
Sample records for familiar laboral manifestaciones

  1. Entorno familiar, laboral, manifestaciones clínicas y enfermedades crónicas en mujeres de edad mediana Family and work environment, clinical manifestations of chronic diseases present in mean-age women

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    Braulio Heredia Hernández


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar a las mujeres atendidas en la consulta de climaterio y menopausia del Hospital Universitario "Eusebio Hernández" con respecto a: manifestaciones clínicas, entorno familiar y laboral, y enfermedades crónicas. MÉTODOS: estudio analítico transversal, con 450 mujeres de entre 40 y 59 años, de los municipios La Lisa, Playa y Marianao, atendidas entre el 1º de enero de 2006 y el 1º de enero de 2007. Se estudiaron diversas variables y se consideraron respuestas favorables o desfavorables según criterios establecidos en la encuesta. RESULTADOS: predominaron los calambres de manos y pies en el 79,5 % de las perimenopáusicas y 82,4 % de las posmenopáusicas, así como los bochornos o calores en el 53,8 % de las perimenopáusicas y 76,5 de las posmenopáusicas. En estas últimas predominaron los síntomas psicológicos en las que tenían entorno laboral desfavorable. El entorno familiar influyó significativamente en la presencia de un mayor número de síntomas clínicos en las perimenopáusicas y el entorno laboral en las posmenopáusicas. Hay un incremento en la aparición de algunas enfermedades crónicas después de la menopausia: la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus y la osteoporosis, con el 52,9, 29,4 y 11,8 % respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: hubo manifestaciones clínicas en las perimenopáusicas y en las posmenopáusicas, con sus particularidades. El entorno tuvo su influencia, para las perimenopáusicas fue significativo el familiar y para las posmenopáusicas el laboral. Las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes en la posmenopausia fueron la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus y la osteoporosis.OBJECTIVE: to characterize the women seen in climacteric and menopause consultation of "Eusebio Hernández" University Hospital regarding: clinical manifestation, family and labour environment, and chronic disease. METHODS: authors made a cross-sectional and analytical study in 450 women aged between 40

  2. Relaciones entre variables de personalidad y manifestaciones del estrés laboral: un estudio exploratorio


    Herrero García, Alicia


    El presente trabajo explora la forma de interactuar de algunas manifestaciones de estrés laboral y diferentes características de la personalidad. Se pretende analizar la relevancia de las variables de personalidad y los efectos que éstas pueden tener sobre los trastornos derivados del estrés laboral, es decir, el papel de la personalidad como moderadora de dichos trastornos. Para realizar el estudio se entregó una batería de cuestionarios a 50 sujetos participantes. El estudio cuenta con una ...

  3. Relaciones familiares en la Valencia tardomedieval. Consanguinidad y afinidad a través de las manifestaciones de últimas voluntades

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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se realiza una aproximación a la mentalidad con que la sociedad medieval valenciana concibió sus relaciones familiares a través de la información proporcionada por un conjunto de testamentos. Se pretende analizar cómo la idea de pertenencia a un grupo de consanguíneos convive en los diferentes individuos con las realidades derivadas de la vida en común dentro de la familia nuclear. Para ello, se han estudiado los testamentos de una serie de personas que mayoritariamente realizaron su actividad laboral en la manufactura textil de Alcoy, Ontinyent y Bocairent, en el sur de la actual provincia de Valencia y norte de Alicante, estableciéndose relaciones entre la organización del trabajo, la participación de la mujer en el mundo laboral y los cambios y evoluciones que experimenta el modelo familiar.



    Abarca Valenzuela, Sofía; Letelier Ferrada, Antonia; Aravena Vega, Verónica; Jiménez Figueroa, Andrés E.


    Resumen El objetivo general del estudio consistió en identificar la relación entre las variables Equilibrio trabajo-familia, Satisfacción laboral y Apoyo familiar en una muestra de noventa y nueve docentes, pertenecientes a establecimientos municipales de educación básica, a quienes se les administró el cuestionario de Interacción Trabajo-Familia SWING, el Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (IPSF) y el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23. Se concluye que para mejorar la relac...

  5. Equilibrio trabajo-familia, satisfacción laboral y apoyo familiar en docentes de escuelas básicas

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    Sofía Abarca Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El objetivo general del estudio consistió en identificar la relación entre las variables Equilibrio trabajo-familia, Satisfacción laboral y Apoyo familiar en una muestra de noventa y nueve docentes, pertenecientes a establecimientos municipales de educación básica, a quienes se les administró el cuestionario de Interacción Trabajo-Familia SWING, el Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (IPSF y el Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23. Se concluye que para mejorar la relación y el equilibrio en la interfaz trabajo-familia es indispensable contar con políticas organizacionales amigables hacia la familia, sobre todo en las prestaciones que la organización despliega para apoyar a sus trabajadores. No obstante contar con el apoyo familiar, como un lugar de recuperación y de comprensión, es fundamental para dar respuesta a las demandas de estos dos ámbitos.

  6. Las manifestaciones sociales en Brasil


    Gonçalves Chaves, Mariluci


    El país del fútbol se ha convertido en el país de las protestas y manifestaciones. Manifestaciones que han sido pacíficas algunas veces y violenta otras, surgió inicialmente como respuesta a los aumentos en las tarifas de transporte público, con convocatorias a través de redes sociales, obtuvo un fuerte apoyo popular después de la violenta y desproporcionada represión de la policía , convirtiéndose en uno de los mayores movimientos sociales en la historia de Brasil, comparable sólo con los mo...

  7. Contexto laboral y malestar docente en una muestra de profesores de Secundaria

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    Full Text Available La investigación tiene como objetivo profundizar en el estudio de las relaciones entre algunas de las manifestaciones más importantes del malestar docente (síntomas psicopatológicos, depresión, burnout, estrés de rol y absentismo y determinadas variables relacionadas con el contexto laboral (años de experiencia docente, tipo de centro, número de alumnos, tipo de contrato, puestos desempeñados, etc. La muestra está formada por 71 profesores de enseñanza Secundaria, a los que se aplica tres instrumentos estandarizados (BDI, CBP-R y SCL-90-R y un cuestionario que recoge información sobre el contexto laboral. Los resultados más relevantes muestran el elevado nivel de malestar psicológico de la muestra, las altas tasas de absentismo laboral, y algunas asociaciones significativas entre las variables del contexto laboral estudiadas y las distintas manifestaciones del malestar docente (en especial, la insatisfacción con las condiciones organizacionales y la escasa correspondencia entre el área de formación del profesor y el área en que imparte docencia.

  8. Liderazgo de una empresa familiar que influye en el clima laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa SEDEMI S.C.C


    Rodríguez Valenzuela, Darwin Fausto


    El presente trabajo detalla el estudio del liderazgo y su influencia en el clima organizacional de los trabajadores de la empresa familiar Sedemi S.C.C., con la fin de proponer opciones de mejora, que coadyuven al directorio de la empresa, para fomentar un ambiente laboral agradable y motivador para sus empleados, y de esta manera incrementar su desempeño laboral. La investigación se realizó en la empresa SEDEMI S.C.C. La población objetivo está conformada por los empleados administrativos y ...

  9. Balance entre la vida familiar y laboral: una mirada desde la percepción de los jefes


    Aliaga Pérez, Salim; Barrenechea Ranilla, José Luis; Carbajal Contreras, Karin Ethel; Vivanco Palacios, Walter


    La presente es una investigación de tipo descriptivo, que tiene como objetivo identificar la percepción que tienen los jefes sobre el balance de la vida familiar y laboral de sus colaboradoras. La investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando el método de casos múltiples con diferentes técnicas para recopilar la información como: (a) entrevistas a profundidad, (b) notas de campo, y (c) observación. Para ello, se aplicó un protocolo de caso, que incluye una guía de entr...

  10. La conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar como proyecto de calidad de vida desde la igualdad


    Papí Gálvez, Natalia


    Artículo inserto en dos proyectos subvencionados por el Instituto de la Mujer: «El género en el desarrollo socioeconómico. Los perfiles laborales y la calidad de vida: Un estudio dinámico», BOE 15/02/2001, y «La mujer en la empresa publicitaria. Políticas de conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral. En torno al techo de cristal», BOE 30/01/2004.

  11. Metro Profile: A Familiar Name with an Economy Facing Familiar Challenges


    Fernandez Laris, Georgette A; Gascon, Charles S.


    Springfield, Mo., a city with a common name, has an economy with familiar successes and challenges. The health care sector is booming, and the cost of living is somewhat low, as are wages. But labor productivity seems to be subpar, and the poverty rate is above average.

  12. Manifestaciones sistémicas del brote dentario

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    Juana María Abreu Correa


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para comprobar la presencia de manifestaciones sistémicas asociadas con el brote dentario, aspecto que ha sido motivo de discrepancias entre médicos y estomatólogos durante mucho tiempo. Para la obtención de los datos se entrevistaron a las madres de 121 infantes, cuyas edades oscilaron entre 6 y 12 meses, por considerarse las edades más propensas a estas manifestaciones. Se aplicó el método estadístico de prueba de contraste de hipótesis. No hubo diferencias en relación con el sexo. Las madres refirieron los síntomas y signos que se presentan durante la erupción dentaria y que se expresan en por cientos; otro grupo planteó que la erupción fue asintomática. Entre las manifestaciones o patologías asociadas, las diarreas tuvieron una mayor incidencia, seguidas de la fiebre, el estado catarral y los vómitos. También estuvieron presentes, aunque con menos incidencia, la irritabilidad y la dermatitis. Según las pruebas estadísticas los resultados fueron altamente significativos, lo que demuestra la relación existente entre manifestaciones sistémicas y el brote dentario.It was conducted a study to prove the presence of systemic manifestations associated with tooth eruption, an aspect that has been the cause of differences between doctors and stomatologists for a long time. In order to obtain information the mothers of 121 infants aged 6-12 months were interviewed as they had more possibilities to present these manifestations. The statistical method of hypothesis contrast test was applied. There were no differences in connection with sex. Mothers explained the symptoms and signs appearing during tooth eruption that are expressed in percents. The other group said that the eruption was asymptomatic. Among the associated manifestations or pathologies, diarrheas had the greatest incidence, followed by fever, cold, and vomits. Irritability and dermatitis were also present but with less incidence. According to the

  13. Manifestaciones clínicas inusuales del dengue hemorrágico en niños.

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    Angela Méndez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Recientemente han venido aumentando los reportes de dengue hemorrágico con manifestaciones inusuales, principalmente neurológicas y hepáticas, que aumentan la morbimortalidad. Objetivo. Describir las manifestaciones inusuales del dengue hemorrágico en niños. Materiales y métodos. En el Departamento de Pediatría del Hospital Universitario de Santander en Bucaramanga, Colombia, de 913 pacientes con diagnóstico de dengue hemorrágico entre 1992 y 2004, se seleccionaron aquéllos que presentaron manifestaciones inusuales. Se clasificaron de acuerdo con los criterios de definición de caso, se agruparon según los órganos o sistemas principalmente comprometidos y se describieron los principales hallazgos clínicos, de laboratorio y relativos a la evolución. Resultados. Se encontraron 168 pacientes que presentaron manifestaciones inusuales, con predominio del sexo masculino, edad escolar y grados III y IV de dengue hemorrágico. Las manifestaciones más frecuentes fueron hepáticas, 53 (27%, y neurológicas, 49 (25%, además de renales, 14 (7%; cardíacas, 15 (8%; pulmonares, 18 (9%; colecistitis alitiásica, 18 (9%; síndrome hemofagocítico, 5 (2,5%; pancreatitis, 2 (1%, y 21 casos de abdomen agudo (11%. Fallecieron 10 pacientes. Conclusión. Se analizan los resultados y se comparan con otros de países endemoepidémicos de dengue; se discute el significado e importancia de las manifestaciones clínicas inusuales, su difícil diagnóstico, casi siempre en forma retrospectiva, y se destaca la frecuencia de las manifestaciones hepáticas y neurológicas que pueden aumentar la morbimortalidad, ante las cuales deben estar alertas los médicos que trabajan en zonas endémicas para reconocerlas.


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    Tereza Alves de Souza


    Full Text Available El embarazo en la adolescencia es un grave problema social y de salud pública, por las consecuencias a la madre y al concepto. Estudio cualitativo, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender el significado del embarazo en la adolescencia para los familiares. Desarrollado con siete familias de adolescentes embarazadas y/o que tuvieron parto en 2010, asistidas en Centro de Salud de la Familia de Fortaleza-CE, Brasil. Las informaciones fueran buscadas en guión de entrevista semiestructurada, en hogares. Los resultados fueron organizados en temáticas y analizados de acuerdo con la literatura. Se detectaron manifestaciones de sentimientos y reacciones ocasionadas por la singularidad de la historia, dinámica familiar, contexto sociocultural y económico vivido por la familia. Diversas causas contribuyeron para el embarazo precoz, haciéndose necesario enfoque amplio de profesionales de salud, familiares, comunidad y gobernantes, como también la inclusión de familiares o de personas significativas en atención holística y humanizada.

  15. Manifestaciones y Factores de la Violencia en el Escenario Escolar

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    Germarilin Pérez


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio de naturaleza cualitativa fue develar las manifestaciones y los factoresque generan violencia en la Escuela Bolivariana “Padre Rasquin”. Se realizaron observaciones no participantes y se aplicaron entrevistas deprofundidad a los informantes clave: 5 docentes, 5 familias (padres y representantes y 5 estudiantes. Luego de plasmar los hallazgos y su interpretación, se concluyó que si bien en la escuela, como espacio de socialización secundaria,una gran parte de los aprendizajes son fruto de una enseñanza diseñada por los docentes, es en las familias donde se educa de una formamás espontánea e intuitiva, aun cuando se suele conseguir profundos logros dado los fuertes vínculos efectivos entre padres e hijos. Las principales manifestaciones de violencia son: conflictos, bullying, agresión, indisciplina y vandalismo, provocado porfactores exógenos y endógenos. Frente a las diversas manifestaciones de violencia escolar que amenazan en definitiva la posibilidad de convivir en armonía, es necesario construir espacios para la convivencia, donde predomine el diálogo,un buen climainstitucional, además de una excelente relación familia -escuela.


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    Full Text Available Este trabajo sugiere un proceso de cambio organizativo cuya finalidad es la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral. Este cambio organizacional surgirá como fruto de un cambio cultural. Para ello, se propone la creación de equipos de trabajo multidisciplinares autogestionados, que definan su propio proceso productivo, teniendo flexibilidad en su horario de trabajo, en un contexto de democracia organizativa. Este trabajo propone una nueva política de recursos humanos basada en las personas, de manera que todos los miembros de la organización participen en un proyecto de liderazgo compartido y se sometan a una reorganización productiva, dictando las fases a seguir para poder implantar el cambio con éxito.

  17. Manifestaciones orales del sida: perspectiva actual


    Chimenos Küstner, Eduardo


    Con esta revisión se pretende remarcar al odontoestomatólogo los aspectos clínicos que con mayor frecuencia se asocian a la infección producida por el VIH. Entre ellos cabe resaltar las infecciones producidas por virus (herpes simple, herpes varicela-zoster, citomegalovirus. papilomavirus), hongos (sobre todo candidiasis) y bacterias (caries y patología periodontal); la patología tumoral asociada (sarcoma de Kaposi, linfoma no Hodgkin, carcinomas); así como otras manifestaciones patológicas q...

  18. El acoso laboral: fenómeno, antecedentes, consecuencias e implicaciones para su gestión


    Pastor Olivares, Iris


    El acoso laboral tiene sus primeras manifestaciones en el ámbito laboral y, en esta esfera, son situaciones que no son detectadas con facilidad ni por parte de la víctima ni por parte de sus superiores jerárquicos. Se puede decir, por tanto, que se puede destruir a una persona con palabras, mentiras o humillaciones. Es un proceso de maltrato psicológico que no sólo destruye psicológicamente a la víctima sino que también tiene repercusiones negativas para la empresa donde se produce tal situac...

  19. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis


    Juan P. Brito; Juan P. Domecq; Gabriela Prutsky; Germán Málaga; Larry Young; Atil Y. Kargi


    La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis c...

  20. Indicadores del estrés oxidativo en pacientes afectados por VIH/sida con manifestaciones reumatológicas

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    Olga Pomier Suárez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el estrés oxidativo se ha reconocido como cofactor en la progresión de la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y en las manifestaciones reumatológicas. Objetivo: valorar los indicadores del estrés oxidativo en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas. Métodos: se estudiaron 31 pacientes VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas y se compararon los índices evaluados con un grupo control, 31 individuos aparentemente sanos. Los pacientes fueron clasificados según los siguientes criterios de actividad: escala de actividad de la enfermedad para manifestaciones reumatológicas, e índice de actividad de enfermedad y la escala visual analógica de dolor nocturno para manifestaciones reumatológicas. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo fueron cuantificadas mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas y el análisis estadístico realizado, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 13. Resultados: los pacientes VIH evaluados presentaron un estrés oxidativo de moderado a severo, caracterizado por aumento significativo de los parámetros indicadores de daño oxidativo y disminución de los sistemas antioxidantes (p< 0,05, con respecto a lo evaluado en un grupo de pacientes supuestamente sanos relacionado en edad y género. No se encontró significación estadística en los estudios de asociación de las manifestaciones reumatológicas, el tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico confirmado de la infección por el VIH y género, conteo de linfocitos T CD4+ ni la carga viral. Conclusiones: los datos muestran que los indicadores del proceso de estrés oxidativo empleados en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas, podrían ser útiles en su seguimiento y tratamiento.

  1. La conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral: un reto acuciante en la gestión empresarial

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    Diana Benito Osorio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo sugiere un proceso de cambio organizativo cuya finalidad es la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral. Este cambio organizacional surgirá como fruto de un cambio cultural. Para ello, se propone la creación de equipos de trabajo multidisciplinares autogestionados, que definan su propio proceso productivo, teniendo flexibilidad en su horario de trabajo, en un contexto de democracia organizativa. Este trabajo propone una nueva política de recursos humanos basada en las personas, de manera que todos los miembros de la organización participen en un proyecto de liderazgo compartido y se sometan a una reorganización productiva, dictando las fases a seguir para poder implantar el cambio con éxito.

  2. El Burnout: perspectivas desde una situación de atención en salud mental a víctimas de violencia sociopolítica

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    Elena Martín


    Full Text Available EI síndrome de Burnout, de difícil  traducción al español pero que pudiera ser de nominado "síndrome del fundido". Se describió a mediados de los años 70 como un conjunto de fenómenos emocionales relacionados directamente con una experiencia laboral que agota las reservas individuales produciendo en el sujeto manifestaciones emocionales y comportamentales que se observan específicamente en los ambientes laboral y familiar. Sus características han sido diferenciadas de otras consecuencias que sufre el terapeuta como resultado de su trabajo con situaciones emocionales particulares.

  3. Telework and daily life: Its pros and cons for work-life balance Teletrabajo y vida cotidiana: Ventajas y dificultades para la conciliación de la vida laboral, personal y familiar.

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    Carmen Pérez Sánchez


    Full Text Available In this article we discuss whether telework constitutes a useful work-life balance strategy for women teleworkers with dependants. From our analysis we show that the discourse of the women interviewed about telework is not homogeneous, compact or linear, but includes plenty of contradictions, paradoxes and tensions. This fact reinforces telework’s enormous polysemy: it liberates and enslaves, it is a trap and an opportunity, it fulfills and can mean self-sacrifice. But, despite this rich complexity, our women informants agree on one particular matter: telework’s risks and possibly pernicious effects cannot hide either its advantages for work-life balance or the benefits it brings, at least in some cases, to one's personal life.

    En este artículo discutimos si el teletrabajo constituye una estrategia de conciliación de la vida laboral, familiar y personal para las mujeres teletrabajadoras con cargas familiares. A través de nuestro análisis mostramos que el discurso de las mujeres entrevistadas sobre el teletrabajo no es homogéneo, compacto o lineal, sino que aparece plagado de contradicciones, paradojas y tensiones. Este hecho refuerza su enorme polisemia: libera y esclaviza, es una trampa y una oportunidad, realiza personalmente y puede significar una renuncia. Pero, a pesar de esta rica complejidad, nuestras entrevistadas están de acuerdo en una cuestión muy concreta: los riesgos y los posibles efectos perniciosos del teletrabajo no pueden ensombrecer ni su potencial laboral ni los beneficios que comporta de cara a conciliar su vida laboral, familiar, y sólo en algunos casos, personal.

  4. Influencia del medio familiar en niños con conductas agresivas

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    Nilo Valentín Noroño Morales


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, sobre la influencia del medio familiar en niños de 9 a 11 años, con conductas agresivas, evaluados y diagnosticados en el Departamento de Psicología del Policlínico " Dr. Tomás Romay"; la muestra estuvo conformada además, por los padres de estos niños. A todos ellos se les aplicó una serie de técnicas con el objetivo principal de describir las características del medio familiar y su influencia en las conductas agresivas de los infantes. Se concluyó en que como características del medio familiar predominaron las familias disfuncionales incompletas, con manifestaciones de agresividad, alcoholismo, mala integración social y familiar, rechazo hacia los hijos e irresponsabilidad en su cuidado y atención.A descriptive study of the influence of the family environment on children aged 9-11 years old, evaluated and diagnosed at the Psychology Department of "Dr Tomás Romay" polyclinics, was carried out. The children´s parents were also part of the sample. All of them were applied a series of techniques to find out the characteristics of the family environment and its influence on children´s aggressive behaviors. It was concluded that the predominant characteristics were uncompleted dysfunctional families with manifestations of aggressiveness, alcoholism, poor social and family integration, rejection to children and lack of responsibility in relation to their care and attention.

  5. 30 CFR 56.19096 - Familiarity with signal code. (United States)


    ... 56.19096 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Personnel... signals for cages, skips, and mantrips when persons or materials are being transported shall be familiar...

  6. 30 CFR 57.19096 - Familiarity with signal code. (United States)


    ... 57.19096 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Personnel... signals for cages, skips, and mantrips when persons or materials are being transported shall be familiar...

  7. Manifestaciones digestivas en pacientes con fibrosis quística

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    Eloísa Martí Castelló


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los pacientes con fibrosis quística presentan una insuficiencia exocrina de la función pancreática que entraña trastornos digestivos complejos. Se estudian 8 pacientes entre 1 y 12 años con el diagnóstico de fibrosis quística. Se les realizó enzimas pancreáticas en suero, electroforesis de proteínas y marcadores virales de la hepatitis B y C. También se les efectuó ultrasonido abdominal, gammagrafía esofágica, hepática y biliar. Las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes fueron la esteatorrea, cólicos abdominales y hepatomegalia. Se encontró la lipasa aumentada en suero en 2 pacientes con suficiencia pancreática y las transaminasas normales en todos ellos. Las manifestaciones hepáticas estuvieron presentes en 3 pacientes y el reflujo gastroesofágico y el prolapso rectal en 2, respectivamente. Se observó que el control terapéutico de estas manifestaciones reportan un buen estado nutricional y mejor calidad de vida.Most of the patients suffering from cystic fibrosis present an exocrine insufficiency of the pancreatic function leading to complex digestive disorders. 8 patients between 1 and 12 years old with the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis are studied. Pancreatic enzymes in serum, protein electrophoresis, and viral markers of hepatitis B and C were carried out. Abdominal ultrasound, esophageal, hepatic and biliary gammagraphy were also performed. The most frequent clinical manifestations were steatorrhea, abdominal colics and hepatomegalia. Augmented lipase in serum was found in two patients with pancreatic sufficiency, whereas transaminases were normal in all of them. 3 patients showed clinical manifestations and 2 had gastroesophageal reflux and rectal prolapse, respectively. It was observed that with the therapeutic control of these manifestations a good nutrional status and a better quality of life are reported.

  8. Mujeres: Entre la autonomía y la vida familiar

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    America Tonantzin Becerra Romero


    Full Text Available La capacitación para el trabajo constituye una herramienta importante para las mujeres, ya que les permite estar en mejores condiciones para ingresar o mantenerse en el mundo laboral; sin embargo, ellas viven diversas tensiones al tratar de compaginar la vida familiar con la capacitación. Este texto es resultado de una investigación cualitativa basada en el método biográfico, diseñada para analizar el significado que tiene dicha capacitación en la vida personal, familiar y laboral de las mujeres. Entre los resultados se encontró, que el incremento en su formación no ha modificado sustancialmente la visión tradicional sobre las funciones sociales de las mujeres y los hombres, pero las ayuda a impulsar su autonomía personal y económica, sin renunciar a sus responsabiliades reproductivas y familiares. Las mujeres asignan valor tanto al ámbito doméstico como al público, y los consideran como espacios diferenciados que es necesario concertar.

  9. Relación entre cefalea tensional y disfunción familiar en una unidad de medicina familiar Relation of tension headache and family dysfunction in a family medicine unit

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    Jorge Octavio Carvajal Rivera


    Full Text Available La cefalea tensional es la forma más frecuente de cefalea primaria. Este trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estimar si existe asociación entre cefalea tensional y disfunción familiar. 60 pacientes evaluaron sus familias a través del cuestionario FF-SIL de funcionamiento familiar. La cefalea tensional fue más frecuente en miembros de familias disfuncionales que en aquellos que provenían de familias funcionales (p=.028. Fueron frecuentes las manifestaciones clínicas relacionadas con estrés postraumático en el paciente problema, existe un complejo y conflictual ambiente familiar que incluye a estos enfermos, lo que nos sugiere el uso de los recursos de la familia como opción terapéutica aún pobremente explorada.Tension headache is the more frequent presentation of primary cephalagia. Aim of this paper is to estimate if there is an association between tension headache and familial dysfunction. Sixty patients evaluated their families by through FF-SIL questionnaire of familial performance. Tension headache was more frequent in members of dysfunctional families than in those from functional families (p = .028. Clinical manifestations related to post-traumatic stress were frequent, there is a familial complex and difficult environment including these sick persons, suggesting us the use of family resources as therapeutical option not very explored yet.

  10. Manifestaciones bucales de vih-sida en edad temprana




    La transmisión vertical del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana de la madre al niño durante el embarazo, parto y a través de la leche materna representa un 91% de todos los casos de Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida reportados en la población infantil de los EE.UU. La mejor manera de evitar la infección en los niños es prevenir la infección en las mujeres y fomentar una atención prenatal precoz que incluya orientación y pruebas de detección del VIH. Objetivo: Determinar las manifestacione...

  11. Manifestaciones otorrinolaringológicas del SIDA

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    Miriam Zaldívar Ochoa


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica actualizada de las manifestaciones otorri-nolaringológicas del síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA y sus repercusiones. Se alerta al otorrinolaringólogo en su práctica médica diaria sobre algunos de los signos y síntomas iniciales que pueden indicar la presencia del virus, sobre la importancia del diagnóstico temprano y la adecuada conducta a seguir con estos enfermos.An updated literature review of the otorhinolaryngologic manifestation of AIDS and their repercussions is presented in this paper. The otorhinolaryngologist is warned in his/her daily medical practice about some initial signs and symptoms that may indicate the existence of a virus, the importance of an early diagnosis and the adequate behavior to be adopted in relation to these patients.

  12. Sustentabilidad organizacional en Pymes familiares restauranteras de La Jonquera en Cataluña, España

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    Carlos Jesús González Macías


    Full Text Available El rol de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes familiares en la economía de un país indica la importancia para ellas de ser organizacionalmente susten-tables. En el presente artículo se identifican las manifestaciones de sustentabili-dad organizacional en la capacidad del líder, como principal stakeholder, para la generación de recursos. Se realizó un estudio con trece Pymes familiares restauranteras en la ciudad de La Jonquera, Cataluña, por medio de un cues-tionario aplicado a 50 stakeholders y 9 entrevistas a profundidad con líderes de dichas empresas. Los resultados muestran que la sustentabilidad organiza-cional se encuentra manifiesta en el pensamiento de los stakeholders mediante el análisis cuantitativo de la prueba ANOVA, así como también en el análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas a profundidad. Estos hallazgos pueden ser de uti-lidad para los empresarios, al constatar la necesidad de generar recursos en la empresa para alcanzar su sustentabilidad organizacional.

  13. Teaching Labor Relations with "Norma Rae" (United States)

    Taylor, Vicki Fairbanks; Provitera, Michael J.


    Undergraduate business students in North America are often unfamiliar with the labor organizing process and frequently fail to identify with the reasons why workers join unions. This article suggests a discussion exercise based on the 1979 film, "Norma Rae," by 20th Century Fox, as an effective tool for familiarizing students with fundamental…

  14. Osteoporosis: una patología con afectación personal, familiar, laboral y social

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    Luz Mª Mira Ferrer


    Full Text Available La osteoporsis y las fracturas osteoporóticas son un importante problema en nuestra sociedad debido a su gran frecuencia. En nuestro siglo la población europea y española está envejeciendo y la prevalencia de la osteoporosis va en aumento. Por otro lado la osteoporosis afecta a la población con edad a partir de la década de los 40, es decir durante la vida laboral activa, así que representa una importante causa de absentismo laboral. Esto produce un alto coste económico, social, familiar y sanitario. Es interesante promover programas de detección para disminuir estas consecuencias. Un programa efectivo de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la osteoporosis es el método "gold tandard" para el manejo de esta "enfermedad silenciosa". La detección precoz de los factores de riesgo de esta enfermedad es el punto clave de actuación. Debemos recomendar hábitos de vida saludables para evitar la aparición de la osteoporosis y de las fracturas osteoporóticas. Los Servicios de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales tienen una posición privilegiada para instaurar actividades en este sentido.The osteoporosis and the osteoporotic fracture represent a prevalent disease and one of the main problem in the developed countries. The European and Spanish population are going to be older from the last century and the osteoporosis is growing up. In other hand, usually, the disease affect people at the 40 th decade of life when they are working population in active labour life period, so the osteoporosis is an important cause of absenteeism, and consistently, the osteoporosis means a high economic, social, family, sanitary and labour cost. One of the main effectives activities in the control of the disease are the instauration of prevention programs guided to target populations. An effective program of early diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis is the gold standard method to attend correctly this "silent illness". The roads points of actuation are related with an

  15. Manifestaciones cardiacas del dengue: Reporte de una serie de casos durante la epidemia colombiana de 2010

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    Clara Saldarriaga G.


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: el dengue es la enfermedad viral transmitida por vectores de diseminación más frecuente en el mundo. Su espectro clínico incluye las manifestaciones atípicas, entre ellas el compromiso cardiaco, del cual sólo se han reportado pocas series de casos en la literatura. OBJETIVO: reportar las características clínicas de los pacientes atendidos por casos confirmados por serología de dengue con manifestaciones cardiovasculares en un centro de referencia cardiovascular colombiano durante la epidemia de 2010. METODOLOGÍA: estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, en el que se incluyeron los pacientes que consultaron al servicio de urgencias, a quienes se les realizó un diagnóstico confirmado de dengue y tuvieron manifestaciones cardiovasculares de la enfermedad. RESULTADOS: se encontraron 7 pacientes; el 50% no tenía antecedentes previos de enfermedad cardiovascular. Los trastornos del ritmo fueron la manifestación cardiaca más frecuente (42,8%, entre ellos la fibrilación auricular de novo (14,2%, el bloqueo auriculoventricular completo y transitorio (14,2%, la bradicardia sinusal concomitante con derrame pericárdico (14,2% y la disfunción ventricular leve (28,5%; un paciente presentó un síndrome coronario agudo con elevación de ST durante la infección y dos descompensación aguda de insuficiencia cardiaca. No se reportaron muertes. CONCLUSIÓN: la incidencia de las complicaciones cardiacas asociadas a la infección por dengue varía de una serie a otra y su fisiopatología no se conoce por completo. Durante la epidemia que se desató en Colombia en 2010 se encontraron pocos casos de manifestaciones cardiovasculares pero con una morbilidad importante que debe alertar respecto a su identificación temprana.


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    Angélica Herrera Riveros


    Full Text Available Esta investigación propone “Establecer índices de prevalencia de las manifestaciones de agresión en la población estudiantil de las Instituciones públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Armenia”. La muestra está compuesta por 183 docentes de los colegios privados y 395 docentes en colegios públicos para un total de 578. Entre los resultados más relevante se encuentran que las manifestaciones de agresión en los estudiantes se incrementó significativamente del 2006 a 2009. La edad de inicio de las manifestaciones de agresión es cada vez menor localizándose en los 6 y 7 años. Los docentes atribuyen las manifestaciones de agresión especialmente a situaciones familiares e influencia de los medios de comunicación. Esta investigación aporta de manera significativa al desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones por cuanto los resultados pueden tenerse en cuenta con el fin de reconocer e identificar las problemáticas de la juventud Quindiana.AbstractThis research aims “to establish the indices of prevalence of the manifestations of aggression in the student population of both public and private institutions in the city of Armenia.” The sample is made up of 183 teachers from private schools and 395 teachers from public schools for a total of 578. Among the most relevant results are that manifestations of aggression in students increased significantly from 2006 to 2009. The age of onset of manifestations of aggression is decreasing less and less, locating itself in between 6-7 years. Teachers attribute the manifestations of aggression especially to family situations and the influence of the media. This research of research contributes significantly to the development of new research because the results can be taken into account in order to recognize and to identify the problems of the youth in the State of Quindío

  17. La desintegración familiar: impacto en el desarrollo emocional de los niños

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    Sonia María Castillo Costa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende generar espacios de reflexión en torno a la desintegración familiar y el impacto en el desarrollo emocional de los niños, tiene como  objetivo mejorar la relación y la comunicación padre-hijos/as, los más afectados son los niños al desintegrarse el hogar por diferentes factores, cuando el comportamiento de los niños/as se ve alterado al no existir una orientación que ayude a normalizar el problema. La desintegración familiar provoca problemas psicológicos de orden emocional y afectivo, que afectan su desempeño escolar: baja autoestima, repiten grados académicos, bajo rendimiento, deserción escolar, alteraciones de la conducta social, problemas de aprendizaje y se afecta las relaciones interpersonales dentro y fuera del aula de clase; sin embargo, en estos casos hay riesgos emocionales, no se respetan los derechos de la niñez. Los cambios emocionales de los niños, es síntoma de que algo sucede anormal, porque reflejan a través de actitudes y sentimientos. Concluyéndose que las causas de la desorganización familiar es por prevalecer adicciones por uno de sus padres, por la pobreza extrema y violencia familiar; y, existe una alta coincidencia entre las causas que originan la agresividad y las manifestaciones conductuales, observándose comportamiento impulsivo, baja autoestima y agresividad.

  18. Manifestaciones clínicas bucales detectadas en pacientes con giardiasis

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de la posible relación existente entre la giardiasis y la aparición de manifestaciones bucales en un grupo de pacientes mayores de 16 años, a los que se les diagnosticó esta afección mediante el drenaje biliar. Se asevera que la malabsorción producida por este parásito hace que se origine un déficit de vitaminas, proteínas, carbohidratos y grasas, que según varios autores y nosostros, son la causa de las alteraciones bucales encontradas. De los 50 pacientes con giardiasis estudiados, el 46 % correspondió al sexo masculino y el 54 % al femenino, las manifestaciones bucales encontradas fueron: aftas, glositis y queilitis en un total del 52 % de los casos examinados.A study on the possible relationship existing between giardiasis and the appereance of oral manifestations in a group of patients over 16, who were diagnosed this affection by biliary drainage, was conducted. It is affirmed that the malabsorption produced by this parasite provokes a deficit of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, that in some authora' opinions and in our own, causes the oral alterations found. Of the 50 patients with giardiasis studied, 46 % were males and 54 % females. The oral manifestations detected in 52 % of the cases examined were: aphthas, glossitis, and cheilitis.

  19. Niños y niñas como cuidadores familiares


    María Rosa Estupiñán Aponte


    En el contexto familiar, el cuidado de otra persona por parte de niños y niñas constituye un terreno inexplorado tanto en su significado como en las implicaciones que podrían darse en el proceso. Aunque históricamente se ha asignado el cuidado familiar a las mujeres generando condiciones de inequidad, incrementada con los cambios sociales de los últimos tiempos, es necesario reconocer que en muchos hogares niños y niñas se han visto obligados a desempeñar esta labor sin la preparación ni las ...

  20. Un método comunicativo para el tratamiento a la violencia familiar

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    Rolando Durand-Rill


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudia la problemática de educación y ciudadanía con el objetivo de sistematizar la utilización del método formativo de acción comunicación, en la orientación a las familias con manifestaciones de violencia. Se parte de la perspectiva sociocultural y género en el tratamiento preventivo a la violencia en el seno de las familias escogidas, fundamentando la propuesta en las dimensiones de dirección educacional, sociológica, psicológica y pedagógica, y se argumenta, además, una metodología para contribuir a la prevención y tratamiento de la violencia familiar. Finalmente, se efectúa la comprobación práctica del estudio realizado, evidenciando su factibilidad en una comunidad del municipio Guantánamo.


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    Jenny María Artavia Granados


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de un proceso de investigación realizado en una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Occidente, en Costa Rica. Este tiene como fin determinar si durante el desarrollo de los recreos se suscitan manifestaciones de violencia implícitas u ocultas entre las y los estudiantes II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica. En el proceso del estudio se tomaron en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las actividades lúdicas y las interacciones personales desarrolladas durante los recreos escolares y que podrían propiciar violencia escolar implícita u oculta. Se procuró identificar la existencia de enfrentamientos y conflictos entre estudiantes, que conllevan amenazas, manifestaciones de exclusión, persecuciones e intimidaciones entre las y los niños. Se plantearon algunas conclusiones entre las que destacan que un alto porcentaje de la población estudiantil investigada manifiesta recibir amenazas, y que estas, en mayor número, se producen entre las niñas. Asimismo, un alto porcentaje de esta población estudiada indica que ha sido excluida en la dinámica del recreo por diferentes motivos, entre los que destacan: características físicas, género, condición social y situaciones particulares educativas que presentan algunos niños o niñas en edad escolar.

  2. Roles familiares y mercado de trabajo


    Coller, Xavier, 1965-


    La diferent posició dels individus en el mercat de treball sembla convertir-se en una variable (no l'única) amb un fort pes explicatiu de determinades pràctiques familiars que s'analitzen en aquest article. Així, les desigualtats viscudes a la família per raó de sexe poden explicar-se per la desigual situación d'homes i dones en l’esfera laboral; unes desigualtats a les quals donen suport discursos diferenciats que, a la vegada, determinen unes pràctiques socials que ens permeten distingir (e...

  3. Manifestaciones artísticas en el contexto urbano de Alicante


    Pérez del Hoyo, Raquel; Nolasco Cirugeda, Almudena


    Las manifestaciones artísticas en el espacio urbano forman parte inseparable de la cultura alicantina. Nos referimos a las representaciones plásticas que, con carácter más o menos efímero, fusionándose entre sí y con la ciudad, son capaces de reformular lugares o de modificar espacios, invitando a los ciudadanos a aportar nuevas visiones e itinerarios espontáneos. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo propone realizar un recorrido participativo por las actuaciones, proyectos e iniciativas más repr...

  4. Manifestaciones del acoso laboral, mobbing y síntomas asociados al estrés postraumático: estudio de caso

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    María Claudia Peralta Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los factores asociados al acoso laboral, entendido como una situación de trabajo en la que una persona se encuentra expuesta a actos en contra de su dignidad. Se presenta un estudio de caso, de carácter exploratorio, a partir de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a personas que han vivenciado acoso laboral. A partir del análisis cualitativo de la información, los resultados señalan que la exposición al acoso laboral genera síntomas asociadas con el estrés postraumático: re experimentación, activación fisiológica y evitación. Se propone el estudio de estas situaciones en mayor profundidad y se concluye que una de las formas de apoyo a las víctimas empieza con la comprensión que puedan lograr a partir de narrar su experiencia y de entenderla como una situación violenta en el lugar de trabajo, asociada a los enfoques de productividad y competencia.

  5. Vulnerabilidad laboral de la mujer rural latinoamericana

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    Jaime de Pablo Valenciano


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el estudio de la situación laboral de las mujeres rurales en los países latinoamericanos. Las mujeres rurales son uno de los grupos sociales más vulnerables en el ámbito laboral latinoamericano, debido a su baja participación laboral, a la categorización ocupacional mayoritaria como trabajadoras por cuenta propia y familiar no remunerado y a índices de feminización positivos. Pero sus posibilidades de mejorar su condición de vulnerabilidad social laboral se centra principalmente en el Empleo Rural No Agrario (ERNA, con gran potencial en el desarrollo rural, y al apoyo legislativo en cuanto al acceso a los bienes de tierra. Frente al proceso de urbanización es necesario implementar políticas públicas que tengan en cuenta la existencia de las mujeres rurales como trabajadoras en el ámbito rural y diseñar medidas de ayuda especialmente dirigidas a este colectivo.

  6. Linfoma No Hodgkin, manifestaciones oftalmológicas: Presentación de 1 caso

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    Tomás Ramírez Castro

    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente con Linfoma no Hodgkin linfocítico estadio IV y Retinosis Pigmentaria de base diagnosticado en el Centro de Referencia Nacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria, con manifestaciones oftalmológicas de esta neoplasia, remitido, además, al Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología. Se ilustra con imágenes estas lesiones infrecuentes.

  7. Familias en el trabajo: Estrategias de afrontamiento de grupos microempresarios familiares

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    María Amarís


    Full Text Available Las microempresas colombianas ocupan un segmento importante de la economía del país, siendo fundamentalmente de tipo familiar. En estas microempresas se manifiesta una dinámica caracterizada por ser punto de encuentro entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar, lo que permite diferenciarlas de otro tipo de negocios no parentales. Este estudio, de tipo cualitativo, tuvo como propósito comprender cómo se enfrentan las situaciones adversas en el contexto familiar y organizacional de las familias microempresarias. Por esta razón, se analizan las estrategias de afrontamiento de dos grupos microempresarios familiares ubicados en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Caribe colombiano por medio del método de estudio de casos, usando la entrevista abierta y a profundidad como instrumento de recolección de datos. Para analizar la experiencia subjetiva de la persona se empleó el método del análisis de discurso de Giorgi y Giorgi (2003, donde ésta se analiza desde una perspectiva gadameriana (Gadamer, 1960;1989. Como principal resultado se destaca que, ante situaciones adversas en los ámbitos familiar y empresarial, las estrategias de afrontamiento familiares mayormente empleadas por ambas familias microempresarias son el apoyo social y la reestructuración.

  8. Calidad de vida familiar y bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual de un establecimiento con educación especial y laboral de la Ciudad de Talca

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    Full Text Available El estudio que se presenta tuvo como objeti vo identificar la relación entre la Calidad de Vi - da Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar y Bienestar Subjetivo junto con los factores de la calidad de vida familiar en relación al bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual, alum nos de un establecimiento de educación especial y laboral de la ciudad de Talca (Chile. La muestra fue dividida en dos grupos: uno de ellos estuvo integrado por 53 alumnos de 16 a 24 años de edad, del citado establecimiento que fueron diagnosticados con discapacidad intelectual: el 52.8% de ellos manifiesta discapacidad intelectual como único predictor de su condición, mientras que el 47.2% restante corresponde a comorbilidad de ésta con otros tipos de discapacidad asociados. Los niveles de discapacidad van desde el leve (37.7%, seguido por el moderado (50.9% y finalmente el severo y el profundo (3.8%. El otro grupo estuvo conformado por 53 apoderados, padres o tutores del mismo establecimiento educacional. Con la finalidad de medir las variables de estudio se administraron cuatro instrumentos: (1 la Escala de Calidad de Vida Familiar (Verdugo, Sainz & Rodríguez, 2009, (2 la versión traducida al español (Bellon, Delgado, Luna del Castillo & Lardelli, 1996 del Family Functioning Questionnaire (Smilkstein, Ashworth & Montano, 1982, (3 la adaptación y validación de Moyano y Ramos Alvarado (2007 de la Satisfaction with the Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larden & Griffin y (4 la versión chilena de Moyano-Díaz & Ramos (2007 de la Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999. Para realizar el estudio se utilizó una metodología descriptiva y correlacional de corte transversal a fin de establecer relaciones de con comitancia entre las variables. Los resultados principales demostraron una relación significativa entre importancia de la calidad de vida familiar y satisfacción de la calidad de vida familiar (r = .402; p < .01; entre felicidad

  9. Manifestaciones psicosomáticas, compromiso y burnout como consecuentes del clima y la cultura organizacional: un análisis de ruta (path analysis

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    Jesús Felipe Uribe Prado


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo fue estudiar la relación estructural en un análisis de ruta entre 13 variables seleccionadas para explicar un modelo de salud ocupacional y clima laboral: variables de cultura (liderazgo y apoyo organizacional; clima (comunicación y cohesión; burnout (desgaste emocional, despersonalización e insatisfacción de logro; compromiso (afectivo, normativo y de continuidad; y manifestaciones psicosomáticas (sueño, gastrointestinales y dolor. Se utilizó una muestra de 1629 sujetos de una empresa trasnacional de telecomunicaciones. Dos modelos estructurales se llevaron a cabo en análisis de ruta mediante el programa AMOS-IBM versión 19, empleando el método de máxima verosimilitud. Después de realizar las pruebas de ajuste adecuadas, se obtuvo un modelo de ruta con 12 variables significativas, eliminándose el apoyo organizacional percibido; las alfas de Cronbach fueron satisfactorias para confiabilidad, el modelo puede ser comparado y mejorado en estudios posteriores. El burnout explica, mediante análisis de ruta, la importancia de un buen clima y cultura organizacional para incrementar el compromiso afectivo y disminuir las manifestaciones psicosomáticas como un modelo de salud ocupacional, los hallazgos son importantes para el diagnóstico, prevención o intervención en la salud ocupacional mediante estudios de clima organizacional. Derechos reservados © 2015 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

  10. Manifestaciones reumatológicas de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal Rheumatologic manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Octavio Germán Muñoz Maya


    Full Text Available La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII se caracteriza por la activación inapropiada del sistema inmune de la mucosa intestinal y sus dos formas de presentación son: la colitis ulcerativa y la enfermedad de Crohn. Las manifestaciones extraintestinales se presentan hasta en el 36% de los pacientes y pueden comprometer cualquier órgano o sistema. La disfunción inmune se caracteriza por el desequilibrio entre los mediadores proinflamatorios y los antinflamatorios y se expresa como una enfermedad sistémica. Las manifestaciones reumatológicas asociadas a la EII son de tres tipos: la artritis periférica, la espondiloartropatía y una tercera categoría que incluye lesiones dérmicas, oftálmicas y del metabolismo óseo, entre otras. El manejo de estas manifestaciones se basa en la terapia sistémica para el control de la actividad inflamatoria local utilizando esteroides, derivados de la 5-ASA, inmunomoduladores y, en los últimos años, terapia anti-TNF. The main feature of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD is the continuous activation of the mucosa-associated immune system; the disease has two major forms of presentation: ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease. The extraintestinal manifestations are present in 36% of patients, and any organ can be affected. There is an imbalance between proinflammatory and antinflammatory cytokines leading to a systemic disease. The rheumatologic manifestations of the IBD are: Peripheral arthritis, spondyloarthropathy and a third category that includes dermic and ocular lesions as well as metabolic bone disease. Control of the extraintestinal manifestations is based on systemic therapy with steroids, 5-ASA derivatives and biological anti-TNF therapy.

  11. Conciliar trabajo y familia: ¿ilusión o realidad? Políticas de conciliación laboral y familiar en Noruega y Cataluña/ España


    Stinus Bru de Sala, Elisa


    Las familias basadas en la especialización de los roles de género están desapareciendo, mientras que en las sociedades contemporáneas se está asentando un nuevo equilibrio familiar basado en la igualdad de género. La revolución del rol de las mujeres que tiene lugar a partir de los años 70, con el alargamiento de la etapa educativa y su acceso masivo al mercado laboral, está poniendo en cuestión la escasa adaptación de los Estados de bienestar a esta nueva realidad. La incorporación de las mu...

  12. Las manifestaciones colectivas de duelo frente a la muerte de Eva Perón (Tucumán, 1952

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    Lucía Santos Lepera


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las manifestaciones colectivas de duelo que se desplegaron a partir de la muerte de Eva Perón el 26 de julio de 1952 en la provincia de Tucumán. En primer lugar, nos interesa analizar el rol que ocupó la institución eclesiástica en el programa de homenajes oficiales y, de este modo, dar cuenta de la multiplicación inédita de manifestaciones de fervor religioso visibles en ese contexto. En segundo lugar, nos proponemos avanzar en el análisis de las expresiones religiosas populares que rodearon la muerte de Eva Perón, las cuales conformaron una puesta en escena de la unión entre la Iglesia y el gobierno, y de la imbricación entre catolicismo y peronismo.

  13. Discriminación laboral y vulnerabilidad de las mujeres frente a la crisis mundial en México

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    Jorge E. Horbath


    Full Text Available Los profundos cambios en la relación entre capital y trabajo producidos a partir de la emergencia de un nuevo régimen mundial de acumulación no han tenido los mismos impactos en la fuerza de trabajo masculina y femenina. En esta investigación nos adentramos en las distintas manifestaciones de la discriminación laboral hacia las mujeres en México y mostramos su magnitud y tendencia expresada, entre otros indicadores, por la diferencia en el ingreso que éstas perciben en el mercado de trabajo asalariado y por su alta exposición al despido frente a la crisis mundial iniciada en 2008.

  14. Valoración médico-laboral del trabajador con Síndrome de Sjögren

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    Maider Usarbarrena Ekiza


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Sjögren (SS es una patología inflamatoria crónica, infradiagnosticada y de etiología desconocida, que se caracteriza por la infiltración linfocitaria de las glándulas exocrinas. La sintomatología puede ser muy variada. Inicialmente, lo más común es que se presente sequedad de mucosas (principalmente oculares y bucales; también se puede asociar a otras enfermedades autoinmunes, y hasta en el 65% de los casos, se pueden presentar manifestaciones extraglandulares, pudiéndose afectar cualquier parte del organismo. En muchos casos, la sintomatología inicial es leve, achacándose habitualmente a un posible disconfort en el puesto de trabajo. A esto hay que añadir que a nivel laboral no existe literatura específica en la que poder basarse para realizar una adecuada valoración médico-laboral. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido crear una herramienta que englobe, por una parte, la vigilancia de la salud específica, y por otra, definir (aunque sea de forma orientativa, los criterios para poder realizar una correcta valoración de la capacidad laboral en los trabajadores con Síndrome de Sjögren.

  15. Barrera del desempeño laboral


    María Del Rosario Alvarez-Ramirez


    El estres es un hecho complejo en la vida de toda persona con efectos distintos en cada quien, que no puede ser evitada ya que en todos lo momentos de la vida se esta en riesgo de presentarlo ante cualquier situacion, o una actividad laboral o familiar, que puede llegar a generar cualquier cambio que represente estres. Los sucesos negativos, dario, enfermedad o muerte de un ser querido, son hechos estresantes, asi como los sucesos positivos; ascender en el trabajo trae consigo el estres del n...

  16. Manifestaciones del bullying en la Preparatoria Agrícola. Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, México

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    Rosalva Ruiz-Ramírez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las manifestaciones del bullying que los estudiantes reciben, hacen u observan en la Preparatoria Agrícola de la Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo ubicada en el Estado de México, México. La metodología fue de corte cuantitativo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra de 112 estudiantes (43 mujeres y 69 hombres. La información se analizó a través de estadísticos descriptivos univariados y análisis de correlación de Sperman. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes han sido víctimas de manifestaciones de bullying de tipo psicológicas, verbales, físicas, en redes cibernéticas y sociales. Las víctimas, acosadores y acosadoras consideran que la principal manifestación del bullying que reciben o hacen es psicológica (ignoran o son ignoradas e ignorados; observadores y observadoras especifican que principalmente ven agresiones físicas (empujones.

  17. Valoración funcional del adulto mayor relacionado con el abandono familiar.

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    Jenny Fernanda Villarroel Vargas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Se estima que entre el 2000 al 2050 la población mundial envejecida ascenderá del 11% al 22 %, con ello el incremento de las diversas enfermedades o trastornos propios de la edad. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre capacidad funcional del adulto mayor con el abandono familiar en el barrio La Calera Centro, Latacunga, 2015-2016. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte trasversal, donde previo consentimiento informado participaron 70 adultos mayores, a quienes se les aplicó escalas para valoración de la capacidad funcional, así como la encuesta para valorar abandono familiar y aspectos sociodemográficos de la población. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el test de Chi Cuadrado de Pearson con un nivel de significancia del 0,05. Resultados: Se reportó el abandono en el 75,7% de los adultos mayores y tuvo significancia con respecto a la capacidad funcional y la estructura familiar (p=0,002. Hubo relación  entre capacidad funcional y abandono familiar, así como también predominio de los adultos mayores entre los 65 a 74 años, sexo femenino, sin ninguna actividad laboral y analfabetos. Hubo relación significativa entre capacidad funcional, edades geriátricas y ocupación; y de igual manera entre la estructura familiar y el abandono. La capacidad funcional y la estructura familiar fueron factores asociados al abandono.    Conclusiones: La dependencia del adulto mayor condicionó a diferentes tipos de maltrato, destacando el abandono familiar.

  18. Manifestaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes tratados con hemodiálisis periódica por fístula arteriovenosa funcional

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    Ana S. Ayora Loaiza


    Conclusiones: No se encontró relación entre la localización de la fistula y los cambios en el sistema cardiovascular. El grupo de pacientes con fistula de más de cuatro años presentó mayores manifestaciones cardiovasculares y cambios significativos en el ecocardiograma.

  19. Factores relevantes del desarrollo profesional y de compensaciones en la carrera laboral del trabajador

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    Sergio Manuel Madero Gómez


    Full Text Available En la actualidad el desarrollo profesional y las compensaciones son temas relevantes dentro de la administración del personal en las empresas; por ello, en esta investigación se ha analizado un conjunto de 27 factores, que están relacionados con las áreas de recursos humanos, para poder conocer la importancia que tienen en la carrera laboral de las personas. Se recolectaron 348 cuestionarios mediante una encuesta electrónica, utilizando el software NCSS para su análisis. Entre los principales resultados destaca que los factores más sobresalientes en la carrera laboral para las mujeres mexicanas son el nivel educativo, las habilidades de comunicación y el apoyo familiar; mientras que para las mujeres estadounidenses son las habilidades para equilibrar su vida profesional y familiar, habilidades interpersonales y habilidades de comunicación.

  20. Las manifestaciones naturales como indicadores del calendario bosquesino

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    Napoleón Vela Mendoza


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un inventario del conocimiento de los bosquesinos (habitantes rurales de la selva amazónica que viven en el bosque y del bosque y sus aguas de la región de bajo río Ucayali (Amazonia peruana sobre las manifestaciones astronómicas, climatológicas, hidrográficas y biológicas con las que se ubican en el ritmo de las estaciones y orientan sus actividades en el medio natural. Las poblaciones bosquesinas distinguen dos periodos o épocas: la época de vaciante o de sol, y la época de creciente o de lluvias. Estas épocas a su vez se dividen en cuatro estaciones principales: Verano chico (mayo-junio, aguas en descenso, Verano grande (julio-octubre, Invierno chico (noviembre-diciembre, inicio de la creciente e Invierno grande (enero-abril. Incluye un glosario con la identificación biológica y las definiciones de 183 nombres de animales, plantas y expresiones del español local.

  1. Discriminación en el mercado laboral por habilidades, educación escolar y género en Chile


    David Bravo; Claudia Sanhueza; Sergio Urzua


    En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de los niveles de escolaridad sobre las brechas de sexo en el mercado laboral chileno. Se emplea un nutrido conjunto de datos sobre los resultados del mercado laboral, el logro académico y el rendimiento académico, así como las variables que caracterizan los antecedentes familiares. Aunque los resultados muestran diferencias de sexo estadísticamente significativas en varias dimensiones del mercado laboral chileno, esas brechas dependen mayormente del nivel...

  2. Manifestaciones cardiovasculares de anemia de células falciformes

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    Fernando Manzur


    Full Text Available La anemia de células falciformes es una hemoglobinopatía hereditaria producida por la presencia de hemoglobina S, que disminuye la solubilidad y a través del proceso de polimerización da lugar a hematíes en forma de hoz que obstruyen la red microvascular. Se caracteriza por episodios de daño por isquemia-reperfusión que contribuyen a la disfunción de órganos vitales. El advenimiento de la terapia inductora de hemoglobina fetal, asociada a la profilaxis antibiótica, ha permitido prolongar la supervivencia. Sin embargo, al incrementar la longevidad, las complicaciones cardiovasculares se hacen evidentes con el desarrollo de vasculopatía sistémica, infarto agudo de miocardio, hipertensión arterial pulmonar y disfunción ventricular. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la fisiopatología y el tratamiento de las principales manifestaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes con anemia de células falciformes.

  3. Manifestaciones del poder femenino en la vida colegial

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Cuando queremos conocer la vida de las antiguas mujeres romanas tenemos distintos modos de aproximarnos al tema, uno de ellos es indagar acerca del poder femenino en relación con los collegia. Esto nos da una imagen poco frecuente pero directamente unida a la riqueza. La emancipación de la mujer va asociada al control del dinero, cuando las mujeres lo tienen pueden eludir algunos problemas que les impiden tener una vida activa en la ciudad. Poder y riqueza van intimamente unidas en la antigua sociedad romana. Aquí mostramos algunas de esas manifestaciones. SUMMARY: When we want to know lives of ancient roman women we have many ways to do it. One of that is to research about femenin power in relatin with collegia. This give us a imagine few frecuent but directly united to wealth. The women emancipation is joined to money control, when women have it, they can elude some troubles that they impede them to have a active life in their cities. Power and wealth go inestrically united in ancient roman society so, we desire to watch some of these manifestations.


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    Jenny María Artavia Granados


    Full Text Available Este artículo es producto de un proceso de investigación realizado en una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación Occidente. Su finalidad fue determinar si en el intervalo de los recreos de la escuela en estudio, se suscitaban manifestaciones de violencia escolar explícita entre estudiantes de IV, V y VI año del II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica. Durante el desarrollo del estudio, se tomaron en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las actividades lúdicas y las interacciones personales que se presentaban en estos espacios escolares. Sobre todo, los que podrían propiciar violencia escolar explícita; los mecanismos de prevención y estrategias empleadas por la escuela para contrarrestar la violencia escolar; también el nivel de integración del personal docente y administrativo de la escuela durante el periodo de los recreos. Asimismo, se plantearon algunas conclusiones entre las que destacan que un alto porcentaje de niños y niñas manifiesta que existen enfrentamientos entre estudiantes, durante el desarrollo de los recreos, y que estos se perciben a través de comportamientos de violencia tanto física como verbal. Las manifestaciones de violencia más comunes son peleas, golpes así como el uso de un lenguaje soez y ofensivo. Los motivos de los enfrentamientos varían según el nivel escolar entre el estudiantado. Los mecanismos empleados por la escuela para contrarrestar la violencia que se suscita durante los recreos, se basan en el uso de procedimientos sancionadores y la aplicación de medidas preventivas.

  5. El riñón en la malaria: de la patogénesis a las manifestaciones clínicas

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    Andrés F. Miranda-Arboleda

    Full Text Available La malaria o paludismo, enfermedad causada por protozoos parásitos de género Plasmodium , se considera un gran problema de salud pública mundial por sus elevadas tasas de morbimortalidad. Las manifestaciones clínicas de esta infección van desde un síndrome febril agudo hasta un cuadro de malaria complicada que afecta órganos específicos, pudiendo progresar a una falla multisistémica que comprometa la vida del paciente. En la malaria, el riñón es un órgano susceptible de daño por mecanismos fisiopatológicos directos del plasmodio como el secuestro de glóbulos rojos parasitados, la obstrucción de la microcirculación y la activación del sistema inmune; además, por efectos indirectos hematológicos, hepáticos y metabólicos. La lesión renal en malaria se ha informado en Colombia hasta en el 31% de los pacientes con malaria grave; incluye la lesión renal aguda y el síndrome nefrótico, cada uno con manifestaciones clínicas, implicaciones terapéuticas y factores pronósticos propios. La lesión renal aguda es la condición más frecuente y puede llevar a una acidosis metabólica grave, daño renal crónico e incluso, cuando hace parte de una falla multiorgánica, asociarse con mortalidad que alcanza tasas de entre 40 y 50%. Un mejor entendimiento de la fisiopatología de la lesión renal en la malaria permitirá reconocer las manifestaciones clínicas para hacer un diagnóstico temprano e iniciar un tratamiento oportuno, con los beneficios que esto conlleva para la evolución y pronóstico del paciente.

  6. Autoestima de los adolescentes y su relación con el contexto familiar, escolar y social. Jadán, Gualaceo 2015


    Pulla Llanos, Elsa Noemí


    Antecedentes: La autoestima está relacionada con el buen desempeño social, familiar y laboral de los individuos; sin embargo, los factores que condicionan la autoestima aún no se han establecido con certeza, por lo que se han realizados estudios de la autoestima con diferentes resultados para grupo etario. Objetivos: Determinar la relación de la autoestima de los adolescentes de la parroquia Jadán con el contexto familiar, escolar y social, Gualaceo 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se llevó ...

  7. Manifestaciones de violencia intrafamiliar hacia adultos mayores diabéticos. Pinar del Rio, 2012

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    María de la Caridad Casanova Moreno

    Full Text Available Introducción: la violencia contra el adulto mayor es un problema que requiere de sensibilización por parte del equipo de salud para ser visualizado. Objetivo: caracterizar las manifestaciones de violencia intrafamiliar hacia el adulto mayor diabético en un consultorio de la provincia de Pinar del Río. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal durante el primer semestre del año 2012, en el Consultorio número 10 del Policlínico Universitario "Hermanos Cruz". El universo (U=86 estuvo constituido por el total de adultos mayores diabéticos; la muestra quedó conformada por 52 adultos mayores diabéticos. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, tipo de maltrato recibido, notificación, principal agresor e identificar la necesidad de información sobre el tema. Para la recolección de información se diseñó y aplicó un cuestionario por el equipo de investigación. Se utilizó el porcentaje como medida de resumen. Resultados: el grupo de edad más maltratado fue el de 60 a 69 años, predominando el sexo femenino. Los agresores más cercanos resultaron ser los hijos. La muestra estudiada manifestó que existe una insuficiente divulgación sobre el tema. Conclusiones: en el consultorio donde se realizó la investigación existen manifestaciones de violencia intrafamiliar en adultos mayores diabéticos, a pesar de que la comunidad no la reconoce como uno de sus problemas de salud.

  8. Happy faces are preferred regardless of familiarity--sad faces are preferred only when familiar. (United States)

    Liao, Hsin-I; Shimojo, Shinsuke; Yeh, Su-Ling


    Familiarity leads to preference (e.g., the mere exposure effect), yet it remains unknown whether it is objective familiarity, that is, repetitive exposure, or subjective familiarity that contributes to preference. In addition, it is unexplored whether and how different emotions influence familiarity-related preference. The authors investigated whether happy or sad faces are preferred or perceived as more familiar and whether this subjective familiarity judgment correlates with preference for different emotional faces. An emotional face--happy or sad--was paired with a neutral face, and participants rated the relative preference and familiarity of each of the paired faces. For preference judgment, happy faces were preferred and sad faces were less preferred, compared with neutral faces. For familiarity judgment, happy faces did not show any bias, but sad faces were perceived as less familiar than neutral faces. Item-by-item correlational analyses show preference for sad faces--but not happy faces--positively correlate with familiarity. These results suggest a direct link between positive emotion and preference, and argue at least partly against a common cause for familiarity and preference. Instead, facial expression of different emotional valence modulates the link between familiarity and preference.

  9. El papel de la mujer en la institucionalización de la empresa familiar. Factores determinantes de su participación.


    Lista Cabral, Cora


    Existe poca investigación empírica acerca del grado de participación de la mujer en la empresa familiar. "Invisibilidad", "techo de cristal", "androcentrismo" ... son adjetivos que se han utilizado en numerosas ocasiones para describir su situación social y laboral. A pesar de esta "invisibilidad" la literatura coincide en atribuir un papel de líder emocional a la mujer en la empresa familiar. Se ha comprobado por diversos autores que la mujer impulsa la elaboración del producto y la constitu...

  10. Independencia familiar y situación laboral de los jóvenes españoles

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    María Consuelo Colom Andrés


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas se viene observando que en España los jóvenes retrasan cada vez más la edad de emancipación, por lo que cabría preguntarse si este fenómeno se debe exclusivamente a factores culturales o está relacionado con la situación del mercado laboral. Estudios anteriores en otros países y en España han puesto en evidencia que la formación de hogar y la actividad laboral son dos decisiones que los jóvenes toman conjuntamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es averiguar si estas dos decisiones siguen estando interrelacionadas para los jóvenes españoles El análisis se ha realizado para el conjunto de todos los jóvenes y, por separado, para jóvenes residentes en ámbitos urbano y no urbano.

  11. Salud y calidad de vida de cuidadores familiares y profesionales de personas mayores dependientes: estudio comparativo

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    Noelia Flores


    Full Text Available El trabajo que se presenta tiene como objetivo analizar las semejanzas y diferencias en la salud y en la calidad de vida de los cuidadores familiares y profesionales que atienden a personas mayores en situación de dependencia. Concretamente se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras la evaluación de 600 cuidadores de los cuales un 33,83% son familiares y un 66,17% son profesionales, a quienes se evaluó la carga o estrés experimentado, la salud física y psicológica y la calidad de vida general, laboral, familiar y social. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existen diferencias entre ambos grupos de cuidadores. Los familiares dedicados al cuidado presentan mayores niveles de sobrecarga y tienen una peor salud física y psicológica como consecuencia de la atención prestada al dependiente. Los cuidadores profesionales experimentan una mayor satisfacción con la vida en general y con otros factores como el trabajo, la familia y las relaciones sociales. Finalmente se justifica la necesidad de poner en marcha intervenciones de mejora de la salud de los cuidadores

  12. A Familiar(ity Problem: Assessing the Impact of Prerequisites and Content Familiarity on Student Learning.

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    Justin F Shaffer

    Full Text Available Prerequisites are embedded in most STEM curricula. However, the assumption that the content presented in these courses will improve learning in later courses has not been verified. Because a direct comparison of performance between students with and without required prerequisites is logistically difficult to arrange in a randomized fashion, we developed a novel familiarity scale, and used this to determine whether concepts introduced in a prerequisite course improved student learning in a later course (in two biology disciplines. Exam questions in the latter courses were classified into three categories, based on the degree to which the tested concept had been taught in the prerequisite course. If content familiarity mattered, it would be expected that exam scores on topics covered in the prerequisite would be higher than scores on novel topics. We found this to be partially true for "Very Familiar" questions (concepts covered in depth in the prerequisite. However, scores for concepts only briefly discussed in the prerequisite ("Familiar" were indistinguishable from performance on topics that were "Not Familiar" (concepts only taught in the later course. These results imply that merely "covering" topics in a prerequisite course does not result in improved future performance, and that some topics may be able to removed from a course thereby freeing up class time. Our results may therefore support the implementation of student-centered teaching methods such as active learning, as the time-intensive nature of active learning has been cited as a barrier to its adoption. In addition, we propose that our familiarity system could be broadly utilized to aid in the assessment of the effectiveness of prerequisites.

  13. A Familiar(ity) Problem: Assessing the Impact of Prerequisites and Content Familiarity on Student Learning. (United States)

    Shaffer, Justin F; Dang, Jennifer V; Lee, Amanda K; Dacanay, Samantha J; Alam, Usman; Wong, Hollie Y; Richards, George J; Kadandale, Pavan; Sato, Brian K


    Prerequisites are embedded in most STEM curricula. However, the assumption that the content presented in these courses will improve learning in later courses has not been verified. Because a direct comparison of performance between students with and without required prerequisites is logistically difficult to arrange in a randomized fashion, we developed a novel familiarity scale, and used this to determine whether concepts introduced in a prerequisite course improved student learning in a later course (in two biology disciplines). Exam questions in the latter courses were classified into three categories, based on the degree to which the tested concept had been taught in the prerequisite course. If content familiarity mattered, it would be expected that exam scores on topics covered in the prerequisite would be higher than scores on novel topics. We found this to be partially true for "Very Familiar" questions (concepts covered in depth in the prerequisite). However, scores for concepts only briefly discussed in the prerequisite ("Familiar") were indistinguishable from performance on topics that were "Not Familiar" (concepts only taught in the later course). These results imply that merely "covering" topics in a prerequisite course does not result in improved future performance, and that some topics may be able to removed from a course thereby freeing up class time. Our results may therefore support the implementation of student-centered teaching methods such as active learning, as the time-intensive nature of active learning has been cited as a barrier to its adoption. In addition, we propose that our familiarity system could be broadly utilized to aid in the assessment of the effectiveness of prerequisites.

  14. Promoción de la salud y un entorno laboral saludable

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    Sara Barrios Casas

    Full Text Available En este estudio se exponen abordajes sobre un entorno laboral saludable, presentándose las principales líneas en esta temática. Es en este sentido que un entorno laboral saludable promueve una buena salud, que es un recurso primordial para el desarrollo social, económico y personal, así como una importante dimensión de los ambientes laborales. Es por esta razón que, para que exista un entorno laboral saludable, se debe promover la participación de todos los actores para controlar, mejorar y mantener la salud y el bienestar de los trabajadores y, así, propender a un ambiente laboral saludable, donde se mejore la calidad de vida de toda la población, ya que este es uno de los bienes más preciados por las personas, comunidades y países. Es en este ámbito que los profesionales de enfermería, a través de la promoción en salud, van a promover entornos laborales saludables, fomentando el desarrollo personal, familiar y social, apoyando de esta manera al cumplimiento de las metas definidas por empleadores y trabajadores.

  15. La empresa familiar, el protocolo y la sucesión familiar

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    Henry Antonio Arenas Cardona


    Full Text Available En este artículo se abordan las percepciones que tienen las empresas familiares, expertos, entidades y gremios del Valle de Aburrá (Colombia respecto al protocolo y la sucesión familiar. El trabajo corresponde a una investigación de tipo exploratoria que permite evidenciar que las familias empresarias tienen temor a realizar el protocolo familiar, debido principalmente a su desconocimiento acerca del tema. Se pretende entonces sensibilizar a empresarios, estudiantes universitarios, investigadores, y a la sociedad ̃ en general, del importante papel que desempenan las empresas familiares en la actividad económica como generadoras de riqueza y empleo, una herramienta importante para su perdurabilidad, continuidad y formalización es el protocolo familiar © 2013 Universidad ICESI. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

  16. Manifestaciones de la violencia doméstica en una muestra de hombres homosexuales y mujeres lesbianas puertorriqueñas

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    Felipe Reyes Mena


    Full Text Available El presente estudio permitió analizar en una muestra de la población homosexual, lésbica, bisexual y transgénero (HLBT en Puerto Rico, las manifestaciones de la violencia doméstica. La muestra consistió en 201 participantes seleccionados por disponibilidad orientados sexualmente hacia su mismo género y que conviven o han convivido en una o más relaciones de parejas por un tiempo promedio de séis meses o más. Los resultados del estudio encontraron que el maltrato físico y psicológico fue estadísticamente mayor en el grupo de las mujeres lesbianas. El abuso sexual fue estadísticamente mayor en el grupo de los hombres homosexuales. El uso de alcohol y drogas, así como el uso de armas con la intención de hacer daño durante los incidentes violentos llevados a cabo fueron estadísticamente mayores en el grupo de las mujeres lesbianas. No se encontraron correlaciones entre las manifestaciones de la violencia doméstica y la variable del nivel educativo.



    Castilla, María Victoria


    En este texto, se analizan los procesos de individualización y de reflexividad en relación con los límites entre los espacios público y privado, específicamente, los dilemas que enfrentan las mujeres entre la maternidad y el desarrollo laboral en el marco de las sociedades modernas contemporáneas. Se abordarán las transformaciones en la esfera de la intimidad de las mujeres madres trabajadoras de nivel socioeconómico medio y sus implicaciones en las relaciones familiares. El objetivo, consist...

  18. A Global Investigation of Child Labor: Case Studies from India, Uganda, and the United States. (United States)

    Lai, Selena

    This curriculum guide was developed to help students gain a broader perspective about child labor and become more familiar with the issues, controversies, and debates that surround it. Three case studies are highlighted: (1) a street child in India; (2) child soldiers in Uganda; and (3) a migrant farm worker child in the United States. Each case…

  19. Manifestaciones bucales del maltrato físico. Reporte de caso

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    Mariana Gamboa


    Full Text Available El Odontopediatra como profesional de la salud puede detectar inicialmente signos y síntomas de maltrato físico por las lesiones buco-faciales que presente un niño. En ocasiones estas señales no pueden ser percibidas a causa de la falta de conocimiento sobre maltrato y abandono infantil. Dentro del maltrato infantil se describen manifestaciones bucales entre las cuales no se menciona la candidiasis bucal El caso clínico motivo de estudio se refiere a un lactante que presentó inicialmente una candidiasis bucal generalizada, que por su complicación derivo en hospitalización, a pesar del tratamiento intrahospitalario progresó a un absceso y posteriomente a una celulitis facial de origen desconocido. Se sospechó que la candidiasis bucal era un signo temprano de una manifestación bucal del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH, cuyo diagnóstico fue descartado mediante pruebas de biología molecular Reacción en Cadena a la Polimerasa (PCR para VIH

  20. Rabdomiolisis y miopatía como únicas manifestaciones de hipotiroidismo severo secundario a tiroiditis de Hashimoto Rhabdomyolysis and myopathy as the only manifestations of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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    Juan P. Brito


    Full Text Available La tiroiditis de Hashimoto constituye la causa más frecuente de hipotiroidismo en las regiones sin deficiencia de yodo, es más frecuente en mujeres y muchas veces tiene asociación familiar. Los síntomas y signos del hipotiroidismo son sistémicos y dependen de la duración e intensidad de la deficiencia de la hormona tiroidea. Las manifestaciones neuromusculares, son excepcionalmente los únicos signos clínicos. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven con una miopatía severa con rabdomiolisis como la única manifestación de hipotiroidismo severo debido a tiroiditis de HashimotoHashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism. In the regions with no iodine deficiency, it is more frequent in women and oftentimes has a familial association. The symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism are systemic and depend on the duration and intensity of the thyroid hormone deficiency. Neuromuscular manifestations are seldom the only symptoms and signs present. We present the case of a young patient with severe myopathy, where rhabdomyolysis was the sole manifestation of severe hypothyroidism secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  1. Manifestaciones musculo-esqueléticas en pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica

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    Raúl Alca-Clares


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia y describir las manifestaciones musculoesqueléticas (MME en pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica (HDC. Material y métodos: Es una serie de casos. Se incluyeron 68 pacientes con edad ≥ 18 años, en HDC ≥ 6 meses, del Centro de Hemodiálisis de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Los datos demográficos, clínicos, tiempo en hemodiálisis, dosis de diálisis e ingesta proteica, y calcio, fósforo y fosfatasa alcalina séricos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas, en 38 pacientes se determinó PTH sérico y a 37 pacientes se les realizó densitometría ósea como parte de su evaluación. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 52,1 ± 22,1 años, el 52,9% fueron mayores de 60 años, el tiempo en HDC 21,6 ± 17 meses, la nefropatía diabética fue la etiología más frecuente. El 73,5% de los pacientes presentaron MME. La artrosis y la lumbalgia fueron las más frecuentes. La artrosis se relacionó con edad >60 años (66,7% vs. 12,5%; p=0,000 y la presencia de diabetes mellitus (DM (68,6% vs. 32,7%; p=0,010. En 64,9% de pacientes se encontró densidad mineral ósea (DMO disminuida, 11 (29,7% tuvieron osteoporosis y 12 (32,4% osteopenia. Conclusión: Las MME tienen frecuencia elevada en pacientes en HDC, siendo la artrosis, la lumbalgia y la DMO disminuida las manifestaciones más frecuentes.

  2. Manifestaciones ocultas de violencia, durante el desarrollo del recreo escolar

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    Artavia Granados, Jenny María


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es producto de un proceso de investigación realizado en una escuela de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Occidente, en Costa Rica. Este tiene como fin determinar si durante el desarrollo de los recreos se suscitan manifestaciones de violencia implícitas u ocultas entre las y los estudiantes II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica. En el proceso del estudio se tomaron en cuenta aspectos relacionados con las actividades lúdicas y las interacciones personales desarrolladas durante los recreos escolares y que podrían propiciar violencia escolar implícita u oculta. Se procuró identificar la existencia de enfrentamientos y conflictos entre estudiantes, que conllevan amenazas, manifestaciones de exclusión, persecuciones e intimidaciones entre las y los niños. Se plantearon algunas conclusiones entre las que destacan que un alto porcentaje de la población estudiantil investigada manifiesta recibir amenazas, y que estas, en mayor número, se producen entre las niñas. Asimismo, un alto porcentaje de esta población estudiada indica que ha sido excluida en la dinámica del recreo por diferentes motivos, entre los que destacan: características físicas, género, condición social y situaciones particulares educativas que presentan algunos niños o niñas en edad escolar.This article is the product of a research process carried out in a school at Dirección Regional de Occidente (Western Regional Bureau of Education, in Costa Rica. This is intended to determine if during the development of school recesses manifestations of violence, implied or hidden, arise among the students of II Cycle of the General Basic Education. The process of the study took into account aspects related to recreational activities and personal interactions developed in school recess and that could lead to implied or hidden school violence or bullying. It was aimed to identify the existence of confrontations and conflicts between students

  3. Gerencia de las empresas familiares y no familiares: análisis comparativo

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    Lenix Margarita Omaña Guerrero


    Full Text Available En el ámbito económico existen empresas denominadas familiares cuyas características las identifican cla- ramente. Estas organizaciones coexisten con empresas que no presentan características de familiares. Por ello, el propósito del presente estudio es analizar comparativamente la gerencia en ambos tipos de empre- sas. La investigación se centró en un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, orientado a co- nocer y explicar las diferencias y semejanzas en las empresas familiares en cuanto a los siguientes aspec- tos: sucesión, financiamiento, órganos de gobierno, normas de funcionamiento y profesionalización, así como la investigación tiene un diseño documental y de campo. Los resultados arrojaron que no se encuen- tran evidencias significativas para afirmar que las empresas familiares y no familiares estudiadas difieren en los aspectos estudiados.

  4. Novel versus Familiar Brands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reimann, Martin; Castaño, Raquel; Zaichkowsky, Judith


    Two experiments were conducted to analyze neurophysiological activation, response latency, and actual brand choice concerning novel and familiar brands. The results show that (1) the choice of novel brands (compared to the choice of familiar brands) is preceded by increased activation of both...... the cingulate gyrus and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, as measured by a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study; (2) novel brands are associated with longer choice response latency than familiar brands; and (3) positive mood enhances response latency of choosing novel brands compared to familiar...

  5. La participación en el mercado laboral de los cuidadores informales de personas mayores en España

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    Pablo Moya-Martínez


    Full Text Available El mundo está experimentando un proceso de envejecimiento que provoca un incremento de la tasa de dependencia de la población. Sin los ajustes necesarios, los actuales sistemas sociales y de salud no serán sostenibles. Uno de los focos de actuación en este problema son los cuidadores informales y su participación en el mercado de trabajo. En esta investigación se determina cómo influye la intensidad de la dedicación a labores de cuidado informal en la participación en el mercado de trabajo, y se obtienen las siguientes conclusiones: el cuidado informal intensivo reduce la probabilidad de trabajar entre un 10 y un 12%; son necesarios nuevos planes de ayuda al empleo y de conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral, principalmente para cuidadores informales con dedicación intensiva a sus familiares o amigos dependientes

  6. Happiness cools the glow of familiarity: Psychophysiological evidence that mood modulates the familiarity-affect link (United States)

    de Vries, Marieke; Holland, Rob W.; Chenier, Troy; Starr, Mark J.; Winkielman, Piotr


    People often prefer familiar stimuli, presumably because familiarity signals safety. This preference can occur with merely repeated “old” stimuli, but it is most robust with “new” but highly familiar prototypes of a known category (beauty-in-averages effect). However, is familiarity always warm? Tuning accounts of mood hold that positive mood signals a safe environment whereas negative mood signals an unsafe environment. Thus, the value of familiarity should depend on mood. We show that compared to a sad mood, a happy mood eliminates the preference for familiar stimuli, as shown in measures of self-reported liking and physiological measures of affect (EMG indicator of spontaneous smiling). The basic effect of exposure on preference and its modulation by mood were most robust on prototypes (category averages). All this occurs even though prototypes might be more familiar in a happy mood. We conclude that mood changes the hedonic implications of familiarity cues. PMID:20424063

  7. The familiar versus the unfamiliar: Familiarity bias amongst individual investors

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    Annalien De Vries


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence of familiarity bias amongst individual investors in the South African stock market. Problem investigated: According to Warren Buffet, one needs to maintain emotional detachment if one wants to be a successful investor. However, recent research indicates that the perceptions of companies’ products and brands may influence individuals’ investment decisions in the stock market. This phenomenon implies that the investment decisions of individual investors are not purely based on firm fundamentals as suggested by traditional finance theories, but might be driven partly by the positive or negative attitude they have towards certain companies’ products and brands. The existence of familiarity bias amongst individual investors was investigated to determine if individuals prefer to invest in companies they are familiar with as opposed to unfamiliar companies. Methodology: A quantitative approach was followed. An online survey was used to show images of familiar and unfamiliar company brands to respondents, whereafter respondents were asked to indicate whether they will invest in the shares of the identified companies. The statistical analysis entailed descriptive statistics as well as one-way analyses of variance to test the stated hypotheses. Main findings: The results of this exploratory study indicate that investors do exhibit familiarity bias when choosing between different companies to invest in. Value of the research: The inclination of individual investors to invest in familiar corporate brands can have implications for the marketing industry, financial markets, the performance of companies as well as the investment performance of individual investors in the sense that it would seem that company brands could have an influence on investment decisions.

  8. The hard-won benefits of familiarity in visual search: naturally familiar brand logos are found faster. (United States)

    Qin, Xiaoyan Angela; Koutstaal, Wilma; Engel, Stephen A


    Familiar items are found faster than unfamiliar ones in visual search tasks. This effect has important implications for cognitive theory, because it may reveal how mental representations of commonly encountered items are changed by experience to optimize performance. It remains unknown, however, whether everyday items with moderate levels of exposure would show benefits in visual search, and if so, what kind of experience would be required to produce them. Here, we tested whether familiar product logos were searched for faster than unfamiliar ones, and also familiarized subjects with previously unfamiliar logos. Subjects searched for preexperimentally familiar and unfamiliar logos, half of which were familiarized in the laboratory, amongst other, unfamiliar distractor logos. In three experiments, we used an N-back-like familiarization task, and in four others we used a task that asked detailed questions about the perceptual aspects of the logos. The number of familiarization exposures ranged from 30 to 84 per logo across experiments, with two experiments involving across-day familiarization. Preexperimentally familiar target logos were searched for faster than were unfamiliar, nonfamiliarized logos, by 8 % on average. This difference was reliable in all seven experiments. However, familiarization had little or no effect on search speeds; its average effect was to improve search times by 0.7 %, and its effect was significant in only one of the seven experiments. If priming, mere exposure, episodic memory, or relatively modest familiarity were responsible for familiarity's effects on search, then performance should have improved following familiarization. Our results suggest that the search-related advantage of familiar logos does not develop easily or rapidly.

  9. Déficit bilateral de las manifestaciones de la fuerza muscular de las extremidades inferiores en estudiantes universitarios


    Ramón Candia-Luján; Karen Ileana Carreón Santa Cruz; Beatriz Anai Núnez Escudero; Lidia Guillermina De León Fierro; Claudia Esther Carrasco Legleu


    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el déficit bilateral (DBL) de las manifestaciones de la fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores en estudiantes universitarios, participaron16 hombres y 14 mujeres. Se les evaluó la fuerza máxima dinámica, la potencia muscular y la fuerza isométrica, en forma bilateral y unilateral de ambas extremidades inferiores. La suma de la fuerza máxima dinámica unilateral de las extremidades inferiores fue mayor que la fuerza bilateral 132,4 ± 38,1 kg y 114,6 ± ...

  10. Comunicación familiar


    Antolínez Cáceres, Bertha Rebeca


    En el primer contacto la enfermera puede identificar algunos rasgos de la comunicación familiar, a medida que la intervención progresa podrá examinar y explorar sobre la comunicación familiar y orientar el manejo de conflictos. El análisis de la disfunción familiar inicia entonces por el análisis de la comunicación y dónde falla ésta: En el emisor, transmisor y sus causas. Luego viene la exploración del sistema familiar que aclara las reglas que mantienen y los procesos individuales que instr...

  11. La conciliación laboral y personal en empresas del sector turístico: un estudio realizado en hoteles


    Egea Moya, Natalia


    El presente trabajo pretende resaltar como el conflicto entre la vida laboral y personal de los trabajadores tiene un impacto en la empresa, en los propios trabajadores y en su círculo familiar. En este caso, nos centraremos en las empresas del sector turístico para así averiguar en qué grado se ven afectados los factores antes mencionados, así como que medidas se toman en las empresas para reducir este conflicto. La conciliación laboral y personal cobra actualmente una importancia crecien...

  12. Impacto del estrés laboral en el anestesiólogo


    Calabrese, Gustavo


    El estrés laboral se define como las nocivas reacciones físicas y emocionales que ocurren cuando las exigencias del trabajo no igualan las capacidades, los recursos o necesidades del anestesiólogo. Cuando éste se torna excesivo superando la tolerancia del organismo puede derivar en graves consecuencias como desgaste en la salud, actuación profesionalmente pobre, repercusión en la seguridad del paciente y en la vida familiar. Sobre la salud pueden derivar en enfermedades físicas entre las que ...

  13. El apgar familiar en ancianos conviventes

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    Orlando Díaz Tabares


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del Apgar familiar en ancianos conviventes, no institucionalizados y sin alteraciones de la esfera cognoscitiva, pertenecientes a dos consultorios médicos de la familia, ubicados en la comunidad rural del policlínico docente de San Cristóbal, durante el año 1995 se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, longitudinal y descriptivo, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de encuesta a los 70 ancianos que conformaron el universo de estudio. Los resultados fueron procesados estadísticamente utilizando el método Chi cuadrado mediante un sistema computarizado, y se consideró significativo todo valor asociado a una probabilidad menor que 0,05. Resultó estadísticamente notable la percepción de funcionabilidad familiar en los ancianos pertenecientes a familias nucleadas. Existió correspondencia muy significativa entre la evaluación de funcionabilidad que el anciano otorgó a su familia y la detectada por el investigador. No se comprobó relación estadísticamente significativa entre el Apgar familiar y la edad de los ancianos, el vínculo laboral actual y el comportamiento de las funciones asignadas y asumidas por ellosA retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted to determine the behavior of family Apgar among noninstitutionalized, living together aged patients who had no alternations of the cognitive sphere and who received medical attention at two family physician’s offices located in the rural community of the Teaching Polyclinic of San Cristóbal, during 1995, 70 elderly patients were surveyed and the results were statistically processed using the Chi square method by a computerized system. Every value associated to a probability under 0.05 was considered as significant. The perception of family functionability in the elderly from nucleated families was statistically remarkable. There was a very important correspondence between the evaluation of functionability granted by

  14. Diferencias por sexo, Síndrome de burnout y manifestaciones clínicas, en los médicos familiares de dos instituciones de salud, Guadalajara, México


    Aranda Beltrán, Carolina


    Desde la perspectiva psicosocial la definición más aceptada sobre el Síndrome de burnout es la propuesta por Maslach y Jackson, la cual designa un estado de agotamiento físico y mental, con un sujeto despersonalizado y desmotivado para trabajar. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar las diferencias entre el ser hombre o ser mujer con Síndrome de burnout y sus repercusiones en la salud en los médicos familiares de dos instituciones de salud en Guadalajara, México. El estudio es de tipo transv...

  15. Quines empreses han aguantat millor la crisi, les empreses familiars o les no familiars?

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    Jose Luis Gallizo


    Full Text Available Objecte: En aquest estudi és porta a terme un anàlisi comparatiu sobre l’evolució de l’estructura econòmica i financera que presenten les empreses familiars i no familiars de Catalunya en un context d’intensa crisi econòmica. La seva finalitat és poder donar resposta a dos qüestions principals: identificar les característiques diferencials de l’EF respecte a l’EnF i comprovar si aquestes característiques diferencials han permès a les EF aguantar millor la crisi econòmica. Disseny/metodologia: S’ha analitzat una mostra de 750 grans i mitjanes empreses de Catalunya (550 familiars i 200 no familiars durant el període 2008-2012. Les dades s’han obtingut a través de la base de dades SABI, i per a la classificació de les empreses en familiars i no familiars s’ha dut a terme una comprovació individual de cadascuna d’elles per evitar habituals errors de classificació. Posteriorment les empreses s’han classificat en funció de la seva dimensió per dotar d’una major robustes els resultats. També s’ha procurat que la distribució d’empreses per sectors fos similar en les diferents categories per evitar que un efecte sectorial pogués tergiversar els resultats de l’estudi. Aportacions i resultats: L’estudi ha permès constatar les hipòtesis establertes sobre el finançament de les empreses familiars i concloure que aquestes presenten una estructura financera diferent a les Empreses no familiars. Les empreses familiars als seus balanços, presenten un major nivell d’autofinançament gràcies a la seva menor distribució de dividends. A més a més, les EF presenten millors resultats en quant a nivells de cobertura i liquiditat, ja que es troben més capitalitzades i presenten uns nivells d’endeutament inferior que les Empreses no familiars. Aquestes característiques patrimonials i financeres han contribuït a que les empreses familiars aguantin millor els anys de crisi, produint-se durant aquests anys

  16. Participación laboral en Ibagué.

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    David Aldana


    Full Text Available La alta tasa de participación laboral en Ibagué ha tenido como consecuencia que la tasa de desempleo en dicha ciudad haya sido la mayor en los últimos años en relación con las principales áreas del país. Este trabajo presenta evidencia sobre los determinantes de la participación laboral de Ibagué para el período 2001–2005 y los compara con los determinantes de trece áreas metropolitanas. Con base en la Encuesta Continua de Hogares se estiman tres modelos probit de participación: uno para el total de trece áreas, otro para Ibagué y uno conjunto en el que se diferencia a Ibagué del promedio nacional. En general, los signos de los coeficientes son los esperados. El hecho fundamental es la alta participación de las personas que integran los grupos de 12 a 17 años. La participación del grupo de edad de 18 a 23 años es también importante. La baja remuneración en el mercado laboral y la caída en el empleo formal (de personas no beneficiarias del subsidio monetario entregado por las cajas de compensación familiar son las dos hipótesis básicas para explicar el fenómeno de la alta participación en Ibagué. Sin embargo, queda por responder la pregunta del porqué no emigran a otras ciudades.

  17. Implicit Recognition of Familiar and Unfamiliar Faces in Schizophrenia: A Study of the Skin Conductance Response in Familiarity Disorders

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    Aurely Ameller


    Full Text Available ObjectiveFamiliarity is a subjective sensation that contributes to person recognition. This process is described as an emotion-based memory-trace of previous meetings and could be disrupted in schizophrenia. Consequently, familiarity disorders could be involved in the impaired social interactions observed in patients with schizophrenia. Previous studies have primarily focused on famous people recognition. Our aim was to identify underlying features, such as emotional disturbances, that may contribute to familiarity disorders in schizophrenia. We hypothesize that patients with familiarity disorders will exhibit a lack of familiarity that could be detected by a flattened skin conductance response (SCR.MethodThe SCR was recorded to test the hypothesis that emotional reactivity disturbances occur in patients with schizophrenia during the categorization of specific familiar, famous and unknown faces as male or female. Forty-eight subjects were divided into the following 3 matched groups with 16 subjects per group: control subjects, schizophrenic people with familiarity disorder, and schizophrenic people without familiarity disorders.ResultsEmotional arousal is reflected by the skin conductance measures. The control subjects and the patients without familiarity disorders experienced a differential emotional response to the specific familiar faces compared with that to the unknown faces. Nevertheless, overall, the schizophrenic patients without familiarity disorders showed a weaker response across conditions compared with the control subjects. In contrast, the patients with familiarity disorders did not show any significant differences in their emotional response to the faces, regardless of the condition.ConclusionOnly patients with familiarity disorders fail to exhibit a difference in emotional response between familiar and non-familiar faces. These patients likely emotionally process familiar faces similarly to unknown faces. Hence, the lower

  18. Familiar face + novel face = familiar face? Representational bias in the perception of morphed faces in chimpanzees

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    Yoshi-Taka Matsuda


    Full Text Available Highly social animals possess a well-developed ability to distinguish the faces of familiar from novel conspecifics to induce distinct behaviors for maintaining society. However, the behaviors of animals when they encounter ambiguous faces of familiar yet novel conspecifics, e.g., strangers with faces resembling known individuals, have not been well characterised. Using a morphing technique and preferential-looking paradigm, we address this question via the chimpanzee’s facial–recognition abilities. We presented eight subjects with three types of stimuli: (1 familiar faces, (2 novel faces and (3 intermediate morphed faces that were 50% familiar and 50% novel faces of conspecifics. We found that chimpanzees spent more time looking at novel faces and scanned novel faces more extensively than familiar or intermediate faces. Interestingly, chimpanzees looked at intermediate faces in a manner similar to familiar faces with regards to the fixation duration, fixation count, and saccade length for facial scanning, even though the participant was encountering the intermediate faces for the first time. We excluded the possibility that subjects merely detected and avoided traces of morphing in the intermediate faces. These findings suggest a bias for a feeling-of-familiarity that chimpanzees perceive familiarity with an intermediate face by detecting traces of a known individual, as 50% alternation is sufficient to perceive familiarity.

  19. Smells familiar: group-joining decisions of predatory mites are mediated by olfactory cues of social familiarity. (United States)

    Muleta, Muluken G; Schausberger, Peter


    Group-living animals frequently have to trade off the costs and benefits of leaving an established group and joining another group. Owing to their high fitness relevance, group-joining decisions are commonly nonrandom and may be based on traits of both individual members and the group such as life stage, body size, social status and group density or size, respectively. Many group-living animals are able to recognize and to associate preferentially with familiar individuals, i.e. those encountered before. Hence, after dispersing from established groups, animals commonly have to decide whether to join a new familiar or unfamiliar group. Using binary choice situations we assessed the effects of social familiarity on group-joining behaviour of the plant-inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis . Group living in P. persimilis is brought about by the patchy distribution of its spider mite prey and mutual conspecific attraction. In the first experiment, gravid predator females given a choice between spider mite patches occupied by unfamiliar and familiar groups of females strongly preferred to join familiar groups and to deposit their eggs in these patches. Preference for socially familiar groups was robust across biases of spider mite prey densities between choice options. The second experiment revealed that the predatory mite females can smell social familiarity from a distance. Females subjected to odour choice situations in artificial cages were more strongly attracted to the odour of familiar than unfamiliar groups. We argue that P. persimilis females preferentially join socially familiar groups because a familiar social environment relaxes competition and optimizes foraging and reproduction.

  20. Indicadores del estrés oxidativo en pacientes afectados por VIH/sida con manifestaciones reumatológicas Oxidative stress indicators for HIV/AIDS patients with rheumatologic manifestations

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    Olga Pomier Suárez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el estrés oxidativo se ha reconocido como cofactor en la progresión de la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH y en las manifestaciones reumatológicas. Objetivo: valorar los indicadores del estrés oxidativo en los pacientes afectados por VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas. Métodos: se estudiaron 31 pacientes VIH con manifestaciones reumatológicas y se compararon los índices evaluados con un grupo control, 31 individuos aparentemente sanos. Los pacientes fueron clasificados según los siguientes criterios de actividad: escala de actividad de la enfermedad para manifestaciones reumatológicas, e índice de actividad de enfermedad y la escala visual analógica de dolor nocturno para manifestaciones reumatológicas. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo fueron cuantificadas mediante técnicas espectrofotométricas y el análisis estadístico realizado, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS 13. Resultados: los pacientes VIH evaluados presentaron un estrés oxidativo de moderado a severo, caracterizado por aumento significativo de los parámetros indicadores de daño oxidativo y disminución de los sistemas antioxidantes (pIntroduction: the oxidative stress has been recognized as a cofactor in the progression of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection and in the rheumatologic manifestations. Objective: to assess the oxidative stress indicators in those HIV patients with rheumatologic manifestations. Methods: thirty one HIV patients with rheumatologic manifestations were studied and the evaluated indexes were compared to those of a control group made up of 31 apparently healthy individuals. The patients were classified according to the following activity criteria: scale of the disease activity for the rheumatologic manifestations, and index of disease activity and the analogical visual scale of pain at night in terms of the rheumatologic manifestations. The

  1. Satisfacción laboral de los asalariados en España || Job Satisfaction of Employees in Spain

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    Rico Belda, Paz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los factores determinantes del nivel de satisfacción laboral de los asalariados en España, haciendo especial hincapié en las diferencias de género y de nacionalidad. Para ello, se estima un modelo de respuesta múltiple ordenada, utilizando los datos de la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo, para el periodo que abarca desde 2006 a 2010. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, después de controlar por las características personales y laborales de los asalariados, se obtiene un diferencial positivo en la satisfacción laboral en favor de las mujeres, mientras que no se evidencia la existencia de un efecto diferencial entre los asalariados nativos e inmigrantes. Por otro lado, la estabilidad laboral, la implicación del trabajador con la empresa, un buen clima empresarial y la conciliación entre la vida laboral y familiar afectan positivamente en la satisfacción laboral, mientras que los desajustes formativos y de horas de trabajo influyen negativamente en el bienestar del trabajador. || The aim of this paper is to identify the explanatory factors of job satisfaction of employees in Spain, with special emphasis on gender and nationality differences. For doing that, an ordered multiple answer model will be estimated, using data from the Living Standards Quality in the Job corresponding to years 2006 to 2010. The results show that, after controlling by personal and employment characteristics of employees, there is a positive differential in job satisfaction level in favor of women. However, there is none of evidence that there is a nationality difference in job satisfaction. More- over, the job stability, employees involvement in their companies, a good business climate and conciliation between career and familiar life affect positively to job satisfaction, but the mismatch in training and in working hours influence negatively to satisfaction of employees.

  2. Significado construido por los cuidadores familiares acerca del personal de enfermería

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    Carmen Liliana Escobar-Ciro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir el significado que construye el cuidador familiar de personas en situación de enfermedad crónica acerca del personal de enfermería en el ámbito hospitalario. Materiales y métodos: estudio cualitativo con enfoque etnográfico. Se realizaron catorce entrevistas y cincuenta horas de observación participante. Los participantes fueron los cuidadores familiares de los pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina interna en dos instituciones de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. El análisis se hizo a partir de la lectura de los relatos, las observaciones y las notas de campo; se realizó análisis línea a línea, que permitió la codificación de la información; los relatos se agruparon en categorías y subcategorías. Resultados: el significado que construye el cuidador familiar de personas con enfermedad crónica acerca del personal de enfermería en el hospital parte de considerar la enfermería como un oficio duro y de vocación, donde se identifica como actores a la jefe (enfermera y a la enfermera (auxiliar de enfermería, cada una con características propias de su hacer, saber y ser por las cuales las diferencian, y con quienes establecen relaciones cercanas o lejanas. Conclusiones: los cuidadores familiares identifican al personal de enfermería de acuerdo con ciertas características, asumiendo que el profesional de enfermería posee conocimientos, estatus y poder, alejado del cuidador y del paciente. Por su parte, el auxiliar de enfermería es percibido como alguien cercano, con quien se puede interactuar y resolver situaciones. Independientemente del rol desempeñado, los enfermeros(as señalan una sobrecarga laboral que les hace difícil interactuar con el cuidador familiar.

  3. 78 FR 13897 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade and Labor Affairs; Labor Affairs Council... (United States)


    ... Public Session Meeting AGENCY: International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor.... Department of Labor gives notice of the public session of the meeting of the Labor Affairs Council (``Council... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Trade...

  4. 78 FR 72714 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION..., 2013, regarding child labor and forced labor in foreign countries. Relevant information will be used by...

  5. Influencia del medio familiar en un grupo de 5 a 19 años con riesgo suicida

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    Ariane Hernández Trujillo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal, en el que se comparó el medio familiar de pacientes dispensarizados como riesgo suicida, con el de otro grupo de similares características no controlados por esta causa, pertenecientes al área de salud del Policlínico "Carlos J. Finlay" de Santiago de Cuba, que abarcó los meses de junio a diciembre de 1997. En los 44 pacientes de riesgo encuestados se comprobó predominio del sexo femenino y de las edades entre 15 y 19 años; el mayor número había sido dispensarizado como de riesgo por antecedente de intento suicida, embarazo precoz y anuncio del suicidio. Entre los antecedentes patológicos personales en la esfera psiquiátrica prevalecieron los trastornos distímicos y las alteraciones incipientes de la personalidad de tipo desinhibido; en tanto que los antecedentes patológicos familiares de riesgo e intento suicida resultaron ser más frecuentes en el grupo de estudio que en el control. La disfuncionalidad familiar y la ausencia de ambos padres fueron factores asociados al riesgo suicida. Prevalecieron las ideas suicidas, la impulsividad y los trastornos afectivos como manifestaciones psicopatológicas.A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was conducted in the health area of the "Carlos J. Finlay" Polyclinic, in Santiago de Cuba, in order to compare the family environment of those patients classified as suicide risk with that of the other group with similar characteristics not controlled by this cause. Among the 44 patients at risk that were surveyed, it was found a predmoninace of the female sex and of ages 15-19. Most of them had been classified as at risk for history of suicide attempt, early pregnancy and suicide announcement. The dysthymic disorders and the incipient alterations of the disinhibited-type personality prevailed in the pathological personal history corresponding to the psychiatric sphere. The family pathological history of suicide risk and

  6. Factores familiares asociados a codependencia en enfermeras de un hospital de Cancún, Quintana Roo, México


    Ramírez-Amaro, Margarita; Martínez-Torres, Jorge; Ureña Bogarín, Enrique Leobardo


    Objetivo: Identificar los factores familiares asociados a la presencia de codependencia en las enfermeras de un hospital regional en Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. Diseño: Estudio transversal, comparativo. Emplazamiento: Ciudad de Cancún (México). Participantes: Mediante un muestreo aleatorizado se seleccionaron 200 enfermeras que cumplieron los criterios de selección (tener pareja de más de un año, acudir a trabajar el día de la entrevista, tener contrato laboral al momento del estud...

  7. Cultura financiera en la empresa familiar

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    Antonio Duréndez Gómez-Guillamón


    Full Text Available Estudios previos han demostrado que las empresas familiares son muy diferentes a las no familiares, puesto que su carácter familiar y la relación familia-empresa les imprime unos rasgos y una cultura propia que le suponen cualidades diferenciadoras. De igual forma, la identificación de una estructura financiera y una jerarquía financiera única en el caso de las empresas familiares nos conduce a plantear una investigación en torno a la existencia de una cultura financiera propia de las empresas familiares. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de corte transversal mediante una encuesta dirigida a una muestra representativa de 837 empresas. Los resultados confirman que el carácter de la empresa es un factor discriminante de la cultura financiera al presentar las empresas familiares un menor grado de cultura financiera que las empresas no familiares. De forma que las empresas familiares se apoyan en menor medida que las no familiares en la opinión de sus directores financieros para las decisiones gerenciales en el área de financiación, están menos informadas de las fuentes financieras alternativas a las tradicionales y la importancia que le conceden a la formación del departamento de administración y financiero es también menor.

  8. Labor Induction (United States)

    f AQ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ154 LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM CARE Labor Induction • What is labor induction? • Why is labor induced? • What is the Bishop score? • What is “ripening ...

  9. Conservadorismo contábil nas companhias abertas familiares e não-familiares no mercado brasileiro

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    Iana Izadora Souza Lapa de Melo Paulo


    observadas nesta pesquisa apontam que as empresas familiares apresentam maior reversão de perdas contábeis do que as firmas não-familiares, sugerindo que elas têm práticas contábeis mais agressivas. Porém, com base na análise estatística proposta, não se pode confirmar que o conservadorismo contábil é significativamente diferente entre as empresas familiares e não-familiares.

  10. Estrategias de manejo en torno al VIH/SIDA a nivel familiar

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los puntos críticos en la trayectoria de los familiares de personas VIH positivas y con SIDA, que pueden servir de base para desarrollar intervenciones educativas y de apoyo material y emocional por parte de las instituciones y asociaciones civiles cuya labor se vincula con esta enfermedad. Teoría y métodos. En 1995, se realizó una investigación cualitativa en Ciudad Netzahualcóyotl, Estado de México. Se aplicaron técnicas de diagnóstico rápido para definir el contexto socioeconómico, demográfico y cultural del VIH/SIDA en la comunidad; se realizaron 46 entrevistas a profundidad a enfermos de VIH/SIDA, sus familiares y miembros de su red social. Resultados. Se caracterizan los principales puntos de la respuesta familiar ante el VIH/SIDA, y se demuestra que es posible identificar puntos críticos en la respuesta familiar, así como las reacciones hacia sus miembros enfermos de VIH/SIDA. En Ciudad Netzahualcóyotl, el contexto familiar de pobreza, tradición migratoria y las condicionantes diferenciales de género fundamentan el apoyo y el rechazo en las relaciones familiares de las personas enfermas. El principal descubrimiento revela que las relaciones familiares para con la persona enferma son ambiguas, y pasan del apoyo al rechazo. Este patrón varía de acuerdo con la historia familiar y las condiciones de cada familia. Conclusiones. Se proponen algunas intervenciones específicas en salud necesarias para brindar apoyo a las familias con uno o más miembros infectados por el VIH/SIDA.Objective. To identify the critical points of the trajectories of the families of persons with AIDS which may serve as a basis to develop educational and support programs. Theory and methods. A qualitative investigation was conducted in 1995 in Ciudad Netzahualcóyotl, State of Mexico, Mexico. Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP were applied to determine the social, economic, demographic and cultural context of persons with HIV

  11. Prevalencia y manifestaciones de la violencia intrafamiliar en la comunidad estudiantil de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA)


    Giusti Minotre, Fannella


    Este artículo presenta un resumen de los principales resultados de la investigación sobre prevalencia y manifestaciones de la violencia Intrafamiliar en la comunidad estudiantil, realizada en el segundo ciclo lectivo del año 2009. Es un estudio de tipo cuantitativo descriptivo que se concentró en determinar la prevalencia de los episodios de la violencia intrafamiliar en la niñez y la adolescencia, la edad adulta (a partir de los 18 años) y el momento actual (seis meses previos a la aplicació...

  12. Empresas familiares y estudiantes de ingeniería: un binomio desaprovechado

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    M. Quintana


    Full Text Available Entre agosto y septiembre de 2009, fue realizado un estudio estadístico para conocer los tipos de empresas familiares vinculadas a estudiantes de carreras tecnológicas que ofrece la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI, asimismo, en este estudio se investigó acerca de las herramientas tecnológicas que utilizan tales empresas en apoyo de sus actividades económicas. Con ese propósito, fue elaborado y aplicado un cuestionario entre los alumnos y alumnas que estudian las carreras de ingeniería en Computación, Electrónica y Eléctrica y que a su vez tuviesen alguna relación con empresas familiares (muestra voluntaria. De los resultados se encontró que el 96% del total de empresas consultadas (26 empresas, que son representativas de los distintos sectores económicos del país, utilizan escasamente o no utilizan, herramientas tecnológicas en sus procesos productivos o administrativos. Este resultado reflejó que en la actualidad existe un desaprovechamiento de las capacidades y habilidades que posee un sector de la población con alta formación tecnológica entre el sector de las pequeñas empresas familiares, lo que se manifiesta en la poca utilización de parte de las mismas de la tecnología como herramienta de apoyo en sus actividades productivas o comerciales. Las recomendaciones propuestas en función de estos resultados, han conducido a elaborar un plan de trabajo dirigido a ofrecer dichos servicios tecnológicos con el objetivo de respaldar la labor de este sector empresarial a fin de elevar sus ventajas competitivas.






  14. O problema do trabalho infantil na agricultura familiar: o caso da produção de tabaco em Agudo-RS

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    Joel Orlando Bevilaqua Marin


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é analisar a emergência do problema do trabalho infantil no cultivo de tabaco em Agudo, desencadeado pela promulgação do Decreto n. 6.481/2008, que trata das piores formas de trabalho infantil. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram a revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e um estudo de caso, realizado no município de Agudo, Rio Grande do Sul. No estudo de caso, procurou-se obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos, por meio de questionários e entrevistas abertas, dirigidos para 27 agricultores familiares fumicultores, com filhos com menos de 18 anos de idade. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam a existência de um confronto entre diferentes concepções sobre o trabalho da criança no âmbito da agricultura familiar. Os dispositivos legais, os termos de compromissos e os contratos de integração na cadeia produtiva do fumo proíbem o trabalho de menores de 18 anos, fundamentando-se nos princípios internacionais da garantia do pleno desenvolvimento das crianças. Na perspectiva das famílias, o trabalho das crianças é entendido como "ajuda", forma de socialização e formação dos herdeiros. Portanto, os pais não concordam que se trata de uma forma perversa de exploração do trabalho dos próprios filhos.The aim of this paper is to analyze the emergence of the child labor problem in tobacco growing in Agudo (Rio Grande do Sul state, triggered by the promulgation of Act 6.481/2008, which addresses the worst child labor conditions. The methodological procedures used were the literature review, desk research and a case study, conducted in the municipality of Agudo. In the case study, we have tried to obtain quantitative and qualitative data through questionnaires and open interviews directed to 27 tobacco growers, and with teenagers and children under 18 years old. The survey results indicate the existence of a clash between different conceptions of child labor in small scale family farmers. The legal

  15. Constelaciones familiares y discapacidad


    Salvachúa Algar, María Jesús


    La constelación familiar es un método de psicoterapia familiar sistémica, una potente herramienta fenomenológica que puede aplicarse de forma individual o en grupo, para conocer los vínculos y dinámicas que se establecen entre los miembros de la familia.

  16. La agricultura familiar: su relación con el abastecimiento alimentario a nivel familiar

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    Laura Gabriela Boada Molina


    Full Text Available En la sierra Norte, la estrategia familiar alimentaria para acceder a la alimentación se manifiesta a través de una heterogeneidad de factores. Específicamente en las provincias del Carchi e Imbabura, en donde predominan la actividad agrícola como un  abastecedor de alimentos para el mercado nacional. Las familias campesinas alcanzan la diversificación en su alimentación a través de la estrategia familiar alimentaria conformada por un conjunto de factores en los que destacan la producción para el autoconsumo y la comercialización de los alimentos, pero sobre todo las redes sociales y familiares (capital social. La agricultura familiar como proveedor  central del abastecimiento al mercado nacional, además debe alimentar a la familia que la lleva a cabo.

  17. Análisis de la conciliación familiar y laboral en la Universidad de Sevilla


    Pérez Rastrollo, María Agustina


    El presente trabajo se inicia realizando un breve recorrido por la situación que ha vivido la mujer en los últimos siglos, en el que observaremos cómo dicha situación siempre ha estado muy relacionada con la realidad política del momento, aunque siempre subyacente la idea de que su principal labor giraba en torno a la realización de tareas domésticas y cuidado de personas dependientes, mientras que el hombre se encargaba de realizar trabajos externos para así poder obtener un salario y cubrir...

  18. Influencia del entorno familiar en la mujer en etapa climatérica Influence of family environment in climateric woman

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    Iraimis García Sánchez


    Full Text Available Introducción: a pesar del importante papel que tiene la familia, existen pocos reportes relativos a la probable influencia del climaterio sobre el entorno familiar, así como del funcionamiento familiar sobre la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. Objetivo: describir el funcionamiento familiar e identificar su influencia sobre las manifestaciones clínicas del climaterio. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó mujeres con residencia permanente en el consultorio # 4 del policlínico "Rampa", con edades entre 40 y 59 años, y con familias no monoparentales. Mediante interrogatorio se identificó la presencia de afecciones crónicas y sus factores de riesgo, así y la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. Se identificó, además, el cumplimiento de las funciones básicas de las familias, la dinámica de sus relaciones internas y la percepción del funcionamiento familiar. Se empleó la frecuencia y el promedio, y la prueba T Students (valor de p> 0,05 para establecer diferencias entre grupos. Resultados: el grupo estuvo constituido por mujeres con piel blanca, trabajadoras, en etapa de perimenopausia, con síndrome climatérico de intensidad muy leve y leve. El entorno familiar fue no funcional (con riesgo + disfuncional en el 77 % de las familias, con independencia de la etapa del climaterio de la mujer y de la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. La incapacidad para cumplir el rol económico fue referida por 38 % de las mujeres. Conclusiones: la pérdida del rol económico fue el factor de mayor impacto negativo en el funcionamiento familiar. No se constató que la posmenopausia influyera en el funcionamiento familiar.Introduction: despite the significant role of family, there are not much reports relative to the likely influence of climateric on the family environment, as well as the family functioning on the intensity of climateric syndrome. Objective: to describe the above mentioned functioning and to identify its

  19. La mujer en la empresa familiar


    Rodríguez Zapatero, M.; Rodríguez Jiménez, Magdalena


    El objetivo perseguido por el presente trabajo de investigación es llegar a un mejor entendimiento del papel que juega la mujer en la empresa familiar. Se utilizó un cuestionario contestado por ciento diecinueve mujeres, que recabó junto a información demoscópica datos relativos a quién tomó la decisión de entrar a trabajar en la empresa familiar, ventajas y desventajas de trabajar en la empresa familiar, recomendaciones a las hijas para su unión al negocio familiar y tip...

  20. Cultura financiera en la empresa familiar


    Antonio Duréndez Gómez-Guillamón; Teresa Mariño Garrido


    Estudios previos han demostrado que las empresas familiares son muy diferentes a las no familiares, puesto que su carácter familiar y la relación familia-empresa les imprime unos rasgos y una cultura propia que le suponen cualidades diferenciadoras. De igual forma, la identificación de una estructura financiera y una jerarquía financiera única en el caso de las empresas familiares nos conduce a plantear una investigación en torno a la existencia de una cultura financiera propia de las empresa...

  1. Las manifestaciones del desarrollo desigual más frecuentes en los niños/as de la edad preescolar y su tratamiento psicopedagógico

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    Yedania Borot Nuñez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda los aspectos teóricos fundamentales en relación con la comprensión de las manifestaciones del desarrollo desigual más frecuentes en la edad preescolar para su tratamiento psicopedagógico, aprovechando los diferentes contextos en cada momento y situaciones de la vida de los niños/as

  2. Intento suicida y funcionamiento familiar

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    Wilfredo Guibert Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico retrospectivo de corte transversal del tipo caso control con el objetivo de caracterizar el funcionamiento familiar diferencial de los individuos que realizaron intentos suicida en un área de salud de la Habana Vieja, durante los meses de enero a mayo de 2000. La muestra estuvo conformada por 62 individuos y sus respectivas familias, 31 del grupo estudio e igual cantidad de controles. Se les aplicó la entrevista familiar semiestructurada circular, la prueba de funcionamiento familiar FF-SIL y se observaron sus interacciones familiares. Se encontró que el funcionamiento familiar (FF en los individuos que realizaron intento suicida es predominantemente disfuncional, que las características diferenciales del funcionamiento familiar en las suicidas fueron la poca adaptabilidad (67,7 %, la baja cohesión (70,9 %, y la desarmonía (87,1 % y que en las familias de los suicidas predominaron significativamente todos los factores familiares de riesgo esenciales que predisponen al suicidioA case-control crosswise retrospective and analytical study was made from January to May, 2000 to characterize the family performance in individual who attempted to commit suicide in a health area located in Habana Vieja municipality. The sample was composed by 62 subjects and their respective families, 31 of them belonged to the study group and the rest to the control group. The circular semi-structured family interview and the family performance test were applied whereas family interactions were observed. It was found that family performance in individuals with attempted suicides was predominantly dysfunctional; the differential characteristics of family performance in suicidal persons were low adaptability(67.7%, low cohesion (70.9% and lack of harmony (87.1% and that all the essential family risk factors that are conductive to suicide were significantly present in the families of the suicides

  3. Preterm Labor (United States)

    Preterm labor is labor that starts before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. It can lead to premature birth. Premature babies may face serious health risks. Symptoms of preterm labor include Contractions every 10 minutes or more often ...

  4. Factores asociados a la participación laboral de los adultos mayores mexiquenses

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    Beatriz MILLÁN-LEÓN


    Full Text Available La prolongación en la esperanza de vida, los cambios en los arreglos residenciales y familiares, así como la falta de ingresos económicos en la vejez son factores que han contribuido a que la población adulta mayor permanezca en activo en el mercado de trabajo. En el presente artículo se estudia la heterogeneidad que prevalece en la población envejecida del Estado de México con el fi n de evaluar los factores que condicionan en mayor medida su participación laboral actual, utilizando para ello una regresión logística binaria a partir de los datos obtenidos por la ESEDEM 2008. Para los hombres destacan las circunstancias actuales de la vejez, salud y transferencias económicas como principales condicionantes de permanecer activos laboralmente, mientras que para las mujeres resaltan las características de su trayectoria de vida, tales como su estado civil o su historia laboral.

  5. Proverb familiarity and the mental status examination. (United States)

    Haynes, R M; Resnick, P J; Dougherty, K C; Althof, S E


    Asking patients to interpret proverbs is a traditional method of assessing abstract thinking ability. Familiarity with a proverb increases the likelihood of interpreting it correctly. Differences in proverb familiarity among patients could lead clinicians to incorrectly conclude that a patient is thinking concretely, and thus to underestimate the patient's cognitive ability. Clinicians should be aware of this possibility when assessing patients from different racial and gender groups. The authors surveyed 229 Afro-American and 104 Caucasian high school students to determine their familiarity with 25 proverbs. Thirty-seven clinicians were also asked to rate their patients' familiarity with the same proverbs. The authors found no differences in proverb familiarity between the black and white students or the male and female students. Clinicians' beliefs about proverb familiarity in their patients were found to be inaccurate.


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    Iryna Fed


    involves a close connection with the study of basic sciences, familiarization with production processes. Lessons are aimed at intensifying students’ cognitive activity. The process of labor education, its moral content is aimed at giving students not only a proper understanding of the labor role in society, but also a habit to work every day.

  7. Next manager. Academic Background versus Labor Market Requirements

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    Razvan Catalin Dobrea


    Full Text Available The employability of of graduates is today one of the major problems both of universities and economical environment. Also, employability, inserting optimum professional and social life is a problem of each graduate. It finds today, that a large part of are young drop out of school and thus possibility of qualify at a high level or have difficulty entering the labor market. European Commission recommends for member states reforming education, especially of the university so as to ensure the professionalization of the young people, developing their professional skills and transversal, harnessing their potential, enhance the relevance of education for youth and the labor market. Bologna Declaration shows that employability (ability to engage, to maintain the service and mobility in the labor market is defining higher education, whose role is to familiarize students with the skills and competencies that individuals need to place on the job. (Bologna, 1999 This paper addresses the issue of employability of higher economic studies graduates, and analyzes a positive experience resulting from the provision of complex information, guidance, advice and orientation to students in POSDRU "Practice today to become manager of tomorrow". The paper presents the results of a complex study conducted on the impact that these services have had on the students involved, from three perspectives: students, employers, who guided activity students at the university level. The results show that there is a direct relationship between the increase in the number of students who have benefited from guidance, counseling and professional development appropriate to their needs and the number who have developed personal skills to substantiate decisions regarding their career paths and educational because of of information, advice, guidance provided in the project. These services have helped students to develop, to know better, know their own skills and abilities and to focus

  8. Why Should We Care about Child Labor? The Education, Labor Market, and Health Consequences of Child Labor (United States)

    Beegle, Kathleen; Dehejia, Rajeev; Gatti, Roberta


    Despite the extensive literature on the determinants of child labor, the evidence on the consequences of child labor on outcomes such as education, labor, and health is limited. We evaluate the causal effect of child labor participation among children in school on these outcomes using panel data from Vietnam and an instrumental variables strategy.…

  9. Enfermedad injerto contra huesped: sus manifestaciones bucales

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    Claudia Marcela Hernández Cancino

    Full Text Available La enfermedad injerto contra huésped es la principal complicación que sufren los pacientes que han recibido trasplante alogénico. Se produce como consecuencia de una reacción inflamatoria exagerada mediada por los linfocitos del donante y estimulada por aquellos tejidos que han sido lesionados por la enfermedad de base, por las infecciones previas o por el tratamiento de acondicionamiento. El diagnóstico es clínico e histopatológico. Los pacientes presentan rash maculopapular pruriginoso y doloroso que puede extenderse por toda la superficie corporal, fiebre, vómito, náuseas, diarrea y anorexia. En la mucosa bucal se observan erosiones ulceradas, extremamente dolorosas y pueden ser la primera o la única manifestación detectable clínicamente de esta enfermedad. El objetivo es presentar un caso de enfermedad de injerto contra huésped. Se trata de una mujer de 54 años de edad con linfoma no-Hodgking, que recibió tratamiento con quimioterapia, radioterapia y trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas en el 2009. Tres meses después, presentó lesiones en la piel diagnosticadas como enfermedad injerto contra huésped y tratadas con corticoesteroides, a los seis meses fue remitida al odontólogo porque se quejaba de ardor en la boca, xerostomía y dificultad para masticar, tenía úlceras en la mucosa bucal y en la lengua. En la ocasión recibió tratamiento con corticoesteroides, clorhexidina, orientaciones de higiene bucal y controles clínicos permanentes. Aunque existen protocolos para la prevención y el tratamiento de la enfermedad injerto contra el huésped, su frecuencia ha aumentado en los últimos años debido al incremento en el número de trasplantes. Por esta razón, es fundamental que el odontólogo forme parte del grupo multidisciplinario que asiste al paciente y que esté familiarizado con los signos y síntomas de esta enfermedad en la mucosa bucal, pues las manifestaciones clínicas pueden ser las únicas para


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    Roberto González


    Full Text Available Analizamos las decisiones de oferta laboral de los hogares en Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Presentamos un modelo conjunto de elección discreta y, de acuerdo con éste, postulamos y estimamos una función de utilidad cuadrática. A partir de los parámetros estimados calculamos las elasticidades de la oferta laboral respecto al ingreso no laboral. También simulamos una política de bienestar común inspirada en el “Plan jefe de hogar” de Argentina. Entre los resultados obtenidos destaca un rendimiento de la educación de entre el 6.6 y el 10.7% para las mujeres casadas, así como un variado efecto de las mejoras en los ingresos no laborales en las decisiones de oferta laboral. Esta diversidad es un reflejo de la heterogeneidad de estos países desde el punto de vista de la polarización de las condiciones so-cioeconómicas y laborales. La instrumentación de un “Plan común jefe de hogar” confirma la diversidad de respuestas y destaca por la mejora significativa que su-pondría para la cohesión social en el Mercosur.

  11. Factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud de Medellín. Colombia, 2016

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    Edwin Alexis Cataño Saldarriaga

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Introducción: El absentismo laboral es una situación muy frecuentes en las empresas de salud de Colombia, sin embargo la empresa objeto de estudio no conoce los factores asociados a este. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados al absentismo laboral en los empleados de una institución de salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio empírico-analítico, cuantitativo de corte transversal. La población de estudio fueron los empleados de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de Medellín, Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada teniendo en cuenta variables demográficas, laborales, familiares, personales y sociales. Resultados: Se encuestaron 140 de los 898 empleados, con una proporción de absentismo del 8,4%. De los que presentaron absentismo laboral, el 84% fueron mujeres. En cuanto a la edad se identificó una media de 32 años; el nivel educativo técnico o menor tuvo una RP 3,2, el área laboral asistencial de 4,8 y el cargo laboral de apoyo de 2,3, variables que presentaron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con haber tenido absentismo laboral. Conclusiones: Los factores que se asocian al absentismo laboral en los empleados de la institución de salud de estudio, están dados por el bajo nivel educativo, tener un cargo laboral de apoyo y desempeñar funciones de asistencia.

  12. Condición laboral asociada a complicaciones en el embarazo en noreste de México


    Edgar Taboada Aguirre; Eduardo Manzanera Balderas; Maria Mercedes Dávalos Torres


    Introducción: Las complicaciones clínicas en el embarazo son predictores importantes para la mortalidad materna y desenlace del embarazo dependiendo de la atención que reciban las mujeres en este periodo trascendental de la vida. Algunos de los determinantes asociados con el problema están ligados a la situación laboral y la ocupación de la madre durante el embarazo. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el año 2012, en la Unidad de Medicina Familiar # 43 del Instituto Mexi...

  13. Las crisis familiares

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    Idarmis González Benítez


    Full Text Available Con este trabajo nos propusimos actualizar el tema de las crisis familiares. Se pone de manifiesto que tanto los eventos propios del desarrollo, como los accidentales, dan lugar a la aparición de crisis en la familia. Queda esclarecido, que no necesariamente han de tener implicaciones negativas para la familia. Se hace énfasis en la valoración del evento por la familia y su significación. Se destaca el papel de los recursos familiares como protectores y moduladores de las crisis. Por último se señalan algunos pasos a seguir en la intervención familiarWith this paper we intend to update the topic of the family crises. It is shown that the own events of development as well as the accidental ones bring about the appearance of crises in the family. It is made clear that they not always have negative implications for the family. Emphasis is made on the assessment of the event for the family and its significance. The role played by the family resources as protective and modulators of the crisis is stressed. Finally, some of the steps to be taken in family intervention are mentioned

  14. Predictores familiares de la violencia filio-parental: el papel de la disciplina familiar


    Izaskun Ibabe


    La violencia filio-parental es un problema social cualitativamente diferente a otros tipos de violencia familiar, porque los adolescentes dirigen la violencia hacia quienes debieran representar la autoridad y proporcionarles bienestar. El objetivo principal de este estudio era analizar el papel de las relaciones paternofiliales y la disciplina familiar en el desarrollo de conductas violentas y prosociales de los adolescentes hacia sus padres. En el estudio participaron 585 hijos/as (48% varon...

  15. Involvement of right piriform cortex in olfactory familiarity judgments. : Familiarity judgment in olfaction


    Plailly , Jane; Bensafi , Moustafa; Pachot-Clouard , Mathilde; Delon-Martin , Chantal; Kareken , David ,; Rouby , Catherine; Segebarth , Christoph; Royet , Jean ,


    International audience; Previous studies have shown activation of right orbitofrontal cortex during judgments of odor familiarity. In the present study, we sought to extend our knowledge about the neural circuits involved in such a task by exploring the involvement of the right prefrontal areas and limbic/primary olfactory structures. Fourteen right-handed male subjects were tested using fMRI with a single functional run of two olfactory conditions (odor detection and familiarity judgments). ...


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    Luis Francisco Sánchez Cáceres


    Full Text Available A realização do presente trabalho investigatório justifica-se pela ideia de aprofundar e difundir o conhecimento sobre o direito à conciliação da vida laboral, familiar e pessoal, como parte do direito fundamental de não sofrer tipo algum de discriminação por qualquer circunstância ou pretexto e sob o amparo do artigo 14 da Constituição espanhola. A partir dessa mesma fórmula de proteção e reconhecimento constitucional desse direito de conciliação nasce, ademais, o desenvolvimento normativo contido na Lei Orgânica n. 3/2007, sobre a igualdade efetiva entre mulheres e homens, a qual, junto com a Diretiva n. 2010/18/EU do Conselho, de 18 de março de 2010, e a mais que apropriada para o seu estudo, posto que relativamente recente, Sentença do Tribunal Constitucional de 14 de março de 2011, erigem-se como os pilares jurídicos, normativos e jurisprudenciais nos quais se sustenta a presente monografia. De outro moto, e sob uma perspectiva claramente constitucional, procurou-se tratar sobre a delicada e complexa questão relativa à titularidade do direito de conciliação, assim como os numerosos conflitos que se colocam, e também se apresentarem as possíveis soluções a tais conflitos para o que, com bom critério, têm-se utilizado elementos interpretativos próprios do Direito do trabalho, para poder facilitar um melhor conhecimento, compreensão e interpretação do significado e fim último do direito de conciliação.

  17. Is Familiarity a Moderator of Brand/Country Alliances?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Tore; Gabrielsen, Gorm; Jaffe, Eugene D.


    Product and brand familiarity have an important role in consumer choice behaviour and they have been equated with knowledge and experience Consumers having high and low familiarity utilized brand information (an extrinsic cue) in their evaluations, whereas moderately familiar consumers used...... intrinsic cues (product attributes) in evaluating products. The question of whether familiarity moderates the country-of-origin (COO) effect is a valid one. In this present paper, we attempt to provide additional evidence as to how familiarity with products, brands and countries moderates consumer...... evaluation of brand/country alliances. Specifically, we concentrate on the brand leveraging process identified by Keller (2003) applied to the effect of familiarity on country/brand alliances....

  18. Labor Force (United States)

    Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 2010


    The labor force is the number of people aged 16 or older who are either working or looking for work. It does not include active-duty military personnel or institutionalized people, such as prison inmates. Quantifying this total supply of labor is a way of determining how big the economy can get. Labor force participation rates vary significantly…

  19. How Does Familiarity Breed Contempt? (United States)

    Mann, Kevin; Clandinin, Thomas R


    Classifying sensory experiences as either novel or familiar represents a fundamental challenge to neural processing. In this issue of Cell, Hattori et al. describe a circuit mechanism by which a novel stimulus that initially interests a fruit fly turns into a familiar one. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Parturients' need of continuous labor support in labor wards

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Continuous labor support is practiced in different parts of the world. In Ethiopia ... Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the attitude of women in response to labor support based at institutional ... The reasons given for wanting companion were emotional ..... mothers play vital role in labor and delivery while men.

  1. Niños y niñas como cuidadores familiares

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    María Rosa Estupiñán Aponte


    Full Text Available En el contexto familiar, el cuidado de otra persona por parte de niños y niñas constituye un terreno inexplorado tanto en su significado como en las implicaciones que podrían darse en el proceso. Aunque históricamente se ha asignado el cuidado familiar a las mujeres generando condiciones de inequidad, incrementada con los cambios sociales de los últimos tiempos, es necesario reconocer que en muchos hogares niños y niñas se han visto obligados a desempeñar esta labor sin la preparación ni las destrezas necesarias. Desde una perspectiva de género, el artículo busca evidenciar esta situación mediante la revisión de los abordajes que sobre el tema se han hecho en países de Europa y Norteamérica, así como el análisis de información obtenida a partir de las Encuestas de Hogares y Uso del Tiempo (EUT en algunos países de Latinoamérica. Se establece la forma como las problemáticas sociales inciden en las dinámicas, tipo de tareas y responsabilidades que deben asumir niños y niñas en los hogares, mostrando delgados límites entre la colaboración al interior de las familias, la transmisión cultural de roles y funciones y las actividades que podrían incidir negativamente en su crecimiento y el ejercicio de sus derechos.

  2. 77 FR 9267 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ...), established a new eligibility criterion for receipt of trade benefits under the Generalized System of... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION... information and/or comment on reports issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) October 3...

  3. 76 FR 22921 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... trade benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Caribbean Basin Trade and Partnership... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION... information and/or comment on reports issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) on December...

  4. Word-Form Familiarity Bootstraps Infant Speech Segmentation (United States)

    Altvater-Mackensen, Nicole; Mani, Nivedita


    At about 7 months of age, infants listen longer to sentences containing familiar words--but not deviant pronunciations of familiar words (Jusczyk & Aslin, 1995). This finding suggests that infants are able to segment familiar words from fluent speech and that they store words in sufficient phonological detail to recognize deviations from a…

  5. [Demography and labor shortage. Future challenges of labor market policy]. (United States)

    Fuchs, J


    For demographic reasons, the German labor force will decrease dramatically and it will be much older on average. However, labor demand, especially for qualified workers, is expected to remain high. This paper focuses on the possibilities of expanding the labor force by increasing the participation rates of women and older persons. Herein, the change in the labor force is decomposed with respect to population and labor participation and, moreover, the effects of higher participation rates are simulated. The decomposition and simulation scenarios are based on data published by the Institute for Employment Research. The analysis clearly reveals that the effect of a considerably higher labor participation of women and older workers will disappear over time when the working-age population shrinks more and more. In addition, individuals who are currently unemployed or out of the labor force are not skilled enough. Since it seems difficult to get more qualified workers in the short and even in the medium term, improving the conditions for women and older people to take up jobs should be tackled soon. This includes investments in education and health care.

  6. Labor Force (United States)

    Occupational Outlook Quarterly, 2012


    The labor force is the number of people ages 16 or older who are either working or looking for work. It does not include active-duty military personnel or the institutionalized population, such as prison inmates. Determining the size of the labor force is a way of determining how big the economy can get. The size of the labor force depends on two…

  7. Preferring familiar emotions: as you want (and like) it? (United States)

    Ford, Brett Q; Tamir, Maya


    Do people want to feel emotions that are familiar to them? In two studies, participants rated how much they typically felt various emotions (i.e., familiarity of the emotion) and how much they generally wanted to experience these emotions. We found that, in general, people wanted to feel pleasant emotions more than unpleasant emotions. However, for both pleasant and unpleasant emotions, people more (vs. less) familiar with an emotion also wanted to experience it more. Links between the familiarity of an emotion and wanting to experience that emotion were not explained by the concurrent experience of familiar emotions. Also, we show that although familiar emotions were also liked more, liking did not fully account for wanting familiar emotions. Finally, the familiarity of emotions mediated the links between trait affect and the emotions people wanted to feel. We propose that people are motivated to feel familiar emotions, in part, because of their instrumental value.

  8. Preferring familiar emotions: As you want (and like) it? (United States)

    Ford, Brett Q.; Tamir, Maya


    Do people want to feel emotions that are familiar to them? In two studies, participants rated how much they typically felt various emotions (i.e., familiarity of the emotion) and how much they generally wanted to experience these emotions. We found that, in general, people wanted to feel pleasant emotions more than unpleasant emotions. However, for both pleasant and unpleasant emotions, people more (vs. less) familiar with an emotion also wanted to experience it more. Links between the familiarity of an emotion and wanting to experience that emotion were not explained by the concurrent experience of familiar emotions. Also, we show that although familiar emotions were also liked more, liking did not fully account for wanting familiar emotions. Finally, the familiarity of emotions mediated the links between trait affect and the emotions people wanted to feel. We propose that people are motivated to feel familiar emotions, in part, because of their instrumental value. PMID:23962316

  9. Facelock: familiarity-based graphical authentication. (United States)

    Jenkins, Rob; McLachlan, Jane L; Renaud, Karen


    Authentication codes such as passwords and PIN numbers are widely used to control access to resources. One major drawback of these codes is that they are difficult to remember. Account holders are often faced with a choice between forgetting a code, which can be inconvenient, or writing it down, which compromises security. In two studies, we test a new knowledge-based authentication method that does not impose memory load on the user. Psychological research on face recognition has revealed an important distinction between familiar and unfamiliar face perception: When a face is familiar to the observer, it can be identified across a wide range of images. However, when the face is unfamiliar, generalisation across images is poor. This contrast can be used as the basis for a personalised 'facelock', in which authentication succeeds or fails based on image-invariant recognition of faces that are familiar to the account holder. In Study 1, account holders authenticated easily by detecting familiar targets among other faces (97.5% success rate), even after a one-year delay (86.1% success rate). Zero-acquaintance attackers were reduced to guessing (authenticate (6.6% success rate). In Study 2, we found that shoulder-surfing attacks by strangers could be defeated by presenting different photos of the same target faces in observed and attacked grids (1.9% success rate). Our findings suggest that the contrast between familiar and unfamiliar face recognition may be useful for developers of graphical authentication systems.


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    Diamantino Santos


    Full Text Available Utilizando la Entrevista Estructurada para Familias Multiproblema (Pakman, 2007 se llevó a cabo un estudio exploratorio con 52 delincuentes adolescentes internados en Centros Educativos de la Dirección General de Rehabilitación Social y Servicios de Encar celamiento. Los datos, analizados utilizando una metodología de métodos mixtos, muestran que los adolescentes perciben un patrón de debilidades múltiples caracterizado por una alta prevalencia de consumo de sustancias adictivas, bajo rendimiento académico, experiencia laboral ilegal, bajo ingreso familiar, viviendo predominantemente en vecindarios con problemas, una gran polimórfica ruta antisocial bruja comienza a principios de la adolescencia y un comportamiento a menudo agresivo. Estos adolescentes se refieren a los elementos relevantes de la red social personal de sus pares antisociales del pasado y reportaron una alta incidencia de intervención familiar / individual por parte de la seguridad social.

  11. Child labor, agricultural shocks and labor sharing in rural Ethiopia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Z.Y. Debebe (Zelalem)


    textabstractThe author studies the effect of an agricultural shock and a labor sharing arrangement (informal social network) on child labor. Albeit bad parental preference to child labor (as the strand of literature claims), poor households face compelling situations to send their child to work.

  12. Neurofibromatosis tipo I con manifestaciones en el periodonto y lengua: presentación de un caso Type I neurofibromatosis with periodontal and lingual manifestations: a case report

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    M.C. Negreiros Lyrio


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen o Neurofibromatosis Tipo I (NF1 es una condición autosómica dominante que presenta una variada expresión clínica, con manifestaciones que van desde manchas tipo café con leche en piel a severas complicaciones estéticas y funcionales afectando los tejidos óseos y nerviosos. Las manifestaciones orales de la NF1 son comunes, afectando aproximadamente al 72% de los pacientes. Presentamos un caso de NF1 con lesiones neurofibromatosas afectando al reborde alveolar inferior y lengua, con indicación de excisión quirúrgica debido a la dificultad de higiene local.Von Recklinghausen’s disease, or type I neurofibromatosis (NF-1, is an autosomal dominant condition with a varied clinical expression. Disease manifestations may range from café au lait spots of the skin to severe cosmetic and functional complications that affect bone and nervous tissues. Oral manifestations of NF-1 are common, affecting approximately 72% of patients. We report a case of NF-1 with neurofibromatous lesions of the lower alveolar bridge and tongue. Resection was indicated due to the difficulty of maintaining oral hygiene.

  13. Problemas Familiares Contemporâneos o Situaciones Familiares Actuales: Invariancia y Novedad




    O autor inicia por perguntar-se sobre a relevância da família na atualidade. Para responder esta questão, examina os vínculos de casal e de relação entre pais e filhos, situando-os historicamente. Sugere que os "problemas familiares" instauram-se a partir do momento em que se institui uma forma de família como oficial, sendo "problemas" as que não seguem esse modelo. Por isto, prefere referir-se a diferentes "situações familiares", que passam a ser pensadas a partir da crítica de dois critéri...

  14. La Justicia Laboral

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    Montoya Melgar, Alfredo


    Full Text Available Iniciada en el último cuarto del siglo XIX nuestra legislación laboral, pronto se plantea la exigencia de que las reglas sustantivas del nuevo Derecho vayan acompañadas de normas jurisdiccionales y procesales específicas, atentas a las exigencias de la justicia laboral. Tras una etapa de justicia social paritaria, obrero-patronal, la jurisdicción laboral pasa a ser desempeñada por jueces profesionales centrándose en la Magistratura de Trabajo y consolidándose el diseño procesal en sucesivas Leyes de Procedimiento Laboral.
    En la actualidad, y aunque la nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil ha incidido de modo relevante sobre el proceso laboral, es obvia la influencia que el modelo del proceso laboral ha ejercido con carácter previo sobre el nuevo proceso civil.

  15. Facelock: familiarity-based graphical authentication

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    Rob Jenkins


    Full Text Available Authentication codes such as passwords and PIN numbers are widely used to control access to resources. One major drawback of these codes is that they are difficult to remember. Account holders are often faced with a choice between forgetting a code, which can be inconvenient, or writing it down, which compromises security. In two studies, we test a new knowledge-based authentication method that does not impose memory load on the user. Psychological research on face recognition has revealed an important distinction between familiar and unfamiliar face perception: When a face is familiar to the observer, it can be identified across a wide range of images. However, when the face is unfamiliar, generalisation across images is poor. This contrast can be used as the basis for a personalised ‘facelock’, in which authentication succeeds or fails based on image-invariant recognition of faces that are familiar to the account holder. In Study 1, account holders authenticated easily by detecting familiar targets among other faces (97.5% success rate, even after a one-year delay (86.1% success rate. Zero-acquaintance attackers were reduced to guessing (<1% success rate. Even personal attackers who knew the account holder well were rarely able to authenticate (6.6% success rate. In Study 2, we found that shoulder-surfing attacks by strangers could be defeated by presenting different photos of the same target faces in observed and attacked grids (1.9% success rate. Our findings suggest that the contrast between familiar and unfamiliar face recognition may be useful for developers of graphical authentication systems.

  16. Cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica en las regiones de frontera colombiana: perfil y carga percibida de cuidado


    Arias-Rojas, Mauricio; Barrera-Ortiz, Lucy; Mabel-Carrillo, Gloria; Chaparro-Díaz, Lorena; Sánchez-Herrera, Beatriz; Vargas-Rosero, Elizabeth


    Antecedentes.En situaciones de enfermedad crónica, la familia es el principal apoyo para las personas enfermas. Si bien el sistema de salud no siempre reconoce a los cuidadores familiares, ellos dedican la mayor parte del tiempo al cuidado de sus seres queridos y se infiere que, en las regiones de frontera, debe ser más complejo asumir esta labor, lo cual supone una mayor carga para ellos. Objetivo. Comparar las características sociodemográficas y el nivel de carga percibido por los cuidadore...

  17. Encefalitis aguda: Manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas como expresión de infección por virus de influenza Acute encephalitis: Neuropsychiatric manifestations as expression of influenza virus infection

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    Noris Moreno-Flagge


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue revisar la encefalitis en niños y adolescentes, su etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, fisiopatología, métodos diagnósticos y tratamiento, enfatizando las manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas de la encefalitis durante una epidemia de influenza. La encefalitis se considera una inflamación del sistema nervioso central (SNC que compromete el cerebro. Se manifiesta usualmente por cefaleas, fiebre y trastorno del estado de conciencia. Puede además manifestarse por convulsiones, cambios en la personalidad y manifestaciones obsesivas (síntomas neuropsiquiátricos. Las manifestaciones dependerán del tipo de virus y las células afectadas. La encefalitis puede ser causada por una gran variedad de agentes infecciosos incluyendo virus, bacterias, hongos y parásitos. Causas virales de encefalitis incluyen herpesvirus, arbovirus, rabia y enterovirus. Casos establecidos de bacterias incluyen Borrelia burgdorferi y rickettsia y el Mycoplasma neumoniae, al cual se atribuyen varios casos de encefalitis. Otros agentes como el hongo Coccidioides immitis e Histoplasma capsulatum pueden también generarla. Más de 100 agentes se han asociado a encefalitis. El diagnóstico de encefalitis constituye un reto para el clínico, y su etiología infecciosa usualmente se identifica entre el 40% al 70% de casos. El diagnóstico se hace con absoluta certeza sólo con una biopsia cerebral. La epidemiología depende de ciertos factores como la edad, la localización geográfica, la época del año, las condiciones climáticas y la inmunocompetencia del huésped. El tratamiento temprano puede disminuir el riesgo de muerte y las secuelas. Describimos cuatro pacientes con encefalitis y manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas durante una epidemia de influenza, con el fin de alertar sobre esta asociación.The aim is to review the encephalitis in infants and adolescents as well as its etiology, clinical manifestation, epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnostic

  18. Emancipating Labor Internationalism


    Waterman, Peter


    The secular trinity of c19th socialism was Labor-Internationalism-Emancipation. As early-industrial capitalism developed into a national-industrial-colonial capitalism, the internationalism of labor became literally international, and simultaneously lost its emancipatory aspiration and capacity (or vice versa). The dramatic – and labor-devastating – development of a globalised-networked-informatised capitalism is raising the necessity and possibility of a new kind of labor internationalis...


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    María de L. Preciado S.


    Full Text Available Introducción: México ha firmado acuerdos internacionales a favor de la erradicación de cualquier tipo de violencia en el trabajo y particularmente respecto al acoso sexual. La legislación federal, en el Código Penal Federal, se encuentra tipificado el delito de hostigamiento sexual, que solamente será punible cuando se cause un perjuicio o daño, y que sólo se procederá contra el hostigador a petición de la parte ofendida. Por esto, la presente investigación ofrece un cuestionario metodológicamente construido para la identificación del hostigamiento sexual en sus primeras manifestaciones. Métodos: Estudio en dos fases: I Entrevistas a profundidad para la validez del contenido, y II Diseño transversal analítico para la validez del constructo. En la primera fase se entrevistaron a 12 trabajadores identificados como hostigadores sexuales o víctimas de estos comportamientos, para elaborar los enunciados que conformaron el cuestionario. Posteriormente, se validó la construcción de dicho cuestionario aplicándoselo a 74 trabajadores de vigilancia empresarial. Resultados: Se llevó a cabo el análisis factorial y determinó 22 ítems adecuados en tres dimensiones: ambiental, emocional y verbal; el 77% de la varianza explicada y 0.80 confiabilidad Alpha de Cronbach. Además, se construyeron 11 ítems que valoraron consecuencias y siete más que indican los procedimientos preventivos en la empresa con formato dicotómico. Finalmente, se evaluó a los trabajadores y el 20% de los trabajadores identificó riesgo, el 7%, consecuencias personales e impacto en la actividad laboral por hostigamiento sexual perpetrado por superiores. Conclusión: El diseño del cuestionario sobre hostigamiento sexual fue psicométricamente válido, de fácil aplicación y calificación para implementarse en las políticas preventivas de riesgos psicosociales en el ámbito laboral.

  20. Terapia familiar en los trastornos de personalidad

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    Laura Rodríguez Moya


    Full Text Available La enfermedad mental afecta no solo al paciente sino también a su familia, dificulta la comunicación intrafamiliar, puede generar patologías adicionales en los familiares y todo ello empeorar la evolución del trastorno. Las terapias familiares de tipo psicoeducativo mejoran el pronóstico de la enfermedad y además previenen la aparición de otros trastornos en los familiares. Los elementos más importantes de estas intervenciones son la psicoeducación sobre el trastorno, el re-establecimiento de una relación sana entre paciente-familia, el establecimiento de límites, la mejora de la comunicación familiar y el establecimiento de relaciones con la red social extensa, para evitar el aislamiento tanto de la familia como del paciente. Las intervenciones mixtas, individuales y familiares, han demostrado ser muy útiles en el caso de los trastornos de personalidad, en concreto en el Trastorno Límite de Personalidad (TLP.

  1. 46 CFR 15.405 - Familiarity with vessel characteristics. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Familiarity with vessel characteristics. 15.405 Section... MANNING REQUIREMENTS Manning Requirements; All Vessels § 15.405 Familiarity with vessel characteristics. Each credentialed individual must become familiar with the relevant characteristics of the vessel on...

  2. Trade, Labor, Legitimacy


    Guzman, Andrew


    The relationship between international trade and labor standards is one of several controversial issues facing the WTO. Proponents of a trade-labor link argue that labor is a human rights issue and that trade sanctions represent a critical tool in the effort to improve international working conditions. Opponents argue that a link between trade and labor would open the door to protectionist measures that would target low wage countries and harm the very workers the policy is intended to help. ...

  3. Infertilidad como evento paranormativo: Su repercusión familiar

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    Malbys Fernández Ríos


    Full Text Available La infertilidad, tema de nuestro estudio, constituye un evento vital que repercute en el sistema familiar, y es considerada como una crisis familiar por desorganización. Nos propusimos realizar un estudio del evento infertilidad, para determinar su repercusión en la salud familiar y las áreas de mayor afectación, relacionándola con la adaptabilidad de la familia y el apoyo social recibido. Encontramos entre los resultados que la infertilidad como evento paranormativo presentó una repercusión en la salud familiar a un nivel leve y con un sentido desfavorable, que la infertilidad primaria tiene mayor nivel de repercusión que la secundaria, pero predomina la significación desfavorable de los 2 tipos. Las áreas de salud familiar con mayor afectación fueron la sociopsicológica y el estado de salud de los miembros con significación desfavorable; el funcionamiento familiar con significación favorable. Se encontró correspondencia entre la capacidad de adaptabilidad familiar, el apoyo social y la repercusión familiar del evento.

  4. Study of lead effects on the mental health of tin laborers in a carmaking company of Tehran city 2007

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    M. Hamedani


    Full Text Available Background and aims   The main objective of this research was assessing the effects of lead on the mental health of laborers engaged in tinworks of a car making company in Tehran city.   Methods   This study is a descriptive and cross sectional study. The sample included matched and randomly selected of 30 tin laborers and 30 administration employees in a car making  company in Tehran city. The 28 version of general health questionnaire (GHQ-28 used as a   screening tool for detection of mental disorders in the two groups.   Results   Study on knowledge of tin workshop employees showed that 16.7% of them were not familiar with lead effects on their body. There was a meaningful differences between total scores of two groups in GHQ-28. 28.3 percent of samples were detected as mental patients; the   prevalence rate was 33.3percent in tin laborers and 23.3 percent in administration employee.   Conclusion   This study shows that working with lead, increases prevalence of mental disorders in the work environment and decreases their efficacy, Therefore with conducting training workshops in the aspects of mental health and immunization, can prevent and promote the mental   health status of laborers.  

  5. 77 FR 70473 - Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in... (United States)


    ... 106- 200 (2002), established a new eligibility criterion for receipt of trade benefits under the... of benefits under CBTPA and AGOA, respectively. In addition, the Andean Trade Preference Act, as... Child Labor AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor. ACTION...


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    Vicente Gozálvez Pérez


    Full Text Available La investigación se basa en los resultados de una encuesta realizada en 2009-2010, por el equipo investigador, a 348 inmigrados reagrupantes africanos y a 457 lati- noamericanos que residen en las provincias litorales entre Girona y Almería. La in- formación que se ofrece está referida a los aspectos laborales de estos dos colectivos continentales, tanto a escala del conjunto territorial indicado como para tres subá- reas incluidas en él: Cataluña litoral, Comunidad Valenciana y Murcia-Almería; se- gún los temas, se trata por separado a los reagrupantes y a los subgrupos familiares que conviven en España (reagrupantes, cónyuges, hijos. El estudio se centra en las estructuras de empleo por sectores económicos. También se estudian las redes mi- gratorias, tan decisivas en la orientación de estos flujos hacia España, la regulación laboral de estos trabajadores, la repercusión de la crisis actual en los empleos de las familias reagrupadas (paro, número de ocupados por familia e ingresos, la satisfac- ción laboral de los miembros de las familias (horas de trabajo, problemas laborales y salariales y la estabilidad laboral (antigüedad en el empleo, cursos de formación profesional, trabajo actual y expectativas del inmigrante. El recorrido por los temas laborales indicados, vinculados a los distintos grupos continentales y familiares y a las diferentes escalas territoriales, concluyen en mostrar situaciones económicas y sociales muy diferentes entre africanos y latinoamericanos, y entre los que residen en Cataluña litoral y en Murcia-Almería, en lo que intervienen, entre otras causas, los distintos «capitales» personales aportados por los dos colectivos continentales para acceder al empleo (formación, idioma, ... y las diferentes estructuras econó- micas de los territorios estudiados. Los africanos y los que residen en las provincias meridionales son los que presentan peores situaciones socioeconómicas.

  7. Process dissociation of familiarity and recollection in children: response deadline affects recollection but not familiarity. (United States)

    Koenig, Laura; Wimmer, Marina C; Hollins, Timothy J


    According to dual-process theories, recollection (slow and associated with contextual details) and familiarity (fast and automatic) are two independent processes underlying recognition memory. An adapted version of the process dissociation paradigm was used to measure recognition memory in 5-, 7-, and 11-year-olds and adults. In Experiment 1, it was found that 5-year-olds already recollect details of items (i.e., number). Recollection increased particularly between 5 and 7 years. Familiarity differed between 5 years and adulthood. In Experiment 2, under limited response time during retrieval, recollection was eliminated in 5-year-olds and reduced across all ages, whereas familiarity was left unaffected. Together, these findings are consistent with dual-process theories of recognition memory and provide support for two processes underlying recognition memory from a developmental perspective. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Psychoprophylaxis during labor: associations with labor-related outcomes and experience of childbirth. (United States)

    Bergström, Malin; Kieler, Helle; Waldenström, Ulla


    To study whether use of psychoprophylaxis during labor affects course of labor and experience of childbirth in nulliparous women. Cohort study. Women were recruited from 15 antenatal clinics in Sweden between October 2005 and January 2007. A total of 857 nulliparous women with a planned vaginal delivery. Using data from a randomized controlled trial of antenatal education where the allocated groups were merged, we compared course of labor and experience of childbirth between women who used psychoprophylaxis during labor and those who did not. Data were collected by questionnaires in mid-pregnancy and three months after birth, and from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Logistic regression was used to assess associations. Mode of delivery, augmentation of labor, length of labor, Apgar score, pain relief and experience of childbirth as measured by the Wijma Delivery Experience Questionnaire. Use of psychoprophylaxis during labor was associated with a lower risk of emergency cesarean section (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.57; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37-0.88), but an increased risk of augmentation of labor (adjusted OR 1.68; 95% CI 1.23-2.28). No statistical differences were found in length of labor (adjusted OR 1.32; 95% CI 0.95-1.83), Apgar score Psychoprophylaxis may reduce the rate of emergency cesarean section but may not affect the experience of childbirth.

  9. The perceived familiarity gap hypothesis: examining how media attention and reflective integration relate to perceived familiarity with nanotechnology in Singapore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Edmund W. J.; Ho, Shirley S.


    Public level of familiarity with nanotechnology partly determines their acceptance or rejection of the technology. This study examines the differential influence of public attention to science news in the media and reflective integration on perceived familiarity with nanotechnology among people in the higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups in Singapore. Significant three-way interactions among education, science news attention, and reflective integration variables were found. Attention to television science news narrowed the level of perceived familiarity with nanotechnology between the higher and lower SES groups for those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Science newspaper attention, on the other hand, widened the familiarity gap between the higher and lower SES groups among those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Two-way interaction among education and elaborative processing were found—elaborative processing closed the familiarity gap between higher and lower SES groups. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed

  10. The perceived familiarity gap hypothesis: examining how media attention and reflective integration relate to perceived familiarity with nanotechnology in Singapore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Edmund W. J., E-mail:; Ho, Shirley S. [Nanyang Technological University, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (Singapore)


    Public level of familiarity with nanotechnology partly determines their acceptance or rejection of the technology. This study examines the differential influence of public attention to science news in the media and reflective integration on perceived familiarity with nanotechnology among people in the higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups in Singapore. Significant three-way interactions among education, science news attention, and reflective integration variables were found. Attention to television science news narrowed the level of perceived familiarity with nanotechnology between the higher and lower SES groups for those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Science newspaper attention, on the other hand, widened the familiarity gap between the higher and lower SES groups among those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Two-way interaction among education and elaborative processing were found—elaborative processing closed the familiarity gap between higher and lower SES groups. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

  11. The perceived familiarity gap hypothesis: examining how media attention and reflective integration relate to perceived familiarity with nanotechnology in Singapore (United States)

    Lee, Edmund W. J.; Ho, Shirley S.


    Public level of familiarity with nanotechnology partly determines their acceptance or rejection of the technology. This study examines the differential influence of public attention to science news in the media and reflective integration on perceived familiarity with nanotechnology among people in the higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups in Singapore. Significant three-way interactions among education, science news attention, and reflective integration variables were found. Attention to television science news narrowed the level of perceived familiarity with nanotechnology between the higher and lower SES groups for those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Science newspaper attention, on the other hand, widened the familiarity gap between the higher and lower SES groups among those who engaged in high elaborative processing. Two-way interaction among education and elaborative processing were found—elaborative processing closed the familiarity gap between higher and lower SES groups. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

  12. Renzo Ramírez Bacca. Historia Laboral de una hacienda cafetera: La Aurora, 1882-1982

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    Jesús Fernando Barrios Ordóñez


    Full Text Available El libro de Renzo Ramírez Bacca, historiador y profesor asociado adscrito al Departamento de Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín, es el resultado de una investigación profunda y documentada que tiene como propósito analizar los sistemas de organización laboral y las formas de ordenamiento administrativo y productivo en la hacienda cafetera La Aurora, ubicada en el actual municipio de El Líbano, en el departamento del Tolima. Esta hacienda fue una de las mayores del norte del Tolima, en la cual se adoptaron sistemas modernos de producción, relacionados, en un principio, con el sistema de aparcería, categoría de trabajadores permanentes con base en la fuerza de trabajo familiar, bajo la figura de arrendatarios, tabloneros, contratistas, partijeros y agregados. Posteriormente, la tecnificación cafetera se sustituye por la administración directa, que utiliza fuerza de trabajo asalariada temporal, modificando las relaciones laborales de tipo familiar que prevalecían en la hacienda.

  13. Is automation labor-displacing? : Productivity growth, employment, and the labor share

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Autor, David; Salomons, A.M.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/338041575


    Is automation a labor-displacing force? This possibility is both an age-old concern and at the heart of a new theoretical literature considering how labor immiseration may result from a wave of “brilliant machines,” which is in part motivated by declining labor shares in many developed countries.

  14. Relación de tipo y ciclo vital familiar con la presencia de problemas psicosomáticos en un consultorio docente de medicina familiar

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    Maria Cuba-Fuentes


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la relación entre el tipo de familia y el ciclo vital familiar con el desarrollo de problemas psicosomáticos en pacientes que acudieron al consultorio de medicina familiar. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional de corte transversal, en el que se revisaron las historias clínicas de un consultorio docente de medicina familiar y se buscó asociación entre el tipo de familia y ciclo vital familiar con el desarrollo de problemas psicosomáticos. Resultados: Se encontró un mayor porcentaje de familias nucleares según el tipo familiar y en plataforma de despegue según el ciclo vital familiar, se encontró en un 41% del total de la muestra con al menos un problema psicosomático en la historia clínica. No se encontró asociación entre el tipo de familia y el ciclo vital familiar con el desarrollo de problemas psicosomáticos. Conclusiones: El desarrollo de problemas psicosomáticos en un consultorio docente de medicina familiar no está asociado con el tipo de familia ni con el ciclo vital familiar.

  15. Anticuerpo anticitrulina y manifestaciones extra articulares en artritis reumatoidea

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    María Jezabel Haye Salinas


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con artritis reumatidea (AR pueden desarrollar manifestaciones extra articulares (MExA, relacionadas a su morbi-mortalidad. Los anticuerpos anti-péptidos citrulinados cíclicos (ACCP son específicos para la AR y estan relacionados con el daño articular; y podrían tener rol patogénico en las MExA. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la relación entre los anticuerpos ACCP y MExA en pacientes con AR. Se incluyeron 74 pacientes con diagnóstico de AR (ACR 1987 mayores de 18 años, de más de 6 meses de evolución, con MExA, y un control apareado por sexo y edad sin MExA por cada paciente. Las variables demográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio se compararon con test t, chi cuadrado o Mann-Whitney. Se realizó análisis multivariado; p ≤ 0.05. Los pacientes con MExA presentaron mayor título de anticuerpo ACCP (116 vs. 34, p < 0.01 y de factor reumatoideo (FR (108 vs. 34.5, p < 0.01. En el análisis multivariado hubo asociación entre la presencia de MExA y tabaquismo activo (p = 0.02, OR: 3.78, IC 95%: 1.17-12.2, FR positivo (p = 0.04, OR: 3.23, IC95%: 1.04-11.8 y anticuerpo ACCP positivo (p = 0.04, OR: 3.23, IC 95%: 1.04-10. Presentaron mayor título de anticuerpo ACCP que los controles los pacientes con xerostomía (109 vs. 34, p = 0.04, xeroftalmia (150 vs. 34, p < 0.01, nódulos sub-cutáneos (NSC (141 vs. 34, p < 0.01 y fibrosis pulmonar (158 vs. 34, p = 0.04. En conclusión, el anticuerpo ACCP positivo, el FR positivo y el tabaquismo activo fueron factores de riesgo independientes para el desarrollo de MExA.

  16. Impact of product familiarity on beef quality perception

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Banovic, Marija; Fontes, Magda Aguiar; Barreira, Maria Madalena


    This study examines the use of intrinsic and extrinsic cues in beef quality perception at the point of purchase and upon consumption by consumers with varying levels of familiarity with a particular beef product. High-familiarity consumers tend to use the color of the meat to assess beef quality......, whereas low-familiarity consumers tend to believe that the brand is the most valid cue for assessing beef quality. However, due to the lack of consistency in sensory beef quality, high-familiarity consumers’ ability to form quality expectations that are predictive of their quality experience is no better...



    Napasintuwong, Orachos; Emerson, Robert D.


    The Morishima elasticity of substitution (MES) is estimated to address factor substitutability in Florida agriculture during 1960-1999. By adopting a profit maximization model of induced innovation theory, the MES's between hired and self-employed labor and the MES's between labor and capital provide implications for future immigration policies.

  18. Predictores familiares de la violencia filio-parental: el papel de la disciplina familiar

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    Izaskun Ibabe


    Full Text Available La violencia filio-parental es un problema social cualitativamente diferente a otros tipos de violencia familiar, porque los adolescentes dirigen la violencia hacia quienes debieran representar la autoridad y proporcionarles bienestar. El objetivo principal de este estudio era analizar el papel de las relaciones paternofiliales y la disciplina familiar en el desarrollo de conductas violentas y prosociales de los adolescentes hacia sus padres. En el estudio participaron 585 hijos/as (48% varones entre 12 y 18 años procedentes de 8 centros escolares de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Los resultados indican que las relaciones familiares basadas en el afecto y la comunicación son las que favorecen las conductas prosociales de los hijos, y reducen las conductas violentas de éstos en el hogar. Por el contrario, las estrategias de disciplina parental coercitivas y las estrategias parcialmente coercitivas (supervisión y coste de respuesta se asocian a un mayor nivel de violencia física y psicológica de los hijos adolescentes hacia sus padres. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados en relación a la educación parental.

  19. Neural representation of face familiarity in an awake chimpanzee

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    Hirokata Fukushima


    Full Text Available Evaluating the familiarity of faces is critical for social animals as it is the basis of individual recognition. In the present study, we examined how face familiarity is reflected in neural activities in our closest living relative, the chimpanzee. Skin-surface event-related brain potentials (ERPs were measured while a fully awake chimpanzee observed photographs of familiar and unfamiliar chimpanzee faces (Experiment 1 and human faces (Experiment 2. The ERPs evoked by chimpanzee faces differentiated unfamiliar individuals from familiar ones around midline areas centered on vertex sites at approximately 200 ms after the stimulus onset. In addition, the ERP response to the image of the subject’s own face did not significantly diverge from those evoked by familiar chimpanzees, suggesting that the subject’s brain at a minimum remembered the image of her own face. The ERPs evoked by human faces were not influenced by the familiarity of target individuals. These results indicate that chimpanzee neural representations are more sensitive to the familiarity of conspecific than allospecific faces.

  20. Korean Emotional Laborers' Job Stressors and Relievers: Focus on Work Conditions and Emotional Labor Properties. (United States)

    Lee, Garam


    The present study aims to investigate job stressors and stress relievers for Korean emotional laborers, specifically focusing on the effects of work conditions and emotional labor properties. Emotional laborers are asked to hide or distort their real emotions in their interaction with clients. They are exposed to high levels of stress in the emotional labor process, which leads to serious mental health risks including burnout, depression, and even suicide impulse. Exploring job stressors and relieving factors would be the first step in seeking alternatives to protect emotional laborers from those mental health risks. Using the third wave data of Korean Working Conditions Survey, logistic regression analysis was conducted for two purposes: to examine the relations of emotional labor and stress, and to find out job stressors and relievers for emotional laborers. The chances of stress arousal are 3.5 times higher for emotional laborers; emotional laborers experience double risk-burden for stress arousal. In addition to general job stressors, emotional laborers need to bear burdens related to emotional labor properties. The effect of social support at the workplace is not significant for stress relief, unlike common assumptions, whereas subjective satisfaction (wage satisfaction and work-life balance) is proven to have relieving effects on emotional laborers' job stress. From the results, the importance of a balanced understanding of emotional labor for establishing effective policies for emotional laborer protection is stressed.

  1. Labor migration in Asia. (United States)

    Martin, P L


    "A recent conference sponsored by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan examined the growing importance of labor migration for four major Asian labor importers (Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore) and five major labor exporters (Bangladesh, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, and Thailand).... The conference concluded that international labor migration would increase within Asia because the tight labor markets and rising wages which have stimulated Japanese investment in other Asian nations, for example, have not been sufficient to eliminate migration push and pull forces...." excerpt

  2. Percepción de los familiares de pacientes críticos hospitalizados respecto a la comunicación y apoyo emocional

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    Luz Marina Bautista Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La familia cumple un papel importante en el entorno del paciente, la complejidad en los servicios de unidad de cuidados intensivos, generan en el núcleo familiar crisis emocional situacional manifestada en angustia y estrés. Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción que tiene el familiar del paciente crítico respecto a la  comunicación verbal y no verbal, y el apoyo emocional brindado por el personal de enfermería durante la hospitalización en la unidad de cuidado intensivo de una clínica de IV nivel de la ciudad de Cúcuta. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra fue de 200 familiares; para la recolección de la información se utilizó el instrumento: (Percepción de los Familiares de los Pacientes Críticos, respecto a la intervención de Enfermería durante su Crisis Situacional. Resultados: La percepción global de los familiares, es favorable en un 80% expresando una connotación positiva.  Discusión: Los familiares de los pacientes ven la labor de enfermería como un comportamiento de cuidado humanizado centrado en la valoración del ser humano como un ser holístico, donde el cuidado brindado estuvo caracterizado por comportamientos como: la empatía, la comunicación efectiva, el afecto y el tacto. Conclusiones: Humanizar la unidad de cuidado intensivo permite reconocer a la familia como un eje central de todas las acciones asistenciales, una familia participativa es una familia más sana con más herramientas para luchar contra la desesperanza que genera el ingreso de un paciente a los servicios de hospitalización crítica. Cómo citar este artículo: Bautista LM, Arias MF, Carreño ZO. Percepción de los familiares de pacientes críticos hospitalizados respecto a la comunicación y apoyo emocional. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(2: 1297-1309.


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    D. G. Shchipanova


    Full Text Available The international movement of labor, including temporary impacts on the socio-economic development of the donor and recipient countries the labor force. In this regard, it is relevant and legitimate problems of the evolution of the global labor market, the need to examine the issues of labor mobility, the problems of international labor migration and its impact on the national markets of skilled labor in the context of globalization. Distribution and use of human resources becomes cross-border nature, and so an international study of the labor market.

  4. Coping with divided attention: the advantage of familiarity. (United States)

    Griffiths, S W; Brockmark, S; Höjesjö, J; Johnsson, J I


    The ability of an animal to perform a task successfully is limited by the amount of attention being simultaneously focused on other activities. One way in which individuals might reduce the cost of divided attention is by preferentially focusing on the most beneficial tasks. In territorial animals where aggression is lower among familiar individuals, the decision to associate preferentially with familiar conspecifics may therefore confer advantages by allowing attention to be switched from aggression to predator vigilance and feeding. Wild juvenile brown trout were used to test the prediction that familiar fishes respond more quickly than unfamiliar fishes to a simulated predator attack. Our results confirm this prediction by demonstrating that familiar trout respond 14% faster than unfamiliar individuals to a predator attack. The results also show that familiar fishes consume a greater number of food items, foraging at more than twice the rate of unfamiliar conspecifics. To the best of our knowledge, these results provide the first evidence that familiarity-biased association confers advantages through the immediate fitness benefits afforded by faster predator-evasion responses and the long-term benefits provided by increased feeding opportunities.

  5. ¿Inserción laboral de las mujeres en América Latina: una fuerza de trabajo secundaria? Women's participation in the labor market in Latin America: a secondary work force?

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    Laís Abramo


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este texto es discutir la aplicación de la noción de "fuerza de trabajo secundaria" para caracterizar la fuerza da trabajo femenina en América Latina. Esa caracterización, hecha con frecuencia en forma mecánica por un lado corresponde, cada vez menos a la realidad de los hechos, ya que es creciente la participación femenina en el mercado de trabajo, así como la continuidad de sus trayectorias laborales, el número de horas dedicadas al trabajo remunerado, así como su aporte al ingreso familiar y a la superación de la situación de pobreza de un porcentaje importante de hogares. Por otro lado, el texto argumenta que esa caracterización es uno de los elementos centrales en la estructuración de los patrones de discriminación de género que persisten y se reproducen en el mercado de trabajo latinoamericano.This article aims to discuss the concept of "secondary labor force" to characterize female workforce in Latin America. Such characterization corresponds increasingly less to reality, as women's participation in the labor force and the hours dedicated to their paid work continues to grow, as well as their contribution to household income. The article argues that such characterization is one of the core elements of the gender discriminating patterns that persist in Latin American labor market.

  6. Familiar counseling and its effects on childhood stuttering


    Oliveira, Cristiane Moço Canhetti de; Yasunaga, Cristiane Naomi; Sebastião, Luciana Tavares; Nascimento, Edinalva Neves


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a contribuição da orientação familiar de curto prazo na fluência da fala de crianças com gagueira. MÉTODOS: Participaram 20 díades de crianças com gagueira e familiares. Os procedimentos foram realizados em três etapas: avaliação da fluência, orientações familiares e reavaliação da fluência. A avaliação inicial da fluência foi realizada para caracterizar a tipologia e a frequência das disfluências antes das orientações. A orientação familiar foi realizada em duas sessões, ...

  7. Percepções e sentimentos do familiar/cuidador expressos diante do ente em internação domiciliar

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    Naianny Jonas Fogaça


    Full Text Available Objetivos: analizar percepciones y sentimientos expresados por los familiares en relación al paciente sometido a la atención domiciliaria. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, cuya recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas en el hogar, desarrollado con catorce familiares de pacientes atendidos por una empresa de atención domiciliaria. Datos fueron organizados por la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: percepciones y sentimientos expresados fueron: inseguridad, miedo, ansiedad, preocupación, sentimientos de privación de libertad y, al mismo tiempo, gratitud por la atención, comodidad, seguridad y proximidad a controlar cuidadosamente. Prefiriendo ser admitidos en domicilio y evaluaron la atención como satisfactoria. Conclusión: la atención domiciliaria debe ser vista como innovadora modalidad de atención humanizada que tiene como objetivo revertir la lógica del labor de los profesionales de salud, que no se limita sólo a satisfacer las necesidades clínicas de pacientes, sino también proporcionan apoyo necesario a las familias involucradas.

  8. Restrições de crédito e decisões intra-familiares

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    Juliano Junqueira Assunção


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta evidência empírica de que restrições de crédito têm impacto em decisões intra-familiares - dedicação do chefe e do cônjuge à atividade empresarial, educação e trabalho infantil. Falta de crédito é detectada pelo fato dos agentes estarem restritos por sua riqueza em suas escolhas. Utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, observou-se, para diferentes tipos de família, forte relação entre riqueza e decisões intra-familiares. Os resultados sugerem que esta relação parece ser mais intensa para chefes de família e homens solteiros. No caso das crianças, filhos(as de mães solteiras são os mais afetados pela falta de crédito.This paper provides empirical evidence on credit constraints and key intrahousehold decisions in Brazil; namely, occupational choice of heads and spouses, child labor and education. Our empirical strategy is based on the literature about wealth-constrained choices, in which credit constraints determine a relationship between initial wealth and household decisions. Using data from the National Surveys of Households (PNAD, we show a strong connection between wealth and such decisions. Our findings suggest credit constraints are relatively more binding for spouses, couples without children and single mothers. For the case of children, the girls are more affected by the lack of credit.

  9. Memory color effect induced by familiarity of brand logos. (United States)

    Kimura, Atsushi; Wada, Yuji; Masuda, Tomohiro; Goto, Sho-Ichi; Tsuzuki, Daisuke; Hibino, Haruo; Cai, Dongsheng; Dan, Ippeita


    When people are asked to adjust the color of familiar objects such as fruits until they appear achromatic, the subjective gray points of the objects are shifted away from the physical gray points in a direction opposite to the memory color (memory color effect). It is still unclear whether the discrepancy between memorized and actual colors of objects is dependent on the familiarity of the objects. Here, we conducted two experiments in order to examine the relationship between the degree of a subject's familiarity with objects and the degree of the memory color effect by using logographs of food and beverage companies. In Experiment 1, we measured the memory color effects of logos which varied in terms of their familiarity (high, middle, or low). Results demonstrate that the memory color effect occurs only in the high-familiarity condition, but not in the middle- and low-familiarity conditions. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between the memory color effect and the actual number of domestic stores of the brand. In Experiment 2, we assessed the semantic association between logos and food/beverage names by using a semantic priming task to elucidate whether the memory color effect of logos relates to consumer brand cognition, and found that the semantic associations between logos and food/beverage names in the high-familiarity brands were stronger than those in the low-familiarity brands only when the logos were colored correctly, but not when they were appropriately or inappropriately colored, or achromatic. The current results provide behavioral evidence of the relationship between the familiarity of objects and the memory color effect and suggest that the memory color effect increases with the familiarity of objects, albeit not constantly.

  10. Memory Color Effect Induced by Familiarity of Brand Logos (United States)

    Kimura, Atsushi; Wada, Yuji; Masuda, Tomohiro; Goto, Sho-ichi; Tsuzuki, Daisuke; Hibino, Haruo; Cai, Dongsheng; Dan, Ippeita


    Background When people are asked to adjust the color of familiar objects such as fruits until they appear achromatic, the subjective gray points of the objects are shifted away from the physical gray points in a direction opposite to the memory color (memory color effect). It is still unclear whether the discrepancy between memorized and actual colors of objects is dependent on the familiarity of the objects. Here, we conducted two experiments in order to examine the relationship between the degree of a subject’s familiarity with objects and the degree of the memory color effect by using logographs of food and beverage companies. Methods and Findings In Experiment 1, we measured the memory color effects of logos which varied in terms of their familiarity (high, middle, or low). Results demonstrate that the memory color effect occurs only in the high-familiarity condition, but not in the middle- and low-familiarity conditions. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between the memory color effect and the actual number of domestic stores of the brand. In Experiment 2, we assessed the semantic association between logos and food/beverage names by using a semantic priming task to elucidate whether the memory color effect of logos relates to consumer brand cognition, and found that the semantic associations between logos and food/beverage names in the high-familiarity brands were stronger than those in the low-familiarity brands only when the logos were colored correctly, but not when they were appropriately or inappropriately colored, or achromatic. Conclusion The current results provide behavioral evidence of the relationship between the familiarity of objects and the memory color effect and suggest that the memory color effect increases with the familiarity of objects, albeit not constantly. PMID:23874638

  11. Memory color effect induced by familiarity of brand logos.

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    Atsushi Kimura

    Full Text Available When people are asked to adjust the color of familiar objects such as fruits until they appear achromatic, the subjective gray points of the objects are shifted away from the physical gray points in a direction opposite to the memory color (memory color effect. It is still unclear whether the discrepancy between memorized and actual colors of objects is dependent on the familiarity of the objects. Here, we conducted two experiments in order to examine the relationship between the degree of a subject's familiarity with objects and the degree of the memory color effect by using logographs of food and beverage companies.In Experiment 1, we measured the memory color effects of logos which varied in terms of their familiarity (high, middle, or low. Results demonstrate that the memory color effect occurs only in the high-familiarity condition, but not in the middle- and low-familiarity conditions. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between the memory color effect and the actual number of domestic stores of the brand. In Experiment 2, we assessed the semantic association between logos and food/beverage names by using a semantic priming task to elucidate whether the memory color effect of logos relates to consumer brand cognition, and found that the semantic associations between logos and food/beverage names in the high-familiarity brands were stronger than those in the low-familiarity brands only when the logos were colored correctly, but not when they were appropriately or inappropriately colored, or achromatic.The current results provide behavioral evidence of the relationship between the familiarity of objects and the memory color effect and suggest that the memory color effect increases with the familiarity of objects, albeit not constantly.

  12. Preterm Labor and Birth (United States)

    ... Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print Preterm Labor and Birth In general, a normal human pregnancy lasts about ... is called preterm labor (or premature labor). A birth that occurs before 37 weeks is considered a ...

  13. 76 FR 67104 - Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations-Civil... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Wage and Hour Division 29 CFR Parts 570 and 579 RIN 1235-AA06 Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations--Civil Money Penalties AGENCY... child labor regulations published on September 2, 2011. The Department of Labor (Department or DOL) is...

  14. Relationship Banking in Labor Bank


    三村, 聡


    As Labor bank is seemed as business partner of labor union, it contributes each community activities. For example, Labor bank helps retired employee, laborer and inhabitants. In addition, after the amendment of Money Lending Business Act of 2010, labor bank became clearly community based bank by consulting for heavily-indebted people and their education. This paper analyzes the new role of labor bank such as community contribution and enhancing financing service by collecting of the opinion o...

  15. Modality dependency of familiarity ratings of Japanese words. (United States)

    Amano, S; Kondo, T; Kakehi, K


    Familiarity ratings for a large number of aurally and visually presented Japanese words wer measured for 11 subjects, in order to investigate the modality dependency of familiarity. The correlation coefficient between auditory and visual ratings was .808, which is lower than that observed for English words, suggesting that a substantial portion of the mental lexicon is modality dependent. It was shown that the modality dependency is greater for low-familiarity words than it is for medium- or high-familiarity words. This difference between the low- and the medium- or high-familiarity words has a relationship to orthography. That is, the dependency is larger in words consisting only of kanji, which may have multiple pronunciations and usually represent meaning, than it is in words consisting only of hiragana or katakana, which have a single pronunciation and usually do not represent meaning. These results indicate that the idiosyncratic characteristics of Japanese orthography contribute to the modality dependency.

  16. The Influence of Familiarity on Affective Responses to Natural Scenes (United States)

    Sanabria Z., Jorge C.; Cho, Youngil; Yamanaka, Toshimasa

    This kansei study explored how familiarity with image-word combinations influences affective states. Stimuli were obtained from Japanese print advertisements (ads), and consisted of images (e.g., natural-scene backgrounds) and their corresponding headlines (advertising copy). Initially, a group of subjects evaluated their level of familiarity with images and headlines independently, and stimuli were filtered based on the results. In the main experiment, a different group of subjects rated their pleasure and arousal to, and familiarity with, image-headline combinations. The Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) scale was used to evaluate pleasure and arousal, and a bipolar scale was used to evaluate familiarity. The results showed a high correlation between familiarity and pleasure, but low correlation between familiarity and arousal. The characteristics of the stimuli, and their effect on the variables of pleasure, arousal and familiarity, were explored through ANOVA. It is suggested that, in the case of natural-scene ads, familiarity with image-headline combinations may increase the pleasure response to the ads, and that certain components in the images (e.g., water) may increase arousal levels.

  17. Efficient privacy-enhanced familiarity-based recommender system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jeckmans, Arjan; Peter, Andreas; Hartel, Pieter H.

    Recommender systems can help users to find interesting content, often based on similarity with other users. However, studies have shown that in some cases familiarity gives comparable results to similarity. Using familiarity has the added bonus of increasing privacy between users and utilizing a

  18. La tributación familiar


    Soler Roch, María Teresa


    El trabajo trata la evolución de la tributación familiar en el Derecho tributario español con referencia a la imposición directa (Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas, Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio e Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones). En los Impuestos sobre la Renta y el Patrimonio, se analiza el tratamiento de la unidad familiar desde la perspectiva de los principios constitucionales de capacidad económica e igualdad y las distintas reformas en el tratamiento de l...

  19. Empresa familiar: mujer y sucesión


    Pascual García, Consolación


    La Empresa Familiar desempeña un papel fundamental en las principales economías del mundo. Uno de sus objetivos fundamentales es el traspaso de una generación a otra, lo cual hace que el tema de la sucesión sea especialmente importante. Como consecuencia de todo ello surgió el interés por la Empresa Familiar para realizar este trabajo de investigación, que trata de explicar el proceso de sucesión en la Empresa Familiar, determinando cuáles son los criterios que predominan en la elección del s...

  20. Semantic memory influences episodic retrieval by increased familiarity. (United States)

    Wang, Yujuan; Mao, Xinrui; Li, Bingcan; Lu, Baoqing; Guo, Chunyan


    The role of familiarity in associative recognition has been investigated in a number of studies, which have indicated that familiarity can facilitate recognition under certain circumstances. The ability of a pre-experimentally existing common representation to boost the contribution of familiarity has rarely been investigated. In addition, although many studies have investigated the interactions between semantic memory and episodic retrieval, the conditions that influence the presence of specific patterns were unclear. This study aimed to address these two questions. We manipulated the degree of overlap between the two representations using synonym and nonsynonym pairs in an associative recognition task. Results indicated that an increased degree of overlap enhanced recognition performance. The analysis of event-related potentials effects in the test phase showed that synonym pairs elicited both types of old/rearranged effects, whereas nonsynonym pairs elicited a late old/rearranged effect. These results confirmed that a common representation, irrespective of source, was necessary for assuring the presence of familiarity, but a common representation could not distinguish associative recognition depending on familiarity alone. Moreover, our expected double dissociation between familiarity and recollection was absent, which indicated that mode selection may be influenced by the degree of distinctness between old and rearranged pairs rather than the degree of overlap between representations.

  1. Familiarity Affects Entrainment of EEG in Music Listening

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    Yuiko Kumagai


    Full Text Available Music perception involves complex brain functions. The relationship between music and brain such as cortical entrainment to periodic tune, periodic beat, and music have been well investigated. It has also been reported that the cerebral cortex responded more strongly to the periodic rhythm of unfamiliar music than to that of familiar music. However, previous works mainly used simple and artificial auditory stimuli like pure tone or beep. It is still unclear how the brain response is influenced by the familiarity of music. To address this issue, we analyzed electroencelphalogram (EEG to investigate the relationship between cortical response and familiarity of music using melodies produced by piano sounds as simple natural stimuli. The cross-correlation function averaged across trials, channels, and participants showed two pronounced peaks at time lags around 70 and 140 ms. At the two peaks the magnitude of the cross-correlation values were significantly larger when listening to unfamiliar and scrambled music compared to those when listening to familiar music. Our findings suggest that the response to unfamiliar music is stronger than that to familiar music. One potential application of our findings would be the discrimination of listeners' familiarity with music, which provides an important tool for assessment of brain activity.

  2. Acoso laboral - daño psíquico Laboral abuse - psychological damage

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    Osvaldo Varela


    Full Text Available El escrito se enmarca en el proyecto UBACyT P433 El acoso laboral en la administración pública. Aportes de la psicología jurídica, de la Programación Científica 2008-2010, bajo la dirección del Profesor Osvaldo Varela. La temática abordaba en la actualidad constituye un área científica de vacancia a pesar de la importancia que día a día adquiere en el ámbito laboral y judicial. En esta ocasión se trabajará en la relación y articulación entre la noción de acoso laboral y la de daño psíquico, estimando que el acoso laboral provocaría en las personas que lo padecen un daño psíquico.This document is inserted in the UBACyT P433 project: The laboral abuse in the public administration. Juridic - psychology contribution, of 2008-2010 scientific program, under Professor Osvaldo Varela direction. The thematic approached in present days establish a scientific area of vacancy in front of the day by day importance in the laboral and judicial ambit. In this occasion the work will be done in the relation and articulation between the laboral abuse notion and the psychological damage, estimating that the laboral abuse will provoke in people that suffer it a psychological damage.

  3. Procesos matrimoniales y mediación familiar


    Fernández López, Mercedes


    Presentación de la regulación de los procesos matrimoniales y de las posibilidades de acudir a la mediación familiar como medio para alcanzar acuerdos que eviten el proceso contradictorio. Momentos procesales en los que procede acudir a la mediación familiar.

  4. Transformaciones familiares: desafío para la educación del siglo XXI

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    Gladys Jadue


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza algunos factores sociales que han incrementado las transformaciones en la familia, aumentando el riesgo en los hijos de bajo rendimiento, desadaptación, y problemas emocionales y conductuales, los cuales pueden dar lugar al abandono de las aulas. Entre estos factores se encuentran la mayor supervivencia de los individuos, una mayor movilidad geográfica, la inclusión de la mujer en el campo laboral, así como el incremento de familias uniparentales y los niveles de pobreza. Se propone la implementación en las escuelas de mecanismos protectores para los alumnos provenientes de familias disfuncionales, utilizando para ello talleres de desarrollo personal que propicien el autoconocimiento y el de los demás, la interacción humana y la buena relación con los familiares. The article analyses some social factors that increase the possibility of family changes that enlarge children's low achievement and failure, emotional disturbance and behavioral problems at school. Among these factors are the increased life expectancy and geographical mobility, the increased participation of women in the labor force, as well as uniparental families and poverty. It is argued that through the creation of personal development workshops with children from dysfunctional families it is possible to build supporting networks that allow for a good school performance in these children. These workshops should promote understanding of self and others, human interaction and good relationships with family members.

  5. Criação de Valor no Desempenho Econômico de Empresas Familiares e Não Familiares Brasileiras

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    Micheli Aparecida Lunardi


    Full Text Available Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a criação de valor no desempenho econômico de empresas familiares e não familiares brasileiras. Para tanto, adotou-se como universo do estudo as ações listadas no IBRX 100 do IBM&FBOVESPA no período de 2011 a 2015. Fundamento: A contabilidade e a finanças são pedras angulares no apoio à gestão baseada na criação de valor. Os dados contábeis são usados para avaliação de desempenho econômico-financeiro das organizações. Não obstante, os gestores ainda carecem de informações que representam a criação de riqueza de uma organização. Nas últimas décadas, as empresas brasileiras seguem uma tendência mundial, que busca aderir ao modelo de gestão baseada na criação de valor de modo a maximizar a riqueza do acionista. Método: O estudo é descritivo, documental com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra é composta por 21 empresas familiares e 42 não familiares. Adotou-se o modelo de Análise por Envelopamento de Dados (Data Envelopment Analysis – DEA no qual as medidas de criação de valor (EVA e MVA são consideradas inputs e os indicadores de desempenho (ROI e ROA apresentam-se como outputs. Resultados: A análise permite concluir que no período de 2011 a 2013 as empresas familiares apresentaram score de eficiência em relação às não familiares. Em 2014, observou-se uma queda na eficiência nos dois grupos de propriedade. No ano subsequente, as empresas não familiares apresentaram uma melhor eficiência na relação entre criação de valor e desempenho econômico. Contribuições: Por fim, o estudo reforça que o desempenho das empresas, no período de 2011 até 2014 apresentou forte redução no número de empresas eficientes, em virtude da crise econômica brasileira, com oscilação acentuada para as empresas não familiares. Com isso, fica evidenciado o perfil mais conservador das empresas familiares em função do desempenho econômico e criação de valor que

  6. Electrohysterographic Characterization of Labor Contractions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, Eva; Fuglsang-Frederiksen, Anders; Petersen, Olav Bjørn


    Background: Better methods are needed for preterm labor diagnostication. We hypothesize 1) that depolarization of the myometrium propagates from fundus to isthmus, 2) that the propagation velocity (PV) is faster in labor than in non-labor, and 3) that PV can be determined by electromyography (EMG......). PV may be the best EMG-predictor of preterm labor. Knowledge on how to determine PV is insufficient though. Objective: To investigate EMG-signals from laboring myometrium and to develop a method for determining PV. Method: We included 10 women in active labor. EMG-signals were obtained via three...... of the vertical electrode order. Conclusion: Depolarization of the laboring myometrium may therefore not occur in the direction from fundus to isthmus. Further investigation is needed for PV determination....

  7. Proceso de reconstitución familiar: etapas y tareas

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    Ilein Morales Ramos


    Full Text Available Introducción: la formación de nuevas familias con antecedentes de frustración de proyectos de vida familiar es una tendencia en Pinar del Río, que coexiste con la inexistencia de pautas de organización para el logro del proyecto actual. Objetivo: caracterizar el proceso de reconstitución familiar en familias de la ciudad de Pinar del Río que transitan el mismo entre los dos a cinco años de su constitución. Material y métodos: investigación descriptiva de estudio de casos múltiples que respondió a la metodología cualitativa. Se estudiaron trece familias pertenecientes al Policlínico Universitario "Luis Augusto Turcios Lima" en el año 2012. Las técnicas aplicadas fueron: entrevistas individual y familiar, curva familiar, mapa familiar, escudo familiar, curva de la vida familiar, dibujo de la familia y escala valorativa. Resultados: predominaron sentimientos de fracaso que influyeron en las expectativas de las personas para conceptualizar la nueva familia y la diferenciación entre la familia tradicional y la nueva familia, en la primera etapa. La segunda etapa se caracterizó por la distribución de tareas familiares por el subsistema parental dirigidas a la reestructuración de roles en detrimento de la resolución de conflictos emocionales. Conclusiones: fueron identificadas dos etapas delimitadas por el tránsito a la convivencia. No se reconoció la necesidad de proyectar acciones en función de los cambios en la familia, por lo que las tareas cumplidas tuvieron un carácter predominantemente espontáneo. Las familias le otorgaron una doble valencia a la reconstitución familiar.

  8. La Estructura Familiar del Delincuente Juvenil

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    Miguel Alberto Ramírez Villaseñor


    Full Text Available En una muestra de 250 familias de menores infractores se analiza la presencia de 12 variables pertenecientes a la estructura familiar observada en el trabajo terapéutico con este tipo de familias. Todas las familias habían sido canalizadas al programa Grupo de Padres de la Clínica de Control de la Conducta por robo y/o fármaco dependencia entre febrero y septiembre de 1988. En dichas familias, el factor inmigración, el valor atribuido al hijo identificado como paciente, la adolescencia de éste, la presencia de miembros de la familia extensa, un hermano muerto cercano en la escala familiar pareciera determinar la aparición de la sintomatología más que otras variables manejadas frecuentemente, tales como estado civil de los padres, separaciones, divorcios, nuevas uniones conyugales, ocupación de la madre. La estructura familiar detectada parecería señalar cómo el P.I. y la madre tenían un vínculo m s estrecho desplazando al padrea la periferia del sistema. Se considera que este tipo de estructuras familiares también presentan madres solteras o hijas promiscuas a manera similar que los síntomas del P.I.

  9. Oportunidades educativas y características familiares en Colombia: un análisis por cohortes

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    Carlos Giovanni González Espitia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la relación entre las características familiares y el acceso a la educación posobligatoria (media y superior en Colombia. Para ello, se estima un Modelo Probit ordenado generalizado usando siete cohortes con los datos de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH para el periodo 2008-2012. Los principales resultados econométricos muestran que características como la educación de los padres y la situación laboral de estos están correlacionadas con el aumento en la probabilidad de demandar educación posobligatoria en Colombia. Otros resultados muestran que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas por ingresos, por cohortes y por género que agravan la desigualdad en las oportunidades educativas.

  10. Music and emotions in the brain: familiarity matters.

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    Carlos Silva Pereira

    Full Text Available The importance of music in our daily life has given rise to an increased number of studies addressing the brain regions involved in its appreciation. Some of these studies controlled only for the familiarity of the stimuli, while others relied on pleasantness ratings, and others still on musical preferences. With a listening test and a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI experiment, we wished to clarify the role of familiarity in the brain correlates of music appreciation by controlling, in the same study, for both familiarity and musical preferences. First, we conducted a listening test, in which participants rated the familiarity and liking of song excerpts from the pop/rock repertoire, allowing us to select a personalized set of stimuli per subject. Then, we used a passive listening paradigm in fMRI to study music appreciation in a naturalistic condition with increased ecological value. Brain activation data revealed that broad emotion-related limbic and paralimbic regions as well as the reward circuitry were significantly more active for familiar relative to unfamiliar music. Smaller regions in the cingulate cortex and frontal lobe, including the motor cortex and Broca's area, were found to be more active in response to liked music when compared to disliked one. Hence, familiarity seems to be a crucial factor in making the listeners emotionally engaged with music, as revealed by fMRI data.

  11. Music and emotions in the brain: familiarity matters. (United States)

    Pereira, Carlos Silva; Teixeira, João; Figueiredo, Patrícia; Xavier, João; Castro, São Luís; Brattico, Elvira


    The importance of music in our daily life has given rise to an increased number of studies addressing the brain regions involved in its appreciation. Some of these studies controlled only for the familiarity of the stimuli, while others relied on pleasantness ratings, and others still on musical preferences. With a listening test and a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, we wished to clarify the role of familiarity in the brain correlates of music appreciation by controlling, in the same study, for both familiarity and musical preferences. First, we conducted a listening test, in which participants rated the familiarity and liking of song excerpts from the pop/rock repertoire, allowing us to select a personalized set of stimuli per subject. Then, we used a passive listening paradigm in fMRI to study music appreciation in a naturalistic condition with increased ecological value. Brain activation data revealed that broad emotion-related limbic and paralimbic regions as well as the reward circuitry were significantly more active for familiar relative to unfamiliar music. Smaller regions in the cingulate cortex and frontal lobe, including the motor cortex and Broca's area, were found to be more active in response to liked music when compared to disliked one. Hence, familiarity seems to be a crucial factor in making the listeners emotionally engaged with music, as revealed by fMRI data.

  12. Music and Emotions in the Brain: Familiarity Matters (United States)

    Pereira, Carlos Silva; Teixeira, João; Figueiredo, Patrícia; Xavier, João; Castro, São Luís; Brattico, Elvira


    The importance of music in our daily life has given rise to an increased number of studies addressing the brain regions involved in its appreciation. Some of these studies controlled only for the familiarity of the stimuli, while others relied on pleasantness ratings, and others still on musical preferences. With a listening test and a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment, we wished to clarify the role of familiarity in the brain correlates of music appreciation by controlling, in the same study, for both familiarity and musical preferences. First, we conducted a listening test, in which participants rated the familiarity and liking of song excerpts from the pop/rock repertoire, allowing us to select a personalized set of stimuli per subject. Then, we used a passive listening paradigm in fMRI to study music appreciation in a naturalistic condition with increased ecological value. Brain activation data revealed that broad emotion-related limbic and paralimbic regions as well as the reward circuitry were significantly more active for familiar relative to unfamiliar music. Smaller regions in the cingulate cortex and frontal lobe, including the motor cortex and Broca's area, were found to be more active in response to liked music when compared to disliked one. Hence, familiarity seems to be a crucial factor in making the listeners emotionally engaged with music, as revealed by fMRI data. PMID:22110619

  13. Incapacidad y aptitud laboral. Nuevas sinergias entre medicina evaluadora y medicina laboral. Historia clínica laboral única: la capacidad laboral, un continuo evolutivo

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    Fernando García Benavides


    Full Text Available En España coexisten dos sistemas públicos de salud: el universal, gestionado por las comunidades autónomas y financiado con impuestos, y el laboral, gestionado por las Mutuas y financiado por cuotas a la Seguridad Social, los cuales se reparten la responsabilidad de gestión de la incapacidad laboral. Esta doble dependencia dificulta la gestión de esta importante prestación sanitaria y social. Una gestión que es diferente en función de la etiología (común o profesional y su pronóstico (temporal o permanente. Para poder comprender mejor la naturaleza de la incapacidad laboral, y que su investigación sea útil para mejorar su gestión médica y social, conviene adoptar una perspectiva longitudinal (life course research, analizando trayectorias de incapacidad en los individuos, y no solo episodios aislados. Una trayectoria de incapacidad que debemos analizar junto a la trayectoria laboral de esa misma persona. Para analizar conjuntamente las trayectorias laboral y de incapacidad disponemos de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales de la Seguridad Social desde 2004. Una muestra de 873.008 afiliados (un 4%, aproximadamente en 2009 entre los que se produjeron 163.136 episodios de incapacidad temporal (IT iniciados en 2009, las cuales evolucionaron entre 2009 y 2012 a 4.738 casos de incapacidad permanente (IP. Un 2,9% en total, que fue del 12,6% en caso de tumores malignos (282 IP de 2.234 IT y del 9,2% en el caso de enfermedades cardiovasculares (344 IP de 3.532 IT. En un contexto de incremento de la esperanza de vida y la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas (vivimos más pero con más incapacidad necesitamos analizar longitudinalmente las trayectorias de incapacidad para poder prevenir los años de vida laboral perdidos por IP, los cuales, como sabemos, están relacionados con la trayectoria laboral (1.

  14. 29 CFR 401.9 - Labor organization. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Labor organization. 401.9 Section 401.9 Labor Regulations... MEANING OF TERMS USED IN THIS SUBCHAPTER § 401.9 Labor organization. Labor organization means a labor organization engaged in an industry affecting commerce and includes any organization of any kind, any agency...

  15. International labor standards and the political economy of child labor regulation


    Doepke, Matthias; Zilibotti, Fabrizio


    Child labor is a persistent phenomenon in many developing countries. In recent years, support has been growing among rich-country governments and consumer groups for the use of trade policies, such as product boycotts and the imposition of international labor standards, to reduce child labor in poor countries. In this paper, we discuss research on the long-run implications of such policies. In particular, we demonstrate that such measures may have the unintended side effect of lowering domest...

  16. 29 CFR 500.41 - Farm labor contractor is responsible for actions of his farm labor contractor employee. (United States)


    ..., prior to such employee's engagement in any activity enumerated in section 3(6) of the Act. A farm labor... farm labor contractor employee. 500.41 Section 500.41 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued... PROTECTION Registration of Farm Labor Contractors and Employees of Farm Labor Contractors Engaged in Farm...

  17. The impact of familiarization strategies on the missing-letter effect. (United States)

    Plamondon, Andréanne; Roy-Charland, Annie; Chamberland, Justin; Quenneville, Joannie; Laforge, Christian


    When reading a text and searching for a target letter, readers make more omissions of the target letter if it is embedded in frequent function words than if it is in rare content words. While word frequency effects are consistently found, few studies have examined the impacts of passage familiarity on the missing-letter effect and studies that have present conflicting evidence. The present study examines the effects of passage familiarity, as well as the impacts of passage familiarization strategy promoting surface or deep encoding, on the missing-letter effect. Participants were familiarized with a passage by retyping a text, replacing all common nouns with synonyms, or generating a text on the same topic as that of the original text, and then completed a letter search task on the familiar passage as well as an unfamiliar passage. In Experiment 1, when both familiar and unfamiliar passages use the same words, results revealed fewer omissions for the retyping and synonyms conditions. However, in Experiment 2, when different words are used in both types of texts, no effect of familiarization strategy was observed. Furthermore, the missing-letter effect is maintained in all conditions, adding support to the robustness of the effect regardless of familiarity with the text.

  18. Familiarity with music increases walking speed in rhythmic auditory cuing. (United States)

    Leow, Li-Ann; Rinchon, Cricia; Grahn, Jessica


    Rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) is a gait rehabilitation method in which patients synchronize footsteps to a metronome or musical beats. Although RAS with music can ameliorate gait abnormalities, outcomes vary, possibly because music properties, such as groove or familiarity, differ across interventions. To optimize future interventions, we assessed how initially familiar and unfamiliar low-groove and high-groove music affected synchronization accuracy and gait in healthy individuals. We also experimentally increased music familiarity using repeated exposure to initially unfamiliar songs. Overall, familiar music elicited faster stride velocity and less variable strides, as well as better synchronization performance (matching of step tempo to beat tempo). High-groove music, as reported previously, led to faster stride velocity than low-groove music. We propose two mechanisms for familiarity's effects. First, familiarity with the beat structure reduces cognitive demands of synchronizing, leading to better synchronization performance and faster, less variable gait. Second, familiarity might have elicited faster gait by increasing enjoyment of the music, as enjoyment was higher after repeated exposure to initially low-enjoyment songs. Future studies are necessary to dissociate the contribution of these mechanisms to the observed RAS effects of familiar music on gait. © 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.

  19. Signs of Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  20. Stages of Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  1. La planificación familiar como herramienta básica para el desarrollo

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    Miguel Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El concepto de la planificación familiar (PF, tradicionalmente, ha estado y está muy relacionado con la salud sexual y reproductiva. En la Conferencia Internacional de Población y Desarrollo llevada a cabo en El Cairo en 1994, la PF es reconocida como una estrategia de salud, que bien aplicada puede contribuir al desarrollo de las naciones. A través de los últimos años se ha podido constatar que los beneficios no solo están dirigidos a prevenir embarazos no deseados y, con ello, prevenir abortos inducidos y la muerte materna, sino también mejora la salud infantil, mejora el acceso a la educación de los niños en el mundo; favorece el empoderamiento de la mujeres, no solo en el campo laboral sino también en otras áreas como en lo político y, con ello, el concepto de género; contribuye a disminuir la pobreza estimulando el desarrollo económico y el nivel de vida de las personas. Es decir, que contribuye a lograr no solamente uno sino los ocho objetivos de desarrollo del milenio para el año 2015. A pesar de la evidencia de sus beneficios, aún persisten barreras sociales, culturales, políticas o religiosas que hacen que exista una necesidad insatisfecha en planificación familiar, que no se respete el derecho de las personas a elegir y decidir el número de hijos que desean tener, y que impiden el disfrute de una sexualidad sana.

  2. Il diritto al ricongiungimento familiare e la sua tutela multilivello




    L’unità familiare rappresenta, ovviamente, uno dei diritti primari della persona e il ricongiungimento familiare può ascriversi all’insieme di garanzie giuridiche poste a tutela della famiglia, intesa quale nucleo naturale e fondamentale della società. Il diritto a farsi accompagnare o a ricongiungersi ai membri della propria famiglia costituisce il presupposto da cui dipende la possibilità per lo straniero di esercitare il proprio diritto alla vita familiare. Il ricongiungimento familiare è ...

  3. Labor Economists Get Their Microscope: Big Data and Labor Market Analysis. (United States)

    Horton, John J; Tambe, Prasanna


    This article describes how the fine-grained data being collected by Internet labor market intermediaries, such as employment websites, online labor markets, and knowledge discussion boards, are providing new research opportunities and directions for the empirical analysis of labor market activity. After discussing these data sources, we examine some of the research opportunities they have created, highlight some examples of existing work that already use these new data sources, and enumerate the challenges associated with the use of these corporate data sources.





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    Full Text Available In this paper will be examined some important issues of the labor market policies in Albania. As well, the analysis of labor market institutions such as the Social Insurances or the Syndicates on the efficiency of employing active labor forces. Which are the policies on the protection of the labor forces and the criteria of definition of the minimum salary? Furthermore, it continues with the importance of reforms in the labor market policies, to be examined in the labor market aspect as a production factor and as a regulator of the internal market. Fast globalization is causing continuous risk and movement for the active labor forces. The increase and development of technology puts out of the market many employees, decreasing the number of unqualified employees and increases the demand for the qualified ones. Does the globalization really affect the labor market, efficiency and as a consequence increase production, or the latter are benefits only for the developed economic countries? At the same time, we shall examine the movement of the labor forces from one country to another and the fluctuation of the relevant salaries. In general, the analysis of this paper faces two key issues: the first being raised on discussion of the kinds of programs on the active labor forces, such as programs of direct employment or consideration of employment in public sector, and the second regarding the methodology of evaluating these programs. How effective are them on the domestic market? The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations on the efficiency of policies for the labor market forces.

  6. As perspectivas da pequena produção familiar na agricultura The perspectives for the small familiar farming

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    Olivio Ciprandi


    Full Text Available As perspectivas da pequena produção familiar na agricultura constitui um tema controvertido na sociologia e na economia rural. A modernização da agricultura alterou suas relações com o restante da economia. As mudanças na base técnica e as políticas agrícolas determinaram a necessidade de crescimento das escalas mínimas viáveis do ponto de vista técnico e econômico, promovendo um processo de seleção e exclusão entre os pequenos produtores rurais, sem no entanto implicar na eliminação da pequena produção familiar.The perspective for the small familiar farming is still ect of controversy in rural sociology and economy sciences. The modernization of the agriculture changed the relation ships between the agriculture and the rest of the economy. The new tecniques and the policies for the agriculture determined a need for larger production scales. This fenomenon promoted a farming selection owith exclusion of some od them, but had no eliminated the familiar farming.

  7. Exploring the Concept of (Un)familiarity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, D. J.


    the concept of (un)familiarity, an explanatory problem remains concerning people's unarticulated and perhaps deeper reasons for mobility and lack thereof. This leaves a question mark as to why feelings of (un)familiarity occur in the first place as well as the actual degree to which they constitute barriers......In border region studies, the concept of (un)familiarity is applied in empirical studies of consumer culture across borders, illustrating how feelings of unfamiliarity can have an off-putting influence on cross-border interaction (e.g. because of dislike of or lack of attraction to the other side......) at the same time as it can be an incentive for people living at borders to cross them (e.g. to explore the exotic other side). The concepts explanatory scope has, thus, far responded to the normative claim that a borderless Europe encourages and increases mobility. However, in previous studies applying...

  8. La reforma del proceso laboral en Uruguay. El regreso al proceso laboral autónomo

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    Hugo Fernández


    Full Text Available The reform of the labor process in Uruguay. The return to the autonomous labor processThe reform of the Uruguayan labor process and the return to an autonomous legal regime represent a radical and fundamental change in the national legislation. The simplicity of new procedural structures governed by principles and owns norms of labor discipline give the new regime a dogmatic autonomous space lost for many years. The procedural labor reform is built on the adjectival character of its nature prioritizing the substantive law and adjusting the procedural rule to its characteristics. The principles of Labor Law (substantive and procedural are the foundation of the new regime

  9. [Active management of labor]. (United States)

    Ruiz Ortiz, E; Villalobos Román, M; Flores Murrieta, G; Sotomayor Alvarado, L


    Eighty three primigravidae patients at the end of latency labor, erased cervix, 3 cm dilation, vertex presentation and adequate pelvis, were studied. Two groups were formed: 53 patients in the study group, who received active management of labor, and 30 patients in the control group, treated in the traditional way. In all the patients a graphic recording of labor, was carried out; it included all the events, and as labor advanced, a signoidal curve of cervical dilatation, was registered, as well as the hyperbolic one for presentation descent. The study group received the method in a systematized manner, as follows: 1. Peridular block. 2. Amniotomy. 3. IV oxytocin one hour after amniotomy. 4. FCR monitoring. 5. Detection of dystocia origin. Materno-fetal morbidity was registered in both groups, as well as cesarean section rate, instrumental delivery and its indications, labor duration, and time of stay in labor room. Diminution of above intems and opportune detection of dystocia, were determined. It was concluded that a constructive action plan, starting at hospital admission in most healthy women, allows a normal delivery of brief duration.

  10. Manifestaciones mucocutáneas atípicas por fiebre por el virus del chikungunya en neonatos y lactantes de Cúcuta, Los Patios y Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander, Colombia, 2014

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    Claudia Marcela Muñoz


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se han observado manifestaciones clínicas atípicas en recién nacidos y lactantes con fiebre por el virus del chikungunya. Objetivo. Describir los casos de fiebre causada por el virus del chikungunya en recién nacidos y lactantes con lesiones mucocutáneas atípicas. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y los resultados de laboratorio y de patología en tres hospitales regionales de los casos de recién nacidos y lactantes diagnosticados con el virus del chikungunya que presentaban lesiones mucocutáneas atípicas; se hizo una búsqueda activa comunitaria en los barrios de residencia de los pacientes. Resultados. De 18 casos sospechosos de chikungunya en recién nacidos y lactantes, 11 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado presentaron manifestaciones mucocutáneas atípicas. Seis de los 11 casos confirmados eran niños menores de cinco meses de edad. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: fiebre, eritema, irritabilidad y diarrea. Tres de los pacientes estaban infectados con dengue y chikungunya. Las úlceras se presentaron en cuero cabelludo, abdomen, región genital y perianal. En la búsqueda activa comunitaria se encontraron altas tasas de ataque de la enfermedad. Conclusiones. Se presenta un informe de las manifestaciones mucocutáneas en recién nacidos y lactantes diagnosticados con fiebre por el virus del chikungunya en Colombia. El rápido desarrollo de las úlceras se debe, probablemente, a la reacción inmunitaria al virus. Es necesario priorizar la atención de las mujeres embarazadas que presenten síntomas una semana antes del parto y hacerle seguimiento a los recién nacidos, para hacer el diagnóstico temprano del chikungunya y evitar complicaciones.

  11. Culture-specific familiarity equally mediates action representations across cultures. (United States)

    Umla-Runge, Katja; Fu, Xiaolan; Wang, Lamei; Zimmer, Hubert D


    Previous studies have shown that we need to distinguish between means and end information about actions. It is unclear how these two subtypes of action information relate to each other with theoretical accounts postulating the superiority of end over means information and others linking separate means and end routes of processing to actions of differential meaningfulness. Action meaningfulness or familiarity differs between cultures. In a cross-cultural setting, we investigated how action familiarity influences recognition memory for means and end information. Object directed actions of differential familiarity were presented to Chinese and German participants. Action familiarity modulated the representation of means and end information in both cultures in the same way, although the effects were based on different stimulus sets. Our results suggest that, in the representation of actions in memory, end information is superordinate to means information. This effect is independent of culture whereas action familiarity is not.

  12. Migrants at the Russian labor market: occupations, mobility, intensity of labor and wages

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    V. I. Mukomel


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to analyze the extent of the presence of migrants and their behavior in the Russian labor market on the basis of largescale sociological surveys of migrants. This is especially important in the absence of reliable statistics on migrants in the labor market. The main attention is paid to the employment profiles of representatives of various socio-demographic and ethnic groups, illegal and informal employment, the intensity and wages of migrants from countries with a visa-free regime with Russia. Particular attention is paid to labor mobility of migrants. The main empirical basis for analysis was the results of sociological polls conducted by the Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies for the Higher School of Economics in 2011. (8,5 thousand respondents and in 2017 (8,6 thousand migrants in 19 regions of Russia. The study showed that education, qualifications, professional knowledge of migrants are not in demand on the Russian market, the typical path of migrants in the labor market is downward labor mobility – occupying a job that is worse than previously occupied in the homeland. At the same time, migrants are adapted to changes in the labor market, which is largely facilitated by the differentiation of migrant employment and the vertical mobility of some of them. Innovations in Russian legislation which came into force in 2015, as well as the integration process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEA, which greatly facilitated access to jobs in Russia for citizens of the countries of the EEA, had a positive impact on the Russian labor market. The share of illegally employed migrants has significantly decreased in comparison with previous years. At the same time, the problem of informal employment of foreign citizens, excessive exploitation of migrant labor remains. The problems of combating forced labor of migrants and ensuring their decent labor come to the fore. Civilized conditions should

  13. Labor analgesia: An update on the effect of epidural analgesia on labor outcome

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    Samina Ismail


    Full Text Available Following the introduction of epidural for labor analgesia, debate has centered on the issue of its effect on outcome of labor; in terms of length of labor and increase in the rate of instrumental vaginal delivery and cesarean section (CS. There is no ideal study on the effect of epidural analgesia (EA on the outcome of labor due to logistic problems in randomization, blinding and getting a control group; as a result these queries are partly answered. Despite these problems, it has been established that labor epidural has minimal effect on progress of established labor and maternal request should be a sufficient indication to start an epidural. Although instrumental vaginal delivery is probably increased with epidural but obstetrician practice, pain free patient and teaching opportunity are likely factors increasing the incidence. Maternal-fetal factors and obstetric management and not the use of EA are the most important determinants of the CS rate. The purpose of this review is to summarize data from controlled trials addressing the question of whether neuraxial labor analgesia causes an increased risk of CS or rate of instrumental delivery. In addition, the review discusses whether the timing of initiation of analgesia infl uences the mode of delivery.

  14. Optimal wage setting for an export oriented firm under labor taxes and labor mobility

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    Raúl Ponce Rodríguez


    Full Text Available In this paper it is developed a theoretical model to study the incentives that a labor tax might induce in terms of the optimal wage setting for an export oriented firm. In particular, we analyze the interaction of a labor tax that tends to reduce the wage due the firm is induced to shift backwards the tax burden to its employees minimizing the possible increase in the payroll costs and a fall of profits. However a lower wage might not be an optimal response to the establishment of a labor tax because it increases the labor turnover and as a result the firm faces both: an output’s opportunity cost and a labors turnover cost. The firm thus optimally decides to respond to the qualification and labor taxes by increasing the after tax wage.

  15. Effect of word familiarity on visually evoked magnetic fields. (United States)

    Harada, N; Iwaki, S; Nakagawa, S; Yamaguchi, M; Tonoike, M


    This study investigated the effect of word familiarity of visual stimuli on the word recognizing function of the human brain. Word familiarity is an index of the relative ease of word perception, and is characterized by facilitation and accuracy on word recognition. We studied the effect of word familiarity, using "Hiragana" (phonetic characters in Japanese orthography) characters as visual stimuli, on the elicitation of visually evoked magnetic fields with a word-naming task. The words were selected from a database of lexical properties of Japanese. The four "Hiragana" characters used were grouped and presented in 4 classes of degree of familiarity. The three components were observed in averaged waveforms of the root mean square (RMS) value on latencies at about 100 ms, 150 ms and 220 ms. The RMS value of the 220 ms component showed a significant positive correlation (F=(3/36); 5.501; p=0.035) with the value of familiarity. ECDs of the 220 ms component were observed in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). Increments in the RMS value of the 220 ms component, which might reflect ideographical word recognition, retrieving "as a whole" were enhanced with increments of the value of familiarity. The interaction of characters, which increased with the value of familiarity, might function "as a large symbol"; and enhance a "pop-out" function with an escaping character inhibiting other characters and enhancing the segmentation of the character (as a figure) from the ground.

  16. Identification of first-stage labor arrest by electromyography in term nulliparous women after induction of labor. (United States)

    Vasak, Blanka; Graatsma, Elisabeth M; Hekman-Drost, Elske; Eijkemans, Marinus J; Schagen van Leeuwen, Jules H; Visser, Gerard H A; Jacod, Benoit C


    Worldwide induction and cesarean delivery rates have increased rapidly, with consequences for subsequent pregnancies. The majority of intrapartum cesarean deliveries are performed for failure to progress, typically in nulliparous women at term. Current uterine registration techniques fail to identify inefficient contractions leading to first-stage labor arrest. An alternative technique, uterine electromyography has been shown to identify inefficient contractions leading to first-stage arrest of labor in nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labor at term. The objective of this study was to determine whether this finding can be reproduced in induction of labor. Uterine activity was measured in 141 nulliparous women with singleton term pregnancies and a fetus in cephalic position during induced labor. Electrical activity of the myometrium during contractions was characterized by its power density spectrum. No significant differences were found in contraction characteristics between women with induced labor delivering vaginally with or without oxytocin and women with arrested labor with subsequent cesarean delivery. Uterine electromyography shows no correlation with progression of labor in induced labor, which is in contrast to spontaneous labor. © 2017 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  17. Child Labor in the Global Economy


    Eric V. Edmonds; Nina Pavcnik


    Few issues in developing countries draw as much popular attention as child labor. This paper begins by quantifying the extent and main characteristics of child labor. It then considers the evidence on a range of issues about child labor. Fundamentally, child labor is a symptom of poverty. Low income and poor institutions are driving forces behind the prevalence of child labor worldwide. This study concludes by assessing the policy options to reduce worldwide child labor.

  18. Strangers in Familiar Places

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muhr, Sara Louise


    Employees working across multiple cultures are exposed to a vast number of different norms and values, and consequentially work is often a struggle to retain a coherent sense of self. However, when international workers travel, they also encounter more bland spaces where familiarity and similarity...... are important. These spaces appear culturally generic to the Western traveler, but are highly Westernized to bring comfort to Western employees traveling in foreign cultures. This paper argues that these spaces are important in cross-cultural identity work in the sense that international workers – professional...... strangers – need these places to belong and relate to familiarity and to regain a sense of identity. Drawing on an illustrative empirical vignette of an international consultant, I demonstrate how culturally generic spaces can be used in identity work of an international relations consultant....

  19. Characterizing episodic memory retrieval: electrophysiological evidence for diminished familiarity following unitization. (United States)

    Pilgrim, Lea K; Murray, Jamie G; Donaldson, David I


    Episodic memory relies on both recollection and familiarity; why these processes are differentially engaged during retrieval remains unclear. Traditionally, recollection has been considered necessary for tasks requiring associative retrieval, whereas familiarity supports recognition of items. Recently, however, familiarity has been shown to contribute to associative recognition if stimuli are "unitized" at encoding (a single representation is created from multiple elements)-the "benefit" of unitization. Here, we ask if there is also a "cost" of unitization; are the elements of unitized representations less accessible via familiarity? We manipulated unitization during encoding and used ERPs to index familiarity and recollection at retrieval. The data revealed a selective reduction in the neural correlate of familiarity for individual words originally encoded in unitized compared with nonunitized word pairs. This finding reveals a measurable cost of unitization, suggesting that the nature of to-be-remembered stimuli is critical in determining whether familiarity contributes to episodic memory.

  20. Ocio digital y ambiente familiar en estudiantes de Postobligatoria

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    Full Text Available La «Sociedad Red» se identifica con acelerados cambios que se suceden entre el mundo real y el virtual. El progreso de dispositivos digitales ha generado un nuevo modelo de ocio que ha condicionado las interacciones familiares. El objetivo de esta investigación fue valorar la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar percibido por estudiantes españoles de educación secundaria postobligatoria y su práctica de ocio digital. La muestra ascendió a 1.764 estudiantes. El ocio digital se midió a partir de una pregunta abierta en la que debían señalar las tres actividades de ocio más importantes, y el funcionamiento familiar se valoró mediante la versión española del FACES IV (Escala de cohesión y adaptación familiar. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo sobre las actividades de ocio digital de los jóvenes, se determinó el coeficiente del funcionamiento familiar de cada sujeto y mediante análisis de varianza (ANOVA de un factor se valoró la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar percibido por los estudiantes y las actividades de ocio digital practicadas por los mismos. Los jóvenes otorgan importancia a las actividades digitales de ocio, destacando la participación en redes sociales, jugar a videojuegos y navegar por Internet. La cohesión, la flexibilidad y el funcionamiento familiar gozan de mejor salud cuando los hijos no apuntan actividades digitales entre sus prácticas preferentes de ocio. Los resultados sugieren nuevas investigaciones que comprueben si esta asociación negativa entre funcionamiento familiar y ocio digital es causal o se debe a otros factores.

  1. Epidural Analgesia and Fever at Labor

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    Ye. M. Shifman


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the incidence of labor fever under epidural analgesia (EA and to evaluate its impact on the courses of puerperium and early neonatality. Subjects and methods. The paper presents the data of a prospective study of the course of labor, puerperium, and early neonatality in 397 women in whom labors occurred at the Republican Peritoneal Center in 2006. A study group included 324 parturients in whom labor pain was relieved by EA. A comparison group comprised 55 parturients in whom no analgesics were used at labor. Results. There were no significant statistical differences between the groups in the incidence of labor fever and complicated puerperium and in that of neonatal pyoseptic diseases. Key words: labor hyperthermia, epidural analgesia, labor pain relief.

  2. La influencia del estilo educativo en los procesos de autoatribución y las manifestaciones de sexismo

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    Carolina Vázquez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Partiendo de la investigación sobre estereotipos de género, y dada la polémica en torno a las diferencias y desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres, este estudio investiga los autoestereotipos como proceso psicosocial marcado por las relaciones entre factores situacionales, las estructuras sociales y la interacción con diversos procesos psicológicos. Para ello, el estudio analiza las autoatribuciones y evaluaciones de género y su relación con el sexismo, en una muestra de 192 adolescentes, utilizando como instrumento la escala de sexismo de Glick y Fiske (1996. Asimismo comparamos las respuestas de los participantes en función del género y la tipología del centro educativo al que asisten, donde diferenciamos entre colegios privados (religiosos/laicos y colegios públicos. Los resultados muestran homogeneidad en las atribuciones que realizan chicos y chicas pero diferencias en relación con el sexismo. Además muestran la influencia del estilo educativo en las manifestaciones de sexismo.

  3. 77 FR 20054 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting Notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: May 14...

  4. 76 FR 31641 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: June 28...

  5. 75 FR 78758 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations and Trade Policy ACTION: Meeting notice. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the... meeting of the Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiation and Trade Policy. Date, Time, Place: January...

  6. Hiperlipidemia familiar combinada: documento de consenso


    Pedro Mata; Rodrigo Alonso; Antonio Ruíz-Garcia; Jose L. Díaz-Díaz; Noemí González; Teresa Gijón-Conde; Ceferino Martínez-Faedo; Ignacio Morón; Ezequiel Arranz; Rocío Aguado; Rosa Argueso; Leopoldo Perez de Isla


    La hiperlipidemia familiar combinada (HFC) es un trastorno muy frecuente asociado a enfermedad coronaria prematura. Se transmite de forma autosómica dominante, aunque no existe un gen único asociado al trastorno. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante criterios clínicos, y son importantes la variabilidad del fenotipo lipídico y la historia familiar de hiperlipidemia. Es frecuente la asociación con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, hipertensión arterial y obesidad central. Los pacientes con HFC se cons...

  7. The political economy of child labor


    Maffei, Alessandro


    The phenomenon of child labor is widespread in developing countries and emotionally discussed in the media and public. At present there is a well-developed and fast growing economic literature on child labor which covers the various aspects of child labor. In the first part of the thesis we give a survey about the facts, the institutions and the economic literature dealing with child labor. The economic theory of child labor can be roughly subdivided into the economic theory of child labor i...

  8. Outcomes of Nulliparous Women with Spontaneous Labor Onset Admitted to Hospitals in Pre-active versus Active Labor (United States)

    NEAL, Jeremy L.; LAMP, Jane M.; BUCK, Jacalyn S.; LOWE, Nancy K.; GILLESPIE, Shannon L.; RYAN, Sharon L.


    Introduction The timing of when a woman is admitted to the hospital for labor care following spontaneous contraction onset may be among the most important decisions that labor attendants make as it can influence care patterns and birth outcomes. The aims of this study were to estimate the percentage of low-risk, nulliparous women at term who are admitted to labor units prior to active labor and to evaluate the effects of the timing of admission (i.e., pre-active versus active labor) on labor interventions and mode of birth. Methods Obstetrics data from low-risk, nulliparous women with spontaneous labor onset at term gestation (N = 216) were merged from two prospective studies conducted at three large, Midwestern hospitals. Baseline characteristics, labor interventions, and outcomes were compared between groups using Fisher’s exact and Mann-Whitney U tests, as appropriate. Likelihoods for oxytocin augmentation, amniotomy, and cesarean delivery were assessed by logistic regression. Results Of the sample of 216 low-risk nulliparous women, 114 (52.8%) were admitted in pre-active labor and 102 (47.2%) were admitted in active labor. Women admitted in pre-active labor were more likely to undergo oxytocin augmentation (84.2% and 45.1%, respectively; odds ratio (OR) 6.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.43–12.27) but not amniotomy (55.3% and 61.8%, respectively; OR 0.8, 95% CI 0.44–1.32) when compared to women admitted in active labor. The likelihood of cesarean delivery was higher for women admitted before active labor onset (15.8% and 6.9%, respectively; OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.02–6.37). Discussion Many low-risk nulliparous women with regular, spontaneous uterine contractions are admitted to labor units before active labor onset, which increases their likelihood of receiving oxytocin and being delivered via cesarean section. An evidence-based, standardized approach for labor admission decision-making is recommended to decrease inadvertent admissions of women in pre

  9. Un método comunicativo para el tratamiento a la violencia familiar


    Rolando Durand-Rill; Cristina Savón-Leyva; Iván Hernández- Alberti


    En este trabajo se estudia la problemática de educación y ciudadanía con el objetivo de sistematizar la utilización del método formativo de acción comunicación, en la orientación a las familias con manifestaciones de violencia. Se parte de la perspectiva sociocultural y género en el tratamiento preventivo a la violencia en el seno de las familias escogidas, fundamentando la propuesta en las dimensiones de dirección educacional, sociológica, psicológica y pedagógica, y se argumenta, además, un...

  10. Description and search labor for information retrieval


    Warner, Julian


    Selection power is taken as the fundamental value for information retrieval systems. Selection power is regarded as produced by selection labor, which itself separates historically into description and search labor. As forms of mental labor, description and search labor participate in the conditions for labor and for mental labor. Concepts and distinctions applicable to physical and mental labor are indicated, introducing the necessity of labor for survival, the idea of technology as a human ...

  11. Violencia familiar


    Giraldo Arias, Regina; González Jaramillo, María Isabel; Beneroso, Julia; Betino, Lorena; Ceberio, Marcelo R.; De los Santos, Pía; Giovanazzi, Sandro; Hernández González, Eduardo; Inclan, Jaime; Laso, Esteban; Linares Fernández, Juan Luis; Morejón, Judith; Pereira Tercero, Roberto; Ramos, Ricardo; Ruiz López, Josefina


    Este libro reúne los pensamientos, las ideas, las propuestas y las experiencias en torno al tema de la violencia familiar de 20 autores sistémicos de habla hispana, entre ellos, algunos de los más reconocidos y destacados por sus contribuciones al paradigma en la posmodernidad. El contenido del texto, con los aportes de cada uno, ha sido cuidadosamente dispuesto por las editoras académicas, en una estructura que busca proporcionar a la complejidad del tema, un armonioso conjunto de los difere...

  12. Female Labor Supply

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maassen-van den Brink, te Henriet


    To gain insight on factors that impede economic independence of women, this book concentrates on female labor supply in relation to child care, male-female wage differentials, the division of unpaid labor, and marital conflicts between women and men. It may very well be that restrictions on the

  13. Does labor market history matter?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lesner, Rune Vammen


    This paper finds that labor market history plays an important role in the Danish labor market both by directly affecting the transitions between labor market states and indirectly through the wage. When comparing the relative importance of different types of state dependence, it is found that occ......This paper finds that labor market history plays an important role in the Danish labor market both by directly affecting the transitions between labor market states and indirectly through the wage. When comparing the relative importance of different types of state dependence, it is found...... that occurrence dependence from non-employment states seems to have the strongest effect on the employment rate, while employment history is the main driver of state dependence in the wage. Predictions based on the estimated model reveal potential negative long-term effects from external employment shocks...

  14. 77 FR 31549 - Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations-Civil... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Wage and Hour Division 29 CFR Parts 570 and 579 RIN 1235-AA06 Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation; Child Labor Violations--Civil Money Penalties AGENCY... its [[Page 31550

  15. Social familiarity modulates group living and foraging behaviour of juvenile predatory mites (United States)

    Strodl, Markus A.; Schausberger, Peter


    Environmental stressors during early life may have persistent consequences for phenotypic development and fitness. In group-living species, an important stressor during juvenile development is the presence and familiarity status of conspecific individuals. To alleviate intraspecific conflicts during juvenile development, many animals evolved the ability to discriminate familiar and unfamiliar individuals based on prior association and use this ability to preferentially associate with familiar individuals. Assuming that familiar neighbours require less attention than unfamiliar ones, as predicted by limited attention theory, assorting with familiar individuals should increase the efficiency in other tasks. We assessed the influence of social familiarity on within-group association behaviour, development and foraging of juvenile life stages of the group-living, plant-inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. The observed groups consisted either of mixed-age familiar and unfamiliar juvenile mites or of age-synchronized familiar or unfamiliar juvenile mites or of pairs of familiar or unfamiliar larvae. Overall, familiar mites preferentially grouped together and foraged more efficiently, i.e. needed less prey at similar developmental speed and body size at maturity, than unfamiliar mites. Preferential association of familiar mites was also apparent in the inter-exuviae distances. Social familiarity was established by imprinting in the larval stage, was not cancelled or overridden by later conspecific contacts and persisted into adulthood. Life stage had an effect on grouping with larvae being closer together than nymphal stages. Ultimately, optimized foraging during the developmental phase may relax within-group competition, enhance current and future food supply needed for optimal development and optimize patch exploitation and leaving under limited food.

  16. La creencia en la rehabilitación y reinserción social de los internos de prisión como factor protector de la salud laboral de los trabajadores || Belief in rehabilitation and social reinsertion of prisoners positive factor employees occupational health

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    Miguel Clemente


    Full Text Available La literatura demuestra que un factor protector de la salud de los trabajadores de instituciones penitenciarias es la creencia en la rehabilitación y la reinserción de los internos. Esta actitud positiva previene problemas de salud laboral al evitar, fundamentalmente, el síndrome de burnout. Este trabajo investiga si una actitud positiva o negativa hacia la creencia en la rehabilitación y reinserción de los penados provee de mayor o menor protección frente a problemas de salud psicosocial. Participaron en el estudio 536 trabajadores de prisiones peruanas. Se recogió información de variables personales y laborales, así como cuestionarios de burnout, satisfacción en el trabajo, conciliación entre vida laboral y familiar. Y conflicto y ambigüedad de rol. Los datos confirman que la creencia en la rehabilitación y la reinserción implica más salud laboral al provocar más satisfacción laboral, menor burnout y mayores niveles de conciliación entre la vida laboral y familiar, por otras parte implica más ambigüedad y conflicto de rol (deteriorando por lo tanto la salud psicosocial. Un análisis de regresión establece que las tres variables predictoras de la actitud positiva hacia la rehabilitación y la reinserción son la satisfacción laboral, la interacción negativa trabajo-familia, y la ambigüedad de rol. Se discuten los resultados y se proponen tanto futuras líneas de investigación como la necesidad de promocionar programas dirigidos a los trabajadores que definan más sus tareas, de cara a evitar la ambigüedad de rol.

  17. Preparing for novel versus familiar events: shifts in global and local processing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Förster, J.; Liberman, N.; Shapiro, O.


    Six experiments examined whether novelty versus familiarity influences global versus local processing styles. Novelty and familiarity were manipulated by either framing a task as new versus familiar or by asking participants to reflect upon novel versus familiar events prior to the task (i.e.,

  18. Not by Labor Alone: Considerations for Value Influence Use of the Labor Rule in Ownership Transfers (United States)

    Kanngiesser, Patricia; Hood, Bruce


    People often assign ownership to the person who has invested labor into making an object (labor rule). However, labor usually improves objects and increases their value, and it has not been investigated whether these considerations underlie people's use of the labor rule. We presented participants with third-party ownership conflicts between…

  19. Challenges in Albania for improving Labor Market Information System and Labor Market Governance

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    Neshat Zeneli


    Full Text Available Labour Market Policy of the Republic of Albania in terms of design (preparation, case identification, formulation, and approval, programming and budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation has a short experience (1995-ongoing. The influence and presence of hierarchy model is very high beside the support of different programs and projects through bilateral and EU programs. Still there are a lot of key issues to be addressed. The most important issues to be addressed in this paper are evidence based related to: • The Availability of Labor Market Information and its structure on national, regional and local level in Albania and how much this information is used for -policy making and –monitoring/evaluation in terms of input, output, outcome and impact. • Mode of the governance of the labor market in Albania and challenges to pass from the hierarchy to market and network governance. The main aim of this paper/article is to do a complete and deep analysis of the actual situation of labor market information system and labor market governance in Albania, and to propose conclusions and recommendations that will improve both labor market information system and the labor market governance from hierarchy to market and network governance, because good and standardized labor information system can help towards right policy decisions and good governance of LM policy means more employment, more stability, more social inclusion in the society.

  20. Familiarity speeds up visual short-term memory consolidation. (United States)

    Xie, Weizhen; Zhang, Weiwei


    Existing long-term memory (LTM) can boost the number of retained representations over a short delay in visual short-term memory (VSTM). However, it is unclear whether and how prior LTM affects the initial process of transforming fragile sensory inputs into durable VSTM representations (i.e., VSTM consolidation). The consolidation speed hypothesis predicts faster consolidation for familiar relative to unfamiliar stimuli. Alternatively, the perceptual boost hypothesis predicts that the advantage in perceptual processing of familiar stimuli should add a constant boost for familiar stimuli during VSTM consolidation. To test these competing hypotheses, the present study examined how the large variance in participants' prior multimedia experience with Pokémon affected VSTM for Pokémon. In Experiment 1, the amount of time allowed for VSTM consolidation was manipulated by presenting consolidation masks at different intervals after the onset of to-be-remembered Pokémon characters. First-generation Pokémon characters that participants were more familiar with were consolidated faster into VSTM as compared with recent-generation Pokémon characters that participants were less familiar with. These effects were absent in participants who were unfamiliar with both generations of Pokémon. Although familiarity also increased the number of retained Pokémon characters when consolidation was uninterrupted but still incomplete due to insufficient encoding time in Experiment 1, this capacity effect was absent in Experiment 2 when consolidation was allowed to complete with sufficient encoding time. Together, these results support the consolidation speed hypothesis over the perceptual boost hypothesis and highlight the importance of assessing experimental effects on both processing and representation aspects of VSTM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  1. Efeitos da governança corporativa e da performance empresarial sobre o turnover de executivos no Brasil: comparando empresas familiares e não-familiares.

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    Wesley Mendes-da-Silva


    Full Text Available A análise da governança corporativa, incluindo-se a transparência da administração, tem se tornado um fator chave para conhecer as grandes empresas. Ao mesmo tempo, vem sendo apontada como um indicador de confiança dos investidores nas decisões tomadas pela administração das empresas listadas em bolsas de valores. Uma das formas de avaliar as estruturas e práticas de governança corporativa é verificar a sensibilidade do turnover de executivos ao desempenho da firma (VOLPIN, 2002. Neste artigo, objetiva-se verificar a existência de diferenças significativas de desempenho, valor e estruturas de governança corporativa entre empresas familiares e não-familiares; e, ainda, a existência de associações entre performance e turnover de executivos, tendo em vista a atuação da governança corporativa. A análise é conduzida tomando como referência um conjunto de 176 empresas industriais listadas na Bovespa, segmentadas por tipo (familiar ou não-familiar, entre 1997 e 2001. A contribuição do estudo se dá pelas peculiaridades que envolvem as empresas familiares, que não têm sido consideradas em pesquisas brasileiras, e pelo oferecimento de elementos para refletir teoricamente o desempenho das empresas familiares e suas estruturas de governança. Os resultados alcançados revelam a existência de diferenças significativas de desempenho, valor e estruturas de governança corporativa entre empresas familiares e não-familiares. É possível verificar ainda que, nas empresas familiares, quanto maior a rentabilidade, menores são os níveis de turnover.

  2. 29 CFR 552.108 - Child labor provisions. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Child labor provisions. 552.108 Section 552.108 Labor... OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT TO DOMESTIC SERVICE Interpretations § 552.108 Child labor provisions. Congress made no change in section 12 as regards domestic service employees. Accordingly, the child labor...

  3. Orientação familiar e seus efeitos na gagueira infantil Familiar counseling and its effects on childhood stuttering

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    Cristiane Moço Canhetti de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a contribuição da orientação familiar de curto prazo na fluência da fala de crianças com gagueira. MÉTODOS: Participaram 20 díades de crianças com gagueira e familiares. Os procedimentos foram realizados em três etapas: avaliação da fluência, orientações familiares e reavaliação da fluência. A avaliação inicial da fluência foi realizada para caracterizar a tipologia e a frequência das disfluências antes das orientações. A orientação familiar foi realizada em duas sessões, enfatizando os comportamentos verbais e não verbais da família que podem promover a fluência na criança. A reavaliação da fluência ocorreu depois de trinta dias, utilizando-se os mesmos procedimentos da avaliação inicial. Foi aplicado o Teste dos Postos Sinalizados de Wilcoxon, para medir o grau de significância da diferença entre as informações obtidas nas duas fases. RESULTADOS: No que se refere à tipologia, a análise comparativa das duas avaliações mostrou que, dentre os seis tipos de disfluências comuns, quatro diminuíram, e, dentre os seis tipos de disfluências gagas, cinco apresentaram redução. No que se refere à frequência das rupturas, 70% das crianças tiveram uma diminuição na porcentagem de descontinuidade de fala, e 80% no total de rupturas gagas. CONCLUSÃO: A orientação fonoaudiológica realizada com familiares de crianças com gagueira favoreceu a promoção da fluência na fala da criança, mostrando-se relevante na área da fluência infantil.PURPOSE: To determine the contribution of short-term familiar counseling in the speech fluency of children who stutter. METHODS: Participants were 20 dyads of child who stutters and a family member. Procedures were carried out in three stages: assessment of fluency, familiar counseling, and reassessment of fluency. The initial assessment of fluency was performed in order to characterize the type and frequency of disfluencies produced before

  4. Korean Emotional Laborers' Job Stressors and Relievers: Focus on Work Conditions and Emotional Labor Properties


    Garam Lee


    Background: The present study aims to investigate job stressors and stress relievers for Korean emotional laborers, specifically focusing on the effects of work conditions and emotional labor properties. Emotional laborers are asked to hide or distort their real emotions in their interaction with clients. They are exposed to high levels of stress in the emotional labor process, which leads to serious mental health risks including burnout, depression, and even suicide impulse. Exploring job st...

  5. Competitividade da Agricultura Familiar no Rio Grande do SulI

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    Eliane Pinheiro de Sousa


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva identificar os determinantes da competitividade da agricultura familiar nos municípios gaúchos; mensurar um índice de desempenho competitivo da agricultura familiar (IDAF em tais municípios; e verificar se há diferença significativa na competitividade da agricultura familiar entre as mesorregiões gaúchas. Para tal, utilizaram-se os métodos de estatística multivariada de análise fatorial e os testes paramétricos de Levene e t de Student para dados não pareados. Os resultados indicaram que apenas dois municípios gaúchos apresentaram alto nível de desempenho competitivo da agricultura familiar, considerando os parâmetros estabelecidos. Verificou-se também que há diferenças significativas na competitividade da agricultura familiar entre as mesorregiões gaúchas

  6. Tax Policy and Labor Market Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bovenberg, A.L.


    In exploring the impact of tax policy on labor-market performance, the paper first investigates how tax reform impacts labor supply and equilibrium unemployment in representative agent models.The impact of tax policy on labor market performance depends importantly on various other labor-market

  7. Effects of visual familiarity for words on interhemispheric cooperation for lexical processing. (United States)

    Yoshizaki, K


    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of visual familiarity of words on interhemispheric lexical processing. Words and pseudowords were tachistoscopically presented in a left, a right, or bilateral visual fields. Two types of words, Katakana-familiar-type and Hiragana-familiar-type, were used as the word stimuli. The former refers to the words which are more frequently written with Katakana script, and the latter refers to the words which are written predominantly in Hiragana script. Two conditions for the words were set up in terms of visual familiarity for a word. In visually familiar condition, words were presented in familiar script form and in visually unfamiliar condition, words were presented in less familiar script form. The 32 right-handed Japanese students were asked to make a lexical decision. Results showed that a bilateral gain, which indicated that the performance in the bilateral visual fields was superior to that in the unilateral visual field, was obtained only in the visually familiar condition, not in the visually unfamiliar condition. These results suggested that the visual familiarity for a word had an influence on the interhemispheric lexical processing.

  8. Is Familiarity a Moderator of Brand/Country Alliances? One More Look


    Tore Kristensen; Gorm Gabrielsen; Eugene D. Jaffe


    Product and brand familiarity have an important role in consumer choice behaviour and they have been equated with knowledge and experience Consumers having high and low familiarity utilized brand information (an extrinsic cue) in their evaluations, whereas moderately familiar consumers used intrinsic cues (product attributes) in evaluating products. The question of whether familiarity moderates the country-of-origin (COO) effect is a valid one. In this present paper, we attempt to provide add...

  9. Economic implications of labor induction. (United States)

    Garcia-Simon, Raquel; Montañes, Antonio; Clemente, Jesús; Del Pino, María D; Romero, Manuel A; Fabre, Ernesto; Oros, Daniel


    To assess health service costs associated with labor induction according to different clinical situations in a tertiary-level hospital. In a prospective study, individual patient cost data were assessed for women admitted for induction of labor at a tertiary hospital in Spain between November 1, 2012, and August 31, 2013. The costs of labor induction were estimated according to maternal and neonatal outcomes, method of delivery, cervical condition at admission, and obstetric indication. Direct costs including professional fees, epidural, maternal stay, consumables, and drugs were calculated. Overall, 412 women were included in the final cost analysis. The mean total cost of labor induction was €3589.87 (95% confidence interval [CI] 3475.13-3704.61). Cesarean delivery after labor induction (€4830.45, 95% CI 4623.13-5037.58) was significantly more expensive than spontaneous delivery (€3037.45, 95% CI 2966.91-3179.99) and instrumental vaginal delivery (€3344.31, 95%CI 3151.69-3536.93). The total cost for patients with a very unfavorable cervix (Bishop score Labor induction for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was the most expensive obstetric indication for induction of labor (€4347.32, 95% CI 3890.45-4804.18). Following the induction of labor, a number of patient- and treatment-related factors influence costs associated with delivery. Copyright © 2015 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. [Changes in labor market participation of older employees in Germany: the perspective of labor market research]. (United States)

    Brussig, M


    For many years, Germany has been regarded in international comparisons as an example of a generous early retirement culture, resulting in a low labor market participation of older employees. Recently, however, employment rates of older employees have increased remarkably. Reasons are the demographic structure of older persons in Germany, a long-term trend of increasing female labor market participation, and reforms in labor-market policies and pension policies during the last 10 years. Despite an increasing labor market participation of older employees, traditional labor market risks for older persons partly remained, but some new risks evolved as well. Therefore, social differentiation among older employees increased.Although detailed macro descriptions exist, the causes of labor market developments cannot be fully understood with cross-sectional data alone. An important stimulus is to be expected from individual longitudinal data which reflect employment histories and labor market transitions such as employment exit and retirement.

  11. Teletrabajo, un enfoque desde la perspectiva de la salud laboral

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    Nelson W. López


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de las TIC favoreció la aparición del Teletrabajo (TT a mediados del siglo pasado, pero actualmente, tan sólo el 13,2% de las empresas españolas lo fomentan. Las diferencias culturales, sociales, y las dificultades para homogeneizar la información disponible, hacen que resulte un desafío unificar criterios para su desarrollo. Esta revisión bibliográfica pretende mostrar el marco global del TT en España, factores de riesgo, repercusión, beneficios y perjuicios, detallar las condiciones y medidas de seguridad laboral que deberían acompañar el proceso. Para obtener los artículos se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos biomédicas. Efectos beneficiosos evidenciados serían el alto nivel de autonomía, elevada satisfacción laboral, mejor relación con el supervisor, disminución de la tasa de abandono del trabajo y del conflicto familiar. Otras publicaciones indican que reforzando los recursos personales, mejora el compromiso y la eficacia de los trabajadores. Se destaca la escasa existencia de descriptores específicos DeCS-MeSH para TT, incluidos en las bases de datos bibliográficas que utilizan estos tesauros como motor de búsqueda, Medline, Cochrane Library e IBECS, lo que dificulta la recuperación de información. El desconocimiento general sobre esta modalidad de trabajo, la cultura organizacional, el sistema de control y supervisión laborales basadas en la desconfianza, no facilitan la implantación del TT en España al ritmo en el que se impone en otros países de nuestro entorno como Reino Unido, Alemania y Francia, por lo que se hace necesario un cambio de mentalidad colectiva para integrar el TT como alternativa laboral en el marco de la sociedad actual en la que nos desenvolvemos.

  12. Familiarity, ambivalence, and firm reputation: is corporate fame a double-edged sword? (United States)

    Brooks, Margaret E; Highhouse, Scott; Russell, Steven S; Mohr, David C


    This research questioned the proposition that corporate familiarity is positively associated with firm reputation. Student images of familiar and unfamiliar Fortune 500 corporations were examined in 4 experiments. The results suggested that, consistent with behavioral decision theory and attitude theory, highly familiar corporations provide information that is more compatible with the tasks of both admiring and condemning than less familiar corporations. Furthermore, the judgment context may determine whether positive or negative judgments are reported about familiar companies. The notion that people can simultaneously hold contradictory images of well-known firms may help to explain the inconsistent findings on the relation between familiarity and reputation.

  13. Reactivación de la movilización obrera en la industria terminal automotriz (2004‐2011: Recuperación parcial del salario con persistencia en la flexibilización laboral Reactivation of labor mobilization in the automotive industry (2004‐2011: Partial recovery of wages with labor flexibility persistence

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    Sebastián Guevara


    Full Text Available A partir del año 2004 el accionar gremial de los trabajadores de las empresas terminales en Argentina creció en visibilidad. A través de la creciente negociación colectiva pero también de, asambleas en los lugares de trabajo, manifestaciones públicas, movilizaciones y huelgas, la reactivación de los conflictos gremiales encabezados por los trabajadores fue dando forma al freno que experimentó la tendencia decreciente que presentaban tanto el empleo como los salarios en el sector. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta creciente movilización y sus resultados en términos de empleo y salarios, las bases de las negociaciones no parecen haberse modificado de modo sustancial. Es decir, el conjunto de condiciones flexibilizadas de compra y uso de la fuerza de trabajo mantienen su vigencia (y en algunos casos se profundizaron. Esta situación se puso de manifiesto en la crisis que experimentó el sector entre 2008 y 2009, frente a la cual las empresas apelaron a las herramientas flexibles (e incluso aprovecharon la situación para profundizar su desarrollo. La resistencia de los trabajadores frente a la crisis dejó en evidencia, también, las críticas a la dirección sindical que se desarrollaron en los lugares de trabajo. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los conflictos laborales desarrollados en la industria terminal automotriz argentina entre 2004 y 2011. Así como de algunos de los resultados de estos conflictos en cuanto a: la evolución salarial, el proceso de flexibilización laboral y la política sindical.Since 2004 the power of the workers union of auto makers in Argentina grew in visibility. Through collective bargaining, but also increasing of, assemblies in workplaces, public demonstrations, protests and strikes, the revival of labor conflicts led by the workers was giving way to brake the downward trend experienced both employment had as wages in the sector. However, despite this growing movement and results in terms of

  14. Labor Dystocia: A Common Approach to Diagnosis. (United States)

    Neal, Jeremy L; Lowe, Nancy K; Schorn, Mavis N; Holley, Sharon L; Ryan, Sharon L; Buxton, Margaret; Wilson-Liverman, Angela M


    Contemporary labor and birth population norms should be the basis for evaluating labor progression and determining slow progress that may benefit from intervention. The aim of this article is to present guidelines for a common, evidence-based approach for determination of active labor onset and diagnosis of labor dystocia based on a synthesis of existing professional guidelines and relevant contemporary publications. A 3-point approach for diagnosing active labor onset and classifying labor dystocia-related labor aberrations into well-defined, mutually exclusive categories that can be used clinically and validated by researchers is proposed. The approach comprises identification of 1) an objective point that strictly defines active labor onset (point of active labor determination); 2) an objective point that identifies when labor progress becomes atypical, beyond which interventions aimed at correcting labor dystocia may be justified (point of protraction diagnosis); and 3) an objective point that identifies when interventions aimed at correcting labor dystocia, if used, can first be determined to be unsuccessful, beyond which assisted vaginal or cesarean birth may be justified (earliest point of arrest diagnosis). Widespread adoption of a common approach for diagnosing labor dystocia will facilitate consistent evaluation of labor progress, improve communications between clinicians and laboring women, indicate when intervention aimed at speeding labor progress or facilitating birth may be appropriate, and allow for more efficient translation of safe and effective management strategies into clinical practice. Correct application of the diagnosis of labor dystocia may lead to a decrease in the rate of cesarean birth, decreased health care costs, and improved health of childbearing women and neonates. © 2015 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

  15. Labor Laws and Innovation


    Viral V. Acharya; Ramin P. Baghai; Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian


    Can stringent labor laws be efficient? Possibly, if they provide firms with a commitment device to not punish short-run failures and thereby incentivize the pursuit of value-maximizing innovative activities. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence that strong labor laws indeed appear to have an ex ante positive incentive effect by encouraging the innovative pursuits of firms and their employees. Using patents and citations as proxies for innovation and a time-varying index of labor laws,...

  16. A Theory of Exploitative Child Labor


    Carol Ann Rogers; Kenneth A. Swinnerton


    Child labor laws should aim to protect children who work, instead of trying to remove children from work. In this paper, we identify an instance when the risk of exploitation lowers the expected bene…t of child labor to the child,and therefore suppresses child labor force participation. Targeted legal intervention that lowers or removes the risk of exploitation raises child participation in the labor market, child welfare, and overall societal welfare. Targeting on child labor more broadly ma...

  17. Labor Education in America (United States)

    Carlson, Kenneth D.


    Labor education reflects the pragmaticism of American culture and supports the system. It emphasizes leadership training, loyalty building, and political education. The control of labor education is centralized in union headquarters. (VW)

  18. Clima familiar relacional nas familias adoptivas


    Machado, Cláudia Sofia Canteiro


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Sistémica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2010 A presente investigação insere-se no contexto das famílias adoptivas e procura, através de uma abordagem sistémica, compreender o Clima Familiar Relacional, explorando e aprofundando as inter-relações entre o funcionamento familiar, a satisfação conjugal e a parentalidade. O estudo exploratório foi realizado a 10 casais que a...

  19. "La verdad sobre las empresas familiares"


    Chavez Partida, Ma. Guadalupe


    En este trabajo se estudia principalmente, el cuidar el proyecto de la sucesión de la empresa a los familiares más jóvenes y para lo cual también se plantean algunas propuestas utilizando el modelo de los tres círculos. El modelo de los tres círculos ha tenido gran aceptación porque combina una elegancia teórica y una aplicabilidad inmediata. Es una herramienta muy útil para entender la fuente de los conflictos interpersonales, los roles, las prioridades y los límites de las empresas familiar...

  20. Relación entre la severidad de las manifestaciones de asma bronquial y el cumplimiento del tratamiento intercrisis Relation between the severity of bronchial asthma manifestations and the fulfilment of the inter-crisis treatment

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: En la última década han aumentado la morbilidad y la mortalidad por asma bronquial. Se estima que esta enfermedad la padecen actualmente 300 millones de personas en el mundo. En Cuba, el asma bronquial constituye también un importante problema de salud. OBJETIVO: Establecer la relación entre el cumplimiento del tratamiento en periodos intercrisis y la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas de la enfermedad. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 119 pacientes con diagnóstico de asma bronquial pertenecientes al policlínico "Ana Betancourt". Para la recolección de datos se aplicaron cuestionarios de forma individual a los pacientes o a los familiares que están directamente al cuidado de estos. Los pacientes fueron agrupados según la Guía española para el manejo del asma de 2009. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron 23 pacientes asmáticos intermitentes, 42 persistentes leves, 36 persistentes moderados y 18 persistentes graves. El 95 % de los pacientes estudiados desencadenaba la crisis con inhalantes respiratorios. En el 79 % de los hogares se detectó la presencia de fumadores. Solo el 41 % de los pacientes cumplía el tratamiento correctamente en los periodos intercrisis. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una relación directa entre la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas del asma bronquial y el no cumplimiento del tratamiento intercrisis, lo que puede condicionar la exacerbación de la enfermedad.INTRODUCTION: In past decade the morbidity and mortality from bronchial asthma have increased. This is a diseased suffered nowadays by 300 millions of persons in the world. In Cuba, the bronchial asthma is also an important health problem. OBJECTIVE: To establish the relation between the fulfilment of treatment in inter-crisis period and the severity of the clinical manifestations of this entity. METHODS: A total of 119 patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma from the "Ana Betancourt" Polyclinic were studied. In data collection authors applied individual

  1. Effects of symmetry and familiarity on the attractiveness of human faces

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    Mentus Tatjana


    Full Text Available The effects of both symmetry (perceptual factor and familiarity (cognitive factor on facial attractiveness were investigated. From the photographs of original slightly asymmetric faces, symmetric left-left (LL and right-right (RR versions were generated. Familiarity was induced in the learning block using the repetitive presentation of original faces. In the test block participants rated the attractiveness of original, previously seen (familiar faces, original, not previously seen faces, and both LL and RR versions of all faces. The analysis of variance showed main effects of symmetry. Post hoc tests revealed that asymmetric original faces were rated as more attractive than both LL and RR symmetric versions. Familiarity doesn’t have a significant main effect, but the symmetry-familiarity interaction was obtained. Additional post hoc tests indicated that facial attractiveness is positively associated with natural slight asymmetry rather than with perfect symmetry. Also, unfamiliar LL symmetric versions were rated as more attractive than familiar LL versions, whereas familiar RR versions were rated as more attractive than RR unfamiliar faces. These results suggested that symmetry (perceptual factor and familiarity (cognitive or memorial factor play differential roles in facial attractiveness, and indicate a relatively stronger effect of the perceptual compared to the cognitive factor. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON179018 i br. ON179033

  2. Cooperativismo e Agricultura Familiar: um estudo de caso

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    Marta Cleia Andrade


    Full Text Available Este trabalho enfoca algumas práticas, vantagens e desafios enfrentados por agricultores familiares da cidade de Rubiataba, estado de Goiás, em direção à busca pelo fortalecimento da atividade produtiva. Portanto, este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar as principais práticas, dificuldades e oportunidades encontradas pelos cooperados de uma cooperativa de agricultores familiares, denominada Cooperativa Mista de Agricultores Familiares de Rubiataba (COOMAFAR. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, e para a coleta de dados utilizaram-se questionários e entrevistas. Como resultado, a pesquisa aponta grande interesse dos produtores em diversificar a produção, agregar maior valor aos produtos, ter maior acesso ao mercado e com isso obter melhor competitividade. Mas esbarram em aspectos como a falta de incentivos do poder público, de recursos financeiros, qualificação técnica e escassez de mão de obra. Com esta pesquisa buscou-se colaborar para uma melhor compreensão da relação entre cooperativismo e agricultura familiar.

  3. Predictores de satisfacción laboral en médicos y enfermeros Predictors of job satisfaction among physicians and nurses

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    Laura Paris


    Full Text Available Os objetivos da presente investigação foram: (a identificar estressores e estratégias de enfrentamento comumente empregadas por parte dos profissionais de saúde; (b explorar as vinculações entre o estresse assistencial, o bem-estar e satisfação laboral; e (c individualizar as variáveis explicativas da satisfação laboral assistencial. Foi realizada uma verificação empírica com uma amostra integrada por 196 profissionais argentinos (97 médicos e 99 enfermeiros. A amostra respondeu uma bateria desenvolvida para avaliar estressores, enfrentamento, bem-estar e satisfação laboral. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, correlacionais e de regressão múltipla. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os estressores que mais afligem aos profissionais da saúde são a sobrecarga, a falta de apoio e a percepção de injustiça organizacional. Tanto a estratégia de resolução de problemas como a de distanciamento surgiram como potenciadoras de satisfação e bem-estar. As variáveis que melhor explicaram a satisfação laboral foram a intenção de permanecer no cargo, a quantidade de horas de trabalho semanal e o apoio do grupo familiar. São apresentadas sugestões para futuras investigações na área.The objectives of this research were: (a to identify the major stressors and the coping strategies commonly used by health professionals; (b to explore the links among health care stressors, subjective wellbeing and job satisfaction; and (c to individualize the explanatory variables of care job satisfaction. Empirical verification was conducted with a sample of 196 Argentinean professionals (97 doctors and 99 nurses. The sample answered a battery developed for assessing stress, coping, wellbeing, and work satisfaction. Data were subjected to descriptive, correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that work overload, lack of support, and perceptions of organizational injustice are the main health care stressors. The

  4. Labor and health status in economic evaluation of health care. The Health and Labor Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Roijen, L.; Essink-Bot, M. L.; Koopmanschap, M. A.; Bonsel, G.; Rutten, F. F.


    A health care program may influence both costs and health effects. We developed the Health and Labor Questionnaire (HLQ), which consists of four modules, to collect data on absence from work, reduced productivity, unpaid labor production, and labor-related problems. We applied the HLQ in several

  5. Positron-emission tomography of brain regions activated by recognition of familiar music. (United States)

    Satoh, M; Takeda, K; Nagata, K; Shimosegawa, E; Kuzuhara, S


    We can easily recognize familiar music by listening to only one or 2 of its opening bars, but the brain regions that participate in this cognitive processing remain undetermined. We used positron-emission tomography (PET) to study changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) that occur during listening to familiar music. We used a PET subtraction technique to elucidate the brain regions associated with the recognition of familiar melodies such as well-known nursery tunes. Nonmusicians performed 2 kinds of musical tasks: judging the familiarity of musical pieces (familiarity task) and detecting deliberately altered notes in the pieces (alteration-detecting task). During the familiarity task, bilateral anterior portions of bilateral temporal lobes, superior temporal regions, and parahippocampal gyri were activated. The alteration-detecting task bilaterally activated regions in the precunei, superior/inferior parietal lobules, and lateral surface of frontal lobes, which seemed to show a correlation with the analysis of music. We hypothesize that during the familiarity task, activated brain regions participate in retrieval from long-term memory and verbal and emotional processing of familiar melodies. Our results reinforced the hypothesis reported in the literature as a result of group and case studies, that temporal lobe regions participate in the recognition of familiar melodies.

  6. 10 CFR 440.19 - Labor. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Labor. 440.19 Section 440.19 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENERGY CONSERVATION WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE FOR LOW-INCOME PERSONS § 440.19 Labor. Payments for labor... supplement wages paid to training participants, public service employment workers, or other Federal or State...

  7. Age-specific labor market dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, A. C.


    One important finding concerns the fact that job separations for older workers constitute mostly a one-way exit out of the labor force, despite the fact that an ageing society calls for an active labor market participation from us all. Also, the allocation of labor for younger workers has shown to

  8. The Lateral Occipital Complex shows no net response to object familiarity. (United States)

    Margalit, Eshed; Shah, Manan P; Tjan, Bosco S; Biederman, Irving; Keller, Brenton; Brenner, Rorry


    In 1995, Malach et al. discovered an area whose fMRI BOLD response was greater when viewing intact, familiar objects than when viewing their scrambled versions (resembling texture). Since then hundreds of studies have explored this late visual region termed the Lateral Occipital Complex (LOC), which is now known to be critical for shape perception (James, Culham, Humphrey, Milner, & Goodale, 2003). Malach et al. (1995) discounted a role of familiarity by showing that "abstract" Henry Moore sculptures, unfamiliar to the subjects, also activated this region. This characterization of LOC as a region that responds to shape independently of familiarity has been accepted but never tested with control of the same low-level features. We assessed LOC's response to objects that had identical parts in two different arrangements, one familiar and the other novel. Malach was correct: There is no net effect of familiarity in LOC. However, a multivoxel correlation analysis showed that LOC does distinguish familiar from novel objects.

  9. Labor Force Participation Rate (United States)

    City and County of Durham, North Carolina — This thematic map presents the labor force participation rate of working-age people in the United States in 2010. The 2010 Labor Force Participation Rate shows the...

  10. 24 CFR 92.354 - Labor. (United States)


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Labor. 92.354 Section 92.354... INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM Other Federal Requirements § 92.354 Labor. (a) General. (1) Every contract... prevailing in the locality, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U...

  11. The shape of uterine contractions and labor progress in the spontaneous active labor. (United States)

    Ebrahimzadeh Zagami, Samira; Golmakani, Nahid; Saadatjoo, Seyyed Ali-Reza; Ghomian, Nayyereh; Baghbani, Behjat


    Dystocia is the most common indication of primary cesarean section. The most common cause of dystocia is uterine dysfunction. In prolonged labor, more attention is usually paid to the fetus and pelvis rather than to the role of uterine contractions in a delivery. Therefore, we decided to determine the relationship between the labor progress and uterine contractions shapes. In this cross-sectional study, 200 primiparous women participated having a single pregnancy and cephalic presentation. Uterus contractions were recorded using electronic fetal monitoring at the beginning of the active phase of labor (dilatation 3-5 cm) for 30 min. Fall to rise (F:R) ratio was calculated by determining the duration of returning from a contraction peak to its baseline (fall) and the duration of the rise time from baseline to peak (rise) in two groups. The data were analyzed using t-test and Chi-square test. In this study, 162 women had a normal delivery and 38 women had a cesarean (CS) delivery due to the lack of labor progress. The average F:R ratio was 1.13±0.193 seconds in the vaginal delivery group and 1.64±0.301 seconds in the CS group. This difference was statistically significant (PR ratio was higher in the group that lacked labor progress. Therefore, contraction shapes can be used to predict the labor progress.

  12. Valoración de la capacidad laboral de la malformación de Arnold Chiari tipo I

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    Raúl Jesús Regal Ramos

    Full Text Available Introducción: La reciente publicación de un documento de consenso por el Instituto de Investigación de Enfermedades Raras, el aumento de la incidencia de malformación de Arnold - Chiari (por la cada vez más frecuente solicitud de RMN cervicales y, paralelamente, el aumento de la presencia de estos pacientes en las consultas de los médicos encargados de valorar su capacidad funcional, nos invita a hacer una reflexión sobre la valoración laboral de estos pacientes. Objetivos: Esta revisión pretende realizar un acercamiento a distintos aspectos relevantes en la valoración de la discapacidad laboral de estos pacientes. Metodología: Se han revisado hasta Mayo de 2010 las siguientes bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline, Embase, Cochrane. Resultados: La intensidad de los síntomas (sobre todo dolor no está en relación directa con la gravedad de las lesiones observadas en las pruebas de imagen. El cuadro clínico puede ser fluctuante, con períodos de agudización y de remisión. Los síntomas que mejor responden a la cirugía son los síntomas debido a compresión del tronco cerebral (especialmente la cervicocefalalgia, desapareciendo en algunos casos. Son factores de mala evolución postoperatoria la presencia en el examen prequirúrgico de atrofia, ataxia, escoliosis y que el tiempo entre el inicio de los síntomas y la cirugía haya sido superior a 2 años. Aquellas manifestaciones clínicas que no desaparecen en el postoperatorio ni en el periodo de seguimiento podrían estar relacionadas con el daño permanente de las vías nerviosas o de sus núcleos. Pese a tratarse de una enfermedad congénita podría tener la consideración de accidente de trabajo, si los síntomas se desencadenan tras un traumatismo. La evidencia de la eficacia del tratamiento para el dolor resulta escasa. Conclusiones: La evaluación de estos pacientes debe ser siempre individualizada, considerando las limitaciones orgánicas y/o funcionales, y relacion

  13. Familiar shapes attract attention in figure-ground displays. (United States)

    Nelson, Rolf A; Palmer, Stephen E


    We report five experiments that explore the effect of figure-ground factors on attention. We hypothesized that figural cues, such as familiar shape, would draw attention to the figural side in an attentional cuing task using bipartite figure-ground displays. The first two experiments used faces in profile as the familiar shape and found a perceptual advantage for targets presented on the meaningful side of the central contour in detection speed (Experiment 1) and discrimination accuracy (Experiment 2). The third experiment demonstrated the figural advantage in response time (RT) with nine other familiar shapes (including a sea horse, a guitar, a fir tree, etc.), but only when targets appeared in close proximity to the contour. A fourth experiment obtained a figural advantage in a discrimination task with the larger set of familiar shapes. The final experiment ruled out eye movements as a possible confounding factor by replicating the RT advantage for targets on the figural side of face displays when all trials containing eye movements were eliminated. The results are discussed in terms of ecological influences on attention, and are cast within the framework of Yantis and Jonides's hypothesis that attention is exogenously drawn to the onset of new perceptual objects. We argue that the figural side constitutes an "object" whereas the ground side does not, and that figural cues such as shape familiarity are effective in determining which areas represent objects.

  14. Musical familiarity in congenital amusia: evidence from a gating paradigm. (United States)

    Tillmann, Barbara; Albouy, Philippe; Caclin, Anne; Bigand, Emmanuel


    Congenital amusia has been described as a lifelong deficit of music perception and production, notably including amusic individuals' difficulties to recognize a familiar tune without the aid of lyrics. The present study aimed to evaluate whether amusic individuals might have acquired long-term knowledge of familiar music, and to test for the minimal amount of acoustic information necessary to access this knowledge (if any) in amusia. Segments of familiar and unfamiliar instrumental musical pieces were presented with increasing duration (250, 500, 1000 msec etc.), and participants provided familiarity judgments for each segment. Results showed that amusic individuals succeeded in differentiating familiar from unfamiliar excerpts with as little acoustic information as did control participants (i.e., within 500 msec). The findings reveal that amusic individuals have stored musical pieces in long-term memory (LTM), and, together with other recent findings, they suggest that congenital amusia might impair conscious access to music processing rather than music processing per se.

  15. Foreign labor and regional labor markets: aggregate and disaggregate impact on growth and wages in Danish regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Torben Dall; Jensen, Peter Sandholt


    non-negative effects on the job opportunities for Danish workers in regional labor markets, whereas the evidence of a regional wage growth effect is mixed. We also present disaggregated results focusing on regional heterogeneity of business structures, skill levels and backgrounds of foreign labor....... The results are interpreted within a specific Danish labor market context and the associated regional outcomes. This adds to previous findings and emphasizes the importance of labor market institutions for the effect of foreign labor on regional employment growth....

  16. Treatments for Preterm Labor (United States)

    ... Careers Archives Health Topics Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ... Report Cards Careers Archives Pregnancy Before or between pregnancies Nutrition, weight & fitness Prenatal care Is it safe? Labor & ...

  17. Do international labor standards contribute to the persistence of the child-labor problem?


    Doepke, Matthias; Zilibotti, Fabrizio


    In recent years, a number of governments and consumer groups in rich countries have tried to discourage the use of child labor in poor countries through measures such as product boycotts and the imposition of international labor standards. The purported objective of such measures is to reduce the incidence of child labor in developing countries and thereby improve children�s welfare. In this paper, we examine the effects of such policies from a political-economy perspective. We show that th...

  18. Manifestaciones tangibles acerca de los cambios y transformaciones organizacionales transitorias en organizaciones gremiales del sector turismo. Caso de Estudio: Asociación Venezolana de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo (AVAVIT)


    Miguel Mujica; Belkys Jiménez


    El artículo se basa en una investigación realizada por los autores, la cual constituye una aproximación sucinta de análisis, que permita precisar signos, síntomas y manifestaciones organizacionales experimentadas por las organizaciones gremiales que agrupan a un sector de empresas privadas vinculadas al sector turismo, dentro del contexto emergente, llamado por otros autores: posmoderno, posindustrial, informacional, entre otras denominaciones. Dicho análisis se hace con base en categorías pr...

  19. 29 CFR 215.8 - Department of Labor contact. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Department of Labor contact. 215.8 Section 215.8 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GUIDELINES, SECTION 5333(b), FEDERAL TRANSIT LAW § 215.8 Department of Labor contact. Questions concerning the subject...

  20. Structural Change Out of Agriculture: Labor Push versus Labor Pull


    Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado; Markus Poschke


    The process of economic development is characterized by substantial rural-urban migrations and a decreasing share of agriculture in output and employment. The literature highlights two main engines behind this process of structural change: (i) improvements in agricultural technology combined with the effect of Engel's law of demand push resources out of the agricultural sector (the "labor push" hypothesis), and (ii) improvements in industrial technology attract labor into this sector (the "la...

  1. Youth Labor Migration in Nepal


    Bossavie, Laurent; Denisova, Anastasiya


    This descriptive study investigates internal and external labor migration by Nepalese youth. External labor migration is separated into the flow to India, which is unregulated, and the flow to other countries, which typically takes the form of temporary contract migration to countries with bilateral labor agreements with Nepal (referred to in Nepal as foreign employment). The study finds t...

  2. Child Labor, Learning Problems, and Poverty (United States)

    Taylor, Mark


    In Africa, approximately 80 million children are working. Africa's 41% child labor rate is nearly twice as high as that in Asia. This study examined whether child labor is a direct result of poverty or of reading and math problems in school. The study analyzed reading and math scores of 62 child laborers and 62 non-child laborers from a farming…

  3. Estudo dos fatores que determinam a formação do capital social familiar em empresas familiares na região sul de Minas Gerais

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    Daniela Meirelles Andrade


    Full Text Available No estudo aqui relatado identificaram-se os fatores que levam à formação do capital social familiar em empresas familiares. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, utilizou-se, como aporte teórico, a teoria do capital social e do capital social familiar. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, do tipo survey, em 120 empreendimentos familiares. Aplicou-se questionário, sob a forma de entrevista, a todos os empresários. Os dados foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial. Os resultados foram apresentados em dois blocos: primeiro, a caracterização da amostra em relação ao perfil do respondente e ao perfil do empreendimento, bem como a apresentação da frequência de cada uma das assertivas; na segunda parte, foi feita a análise fatorial, após a qual foram identificados sete fatores relacionados com a formação do capital social familiar. São eles: diálogo colaborativo, rede familiar, infraestrutura moral, confiança, normas éticas, ideias próprias e canais de informação externos. O capital social familiar é solidificado por meio do diálogo colaborativo, a partir do qual é possível enraizar, na família e na empresa, as normas éticas, originando o que se chama de infraestrutura moral, quando a família e a empresa estão em sintonia interna e externa. Em um sentido contraditório, a ausência do diálogo colaborativo gera autoritarismo por parte dos dirigentes e membros da família, prevalecendo ideias próprias, as quais foram identificadas como fator contraditório à formação do capital social familiar.

  4. A Select Bibliography of Books on Labor Issues. (United States)

    American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Washington, DC.

    This annotated bibliography of 90 books on labor issues presents selections in the following areas: labor history, biographies, contemporary issues, labor economics and labor relations, labor law, labor unions, women and work, and reference books. (DB)

  5. Empresas familiares de inmigrantes en Barcelona y Montevideo

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    Paola Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es observar las diferentes dimensiones que adquiere la familia en las empresas familiares de inmigrantes. En este caso, la propuesta metodológica es analizar, de forma comparativa, la realidad empresarial consolidada del colectivo gallego en Montevideo con las empresas familiares de inmigrantes de reciente creación en el área metropolitana en Barcelona.

  6. Empresas familiares: conceptos, teorías y estructuras

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    Raúl Francisco Quejada Pérez


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta aspectos conceptuales, teóricos, históricos y estructurales de las empresas familiares. Se destaca el rol que desempeñan en materia de generación de empleo y riqueza. También se analizan sus sistemas de gobierno corporativo, los cuales desembocan en la temática de continuidad generacional. La continuidad es entendida como una de las principales dificultades de estas organizaciones, debido a que sus directivos y/o propietarios no logran separar el papel del núcleo familiar y las decisiones organizacionales de las compañías. En este sentido, las estrategias de internacionalización y profesionalización representan el camino para garantizar la permanencia de las empresas familiares.

  7. Rol de género y funcionamiento familiar

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    Patricia Herrera Santi


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza un breve bosquejo del surgimiento y significación del rol de género y se relaciona con algunos de los indicadores de funcionamiento familiar, analizando en qué medida puede afectar la expresión favorable del mismo, alterar la dinámica interna de las relaciones familiares y actuar como factor patógeno en la salud familiarA brief sketch of the appearance and significance of the gender role is made in this paper. It is also related to some indicators of family functioning and it is analyzed to what extent this relationship may affect its favorable expression, alter the internal dynamics of the family relations and act as a pathogenic factor in family health

  8. Aneurismas del arco aórtico. Generalidades: epidemiología, manifestaciones clínicas y diagnóstico. Indicaciones de cirugía. Cirugía abierta

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    Eduardo Bernabeu


    Full Text Available El arco aórtico es un segmento fundamental de la aorta. Se describe la enfermedad quirúrgica que afecta al mismo, así como la epidemiología y la historia natural de los aneurismas torácicos, que son la condición que más frecuentemente lo afectan. Se revisan las manifestaciones clínicas de estos y las técnicas empleadas para su diagnóstico. Finalmente, se expone una panorámica de las indicaciones quirúrgicas y las técnicas de cirugía abierta empleadas.


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    Ana Elvira Castañeda Cantillo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación buscó hacer una descripción de las comprensiones, estrategias y prácticas que identifican el proceso de orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral en la familia y la escuela. Para ello se identificaron los niveles de participación de cada uno de los actores de la organización escolar: estudiantes, docentes, orientadores y padres de familia, se evaluó el impacto de los procesos de orientación profesional, especificando las acciones que se realizan para ello y el papel de los profesionales que lideran el proceso de orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral en las organizaciones escolares. Mediante un estudio de tipo descriptivo, se aplicó como instrumento una encuesta a orientadores, estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia; las categorías a evaluar fueron: prácticas y nivel de participación en el proceso de orientación, comprensiones y puntuaciones sobre la orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral, efectos e impactos de la orientación, valoración del proceso de orientación, fuentes de influencia en el joven, valoración y recomendaciones de actividades de orientación. Con una muestra de 70 docentes, 35 orientadores, 130 padres de familia y 150 estudiantes de 35 colegios de Bogotá. Se encontró que los procesos y procedimientos realizados en la orientación vocacional / profesional / laboral están relacionados con presupuestos y acciones fundamentalmente dirigidas a la toma de decisión del estudiante sobre la elección de una carrera universitaria, desde sus intereses individuales, factores económicos e información sobre la oferta; no se observa que haya un acompañamiento para la movilización de los sistemas y contextos familiares, escolares y amplios que involucren procesos pedagógicos, psicológicos, sociales y culturales de los jóvenes con la escuela, la familia y el desarrollo del país.

  10. Influence of group member familiarity on online collaborative learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, J.J.H.M.; Erkens, G.; Kirschner, P.A.; Kanselaar, G.


    This study investigated the effects of group member familiarity during computer-supported collaborative learning. Familiarity may have an impact on online collaboration, because it may help group members to progress more quickly through the stages of group development, and may lead to higher group

  11. Transit labor relations guide (United States)


    This report is designed as a guide for those involved in labor relations in the transit industry. It begins with a history of transit labor relations. The economic, political, and legal environment of transit relations is then discussed. A section fo...

  12. Manifestaciones reumáticas de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH

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    Gloria María Vásquez Duque


    Full Text Available Con la aparición del VIH/SIDA se ha puesto de manifiesto un espectro de manifestaciones clínicas reumáticas. El compromiso articular incluye las artralgias, la artritis por VIH, el síndrome de Reiter, la artritis psoriásica y la espondiloartropatía indiferenciada. También se ha documentado una miopatía inducida por el VIH en cuyo diagnóstico diferencial se deben tener en cuenta la miopatía inducida por zidovudina y la debida a toxoplasmosis, cuya presentación clínica es más parecida a la miopatía inducida por el VIH que a otras afecciones musculares. El síndrome de linfocitosis con infiltración difusa es una entidad parecida al síndrome de Sjögren, que es exclusiva de los pacientes VIH positivos, con algunas diferencias en la presentación clínica e inmunológica. Por último, es frecuente la presencia de fenómenos autoinmunes el más común de los cuales es la hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal. También se han descrito diferentes tipos de vasculitis como parte de esta enfermedad.

  13. Estructura familiar de usuarios de crack analizada con auxilio del genograma

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    Maycon Rogério Seleghim


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analizar la estructura familiar de usuarios de crack con la ayuda del genograma, identificando las relaciones y los antecedentes familiares de uso de drogas. Metodología: Investigación transversal, teniendo como referencial la Teoría General de Sistemas, particularmente el genograma. Participaron 15 familiares de usuarios habituales o dependientes de crack, en tratamiento en una Comunidad Terapéutica de Paraná, Brasil, en el mes de mayo de 2011. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron la entrevista semiestructurada y el cuestionario de clasificación económica. Los genogramas fueron analizados en un proceso semejante al del análisis de contenido. Resultados: El genograma incluyó 378 familiares; nueve familias eran nucleares, y todas presentaron por lo menos una relación armoniosa con un miembro familiar. Catorce familias presentaban antecedentes de uso de drogas. Conclusión: Se evidenció la reproducción multi-generacional de comportamientos asociados al uso de drogas, con la influencia de aspectos culturales y valores familiares.

  14. Emotional labor actors: a latent profile analysis of emotional labor strategies. (United States)

    Gabriel, Allison S; Daniels, Michael A; Diefendorff, James M; Greguras, Gary J


    Research on emotional labor focuses on how employees utilize 2 main regulation strategies-surface acting (i.e., faking one's felt emotions) and deep acting (i.e., attempting to feel required emotions)-to adhere to emotional expectations of their jobs. To date, researchers largely have considered how each strategy functions to predict outcomes in isolation. However, this variable-centered perspective ignores the possibility that there are subpopulations of employees who may differ in their combined use of surface and deep acting. To address this issue, we conducted 2 studies that examined surface acting and deep acting from a person-centered perspective. Using latent profile analysis, we identified 5 emotional labor profiles-non-actors, low actors, surface actors, deep actors, and regulators-and found that these actor profiles were distinguished by several emotional labor antecedents (positive affectivity, negative affectivity, display rules, customer orientation, and emotion demands-abilities fit) and differentially predicted employee outcomes (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and felt inauthenticity). Our results reveal new insights into the nature of emotion regulation in emotional labor contexts and how different employees may characteristically use distinct combinations of emotion regulation strategies to manage their emotional expressions at work. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  15. Percepción de soporte social a cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica Con el uso De tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en salud (TIC´s) / Perception of social support provided to mamily caregivers of people with chronic disease with the use Of ICT’s.


    Barrera Restrepo, Lorena Isvet; Romero Peña, Amanda Milena


    Introducción: Es necesario brindar soporte social a los cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica para que afronten mejor la experiencia, fortalezcan autoestima, confianza y seguridad sintiéndose acompañados socialmente en su labor. El uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en salud (TIC´s) se ha convertido en una estrategia para brindar soporte social a los cuidadores familiares. Se requiere determinar si las TIC´s son útiles para brindar soporte social a los c...

  16. Preterm labor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jan Stener; Weile, Louise Katrine Kjær; Lamont, Ronald Francis


    While tocolytic therapy may not be indicated in all cases of spontaneous preterm labor (SPTL), the evidence that they are superior to placebo is robust. The perfect tocolytic that is 100% efficacious and 100% safe does not exist and efforts should continue to develop and introduce safer and more...... and arrange in utero transfer to a center with neonatal intensive care facilities, both of which reduce neonatal mortality and morbidity. Few tocolytics (β₂-agonists and atosiban) are licensed for use as tocolytics and only one was developed specifically to treat preterm labor (atosiban). Accordingly, most...

  17. Sex differences in attraction to familiar and unfamiliar opposite-sex faces: men prefer novelty and women prefer familiarity. (United States)

    Little, Anthony C; DeBruine, Lisa M; Jones, Benedict C


    Familiarity is attractive in many types of stimuli and exposure generally increases feelings of liking. However, men desire a greater number of sexual partners than women, suggesting a preference for novelty. We examined sex differences in preferences for familiarity. In Study 1 (N = 83 women, 63 men), we exposed individuals to faces twice and found that faces were judged as more attractive on the second rating, reflecting attraction to familiar faces, with the exception that men's ratings of female faces decreased on the second rating, demonstrating attraction to novelty. In Studies 2 (N = 42 women, 28 men) and 3 (N = 51 women, 25 men), exposure particularly decreased men's ratings of women's attractiveness for short-term relationships and their sexiness. In Study 4 (N = 64 women, 50 men), women's attraction to faces was positively related to self-rated similarity to their current partner's face, while the effect was significantly weaker for men. Potentially, men's attraction to novelty may reflect an adaptation promoting the acquisition of a high number of sexual partners.


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    Sony Kusumasondjaja


    Full Text Available This study examined the impact of brand familiarity and endorsers’ congruence with product being advertised on consumer responses to social media advertising in Twitter. Findings suggested that the product with a familiar brand endorsed by celebrity with high image congruence led to greater consumer trust, more positive attitude, and greater purchase intention than any other familiarity-congruence combinations. Interestingly, for unfamiliar brand, there is no significant difference between high and low endorsers’ congruence.

  19. Proverb comprehension in youth: the role of concreteness and familiarity. (United States)

    Nippold, M A; Haq, F S


    This study examined factors that were posited to play an important role in the development of proverb comprehension in school-age children and adolescents, namely, the concreteness and the familiarity of the expressions. Normally achieving students enrolled in Grades 5, 8, and 11 (n = 180) were administered a written forced-choice task that contained eight instances of four different types of proverbs: concrete-familiar ("A rolling stone gathers no moss"); concrete-unfamiliar ("A caged bird longs for the clouds"); abstract-familiar ("Two wrongs don't make a right"); and abstract-unfamiliar ("Of idleness comes no goodness"). Performance on the task steadily improved as a function of increasing grade level and, as predicted, the expressions proved to be differentially challenging: Concrete proverbs were easier to understand than abstract proverbs, and familiar proverbs were easier to understand than unfamiliar proverbs. The results concerning concreteness support the "metasemantic" hypothesis, the view that comprehension develops through active analysis of the words contained in proverbs. The results concerning familiarity support the "language experience" hypothesis, the view that comprehension develops through meaningful exposure to proverbs.

  20. Soporte social, familiar y autoconcepto: relación entre los constructos

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    Makilim Nunes Baptista


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue verificar las asociaciones entre el soporte social, el soporte familiar y el autoconcepto en un grupo de hombres y mujeres. En el caso de los hombres hubo correlaciones negativas entre el soporte familiar y los factores negligencia, agresividad e indiferencia del instrumento de autoconcepto. En el grupo de mujeres el soporte familiar total fue correlacionado positivamente con sensualidad y responsabilidad, y negativamente con inseguridad, siendo las tres medidas del instrumento de autoconcepto. Al considerar las relaciones entre el soporte familiar y el soporte social, todas fueron positivas, tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres.


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    Indri Ariyanti


    Full Text Available This research explains the effects of gender, parents’ education, parent’s income, the number of siblings, childbirth order, the presence of parents and patriarchal kinship system on the probability of child labor in Palembang. This study, especially, investigates the probability of children age 7-15 years old to be a worker. It is found that factors that significantly affect child labor are gender, the number of siblings, childbirth order, the presence of parents and patriarchal system. However, parents’ education and income are found to be insignificant in affecting the probability of child labor in Palembang.

  2. 29 CFR 42.9 - Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). 42.9 Section 42.9 Labor Office of the Secretary of Labor COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT § 42.9 Farm Labor Specialist (ESA). (a) The Assistant Secretary for ESA shall designate ESA Compliance Officers as Farm Labor Specialists (Specialists...

  3. Revisiting the earliest electrophysiological correlate of familiar face recognition. (United States)

    Huang, Wanyi; Wu, Xia; Hu, Liping; Wang, Lei; Ding, Yulong; Qu, Zhe


    The present study used event-related potentials (ERPs) to reinvestigate the earliest face familiarity effect (FFE: ERP differences between familiar and unfamiliar faces) that genuinely reflects cognitive processes underlying recognition of familiar faces in long-term memory. To trigger relatively early FFEs, participants were required to categorize upright and inverted famous faces and unknown faces in a task that placed high demand on face recognition. More importantly, to determine whether an observed FFE was linked to on-line face recognition, systematical investigation about the relationship between the FFE and behavioral performance of face recognition was conducted. The results showed significant FFEs on P1, N170, N250, and P300 waves. The FFEs on occipital P1 and N170 (faces, and were not correlated with any behavioral measure (accuracy, response time) or modulated by learning, indicating that they might merely reflect low-level visual differences between face sets. In contrast, the later FFEs on occipito-temporal N250 (~230ms) and centro-parietal P300 (~350ms) showed consistent polarities for upright and inverted faces. The N250 FFE was individually correlated with recognition speed for upright faces, and could be obtained for inverted faces through learning. The P300 FFE was also related to behavior in many aspects. These findings provide novel evidence supporting that cognitive discrimination of familiar and unfamiliar faces starts no less than 200ms after stimulus onset, and the familiarity effect on N250 may be the first electrophysiological correlate underlying recognition of familiar faces in long-term memory. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Familiarity and Voice Representation: From Acoustic-Based Representation to Voice Averages

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    Maureen Fontaine


    Full Text Available The ability to recognize an individual from their voice is a widespread ability with a long evolutionary history. Yet, the perceptual representation of familiar voices is ill-defined. In two experiments, we explored the neuropsychological processes involved in the perception of voice identity. We specifically explored the hypothesis that familiar voices (trained-to-familiar (Experiment 1, and famous voices (Experiment 2 are represented as a whole complex pattern, well approximated by the average of multiple utterances produced by a single speaker. In experiment 1, participants learned three voices over several sessions, and performed a three-alternative forced-choice identification task on original voice samples and several “speaker averages,” created by morphing across varying numbers of different vowels (e.g., [a] and [i] produced by the same speaker. In experiment 2, the same participants performed the same task on voice samples produced by familiar speakers. The two experiments showed that for famous voices, but not for trained-to-familiar voices, identification performance increased and response times decreased as a function of the number of utterances in the averages. This study sheds light on the perceptual representation of familiar voices, and demonstrates the power of average in recognizing familiar voices. The speaker average captures the unique characteristics of a speaker, and thus retains the information essential for recognition; it acts as a prototype of the speaker.

  5. Familias con Adultos Quirúrgicos: Riesgo y Salud Familiar. 2007-2010

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    Luz Amparo Leyva Morales


    Full Text Available Estudio descriptivo cuantitativo que caracterizó familias con adultos quirúrgicos en la Unidad Hospitalaria "Clínica San Pedro Claver", apoyado en la Teoría de Riesgo Familiar Total (1 y Organización Sistémica de Friedman (2 Utilizó los instrumentos: Riesgo Familiar Total RFT: 6-69 y Salud Familiar General ISF: GEN 25, diseñados, validados para población colombiana por Amaya P. con validez y confiabilidad comprobados internacionalmente. La muestra de 202 familias residentes en Bogotá con adultos quirúrgicos institucionalizados, total 928 personas que fueron en 65% adultos. Predominó familia nuclear (43% con promedio cuatro personas por familia en la vivienda. El Riesgo Familiar Total fue riesgo bajo en un 88% y el 12% fue de familias amenazadas: 11% riesgo medio y solo 1% alto. La categoría de mayor riesgo corresponde a Servicios y Prácticas de Salud, en donde riesgo medio y alto suman 46%. Las categorías Condiciones de Vivienda y Vecindario y Condición Socioeconómica el riesgo medio y alto suman respectivamente 7% y 8%. La medición de la salud familiar fue Poco Organizada (49%, aunque Satisfecha (84%. Todas las familias requieren intervención en promoción de la salud, prevención y control del riesgo familiar total y salud familiar.

  6. Analysis of current labor market in Ukraine

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    I.B. Yurchyk


    Full Text Available The study presents current state of the national labor market and highlights its main trends. We have substantiated the necessity for building institutional support to the labor market in order to meet the needs of Ukrainian economy for innovative development in integrated environment. Measures for promotion of labor market in Ukraine should be: systematization of indicators evaluating its effectiveness; involvement in the assessment of both domestic and foreign experts; permanently identify weaknesses in the institutional support labor market; improving the infrastructure of the labor market. Of particular interest in promoting the efficient functioning of the labor market include the adoption of the concept that would provide incentives for innovative development of institutional support for the labor market. Important for rebirth of man's relation to labor should belong to such institutions as education, culture, family and church. Strategy for the development of effective national labor market should be based on the innovation focus of its institutions, to increase the competitiveness of the workforce and increasing the efficiency of its use in the region.

  7. Maritime Policy and the Seafaring Labor Market

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lobrigo, Enrico; Pawlik, Thomas


    The reports highlighting the foreseen lack of merchant marine officers for the expanding world’s fleet calls for a review in evaluating the impact of maritime policy in the seafaring labor market. This paper aims to clarify the particular characteristics of the seafaring labor market and how it can...... be shaped by specific maritime labor policies. The seafaring labor market in the Philippines, Poland, Germany, and Brazil as well as the general maritime labor policies in these countries is discussed. The focus on these countries leads to a comparative observation of maritime labor as a factor...... of production in an exporting market, in an importing market, and in a closed market, respectively, as shaped by various relevant maritime policies. Since a global policy that can regulate the maritime labor market does not exist, the trend on maritime labor supply is dynamic on a per country basis wherein crew...

  8. [Labor rights and the organization of workers in a context of change in labor relations: effects on health workers]. (United States)

    Pessanha, Elina Gonçalves da Fonte; Artur, Karen


    This paper presents the main institutional changes in labor relations in Brazil, highlighting their impact on the organization of workers. A more recent central change is the regulation of outsourcing by the Labor Judiciary. Research into claims in the Superior Labor Court, guidelines from the Labor Prosecution Office, and trade union lawsuits, show that outsourcing and working hours are subjects which have directly affected health workers. By addressing the institutional principles of justice in contracts, it was concluded that labor reform should deal with the inequality of rights that have characterized the Brazilian labor market.

  9. Fecundidad y Oferta Laboral femenina en el Uruguay: Un Enfoque Económico

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    Juan Pablo Pagano


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizan los determinantes conjuntos de las decisiones de fecundidad y oferta laboral femenina de los hogares uruguayos. En base a los datos de la Encuesta sobre Situaciones Familiares y Desempeños Sociales en Montevideo y Área Metropolitana de 2001, se estima la probabilidad de que una mujer se encuentre ocupada y de que haya tenido un hijo en el último año o en los últimos dos años, a través de un modelo probit bivariado. Los resultados confirman la existencia de endogeneidad entre ambos procesos, indicando la existencia de factores inobservables que hacen que las mujeres con mayor propensión a trabajar sean también las menos propensas a tener un hijo en el período, lo cual una vez tomado en cuenta cambia la dirección del efecto analizado.

  10. The sensorimotor contributions to implicit memory, familiarity, and recollection. (United States)

    Topolinski, Sascha


    The sensorimotor contributions to memory for prior occurrence were investigated. Previous research has shown that both implicit memory and familiarity draw on gains in stimulus-related processing fluency for old, compared with novel, stimuli, but recollection does not. Recently, it has been demonstrated that processing fluency itself resides in stimulus-specific motor simulations or reenactment (e.g., covert pronouncing simulations for words as stimuli). Combining these lines of evidence, it was predicted that stimulus-specific motor interference preventing simulations should impair both implicit memory and familiarity but leave recollection unaffected. This was tested for words as verbal stimuli associated to pronouncing simulations in the oral muscle system (but also for tunes as vocal stimuli and their associated vocal system, Experiment 2). It was found that oral (e.g., chewing gum), compared with manual (kneading a ball), motor interference prevented mere exposure effects (Experiments 1-2), substantially reduced repetition priming in word fragment completion (Experiment 3), reduced the familiarity estimates in a remember-know task (Experiment 5) and in receiver-operating characteristics (Experiment 6), and completely neutralized familiarity measured by self-reports (Experiment 4) and skin conductance responses (Experiment 7), while leaving recollection and free recall unaffected (across Experiments 1-7). This pattern establishes a rare memory dissociation in healthy participants, that is, explicit without implicit memory or recognizing without feeling familiar. Implications for embodied memory and neuropsychology are discussed.

  11. The Role of Familiarity for Representations in Norm-Based Face Space. (United States)

    Faerber, Stella J; Kaufmann, Jürgen M; Leder, Helmut; Martin, Eva Maria; Schweinberger, Stefan R


    According to the norm-based version of the multidimensional face space model (nMDFS, Valentine, 1991), any given face and its corresponding anti-face (which deviates from the norm in exactly opposite direction as the original face) should be equidistant to a hypothetical prototype face (norm), such that by definition face and anti-face should bear the same level of perceived typicality. However, it has been argued that familiarity affects perceived typicality and that representations of familiar faces are qualitatively different (e.g., more robust and image-independent) from those for unfamiliar faces. Here we investigated the role of face familiarity for rated typicality, using two frequently used operationalisations of typicality (deviation-based: DEV), and distinctiveness (face in the crowd: FITC) for faces of celebrities and their corresponding anti-faces. We further assessed attractiveness, likeability and trustworthiness ratings of the stimuli, which are potentially related to typicality. For unfamiliar faces and their corresponding anti-faces, in line with the predictions of the nMDFS, our results demonstrate comparable levels of perceived typicality (DEV). In contrast, familiar faces were perceived much less typical than their anti-faces. Furthermore, familiar faces were rated higher than their anti-faces in distinctiveness, attractiveness, likability and trustworthiness. These findings suggest that familiarity strongly affects the distribution of facial representations in norm-based face space. Overall, our study suggests (1) that familiarity needs to be considered in studies of mental representations of faces, and (2) that familiarity, general distance-to-norm and more specific vector directions in face space make different and interactive contributions to different types of facial evaluations.

  12. The Role of Familiarity for Representations in Norm-Based Face Space.

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    Stella J Faerber

    Full Text Available According to the norm-based version of the multidimensional face space model (nMDFS, Valentine, 1991, any given face and its corresponding anti-face (which deviates from the norm in exactly opposite direction as the original face should be equidistant to a hypothetical prototype face (norm, such that by definition face and anti-face should bear the same level of perceived typicality. However, it has been argued that familiarity affects perceived typicality and that representations of familiar faces are qualitatively different (e.g., more robust and image-independent from those for unfamiliar faces. Here we investigated the role of face familiarity for rated typicality, using two frequently used operationalisations of typicality (deviation-based: DEV, and distinctiveness (face in the crowd: FITC for faces of celebrities and their corresponding anti-faces. We further assessed attractiveness, likeability and trustworthiness ratings of the stimuli, which are potentially related to typicality. For unfamiliar faces and their corresponding anti-faces, in line with the predictions of the nMDFS, our results demonstrate comparable levels of perceived typicality (DEV. In contrast, familiar faces were perceived much less typical than their anti-faces. Furthermore, familiar faces were rated higher than their anti-faces in distinctiveness, attractiveness, likability and trustworthiness. These findings suggest that familiarity strongly affects the distribution of facial representations in norm-based face space. Overall, our study suggests (1 that familiarity needs to be considered in studies of mental representations of faces, and (2 that familiarity, general distance-to-norm and more specific vector directions in face space make different and interactive contributions to different types of facial evaluations.

  13. Tax policy and labor market performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.L. Bovenberg (Lans)


    textabstractIn exploring the impact of tax policy on labor-market performance, the paper first investigates how tax reform impacts labor supply and equilibrium unemployment in representative agent models. The impact of tax policy on labor market performance depends importantly on various other

  14. Teoria social, agricultura familiar e pluriatividade

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    Schneider Sérgio


    Full Text Available Este artigo procura apresentar um referencial de análise que permita entender a pluriatividade como um estratégia de reprodução social e econômica das famílias rurais. O tema central trata a agricultura familiar e a pluriatividade do ponto de vista teórico e conceitual. Situa-se o contexto em que aparece o estudo da agricultura familiar e da pluriatividade no Brasil e discute-se a origem e a evolução do debate sobre a pluriatividade, uma situação eminentemente relacionada à realidade dos países desenvolvidos. Situam-se, ainda, as análises sobre a pluriatividade no contexto das tradições teóricas clássicas dos estudos agrários, mostrando como esse fenômeno já fora objeto de preocupação de outros autores. Analisa-se, em seguida, a pluriatividade no âmbito das principais abordagens analíticas contemporâneas da teoria social e indica-se qual o referencial teórico que parece adequado ao seu estudo. Por fim, é indicada uma perspectiva metodológica para o estudo da pluriatividade em unidades familiares.


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    Dyah Maya Nihayah


    Full Text Available The wage have impacts on poverty, living standards and the incentive to improve labor productivity (human capital, in particular, for economic growth. Regional decentralization has implications, which, they must be developed regional endowment to get the efficiency in production process. So it is interesting to examine the importance of regional characteristics in the observed variability of regional wage in Indonesia. Based on this idea, the objective of this study is to examine the contribution of regional characteristics to the regional wage differential in Indonesia. Data supplied by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics during 2003 – 2007. In this study used 3 model; Ordinary Least Square (OLS, Co-Varian Model and Generalized Least Squared (GLS. Then, the most effective model based on the smallest standard error was chosen to estimate regional characteristics in the observed variability of regional wage inIndonesia. The result showed that the regional characteristics, particularly skilled or unskilled labor, play an important role in determining the wage differentials in region. The empirical evidence presented that regional economic growth and the existing of high skilled labor in labor market have positive impact toward spatial wage. Then, skilled labor and unskilled will give negative influence in regional wage. The points out is laboring existence with level education or skilled level, despite not works or was working have influence toward the regional wage. Therefore, labor's policy is expected gets focused on given specialization corresponds to that region characteristics.

  16. A global perspective on foreign contract labor. (United States)

    Smart, J E; Casco, R R


    This paper provides a general overview on foreign contract labor. The growth in the use of foreign contract labor is described with reference to other types of international labor movements such as 1) illegal, undocumented, or irregular migration; 2) free migration; and 3) permanent settlement migration. Within this general context, the various national advantages and disadvantages of contract labor are outlined. Particular issues like the role of trade unions and the likely future international labor circulation are noted. The 1984 World Labour Report estimates a global stock of almost 22 million foreign workers. Despite lack of reliable data, the size of irregular labor flows is considerable. More than 4 million undocumented workers, primarily Mexicans, can be found in the US alone. Other major flows of illegal labor go from China to Hong Kong, Malaysia to Singapore, Columbia to Venezuela, and poor Arab countries to oil-exporting countries in the Middle East. Laws are often poorly enforced and contradictory. Employers often actively recruit illegal migrants. While permanent migration was formerly the primary source of foreign workers, the numbers migrating in this manner are decreasing significantly. In absolute terms, host countries gain considerably more through the use of contract labor than sending countries. The pervasive commitment of national governments to economic growth is a prime consideration in the decision to import foreign labor. In general, trade unions have created an environment wherein the use of foreign labor in the formal as opposed to the informal labor market is more difficult. The disadvantages of labor export include the costs of family separation, worker exploitation, and cultural alienation. Remittances constitute the most tangible return of labor export. In many countries they have made a very considerable impact on the balance of payments deficit.

  17. The role of oxytocin in familiarization-habituation responses to social novelty

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    Mattie eTops


    Full Text Available Stress or arousal responses to novel social contexts ease off when individuals get familiar with the social context. In the present study we investigated whether oxytocin is involved in this process of familiarization-habituation, as oxytocin is known to increase trust and decrease anxiety. Fifty-nine healthy female subjects took part in the same experimental procedure in two sessions separated by four weeks. In the first (novelty session state trust scores were significantly positively correlated with salivary oxytocin levels, while in the second (familiarity session state trust scores were significantly negatively correlated with salivary oxytocin levels. In a path model, oxytocin was associated with increased trust in the novelty session and trust was associated with decreased oxytocin levels in the familiarity session. The results are consistent with the idea that oxytocin decreases stress-to-novelty responses by promoting familiarization to novel social contexts.

  18. Labor Agreement Information System (LAIRS) (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System (LAIRS) is a database containing historical information on labor-management relations in the Federal Government. It...

  19. Effects of Individual Health Topic Familiarity on Activity Patterns During Health Information Searches (United States)

    Moriyama, Koichi; Fukui, Ken–ichi; Numao, Masayuki


    Background Non-medical professionals (consumers) are increasingly using the Internet to support their health information needs. However, the cognitive effort required to perform health information searches is affected by the consumer’s familiarity with health topics. Consumers may have different levels of familiarity with individual health topics. This variation in familiarity may cause misunderstandings because the information presented by search engines may not be understood correctly by the consumers. Objective As a first step toward the improvement of the health information search process, we aimed to examine the effects of health topic familiarity on health information search behaviors by identifying the common search activity patterns exhibited by groups of consumers with different levels of familiarity. Methods Each participant completed a health terminology familiarity questionnaire and health information search tasks. The responses to the familiarity questionnaire were used to grade the familiarity of participants with predefined health topics. The search task data were transcribed into a sequence of search activities using a coding scheme. A computational model was constructed from the sequence data using a Markov chain model to identify the common search patterns in each familiarity group. Results Forty participants were classified into L1 (not familiar), L2 (somewhat familiar), and L3 (familiar) groups based on their questionnaire responses. They had different levels of familiarity with four health topics. The video data obtained from all of the participants were transcribed into 4595 search activities (mean 28.7, SD 23.27 per session). The most frequent search activities and transitions in all the familiarity groups were related to evaluations of the relevancy of selected web pages in the retrieval results. However, the next most frequent transitions differed in each group and a chi-squared test confirmed this finding (Pinformation search patterns

  20. US Investment Treaties and Labor Standards

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    Kwan-Ho Kim


    Full Text Available Korea and the United States declared the start of negotiations for the establishment of a free trade agreement. The FTA will include investment chapter. That means the Korea-US BIT (Bilateral Investment Treaty talk, which has been deadlocked since 1998, resumes as a part of FTA negotiations. The FTA investment chapter will be based on the US model BIT, which has been updated in 2004. The updated BIT version includes labor clause which provides that parties should not weaken labor standards in an effort to attract foreign investment. This clause is grounded on the criticism raised by labor groups which asserts that competition among countries to attract foreign investment leads to bidding wars in labor standards. No solid evidence is found in support of the hypothesis that foreign investors favor countries with lower labor standards. Nonetheless, some countries have offered special incentives to investors that limit labor rights in the belief that doing so would help attract foreign investment, especially in export processing or special economic zones. In this regard, the Korea's Act on free economic zones which provides exceptional labor standards to foreign invested enterprise in those zones may become an issue in reaching the FTA. This article contemplates the "not lowering labor standards" provision in the US BIT model and its implications on the FTA talks with the US.

  1. Manifestaciones mucocutaneas en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistemico

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    V. Saurit


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue estudiar en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES la prevalencia de las lesiones mucocutáneas. Se incluyeron 77 pacientes. Las lesiones mucocutáneas fueron clasificadas en específicas y no específicas. Se definió el fototipo, exposición solar y fotoprotección. Se relacionaron las lesiones con la serología y la actividad de la enfermedad. Las lesiones específicas encontradas fueron: agudas (67.5%, lupus subagudo (6.3% y lesiones crónicas (26.0%. Las lesiones no específicas fueron: alopecia difusa (59%, fotosensibilidad (57%, fenómeno de Raynaud (47%, úlceras orales (16% y livedo reticularis (12%. El fototipo 3 (35% fue predominante; la exposición a las radiaciones ultravioletas fue moderada en 74%. Sólo 47% utilizaron protectores solares. Los anticuerpos anti-Ro se relacionaron en forma significativa con eritema malar, fotosensibilidad, livedo reticularis y alopecia. Los anticuerpos anti-Sm se relacionaron con fenómeno de Raynaud. Todas estas lesiones se observaron con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con enfermedad activa. La prevalencia de las manifestaciones mucocutáneas fue ligeramente más elevada a la informada en otras series. Hubo mayor prevalencia de eritema malar, alopecia difusa, fotosensibilidad y livedo reticularis en pacientes con enfermedad activa y anti-Ro (+ y de fenómeno Raynaud con anti-Sm.(+.The objective was to analyze the prevalence of mucocutaneous lesions in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE. During a 3-year period, we analyzed 77 patients with a diagnosis of SLE. The mucocutaneous lesions were classified into specific and non-specific. We defined skin type, sunlight exposure and photoprotection and correlated these lesions with serology and disease activity. Acute specific lesions were found in 67.5% of the patients, subacute lupus in 6.5% and chronic lesions in 26.0%. The most prevalent non-specific lesions were alopecia (59.7%, photosensitivity (57.1%, Raynaud

  2. 48 CFR 52.222-3 - Convict Labor. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Convict Labor. 52.222-3... Labor. As prescribed in 22.202, insert the following clause: Convict Labor (JUN 2003) (a) Except as... union central bodies or similar labor union organizations have been consulted; (iii) Such paid...

  3. Episodic and Semantic Memory Contribute to Familiar and Novel Episodic Future Thinking. (United States)

    Wang, Tong; Yue, Tong; Huang, Xi Ting


    Increasing evidence indicates that episodic future thinking (EFT) relies on both episodic and semantic memory; however, event familiarity may importantly affect the extent to which episodic and semantic memory contribute to EFT. To test this possibility, two behavioral experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, we directly compared the proportion of episodic and semantic memory used in an EFT task. The results indicated that more episodic memory was used when imagining familiar future events compared with novel future events. Conversely, significantly more semantic memory was used when imagining novel events compared with familiar events. Experiment 2 aimed to verify the results of Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, we found that familiarity moderated the effect of priming the episodic memory system on EFT; particularly, it increased the time required to construct a standard familiar episodic future event, but did not significantly affect novel episodic event reaction time. Collectively, these findings support the hypothesis that event familiarity importantly moderates episodic and semantic memory's contribution to EFT.

  4. Comprendiendo la convivencia familiar en presencia del trastorno bipolar Understanding the familiar living in the presence of bipolar disorder

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    Ricardo Alberto Moreno


    Full Text Available El entendimiento de la familia sobre el trastorno bipolar es vital para su participación en el tratamiento. Con la investigación cualitativa de tipo etnográfico se buscó comprender el significado cultural de la convivencia familiar. Esta se realizó en una ciudad del interior del Estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Los datos fueron obtenidos por la observación participante y entrevistas. Fue respetado el rigor investigativo y los aspectos éticos. Participaron 25 personas (portadores y familiares. Las categorías identificadas fueron: convivencia intra-familiar conflictiva, relaciones extra-familiares perjudicadas, rutinas diarias alteradas, repercusiones en el presupuesto familiar, estigma y prejuicio. El tema cultural encontrado fue: "De la angustia inicial al enfrentamiento por una mejor calidad de vida". Las familias perciben que el programa psicoeducativo abierto, asociado al tratamiento farmacológico, constituye una forma rica de aprendizaje sobre la enfermedad y sobre las formas de ayuda necesarias para alcanzar la estabilización del humor.Understanding family life in the presence of bipolar disorder is vital to their participation in the treatment. Through qualitative ethnographic research, carried out in a medium - sized town, in the State of São Paulo (Southeastern Brazil, we aimed at better understanding family life in the presence of bipolar disorder. Patients and their families participated in the research, which included 25 individuals. Participant observation and interviews were used for data collection, which was carried out in accordance to ethical principles and scientific rigor. Data analysis identified the following categories: conflictive family life; impaired relationships with people outside the immediate family; disturbed daily routine; impact on family budget; stigma and prejudice. The cultural theme "From Initial Distress to Coping and Achieving a Better Quality of Life" emerged. Families perceived the

  5. The Neuropsychology of Familiar Person Recognition from Face and Voice

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    Guido Gainotti


    Full Text Available Prosopagnosia has been considered for a long period of time as the most important and almost exclusive disorder in the recognition of familiar people. In recent years, however, this conviction has been undermined by the description of patients showing a concomitant defect in the recognition of familiar faces and voices as a consequence of lesions encroaching upon the right anterior temporal lobe (ATL. These new data have obliged researchers to reconsider on one hand the construct of ‘associative prosopagnosia’ and on the other hand current models of people recognition. A systematic review of the patterns of familiar people recognition disorders observed in patients with right and left ATL lesions has shown that in patients with right ATL lesions face familiarity feelings and the retrieval of person-specific semantic information from faces are selectively affected, whereas in patients with left ATL lesions the defect selectively concerns famous people naming. Furthermore, some patients with right ATL lesions and intact face familiarity feelings show a defect in the retrieval of person-specific semantic knowledge greater from face than from name. These data are at variance with current models assuming: (a that familiarity feelings are generated at the level of person identity nodes (PINs where information processed by various sensory modalities converge, and (b that PINs provide a modality-free gateway to a single semantic system, where information about people is stored in an amodal format. They suggest, on the contrary: (a that familiarity feelings are generated at the level of modality-specific recognition units; (b that face and voice recognition units are represented more in the right than in the left ATLs; (c that in the right ATL are mainly stored person-specific information based on a convergence of perceptual information, whereas in the left ATLs are represented verbally-mediated person-specific information.

  6. A model of ant route navigation driven by scene familiarity.

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    Bart Baddeley


    Full Text Available In this paper we propose a model of visually guided route navigation in ants that captures the known properties of real behaviour whilst retaining mechanistic simplicity and thus biological plausibility. For an ant, the coupling of movement and viewing direction means that a familiar view specifies a familiar direction of movement. Since the views experienced along a habitual route will be more familiar, route navigation can be re-cast as a search for familiar views. This search can be performed with a simple scanning routine, a behaviour that ants have been observed to perform. We test this proposed route navigation strategy in simulation, by learning a series of routes through visually cluttered environments consisting of objects that are only distinguishable as silhouettes against the sky. In the first instance we determine view familiarity by exhaustive comparison with the set of views experienced during training. In further experiments we train an artificial neural network to perform familiarity discrimination using the training views. Our results indicate that, not only is the approach successful, but also that the routes that are learnt show many of the characteristics of the routes of desert ants. As such, we believe the model represents the only detailed and complete model of insect route guidance to date. What is more, the model provides a general demonstration that visually guided routes can be produced with parsimonious mechanisms that do not specify when or what to learn, nor separate routes into sequences of waypoints.

  7. Coping with divided attention: the advantage of familiarity.


    Griffiths, S. W.; Brockmark, S.; Höjesjö, J.; Johnsson, J. I.


    The ability of an animal to perform a task successfully is limited by the amount of attention being simultaneously focused on other activities. One way in which individuals might reduce the cost of divided attention is by preferentially focusing on the most beneficial tasks. In territorial animals where aggression is lower among familiar individuals, the decision to associate preferentially with familiar conspecifics may therefore confer advantages by allowing attention to be switched from ag...

  8. The effects of advertisement location and familiarity on selective attention. (United States)

    Jessen, Tanja Lund; Rodway, Paul


    This study comprised two experiments to examine the distracting effects of advertisement familiarity, location, and onset on the performance of a selective attention task. In Exp. 1, familiar advertisements presented in peripheral vision disrupted selective attention when the attention task was more demanding, suggesting that the distracting effect of advertisements is a product of task demands and advertisement familiarity and location. In Exp. 2, the onset of the advertisement shortly before, or after, the attention task captured attention and disrupted attentional performance. The onset of the advertisement before the attention task reduced target response time without an increase in errors and therefore facilitated performance. Despite being instructed to ignore the advertisements, the participants were able to recall a substantial proportion of the familiar advertisements. Implications for the presentation of advertisements during human-computer interaction were discussed.

  9. LAFD: TA-55 General Facility Familiarization Tour, Course #55261

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutherford, Victor Stephen [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Miller, Joshua [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Mason, Robert Clifford [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) will conduct familiarization tours for personnel of the Los Alamos County Fire Department (LAFD) at the TA-55 General Facility. These familiarization tours are official LANL business; the purpose of these tours is to orient LAFD firefighters to the facility so that they can respond efficiently and quickly to a variety of emergency situations. This orientation includes, among other topics, ingress and egress of the area and buildings, layout and organization of the facility, evacuation procedures and assembly points, and areas of concern within the various buildings at the facility. LAFD firefighters have the skills and abilities to perform firefighting operations and other emergency response tasks that cannot be provided by LANL personnel who have the required clearance level. This handout provides details of the information, along with maps and diagrams, to be presented during the familiarization tours. The handout will be distributed to the trainees at the time of the tour. A corresponding checklist will also be used as guidance during the familiarization tours to ensure that all required information is presented to LAFD personnel.

  10. LAFD: TA-16 HE Facility Familiarization Tour, OJT 55258

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutherford, Victor Stephen [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) will conduct familiarization tours for personnel of the Los Alamos County Fire Department (LAFD) at TA-16 high explosives (HE) facilities. These familiarization tours are official LANL business; the purpose of these tours is to orient LAFD firefighters to the facility so that they can respond efficiently and quickly to a variety of emergency situations. This orientation includes, among other topics, ingress and egress of the area and buildings, layout and organization of the facility, evacuation procedures and assembly points, and areas of concern within the various buildings at the facility. LAFD firefighters have the skills and abilities to perform firefighting operations and other emergency response tasks that cannot be provided by LANL personnel who have the required clearance. This handout provides details of the information, along with maps and diagrams, to be presented during the familiarization tours. The handout will be distributed to the trainees at the time of the tour. A corresponding checklist will also be used as guidance during the familiarization tours to ensure that all required information is presented to LAFD personnel.

  11. Collective labor supply and housework with non-participation of women in paid labor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Klaveren, C.; van Praag, B.; Maassen van den Brink, H.


    Back to overview Collective Labor Supply and Housework with Non-Participation of Women in Paid Labor (with B. van Praag and H. Maassen van den Brink) We estimate a collective time allocation model, where two-earner households behave as if the spouses maximize a household utility function, and where

  12. Significado do cuidado familiar à mulher mastectomizada Significado de la atención familiar a la mujer mastectomizada Meaning of family care to mastectomized women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se compreender o significado do cuidado familiar prestado à mulher mastectomizada. Estudo qualitativo, cujo referencial teórico utilizado foi o Interacionismo Simbólico, e o metodológico, a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Entrevistaram-se 11 familiares entre julho e agosto de 2008. Os resultados evidenciaram os seguintes fenômenos: enfrentamento das dificuldades da família para cuidar, diagnóstico de câncer de mama defrontado pela família e cuidado familiar percebido após a cirurgia. Concluiuse que, apesar de os participantes valorizarem o cuidado familiar, alguns se sentiam despreparados para assumi-lo efetivamente. Considera-se a relação familiar consistente uma estratégia fundamental para a reabilitação da mulher mastectomizada.El objetivo del estudio fue comprender el significado de la atención familiar a las mujeres mastectomizadas. Estudio cualitativo, cuyo marco teórico fue la Interacción Simbólica y Metodológica, la Teoría Fundamentada. Fueron entrevistadas 11 familias entre julio y agosto de 2008. Los resultados señalaron los siguientes fenómenos: hacer frente a las dificultades de la familia en la atención a la mujer mastectomizada, el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama enfrentado por la familia y el cuidado familiar percibido después de la cirugía. Se concluyó que, aunque los participantes valoren la atención familiar, algunos se sentían sin preparo para asumirlo con eficacia. Se considera que la relación familiar consistente una estrategia clave para la rehabilitación de mujeres mastectomizadas.It was aimed to understand the meaning of family care offered to mastectomized women. This is a qualitative study that used as theoretical reference the symbolic and methodological Interactionism and the Grounded Theory. 11 relatives were interviewed between July and August 2008. The results showed the following phenomena: facing family difficulty to take care, facing the diagnosis of breast cancer in the

  13. Department of Labor Semiannual Regulatory Agenda (United States)


    ... reduce or eliminate the amount of diacetyl in some kinds of flavorings, foods, and beverages. They have.... Hilda L. Solis, Secretary of Labor. Office of Labor-Management Standards--Proposed Rule Stage Regulation... in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. Office of Labor-Management Standards--Completed...

  14. 22 CFR 901.19 - Labor organization. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Labor organization. 901.19 Section 901.19 Foreign Relations FOREIGN SERVICE GRIEVANCE BOARD GENERAL Meanings of Terms As Used in This Chapter § 901.19 Labor organization. Labor organization means any employee organization accorded recognition as the...

  15. Vivências pessoais e familiares de homossexuais femininas Vivencias personales y familiares de homosexuales femeninas Lesbians' personal and family experiences

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    Yáskara Arrial Palma


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho, teve como objetivo descrever as vivências pessoais e familiares de homossexuais femininas. Foram entrevistadas seis mulheres, residentes em Caxias do Sul e região, de 22 a 33 anos, cujos familiares conheciam sua orientação sexual. Todas eram solteiras e de nível socioeconômico médio, e exerciam alguma atividade profissional. Uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa das entrevistas gerou diversas categorias e subcategorias temáticas. Em geral, a homossexualidade foi considerada normal/natural, uma situação que trouxe felicidade para as participantes, apesar dos preconceitos enfrentados. Na percepção delas, a reação dos familiares quando da descoberta da sua orientação sexual foi negativa, tendo melhorado ao longo do tempo em alguns casos. Tais achados revelaram uma mudança social na forma de pensar e agir diante da homossexualidade feminina, porém ainda lenta e gradual. Ficou evidenciada a necessidade de atuação da psicologia através de programas de atendimento às famílias e às homossexuais.Ese trabajo objetivó describir las vivencias personales y familiares de homosexuales femeninas. Seis mujeres (22 a 33 años, de Caxias del Sur y región, cuyos familiares conocían su orientación sexual, fueron entrevistadas. Todas eran solteras, de nivel socio-económico medio y ejercían alguna actividad profesional. Análisis de contenido cualitativa de las entrevistas generó diversas categorías y subcategorías temáticas. En general, la homosexualidad fue considerada normal/natural, una condición que trajo felicidad, a pesar de los prejuicios enfrentados. Las participantes consideraron negativa la reacción de los familiares frente a la descubierta de su orientación sexual, lo que ha mejorado a lo largo del tiempo en algunos casos. Tales resultados revelaron un cambio social en la manera de pensar y actuar delante de la homosexualidad femenina, sin embargo aún lenta y gradual. Se quedó evidenciada la

  16. Prior Familiarization With Takeover Requests Affects Drivers' Takeover Performance and Automation Trust. (United States)

    Hergeth, Sebastian; Lorenz, Lutz; Krems, Josef F


    The objective for this study was to investigate the effects of prior familiarization with takeover requests (TORs) during conditional automated driving on drivers' initial takeover performance and automation trust. System-initiated TORs are one of the biggest concerns for conditional automated driving and have been studied extensively in the past. Most, but not all, of these studies have included training sessions to familiarize participants with TORs. This makes them hard to compare and might obscure first-failure-like effects on takeover performance and automation trust formation. A driving simulator study compared drivers' takeover performance in two takeover situations across four prior familiarization groups (no familiarization, description, experience, description and experience) and automation trust before and after experiencing the system. As hypothesized, prior familiarization with TORs had a more positive effect on takeover performance in the first than in a subsequent takeover situation. In all groups, automation trust increased after participants experienced the system. Participants who were given no prior familiarization with TORs reported highest automation trust both before and after experiencing the system. The current results extend earlier findings suggesting that prior familiarization with TORs during conditional automated driving will be most relevant for takeover performance in the first takeover situation and that it lowers drivers' automation trust. Potential applications of this research include different approaches to familiarize users with automated driving systems, better integration of earlier findings, and sophistication of experimental designs.


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    Darko Majhoshev


    Full Text Available The paper addresses the problem of child labor and ways of protection from child labor abuse. Child labor is a negative social phenomenon that is widespread throughout the world, and also in Republic of Macedonia. International and national institutions and organizations are making serious efforts to eradicate this negative phenomenon, through the adoption of numerous international legal instruments (conventions, recommendations, declarations, etc.. Child labor as a phenomenon refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability of education, and that is socially, mentally, physically, or morally dangerous and harmful. All international organizations define this practice as exploitative and destructive to the development of the whole society. With international legal instruments of the UN, ILO, Council of Europe and the EU child labor is strictly prohibited. There are some important differences which exist between the many kinds of work that is done by children. Some of them are demanding and difficult, others are hazardous and morally reprehensible. Children are doing a very wide range of activities and tasks when they work.

  18. Child Labor: Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts To Protect Children Who Work. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate. (United States)

    General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.

    Occupational safety and health data and labor statistics were evaluated in order to update a 1991 report on child labor. Data were from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); the Department of Labor's (DOL's) investigations database and individual…

  19. Gender analysis of the Russian labor market


    Aleksandr Mikhailovich Panov


    The issue of gender inequality in the labor market affects all world countries to some extent. As salary is the basis of population’s sources of income in Russia, unequal pay to men and women for equal work can trigger gender discrimination in the labor market and beyond. The article focusses on the gender analysis of the Russian labor market. It focuses on conjunctural conditions of the labor market in a gender aspect, socio-economic characteristics of men and women as subjects of the labor ...



    Bea Chiang


    Cost accounting typically allocates indirect labor cost to cost object based on direct labor hours. The allocation process implicitly assumes that indirect labor costs vary proportionally with direct labor hours. The assumption of a linear relationship between indirect and direct labor is particularly suspicious at low production volume levels because there tends to be a fixed component in indirect labor. The linearity assumption is also challenged by recent increasing complexity of indirect ...

  1. Factores de riesgo psicosocial en una industria alimenticia de la ciudad de Cali

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    Felipe Arenas Ortiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral y extralaboral, así como las manifestaciones físicas y psicológicas ligadas al estrés en el trabajo, en trabajadores de una industria alimenticia en la ciudad de Cali (Colombia. Método. Para ello, se realizó una investigación descriptiva con diseño transversal. La información se recolectó a través del cuestionario de riesgos biopsicosociales asociados a la accidentalidad de Rentería, Fernández, Tenjo y Uribe (2008, adaptado por Zúñiga y Uribe (2009 a la totalidad de los trabajadores (43 sujetos, 72% mujeres y 28% hombres. Resultados. Los resultados evidenciaron manifestaciones físicas y psicológicas asociadas al estrés en los trabajadores y se presumieron exposiciones a factores de riesgo psicosocial, específicamente, en las dimensiones de condiciones de trabajo, disponibilidad de recursos, gestión de los líderes, alta carga laboral, ausencia de programas de capacitación y salud ocupacional. Conclusiones. Los principales hallazgos de este trabajo sugieren que es fundamental que diferentes instancias académicas, profesionales y legales atiendan la salud laboral de las pequeñas industrias alimenticias, pues sus trabajadores parecen estar expuestos a diferentes tipos de riesgo psicosocial y carecen de medidas de prevención entorno al estrés laboral.

  2. 23 CFR 140.906 - Labor costs. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Labor costs. 140.906 Section 140.906 Highways FEDERAL... Railroad Work § 140.906 Labor costs. (a) General. (1) Salaries and wages, at actual or average rates, and... reimbursable when supported by adequate records. This shall include labor costs associated with preliminary...

  3. Importancia del apoyo familiar en el control de la glucemia

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar la importancia del apoyo familiar en el control de la glucemia en diabéticos no insulino dependientes. Material y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles, considerando como casos a los pacientes con glucemia o = 140 mg/dl. El apoyo familiar se determinó con el cuestionario Environmental Barriers to Adherence Scales, que estima el apoyo otorgado para que el paciente siga las indicaciones terapéuticas. Se incluyeron 32 casos y 50 controles. Resultados. El apoyo familiar que recibe el paciente se asocia significativamente a la presencia de glucemia <140 mg/dl (razón de momios = 3.9; IC95% 1.4-11.1. Las demás variables no mostraron asociación significativa. Conclusiones. El apoyo familiar que reciben los enfermos influye en el control de la glucemia.

  4. Riesgo familiar total en salud y grado de salud familiar en las familias de los pacientes con diagnostico de síndrome coronario agudo

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    Ruby Elizabeth Vargas-Toloza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar el riesgo familiar total en salud y grado de salud familiar en las familias de los pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome coronario agudo de la Clínica San José de Cúcuta. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo transversal; en el que se calculó una muestra de 165 familias por muestreo no probabilístico. La recolección de la información se realizo por medio de los instrumentos RFT: 5-33 y ISF GEN-21 donde se clasifico el riesgo familiar total y se percibió el grado de salud familiar. Resultados: se evidencia que las familias están conformes con el modelo habitual de organización familiar en función de cada uno de los integrantes y del grupo como tal. Lo cual nos indica que toda la familia del paciente coronario lo ayuda a sobrellevar el proceso de salud-enfermedad y tiene claro el papel que juega dentro de ella permitiendo así la funcionalidad y la unidad que requiere este tipo de pacientes para su rehabilitación. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo biológicos, sociales y del medio ambiente que clasifican a la población estudiada dentro de riesgo familiar bajo. Se evidenció un alto grado de organización y satisfacción asegurando en gran medida la adaptación y el éxito de las familias frente al proceso de salud- enfermedad por la que atraviesan algunos de los miembros especialmente si es un paciente coronario.

  5. Barrera del desempeño laboral

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    María Del Rosario Alvarez-Ramirez


    Full Text Available El estres es un hecho complejo en la vida de toda persona con efectos distintos en cada quien, que no puede ser evitada ya que en todos lo momentos de la vida se esta en riesgo de presentarlo ante cualquier situacion, o una actividad laboral o familiar, que puede llegar a generar cualquier cambio que represente estres. Los sucesos negativos, dario, enfermedad o muerte de un ser querido, son hechos estresantes, asi como los sucesos positivos; ascender en el trabajo trae consigo el estres del nuevo status, de nuevas responsabilidades. Dentro de los trastornos clinicos vinculados al estres hay alteraciones como: trastornos del sumo, ulceras, dolores de cabeza, aceleracion del ritmo cardiaco y otros trastornos como los cardiovasculares: palpitaciones, hipertension arterial, trastornos digestivos, dolores, ardores, vomitos, nauseas, diarrea o estreriimiento y trastornos cutaneos: donde se presenta transpiracion de manos y pies y problemas alergicos. En el estres se pueden llegar a presentar dos tipos de estres: el positivo y el negativo. Los cuales presentan unas caracteristicas muy particulares, como en el estres negativo: una persona se encuentra ante un nitmero creciente de demandas que le plantean dificultad o constituyen una amenaza, se debe mirar el modo de afrontarlas. En el Estres positivo se presenta cuando la percepcion de capacidad de demanda es mucho mas amplia que las verdaderas demandas. Un aspecto fundamental ante la presencia de estres es la practica necesaria de un deporte o la realizacion de actividades recreativas.

  6. The assessment of labor: a brief history. (United States)

    Cohen, Wayne R; Friedman, Emanuel A


    In the 1930s, investigators in the US, Germany and Switzerland made the first attempts to quantify the course of labor in a clinically meaningful way. They emphasized the rupture of membranes as a pivotal event governing labor progress. Attention was also placed on the total number of contractions as a guide to normality. Beginning in the 1950s, Friedman determined that changes in cervical dilatation and fetal station over time were the most useful parameters for the assessment of labor progress. He showed all normal labors had similar patterns of dilatation and descent, differing only in the durations and slopes of their component parts. These observations led to the formulation of criteria that elevated the assessment of labor from a rather arbitrary exercise to one guided by scientific objectivity. Researchers worldwide confirmed the basic nature of labor curves and validated their functionality. This system allows us to quantify the effects of parity, analgesia, maternal obesity, prior cesarean, maternal age, and fetal presentation and position on labor. It permits analysis of outcomes associated with labor aberrations, quantifies the effectiveness of treatments and assesses the need for cesarean delivery. Also, dysfunctional labor patterns serve as indicators of short- and long-term risks to offspring. We still lack the necessary translational research to link the physiologic manifestations of uterine contractility with changes in dilatation and descent. Recent efforts to interpret electrohysterographic patterns hold promise in this regard, as does preliminary exploration into the molecular basis of dysfunctional labor. For now, the clinician is best served by a system of labor assessment proposed more than 60 years ago and embellished upon in considerable detail since.

  7. Reflexiones acerca de la salud familiar

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    Idarmis González Benítez


    Full Text Available Con el presente trabajo nos propusimos hacer una revisión de un conjunto de aspectos relacionados con la salud familiar, considerando ésta como un proceso único e irrepetible, que se caracteriza por no ser la suma de los problemas de salud individual de sus miembros y por tener un origen multicausal donde intervienen factores socioeconómicos, sociopsicológicos, psicosociales, del funcionamiento familiar, de la etapa del ciclo evolutivo, de la estructura y de la propia salud individual de los miembros. La salud familiar no es un estado estático, sino está sometido a un proceso de transformación, donde juegan un papel fundamental las potencialidades con que cuenta la familiaThis paper was aimed at reviewing a set of aspects related to family health, considering it as a unique and irrepeatable process that is not characterized by the sum of the individual health problems of the family members, but by its multicausal origin, where not only the socioeconomic, sociopsychological and psychosocial factors take part, but also factors connected with the family functioning, the stage of the evolutive cycle, the structure and the own individual health of the members. Health family is not a static state. It is subjected to a process of transformation, in which the potentialities of the family play a fundamental role

  8. Child Labor: A Forgotten Focus for Child Welfare. (United States)

    Otis, Jack; Pasztor, Eileen Mayers; McFadden, Emily Jean


    Discusses the worldwide problem of child labor and efforts to advocate for the welfare of these impoverished children. Considers factors that contribute to the continued use of child labor and the resistance of these labor practices to reform. Discusses child labor in the United States, and urges public advocacy for labor reform within child…

  9. The Influence of Kinship on Familiar Natal Migrant Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) (United States)

    Albers, Monika; Widdig, Anja


    In most primate species, females remain in the natal group with kin while males disperse away from kin around the time of puberty. Philopatric females bias their social behavior toward familiar maternal and paternal kin in several species, but little is known about kin bias in the dispersing sex. Male dispersal is likely to be costly because males encounter an increased risk of predation and death, which might be reduced by dispersing together with kin and/or familiar males (individuals that were born and grew up in same natal group) or into a group containing kin and/or familiar males. Here we studied the influence of kinship on familiar natal migrant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, by combining demographic, behavioral, and genetic data. Our data suggest that kinship influences spatial proximity between recent natal immigrants and males familiar to them. Immigrants were significantly nearer to more closely related familiar males than to more distantly related individuals. Within a familiar subgroup, natal migrants were significantly closer to maternal kin, followed by paternal kin, then non-kin, and finally to males related via both the maternal and paternal line. Spatial proximity between natal immigrants and familiar males did not decrease over time in the new group, suggesting that there is no decline in associations between these individuals within the first months of immigration. Overall, our results might indicate that kinship is important for the dispersing sex, at least during natal dispersal when kin are still available. PMID:24850977

  10. The role of familiarity in episodic memory and metamemory for music. (United States)

    Korenman, Lisa M; Peynircioglu, Zehra F


    Participants heard music snippets of varying melodic and instrumental familiarity paired with animal-name titles. They then recalled the target when given either the melody or the title as a cue, or they gave name feeling-of-knowing (FOK) ratings. In general, recall for titles was better than it was for melodies, and recall was enhanced with increasing melodic familiarity of both the cues and the targets. Accuracy of FOK ratings, but not magnitude, also increased with increasing familiarity. Although similar ratings were given after melody and title cues, accuracy was better with title cues. Finally, knowledge of the real titles of the familiar music enhanced recall but had, by and large, no effect on the FOK ratings. Copyright 2004 APA, all rights reserved

  11. Factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos Alimentarios: una revisión


    Ruíz Martínez, Ana Olivia; Vázquez Arévalo, Rosalía; Mancilla Díaz, Juan Manuel; Viladrich i Segués, Carme; Halley Castillo, María Elizabeth


    Desde una perspectiva multifactorial el presente trabajo es una revisión sobre los factores familiares asociados a los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA), considerando las aportaciones teóricas y empíricas propuestas en artículos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados de la búsqueda sobre TCA y familia, indican que los principales tópicos investigados son: funcionamiento familiar, relaciones hija-padres, experiencias estresantes, psicopatología familiar, actitudes y conductas h...

  12. Estudio de la conciliación del área personal, familiar y profesional en enfermeras/os hospitalarios con cargas familiares


    Martínez López, Nuria


    Las familias y las mujeres en particular, que trabajan fuera del hogar, necesitan conciliar no solo el trabajo y las responsabilidades familiares, también el área personal o tiempo dedicado a sí mismas. La profesión enfermera, mayoritariamente femenina y con una elevada carga física y emocional, resulta el marco idóneo para estudiar cómo se concilia el área personal, familiar y profesional, así como los aspectos que influyen en la conciliación. Hemos estudiado a las enfermeras/os con cargas ...

  13. Corporate Social Responsibility and Labor Agency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund-Thomsen, Peter; Coe, Neil

    This article examines the circumstances under which CSR initiatives facilitate and/or constrain labor agency in GPNs. Using a case study of Nike’s CSR approach in the football manufacturing industry of Pakistan, we explore how the CSR measures advocated in a new, emerging policy paradigm on CSR...... in GPNs affect labor agency at Nike’s main football supplier factory in Pakistan. We argue that international companies may undermine labor agency in GPNs through their sourcing policies, but that their CSR policies could have a potential, albeit limited, positive impact on labor agency in GPNs which...

  14. Immune cells in term and preterm labor (United States)

    Gomez-Lopez, Nardhy; StLouis, Derek; Lehr, Marcus A; Sanchez-Rodriguez, Elly N; Arenas-Hernandez, Marcia


    Labor resembles an inflammatory response that includes secretion of cytokines/chemokines by resident and infiltrating immune cells into reproductive tissues and the maternal/fetal interface. Untimely activation of these inflammatory pathways leads to preterm labor, which can result in preterm birth. Preterm birth is a major determinant of neonatal mortality and morbidity; therefore, the elucidation of the process of labor at a cellular and molecular level is essential for understanding the pathophysiology of preterm labor. Here, we summarize the role of innate and adaptive immune cells in the physiological or pathological activation of labor. We review published literature regarding the role of innate and adaptive immune cells in the cervix, myometrium, fetal membranes, decidua and the fetus in late pregnancy and labor at term and preterm. Accumulating evidence suggests that innate immune cells (neutrophils, macrophages and mast cells) mediate the process of labor by releasing pro-inflammatory factors such as cytokines, chemokines and matrix metalloproteinases. Adaptive immune cells (T-cell subsets and B cells) participate in the maintenance of fetomaternal tolerance during pregnancy, and an alteration in their function or abundance may lead to labor at term or preterm. Also, immune cells that bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems (natural killer T (NKT) cells and dendritic cells (DCs)) seem to participate in the pathophysiology of preterm labor. In conclusion, a balance between innate and adaptive immune cells is required in order to sustain pregnancy; an alteration of this balance will lead to labor at term or preterm. PMID:24954221

  15. Familiarity breeds dissent: Reliability analyses for British-English idioms on measures of familiarity, meaning, literality, and decomposability. (United States)

    Nordmann, Emily; Cleland, Alexandra A; Bull, Rebecca


    To date, there have been several attempts made to build a database of normative data for English idiomatic expressions (e.g., Libben & Titone, 2008; Titone & Connine, 1994), however, there has been some discussion in the literature as to the validity and reliability of the data obtained, particularly for decomposability ratings. Our work aimed to address these issues by looking at ratings from native and non-native speakers and to extend the deeper investigation and analysis of decomposability to other aspects of idiomatic expressions, namely familiarly, meaning and literality. Poor reliability was observed on all types of ratings, suggesting that rather than decomposability being a special case, individual variability plays a large role in how participants rate idiomatic phrases in general. Ratings from native and non-native speakers were positively correlated and an analysis of covariance found that once familiarity with an idiom was accounted for, most of the differences between native and non-native ratings were not significant. Overall, the results suggest that individual experience with idioms plays an important role in how they are perceived and this should be taken into account when selecting stimuli for experimental studies. Furthermore, the results are suggestive of the inability of speakers to inhibit the figurative meanings for idioms that they are highly familiar with. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Gravidez em mulheres adolescentes: a ótica de familiares

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    Fátima Raquel Rosado Morais


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo, em que se objetivou conhecer a ótica de familiares acerca da situação da gravidez de uma adolescente do grupo. O estudo foi desenvolvido no município de Mossoró-RN, no Conjunto Liberdade II. Quatorze famílias participaram do estudo e a amostra de familiares de adolescentes grávidas ficou constituida por dezenove pessoas: treze mães, uma avó, duas sogras, um pai. um padrasto e um sogro. Entre os resultados do estudo, verificou-se que a preocupação com a imaturidade física e emocional das adolescentes grávidas e as questões de ordem econômica predominaram nos discursos de grande parte dos familiares; que a crise situacional intrafamiliar parecia resolver-se com o evolver da gestação e ter solução mais rápida quando a adolescente estabelecia uma união consensual com o parceiro afetivo-sexual; e que, mesmo vivendo uma crise, o comportamento de solidariedade dos familiares superou as reações emocionais negativas e os conflitos interpessoais iniciais.

  17. Impact of familiarity on information complexity in human-computer interfaces

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    Bakaev Maxim


    Full Text Available A quantitative measure of information complexity remains very much desirable in HCI field, since it may aid in optimization of user interfaces, especially in human-computer systems for controlling complex objects. Our paper is dedicated to exploration of subjective (subject-depended aspect of the complexity, conceptualized as information familiarity. Although research of familiarity in human cognition and behaviour is done in several fields, the accepted models in HCI, such as Human Processor or Hick-Hyman’s law do not generally consider this issue. In our experimental study the subjects performed search and selection of digits and letters, whose familiarity was conceptualized as frequency of occurrence in numbers and texts. The analysis showed significant effect of information familiarity on selection time and throughput in regression models, although the R2 values were somehow low. Still, we hope that our results might aid in quantification of information complexity and its further application for optimizing interaction in human-machine systems.

  18. Social learning in nest-building birds: a role for familiarity. (United States)

    Guillette, Lauren M; Scott, Alice C Y; Healy, Susan D


    It is becoming apparent that birds learn from their own experiences of nest building. What is not clear is whether birds can learn from watching conspecifics build. As social learning allows an animal to gain information without engaging in costly trial-and-error learning, first-time builders should exploit the successful habits of experienced builders. We presented first-time nest-building male zebra finches with either a familiar or an unfamiliar conspecific male building with material of a colour the observer did not like. When given the opportunity to build, males that had watched a familiar male build switched their material preference to that used by the familiar male. Males that observed unfamiliar birds did not. Thus, first-time nest builders use social information and copy the nest material choices when demonstrators are familiar but not when they are strangers. The relationships between individuals therefore influence how nest-building expertise is socially transmitted in zebra finches. © 2016 The Author(s).

  19. Scent of the familiar: an fMRI study of canine brain responses to familiar and unfamiliar human and dog odors. (United States)

    Berns, Gregory S; Brooks, Andrew M; Spivak, Mark


    Understanding dogs' perceptual experience of both conspecifics and humans is important to understand how dogs evolved and the nature of their relationships with humans and other dogs. Olfaction is believed to be dogs' most powerful and perhaps important sense and an obvious place to begin for the study of social cognition of conspecifics and humans. We used fMRI in a cohort of dogs (N=12) that had been trained to remain motionless while unsedated and unrestrained in the MRI. By presenting scents from humans and conspecifics, we aimed to identify the dimensions of dogs' responses to salient biological odors - whether they are based on species (dog or human), familiarity, or a specific combination of factors. We focused our analysis on the dog's caudate nucleus because of its well-known association with positive expectations and because of its clearly defined anatomical location. We hypothesized that if dogs' primary association to reward, whether it is based on food or social bonds, is to humans, then the human scents would activate the caudate more than the conspecific scents. Conversely, if the smell of conspecifics activated the caudate more than the smell of humans, dogs' association to reward would be stronger to their fellow canines. Five scents were presented (self, familiar human, strange human, familiar dog, strange dog). While the olfactory bulb/peduncle was activated to a similar degree by all the scents, the caudate was activated maximally to the familiar human. Importantly, the scent of the familiar human was not the handler, meaning that the caudate response differentiated the scent in the absence of the person being present. The caudate activation suggested that not only did the dogs discriminate that scent from the others, they had a positive association with it. This speaks to the power of the dog's sense of smell, and it provides important clues about the importance of humans in dogs' lives. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Canine

  20. The effect of aromatherapy with lavender essence on severity of labor pain and duration of labor in primiparous women. (United States)

    Yazdkhasti, Mansoreh; Pirak, Arezoo


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Lavender essence inhalation on severity of labor pain and duration of labor. This single-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 120 pregnant women in two groups. The experimental group received 2 drops of Lavender essence inhaled at three stages (4-5, 6-7, 8-9 cm cervical dilation) and severity of the labor pain and duration of labor was measured before and after intervention. The control group was treated with distilled water as a placebo in the similar ways, too. The results showed that difference in the labor pain before and after intervention in two groups was significant (P = 0/001). But there was no difference in mean duration of the active phase and the second stage of labor between the two groups. Lavender essence aromatherapy may be an effective therapeutic option for pain management for women in labor. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Labor productivity adjustment factors. A method for estimating labor construction costs associated with physical modifications to nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riordan, B.J.


    This report develops quantitative labor productivity adjustment factors for the performance of regulatory impact analyses (RIAs). These factors will allow analysts to modify ''new construction'' labor costs to account for changes in labor productivity due to differing work environments at operating reactors and at reactors with construction in progress. The technique developed in this paper relies on the Energy Economic Data Base (EEDB) for baseline estimates of the direct labor hours and/or labor costs required to perform specific tasks in a new construction environment. The labor productivity cost factors adjust for constraining conditions such as working in a radiation environment, poor access, congestion and interference, etc., which typically occur on construction tasks at operating reactors and can occur under certain circumstances at reactors under construction. While the results do not portray all aspects of labor productivity, they encompass the major work place conditions generally discernible by the NRC analysts and assign values that appear to be reasonable within the context of industry experience. 18 refs

  2. Predictive codes of familiarity and context during the perceptual learning of facial identities (United States)

    Apps, Matthew A. J.; Tsakiris, Manos


    Face recognition is a key component of successful social behaviour. However, the computational processes that underpin perceptual learning and recognition as faces transition from unfamiliar to familiar are poorly understood. In predictive coding, learning occurs through prediction errors that update stimulus familiarity, but recognition is a function of both stimulus and contextual familiarity. Here we show that behavioural responses on a two-option face recognition task can be predicted by the level of contextual and facial familiarity in a computational model derived from predictive-coding principles. Using fMRI, we show that activity in the superior temporal sulcus varies with the contextual familiarity in the model, whereas activity in the fusiform face area covaries with the prediction error parameter that updated facial familiarity. Our results characterize the key computations underpinning the perceptual learning of faces, highlighting that the functional properties of face-processing areas conform to the principles of predictive coding.

  3. Word learning in adults with second language experience: Effects of phonological and referent familiarity (United States)

    Kaushanskaya, Margarita; Yoo, Jeewon; Van Hecke, Stephanie


    Purpose The goal of this research was to examine whether phonological familiarity exerts different effects on novel word learning for familiar vs. unfamiliar referents, and whether successful word-learning is associated with increased second-language experience. Method Eighty-one adult native English speakers with various levels of Spanish knowledge learned phonologically-familiar novel words (constructed using English sounds) or phonologically-unfamiliar novel words (constructed using non-English and non-Spanish sounds) in association with either familiar or unfamiliar referents. Retention was tested via a forced-choice recognition-task. A median-split procedure identified high-ability and low-ability word-learners in each condition, and the two groups were compared on measures of second-language experience. Results Findings suggest that the ability to accurately match newly-learned novel names to their appropriate referents is facilitated by phonological familiarity only for familiar referents but not for unfamiliar referents. Moreover, more extensive second-language learning experience characterized superior learners primarily in one word-learning condition: Where phonologically-unfamiliar novel words were paired with familiar referents. Conclusions Together, these findings indicate that phonological familiarity facilitates novel word learning only for familiar referents, and that experience with learning a second language may have a specific impact on novel vocabulary learning in adults. PMID:22992709

  4. Child Labor in America's History (United States)

    Goldstein, Harold


    A brief history of child labor and the fight for legislation to control it at both the state and federal level. The current legal status and the continued existence of child labor in modern times are also discussed. (MS)

  5. Revisiting the Novelty Effect: When Familiarity, Not Novelty, Enhances Memory (United States)

    Poppenk, J.; Kohler, S.; Moscovitch, M.


    Reports of superior memory for novel relative to familiar material have figured prominently in recent theories of memory. However, such "novelty effects" are incongruous with long-standing observations that familiar items are remembered better. In 2 experiments, we explored whether this discrepancy was explained by differences in the…

  6. Consumo de drogas psicoactivas y factores de riesgo familiar en adolescentes

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    Gregoria Francisca Canales Quezada


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo vulnerable de la población para el uso de drogas, siendo influenciados pór factores de riesgo de naturaleza biológica, psicológica o social, en el contexto individual, familiar y social. Los factores de riesgo familiar para el uso de drogas se relacionan con los estilos parentales de manejo familiar, incluyendo el tipo de comunicación construida, el establecimiento de normas y el manejo de sanciones, el clima emocional familiar y la cultura en torno a las drogas. Objetivo: Describir el consumo de drogas y los factores de riesgo familiar en los adolescentes del Reparto Primero de Mayo de la ciudad de León, Nicaragua. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal con una muestra de 76 adolescentes, elegidos a través del muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Para la obtención de los datos se aplicó un instrumento estructurado con preguntas cerradas. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo familiares presentes en la mayoría de los adolescentes fueran ausencia de los padres 65%, caracterizada por la disfunción familiar, presencia de problemas en el manejo de la familia y relaciones conflictivas. De los 76 adolescentes, 53% consumen alcohol y tabaco y el 47% consumen algún tipo de droga. Discusión y Conclusiones: De acuerdo al estudio son necesarios nuevos estudios en esta temática con mayor análisis que permitan continuar profundizando sobre el fenómeno de las drogas en este grupo vulnerable y el desarrollo de estrategias que contribuyan a la efectiva inserción social de los adolescentes y sus familiares.(Rev Cuid 2012; 3(3:260-9.Palabras clave: Adolescente, Factores de Riesgo, Drogas. (Fuente:DeCS BIREME.

  7. Funcionamiento familiar en familias víctimas de abuso sexual intrafamiliar-incesto

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    Ibeth Villanueva Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Abstract This article of research describes family functioning in victims of domestic sexual abuse (incest in the city of Barranquilla and the following dimension were taken in account: a Familiar adaptation to face up conflict situations, b Level of participation and emotional growth in each one of the members and c Affective relationships and commitments between family members. That is a descriptive study and Familiar APGAR test, which measures the rank of family functionality, proposed by Gabriel Smilkstein (1978, modify for Colombia by Liliana Arias (2006 was used. The sample was ten (10 members of families, victims of domestic sexual abuse (incest that received the clinical intervention en the “Centro de Atención Integral e Investigación para Víctimas de Abuso Sexual” (CAIVAS in the Barranquilla city. The results shows that 20% of the total population presents a severe family dysfunction, a 0% a moderate family dysfunction, a 20% a slight dysfunction and finally a 60% presented a normal familiar functionality. Resumen El presente artículo de investigación describe el funcionamiento familiar en víctimas de abuso sexual intrafamiliar (incesto en la ciudad de Barranquilla, teniendo en cuenta las siguientes dimensiones: a adaptación familiar para afrontar situaciones de conflicto, b nivel de participación y crecimiento emocional de sus miembros y c relaciones afectivas y compromisos existentes entre los miembros de familias. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo mediante la aplicación del test de APGAR Familiar propuesto por Smilkstein (1989, modificado para Colombia por Arias (2006, el cual mide el grado de funcionalidad familiar. Se aplicó a una muestra de diez (10 miembros de familias víctimas de abuso sexual intrafamiliar (incesto que recibían intervención clínica en el Centro de Atención Integral e Investigación para Víctimas de Abuso Sexual (CAIVAS de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar

  8. ¿"Desintegración familiar" o "Transición familiar"? Perspectivas sobre el cambio familiar en Guanacaste, Costa Rica.


    Sylvia Chant; Wagner Moreno


    Como en otros países de América Latina y del Caribe, sin mencionar el resto del mundo, la estructura de vida familiar en Costa Rica ha cambiado en décadas recientes. El matrimonio ha decaído, el divorcio y la separación aumentan, se incrementan los nacimientos fuera del matrimonio y en un número creciente de hogares las mujeres son jefas de hogar. Tanto a nivel nacional como internacional estas tendencias han sido consideradas como indicadores de una “desintegración familiar”. Esto a su vez c...

  9. Reflexiones sobre la incapacidad y aptitud laboral. Nuevas sinergias entre medicina evaluadora y medicina laboral. Historia clínica laboral única: la incapacidad laboral, un continuo evolutivo

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    César Eloy Díaz Salazar

    Full Text Available Numerosos agentes intervienen en la gestión de la incapacidad laboral, tanto temporal como permanente, y se hace necesario una actuación sinérgica entre todos ellos; del mismo modo, se considera que existen posibles actuaciones o cambios que pueden ayudar a disminuir el gasto y duración de los procesos, y proceder a la reincorporación laboral lo antes posible y de la forma más beneficiosa para el paciente, y, por ende, para la sociedad.

  10. The labor force of the future. (United States)

    Norwood, J L


    In the decades ahead, the US labor force will reflect changes in the industrial structure, with declines in some manufacturing industries and expansion in service industries. The services sector is so diverse that the jobs within it cannot be categorized as either high wage or low wage. The service-producing sector employs 85% of professional specialty workers in the US. In general, information on compensation trends indicates that greater increases in compensation have occurred for workers in service-producing as opposed to goods-producing industries. The increase in service sector jobs has created opportunities for women to enter the labor force and, at present, 5 out of 6 women work in this sector compared to fewer than 2 out of 3 men. Productivity growth rates in the service-producing industries vary substantially and are strongly affected by the business cycle. Central to employment opportunities in the years ahead will be the effect of new technology. To date, the aggregate effect of new technology has been increased employment and higher living standards. Although retraining programs should be in place, the scenario of a huge technology-created labor surplus seems unlikely. In fact, a more likely problem is a shortage of labor resulting from earlier labor force withdrawal and demographic aging of the population. Those in the 25-54-year age group will represent a larger share of the labor force in the years ahead. In addition, blacks are expected to account for 20% of the labor force growth in the next decade. Finally, given increasing labor force participation rates among mothers, employers may have to provide more flexible work schedules, assistance with day care, and more attractive benefits packages.

  11. Labor epidural analgesia: Past, present and future

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    Full Text Available One of the most severe pains experienced by a woman is that of childbirth. Providing analgesia for labor has always been a challenge more so because of the myths and controversies surrounding labor. It is imperative to understand the pain transmission during various stages of labor in order to select a proper technique for providing labor analgesia. The adverse effects of labor pain are numerous and affect both the mother as well as the fetus. Currently lumbar epidural is considered to be the gold standard technique for labor analgesia. Local anaesthetics like bupivacaine and ropivacaine are commonly used and adjuvants like clonidine, fentanyl and neostigmine have been extensively studied. However, despite being so popular, epidural analgesia is not without complications, with hypotension being the most common. Other complications include accidental dural puncture, infection, intravascular placement, high block and epidural hematoma. Other neuraxial techniques include continuous caudal analgesia, and combined spinal epidural analgesia. The numerous studies investigating the various aspects of this method have also served to dispel various myths surrounding epidural analgesia like increased incidence of cesarean section and instrumental delivery, prolongation of labor and future back pain. The future of labor analgesia lies in the incorporation of ultrasound in identifying the epidural space helping in proper catheter placement. The keywords "labor epidural" in the PUBMED revealed a total of 5018 articles with 574 review articles and 969 clinical trials. The relevant articles along with their references were extensively studied.

  12. Criação de Valor no Desempenho Econômico de Empresas Familiares e Não Familiares Brasileiras


    Micheli Aparecida Lunardi; Edmery Tavares Barbosa; Moacir Manoel Rodrigues Junior; Tarcísio Pedro da Silva; Wilson Thoshiro Nakamura


    Objetivo: este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a criação de valor no desempenho econômico de empresas familiares e não familiares brasileiras. Para tanto, adotou-se como universo do estudo as ações listadas no IBRX 100 do IBM&FBOVESPA no período de 2011 a 2015. Fundamento: A contabilidade e a finanças são pedras angulares no apoio à gestão baseada na criação de valor. Os dados contábeis são usados para avaliação de desempenho econômico-financeiro das organizações. Não obstante, os gest...

  13. O patriarcalismo possível: relações de poder em uma região do Brasil escravista em que o trabalho familiar era a norma The possible patriarchalism: power relations in a former slave region in Brazil where family labor was the rule

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    Cacilda Machado


    Full Text Available Esse artigo procura reunir indicadores da existência de uma peculiar forma de patriarcalismo em regiões de agricultura de alimentos do Brasil escravista, nas quais a população cativa era pouco relevante, do ponto de vista demográfico, e onde o trabalho familiar era a norma. O locus de estudo é a Freguesia de São José dos Pinhais (PR, na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX, cuja dinâmica das relações sociais é analisada a partir de dados sobre composição dos domicílios, produção e posse de terras.In this article I have attempted to show indications of a peculiar configuration of patriarchalism in certain food-producing regions. In these regions family labor was the rule and, from the demographic point of view, slavery was inexpressive. The locus of the study is "Freguesia de São José dos Pinhais" (State of Paraná in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the dynamic of the social relations there is analyzed through data on household composition, production and landholding.

  14. Globalization and Cross-Border Labor Organizing

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    Ralph Armbruster


    Full Text Available The globalization of the world economy has opened up new possibilities for cross-border labor organizing. In fact, several U.S. unions are working together with unions from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Japan, South Korea, and many European nations. For example, over the last several years, UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees, the AFL-CIO, and the international garment workers trade secretariat have worked directly with maquiladora workers in Honduras and the Dominican Republic. These efforts led to the formation of several labor unions and the first contracts ever negotiated in the maquiladoras in the Dominican Republic. In addition, labor rights and solidarity organizations, like the Campaign for Labor Rights, Witness for Peace, and the US/Guatemala Labor Education Project (US/GLEP, along with many other groups, have also played key roles in the formation of maquiladora unions in Nicaragua and Guatemala.

  15. Recollection and Familiarity in Recognition Memory: Evidence from ROC Curves (United States)

    Heathcote, Andrew; Raymond, Frances; Dunn, John


    Does recognition memory rely on discrete recollection, continuous evidence, or both? Is continuous evidence sensitive to only the recency and duration of study (familiarity), or is it also sensitive to details of the study episode? Dual process theories assume recognition is based on recollection and familiarity, with only recollection providing…

  16. 78 FR 17721 - Bureau of International Labor Affairs; National Advisory Committee for Labor Provisions of U.S... (United States)


    .... Department of Labor, which is the point of contact for the NAALC and the Labor Chapters of U.S. FTAs. The... of the U.S. Department of Labor serves as the U.S. point of contact under the FTAs listed above. The... for travel expenses. Authority: The authority for this notice is granted by the FACA (5 U.S.C. App. 2...

  17. Validity and efficacy of the labor contract

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    Jorge Toyama


    Full Text Available The validity and efficacy of the labor contract as well as cases of nullity and defeasibility import an analysis of scopes of the supplementary application of Civil Code taking into account the peculiarities of Labor Law. Labor contract, while legal business has as regulatory framework to the regulations of Civil Code but it is necessary to determine, in each case, whether to apply fully this normative body, or modulate its supplemental application, or simply conclude that it doesn’t result compatible its regulation due to the special nature of labor relations. Specifically, this issue will be analyzed from cases of nullity and defeasibility of the labor contract.

  18. Observations on International Labor Standards and Trade


    Alan B. Krueger


    This paper reviews the theoretical arguments for and against linking international labor standards to trade. Based on theory alone it is difficult to generalize about the effect of labor standards on efficiency and equity. Some economists have argued that international labor standards are merely disguised protectionism. An evaluation of determinants of support for legislation that would ban imports to the United States of goods made with child labor provides little support for the prevailing ...

  19. "Arab Labor"'s Alternative Vision: The "Liberal Bargain" in the Welfare State of Israel (United States)

    Gal-Ezer, Miri; Tidhar, Chava


    This study focuses on "Independence Day", an episode of "Arab Labor" (first season, 2008), a pioneer bilingual Hebrew-Arabic satirical Israeli TV series, written by Sayed Kashua, an Arab-Israeli author and journalist. "Arab Labor" was a breakthrough in the Israeli popular TV scape, where, as a rule, Arab-Israeli…

  20. Relationship between familiar environment and wandering behaviour among Korean elders with dementia. (United States)

    Hong, Gwi-Ryung Son; Song, Jun-Ah


    To explore the relationship between wandering behaviour and familiar environment in community-residing persons with dementia in Korea. Numerous non-pharmacological interventions have been developed to decrease behavioural symptoms and to increase the quality of life among persons with dementia. Although the concept of familiarity is very important and environmental interventions using the concept should have been developed for persons with dementia, no study examining even the direct relationship between familiar environment and wandering has yet been published. A descriptive, cross-sectional survey design. A convenience sample was gathered of 77 non-institutionalised, community-dwelling persons with dementia and their family caregivers in Seoul and Wonju, South Korea. Descriptive statics, Pearson's correlations, t-tests, and multiple regressions were used in the data analysis. The mean age of persons with dementia was 76.9 years (SD 8.0) and their mean cognitive level score using the Mini-Mental State Examination was 13.51 (SD 6.10). Most persons with dementia (71.4%) had been diagnosed with known types of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple infarct dementia, mixed type or Parkinson's disease with dementia. A familiar feeling with the environment was associated with cognitive impairment (r = 0.32, p familiar feeling with the environment (r = -0.56, p Familiarity and physical dependency in activities of daily living were the significant predictors for overall wandering and they explained 45% of the total variance. Cognitive impairment was the only significant predictor on the subscale of spatial disorientation. It was found that a familiar feeling with the environment was an important factor affecting persons with dementia's cognitive and functional abilities as well as specific features of wandering. However, future research using a more reliable method is necessary to confirm the findings obtained in this study. This study suggested that providing

  1. Reflexiones sobre el Real Decreto español 171/2007, de 9 de febrero, por el que se regula la publicidad de los protocolos familiares en las sociedades familiares

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    María Angustias Díaz Gómez


    Full Text Available El objeto de este trabajo es analizar el Protocolo Familiar, estudiando su concepto, naturaleza jurídica y eficacia, su contenido, publicidad y desarrollo. El protocolo familiar es un instrumento jurídico que pretende organizar la relación entre la familia y la empresa, separando ambas realidades y, especialmente, trata de planificar adecuadamente la sucesión de la empresa familiar. Se trata de reflexionar sobre el Real Decreto español 171/2007, de 9 de febrero, por el que se regula la publicidad de los protocolos familiares en las Sociedades Familiares.The object of this work is to analyze the Family Protocol, studying his concept, juridical nature and effectiveness, his content, advertising and development. The family protocol is a legal instrument that, intends to organize the interaction between a family and their family-owned business, separating both realities and, specially, it tries to plan adequately the succession of the family business. It is a question of thinking about the Spanish Royal decree 171/2007, of February 9rd, by which there is regulated the advertising of the family protocols in the Familiar Companies.

  2. Impacto de la conciliación laboral y familiar en el desempeño organizativo

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    Jose María Biedma Ferrer


    Full Text Available Objeto: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el impacto de la implantación de medidas de conciliación trabajo-familia en la percepción de los trabajadores y cómo ésta puede influir en el desempeño organizativo. Diseño/metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura y de los principales trabajos de investigación relacionados con el conflicto trabajo-familia y las medidas de conciliación para superar dicho conflicto, para extraer conclusiones sobre su impacto en el desempeño del trabajador. Aportaciones y resultados: Este trabajo propone un modelo integrador que muestra las relaciones existentes entre el conflicto y la conciliación trabajo-familia y variables perceptuales, de un lado, y relacionadas con el comportamiento organizativo del trabajador, de otro. Entre las variables perceptuales se analizan el estrés, la satisfacción laboral y la motivación. En cuanto a las variables relacionadas con el comportamiento organizativo del trabajador se analizan el absentismo, el abandono y el desempeño. Los resultados del análisis muestran evidencias de que la existencia de conflicto trabajo-familia influye de modo negativo en las variables perceptuales y en el comportamiento organizativo del trabajador, especialmente en su desempeño. A su vez, la existencia de medidas de conciliación incide positivamente en estas variables. Valor añadido: Este estudio integra diferentes perspectivas relacionadas con el conflicto y la conciliación trabajo-familia, desde una visión ecléctica. De este modo, se aporta a la literatura existente un enfoque más completo del tópico investigado. Además, el modelo integrador que se propone permite extraer conclusiones útiles para la dirección tanto desde una perspectiva puramente de gestión de recursos humanos, como de mejora de la productividad organizativa.

  3. ¿Perspectivas de género en los impuestos? la discriminación positiva en el IRPF


    Cubero Truyo, Antonio Manuel; Jiménez Navas, María del Mar; Sanz Gómez, Rafael J.


    En el IRPF pueden detectarse algunas manifestaciones de discriminación positiva, con beneficios dirigidos en exclusiva a las mujeres: la deducción por maternidad o las deducciones autonómicas para mujeres emprendedoras. También subrayamos otras medidas que, sin aludir de manera expresa a mujeres u hombres, tienden por razones sociológicas a favorecer en mayor medida a las mujeres (discriminación positiva tácita), como el tratamiento de las unidades familiares monoparentales, el tratamiento de...

  4. 48 CFR 2922.101-3 - Reporting labor disputes. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reporting labor disputes. 2922.101-3 Section 2922.101-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONS Basic Labor Policies 2922.101-3 Reporting...

  5. Factores de riesgo de asma bronquial en niños y su relación con la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas Risk factors of bronchial asthma in children and its relation to severity of clinical manifestations

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    Tatiana de la Vega Pazitková


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial es una enfermedad psicosomática que constituye un importante problema de salud mundial. La prevalencia estimada en Cuba es de 8,2 %. La identificación y el control de los factores de riesgo constituyen un pilar importante en el manejo de esta entidad. Objetivos: establecer la relación entre algunos de los factores de riesgo de asma bronquial y la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, que incluyó la totalidad de los niños menores de 15 años de edad, diagnosticados como asmáticos, pertenecientes a cinco consultorios médicos del policlínico "Ana Betancourt" cuya cifra asciende a 76 pacientes, durante el período de abril de 2007 a marzo de 2008. Resultados: Los niños se agruparon según la clasificación Global Initiative for Asthma 2007 en leve intermitente:15, leve persistente:19, moderado persistente:28 y severos:14. El total de los pacientes estudiados tenía antecedentes familiares de atopia y desencadenaban las crisis de asma con los cambios climáticos. El 95 % fue sensible a inhalantes respiratorios. En el 64 % de los hogares se detectó la presencia de fumadores. Solo el 36 % de los pacientes cumplía parcialmente el tratamiento intercrisis. Conclusiones: existe relación directa entre la severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas del asma bronquial y el número de factores de riesgo que la condicionan.Introduction: bronchial asthma is a psychosomatic disease that is a significant problem of world health. In Cuba its prevalence is of 8.2 %. Its identification and the risk factor control are a very essential base in management of this entity. Objectives: to establish the relation among some risk factors of bronchial asthma and the severity of clinical manifestations. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted including all children aged under 15, diagnosed with asthma seen in 5 consulting rooms of "Ana

  6. Labor. (United States)

    Martz, Carlton


    This theme issue of the "Bill of Rights in Action" looks at labor issues. The first article examines the unionization efforts of the Wobblies in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The second article explores the protests of the Luddites during Britain's Industrial Revolution. The final article looks at whether…

  7. Labor market reforms, growth, and unemployment in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agénor, Pierre-Richard; Nabli, Mustapha K.; Yousef, Tarik


    A general equilibrium model is used to study the impact of labor market policies on growth, employment, urban inequality, and rural welfare in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Various experiments are conducted, such as a reduction in payroll taxation, cuts in public......-enhancing job creation in the region, labor market reforms must take account of general equilibrium effects, including crowding-in effects on private investment and variations in income remittances and international migration patterns. Finally, we argue that labor market reforms should be viewed as a component...... of a more comprehensive program of structural reforms aimed at spurring growth and employment...

  8. Clima familiar deportivo y autoconcepto físico en la adolescencia

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    Lorena Revuelta


    Full Text Available En este estudio se analizan las relaciones entre las actitudes, valores e intereses familiares percibidos sobre la actividad físico-deportiva en general y de los hijos e hijas en particular, la autopercepción física y la actividad físico-deportiva realizada por los adolescentes. Participaron en el estudio 355 adolescentes de entre 12 y 22 años de las comunidades autónomas vasca y cántabra, a quienes se administraron el Cuestionario de Clima Familiar Deportivo y el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico. Los resultados indican que un clima familiar deportivo favorable se relaciona con un autoconcepto físico más elevado y con una mayor frecuencia de actividad físico-deportiva. Así mismo, aparecen diferencias en cuanto al clima familiar deportivo en función del sexo de los participantes. Las chicas percibieron climas menos favorables que los chicos y se advirtieron diferencias a este respecto en función del sexo del resto de hijos e hijas de la unidad familiar. Los hijos de familias en las que sólo había chicos percibieron climas familiares deportivos más positivos que aquellos pertenecientes a familias en las que había chicos y chicas, siendo las percepciones más desfavorables las de las chicas que sólo tenían hermanas o eran hijas únicas

  9. Early Smoking, Education, and Labor Market Performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Palali, Ali


    This study investigates the effects of early smoking on educational attainment and labor market performance. The results show that early smoking adversely affects educational attainment and initial labor market performance, but only for males. The effect of early smoking on initial labor market

  10. You look familiar, but I don’t care: Lure rejection in hybrid visual and memory search is not based on familiarity (United States)

    Wolfe, Jeremy M.; Boettcher, Sage E. P.; Josephs, Emilie L.; Cunningham, Corbin A.; Drew, Trafton


    In “hybrid” search tasks, observers hold multiple possible targets in memory while searching for those targets amongst distractor items in visual displays. Wolfe (2012) found that, if the target set is held constant over a block of trials, RTs in such tasks were a linear function of the number of items in the visual display and a linear function of the log of the number of items held in memory. However, in such tasks, the targets can become far more familiar than the distractors. Does this “familiarity” – operationalized here as the frequency and recency with which an item has appeared – influence performance in hybrid tasks In Experiment 1, we compared searches where distractors appeared with the same frequency as the targets to searches where all distractors were novel. Distractor familiarity did not have any reliable effect on search. In Experiment 2, most distractors were novel but some critical distractors were as common as the targets while others were 4× more common. Familiar distractors did not produce false alarm errors, though they did slightly increase response times (RTs). In Experiment 3, observers successfully searched for the new, unfamiliar item among distractors that, in many cases, had been seen only once before. We conclude that when the memory set is held constant for many trials, item familiarity alone does not cause observers to mistakenly confuse target with distractors. PMID:26191615

  11. The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets : Second Edition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boeri, T.; van Ours, J.C.


    Most labor economics textbooks pay little attention to actual labor markets, taking as reference a perfectly competitive market in which losing a job is not a big deal.The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets is the only textbook to focus on imperfect labor markets and to provide a systematic

  12. Mate familiarity and social learning in a monogamous lizard. (United States)

    Munch, Kirke L; Noble, Daniel W A; Wapstra, Erik; While, Geoffrey M


    Social learning is thought to be advantageous as it allows an animal to gather information quickly without engaging in costly trial-and-error learning. However, animals should be selective about when and whom they learn from. Familiarity is predicted to positively influence an animal's reliance on social learning; yet, few studies have empirically tested this theory. We used a lizard (Liopholis whitii) that forms long-term monogamous pair bonds to examine the effects of partner familiarity on social learning in two novel foraging tasks, an association and a reversal task. We allowed female lizards to observe trained conspecifics that were either familiar (social mate) or unfamiliar execute these tasks and compared these two groups with control females that did not receive social information. Lizards preferentially relied on trial-and-error learning in the association task. In the reversal task, lizards that were demonstrated by familiar partners learnt in fewer trials compared to control lizards and made more correct choices. Our results provide some evidence for context-dependent learning with lizards differentiating between when they utilize social learning, and, to a limited degree, whom they learnt from. Understanding the role of the social context in which learning occurs provides important insights into the benefits of social learning and sociality more generally.

  13. Modern Neuraxial Anesthesia for Labor and Delivery. (United States)

    Meng, Marie-Louise; Smiley, Richard


    The availability of safe, effective analgesia during labor has become an expectation for women in most of the developed world over the past two or three decades. More than 60% of women in the United States now receive some kind of neuraxial procedure during labor. This article is a brief review of the advantages and techniques of neuraxial labor analgesia along with the recent advances and controversies in the field of labor analgesia. For the most part, we have aimed the discussion at the non-anesthesiologist to give other practitioners a sense of the state of the art and science of labor analgesia in the second decade of the 21st century.

  14. Intersectoral labor mobility and deforestation in Ghana

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Owusu, V.; Yerfi Fosu, K.; Burger, C.P.J.


    This paper quantifies the effects of the determinants of intersectoral labor mobility and the effect of intersectoral labor mobility on deforestation in Ghana over the period 1970–2008. A cointegration and error correction modeling approach is employed. The empirical results show that labor mobility

  15. The gender division of labor and second births: Labor market institutions and fertility in Japan

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    Nobuko Nagase


    Full Text Available Background: Research has examined how the gendered household division of labor may deter the transition to second birth. However, little research has investigated how workplace norms influence men's household work. Objective: This paper takes into account labor market structure, workplace norms, and the legal environment governing working conditions to contextualize men's contribution to household labor and its effect on transition to second birth. Methods: Using data from the Japanese Longitudinal Survey of Adults in the 21st Century (2002 Cohort, we employ fixed-effects models to estimate the effect of workplace norms on men's contribution to household work and the effect of men's household work hours on transition to second birth. Results: Japanese male university graduates in large firms do a smaller share of household labor than other men. These men are subject to workplace norms prevalent in firm-internal labor markets, which have been supported by Japanese Supreme Court rulings. These norms influence men's allocation of time between the workplace and the home. Moreover, analysis of the transition to second birth indicates that husband's share of household work is an important predictor of second birth, especially for dual-earner couples. Conclusions: Our empirical results suggest that unless changes are made in Japanese employment law and workplace norms, dual-earner couples in particular will continue to face difficulties proceeding to a second birth. Contribution: This paper demonstrates how the economic and cultural context can create disincentives for men to contribute to household labor, which in turn lowers the probability of transition to second birth.

  16. Automatization and familiarity in repeated checking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dek, E.C.P.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/313959552; van den Hout, M.A.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/070445354; Giele, C.L.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/318754460; Engelhard, I.M.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/239681533


    Repetitive, compulsive-like checking of an object leads to reductions in memory confidence, vividness, and detail. Experimental research suggests that this is caused by increased familiarity with perceptual characteristics of the stimulus and automatization of the checking procedure (Dek, van den

  17. Familiarity and Sex Based Stereotypes on Instant Impressions of Male and Female Faculty (United States)

    Nadler, Joel T.; Berry, Seth A.; Stockdale, Margaret S.


    To address the stranger-to-stranger critique of stereotyping research, psychology students (n = 139) and law students (n = 58) rated photographs of familiar or unfamiliar male or female professors on competence. Results from Study 1 indicated that familiar male psychology faculty were rated as more competent than were familiar female faculty,…

  18. Transnacionalización de la subsistencia familiar

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    Stéphanie Arsenault


    Full Text Available La familia es el grupo a través del cual se gestiona la mayor parte de los movimientos de dinero entre la provincia de Quebec y Colombia, y por lo común son destinados a la subsistencia familiar cotidiana. Los flujos de dinero entre ambos territorios se producen en el seno de la mayoría de las familias, tienen una frecuencia muy variada y los montos involucrados son modestos. Los testimonios recogidos entre las personas que mandan dinero a sus familiares en Colombia revelan que, para la mayoría de ellas, la frecuencia y los montos que envían se reducen una vez que se han asentado en la provincia de Quebec, en comparación con la situación previa al exilio. Para muchos de ellos, el papel de proveedor económico que desempeñaban dentro de su familia se ha reducido de manera considerable; y para otros inclusive desaparece. De manera general, se puede afirmar que no se producen cambios importantes en lo que se refiere a las intenciones de las personas en colaborar económicamente con sus familiares al salir en exilio. Los cambios se producen en las posibilidades concretas de hacerlo, las cuales disminuyen o desaparecen.

  19. Familiarity and recollection in heuristic decision making. (United States)

    Schwikert, Shane R; Curran, Tim


    Heuristics involve the ability to utilize memory to make quick judgments by exploiting fundamental cognitive abilities. In the current study we investigated the memory processes that contribute to the recognition heuristic and the fluency heuristic, which are both presumed to capitalize on the byproducts of memory to make quick decisions. In Experiment 1, we used a city-size comparison task while recording event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the potential contributions of familiarity and recollection to the 2 heuristics. ERPs were markedly different for recognition heuristic-based decisions and fluency heuristic-based decisions, suggesting a role for familiarity in the recognition heuristic and recollection in the fluency heuristic. In Experiment 2, we coupled the same city-size comparison task with measures of subjective preexperimental memory for each stimulus in the task. Although previous literature suggests the fluency heuristic relies on recognition speed alone, our results suggest differential contributions of recognition speed and recollected knowledge to these decisions, whereas the recognition heuristic relies on familiarity. Based on these results, we created a new theoretical framework that explains decisions attributed to both heuristics based on the underlying memory associated with the choice options. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  20. Global Value Chains, Labor Organization and Private Social Standards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riisgaard, Lone


    This article examines the opportunities and challenges that private social standards pose for labor organizations. It explores different labor responses to private social standards in East African cut flower industries. The analysis incorporates the concept of labor agency in global value chain a...... at production sites. However, labor organizations' ability to seriously challenge the prevailing governance structure of the cut flower value chain appears extremely limited.......This article examines the opportunities and challenges that private social standards pose for labor organizations. It explores different labor responses to private social standards in East African cut flower industries. The analysis incorporates the concept of labor agency in global value chain...... analysis and reveals how retailer-driven chains offer more room for labor organizations to exercise their agency than the traditional cut flower value chains. Labor organizations have been able to influence social standard setting and implementation, and to use standards to further labor representation...

  1. La crisis normativa de la adolescencia y su repercusión familiar

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    Patricia María Herrera Santí


    Full Text Available En este estudio se hace un análisis del impacto de la adolescencia como crisis normativa en la salud familiar, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes áreas que la componen, como la socioeconómica, la sociopsicológica, el funcionamiento familiar y la salud individual. También se relaciona el nivel de este impacto y si es favorable o no a la salud familiar con otras variables como la estructura familiar, las características del subsistema parental y fraternal y la presencia de otras crisis familiares. El estudio fue realizado en el período de Marzo del 1999 a Marzo del 2000, con 57 familias, que constituyen el total de las que presentaban al menos un hijo en el período adolescente, todas correspondientes al consultorio 647 del Policlínico Docente "Enrique Betancourt Neninger", en Alamar. Dentro de los resultados encontramos que este evento tuvo un impacto de moderado a elevado, con un sentido favorable para la salud familiar, excepto en el área socioeconómica donde hay un predominio del sentido desfavorable, encontrándose relación significativa entre el sentido del impacto y las consecuencias percibidas por la familia debido al paso por esta etapa.

  2. Social familiarity relaxes the constraints of limited attention and enhances reproduction of group-living predatory mites (United States)

    Strodl, Markus A; Schausberger, Peter


    In many group-living animals, within-group associations are determined by familiarity, i.e. familiar individuals, independent of genetic relatedness, preferentially associate with each other. The ultimate causes of this behaviour are poorly understood and rigorous documentation of its adaptive significance is scarce. Limited attention theory states that focusing on a given task has interrelated cognitive, behavioural and physiological costs with respect to the attention paid to other tasks. In multiple signal environments attention has thus to be shared among signals. Assuming that familiar neighbours require less attention than unfamiliar ones, associating with familiar individuals should increase the efficiency in other tasks and ultimately increase fitness. We tested this prediction in adult females of the group-living, plant-inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. We evaluated the influence of social familiarity on within-group association behaviour, activity, predation and reproduction. In mixed groups (familiar and unfamiliar), familiar predator females preferentially associated with each other. In pure groups (either familiar or unfamiliar), familiar predator females produced more eggs than unfamiliar females at similar predation rates. Higher egg production was correlated with lower activity levels, indicating decreased restlessness. In light of limited attention theory, we argue that the ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals and preferential association with familiar individuals confers a selective advantage because familiar social environments are cognitively and physiologically less taxing than unfamiliar social environments. PMID:24273345

  3. Perception of Family Functioning Among Relatives of Women Who Survived Breast Cancer: Gender Differences Percepción del funcionamiento familiar entre familiares de mujeres sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama: diferencias de género Percepção do funcionamento familiar entre familiares de mulheres sobreviventes ao câncer de mama: diferenças de gênero

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    Raquel Gabrielli Biffi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to know how female and male family members perceive their family dynamics after breast cancer. Barnhill's proposal of a healthy family functional model served as the theoretical framework for this qualitative research. The data was obtained through interviews and submitted to content analysis. The results showed that, in the adaptation process to breast cancer, both genders use clear communication in order to achieve family balance and present interactions characterized by mutual and individual feelings. The responsibility for maintaining the family is attributed to the daughters, whereas the male elements show more disorganization with regard to family functions. The bond between family members of both genders who are affected by breast cancer shows important interactions in the identity process.El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer como familiares del género femenino y masculino perciben la dinámica de sus familias, después del cáncer de mama. Es una investigación de abordaje cualitativo que tomó como marco teórico el modelo de funcionamiento familiar saludable, propuesto por Barnhill. Participaron 23 familiares constituyentes de 10 familias. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas y sometidos al análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron que, en el proceso de adaptación al cáncer de mama, ambos géneros utilizan la comunicación clara para la búsqueda del equilibrio familiar y presentan interacciones caracterizadas por sentimientos de mutualidad e individuación. A las hijas es atribuida la responsabilidad por la manutención de la familia y los elementos del género masculino demuestran mayor desorganización en el funcionamiento familiar. El vínculo de los familiares de ambos géneros, que experimentan el cáncer de mama, presenta interacciones importantes en el proceso de identidad.O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer como familiares do gênero feminino e masculino percebem a din

  4. Effects of Familiarity and Feeding on Newborn Speech-Voice Recognition (United States)

    Valiante, A. Grace; Barr, Ronald G.; Zelazo, Philip R.; Brant, Rollin; Young, Simon N.


    Newborn infants preferentially orient to familiar over unfamiliar speech sounds. They are also better at remembering unfamiliar speech sounds for short periods of time if learning and retention occur after a feed than before. It is unknown whether short-term memory for speech is enhanced when the sound is familiar (versus unfamiliar) and, if so,…

  5. Labor Comes into Its Own. (United States)

    Wehrle, Edmund F.


    Presents a concise and interesting overview of the rise and extension of labor activity during the New Deal. Labor took advantage of Roosevelt's pro-union policies to consolidate their power and forever transform the lives of working men and women. Discusses improvements in working conditions, wages, and benefits. (MJP)

  6. You can't drink a word: lexical and individual emotionality affect subjective familiarity judgments. (United States)

    Westbury, Chris


    For almost 30 years, subjective familiarity has been used in psycholinguistics as an explanatory variable, allegedly able to explain many phenomena that have no other obvious explanation (Gernsbacher in J Exp Psychol General 113:256-281, 1984). In this paper, the hypothesis tested is that the subjective familiarity of words is reflecting personal familiarity with or importance of the referents of words. Using an empirically-grounded model of affective force derived from Wundt (Grundriss der Psychologie [Outlines of Psychology]. Engelmann, Leibzig, 1896) and based in a co-occurrence model of semantics (which involves no human judgment), it is shown that affective force can account for the same variance in a large set of human subjective familiarity judgments as other human subjective familiarity judgments, can predict whether people will rate new words of the same objective frequency as more or less familiar, can predict lexical access as well as human subjective familiarity judgments do, and has a predicted relationship to age of acquisition norms. Individuals who have highly affective reactivity [as measured by Carver and White's (J Pers Soc Psychol 67(2):319-333, 1994) Behavioral Inhibition Scale and Behavioral Activation Scales] rate words as significantly more familiar than individuals who have low affective reactivity.

  7. Labor Economics and Sociology of Labor: Demarkation Problem

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    S N Lebedev


    Full Text Available The article deals with important economic and sociological problems taking into account their relevance to economics and sociology of labor as two independent sciences. The author suggests some demarcation boundaries of the concepts relevant to contemporary life within these two disciplines.

  8. Human Novelty Response to Emotional Animal Vocalizations: Effects of Phylogeny and Familiarity

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    Marina Scheumann


    Full Text Available Darwin (1872 postulated that emotional expressions contain universals that are retained across species. We recently showed that human rating responses were strongly affected by a listener's familiarity with vocalization types, whereas evidence for universal cross-taxa emotion recognition was limited. To disentangle the impact of evolutionarily retained mechanisms (phylogeny and experience-driven cognitive processes (familiarity, we compared the temporal unfolding of event-related potentials (ERPs in response to agonistic and affiliative vocalizations expressed by humans and three animal species. Using an auditory oddball novelty paradigm, ERPs were recorded in response to task-irrelevant novel sounds, comprising vocalizations varying in their degree of phylogenetic relationship and familiarity to humans. Vocalizations were recorded in affiliative and agonistic contexts. Offline, participants rated the vocalizations for valence, arousal, and familiarity. Correlation analyses revealed a significant correlation between a posteriorly distributed early negativity and arousal ratings. More specifically, a contextual category effect of this negativity was observed for human infant and chimpanzee vocalizations but absent for other species vocalizations. Further, a significant correlation between the later and more posteriorly P3a and P3b responses and familiarity ratings indicates a link between familiarity and attentional processing. A contextual category effect of the P3b was observed for the less familiar chimpanzee and tree shrew vocalizations. Taken together, these findings suggest that early negative ERP responses to agonistic and affiliative vocalizations may be influenced by evolutionary retained mechanisms, whereas the later orienting of attention (positive ERPs may mainly be modulated by the prior experience.

  9. Cortical mechanisms of person representation: recognition of famous and personally familiar names. (United States)

    Sugiura, Motoaki; Sassa, Yuko; Watanabe, Jobu; Akitsuki, Yuko; Maeda, Yasuhiro; Matsue, Yoshihiko; Fukuda, Hiroshi; Kawashima, Ryuta


    Personally familiar people are likely to be represented more richly in episodic, emotional, and behavioral contexts than famous people, who are usually represented predominantly in semantic context. To reveal cortical mechanisms supporting this differential person representation, we compared cortical activation during name recognition tasks between personally familiar and famous names, using an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Normal subjects performed familiar- or unfamiliar-name detection tasks during visual presentation of personally familiar (Personal), famous (Famous), and unfamiliar (Unfamiliar) names. The bilateral temporal poles and anterolateral temporal cortices, as well as the left temporoparietal junction, were activated in the contrasts Personal-Unfamiliar and Famous-Unfamiliar to a similar extent. The bilateral occipitotemporoparietal junctions, precuneus, and posterior cingulate cortex showed activation in the contrasts Personal-Unfamiliar and Personal-Famous. Together with previous findings, differential activation in the occipitotemporoparietal junction, precuneus, and posterior cingulate cortex between personally familiar and famous names is considered to reflect differential person representation. The similar extent of activation for personally familiar and famous names in the temporal pole and anterolateral temporal cortex is consistent with the associative role of the anterior temporal cortex in person identification, which has been conceptualized as a person identity node in many models of person identification. The left temporoparietal junction was considered to process familiar written names. The results illustrated the neural correlates of the person representation as a network of discrete regions in the bilateral posterior cortices, with the anterior temporal cortices having a unique associative role.

  10. Gender Bias and Child Labor in LDCs


    Alok Kumar; Emma Underhill


    Empirical evidence suggests that girls work more than boys as child labor. In this paper, we develop a model to analyze the causes and consequences of the gender differentials in child labor. In particular, we analyze the effects of gender bias on child labor. We find that when parents can give strictly positive bequests to both boys and girls, son preference on its own does not lead to gender differential in child labor. Only when parents cannot give bequests, girls work more than boys as ch...

  11. Labor force activity after 60

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peder J.; Larsen, Mona


    of reference. Main emphasis is given to the development in two distint age groups, i.e. people in the first half of the 60s of which many are eligible for early retirement programs and people older than 65 mostly eligible for social security retirement programs. For these two age groups the actual development...... in labor force participation is described based on register data and on labor force surveys along with indicators of cohort relevant changes in education and health. Focus in the paper includes also the gender aspect to accommodate stronger cohort effects for women than for men. The impact on labor force...

  12. Solidarity Action in Global Labor Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wad, Peter


    Globalization transforms workforces of transnational corporation from predominantly home countrydominated workforces into foreign-dominated, multinational workforces. Thus, the national grounding of trade unions as the key form of labor organizing is challenged by new multinational compositions...... and cross-border relocations of corporate employment affecting working conditions of employees and trade unions in local places. We assume that economic globalization is characterized by expanding global corporate network of vertically and horizontally integrated (equity-based) and disintegrated (nonequity......-based) value chains. We also assume that globalization can both impede and enable labor empowerment. Based on these premises the key question is, how can labor leverage effective power against management in global corporate networks? This question is split into two subquestions: a) How can labor theoretically...

  13. Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation

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    Dr. Adiqa Kausar Kiani


    Full Text Available There are many factors related to female entering the labor market. For example, household income, household expenditure, education and status of the head of the household (male/ female. The degree of correlation between each variable and female labor force participation rate varies throughout the country. This study focused on the factors due to which women enter in labor market. Tobit model is used for this analysis. It is concluded that education and household expenditures have positive but insignificant impact on the female LF, whereas household income and head of the household has negative impact on FLF. It is suggested that in order to improve the working condition of female labor force government should take necessary action, for example women education etc.

  14. 20 CFR 202.15 - Railway labor organizations. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Railway labor organizations. 202.15 Section... EMPLOYERS UNDER THE ACT § 202.15 Railway labor organizations. Railway labor organizations, national in scope... bylaws of such organizations, shall be employers within the meaning of the act. (a) An organization doing...

  15. Gender analysis of the Russian labor market

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    Aleksandr Mikhailovich Panov


    Full Text Available The issue of gender inequality in the labor market affects all world countries to some extent. As salary is the basis of population’s sources of income in Russia, unequal pay to men and women for equal work can trigger gender discrimination in the labor market and beyond. The article focusses on the gender analysis of the Russian labor market. It focuses on conjunctural conditions of the labor market in a gender aspect, socio-economic characteristics of men and women as subjects of the labor market and the institutional features of the Russian labor market. The study reveals that, despite lower wages, women, judging by their socio-economic characteristics, possess competitive advantages over men, having higher level of education and better state of health. In addition to horizontal segregation, traditional partition of industries to “male” and “female”, the main causes of gender wage gaps are discriminatory social attitudes and social role of women. The issue to address gender discrimination in the modern Russian society becomes more critical due to contradiction between normative-legal acts, stipulating the gender equality in all spheres of life, and discriminatory social attitudes. The article gives a brief overview of research and practice publications on the problem of gender disparities in labor remuneration and methods to address them in the developed world. The state statistical monitoring of labor productivity in terms of gender is considered as a tool for in-depth study of discrimination


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    Lutgarda Hernández-Alba


    Full Text Available Quality of life is a term that is being used by major profusion in the last years, is a social concept in permanent change. The professional of the Cuban school constitutes one of the fundamental links that he contributes to the quality of the educational system. They are before the challenge of orientating to obtain a favorable environment for the conviviality in the families and the community. Coexisting is to share, and to advance in this way is necessary to promote the participation. Only in a social positive climate they arise and phenomena develop as the commitment, the motivation and implication with the company. With the present investigation there is identified in the context of labor performance of the licentiate in Pedagogy - psychology in the different educations the behavior of the quality of life in the familiar and community conviviality and there is analyzed an approximation and verification of the need to form teachers who guarantee the orientation in the topic. In this work it is thought over in the study realized in this problematic and there is corroborated that it is necessary to work of way cooperated to complement the investigations and the analyses; to contribute without prejudices the accumulated one investigative of our institutions and the offers with theoretical and methodological reflections that change the logics of the thought especially into the quality of life into the conviviality that they can be approached by systematizing and proposed that they should promote the familiar and community participation in the promotion of a climate of tolerance and acceptance of other one. The education and his professionals must guarantee the contribution of the culture and the education to the sustainable development and the need to respect the peace, not violence, the cultural diversity, the local and traditional knowledge, the wisdom, the universal beginning as human rights, equality man-to-man and women, democracy, justice

  17. LAFD: TA-15 DARHT Firefighter Facility Familiarization Tour, OJT 53044, Revision 0.2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutherford, Victor Stephen [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Priestley, Terry B. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Maestas, Marvin Manuel [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Lab) will conduct familiarization tours for the Los Alamos County Fire Department (LAFD) at the Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test (DARHT) Facility, TA-15-0312. The purpose of these tours is to orient LAFD firefighters to the DARHT facility layout and hazards. This document provides information and figures to supplement the familiarization tours. The document will be distributed to the trainees at the time of the familiarization tour. A checklist (Attachment A) has also been developed to ensure that all required information is consistently presented to LAFD personnel during the familiarization tours.

  18. Orientación psicológica en Centros de Planificación Familiar.


    Margarita Recondo García; Antonio Villasana Cunchillos


    La intención básica de este trabajo es explicar cómo se realizaría la orientación psicológica en Centros de Planificación Familiar. Señalando, primero, los objetivos generales y específicos en Planificación Familiar y luego los objetivos específicos del psicólogo y sus etapas de trabajo en los Centros de Planificación Familiar. Se estudian las necesidades psicológicas de la comunidad, el rol del psicólogo y la organización del trabajo en Planificación Familiar.

  19. "A Welcome Debate" over Labor Reform (United States)

    Warren, Cat


    This article presents an interview with Wilma B. Liebman, the new chair of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). In this interview, Liebman talks about labor law, academics, and reversing ossification.

  20. Hispanic Labor Friends Initiative: supporting vulnerable women. (United States)

    Hazard, Cambria Jones; Callister, Lynn Clark; Birkhead, Ana; Nichols, Lisa


    To evaluate the qualitative aspects of the Hispanic Labor Friends Initiative. "Hispanic Labor Friends," bilingual Hispanic community women who were themselves mothers, were recruited by clinic and hospital personnel. Women who agreed were educated, received translation certification, and were oriented to the initiative. Pregnant Hispanic immigrant women seen in the health center who met criteria set by the multidisciplinary health care team were assigned a Hispanic Labor Friend by 32 weeks' gestation. Hispanic Labor Friends assisted women with communication with healthcare providers and provided social support. Qualitative evaluation of the program consisted of interviews with several groups: (1) Hispanic immigrant women who had a Hispanic Labor Friend, (2) Hispanic immigrant women who were not in the Hispanic Labor Friends program, (3) Hispanic Labor Friends, (4) healthcare providers for Hispanic women. Data saturation was reached, and data were analyzed by the research team using descriptive qualitative inquiry. The Hispanic immigrant women described positive outcomes from being involved in the Hispanic Labor Friends program, including feeling supported and comforted. "I felt as though my family were at my side." One woman who had standard care said, "It is hard for me to communicate. When I gave birth, the nurses asked me things, and I didn't understand anything. I stayed quiet." One of the nurses who was interviewed said: "I think they [the HLF patients] get better care. Sometimes we think we can communicate with them with their little bit of English and our little bit of Spanish. But you get an HLF and it's a totally different story. We can more adequately tell what's going on with them...They end up getting better care." One Hispanic Labor Friend said, "The women are very appreciative that I was there to help them through a critical time." Women who participated in the study identified the need to have a continuing association with Hispanic Labor Friends in

  1. The effects of familiarity and similarity on compliance in social networks

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kaptein, M.C.; Nass, C.; Markopoulos, P.


    Advertisers on social network sites often use recommendations by others in a user's networks to endorse products. While these familiar others are hypothesised to be more effective in influencing users than unfamiliar others, there is a catch: familiarity does not necessarily ensure similarity to the

  2. 75 FR 34421 - Notice of Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Housing Service Notice of Funds Availability for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Section 516 Farm Labor Housing Grants for Off-Farm Housing for Fiscal Year (FY... the timeframe to submit pre-applications for section 514 Farm Labor Housing (FLH) loans and section...

  3. Combating pharmacist shortage through labor certification. (United States)

    Maswoswe, J J; Stewart, K R; Enigbokan, M; Egbunike, I; Jackson, D M


    Several solutions, ranging from increased technician duties to salary raises, automation, and increasing job satisfaction, have been presented in the literature as methods of assuaging the pharmacist shortage. Although a significant portion of pharmacy graduates from American pharmacy colleges are foreign nationals, no marketing strategies have been elucidated in the retention and recruitment of foreign nationals through labor certification. Labor certifications are generally approved by the Secretary of Labor if the following factors have been verified: 1) there are not sufficient United States workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available for employment; and 2) the employment of the foreign national will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers similarly employed. When properly understood, the labor certification process is a test of the job market where foreigners, by virtue of their skills and qualifications, attain certification which subsequently leads to permanent residency (green card). The objective of this report is to elucidate the tedious yet effective method of retaining American-educated foreign nationals through labor certification.

  4. John R. Commons: Pioneer in Labor Economics. (United States)

    Barbash, Jack


    John R. Commons has contributed in one way or another to pratically every piece of social and labor legislation that has been enacted in the twentieth century. He has made his mark on such diverse aspects of American labor as apprenticeship, vocational education, workers' compensation, and the administration of labor law. (Author/JOW)

  5. Conceptual problems of the intellectual labor economics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S N Lebedev


    Full Text Available The article is based on the detailed analysis of the intellectual labor and takes into account theoretical and practical aspects of the intellectual labor economics in the transition to the information society. The author describes the nature, specific features, content, structure and the bases for classification of the intellectual labor.

  6. The labor impacts of policy change in health care: how federal policy transformed home health organizations and their labor practices. (United States)

    Szasz, A


    Health care organizations are highly labor-intensive; policies designed to stimulate organizational change are likely to have labor impacts. This paper examines the labor effects of policy change in home health care. Major federal home care policy trends since 1980 have spurred the evolution of the typical home care provider toward greater organizational and market rationality. Greater managerial sophistication has introduced changes in management/labor relations. Survey data from the 1986 DRG Impact Study are used to show how the pressure of cost-containment policies has pushed agencies to cut labor costs by increasing workloads, managerial supervision, and control of the work process. Research on the effects of recent policy change in health care has to date focused primarily on potential client effects. Labor impacts are rarely examined and are poorly understood at the time that policy is made. Findings in this article suggest that these issues deserve greater, more systematic attention, because unanticipated labor impacts may prove to be significant impediments to the realization of intended policy goals.

  7. 29 CFR 452.14 - Newly formed or merged labor organizations. (United States)


    ... 452.14 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS GENERAL STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ELECTION PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR-MANAGEMENT... identity the terms of its officers may not be extended beyond the maximum period specified by the Act for...

  8. Familiar units prevail over statistical cues in word segmentation. (United States)

    Poulin-Charronnat, Bénédicte; Perruchet, Pierre; Tillmann, Barbara; Peereman, Ronald


    In language acquisition research, the prevailing position is that listeners exploit statistical cues, in particular transitional probabilities between syllables, to discover words of a language. However, other cues are also involved in word discovery. Assessing the weight learners give to these different cues leads to a better understanding of the processes underlying speech segmentation. The present study evaluated whether adult learners preferentially used known units or statistical cues for segmenting continuous speech. Before the exposure phase, participants were familiarized with part-words of a three-word artificial language. This design allowed the dissociation of the influence of statistical cues and familiar units, with statistical cues favoring word segmentation and familiar units favoring (nonoptimal) part-word segmentation. In Experiment 1, performance in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task between words and part-words revealed part-word segmentation (even though part-words were less cohesive in terms of transitional probabilities and less frequent than words). By contrast, an unfamiliarized group exhibited word segmentation, as usually observed in standard conditions. Experiment 2 used a syllable-detection task to remove the likely contamination of performance by memory and strategy effects in the 2AFC task. Overall, the results suggest that familiar units overrode statistical cues, ultimately questioning the need for computation mechanisms of transitional probabilities (TPs) in natural language speech segmentation.

  9. Labor market modeling recognizing latent job attributes and opportunity constraints : an empirical analysis of labor market behavior of Eritrean women


    Arneberg, Marie W.; Dagsvik, John K.; Jia, Zhiyang


    Abstract: This paper analyzes labor market behavior of urban Eritrean women with particular reference to the impact of education, earnings and labor market opportunities. Unlike traditional models of labor supply, which assume that work can be supplied freely in the labor market, we develop a framework that explicitly takes into account the notion of job opportunities and observable sets of feasible jobs. The framework is formulated within a random utility setting in which unob...

  10. An analysis of mobile whole blood collection labor efficiency. (United States)

    Rose, William N; Dayton, Paula J; Raife, Thomas J


    Labor efficiency is desirable in mobile blood collection. There are few published data on labor efficiency. The variability in the labor efficiency of mobile whole blood collections was analyzed. We determined to improve our labor efficiency using lean manufacturing principles. Workflow changes in mobile collections were implemented with the goal of minimizing labor expenditures. To measure success, data on labor efficiency measured by units/hour/full-time equivalent (FTE) were collected. The labor efficiency in a 6-month period before the implementation of changes, and in months 1 to 6 and 7 to 12 after implementation was analyzed and compared. Labor efficiency in the 6-month period preceding implementation was 1.06 ± 0.4 units collected/hour/FTE. In months 1 to 6, labor efficiency declined slightly to 0.92 ± 0.4 units collected/hour/FTE (p = 0.016 vs. preimplementation). In months 7 to 12, the mean labor efficiency returned to preimplementation levels of 1.09 ±0.4 units collected/hour/FTE. Regression analysis correlating labor efficiency with total units collected per drive revealed a strong correlation (R(2) = 0.48 for the aggregate data from all three periods), indicating that nearly half of labor efficiency was associated with drive size. The lean-based changes in workflow were subjectively favored by employees and donors. The labor efficiency of our mobile whole blood drives is strongly influenced by size. Larger drives are more efficient, with diminishing returns above 40 units collected. Lean-based workflow changes were positively received by employees and donors. © 2011 American Association of Blood Banks.

  11. Child Labor and School Attendance in Kenya (United States)

    Moyi, Peter


    Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest incidence of child labor in the world and estimates show that it continues to grow. This paper examines the causes and magnitude of child labor in Kenya. Unlike previous studies that examined child labor as only an economic activity, this paper includes household chores. Including household chores is important…

  12. Medications for Pain Relief during Labor and Delivery (United States)

    ... FAQ086 LABOR, DELIVERY, AND POSTPARTUM CARE Medications for Pain Relief During Labor and Delivery • What types of medications for pain relief are used during labor and delivery? • What are ...

  13. Observations vs. theory of household labor supply vol. I


    Obi, Keiichiro


    In this paper I shall be using three different units of laborsupply; labor supply in man units, in hourly units, and in man-hour units.The first category, labor supply in man units, indicates the quantity oflabor supplied as measured by the number of persons who are willing to work.Labor supply in hourly units refers to the quantity of percapita labor supplymeasured in hourly units. Finally, labor supply in man-hour units indicatesthe quantity of labor supplied by a group of persons measured ...

  14. The size of the labor wards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milland, Maria; Christoffersen, Jens; Hedegaard, Morten


    To assess possible associations between the size of labor units and the frequency of approved obstetric claims.......To assess possible associations between the size of labor units and the frequency of approved obstetric claims....


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    Constantin CĂRUNTU


    Full Text Available Generally, an activity is considered to be efficient if the production implies low costs or if the revenues from selling the products on the market outweigh the expenditures that were made to achieve them. Labor productivity as an efficiency indicator of a production process represents an expression of the relationship between effect (products, services and effort (work means, labor force, work items. Through the labor productivity conversion in rates of return (economic and commercial is determined an evolution and an influence on these rates, driving the company’s own efforts to innovate, produce and harness goods, works and services with maximum utility, efficiency and competitiveness services. The aim of this paper is to highlight the work efficiency, respectively the labor productivity detached from the factorial context in the trade and economic rates of return. The introduction presents some general aspects referring to labor productivity, then it will be presented and discussed the analytical methods used in the process of reflecting the labor productivity in the rates of return, the results analysis, and at the end of this paper it will be presented some conclusions based on the study case. The expected results consist in identifying the mechanisms by which labor efficiency is converted into the company’s economic and financial performance.

  16. LAFD: TA-55 RLUOB/CUB Facility Familiarization Tour, OJT #55265

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rutherford, Victor Stephen [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) conducts familiarization tours for personnel of the Los Alamos County Fire Department (LAFD) at the RLUOB/CUB, technical area (TA)-55, 400/440, facility, Radiological Laboratory Utility Office Building (RLUOB)/Central Utility Building (CUB). These familiarization tours are official LANL business; the purpose of these tours is to orient LAFD firefighters to the facility so that they can respond efficiently and quickly to a variety of emergency situations. This orientation includes, among other topics, the ingress and egress of the area and buildings, layout and organization of the facility, evacuation procedures and assembly points, and areas of concern within the various buildings at the facility. LAFD firefighters have the skills and abilities to perform firefighting operations and other emergency response tasks that cannot be provided by other LANL personnel who have the required clearance level. This handout provides details of the information, along with maps and diagrams, to be presented during the familiarization tours. The handout is distributed to the trainees at the time of the tour; a corresponding checklist is also used as guidance during the familiarization tours to ensure that all required information is presented to LAFD personnel.

  17. Memory Color Effect Induced by Familiarity of Brand Logos


    Kimura, Atsushi; Wada, Yuji; Masuda, Tomohiro; Goto, Sho-ichi; Tsuzuki, Daisuke; Hibino, Haruo; Cai, Dongsheng; Dan, Ippeita


    Background When people are asked to adjust the color of familiar objects such as fruits until they appear achromatic, the subjective gray points of the objects are shifted away from the physical gray points in a direction opposite to the memory color (memory color effect). It is still unclear whether the discrepancy between memorized and actual colors of objects is dependent on the familiarity of the objects. Here, we conducted two experiments in order to examine the relationship between the ...

  18. Making sense of infant familiarity and novelty responses to words at lexical onset

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    Rory A DePaolis


    Full Text Available This study suggests that familiarity and novelty preferences in infant experimental tasks can in some instances be interpreted together as a single indicator of language advance. We provide evidence to support this idea based on our use of the auditory headturn preference paradigm to record responses to words likely to be either familiar or unfamiliar to infants. Fifty-nine ten-month-old infants were tested. The task elicited mixed preferences: familiarity (longer average looks to the words likely to be familiar to the infants, novelty (longer average looks to the words likely to be unfamiliar and no-preference (similar-length of looks to both type of words. The infants who exhibited either a familiarity or a novelty response were more advanced on independent indices of phonetic advance than the infants who showed no preference. In addition, infants exhibiting novelty responses were more lexically advanced than either the infants who exhibited familiarity or those who showed no-preference. The results provide partial support for Hunter and Ames’ (1988 developmental model of attention in infancy and suggest caution when interpreting studies indexed to chronological age.

  19. Incapacidad laboral total

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    Orlando Díaz Tabares


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo y retrospectivo con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de la incapacidad permanente para el trabajo en el municipio "San Cristóbal" durante el decenio 1982-1991, y se aplicó el método de encuesta por el que se recogieron datos que fueron extraídos del modelo oficial de peritaje médico laboral y de la entrevista con el peritado. Los resultados fueron plasmados en tablas de contingencias donde se relacionan las variables por cada año estudiado, y se aplicó la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado. El número de individuos dictaminados con incapacidad laboral total fue de 693; predominó en reportes el año 1988 con 114 casos y muy discretamente el sexo femenino sobre el masculino, el grupo etáreo de 45 a 54 años con 360 casos y la artrosis como entidad valorada por ortopedia, con análisis estadísticos significativos. No resultó estadísticamente significativo, el predominio de la hipertensión arterial sistémica entre las entidades valoradas por la especialidad de medicina interna como causas de incapacidad laboral. Fue muy significativa la variación del número de dictaminados por la comisión en cada uno de los años estudiados y que el porcentaje de ellos que se encontraban realizando trabajos que demandan esfuerzo físico de moderado a intenso al momento de aplicar la encuesta, ascendió al 64,9.A longitudinal, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted in order to know the behavior of permanent labor disability at the municipality of San Cristóbal during 1982-1991. A survey was done to collect data taken from the official model of medical inspections and from the interview with the disabled worker. The results were shown in contingency tables where the variables are related by every year studied. The chi square statistical test was applied. The number of individuals with labor disability was 693. As for reports, the year 1988 predominated with 114. There was a discreet


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    Felipe Contreras-Molotla


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to show the behavior of the working conditions of the rural labor force of Mexico in the context of trade liberalization (1990-2010. Therefore, trends in agricultural and non-agricultural occupations are reviewed; salaried and non-salaried activities; labor income; and the main demographic characteristic of labor as age and schooling. The empirical analysis shows processing micro-data samples from the Census of Population and Housing 1990, 2000 and 2010. Among the major results in low growth of wage employment in rural contexts, both agricultural and non-agricultural activities is found. The female agricultural wage labor grew to early twenty-first century and later had a contraction at the end of the decade two thousand. Males still predominantly in farming, but it has increased its participation in the agricultural wage labor. Non-agricultural occupations increased in rural contexts. However, at the last moment of the study became more precarious, as the increased work on their own, with low levels of remuneration, this situation reflects the limited labor demand of labor. Therefore, in the context of trade liberalization, not salaried occupations increased steadily and continues with low levels of remuneration. The geographic region of residence enabled to distinguish differences in the working conditions of the rural population and occupied in time regional wage gap it is slightly shortened. The Northwest, North region were showing the highest levels of labor remuneration, in contrast, the South and Gulf regions were those that had the lowest wages.

  1. Performance Related Pay and Labor Productivity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielen, A. C.; Kerkhofs, M.J.M.; van Ours, J.C.


    This paper uses information from a panel of Dutch firms to investigate the labor productivity effects of performance related pay (PRP).We find that PRP increases labor productivity at the firm level with about 9%.

  2. Agricultura familiar para el desarrollo rural incluyente

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    Laksmi Reddiar Krishnamurthy


    Full Text Available Las comunidades indígenas Mayas de la península de Yucatán han practicado la antigua tradición de agricultura familiar, en particular los huertos caseros, para garantizar su seguridad alimentaria. Con el objetivo de mejorar la práctica tradicional considerando paradigmas de la ciencia moderna, por una parte, se colectaron datos para definir la complejidad estructural y diversidad funcional a partir de 20 huertos familiares en cinco comunidades: X - Maben, X - Pichil, X - Yatil, San José II y Melchor Ocampo; y por otra, se organizaron grupos de discusión para dilucidar la estrategia de gestión practicada por las comunidades nativas. Los resultados mostraron que los huertos son manejados principalmente por las mujeres. También mostraron que el propósito principal del crecimiento y mantenimiento de los huertos familiares es garantizar la producción de alimentos nutritivos durante todo el año. Y, por último que los huertos caseros también sirven para propósitos secundarios tales como la provisión de productos y servicios para la medicina tradicional. El estudio sugiere que se debe de promover e invertir en huertos caseros para mejorar las estrategias de desarrollo incluyente en ambientes socio-culturales y biofísicos similares.

  3. High, low, or familiar? Nest site preferences of experienced laying hens. (United States)

    Krause, E T; Schrader, L


    1. The aim of this study was to investigate which nest heights are preferred by laying hens in the absence of familiar nest locations and whether preferred nest heights are more attractive than a familiar location. In two experiments, a total of 108 hens of four different layer breeds, which were at least 50 weeks of age, were studied. 2. In the first experiment, hens were given individual free choice between nests for 1-week at four different heights (0 cm, 39 cm, 78 cm, and 117 cm above ground). Hens of the four breeds differed in their nest height preferences (P = 0.0013). However, hens of three breeds preferred ground level nests (P < 0.007) and the fourth line showed an equal preference for the ground level and level three, the latter level corresponding to the height of the nests in their home compartments. 4. In the second experiment, hens from the four breeds were given a choice between ground level nests and nests at a familiar location, i.e. at the same location as in their home compartment. Hens of all strains preferred the familiar nest location (P = 0.002) and preferences did not differ between strains (P = 0.77). 5. Laying hens seem to prefer nests at ground level in the absence of a familiar nest. However, if possible, experienced 50 week old hens continue to use a familiar nest location instead of a ground nest location. The results are discussed with respect to a potential primary preference that may be modifiable by experience and with respect to possible relevance in commercial housing.

  4. The ugliness-in-averageness effect: Tempering the warm glow of familiarity. (United States)

    Carr, Evan W; Huber, David E; Pecher, Diane; Zeelenberg, Rene; Halberstadt, Jamin; Winkielman, Piotr


    Mere exposure (i.e., stimulus repetition) and blending (i.e., stimulus averaging) are classic ways to increase social preferences, including facial attractiveness. In both effects, increases in preference involve enhanced familiarity. Prominent memory theories assume that familiarity depends on a match between the target and similar items in memory. These theories predict that when individual items are weakly learned, their blends (morphs) should be relatively familiar, and thus liked-a beauty-in-averageness effect ( BiA ). However, when individual items are strongly learned, they are also more distinguishable. This "differentiation" hypothesis predicts that with strongly encoded items, familiarity (and thus, preference) for the blend will be relatively lower than individual items-an ugliness-in-averageness effect ( UiA ). We tested this novel theoretical prediction in 5 experiments. Experiment 1 showed that with weak learning, facial morphs were more attractive than contributing individuals (BiA effect). Experiments 2A and 2B demonstrated that when participants first strongly learned a subset of individual faces (either in a face-name memory task or perceptual-tracking task), morphs of trained individuals were less attractive than the trained individuals (UiA effect). Experiment 3 showed that changes in familiarity for the trained morph (rather than interstimulus conflict) drove the UiA effect. Using a within-subjects design, Experiment 4 mapped out the transition from BiA to UiA solely as a function of memory training. Finally, computational modeling using a well-known memory framework (REM) illustrated the familiarity transition observed in Experiment 4. Overall, these results highlight how memory processes illuminate classic and modern social preference phenomena. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. Child labor : a review


    Grootaert, Christiaan; Kanbur, Ravi


    On September 30, 1990, the first World Summit for Children promised to reduce child mortality and malnutrition. It set targets to be reached by the year 2000. Although it established no explicit goals on child labor, the targets included basic education for all children and the completion of primary education by at least 80 percent of children. Meeting these goals will reduce child labor, say the authors. The evidence they review shows that education intervention play a key role in reducing c...

  6. Ajustamento familiar após o surgimento da esquizofrenia

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    Bianca Cristina Ciccone Giacon


    Full Text Available Considera-se que, quando ocorre o primeiro episódio da esquizofrenia, a vida familiar é interrompida e a sua trajetória de vida pode ser modificada. Em vista disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer a trajetória de famílias nos primeiros cinco anos de convivência com a doença mental, identificando o seu processo de ajustamento. A pesquisa está fundamentada no Interacionismo Simbólico. Foram realizadas entrevistas com 23 familiares de 21 portadores de esquizofrenia. A análise foi realizada visando à determinação de uma linha do tempo, que permitiu descrever o processo de ajustamento familiar através de três momentos: Percebendo a Mudança, Diagnóstico e Início do Tratamento, e Seguindo em Frente. Conclui-se que todas as fases apresentadas neste projeto são ricas e podem ser mais exploradas.

  7. Agroecologia e agricultura familiar na região centro-sul do estado do Paraná

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    Renato Linhares de Assis


    Full Text Available O trabalho avalia o uso de técnicas agroecológicas pela produção familiar na região centro-sul do Estado do Paraná. Utiliza-se a metodologia de diagnóstico rápido dos sistemas agrários, tendo como referência trabalho desenvolvido na região pela AS-PTA, ONG que visa o desenvolvimento de agricultores familiares a partir do fomento de tecnologias agroecológicas. Após caracterização dos sistemas de produção dos agricultores pesquisados e do ambiente social que os cerca, finaliza-se com uma avaliação dos indicadores econômicos. Verifica-se uma relação entre o grau de capitalização dos agricultores e a adoção de práticas agroecológicas, a qual aumenta à medida que se reduz o grau de capitalização, sendo menor o risco econômico da atividade agrícola dos agricultores com maior índice de adoção. Conclui-se que há um potencial positivo da utilização da agroecologia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento sustentável de agricultores familiares, realçando-se a importância do apoio do poder público na dinamização deste processo.The paper analyzes the adoption of agro-ecological techniques by a group of small family farmers in a region of the State of Paraná. The sample of the farmers to be interviewed was obtained by applying a methodology of fast rural assessment and relied on the work of a non governmental organization (AS-PTA that has the major responsible for the technological change in the region. A typology of producers and agrarian systems was obtained, which made it possible to evaluate the technological trajectories followed. A negative correlation was observed between the capitalization level of the farm unity and the adoption of agro-ecological techniques, suggesting that the latter are being introduced as a low risk strategy to improve the production conditions within a context of labor abundance and capital scarcity. The paper concludes that it is worth to support those farmers in their decision

  8. 76 FR 28730 - Notice of Intent To Suspend the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports (United States)


    ... agricultural productivity; wage rates are used in the administration of the H-2A Program and for setting... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE National Agricultural Statistics Service Notice of Intent To Suspend the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports AGENCY: National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. ACTION...

  9. 76 FR 38110 - Notice of Intent To Resume the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports. (United States)


    ... agricultural productivity; wage rates are used in the administration of the H-2A Program and for setting... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE National Agricultural Statistics Service Notice of Intent To Resume the Agricultural Labor Survey and Farm Labor Reports. AGENCY: National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA...

  10. The Vulnerability of the Regional Labor Market

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    Mihail Rarița


    Full Text Available In the past decades, the European and Romanian economies have been strongly affected by major changes which have influenced also the labor market: the alert pace of the international economic integration, the creation of work division in order to protect some economic sectors, the accelerated development and implementation of new technologies, the increase of the demographic aging trends. In the context of the amplified labor force crisis, the present paper will analyze some dysfunctions which have affected especially the regional labor market: the chronic unemployment, the mismatch between the demand and the offer of jobs and the localized consequences of the labor migration. The approach on these aspects was done in a vaster context intended to analyze the regional labor market of Galati and Braila, starting from the existent imbalances on these markets. The present paper starts from the premise that the proposal of some measurements which should lead to a balancing of the regional working market, must take into account the way in which the direct actors involved are defining these obstacles and opportunities for professional (reinsertion. In order to highlight both the opinions and the perceptions of the participants on the labor market, the research had to take place on two levels: among the groups with a difficult position on the labor market and among the employers.

  11. International Labor Organization's 75th Anniversary. (United States)

    Hansenne, Michel; And Others


    This special issue contains eight articles that examine the following: social justice, global employment issues, International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, social security, training, tripartism, the 1994 ILO conference, and labor standards--all from a global perspective. (JOW)

  12. LC/MS/MS data analysis of the human uterine smooth muscle S-nitrosoproteome fingerprint in pregnancy, labor, and preterm labor

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    Craig C. Ulrich


    Full Text Available The data described in this article is the subject of an article in the American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, titled “The Human Uterine Smooth Muscle S-nitrosoproteome Fingerprint in Pregnancy, Labor, and Preterm Labor” (doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00198.2013 (Ulrich et al., 2013 [1]. The data described is a large scale mass spectrometry data set that defines the human uterine smooth muscle S-nitrosoproteome differences among laboring, non-laboring, preterm laboring tissue after treatment with S-nitrosoglutathione.

  13. Agricultura familiar Algunas reflexiones para un debate necesario


    Moyano EStrada, Eduardo


    Mientras que en los países desarrollados la agricultura familiar es vista como algo anacrónico, en los países en vía de desarrollo continúa siendo percibida como un modelo agrícola atractivo y funcional para promover el desarrollo rural y el bienestar de la población local, así como una vía para la seguridad alimentaria. En todo caso, la agricultura familiar es difícil de aprehender sea cual fuere el área geográfica de estudio, al ser un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional. En muchas áreas r...

  14. La Terapia Familiar en el tratamiento de las adicciones


    Marcos Sierra, Juan Antonio; Garrido Fernández, Miguel


    En este trabajo se presenta un breve recorrido histórico sobre el papel de la terapia familiar en el tratamiento de las adicciones. Siguiendo la propuesta de Rolland y Walsh (1996) se analizan con detenimiento los modelos centrados en la resolución de problemas y los modelos intergeneracionales. El objetivo básico del artículo es mostrar las aportaciones de las diferentes perspectivas y contribuir a enfoques más integradores en el tratamiento familiar de las adicciones. En esta...

  15. Labor allocation in transition: evidence from Chinese rural households

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, X.; Herzfeld, T.; Glauben, T.


    Empirical models are developed in this paper to quantitatively analyze households' participation in decisions on hiring labor and supplying labor off the farm, hired labor demand and off-farm labor supply of rural Chinese households. Econometric estimates use micro-level data from Zhejiang province

  16. Desarrollo de la personalidad y virtudes sociales: relaciones en el contexto educativo familiar

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    Consuelo Martínez-Priego


    Full Text Available La multiculturalidad ha conducido al replanteamiento de la problemática de la consistencia social; es decir, la cohesión entre los diversos miembros de la sociedad. Para abordar el problema educativo, pueden estudiarse las condiciones psicológicas y pedagógicas ligadas todas ellas al contexto familiar. Son las condiciones familiares -los estilos y dinámicas familiares- las que posibilitan un desarrollo armónico de la personalidad que permita la sociabilidad. Por otro lado, son los vínculos familiares también, la condición para el desarrollo de virtudes que han venido a denominarse "sociales". El objetivo de este trabajo es, precisamente, describir los nexos que vinculan la educación familiar con las dos variables indicadas: el desarrollo de la personalidad y el crecimiento de las virtudes que favorecen la consistencia social. Se hacen también observaciones que apuntan al nexo real existente entre personalidad y desarrollo de las virtudes.

  17. Active labor market policies and crime

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tranæs, Torben


    Active labor market programs continue to receive high priority in wealthy countries despite the fact that the benefits appear small relative to the costs. This apparent discrepancy suggests that the programs may have a broader purpose than simply increasing employment—for instance, preventing anti......-social behavior such as crime. Indeed, recent evidence shows that participation in active labor market programs reduces crime among unemployed young men. The existence of such effects could explain why it is the income-redistributing countries with greater income equality that spend the most on active labor...... market programs....

  18. Musical Expertise Increases Top–Down Modulation Over Hippocampal Activation during Familiarity Decisions

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    Pierre Gagnepain


    Full Text Available The hippocampus has classically been associated with episodic memory, but is sometimes also recruited during semantic memory tasks, especially for the skilled exploration of familiar information. Cognitive control mechanisms guiding semantic memory search may benefit from the set of cognitive processes at stake during musical training. Here, we examined using functional magnetic resonance imaging, whether musical expertise would promote the top–down control of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG over the generation of hippocampally based goal-directed thoughts mediating the familiarity judgment of proverbs and musical items. Analyses of behavioral data confirmed that musical experts more efficiently access familiar melodies than non-musicians although such increased ability did not transfer to verbal semantic memory. At the brain level, musical expertise specifically enhanced the recruitment of the hippocampus during semantic access to melodies, but not proverbs. Additionally, hippocampal activation contributed to speed of access to familiar melodies, but only in musicians. Critically, causal modeling of neural dynamics between LIFG and the hippocampus further showed that top–down excitatory regulation over the hippocampus during familiarity decision specifically increases with musical expertise – an effect that generalized across melodies and proverbs. At the local level, our data show that musical expertise modulates the online recruitment of hippocampal response to serve semantic memory retrieval of familiar melodies. The reconfiguration of memory network dynamics following musical training could constitute a promising framework to understand its ability to preserve brain functions.

  19. ERP correlates of source memory: unitized source information increases familiarity-based retrieval. (United States)

    Diana, Rachel A; Van den Boom, Wijnand; Yonelinas, Andrew P; Ranganath, Charan


    Source memory tests typically require subjects to make decisions about the context in which an item was encoded and are thought to depend on recollection of details from the study episode. Although it is generally believed that familiarity does not contribute to source memory, recent behavioral studies have suggested that familiarity may also support source recognition when item and source information are integrated, or "unitized," during study (Diana, Yonelinas, and Ranganath, 2008). However, an alternative explanation of these behavioral findings is that unitization affects the manner in which recollection contributes to performance, rather than increasing familiarity-based source memory. To discriminate between these possibilities, we conducted an event-related potential (ERP) study testing the hypothesis that unitization increases the contribution of familiarity to source recognition. Participants studied associations between words and background colors using tasks that either encouraged or discouraged unitization. ERPs were recorded during a source memory test for background color. The results revealed two distinct neural correlates of source recognition: a frontally distributed positivity that was associated with familiarity-based source memory in the high-unitization condition only and a parietally distributed positivity that was associated with recollection-based source memory in both the high- and low-unitization conditions. The ERP and behavioral findings provide converging evidence for the idea that familiarity can contribute to source recognition, particularly when source information is encoded as an item detail. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Effects on topic familiarity on online search behaviour and use of relevance criteria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wen, Lei; Ruthven, Ian; Borlund, Pia


    This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of topic familiarity on the assessment behaviour of online searchers. In particular we investigate the effect of topic familiarity on the resources and relevance criteria used by searchers. Our results indicate that searching on an unfamiliar...... topic leads to use of more generic and fewer specialised resources and that searchers employ different relevance criteria when searching on less familiar topics....

  1. A sucessão da empresa familiar : importância dos pactos parassociais e outros instrumentos relevantes para a preservação da empresa e da propriedade familiar


    Nóbrega, João Rafael de Farias Furtado


    O tema A sucessão da empresa familiar: importância dos pactos parassociais e outros instrumentos relevantes para a preservação da empresa e da propriedade familiar foi escolhido em decorrência do panorama atual em que se encontram as empresas familiares brasileiras, considerando especialmente sua alta taxa de mortalidade, que é, contraditoriamente, tão elevada quanto sua importância no cenário econômico nacional. Por esse motivo, ao longo do trabalho, serão abordados temas relac...

  2. Boys Affiliate More than Girls with a Familiar Same-Sex Peer (United States)

    Benenson, Joyce F.; Quinn, Amanda; Stella, Sandra


    Evidence from ethnographic, observational, and experimental studies with humans converges to suggest that males affiliate more than females with unrelated, familiar same-sex peers, but this has never been examined directly. With this aim, we compared frequency of affiliation with a single, randomly chosen, familiar same-sex peer for the two sexes…

  3. El clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas


    Huaita Acha, Delsi Mariela


    La investigación titulada “El clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia del clima laboral y la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de instituciones educativas públicas. El tipo de investigación fue básica, explicativa y descriptiva, el diseño fue no experimental y transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 81 docentes de instituciones educativas del niv...

  4. El tema del duelo en la práctica del trabajador social

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    Laisa Regina Di Maio


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una reflexión sobre el tema del duelo por pérdida y muerte y sus manifestaciones en la práctica profesional. El análisis se centra en el duelo vivido por los familiares de las víctimas, como resultado de la violencia urbana, y en los niños que se encuentran en situación de pérdida del derecho de la convivencia familiar. Inicialmente, presentamos contribuciones teóricas acerca del duelo por pérdida y muerte. A continuación, analizamos las posibilidades de trabajo con el duelo a partir de dos relatos de la práctica profesional, que se enfocan en los niños albergados y adoptados.

  5. Access to Justice and Labor Law Reform in Asia

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    Asri Wijayanti


    Full Text Available The existence of national labor law system guarantees fair is one of legal reform to achieve access to justice. This study aims to analyze whether the system of labor law has given capacity to achieve access to justice as the basis for implementing international labor relations in Asia. The method of this study is a normative legal research with statute approach. The findings support that there was an inconsistency on the substance of the legal structures that affect the low legal culture. The substance of the national labor law systems have not adapted the comprehensive International Labor Organization (ILO conventions. Less robust system of national labor laws affect access to justice in the weak field of labor in the region. How To Cite: Wijayanti, A. (2016. Access to Justice and Labor Law Reform in Asia. Rechtsidee, 3(1, 17-26. doi:

  6. Drivers of Labor-Related Indicators across Diverse Mediterranean Fisheries

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    Jennifer Gee


    Full Text Available This regional case study is focused on employment, remuneration and labor productivity, with a particular emphasis on the interplay between labor productivity and other labor-related indicators and macroeconomic conditions in Italy, Egypt, Lebanon and Greece. Its value lies in the high degree of consistency and comparability of the data, owing to a shared data collection methodology. This has allowed for the compilation of both national and regional comparisons. The data is treated in two groups—the first group consists of national data that considers all the active vessels in a country; the second group focuses on the trawl segments of Italy and Egypt. These two countries present an interesting case study because they are so different in terms of labor productivity and remuneration performance. For instance, in Italy labor shortages have caused a shift in fishing strategies towards less labor-intensive operations to maintain the socioeconomic sustainability of the fisheries, while in Egypt macroeconomic conditions have resulted in a larger labor pool and strong incentives to work in the fisheries sector. The regional study demonstrates that labor-related indicators are interconnected and there is an inversely proportional relationship between labor productivity and remuneration and employment levels. This relationship necessitates a combined analysis. The results across and between the countries were compared, with particular attention given to labor productivity and remuneration in the respective countries with a discussion centred around the potential drivers of labor productivity.

  7. 29 CFR 215.4 - Employees not represented by a labor organization. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Employees not represented by a labor organization. 215.4 Section 215.4 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor OFFICE OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GUIDELINES, SECTION 5333(b), FEDERAL TRANSIT LAW § 215.4 Employees not represented by a labor...


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    Martha Beatriz Melo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo intenta explorar las relaciones entre lo que denominamos «desvalimiento psíquico individual y familiar» y las posibilidades de enfrentar con éxito situaciones de violencia familiar Dicho concepto alude a factores de riesgo que afectan el normal desarrollo de la personalidad, generando un estado de indefensión psíquica que se reproduce, muchas veces, de generación en generación Se establecieron relaciones entre indicadores de vulnerabilidad social: capital humano, material y social. Particularmente este último se relaciona de manera directa con la posibilidad de modificar situaciones adversas tales como la violencia familiar. La investigación fue realizada en el sur de Córdoba Capital en dos zonas altamente vulnerables desde el punto de vista de los escasos recursos materiales y humanos pero con diferentes niveles de capital social. En este contexto y previo analizar los aportes de otras investigaciones realizadas, se pondera el capital social de las zonas analizadas y se lo relaciona con las posibilidades de una comunidad de enfrentar exitosamente problemas de violencia familiar.

  9. Affective significance enhances covert attention: roles of anxiety and word familiarity. (United States)

    Calvo, Manuel G; Eysenck, Michael W


    To investigate the processing of emotional words by covert attention, threat-related, positive, and neutral word primes were presented parafoveally (2.2 degrees away from fixation) for 150 ms, under gaze-contingent foveal masking, to prevent eye fixations. The primes were followed by a probe word in a lexical-decision task. In Experiment 1, results showed a parafoveal threat-anxiety superiority: Parafoveal prime threat words facilitated responses to probe threat words for high-anxiety individuals, in comparison with neutral and positive words, and relative to low-anxiety individuals. This reveals an advantage in threat processing by covert attention, without differences in overt attention. However, anxiety was also associated with greater familiarity with threat words, and the parafoveal priming effects were significantly reduced when familiarity was covaried out. To further examine the role of word knowledge, in Experiment 2, vocabulary and word familiarity were equated for low- and high-anxiety groups. In these conditions, the parafoveal threat-anxiety advantage disappeared. This suggests that the enhanced covert-attention effect depends on familiarity with words.

  10. International Trade and Labor Market Discrimination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Chisik (Richard); J.E. Namini (Julian Emami)


    textabstractWe embed a competitive search model with labor market discrimination, or nepotism, into a two-sector, two-country framework in order to analyze how labor market discrimination impacts the pattern of international trade and also how trade trade affects discrimination. Discrimination, or

  11. Color preference and familiarity in performance on brand logo recall. (United States)

    Huang, Kuo-Chen; Lin, Chin-Chiuan; Chiang, Shu-Ying


    Two experiments assessed effects of color preference and brand-logo familiarity on recall performance. Exp. 1 explored the color preferences, using a forced-choice technique, of 189 women and 63 men, Taiwanese college students ages 18 to 20 years (M = 19.4, SD = 1.5). The sequence of the three most preferred colors was white, light blue, and black and of the three least preferred colors was light orange, dark violet, and dark brown. Exp. 2 investigated the effects of color preference based on the results of Exp. 1 and brand-logo familiarity on recall. A total of 27 women and 21 men, Taiwanese college students ages 18 to 20 years (M = 19.2, SD = 1.2) participated. They memorized a list of 24 logos (four logos shown in six colors) and then performed sequential recall. Analyses showed color preference significantly affected recall accuracy. Accuracy for high color preference was significantly greater than that for low preferences. Results showed no significant effects of brand-logo familiarity or sex on accuracy. In addition, the interactive effect of color preference and brand-logo familiarity on accuracy was significant. These results have implications for the design of brand logos to create and sustain memory of brand images.

  12. 36 CFR 8.4 - Federal and State labor laws. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Federal and State labor laws... State labor laws. A concessioner shall comply with all standards established pursuant to Federal or State labor laws, such as those concerning minimum wages, child labor, hours of work, and safety, that...

  13. What can be done about child labor ? - An overview of recent research and its implications for designing programs to reduce child labor


    Grimsrud, Bjorne


    This paper examines the research on child labor, and places the phenomenon in a broader development agenda. It explains the demand for, and supply of child labor, linking these factors to others, such as the supply of education. Then it looks into the private, and social costs of, and benefits from child labor. Against this background, strategies fore reducing child labor are debated.

  14. Physical therapists familiarity and beliefs about health services utilization and health seeking behaviour. (United States)

    Clewley, Derek; Rhon, Dan; Flynn, Tim; Koppenhaver, Shane; Cook, Chad


    Physical therapists' familiarity, perceptions, and beliefs about health services utilization and health seeking behaviour have not been previously assessed. The purposes of this study were to identify physical therapists' characteristics related to familiarity of health services utilization and health seeking behaviour, and to assess what health seeking behaviour factors providers felt were related to health services utilization. We administered a survey based on the Andersen behavioural model of health services utilization to physical therapists using social media campaigns and email between March and June of 2017. In addition to descriptive statistics, we performed binomial logistic regression analysis. We asked respondents to rate familiarity with health services utilization and health seeking behaviour and collected additional characteristic variables. Physical therapists are more familiar with health services utilization than health seeking behaviour. Those who are familiar with either construct tend to be those who assess for health services utilization, use health services utilization for a prognosis, and believe that health seeking behaviour is measurable. Physical therapists rated need and enabling factors as having more influence on health services utilization than predisposing and health belief factors. Physical therapists are generally familiar with health services utilization and health seeking behaviour; however, there appears to be a disconnect between what is familiar, what is perceived to be important, and what can be assessed for both health services utilization and health seeking behaviour. Copyright © 2018 Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia. All rights reserved.

  15. Manifestaciones psiquiátricas desencadenadas por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    precipitar los existentes con modificaciones en su sintomatología, curso y pronóstico, cristalizando así la patología dual. (1, 2 En la amplia nosografía psiquiátrica, asociada al VIH-SIDA, se encuentran los siguientes trastornos: Demencia: muestra una destrucción multifocal de la materia blanca y de las estructuras subcorticales, cuyos síntomas sobresalientes incluyen un funcionamiento lento en la cognición (atención, comprensión, pensamiento abstracto, la memoria está empobrecida, progresivamente se deteriora el funcionamiento diario que dificulta realizar actividades complejas, aparecen síntomas motores por destrucción de los núcleos grises de la base y apatía. La depresión refractaria al tratamiento es frecuentemente su síntoma inicial. (1, 2 Delirium: es una alteración de la conciencia, con disminución de la capacidad de vigilia e hipervigilancia, hay un cambio en las funciones cognoscitivas (hipomnesia de fijación y evocación, desorientación fluctuante y comprensión disminuida. Sobresalen las manifestaciones sensoperceptivas como ilusiones, alucinaciones e ideas delirantes que generan cambios en la afectividad y orientan conductas agresivas, agitadas o de pánico. (1, 2 Trastorno de ansiedad: posee la misma presentación clínica del trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, con las manifestaciones subjetivas y objetivas de la ansiedad, muchas veces de evolución crónica. (1, 2 Trastorno de adaptación: se comporta como un cuadro reactivo depresivo o mixto luego de conocerse el diagnóstico, el impacto psicológico de la enfermedad quiebra los mecanismos adaptativos biopsicosociales del sujeto, apareciendo la vivencia de duelo anticipada y la sobrevaloración de la segregación social, sin menospreciar en su patogénesis la participación viral en el orden biológico. (1, 2 Trastornos depresivos: son de intensidad moderada o grave, toman el curso de episodios recurrentes o distímicos, pudiendo evolucionar estos últimos a la cronicidad. La


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    Pura de la Caridad Rey Rivas


    Full Text Available Due to the importance of autonomy and professional self-management as key factors in Blended Process of Formation, an integrative perspective of socio-labor-professional formation which permits to reinforce the leading role of students starting from emergent contents from the labor context and from the correct application of personal and professional resources, is needed. This will allow the students a critical contextualized interpretation of their formation process. From this perspective, the need to propose a Model of socio-labor-professional dynamics of blended process as well as a Didactic Strategy of socio-labor blended formation in Higher Education, is recognized. This permits to reveal didactic aspects that, in an integrative process, condition the logic formation of blended process from its socio-professional character as a dynamic point of the professional praxis in contexts of labor performance. This view allows students to develop a socio-labor-professional performance culture during their labor practice as well as a successful acting as a graduate. RESUMEN Por la importancia de la autonomía en el aprendizaje y de la autogestión profesional, como elementos esenciales del proceso de formación semipresencial, se precisa de una perspectiva integradora de la formación socio-laboral-profesional que permita potenciar el rol protagónico del estudiante partiendo de contenidos emergentes del contexto laboral desde la aplicación adecuada de recursos personales y profesionales que le posibilitarán una interpretación crítica contextualizada de su proceso formativo. Desde esta visión, se reconoce la necesidad de proponer un modelo de la dinámica socio-laboral-profesional de la semipresencialidad en la Educación Superior, así como una estrategia didáctica de formación socio-laboral de la semipresencialidad en la Educación Superior. Lo anterior permite la revelación de las particularidades didácticas que, en un proceso integrador

  17. Predicting Intentions of a Familiar Significant Other Beyond the Mirror Neuron System

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    Stephanie Cacioppo


    Full Text Available Inferring intentions of others is one of the most intriguing issues in interpersonal interaction. Theories of embodied cognition and simulation suggest that this mechanism takes place through a direct and automatic matching process that occurs between an observed action and past actions. This process occurs via the reactivation of past self-related sensorimotor experiences within the inferior frontoparietal network (including the mirror neuron system, MNS. The working model is that the anticipatory representations of others' behaviors require internal predictive models of actions formed from pre-established, shared representations between the observer and the actor. This model suggests that observers should be better at predicting intentions performed by a familiar actor, rather than a stranger. However, little is known about the modulations of the intention brain network as a function of the familiarity between the observer and the actor. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI with a behavioral intention inference task, in which participants were asked to predict intentions from three types of actors: A familiar actor (their significant other, themselves (another familiar actor, and a non-familiar actor (a stranger. Our results showed that the participants were better at inferring intentions performed by familiar actors than non-familiar actors and that this better performance was associated with greater activation within and beyond the inferior frontoparietal network i.e., in brain areas related to familiarity (e.g., precuneus. In addition, and in line with Hebbian principles of neural modulations, the more the participants reported being cognitively close to their partner, the less the brain areas associated with action self-other comparison (e.g., inferior parietal lobule, attention (e.g., superior parietal lobule, recollection (hippocampus, and pair bond (ventral tegmental area, VTA were recruited, suggesting that the

  18. Pathophysiology of preterm labor with intact membranes. (United States)

    Talati, Asha N; Hackney, David N; Mesiano, Sam


    Preterm labor with intact membranes is a major cause of spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB). To prevent sPTB a clear understanding is needed of the hormonal interactions that initiate labor. The steroid hormone progesterone acting via its nuclear progesterone receptors (PRs) in uterine cells is essential for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy and disruption of PR signaling (i.e., functional progesterone/PR withdrawal) is key trigger for labor. The process of parturition is also associated with inflammation within the uterine tissues and it is now generally accepted that inflammatory stimuli from multiple extrinsic and intrinsic sources induce labor. Recent studies suggest inflammatory stimuli induce labor by affecting PR transcriptional activity in uterine cells to cause functional progesterone/PR withdrawal. Advances in understanding the functional interaction of inflammatory load on the pregnancy uterus and progesterone/PR signaling is opening novel areas of research and may lead to rational therapeutic strategies to effectively prevent sPTB. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Immigrants, Labor Market Performance, and Social Insurance


    Bratsberg, Bernt; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Røed, Knut


    Using longitudinal data from the date of arrival, we study long- term labor market and social insurance outcomes for all major immigrant cohorts to Norway since 1970. Immigrants from highincome countries performed as natives, while labor migrants from low- income source countries had declining employment rates and increasing disability program participation over the lifecycle. Refugees and family migrants assimilated during the initial period upon arrival, but labor market convergence halted ...

  20. Beyond dualism: Multisegmented labor markets in Ghana


    James Heintz; Fabian Slonimczyk


    Using estimates of earnings functions in Ghana, this paper examines patterns of labor market segmentation with regard to formal and informal employment. Persistent earnings differentials are used as indicators of limited mobility across segments of the employed labor force. We find evidence of labor market segmentation between formal and informal employment and between different categories of informal employment which cannot be fully explained by human capital, physical asset, or credit marke...