
Sample records for final detaille inventaire

  1. Le grand inventaire

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    Michel Melot


    Full Text Available Depuis quarante ans qu’il existe, l’Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France n’a pas seulement progressé, couvrant près de dix mille communes, documentant plus de vingt mille dans cinq millions de pages, trois millions de photographies, et cent mille dessins. Il est devenu ce que ses fondateurs désiraient qu’il fût. Il n’est pas une liste d’objets plus ou moins singuliers qu’on aurait oubliés, mais l’observation méthodique de l’émergence dans le monde de l’ar...

  2. Inventaire des champignons ectomycorhiziens du Maroc

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 juil. 2014 ... RÉSUMÉ. Objectif : Le travail présenté ici a pour objectif de dresser, à partir de la bibliographie, l'inventaire des espèces ectomycorhiziennes du Maroc. Méthodologie et résultats : Les données sur les champignons, recueillies à partir de différents travaux publiés nous ont permis de réaliser un premier ...

  3. Inventaire des cartes climatiques conservées à la cartothèque de l' IGN

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    Bernadette Joseph


    Full Text Available Cet inventaire présente la liste des cartes climatiques étrangères, conservées à la cartothèque de l' IGN. Ce fonds très riche en cartes thématiques n'est actuellement pas répertorié dans les catalogues SUDOC ou OPALE. Il n'est accessible qu'en interne sur fichiers papier.

  4. La vallée du Lot en Lot-et-Garonne : inventaire topographique

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    Hélène Mousset


    Full Text Available La remise en navigation du Lot est à l’origine du projet d’inventaire du patrimoine de la vallée dans sa partie lot-et-garonnaise1. L’ampleur du territoire - 12 cantons riverains2 - et de la perspective historique - du Moyen Age à nos jours - imposaient d’emblée rigueur et objectifs clairs : méthode raisonnée de l’inventaire topographique pour un bilan homogène du patrimoine, fondée sur une enquête systématique du paysage bâti et du mobilier public, sans a priori. Le premier résultat est un catalogue patrimonial sous forme de bases de données3. Mais ce corpus documentaire hétérogène et touffu n’est pas une addition de monographies : il peut et doit être interrogé et exploité comme un ensemble apportant une connaissance renouvelée du territoire. Sans prétendre réaliser une synthèse de la totalité des données pour l’ensemble de la vallée4, les exemples qui vont suivre illustreront la façon dont le travail d’inventaire apporte réponses et nouvelles interrogations, concernant notamment l’occupation du sol, les paysages et l’architecture de cette partie de l’Agenais. Recherche de l’empreinte d’une époque déterminée, examen de la permanence des paysages bâtis sur la longue durée et observation des traces de mutations et flexions historiques, sont un triple niveau d’analyse attendu dans le cadre d’un inventaire sur un vaste territoire rural.The plan to reintroduce navigation on the Lot in the part of the river that flows through the Lot-et-Garonne department was at the origins of a survey of the heritage along the course of the river. The geographical scope of the survey was large (12 cantons along the river and the period covered by the heritage extends from the Middle ages up to the present day. The variety of buildings to be covered required a rigorous approach and clear objectives. The method of the topographical inventory was tailored to the production of a homogenous heritage audit

  5. Inventario provisorio de las memorias anarquistas y anarcosindicalistas españolas Inventaire provisoire des mémoires anarchistes et anarchosyndicalistes espagnoles

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    Joel Delhom


    Full Text Available El autor destaca la importancia de la autobiografía popular anarquista española y propone un inventario provisorio.L’auteur attire l’attention sur l’importance de l’autobiographie populaire anarchiste espagnole et en propose un inventaire provisoire.The author draws attention onto working-class anarchist Spanish autobiography and proposes a temporary inventory of it.

  6. Des vitraux par milliers… Bilan d’un inventaire : le recensement des vitraux anciens de la France

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    Françoise Gatouillat


    Full Text Available Le Recensement des vitraux anciens de la France sera bientôt achevé, conduit dans le cadre du ministère de la Culture depuis 1972 et intégré aux missions de l’Inventaire général depuis 1979. Cet inventaire méthodique et exhaustif est régulièrement publié dans des ouvrages conçus comme des instruments de travail qui visent à apporter au monde de la recherche une documentation précise, critique et présentée avec objectivité, sur toutes les œuvres de ce domaine patrimonial, sans hiérarchie. Ce recensement fait émerger une multiple et inépuisable matière à réflexion, qui alimente des problématiques communes à d’autres disciplines de l’histoire de l’art (usages techniques, questions de la commande artistique, de la diffusion des formes, etc.. Un retour sur la documentation accumulée et sur les travaux qui se sont ajoutés au fil de l’expérience permet d’apprécier l’évolution du champ scientifique que constitue le vitrail, qui a beaucoup gagné en participant d’une vision élargie.Soon will be completed the Recensement des vitraux anciens de la France, France’s general inventory of stained-glass windows from the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime, which has been carried out since 1972 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, in charge since 1979 of the Inventaire général. The results of this methodical and exhaustive inventory are published at regular intervals in works which are designed as tools for research, providing precise critical documentation covering all the works in this particular field of the national heritage, objectively and without hierarchical judgement. The survey work has drawn attention to stained–glass windows as an extremely rich and varied source, informing problematics shared by other disciplines in art history (technical usages, problems relating to artistic patronage, to the diffusion of forms, etc. An overview of the documentation accumulated over the years

  7. De la petite cuillère... au reliquaire ou l’inventaire de l’orfèvrerie

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    Francis Muel


    Full Text Available Après quelques travaux fondamentaux et pionniers réalisés entre 1850 et 1950, la recherche dans le domaine de l’orfèvrerie française s’est développée au cours de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, notamment avec l’étude approfondie des centres régionaux de production et avec des inventaires systématiques dans les collections privées et publiques. Par la normalisation des vocabulaires, des méthodes et des analyses, par ses opérations de recensement et d’étude permettant de constituer des corpus, par les publications et les bases de données nationales, l’Inventaire général, en lien avec le CNRS, a largement structuré la recherche et contribué à la mise en valeur des témoins d’un patrimoine fortement sinistré au cours des siècles. Ci-après, des articles illustreront la richesse insoupçonnée d’un territoire de montagne comme celui du nord des Hautes-Alpes, l’intérêt patrimonial d’œuvres jusqu’ici sous-estimées, tels deux reliquaires montpelliérains, et la découverte d’œuvres de belle qualité comme une aiguière de baptême mâconnaise, une écuelle couverte au poinçon d’une veuve d’orfèvre rennais ou un ostensoir portant la signature prestigieuse d’un grand orfèvre, François-Désiré Froment-Meurice.After some fundamental and pioneering work undertaken between 1850 and 1950, research in the field of France’s gold and silver artefacts developed during the second half of the twentieth century, in particular through in-depth studies of certain regional production centres and some systematic inventories of private and public collections. The services of the Inventaire général, in association with the CNRS, brought their contribution to this research work by establishing normalised vocabularies and analytical methods, through publications and via the national heritage databases. This work has helped contribute to a better appreciation of precious elements of the national heritage

  8. Le patrimoine rural en Languedoc-Roussillon : acquis et perspectives du travail d’inventaire

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    Marie-Sylvie Grandjouan


    Full Text Available Vingt cantons ruraux ont été traités par l’équipe de l’Inventaire en Languedoc-Roussillon. Les exemples présentés ici illustrent la variété des territoires de la région : mas de la plaine littorale avant et après l’expansion de la viticulture à fin du XIXe siècle ; maisons et villages de la vallée de l’Hérault ; fermes groupées en hameaux ou villages de la moyenne montagne qui couvre le nord du département de l’Hérault et la totalité du département de la Lozère où se dressent encore des édicules (fours à pain, travail à ferrer…, propriétés des communautés d’habitants ; habitat caussenard du Larzac méridional et du Sauveterre lié à la pratique de l’élevage ovin ; fermes bâties en terrasses dans la partie orientale des Cévennes ; enfin l’exemple de la Margeride tout au nord de la région.Twenty rural districts have been surveyed by the research workers of the Languedoc-Roussillon Inventaire. Examples shown here illustrate the wide range of territories, from the « mas » in the coastal plain, built before and after the wine-growing expansion era at the end of the 19th century, to the houses and villages in the Hérault valley. In the lower mountains covering the north of the Hérault and Lozère departments, the farms are concentrated in villages or hamlets where facilities shared by the inhabitants (bread-ovens, horse-shoeing devices… can still be seen. Distinct also are the dwellings in the Causses, south of Larzac and Sauveterre, connected with sheepfarming, farms built in terraces in the Eastern Cevennes and the Margeride, in the northern boundaries of the region.

  9. Validation of the Inventaire du Milieu Familial Questionnaire (French version of the Infant/Toddler HOME) into the Brazilian Portuguese language. (United States)

    Sudbrack, Simone; Barbosa, Fernanda P; Mattiello, Rita; Booij, Linda; Estorgato, Geovana R; Dutra, Moisés S; Assunção, Fabiana D de; Nunes, Magda L


    To validate the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Family Environment Assessment questionnaire (Inventaire du Milieu Familial). The validation process was carried out in two stages. First, translation and back-translation were performed, and in the second phase, the questionnaire was applied in 72 families of children between 0 and 24 months for the validation process. The tool consists of the following domains: mother's communication ability; behavior; organization of the physical and temporal environment; collection/quantity of toys; maternal attitude of constant attention toward her baby; diversification of stimuli; baby's behavior. The following was performed for the scale validation: 1 - content analysis (judgment); 2 - construct analysis (factorial analysis - Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, Bartlett, and Pearson's correlation tests); 3 - criterion analysis (calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient, intraclass correlations, and split-half correlations). The mean age of the children was 9±6.7 months, and of these, 35 (48.6%) were males. Most correlations between items and domains were significant. In the factorial analysis of the scale, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values were 0.76, Bartlett's test showed a p-value<0.001, and correlation between items and domains showed a p-value<0.01. Regarding the validity, Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 (95% CI: 0.89-0.94). The intraclass correlation among the evaluators was 0.97 (0.96-0.98) and split-half correlations, r: 0.60, with p<0.01. The Portuguese version of the Inventaire du Milieu Familial showed good to excellent performance regarding the assessed psychometric properties. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

  10. Inventory Methods in a Conversion Plant; Methodes d'Inventaire dans un Etablissement de Transformation; Metody inventarizatsij na predpriyatii po pererabotke yadernykh materialov; Metodos de Inventario en una Planta de Transformacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Billy, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Paris (France)


    The main purposes of the inventories are: to safeguard the interests of the Commissariat, to evaluate losses, and to check the measures taken for waste storage. On stocktaking the investigator can either carry out a physical inventory, participate in the inventory, or check the inventory. The latter method gives the best results. The stocktaking operations, preceded by a preparatory meeting to determine the methods to be applied, are carried out in two stages: the weight inventory check and the physical auditing check. Some questions arising in connection with the inventory are disputes between consignors and consignees regarding weight and content; choice of weighing equipment, waste, and evaluation of losses. Inventory methods should not differ greatly from one country to another. It would appear desirable to stress the difficulties which arise during operation and to consider jointly ways of surmounting them. (author) [French] Les inventaires ont notamment pour but de sauvegarder les interets du Commissariat, evaluer le montant des pertes, et controler les mesures prises pour le stockage des dechets. Pour le recensement, l'enqueteur peut effectuer materiellement l'inventaire, V participer, ou le verifier. Cettedernieremethodedonneles meilleurs resultats. Les operations de recensement, precedees d'une reunion preparatoire pour definir les modalites a appliquer, ont lieu en deux temps: la verification de l'inventaire ponderal, et la verification de la comptabilite physique. Les questions qui peuvent etre soulevees en cours d'inventaire sont des contestations sur le poids et les teneurs entre expediteurs et destinataires, le choix du materiel de pesee, les dechets et l'evaluation des pertes. Les methodes d'inventaire ne doivent guere differer d'un pays a l'autre. U semble preferable de souligner les difficultes qui se presentent en cours d'operation et d'etudier, en commun, les moyens qui permettent de les surmonter. (author) [Spanish] La finalidad principal de los

  11. Inventaire des cavités souterraines abandonnées et cartographie des dangers qui leur sont liés

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    Claire ARNAL


    Full Text Available Un inventaire national des cavités souterraines abandonnées, des accidents de sol qui leur sont imputables et de leurs conséquences dommageables a été réalisé à l’échelle de 1/1 000 000 en 1993 et 1994 par le BRGM pour le ministère de l’Environnement (Direction de la Prévention des Pollutions et des Risques. Il a conduit à élaborer des documents cartographiques de synthèse et à définir des niveaux de dangers dont la localisation permettra de lancer des études plus détaillées en vue d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des biens

  12. Propos autour d’un inventaire : quelques peintures italiennes à Bastia

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    Michel-Edouard Nigaglioni


    Full Text Available Du Moyen Age à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, Bastia fut une ville italienne dépendant de la république de Gênes. C’est pourquoi les églises de la ville conservent encore nombre de toiles d’artistes génois (Ottavio Cambiaso, Domenico Piola, Giuseppe Badaracco ou provenant de régions italiennes proches de la Corse (Giovanni Bilivert. En 1844, le legs du cardinal Fesch, oncle de Napoléon, fait entrer dans les collections municipales une centaine de tableaux italiens. Des restaurations récentes (Lavinia Fontana et une reconsidération globale du fonds, rendue possible par l’inventaire du mobilier appartenant à la ville, permettent découvertes et propositions d’attribution (Francesco Brizio, Giuseppe Bonito….From the Middle Ages up to the end of the eighteenth century, Bastia was an Italian city belonging to the Republic of Genoa. This is why the churches of the city conserve several paintings by artists of Genoese origin (Ottavio Cambiaso, Domenico Piola, Giuseppe Badaracco or coming from other regions in Italy close to Corsica (Giovanni Bilivert. In 1844, a bequest by Cardinal Fesch (Napoleon’s uncle also brought about a hundred Italian paintings to the collections of the city. Some recent restoration work (Lavinia Fontana and a new, general view of the corpus of paintings, helped by the inventory of the furniture belonging to the city, has given rise to some discoveries and also allows for the authors of certain paintings to be identified (Francesco Brizio, Guiseppe Bonito….

  13. Recenser et étudier le patrimoine religieux du XXe siècle : l’exemple de l’inventaire des églises du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (1945-2000

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    Céline Frémaux


    Full Text Available La seconde moitié du XXe siècle fut une période de mutation accélérée de l’architecture religieuse en France. L’inventaire des églises paroissiales reconstruites et construites dans la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais entre 1945 et 2000 en reflète les divers aspects. Le corpus de 183 églises servant de base à une thèse de doctorat révèle l’effort d’adaptation de l’Église aux mutations historiques, économiques et sociales de cette périodeThe second half of the 20th century was a time of tumultuous changes in French religious architecture. The survey of parish churches built in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region between 1945 and 2000 reflects all these changes. The corpus of 183 churches, on which a thesis has been based, reveals the church’s ability as an institution to adapt to the historical, economic and social changes of its time.

  14. Criteria for Special Nuclear Materials Inventory and Control Procedures; Criteres a Suivre Pour Proceder a l'Inventaire des Matieres Nucleaires Speciales et aux Mesures de Controle; Kriterii dlya inventarizatsii spetsial'nykh yadernykh materialov i metody ucheta; Criterios a Que Deben Ajustarse los Procedimientos de Inventario y Control de los Materiales Nucleares Especiales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinderman, E. M.; Tarrice, R. R. [Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    metaux precieux. Bien qu'il puisse etre necessaire de prevoir des methodes speciales ou d'adapter des techniques anciennes, il devrait toutefois suffire dans la plupart des cas d'utiliser de facon appropriee les differentes methodes d'inventaire bien connues pour assurer la protection des investissements des gouvernements et des particuliers dans l'exploitation de ces matieres couteuses. Les auteurs du memoire definissent les criteres a utiliser pour le controle des matieres nucleaires. Ils etudient notamment l'applicabilite de differentes methodes d'inventaire: pointage annuel des registres des matieres recues et expediees, inventaire quotidien et detaille des matieres elles-memes en tenant compte de leur valeur specifique, et inventaire general de ces matieres nucleaires speciales. Les auteurs presentent des solutions types permettant de gerer les matieres nucleaires speciales et de proceder a leur inventaire. Ils procedent a une evaluation de l'efficacite relative des multiples methodes applicables aux stades importants de la fourniture, de l'utilisation et de la recuperation des matieres nucleaires. (author) [Spanish] Uno de los problemas mas importantes que deberan resolver las personas que finanzan, administran o desarrollan actividades relacionadas con los procesos nucleares, especialmente en la esfera de la produccion comercial de energia nucleoelectrica.sera el que plantea el control adecuado de los materiales nucleares, cuyo valor en 1980 excedera de 5000 millones de dolares de los Estados Unidos. Los materiales nucleares especiales son caro': en los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, el uranio enriquecido al 90%, el hexafluoruro de uranio enriquecido al 3% y el agua pesada cuestan, respectivamente, 10 808, 254 y 61,60 dolares el kg. Ademas, por motivos sanitarios y de seguridad, esos materiales estan en muchos casos sometidos por parte de las autoridades a un control especial sin relacion directa con su valor monetario. Pese a su elevado precio, los materiales

  15. Le patrimoine astronomique provençal (United States)

    Rous, M.; Figon, P.; Guyot, S.


    L'OSU OAMP/Institut Pythéas porte les missions de conservation, inventaire et valorisation du patrimoine. Suite à la fusion de l'Observatoire de Marseille et du Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale en 2000 pour créer le Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, le déménagement des équipes sur le site de Château-Gombert en 2008 a soulevé le problème du devenir des collections des deux sites d'origine. Nous ferons le bilan des actions passées en matière de conservation et de valorisation de ce riche patrimoine : versement à l'inventaire général du Ministère de la Culture, classement de 22 instruments au titre des Monuments Historiques, inventaire et numérisation des archives anciennes, montage d'expositions et réalisation du catalogue Telescopium, 400 ans de lunettes et de télescopes. Nous présenterons les actions en cours: mesures de conservation préventive, inventaire des archives et des instruments. Nous parlerons enfin des projets: création d'un espace d'exposition permanente, participation à des expositions temporaires.

  16. Les différentes échelles de l’espace de la villégiature balnéaire : l’exemple de la côte d’Emeraude

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    Isabelle Barbedor


    Full Text Available Figure 1Extrait de : France. Inventaire général des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France. Service régional de Bretagne. La côte d’Emeraude. La villégiature balnéaire autour de Dinard et Saint-Malo. Réd. I. Barbedor, G. Delignon, V. Orain, J.-J. Rioult. Editions du patrimoine, 2001. (coll. Cahiers du Patrimoine, n° 60. Page de couverture. Dinard, villa Greystones, le porte-à-faux du grand salon. Michel Roux-Spitz architecte. 1938-1950Cliché Inventaire général, Guy Artur et Norb...

  17. La preuve par le nombre

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    Hélène Verdier


    Full Text Available S’il en était besoin, la question des usages et de la finalité des résultats de l’inventaire général pourrait être abordée par le nombre : nombre d’œuvres répertoriées, de communes inventoriées, de clichés photographiques réalisés, de dossiers, de consultations des notices dans les bases de données… Les additions aujourd’hui sont éloquentes, mais elles laissent dans l’ombre le rôle de l’inventaire qui, en mettant en œuvre une démarche systématique de connaissance, participe à l’ identificatio...

  18. Arménie

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    François Verdier


    Full Text Available L’Arménie est une petite république du Caucase, à la limite sud–est de l’Europe, qui a gagné son autonomie en 1990 après l’ouverture du bloc soviétique. Le nouveau Ministère du Patrimoine a sollicité la coopération de la France pour mettre en place une nouvelle politique culturelle. Tout d’abord, une évaluation sur place de la situation dans les domaines des monuments historiques, de l’archéologie et de l’Inventaire a permis d’envisager les réponses à proposer. Pour la demande d’informatisation des dossiers d’inventaire déjà réalisés sous l’autorité de l’Académie de Saint–Petersbourg, nous avons proposé de former des chercheurs arméniens aux méthodes et techniques de l’Inventaire général. L’accueil d’une stagiaire pendant trois mois au service régional de l’Inventaire de Haute–Normandie a été suivi par la mise en place d’un équipement informatique à Yérévan, puis par l’accueil et la formation de techniciens informaticiens et photographes arméniens. De retour dans leur pays ils ont commencé à remettre en place un service d’inventaire dont le programme comprend la création d’une base de données patrimoniales, le recensement de la ville de Yérévan, la numérisation d’images pour la publication d’un indicateur du patrimoine et la préparation de dossiers de protection au titre du patrimoine mondial.The Armenian heritage comprises both archaeological remains of towns destroyed by never–ending wars and a number of old churches from the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, was founded three thousand years ago and is one of Europe’s oldest capitals. From 1925 it has developed according to an ambitious urban planning project. After the major political upheavals of 1991, a special ministry was created to look after the architectural and movable heritage of the country and to promote the Armenian national identity. A mission in Yerevan was


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prof. Adipala Ekwamu

    Des inventaires forestiers et des études écologiques réalisés dans des placeaux, permettent de ... Key Words: Adaptation, against season's agriculture, climate change, ..... champ et globale. ..... Centrale non sahélienne « Regarding rainfall.

  20. Évaluation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des filières de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées


    Reverdy, A.L.; Pradel, M.


    / Ce rapport présente l'inventaire des différentes consommations énergétiques, en consommables et des GES pour chaque poste de traitement et de valorisation des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées.

  1. Recovery of uranium in mine waters; Recuperation de l'uranium dans les eaux des mines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sugier, P [Direction des Productions, CEA, Chatillon-Sur-Bagneux (France)


    In a brief introductory survey the author indicates the date on which leaching was first observed in the CEA mines and lists the main factors necessary for, or favourable to, the solubilization of uranium in mines. Information is given on the various sources of this type at present identified in France and the methods used to recover uranium in mines situated near ore-concentration plants. An explanation is given for the use of the calcium precipitation technique in connection with waters produced in mines not situated near ore-concentration plants. Data are given on the results of laboratory tests carried out on waters containing uranium, together with a description of an industrial-scale facility built in consequence of these tests. Details are given of the statistical results obtained. The author concludes by outlining the programme which will be implemented in the near future with a view to increasing the tonnage of uranium produced by in situ leaching and indicates that the CEA engineers are very optimistic about the prospects of this new low-cost method of producing uranium. (author) [French] Apres un bref rappel historique precisant la date de constatation du phenomene de lixiviation dans les mines d'uranium du Commissariat et un rapide inventaire des principales conditions necessaires ou favorisant la solubilisation de l'uranium dans les mines, auteur indique les differentes sources actuellement reconnues en France et les methodes utilisees pour recuperer l'uranium dans les mines situees pres d'une usine de concentration des minerais. Il donne ensuite les raisons motivant le choix du procede de precipitation calcique pour les eaux produites dans des mines eloignees des usines de concentration des minerais. Les resultats d'essais de laboratoire effectues sur des eaux chargees en uranium sont donnes et l'installation industrielle realisee a la suite de ces essais est decrite; les resultats statistiques obtenus sont detailles. En conclusion de son expose, l

  2. 2450-IJBCS-Article-Ridwane Bio Oure

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    php/ijbcs Inventaire, structure morpho-métrique et importance des varans sacrés de. Kandi (Nord-Est Bénin). Ridwane BIO ..... Durant la saison des amours, les varans femelles s'accouplent avec plusieurs mâles.

  3. 938-IJBCS-Article-Dr Lassina Traoré

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cette étude montre que la combinaison des inventaires de terrain et des enquêtes ethnobotaniques est indispensable ... l'aridité du climat qui est devenue un ... Or, de manière globale, l'impact .... naturelle dans les régions sahéliennes de.

  4. Emission inventory; Inventaire des emissions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontelle, J.P. [CITEPA, Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d`Etudes de la Pollution Atmospherique, 75 - Paris (France)


    Statistics on air pollutant (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonium) emissions, acid equivalent emissions and their evolution since 1990 in the various countries of Europe and the USA, are presented. Emission data from the industrial, agricultural, transportation and power sectors are given, and comparisons are carried out between countries based on Gnp and population, pollution import/export fluxes and compliance to the previous emission reduction objectives

  5. Etude comparative de la flore aux abords des cours d'eau dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    4 UFR des Sciences biologiques, Université Péléforo Gon Coulibaly, Korhogo. 5 Centre Suisse de ... abords des plans d'eau des zones de forte et de faible endémicité d'UB. L'inventaire ...... modifié pour les besoins de l'agriculture et de.

  6. Ethiopie

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    Monique Chatenet


    Full Text Available La mission effectuée dans le cadre de la convention culturelle France–Unesco par Monique Chatenet en Ethiopie du 11 au 22 février 2002 avait un double objectif : diriger un stage de formation aux techniques d’inventaire en s’inspirant des recommandations du Conseil de l’Europe et proposer des actions susceptibles de favoriser le développement du Service de l’Inventaire du patrimoine. Malgré l’absence de moyens de l’administration engendrant un certain fatalisme de ses dirigeants, il faut souligner la grande capacité du personnel à intégrer de nouvelles connaissances. Deux actions pilotes sont en cours ou envisagées avec le soutien de l’Union Européenne et de la Banque Mondiale. L’une porte sur le patrimoine architectural de la ville d’Axoum, l’autre sur l’inventaire des objets des églises de Lalibela.The mission led by Monique Chatenet in Ethiopia from 11 to 22 February 2002 took place under the terms of the France–Unesco cultural agreement. It had a double objective: on the one hand a workshop on techniques of inventory work, and on the other hand proposals for actions aiming at developing the country’s national heritage inventory. Despite lack of means from the administration, generating fatalism amongst the department’s executives, what can be underlined here is the staff’s ability to become familiar with a different approaches to knowledge. Two experimental programmes are planned with the support of the EEC and the World Bank in Axoum for the architectural heritage and Lalibela for the movable religious heritage.

  7. L'attraction des villes françaises, vue des communes concernées

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    Michel VIGOUROUX


    Full Text Available Dans l'Inventaire Communal (INSEE de 1979, les communes déclarent les villes qui les attirent, pour toute autre motif que le travail l'attraction est principale ou secondaire. L'image produite est une couverture du territoire, plus ou moins complète et hiérarchisée selon les régions.

  8. Les Champignons sauvages comestibles du Parc National Fazao ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les champignons sauvages comestibles jouent un rôle important pour les populations d'Afrique tropicale. Ils servent de nourriture, de médicaments et de source de revenus. Pour évaluer leur pertinence socioéconomique au Togo et promouvoir leur exploitation durable, un inventaire a été réalisé à travers un ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    approvisionnement des aliments des ovins présents sur les marchés à bétail dans la ville d'Abidjan. Elle a été réalisée à partir d'enquêtes et d'inventaires floristiques effectués sur les marchés à bétail. Il ressort de cette étude que les fourrages ...

  10. Décomposition des tourteaux de coprah et de palmiste et effets sur ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Université de Gent, Belgique. 193 pp. Ouvrier M., 1984. Etude de la croissance et du développement du cocotier hybride PB-121 (NJM x GOA) au jeune âge. Oléagineux 39 (2) : 73-80. Ouvrier M., Zakra N., Sangare A. & N'cho Y.P.,. 1995. Inventaire de la cocoteraie ivoirienne. Projet de Promotion et de Diversification des.

  11. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pouvoir pathogène de Botrytis cinerea sur Catharanthus roseus à différents stades végétatifs. Abstract PDF · Vol 79 (2014) - Articles Inventaire des champignons ectomycorhiziens du Maroc Abstract PDF · Vol 81 (2014) - Articles Effet in vitro de différents niveaux NPK sur la croissance mycélienne et la sporulation de cinq ...

  12. L’industrie à domicile depuis l’espace public : essai de typo-chronologie en Montagne thiernoise

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    Brigitte Ceroni


    Full Text Available La méthode de l’Inventaire général a été adaptée pour appréhender à l’échelle de dix communes et dans un temps limité la question du travail à domicile des ouvriers couteliers. 1123 ateliers ont été dénombrés depuis l’espace public grâce à la seule présence de leurs fenêtres. La typologie et la datation ont permis en outre de proposer quelques interprétations, voire quelques pistes de recherche, quant à l’activité coutelière qui s’y pratiquait.The methods of the French inventory service (Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel were used as a way of making a rapid survey of ten communes, in order to analyse the question of out-work done by cuttlers. 1,123 workshops were identified, without entering the buildings, simply from the presence of their windows. Typology and dating allowed us to propose some interpretations, even some new avenues for research on cuttlery making activities

  13. Gestion des agroecosystemes sur le mont agou en zone forestiere ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans le but d'une meilleure mise en valeur de l'espace, plusieurs espèces végétales sont cultivées en association essentiellement avec Persea americana. L'approche méthodologique est basée sur des inventaires floristiques et écologiques sur 45 placettes de 25 m x 25 m dans les agrosystèmes. Une diversité de 85 ...

  14. 1986-IJBCS-Article-Hilaire Yaokokore

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Les oiseaux des champs de riz de la zone humide de Grand-Bassam ont été inventoriés de janvier. 2011 à février 2013 en vue de déterminer la composition et la dynamique des populations de l'avifaune de ces agroécosystèmes rizicoles. Les inventaires ornithologiques effectués dans les champs de riz par stade.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2Laboratoire de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale, UFR Biosciences, Université d'Abidjan-Cocody,. 22 BP 582 Abidjan 22. 3SUCAF-CI, Ferkessédougou. 4Laboratoire de Physiologie Végétale, UFR Biosciences, Université de Cocody. RESUME. Un inventaire de la flore hypogée potentielle a été réalisé en basse Côte ...

  16. 115-IJBCS-Article-Dr Montchowui

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cette étude concerne l'un des petits lacs du sud Bénin : le lac Hlan. Elle vise à faire l'inventaire de l'ichtyofaune et à déterminer l'organisation des peuplements de poissons du lac. L'ichtyofaune a été ... l'accroissement des performances des engins de pêche utilisés ... humide du type soudano-guinéen du Nord. Bénin.

  17. 2335-IJBCS-Article-Zézouma Sanon

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le taux de recouvrement global des ligneux a été également noté. La flore de Arbonnier (2009) et celle de Mugnier (2008) ont servi à l'identification des espèces. Etat sanitaire des forêts claires. L'évaluation de l'état sanitaire a consisté à enregistrer les individus morts de chaque espèce lors de l'inventaire. Aussi, des.

  18. 2066-IJBCS-Article-Dr Ngor Ndour

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'étude de la biomasse aérienne des palétuviers a fait l'objet d'un inventaire dans quatre unités d'échantillonnage. Quinze parcelles permanentes ont aussi permis d'étudier les effets de certains facteurs du milieu sur la biomasse. Dans les strates de hauteur moyenne, la biomasse sèche des racines aériennes la plus.

  19. Un instrumento para evaluar cambios en las etapas de preocupaciones de profesores: el inventario de preocupaciones de profesores

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se describe el proceso de elaboración y validación de un instrumento para analizar la evolución en las etapas de preocupaciones de profesores. El modelo CBAM Q'Concern Based Adoption Model", se desarrolló a partir de los trabajos de Fuller. Tratamos de conocer los cambios que se producen en profesores principiantes que participaban en un programa de formación. El Inventario de Preocupaciones de Profesores consta de 42 items que responden a siete dimensiones: No Preocupación, Información, Personal, Gestión, Alumnos, Colaboración y Renovación. A través de análisis factorial, de Cronbach contrastamos la validez y Habilidad del inventario. Se realizan también entrevistas para contrastar la validez.ABSTRACT: The process of elaboration and validiting of an instrument for the analysis of changes in teachers' stages of concern is described. The model CBAM ("Concern Based Adoption Model", was developed from the work of Fuller. In this research we try to evalúate the changes in beginning teachers1 concern produced for the participation in a staff development semminar. The Teachers1 Concern Inventory has 42 items grouped in seven dimensions: No Concern, Information, Personal, Management, Pupils, Colaboration, and Restructuring. Factor analysis and Cronbach' were used for valídate and reliability.RESUME: L1 objectif de ce travail est de dresser un inventaire de preocupation de professeurs débutants. Dans ce etude nous faisson l'evaluation d'un programme pour la formation de professeurs débutants. Le Inventaire de Preocupations de Professeurs a 2 items agroupé dans 7 dimensions. L'article décrit l'Inventaire de Preocupations de Professeurs ainsi que le processus de validation et les résultats obtenus aprés son application a un groupe de professeurs débutants.

  20. A Method of Identification and Inspection for Inventory Control of Irradiated Fuel Elements; Methode d'Identification et d'Inspection Permettant de Proceder a l'Inventaire des Elements Combustibles Irradies; Metod identifikatsii i proverki pri inventarnom kontrole obluchennykh toplivnykh ehlementov; Metodos de Identificacion e Inspeccion para el Control de las Existencias de Elementos Combustibles Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinderman, E. M.; Mills, J. S. [Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA (United States)


    The reactor discharge and irradiated fuel storage locations should be examined in any complete special nuclear materials inventory. They present, however, special physical difficulties to the auditor or inventory control manager. In these locations the distance between object and observer and the poor illumination and optical distortion caused by the shielding media (water, lead glass) contribute to the difficulties of materials inventory. In an attempt to overcome these difficulties and to provide a system for positive identification of reactor discharged fuel, we have developed a compact and convenient optical examination system utilizing a fixed examination station, a periscope, a telescope, and a camera. This system has been tested in a cobalt irradiation pool by examination of test coupons which were marked in various ways, and then treated in a hot, circulating water loop. In the test system, a water-filled periscope, 11-ft long, a catadioptric telescope placed 16 ft from the periscope, and a 35-mm camera for recording the observations were used. The telescope, camera and mountings are all readily portable since they weigh in total less than 22 lb and have maximum dimensions of 29 in. Photographic observations of test resolution charts in air 20 ft away from the object lens of the telescope have demonstrated that the system can resolve markings 22 {mu}m in width. This corresponds to a resolution of 0.8 second of arc. Tests performed on the water system have shown that resolution in this system is better than 50 {mu}m at 20 ft. This corresponds to a resolution of about 1 second of arc. It is clear that the resolution can never be better than the air path system. The present system used in an actual fuel inventory should adequately reproduce any inventory markings. (author) [French] Tout inventaire complet des matieres nucleaires speciales exige un controle au point de dechargement du reacteur et au point de stockage du combustible irradie. Or, ce controle pose


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Coléoptères. Sur certaines plantes, des feuilles présentant un aspect de filet ou de grillage occasionné par des criquets (Zonocerus variegatus). Certaines feuilles sont recro- quevillées suite aux piqûres de fourmis. (Camponotus sp.) et des pucerons. Figure 1 : Vue d'un pied mort de Lippia multiflora causés par les termites.

  2. 2749-IJBCS-Article-Alain Yaoitcha

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Le présent travail a pour objectif d'étudier le potentiel d'émission des rejets des souches des arbres coupés pour la production du charbon de bois. L'inventaire des espèces exploitées a été réalisé dans 24 chantiers de production de charbon répartis dans trois Communes du Département des Collines au Bénin. Au.

  3. Caractéristiques écologiques du peuplement ligneux de la réserve ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    29 mai 2013 ... RESUME : Objectifs : Cette étude a pour objectif la caractérisation des différents paramètres structuraux du peuplement ligneux de la réserve de biosphère du Ferlo (RBF). Méthodes et résultats : En 2011, nous avons procédé à une mesure des caractéristiques dendrométriques des arbres et un inventaire ...

  4. ethnozoologie de la faune mammalogique de la foret classee de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La faune des mammifères de la forêt classée de Badénou (Korhogo) est peu connue. Une étude ethnozoologique et des inventaires fauniques entre 1994 et 1998 ont permis de dresser, pour la première fois, une liste de 45 espèces de mammifères appartenant à 36 genres, 20 familles et 9 ordres. Les résultats montrent ...

  5. 778-IJBCS-Article-Dan Guimbo Iro

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La présente étude conduite dans le sud-ouest du Niger vise à déterminer la diversité, la structure et la régénération des espèces ligneuses des parcs à Vitellaria paradoxa et à Neocarya macrophylla. Les méthodes utilisées pour la collecte des informations sont l'inventaire des ligneux et les enquêtes ethnobotaniques.

  6. Artificial radioelements; Radioelements artificiels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This catalogs retails the list of the artificial radioelements obtained at the Zoe reactor. A certain number of methods of concentration and separation has been finalized. The targets are submitted to irradiation in a thermal neutron flux in order to get by neutron reaction the wanted radioelements. In the case of the reaction (n,p), the radioactive element separated chemically in order to produce some radioelements 'without trainer'. For the radioelements obtained from the reaction (n, {gamma}) one uses the effect of Szilard and Chalmers to separate the active and inactive atoms in order to increase the specific activity of the radioelement of interest. (M.B.) [French] Ce catalogue detaille la liste des radioelements artificiels obtenus a la Pile ZOE. un certain nombre de methodes de concentration et de separation ont ete mises au point. Les cibles sont soumis a irradiation dans un flux de neutron thermique en vue d'obtenir par reaction neutronique les radioelements desires. Dans le cas de la reaction (n,p), l'element radioactif est separe chimiquement afin de produire des radioelements ''sans entraineur''. Pour les radioelements issus de la reaction (n, {gamma}) on utilise l'Effet de Szilard et Chalmers pour separer les atomes actifs et inactifs afin d'augmenter l'activite specifique du radioelement d'interet. (M.B.)

  7. Caractérisation morpho-culturale et sporulation chez une population ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 31, 2015 ... RÉSUMÉ. Objectif : Cette étude a été menée pour déterminer les phénotypes culturaux de Septoria tritici, agent causal de la septoriose du blé, à travers un échantillon de 60 isolats représentant les principales régions productrices du blé au Maroc, et étudier leur importance. En effet, un inventaire a été ...

  8. 1187-IJBCS-Article-Diblonie Allo Theophile

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    céphalophe de Grimm et l'ourébi sont les espèces les plus manifestées par leurs indices de présence (Figure 4). La comparaison des indices de présence observés au cours des quatre inventaires successifs des années 2004,. 2005, 2006 et 2007 a révélé que le nombre d'espèces pour lesquelles les indices sont.

  9. Identification and Geographical Distribution of the Mosquitoes of North America, North of Mexico, (United States)


    caribous dans 1’hemiarctiques, un type seculaire de biotope a larves de moustiques (Culicidae). Can. Entomol. 112:1007-1012. Harbach, R. E. and K. L. Knight...Leprince. 1980. Inventaire des moustiques (Diptera: Culicidae) du sud du Qu6bec, 1973-1978. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Quebec 25:195-206. 1981. Historique...des listes de moustiques (Diptera: Culicidae) du Qu6bec. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Quebec 26:3-8. (List of 51 species.) Heaps, J. W. 1980. Occurrence of

  10. Experimental studies of the refined structure within oxide UO{sub 2} clusters (1983); Etudes experimentales de structure fine a l'interieur de grappes d'oxyde UO{sub 2} (1963)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palmedo, P F [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    General measurements of neutron fine structure in various UO{sub 2} clusters are described. The experimental techniques that were found useful are presented, as well as the methods of experimental analysis. The results are given in detail. A semi-empirical relation for the fine structure in clusters is suggested and is compared with the various results. (author) [French] Plusieurs experiences de structure fine de la densite neutronique dans diverses grappes de UO{sub 2} sont decrites. On presente les techniques qui ont ete jugees les plus appropriees pour ce genre de mesure, les methodes d'analyae des experiences, et les resultats detailles. Une expression semi-empirique de la structure fine dans de telles grappes est donnee et elle est comparee avec les divers reaultats obtenue. (auteur)

  11. Original Paper Inventaire et essais phytochimiques sur quelques ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2017 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. Mots clés : Plantes médicinales, goutte, phytochimie, Tchad. Inventory and phytochemical screening of some plants used in Chad for the treatment of gout. ABSTRACT. The practice of herbal medicine is a worldwide custom that preoccupied mankind in the evolution of.

  12. Second Supplement to A Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Diptera: Culicidae) (United States)


    104. Brunhes, J. 1977a. Les moustiques de l’archipel des Comores I. - Inventaire, &partition et description de quatre esptces ou sous-espscies...nouvelles. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M. Ser. Entomol. Med. Parasitol. 15:131-152. Brunhes, J. 1977b. Les moustiques de l’archipel des Comores 11. - Description de...Dieng. 1978. Aedes (Stegomyia) neoafricanus un nouvelle espzcie de moustique capture’e au Sgne’gal Oriental (Diptera: Culicidae), Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M

  13. Ethical aspects of final disposal. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baltes, B.; Leder, W.; Achenbach, G.B.; Spaemann, R.; Gerhardt, V.


    In fulfilment of this task the Federal Environmental Ministry has commissioned GRS to summarise the current national and international status of ethical aspects of the final disposal of radioactive wastes as part of the project titled ''Final disposal of radioactive wastes as seen from the viewpoint of ethical objectives''. The questions arising from the opinions, positions and publications presented in the report by GRS were to serve as a basis for an expert discussion or an interdisciplinary discussion forum for all concerned with the ethical aspects of an answerable approach to the final disposal of radioactive wastes. In April 2001 GRS held a one-day seminar at which leading ethicists and philosophers offered statements on the questions referred to above and joined in a discussion with experts on issues of final disposal. This report documents the questions that arose ahead of the workshop, the specialist lectures held there and a summary of the discussion results [de

  14. Les traces matérielles de la Carte du Ciel. Le cas des observatoires d'Alger et de Bordeaux. (United States)

    Le Guet Tully, F.; Davoigneau, J.; Lamy, J.; de La Noë, J.; Rousseau, J.-M.; Sadsaoud, H.


    Le chapitre évoque les traces matérielles de la Carte du ciel subsistant dans les observatoires d'Alger et de Bordeaux. Les auteurs examinent d'abord l'opération d'inventaire du patrimoine astronomique entreprise à partir du milieu des années 1990. Ils examinent ensuite les éléments concrets constituant aujourd'hui le patrimoine de la Carte du Ciel : lunettes, abris, accessoires, laboratoires, réseaux, plaques de verre, registres, machines à mesurer les clichés, et cartes.

  15. Contesting "Le corps militaire": Antimilitarism, Pacificism, Anarcho-Communism and 'Le Douanier' Rousseau's La Guerre

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    Brauer, Fae


    Full Text Available When the 1889 Military Law was passed, it established three-year universal conscription and a greater army of citizens to boost military preparedness for war in French colonies and against Germany.Far from its ramifications being of no concern to neo-impressionists, it was the subject of bightingly bitter antimilitarist cartoons by Maximilien Luce and antimilitarist paintings by the neo-impressionist outsider, 'Le douanier' Rousseau. Far from picturing the patriotic honor of becoming a soldier and the victories of war, as did Edouard Detaille, Rousseau did the opposite. In the heat of military slaughter of families at Fourmies, Rousseau revealed how conscription would transform French citizens into le corps militaire to fight not just against their arch-enemy with machine-like precision but against their very own people.

  16. Un outil d'analyse européen testé en Suisse


    Amphoux , Pascal


    Communication lors de la table ronde "Une expérience comparative de culture sonore"; L'objet de cette table ronde était de présenter un instrument d'analyse interdisciplinaire de l'espace sonore urbain, mis au point à l'Institut de Recherche sur l'Environnement Construit (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) en collaboration avec le Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore (École d'Architecture de Grenoble), en vue de la constitution d'un inventaire européen de la qualité et de l'...

  17. Le contentieux camerounais devant les instances sportives internationales

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    Dikoume François Claude


    Les acteurs du sport depuis lors, utilisent donc les voies de recours au niveau international soit vers les fédérations sportives internationales ou encore et surtout vers le TAS qui s'occupe des litiges de toutes les disciplines sportives. Il est question ici de faire un inventaire casuistique descriptif non exhaustif des requêtes contentieuses camerounaises portées devant les diverses instances sportives internationales ; ceci permettra de questionner l'esprit processuel et la qualité technique de leurs réclamations juridiques en matière sportive.

  18. Narrative Finality

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    Armine Kotin Mortimer


    Full Text Available The cloturai device of narration as salvation represents the lack of finality in three novels. In De Beauvoir's Tous les hommes sont mortels an immortal character turns his story to account, but the novel makes a mockery of the historical sense by which men define themselves. In the closing pages of Butor's La Modification , the hero plans to write a book to save himself. Through the thrice-considered portrayal of the Paris-Rome relationship, the ending shows the reader how to bring about closure, but this collective critique written by readers will always be a future book. Simon's La Bataille de Pharsale , the most radical attempt to destroy finality, is an infinite text. No new text can be written. This extreme of perversion guarantees bliss (jouissance . If the ending of De Beauvoir's novel transfers the burden of non-final world onto a new victim, Butor's non-finality lies in the deferral to a future writing, while Simon's writer is stuck in a writing loop, in which writing has become its own end and hence can have no end. The deconstructive and tragic form of contemporary novels proclaims the loss of belief in a finality inherent in the written text, to the profit of writing itself.

  19. Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurney, Kevin R. [Arizona Univ., Mesa, AZ (United States)


    This document constitutes the final report under DOE grant DE-FG-08ER64649. The organization of this document is as follows: first, I will review the original scope of the proposed research. Second, I will present the current draft of a paper nearing submission to Nature Climate Change on the initial results of this funded effort. Finally, I will present the last phase of the research under this grant which has supported a Ph.D. student. To that end, I will present the graduate student’s proposed research, a portion of which is completed and reflected in the paper nearing submission. This final work phase will be completed in the next 12 months. This final workphase will likely result in 1-2 additional publications and we consider the results (as exemplified by the current paper) high quality. The continuing results will acknowledge the funding provided by DOE grant DE-FG-08ER64649.

  20. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuur, Edward [Northern Arizona Univ., Flagstaff, AZ (United States); Luo, Yiqi [Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (United States)


    This final grant report is a continuation of the final grant report submitted for DE-SC0006982 as the Principle Investigator (Schuur) relocated from the University of Florida to Northern Arizona University. This report summarizes the original project goals, as well as includes new project activities that were completed in the final period of the project.

  1. Inventaire et essais phytochimiques sur quelques plantes du Tchad ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    English Abstract. The practice of herbal medicine is a worldwide custom that preoccupied mankind in the evolution of most countries. The main objective of this study was to carry out an ethnobotanical survey of plants used in the treatment of gout in Chad. Thus, investigations performed with nineteen (19) traditional healers ...

  2. 40 CFR 61.134 - Standard: Naphthalene processing, final coolers, and final-cooler cooling towers. (United States)


    ... coolers, and final-cooler cooling towers. 61.134 Section 61.134 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... Standard: Naphthalene processing, final coolers, and final-cooler cooling towers. (a) No (“zero”) emissions are allowed from naphthalene processing, final coolers and final-cooler cooling towers at coke by...

  3. Schedulability Analysis for Java Finalizers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøgholm, Thomas; Hansen, Rene Rydhof; Søndergaard, Hans


    Java finalizers perform clean-up and finalisation of objects at garbage collection time. In real-time Java profiles the use of finalizers is either discouraged (RTSJ, Ravenscar Java) or even disallowed (JSR-302), mainly because of the unpredictability of finalizers and in particular their impact...... on the schedulability analysis. In this paper we show that a controlled scoped memory model results in a structured and predictable execution of finalizers, more reminiscent of C++ destructors than Java finalizers. Furthermore, we incorporate finalizers into a (conservative) schedulability analysis for Predictable Java...... programs. Finally, we extend the SARTS tool for automated schedulability analysis of Java bytecode programs to handle finalizers in a fully automated way....

  4. DIMEC - Final Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conrad, Finn


    Final report of the research project DIMEC - Danish InfoMechatronic Control supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF.......Final report of the research project DIMEC - Danish InfoMechatronic Control supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF....

  5. Bassins versants du Loup, de la Cagne et du Malvan


    Lepère, Cédric; Lautier, Laurence; Pellegrino, Emmanuel


    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 8453 Date de l'opération : 2007 (PC) ; 2007 (PI) Inventeur(s) : Lepère Cédric (AUT) ; Lautier Laurence (AUT) ; Pellegrino Emmanuel (AUT) Une campagne de prospection inventaire a été effectuée pendant trois mois, dans les bassins-versants de la Cagne, du Loup et du Malvan qui regroupent les communes de Cagnes-sur-Mer, Villeneuve-Loubet, La Colle-sur-Loup, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Vence, Saint-Jeannet, Bezaudun, Tourrettes-sur-Loup, Roquefort-les-Pins, Le ...

  6. Les manuscrits arabo-africains : des particularités ?

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    Constant Hamès


    Full Text Available Longtemps marginalisée, tant par l'orientalisme classique que par les sciences historiques et ethnologiques, la littérature manuscrite arabo-africaine, extrêmement prolifique, commence à peine à être découverte. Les questions de sa constitution (où, quand, comment, par qui, de ses supports (quid du papier en Afrique, de ses caractéristiques linguistiques (langues, modèles d'écriture et matérielles (fabrication, conservation, de même que celles des inventaires et catalogues, malgré des percées récentes, commencent à peine à se poser.

  7. Caractérisation biochimique et fonctionnelle de glutathion-S-transferases (GSTs) chez Phanerochaete chrysosporium


    Anak-Ngadin, Andrew


    Phanerochaete chrysosporium est un champignon ligninolytique largement étudié pour ses capacités à dégrader la lignine et certains xénobiotiques grâce à un important système d'enzymes extracellulaires. Son génome est entièrement séquencé et constitue un inventaire de séquences protéiques prédites qui a permis la description de nombreuses superfamilles de protéines. Parmi elles, les Glutathion S-transférases sont essentiellement impliquées dans le métabolisme secondaire du champignon. Cependan...

  8. Numérisation expérimentale d’un plan-relief

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    Jean-Marie Besnier


    Full Text Available Sur la base d’une coopération scientifique entre le Musée des plans-reliefs et le Conseil régional de Lorraine, service de l’Inventaire, un premier partenariat a été contracté par ces deux institutions pour entreprendre la numérisation de la maquette de Toul et tous les documents s’y rapportant (plans, cahiers de développement…. Construite entre 1846 et 1861 (avec un ajout du chemin de fer en 1858, cette maquette, aujourd’hui conservée à l’Hôtel national des Invalides à Paris, mesure 6,66 x...

  9. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glasser, Alan H. [Fusion Theory and Computation Inc., Kingston, WA (United States)


    Final technical report on DE-SC0016106. This is the final technical report for a portion of the multi-institutional CEMM project. This report is centered around 3 publications and a seminar presentation, which have been submitted to E-Link.

  10. Inventaire des vergers de mangues dans la cercle de Bougouni

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2013 ... Objectif : Cette étude est réalisée dans le but d'organiser rationnellement la filière mangue constitue .... climat est de type soudanien avec une pluviométrie ... Un GPS (Global ..... manguier en Afrique soudano-sahélienne.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    KyllingaerectaSchum. var. flabelliformis (Cyperaceae). +. +. +. 92. Kyllingapumila Michaux (Cyperaceae). +. +. +. 93. Lantana camara L. (verbenaceae). +. -. -. 94. Leptoderrisfasciculata(Benth.) Dunn. (Fabaceae). -. +. -. 95. Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst. (Scrophulariaceae). +. -. -. 96. Ludwigiaabyssinica A. Rich. (Onagraceae).

  12. National inventory of radioactive wastes; Inventaire national des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    There are in France 1064 sites corresponding to radioactive waste holders that appear in this radioactive waste inventory. We find the eighteen sites of E.D.F. nuclear power plants, The Cogema mine sites, the Cogema reprocessing plants, The Cea storages, the different factories and enterprises of nuclear industry, the sites of non nuclear industry, the Andra centers, decommissioned installations, disposals with low level radioactive wastes, sealed sources distributors, national defence. (N.C.). 16 refs.

  13. National inventory of radioactive wastes; Inventaire national des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    There are in France 1064 sites corresponding to radioactive waste holders that appear in this radioactive waste inventory. We find the eighteen sites of E.D.F. nuclear power plants, The Cogema mine sites, the Cogema reprocessing plants, The Cea storages, the different factories and enterprises of nuclear industry, the sites of non nuclear industry, the Andra centers, decommissioned installations, disposals with low level radioactive wastes, sealed sources distributors, national defence. (N.C.). 16 refs.

  14. TARGET 2 and Settlement Finality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This article examines how TARGET 2 as system implements the idea of settlement finality regulated by Directive 98/26 EC of the European parliament and of the Council of 19 May 1998 on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems (Settlement Finality Directive and Directive 2009/44/EC of the European parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 amending Directive 98/26/EC on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems and Directive 2002/47/EC on financial collateral arrangements as regards linked systems and credit claims (Directive 2009/44/EC. As the title of the arti and finality of the settlement in this system.

  15. Couleur de temps, fragments d’histoires.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Russo


    Full Text Available Exposition « Couleur de temps, fragments d’histoires : XIIe-XXe siècles », Dijon, Musée Archéologique, 20 juin-2 novembre 2003Le travail est le résultat d’une collaboration entre l’Université, les Services de l’Inventaire, le Musée Archéologique et l’“Association Patrimoine Ambiance et Couleurs en Bourgogne”. Dix ans après l’exposition “D’ocre et d’Azur”, en 1992, et la parution du catalogue, il était opportun de revenir sur les découvertes et les redécouvertes de peintures murales en Bourgog...

  16. Éditorial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Manigand-Chaplain


    Full Text Available Depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'années, la Direction de l'architecture et du patrimoine a contribué à explorer le domaine du patrimoine industriel. Ce huitième numéro de la revue In Situ rend compte de l'ampleur du travail accompli (fig. n° 1, n° 2.Figure 1Usine de construction aéronautique Marcel Bloch (architecte Georges Hennequin. Cour d'honneur : accès à la piste monumentalisée par des portiques. Déols (Indre.Hermanowicz, Mariusz © Inventaire général, ADAGP, 2004.Figure 2Papier à en-tête...

  17. Charlatans, intermédiaires de Dieu, confidents ou attraction touristique: ethnographie des pratiques d'herboristerie à Marrakech


    Matter, Yvan; Wendling, Thierry


    Ce travail, effectué dans le cadre d’un inventaire sur les plantes et animaux commercialisés dans les souks de Marrakech, dresse un constat sur la médecine populaire au Maroc, laquelle est cernée dans son actualité au travers de l’exemple des herboristes. Après avoir décrit le contexte de l’étude et ses aspects méthodologiques, cette recherche tentera de dresser un tableau général de l’intrigue dans laquelle se trouvent projetés les divers acteurs du système de santé "traditionnel", et cela ...

  18. Modèles de maîtrise de risque dans la gestion des pièces de rechange


    bounou , oumaima; EL BARKANY , Abdellah; EL BIYAALI , Ahmed


    International audience; La disponibilité d'un équipement de production est influencée par le temps de sa réparation. Ce dernier est aussi influencé par le temps pour obtenir une pièce de rechange ou de remplacement. Le temps d'obtention des pièces de rechange peut aussi influencer le niveau de l'inventaire des pièces de rechange qui est contraint par le coût de stock et la pénalité d'avoir une rupture de stock. Le jugement d'ingénierie et d'expérience sont utilisés dans l'analyse de risques e...

  19. Muestreo en transecto de formaciones vegetales de fanerófitos y caméfitos (I: fundamentos metodológicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cámara Artigas, Rafael


    Full Text Available This study presents a quantitative geobotanical method of inventory for homogeneous vegetation formations (phanerophytes and chamaephytes (method MIFC. The technique used is an inventory of vegetation (phanerophytes and chamaephytes in transects of 50x2 m. Resulting in plots of 0.1 ha., the attributes and the relative position of the vegetation along the transect. For the study of vegetation, the analytical basis method considers 10 sample plots. The results provide data on biodiversity (Shannon, Simpson, mesological factors and the ecological Importance Value Index (IVI. Finally, the MIFC method develops a specific structural graph, consisting of the Wealth-Structure-Coverage Ecodynamics Diagram (EDWSC for the vertical structure and a Bubble Diagram (DB for the horizontal structure.Se presenta un Método geobotánico cuantitativo de Inventario de formaciones vegetales homogéneas (Fanerófitos y Caméfitos (método MIFC. La técnica utilizada es un inventario de vegetación (fanerófitos y caméfitos en transectos lineales de 50x2 m, dando lugar a parcelas de 0,1 has, atributos y posición relativa de la vegetación a lo largo del transecto. El método considera como base analítica del estudio de la vegetación, 10 parcelas de muestreo. Los resultados proporcionan datos sobre la biodiversidad (Shannon, Simpson, factores mesológicos e índice de valor de importancia (IVI ecológica. Finalmente el método MIFC desarrolla una representación gráfica estructural específica, consistente en el «Diagrama Ecodinámico de Riqueza-Estructura-Cobertura » (DEREC para la vertical y en un «Diagrama de Burbujas» (DB para la horizontal. [fr] Nous présentons ici une méthode géobotanique quantitative d’Inventaire de formations végétales homogènes (Phanérophytes et Chamaephytes (méthode MIFC. La technique utilisée est un inventaire de la végétation (phanérophytes et chamaephytes des transects linéaires de 50x2 m, donnant lieu à des

  20. 75 FR 62133 - Notice of Availability of Final Environmental Assessment (FINAL EA) and a Finding of No... (United States)


    ... Availability of Final Environmental Assessment (FINAL EA) and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for... of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Land Purchase, Access Road Construction and Access Tunnel... Impact (FONSI) based on the Final Environmental Assessment (FINAL EA) for Land Purchase, Access Road...

  1. 14 CFR 1214.1105 - Final ranking. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final ranking. 1214.1105 Section 1214.1105... Recruitment and Selection Program § 1214.1105 Final ranking. Final rankings will be based on a combination of... preference will be included in this final ranking in accordance with applicable regulations. ...

  2. Τὰ χειρόγραφα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Ἁγίας Λαύρας Καλαβρύτων. Ἐνεστῶσα κατάστασις

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    Παναγιώτης Γ. ΝΙΚΟΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ


    Full Text Available P. G. NicolopoulosLes manuscrits du Couvent de la Sainte Lavra de Kalavryta. État actuel L'auteur expose les résultats de deux missions scientifiques à la Ste Lavra de Kalavryta, effectuées par le Centre de Recherches Néohelléniques avec la  collaboration du Centre  de Recherches  Byzantines.En premier lieu, l'auteur donne un bref aperçu de l'histoire de la Bibliothèque des manuscrits du couvent. Cette Bibliothèque a été fondée par Cyrille Lavriotis (fin du XVIIIe-début du XIXe s., qui a offert au couvent ses livres personnels; néanmoins, il est permis de supposer que déjà avant cette donation le couvent possédait des mss pour son propre usage. D'autre part, la Bibliothèque a été enrichie au début de notre siècle par les mss transportés des métoques, de St Athanase et de la Ste Trinité, et après la deuxième Guerre Mondiale, par la donation du métropolite d'Étoloacarnanie Dorothée qui a offert au couvent sa propre bibliothèque.Ensuite l'auteur se réfère aux savants qui ont essayé d'inventorier tant les mss du Couvent que ceux de ses métoques (Ch. Héliopoulos, N. Bées et donne des détails sur l'inventaire de L. Politis (1937, éd. 1940.La Ste Lavra a été gravement endommagée par les troupes allemandes le 14 Décembre 1943, le lendemain de la catastrophe de Kalavryta. La Bibliothèque a subi des dégâts irréparables. Le professeur A. Orlandos visita le couvent après la Libération et mit au point un inventaire des mss échappés à la catastrophe. Étant donné que l'inventaire d'Orlandos, inédit jusqu'à présent, est le seul qui corresponde à l'état actuel des mss, l'auteur a jugé opportun de le publier. Suit une liste avec la description des mss récemment trouvés, ainsi que des fragments aussi des mss exposés au Musée du couvent.Actuellement le couvent possède 91 mss, 1 rouleau et 3 fragments de mss. À l'exception du rouleau, des fragments de mss et de deux mss en parchemin exposés au Mus

  3. 78 FR 43912 - Final Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances, Final Environmental Assessment, and... (United States)


    ...-FF02ENEH00] Final Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances, Final Environmental Assessment, and Finding of No Significant Impact; Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout, New Mexico and Colorado AGENCY: Fish and... environmental assessment (EA) and the draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) under the National...

  4. Fluorometric determination of uranium in urine; Dosage fluorimetrique de l'uranium urinaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ronteix, C; Hugot, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    For the medical supervision of personnel the most sensitive analytical methods must be used. The fluorimetric method, enabling determinations to be made without previous concentration, is undoubtedly the quickest and most effective. This report is intended to help users of the method to avoid loss of time in the practical application. It therefore describes in great detail the material used, and also gives precise technical information acquired by experience. (author) [French] Pour la surveillance medicale du personnel, il est necessaire d'utiliser les methodes de dosages les plus sensibles. La methode fluorimetrique qui permet d'effectuer le dosage sans concentration prealable est, sans conteste, la plus rapide et la plus efficace. Le present rapport a pour but de permettre aux utilisateurs de cette methode, d'eviter des pertes de temps dans l'application pratique. Il contient donc, tres detaille, le materiel utilise ainsi que des precisions techniques acquises par l'experience. (auteur)

  5. 10 CFR 51.93 - Distribution of final environmental impact statement and supplement to final environmental impact... (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Distribution of final environmental impact statement and supplement to final environmental impact statement; news releases. 51.93 Section 51.93 Energy NUCLEAR... Environmental Impact Statements-General Requirements § 51.93 Distribution of final environmental impact...

  6. Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DeTar, Carleton [P.I.


    This document constitutes the Final Report for award DE-FC02-06ER41446 as required by the Office of Science. It summarizes accomplishments and provides copies of scientific publications with significant contribution from this award.

  7. Intérêt de l'étude de la flore des diatomées du lieu de submersion dans le diagnostic de noyade

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    LUDES B.


    Full Text Available La recherche de diatomées dans les tissus de la victime pour contribuer au diagnostic de noyade doit être accompagnée de l'analyse d'un échantillon d'eau prélevé sur les lieux de précipitation ou de découverte du corps. Cet échantillon permet d'établir un inventaire représentatif de la flore du lieu de découverte ou de submersion, et d'effectuer les comparaisons avec les taxons trouvés dans les tissus. De plus, la détermination de taxons dominants dans l'échantillon d'eau peut avoir une valeur indicative du lieu de découverte.

  8. Les peintures murales de Saint-Pierre de Colonzelle : une découverte récente dans le canton de Grignan (Drôme

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    Geneviève Jourdan


    Full Text Available Eglise d'un prieuré clunisien mentionné dès le Xe siècle, la chapelle Saint-Pierre-ès-liens de Colonzelle est un petit édifice roman du XIIe siècle, isolé dans la plaine. Son plan très simple, à chevet semi-circulaire, n'a pas été modifié. La construction en petit appareil, aux pierres de parement hachurées ou à chevrons, est agrémentée de marques lapidaires et d'un sobre décor sculpté. Son intégrité lui a valu l'inscription à l'Inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments historiques en 1926.Rien...

  9. Gonfaron


    Borréani, Marc


    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 8328 Date de l'opération : 2007 (PR) Inventeur(s) : Borréani Marc (COL) La prospection de la commune de Gonfaron a essentiellement permis de compléter les données des sites déjà inventoriés, le nombre de nouveaux sites trouvés étant faible. À l’issue de ce travail, l’inventaire comporte trente fiches. Néolithique Cette période est documentée par trois grottes sépulcrales situées sur la colline de la Roquette : la grotte des Perles, la grotte de la Ro...

  10. 5 CFR 1216.206 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final determination. 1216.206 Section... PROCEEDINGS Demands or Requests for Testimony and Production of Documents § 1216.206 Final determination. The General Counsel makes the final determination on demands to requests to employees for production of...

  11. 45 CFR 150.219 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 45 Public Welfare 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Final determination. 150.219 Section 150.219... Are Failing To Substantially Enforce HIPAA Requirements § 150.219 Final determination. If, after... the State a written notice of its final determination. The notice includes the following: (a...

  12. 78 FR 69817 - Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags From Thailand: Final Court Decision and Amended Final Results of... (United States)


    ... Bags From Thailand: Final Court Decision and Amended Final Results of Administrative Review of the..., which recalculated the weighted-average duty margin for polyethylene retail carrier bags (PRCBs) from... Packaging at the CIT. \\2\\ See Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from Thailand: Final Results and Partial...

  13. Final Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per; Brohus, Henrik; Nielsen, Peter V.

    This final report for the Hybrid Ventilation Centre at Aalborg University describes the activities and research achievement in the project period from August 2001 to August 2006. The report summarises the work performed and the results achieved with reference to articles and reports published...

  14. 11 CFR 9409.9 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final determination. 9409.9 Section 9409.9... INFORMATION AND PRODUCTION OF OFFICIAL RECORDS IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS § 9409.9 Final determination. The General Counsel will make the final determination on demands and requests to employees for production of official...

  15. 48 CFR 32.605 - Final decisions. (United States)


    ... REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT FINANCING Contract Debts 32.605 Final decisions. (a) The contracting officer shall issue a final decision as required by 33.211 if— (1) The contracting officer and the contractor are unable... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Final decisions. 32.605...

  16. 75 FR 50930 - Final Determination To Approve Alternative Final Cover Request for the Lake County, Montana Landfill (United States)


    ... Determination To Approve Alternative Final Cover Request for the Lake County, Montana Landfill AGENCY... VIII is making a final determination to approve an alternative final cover for the Lake County landfill, a municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) owned and operated by Lake County, Montana on the...

  17. 32 CFR 536.64 - Final offers. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Final offers. 536.64 Section 536.64 National... UNITED STATES Investigation and Processing of Claims § 536.64 Final offers. (a) When claims personnel... less than the amount claimed, a settlement authority will make a written final offer within his or her...

  18. Deep inelastic final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girardi, G.


    In these lectures we attempt to describe the final states of deep inelastic scattering as given by QCD. In the first section we shall briefly comment on the parton model and give the main properties of decay functions which are of interest for the study of semi-inclusive leptoproduction. The second section is devoted to the QCD approach to single hadron leptoproduction. First we recall basic facts on QCD log's and derive after that the evolution equations for the fragmentation functions. For this purpose we make a short detour in e + e - annihilation. The rest of the section is a study of the factorization of long distance effects associated with the initial and final states. We then show how when one includes next to leading QCD corrections one induces factorization breaking and describe the double moments useful for testing such effects. The next section contains a review on the QCD jets in the hadronic final state. We begin by introducing the notion of infrared safe variable and defining a few useful examples. Distributions in these variables are studied to first order in QCD, with some comments on the resummation of logs encountered in higher orders. Finally the last section is a 'gaullimaufry' of jet studies

  19. 36 CFR 908.33 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final determination. 908.33... DEVELOPMENT AREA Review Procedure § 908.33 Final determination. (a) The Chairman or designee(s) shall make a final determination on the claim within 45 days of receipt of the file from the Director of Real Estate...

  20. Data breaches. Final rule. (United States)


    This document adopts, without change, the interim final rule that was published in the Federal Register on June 22, 2007, addressing data breaches of sensitive personal information that is processed or maintained by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This final rule implements certain provisions of the Veterans Benefits, Health Care, and Information Technology Act of 2006. The regulations prescribe the mechanisms for taking action in response to a data breach of sensitive personal information.

  1. 373 Inventaire des mouches hématophages dans les élevages ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    3Ecole Régionale Post-Universitaire d'Aménagement et de gestion Intégrés des Forêts ... invitent à élaborer une stratégie de lutte et de contrôle des vecteurs pour un ..... l'activité journalière, de la dynamique spatio-temporelle, les préférences ...

  2. Inventory of primary particulates emissions; Inventaire des emissions de particules primaires

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    CITEPA carried out a national inventory on particulate emissions. This report presents the results of this study for a great number of sectors and it covers a larger number of sources than the previous CITEPA inventories on particles and some other inventories carried out by International organisms (TNO, IIASA). In particular, at the present time, fugitive dust emissions for some sources are rarely taken into account in inventories because of poor knowledge and they are still the subject of researches in order to validate the emission results. (author)

  3. Estimation statistique de donnees manquantes en inventaire du cycle de vie (United States)

    Moreau, Vincent

    The main objective of the research work is to improve the quality of life cycle inventory data by developing a method to estimate missing data and corresponding uncertainties. Contrary to process-based models of mass and energy balance, this approach consists of statistical estimators which model processes from relatively small samples of usually high variability. The research hypothesis is as follows: the so called kriging estimator allows the combined estimation of missing data and their uncertainties in such ways that are more reliable than other linear estimators. Borrowed from spatial statistics, kriging is an estimator with several advantages, the flexibility associated with a choice of model function and the exact estimator property. In other words, kriging shows no statistical errors when estimating observed values, no data is averaged out. An interpretation of the kriging parameters specific to the problems of data uncertainty, offers more advantages. One parameter of the covariance function accounts for small scale variations of the data and taken as a proxy for uncertainty. Whether it be the variety of data sources, the scarcity of the data itself or both, each and every source adds to data variability and uncertainty. The kriging system of equations is therefore modified such as to integrate a factor of uncertainty specific to each observations. Comparisons between the modified and conventional forms of kriging can be drawn. The procedure is based on the relationship between technical specifications, more readily available independent variables, and the dependent material and energy flows of the processes under consideration. Such material and energy requirements as well as emissions are estimated over the entire life cycle of products and processes. The needs for additional data are relatively low compared to other approaches, namely extended input output analysis. For many products, processes and services, electricity generation and consumption account for a sizable share of the impacts. Hydroelectricity in particular is poorly represented within existing inventory data since production facilities vary considerably from one location to another. In other words, generic hydropower plants do not exist. Contrary to inventory flows, the technical specifications or characteristic variables of hydropower plants, such as the installed capacity, annual production or surface area of adjacent reservoirs, are usually publicly available. The kriging model is first tested on a data set which represents windmills of varying power capacity before it is applied to hydroelectricity. The experiment is divided according to data availability, on one hand the energy and materials required during construction, operation and maintenance of hydropower plants. The results show that estimation of inventory data can be improved thanks to kriging. When comparing different forms of kriging and linear regression, the kriging estimates are not only more precise but the standard deviations also cover the data more accurately. Where the observed data are incomplete, that is where inventory flows are missing for part of the observations, the estimation errors are lower for kriging than linear regression. Moreover, univariate kriging of inventory flows based on two characteristic variables, shows lower errors than its multivariate kin, cokriging. On average the statistical errors calculated from cross-validation are lower for kriging than they are for linear regression, whether the observed data are complete or not. The application of several characteristic variables improves the quality of the estimates when they are positively correlated. In addition, the modified form of kriging which accounts for degrees of uncertainty specific to each observations, results in a reduction in the variations of the estimated inventory data. That is, data variability is incorporated directly in the model. Estimates closer to more reliable observations are shown to be less uncertain and vice versa. For each of the data sets, different relationships between dependent and independent variables are tested, for example the linear, exponential, spherical and cubic covariance functions as well as a range of parameter values. For the analysis of electrical generation technologies, these results imply better estimates for data that are difficult to sample and therefore a simplified data collection process. In the case of site specific or variable processes such as hydroelectricity, the estimation of inventory data with kriging accounting for such data variability, proves more representative of the geographical or technological context. The quality of inventory data is consequently higher. Even if kriging has several advantages and its estimation errors are lower on average, some limitations to its application exist. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

  4. Propos autour d’un inventaire : quelques peintures italiennes à Bastia


    Michel-Edouard Nigaglioni; Pierre Curie


    Du Moyen Age à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, Bastia fut une ville italienne dépendant de la république de Gênes. C’est pourquoi les églises de la ville conservent encore nombre de toiles d’artistes génois (Ottavio Cambiaso, Domenico Piola, Giuseppe Badaracco) ou provenant de régions italiennes proches de la Corse (Giovanni Bilivert). En 1844, le legs du cardinal Fesch, oncle de Napoléon, fait entrer dans les collections municipales une centaine de tableaux italiens. Des restaurations récentes (Lav...

  5. Inventaire des albums pour enfants publiés par Robert Delpire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cécile Boulaire


    Full Text Available Collection 10 sur 10L’ANSELME Jean, FRANÇOIS André, On vous l’a dit ? Paris : Delpire, 1955. (Impr. moderne du Lion In-fol., 32 p., fig. et couv. en coul. 950 fr. Pas de mention de collection.FRANÇOIS André, Les larmes de crocodile. Paris : Delpire, 1955. In-4° oblong, 38 p., 380 fr.Il existe une « pré-publication » des Larmes de crocodile en avril 1953 dans le n° 9 de la revue Neuf. La mention de collection « Dix sur dix » n’apparaît que sur l’exemplaire du dépôt légal de 1968, en nouveaux ...

  6. L’inventaire des châteaux bourguignons : bilan et perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hervé Mouillebouche


    Full Text Available La castellologie bourguignonne se porte bien. Depuis de nombreuses années, les opérations de fouilles, de prospections ou d’études de bâti se sont multipliées sur les quatre départements de Bourgogne, grâce notamment au dynamisme des associations de bénévoles . Cette effervescence a naturellement conduit à l’arrivée de plusieurs castellologues dans les rangs d’ARTeHIS UMR 5594. Cinq chercheurs : Hervé Mouillebouche, Vasco Zara, Michel Maerten, Emmanuel Laborier et Fabrice Cayot  unissent aujo...

  7. Final focus system for TLC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oide, K.


    A limit of the chromaticity correction for the final focus system of a TeV Linear Collider (TLC) is investigated. As the result, it becomes possible to increase the aperture of the final doublet with a small increase of the horizontal β function. The new optics design uses a final doublet of 0.5 mm half-aperture and 1.4 T pole-tip field. The length of the system is reduced from 400 m to 200 m by several optics changes. Tolerances for various machine errors with this optics are also studied. 5 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs

  8. Cassini's Grand Finale Overview (United States)

    Spilker, L. J.


    After 13 years in orbit, the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn ended in a science-rich blaze of glory. Cassini sent back its final bits of unique science data on September 15, 2017, as it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere, vaporizing and satisfying planetary protection requirements. Cassini's final phase covered roughly ten months and ended with the first time exploration of the region between the rings and planet. In late 2016 Cassini transitioned to a series of 20 Ring Grazing orbits with peripases just outside Saturn's F ring, providing close flybys of tiny ring moons, including Pan, Daphnis and Atlas, and high-resolution views of Saturn's A and F rings. A final Titan flyby in late April 2017 propelled Cassini across Saturn's main rings and into its Grand Finale orbits. Comprised of 22 orbits, Cassini repeatedly dove between Saturn's innermost rings and upper atmosphere to answer fundamental questions unattainable earlier in the mission. The last orbit turned the spacecraft into the first Saturn atmosphere probe. The Grand Finale orbits provided highest resolution observations of both the rings and Saturn, and in-situ sampling of the ring particle composition, Saturn's atmosphere, plasma, and innermost radiation belts. The gravitational field was measured to unprecedented accuracy, providing information on the interior structure of the planet, winds in the deeper atmosphere, and mass of the rings. The magnetic field provided insight into the physical nature of the magnetic dynamo and structure of the internal magnetic field. The ion and neutral mass spectrometer sampled the upper atmosphere for molecules that escape the atmosphere in addition to molecules originating from the rings. The cosmic dust analyzer directly sampled the composition from different parts of the main rings for the first time. Fields and particles instruments directly measured the plasma environment between the rings and planet. Science highlights and new mysteries collected in the Grand

  9. 77 FR 14416 - Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement and Final Environmental Impact... (United States)


    ...In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Proposed California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment (PA)/Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Ocotillo Express Wind Energy Facility (OWEF) and by this notice is announcing the availability of the Proposed PA and Final EIS/EIR.

  10. Final Focus Systems in Linear Colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raubenheimer, Tor


    In colliding beam facilities, the ''final focus system'' must demagnify the beams to attain the very small spot sizes required at the interaction points. The first final focus system with local chromatic correction was developed for the Stanford Linear Collider where very large demagnifications were desired. This same conceptual design has been adopted by all the future linear collider designs as well as the SuperConducting Supercollider, the Stanford and KEK B-Factories, and the proposed Muon Collider. In this paper, the over-all layout, physics constraints, and optimization techniques relevant to the design of final focus systems for high-energy electron-positron linear colliders are reviewed. Finally, advanced concepts to avoid some of the limitations of these systems are discussed

  11. The small-scale hydroelectric power plant project 'Les Esserts' in Boudry, Switzerland - Feasibility study and preliminary planning; Centrale des Esserts a Boudry. Etude de faisabilite et avant-projet detaille

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roelli, P; Croci, S; Ernst, J -R


    This report describes in details the project of the installation of a small-scale hydroelectric power plant on the river Areuse in Switzerland. Located on a 4 m high waterfall the plant includes a 10-13 m{sup 3}/s Kaplan turbine, which should deliver roughly 1.6 GWh/year for an installed power of about 500 kVA. The authors insist on the ecological aspect of the project. The plant will be built underground; the river track will be practically unchanged and the existing fish ladder maintained. The report includes maps and pictures of the site as well as technical drawings of the installation. An economic analysis of the project is presented and its viability is discussed. Finally, the authors state that the energy produced by this plant will certainly be certified under one of the Swiss labels 'naturemade star' or 'naturemade basic', in the framework of the federal government's promotion of renewable energy sources.

  12. Expanded studies of linear collider final focus systems at the Final Focus Test Beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tenenbaum, P.G.


    In order to meet their luminosity goals, linear colliders operating in the center-of-mass energy range from 3,50 to 1,500 GeV will need to deliver beams which are as small as a few Manometers tall, with x:y aspect ratios as large as 100. The Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) is a prototype for the final focus demanded by these colliders: its purpose is to provide demagnification equivalent to those in the future linear collider, which corresponds to a focused spot size in the FFTB of 1.7 microns (horizontal) by 60 manometers (vertical). In order to achieve the desired spot sizes, the FFTB beam optics must be tuned to eliminate aberrations and other errors, and to ensure that the optics conform to the desired final conditions and the measured initial conditions of the beam. Using a combination of incoming-beam diagnostics. beam-based local diagnostics, and global tuning algorithms, the FFTB beam size has been reduced to a stable final size of 1.7 microns by 70 manometers. In addition, the chromatic properties of the FFTB have been studied using two techniques and found to be acceptable. Descriptions of the hardware and techniques used in these studies are presented, along with results and suggestions for future research

  13. Expanded studies of linear collider final focus systems at the Final Focus Test Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tenenbaum, Peter Gregory [Stanford Univ., CA (United States)


    In order to meet their luminosity goals, linear colliders operating in the center-of-mass energy range from 3,50 to 1,500 GeV will need to deliver beams which are as small as a few Manometers tall, with x:y aspect ratios as large as 100. The Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) is a prototype for the final focus demanded by these colliders: its purpose is to provide demagnification equivalent to those in the future linear collider, which corresponds to a focused spot size in the FFTB of 1.7 microns (horizontal) by 60 manometers (vertical). In order to achieve the desired spot sizes, the FFTB beam optics must be tuned to eliminate aberrations and other errors, and to ensure that the optics conform to the desired final conditions and the measured initial conditions of the beam. Using a combination of incoming-beam diagnostics. beam-based local diagnostics, and global tuning algorithms, the FFTB beam size has been reduced to a stable final size of 1.7 microns by 70 manometers. In addition, the chromatic properties of the FFTB have been studied using two techniques and found to be acceptable. Descriptions of the hardware and techniques used in these studies are presented, along with results and suggestions for future research.

  14. Final focus nomenclature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erickson, R.


    The formal names and common names for all devices in the final focus system of the SLC are listed. The formal names consist of a device type designator, microprocessor designator, and a four-digit unit number

  15. FameLab - Swiss Semi Finals

    CERN Multimedia

    Corinne Pralavorio


    Twenty-two young scientists participated in the FameLab semi-final at CERN's Globe of Science and Innovation on 4 February, supported by a large audience and by more than 100 fans following via webcast. A panel of judges chose Lemmer and four other candidates to join five other semi-finalists at the national finals in Zurich on 30 March.

  16. Catarse e Final Feliz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myriam Ávila


    Full Text Available Resumo: É a certeza de que nada mais – ou nada importante – pode acontecer após o final de um conto que permite o acontecimento da catarse. Se na maioria das narrativas existe algum tipo de dénouement, em algumas delas isso acontece de maneira especialmente satisfatória e afirmativa. O conto de fadas é uma dessas formas narrativas onde o efeito catártico é extremo e preenche objetivos específicos, de acordo com Bruno Bettelheim. Hollywood mimetizou essa forma como estratégia de sedução, iniciando a tradição do final feliz no cinema. A partir do conto de fadas Cinderela, em diferentes versões, juntamente com a animação homônima da Disney e ainda duas versões do filme Sabrina, será traçada aqui uma relação entre a catarse e o final feliz nos contos de fada, bem como seu uso pela indústria cultural. Palavras-chave: catarse, contos de fada, Hollywood

  17. Final focus nomenclature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erickson, R.


    The formal names and common names for all devices in the final focus system of the SLC are listed. The formal names consist of a device type designator, microprocessor designator, and a four-digit unit number. (LEW)

  18. 10 CFR 603.890 - Final performance report. (United States)


    ... to Other Administrative Matters Financial and Programmatic Reporting § 603.890 Final performance report. A TIA must require a final performance report that addresses all major accomplishments under the... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final performance report. 603.890 Section 603.890 Energy...

  19. SLC Final Performance and Lessons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phinney, Nan


    The Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) was the first prototype of a new type of accelerator, the electron-positron linear collider. Many years of dedicated effort were required to understand the physics of this new technology and to develop the techniques for maximizing performance. Key issues were emittance dilution, stability, final beam optimization and background control. Precision, non-invasive diagnostics were required to measure and monitor the beams throughout the machine. Beam-based feedback systems were needed to stabilize energy, trajectory, intensity and the final beam size at the interaction point. variety of new tuning techniques were developed to correct for residual optical or alignment errors. The final focus system underwent a series of refinements in order to deliver sub-micron size beams. It also took many iterations to understand the sources of backgrounds and develop the methods to control them. The benefit from this accumulated experience was seen in the performance of the SLC during its final run in 1997-98. The luminosity increased by a factor of three to 3*10 30 and the 350,000 Z data sample delivered was nearly double that from all previous runs combined

  20. Cassini's Grand Finale Science Highlights (United States)

    Spilker, Linda


    After 13 years in orbit, the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn ended in a science-rich blaze of glory. Cassini returned its final bits of unique science data on September 15, 2017, as it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere satisfying planetary protection requirements. Cassini's Grand Finale covered a period of roughly five months and ended with the first time exploration of the region between the rings and planet.The final close flyby of Titan in late April 2017 propelled Cassini across Saturn’s main rings and into its Grand Finale orbits; 22 orbits that repeatedly dove between Saturn’s innermost rings and upper atmosphere making Cassini the first spacecraft to explore this region. The last orbit turned the spacecraft into the first Saturn upper atmospheric probe.The Grand Finale orbits provided highest resolution observations of both the rings and Saturn, and in-situ sampling of the ring particle composition, Saturn's atmosphere, plasma, and innermost radiation belts. The gravitational field was measured to unprecedented accuracy, providing information on the interior structure of the planet, winds in the deeper atmosphere, and mass of the rings. The magnetic field provided insight into the physical nature of the magnetic dynamo and structure of the internal magnetic field. The ion and neutral mass spectrometer sampled the upper atmosphere for molecules that escape the atmosphere in addition to molecules originating from the rings. The cosmic dust analyzer directly sampled the composition from different parts of the main rings for the first time. Fields and particles instruments directly measured the plasma environment between the rings and planet.Science highlights and new mysteries gleaned to date from the Grand Finale orbits will be discussed.The research described in this paper was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Copyright 2017

  1. Final focus systems for linear colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helm, R.; Irwin, J.


    Final focus systems for linear colliders present many exacting challenges in beam optics, component design, and beam quality. Efforts to resolve these problems as they relate to a new generation of linear colliders are under way at several laboratories around the world. We will outline criteria for final focus systems and discuss the current state of understanding and resolution of the outstanding problems. We will discuss tolerances on alignment, field quality and stability for optical elements, and the implications for beam parameters such as emittance, energy spread, bunch length, and stability in position and energy. Beam-based correction procedures, which in principle can alleviate many of the tolerances, will be described. Preliminary results from the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) under construction at SLAC will be given. Finally, we mention conclusions from operating experience at the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC)

  2. Final focus systems for linear colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helm, R.; Irwing, J.


    Final focus systems for linear colliders present many exacting challenges in beam optics, component design, and beam quality. Efforts to resolve these problems as they relate to a new generation of linear colliders are under way at several laboratories around the world. We outline criteria for final focus systems and discuss the current state of understanding and resolution of the outstanding problems. We discuss tolerances on alignment, field quality and stability for optical elements, and the implications for beam parameters such as emittance, energy spread , bunch length, and stability in position and energy. Beam-based correction procedures, which in principle can alleviate many of the tolerances, are described. Preliminary results from the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) under construction at SLAC are given. Finally, we mention conclusions from operating experience at the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC). (Author) 16 refs., 4 tabs., 6 figs

  3. Final focus systems for linear colliders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erickson, R.A.


    The final focus system of a linear collider must perform two primary functions, it must focus the two opposing beams so that their transverse dimensions at the interaction point are small enough to yield acceptable luminosity, and it must steer the beams together to maintain collisions. In addition, the final focus system must transport the outgoing beams to a location where they can be recycled or safely dumped. Elementary optical considerations for linear collider final focus systems are discussed, followed by chromatic aberrations. The design of the final focus system of the SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) is described. Tuning and diagnostics and steering to collision are discussed. Most of the examples illustrating the concepts covered are drawn from the SLC, but the principles and conclusions are said to be generally applicable to other linear collider designs as well. 26 refs., 17 figs

  4. Mine-by experiment final design report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Read, R.S.; Martin, C.D.


    The Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Mine-by Experiment is designed to provide information on rock mass response to excavation that will be used to assess important aspects of the design of a nuclear fuel waste disposal vault in a granitic pluton. The final experiment design is the result of a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on experience gained at other sites as well as the URL, and using both internal expertise and the external consultants. The final experiment design, including details on characterization, construction, instrumentation, and numerical modelling, is presented along with final design drawings

  5. Spectrochemical analysis of impurities in plutonium and its compounds; L'analyse spectrochimique des impuretes dans le plutonium et ses composes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buffereau, M; Crehange, G; Deniaud, S; Leclainche, C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After a review of previous works, various powdered or wet analytical methods are studied. One tries to give an explanation for some phenomena. A detailed know-how of studied methods is given. Validity of results is discussed. Problem of impurities in alloys analysis and non spectroscopic elements determination is quickly reviewed. One concludes to the interest of the use of some particular methods and the necessity of basic studies in order to obtain best information. (author) [French] Apres une revue des travaux precedents on etudie les differentes methodes d'analyse soit sur poudre (oxyde), soit sur solution. On tente de donner une interpretation de certains phenomenes. On donne un mode d'emploi detaille des methodes etudiees, on envisage la validite des resultats. On passe en revue rapidement le probleme de l'analyse des impuretes dans les alliages et de la determination des elements non spectroscopiques. On conclut a l'interet de l'emploi de certaines methodes, et a la necessite d'etudes fondamentales en vue d'aboutir a une meilleure obtention des informations. (auteur)

  6. Spectrochemical analysis of impurities in plutonium and its compounds; L'analyse spectrochimique des impuretes dans le plutonium et ses composes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buffereau, M.; Crehange, G.; Deniaud, S.; Leclainche, C. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    After a review of previous works, various powdered or wet analytical methods are studied. One tries to give an explanation for some phenomena. A detailed know-how of studied methods is given. Validity of results is discussed. Problem of impurities in alloys analysis and non spectroscopic elements determination is quickly reviewed. One concludes to the interest of the use of some particular methods and the necessity of basic studies in order to obtain best information. (author) [French] Apres une revue des travaux precedents on etudie les differentes methodes d'analyse soit sur poudre (oxyde), soit sur solution. On tente de donner une interpretation de certains phenomenes. On donne un mode d'emploi detaille des methodes etudiees, on envisage la validite des resultats. On passe en revue rapidement le probleme de l'analyse des impuretes dans les alliages et de la determination des elements non spectroscopiques. On conclut a l'interet de l'emploi de certaines methodes, et a la necessite d'etudes fondamentales en vue d'aboutir a une meilleure obtention des informations. (auteur)

  7. Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stinis, Panos [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    This is the final report for the work conducted at the University of Minnesota (during the period 12/01/12-09/18/14) by PI Panos Stinis as part of the "Collaboratory on Mathematics for Mesoscopic Modeling of Materials" (CM4). CM4 is a multi-institution DOE-funded project whose aim is to conduct basic and applied research in the emerging field of mesoscopic modeling of materials.

  8. Characterization of the radon source in North-Central Florida. Final report part 1 -- Final project report; Final report part 2 -- Technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains two separate parts: Characterization of the Radon Source in North-Central Florida (final report part 1 -- final project report); and Characterization of the Radon Source in North-Central Florida (technical report). The objectives were to characterize the radon 222 source in a region having a demonstrated elevated indoor radon potential and having geology, lithology, and climate that are different from those in other regions of the U.S. where radon is being studied. Radon availability and transport in this region were described. Approaches for predicting the radon potential of lands in this region were developed

  9. 5 CFR 1201.126 - Final decisions. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final decisions. 1201.126 Section 1201.126 Administrative Personnel MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Procedures for Original Jurisdiction Cases Special Counsel Disciplinary Actions § 1201.126 Final...

  10. 17 CFR 8.20 - Final decision. (United States)


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final decision. 8.20 Section 8.20 Commodity and Securities Exchanges COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION EXCHANGE PROCEDURES FOR DISCIPLINARY, SUMMARY, AND MEMBERSHIP DENIAL ACTIONS Disciplinary Procedure § 8.20 Final decision. Each...

  11. Superconducting quadrupoles for the SLC final focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erickson, R.; Fieguth, T.; Murray, J.J.


    The final focus system of the SLC will be upgraded by replacing the final quadrupoles with higher gradient superconducting magnets positioned closer to the interaction point. The parameters of the new system have been chosen to be compatible with the experimental detectors with a minimum of changes to other final focus components. These parameter choices are discussed along with the expected improvement in SLC performance

  12. Superconducting quadrupoles for the SLC final focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erickson, R.; Fieguth, T.; Murray, J.J.


    The final focus system of the SLC will be upgraded by replacing the final quadrupoles with higher gradient supperconducting magnets positioned closer to the interaction point. The parameters of the new system have been chosen to be compatible with the experimental detectors with a minimum of changes to other final focus components. These parameter choices are discussed along with the expected improvement in SLC performance

  13. Workplace immersion in the final year of an undergraduate medicine course: the views of final year students and recent graduates. (United States)

    Sen Gupta, Tarun; Hays, Richard; Woolley, Torres; Kelly, Gill; Jacobs, Harry


    Most medical schools require formal competence assessment of students immediately prior to graduation, but variation exists in the approach to endpoint assessments. This article reports perceptions of senior students and graduates from a school with a six-year program which has introduced final year workplace immersion placements following a barrier examination at the end of the penultimate Year 5. Final year students (22) and recent graduates (4) attended focus groups and in-depth interviews exploring their perceptions of the value of the curriculum experience during the final two years, the structure and timing of assessment, and their preparation for internship. Participants felt that the penultimate year was more pressured, and focused on passing "artificial" examinations. In contrast, the final year was more relaxed, building skills for postgraduate work and later career development. As a result, students felt well prepared for internship with some indication that the self-directed nature of the final year promoted a lifelong learning approach. The final year workplace immersion model was regarded positively by senior students of this medical school. This model may be a better way of preparing students to be junior doctors than a traditional final year heavy on theoretical learning and assessment.

  14. 76 FR 65746 - Notice of Availability of Joint Final Environmental Impact Statement/Final Environmental Impact... (United States)


    ...In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) have prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) as a joint environmental analysis document for Tule Wind, LLC's Tule Wind Project (Tule Project) and the San Diego Gas and Electric's (SDG&E) East County Substation Project (ECO Project) and by this notice are announcing the availability of the Final EIS/EIR. By this Notice the BLM is also segregating the public lands within the Tule Project application area from appropriation under the public land laws including the Mining Law, but not the Mineral Leasing or Material Sales Act, for a period of 2 years.

  15. 36 CFR 902.61 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final determination. 902.61 Section 902.61 Parks, Forests, and Public Property PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Time Limitations § 902.61 Final determination. A determination with respect to any appeal made...

  16. 14 CFR 314.16 - Final determination. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final determination. 314.16 Section 314.16... REGULATIONS EMPLOYEE PROTECTION PROGRAM Determination of Qualifying Dislocation § 314.16 Final determination... determination and, within 3 business days after the determination, serve a copy of the order on the persons...

  17. 24 CFR 7.37 - Final action. (United States)


    ..., Color Religion, Sex, National Origin, Age, Disability or Reprisal Complaints § 7.37 Final action. (a... consult with the General Counsel, the Assistant Secretary of Administration, the Office of Human Resources... shall contain notice of the right to appeal the final action to the EEOC, the right to file a civil...

  18. WMO Marine Final Reports (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Final reports of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission for Marine Meteorology, Commission for Synoptic Meteorology, and Commission for Basic...

  19. Costs of the final disposal of radioactive wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drasdo, P.


    The study on the costs of radioactive waste disposal covers the topic of national concepts for the countries Germany, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Unites States of America. The introduction into the topic of radioactive waste disposal is concerned with the classification of radioactive wastes, the safety of final repositories and the different concepts of final disposal. The used methods of data acquisition and data processing are described. The study compares the national final disposal concepts in order to identify the reasons for the differences in capital costs and annuity costs in the respective countries. The final chapter is concerned with the optimum timing for the start-up of operation of final repositories

  20. Contribution à l'inventaire et à la domestication des espèces ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juin 2014 ... de nombreuses espèces végétales ont disparu ou se sont raréfiées, essentiellement ..... Tableau 4 : Durée de séjour en pépinière des essences en fonction du matériel végétal utilisé. Durée de séjour. Durée courte (3-6 ... conscience sur l'importance socioéconomique de ces produits et les désagréments ...

  1. 10 CFR 51.91 - Final environmental impact statement-contents. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final environmental impact statement-contents. 51.91... Implementing Section 102(2) Final Environmental Impact Statements-General Requirements § 51.91 Final environmental impact statement—contents. (a)(1) The final environmental impact statement will include responses...

  2. Final Exam Weighting as Part of Course Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew Franke


    Full Text Available The weighting of a final exam or a final assignment is an essential part of course design that is rarely discussed in pedagogical literature. Depending on the weighting, a final exam or assignment may provide unequal benefits to students depending on their prior performance in the class. Consequently, uncritical grade weighting can discount student learning, by ensuring that improved mastery of material at the semester’s end is not reflected in the course grade. Problems related to several common final exam weights are explored, as are potential solutions to unequal student outcomes made possible by uncritical grade weighting. Ultimately, this essay argues that choosing a weight for a final exam or a final assignment determines what types of student success ought to be possible in the class; therefore, instructors should assign exam weights intentionally, being fully aware of the potential benefits and problems of the weights that they choose.

  3. Final storage of radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziehm, Cornelia


    As explained in the present article, operators of nuclear power plants are responsible for the safe final disposal of the radioactive wastes they produce on the strength of the polluter pays principle. To shift the burden of responsibility for safe disposal to society as a whole would violate this principle and is therefore not possible. The polluter pays principle follows from more general principles of the fair distribution of benefits and burdens. Instances of its implementation are to be found in the national Atomic Energy Law as well as in the European Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Directive. The polluters in this case are in particular responsible for financing the installation and operation of final disposal sites. The reserves accumulated so far for the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants and disposal of radioactive wastes, including the installation and operation of final disposal sites, should be transferred to a public-law fund. This fund should be supplemented by the polluters to cover further foreseeable costs not covered by the reserves accumulated so far, including a realistic cost increase factor, appropriate risk reserves as well as the costs of the site selection procedure and a share in the costs for the safe closure of the final disposal sites of Morsleben and Asse II. This would merely be implementing in the sphere of atomic law that has long been standard practice in other areas of environmental law involving environmental hazards.

  4. Hadron final states in deep inelastic processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bjorken, J.D.


    Lectures are presented dealing mainly with the description and discussion of hadron final states in electroproduction, colliding beams, and neutrino reactions from the point of view of the simple parton model. Also the space-time evolution of final states in the parton model is considered. It is found that the picture of space-time evolution of hadron final states in deep inelastic processes isn't totally trivial and that it can be made consistent with the hypotheses of the parton model. 39 references

  5. Final disposal of radioactive wastes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kroebel, R [Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung; Krause, H [Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Abt. zur Behandlung Radioaktiver Abfaelle


    This paper discusses the final disposal possibilities for radioactive wastes in the Federal Republic of Germany and the related questions of waste conditioning, storage methods and safety. The programs in progress in neighbouring CEC countries and in the USA are also mentioned briefly. The autors conclude that the existing final disposal possibilities are sufficiently well known and safe, but that they could be improved still further by future development work. The residual hazard potential of radioactive wastes from fuel reprocessing after about 1000 years of storage is lower that of known inorganic core deposits.

  6. Final Report on Pilot Studies / Final Report on Classroom Research with STEM and TESL Assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biel, Carmen; Wake, Jo Dugstad; Hesse, Friedrich

    This Deliverable is the final report on pilot studies within the NEXT-TELL project (D6.7) and furthermore comprises the Deliverable on Classroom Research with STEM and TESL Assessment (D2.9) in order to avoid redundancies between those two Deliverables.......This Deliverable is the final report on pilot studies within the NEXT-TELL project (D6.7) and furthermore comprises the Deliverable on Classroom Research with STEM and TESL Assessment (D2.9) in order to avoid redundancies between those two Deliverables....

  7. Final Exam Weighting as Part of Course Design (United States)

    Franke, Matthew


    The weighting of a final exam or a final assignment is an essential part of course design that is rarely discussed in pedagogical literature. Depending on the weighting, a final exam or assignment may provide unequal benefits to students depending on their prior performance in the class. Consequently, uncritical grade weighting can discount…

  8. 40 CFR 124.61 - Final environmental impact statement. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 21 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final environmental impact statement... environmental impact statement. No final NPDES permit for a new source shall be issued until at least 30 days after the date of issuance of a final environmental impact statement if one is required under 40 CFR 6...

  9. 75 FR 19357 - Honey From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Amended Final Results Pursuant to Final... (United States)


    ... and Animal By-Products Import & Export Group Corp. v. United States, 2009 U.S. App. LEXIS 24374 (Fed... or Scot T. Fullerton, AD/CVD Operations, Office 9, Import Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce... Republic of China: Notice of Amended Final Results Pursuant to Final Court Decision AGENCY: Import...

  10. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    John Ross


    The Final Technical Report summarizes research accomplishments and Publications in the period of 5/1/99 to 4/30/03 done on the grant. Extensive progress was made in the period covered by this report in the areas of chemical kinetics of non-linear systems; spatial structures, reaction - diffusion systems, and thermodynamic and stochastic theory of electrochemical and general systems.

  11. Transacsys PLC - Final Results

    CERN Multimedia


    Final results from Transacsys PLC. A subsidary of this company was set up to develop the CERN EDH system into a commercial product but incurred too much financial loss so the project was cancelled (1/2 page).

  12. The small-scale hydroelectric power plant project 'Les Esserts' in Boudry, Switzerland - Feasibility study and preliminary planning; Centrale des Esserts a Boudry. Etude de faisabilite et avant-projet detaille

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roelli, P.; Croci, S.; Ernst, J.-R.


    This report describes in details the project of the installation of a small-scale hydroelectric power plant on the river Areuse in Switzerland. Located on a 4 m high waterfall the plant includes a 10-13 m{sup 3}/s Kaplan turbine, which should deliver roughly 1.6 GWh/year for an installed power of about 500 kVA. The authors insist on the ecological aspect of the project. The plant will be built underground; the river track will be practically unchanged and the existing fish ladder maintained. The report includes maps and pictures of the site as well as technical drawings of the installation. An economic analysis of the project is presented and its viability is discussed. Finally, the authors state that the energy produced by this plant will certainly be certified under one of the Swiss labels 'naturemade star' or 'naturemade basic', in the framework of the federal government's promotion of renewable energy sources.

  13. Final focus test beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report discusses the following: the Final Focus Test Beam Project; optical design; magnets; instrumentation; magnetic measurement and BPM calibration; mechanical alignment and stabilization; vacuum system; power supplies; control system; radiation shielding and personnel protection; infrastructure; and administration

  14. The final focus test beam project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burke, D.


    An overview is given of the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) that is being constructed as a prototype final focus system for a future electron-positron linear collider. This beam line will use as input the 50 GeV electron beam from the SLC linac, and is designed to reduce the transverse dimensions of the beam spot at the focal point to 1 μm. 5 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  15. 50 CFR 11.16 - Final administrative decision. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Final administrative decision. 11.16... TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND PLANTS CIVIL PROCEDURES Assessment Procedure § 11.16 Final administrative decision. (a) Where no request...

  16. Zachary-Fort Lauderdale pipeline construction and conversion project: final supplement to final environmental impact statement. Docket No. CP74-192

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final Supplement) evaluates the economic, engineering, and environmental aspects of newly developed alternatives to an abandonment/conversion project proposed by Florida Gas Transmission Company (Florida Gas). It also updates the staff's previous FEIS and studies revisions to the original proposal. Wherever possible, the staff has adopted portions of its previous FEIS in lieu of reprinting portions of that analysis which require no change. 60 references, 8 figures, 35 tables.

  17. Final disposal room structural response calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stone, C.M.


    Finite element calculations have been performed to determine the structural response of waste-filled disposal rooms at the WIPP for a period of 10,000 years after emplacement of the waste. The calculations were performed to generate the porosity surface data for the final set of compliance calculations. The most recent reference data for the stratigraphy, waste characterization, gas generation potential, and nonlinear material response have been brought together for this final set of calculations

  18. Report on the final BRACElet workshop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tony Clear

    Full Text Available This paper reports on the thirteenth and final BRACElet workshop. In this paper we provide a brief retrospective review of the workshops and the findings that have resulted from this multi-institutional multinational investigation into the teaching and learning of novice programmers. Subsequently we report on the work undertaken during the final workshop and then discuss future avenues for research that have evolved as a result of the BRACElet project.

  19. 48 CFR 49.112-2 - Final payment. (United States)


    ... voucher or invoice and forward the documents to the disbursing officer for payment. (b) Settlement by...) Construction contracts. In the case of construction contracts, before forwarding the final payment voucher, the... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Final payment. 49.112-2...

  20. 10 CFR 455.155 - Finality of decision. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Finality of decision. 455.155 Section 455.155 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENERGY CONSERVATION GRANT PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS AND BUILDINGS OWNED BY UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC CARE INSTITUTIONS Administrative Review § 455.155 Finality of...

  1. Specified radioactive waste final disposal act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasui, Masaya


    Radioactive wastes must be finally and safely disposed far from human activities. Disposal act is a long-range task and needs to be understood and accepted by public for site selection. This paper explains basic policy of Japanese Government for final disposal act of specified radioactive wastes, examination for site selection guidelines to promote residential understanding, general concept of multi-barrier system for isolating the specific radioactive wastes, and research and technical development for radioactive waste management. (S. Ohno)

  2. 10 CFR 51.90 - Final environmental impact statement-general. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final environmental impact statement-general. 51.90... Implementing Section 102(2) Final Environmental Impact Statements-General Requirements § 51.90 Final environmental impact statement—general. After receipt and consideration of comments requested pursuant to §§ 51...

  3. Final disposal of radioactive waste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freiesleben H.


    Full Text Available In this paper the origin and properties of radioactive waste as well as its classification scheme (low-level waste – LLW, intermediate-level waste – ILW, high-level waste – HLW are presented. The various options for conditioning of waste of different levels of radioactivity are reviewed. The composition, radiotoxicity and reprocessing of spent fuel and their effect on storage and options for final disposal are discussed. The current situation of final waste disposal in a selected number of countries is mentioned. Also, the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency with regard to the development and monitoring of international safety standards for both spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management is described.

  4. Final treatment of liquid radioactive wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svolik, S.


    Final treatment of liquid radioactive wastes which are produced by 1 st and 2 nd bloc of the Mochovce NPP, prepares the NPP in its natural range. The purpose of the equipment is liquidation of wastes, which are formed at production. Wastes are warehoused in the building of active auxiliary plants in the present time, where are reservoirs in which they are deposited. Because they are already feeling and in 2006 year they should be filled definitely, it is necessary to treat them in that manner, so as they may be liquidated. Therefore the Board of directors of the Slovenske elektrarne has disposed about construction of final treatment of liquid radioactive wastes in the Mochovce NPP. Because of transport the wastes have to be treated in the locality of power plant. Technically, the final treatment of the wastes will be interconnected with building of active operation by bridges. These bridges will transport the wastes for treatment into processing centre

  5. CERN wide inventory of existing vacuum and heat treatment furnaces

    CERN Document Server

    Milani, Adrien


    L’utilisation des fours au CERN a plusieurs objectifs (Traitement thermique, brasage, séchage, polymérisation, ... ). Les fours sont donc répartis dans les différents départements, en fonction de l’utilisation de chacun. Cependant il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de référencement permettant de connaitre la présence de chaque four ainsi que leurs caractéristiques techniques. L’objectif de mon stage a donc été de créer un inventaire des fours de traitement thermique présents au CERN, afin de connaitre précisément leurs applications possibles. Cette base de données permettra entre autre aux différents départements de savoir quelle personne contacter en fonction de l’utilisation voulue.

  6. Commentaires sur la valeur piscicole du Canal de Roubaix (Nord

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La population piscicole du Canal de ROUBAIX a été inventoriée par pêche électrique. Trois passages, suivis chacun de l'enlèvement des poissons capturés, ont été opérés dans chacun des trois Secteurs d'inventaire. Le peuplement le plus probable ainsi estimé (par la méthode De Lury,est en rapport avec le degré de pollution du canal. On constate aussi queles poissons se cantonnent le long des berges, sur une largeur de 2 à 3mètres.L'estimation à l'hectare représente donc en réalité le stock d'une zone n'ayant que 25 % de la surface totale du Canal. Les poissons contrôlés sont pour la plupart des poissons de repeuplement.

  7. The 'final order' problem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teunter, RH; Haneveld, WKK


    When the service department of a company selling machines stops producing and supplying spare parts for certain machines, customers are offered an opportunity to place a so-called final order for these spare parts. We focus on one customer with one machine. The customer plans to use this machine up



    Davorin Kovačić


    The paper deals with the selection of materials for the sea¬ling layer in the final cover of sanitary landfills. The sealing la¬yer is the most critical component of the final cover. Its role is to minimize percolation of water through the final cover. Ma¬terials used for the construction of the sealing layer are either of mineral origin (compacted clay) or geosynthetic (geomem¬brane). They are most often used in combination creating com¬posite liners. Recently alternative materials are also ...

  9. HINTS Puerto Rico: Final Report (United States)

    This final report describes HINTS implementation in Puerto Rico. The report addresses sampling; staffing, training and management of data collection; calling protocol; findings from the CATI Operations, and sample weights.

  10. Bevalac injector final stage RF amplifier upgrades

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howard, D.; Calvert, J.; Dwinell, R.; Lax, J.; Lindner, A.; Richter, R.; Ridgeway, W.


    With the assistance of the DOE In-house Energy Management Program, the Bevalac injector final stage RF amplifier systems have been successfully upgraded to reduce energy consumption and operating costs. This recently completed project removed the energy-inefficient plate voltage modulator circuits that were used in conjunction with the final stage RF amplifiers. Construction, design, and operating parameters are described in detail

  11. Infant Discrimination of a Morphologically Relevant Word-Final Contrast (United States)

    Fais, Laurel; Kajikawa, Sachiyo; Amano, Shigeaki; Werker, Janet F.


    Six-, 12-, and 18-month-old English-hearing infants were tested on their ability to discriminate nonword forms ending in the final stop consonants /k/ and /t/ from their counterparts with final /s/ added, resulting in final clusters /ks/ and /ts/, in a habituation-dishabituation, looking time paradigm. Infants at all 3 ages demonstrated an ability…

  12. Convention on nuclear safety. Final act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Diplomatic Conference, which was convened by the International Atomic Energy Agency at its Headquarters from 14 to 17 June 1994, adopted the Convention on Nuclear Safety reproduced in document INFCIRC/449 and the Final Act of the Conference. The text of the Final Act of the Conference, including an annexed document entitled ''Some clarification with respect to procedural and financial arrangements, national reports, and the conduct of review meetings, envisaged in the Convention on Nuclear Safety'', is reproduced in the Attachment hereto for the information of all Member States

  13. Exterior insulating shutter final prototype design. Final report, Phase II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dike, G.A.; Kinney, L.F.


    The final prototype shutter described uses sliding panels composed of inch-thick thermax sandwiched between 60 mil thick ultraviolet-resistant plastic on the outside, and 20 mil stryrene on the inside. The shuter system was shown to have an effective R-value of 6 using ASHRAE procedures to convert from still air conditions to 15 mph wind conditions in a simulated cold environment. Tests were performed for cyclical operation, vulnerability to ice and wind, thermal performance, and air infiltration. Marketing efforts are described. Cost effectiveness is determined via present value analysis. (LEW)

  14. Regional final energy consumptions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report comments the differences observed between the French regions and also between these regions and national data in terms of final energy consumption per inhabitant, per GDP unit, and per sector (housing and office building, transport, industry, agriculture). It also comments the evolutions during the last decades, identifies the most recent trends

  15. Ground Combat Training Squadron Complex Final Environmental Assessment (United States)


    Squadron E nvironm ental A ssessm ent Page 1-6 Eglin A ir Force Base, FL Final Figure 1-2. R esources N ot C arried Forw ard for D etailed A...Base, FL Final Figure 3-1. W ater R esources w ithin or near the Proposed A ction or A lternative L ocations Legend c::J Project Sites 1 00...bat T raining Squadron E nvironm ental A ssessm ent Page 3-14 Eglin A ir Force Base, FL Final Figure 3-3. B iological R esources w ithin or

  16. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    This is the final report of our research program on electronic transport experiments on Topological Insulator (TI) devices, funded by the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences. TI-based electronic devices are attractive as platforms for spintronic applications, and for detection of emergent properties such as Majorana excitations , electron-hole condensates , and the topological magneto-electric effect . Most theoretical proposals envision geometries consisting of a planar TI device integrated with materials of distinctly different physical phases (such as ferromagnets and superconductors). Experimental realization of physics tied to the surface states is a challenge due to the ubiquitous presence of bulk carriers in most TI compounds as well as degradation during device fabrication.

  17. 78 FR 9054 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... NIOSH-144] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and... Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The National Institute...), announces the availability of the following publication: ``NIOSH Criteria for a Recommended Standard...

  18. 78 FR 25454 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... NIOSH-161-A] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety... Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The National...), announces the availability of the following publication: ``NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 65...

  19. 77 FR 74194 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... NIOSH-238] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and... Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The National Institute...), announces the availability of the following publication: NIOSH Alert entitled ``Preventing Occupational...

  20. 78 FR 66936 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... NIOSH-156] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and... Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The National Institute...), announces the availability of the following publication: ``Current Intelligence Bulletin 66--Derivation of...

  1. Emergency building temperature restrictions. Final evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On July 5, 1979, DOE promulgated final regulations of the Emergency Building Temperature Restrictions program, placing emergency restrictions on thermostat settings for space heating, space cooling, and hot water in commercial, industrial, and nonresidential public buildings. The final regulations restricted space heating to a maximum of 65/sup 0/F, hot water temperature to a maximum of 105/sup 0/F, and cooling temperature to a minimum of 78/sup 0/F. A comprehensive evaluation of the entire EBTF program for a nine-month period from July 16, 1979 is presented. In Chapter 1, an estimate of the population of buildings covered by EBTR is presented. In Chapter 2, EBTR compliance by building type and region is reported. Exemptions are also discussed. In Chapter 3, the simulations of building energy use are explained and the relative impact of various building characteristics and effectiveness of different control strategies are estimated. Finally, in Chapter 4, the methodology for scaling the individual building energy savings to the national level is described, and estimated national energy savings are presented.

  2. Relation entre densité absolue et indice de densité dans l'inventaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... between the absolute density and the density index in the count of Cobe defassa (kobus ellypsiprimnus defassa, Ruppell) population in Pendjari's biosphere park in Benin. Among the demographic factors that characterize a given population figure priority knowledge of its workforce over time and its distribution in space.

  3. Inventaire et incidence des insectes inféodes à la culture du fonio ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    importance des insectes capturés sur le fonio est liée à la multitude des adventices qui infestent le fonio et qui favorisent le développement des insectes nuisibles. Conclusion et application : La culture de fonio est infestée par un nombre ...

  4. 16 CFR 700.8 - Warrantor's decision as final. (United States)


    ... jurisdiction over suits for breach of warranty and service contract. ... decision as final. A warrantor shall not indicate in any written warranty or service contract either... party is final or binding in any dispute concerning the warranty or service contract. Nor shall a...

  5. 76 FR 22106 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... NIOSH-033] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and... Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The... (CDC) announces the availability of the following publication: NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 63...

  6. 78 FR 78963 - Issuance of Final Guidance Publication (United States)


    ... CDC-2013-0001, NIOSH 134-B] Issuance of Final Guidance Publication AGENCY: National Institute for... Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice of issuance of final guidance publication. SUMMARY: The... Prevention (CDC), announces the availability of the following publication: ``Protecting the Nanotechnology...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Davorin Kovačić


    Full Text Available The paper deals with the selection of materials for the sea¬ling layer in the final cover of sanitary landfills. The sealing la¬yer is the most critical component of the final cover. Its role is to minimize percolation of water through the final cover. Ma¬terials used for the construction of the sealing layer are either of mineral origin (compacted clay or geosynthetic (geomem¬brane. They are most often used in combination creating com¬posite liners. Recently alternative materials are also used like paper mill sludge or discarded swelling clay.

  8. Mask locations in the SLC final focus region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cence, R.J.


    The location of four sets of masks needed to shield against background in the final focus region of the SLC is shown. The main point of this note is to update the results of Miller and Sens taking into account the recent changes that have been made in the optics of the SLC beams. For the latest beam design we use the TRANSPORT output dated 5-13-83. This design assumes that the final bends will form an S about the interaction point and that the final quadrupoles will be superconducting and will be placed about 8 feet from the interaction point

  9. Health insurance premium tax credit. Final regulations. (United States)


    This document contains final regulations relating to the health insurance premium tax credit enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.These final regulations provide guidance to individuals related to employees who may enroll in eligible employer-sponsored coverage and who wish to enroll in qualified health plans through Affordable Insurance Exchanges (Exchanges) and claim the premium tax credit.

  10. Frequent Questions about the Hazardous Waste Export-Import Revisions Final Rule (United States)

    Answers questions such as: What new requirements did EPA finalize in the Hazardous Waste Export-Import Revisions Final Rule? Why did EPA implement these changes now? What are the benefits of the final rule? What are the compliance dates for the final rule?

  11. 10 CFR 51.94 - Requirement to consider final environmental impact statement. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Requirement to consider final environmental impact...-Regulations Implementing Section 102(2) Final Environmental Impact Statements-General Requirements § 51.94 Requirement to consider final environmental impact statement. The final environmental impact statement...

  12. A plane-wave final-state theory of ATI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parker, J.S.; Clark, C.W.


    A Fermi Golden Rule calculation of ionization cross-sections provides us with the simplest example of a plane-wave final-state theory. In this method the final (unbound) state is modeled as a plane wave, an approximation that generally gives best results in the high energy limit in which the affect of the atomic potential on the final state can be neglected. A cross-section is then calculated from the matrix element connecting the bound initial state with the final state. The idea of generalizing this method to model transitions among unbound states is credited to L.V. Keldysh, and a number of related formalisms have been proposed that are consistent with the general features of experimental data. Here we describe a plane-wave final-state model of ATI that is in the spirit of these theories, but differs significantly in its implementation and predictions. We will present a comparison of the predictions of the plane-wave model with those of a full numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for atomic hydrogen in a radiation field. The theory and the numerical integration give good qualitative agreement in their predictions of photoelectron spectra over about 14 orders of magnitude

  13. 23 CFR 140.609 - Progress and final vouchers. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Progress and final vouchers. 140.609 Section 140.609 Highways FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAYMENT PROCEDURES REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement for Bond Issue Projects § 140.609 Progress and final vouchers. (a) Progress vouchers may be...

  14. 16 CFR 1.85 - Final environmental impact statements. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final environmental impact statements. 1.85... Final environmental impact statements. (a) After the close of the comment period, the Bureau responsible for the matter will consider the comments received on the draft environmental impact statement and...

  15. Medicaid program; health care-related taxes. Final rule. (United States)


    This rule finalizes our proposal to delay enforcement of certain clarifications regarding standards for determining hold harmless arrangements in the final rule entitled, "Medicaid Program; Health Care-Related Taxes" from the expiration of a Congressional moratorium on enforcement from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

  16. Smart roadside initiative : final report. (United States)


    This is the Final Report for the Smart Roadside Initiative (SRI) prototype system deployment project. The SRI prototype was implemented at weigh stations in Grass Lake, Michigan and West Friendship, Maryland. The prototype was developed to integrate ...

  17. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Final supplement environmental impact statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this Supplement Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) is to update the environmental record established in 1980 by evaluating the environmental impacts associated with new information, new circumstances, and proposal modifications. This SEIS evaluates and compares the Proposed Action and two alternatives. This final SEIS for the WIPP project is a revision of the draft SEIS published in April 1989. It includes responses to the public comments received in writing and at the public hearings and revisions of the draft SEIS in response to the public comments. Revisions of importance have been identified in this final SEIS by vertical lines in the margins to highlight changes made in response to comments. Volumes 1 through 3 of the final SEIS contain the text, appendices, and the summary comments and responses, respectively. Volumes 6 through 13 of the final SEIS contain reproductions of all of the comments received on the draft SEIS, and Volumes 4 and 5 contain the indices to Volumes 6 through 13. An Executive Summary and/or Volumes 1 through 5 of the final SEIS have been distributed to those who received the draft SEIS or requested a copy of the final SEIS. Volume 5 contains indices to public comments

  18. 10 CFR 51.97 - Final environmental impact statement-materials license. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final environmental impact statement-materials license. 51...-Regulations Implementing Section 102(2) Final Environmental Impact Statements-Materials Licenses § 51.97 Final environmental impact statement—materials license. (a) Independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI...

  19. 19 CFR 177.31 - Reexamination of final determinations. (United States)


    ...; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS Government Procurement; Country-of-Origin... final determination was the subject of a contested lawsuit timely filed in the Court of International Trade under 28 U.S.C. 1581(e) or, (b) the merchandise at issue in the initial final determination was...

  20. Cosmology Without Finality (United States)

    Mahootian, F.


    The rapid convergence of advancing sensor technology, computational power, and knowledge discovery techniques over the past decade has brought unprecedented volumes of astronomical data together with unprecedented capabilities of data assimilation and analysis. A key result is that a new, data-driven "observational-inductive'' framework for scientific inquiry is taking shape and proving viable. The anticipated rise in data flow and processing power will have profound effects, e.g., confirmations and disconfirmations of existing theoretical claims both for and against the big bang model. But beyond enabling new discoveries can new data-driven frameworks of scientific inquiry reshape the epistemic ideals of science? The history of physics offers a comparison. The Bohr-Einstein debate over the "completeness'' of quantum mechanics centered on a question of ideals: what counts as science? We briefly examine lessons from that episode and pose questions about their applicability to cosmology. If the history of 20th century physics is any indication, the abandonment of absolutes (e.g., space, time, simultaneity, continuity, determinacy) can produce fundamental changes in understanding. The classical ideal of science, operative in both physics and cosmology, descends from the European Enlightenment. This ideal has for over 200 years guided science to seek the ultimate order of nature, to pursue the absolute theory, the "theory of everything.'' But now that we have new models of scientific inquiry powered by new technologies and driven more by data than by theory, it is time, finally, to relinquish dreams of a "final'' theory.

  1. Final Energy Consumption Trends and Drivers in Czech Republic and Latvia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiqian Yu


    Full Text Available This paper analyses the trends of final energy consumption in Latvia and Czech Republic. Analysis of final energy consumption during 2000-2013 period indicated the main driving forces of final energy consumption during and after world financial crisis of 2008. The paper aimed to evaluate the impact of economic activity and other factors on final energy consumption. The decomposition of the final energy consumption is assessed by analyzing effect of different drivers by the main end-users sector (industry, transport, households, agriculture, services, activity, demography, lifestyles, structural effects, energy savings etc. The results show that the reduction in final energy consumption in most EU members states before and after year 2008 can be related to the decline in energy intensities within endusers sectors. At the same time, the increase in final energy intensity after the year 2008 is attributed to expansion of energy demand sectors. Comparison of final energy consumption trends and drivers in Latvia and Czech Republic indicated that Czech Republic implemented more policies and measures in industry and tertiary sector and this provided for final energy consumption decreased and huge energy savings in these sectors.

  2. Final Energy Consumption Trends and Drivers in Czech Republic and Latvia


    Zhiqian Yu; Dalia Streimikiene; Tomas Balezentis; Rimantas Dapkus; Radislav Jovovic; Veselin Draskovic


    This paper analyses the trends of final energy consumption in Latvia and Czech Republic. Analysis of final energy consumption during 2000-2013 period indicated the main driving forces of final energy consumption during and after world financial crisis of 2008. The paper aimed to evaluate the impact of economic activity and other factors on final energy consumption. The decomposition of the final energy consumption is assessed by analyzing effect of different drivers by the main end-users sect...

  3. On final states of two-dimensional decaying turbulence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yin, Z.


    Numerical and analytical studies of final states of two-dimensional (2D) decaying turbulence are carried out. The first part of this work is trying to give a definition for final states of 2D decaying turbulence. The functional relation of ¿-¿, which is frequently adopted as the characterization of

  4. Regulatory criteria for final disposal of radioactive wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petraitis, E.; Ciallella, N.; Siraky, G.


    This paper describes briefly the legislative and regulatory framework in which the final disposal of radioactive wastes is carried out in Argentina. It also presents the criteria developed by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) to assess the long-term safety of final disposal systems for high level radioactive wastes. (author)

  5. 21 CFR 1314.155 - Suspension pending final order. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Suspension pending final order. 1314.155 Section 1314.155 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RETAIL SALE OF SCHEDULED LISTED CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Order to Show Cause § 1314.155 Suspension pending final order. (a) The...

  6. 23 CFR 771.125 - Final environmental impact statements. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final environmental impact statements. 771.125 Section... ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND RELATED PROCEDURES § 771.125 Final environmental impact statements. (a)(1..., economic, or environmental impacts of the action may need to be more fully explored; (iii) the impacts of...

  7. 78 FR 29117 - After Final Consideration Pilot Program 2.0 (United States)


    ...] After Final Consideration Pilot Program 2.0 AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce... Final Consideration Pilot Program (AFCP) to create the After Final Consideration Pilot Program 2.0 (AFCP....0 to consider the response. If the examiner's consideration of a proper AFCP 2.0 request and...

  8. The final cool down

    CERN Multimedia

    Thursday 29th May, the cool-down of the final sector (sector 4-5) of LHC has begun, one week after the start of the cool-down of sector 1-2. It will take five weeks for the sectors to be cooled from room temperature to 5 K and a further two weeks to complete the cool down to 1.9 K and the commissioning of cryogenic instrumentation, as well as to fine tune the cryogenic plants and the cooling loops of cryostats.Nearly a year and half has passed since sector 7-8 was cooled for the first time in January 2007. For Laurent Tavian, AT/CRG Group Leader, reaching the final phase of the cool down is an important milestone, confirming the basic design of the cryogenic system and the ability to operate complete sectors. “All the sectors have to operate at the same time otherwise we cannot inject the beam into the machine. The stability and reliability of the cryogenic system and its utilities are now very important. That will be the new challenge for the coming months,” he explains. The status of the cool down of ...

  9. Bisphenol A; Final Test Rule (United States)

    EPA is issuing a final rule, under section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requiring manufacturers and processors of bisphenol A, hereinafter BPA, (4.4’-isopropylidenediphenol, CAS No. 80-05—7) to conduct a 90-day inhalation study.

  10. CMS Is Finally Completed

    CERN Multimedia


    Yet another step in the completion of the Large Hadron Collider was taken yesterday morning, as the final element of the Compact Muon Solenoid was lowered nearly 100 meters bellow ground. After more than eight years of work at the world's most powerful particle accelerator, scientists hope that they will be able to start initial experiments with the LHC until the end of this year.

  11. The orthopositronium lifetime puzzle and its final solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Feng; Wu Jianda; Zhan Liang; Ye Bangjiao


    The ortho-positronium (o-Ps), which consists of an electron and positron, is a pure lepton bound system. The o-Ps lifetime can be calculated accurately by quantum electrodynamics, but there is a long-standing discrepancy between the theoretical calculations and the experimental results. Theoretical and experimental physicists have worked hard for a long time to solve the problem, and recently finally solved this lifetime puzzle. The authors briefly outline the discrepancy between the theoretical calculations of the o-Ps annihilation decay rate and some of the experimental measurements, as well as recent developments of experimental techniques, and its final solution. In particular, the final results of the Tokyo and michigan groups are discussed

  12. UOP FIN 571 Final Exam Guide New




    UOP FIN 571 Final Exam Guide New Check this A+ tutorial guideline at -latest For more classes visit Question 1 The underlying assumption of the dividend growth model is that a stock is worth: A. An amount computed as the next annual dividend divided by the required rate of return. B. An amount computed as the next annual dividend divided by the ma...

  13. Systems study 'Alternative Entsorgung'. Final report. Technical annex 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the conditioning plant, fuel elements which have been stored for ten years are loaded into transport containers, unloaded, identified and welded into a dry storage box. The dry store barrel is introduced into a final storage container, which, after being closed, is packed in lost shielding. This so-called final storage barrel is finally placed in a transport container and leaves the conditioning plant in this form by rail for transport to the final storage mine. The fuel element method of treatment 'packing of three complete fuel elements' was used as the reference process. In addition, the method of treatment 'fuel elements dismantled into fuel rods' was also examined. The handling of fuel elements and secondary waste treatment in the reference process are described in detail. (orig./HP) [de

  14. 19 CFR 12.9 - Release for final delivery to consignee. (United States)


    ...; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SPECIAL CLASSES OF MERCHANDISE Meat and Meat-Food Products § 12.9 Release for final delivery to consignee. No meat, meat-food products, or animal casings shall be released for final... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Release for final delivery to consignee. 12.9...

  15. 22 CFR 72.5 - Final report of death. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final report of death. 72.5 Section 72.5... DEATHS AND ESTATES Reporting Deaths of United States Nationals § 72.5 Final report of death. (a) Preparation. Except in the case of the death of an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces, when...

  16. TSA waste stream and final waste form composition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grandy, J.D.; Eddy, T.L.; Anderson, G.L.


    A final vitrified waste form composition, based upon the chemical compositions of the input waste streams, is recommended for the transuranic-contaminated waste stored at the Transuranic Storage Area of the Radioactive Waste Management Complex at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The quantities of waste are large with a considerable uncertainty in the distribution of various waste materials. It is therefore impractical to mix the input waste streams into an ''average'' transuranic-contaminated waste. As a result, waste stream input to a melter could vary widely in composition, with the potential of affecting the composition and properties of the final waste form. This work examines the extent of the variation in the input waste streams, as well as the final waste form under conditions of adding different amounts of soil. Five prominent Rocky Flats Plant 740 waste streams are considered, as well as nonspecial metals and the ''average'' transuranic-contaminated waste streams. The metals waste stream is the most extreme variation and results indicate that if an average of approximately 60 wt% of the mixture is soil, the final waste form will be predominantly silica, alumina, alkaline earth oxides, and iron oxide. This composition will have consistent properties in the final waste form, including high leach resistance, irrespective of the variation in waste stream. For other waste streams, much less or no soil could be required to yield a leach resistant waste form but with varying properties

  17. Final repositories for high-level radioactive waste; Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfaelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The brochure on final repositories for high-level radioactive waste covers the following issues: What is the origin of radioactive wastes? How large are the waste amounts? What is going to happen with the wastes? What is the solution for the Waste disposal? A new site search is started. Safety requirements for the final disposal of high-level radioactive wastes. Comparison of host rocks. Who is responsible and who will pay? Final disposal of high-level radioactive wastes worldwide. Short summary: History of the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive wastes in Germany.

  18. Tribal child welfare. Interim final rule. (United States)


    The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is issuing this interim final rule to implement statutory provisions related to the Tribal title IV-E program. Effective October 1, 2009, section 479B(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act) authorizes direct Federal funding of Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, and Tribal consortia that choose to operate a foster care, adoption assistance and, at Tribal option, a kinship guardianship assistance program under title IV-E of the Act. The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 requires that ACF issue interim final regulations which address procedures to ensure that a transfer of responsibility for the placement and care of a child under a State title IV-E plan to a Tribal title IV-E plan occurs in a manner that does not affect the child's eligibility for title IV-E benefits or medical assistance under title XIX of the Act (Medicaid) and such services or payments; in-kind expenditures from third-party sources for the Tribal share of administration and training expenditures under title IV-E; and other provisions to carry out the Tribal-related amendments to title IV-E. This interim final rule includes these provisions and technical amendments necessary to implement a Tribal title IV-E program.

  19. Exclusive B Decays to Charmonium Final States

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrera, Barbara


    We report on exclusive decays of B mesons into final states containing charmonium using data collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings. The charmonium states considered here are J/{psi}, {psi}(2S), and {chi}{sub c1}. Branching fractions for several exclusive final states, a measurement of the decay amplitudes for the B{sup 0} {yields} J/{psi} K* decay, and measurements of the B{sup 0} and B{sup +} masses are presented. All of the results we present here are preliminary.

  20. KEWB facilities decontamination and disposition. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ureda, B.F.


    The decontamination and disposition of the KEWB facilities, Buildings 073, 643, 123, and 793, are complete. All of the facility equipment, including reactor enclosure, reactor vessel, fuel handling systems, controls, radioactive waste systems, exhaust systems, electrical services, and protective systems were removed from the site. Buildings 643, 123, and 793 were completely removed, including foundations. The floor and portions of the walls of Building 073 were covered over by final grading. Results of the radiological monitoring and the final survey are presented. 9 tables, 19 figures

  1. IRIS Toxicological Review of Trichloroacetic Acid (Tca) (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Trichloroacetic Acid: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  2. IRIS Toxicological Review of Thallium and Compounds (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Thallium and Compounds: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  3. Characterize and Model Final Waste Formulations and Offgas Solids from Thermal Treatment Processes - FY-98 Final Report for LDRD 2349

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kessinger, Glen Frank; Nelson, Lee Orville; Grandy, Jon Drue; Zuck, Larry Douglas; Kong, Peter Chuen Sun; Anderson, Gail


    The purpose of LDRD #2349, Characterize and Model Final Waste Formulations and Offgas Solids from Thermal Treatment Processes, was to develop a set of tools that would allow the user to, based on the chemical composition of a waste stream to be immobilized, predict the durability (leach behavior) of the final waste form and the phase assemblages present in the final waste form. The objectives of the project were: • investigation, testing and selection of thermochemical code • development of auxiliary thermochemical database • synthesis of materials for leach testing • collection of leach data • using leach data for leach model development • thermochemical modeling The progress toward completion of these objectives and a discussion of work that needs to be completed to arrive at a logical finishing point for this project will be presented.

  4. Final sonorant sequences in the Celje dialect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alja Ferme


    Full Text Available In this paper I will analyse final sonorant sequencesin the Celje variety of Slovene. In §2 various definitions of a consonant cluster will be discussed and the definition needed for further development ofthe article will be provided. In §3 I will present pretheoretical arguments against treating all final sonorant sequences as consonant clusters. In addition, a seemingly special behaviour of a small group of sequences will be pointed out. The government phonology framework will be introduced in §4. In §5 the hin the given theoretical framework.

  5. Relativistic analysis of four-body final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adhikari, S.K.


    The constraints of unitarity and analyticity on four-body final states are studied. It is shown that unitarity alone forces the amplitudes to be coherent and have singular behaviour. The implementation of unitarity with total energy analyticity yields a set of relativistic linear integral equations for the four-body amplitude. This is the minimal set consistent with quantum mechanics and also is the full dynamical set of equations with two-body separable interactions. These equations will provide important ingredients for the phenomenological analysis of four-body final states using the isobar model. (Auth.)

  6. Final report, Feedback limitations of photosynthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharkey, Thomas D.


    Final report of research on carbon metabolism of photosynthesis. The feedback from carbon metabolism to primary photosynthetic processes is summarized, and a comprehensive list of published scientific papers is provided.

  7. In-Situ Radiation Detection Demonstration Final Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohagheghi, Amir H.; Reese, Robert; Miller, David R.; Miller, Mark Laverne; Duce, Stephen


    The Department of Defense (DoD) has hundreds of facilities where radioactive materials have been used or are being used, including firing ranges, low-level radioactive waste disposal areas, and areas where past activities have resulted in environmental contamination. Affected sites range in size from a few acres to square miles. Impact to the DoD comes through military base closure and release to the public. It is important that radioactive contaminants are remediated to levels that result in acceptable risk to the public. Remediation requires characterization studies, e.g., sampling and surveys, to define the affected areas, removal actions, and final confirmatory sampling and surveys. Characterization of surface contamination concentrations has historically been performed using extensive soil sampling programs in conjunction with surface radiation surveys conducted with hand-held radiation monitoring equipment. Sampling is required within the suspect affected area and a large buffer area. Surface soil contaminant characterization using soil sampling and hand held monitoring are costly, time consuming, and result in long delays between submission of samples for analysis and obtaining of final results. This project took an existing, proven radiation survey technology that has had limited exposure and improved its capabilities by documenting correlation factors for various detector/radionuclide geometries that commonly occur in field surveys. With this tool, one can perform characterization and final release surveys much more quickly than is currently possible, and have detection limits that are as good as or better than current technology. This paper will discuss the capabilities of a large area plastic scintillation detector used in conjunction with a global positioning system (GPS) to improve site characterization, remediation, and final clearance surveys of the radioactively contaminated site. Survey results can rapidly identify areas that require remediation as

  8. IRIS Toxicological Review of Trichloroacetic Acid (Tca) (Final ... (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Trichloroacetic Acid: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health. The draft Toxicological Review of Trichloroacetic Acid provides scientific support and rationale for the hazard identification and dose-response assessment pertaining to chronic exposure to trichloroacetic acid.

  9. Testing the initial-final mass relationship of white dwarfs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catalan, S; Isern, J; Garcia-Berro, E; Ribas, I


    In this contribution we revisit the initial-final mass relationship of white dwarfs, which links the mass of a white dwarf with that of its progenitor in the main-sequence. Although this function is of paramount importance to several fields in modern astrophysics, it is still not well constrained either from the theoretical or the observational points of view. We present here a revision of the present semi-empirical initial-final mass relationship using all the available data and including our recent results obtained from studying white dwarfs in common proper motion pairs. We have also analyzed the results obtained so far to provide some clues on the dependence of this relationship on metallicity. Finally, we have also performed an indirect test of the initial-final mass relationship by studying its effect on the luminosity function and on the mass distribution of white dwarfs.

  10. Handling of final storage of unreprocessed spent nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this report the various facilities incorporated in the proposed handling chain for spent fuel from the power stations to the final repository are discribed. Thus the geological conditions which are essential for a final repository is discussed as well as the buffer and canister materials and how they contribute towards a long-term isolation of the spent fuel. Furthermore one chapter deals with leaching of the deposited fuel in the event that the canister is penetrated as well as the transport mechanisms which determine the migration of the radioactive substances through the buffer material. The dispersal processes in the geosphere and the biosphere are also described together with the transfer mechanisms to the ecological systems as well as radiation doses. Finally a summary is given of the safety analysis of the proposed method for the handling and final storage of the spent fuel. (E.R.)

  11. Muon scattering into 1 to 5 muon final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, A.R.; Johnson, K.J.; Kerth, L.T.


    Interactions of 209- and 90-GeV muons within a magnetized-steel calorimeter have produced final states containing one, two, three, four, and five muons. Redundant systems of proportional and drift chambers, fully sensitive in the forward direction, maintained 9% dimuon-mass resolution and high acceptance for multimuon final states. The first data are presented on F 2 (x, Q 2 ) from charged lepton-nucleon scattering spanning a range in ln (ln, Q 2 ) comparable to that measured in high energy neutrino scattering. The muon data confirm the decrease of F 2 with rising Q 2 in the region 0.2 80% of the world sample of fully-reconstructed 3μ final states containing the J/psi(3100), the first determination of the psi polarization yields sigma/sub L//sigma/sub T/ = xi 2 Q 2 /m/sub psi/ 2 with xi 2 = 4.0/sub -2.1/ +5 4 , 2.6 standard deviations above the vector-dominance expectation. A sample of 35539 two-muon final states contains a small excess of high p/sub perpendicular to/ high-Q 2 same-sign pairs and sets limits on neutral heavy lepton production by right-handed currents. Two five-muon final states are observed, of which only one is the likely result of a pure QED process. A single event with four muons in the final state is interpreted as diffractive b anti b production with anti b → psiX → μ + μ - X and b → μ - anti ν/sub μ/X. 42 references

  12. MINIMARS conceptual design: Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.D.


    This volume contains the following sections: (1) fueling systems; (2) blanket; (3) alternative blanket concepts; (4) halo scraper/direct converter system study and final conceptual design; (5) heat-transport and power-conversion systems; (6) tritium systems; (7) minimars air detritiation system; (8) appropriate radiological safety design criteria; and (9) cost estimate

  13. Final-state interaction in processes of deuteron breaking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thome Filho, Z.D.


    Interaction between particles in the final state of reactions can strongly affect the experimental angular distributions, as in the scattering processes with the breaking of the deuteron target, where the final state interaction is responsible for the disappearance of the differential cross section in the front direction. It is then necessary to include the contribution of the final state interaction to small angles of incoherent processes particle-deuteron. In this work line, an analysis is made of the process πd → πpn for different values of the incident energy. The data obtained are compared with existing experimental data. The hypothesis is also considered of the nucleon which collides with the incident particle being outside the mass layer. An analytical extension of the resonant amplitude πN outwards the mass layer is also used

  14. 20 CFR 404.1694 - Final accounting by the State. (United States)


    ... function. Disputes concerning final accounting issues which cannot be resolved between the State and us... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final accounting by the State. 404.1694... DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Determinations of Disability Assumption of Disability Determination Function...

  15. 20 CFR 416.1094 - Final accounting by the State. (United States)


    ... function. Disputes concerning final accounting issues which cannot be resolved between the State and us... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final accounting by the State. 416.1094... AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Determinations of Disability Assumption of Disability Determination Function...

  16. Dissemination of Continuing Education Materials Via Television Delivery Systems. Final Technical Report and Final Report. (United States)

    Munushian, Jack

    In 1972, the University of Southern California School of Engineering established a 4-channel interactive instructional television network. It was designed to allow employees of participating industries to take regular university science and engineering courses and special continuing education courses at or near their work locations. Final progress…

  17. The completed design of the SLC Final Focus System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, J.J.; Brown, K.L.; Fieguth, T.


    The design of the SLC Final Focus System has evolved from its initial conceptual design into its final form. This final design is described including a review of the critical decisions influencing the adoption of particular features. The creation of a feasible design has required that these decisions be tempered by practical considerations such as site constraints, correction of optical errors caused by imperfections, and accommodations requested by engineers and particle detector physicists. As this is the first such system to be built, it is hoped that the experience gained will be useful for the design of future systems

  18. Financiación hipotecaria y consumidor final

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Menéndez de la Uz, M. A.


    Full Text Available La Unión Monetaria Europea está generando nuevas posibilidades de financiación hipotecaria. El consumidor final demanda financiación hipotecaria para satisfacer su necesidad de vivienda. La adquisición de vivienda supone la mayor inversión efectuada por el consumidor a lo largo de su vida y, por lo general, este elevado volumen de inversión requiere el endeudamiento del adquirente, constituyendo el préstamo hipotecario su operación financiera más importante. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio, sobre la incidencia que para el consumidor final tiene la desaparición de fronteras monetarias dentro de la Unión Europea en la operación financiera de préstamo hipotecario. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se utiliza la herramienta ofrecida por la Matemática Financiera que nos permitirá evaluar el coste de dicha operación financiera y así poder efectuar un análisis comparativo que será de gran utilidad para el consumidor final.

  19. 29 CFR 34.46 - Final Determination. (United States)


    ... TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT OF 1982, AS AMENDED (JTPA) Compliance Procedures § 34.46 Final Determination. (a... grant applicant or recipient fails or refuses to correct the violation(s) within the applicable time...

  20. Forecast of the energy final consumption for Minas Gerais State

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almeida, P.E.F. de; Bechtlufft, P.C.T.; Araujo, M.E.A.; Vasconcelos, E.C.; Las Casas, H.B. de; Monteiro, M.A.G.


    This paper is included among the activities of the Energy Planning of Minas Gerais State and presents a forecast of the energy final consumption for the State up to year 2010. Two Scenarios are presented involving brazilian economy's evolution, the State's demography and its sectors: residential, services, transportation, agriculture and cattle-breeding and industry. Finally, it shows two forecast on energy final consumption for Minas Gerais State. (author)

  1. Final repository search together with the citizens. Information, consultation, dialogue, participation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Monika C.M.


    The documentation on the Loccum meeting 2013 includes contributions on the following topics: Public participation for the final repository search; Lessons learned from the past; Public participation: what is expected? Experiences of repository operators on public participation; The TRIPLEX concept; From Gorleben to the law on final repository search: a long and a short story; Public participation concerning radioactive waste storage; The public has to be informed on the radioactive waste problem and the possible solutions; After consensus is before consensus - German final repository conflict between legislation and simulated public participation; Political concept of public participation; A fast final repository law will not bring about social peace; Good public participation on final repository search - requirements, challenges, questions and approaches.

  2. Multimuon final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crespo, J.-M.


    Multimuon final states have been detected by 3 experiments in the interactions of the muon beams of CERN (280 GeV) and FNAL (210 GeV) with heavy targets. For the first time production of J/PSI (3100) by space-like photons has been observed and its dependence on ν, Q 2 and t compared to Vector Dominance and photon-gluon fusion models. Also a clear signal has been seen for 3μ above QED tridents (outside J/PSI mass range) and 2μ events which are well described by charm production. An upper limit for the production of the T by high energy muons has been set

  3. 10 CFR 51.118 - Final environmental impact statement-notice of availability. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Final environmental impact statement-notice of... environmental impact statement—notice of availability. (a) Upon completion of a final environmental impact statement or any supplement to a final environmental impact statement, the appropriate NRC staff director...

  4. General method for final focus system design for circular colliders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riccardo de Maria


    Full Text Available Colliders use final focus systems to reduce the transverse beam sizes at the interaction point in order to increase collision event rates. The maximum focal strength (gradient of the quadrupoles, and the maximum beam size in them, together limit the beam size reduction that is possible. The goal of a final focus system design is to find the best compromise between quadrupole aperture and quadrupole gradient, for the magnet technology that is used. This paper develops a design method that identifies the intrinsic limitations of a final focus system, validates the results of the method against realistic designs, and reports its application to the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider final focus.

  5. Development of the biosphere code BIOMOD: final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kane, P.


    Final report to DoE on the development of the biosphere code BIOMOD. The work carried out under the contract is itemised. Reference is made to the six documents issued along with the final report. These consist of two technical notes issued as interim consultative documents, a user's guide and a programmer's guide to BIOMOD, a database description, program test document and a technical note entitled ''BIOMOD - preliminary findings''. (author)

  6. Electroproduction of associated two-body final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harding, D.J.


    The Large Aperture Magnet Experiment at the Cornell Electron Synchrotron measured electron scattering in the region 2.98 2 and 0.5 2 2 . The 11.5 GeV extracted electron beam struck a liquid hydrogen target in an eight kilogauss magnetic field. The charged particles in the final state were tracked through the field by a multiwire proportional chamber system of 34 planes. A lead-scintillator shower counter triggered the experiment on detection of a scattered electron. Time-of-flight and water Cherenkov counters identified some of the final state hadrons. The data recorded on tape was then passed through computer programs which linked proportional chamber strikes into tracks, fit momenta to the tracks, applied particle identification algorithms, selected interesting events, and plotted histograms of invariant masses. All of this is described here in detail, with special attention to the front-end electronics and the track-finding program. Many specific final states were observed. The analysis presented here concentrates on the reaction γ/sub v/p→pπ + ππ 0 , with the final hadrons resulting from the decay of a two-body state. The states pω 0 and p eta 0 are measured. Limits are set for the production of Δ + + rho - , Δ + rho 0 , and Δp + . The conclusion the author draws is that hadron-like two-body processes are almost completely absent in virtual photon scattering in this kinematic region. Vector meson production, excitation of the nucleons, and the scattering of the photons directly from individual partons are the important processes

  7. Communication strategy for final disposal facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seppaelae, Timo; Kurki, Osmo


    In May 1999, Posiva filed an application for a policy decision to the Council of State on the construction of a final disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel in Olkiluoto in the municipality of Eurajoki. The decision to be made by the Council of State must be ratified by the Parliament. The precondition for a positive decision is that the preliminary statement on safety to be provided by STLTK by the end of the year 1999 is in favour of Posiva. continuing with its repository development programme, and that the Eurajoki municipality approves the project in its statement by the 28th of January 2000. The policy decision by the Council of State is expected to be made in March followed by the ratification of the Parliament before the summer. In a poll-carried out among 350 decision-makers, less than 10 % of those who answered 134 persons) found Internet as the most important source of Posiva's information on final disposal. On the other hand, over 80 % of those who answered found the information folder as the most significant source of information. When considering all the information available on final disposal (TV, radio, newspapers, authorities, environmental organisations, etc.) Posiva was found to be the most significant source of information while newspapers and periodicals came second. In this case the environmental organisations seemed to have a minor role, as a result of not being too active in confrontation. As a conclusive remark it can be assumed that because it is not only Posiva's information that is relevant to decision-makers, but the media also plays a significant role, the impression that decision-makers have of final disposal is based on a mixture of messages coming from Posiva and from the media. That is why the communication related to decision-makers is also communication with media, in order to ensure that the messages produced by the media support the information produced by Posiva

  8. 7 CFR 1710.115 - Final maturity. (United States)


    ... Basic Policies § 1710.115 Final maturity. (a) RUS is authorized to make loans and loan guarantees with a... due, in part, to obsolescence. Operating loans to finance working capital required for the initial...

  9. Amendments to excepted benefits. Final rules. (United States)


    This document contains final regulations that amend the regulations regarding excepted benefits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Internal Revenue Code (the Code), and the Public Health Service Act. Excepted benefits are generally exempt from the health reform requirements that were added to those laws by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In addition, eligibility for excepted benefits does not preclude an individual from eligibility for a premium tax credit under section 36B of the Code if an individual chooses to enroll in coverage under a Qualified Health Plan through an Affordable Insurance Exchange. These regulations finalize some but not all of the proposed rules with minor modifications; additional guidance on limited wraparound coverage is forthcoming.

  10. 46 CFR 112.01-20 - Final emergency power source. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Final emergency power source. 112.01-20 Section 112.01-20 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND POWER SYSTEMS Definitions of Emergency Lighting and Power Systems § 112.01-20 Final emergency...

  11. The optics of the Final Focus Test Beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irwin, J.; Brown, K.; Bulos, F.; Burke, D.; Helm, R.; Roy, G.; Ruth, R.; Yamamoto, N.; Oide, K.


    The Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB), currently under construction at the end of the SLAC Linac, is being built by an international collaboration as a test bed for ideas and methods required in the design and construction of final focus systems for next generation e + e - linear colliders. The FFTB lattice is based on the previously developed principle of using sextupole pairs in a dispersive region to compensate chromaticity. The linear lattice was optimized for length, and implementation of diagnostic procedures. The transformations between sextupole pairs (CCX and CCY) are exactly -I, the matrix for the intermediate transformer (BX) is exactly diagonal, and the dispersion function has zero slope at the sextupoles and is thus zero at the minimum of the β x function in the intermediate transformer. The introduction of sextupoles in final focus systems leads to the presence of additional optical aberrations, and synchrotron radiation in the dipoles also enlarges the final spot size. The important fourth-order optical aberrations which determine the main features of the design have been identified. Additional lower order aberrations arise in the implementation of these designs, since the real system is not the ideal design. We concentrate on these aberrations and describe strategies for their diagnosis and correction

  12. 10 CFR 51.92 - Supplement to the final environmental impact statement. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Supplement to the final environmental impact statement. 51...-Regulations Implementing Section 102(2) Final Environmental Impact Statements-General Requirements § 51.92 Supplement to the final environmental impact statement. (a) If the proposed action has not been taken, the...

  13. Final Determination - signed March 1, 1990 (United States)

    Final Determination of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Assistant Administrator for Water pursuant to Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act concerning the proposed Big River water supply impoundment in Kent county, RI.

  14. Interim and final storage casks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stumpfrock, L.; Kockelmann, H.


    The disposal of radioactive waste is a huge social challenge in Germany and all over the world. As is well known the search for a site for a final repository for high-level waste in Germany is not complete. Therefore, interim storage facilities for radioactive waste were built at plant sites in Germany. The waste is stored in these storage facilities in appropriate storage and transport casks until the transport in a final repository can be carried out. Licensing of the storage and transport casks aimed for use in the public space is done according to the traffic laws and for handling in the storage facility according to nuclear law. Taking into account the activity of the waste to be stored, different containers are in use, so that experience is available from the licensing and operation in interim storage facilities. The large volume of radioactive waste to be disposed of after the shut-down of power generation in nuclear power stations makes it necessary for large quantities of licensed storage and transport casks to be provided soon.

  15. 48 CFR 922.608-4 - Award pending final determination. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Award pending final determination. 922.608-4 Section 922.608-4 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY....608-4 Award pending final determination. (a) Award, as contemplated by FAR 22.608-4, may be made only...

  16. 26 CFR 26.2642-5 - Finality of inclusion ratio. (United States)


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Finality of inclusion ratio. 26.2642-5 Section...-5 Finality of inclusion ratio. (a) Direct skips. The inclusion ratio applicable to a direct skip...) Other GSTs. With respect to taxable distributions and taxable terminations, the inclusion ratio for a...

  17. Moonshot Panel Moving Toward Final Report (United States)

    An NCI Cancer Currents blog from acting NCI Director Dr. Doug Lowy providing an update on the activities of the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative’s Blue Ribbon Panel and its work to develop a final report.

  18. Guidelines for Preparing Final Technical Reports

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Prior to submitting the Final Technical Report, any outstanding issues related to dissemination in accordance with ... The report should be an opportunity to reflect on the management of the project from various perspectives: .... of poor quality.

  19. Decays of J/psi (3100) to baryon final states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eaton, M.W.


    We present results for the decays of psi(3100) into baryon and hyperon final states. The sample studied here consists of 1.3 million produced psi decays. The decays into nonstrange baryons agree well with currently established results, but with better statistics. In addition, significant resonance formation in multibody final states is observed. The decay psi → anti ppγ, the first direct photon decay of the psi involving baryons in the final state, is presented and the theoretical implications of the decays are briefly explored. Several new decays of the psi involving strange baryons are explored, including the first observations of three body final states involving hyperons. The I-spin symmetry of the strong decay psi → baryons has clearly been observed. The reduced matrix elements for psi → B anti B are presented for final states of different SU(3) content. The B 8 anti B 8 results are in excellent agreement with the psi being an SU(3) singlet as are the results for psi → B 10 anti B 10 . We present the first evidence for the SU(3) violating decays of the type psi → B 8 anti B 10 + c.c.. Angular distributions for psi → B 8 anti B 8 are presented and compared with theoretical predictions. Statistics are limited, but the data tends to prefer other than a 1 + Cos 2 theta distribution

  20. Alternatives of Treatment and Final Disposition of the Solid Hospital residuals; Alternativas de Tratamiento y Disposicion Final de los Residuos Solidos Hospitalarios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meza Monge, K


    The current handling, treatment and final disposition of the hospital solid waste in Costa Rica are considered inadequate or at least insufficient. This situation represents a serious danger for the population's health and the environment, because they are exposed to infectious agents, toxic substances and even radioactive products that are generated among the residuals of the centers of health. This work, alternatives propose for the treatment and adequate final disposition of the solid waste produced in the hospitals of the country. They take into consideration the characteristics that present these residuals, the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the existent techniques and the technical and economic possibilities of the country. For this purpose, in first instance, a revision about the properties, the quality and the quantity of the solid waste produced by the national hospital centers was carried out. Also, a diagnostic of the current situation of the treatment and final disposition of these residuals in some of the most important hospitals of the country, as well as of the possibilities of physical space with that they count on was carried out. Then, the existent different treatment techniques and final disposition for the solid waste that comes from the centers of health are described, as well as their advantages and disadvantages and a comparative analysis of the same ones is carried out. The objective is completed, since alternatives of treatment and final disposition that are considered appropriate for this type of residuals are planned. Nevertheless, in the future, more detailed investigations and studies of feasibility, with the purpose of developing handling programs and elimination of the solid waste for each one of the hospital centers in Costa Rica should be carried out. (Author) [Spanish] El actual manejo, tratamiento y disposicion final de los desechos solidos hospitalarios en Costa Rica se considera inadecuado o cuando menos

  1. Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Webb, Robert C. [Texas A& M University; Kamon, Teruki [Texas A& M University; Toback, David [Texas A& M University; Safonov, Alexei [Texas A& M University; Dutta, Bhaskar [Texas A& M University; Dimitri, Nanopoulos [Texas A& M University; Pope, Christopher [Texas A& M University; White, James [Texas A& M University


    Overview The High Energy Physics Group at Texas A&M University is submitting this final report for our grant number DE-FG02-95ER40917. This grant has supported our wide range of research activities for over a decade. The reports contained here summarize the latest work done by our research team. Task A (Collider Physics Program): CMS & CDF Profs. T. Kamon, A. Safonov, and D. Toback co-lead the Texas A&M (TAMU) collider program focusing on CDF and CMS experiments. Task D: Particle Physics Theory Our particle physics theory task is the combined effort of Profs. B. Dutta, D. Nanopoulos, and C. Pope. Task E (Underground Physics): LUX & NEXT Profs. R. Webb and J. White(deceased) lead the Xenon-based underground research program consisting of two main thrusts: the first, participation in the LUX two-phase xenon dark matter search experiment and the second, detector R&D primarily aimed at developing future detectors for underground physics (e.g. NEXT and LZ).

  2. 29 CFR 801.73 - Final decision of the Secretary. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final decision of the Secretary. 801.73 Section 801.73 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OTHER LAWS... Vacation of Decision and Order of Administrative Law Judge § 801.73 Final decision of the Secretary. The...

  3. Il Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 nel contesto forense: studio su coppie di genitori in fase di separazione ed affidamento minori / L’Inventaire Multiphasique de Personnalité du Minnesota-2 dans le contexte juridique : une étude sur les parents confrontés à une séparation et à la garde des enfants / The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Test in the legal context: a study on parents going through separation and the custody of children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lasala R.


    Full Text Available Obiettivo di questo lavoro è analizzare i profili medi di genitori valutati in sede di consulenza tecnica per l'affidamento di figli minori attraverso il Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2, il questionario di personalità maggiormente utilizzato in ambito giuridico. Si tratta di uno studio iniziale ed esplorativo, condotto su un campione di 200 periziandi divisi equamente tra uomini e donne, che si propone in primis di rispondere all’esigenza dello psicodiagnosta forense di avere dati statistici specifici a cui far riferimento quando utilizza tale strumento. Il lavoro ha anche l'obiettivo di osservare la presenza di eventuali differenze significative tra i dati emersi dal campione peritale ed i valori normativi generali della popolazione italiana. Le but de cette étude est celui d’analyser les profils moyens des parents évalués par le test MMPI-2 (Inventaire Multiphasique de Personnalité du Minnesota-2 afin d’obtenir la garde de leurs enfants. Le MMPI-2 est le questionnaire de personnalité le plus utilisé dans le contexte juridique. Dans l’article, les auteurs présentent une étude initiale et exploratoire menée sur un échantillon de 200 personnes, réparties de manière égale entre hommes et femmes. En outre, cette étude a pour objet d’observer les différences statistiquement significatives entre l’échantillon et la population de référence. En effet, elle montre certaines différences entre les valeurs moyennes dans ces deux groupes, notamment entre les deux sexes. The aim of this study is to analyse the average profiles of parents evaluated through the MMPI-2 test (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 in order to obtain custody of their children. The MMPI-2 is a psychological test that assesses personality traits which is the most used test in legal context. This is an initial and exploratory study done on a sample of 200 people, equally divided between men and women, assessed with a view

  4. 14 CFR 11.31 - How does FAA process direct final rules? (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false How does FAA process direct final rules? 11... PROCEDURAL RULES GENERAL RULEMAKING PROCEDURES Rulemaking Procedures General § 11.31 How does FAA process direct final rules? (a) A direct final rule will take effect on a specified date unless FAA receives an...

  5. Global tuning knobs for the SLC final focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, N.J.; Irwin, J.; Woodley, M.


    The beam phase space at the exit of a given transport line generally depends on the incoming beam conditions, and thus in order to adjust the beam parameters at the exit of the line requires a prior knowledge of the initial beam parameters. The same is generally true for final focus systems. A tuning algorithm for β matching the SLC final focus is reported here in which no prior knowledge of the exact incoming phase space is required. Only a single beam size diagnostic located at either the interaction point (IP) or an image of the IP is required, together with a knowledge of the linear lattice from the quadrupoles to the tuning point. The algorithm is presented within the Lie Algebra framework. Although the algorithm is presented here is specific to linear collider final focus systems, the technique is generally applicable to any beamline

  6. Inventaire et caractérisation des plantes médicinales utilisées en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2016 ... respectively by trees and shrubs with 29.81% and 27.88%. Sarcochores and Slerochores ..... rotundifolia. Diodia cf. scandens. ... Ficus exasperata. Desmodium adscendens. Feuilles 4,26 Panaris. Sinusite. Splénomégalie.

  7. Inventaire et aperçu bio-écologique de la malacofaune retrouvée ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mésogée. Volumes 64/2008 et 65/2009. pp. 47-57. [10] - B. GOMEZ, « Estudio sistematico y biogeografico de los Moluscos terrestres del Suborden. Orthurethra (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) del Pais Vasco y regiones adyacentes, y catalago de las especias ibericas ». Tesis Doctoral. Universitat Pais Vasco.

  8. Inventaire et aperçu bio-écologique de la malacofaune retrouvée ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Tesis Doctoral,. Universtat de Valencia, (1999) .743 p. [15] - L. BIGOT et P. AGUESSE, « Considération sur les adaptations de la faune des Invertébrés aux conditions particulières de fonctionnement des écosystèmes d'un Delta méditerranéen (la Camargue ou delta du Rhône) ». Bull. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Marseille ...

  9. Inventaire et aperçu bio-écologique de la malacofaune retrouvée ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares. Tesis Doctoral. (1997). (U.P.V. / E.M.U.) 970 pp + 33 lam. [14] - A. ORTIZ DE ZARATE, « Descripcion de los Moluscos terrestres del Valle del Najerilla ». Gobierno de la. Rioja: Consejena de Educacion Cultura y Deportes, Logrono. (1991) ...

  10. Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale (United States)

    Cao, H.; Dougherty, M. K.; Khurana, K. K.; Hunt, G. J.; Provan, G.; Kellock, S.; Burton, M. E.; Burk, T. A.


    Saturn's internal magnetic field has been puzzling since the first in-situ measurements during the Pioneer 11 Saturn flyby. Cassini magnetometer measurements prior to the Grand Finale phase established 1) the highly axisymmetric nature of Saturn's internal magnetic field with a dipole tilt smaller than 0.06 degrees, 2) at least an order of magnitude slower secular variation rate compared to that of the current geomagnetic field, and 3) expulsion of magnetic fluxes from the equatorial region towards high latitude. The highly axisymmetric nature of Saturn's intrinsic magnetic field not only challenges dynamo theory but also makes an accurate determination of the interior rotation rate of Saturn extremely difficult. The Cassini spacecraft entered the Grand Finale phase in April 2017, during which time the spacecraft dived through the gap between Saturn's atmosphere and the inner edge of the D-ring 22 times before descending into the deep atmosphere of Saturn. The unprecedented proximity to Saturn (reaching 2500 km above the cloud deck) and the highly inclined nature of the Grand Finale orbits provided an ideal opportunity to decode Saturn's internal magnetic field. The fluxgate magnetometer onboard Cassini made precise vector measurements during the Grand Finale phase. Magnetic signals from the interior of the planet, the magnetospheric ring current, the high-latitude field-aligned current (FAC) modulated by the 10.7 hour planetary period oscillation, and low-latitude FACs were observed during the Grand Finale phase. Here we report the magnetometer measurements during the Cassini Grand Finale phase, new features of Saturn's internal magnetic field revealed by these measurements (e.g., the high degree magnetic moments of Saturn, the level of axisymmetry beyond dipole), and implications for the deep interior of Saturn.

  11. On Darwin's 'metaphysical notebooks'. II: "Metaphysics" and final cause. (United States)

    Calabi, L


    The first part of this paper was published in Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 94 (2001). In the second part below an examination is made of the meaning of the term Metaphysics in some passages of the Darwinian Notebooks for the years 1836-1844. Metaphysics no longer defines a field of philosophical enquiries mainly concerning the being and the essence after the manner of Aristotle; it now refers to a kind of philosophy of mind after the manner of J. Locke's criticism of the Hypokeimenon. However Aristotle's Metaphysics also encompasses a treatment of the idea of causes, and of final cause particularly, in the explanation of events, and in the explanation of natural phenomena especially. The criticism of the idea of final cause in the interpretation of the world of life is one of Darwin's foundational acts in his early years. When conceiving his Système du monde, in the last years of the XVIII Century, Laplace could think that God is a hypothesis not really needed by science, as we are told. For the knowledge of organic nature to attain the status of science, it remained to be shown that since--certain of the exemplariness of Newton's Principles as much as cautious before the mystery of life--did not need the hypothesis of final ends in order to understand and explain the productions of the living nature: not only in the form of that final cause (the First Cause, the Vera Causa) in which Natural Theology still rested, but also in the form of nature's inner finality which still moulded Whewell's Kantian philosophy. Such demonstration is a very important subject in Darwin's early enquiries, where he criticises finalism as a projection of self-conceiving Man, likely inherited from a knowing of causality in nuce to be found also in animals.

  12. Call for applications_2013_VA_Final

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Lindsay Beck


    Apr 12, 2013 ... graduate level field-‐school, taught by UNBC and CoPEH-‐Canada team members1 . Final ... and most of the sessions in the course will be given in English. ... o demonstrated interest in Ecosystem approaches to health.

  13. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aristos Aristidou Natureworks); Robert Kean (NatureWorks); Tom Schechinger (IronHorse Farms, Mat); Stuart Birrell (Iowa State); Jill Euken (Wallace Foundation & Iowa State)


    The two main objectives of this project were: 1) to develop and test technologies to harvest, transport, store, and separate corn stover to supply a clean raw material to the bioproducts industry, and 2) engineer fermentation systems to meet performance targets for lactic acid and ethanol manufacturers. Significant progress was made in testing methods to harvest corn stover in a “single pass” harvest mode (collect corn grain and stover at the same time). This is technically feasible on small scale, but additional equipment refinements will be needed to facilitate cost effective harvest on a larger scale. Transportation models were developed, which indicate that at a corn stover yield of 2.8 tons/acre and purchase price of $35/ton stover, it would be unprofitable to transport stover more than about 25 miles; thus suggesting the development of many regional collection centers. Therefore, collection centers should be located within about 30 miles of the farm, to keep transportation costs to an acceptable level. These collection centers could then potentially do some preprocessing (to fractionate or increase bulk density) and/or ship the biomass by rail or barge to the final customers. Wet storage of stover via ensilage was tested, but no clear economic advantages were evident. Wet storage eliminates fire risk, but increases the complexity of component separation and may result in a small loss of carbohydrate content (fermentation potential). A study of possible supplier-producer relationships, concluded that a “quasi-vertical” integration model would be best suited for new bioproducts industries based on stover. In this model, the relationship would involve a multiyear supply contract (processor with purchase guarantees, producer group with supply guarantees). Price will likely be fixed or calculated based on some formula (possibly a cost plus). Initial quality requirements will be specified (but subject to refinement).Producers would invest in harvest

  14. DANAERO MW: Final Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Troldborg, Niels; Bak, Christian; Aagaard Madsen, Helge

    This report describes the results of the EUDP funded DANAERO MW II project carried out by DTU Wind Energy (formerly Risø DTU) and the industrial partners, LM Wind Power, Vestas Wind Systems A/S and Siemens Wind Power. An overview of the data available from the project as well as the results from...... analysis of the data is given with the main objective to explore in detail the influence of atmospheric and wake turbulence on MW turbine performance, loading and stability. Finally, validation and demonstration of simulation codes are carried out....

  15. GRoW Buffalo Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bohm, Martha [Univ. at Buffalo, NY (United States)


    This document provides final reporting on the GRoW Home, University at Buffalo's entry to the 2015 Solar Decathlon competition in Irvine, CA. The report summarizes fundraising efforts, documents media outreach, lists online presence, analyzes the organizer's communication, describes post-competition life of the house and future employment plans for student team members. Last, it suggests improvements for future decathlons.

  16. The stabilisation of final focus system

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The StaFF (stabilisation of final focus) system will use interferometers to monitor the relative ... quadrupole magnets will be the most demanding application, where mutual and beam- ... interferometers to measure lines of a geodetic network to record relative motion between two beam ... coupled interferometer design.

  17. 77 FR 18879 - Department of Transportation Final Environmental Justice Strategy (United States)


    ... Transportation Final Environmental Justice Strategy AGENCY: Office of the Secretary of Transportation, DOT... strategy, which sets forth DOT's commitment to identifying and addressing disproportionately high and...-income populations. This strategy is published as a final document; however, it is a revision of a...

  18. Final storage of radioactive waste; Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfaelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziehm, Cornelia [Redaktion ZNER, Bochum (Germany)


    As explained in the present article, operators of nuclear power plants are responsible for the safe final disposal of the radioactive wastes they produce on the strength of the polluter pays principle. To shift the burden of responsibility for safe disposal to society as a whole would violate this principle and is therefore not possible. The polluter pays principle follows from more general principles of the fair distribution of benefits and burdens. Instances of its implementation are to be found in the national Atomic Energy Law as well as in the European Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management Directive. The polluters in this case are in particular responsible for financing the installation and operation of final disposal sites. The reserves accumulated so far for the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants and disposal of radioactive wastes, including the installation and operation of final disposal sites, should be transferred to a public-law fund. This fund should be supplemented by the polluters to cover further foreseeable costs not covered by the reserves accumulated so far, including a realistic cost increase factor, appropriate risk reserves as well as the costs of the site selection procedure and a share in the costs for the safe closure of the final disposal sites of Morsleben and Asse II. This would merely be implementing in the sphere of atomic law that has long been standard practice in other areas of environmental law involving environmental hazards.

  19. Final Project Report for Award ER65581

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stoy, Paul C. [Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT (United States)


    The attached final project report describes contributions of Montana State University (MSU) to the project "Bridging land-surface fluxes and aerosol concentrations to triggering convective rainfall" (PI: Fuentes).

  20. Food labeling: health claims; D-tagatose and dental caries. Final rule. (United States)


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is adopting as a final rule, without change, the provisions of the interim final rule that amended the regulation authorizing a health claim on sugar alcohols and dental caries, i.e., tooth decay, to include the sugar D-tagatose as a substance eligible for the dental caries health claim. FDA is taking this action to complete the rulemaking initiated with the interim final rule.





    El objetivo principal de este trabajo de tesis es desarrollar una metodología y una herramienta que permitan definir un pit final incorporando las restricciones de capacidad y las condiciones de incertidumbre asociadas al recurso geológico. El resultado metodológico consiste en un algoritmo de cálculo que incorpora heurísticas de definición de pit final como es la enunciada por Lerchs y Grossman (1964), en conjunto con heurísticas de secuenciamiento de bloques como son enunciadas por Gersh...

  2. Coulomb Final State Interactions for Gaussian Wave Packets

    CERN Document Server

    Wiedemann, Urs Achim; Heinz, Ulrich W


    Two-particle like-sign and unlike-sign correlations including Coulomb final state interactions are calculated for Gaussian wave packets emitted from a Gaussian source. We show that the width of the wave packets can be fully absorbed into the spatial and momentum space widths of an effective emission function for plane wave states, and that Coulomb final state interaction effects are sensitive only to the latter, but not to the wave packet width itself. Results from analytical and numerical calculations are compared with recently published work by other authors.

  3. 48 CFR 1852.235-73 - Final Scientific and Technical Reports. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Final Scientific and Technical Reports. 1852.235-73 Section 1852.235-73 Federal Acquisition Regulations System NATIONAL..., including recommendations and conclusions based on the experience and results obtained. The final report...

  4. 76 FR 61379 - Final Recovery Plan, Bexar County Karst Invertebrates (United States)


    ...] Final Recovery Plan, Bexar County Karst Invertebrates AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior... availability of our final recovery plan, for the nine Bexar County Karst Invertebrates under the Endangered... County karst invertebrates were listed as endangered species on December 26, 2000 (65 FR 81419): Rhadine...

  5. Analysis of the Correlation between GDP and the Final Consumption

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constantin ANGHELACHE


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of the researches performed by the author regarding the evolution of Gross Domestic Product. One of the main aspects of GDP analysis is the correlation with the final consumption, an important macroeconomic indicator. The evolution of the Gross Domestic Product is highly influenced by the evolution of the final consumption. To analyze the correlation, the paper proposes the use of the linear regression model, as one of the most appropriate instruments for such scientific approach. The regression model described in the article uses the GDP as resultant variable and the final consumption as factorial variable.

  6. 31 CFR 223.20 - Final decisions. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final decisions. 223.20 Section 223.20 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS WITH THE UNITED...

  7. Final/Progress Report for Instrumentation Grant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The major piece of equipment was a Furnace Model 1000 used during the Nitrate to Ammonia and Ceramic (NAC) process to sinter the ceramic final product. NAC is a new technology to immobilize liquid radioactive waste simulants. The grant also funded related control and measuring equipment

  8. Stratospheric tritium sampling. Final progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mason, A.S.; Oestlund, H.G.


    Stratospheric tritium sampling was part of Project Airstream (sponsored by the US Department of Energy) between 1975 and 1983. Data from the final deployment in November 1983 are reported here, and the results of the 9 years of effort are summarized. 9 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  9. Horticulture Therapy Curriculum Development. Final Report. (United States)

    Taylor, Sally; And Others

    This final report includes two major components: a narrative describing a project at Edmonds Community College, Washington, to develop a horticultural therapy curriculum and descriptions of six courses developed or revised during the project. The narrative reports the development of a supplementary interdisciplinary certification program to train…

  10. New off-road engines for TIER 4 final; Neue Offroad-Motoren fuer Tier 4 final

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adt, Hans-Ulrich; Lehmann, Henrik [MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, Friedrichshafen (Germany); Herter, Yvonne; Weidler, Alexander [Daimler AG, Stuttgart (Germany). Baureihe 1000


    To meet the off-road emission standards EU IV and EPA Tier 4 final, as of 2014 the Tognum Group will be offering newly developed engines of the Series 1000 to 1500. These MTU brand diesel engines deliver outputs ranging from 100 to 460 kW and are designed to power agricultural and forestry machinery and construction as well as special-purpose machinery. (orig.)

  11. Beam based alignment of the SLC final focus sextupoles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emma, P.; Irwin, J.; Phinney, N.; Raimondi, P.; Toge, N.; Walker, N.J.; Ziemann, V.


    The strong demagnification inherent in final focus systems requires local cancellation of the resulting chromaticty. Strong sextupole pair separated by a -I transform are positioned π/2 in the betatron phase away from the Interaction Point (IP) in order to cancel chromatic aberrations primarily due to the final quadrupoles. Sextupole alignment is critical in order to provide orthogonal tuning of the chromaticty and, in the case of the SLC, to limit the third and higher order optical aberrations generated from misaligned and 'nested' horizontal and vertical sextupole pairs. Reported here is a novel technique for aligning the beam centroid to the sextupole centers, which uses measurements of the criticality dependent parameter - the beam size at the IP. Results for the SLC final focus sextupoles are presented, where a resolution of <50 μm is achieved

  12. 48 CFR 252.235-7011 - Final scientific or technical report. (United States)


    ... technical report. 252.235-7011 Section 252.235-7011 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE... CLAUSES Text of Provisions And Clauses 252.235-7011 Final scientific or technical report. As prescribed in 235.072(d), use the following clause: Final Scientific or Technical Report (NOV 2004) The Contractor...

  13. FameLab International Final: a triumph for Switzerland and CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Oskari Vinko, from ETH Zurich, who won the Swiss finals organised at CERN last May, is the winner of the 2015 FameLab competition. The CERN winner Lillian Smestad, member of the AEgIS collaboration from the Norwegian Research Council, shared second place with François-Xavier Joly from France, who also was among the trainees at the FameLab Master Classes organised by CERN in April.     CERN's Lillian Smestad (left) and Oskari Vinko from ETH Zurich, during the Swiss and CERN joint final, organised at CERN in May 2015. The 2015 FameLab International Final, which took place on 4 June in Cheltenham, UK, was a triumph for Switzerland and CERN! The competition was very hard this year, with 27 countries participating in the international semifinals and only nine making it through to the finals. This was also the first year that CERN took part as a “country”.  Congratulations to all the winners! To experience the international Famelab ...

  14. Advanced Air Transportation Technologies Project, Final Document Collection (United States)

    Mogford, Richard H.; Wold, Sheryl (Editor)


    This CD ROM contains a compilation of the final documents of the Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AAIT) project, which was an eight-year (1996 to 2004), $400M project managed by the Airspace Systems Program office, which was part of the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. AAIT focused on developing advanced automation tools and air traffic management concepts that would help improve the efficiency of the National Airspace System, while maintaining or enhancing safety. The documents contained in the CD are final reports on AAIT tasks that serve to document the project's accomplishments over its eight-year term. Documents include information on: Advanced Air Transportation Technologies, Autonomous Operations Planner, Collaborative Arrival Planner, Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management Concept Elements 5, 6, & 11, Direct-To, Direct-To Technology Transfer, Expedite Departure Path, En Route Data Exchange, Final Approach Spacing Tool - (Active and Passive), Multi-Center Traffic Management Advisor, Multi Center Traffic Management Advisor Technology Transfer, Surface Movement Advisor, Surface Management System, Surface Management System Technology Transfer and Traffic Flow Management Research & Development.

  15. 32 CFR 989.20 - Final EIS. (United States)


    ... limited to factual corrections and responses to comments, the proponent and EPF may, with the prior..., the EPF must submit the Draft EIS and all of the above documents, with a new cover sheet indicating... more extensive modifications are required, the EPF must prepare a preliminary final EIS incorporating...

  16. Norcal Prototype LNG Truck Fleet: Final Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    U.S. DOE and National Renewable Energy Laboratory evaluated Norcal Waste Systems liquefied natural gas (LNG) waste transfer trucks. Trucks had prototype Cummins Westport ISXG engines. Report gives final evaluation results.

  17. Pharmaceutical Options for Triggering of Final Oocyte Maturation in ART

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castillo, Juan Carlos; Humaidan, Peter; Bernabéu, Rafael


    Since the pioneering days of in vitro fertilization, hCG has been the gold standard to induce final follicular maturation. We herein reviewed different pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART. The new upcoming agent seems to be GnRHa with its potential advantages o...

  18. 21 CFR 1309.44 - Suspension of registration pending final order. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Suspension of registration pending final order. 1309.44 Section 1309.44 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE... pending final order. (a) The Administrator may suspend any registration simultaneously with or at any time...

  19. Research in High Energy Physics. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Conway, John S.


    This final report details the work done from January 2010 until April 2013 in the area of experimental and theoretical high energy particle physics and cosmology at the University of California, Davis.

  20. Medicare and Medicaid programs; advance directives--HCFA. Final rule. (United States)


    This final rule responds to public comments on the March 6, 1992 interim final rule with comment period that amended the Medicare and Medicaid regulations governing provider agreements and contracts to establish requirements for States, hospitals, nursing facilities, skilled nursing facilities, providers of home health care or personal care services, hospice programs and managed care plans concerning advance directives. An advance directive is a written instruction, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under State law, relating to the provision of health care when an individual's condition makes him or her unable to express his or her wishes. The intent of the advance directives provisions is to enhance an adult individual's control over medical treatment decisions. This rule confirms the interim final rule with several minor changes based on our review and consideration of public comments.

  1. Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLAS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pingel Almut M.


    Full Text Available The ATLAS detector records collisions from two high-energetic proton beams circulating in the LHC. An integral part of the ATLAS physics program are analyses with tau leptons in the final state. Here an overview is given over the studies done in ATLAS with hadronically-decaying final state tau leptons: Standard Model cross-section measurements of Z → ττ, W → τν and tt̅ → bb̅ e/μν τhadν; τ polarization measurements in W → τν decays; Higgs searches and various searches for physics beyond the Standard Model.

  2. New final doublets and power densities for the international linear ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. In this paper we use current and proposed final doublet magnet technologies to reoptimise the interaction region of the international linear collider and reduce the power losses. The result is a set of three new final doublet layouts with improved beam transport properties. The effect of localised power deposition and ...

  3. 75 FR 50992 - Wooden Bedroom Furniture From the People's Republic of China: Final Results and Final Rescission... (United States)


    ... polyethylene sheet inputs based on Philippine imports of HTS subheading 3921.19.19. See Comment 6 of the Issues... Analysis Memorandum (Final Results Analysis Memo). We have corrected coding errors in our calculation of... 6: Expanded Polyethylene Sheet Comment 7: Bon Feet Comment 8: Poly Vinyl Chloride Veneer Comment 9...

  4. The Finnish final disposal programme proceeds to the site selection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seppaelae, T.


    Research for the selection of the final disposal site has been carried out already since the beginning of 1980's. Field studies were started in 1987: In the recent years, studied sites have included Olkiluoto in Eurajoki, Haestholmen in Loviisa, Romuvaara in Kuhmo and Kivetty in Aeaenekoski. Based on 40 years operation of four power plant units, the estimate for the accumulation of spent fuel to be disposed of in Finland is 2,600 tU. A 'Decision in Principle' is needed from the Finnish government to select the final disposal site, Posiva submitted the application for a policy decision in May 1999. The intended site of the facility is Olkiluoto which produces most of the spent fuel in Finland: A disposal would minimise the need of transports. In a poll among the inhabitants of Eurajoki, 60 per cent approved the final disposal facility. After a positive decision of the government, Posiva will construct an underground research facility in Olkiluoto. The construction of the final disposal facility will take place in the 2010's, the facility should be operational in 2020. (orig.) [de

  5. A final focus system for the Next Linear Collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zimmermann, F.; Brown, K.; Emma, P.; Helm, R.; Irwin, J.; Tenenbaum, P.; Wilson, P.


    The final focus of the Next Linear Collider (NLC) demagnifies electron and positron beams of 250--750 GeV energy down to a transverse size of about 2.5 x 350 nm 2 at the interaction point (IP). The basic layout, momentum bandwidth, vibration tolerances, wakefield effects, and the tunability of the proposed final focus design are discussed. Also a perspective is given on the crab cavity and on effects of the solenoid field in the interaction region

  6. Double scattering and final-state interaction in Xd ---> YNN

    CERN Document Server

    Alberi, G; Thomé, Z D


    A unified approach to double scattering, as well as the final-state interaction of the two nucleons at small and large momentum transfers are given. The closure sum rule for the final-state interaction at small momentum transfers is shown explicitly in a simple model for the deuteron wave function and nucleon interaction. An application for the process K/sup +/d to K/sup 0/pp is given, trying to explain discrepancies present in recent experiments. (35 refs).

  7. A Novel Final Focus Design for Future Linear Colliders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seryi, Andrei


    The length, complexity and cost of the present Final Focus designs for linear colliders grows very quickly with the beam energy. In this letter, a novel final focus system is presented and compared with the one proposed for NLC. This new design is simpler, shorter and cheaper, with comparable bandwidth, tolerances and tunability. Moreover, the length scales slower than linearly with energy allowing for a more flexible design which is applicable over a much larger energy range.

  8. Systems study 'Alternative Entsorgung'. Final report. Technical annex 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartje, B.; Kronschnabel, H.; Mueller, W.F.W.


    There is an investigation whether accessibility can be produced to fuel elements stored in a salt mine. All solutions of the problem were followed up until the technically best one was found. Two conditions must be fulfilled for access to the final storage barrel: - There must be a climate which is suitable for people. The Mining Order is the basis for this. - The pit building must be fixed, in the convergence in the salt mine should not lead to it becoming impossible to reach part of the mine. Due to heat-producing waste, rock temperatures are caused in the salt mine, in which mining is no longer possible. Building on the idea of cooling the whole final storage area using concentric sections, the amount of heat to be removal was first estimated. Cooling of the whole final storage area proved to be technically unjustifiable and uninteresting at present. (orig./HP) [de

  9. Le corps numérique des données The Digital Body of Data: the Transfer of Artefact Fact Sheets from the Museum of Man to the Musée du quai Branly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiziana Nicoletta Beltrame


    Full Text Available Le transfert des collections extra-européennes du musée de l’Homme au musée du quai Branly implique le déplacement des informations documentaires sur les objets. Des différentes fiches en papier (de collection ou d’inventaire, descriptive de l’objet, méthodique créées et classées au sein des départements du musée de l’Homme, on passe à la fiche informatique « TMS objets » au musée du quai Branly. L’information ne change pas simplement de place et de matière, elle est reconfigurée dans de nouvelles articulations du savoir sur les collections. L’inventaire muséal est ici conçu comme le système qui matérialise un savoir structuré. Pour pouvoir analyser ce système, il faut mettre en relation les propriétés des documents et les modalités de leur classement dans un espace créé ad hoc. La matérialité des supports, les multiples possibilités de rangements et de création de liens (la mise en relations entre rubriques de la fiche informatique agissent sur le contenu des données et ouvrent ainsi de nouvelles voies pour la construction du savoir.The transfer of extra-European collections from the Museum of Man to the Musée du quai Branly involves the displacement of documentary information on the artefacts. The various paper files (on collections or inventory, descriptive of the object, methodological created and classified within different departments of the Museum of Man are being replaced by digital files, or “TMS objects”, at the Musée du quai Branly. The information is not simply changing its location and material, it is being reconfigured within new interconnections of knowledge on the collections. The museum inventory is here conceived as the system that materialises a structured knowledge. To be able to analyse this system, it is necessary to link the documents’ properties to the methods used to classify them in an ad hoc space. The materiality of the media, the multiple possibilities for

  10. The final management of nuclear fuel. Legal and economic aspects; La gestion final del combustible nuclear. Aspectos legales y economicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villota, C. de


    This article gives a brief summary of the characteristics of spent fuel and the lines of action considered for its management. It describes the legal framework that supports the Radioactive Waste Management Plan (PGRR), which contains the lines applicable to Final Spent Fuel Management, as well as the evolution of this legal framework. The article contains the 2008 updated costs of the various items of the PGRR, with a more detailed description of those related to this type of fuel, as well the source and amount of the financial contributions to the fund for meeting these costs, including how they have evolved over time. finally, it provides some personal reflections on this issue. (Author)

  11. Final ITER CTA project board meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlasenkov, V.


    The final ITER CTA Project Board Meeting (PB) took place in Barcelona, Spain on 8 December 2002. The PB took notes of the comments concerning the status of the International Team and the Participants Teams, including Dr. Aymar's report 'From ITER to a FUSION Power Reactor' and the assessment of the ITER project cost estimate

  12. PSI-Center Final Progress Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jarboe, Thomas R. [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Shumlak, Uri [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Sovinec, Carl [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Hansen, Chris [Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Ji, Jeong-Young [Utah State Univ., Logan, UT (United States); Nelson, Brian [Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States)


    This is the Final Progress Report of the Plasma Science and Innovation Center (PSI-Center) covering March 2014 through February 2017. The Center has accomplished a great deal during this period. The PSI-Center is organized into four groups: Edge and Dynamic Neutrals; Transport and Kinetic Effects; Equilibrium, Stability, and Kinetic Effects in 3D Topologies; and Interface for Validation. Each group has made good progress and the results from each group are given in detail.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Philip Holmes


    This document is the final report on the work completed on DE-FG02-95ER25238 since the start of the second renewal period: Jan 1, 2001. It supplements the annual reports submitted in 2001 and 2002. In the renewal proposal I envisaged work in three main areas: Analytical and topological tools for studying flows and maps Low dimensional models of fluid flow Models of animal locomotion and I describe the progess made on each project.

  14. 43 CFR 30.266 - When is a final decision issued? (United States)


    ... PROCEDURES Tribal Purchase of Interests Under Special Statutes § 30.266 When is a final decision issued? This... subject to the tribal purchase option, the decision must so state. (3) A copy of the probate decision... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false When is a final decision issued? 30.266...

  15. IRIS Toxicological Review of Acrolein (2003 Final) (United States)

    EPA announced the release of the final report, Toxicological Review of Acrolein: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). The updated Summary for Acrolein and accompanying toxicological review have been added to the IRIS Database.

  16. Preparation of the accounting entity for verification of the final accounts


    Kučerová, Monika


    Bachelor's thesis deals with preparation of the accounting entity for verification of the final accounts. The work includes the definition of the accounting entity, also includes information about preparation of final accounts and deals with report of auditor.

  17. Final state effects in photoemission studies of Fermi surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurtz, Richard L; Browne, Dana A; Mankey, Gary J


    Photoelectron spectroscopy is one of the most important methods for extracting information about the Fermi surface (FS) of materials. An electron photoexcited from the FS is emitted from the crystal conserving the parallel momentum, k parallel , while the perpendicular momentum k perpendicular is reduced due to the surface potential barrier. A simple interpretation of the process assumes the final state is free-electron-like allowing one to 'map' the detected photoelectron back to its initial k momentum. There are multiple final state effects that can complicate the interpretation of photoelectron data and these effects are reviewed here. These can involve both energy and k broadening, which can give rise to shadow or ghost FS contours, scattering and final state diffraction effects that modify intensities, and matrix element effects which reflect the symmetries of the states involved and can be highly dependent on photon polarization. These matrix elements result in contours of photoelectron intensity that follow the dispersion in k-space of the initial state, the FS, and the final state. Locations where intensities go to zero due to matrix element and symmetry effects can result in gaps where FS contours 'disappear'. Recognition that these effects can play a significant role in determining the measured angular distributions is crucial in developing an informed model of where the FS contours actually lie in relation to measured intensity contours

  18. Dynamics of final sectoral energy demand and aggregate energy intensity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lescaroux, Francois


    This paper proposes a regional and sectoral model of global final energy demand. For the main end-use sectors of consumption (industrial, commercial and public services, residential and road transportation), per-capita demand is expressed as an S-shaped function of per-capita income. Other variables intervene as well, like energy prices, temperatures and technological trends. This model is applied on a panel of 101 countries and 3 aggregates (covering the whole world) and it explains fairly well past variations in sectoral, final consumption since the beginning of the 2000s. Further, the model is used to analyze the dynamics of final energy demand, by sector and in total. The main conclusion concerns the pattern of change for aggregate energy intensity. The simulations performed show that there is no a priori reason for it to exhibit a bell-shape, as reported in the literature. Depending on initial conditions, the weight of basic needs in total consumption and the availability of modern commercial energy resources, various forms might emerge. - Research Highlights: → The residential sector accounts for most of final energy consumption at low income levels. → Its share drops at the benefit of the industrial, services and road transportation sectors in turn. → Sectoral shares' pattern is affected by changes in geographic, sociologic and economic factors. → Final energy intensity may show various shapes and does not exhibit necessarily a bell-shape.

  19. Increasing Prediction the Original Final Year Project of Student Using Genetic Algorithm (United States)

    Saragih, Rijois Iboy Erwin; Turnip, Mardi; Sitanggang, Delima; Aritonang, Mendarissan; Harianja, Eva


    Final year project is very important forgraduation study of a student. Unfortunately, many students are not seriouslydidtheir final projects. Many of studentsask for someone to do it for them. In this paper, an application of genetic algorithms to predict the original final year project of a studentis proposed. In the simulation, the data of the final project for the last 5 years is collected. The genetic algorithm has several operators namely population, selection, crossover, and mutation. The result suggest that genetic algorithm can do better prediction than other comparable model. Experimental results of predicting showed that 70% was more accurate than the previous researched.

  20. Final Project Report Project 10749- 2007-2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zacher, Alan H.; Holladay, Johnathan E.; Frye, J. G.; Brown, Heather M.; Santosa, Daniel M.; Oberg, Aaron A.


    This is the final report for the DOE Project 10749- for the FY2007 - FY2009 period. This report is non-proprietary, and will be submitted to DOE as a final project report. The report covers activities under the DOE Project inside CRADA 269 (Project 53231) as well as project activites outside of that CRADA (Project 56662). This is the final report that is summarized from the non-proprietary quarterlies submitted to DOE over the past 2.5 years, which in turn are summaries from the proprietary technical reporting to UOP.

  1. Final radioactive waste disposal: A European comparison of organization and costs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drasdo, P.


    The investigation is aimed to the comparison of organization structures of operators (plants) and governmental institutions concerned with the final disposal of radioactive waste. The study is covering Germany, France, United Kingdom and Sweden. The capital amount of total final disposal costs are the highest in Germany, the lowest in Sweden. This is also true for the final disposal costs that have to be financed by electricity production from nuclear power plants. The reasons for the differences with respect to economic efficiencies, political decisions and technical concepts are discussed

  2. The testing effect for mediator final test cues and related final test cues in online and laboratory experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.C. Coppens; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen; S. Bouwmeester; R.M.J.P. Rikers


    Background The testing effect is the finding that information that is retrieved during learning is more often correctly retrieved on a final test than information that is restudied. According to the semantic mediator hypothesis the testing effect arises because retrieval practice of cue-target

  3. The testing effect for mediator final test cues and related final test cues in online and laboratory experiments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coppens, Leonora C.; Verkoeijen, Peter P. J. L.; Bouwmeester, Samantha; Rikers, Remy M. J. P.


    Background The testing effect is the finding that information that is retrieved during learning is more often correctly retrieved on a final test than information that is restudied. According to the semantic mediator hypothesis the testing effect arises because retrieval practice of cue-target pairs

  4. Final Evaluation of MIPS M/500 (United States)


    recognizing common subexpressions by changing the code to read: acke (n,m) If (, - 0) return *+I; return a ker(n-1, 0 ? 1 aaker (n,.-1)); I the total code...INSTITUTE JPO PTTTSBURCH. PA 15213 N/A N/A N/O 11 TITLE (Inciude Security Class.iication) Final Evaluation of MIPS M/500 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Daniel V

  5. Photon final states at the Tevatron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Campanelli, Mario; /University Coll. London


    The authors present here several recent measurements involving associate production of photons and jets at the Tevatron. In particular, inclusive photon + met from D0, and photon + b-jets and photon + b-jet + leptons + MET from CDF are described in some detail. These measurements offer a good test of QCD predictions in rather complex final states.

  6. IRIS Toxicological Review of Chloroform (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA is announcing the release of the final report, Toxicological Review of Chloroform: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). The updated Summary for Chloroform and accompanying Quickview have also been added to the IRIS Database.

  7. UOP HRM 300 Final Exam Guide (New, 2017) NEW




    UOP HRM 300 Final Exam Guide (New, 2017) NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit True and False: Please mark either T or F in the appropriate space before the question 1. ____A strategic plan is the company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in or...

  8. Final disposition of MTR fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jonnson, Erik B.


    The final disposition of power reactor fuel has been investigated for a long time and some promising solutions to the problem have been shown. The research reactor fuels are normally not compatible with the zirkonium clad power reactor fuel and can thus not rely on the same disposal methods. The MTR fuels are typically Al-clad UAl x or U 3 Si 2 , HEU resp. LEU with essentially higher remaining enrichment than the corresponding power reactor fuel after full utilization of the uranium. The problems arising when evaluating the conditions at the final repository are the high corrosion rate of aluminum and uranium metal and the risk for secondary criticality due to the high content on fissionable material in the fully burnt MTR fuel. The newly adopted US policy to take back Foreign Research Reactor Spent Fuel of US origin for a period of ten years have given the research reactor society a reasonable time to evaluate different possibilities to solve the back end of the fuel cycle. The problem is, however, complicated and requires a solid engagement from the research reactor community. The task would be a suitable continuation of the RERTR program as it involves both the development of new fuel types and collecting data for the safe long-term disposal of the spent MTR fuel. (author)

  9. Gain-loss frequency and final outcome in the Soochow Gambling Task: A Reassessment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Ching-Hung


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Behavioral decision making literature suggests that decision makers are guided less by final outcome than by immediate gain-loss. However, studies of the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT under dynamic and uncertain conditions reveal very different conclusions about the role of final outcome. Another research group designed a similar yet simpler game, the Soochow Gambling Task (SGT, which demonstrated that, in dynamic decision making, the effect of gain-loss frequency is more powerful than that of final outcome. Further study is needed to determine the precise effect of final outcome on decision makers. This experiment developed two modified SGTs to explore the effect of final outcome under the same gain-loss frequency context. Methods Each version of the SGT was performed by twenty-four undergraduate Soochow University students. A large-value (± $200, ± $550 and ± $1050 and a small-value (± $100, ± $150 and ± $650 contrast of SGT were conducted to investigate the final outcome effect. The computerized SGT was launched to record and analyze the choices of the participants. Results The results of both SGT versions consistently showed that the preferred decks A and B to decks C and D. Analysis of learning curves also indicated that, throughout the game, final outcome had a minimal effect on the choices of decision makers. Conclusion Experimental results indicated that, in both the frequent-gain context and the frequent-loss context, final outcome has little effect on decision makers. Most decision makers are guided by gain-loss frequency but not by final outcome.

  10. Final technical report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juhl, Thomas Winther; Nielsen, Jakob Skov

    gas jet chamber and laser beam path from the final focusing mirror. The project consists of three phases: Phase 1: Fundamental studies of cutting front mechanisms, beam propagation, nozzle design and chemical reactions in the cut kerf with special emphasize on high laser powers and thick sections...... cutting nozzle which can be adjusted independently to the laser beam has been developed. The position of the focus relative the workpiece can be adjusted to cutting applications with relatively large processing windows, i.e. both mild and stainless steels, and of a broad thickness range. A build-in auto......This project entails research with the goal to extend laser cutting of steel based metals to thickness above 20 mm and laser powers in the 10 kW range, with adequate accuracy and economically viable cutting speeds. The technical approach is to develop mirror based cutting heads with truly coaxial...

  11. Final amplifier design and mercury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rose, E.A.; Hanson, D.E.


    The final amplifier for the Mercury KrF excimer facility is being designed. The design exercise involves extensive modeling to predict amplifier performance. Models of the pulsed-power system, including a Child-Langmuir diode with closure, electron-beam energy deposition, KrF laser kinetics, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), a time-dependent laser extraction in the presence of ASE are presented as a design package. The design exercise indicates that the energy objective of Phase I -- 100 joules -- will be met

  12. IRIS Toxicological Review of Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanide Salts (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanide Salts: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  13. 50 CFR 11.24 - Final administrative action. (United States)


    ... TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND... law judge's decision shall constitute the final administrative determination of the Secretary in the matter and shall become effective 30 calendar days from the date of the decision. ...

  14. Child-Specific Exposure Scenarios Examples (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA announced the availability of the final report, Child-Specific Exposure Scenarios Examples. This report is intended to be a companion document to the Exposure Factors Handbook (U.S. EPA 2011). The example scenarios were compiled from questions and inquiries r...

  15. Tax treatment of cafeteria plans. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. Final regulations. (United States)


    This document contains final regulations relating to section 125 cafeteria plans. The final regulations clarify the circumstances under which a section 125 cafeteria plan election may be changed. The final regulations permit an employer to allow a section 125 cafeteria plan participant to revoke an existing election and make a new election during a period of coverage for accident or health coverage or group-term life insurance coverage.

  16. Final adult height in long-term growth hormone-treated achondroplasia patients. (United States)

    Harada, Daisuke; Namba, Noriyuki; Hanioka, Yuki; Ueyama, Kaoru; Sakamoto, Natsuko; Nakano, Yukako; Izui, Masafumi; Nagamatsu, Yuiko; Kashiwagi, Hiroko; Yamamuro, Miho; Ishiura, Yoshihito; Ogitani, Ayako; Seino, Yoshiki


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the gain in final height of achondroplasia (ACH) patients with long-term growth hormone (GH) treatment. We analyzed medical data of 22 adult patients (8 males and 14 females) treated with GH at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day. Optionally, tibial lengthening (TL) was performed with the Ilizalov method in 15 patients and TL as well as femoral lengthening (FL) in 6 patients. Concomitant gonadal suppression therapy with buserelin acetate was applied in 13 patients. The mean treatment periods with GH were 10.7 ± 4.0 and 9.3 ± 2.5 years for males and females, respectively. GH treatment augmented the final height +0.60 ± 0.52 SD (+3.5 cm) and +0.51 ± 1.29 SD (+2.8 cm) in males and females compared to non-treated ACH patients, respectively. Final height of ACH patients that underwent GH and TL increased +1.72 ± 0.72 SD (+10.0 cm) and +1.95 ± 1.34 SD (+9.8 cm) in males and females, respectively. GH, TL, and FL increased their final height +2.97 SD (+17.2 cm) and +3.41 ± 1.63 SD (+17.3 cm) in males and females, respectively. Gonadal suppression therapy had no impact on final height. Long-term GH treatment contributes to 2.6 and 2.1% of final adult height in male and female ACH patients, respectively.

  17. Pharmaceutical Options for Triggering of Final Oocyte Maturation in ART

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Castillo


    Full Text Available Since the pioneering days of in vitro fertilization, hCG has been the gold standard to induce final follicular maturation. We herein reviewed different pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART. The new upcoming agent seems to be GnRHa with its potential advantages over hCG trigger. GnRHa triggering elicits a surge of gonadotropins resembling the natural midcycle surge of gonadotropins, without the prolonged action of hCG, resulting in the retrieval of more mature oocytes and a significant reduction in or elimination of OHSS as compared to hCG triggering. The induction of final follicular maturation using GnRHa represents a paradigm shift in the ovulation triggering concept in ART and, thus, a way to develop a safer IVF procedure. Kisspeptins are key central regulators of the neuroendocrine mechanisms of human reproduction, who have been shown to effectively elicit an LH surge and to induce final oocyte maturation in IVF cycles. This new trigger concept may, therefore, offer a completely new, “natural” pharmacological option for ovulation induction. Whether kisspeptins will be the future agent to trigger ovulation remains to be further explored.

  18. 78 FR 78812 - Purified Carboxymethylcellulose From the Netherlands: Final Results of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... Carboxymethylcellulose From the Netherlands: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final No... Netherlands. For the final results, we continue to find that sales of subject merchandise by Akzo Nobel... of the AD order on purified CMC from the Netherlands.\\1\\ We invited interested parties to comment on...

  19. 76 FR 17808 - Final Vehicle Safety Rulemaking and Research Priority Plan 2011-2013 (United States)


    ... [Docket No. NHTSA-2009-0108] Final Vehicle Safety Rulemaking and Research Priority Plan 2011- 2013 AGENCY... availability. SUMMARY: This document announces the availability of the Final NHTSA Vehicle Safety and Fuel.... This Priority Plan is an update to the Final Vehicle Safety Rulemaking and Research Priority Plan 2009...

  20. Final environmental statement, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program. Volume 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information is presented under the following section headings: LMFBR program options and their compatibility with the major issues affecting commercial development, Proposed Final Environmental Statement for the LMFBR program, December 1974, WASH-1535, supplemental material, and material relating to Proposed Final Environmental Statement review

  1. 19 CFR 177.30 - Review of final determinations. (United States)


    ... THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ADMINISTRATIVE RULINGS Government Procurement; Country-of-Origin... after such refusal. The Court of International Trade shall have exclusive jurisdiction to review a final...

  2. Indicators for Building Process without Final Defects -

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kirsten; Rasmussen, Grane Mikael Gregaard; Thuesen, Christian Langhoff


    This article introduces the preliminary data analysis, as well as the underlying theories and methods for identifying the indicators for building process without final defects. Since 2004, the Benchmark Centre for the Danish Construction Sector (BEC) has collected information about legal defects...

  3. Chernobyl: the final warning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gale, R.P.; Hauser, Thomas.


    Following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, a book has been written with firstly an introduction to the basic principles and development of nuclear power, followed by a brief review of previous nuclear power plant accidents and then a short account of the Chernobyl accident itself. The main text of the book however contains the personal story of Dr. Robert Peter Yale, head of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles who travelled to Russia six times to help the victims of the Chernobyl accident. The final part of the book discusses the safety of nuclear power and the dangers of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. (U.K.)

  4. Handling final storage of unreprocessed spent nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present second report from KBS describes how the safe final storage of spent unreprocessed nuclear fuel can be implemented. According to the Swedish Stipulation Law, the owner must specify in which form the waste is to be stored, how final storage is to be effected, how the waste is to be transported and all other aspects of fuel handling and storage which must be taken into consideration in judging whether the proposed final storage method can be considered to be absolutely safe and feasible. Thus, the description must go beyond general plans and sketches. The description is therefore relatively detailed, even concerning those parts which are less essential for evaluating the safety of the waste storage method. For those parts of the handling chain which are the same for both alternatives of the Stipulation Law, the reader is referred in some cases to the first report. Both of the alternatives of the Stipulation Law may be used in the future. Handling equipment and facilities for the two storage methods are so designed that a combination in the desired proportions is practically feasible. In this first part of the report are presented: premises and data, a description of the various steps of the handling procedure, a summary of dispersal processes and a safety analysis. (author)

  5. Probing LINEAR Collider Final Focus Systems in SuperKEKB

    CERN Document Server

    Thrane, Paul Conrad Vaagen


    A challenge for future linear collider final focus systems is the large chromaticity produced by the final quadrupoles. SuperKEKB will be correcting high levels of chromaticity using the traditional scheme which has been also proposed for the CLIC FFS. We present early simulation results indicating that lowering β*у in the SuperKEKB Low Energy Ring might be possible given on-axis injection and low bunch current, opening the possibility of testing chromaticity correction beyond FFTB level, similar to ILC and approaching that of CLIC. CLIC – Note – 1077

  6. Removal of regulations on black lung benefits. Final rule. (United States)


    This final rule removes regulations on the Black Lung program from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) chapter of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The Black Lung Consolidation of Administrative Responsibility Act transferred the responsibility for administering Part B of the Black Lung benefits program from SSA to the Department of Labor (DOL), and we are removing the regulations in recognition of the fact that we are no longer responsible for administering any aspect of the Part B Black Lung program. DOL concurs with this final rule removing the regulations.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seryi, Andrei


    The design of Final Focus systems for linear colliders is challenging because of the large demagnifications needed to produce nanometer-sized beams at the interaction point. Simple first- and second-order matrix matching have proven insufficient for this task, and minimization of third- and higher-order aberrations is essential. An appropriate strategy is required for the latter to be successful. A recipe for Final Focus design, and a set of computational tools used to implement this approach, are described herein. An example of the use of this procedure is given

  8. Commercialization of a high energy neutral beam ion source. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This final report summarizes the effort and presents the results of a Phase II fabrication effort to build an industrial prototype of the LBL developed high energy neutral beam source. The effort was primarily concentrated on incorporating hard vacuum dielectric seals and a ceramic high voltage accelerator insulator. Several other design changes were incorporated for cost, reliability or life improvements to include: (1) accelerator grid locating dowel pins to aid final alignment, (2) plasma source to accelerator captive fasteners to aid filament replacement during source maintenance, (3) molybdenum cooling tubes on all accelerator grids, (4) additional fasteners in the plasma generator to facilitate hard seals, (5) modified suppressor grid rails and holders to simplify final grid alignment, (6) adjusting screws on exit grid rail holders to simplify final grid alignment, (7) addition of adjusting screws to the grid end pieces to simplify alignment, and (8) addition of accelerator hat shims to allow two different grid positioning locations

  9. Commercialization of a high energy neutral beam ion source. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This final report summarizes the effort and presents the results of a Phase II fabrication effort to build an industrial prototype of the LBL developed high energy neutral beam source. The effort was primarily concentrated on incorporating hard vacuum dielectric seals and a ceramic high voltage accelerator insulator. Several other design changes were incorporated for cost, reliability or life improvements to include: (1) accelerator grid locating dowel pins to aid final alignment, (2) plasma source to accelerator captive fasteners to aid filament replacement during source maintenance, (3) molybdenum cooling tubes on all accelerator grids, (4) additional fasteners in the plasma generator to facilitate hard seals, (5) modified suppressor grid rails and holders to simplify final grid alignment, (6) adjusting screws on exit grid rail holders to simplify final grid alignment, (7) addition of adjusting screws to the grid end pieces to simplify alignment, and (8) addition of accelerator hat shims to allow two different grid positioning locations.

  10. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velasco, Mayda [Northwestern University


    This work is focused on the design and construction of novel beam diagnostic and instrumentation for charged particle accelerators required for the next generation of linear colliders. Our main interest is in non-invasive techniques. The Northwestern group of Velasco has been a member of the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) collaboration since 2003, and the beam instrumentation work is developed mostly at this facility1. This 4 kW electron beam facility has a 25-170 MeV electron LINAC. CTF3 performed a set of dedicated measurements to finalize the development of our RF-Pickup bunch length detectors. The RF-pickup based on mixers was fully commissioned in 2009 and the RF-pickup based on diodes was finished in time for the 2010-11 data taking. The analysis of all the data taken in by the summer of 2010 was finish in time and presented at the main conference of the year, LINAC 2010 in Japan.

  11. Stardust Final Conference

    CERN Document Server

    Minisci, Edmondo; Summerer, Leopold; McGinty, Peter


    Space debris and asteroid impacts pose a very real, very near-term threat to Earth. In order to help study and mitigate these risks, the Stardust program was formed in 2013. This training and research network was devoted to developing and mastering techniques such as removal, deflection, exploitation, and tracking. This book is a collection of many of the topics addressed at the Final Stardust Conference, describing the latest in asteroid monitoring and how engineering efforts can help us reduce space debris. It is a selection of studies bringing together specialists from universities, research institutions, and industry, tasked with the mission of pushing the boundaries of space research with innovative ideas and visionary concepts. Topics covered by the Symposium: Orbital and Attitude Dynamics Modeling Long Term Orbit and Attitude Evolution Particle Cloud Modeling and Simulation Collision and Impact Modelling and Simulation, Re-entry Modeling and Simulation Asteroid Origins and Characterization Orbit and A...

  12. AIPM Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    John Mookken


    The final AIPM project report consists of six sections. Each section includes information on the original AIPM project and extension work on the high temperature design. The first section (1) provides an overview of the program and highlights the significant targets to meet at the end of the program. The next section (2) summarizes the significant technical accomplishments by the SEMIKRON AIPM team during the course of the project. Greater technical details are provided in a collection of all the quarterly reports which can be found in the appendix. Section three (3) presents some the more significant technical data collected from technology demonstrators. Section four (4) analyzes the manufacturing cost or economic aspects of producing 100,000 units/yr. Section five (5) describes the commercialization efforts of the AIPM technology into the automotive market. The last section (6) recommends follow on work that will build on the efforts and achievements of the AIPM program.

  13. GnRHa trigger for final oocyte maturation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Humaidan, Peter; Alsbjerg, Birgit


    Since the introduction of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) protocol, it has become possible to trigger final oocyte maturation with a bolus of GnRHa. This leads to a significant reduction or complete elimination of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome compared with human chorion...

  14. The final word. OSHA's final ruling offers firm deadlines for infection control. (United States)

    West, K


    Departments that have put off program development while waiting for the final ruling to be published have a lot of work to do. Many departments have been cited and fined by OSHA in the past year for failure to begin infection-control programs or provide hepatitis-B vaccines to personnel. Under the new budget, OSHA was granted permission to up its fine structure sevenfold--thus, a small fine is $7,000, and the highest fine for a single violation is $70,000. Fines can have a greater impact on a department's budget than implementation of the program over time. A key point to remember is that a strong infection-control program will reduce exposure follow-up costs and worker-compensation claims. Infection control is a win-win situation.

  15. Interpolation of final geometry and result fields in process parameter space

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Misiun, Grzegorz Stefan; Wang, Chao; Geijselaers, Hubertus J.M.; van den Boogaard, Antonius H.; Saanouni, K.


    Different routes to produce a product in a bulk forming process can be described by a limited set of process parameters. The parameters determine the final geometry as well as the distribution of state variables in the final shape. Ring rolling has been simulated using different parameter settings.

  16. Final report. CIRP seminar on micro and nano technology. November 2003

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Nørgaard; Alting, Leo

    This final reports contains a description of the 1st international CIRP seminar on micro and nano technology held at DTU in November 2003.......This final reports contains a description of the 1st international CIRP seminar on micro and nano technology held at DTU in November 2003....

  17. Space tug applications. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This article is the final report of the conceptual design efforts for a 'space tug'. It includes preliminary efforts, mission analysis, configuration analysis, impact analysis, and conclusions. Of the several concepts evaluated, the nuclear bimodal tug was one of the top candidates, with the two options being the NEBA-1 and NEBA-3 systems. Several potential tug benefits were identified during the mission analysis. The tug enables delivery of large (>3,500 kg) payloads to the outer planets and it increases the GSO delivery capability by 20% relative to current systems. By providing end of life disposal, the tug can be used to extend the life of existing space assets. It can also be used to reboost satellites which were not delivered to their final orbit by the launch system. A specific mission model is the key to validating the tug concept. Once a mission model can be established, mission analysis can be used to determine more precise propellant quantities and burn times. In addition, the specific payloads can be evaluated for mass and volume capability with the launch systems. Results of the economic analysis will be dependent on the total years of operations and the number of missions in the mission model. The mission applications evaluated during this phase drove the need for large propellant quantities and thus did not allow the payloads to step down to smaller and less expensive launch systems

  18. 12 CFR 908.67 - Stay of final decision and order pending judicial review. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Stay of final decision and order pending... Hearing and Post-hearing Proceedings § 908.67 Stay of final decision and order pending judicial review... the effectiveness of all or any part of an order of the Board of Directors pending a final decision on...

  19. 21 CFR 1301.36 - Suspension or revocation of registration; suspension of registration pending final order... (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Suspension or revocation of registration; suspension of registration pending final order; extension of registration pending final order. 1301.36... registration pending final order; extension of registration pending final order. (a) For any registration...

  20. Final Report of the Final Meeting of Project Coordinators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cordero Calderon, Carlos F.


    The Costa Rican Electricity Institute has always been worried of the verification of the good state of the works and thus to guarantee their operation. For that reason, it has established different sorts of auscultation of the Arenal's Dam. Some investigations have been done to find new methods to improve and to eliminate risks in different works or projects. The Arenal's Dam is one of the greatest engineering works in Costa Rica, it has the Arenal, Corobici and Sandillal Hydroelectric Plants. Furthermore, the irrigation system in the Tempisque River Valley, in the Guanacaste province. One special characteristic of the Site of the Dam, is the near location of the Arenal Volcano, in full activity and located at 6 Km. from the dam. This report has two goals, one is the traditional permanent measurements report for the project, and the other, is to present it as a final work of the Project Arcal XVIII, to the International Atomic Energy Agency. This report analyses the geo-hydraulic, structural and topographic auscultation, as well as the activities accomplished during the ARCAL XVIII /8/018, Application of Tracer Techniques for Leakage in Dams and Damming Project, based on information gathered through the geo-chemical auscultation, until June 1996. (author).30 ills., 80 charts, 35 tabs

  1. Development of a self-management program for employees with complaints of the arm, neck, and/or shoulder: an intervention mapping approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hutting N


    Full Text Available Nathan Hutting,1,2 Sarah I Detaille,2,3 Josephine A Engels,2 Yvonne F Heerkens,2 J Bart Staal,1,4 Maria WG Nijhuis-van der Sanden1 1Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, the Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, 2Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Research Group Occupation and Health, 3HAN University of Applied Sciences, Department HAN Seneca, 4HAN University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Research Group Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Purpose: To develop a self-management program with an additional eHealth module, using the six steps of the intervention mapping (IM protocol, to help employees with complaints of the arm, neck, and/or shoulder (CANS cope with their problems.Methods: In Step 1 of the IM protocol, a needs assessment was performed consisting of a review of the Dutch multidisciplinary guidelines on CANS, and of focus group sessions with employees with CANS (n=15 and with relevant experts (n=17. After the needs assessment, the objectives of the intervention and the determinants of self-management at work were formulated (Step 2. Furthermore, theory-based intervention methods and practical strategies were selected (Step 3, and an intervention program (including the eHealth module was developed (Step 4. Finally, plans for implementation and evaluation of the program were developed (Steps 5 and 6.Results: Step 1 of the IM protocol revealed that employees with CANS should be stimulated to search for information about the cause of their complaints, about how to deal with their complaints, and in which manner they can influence their complaints themselves. In Step 2, the overall goal of the intervention was defined as “self-management behavior at work” with the aim to alleviate the perceived disability of the participants. Step 3 described how the intervention

  2. Attività conoscitiva sull'Irap. Relazione finale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Commissione Bicamerale Riforma Fiscale


    Full Text Available The article is the final report on TRAP of the Italian Parliamentary Commis-sion on Fiscal Reform (including both members of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies. TRAP,  a regional tax on productive activities newly introduced two years ago, is levied on value added (including interest pay-ments produced by individual and corporate firms and professional activi-ties. It comes in substitution of a number of previous taxes (additional profit tax, health contributions on payroll and others. The Report analyses the impact of IRAP on firms' behaviour and the shifting of conveniences in adopting labour or capital saving productive pro-cesses, and its short-period impact on labour costs. It also analyses how tax burden is redistributed among firms. Finally, the Report reviews costs and benefits arising from possible revisions aimed at lowering the cost of labour and benefiting small firms.  JEL Code: H25. 

  3. Final storage in Germany. Who is interested?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuehn, K.


    The final storage of radioactive waste and spent fuel in Germany - who, in Germany, has any interest in this subject, especially now that the new Atomic Energy Act has been adopted, and who is going to read this article? The author, Professor Klaus Kuehn, examines this question, analyzing in his contribution the current situation and the points of view of those who may be interested in this topic. In Prof. Kuehn's opinion, the addresses in particular are these: - the federal government, - the opposition in the federal parliament, - the federal states, - the Federal Ministry for the Environment, - the Federal Ministry for Research, - the Federal Ministry of Economics, - the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, - the operators of nuclear power plants, - the Working Group Elaborating Procedures for Selecting Repository Sites (AkEnd). Klaus Kuehn concludes that there is little interest at the present time in the subject of Final Storage in Germany, for reasons explained in detail which result both from the political constellation and from existing constraints. (orig.) [de

  4. Summer 1994 Computational Science Workshop. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report documents the work performed by the University of New Mexico Principal Investigators and Research Assistants while hosting the highly successful Summer 1994 Computational Sciences Workshop in Albuquerque on August 6--11, 1994. Included in this report is a final budget for the workshop, along with a summary of the participants` evaluation of the workshop. The workshop proceeding have been delivered under separate cover. In order to assist in the organization of future workshops, we have also included in this report detailed documentation of the pre- and post-workshop activities associated with this contract. Specifically, we have included a section that documents the advertising performed, along with the manner in which applications were handled. A complete list of the workshop participants in this section. Sample letters that were generated while dealing with various commercial entities and departments at the University are also included in a section dealing with workshop logistics. Finally, we have included a section in this report that deals with suggestions for future workshops.

  5. The Remote Security Station (RSS) final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pletta, J.B.; Amai, W.A.; Klarer, P.; Frank, D.; Carlson, J.; Byrne, R.


    The Remote Security Station (RSS) was developed by Sandia National Laboratories for the Defense Nuclear Agency to investigate issues pertaining to robotics and sensor fusion in physical security systems. This final report documents the status of the RSS program at its completion in April 1992. The RSS system consists of the Man Portable Security Station (MaPSS) and the Telemanaged Mobile Security Station (TMSS), which are integrated by the Operator's Control Unit (OCU) into a flexible exterior perimeter security system. The RSS system uses optical, infrared, microwave, and acoustic intrusion detection sensors in conjunction with sensor fusion techniques to increase the probability of detection and to decrease the nuisance alarm rate of the system. Major improvements to the system developed during the final year are an autonomous patrol capability, which allows TMSS to execute security patrols with limited operator interaction, and a neural network approach to sensor fusion, which significantly improves the system's ability to filter out nuisance alarms due to adverse weather conditions

  6. Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop - organized by the CERN/EN-STI group on behalf of n_TOF Collaboration - will be held at CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) from 30 August to 2 September 2010 inclusive.EFNUDAT website: http://www.efnudat.euTopics of interest include: Data evaluationCross section measurementsExperimental techniquesUncertainties and covariancesFission propertiesCurrent and future facilities  International Advisory Committee: C. Barreau (CENBG, France)T. Belgya (IKI KFKI, Hungary)E. Gonzalez (CIEMAT, Spain)F. Gunsing (CEA, France)F.-J. Hambsch (IRMM, Belgium)A. Junghans (FZD, Germany)R. Nolte (PTB, Germany)S. Pomp (TSL UU, Sweden) Workshop Organizing Committee: Enrico Chiaveri (Chairman)Marco CalvianiSamuel AndriamonjeEric BerthoumieuxCarlos GuerreroRoberto LositoVasilis Vlachoudis Workshop Assistant: Géraldine Jean

  7. Potentialités écologiques des carrières de quartzite après exploitation : l'exemple de la carrière de Cheffois (Vendée, France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    François Bétard


    Full Text Available Dans les carrières de roches massives abandonnées après l'exploitation, l'aridité du sol et le caractère oligotrophe du milieu, conjugués à la présence de parois rocheuses et de plans d'eau au niveau des excavations les plus profondes, sont des éléments favorables à l'expression d'une biodiversité renouvelée et originale. Un inventaire écologique mené sur la carrière de quartzite de Cheffois, située dans le sud du Massif Armoricain, a révélé la richesse biologique de ce type de milieu semi-naturel. Les résultats de l'inventaire ont conduit à distinguer six types d'habitats néoformés correspondant à d'anciens secteurs d'exploitation : (1 un plan d'eau de fosse, (2 une zone de carreau humide, (3 une zone de carreau sec, (4 des fronts de taille d'expositions variées, (5 des remblais boisés, et (6 une galerie souterraine. Ces six types de milieux sont eux-mêmes subdivisés en une mosaïque de petits habitats, favorisant au final une grande biodiversité avec le développement de nombreuses espèces végétales et animales, dont certaines à forte valeur patrimoniale. Replacé dans le contexte du Bas-Bocage vendéen, l'apport écologique de la carrière de quartzite est évalué et confronté aux pertes en biodiversité engendrées par l'ouverture de la carrière. Avec les autres carrières de quartzite situées sur les sites rocheux des environs, elles constituent, ensemble, un réseau de carrières partiellement inondées pouvant contribuer à la création d'un véritable corridor écologique, dans une matrice bocagère actuellement en perte de biodiversité.In abandoned quarries of massive rocks, the aridity and oligotrophic character of soils, combined with the presence of rock walls and water bodies in the deeper excavations, are favourable to the expression of a renewed, original biodiversity. An ecological survey carried out on the quartzite quarry of Cheffois, located in the southern Armorican Massif, revealed the

  8. Energy efficiency of computer power supply units - Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aebischer, B. [cepe - Centre for Energy Policy and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zuerich, Zuerich (Switzerland); Huser, H. [Encontrol GmbH, Niederrohrdorf (Switzerland)


    This final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) takes a look at the efficiency of computer power supply units, which decreases rapidly during average computer use. The background and the purpose of the project are examined. The power supplies for personal computers are discussed and the testing arrangement used is described. Efficiency, power-factor and operating points of the units are examined. Potentials for improvement and measures to be taken are discussed. Also, action to be taken by those involved in the design and operation of such power units is proposed. Finally, recommendations for further work are made.

  9. National Computational Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory: Final Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richard Brower; Norman Christ; Michael Creutz; Paul Mackenzie; John Negele; Claudio Rebbi; David Richards; Stephen Sharpe; Robert Sugar


    This is the final report of Department of Energy SciDAC Grant ''National Computational Infrastructure for Lattice Gauge Theory''. It describes the software developed under this grant, which enables the effective use of a wide variety of supercomputers for the study of lattice quantum chromodynamics (lattice QCD). It also describes the research on and development of commodity clusters optimized for the study of QCD. Finally, it provides some high lights of research enabled by the infrastructure created under this grant, as well as a full list of the papers resulting from research that made use of this infrastructure

  10. Claims Procedure for Plans Providing Disability Benefits. Final rule. (United States)


    This document contains a final regulation revising the claims procedure regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for employee benefit plans providing disability benefits. The final rule revises and strengthens the current rules primarily by adopting certain procedural protections and safeguards for disability benefit claims that are currently applicable to claims for group health benefits pursuant to the Affordable Care Act. This rule affects plan administrators and participants and beneficiaries of plans providing disability benefits, and others who assist in the provision of these benefits, such as third-party benefits administrators and other service providers.

  11. Final Syllable Lengthening (FSL) in Infant Vocalizations. (United States)

    Nathani, Suneeti; Oller, D. Kimbrough; Cobo-Lewis, Alan B.


    Sought to verify research findings that suggest there may be a U-shaped developmental trajectory for final syllable lengthening (FSL). Attempted to determine whether vocal maturity and deafness influence FSL . Eight normally hearing infants and eight deaf infants were examined at three levels of prelinguistic vocal development. (Author/VWL)

  12. 78 FR 46309 - Rules of Administrative Finality (United States)


    ...-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778, or visit our Internet site, Social Security Online, at http://www... SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 20 CFR Parts 404 and 416 [Docket No. SSA 2013-0011] Rules of Administrative Finality AGENCY: Social Security Administration (SSA) ACTION: Notice and request for comments...

  13. 7 CFR 1944.419 - Final grantee evaluation. (United States)


    ...) PROGRAM REGULATIONS (CONTINUED) HOUSING Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants § 1944.419 Final grantee...HA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 employees or an organization under contract to Fm... determine how successful the grantee was in meeting goals and objectives as defined in the agreement...

  14. Analyses and quantitative determination of the strontium radioisotopes 89 and 90 in milk powder; Recherche et dosage des isotopes radioactifs 89 et 90 du strontium dans le lait en poudre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeanmaire, L; Michon, G [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors describe a procedure for the determination of the strontium radioisotopes 89 and 90. The concentration of strontium is made possible by the insolubility of its nitrate salt in strong nitric acid which allows the removal of greatest part of calcium. The purification is performed on a cation exchange column. The amount of radioisotope 90 is determined by means of its daughter product yttrium 90 necessary calibrations and computations are treated in special paragraphs. With regard to the reproducibility of the measurements, the fluctuations are less than 20 per cent. This seems satisfaction for such a technique which have great sensibility while being long and necessitative great carefulness. (author) [French] Les auteurs decrivent une technique de dosage des isotopes 89 et 90 du strontium. La concentration du strontium est assuree grace a l'insolubilite de son nitrate dans l'acide nitrique concentre, ce qui permet d'eliminer la plus grande partie du Ca. La purification se fait sur une colonne echangeuse de cations. L'isotope 90 est dose grace a son descendant l'yttrium 90. Les etalonnages et calculs necessaires font l'objet de paragraphes detailles. En ce qui concerne la reproductibilite des mesures, les fluctuations sont inferieures a 20 pour cent, ce qui semble satisfaisant devant la grande sensibilite de la methode qui reste cependant longue et delicate. (auteur)

  15. Application of MARSSIM for Final Status Survey of the Decommissioning Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Sang Bum; Lee, Ki Won; Park, Jin Ho; Chung, Un Soo


    The release of a site and building from regulatory control is the final stage of the decommissioning process. The MARSSIM (Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual) provides overall framework for conducting data collection for a final status survey to demonstrate compliance with site closure requirements. The KAERI carried out establishing a final status survey by using the guidance provided in the MARSSIM for of a site and building of the Korea Research Reactor. The release criteria for a site and building were set up based on these results of the site specific release levels which were calculated by using RESRAD and RESRAD-Build codes. The survey design for a site and building was classified by using the survey dataset and potential contamination. The number of samples in each survey unit was calculated by through a statistical test using the collected data from a scoping and characterization survey. The results of the final status survey were satisfied the release criteria based on an evaluation of the measured data.

  16. 'Praise beyond Words': Psalm 150 as grand finale of the crescendo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Without doubt the final hymn of the Psalter can be described as the climax, or grand finale, of the Israelite faith's most known hymnbook. In this psalm, sound and action are blended into a picture of ecstatic joy. The whole universe is called upon to magnify Yah(weh), the God of Israel. The text poses various exegetical ...

  17. 21 CFR 640.103 - The final product. (United States)


    ... manufacturer by the Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration. [38... 21 Food and Drugs 7 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false The final product. 640.103 Section 640.103 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) BIOLOGICS...

  18. Determinants of Outcome of Final Undergraduate Surgery ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 11, 2018 ... Female gender (P < 0.001), passing CA (P < 0.001), and shorter duration‑<9 years in medical school (P < 0.001) were strongly associated with passing the final surgery ... Conclusion: CA is the single most important determinant of ... disadvantages of the traditional clinical examinations.[10]. Since then ...

  19. 24 CFR 220.802 - Final insurance endorsement. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final insurance endorsement. 220... insurance endorsement. When all advances of loan proceeds have been made, and all the terms and conditions... on the original credit instrument the total of advances he has approved for insurance and again...

  20. Radioactive waste products - suitability for final disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merz, E.; Odoj, R.; Warnecke, E.


    48 papers were read at the conference. Separate records are available for all of them. The main problem in radioactive waste disposal was the long-term sealing to prevent pollution of the biosphere. Problems of conditioning, acceptance, and safety measures were discussed. Final disposal models and repositories were presented. (PW) [de

  1. IRIS Toxicological Review of Methanol (Noncancer) (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA conducted a peer review and public comment of the scientific basis supporting the human health hazard and dose-response assessment of Methanol (noncancer) , this is finalized and posted on the IRIS Web site.

  2. Sustainability Report 2011 Women's Final Four Basketball Tournament (United States)

    A summary of the sustainability activities at the 2011 NCAA Women's Final Four Basketball tournament held in Indianapolis, Indiana, a variety of events, initiatives and programs to increase the environmental performance of the event.

  3. 13 scientists aced their science communication test at the FameLab final

    CERN Document Server

    Antonella Del Rosso


    On 8 May, the joint CERN and Swiss FameLab final took place in CERN’s Restaurant 1, which was transformed into a cosy setting for the special occasion. The jury selected Oskari Vinko, a Master’s student in synthetic biology at ETH Zurich, as the winner of the Swiss final while Lillian Smestad, a physicist in the Aegis collaboration, will be the first CERN finalist to go to the international final at the Cheltenham Science Festival. In addition, CMS physicist Christos Lazaridis was awarded the audience prize.   

  4. 75 FR 63823 - Final Guidance, “Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting” (United States)


    ... COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Final Guidance, ``Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting...''), entitled ``Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance.'' 74 FR 52117, Oct. 8... emissions associated with agency operations. This Final Guidance, ``Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and...

  5. The Single Pass RF Driver: Final beam compression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burke, Robert, E-mail:


    The Single Pass RF Driver (SPRFD) compacts the beam from the linac without storage rings by manipulations that take advantage of the multiplicity of isotopes (16), the preserved µbunch structure, and increased total linac current. Magnetic switches on a first set of delay lines rearrange the internal structure of the various isotopic beams. A second set of delay lines sets the relative timing of the 16 isotopic beam sections so they will telescope at the pellet, in one of multiple fusion chambers, e.g. 10. Shortening each isotopic beam section uses preservation of the µbunch structure up to the final ∼2 km drift before final focus. Just before the final drift, differential acceleration of the µbunches in each isotopic beam section (128 total) launches an axial collapse, referred to as the “Slick”. The µbunches interpenetrate as their centers of mass move toward each other and individual µbunches lengthen due to their momentum spread. In longitudinal phase space they slide over one another as they lengthen in time and slim down in instantaneous energy spread. The permissible amount of µbunch lengthening is set by the design pulse shape at the pellet, which varies for different groups of isotopes. In narrow bands of ranges according to the role for each isotope group in the pellet, the ranges extend from 1 to 10 g/cm{sup 2} to drive the cylinder barrel and thin hemispherical end caps, to heat the ∼0.5 g/cm{sup 2}ρR fast ignition zone, and to improve the quasi-sphericity of the compression of the fast ignition zones at the pellet's ends. Because the µbunch–µbunch momentum differences are correlated, time-ramped beamline transport elements close after the differential accelerator are used to correct the associated shifts of focal point. Beam neutralization is needed after the differential acceleration until adjacent bunches begin to overlap. Concurrent collapse of each isotope and telescoping of the 16 isotopes cause the current in each beamline

  6. The Single Pass RF Driver: Final beam compression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burke, Robert


    The Single Pass RF Driver (SPRFD) compacts the beam from the linac without storage rings by manipulations that take advantage of the multiplicity of isotopes (16), the preserved µbunch structure, and increased total linac current. Magnetic switches on a first set of delay lines rearrange the internal structure of the various isotopic beams. A second set of delay lines sets the relative timing of the 16 isotopic beam sections so they will telescope at the pellet, in one of multiple fusion chambers, e.g. 10. Shortening each isotopic beam section uses preservation of the µbunch structure up to the final ∼2 km drift before final focus. Just before the final drift, differential acceleration of the µbunches in each isotopic beam section (128 total) launches an axial collapse, referred to as the “Slick”. The µbunches interpenetrate as their centers of mass move toward each other and individual µbunches lengthen due to their momentum spread. In longitudinal phase space they slide over one another as they lengthen in time and slim down in instantaneous energy spread. The permissible amount of µbunch lengthening is set by the design pulse shape at the pellet, which varies for different groups of isotopes. In narrow bands of ranges according to the role for each isotope group in the pellet, the ranges extend from 1 to 10 g/cm 2 to drive the cylinder barrel and thin hemispherical end caps, to heat the ∼0.5 g/cm 2 ρR fast ignition zone, and to improve the quasi-sphericity of the compression of the fast ignition zones at the pellet's ends. Because the µbunch–µbunch momentum differences are correlated, time-ramped beamline transport elements close after the differential accelerator are used to correct the associated shifts of focal point. Beam neutralization is needed after the differential acceleration until adjacent bunches begin to overlap. Concurrent collapse of each isotope and telescoping of the 16 isotopes cause the current in each beamline to rise

  7. MIT LMFBR blanket research project. Final summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Driscoll, M.J.


    This is a final summary report on an experimental and analytical program for the investigation of LMFBR blanket characteristics carried out at MIT in the period 1969 to 1983. During this span of time, work was carried out on a wide range of subtasks, ranging from neutronic and photonic measurements in mockups of blankets using the Blanket Test Facility at the MIT Research Reactor, to analytic/numerical investigations of blanket design and economics. The main function of this report is to serve as a resource document which will permit ready reference to the more detailed topical reports and theses issued over the years on the various aspects of project activities. In addition, one aspect of work completed during the final year of the project, on doubly-heterogeneous blanket configurations, is documented for the record

  8. The optics of the Final Focus Test Beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irwin, J.; Brown, K.; Bulos, F.; Burke, D.; Helm, R.; Roy, G.; Ruth, R.; Yamamoto, N.; Oide, K.


    The Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB), currently under construction at the end of the SLAC Linac, is being built by an international collaboration as a test bed for ideas and methods required in the design and construction of final focus systems for next generation e + e - linear colliders. The FFTB lattice shown is based on the previously developed principle of using sextupole pairs in a dispersive region to compensate chromaticity. The linear lattice was optimized for length, and implementation of diagnostic procedures. The transformations between sextupole pairs (CCX and CCY) are exactly -I, the matrix for the intermediate transformer (BX) is exactly diagonal, and the dispersion function has zero slope at the sextupoles and is thus zero at the minimum of the β x function in the intermediate transformer

  9. Poor final visual outcome after traumatic hyphema: A retrospective study of associated factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayda Khalfan Al Ali


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To determine the factors associated with a poor final visual outcome following a non-perforating traumatic hyphema. METHODS: The in-patient records of all traumatic hyphema patients admitted to the Department of Ophthalmology of the Hamad Medical Centre (HMC in Doha, Qatar, were retrospectively reviewed for a four-year period from January 2004 to March 2008. One hundred and seventeen patients who did not meet the exclusion criteria were divided into two groups based on their final visual outcome post-treatment. Group 1 (good outcome consisted of 100 patients with a visual acuity (VA of 6/18 or better and group 2 (worse outcome consisted of 17 patients with a VA of less than 6/18. The two groups were compared to determine the factors associated with a poor final visual outcome. RESULTS: Group 2 patients had an 82.3% incidence of complications after a traumatic hyphema compared with a 21% incidence in group 1. Of these complications, secondary glaucoma and rebleeding were significantly associated with a worse final visual outcome. Trauma from projectiles or blows did not differ significantly in their effect on the final visual outcome, although blow injuries had a greater impact on the final visual outcome. Posterior segment injuries were associated with a worse visual outcome. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that secondary glaucoma, rebleeding, and posterior segment injuries are factors associated with a poor final visual outcome.

  10. 20 CFR 30.316 - How does the FAB issue a final decision on a claim? (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false How does the FAB issue a final decision on a... Adjudicatory Process Hearings and Final Decisions on Claims § 30.316 How does the FAB issue a final decision on... waives any objections to all or part of the recommended decision, the FAB may issue a final decision...

  11. 10 CFR 52.157 - Contents of applications; technical information in final safety analysis report. (United States)


    ...; technical information in final safety analysis report. The application must contain a final safety analysis... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contents of applications; technical information in final safety analysis report. 52.157 Section 52.157 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSES...

  12. 10 CFR 52.79 - Contents of applications; technical information in final safety analysis report. (United States)


    ...; technical information in final safety analysis report. (a) The application must contain a final safety... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contents of applications; technical information in final safety analysis report. 52.79 Section 52.79 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSES...

  13. [Experimental nuclear physics]. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the final report of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington on work supported in part by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC06-81ER40048. It contains chapters on giant dipole resonances in excited nuclei, nucleus-nucleus reactions, astrophysics, polarization in nuclear reactions, fundamental symmetries and interactions, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), ultra-relativistic heavy ions, medium energy reactions, work by external users, instrumentation, accelerators and ion sources, and computer systems. An appendix lists Laboratory personnel, a Ph. D. degree granted in the 1990-1991 academic year, and publications. Refs., 41 figs., 7 tabs

  14. [Experimental nuclear physics]. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the final report of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington on work supported in part by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC06-81ER40048. It contains chapters on giant dipole resonances in excited nuclei, nucleus-nucleus reactions, astrophysics, polarization in nuclear reactions, fundamental symmetries and interactions, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), ultra-relativistic heavy ions, medium energy reactions, work by external users, instrumentation, accelerators and ion sources, and computer systems. An appendix lists Laboratory personnel, a Ph. D. degree granted in the 1990-1991 academic year, and publications. Refs., 41 figs., 7 tabs.

  15. Virtualized Network Control. Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghani, Nasir [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This document is the final report for the Virtualized Network Control (VNC) project, which was funded by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. This project was also informally referred to as Advanced Resource Computation for Hybrid Service and TOpology NEtworks (ARCHSTONE). This report provides a summary of the project's activities, tasks, deliverable, and accomplishments. It also provides a summary of the documents, software, and presentations generated as part of this projects activities. Namely, the Appendix contains an archive of the deliverables, documents, and presentations generated a part of this project.

  16. Short communication: final year students' deficits in physical examination skills performance in Germany. (United States)

    Krautter, Markus; Diefenbacher, Katja; Koehl-Hackert, Nadja; Buss, Beate; Nagelmann, Lars; Herzog, Wolfgang; Jünger, Jana; Nikendei, Christoph


    The physical examination of patients is an important diagnostic competence, but little is known about the examination skills of final-year medical students. To investigate physical examination skills of final-year medical students. In a cross-sectional study, 40 final-year students were asked to perform a detailed physical examination on standardized patients. Their performances were video-recorded and rated by independent video assessors. Video ratings showed a mean success rate of 40.1 % (SD 8.2). As regards accompanying doctor-patient communication, final-year students achieved a mean of no more than 36.7 % (SD 8.9) in the appropriate use of the corresponding communication items. Our study revealed severe deficits among final-year medical students in performing a detailed physical examination on a standardized patient. Thus, physical examination skills training should aim to improve these deficits while also paying attention to communicative aspects. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  17. Two-phase flow in a saliniferous final repository using the example of ERAM. Final report; Zweiphasenfluss in einem salinaren Endlager am Beispiel des ERAM. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kock, Ingo; Frieling, Gerd; Navarro, Martin


    In the frame of the research project ZIESEL the GRS enhanced the state of science and technology for the realization and evaluation of long-term safety cases for the final deposition of radioactive wastes. The superior aim was the improved understanding of two-phase flow processes in a complex final repository system. The consideration of two-phase processes in modeling of final repository systems induces processes and effects that significantly affect the transport behavior of fluid and radionuclides. Two-phase processes include not only capillary pressures and relative permeabilities but also a basic competition of phases with respect to pore volume for storage and transport and density-driven vertical separation of phases. Basically seals have been shown to be essential for the system behavior because of their influence of the gas pressure dependent control function. The system behavior is also influences by the model geometry.

  18. 24 CFR 213.268 - Final insurance endorsement. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Final insurance endorsement. 213... insurance endorsement. When all advances of mortgage or loan proceeds have been made and all the terms and... indicate on the original credit instrument the total of all advances he has approved for insurance and...

  19. Results of Final Focus Test Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walz, Dieter R


    The beam experiments of Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) started in September 1993 at SLAC, and have produced a 1.7 {micro}m x 75 nm spot of 46 GeV electron beam. A number of new techniques involving two nanometer spot-size monitors have been developed. Several beam diagnostic/tuning schemes are applied to achieve and maintain the small spot. This experiment opens the way toward the nanometer world for future linear colliders.

  20. Measuring micron size beams in the SLC final focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCormick, D.; Ross, M.; DeBarger, S.


    A pair of high resolution wire scanners have been built and installed in the SLC final focus. The final focus optics uses a set of de-magnifying telescopes, and an ideal location for a beam size monitor is at one of the magnified image points of the interaction point. The image point chosen for these scanners is in the middle of a large bend magnet. The design beam spots here are about 2 microns in the vertical and 20 microns in the horizontal plane. The scanners presented a number of design challenges. In this paper we discuss the mechanical design of the scanner, and fabrication techniques of its ceramic wire support card which holds many 4 and 7 um carbon wires. Accurate motion of the wire during a scan is critical. In this paper we describe tests of stepper motors, gear combinations, and radiation hardened encoders needed to produce the required motion with a step resolution of 80 nanometers. Also presented here are the results of scattered radiation detector placement studies carried out to optimize the signal from the 4 micron wires. Finally, we present measurements from the scanner

  1. Gerena School Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Final Report (United States)

    This is the final report of the EPA-led Gerena Community School HIA, which aims to provide valuable health-focused information to help the City of Springfield narrow down and prioritize renovation actions at the school.

  2. Northeast Oregon Hatchery Project final siting report. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the results of site analysis for the Bonneville Power Administration Northeast Oregon Hatchery Project. The purpose of this project is to provide engineering services for the siting and conceptual design of hatchery facilities for the Bonneville Power Administration. The hatchery project consists of artificial production facilities for salmon and steelhead to enhance production in three adjacent tributaries to the Columbia River in northeast Oregon: the Grande Ronde, Walla Walla, and Imnaha River drainage basins. Facilities identified in the master plan include adult capture and holding facilities; spawning incubation, and early rearing facilities; full-term rearing facilities; and direct release or acclimation facilities. The evaluation includes consideration of a main production facility for one or more of the basins or several smaller satellite production facilities to be located within major subbasins. The historic and current distribution of spring and fall chinook salmon and steelhead was summarized for the Columbia River tributaries. Current and future production and release objectives were reviewed. Among the three tributaries, forty seven sites were evaluated and compared to facility requirements for water and space. Site screening was conducted to identify the sites with the most potential for facility development. Alternative sites were selected for conceptual design of each facility type. A proposed program for adult holding facilities, final rearing/acclimation, and direct release facilities was developed

  3. IRIS Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether (Egbe) (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  4. Final disposal of radioactive wastes. Site selection criteria. Technical and economical factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Granero, J.J.


    General considerations, geological and socioeconomical criteria for final disposal of radioactive wastes in geological formations are treated. More attention is given to the final disposal of high level radioactive wastes and different solutions searched abroad which seems of interest for Spain. (author)

  5. Qualification of old wastes for finale disposal; Qualifizierung von Altabfaellen fuer die Endlagerung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dullau, R.; Kloeckner, J. [WTI Wissenschaftlich-Technische Ingenieurberatung GmbH, Juelich (Germany); Uekoetter, S. [GNS Gesellschaft fuer Nuklear-Service mbH, Essen (Germany)


    In the frame of the interim storage and final disposal of radioactive waste forms until now about 1200 barrels filled with old radioactive waste had to be requalified. The process of requalification is described in this contribution. The storage casks contained mainly high-pressure compacted and loose mixed waste, cemented waste and casting molds, building waste and combustion residuals, conditioned in the 1980ies. In the final repository Morsleben 80% of the waste forms were cleared for final disposal in Morsleben, 20% were qualified for interim storage and final disposal in the Schachtanlage Konrad. Based on these experiences the authors summarize recommendations for further requalification of old waste forms for the disposal in the Schachtanlage Konrad.

  6. Final design of kaon beam K2 at KEK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurokawa, Shin-ichi; Yamamoto, Akira.


    Final design of the 2.3 GeV/c kaon beam K2 is given. The K2 beam starts from the production target in slow extracted beam. Momentum range is 1 GeV/c through 2.3 GeV/c. Nominal total beam length is 27.9 m and solid-angle momentum acceptance is 6.25 msr%ΔP/P. Using a platinum target of diameter 3 mm and length 6 cm, 2.0 GeV/c beam fluxes of 1.0 x 10 6 K + and 5.2 x 10 5 K - per 10 12 13 GeV/c incident protons are expected at the final focus. (auth.)

  7. Problems of the final storage of radioactive waste in salt formations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofrichter, E.


    The geological conditions for the final storage of radioactive waste, the occurrence of salt formations, and the tectonics of salt domes are discussed. The safety of salt rocks, the impermeability of the rocks, and the thermal problems in the storage of high-activity waste are dealt with. Possibilities and preconditions of final storage in West Germany are discussed. (HPH) [de

  8. A final size relation for epidemic models of vector-transmitted diseases


    Fred Brauer


    We formulate and analyze an age of infection model for epidemics of diseases transmitted by a vector, including the possibility of direct transmission as well. We show how to determine a basic reproduction number. While there is no explicit final size relation as for diseases transmitted directly, we are able to obtain estimates for the final size of the epidemic.

  9. Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida Infantil: O Inventário Sistémico de Qualidade de Vida para Crianças

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Fonseca


    Full Text Available A avaliação da qualidade de vida infantil apresenta especificidades metodológicas. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar as características psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Inventaire Systémique de Qualité de Vie pour Enfants (ISQV-C, que assenta numa abordagem conceptual e metodológica inovadora para a autoavaliação da qualidade de vida, por ser interativo e lúdico, possuir uma psicometria que explora diversas pontuações e permitir uma análise de cada domínio de vida. Participaram do estudo 120 crianças portuguesas, dos 8 aos 12 anos de idade. Os resultados apontam para uma consistência interna satisfatória das quatro pontuações do ISQV-C (Estado, Objetivo, Importância e Qualidade de Vida, atestam validade convergente ao instrumento, não sendo favoráveis à existência de uma estrutura fatorial. Demonstra-se a adequação psicométrica e o interesse da versão portuguesa do ISQV-C.

  10. Le Hodna occidental entre régions méditerranéennes et plaines désertiques : organisation des terroirs, communautés rurales et productions agricoles au Moyen Âge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamed Meouak


    Full Text Available Les objectifs de notre contribution reposent sur deux axes méthodologiques précis : proposer une lecture critique des sources arabes et offrir un tableau précis des terroirs du Hodna occidental, région située entre la Kabylie maritime et les zones désertiques du Maghreb central à l'époque médiévale. Dans un premier temps, nous concentrerons nos efforts sur les lieux d'activités des communautés rurales afin d'établir un inventaire des diverses structures de peuplement. Dans une deuxième partie, il sera question des principaux aspects de l'organisation tribale comme moteur du peuplement rural dans le Hodna occidental avec la présence fondamentale de groupes arabes, tribus berbères et autres « étrangers ». Enfin dans une troisième et dernière étape, nous essaierons de dresser un tableau des paysages agraires et des productions agricoles en mettant l'accent notamment sur la gestion des espaces agricoles.

  11. Factors Influencing Student Nurses' Performance in the Final ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Factors Influencing Student Nurses' Performance in the Final Practical Examination ... Staff development courses can be held to coordinate the work of the school ... to authentic individual nursing care of patients so that they use the individual ...

  12. Decomposing final energy use for heating in the residential sector in Austria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holzmann, Angela; Adensam, Heidelinde; Kratena, Kurt; Schmid, Erwin


    In Austria a considerable number of measures have been implemented to reduce final energy use for residential heating since the 1990s. The aim of this analysis is to investigate, why – despite these implemented measures – final energy use for heating has not decreased in the expected way. The impact of eight factors on final energy use for heating is quantified by applying the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI I) method. The dataset covers the sector of private households in Austria for the period from 1993 to 2009. The main findings of the analysis are: (1) while technical improvements reduce final energy use for heating significantly, rising comfort needs nearly outweigh these savings. (2) Consumer behaviour reduces calculated final energy use considerably. (3) The extent of this reduction is declining significantly in the period observed. (4) The growing share of single-family houses has increased energy demand for heating in the observed period, though a reversal of this trend is detected from 2007 onwards. (5) The impact of growing floor space per person is the major effect revealed by the analysis. (6) Weather conditions have a major impact on annual fluctuations of energy consumption. -- Highlights: •We did an Index decomposition analysis of the Austrian residential heating demand. •Eight impact factors on heating demand have been identified. •Rising comfort needs outweigh savings caused by technical improvements. •Consumer behaviour has a major impact on residential final energy use for heating. •Weather changes play a major role when analysing annual changes in energy use

  13. Final-state interactions and relativistic effects in the quasielastic (e,e') reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chinn, C.R.; Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545); Picklesimer, A.; Van Orden, J.W.


    The longitudinal and transverse response functions for the inclusive quasielastic (e,e') reaction are analyzed in detail. A microscopic theoretical framework for the many-body reaction provides a clear conceptual (nonrelativistic) basis for treating final-state interactions and goes far beyond simple plane-wave or Hermitean potential models. The many-body physics of inelastic final-state channels as described by optical and multiple scattering theories is properly included by incorporating a full complex optical potential. Explicit nonrelativistic and relativistic momentum-space calculations quantitatively demonstrate the importance of such a treatment of final-state interactions for both the transverse and longitudinal response. Nonrelativistic calculations are performed using final-state interactions based on phenomenology, local density models, and microscopic multiple scattering theory. Relativistic calculations span a similar range of models and employ Dirac bound-state wave functions. The theoretical extension to relativistic dynamics is of course not clear, but is done in obvious parallel to elastic proton scattering. Extensive calculations are performed for 40 Ca at momentum transfers of 410, 550, and 700 MeV/c. A number of interesting physical effects are observed, including significant relativistic suppressions (especially for R L ), large off-shell and virtual pair effects, enhancement of the tails of the response by the final-state interactions, and large qualitative and even shape distinctions between the predictions of the various models of the final-state interactions. None of the models is found to be able to simultaneously predict the data for both response functions. This strongly suggests that additional physical mechanisms are of qualitative importance in inclusive quasielastic electron scattering

  14. 75 FR 50932 - Massachusetts: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions (United States)


    ...: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions AGENCY: Environmental...-1990. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robin Biscaia, RCRA Waste Management Section, Office of Site... final [[Page 50933

  15. State child health; revisions to the regulations implementing the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Interim final rule with comment period; revisions, delay of effective date, and technical amendments to final rule. (United States)


    Title XXI authorizes the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to assist State efforts to initiate and expand the provision of child health assistance to uninsured, low-income children. On January 11, 2001 we published a final rule in the Federal Register to implement SCHIP that has not gone into effect. This interim final rule further delays the effective date, revises certain provisions and solicits public comment, and makes technical corrections and clarifications to the January 2001 final rule based on further review of the comments received and applicable law. Only the provisions set forth in this document have changed. All other provisions set forth in the January 2001 final rule will be implemented without change.

  16. Multiproton final states in positive pion absorption below the Δ(1232) resonance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giannelli, R. A.; Ritchie, B. G.; Applegate, J. M.; Beck, E.; Beck, J.; Vanderpool, A. O.; Morris, C. L.; Rahwool-Sullivan, M.; Jones, M. K.; Ransome, R. D.


    Inclusive cross sections for positive pion absorption leading to final states including two or more protons have been measured with a large solid angle detector for incident pion energies from 30 to 135 MeV for targets with A=2-208. The mass dependences for the inclusive (π + ,2p), (π + ,3p), and total absorption cross sections for multiproton final states were found to be proportional to A n with n≅0.5. These cross sections also were observed to have an energy dependence at energies below 150 MeV reflective of the importance of the Δ(1232) resonance, similar to that observed for πd→pp. The inclusive cross sections for (π + ,4p) were found to be less than 10 mb for all targets at all energies. Estimates were also obtained for cross sections for pion absorption leading to 2p1n and 3p1n final states. Quasideuteron absorption contributions increase slowly with A, and the energy dependence of those contributions mirrors that for πd→pp. The data obtained here for multiproton final states indicate that a significant fraction of absorption events, increasing with A, most likely arises from final states containing fewer than two protons. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society

  17. Sewage Sludge Incinerators: Final Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources Final Rule Fact Sheets (United States)

    This page contains a February 2011 fact sheet with information regarding the final NSPS and Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources for Sewage Sludge Incinerators (SSI). This document provides a summary of the information for these regulations.

  18. IRIS Toxicological Review of Tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has released the Toxicological Review of Tetrahydrofuran: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  19. 2004 Power marketing program final EIS - final environmental impact statement. Volume 2 - appendices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume contains appendices to the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Power Marketing Program proposal of the Western Area Power Administration. The FEIS identified peaking power scheduling as the environmentally preferred alternative, and presented the analysis of alternatives and environmental impacts. Sixteen appendices to the FEIS are included in this document. The appendices are: Statutory and Legal Framework; Sierra Nevada Region Customer Groups and Economic Regions; Renewable Technology Cost Information Matrix; Hydrological Assumptions; Recreation Resources; Archaeological and Historical Resources; Incremental Power Resources; Air Quality Regulatory Structure; Energy Generation; Stage Contents Relationships for Regulating Reservoirs; Power Costs; Socioeconomic Impacts; Projected Air Resource Impacts; Land use, Water Quality, and Solid Waste Impact Factors; Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comments and Responses, and Contractor Disclosure Statements. 21 figs., 24 tabs

  20. SatisFactory Final System Evaluation Report


    Sunlight SA


    The present document is a deliverable of the SatisFactory project, funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD), under its Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme (H2020). The main objective of this deliverable is to report on the SatisFactory Final System Evaluation, with regards to the industrial pilots at COMAU and SUNLIGHT. The evaluation of SatisFactory platform is based on the implementation of the business scenarios where each tool...

  1. 76 FR 24539 - Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability (United States)


    ... site under ``Regulatory Guides'' at . Electronic copies... NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC-2010-0181] Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice of Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide...

  2. Automatic initial and final segmentation in cleft palate speech of Mandarin speakers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ling He

    Full Text Available The speech unit segmentation is an important pre-processing step in the analysis of cleft palate speech. In Mandarin, one syllable is composed of two parts: initial and final. In cleft palate speech, the resonance disorders occur at the finals and the voiced initials, while the articulation disorders occur at the unvoiced initials. Thus, the initials and finals are the minimum speech units, which could reflect the characteristics of cleft palate speech disorders. In this work, an automatic initial/final segmentation method is proposed. It is an important preprocessing step in cleft palate speech signal processing. The tested cleft palate speech utterances are collected from the Cleft Palate Speech Treatment Center in the Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, which has the largest cleft palate patients in China. The cleft palate speech data includes 824 speech segments, and the control samples contain 228 speech segments. The syllables are extracted from the speech utterances firstly. The proposed syllable extraction method avoids the training stage, and achieves a good performance for both voiced and unvoiced speech. Then, the syllables are classified into with "quasi-unvoiced" or with "quasi-voiced" initials. Respective initial/final segmentation methods are proposed to these two types of syllables. Moreover, a two-step segmentation method is proposed. The rough locations of syllable and initial/final boundaries are refined in the second segmentation step, in order to improve the robustness of segmentation accuracy. The experiments show that the initial/final segmentation accuracies for syllables with quasi-unvoiced initials are higher than quasi-voiced initials. For the cleft palate speech, the mean time error is 4.4ms for syllables with quasi-unvoiced initials, and 25.7ms for syllables with quasi-voiced initials, and the correct segmentation accuracy P30 for all the syllables is 91.69%. For the control samples, P30 for all the

  3. Construction and Demolition Debris 2014 US Final Disposition Estimates Using the CDDPath Method (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Estimates of the final amount and final disposition of materials generated in the Construction and Demolition waste stream measured in total mass of each material....

  4. Cassini ISS Observation of Saturn from Grand Finale Orbits (United States)

    Blalock, J. J.; Sayanagi, K. M.; Ingersoll, A. P.; Dyudina, U.; Ewald, S. P.; McCabe, R. M.; Garland, J.; Gunnarson, J.; Gallego, A.


    We present images captured during Cassini's Grand Finale orbits, and their preliminary analyses. During the final 22 orbits of the mission, the spacecraft is in orbits that have 6.5 day period at an inclination of 62 degrees, apoapsis altitude of about 1,272,000 km, and periapsis altitudes of about 2,500 km. Images captured during periapsis passes show Saturn's atmosphere at unprecedented spatial resolution. We present preliminary analyses of these images, including the final images captured before the end of the mission when the spacecraft enters Saturn's atmosphere on September 15th, 2017. Prominent features captured during the final orbits include the north polar vortex and other vortices as well as very detailed views of the "popcorn clouds" that reside between the Hexagon and the north pole. In the cloud field between zonal jets, clouds either resemble linear streaks suggestive of cirrus-like clouds or round shapes suggestive of vortices or cumulus anvil. The presence of linear streaks that follow lines of constant latitudes suggests that meridional mixing is inhibited at those latitudes. The size of vortices may reflect latitudinal variation in the atmospheric deformation radius. We also compare the new images to those captured earlier in the Cassini mission to characterize the temporal evolution such as changes in the zonal jet speeds, and prevalence and colors of vortices. A particular focus of our interest is the long-term change in the color of the hexagon, the evolution of the wind speeds in the jetstream that blows eastward at the boundary of the hexagon, and the morphology of the north polar vortex. Our work has been supported by NASA PATM NNX14AK07G, NSF AAG 1212216, and NASA NESSF NNX15AQ70H.

  5. Mastoidectomy performance assessment of virtual simulation training using final-product analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Steven A W; Cayé-Thomasen, Per; Sørensen, Mads S


    a modified Welling scale. The simulator gathered basic metrics on time, steps, and volumes in relation to the on-screen tutorial and collisions with vital structures. RESULTS: Substantial inter-rater reliability (kappa = 0.77) for virtual simulation and moderate inter-rater reliability (kappa = 0.......59) for dissection final-product assessment was found. The simulation and dissection performance scores had significant correlation (P = .014). None of the basic simulator metrics correlated significantly with the final-product score except for number of steps completed in the simulator. CONCLUSIONS: A modified...... version of a validated final-product performance assessment tool can be used to assess mastoidectomy on virtual temporal bones. Performance assessment of virtual mastoidectomy could potentially save the use of cadaveric temporal bones for more advanced training when a basic level of competency...

  6. 75 FR 42170 - Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability (United States)


    ... NRC's public Web site under ``Regulatory Guides'' at NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC-2009-0425] Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice of Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide...

  7. 75 FR 48381 - Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability (United States)


    ... NRC's public Web site under ``Regulatory Guides'' at NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC-2010-0274] Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice of issuance and availability of Regulatory Guide...

  8. Quality assurance methods and procedures for accepting radioactive waste for final storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wenger, R.


    The concept of quality assurance for the final storage of radioactive materials is presented together with the procedure, characterisation, procedural development and documentation involved. Other topics include the assessment of the material to find its suitability for final storage and the tests for transport. 4 figs., 9 refs

  9. Biomass Support for the China Renewable Energy Law: Final Report, December 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Final subcontractor report giving an overview of the biomass power generation technologies used in China. Report covers resources, technologies, foreign technologies and resources for comparison purposes, biomass potential in China, and finally government policies in China that support/hinder development of the using biomass in China for power generation.

  10. Summary of the ITER final design report. July 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is a summary of the ITER final design report foreseen during the current, Engineering Design Activities (EDA), phase of the ITER project. The report presents the results of collaborative design and supporting technical work undertaken by the ITER Joint Central team (JCT) and the Home Teams (HT) of the parties to the agreement on co-operation in the Engineering Design Activities for ITER (the ITER EDA Agreement). This report marks the achievement of the full technical scope of activities indicated in the ITER EDA Agreement, with a final design which meets the programmatic objective defined in the Agreement and satisfies detailed scientific, technical and costing objectives set by ITER Council in 1998

  11. CHP plant Legionowo Poland - Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In 1997, a new Energy Law was passed in Poland. An important element of the law is that local energy planning is made obligatory. The law describes obligatory tasks and procedures for Polish municipalities related to planning and organisation of the energy sector. With the objective of supporting the Polish municipalities in their obligations according to the energy law of 1997, the project 'Energy Planning in Poland at Municipal Level - Support to Decision Makers' was launched. As part of the project, Municipal Guideline Reports have been elaborated for three model municipalities. These guidelines present the basis for the Energy Supply Plans in these municipalities. For the city of Legionowo, the following was recommended: 1. The planning processes initiated during the project should be continues/followed up, 2. Master Plan for the district heating system should be prepared, 3. The possibilities of establishment of a major natural gas-fired CHP plant of the Combined Cycle type should be investigated. The present report is the final Master Plan based on the following reports: Master Plan for Legionowo - Status Report; Master Plan for Legionowo - Hydraulic Analysis; CHP Plant Legionowo Poland - CHP Feasibility Analysis. The final Master Plan describes the status in the DH Company in Legionowo, possible improvements and an investment plan for the selected scenario. (BA)

  12. Influence of final baking technologies in partially baked frozen gluten-free bread quality. (United States)

    Aguilar, Núria; Albanell, Elena; Miñarro, Begoña; Gallardo, Joan; Capellas, Marta


    The effect of final baking in convection oven (FBC), microwave oven (FBM), and microwave oven with susceptor packaging material (FBMS) on partially baked (PB) frozen gluten-free bread characteristics was investigated. Specific volume and crust color of loaves were measured at day 0. Bread moisture, water activity, and crumb and crust texture (at 15, 45, and 90 min after baking) were analyzed at day 0 and after 28 d of frozen storage (-18 °C). Volatile compounds from breads baked in convection oven or microwave oven with susceptor packaging material were also evaluated. Bread finally baked in convection oven or in microwave oven with susceptor packaging increased crust browning. Crumb and roll hardness increased with time after final baking (measured at 15, 45, 90 min) and after 28 d of frozen storage. Bread finally baked in microwave oven was the hardest, due to high water losses. At day 0, bread finally baked in convection oven had softer crumb than bread finally baked in microwave oven with susceptor packaging but, after 28 d of frozen storage, there were no differences between them. Moreover, FBC and FBMS rendered gluten-free breads that could not be distinguished in a triangular test and had the same volatile compounds profile. In conclusion, FBMS could be an alternative to FBC. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  13. Utterance-final position and pitch marking aid word learning in school-age children. (United States)

    Filippi, Piera; Laaha, Sabine; Fitch, W Tecumseh


    We investigated the effects of word order and prosody on word learning in school-age children. Third graders viewed photographs belonging to one of three semantic categories while hearing four-word nonsense utterances containing a target word. In the control condition, all words had the same pitch and, across trials, the position of the target word was varied systematically within each utterance. The only cue to word-meaning mapping was the co-occurrence of target words and referents. This cue was present in all conditions. In the Utterance-final condition, the target word always occurred in utterance-final position, and at the same fundamental frequency as all the other words of the utterance. In the Pitch peak condition, the position of the target word was varied systematically within each utterance across trials, and produced with pitch contrasts typical of infant-directed speech (IDS). In the Pitch peak + Utterance-final condition, the target word always occurred in utterance-final position, and was marked with a pitch contrast typical of IDS. Word learning occurred in all conditions except the control condition. Moreover, learning performance was significantly higher than that observed with simple co-occurrence ( control condition) only for the Pitch peak + Utterance-final condition. We conclude that, for school-age children, the combination of words' utterance-final alignment and pitch enhancement boosts word learning.

  14. 78 FR 52006 - 30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument (United States)


    ... Information Collection: Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer... Title of Information Collection: Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument. OMB Approval Number: 2502-0016... Credit Instrument'' form is used to request to request final [[Page 52007


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This final topical report details the development, experimentation and field-testing activities for a robotic asbestos pipe-insulation removal robot system developed for use within the DOE's weapon complex as part of their ER and WM program, as well as in industrial abatement. The engineering development, regulatory compliance, cost-benefit and field-trial experiences gathered through this program are summarized

  16. Dresden 1 plutonium recycle program. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bresnick, S.D.


    This is the final report on the Dresden 1 Plutonium Recycle Demonstration Program. It covers the work performed from July 1, 1978 to completion, which includes in-pool inspection of two fuel assemblies, removal of two fuel rods, and post-irradiation examination (PIE) of six fuel rods. Appendix A describes the inspection and rod removal operations, and Appendix B describes the PIE work

  17. Plant systems/components modularization study. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The final results are summarized of a Plant Systems/Components Modularization Study based on Stone and Webster's Pressurized Water Reactor Reference Design. The program has been modified to include evaluation of the most promising areas for modular consideration based on the level of the Sundesert Project engineering design completion and the feasibility of their incorporation into the plant construction effort

  18. 75 FR 6682 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument (United States)


    ... Information Collection: Comment Request; Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument AGENCY: Office of the.... This Notice also lists the following information: Title of Proposal: Final Endorsement of Credit... proposed use: The information collected on the ``Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument'' form is used to...

  19. Site-selection studies for final disposal of spent fuel in Finland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vuorela, P.; Aeikaes, T.


    In the management of waste by the Industrial Power Company Ltd. (TVO) preparations are being made for the final disposal of unprocessed spent fuel into the Finnish bedrock. The site selection program will advance in three phases. The final disposal site must be made at the latest by the end of the year 2000, in accordance with a decision laid down by the Finnish Government. In the first phase, 1983-85, the main object is to find homogeneous stable bedrock blocks surrounded by fracture zones located at a safe distance from the planned disposal area. The work usually starts with a regional structural analysis of mosaics of Landsat-1 winter and summer imagery. Next an assortment of different maps, which cover the whole country, is used. Technical methods for geological and hydrogeological site investigations are being developed during the very first phase of the studies, and a borehole 1000 meters deep will be made in southwestern Finland. Studies for the final disposal of spent fuel or high-level reprocessing waste have been made since 1974 in Finland. General suitability studies of the bedrock have been going on since 1977. The present results indicate that suitable investigation areas for the final disposal of highly active waste can be found in Finland

  20. EXPOsOMICS: final policy workshop and stakeholder consultation. (United States)

    Turner, Michelle C; Vineis, Paolo; Seleiro, Eduardo; Dijmarescu, Michaela; Balshaw, David; Bertollini, Roberto; Chadeau-Hyam, Marc; Gant, Timothy; Gulliver, John; Jeong, Ayoung; Kyrtopoulos, Soterios; Martuzzi, Marco; Miller, Gary W; Nawrot, Timothy; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Phillips, David H; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Samet, Jonathan; Vermeulen, Roel; Vlaanderen, Jelle; Vrijheid, Martine; Wild, Christopher; Kogevinas, Manolis


    The final meeting of the EXPOsOMICS project "Final Policy Workshop and Stakeholder Consultation" took place 28-29 March 2017 to present the main results of the project and discuss their implications both for future research and for regulatory and policy activities. This paper summarizes presentations and discussions at the meeting related with the main results and advances in exposome research achieved through the EXPOsOMICS project; on other parallel research initiatives on the study of the exposome in Europe and in the United States and their complementarity to EXPOsOMICS; lessons learned from these early studies on the exposome and how they may shape the future of research on environmental exposure assessment; and finally the broader implications of exposome research for risk assessment and policy development on environmental exposures. The main results of EXPOsOMICS in relation to studies of the external exposome and internal exposome in relation to both air pollution and water contaminants were presented as well as new technologies for environmental health research (adductomics) and advances in statistical methods. Although exposome research strengthens the scientific basis for policy development, there is a need in terms of showing added value for public health to: improve communication of research results to non-scientific audiences; target research to the broader landscape of societal challenges; and draw applicable conclusions. Priorities for future work include the development and standardization of methodologies and technologies for assessing the external and internal exposome, improved data sharing and integration, and the demonstration of the added value of exposome science over conventional approaches in answering priority policy questions.

  1. Improved Barriers to Turbine Engine Fragments: Final Annual Report

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Shockey, Donald


    This final annual technical report describes the progress rnade during year 4 of the SPI International Phase II effort to develop a computational capability for designing lightweight fragment barriers...

  2. Closing the Wedge: Search Strategies for Extended Higgs Sectors with Heavy Flavor Final States

    CERN Document Server

    Gori, Stefania; Shah, Nausheen R.; Zurek, Kathryn M.


    We consider search strategies for an extended Higgs sector at the high-luminosity LHC14 utilizing multi-top final states. In the framework of a Two Higgs Doublet Model, the purely top final states ($t\\bar t, \\, 4t$) are important channels for heavy Higgs bosons with masses in the wedge above $2\\,m_t$ and at low values of $\\tan\\beta$, while a $2 b 2t$ final state is most relevant at moderate values of $\\tan \\beta$. We find, in the $t\\bar t H$ channel, with $H \\rightarrow t \\bar t$, that both single and 3 lepton final states can provide statistically significant constraints at low values of $\\tan \\beta$ for $m_A$ as high as $\\sim 750$ GeV. When systematics on the $t \\bar t$ background are taken into account, however, the 3 lepton final state is more powerful, though the precise constraint depends fairly sensitively on lepton fake rates. We also find that neither $2b2t$ nor $t \\bar t$ final states provide constraints on additional heavy Higgs bosons with couplings to tops smaller than the top Yukawa due to expec...

  3. 50 CFR 11.17 - Payment of final assessment. (United States)


    ... TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND... administrative decision becomes effective in accordance with this part 11, the respondent shall have 20 calendar days from the date of the final administrative decision within which to make full payment of the...

  4. 78 FR 21617 - Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument (United States)


    ... Information Collection: Comment Request; Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument AGENCY: Office of the... Proposal: Final Endorsement of Credit Instrument. OMB Control Number, if applicable: 2502-0016. Description... Endorsement of Credit Instrument'' form is used to request to request final endorsement by HUD of the credit...

  5. Grimsel Test Site: heat test, final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneefuss, J.; Glaess, F.; Gommlich, G.; Schmidt, M.


    The Swiss concept for the storage of radioactive waste consists in placing it in compact, dense rock formations. An experiment 'Heat Test' carried out by the 'Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung' in Nagra's Grimsel rock laboratory simulated the heat production of stored radioactive waste. The aim was to evaluate processes for the demonstration of the suitability of a final repository for heat-producing radioactive waste in cristalline rock, to investigate the thermic, mechanic and hydraulic reactions to an artificial heat source, and to develop corresponding calculating models. The duration of the tests was about 3 years. In this report the measured thermic, mechanic and hydraulic reactions are documented and discussed in detail. A simple, rotation symmetrical FEM-model was used for the preparatory and experiment-accompanying modelling of the thermomechanical conditions in the heat test. The test showed that suitable measuring methods for the surveillance of the geomechanics of a final repository are available and that the reactions of the crystalline host rock to the heat source remain locally limited and can be modelled with relatively small effort. 29 refs., 33 figs., 10 tabs

  6. Non-linear optics for the final focus of the single-pass-collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, K.L.; Spencer, J.E.


    The purpose of the final focus system (FFS) is to demagnify the beam envelope in the Collider arc lattice to a size suitable for beam collisions at the interaction region. The final spot size is determined by the beam emittance, the beta function β* at the IR, the momentum spread in the beam, and the quality of the FFS optics. In particular, if the focusing system is not chromatically corrected, the momentum dispersion in the beam can lead to a substantial degradation in the quality of the final focus. The objective is to design a FFS for 50 GeV/c within approx. 100 meters having an IR spot size sigma/sub xy/ of approximately 2 μm for a beam emittance of epsilon = 3 x 10 -10 m-rad and a momentum spread of delta = +-0.5%. This requires a β/sub x,y/ equal to or less than 1 cm. This report considers the problems encountered in the design of a final focus system that will reliably provide the desired beam size for collisions


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Leonardo Simão


    Full Text Available The paper aims to analyze the perception of the final consumer in relation to forest certification. The research was performed through a systematic analysis by integrative contextualista approach, where were identified information on the recognition of the final consumer in relation to forest certification process in seven different countries. The results showed that only a small fraction in the consumer market is aware of the certification process in the forestry sector even in the economically developed regions. The findings show that one of the possible reasons for the increase of production of forest certified products in the last years is less by a requirement of final consumer and more for to a source of the product warranty along to intermediate actors in the forest value chain. There is also the possibility of requirements of forest certification made by intermediaries agents, in forest supply chain, figure as non-tariff barrier. Moreover, the focus of marketing activities for better efficiency should focus its activities not only in the final consumer, should also focus attention on to intermediaries agents.

  8. Are Final Comments in Web Survey Panels Associated with Next-Wave Attrition?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cynthia McLauchlan


    Full Text Available Near the end of a web survey respondents are often asked whether they have further comments. Such final comments are usually ignored, in part because open-ended questions are challenging to analyse. We explored whether final comments are associated with next-wave attrition in survey panels. We categorized a random sample of final comments in the Longitudinal Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS panel and Dutch Immigrant panel into one of eight categories (neutral, positive, six subcategories of negative and regressed the indicator of next-wave attrition on comment length, comment category and socio-demographic variables. In the Immigrant panel we found shorter final comments (55 words with decreased next-wave attrition relative to making no comment. Comments about unclear survey questions quadruple the odds of attrition and “other” (uncategorized negative comments almost double the odds of attrition. In the LISS panel, making a comment (vs. not and comment length are not associated with attrition. However, when specifying individual comment categories, neutral comments are associated with half the odds of attrition relative to not making a comment.

  9. Cosmological Final Focus Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irwin, J


    We develop the many striking parallels between the dynamics of light streams from distant galaxies and particle beams in accelerator final focus systems. Notably the deflections of light by mass clumps are identical to the kicks arising from the long-range beam-beam interactions of two counter-rotating particle beams (known as parasitic crossings). These deflections have sextupolar as well as quadrupolar components. We estimate the strength of such distortions for a variety of circumstances and argue that the sextupolar distortions from clumping within clusters may be observable. This possibility is enhanced by the facts that (1) the sextupolar distortions of background galaxies is a factor of 5 smaller than the quadrupolar distortion, (2) the angular orientation of the sextupolar and quadrupolar distortions from a mass distribution would be correlated, appearing as a slightly curved image, (3) these effects should be spatially clumped on the sky

  10. Do continuous assessment results affect final exam outcomes? Evidence from a microeconomics course

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Reboredo


    Full Text Available Continuous assessment aims to enhance student learning and understanding of a subject and so achieve better educational outcomes. We investigated how continuous assessment grades affected final exam grades. Using a dataset for six academic post-Bologna Process years (2009-2015 for a first-year undergraduate microeconomics course offered at a Spanish public university, we examined conditional dependence between continuous assessment and final exam grades. Our results would indicate a limited contribution of continuous assessment results to final exam results: the probability of the final exam performance improving on the continuous assessment grade was lower than the probability of the opposite occurring. A consistent exception, however, was students who obtained an A grade for continuous assessment. Our results would cast some doubt on the beneficial effects of continuous assessment advocated by the Bologna Process.

  11. The Impact of Supply Chain Cost on the Price of the Final Product

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indrė Lapinskaitė


    Full Text Available Nowadays, as consumption and production are growing enormously fast, companies are seeking for costs reduction aimed at ensuring competitiveness. In manufacturing companies, supply chain expenses play a colossal role in the cost of the final product. This paper focuses on the main processes in the logistics chain and their components. The authors analyse the relationship between the sup- ply chain expenses and the price of the final product, the classification of logistics chain costs and their minimization as an assumption for the competitiveness of the final price.

  12. Radiaoctive waste packaging for transport and final disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suarez, A.A.


    Prior and after the conditioning of radioactive wastes is the packaging design of uppermost importance since it will be the first barrier against water and human intrusion. The choice of the proper package according waste category as well criteria utilized for final disposal are shown. (author) [pt

  13. El examen final, otra instancia para seguir aprendiendo


    Rosales, María Laura


    This work tries to give place to the reflection on learning at the university level, and its importance in order to develop as professionals. Also be considered the final assessment, as a further instance within the learning and its importance to the teacher and for the student.

  14. 76 FR 1437 - Issuance of Final Policy Directive (United States)


    ... assisting low-income families out of poverty. The program assists individuals and families to save earned...: Members of a household that is eligible for assistance under Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Administration for Children and Families Issuance of Final...

  15. ClearFuels-Rentech Integrated Biorefinery Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pearson, Joshua [Project Director


    The project Final Report describes the validation of the performance of the integration of two technologies that were proven individually on a pilot scale and were demonstrated as a pilot scale integrated biorefinery. The integrated technologies were a larger scale ClearFuels’ (CF) advanced flexible biomass to syngas thermochemical high efficiency hydrothermal reformer (HEHTR) technology with Rentech’s (RTK) existing synthetic gas to liquids (GTL) technology.

  16. Properties of hadronic final states in diffractive deep inelastic ep scattering at DESY HERA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Characteristics of the hadronic final state of diffractive deep inelastic scattering events ep→eXp were studied in the kinematic range 4 X 2 2 , 70 P <0.03 with the ZEUS detector at the DESY ep collider HERA using an integrated luminosity of 13.8 pb-1. The events were tagged by identifying the diffractively scattered proton using the leading proton spectrometer. The properties of the hadronic final state X were studied in its center-of-mass frame using thrust, thrust angle, sphericity, energy flow, transverse energy flow, and 'seagull' distributions. As the invariant mass of the system increases, the final state becomes more collimated, more aligned, and more asymmetric in the average transverse momentum with respect to the direction of the virtual photon. Comparisons of the properties of the hadronic final state with predictions from various Monte Carlo model generators suggest that the final state is dominated by qq-barg states at the parton level

  17. 76 FR 37021 - Louisiana: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision (United States)


    ...: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision AGENCY: Environmental... implement its base Hazardous Waste Management Program. We granted authorization for changes to their program... opportunity to apply for final authorization to operate all aspects of their hazardous waste management...

  18. 78 FR 9884 - Purified Carboxymethylcellulose From the Netherlands: Final Results of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... Carboxymethylcellulose From the Netherlands: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Final No... carboxymethylcellulose (purified CMC) from the Netherlands.\\1\\ This review covers two respondents, Akzo Nobel Functional... Review'' section of this notice. \\1\\ See Purified Carboxymethylcellulose From the Netherlands...

  19. Admiralty Inlet Pilot Tidal Project Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Collar, Craig [Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County, Everett, WA (United States)


    This document represents the final report for the Admiralty Inlet Pilot Tidal Project, located in Puget Sound, Washington, United States. The Project purpose was to license, permit, and install a grid-connected deep-water tidal turbine array (two turbines) to be used as a platform to gather operational and environmental data on tidal energy generation. The data could then be used to better inform the viability of commercial tidal energy generation from technical, economic, social, and environmental standpoints. This data would serve as a critical step towards the responsible advancement of commercial scale tidal energy in the United States and around the world. In late 2014, Project activities were discontinued due to escalating costs, and the DOE award was terminated in early 2015. Permitting, licensing, and engineering design activities were completed under this award. Final design, deployment, operation, and monitoring were not completed. This report discusses the results and accomplishments achieved under the subject award.

  20. Navy radon assessment and mitigation program: Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This final report encompasses the events from the beginning of the Navy Radon Assessment and Mitigation Program to the closure of the program on October 31, 1994. Included in the report are discussions of the phases of the program including screening, assessment, mitigation, and post-mitigation. The primary discussion involves screening and assessment. The report addresses recommendations made to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command by the Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program of Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., and the final decisions that were made. Special emphasis is placed on quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), since QA/QC was given top priority during the implementation of this program. Included in the discussion on QA/QC are ana overview of the measurement process, positive and negative controls, replicated measurements, and application of chamber exposures to data calibration. The report concludes with a discussion of testing considerations for naval facilities and radon mitigation considerations for the Department of the Navy

  1. Sleep and Final Exam Performance in Introductory Physics (United States)

    Coletta, Vincent; Wikholm, Colin; Pascoe, Daniel


    Most physics instructors believe that adequate sleep is important in order for students to perform well on problem solving, and many instructors advise students to get plenty of sleep the night before an exam. After years of giving such advice to students at Loyola Marymount University (LMU), one of us decided to find out how many hours students actually do sleep the night before an exam, and how that would relate to their performance. The effect of inadequate sleep on exam performance was explored in a second-semester introductory physics course. At the end of the final exam, students reported the number of hours they slept the night before. Sleep deprivation corresponded to lower final exam scores. The main purpose of this study is to provide evidence that instructors can provide to their students to convince them that their time is better spent sleeping rather than studying all night before an exam.

  2. Final integration and alignment of LINC-NIRVANA (United States)

    Moreno-Ventas, Javier; Bizenberger, Peter; Bertram, Thomas; Radhakrishnan, Kalyan K.; Kittmann, Frank; Baumeister, Harald; Marafatto, Luca; Mohr, Lars; Herbst, Tom


    The LBT (Large Binocular Telescope), located at about 3200m on Mount Graham (Tucson, Arizona) is an innovative project undertaken by institutions from Europe and USA. LINC-NIRVANA is an instrument which provides MCAO (Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics) and interferometry, combining the light from the two 8.4m telescopes coherently. This configuration offers 23m-baseline optical resolution and the sensitivity of a 12m mirror, with a 2 arc-minute diffraction limited field of view. The integration, alignment and testing of such a big instrument requires a well-organized choreography and AIV planning which has been developed in a hierarchical way. The instrument is divided in largely independent systems, and all of them consist of various subsystems. Every subsystem integration ends with a verification test and an acceptance procedure. When a certain number of systems are finished and accepted, the instrument AIV phase starts. This hierarchical approach allows testing at early stages with simple setups. The philosophy is to have internally aligned subsystems to be integrated in the instrument optical path, and extrapolate to finally align the instrument to the Gregorian bent foci of the telescope. The alignment plan was successfully executed in Heidelberg at MPIA facilities, and now the instrument is being re-integrated at the LBT over a series of 11 campaigns along the year 2016. After its commissioning, the instrument will offer MCAO sensing with the LBT telescope. The interferometric mode will be implemented in a future update of the instrument. This paper focuses on the alignment done in the clean room at the LBT facilities for the collimator, camera, and High-layer Wavefront Sensor (HWS) during March and April 2016. It also summarizes the previous work done in preparation for shipping and arrival of the instrument to the telescope. Results are presented for every step, and a final section outlines the future work to be done in next runs until its final commissioning.

  3. Final Rule for Industrial Process Cooling Towers: Fact Sheet (United States)

    Fact sheet concerning a final rule to reduce air toxics emissions from industrial process cooling towers. Air toxics are those pollutants known or suspected of causing cancer or other serious health effects.

  4. High-$p_T$ multi-jet final states at ATLAS and CMS

    CERN Document Server

    Lange, Clemens


    The increase of the centre-of-mass energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to 13 TeV has opened up a new energy regime. Final states including high-momentum multi-jet signatures often dominate beyond standard model phenomena, in particular decay products of new heavy particles. While the potential di-photon resonance currently receives a lot of attention, multi-jet final states pose strong constraints on what physics model an observation could actually be described with. In this presentation, the latest results of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations in high transverse momentum multi-jet final states are summarised. This includes searches for heavy resonances and new phenomena in the di-jet mass spectrum, di-jet angular distributions, and the sum of transverse momenta in different event topologies. Furthermore, results on leptoquark pair production will be shown. A particular focus is laid on the different background estimation methods.

  5. Energy Impact Illinois - Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olson, Daniel [Senior Energy Efficiency Planner; Plagman, Emily [Senior Energy Planner; Silberhorn, Joey-Lin [Energy Efficiency Program Assistant


    Energy Impact Illinois (EI2) is an alliance of government organizations, nonprofits, and regional utility companies led by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) that is dedicated to helping communities in the Chicago metropolitan area become more energy efficient. Originally organized as the Chicago Region Retrofit Ramp-Up (CR3), EI2 became part of the nationwide Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP) in May 2010 after receiving a $25 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) authorized through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The program’s primary goal was to fund initiatives that mitigate barriers to energy efficiency retrofitting activities across residential, multifamily, and commercial building sectors in the seven-county CMAP region and to help to build a sustainable energy efficiency marketplace. The EI2 Final Technical Report provides a detailed review of the strategies, implementation methods, challenges, lessons learned, and final results of the EI2 program during the initial grant period from 2010-2013. During the program period, EI2 successfully increased direct retrofit activity in the region and was able to make a broader impact on the energy efficiency market in the Chicago region. As the period of performance for the initial grant comes to an end, EI2’s legacy raises the bar for the region in terms of helping homeowners and building owners to take action on the continually complex issue of energy efficiency.

  6. Alternatives of Treatment and Final Disposition of the Solid Hospital residuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meza Monge, K.


    The current handling, treatment and final disposition of the hospital solid waste in Costa Rica are considered inadequate or at least insufficient. This situation represents a serious danger for the population's health and the environment, because they are exposed to infectious agents, toxic substances and even radioactive products that are generated among the residuals of the centers of health. This work, alternatives propose for the treatment and adequate final disposition of the solid waste produced in the hospitals of the country. They take into consideration the characteristics that present these residuals, the advantages and disadvantages of each one of the existent techniques and the technical and economic possibilities of the country. For this purpose, in first instance, a revision about the properties, the quality and the quantity of the solid waste produced by the national hospital centers was carried out. Also, a diagnostic of the current situation of the treatment and final disposition of these residuals in some of the most important hospitals of the country, as well as of the possibilities of physical space with that they count on was carried out. Then, the existent different treatment techniques and final disposition for the solid waste that comes from the centers of health are described, as well as their advantages and disadvantages and a comparative analysis of the same ones is carried out. The objective is completed, since alternatives of treatment and final disposition that are considered appropriate for this type of residuals are planned. Nevertheless, in the future, more detailed investigations and studies of feasibility, with the purpose of developing handling programs and elimination of the solid waste for each one of the hospital centers in Costa Rica should be carried out. (Author) [es

  7. LHC vector resonance searches in the tt̄Z final state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Backović, Mihailo [Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3,Universite Catholique de Louvain,Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium); Flacke, Thomas [Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science (IBS),Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Department of Physics, Korea University,Seoul 02841 (Korea, Republic of); Jain, Bithika [School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study,Seoul 02455 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Seung J. [Department of Physics, Korea University,Seoul 02841 (Korea, Republic of); School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study,Seoul 02455 (Korea, Republic of)


    LHC searches for BSM resonances in l{sup +}l{sup −}, jj, tt̄,γγ and VV final states have so far not resulted in discovery of new physics. Current results set lower limits on mass scales of new physics resonances well into the O(1) TeV range, assuming that the new resonance decays dominantly to a pair of Standard Model particles. While the SM pair searches are a vital probe of possible new physics, it is important to re-examine the scope of new physics scenarios probed with such final states. Scenarios where new resonances decay dominantly to final states other than SM pairs, even though well theoretically motivated, lie beyond the scope of SM pair searches. In this paper we argue that LHC searches for (vector) resonances beyond two particle final states would be useful complementary probes of new physics scenarios. As an example, we consider a class of composite Higgs models, and identify specific model parameter points where the color singlet, electrically neutral vector resonance ρ{sub 0} decays dominantly not to a pair of SM particles, but to a fermionic top partner T{sub f1} and a top quark, with T{sub f1}→tZ. We show that dominant decays of ρ{sub 0}→T{sub f1}t in the context of Composite Higgs models are possible even when the decay channel to a pair of T{sub f1} is kinematically open. Our analysis deals with scenarios where both m{sub ρ} and m{sub T{sub f{sub 1}}} are of O(1) TeV, leading to highly boosted tt̄Z final state topologies. We show that the particular composite Higgs scenario we consider is discoverable at the LHC13 with as little as 30 fb{sup −1}, while being allowed by other existing experimental constraints.

  8. 77 FR 15966 - Ohio: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision (United States)


    ... Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final..., 1989 (54 FR 27170) to implement the RCRA hazardous waste management program. We granted authorization... Combustors; Final Rule, Checklist 198, February 14, 2002 (67 FR 6968); Hazardous Waste Management System...

  9. 78 FR 68161 - Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: Final Amendments and Confidentiality Determinations for... (United States)


    ... 98 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: Final Amendments and Confidentiality Determinations for...-HQ-OAR-2011-0028; FRL-9845-6] RIN 2060-AR61 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: Final Amendments and... monitoring methodologies for electronics manufacturers covered by the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule. These...

  10. Final Report of the Advanced Coal Technology Work Group (United States)

    The Advanced Coal Technology workgroup reported to the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee. This page includes the final report of the Advanced Coal Technology Work Group to the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee.

  11. Trainees' Perceptions of a Final Oral Competency Examination (United States)

    Goldberg, Robert W.; Young, Kevin R.


    Objective(s): The focus on competency attainment by professional psychology trainees obligates training programs to assess these competencies prior to completion of an internship. However, little is known about how trainees may perceive such testing. This study examines relationships between performance on an Oral Final Competency Examination of a…

  12. The numerical benchmark CB2-S, final evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chrapciak, V.


    In this paper are final results of numerical benchmark CB2-S compared (activity, gamma and neutron sources, concentration of important nuclides and decay heat). The participants are: Vladimir Chrapciak (SCALE), Ludmila Markova (SCALE), Svetlana Zabrodskaja (SCALA), Pavel Mikolas (WIMS). Eva Tinkova (HELIOS) and Maria Manolova (SCALE) (Authors)

  13. Michigan Physicians' Conference on Elder Abuse. Final Report. (United States)

    Sengstock, Mary C.; O'Brien, James G.

    The final report describes the Michigan Physicians' Conference on Elder Abuse project. The project conference had four major content areas, including: a general introduction to the problem of elder abuse; clinical symptoms of abuse; legal issues; and referral and case management techniques. Training techniques included lectures, group discussion,…

  14. 15 CFR 785.19 - Payment of final assessment. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Payment of final assessment. 785.19 Section 785.19 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL REGULATIONS ENFORCEMENT § 785...

  15. TADS Final Evaluation Report, 1980-81. Appendix S. (United States)

    Suarez, Tanya M.; And Others

    The document contains the final report of the Technical Assistance Development System (TADS), a program which provided technical assistance (TA) services to 53 Handicapped Children's Early Education Program (HCEEP) demonstration projects and 13 State Implementation Grants (SIGs). The evaluation report is divided into five sections. Section 1…

  16. Inventario de creencias del supervisor (I.C.S: un instrumento para estudiar los diferentes estilos de supervisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un inventario acerca de las creencias y opiniones de los profesores que asumen papeles de ayuda, guía y orientación de profesores principiantes como parte importante de los programas de formación para estos profesores noveles. El Inventario nos permite conocer qué estilo de supervisión predomina en estos profesores mentores cuando trabajan con profesores que se encuentran en sus primeros años de docencia. El documento asume que los profesores mentores creen y actúan de acuerdo con una de las tres orientaciones de supervisión: Directiva, Colaborativa y No Directiva. El artículo describe el Inventario de Creencias del Supervisor así como el proceso de validación y los hallazgos obtenidos tras su aplicación a un grupo de profesores con experiencia que participaron en un curso de Formación en Estrategias de Supervisión.ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to offer an inventory of the beliefs and opinions of teachers who act as supervisors, guides and orientors for novice teachers as an important aspect in the training programs for such professionals. The inventory discloses the predominant supervisory styles of such mentor teachers when they are working with teachers in the first years of their duties. The work assumes that mentor teachers hold beliefs and act in accordance with one of three supervisory orientations: Directive, Collaborative and Non-Directive The paper describes the I.S.B. and the process of validation and the findings obtained after application to a group of teachers with experience who participated in a course on Training in Supervisory Strategies.RÉSUMÉ: L'objectif de ce travail est de dresser un inventaire -á l'intérieur des programmes de formation- des croyances et des opinions des professeurs assumant le role d'aide, de guide et d'orientation envers les professeurs débutants . I/inventaire nous permet de savoir quel type d'inspection predomine chez ees

  17. Experiences of final year nursing students in their preparedness to become registered nurses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Carlson


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study were: firstly, to explore and describe the experiences of final year nursing students relating to how they experience their preparedness to fulfil the role of professional nurse; secondly, to explore and describe the experiences of novice professional nurses in the role of professional nurse; finally, to generate a model which will assist the final year nursing student to become a professional nurse. A theory-generative, qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was utilized to reach the objectives of the study. Results indicated that final year nursing students experience a lack of confidence to take on the responsibilities of professional nursing. The results are displayed in table form and discussed in the article. This abstract forms part of a bigger study that addresses the professional maturity of the novice professional nurse for the practice of nursing.

  18. Final Report: Performance Engineering Research Institute

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mellor-Crummey, John [Rice Univ., Houston, TX (United States)


    This document is a final report about the work performed for cooperative agreement DE-FC02-06ER25764, the Rice University effort of Performance Engineering Research Institute (PERI). PERI was an Enabling Technologies Institute of the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC-2) program supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program. The PERI effort at Rice University focused on (1) research and development of tools for measurement and analysis of application program performance, and (2) engagement with SciDAC-2 application teams.

  19. Do substantial BMI reduction episodes among Swedish schoolchildren have any impact on their final height? (United States)

    Nilsen, Bente B; Yngve, Agneta; Werner, Bo


    This study investigated whether substantial body mass index (BMI) reductions in Swedish schoolchildren aged seven years to 19 years, caused by disease, healthy or unhealthy behaviour, had any impact on their final height. We used height and weight data on 6572 subjects from two nationally representative longitudinal samples of Swedish children born in 1973 and 1981. These provided information on their final height and any BMI reduction episodes. Of the 6572 subjects (50.9% boys), among individuals with information on final height, 1118 had a BMI reduction of 5% and BMI reduction of 10% or more. On a group level, there was no statistically significant difference in the final height of individuals with BMI reductions of 10% or more and those without. The findings were independent of age and the subject's BMI at the start of the reduction episode. However, there were a number of cases where a substantial BMI reduction probably had an impact on the subject's final height. Our study found no evidence that a substantial BMI reduction had any impact on final height on a group level, but further analyses of specific case studies are necessary to determine whether substantial BMI reduction might have an impact on final height. ©2018 Foundation Acta Paediatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Facility Operations Manual; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    IRWIN, J.J.


    This document provides the Operations Manual for the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF). The Manual was developed in conjunction with HNF-553, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report Annex B-Cold Vacuum Drying Facility. The HNF-SD-SNF-DRD-002, 1999, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Design Requirements, Rev. 4, and the CVDF Final Design Report. The Operations Manual contains general descriptions of all the process, safety and facility systems in the CVDF, a general CVD operations sequence and references to the CVDF System Design Descriptions (SDDs). This manual has been developed for the SNFP Operations Organization and shall be updated, expanded, and revised in accordance with future design, construction and startup phases of the CVDF until the CVDF final ORR is approved

  1. Telephone Flat Geothermal Development Project Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Report. Final

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This Final Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Report (Final EIS/EIR) has been prepared to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Proposed Action includes the construction, operation, and decommissioning of a 48 megawatt (gross) geothermal power plant with ancillary facilities (10-12 production well pads and 3-5 injection well pads, production and injection pipelines), access roads, and a 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission line in the Modoc National Forest in Siskiyou County, California. Alternative locations for the power plant site within a reasonable distance of the middle of the wellfield were determined to be technically feasible. Three power plant site alternatives are evaluated in the Final EIS/EIR.

  2. Comment on "Measurements without probabilities in the final state proposal" (United States)

    Cohen, Eliahu; Nowakowski, Marcin


    The final state proposal [G. T. Horowitz and J. M. Maldacena, J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2004) 008, 10.1088/1126-6708/2004/04/008] is an attempt to relax the apparent tension between string theory and semiclassical arguments regarding the unitarity of black hole evaporation. Authors Bousso and Stanford [Phys. Rev. D 89, 044038 (2014), 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.044038] analyze thought experiments where an infalling observer first verifies the entanglement between early and late Hawking modes and then verifies the interior purification of the same Hawking particle. They claim that "probabilities for outcomes of these measurements are not defined" and therefore suggest that "the final state proposal does not offer a consistent alternative to the firewall hypothesis." We show, in contrast, that one may define all the relevant probabilities based on the so-called ABL rule [Y. Aharonov, P. G. Bergmann, and J. L. Lebowitz, Phys. Rev. 134, B1410 (1964), 10.1103/PhysRev.134.B1410], which is better suited for this task than the decoherence functional. We thus assert that the analysis of Bousso and Stanford cannot yet rule out the final state proposal.

  3. Final-year teacher training students' perceptions of THRASS

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Erna Kinsey

    if THRASS would enhance their teaching of phonics, reading and spelling skills. ... range of children and be uncomplicated, should relate strongly to everyday life and finally ... to be a 'balanced approach', which includes involving learners in reading 'real books' ..... the old methods of teaching work better than those of OBE.

  4. Site selection - siting of the final repository for spent nuclear fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    SKB has selected Forsmark as the site for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. The site selection is the end result of an extensive siting process that began in the early 1990s. The strategy and plan for the work was based on experience from investigations and development work over a period of more than ten years prior to then. This document describes the siting work and SKB's choice of site for the final repository. It also presents the information on which the choice was based and the reasons for the decisions made along the way. The document comprises Appendix PV to applications under the Nuclear Activities Act and the Environmental Code for licences to build and operate an encapsulation plant adjacent to the central interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Oskarshamn, and to build and operate a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark in Oesthammar Municipality

  5. Site selection - siting of the final repository for spent nuclear fuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    SKB has selected Forsmark as the site for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. The site selection is the end result of an extensive siting process that began in the early 1990s. The strategy and plan for the work was based on experience from investigations and development work over a period of more than ten years prior to then. This document describes the siting work and SKB's choice of site for the final repository. It also presents the information on which the choice was based and the reasons for the decisions made along the way. The document comprises Appendix PV to applications under the Nuclear Activities Act and the Environmental Code for licences to build and operate an encapsulation plant adjacent to the central interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Oskarshamn, and to build and operate a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark in Oesthammar Municipality


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suwarno Abadi


    Full Text Available This article examines the constitutional status of Constitutional Court’s decisions constitutionally guaranteed as final. This status very critical because it could lead Constitutional Court to the judicial supremacy position. This article argues against this possibility. The status of Constitutional Court’s decisions should be critized on the basis that its finality is prima facie, not absolute. As a solution, this article takes a position called departmentalism which means that court and legislature are not supreme in their authority to interpret the constitution. Artikel ini membahas tentang status konstitusional putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang dijamin konstitusi bersifat final. Status tersebut sangat kritikal karena dapat mengarahkan Mahkamah Konstitusi ke posisi supremasi yudisial. Artikel ini berargumen tidak setuju atas kemungkinan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, status putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi perlu dikritisi dengan dasar bahwa finalitasnya tersebut bersifat “prima facie”, tidak absolut. Sebagai solusinya, artikel ini mengambil posisi departementalisme yang memiliki pengertian bahwa pengadilan dan legislator tidak memiliki supremasi atas kewenangan untuk melakukan interpretasi konstitusi.

  7. Faith 7 L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., and the final Mercury mission

    CERN Document Server

    Burgess, Colin


    This book celebrates the final spaceflight in the Mercury series, flown by NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper, who led an adventurous life in the cockpit of airplanes and spacecraft alike, and on his Mercury mission he became the last American ever to rocket into space alone. He flew in the Mercury and Gemini programs and served as head of flight crew operations in both the Apollo and Skylab programs. His final Mercury mission closed out a pivotal chapter in American spaceflight. Based on extensive research and first-person interviews, this is a complete history of the Faith 7 flight and its astronaut. Cooper later gained notoriety following the release of the movie, The Right Stuff, in which he was depicted by Dennis Quaid, but Burgess discovers there was even more drama to his story. This recounting of the final Mercury 7 flight completes Burgess's investigation of the early spaceflight program in thrilling fashion.

  8. Preliminary environmental impact assessment for the final disposal of vanadium hazardous wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leyva Bombuse, D.; Peralta, J.L.; Gil Castillo, R.


    The aim of the present paper is the environmental impact assessment for the final management of vanadium wastes. The assessed practice is proposed as a final solution for a real problem in Cuba, related with the combustion fossil fuel burn in the electric generation. The study case, embrace the interim storage of hazardous wastes with high vanadium contents (5.08 T) and other heavy metals traces (Cr, Zn). According to the Cuban conditions (tacking into account the environmental regulations and infrastructure lack for the hazardous wastes disposal), it was decided the terrestrial dilution as a final disposal way. The environmental impact assessment methodology used, take into account, in the analyzed management practice, the actions, factors and environmental impacts. The positives and more relevant impacts were obtained for the socioeconomic means. The negative and irrelevant impacts were associated to the biotic and abiotic means. Socioeconomic factors were the most affected and the biotic and abiotic factors were less affected. The waste handling was the most relevant environmental action. According to the evaluated conditions, the obtained results showed that is feasible the terrestrial dilution as a sustainability way for the final disposal of vanadium hazardous wastes

  9. Final cooling for a high-energy high-luminosity lepton collider (United States)

    Neuffer, D.; Sayed, H.; Acosta, J.; Hart, T.; Summers, D.


    A high-energy muon collider requires a "final cooling" system that reduces transverse emittance by a factor of ~ 10, while allowing the longitudinal emittance to increase. The baseline approach has low-energy transverse cooling within high-field solenoids, with strong longitudinal heating. This approach and its recent simulation are discussed. Alternative approaches, which more explicitly include emittance exchange are also presented. Round-to-flat beam transform, transverse slicing, and longitudinal bunch coalescence are possible components of an alternative approach. Wedge-based emittance exchange could provide much of the required transverse cooling with longitudinal heating. Li-lens and quadrupole focusing systems could also provide much of the required final cooling.

  10. Final Cooling for a High-Energy High-Luminosity Lepton Collider

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neuffer, David [Fermilab; Sayed, H. [Brookhaven; Hart, T. [Mississippi U.; Summers, D. [Mississippi U.


    A high-energy muon collider scenario require a “final cooling” system that reduces transverse emittance by a factor of ~10 while allowing longitudinal emittance increase. The baseline approach has low-energy transverse cooling within high-field solenoids, with strong longitudinal heating. This approach and its recent simulation are discussed. Alternative approaches which more explicitly include emittance exchange are also presented. Round-to-flat beam transform, transverse slicing, and longitudinal bunch coalescence are possible components of an alternative approach. Wedge-based emittance exchange could provide much of the required transverse cooling with longitudinal heating. Li-lens and quadrupole focusing systems could also provide much of the required final cooling.

  11. 77 FR 25729 - Notice of Issuance of Final Determination Concerning Certain Agilent Oscilloscopes (United States)


    ..., CBP has concluded in the final determination that for each scenario the assembly and programming... final determination, CBP concluded that, based upon the assembly and programming operations in Singapore... Protection (``CBP'') Regulations (19 C.F.R. Part 177). Under these regulations, which implement Title III of...

  12. Focal points of future FuE work concerning the final disposal of radioactive wastes (2011-2014)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present Federal support concept is the basis for applied fundamental research concerning final disposal of heat generating radioactive wastes. The use-oriented fundamental research is aimed to the development of a scientific-technical basis for the realization of a final repository for heat-generating radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel, to the continuous advancement of the state of science and technology with respect to final waste disposal and a substantial contribution to the constitution, development and preservation of scientific-technological competence in the field of nuclear waste management in Germany. The concept includes research and development work concerning final disposal in the host rock salt, clays and crystalline rocks (granite). The research and development main issues are the final disposal system, the system behavior, further topics in relation to final disposal and nuclear materials surveillance.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prof Kigadye

    consecutive days; finally 6 animals were randomly picked from each treatment and slaughtered ... Organoleptic test was conducted and samples of the mutton, goat meat and ..... Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 27(1): 55 –. 60.

  14. Anthraquinone Final Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Test Rule (United States)

    EPA is issuing a final rule, under section 4 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), requiring manufacturers and processors of 9,10-anthraquinone (CAS No. 84—65—1), hereinafter anthraquinone, to perform testing.

  15. Neuropsychiatric symptoms and quality of life in patients in the final phase of dementia. (United States)

    Koopmans, Raymond T C M; van der Molen, Marloes; Raats, Monique; Ettema, Teake P


    To assess neuropsychiatric symptoms and quality of life in a group of patients in the final phase of dementia. All patients with dementia (n = 216) residing on dementia special care units of two Dutch nursing homes were included in the study provided they met the criteria for the final phase of dementia. Neuropsychiatric symptoms were assessed with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Nursing Home version (NPI-NH) and the Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI). Quality of life was assessed with the QUALIDEM. Of the 216 dementia patients 39 met the criteria for the final phase of dementia. The patients showed a specific pattern of behaviours with a high prevalence of apathy, agitation and behaviours that were mainly observed during morning care such as making strange noises, grabbing, performing repetitious mannerism, spitting, hitting, screaming and pushing. Overall quality of life of these patients in the final phase of dementia was moderate. In this small sample, patients in the final phase of dementia show specific behavioural problems, that mainly should be addressed with psychosocial interventions. (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Zero-emission vehicle technology assessment. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woods, T.


    This is the final report in the Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Technology Assessment, performed for NYSERDA by Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. Booz-Allen wrote the final report, and performed the following tasks as part of the assessment: assembled a database of key ZEV organizations, their products or services, and plans; described the current state of ZEV technologies; identified barriers to widespread ZEV deployment and projected future ZEV technical capabilities; and estimated the cost of ZEVs from 1998 to 2004. Data for the ZEV Technology Assessment were obtained from several sources, including the following: existing ZEV industry publications and Booz-Allen files; major automotive original equipment manufacturers; independent electric vehicle manufacturers; battery developers and manufacturers; infrastructure and component developers and manufacturers; the U.S. Department of Energy, the California Air Resources Board, and other concerned government agencies; trade associations such as the Electric Power Research Institute and the Electric Transportation Coalition; and public and private consortia. These sources were contacted by phone, mail, or in person. Some site visits of manufacturers also were conducted. Where possible, raw data were analyzed by Booz-Allen staff and/or verified by independent sources. Performance data from standardized test cycles were used as much as possible.

  17. On the role of final-state interactions in Dalitz plot studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubis, Bastian; Niecknig, Franz; Schneider, Sebastian P.


    The study of Dalitz plots of heavy-meson decays to multi-hadron final states has received intensified interest by the possibility to gain access to precision investigations of CP violation. A thorough understanding of the hadronic final-state interactions is a prerequisite to achieve a highly sensitive, model-independent study of such Dalitz plots. We illustrate some of the theoretical tools, predominantly taken from dispersion theory, available for these and related purposes, and discuss the low-energy decays ω,φ→3π in some more detail.

  18. On the role of final-state interactions in Dalitz plot studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubis, Bastian, E-mail: [Helmholtz-Institut fuer Strahlen- und Kernphysik and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universitaet Bonn (Germany); Niecknig, Franz; Schneider, Sebastian P. [Helmholtz-Institut fuer Strahlen- und Kernphysik and Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Universitaet Bonn (Germany)


    The study of Dalitz plots of heavy-meson decays to multi-hadron final states has received intensified interest by the possibility to gain access to precision investigations of CP violation. A thorough understanding of the hadronic final-state interactions is a prerequisite to achieve a highly sensitive, model-independent study of such Dalitz plots. We illustrate some of the theoretical tools, predominantly taken from dispersion theory, available for these and related purposes, and discuss the low-energy decays {omega},{phi}{yields}3{pi} in some more detail.

  19. On the role of final-state interactions in Dalitz plot studies (United States)

    Kubis, Bastian; Niecknig, Franz; Schneider, Sebastian P.


    The study of Dalitz plots of heavy-meson decays to multi-hadron final states has received intensified interest by the possibility to gain access to precision investigations of CP violation. A thorough understanding of the hadronic final-state interactions is a prerequisite to achieve a highly sensitive, model-independent study of such Dalitz plots. We illustrate some of the theoretical tools, predominantly taken from dispersion theory, available for these and related purposes, and discuss the low-energy decays ω,ϕ→3π in some more detail.

  20. Peak and ceiling effects in final-product analysis of mastoidectomy performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    West, N; Konge, L; Cayé-Thomasen, P


    BACKGROUND: Virtual reality surgical simulation of mastoidectomy is a promising training tool for novices. Final-product analysis for assessing novice mastoidectomy performance could be limited by a peak or ceiling effect. These may be countered by simulator-integrated tutoring. METHODS: Twenty......-two participants completed a single session of self-directed practice of the mastoidectomy procedure in a virtual reality simulator. Participants were randomised for additional simulator-integrated tutoring. Performances were assessed at 10-minute intervals using final-product analysis. RESULTS: In all, 45.5 per...