
Sample records for flash con soluciones

  1. Compactones, soluciones de ecuaciones no lineales con estructura tipo esferas duras

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    Máximo Agüero Granados


    Full Text Available Se estudian ciertas soluciones de ecuaciones no lineales que modelan procesos físicos, que tienen semejanzas con estructuras coherentes del tipo de esferas duras, modelo de partículas muy usado en varias ramas de la física. Estas soluciones compactas (gotas, kinks, etcétera. interactúan entre sí sólo a cortas distancias, porque no poseen colas infinitas como los solitones clásicos.

  2. Soluciones analiticas AL problema de jets con velocidad de eyeccion variable EN EL tiempo. (United States)

    Canto, J.; Raga, A. C.; D'Alessio, P.


    Se presenta un nuevo metodo que permite resolver de manera exacta y analitica las ecuaciones que describen un jet hipersonico con velocidad de eyeccion variable en el tiempo. El metodo se basa en consideraciones sencillas de conservacion de momento para las superficies de trabajo que se forman en el interior del jet. Como ejemplo, se presentan soluciones para jets con variacion sinusoidal en la velocidad de eyeccion, y tambien para el caso de un incremento lineal en el tiempo. Estas soluciones analiticas tienen una clara aplicacion en la interpretacion de las observaciones de jets asociados a objetos Herbig-Haro.

  3. Reducción de color con cloruro de magnesio en soluciones con colorantes comerciales

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    Mercedes Lucero Chávez


    Full Text Available Se experimentó con diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de magnesio (MgCl2 como coagulante para reducir el color en soluciones con colorantes comerciales: negro, azul y café. Los parámetros analizados fueron pH, color, demanda química de oxígeno ( dqo y sólidos suspendidos totales (sst de acuerdo con las Normas Mexicanas. Como prueba complementaria se agregó carbón activado a las muestras para reducir el color residual después de la coagulación-floculación. La reducción de los valores de color y dqo fue mayor cuando se adicionó más cantidad de MgCl2 (1.8 g/L. Los porcentajes de reducción fueron ≥90% para el color y >50% para la dqo. Los sst aumentaron con la adición de MgCl2. El carbón activado eliminó el color residual.

  4. Atributos biológicos de dos suelos de Quibor con aplicación de abono orgánico y soluciones salinas


    Mendoza, Betty; Florentino, Adriana; Hernández-Hernández, Rosa Mary; Aciego, Juan; Torres, Duilio; Vera, Elena


    La evaluación del efecto de la aplicación de abono orgánico y soluciones salinas sobre los atributos biológicos de suelos de Quibor estado Lara, Venezuela, uno bajo manejo convencional (CV) y otro bajo manejo conservacionista (CS), se realizó mediante un ensayo de invernadero. Se utilizaron tres dosis de materia orgánica (MO): 0, 15 y 30 Mg ha-1 y cuatro soluciones de riego (SR): testigo con agua (T), sulfato de calcio (SC), cloruro de sodio (CN) y la mezcla de sulfato de calcio con cloruro d...

  5. Cementación de oro con polvo de cinc en soluciones de lixiviación con amoniaco-tiosulfato

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    Navarro, R


    Full Text Available The cementation of gold with powder of zinc, from solutions with thiosulphate and ammonia, was studied. The variables evaluated were: thiosulphate concentration, ammonia concentration, pH, copper concentration and zinc concentration. The results have revealed the great importance of ammonia/thiosulphate relationship in this process and that the impurities presence like copper and zinc will to inhibit the cementation process.

    Se estudió la cementación de oro con polvo de cinc desde soluciones con tiosulfato y amoniaco, evaluando la influencia de las siguientes variables: concentración de tiosulfato, concentración de amoniaco, pH, concentración de cobre y concentración de cinc. Los resultados han permitido establecer la gran importancia que tiene, en este proceso, la relación amoniaco/tiosulfato y cómo la presencia de impurezas como cobre y cinc inhiben el proceso de cementación.

  6. Soluciones utilitarias de compromiso en problemas multi-objetivo con informacion parcial

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    Hinojosa, M. A.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan problemas de optimización multi-objetivo en situaciones en que las preferencias del agente decisor pueden representarse por funciones aditivas y solo se dispone de información parcial sobre los pesos de importancia de los objetivos. Este análisis puede interpretarse también en términos de decisión en grupo, cuando distintos agentes proporcionan pesos distintos para los objetivos, y a partir de ahí hay que llegar a un consenso sobre la solución a elegir. En este contexto de información parcial se introduce una clase de soluciones que pueden considerarse un compromiso entre las soluciones del tipo maximin y las soluciones utilitarias. También se analizan algunas de sus principales propiedades. ABSTRACT We analyze multiple objective optimization problems in situations in which the preferences of the decision maker can be represented by additive functions and only partial information about the importance of the objectives is available. This analysis can also be interpreted in terms of group decision-making when different agents provide different weights for the objectives, and a consensus about the solution to choose has to be reached. In this context of partial information we introduce a class of solutions that can be considered as a compromise between the solutions based on a maxmin criterion and the utilitarian solutions. We also analyze some of their main properties.

  7. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso


    Muñoz Juan M.; Macías Alejandro E.; Guerrero Francisco J.; Hernández Isabel; Medina Humberto; Vargas Enrique


    OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales ...

  8. Sobre la termodinámica de las soluciones electrolíticas

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    Wilmar Osorio Viana


    Full Text Available Se presentan los elementos teóricos básicos de la fisicoquímica de las soluciones electrolíticas, buscando una conexión entre los aspectos moleculares característicos y el desarrollo de modelos termodinámicos semiempíricos apropiados para el cálculo de propiedades. Se presenta una visión general del desarrollo histórico de modelos para soluciones electrolíticas y se adoptan los modelos de Debye-Hückel y NRTL-E para describir cualitativa y cuantitativamente, mediante experimentación virtual, el desempeño de sistemas binarios solvente-electrólito inorgánico. Se aborda el problema de las soluciones multielectrolíticas, describiendo las características fundamentales del modelo del enfoque unificado, el cual se acopla al modelo NRTL-E, permitiendo generalizar el tratamiento sin la inclusión de parámetros empíricos adicionales y con interesantes aportes al entendimiento teórico.

  9. Efecto de la urea sobre la viscosidad de soluciones acuosas de aminoácidos

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    Carmen María Romero


    Full Text Available Se midió a 25.0° la viscosidad de soluciones de glicina, dl-alanina, norvalina, dlvalina, norleucina y 1-leucina usando como solventes soluciones acuosas de urea 0.5 y 2.0 M. Los valores obtenidos para los coeficientes B de viscosidad muestran que aún a bajas concentraciones la urea ejerce un efecto disruptor sobre la estructura del agua y sugieren que a- aminoácidos con más de 4 carbonos en el grupo apolar pueden presentar efectos de doblez de cadena por interacciones hidrofóbicas.

  10. Solucions PLC obertes


    López Llauradó, Oriol


    Treball que, després de revisar el concepte de PLC i d'exposar la necessitat de solucions obertes, defineix el concepte de PLC obert, basat en programari lliure i presenta alguns projectes interessants de PLC obert. Trabajo que, después de revisar el concepto de PLC y de exponer la necesidad de soluciones abiertas, define el concepto de PLC abierto, basado en el software libre y presenta algunos proyectos interesantes de PLC abierto. Study that, after looking at the concept of PLC and s...

  11. The Quasi-Linear Solution of Vertical Infiltration; La solucion cuasi-lineal de la infiltracion vertical

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuentes, Carlos [Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico); Parlangue, Jean-Yves [Departamento de Agricultura e Ingenieria Biologica (United States); Haverkamp, Randel; Vauclin, Michael [Laboratorio de Estudio de las Transferencias en Hidrologia y Medio ambiente (France)


    The exact solution of the one-dimensional vertical infiltration equation is deducted, when the hydraulic diffusivity is considered constant and the hydraulic conductivity is a combination of both a linear and quadratic functions of the soil water content. This quasi-linear solution includes as particular cases, both the classical solution known as linear soil and the Knight solution. The cumulative infiltrated water as a function of time provided by the quasi-linear solution has been compared with the cumulative infiltrated water obtained from the numerical solution of the Richards equation on three different soils of contrasting hydrodynamic properties. The good agreement between the two solutions has shown that the quasi-linear solution can be used on soils where the accepted hypothesis, on hydraulic diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity, for its deduction is not satisfied. [Spanish] Se deduce la solucion exacta de la ecuacion de la infiltracion unidimensional vertical cuando la difusividad hidraulica es considerada constante y la conductividad hidraulica es una combinacion de una funcion lineal y una cuadratica del contenido volumetrico de agua. Esta solucion cuasi-lineal de la infiltracion contiene, como casos particulares, la solucion clasica conocida como suelo lineal y la solucion de Knight. La lamina infiltrada acumulada en funcion del tiempo proporcionada por la solucion cuasi-lineal se ha comparado con la lamina infiltrada proporcionada por la solucion numerica de la ecuacion de Richards en tres suelos de propiedades hidrodinamicas contrastantes. El buen acuerdo entre las laminas infiltradas ha mostrado que la solucion cuasi-lineal puede utilizarse en suelos donde la difusividad y la conductividad hidraulicas no satisfacen los supuestos de la deduccion.

  12. Desarrollo de un algoritmo para la generación y elección de soluciones de corte en la operación de canteo y despuntado en aserraderos

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    Francisco Vergara González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se desarrolló un algoritmo que integra las mejores prácticas aplicadas en los aserraderos y una metodología de análisis geométrico de líneas de corte. La aplicación fue programada en lenguaje C++, siendo alimentada con las dimensiones de las piezas deseadas de producir, sus respectivos precios y la geometría en 2-D de la tapa a cortar, generando como resultado una solución de corte en ancho y largo para tapa ingresada. Las soluciones obtenidas se compararon con un patrón que corresponde a soluciones entregadas por un equipo de corte ¿optimizado¿, de un aserradero del sur de Chile. Cuatro tipos de soluciones se obtuvieron al ingresar la geometría de las tapas, la cual fue capturada con 4 pasos de lectura diferentes. Los resultados muestran que las soluciones obtenidas con paso de lectura 100 mm son en promedio un 4% superior al patrón, y muy superiores a las otras soluciones obtenidas con los otros 3 pasos. Haciendo abstracción de las condiciones particulares de operación de cada método. Una comparación teórica de tiempos por método de solución, indica que los 77 milisegundos empleados por SISCORMAD, son significativamente inferiores a los 320 milisegundos obtenidos con programación dinámica, 890 milisegundos con enumeración exhaustiva, y 140 milisegundos obtenidos con método heurístico geométrico como tiempos de solución reportados por programación dinámica [6]. Esta característica hace muy atractivo al algoritmo desarrollo para ser empleado en futuras aplicaciones. Sin embargo, dada la naturaleza heurística de SISCORMAD, constituye solo una solución de alta calidad, pero no óptima.

  13. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso

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    Muñoz Juan M.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales en los servicios pediátricos mediante cuatro estrategias: durante la primera etapa se cultivó el total de soluciones en uso. Durante la segunda se cultivaron muestras aleatoriamente elegidas. Tercera y cuarta etapas con muestreo controlado y dirigido, respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Se han cultivado 1940 infusiones. Se ha observado una reducción de la tasa de contaminación (de 29.6% en 1992 a 12.9% en 1997, p< 0.001. Asimismo se redujo la proporción de bacilos gramnegativos aislados en sangre (72.7% vs 40.85%, p< 0.001 y las bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias (BNP (3.12 vs 1.54 por 100 egresos, p< 0.0001. CONCLUSIONES. La detección de contaminantes señala posibles fallas en el manejo parenteral, áreas de riesgo y pacientes potencialmente afectados. El programa permite estudiar el nivel endémico de contaminación de infusiones y limitar los brotes de bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias a un costo bajo.


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    Guillem Sanz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describen y clasifican las soluciones existentes para la distribución urbana de mercancías (DUM y se proponen dos soluciones novedosas aplicables a la DUM. La descripción de las soluciones proviene de una extensa revisión de la literatura existente. La clasificación de las soluciones existentes es fruto del análisis realizado por los autores, gracias al cual se propone una nueva clasificación en 6 categorías distintas. En cuanto a las soluciones novedosas, se describen y se analiza su utilidad mediante dos pruebas piloto en España en establecimientos de las enseñas Eroski, Caprabo y Mercadona. A lo largo de las pruebas piloto queda patente que dichas dos soluciones pueden ser de gran utilidad para el sector de la DUM.

  15. Precipitación de sulfuros a partir de soluciones carbonato-amoniacales

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    Neicis Capote-Flores


    Full Text Available Se estudia la etapa de precipitación de sulfuros mixtos de níquel y cobalto a partir de soluciones carbonato-amoniacales industriales utilizando como agente precipitante el hidrógeno sulfuro de amonio. El análisis termodinámico de las reacciones de precipitación e intercambio, permitió determinar los modelos matemáticos de dichos procesos que muestran la dependencia de la constante de equilibrio con la temperatura. Se determinó que en el desarrollo de las reacciones de precipitación de los sulfuros mixtos de níquel y cobalto a partir de las soluciones carbonato-amoniacales influyen los factores siguientes: temperatura, tiempo, recirculación de sulfuros y agitación. Se obtienen los modelos estadísticos matemáticos que caracterizan las reacciones de precipitación del cobalto y el níquel

  16. Comportamiento eléctrico del compuesto Bi5FeTi3O15 y de sus soluciones sólidas con CaBi4Ti4O15

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    Durán, P.


    Full Text Available Bi5FeTi3O15 (BiFT compound has been prepared by solid state reaction between the corresponding oxides. Its crystalline structure has been established by X ray Diffraction, (XRD. Ceramic samples with apparent density > 95% Dth have been sintered. On these samples, electrical conductivity and Curie temperature have been measured. Solid solutions of Bi5FeTi3O15 (BiFT and CaBi4Ti4O15 (CBiT have been prepared. On poled samples of these solid solutions, piezoelectric parameters have been established. The BiFT compound shows electrical conductivity values very similar to those of the Bi4Ti3O12 (BiT compound. The electrical conductivity of solid solutions is a function of CBiT amount. A possible electrical conductivity mechanism which is different of that accepted for the BiT compound is discussed.Se ha preparado Bi5FeTi3O15 (BiFT por reacción en estado sólido de los óxidos correspondientes. Se ha determinado su estructura cristalina por Difracción de Rayos X (DRX. Se han preparado compactos sinterizados con densidades superiores al 95%. Se ha determinado su temperatura de Curie, y la conductividad eléctrica entre 150 y 850ºC. Se han preparado soluciones sólidas de Bi5FeTi3O15 con CaBi4Ti4O15, (CBiT y se han determinado los mismos parámetros de temperatura de Curie y de conductividad para ellas. En las soluciones sólidas se han determinado los parámetros Piezoeléctricos de muestras polarizadas Debe destacarse que el compuesto Bi5FeTi3O15 presenta unos valores de conducción eléctrica más próximos a los correspondientes al Bi4Ti3O12 (BiT que a los de los compuestos MeBi4Ti4O15. La conductividad eléctrica de las soluciones sólidas varía con el contenido de CBiT. Se discute la posible existencia de un modelo de conducción eléctrica que difiere del aceptado hasta el momento para el BiT, basado en los defectos localizados en las capas Bi2O2 2-.


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    L. Martínez-Corral


    Full Text Available Se desarrolló un programa de cómputo para la formulación de soluciones nutritivas basado en el método universal propuesto por Steiner. El sistema contiene un módulo de cálculo que permite configurar la fórmula según la relación entre aniones y cationes, la concentración iónica total y el pH deseado. La interfaz incluye el ajuste automático de los aportes de la composición química del agua de riego así como la gestión de una base de datos que permite diferentes combinaciones de fertilizantes y el acceso del usuario a la configuración de fuentes de nutrimentos según los tenga a su alcance. Con ello se incrementa la portabilidad del sistema y se facilita el cómputo de soluciones. Con base en los resultados, el sistema presenta mayor flexibilidad al eliminar los problemas asociados a los cálculos manuales y las restricciones a las que actualmente se encuentran sujetos los algoritmos y las hojas de cálculo tradicionales enfocadas a este fin. El programa de cómputo desarrollado se encuentra disponible en forma gratuita a la comunidad científica mediante solicitud al autor.

  18. Plan empresa Publitis S.A.S: soluciones tecnológicas


    Robledo Ceballos, Carlos Alberto; Rodríguez Velasco, Salvador


    RESUMEN: PubliTICs es una empresa de constitución privada creada bajo la reglamentación emitida para las Sociedades por Acciones Simplificadas, cuyo objeto principal es la prestación de servicios de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en el mercado de Colombia. PubliTICs S.A.S celebrará un contrato de Aliado Tecnológico y Comercial con las Empresas Municipales de Cali EMCALI EICE ESP, para prestar servicios de soluciones tecnológicas empresariales, aprovechando la infraestru...

  19. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso Pediatric nosocomial bacteremia control program based on culturing in use parenteral infusions


    Juan M. Muñoz; Alejandro E. Macías; Francisco J. Guerrero; Isabel Hernández; Humberto Medina; Enrique Vargas


    OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales ...

  20. NAND flash memory technologies

    CERN Document Server

    Aritome, Seiichi


    This book discusses basic and advanced NAND flash memory technologies, including the principle of NAND flash, memory cell technologies, multi-bits cell technologies, scaling challenges of memory cell, reliability, and 3-dimensional cell as the future technology. Chapter 1 describes the background and early history of NAND flash. The basic device structures and operations are described in Chapter 2. Next, the author discusses the memory cell technologies focused on scaling in Chapter 3, and introduces the advanced operations for multi-level cells in Chapter 4. The physical limitations for scaling are examined in Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 describes the reliability of NAND flash memory. Chapter 7 examines 3-dimensional (3D) NAND flash memory cells and discusses the pros and cons in structure, process, operations, scalability, and performance. In Chapter 8, challenges of 3D NAND flash memory are dis ussed. Finally, in Chapter 9, the author summarizes and describes the prospect of technologies and market for the fu...

  1. Estudio de las soluciones de los ferroeléctricos LiNbO3 y LiTaO3

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    Villafuerte Castrejón, M. E.


    Full Text Available Ceramic compounds LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 have been widely studied in the last years due to their interesting optical and electrical properties (piezoelectricity, piroelectricity, ferroelectricity. For this reason these materials are regarded excellent candidates for technological applications. An important characteristic of these compounds is the facility to form solid solution series, a large number of cations can be accommodated in the lattice and thus different optical and electrical properties have been obtained. In this work a review of LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 solid solutions is presented, the formation mechanisms, cation sites in the unitcell and some of the most representative properties are also included.Los compuestos cerámicos LiNbO3 y LiTaO3 han sido estudiados considerablemente en los últimos años, debido a las interesantes propiedades ópticas y eléctricas (piezoelectricidad, piroelectricidad, ferroelectricidad que presentan. Por estas razones estos materiales se consideran excelentes candidatos para un gran número de aplicaciones tecnológicas. Una característica importante de estos compuestos, es la facilidad con la que forman series de soluciones sólidas, incorporando diferentes cationes en sus redes. Se han obtenido series de soluciones sólidas con cationes de diferente tamaño y diferente carga con la consiguiente variación de las propiedades eléctricas y ópticas. En este trabajo se presenta un resumen de los estudios de las soluciones sólidas de LiNbO3 y LiTaO3, los mecanismos de formación y los sitios que ocupan los cationes en la celda unidad, así como algunas de sus propiedades físicas más representativas.

  2. Implementación de un sistema de comunicaciones unificadas IP en una empresa mediana usando software con licencia pagada


    Espol; Guamán Ullauri, Marco Augusto


    Realizar un estudio de forma comparativa entre diferentes tipos de soluciones pagadas y gratis de VoIP, su impacto económico y organizacional en una empresa mediana con el fin de conocer acerca de la evolución de las soluciones de telefonía IP; conocer qué soluciones de software libre y pagado hay en el mercado; establecer los parámetros técnicos, económicos y organizacionales que se deben tomar en cuenta para decidir una implementación de este tipo; analizar bondades y defectos de soluciones...

  3. Soluciones solitónicas axialsimétricas en relatividad general

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    Vladimir S. Manko


    Full Text Available Se revisan las soluciones solitónicas axialsimétricas obtenidas por técnicas de generación de soluciones exactas de las ecuaciones no lineales dentro del marco de la Relatividad General.

  4. Soluciones actuales al problema de la vivienda en Iberoamérica

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    Quintana Uranda, Leandro


    Full Text Available This work analyzes the magnitude and characteristics of the housing problem in Latin America and, particularly, in Venezuela, establishing the general guidelines which should characterize solutions in those countries. It describes housing Solutions that are being implemented: those completed, those that can be extended, parceling put and housing estates for the people, housing on slopes, houses which allow for growth, action in stable neighborhoods, credit facilities for the people, an analysis of personal construction or self-administration, programs for rural housing, criteria for urban redevelopment, solutions for emergencies, research into housing material, concluding with orientations towards the future. These reflections are fundamentally derived from experience accumulated by the author, who reached the position of Head of the maximum body of Vivienda Popular {Housing for the People: the «Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda» — INAVI {the National Institute of Housing in Venezuela in 1979 and 1980. It is appropriate to stress the importance which this work gives to the exchange of experience among different Latin American countries with the purpose of establishing typologies for programmes which may help to solve the habitation problem for their inhabitants.El trabajo presentado analiza la magnitud y características del problema habitacional en Iberoamérica y, especialmente, en Venezuela, estableciendo las directrices generales que deben caracterizar las soluciones en esos países. Describiendo soluciones habitacionales que se están implementando: completas, ampliables, parcelamientos y urbanizaciones populares, viviendas en pendiente, viviendas crecedoras, acciones en barrios estables, créditos populares, análisis de la autoconstrucción o autogestión, programas de vivienda rural, criterios de renovación urbana, soluciones para emergencias, la investigación en materia habitacional y concluyendo con orientaciones hacia el

  5. Extracción de cobre desde soluciones clorhídricas con LIX 860N-IC y LIX 84-IC

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    Navarro, Carlos María


    Full Text Available In this work, the extraction of copper from chloride solutions with two hydroxyoximes: 5- nonylsalicylaldoxime (LIX 860N-IC and 2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenona oxime (LIX 84-IC is discussed. The results showed that an increase in the acidity and an increase in the total concentration of chloride ions in the aqueous phase decreased significantly the extraction of copper as well as the extraction of iron for both extractants. This effect of the chloride ions can be explained by the formation of a series of chloro complexes of Cu(II and Fe(III in the aqueous phase. The effect of initial pH and total chloride concentration on the extraction of chloride by the organic phase suggests that LIX 860N-IC, and to a lesser extent LIX 84-IC, extract small amounts of the cationic complex, CuCl+. An increase in the concentration of chloride ions also produced a small decrease in the rate of copper extraction with both hydroxyoximes.

    En este trabajo se discute el estudio de la extracción de cobre desde soluciones clorhídricas con dos hidroxioximas: 5-nonilsalicilaldoxima (LIX 860N-IC, y 2-hidroxi-5 nonilacetofenona oxima (LIX 84-IC. Los resultados indicaron que al aumentar la acidez o aumentar la concentración de cloruro en la fase acuosa se produce una significativa disminución en la extracción de cobre y hierro con ambas hidroxioximas. Este efecto del ion cloruro se explica por la formación de varios clorocomplejos de Cu(II y Fe(III en la solución acuosa. El efecto del pH y la concentración total de cloruro en la extracción de cloruro sugiere que el LIX 860N-IC, y en menor grado el LIX 84-IC extraen pequeñas cantidades del catión monovalente, CuCl+. Se determinó también que un aumento en la concentración de cloruro en la solución acuosa produce una leve disminución en la velocidad de extracción del cobre con ambas hidroxioximas.

  6. EVALUACIÓN DE SOLUCIONES HOMEOPÁTICAS PARA CONTROLAR Neoleucinodes elegantalis Guenée (Lepidóptera: Crambidae EN CULTIVO DE LULO

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    Full Text Available Esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar una estrategia agroecológica para el manejo del pasador del fruto Neoleucinodes elegantalis. Fueronevaluados tres tratamientos homeopáticos CH4, CH7 y CH14, utilizando el principio de la isopatía. Mediante bioensayos se probaron tres soluciones homeopáticas, lassolucionesCH4 y CH7 presentaron un menor número de huevos y larvas por fruto, según la prueba de Duncan estas mostraron diferencias estadísticas significativas comparadas con el testigo. Para la variable porcentaje de eclosión de huevos no presentaron diferencias estadísticas entre los tratamientos, luegoen campo se comparó la solución homeopática (CH4 con un testigo absoluto. Los resultados de este ensayo indicaron un menor número de frutos dañados por planta utilizando CH4, con diferencias significativas con el testigo, a partir de la tercera hasta la séptima evaluación. En la variable porcentaje de pérdidas de fruto ocasionados por la plaga se presentaron diferencias estadísticas a partir de la tercera evaluación a favor de la solución CH4 la que presento el menor daño. Este estudio permitió reconocer la eficacia de las soluciones homeopáticas en el control de Neoleucinodes elegantalis, además se proyecta como base para estudios agroecológicos y homeopáticos posteriores en el manejo integrado de plagas.

  7. La menopausia, época de cambio: Soluciones desde la farmacia comunitaria

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    Pérez Benajas MA


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS Conocer las preocupaciones de las usuarias de la farmacia en relación a la menopausia y elaborar una guía de dispensación aplicable en la farmacia comunitaria. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo realizado en 39 mujeres que referían tener preocupaciones sobre problemas asociados a menopausia, utilizando una encuesta personal. Posterior estudio de mercado de las soluciones aplicables a los mismos desde la oficina de farmacia. RESULTADOS Los problemas que más inquietaban fueron los sofocos y sudores nocturnos en un 60% de los casos, en segundo lugar el insomnio e irritabilidad en un 55% de los casos. La atrofia vaginal en un 40%. En nuestro país la legislación vigente permite la comercialización de plantas con fitoestrógenos como medicamento y como suplemento nutricional. Podemos encontrar en el Catálogo de Parafarmacia del Consejo General de Colegios de Farmacéuticos diferentes grupos que tratan síntomas menores de la menopausia a nivel genital. CONCLUSIONES La menopausia es a veces un problema mal entendido y poco consultado por las mujeres que al mismo tiempo demandan soluciones. Las acciones de educación sanitaria en una oficina de farmacia deben ser realizadas centrándose en las demandas de las pacientes.


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    Luisa Fernanda Navarrete


    Full Text Available Se estudian las interacciones de cinco muestras de carbón activado obtenidas a partir de diferentes materiales lignocelulósicos, con diferente grado de activación alrededor de 20%, con soluciones acuosas de fenol y 4-nitro fenol mediante la determinación de las entalpías de inmersión. Se establece que los carbones activados obtenidos son de carácter básico y presentan valores para el punto de carga cero (PZC, que varían entre 7,4 y 9,7, y contenidos de basicidad total mayores en todos los casos que los valores obtenidos para la acidez total. Se determina la entalpía de inmersión de los carbones activados en soluciones de NaOH y HCl con valores mayores para la entalpía de inmersión en HCl que se encuentran entre 32,6 y 68,3 Jg-1. Las entalpías de inmersión en solución de fenol se hallan entre 7,6 y 13,9 Jg-1, y para el caso del 4-nitro fenol se encuentran entre 12,7 y 20,5 Jg-1; con valores mayores para todas las muestras para la inmersión en el segundo compuesto.

  9. Las bóvedas pétreas nervadas de Galicia: identificación de soluciones

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    Freire-Tellado, M. J.


    Full Text Available This article presents the different groups of solutions of ribbed stone vaults on four supports that exist in Galicia and it plots them at the same scale. A small group of vaults on eight supports is also included. In order to classify the samples, a system based on the constructive features of the vaults has been used, taking into account their number of supports and the different types of nerves. The systematic approach used allows determining both the dimensions with which the different types of vaults were built as well as the solutions traditionally overlooked.El artículo presenta los distintos grupos de soluciones de bóvedas pétreas nervadas sobre cuatro apoyos que existen en Galicia, representándolas gráficamente a la misma escala. Complementariamente se incluye también un pequeño grupo de bóvedas sobre ocho apoyos. Para clasificar los ejemplos se ha empleado un sistema basado en los rasgos constructivos de las bóvedas, que tiene en cuenta el número de apoyos de éstas y los distintos tipos de nervios presentes. Este criterio sistemático permite apreciar tanto soluciones que tradicionalmente han pasado desapercibidas como las dimensiones con las éstas que han sido construidas.

  10. Modificación de arcillas colombianas con pilares mixtos ai-fe, y su evaluación en la oxidación catalítica de fenol en solución acuosa diluida


    Galeano, Luis A.; Moreno C., Sonia


    La legislación ambiental es particularmente restrictiva respecto a la disposición de contaminantes biorrefractarios presentes en aguas residuales. Las arcillas pilarizadas tienen gran versatilidad para ajustarse a reacciones de interés ambiental, entre otras. En el presente estudio se logran modificar arcillas de origen colombiano con soluciones de pilares mixtos Al-Fe, las cuales muestran un excelente desempeño en la oxidación catalítica de soluciones acuosas con contenidos medios d...


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    Liliana Giraldo


    Full Text Available Para un carbón activado comercial se determinan las cantidades de sitios ácidos y básicos totales con valores de 0,45 y 0,55 meqg-1 respectivamente, la entalpía de inmersión en solución 0,1 M de NaOH con un valor de –15,26 Jg-1, la entalpía de inmersión en solución 0,1 M de HCl  con un resultado de –36,63 Jg-1 y el punto de carga cero, PCZ, para un pH de 8,9.  De estos resultados se establece el carácter básico del sólido. Se determina la isoterma de adsorción a 298 K, del carbón activado en soluciones de Pb2+, y se obtiene una capacidad de adsorción de alrededor de 40 mg g-1, para la máxima adsorción. Se determina las entalpías de inmersión del carbón activado en soluciones acuosas de Pb2+, de diferente concentración, en un rango de 10 a 120 mg L-1 y se obtiene valores para la entalpías de inmersión en un rango de 5,12 a 48,7 Jg-1. Se estudia la superficie del carbón activado por microscopía electrónica de barrido antes y después de la adsorción del plomo, lo que permite observar la colocación del metal sobre el sólido.  

  12. Desarrollo de apio minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina e, utilizando la ingenieria de matrices




    El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un producto minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina E, a partir de apio (Apium graveolens L. var.dulce), utilizando la ingenieria de matrices como metodologia de obtencion de alimentos funcionales. Trozos de apio impregnados al vacio con dl¿¿tocoferol acetato emulsificado en una solucion isotonica al vegetal de NaCl, 1,2%, fueron evaluados en funcion del tiempo de almacenamiento y el envasado (con y sin vacio), en terminos de la cuantificacio...

  13. Algoritmos exactos y heurísticos para minimizar el adelantamiento y retraso ponderados en una máquina con una fecha de entrega común

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    Tamarit, J.M.


    Full Text Available En la planificación Just-In-Time (JIT no sólo se penaliza el retraso sino tambiénel adelanto en la ejecución de las tareas. En nuestro trabajo consideramos el problemade planificación de una máquina donde el objetivo es minimizar el coste total ponderadodel atraso y el adelanto con un fecha de entrega común. Partiendo de los trabajos anterioresque nos describen las características de las soluciones óptimas hemos desarrolladodiferentes modelos que proporcionan soluciones de una gran calidad comparadas con lasexistentes hasta ahora en la literatura.

  14. soluciones

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    Full Text Available Las confrontaciones derivadas del reparto y usos del agua, cada vez más comunes, han motivado en los últimos años un creciente interés por la aplicación de herramientas y técnicas de análisis a casos de conflicto hídrico. En esa dirección avanza el presente artículo, resultado de un estudio de dos hidrosistemas localizados en la cuenca del río Turia de la provincia de Valencia (España, región semiárida en la que el agua representa un bien de gran valor. En el artículo se analiza el impacto que tiene la transformación espacial e hidráulica de un distrito de riego sobre la producción energética de una minicentral, cuando el agua para ambos sistemas se deriva de una misma fuente. La metodología aplicada, que se basa en estimaciones de producción energética y beneficio económico, conduce a varias soluciones factibles para la explotación conjunta de los hidrosistemas en conflicto.

  15. Especiación de tierras raras en las soluciones ácidas y neutras del sistema de drenaje del Arroyo del Val (Zaragoza

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    Zamora, A.


    -90 % of LREE and for 100 % of HREE. LnPO04 and Ln(PO43-2 complexes are quite significant compared to carbonate complexes, mainly in the speciation of HREE. These results il1ustrate the importance of phosphate ion concentration and REE phosphate complexation reactions in REEs speciation calculations.Las soluciones de la cuenca de drenaje del Arroyo del Val (Zaragoza presentan unas características geoquímicas muy diferenciadas, lo que las hace especialmente apropiadas para el estudio de diferentes aspectos acerca del comportamiento de los elementos de las Tierras Raras. Esta cuenca está constituida por un curso principal (Arroyo del Val de aguas ácidas (con valores de pH entre 3 y 4.5 e importantes concentraciones de sulfato, Al, Fe y distintos metales pesados al que desaguan varios afluentes de aguas bicarbonatadas (sulfatadas cálcicas (con valores de pH de hasta 7.5, alcalinidad apreciable y notables concentraciones de fosfato. En los puntos de confluencia del Arroyo del Val con los afluentes se producen espectaculares procesos de floculación de coloides ricos en aluminio, hierro y sulfato que tapizan el fondo del curso principal. Los elementos de las Tierras Raras fueron analizados en distintas muestras de aguas ácidas tomadas a lo largo de la cabecera del Arroyo del Val y en dos muestras de aguas neutras correspondientes a dos de los afluentes del sistema. Las concentraciones de estos elementos determinadas en las soluciones ácidas son, cuando menos, dos órdenes de magnitud superiores a las de las soluciones neutras y sus pautas de distribución (normalizadas frente a NASC muestran un marcado enriquecimiento en las Tierras Raras Intermedias (IREE; Eu-Tb. Los cálculos de especiación de REE realizados en las aguas ácidas muestran que estos elementos se encuentran de forma dominante como especies iónicas libres (Ln3+ ≈ 35 % y especialmente formando complejos con sulfato (LnSO+4 ≈ 60% y en menor proporción como Ln(SO4-2 ≈ 5%. Estos porcentajes

  16. Modificación de arcillas colombianas con pilares mixtos de Al-Fe y su evaluación en la oxidación catalítica de fenol en solución acuosa diluida


    Luis Galeano; Sonia Moreno


    La legislación ambiental es particularmente restrictiva respecto a la disposición de contaminantes biorrefractarios presentes en aguas residuales. Las arcillas pilarizadas tienen gran versatilidad para ajustarse a reacciones de interés ambiental, entre otras. En el presente estudio se logran modificar arcillas de origen colombiano con soluciones de pilares mixtos Al-Fe, las cuales muestran un excelente desempeño en la oxidación catalítica de soluciones acuosas con contenidos medios de carb...

  17. Soluciones arquitectónicas de viviendas unifamiliares en el medio rural España

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    Camarasa García, José Luis


    Full Text Available On the first of October, 1981 the Directorate General of Architecture and Housing convoked bids for draft projects of architectonic solutions for uni-family, official protection housing in rural medium, which met with a mass participation of over one thousand Spanish architects, who presented a total of 772 solutions. Following a prior provincial selection, a National Jury consisting of well-known professionals, selected 178 works which were implemented at basic project level and then set out in a well compiled publication. Aware of the importance and significance of this competition, and with a view to participating in its promotion, a series of projects have been selected for publishing in «Informes de la Construcción». No valuation criterion has intervened in this selection, as it was already made by the National Jury, but it aims at representing almost all the different Spanish environments and social-economic regions.España El primero de octubre de 1981 la Dirección General de Arquitectura y Vivienda convocó un concurso de anteproyectos de soluciones arquitectónicas para viviendas unifamiliares, de protección oficial en el medio rural, que tuvo una masiva participación con más de mil arquitectos españoles, que presentaron un total de 772 soluciones. Después de una previa selección provincial un Jurado Nacional compuesto de prestigiosos profesionales seleccionó 178 trabajos que, una vez desarrollados a nivel de proyecto básico, fueron objeto de una cuidada publicación. Conscientes de la importancia y trascendencia de este concurso, y con el fin de participar en su divulgación, se ha elegido una serie de proyectos para publicarlos en Informes de la Construcción. En esta selección no ha intervenido ningún criterio de valoración, ya realizado por el Jurado Nacional, sino el ser representativo de, prácticamente, la totalidad de las diferentes regiones socioeconómicas y ambientales españolas.


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    Sofía Lissbrant


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta tres Buenas Prácticas que pueden brindar soluciones a la situación alarmante de inseguridad alimentaria y desnutrición que existe en la región Caribe colombiana, a pesar de tener alta potencialidad de producción de alimentos. Para identificar las Buenas Prácticas se indagaron a cerca de 400 profesionales de entidades públicas, privadas y ONG. Esa encuesta reveló tres ejemplos destacados de Buenas Prácticas que, con métodos distintos, generaron cambios positivos en la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de los habitantes de Sucre y Cesar. Adicionalmente, se sugirió que las tres Buenas Prácticas pueden ser replicadas y con poca dificultad incorporadas en los Planes de Desarrollo Departamentales. Si las iniciativas identificadas cuentan con el apoyo de los tomadores de decisiones, tienen potencial para fortalecer a los pequeños productores, reducir la inseguridad alimentaria y mejorar el estado nutricional de la población.

  19. Caracterización reológica de soluciones azucaradas para el proceso de evaporación-cristalización

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    Anselmo Osorio Mirón


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizó un estudio experimental para la caracterización reológica de soluciones azucaradas en el proceso de producción de azúcar. El objetivo principal fué la caracterización de soluciones azucaradas con el fin de modelar su comportamiento reológico para la optimización del proceso de evaporación-cristalización en una etapa posterior. En los experimentos, se utilizó un diseño de experimento tipo factorial 3 , en donde se considera la interacción de tres factores en la determinación de la variable de respuesta; en este caso los factores son: la concentración (ºBx, la temperatura y las revoluciones por minuto (velocidad de corte, cada uno con tres niveles, tomando como variable de respuesta la viscosidad. El desarrollo experimental y el análisis de resultados conduce a la determinación del modelo reológico de las soluciones problema en el rango de estudio de los factores de interés, proponiéndose un modelo tipo Ostwald-de Waele para fluidos dilatantes. Palabras claves: Modelo reológico; Velocidad de corte; ViscosidadIn this work, an experimental study for the rheological characterisation of sugar solutions in the process of sugar production was performed. The main purpose was the characterisation of sugar solutions in order to model its rheological behaviour for optimising the evaporation-crystallisation process at a later stage. In the experiments, a 3 factorial design of experiment was used, where it considers the interaction of three factors in determining the response variable, in this case the factors are: the concentration (°Bx, the temperature and revolutions per minute (shear rate, each one with three levels, taking as response variable viscosity. The experimental development and analysis of results lead to the determination of the rheological model for the test solutions in the study range of the factors of interest, and it is proposed a type Ostwald-de Waele model for dilatant fluids. Keywords

  20. Modificación de arcillas colombianas con pilares mixtos AI-Fe, y su evaluación en la oxidación catalítica de fenol en solución acuosa diluida

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    Luis A. Galeano


    Full Text Available La legislación ambiental es particularmente restrictiva respecto a la disposición de contaminantes biorrefractarios presentes en aguas residuales. Las arcillas pilarizadas tienen gran versatilidad para ajustarse a reacciones de interés ambiental, entre otras. En el presente estudio se logran modificar arcillas de origen colombiano con soluciones de pilares mixtos Al-Fe, las cuales muestran un excelente desempeño en la oxidación catalítica de soluciones acuosas con contenidos medios de carbono orgánico total COT (36 mg C/L.

  1. Desarrollo de un algoritmo para la generación y elección de soluciones de corte en la operación de canteo y despuntado en aserraderos


    Francisco Vergara González; Felipe Baesler Abufarde; Mario Ramos Maldonado


    En este trabajo se desarrolló un algoritmo que integra las mejores prácticas aplicadas en los aserraderos y una metodología de análisis geométrico de líneas de corte. La aplicación fue programada en lenguaje C++, siendo alimentada con las dimensiones de las piezas deseadas de producir, sus respectivos precios y la geometría en 2-D de la tapa a cortar, generando como resultado una solución de corte en ancho y largo para tapa ingresada. Las soluciones obtenidas se compararon con un patrón que c...


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    Nubia Céspedes


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se determina la adsorción de Cr6+ de disoluciones acuosas en dos carbones activados comerciales en función del grado de modificación (reducción, oxidación de la superficie de los adsorbentes con tratamientos térmicos en presencia de hidrógeno, oxígeno y ácido nítrico. La química superficial de los carbones activados originales y modificados se examina por los métodos de titulaciones de Böehm y descomposición con temperatura programada (DTP. Los ensayos de evaluación de la capacidad de adsorción se realizan con soluciones modelo de ión cromato y bajo distintas condiciones de concentración inicial, tiempo de contacto, pH del medio, temperatura y masa de adsorbente. Se comprueba que la modificación de la superficie de los adsorbentes afecta el grado de adsorción del ión cromato en la medida en que los sólidos tratados con H2 muestran la mayor  capacidad de remoción. Las variables que afectan favorablemente la extensión de la remoción de cromo son: concentración inicial de 100 ppm,  pH  inicial de  2,0, temperatura de 25 °C y  masa de adsorbente de 100 mg. 

  3. Electrodeposición de películas delgadas de CdTe sobre electrodo de oro en soluciones acuosas de EDTA-Amonio


    Montilla, Milagro; Alarcón, Domingo; Ortiz, Reynaldo


    En este trabajo se muestran los resultados obtenidos del estudio del crecimiento electroquímico y caracterización de películas delgadas del semiconductor CdTe. El crecimiento se realizó mediante la electrodeposición catódica a potencial constante a partir de soluciones acuosas alcalinas de las especies precursoras TeO3(2-) y Cd2+ y EDTA como agente acomplejante para el Cd2+. La composición de las películas se determinó por espectroscopía de emisión atómica con plasma inductivamente acoplado (...

  4. Funcionalización de fibras de PLA con Elastina como Recombinante (ELR) para su uso como piel artificial


    Bourgois, Tabatha


    Hoy en día, la ingeniería tisular se dedica a desarrollar nuevos tipos de andamiajes (del inglés “scaffolds”) con el fin de curar una zona dañada y así aumentar el bienestar de los pacientes heridos al reducir el dolor y acelerar la regeneración de cualquier tipo de tejido. Al contrario de los tendones o de los huesos para los cuales existen actualmente unas soluciones regenerativas a partir de una combinación polímero-colágeno o de cementos óseos, no existen soluciones similares para el c...

  5. Retención y Penetración en Estacones de Eucalyptus Saligna. Sometidos a Tratamiento con CuSO4 y Sal CCC, en Baño Caliente y frio y Vacio-Presión

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    Escobar C. Oscar


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe y da los resultados obtenidos con el pretratamiento de estacones de Eucalyptus saligna a tres soluciones de CUS04 y su posterior tratamiento con sales CCA (OSMOSE K-33. El sulfato de cobre se aplicó por el método de baño caliente y frío, seguido por el proceso de difusión durante una semana; para los anteriores tratamientos se usó madera verde o parcialmente seca al aire; las sales CCA se aplicaron a madera seca por el método de vacío-presión. Una de las razones para llevar a cabo este refuerzo de las sales CCA, es haber encontrado postes de eucalipto severamente atacados por hongos, en especial con pudrición blanda. Los estacones fueron tratados inicialmente con soluciones de sulfato de cobre a 1 %, 2% y 3% de concentración; luego los estacones fueron tratados con una solución de sal CCA al 2.5% de concentración por vacío-presión. Se usaron 40 estacones distribuídos en 4 grupos de 10: tres (3 grupos fueron usados para el tratamiento con las soluciones de CUS04 y solución de CCA; el grupo restante fue tratado con la sal CCA únicamente, el cual fue usado como grupo testigo para fines de comparación en los ensayos de campo (cementerios.

  6. Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en la región caribe: consecuencias de la desnutrición y buenas prácticas como soluciones


    Sofia Lissbrant


    Este trabajo presenta tres Buenas Prácticas que pueden brindar soluciones a la situación alarmante de inseguridad alimentaria y desnutrición que existe en la región Caribe colombiana, a pesar de tener alta potencialidad de producción de alimentos. Para identificar las Buenas Prácticas se indagaron a cerca de 400 profesionales de entidades públicas, privadas y ONG. Esa encuesta reveló tres ejemplos destacados de Buenas Prácticas que, con métodos distintos, generaron cambios positivos en la Seg...

  7. Observers can reliably identify illusory flashes in the illusory flash paradigm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erp, J.B.F. van; Philippi, T.G.; Werkhoven, P.


    In the illusory flash paradigm, a single flash may be experienced as two flashes when accompanied by two beeps or taps, and two flashes may be experienced as a single flash when accompanied by one beep or tap. The classic paradigm restricts responses to '1' and '2' (2-AFC), ignoring possible

  8. Hot Flashes (United States)

    Hot flashes Overview Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth, which are usually most intense over the face, neck and chest. Your skin might redden, as if you're blushing. Hot flashes can also cause sweating, and if you ...


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    Luis Blanco


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se midió la solubilidad y la difusividad de argón en agua y en soluciones acuosas de yoduro de tetrabutil amonio, a concentraciones de 0,02 m y 0,04 m y a temperaturas  de 288,15 K y 298,15 K.  Se describe el diseño, la construcción y la calibración de un equipo para contacto gas-líquido, el cual cuenta con la instrumentación necesaria para el control de la temperatura, y la medida de la presión.  El equipo construido permite evaluar la solubilidad y la difusividad a través del método de descenso de presión en celdas de diafragma. Las propiedades medidas permitieron comprobar el carácter hidrofóbico del catión [Bu]4N+

  10. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso Pediatric nosocomial bacteremia control program based on culturing in use parenteral infusions

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    Juan M. Muñoz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales en los servicios pediátricos mediante cuatro estrategias: durante la primera etapa se cultivó el total de soluciones en uso. Durante la segunda se cultivaron muestras aleatoriamente elegidas. Tercera y cuarta etapas con muestreo controlado y dirigido, respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Se han cultivado 1940 infusiones. Se ha observado una reducción de la tasa de contaminación (de 29.6% en 1992 a 12.9% en 1997, pOBJECTIVES. As Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Serratia are capable of growth in IV fluids and these bacteria are commonly implicated in nosocomial bacteremia, a control strategy through microbiological surveilance of in-use parenteral solutions is proposed. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A second level general teaching hospital, serving low-income patients. Through four consecutive strategies, a continous surveillance program of IV fluids sterility in pediatric wards was stablished in 1992. During the first stage all of the in -use solutions were cultured. During the second stage randomly selected samples were studied. Third stage was designed as a case-control study. The last stage included samples drawn in convenience. Positive cultures point out eventual infusion mishandling, as well as high-risk areas and patients. RESULTS. After culturing 1940 parenteral solutions, infusion contamination rates decreased from 29.6% in 1992 to 12.9% in 1997 (p< 0.001. The proportion of Gram-negative rods isolated from blood cultures went from 72.7% to 40.85% (p< 0

  11. Propuesta de integración de soluciones empresariales VoIP con software libre


    Barba Vera, Ruth Genoveva


    Se estudió voip en cisco y elastix para integrarlas y compartir servicios, a través de la troncal sip. Con método experimental, en ambiente de pruebas con tres escenarios, se instaló y configuró Cme 3.3 en router 2811 y elastix 2.2 en pc. Se realizaron llamadas a lo interno de las centrales telefónicas Call Manager Express ó Elastix comprobando la interoperabilidad de las mismas demostrándose que existe una comunicación full dúplex entre tecnologías. Se utilizó equipos cisco: un router 2811,...



    Paola Rodríguez; Liliana Giraldo; Juan Carlos Moreno


    La adsorción de iones Cd(II) y Ni(II) desde soluciones acuosas sobre carbón activado se estudia con diferentes valores de pH. La adsorción de los iones se realiza en dos condiciones de pH de la solución: en la primera el pH varía en el transcurso del proceso a medida que los iones se adsorben y en la segunda el pH se mantiene fijo durante la adsorción. Cuando no se realiza un control en el pH de la solución se observan incrementos en la concentración de los io...

  13. Adsorción de Fenol en soluciones acuosas empleando monolitos de carbón activado de cáscara de Coco: isotermas y cinéticas de adsorción


    Moreno Piraján, Juan; Giraldo, Liliana; González, Juan


    En esta investigación se obtuvo carbón activado por activación química con ácido fosfórico (H3PO4) al 85% a partir de material cáscara de Coco, el cual fue conformado en estructuras rígidas de geometrías Monolíticas, especificamente geometrías disco y “panal de abejas” o honeycomb. El carbón activado obtenido fue empleado en la remoción de fenol en soluciones acuosas con concentraciones iniciales entre 10 y 100 mg/L en sistemas batch a temperatura ambiente. Las determinaciones se realizaron m...

  14. Conservación de soluciones de referencia de ácido úrico

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    María Victoria Licea Tornes


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron diferentes agentes preservantes para seleccionar el que proporcionara a las soluciones de referencia de ácido úrico un mayor tiempo de vida útil. Se investigó la estabilidad de las soluciones en un rango de concentración de 2 a 10 mg/dL (199-595 Fmol/L, manteniéndolas en diferentes condiciones de almacenamiento: 2-8 EC, temperatura ambiente y 37 EC. Los mejores resultados se observaron al emplear timerosal como preservo, ya que el coeficiente de correlación obtenido mediante un análisis de regresión lineal fue mayor que 0,9980 en el transcurso de 1 año para las soluciones almacenadas de 2 a 8 E C.Different preservative agents were studied in order to select the one which may provide a greater time of useful life to reference solutions of uric acid. Stability of solutions in a rank of concentrations from 2 to 10 mg/dL (199-595F mol/L was investigated keeping them under different conditions of storage: 2-8 EC, room temperature and 37 EC. The best results were observed when using thimerosal as a preservative agent since the correlation coeficient obtained by the analysis of linear regression was found to be higher than 0.9980 during 1 year for the solutions stored at 2-8 EC.

  15. Efecto económico de la racionalización de medicamentos y soluciones parenterales en las enfermedades diarreicas agudas

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    . Enrique A. González Corona


    Full Text Available Se estudió el costo total (en pesos y por cada paciente, de los medicamentos (antimicrobianos, antieméticos y antiespasmódicos y soluciones parenterales utilizados en el servicio de Enfermedades Diarreicas Agudas del Hospital Infantil Docente Sur de Santiago de Cuba, para lo cual se revisaron los controles económicos mensuales del Departamento de Contabilidad durante el segundo semestre de 1993, cuyos resultados se compararon con igual período de 1992. Además, en el caso de los antimicrobianos se analizaron y confrontaron los años 1991, 1992 y 1993. Al establecer las diferencias numéricas por epígrafe se alcanzó el porcentaje de variación (aumento o reducción a partir del valor obtenido en 1992. En el caso de los antimicrobianos (antibacterianos y antiprotozoarios, se calculó el porcentaje de reducción total y unitario por año y global en el trienio, sobre la base del valor del costo en 1991; ambos aspectos se estudiaron por separado. Se constató un efecto general positivo en la disminución del costo unitario por medicamentos y soluciones parenterales; particularmente en el caso de los antimicrobianos durante el último trienio se observó una notable reducción de éstos, tanto de los antibacterianos como de los antiprotozoarios.

  16. Aportaciones didácticas de un tablero digital para personas con dificultades de competencia comunicativa


    García Doval, Fátima María


    La presente tesis aborda la investigación, desarrollo e innovación en la propuesta de soluciones de comunicación accesibles para personas con diversidad funcional basadas en PC/dispositivos móviles desde la Pedagogía/Lingüística Aplicada y la Tecnología de las Comunicaciones, explorando sus potencialidades didácticas.

  17. Analisis comparativo de una metaheuristica en base a algoritmo genetico vs un metodo de ramificacion y corte para un caso de entrega y recolección con restricciones de ventana de horario

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    Lopez, F.


    Full Text Available En la solución de problemas combinatorios, es importante evaluar el costo-beneficio entre la obtención de soluciones de alta calidad en detrimento de los recursos computacionales requeridos. El problema planteado es para el ruteo de un vehículo con entrega y recolección de producto y con restricciones de ventana de horario. En la práctica, dicho problema requiere ser atendido con instancias de gran escala (nodos ≥100. Existe un fuerte porcentaje de ventanas de horario activas (≥90% y con factores de amplitud ≥75%. El problema es NP-hard y por tal motivo la aplicación de un método de solución exacta para resolverlo en la práctica, está limitado por el tiempo requerido para la actividad de ruteo. Se propone un algoritmo genético especializado, el cual ofrece soluciones de buena calidad (% de optimalidad aceptables y en tiempos de ejecución computacional que hacen útil su aplicación en la práctica de la logística. Para comprobar la eficacia de la propuesta algorítmica se desarrolla un diseño experimental el cual hará uso de las soluciones óptimas obtenidas mediante un algoritmo de ramificación y corte sin límite de tiempo. Los resultados son favorables.

  18. Análisis de esfuerzos en túneles excavados en materiales con K0 diferente a 1.0

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    Ricardo E. Barbosa Carrillo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrollaron las soluciones elásticas para túneles circulares revestidos, excavados en materiales con un estado inicial de esfuerzos σxo=Kσyo se formularon los modelos para resolver el problema utilizando la técnica de los elementos finitos.

  19. Evaluación de la capacidad de adsorción de las arcillas organofílicas para la adsorción de nitratos y nitritos en soluciones acuosas


    Adauto Ureta, Anaís Elena


    El presente trabajo de tesis tiene como finalidad el estudio de la adsorción de los aniones nitrato y nitrito en soluciones acuosas empleando arcillas organofílicas como adsorbentes. Las arcillas organofílicas se obtuvieron mediante la sustitución de los cationes de cambio presentes en las arcillas precursoras por cationes amonio cuaternario, para ello se emplearon dos arcillas precursoras, una arcilla cálcica natural (FS) y la misma arcilla intercambiada con Na+ (CP) y dos cat...

  20. FLASH Interface; a GUI for managing runtime parameters in FLASH simulations (United States)

    Walker, Christopher; Tzeferacos, Petros; Weide, Klaus; Lamb, Donald; Flocke, Norbert; Feister, Scott


    We present FLASH Interface, a novel graphical user interface (GUI) for managing runtime parameters in simulations performed with the FLASH code. FLASH Interface supports full text search of available parameters; provides descriptions of each parameter's role and function; allows for the filtering of parameters based on categories; performs input validation; and maintains all comments and non-parameter information already present in existing parameter files. The GUI can be used to edit existing parameter files or generate new ones. FLASH Interface is open source and was implemented with the Electron framework, making it available on Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux operating systems. The new interface lowers the entry barrier for new FLASH users and provides an easy-to-use tool for experienced FLASH simulators. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), NNSA ASC/Alliances Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes, U.S. DOE NNSA ASC through the Argonne Institute for Computing in Science, U.S. National Science Foundation.

  1. Flash Platform Examination (United States)


    than would be performed in software”[108]. Uro Tinic, one of the Flash player’s engineers, further clarifies exactly what Flash player 10 (Access date: 28 Sep 2009). [109] Uro , T. What Does GPU Acceleration Mean? (online), http...133] Shorten, A. (2009), Design to Development: Flash Catalyst to Flash Builder, In Proceedings of Adobe Max 2009, Los Angeles, CA. 142 DRDC

  2. Influencia del ph sobre la adsorción en carbón activado de cd(ii) y ni(ii) desde soluciones acuosas


    Rodríguez, Paola; Giraldo, Liliana; Moreno, Juan Carlos


    La adsorción de iones Cd(II) y Ni(II) desde soluciones acuosas sobre carbón activado se estudia con diferentes valores de pH. La adsorción de los iones se realiza en dos condiciones de pH de la solución: en la primera el pH varía en el transcurso del proceso a medida que los iones se adsorben y en la segunda el pH se mantiene fijo durante la adsorción. Cuando no se realiza un control en el pH de la solución se observan incrementos en la concentración de los io...

  3. Efectividad del Caldo Lactosado con Azul de Bromotimol en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas en instalaciones bovinas


    Cepero Rodríguez, Omelio:; Silveira Prado, Enrique A.:; Suárez Fernández, Yolanda E.:; González García, Oraida:


    Con la finalidad de evaluar la efectividad del medio de cultivo CaldoLactosado con Azul de Bromotimol (CLAB) en el control bacteriológico de las desinfecciones profilácticas se realizó un estudio en unidades bovinas cuyos resultados se compararon en paralelo con los obtenidos con el medio de Heifetz Modificado (HM), establecido en Cuba para esta actividad. Previa limpieza mecánica se aplicaron las soluciones desinfectantes mediante una unidad móvil y después de tres horas de exposición se rea...

  4. The haptic and the visual flash-lag effect and the role of flash characteristics.

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    Knut Drewing

    Full Text Available When a short flash occurs in spatial alignment with a moving object, the moving object is seen ahead the stationary one. Similar to this visual "flash-lag effect" (FLE it has been recently observed for the haptic sense that participants judge a moving hand to be ahead a stationary hand when judged at the moment of a short vibration ("haptic flash" that is applied when the two hands are spatially aligned. We further investigated the haptic FLE. First, we compared participants' performance in two isosensory visual or haptic conditions, in which moving object and flash were presented only in a single modality (visual: sphere and short color change, haptic: hand and vibration, and two bisensory conditions, in which the moving object was presented in both modalities (hand aligned with visible sphere, but the flash was presented only visually or only haptically. The experiment aimed to disentangle contributions of the flash's and the objects' modalities to the FLEs in haptics versus vision. We observed a FLE when the flash was visually displayed, both when the moving object was visual and visuo-haptic. Because the position of a visual flash, but not of an analogue haptic flash, is misjudged relative to a same visuo-haptic moving object, the difference between visual and haptic conditions can be fully attributed to characteristics of the flash. The second experiment confirmed that a haptic FLE can be observed depending on flash characteristics: the FLE increases with decreasing intensity of the flash (slightly modulated by flash duration, which had been previously observed for vision. These findings underline the high relevance of flash characteristics in different senses, and thus fit well with the temporal-sampling framework, where the flash triggers a high-level, supra-modal process of position judgement, the time point of which further depends on the processing time of the flash.

  5. La conversión a líquidos de diálisis peritoneal con bicarbonato puede afectar la volemia de los pacientes

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    Francisco Cirera Segura


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar la repercusión del cambio de tampón utilizado en los líquidos de diálisis peritoneal, especialmente sobre los parámetros relacionados con la volemia y sobre la calidad de la diálisis. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 6 meses de duración. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 18 pacientes. Se recogieron todas las variables de la historia clínica digital del último trimestre del año 2011 cuando los pacientes utilizaban líquidos con lactato, y a los tres meses de utilizar las soluciones con bicarbonato. El análisis se realizó con el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0. Resultados: La muestra la formaron 18 pacientes, el 61,1% eran hombres. La edad media fue 72,5 + 1,43 años. El 55,6% estaban en diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria y 44,4% en automática. Comparamos la función renal residual, y las variables implicadas en los cambios de volemia. Aunque disminuyeron la diuresis, la ultrafiltración y la función renal residual, siendo sólo significativo el último caso (p=0.031 y aumentó el peso, pudo conseguirse con el aumento del número de intercambios en el 27,8% de los casos o de aumentar la concentración de glucosa también en el 27,8%. Se comprobó que el cambio de líquidos no afectó a la dosis de diálisis peritoneal ni renal. Tampoco afectó al trasporte peritoneal. Conclusión: Tras el cambio de las soluciones a bicarbonato, nuestros pacientes han mostrado una menor ultrafiltración, diuresis y aumento de peso, que junto con el aumento en cinco casos de las concentraciones de glucosa y en otros cinco el número de intercambios, nos llevan a valorar más detenidamente los parámetros relacionados con la volemia en los pacientes que utilizan estas nuevas soluciones.

  6. Ecuación de capriste y lozano modificada para predecir la elevación en la temperatura de ebullición en soluciones de caña de azúcar




    La elevacion en la temperatura de ebullicion del jugo de la cana de azucar, utilizando soluciones modelos con cuatro componentes (sacarosa, glucosa, fructosa y dextrana), fue medida experimentalmente en un rango de concentraciones de solidos solubles de 30 a 60 o Brix y a presiones entre 6.2 x 103 y 7.6 x 104 Pa (abs.). Se utilizo el modelo empirico de Capriste y Lozano para representar los datos experimentales. Los datos experimentales se ajustaron mejor a un modelo modificado de Caprist...

  7. Gestión de procesos de negocio BPM (Business Process Management), TICs y crecimiento empresarial ¿Qué es BPM y cómo se articula con el crecimiento empresarial?.


    Díaz Piraquive, Flor Nancy


    La globalización de los mercados, la apertura económica, los tratados de libre comercio y el entorno de competencia exigen empresas y organizaciones que sean capaces de enfrentar su futuro con parámetros de efi ciencia y efi cacia. Las soluciones tecnológicas solicitadas por los clientes para mantener y aprovechar el crecimiento empresarial de largo plazo en gestión, hacen que soluciones como BPM (Business Process Management) apoyen estas condiciones, convirtiendo la gestión de procesos de ne...

  8. Pro Android Flash

    CERN Document Server

    Chin, Stephen; Campesato, Oswald


    Did you know you can take your Flash skills beyond the browser, allowing you to make apps for Android, iOS and the BlackBerry Tablet OS? Build dynamic apps today starting with the easy-to-use Android smartphones and tablets. Then, take your app to other platforms without writing native code. Pro Android Flash is the definitive guide to building Flash and other rich Internet applications (RIAs) on the Android platform. It covers the most popular RIA frameworks for Android developers - Flash and Flex - and shows how to build rich, immersive user experiences on both Android smartphones and tablet

  9. Estudio del comportamiento de una sustancia de cambio de fase con condición de borde convectiva


    Lozano, Ricardo; Villa Saravia, Luis Tadeo; Bouciguez, Angélica Carmen


    El proceso de fusión - solidificación, ha sido abordado con anterioridad, procurando soluciones a problemas de difusión con cambio de fase, cuando estando inicialmente solidas a la temperatura de fusión son sometidas a un flujo de calor por uno de sus laterales. Un flujo interesante es el convectivo, pues es la forma más realista de entrada o extracción de calor a la sustancia de cambio de fase. Dada esta condición de borde resulta interesante observar el comportamiento de la sustancia, cuand...





    La elevación en la temperatura de ebullición del jugo de la caña de azúcar, utilizando soluciones modelos con cuatro componentes (sacarosa, glucosa, fructosa y dextrana), fue medida experimentalmente en un rango de concentraciones de sólidos solubles de 30 a 60 º Brix y a presiones entre 6.2 x 10³ y 7.6 x 10(4) Pa (abs.). Se utilizó el modelo empírico de Capriste y Lozano para representar los datos experimentales. Los datos experimentales se ajustaron mejor a un modelo modificado de Capriste ...

  11. Flash! (United States)

    Schilling, Govert


    About three times a day our sky flashes with a powerful pulse of gamma ray bursts (GRB), invisible to human eyes but not to astronomers' instruments. The sources of this intense radiation are likely to be emitting, within the span of seconds or minutes, more energy than the sun will in its entire 10 billion years of life. Where these bursts originate, and how they come to have such incredible energies, is a mystery scientists have been trying to solve for three decades. The phenomenon has resisted study -- the flashes come from random directions in space and vanish without trace -- until very recently. In what could be called a cinematic conflation of Flash Gordon and The Hunt for Red October, Govert Schilling's Flash!: The Hunt for the Biggest Explosions in the Universe describes the exciting and ever-changing field of GRB research. Based on interviews with leading scientists, Flash! provides an insider's account of the scientific challenges involved in unravelling the enigmatic nature of GRBs. A science writer who has followed the drama from the very start, Schilling describes the ambition and jealousy, collegiality and competition, triumph and tragedy, that exists among those who have embarked on this recherche. Govert Schilling is a Dutch science writer and astronomy publicist. He is a contributing editor of Sky and Telescope magazine, and regularly writes for the news sections of Science and New Scientist. Schilling is the astronomy writer for de Volkskrant, one of the largest national daily newspapers in The Netherlands, and frequently talks about the Universe on Dutch radio broadcasts. He is the author of more than twenty popular astronomy books, and hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles on astronomy.

  12. Calculation of electromagnetic fields in electric machines by means of the finite element. Algorithms for the solution of problems with known total densities. Pt. 2; Calculo de campos electromagneticos en maquinas electricas mediante elemento finito. Algoritmos para la solucion de problemas con densidades totales conocidas. Pt. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, Mauricio F [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article is based in the electromagnetic modeling presented in the first part. Here are only considered the magnetic systems or electric systems in closed regions with moving or axial symmetry, whose total current density or total electric load density is known. The algorithms that have been implanted in the software CLIIE-2D of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) are developed in order to obtain numerical solutions for these problems. The basic systems of algebraic equations are obtained by means of the application of the Galerkin method in the discreteness of the finite element with first order triangular elements. [Espanol] Este articulo se basa en la modelacion electromagnetica presentada en la primera parte. Aqui solo se consideran sistemas magneticos o sistemas electricos en regiones cerradas con simetria translacional o axial, cuya densidad de corriente total o densidad de carga electrica total es conocida. Se desarrollan los algoritmos que se han implantado en el programa de computo CLIIE-2D, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) con el fin de obtener soluciones numericas para estos problemas. Los sistemas basicos de ecuaciones algebraicas se obtienen mediante la aplicacion del metodo de Galerkin en la discretizacion de elemento finito con elementos triangulares de primer orden.

  13. Calculation of electromagnetic fields in electric machines by means of the finite element. Algorithms for the solution of problems with known total densities. Pt. 2; Calculo de campos electromagneticos en maquinas electricas mediante elemento finito. Algoritmos para la solucion de problemas con densidades totales conocidas. Pt. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, Mauricio F. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article is based in the electromagnetic modeling presented in the first part. Here are only considered the magnetic systems or electric systems in closed regions with moving or axial symmetry, whose total current density or total electric load density is known. The algorithms that have been implanted in the software CLIIE-2D of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) are developed in order to obtain numerical solutions for these problems. The basic systems of algebraic equations are obtained by means of the application of the Galerkin method in the discreteness of the finite element with first order triangular elements. [Espanol] Este articulo se basa en la modelacion electromagnetica presentada en la primera parte. Aqui solo se consideran sistemas magneticos o sistemas electricos en regiones cerradas con simetria translacional o axial, cuya densidad de corriente total o densidad de carga electrica total es conocida. Se desarrollan los algoritmos que se han implantado en el programa de computo CLIIE-2D, del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) con el fin de obtener soluciones numericas para estos problemas. Los sistemas basicos de ecuaciones algebraicas se obtienen mediante la aplicacion del metodo de Galerkin en la discretizacion de elemento finito con elementos triangulares de primer orden.

  14. Professional Flash Lite Mobile Development

    CERN Document Server

    Anderson, J G


    Discover how to create Flash Lite mobile apps from the ground up. Adobe Flash is an ideal choice for developing rich interactive content for "Flash-enabled" mobile devices; and with this book, you'll learn how to create unique applications with Flash Lite. Through a series of code samples and extensive example applications, you'll explore the core concepts, key features, and best practices of the Flash Lite player. Coverage reveals various ways to develop Flash mobile content, create applications with a cross-platform programming framework based on the Model, View and Controller conc


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    Tatiana Figueroa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación que abordó el aspecto constructivo del concreto arquitectónico y cuyo producto final fue un manual de construcción con ese material aplicable para la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. El concreto arquitectónico es aquel que cumple simultáneamente con los requisitos de estabilidad estructural y de acabado definitivo. El estudio empezó por definir los defectos existentes, la forma de medirlos y sus tolerancias. Mediante un análisis estadístico se determinaron los defectos más comunes en las superficies de concreto en Medellín, para los cuales se plantearon las posibles causas y a partir del análisis de éstas se propusieron soluciones generales enfocadas en los materiales, equipos y procesos constructivos. También se presentaron soluciones particulares para cada defecto. Con esta investigación se avanza en el desarrollo de una norma regional que permita la estandarización de los procesos empleados en la construcción del concreto arquitectónicoThis paper discusses the most important results of a research focused on the construction process of architectonical concrete, presenting as a final result a handbook with recommendations on how to build architectonical concrete elements in the city of Medellin (Colombia. Architectonical concrete is a construction material which is able to supply both structural stability and definitive finishing. The research started by the definition of existing defects as well as their measuring techniques and tolerances. A statistical study was made in order to determine the most common defects on concrete surfaces in Medellin city. Possible causes of the most common defects were determined and, as a result of the analysis of each cause, general and particular solutions were given. General solutions focused on materials, equipment and the building process whereas particular solutions were given to each defect. Finally, the results

  16. Estudio de existencia de soluciones por elementos finitos de un problema del tipo de capa limite


    Toro, Jose


    Se estudia la existencia de soluciones a las ecuaciones algebraicas asociadas a la discretización de un problema modelo similar a las ecuaciones de capa límite. El problema modelo retiene la forma de las no linealidades de la capa limite pero ignora la ecuación de continuidad. De este análisis se siguen criterios que permiten determinar la influencia de parámetros como viscosidad, norma de la velocidad, e incremento en la dirección de avance sobre la existencia de las soluciones algebraicas. ...

  17. Search Engine Optimization for Flash Best Practices for Using Flash on the Web

    CERN Document Server

    Perkins, Todd


    Search Engine Optimization for Flash dispels the myth that Flash-based websites won't show up in a web search by demonstrating exactly what you can do to make your site fully searchable -- no matter how much Flash it contains. You'll learn best practices for using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as SWFObject, for building sites with Flash that will stand tall in search rankings.

  18. Techniques for contact and contact with friction problems; Tecnicas para problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velandia Arana, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Different numerical techniques are presented based in the finite element method to obtain numerical solutions to contact and contact with friction problems between solid bodies, and compared between each other. [Espanol] Se presentan diferentes tecnicas numericas basadas en el metodo de elementos finitos para la obtencion de soluciones numericas de problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion entre cuerpos solidos, y se comparan entre si.

  19. Techniques for contact and contact with friction problems; Tecnicas para problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velandia Arana, Gonzalo [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Different numerical techniques are presented based in the finite element method to obtain numerical solutions to contact and contact with friction problems between solid bodies, and compared between each other. [Espanol] Se presentan diferentes tecnicas numericas basadas en el metodo de elementos finitos para la obtencion de soluciones numericas de problemas de contacto y contacto con friccion entre cuerpos solidos, y se comparan entre si.

  20. Comparación de tres metaheurísticas para la optimización de inventarios con estimación de demanda

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    Laura Margarita Guerrero Guerra


    Full Text Available Dentro de las técnicas de solución a problemas complejos de optimización están las heurísticas y las Metaheurísticas. Este trabajo presenta tres Metaheurísticas: Colonia de Hormigas, Algoritmo Genético, y Programación Evolutiva, cuyo objetivo es establecer una comparación de características, ventajas y desventajas para dichas Metaheurísticas. Se hace una revisión de la literatura, así como también se diseñan los tres algoritmos en el software R, y se aplican en una empresa de confecciones, evaluando el comportamiento de los parámetros, tiempo de cálculo y la calidad en las soluciones. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el Algoritmo Colonia de Hormigas obtiene adecuadas soluciones y tiene más rapidez computacional, al compararlo con los otros dos procedimientos diseñados en el software R. Además, con éste fue posible definir la mejor política de inventarios de la empresa objeto de estudio.

  1. Nefelómetro para la Dosificación Aproximada de Potasio en Soluciones muy Diluidas

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    Jaramillo Madariaga G.


    Full Text Available Desde hace algún tiempo en la Sección de Química de la Facultad Nacional de Agronomía se trabaja en el desarrollo de un equipo portátil para la dosificación de los elementos nutritivos inmediatamente asimilables en los extractos de suelos, con el fin de que los agrónomos oficiales puedan formarse una idea sobre la mayor o menor fertilidad de los terrenos y determinar con alguna precisión cuales de dichos elementos se hallan en cantidad insuficiente para una producción normal. Aun cuando existen reacciones colorimétricas que se utilizan, con tal fin, la tarea de adaptar dichas reacciones a métodos sencillos, rápidos y suficientemente exactos en un equipo compacto, con reactivos poco alterables, exige una labor de paciente investigación, sobre todo en nuestro medio donde se encuentran dificultades de diversa índole para la fabricación en serie de aparatos que requieran alguna precisión. Los turbidímetros que se basan en medir el espesor de la capa líquida necesaria para hacer invisible un punto luminoso o una línea, quedaron en este caso fuera de consideración por no tener la sensibilidad necesaria para soluciones de menos de cinco miligramos de potasio por litro; por requerir,un gran volumen de solución y por estar sujetos a la mayor o menor agudeza visual del operador. Se construyó un aparato en el cual, en lugar de variar el espesor de la capa líquida, se variaba la intensidad del punto luminoso variando su distancia del tubo de observación; pero sólo se obtuvieron resultados aceptables cuando la concentración de la solución no era inferior a diez miligramos de potasio por litro.

  2. La Ecuación de Hill con Potencial Irregular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santiago Cambronero


    Full Text Available Se considera la ecuación de Hill cuyo potencial es la derivada formal de una función Hölder - continua de parámetro \\theta \\in (0,1 y se muestra que las soluciones de la versión discreta correspondiente convergen adecuadamente a las soluciones de la ecuación original. Este hecho se usa para establecer teoremas de existencia de soluciones para este caso singular y para deducir algunas propiedades de las soluciones y el discriminante de la ecuación estudiada.

  3. Flash grundkursus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik


    Flash er et programmeringssprog  og kan som sådant ikke noget i sig selv. Kursets mål er, at give den studerende et grundlæggende kendskab til Flash, så det kan bruges til præsentationer på skærm og til produktion af hjemmesider. På kurset arbejdes der med billede, grafik, lyd, video og interakti...

  4. Una aplicación de las funciones débilmente contractivas a problemas de valor en la frontera de funciones con valores en intervalos

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    Vladimir Angulo-Castillo


    Full Text Available Se estudia la existencia y unicidad de soluciones para problemas de valor en la frontera asociadas a ecuaciones diferenciales de funciones con valores en intervalos, usando la derivada de Hukuhara y algunos teoremas de punto fijo de funciones débilmente contractivas definidas en conjuntos par- cialmente ordenados.

  5. Diagnóstico Precoz del Rechazo en el Trasplante Experimental de Páncreas Total con Duodeno en el Perro: Citología por Punción-Aspiración con Aguja Fina.


    Rodríguez Abascal, Moisés


    El trasplante de páncreas está indicado fundamentalmente en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I. En la actualidad las soluciones terapéuticas ofertadas son: regímenes de insulina, bombas de infusión subcutánea de insulina, el páncreas artificial, y el trasplante de páncreas; este último sería la posibilidad que más fisiológicamente regularía el mecanismo de homostasis de la glucosa. Desde que...

  6. Learning Flash CS4 Professional

    CERN Document Server

    Shupe, Rich


    Learning Flash CS4 Professional offers beginners and intermediate Flash developers a unique introduction to the latest version of Adobe's powerful multimedia application. This easy-to-read book is loaded with full-color examples and hands-on tasks to help you master Flash CS4's new motion editor, integrated 3D system, and character control using the new inverse kinematics bones animation system. No previous Flash experience is necessary.

  7. Comportamiento volumétrico de la DL-valina en soluciones acuosas de nitrato de sodio a diferentes temperaturas

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    Manuel Páez-Meza


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las densidades de la DL-valina (Ácido 2-amino-3-metilbutanoico en soluciones acuosas de nitrato de sodio en el intervalo de temperaturas desde 283.15 K hasta 318.15 K usando un densímetro de tubo vibratorio Anton Paar DMA 5000. Se calcularon: los volúmenes molares aparentes, los volúmenes molares aparentes a dilución infinita, la segunda derivada de los volúmenes molares parciales a dilución infinita con respecto a la temperatura, así como los volúmenes molares parciales de transferencia y los números de hidratación. Los resultados obtenidos se discutieron en términos de las interacciones predominantes en solución, encontrándose que la DL-valina tiene un efecto disruptor de la estructura del solvente y que a dilución infinita predominan las interacciones soluto-solvente entre el grupo isopropil del aminoácido y los iones sodio y nitrato.

  8. Flashing oscillation in pool water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamasa, Tomoji; Kondo, Koichi; Hazuku, Tatsuya


    This paper presents an experimental study of high-pressure saturated water discharging into the pool water. The purpose of the experiment is to clarify the phenomena that occur in blow-down of high-pressure saturated water from the pressure vessel into the water-filled containment in the case of a wall-crack accident or a LOCA in an advanced reactor. The results revealed that a flashing oscillation (FO) occurs when high-pressure saturated water discharges into the pool water, under specified experimental settings. The range of the flashing oscillates between a point very close to and some distance from the vent hole. The pressures in the vent tube and pool water vary according to the flashing oscillation. The pressure oscillation and frequency of flashing position might be caused by the balancing action between the supply of saturated water, flashing at the control volume and its condensation on the steam-water interface. A linear analysis was conducted using a spherical flashing bubble model. The period of the flashing oscillation in the experiments can be explained by theoretical analysis

  9. Estudios de bioadsorción de plomo por Saccharomyces cereviceae en soluciones acuosas

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    Juan José Pauro Roque


    Full Text Available El ecosistema del lago Titicaca (Puno, Perú y sus tributarios, viene siendo perturbado por metales pesados producto de la actividad minera emergente. Para controlar y reducir la contaminación existen procesos biológicos llevados a cabo por microorganismos como las levaduras (biorremediación. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivos evaluar la capacidad de bioadsorción de plomo mediante  Saccharomyces cereviceae en soluciones acuosas y la influencia de dos niveles de pH durante la bioadsorción. Para esto se ensayaron dos concentraciones de S. cereviceae (cel/mL, las cuales fueron cuantificadas por un hemocitómetro y luego traspasadas a una solución con concentraciones conocidas de plomo (5 y 25 mg/L. Se realizaron lecturas de las concentraciones de plomo a los 5, 60 y 120 minutos. La mayor capacidad de bioadsorción resultó cuando S. cereviceae estaba a una concentración de 5 x 106 cel/mL, y el pH óptimo fue de 5,14. Se concluye que S. cereviceae constituye una buena alternativa para la bioadsorción de plomo, quedando abierta su validación en condiciones de campo en el altiplano peruano.

  10. Hot flashes and sleep in women. (United States)

    Moe, Karen E


    Sleep disturbances during menopause are often attributed to nocturnal hot flashes and 'sweats' associated with changing hormone patterns. This paper is a comprehensive critical review of the research on the relationship between sleep disturbance and hot flashes in women. Numerous studies have found a relationship between self-reported hot flashes and sleep complaints. However, hot flash studies using objective sleep assessment techniques such as polysomnography, actigraphy, or quantitative analysis of the sleep EEG are surprisingly scarce and have yielded somewhat mixed results. Much of this limited evidence suggests that hot flashes are associated with objectively identified sleep disruption in at least some women. At least some of the negative data may be due to methodological issues such as reliance upon problematic self-reports of nocturnal hot flashes and a lack of concurrent measures of hot flashes and sleep. The recent development of a reliable and non-intrusive method for objectively identifying hot flashes during the night should help address the need for substantial additional research in this area. Several areas of clinical relevance are described, including the effects of discontinuing combined hormone therapy (estrogen plus progesterone) or estrogen-only therapy, the possibility of hot flashes continuing for many years after menopause, and the link between hot flashes and depression.

  11. MR colonography with fecal tagging: comparison between 2D turbo FLASH and 3D FLASH sequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papanikolaou, Nickolas; Grammatikakis, John; Maris, Thomas; Prassopoulos, Panos; Gourtsoyiannis, Nicholas; Lauenstein, Thomas


    The objective of this study was to compare inversion recovery turbo 2D fast low-angle shot (FLASH) and 3D FLASH sequences for fecal-tagged MR colonography studies. Fifteen consecutive patients with indications for colonoscopy underwent MR colonography with fecal tagging. An inversion recovery turbo-FLASH sequence was applied and compared in terms of artifacts presence, efficiency for masking residual stool, and colonic wall conspicuity with a fat-saturated 3D FLASH sequence. Both sequences were acquired following administration of paramagnetic contrast agent. Contrast-to-noise ratio and relative contrast between colonic wall and lumen were calculated and compared for both sequences. Turbo 2D FLASH provided fewer artifacts, higher efficiency for masking the residual stool, and colonic wall conspicuity equivalent to 3D FLASH. An inversion time of 10 ms provided homogeneously low signal intensity of the colonic lumen. Contrast to noise between colonic wall and lumen was significantly higher in the 3D FLASH images, whereas differences in relative contrast were not statistically significant. An optimized inversion-recovery 2D turbo-FLASH sequence provides better fecal tagging results and should be added to the 3D FLASH sequence when designing dark-lumen MR colonography examination protocols. (orig.)

  12. Relación de la metacognición con otras ciencias: psicológicas y pedagógicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milena Omar Hechavarría


    Full Text Available El desempeño metacognitivo del escolar constituye una necesidad educativa cuyo propósito es la regulación de la actividad cognoscitiva que está realizando el sujeto de los procesos que en ella se generan y los resultados que se van obteniendo con la finalidad de formar una personalidad capaz de interactuar con la vida y la sociedad de manera que garantice soluciones inteligentes, flexibles y creadoras a los problemas actuales. Se ofrecen algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre la relación de la metacognición con otras ciencias: biológicas, psicológicas y pedagógicas; a partir de la manifestación de cada una de ellas en le proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje.

  13. Flash-Type Discrimination (United States)

    Koshak, William J.


    This viewgraph presentation describes the significant progress made in the flash-type discrimination algorithm development. The contents include: 1) Highlights of Progress for GLM-R3 Flash-Type discrimination Algorithm Development; 2) Maximum Group Area (MGA) Data; 3) Retrieval Errors from Simulations; and 4) Preliminary Global-scale Retrieval.

  14. The October 2014 United States Treasury bond flash crash and the contributory effect of mini flash crashes.

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    Zachary S Levine

    Full Text Available We investigate the causal uncertainty surrounding the flash crash in the U.S. Treasury bond market on October 15, 2014, and the unresolved concern that no clear link has been identified between the start of the flash crash at 9:33 and the opening of the U.S. equity market at 9:30. We consider the contributory effect of mini flash crashes in equity markets, and find that the number of equity mini flash crashes in the three-minute window between market open and the Treasury Flash Crash was 2.6 times larger than the number experienced in any other three-minute window in the prior ten weekdays. We argue that (a this statistically significant finding suggests that mini flash crashes in equity markets both predicted and contributed to the October 2014 U.S. Treasury Bond Flash Crash, and (b mini-flash crashes are important phenomena with negative externalities that deserve much greater scholarly attention.

  15. The October 2014 United States Treasury bond flash crash and the contributory effect of mini flash crashes. (United States)

    Levine, Zachary S; Hale, Scott A; Floridi, Luciano


    We investigate the causal uncertainty surrounding the flash crash in the U.S. Treasury bond market on October 15, 2014, and the unresolved concern that no clear link has been identified between the start of the flash crash at 9:33 and the opening of the U.S. equity market at 9:30. We consider the contributory effect of mini flash crashes in equity markets, and find that the number of equity mini flash crashes in the three-minute window between market open and the Treasury Flash Crash was 2.6 times larger than the number experienced in any other three-minute window in the prior ten weekdays. We argue that (a) this statistically significant finding suggests that mini flash crashes in equity markets both predicted and contributed to the October 2014 U.S. Treasury Bond Flash Crash, and (b) mini-flash crashes are important phenomena with negative externalities that deserve much greater scholarly attention.

  16. Predicción por redes neuronales artificiales de la calidad fisicoquímica de vinagre de melaza de caña por efecto de tiempo-temperatura de alimentación a evaporador-destilador flash

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    Víctor Vásquez V.


    Full Text Available Se predijo por Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA importantes características fisicoquímicas de vinagre de melaza: pH, densidad, acidez total, etanol, aldehídos totales y furfural; obtenidas mediante operaciones de evaporación flash y clarificación por destilación flash. Melaza fermentada por vía alcohólica y acética, fue alimentada a un evaporador flash a cuatro temperaturas (61, 66, 71 y 76 °C y tres tiempos (25, 35 y 45 min. La predicción se realizó con dos redes: RNA-A y RNA-B, ambas con buen desempeño. La RNA-A fue del tipo feedforward (FF, con algoritmos de entrenamiento Backpropagation (BP y ajuste de pesos Levenberg-Marquardt (LM, topología: 6 entradas (datos de las operaciones de evaporación-destilación flash, 7 salidas lineales (características fisicoquímicas, 9 neuronas tangente sigmoidales en 1 capa oculta, coeficiente de momento 0.5, tasa de aprendizaje 0.01, meta del error 0.0001 y 20 etapas de entrenamiento. La RNA-A mostró mejor desempeño que un modelo estadístico de primer orden. La RNA-B igualmente FF, con algoritmos BP y LM, topología: 2 entradas (datos de la evaporación flash, 7 salidas lineales (características fisicoquímicas, 84 neuronas logaritmo sigmoidales en 1 capa oculta, coeficiente de momento 0.5, tasa de aprendizaje 0.01, meta del error 0.0001 y 300 etapas de entrenamiento. La RNA-B mostró igual capacidad predictiva que un modelo estadístico de primer orden con interacción de términos.

  17. Nuevo equipo de proceso de destilación fraccionada en continuo por arrastre con vapor de aceites esenciales del jugo de limón mexicano

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    Francisco J. Padilla M.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo equipo llamado Destilador-Fraccionador Horizontal, para realizar el procesos de destilación fraccionada en continuo por arrastre de vapor de aceites esenciales obtenidos a partir del jugo de limón mexicano (Citrus aurantifolia. La capacidad de fraccionación del nuevo equipo es analizada con soluciones modelo y soluciones reales de jugo de limón. Se emplean diseños experimentales y métodos estadísticos para investigar el desempeño del equipo y para validar su capacidad de fraccionar. Mediante la determinación de la relación S/F (gramos de vapor necesario para extraer 1 g de aceite destilado en la fase vapor, se determina que el nuevo equipo requiere una menor cantidad de energía para lograr la separación de los aceites esenciales. Eficiencias de extracción de aceites esenciales superiores al 90% son alcanzadas empleando las soluciones reales de jugo de limón.

  18. Alta precisión relativa en problemas de álgebra lineal numérica en matrices con estructura


    Ceballos Cañón, Johan Armando


    Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la Alta Precisión Relativa (HRA) en Álgebra Lineal Numérica (ALN). Sus líneas maestras son dos. Por un lado, el diseño y análisis de algoritmos que permitan resolver problemas de Álgebra Lineal con más precisión de la habitual para matrices con estructura. Y por otro el estudio de la teoría específica de perturbaciones necesaria para tratar los problemas que nos ocupan. En nuestra investigación hemos tratado dos: La obtención de soluciones precisas de...

  19. DIRCM FLASH Flight Tests

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Molocher, Bernhard; Kaltenecker, Anton; Thum-Jaeger, Andrea; Regensburger, Martin; Formery, Martin


    .... FLASH operation is as follows: After handover following an alarm from the missile warning system FLASH enters autonomous passive tracking mode for tracking a missiles and sending a laser beam onto the missile...

  20. Servicios bibliotecarios accesibles para personas con discapacidad visual en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

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    María Cecilia Corda


    Full Text Available El trabajo, de tipo descriptivo exploratorio, pretende conocer cuál es el estado en que se encuentran algunas de las bibliotecas universitarias de la UNLP para ofrecer un servicio accesible a personas con discapacidad visual. Se anal iza qué servicios de este tipo poseen actualmente, con qué barreras se enfrentan los usuarios y qué soluciones se han implementado. A tal fin se indagará, por un lado, cómo están diseñados los sitios web de las bibliotecas elegidas, y por otro, cómo integr an estas bibliotecas en sus servicios y productos documentales a estas personas, esto es, si cuentan con material bibliográfico y servicios accesibles. Por último, se esbozan algunas propuestas para superar la situación actual en estas bibliotecas universi tarias.

  1. Servicios bibliotecarios accesibles para personas con discapacidad visual en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Cecilia Corda


    Full Text Available El trabajo, de tipo descriptivo exploratorio, pretende conocer cuál es el estado en que se encuentran algunas de las bibliotecas universitarias de la UNLP para ofrecer un servicio accesible a personas con discapacidad visual. Se analiza qué servicios de este tipo poseen actualmente, con qué barreras se enfrentan los usuarios y qué soluciones se han implementado. A tal fin se indagará, por un lado, cómo están diseñados los sitios web de las bibliotecas elegidas, y por otro, cómo integran estas bibliotecas en sus servicios y productos documentales a estas personas, esto es, si cuentan con material bibliográfico y servicios accesibles. Por último, se esbozan algunas propuestas para superar la situación actual en estas bibliotecas universitarias.

  2. Flashing inception in flowing liquids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, O.C. Jr.


    The inception of net vaporization in flashing flows is examined. It is suggested that the flashing inception can be expressed as two additive effects. One is due to the static decompression which is a function of the spinodal limit and also of the expansion rate. The other effect which is a function of Reynolds number and flashing index, is due to the turbulent fluctuations of the flowing liquid. It is shown that by taking a three standard deviation band on the turbulent velocity fluctuations, an adequate representation of the inverse mass flux effect on flashing inception for existing data is obtained

  3. Statistical Evolution of the Lightning Flash (United States)

    Zoghzoghy, F. G.; Cohen, M.; Said, R.; Inan, U. S.


    Natural lightning is one of the most fascinating and powerful electrical processes on Earth. To date, the physics behind this natural phenomenon are not fully understood, due primarily to the difficulty of obtaining measurements inside thunderstorms and to the wide range of timescales involved (from nanoseconds to seconds). Our aim is to use accurate lightning geo-location data from the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) to study statistical patterns in lightning, taking advantage of the fact that millions of lightning flashes occur around the globe every day. We present two sets of results, one involving the patterns of flashes in a storm, and a second involving the patterns of strokes in a flash. These patterns can provide a surrogate measure of the timescales and the spatial extents of the underlying physical processes. First, we study the timescales of charge buildup inside thunderstorms. We find that, following a lightning flash, the probability of another neighboring flash decreases and takes tens of seconds to recover. We find that this suppression effect is a function of flash type, stroke peak current, cloud-to-ground (CG) stroke multiplicity, and other lightning and geographical parameters. We find that the probabilities of subsequent flashes are more suppressed following oceanic lightning, or following flashes with higher peak currents and/or higher multiplicities (for CG flashes). Second, we use NLDN data to study the evolution of the strokes within a CG flash. A CG flash typically includes multiple return strokes, which can occur in the same channel or in multiple channels within a few kilometers. We cluster NLDN stroke data into flashes and produce the probability density function of subsequent strokes as a function of distance and time-delays relative to the previous stroke. Using this technique, we investigate processes which occur during the CG lightning flash with nanosecond to millisecond timescales. For instance, our results suggest

  4. Redes sociales y discapacidad visual: desarrollo de un cliente de Twitter para gente con problemas de baja visión en sistemas iOS




    iLoowi es el nombre comercial de la suite de aplicaciones desarrolladas por la compañía Raylight Soluciones Tecnológicas S.L. (a partir de ahora, Raylight) para dispositivos Apple con el sistema operativo iOS (iPhone y iPad en sus distintas versiones). Esta suite trata de acercar la tecnología actual a las personas que padezcan alguna discapacidad visual, sea parcial o total. Con un objetivo ambicioso, Raylight quiere ir más allá del desarrollo de las aplicaciones básicas de es...

  5. con fósforo en la zona norte de Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jimmy Boniche


    Full Text Available Para estudiar el efecto de la fertilización con P y mejorar la tecnología de su aplicación en plantaciones comerciales de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes para palmito, en un suelo clasificado como Fluvaquentic Dystrudepts, se evaluó 0, 9, 18, 33, 48 y 108 kg.ha-1 de P2O5 sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de palmito durante el primer año, y el doble de estas cantidades durante los 24 meses siguientes. Se determinó la disponibilidad de nutrimentos en el suelo a 2 profundidades, así como la concentración de estos en las hojas y pecíolos 3 y 5, y en las raíces. La fertilización con P no afectó en forma importante el crecimiento de las plantas o la producción de palmitos. El número de rebrotes se incrementó, pero el efecto de regresión cuadrática no fue significativo. Tampoco se afectó la concentración de otros nutrimentos en el suelo. Las soluciones extractoras Olsen modificado y Mehlich-3, se relacionaron positivamente con las cantidades de P aplicadas, aunque la solución Olsen modificado extrajo cantidades mayores. La cantidad de P disponible a 0-5 cm de profundidad, así como la correlación entre ambas soluciones extractoras, fue mayor que en el estrato de 5-20 cm. Al muestrear las hojas 3 y 5, los pecíolos, las raíces gruesas y la materia seca, se encontró que los pecíolos se asociaron en forma importante con las cantidades aplicadas de P. Las adiciones de P, aumentaron linealmente las concentraciones de Ca, K, y Mg en los pecíolos. Se recomienda aplicar P al suelo en plantaciones establecidas de 10000 plantas.ha-1 en una dosis de mantenimiento máxima de 30 kg.ha-1.año-1 de P2O5; muestrear los pecíolos como órganos indicadores, realizar el muestreo de suelos preferiblemente de 0-5 cm de profundidad y utilizar la solución extractora de Olsen modificado en el análisis de suelos.

  6. Ecuación de capriste y lozano modificada para predecir la elevación en la temperatura de ebullición en soluciones de caña de azúcar

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    Full Text Available La elevación en la temperatura de ebullición del jugo de la caña de azúcar, utilizando soluciones modelos con cuatro componentes (sacarosa, glucosa, fructosa y dextrana, fue medida experimentalmente en un rango de concentraciones de sólidos solubles de 30 a 60 º Brix y a presiones entre 6.2 x 103 y 7.6 x 104 Pa (abs.. Se utilizó el modelo empírico de Capriste y Lozano para representar los datos experimentales. Los datos experimentales se ajustaron mejor a un modelo modificado de Capriste y Lozano, propuesto por los autores

  7. Efecto de la Temperatura sobre la Viscosidad de Soluciones Acuosas Diluidas de 1,2-Pentanodiol Effect of the Temperature on the Viscosity of Diluted Aqueous Solutions of 1,2-Pentanediol


    Manuel S Páez; Jennifer Lafont; Alfonso A Portacio


    Se determinó la viscosidad de las soluciones acuosas diluidas de 1,2-pentanodiol a varias temperaturas entre 283 y 308 K usando un viscosímetro Ubbelohde. Se evaluaron los coeficientes B de viscosidad, la variación dB/dT, la entalpía, entropía y energía libre de Gibbs de activación. Se encontró que el coeficiente B, disminuye con el aumento de la temperatura. Los valores obtenidos para dB/dT son pequeños y negativos para todas las temperaturas, lo cual indica que el 1,2-pentanodiol tiene un e...

  8. Menopausal Hot Flashes and White Matter Hyperintensities (United States)

    Thurston, Rebecca C.; Aizenstein, Howard J.; Derby, Carol A.; Sejdić, Ervin; Maki, Pauline M.


    Objective Hot flashes are the classic menopausal symptom. Emerging data links hot flashes to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, yet how hot flashes are related to brain health is poorly understood. We examined the relationship between hot flashes - measured via physiologic monitor and self-report - and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) among midlife women. Methods Twenty midlife women ages 40-60 without clinical CVD, with their uterus and both ovaries, and not taking hormone therapy were recruited. Women underwent 24 hours of ambulatory physiologic and diary hot flash monitoring to quantify hot flashes; magnetic resonance imaging to assess WMH burden; 72 hours of actigraphy and questionnaires to quantify sleep; and a blood draw, questionnaires, and physical measures to quantify demographics and CVD risk factors. Test of a priori hypotheses regarding relations between physiologically-monitored and self-reported wake and sleep hot flashes and WMH were conducted in linear regression models. Results More physiologically-monitored hot flashes during sleep were associated with greater WMH, controlling for age, race, and body mass index [beta(standard error)=.0002 (.0001), p=.03]. Findings persisted controlling for sleep characteristics and additional CVD risk factors. No relations were observed for self-reported hot flashes. Conclusions More physiologically-monitored hot flashes during sleep were associated with greater WMH burden among midlife women free of clinical CVD. Results suggest that relations between hot flashes and CVD risk observed in the periphery may extend to the brain. Future work should consider the unique role of sleep hot flashes in brain health. PMID:26057822

  9. Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers

    CERN Document Server

    Green, Tom


    In this book, you'll learn:* How to create effective animations using the new Motion Editor and animation tools * How to use the new 3D features to animate objects in 3D space * Best-practice tips and techniques from some of the top Flash practitioners on the planet * How to create captioned video and full-screen video, and deploy HD video using Flash * Techniques for using the Flash UI components as well as XML documents to create stunning,interactive presentations If you're a Flash designer looking for a solid overview of Flash CS4, this book is for you. Through the use of solid and practica

  10. Detection of Malicious Flash Banner Advertisements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kirill Alekseevich Samosadnyy


    Full Text Available The paper addresses the problem of detecting malicious flash advertisements. As a result, detection method based on dynamic analysis that modify flash application and execute it in Adobe Flash player is proposed and evaluated on synthetic and real world examples.

  11. El capital intelectual y su relación con la innovación en la universidad CES


    Tamayo Montoya, Veronica Mariela


    En la sociedad actual del conocimiento las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de generar conocimiento e innovaciones para ofrecer soluciones a problemas de comunidades de interés. Para lograrlo las universidades deben enfocarse en su activo más importante, su capital intelectual. Hasta ahora las investigaciones relacionadas con el capital intelectual y la innovación en las universidades, son limitadas a pesar de ser un elemento estratégico para la dirección de estas organizaciones, ya qu...

  12. On multiphase negative flash for ideal solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Wei; Stenby, Erling Halfdan


    simpler than the corresponding normal flash algorithm. Unlike normal flash, multiphase negative flash for ideal solutions can diverge if the feasible domain for phase amounts is not closed. This can be judged readily during the iteration process. The algorithm can also be extended to the partial negative......There is a recent interest to solve multiphase negative flash problems where the phase amounts can be negative for normal positive feed composition. Solving such a negative flash problem using successive substitution needs an inner loop for phase distribution calculation at constant fugacity...... coefficients. It is shown that this inner loop, named here as multiphase negative flash for ideal solutions, can be solved either by Michelsen's algorithm for multiphase normal flash, or by its variation which uses F−1 phase amounts as independent variables. In either case, the resulting algorithm is actually...

  13. Measuring hot flash phenomenonology using ambulatory prospective digital diaries (United States)

    Fisher, William I.; Thurston, Rebecca C.


    Objective This study provides the description, protocol, and results from a novel prospective ambulatory digital hot flash phenomenon diary. Methods This study included 152 midlife women with daily hot flashes who completed an ambulatory electronic hot flash diary continuously for the waking hours of 3 consecutive days. In this diary, women recorded their hot flashes and accompanying characteristics and associations as the hot flashes occurred. Results Self-reported hot flash severity on the digital diaries indicated that the majority of hot flashes were rated as mild (41.3%) or moderate (43.7%). Severe (13.1%) and very severe (1.8%) hot flashes were less common. Hot flash bother ratings were rated as mild (43%), or moderate (33.5%), with fewer hot flashes reported bothersome (17.5%) or very bothersome (6%). The majority of hot flashes were reported as occurring on the on the face (78.9%), neck (74.7%), and chest (61.3%). Prickly skin was reported concurrently with 32% of hot flashes, 7% with anxiety and 5% with nausea. A novel finding, 38% of hot flashes were accompanied by a premonitory aura. Conclusion A prospective electronic digital hot flash diary allows for a more precise quantitation of hot flashes while overcoming many of the limitations of commonly employed retrospective questionnaires and paper diaries. Unique insights into the phenomenology, loci and associated characteristics of hot flashes were obtained using this device. The digital hot flash phenomenology diary is recommended for future ambulatory studies of hot flashes as a prospective measure of the hot flash experience. PMID:27404030

  14. Estudio de la Microestructura y de las propiedades reológicas de geles de concentrado proteico de sabalo (prochilodus platensis en relación a la etapa de lavado con soluciones de H3PO4 y NaHCO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Agustina Reinheimer


    Full Text Available El concentrado de proteínas de pescado (CPP es el músculo del pescado desmenuzado y exento de huesos, piel,carne oscura y de espinas, que es lavado varias veces con agua y escurrido hasta la proporción de agua original.Aquí se estudió el efecto en la composición físico-química, sobre la microestructura y las propiedades reológicas degeles de CPP utilizando diferentes soluciones de agua de lavado en la obtención de CPP de sábalo (Prochilodusplatensis. Al mismo tiempo se evaluó la extracción de proteínas durante el lavado, y el análisis de las propiedadesreológicas de los geles obtenidos. Los geles de CPP de sábalo obtenidos mediante el método de lavado (0.05%H3PO4, 0.2% NaHCO3 y 0.2% NaCl presentaron un contenido aceptable de proteínas, el menor contenido demateria grasa, y la textura más aceptable, confirmada por la reología y la microestructura, mostrando mejorasrespecto de los obtenidos por el método convencional.

  15. Terapéutica holística en una paciente con gingivitis descamativa crónica


    Oliveros Noriega-Roldán, Silvana; Ortiz Moncada, Clara; Pérez Martínez, Manuel Antonio; Castellanos Ortiz, Betania; Cobián Mena, Alberto Erconvaldo


    Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente con gingivitis descamativa crónica, atendida en el Departamento de Periodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, en quien el tratamiento convencional no proporcionó resultados favorables, por lo cual se recurrió a la combinación de las terapias neural, acupuntural y periodontal y la aplicación de hipnosis, cuya combinación solucionó tan grave proceso inflamatorio, además de elevar la autoesti...

  16. Aplicación del análisis de riesgo en la preparación de soluciones para producción de Quimi-Hib®

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    Yordanka Ojeda


    Full Text Available Entre las técnicas avanzadas de administración de riesgo se encuentran las herramientas de soporte estadístico, así como los histogramas y gráficos de frecuencia acumulada, los cuales sirven de base para la acumulación de datos. Se realizó un análisis de los mismos y se evaluó la influencia de diferentes parámetros sobre un proceso determinado para la toma de decisiones. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que existe riesgo de contaminación de las soluciones en una cabina de flujo laminar. Todos los tampones evaluados cumplieron satisfactoriamente con los límites establecidos para el contenido de endotoxinas y límite microbiano. Los valores de carga microbiana, determinados por diferentes métodos en el ambiente de trabajo, estuvieron dentro de los límites, acorde con la clasificación de las áreas. La higienización de los tanques de preparación demostró que los procedimientos empleados garantizaron una adecuada remoción de los contaminantes. Se concluyó que los riesgos y escenarios evaluados fueron aceptables para alcanzar la calidad del producto.

  17. Calculation of the electromagnetic fields in electric machines through the use of the finite element. Algorithms for the solution of induction problems. Pt. 3; Calculo de campos electromagneticos en maquinas electricas mediante elemento finito. Algoritmos para la solucion de problemas de induccion. Pt. 3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosales, Mario F [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This article is based in the electromagnetic modeling presented in the first part of the series for the indirect solution of partial differential equations. Magnetic systems in closed regions with moving or axial symmetry, whose total current density is partially known (induction problems) are considered. Includes the ability to deal with means in movement and a sinusoidal behavior for the source density current is assumed. Some algorithms are developed that are implanted in the software CALIIE-2D of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) to obtain the numerical solutions of these problems. The basic systems of algebraic equations are obtained through the application of the Galerkin method in the discreteness of the finite element with first order triangular elements. [Espanol] Este articulo se basa en la modelacion electromagnetica presentada en la primera parte de la serie y en el planteamiento proporcionado en la segunda parte para la solucion indirecta de ecuaciones diferenciales parciales. Se consideran sistemas magneticos en regiones cerradas con simetria traslacional o axial, cuya densidad de corriente total es parcialmente conocida (problemas de induccion). Incluye la capacidad para tratar medios con movimiento y se supone un comportamiento senoidal para la densidad de corriente fuente. Se desarrollan los algoritmos que se implantan en el programa de computo CALIIE-2D del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) para obtener las soluciones numericas de estos problemas. Los sistemas basicos de ecuaciones algebraicas se obtienen mediante la aplicacion del metodo de Galerkin en la discretizacion de elemento finito con elementos triangulares de primer orden.

  18. Tres soluciones en la restauración del Palacio de Toral de los Guzmanes. León-España

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    Algorri García, Eloy


    Full Text Available The Palacio de Toral de los Guzmanes is a building whose walls are mostly made of "tapia" (rammed earth. One of the basic objectives of the restoration which began in 1985 is acquiring new information in order to extend the knowledge of this type of masonry, commonly used in Spanish monumental architecture. After a few general considerations the author establishes an abbreviated decalogue of construction and strength behaviour of the "tapia". The example used as an illustration is that of the description and analysis for three solutions to specific problems which appeared during the restoration works.

    El Palacio de Toral de los Guzmanes es un edificio cuyos muros están predominantemente construidos con fábrica de tapia. Uno de los objetivos básicos de la restauración, que viene realizándose desde 1985, es el progreso en el conocimiento de esta fábrica tan común en la arquitectura monumental española. Tras unas reflexiones de índole general, el autor establece un decálogo abreviado del comportamiento constructivo y resistente de la tapia y lo ejemplifica con la descripción y el análisis de tres soluciones a problemas específicos que se han experimentado en el curso de las obras.

  19. Densidades y propiedades volumétricas de la glicina en soluciones acuosas de tiosulfato de sodio pentahidratado (Na2S2O3.5H2O a diferentes temperaturas.

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    Manuel Páez


    Full Text Available Se determinaron las densidades de la Glicina en soluciones acuosas de Tiosulfato de Sodio Pentahidratado (0.01-2.0 mol Kg-1 usando un densímetro de tubo vibrador DMA 5000 a las temperaturas de (283,15;288,15; 293,15; 298,15; 303,15; 308,15,313,15 y 318,15 K y 1,011 bar. Se calcularon los volúmenes molares aparentes ( , los volúmenes molares aparentes a dilución infinita ( , la pendiente experimental ( , los volúmenes estandar de transferencia ( , las expansibilidades molares parciales  a dilución infinita ( , la segunda derivada del volumen molar aparente a dilución infinita con respecto a la temperatura  y los números de hidratación ( . Los valores obtenidos para estos parámetros fueron analizados en términos de las interacciones que ocurren a nivel de la solución. Adicionalmente, los valores de   fueron interpretados en función de las interacciones soluto-cosoluto de acuerdo al modelo de la co-esfera y calculándose a partir de estos los los parámetros de interacción  volumétricos dobles  y triples  ,usando la teoría de McMillan–Mayer . Los valores de  son positivos y aumentan con el aumento de la molalidad del Na2S2O3.5H2O, mientras que los valores de   son negativos en todas las concentraciones de solvente mixto; lo que sugiere que a nivel de la solución se favorecen las interacciones soluto-solvente y que la Glicina actúa como un disruptor de la estructura de las soluciones acuosas de Tiosulfato de Sodio Pentahidratado.

  20. Principales limitantes y soluciones para la producción de alimentos: Contribución del Programa de Innovación en Matanzas, Cuba

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    Taymer Miranda

    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de identificar las limitantes para la producción de alimentos, así como sus causas y posibles soluciones, en 25 fincas de los municipios Perico, Martí, Colón y Jagüey Grande (provincia Matanzas, Cuba involucradas en el Programa de Innovación Agrícola Local (PIAL; las cuales se identificaron y construyeron, de manera conjunta, con productores, propietarios o usufructuarios de dichas fincas. El diagnóstico se hizo de forma participativa, desde los puntos de vista social, económico y ambiental, teniendo en cuenta los métodos recomendados por el CATIE de Costa Rica. Las principales limitantes identificadas fueron: la insuficiente base alimentaria para los animales; los elevados precios de los insumos agropecuarios respecto al precio de los productos; la ineficiente cadena productiva, con incumplimientos tanto de proveedores como de receptores; la falta de conocimiento agrícola de algunos propietarios o usufructuarios de reciente incorporación; así como la baja calidad genética de los animales. Estas limitantes afectan fundamentalmente la producción de leche, la cual constituye el rubro comercial de la mayoría de las fincas estudiadas, que a su vez se encuentran afectadas por la inadecuada cobertura del suelo debido al sobrepastoreo. Los resultados indicaron que los recursos obtenidos por diversas vías se debían dirigir hacia aquellos aspectos de mayor prioridad para las fincas, lo cual fue discutido durante la planificación con las familias campesinas y con las juntas directivas de las cooperativas. Esto agilizaría la elaboración de proyectos y esclarecería la dirección de las inversiones.

  1. Flashing inception in flowing liquids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, O.C. Jr.


    The inception of net vaporization in flashing flows is examined. It is suggested that the flashing inception can be expressed as two additive effects. One is due to the static decompression which is a function of the initial temperature and also the expansion rate. The other effect which is a function of Reynolds number and flashing index, is due to the turbulent fluctuations of the flowing liquid. It is shown that by taking a three standard deviation band on the turbulent velocity fluctuations, an adequate representation of the inverse mass flux effect on flashing inception for existing data is obtained. The turbulence effects are combined with the correlation of Alamgir and Lienhard to provide predictive methods recommended for the case where both static and convective decompression effects exist


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    Liliana Giraldo


    Full Text Available Se prepara un carbón activado a partir de carbón mineral por impregnación con solución al 50% de ácido fosfórico, el cual presenta un área superficial de 586 m2.g-1 y un volumen total de poro de 0,37 cm3g-1; en lo que respecta a características químicas el carbón activado presenta un mayor contenido de sitios ácidos, 0,92 meq g-1, que de sitios básicos, 0,63 meq g-1 , que le proporcionan una característica aproximadamente neutra con un pHPZC de 7,4.La cantidad adsorbida de Pb2+ y la entalpía de inmersión en soluciones de a diferentes valores de pH,  muestran que estos valores son máximos para pH 4 con valores de 15,7 mgg-1 y 27,6 Jg-1 respectivamente. Se establecen comportamientos semejantes de la entalpía de inmersión y la cantidad adsorbida en función del pH; y se obtienen relaciones del tipo función de segundo grado entre la constante de adsorción y la entalpía de inmersión y entre dicha constante y el pH de la solución.

  3. Análisis de empresas con hoja de cálculo: Un caso práctico


    Molina Gaona, Ángela


    En el ámbito de las aplicaciones informáticas existentes para la gestión y administración de empresas nos encontramos con conocidas herramientas desarrolladas por empresas que tienen como público objetivo a grandes empresas e instituciones. Como alternativa a dichas soluciones se plantea la posibilidad de utilizar aplicaciones ofimáticas como las hojas de cálculo que permiten realizar tareas similares, y que al mismo tiempo son mucho más flexibles. El desarrollo de una solución de este tipo f...

  4. GeckoFTL: Scalable Flash Translation Techniques For Very Large Flash Devices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dayan, Niv; Bonnet, Philippe; Idreos, Stratos


    The volume of metadata needed by a flash translation layer (FTL) is proportional to the storage capacity of a flash device. Ideally, this metadata should reside in the device's integrated RAM to enable fast access. However, as flash devices scale to terabytes, the necessary volume of metadata...... thereby harming performance and device lifetime. In this paper, we identify a key component of the metadata called the Page Validity Bitmap (PVB) as the bottleneck. PVB is used by the garbage-collectors of state-of-the-art FTLs to keep track of which physical pages in the device are invalid. PVB...... constitutes 95% of the FTL's RAM-resident metadata, and recovering PVB after power fails takes a significant proportion of the overall recovery time. To solve this problem, we propose a page-associative FTL called GeckoFTL, whose central innovation is replacing PVB with a new data structure called Logarithmic...

  5. An Analysis of Total Lightning Flash Rates Over Florida (United States)

    Mazzetti, Thomas O.; Fuelberg, Henry E.


    Although Florida is known as the "Sunshine State", it also contains the greatest lightning flash densities in the United States. Flash density has received considerable attention in the literature, but lightning flash rate has received much less attention. We use data from the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) to produce a 5 year (2010-2014) set of statistics regarding total flash rates over Florida and adjacent regions. Instead of tracking individual storms, we superimpose a 0.2° × 0.2° grid over the study region and count both cloud-to-ground (CG) and in-cloud (IC) flashes over 5 min intervals. Results show that the distribution of total flash rates is highly skewed toward small values, whereas the greatest rate is 185 flashes min-1. Greatest average annual flash rates ( 3 flashes min-1) are located near Orlando. The southernmost peninsula, North Florida, and the Florida Panhandle exhibit smaller average annual flash rates ( 1.5 flashes min-1). Large flash rates > 100 flashes min-1 can occur during any season, at any time during the 24 h period, and at any location within the domain. However, they are most likely during the afternoon and early evening in East Central Florida during the spring and summer months.

  6. A global flash flood forecasting system (United States)

    Baugh, Calum; Pappenberger, Florian; Wetterhall, Fredrik; Hewson, Tim; Zsoter, Ervin


    The sudden and devastating nature of flash flood events means it is imperative to provide early warnings such as those derived from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) forecasts. Currently such systems exist on basin, national and continental scales in Europe, North America and Australia but rely on high resolution NWP forecasts or rainfall-radar nowcasting, neither of which have global coverage. To produce global flash flood forecasts this work investigates the possibility of using forecasts from a global NWP system. In particular we: (i) discuss how global NWP can be used for flash flood forecasting and discuss strengths and weaknesses; (ii) demonstrate how a robust evaluation can be performed given the rarity of the event; (iii) highlight the challenges and opportunities in communicating flash flood uncertainty to decision makers; and (iv) explore future developments which would significantly improve global flash flood forecasting. The proposed forecast system uses ensemble surface runoff forecasts from the ECMWF H-TESSEL land surface scheme. A flash flood index is generated using the ERIC (Enhanced Runoff Index based on Climatology) methodology [Raynaud et al., 2014]. This global methodology is applied to a series of flash floods across southern Europe. Results from the system are compared against warnings produced using the higher resolution COSMO-LEPS limited area model. The global system is evaluated by comparing forecasted warning locations against a flash flood database of media reports created in partnership with To deal with the lack of objectivity in media reports we carefully assess the suitability of different skill scores and apply spatial uncertainty thresholds to the observations. To communicate the uncertainties of the flash flood system output we experiment with a dynamic region-growing algorithm. This automatically clusters regions of similar return period exceedence probabilities, thus presenting the at-risk areas at a spatial

  7. Monolitos de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de coco e impregnación con niquel y cobre


    Giraldo, Liliana; Moreno-Piraján, J. C


    Una serie de diferentes monolitos de carbón activado fueron preparados a partir de cáscara de coco por medio de activación química con ácido fosfórico a diferentes concentraciones sin utilizar aglomerantes ni plastificantes. Al monolito que mayor área desarrolló se le impregnó vía húmeda con soluciones de Ni y Cu a diferentes relaciones molares. Las estructuras fueron caracterizadas por la adsorción de N2 a 77 K, y se exploró su morfología por medio de microscopía electrónica de barrido. Los ...

  8. Soluciones de sustentables para una vivienda en Dique Luján


    Afonso, Analía N.; Romanello, Laura Inés


    En el trabajo integrador final desarrollado en el marco de la Especialización en arquitectura y hábitat sustentable se buscó consolidar un proyecto de arquitectura que unifique los criterios de sustentabilidad estudiados. Consistió en la evaluación de un proyecto realizado mediante estudios de carácter bioclimático y verificando la aplicación de estrategias de sustentabilidad. La elaboración de las soluciones de sustentabilidad para aplicar en la vivienda no solo se consideró los re...

  9. Flash CS4: The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Grover, Chris


    Unlock the power of Flash and bring gorgeous animations to life onscreen. Flash CS4: The Missing Manual includes a complete primer on animation, a guided tour of the program's tools and capabilities, lots of new illustrations, and more details on working with video. Beginners will learn to use the software in no time, and experienced Flash designers will improve their skills.

  10. Diagnóstico precoz del rechazo en el trasplante experimental de páncreas total con duodeno en el perro: citología por punción-aspiración con aguja fina


    Rodríguez Abascal, Moisés


    El trasplante de páncreas está indicado fundamentalmente en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I. En la actualidad las soluciones terapéuticas ofertadas son: regímenes de insulina, bombas de infusión subcutánea de insulina, el páncreas artificial, y el trasplante de páncreas; este último sería la posibilidad que más fisiológicamente regularía el mecanismo de homostasis de la glucosa. Desde que se descubrió la insulina hace ya más de 70 años, ha cambiado poco el tratamiento del enferm...

  11. Flashing coupled density wave oscillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Shengyao; Wu Xinxin; Zhang Youjie


    The experiment was performed on the test loop (HRTL-5), which simulates the geometry and system design of the 5 MW reactor. The phenomenon and mechanism of different kinds of two-phase flow instabilities, namely geyser instability, flashing instability and flashing coupled density wave instability are described. The especially interpreted flashing coupled density wave instability has never been studied well, it is analyzed by using a one-dimensional non-thermo equilibrium two-phase flow drift model computer code. Calculations are in good agreement with the experiment results. (5 refs.,5 figs., 1 tab.)

  12. Flash CS5 The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Grover, Chris


    Once you know how to use Flash, you can create everything from simple animations to high-end desktop applications, but it's a complex tool that can be difficult to master on your own-unless you have this Missing Manual. This book will help you learn all you need to know about Flash CS5 to create animations that bring your ideas to life. Learn animation basics. Find everything you need to know to get started with FlashMaster the Flash tools. Learn the animation and effects toolset, with clear explanations and hands-on examplesUse 3D effects. Rotate and put objects in motion in three dimensions

  13. A Durable Flash Memory Search Tree


    Clay III, James; Wortman, Kevin


    We consider the task of optimizing the B-tree data structure, used extensively in operating systems and databases, for sustainable usage on multi-level flash memory. Empirical evidence shows that this new flash memory tree, or FM Tree, extends the operational lifespan of each block of flash memory by a factor of roughly 27 to 70 times, while still supporting logarithmic-time search tree operations.

  14. Bandeo de cromosomas humanos con extracto crudo de frutas u hojas de papaya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Virginia Solís


    Full Text Available Preparaciones de una semana de cromosomas humanos fueron tratadas con filtrados de una hoja de papaya (Carica papaya licuada (53 g en 100 ml de agua destilada, y tenidas con 1.5 % Giemsa (pH 6.8. Se obtuvo buen bandeo de cromosomas luego de 2 min de tratamiento. Soluciones que han sido congeladas por años son efectivas y el método es más barato y fácil que otrosOne week old human chromosome preparations were treated with filtrate from one liquefied leaf (53 g of papaya (Carica papaya in 100 ml of distilled water, and stained with 1.5 % Giemsa (pH 6.8. Good chromosome banding was obtained after 2 min of treatment. Solutions that have been frozen even for years are effective and the method is cheaper and easier than others

  15. Some Exact Solutions for a Klein Gordon Equation Algunas soluciones exactas para una ecuación de Klein Gordon

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    H H Ortíz Álvarez


    Full Text Available In solving practical problems in science and engineering arises as a direct consequence differential equations that explains the dynamics of the phenomena.Finding exact solutions to this equations provides importan informationabout the behavior of physical systems. The Lie symmetry method allows tofind invariant solutions under certain groups of transformations for differentialequations.This method not very well known and used is of great importance inthe scientific community. By this approach it was possible to find several exactinvariant solutions for the Klein Gordon Equation uxx − utt = k(u. A particularcase, The Kolmogorov equation uxx − utt = k1u + k2un was considered.These equations appear in the study of relativistic and quantum physics. Thegeneral solutions found, could be used for future explorations on the study forother specific K(u functions. En la solución de problemas prácticos de las ciencias y la ingeniería surgen como consecuencia directa ecuaciones diferenciales que dan razón de la dinámica de los fenómenos. El encontrar soluciones exactas a estas ecuaciones proporciona información importante sobre el comportamiento de sistemas físicos. El método de las simetrías de Lie permite encontrar soluciones invariantes bajo ciertos grupos de transformaciones para ecuaciones diferenciales. Mediante este método fue posible encontrar familias de soluciones exactas invariantes para la ecuación de Klein Gordon uxx- utt = k(u: En particular, se consideró la ecuación de Kolmogorov uxx - utt = k1u + k2u n. Estas ecuaciones aparecen en el estudio de la física relativista y cuántica. Las soluciones generales encontradas podrían emplearse en futuros desarrollos en el estudio para otro tipo de funciones k(u.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un producto minimamente procesado fortificado con vitamina E, a partir de apio (Apium graveolens L. var.dulce, utilizando la ingenieria de matrices como metodologia de obtencion de alimentos funcionales. Trozos de apio impregnados al vacio con dl¿¿tocoferol acetato emulsificado en una solucion isotonica al vegetal de NaCl, 1,2%, fueron evaluados en funcion del tiempo de almacenamiento y el envasado (con y sin vacio, en terminos de la cuantificacion de sus propiedades fisicoquimicas, color, textura, estabilidad de la vitamina E y caracteristicas sensoriales. Se formulo la emulsion con el objetivo de adicionar teoricamente un 73% del Valor Diario Recomendado (VDR vitamina E/100 g de apio fresco y su cuantificacion se realizo por HPLC. La respuesta a la impregnacion en la matriz fue de 12,10+-1,15%, lo cual permitio alcanzar un 112% VDR vitamina E/100g apio fresco, manteniendose este contenido durante el almacenamiento de 9 dias en ambos tipos de envasado. Los parametros fisicoquimicos del producto fueron afectados por la IV, el tiempo y el envasado, manteniendo su coloracion verdosa y presentando disminucion en la firmeza. La ingenieria de matrices constituye una metodologia efectiva para el desarrollo de apio minimamente procesado adicionado con vitamina E.

  17. Research of coal flash hydropyrolysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Z.; Zhu, H.; Wu, Y.; Tang, L.; Cheng, L.; Xu, Z. [East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai (China)


    Using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses the organic sufur of seven different Chinese coals and their semi-cokes from flash hydropyrolysis were studied. The results showed that the organic sulfur in coal was alkyal sulfur and thiophene with the peak of XPS located in 163.1-163.5 eV and 164.1-164.5 eV. The relative thiophene content in coal increased with the coal rank. The type of organic sulfur in semi-coke in flash hydropyrolysis was generally thiophene species; its XPS peak also located in 164.1-164.5 eV, and was in accord with its corresponding coal. Total alkyl sulfur and some thiophene sulfur were removed during the flash hydropyrolysis process. The alkyl sulfur had very high activity in hydrogenation reaction. Flash hydropyrolysis was an important new clean-coal technique and had notable desulfurization effect. 13 refs., 2 figs., 4 tabs.

  18. Los edificios de apartamentos del Movimiento Moderno en Camagüey: Un valioso patrimonio a conservar desde los proyectos y con la participación social

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dianelis Falls Valdivieso


    Full Text Available El centro histórico de Camagüey, declarado Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad en 2008, atesora un número considerable de edificios correspondientes al Movimiento Moderno, construidos en la década de 1950, que sufren actualmente modificaciones para satisfacer nuevas necesidades de la población que reside en ellos. Lamentablemente, las intervenciones en el patrimonio no siempre han contado con la asesoría técnica ni con la participación ciudadana necesarias para asegurar, por un lado, respuestas a los requerimientos de la población y, por otro, el resguardo del valioso patrimonio que atesora la ciudad. Ante esta problemática, los proyectos de investigación que articulan la participación de académicos-investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes, constituyen una vía eficaz para alcanzar soluciones acertadas. Mediante un análisis histórico-arquitectónico de los inmuebles, un diagnóstico detallado de las transformaciones y el criterio técnico de los profesionales, así como la incorporación de la población residente a través de las encuestas realizadas; se aborda aquí mecanismos para garantizar un pensamiento de respeto, (hacia los valores espaciales y ambientales que brindan las soluciones de estos inmuebles valoración y sensibilización hacia las condiciones espaciales y ambientales que brindan las soluciones de estos inmuebles, las que están dirigidas a dar bienestar social a quienes los habitan y, al mismo tiempo, deben ser conservadas para legarlas a la sociedad. 

  19. Síntesis de hidrogeles de acrilamida en soluciones acuosas de etanol

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    Luis Guillermo de Jesús García Sánchez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realizó la polimerización de acrilamida en soluciones acuosas de etanol, variando la composición del etanol en la solución; obteniéndose tanto nanogeles como macrogeles. Se determinó la capacidad de absorber agua de los macrogeles; obteniéndose materiales que tienen una capacidad de absorber desde 40 y hasta 90 gramos de agua por gramo de xerogel y el tamaño de partícula de los nanogeles fueron desde 71 nm y hasta 463 nm.

  20. Modificación de arcillas colombianas con pilares mixtos de Al-Fe y su evaluación en la oxidación catalítica de fenol en solución acuosa diluida

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    Luis Galeano


    Full Text Available La legislación ambiental es particularmente restrictiva respecto a la disposición de contaminantes biorrefractarios presentes en aguas residuales. Las arcillas pilarizadas tienen gran versatilidad para ajustarse a reacciones de interés ambiental, entre otras. En el presente estudio se logran modificar arcillas de origen colombiano con soluciones de pilares mixtos Al-Fe, las cuales muestran un excelente desempeño en la oxidación catalítica de soluciones acuosas con contenidos medios de carbono orgánico total COT (36 mg C/L. Con los materiales sintetizados se alcanza una conversión total de fenol, molécula contaminante modelo, en 2 horas de reacción a 20°C y presión atmosférica; en 4 horas de reacción, se alcanza la remoción de hasta el 62% de COT de la solución obteniéndose, principalmente, ácidos carboxílicos ligeros como subproductos, además de CO. Los materiales son estables al medio fuertemente oxidante de la reacción, y el Fe lixiviado en la solución se encuentra en un valor cercano a 0,2 mg/L para el material de mejor desempeño catalítico.

  1. Bipolar cloud-to-ground lightning flash observations (United States)

    Saba, Marcelo M. F.; Schumann, Carina; Warner, Tom A.; Helsdon, John H.; Schulz, Wolfgang; Orville, Richard E.


    lightning is usually defined as a lightning flash where the current waveform exhibits a polarity reversal. There are very few reported cases of cloud-to-ground (CG) bipolar flashes using only one channel in the literature. Reports on this type of bipolar flashes are not common due to the fact that in order to confirm that currents of both polarities follow the same channel to the ground, one necessarily needs video records. This study presents five clear observations of single-channel bipolar CG flashes. High-speed video and electric field measurement observations are used and analyzed. Based on the video images obtained and based on previous observations of positive CG flashes with high-speed cameras, we suggest that positive leader branches which do not participate in the initial return stroke of a positive cloud-to-ground flash later generate recoil leaders whose negative ends, upon reaching the branch point, traverse the return stroke channel path to the ground resulting in a subsequent return stroke of opposite polarity.

  2. Terapéutica holística en una paciente con gingivitis descamativa crónica

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    Silvana Oliveros Noriega-Roldán


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente con gingivitis descamativa crónica, atendida en el Departamento de Periodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, en quien el tratamiento convencional no proporcionó resultados favorables, por lo cual se recurrió a la combinación de las terapias neural, acupuntural y periodontal y la aplicación de hipnosis, cuya combinación solucionó tan grave proceso inflamatorio, además de elevar la autoestima y la calidad de vida de la afecta


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    Adriana Lizarazo Cely


    Para el desarrollo del proceso se tuvo en cuenta como enfoque el  “trabajo colaborativo/cooperativo que pone como estrategia la interacción  y la construcción colectiva de conocimiento, incentivando el aprendizaje haciendo, interactuando y compartiendo,”[1]. En este sentido, para la estrategia educativa se diseñó una secuencia de  actividades con orientación lúdica que fortaleció los temas trabajados, dinamizándose el proceso  con el grupo del semillero Educación y Gestión Ambiental  WAIRAUPTC-ESREY  generando toma de conciencia,  valores de respeto hacia el ambiente, participación activa, desarrollo de habilidades, destrezas, creatividad y trabajo en equipo en la construcción de estrategias y soluciones amigables con el ambiente, por parte de cada uno de los participantes.  Como resultados de este proyecto se tiene como evidencia archivos digitales dentro de los cuales se encuentra una cartilla digital, situada en la plataforma de la ESREY, videos y entrevistas de los participantes con los que se llevaron a cabo el proyecto.

  4. Modelling and mitigation of Flash Crashes


    Fry, John; Serbera, Jean-Philippe


    The algorithmic trading revolution has had a dramatic effect upon markets. Trading has become faster, and in some ways more efficient, though potentially at the cost higher volatility and increased uncertainty. Stories of predatory trading and flash crashes constitute a new financial reality. Worryingly, highly capitalised stocks may be particularly vulnerable to flash crashes. Amid fears of high-risk technology failures in the global financial system we develop a model for flash crashes....

  5. Electro-optical muzzle flash detection (United States)

    Krieg, Jürgen; Eisele, Christian; Seiffer, Dirk


    Localizing a shooter in a complex scenario is a difficult task. Acoustic sensors can be used to detect blast waves. Radar technology permits detection of the projectile. A third method is to detect the muzzle flash using electro-optical devices. Detection of muzzle flash events is possible with focal plane arrays, line and single element detectors. In this paper, we will show that the detection of a muzzle flash works well in the shortwave infrared spectral range. Important for the acceptance of an operational warning system in daily use is a very low false alarm rate. Using data from a detector with a high sampling rate the temporal signature of a potential muzzle flash event can be analyzed and the false alarm rate can be reduced. Another important issue is the realization of an omnidirectional view required on an operational level. It will be shown that a combination of single element detectors and simple optics in an appropriate configuration is a capable solution.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    B. S. Chandravanshi

    Miscellaneous binary blends containing solvent neutral-150 (SN-150), ... viscosity, the flash point test has always been a standard part of a lubricant's specification. ... between structure and flash points of organic compounds [5-12] and fuels [13, 14]. ... in binary mixtures, the gaps between flash points would be high enough.

  7. Investigación y plan de mercadeo social para la promoción de la seguridad peatonal en vías de alta velocidad con puentes peatonales.


    Kuperstein Ackerman, Sonia; Rossel Díaz, María Zoila Matilde; Salcedo Chúmbez, María del Rosario


    La presente tesis se inicia con una preocupación sobre un problema de salud nacional, las muertes cercanas a los puentes peatonales. Esta realidad va más allá del no uso de puentes, convirtiéndose en un tema de responsabilidad y ciudadanía donde la Gerencia Social a través del mercadeo social puede aportar soluciones. El trabajo se inicia con una revisión bibliográfica vinculada a la problemática de la seguridad y el uso de puentes peatonales. Se diseñó una estrategia de invest...

  8. Higiene de manos con soluciones alcoholadas

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    José Luis Castañeda Narváez


    Full Text Available El papel de las manos en la transmisión de gérmenes durante la atención clínica diaria de los pacientes se identificó desde 1847 por Ignaz Semmelweis, cuando estableció el beneficio obtenido por el lavado de las manos y la reducción de la mortalidad materna. Desde 1928, Price dividió en dos tipos la flora de gérmenes que se encuentran en las manos: la transitoria y la residente. La flora residente corresponde a las bacterias que viven en la piel en condiciones habituales, generalmente son de baja virulencia y ocupan capas superficiales de la piel.


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    Luisa Fernanda Navarrete


    Full Text Available Se realizan lavados controlados durante diferentes periodos de tiempo, 6 y 12 horas, con soluciones diluidas de ácido sulfúrico, 2, 5 y 10%, sobre el precursor lignocelulósico cuesco de palma africana, consiguiendo reducir en más del 50% el contenido de cenizas de dicho material, en las que los componentes inorgánicos, principalmente elementos como hierro y aluminio, influyen notablemente en lareacción de gasificación con CO2 durante la activación física.Se determinan las entalpías de inmersión en las muestras con mayor grado de activación con resultados que se encuentran entre el 2 y 10 J.g-1, y se comparan con los obtenidos para carbones activados resultantes de lavar el material de partida con agua en los mismos períodos de tiempo.

  10. Flash x-ray

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, Q.; Pellinen, D.


    The complementary techniques of flash x-ray radiography (FXR) and flash x-ray diffraction (FXD) provide access to a unique domain in nondestructive materials testing. FXR is useful in studies of macroscopic properties during extremely short time intervals, and FXD, the newer technique, is used in studies of microscopic properties. Although these techniques are similar in many respects, there are some substantial differences. FXD generally requires low-voltage, line-radiation sources and extremely accurate timing; FXR is usually less demanding. Phenomena which can be profitably studied by FXR often can also be studied by FXD to permit a complete materials characterization

  11. Flash CS5.5 The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Grover, Chris


    You can build everything from simple animations to full-fledged iOS and Android apps with Flash CS5.5, but learning this complex program can be difficult-unless you have this fully updated, bestselling guide. Learn how to create gorgeous Flash effects even if you have no programming experience. With Flash CS5.5: The Missing Manual, you'll move from the basics to power-user tools with ease. Learn animation basics. Discover how to turn simple ideas into stunning animations.Master Flash's tools. Learn the animation and effects tools with clear explanations and hands-on examples.Use 3D effects. R

  12. El fraude fiscal en España. Una estimación con datos de contabilidad nacional


    Pulido Alba, Emilio José


    [ES]Análisis del fraude fiscal en España atendiendo a tres pilares fundamentales: analizar las causas, proponer soluciones y cuantificar su magnitud. Todo el estudio culmina con el núcleo de la tesis cuyo objetivo es ofrecer una magnitud del fraude fiscal en los dos impuestos que más aportan a los ingresos tributarios, el IVA y el IRPF. Pretendemos ofrecer un índice de fraude fiscal lo más real posible para cada uno de estos dos impuestos y, para ello, la metodología a utilizar se basa en...

  13. Hot Flashes amd Night Sweats (PDQ) (United States)

    ... Professionals Questions to Ask about Your Treatment Research Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (PDQ®)–Patient Version Overview ... quality of life in many patients with cancer. Hot flashes and night sweats may be side effects ...

  14. "Know What to Do If You Encounter a Flash Flood": Mental Models Analysis for Improving Flash Flood Risk Communication and Public Decision Making. (United States)

    Lazrus, Heather; Morss, Rebecca E; Demuth, Julie L; Lazo, Jeffrey K; Bostrom, Ann


    Understanding how people view flash flood risks can help improve risk communication, ultimately improving outcomes. This article analyzes data from 26 mental models interviews about flash floods with members of the public in Boulder, Colorado, to understand their perspectives on flash flood risks and mitigation. The analysis includes a comparison between public and professional perspectives by referencing a companion mental models study of Boulder-area professionals. A mental models approach can help to diagnose what people already know about flash flood risks and responses, as well as any critical gaps in their knowledge that might be addressed through improved risk communication. A few public interviewees mentioned most of the key concepts discussed by professionals as important for flash flood warning decision making. However, most interviewees exhibited some incomplete understandings and misconceptions about aspects of flash flood development and exposure, effects, or mitigation that may lead to ineffective warning decisions when a flash flood threatens. These include important misunderstandings about the rapid evolution of flash floods, the speed of water in flash floods, the locations and times that pose the greatest flash flood risk in Boulder, the value of situational awareness and environmental cues, and the most appropriate responses when a flash flood threatens. The findings point to recommendations for ways to improve risk communication, over the long term and when an event threatens, to help people quickly recognize and understand threats, obtain needed information, and make informed decisions in complex, rapidly evolving extreme weather events such as flash floods. © 2015 Society for Risk Analysis.

  15. Flash sintering of ceramic materials (United States)

    Dancer, C. E. J.


    During flash sintering, ceramic materials can sinter to high density in a matter of seconds while subjected to electric field and elevated temperature. This process, which occurs at lower furnace temperatures and in shorter times than both conventional ceramic sintering and field-assisted methods such as spark plasma sintering, has the potential to radically reduce the power consumption required for the densification of ceramic materials. This paper reviews the experimental work on flash sintering methods carried out to date, and compares the properties of the materials obtained to those produced by conventional sintering. The flash sintering process is described for oxides of zirconium, yttrium, aluminium, tin, zinc, and titanium; silicon and boron carbide, zirconium diboride, materials for solid oxide fuel applications, ferroelectric materials, and composite materials. While experimental observations have been made on a wide range of materials, understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the onset and latter stages of flash sintering is still elusive. Elements of the proposed theories to explain the observed behaviour include extensive Joule heating throughout the material causing thermal runaway, arrested by the current limitation in the power supply, and the formation of defect avalanches which rapidly and dramatically increase the sample conductivity. Undoubtedly, the flash sintering process is affected by the electric field strength, furnace temperature and current density limit, but also by microstructural features such as the presence of second phase particles or dopants and the particle size in the starting material. While further experimental work and modelling is still required to attain a full understanding capable of predicting the success of the flash sintering process in different materials, the technique non-etheless holds great potential for exceptional control of the ceramic sintering process.

  16. Remoción de níquel, cadmio y zinc del agua, utilizando clinoptilolita heulandita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thelma B. Pavón Silva


    Full Text Available Se aplica el proceso de intercambio iónico con una zeolita natural obtenida en Taxco, Guerrero, México, para la remoción de Zn, Cd y Ni de soluciones acuosas. Para este proceso, el mineral se homoionizó con cloruro de sodio y posteriormente se puso en contacto con soluciones 0.01 N de sales de nitratos de Zn, Cd y Ni, durante 8 días.

  17. Evaluation of Flash Bainite in 4130 Steel (United States)


    Technical Report ARWSB-TR-11011 Evaluation of Flash Bainite in 4130 Steel G. Vigilante M. Hespos S. Bartolucci...4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Evaluation of Flash Bainite in 4130 Steel 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT...need to be addressed, the Flash Bainite processing of 4130 steel demonstrates promise for applications needing a combination of high strength with

  18. Flash-Aware Page Replacement Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guangxia Xu


    Full Text Available Due to the limited main memory resource of consumer electronics equipped with NAND flash memory as storage device, an efficient page replacement algorithm called FAPRA is proposed for NAND flash memory in the light of its inherent characteristics. FAPRA introduces an efficient victim page selection scheme taking into account the benefit-to-cost ratio for evicting each victim page candidate and the combined recency and frequency value, as well as the erase count of the block to which each page belongs. Since the dirty victim page often contains clean data that exist in both the main memory and the NAND flash memory based storage device, FAPRA only writes the dirty data within the victim page back to the NAND flash memory based storage device in order to reduce the redundant write operations. We conduct a series of trace-driven simulations and experimental results show that our proposed FAPRA algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of page hit ratio, the number of write operations, runtime, and the degree of wear leveling.

  19. Physiologically assessed hot flashes and endothelial function among midlife women. (United States)

    Thurston, Rebecca C; Chang, Yuefang; Barinas-Mitchell, Emma; Jennings, J Richard; von Känel, Roland; Landsittel, Doug P; Matthews, Karen A


    Hot flashes are experienced by most midlife women. Emerging data indicate that they may be associated with endothelial dysfunction. No studies have tested whether hot flashes are associated with endothelial function using physiologic measures of hot flashes. We tested whether physiologically assessed hot flashes were associated with poorer endothelial function. We also considered whether age modified associations. Two hundred seventy-two nonsmoking women reporting either daily hot flashes or no hot flashes, aged 40 to 60 years, and free of clinical cardiovascular disease, underwent ambulatory physiologic hot flash and diary hot flash monitoring; a blood draw; and ultrasound measurement of brachial artery flow-mediated dilation to assess endothelial function. Associations between hot flashes and flow-mediated dilation were tested in linear regression models controlling for lumen diameter, demographics, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and estradiol. In multivariable models incorporating cardiovascular disease risk factors, significant interactions by age (P hot flashes (beta [standard error] = -2.07 [0.79], P = 0.01), and more frequent physiologic hot flashes (for each hot flash: beta [standard error] = -0.10 [0.05], P = 0.03, multivariable) were associated with lower flow-mediated dilation. Associations were not accounted for by estradiol. Associations were not observed among the older women (age 54-60 years) or for self-reported hot flash frequency, severity, or bother. Among the younger women, hot flashes explained more variance in flow-mediated dilation than standard cardiovascular disease risk factors or estradiol. Among younger midlife women, frequent hot flashes were associated with poorer endothelial function and may provide information about women's vascular status beyond cardiovascular disease risk factors and estradiol.

  20. Principles of arc flash protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirschmann, R. B.


    Recent developments in NFPA 70E, the electrical safety standards in the United States and Canada, designed to provide for a safe industrial work environment, are discussed. The emphasis in this instance is on arc explosions. Development of an arc flash protective program is discussed under various major components of an electrical safety program. These are: appropriate qualifications and training for workers, safe work practices, appropriate hazard assessment practices for any task exceeding 50V where there is the potential of an arc flash accident, flash protection equipment commensurate with the hazard associated with the task to be performed, layering in protective clothing over all body surfaces, and strict adherence to rules regarding use of safety garments and equipment.

  1. Flash flood forecasting, warning and risk management: the HYDRATE project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borga, M.; Anagnostou, E.N.; Bloeschl, G.; Creutin, J.-D.


    Highlights: → We characterize flash flood events in various regions of Europe. → We provide guidance to improve observations and monitoring of flash floods. → Flash floods are associated to orography and are influenced by initial soil moisture conditions. → Models for flash flood forecasting and flash flood hazard assessment are illustrated and discussed. → We examine implications for flood risk policy and discuss recommendations received from end users. - Abstract: The management of flash flood hazards and risks is a critical component of public safety and quality of life. Flash-floods develop at space and time scales that conventional observation systems are not able to monitor for rainfall and river discharge. Consequently, the atmospheric and hydrological generating mechanisms of flash-floods are poorly understood, leading to highly uncertain forecasts of these events. The objective of the HYDRATE project has been to improve the scientific basis of flash flood forecasting by advancing and harmonising a European-wide innovative flash flood observation strategy and developing a coherent set of technologies and tools for effective early warning systems. To this end, the project included actions on the organization of the existing flash flood data patrimony across Europe. The final aim of HYDRATE was to enhance the capability of flash flood forecasting in ungauged basins by exploiting the extended availability of flash flood data and the improved process understanding. This paper provides a review of the work conducted in HYDRATE with a special emphasis on how this body of research can contribute to guide the policy-life cycle concerning flash flood risk management.

  2. Geographical distribution of hot flash frequencies: considering climatic influences. (United States)

    Sievert, Lynnette Leidy; Flanagan, Erin K


    Laboratory studies suggest that hot flashes are triggered by small elevations in core body temperature acting within a reduced thermoneutral zone, i.e., the temperature range in which a woman neither shivers nor sweats. In the present study, it was hypothesized that women in different populations develop climate-specific thermoneutral zones, and ultimately, population-specific frequencies of hot flashes at menopause. Correlations were predicted between hot flash frequencies and latitude, elevation, and annual temperatures. Data on hot flash frequencies were drawn from 54 studies. Pearson correlation analyses and simple linear regressions were applied, first using all studies, and second using a subset of studies that included participants only to age 60 (n = 36). Regressions were repeated with all studies, controlling for method of hot flash assessment. When analyses were restricted to studies that included women up to age 60, average temperature of the coldest month was a significant predictor of hot flash frequency (P hottest and coldest temperatures was also a significant predictor (P coldest month, difference between hottest and coldest temperatures, and mean annual temperature were significant predictors of hot flash frequency. Women reported fewer hot flashes in warmer temperatures, and more hot flashes with increasing seasonality. These results suggest that acclimatization to coldest temperatures or sensitivity to seasonality may explain part of the population variation in hot flash frequency.

  3. Organic flash cycles for efficient power production (United States)

    Ho, Tony; Mao, Samuel S.; Greif, Ralph


    This disclosure provides systems, methods, and apparatus related to an Organic Flash Cycle (OFC). In one aspect, a modified OFC system includes a pump, a heat exchanger, a flash evaporator, a high pressure turbine, a throttling valve, a mixer, a low pressure turbine, and a condenser. The heat exchanger is coupled to an outlet of the pump. The flash evaporator is coupled to an outlet of the heat exchanger. The high pressure turbine is coupled to a vapor outlet of the flash evaporator. The throttling valve is coupled to a liquid outlet of the flash evaporator. The mixer is coupled to an outlet of the throttling valve and to an outlet of the high pressure turbine. The low pressure turbine is coupled to an outlet of the mixer. The condenser is coupled to an outlet of the low pressure turbine and to an inlet of the pump.

  4. Estudio del efecto de la fuerza iónica en la adsorción de fenol con arcillas organofílicas: Equilibrio y cinética


    Sun-Kou, María del Rosario; Lazo, José Carlos


    Se estudió el efecto de la fuerza iónica en el proceso de adsorción de fenol con arcillas organofilicas así como la cinética de reacción. Para el estudio de la fuerza iónica se evaluó la capacidad de adsorción de fenol de tres arcillas organofilicas, -preparadas por intercambio catiónico con sales de amonio cuaternario- en presencia de NaCI en soluciones cuya concentración de fenol varió en el rango de 50-800 ppm y la proporción de sal fue 2, 12 y 20% (w/v), respectivamente. Todas las arcilla...

  5. Construction and performance of large flash chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, F.E.; Bogert, D.; Fisk, R.; Stutte, L.; Walker, J.K.; Wolfson, J.; Abolins, M.; Ernwein, J.; Owen, D.; Lyons, T.


    The construction and performance of 12' x 12' flash chambers used in a 340 ton neutrino detector under construction at Fermilab is described. The flash chambers supply digital information with a spatial resolution of 0.2'', and are used to finely sample the shower development of the reaction products of neutrino interactions. The flash chambers are easy and inexpensive to build and are electronically read out

  6. Non Volatile Flash Memory Radiation Tests (United States)

    Irom, Farokh; Nguyen, Duc N.; Allen, Greg


    Commercial flash memory industry has experienced a fast growth in the recent years, because of their wide spread usage in cell phones, mp3 players and digital cameras. On the other hand, there has been increased interest in the use of high density commercial nonvolatile flash memories in space because of ever increasing data requirements and strict power requirements. Because of flash memories complex structure; they cannot be treated as just simple memories in regards to testing and analysis. It becomes quite challenging to determine how they will respond in radiation environments.

  7. Solution to the problem of optimum power flows with restrictions of safety by a modified particle optimizer; Solucion del problema de flujos de potencia optimo con restricciones de seguridad por un optimizador de particulas modificado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onarte Yumbla, Pablo Enrique


    de las unidades de generacion para satisfacer la demanda del sistema al minimo costo de produccion, mientras se satisface un conjunto de restricciones operativas de las unidades de generacion y de los sistemas de potencia, a traves del ajuste de las variables de control. Hoy en dia los sistemas de transmision son considerados como una compania independiente, la cual proporciona acceso a todos los participantes. Un esquema de precios debe compensar a las companias de transmision de una manera justa por proveer los servicios de transmision y asignar los costos totales de transmision entre todos los usuarios de la red de transporte. En este trabajo, se emplea un esquema de precios basado en el metodo de rastreo para determinar la contribucion real de los generadores en cada una de las lineas de transmision. Ademas los sistemas de potencia deben ser capaces de resistir la perdida de un componente (ej. lineas, transformadores, generadores), sin poner en peligro el sistema, garantizando su seguridad. Este problema se conoce como flujos de potencia optimo con restricciones de seguridad (FPO-RS). Ademas restricciones como tiempos minimos de encendido y apagado, velocidades de cambio de generacion, perfiles de voltaje y restricciones de estabilidad transitoria son incluidas al problema de FPO-RS. Se propone utilizar un optimizador por enjambre de particulas con operadores de reconstruccion como herramienta de optimizacion para solucionar el problema propuesto. La metodologia propuesta utiliza los operadores de reconstruccion y terminos de penalizacion dinamicos para manejar las restricciones del problema planteado. La utilizacion de los operadores de reconstruccion permite incrementar el numero de particulas (posibles soluciones) que se encuentran dentro de la zona factible de busqueda, lo que reduce el tiempo de computo y mejora la calidad de la solucion encontrada.

  8. Production of bio-oils from wood by flash pyrolysis; Herstellung von Bio-Oelen aus Holz in einer Flash-Pyrolyseanlage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, D; Ollesch, T [Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Holzchemie und Chemische Technologie des Holzes; Gerdes, C; Kaminsky, W [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie (ITMCh)


    Flash pyrolysis is a medium-temperature process (around 475 C) in which biomass is heated up rapidly in the absence of oxygen. The pyrolysis products are cooled down rapidly, condensing into a reddish-brown liquid with around half the calorific value of a conventional heating oil. In contrast to conventional charcoal production, flash pyrolysis is a modern process whose process parameters enure high liquid yields. Modern fluidized-bed reactors for flash pyrolysis of biomass tend to have high heating rates and short times of residue. In the `Hamburg process`, fluidized-bed reactors are used successfully for pyrolysis of plastics. A flash pyrolysis plant for biomass treatment was constructed in cooperation with Hamburg University with funds provided by the `Bundesstiftung Umwelt`. This contribution describes the first series of experiments, mass balances and oil analyses using beech wood as material to be pyrolyzed. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Flash-Pyrolyse ist ein Mitteltemperatur-Prozess (ca. 475 C), in dem Biomasse unter Sauerstoffausschluss sehr schnell erhitzt wird. Die entstehenden Pyrolyseprodukte werden schnell abgekuehlt und kondensieren zu einer roetlich-braunen Fluessigkeit, die etwa die Haelfte des Heizwertes eines konventionellen Heizoeles besitzt. Flash-Pyrolyse ist, im Gegensatz zur konventionellen Holzverkohlung, ein modernes Verfahren, dessen spezielle Verfahrensparameter hohe Fluessigausbeuten ermoeglichen. Hohe Aufheizraten, verbunden mit kurzen Verweilzeiten, werden mit stationaeren Wirbelbettreaktoren erzielt die gegenwaertig vorwiegend fuer die Flash-Pyrolyse von Biomasse eingesetzt werden. Im `Hamburger Verfahren` haben sich Wirbelbettreaktoren im Bereich der Kunststoffpyrolyse bewaehrt. Daher wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universitaet Hamburg und finanzieller Foerderung der Bundesstiftung Umwelt eine Flash-Pyrolyseanlage fuer Biomasse gebaut: In dieser Arbeit werden erste Versuchsreihen, Massenbilanzen und Oelanalysen aus der Pyrolyse von

  9. Theory of optical flashes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    London, R.A.


    The theory of optical flashes created by x- and γ-ray burst heating of stars in binaries is reviewed. Calculations of spectra due to steady-state x-ray reprocessing and estimates of the fundamental time scales for the non-steady case are discussed. The results are applied to the extant optical data from x-ray and γ-ray bursters. Finally, I review predictions of flashes from γ-ray bursters detectable by a state of the art all-sky optical monitor

  10. The Evolution and Structure of Extreme Optical Lightning Flashes. (United States)

    Peterson, Michael; Rudlosky, Scott; Deierling, Wiebke


    This study documents the composition, morphology, and motion of extreme optical lightning flashes observed by the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). The furthest separation of LIS events (groups) in any flash is 135 km (89 km), the flash with the largest footprint had an illuminated area of 10,604 km 2 , and the most dendritic flash has 234 visible branches. The longest-duration convective LIS flash lasted 28 s and is overgrouped and not physical. The longest-duration convective-to-stratiform propagating flash lasted 7.4 s, while the longest-duration entirely stratiform flash lasted 4.3 s. The longest series of nearly consecutive groups in time lasted 242 ms. The most radiant recorded LIS group (i.e., "superbolt") is 735 times more radiant than the average group. Factors that impact these optical measures of flash morphology and evolution are discussed. While it is apparent that LIS can record the horizontal development of the lightning channel in some cases, radiative transfer within the cloud limits the flash extent and level of detail measured from orbit. These analyses nonetheless suggest that lightning imagers such as LIS and Geostationary Lightning Mapper can complement ground-based lightning locating systems for studying physical lightning phenomena across large geospatial domains.

  11. Timing in a FLASH (United States)

    Hoek, M.; Cardinali, M.; Corell, O.; Dickescheid, M.; Ferretti B., M. I.; Lauth, W.; Schlimme, B. S.; Sfienti, C.; Thiel, M.


    A prototype detector, called FLASH (Fast Light Acquiring Start Hodoscope), was built to provide precise Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurements and reference timestamps for detector setups at external beam lines. Radiator bars, made of synthetic fused silica, were coupled to a fast MCP-PMT with 64 channels and read out with custom electronics using Time-over-Threshold (TOT) for signal characterization. The TRB3 system, a high-precision TDC implemented in an FPGA, was used as data acquisition system. The performance of a system consisting of two FLASH units was investigated at a dedicated test experiment at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) accelerator using its 855 MeV electron beam. The TOT measurement enabled time walk corrections and an overall TOF resolution of ∼70 ps could be achieved which translates into a resolution of ∼50 ps per FLASH unit. The intrinsic resolution of the frontend electronics including the TDC was measured to be less than 25 ps.

  12. Estudio del comportamiento de zapatas de medianería con viga centradora mediante modelos de elementos finitos


    Galletero Montero, Pablo; Fernandez Gomez, Jaime Antonio; Perepérez Ventura, Bernardo


    Investigación sobre el cálculo de zapatas de medianería utilizando métodos no convencionales. Las dos soluciones más empleadas en edificación para el problema de las cimentaciones de medianería son la utilización de una viga centradora que conecta la zapata de medianería con la zapata del pilar interior más próximo y la colaboración de la viga de la primera planta trabajando como tirante. Los modelos convencionales existentes para el cálculo de este tipo de cimentaciones presentan una serie d...

  13. A Comparative Study of Reduced-Variables-Based Flash and Conventional Flash

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yan, Wei; Stenby, Erling Halfdan; Michelsen, Michael Locht


    ) with zero binary-interaction parameters (BIPs) and later generalized to situations with nonzero-BIP matrices. Most of the studies in the last decade suggest that the reduced-variables methods are much more efficient than the conventional flash method. However, Haugen and Beckner (2011) questioned...... with the conventional minimization-based flash. A test with the use of the SPE 3 example (Kenyon and Behie 1987) showed that the best reduction in time was less than 20% for the extreme situation of 25 components and just one row/column with nonzero BIPs. A better performance can be achieved by a simpler implementation...... directly using the sparsity of the BIP matrix....

  14. An unusual characteristic "flower-like" pattern: flash suppressor burns. (United States)

    Gurcan, Altun


    The case on contact shots from firearms with a flash suppressor is rare. When a rifle fitted with a flash suppressor is fired, the emerging soot-laden gas in the barrel escapes from the slits of the flash suppressor. If the shot is contact or near contact, the flash suppressor will produce a characteristic "flower-like" pattern of seared, blackened zones around the entrance. This paper presents the injury pattern of the flash suppressor in a 29-year-old man who committed suicide with a G3 automatic infantry rifle.

  15. Flash memory in embedded Java programs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsholm, Stephan Erbs

    This paper introduces a Java execution environment with the capability for storing constant heap data in Flash, thus saving valuable RAM. The extension is motivated by the structure of three industrial applications which demonstrate the need for storing constant data in Flash on small embedded...

  16. Simetría y nuevas soluciones de la ecuación de vibraciones de una viga elástica Symmetry and new solutions of the equation for vibrations of an elastic beam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José R. Álvarez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudia la “no Lie” simetría de la ecuación de viga, se construyen todos los operadores de simetría diferenciales lineales, hasta tercer orden. Se constata que el problema de resolución de dicha ecuación se reduce a la búsqueda de soluciones de dos ecuaciones de Kolmogorov. Se despejan varias clases de soluciones de la ecuación, particularmente las que verifican la ley de conservación de la velocidad areolar inicial y las que verifican la ley de conservación de elasticidad inicial. Se ilustra la equivalencia entre el problema de Cauchy y la existencia de una simetría específica. Se encuentra el paralelismo sorprendente que existe entre la ecuación de viga y la ecuación de onda. Aplicando el “método Ansatz” se construye una amplia familia de nuevas soluciones exactas que incluye particularmente las que describen la propagación de ondas con amortiguamiento. Todos los resultados del artículo son nuevos, los pocos resultados conocidos en la literatura son siempre mencionados.In this short paper it is studied the “not Lie” symmetry of the beam equation. All operators of symmetry linear differential until third order are constructed. It is noted that the resolution of this equation reduces to finding solutions of two Kolmogorov equations. Several class of new solutions of the beam equation are found, particularly those that verify the law of conservation of the initial areolar speed and other that verify the law of conservation of the initial elasticity. It is showed the equivalence between the solution of the problem Cauchy and the existence of a specific symmetry. It is found a parallelism between the beam equation and the wave equation. Using the Ansatz method a wide new family of exact solutions is built. This family includes particularly the solutions which describe the propagation of damped waves. All results of this paper are new.

  17. Critical flashing flows in nozzles with subcooled inlet conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abuaf, N.; Jones, O.C. Jr.; Wu, B.J.C.


    Examination of a large number of experiments dealing with flashing flows in converging and converging-diverging nozzles reveals that knowledge of the flashing inception point is the key to the prediction of critical flow rates. An extension of the static flashing inception correlation of Jones [16] and Alamgir and Lienhard [17] to flowing systems has allowed the determination of the location of flashing inception in nozzle flows with subcooled inlet conditions. It is shown that in all the experiments examined with subcooled inlet regardless of the degree of inlet subcooling, flashing inception invariably occurred very close to the throat. A correlation is given to predict flashing inception in both pipes and nozzles which matches all data available, but is lacking verification in intermediate nozzle geometries where turbulence may be important. A consequence of this behavior is that the critical mass flux may be correlated to the pressure difference between the nozzle inlet and flashing inception, through a single phase liquid discharge coefficient and an accurate prediction of the flashing inception pressure at the throat. Comparison with the available experiments indicate that the predicted mass fluxes are within 5 percent of the measurements

  18. Frequency and seasonality of flash floods in Slovenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trobec Tajan


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to assess and analyse the dynamics of flash flooding events in Slovenia. The paper examines in particular the frequency of flash floods and their seasonal distribution. The methodology is based on the analysis of historical records and modern flood data. The results of a long-term frequency analysis of 138 flash floods that occurred between 1550 and 2015 are presented. Because of the lack of adequate historical flood data prior to 1950 the main analysis is based on data for the periodbetween1951 and2015, while the analysis of data for the period between1550 and1950 is added as a supplement to the main analysis. Analysis of data for the period after 1950 shows that on average 1.3 flash floods occur each year in Slovenia. The linear trend for the number of flash floods is increasing but is not statistically significant. Despite the fact that the majority of Slovenian rivers have one of the peaks in spring and one of the lows in summer, 90% of flash floods actually occur during meteorological summer or autumn - i.e. between June and November, which shows that discharge regimes and flood regimes are not necessarily related. Because of the lack of flood records from the more distant past as well as the large variability of flash flood events in the last several decades, we cannot provide a definitive answer to the question about possible changes in their frequency and seasonality by relying solely on the detected trends. Nevertheless, considering the results of analysis and future climate change scenarios the frequency of flash floods in Slovenia could increase while the period of flash flood occurrence could be extended.

  19. Propiedades y durabilidad del cemento con adición de metacaolín: mortero y hormigón


    Abbas, Rafik; Abo-El-Enein, Salah A.; Ezzat, El-Sayed


    En este trabajo se estudia el efecto del metacaolín sobre las prestaciones del hormigón. Las probetas curadas a 360 y 90 días se sometieron a ensayos de resistencia a compresión y de tracción indirecta respectivamente. Se hizo un seguimiento de la resistencia a la compresión de los materiales ante el ataque de sales (soluciones de cloruro y de sulfato-cloruro) y, se midió la penetración de cloruros y la capacidad de los hormigones de inmovilizar estos iones. Los resultados se compararon con l...

  20. Causas de alteración y métodos de conservación aplicables a los monumentos hechos con piedra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cabrera Garrido, José M.


    Full Text Available Con motivo del Curso de Estudios Mayores de la Construcción "CEMCO-79'' dedicado a la Patología de la Construcción, que se ha celebrado en el Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento, y al que han asistido diversos ingenieros y arquitectos iberoamericanos, el Dr. José M. Cabrera Garrido pronunció tres conferencias que versaron sobre: Los defectos y protección en las obras de piedra; ''Alteraciones de las piedras en los monumentos'', y ''Procedimientos para la conservación de monumentos''. Con estas tres conferencias el Dr. Cabrera ha pretendido dar una panorámica general de los problemas y soluciones actuales en la conservación de las esculturas líticas en los exteriores de nuestros Monumentos.

  1. Spatial-temporal characteristics of lightning flash size in a supercell storm (United States)

    Zhang, Zhixiao; Zheng, Dong; Zhang, Yijun; Lu, Gaopeng


    The flash sizes of a supercell storm, in New Mexico on October 5, 2004, are studied using the observations from the New Mexico Lightning Mapping Array and the Albuquerque, New Mexico, Doppler radar (KABX). First, during the temporal evolution of the supercell, the mean flash size is anti-correlated with the flash rate, following a unary power function, with a correlation coefficient of - 0.87. In addition, the mean flash size is linearly correlated with the area of reflectivity > 30 dBZ at 5 km normalized by the flash rate, with a correlation coefficient of 0.88. Second, in the horizontal, flash size increases along the direction from the region near the convection zone to the adjacent forward anvil. The region of minimum flash size usually corresponds to the region of maximum flash initiation and extent density. The horizontal correspondence between the mean flash size and the flash extent density can also be fitted by a unary power function, and the correlation coefficient is > 0.5 in 50% of the radar volume scans. Furthermore, the quality of fit is positively correlated to the convective intensity. Third, in the vertical direction, the height of the maximum flash initiation density is close to the height of maximum flash extent density, but corresponds to the height where the mean flash size is relatively small. In the discussion, the distribution of the small and dense charge regions when and where convection is vigorous in the storm, is deduced to be responsible for the relationship that flash size is temporally and spatially anti-correlated with flash rate and density, and the convective intensity.

  2. Menopausal Hot Flashes and Carotid Intima Media Thickness Among Midlife Women. (United States)

    Thurston, Rebecca C; Chang, Yuefang; Barinas-Mitchell, Emma; Jennings, J Richard; Landsittel, Doug P; Santoro, Nanette; von Känel, Roland; Matthews, Karen A


    There has been a longstanding interest in the role of menopause and its correlates in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. Menopausal hot flashes are experienced by most midlife women; emerging data link hot flashes to CVD risk indicators. We tested whether hot flashes, measured via state-of-the-art physiologic methods, were associated with greater subclinical atherosclerosis as assessed by carotid ultrasound. We considered the role of CVD risk factors and estradiol concentrations in these associations. A total of 295 nonsmoking women free of clinical CVD underwent ambulatory physiologic hot flash assessments; a blood draw; and carotid ultrasound measurement of intima media thickness and plaque. Associations between hot flashes and subclinical atherosclerosis were tested in regression models controlling for CVD risk factors and estradiol. More frequent physiologic hot flashes were associated with higher carotid intima media thickness (for each additional hot flash: β [SE]=0.004 [0.001]; P=0.0001; reported hot flash: β [SE]=0.008 [0.002]; P=0.002, multivariable) and plaque (eg, for each additional hot flash, odds ratio [95% confidence interval] plaque index ≥2=1.07 [1.003-1.14]; P=0.04, relative to no plaque, multivariable] among women reporting daily hot flashes; associations were not accounted for by CVD risk factors or by estradiol. Among women reporting hot flashes, hot flashes accounted for more variance in intima media thickness than most CVD risk factors. Among women reporting daily hot flashes, frequent hot flashes may provide information about a woman's vascular status beyond standard CVD risk factors and estradiol. Frequent hot flashes may mark a vulnerable vascular phenotype among midlife women. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  3. Flood hazard assessment in areas prone to flash flooding (United States)

    Kvočka, Davor; Falconer, Roger A.; Bray, Michaela


    Contemporary climate projections suggest that there will be an increase in the occurrence of high-intensity rainfall events in the future. These precipitation extremes are usually the main cause for the emergence of extreme flooding, such as flash flooding. Flash floods are among the most unpredictable, violent and fatal natural hazards in the world. Furthermore, it is expected that flash flooding will occur even more frequently in the future due to more frequent development of extreme weather events, which will greatly increase the danger to people caused by flash flooding. This being the case, there will be a need for high resolution flood hazard maps in areas susceptible to flash flooding. This study investigates what type of flood hazard assessment methods should be used for assessing the flood hazard to people caused by flash flooding. Two different types of flood hazard assessment methods were tested: (i) a widely used method based on an empirical analysis, and (ii) a new, physically based and experimentally calibrated method. Two flash flood events were considered herein, namely: the 2004 Boscastle flash flood and the 2007 Železniki flash flood. The results obtained in this study suggest that in the areas susceptible to extreme flooding, the flood hazard assessment should be conducted using methods based on a mechanics-based analysis. In comparison to standard flood hazard assessment methods, these physically based methods: (i) take into account all of the physical forces, which act on a human body in floodwater, (ii) successfully adapt to abrupt changes in the flow regime, which often occur for flash flood events, and (iii) rapidly assess a flood hazard index in a relatively short period of time.

  4. Eliminación de cromo de efluentes ácidos, mediante adsorción con wollastonita natural


    Martín Antonio Encinas Romero; Luis Alberto Núñez Rodríguez; Agustín Gómez Álvarez; Guillermo Del Carmen Tiburcio Munive


    El presente trabajo evalúa las características de la remoción de cromo con wollastonita natural a partir de soluciones sintéticas de cromo (VI) en medio ácido. Para realizar este estudio se desarrolló un diseño factorial 23 en el cual se estudiaron los factores: relación sólido/líquido, concentración de cromo en solución y temperatura. Se analizó el efecto de los factores principales y sus interacciones sobre el porcentaje de remoción de cromo mediante análisis gráficos. Asimismo, se desarr...

  5. Flash memory management system and method utilizing multiple block list windows (United States)

    Chow, James (Inventor); Gender, Thomas K. (Inventor)


    The present invention provides a flash memory management system and method with increased performance. The flash memory management system provides the ability to efficiently manage and allocate flash memory use in a way that improves reliability and longevity, while maintaining good performance levels. The flash memory management system includes a free block mechanism, a disk maintenance mechanism, and a bad block detection mechanism. The free block mechanism provides efficient sorting of free blocks to facilitate selecting low use blocks for writing. The disk maintenance mechanism provides for the ability to efficiently clean flash memory blocks during processor idle times. The bad block detection mechanism provides the ability to better detect when a block of flash memory is likely to go bad. The flash status mechanism stores information in fast access memory that describes the content and status of the data in the flash disk. The new bank detection mechanism provides the ability to automatically detect when new banks of flash memory are added to the system. Together, these mechanisms provide a flash memory management system that can improve the operational efficiency of systems that utilize flash memory.

  6. uFlip: Understanding Flash IO Patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bouganim, Luc; Jonsson, Bjørn; Bonnet, Philippe


    want to establish what kind of IOs should be favored (or avoided) when designing algorithms and architectures for flash-based systems. In this paper, we focus on flash IO patterns, that capture relevant distribution of IOs in time and space, and our goal is to quantify their performance. We define uFLIP...

  7. Exploring Branded Flash Mobs : A study of the impact of branded flash mobs on consumer behavior and consumer experience


    Grant, Philip


    The desire of every marketer is to develop and maintain strong customer relationships. One way this can be accomplished is through effective advertising. Marketers have recently begun to brand flash mobs as a way to effectuate strong brand relationships. Even so, it is unclear whether or not the branding of flash mobs supports or frustrates this pursuit. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to help marketers understand the potential impact that branded flash mobs may have on consumer behavio...

  8. Automated Studies of Continuing Current in Lightning Flashes (United States)

    Martinez-Claros, Jose

    Continuing current (CC) is a continuous luminosity in the lightning channel that lasts longer than 10 ms following a lightning return stroke to ground. Lightning flashes following CC are associated with direct damage to power lines and are thought to be responsible for causing lightning-induced forest fires. The development of an algorithm that automates continuing current detection by combining NLDN (National Lightning Detection Network) and LEFA (Langmuir Electric Field Array) datasets for CG flashes will be discussed. The algorithm was applied to thousands of cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes within 40 km of Langmuir Lab, New Mexico measured during the 2013 monsoon season. It counts the number of flashes in a single minute of data and the number of return strokes of an individual lightning flash; records the time and location of each return stroke; performs peak analysis on E-field data, and uses the slope of interstroke interval (ISI) E-field data fits to recognize whether continuing current (CC) exists within the interval. Following CC detection, duration and magnitude are measured. The longest observed C in 5588 flashes was 631 ms. The performance of the algorithm (vs. human judgement) was checked on 100 flashes. At best, the reported algorithm is "correct" 80% of the time, where correct means that multiple stations agree with each other and with a human on both the presence and duration of CC. Of the 100 flashes that were validated against human judgement, 62% were hybrid. Automated analysis detects the first but misses the second return stroke in many cases where the second return stroke is followed by long CC. This problem is also present in human interpretation of field change records.

  9. Foundation Flash Cartoon Animation

    CERN Document Server

    Jones, Tim; Rosson, Allan S


    One of Flash s most common uses is still animation for cartoons, games, advertising etc, and this book takes a fresh look at the topic, breaking it down pre-production, production, and post production, and looking at each section in detail, and covering topics such as storyboarding, character libraries and camera mechanics like no Flash book has before. The book is written by members of the Emmy award winning ANIMAX team, who have created work for clients such as Disney, AOL, Fox, WWE, ESPN, and Sesame workshop. This book is an opportunity for them to share their secrets, and is written to sui

  10. Weak positive cloud-to-ground flashes in Northeastern Colorado (United States)

    Lopez, Raul E.; Maier, Michael W.; Garcia-Miguel, Juan A.; Holle, Ronald L.


    The frequency distributions of the peak magnetic field associated with the first detected return stroke of positive and negative cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes were studied using lightning data from northeastern Colorado. These data were obtained during 1985 with a medium-to-high gain network of three direction finders (DF's). The median signal strength of positive flashes was almost two times that of the negatives for flashes within 300 km of the DF's, which have an inherent detection-threshold bias that tends to discriminate against weak signals. This bias increases with range, and affects the detection of positive and negative flashes in different ways, because of the differing character of their distributions. Positive flashes appear to have a large percentage of signals clustered around very weak values that are lost to the medium-to-high gain Colorado Detection System very quickly with increasing range. The resulting median for positive signals could thus appear to be much larger than the median for negative signals, which are more clustered around intermediate values. When only flashes very close to the DF's are considered, however, the two distributions have almost identical medians. The large percentage of weak positive signals detected close to the DF's has not been explored previously. They have been suggested to come from intracloud discharges and thus are improperly classified as CG flashes. Evidence in hand, points to their being real positive, albeit weak CG flashes. Whether or not they are real positive ground flashes, it is important to be aware of their presence in data from magnetic DF networks.

  11. Flash hydropyrolysis of bituminous coal . III. Research on flash hydropyrolysis tar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dong, M.; Zhu, Z.; He, Y.; Ding, N.; Tang, L. [East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai (China)


    Tar sample obtained by flash hydropyrolysis (FHP) from Dongshen coal at high pressure entrained reactor was investigated. An effect of flash hydropyrolysis temperature on the main components in tar was studied and the quality of the tar was compared with high temperature coke oven tar. The results showed that: the yields of liquid hydrocarbon in FHP tar were more than 15%, which is twofold of that in coke oven tar; the FHP tar has high oil fraction and low pitch; high phenol components and pure condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and low aliphatic hydrocarbon. The components of the FHP tar were simpler than that of high temperature coke oven tar. Therefore, FHP has improved the quantity and quality of tar. 11 refs., 3 figs., 5 tabs.

  12. Improving Flash Flood Prediction in Multiple Environments (United States)

    Broxton, P. D.; Troch, P. A.; Schaffner, M.; Unkrich, C.; Goodrich, D.; Wagener, T.; Yatheendradas, S.


    Flash flooding is a major concern in many fast responding headwater catchments . There are many efforts to model and to predict these flood events, though it is not currently possible to adequately predict the nature of flash flood events with a single model, and furthermore, many of these efforts do not even consider snow, which can, by itself, or in combination with rainfall events, cause destructive floods. The current research is aimed at broadening the applicability of flash flood modeling. Specifically, we will take a state of the art flash flood model that is designed to work with warm season precipitation in arid environments, the KINematic runoff and EROSion model (KINEROS2), and combine it with a continuous subsurface flow model and an energy balance snow model. This should improve its predictive capacity in humid environments where lateral subsurface flow significantly contributes to streamflow, and it will make possible the prediction of flooding events that involve rain-on-snow or rapid snowmelt. By modeling changes in the hydrologic state of a catchment before a flood begins, we can also better understand the factors or combination of factors that are necessary to produce large floods. Broadening the applicability of an already state of the art flash flood model, such as KINEROS2, is logical because flash floods can occur in all types of environments, and it may lead to better predictions, which are necessary to preserve life and property.

  13. Flash flood modelling for ungauged catchments (United States)

    Garambois, P.-A.; Roux, H.; Larnier, K.; Dartus, D.


    Flash flood is a very intense and quick hydrologic response of a catchment to rainfall. This phenomenon has a high spatial-temporal variability as its generating storm, often hitting small catchments (few km2). Data collected by (Gaume et al. 2009) about 500 flash floods over the last 50 years showed that they could occur everywhere in Europe and more often in the Mediterranean regions, Alpine regions and continental Europe. Given the small spatial-temporal scales and high variability of flash floods, their prediction remains a hard exercise as the necessary data are often scarce. Flash flood prediction on ungauged catchments is one of the challenges of hydrological modelling as defined by (Sivapalan et al. 2003). Several studies have been headed up with the MARINE model (Modélisation de l'Anticipation du Ruissellement et des Inondations pour des évèNements Extrêmes) for the Gard region (France), (Roux et al. 2011), (Castaings et al. 2009). This physically based spatially distributed rainfall runoff model is dedicated to flash flood prediction. The study aims at finding a methodology for flash flood prediction at ungauged locations in the Cévennes-Vivarais region in particular. The regionalization method is based on multiple calibrations on gauged catchments in order to extract model structures (model + parameter values) for each catchment. Several mathematical methods (multiple regressions, transfer functions, krigging…) will then be tested to calculate a regional parameter set. The study also investigates the usability of additional hydrologic indices at different time scales to constrain model predictions from parameters obtained using these indices, and this independently of the model considered. These hydrologic indices gather information on hydrograph shape or catchment dynamic for instance. Results explaining global catchments behaviour are expected that way. The spatial-temporal variability of storms is also described through indices and linked with

  14. Flashing light in microalgae biotechnology. (United States)

    Abu-Ghosh, Said; Fixler, Dror; Dubinsky, Zvy; Iluz, David


    Flashing light can enhance photosynthesis and improve the quality and quantity of microalgal biomass, as it can increase the products of interest by magnitudes. Therefore, the integration of flashing light effect into microalgal cultivation systems should be considered. However, microalgae require a balanced mix of the light/dark cycle for higher growth rates, and respond to light intensity differently according to the pigments acquired or lost during the growth. This review highlights recently published results on flashing light effect on microalgae and its applications in biotechnology, as well as the recently developed bioreactors designed to fulfill this effect. It also discusses how this knowledge can be applied in selecting the optimal light frequencies and intensities with specific technical properties for increasing biomass production and/or the yield of the chemicals of interest by microalgae belonging to different genera. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. An unusual characteristic “flower-like” pattern: flash suppressor burns


    Gurcan, Altun


    The case on contact shots from firearms with a flash suppressor is rare. When a rifle fitted with a flash suppressor is fired, the emerging soot-laden gas in the barrel escapes from the slits of the flash suppressor. If the shot is contact or near contact, the flash suppressor will produce a characteristic “flower-like” pattern of seared, blackened zones around the entrance. This paper presents the injury pattern of the flash suppressor in a 29-year-old man who committed suicide with a G3 aut...

  16. An unusual characteristic “flower-like” pattern: flash suppressor burns (United States)

    Gurcan, Altun


    The case on contact shots from firearms with a flash suppressor is rare. When a rifle fitted with a flash suppressor is fired, the emerging soot-laden gas in the barrel escapes from the slits of the flash suppressor. If the shot is contact or near contact, the flash suppressor will produce a characteristic “flower-like” pattern of seared, blackened zones around the entrance. This paper presents the injury pattern of the flash suppressor in a 29-year-old man who committed suicide with a G3 automatic infantry rifle. PMID:23935280

  17. Replacing HDDs with Solid-State Flash Disks in PXIbus-Based Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Z W; Zeng, L


    New security features, constantly decreasing prices, solid-state Flash disks are becoming a popular alternative for replacing failure-prone mechanical Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) in PXIbus-based military systems. The key component in high-capacity solid-state Flash disks is NAND Flash, but with a specification that shows only 100,000-300,000 write/erase cycles, engineers may be concerned that the lifetime of Flash disks cannot meet their application requirements. With the right Flash management, Flash disks are able to provide the reliability and endurance that military applications need

  18. NELIOTA: First temperature measurement of lunar impact flashes (United States)

    Bonanos, A. Z.; Avdellidou, C.; Liakos, A.; Xilouris, E. M.; Dapergolas, A.; Koschny, D.; Bellas-Velidis, I.; Boumis, P.; Charmandaris, V.; Fytsilis, A.; Maroussis, A.


    We report the first scientific results from the NELIOTA (NEO Lunar Impacts and Optical TrAnsients) project, which has recently begun lunar monitoring observations with the 1.2-m Kryoneri telescope. NELIOTA aims to detect faint impact flashes produced by near-Earth meteoroids and asteroids and thereby help constrain the size-frequency distribution of near-Earth objects in the decimeter to meter range. The NELIOTA setup, consisting of two fast-frame cameras observing simultaneously in the R and I bands, enables - for the first time - direct analytical calculation of the flash temperatures. We present the first ten flashes detected, for which we find temperatures in the range 1600 to 3100 K, in agreement with theoretical values. Two of these flashes were detected on multiple frames in both filters and therefore yield the first measurements of the temperature drop for lunar flashes. In addition, we compute the impactor masses, which range between 100 g and 50 kg.

  19. Cardiac autonomic function and hot flashes among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. (United States)

    Gibson, Carolyn J; Mendes, Wendy Berry; Schembri, Michael; Grady, Deborah; Huang, Alison J


    Abnormalities in autonomic function are posited to play a pathophysiologic role in menopausal hot flashes. We examined relationships between resting cardiac autonomic activity and hot flashes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Autonomic function was assessed at baseline and 12 weeks among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women (n = 121, mean age 53 years) in a randomized trial of slow-paced respiration for hot flashes. Pre-ejection period (PEP), a marker of sympathetic activation, was measured with impedance cardiography. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), a marker of parasympathetic activation, was measured with electrocardiography. Participants self-reported hot flash frequency and severity in 7-day symptom diaries. Analysis of covariance models were used to relate autonomic function and hot flash frequency and severity at baseline, and to relate changes in autonomic function to changes in hot flash frequency and severity over 12 weeks, adjusting for age, body mass index, and intervention assignment. PEP was not associated with hot flash frequency or severity at baseline or over 12 weeks (P > 0.05 for all). In contrast, there was a trend toward greater frequency of moderate-to-severe hot flashes with higher RSA at baseline (β = 0.43, P = 0.06), and a positive association between change in RSA and change in frequency of moderate-to-severe hot flashes over 12 weeks (β = 0.63, P = 0.04). Among perimenopausal and postmenopausal women with hot flashes, variations in hot flash frequency and severity were not explained by variations in resting sympathetic activation. Greater parasympathetic activation was associated with more frequent moderate-to-severe hot flashes, which may reflect increased sensitivity to perceiving hot flashes.

  20. Analisis de un problema logístico a varios niveles en la industria del automovil. DIseño de soluciones aproximadas

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    Cristina Delgado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza un problema planteado muy recientemente a los autores por los responsables de un operador logístico situado en Villafría (Burgos. Este operador trabaja para una empresa fabricante de componentes de automóviles, gestionando y realizando las operaciones de entrega a clientes y recogida de materia prima. En este modelo se incluyen varios niveles de decisión fuertemente interaccionados entre sí que tienen como fin último la minimización del coste de estas operaciones (entrega de pedidos a clientes y recogida de materia prima. Aunque sea un modelo aparentemente demasiado específico y para una situación muy concreta, entendemos que su análisis resulta interesante, puesto que cada vez se tiende a considerar y analizar las operaciones logísticas de forma global y no de forma individualizada. Dada la complejidad del modelo en esta primer trabajo se realiza la descripción del mismo y se propone un primer y sencillo procedimiento heurístico para su resolución. Se analizan las soluciones obtenidas con datos reales.

  1. The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash

    CERN Document Server

    Olsson, Ronald A


    If you are an ActionScript developer or designer and you would like to work with 3D in Flash, this book is for you. You will learn the core Flash 3D concepts, using the open source Away3D engine as a primary tool. Once you have mastered these skills, you will be able to realize the possibilities that the available Flash 3D engines, languages, and technologies have to offer you with Flash and 3D.* Describes 3D concepts in theory and their implementation using Away3D* Dives right in to show readers how to quickly create an interactive, animated 3D scene, and builds on that experience throughout


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    Rahmat Aris Pratomo


    Full Text Available Flash-flood is considered as one of the most common natural disasters in Grenada, a tropical small state island in Caribbean Island. Grenada has several areas which are susceptible to flooding. One of them is Gouyave town which is located in the north-west of Grenada. Its land-use types are highly dominated by green areas, especially in the upper-part of the region. The built-up areas can only be found in the lower-part of Gouyave watershed, near the coastal area. However, there were many land conversions from natural land-use types into built-up areas in the upper-part region. They affected the decrease of water infiltration and the increase of potential run-off, making these areas susceptible to flash-flood. In addition, it is also influenced by the phenomenon of climate change. Changes in extreme temperature increase higher potential of hurricanes or wind-storm, directly related to the potential escalation of flash-flood. To develop effective mitigation strategies, understanding the behavior of flash-flood is required. The purpose of this paper was to observe the behavior of flash-flood in Gouyave watershed in various return periods using OpenLISEM software. It was used to develop and analyse the flash-flood characteristics. The result showed that the climatic condition (rainfall intensity and land-use are influential to the flash-flood event. Flash-flood occurs in 35 and 100 years return period. Flash-flood inundates Gouyave’s area in long duration, with below 1 m flood depth. The flood propagation time is slow. This condition is also influenced by the narrower and longer of Gouyave basin shape. To develop flash-flood reduction strategies, the overall understanding of flash-flood behavior is important. If the mitigation strategy is adapted to their behavior, the implementation will be more optimum.

  3. Modelamiento de la cinética de desinfección superficial de tomates (Lycopersicum esculentum frescos usando soluciones de cloro

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    Miguel Ángel Solano Cornejo


    Full Text Available Tomates frescos variedad italiana fueron sometidos a procesos de desinfección superficial utilizando soluciones de h ipoclorito de c alcio para determinar su eficiencia germicida y la cinética que gobierna el proceso de inactivación superficial en gérmenes a erobios mesófilos, levaduras y mohos. El cloro como desinfectante superficial fue eficaz contra bacterias aerobias mesófilas, levaduras y mohos en ese orden, la resistencia de los gérmenes aerobios mesófilos, de las levaduras y de los mohos expresados en s us valores z cloro fue de 455, 500 y 625 ppm respectivamente. Los gérmenes aerobios mesófilos presentes en la superficie del tomate muestran una mayor resistencia a la desinfección por c loro conforme el tiempo de contacto germen - cáscara es mayor, debido a u na mayor adherencia a la cáscara lo que dificulta la acción de c loro sobre los gérmenes; esté efecto no se presentó en el caso de l evaduras ni de m ohos . Los valores D cloro 20ºC experimentales y los valores D cloro 20ºC predichos por el P rimer M odelo de Bige low se ajustaron con una correlación de entre 0 , 91 y 0 , 99. Los valores z cloro experimentales y los v alores z cloro predichos por el S egundo Modelo de Bigelow se ajustaron con una correlación de 0 , 72 a 0 , 86. La variabilidad en los valores z cloro se debió a que los gérmenes analizados para validar el m odelo propuesto estuvieron compuestos por diversos géneros. Así , el Método de Bigelow aplicado a la cinética de inactivación superficial con c loro fue validado.

  4. Professional Flash Mobile Development Creating Android and iPhone Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Wagner, Richard


    Professional Flash Mobile Development: Creating Android and iPhone ApplicationsEverything Flash developers need to know to create native Android and iPhone appsThis Wrox guide shows Flash developers how to create native applications for Android and iPhone mobile devices using Flash. Packed with practical examples, it shows how to build a variety of apps and integrate them with core mobile services such as Accelerometer, GPS, Photo Library,and more.Offers Flash developers the tools to create apps for the Android and iPhone mobile devicesSho

  5. A hybrid ferroelectric-flash memory cells (United States)

    Park, Jae Hyo; Byun, Chang Woo; Seok, Ki Hwan; Kim, Hyung Yoon; Chae, Hee Jae; Lee, Sol Kyu; Son, Se Wan; Ahn, Donghwan; Joo, Seung Ki


    A ferroelectric-flash (F-flash) memory cells having a metal-ferroelectric-nitride-oxynitride-silicon structure are demonstrated, and the ferroelectric materials were perovskite-dominated Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) crystallized by Pt gate electrode. The PZT thin-film as a blocking layer improves electrical and memorial performance where programming and erasing mechanism are different from the metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor device or the conventional silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon device. F-flash cells exhibit not only the excellent electrical transistor performance, having 442.7 cm2 V-1 s-1 of field-effect mobility, 190 mV dec-1 of substhreshold slope, and 8 × 105 on/off drain current ratio, but also a high reliable memory characteristics, having a large memory window (6.5 V), low-operating voltage (0 to -5 V), faster P/E switching speed (50/500 μs), long retention time (>10 years), and excellent fatigue P/E cycle (>105) due to the boosting effect, amplification effect, and energy band distortion of nitride from the large polarization. All these characteristics correspond to the best performances among conventional flash cells reported so far.


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    Hadi Sutopo


    Full Text Available Computer-Based Testing (CBT program was launched for years to give test takers the options of taking computerized version of test. The application which generates academic score is developed as a server-side with Adobe Flash. Flash is well known as a powerful and dynamic front-end for the Web. However, Flash is also great interface for server-side applications. PHP can launch server-side script using Flash as a front-end and pass variables back and forth between Flash and the PHP pages. Along with PHP, MySQL can be used to store data and later retrieve it. Using Flash as a front-end, data and variables are passed between the MySQL database, PHP, and Flash to enhance application's functionality in managing databases.

  7. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilsy Medina Chacón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simultáneo de dos aspectos que por ahora han sido abordados de forma independiente, y se alcanza a través de una función multi-objetivo que valora parámetros de capacidad de producción, ocio y nivel de riesgo músculo esquelético en las soluciones generadasa través del algoritmo. Con el método heurístico diseñado, se obtiene un abanico de soluciones adecuadas que proporcionan un equilibrio entre productividad y salud del trabajador. De este grupo de soluciones, se selecciona la más ajustada a los requerimientos y necesidades, según la experiencia de las personas encargadas de la toma de decisiones en la organización. El método desarrollado, debido a su estructura genérica, puede ser implementado en cualquier línea de ensamble, ajustando los datos para cada caso específico. This paper presents the design of a Heuristic Method to Balance Assembly Lines with Ergonomic considerations, which is based on the combination of traditional balance lines theoriesand two methods of ergonomic evaluation, the “REBA” method and the Multitasking Rating of Physical Load, whereby a balance between the time variable and biomechanical is achieved in the same tool, which is an innovative method since at present these two aspects are evaluated separately. This is done through a multi-objective function that values parameters of production capacity, leisure and risk level of skeletal muscle in the solutions generated by the algorithm.With the

  8. Heurística para el balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilsy Medina Chacón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo expone el diseño de un método heurístico para el Balance de líneas de ensamble con consideraciones ergonómicas, el cual está basado en la combinación de las teorías de balance de líneas tradicionales y dos métodos de evaluación ergonómica, el Método REBA y la evaluación multitarea de carga física, lográndose que con una única herramienta, se alcance un equilibrio de las variables de tiempo y  biomecánicas. El valor agregado del planteamiento radica en el tratamiento simultáneo de dos aspectos que por ahora han sido abordados de forma independiente, y se alcanza a través de una función multi-objetivo que valora parámetros de capacidad de producción, ocio y nivel de riesgo músculo esquelético en las soluciones generadasa través del algoritmo. Con el método heurístico diseñado, se obtiene un abanico de soluciones adecuadas que proporcionan un equilibrio entre productividad y salud del trabajador. De este grupo de soluciones, se selecciona la más ajustada a los requerimientos y necesidades, según la experiencia de las personas encargadas de la toma de decisiones en la organización. El método desarrollado, debido a su estructura genérica, puede ser implementado en cualquier línea de ensamble,  ajustando los datos para cada caso específico.   This paper presents the design of a Heuristic Method to Balance Assembly Lines with Ergonomic considerations, which is based on the combination of traditional balance lines theoriesand two methods of ergonomic evaluation, the “REBA” method and the Multitasking Rating of Physical Load, whereby a balance between the time variable and biomechanical is achieved in the same tool, which is an innovative method since at present these two aspects are evaluated separately. This is done through a multi-objective function that values parameters of production capacity, leisure and risk level of skeletal muscle in the solutions generated by the algorithm

  9. History of hot flashes and aortic calcification among postmenopausal women. (United States)

    Thurston, Rebecca C; Kuller, Lewis H; Edmundowicz, Daniel; Matthews, Karen A


    Menopausal hot flashes are considered largely a quality-of-life issue. However, emerging research also links hot flashes to cardiovascular risk. In some investigations, this risk is particularly apparent among women using hormone therapy. The aim of this study was to determine whether a longer history of reported hot flashes over the study period was associated with greater aortic and coronary artery calcification. Interactions with hormone therapy use were examined in an exploratory fashion. Participants included 302 women participating in the Healthy Women Study, a longitudinal study of cardiovascular risk during perimenopause and postmenopause, which was initiated in 1983. Hot flashes (any/none) were assessed when women were 1, 2, 5, and 8 years postmenopausal. Electron beam tomography measures of coronary artery calcification and aortic calcification were completed in 1997-2004. Associations between the number of visits with report of hot flashes, divided by the number of visits attended, and aortic or coronary artery calcification (transformed) were examined in linear regression models. Interactions by hormone therapy use were evaluated. Among women using hormone therapy, a longer history of reported hot flashes was associated with increased aortic calcification, controlling for traditional cardiovascular risk factors (b = 2.87, SE = 1.21, P history of hot flashes and coronary artery calcification. Among postmenopausal women using hormone therapy, a longer history of reported hot flashes measured prospectively was associated with increased aortic calcification, controlling for traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Hot flashes may signal adverse cardiovascular changes among certain postmenopausal women.

  10. Assessment of vulnerability to extreme flash floods in design storms. (United States)

    Kim, Eung Seok; Choi, Hyun Il


    There has been an increase in the occurrence of sudden local flooding of great volume and short duration caused by heavy or excessive rainfall intensity over a small area, which presents the greatest potential danger threat to the natural environment, human life, public health and property, etc. Such flash floods have rapid runoff and debris flow that rises quickly with little or no advance warning to prevent flood damage. This study develops a flash flood index through the average of the same scale relative severity factors quantifying characteristics of hydrographs generated from a rainfall-runoff model for the long-term observed rainfall data in a small ungauged study basin, and presents regression equations between rainfall characteristics and the flash flood index. The aim of this study is to develop flash flood index-duration-frequency relation curves by combining the rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relation and the flash flood index from probability rainfall data in order to evaluate vulnerability to extreme flash floods in design storms. This study is an initial effort to quantify the flash flood severity of design storms for both existing and planned flood control facilities to cope with residual flood risks due to extreme flash floods that have ocurred frequently in recent years.

  11. FPGA Flash Memory High Speed Data Acquisition (United States)

    Gonzalez, April


    The purpose of this research is to design and implement a VHDL ONFI Controller module for a Modular Instrumentation System. The goal of the Modular Instrumentation System will be to have a low power device that will store data and send the data at a low speed to a processor. The benefit of such a system will give an advantage over other purchased binary IP due to the capability of allowing NASA to re-use and modify the memory controller module. To accomplish the performance criteria of a low power system, an in house auxiliary board (Flash/ADC board), FPGA development kit, debug board, and modular instrumentation board will be jointly used for the data acquisition. The Flash/ADC board contains four, 1 MSPS, input channel signals and an Open NAND Flash memory module with an analog to digital converter. The ADC, data bits, and control line signals from the board are sent to an Microsemi/Actel FPGA development kit for VHDL programming of the flash memory WRITE, READ, READ STATUS, ERASE, and RESET operation waveforms using Libero software. The debug board will be used for verification of the analog input signal and be able to communicate via serial interface with the module instrumentation. The scope of the new controller module was to find and develop an ONFI controller with the debug board layout designed and completed for manufacture. Successful flash memory operation waveform test routines were completed, simulated, and tested to work on the FPGA board. Through connection of the Flash/ADC board with the FPGA, it was found that the device specifications were not being meet with Vdd reaching half of its voltage. Further testing showed that it was the manufactured Flash/ADC board that contained a misalignment with the ONFI memory module traces. The errors proved to be too great to fix in the time limit set for the project.

  12. Multi-Level Bitmap Indexes for Flash Memory Storage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Kesheng; Madduri, Kamesh; Canon, Shane


    Due to their low access latency, high read speed, and power-efficient operation, flash memory storage devices are rapidly emerging as an attractive alternative to traditional magnetic storage devices. However, tests show that the most efficient indexing methods are not able to take advantage of the flash memory storage devices. In this paper, we present a set of multi-level bitmap indexes that can effectively take advantage of flash storage devices. These indexing methods use coarsely binned indexes to answer queries approximately, and then use finely binned indexes to refine the answers. Our new methods read significantly lower volumes of data at the expense of an increased disk access count, thus taking full advantage of the improved read speed and low access latency of flash devices. To demonstrate the advantage of these new indexes, we measure their performance on a number of storage systems using a standard data warehousing benchmark called the Set Query Benchmark. We observe that multi-level strategies on flash drives are up to 3 times faster than traditional indexing strategies on magnetic disk drives.

  13. Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para personas con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Yois Smith Pascuas-Rengifo


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión sistemática de literatura que identifica la aplicabilidad de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC en la educación para personas con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE y cómo ha sido su uso en el fortalecimiento del aprendi - zaje de esta población. Se identifica la importancia en el uso de software para mejorar la habilidad mental y el desarrollo de tareas, además del uso de hardware para facilitar el intercambio de datos. A partir de esta investigación se refleja la importancia que tiene cada una de las soluciones propuestas y la necesidad de continuar desarrollando herramientas que potencien el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje que a su vez se podría relacionar con el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de esta población.

  14. Simulated CONUS Flash Flood Climatologies from Distributed Hydrologic Models (United States)

    Flamig, Z.; Gourley, J. J.; Vergara, H. J.; Kirstetter, P. E.; Hong, Y.


    This study will describe a CONUS flash flood climatology created over the period from 2002 through 2011. The MRMS reanalysis precipitation dataset was used as forcing into the Ensemble Framework For Flash Flood Forecasting (EF5). This high resolution 1-sq km 5-minute dataset is ideal for simulating flash floods with a distributed hydrologic model. EF5 features multiple water balance components including SAC-SMA, CREST, and a hydrophobic model all coupled with kinematic wave routing. The EF5/SAC-SMA and EF5/CREST water balance schemes were used for the creation of dual flash flood climatologies based on the differing water balance principles. For the period from 2002 through 2011 the daily maximum streamflow, unit streamflow, and time of peak streamflow was stored along with the minimum soil moisture. These variables are used to describe the states of the soils right before a flash flood event and the peak streamflow that was simulated during the flash flood event. The results will be shown, compared and contrasted. The resulting model simulations will be verified on basins less than 1,000-sq km with USGS gauges to ensure the distributed hydrologic models are reliable. The results will also be compared spatially to Storm Data flash flood event observations to judge the degree of agreement between the simulated climatologies and observations.

  15. Una aplicación de las funciones débilmente contractivas a problemas de valor en la frontera de funciones con valores en intervalos

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    Vladimir Angulo-Castillo


    Full Text Available Se estudia la existencia y unicidad de soluciones para problemas de valor en la frontera asociadas a ecuaciones diferenciales de funciones con valores en intervalos, usando la derivada de Hukuhara y algunos teoremas de punto fijo de funciones débilmente contractivas definidas en conjuntos parcialmente ordenados. Abstract. We study the existence and uniqueness of solutions for boundary value problems associated to differential equations of interval-valued functions, by using the derivative of Hukuhara and some fixed point theorems for weakly contractive mappings defined on partially ordered sets.

  16. The design of the light-flash warning light (United States)

    Wang, Junli


    In today's society, the warning light has been used widely in people's daily life and various industries and agricultures. It is important to protect people's life and security. Light-flashing warning light is a kind of warning light control equipment which can control warning light automatically open and work in the state of blinking after dark, and it can automatically shut down after the dawn. It can achieve the flashing light automatic control and dual function. At present, light-flashing warning lights are mainly used in the projects of municipal construction. It is helpful to warn people and vehicles that passed in the construction site and ensure personal safety through using light-flashing warning light. Its design is simple, its performance is stable and it is also very convince to use it.


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    Carmen M. Romero


    Full Text Available La influencia de la temperatura sobre las propiedades volumétricas de soluciones acuosas ha sido frecuentemente usada para obtener información sobre los efectos de los distintos solutos sobre la estructura del agua.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados experimentales de densidades de soluciones acuosas diluidas de n-pentanol, n-hexanol, n-heptanol y n-octanol a 288,15; 293,15; 298,15; 303,15 y 308,15 K. Las medidas de densidad fueron realizadas en un densímetro Antón Paar de tubo vibracional (DMA 60/602 y a partir de los datos obtenidos se calcularon volúmenes de exceso, volúmenes molares aparentes y volúmenes molares parciales a dilución infinita. Para determinar el carácter hidrofóbico de los solutos empleados y su efecto sobre la estructura del agua se empleó el criterio de la segunda derivada del volumen molar parcial en función de la temperatura. Se calculó la contribución volumétrica del grupo CH2 encontrándose que tiene un valor constante en el rango de temperatura, estudiado.

  18. Initial Breakdown Pulse Amplitudes in Intracloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes (United States)

    Marshall, T. C.; Smith, E. M.; Stolzenburg, M.; Karunarathne, S.; Siedlecki, R. D., II


    This study analyzes the largest initial breakdown (IB) pulse in flashes from three storms in Florida. The study was motivated in part by the possibility that IB pulses of IC flashes may cause of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs). The range-normalized, zero-to-peak amplitude of the largest IB pulse within each flash was determined along with its altitude, duration, and occurrence time in the flash. Appropriate data were available for 40 intracloud (IC) and 32 cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes. Histograms of the magnitude of the largest IB pulse amplitude by flash type were similar, with mean (median) values of 1.49 (1.05) V/m for IC flashes and -1.35 (-0.87) V/m for CG flashes. The mean amplitude of the largest IC IB pulses are substantially smaller (roughly an order of magnitude smaller) than the few known pulse amplitudes of TGF events and TGF candidate events. The largest IB pulse in 30 IC flashes showed a weak inverse relation between pulse amplitude and altitude. Amplitude of the largest IB pulse for 25 CG flashes showed no altitude correlation. Duration of the largest IB pulse in ICs averaged twice as long as in CGs (96 μs versus 46 μs); all of the CG durations were <100 μs. Among the ICs, there is a positive relation between largest IB pulse duration and amplitude; the linear correlation coefficient is 0.385 with outliers excluded. The largest IB pulse in IC flashes typically occurred at a longer time after the first IB pulse (average 4.1 ms) than was the case in CG flashes (average 0.6 ms). In both flash types, the largest IB pulse was the first IB pulse in about 30% of the cases.

  19. The echo-enabled harmonic generation options for FLASH II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng, Haixiao; Decking, Winfried; Faatz, Bart


    FLASH II is an upgrade to the existing free electron laser (FEL) FLASH. The echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) scheme is proposed to be a potential seeding option of FLASH II. In this paper, the possibility of EEHG operation of FLASH II is investigated for the first time. With a combination of existing numerical codes, i.e. a laser-beam interaction code in an undulator (LBICU), a beam tracking code in a chicane (ELEGANT) and an universal FEL simulating code (GENESIS), the effects of beam energy chirp and coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) on EEHG operation are studied as well. In addition, several interesting issues concerning EEHG simulation are discussed. (orig.)

  20. Análisis paramétrico de volúmenes arquitectónicos con algoritmos genéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Salcedo Lagos


    Full Text Available En el último tiempo el diseño arquitectónico ha venido evolucionando, debido entre otros aspectos, a la aparición de técnicas de diseño digital que permiten la generación de geometrías a partir de la definición de parámetros iniciales y la programación de las relaciones formales entre ellos. Los procesos de diseño basados en estas tecnologías permiten describir formas con capacidad de variar y adaptarse a requerimientos múltiples o a criterios de evaluación específicos, surgiendo así el problema de identificar la mejor solución arquitectónica, lo que se ha planteado en varias experiencias, gracias a la utilización de la técnica de algoritmos genéticos. En este trabajo se demuestra la posibilidad de implementar un análisis paramétrico de volúmenes arquitectónicos con algoritmos genéticos, logrando compatibilizar requerimientos funcionales, ambientales y estructurales, con un método efectivo de búsqueda para seleccionar una variedad de soluciones apropiadas gracias a las tecnologías digitales.

  1. A void distribution model-flashing flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riznic, J.; Ishii, M.; Afgan, N.


    A new model for flashing flow based on wall nucleations is proposed here and the model predictions are compared with some experimental data. In order to calculate the bubble number density, the bubble number transport equation with a distributed source from the wall nucleation sites was used. Thus it was possible to avoid the usual assumption of a constant bubble number density. Comparisons of the model with the data shows that the model based on the nucleation site density correlation appears to be acceptable to describe the vapor generation in the flashing flow. For the limited data examined, the comparisons show rather satisfactory agreement without using a floating parameter to adjust the model. This result indicated that, at least for the experimental conditions considered here, the mechanistic predictions of the flashing phenomenon is possible on the present wall nucleation based model

  2. Flash memories economic principles of performance, cost and reliability optimization

    CERN Document Server

    Richter, Detlev


    The subject of this book is to introduce a model-based quantitative performance indicator methodology applicable for performance, cost and reliability optimization of non-volatile memories. The complex example of flash memories is used to introduce and apply the methodology. It has been developed by the author based on an industrial 2-bit to 4-bit per cell flash development project. For the first time, design and cost aspects of 3D integration of flash memory are treated in this book. Cell, array, performance and reliability effects of flash memories are introduced and analyzed. Key performance parameters are derived to handle the flash complexity. A performance and array memory model is developed and a set of performance indicators characterizing architecture, cost and durability is defined.   Flash memories are selected to apply the Performance Indicator Methodology to quantify design and technology innovation. A graphical representation based on trend lines is introduced to support a requirement based pr...

  3. Method for programming a flash memory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brosky, Alexander R.; Locke, William N.; Maher, Conrado M.


    A method of programming a flash memory is described. The method includes partitioning a flash memory into a first group having a first level of write-protection, a second group having a second level of write-protection, and a third group having a third level of write-protection. The write-protection of the second and third groups is disabled using an installation adapter. The third group is programmed using a Software Installation Device.

  4. Environmental Effects on Data Retention in Flash Cells (United States)

    Katz, Rich; Flowers, David; Bergevin, Keith


    Flash technology is being utilized in fuzed munition applications and, based on the development of digital logic devices in the commercial world, usage of flash technology will increase. Antifuse technology, prevalent in non-volatile field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), will eventually be phased out as new devices have not been developed for approximately a decade. The reliance on flash technology presents a long-term reliability issue for both DoD and NASA safety- and mission-critical applications. A thorough understanding of the data retention failure modes and statistics associated with Flash data retention is of vital concern to the fuze safety community. A key retention parameter for a flash cell is the threshold voltage (VTH), which is an indirect indicator of the amount of charge stored on the cells floating gate. This paper will present the results of our on-going tests: long-term storage at 150 C for a small population of devices, neutron radiation exposure, electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing, and the trends of large populations (over 300 devices for each condition) exposed to three difference temperatures: 25 C, 125 C, and 150 C.

  5. Flash photolysis of rhodopsin in the cat retina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ripps, H.; Mehaffey, L.; Siegel, I.M.; Ernst, W.; Kemp, C.M.


    The bleaching of rhodopsin by short-duration flashes of a xenon discharge lamp was studied in vivo in the cat retina with the aid of a rapid, spectral-scan fundus reflectometer. Difference spectra recorded over a broad range of intensities showed that the bleaching efficacy of high-intensity flashes was less than that of longer duration, steady lights delivering the same amount of energy. Both the empirical results and those derived from a theoretical analysis of flash photolysis indicate that, under the conditions of these experiments, the upper limit of the flash bleaching of rhodopsin in cat is approximately 90%. Although the fact that a full bleach could not be attained is attributable to photoreversal, i.e., the photic regeneration of rhodopsin from its light-sensitive intermediates, the 90% limit is considerably higher than the 50% (or lower) value obtained under other experimental circumstances. Thus, it appears that the duration (approximately 1 ms) and spectral composition of the flash, coupled with the kinetic parameters of the thermal and photic reactions in the cat retina, reduce the light-induced regeneration of rhodopsin to approximately 10%

  6. Políticas públicas de cuidado con corresponsabilidad. Public policies of care with stewardship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayda Álvarez Suárez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende contribuir al debate de uno de los más importantes asuntos a atender en nuestro país: las políticas de cuidado. Hace un análisis de las principales medidas aprobadas en el país encaminadas a instrumentar soluciones en este sentido en diversos entornos sociales y precisa los principales desafíos que aún existen. En ese sentido, entre las conclusiones confirma que los cuidados y el trabajo doméstico constituyen una fuente de desigualdad en detrimento de las mujeres, no sólo en el ámbito del hogar, sino también en el laboral. Finalmente, hace recomendaciones a las políticas públicas dirigidas al cuidado, con corresponsabilidad.

  7. Desorption of deuterium from beryllium codeposits using flash heating

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, J.H., E-mail: [Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0417 (United States); Baldwin, M.J.; Doerner, R.P. [Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0417 (United States); Pitts, R.A. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 Saint Paul Lez Durance (France); Smirnov, R.D. [Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0417 (United States); Xu, H.W. [General Atomics, P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, CA 92186-5608 (United States)


    As a result of safety concerns, limits will be placed on the allowable tritium inventory retained inside the ITER vacuum vessel. The primary motivation for the present work is to test the proposed method of removing tritium from main chamber codeposits using radiative heat flashing from controlled ITER plasma shutdowns. Detritiation of Be codeposits is studied in the PISCES-B facility using flash-heating by a 10 ms laser with up to 2 MJ/m{sup 2} of absorbed energy density. Three types of codeposits are flash-heated with layer thickness ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 μm. Less than 25% of the D in the Be layer escapes at ITER-relevant flash energy densities and with peak surface temperature up to ∼900 °C. Repetitive flashing with peak surface temperature of 400–500 °C results in an increased population of higher energy trap sites, implying that transient heating which causes appropriate surface temperature excursion redistributes D among codeposit trap sites.

  8. Gun muzzle flash detection using a CMOS single photon avalanche diode (United States)

    Merhav, Tomer; Savuskan, Vitali; Nemirovsky, Yael


    Si based sensors, in particular CMOS Image sensors, have revolutionized low cost imaging systems but to date have hardly been considered as possible candidates for gun muzzle flash detection, due to performance limitations, and low SNR in the visible spectrum. In this study, a CMOS Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) module is used to record and sample muzzle flash events in the visible spectrum, from representative weapons, common on the modern battlefield. SPADs possess two crucial properties for muzzle flash imaging - Namely, very high photon detection sensitivity, coupled with a unique ability to convert the optical signal to a digital signal at the source pixel, thus practically eliminating readout noise. This enables high sampling frequencies in the kilohertz range without SNR degradation, in contrast to regular CMOS image sensors. To date, the SPAD has not been utilized for flash detection in an uncontrolled environment, such as gun muzzle flash detection. Gun propellant manufacturers use alkali salts to suppress secondary flashes ignited during the muzzle flash event. Common alkali salts are compounds based on Potassium or Sodium, with spectral emission lines around 769nm and 589nm, respectively. A narrow band filter around the Potassium emission doublet is used in this study to favor the muzzle flash signal over solar radiation. This research will demonstrate the SPAD's ability to accurately sample and reconstruct the temporal behavior of the muzzle flash in the visible wavelength under the specified imaging conditions. The reconstructed signal is clearly distinguishable from background clutter, through exploitation of flash temporal characteristics.

  9. Flash x-ray cinematography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stein, W.E.


    Experiments intended to provide an overview of the potential capabilities and limitations of flash x-ray cinematography as a diagnostic technique for a Fast Reactor Safety Test Facility are described. The results provide estimates of the x-ray pulse intensity required to obtain adequate radiographs of an array of fuel pins in a typical reactor configuration. An estimate of the upper limit on the pulse duration imposed by the reactor background radiation was also determined. X-ray cinematography has been demonstrated at a repetition rate limited only by the recording equipment on hand at the time of these measurements. These preliminary results indicate that flash x-ray cinematography of the motion of fuel in a Fast Reactor Test Facility is technically feasible


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    Juan Capulin-Grande


    Full Text Available El uso de estiércol líquido como fuente de nutrimentos y agua en la producción agrícola, minimiza los efectos contaminantes al ambiente y propicia un ahorro económico al productor. Se comparó el uso del extracto líquido de estiércol bovino (ELEB y fertilizante químico en solución nutritiva, así como el índice de eficiencia en el uso del agua (IEUA por plantas de jitomate (Licopersicon esculentum Mill. en un sistema hidropónico en invernadero. Se evaluaron tres factores a dos niveles: ELEB, crudo y fermentado; conductividad eléctrica (CE de las soluciones 2 y 4 dS m-1; y la adición de fertilizante inorgánico como complemento a las soluciones de ELEB; se agregaron dos tratamientos con fertilizantes inorgánicos (solución de Stainer para cada nivel de CE como testigos. Se evaluaron en total 10 tratamientos en arreglo factorial con ocho repeticiones. Los resultados muestran mayor producción de materia seca (133.9 gplanta-1, rendimiento (2,742 g planta-1, en plantas regadas con soluciones nutritivas con CE de 2 dS m-1. El ELEB fermentado y complementado con fertilizantes en soluciones, tuvieron el mismo comportamiento que el ELEB crudo sin fertilizantes, en el crecimiento y producción por plantas de jitomate en hidroponía.

  11. Phototoxic effects of commercial photographic flash lamp on rat eyes. (United States)

    Inoue, Makoto; Shinoda, Kei; Ohde, Hisao; Tezuka, Keiji; Hida, Tetsuo


    To determine whether exposure of the cornea and retina of rats to flashes from a commercial photographic flash lamp is phototoxic. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 10, 100, or 1,000 flashes of the OPTICAM 16M photographic flash lamp (Fujikoeki, Japan) placed 0.1, 1, or 3 m from the eyes. Corneal damage was assessed by a fluorescein staining score, and the retinal damage by eletroretinography (ERG) and histology before and 24 h after exposure. Exposure of the eyes to 1,000 flashes at 0.1 m increased the fluorescein staining score significantly (P = 0.009, the Mann-Whitney test). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the cornea showed a detachment of the epithelial cells from the surface after this exposure. The amplitude of the a-wave was decreased significantly by 23.0% (P = 0.026) of the amplitude before the exposure, and the b-wave by 19.7% (P = 0.0478) following 1,000 flashes at 0.1 m but not by the other exposures. TUNEL-positive cells were present in the outer nuclear layer only after the extreme exposure, but no significant decrease in retinal thickness was seen under any condition. The fluorescein staining score and ERGs recovered to control levels within 1 week. Light exposure to a photographic flash lamp does not induce damage to the cornea and retina except when they are exposed to 1,000 flashes at 0.1 m.

  12. Au Contraire: Gifted in a Flash (Mob) (United States)

    Delisle, James R.


    A "flash mob" is defined by Wikipedia as "a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse." Fueled by social media and Smartphones, flash mobs have been used, primarily, as entertaining diversions by addicted techies with (apparently) tons of time on their hands.…

  13. Quick Guide to Flash Catalyst

    CERN Document Server

    Elmansy, Rafiq


    How do you transform user interface designs created in Photoshop or Illustrator into interactive web pages? It's easier than you think. This guide shows you how to use Adobe Flash Catalyst to create interactive UIs and website wireframes for Rich Internet Applications-without writing a single line of code. Ideal for web designers, this book introduces Flash Catalyst basics with detailed step-by-step instructions and screenshots that illustrate every part of the process. You'll learn hands-on how to turn your static design or artwork into working user interfaces that can be implemented in Fla

  14. Flash Mob en el escenario docente. Comunicación y medios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Amor Martín Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo plantea la apropiación de las acciones colectivas, concretamente del flash mob, como método de enseñanza-aprendizaje enmarcado en los actuales acontecimiento/retos sociales y que permite, por un lado, la formación integral del alumnado universitario y, en segundo lugar, la adquisición de un amplio paquete competencial que define el perfil profesional del maestro y maestra de Educación Primaria en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. En él se expone la dinámica llevada a cabo para su integración en el escenario docente, así como, las pautas necesarias para planificar y diseñar una metodología activa que trabaje con diversos agrupamientos del alumnado.

  15. Flash X-ray

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Eiichi


    Generation of quasi-monochromatic X-ray by production of weakly ionized line plasma (flash X-ray), high-speed imaging by the X-ray and high-contrast imaging by the characteristic X-ray absorption are described. The equipment for the X-ray is consisted from the high-voltage power supply and condenser, turbo molecular pump, and plasma X-ray tube. The tube has a long linear anticathode to produce the line plasma and flash X-ray at 20 kA current at maximum. X-ray spectrum is measured by the imaging plate equipped in the computed radiography system after diffracted by a LiF single crystal bender. Cu anticathode generates sharp peaks of K X-ray series. The tissue images are presented for vertebra, rabbit ear and heart, and dog heart by X-ray fluoroscopy with Ce anticathode. Generation of K-orbit characteristic X-ray with extremely low bremsstrahung is to be attempted for medical use. (N.I.)

  16. Numerical analyses of flashing jet structure and droplet size characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Riqiang; Jiang Shengyao; Koshizuka, Seiichi; Oka, Yoshiaki; Yamaguchi, Akira; Takata, Takashi


    In this paper, flashing jets are numerically simulated using the MPS method. The boiling mode for flashing is identified as surface boiling mode, based on the postulation of jets from a short nozzle under high depressurization. The Homogeneous Non-equilibrium Relaxation Model (HRM) is used for calculating the evaporation rate of flashing. The numerical simulation results show that flashing jets comprise an inner intact core which is surrounded by two-phase droplet flow. The effect of degree of superheat on the jet topological geometry is investigated. With increasing degree of superheat, the topological shape of flashing jets evolves from cylindrical core for low degree of superheat to cone-shaped core for high degree of superheat, and meanwhile the extinction length comes to decrease and tends asymptotically constant as the injection temperature approaches the saturation temperature corresponding to the injection pressure. The analyses of the droplet size distribution engendered from primary breakup of flashing jets show that: two peaks exist for droplet size distribution at lower degree of superheat; however, merely one peak for higher degree of superheat. From droplet size distribution, it is revealed that the primary breakup mechanism of flashing jets can be attributed to dominant mechanical breakup mode plus enhancement via surface evaporation. (author)

  17. 49 CFR 234.253 - Flashing light units and lamp voltage. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Flashing light units and lamp voltage. 234.253... Maintenance, Inspection, and Testing Inspections and Tests § 234.253 Flashing light units and lamp voltage. (a... voltage shall be tested when installed and at least once every 12 months thereafter. (c) Each flashing...

  18. Freeware eLearning Flash-ECG for learning electrocardiography. (United States)

    Romanov, Kalle; Kuusi, Timo


    Electrocardiographic (ECG) analysis can be taught in eLearning programmes with suitable software that permits the effective use of basic tools such as a ruler and a magnifier, required for measurements. The Flash-ECG (Research & Development Unit for Medical Education, University of Helsinki, Finland) was developed to enable teachers and students to use scanned and archived ECGs on computer screens and classroom projectors. The software requires only a standard web browser with a Flash plug-in and can be integrated with learning environments (Blackboard/WebCT, Moodle). The Flash-ECG is freeware and is available to medical teachers worldwide.

  19. Lunar Impact Flash Locations from NASA's Lunar Impact Monitoring Program (United States)

    Moser, D. E.; Suggs, R. M.; Kupferschmidt, L.; Feldman, J.


    Meteoroids are small, natural bodies traveling through space, fragments from comets, asteroids, and impact debris from planets. Unlike the Earth, which has an atmosphere that slows, ablates, and disintegrates most meteoroids before they reach the ground, the Moon has little-to-no atmosphere to prevent meteoroids from impacting the lunar surface. Upon impact, the meteoroid's kinetic energy is partitioned into crater excavation, seismic wave production, and the generation of a debris plume. A flash of light associated with the plume is detectable by instruments on Earth. Following the initial observation of a probable Taurid impact flash on the Moon in November 2005,1 the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) began a routine monitoring program to observe the Moon for meteoroid impact flashes in early 2006, resulting in the observation of over 330 impacts to date. The main objective of the MEO is to characterize the meteoroid environment for application to spacecraft engineering and operations. The Lunar Impact Monitoring Program provides information about the meteoroid flux in near-Earth space in a size range-tens of grams to a few kilograms-difficult to measure with statistical significance by other means. A bright impact flash detected by the program in March 2013 brought into focus the importance of determining the impact flash location. Prior to this time, the location was estimated to the nearest half-degree by visually comparing the impact imagery to maps of the Moon. Better accuracy was not needed because meteoroid flux calculations did not require high-accuracy impact locations. But such a bright event was thought to have produced a fresh crater detectable from lunar orbit by the NASA spacecraft Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). The idea of linking the observation of an impact flash with its crater was an appealing one, as it would validate NASA photometric calculations and crater scaling laws developed from hypervelocity gun testing. This idea was

  20. Simple flash evaporator for making thin films of compounds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hemanadhan, M.; Bapanayya, Ch.; Agarwal, S. C. [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016 (India)


    A simple and compact arrangement for flash evaporation is described. It uses a cell phone vibrator for powder dispensing that can be incorporated into a vacuum deposition chamber without any major alterations. The performance of the flash evaporation system is checked by making thin films of the optical memory chalcogenide glass Ge{sub 2}Sb{sub 2}Te{sub 5} (GST). Energy dispersive x-ray analysis shows that the flash evaporation preserves the stoichiometry in thin films.


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    Daniel Francisco Ochoa Morón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene políticas y conceptos, con el fin de generar reflexión y debate que conlleven a gestar propuestas y soluciones entorno a la problemática de inclusión educativa de las poblaciones en situación de discapacidad. Inicialmente, se realiza la descripción los derechos que definen a la educación como una institución de formación imprescindible y un estudio documental de conceptos establecidos por distintos autores. Posteriormente, se expone la actual problemática de inclusión educativa de las poblaciones en situación de discapacidad desde un aspecto cualitativo, centrando principal atención en los procesos de acceso, permanecía y promoción de Sordos en el sistema educativo de Nivel Superior Colombiano; de igual forma se citan algunas políticas establecidas y llevadas a cabo por diferentes instituciones de Educación Superior en Colombia, en aras de erigir soluciones al problema en debate. A modo de resultado, se propone la construcción de un modelo de inclusión educativa para Sordos, haciendo énfasis en la proyección laboral de los individuos como fin último de su inclusión en la sociedad.

  2. La interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano

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    Juan José Tirado Darder


    Full Text Available Se objetivó hacer una explanación sobre la interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano. Presenta-se el envejecimiento como una realidad mundial y una victoria de la sociedad moderna; la situación de las personas ancianas en España y las consecuencias sociales del envejecimiento en España; dependencia y necesidades de asistencia; situación de las personas ancianas en Brasil; comparación entre España y Brasil; niveles de dependencia; las soluciones que suministran las enfermeras y atención domiciliaria como base de un mejor futuro. Las consideraciones apuntadas son: La atención a la dependencia debe ser abordada de inmediato, considerar los fracasos en otros países, para no caer en los mismos errores, instar a la población mayor al mantenimiento de su independencia con promoción de la salud.

  3. La interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan José Tirado Darder

    Full Text Available Se objetivó hacer una explanación sobre la interface del cuidado de enfermería con las políticas de atención al anciano. Presenta-se el envejecimiento como una realidad mundial y una victoria de la sociedad moderna; la situación de las personas ancianas en España y las consecuencias sociales del envejecimiento en España; dependencia y necesidades de asistencia; situación de las personas ancianas en Brasil; comparación entre España y Brasil; niveles de dependencia; las soluciones que suministran las enfermeras y atención domiciliaria como base de un mejor futuro. Las consideraciones apuntadas son: La atención a la dependencia debe ser abordada de inmediato, considerar los fracasos en otros países, para no caer en los mismos errores, instar a la población mayor al mantenimiento de su independencia con promoción de la salud.


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    Diego Aracena Pizarro


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta un ambiente multimedia de rompecabezas sobre tejidos precolombinos de gran complejidad ornamental, expuestos en el Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa, Arica-Chile. El rompecabezas permite interaccionar de manera más entretenida y didáctica, con el objetivo de que la facilidad del uso del software permita aprender jugando, observando los intrincados símbolos y signos precolombinos que de otra manera pasan desapercibidos por no formar parte del ideario de los estudiantes actuales. El software se evaluó con alumnos de enseñanza básica y media de establecimientos educacionales de la ciudad, con el objetivo de complementar sus estudios a las asignaturas de historia que contienen temática prehispánica. Esta representación educacional fue implementada con herramienta Flash multimedia, con el propósito de estimular la parte creativa de los estudiantes y de abrir un mundo de juegos complementarios referentes al mismo tema, con la filosofía de aprender jugando.This paper presents a multimedia environment puzzle about Pre-Columbian textiles exhibiting ornamental complexities, found in the Archeological Museum San Miguel de Azapa, Arica-Chile. The software allow for an enjoyable and didactic interactive way of learning by playing, giving the users the opportunity of identifying intricate pre-Columbian symbols and signals, that otherwise would be unnoticed. The software was tested with schoolboys of ages 12 to 16 years old, from schools in Arica, with the purpose of complementing their studies in History courses containing Pre-hispanic topics. This educational software was implemented with Multimedia Flash Tool, so as to stimulate the creativity of the students, opening a world of complementary games with the philosophy of "learning by playing".

  5. Hipnoterapia y terapia breve centrada en soluciones aplicada a síntomas por abuso sexual infantil: Un estudio de caso


    Sánchez, Teresa; Téllez, Arnoldo


    En el estudio de caso que se presenta se aplicaron estrategias de hipnosis clínica en un contexto de intervención de terapia breve centrada en soluciones a un paciente de 40 años, víctima de abuso sexual infantil. El paciente presentaba cambios en s

  6. Mechanisms of nucleation in flashing flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, F.; Giot, M.


    The mechanisms of nucleation have been analysed. Starting from the assumption that the activation of micro-cavities in the wall surfaces is the most probable nucleation mechanism in practical flashing system, the authors study in detail the nucleation in a micro-cavity. A three step nucleation criterion is proposed, namely: trapping cavity, activable cavity and active cavity. Then, a new nucleation model is presented. The output of the model is the prediction of the bubble departure frequency versus the thermodynamic state of the liquid and the geometry of the cavity. The model can also predict the nucleation site density if the nature of the wall and the surface roughness are know. The prediction have been successfully compared with some preliminary experimental results. By combining the present model with Jones'theory, the flashing inception is correctly predicted. The use of this nucleation model for the complete modelling of a flashing non-equilibrium flow is in progress

  7. Flashing of high-pressure saturated water into the pool water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamasa, Tomoji; Kondo, Koichi; Aya, Izuo.


    This paper presents an experimental study on a saturated high-pressure water discharging into a water pool. The purpose of the experiment is to clarify the phenomena that occur by a blow-down of the water from the pressure vessel into the water-filled containment in the case of a wall-crack accident or a LOCA in a passive safety reactor. The results show that a flashing oscillation (FO) occurs when the water discharges into the pool, under specified experimental conditions. The range of the flashing location oscillates between a point very close to and some distance away from the vent hole. The pressures in the vent tube and water pool constantly fluctuate due to the flashing oscillation. The pressure oscillation and alternating flashing location might be caused by the balancing action between the supply of saturated water, flashing at the control volume and steam condensation on the steam-water interface. The frequencies of FO, or frequencies of pressure oscillation and alternating flashing location, increased as water subcooling increased, and as discharging pressure and vent hole diameter decreased. A linear analysis was conducted using a spherical flashing bubble model in which the motion of bubble is controlled by steam condensation. The effects of these parameters on the period of FO in the experiments can be predicted well by the analysis. (author)

  8. Implikasi Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Flash Terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edi Irawan


    Full Text Available [Bahasa]: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan multimedia berbasis flash pada mata kuliah statistika ditinjau dari motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain pretest-posttest nonequivalent group design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Pacitan pada tahun 2016. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes prestasi belajar dan angket motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji one sample t-test, uji T2 Hotelling’s, dan uji t-Bonferroni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan multimedia berbasis flash pada mata kuliah statistika lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran menggunakan media powerpoint ditinjau dari motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Prestasi belajar statistika mahasiswa yang menggunakan media flash lebih baik daripada mahasiswa yang menggunakan media powerpoint. Demikian halnya pada aspek motivasi belajar, mahasiswa yang menggunakan flash mengalami peningkatan motivasi yang lebih signifikan daripada mahasiswa yang menggunakan media powerpoint. Kata kunci: Multimedia Flash; Motivasi Belajar; Prestasi Belajar; Statistika [English]: This study aims to test the effectiveness of the use of flash-based multimedia in the course of statistics toward learning motivation and student achievement. This research is a quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest nonequivalent group design. This research was conducted at STKIP PGRI Pacitan in 2016. The instrument used was the test of student achievement and questionnaire of student's motivation. Data analysis techniques used one sample t-test, T2 Hotelling's test, and t-Bonferroni test. The results showed that the use of flash-based multimedia in the course of statistics is more effective than learning using powerpoint in terms of learning motivation and student achievement. Students’ achievement in statistics using flash media are better than students

  9. Relación entre el efecto hidrofóbico superficial de carbones activados y la entalpía de inmersión en soluciones acuosas de fenol, 4-nitro fenol y 3-cloro fenol

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    Liliana Giraldo


    Full Text Available Para cinco carbones activados, obtenidos de materiales lignocelulósicos, se determinan las entalpías de inmersión en soluciones fenólicas. Los carbones activados son de carácter básico con valores del pH en el punto de carga cero, pHPZC, entre 7.4 y 9.7. Se determina la entalpía de inmersión de los carbones activados en CCl4 y agua; a partir de estos resultados, se calcula el factor hidrofóbico, fh, que varía entre 2.98 y 6.75. Las entalpías de inmersión de los carbones activados en soluciones de fenol, 4-nitro fenol y 3-cloro fenol están entre 7.6 y 13.9; 12.7 y 20.5; 6.8 y 11.4 Jg-1 respectivamente./For five activated carbons, obtained from lignocellulosic materials the, immersion enthalpies in phenolic solutions are determined. The activated carbons have basic character with values of pH in the point of zero charge, pHPZC, between 7.4 and 9.7. The immersion enthalpies of activated carbons in CCl4 and water are determined, from these results the hydrophobic factor, hf, are calculated, that change between 2.98 and 6.75. The immersion enthalpies of the activated carbons in phenol, 4-nitro phenol and 3-chloro phenol solutions are between 7.6 y 13.9; 12.7 y 20.5; 6.8 y 11.4 Jg-1 respectively

  10. Status of flash radiography in the USA today and future possibilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryant, L.E. Jr.


    A listing of presently employed flash x-ray generators is given including low-energy, commercially available systems and high-energy very specialized installations in government laboratories. These flash x-ray sources are compared as to radiographic characteristics. Imaging techniques and materials are surveyed and compared as to their advantages and limitations. A variety of applications of flash radiography are cited including explosive, ballistic, diffraction, crash injury, and fuel injection. Probable near term advances in special techniques are mentioned in cine radiography and film image enhancement. Possible future developments are speculated upon such as flash radiographic applications of computerized axial tomography. The recent recognition of flash radiography at professional society conferences is reviewed

  11. Effect of Soybeans on Hot Flashes in Postmenopausal Women

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    H Mozaffari-khosravi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Hot flashes are common and discomfortable signs of menopause that present with blazing sweatiness, sense of hotness, tachycardia and agitation. Hot flashes cause disturbances in daily activity and quality of night sleep. In spite of the effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT on hot flashes, nowadays, there are diverse opinions about HRT and the reason is that it has chronic complications. In addition, the acceptance of HRT by Iranian women is very low. Study of numerous texts has shown that isofliavone present in soybean is a phytoestrogen that could be effective in control of hot flashes. The purpose of the study is to examine the changes in time periods of hot flashes in response to consumption of 74 mg Isoflavone/day present in 60 grams soybeans in menopausal women. Methods: This study was a clinical trial with before and after design that included 31 postmenopausal women. The participants were assessed with respect to daily hot flashes at baseline and after one, two and three months of intervention. Participants consumed daily 60 grams soybeans for 3 months. Blood samples were taken at the start and end of intervention for determining levels of gonadotropins and estradiol. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. Results: There was a decrease in time period of hot flashes from baseline of 5.88±2.61 to 3.45±1.82 after one month, 2.73±1.57 after two months and 2.16±1.48 after three months of consumption of soybeans (P<0.001. There was decrease in levels of FSH, LH & estradiol after 3 months, but this decrease was not significant, except in the case of estradiol. Conclusion: In line with various studies proposing the use of soybeans in the form of concentrate, drink or capsule, this study suggests that consumption of soybeans (60 gr daily as snacks may be a safe and effective method for controlling hot flashes in postmenopausal women..

  12. Flashes and floaters - a practical approach to assessment and management. (United States)

    Kahawita, Shyalle; Simon, Sumu; Gilhotra, Jolly


    Flashes and floaters are common ophthalmic issues for which patients may initially present to their general practitioner. It may be a sign of benign, 
age-related changes of the vitreous or more serious retinal detachment. This article provides a guide to the assessment and management of a patient presenting with flashes and floaters. Although most patients presenting with flashes and floaters have benign 
age-related changes, they must be referred to an ophthalmologist to rule out sight-threatening conditions. Key examination features include the nature of the flashes and floaters, whether one or both eyes are affected and changes in visual acuity or visual field.

  13. Narración de un taller de resolución de problemas aritméticos con niños de 4 años


    Molina, Elisa


    Narración de una sesión de resolución de problemas aritméticos con niñas y niños de 4 y 5. El taller se inicia en la lectura de un cuento en que se basa el enunciado del problema. Después, pasamos al trabajo individual, en que los niños inventan estrategias de modelización, empleando materiales manipulativos. La puesta en común de soluciones y estrategias, compleja a estas edades, constituye la etapa final del taller. Mostramos cómo este tipo de actividad matemática, adecuada al desarrollo de...

  14. Experiencia con Nexobrid® para el desbridamiento enzimático de quemaduras faciales seguido de tratamiento conservador con Medihoney®

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José-Manuel Sampietro-De-Luis

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos. El desbridamiento enzimático de las quemaduras ha sido objeto de estudio durante décadas; en este terreno, NexoBrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel se postula como una prometedora alternativa al desbridamiento quirúrgico clásico. Por otra parte, las propiedades antibacterianas y promotoras de la cicatrización de la miel también se han evaluado recientemente con buenos resultados clínicos. Describimos nuestra experiencia preliminar con el empleo de NexoBrid® para el tratamiento de quemaduras faciales, seguido de curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel (Derma Sciences Ltd., EE.UU.. Material y Método. Incluimos en el estudio todos los pacientes atendidos en nuestra Unidad de Quemados con quemaduras faciales dérmicas o subdérmicas que afectaban a 2 o más subunidades estéticas. Realizamos desbridamiento enzimático con NexoBrid® en las primeras 24 horas. Posteriormente, llevamos a cabo tratamiento conservador con curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel. Recogimos todos los datos de calidad del desbridamiento, necesidad de desbridamiento quirúrgico, tiempo hasta epitelización completa, presencia de infección y necesidad de cirugía correctora de secuelas. Resultados. Tratamos 10 pacientes con quemaduras faciales de etiología diversa (llama, flash eléctrico, deflagración, escaldadura y química. El desbridamiento inicial fue completo en todos los pacientes. Se alcanzó la epitelización completa en una media de 13.88 días (10-20 días. Ningún paciente presentó infección clínicamente manifiesta ni precisó desbridamiento quirúrgico, cobertura mediante autoinjertos o cirugía de secuelas. Conclusiones. Nuestra experiencia preliminar indica que parece factible la aplicación de NexoBrid® y su combinación con Medihoney® para el tratamiento conservador de las quemaduras faciales.

  15. A pilot study of magnetic therapy for hot flashes after breast cancer. (United States)

    Carpenter, Janet S; Wells, Nancy; Lambert, Beth; Watson, Peggy; Slayton, Tami; Chak, Bapsi; Hepworth, Joseph T; Worthington, W Bradley


    The purpose of this randomized placebo-controlled crossover pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of magnetic therapy for hot flashes among breast cancer survivors. Participants completed a 24-hour baseline hot-flash monitoring session, wore the magnetic devices or placebo for 3 days, completed an after-treatment hot-flash monitoring session, experienced a 10-day washout period, and then crossed over to the opposite study arm. Magnetic devices and placebos were placed on 6 acupressure sites corresponding to hot-flash relief. Complete data were available from 11 survivors of breast cancer. Results indicated magnetic therapy was no more effective than placebo in decreasing hot-flash severity, and contrary to expectations, placebo was significantly more effective than magnets in decreasing hot-flash frequency, bother, interference with daily activities, and overall quality of life. Implications for clinical practice and future research include the need to explore alternative interventions aimed at alleviating hot flashes in this population.


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    Juan Manuel Muñoz Cano


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue diseñar una intervención educativa para que los estudiantes superaran las dificultades en el manejo autónomo de la Internet, y que a través de este recurso desarrollaran capacidades para la identificación de los problemas de salud que afectan a la población, así como la búsqueda y análisis de información clínica actualizada. Se trabajó con base en proyectos y la solución de problemas durante cuatro meses con 31 estudiantes a quienes se asesoró en el manejo de bibliotecas virtuales. Se emplearon distintas estrategias en el aula para el trabajo en espacio virtual, como la elaboración del árbol de problemas y el árbol de soluciones. La evaluación formativa facilitó el seguimiento del proceso de aprendizaje y la sistematización de los resultados. La evaluación se apoyó en criterios definidos en matrices de evaluación y en el portafolio de evidencias. La acreditación se realizó con base en la calidad de sus informes. La experiencia la terminaron 14 estudiantes, y 12 de ellos lograron elaborar informes complejos que incluyeron conclusiones y recomendaciones y la consulta de varias fuentes localizadas en bibliotecas virtuales.

  17. Flash x-radiography for material motion detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choate, L.M.; Buckalew, W.H.; Posey, L.D.


    A significant part of the experimental program dealing with the behavior of prototypic LMFBR fuel pin bundles under mild to severe power transients is that of the observation of fuel/cladding/coolant motion. The feasibility of using electron beam flash x-radiography as a diagnostic tool for safety test facilities is presently under evaluation. A summary of the objectives and approach of the flash x-radiography program is presented

  18. Microstructure of wood charcoal prepared by flash heating

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kurosaki, F; Ishimaru, K; Hata, T; Bronsveld, P; Kobayashi, E; Imamura, Y


    Carbonized wood prepared by flash heating at 800 degreesC for I h shows a different microstructure and surface chemical structure than char formed after slow heating at 4 degreesC/min to 800 degreesC for I h. Flash heating produces pores that are surrounded by aggregates of carbon structures 25 to

  19. Foundation Flash CS5 for Designers

    CERN Document Server

    Green, T


    Flash is one of the most engaging, innovative, and versatile technologies available - allowing the creation of anything from animated banners and simple cartoons to Rich Internet Applications, interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, devices, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, and now it just got better. Flash CS5 boasts a host of new features, including better support for mobile devices, a whole new animation engine enabling full manipulation of tweens and paths, custom easing, improved inverse kinematics, a revamped timeline, built-in 3D, and much more. Thi

  20. Floods and Flash Flooding (United States)

    Floods and flash flooding Now is the time to determine your area’s flood risk. If you are not sure whether you ... If you are in a floodplain, consider buying flood insurance. Do not drive around barricades. If your ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indah Triana Aprillia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D. Tahapan rancangan pengembangan media flash ini menggunakan langkah prosedural oleh Borg and Gall. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan pada ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik dalam penggunaan media flash berbasis pembelajaran inkuiri. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi, tes, angket dan dokumentasi. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Produk pengembangan dinyatakan valid dan layak apabila telah memenuhi kriteria baik atau sangat baik dari validator. Produk pengembangan teruji untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yaitu diuji berdasarkan penggunaan media flash pada proses pembelajaran. Hasil pengembangan produk media flash berbasis pembelajaran inkuiri dinyatakan valid dengan kategori baik dan layak diterapkan berdasarkan uji kelayakan oleh ahli media dan ahli materi dengan skor rata-rata ahli media 73.5 dan ahli materi 37. Media flash dinyatakan efektif karena 36 siswa mencapai nilai KKM pada hasil tes, dengan nilai n-gain 0,71 dan pada aspek afektif dan psikomotorik termasuk dalam kategori baik, serta mendapat respon positif dari penggunanya dilihat dari angket tanggapan siswa, sehingga media flash efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. The research include in Research and Development (R&D. This step of flash media development uses procedural step by Borg and Gall. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness in the cognitive, afective, and psychomotoric domain in using flash media based on inquiry learning. Data accumulation in this research uses observation, test, questionaire and documentation methods. The result data of this research is analyzed by using quantitative descriptive analysis method. Development product is called valid and proper if it has fullfilled good or very good criteria from the validator. The development product proved to improve the

  2. Construction of a flash-photolysis apparatus having a short discharge time

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devillers, C.


    Flash photolysis aims at reaching directly the primary mechanisms resulting from the action of light on an absorbent matter. This makes it necessary to produce a flash as short and as bright as possible. Our main effort was directed towards reducing the duration of the flash by decreasing the self-inductance of the discharge circuit. A description of this circuit and study of the characteristics of the apparatus are followed by a short description of the two analytical methods: flash spectrography and absorption spectrophotometry at a given wave-length. (author) [fr

  3. Spectral measurements of muzzle flash with multispectral and hyperspectral sensor (United States)

    Kastek, M.; Dulski, R.; Trzaskawka, P.; Piątkowski, T.; Polakowski, H.


    The paper presents some practical aspects of the measurements of muzzle flash signatures. Selected signatures of sniper shot in typical scenarios has been presented. Signatures registered during all phases of muzzle flash were analyzed. High precision laboratory measurements were made in a special ballistic laboratory and as a result several flash patterns were registered. The field measurements of a muzzle flash were also performed. During the tests several infrared cameras were used, including the measurement class devices with high accuracy and frame rates. The registrations were made in NWIR, SWIR and LWIR spectral bands simultaneously. An ultra fast visual camera was also used for visible spectra registration. Some typical infrared shot signatures were presented. Beside the cameras, the LWIR imaging spectroradiometer HyperCam was also used during the laboratory experiments and the field tests. The signatures collected by the HyperCam device were useful for the determination of spectral characteristics of the muzzle flash, whereas the analysis of thermal images registered during the tests provided the data on temperature distribution in the flash area. As a result of the measurement session the signatures of several types handguns, machine guns and sniper rifles were obtained which will be used in the development of passive infrared systems for sniper detection.

  4. A Conceptual Flash Flood Early Warning System for Africa, Based on Terrestrial Microwave Links and Flash Flood Guidance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joost C. B. Hoedjes


    Full Text Available A conceptual flash flood early warning system for developing countries is described. The system uses rainfall intensity data from terrestrial microwave communication links and the geostationary Meteosat Second Generation satellite, i.e., two systems that are already in place and operational. Flash flood early warnings are based on a combination of the Flash Flood Guidance method and a hydrological model. The system will be maintained and operated through a public-private partnership, which includes a mobile telephone operator, a national meteorological service and an emergency relief service. The mobile telephone operator acts as both the supplier of raw input data and the disseminator of early warnings. The early warning system could significantly reduce the number of fatalities due to flash floods, improve the efficiency of disaster risk reduction efforts and play an important role in strengthening the resilience to climate change of developing countries in Africa. This paper describes the system that is currently being developed for Kenya.

  5. Flash-Point prediction for binary partially miscible aqueous-organic mixtures


    Liaw, Horng-Jang; Chen, Chien Tsun; Gerbaud, Vincent


    Flash point is the most important variable used to characterize fire and explosion hazard of liquids. Herein, partially miscible mixtures are presented within the context of liquid-liquid extraction processes and heterogeneous distillation processes. This paper describes development of a model for predicting the flash point of binary partially miscible mixtures of aqueous-organic system. To confirm the predictive efficiency of the derived flash points, the model was verified by comparing the ...


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    Full Text Available 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP, un inhibidor del etileno, ha sido utilizado para extender la vida comercial de diferentes frutas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de soluciones acuosas de 10, 100 y 200 gL-1 de 1-MCP, con tiempos de exposición de 1, 5 y 10 minutos, sobre la vida comercial de pitahaya amarilla en estado de madurez 4. Durante 15 días de almacenamiento (25 ± 2°C y 75% de humedad relativa, se evaluaron cambios físicos como la pérdida de peso y la aparición de pardeamiento; y se midieron cambios químicos como sólidos solubles, pH, acidez e índice de madurez. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos. Los resultados demostraron que aplicaciones de 200 gL-1 de 1-MCP durante 10 minutos prolongó por tres días, la vida comercial de la pitahaya amarilla, y redujo cambios en los sólidos solubles y la acidez

  7. Mutational analysis of FLASH and PTPN13 genes in colorectal carcinomas. (United States)

    Jeong, Eun Goo; Lee, Sung Hak; Yoo, Nam Jin; Lee, Sug Hyung


    The Fas-Fas ligand system is considered a major pathway for induction of apoptosis in cells and tissues. FLASH was identified as a pro-apoptotic protein that transmits apoptosis signal during Fas-mediated apoptosis. PTPN13 interacts with Fas and functions as both suppressor and inducer of Fas-mediated apoptosis. There are polyadenine tracts in both FLASH (A8 and A9 in exon 8) and PTPN13 (A8 in exon 7) genes that could be frameshift mutation targets in colorectal carcinomas. Because genes encoding proteins in Fas-mediated apoptosis frequently harbor somatic mutations in cancers, we explored the possibility as to whether mutations of FLASH and PTPN13 are a feature of colorectal carcinomas. We analysed human FLASH in exon 8 and PTPN13 in exon 7 for the detection of somatic mutations in 103 colorectal carcinomas by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- based single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). We detected two mutations in FLASH gene, but none in PTPN13 gene. However, the two mutations were not frameshift (deletion or insertion) mutations in the polyadenine tracts of FLASH. The two mutations consisted of a deletion mutation (c.3734-3737delAGAA) and a missense mutation (c.3703A>C). These data indicate that frameshift mutation in the polyadenine tracts in both FLASH and PTPN13 genes is rare in colorectal carcinomas. Also, the data suggest that both FLASH and PTPN13 mutations in the polyadenine tracts may not have a crucial role in the pathogenesis of colorectal carcinomas.

  8. Report on in-situ studies of flash sintering of uranium dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raftery, Alicia Marie [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Flash sintering is a novel type of field assisted sintering that uses an electric field and current to provide densification of materials on very short time scales. The potential for field assisted sintering techniques to be used in producing nuclear fuel is gaining recognition due to the potential economic benefits and improvements in material properties. The flash sintering behavior has so far been linked to applied and material parameters, but the underlying mechanisms active during flash sintering have yet to be identified. This report summarizes the efforts to investigate flash sintering of uranium dioxide using dilatometer studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory and two separate sets of in-situ studies at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s NSLS-II XPD-1 beamline. The purpose of the dilatometer studies was to understand individual parameter (applied and material) effects on the flash behavior and the purpose of the in-situ studies was to better understand the mechanisms active during flash sintering. As far as applied parameters, it was found that stoichiometry, or oxygen-to-metal ratio, has a significant effect on the flash behavior (time to flash and speed of flash). Composite systems were found to have degraded sintering behavior relative to pure UO2. The critical field studies are complete for UO2.00 and will be analyzed against an existing model for comparison. The in-situ studies showed that the strength of the field and current are directly related to the sample temperature, with temperature-driven phase changes occurring at high values. The existence of an ‘incubation time’ has been questioned, due to a continuous change in lattice parameter values from the moment that the field is applied. Some results from the in-situ experiments, which should provide evidence regarding ion migration, are still being analyzed. Some preliminary conclusions can be made from these results with regard to using field assisted sintering to

  9. Application of adobe flash media to optimize jigsaw learning model on geometry material (United States)

    Imam, P.; Imam, S.; Ikrar, P.


    This study aims to determine and describe the effectiveness of the application of adobe flash media for jigsaw learning model on geometry material. In this study, the modified jigsaw learning with adobe flash media is called jigsaw-flash model. This research was conducted in Surakarta. The research method used is mix method research with exploratory sequential strategy. The results of this study indicate that students feel more comfortable and interested in studying geometry material taught by jigsaw-flash model. In addition, students taught using the jigsaw-flash model are more active and motivated than the students who were taught using ordinary jigsaw models. This shows that the use of the jigsaw-flash model can increase student participation and motivation. It can be concluded that the adobe flash media can be used as a solution to reduce the level of student abstraction in learning mathematics.

  10. Gamma ray flashes add to mystery of upper atmosphere (United States)

    Atmospheric electricity research has come a long way since Benjamin Franklin's kite-flying days. But what researchers have been learning lately about above-thunderstorm electricity has wrought a whole new era of mysteries.For a start, last summer a Colorado meteorologist sparked interest in a terrestrial phenomenon that the community first observed more than 100 years ago: optical flashes that occur above thunderstorms—at least 30 km above Earth. Walter Lyons with the Ft. Collins-based Mission Research Corporation, demonstrated that such flashes are not anomalies, as conventional scientific wisdom had held. He filmed hundreds of flashes during a 2-week period.

  11. Characteristics of Laser Flash Technique for Thermal Diffusivity Measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, D. G.; Kim, H. M.; Hong, G. P


    In relation to selection of thermal conductivity measurement technology, various thermal conductivity measurement technique are investigated for characteristics of each technique and it's measurable range. For the related laser flash techniques, various technical characteristics are reviewed and discussed. Especially, Parker adiabatic model are reviewed because of importance for basic theory of the thermal diffusivity determination. Finite pulse time effect, heat loss effect and non-uniform heating effect, which are main technical factors for laser flash technique, are considered. Finally, characteristics of constituent elements for laser flash measurement system are reviewed and investigated in detail.

  12. Inessa Josing Flash Artis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    'Flash Art'i' 1998. a. nov.-dets. numbris Rosa Martínezi artiklis suvisest Manifesta II näitusest Luxembourg'is on positiivselt mainitud ka Inessa Josingut. Illustratsiooniks toodud seitsmest fotost ühel on I. Josingu aknakujundus 'What Must I Do to be Saved?'

  13. Spurious dispersion effects at FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prat, Eduard


    The performance of the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) process imposes stringent demands on the transverse trajectory and size of the electron beam. Since transverse dispersion changes off-energy particle trajectories and increases the effective beam size, dispersion must be controlled. This thesis treats the concept of dispersion in linacs, and analyses the impact of dispersion on the electron beam and on the FEL process. It presents generation mechanisms for spurious dispersion, quantifying its importance for FLASH (Free-electron Laser in Hamburg) and the XFEL (European X-ray Free-Electron Laser). A method for measuring and correcting dispersion and its implementation in FLASH is described. Experiments of dispersion e ects on the transverse beam quality and on the FEL performance are presented. (orig.)

  14. Spurious dispersion effects at FLASH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prat, Eduard


    The performance of the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) process imposes stringent demands on the transverse trajectory and size of the electron beam. Since transverse dispersion changes off-energy particle trajectories and increases the effective beam size, dispersion must be controlled. This thesis treats the concept of dispersion in linacs, and analyses the impact of dispersion on the electron beam and on the FEL process. It presents generation mechanisms for spurious dispersion, quantifying its importance for FLASH (Free-electron Laser in Hamburg) and the XFEL (European X-ray Free-Electron Laser). A method for measuring and correcting dispersion and its implementation in FLASH is described. Experiments of dispersion e ects on the transverse beam quality and on the FEL performance are presented. (orig.)

  15. Resultados preliminares sobre un proceso Sol-Gel para la síntesis de disoluciones precursoras de láminas delgadas ferroeléctricas con estructura de Perovskita laminar

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    Calzada, M. L.


    Full Text Available SrBi2Ta2O9 precursor solutions have been prepared by sol-gel using, as reactives, tantalum ethoxide and strontium and bismuth 2-ethyl-hexanoates. These compounds were disolved in 1,3-propanediol as majoritary solvent. The resulting solutions had low hydrolysis and condensation, thus making possible their manipulation and storage in atmospheres with moisture. Films deposited from these solutions were crystallised at 750ºC, developing, as majoritary phase, the SrBi2Ta2O9 layered perovskite. Electric poling of these films indicates a moderate ferroelectric response with values of remanent polarisation of Pr~1μC/cm2.

    Se han preparado por sol-gel soluciones precursoras de SrBi2Ta2O9, utilizando como reactivos el etóxido de tántalo y los 2-etilhexanoatos de estroncio y de bismuto. Como disolvente mayoritario se empleó el 1,3-propanodiol. Las soluciones resultantes presentaron una baja velocidad de hidrólisis y condensación, haciendo posible su almacenaje y manipulación en atmósferas no exentas de humedad. Las láminas derivadas de estas soluciones y cristalizadas a 750ºC presentaron como fase mayoritaria la perovskita laminar de SrBi2Ta2O9. La polarización eléctrica de estas láminas puso de manifiesto una moderada actividad ferroeléctrica, con valores de polarización remanente de Pr~1μC/cm2.

  16. Flash radiographic technique applied to fuel injector sprays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vantine, H.C.


    A flash radiographic technique, using 50 ns exposure times, was used to study the pattern and density distribution of a fuel injector spray. The experimental apparatus and method are described. An 85 kVp flash x-ray generator, designed and fabricated at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, is utilized. Radiographic images, recorded on standard x-ray films, are digitized and computer processed

  17. Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Detector Optimization for Flash X-Ray Measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roecker, Caleb Daniel [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Schirato, Richard C. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Charge trapping, resulting in a decreased and spatially dependent electric field, has long been a concern for wide bandgap semiconductor detectors. While significant work has been performed to characterize this degradation at varying temperatures and radiation environments, this work concentrates upon examining the event-to-event response in a flash X-ray environment. The following work investigates if charge trapping is a problem for CZT detectors, with particular emphasis on flash X-ray radiation fields at cold temperatures. Results are compared to a non-flash radiation field, using an Am-241 alpha source and similar temperature transitions. Our ability to determine if a response change occurred was hampered by the repeatability of our flash X-ray systems; a small response change was observed with the Am-241 source. Due to contrast of these results, we are in the process of revisiting the Am-241 measurements in the presence of a high radiation environment. If the response change is more pronounced in the high radiation environment, a similar test will be performed in the flash X-ray environment.

  18. Flash trajectory imaging of target 3D motion (United States)

    Wang, Xinwei; Zhou, Yan; Fan, Songtao; He, Jun; Liu, Yuliang


    We present a flash trajectory imaging technique which can directly obtain target trajectory and realize non-contact measurement of motion parameters by range-gated imaging and time delay integration. Range-gated imaging gives the range of targets and realizes silhouette detection which can directly extract targets from complex background and decrease the complexity of moving target image processing. Time delay integration increases information of one single frame of image so that one can directly gain the moving trajectory. In this paper, we have studied the algorithm about flash trajectory imaging and performed initial experiments which successfully obtained the trajectory of a falling badminton. Our research demonstrates that flash trajectory imaging is an effective approach to imaging target trajectory and can give motion parameters of moving targets.

  19. Flash-induced fading: Dependence on colour and shape similarity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vergeer, M.L.T.; Lier, R.J. van


    We investigated the effects of perceptual grouping by colour and shape similarity on flash-induced perceptual fading. This flash-induced fading effect (Kanai et al, 2003 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15 664 - 672) is considered as a time-locked variant of the Troxler effect. In the original

  20. Digital Device Architecture and the Safe Use of Flash Devices in Munitions (United States)

    Katz, Richard B.; Flowers, David; Bergevin, Keith


    Flash technology is being utilized in fuzed munition applications and, based on the development of digital logic devices in the commercial world, usage of flash technology will increase. Digital devices of interest to designers include flash-based microcontrollers and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Almost a decade ago, a study was undertaken to determine if flash-based microcontrollers could be safely used in fuzes and, if so, how should such devices be applied. The results were documented in the Technical Manual for the Use of Logic Devices in Safety Features. This paper will first review the Technical Manual and discuss the rationale behind the suggested architectures for microcontrollers and a brief review of the concern about data retention in flash cells. An architectural feature in the microcontroller under study will be discussed and its use will show how to screen for weak or failed cells during manufacture, storage, or immediately prior to use. As was done for microcontrollers a decade ago, architectures for a flash-based FPGA will be discussed, showing how it can be safely used in fuzes. Additionally, architectures for using non-volatile (including flash-based) storage will be discussed for SRAM-based FPGAs.

  1. Recovery of Flash Memories for Reliable Mobile Storages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daesung Moon


    Full Text Available As the mobile appliance is applied to many ubiquitous services and the importance of the information stored in it is increased, the security issue to protect the information becomes one of the major concerns. However, most previous researches focused only on the communication security, not the storage security. Especially, a flash memory whose operational characteristics are different from those of HDD is used increasingly as a storage device for the mobile appliance because of its resistance to physical shock and lower power requirement. In this paper, we propose a flash memory management scheme targeted for guaranteeing the data integrity of the mobile storage. By maintaining the old data specified during the recovery window, we can recover the old data when the mobile appliance is attacked. Also, to reduce the storage requirement for the recovery, we restrict the number of versions to be copied, called Degree of Integrity (DoI. Especially, we consider both the reclaim efficiency and the wear leveling which is a unique characteristic of the flash memory. Based on the performance evaluation, we confirm that the proposed scheme can be acceptable to many applications as a flash memory management scheme for improving data integrity.

  2. Parietal disruption alters audiovisual binding in the sound-induced flash illusion. (United States)

    Kamke, Marc R; Vieth, Harrison E; Cottrell, David; Mattingley, Jason B


    Selective attention and multisensory integration are fundamental to perception, but little is known about whether, or under what circumstances, these processes interact to shape conscious awareness. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the causal role of attention-related brain networks in multisensory integration between visual and auditory stimuli in the sound-induced flash illusion. The flash illusion is a widely studied multisensory phenomenon in which a single flash of light is falsely perceived as multiple flashes in the presence of irrelevant sounds. We investigated the hypothesis that extrastriate regions involved in selective attention, specifically within the right parietal cortex, exert an influence on the multisensory integrative processes that cause the flash illusion. We found that disruption of the right angular gyrus, but not of the adjacent supramarginal gyrus or of a sensory control site, enhanced participants' veridical perception of the multisensory events, thereby reducing their susceptibility to the illusion. Our findings suggest that the same parietal networks that normally act to enhance perception of attended events also play a role in the binding of auditory and visual stimuli in the sound-induced flash illusion. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Search for the radio occulation flash at Jupiter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, J.M.; Tyler, G.L.; Eshleman, V.R.; Wood, G.E.; Lindall, G.F.


    The 'evolute flash' a focusing effect caused by the curvature of a planet's limb, was sought in the radio data taken during the occulation of Voyager 1 by Jupiter, using a modified matched-filter technique. The expected frequency structure of the flash signal is double branched, while the intensity structure is highly localized in time. The search for the signal was carried out over a 6.4 s period. The signal parameters were varied to span the uncertainties introduced by imperfect knowledge of the orbit of the spacecraft and the shape of Jupiter. Several peaks at the 8 standard deviation level were present in the filter output. However, these peaks were separated in time by up to 3.3 s, and none could be identified as the flash. From this negative result a lower bound on the absorption along a ray with periapsis near the 4 bar level in Jupiter's atmosphere can be established at 25 dB. Employing the new Voyager results on the structure of the atmosphere of Jupiter and the mixing ratio of the absorbent ammonia, as well as the improved knowledge of flash characteristics resulting from this study, we estimate that the flash would have been detected if the distance behind the planet where the spacecraft trajectory crossed the evolute were at least 20 Jupiter radii, as compared with a value near 7 in the experiment. For focusing at this greater distance, the atmospheric pressure at the ray periapsis would be between 1.5 and 2 bar

  4. Flash evaporator



    A device and method for flash evaporating a reagent includes an evaporation chamber that houses a dome on which evaporation occurs. The dome is solid and of high thermal conductivity and mass, and may be heated to a temperature sufficient to vaporize a specific reagent. The reagent is supplied from an external source to the dome through a nozzle, and may be supplied as a continuous stream, as a shower, and as discrete drops. A carrier gas may be introduced into the evaporation chamber and cre...

  5. Mitochondrial flash as a novel biomarker of mitochondrial respiration in the heart. (United States)

    Gong, Guohua; Liu, Xiaoyun; Zhang, Huiliang; Sheu, Shey-Shing; Wang, Wang


    Mitochondrial respiration through electron transport chain (ETC) activity generates ATP and reactive oxygen species in eukaryotic cells. The modulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo or under physiological conditions remains elusive largely due to the lack of appropriate approach to monitor ETC activity in a real-time manner. Here, we show that ETC-coupled mitochondrial flash is a novel biomarker for monitoring mitochondrial respiration under pathophysiological conditions in cultured adult cardiac myocyte and perfused beating heart. Through real-time confocal imaging, we follow the frequency of a transient bursting fluorescent signal, named mitochondrial flash, from individual mitochondria within intact cells expressing a mitochondrial matrix-targeted probe, mt-cpYFP (mitochondrial-circularly permuted yellow fluorescent protein). This mt-cpYFP recorded mitochondrial flash has been shown to be composed of a major superoxide signal with a minor alkalization signal within the mitochondrial matrix. Through manipulating physiological substrates for mitochondrial respiration, we find a close coupling between flash frequency and the ETC electron flow, as measured by oxygen consumption rate in cardiac myocyte. Stimulating electron flow under physiological conditions increases flash frequency. On the other hand, partially block or slowdown electron flow by inhibiting the F0F1 ATPase, which represents a pathological condition, transiently increases then decreases flash frequency. Limiting electron entrance at complex I by knocking out Ndufs4, an assembling subunit of complex I, suppresses mitochondrial flash activity. These results suggest that mitochondrial electron flow can be monitored by real-time imaging of mitochondrial flash. The mitochondrial flash frequency could be used as a novel biomarker for mitochondrial respiration under physiological and pathological conditions. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  6. Flashing subdiffusive ratchets in viscoelastic media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kharchenko, Vasyl; Goychuk, Igor


    We study subdiffusive ratchet transport in periodically and randomly flashing potentials. A central Brownian particle is elastically coupled to the surrounding auxiliary Brownian quasi-particles, which account for the influence of the viscoelastic environment. Similar to standard dynamical modeling of Brownian motion, the external force influences only the motion of the central particle, not affecting directly the environmental degrees of freedom. Just a handful of auxiliary Brownian particles suffices to model subdiffusion over many temporal decades. Time modulation of the potential violates the symmetry of thermal detailed balance and induces an anomalous subdiffusive current which exhibits a remarkably small dispersion at low temperatures, as well as a number of other surprising features such as saturation at low temperatures, and multiple inversions of the transport direction upon a change of the driving frequency in the non-adiabatic regime. It is shown that the subdiffusive current is finite at zero temperature for random flashing and can be finite for periodic flashing for a certain frequency window. Our study generalizes classical Brownian motors towards operating in sticky viscoelastic environments such as the cytosol of biological cells or dense polymer solutions. (paper)

  7. Cardiac and vascular imaging with snapshot FLASH MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthaei, D.; Haase, A.; Norris, D.; Leibfritz, D.; Henrich, D.; Duhmke, E.


    Acceleration of fast low-angle-shot (FLASH) MR imaging to about 200 msec measuring time on dedicated MR systems is called snapshot FLASH MR imaging. It snaps real-time series of MR images of the MR relaxation and of physiologic motions with nearly absent motion and susceptibility artifacts. Results in animals (4.7T) and human volunteers (2.0T) show plain vascular and cardiac snapshot FLASH MR images obtained as single shot, triggered reconstructed motion, or real-time films. The reduction of artifacts and the high resolution (triggered, three-dimensional moving heart images are possible) result in favorable applications in myocardial and great vascular disease

  8. Jaan Toomik Flash Artis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    1999. a. mai-juuni 'Flash Artis' on ajakirja Eesti korrespondendi Ando Keskküla artikkel Jaan Toomikust. Jaan Toomik on kutsutud esinema Londoni The Photographers' Gallery grupinäitusele, tema videot 'Father and Son' näidatakse Londonis avataval näitusel 'Near and Elsewhere' 11.-24. juunini

  9. Criterios de intervención en forjados con viguetas de cemento aluminoso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casanovas, Xavier


    Full Text Available This article deals with the problems concerning structural security of 900,000 houses wiht high alumina cement in Spain between 1950 and 1970. Three groups of solutions are suggested in order to make this difficult mission possible - carry out the intervention in such a large estate with the occupants inside. l.-Accept the present performance with the help of a reliable analysis, applying the prevention measures, service control and limited use; 2.-Repair and reinforcements improving the bearing capacity or decreasing the acting loads; 3.-Replacing the members in poor physical or functional conditions; there are various proposals for application of different techniques and materials (whose production is already industrialized which would optimize and facilitate such interventions.

    El artículo recoge la problemática referida a la seguridad estructural de 900.000 viviendas construidas con cemento aluminoso en el Estado Español, entre 1950 y 1970. Se plantean las dificultades que representa el actuar en un parque tan extenso y con sus ocupantes en el interior, proponiéndose tres grupos de soluciones: 1.-Aceptar el comportamiento actual en base a una diagnosis fiable y con aplicación de medidas de prevención, seguimiento en servicio y limitaciones de uso; 2.-Reparaciones y refuerzos, mejorando la capacidad portante o reduciendo las solicitaciones; 3.-Substitución de los elementos en mal estado, física o funcionalmente, presentándose diversas propuestas actualmente industrializadas que optimizan y facilitan los trabajos de este tipo, aplicando diferentes técnicas y materiales.

  10. Theoretical investigation of flash vaporisation in a screw expander (United States)

    Vasuthevan, Hanushan; Brümmer, Andreas


    In the present study flash vaporisation of liquid injection in a twin screw expander for a Trilateral Flash Cycle (TFC) is examined theoretically. The TFC process comprises a pressure increase in the working fluid, followed by heating the liquid close to boiling point. The hot liquid is injected into the working chamber of a screw expander. During this process the pressure of the liquid drops below the saturation pressure, while the temperature of the liquid remains virtually constant. Hence the liquid is superheated and in a metastable state. The liquid jet seeks to achieve a stable state in thermodynamic equilibrium and is therefore partially vaporised. This effect is referred to as flash vaporisation. Accordingly, a two-phase mixture, consisting of vapour and liquid, exists in the working chamber. Thermodynamic simulations were carried out using water as the working fluid for representative screw expander geometry. The simulations presented are performed from two different aspects during the filling process of a screw expander. The first case is the vaporisation of the injected liquid in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, whereby the two-phase mixture is treated entirely as a compressible and homogeneous gas. The second case considers flashing efficiency. It describes the quantity of flashed vapour and consists of a liquid and vapour domain. Both models are compared and analysed with respect to the operational behaviour of a screw expander.

  11. A novel method to alleviate flash-line defects in coining process

    KAUST Repository

    Xu, Jiangping


    We employ a finite element framework based on a dynamic explicit algorithm to predict the flash-line defects in the coining process. The distribution of the flash-line is obtained by building a radial friction work model at the element level. The elasto-plastic behavior of porous materials undergoing large deformations is considered where the constitutive level updates are the result of a local variational minimization problem. We study the material flow at different strokes of the die across the entire coining process and observe that the change in the flow direction of the material in the rim region may contribute to the flash lines. Our proposed framework shows that a part of the rim region in which the flash-line defects appear is consistent with the reported experimental results. We also propose a novel method of redesigning the rim geometry of the workpiece to alleviate the flash-line defects which also shows good agreement with experiments. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Evaluating Non-In-Place Update Techniques for Flash-Based Transaction Processing Systems (United States)

    Wang, Yongkun; Goda, Kazuo; Kitsuregawa, Masaru

    Recently, flash memory is emerging as the storage device. With price sliding fast, the cost per capacity is approaching to that of SATA disk drives. So far flash memory has been widely deployed in consumer electronics even partly in mobile computing environments. For enterprise systems, the deployment has been studied by many researchers and developers. In terms of the access performance characteristics, flash memory is quite different from disk drives. Without the mechanical components, flash memory has very high random read performance, whereas it has a limited random write performance because of the erase-before-write design. The random write performance of flash memory is comparable with or even worse than that of disk drives. Due to such a performance asymmetry, naive deployment to enterprise systems may not exploit the potential performance of flash memory at full blast. This paper studies the effectiveness of using non-in-place-update (NIPU) techniques through the IO path of flash-based transaction processing systems. Our deliberate experiments using both open-source DBMS and commercial DBMS validated the potential benefits; x3.0 to x6.6 performance improvement was confirmed by incorporating non-in-place-update techniques into file system without any modification of applications or storage devices.

  13. The benefit of high-resolution operational weather forecasts for flash flood warning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Younis


    Full Text Available In Mediterranean Europe, flash flooding is one of the most devastating hazards in terms of loss of human life and infrastructures. Over the last two decades, flash floods have caused damage costing a billion Euros in France alone. One of the problems of flash floods is that warning times are very short, leaving typically only a few hours for civil protection services to act. This study investigates if operationally available short-range numerical weather forecasts together with a rainfall-runoff model can be used for early indication of the occurrence of flash floods.

    One of the challenges in flash flood forecasting is that the watersheds are typically small, and good observational networks of both rainfall and discharge are rare. Therefore, hydrological models are difficult to calibrate and the simulated river discharges cannot always be compared with ground measurements. The lack of observations in most flash flood prone basins, therefore, necessitates the development of a method where the excess of the simulated discharge above a critical threshold can provide the forecaster with an indication of potential flood hazard in the area, with lead times of the order of weather forecasts.

    This study is focused on the Cévennes-Vivarais region in the Southeast of the Massif Central in France, a region known for devastating flash floods. This paper describes the main aspects of using numerical weather forecasting for flash flood forecasting, together with a threshold – exceedance. As a case study the severe flash flood event which took place on 8–9 September 2002 has been chosen.

    Short-range weather forecasts, from the Lokalmodell of the German national weather service, are used as input for the LISFLOOD model, a hybrid between a conceptual and physically based rainfall-runoff model. Results of the study indicate that high resolution operational weather forecasting combined with a rainfall-runoff model could be useful to

  14. Enfoque de arquitectura de solución, mecanismo para reducir la brecha entre la arquitectura empresarial y la implementación de soluciones tecnológicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Darío Arango-Serna


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un enfoque para la implementación de un m odelo de Arquitectura de Solución, como parte integral en el pr oceso de desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones informáticas. El enf oque propuesto se llevó a la práctica en una empresa del sector financiero en Colombia. El proceso de construcción e implementación de soluci ones tecnológicas en una empresa incorpora múltiples prácticas y modelos de gestión, al igual que compromete a diferentes actores y roles e n su ejecución, tanto desde la perspectiva de negocio como tecn ológica. Recientemente, el concepto de Arquitectura de Solución, ha emer gido como una mejor práctica (poco explorada y documentada, la cual se viene utilizando en la ejecución de iniciativas asociadas dentro del ciclo de desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas, y que interactú a de forma colaborativa con otros mejores prácticas de gestión como son la Arquitectura de Software y la Arquitectura Empresarial.

  15. Flash Floods Simulation using a Physical-Based Hydrological Model at Different Hydroclimatic Regions (United States)

    Saber, Mohamed; Kamil Yilmaz, Koray


    Currently, flash floods are seriously increasing and affecting many regions over the world. Therefore, this study will focus on two case studies; Wadi Abu Subeira, Egypt as arid environment, and Karpuz basin, Turkey as Mediterranean environment. The main objective of this work is to simulate flash floods at both catchments considering the hydrometeorological differences between them which in turn effect their flash flood behaviors. An integrated methodology incorporating Hydrological River Basin Environmental Assessment Model (Hydro-BEAM) and remote sensing observations was devised. Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMAP) were compared with the rain gauge network at the target basins to estimate the bias in an effort to further use it effectively in simulation of flash floods. Based on the preliminary results of flash floods simulation on both basins, we found that runoff behaviors of flash floods are different due to the impacts of climatology, hydrological and topographical conditions. Also, the simulated surface runoff hydrographs are reasonably coincide with the simulated ones. Consequently, some mitigation strategies relying on this study could be introduced to help in reducing the flash floods disasters at different climate regions. This comparison of different climatic basins would be a reasonable implication for the potential impact of climate change on the flash floods frequencies and occurrences.

  16. Determinación de costos por pérdidas generados por la no conformidad con la norma ISO 9001:2015 en la empresa de servicios de limpieza y lavandería Asotapurc


    Salas Arciniega, Johanna Elizabeth


    Determinar los costos de no calidad de Asotapurc con relación a la norma ISO 9001:2015 para proponer soluciones en base a la mejora continua en los procesos de servicios que presta Asotapurc y de esta manera mejorar sus ingresos económicos y mejorar los niveles de satisfacción del cliente. La presente investigación propone un manual de sistema de costos de calidad basado en la norma ISO 9001:2015 para determinar los costos por pérdidas generados por las no conformidades en los servicios de...

  17. Mathematical modeling of the flash converting process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, H.Y.; Perez-Tello, M.; Riihilahti, K.M. [Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT (United States)


    An axisymmetric mathematical model for the Kennecott-Outokumpu flash converting process for converting solid copper matte to copper is presented. The model is an adaptation of the comprehensive mathematical model formerly developed at the University of Utah for the flash smelting of copper concentrates. The model incorporates the transport of momentum, heat, mass, and reaction kinetics between gas and particles in a particle-laden turbulent gas jet. The standard k-{epsilon} model is used to describe gas-phase turbulence in an Eulerian framework. The particle-phase is treated from a Lagrangian viewpoint which is coupled to the gas-phase via the source terms in the Eulerian gas-phase governing equations. Matte particles were represented as Cu{sub 2}S yFeS, and assumed to undergo homogeneous oxidation to Cu{sub 2}O, Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}, and SO{sub 2}. A reaction kinetics mechanism involving both external mass transfer of oxygen gas to the particle surface and diffusion of oxygen through the porous oxide layer is proposed to estimate the particle oxidation rate Predictions of the mathematical model were compared with the experimental data collected in a bench-scale flash converting facility. Good agreement between the model predictions and the measurements was obtained. The model was used to study the effect of different gas-injection configurations on the overall fluid dynamics in a commercial size flash converting shaft. (author)

  18. Mathematical modeling of the flash converting process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, H Y; Perez-Tello, M; Riihilahti, K M [Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT (United States)


    An axisymmetric mathematical model for the Kennecott-Outokumpu flash converting process for converting solid copper matte to copper is presented. The model is an adaptation of the comprehensive mathematical model formerly developed at the University of Utah for the flash smelting of copper concentrates. The model incorporates the transport of momentum, heat, mass, and reaction kinetics between gas and particles in a particle-laden turbulent gas jet. The standard k-{epsilon} model is used to describe gas-phase turbulence in an Eulerian framework. The particle-phase is treated from a Lagrangian viewpoint which is coupled to the gas-phase via the source terms in the Eulerian gas-phase governing equations. Matte particles were represented as Cu{sub 2}S yFeS, and assumed to undergo homogeneous oxidation to Cu{sub 2}O, Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}, and SO{sub 2}. A reaction kinetics mechanism involving both external mass transfer of oxygen gas to the particle surface and diffusion of oxygen through the porous oxide layer is proposed to estimate the particle oxidation rate Predictions of the mathematical model were compared with the experimental data collected in a bench-scale flash converting facility. Good agreement between the model predictions and the measurements was obtained. The model was used to study the effect of different gas-injection configurations on the overall fluid dynamics in a commercial size flash converting shaft. (author)

  19. Efficacy of Escitalopram for Hot Flashes in Healthy Menopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial (United States)

    Freeman, Ellen W.; Guthrie, Katherine A.; Caan, Bette; Sternfeld, Barbara; Cohen, Lee S.; Joffe, Hadine; Carpenter, Janet S.; Anderson, Garnet L.; Larson, Joseph C.; Ensrud, Kristine E.; Reed, Susan; Newton, Katherine M.; Sherman, Sheryl; Sammel, Mary D.; La Croix, Andrea Z.


    Context Concerns for the risks of hormone therapy have resulted in its decline and a demand for non-hormonal treatments with demonstrated efficacy for hot flashes. Objective Determine the efficacy and tolerability of 10–20 mg/day escitalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in alleviating the frequency, severity and bother of menopausal hot flashes. Design, Setting and Patients Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel arm trial for 8 weeks in a sample stratified by race (African American n=95; white n=102) and conducted at 4 MsFlash network sites between July 2009 and June 2010. Of 205 women randomized, 194 (95%) completed week 8 (intervention endpoint), and 183 completed post-treatment follow-up. Main Outcome Measures Primary outcomes were the frequency and severity of hot flashes assessed by prospective daily diaries. Secondary outcomes were hot flash "bother" recorded on daily diaries and clinical improvement (hot flash frequency >=50% decrease from baseline). Results Hot flash frequency was 9.78/day (SD 5.60) at baseline. At week 8, reduction in hot flash frequency was greater in the escitalopram group versus placebo (−4.60, SD 4.28 and −3.20, SD 4.76, respectively, P=0.004). Fifty-five percent of the escitalopram group (versus 36% of the placebo group) reported >=50% decreases in hot flash frequency (P=0.009). Differences in decreases in the severity and bother of hot flashes were significant (P=0.003 and P=0.013, respectively), paralleling the decreases in hot flash frequency. Three weeks after treatment ended, hot flash frequency increased in the escitalopram group to the level of the placebo group, which remained stable in the follow-up interval (P=0.020). Overall discontinuation due to side effects was 4% (7 drug, 2 placebo). Conclusion Escitalopram 10–20 mg/day provides non-hormonal off-label treatment for menopausal hot flashes that is effective and well-tolerated in healthy women. PMID:21245182

  20. Flashing liquid jets and two-phase droplet dispersion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cleary, Vincent; Bowen, Phil; Witlox, Henk


    The large-scale release of a liquid contained at upstream conditions above its local atmospheric boiling point is a scenario often given consideration in process industry risk analysis. Current-hazard quantification software often employs simplistic equilibrium two-phase approaches. Scaled water experiments have been carried out measuring droplet velocity and droplet size distributions for a range of exit orifice aspect ratios (L/d) and conditions representing low to high superheat. 2D Phase-Doppler Anemometry has been utilised to characterise droplet kinematics and spray quality. Droplet size correlations have been developed for non-flashing, the transition between non-flashing and flashing, and fully flashing jets. Using high-speed shadowography, transition between regimes is defined in terms of criteria identified in the external flow structure. An overview companion paper provides a wider overview of the problem and reports implementation of these correlations into consequence models and subsequent validation. The fluid utilised throughout is water, hence droplet correlations are developed in non-dimensional form to allow extrapolation to other fluids through similarity scaling, although verification of model performance for other fluids is required in future studies. Data is reduced via non-dimensionalisation in terms of the Weber number and Jakob number, essentially representing the fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of the system, respectively. A droplet-size distribution correlation has also been developed, conveniently presented as a volume undersize distribution based on the Rosin-Rammler distribution. Separate correlations are provided for sub-cooled mechanical break-up and fully flashing jets. This form of correlation facilitates rapid estimates of likely mass rainout quantities, as well as full distribution information for more rigorous two-phase thermodynamic modelling in the future

  1. Implementation of Power Efficient Flash Analogue-to-Digital Converter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taninki Sai Lakshmi


    Full Text Available An efficient low power high speed 5-bit 5-GS/s flash analogue-to-digital converter (ADC is proposed in this paper. The designing of a thermometer code to binary code is one of the exacting issues of low power flash ADC. The embodiment consists of two main blocks, a comparator and a digital encoder. To reduce the metastability and the effect of bubble errors, the thermometer code is converted into the gray code and there after translated to binary code through encoder. The proposed encoder is thus implemented by using differential cascade voltage switch logic (DCVSL to maintain high speed and low power dissipation. The proposed 5-bit flash ADC is designed using Cadence 180 nm CMOS technology with a supply rail voltage typically ±0.85 V. The simulation results include a total power dissipation of 46.69 mW, integral nonlinearity (INL value of −0.30 LSB and differential nonlinearity (DNL value of −0.24 LSB, of the flash ADC.

  2. Boiling water reactor stability revisited: The effects of flashing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadigaroglu, G.; Askari, B.


    There are numerous investigations of two-phase flow stability with particular emphasis to BWR stability; these have become increasingly sophisticated and complete over the years. The basic features of a new development and frequency-domain code capable of considering all the channels (bundles) in a BWR, flashing of the coolant at low pressure, full coupling with 3D, two-group neutronics, etc. are described. The basic thermal-hydraulic model is used to study the effects of flashing on stability in a BWR-like channel. The behavior of the channel is highly dynamic. Contrary to what could have been intuitively guessed, the effect of flashing is stabilizing; the reasons and mechanisms leading to this are discussed

  3. Boiling water reactor stability revisited: The effects of flashing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yadigaroglu, G. [Institute of Energy Technology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, ETH-Zentrum, CLT-C1, CH-8092 Zurich (Switzerland)]. E-mail:; Askari, B. [Institute of Energy Technology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH, ETH-Zentrum, CLT-C1, CH-8092 Zurich (Switzerland)


    There are numerous investigations of two-phase flow stability with particular emphasis to BWR stability; these have become increasingly sophisticated and complete over the years. The basic features of a new development and frequency-domain code capable of considering all the channels (bundles) in a BWR, flashing of the coolant at low pressure, full coupling with 3D, two-group neutronics, etc. are described. The basic thermal-hydraulic model is used to study the effects of flashing on stability in a BWR-like channel. The behavior of the channel is highly dynamic. Contrary to what could have been intuitively guessed, the effect of flashing is stabilizing; the reasons and mechanisms leading to this are discussed.

  4. WMO World Record Lightning Extremes: Longest Reported Flash Distance and Longest Reported Flash Duration. (United States)

    Lang, Timothy J; Pédeboy, Stéphane; Rison, William; Cerveny, Randall S; Montanyà, Joan; Chauzy, Serge; MacGorman, Donald R; Holle, Ronald L; Ávila, Eldo E; Zhang, Yijun; Carbin, Gregory; Mansell, Edward R; Kuleshov, Yuriy; Peterson, Thomas C; Brunet, Manola; Driouech, Fatima; Krahenbuhl, Daniel S


    A World Meteorological Organization weather and climate extremes committee has judged that the world's longest reported distance for a single lightning flash occurred with a horizontal distance of 321 km (199.5 mi) over Oklahoma in 2007, while the world's longest reported duration for a single lightning flash is an event that lasted continuously for 7.74 seconds over southern France in 2012. In addition, the committee has unanimously recommended amendment of the AMS Glossary of Meteorology definition of lightning discharge as a "series of electrical processes taking place within 1 second" by removing the phrase "within one second" and replacing with "continuously." Validation of these new world extremes (a) demonstrates the recent and on-going dramatic augmentations and improvements to regional lightning detection and measurement networks, (b) provides reinforcement regarding the dangers of lightning, and (c) provides new information for lightning engineering concerns.

  5. Flashing evaporation under different pressure levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao, Yixiang; Lucas, Dirk; Krepper, Eckhard; Rzehak, Roland


    Highlights: • CFD simulation based on two-fluid model for flashing boiling inside a vertical pipe. • Effect of pressure level on the maximum thermal energy available for evaporation. • Effect of presumed bubble size on the onset of flashing as well as evaporation rate. • Effect of pressure level on the critical bubble size that can start stable flashing. • Effect of pressure level on nucleation rate and mechanism. - Abstract: Flashing evaporation of water inside a vertical pipe under four pressure levels is investigated both experimentally and numerically. In the experiment depressurization is realized through a blow-off valve, and the evaporation rate is controlled by the opening rate and degree of the valve. In the CFD simulation phase change is assumed to be caused by thermal heat transfer between steam–water interface and the surrounding water. Consequently, the evaporation rate is determined by heat transfer coefficient, interfacial area density as well as liquid superheat degree. The simulated temporal course of cross-section averaged steam volume fraction is compared with the measured one. It is found that the increasing rate and maximum value of steam volume fraction is over-predicted under low-pressure conditions, which is mainly caused by the neglect of bubble growth in the mono-dispersed simulation. The agreement is notably improved by performing poly-dispersed simulations with the inhomogeneous MUSIG approach (IMUSIG). On the other hand an underestimation of the maximum steam volume fraction is observed in high-pressure cases, since the contribution of nucleation to the total steam generation rate becomes large as the system pressure increases. Reliable models for nucleation rate as well as bubble detachment size are indispensable for reliable predictions. An effect of the system pressure level on the nucleation mechanism is observed in the experiment

  6. Dynamic simulation of flash drums using rigorous physical property calculations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. M. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The dynamics of flash drums is simulated using a formulation adequate for phase modeling with equations of state (EOS. The energy and mass balances are written as differential equations for the internal energy and the number of moles of each species. The algebraic equations of the model, solved at each time step, are those of a flash with specified internal energy, volume and mole numbers (UVN flash. A new aspect of our dynamic simulations is the use of direct iterations in phase volumes (instead of pressure for solving the algebraic equations. It was also found that an iterative procedure previously suggested in the literature for UVN flashes becomes unreliable close to phase boundaries and a new alternative is proposed. Another unusual aspect of this work is that the model expressions, including the physical properties and their analytical derivatives, were quickly implemented using computer algebra.

  7. Introduction to FLASH 3.0, with application to supersonic turbulence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubey, A; Reid, L B; Fisher, R


    FLASH is a flexible, modular and parallel application code capable of simulating the compressible, reactive flows found in many astrophysical environments. It is a collection of inter-operable modules which can be combined to generate different applications. FLASH is gaining increasing recognition as a community code with a fairly wide external user base. Unlike other component-based codes that have historically met with varying degrees of success. FLASH started out as a more traditional scientific code and evolved into a modular one as insights were gained into manageability, extensibility and efficiency. As a result, the development of the code has been, and continues to be, driven by the dual goals of application requirements and modularity. In this tutorial paper, we give an overview of the FLASH code architecture and capabilities. We also include an example of a customized application adapted from the sample applications provided with the code distribution.

  8. Assessment of arsenic toxicity in spiked soils and water solutions by the use of bioassays Evaluación de la toxicidad del arsénico en suelos y soluciones contaminadas mediante el uso de bioensayos Avaliação da toxicidade de arsénio em solos contaminados e em soluções aquosas com recurso a bioensaioS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco José Martín Peinado


    Full Text Available Arsenic (As has become a serious environmental problem due to its extensive use and its potential high toxicity. Furthermore, it tends to accumulate in soils because of its low mobility in this medium. In this study, an assessment of potential As toxicity based on bioassays with Vibrio fischeri and Lactuca sativa was made in soil and water solutions of laboratory-contaminated samples. Soils spiked with 100 ppm of arsenic registered a reduction in As solubility in the soil solution over time, while for the longest incubation periods (8 weeks, the toxicity responses in all of the samples proved negligible for these bioassays. In spiked water solutions with increasing concentrations (0, 0.1, 1, 10, 12.5, 25, 50, and100 ppm As, significant reductions in root elongation and luminescence were found in lettuce and bacteria bioassays, respectively. The effective concentrations (EC50 of As were 1.52 ppm for L. sativa and 4.98 ppm for V. fischeri; this indicated that the L. sativa bioassay was more sensitive to arsenic concentrations in spiked solutions.El arsénico es un elemento que causa serios problemas medioambientales debido a su uso extensivo y a su alta toxicidad, tendiendo a acumularse en suelos debido a su baja movilidad en este medio. En este estudio realizamos la evaluación de la toxicidad potencial de arsénico a partir de bioensayos con Vibrio fischeri y Lactuca sativa en suelos y soluciones acuosas contaminados en laboratorio. Los suelos contaminados con 100 mg kg-1 de arsénico registraron una fuerte reducción de la solubilidad de este contaminante con el tiempo, obteniéndose una respuesta a la toxicidad prácticamente nula a las ocho semanas de incubación. En las soluciones acuosas contaminadas con concentraciones crecientes de arsénico (0, 0,1, 1, 10, 12,5, 25, 50 y 100 ppm As se produjo una reducción significativa en la elongación de raíces y en la luminiscencia en los bioensayos con lechuga y bacterias, respectivamente. La

  9. A Novel Dual Traffic/Flash Flood Monitoring System Using Passive Infrared/Ultrasonic Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Mousa, Mustafa


    Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, causing thousands of casualties every year. Among these events, urban flash floods are particularly deadly because of the short timescales on which they occur, and because of the high concentration of population in cities. Since most flash flood casualties are caused by a lack of information, it is critical to generate accurate and detailed warnings of flash floods. However, deploying an infrastructure that solely monitor flash floods makes little economic sense, since the average periodicity of catastrophic flash floods exceeds the lifetime of a typical sensor network. To address this issue, we propose a new sensing device that can simultaneously monitor urban flash floods and another phenomenon of interest (traffic congestion on the present case). This sensing device is based on the combination of an ultrasonic rangefinder with one or multiple remote temperature sensors. We show an implementation of this device, and illustrate its performance in both traffic flow and flash flood sensing. Field data shows that the sensor can detect vehicles with a 99% accuracy, in addition to estimating their speed and classifying them in function of their length. The same sensor can also monitor urban water levels with an accuracy of less than 2 cm. Two of the sensors have been deployed in a flood prone area, where they captured the only (minor) flash flood that occurred over the one-year test period, with no false detection, and an agreement in the estimated water level estimate (during the flash flood event) of about 2 cm.

  10. Efficacy of a biobehavioral intervention for hot flashes: a randomized controlled pilot study. (United States)

    Barton, Debra L; Schroeder, Kelliann C Fee; Banerjee, Tanima; Wolf, Sherry; Keith, Timothy Z; Elkins, Gary


    The need for effective nonhormonal treatments for hot flash management without unwanted side effects continues. The primary aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of combining a nonhormonal pharmacologic agent with a behavioral treatment for hot flash reduction. Seventy-one postmenopausal women were randomized to one of four groups: venlafaxine 75 mg + hypnosis (VH) versus venlafaxine 75 mg + sham hypnosis (VSH) versus a placebo pill + hypnosis (PH) versus placebo pill + sham hypnosis (PSH). Women recorded hot flash severity and frequency in a daily diary, in real time. The intrapatient difference in hot flash score (frequency × severity) at 8 weeks was analyzed using a General Estimating Equation model, using VSH as the referent arm, controlling for baseline hot flashes. The active arms including PH or VH were not statistically significantly different than VSH (P = 0.34, P = 0.05, respectively). Women in each active arm reported hot flash reductions of about 50%, with the PSH group reporting a 25% reduction. Women receiving the PSH reported statistically significantly smaller reductions in hot flash score than women in the referent VSH arm (P = 0.001). There were no significant negative side effects during the course of the study. Hypnosis alone reduced hot flashes equal to venlafaxine alone, but the combination of hypnosis and venlafaxine did not reduce hot flashes more than either treatment alone. More research is needed to clarify whether combining hypnosis with a different antidepressant would provide synergistic benefits.

  11. A Novel Dual Traffic/Flash Flood Monitoring System Using Passive Infrared/Ultrasonic Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Mousa, Mustafa; Odat, Enas M.; Claudel, Christian


    Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, causing thousands of casualties every year. Among these events, urban flash floods are particularly deadly because of the short timescales on which they occur, and because of the high concentration of population in cities. Since most flash flood casualties are caused by a lack of information, it is critical to generate accurate and detailed warnings of flash floods. However, deploying an infrastructure that solely monitor flash floods makes little economic sense, since the average periodicity of catastrophic flash floods exceeds the lifetime of a typical sensor network. To address this issue, we propose a new sensing device that can simultaneously monitor urban flash floods and another phenomenon of interest (traffic congestion on the present case). This sensing device is based on the combination of an ultrasonic rangefinder with one or multiple remote temperature sensors. We show an implementation of this device, and illustrate its performance in both traffic flow and flash flood sensing. Field data shows that the sensor can detect vehicles with a 99% accuracy, in addition to estimating their speed and classifying them in function of their length. The same sensor can also monitor urban water levels with an accuracy of less than 2 cm. Two of the sensors have been deployed in a flood prone area, where they captured the only (minor) flash flood that occurred over the one-year test period, with no false detection, and an agreement in the estimated water level estimate (during the flash flood event) of about 2 cm.

  12. A Temporal Locality-Aware Page-Mapped Flash Translation Layer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Youngjae [ORNL; Gupta, Aayush [IBM Corporation, Almaden Research Center; Urgaonkar, Bhuvan [Pennsylvania State University


    The poor performance of random writes has been a cause of major concern which needs to be addressed to better utilize the potential of flash in enterprise-scale environments. We examine one of the important causes of this poor performance: the design of the flash translation layer (FTL) which performs the virtual-to-physical address translations and hides the erase-before-write characteristics of flash. We propose a complete paradigm shift in the design of the core FTL engine from the existing techniques with our Demand-Based Flash Translation Layer (DFTL) which selectively caches page- level address mappings. Our experimental evaluation using FlashSim with realistic enterprise-scale workloads endorses the utility of DFTL in enterprise-scale storage systems by demonstrating: 1) improved performance, 2) reduced garbage collection overhead and 3) better overload behavior compared with hybrid FTL schemes which are the most popular implementation methods. For example, a predominantly random-write dominant I/O trace from an OLTP application running at a large financial institution shows a 78% improvement in average response time (due to a 3-fold reduction in operations of the garbage collector), compared with the hybrid FTL scheme. Even for the well-known read-dominant TPC-H benchmark, for which DFTL introduces additional overheads, we improve system response time by 56%. Moreover, interestingly, when write-back cache on DFTL-based SSD is enabled, DFTL even outperforms the page-based FTL scheme, improving their response time by 72% in Financial trace.

  13. Jaan Toomik ajakirjas Flash Art

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kunstiajakirja "Flash Art" maikuu numbris Ando Keskküla artikkel, mis annab ülevaate J. Toomiku loomingust ja peatub pikemalt tema olulisematel töödel. 10. juunist J. Toomiku isiknäitus Londoni fotograafide galeriis. Eksponeeritud video "Uisutaja"

  14. High precision timing in a FLASH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoek, Matthias; Cardinali, Matteo; Dickescheid, Michael; Schlimme, Soeren; Sfienti, Concettina; Spruck, Bjoern; Thiel, Michaela [Institut fuer Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (Germany)


    A segmented highly precise start counter (FLASH) was designed and constructed at the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Mainz. Besides determining a precise reference time, a Time-of-Flight measurement can be performed with two identical FLASH units. Thus, particle identification can be provided for mixed hadron beam environments. The detector design is based on the detection of Cherenkov light produced in fused silica radiator bars with fast multi-anode MCP-PMTs. The segmentation of the radiator improves the timing resolution while allowing a coarse position resolution along one direction. Both, the arrival time and the Time-over-Threshold are determined by the readout electronics, which enables walk correction of the arrival time. The performance of two FLASH units was investigated in test experiments at the Mainz Microton (MAMI) using an electron beam with an energy of 855 MeV and at CERN's PS T9 beam line with a mixed hadron beam with momenta between 3-8 GeV/c. Effective Time-walk correction methods based on Time-over-Threshold were developed for the data analysis. The achieved Time-Of-Flight resolution after applying all corrections was found to be 70 ps. Furthermore, the PID and position resolution capabilities are discussed in this contribution.

  15. Venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine in the management of menopausal hot flashes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnson ED


    Full Text Available Vasomotor flushes are common complaints of women during and after menopause, affecting about 75 percent of this population. Estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment for hot flashes. However, there are a significant number of women who have contraindications or choose not to use estrogen due to potential risks such as breast cancer and thromboembolic disorders. These women need alternative options. The selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine, have shown efficacy in alleviating hot flashes.Objective: The purpose of this review is to assess the efficacy and tolerability of these two agents for treatment of hot flashes in healthy postmenopausal women.Methods: A literature search of the MEDLINE and Ovid databases from inception to June 2011 was conducted. Randomized controlled trials, published in English, with human participants were included. Studies included postmenopausal women, and trials with breast cancer only populations were excluded.Results: Venlafaxine reduced hot flashes by 37 to 61 percent and desvenlafaxine by 55 to 69 percent. Both agents were well tolerated. The most common adverse effects were headache, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, somnolence, and dizziness.Conclusion: Based on the evidence, venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine are both viable options for reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

  16. Ingmar Muusikuse foto Flash Artis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Flash Arti 1999. a. oktoobrinumbris virtuaalse näituse rubriigis Ando Keskküla artikkel radikaalsemast eesti kunstist ja kunstielust postsotsialistlikul ajastul. Illustratsiooniks Liina Siibi fotokompositsioonid, Ingmar Muusikuse foto Raoul Kurvitza, Ene-Liis Semperi ja Kiwa Eesti Panga performance'ist

  17. Data envelopment analysis and Pareto genetic algorithm applied to robust design in multiresponse systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Carlos Canessa-Terrazas


    Full Text Available Se presenta el uso de Análisis Envolvente de Datos (AED para priorizar y seleccionar soluciones encontradas por un Algoritmo Genético de Pareto (AGP a problemas de diseño robusto en sistemas multirespuesta con muchos factores de control y ruido. El análisis de eficiencia de las soluciones con AED muestra que el AGP encuentra una buena aproximación a la frontera eficiente. Además, se usa AED para determinar la combinación del nivel de ajuste de media y variación de las respuestas del sistema, y con la finalidad de minimizar el costo económico de alcanzar dichos objetivos. Al unir ese costo con otras consideraciones técnicas y/o económicas, la solución que mejor se ajuste con un nivel predeterminado de calidad puede ser seleccionada más apropiadamente.

  18. A comparison of colour, shape, and flash induced illusory line motion. (United States)

    Hamm, Jeff P


    When a bar suddenly appears between two boxes, the bar will appear to shoot away from the box that matches it in colour or in shape-a phenomenon referred to as attribute priming of illusory line motion (ILM; colour ILM and shape ILM, respectively). If the two boxes are identical, ILM will still occur away from a box if it changes luminance shortly before the presentation of the bar ( flash ILM). This flash condition has been suggested to produce the illusory motion due to the formation of an attentional gradient surrounding the flashed location. However, colour ILM and shape ILM cannot be explained by an attentional gradient as there is no way for attention to select the matching box prior to the presentation of the bar. These findings challenge the attentional gradient explanation for ILM, but only if it is assumed that ILM arises for the same underlying reason. Two experiments are presented that address the question of whether or not flash ILM is the same as colour ILM or shape ILM. The results suggest that while colour ILM and shape ILM reflect a common illusion, flash ILM arises for a different reason. Therefore, the attentional gradient explanation for flash ILM is not refuted by the occurrence of colour ILM or shape ILM, which may reflect transformational apparent motion (TAM).

  19. Estudio de la reactividad de soluciones sólidas jarosita-beudantita por sulfuración-cianuración

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez, L.


    Full Text Available The jarositic materials occurs as ores (such as gossan or as residues from some hydrometallurgical processes. To recover silver contained in these materials, processes of alkaline decompositioncyanidation at room or high temperatures or under pressure have been proposed. A sulphidizingcyanidation study of jarosite-beudantite solid solutions from gossan ores is presented. The solid transformations have been determined using X-ray diffraction, optical and electron microscopy (SEM-EDS and electron microprobe. During the first step of the process the jarosite phases are decomposed with the formation of lead and silver sulphides and amorphous iron hydroxide. The decomposition of potassium jarosite-beudantite and beudantite-plumbojarosite are carried out at pH ≥ 12 and pH = 14, respectively. An oxidation, to remove the excess of sulphide, followed by the conventional cyanidation process leads to the recovery of the silver.

    Los materiales jarosíticos pueden encontrarse en estado natural (minerales de gossan o generarse en circuitos hidrometalúrgicos. Para recuperar la plata contenida en estos materiales, se han propuesto procesos de descomposición alcalina-cianuración a temperaturas moderadas, elevadas o a presión, según el tipo de jarosita. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre el tratamiento de soluciones sólidas jarosita-beudantita con sulfuros alcalinos a temperatura ambiente, seguido de cianuración convencional para la recuperación de la plata. Las transformaciones en estado sólido se han determinado mediante difracción de rayos X, microscopía óptica y electrónica (SEM-EDS y microsonda electrónica. Durante la primera etapa del proceso, tiene lugar la descomposición de las fases jarosita, con formación de sulfuros de plomo y plata y un gel de hidróxido de hierro. La descomposición de potasiojarosita-beudantita tiene lugar a pH ≥ 12 y la de beudantita-plumbojarosita, precisa de un valor m

  20. Model of UV flashes due to gigantic blue jets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milikh, G M; Shneider, M N


    Analysis of UV flashes observed by the UV detector on board the 'Tatiana' microsatellite suggests, based on their location, pulse width and energy of the source of the photons, that the flashes were generated by gigantic blue jets (GBJs). Presented in this paper is a numerical model of UV flashes due to a bunch of long streamers which form a leader, a prong such as that observed in a GBJ. Using a previously developed model of upward propagation of a long streamer in the exponential atmosphere the paper describes temporal evolution of the UV flux generated by a bunch of long streamers, in the given spectral range 300-400 nm used by the UV detector on board 'Tatiana'. The model is in agreement with the observations.

  1. Machine protection for FLASH and the European XFEL

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Froehlich, Lars


    The Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) and the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) are sources of brilliant extremeultraviolet and X-ray radiation pulses. Both facilities are based on superconducting linear accelerators (linacs) that can produce and transport electron beams of high average power. With up to 90 kW or up to 600 kW of power, respectively, these beams hold a serious potential to damage accelerator components. This thesis discusses several passive and active machine protection measures needed to ensure safe operation. At FLASH, dark current from the rf gun electron source has activated several accelerator components to unacceptable radiation levels. Its transport through the linac is investigated with detailed tracking simulations using a parallelized and enhanced version of the tracking code Astra; possible remedies are evaluated. Beam losses can lead to the demagnetization of permanent magnet insertion devices. A number of beam loss scenarios typical for FLASH are investigated with shower simulations. A shielding setup is designed and its efficiency is evaluated. For the design parameters of FLASH, it is concluded that the average relative beam loss in the undulators must be controlled to a level of about 10{sup -8}. FLASH is equipped with an active machine protection system (MPS) comprising more than 80 photomultiplier-based beam loss monitors and several subsystems. The maximum response time to beam losses is less than 4 {mu}s. Setup procedures and calibration algorithms for MPS subsystems and components are introduced and operational problems are addressed. Finally, an architecture for a fully programmable machine protection system for the XFEL is presented. Several options for the topology of this system are reviewed, with the result that an availability goal of at least 0.999 for the MPS is achievable with moderate hardware requirements. (orig.)

  2. Machine protection for FLASH and the European XFEL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Froehlich, Lars


    The Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) and the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) are sources of brilliant extremeultraviolet and X-ray radiation pulses. Both facilities are based on superconducting linear accelerators (linacs) that can produce and transport electron beams of high average power. With up to 90 kW or up to 600 kW of power, respectively, these beams hold a serious potential to damage accelerator components. This thesis discusses several passive and active machine protection measures needed to ensure safe operation. At FLASH, dark current from the rf gun electron source has activated several accelerator components to unacceptable radiation levels. Its transport through the linac is investigated with detailed tracking simulations using a parallelized and enhanced version of the tracking code Astra; possible remedies are evaluated. Beam losses can lead to the demagnetization of permanent magnet insertion devices. A number of beam loss scenarios typical for FLASH are investigated with shower simulations. A shielding setup is designed and its efficiency is evaluated. For the design parameters of FLASH, it is concluded that the average relative beam loss in the undulators must be controlled to a level of about 10 -8 . FLASH is equipped with an active machine protection system (MPS) comprising more than 80 photomultiplier-based beam loss monitors and several subsystems. The maximum response time to beam losses is less than 4 μs. Setup procedures and calibration algorithms for MPS subsystems and components are introduced and operational problems are addressed. Finally, an architecture for a fully programmable machine protection system for the XFEL is presented. Several options for the topology of this system are reviewed, with the result that an availability goal of at least 0.999 for the MPS is achievable with moderate hardware requirements. (orig.)

  3. FLASH Technology: Full-Scale Hospital Waste Water Treatments Adopted in Aceh (United States)

    Rame; Tridecima, Adeodata; Pranoto, Hadi; Moesliem; Miftahuddin


    A Hospital waste water contains a complex mixture of hazardous chemicals and harmful microbes, which can pose a threat to the environment and public health. Some efforts have been carried out in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (Aceh), Indonesia with the objective of treating hospital waste water effluents on-site before its discharge. Flash technology uses physical and biological pre-treatment, followed by advanced oxidation process based on catalytic ozonation and followed by GAC and PAC filtration. Flash Full-Scale Hospital waste water Treatments in Aceh from different district have been adopted and investigated. Referring to the removal efficiency of macro-pollutants, the collected data demonstrate good removal efficiency of macro-pollutants using Flash technologies. In general, Flash technologies could be considered a solution to the problem of managing hospital waste water.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeflich, Peter; Schaefer, Bradley E.


    We investigate two potential mechanisms that will produce X-ray and γ-ray flashes from Type Ia supernovae (SN-Ia). The first mechanism is the breakout of the thermonuclear burning front as it reaches the surface of the white dwarf (WD). The second mechanism is the interaction of the rapidly expanding envelope with material within an accretion disk in the progenitor system. Our study is based on the delayed detonation scenario because this can account for the majority of light curves, spectra, and statistical properties of 'Branch-normal' SN-Ia. Based on detailed radiation-hydro calculations which include nuclear networks, we find that both mechanisms produce brief flashes of high-energy radiation with peak luminosities of 10 48 -10 50 erg s -1 . The breakout from the WD surface produces flashes with a rapid exponential decay by 3-4 orders of magnitude on timescales of a few tenths of a second and with most of the radiation in the X-ray and soft γ-ray range. The shocks produced in gases in and around the binary will produce flashes with a characteristic duration of a few seconds with most of the radiation coming out as X-rays and γ-rays. In both mechanisms, we expect a fast rise and slow decline and, after the peak, an evolution from hard to softer radiation due to adiabatic expansion. In many cases, flashes from both mechanisms will be superposed. The X- and γ-ray visibility of an SN-Ia will depend strongly on self-absorption within the progenitor system, specifically on the properties of the accretion disk and its orientation toward the observer. Such X-ray and γ-ray flashes could be detected as triggered events by gamma-ray burst (GRB) detectors on satellites, with events in current GRB catalogs. We have searched through the GRB catalogs (for the BATSE, HETE, and Swift experiments) for GRBs that occur at the extrapolated time of explosion and in the correct direction for known Type Ia supernovae with radial velocity of less than 3000 km s -1 . For the Burst

  5. Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 Bible

    CERN Document Server

    Gassner, David


    A complete and thorough reference for developers on the new Flex 4 platform. Create desktop applications that behave identically on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux with Adobe's new Flash Builder 4 platform and this in-depth guide. The book's tutorials and explanations walk you step-by-step through Flash Builder's new, faster tools; the new framework for generating code; how to connect to popular application servers; upgrading from Flex 3; and much more.: Shows you how to create rich applications for the Web and desktop with the very latest version of Flex, with detailed coverage for both new and

  6. Acupuncture as Treatment of Hot Flashes and the Possible Role of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna-Clara E. Spetz Holm


    Full Text Available The mechanisms behind hot flashes in menopausal women are not fully understood. The flashes in women are probably preceded by and actually initiated by a sudden downward shift in the set point for the core body temperature in the thermoregulatory center that is affected by sex steroids, β-endorphins, and other central neurotransmitters. Treatments that influence these factors may be expected to reduce hot flashes. Since therapy with sex steroids for hot flashes has appeared to cause a number of side effects and risks and women with hot flashes and breast cancer as well as men with prostate cancer and hot flashes are prevented from sex steroid therapy there is a great need for alternative therapies. Acupuncture affecting the opioid system has been suggested as an alternative treatment option for hot flashes in menopausal women and castrated men. The heat loss during hot flashes may be mediated by the potent vasodilator and sweat gland activator calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP the concentration of which increases in plasma during flashes in menopausal women and, according to one study, in castrated men with flushes. There is also evidence for connections between the opioid system and the release of CGRP. In this paper we discuss acupuncture as a treatment alternative for hot flashes and the role of CGRP in this context.

  7. Flash Study Analysis and the Music Learning Pro-Files Project (United States)

    Cremata, Radio; Pignato, Joseph; Powell, Bryan; Smith, Gareth Dylan


    This paper introduces the Music Learning Profiles Project, and its methodological approach, flash study analysis. Flash study analysis is a method that draws heavily on extant qualitative approaches to education research, to develop broad understandings of music learning in diverse contexts. The Music Learning Profiles Project (MLPP) is an…

  8. Motorist actions at a crosswalk with an in-pavement flashing light system. (United States)

    Karkee, Ganesh J; Nambisan, Shashi S; Pulugurtha, Srinivas S


    An in-pavement flashing light system is used at crosswalks to alert motorists and pedestrians of possible conflicts and to influence their behavior to enhance safety. The relative behaviors of the drivers and the pedestrians affect safety. An evaluation of motorist behavior at a pedestrian crosswalk with an in-pavement flashing light system is presented in this manuscript. Field observations provide the basis to evaluate motorist behavior at a crosswalk with an in-pavement flashing light system. Outcomes of pedestrian and motorists actions were observed to quantify measures of effectiveness (MOEs) such as yielding behavior of motorists, vehicle speeds, and yielding distance from the crosswalk. A before-and-after study design was used. The before condition was prior to the activation of the in-pavement flashing light system and the after condition was after the activation of the in-pavement flashing light system. The study was conducted on a relatively low-volume roadway located in the Henderson, Nevada. The significance of the differences in the MOEs between the 2 study periods was evaluated using statistical analysis tools such as a one-tailed test for proportions and the Welch-Satterthwaite t-test. The results show that the installation of the in-pavement flashing light system increased the yielding behavior of motorists significantly (P pavement flashing light system is seen to be effective to improve motorists' yielding behavior and the speeds of vehicles were also observed to decrease in the presence of pedestrians.

  9. The lightning flash

    CERN Document Server

    Cooray, Vernon


    With contributions from today's leading lightning engineers and researchers, this updated 2nd edition of Vernon Cooray's classic text, The Lightning Flash provides the reader with an essential introduction to lightning and its impact on electrical and electronic equipment. Providing the reader with a thorough background into almost every aspect of lightning and its impact on electrical and electronic equipment, this new edition is updated throughout and features eight new chapters that bring the science up to date.

  10. Metabolic activity in the insular cortex and hypothalamus predicts hot flashes: an FDG-PET study. (United States)

    Joffe, Hadine; Deckersbach, Thilo; Lin, Nancy U; Makris, Nikos; Skaar, Todd C; Rauch, Scott L; Dougherty, Darin D; Hall, Janet E


    Hot flashes are a common side effect of adjuvant endocrine therapies (AET; leuprolide, tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors) that reduce quality of life and treatment adherence in breast cancer patients. Because hot flashes affect only some women, preexisting neurobiological traits might predispose to their development. Previous studies have implicated the insula during the perception of hot flashes and the hypothalamus in thermoregulatory dysfunction. The aim of the study was to understand whether neurobiological factors predict hot flashes. [18F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans coregistered with structural magnetic resonance imaging were used to determine whether metabolic activity in the insula and hypothalamic thermoregulatory and estrogen-feedback regions measured before and in response to AET predict hot flashes. Findings were correlated with CYP2D6 genotype because of CYP2D6 polymorphism associations with tamoxifen-induced hot flashes. We measured regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose uptake (rCMRglu) in the insula and hypothalamus on FDG-PET. Of 18 women without hot flashes who began AET, new-onset hot flashes were reported by 10 (55.6%) and were detected objectively in nine (50%) participants. Prior to the use of all AET, rCMRglu in the insula (P ≤ 0.01) and hypothalamic thermoregulatory (P = 0.045) and estrogen-feedback (P = 0.007) regions was lower in women who reported developing hot flashes. In response to AET, rCMRglu was further reduced in the insula in women developing hot flashes (P ≤ 0.02). Insular and hypothalamic rCMRglu levels were lower in intermediate than extensive CYP2D6 metabolizers. Trait neurobiological characteristics predict hot flashes. Genetic variability in CYP2D6 may underlie the neurobiological predisposition to hot flashes induced by AET.

  11. Tutorial Pengenalan Adobe Photoshop Menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3


    Mayoka, Rio


    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menjadi alat bantu dalam pembelajaran Adobe Photoshop, dimana terdapat beberapa materi pengenalan dasar Adobe Photoshop. Aplikasi ini suatu gagasan dengan membuat tutorial beranimasi yang interatif. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 dan dapat dijalankan dengan Flash player. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu para penggunanya dalam memahami pengenalan Adobe Photoshop, terutama pengenalan tool pada Adob...

  12. The Adjoint Method for Gradient-based Dynamic Optimization of UV Flash Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritschel, Tobias Kasper Skovborg; Capolei, Andrea; Jørgensen, John Bagterp


    This paper presents a novel single-shooting algorithm for gradient-based solution of optimal control problems with vapor-liquid equilibrium constraints. Dynamic optimization of UV flash processes is relevant in nonlinear model predictive control of distillation columns, certain two-phase flow pro......-component flash process which demonstrate the importance of the optimization solver, the compiler, and the linear algebra software for the efficiency of dynamic optimization of UV flash processes....

  13. Flash flood disasters analysis and evaluation: a case study of Yiyang County in China (United States)

    Li, Haichen; Zhang, Xiaolei; Li, Qing; Qin, Tao; Lei, Xiaohui


    Global climate change leads to the more extreme precipitation and more flash flood disasters, which is a serious threat to the mountain inhabitants. To prevent flash flood disasters, China started flash flood disaster control planning and other projects from 2006. Among those measures, non-engineering measures are effective and economical. This paper introduced the framework of flash flood disaster analysis and evaluation in China, followed by a case study of Yiyang County.



    Matos-Tamayo, Roger; Vera-Preval, Fárida


    El presente trabajo forma parte de una de las líneas de investigación que realiza la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Oriente, en la búsqueda de soluciones que permitan de forma económica disminuir la corrosión de los equipos y materiales metálicos. El objetivo principal, es el análisis de las variables que influyen en la velocidad de corrosión del cobre técnico en soluciones amoniacales y la eficiencia de inhibidores ecológicos obtenidos a partir de la vinaza o mosto de la...

  15. Análisis de la gestión del cambio en implantaciones de soluciones ERP en algunas empresas de Colombia y de México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Jairo Arboleda Medina


    Full Text Available Dentro de las actividades desarrolladas por el grupo de investigación “Cultura Corporativa y Perdurabilidad Organizacional” de la Facultad de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, recientemente categorizado por Colciencias, se vienen adelantando varios trabajos tendientes a establecer la relación entre cultura y cambio organizacional. Uno de ellos es este estudio denominado “Análisis de la gestión del cambio en implantaciones de soluciones erp en algunas empresas de Colombia y México”. El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer y analizar los procesos de gestión del cambio desarrollados durante y después de las implantaciones tecnológicas en algunas empresas colombianas y mexicanas, con el fin de identificar aciertos y dificultades propias de la gestión que sirvan de referencia para futuros proyectos. La recolección de la información requerida para el desarrollo de la investigación fue recabada mediante la aplicación de entrevistas y encuestas1, aplicadas a 21 empresas entre colombianas y mexicanas, algunas de ellas adquirieron la solución y otras actuaron como firmas consultoras en el proceso de implantación. En cada una de estas empresas se entrevistó y/o encuestó a uno o varios directivos de primer nivel y gerencia media que patrocinaron procesos de cambio o han ocupado las posiciones de gerentes de proyecto o líderes de equipos de cambio. Para presentar los resultados, a nivel cualitativo, se seleccionaron y clasificaron los testimonios más relevantes, con el fin de utilizarlos como ilustración ye a nivel cuantitativo, se tabularon los resultados y se crearon gráficas que muestran algunas tendencias.

  16. Planeamiento estratégico de una jefatura de soluciones e-business de telefónica del Perú


    Doza Caballero, Gianmarco Renato; Doza Caballero, Gianmarco Renato


    La Jefatura de Soluciones E-Business, la cual pertenece a la Gerencia de Sistemas de Telefónica del Perú, atraviesa actualmente por los siguientes problemas (ordenados de mayor a menor importancia) Presenta un desorden durante el proceso productivo de la Jefatura, no se han definido claramente un proceso a seguir. El problema radica en la implementación de la solución a otorgar como producto final al cliente, pues, los elementos constituyentes de la solución se tratan de obtener sin una...

  17. Does underwater flash photography affect the behaviour, movement and site persistence of seahorses? (United States)

    Harasti, D; Gladstone, W


    The effect of flash photography on seahorse species has never been tested. An experiment was established to test the effect of flash photography and the handling of Hippocampus whitei, a medium-sized seahorse species endemic to Australia, on their behavioural responses, movements and site persistence. A total of 24 H. whitei were utilized in the experiment with eight in each of the three treatments (flash photography, handling and control). The effect of underwater flash photography on H. whitei movements was not significant; however, the effect of handling H. whitei to take a photograph had a significant effect on their short-term behavioural responses to the photographer. Kaplan-Meier log-rank test revealed that there was no significant difference in site persistence of H. whitei from each of the three treatments and that flash photography had no long-term effects on their site persistence. It is concluded that the use of flash photography by divers is a safe and viable technique with H. whitei, particularly if photographs can be used for individual identification purposes. © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.

  18. Prediction of the Flash Point of Binary and Ternary Straight-Chain Alkane Mixtures

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    X. Li


    Full Text Available The flash point is an important physical property used to estimate the fire hazard of a flammable liquid. To avoid the occurrence of fire or explosion, many models are used to predict the flash point; however, these models are complex, and the calculation process is cumbersome. For pure flammable substances, the research for predicting the flash point is systematic and comprehensive. For multicomponent mixtures, especially a hydrocarbon mixture, the current research is insufficient to predict the flash point. In this study, a model was developed to predict the flash point of straight-chain alkane mixtures using a simple calculation process. The pressure, activity coefficient, and other associated physicochemical parameters are not required for the calculation in the proposed model. A series of flash points of binary and ternary mixtures of straight-chain alkanes were determined. The results of the model present consistent experimental results with an average absolute deviation for the binary mixtures of 0.7% or lower and an average absolute deviation for the ternary mixtures of 1.03% or lower.

  19. Flash flood modeling with the MARINE hydrological distributed model (United States)

    Estupina-Borrell, V.; Dartus, D.; Ababou, R.


    Flash floods are characterized by their violence and the rapidity of their occurrence. Because these events are rare and unpredictable, but also fast and intense, their anticipation with sufficient lead time for warning and broadcasting is a primary subject of research. Because of the heterogeneities of the rain and of the behavior of the surface, spatially distributed hydrological models can lead to a better understanding of the processes and so on they can contribute to a better forecasting of flash flood. Our main goal here is to develop an operational and robust methodology for flash flood forecasting. This methodology should provide relevant data (information) about flood evolution on short time scales, and should be applicable even in locations where direct observations are sparse (e.g. absence of historical and modern rainfalls and streamflows in small mountainous watersheds). The flash flood forecast is obtained by the physically based, space-time distributed hydrological model "MARINE'' (Model of Anticipation of Runoff and INondations for Extreme events). This model is presented and tested in this paper for a real flash flood event. The model consists in two steps, or two components: the first component is a "basin'' flood module which generates flood runoff in the upstream part of the watershed, and the second component is the "stream network'' module, which propagates the flood in the main river and its subsidiaries. The basin flash flood generation model is a rainfall-runoff model that can integrate remotely sensed data. Surface hydraulics equations are solved with enough simplifying hypotheses to allow real time exploitation. The minimum data required by the model are: (i) the Digital Elevation Model, used to calculate slopes that generate runoff, it can be issued from satellite imagery (SPOT) or from French Geographical Institute (IGN); (ii) the rainfall data from meteorological radar, observed or anticipated by the French Meteorological Service (M

  20. Adobe Flash as a medium for online experimentation: a test of reaction time measurement capabilities. (United States)

    Reimers, Stian; Stewart, Neil


    Adobe Flash can be used to run complex psychological experiments over the Web. We examined the reliability of using Flash to measure reaction times (RTs) using a simple binary-choice task implemented both in Flash and in a Linux-based system known to record RTs with millisecond accuracy. Twenty-four participants were tested in the laboratory using both implementations; they also completed the Flash version on computers of their own choice outside the lab. RTs from the trials run on Flash outside the lab were approximately 20 msec slower than those from trials run on Flash in the lab, which in turn were approximately 10 msec slower than RTs from the trials run on the Linux-based system (baseline condition). RT SDs were similar in all conditions, suggesting that although Flash may overestimate RTs slightly, it does not appear to add significant noise to the data recorded.

  1. Synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions associated with flash flooding in watersheds of the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA (United States)

    Teale, N. G.; Quiring, S. M.


    Understanding flash flooding is important in unfiltered watersheds, such as portions of the New York City water supply system (NYCWSS), as water quality is degraded by turbidity associated with flooding. To further understand flash flooding in watersheds of the NYCWSS, synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions most frequently associated with flash flooding between 1987 and 2013 were examined. Flash floods were identified during this time period using USGS 15-minute discharge data at the Esopus Creek near Allaben, NY and Neversink River at Claryville, NY gauges. Overall, 25 flash floods were detected, occurring over 17 separate flash flood days. These flash flood days were compared to the days on which flash flood warnings encompassing the study area was issued by the National Weather Service. The success rate for which the flash flood warnings for Ulster County coincided with flash flood in the study watershed was 0.09, demonstrating the highly localized nature of flash flooding in the Catskill Mountain region. The synoptic-scale atmospheric patterns influencing the study area were characterized by a principal component analysis and k-means clustering of NCEP/NCAR 500 mb geopotential height reanalysis data. This procedure was executed in Spatial Synoptic Typer Tools 4.0. While 17 unique synoptic patterns were identified, only 3 types were strongly associated with flash flooding events. A strong southwesterly flow suggesting advection of moisture from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico is shown in composites of these 3 types. This multiscalar study thereby links flash flooding in the NYCWSS with synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation.Understanding flash flooding is important in unfiltered watersheds, such as portions of the New York City water supply system (NYCWSS), as water quality is degraded by turbidity associated with flooding. To further understand flash flooding in watersheds of the NYCWSS, synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions most frequently associated with

  2. Biosorción de iones cobre con biomasa de algas y orujos deshidratados

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    Romero, L.


    Full Text Available They were carried out experiments of biosorption batch and in continuous to remove copper from aqueous solutions using as adsorbent green algae and olive residues under virgins conditions and chemically activated. The results of batch biosorption indicate that the algae present mayor elimination capacities than the waste of olives, with uptakes of copper of the order of 96 % using activated algae with dissolution of Na2SO4 under the optimum conditions. The results of the columns tests show that the virgin algae permits the removal of more copper ions than the activate algae, with removal efficiency of 98 % during the firth 20 min, a breakthrough time of 240 min and a saturation at time of 600 min. In the second cycle the regenerated biomass showed a best performance indicating that they can be used for another biosorption cycle.

    Se realizaron experimentos de biosorción batch y en continuo para remover cobre desde soluciones acuosas usando como adsorbentes algas verdes y residuos de aceituna en condiciones vírgenes y activadas químicamente. Los resultados de la biosorción a escala batch indican que las algas presentan mayor capacidad de eliminación que los orujos, alcanzándose captaciones de cobre del orden de 96 % con algas activadas con disoluciones de Na2SO4 bajo condiciones óptimas de las variables estudiadas. Los resultados de los ensayos en columna muestran que las algas vírgenes captan más iones cobre que las activadas con Na2SO4, con eficacias de eliminación del 98 % durante los primeros 20 min, con un tiempo de ruptura de 240 min y una saturación a los 600 min. Al ser sometidas a un segundo ciclo de biosorción, las algas regeneradas muestran un mejor rendimiento lo que indica que pueden ser usadas en otro ciclo de eliminación.

  3. Reduced order modeling of flashing two-phase jets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurecky, William, E-mail:; Schneider, Erich, E-mail:; Ballew, Davis, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Accident simulation requires ability to quickly predict two-phase flashing jet's damage potential. • A reduced order modeling methodology informed by experimental or computational data is described. • Zone of influence volumes are calculated for jets of various upstream thermodynamic conditions. - Abstract: In the event of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in a pressurized water reactor, the escaping coolant produces a highly energetic flashing jet with the potential to damage surrounding structures. In LOCA analysis, the goal is often to evaluate many break scenarios in a Monte Carlo style simulation to evaluate the resilience of a reactor design. Therefore, in order to quickly predict the damage potential of flashing jets, it is of interest to develop a reduced order model that relates the damage potential of a jet to the pressure and temperature upstream of the break and the distance from the break to a given object upon which the jet is impinging. This work presents framework for producing a Reduced Order Model (ROM) that may be informed by measured data, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, or a combination of both. The model is constructed by performing regression analysis on the pressure field data, allowing the impingement pressure to be quickly reconstructed for any given upstream thermodynamic condition within the range of input data. The model is applicable to both free and fully impinging two-phase flashing jets.

  4. Evaluation of Dietary Intake of Various Vitamins in Menopausal Women with Hot Flashes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aytekin Tokmak


    Full Text Available Aim: Menopausal hot flashes affect the majority of women. Hormone replacement therapy to reduce the severity of hot flashes is the most effective method. Today, however, due to a number of side effects of hormone therapy more women are seeking alternative treatments such as vitamin pills and herbal products. Previously, various vitamins, minerals and trace elements were studied for this purpose. In this study, our aim was to determine the level of dietary intake of various vitamins in women with hot flashes and to compare them with women who had no complaints. Material and Method: One hundred and seven consecutive women who attended the menopause clinic of our hospital for routine follow up were included in this study. All of the participants were asked about the occurrence of specific menopausal symptoms and completed 92-itm antioxidant nutrient questionnaire developed by Satia. The main parameters recorded for each woman were; age, obstetrical characteristics, body mass index, smoking status, educational level, type of menopause (surgical or natural, duration of menopause, menopausal symptoms, and number and duration of hot flashes. According to the computerized analysis of questionnaire, dietary intake of water-soluble vitamins; B complex and vitamin C, and fat-soluble vitamins; vitamin, A D, E, K were calculated. Results: Patients were divided into two groups with regard to presence of hot flashes, those with hot flashes constituted the study groups (n:75, and others without hot flashes constituted the control group (n:32. The mean age of patients was statistically significantly lower in the study group (p<0,001. The mean duration of menopause was also lower in this group (p<0,001. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of obstetrical characteristics, body mass index, smoking status, educational level, type of menopause (p>0,05. Night sweats and sleep disorders were more common in women with hot flashes

  5. Evaluation of Dietary Intake of Various Vitamins in Menopausal Women with Hot Flashes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aytekin Tokmak


    Full Text Available Aim: Menopausal hot flashes affect the majority of women. Hormone replacement therapy to reduce the severity of hot flashes is the most effective method. Today, however, due to a number of side effects of hormone therapy more women are seeking alternative treatments such as vitamin pills and herbal products. Previously, various vitamins, minerals and trace elements were studied for this purpose. In this study, our aim was to determine the level of dietary intake of various vitamins in women with hot flashes and to compare them with women who had no complaints. Material and Method: One hundred and seven consecutive women who attended the menopause clinic of our hospital for routine follow up were included in this study. All of the participants were asked about the occurrence of specific menopausal symptoms and completed 92-itm antioxidant nutrient questionnaire developed by Satia. The main parameters recorded for each woman were; age, obstetrical characteristics, body mass index, smoking status, educational level, type of menopause (surgical or natural, duration of menopause, menopausal symptoms, and number and duration of hot flashes. According to the computerized analysis of questionnaire, dietary intake of water-soluble vitamins; B complex and vitamin C, and fat-soluble vitamins; vitamin, A D, E, K were calculated. Results: Patients were divided into two groups with regard to presence of hot flashes, those with hot flashes constituted the study groups (n:75, and others without hot flashes constituted the control group (n:32. The mean age of patients was statistically significantly lower in the study group (p<0,001. The mean duration of menopause was also lower in this group (p<0,001. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of obstetrical characteristics, body mass index, smoking status, educational level, type of menopause (p>0,05. Night sweats and sleep disorders were more common in women with hot flashes

  6. Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Protections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R. Camp


    Over the past four years, the Electrical Safety Program at PPPL has evolved in addressing changing regulatory requirements and lessons learned from accident events, particularly in regards to arc flash hazards and implementing NFPA 70E requirements. This presentation will discuss PPPL's approaches to the areas of electrical hazards evaluation, both shock and arc flash; engineered solutions for hazards mitigation such as remote racking of medium voltage breakers, operational changes for hazards avoidance, targeted personnel training and hazard appropriate personal protective equipment. Practical solutions for nominal voltage identification and zero voltage checks for lockout/tagout will also be covered. Finally, we will review the value of a comprehensive electrical drawing program, employee attitudes expressed as a personal safety work ethic, integrated safety management, and sustained management support for continuous safety improvement.

  7. Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Protections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camp, R.


    Over the past four years, the Electrical Safety Program at PPPL has evolved in addressing changing regulatory requirements and lessons learned from accident events, particularly in regards to arc flash hazards and implementing NFPA 70E requirements. This presentation will discuss PPPL's approaches to the areas of electrical hazards evaluation, both shock and arc flash; engineered solutions for hazards mitigation such as remote racking of medium voltage breakers, operational changes for hazards avoidance, targeted personnel training and hazard appropriate personal protective equipment. Practical solutions for nominal voltage identification and zero voltage checks for lockout/tagout will also be covered. Finally, we will review the value of a comprehensive electrical drawing program, employee attitudes expressed as a personal safety work ethic, integrated safety management, and sustained management support for continuous safety improvement.

  8. Design of High-Security USB Flash Drives Based on Chaos Authentication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teh-Lu Liao


    Full Text Available This paper aims to propose a novel design of high-security USB flash drives with the chaos authentication. A chaos authentication approach with the non-linear encryption and decryption function design is newly proposed and realized based on the controller design of chaos synchronization. To complete the design of high-security USB flash drives, first, we introduce six parameters into the original Henon map to adjust and obtain richer chaotic state responses. Then a discrete sliding mode scheme is proposed to solve the synchronization problem of discrete hyperchaotic Henon maps. The proposed sliding mode controller can ensure the synchronization of the master-slave Henon maps. The selection of the switching surface and the existence of the sliding motion are also addressed. Finally, the obtained results are applied to design a new high-security USB flash drive with chaos authentication. We built discrete hyperchaotic Henon maps in the smartphone (master and microcontroller (slave, respectively. The Bluetooth module is used to communicate between the master and the slave to achieve chaos synchronization such that the same random and dynamical chaos signal can be simultaneously obtained at both the USB flash drive and smartphone, and pass the chaos authentication. When users need to access data in the flash drive, they can easily enable the encryption APP in the smartphone (master for chaos authentication. After completing the chaos synchronization and authentication, the ARM-based microcontroller allows the computer to access the data in the high-security USB flash drive.



    Rodríguez V., Juan A.; Grupo de Electroquímica, Instituto de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; Vásquez C., Mario V.; Grupo de Electroquímica, Instituto de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia


    Se analizó la composición de soluciones de lavado provenientes de las cámaras de electrodos de una celda de remediación a nivel de laboratorio. Se estudió el movimiento de iones nitrato y plomo como contaminantes de suelos de la región (Andisol).Para los estudios se analizaron conjuntamente medidas de pH, conductiVidad, turbidez, concentración de contaminantes y corriente dé electrólisis.Se comprueba que, para las condiciones experimentales empleadas, los iones nitrato se mueven libremente y ...

  10. Inception and development of voids in flashing liquids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, O.C. Jr.


    Recent work aimed at correctly describing nonequilibrium vapor generation rates in flashing liquids in decompressing flows similar to those which might be encountered in a loss of coolant accident in a nuclear reactor is summarized. Analysis is reviewed which describes the flashing inception superheat in terms of the turbulence intensity for a given expansion rate and initial temperature, and interfacial area density and interfacial heat flux, and the volumetric vapor generation rates. Comparisons with existing data are included and further experiments being undertaken are described, including typical recent results

  11. Aplicación de algoritmos heurísticos en la construcción de la población inicial de algoritmos genéticos que resuelven el problema de planeamiento de la expansión de la transmisión

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    Antonio H. Escobar Z.


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza el impacto de seleccionar poblaciones iníciales de buena calidad para ser usadas en algoritmos genéticos, con el propósito de obtener mayor velocidad de convergencia y mejor calidad en las soluciones alcanzadas cuando se resuelve el problema del planeamiento de la expansión a largo plazo de los sistemas de transmisión de energía eléctrica. Los sistemas de prueba que se analizan corresponden a sistemas de alta complejidad, tradicionalmente usados en la literatura especializada. Para generar soluciones iníciales de buena calidad se utilizan algoritmos heurísticos constructivos, particularmente los más utilizados en problemas de planeamiento de la expansión de sistemas de transmisión. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los que entregan los algoritmos genéticos que usan poblaciones iniciales aleatorias. Los resultados muestran que una población inicial generada en forma heurística permite obtener soluciones de mejor o igual calidad y con esfuerzos computacionales menores, cuando se resuelven sistemas eléctricos de gran complejidad.

  12. Geoquímica de las lagunas saladas de los Monegros (Zaragoza. l. determinación experimental de los efectos del reequilibrio mirabilita-solucion con la temperatura en un sistema natural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bourrié, G.


    lagunas, mediante la ampliación del modelo HMW (Harvie, Moller y Weare, 1984 incluido en el código PHRQPITZ (Plummer el al., 1988, señalan una situación de equilibrio respecto a la mirabilita para todas ellas, independientemente de su grado de concentración y temperatura. Por otro lado, las observaciones de campo confirman que pequeñas oscilaciones de temperatura son suficientes para desencadenar estos procesos de reequilibrio con una cinética muy rápida. Para aislar los efectos de este proceso de los provocados por la pauta normal de concentración de las lagunas se ha estudiado experimentalmente la variación de solubilidad de la mirabilita, entre 0 y 30ºC, con una muestra de salmuera natural representativa de un avanzado estadio de concentración. Los resultados indican que las modificaciones de la solubilidad de la mirabilita con la temperatura maximizan sus efectos en el intervalo entre 20 y 30ºc, rango de oscilación frecuente en el sistema natural durante la primavera. Estos efectos se traducen en removilizaciones de varios centenares de gramos de mirabilita por kilogramo de solución, modificaciones de la fuerza iónica de 4 a 8 molal y cambios en la actividad del agua entre 0,943 y 0,896; pero afectan de forma desigual al estado de saturación de la salmuera respecto a otros minerales: los de yeso y halita no se ven apenas influenciados mientras que los de thenardita, bloedita y glauberita sufren importantes variaciones. Los especiales caracteres de estos sistemas (con soluciones de alta concentración y una evolución en condiciones de temperatura variable provocan modificaciones en las pautas de evolución deducidas a partir de la regla de la divisoria química o de alcalinidad residual generalizada. Y las variaciones de temperatura detectadas en las lagunas condicionan asimismo la aplicación de aproximaciones más elaboradas de modelización geoquímica: el análisis termodinámico de la evolución de las lagunas considerando un valor de

  13. New principle of feeding for flash evaporation MOCVD devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaul, A.R.; Seleznev, B.V.


    A novel scheme of flash evaporation feeding for MOCVD processes of multi-component oxide films deposition is proposed. The scheme comprises 1) microdozage of organic solution of solid volatile precursors on the glass fiber belt, 2) evaporation of the solvent and 3) flash evaporation of MOC microdoses from the belt. The functioning of the designed feeder is described and the features of proposed scheme in comparison to existing feeding principles are discussed. (orig.)

  14. Interactions of numerical and temporal stimulus characteristics on the control of response location by brief flashes of light. (United States)

    Fetterman, J Gregor; Killeen, P Richard


    Pigeons pecked on three keys, responses to one of which could be reinforced after 3 flashes of the houselight, to a second key after 6, and to a third key after 12. The flashes were arranged according to variable-interval schedules. Response allocation among the keys was a function of the number of flashes. When flashes were omitted, transitions occurred very late. Increasing flash duration produced a leftward shift in the transitions along a number axis. Increasing reinforcement probability produced a leftward shift, and decreasing reinforcement probability produced a rightward shift. Intermixing different flash rates within sessions separated allocations: Faster flash rates shifted the functions sooner in real time, but later in terms of flash count, and conversely for slower flash rates. A model of control by fading memories of number and time was proposed.

  15. Verificador facial en dispositivos móviles, y estrategias de fusión de biometría facial y de voz


    Pérez Lemonche, Ángel


    Argos Soluciones Globales S.L. y en particular su porfolio de productos biométricos, FaceOn, son especialistas en el desarrollo de soluciones biométricas con tecnología propia. VerifyByFace es un sistema de verificación facial para el control de acceso físico y virtual. Dentro del departamento de investigación y desarrollo, la tarea desempeñada que se expone en este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es el desarrollo y evaluación de la tecnología inicial de biometría facial de FaceOn con el fin de mejo...

  16. Mejorando la planificación de sistemas territoriales con optimización metaheurística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Z. Ríos Mercado


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene por objetivo ilustrar cómo la ciencia puede impactar positivamente en procesos de decisiones de carácter industrial. El problema consiste en encontrar una partición del conjunto total de unidades geográficas (bloques que minimice una única función de dispersión territorial. Esta medida de desempeño es equivalente a maximizar la compacidad de los territorios, es decir, obtener diseños donde ls unidades geográficas estén lo más cercanas entre sí. La solución debe satisfacer además otros requerimientos como equilibrar las distintas medidas de actividad entre los distintos territorios, así como contigüidad de territorios. Como resultado se tiene un modelo mono-objetivo de optimización combinatoria. Método: Para tal efecto, se presenta un método metaheurístico de solución, denominado GRASP, para la resolución de un problema de diseño de territorios comerciales, motivado por una aplicación real de una compañía de distribución de bebidas embotelladas. El método integra componentes de construcción de soluciones y de búsqueda local o mejora de las mismas que intentan explotar inteligentemente la estructura matemática del problema. Resultados: El algoritmo se ha evaluado en varios conjuntos de instancias generados aleatoriamente a partir de datos reales proporcionados por el socio industrial. Los resultados obtenidos indican la eficacia del método propuesto dado que, en tiempos de cómputo relativamente rápidos, pudieron obtenerse soluciones de calidad muy superior a la de las obtenidas por la empresa, tanto respecto a la medida de compacidad, como respecto a la satisfacción de todas las restricciones. Previo a abordar el trabajo, la empresa no podía encontrar solcuiones que satisfacieran grados de balence, por ejemplo, inferiores al 20%. EL método propuesto encuentra siempre soluciones factibles con desbalances menores al 5%. Conclusión: Se ha ilustrado cómo los problemas de toma de decisiones

  17. Nonlinear dynamic model of a gear-rotor-bearing system considering the flash temperature (United States)

    Gou, Xiangfeng; Zhu, Lingyun; Qi, Changjun


    The instantaneous flash temperature is an important factor for gears in service. To investigate the effect of the flash temperature of a tooth surface on the dynamics of the spur gear system, a modified nonlinear dynamic model of a gear-rotor-bearing system is established. The factors such as the contact temperature of the tooth surface, time-varying stiffness, tooth surface friction, backlash, the comprehensive transmission error and so on are considered. The flash temperature of a tooth surface of pinion and gear is formulated according to Blok's flash temperature theory. The mathematical expression of the contact temperature of the tooth surface varied with time is derived and the tooth profile deformation caused by the change of the flash temperature of the tooth surface is calculated. The expression of the mesh stiffness varied with the flash temperature of the tooth surface is derived based on Hertz contact theory. The temperature stiffness is proposed and added to the nonlinear dynamic model of the system. The influence of load on the flash temperature of the tooth surface is analyzed in the parameters plane. The variation of the flash temperature of the tooth surface is studied. The numerical results indicate that the calculated method of the flash temperature of the gear tooth surface is effective and it can reflect the rules for the change of gear meshing temperature and sliding of the gear tooth surface. The effects of frequency, backlash, bearing clearance, comprehensive transmission error and time-varying stiffness on the nonlinear dynamics of the system are analyzed according to the bifurcation diagrams, Top Lyapunov Exponent (TLE) spectrums, phase portraits and Poincaré maps. Some nonlinear phenomena such as periodic bifurcation, grazing bifurcation, quasi-periodic bifurcation, chaos and its routes to chaos are investigated and the critical parameters are identified. The results provide an understanding of the system and serve as a useful reference

  18. Cálculo : problemas y soluciones


    Estela Carbonell, M. Rosa; Cuello Nebot, Eva; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles


    Los problemas contenidos en el libro que se presenta son el resultado de cuatro años de docencia en la asignatura Cálcul I de la ETSECCPB. En ellos se desarrolla el cálculo diferencial e integral de una y varias variables, así como una introducción a las sucesiones y series funcionales, con lo que se pretende cubrir cualquier programa de un primer curso de cálculo.

  19. Flash Extraction and Physicochemical Characterization of Oil from Elaeagnus mollis Diels Seeds. (United States)

    Kan, Lina; Wang, Lin; Ding, Qingzhen; Wu, Yanwen; Ouyang, Jie


    A flash extraction method was used to isolate Elaeagnus mollis oil (EMO). The optimal extraction parameters, sample/solvent ratio and extraction temperature, were determined to be 1:10 (g/mL) and 40°C, respectively. Especially, the extraction yield reached 49.30% when the extraction time was as short as 2 min. No obvious difference was observed in fatty acid composition, iodine value, saponification number, total phenolic content and tocopherol content between flash-extracted EMO and Soxhlet-extracted EMO, but their physicochemical values were lower than those of cold-pressed EMO. Cold-pressed EMO had higher oxidation stability, DPPH (1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities than flash-extracted EMO and Soxlet extracted EMO. The flash extraction is demonstrated to be an alternative, efficient method for the vegetable oil production.

  20. Thermal-hydraulics stability of natural circulation BWR under startup. Flashing effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Rui; Kazimi, Mujid S.


    To help achieve the necessary natural circulation flow, a fairly long chimney is installed in a boiling natural circulation reactor like the ESBWR. In such systems, thermal-hydraulic stability during low pressure start-up should be examined while considering the flashing induced by the pressure drop in the channel and the chimney due to gravity head. In this work, a BWR stability analysis code in the frequency domain, named FISTAB (Flashing-Induced STability Analysis for BWR), was developed to address the issue of flashing-induced instability. A thermal-hydraulics non-homogeneous equilibrium model (NHEM) based on a drift flux formulation along with a lumped fuel dynamics model is incorporated in the work. The vapor generation rate is derived from the mixture energy conservation equation while considering the effect of flashing. The functionality of the FISTAB code was confirmed by comparison to experimental results from SIRIUS-N facility at CRIEPI, Japan. Both stationary and perturbation results agree well with the experimental results. (author)

  1. The SWARF high energy flash X-ray facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilbert, J.F.; Dove, E.W.D.


    A description is presented of the SWARF flash radiography facility at AWRE Foulness, which is stated to be the most powerful flash x-ray system available, in the U.K. The machine consists essentially of a Marx generator, a coaxial Blumlein system and an x-ray tube. The voltage output from the Marx generator (about 2.5 MV from an 80 kV input) is applied to a large re-entrant Blumlein pulse-forming line. Near maximum voltage, an adjustable oil switch short-circuits one end of the Blumlein generator and so applies a square voltage pulse of 65 ns duration to the x-ray tube. The x-rays are produced from a tantalum target which forms the anode of a vacuum field emission diode. The facility consists of two field machines positioned so that radiographs can be obtained from different angles. The description is given under the following heads: modus operandi; constructional details; oil installation; electrical details; commissioning, calibration and electrical data; flash radiography in explosives research; operational control of facility, film packs; radiographic results; further developments; overall performance. (U.K.)

  2. Flash pyrolysis, a process for utilizing contaminated wood; Flash-Pyrolyse - eine Moeglichkeit der stofflichen Verwertung von kontaminiertem Holz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, D; Wehlte, S; Faix, O [Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Holzchemie und Chemische Technologie des Holzes


    Flash pyrolysis of wood treated with common pesticides poses no technical probelms. Product yields, with a maximum oil yield at 475 C, are similar to those of untreated wood. Most of the heavy metals are retained by the coal while a small part aheres to the coal layer of the sand bed. The resulting pyrolysis oil contains neither chromium nor copper. (orig) [Deutsch] Die Flash-Pyrolyse der mit den gaengigsten Schutzmitteln behandelten Hoelzer bereitet verfahrenstechnisch keine Probleme. Auch die Produktausbeuten, mit einem oelmaximum bei 475 C, aehneln denen von naturbelassenem Holz. Der groesste Teil der Schwermetalle wurde an die Kohle gebunden, ein geringer Teil blieb auf der Kohleschicht des Sandes haften. Im Hauptprodukt Pyrolyseoel konnten weder Chrom noch Kupfer nachgewiesen werden. (orig)

  3. Flash pyrolysis, a process for utilizing contaminated wood; Flash-Pyrolyse - eine Moeglichkeit der stofflichen Verwertung von kontaminiertem Holz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meier, D.; Wehlte, S.; Faix, O. [Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Holzchemie und Chemische Technologie des Holzes


    Flash pyrolysis of wood treated with common pesticides poses no technical probelms. Product yields, with a maximum oil yield at 475 C, are similar to those of untreated wood. Most of the heavy metals are retained by the coal while a small part aheres to the coal layer of the sand bed. The resulting pyrolysis oil contains neither chromium nor copper. (orig) [Deutsch] Die Flash-Pyrolyse der mit den gaengigsten Schutzmitteln behandelten Hoelzer bereitet verfahrenstechnisch keine Probleme. Auch die Produktausbeuten, mit einem oelmaximum bei 475 C, aehneln denen von naturbelassenem Holz. Der groesste Teil der Schwermetalle wurde an die Kohle gebunden, ein geringer Teil blieb auf der Kohleschicht des Sandes haften. Im Hauptprodukt Pyrolyseoel konnten weder Chrom noch Kupfer nachgewiesen werden. (orig)

  4. Flash Points of Secondary Alcohol and n-Alkane Mixtures. (United States)

    Esina, Zoya N; Miroshnikov, Alexander M; Korchuganova, Margarita R


    The flash point is one of the most important characteristics used to assess the ignition hazard of mixtures of flammable liquids. To determine the flash points of mixtures of secondary alcohols with n-alkanes, it is necessary to calculate the activity coefficients. In this paper, we use a model that allows us to obtain enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporization data of the pure components to calculate the liquid-solid equilibrium (LSE) and vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE). Enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vaporization data of secondary alcohols in the literature are limited; thus, the prediction of these characteristics was performed using the method of thermodynamic similarity. Additionally, the empirical models provided the critical temperatures and boiling temperatures of the secondary alcohols. The modeled melting enthalpy and enthalpy of vaporization as well as the calculated LSE and VLE flash points were determined for the secondary alcohol and n-alkane mixtures.

  5. Study of coal flash hydropyrolysis denitrogenation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tang, Lihua; Zhu, Zibin; Zhu, Hongbin; Zhang, Chengfang [Research Institute of Inorganic Chemical Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237 (China)


    The hydrodenitrogenation efficiency of 14 types of coals and the reaction mechanism of Zalainouer coal were studied in an experimental entrained bed reactor by flash hydropyrolysis (FHP). The results showed that flash hydropyrolysis is an efficient method for denitrogenation, and that the denitrogenation percentage increases with an increase in temperature and hydrogen pressure. For example, the denitrogenation percentage can reach up to about 60% for Zalainouer coal at 700 C and 6.0 MPa hydrogen pressure. The denitrogenation efficiency of different coal types is related to H/C. According to the conclusion of the study, the denitrogenation percentage increases with the increase in H/C ratio, reaching about 12% when H/C is equal to 0.6, and 40-55% when H/C is above 1.0. The results indicate that FHP is an efficient technique for removing nitrogen in coal.

  6. Geospatial Analysis for the Determination of Hydro-Morphological Characteristics and Assessment of Flash Flood Potentiality in Arid Coastal Plains: A Case in Southwestern Sinai, Egypt

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    Ahmed Wahid


    Full Text Available Coastal plains with a unique geographic setting and renewable natural resources are promising for sustainable development; however, these areas may be subjected to some environmental hazards due to their geological setting. One of those hazards is the seasonal flash flood that can threaten existing and future development projects in such critical areas. Southwestern Sinai, Egypt, is a coastal plain that is characterized by complex geological setting an arid climate with seasonal rainfall which can result in a high runoff. The aim of this work is to model spatially the runoff amount and density related to flash flood development and to create a flash flood hazard map of the plain as an example of coastal plain in a desert environment with large and complex hydrologic setting. In this research, ASTER images are used to develop a digital elevation model (DEM and land use/land cover (LULC data sets of the study area. Geographic information system (GIS was used to perform runoff and ash potential flood analyses of the created databases and to show distributed runoff and flooding potential in spatial maps. A module was created in a GIS environment to develop a flash flood potential index map. It was clear that the main two factors controlling runoff amounts and flash flood potential in such kinds of areas are the slope and soil types. The final dataset map procedure by this work can be very helpful in land use planning by highlighting the areas subjected to flash floods.    Análisis Geoespacial para Determinar las Características Hidromorfológicas y Evaluar las Inundaciones Potenciales en Llanuras Costeras Áridas: Caso de Estudio en el Suroccidente de Sinaí, Egipto  Resumen Las llanuras costeras que poseen recursos naturales renovables y una configuración geográfíca única son promisorias para el desarrollo sostenible. Estas áreas, sin embargo, son objeto de algunas amenazas ambientales debido a su escenario geológico. Una de

  7. Development of a precipitation-area curve for warning criteria of short-duration flash flood (United States)

    Bae, Deg-Hyo; Lee, Moon-Hwan; Moon, Sung-Keun


    This paper presents quantitative criteria for flash flood warning that can be used to rapidly assess flash flood occurrence based on only rainfall estimates. This study was conducted for 200 small mountainous sub-catchments of the Han River basin in South Korea because South Korea has recently suffered many flash flood events. The quantitative criteria are calculated based on flash flood guidance (FFG), which is defined as the depth of rainfall of a given duration required to cause frequent flooding (1-2-year return period) at the outlet of a small stream basin and is estimated using threshold runoff (TR) and antecedent soil moisture conditions in all sub-basins. The soil moisture conditions were estimated during the flooding season, i.e., July, August and September, over 7 years (2002-2009) using the Sejong University Rainfall Runoff (SURR) model. A ROC (receiver operating characteristic) analysis was used to obtain optimum rainfall values and a generalized precipitation-area (P-A) curve was developed for flash flood warning thresholds. The threshold function was derived as a P-A curve because the precipitation threshold with a short duration is more closely related to basin area than any other variables. For a brief description of the P-A curve, generalized thresholds for flash flood warnings can be suggested for rainfall rates of 42, 32 and 20 mm h-1 in sub-basins with areas of 22-40, 40-100 and > 100 km2, respectively. The proposed P-A curve was validated based on observed flash flood events in different sub-basins. Flash flood occurrences were captured for 9 out of 12 events. This result can be used instead of FFG to identify brief flash flood (less than 1 h), and it can provide warning information to decision-makers or citizens that is relatively simple, clear and immediate.

  8. An early warning system for flash floods in hyper-arid Egypt (United States)

    Cools, J.; Vanderkimpen, P.; El Afandi, G.; Abdelkhalek, A.; Fockedey, S.; El Sammany, M.; Abdallah, G.; El Bihery, M.; Bauwens, W.; Huygens, M.


    An early warning system (EWS) for flash floods has been developed for part of the Sinai peninsula of Egypt, an hyper-arid area confronted with limited availability of field data, limited understanding of the response of the wadi to rainfall, and a lack of correspondence between rainfall data and observed flash flood events. This paper shows that an EWS is not a "mission impossible" when confronted with large technical and scientific uncertainties and limited data availability. Firstly, the EWS has been developed and tested based on the best available information, this being quantitative data (field measurements, simulations and remote sensing images) complemented with qualitative "expert opinion" and local stakeholders' knowledge. Secondly, a set of essential parameters has been identified to be estimated or measured under data-poor conditions. These are: (1) an inventory of past significant rainfall and flash flood events, (2) the spatial and temporal distribution of the rainfall events and (3) transmission and infiltration losses and (4) thresholds for issuing warnings. Over a period of 30 yr (1979-2010), only 20 significant rain events have been measured. Nine of these resulted in a flash flood. Five flash floods were caused by regional storms and four by local convective storms. The results for the 2010 flash flood show that 90% of the total rainfall volume was lost to infiltration and transmission losses. Finally, it is discussed that the effectiveness of an EWS is only partially determined by technological performance. A strong institutional capacity is equally important, especially skilled staff to operate and maintain the system and clear communication pathways and emergency procedures in case of an upcoming disaster.

  9. Physics Flash August 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kippen, Karen Elizabeth [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Physics Flash is the newsletter for the Physics Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This newsletter is for August 2016. The following topics are covered: "Accomplishments in the Trident Laser Facility", "David Meyerhofer elected as chair-elect APS Nominating Committee", "HAWC searches for gamma rays from dark matter", "Proton Radiography Facility commissions electromagnetic magnifier", and "Cosmic ray muon computed tomography of spent nuclear fuel in dry storage casks."

  10. Flash floods warning technique based on wireless communication networks data (United States)

    David, Noam; Alpert, Pinhas; Messer, Hagit


    Flash floods can occur throughout or subsequent to rainfall events, particularly in cases where the precipitation is of high-intensity. Unfortunately, each year these floods cause severe property damage and heavy casualties. At present, there are no sufficient real time flash flood warning facilities found to cope with this phenomenon. Here we show the tremendous potential of flash floods advanced warning based on precipitation measurements of commercial microwave links. As was recently shown, wireless communication networks supply high resolution precipitation measurements at ground level while often being situated in flood prone areas, covering large parts of these hazardous regions. We present the flash flood warning potential of the wireless communication system for two different cases when floods occurred at the Judean desert and at the northern Negev in Israel. In both cases, an advanced warning regarding the hazard could have been announced based on this system. • This research was supported by THE ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (grant No. 173/08). This work was also supported by a grant from the Yeshaya Horowitz Association, Jerusalem. Additional support was given by the PROCEMA-BMBF project and by the GLOWA-JR BMBF project.

  11. Evaluación sensorial de láminas de mango (Manguifera indica L. cv. Keitt fortificadas con cloruro de calcio mediante deshidratación osmótica con pulsos de vacío

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    Richard Alejandro Gómez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la fortificación con cloruro de calcio (CaCl2 de láminas de mango por medio de la deshidratación osmótica con pulsos de vacío, sobre los atributos sensoriales color, sabor y textura (dureza. Se utilizaron frutos de mango del cultivar Keitt cosechados en estado de madurez fisiológica a partir de los cuales se obtuvieron láminas de 4 x 4 x 0,5 cm. Las láminas de mango se sometieron a 4 tratamientos osmóticos que incluían distintas soluciones con concentraciones de CaCl2 (0; 0,5; 1,5 y 2,5 %, durante 24 horas, aplicando pulsos de vacío. La preferencia de las láminas de mango fortificadas se determinó utilizando una escala hedónica de 9 puntos (desde 9: ‘gusta extremadamente’, pasando por 5: ‘ni gusta ni disgusta’, hasta 1: ‘disgusta extremadamente’. En la prueba participó un panel de 100 consumidores no entrenados, de ambos sexos y con edades entre 18 y 50 años. A cada panelista se les entregó simultáneamente 4 muestras codificadas con números aleatorios de tres dígitos y se les pidió que probaran y calificaran los atributos color, sabor y textura (dureza, según su apreciación y de acuerdo a la escala. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el análisis no paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. Las diferencias entre los tratamientos se determinaron mediante una prueba de rangos. Se aplicó un análisis de correlación entre las variables sensoriales a través de la prueba de rangos de Spearman. El panel detectó que el color de las láminas sometidas al tratamiento con 2,5 % CaCl2 varió significativamente (p ≤ 0,01 con relación a los demás. Un aumento de la concentración de CaCl2 hizo más amargas y duras las láminas de mango. Hubo correlación altamente positiva entre la preferencia del sabor y la dureza y con el color de las muestras. Las láminas con 0 % CaCl2 fueron las más aceptadas a nivel sensorial, pero para la fortificación con calcio las de mayor aceptabilidad fueron las

  12. Time Correlations of Lightning Flash Sequences in Thunderstorms Revealed by Fractal Analysis (United States)

    Gou, Xueqiang; Chen, Mingli; Zhang, Guangshu


    By using the data of lightning detection and ranging system at the Kennedy Space Center, the temporal fractal and correlation of interevent time series of lightning flash sequences in thunderstorms have been investigated with Allan factor (AF), Fano factor (FF), and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) methods. AF, FF, and DFA methods are powerful tools to detect the time-scaling structures and correlations in point processes. Totally 40 thunderstorms with distinguishing features of a single-cell storm and apparent increase and decrease in the total flash rate were selected for the analysis. It is found that the time-scaling exponents for AF (αAF) and FF (αFF) analyses are 1.62 and 0.95 in average, respectively, indicating a strong time correlation of the lightning flash sequences. DFA analysis shows that there is a crossover phenomenon—a crossover timescale (τc) ranging from 54 to 195 s with an average of 114 s. The occurrence of a lightning flash in a thunderstorm behaves randomly at timescales τc but shows strong time correlation at scales >τc. Physically, these may imply that the establishment of an extensive strong electric field necessary for the occurrence of a lightning flash needs a timescale >τc, which behaves strongly time correlated. But the initiation of a lightning flash within a well-established extensive strong electric field may involve the heterogeneities of the electric field at a timescale τc, which behave randomly.

  13. Flash Flood Type Identification within Catchments in Beijing Mountainous Area (United States)

    Nan, W.


    Flash flood is a common type of disaster in mountainous area, Flash flood with the feature of large flow rate, strong flushing force, destructive power, has periodically caused loss to life and destruction to infrastructure in mountainous area. Beijing as China's political, economic and cultural center, the disaster prevention and control work in Beijing mountainous area has always been concerned widely. According to the transport mechanism, sediment concentration and density, the flash flood type identification within catchment can provide basis for making the hazards prevention and mitigation policy. Taking Beijing as the study area, this paper extracted parameters related to catchment morphological and topography features respectively. By using Bayes discriminant, Logistic regression and Random forest, the catchments in Beijing mountainous area were divided into water floods process, fluvial sediment transport process and debris flows process. The results found that Logistic regression analysis showed the highest accuracy, with the overall accuracy of 88.2%. Bayes discriminant and Random forest had poor prediction effects. This study confirmed the ability of morphological and topography features to identify flash flood process. The circularity ratio, elongation ratio and roughness index can be used to explain the flash flood types effectively, and the Melton ratio and elevation relief ratio also did a good job during the identification, whereas the drainage density seemed not to be an issue at this level of detail. Based on the analysis of spatial patterns of flash flood types, fluvial sediment transport process and debris flow process were the dominant hazards, while the pure water flood process was much less. The catchments dominated by fluvial sediment transport process were mainly distributed in the Yan Mountain region, where the fault belts were relatively dense. The debris flow process prone to occur in the Taihang Mountain region thanks to the abundant

  14. System of ispFlash configuration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourrion, Olivier


    The aim of this module is to allow the use of FPGA components instead of EPLD components which for an equivalent or even inferior capacity are more expensive. For instance, the idea is to replace CPLD components having 512 macro-cells by one FPGA spartan II of Xilinx. However, due to the configuration's volatility, one configuration means is needed to put under voltage. A solution appears to be the using of a high capacity Flash memory coupled to a CPLD of small size to comply with the FPGA configuration protocol; also, one has to provide an in situ configuration means for this memory. Obviously, a product having an equivalent functionality already exists, since Xilinx and ALTERA supply PROMs of serial configuration. Unfortunately, they are expensive and a dealer is implied while the FLASH, the small CPLD and the FPGA spartan II are currently available. In conclusion, by using this assembly, which requires a small supplementary surface and a delay of upmost 240 ms (for the largest FPGA 1 Mbit), one obtains a solution cheaper and more performing than an EPLD of high capacity

  15. Manejo de restricciones con funciones de penalidad para la planificación del mantenimiento de locaciones petroleras

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    Jorge Ceferino Valdez


    Full Text Available La explotación y transporte de petróleo son actividades muy importantes para el desarrollo económico de la sociedad moderna insdustrial. Sin embargo, estas actividades son generadoras de riesgos que se traducen en contaminaciones que afectan el medio ambiente. Por esta razón, es importante que las empresas petroleras lleven a cabo un correcto mantenimiento de sus locaciones. En casos de planificación de mantenimiento de 100 o más locaciones, PAE es una herramienta que provee un plan de visitas para el mantenimiento, usando un algoritmo evolutivo para producir múltiples soluciones a este problema con restricciones. En este trabajo, se implementa una herramienta de optimización evolutiva aplicando técnicas de manejo de restricciones basadas en funciones de penalidad. Detalles de la implementación, resultados experimentales y beneficios son presentados en este informe.

  16. MR study of intracranial disease with three-dimensional FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Runge, V.M.; Wood, M.L.; Kaufman, D.M.; Nelson, K.L.; Traill, M.R.; Wolpert, S.M.


    A three-dimensional FLASH technique was used to study 36 patients with intracranial disease at 1 T (Siemens Magnetom). This included 15 cases of intracranial neoplastic disease, four with the application of intravenous Gd-DTPA. Contiguous thin sections (1-2 mm thick) were acquired of the entire intracranial contents using one acquisition (scan time of 5-15 minutes). A MIPRON (KONTRON Instruments) image processing work station was used for rapid image display and 3D reconstruction. 3D FLASH was found to be superior to spin-echo imaging at 1 T for the detection of hemorrhage. 3D acquisition also provided superior localization of neoplastic disease. The T1 contrast achieved was comparable to spin-echo technique with a repetition time/echo time of .6/17. The advantages in terms of lesion localization and thin-section imaging with high spatial resolution of the entire brain may lead to use of 3D FLASH in place of conventional spin-echo imaging

  17. Deconstructing continuous flash suppression


    Yang, Eunice; Blake, Randolph


    In this paper, we asked to what extent the depth of interocular suppression engendered by continuous flash suppression (CFS) varies depending on spatiotemporal properties of the suppressed stimulus and CFS suppressor. An answer to this question could have implications for interpreting the results in which CFS influences the processing of different categories of stimuli to different extents. In a series of experiments, we measured the selectivity and depth of suppression (i.e., elevation in co...

  18. Coherent imaging at FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chapman, H N; Bajt, S; Duesterer, S; Treusch, R; Barty, A; Benner, W H; Bogan, M J; Frank, M; Hau-Riege, S P; Woods, B W; Boutet, S; Cavalleri, A; Hajdu, J; Iwan, B; Seibert, M M; Timneanu, N; Marchesini, S; Sakdinawat, A; Sokolowski-Tinten, K


    We have carried out high-resolution single-pulse coherent diffractive imaging at the FLASH free-electron laser. The intense focused FEL pulse gives a high-resolution low-noise coherent diffraction pattern of an object before that object turns into a plasma and explodes. In particular we are developing imaging of biological specimens beyond conventional radiation damage resolution limits, developing imaging of ultrafast processes, and testing methods to characterize and perform single-particle imaging.

  19. Undergraduate Separations Utilizing Flash Chromatography (United States)

    Horowitz, G.


    This article describes the procedures used to carry out four flash chromatography experiments: the isolation of the carotenes, chlorophylls and xanthophylls from a spinach extract; the separation of ß-carotene from tetraphenyl cyclopentadienone; the isolation of (+) and (-) carvone from caraway and spearmint oil; and the purification of benzil from benzoin. Apparatus used is nonbreakable, easy to use, and inexpensive.

  20. Conformational detection of p53's oligomeric state by FlAsH Fluorescence. (United States)

    Webber, Tawnya M; Allen, Andrew C; Ma, Wai Kit; Molloy, Rhett G; Kettelkamp, Charisse N; Dow, Caitlin A; Gage, Matthew J


    The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a critical checkpoint in prevention of tumor formation, and the function of p53 is dependent on proper formation of the active tetramer. In vitro studies have shown that p53 binds DNA most efficiently as a tetramer, though inactive p53 is predicted to be monomeric in vivo. We demonstrate that FlAsH binding can be used to distinguish between oligomeric states of p53, providing a potential tool to explore p53 oligomerization in vivo. The FlAsH tetra-cysteine binding motif has been incorporated along the dimer and tetramer interfaces in the p53 tetramerization domain to create reporters for the dimeric and tetrameric states of p53, though the geometry of the four cysteines is critical for efficient FlAsH binding. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FlAsH binding can be used to monitor tetramer formation in real-time. These results demonstrate the potential for using FlAsH fluorescence to monitor protein-protein interactions in vivo.

  1. Hypnosis for Hot Flashes and Associated Symptomsin Women with Breast Cancer. (United States)

    Roberts, R Lynae; Na, Hyeji; Yek, Ming Hwei; Elkins, Gary


    Women with breast cancer experience a host of physical and psychological symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep difficulties, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, treatment for women with breast cancer should target these symptoms and be individualized to patients' specific presentations. The current article reviews the common symptoms associated with breast cancer in women, then examines clinical hypnosis as a treatment for addressing these symptoms and improving the quality of life of women with breast cancer. Clinical hypnosis is an effective, nonpharmaceutical treatment for hot flashes and addressing many symptoms typically experienced by breast cancer patients. A case example is provided to illustrate the use of clinical hypnosis for the treatment of hot flashes with a patient with breast cancer.

  2. Continuous background light significantly increases flashing-light enhancement of photosynthesis and growth of microalgae. (United States)

    Abu-Ghosh, Said; Fixler, Dror; Dubinsky, Zvy; Iluz, David


    Under specific conditions, flashing light enhances the photosynthesis rate in comparison to continuous illumination. Here we show that a combination of flashing light and continuous background light with the same integrated photon dose as continuous or flashing light alone can be used to significantly enhance photosynthesis and increase microalgae growth. To test this hypothesis, the green microalga Dunaliella salina was exposed to three different light regimes: continuous light, flashing light, and concomitant application of both. Algal growth was compared under three different integrated light quantities; low, intermediate, and moderately high. Under the combined light regime, there was a substantial increase in all algal growth parameters, with an enhanced photosynthesis rate, within 3days. Our strategy demonstrates a hitherto undescribed significant increase in photosynthesis and algal growth rates, which is beyond the increase by flashing light alone. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Gerra, Francisco


    La meta principal que tienen los desarrolladores de sistemas es: “Elaborar software de calidad; a precios cómodos y en tiempos mínimos” siempre enfocándose a que sus aplicaciones sean adaptables en la mayoría de: arquitecturas, bases de datos y frontales existentes en el mercado; para de esta manera poder cubrir gran parte de las necesidades de los clientes. Para alcanzar este objetivo el desarrollador debe contar con herramientas que le ayuden a automatizar las parte automatizables de lo...

  4. Turbulent spots and scalar flashes in pipe transition (United States)

    Adrian, Ronald; Wu, Xiaohua; Moin, Parviz


    Recent study (Wu et al., PNAS, 1509451112, 2015) demonstrated the feasibility and accuracy of direct computation of the Osborne Reynolds' pipe transition experiment without the unphysical axially periodic boundary condition. Here we use this approach to address three questions: (1) What are the dynamics of turbulent spot generation in pipe transition? (2) How is the succession of scalar flashes, as observed and sketched by Osborne Reynolds, created? (3) What happens to the succession of flashes further downstream? In this study, the inlet disturbance is of radial-mode type imposed through a narrow, three-degree numerical wedge; and the simulation Reynolds number is 6500. Numerical dye is introduced at the inlet plane locally very close to the pipe axis, similar to the needle injection by O. Reynolds. Inception of infant turbulent spots occurs when normal, forward inclined hairpin packets form near the walls from the debris of the inlet perturbations. However, the young and mature turbulent spots consist almost exclusively of reverse, backward leaning hairpin vortices. Scalar flashes appear successively downstream and persist well into the fully-developed turbulent region. Their creation mechanism is addressed. RJA gratefully acknowledges support of the National Science Foundation with NSF Award CBET-0933848.

  5. Distributed maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic applications: active bypass DC/DC converter

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    Carlos Andrés Ramos-Paja


    Full Text Available Se propone una estructura de desvío activo para maximizar la producción de potencia en sistemas fotovoltaicos bajo condiciones irregulares de operación, comparando su eficiencia con soluciones individuales y distribuidas basadas en convertidores DC/DC convencionales. Los análisis y simulaciones realistas demuestran las ventajas del nuevo convertidor de desvío activo sobre soluciones basadas en convertidores Boost, Buck y Buck-Boost.

  6. On Some Unusual Properties of Wave Solutions of Free Maxwell Equations

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    Augusto Espinoza


    Full Text Available Se descubren algunas propiedades inusuales de las soluciones de las llamadas ecuaciones libres de Maxwell. Mostramos la existencia de soluciones que representan las ondas electromagnéticas en el vacío para los cuales el vector de Poynting no coincide con el vector de Umov. Se presentan soluciones que corresponden a ondas magnéticas estacionarias de una configuración inusual en el vacío, que describen en el vacio formaciones estables anulares y esféricas de campo. Se demuestra que en el vacío, de acuerdo a las soluciones obtenidas el campo eléctrico E puede ser un vector polar así como un vector axial; y el campo magnético B, en su turno, puede ser un vector axial así como también un vector polar. Se muestra que tales soluciones existen cuando los vectores E y B, no son vectores polares ni axiales. Además, estas soluciones corresponden a ondas electromagnéticas que no transfieren energía ni momentos en cualquier punto del vacío.

  7. Eliminación de cromo de efluentes ácidos, mediante adsorción con wollastonita natural

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    Martín Antonio Encinas Romero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo evalúa las características de la remoción de cromo con wollastonita natural a partir de soluciones sintéticas de cromo (VI en medio ácido. Para realizar este estudio se desarrolló un diseño factorial 23 en el cual se estudiaron los factores: relación sólido/líquido, concentración de cromo en solución y temperatura. Se analizó el efecto de los factores principales y sus interacciones sobre el porcentaje de remoción de cromo mediante análisis gráficos. Asimismo, se desarrolló una ecuación de predicción del porcentaje de remoción de cromo en función de los efectos principales e interacciones más significativas, obteniendo correlaciones satisfactorias entre la información experimental y la predicha por la ecuación.

  8. Robust Design in Multiobjective Systems using Taguchi’s Parameter Design Approach and a Pareto Genetic Algorithm

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    Enrique Canessa


    Full Text Available Se presenta un Algoritmo Genético de Pareto (AGP, que encuentra la frontera de Pareto en problemas de diseño robusto para sistemas multiobjetivo. El AGP fue diseñado para ser aplicado usando el método de Diseño de Parámetros de Taguchi, el cual es el método más frecuentemente empleado por profesionales para ejecutar diseño robusto. El AGP se probó con datos obtenidos de un sistema real con una respuesta y de un simulador de procesos multiobjetivo con muchos factores de control y ruido. En todos los casos, el AGP entregó soluciones óptimas que cumplen con los objetivos del diseño robusto. Además, la discusión de resultados muestra que tener dichas soluciones ayuda en la selección de las mejores a ser implementadas en el sistema bajo estudio, especialmente cuando el sistema tiene muchos factores de control y salidas.

  9. Visualization on triangle concept using Adobe Flash Professional SC6 (United States)

    Sagita, Laela; Ratih Kusumarini, Adha


    The purpose of this paper is to develop teaching aids using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 emphasize on Triangle concept. A new alternative way to deliver a basic concept in geometry with visualization is software Adobe Flash Professional CS 6. Research method is research and development with 5 phase of Ploom’s model, namely (1) preliminary, (2) design, (3) realization/ construction, (4) test, evaluation and revision, and 5) implementation. The results showed that teaching aids was valid, practice, and effective. Validity: expert judgement for material score is 3.95 and media expert judgement produce an average score of 3,2, both in the category are valid. Practically: the average of questionnaire response is 4,04 (good). Effectiveness: n-gain test value is 0,36 (medium). It concluded that developed of teaching aids using Adobe Flash CS6 on triangle can improve student achievement.

  10. Atención Segura Salva Vidas “Qué debemos saber y hacer sobre la seguridad del paciente”

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    Rubén D. Camargo R.


    Full Text Available

    “LA OPS, fundada en 1902, trabaja con todos los países de las Américas para mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de su población. Es, además, la Oficina Regional para las Américas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS.”


    En todo el mundo, los sistemas de salud reconocen hoy en día que la seguridad del paciente es una cuestión de prioritaria importancia. El programa de trabajo de Soluciones para la Seguridad del Paciente de la OMS aborda varias áreas cruciales de riesgo para los pacientes ante una intervención Médica.

    El objetivo de este documento en el “Saber”, es presentar la situación mundial de la seguridad del paciente a través de campañas de la OMS/OPS; y en el “Hacer” presentar la actividad realizada por la Academia Nacional Capitulo del Atlántico en la promoción y prevención de la seguridad del paciente a través de la campaña: ATENCIÓN SEGURA SALVA VIDAS.

    Lo Que Debemos Saber

    1. Soluciones para la seguridad del paciente

    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS lanzó en 2005 “Nueve soluciones para la seguridad del paciente” a fin de ayudar a reducir el tributo de daños relacionados con la atención sanitaria que pagan millones de pacientes en todo el mundo. Son intervenciones y acciones que han reducido los problemas relacionados con la seguridad del paciente en algunos países, y se difunden ahora de manera accesible para que los Estados Miembros de la OMS entre ellos Colombia puedan usarlas y adaptarlas a fin de reformular los procedimientos de asistencia al enfermo y hacerlos más seguros.

    Básicamente estas soluciones tienen por objeto ayudar a reformular la asistencia a los enfermos y evitar eventos adversos perjudiciales para los pacientes.

    Las soluciones guardan relación con los siguientes conceptos: medicamentos de aspecto o nombre parecidos; identificación de pacientes; comunicación durante el traspaso de

  11. Risk of long-term hot flashes after natural menopause: evidence from the Penn Ovarian Aging Study cohort. (United States)

    Freeman, Ellen W; Sammel, Mary D; Sanders, Richard J


    This study aims to estimate the risk of hot flashes relative to natural menopause and to evaluate the associations of hormone levels, behavioral variables, and demographic variables with the risk of hot flashes after menopause. We performed annual assessment of 255 women who were premenopausal at baseline and reached natural menopause within 16 years of follow-up. The prevalence of moderate/severe hot flashes increased in each premenopausal year, reaching a peak of 46% in the first 2 years after the final menstrual period (FMP). Hot flashes decreased slowly after menopause and did not return to premenopausal levels until 9 years after the FMP. The mean (SD) duration of moderate/severe hot flashes after the FMP was 4.6 (2.9) years (for any hot flashes, 4.9 [3.1] y). One third of women at 10 years or more after menopause continued to experience moderate/severe hot flashes. African-American women (obese and nonobese) and obese white women had significantly greater risks of hot flashes compared with nonobese white women (interaction, P = 0.01). In multivariable analysis, increasing follicle-stimulating hormone levels before the FMP (P menopause; more than one third of women observed for 10 years or more after menopause have moderate/severe hot flashes. Continuation of hot flashes for more than 5 years after menopause underscores the importance of determining individual risks/benefits when selecting hormone or nonhormone therapy for menopausal symptoms.

  12. Physics Flash December 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kippen, Karen Elizabeth [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States). ADEPS Communications


    This is the December 2016 issue of Physics Flash, the newsletter of the Physics Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). In this issue, the following topics are covered: Novel liquid helium technique to aid highly sensitive search for a neutron electrical dipole moment; Silverleaf: Prototype Red Sage experiments performed at Q-site; John L. Kline named 2016 APS Fellow; Physics students in the news; First Entropy Engine quantum random number generator hits the market; and celebrating service.

  13. The Role of Serotonin in Hot Flashes after Breast Cancer (United States)


    physiological mechanisms involved in hot flashes c.fter breast cancer will enable us to develop more targeted behavioral and/or pharmacological therapi ...s to be used in lieu of, or in addition to, currently available therapies so that we can eradicate hot flashes and improve the quality of life for...flavorings were most palatable - chocolate mint and orange. We rejected a lemon flavoring as being unpalatable. We eliminated the mid-day snack per

  14. Solución del problema de ruteo de vehículos con demandas estocásticas mediante la optimización por espiral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Alejandra Gelves-Tello


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados del estudio de un problema de ruteo de vehículos con demandas estocásticas (Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands, VRPSD, en el cual la única variable estocástica es la demanda de los clientes; esta variable sigue una distribución discreta, y su valor solo es conocido cuando el vehículo llega a la ubicación del cliente. Para su solución, se implementó la metaheurística denominada Optimización por Espiral, con el enfoque a priori y la estrategia de reabastecimiento preventivo para un solo vehículo. Para mejorar el método se inicializaron las rutas mediante la heurística del vecino más cercano, y posteriormente se utilizó la mutación, un operador evolutivo, para ampliar la zona de exploración de los puntos de búsqueda. Adicionalmente, se utilizó el intercambio 2-Opt, una heurística de búsqueda local, con el fin de intensificar la búsqueda en la vecindad de soluciones óptimas encontradas. Por otra parte, se realizó un diseño de experimentos 23, con el fin de determinar la influencia de cada factor en la función objetivo. Este análisis se llevó a cabo en 8 instancias diferentes que fueron diseñadas y desarrolladas por Galván et al. [1]. Finalmente, se compararon los resultados obtenidos con los arrojados por el algoritmo híbrido EPSO, con el objetivo de probar la eficiencia y eficacia del algoritmo desarrollado. Esta comparación evidenció que el método propuesto obtiene mejores resultados en todas las instancias, con mejoras de hasta el 5,71 %.

  15. [Contact shot from infantry weapons with a flash-suppressor]. (United States)

    Perdekamp, Markus Grosse; Braunwarth, Roland; Schmidt, Ulrike; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Pollak, Stefan


    The number of reports on contact shots from firearms with a flash suppressor attached to the muzzle is small. On the basis of a case report (suicidal shot to the forehead with a Kalschnikow AKMS 47 assault rifle) the morphological peculiarities (characteristics soot pattern, relatively small powder cavity and only minor skin tears in the presence of a bony support) are presented and the conclusions to be drawn from the findings regarding the flash-suppressor, the shot distance, the angle of the shot and the way of holding the weapon are discussed.

  16. Economic assessment of flash co-pyrolysis of short rotation coppice and biopolymer waste streams. (United States)

    Kuppens, T; Cornelissen, T; Carleer, R; Yperman, J; Schreurs, S; Jans, M; Thewys, T


    The disposal problem associated with phytoextraction of farmland polluted with heavy metals by means of willow requires a biomass conversion technique which meets both ecological and economical needs. Combustion and gasification of willow require special and costly flue gas treatment to avoid re-emission of the metals in the atmosphere, whereas flash pyrolysis mainly results in the production of (almost) metal free bio-oil with a relatively high water content. Flash co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste of biopolymers synergistically improves the characteristics of the pyrolysis process: e.g. reduction of the water content of the bio-oil, more bio-oil and less char production and an increase of the HHV of the oil. This research paper investigates the economic consequences of the synergistic effects of flash co-pyrolysis of 1:1 w/w ratio blends of willow and different biopolymer waste streams via cost-benefit analysis and Monte Carlo simulations taking into account uncertainties. In all cases economic opportunities of flash co-pyrolysis of biomass with biopolymer waste are improved compared to flash pyrolysis of pure willow. Of all the biopolymers under investigation, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the most promising, followed by Eastar, Biopearls, potato starch, polylactic acid (PLA), corn starch and Solanyl in order of decreasing profits. Taking into account uncertainties, flash co-pyrolysis is expected to be cheaper than composting biopolymer waste streams, except for corn starch. If uncertainty increases, composting also becomes more interesting than flash co-pyrolysis for waste of Solanyl. If the investment expenditure is 15% higher in practice than estimated, the preference for flash co-pyrolysis compared to composting biopolymer waste becomes less clear. Only when the system of green current certificates is dismissed, composting clearly is a much cheaper processing technique for disposing of biopolymer waste. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Coupling Radar Rainfall Estimation and Hydrological Modelling For Flash-flood Hazard Mitigation (United States)

    Borga, M.; Creutin, J. D.

    Flood risk mitigation is accomplished through managing either or both the hazard and vulnerability. Flood hazard may be reduced through structural measures which alter the frequency of flood levels in the area. The vulnerability of a community to flood loss can be mitigated through changing or regulating land use and through flood warning and effective emergency response. When dealing with flash-flood hazard, it is gener- ally accepted that the most effective way (and in many instances the only affordable in a sustainable perspective) to mitigate the risk is by reducing the vulnerability of the involved communities, in particular by implementing flood warning systems and community self-help programs. However, both the inherent characteristics of the at- mospheric and hydrologic processes involved in flash-flooding and the changing soci- etal needs provide a tremendous challenge to traditional flood forecasting and warning concepts. In fact, the targets of these systems are traditionally localised like urbanised sectors or hydraulic structures. Given the small spatial scale that characterises flash floods and the development of dispersed urbanisation, transportation, green tourism and water sports, human lives and property are exposed to flash flood risk in a scat- tered manner. This must be taken into consideration in flash flood warning strategies and the investigated region should be considered as a whole and every section of the drainage network as a potential target for hydrological warnings. Radar technology offers the potential to provide information describing rain intensities almost contin- uously in time and space. Recent research results indicate that coupling radar infor- mation to distributed hydrologic modelling can provide hydrologic forecasts at all potentially flooded points of a region. Nevertheless, very few flood warning services use radar data more than on a qualitative basis. After a short review of current under- standing in this area, two

  18. Extension of modified RAND to multiphase flash specifications based on state functions other than (T,P)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paterson, Duncan; Michelsen, Michael Locht; Yan, Wei


    The recently proposed modified RAND formulation is extended from isothermal multiphase flash to several other state function based flash specifications. The obtained general formulation is applicable to chemical equilibrium although this study is focused on flash with only phase equilibrium. It i...

  19. Speeding up the flash calculations in two-phase compositional flow simulations - The application of sparse grids

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Yuanqing


    Flash calculations have become a performance bottleneck in the simulation of compositional flow in subsurface reservoirs. We apply a sparse grid surrogate model to substitute the flash calculation and thus try to remove the bottleneck from the reservoir simulation. So instead of doing a flash calculation in each time step of the simulation, we just generate a sparse grid approximation of all possible results of the flash calculation before the reservoir simulation. Then we evaluate the constructed surrogate model to approximate the values of the flash calculation results from this surrogate during the simulations. The execution of the true flash calculation has been shifted from the online phase during the simulation to the offline phase before the simulation. Sparse grids are known to require only few unknowns in order to obtain good approximation qualities. In conjunction with local adaptivity, sparse grids ensure that the accuracy of the surrogate is acceptable while keeping the memory usage small by only storing a minimal amount of values for the surrogate. The accuracy of the sparse grid surrogate during the reservoir simulation is compared to the accuracy of using a surrogate based on regular Cartesian grids and the original flash calculation. The surrogate model improves the speed of the flash calculations and the simulation of the whole reservoir. In an experiment, it is shown that the speed of the online flash calculations is increased by about 2000 times and as a result the speed of the reservoir simulations has been enhanced by 21 times in the best conditions.

  20. Dislocation Motion and the Microphysics of Flash Heating and Weakening of Faults during Earthquakes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Spagnuolo


    Full Text Available Earthquakes are the result of slip along faults and are due to the decrease of rock frictional strength (dynamic weakening with increasing slip and slip rate. Friction experiments simulating the abrupt accelerations (>>10 m/s2, slip rates (~1 m/s, and normal stresses (>>10 MPa expected at the passage of the earthquake rupture along the front of fault patches, measured large fault dynamic weakening for slip rates larger than a critical velocity of 0.01–0.1 m/s. The dynamic weakening corresponds to a decrease of the friction coefficient (defined as the ratio of shear stress vs. normal stress up to 40%–50% after few millimetres of slip (flash weakening, almost independently of rock type. The microstructural evolution of the sliding interfaces with slip may yield hints on the microphysical processes responsible for flash weakening. At the microscopic scale, the frictional strength results from the interaction of micro- to nano-scale surface irregularities (asperities which deform during fault sliding. During flash weakening, the visco-plastic and brittle work on the asperities results in abrupt frictional heating (flash heating and grain size reduction associated with mechano-chemical reactions (e.g., decarbonation in CO2-bearing minerals such as calcite and dolomite; dehydration in water-bearing minerals such as clays, serpentine, etc. and phase transitions (e.g., flash melting in silicate-bearing rocks. However, flash weakening is also associated with grain size reduction down to the nanoscale. Using focused ion beam scanning and transmission electron microscopy, we studied the micro-physical mechanisms associated with flash heating and nanograin formation in carbonate-bearing fault rocks. Experiments were conducted on pre-cut Carrara marble (99.9% calcite cylinders using a rotary shear apparatus at conditions relevant to seismic rupture propagation. Flash heating and weakening in calcite-bearing rocks is associated with a shock-like stress

  1. Real time event selection and flash analog-to-digital converters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imori, Masatosi


    In high-energy particle experiments, high-speed analog logic is employed to select events on a real-time basis. Flash analog-to-digital converters replace the high-speed analog logic with digital logic. The digital logic gives great flexibility to the scheme for real-time event selection. This paper proposes the use of flash A/D converters for the logic used to obtain the total sum of the energy deposited in individual counters in a shower detector. (author)

  2. Looking for the best flash floods indicators in Mediterranean Region (United States)

    Llasat, Maria-Carmen; Llasat-Botija, Montserrat; Turco, Marco


    Flash floods are a recurrent hazard in Mediterranean Region. From a global point of view, a distinction between two kinds of floods can be made (Llasat, 2009): a) Short-lived and strongly convective events (cases recorded between 2005 and 2006. This sample has been increased with some selected cases of the European project HYDRATE. Information from all the flash-floods recorded in Catalonia (Spain) since 1982, completed with data about population density and so on, has also been considered.

  3. NO signatures from lightning flashes (United States)

    Stith, J.; Dye, J.; Ridley, B.; Laroche, P.; Defer, E.; Baumann, K.; Hübler, G.; Zerr, R.; Venticinque, M.


    In situ measurements of cloud properties, NO, and other trace gases were made in active thunderstorms by two research aircraft. Concurrent measurements from a three-dimensional (3-D) VHF interferometer and the 2-D National Lightning Detection Network were used to determine lightning frequency and location. The CHILL Doppler radar and the NOAA-WP-3D Orion X band Doppler radar were also used to measure storm characteristics. Two case studies from the (STERAO) Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiments: Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone project in northeastern Colorado during the summer of 1996 are presented. Narrow spikes (0.11-0.96 km across), containing up to 19 ppbv of NO, were observed in the storms. Most were located in or downwind of electrically active regions where the NO produced by lightning would be expected. However, it was difficult to correlate individual flashes with NO spikes. A simple model of the plume of NO from lightning is used to estimate NO production from the mean mixing ratio measured in these spikes. The estimates range from 2.0×1020 to 1.0×1022 molecules of NO per meter of flash length.

  4. MemFlash device: floating gate transistors as memristive devices for neuromorphic computing (United States)

    Riggert, C.; Ziegler, M.; Schroeder, D.; Krautschneider, W. H.; Kohlstedt, H.


    Memristive devices are promising candidates for future non-volatile memory applications and mixed-signal circuits. In the field of neuromorphic engineering these devices are especially interesting to emulate neuronal functionality. Therefore, new materials and material combinations are currently investigated, which are often not compatible with Si-technology processes. The underlying mechanisms of the device often remain unclear and are paired with low device endurance and yield. These facts define the current most challenging development tasks towards a reliable memristive device technology. In this respect, the MemFlash concept is of particular interest. A MemFlash device results from a diode configuration wiring scheme of a floating gate transistor, which enables the persistent device resistance to be varied according to the history of the charge flow through the device. In this study, we investigate the scaling conditions of the floating gate oxide thickness with respect to possible applications in the field of neuromorphic engineering. We show that MemFlash cells exhibit essential features with respect to neuromorphic applications. In particular, cells with thin floating gate oxides show a limited synaptic weight growth together with low energy dissipation. MemFlash cells present an attractive alternative for state-of-art memresitive devices. The emulation of associative learning is discussed by implementing a single MemFlash cell in an analogue circuit.

  5. MemFlash device: floating gate transistors as memristive devices for neuromorphic computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riggert, C; Ziegler, M; Kohlstedt, H; Schroeder, D; Krautschneider, W H


    Memristive devices are promising candidates for future non-volatile memory applications and mixed-signal circuits. In the field of neuromorphic engineering these devices are especially interesting to emulate neuronal functionality. Therefore, new materials and material combinations are currently investigated, which are often not compatible with Si-technology processes. The underlying mechanisms of the device often remain unclear and are paired with low device endurance and yield. These facts define the current most challenging development tasks towards a reliable memristive device technology. In this respect, the MemFlash concept is of particular interest. A MemFlash device results from a diode configuration wiring scheme of a floating gate transistor, which enables the persistent device resistance to be varied according to the history of the charge flow through the device. In this study, we investigate the scaling conditions of the floating gate oxide thickness with respect to possible applications in the field of neuromorphic engineering. We show that MemFlash cells exhibit essential features with respect to neuromorphic applications. In particular, cells with thin floating gate oxides show a limited synaptic weight growth together with low energy dissipation. MemFlash cells present an attractive alternative for state-of-art memresitive devices. The emulation of associative learning is discussed by implementing a single MemFlash cell in an analogue circuit. (paper)

  6. Collecting response times using Amazon Mechanical Turk and Adobe Flash. (United States)

    Simcox, Travis; Fiez, Julie A


    Crowdsourcing systems like Amazon's Mechanical Turk (AMT) allow data to be collected from a large sample of people in a short amount of time. This use has garnered considerable interest from behavioral scientists. So far, most experiments conducted on AMT have focused on survey-type instruments because of difficulties inherent in running many experimental paradigms over the Internet. This study investigated the viability of presenting stimuli and collecting response times using Adobe Flash to run ActionScript 3 code in conjunction with AMT. First, the timing properties of Adobe Flash were investigated using a phototransistor and two desktop computers running under several conditions mimicking those that may be present in research using AMT. This experiment revealed some strengths and weaknesses of the timing capabilities of this method. Next, a flanker task and a lexical decision task implemented in Adobe Flash were administered to participants recruited with AMT. The expected effects in these tasks were replicated. Power analyses were conducted to describe the number of participants needed to replicate these effects. A questionnaire was used to investigate previously undescribed computer use habits of 100 participants on AMT. We conclude that a Flash program in conjunction with AMT can be successfully used for running many experimental paradigms that rely on response times, although experimenters must understand the limitations of the method.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. M. Molina


    Full Text Available El presente reporte relata el manejo terapéutico de la intoxicación con fluoracetato de sodio dispensado a cinco caninos en la Clínica Veterinaria de Antioquia, Medellín (Co-lombia, entre los años 2012 y 2013. Cinco pacientes caninos llegaron a consulta con cuadro neurológico, disforia y convulsiones, con una hora de evolución. Los animales entraron en contacto con el fluoracetato de sodio (rodenticida Guayaquil® por vía oral. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a un protocolo de manejo que incluyó canalización de vena cefálica externa a solución lactato de Ringer, así como control de las convulsio-nes con pentobarbital (10 mg/kg endovenoso como dosis inicial, después de lo cual fueron intubados. Recibieron además etanol (28%, 10 ml/kg diluidos en solución de Hartmann, gluconato de calcio (1 mg/kg en infusión y guayacolato de glicerilo (110 mg/kg, endovenoso lento. Los pacientes fueron evaluados respecto de sus constantes fisiológicas y estado neurológico según la escala Glasgow. Se mantuvo el protocolo cita-do hasta obtener ausencia de signos convulsivos, disforia y delirio. Los cinco pacientes sobrevivieron a la intoxicación y el promedio de recuperación fue de tres días. Aunque no se pudo determinar ocurrencia de secuelas neurológicas posteriores a la intoxicación, los pacientes recibieron control médico durante 15 días. El manejo oportuno del cuadro tóxico, con anticonvulsivantes, soluciones alcalinizantes, gluconato de calcio, guayacolato de glicerilo y etanol, demostraron ser efectivas como estrategias para el manejo de la intoxicación por fluoracetato de sodio.

  8. Flash Mob Science - Increasing Seismic Hazard Awareness and Preparedness in Oregon (United States)

    Hoffman, J. S.; Lownsbery, D. S.


    Living in a region of imminent threat of a magnitude-9.0 (M­­­w ≈ ­9) earthquake is a daily reality for the millions of people predicted to be directly affected by a full rupture of the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), a fault line extending for hundreds of miles off the western coast of North America. Many coastal residents and visitors will also be affected by the tsunami caused by the rupture. How can the scientific community effectively communicate with those who are unaware of the threat and unprepared to respond? We are studying the effects of a novel approach to science outreach we have called Flash Mob Science. You have probably seen examples of flash mobs staging dynamic musical and dance routines to unsuspecting audiences. Similarly, Flash Mob Science takes the challenging (and often avoided) topic of earthquake and tsunami awareness and preparedness to unsuspecting audiences. However, Flash Mob Science seeks to move beyond having an audience of observers by engaging others as participants who enact important roles in an unfolding drama. We simulate the effects of seismic and tsunami events (e.g., prolonged surface shaking, falling debris, repeated tsunami surges) and model best practices in response (e.g., "Drop, Cover, Hold On" and moving quickly to high ground). True to the general flash mob model, when the Cascadia event inevitably does occur, it will come suddenly, and everyone affected will unavoidably be involved as actors in a real-life drama of immense scale. We seek to embed the learning of basic understandings and practices for an actual Cascadia event in a very small-scale, memorable, and sometimes even humorous, dramatization. We present here the lessons we have learned in the background, planning, and implementation of Flash Mob Science. We highlight the successes, limitations, and preliminary results evaluating the effectiveness of this outreach in developing learners' understandings and preparedness in an Oregon community affected by

  9. Medium range forecasting of Hurricane Harvey flash flooding using ECMWF and social vulnerability data (United States)

    Pillosu, F. M.; Jurlina, T.; Baugh, C.; Tsonevsky, I.; Hewson, T.; Prates, F.; Pappenberger, F.; Prudhomme, C.


    During hurricane Harvey the greater east Texas area was affected by extensive flash flooding. Their localised nature meant they were too small for conventional large scale flood forecasting systems to capture. We are testing the use of two real time forecast products from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in combination with local vulnerability information to provide flash flood forecasting tools at the medium range (up to 7 days ahead). Meteorological forecasts are the total precipitation extreme forecast index (EFI), a measure of how the ensemble forecast probability distribution differs from the model-climate distribution for the chosen location, time of year and forecast lead time; and the shift of tails (SOT) which complements the EFI by quantifying how extreme an event could potentially be. Both products give the likelihood of flash flood generating precipitation. For hurricane Harvey, 3-day EFI and SOT products for the period 26th - 29th August 2017 were used, generated from the twice daily, 18 km, 51 ensemble member ECMWF Integrated Forecast System. After regridding to 1 km resolution the forecasts were combined with vulnerable area data to produce a flash flood hazard risk area. The vulnerability data were floodplains (EU Joint Research Centre), road networks (Texas Department of Transport) and urban areas (Census Bureau geographic database), together reflecting the susceptibility to flash floods from the landscape. The flash flood hazard risk area forecasts were verified using a traditional approach against observed National Weather Service flash flood reports, a total of 153 reported flash floods have been detected in that period. Forecasts performed best for SOT = 5 (hit ratio = 65%, false alarm ratio = 44%) and EFI = 0.7 (hit ratio = 74%, false alarm ratio = 45%) at 72 h lead time. By including the vulnerable areas data, our verification results improved by 5-15%, demonstrating the value of vulnerability information within

  10. Estudio químico-microbiológico comparativo de dos soluciones propuestas para la desinfección de endoscopios


    Hidalgo Rodríguez, Roxana; Castellanos Fernández, Vivian; Chiroles Despaigne, Sonia; Villavicencio Betancourt, Odalys


    Se evaluó desde el punto de vista químico-microbiológico la actividad germicida de una solución propuesta para la desinfección del instrumental de endoscopia, (peróxido de hidrógeno al 7 %. Se tomó como solución de referencia el glutaraldehído al 2 %. Las soluciones fueron ensayadas a las concentraciones propuestas por los fabricantes y se expusieron frente al instrumental durante 20 min, tiempo indicado por los mismos. Se obtuvo como resultado de la valoración microbiológica que la solución ...

  11. Foundation ActionScript 3.0 for Flash and Flex

    CERN Document Server

    Richardson, Darren


    In this book, you'll: *Learn the fundamentals of ActionScript 3.0 using both the Flash IDE and Flex *Use ActionScript 3.0's object-oriented features *Manipulate sound and video to produce exciting modern web applications *Work with XML as your data source ActionScript 3.0, the latest version of the Flash Platform's scripting language, offers many new and powerful features. ActionScript is now a full-fledged programming language, with complete object-oriented capabilities, improved event handling, sound and video support, drawing capabilities, support for regular expressions, and much more. Whe

  12. Fenomena Kerak Dalam Desalinasi Dengan Multi Stage Flash Distillation (Msf)


    Alimah, Siti


    SCALING PHENOMENA IN DESALINATION WITH MULTI STAGE FLASH DISTILLATION (MSF). Assessment of scaling phenomena in MSF desalination has been carried out. Scale is one of predominantly problem in multi stage flash (MSF) desalination installation. The main types of scale in MSF are carbonat calcium (CaC03), hydroxide magnesium (Mg(OH)2) dan sulphate calcium (CaS04). CaC03 dan Mg(OH)2 scales result from the thermal decomposition of bicarbonate ion, however sulphate calcium scale result from reactio...

  13. Sn whiskers removed by energy photo flashing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, N.; Yang, M.; Novak, J.; Igor, P.; Osterman, M.


    Highlights: ► Sn whiskers were sintered by intense light flashing (Photosintering). ► Photosintering can effectively eliminate Sn whiskers. ► Photosintering would not damage electronic devices. ► Photosintering is a very promising approach to improve Sn-based electronic surface termination. - Abstract: Sn whiskers have been known to be the major issue resulting in electronic circuit shorts. In this study, we present a novel energy photo flashing approach (photosintering) to shorten and eliminate Sn whiskers. It has been found that photosintering is very effective to modify and remove Sn whiskers; only a sub-millisecond duration photosintering can amazingly get rid of over 90 vol.% of Sn whiskers. Moreover, this photosintering approach has also been proved to cause no damages to electronic devices, suggesting it is a potentially promising way to improve Sn-based electronic surface termination.

  14. An Evaluation of Lightning Flash Rate Parameterizations Based on Observations of Colorado Storms during DC3 (United States)

    Basarab, B.; Fuchs, B.; Rutledge, S. A.


    Predicting lightning activity in thunderstorms is important in order to accurately quantify the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) by lightning (LNOx). Lightning is an important global source of NOx, and since NOx is a chemical precursor to ozone, the climatological impacts of LNOx could be significant. Many cloud-resolving models rely on parameterizations to predict lightning and LNOx since the processes leading to charge separation and lightning discharge are not yet fully understood. This study evaluates predicted flash rates based on existing lightning parameterizations against flash rates observed for Colorado storms during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3). Evaluating lightning parameterizations against storm observations is a useful way to possibly improve the prediction of flash rates and LNOx in models. Additionally, since convective storms that form in the eastern plains of Colorado can be different thermodynamically and electrically from storms in other regions, it is useful to test existing parameterizations against observations from these storms. We present an analysis of the dynamics, microphysics, and lightning characteristics of two case studies, severe storms that developed on 6 and 7 June 2012. This analysis includes dual-Doppler derived horizontal and vertical velocities, a hydrometeor identification based on polarimetric radar variables using the CSU-CHILL radar, and insight into the charge structure using observations from the northern Colorado Lightning Mapping Array (LMA). Flash rates were inferred from the LMA data using a flash counting algorithm. We have calculated various microphysical and dynamical parameters for these storms that have been used in empirical flash rate parameterizations. In particular, maximum vertical velocity has been used to predict flash rates in some cloud-resolving chemistry simulations. We diagnose flash rates for the 6 and 7 June storms using this parameterization and compare

  15. Miniature ambulatory skin conductance monitor and algorithm for investigating hot flash events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahr, Dennis E; Webster, John G; Shults, Mark [Department of Research and Development, Bahr Management, Inc., Middleton, WI 53562 (United States); Grady, Deborah; Creasman, Jennifer; Macer, Judy [Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94115 (United States); Kronenberg, Fredi [School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94305 (United States); Tyler, Mitchell; Zhou, Xin [Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (United States)


    A skin conductance monitoring system was developed and shown to reliably acquire and record hot flash events in both supervised laboratory and unsupervised ambulatory conditions. The 7.2 × 3.8 × 1.2 cm{sup 3} monitor consists of a disposable adhesive patch supporting two hydrogel electrodes and a reusable, miniaturized, enclosed electronic circuit board that snaps onto the electrodes. The monitor measures and records the skin conductance for seven days without external wires or telemetry and has an event marker that the subject can press whenever a hot flash is experienced. The accuracy of the system was demonstrated by comparing the number of hot flashes detected by algorithms developed during this research with the number identified by experts in hot flash studies. Three methods of detecting hot flash events were evaluated, but only two were fully developed. The two that were developed were an artificial neural network and a matched filter technique with multiple kernels implemented as a sliding form of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Both algorithms were trained on a ‘development’ cohort of 17 women and then validated using a second similar ‘validation’ cohort of 20. All subjects were between the ages of 40 and 60 and self-reported ten or more hot flashes per day over a three day period. The matched filter was the most accurate with a mean sensitivity of 0.92 and a mean specificity of 0.90 using the data from the development cohort and a mean sensitivity of 0.92 and a mean specificity of 0.87 using the data from the validation cohort. The matched filter was the method implemented in our processing software. (paper)

  16. Relación entre la composición química y el volumen atómico en soluciones sólidas Ag- x % at Zn (x ≤ 20

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danny Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo estudiar la relación existente entre la composición química y el volumen atómico en el sistema Ag – x % at Zn (x ≤ 20. Para este fin, se fabricaron 10 soluciones sólidas mediante fundición y aleado mecánico. La caracterización microestructural se llevó a cabo utilizando difracción de rayos-X. El parámetro reticular fue calculado mediante el método de Rietveld, mientras que la composición química se determinó utilizando espectroscopia de energía dispersiva de rayos-X. En base a los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que existe una relación lineal inversa entre el volumen atómico de la solución sólida y su contenido Zn, presentando una desviación negativa de la ley de Vegard (-2,96%. Adicionalmente, se propuso una ecuación que vincula el contenido de Zn con el volumen atómico de la solución sólida, la cual presentó un error promedio de predicción menor al 12%.

  17. In Situ Flash Pyrolysis of Straw

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Niels

    In-Situ Flash Pyrolysis of Straw Ph.D. dissertation by Niels Bech Submitted: April 2007. Supervisors: Professor Kim Dam-Johansen, Associate Professor Peter Arendt Jensen Erfaringerne med forbrænding af halm opnået gennem et årti har vist, at en proces der kan koncentrere energien på marken, fjerne...

  18. Use of MLCM3 Software for Flash Flood Modeling and Forecasting


    Inna Pivovarova; Daria Sokolova; Artur Batyrov; Vadim Kuzmin; Ngoc Anh Tran; DinhKha Dang; Kirill V. Shemanaev


    Accurate and timely flash floods forecasting, especially, in ungauged and poorly gauged basins, is one of the most important and challenging problems to be solved by the international hydrological community. In changing climate and variable anthropogenic impact on river basins, as well as due to low density of surface hydrometeorological network, flash flood forecasting based on “traditional” physically based, or conceptual, or statistical hydrological models often becomes inefficient. Unfort...

  19. Carencias en las políticas educativas con estudiantes inmigrantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maite Hernández


    Full Text Available La escolarización de niños y jóvenes inmigrantes en España ha seguido un proceso similar al del resto de países de nuestro entorno. La mayoría de las administraciones educativas suelen tardar mucho tiempo en reconocer las verdaderas necesidades formativas que acompañan a los nuevos estudiantes. La consideración social del inmigrante prevalece frente a análisis más detallados de carácter educativo. De este modo, cuando el estudiante inmigrante posee una lengua materna distinta a la que se emplea en la escuela para la transmisión del currículum, suele sufrir un desfase curricular que dificulta notablemente su proceso formativo. Con este pequeño artículo pretendemos abrir un debate sobre las medidas más adecuadas para la escolarización de niños y jóvenes inmigrantes y sobre todo, para la enseñanza de una segunda lengua en y para el contexto escolar. Esperamos que este tema resulte de vuestro interés y que entre todos podamos aportar soluciones técnicas que ayuden a mejorar la escolarización de estos chicos.

  20. Increasing the computational speed of flash calculations with applications for compositional, transient simulations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Claus P.; Krejbjerg, Kristian; Michelsen, Michael Locht


    Approaches are presented for reducing the computation time spent on flash calculations in compositional, transient simulations. In a conventional flash calculation, the majority of the simulation time is spent on stability analysis, even for systems far into the single-phase region. A criterion has...

  1. An integrated lithography concept with application on 45-nm ½ pitch flash memory devices (United States)

    Dusa, Mircea; Engelen, Andre; Finders, Jo


    It is well accepted to judge imaging capability of an exposure tool primarily on printing equal line-spaces, at a minimum ½ pitch. Further on, combining line-space minimum ½ pitches with scanner maximum NA, defines the process k I. From a lithographer viewpoint, flash memory device is the perfect candidate to achieve lowest k I lithography for a given NA. This is justified by flash layout specific, with regular and relative simple 1-D topology of the critical layers that look like line-space gratings. In reality, flash layout presents a subtle topology and cannot be considered a simple 1-D line-space problem. Uniqueness to flash layout is the array-end zones, where pattern regularity is broken up by features with dimensions and separation of n x ½ pitch, where n is an integer number that we used in this work to manipulate litho process latitudes. Integrated lithography concept seeks to tweak flash pattern details and tune it with scanner control parameters. We introduce feature-center placement through focus and dose as the metric to characterize a cross-coupling phenomena occurring between adjacent features located at array-end of typical flash poly wordline layer. We comparedthe metric behavior with usual litho process window parameters and identified interactions with scanner CDU control parameters. We show how feature-center placement errors are direct functions of optical and physical characteristics of mask materials, attenuated PSM or binary, and of layout array-end topology. Imaging at extreme low-k I, effects from layout specifics and mask materials are best characterized by full vector, rigorous EM simulation, instead of scalar approach, typically used for OPC treatment. Predicted CDU performance of 1.2NA scanner, based on integrated lithography concept, matched very well the experimental results in printing 45nm ½ pitch flash wordline layer. Results show that 1.2NA scanner, operating at 0.28 k I could be an effective lithography solution for 45nm

  2. Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings based on the DFFG method in Yunnan province, China (United States)

    Ma, M.; Wang, H.; Chen, Y.; Tang, G.; Hong, Z.; Zhang, K.; Hong, Y.


    Flash floods, one of the deadliest natural hazards worldwide due to their multidisciplinary nature, rank highly in terms of heavy damage and casualties. Such as in the United States, flash flood is the No.1 cause of death and the No. 2 most deadly weather-related hazard among all storm-related hazards, with approximately 100 lives lost each year. According to China Floods and Droughts Disasters Bullet in 2015 (, about 935 deaths per year on average were caused by flash floods from 2000 to 2015, accounting for 73 % of the fatalities due to floods. Therefore, significant efforts have been made toward understanding flash flood processes as well as modeling and forecasting them, it still remains challenging because of their short response time and limited monitoring capacity. This study advances the use of high-resolution Global Precipitation Measurement forecasts (GPMs), disaster data obtained from the government officials in 2011 and 2016, and the improved Distributed Flash Flood Guidance (DFFG) method combining the Distributed Hydrologic Model and Soil Conservation Service Curve Numbers. The objectives of this paper are (1) to examines changes in flash flood occurrence, (2) to estimate the effect of the rainfall spatial variability ,(2) to improve the lead time in flash floods warning and get the rainfall threshold, (3) to assess the DFFG method applicability in Dongchuan catchments, and (4) to yield the probabilistic information about the forecast hydrologic response that accounts for the locational uncertainties of the GPMs. Results indicate: (1) flash flood occurrence increased in the study region, (2) the occurrence of predicted flash floods show high sensitivity to total infiltration and soil water content, (3) the DFFG method is generally capable of making accurate predictions of flash flood events in terms of their locations and time of occurrence, and (4) the accumulative rainfall over a certain time span is an

  3. Dendrogeomorphic analysis of flash floods in a small ungauged mountain catchment (Central Spain) (United States)

    Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia; Díez-Herrero, Andrés; Stoffel, Markus; Bollschweiler, Michelle; Bodoque, José M.; Ballesteros, Juan A.


    Flash floods represent one of the most significant natural hazards with serious death tolls and economic damage at a worldwide level in general and in Mediterranean mountain catchments in particular. In these environments, systematic data is often lacking and analyses have to be based on alternative approaches such as dendrogeomorphology. In this study, we focus on the identification of flash floods based on growth disturbances (GD) observed in 98 heavily affected Mediterranean pine trees ( Pinus pinaster Ait.) located in or next to the torrential channel of the Pelayo River in the Spanish Central System. Flash floods are quite common in this catchment and are triggered by heavy storms, with high discharge and debris transport rates favoured by high stream gradients. Comparison of the anomalies in tree morphology and the position of the trees in the channel showed that the intensity of the disturbance clearly depends on geomorphology. The dating of past flash flood events was based on the number and intensity of GD observed in the tree-ring series and on the spatial distribution of affected trees along the torrent, thus allowing seven flash flood events during the last 50 years to be dated, namely in 1963, 1966, 1973, 1976, 1996, 2000, and 2005.

  4. Violation of Bloch's Law That Specifies Reciprocity of Intensity and Duration with Brief Light Flashes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernest Greene


    Full Text Available For more than a century researchers have been reporting that the visual impact of a very brief flash is determined by the quantity of photons that the flash delivers. This has been variously described as the Bunsen-Roscoe Law or Bloch's Law, often specified as reciprocity of intensity × duration. Prior research found no evidence for such reciprocity when microsecond-duration flashes from a light-emitting diode array were used to display the major contours of nameable shapes. The present work tested with flash durations ranging up to 100 ms and also found no reciprocity. This departure from classic principles might be due to the specific range of wavelengths of the light-emitting diodes and to a mesopic level of ambient light, which together would preclude activation of rods. The reciprocity of intensity and duration may only be valid with full dark adaptation and very dim flashes that activate rods.

  5. Diurnal rhythm and concordance between objective and subjective hot flashes: the Hilo Women's Health Study. (United States)

    Sievert, Lynnette L; Reza, Angela; Mills, Phoebe; Morrison, Lynn; Rahberg, Nichole; Goodloe, Amber; Sutherland, Michael; Brown, Daniel E


    The aims of this study were to test for a diurnal pattern in hot flashes in a multiethnic population living in a hot, humid environment and to examine the rates of concordance between objective and subjective measures of hot flashes using ambulatory and laboratory measures. Study participants aged 45 to 55 years were recruited from the general population of Hilo, HI. Women wore a Biolog hot flash monitor (UFI, Morro Bay, CA), kept a diary for 24 hours, and also participated in 3-hour laboratory measures (n = 199). Diurnal patterns were assessed using polynomial regression. For each woman, objectively recorded hot flashes that matched subjective experience were treated as true-positive readings. Subjective hot flashes were considered the standard for computing false-positive and false-negative readings. True-positive, false-positive, and false-negative readings were compared across ethnic groups by chi analyses. Frequencies of sternal, nuchal, and subjective hot flashes peaked at 1500 +/- 1 hours with no difference by ethnicity. Laboratory results supported the pattern seen in ambulatory monitoring. Sternal and nuchal monitoring showed the same frequency of true-positive measures, but nonsternal electrodes picked up more false-positive readings. Laboratory monitoring showed very low frequencies of false negatives. There were no ethnic differences in the frequency of true-positive or false-positive measures. Women of European descent were more likely to report hot flashes that were not objectively demonstrated (false-negative measures). The diurnal pattern and peak in hot flash occurrence in the hot humid environment of Hilo were similar to results from more temperate environments. Lack of variation in sternal versus nonsternal measures and in true-positive measures across ethnicities suggests no appreciable effect of population variation in sweating patterns.

  6. A comparative study on the effect of "black cohosh" and "evening primrose oil" on menopausal hot flashes. (United States)

    Mehrpooya, Maryam; Rabiee, Soghra; Larki-Harchegani, Amir; Fallahian, Amir-Mohammad; Moradi, Abbas; Ataei, Sara; Javad, Masoumeh Taravati


    Hot flashes are considered to be a common experience for menopausal women and they can compromise the quality of life. The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of Cimicifuga racemosa in comparison with evening primrose oil (EPO) in postmenopausal women with menopause-related symptoms. This study was performed on 80 postmenopausal women with hot flashes. The participants were randomly divided into two groups by blocked randomization. The participants of one group received black cohosh and the other group received EPO for 8 weeks. The severity and number of hot flashes and quality of life were measured by four-point scale, and the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) questionnaire at pre-intervention, 1 st , 4 th , and 8 th weeks after treatment. Data were analyzed in SPSS Version 16 using independent t -test, Chi-square, and Fisher's exact test. Average severity of hot flashes in both groups and number of hot flashes in black cohosh group in 8 th week were significantly lower than 1 st week ( P hot flashes in primrose oil group in 8 th week showed no significant differences ( P = 0.32). The number of hot flashes and quality of life score in black cohosh arm compared to EPO showed a significant decrease in the 8 th week ( P hot flashes and improvement of the quality of life, but it seems that black cohosh is more effective than primrose oil because it was able to reduce the number of hot flashes too.

  7. Rh-flash acquisition card

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourrion, O.


    The rh-flash card main purpose is to convert and store the image of the analog data present at input into an output buffer, namely in a given timing window besides a stop signal (like a digital oscilloscope). It is conceived in VME format 1U wide with an additional connector. Novelty of this card is its ability to sample at a high frequency, due to flash coders, and this at a high repetition rate. To do that the card allows the storage of the data considered 'useful' and that is done by storing only the data exceeding a certain threshold. This can be useful for instance for viewing peaks in a spectrum, and obtaining their relative location. The goal is to stock and process the data sampled before and after the arrival of a stop signal (what entails a storage depth). A threshold is defined and any peak exceeding its level will really be stored in the output buffer which is readable through the VME bus. The peak values will be stored as well as m preceding and n subsequent values (both programmable). Obviously, if the threshold is zero the system of data processing is off and all data will be stored. The document is structured on six sections titled: 1. Description; 2. Specifications; 3. Explaining the design of channels; 4. Explaining the shared part of the design; 5. Addressing (→ user guide); 6. Software precautions. (author)

  8. Effect of capacitor loss on discharging characteristics of xenon flash lamp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chu; Lin Dejiang; Xu Chunmei; Shen Hongbin; Chen Xiaohan


    The effect of storage capacitor's loss on the discharging characteristics of the xenon flash lamp was studied, and the xenon flash lamp discharging circuit was analyzed and improved. The capacitor can be equivalent to a series of an ideal capacitor and loss resistance. The improved formula of the xenon lamp discharging characteristics was given when actual capacitance loss is not zero, and the xenon lamp discharging current and discharging power are calculated and analyzed in detail with the increase of the capacitor loss. The results show that the increase of loss will lead to the decrease of xenon lamp discharging current and peak power and the xenon lamp flash time, and influence laser pumping efficiency. The loss will also lead to the capacitor inverse charging in LC discharging circuit; this will influence normal working of the capacitor and decrease the lift of the xenon lamp. The actual energy storage capacitor charging and discharging experiments show that the increase of capacitor loss will lead to the decrease of xenon lamp light-emitting waveform peak, shortening of the flash time and increase of the electrode sputter, thus verity, the reasonableness of theoretical analysis. In addition, the experiments show that environmental factors have very significant impact on the increase of the storage capacitor loss. (authors)

  9. Flash floods in Catalonia: a recurrent situation (United States)

    Llasat, M. C.; Lindbergh, S.; Llasat-Botija, M.; Rodríguez, A.; Zaragoza, A.


    A database with information about the social impact produced by all the flood events recorded in Catalonia between 1982 and 2007 has been built. Original information comes from the INUNGAMA database (1900-2000) presented by Barnolas and Llasat (2007), the PRESSGAMA database (1982-2007) (Llasat et al., in rev.) and information from different published works (Barriendos et al, 2003; Barriendos and Pomés, 1993). Social impact has been obtained systematically in basis to news press data and, occasionally, in basis to insurance data. Flood events have been classified in ordinary floods, extraordinary floods and catastrophic ones, following the proposal of Llasat et al (2005). However, having in mind the flash floods effects, some new categories concerning casualties and car damages have also been introduced. The spatial and temporal distribution of these flood events has been analysed. Results have been compared with those obtained for the period 1900-2000 (Barnolas and Llasat, 2007) and 1350-2000 (Barrera et al, 2006). In order to better estimate the social impact and vulnerability some indicators have been defined and analyzed for some specific cases and a specific region. Besides the indicators applied in the INUNCAT Plan to obtain a cartography of flood risk in Catalonia, other ones like the number of cars affected or the number of request received by the meteorological service, has been also taken into account. These indicators allow analyzing global and temporal trends as well as characterizing the events. The selected region has been the Maresme, which is a flood prone region with a great density of population and that experiences every year one or more flash floods. The annual number of floods shows a positive trend that cannot be justified by the rainfall trend. Both vulnerability and hazard components have been considered and a discussion about the flood prevention measures is presented. The third part of this work has been centred in the analysis and

  10. Informing hot flash treatment decisions for breast cancer survivors: a systematic review of randomized trials comparing active interventions. (United States)

    Johns, Claire; Seav, Susan M; Dominick, Sally A; Gorman, Jessica R; Li, Hongying; Natarajan, Loki; Mao, Jun James; Irene Su, H


    Patient-centered decision making about hot flash treatments often incorporates a balance of efficacy and side effects in addition to patient preference. This systematic review examines randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing at least two non-hormonal hot flash treatments in breast cancer survivors. In July 2015, PubMed, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases were searched for RCTs comparing active, non-hormonal hot flash treatments in female breast cancer survivors. Thirteen trials were included after identifying 906 potential studies. Four trials were dose comparison studies of pharmacologic treatments citalopram, venlafaxine, gabapentin, and paroxetine. Hot flash reduction did not differ by tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor use. Citalopram 10, 20, and 30 mg daily had comparable outcomes. Venlafaxine 75 mg daily improved hot flashes without additional side effects from higher dosing. Gabapentin 900 mg daily improved hot flashes more than 300 mg. Paroxetine 10 mg daily had fewer side effects than 20 mg. Among four trials comparing different pharmacologic treatments, venlafaxine alleviated hot flash symptoms faster than clonidine; participants preferred venlafaxine over gabapentin. Five trials compared pharmacologic to non-pharmacologic treatments. Acupuncture had similar efficacy to venlafaxine and gabapentin but may have longer durability after completing treatment and fewer side effects. We could not perform a pooled meta-analysis because outcomes were not reported in comparable formats. Clinical trial data on non-hormonal hot flash treatments provide comparisons of hot flash efficacy and other patient important outcomes to guide clinical management. Clinicians can use the information to help patients select hot flash interventions.

  11. Gone in a Flash: Manipulation of Audiovisual Temporal Integration Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roy eHamilton


    Full Text Available While converging evidence implicates the right inferior parietal lobule in audiovisual integration, its role has not been fully elucidated by direct manipulation of cortical activity. Replicating and extending an experiment initially reported by Kamke, Vieth, Cottrell, and Mattingley (2012, we employed the sound-induced flash illusion, in which a single visual flash, when accompanied by two auditory tones, is misperceived as multiple flashes (Wilson, 1987; Shams, et al., 2000. Slow repetitive (1Hz TMS administered to the right angular gyrus, but not the right supramarginal gyrus, induced a transient decrease in the Peak Perceived Flashes (PPF, reflecting reduced susceptibility to the illusion. This finding independently confirms that perturbation of networks involved in multisensory integration can result in a more veridical representation of asynchronous auditory and visual events and that cross-modal integration is an active process in which the objective is the identification of a meaningful constellation of inputs, at times at the expense of accuracy.

  12. Flash flood swift water rescues, Texas, 2005–2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vaidehi Shah


    Full Text Available Although rainfall patterns are complex and difficult to predict, climate models suggest precipitation in Texas will occur less frequently and with greater intensity in the future. In combination with rapid population growth and development, extreme rainfall events are likely to lead to flash floods and necessitate swift water rescues. Swift water rescues are used to retrieve person(s from swift water flowing at a rate of 1 knot or greater. Data were obtained from the Texas Fire Marshal’s Office and analyzed to describe spatial and temporal characteristics of rescues. Between 2005 and 2014, 3256 swift water rescues were reported from 136 of 254 (54% counties. Over half (54.6%, n = 1777 occurred in counties known as Flash Flood Alley, which includes Texas’ largest and fastest growing cities. Less than 1.0% (n = 18 were reported from 49 counties designated as completely rural, or with an urban population less than 2500. Increases in swift water rescues were seen between March and September and during major weather events such as tropical storms. Because county-level data was utilized and demographic data was missing in all but 2% (n = 47 of the incidents, our ability to identify populations at risk or target interventions in the future using this data is limited. Despite the frequency of flash flood events and swift water rescues in Texas, knowledge gaps persist that should be addressed through the conduct of interdisciplinary research by epidemiologists and climatologists and by disseminating evidence-based health education and safety programs, particularly in rapidly growing counties that make up Texas’ Flash Flood Alley.

  13. Out-of-phase flashing induced instabilities in CIRCUS facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christian Pablo Marcel; Van der Hagen, T.H.J.J. [Interfaculty Reactor Institute, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands)


    Full text of publication follows: Flashing-induced instabilities are very important during the startup phase of natural-circulation boiling water reactors. To study this type of instability an axial fully scaled facility named CIRCUS was constructed. Experiments at low power and low pressure (typical startup conditions) are carried out on this steam/water natural circulation loop with two parallel risers. A detailed measurement of the void-fraction profile is possible by using needle-probes and the use of glass tubes for the riser and core sections allow to use optical techniques for velocity measurements. The flashing and the mechanism of flashing-induced instabilities are analyzed paying special attention on the strong coupling effect between the two riser channels. It is clear from the experiments that the out-of-phase instability is much more susceptible to occur than the in-phase instability in a system with two parallel risers. The instability region is found as soon as the operational boundary between single-phase and two-phase operation is crossed. The relation between the period of the oscillations and the fluid transient time is also investigated. The stability map constructed using this experimental data is also discussed. (authors)

  14. A FASTBUS flash ADC system for the Mark II vertex chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barker, L.


    This is a description of a flash ADC system built for the Mark II experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). This system was designed for use in the experiment's vertex chamber where signals could occur over a relatively long time, approximately 10 microseconds. This long time, coupled with fast cable amplifiers, necessitated an alternate design approach than was used with a dE/dX FASTBUS flash ADC design. 1 ref., 6 figs

  15. Strong Primary Care is that one which has instruments that allow measuring the quality it offers (to improve it continuously)


    Juan Gérvas


    Hay que evitar dar respuestas simples a situaciones y problemas complejos. Tales soluciones suelen ser erróneas. Por ejemplo, en el sector de la salud cada vez hay más personas, familias y comunidades que presentan problemas más complejos, mientras que el sistema sanitario pretende ofrecer soluciones simples, aquellas que en el pasado ayudaron a resolver otros problemas y otras situaciones. ¿Los actuales pacientes, familias y comunidades son algo complejo o es el sistema sanitario con el que ...

  16. A Modern Apparatus for Performing Flash Chromatography: An Experiment for the Organic Laboratory (United States)

    Naumiec, Gregory R.; Del Padre, Angela N.; Hooper, Matthew M.; Germaine, Alison St.; DeBoef, Brenton


    A modern apparatus for performing flash chromatography using commercially available, prepacked silica cartridges has been developed. The key advantage of this system, when compared to traditional flash chromatography, is its use of commercially available silica cartridges, which obviates the need for students to handle silica gel. The apparatus…

  17. Partitioning the LIS/OTD Lightning Climatological Dataset into Separate Ground and Cloud Flash Distributions (United States)

    Koshak, W. J.; Solarkiewicz, R. J.


    Presently, it is not well understood how to best model nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from lightning because lightning is highly variable. Peak current, channel length, channel altitude, stroke multiplicity, and the number of flashes that occur in a particular region (i.e., flash density) all influence the amount of lightning NOx produced. Moreover, these 5 variables are not the same for ground and cloud flashes; e.g., cloud flashes normally have lower peak currents, higher altitudes, and higher flash densities than ground flashes [see (Koshak, 2009) for additional details]. Because the existing satellite observations of lightning (Fig. 1) from the Lightning Imaging Sensor/Optical Transient Detector (LIS/OTD) do not distinguish between ground and cloud fashes, which produce different amounts of NOx, it is very difficult to accurately account for the regional/global production of lightning NOx. Hence, the ability to partition the LIS/OTD lightning climatology into separate ground and cloud flash distributions would substantially benefit the atmospheric chemistry modeling community. NOx indirectly influences climate because it controls the concentration of ozone and hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere. The importance of lightning-produced NOx is empasized throughout the scientific literature (see for example, Huntrieser et al. 1998). In fact, lightning is the most important NOx source in the upper troposphere with a global production rate estimated to vary between 2 and 20 Tg (N)yr(sup -1) (Lee et al., 1997), with more recent estimates of about 6 Tg(N)yr(sup -1) (Martin et al., 2007). In order to make accurate predictions, global chemistry/climate models (as well as regional air quality modells) must more accurately account for the effects of lightning NOx. In particular, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) Model E (Schmidt et al., 2005) and the GEOS-CHEM global chemical transport model (Bey et al., 2001) would each benefit from a partitioning of the

  18. Acupuncture for the Alleviation of Hot Flashes in Men Treated With Androgen Ablation Therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashamalla, Hani; Jiang, Ming L.; Guirguis, Adel; Peluso, Francesco; Ashamalla, Mark


    Purpose: Hot flashes are common side effect due to androgen ablation therapy (AAT). The utility of acupuncture for hot flashes in men has not been thoroughly studied. We prospectively studied the effect of acupuncture in men with hot flashes. Methods and Materials: The study was approved by internal review board. Seventeen men with hot flashes and history of AAT for prostate cancer were enrolled. Three men declined participation before receiving any treatment. A hot flash score (HFS) was used to measure daily hot flashes. The composite daily score was calculated as the product of frequency x severity. The baseline daily scores were compared with scores taken at 2 and 6 weeks and at 8-month average follow-up. Results: No side effects were encountered during, immediately after treatment, or at 8 months. The mean initial HFS was 28.3; it dropped to 10.3 (p = 0.0001) at 2 weeks posttreatment, 7.5 (p = 0.0001) at 6 weeks, and 7.0 (p = 0.001) at 8 months. Clinical improvement for each patient is defined as the percent decrease in the mean HFS at each time point. The mean improvement at Weeks 2 and 6 was 68.4% (mean HFS decreased from 37.409 to 11.836, p = 0.001) and 89.2% (mean HFS decreased from 37.409 to 4.05, p = 0.0078) respectively. The improvement at 8 months was 80.3% (mean HFS decreased from 37.409 to 7.385, p = 0.002). Conclusions: Acupuncture provides excellent control of hot flashes in men with a history of AAT. The absence of side effects and the durable response at 8 months are likely to be appealing to patients. Prospective randomized study is warranted to further evaluate this modality against medical therapy.

  19. Muzzle flash localization for the dismounted soldier (United States)

    Kennedy Scott, Will


    The ability to accurately and rapidly know the precise location of enemy fire would be a substantial capability enhancement to the dismounted soldier. Acoustic gun-shot detections systems can provide an approximate bearing but it is desired to precisely know the location (direction and range) of enemy fire; for example to know from `which window' the fire is coming from. Funded by the UK MOD (via Roke Manor Research) QinetiQ is developing an imaging solution built around an InGaAs camera. This paper presents work that QinetiQ has undertaken on the Muzzle Flash Locator system. Key technical challenges that have been overcome are explained and discussed in this paper. They include; the design of the optical sensor and processing hardware to meet low size, weight and power requirements; the algorithm approach required to maintain sensitivity whilst rejecting false alarms from sources such as close passing insects and sun glint from scene objects; and operation on the move. This work shows that such a sensor can provide sufficient sensitivity to detect muzzle flash events to militarily significant ranges and that such a system can be combined with an acoustic gunshot detection system to minimize the false alarm rate. The muzzle flash sensor developed in this work operates in real-time and has a field of view of approximately 29° (horizontal) by 12° (vertical) with a pixel resolution of 0.13°. The work has demonstrated that extension to a sensor with realistic angular rotation rate is feasible.

  20. FlaME: Flash Molecular Editor - a 2D structure input tool for the web

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dallakian Pavel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background So far, there have been no Flash-based web tools available for chemical structure input. The authors herein present a feasibility study, aiming at the development of a compact and easy-to-use 2D structure editor, using Adobe's Flash technology and its programming language, ActionScript. As a reference model application from the Java world, we selected the Java Molecular Editor (JME. In this feasibility study, we made an attempt to realize a subset of JME's functionality in the Flash Molecular Editor (FlaME utility. These basic capabilities are: structure input, editing and depiction of single molecules, data import and export in molfile format. Implementation The result of molecular diagram sketching in FlaME is accessible in V2000 molfile format. By integrating the molecular editor into a web page, its communication with the HTML elements on this page is established using the two JavaScript functions, getMol( and setMol(. In addition, structures can be copied to the system clipboard. Conclusion A first attempt was made to create a compact single-file application for 2D molecular structure input/editing on the web, based on Flash technology. With the application examples presented in this article, it could be demonstrated that the Flash methods are principally well-suited to provide the requisite communication between the Flash object (application and the HTML elements on a web page, using JavaScript functions.

  1. Two-step flash light sintering of copper nanoparticle ink to remove substrate warping

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryu, Chung-Hyeon; Joo, Sung-Jun [Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang University, Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Hak-Sung, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering, Hanyang University, Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791 (Korea, Republic of); Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul, 133-791 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • We performed the two-step flash light sintering for copper nanoparticle ink to remove substrate warping. • 12 J/cm{sup 2} of preheating and 7 J/cm{sup 2} of main sintering energies were determined as optimum conditions to sinter the copper nanoparticle ink. • The resistivity of two-step sintered copper nanoparticle ink was 3.81 μΩ cm with 5B adhesion level, 2.3 times greater than that of bulk copper. • The two-step sintered case showed a high conductivity without any substrate warping. - Abstract: A two-step flash light sintering process was devised to reduce the warping of polymer substrates during the sintering of copper nanoparticle ink. To determine the optimum sintering conditions of the copper nanoparticle ink, the flash light irradiation conditions (pulse power, pulse number, on-time, and off-time) were varied and optimized. In order to monitor the flash light sintering process, in situ resistance and temperature monitoring of copper nanoink were conducted during the flash light sintering process. Also, a transient heat transfer analysis was performed by using the finite-element program ABAQUS to predict the temperature changes of copper nanoink and polymer substrate. The microstructures of the sintered copper nanoink films were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, an X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the crystal phase change of the sintered copper nanoparticles. The resulting two-step flash light sintered copper nanoink films exhibited a low resistivity (3.81 μΩ cm, 2.3 times of that of bulk copper) and 5B level of adhesion strength without warping of the polymer substrate.

  2. RAND-Based Formulations for Isothermal Multiphase Flash

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paterson, Duncan; Michelsen, Michael L.; Stenby, Erling H.


    Two algorithms are proposed for isothermal multiphase flash. These are referred to as modified RAND and vol-RAND. The former uses the chemical potentials and molar-phase amounts as the iteration variables, while the latter uses chemical potentials and phase volumes to cosolve a pressure...

  3. Developing a Conceptual Framwork for Modeling Deviant Cyber Flash Mob: A Socio-Computational Approach Leveraging Hypergraph Constructs


    Samer Al-khateeb; Nitin Agarwal


    In a Flash Mob (FM) a group of people get together in the physical world perform an unpredicted act and disperse quickly. Cyber Flash Mob (CFM) is the cyber manifestation of flash mob coordinated primarily using social media. Deviant Cyber Flash Mob (or, DCFM) is a special case of CFM, which is categorized as the new face of transnational crime organizations (TCOs). The DCFM phenomenon can be considered as a form of a cyber-collective action that is defined as an action aiming to improve grou...

  4. Laser-flash calorimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Y.; Nakamura, J.-I.


    The heat capacity of vanadium has been measured by laser-flash calorimetry in the temperature region from 80 to 1000 K. The results are compared with available low- and high-temperature heat capacities, and revised thermodynamic values of vanadium are given. No heat-capacity anomaly has been found in the pure vanadium sample over the temperature range investigated, while a small heat-capacity discontinuity, less than 1.2 J.K -1 .mol -1 , has been observed at 220 to 230 K on the same sample but electropolished before measurement. This anomaly disappeared after annealing at 1000 K in vacuo for 1 h and is attributable to the introduction of a small amount of hydrogen during electropolishing. (author)

  5. Patterning 45nm flash/DRAM contact hole mask with hyper-NA immersion lithography and optimized illumination (United States)

    Chen, Ting; Van Den Broeke, Doug; Hsu, Stephen; Park, Sangbong; Berger, Gabriel; Coskun, Tamer; de Vocht, Joep; Corcoran, Noel; Chen, Fung; van der Heijden, Eddy; Finders, Jo; Engelen, Andre; Socha, Robert


    Patterning contact-hole mask for Flash/DRAM is probably one of the most challenging tasks for design rule below 50nm due to the extreme low-k I printing conditions common in the memory designs. When combined with optical proximity corrections (OPC) to the mask, using optimized illumination has become a viable part of the production lithography process for 65nm node. At k Ipitch design rules. Here we use 6% attPSM mask for simulation and actual exposure in ASML XT 1400i (NA=0.93) and 1700i (NA=1.2) respectively. We begin with the illumination source optimization using full vector high-NA calculation (VHNA) with production resist stack and all manufacturability requirements for the source shaping diffractive optical element (DOE) are accounted for during the source optimization. Using the optimized source, IML TM technology based scattering bars (SB) placement together with model based OPC (MOPC) are applied to the original contact-hole design. In-focus printing and process latitude simulations are used to gauge the performance and manufacturability of the final optimized process, which includes the optimized mask, optimized source and required imaging settings. Our results show that for the 130nm pitch Flash contact-hole patterns, on ASML XT 1400i at NA=0.93, both optimized illumination source and immersion lithography are necessary in order to achieve manufacturability. The worst-case depth of focus (DOF) before SB and MOPC is 100-130nm at 6% EL, without common process window (PW) and with MOPC, the worst-case DOF is >200nm at 6% EL. The latter is in excellent agreement with the wafer results from ASML XT 1400i, and the predicated CDs match well with the measured at isolated, medium and dense pitch contact-holes to within 5nm. For the 120nm pitch Flash contact patterns, ASML XT 1700i at NA=1.2 must be used, together with optimized illumination source, to achieve the same or better process latitude (worst-case DOF at 6% EL), and for the Flash pattern used, further

  6. Using commercial simulators for determining flash distillation curves for petroleum fractions


    Eleonora Erdmann; Demetrio Humana; Samuel Franco Domínguez; Lorgio Mercado Fuentes


    This work describes a new method for estimating the equilibrium flash vaporisation (EFV) distillation curve for petro-leum fractions by using commercial simulators. A commercial simulator was used for implementing a stationary mo-del for flash distillation; this model was adjusted by using a distillation curve obtained from standard laboratory ana-lytical assays. Such curve can be one of many types (eg ASTM D86, D1160 or D2887) and involves an experimental procedure simpler than that required...

  7. Modélisation de Fautes et Test des Mémoires Flash


    Ginez , Olivier


    Flash memories more and more occurs in complex integrated circuits designed for portable electronic devices and dominate the area of such circuits. The lack of defects within these memories is therefore one the key elements of the production yield for manufacturers of these types of applications. However, the high integration density and the complexity of the fabrication process make these Flash memories more and more prone to manufacturing defects. To exhibit the failures that affect the fun...

  8. A FASTBUS flash ADC system for the Mark II vertex chamber

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barker, L.


    This is a description of a flash ADC system built for the Mark II experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). This system was designed for use in the experiment's vertex chamber where signals could occur over a relatively long time, approximately 10 microseconds. This long time, coupled with fast cable amplifiers, necessitated an alternate design approach than was used with a dE/dX FASTBUS flash ADC design. 1 ref., 6 figs.

  9. The impact of red light running camera flashes on younger and older drivers' attention and oculomotor control. (United States)

    Wright, Timothy J; Vitale, Thomas; Boot, Walter R; Charness, Neil


    Recent empirical evidence has suggested that the flashes associated with red light running cameras (RLRCs) distract younger drivers, pulling attention away from the roadway and delaying processing of safety-relevant events. Considering the perceptual and attentional declines that occur with age, older drivers may be especially susceptible to the distracting effects of RLRC flashes, particularly in situations in which the flash is more salient (a bright flash at night compared with the day). The current study examined how age and situational factors potentially influence attention capture by RLRC flashes using covert (cuing effects) and overt (eye movement) indices of capture. We manipulated the salience of the flash by varying its luminance and contrast with respect to the background of the driving scene (either day or night scenes). Results of 2 experiments suggest that simulated RLRC flashes capture observers' attention, but, surprisingly, no age differences in capture were observed. However, an analysis examining early and late eye movements revealed that older adults may have been strategically delaying their eye movements in order to avoid capture. Additionally, older adults took longer to disengage attention following capture, suggesting at least 1 age-related disadvantage in capture situations. Findings have theoretical implications for understanding age differences in attention capture, especially with respect to capture in real-world scenes, and inform future work that should examine how the distracting effects of RLRC flashes influence driver behavior. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).



    Mr Jadhav Vijay B. , Prof. Mundhe V.L. , Dr. Narve N.G.


    The suspension arms in the process of fogging are made by different material and in that processes get various problems are found. In that paper list out that problem and solving flash wastage problem.

  11. First-pass myocardial perfusion MR imaging with gadolinium-enhanced turbo FLASH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teresi, L.M.; Smith, C.; Messenger, J.; Watanabe, A.; Herbst, M.; O'Sullivan, R.M.; Lee, R.; Remer, J.; Rappaport, A.; Bradley, W.G.


    This paper determines the efficacy of MR first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging using gadolinium-enhanced Turbo--fast low-angle shot (FLASH) ultrafast imaging combined with MR systolic wall thickening data for the determination of myocardial viability. Five normal volunteers and five patients with remote myocardial infarction were studied on a 1.5-T imaging system (Siemans, Ehrlangen, NJ). Turbo-FLASH imaging utilized a 180 degrees inversion pulse followed by a rapid gradient-echo sequence (TI 400 msec, TE2 msec, TR 4.9 msec, FA 8 degrees) with a complete 64 x 64 matrix image (300 mm FOV) being acquired in 300 msec. First-pass myocardial perfusion imaging was performed in the short-axis and long-axis oblique projections with a concantenated series of Turbo-FLASH images triggered to end-systole acquired immediately before and during a rapid bolus injection of 5cc gadolinium-DTPA


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Montero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar tratamientos alternativos para reducir las manchas de látex en mango. Se utilizaron frutos del cultivar Amarilla y soluciones (1% en agua de eter lauril sulfonato de sodio (ELSS, ácido sulfónico (AS, amida de coco (AC y nonil fenol etoxilado (NFE; hipoclorito de sodio (100 y 200 mg l-1 en agua; agua; con 3 tratamientos testigo (deslechado en seco y manchado intencional con limpieza posterior y sin ella. Se midió la incidencia y severidad de las manchas sobre la cáscara y en las lenticelas. Los residuos de látex y las manchas sobre la cáscara generalmente cubrieron menos de 5% del área total; sin embargo, cuando los frutos se deslecharon en agua, en las soluciones con los tensoactivos,o al mancharlos intencionalmente, las manchas fueron severas. Los tensoactivos AS, AC y NFE provocaron oscurecimiento de las lenticelas en el 60-100% de la superficie, con grado de severidad alto (3,8-4,0, sin estar asociados a residuos de látex sobre la cáscara. La severidad de la mancha de látex resultó leve cuando la fruta se deslechó en seco (0,8 y fue moderada cuando se hizo en agua y en las soluciones de cloro con 100 y 200 mg l-1 (1,7, 1,6 y 1,3, respectivamente. El trata- miento posterior con fungicida y agua caliente hizo más visibles las manchas. Los 3 mejores tratamientos fueron el deslechado en ELSS al 1%, en la solución de hipoclorito de sodio (100 mg l-1 y en seco.

  13. Experimental and numerical investigations on flashing-induced instabilities in a single channel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marcel, Christian P.; Rohde, M.; Van Der Hagen, T.H.J.J. [Department of Physics of Nuclear Reactors, Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), Delft, 2629 JB (Netherlands)


    During the start-up phase, natural circulation BWRs (NC-BWRs) need to be operated at low pressure conditions. Such conditions favor flashing-induced instabilities due to the large hydrostatic pressure drop induced by the tall chimney. Moreover, in novel NC-BWR designs the steam separation is performed in the steam separators which create large pressure drops at the chimney outlet, which effect on stability has not been investigated yet. In this work, flashing-induced oscillations occurring in a tall, bottom heated channel are numerically investigated by using a simple linear model with three regions and an accurate implementation for estimating the water properties. The model is used to investigate flashing-induced instabilities in a channel for different values of the core inlet friction value. The results are compared with experiments obtained by using the CIRCUS facility at the same conditions, showing a good agreement. In addition, the experiments on flashing-induced instabilities are presented in a novel manner allowing visualizing new details of the phenomenon numerical stability investigations on the effect of the friction distribution are also done. It is found that by increasing the total restriction in the channel the system is destabilized. In addition, the chimney outlet restriction has a stronger destabilizing effect than the core inlet restriction. A stable two-phase region is observed prior to the instabilities in the experiments and the numerical simulations which may help to pressurize the vessel of NC-BWRs and thus reducing the effects of flashing instabilities during start-up. (author)

  14. Cloud-to-ground lightning flash characteristics from June 1984 through May 1985 (United States)

    Orville, Richard E.; Weisman, Robert A.; Pyle, Richard B.; Henderson, Ronald W.; Orville, Richard E., Jr.


    A magnetic direction-finding network for the detection of lightning cloud-to-ground strikes has been installed along the east coast of the United States. Time, location, flash polarity, stroke count, and peak signal amplitude are recorded in real time. The data were recorded from Maine to North Carolina and as far west as Ohio; analyses were restricted to flashes within 300 km of a direction finder. Measurements of peak signal strength have been obtained from 720,284 first return strokes lowering negative charge. The resulting distribution indicates that few negative strokes have peak currents exceeding 100 kA. Measurements have also been obtained of peak signal strength from 17,694 first return strokes lowering positive charge. These strokes have a median peak current of 45 kA, with some peak currents reaching 300-400 kA. The median peak signal strength and the peak current, double from summer to winter for both negative and positive first return strokes. The polarity of ground flashes is observed to be less than 5 percent positive throughout the summer and early fall, then increases to over 50 percent during the winter, and returns to less than 10 percent in early spring. The percent of positive flashes with one stroke is observed to be approximately 90 percent throughout the year. The percent of negative flashes with one stroke is observed to increase from 40 percent in the summer to approximately 80 percent in January, returning to less than 50 percent in the spring.

  15. El envejecimiento de las pastas de cemento reforzadas con fibras de vidrio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Paradela, M. L.


    en aeropuertos (1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Sin embargo, es un hecho conocido desde hace más de 25 años que el GRC sufre un deterioro con el tiempo, que afecta a sus propiedades mecánicas y muy especialmente a su tenacidad, volviéndose frágil y agrietándose bajo pequeñas deformaciones. Las investigaciones realizadas desde entonces para determinar las causas del fenómeno y buscar posibles soluciones al mismo han sido numerosísimas y sería imposible detallarlas aquí por razones de espacio. Trataremos no obstante de resumir los aspectos más relevantes del problema y las soluciones más extendidas hasta el momento.

  16. The Ground Flash Fraction Retrieval Algorithm Employing Differential Evolution: Simulations and Applications (United States)

    Koshak, William; Solakiewicz, Richard


    The ability to estimate the fraction of ground flashes in a set of flashes observed by a satellite lightning imager, such as the future GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), would likely improve operational and scientific applications (e.g., severe weather warnings, lightning nitrogen oxides studies, and global electric circuit analyses). A Bayesian inversion method, called the Ground Flash Fraction Retrieval Algorithm (GoFFRA), was recently developed for estimating the ground flash fraction. The method uses a constrained mixed exponential distribution model to describe a particular lightning optical measurement called the Maximum Group Area (MGA). To obtain the optimum model parameters (one of which is the desired ground flash fraction), a scalar function must be minimized. This minimization is difficult because of two problems: (1) Label Switching (LS), and (2) Parameter Identity Theft (PIT). The LS problem is well known in the literature on mixed exponential distributions, and the PIT problem was discovered in this study. Each problem occurs when one allows the numerical minimizer to freely roam through the parameter search space; this allows certain solution parameters to interchange roles which leads to fundamental ambiguities, and solution error. A major accomplishment of this study is that we have employed a state-of-the-art genetic-based global optimization algorithm called Differential Evolution (DE) that constrains the parameter search in such a way as to remove both the LS and PIT problems. To test the performance of the GoFFRA when DE is employed, we applied it to analyze simulated MGA datasets that we generated from known mixed exponential distributions. Moreover, we evaluated the GoFFRA/DE method by applying it to analyze actual MGAs derived from low-Earth orbiting lightning imaging sensor data; the actual MGA data were classified as either ground or cloud flash MGAs using National Lightning Detection Network[TM] (NLDN) data. Solution error

  17. Maduración poscosecha de la feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg tratada con CaCl2 en tres temperaturas de almacenamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramírez Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available

    Con la finalidad de comprobar los efectos retardantes del calcio en la maduración de los frutos de feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg, cultivar Quimba, se realizó un estudio sobre la aplicación poscosecha, mediante inmersiones de tres soluciones distintas de cloruro de calcio (5%, 10% y 15% y un testigo. La aplicación de CaCl2 prolongó la vida de almacenamiento de los fru­tos, ya que los tratamientos permitieron a los frutos so­portar las condiciones de almacenamiento. Se observó un efecto importante en la disminución de las pérdidas de peso; los frutos tratados con el porcentaje de calcio más alto (15% presentaron las menores pérdidas de peso en cada temperatura. En las fejioas almacenadas a temperatura ambiente (18° C, se observó que la in­cidencia de enfermedades fue más pequeña en los fru­tos tratados con CaCl2. La velocidad de pérdida de la firmeza de los frutos también se vio fortalecida por la adición de calcio. Con relación a las propiedades quí­micas de los frutos, no se presentaron diferencias sig­nificativas entre los tratamientos con cloruro de calcio para cada temperatura de almacenamiento; las feijoas tratadas con CaCl presentaron niveles superiores de sólidos solubles totales, a pesar de no ser significativos estadísticamente.

  18. On the Mechanism of Microwave Flash Sintering of Ceramics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yury V. Bykov


    Full Text Available The results of a study of ultra-rapid (flash sintering of oxide ceramic materials under microwave heating with high absorbed power per unit volume of material (10–500 W/cm3 are presented. Ceramic samples of various compositions—Al2O3; Y2O3; MgAl2O4; and Yb(LaO2O3—were sintered using a 24 GHz gyrotron system to a density above 0.98–0.99 of the theoretical value in 0.5–5 min without isothermal hold. An analysis of the experimental data (microwave power; heating and cooling rates along with microstructure characterization provided an insight into the mechanism of flash sintering. Flash sintering occurs when the processing conditions—including the temperature of the sample; the properties of thermal insulation; and the intensity of microwave radiation—facilitate the development of thermal runaway due to an Arrhenius-type dependency of the material’s effective conductivity on temperature. The proper control over the thermal runaway effect is provided by fast regulation of the microwave power. The elevated concentration of defects and impurities in the boundary regions of the grains leads to localized preferential absorption of microwave radiation and results in grain boundary softening/pre-melting. The rapid densification of the granular medium with a reduced viscosity of the grain boundary phase occurs via rotation and sliding of the grains which accommodate their shape due to fast diffusion mass transport through the (quasi-liquid phase. The same mechanism based on a thermal runaway under volumetric heating can be relevant for the effect of flash sintering of various oxide ceramics under a dc/ac voltage applied to the sample.

  19. Response of the human circadian system to millisecond flashes of light.

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    Jamie M Zeitzer

    Full Text Available Ocular light sensitivity is the primary mechanism by which the central circadian clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN, remains synchronized with the external geophysical day. This process is dependent on both the intensity and timing of the light exposure. Little is known about the impact of the duration of light exposure on the synchronization process in humans. In vitro and behavioral data, however, indicate the circadian clock in rodents can respond to sequences of millisecond light flashes. In a cross-over design, we tested the capacity of humans (n = 7 to respond to a sequence of 60 2-msec pulses of moderately bright light (473 lux given over an hour during the night. Compared to a control dark exposure, after which there was a 3.5±7.3 min circadian phase delay, the millisecond light flashes delayed the circadian clock by 45±13 min (p<0.01. These light flashes also concomitantly increased subjective and objective alertness while suppressing delta and sigma activity (p<0.05 in the electroencephalogram (EEG. Our data indicate that phase shifting of the human circadian clock and immediate alerting effects can be observed in response to brief flashes of light. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the circadian system can temporally integrate extraordinarily brief light exposures.

  20. Increased Expression of CCN2 in the Red Flashing Light-Induced Myopia in Guinea Pigs

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    Hong Wang


    Full Text Available Visual environment plays an important role in the occurrence of myopia. We previously showed that the different flashing lights could result in distinct effects on the ocular growth and development of myopia. CCN2 has been reported to regulate various cellular functions and biological processes. However, whether CCN2 signaling was involved in the red flashing light-induced myopia still remains unknown. In the present study, we investigated the effects of the red flashing lights exposure on the refraction and axial length of the eyes in vivo and then evaluated their effects on the expression of CCN2 and TGF-β in sclera tissues. Our data showed that the eyes exposed to the red flashing light became more myopic with a significant increase of the axial length and decrease of the refraction. Both CCN2 and TGF-β, as well as p38 MAPK and PI3K, were highly expressed in the sclera tissues exposed to the red flashing light. Both CCN2 and TGF-β were found to have the same gene expression profile in vivo. In conclusion, our findings found that CCN2 signaling pathway plays an important role in the red flashing light-induced myopia in vivo. Moreover, our study establishes a useful animal model for experimental myopia research.

  1. Big Data Analytics: Un aporte en las soluciones empresariales


    Villares Pazmiño, José Danilo; Acurio Acurio, Mónica Patricia; Veloz Paredes, Adela Zolanda


    Con la evolución de la tecnología han surgido nuevos tipos de datos que no podrían ser tratados con tecnologías habituales de manejo de información, lo cual lleva  a los gerentes empresariales a utilizar el Big Data o tambien conocidos como grandes volumenes de información como herramienta que aseguren el tratamiento de los datos para las diferentes áreas de negocio.  La investigación presentada  tiene como objetivo identificar las funciones e importancia del  BIG DATA ANA...

  2. Conjugate heat transfer effects on wall bubble nucleation in subcooled flashing flows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, P.F.; Hijikata, K.


    A variety of models have been proposed to explain observations that large liquid superheat is required to initiate nucleation in flashing flows of subcooled liquids in nozzles, cracks and pipes. In such flows an abrupt change in the fluid temperature occurs downstream of the nucleating cavities. This paper examines the subcooling of the nucleating cavities due to conjugate heat transfer to the cold downstream fluid. This examination suggests a mechanism limiting the maximum active cavity size. Simple analysis shows that, of the total superheat required to initiate flashing, a substantial portion results from conjugate wall subcooling, which decreases the cavity vapor pressure. The specific case of flashing critical nozzle flow is examined in detail. Here boundary-layer laminarization due to the strong favorable pressure gradient aids the analysis of conjugate heat transfer

  3. Normal temporal binding window but no sound-induced flash illusion in people with one eye. (United States)

    Moro, Stefania S; Steeves, Jennifer K E


    Integrating vision and hearing is an important way in which we process our rich sensory environment. Partial deprivation of the visual system from the loss of one eye early in life results in adaptive changes in the remaining senses (e.g., Hoover et al. in Exp Brain Res 216:565-74, 2012). The current study investigates whether losing one eye early in life impacts the temporal window in which audiovisual events are integrated and whether there is vulnerability to the sound-induced flash illusion. In Experiment 1, we measured the temporal binding window with a simultaneity judgement task where low-level auditory and visual stimuli were presented at different stimulus onset asynchronies. People with one eye did not differ in the width of their temporal binding window, but they took longer to make judgements compared to binocular viewing controls. In Experiment 2, we measured how many light flashes were perceived when a single flash was paired with multiple auditory beeps in close succession (sound induced flash illusion). Unlike controls, who perceived multiple light flashes with two, three or four beeps, people with one eye were not susceptible to the sound-induced flash illusion. In addition, they took no longer to respond compared to both binocular and monocular (eye-patched) viewing controls. Taken together, these results suggest that the lack of susceptibility to the sound-induced flash illusion in people with one eye cannot be accounted for by the width of the temporal binding window. These results provide evidence for adaptations in audiovisual integration due to the reduction of visual input from the loss of one eye early in life.

  4. Some design aspects of multistage flash distillation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, Mohammad.


    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of the design variables of multistage flash (MSF) process on the performance and/or the cost of the desalting plant, and to establish certain design trends

  5. Intra-bunch-train transverse dynamics in the superconducting accelerators FLASH and European XFEL

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hellert, Thorsten


    FLASH and the European XFEL are linear accelerator driven SASE-FELs, operating in a pulsed mode with long bunch-trains. Multi-bunch FEL operation requires longitudinal and transverse stability within the bunch-train. The purpose of this work is to investigate the intra-bunch-train transverse dynamics at FLASH and XFEL. Key relationships of superconducting RF cavity operation, their misalignments and the resulting impact on the intra-bunch-train trajectory variation are described. In this thesis a numerical model is developed and simulations for different accelerating sections at FLASH and XFEL are performed. With the current operational setup significant intra-bunch-train trajectory variation must be considered, hence approaches for their reduction are discussed. The theoretical studies are compared to experimental results at FLASH. The observed trajectory variation during multi-bunch user runs is analyzed and related to causal intra-bunch-train variations of the RF and the following impact on the multi-bunch SASSE performance. Furthermore, HOM-based cavity misalignment measurements are performed and the deduction of misalignments from multi-bunch data is considered.

  6. Energy optimization of crude oil distillation using different designs of pre-flash drums

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Mayyahi, Mohmmad A.; Hoadley, Andrew F.A.; Rangaiah, G.P.


    The Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) is among the major CO 2 emitters in any petroleum refinery. In view of the simultaneous increase in the energy cost and environmental concerns, there is strong motivation to analyse alternative methods to improve the energy efficiency and consequently, to minimize CO 2 emissions from conventional crude distillation. Crude pre-flashing is among promising techniques for minimizing the heating energy requirements of the CDU. However, this might be at the cost of product yield and/or throughput. This paper investigates the effects of using different pre-flash designs on the energy efficiency and associated CO 2 emissions of the CDU. The resulting optimal solutions are presented and their significant features are discussed. - Highlights: • Single and multiple pre-flash designs of the crude distillation unit are studied. • The trade-off between CO 2 emissions and the residue yield has been investigated. • Multi-objective optimization was used to find the trade-off solutions. • Introducing crude pre-flashing reduces the total CO 2 emissions. • Optimum vapour feed location has been investigated

  7. Intra-bunch-train transverse dynamics in the superconducting accelerators FLASH and European XFEL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hellert, Thorsten


    FLASH and the European XFEL are linear accelerator driven SASE-FELs, operating in a pulsed mode with long bunch-trains. Multi-bunch FEL operation requires longitudinal and transverse stability within the bunch-train. The purpose of this work is to investigate the intra-bunch-train transverse dynamics at FLASH and XFEL. Key relationships of superconducting RF cavity operation, their misalignments and the resulting impact on the intra-bunch-train trajectory variation are described. In this thesis a numerical model is developed and simulations for different accelerating sections at FLASH and XFEL are performed. With the current operational setup significant intra-bunch-train trajectory variation must be considered, hence approaches for their reduction are discussed. The theoretical studies are compared to experimental results at FLASH. The observed trajectory variation during multi-bunch user runs is analyzed and related to causal intra-bunch-train variations of the RF and the following impact on the multi-bunch SASSE performance. Furthermore, HOM-based cavity misalignment measurements are performed and the deduction of misalignments from multi-bunch data is considered.

  8. Past, Present and Future Aspects of Laser-Based Synchronization at FLASH


    Schulz, Sebastian; Bousonville, Michael; Steffen, Bernd; Sydlo, Cezary; Zummack, Falco; Kozak, Tomasz; Predki, Pawel; Kuhl, Alexander; Czwalinna, Marie Kristin; Felber, Matthias; Heuer, Michael; Lamb, Thorsten; Mueller, Jost; Peier, Peter; Ruzin, Sergej


    Free-electron lasers, like FLASH and the upcoming European XFEL, are capable of producing XUV and X-ray pulses of a few femtoseconds duration. For time-resolved pump-probe experiments and the externally seeded operation mode it is crucial not only to stabilize the arrival time of the electron bunches, but also to achieve a synchronization accuracy of external lasers on the same timescale. This can only be realized with a laser-based synchronization infrastructure. At FLASH, a periodic femtose...

  9. Analisis Strategi Bersaing dengan Pendekatan Analisis SWOT pada Flash Gym Medan


    Hutabarat, Evan Satrya Brata


    In today's business world where business competition is fiercer, every entrepreneur is required to be able to find and implement the strategies of competing is right for his company, no exception for the Flash of the Gym, one of the businesses in the field of fitness in Medan city that participating facing business competition. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze qualitatively competitive strategy what is appropriate and applicable to Flash Gym in the face of competitio...

  10. New tubes and techniques for flash X-ray diffraction and high contrast radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charbonnier, F.M.; Barbour, J.P.; Brewster, J.L.

    High energy electrons are particularly efficient in producing characteristic X-rays and soft polychromatic. A line of wide spectrum beryllium window flash X-ray tubes, ranging from 150 to 600kV, has been developed to exploit this property. Laue and Debye Scherrer flash X-ray diffraction patterns have been obtained using a single 30 ns pulse exposure. X-ray diffraction tests obtained are shown. Extremely high contrast flash radiography of small, low density objects has been obtained using industrial film without screen. Alternatively, particularly at high voltages and for subjects which include a broad range of materials and thicknesses, special film techniques can be used to produce extremely wide latitudes. Equipment, techniques and results are discussed

  11. A Fault-Tolerant Radiation-Robust Mass Storage Concept for Highly Scaled Flash Memory (United States)

    Fuchs, Cristian M.; Trinitis, Carsten; Appel, Nicolas; Langer, Martin


    Future spacemissions will require vast amounts of data to be stored and processed aboard spacecraft. While satisfying operational mission requirements, storage systems must guarantee data integrity and recover damaged data throughout the mission. NAND-flash memories have become popular for space-borne high performance mass memory scenarios, though future storage concepts will rely upon highly scaled flash or other memory technologies. With modern flash memory, single bit erasure coding and RAID based concepts are insufficient. Thus, a fully run-time configurable, high performance, dependable storage concept, requiring a minimal set of logic or software. The solution is based on composite erasure coding and can be adjusted for altered mission duration or changing environmental conditions.

  12. Network based multi-channel digital flash X-ray imaging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jingjin; Yuan Jie; Liu Yaqiang; Lin Yong; Song Zheng; Liu Keyin; Zhang Qi; Zheng Futang


    A network based multi-channel digital flash X-ray imaging system has been developed. It can be used to acquire and digitize orthogonal flash X-ray images in multi-interval, and to distribute the images on the network. There is no need of films and chemical process, no anxiety of waiting and no trouble of film archiving. This system is useful for testing ballistics, jet, explode, armour-piercing and fast running machines. The system composing and acquired images are presented. The software for object separating, mass calculating, 3D positioning, speed determining and cavity reconstruction are described

  13. Network based multi-channel digital flash X-ray imaging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jingjin; Yuan Jie; Liu Yaqiang; Lin Yong; Song Zheng; Liu Keyin


    A network based multi-channel digital flash X-ray imaging system has been developed. It can be used to acquire and digitize orthogonal flash X-ray images in multi-interval, and to distribute the images on the network. There is no need of films and chemical process, no anxiety of waiting and no trouble of film archiving. This system is useful for testing ballistics, jet, explode, armour-piercing and fast running machines. The system composing and acquired images of terminal ballistics are presented. The software for object separating, profile calculating and 3D cavity reconstruction are described

  14. Diurnal rhythm and concordance between objective and subjective hot flashes: The Hilo Women’s Health Study (United States)

    Sievert, Lynnette L.; Reza, Angela; Mills, Phoebe; Morrison, Lynn; Rahberg, Nichole; Goodloe, Amber; Sutherland, Michael; Brown, Daniel E.


    Objective To test for a diurnal pattern in hot flashes in a multi-ethnic population living in a hot, humid environment. To examine rates of concordance between objective and subjective measures of hot flashes using ambulatory and laboratory measures. Methods Study participants aged 45–55 were recruited from the general population of Hilo, Hawaii. Women wore a Biolog hot flash monitor, kept a diary for 24-hours, and also participated in 3-hour laboratory measures (n=199). Diurnal patterns were assessed using polynomial regression. For each woman, objectively recorded hot flashes that matched subjective experience were treated as true positive readings. Subjective hot flashes were considered the standard for computing false positive and false negative readings. True positive, false positive, and false negative readings were compared across ethnic groups by chi-square analyses. Results Frequencies of sternal, nuchal and subjective hot flashes peaked at 15:00 ± 1 hour with no difference by ethnicity. Laboratory results supported the pattern seen in ambulatory monitoring. Sternal and nuchal monitoring showed the same frequency of true positive measures, but non-sternal electrodes picked up more false positive readings. Laboratory monitoring showed very low frequencies of false negatives. There were no ethnic differences in the frequency of true positive or false positive measures. Women of European descent were more likely to report hot flashes that were not objectively demonstrated (false negative measures). Conclusions The diurnal pattern and peak in hot flash occurrence in the hot humid environment of Hilo was similar to results from more temperate environments. Lack of variation in sternal vs. non-sternal measures, and in true positive measures across ethnicities suggests no appreciable effect of population variation in sweating patterns. PMID:20220538

  15. Portable flash X-ray systems: applications and techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryant, L.E.


    Three portable flash x-ray equipments are described, and applications such as jet and high explosive studies, bullet impact and lead casting experiments are given as well as techniques for triggering and protection of equipment and film


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Metodos electroquimicos fueron utilizados para promover y evaluar la adsorcion orientada de albumina y colageno sobre superficies polimericas de acido polilactico (PLA mediante la aplicacion de un sobrepotencial anodico en un rango de 0 V a 0,45 V. La adsorcion fueestudiada usando mediciones simultaneas de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIE y microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo (QCM, en un rango de temperaturas de 25°C a 45°C, con variaciones en proteina entre 5 y 20 ¿Êg/ml en solucion buffer de fosfato de pH 7,4. Con el aumento de la concentracion de proteinas en el electrolito, disminuye la resistencia a la transferencia de carga, exhibiendo asi una mayor adsorcion sobre la superficie, ademas de aumentar la magnitud de los cambios de masa. Se mejoro la hidrofilicidad del recubrimiento, mostrando una mayor afinidad con las soluciones de colageno y por lo tanto un aumento en la biocompatibilidad debido a la activacion superficial.

  17. Hypnosis for hot flashes among postmenopausal women study: A study protocol of an ongoing randomized clinical trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnson Aimee K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Hot flashes are a highly prevalent problem associated with menopause and breast cancer treatments. The recent findings from the Women's Health Initiative have important implications for the significance of a non-hormonal, mind-body intervention for hot flashes in breast cancer survivors. Women who take hormone therapy long-term may have a 1.2 to 2.0 fold increased risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, it is now known that hormone therapy with estrogen and progestin is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Currently there are limited options to hormone replacement therapy as non-hormonal pharmacological agents are associated with only modest activity and many adverse side effects. Because of this there is a need for more alternative, non-hormonal therapies. Hypnosis is a mind-body intervention that has been shown to reduce self-reported hot flashes by up to 68% among breast cancer survivors, however, the use of hypnosis for hot flashes among post-menopausal women has not been adequately explored and the efficacy of hypnosis in reducing physiologically measured hot flashes has not yet been determined. Methods/design A sample of 180 post-menopausal women will be randomly assigned to either a 5-session Hypnosis Intervention or 5-session structured-attention control with 12 week follow-up. The present study will compare hypnosis to a structured-attention control in reducing hot flashes (perceived and physiologically monitored in post-menopausal women in a randomized clinical trial. Outcomes will be hot flashes (self-report daily diaries; physiological monitoring; Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale, anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS; anxiety visual analog scale (VAS rating; depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, sexual functioning (Sexual Activity Questionnaire, sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and

  18. Urban flash flood vulnerability : spatial assessment and adaptation : a case study in Istanbul, Turkey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reyes-Acevedo, Martin Alejandro; Flacke, J.; Brussel, M.J.G.


    The Ayamama River basin in Istanbul is a densely populated urban area that is frequently impacted by flash floods causing damage to people and infrastructure. The IPCC expects that under climate change conditions, more intense precipitation will occur, leading to a higher risk of flash floods.

  19. Photosynthetic efficiency of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in flashing light

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vejrazka, C.; Janssen, M.G.J.; Streefland, M.; Wijffels, R.H.


    Efficient light to biomass conversion in photobioreactors is crucial for economically feasible microalgae production processes. It has been suggested that photosynthesis is enhanced in short light path photobioreactors by mixing-induced flashing light regimes. In this study, photosynthetic

  20. Hypnotherapy to Reduce Hot Flashes: Examination of Response Expectancies as a Mediator of Outcomes (United States)

    Sliwinski, Jim R.; Elkins, Gary R.


    The mechanism of action responsible for hypnotherapy’s effect in reducing hot flashes is not yet known. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of response expectancies as a potential mediator. Hypnotizability was also tested as an effect moderator. Data were collected from a sample of 172 postmenopausal women, who had been randomized to receive either a 5-week hypnosis intervention or structured attention counseling. Measures of response expectancies were analyzed to determine if the relationship between group assignment and hot flashes frequency was mediated by expectancies for treatment efficacy. A series of simple mediation and conditional process analyses did not support mediation of the relationship between treatment condition and hot flash frequency through response expectancy. The effect of hypnotherapy in reducing hot flashes does not appear to be due to placebo effects as determined by response expectancies. Implications for clinical practice and future research are discussed. PMID:28528570

  1. Development of a mobile app for flash flood alerting and data cataloging (United States)

    Gourley, J. J.; Flamig, Z.; Nguyen, M.


    No matter how accurate and specific a forecast of flash flooding is made, there are local nuances with the communities related to the built environment that often dictate the locations and magnitudes of impacts. These are difficult, if not impossible, to identify, classify, and measure using remote sensing methods. This presentation presents a Thriving Earth Exchange project that is developing a mobile app that serves two purposes. First, it will provide detailed forecasts of flash flooding down to the 1-km pixel scale with 10-min updates using the state-of-the-science hydrologic forecasting system called FLASH. The display of model outputs on an app will greatly facilitate their use and can potentially increase first responders' reactions to the specific locations of impending disasters. Then, the first responders will have the capability of reporting the geotagged impacts they are witnessing, including those local "trouble spots". Over time, we will catalog the trouble spots for the community so that they can be flagged in future events. If proven effective, the app will then be advertised in other flood-prone communities and the database will be expanded accordingly. In summary, we are engaging local communities to provide information that can inform and improve future forecasts of flash flood, ultimately reducing their impacts and saving lives.

  2. Incorporación de las tecnologías de información y comunicaciónen la docencia universitaria estatal costarricense: Problemas y soluciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brown Grant, Johel


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis de la situación actual de la incorporación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC en la docencia universitaria estatal costarricense. La primera parte discute los problemas que dificultan los procesos de incorporación de estas tecnologías. En la siguiente sección se propone un conjunto de soluciones que puedan servir de base para iniciar estos procesos o mejorarlos en los casos donde ya se hayan iniciado. La reflexión concluye con el argumento de que la solución final de la problemática de la incorporación de las TIC en la docencia depende, entre otros aspectos, de un cambio de actitud de las autoridades de las universidades estatales y la creación de mayores y más eficaces espacios para la discusión de estos temas. This article analyzes the issues that currently hinder the efforts to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT into instruction in the Costa Rican state-run higher education system. To address these issues, the article offers a set of solutions that may be used as a basis to improve ongoing ICT integration efforts or as a springboard for ICT integration initiatives. As a conclusion the article poses that the ultimate solution for ICT integration into college teaching involves a change of attitude among university authorities and the opening of wider and more effective discursive spaces to flesh out these issues.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Willmer Escobar


    Full Text Available Consideramos el problema de localización y ruteo con restricciones de capacidad (CLRP, en el cual la meta es determinar los depósitos a ser abiertos, los clientes a ser asignados a cada depósito abierto, y las rutas a ser construidas para satisfacer las demandas de los clientes. El objetivo es minimizar la suma de los costos de abrir depósitos, de los costos de los vehículos usados, y de los costos variables asociados con la distancia recorrida por las rutas. En este paper, proponemos una metaheurística basada en simulado y recocido con espacio de búsqueda granular para resolver el problema CLRP. Experimentos computacionales en instancias de benchmarking tomadas de la literatura muestran que el algoritmo propuesto es capaz de obtener, dentro de tiempos computacionales razonables, soluciones de alta calidad mostrando su eficacia.The article deals with the Capacitated Location Routing Problem (CLRP where the goal is to determine the depots to be opened, the customers to be assigned to each deposit opened, and the routes to be constructed for fulfilling customers' demands. The objective is to minimize the sum of costs resulting from opening depots, costs resulting from used vehicles, and variable costs associated to the distance across the routes. In this paper, a metaheuristic based on simulated annealing with granular search space for solving the CLRP is proposed. Computational experiments on benchmarking instances taken from literature show that the proposed algorithm is able to obtain high-quality solutions within reasonable computational times, thus showing its efficiency.

  4. Flash CS3 The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Grover, Chris


    Flash CS3, the latest version of the premier tool for creating web animations and interactive web sites, can be intimidating to learn. This entertaining reference tutorial provides a reader-friendly animation primer and a guided tour of all the program's tools and capabilities. Beginners will learn to use the software in no time, and experienced users will quickly take their skills to the next level.

  5. Flash floods in Europe: state of the art and research perspectives (United States)

    Gaume, Eric


    Flash floods, i.e. floods induced by severe rainfall events generally affecting watersheds of limited area, are the most frequent, destructive and deadly kind of natural hazard known in Europe and throughout the world. Flash floods are especially intense across the Mediterranean zone, where rainfall accumulations exceeding 500 mm within a few hours may be observed. Despite this state of facts, the study of extremes in hydrology has essentially gone unexplored until the recent past, with the exception of some rare factual reports on individual flood events, with the sporadic inclusion of isolated estimated peak discharges. Floods of extraordinary magnitude are in fact hardly ever captured by existing standard measurement networks, either because they are too heavily concentrated in space and time or because their discharges greatly exceed the design and calibration ranges of the measurement devices employed (stream gauges). This situation has gradually evolved over the last decade for two main reasons. First, the expansion and densification of weather radar networks, combined with improved radar quantitative precipitation estimates, now provide ready access to rainfall measurements at spatial and temporal scales that, while not perfectly accurate, are compatible with the study of extreme events. Heavy rainfall events no longer fail to be recorded by existing rain gauge and radar networks. Second, pioneering research efforts on extreme floods, based on precise post-flood surveys, have helped overcome the limitations imposed by a small base of available direct measured data. This activity has already yielded significant progress in expanding the knowledge and understanding of extreme flash floods. This presentation will provide a review of the recent research progresses in the area of flash flood studies, mainly based on the outcomes of the European research projects FLOODsite, HYDRATE and Hymex. It will show how intensive collation of field data helped better define

  6. Revisión de herramientas de asistencia en la selección de soluciones constructivas sostenibles de edificación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huedo, P.


    Full Text Available This paper presents a survey of the state-of-the-art in tools to assist in the selection of sustainable building assemblies based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA. The tools are analysed to identify the characteristics that make them suitable to assist in the early phases of design. In a first phase of analysis, the existing tools are classified. In a second phase of analysis, the tools found to be more suitable to assist in building design are further analysed, by describing their advantages and limitations. In conclusion, a list of guidelines for the development of a Spanish tool to assist building designers in the selection of sustainable building assemblies is proposed.

    Este artículo presenta un estado del arte de las herramientas existentes a nivel internacional de asistencia en la selección de soluciones constructivas sostenibles de edificación basadas en el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV, identificándose las características de estas que pueden ayudar a los proyectistas en las fases iniciales de diseño. En una primera fase, se clasifican las herramientas existentes. En una segunda fase, analizamos en detalle las herramientas mejor valoradas por los autores del artículo como apoyo al proyectista en las fases iniciales del proyecto. En este análisis se describen las ventajas y limitaciones que presentan estas herramientas. Como conclusión, se elabora un listado de directrices para el desarrollo, en España, de una herramienta que sirva de apoyo al proyectista para la selección de materiales y soluciones constructivas en la fase de diseño.

  7. Registration of X-rays at 2500 m altitude in association with lightning flashes and thunderstorms


    Montañá Puig, Juan; Fabró Tàpia, Ferran; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; Solà de Las Fuentes, Gloria; Hermoso Costa, Juan Ramón; Soula, Serge; Williams, Earle; Pineda Ruegg, Nicolau


    Electric fields and high-energy radiation of natural lightning measured at close range from a mountaintop tower are discussed. In none of the 12 negative cloud-to-ground upward flashes were X-rays observed. Also no energetic radiation was found in one negative upward leader at close range (20¿m). In the first of two consecutive negative cloud-to-ground flashes, X-rays were detected during the last ~1.75¿ms of the leader. During the time of energetic radiation in the flash an intense burst of ...

  8. Flash Flood Detection in Urban Cities Using Ultrasonic and Infrared Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Mousa, Mustafa; Zhang, Xiangliang; Claudel, Christian


    Floods are the most common type of natural disaster. Often leading to loss of lives and properties in the thousands yearly. Among these events, urban flash floods are particularly deadly because of the short timescales on which they occur, and because of the population density of cities. Since most flood casualties are caused by a lack of information on the impending flood (type, location, severity), sensing these events is critical to generate accurate and detailed warnings and short term forecasts. However, no dedicated flash flood sensing systems, that could monitor the propagation of flash floods, in real time, currently exist in cities. In the present paper, firstly a new sensing device that can simultaneously monitor urban flash floods and traffic congestion has been presented. This sensing device is based on the combination of ultrasonic range-finding with remote temperature sensing, and can sense both phenomena with a high degree of accuracy, using a combination of L1-regularized reconstruction and artificial neural networks to process measurement data. Secondly, corresponding algorithms have been implemented on a low-power wireless sensor platform, and their performance in water level estimation in a 6 months test involving four different sensors is illustrated. The results demonstrate that urban water levels can be reliably estimated with error less than 2 cm, and that the preprocessing and machine learning schemes can run in real-time on currently available wireless sensor platforms.

  9. Flash Flood Detection in Urban Cities Using Ultrasonic and Infrared Sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Mousa, Mustafa


    Floods are the most common type of natural disaster. Often leading to loss of lives and properties in the thousands yearly. Among these events, urban flash floods are particularly deadly because of the short timescales on which they occur, and because of the population density of cities. Since most flood casualties are caused by a lack of information on the impending flood (type, location, severity), sensing these events is critical to generate accurate and detailed warnings and short term forecasts. However, no dedicated flash flood sensing systems, that could monitor the propagation of flash floods, in real time, currently exist in cities. In the present paper, firstly a new sensing device that can simultaneously monitor urban flash floods and traffic congestion has been presented. This sensing device is based on the combination of ultrasonic range-finding with remote temperature sensing, and can sense both phenomena with a high degree of accuracy, using a combination of L1-regularized reconstruction and artificial neural networks to process measurement data. Secondly, corresponding algorithms have been implemented on a low-power wireless sensor platform, and their performance in water level estimation in a 6 months test involving four different sensors is illustrated. The results demonstrate that urban water levels can be reliably estimated with error less than 2 cm, and that the preprocessing and machine learning schemes can run in real-time on currently available wireless sensor platforms.

  10. Production of bio-oil with flash pyrolysis; Biooeljyn tuotanto flash-pyrolyysillae ja sen poltto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nyroenen, T [Vapo Oy, Jyvaeskylae (Finland)


    The target of the R and D work is to study the production of bio-oils using Flash-pyrolysis technology and utilisation of the bio-oil in oil-fuelled boilers. The PDU-unit was installed at VTT Energy in Otaniemi in April 1996. The first test were carried out in June. In the whole project Vapo Oy is responsible for: acquiring the 20 kg/h PDU-device for development; follow up of the engine tests; the investment of 5 MW demonstration plant; to carry on the boiler and engine tests with Finnish bio-oils. (orig.)

  11. High flash point electrolyte for use in lithium-ion batteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Isken, P.; Dippel, C.; Schmitz, R.; Schmitz, R.W.; Kunze, M.; Passerini, S.; Winter, M. [Institute of Physical Chemistry, Westfaelische Wilhelms-University Muenster, Corrensstrasse 28/30, 48149 Muenster (Germany); Lex-Balducci, A., E-mail: [Institute of Physical Chemistry, Westfaelische Wilhelms-University Muenster, Corrensstrasse 28/30, 48149 Muenster (Germany)


    Highlights: > Substitution of linear carbonates in conventional electrolytes with adiponitrile allows the realization of high flash point electrolytes. > EC:ADN based electrolytes display a higher anodic stability than a conventional electrolyte based on EC:DEC. > Graphite and NCM electrodes used in combination with the EC:ADN based electrolyte display a performance comparable with that of conventional electrolytes. - Abstract: The high flash point solvent adiponitrile (ADN) was investigated as co-solvent with ethylene carbonate (EC) for use as lithium-ion battery electrolyte. The flash point of this solvent mixture was more than 110 deg. C higher than that of conventional electrolyte solutions involving volatile linear carbonate components, such as diethyl carbonate (DEC) or dimethyl carbonate (DMC). The electrolyte based on EC:ADN (1:1 wt) with lithium tetrafluoroborate (LiBF{sub 4}) displayed a conductivity of 2.6 mS cm{sup -1} and no aluminum corrosion. In addition, it showed higher anodic stability on a Pt electrode than the standard electrolyte 1 M lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF{sub 6}) in EC:DEC (3:7 wt). Graphite/Li half cells using this electrolyte showed excellent rate capability up to 5C and good cycling stability (more than 98% capacity retention after 50 cycles at 1C). Additionally, the electrolyte was investigated in NCM/Li half cells. The cells were able to reach a capacity of 104 mAh g{sup -1} at 5C and capacity retention of more than 97% after 50 cycles. These results show that an electrolyte with a considerably increased flash point with respect to common electrolyte systems comprising linear carbonates, could be realized without any negative effects on the electrochemical performance in Li-half cells.

  12. Application of GaAs and CdTe photoconductor detectors to x-ray flash radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathy, F.; Cuzin, M.; Gagelin, J.J.; Mermet, R.; Piaget, B.; Rustique, J.; Verger, L.


    Semi-insulating GaAs and CdTe:Cl photoconductor probes were qualified on high energy X ray single shot flash generators. The estimated minimum detected dose per flash corresponding to a 230 mrad direct beam attenuated by 200 mm lead was 20 μrad. The dynamic range was about 4 decades in amplitude or charges, with a good linearity. Such detectors, by locating the origin of the parasitic scattered beam, could be used to eliminate this parasitic beam in X ray flash radiography in detonics experiments. Imaging possibilities are mentioned, as well as X ray generator monitoring with such detectors or with neutron preirradiated photoconductors

  13. Application of GaAs and CdTe photoconductor detectors to X-ray flash radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathy, F.; Cuzin, M.; Gagelin, J.J.; Mermet, R.; Piaget, B.; Rustique, J.; Verger, L.; Hauducoeur, A.; Nicolas, P.; Le Dain, L.; Hyvernage, M.


    Some insulating GaAs and CdTe:Cl photoconductor probes were qualified on high energy X-ray single-shot flash generators. The estimated minimum detected dose per flash corresponding to a 230 mrad direct beam attenuated by 200 mm lead was 20 μrad. The dynamic range was about 4 decades in amplitude or charge, with a good linearity. Such detectors, by locating the origin of the parasitic scattered beam, could be used to eliminate this parasitic beam in X-ray flash radiography in detonics experiments. Imaging possibilities are mentioned, as well as X-ray generator monitoring with such detectors or with neutron preirradiated photoconductors. (orig.)

  14. Application of GaAs and CdTe photoconductor detectors to X-ray flash radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathy, F.; Cuzin, M.; Gagelin, J.J.; Mermet, R.; Piaget, B.; Rustique, J.; Verger, L. (CEA, Direction des Technologies Avancees, Lab. d' Electronique, de Technologie et d' Instrumentation, DSYS, 38 - Grenoble (France)); Hauducoeur, A.; Nicolas, P.; Le Dain, L.; Hyvernage, M. (CEA, Direction des Applications Militaires, 77 - Courtry (France))


    Some insulating GaAs and CdTe:Cl photoconductor probes were qualified on high energy X-ray single-shot flash generators. The estimated minimum detected dose per flash corresponding to a 230 mrad direct beam attenuated by 200 mm lead was 20 [mu]rad. The dynamic range was about 4 decades in amplitude or charge, with a good linearity. Such detectors, by locating the origin of the parasitic scattered beam, could be used to eliminate this parasitic beam in X-ray flash radiography in detonics experiments. Imaging possibilities are mentioned, as well as X-ray generator monitoring with such detectors or with neutron preirradiated photoconductors. (orig.).

  15. Application of GaAs and CdTe photoconductor detectors to x-ray flash radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathy, F.; Cuzin, M.; Gagelin, J.J.; Mermet, R.; Piaget, B.; Rustique, J.; Verger, L. [CEA Centre d`Etudes de Grenoble, 38 (FR). Direction des Technologies Avancees; Hauducoeur, A.; Nicolas, P.; Le Dain, L.; Hyvernage, M. [CEA Centre d`Etudes de Vaujours, 77 - Courtry (FR)


    Semi-insulating GaAs and CdTe:Cl photoconductor probes were qualified on high energy X ray single shot flash generators. The estimated minimum detected dose per flash corresponding to a 230 mrad direct beam attenuated by 200 mm lead was 20 {mu}rad. The dynamic range was about 4 decades in amplitude or charges, with a good linearity. Such detectors, by locating the origin of the parasitic scattered beam, could be used to eliminate this parasitic beam in X ray flash radiography in detonics experiments. Imaging possibilities are mentioned, as well as X ray generator monitoring with such detectors or with neutron preirradiated photoconductors.

  16. A low-voltage flash memory cell utilizing the gate-injection program/erase method with a recessed channel structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Dake; Huang Ru; Wang Pengfei; Tang Poren; Wang Yangyuan


    In this paper, a low-voltage recessed channel SONOS flash memory using the gate-injection program/erase method is proposed and investigated for NAND application. It is shown that the proposed flash memory can achieve 8 V lower programming voltage compared with planar flash memory, due to the effective capacitance coupling and the electric-field enhancement by combining the recessed channel structure and the gate-injection program/erase method. In addition, more than 30% larger threshold voltage window and improved short channel effects can be obtained in the proposed flash memory

  17. XAMPP: Problemas


    Luján Mora, Sergio


    Dos problemas muy comunes, y sus soluciones, que pueden ocurrir con XAMPP, la plataforma de desarrollo para los sistemas operativos Linux, Windows, MacOS X y Solaris que incluye Apache, MySQL, PHP y Perl.

  18. Transparent Flash Memory using Single Ta2O5 Layer for both Charge Trapping and Tunneling Dielectrics

    KAUST Repository

    Hota, Mrinal Kanti


    We report reproducible multibit transparent flash memory in which a single solution-derived Ta2O5 layer is used simultaneously as charge trapping and tunneling layer. This is different from conventional flash cells, where two different dielectric layers are typically used. Under optimized programming/erasing operations, the memory device shows excellent programmable memory characteristics with a maximum memory window of ~10 V. Moreover, the flash memory device shows a stable 2-bit memory performance, good reliability, including data retention for more than 104 sec and endurance performance for more than 100 cycles. The use of a common charge trapping and tunneling layer can simplify advanced flash memory fabrication.

  19. Transparent Flash Memory using Single Ta2O5 Layer for both Charge Trapping and Tunneling Dielectrics

    KAUST Repository

    Hota, Mrinal Kanti; Alshammari, Fwzah H.; Salama, Khaled N.; Alshareef, Husam N.


    We report reproducible multibit transparent flash memory in which a single solution-derived Ta2O5 layer is used simultaneously as charge trapping and tunneling layer. This is different from conventional flash cells, where two different dielectric layers are typically used. Under optimized programming/erasing operations, the memory device shows excellent programmable memory characteristics with a maximum memory window of ~10 V. Moreover, the flash memory device shows a stable 2-bit memory performance, good reliability, including data retention for more than 104 sec and endurance performance for more than 100 cycles. The use of a common charge trapping and tunneling layer can simplify advanced flash memory fabrication.

  20. Spray structure as generated under homogeneous flash boiling nucleation regime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levy, M.; Levy, Y.; Sher, E.


    We show the effect of the initial pressure and temperature on the spatial distribution of droplets size and their velocity profile inside a spray cloud that is generated by a flash boiling mechanism under homogeneous nucleation regime. We used TSI's Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) to characterize the spray. We conclude that the homogeneous nucleation process is strongly affected by the initial liquid temperature while the initial pressure has only a minor effect. The spray shape is not affected by temperature or pressure under homogeneous nucleation regime. We noted that the only visible effect is in the spray opacity. Finally, homogeneous nucleation may be easily achieved by using a simple atomizer construction, and thus is potentially suitable for fuel injection systems in combustors and engines. - Highlights: • We study the characteristics of a spray that is generated by a flash boiling process. • In this study, the flash boiling process occurs under homogeneous nucleation regime. • We used Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA) to characterize the spray. • The SMD has been found to be strongly affected by the initial liquid temperature. • Homogeneous nucleation may be easily achieved by using a simple atomizer unit