagnosed pediatric CD by using the pediatric modification of the Montreal classification, the Paris classification....

  14. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.


    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General definitions of health encompass different dimensions of disease outcome divided in disease severity, accompanying physical symptoms, and psychosocial well-being. These dimensions of disease outcom...

  15. [Parkinson's disease(s): recent insight into genetic factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warrenburg, B.P.C. van de; Scheffer, H.; Heutink, P.; Bloem, B.R.


    In recent years, 5 genes have been identified that are unambiguously associated with genetic forms of Parkinson's disease. These genes probably explain less than 10% of all cases of Parkinson's disease. Clinically, these genetic forms can closely resemble idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Mutation

  16. Coats' disease, Turner syndrome, and von Willebrand disease in a patient with Wildtype Norrie disease pseudoglioma. (United States)

    Desai, Rajen U; Saffra, Norman A; Krishna, Rati P; Rosenberg, Steven E


    The authors describe a girl diagnosed as having Coats' disease, Turner syndrome (45X karyotype), and type 1 von Willebrand disease. She tested negative for the Norrie disease pseudoglioma (NDP) gene located on the X-chromosome, which has been suspected of contributing to Coats' disease. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.

  17. Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases: An Update for the Clinician. (United States)

    John, Vanchit; Alqallaf, Hawra; De Bedout, Tatiana


    A link between periodontal disease and various systemic diseases has been investigated for several years. Interest in unearthing such a link has grown as the health care profession is looking for a better understanding of disease processes and their relationships to periodontal and other oral diseases. The article aims to provide recent information on the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic diseases such as; cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and reproductive system related abnormalities.

  18. Occupational skin diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahler, V; Aalto-Korte, K; Alfonso, J H


    BACKGROUND: Work-related skin diseases (WSD) are caused or worsened by a professional activity. Occupational skin diseases (OSD) need to fulfil additional legal criteria which differ from country to country. OSD range amongst the five most frequently notified occupational diseases (musculoskeletal...... diseases, neurologic diseases, lung diseases, diseases of the sensory organs, skin diseases) in Europe. OBJECTIVE: To retrieve information and compare the current state of national frameworks and pathways to manage patients with occupational skin disease with regard to prevention, diagnosis, treatment...... in Science and Technology (COST) Action TD 1206 (StanDerm) ( RESULTS: Besides a national health service or a statutory health insurance, most European member states implemented a second insurance scheme specifically geared at occupational diseases [insurance against occupational risks...

  19. Lysosomal storage diseases (United States)

    Ferreira, Carlos R.; Gahl, William A.


    Lysosomes are cytoplasmic organelles that contain a variety of different hydrolases. A genetic deficiency in the enzymatic activity of one of these hydrolases will lead to the accumulation of the material meant for lysosomal degradation. Examples include glycogen in the case of Pompe disease, glycosaminoglycans in the case of the mucopolysaccharidoses, glycoproteins in the cases of the oligosaccharidoses, and sphingolipids in the cases of Niemann-Pick disease types A and B, Gaucher disease, Tay-Sachs disease, Krabbe disease, and metachromatic leukodystrophy. Sometimes, the lysosomal storage can be caused not by the enzymatic deficiency of one of the hydrolases, but by the deficiency of an activator protein, as occurs in the AB variant of GM2 gangliosidosis. Still other times, the accumulated lysosomal material results from failed egress of a small molecule as a consequence of a deficient transporter, as in cystinosis or Salla disease. In the last couple of decades, enzyme replacement therapy has become available for a number of lysosomal storage diseases. Examples include imiglucerase, taliglucerase and velaglucerase for Gaucher disease, laronidase for Hurler disease, idursulfase for Hunter disease, elosulfase for Morquio disease, galsulfase for Maroteaux-Lamy disease, alglucosidase alfa for Pompe disease, and agalsidase alfa and beta for Fabry disease. In addition, substrate reduction therapy has been approved for certain disorders, such as eliglustat for Gaucher disease. The advent of treatment options for some of these disorders has led to newborn screening pilot studies, and ultimately to the addition of Pompe disease and Hurler disease to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) in 2015 and 2016, respectively. PMID:29152458

  20. Pick disease (United States)

    Semantic dementia; Dementia - semantic; Frontotemporal dementia; FTD; Arnold Pick disease; 3R tauopathy ... doctors tell Pick disease apart from Alzheimer disease. (Memory loss is often the main, and earliest, symptom ...

  1. Prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients affected by Addison's disease. (United States)

    Biagi, Federico; Campanella, Jonia; Soriani, Alessandra; Vailati, Alberto; Corazza, Gino R


    It is well known that coeliac disease is associated with autoimmune endocrine diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Recently, coeliac disease has been shown in approximately 10% of patients with autoimmune Addison's disease. Addison's disease is the most common cause of primary adrenocortical insufficiency and it shares several clinical features with coeliac disease. Although hyperpigmentation and hypotension are the most specific signs, gastrointestinal symptoms are common and can be the first complaints of the patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients with Addison's disease. Seventeen consecutive patients affected by Addison's disease (14 F, mean age 53.9 years, range 26-79 years) were enrolled in the study. Eleven of them were affected by Addison's disease associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and/or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; the other 6 patients were suffering from isolated Addison's disease. Diagnosis had been performed at the age of 40.5 years (range 23-55). Steroid treatment had already been started in 16 of the patients. Endomysial antibodies were tested in all of them and a duodenal biopsy was taken in those found to be positive for antiendomysial antibody (EMA). One out of 17 patients was found to be EMA positive. Duodenal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of coeliac disease by showing subtotal villous atrophy. Although we studied only a small sample, our preliminary results confirmed that Addison's disease is associated with coeliac disease, being present in 5.9% of patients with Addison's disease. Since the symptoms can be similar and treatment of Addison's disease can mask coeliac disease, this association should always be actively investigated.

  2. A disease state fingerprint for evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mattila, Jussi; Koikkalainen, Juha; Virkki, Arho


    Diagnostic processes of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are evolving. Knowledge about disease-specific biomarkers is constantly increasing and larger volumes of data are being measured from patients. To gain additional benefits from the collected data, a novel statistical modeling and data visualization...... interpretation of the information. To model the AD state from complex and heterogeneous patient data, a statistical Disease State Index (DSI) method underlying the DSF has been developed. Using baseline data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), the ability of the DSI to model disease...

  3. Celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Holtmeier Wolfgang


    Full Text Available Abstract Celiac disease is a chronic intestinal disease caused by intolerance to gluten. It is characterized by immune-mediated enteropathy, associated with maldigestion and malabsorption of most nutrients and vitamins. In predisposed individuals, the ingestion of gluten-containing food such as wheat and rye induces a flat jejunal mucosa with infiltration of lymphocytes. The main symptoms are: stomach pain, gas, and bloating, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, edema, bone or joint pain. Prevalence for clinically overt celiac disease varies from 1:270 in Finland to 1:5000 in North America. Since celiac disease can be asymptomatic, most subjects are not diagnosed or they can present with atypical symptoms. Furthermore, severe inflammation of the small bowel can be present without any gastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis should be made early since celiac disease causes growth retardation in untreated children and atypical symptoms like infertility or neurological symptoms. Diagnosis requires endoscopy with jejunal biopsy. In addition, tissue-transglutaminase antibodies are important to confirm the diagnosis since there are other diseases which can mimic celiac disease. The exact cause of celiac disease is unknown but is thought to be primarily immune mediated (tissue-transglutaminase autoantigen; often the disease is inherited. Management consists in life long withdrawal of dietary gluten, which leads to significant clinical and histological improvement. However, complete normalization of histology can take years.

  4. Heavy Chain Diseases (United States)

    ... of heavy chain produced: Alpha Gamma Mu Alpha Heavy Chain Disease Alpha heavy chain disease (IgA heavy ... the disease or lead to a remission. Gamma Heavy Chain Disease Gamma heavy chain disease (IgG heavy ...

  5. Celiac Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoochehr Karjoo


    Full Text Available Celiac disease also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy is characterized by intestinal mucosal damage and malabsorption from dietary intake of wheat, rye or barley. Symptoms may appear with introduction of cereal in the first 3 years of life. A second peak in symptoms occurs in adults during the third or forth decade and even as late as eight decade of life. The prevalence of this disease is approximately 1 in 250 adults. The disease is more prevalent in Ireland as high as 1 in 120 adults. The disorder occurs in Arab, Hispanics, Israeli Jews, Iranian and European but is rare in Chinese and African American. To have celiac disease the patient should have the celiac disease genetic markers as HLA DQ 2 and HLA DQ 8. Patient with celiac disease may have 95 per cent for DQ 2 and the rest is by DQ 8. Someone may have the genetic marker and never develops the disease. In general 50 percent with markers may develop celiac disease. To develop the disease the gene needs to become activated. This may happen with a viral or bacterial infection, a surgery, delivery, accident, or psychological stress. After activation of gene cause the tight junction to opens with the release of Zonulin This results in passage of gluten through the tight junction and formation of multiple antibodies and autoimmune disease. This also allows entrance of other proteins and development of multiple food allergies. As a result is shortening, flattening of intestinal villi resulting in food, vitamins and minerals malabsorption.

  6. Prion Diseases (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Prion Diseases Prion diseases are a related group of ... deer and elk. Why Is the Study of Prion Diseases a Priority for NIAID? Much about TSE ...

  7. Diabetic Eye Disease (United States)

    ... Disease, & Other Dental Problems Diabetes & Sexual & Urologic Problems Diabetic Eye Disease What is diabetic eye disease? Diabetic eye disease is a group ... eye diseases that can threaten your sight are Diabetic retinopathy The retina is the inner lining at ...

  8. Infectious Diseases (United States)

    ... But some of them can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs. There ... many different ways that you can get an infectious disease: Through direct contact with a person who is ...

  9. Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination (United States)

    ... Adult Diseases Resources Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) ... important step in staying healthy. If you have cardiovascular disease, talk with your doctor about getting your vaccinations ...

  10. Association of Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease. (United States)

    Johar, N; Dhodapkar, S V; Kumar, R; Verma, T; Jajoo, A


    The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown some co-relation between the two conditions. We included 186 patients divided into four groups. First two Groups (A1 & A2) were the patients with cardiac disease (100 in numbers) whilst Groups (B1 & B2) (86 in numbers) were treated as controls (without cardiac disease). Following markers of periodontal disease were assessed - plaque index, calculus index, gingival and periodontal index. Markers of cardiovascular disease included were LDL, HDL, total cholesterol and CRP. Ramfjords periodontal index was used to assess the extent of periodontal disease. In the present study there was a significant increase in CRP levels in Group A1 (CVD + PD) compared to controls and overall the two cardiac groups showed a significant increase in CRP compared to controls. There was a non-significant change in lipid profile markers (LDL, HDL and total cholesterol). Periodontal Disease Index (PDI) was also increased in Group A1 compared to other groups except Group B1 and overall in cardiac groups compared to non-cardiac (PD) groups. In this study no correlation between periodontal and cardiovascular disease was found. This may be due intake of statins by few patients in Group A with a confirmed diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

  11. Prostate Diseases (United States)

    ... Home › Aging & Health A to Z › Prostate Diseases Font size A A A Print Share Glossary Basic ... body. Approximately 3 million American men have some type of prostate disease. The most common prostate diseases ...

  12. Periodontal Diseases (United States)

    ... diseases. The primary research focus was on oral bacteria. Periodontal diseases were thought to begin when chalky white ... tools to target their treatment specifically to the bacteria that trigger periodontal disease. At the same time, because biofilms form ...

  13. Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Peter Riis


    Inflammation plays a significant role in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases are at increased risk of CVD, but it is debated whether this association is causal or dependent on shared risk factors, other exposures, genes, and/or inflammatory...... pathways. The current review summarizes epidemiological, clinical, and experimental data supporting the role of shared inflammatory mechanisms between atherosclerotic CVD and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and periodontitis, respectively, and provides insights to future...... prospects in this area of research. Awareness of the role of inflammation in CVD in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases and the potential for anti-inflammatory therapy, e.g., with tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors, to also reduce atherosclerotic CVD has evolved into guideline- based recommendations...

  14. The lysosomal storage disease continuum with ageing-related neurodegenerative disease. (United States)

    Lloyd-Evans, Emyr; Haslett, Luke J


    Lysosomal storage diseases and diseases of ageing share many features both at the physiological level and with respect to the mechanisms that underlie disease pathogenesis. Although the exact pathophysiology is not exactly the same, it is astounding how many similar pathways are altered in all of these diseases. The aim of this review is to provide a summary of the shared disease mechanisms, outlining the similarities and differences and how genetics, insight into rare diseases and functional research has changed our perspective on the causes underlying common diseases of ageing. The lysosome should no longer be considered as just the stomach of the cell or as a suicide bag, it has an emerging role in cellular signalling, nutrient sensing and recycling. The lysosome is of fundamental importance in the pathophysiology of diseases of ageing and by comparing against the LSDs we not only identify common pathways but also therapeutic targets so that ultimately more effective treatments can be developed for all neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Periodontal disease and non-communicable diseases. Strength of bidirectional associations


    Kassier, SM


    Periodontal disease (PD), along with cardiovascular and circulatory disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory disease and obesity, are globally regarded as some of the major non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The association between PD and these systemic illnesses is described as bidirectional. Gaining an understanding of the strength of the proposed associations between these diseases is important, as it will enable health professionals to identify common risk factors that will allow fo...

  16. Dent disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rina R Rus


    Full Text Available Dent disease is an x-linked disorder of proximal renal tubular dysfunction that occurs almost exclusively in males. It is characterized by significant, mostly low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and chronic kidney disease. Signs and symptoms of this condition appear in early childhood and worsen over time. There are two forms of Dent disease, which are distinguished by their genetic cause and pattern of signs and symptoms (type 1 and type 2. Dent disease 2 is characterized by the features described above and also associated with extrarenal abnormalities (they include mild intellectual disability, hypotonia, and cataract. Some researchers consider Dent disease 2 to be a mild variant of a similar disorder called Lowe syndrome.We represent a case of a 3-year old boy with significant proteinuria in the nephrotic range and hypercalciuria. We confirmed Dent disease type 1 by genetic analysis.

  17. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention. (United States)

    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Periodontal disease is likely to cause 19% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this increase in relative risk reaches to 44% among individuals aged 65 years and over. Type 2 diabetic individuals with severe form of periodontal disease have 3.2 times greater mortality risk compared with individuals with no or mild periodontitis. Periodontal therapy has been shown to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetic subjects. Periodontitis is related to maternal infection, preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Oral disease prevention strategies should be incorporated in chronic systemic disease preventive initiatives to curtail the burden of disease in populations. The reduction in the incidence and prevalence of periodontal disease can reduce its associated systemic diseases and can also minimize their financial impact on the health-care systems. It is hoped that medical, dental practitioners, and other health-care professionals will get familiar with perio-systemic link and risk factors, and need to refer to the specialized dental or periodontal care.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition...... of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should...... not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beck, Mette K; Westergaard, David; Jensen, Anders Boeck


    order of appearance. We discuss these different types of disease co-occurrences, and use the two diseases "sleep apnea" and "diabetes" to showcase the approach which otherwise can be applied to any disease pair. We benefit from seven million electronic medical records covering the entire population...... of Denmark for more than 20 years. Sleep apnea is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder and it has previously been shown to be bidirectionally linked to diabetes, meaning that each disease increases the risk of acquiring the other. We confirm that there is no significant temporal relationship......, as approximately half of patients with both diseases are diagnosed with diabetes first. However, we also show that patients diagnosed with diabetes before sleep apnea have a higher disease burden compared to patients diagnosed with sleep apnea before diabetes. The study clearly demonstrates that it is not only...

  20. Coronary heart disease (United States)

    Heart disease, Coronary heart disease, Coronary artery disease; Arteriosclerotic heart disease; CHD; CAD ... buildup of plaque in the arteries to your heart. This may also be called hardening of the ...

  1. Autoinflammatory Diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penaranda P, Edgar; Spinel B, Nestor; Restrepo, Jose F; Rondon H, Federico; Millan S, Alberto; Iglesias G Antonio


    We present a review article on the autoinflammatory diseases, narrating its historical origin and describing the protein and molecular structure of the Inflammasome, the current classification of the autoinflammatory diseases and a description of the immuno genetics and clinical characteristics more important of every disease.

  2. Niemann-Pick disease (United States)

    NPD; Sphingomyelinase deficiency; Lipid storage disorder - Niemann-Pick disease; Lysosomal storage disease - Niemann-Pick ... lipofuscinoses or Batten disease (Wolman disease, cholesteryl ... metabolism of lipids. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, ...

  3. Chronic pulmonary disease - a multifacted disease complex in the horse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, A.F.


    This paper reviews chronic pulmonary disease (CPD) as an insidiously developing disease capable of being manifest in many degrees. Horses may suffer mild, sub-clinical degrees of lower respiratory tract inflammation or small airway disease withouth showing symptoms at rest. This form of disease becomes manifest as poor performance when these horses take part in athletic competition. Factors relating to the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all degrees of small airway disease of horses are discussed. 30 refs

  4. Gaucher disease (United States)

    ... please enable JavaScript. Gaucher disease is a rare genetic disorder in which a person lacks an enzyme called glucocerebrosidase (GBA). Causes Gaucher disease is rare in the general population. People of Eastern and Central European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage are more likely to have this disease. It ...

  5. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alies van Lier

    Full Text Available Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands.The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961 and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874, which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be

  6. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011 (United States)

    Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E.; Mangen, Marie-Josée J.; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E.


    Background Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. Methods and Findings The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007–2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911–9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468–8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five

  7. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011. (United States)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first national disease burden estimates for a comprehensive set of 32 infectious diseases in the Netherlands. The average annual disease burden was computed for the period 2007-2011 for selected infectious diseases in the Netherlands using the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) measure. The pathogen- and incidence-based approach was adopted to quantify the burden due to both morbidity and premature mortality associated with all short and long-term consequences of infection. Natural history models, disease progression probabilities, disability weights, and other parameters were adapted from previous research. Annual incidence was obtained from statutory notification and other surveillance systems, which was corrected for under-ascertainment and under-reporting. The highest average annual disease burden was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs/year; 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 8911-9961) and influenza (8670 DALYs/year; 95% UI: 8468-8874), which represents 16% and 15% of the total burden of all 32 diseases, respectively. The remaining 30 diseases ranked by number of DALYs/year from high to low were: HIV infection, legionellosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacteriosis, pertussis, tuberculosis, hepatitis C infection, Q fever, norovirus infection, salmonellosis, gonorrhoea, invasive meningococcal disease, hepatitis B infection, invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection, shigellosis, listeriosis, giardiasis, hepatitis A infection, infection with STEC O157, measles, cryptosporidiosis, syphilis, rabies, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tetanus, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and poliomyelitis. The very low burden for the latter five diseases can be attributed to the

  8. Parkinson's Disease Dementia (United States)

    ... Find your local chapter Join our online community Parkinson's Disease Dementia Parkinson's disease dementia is an impairment ... disease. About Symptoms Diagnosis Causes & risks Treatments About Parkinson's disease dementia The brain changes caused by Parkinson's ...

  9. [Emerging noninfectious diseases]. (United States)

    Consiglio, Ezequiel


    In recent years, emerging diseases were defined as being infectious, acquiring high incidence, often suddenly, or being a threat or an unexpected phenomenon. This study discusses the hallmarks of emerging diseases, describing the existence of noninfectious emerging diseases, and elaborating on the advantages of defining noninfectious diseases as emerging ones. From the discussion of various mental health disorders, nutritional deficiencies, external injuries and violence outcomes, work injuries and occupational health, and diseases due to environmental factors, the conclusion is drawn that a wide variety of noninfectious diseases can be defined as emergent. Noninfectious emerging diseases need to be identified in order to improve their control and management. A new definition of "emergent disease" is proposed, one that emphasizes the pathways of emergence and conceptual traits, rather than descriptive features.

  10. Dinâmica vegetacional em pastagem natural submetida a tratamentos de queima e pastejo Vegetation dynamics of natural grassland under treatments of burning and grazing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Luiz Ferreira de Quadros


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados durante três anos os efeitos de tratamentos de fogo e pastejo sobre a dinâmica da vegetação de uma pastagem natural localizada em Santa Maria, na região da Depressão Central, Rio Grande do Sul. Foi considerada a hipótese de resiliência, resultado das espécies componentes da pastagem terem evoluído sob influência de tais distúrbios. O experimento foi composto por oito parcelas experimentais submetidas a combinações de níveis de pastejo (pastejado, excluído e de fogo (queimado, não-queimado, em duas posições de relevo (encosta, baixada. A análise multivariada dos dados de composição de espécies foi baseada em ordenação e testes de aleatorização. A vegetação sob efeito de pastejo, independente da queima, apresentou trajetórias direcionais, enquanto sob exclusão as trajetórias foram caóticas. O efeito do pastejo parece ser determinante da dinâmica vegetacional (P=0,077.The effect of fire and grazing treatments on vegetation dynamics was evaluated during three years on a natural grassland located in Santa Maria, in the region of "Depressão Central", Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A hypothesis of resilience resulting from the fact that the species of the grassland evolved under the influence of these disturbances was considered. The experimental setup was formed by eight plots subjected to combinations of grazing (grazed, ungrazed and fire (burned, unburned levels, on two relief positions (convex, concave slope. Multivariate analysis of compositional data used ordination and randomization testing. Vegetation under grazing tended to show directional trajectories of floristic composition change, while under grazing exclusion the trajectories could be considered chaotic, independently from the plots being burned or not. Grazing effect seems to be determinant of vegetacional dynamics (P=0.077.

  11. Coronary heart disease after radiotherapy for peptic ulcer disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carr, Zhanat A.; Land, Charles E.; Kleinerman, Ruth A.; Weinstock, Robert W.; Stovall, Marilyn; Griem, Melvin L.; Mabuchi, Kiyohiko


    Purpose: To evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease after radiotherapy (RT) for peptic ulcer disease. Methods and materials: Peptic ulcer disease patients treated with RT (n = 1859) or by other means (n = 1860) at the University of Chicago Medical Center between 1936 and 1965, were followed through 1997. The observed numbers of cause-specific deaths were compared with the expected numbers from the general population rates. During RT, 5% of the heart was in the treatment field and the remainder of the heart mostly received scattered radiation. A volume-weighted cardiac dose was computed to describe the average tissue dose to the entire organ. We used Cox proportional hazards regression analysis to analyze the CHD and cerebrovascular disease risk associated with RT, adjusting for confounding factors. Results: Greater than expected CHD mortality was observed among the irradiated patients. The irradiated patients received volume-weighted cardiac doses ranging from 1.6 to 3.9 Gy and the portion of the heart directly in the field received doses of 7.6-18.4 Gy. The CHD risk increased with the cardiac dose (p trend = 0.01). The cerebrovascular disease risk was not associated with the surrogate carotid dose. Conclusion: The excess CHD risk in patients undergoing RT for peptic ulcer disease decades previously indicates the need for long-term follow-up for cardiovascular disease after chest RT

  12. Rheumatic heart disease: infectious disease origin, chronic care approach. (United States)

    Katzenellenbogen, Judith M; Ralph, Anna P; Wyber, Rosemary; Carapetis, Jonathan R


    Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a chronic cardiac condition with an infectious aetiology, causing high disease burden in low-income settings. Affected individuals are young and associated morbidity is high. However, RHD is relatively neglected due to the populations involved and its lower incidence relative to other heart diseases. In this narrative review, we describe how RHD care can be informed by and integrated with models of care developed for priority non-communicable diseases (coronary heart disease), and high-burden communicable diseases (tuberculosis). Examining the four-level prevention model (primordial through tertiary prevention) suggests primordial and primary prevention of RHD can leverage off existing tuberculosis control efforts, given shared risk factors. Successes in coronary heart disease control provide inspiration for similarly bold initiatives for RHD. Further, we illustrate how the Chronic Care Model (CCM), developed for use in non-communicable diseases, offers a relevant framework to approach RHD care. Systems strengthening through greater integration of services can improve RHD programs. Strengthening of systems through integration/linkages with other well-performing and resourced services in conjunction with policies to adopt the CCM framework for the secondary and tertiary prevention of RHD in settings with limited resources, has the potential to significantly reduce the burden of RHD globally. More research is required to provide evidence-based recommendations for policy and service design.

  13. Associated Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    ... gland in the neck, thick and coarse hair. Addison’s Disease Arare disease involving the adrenal gland. The prevalence of celiac disease in people with addison’s disease is significant. Symptoms of Addison’s may include weight ...

  14. Mad Cow Disease (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Mad Cow Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Mad Cow Disease What's ... are people to get it? What Is Mad Cow Disease? Mad cow disease is an incurable, fatal ...

  15. Skin Diseases: Skin Health and Skin Diseases (United States)

    Skip Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Skin Diseases Skin Health and Skin Diseases Past Issues / Fall 2008 Table of Contents ... acne to wrinkles Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It ...

  16. Lyme Disease. (United States)

    Taylor, George C.


    This overview of the public health significance of Lyme disease includes the microbiological specifics of the infectious spirochete, the entomology and ecology of the ticks which are the primary disease carrier, the clinical aspects and treatment stages, the known epidemiological patterns, and strategies for disease control and for expanded public…

  17. Wilson’s Disease: An Inherited, Silent, Copper Intoxication Disease

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    Uta Merle


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a rare, autosomal recessive, genetic, copper overload disease, which evokes multiple motor or neuropsychiatric symptoms and liver disease. It is the consequence of a variety of different mutations affecting the ATP7B gene. This gene encodes for a class IB, P-type, copper-transporting ATPase, which is located in the trans-Golgi network of the liver and brain, and mediates the excretion of excess copper into the bile. When functionally inactive, the excess copper is deposited in the liver, brain, and other tissues. Free copper induces oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and lowers the apoptotic threshold of the cell. The symptoms in affected persons can vary widely and usually appear between the ages of 6 years and 20 years, but there are also cases in which the disease manifests in advanced age. In this review, we discuss the considerations in diagnosis, clinical management, and treatment of Wilson’s disease. In addition, we highlight experimental efforts that address the pathogenesis of Wilson’s disease in ATP7B deficient mice, novel analytical techniques that will improve the diagnosis at an early stage of disease onset, and treatment results with copper-chelating agents.

  18. Celiac Disease: Diagnosis. (United States)

    Byrne, Greg; Feighery, Conleth F


    Historically the diagnosis of celiac disease has relied upon clinical, serological, and histological evidence. In recent years the use of sensitive serological methods has meant an increase in the diagnosis of celiac disease. The heterogeneous nature of the disorder presents a challenge in the study and diagnosis of the disease with patients varying from subclinical or latent disease to patients with overt symptoms. Furthermore the related gluten-sensitive disease dermatitis herpetiformis, while distinct in some respects, shares clinical and serological features with celiac disease. Here we summarize current best practice for the diagnosis of celiac disease and briefly discuss newer approaches. The advent of next-generation assays for diagnosis and newer clinical protocols may result in more sensitive screening and ultimately the possible replacement of the intestinal biopsy as the gold standard for celiac disease diagnosis.

  19. Wireless Monitoring for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases and Parkinson's Disease. (United States)

    Kefaliakos, Antonios; Pliakos, Ioannis; Charalampidou, Martha; Diomidous, Marianna


    The use of applications for mobile devices and wireless sensors is common for the sector of telemedicine. Recently various studies and systems were developed in order to help patients suffering from severe diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease. They present a challenge for the sector because such systems demand the flow of accurate data in real time and the use of specialized sensors. In this review will be presented some very interesting applications developed for patients with cardiovascular diseases and Parkinson's disease.

  20. Wilson’s Disease

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    Figen Hanağası


    Full Text Available Wilson’s disease is a autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. Clinical phenotypes include hepatic, haemolytic, neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Wilson’s disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene. ATP7B encodes a hepatic copper-transporting protein, which is important for copper excretion into bile. Neurological symptoms in Wilson’s disease include variable combinations of dysathria, ataxia, parkinsonism, dystonia and tremor. Wilson’s disease is lethal if untreated. This review discusses the epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, etiopathophysiology, diagnostic tests, and treatment of Wilson’s disease

  1. Influence of cerebrovascular disease on brain networks in prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Chong, Joanna Su Xian; Liu, Siwei; Loke, Yng Miin; Hilal, Saima; Ikram, Mohammad Kamran; Xu, Xin; Tan, Boon Yeow; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Chen, Christopher Li-Hsian; Zhou, Juan


    Network-sensitive neuroimaging methods have been used to characterize large-scale brain network degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and its prodrome. However, few studies have investigated the combined effect of Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease on brain network degeneration. Our study sought to examine the intrinsic functional connectivity and structural covariance network changes in 235 prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. We focused particularly on two higher-order cognitive networks-the default mode network and the executive control network. We found divergent functional connectivity and structural covariance patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease, but not Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease, showed reductions in posterior default mode network functional connectivity. By comparison, while both groups exhibited parietal reductions in executive control network functional connectivity, only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increases in frontal executive control network connectivity. Importantly, these distinct executive control network changes were recapitulated in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Across Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease, higher default mode network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater hippocampal volumes while higher executive control network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater white matter changes. In parallel, only Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease showed increased default mode network structural covariance, while only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increased executive control network structural covariance compared to controls. Our

  2. Genotator: A disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease

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    Jung Jae-Yoon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. Methods We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Results Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. Conclusions As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked

  3. Genotator: a disease-agnostic tool for genetic annotation of disease. (United States)

    Wall, Dennis P; Pivovarov, Rimma; Tong, Mark; Jung, Jae-Yoon; Fusaro, Vincent A; DeLuca, Todd F; Tonellato, Peter J


    Disease-specific genetic information has been increasing at rapid rates as a consequence of recent improvements and massive cost reductions in sequencing technologies. Numerous systems designed to capture and organize this mounting sea of genetic data have emerged, but these resources differ dramatically in their disease coverage and genetic depth. With few exceptions, researchers must manually search a variety of sites to assemble a complete set of genetic evidence for a particular disease of interest, a process that is both time-consuming and error-prone. We designed a real-time aggregation tool that provides both comprehensive coverage and reliable gene-to-disease rankings for any disease. Our tool, called Genotator, automatically integrates data from 11 externally accessible clinical genetics resources and uses these data in a straightforward formula to rank genes in order of disease relevance. We tested the accuracy of coverage of Genotator in three separate diseases for which there exist specialty curated databases, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer Disease. Genotator is freely available at Genotator demonstrated that most of the 11 selected databases contain unique information about the genetic composition of disease, with 2514 genes found in only one of the 11 databases. These findings confirm that the integration of these databases provides a more complete picture than would be possible from any one database alone. Genotator successfully identified at least 75% of the top ranked genes for all three of our use cases, including a 90% concordance with the top 40 ranked candidates for Alzheimer Disease. As a meta-query engine, Genotator provides high coverage of both historical genetic research as well as recent advances in the genetic understanding of specific diseases. As such, Genotator provides a real-time aggregation of ranked data that remains current with the pace of research in the disease

  4. Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease and prion disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eikelenboom, P.; Bate, C.; van Gool, W. A.; Hoozemans, J. J. M.; Rozemuller, J. M.; Veerhuis, R.; Williams, A.


    Alzheimer's disease (AD) and prion disease are characterized neuropathologically by extracellular deposits of Abeta and PrP amyloid fibrils, respectively. In both disorders, these cerebral amyloid deposits are co-localized with a broad variety of inflammation-related proteins (complement factors,

  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: two muscle diseases? (United States)

    Troosters, Thierry; Gosselink, Rik; Decramer, Marc


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure are two increasingly prevalent chronic diseases. Although care for these patients often is provided by different clinical teams, both disease conditions have much in common. In recent decades, more knowledge about the systemic impact of both diseases has become available, highlighting remarkable similarities in terms of prognostic factors and disease management. Rehabilitation programs deal with the systemic consequences of both diseases. Although clinical research also is conducted by various researchers investigating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure, it is worthwhile to compare the progress in relation to these two diseases over recent decades. Such comparison, the purpose of the current review, may help clinicians and scientists to learn about progress made in different, yet related, fields. The current review focuses on the similarities observed in the clinical impact of muscle weakness, the mechanisms of muscle dysfunction, the strategies to improve muscle function, and the effects of exercise training on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure.

  6. Two adolescent patients with coexistent Graves' disease and Moyamoya disease in Korea. (United States)

    Cheon, Chong Kun; Kim, Su Yung; Yoo, Jae-Ho


    Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular condition that results in the narrowing of the vessels of the circle of Willis and collateral vessel formation at the base of the brain. Although relationships between Graves' disease and cerebrovascular accidents in Moyamoya disease are obscure, the coexistence of the two diseases is noteworthy. Moyamoya disease has been rarely reported in adolescent patients with thyrotoxicosis. Recently, we encountered two adolescent Korean patients with Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease who presented with episodic right-sided hemiparesis and syncope. These two girls who had Graves' disease had no history of other diseases or head trauma. A thyroid function test revealed a euthyroid state and a high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibody titer at that time. The patients were diagnosed with Moyamoya disease based on brain magnetic resonance angiography and cerebral four-vessel angiography. The patients underwent cranial revascularization by encephalo-duroarterio-synangiosis as soon as a diagnosis was made, which resulted in successful symptom resolution. They fared well and had no additional neurological symptoms as of their last follow-up visits. Here, we report these two cases of confirmed Moyamoya disease complicated by Graves' disease with a review of the literature, and discuss the possible association between the two diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report in South Korea on Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease in adolescents with a euthyroid.

  7. Phenotype and Clinical Course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Co-Existent Celiac Disease. (United States)

    Tse, Chung Sang; Deepak, Parakkal; De La Fuente, Jaime; Bledsoe, Adam C; Larson, Joseph J; Murray, Joseph A; Papadakis, Konstantinos A


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, principally Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease are among the most common immune-mediated gastrointestinal diseases. We aim to elucidate the clinical course and outcomes of patients with concomitant inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease, a unique population that remains scarcely studied to date. A retrospective matched case-control study of adults with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease was performed at a tertiary referral institution in North America. Logistic regression and Kaplan-Meier curves compared disease characteristics and clinical outcomes of the two groups. A total of 342 inflammatory bowel disease patients were included in this study, of which 114 had coexistent celiac disease and 228 did not. Patients with coexistent inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease had higher rates of primary sclerosing cholangitis (19.3% vs 5.7%; odds ratio, 4.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.1-9.4; pceliac disease (10.5% vs 3.5%; odds ratio 3.2; 95% confidence interval 1.3-8.2; p=0.01), compared to patients without concomitant celiac disease. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease with concomitant celiac disease have unique phenotypic features compared to non-celiac inflammatory bowel disease, with higher risks for colitis-related hospitalizations, extensive colitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Increased recognition of coexistent IBD and celiac disease can prompt clinicians to investigate for concomitant disease sooner, particularly in patients with seemingly refractory disease.

  8. Periodontal disease and anemias associated with Crohn's disease. A case report. (United States)

    Nagpal, Swati; Acharya, Anirudh B; Thakur, Srinath L


    Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease with oral findings, including periodontal manifestations. Anemias, such as iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease (ACD), are the most common hematologic complications of CD. Periodontitis has systemic effects, and may tend toward anemia, which can be explained by depressed erythropoiesis. In the report presented here, the authors review a case of Crohn's disease diagnosed 10 years previous to the patient presenting with a changing anemic profile and periodontal disease. A discussion of patient and disease management is included.

  9. Is the disease course predictable in inflammatory bowel diseases? (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S


    During the course of the disease, most patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) may eventually develop a stricturing or a perforating complication, and a significant number of patients with both CD and ulcerative colitis will undergo surgery. In recent years, research has focused on the determination of factors important in the prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases to improve stratification of patients, identify individual patient profiles, including clinical, laboratory and molecular markers, which hopefully will allow physicians to choose the most appropriate management in terms of therapy and intensity of follow-up. This review summarizes the available evidence on clinical, endoscopic variables and biomarkers in the prediction of short and long-term outcome in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. PMID:20518079

  10. Managing one thousand designs documents: what the success of project has about that?; Gerenciando mil documentos de projetos: o que o sucesso do empreendimento tem com isso?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Ailton C.; Pio, Bruno P. [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Project Management Techniques based on PMI- Project Management Institute have become widely disseminated with showing results in performance improvements. In this paper is presented the improvement obtained in supervising projects in gas pipeline network deployments in Northeast of Brazil by the use of project good practices. The clear definition of project phases; the use of integrated management system; the application of check lists and the prioritization of the issue/approval of documents are examples of tools that impact on the processes of management, with emphasis on control of scope, time, quality and communication. To evaluate the results obtained with the use of these tools is made a comparison between the project of deployment of City Gates TermoFortaleza (CE) and Pedras de Fogo (PB), both belonging to the Program Extension of network Northeast pipeline. (author)

  11. Celiac Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Bone Disease

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    Melissa S. Putman


    Full Text Available Both cystic fibrosis (CF and celiac disease can cause low bone mineral density (BMD and fractures. Celiac disease may occur at a higher frequency in patients with CF than the general population, and symptoms of these conditions may overlap. We report on two patients presenting with CF-related bone disease in the past year who were subsequently found to have concurrent celiac disease. Because adherence to a gluten-free diet may improve BMD in patients with celiac disease, this could have important implications for treatment. Clinicians should consider screening for celiac disease in patients with CF who have low BMD, worsening BMD in the absence of other risk factors, and/or difficult to treat vitamin D deficiency.

  12. Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease in children

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    A. N. Semyachkina


    Full Text Available The paper gives the data available in the literature, which reflect the manifestations, diagnosis, and current treatments of the rare (orphan inherited disease glycogen storage disease type II or Pomp disease in children, as well as its classification. The infant form is shown to be most severe, resulting in death from cardiovascular or pulmonary failure generally within the first year of a child’s life. Emphasis is laid on major difficulties in the differential and true diagnosis of this severe disease. Much attention is given to the new pathogenetic treatment — genetically engineered enzyme replacement drug Myozyme®. The authors describe their clinical case of a child with the juvenile form of glycogen storage disease type II (late-onset Pompe disease. Particular emphasis is laid on the clinical symptoms of the disease and its diagnostic methods, among which the morphological analysis of a muscle biopsy specimen by light and electron microscopies, and enzyme and DNA diagnoses are of most importance. The proband was found to have significant lysosomal glycogen accumulation in the muscle biopsy specimen, reduced lymphocyte acid α-1,4-glucosidase activity to 4,2 nM/mg/h (normal value, 13,0—53,6 nM/mg/h, described in the HGMD missense mutation database from 1000 G>A p.Gly334er of the GAA in homozygous state, which verified the diagnosis of Pompe disease

  13. Between the good savage and the cannibal: representations of Amerindians in mid-20th century Brazilian children’s literature

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    Iara Tatiana Bonin


    Full Text Available The representations of Brazilian Indians in Brazilian children fictional literature during 1945-1965, the third period in the history of Brazilian children's literature, are discussed. The corpus of current analysis consists of six novels, namely, As aventuras de Tibicuera, by Érico Veríssimo (1937; A bandeira das Esmeraldas (1945, by Viriato Corrêa; Expedição aos Martírios (1952 and Volta à Serra Misteriosa (1954, by Francisco Marins; Curumi, o menino selvagem (1956, by Jeronimo Monteiro; Curumim sem nome (1960, by Balthazar de Gadoy Moreira, in which the Indian is the hero or an important character. Results showed that Brazilian Indians were always represented as dichotomous subjects in the above books. On the one hand, Indians are described as “good savages”, frequently converted to the Christian faith, harmoniously integrated with nature, and a servant to white people. On the other hand, Indians are also portrayed as dangerous and violent cannibals, whose wild nature must be tamed. The main literary references to the construction of this dichotomy may be found by the authors of the period within the Brazilian literary canon written for adults.

  14. The ogre in the mirror - Hannibal Lecter and the myth of the savage man

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    Rosane Cardoso


    Full Text Available O canibalismo é uma prática tão antiga quanto a humanidade e compreende muitos desdobramentos. Manifestou-se em períodos de fome intensa, em rituais pagãos e em representações artísticas. Tabu incontestável no Ocidente é visto atualmente como crime hediondo. Na literatura, a personagem que geralmente sintetiza esse tipo de barbárie é o ogro, criatura de índole perversa que quer devorar aqueles que atravessam seu caminho. O canibal/ogro adquire várias formas, de deuses primitivos, passando pela bruxa ou pela madrasta má dos contos de fadas até versões vampirescas. Este artigo discute o canibalismo na narrativa contemporânea, considerando o fascínio que provoca Hannibal Lecter, personagem central dos best-sellers de Thomas Harris e de exitosas narrativas audiovisuais. Colocando o renomado psiquiatra e serial killer na posição de ogro contemporâneo, analisa-se a sua relação, como ogro, com um mito ancestral, o mito do homem selvagem discutido pelo antropólogo Roger Bartra.

  15. Avaliação de plantas transgênicas de Petunia x hybrida contendo o gene Psag12 - ipt cultivadas sob deficiência nutricional.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francine Lorena Cuquel


    Full Text Available Deficiência nutricional em plantas pode causar clorose, necrose, desfolha, redução do crescimento e da produtividade e senescência prematura. Aplicações xógenas de citocinina podem aliviar tais sintomas. Este estudo foi efetuado para avaliar os efeitos da produção auto-regulada de citocinina na tolerância de plantas de petúnia (Petunia x hybrida à deficiência nutricional. Um gene quimérico contendo o promotor SAG12 unido ao gene ipt, o qual codifica a produção de isopentenyl transferase, uma enzima da rota metabólica da biossíntese de citocinina, foi introduzido em petúnia através de transformação mediada por Agrobacterium. Duas plantas contendo o gene ipt foram selecionadas e autopolinizadas para obtenção das linhas a serem submetidas à deficiência nutricional. Ambas as linhas PSAG12–ipt avaliadas foram mais tolerantes à deficiência nutricional que as plantas do tipo selvagem. Os resultados indicam que a produção endógena de citocinina pode aumentar a tolerância das plantas à deficiência nutricional.

  16. [Celiac disease - disease of children and adults: symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities]. (United States)

    Majsiak, Emilia; Cichoż-Lach, Halina; Gubska, Olena; Cukrowska, Bożena


    About 1% of human population suffers from celiac disease (CD) and it is one of the most commonly diagnosed autoimmune disorders. Until recently it was believed that CD affects mainly children, but as the newest studies show, up to 60% recently diagnosed patients are adults, often over the age of 60. CD's medical signs are nonspecific. Atypical course of the disease with extraintestinal symptoms is being increasingly observed. The disease may also be asymptomatic over many years. The studies show that the average diagnosis of CD takes more than 10 years since the first symptoms appear. Nonspecific medical signs cause undiagnosed patients suffering from CD to visit gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, allergists, gynaecologists and other medical specialists. However, most frequently general practitioners have the first encounter with patients suffering from CD, therefore they are able to recognize symptoms of the disease at the earliest and refer the patient to a gastroenterologist. Early diagnosis and beginning of the treatment reduce complications of untreated CD. The aim of this paper is to show general practitioners symptoms, disease complications, risk groups and comorbidities of CD.

  17. Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... with Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy & Rheumatic Disease Pregnancy and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Diseases with the potential to affect ... control. What are the effects of pregnancy on rheumatic disease? The effects of pregnancy on rheumatic diseases vary ...

  18. Consensus Conference: A reappraisal of Gaucher disease - diagnosis and disease management algorithms (United States)

    Mistry, Pramod K.; Cappellini, Maria Domenica; Lukina, Elena; Özsan, Hayri; Pascual, Sara Mach; Rosenbaum, Hanna; Solano, Maria Helena; Spigelman, Zachary; Villarrubia, Jesús; Watman, Nora Patricia; Massenkeil, Gero


    Type 1 (non neuronopathic) Gaucher disease was the first lysosomal storage disorder for which an effective enzyme replacement therapy was developed and it has become a prototype for treatments for related orphan diseases. There are currently four treatment options available to patients with Gaucher disease, nevertheless, almost 25% of type 1 Gaucher patients do not gain timely access to therapy because of delays in diagnosis after the onset of symptoms. Diagnosis of Gaucher disease by enzyme testing is unequivocal, but the rarity of the disease and non-specific and heterogeneous nature of Gaucher disease symptoms may impede consideration of this disease in the differential diagnosis. To help promote timely diagnosis and optimal management of the protean presentations of Gaucher disease, a consensus meeting was convened to develop algorithms for diagnosis and disease management for Gaucher disease. PMID:21080341

  19. Celiac disease

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    Radlović Nedeljko


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is a multysystemic autoimmune disease induced by gluten in wheat, barley and rye. It is characterized by polygenic predisposition, high prevalence (1%, widely heterogeneous expression and frequent association with other autoimmune diseases, selective deficit of IgA and Down, Turner and Williams syndrome. The basis of the disease and the key finding in its diagnostics is symptomatic or asymptomatic inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa which resolves by gluten-free diet. Therefore, the basis of the treatment involves elimination diet, so that the disorder, if timely recognized and adequately treated, also characterizes excellent prognosis.

  20. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  1. Prevalence of periodontal disease, its association with systemic diseases and prevention


    Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf


    Periodontal diseases are prevalent both in developed and developing countries and affect about 20-50% of global population. High prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents, adults, and older individuals makes it a public health concern. Several risk factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, diabetes, medication, age, hereditary, and stress are related to periodontal diseases. Robust evidence shows the association of periodontal diseases with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular di...

  2. Chronic Disease and Childhood Development: Kidney Disease and Transplantation. (United States)

    Klein, Susan D.; Simmons, Roberta G.

    As part of a larger study of transplantation and chronic disease and the family, 124 children (10-18 years old) who were chronically ill with kidney disease (n=72) or were a year or more post-transplant (n=52) were included in a study focusing on the effects of chronic kidney disease and transplantation on children's psychosocial development. Ss…

  3. Involvement of Gaucher Disease Mutations in Parkinson Disease. (United States)

    Vilageliu, Lluisa; Grinberg, Daniel


    Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder, caused by mutations in the GBA gene. The frequency of Gaucher disease patients and heterozygote carriers that developed Parkinson disease has been found to be above that of the control population. This fact suggests that mutations in the GBA gene can be involved in Parkison's etiology. Analysis of large cohorts of patients with Parkinson disease has shown that there are significantly more cases bearing GBA mutations than those found among healthy individuals. Functional studies have proven an interaction between α-synuclein and GBA, the levels of which presented an inverse correlation. Mutant GBA proteins cause increases in α-synuclein levels, while an inhibition of GBA by α-synuclein has been also demonstrated. Saposin C, a coactivator of GBA, has been shown to protect GBA from this inhibition. Among the GBA variants associated with Parkinson disease, E326K seems to be one of the most prevalent. Interestingly, it is involved in Gaucher disease only when it forms part of a double-mutant allele, usually with the L444P mutation. Structural analyses have revealed that both residues (E326 and L444) interact with Saposin C and, probably, also with α-synuclein. This could explain the antagonistic role of these two proteins in relation to GBA. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  4. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  5. The acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease in the first decree of occupational diseases from 1925

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuettmann, W.


    The Schneeberg lung disease is the lung cancer, conditioned by radiation which is caused by the influence of radon and of its subsequent products. It has gained a great importance after World War II as a consequence of the intensified mining of uranium ore. From the history of the disease, lasting some centuries, the period of the twenties and thirties of this century is represented in which on one side the conception of the causal importance of radon has made its way little by little, and on the other side the disease was acknowledged as occupational disease within the first decree of occupational diseases in the former German Reich. Evaluating materials from Saxon archives it is described how the legislative preparations to the acknowledgement of the Schneeberg lung disease as occupational disease and the simultaneous research to the elucidation of nature and cause of the disease have penetrated and influenced each other. (author)

  6. The elusive baseline of marine disease: are diseases in ocean ecosystems increasing?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica R Ward


    Full Text Available Disease outbreaks alter the structure and function of marine ecosystems, directly affecting vertebrates (mammals, turtles, fish, invertebrates (corals, crustaceans, echinoderms, and plants (seagrasses. Previous studies suggest a recent increase in marine disease. However, lack of baseline data in most communities prevents a direct test of this hypothesis. We developed a proxy to evaluate a prediction of the increasing disease hypothesis: the proportion of scientific publications reporting disease increased in recent decades. This represents, to our knowledge, the first quantitative use of normalized trends in the literature to investigate an ecological hypothesis. We searched a literature database for reports of parasites and disease (hereafter "disease" in nine marine taxonomic groups from 1970 to 2001. Reports, normalized for research effort, increased in turtles, corals, mammals, urchins, and molluscs. No significant trends were detected for seagrasses, decapods, or sharks/rays (though disease occurred in these groups. Counter to the prediction, disease reports decreased in fishes. Formulating effective resource management policy requires understanding the basis and timing of marine disease events. Why disease outbreaks increased in some groups but not in others should be a priority for future investigation. The increase in several groups lends urgency to understanding disease dynamics, particularly since few viable options currently exist to mitigate disease in the oceans.

  7. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Oberoi, Sukhvinder Singh; Harish, Yashoda; Hiremath, Shivalingaswamy; Puranik, Manjunath


    Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs) index. The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18%) whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%), diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%), and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%), in comparison to the controls (6.18%). From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  8. A cross-sectional survey to study the relationship of periodontal disease with cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, liver cirrhosis, bacterial pneumonia, nutritional deficiencies, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: The present study assessed the periodontal disease among patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes, CVD, and respiratory disease. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 220 patients each of CVD, respiratory disease, and diabetes mellitus, making a total of 660 patients in the systemic disease group. A control group of 340 subjects were also included in the study for comparison purpose. The periodontal status of the patients with these confirmed medical conditions was assessed using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITNs index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN code 4 was found to be greater among the patients with respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants with score 4 was found to be greater among the patients with diabetes mellitus and CVD. The treatment need 0 was found to be more among the controls (1.18% whereas the treatment need 1, 2, and 3 were more among the patients with respiratory disease (100%, 97.73%, and 54.8%, diabetes mellitus (100%, 100% and 46.4%, and CVD (100%, 97.73%, and 38.1%, in comparison to the controls (6.18%. Conclusion: From the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that diabetes mellitus, CVD, and respiratory disease are associated with a higher severity of periodontal disease.

  9. The integrated disease network. (United States)

    Sun, Kai; Buchan, Natalie; Larminie, Chris; Pržulj, Nataša


    The growing body of transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and genomic data generated from disease states provides a great opportunity to improve our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving diseases and shared between diseases. The use of both clinical and molecular phenotypes will lead to better disease understanding and classification. In this study, we set out to gain novel insights into diseases and their relationships by utilising knowledge gained from system-level molecular data. We integrated different types of biological data including genome-wide association studies data, disease-chemical associations, biological pathways and Gene Ontology annotations into an Integrated Disease Network (IDN), a heterogeneous network where nodes are bio-entities and edges between nodes represent their associations. We also introduced a novel disease similarity measure to infer disease-disease associations from the IDN. Our predicted associations were systemically evaluated against the Medical Subject Heading classification and a statistical measure of disease co-occurrence in PubMed. The strong correlation between our predictions and co-occurrence associations indicated the ability of our approach to recover known disease associations. Furthermore, we presented a case study of Crohn's disease. We demonstrated that our approach not only identified well-established connections between Crohn's disease and other diseases, but also revealed new, interesting connections consistent with emerging literature. Our approach also enabled ready access to the knowledge supporting these new connections, making this a powerful approach for exploring connections between diseases.

  10. Concomitant diseases and their effect on disease prognosis in Meniere's disease: diabetes mellitus identified as a negative prognostic factor. (United States)

    Pieskä, Teemu; Kotimäki, Jouko; Männikkö, Minna; Sorri, Martti; Hietikko, Elina


    To study comorbidities and their effect on the disease progression in Meniere's disease (MD). Retrospective study on 350 definite MD patients diagnosed according to AAO-HNS 1995 criteria using hospital records and postal questionnaire. The prevalence of migraine, hypothyroidism, allergies, coronary heart disease and autoimmune diseases was more common in MD patients than reported in the general population of Finland. Diabetes mellitus was associated with both more severe hearing impairment (p = .033) and more frequent vertigo (p = .028) in MD patients. The number of concomitant diseases was associated with more frequent vertigo (p = .021). A patient's concomitant diseases, especially diabetes, should be treated effectively because they might affect the progression of MD. Further studies on the effects of concomitant diseases on MD prognosis are needed.

  11. Linguagem e emoção: ethos, fogos e palhas em 'Antiperipléia"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Henrique Aguiar Mendes


    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta primeiramente um conjunto de hipóteses teóricas sobre as relações es ta belecidas ent re linguagem e emoção,  funda­ mentadas em categorias  oriundas da retórica, da pragmática  e da análise do discurso. Em seguida,  tais hipóteses são aplicadas  na análise do conto de Tutaméia acima referido, com  vistas  a verificar  a sua operacionalidade.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Bond Stockdale


    Full Text Available Stockdale, falando sobre a sua aplicação das doutrinas de Epicteto em seus sete anos e meio como prisioneiro de guerra no Vietna, desenvolve uma série de estratégias para que as minorias possam prevalecer moralmente frente ao assédio moral de maiorias que procuram se impor por meio de coerção. Como um homem pode manter a dignidade num meio absolutamente hostil, onde a todo o momento procura-se coisificá-lo? Essa a questão a que Stockdale procura nos dar uma resposta atraves de um exercicio de etica aplicada.

  13. Test and analysis of four solar cookers; Analise e teste de quatro fogoes solares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinheiro, Paulo Cesar da Costa [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica], e-mail:, e-mail:


    Solar cookers are an alternative to cooking, milk pasteurization and water purification. This paper describes the assemblage and operational data of 4 solar cookers, two greenhouse type and two concentrator type. It is also propose a methodology for solar cookers tests. (author)

  14. Esophageal involvement and interstitial lung disease in mixed connective tissue disease. (United States)

    Fagundes, M N; Caleiro, M T C; Navarro-Rodriguez, T; Baldi, B G; Kavakama, J; Salge, J M; Kairalla, R; Carvalho, C R R


    Mixed connective tissue disease is a systemic inflammatory disorder that results in both pulmonary and esophageal manifestations. We sought to evaluate the relationship between esophageal dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease. We correlated the pulmonary function data and the high-resolution computed tomography findings of interstitial lung disease with the results of esophageal evaluation in manometry, 24-hour intraesophageal pH measurements, and the presence of esophageal dilatation on computed tomography scan. Fifty consecutive patients with mixed connective tissue disease, according to Kasukawa's classification criteria, were included in this prospective study. High-resolution computed tomography parenchymal abnormalities were present in 39 of 50 patients. Esophageal dilatation, gastroesophageal reflux, and esophageal motor impairment were also very prevalent (28 of 50, 18 of 36, and 30 of 36, respectively). The presence of interstitial lung disease on computed tomography was significantly higher among patients with esophageal dilatation (92% vs. 45%; pmotor dysfunction (90% vs. 35%; pesophageal and pulmonary involvement, our series revealed a strong association between esophageal motor dysfunction and interstitial lung disease in patients with mixed connective tissue disease.

  15. [Infectious diseases research]. (United States)

    Carratalà, Jordi; Alcamí, José; Cordero, Elisa; Miró, José M; Ramos, José Manuel


    There has been a significant increase in research activity into infectious diseases in Spain in the last few years. The Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) currently has ten study groups, with the cooperation of infectious diseases specialists and microbiologists from different centres, with significant research activity. The program of Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (Special Topics Cooperative Health Research Networks) is an appropriate framework for the strategic coordination of research groups from the Spanish autonomous communities. The Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI) and the Network for Research in AIDS (RIS) integrate investigators in Infectious Diseases from multiple groups, which continuously perform important research projects. Research using different experimental models in infectious diseases, in numerous institutions, is an important activity in our country. The analysis of the recent scientific production in Infectious Diseases shows that Spain has a good position in the context of the European Union. The research activity in Infectious Diseases carried out in our country is a great opportunity for the training of specialists in this area of knowledge.

  16. Human Environmental Disease Network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taboureau, Olivier; Audouze, Karine


    During the past decades, many epidemiological, toxicological and biological studies have been performed to assess the role of environmental chemicals as potential toxicants for diverse human disorders. However, the relationships between diseases based on chemical exposure have been rarely studied...... by computational biology. We developed a human environmental disease network (EDN) to explore and suggest novel disease-disease and chemical-disease relationships. The presented scored EDN model is built upon the integration on systems biology and chemical toxicology using chemical contaminants information...... and their disease relationships from the reported TDDB database. The resulting human EDN takes into consideration the level of evidence of the toxicant-disease relationships allowing including some degrees of significance in the disease-disease associations. Such network can be used to identify uncharacterized...

  17. Skin diseases: prevalence and predictors of itch and disease severity.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, E.W.M.


    Chronic skin diseases are known to be common among the general population. Nevertheless, little research attention has been paid to patients with skin diseases in the general population, and consequently, little is known about the impact of skin diseases on daily life within this population. General

  18. Responsiveness of Endoscopic Indices of Disease Activity for Crohn's Disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khanna, Reena; Zou, Guangyong; Stitt, Larry; Feagan, Brian G.; Sandborn, William J.; Rutgeerts, Paul; McDonald, John W. D.; Dubcenco, Elena; Fogel, Ronald; Panaccione, Remo; Jairath, Vipul; Nelson, Sigrid; Shackelton, Lisa M.; Huang, Bidan; Zhou, Qian; Robinson, Anne M.; Levesque, Barrett G.; D'Haens, Geert


    The Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's Disease (SES-CD) are commonly used to assess Crohn's disease (CD) activity; however neither instrument is fully validated. We evaluated the responsiveness to change of the SES-CD and CDEIS using data

  19. AACE/ACE Disease State Clinical Review: Medical Management of Cushing Disease. (United States)

    Hamrahian, Amir H; Yuen, Kevin C J; Hoffman, Andrew R


    To review available medical therapies for patients with Cushing disease and to provide a roadmap for their use in clinical practice. PubMed searches were performed to identify all of the available published data on medical management of Cushing disease. Medical therapy is usually not the first-line treatment for patients with Cushing disease but may be used to improve clinical manifestations of Cushing disease in patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery, following unsuccessful surgery or recurrence, or as a "bridge therapy" in those who have undergone radiotherapy. Medical therapy may also be used in preoperative preparation of patients with severe disease. Current available medical options for patients with Cushing disease include centrally acting agents, steroidogenesis inhibitors, and a glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. At present, there are no head-to-head studies comparing the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of different U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- and non-FDA-approved drugs in patients with Cushing disease. With the initiation of new studies and the completion of ongoing clinical trials, the number of FDA-approved drugs for medical treatment of Cushing disease is expected to increase. Medical therapy has an important adjunctive role in the management of patients with Cushing disease. The decision to initiate medical treatment depends on many factors, including patient characteristics and preference. Long-term studies are needed to better define the clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability of medical treatment of Cushing disease, including the role of combination therapies.

  20. DOSim: An R package for similarity between diseases based on Disease Ontology (United States)


    Background The construction of the Disease Ontology (DO) has helped promote the investigation of diseases and disease risk factors. DO enables researchers to analyse disease similarity by adopting semantic similarity measures, and has expanded our understanding of the relationships between different diseases and to classify them. Simultaneously, similarities between genes can also be analysed by their associations with similar diseases. As a result, disease heterogeneity is better understood and insights into the molecular pathogenesis of similar diseases have been gained. However, bioinformatics tools that provide easy and straight forward ways to use DO to study disease and gene similarity simultaneously are required. Results We have developed an R-based software package (DOSim) to compute the similarity between diseases and to measure the similarity between human genes in terms of diseases. DOSim incorporates a DO-based enrichment analysis function that can be used to explore the disease feature of an independent gene set. A multilayered enrichment analysis (GO and KEGG annotation) annotation function that helps users explore the biological meaning implied in a newly detected gene module is also part of the DOSim package. We used the disease similarity application to demonstrate the relationship between 128 different DO cancer terms. The hierarchical clustering of these 128 different cancers showed modular characteristics. In another case study, we used the gene similarity application on 361 obesity-related genes. The results revealed the complex pathogenesis of obesity. In addition, the gene module detection and gene module multilayered annotation functions in DOSim when applied on these 361 obesity-related genes helped extend our understanding of the complex pathogenesis of obesity risk phenotypes and the heterogeneity of obesity-related diseases. Conclusions DOSim can be used to detect disease-driven gene modules, and to annotate the modules for functions and

  1. Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome: the neglected disease in our own backyard. (United States)

    Crowder, L A; Yedlin, V A; Weinstein, E R; Kortte, K B; Aucott, J N


    A survey was developed to assess experience and opinions about Lyme disease and post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) among faculties in public health. No previous surveys of public health faculties have been found in the literature. This is a cross sectional study of public health school faculty members designed to measure knowledge and experience with Lyme disease and PTLDS using an internet survey instrument. Participants were recruited using all the publicly available e-mail addresses of faculty members in all the 50 accredited Schools of Public Health in the United States. A 15% response rate was seen for the survey. 50% of respondents were from Lyme endemic states. Less than 5% of faculty members consider themselves expert in Lyme or PTLDS. Many faculty members had known someone with Lyme disease or PTLDS, but few had been diagnosed themselves. Most believe that PTLDS can be severe and chronic, is not easy to treat, and does not resolve on its own, but were uncertain about its aetiology. Most respondents also felt that the incidence of Lyme disease will increase and that more education is needed. The need for further understanding and communication presents an opportunity for public health research and education in Lyme disease and the sequelae of PTLDS. Copyright © 2014 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chapple, Iain L C; Bouchard, Philippe; Cagetti, Maria Grazia


    Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors, such as a requir......Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common diseases of humans and the main cause of tooth loss. Both diseases can lead to nutritional compromise and negative impacts upon self-esteem and quality of life. As complex chronic diseases, they share common risk factors...... to periodontal diseases and caries susceptibility, with an attributable risk estimated to be up to 50%. The genetics literature for periodontal disease is more substantial than for caries and genes associated with chronic periodontitis are the vitamin D receptor (VDR), Fc gamma receptor IIA (Fc...... or composition, smoking, carbohydrate intake). Identification of these factors is crucial in the prevention of both diseases as well as in their management. AIM: To systematically appraise the scientific literature to identify potential risk factors for caries and periodontal diseases. METHODS: One systematic...

  3. Parkinson disease - discharge (United States)

    Your doctor has told you that you have Parkinson disease . This disease affects the brain and leads ... have you take different medicines to treat your Parkinson disease and many of the problems that may ...

  4. Pediatric Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Pediatric Celiac Disease If your child has celiac disease, ... physician. Established by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Celiac Disease Eosinophilic ...

  5. Lyme Disease Data (United States)

    ... materials Why is CDC concerned about Lyme disease? Data and Statistics Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir ... sixth most common Nationally Notifiable disease . Lyme Disease Data File To facilitate the public health and research ...

  6. Spreading disease: a controversy concerning the metaphysics of disease. (United States)

    D'Amico, R


    This article concerns the metaphysics of disease. Is disease a fixed feature of the world or a social value or preference? I argue that disease is not a value-laden concept and thus debates concerning it differ fundamentally from debates concerning health, harm, or suffering where evaluative judgements are central. I show how the so-called social constructionist view of disease has been motivated both by ethical concerns with medical practices and general theoretical doubts about scientific naturalism. If I can show that ethical concerns about medical treatment can be answered without adopting social constructionism, that leaves only the broader theoretical question of naturalism. I cannot completely answer those theoretical doubts, but I show that the theoretical motivation is less convincing when it is separated from the moral challenge often accompanying it. I conclude that a convincing defense of the non-naturalistic conception of disease is rarely attempted and proves more difficult and counter-intuitive than its proponents assume.

  7. CT findings of diffuse pleural diseases: differentiation of malignant disease from tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roh, In Gye; Kook, Shin Ho; Lee, Young Rae; Chin, Seung Bum; Park, Yoon Ok; Park, Hae Won


    To evaluate whether or not previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases are useful in the differentiation of diffuse malignant pleural diseases and tuberculosis. We retrospectively analyzed CT scans of 42 patients comprising 20 cases of malignant pleural diseases and 22 cases of tuberculous pleural diseases, according to previously known CT criteria for differentiating malignant and benign pleural diseases. The most common shape of pleural effusion was crescentic in malignant pleural diseases and loculated in tuberculosis. The aggressive nature of pleural effusion, pleural rind, and pleura thickening was 1.5 times more frequently observed in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. Smooth thickening or smooth nodular pleural thickening and extrapleural deposition of fat were 1.5 times more frequently found in tuberculous than in malignant pleural diseases. Interruption of pleural thickening was found twice as frequently in malignant pleural diseases as in tuberculosis. Decreased lung volume was found twice as frequently in tuberculous as in malignant pleural diseases. Anatomical mediastinal pleural involvement was three times, and irregular nodular pleural thickening nine times more frequent in malignant pleural diseases than in tuberculosis. The sensitivity and specificity of CT findings above 70%, and thus suggesting malignant pleural diseases, were as follows : 1) aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung (51.5%, 75%); 2) involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura (69.2%, 73.7%); 3) irregular nodular pleural thickening (87.5%, 69%). Although there in overlap between previously known CT criteria for the differentiation of benign and malignant pleural diseases, the aggressive nature of pleural fluid collection extending to the azygoesophageal recess or tongue of the lung, the involvement of anatomical mediastinal pleura and irregular nodular

  8. Hereditary neuromuscular diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oezsarlak, O. E-mail:; Schepens, E.; Parizel, P.M.; Goethem, J.W. van; Vanhoenacker, F.; Schepper, A.M. de; Martin, J.J


    This article presents the actual classification of neuromuscular diseases based on present expansion of our knowledge and understanding due to genetic developments. It summarizes the genetic and clinical presentations of each disorder together with CT findings, which we studied in a large group of patients with neuromuscular diseases. The muscular dystrophies as the largest and most common group of hereditary muscle diseases will be highlighted by giving detailed information about the role of CT and MRI in the differential diagnosis. The radiological features of neuromuscular diseases are atrophy, hypertrophy, pseudohypertrophy and fatty infiltration of muscles on a selective basis. Although the patterns and distribution of involvement are characteristic in some of the diseases, the definition of the type of disease based on CT scan only is not always possible.

  9. Disease burden of infectious diseases in Europe: a pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lier EA van; Havelaar AH; LZO


    Consequences of different infectious diseases cannot be adequately compared with each other on the basis of the number of patients or mortality data only. It is better to combine all health effects and express the total impact as disease burden, which also takes duration and severity of diseases

  10. Biomarker for Glycogen Storage Diseases (United States)


    Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors; Glycogen Storage Disease; Glycogen Storage Disease Type I; Glycogen Storage Disease Type II; Glycogen Storage Disease Type III; Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV; Glycogen Storage Disease Type V; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII; Glycogen Storage Disease Type VIII

  11. Degenerative Nerve Diseases (United States)

    Degenerative nerve diseases affect many of your body's activities, such as balance, movement, talking, breathing, and heart function. Many ... viruses. Sometimes the cause is not known. Degenerative nerve diseases include Alzheimer's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Friedreich's ...

  12. Understanding cardiovascular disease (United States)

    ... page: // Understanding cardiovascular disease To use the sharing features on this page, ... lead to heart attack or stroke. Types of Cardiovascular Disease Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common ...

  13. Lyme disease (image) (United States)

    Lyme disease is an acute inflammatory disease characterized by skin changes, joint inflammation and symptoms similar to the ... that is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi . Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of a deer ...

  14. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Expert Briefings: Anxiety in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease NY Nightly News with Chuck ... Briefings: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease 2010 Expert Briefings: Legal Issues: ...

  15. Gene therapy for CNS diseases – Krabbe disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad A. Rafi


    Full Text Available This is a brief report of the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy that took place from May 4th through May 7th, 2016 in Washington, DC, USA. While the meeting provided many symposiums, lectures, and scientific sessions this report mainly focuses on one of the sessions on the "Gene Therapy for central nervous system (CNS Diseases" and specifically on the "Gene Therapy for the globoid cell leukodystrophy or Krabbe disease. Two presentations focused on this subject utilizing two animal models of this disease: mice and dog models. Different serotypes of adeno-associate viral vectors (AAV alone or in combination with bone marrow transplantations were used in these research projects. The Meeting of the ASGCT reflected continuous growth in the fields of gene and cell therapy and brighter forecast for efficient treatment options for variety of human diseases.

  16. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis OHSU - Overview of Parkinson's ... Disease? What Are Some Strategies to Improve the Quality of Community Care for PD Patients? CareMAP: Dealing ...

  17. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Does Caregiving Change from Day to Day? Unconditional Love How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect the Urinary System? ... Mind Guide to Parkinson's Disease Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation Sleep: A Mind Guide to Parkinson’s Disease ...

  18. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Conference: Lessons Learned How Does the DBS Device Work? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Managing Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis CareMAP: ...

  19. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Tips for Care Partners Nurse Webinars: Nursing Solutions: Innovations in PD Nurse Education CareMAP: Managing Advanced Parkinson's ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis How Is Parkinson's Disease ...

  20. Tay-Sachs Disease (United States)

    Tay-Sachs disease is a rare, inherited disease. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. It causes too ... cells, causing mental and physical problems. . Infants with Tay-Sachs disease appear to develop normally for the first few ...

  1. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease (United States)

    ... of this page please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Past Issues / Winter 2015 Table of Contents ... How many Americans over age 65 may have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5 million as many ...

  2. Tick-borne disease. (United States)

    Bratton, Robert L; Corey, Ralph


    Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever. It is important for family physicians to consider these illnesses when patients present with influenza-like symptoms. A petechial rash initially affecting the palms and soles of the feet is associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, whereas erythema migrans (annular macule with central clearing) is associated with Lyme disease. Various other rashes or skin lesions accompanied by fever and influenza-like illness also may signal the presence of a tick-borne disease. Early, accurate diagnosis allows treatment that may help prevent significant morbidity and possible mortality. Because 24 to 48 hours of attachment to the host are required for infection to occur, early removal can help prevent disease. Treatment with doxycycline or tetracycline is indicated for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and relapsing fever. In patients with clinical findings suggestive of tick-borne disease, treatment should not be delayed for laboratory confirmation. If no symptoms follow exposure to tick bites, empiric treatment is not indicated. The same tick may harbor different infectious pathogens and transmit several with one bite. Advising patients about prevention of tick bites, especially in the summer months, may help prevent exposure to dangerous vector-borne diseases.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    idil Gunes Tatar


    Full Text Available Hydatid disease is caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. It is mainly endemic in North African and Mediterranean countries. The disease usually manifests in liver and lungs although involvement of other organs are also seen. In this rare case intracranial hydatid disease in a 9-year-old female patient is presented with Magnetic Resonance Imaging findings. [J Contemp Med 2014; 4(2.000: 103-105

  4. Stargardt Disease (United States)

    ... Stargardt disease, lipofuscin accumulates abnormally. The Foundation Fighting Blindness supports research studying lipofuscin build up and ways to prevent it. A decrease in color perception also occurs in Stargardt disease. This is ...

  5. Prevalence and overlap of Disease Management Program diseases in older hospitalized patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul-Larsen, Helle Gybel; Petersen, Janne; Sivertsen, Ditte Maria


    Many countries, like Denmark, have tailored Disease Management Programs (DMPs) based on patients having single chronic diseases [defined institutionally as "program diseases" (PDs)], which can complicate treatment for those with multiple chronic diseases. The aims of this study were (a) to assess...... the prevalence and overlap among acutely hospitalized older medical patients of PDs defined by the DMPs, and (b) to examine transitions between different departments during hospitalization and mortality and readmission within two time intervals among patients with the different PDs. We conducted a registry study...... of 4649 acutely hospitalized medical patients ≥65 years admitted to Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark, in 2012, and divided patients into six PD groups (type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disease, dementia and cancer), each...

  6. Using internet search queries for infectious disease surveillance: screening diseases for suitability. (United States)

    Milinovich, Gabriel J; Avril, Simon M R; Clements, Archie C A; Brownstein, John S; Tong, Shilu; Hu, Wenbiao


    Internet-based surveillance systems provide a novel approach to monitoring infectious diseases. Surveillance systems built on internet data are economically, logistically and epidemiologically appealing and have shown significant promise. The potential for these systems has increased with increased internet availability and shifts in health-related information seeking behaviour. This approach to monitoring infectious diseases has, however, only been applied to single or small groups of select diseases. This study aims to systematically investigate the potential for developing surveillance and early warning systems using internet search data, for a wide range of infectious diseases. Official notifications for 64 infectious diseases in Australia were downloaded and correlated with frequencies for 164 internet search terms for the period 2009-13 using Spearman's rank correlations. Time series cross correlations were performed to assess the potential for search terms to be used in construction of early warning systems. Notifications for 17 infectious diseases (26.6%) were found to be significantly correlated with a selected search term. The use of internet metrics as a means of surveillance has not previously been described for 12 (70.6%) of these diseases. The majority of diseases identified were vaccine-preventable, vector-borne or sexually transmissible; cross correlations, however, indicated that vector-borne and vaccine preventable diseases are best suited for development of early warning systems. The findings of this study suggest that internet-based surveillance systems have broader applicability to monitoring infectious diseases than has previously been recognised. Furthermore, internet-based surveillance systems have a potential role in forecasting emerging infectious disease events, especially for vaccine-preventable and vector-borne diseases.

  7. Chronic kidney disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    disease, together with other related non -communicable diseases. (NCDs), poses not only a threat ... but because if we do not act against NCDs we will also be increasing individual and ... respiratory diseases and cancer. This is in recognition ...

  8. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... We Walk at Moving Day CareMAP: Managing Caregiver Stress Aware in Care: Real Stories CareMAP: End-of- ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis Overview of Parkinson's Disease ...

  9. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... and Parkinson's Disease? Hallucinations and Delusions CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  10. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... Foundation How Is Parkinson's Disease Diagnosed? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: Travel and Transportation: Part 1 ...

  11. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Parkinson's Disease: One Voice, Many Listeners Expert Briefings: Medical Therapies: What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline? Expert Briefings: Under-recognized Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ...

  12. Addison′s disease


    Soumya Brata Sarkar; Subrata Sarkar; Supratim Ghosh; Subhankar Bandyopadhyay


    Addison's disease is a rare endocrinal disorder, with several oral and systemic manifestations. A variety of pathological processes may cause Addison's disease. Classically, hyperpigmentation is associated with the disease, and intraoral pigmentation is perceived as the initial sign and develops earlier than the dermatological pigmentation. The symptoms of the disease usually progress slowly and an event of illness or accident can make the condition worse and may lead to a life-threatening cr...

  13. [Tick-borne diseases]. (United States)

    Tissot Dupont, H; Raoult, D


    Due to their worldwide distribution, from hottest to coldest climates, and due to their behaviour, ticks are capable of transmitting numerous human and animal bacterial viral or parasitous diseases. Depending on the disease, they play the role of biological vector or intermediate host. In France, six tick borne diseases are of epidemiologic importance. Q fever (not often tick-borne), Mediterranean Spotted Fever, Lyme disease, Turalemia (human and animal), Babesiosis and Tick-borne Viral Encephalitis.

  14. Staphylococcal disease in Africa: another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Günther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; Peters, Georg; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Müller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.


    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  15. Staphylococcal disease in Africa : another neglected 'tropical' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herrmann, Mathias; Abdullah, Salim; Alabi, Abraham; Alonso, Pedro; Friedrich, Alexander W.; Fuhr, Guenther; Germann, Anja; Kern, Winfried V.; Kremsner, Peter G.; Mandomando, Inacio; Mellmann, Alexander C.; Pluschke, Gerd; Rieg, Siegbert; Ruffing, Ulla; Schaumburg, Frieder; Tanner, Marcel; von Briesen, Hagen; von Eiff, Christof; von Mueller, Lutz; Grobusch, Martin P.; Peters, Georg

    The term 'neglected tropical diseases' predominantly refers to single-entity, mostly parasitic diseases. However, a considerable morbidity and mortality burden is carried by patients infected with Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli that are prevalent all over the world, yet have impact in

  16. Addison's disease secondary to connective tissue diseases: a report of six cases. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhuo-li; Wang, Yu; Zhou, Wei; Hao, Yan-jie


    Addison's disease is an autoimmune process. However, Addison's disease associated with connective tissue diseases (CTD) is only occasionally reported. Here, we report six cases of Addison's disease secondary to a variety of CTD, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, Takayasu arteritis, systemic sclerosis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. The association of Addison's disease with Takayasu arteritis and AS is reported for the first time. We also found high prevalence of hypothyroidism as concomitant autoimmune disorder. Our case series highlight the autoimmune features of Addison's disease. Therefore, we suggest considering adrenal dysfunction in patients with CTD.

  17. Liver disease (United States)

    ... this page: // Liver disease To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. The term "liver disease" applies to many conditions that stop the ...

  18. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: Rapid molecular detection with MTBDRplus® assay in clinical samples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Macedo


    , identificacao e testes de sensibilidade classicos, directamente a partir de amostras respiratorias. Estudamos 68 amostras, com baciloscopia positiva.O MTBDRplus® permitiu identificar, directamente a partir das amostras respiratorias, o complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis em todos os casos em que o estudo cultural e a identificacao classica chegaram a esse mesmo resultado. Nas amostras em que culturalmente isolamos estirpes sensiveis, com o MTBDRplus® encontramos sempre perfis geneticos do tipo selvagem (63,2%. Relativamente as amostras em que culturalmente isolamos estirpes resistentes, com o MTBDRplus® encontramos sempre perfis geneticos com mutacoes ou com ausencia do perfil do tipo selvagem (36,8%.Este estudo permitiu concluir que o MTBDRplus® assegura a deteccao rapida de resistencias a farmacos em estirpes do complexo M. tuberculosis, com resultados totalmente sobreponiveis aos obtidos com os metodos bacteriologicos classicos. Key-words: Tuberculosis, Multi-drug resistance, Laboratory diagnosis, Palavras-chave: Tuberculose, Multirresistencia, Diagnostico laboratorial.

  19. Heart disease and diet (United States)

    Diet - heart disease; CAD - diet; Coronary artery disease - diet; Coronary heart disease - diet ... diet and lifestyle can reduce your risk of: Heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke Conditions that lead ...

  20. Morgellons Disease


    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination sho...

  1. Hirschsprung disease. (United States)

    Haricharan, Ramanath N; Georgeson, Keith E


    Hirschsprung disease is a relatively common condition managed by pediatric surgeons. Significant advances have been made in understanding its etiologies in the last decade, especially with the explosion of molecular genetic techniques and early diagnosis. The surgical management has progressed from a two- or three-stage procedure to a primary operation. More recently, definitive surgery for Hirschsprung disease through minimally invasive techniques has gained popularity. In neonates, the advancement of treatment strategies for Hirschsprung disease continues with reduced patient morbidity and improved outcomes.

  2. Dent's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thakker Rajesh V


    Full Text Available Abstract Dent's disease is a renal tubular disorder characterized by manifestations of proximal tubule dysfunction, including low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, and progressive renal failure. These features are generally found in males only, and may be present in early childhood, whereas female carriers may show a milder phenotype. Prevalence is unknown; the disorder has been reported in around 250 families to date. Complications such as rickets or osteomalacia may occur. The disease is caused by mutations in either the CLCN5 (Dent disease 1 or OCRL1 (Dent disease 2 genes that are located on chromosome Xp11.22 and Xq25, respectively. CLCN5 encodes the electrogenic Cl-/H+ exchanger ClC-5, which belongs to the CLC family of Cl- channels/transporters. OCRL1 encodes a phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2 5-phosphatase and mutations are also associated with Lowe Syndrome. The phenotype of Dent's disease is explained by the predominant expression of ClC-5 in the proximal tubule segments of the kidney. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been described thus far, and there is considerable intra-familial variability in disease severity. A few patients with Dent's disease do not harbour mutations in CLCN5 and OCRL1, pointing to the involvement of other genes. Diagnosis is based on the presence of all three of the following criteria: low-molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and at least one of the following: nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones, hematuria, hypophosphatemia or renal insufficiency. Molecular genetic testing confirms the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis includes other causes of generalized dysfunction of the proximal tubules (renal Fanconi syndrome, hereditary, acquired, or caused by exogenous substances. Antenatal diagnosis and pre-implantation genetic testing is not advised. The care of patients with Dent's disease is supportive, focusing on the treatment of hypercalciuria and

  3. DISEASES: text mining and data integration of disease-gene associations. (United States)

    Pletscher-Frankild, Sune; Pallejà, Albert; Tsafou, Kalliopi; Binder, Janos X; Jensen, Lars Juhl


    Text mining is a flexible technology that can be applied to numerous different tasks in biology and medicine. We present a system for extracting disease-gene associations from biomedical abstracts. The system consists of a highly efficient dictionary-based tagger for named entity recognition of human genes and diseases, which we combine with a scoring scheme that takes into account co-occurrences both within and between sentences. We show that this approach is able to extract half of all manually curated associations with a false positive rate of only 0.16%. Nonetheless, text mining should not stand alone, but be combined with other types of evidence. For this reason, we have developed the DISEASES resource, which integrates the results from text mining with manually curated disease-gene associations, cancer mutation data, and genome-wide association studies from existing databases. The DISEASES resource is accessible through a web interface at, where the text-mining software and all associations are also freely available for download. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Gallstone disease and mortality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shabanzadeh, Daniel Mønsted; Sørensen, Lars Tue; Jørgensen, Torben


    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this cohort study was to determine whether subjects with gallstone disease identified by screening of a general population had increased overall mortality when compared to gallstone-free participants and to explore causes of death. METHODS: The study population (N...... built. RESULTS: Gallstone disease was present in 10%. Mortality was 46% during median 24.7 years of follow-up with 1% lost. Overall mortality and death from cardiovascular diseases were significantly associated to gallstone disease. Death from unknown causes was significantly associated to gallstone...... disease and death from cancer and gastrointestinal disease was not associated. No differences in mortality for ultrasound-proven gallstones or cholecystectomy were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Gallstone disease is associated with increased overall mortality and to death from cardiovascular disease. Gallstones...

  5. Gaucher Disease (United States)

    Gaucher disease is a rare, inherited disorder. It is a type of lipid metabolism disorder. If you ... affected. It usually starts in childhood or adolescence. Gaucher disease has no cure. Treatment options for types ...

  6. Liver Diseases (United States)

    Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. There are many kinds of liver diseases: Diseases caused by viruses, such as hepatitis ...

  7. Sandhoff Disease (United States)

    ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ... which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease ...

  8. Coeliac disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reilly, Norelle R; Husby, Steffen; Sanders, David S


    Coeliac disease is increasingly recognized as a global problem in both children and adults. Traditionally, the findings of characteristic changes of villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis identified in duodenal biopsy samples taken during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy have...... been required for diagnosis. Although biopsies remain advised as necessary for the diagnosis of coeliac disease in adults, European guidelines for children provide a biopsy-sparing diagnostic pathway. This approach has been enabled by the high specificity and sensitivity of serological testing. However......, these guidelines are not universally accepted. In this Perspective, we discuss the pros and cons of a biopsy-avoiding pathway for the diagnosis of coeliac disease, especially in this current era of the call for more biopsies, even from the duodenal bulb, in the diagnosis of coeliac disease. In addition, a contrast...

  9. Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz | Alzheimer's disease | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz: Alzheimer's Disease Quiz Past Issues / Fall 2010 Table of ... How many people in the United States have Alzheimer's disease? as many as 5.1 million as ...

  10. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping ... How Does Parkinson's Disease Affect Memory? CareMAP: Balancing Life and Caregiving CareMAP: La Alimentación y la Deglución, ...

  11. Peptic Ulcer Disease (United States)

    ... Site ACG Patients Home / Digestive Health Topic / Peptic Ulcer Disease Peptic Ulcer Disease Basics Overview An “ulcer” is an open ... for pain in patients at risk for peptic ulcer disease. Peptic – caused by acid. PPIs – P roton P ump ...

  12. Alzheimer disease (United States)

    ... likely need to plan for their loved one's future care. The final phase of the disease may ... disease and other dementias. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine . 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: ...

  13. Celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases in patients with collagenous colitis. (United States)

    Vigren, Lina; Tysk, Curt; Ström, Magnus; Kilander, Anders F; Hjortswang, Henrik; Bohr, Johan; Benoni, Cecilia; Larson, Lasse; Sjöberg, Klas


    Collagenous colitis (CC) is associated with autoimmune disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between CC and autoimmune disorders in a Swedish multicenter study. Patients with CC answered questionnaires about demographic data and disease activity. The patient's files were scrutinized for information about autoimmune diseases. A total number of 116 CC patients were included; 92 women, 24 men, median age 62 years (IQR 55-73). In total, 30.2% had one or more autoimmune disorder. Most common were celiac disease (CeD; 12.9%) and autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD, 10.3%), but they also had Sjögren's syndrome (3.4%), diabetes mellitus (1.7%) and conditions in skin and joints (6.0%). Patients with associated autoimmune disease had more often nocturnal stools. The majority of the patients with associated CeD or ATD got these diagnoses before the colitis diagnosis. Autoimmune disorders occurred in one-third of these patients, especially CeD. In classic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease is described in contrast to CC where no cases occurred. Instead, CeD was prevalent, a condition not reported in classic IBD. Patients with an associated autoimmune disease had more symptoms. Patients with CC and CeD had an earlier onset of their colitis. The majority of the patients with both CC and CeD were smokers. Associated autoimmune disease should be contemplated in the follow-up of these patients.

  14. Coronary artery disease in patients with cerebrovascular disease: a prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rokey, R.; Rolak, L.A.; Harati, Y.; Kutka, N.; Verani, M.S.


    Coronary artery disease is the cause of death in most patients who have transient ischemic attacks or stroke. Evaluation for this condition is not routinely performed in such patients, and no prospective studies have been reported. We prospectively examined 50 consecutive patients with transient ischemic attacks or mild stroke to determine the prevalence and importance of coronary artery disease. All patients were examined by a cardiologist and underwent both exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy and exercise radionuclide ventriculography. Sixteen patients were suspected to have coronary artery disease on the basis of clinical evaluation. In 15 of these the was confirmed by the nuclear scans. The remaining 34 patients had no clinical evidence of heart disease, yet 14 had abnormal cardiac scans. Twenty of 22 patients with abnormal scans who underwent cardiac catheterization had significant coronary artery disease or a cardiomyopathy. The discovery of heart disease altered clinical management in 13 patients. Overall, 29 of 50 patients had significant coronary artery disease, compared with a 7% prevalence of the condition in other patients of similar age at the same institution

  15. Genetics and Rheumatic Disease (United States)

    ... Well with Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Genetics and Rheumatic Disease Fast Facts Studying twins has ... 70%, and for non-identical pairs, even lower. Genetics and ankylosing spondylitis Each rheumatic disease has its ...

  16. What Is Celiac Disease? (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  17. Celiac Disease Changes Everything (United States)

    ... Disease" Articles Celiac Disease Changes Everything / What is Celiac Disease? / Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment / Four Inches and Seven Pounds… / Learning to Live Well with Celiac Disease / Living Gluten-Free Spring 2015 Issue: Volume 10 ...

  18. Heart disease - risk factors (United States)

    Heart disease - prevention; CVD - risk factors; Cardiovascular disease - risk factors; Coronary artery disease - risk factors; CAD - risk ... a certain health condition. Some risk factors for heart disease you cannot change, but some you can. ...

  19. Addison Disease (United States)

    ... your blood pressure and water and salt balance. Addison disease happens if the adrenal glands don't make ... A problem with your immune system usually causes Addison disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks your own tissues, ...

  20. Lyme Disease (United States)

    ... spread to the nervous system, causing facial paralysis ( Bell's palsy ), or meningitis. The last stage of Lyme disease ... My Lyme Disease Risk? Bug Bites and Stings Bell's Palsy Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Meningitis View more About ...

  1. Refsum Disease (United States)

    ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ... night blindness due to degeneration of the retina (retinitis pigmentosa). If the disease progresses, other symptoms may include ...

  2. Epigenetics of kidney disease. (United States)

    Wanner, Nicola; Bechtel-Walz, Wibke


    DNA methylation and histone modifications determine renal programming and the development and progression of renal disease. The identification of the way in which the renal cell epigenome is altered by environmental modifiers driving the onset and progression of renal diseases has extended our understanding of the pathophysiology of kidney disease progression. In this review, we focus on current knowledge concerning the implications of epigenetic modifications during renal disease from early development to chronic kidney disease progression including renal fibrosis, diabetic nephropathy and the translational potential of identifying new biomarkers and treatments for the prevention and therapy of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease.

  3. Management of adynamic bone disease in chronic kidney disease: A brief review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Swathi K. Sista


    Full Text Available The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO work group released recommendations in 2006 to define the bone-related pathology associated with chronic kidney disease as renal osteodystrophy. In 2009, KDIGO released revised clinical practice guidelines which redefined systemic disorders of bone and mineral metabolism due to chronic kidney disease as chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders. Conditions under this overarching term include osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, and adynamic bone disease. We aim to provide a brief review of the histopathology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and diagnostic features of adynamic bone disease, focusing on current trends in the management of this complex bone disorder.

  4. Parkinson's Disease Videos (United States)

    ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  5. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease: a rare disease with an unusual presentation. (United States)

    Khan, Muhammad Waqas; Hadley, Terrance; Kesler, Melissa; Gul, Zartash


    IgG4-RD can also present in the skeletal muscle, mimicking several other diseases. It is unusual for this relatively new classification of diseases to present in the muscles and can be mistakenly diagnosed as other autoimmune diseases rendering a delay in the appropriate management and progression of the disease.

  6. Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Kidney Disease KidsHealth / For Teens / Kidney Disease What's in ... Coping With Kidney Conditions Print What Do the Kidneys Do? You might never think much about some ...

  7. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (United States)

    ... Home Conditions Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Make an Appointment Find a Doctor ... by Barbara Goldstein, MD (February 01, 2016) Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) is a systemic autoimmune disease. This ...

  8. American Lyme Disease Foundation (United States)

    ... Infectious Diseases, 35: 451-464, 2002) What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by ... mission with your own tax-deductible contribution. American Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. PO Box 466 Lyme, CT 06371 ...

  9. Inflammation and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Inflammation and Heart Disease Updated:Jun 13,2017 Understand the risks of ... inflammation causes cardiovascular disease, inflammation is common for heart disease and stroke patients and is thought to be ...

  10. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Nonmotor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Gait, Balance and Falls in Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Coping Skills for ... Caregivers: Caremap and Caring & Coping CareMAP: Movement and Falls: Part ... There Any Ways to Control the Rate of Progression of the Disease? CareMAP: ...

  11. Sexual transmission of Lyme disease: challenging the tickborne disease paradigm. (United States)

    Stricker, Raphael B; Middelveen, Marianne J


    Lyme disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi has become a major worldwide epidemic. In this article, we explore the clinical, epidemiological and experimental evidence for sexual transmission of Lyme disease in animal models and humans. Although the likelihood of sexual transmission of the Lyme spirochete remains speculative, the possibility of Lyme disease transmission via intimate human contact merits further study.

  12. Hodgkin's disease part 1: pathology, staging, and management of early stage disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauch, Peter; Yahalom, Joachim


    Over the past 25 years there have been dramatic improvements in our understanding of the epidemiology, biology, natural history, and treatment of Hodgkins disease. Hodgkin's disease is one of the few cancers where both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have provided dramatic improvements in cure of this once uniformly fatal disease. Part 1 of the refresher course on Hodgkin's disease will include a review of: 1) New Findings in epidemiology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology of the Reed-Sternberg cell including association with Epstein-Barr virus; 2) Review of pathology including discussions of NS 1 vs NS2, and nodular LP subclassifications; 3) Recommendations for staging including the role of staging laparotomy in Hodgkin's disease; 4) Standard techniques for commonly used radiation therapy fields for Hodgkin's disease and 5) Treatment of early stage Hodgkin's disease including an overview on recent and current clinical trials

  13. Heart disease and women (United States)

    ... this page: // Heart disease and women To use the sharing features on ... please enable JavaScript. People often DO NOT consider heart disease a woman's disease. Yet cardiovascular disease is the ...

  14. Men and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Pressure Salt Cholesterol Million Hearts® WISEWOMAN Men and Heart Disease Fact Sheet Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Source: Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke Heart Disease Facts in Men Heart disease is the leading ...

  15. Digestive Diseases (United States)

    ... Lactose Intolerance Liver Disease Ménétrier’s Disease Microscopic Colitis Ostomy Surgery of the Bowel Pancreatitis Peptic Ulcers (Stomach ... and outreach materials. Clinical Trials Clinical trials offer hope for many people and opportunities to help researchers ...

  16. Viral Disease Networks? (United States)

    Gulbahce, Natali; Yan, Han; Vidal, Marc; Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo


    Viral infections induce multiple perturbations that spread along the links of the biological networks of the host cells. Understanding the impact of these cascading perturbations requires an exhaustive knowledge of the cellular machinery as well as a systems biology approach that reveals how individual components of the cellular system function together. Here we describe an integrative method that provides a new approach to studying virus-human interactions and its correlations with diseases. Our method involves the combined utilization of protein - protein interactions, protein -- DNA interactions, metabolomics and gene - disease associations to build a ``viraldiseasome''. By solely using high-throughput data, we map well-known viral associated diseases and predict new candidate viral diseases. We use microarray data of virus-infected tissues and patient medical history data to further test the implications of the viral diseasome. We apply this method to Epstein-Barr virus and Human Papillomavirus and shed light into molecular development of viral diseases and disease pathways.

  17. Coeliac disease and epilepsy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Whether there is an association between coeliac disease and epilepsy is uncertain. Recently, a syndrome of coeliac disease, occipital lobe epilepsy and cerebral calcification has been described, mostly in Italy. We measured the prevalence of coeliac disease in patients attending a seizure clinic, and investigated whether cerebral calcification occurred in patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy. Screening for coeliac disease was by IgA endomysial antibody, measured by indirect immunofluorescence using sections of human umbilical cord. Of 177 patients screened, four patients were positive. All had small-bowel histology typical of coeliac disease. The overall frequency of coeliac disease in this mixed patient sample was 1 in 44. In a control group of 488 pregnant patients, two serum samples were positive (1 in 244). Sixteen patients with both coeliac disease and epilepsy, who had previously attended this hospital, were identified. No patient had cerebral calcification on CT scanning. Coeliac disease appears to occur with increased frequency in patients with epilepsy, and a high index of suspicion should be maintained. Cerebral calcification is not a feature of our patients with epilepsy and coeliac disease, and may be an ethnically-or geographically-restricted finding.

  18. National disease management plans for key chronic non-communicable diseases in Singapore. (United States)

    Tan, C C


    In Singapore, chronic, non-communicable diseases, namely coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer, account for more than 60% of all deaths and a high burden of disability and healthcare expenditure. The burden of these diseases is likely to rise with our rapidly ageing population and changing lifestyles, and will present profound challenges to our healthcare delivery and financing systems over the next 20 to 30 years. The containment and optimal management of these conditions require a strong emphasis on patient education and the development of integrated models of healthcare delivery in place of the present uncoordinated, compartmentalised way of delivering healthcare. To meet these challenges, the Ministry of Health's major thrusts are disease control measures which focus mainly on primary prevention; and disease management, which coordinates the national effort to reduce the incidence of these key diseases and their predisposing factors and to ameliorate their long-term impact by optimising control to reduce mortality, morbidity and complications, and improving functional status through rehabilitation. The key initiatives include restructuring of the public sector healthcare institutions into two clusters, each comprising a network of primary health care polyclinics, regional hospitals and tertiary institutions. The functional integration of these healthcare elements within each cluster under a common senior administrative and professional management, and the development of common clinical IT systems will greatly facilitate the implementation of disease management programmes. Secondly, the Ministry is establishing National Disease Registries in coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, myopia and kidney failure, which will be valuable sources of clinical and outcomes data. Thirdly, in partnership with expert groups, national committees and professional agencies, the Ministry will produce clinical practice guidelines which will assist doctors and healthcare

  19. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Didde; Andreassen, Bente Utoft; Heegaard, Niels Henrik H


    Background: Kidney disease has been reported in adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is regarded an extraintestinal manifestation or more rarely a side effect of the medical treatment. Methods: In this cross-sectional study we describe the extent of kidney pathology in a cohort of 56...... children with IBD. Blood and urine samples were analyzed for markers of kidney disease and ultrasonography was performed to evaluate pole-to-pole kidney length. Results: We found that 25% of the patients had either previously reported kidney disease or ultrasonographic signs of chronic kidney disease...... are at risk of chronic kidney disease, and the risk seems to be increased with the severity of the disease....

  20. Norries disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saini J


    Full Text Available A 2-month-old male infant was found to have Norrie′s disease. The clinical presentation and detailed histological features diagnostic of the disease are discussed. This is the first authentic, histologically proven case of Norrie′s disease from India. The absence of hearing loss and mental retardation at the time of presentation at the early stage of infancy and the fact that the case was sporadic do not detract from the diagnosis. However the child at the age of one year developed hearing loss.

  1. Menkes Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ... arteries. Weakened bones (osteoporosis) may result in fractures. × Definition Menkes disease is caused by a defective gene named ATPTA ...

  2. Fabry Disease (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ... severe symptoms similar to males with the disorder. × Definition Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty ...

  3. Fifth disease (United States)

    Parvovirus B19; Erythema infectiosum; Slapped cheek rash ... Fifth disease is caused by human parvovirus B19. It often affects preschoolers or school-age children during the spring. The disease spreads through the fluids in the nose and mouth ...

  4. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (United States)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Hallas, Jesper; Lange, Peter


    We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis (31 vs 21%, P = 0.004), more breathlessness (39 vs 22%, P gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Among individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease, those who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly had an increased risk of COPD exacerbations during follow-up, hazards ratio (HR): HR = 2.7 (1.3-5.4, P = 0.006). Individuals with gastro-esophageal reflux disease, using acid inhibitory treatment regularly did not have an increased risk of exacerbations, HR = 1.2 (0.6-2.7, P = 0.63). Gastro-esophageal reflux disease was associated with an increased risk of medically treated exacerbations of COPD, but only in those individuals who did not use acid inhibitory treatment regularly. © 2014 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  5. Multi-disease data management system platform for vector-borne diseases.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Eisen


    Full Text Available Emerging information technologies present new opportunities to reduce the burden of malaria, dengue and other infectious diseases. For example, use of a data management system software package can help disease control programs to better manage and analyze their data, and thus enhances their ability to carry out continuous surveillance, monitor interventions and evaluate control program performance.We describe a novel multi-disease data management system platform (hereinafter referred to as the system with current capacity for dengue and malaria that supports data entry, storage and query. It also allows for production of maps and both standardized and customized reports. The system is comprised exclusively of software components that can be distributed without the user incurring licensing costs. It was designed to maximize the ability of the user to adapt the system to local conditions without involvement of software developers. Key points of system adaptability include 1 customizable functionality content by disease, 2 configurable roles and permissions, 3 customizable user interfaces and display labels and 4 configurable information trees including a geographical entity tree and a term tree. The system includes significant portions of functionality that is entirely or in large part re-used across diseases, which provides an economy of scope as new diseases downstream are added to the system at decreased cost.We have developed a system with great potential for aiding disease control programs in their task to reduce the burden of dengue and malaria, including the implementation of integrated vector management programs. Next steps include evaluations of operational implementations of the current system with capacity for dengue and malaria, and the inclusion in the system platform of other important vector-borne diseases.

  6. Fantasmas de um gesto escritor: entre o manuscrito e a tela de cinema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Luiza Andrade


    Full Text Available O artigo busca entender as várias possibilidades do gesto escritor em Osman Lins, principalmente através das teorias sobre o gesto do autor de Giorgio Agamben. Como gesto escritor se destaca, inclusive, o do autor-produtor (Benjamin entre o cameraman e o escritor, entre o mercadológico e o teórico. Nas passagens da produção manufaturada à industrial, o gesto desgarrado de escritor em Osman Lins (suas contínuas voltas ao gesto arcaico  se aparenta ao gesto escultor em Francisco Brennand, também arcaico, como o do oleiro antigo, ao queimar em seu fogo como o “sopro na argila”: concretização imperfeita  respectiva ao vaso e à palavra.

  7. Disease stage, but not sex, predicts depression and psychological distress in Huntington's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dale, Maria; Maltby, John; Shimozaki, Steve


    OBJECTIVE: Depression and anxiety significantly affect morbidity in Huntington's disease. Mice. models of Huntington's disease have identified sex differences in mood-like behaviours that vary across disease lifespan, but this interaction has not previously been explored in humans with Huntington......'s disease. However, among certain medical populations, evidence of sex differences in mood across various disease stages has been found, reflecting trends among the general population that women tend to experience anxiety and depression 1.5 to 2 times more than men. The current study examined whether...... disease stage and sex, either separately or as an interaction term, predicted anxiety and depression in Huntington's disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of REGISTRY data involving 453 Huntington's disease participants from 12 European countries was undertaken using the Hospital Anxiety...

  8. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robbins, J H; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R E; Polinsky, R J; Nee, L E; Brumback, R A


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death.

  9. Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease: hypersensitivity to X-rays in cultured cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robbins, J.H.; Otsuka, Fujio; Tarone, R.E.; Polinsky, R.J.; Nee, L.E.; Brumback, R.A.


    Fibroblast and/or lymphoblastoid lines from patients with several inherited primary neuronal degenerations are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Therefore, lymphoblastoid lines were irradiated from patients with sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The mean survival values of the eight Parkinson's disease and of the six Alzheimer's disease lines, but not of the five amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lines, were less than that of the 28 normal lines. Our results with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease cells can be explained by a genetic defect arising as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis, causing defective repair of the X-ray type of DNA damage. Such a DNA repair defect could cause an abnormal accumulation of spontaneously occurring DNA damage in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease neurons in vivo, resulting in their premature death. (author)

  10. HIV and Cardiovascular Disease (United States)

    ... Select a Language: Fact Sheet 652 HIV and Cardiovascular Disease HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE WHY SHOULD PEOPLE WITH HIV CARE ABOUT CVD? ... OF CVD? WHAT ABOUT CHANGING MEDICATIONS? HIV AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes a group of problems ...

  11. Diabetes and Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... some in the family will have celiac disease. • Symptoms of celiac disease vary widely, but are often absent in persons ... Abnormal labs XX Diabetes and Celiac Disease | continued CELIAC DISEASE Classic symptoms... Gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, weight loss, anemia. ...

  12. Poorly Responsive Celiac Disease (United States)

    ... Close Celiac Disease Understanding Celiac Disease What is Celiac Disease? Symptoms Screening and Diagnosis Treatment and Follow-Up Dermatitis ... Schuppan D, Kelly CP. Etiologies and predictors of diagnosis in nonresponsive celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5 : 445–50. Finding ...

  13. Early Disseminated Lyme Disease with Carditis Complicated by Posttreatment Lyme Disease Syndrome


    Novak, Cheryl; Harrison, Andrew; Aucott, John


    Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. When untreated, infection may spread to the heart, nervous system, and joints. Cardiac involvement usually manifests as abnormalities of the conduction system and bradycardia. Treatment of Lyme disease is generally effective, with a subset of patients experiencing persistent, sometimes long-term symptoms called posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome.

  14. Autoimmune disease and risk for Parkinson disease A population-based case-control study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rugbjerg, K.; Friis, S.; Ritz, B.


    Objective: Inflammatory mediators are increased in autoimmune diseases and may activate microglia and might cause an inflammatory state and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the brain. Thus, we evaluated whether having an autoimmune disease increases the risk for developing Parkinson disease...... do not support the hypothesis that autoimmune diseases increase the risk for Parkinson disease. The decreased risk observed among patients with rheumatoid arthritis might be explained by underdiagnosis of movement disorders such as Parkinson disease in this patient group or by a protective effect...

  15. diseases free body




    Diseases are very common now a days . It is our food habits itself that causes this diseases. Diseases can cause many health problems. goiter causes and symptoms It is very important to follow healthy food habits and to maintain good health. A healthy body is always a treasure to every person.

  16. Emerging zoonotic viral diseases. (United States)

    Wang, L-F; Crameri, G


    Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases that are naturally transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans and vice versa. They are caused by all types of pathogenic agents, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and prions. Although they have been recognised for many centuries, their impact on public health has increased in the last few decades due to a combination of the success in reducing the spread of human infectious diseases through vaccination and effective therapies and the emergence of novel zoonotic diseases. It is being increasingly recognised that a One Health approach at the human-animal-ecosystem interface is needed for effective investigation, prevention and control of any emerging zoonotic disease. Here, the authors will review the drivers for emergence, highlight some of the high-impact emerging zoonotic diseases of the last two decades and provide examples of novel One Health approaches for disease investigation, prevention and control. Although this review focuses on emerging zoonotic viral diseases, the authors consider that the discussions presented in this paper will be equally applicable to emerging zoonotic diseases of other pathogen types.

  17. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification: disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.


    OBJECTIVES: Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  18. Clinical outcome of Crohn's disease according to the Vienna classification : disease location is a useful predictor of disease course

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oostenbrug, Liekele E.; van Dullemen, Hendrik M.; te Meerman, Gerard J.; Jansen, Peter L. M.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.

    Objectives Crohn's disease (CD) is a complex genetic disease with multiple clinical patterns. Clinical classifications may help to identify subgroups of patients that have a distinct pattern of disease, and they are also a prerequisite for the conduction of genetic and therapeutic studies. The aim

  19. Disease Burden of 32 Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands, 2007-2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Lier, Alies; McDonald, Scott A; Bouwknegt, Martijn; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Havelaar, Arie H; Mangen, Marie-Josée J; Wallinga, Jacco; de Melker, Hester E


    BACKGROUND: Infectious disease burden estimates provided by a composite health measure give a balanced view of the true impact of a disease on a population, allowing the relative impact of diseases that differ in severity and mortality to be monitored over time. This article presents the first

  20. Pregnancy and periodontal disease


    Sağlam, Ebru; Saruhan, Nesrin; Çanakçı, Cenk Fatih


    Some maternal immunological changes due to pregnancy increases susceptibility to infections. Periodontal disease, the main cause is plaque, is a common disease which is seen multifactorial and varying severity. There are many clinical criteria for diagnosis of periodontal disease. Correlation between pregnancy and periodontal inflammation is known for many years. Periodontal disease affects pregnant’s systemic condition and also has negative effects on fetus. Periodontal disease increases the...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dewi-Nurul M Dewi-Nurul


    Full Text Available Stress is hypothesized as a common pathway for several related chronic diseases of man. Psychosocial stress as modified by perceptions and coping by patients can lead to physical processes. Psychoneuroimmunologic (PNI studies have suggested that psychosocial stress can alter immune function and increase vulnerability to illnesses. The patients also have high sensitivity to periodontal disease (PD. This article describes the association of stress as a physiological response to diseases such as PD, rheumatoid arthritis (RA, and inflammatory bowel disease. The psychosocial stress can lead to physiological processes through 1 the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis leading to glucocortico-steroid secretion; 2 the autonomic nervous system, resulting in the release of catecholamine; or 3 the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, resulting in the release of sex hormones. These processes may affect chronic diseases. It can be concluded that psychosocial stress in periodontal disease patients must be considered and social support must be provided in order to achieve an optimum periodontal therapy result.

  2. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, M.M.; Salama, R.P.


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  3. Association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rehman, M M; Salama, R P [Ajman Univ. of Science and Technology Network, Abu-Dhabi Campus (United Arab Emirates)


    Studies have supported the notion that subjects with periodontitis and patients with multiple tooth extractions as a result of chronic advanced periodontal disease (PDD) have a greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those who had little or no periodontal infection. Periodontitis may predispose affected patients to CVD by elevating systemic C-reactive protein level and pro-inflammatory activity in atherosclerotic lesions and accelerate development of cardiovascular diseases, Oral health variables including loss of teeth, positive plaque Benzoyl-D-L-Arginine- Naphthyl Amide test (BANA) scores, and compliant of xerostomia may by considered as risk indicators for CVD. Exact mechanism which links PDD and CVD has not been firmly established. The link between PDD and CVD may be attributed to bacteria entering blood stream and attaching to the fatty plaque in coronary artery and contributing to clot formation which can lead to heart attack. Inflammation caused by PDD increases the plaque build up. The association between the two disease entities is cause for concern. However, dental and medical practitioners should be aware of these findings to move intelligently to interact with inquiring patients with periodontitis. They should be urged to maintain medical surveillance of their cardiovascular status, and work on controlling or reducing all known risk factors associated with CVD, including periodontal infection. (author)

  4. Celiac disease in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malekzadeh R


    Full Text Available Background: Until a few decades ago, celiac disease was considered to be essentially a disease of European people and to be very rare in Middle Eastern countries. During the last two decades, having met the criteria for the WHO general screening, the advent and application of novel serological assays used to screen for celiac disease and the use of endoscopic small bowel biopsy have led to increasing numbers of diagnoses of celiac disease in western countries. With this new data, our knowledge on both the clinical pattern and epidemiology of celiac disease has increased, and is now known to be a relatively common autoimmune disorder. Studies performed in different parts of the developing world have shown that the prevalence of celiac disease in this area is similar to or even higher than that in western countries. In fact, celiac disease is known to be the most common form of chronic diarrhea in Iran. However, contrary to common belief, celiac disease is more than a pure digestive alteration. It is a protean systemic disease, and, with a 95 percent genetic predisposition, has a myriad of symptoms including gastrointestinal, dermatological, dental, neurological and behavioral that can occur at a variety of ages. Monosymptomatic, oligosymptomatic, atypical (without gastrointestinal symptoms, silent and latent forms of celiac disease have been identified. In this study we review the epidemiology of celiac disease based on the studies performed in Iran and discuss its pathogenesis, the role of antibodies in the diagnosis of celiac disease and the importance of its diagnosis and treatment in Iran.

  5. The link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Said, Sarmad; Hernandez, German T


    It is well known that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a strong risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the excess risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD is only partially explained by the presence of traditional risk factors, such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO and Web of Science has been searched. Chronic kidney disease even in its early stages can cause hypertension and potentiate the risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the practice of intensive blood pressure lowering was criticized in recent systematic reviews. Available evidence is inconclusive but does not prove that a blood pressure target of less than 130/80 mmHg as recommended in the guidelines improves clinical outcomes more than a target of less than 140/90 mmHg in adults with CKD. The association between CKD and CVD has been extensively documented in the literature. Both CKD and CVD share common traditional risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia. However, cardiovascular disease remains often underdiagnosed und undertreated in patients with CKD. It is imperative that as clinicians, we recognize that patients with CKD are a group at high risk for developing CVD and cardiovascular events. Additional studies devoted to further understand the risk factors for CVD in patients with CKD are necessary to develop and institute preventative and treatment strategies to reduce the high morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD.

  6. Leigh's Disease (United States)

    ... X-linked form of Leigh’s disease, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be recommended. View Full Treatment Information Definition Leigh's disease is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder that affects the central nervous system. This progressive disorder begins in infants between the ...

  7. Parasitic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Foundations of roentgenological semiotics of parasitic diseases of lungs, w hich are of the greatest practical value, are presented. Roentgenological pictu res of the following parasitic diseases: hydatid and alveolar echinococcosis, pa ragonimiasis, toxoplasmosis, ascariasis, amebiasis, bilharziasis (Schistosomias is) of lungs, are considered

  8. Menopause and Rheumatic Disease. (United States)

    Talsania, Mitali; Scofield, Robert Hal


    Menopause occurs naturally in women at about 50 years of age. There is a wealth of data concerning the relationship of menopause to systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis; there are limited data concerning other rheumatic diseases. Age at menopause may affect the risk and course of rheumatic diseases. Osteoporosis, an integral part of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, is made worse by menopause. Hormone replacement therapy has been studied; its effects vary depending on the disease and even different manifestations within the same disease. Cyclophosphamide can induce early menopause, but there is underlying decreased ovarian reserve in rheumatic diseases. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Minderhoud, I.M.


    Symptoms in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: pathophysiologic aspects and their relation with disease activity Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). IBD patients frequently complain of fatigue, and a substantial proportion of the patients have

  10. Disease Compass- a navigation system for disease knowledge based on ontology and linked data techniques. (United States)

    Kozaki, Kouji; Yamagata, Yuki; Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko


    Medical ontologies are expected to contribute to the effective use of medical information resources that store considerable amount of data. In this study, we focused on disease ontology because the complicated mechanisms of diseases are related to concepts across various medical domains. The authors developed a River Flow Model (RFM) of diseases, which captures diseases as the causal chains of abnormal states. It represents causes of diseases, disease progression, and downstream consequences of diseases, which is compliant with the intuition of medical experts. In this paper, we discuss a fact repository for causal chains of disease based on the disease ontology. It could be a valuable knowledge base for advanced medical information systems. We developed the fact repository for causal chains of diseases based on our disease ontology and abnormality ontology. This section summarizes these two ontologies. It is developed as linked data so that information scientists can access it using SPARQL queries through an Resource Description Framework (RDF) model for causal chain of diseases. We designed the RDF model as an implementation of the RFM for the fact repository based on the ontological definitions of the RFM. 1554 diseases and 7080 abnormal states in six major clinical areas, which are extracted from the disease ontology, are published as linked data (RDF) with SPARQL endpoint (accessible API). Furthermore, the authors developed Disease Compass, a navigation system for disease knowledge. Disease Compass can browse the causal chains of a disease and obtain related information, including abnormal states, through two web services that provide general information from linked data, such as DBpedia, and 3D anatomical images. Disease Compass can provide a complete picture of disease-associated processes in such a way that fits with a clinician's understanding of diseases. Therefore, it supports user exploration of disease knowledge with access to pertinent information

  11. Pharmacological treatments and infectious diseases in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Dipasquale, Valeria; Romano, Claudio


    The incidence of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising, as is the employment of immunosuppressive and biological drugs. Most patients with IBD receive immunosuppressive therapies during the course of the disease. These molecules are a double-edged sword; while they can help control disease activity, they also increase the risk of infections. Therefore, it is important that pediatricians involved in primary care, pediatric gastroenterologists, and infectious disease physicians have a thorough knowledge of the infections that can affect patients with IBD. Areas covered: A broad review of the major infectious diseases that have been reported in children and adolescents with IBD was performed, and information regarding surveillance, diagnosis and management were updated. The possible correlations with IBD pharmacological tools are discussed. Expert commentary: Opportunistic infections are possible in pediatric IBD, and immunosuppressive and immunomodulator therapy seems to play a causative role. Heightened awareness and vigilant surveillance leading to prompt diagnosis and treatment are important for optimal management.

  12. Crohn's disease. (United States)

    von Roon, Alexander C; Reese, George E; Orchard, Timothy R; Tekkis, Paris P


    Crohn's disease is a long-term chronic condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterised by transmural, granulomatous inflammation that occurs in a discontinuous pattern, with a tendency to form fistulae. The cause is unknown but may depend on interactions between genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and mucosal immunity. We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of medical treatments in adults to induce remission in Crohn's disease? What are the effects of lifestyle interventions in adults with Crohn's disease to maintain remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with small-bowel Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of surgical interventions in adults with colonic Crohn's disease to induce remission? What are the effects of medical interventions to maintain remission in adults with Crohn's disease; and to maintain remission following surgery? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to March 2006 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 60 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: aminosalicylates, antibiotics, azathioprine/mercaptopurine, ciclosporin, corticosteroids (oral), enteral nutrition, fish oil, infliximab, methotrexate, probiotics, resection, segmental colectomy, smoking cessation, and strictureplasty.

  13. Ollier disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jüppner Harald


    Full Text Available Abstract Enchondromas are common intraosseous, usually benign cartilaginous tumors, that develop in close proximity to growth plate cartilage. When multiple enchondromas are present, the condition is called enchondromatosis also known as Ollier disease (WHO terminology. The estimated prevalence of Ollier disease is 1/100,000. Clinical manifestations often appear in the first decade of life. Ollier disease is characterized by an asymmetric distribution of cartilage lesions and these can be extremely variable (in terms of size, number, location, evolution of enchondromas, age of onset and of diagnosis, requirement for surgery. Clinical problems caused by enchondromas include skeletal deformities, limb-length discrepancy, and the potential risk for malignant change to chondrosarcoma. The condition in which multiple enchondromatosis is associated with soft tissue hemangiomas is known as Maffucci syndrome. Until now both Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome have only occurred in isolated patients and not familial. It remains uncertain whether the disorder is caused by a single gene defect or by combinations of (germ-line and/or somatic mutations. The diagnosis is based on clinical and conventional radiological evaluations. Histological analysis has a limited role and is mainly used if malignancy is suspected. There is no medical treatment for enchondromatosis. Surgery is indicated in case of complications (pathological fractures, growth defect, malignant transformation. The prognosis for Ollier disease is difficult to assess. As is generally the case, forms with an early onset appear more severe. Enchondromas in Ollier disease present a risk of malignant transformation of enchondromas into chondrosarcomas.

  14. Prediction of disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Clinical presentation at diagnosis and disease course of both Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis are heterogeneous and variable over time. Since most patients have a relapsing course and most CD patients develop complications (e.g. stricture and/or perforation), much emphasis has been placed in the recent years on the determination of important predictive factors. The identification of these factors may eventually lead to a more personalized, tailored therapy. In this TOPIC HIGHLIGHT series, we provide an update on the available literature regarding important clinical, endoscopic, fecal, serological/routine laboratory and genetic factors. Our aim is to assist clinicians in the everyday practical decision-making when choosing the treatment strategy for their patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.

  15. Glomerular Disease in Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kate Wiles


    Full Text Available Gender differences exist in the prevalence of glomerular diseases. Data based on histological diagnosis underestimate the prevalence of preeclampsia, which is almost certainly the commonest glomerular disease in the world, and uniquely gender-specific. Glomerular disease affects fertility via disease activity, the therapeutic use of cyclophosphamide, and underlying chronic kidney disease. Techniques to preserve fertility during chemotherapy and risk minimization of artificial reproductive techniques are considered. The risks, benefits, and effectiveness of different contraceptive methods for women with glomerular disease are outlined. Glomerular disease increases the risk of adverse outcomes in pregnancy, including preeclampsia; yet, diagnosis of preeclampsia is complicated by the presence of hypertension and proteinuria that precede pregnancy. The role of renal biopsy in pregnancy is examined, in addition to the use of emerging angiogenic biomarkers. The safety of drugs prescribed for glomerular disease in relation to reproductive health is detailed. The impact of both gender and pregnancy on long-term prognosis is discussed.

  16. Liver disease in pregnancy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Noel M Lee; Carla W Brady


    Liver diseases in pregnancy may be categorized into liver disorders that occur only in the setting of pregnancy and liver diseases that occur coincidentally with pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum, preeclampsia/eclampsia, syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver tests and low platelets (HELLP), acute fatty liver of pregnancy, and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy are pregnancy-specific disorders that may cause elevations in liver tests and hepatic dysfunction. Chronic liver diseases, including cholestatic liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson disease, and viral hepatitis may also be seen in pregnancy. Management of liver disease in pregnancy requires collaboration between obstetricians and gastroenterologists/hepatologists. Treatment of pregnancy-specific liver disorders usually involves delivery of the fetus and supportive care, whereas management of chronic liver disease in pregnancy is directed toward optimizing control of the liver disorder. Cirrhosis in the setting of pregnancy is less commonly observed but offers unique challenges for patients and practitioners. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of liver diseases seen in pregnancy.

  17. Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Braks, M.; Medlock, J. M.; Hubálek, Zdeněk; Hjertqvist, M.; Perrin, Y.; Lancelot, R.; Duchyene, E.; Hendrickx, G.; Stroo, A.; Heyman, P.; Sprong, H.


    Roč. 2, č. 280 (2014), s. 280 ISSN 2296-2565 Institutional support: RVO:68081766 Keywords : disease burden * emerging diseases * one health * surveillance * threat * vector-borne diseases Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology

  18. [Knowledge of vector-borne diseases (dengue, rickettsiosis and Chagas disease) in physicians]. (United States)

    Lugo-Caballero, César I; Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Dzul-Tut, Irving; Balam-May, Ángel; Zavala-Castro, Jorge


    The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. As the epidemiological burden of these diseases shows an alarming increase of severe cases, the early establishment of diagnosis and therapeutics by first-contact physicians is a critical step that is not being fulfilled due to several reasons, including poor knowledge. To determine the level of knowledge related to dengue, Chagas disease, and rickettsiosis among rural first-contact physicians of Yucatan. A survey was applied to 90 first-contact physicians from rural clinics of Yucatan, which included 32 items related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. Answers were analyzed by central tendency statistics. Differences were observed among every category, however; diagnosis and therapeutics showed the lower values. Globally, 62.5% of respondents showed moderate knowledge, 37.5% poor knowledge, and 0% adequate knowledge. Results suggest that a strong campaign for a continuous diffusion of knowledge regarding these diseases is needed. In regions with high prevalence of these kinds of diseases, like Yucatan, the impact of these results on the epidemiological burden of these diseases must be evaluated.

  19. Parasitogenic diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozenshtraukh, L.S.


    Radiological semiotics of parasitogenic diseases of the intestinal tract is presented. The problem of radiological examination in the case of the diseases consists in the determination of the large intestine state, depth and extension of lesions, and also in solution of treatment efficiency problem

  20. Batten Disease (United States)

    ... the country. NIH is the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. Much of NINDS’ research on Batten disease and the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses focuses on gaining a better understanding of the disease, gene therapy, and developing novel drugs to treat the disorders. ...

  1. Coeliac disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 8, 2013 ... Two factors are involved in the development of coeliac disease, namely the ... degradation by gastric, pancreatic and intestinal brush ... epithelial layer with chronic inflammatory cells in patients ... Coeliac disease increases the risk of malignancies, such as small bowel adenocarcinoma and enteropathy-.

  2. Crohn's disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Shanahan, Fergus


    Crohn\\'s disease is a disorder mediated by T lymphocytes which arises in genetically susceptible individuals as a result of a breakdown in the regulatory constraints on mucosal immune responses to enteric bacteria. Regulation of immune reactivity to enteric antigens has improved understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of Crohn\\'s disease, and has expanded therapeutic options for patients with this disorder. Disease heterogeneity is probable, with various underlying defects associated with a similar pathophysiological outcome. Although most conventional drug treatments are directed at modification of host response, therapeutic manipulation of the enteric flora is becoming a realistic option.

  3. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease. (United States)

    Chomeili, Bashir; Aminzadeh, Majid; Hardani, Amir Kamal; Fathizadeh, Payam; Chomeili, Pooya; Azaran, Azarakhsh


    Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G) were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years) with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16) all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases) were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated) in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  4. A study on periodontal disease and systemic disease relationship a hospital based study in Bangalore

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhvinder Singh Oberoi


    Full Text Available Background: Periodontal deterioration has been reported to be associated with various systemic conditions like Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Respiratory disease, Liver cirrhosis, Bacterial Pneumonia, Nutritional deficiencies and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aim: To assess the periodontal disease among patients with systemic disease/conditions. Materials and Method: A total of 500 patients with systemic disease/conditions (Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Respiratory disease and Renal disease and 500-age and gender matched controls without systemic disease/conditions were selected from the Government Hospitals in Bangalore City. The medical conditions were recorded and the periodontal status of the study population was assessed using the CPITN index. Results: The prevalence of CPITN Code 4 was found to be more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions (46.2%. The mean number of sextants with CPITN code 3 and 4 were more among the patients with systemic disease/conditions. The prevalence of CPITN code was found to be more among the patients with Respiratory disease whereas the mean number of sextants was found to be more among the patients with Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Renal disease. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the systemic diseases/conditions are associated with higher severity of periodontal disease.

  5. Armillaria Root Disease (United States)

    R.E. Williams; C.G. III Shaw; P.M. Wargo; W.H. Sites


    Armillaria root disease is found throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. In the continental United States, the disease has been reported in nearly every State. Hosts include hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, vines, and forbs growing in forests, along roadsides, and in cultivated areas. The disease is caused by fungi, which live as parasites on...

  6. NCBI disease corpus: a resource for disease name recognition and concept normalization. (United States)

    Doğan, Rezarta Islamaj; Leaman, Robert; Lu, Zhiyong


    Information encoded in natural language in biomedical literature publications is only useful if efficient and reliable ways of accessing and analyzing that information are available. Natural language processing and text mining tools are therefore essential for extracting valuable information, however, the development of powerful, highly effective tools to automatically detect central biomedical concepts such as diseases is conditional on the availability of annotated corpora. This paper presents the disease name and concept annotations of the NCBI disease corpus, a collection of 793 PubMed abstracts fully annotated at the mention and concept level to serve as a research resource for the biomedical natural language processing community. Each PubMed abstract was manually annotated by two annotators with disease mentions and their corresponding concepts in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM®). Manual curation was performed using PubTator, which allowed the use of pre-annotations as a pre-step to manual annotations. Fourteen annotators were randomly paired and differing annotations were discussed for reaching a consensus in two annotation phases. In this setting, a high inter-annotator agreement was observed. Finally, all results were checked against annotations of the rest of the corpus to assure corpus-wide consistency. The public release of the NCBI disease corpus contains 6892 disease mentions, which are mapped to 790 unique disease concepts. Of these, 88% link to a MeSH identifier, while the rest contain an OMIM identifier. We were able to link 91% of the mentions to a single disease concept, while the rest are described as a combination of concepts. In order to help researchers use the corpus to design and test disease identification methods, we have prepared the corpus as training, testing and development sets. To demonstrate its utility, we conducted a benchmarking experiment where we compared three different

  7. Applications of Neuroimaging to Disease-Modification Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adam S. Fleisher


    Full Text Available Critical to development of new therapies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD is the ability to detect clinical or pathological change over time. Clinical outcome measures typically used in therapeutic trials have unfortunately proven to be relatively variable and somewhat insensitive to change in this slowly progressive disease. For this reason, development of surrogate biomarkers that identify significant disease-associated brain changes are necessary to expedite treatment development in AD. Since AD pathology is present in the brain many years prior to clinical manifestation, ideally we want to develop biomarkers of disease that identify abnormal brain structure or function even prior to cognitive decline. Magnetic resonance imaging, fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, new amyloid imaging techniques, and spinal fluid markers of AD all have great potential to provide surrogate endpoint measures for AD pathology. The Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI was developed for the distinct purpose of evaluating surrogate biomarkers for drug development in AD. Recent evidence from ADNI demonstrates that imaging may provide more sensitive, and earlier, measures of disease progression than traditional clinical measures for powering clinical drug trials in Alzheimer's disease. This review discusses recently presented data from the ADNI dataset, and the importance of imaging in the future of drug development in AD.

  8. Huntington's Disease (United States)

    ... monitor a disease) for HD. A large and related NINDS-supported study aims to identify additional genetic factors in people that influence the course of the disease. Other research hopes to identify variations in the genomes of individuals with HD that may point to new targets ...

  9. Immunologic lung disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harman, E.M.


    The term immunologic lung disease comprises a broad spectrum of disease. The authors have covered a few entities in which recent studies have been particularly helpful in elucidating pathophysiology though not in uncovering the inciting cause. Common to all of these entities is the problem of finding appropriate methods of defining disease activity and response to treatment. As exemplified by the improved outlook for Goodpasture's syndrome with elucidation of its underlying immunopathology, it is likely that better understanding of the immunologic basis of sarcoid and interstitial disease may be helpful in planning more effective treatment strategies. 44 references

  10. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingebrigtsen, Truls S; Marott, Jacob L; Vestbo, Jørgen


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a risk factor for exacerbations in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS: Among 9622 participants in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, we identified 1259 individuals with COPD...... applied a multivariable Cox regression analysis with adjustment for well-established risk factors associated with COPD exacerbations or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, including COPD severity, and symptoms. RESULTS: Individuals with COPD and gastro-esophageal reflux disease had more chronic bronchitis...... and information on gastro-esophageal reflux disease and the regular use of acid inhibitory treatment. These individuals were followed for 5 years with regard to medically treated COPD exacerbations, which we defined as a short course treatment with oral corticosteroids alone or in combination with antibiotics. We...

  11. Cardiovascular Disease and Chronic Inflammation in End Stage Kidney Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Zyga


    Full Text Available Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD is one of the most severe diseases worldwide. In patients affected by CKD, a progressive destruction of the nephrons is observed not only in structuralbut also in functional level. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease of large and medium-sized arteries. It is characterized by the deposition of lipids and fibrous elements and is a common complication of the uremic syndrome because of the coexistence of a wide range of risk factors. High blood pressure, anaemia, insulin resistance, inflammation, high oxidative stress are some of the most common factors that cause cardiovascular disease and atherogenesis in patients suffering from End Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD. At the same time, the inflammatory process constitutes a common element in the apparition and development of CKD. A wide range of possible causes can justify the development of inflammation under uremic conditions. Such causes are oxidative stress, oxidation, coexistentpathological conditions as well as factors that are due to renal clearance techniques. Patients in ESRD and coronary disease usually show increased acute phase products. Pre-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and TNF-a, and acute phase reactants, such as CRP and fibrinogen, are closely related. The treatment of chronic inflammation in CKD is of high importance for the development ofthe disease as well as for the treatment of cardiovascular morbidity.Conclusions: The treatment factors focus on the use of renin-angiotensic system inhibitors, acetylsalicylic acid, statins and anti-oxidant treatment in order to prevent the action of inflammatorycytokines that have the ability to activate the mechanisms of inflammation.

  12. Musculoskeletal Findings in Behcet's Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Bicer


    Full Text Available Behcet's disease is a multisystem disease characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, relapsing uveitis, mucocutaneous, articular, gastrointestinal, neurologic, and vascular manifestations. Rheumatologic manifestations may also occur in Behcet's disease, and arthritis and arthralgia are the most common musculoskeletal findings followed by enthesopathy, avascular necrosis, myalgia, and myositis. Although the main pathology of Behcet's disease has been known to be the underlying vasculitis, the etiology and exact pathogenesis of the disease are still unclear. Musculoskeletal findings of Behcet's disease, the relationship between Behcet's disease and spondyloarthropathy disease complex, and the status of bone metabolism in patients with Behcet's disease were discussed in this paper.

  13. Foot-and-Mouth Disease


    Grubman, Marvin J.; Baxt, Barry


    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals. The disease was initially described in the 16th century and was the first animal pathogen identified as a virus. Recent FMD outbreaks in developed countries and their significant economic impact have increased the concern of governments worldwide. This review describes the reemergence of FMD in developed countries that had been disease free for many years and the effect that this has had on disease control s...

  14. Survey of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Members About Congenital Chagas Disease. (United States)

    Edwards, Morven S; Abanyie, Francisca A; Montgomery, Susan P


    Participants in a survey about congenital Chagas disease, distributed electronically to Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society members, perceived having limited knowledge about congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Most rarely or never consider the diagnosis in infants born to parents from Latin America. Improved awareness of congenital Chagas disease and assessment of at-risk infants is needed.

  15. Liver Disease (United States)

    ... and ridding your body of toxic substances. Liver disease can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of factors that damage the ... that you can't stay still. Causes Liver disease has many ... or semen, contaminated food or water, or close contact with a person who is ...

  16. Dutch elm disease (United States)

    James W. Walters


    Since its discovery in the United States in 1930, Dutch elm disease has killed thousands of native elms. The three native elms, American, slippery, and rock, have little or no resistance to Dutch elm disease, but individual trees within each species vary in susceptibility to the disease. The most important of these, American elm, is scattered in upland stands but is...

  17. Prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of Iranian patients with celiac disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bashir Chomeili


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Celiac disease, one of the best-known autoimmune human leukocyte antigen-dependent disorders, has a relatively increased prevalence in first-degree relatives. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease. METHODS: Siblings of confirmed celiac disease patients in our center were identified and enrolled in this study. Their serum immunoglobulin A and tissue transglutaminase antibody-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (anti-tissue transglutaminase, immunoglobulin A, and immunoglobulin G were measured and multiple endoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens were obtained with parental consensus. Celiac disease was confirmed by observation of characteristic histological changes. RESULTS: A total of 49 children (male, 29; female, 20; age, 2-16 years with confirmed celiac disease in a pediatric gastroenterology ward were studied from 1999 to 2006. We found 30 siblings (female, 16 all shared in both parents. The only measurement available was for immunoglobulin A tissue transglutaminase antibody. A duodenal biopsy was performed in all 30 siblings. Clinical findings such as abdominal pain, fatigue, growth retardation and diarrhea were found in 53.3% of the completely studied siblings, and positive serology without histological changes was identified in four cases. Both serology and biopsy (confirmed new cases were positive in 2 of the 30 siblings. CONCLUSION: High prevalence of celiac disease among siblings of patients with confirmed celiac disease necessitates serologic screening (and confirmatory biopsy if indicated in families having celiac disease. It is advantageous to diagnose the disease as soon as possible because early diagnosis and diet intervention may prevent serious complications such as growth retardation, short stature, chronic diarrhea, and malignancy.

  18. Interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medina, Yimy F; Restrepo, Jose Felix; Iglesias, Antonio; Ojeda, Paulina; Matiz, Carlos


    An interstitial lung disease (ILD) belongs to a group of diffuse parenchyma lung diseases it should be differentiated from other pathologies among those are idiopathic and ILD associated to connective tissue diseases (CTD) New concepts have been developed in the last years and they have been classified in seven defined subgroups. It has been described the association of each one of these subgroups with CTD. Natural history and other aspects of its treatment is not known completely .For complete diagnose it is required clinical, image and histopathologic approaches. The biopsy lung plays an essential role. It is important to promote and to stimulate the subclasification of each subgroup with the purpose of knowing their natural history directing the treatment and to improve their outcome

  19. Type I Gaucher disease: extraosseous extension of skeletal disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poll, L.W.; Koch, J.A.; Moedder, U.; Dahl, S. vom; Haeussinger, D.; Sarbia, M.; Niederau, C.


    Objective. To investigate the frequency and morphology of extraosseous extension in patients with Gaucher disease type I.Design and patients. MRI examinations of the lower extremities were analyzed in 70 patients with Gaucher disease type I. Additionally, the thoracic spine and the midface were investigated on MRI in two patients.Results. Four cases are presented in which patients with Gaucher disease type I and severe skeletal involvement developed destruction or protrusion of the cortex with extraosseous extension into soft tissues. In one patient, Gaucher cell deposits destroyed the cortex of the mandible and extended into the masseter muscle. In the second patient, multiple paravertebral masses with localized destruction of the cortex were apparent in the thoracic spine. In the third and fourth patient, cortical destruction with extraosseous tissue extending into soft tissues was seen in the lower limbs.Conclusions. Extraosseous extension is a rare manifestation of Gaucher bone disease. While an increased risk of cancer, especially hematopoietic in origin, is known in patients with Gaucher disease, these extraosseous benign manifestations that may mimic malignant processes should be considered in the differential diagnosis of extraosseous extension into soft tissues. A narrow neck of tissue was apparent in all cases connecting bone and extraosseous extensions. (orig.)

  20. Glaucoma and Alzheimer Disease: A Single Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disease of the Brain. (United States)

    Mancino, Raffaele; Martucci, Alessio; Cesareo, Massimo; Giannini, Clarissa; Corasaniti, Maria Tiziana; Bagetta, Giacinto; Nucci, Carlo


    Open Angle Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide. Elevated intraocular pressure is considered an important risk factor for glaucoma, however a subset of patients experience disease progression even in presence of normal intraocular pressure values. This implies that risk factors other than intraocular pressure are involved in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. A possible relationship between glaucoma and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer Disease has been suggested. In this regard, we have recently described a high prevalence of alterations typical of glaucoma, using Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph-3 (HRT-3), in a group of patients with Alzheimer Disease. Interestingly, these alterations were not associated with elevated intraocular pressure or abnormal Central Corneal Thickness values. Alzheimer Disease is the most common form of dementia associated with progressive deterioration of memory and cognition. Complaints related to vision are common among Alzheimer Disease patients. Features common to both diseases, including risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms, gleaned from the recent literature do suggest that Alzheimer Disease and glaucoma can be considered age-related neurodegenerative diseases that may co-exist in the elderly. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  1. Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Clinical Presentation and Disease Location. (United States)

    Aziz, Danish Abdul; Moin, Maryum; Majeed, Atif; Sadiq, Kamran; Biloo, Abdul Gaffar


    To determine different clinical presentationsand disease location demarcatedby upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopyand relevant histopathologyin children diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This is 5 years (2010 to 2015) retrospective studyconducted at the Aga Khan University Hospitalenrolling65admitted children between 6 months to 15years from either gender, diagnosed with IBD on clinical presentation, endoscopy and biopsy. Different clinical presentations at the time of diagnosis were noted in different categories of the disease. All patients underwent upper and lower (up to the terminal ileum) endoscopy with multiple punch biopsies and histologic assessment of mucosal specimens. All endoscopies were done by paediatric gastroenterologists at endoscopy suite of the hospital and all specimens were reported by the pathology department. ESPGHAN revised criteria for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in children and an adolescent was used to standardize our diagnosis. Extent of disease on endoscopy and relevant histopathology of the biopsy samples were noted at the time of diagnosis. Data was summarized using mean, standard deviation, numbers and percentages for different variables. Total 56 children were enrolled according to inclusion criteria. There were 34children (61.53%) diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC), 10 patients (16.92%) had Crohn'sDisease (CD) and 11 (21.53%) patients were labeled as Indeterminate colitis (IC). Mean age at onset of symptoms was10.03±2.44 and mean age at diagnosis was11.10±2.36. Abdominal pain (80%) and chronic diarrhea (70%) were common symptoms in CD whereas bloody diarrhea (79.41%) and rectal bleeding(64.70%)were common presentation in UC. Patients diagnosed with indeterminate colitis(IC) had similar clinical features as in UC patients. Only 7% patients had some extra-intestinal features in the form of joint pain and/or uveitis. Aspartate aminotransferase level (95.18 ±12.89) was relatively high in

  2. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Čiháková


    Full Text Available Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs.

  3. [Post-Lyme disease syndrome]. (United States)

    Błaut-Jurkowska, Justyna; Jurkowski, Marcin


    Lyme disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria, spirochete of the Borrelia type. Skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart may be involved in the course of the disease. The prognosis for properly treated Lyme disease is usually good. However, in about 5% of patients so called Post-Lyme disease syndrome (PLSD) develops. It is defined as a syndrome of subjective symptoms persisting despite proper treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and problems with memory and concentration. Pathogenesis of PLDS remains unknown. The differential diagnosis should include neurological, rheumatic and mental diseases. Till now there is no causative treatment of PLDS. In relieving symptom rehabilitation, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antidepressants medicines are recommended. Emotional and psychological supports are also necessary. Non-specific symptoms reported by patients with post- Lyme disease syndrome raise the suspicion of other pathologies. This can lead to misdiagnosis and implementation of unnecessary, potentially harmful to the patient's therapy. An increase in tick-borne diseases needs to increase physicians awareness of these issues. © 2016 MEDPRESS.

  4. Eosinophils in Autoimmune Diseases (United States)

    Diny, Nicola L.; Rose, Noel R.; Čiháková, Daniela


    Eosinophils are multifunctional granulocytes that contribute to initiation and modulation of inflammation. Their role in asthma and parasitic infections has long been recognized. Growing evidence now reveals a role for eosinophils in autoimmune diseases. In this review, we summarize the function of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel diseases, neuromyelitis optica, bullous pemphigoid, autoimmune myocarditis, primary biliary cirrhosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and other autoimmune diseases. Clinical studies, eosinophil-targeted therapies, and experimental models have contributed to our understanding of the regulation and function of eosinophils in these diseases. By examining the role of eosinophils in autoimmune diseases of different organs, we can identify common pathogenic mechanisms. These include degranulation of cytotoxic granule proteins, induction of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, release of proteases degrading extracellular matrix, immune modulation through cytokines, antigen presentation, and prothrombotic functions. The association of eosinophilic diseases with autoimmune diseases is also examined, showing a possible increase in autoimmune diseases in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, hypereosinophilic syndrome, and non-allergic asthma. Finally, we summarize key future research needs. PMID:28496445

  5. Vector-borne disease intelligence: Strategies to deal with disease burden and threats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marieta eBraks


    Full Text Available Owing to the complex nature of vector-borne diseases, whereby monitoring of human case patients does not suffice, public health authorities experience challenges in surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Knowledge on the presence and distribution of vectors and the pathogens they transmit is vital to a risk assessment process to permit effective early warning, surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases. Upon accepting this reality, public health authorities face the phenomenon of an exponential rise in the number of possible surveillance targets and how to decide which are essential. Here, . we propose a comprehensive approach that integrates three surveillance strategies: population-based surveillance, disease-based surveillance and context-based surveillance for EU member states to tailor the best surveillance strategy for control of vector-borne diseases in their geographic region. By classifying the surveillance structure into 5 different contexts, we hope to provide guidance in optimizing surveillance efforts. Contextual surveillance strategies for vector-borne diseases entail combining organization and data collection approaches that result in disease intelligence rather than a preset static structure.

  6. Diseases of the skull

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koval', G.Yu.


    Different forms of skull diseases viz. inflammatory diseases, skull tumors, primary and secondary bone tumors, are considered. Roentgenograms in some above-mentioned diseases are presented and analysed

  7. Incidence, disease phenotype at diagnosis, and early disease course in inflammatory bowel diseases in Western Hungary, 2002-2006. (United States)

    Lakatos, Laszlo; Kiss, Lajos S; David, Gyula; Pandur, Tunde; Erdelyi, Zsuzsanna; Mester, Gabor; Balogh, Mihaly; Szipocs, Istvan; Molnar, Csaba; Komaromi, Erzsebet; Lakatos, Peter Laszlo


    Recent trends indicate a change in the epidemiology of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), with previously low incidence areas now reporting a progressive rise in the incidence. Our aim was to analyze the incidence and disease phenotype at diagnosis in IBD in the population-based Veszprem Province database, which included incident patients diagnosed between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006. Data of 393 incident patients were analyzed (ulcerative colitis [UC]: 220, age-at-diagnosis: 40.5 years; Crohn's disease [CD]: 163, age-at-diagnosis: 32.5 years; and indeterminate colitis [IC]: 10). Both hospital and outpatient records were collected and comprehensively reviewed. Adjusted mean incidence rates were 8.9/10(5) person-years for CD and 11.9/10(5) person-years in UC. Peak onset age in both CD and UC patients was 21-30 years old. Location at diagnosis in UC was proctitis in 26.8%, left-sided colitis in 50.9%, and pancolitis in 22.3%. The probability of proximal extension and colectomy after 5 years was 12.7% and 2.8%. The disease location in CD was ileal in 20.2%, colonic in 35.6%, ileocolonic in 44.2%, and upper gastrointestinal in four patients. Behavior at diagnosis was stenosing/penetrating in 35.6% and perianal in 11.1%. Patients with colonic disease were older at diagnosis compared to patients with ileal or ileocolonic disease. In a Kaplan-Meier analysis, probability of surgical resection was 9.8%, 18.5%, and 21.3% after 1, 3, and 5 years of disease duration, respectively. The incidence of IBD in Veszprem Province in the last decade was high, equal to that in high-incidence areas in Western European countries. Early disease course is milder compared to data reported in the literature. Copyright © 2011 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.

  8. Neuroimaging of Alzheimer's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Hiroshi


    Main purposes of neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease have been moved from diagnosis of advanced Alzheimer's disease to diagnosis of very early Alzheimer's disease at a prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment, prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease, and differential diagnosis from other diseases causing dementia. Structural MRI studies and functional studies using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET and brain perfusion SPECT are widely used in diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Outstanding progress in diagnostic accuracy of these neuroimaging modalities has been obtained using statistical analysis on a voxel-by-voxel basis after spatial normalization of individual scans to a standardized brain-volume template instead of visual inspection or a conventional region of interest technique. In a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease, this statistical approach revealed gray matter loss in the entorhinal and hippocampal areas and hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in the posterior cingulate cortex. These two findings might be related in view of anatomical knowledge that the regions are linked through the circuit of Papez. This statistical approach also offers accurate evaluation of therapeutical effects on brain metabolism or perfusion. The latest development in functional imaging relates to the final pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease-amyloid plaques. Amyloid imaging might be an important surrogate marker for trials of disease-modifying agents. (author)

  9. Morgellons Disease. (United States)

    Ohn, Jungyoon; Park, Seon Yong; Moon, Jungyoon; Choe, Yun Seon; Kim, Kyu Han


    Morgellons disease is a rare disease with unknown etiology. Herein, we report the first case of Morgellons disease in Korea. A 30-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of pruritic erythematous patches and erosions on the arms, hands, and chin. She insisted that she had fiber-like materials under her skin, which she had observed through a magnifying device. We performed skin biopsy, and observed a fiber extruding from the dermal side of the specimen. Histopathological examination showed only mild lymphocytic infiltration, and failed to reveal evidence of any microorganism. The polymerase chain reaction for Borrelia burgdorferi was negative in her serum.

  10. [Infectious diseases]. (United States)

    Chapuis-Taillard, Caroline; de Vallière, Serge; Bochud, Pierre-Yves


    In 2008, several publications have highlighted the role of climate change and globalization on the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Studies have shown the extension towards Europe of diseases such as Crimea-Congo fever (Kosovo, Turkey and Bulgaria), leismaniosis (Cyprus) and chikungunya virus infection (Italy). The article also contains comments on Plasmodium knowlesi, a newly identified cause of severe malaria in humans, as well as an update on human transmission of the H5NI avian influenza virus. It also mentions new data on Bell's palsy as well as two vaccines (varicella-zoster and pneumococcus), and provides a list of recent guidelines for the treatment of common infectious diseases.

  11. Clinically Unsuspected Prion Disease Among Patients With Dementia Diagnoses in an Alzheimer's Disease Database. (United States)

    Maddox, Ryan A; Blase, J L; Mercaldo, N D; Harvey, A R; Schonberger, L B; Kukull, W A; Belay, E D


    Brain tissue analysis is necessary to confirm prion diseases. Clinically unsuspected cases may be identified through neuropathologic testing. National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC) Minimum and Neuropathologic Data Set for 1984 to 2005 were reviewed. Eligible patients had dementia, underwent autopsy, had available neuropathologic data, belonged to a currently funded Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC), and were coded as having an Alzheimer's disease clinical diagnosis or a nonprion disease etiology. For the eligible patients with neuropathology indicating prion disease, further clinical information, collected from the reporting ADC, determined whether prion disease was considered before autopsy. Of 6000 eligible patients in the NACC database, 7 (0.12%) were clinically unsuspected but autopsy-confirmed prion disease cases. The proportion of patients with dementia with clinically unrecognized but autopsy-confirmed prion disease was small. Besides confirming clinically suspected cases, neuropathology is useful to identify unsuspected clinically atypical cases of prion disease. © The Author(s) 2015.

  12. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  13. Pregnancy and rheumatic diseases. (United States)

    Gayed, M; Gordon, C


    Pregnancy is an issue that should be discussed with all patients with rheumatic diseases who are in the reproductive age group. Infertility is rarely due to the disease but can be associated with cyclophosphamide therapy. Most rheumatic diseases that are well controlled prior to pregnancy do not deteriorate in pregnancy, providing that the patient continues with appropriate disease-modifying therapy. Some patients with inflammatory arthritis go in to remission during pregnancy. Patients with renal involvement may be at increased risk of disease flare. This needs to be distinguished from pre-eclampsia. Intrauterine growth restriction is more likely in patients with active systemic disease, hypertension, a history of thrombosis and renal involvement. Premature delivery may need to be planned to reduce the risks of stillbirth and can be associated with a variety of neonatal complications. Post-partum flare is common in all the rheumatic diseases.

  14. Prevalence of celiac disease among first-degree relatives of Indian celiac disease patients. (United States)

    Mishra, Asha; Prakash, Shyam; Kaur, Gurvinder; Sreenivas, Vishnubhatla; Ahuja, Vineet; Gupta, Siddhartha Datta; Makharia, Govind K


    Celiac disease, once thought to be uncommon in Asia, is now recognized in Asian nations as well. We investigated the prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients followed in our centre. First-degree relatives were screened prospectively for celiac disease using questionnaire-based interview and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody. Serology positive first-degree relatives underwent duodenal biopsies. Diagnosis of celiac disease was made based on positive serology and villous abnormality Marsh grade 2 or higher. Human leucocyte antigen DQ2/-DQ8 was also assessed in 127 first-degree relatives. 434 first-degree relatives of 176 celiac disease patients were prospectively recruited; 282 were symptomatic (64.9%), 58 were positive for serology (13.3%). Seroprevalence was higher in female than in males (19% vs 8.5%; p=0.001) and highest in siblings (16.9%) than parents (13.6%) and children (5.9%) of celiac patients (p=0.055); 87.4% first-degree relatives were human leucocyte antigen-DQ2/-DQ8 positive. Overall prevalence of celiac disease was 10.9% amongst first-degree relatives. The prevalence of celiac disease in first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients was 10.9% in our cohort, and 87% had human leucocyte antigen-DQ2 or -DQ8 haplotype. All first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients should be screen for celiac disease even if asymptomatic or with atypical manifestations. Copyright © 2015 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia disease and thalassemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardianti Maulidita


    Full Text Available Various periodontal disease can occur in children and adolescents. Some can take place quickly and periodontal tissue damage. Several previous studies indicate that systemic diseases associated with periodontal disease in children. This study aims to determine the prevalence of periodontal disease in children with leukemia and thalassemia. The design study is a cross-sectional approach. Periodontal pocket depth measurements performed using the WHO standard of measurement. The samples in this study were drawn from the entire population using accidental sampling method. Sampled population was pediatric patients with leukemia and thalassemia. These patients were undergoing treatment in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar. During the study, children with leukemia as many as 18 patients and children with thalassemia by 8 patients. Distribution of pediatric patients suffering from leukemia by CPITN score; score of 2 as many as 10 patients (55.6%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (33.3%, and  score of 0 as many as 2 patients (11.1%. CPITN score in children with thalassemia; scores 2 in 1 patient (12.5%, a score of 1 as 6 patients (75%, and score of 0 by 1 patient (12.5%. Children who have leukemia and thalassemia, showed the rate of occurrence of different periodontal disease. Children with leukemia shows the level of periodontal disease is higher than in children with thalassemia disease.

  16. Fatigue and multidimensional disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inal-Ince Deniz


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and aims Fatigue is associated with longitudinal ratings of health in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. Although the degree of airflow obstruction is often used to grade disease severity in patients with COPD, multidimensional grading systems have recently been developed. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived and actual fatigue level and multidimensional disease severity in patients with COPD. Materials and methods Twenty-two patients with COPD (aged 52-74 years took part in the study. Multidimensional disease severity was measured using the SAFE and BODE indices. Perceived fatigue was assessed using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS and the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS. Peripheral muscle endurance was evaluated using the number of sit-ups, squats, and modified push-ups that each patient could do. Results Thirteen patients (59% had severe fatigue, and their St George's Respiratory Questionnaire scores were significantly higher (p Conclusions Peripheral muscle endurance and fatigue perception in patients with COPD was related to multidimensional disease severity measured with both the SAFE and BODE indices. Improvements in perceived and actual fatigue levels may positively affect multidimensional disease severity and health status in COPD patients. Further research is needed to investigate the effects of fatigue perception and exercise training on patients with different stages of multidimensional COPD severity.

  17. Defining an emerging disease. (United States)

    Moutou, F; Pastoret, P-P


    Defining an emerging disease is not straightforward, as there are several different types of disease emergence. For example, there can be a 'real' emergence of a brand new disease, such as the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the 1980s, or a geographic emergence in an area not previously affected, such as the emergence of bluetongue in northern Europe in 2006. In addition, disease can emerge in species formerly not considered affected, e.g. the emergence of bovine tuberculosis in wildlife species since 2000 in France. There can also be an unexpected increase of disease incidence in a known area and a known species, or there may simply be an increase in our knowledge or awareness of a particular disease. What all these emerging diseases have in common is that human activity frequently has a role to play in their emergence. For example, bovine spongiform encephalopathy very probably emerged as a result of changes in the manufacturing of meat-and-bone meal, bluetongue was able to spread to cooler climes as a result of uncontrolled trade in animals, and a relaxation of screening and surveillance for bovine tuberculosis enabled the disease to re-emerge in areas that had been able to drastically reduce the number of cases. Globalisation and population growth will continue to affect the epidemiology of diseases in years to come and ecosystems will continue to evolve. Furthermore, new technologies such as metagenomics and high-throughput sequencing are identifying new microorganisms all the time. Change is the one constant, and diseases will continue to emerge, and we must consider the causes and different types of emergence as we deal with these diseases in the future.

  18. Radiotherapy of benign diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haase, W.


    Still today radiotherapy is of decisive relevance for several benign diseases. The following ones are briefly described in this introductory article: 1. Certain inflammatory and degenerative diseases as furuncles in the face, acute thrombophlebitis, recurrent sudoriparous abscesses, degenerative skeletal diseases, cervical syndrome and others; 2. rheumatic joint diseases; 3. Bechterew's disease; 4. primary presenile osteoporosis; 5. synringomyelia; 6. endocrine ophthalmopathy; 7. hypertrophic processes of the connective tissue; 8. hemangiomas. A detailed discussion and a profit-risk analysis is provided in the individual chapters of the magazine. (MG) [de

  19. Diagnosis of Pompe disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vissing, John; Lukacs, Zoltan; Straub, Volker


    The diagnosis of Pompe disease (acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type II) in children and adults can be challenging because of the heterogeneous clinical presentation and considerable overlap of signs and symptoms found in other neuromuscular diseases. This review evaluates some...... to identify late-onset Pompe disease often leads to false-negative results and subsequent delays in identification and treatment of the disorder. Serum creatine kinase level can be normal or only mildly elevated in late-onset Pompe disease and is not very helpful alone to suggest the diagnosis...

  20. Celiac disease, iron deficiency anaemia, grave's disease, osteopenia and short stature in single patient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Radaideh, A.M.


    Celiac disease is an intestinal immune mediated disorder, triggered by ingestion of gluten-containing diet in genetically susceptible individuals. The genetic pre-disposition is related to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes, especially HLA-DQ2 positive patients. The prevalence of celiac disease in high worldwide and it has been estimated to be 1-26% in Western countries. Many auto-immune diseases can be associated with celiac disease including auto-immune thyroid disease; hashimoto thyroiditis and grave's disease. The opposite also appears to be true, celiac disease is found on persons with auto-immune thyroid disorders at high rates than the general population. Celiac disease is also associated with other extraintestinal diseases other the auto-immune diseases like anemia, short stature, metabolic bone disease and others. Screening for celiac disease should be considered in patients with auto-immune thyroid disease, anemia, short stature and metabolic bone disease. The life-long adherence to gluten-free diet is the only cure in celiac disease and can improve the quality of patients life and prevent future complications. This report describes a case of Grave's disease, Iron deficiency anemia, Short stature, Osteopenia, diagnosed to have Celiac disease. (author)

  1. From genome-wide association studies to disease mechanisms : celiac disease as a model for autoimmune diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kumar, Vinod; Wijmenga, Cisca; Withoff, Sebo

    Celiac disease is characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction in the intestine and is triggered by gluten, a constituent derived from grains which is present in the common daily diet in the Western world. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms behind celiac disease etiology are still not

  2. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian archipelago: relating disease to environment.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greta S Aeby

    Full Text Available In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance, climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI. Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral. All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic. All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and Por

  3. Patterns of coral disease across the Hawaiian Archipelago: Relating disease to environment (United States)

    Aeby, G.S.; Williams, G.J.; Franklin, E.C.; Kenyon, J.; Cox, E.F.; Coles, S.; Work, Thierry M.


    In Hawaii, coral reefs occur across a gradient of biological (host abundance), climatic (sea surface temperature anomalies) and anthropogenic conditions from the human-impacted reefs of the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) to the pristine reefs of the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Coral disease surveys were conducted at 142 sites from across the Archipelago and disease patterns examined. Twelve diseases were recorded from three coral genera (Porites, Montipora, Acropora) with Porites having the highest prevalence. Porites growth anomalies (PorGAs) were significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the MHI and Porites trematodiasis (PorTrm) was significantly more prevalent within and indicative of reefs in the NWHI. Porites tissue loss syndrome (PorTLS) was also important in driving regional differences but that relationship was less clear. These results highlight the importance of understanding disease ecology when interpreting patterns of disease occurrence. PorTrm is caused by a parasitic flatworm that utilizes multiple hosts during its life cycle (fish, mollusk and coral). All three hosts must be present for the disease to occur and higher host abundance leads to higher disease prevalence. Thus, a high prevalence of PorTrm on Hawaiian reefs would be an indicator of a healthy coral reef ecosystem. In contrast, the high occurrence of PorGAs within the MHI suggests that PorGAs are related, directly or indirectly, to some environmental co-factor associated with increased human population sizes. Focusing on the three indicator diseases (PorGAs, PorTrm, PorTLS) we used statistical modeling to examine the underlying associations between disease prevalence and 14 different predictor variables (biotic and abiotic). All three diseases showed positive associations with host abundance and negative associations with thermal stress. The association with human population density differed among disease states with PorGAs showing a positive and PorTrm showing

  4. Angara disease

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 12, 2011 ... 1988). Since the disease emerged in this specific geographic area, HHS was initially referred to as “Angara. Disease”. The disease is caused by an avian adenovirus serotype-iv in Pakistan. This virus is responsible for development of intranuclear inclusion bodies in the cells of liver, pancreas and kidneys.

  5. Meniere's Disease (United States)

    ... ears and head) special tests that check your balance and how well your ears work. Can Meniere’s disease be prevented or avoided? Because ... find ways to limit the stress in your life or learn how to deal with stress ... Let your family, friends, and co-workers know about the disease. Tell ...

  6. Genetics of complex diseases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mellerup, Erling; Møller, Gert Lykke; Koefoed, Pernille


    A complex disease with an inheritable component is polygenic, meaning that several different changes in DNA are the genetic basis for the disease. Such a disease may also be genetically heterogeneous, meaning that independent changes in DNA, i.e. various genotypes, can be the genetic basis...... for the disease. Each of these genotypes may be characterized by specific combinations of key genetic changes. It is suggested that even if all key changes are found in genes related to the biology of a certain disease, the number of combinations may be so large that the number of different genotypes may be close...... to the number of patients suffering from the disease. This hypothesis is based on a study of bipolar disorder....

  7. Castleman disease (literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. Melikyan


    Full Text Available Castleman disease (angiofollicular hyperplasia of lymph nodes – a rare benign lymphoproliferative disease with prolonged asymptomatic course, associated with a wide variety of autoimmune and oncological diseases and the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The rare occurrence of this disease and a variety of clinical course did not allow for a complete and consistent research on the etiology and pathogenesis and the standard therapies development. In recent years, the number of patients with Castleman disease in the Russian Federation has increased, which requires its recognition among non-neoplastic and neoplastic lymphadenopathy. The article provides an overview about clinical and histological variants of Castleman’s disease, its pathogenesis concepts, classification and treatment.

  8. Advances in disease control of tick and tick-borne diseases

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    J.nfection and treatment method ofimmunisation has been devised ... providing research and training and in extension work on. TBDs. ... systems, cattle types, level of disease risk, disease control policies ... This paper highlights tick .control,.

  9. Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever): History and Disease Patterns (United States)

    ... Search Form Controls Cancel Submit Search The CDC Legionella (Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever) Note: Javascript is ... message, please visit this page: About . Legionella Home About the Disease Causes, How it Spreads, & ...

  10. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (United States)

    Mixed connective tissue disease Overview Mixed connective tissue disease has signs and symptoms of a combination of disorders — primarily lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis. For this reason, mixed connective tissue disease ...

  11. Biodiversity and disease: a synthesis of ecological perspectives on Lyme disease transmission. (United States)

    Wood, Chelsea L.; Lafferty, Kevin D.


    Recent reviews have argued that disease control is among the ecosystem services yielded by biodiversity. Lyme disease (LD) is commonly cited as the best example of the ‘diluting’ effect of biodiversity on disease transmission, but many studies document the opposite relationship, showing that human LD risk can increase with forestation. Here, we unify these divergent perspectives and find strong evidence for a positive link between biodiversity and LD at broad spatial scales (urban to suburban to rural) and equivocal evidence for a negative link between biodiversity and LD at varying levels of biodiversity within forests. This finding suggests that, across zoonotic disease agents, the biodiversity–disease relationship is scale dependent and complex.

  12. Histologic scoring indices for evaluation of disease activity in Crohn's disease. (United States)

    Novak, Gregor; Parker, Claire E; Pai, Rish K; MacDonald, John K; Feagan, Brian G; Sandborn, William J; D'Haens, Geert; Jairath, Vipul; Khanna, Reena


    Histologic assessment of mucosal disease activity has been increasingly used in clinical trials of treatment for Crohn's disease. However, the operating properties of the currently existing histologic scoring indices remain unclear. A systematic review was undertaken to evaluate the development and operating characteristics of available histologic disease activity indices in Crohn's disease. Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) databases from inception to 20 July 2016 were supplemented by manual reviews of bibliographies and abstracts submitted to major gastroenterology meetings (Digestive Disease Week, United European Gastroenterology Week, European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation). Any study design (e.g. randomised controlled trial, cohort study, case series) that evaluated a histologic disease activity index in patients with Crohn's disease was considered for inclusion. Study participants included adult patients (> 16 years), diagnosed with Crohn's disease using conventional clinical, radiographic or endoscopic criteria. Two authors independently reviewed the titles and abstracts of the studies identified from the literature search. The full text of potentially relevant citations were reviewed for inclusion and the study investigators were contacted as needed for clarification. Any disagreements regarding study eligibility were resolved by discussion and consensus with a third author.Two authors independently extracted and recorded data using a standard form. The following data were recorded from each eligible study: number of patients enrolled; number of patients per treatment arm; patient characteristics: age and gender distribution; description of histologic disease activity index utilized; and outcomes such as content validity, construct validity, criterion validity, responsiveness, intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, and feasibility. Sixteen reports of 14 studies describing 14 different numerical

  13. Macrophage models of Gaucher disease for evaluating disease pathogenesis and candidate drugs. (United States)

    Aflaki, Elma; Stubblefield, Barbara K; Maniwang, Emerson; Lopez, Grisel; Moaven, Nima; Goldin, Ehud; Marugan, Juan; Patnaik, Samarjit; Dutra, Amalia; Southall, Noel; Zheng, Wei; Tayebi, Nahid; Sidransky, Ellen


    Gaucher disease is caused by an inherited deficiency of glucocerebrosidase that manifests with storage of glycolipids in lysosomes, particularly in macrophages. Available cell lines modeling Gaucher disease do not demonstrate lysosomal storage of glycolipids; therefore, we set out to develop two macrophage models of Gaucher disease that exhibit appropriate substrate accumulation. We used these cellular models both to investigate altered macrophage biology in Gaucher disease and to evaluate candidate drugs for its treatment. We generated and characterized monocyte-derived macrophages from 20 patients carrying different Gaucher disease mutations. In addition, we created induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived macrophages from five fibroblast lines taken from patients with type 1 or type 2 Gaucher disease. Macrophages derived from patient monocytes or iPSCs showed reduced glucocerebrosidase activity and increased storage of glucocerebroside and glucosylsphingosine in lysosomes. These macrophages showed efficient phagocytosis of bacteria but reduced production of intracellular reactive oxygen species and impaired chemotaxis. The disease phenotype was reversed with a noninhibitory small-molecule chaperone drug that enhanced glucocerebrosidase activity in the macrophages, reduced glycolipid storage, and normalized chemotaxis and production of reactive oxygen species. Macrophages differentiated from patient monocytes or patient-derived iPSCs provide cellular models that can be used to investigate disease pathogenesis and facilitate drug development. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  14. Histopathology of lung disease in the connective tissue diseases. (United States)

    Vivero, Marina; Padera, Robert F


    The pathologic correlates of interstitial lung disease (ILD) secondary to connective tissue disease (CTD) comprise a diverse group of histologic patterns. Lung biopsies in patients with CTD-associated ILD tend to demonstrate simultaneous involvement of multiple anatomic compartments of the lung. Certain histologic patterns tend to predominate in each defined CTD, and it is possible in many cases to confirm connective tissue-associated lung disease and guide patient management using surgical lung biopsy. This article will cover the pulmonary pathologies seen in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, myositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, and mixed CTD. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Periodontal disease in pregnant patients with rheumatic valvular disease: clinical and microbiological study. (United States)

    Avila, Walkiria Samuel; Timerman, Lilia; Romito, Giuseppe Alexandre; Marcelino, Sílvia Linard; Neves, Itamara Lúcia Itagiba; Zugaib, Marcelo; Grinberg, Max


    The periodontal disease during pregnancy of women with rheumatic valve disease imply infective endocarditis risks and higher rate of preterm birth and low birth weight. To study the periodontal disease rate of women with rheumatic valve disease during pregnancy. We studied 140 pregnant women who included 70 patients with rheumatic valve disease and 70 healthy women. The periodontal examination included: 1) periodontal clinical exam regard the follow variables: a) probing depth; b) gingival margin; c) clinical attachment level; d) bleeding on probing; e) plaque index and f) gingival index; and 2) microbiological test was performed in samples serum and gingival crevicular fluid and considered positive controls to Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsithia e Aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans. Age and parity were similar between groups; as single or combined the mitral valve disease was prevalent among the rheumatic valve lesion in 45 (32.1%) e 20 (28.5%) cases, respectively. Among the periodontal variables gingival margin (p=0.01) and plaque index (p=0.04) were different between groups. The periodontal disease was identified in 20 (14,3%) pregnant women, seven (10%) of them were patients with valve rheumatic disease and the remain 13 (18,6%) were healthy women, its percentual was not different between groups (p=0,147). Microbiological analyses of oral samples showed higher percentual of P. gingivalis in healthy pregnant women (p=0.004). The clinical and microbiological study during pregnancy showed comparable incidence of periodontal disease between women with rheumatic valve disease and healthy women.

  16. Possible Role of the Transglutaminases in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Martin


    Full Text Available Transglutaminases are ubiquitous enzymes which catalyze posttranslational modifications of proteins. Recently, transglutaminase-catalyzed post-translational modification of proteins has been shown to be involved in the molecular mechanisms responsible for human diseases. Transglutaminase activity has been hypothesized to be involved also in the pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for several human neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, supranuclear palsy, Huntington's disease, and other polyglutamine diseases, are characterized in part by aberrant cerebral transglutaminase activity and by increased cross-linked proteins in affected brains. This paper focuses on the possible molecular mechanisms by which transglutaminase activity could be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, and on the possible therapeutic effects of selective transglutaminase inhibitors for the cure of patients with diseases characterized by aberrant transglutaminase activity.

  17. Peyronie's Disease. (United States)

    Taylor, Frederick L; Levine, Laurence A


    Peyronie's disease is a psychologically and physically devastating disorder that is manifest by a fibrous inelastic scar of the tunica albuginea, resulting in palpable penile scar in the flaccid condition and causing penile deformity, including penile curvature, hinging, narrowing, shortening, and painful erections. Peyronie's disease remains a considerable therapeutic dilemma even to today's practicing physicians.

  18. Moyamoya disease: Diagnostic imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarasów, Eugeniusz; Kułakowska, Alina; Łukasiewicz, Adam; Kapica-Topczewska, Katarzyna; Korneluk-Sadzyńska, Alicja; Brzozowska, Joanna; Drozdowski, Wiesław


    Moyamoya disease is a progressive vasculopathy leading to stenosis of the main intracranial arteries. The incidence of moyamoya disease is high in Asian countries; in Europe and North America, the prevalence of the disease is considerably lower. Clinically, the disease may be of ischaemic, haemorrhagic and epileptic type. Cognitive dysfunction and behavioral disturbance are atypical symptoms of moyamoya disease. Characteristic angiographic features of the disease include stenosis or occlusion of the arteries of the circle of Willis, as well as the development of collateral vasculature. Currently, magnetic resonance angiography and CT angiography with multi-row systems are the main imaging methods of diagnostics of the entire range of vascular changes in moyamoya disease. The most common surgical treatment combines the direct arterial anastomosis between the superficial temporal artery and middle cerebral, and the indirect synangiosis involving placement of vascularised tissue in the brain cortex, in order to promote neoangiogenesis. Due to progressive changes, correct and early diagnosis is of basic significance in selecting patients for surgery, which is the only effective treatment of the disease. An appropriate qualification to surgery should be based on a comprehensive angiographic and imaging evaluation of brain structures. Despite the rare occurrence of moyamoya disease in European population, it should be considered as one of causes of ischaemic or haemorrhagic strokes, especially in young patients

  19. Lyme disease and conservation (United States)

    Ginsberg, H.


    Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that is wide-spread in North America, especially in the northeastern and northcentral United States. This disease could negatively influence efforts to conserve natural populations in two ways: (1) the disease could directly affect wild animal health; and (2) tick control efforts could adversely affect natural populations and communities. Lyme disease affects several domestic animals, but symptoms have been reported in only a few wild species. Direct effects of Lyme disease on wild animal populations have not been reported, but the disease should be considered as a possible cause in cases of unexplained population declines in endemic areas. Methods available to manage ticks and Lyme disease include human self-protection techniques, manipulation of habitats and hosts species populations, biological control, and pesticide applications. The diversity of available techniques allows selection of approaches to minimize environmental effects by (1) emphasizing personal protection techniques, (2) carefully targeting management efforts to maximize efficiency, and (3) integrating environmentally benign techniques to improve management while avoiding broad-scale environmentally destructive approaches. The environmental effects of Lyme disease depend, to a large extent, on the methods chosen to minimize human exposure to infected ticks. Conservation biologists can help design tick management programs that effectively lower the incidence of human Lyme disease while simultaneously minimizing negative effects on natural populations.

  20. Oxidative Stress in Oral Diseases: Understanding Its Relation with Other Systemic Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaya Kumar


    Full Text Available Oxidative stress occurs in diabetes, various cancers, liver diseases, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation, and other degenerative diseases related to the nervous system. The free radicals have deleterious effect on various organs of the body. This is due to lipid peroxidation and irreversible protein modification that leads to cellular apoptosis or programmed cell death. During recent years, there is a rise in the oral diseases related to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress in oral disease is related to other systemic diseases in the body such as periodontitis, cardiovascular, pancreatic, gastric, and liver diseases. In the present review, we discuss the various pathways that mediate oxidative cellular damage. Numerous pathways mediate oxidative cellular damage and these include caspase pathway, PERK/NRF2 pathway, NADPH oxidase 4 pathways and JNK/mitogen-activated protein (MAP kinase pathway. We also discuss the role of inflammatory markers, lipid peroxidation, and role of oxygen species linked to oxidative stress. Knowledge of different pathways, role of inflammatory markers, and importance of low-density lipoprotein, fibrinogen, creatinine, nitric oxide, nitrates, and highly sensitive C-reactive proteins may be helpful in understanding the pathogenesis and plan better treatment for oral diseases which involve oxidative stress.

  1. Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) (United States)

    ... disease. Who Gets ALS? Although this disease can strike anyone, ALS is extremely rare in kids. According ... home to provide care that the family cannot handle alone. Living With Lou Gehrig's Disease Living with ...

  2. Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes Updated:Jan 29,2018 The following ... clear that there is a strong correlation between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. At least 68 percent ...

  3. Menopause and Heart Disease (United States)

    ... Peripheral Artery Disease Venous Thromboembolism Aortic Aneurysm More Menopause and Heart Disease Updated:Jun 23,2017 Heart ... can become more evident after the onset of menopause. Menopause does not cause cardiovascular diseases . However, certain ...

  4. Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) (United States)

    ... Controls Cancel Submit Search the CDC Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) Note: Javascript is disabled or is not ... gov . Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and deadly disease ...

  5. Synopsis on the linkage of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease with chronic diseases. (United States)

    Jabir, Nasimudeen R; Firoz, Chelapram K; Baeesa, Saleh S; Ashraf, Ghulam Md; Akhtar, Suhail; Kamal, Warda; Kamal, Mohammad A; Tabrez, Shams


    Neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of neuronal structure and function, which ultimately leads to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis, and Huntington's disease. Even after the recent significant advances in neurobiology, the above-mentioned disorders continue to haunt the global population. Several studies have suggested the role of specific environmental and genetic risk factors associated with these disorders. However, the exact mechanism associated with the progression of these disorders still needs to be elucidated. In the recent years, sophisticated research has revealed interesting association of prominent neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and PD with chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Several common molecular mechanisms such as generation of free radicals, oxidative DNA damage, aberrations in mitochondrial DNA, and dysregulation of apoptosis have been highlighted as possible points of connection. The present review summarizes the possible mechanism of coexistence of AD and PD with other chronic diseases. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Lyme disease: case report of persistent Lyme disease from Pulaski County, Virginia

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    Palmieri JR


    Full Text Available James R Palmieri,1 Scott King,1 Matthew Case,1 Arben Santo21Department of Microbiology, Infectious and Emerging Diseases, 2Department of Pathology, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, Blacksburg, VA, USAAbstract: A 50-year-old woman from Pulaski, Virginia, presented to a local clinic with headaches, fever, generalized joint pain, excessive thirst and fluid intake, and a progressing rash on her back. On physical examination, she had a large circular red rash on her back with a bull's-eye appearance, 16 × 18 cm in diameter. Serologic tests confirmed a diagnosis of Lyme disease. The patient could recall a walk through the woods 3 weeks prior, although she never noticed a tick on her body. Following a prolonged course of antibiotics, this case report presents a patient with ongoing symptoms consistent with post-treatment Lyme disease.Keywords: arthritis, chronic Lyme disease (CLD, ELISA, erythema migrans, ixodid ticks, Lyme disease, post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS, Western blotting


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    Z.S. Alekberova


    Full Text Available Behcet’s disease is a systemic vasculitis with unknown etiology. It is characterized by recurrent erosive and ulcer lesions of mucoustunic of mouth and genitalia, frequent lesions of eyes, joints, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Behcet’s disease arises predominantly in young men in the age 20–40 years old; the clinical signs of this disease are forming in children up to the 7–13 years old. Approximately 2–3% of patients with Behcet’s disease are children under 16 years old. The diagnostic criteria of disease, presented in 1990 with International Group of Behcet’s Disease are presented. The comparison of clinical signs of a disease showed bigger frequency of vascular pathology in adults; the rate of HLA-B5 antigen is considerable in children and adults (58,5% and 62,8% accordingly but an aggregation of disease in families of children with Behcet’s disease is higher (12% vs. 1% in adults. Authors presented EULAR recommendations (2008 on the treatment of Behcet’s disease. The peculiarities of treatment of Behcet’s disease are described.Key words: children, Behcet’s disease, aphthous stomatitis, ulcers of genitalia, uveitis, HLA-B5.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2009;8(6:64-70

  8. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: The Emerging Burden in Cardiometabolic and Renal Diseases. (United States)

    Han, Eugene; Lee, Yong Ho


    As the number of individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased, the influence of NAFLD on other metabolic diseases has been highlighted. Accumulating epidemiologic evidence indicates that NAFLD not only affects the liver but also increases the risk of extra-hepatic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases, and chronic kidney disease. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, an advanced type of NAFLD, can aggravate these inter-organ relationships and lead to poorer outcomes. NAFLD induces insulin resistance and exacerbates systemic chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which leads to organ dysfunction in extra-hepatic tissues. Although more research is needed to identify the pathophysiological mechanisms and causal relationship between NAFLD and cardiometabolic and renal diseases, screening for heart, brain, and kidney diseases, risk assessment for diabetes, and a multidisciplinary approach for managing these patients should be highly encouraged. Copyright © 2017 Korean Diabetes Association.

  9. Disease Recording Systems and Herd Health Schemes for Production Diseases

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    Østerås O


    Full Text Available Disease recording of cattle is compulsory in Sweden and Norway. Sweden and Denmark also have mandatory disease recording for swine, whereas Finland and Norway only have compulsory recording of infectious diseases. Both compulsory and voluntary systems are databased, the first ones developed in the 1970's. Disease recording at pig slaughtering is somewhat older. The veterinary practitioner, and often also the farmer, can report treated cases as well as fertility disturbances to the systems. Disease recording at slaughter is carried out by veterinarians and inspection officers. The databases are handled by the veterinary authorities or the agricultural organisations in each country. Costs are defrayed by the authorities and/or the agricultural industry. The farmers receive periodic reports. Data are stored for three to ten years, often longer. Affiliation to animal health schemes for cattle or swine is voluntary. In Sweden and Denmark (cattle they are run within the scope of government regulations. Affiliation to animal health programmes may also be demanded by organisations within the agricultural industry. These organisations are also responsible for the administration of the programmes. Costs to take part in herd health schemes are covered by the farmers themselves. In certain cases, grants are received from agricultural organisations, authorities, or the European Union. Recording of diseases and the format of animal health schemes in the Nordic countries are described here in order to illustrate the possibilities to compare data between countries.

  10. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Otros Trastornos que Tienen Síntomas Similares? How Does Speech Therapy Help Parkinson's ... Disease? Are There Disorders That Have Similar Symptoms? How Does Parkinson's Disease ...

  11. Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases (United States)

    ... Health Topics Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases Arthritis is often used to refer to any ... primary immunodeficiency syndrome March 11, 2013 Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease News Research Brief | January 9, 2017 Tofacitinib Shows ...

  12. Autoimmune liver disease panel (United States)

    Liver disease test panel - autoimmune ... Autoimmune disorders are a possible cause of liver disease. The most common of these diseases are autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis (formerly called primary biliary cirrhosis). This group of tests ...

  13. Heart Diseases and Disorders (United States)

    ... Resources Heart Diseases & Disorders Back to Patient Resources Heart Diseases & Disorders Millions of people experience irregular or abnormal ... harmless and happen in healthy people free of heart disease. However, some abnormal heart rhythms can be serious ...

  14. Comparing Clinical Profiles in Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease Dementia

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    Martin R. Farlow


    Full Text Available Background: Greater understanding of differences in baseline impairment and disease progression in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD may improve the interpretation of drug effects and the design of future studies. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of three randomized, double-blind rivastigmine databases (one in PDD, two in AD. Impairment on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog, Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL scale, 10-item Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-10 and the ADCS-Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC was compared [standardized difference (Cohen's d, similar if Results: Patients with AD or PDD had similar levels of impairment on the ADAS-cog and NPI-10. Scores on the ADCS-ADL scale (standardized difference = 0.47 and the ADAS-cog memory domain (total, 0.33; items, 0.10-0.58 were higher in AD; PDD patients were more impaired in the language (0.23 and praxis (0.34 domains. AD patients receiving placebo showed greater deterioration on the ADAS-cog (0.14 and improvement on the NPI-10 (0.11 compared with patients with PDD. Conclusion: Differing patterns of impairment occur in AD and PDD.

  15. Comparing clinical profiles in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia. (United States)

    Farlow, Martin R; Schmitt, Frederick; Aarsland, Dag; Grossberg, George T; Somogyi, Monique; Meng, Xiangyi


    Greater understanding of differences in baseline impairment and disease progression in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) may improve the interpretation of drug effects and the design of future studies. This was a retrospective analysis of three randomized, double-blind rivastigmine databases (one in PDD, two in AD). Impairment on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog), Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADCS-ADL) scale, 10-item Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-10) and the ADCS-Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC) was compared [standardized difference (Cohen's d), similar if <0.1]. Patients with AD or PDD had similar levels of impairment on the ADAS-cog and NPI-10. Scores on the ADCS-ADL scale (standardized difference = 0.47) and the ADAS-cog memory domain (total, 0.33; items, 0.10-0.58) were higher in AD; PDD patients were more impaired in the language (0.23) and praxis (0.34) domains. AD patients receiving placebo showed greater deterioration on the ADAS-cog (0.14) and improvement on the NPI-10 (0.11) compared with patients with PDD. Differing patterns of impairment occur in AD and PDD.

  16. Perceptions of young adults with sickle cell disease concerning their disease experience. (United States)

    Matthie, Nadine; Hamilton, Jill; Wells, Diana; Jenerette, Coretta


    To describe the perceptions of young adults with sickle cell disease concerning their disease experience. Sickle cell disease is a lifelong, genetic condition with both acute and chronic painful exacerbations. Little is known of the experiences of young adults with sickle cell disease. This study used a qualitative, descriptive design with semi-structured, life review interviews. Between August 2010-September 2012, purposive sampling was used to recruit participants with a known sickle cell disease diagnosis who were ages 18-35 years, were being seen in an outpatient sickle cell clinic and were English speaking. Participants provided demographic information and responded to two interviews. A content analysis was then used to interpret participants' narratives of their experiences of living with sickle cell disease. A sample of 29 young adults with sickle cell disease consisted of 79·3% females, 35·6% employed full-time or part-time, 71·6% single/never married and 57·8% with sickle cell anaemia. Their mean age was 25·8 with 13·2 years of education. Four major interview themes were identified: (1) struggles to maintain or achieve good quality of life or life satisfactions; (2) strategies to maintain self-care; (3) interruptions to family, work and social roles; and (4) difficulties accessing needed health care. Young adults face many challenges while living with sickle cell disease. With a better understanding of their disease experience and how it influences their quality of life, researchers can begin tailoring appropriate interventions to improve health outcomes in this vulnerable, minority population. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Surgical management of colonic diverticular disease: discrepancy between right- and left-sided diseases. (United States)

    Oh, Heung-Kwon; Han, Eon Chul; Ha, Heon-Kyun; Choe, Eun Kyung; Moon, Sang Hui; Ryoo, Seung-Bum; Jeong, Seung-Yong; Park, Kyu Joo


    To compare the outcome of the surgical management of left-sided and right-sided diverticular disease. The medical records of 77 patients who were surgically treated for diverticular disease between 1999 and 2010 in a tertiary referral hospital were retrospectively reviewed. The study population was limited to cases wherein the surgical specimen was confirmed as diverticulosis by pathology. Right-sided diverticula were classified as those arising from the cecum, ascending colon, and transverse colon, and those from the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum were classified as left-sided diverticulosis. To assess the changing trend of occurrence of diverticulosis, data were compared with two previous studies of 51 patients. The proportion of left-sided disease cases was significantly increased compared to the results of our previous studies in 1994 and 2001, (27.5% vs 48.1%, P disease. However, patients with right-sided disease were significantly younger (50.9 year vs 64.0 year, P disease was significantly associated with a higher incidence of complicated diverticulitis (89.2% vs 57.5%, P diverticular disease, the incidence of left-sided disease in Korea has increased since 2001 and is associated with worse surgical outcomes.

  18. Rivastigmine in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease dementia: an ADAS-cog factor analysis. (United States)

    Weintraub, Daniel; Somogyi, Monique; Meng, Xiangyi


    Rivastigmine treatment is associated with significant improvements on the cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-cog) in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). Both AD and PDD are purported to have different profiles of cognitive impairment, which may respond differentially to rivastigmine treatment. This was a retrospective analysis of 3 randomized, double-blind, rivastigmine trial databases (Investigation of transDermal Exelon in ALzheimer's disease [IDEAL; AD], EXelon in PaRkinson's disEaSe dementia Study [EXPRESS; PDD], and Alzheimer's Disease with ENA 713 [ADENA; AD]). Factor analyses of the 11 baseline ADAS-cog items derived the same factors in the 2 diseases, that is, "memory" and "language". Rivastigmine-treated AD and PDD patients showed significant improvements (P < .0001 versus placebo) on both factors. For both AD and PDD, rivastigmine had a numerically greater effect on memory than language. Treatment effect sizes were numerically greater in PDD compared with AD. Rivastigmine treatment is associated with improvement in memory and language in AD and PDD. The numerically greater response in PDD is consistent with greater cholinergic deficits in this disease state.

  19. Association of age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease with cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Rastogi, Neelesh; Smith, R Theodore


    Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of adult blindness in the developed world. Thus, major endeavors to understand the risk factors and pathogenesis of this disease have been undertaken. Reticular macular disease is a proposed subtype of age-related macular degeneration correlating histologically with subretinal drusenoid deposits located between the retinal pigment epithelium and the inner segment ellipsoid zone. Reticular lesions are more prevalent in females and in older age groups and are associated with a higher mortality rate. Risk factors for developing age-related macular degeneration include hypertension, smoking, and angina. Several genes related to increased risk for age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease are also associated with cardiovascular disease. Better understanding of the clinical and genetic risk factors for age-related macular degeneration and reticular macular disease has led to the hypothesis that these eye diseases are systemic. A systemic origin may help to explain why reticular disease is diagnosed more frequently in females as males suffer cardiovascular mortality at an earlier age, before the age of diagnosis of reticular macular disease and age-related macular degeneration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Myonecrosis of Behcet's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stubbs, Alana Y.; Taljanovic, Mihra S.; Massey, Brandon Z.; Graham, Anna R.; Friend, Christopher J.; Walsh, Joshua A.


    Behcet's disease is an inflammatory disease of unknown cause characterized by intermittent episodes of acute inflammation manifested by oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, uveitis, and skin lesions. We report a rare case of myonecrosis associated with Behcet's disease. Myonecrosis of Behcet's disease can mimic soft tissue abscess and therefore awareness of this entity in the appropriate clinical setting is important for initiation of appropriate and timely treatment. (orig.)

  1. Connected speech as a marker of disease progression in autopsy-proven Alzheimer’s disease (United States)

    Ahmed, Samrah; Haigh, Anne-Marie F.; de Jager, Celeste A.


    Although an insidious history of episodic memory difficulty is a typical presenting symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, detailed neuropsychological profiling frequently demonstrates deficits in other cognitive domains, including language. Previous studies from our group have shown that language changes may be reflected in connected speech production in the earliest stages of typical Alzheimer’s disease. The aim of the present study was to identify features of connected speech that could be used to examine longitudinal profiles of impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. Samples of connected speech were obtained from 15 former participants in a longitudinal cohort study of ageing and dementia, in whom Alzheimer’s disease was diagnosed during life and confirmed at post-mortem. All patients met clinical and neuropsychological criteria for mild cognitive impairment between 6 and 18 months before converting to a status of probable Alzheimer’s disease. In a subset of these patients neuropsychological data were available, both at the point of conversion to Alzheimer’s disease, and after disease severity had progressed from the mild to moderate stage. Connected speech samples from these patients were examined at later disease stages. Spoken language samples were obtained using the Cookie Theft picture description task. Samples were analysed using measures of syntactic complexity, lexical content, speech production, fluency and semantic content. Individual case analysis revealed that subtle changes in language were evident during the prodromal stages of Alzheimer’s disease, with two-thirds of patients with mild cognitive impairment showing significant but heterogeneous changes in connected speech. However, impairments at the mild cognitive impairment stage did not necessarily entail deficits at mild or moderate stages of disease, suggesting non-language influences on some aspects of performance. Subsequent examination of these measures revealed significant linear trends

  2. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and vascular disease: State-of-the-art (United States)

    Fargion, Silvia; Porzio, Marianna; Fracanzani, Anna Ludovica


    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the most common of chronic liver disease in Western Country, is closely related to insulin resistance and oxidative stress and includes a wide spectrum of liver diseases ranging from steatosis alone, usually a benign and non-progressive condition, to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which may progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. NAFLD is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome with which shares several characteristics, however recent data suggest that NAFLD is linked to increased cardiovascular risk independently of the broad spectrum of risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Accumulating evidence suggests that the clinical burden of NAFLD is not restricted to liver-related morbidity and mortality, with the majority of deaths in NAFLD patients related to cardiovascular disease and cancer and not to the progression of liver disease. Retrospective and prospective studies provide evidence of a strong association between NAFLD and subclinical manifestation of atherosclerosis (increased intima-media thickness, endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, impaired left ventricular function and coronary calcification). A general agreement emerging from these studies indicates that patients with NASH are at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases than those with simple steatosis, emphasizing the role of chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis of these patients. It is very likely that the different mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in patients with NAFLD have a different relevance in the patients according to individual genetic background. In conclusion, in the presence of NAFLD patients should undergo a complete cardiovascular evaluation to prevent future atherosclerotic complications. Specific life-style modification and aggressive pharmaceutical modification will not only reduce the progression of liver disease, but also reduce morbidity for cardiovascular

  3. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Progression of the Disease? OHSU - Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacological Management of Depression, Anxiety & Psychosis What Are Some Strategies for Problems with Urination? CareMAP: Changes Around the ...

  4. Valvular heart disease


    Gelson, E; Gatzoulis, M; Johnson, M


    Valvular disease may be unmasked in pregnancy when physiological changes increase demands on the heart. Women with valvular heart disease require close follow-up during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum

  5. "Diseases and natural kinds". (United States)

    Sulmasy, Daniel P


    David Thomasma called for the development of a medical ethics based squarely on the philosophy of medicine. He recognized, however, that widespread anti-essentialism presented a significant barrier to such an approach. The aim of this article is to introduce a theory that challenges these anti-essentialist objections. The notion of natural kinds presents a modest form of essentialism that can serve as the basis for a foundationalist philosophy of medicine. The notion of a natural kind is neither static nor reductionistic. Disease can be understood as making necessary reference to living natural kinds without invoking the claim that diseases themselves are natural kinds. The idea that natural kinds have a natural disposition to flourish as the kinds of things that they are provides a telos to which to tether the notion of disease - an objective telos that is broader than mere survival and narrower than subjective choice. It is argued that while nosology is descriptive and may have therapeutic implications, disease classification is fundamentally explanatory. Sickness and illness, while referring to the same state of affairs, can be distinguished from disease phenomenologically. Scientific and diagnostic fallibility in making judgments about diseases do not diminish the objectivity of this notion of disease. Diseases are things, not kinds. Injury is a concept parallel to disease that also makes necessary reference to living natural kinds. These ideas provide a new possibility for the development of a philosophy of medicine with implications for medical ethics.

  6. Violência doméstica: uma contribuição da psicanálise Violence in the family: a psychoanalytical contribution

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    Vera Lúcia C. Lamanno- Adamo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho busca compreender a violência doméstica fundamentada em conceitos desenvolvidos pela psicanálise. Entende-se violência como a expressão física, tanto do amor como do ódio, quando desvinculados do interesse pela vida e pela verdade e, portanto, se apresentando em estado selvagem e apavorante. Discutem-se as estruturas inconscientes nas quais pode repousar uma dinâmica viciosa entre violência e defesa contra reconhecê-la e a importância de formação adequada de profissionais no sentido de que haja uma recuperação das funções mentais que propiciam vincular experiências emocionais com desenvolvimento e crescimento.This article intends to understand family violence based on concepts developed by psychoanalysis. Violence, in this context, is understood as a physical expression of love and hate, disconnected from interest in life and in truth. When it happens, emotional experience appears in a wild and terrifying state. Unconscious structures which accomodate a vicious dynamic between violence and defence against recognizing it are discussed. This paper also stresses the need for an adequate professional trainning in order to help the reconstitution of mental functions which link emotional experiences to growth and development.

  7. A poliomielite em Sergipe

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    Hélio A. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam estudo retrospectivo da poliomielite em Sergipe. Dividem o estudo em três períodos levando em consideração a taxa de notificação de casos positivos e enfatizam o período que vai de 1979 a 1989, pelo estudo de 159 casos consecutivos. As seguintes informações foram levantadas para cada caso: sexo, idade, procedência, estado vacinai anterior e evolução clínica. São também avaliadas a incidência anual, relação incidência/cobertura vacinai e distribuição geográfica. Tecem comentários sobre os surtos epidêmicos ocorridos em 1984 e 1986, sobre as alterações na circulação do poliovírus selvagem (P1 para P3 e sobre problemas relacionados à não aquisição de imunidade em crianças com esquema vacinal completo. Consideram a poliomielite controlada no Estado, mas enfatizam a necessidade de manutenção de Vigilância epidemiológica efetiva para todos os casos de paralisia aguda e flácida em menores de 14 anos de idade.

  8. BOAVENTURA CARDOSO E O ROMANCE ANGOLANO: REVISTO E ATUALIZADO / Boaventura Cardoso and the Angolan novel: reviewed and revised

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    Sueli Saraiva (UNILAB


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este texto aponta indícios de como a forma romanesca moderna, cunhada a partir da e para a cultura ocidental, passa por constantes processos de revisão e atualiza-se movida pelo projeto sócio-político-cultural das sociedades que lhe dão conteúdo. No caso de Angola, novas estratégias literárias como a conjunção deliberada entre oralidade e escrita têm sido apresentadas nos romances do escritor e político angolano Boaventura Cardoso. O artigo, por isso, irá brevemente analisar e interpretar tanto o conteúdo quanto a forma literária adotados nos seguintes romances de Cardoso: O signo do fogo (1992, Maio, mês de Maria (1997 e Mãe, materno mar (2001. Como marcos teóricos desta investigação, adotaremos da tradição europeia o pensamento de intelectuais como Bakthin (Teoria do romance e Auerbach (Mimesis. Do lado de uma tradição produzida a partir das próprias balizas da cultura africana, recorreremos a autores como Laura Padilha e Inocência Mata, além de Rita Chaves e Tania Macêdo. Palavras-chave: Angola, romance, Boaventura Cardoso. ABSTRACT This text aims to indicate how novelistic form coined from and for Occidental culture would recycle and update itself in accordance with the sociopolitical-cultural project in Africans societies. In the case of Angola, new literary strategies as the deliberate combination between orality and writing have been presented in the novels of the Angolan writer and politician Boaventura Cardoso.  This paper, therefore, will briefly analyze and interpret both the content and the literary form adopted in the following Cardoso novels: O signo do fogo (1992, Maio, mês de Maria (1997, and Mãe, materno mar (2001. As theoretical frameworks of research, we adopt the thinking of intellectuals of European tradition as Bakhtin (Theory of the novel and Auerbach (Mimesis. From the tradition produced from own marks of African culture, we resort to authors such as Laura Padilha and Inocência Mata

  9. Disease mongering in neurological disorders


    Kochen, Sara Silvia; Córdoba, Marta


    Diseases mongering”, than a simple definition would be enforced "to promote or sell disease". The main and common characteristhics of all these "diseases" is that they are amenable to treatment with drugs. So, the pharmaceutical industry redefining the concept of disease, the normal and pathological. In Neurology exploits the deepest atavistic fears of suffering and death. We select some diseases, the choise was based on lack or weak evidence in definition of disease; or cost benefit of trea...

  10. Genetic epidemiology of Scheuermann's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damborg, Frank; Engell, Vilhelm; Nielsen, Jan


    The genetic/environmental etiology of Scheuermann's disease is unclear. We estimated the heritability of the disease using an etiological model adjusted for sex and time of diagnosis, and examined whether the prevalence of Scheuermann's disease was constant over time.......The genetic/environmental etiology of Scheuermann's disease is unclear. We estimated the heritability of the disease using an etiological model adjusted for sex and time of diagnosis, and examined whether the prevalence of Scheuermann's disease was constant over time....

  11. Shared genetics in coeliac disease and other immune-mediated diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gutierrez-Achury, J.; Coutinho de Almeida, R.; Wijmenga, C.

    Gutierrez-Achury J, Coutinho de Almeida R, Wijmenga C (University Medical Centre Groningen and University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; University of Brasilia School of Health Sciences, Brasilia, DF, Brazil). Shared genetics in coeliac disease and other immune-mediated diseases

  12. Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool for Disease (CAMDT-Disease) for seasonal climate forecast-based crop disease risk management in agriculture (United States)

    Kim, K. H.; Lee, S.; Han, E.; Ines, A. V. M.


    Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool (CAMDT) is a decision support system (DSS) tool that aims to facilitate translations of probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts (SCF) to crop responses such as yield and water stress. Since CAMDT is a software framework connecting different models and algorithms with SCF information, it can be easily customized for different types of agriculture models. In this study, we replaced the DSSAT-CSM-Rice model originally incorporated in CAMDT with a generic epidemiological model, EPIRICE, to generate a seasonal pest outlook. The resulting CAMDT-Disease generates potential risks for selected fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases of rice over the next months by translating SCFs into agriculturally-relevant risk information. The integrated modeling procedure of CAMDT-Disease first disaggregates a given SCF using temporal downscaling methods (predictWTD or FResampler1), runs EPIRICE with the downscaled weather inputs, and finally visualizes the EPIRICE outputs as disease risk compared to that of the previous year and the 30-year-climatological average. In addition, the easy-to-use graphical user interface adopted from CAMDT allows users to simulate "what-if" scenarios of disease risks over different planting dates with given SCFs. Our future work includes the simulation of the effect of crop disease on yields through the disease simulation models with the DSSAT-CSM-Rice model, as disease remains one of the most critical yield-reducing factors in the field.

  13. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and Apathy in Parkinson's Disease Nurse Webinars: Interdisciplinary Education on Parkinson's Disease Expert Briefings: Getting Around: Transportation and Travel with PD Expert Briefings: Sleep and Parkinson's Nurse: ...

  14. Parkinson's Disease Videos

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... this disease. Learn more In your area About Shop A A ... Webinars: Nursing Solutions: Improving Caregiver Strain through Science and Model Interventions Expert Briefings: Parkinson's Disease Psychosis: ...

  15. Agressão por arma branca e arma de fogo interligada ao consumo de drogas

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    Zélia Maria de Santos Sousa Araújo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y analizar el perfil de 80 clientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica, víctimas de agresión por arma blanca o de fuego, que estaban sobre el efecto de sustancia psicoactiva. Los datos fueron obtenidos através de la entrevista y complementados con los registros de las historias clínicas. Se constató que la violencia fue mediada por la agresión de arma blanca o de fuego y la mayoría de los entrevistados eran usuarios de sustancias psicoactivas, jóvenes, solteros, sexo masculino, teniendo como escenario las calles, predominantemente en los finales de semana. Frente a los resultados, se sugiere la implementación de estrategias educativas, articulando las escuelas y la comunidad, con el objetivo de combatir la violencia, la drogadicción y el alcoholismo entre los niños y adolescentes.

  16. [Male breast diseases]. (United States)

    Firmin-Lefebvre, D; Misery, L


    Because andrology is relatively undeveloped in France, the dermatologist is often the doctor first consulted for diseases of the nipple in men. All dermatological diseases can in fact occur at this site. There are some specific nipple diseases such as gynaecomastia, congenital abnormalities, hyperplasia, benign tumours and breast cancer. All clinical examinations and laboratory examinations should focus on diagnosis of this type of cancer and its elimination. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Heart Disease in Women (United States)

    ... United States, 1 in 4 women dies from heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease in both men and women is narrowing ... the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. This is called coronary artery disease, and ...

  18. Tay-Sachs Disease (United States)

    ... better understanding of how neurological deficits arise in lipid storage diseases and on the development of new treatments targeting disease mechanisms. Specific research on the gangliodisoses including expanding the use of ...

  19. Wildlife disease and risk perception. (United States)

    Hanisch-Kirkbride, Shauna L; Riley, Shawn J; Gore, Meredith L


    Risk perception has an important influence on wildlife management and is particularly relevant to issues that present health risks, such as those associated with wildlife disease management. Knowledge of risk perceptions is useful to wildlife health professionals in developing communication messages that enhance public understanding of wildlife disease risks and that aim to increase public support for disease management. To promote knowledge of public understanding of disease risks in the context of wildlife disease management, we used a self-administered questionnaire mailed to a stratified random sample (n = 901) across the continental United States to accomplish three objectives: 1) assess zoonotic disease risk perceptions; 2) identify sociodemographic and social psychologic factors underlying these risk perceptions; and 3) examine the relationship between risk perception and agreement with wildlife disease management practices. Diseases we assessed in the surveys were rabies, plague, and West Nile virus. Risk perception, as measured by an index consisting of severity, susceptibility, and dread, was greatest for rabies and West Nile virus disease (x = 2.62 and 2.59, respectively, on a scale of 1 to 4 and least for plague (x = 2.39). The four most important variables associated with disease risk perception were gender, education, prior exposure to the disease, and concern for health effects. We found that stronger risk perception was associated with greater agreement with wildlife disease management. We found particular concern for the vulnerability of wildlife to zoonotic disease and for protection of wildlife health, indicating that stakeholders may be receptive to messages emphasizing the potential harm to wildlife from disease and to messages promoting One Health (i.e., those that emphasize the interdependence of human, domestic animal, wildlife, and ecosystem health).

  20. Beyond disease susceptibility-Leveraging genome-wide association studies for new insights into complex disease biology. (United States)

    Lee, J C


    Genetic studies in complex diseases have been highly successful, but have also been largely one-dimensional: predominantly focusing on the genetic contribution to disease susceptibility. While this is undoubtedly important-indeed it is a pre-requisite for understanding the mechanisms underlying disease development-there are many other important aspects of disease biology that have received comparatively little attention. In this review, I will discuss how existing genetic data can be leveraged to provide new insights into other aspects of disease biology, why such insights could change the way we think about complex disease, and how this could provide opportunities for better therapies and/or facilitate personalised medicine. To do this, I will use the example of Crohn's disease-a chronic form of inflammatory bowel disease that has been one of the main success stories in complex disease genetics. Indeed, thanks to genetic studies, we now have a much more detailed understanding of the processes involved in Crohn's disease development, but still know relatively little about what determines the subsequent disease course (prognosis) and why this differs so considerably between individuals. I will discuss how we came to realise that genetic variation plays an important role in determining disease prognosis and how this has changed the way we think about Crohn's disease genetics. This will illustrate how phenotypic data can be used to leverage new insights from genetic data and will provide a broadly applicable framework that could yield new insights into the biology of multiple diseases. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.