
Sample records for familiale au sud

  1. Les politiques d’appui à l’agriculture familiale au Brésil : quelques éléments de comparaison avec le Maroc

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Bonnal


    Full Text Available Au Brésil comme au Maroc, le secteur agricole est marqué par des différences extrêmes en termes de taille d’exploitation, ainsi que de niveaux d’équipement, de capitalisation et de techniques. L’article présente la politique brésilienne d’appui à l’agriculture familiale, et quelques éléments de comparaison avec les choix faits au Maroc. Les politiques agricoles brésiliennes proposent depuis une vingtaine d’années un appui spécifique aux exploitations familiales, avec notamment la constitution d’un ministère spécifique. De nombreux dispositifs d’appui à l’agriculture familiale ont été mis en place, dont notamment des crédits à taux préférentiel et des programmes d’achat de denrées agricoles pour les institutions publiques (écoles, hôpitaux, etc.. Dans les zones rurales particulièrement fragiles, des dispositifs permettent une coordination entre l’ensemble des politiques publiques concernant ces zones. Enfin, la conception et la mise en oeuvre de ces politiques publiques se font avec une forte implication des syndicats agricoles. Les politiques publiques brésiliennes et marocaines reconnaissent la dualité du monde agricole, mais cette dualité est définie par zone au Maroc, tandis qu’elle est fondée sur des caractéristiques explicites des exploitations au Brésil. Dans les deux pays, le coeur des politiques publiques d’appui aux exploitations familiales porte sur l’aide à l’investissement. Au-delà de ce coeur commun, les politiques brésiliennes ont plus spécifiquement développé des approches au niveau des territoires locaux et associent plus fortement qu’au Maroc les organisations professionnelles agricoles représentant l’agriculture familiale dans la conception de l’action publique. La comparaison des politiques agricoles au Maroc et au Brésil sur quelques éléments permet de souligner la forte étendue des choix qu’il est possible de considérer, pour définir des

  2. Pluralisme et rupture familiale


    Fulchiron, Hugues


    Le modèle familial au sein de notre société est la famille nucléaire mariée composée des conjoints et des enfants et parfois étendue à d’autres parents, tels que les grands-parents. Avant la deuxième guerre mondiale le schéma était différent ; la famille type était constituée de plusieurs générations. Cette coopérative familiale était fondée sur l’autorité du chef de famille et la hiérarchie stricte de l’autorité familiale. La femme était donc d’abord soumise à son père puis à son mari ou à s...

  3. Regards croisés sur l’action des ONG en éducation au Sud


    Barlet, Sandra; Biache, Roland; Diouf, Mahfou; Dumont, Bernard; Gauron, André; Huguenin, Valérie; Marchand, Jacques; Migan, Gilbert


    Des représentants d’ONG, de bailleurs, d’un ministère au Sud et des experts sont interrogés sur les évolutions qui ont caractérisé l’action et le positionnement des ONG actives au Sud dans le champ de l’éducation depuis dix ans, et sur les nouveaux rôles qui se dessinent pour elles à l’horizon 2020. Plusieurs thèmes sont abordés : la mobilisation de la société civile et la gestion locale de l’éducation ; la conception du rôle de l’État et les besoins en intervention non gouvernementale ; le r...

  4. Strategie de repeuplement du mollusque gasteropode Concholepas concholepas (B) au sud du Chili


    Varelasantibanez, C


    Une stratégie de repeuplement du "loco" Concholepas concholepas (B) est développée dans le sud du Chili à partir de résultats obtenus au laboratoire sur la reproduction et la croissance de ce mollusque. Les reproducteurs sont conservés au laboratoire pendant toute l'année et l'émission de capsules ovigères peut être provoquée au cours de toute cette période. Les capsules sont ensuite transférées dans le milieu naturel où a lieu l'éclosion. Par ailleurs, des juvéniles recrutés dans le milie...

  5. Apolipoproteine E en familiale dysbetalipoproteinemie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Havekes, L.M.


    Familiale dysbèta-lipoproteïnemie (F.D.; type III hyperlipoproteïnemie volgens Frederickson) wordt gekenmerkt door een verhoogd plasmacholesterol- en triglyceridegehalte ten gevolge van een gestoorde opneming door de lever van de atherogene chylomicron- en V.L.D.L.-remnants. Voor de opneming van

  6. Double modèle agraire ou prédominance de l’agrobusiness brésilienne en Afrique ? Le cas de ProSavana au Mozambique


    WCusson, Gabrielle


    Dans un contexte de transformation du pouvoir mondial, les puissances émergentes n’hésitent pas à déployer des stratégies multidimensionnelles pour augmenter leur influence internationale. Dans le domaine de l’agriculture, le Brésil se présente comme une référence en termes de développement agraire et d’agriculture familiale. À travers des initiatives de coopération Sud-Sud (CSS), il exporte ainsi son double modèle agraire en Afrique afin de soutenir la révolution agraire...

  7. Violence sexuelle et impunité en Asie du Sud | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Alors que la violence sexuelle s'est accrue au Bangladesh, en Inde, au Népal, ... et de militants sud-asiatiques au sujet de la violence sexuelle et de l'impunité. ... aux problèmes auxquels l'Inde est confrontée, comme le stress thermique, ...

  8. Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, ... Projet nᵒ. 106327 ...

  9. A la recherche de l'opérationnalité : le cas de l'agriculture familiale dans le Nordeste du Brésil


    Caron, P.; Sabourin, E.; Sautier, D.; Gama da Silva, P.C.; Tonneau, J.P.


    Le projet d'appui au développement de l'agriculture familiale dans le Nordeste du Brésil a pour but de produire des références méthodologiques (analyse de situation et intervention) pour la recherche (identification de thèmes prioritaires), pour le développement (connaissances pour l'action) et pour la formation. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l'équipe du projet est impliquée dans différentes opérations de développement conduites en partenariat avec des acteurs locaux, en assurant trois princi...

  10. Réduction de l'exposition au risque d'encéphalite japonaise au Népal

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Cette maladie transmise par les moustiques s'est répandue au cours des vingt dernières années, menaçant du coup plus de 3 milliards d'habitants de l'Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est. L'intensification de la riziculture et de ... Comparative spatial dynamics of Japanese encephalitis and acute encephalitis syndrome in Nepal.

  11. Les coopérations au développement durable en question dans les pays du Sud

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    Géraldine Froger


    Full Text Available Après avoir identifié la coopération décentralisée, ses champs d’action, l’évolution de ses modalités d’intervention ainsi que les ambiguïtés auxquelles elle est confrontée en matière d’appui au développement durable dans les pays du Sud, nous nous focalisons sur les politiques et programmes de développement durable relevant principalement de formes plus classiques de coopération. Toutefois, la gouvernance décentralisée des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement promue par ces formes classiques de coopération est confrontée à de nombreuses difficultés, notamment à Madagascar. La coopération décentralisée peut agir de manière complémentaire mais ses conditions de réussite dépendent, entre autres, du succès des processus de décentralisation dans les pays du Sud.After identifying decentralized cooperation, its fields of action, changes in its procedures and the ambiguities it faces in supporting sustainable development in developing countries, we focus on sustainable development policies and programs based on more conventional forms of cooperation. However, the decentralized governance of natural resources and environment promoted by these conventional forms of cooperation is facing many difficulties, particularly in Madagascar. Decentralized cooperation can be complementary but its conditions for success depend, among other things, on the success of decentralization processes in the South.


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    Maria BULGARU


    Full Text Available În articol sunt analizate unele măsuri de politici familiale cu consecințe asupra deciziei cuplurilor de a naşte copii, ce ţin în special de beneficiile părinteşti în primii ani de viaţă ai copilului (concediul de maternitate, paternitate, concediul parental, serviciile de îngrijire a copilului (creşe, grădiniţe etc., îmbinarea obligațiilor familiale și profesionale etc. În text sunt integrate rezultatele cercetării sociologice „Comportamentul reproductiv al femeilor din Republica Moldova”, realizate în decembrie 2015 de Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială a Universității de Stat din Moldova în par­teneriat cu Universitatea Carol din Praga (Republica Cehă.Investigația efectuată permite autorilor să concluzioneze că politicile familiale din Republica Moldova sunt axate prioritar pe suportul economic/financiar, considerat a fi şi o sursă de stimulare a natalităţii. Un şir de subiecte importante, condiţionate de provocările socioeconomice și demografice contemporane, ocupă până ce un loc periferic pe agenda politică a statului nostru.FAMILY POLILICIES WITH DEMOGRAPHIC CONSEQUENCESIn this article some of the measures of the family policies with the consequences on the decision of couples to give birth to children, related, in particular, to the parental care benefits during the first years of child's life (maternity/paternity/ parental leave, childcare services (nurseries, day care, kindergartens, etc., combining family and professional obligations, etc. are analyzed. In the text, the results of the sociological research "The Reproductive Behavior of Women inMoldova", conducted in December 2015 by the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, State University of Moldova, in partnership with theCharlesUniversity inPrague,Czech Republic, with the financial support of the Czech Development Agency are integrated.This study allows the authors to conclude that family policies in the

  13. L’engagement des femmes catholiques dans des associations familiales en France et au Portugal

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    Sophie Rétif


    Full Text Available Cet article, résultat d’une enquête sur des associations familiales catholiques, en France et au Portugal, se propose de montrer à quelles conditions des mouvements conservateurs peuvent favoriser la prise de responsabilité des femmes. Dans ces mouvements où l’adhésion se fait en couple et où la différence de nature entre les sexes est en permanence réaffirmée, on observe une nette division sexuelle du travail militant. Les postes les plus prestigieux sont occupés par les hommes, qui sont également majoritairement en charge des tâches de réflexion et d’impulsion politique. Les femmes, quant à elles, prennent en charge l’essentiel des services fournis aux familles, ainsi que la plus grande partie des tâches d’organisation et d’exécution. Cependant, certaines femmes peuvent connaître une ascension très rapide au sein des mouvements et traverser les frontières de la division sexuelle du travail, à condition de disposer d’un capital social important et, surtout, d’une expérience professionnelle. Pour les femmes, peu nombreuses, qui cumulent ces propriétés, l’engagement dans ces mouvements familiaux conservateurs peut constituer le point de départ d’une véritable carrière militante et politique.Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación acerca de unas asociaciones familiares católicas, en Francia y en Portugal. Propone evidenciar cuales son las condiciones que favorecen las toma de responsabilidad por parte de las mujeres en estos grupos conservadores. En estas asociaciones, a las cuales la pareja es la que se afilia, la diferencia “natural” entre hombres y mujeres está permanentemente reafirmada y se observa claramente una división sexual del trabajo militante. Los hombres ocupan las plazas más prestigiosas y se encargan de la mayor parte del trabajo de reflexión e impulsión política, mientras que las mujeres se dedican a los servicios a las familias y a las tareas de organizaci

  14. La mobilité des enfants et l'autosuffisance économique des femmes dans le milieu patriarcal africain


    Frank, Odile


    Les formes de domination de la femme en Afrique au Sud du Sahara relèvent très essentiellement des régimes familiaux et sociaux. Dans cette articulation subtile des rôles économiques et familiaux de la femme africaine, l'auteur montre que la mobilité des enfants est à la base d'un mécanisme important de rééquilibrage. Le présent article cherche à cerner les structures familiales, les facteurs économiques, et les exigences de l'éducation des enfants auxquelles les femmes répondent à travers le...

  15. Transformation de la production avicole en Asie du Sud-Est | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 mai 2016 ... Depuis l'épidémie de grippe aviaire qui a frappé la Chine et l'Asie du Sud-Est au début des années 2000, les politiques gouvernementales visant à réduire le risque de nouvelles flambées ont donné lieu au déménagement de milliers de petits aviculteurs dans des zones de production avicole désignées.

  16. Promotion de la recherche sur l'entrepreneuriat en Asie du Sud-Est ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... surtout en ce qui concerne les femmes, et de suivre leur évolution en Asie du Sud-Est. ... surveillera le déroulement du projet et veillera au contrôle de la qualité. ... including heat stress, water management, and climate-related migration.

  17. Femmes, musulmanes, libanaises du Sud : revendiquer une place par l’islam

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    Kinda Chaib


    Full Text Available Des travaux ont été menés sur des militantes de la banlieue de Beyrouth mais rien n’a été fait sur les femmes du Liban Sud, région rurale en contact direct avec l’occupation israélienne. Les femmes rencontrées se présentent à la fois comme femmes, musulmanes et du Liban Sud, ces trois niveaux d’appartenance étant aussi importants dans leurs discours. Elles emploient le « parler musulman » au quotidien pour se faire une place qui n’est pas celle de leurs mères, convoquant des personnages de l’histoire chiite comme les leaders contemporains. Elles élaborent ainsi une image de ce qu’elles appellent leur jihâd, complémentaire de celui des hommes. Elles revendiquent une certaine indépendance tout en adhérant à certains schémas traditionnels concernant le partage des rôles au sein du foyer.

  18. Sauvegarde et valorisation du fonds d’archives familiales de Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo à Madagascar

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    Laurence Ink


    Full Text Available Figure essentielle et encore mal connue de la littérature malgache et internationale, Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo (1903‑1937 fut à la fois poète, journaliste et critique, dramaturge et romancier, historien de sa tradition, collecteur et traducteur de textes anciens comme de textes modernes. L’aventure qui débuta fin 2008 pour aboutir à la publication de ses œuvres complètes (AUF/ITEM, CNRS Éditions, Coll. Planète libre, Paris, 2 tomes, 2010 et 2012 consistait à sauvegarder l’important fonds d’archives familiales (plus de 800 manuscrits, tapuscrits, textes édités ou documents de travail confié par les ayant droits à l’Institut Français de Madagascar (Antananarivo, par un travail de tri, de numérisation et de mise en conditionnement neutre, in situ, et à le valoriser par l’édition des textes, pour une grande part inédits, dans une approche scientifique à caractère génétique. Expérience novatrice, structurée par une méthodologie devant constamment s’adapter aux exigences géographique, scientifique et éditoriale, elle est également à considérer comme un cas d’école, pour une meilleure approche des fonds d’archives littéraires, aujourd’hui en péril dans bon nombre de pays du Sud.

  19. Infiltration SuDS Map


    Dearden, Rachel


    Infiltration SuDS are sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) that allow surface water to infiltrate to the ground. Examples include soakaways, infiltration basins, infiltration trenches and permeable pavements. Before planning to install Infiltration SuDS, the suitability of the ground should be assessed. The British Geological Survey has developed a bespoke Infiltration SuDS Map that enables a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the ground for infiltration SuDS. Th...

  20. Vivre sa passion et gagner sa vie : jeunes artistes du sud-ouest de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    du sud-ouest de Madagascar sont bien en avance sur leur temps. Les jeunes artistes ..... et Damama, toutes deux des célébrités originaires de la partie nord de la .... la mise en relief de quelques touches personnelles, par rapport au texte et/.

  1. Le contrôle de gestion des entreprises familiales : un contrôle non-financiarisé ?


    Barbelivien , Dominique


    Nous examinons la tendance décrite dans la littérature quant à la financiarisation de la fonction de contrôle de gestion en nous appuyant sur le cas d’une entreprise de taille intermédiaire familiale. Nous constatons que le contrôle de gestion dans le cas étudié correspond à une rationalisation des décisions opérationnelles et développons les raisons qui peuvent expliquer la persistance d’un contrôle de gestion très opérationnel. Le contexte d’entreprise familiale dans laquelle il y a confusi...

  2. Sociabilité, solidarité : culture, identité et vie urbaine dans les quartiers noirs du cap (Afrique du Sud

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    Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch


    Full Text Available La présence des Noirs dans les villes sud-africaines a longtemps été sévèrement limitée et contrôlée par les régimes de ségrégation et d´apartheid. Les espaces qui leur étaient assignés avaient été conçus dans ce but. Pourtant, ils abritent aujourd´hui des formes sociales nouvelles comme une culture urbaine originale et dynamique. Cet article montre comment les structures familiales, l´agencement intérieur des habitations ou le réseau associatif ont transformé ces espaces. Enfin, l´analyse de cartes mentales dessinées par les résidents confirme que l´espace des quartiers noirs existe avant tout comme projection des relations et des réseaux sociaux.

  3. Exploitations agricoles climate-intelligentes? Etudes de cas au Burkina Faso et en Colombie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Andrieu, N.; Pédelahore, P.; Howland, F.; Descheemaeker, K.K.E.


    Comment satisfaire la sécurité alimentaire tout en s'adaptant au changement climatique et en l'atténuant ? Quelles sont les principales menaces pesant sur les agricultures du Sud ? Comment les agriculteurs du Sud répondent-ils à ces menaces ? Quelles sont les propositions de la recherche agronomique

  4. Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais

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    Laurent Gédéon


    Full Text Available Dans Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais se livre à une analyse précise de la situation en Asie du sud-est au regard de la crise économique qui a secoué cette région du monde en 1997 et de ses conséquences. Soulignant la fragmentation de cet espace politique, caractérisé par sa très grande diversité culturelle et linguistique, l’auteur rappelle qu’il s’est édifié sur l’ancienne ligne de fracture entre monde chinois et puissances européennes, tout d’abord, puis...

  5. Agriculture familiale et politiques publiques de développement territorial : le cas du Brésil de Lula

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    Eric Sabourin


    Full Text Available Le gouvernement de Lula a considérablement amplifié et diversifié le Programme d'Appui à l'Agriculture Familiale (PRONAF, créé par le gouvernement Fernando Henrique Cardoso en 1995. Ce choix affirmé sur la longue durée pour l'agriculture familiale, peut surprendre dans un Brésil qui a toujours, tout au long de son histoire, privilégié l’agriculture « d'entreprise » : latifundia et entreprises agricoles. L'article analyse les mécanismes qui ont conduit à ces choix sociétaux, en examinant en particulier le rôle des organisations syndicales et paysannes dans la « construction » du Programme d'Appui à l'Agriculture Familiale (PRONAF et du Programme de Développement Durable des Territoires Ruraux (PDSTR. La permanence de l'agriculture familiale dans l'histoire brésilienne est expliquée par sa capacité d'adaptation et de résistance, même face à des projets de modernisation irréalistes qui ne prenaient pas en compte les avantages comparatifs de l'agriculture familiale. Cette capacité d'adaptation naît d'une expérimentation au quotidien, dans des histoires de « développement local ». Des groupes d'agriculteurs testent techniques, pratiques ou organisations. Le dynamisme de ces mouvements en a fait des partenaires naturels de l'Etat dans l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre du PRONAF.Au-delà des difficultés et du manque de moyens, au quotidien, dans les relations entre acteurs, une pratique de mise en œuvre du PRONAF a été inventée. Une nouvelle gouvernance s'est instituée entre mouvement social et gouvernement. . Pour le MDA, et plus particulièrement, pour le Secrétariat du Développement Territorial (SDT, le territoire est le lieu privilégié de cette nouvelle gouvernance. Le PRONAF et le PDSTR sont représentatifs de ce que tendent à devenir les politiques publiques pour répondre aux défis d'un futur, toujours plus incertain. Ils sont l’exemple de programme co-définis dans la continuit

  6. Les conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo: une étude transversale à propos de 159 nouveau-nés (United States)

    Kokou, Vonor; Nidain, Maneh; Kassoula, Nononsaa Batomguela; Kwassi, Fiaty- Amenouvor; Meba, Banla; Patrice, Balo Komi


    Introduction Le but de l’étude était décrire les aspects épidémiologiques des conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo. Methodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale dans les 4 Unités Sanitaires Périphériques du canton de Glidji du 19 Mars au 13 Mai 2009 soit 8 semaines. Tous les nouveau-nés ont été inclus et la conjonctivite néonatale était définie par la présence chez un nouveau-né d'au moins deux des signes suivants: hyperhémie conjonctivale, œdème palpébral, chémosis, sécrétions purulentes, larmoiement. Les paramètres étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, les facteurs de risque, les antécédents, la présence ou non de conjonctivite, les germes en causes et l’évolution sous traitement. Resultats Sur la période, 159 nouveau-nés ont été examinés. L’âge moyen était de 10,9 jours avec des extrêmes de 0 à 28 jours. Il y avait 80 garçons pour 79 filles soit un sex-ratio de 1,01. Sur les 159 nouveau-nés, 7 cas de conjonctivite ont été diagnostiqués soit une prévalence de 4,4%. Les facteurs de risque identifiés étaient l'accouchement par voie basse et la présence d'IST chez la mère pendant la grossesse. Sur les 7 cas de conjonctivite, l'examen cytobactériologique a permis d'isoler le staphylococcus aureus dans 2 cas. L’évolution des cas de conjonctivite sous traitement était favorable avec régression des signes dès le 3è jour. Conclusion Les conjonctivites néonatales avaient une prévalence de 4,4% dans le canton de Glidji au sud du Togo et le staphylocoque doré était le germe en cause. Leur prévention passe par un bon suivi lors de la consultation prénatale et l'instillation de collyre antibiotique à la naissance PMID:27642383

  7. Méga-événements en Inde, au Brésil et en Afrique du Sud: Des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2016 ... Dans cet article de 2015, Brij Maharaj de l'Université de Kwazulu-Natal présente une perspective manquante, en examinant trois méga-événements récents dans le Sud Global: les Jeux du Commonwealth 2010 à Delhi, en Inde; La Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2010 en Afrique du Sud; Et la Coupe du ...

  8. Effets du statut d’emploi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail : le cas des auxiliaires familiales et sociales et des infirmières de soins à domicile au Québec

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    Élise Ledoux


    Full Text Available Les données de cette recherche corroborent les principaux résultats de nombreuses études sur les liens entre la précarité d’emploi et les risques accrus à la santé et à la sécurité du travail (SST. Constituée de quatre études de cas de services de soutien à domicile (SAD de Centres locaux de services communautaires (CLSC, cette recherche montre comment l’organisation du travail peut soutenir les stratégies protectrices auxquelles ont recours les auxiliaires sociales et familiales (AFS et les infirmières de services de SAD ou leur nuire. Il s’avère que les pratiques organisationnelles positives auraient les mêmes effets sur les salariées régulières que sur celles qui ont un statut précaire, cependant ces dernières bénéficient rarement de ce soutien. Quant aux dysfonctionnements organisationnels, les personnels précaires disposent de moins de marges de manœuvre pour les pallier. Ils sont donc doublement à risque au regard de leur santé et de leur sécurité au travail.The data from this study corroborate the main results of many studies on the relationships between job precariousness and increased occupational health and safety (OHS risks. This project consists of four studies of cases of local community service centre (CLSC homecare services (HS and shows how work organization can have a positive or negative effect on the protective strategies used by HS homecare workers and nurses. Positive organizational practices would have the same effects on regular employees as on those with a precarious status; however, the latter rarely benefit from this support. As for organizational dysfunction, precarious employees have less margin of maneuver to compensate for it. They therefore face a two-fold greater occupational health and safety risk.

  9. Interfaces et reconfigurations de la question Nord/Sud en Corée.

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    Valérie Gelézeau


    Full Text Available S’appuyant sur un travail pluridisciplinaire autour de la notion d’interface, l’article propose de nouvelles perspectives d’analyse de la question Nord/Sud en Corée en considérant la partition entre Corée du Nord et Corée du Sud non plus comme un simple contexte géopolitique mais comme une matrice structurante des deux sociétés. Trois grands types d’interfaces entre les deux Corées sont identifiés et analysés à travers plusieurs études de cas : les interfaces spatiales (la frontière inter-coréenne, la frontière sino-nord-coréenne, ou encore les enclaves économiques développées au Nord par la Corée du Sud, les interfaces sociales (la communauté des Nord-Coréens au Sud, les élites sud-coréennes originaires du Nord, ou les échanges culturels nés de l’introduction au Sud de la peinture nord-coréenne, les interfaces narratives renvoyant aux discours que chaque Corée construit sur l’Autre, que ce soient les discours officiels (manuels scolaires, agences de presse ou ceux de la fiction (cinéma. Prolongeant le travail des géographes sur la notion, l’article s’efforce de mieux décrire la géométrie du système que constitue une interface (multiplicité des plans et des niveaux de contacts, jeu des synapses et des interstices, prégnance des enclaves non seulement sur le plan spatial mais aussi sur les plans social et narratif et de reconsidérer l’extraordinaire complexité de la culture coréenne contemporaine. Malgré les divergences de vues sur l’existence même d’une interface entre les deux Corées, l’article conclut que l’usage de ce concept a contribué à mettre en évidence la prégnance de cette division au cœur des deux Corées, à tous les niveaux de la sphère sociale et jusque dans le discours des études coréennes. En exposant les frontières divisant les discours et les savoirs sur la péninsule selon un paradigme bipolaire, le concept d’interface a pu permettre de

  10. Profil des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique: étude multicentrique au Maroc


    Kabbali, Nadia; Mikou, Souad; El Pardiya, Nada Tazi; El Bardai, Ghita; Arrayhani, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    Introduction Le diabète représente la première cause de mortalité par insuffisance rénale au Maroc. Sa prévalence selon l'Enquête Nationale sur la Population et la Santé Familiale de 2011 est de 3,3% [1]. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la prévalence et d’étudier le profil clinique des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale multicentrique incluant 2066 hémodialysés chroniques dans les 39 centres d'hémodialyse de quatre régions marocai...

  11. La qualité bien rare de Sâlih Ibn Yahyâ parmi les historiens orientaux au Moyen Âge: Écrire l'histoire des émirs Buhtur en utilisant les archives familiales

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    Pierre Moukarzel


    Full Text Available Sâlih Ibn Yahyâ, à la différence des chroniqueurs du xive et du xve siècle, a consacré son œuvre à écrire l’histoire de sa famille. Cet ouvrage est très important car il est fondé dans sa plus grande partie sur des archives familiales conservées par les émirs Buhtur qui ont régné sur une région du Mont Liban appelée al-Gharb.Ces archives comprennent des pièces officielles, des lettres patentes, des acts d’iqṭâ‛, des décrets, des ordres, que les émirs Buhtur ont reçus, soit de la cour d’Égypte, soit de celle de Damas, soit encore des Mongols ou des Francs.Ces pièces d’archives couvrent une période allant du xiie jusqu’au xive siècle. Leur présentation et leur analyse fournissent des informations très intéressantes sur l’usage et les règles de la rédaction dans les chancelleries des sultans zinghîdes, ayyûbîdes et des premiers sultans mamelouks.

  12. L’espace domestique au Bronze final et au premier âge du Fer dans le sud de la Corse

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    Peche-Quilichini, Kewin


    organización general como a nivel del espacio interno y de la arquitectura de las viviendas. [fr] L’objectif de cet article est de fournir une approche synthétique sur les formes de l’habitat en Corse au Bronze final (BF et au premier âge du Fer (F1, à l’échelle de la microrégion montagneuse de l’Alta Rocca, située dans le sud de la Corse, au coeur du bassin occidental de la Méditerranée. La problématique d’étude des sites protohistoriques non fortifiés est jeune sur l’île, mais les travaux se sont récemment multipliés et rendent compte de la complexité structurelle et évolutive des espaces habités, permettant ainsi une premiére analyse comparative. Le raisonnement s’appuie essentiellement sur l’apport des fouilles du grand habitat de Cuciurpula, initiées en 2008 et toujours en cours, ainsi que sur l’exploitation des villages de Puzzonu et de Nuciaresa, sondés en 2012. La chronologie des secteurs étudiés permet d’embrasser un arc chronologique complet entre le XIIe et le VIe siécle av. J.-C., et donc d’appréhender les phénoménes évolutifs, tant en termes d’organisation générale qu’au niveau de l’espace interne et de l’architecture des habitations.

  13. Le rôle des chefs traditionnels au Ghana : un modèle inspirant ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 févr. 2011 ... Avec ses partenaires du Sud, avec aussi le soutien du Centre de recherches pour le développement international ( CRDI ), organisme canadien, Ray a étudié le rôle des chefs traditionnels au Ghana dans la lutte contre le VIH et le sida. Les collectivités politiques antérieures au colonialisme sont une ...

  14. Le harcèlement sexuel dans les universités au Royaume-Uni et au Mexique


    Mendoza-Morteo, Marlen


    Harcèlement sexuel et violence de genre dans les universités Le problème de la violence de genre et du harcèlement sexuel dans les universités est une réalité mondiale qui existe tant dans les pays du « Nord » que dans ceux du « Sud ». Contrairement aux  mythes qui relient la violence de genre au statut socio-économique ou au niveau éducatif, la violence de genre est un phénomène indépendant de la classe sociale, de  la formation académique et de la race à laquelle on appartient. Cette étude ...

  15. L’Entrepreneuriat au sein de la famille. Marchands et entrepreneurs en Inde Entrepreneurship in the Family Context: Merchants and Entrepreneurs in India

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    Harald Tambs-Lyche


    Full Text Available Malgré le déni de Max Weber, l’essor actuel de l’économie indienne montre que non seulement l’esprit du capitalisme, mais aussi l’entrepreneuriat, sont bien présents en Inde. Dans cet article, j’analyse les stratégies commerciales des Gauda Saraswat Brahmanes du Sud Kanara (autour de Mangalore, sur la côte Ouest de l’Inde, en utilisant le modèle d’entrepreneuriat proposé par Fredrik Barth (1962, 1967. Fidèle à la tradition du « capitalisme de portefeuille » (Baily 1989, ces marchands distribuent leur capital entre des filières sûres mais modérément rentables, et des projets novateurs et profitables mais risqués. L’entrepreneur, ici, n’est que rarement l’individu, car il s’agit le plus souvent d’une stratégie orchestrée par la famille, qui se confond à son tour avec la firme familiale. Cette orchestration exige des chefs de famille un souci constant de management qui se manifeste en écoutant les idées des cadets et en leur confiant des rôles qui les gratifient au sein de l’entreprise familiale, tout en gardant la main sur la stratégie globale de la firme.In spite of Max Weber’s views, the present growth in the Indian economy shows rather conclusively the presence both of the spirit of capitalism and of entrepreneurship in India. In this article, I analyse the commercial strategies of the Gauda Saraswat Brahmins of South Kanara (around Mangalore, on the West coast of India, using the model of entrepreneurship proposed by Fredrik Barth (1962, 1967. True to the tradition of portefeuille capitalism (Baily 1989, these merchants distribute their capital between safe but moderately remunerative ventures, and projects that are profitable but risky. The entrepreneur, here, is rarely an individual, rather we see a strategy orchestrated by the family, which in its turn corresponds to the family firm. This organisation demands constant attention from the head of the family, who must listen to the ideas of

  16. Duean sip, théâtre de l’ethnorégionalisme sud. Les nomades de la mer et le cycle rituel du dixième mois dans la province de Phang Nga (sud de la Thaïlande)


    Ferrari, Olivier


    La cérémonie bouddhique du dixième mois lunaire, connue comme la fête des morts et des revenants, revêt dans la région de Phang Nga, au sud de la Thaïlande une importance et un rôle qui vont bien au-delà de sa signification religieuse. Il s’agit en effet d’un complexe rituel qui, en s’emboîtant avec les cérémonies du festival végétarien des Sino-Thaïs et avec d’autres cérémonies propres aux nomades de la mer (Moken, Moklen et Urak Lawoi), met en scène les fondements des relations interethniqu...

  17. Sans-Terre au sud du Brésil Sem-terra no Sul do Brasil

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    René Somain


    Full Text Available Le livre de Susana Bleil, brésilienne et maître de conférences à l’Université du Havre, est la reprise pour un plus large public de sa thèse en sociologie soutenue en mai 2009 à Paris (EHESS. Elle est publiée par maison d’édition Karthala, qui a été fondée pour publier et diffuser des textes sur les questions internationales en rapport avec les pays du Sud.Pour l’essentiel, le livre retrace l’occupation d’une terre par seize familles de paysans Sans-Terre. Après avoir retracé – pour le publi...

  18. A cost comparison of traditional drainage and SUDS in Scotland. (United States)

    Duffy, A; Jefferies, C; Waddell, G; Shanks, G; Blackwood, D; Watkins, A


    The Dunfermline Eastern Expansion (DEX) is a 350 ha mixed development which commenced in 1996. Downstream water quality and flooding issues necessitated a holistic approach to drainage planning and the site has become a European showcase for the application of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). However, there is minimal data available regarding the real costs of operating and maintaining SUDS to ensure they continue to perform as per their design function. This remains one of the primary barriers to the uptake and adoption of SUDS. This paper reports on what is understood to be the only study in the UK where actual costs of constructing and maintaining SUDS have been compared to an equivalent traditional drainage solution. To compare SUDS costs with traditional drainage, capital and maintenance costs of underground storage chambers of analogous storage volumes were estimated. A whole life costing methodology was then applied to data gathered. The main objective was to produce a reliable and robust cost comparison between SUDS and traditional drainage. The cost analysis is supportive of SUDS and indicates that well designed and maintained SUDS are more cost effective to construct, and cost less to maintain than traditional drainage solutions which are unable to meet the environmental requirements of current legislation. (c) IWA Publishing 2008.

  19. L’enjeu du régionalisme dans les relations entre les pays émergents. Le cas du Brésil et de l’Afrique du Sud

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    Audrey Lauriello


    Full Text Available La présente contribution se penche sur la place accordée au régionalisme dans les relations entre les pays dits «émergents» que sont le Brésil et l’Afrique du Sud. La dernière décennie a vu apparaître de nouvelles puissances qui entendent participer à l’édiction des règles régissant le comportement des États sur la scène internationale au même titre que les grandes puissances industrielles traditionnelles. À cette fin, le Brésil et l’Afrique du Sud notamment ont développé une diplomatie active et multi-niveaux et s’accordent mutuellement davantage de place dans leur agenda extérieur. Parmi les différents instruments – bilatéraux, régionaux, et multilatéraux – qu’ils mobilisent, la relation interrégionale apparaît comme un outil parmi d’autres qui vise avant tout à concrétiser leurs aspirations plus globales.

  20. De l’amour et du mariage. Une correspondance familiale au xixe siècle


    Dauphin, Cécile; Poublan, Danièle


    L’article se propose d’explorer ce qui est dit du mariage et de l’amour dans la correspondance d’une famille bourgeoise qui couvre plusieurs générations sur un large xixe siècle. Trois épisodes ont été retenus qui permettent d’observer bien des tensions entre mariage arrangé et mariage d’inclination. D’abord, au début du siècle, la correspondance d’un jeune homme à l’aube d’une brillante carrière scientifique explicite les « raisons » sociales et économiques qui déterminent son choix matrimon...

  1. Traditions matrimoniales dans la région de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer au Maroc


    Hami, H.; Soulaymani, A.; Mokhtari, A.


    La pratique des mariages consanguins est très répandue au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique du Nord et dans le Sud-Ouest Asiatique où 20 à plus de 50 % de mariages sont consanguins. L’analyse d’un échantillon de 270 femmes mariées, pris au hasard dans le service de Maternité de l’Hôpital Souissi à Rabat (2004-2005), a fait l’objet d’une étude prospective visant à déterminer la fréquence des mariages consanguins dans la région de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer au Maroc. Les résultats obtenus montrent que 20...

  2. Renforcement des capacités de recherche grâce au mentorat par ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet de recherche-action consistera en un programme collaboratif de mentorat par les pairs conçu pour renforcer les capacités de recherche sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication au service du développement dans les pays du Sud. Le programme sera axé sur les compétences requises pour ...

  3. Un bilan des enjeux et impacts de l’écotourisme au Costa Rica

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    Fabiola Nicolas


    Full Text Available IntroductionS’étirant sur 520 000 km², l’Amérique centrale est une région constituée d’un long isthme étroit formé entre l’Amérique du Nord et l’Amérique du Sud. Outre la péninsule du Yucatan et du Mexique, cette région comprend du Nord au Sud, sept états dont le Guatemala, le Belize, le Salvador, le Honduras, le Nicaragua, le Costa Rica et le Panama.Cette région fut marquée pour son instabilité économique, sociale et politique et à ce titre, elle a longtemps été perçue – et le reste encore –...

  4. Asie du sud | Page 38 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Asie du sud. Asie du sud. Read more about Advancing LDCs Interests in the WTO: Strengthening Participation, Securing Priorities (TTI). Langue English. Read more about Resserrement des réseaux pour la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses émergentes en Asie du Sud-Est et en Chine - 2e phase de l'APEIR. Langue ...

  5. Afrique du Sud

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    Cathy Egan

    les Sud-Africains à passer à une démocratie non raciale. L'influence ... début de fréquentes communications avec des dirigeants de l'ANC vivant dans des pays ... en témoigne le procès-verbal de la réunion) que « [l]e Centre « devrait appuyer.

  6. Des incitatifs au rendement pour les travailleurs en santé du Soudan ...

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    Le Soudan du Sud affiche quelques-uns des pires indicateurs de santé du monde. Ce projet vise à aborder le problème en améliorant la motivation et le rendement des travailleurs en santé communautaire. En revanche, cela devrait améliorer l'état de santé des mères et des enfants. Accès aux soins de santé au Soudan ...

  7. Les déterminants socioéconomiques de l'adoption des technologies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    la culture du mil pour les céréales, du niébé et de l'arachide pour les légumineuses. Cette production agricole se pratique sur des petites exploitations familiales cultivées en système pluvial (RECA, 2008). Le niébé est cultivé dans toute la bande agricole Sud du Niger. Dans les régions de. Maradi et Zinder, il occupe 48% ...

  8. Réduction des pertes de fruits en Inde et au Sri Lanka grâce à la ...

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    Ce projet réunit des partenaires de recherche du Canada et de l'Asie du Sud dans le but de mettre au point d'un nouveau mode d'emballage basé sur la ... Association, in close collaboration with IDRC, is holding a webinar titled “Climate change and adaptive water management: Innovative solutions from the Global South”.

  9. SITUATIONS ET TENDANCES Les agricultures familiales africaines face à la mondialisation : le défi d‘une autre transition

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    Bosc Pierre-Marie


    Full Text Available L’agriculture africaine fait face à une situation inédite liée au processus de mondialisation, mais aussi à la forte croissance relative de sa population agricole durant le dernier quart du xxe siècle, contrairement à d’autres continents (ou pays continents. Paradoxalement, alors que l’Afrique se trouve marginalisée dans les échanges commerciaux, sur lesquels se focalise le débat international en matière agricole, l’agriculture africaine et le développement rural restent des domaines stratégiques pour les politiques publiques qui doivent prendre en compte la configuration démographique et économique spécifique du continent. La question du type d’agriculture qui accompagnera la nécessaire transition économique et agricole africaine est en débat. Alors que certains opérateurs et décideurs soutiennent le développement d’une agriculture d’entreprise, les organisations paysannes font massivement le choix de défendre l’agriculture familiale comme axe privilégié de développement, car elle fournit emplois et revenus pour le plus grand nombre. Cependant, les organisations doivent faire face à un rapport de force inégal avec les autres acteurs privés issus du processus de libération. Renforcer leurs capacités de proposition et de négociation apparaît dès lors comme une condition permettant d’envisager une refondation des politiques publiques sur la base d’une réelle contribution des ruraux.

  10. Introduction. La famille et les TIC au cœur des épreuves et des célébrations


    Boutet, Manuel; Le Douarin, Laurence


    Ce numéro part du constat qu’aujourd’hui, l’édification des relations familiales s’appuie, notamment, sur l’utilisation de la téléphonie mobile et de la médiation électronique. Ainsi étudier les usages des outils de médiation électronique doit-il nous permettre d’en comprendre le rôle pour la famille, d’explorer par ce biais les normes familiales et d’élucider l’« économie morale » propre à chaque entité familiale (Silverstone et al., 1992). Les pratiques numériques peuvent servir d’« analyse...

  11. SuDS and human behaviour: Co-developing solutions to encourage sustainable behaviour

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    Everett Glyn


    Full Text Available Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS are today widely considered to be a more progressive and environmentally sensitive approach to Flood Risk Management (FRM. However, this paper argues that the sustainability of SuDS should not be so simply presumed. Devices will depend upon correct behaviour from those local to them in order to function properly over time, and for Green Infrastructure SuDS to flourish and deliver their promised multiple benefits. This paper looks to the potential value in using Social Practice Theory as a lens for understanding current behaviours around SuDS devices, and for assessing possible strategies for encouraging positive behaviour amongst affected communities. It concludes in arguing that involving local people as much as possible in the co-design of systems and then working to maintain involvement and awareness will be the most cost-effective means by which SuDS might be made to live up to the sustainability they are celebrated for.

  12. Diaspora et économie internationale: le cas des Sud-Africains d’origine indienne

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    Frédéric Landy


    Full Text Available L’Inde rêve que la diaspora indienne joue un rôle économique comparable à celui de la diaspora chinoise pour la Chine. En comparant trois cartes de la répartition mondiale des personnes d’origine indienne et des investissements internationaux, on constate que les pays à forte communauté indienne ne sont pas toujours des partenaires économiques majeurs de l’Inde. Celle-ci demeure une référence forte pour la diaspora, parfois très ancienne. Le cas de l’Afrique du Sud illustre bien la dissolution des liens matériels entre les personnes d’origine indienne et l’Inde, aggravée par la coupure de l’apartheid: la carte de l’Inde a souvent disparu des esprits, au profit d’une Inde bien plus abstraite.

  13. L'école des Springboks : le rugby scolaire au Cap, entre ségrégation et déségrégation


    Migozzi , Julien


    International audience; — La géographie du sport offre de précieux axes de lecture de l'espace urbain sud-africain. Au Cap, la pratique du rugby scolaire, fortement liée à l'histoire politique de la ville et du pays, témoigne des fractures, des inégalités et des évolutions de la société sud-africaine. À la fois facteur de maintien et de renouvellement de la ségrégation raciale et sociale et vecteur de nouvelles pratiques citadines et d'interactions sociales, le rugby scolaire, par ses spatial...

  14. The SARS-unique domain (SUD of SARS coronavirus contains two macrodomains that bind G-quadruplexes.

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    Jinzhi Tan


    Full Text Available Since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS in 2003, the three-dimensional structures of several of the replicase/transcriptase components of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV, the non-structural proteins (Nsps, have been determined. However, within the large Nsp3 (1922 amino-acid residues, the structure and function of the so-called SARS-unique domain (SUD have remained elusive. SUD occurs only in SARS-CoV and the highly related viruses found in certain bats, but is absent from all other coronaviruses. Therefore, it has been speculated that it may be involved in the extreme pathogenicity of SARS-CoV, compared to other coronaviruses, most of which cause only mild infections in humans. In order to help elucidate the function of the SUD, we have determined crystal structures of fragment 389-652 ("SUD(core" of Nsp3, which comprises 264 of the 338 residues of the domain. Both the monoclinic and triclinic crystal forms (2.2 and 2.8 A resolution, respectively revealed that SUD(core forms a homodimer. Each monomer consists of two subdomains, SUD-N and SUD-M, with a macrodomain fold similar to the SARS-CoV X-domain. However, in contrast to the latter, SUD fails to bind ADP-ribose, as determined by zone-interference gel electrophoresis. Instead, the entire SUD(core as well as its individual subdomains interact with oligonucleotides known to form G-quadruplexes. This includes oligodeoxy- as well as oligoribonucleotides. Mutations of selected lysine residues on the surface of the SUD-N subdomain lead to reduction of G-quadruplex binding, whereas mutations in the SUD-M subdomain abolish it. As there is no evidence for Nsp3 entering the nucleus of the host cell, the SARS-CoV genomic RNA or host-cell mRNA containing long G-stretches may be targets of SUD. The SARS-CoV genome is devoid of G-stretches longer than 5-6 nucleotides, but more extended G-stretches are found in the 3'-nontranslated regions of mRNAs coding for certain host-cell proteins

  15. Sud du Sahara | Page 200 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Sud du Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: Economic Policy Research Centre. Langue English. Read more about TTI Phase 2 Institutional Support: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization. Langue English. Read more about Relations entre les think tanks ...

  16. Sud du Sahara | Page 228 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Sud du Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Equinet : réappropriation des ressources aux fins de la santé - phase V. Langue French. Read more about EQUINET : Reclaiming the Resources for Health - Phase V. Langue English. Read more about Remittances to Conflict Zones : the Sudanese Diaspora in Cairo ...

  17. Les sépultures chasséennes du sud de la France

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    Alain BEYNEIX


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: A new exam of the «royal» sepulture of Saint-Michel-clu-Touch in Toulouse (dép. Haute- Garonne and a bibliographical study about chassean sepultures in southern France permit to present social aspects of the chassean communities in this area. This study shows on the one hand, a glaring diversity about mortuary practises and rituals, on the other hand, the beginning of a social hiérarchisation. Some sepultures present an architecture or else furnitures which illustre the presence of powerful people in the populations of first farmers in the end of the 5 the millenium and in the beginning of the 4 the millenium B.C. in southern France.RÉSUMÉ: Le réexamen de la sépulture dite «royale» de Saint-Michel-du-Touch à Toulouse (Haute- Garonne suivi d'une étude bibliographique des sépultures chasséennes du sud de la France permettent de relever quelques aspects sociaux des communautés du Néolithique moyen de cette région. Outre de flagrantes diversités de pratiques et de rites funéraires, l'étude de ces sépultures dénote tin début de hiérarchisation sociale. Certaines tombes par leur architecture ou par la qualité de leur mobilier apparaissent comme la preuve tangible d'un phénomène d'émergence du pouvoir au sein des populations de premiers agriculteurs dès la fin du Vo et du début du IV millénaire avant J.C. dans le sud de la France.

  18. Sud du Sahara | Page 59 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Sud du Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Health Financing and Benefit Incidence Analysis in Uganda and Zambia. Langue English. Read more about Le Centre d'innovation pour la résilience de l'Afrique de l'Est. Langue French. Read more about Climate Change and Water Adaptation Options. Langue English.

  19. Social, Economic and Demographic Determinants of Sexual Risk ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    \\'un mois au cours de l\\'année passée à cause du travail étaient, tous les deux, liés au fait d\\'avoir jamais payé pour les rapports sexuels, alors que ceux qui possédaient de la richesse familiale avaient moins la possibilité de payer pour les ...

  20. La situation politique du Jawf au Ier millénaire avant J.-C.

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    Mounir Arbach


    Full Text Available La région du Jawf, située à une centaine de kilomètres au nord-est de Sanaa, possède un nombre important de sites archéologiques sudarabiques. Les plus importants sont, du sud-est au nord-ouest : Barâqish, l’antique Yathill, dont l’enceinte est l’ouvrage défensif le mieux conservé parmi les sites préislamiques ; Ma‘în, l’antique Qarnaw, capitale du royaume de Ma‘în ; Kharibat Hamdân, l’antique Haram ; Kamna, l’antique Kaminahû ; al-Sawdâ’, l’antique Nashshân ; et al-Baydâ’, l’antique Nashq. L...

  1. Duean sip, théâtre de l’ethnorégionalisme sud. Les nomades de la mer et le cycle rituel du dixième mois dans la province de Phang Nga (sud de la Thaïlande) Duean sip, Theater of the Southern Ethnoregionalism. The Sea Nomads and the Tenth Lunar Month Ritual Complex in the Phang Nga Province (Southern Thailand)


    Olivier Ferrari


    La cérémonie bouddhique du dixième mois lunaire, connue comme la fête des morts et des revenants, revêt dans la région de Phang Nga, au sud de la Thaïlande une importance et un rôle qui vont bien au-delà de sa signification religieuse. Il s’agit en effet d’un complexe rituel qui, en s’emboîtant avec les cérémonies du festival végétarien des Sino-Thaïs et avec d’autres cérémonies propres aux nomades de la mer (Moken, Moklen et Urak Lawoi), met en scène les fondements des relations interethniqu...

  2. Sud du Sahara | Page 232 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sud du Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Démarches novatrices en ce qui a trait à la délégation des tâches en santé mentale. Langue French. Read more about Institutional Support: Centre for Economic and Social Research, Education and Documentation (Burkina Faso). Langue English. Read more about ...

  3. 2675-IJBCS-Article-Fongang Hensel Guillaume

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 juil. 2013 ... Transformation et commercialisation des chips de banane plantain au ... plantain reste encore artisanale et familiale avec un prix moyen de vente de 100 FCFA le sachet. ..... que le mode de transfert de la connaissance.

  4. Moderniser la démarche visant la qualité de l'eau au Brésil | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    20 sept. 2017 ... Après la rupture d'un grand barrage au sud-est du Brésil, des déchets métalliques et de boue contaminèrent l'eau et causèrent la pire catastrophe écologique de l'histoire de la nation. La recherche d'Adalto Bianchini aide son pays à réviser sa règlementation relative à une de ses ressources les plus ...

  5. Geneviève BÉDOUCHA. Éclipse de lune au Yémen. Émotions et désarrois d’une ethnologue

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    Jean Lambert


    Full Text Available Geneviève Bédoucha est une ethnologue, chercheuse au CNRS, qui a effectué trois enquêtes de terrain au Yémen, en 1984, 1985 et 1986, dans le wâdî Nushûr / wâdî ‘Akwân, à l’est de Sa‘da. Spécialiste de l’irrigation, auteur d’un ouvrage sur les oasis du sud de la Tunisie intitulé L’eau, l’amie du puissant, elle décida de prolonger ses travaux sur un nouveau terrain, au Yémen, qui lui fournirait matière à comparaison. Elle choisit ce wâdî pour son isolement, car il était encore possible, il y a ...

  6. L'hybridation dans les populations naturelles de salmonidés dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Europe et en milieu expérimental




    L'hybridation interspécifique entre le saumon atlantique et la truite commune dans la nature a été mise en évidence dans différents pays d'Europe et au Canada. Une étude a été entreprise pour examiner son incidence dans des populations de salmonidés de certaines rivières des Asturies (nord de l'Espagne) et du sud-ouest de la France. Elle a été complétée par des expériences en milieu contrôlé pour déterminer les causes et les conditions de la disparition des barrières comportementales permetta...

  7. La pisciculture familiale améliore la qualité de vie en Amazonie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pays enclavé de l'Amérique du Sud, la Bolivie affiche le plus bas taux de consommation de poisson par habitant dans le monde, et ce malgré une grande diversité de poissons d'eau douce. Le gouvernement a reconnu récemment la contribution potentielle du poisson pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et a mis sur pied ...

  8. Chapitre I. Le milieu écologique des îles marquises


    Kellum-Ottino, Marimari


    Isolées, massives, escarpées, inhospitalières, les Marquises sont empreintes d’une majesté sauvage qui pèse et écrase. Nulle part en Polynésie n'existe un archipel semblable. Les îles Marquises, situées dans le Pacifique Central, sont isolées de tous les autres archipels. Tahiti se trouve à 800 milles au sud-ouest, les Tuamotu les plus septentrionales à 300 milles au sud et au sud-ouest, et Hawaii à plus de 2 000 milles au nord-ouest. A l’intérieur de l’archipel, les dix îles qui le composent...

  9. Ce que nous faisons | Page 62 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Afrique du Sud affiche un des taux les plus élevés de consommation excessive d'alcool, tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Afrique Du Sud, Sud Du Sahara ... Pour une plus grande équité au chapitre de la couverture santé universelle et des déterminants sociaux de la santé au Zimbabwe. Le déclin rapide de ...

  10. Intervention intégrée quant au risque de diabète après le diabète ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les femmes ayant souffert de diabète sucré de la grossesse, un diabète temporaire qui apparaît pendant la grossesse, présentent un risque élevé de développer le diabète de type 2 après leur grossesse. Cette étude de recherche abordera le problème en Afrique du Sud par l'intermédiaire d'une intervention novatrice au ...

  11. Observation of Au + AuAu + Au + ρ0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ0 with STAR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spencer, K.


    First observation of the reactions Au + AuAu + Au + ρ 0 and Au + AuAu* + Au* + ρ 0 with the STAR detector are reported. The ρ are produced at small perpendicular momentum, as expected if they couple coherently to both nuclei. Models of vector meson production and the correlation with nuclear breakup are discussed, as well as a fundamental test of quantum mechanics that is possible with the system. (author)

  12. Soutenir des politiques d'alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Soutenir des politiques d'alimentation plus saine en Asie du Sud-Est. Près d'un quart des décès causés par des maladies non transmissibles dans le monde surviennent en Asie du Sud-Est. Ce projet tentera de résoudre le problème en menant des recherches sur la façon dont les politiques peuvent favoriser des ...

  13. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    phosphate déhydrogénase au CHU de Lomé ... Alimentation du nouveau-ne et du nourrisson dans la region centrale du togo : pratiques familiales et communautaires avant la mise en oeuvre de la strategie « prise en charge integree des maladies ...

  14. Introduction


    Gastineau, Bénédicte; Gubert, Flore; Robilliard, Anne-Sophie; Roubaud, François


    Située dans l’océan Indien, au sud-est des côtes africaines, Madagascar est, avec une superficie de 590 000 km2 et une population de près de 20 millions d’habitants, le cinquième plus grand État insulaire au monde. De par son relief, caractérisé par un ensemble de massifs montagneux coupant le territoire du Nord au Sud, Madagascar connaît une grande diversité de climats : équatorial et humide sur la côte est, sec et doux dans les grandes plaines de l’Ouest, et semi-désertique au Sud. Cette va...

  15. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    7 août 2013 ... 1. Myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale ... évidence de mutations du gène «MEFV» dont il existe plus d'une vingtaine. .... Mediterranean Fever (FMF): from diagnosis to treatment.

  16. Transmission of Neglect in Substance Abuse Families: The Role of Child Dysregulation and Parental SUD. (United States)

    Dunn, Marija G.; Mezzich, Ada; Janiszewski, Susan; Kirisci, Levent; Tarter, Ralph E.


    Paternal and maternal models of transmission of child neglect were tested separately in offspring of men with a substance use disorder (SUD). Child dysregulation was independently related to neglect severity. SUD in the mother directly correlated with severity of neglectful parenting. (Contains 51 references and 2 tables.) (GCP)

  17. Le(s Sud en quête du Sud. Une construction entre stéréotype et réalité.

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    Mabel Franzone


    Full Text Available Nous pouvons faire de multiples lectures du/ des Sud (s, tant de ses propres représentations que des figurations prêtées par le Nord, comme de ses créations, de ses réactions, de sa quête incessante d’identité. Ce sont des lectures multiples obéissant à de multiples situations, qui font appel à des croisements inaliénables entre divers peuples et ethnies, à diverses disciplines, et suscitent des sentiments mélangés, pouvant aller du rejet à l’attraction presque magnétique qu’exerce chacun des deux des hémisphères l’un sur l’autre. Notre intention première était de réunir divers points de vue liés aux problématiques actuelles du Sud (s, liées à l’imaginaire.

  18. Enhancing the Economic Value of Large Investments in Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS through Inclusion of Ecosystems Services Benefits

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    Santiago Urrestarazu Vincent


    Full Text Available Although Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS are used in cities across the world as effective flood adaptation responses, their economic viability has frequently been questioned. Inclusion of the monetary value of ecosystem services (ES provided by SuDS can increase the rate of return on investments made. Hence, this paper aims at reviewing the enhancement of the economic value of large-scale investments in SuDS through inclusion of ecosystem services. This study focuses on the flood reduction capacity and the ES benefits of green roofs and rain barrels in the combined sewerage network of Montevideo Municipality in Uruguay. The methodology comprises a cost–benefit analysis—with and without monetised ES provided by SuDS—of two drainage network configurations comprising: (i SuDS; and (ii SuDS and detention storage. The optimal drainage design for both these drainage configurations have been determined using SWMM-EA, a tool which uses multi-objective optimisation based evolutionary algorithm (EA and the storm water management model (SWMM. In both design configurations, total benefits comprising both flood reduction and ES benefits are always higher than their costs. The use of storage along with SuDS provides greater benefits with a larger reduction in flooding, and thus is more cost-effective than using SuDS alone. The results show that, for both of the drainage configurations, the larger investments are not beneficial unless ES benefits are taken into account. Hence, it can be concluded that the inclusion of ES benefits is necessary to justify large-scale investments in SuDS.

  19. Résultats de recherche | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Donner aux filles et aux femmes le pouvoir de décider. Répondre au besoin non satisfait en planification familiale de l'Afrique en intensifiant la recherche sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive et sur la santé des adolescents. Perspectives. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION GENDER EQUALITY WATER SUPPLY ...

  20. Myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale (United States)

    Salem, Bouomrani; Afef, Farah; Nadia, Bouassida; Nabil, Ayadi; Zouhir, Bahloul; Maher, Béji


    L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter une observation particulière de myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une maladie périodique. Il s'agit d'un patient tunisien de 53 ans suivi depuis le jeune âge pour maladie périodique dont le diagnostic était confirmé par l’étude génétique montrant l'homozygotie pour la mutation M694V du gène MEFV, fut admis pour exploration d'une douleur avec tuméfaction fessière droite récente. Les explorations biologiques et radiologiques ont permis de retenir le diagnostic d'un myélome multiple de type IgA à chaînes légères kappa stade III B, associé à une volumineuse localisation plasmocytaire très agressive de l'aile iliaque droite envahissant les structures musculaires avoisinantes. Notre observation, qui à notre connaissance est la deuxième signalant une telle association, se distingue par sa survenue brutale, sa progression rapide et le caractère très agressif de l'hémopathie. PMID:24255729

  1. Valuing Multiple Benefits, and the Public Perception of SUDS Ponds

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    Joy Jarvie


    Full Text Available Understanding how the public perceive and value ponds is fundamental to appreciate the synergy between Sustainable urban Drainage (SUDS ponds and the multiple benefits they provide. This paper investigates this, through the application of a structured postal and online survey, for a case study area of Edinburgh, in the UK. It compares man-made ponds (including SUDS, and ponds with natural origins. The results from Whole Life Cost show that the benefits (based on Contingent Valuation exceed the CAPEX and OPEX costs for three of five artificial ponds studied. Benefits from natural (reference ponds exceed the replacement costs for a pond with the same surface area/catchment. This paper highlights the importance of monetising the multiple benefits from ponds.

  2. Facteurs de risque dans le trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité: étude familiale (United States)

    Poissant, Hélène; Rapin, Lucile


    Résumé Objectif: Notre étude a pour but d’évaluer les facteurs de risque associés au trouble déficitaire de l’attention et de l’hyperactivité (TDAH) en termes de comorbidités et de facteurs d’adversité à l’intérieur des familles avec un TDAH. Méthodologie: 137 parents de 104 enfants avec un TDAH et 40 parents de 34 enfants contrôles ont répondu aux items d’un questionnaire. Des tests Chi-carrés et des tests de Student ont mesuré l’association de chaque item avec les groupes et les différences entre les groupes. Résultats: Les enfants avec un TDAH avaient des performances scolaires plus faibles et une plus forte prévalence des troubles d’apprentissage, oppositionnel, des conduites et anxieux que celle des enfants contrôles. Des difficultés d’apprentissage étaient plus souvent rapportées chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Par ailleurs, l’isolement social et les accidents de la route étaient davantage présents chez les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH. Ces dernières souffraient plus de dépression et de trouble anxieux et prenaient davantage de médicaments que les mères contrôles. Conclusion: L’étude de facteurs de risque révèle un lien entre les parents et les enfants, spécifiquement la présence de dépression parmi les mères d’enfants avec un TDAH et de difficultés d’apprentissage chez les pères, suggérant une composante familiale dans le trouble. La sous-représentation du TDAH chez les pères d’enfants avec un TDAH est discutée. PMID:23133459

  3. Chiffrer le travail des femmes - économie sexiste sur le marché et au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    effectuer beaucoup plus de tâches ménagères que les hommes. Les décisions familiales et professionnelles s'entremêlent : les femmes acceptent des emplois qui leur permettent de conjuguer leurs engagements familiaux avec un travail ...

  4. SuDS for managing surface water in Diepsloot informal settlement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Apr 2, 2017 ... ... of intervention. Keywords: SuDS, action research, water quality, informal settlements, Diepsloot ..... principles, solutions were explored that were a fusion of these ... was thought that the leachates from the landfill and surface.

  5. Ultra-relativistic Au+Au and d+Au collisions: (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.

    In this talk I will review PHOBOS data on charged particle multiplicities, obtained in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at RHIC. The general features of the Au+Au pseudorapidity distributions results will be discussed and compared to those of /line{p}p collisions. The total charged particle multiplicity, scaled by the number of participant pairs, is observed to be about 40% higher in Au+Au collisions than in /line{p}p and d+Au systems, but, surprisingly at the same level of e+e- collisions. Limiting fragmentation scaling is seen to be obeyed in Au+Au collisions.

  6. Una visita en Sud America (United States)


    Oisfrute de una estadfa en el Hotel La Silla, el mejor hotel de Sud America con su tan unica atmosfera extraterrestre! Los espera su calificado personal de experimentados hoteleros, jefes de cocina, etc., ansiosos todos de satisfacer sus deseos hasta el mas mfnimo detalle. Naturalmente nuestro espacioso restaurant de tres estrellas ofrece un completo surtido de exquisitas comidas y deliciosos tragos (conocedores usualmente eligen "Oelicia Orion" 0 "Centauro Especial"). EI servicio cempleto durante 24 horas incluye nuestra ya mundialmente famosa "Cena de medianoche para los miradores de estrellas", por eso - no olvide: No pierda la oportunidad de una estadfa en EL HOTEL LA SILLA - una experiencia maravillosa!


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    Full Text Available Les anguilles prélevées dans cinq zones de salinité variable du littoral de Bretagne sud, ont été examinées pour leur infestation présente et passée par le parasite Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda, dracunculoidea. Les anguilles vivant dans des milieux peu salés au contact de la zone dulçaquicole sont très contaminées avec des prévalences supérieures à 90%, dont 61% concernent des prévalences présentes. Par contre, celles vivant dans des conditions estuariennes (Golfe du Morbihan sont relativement épargnées avec des prévalences de l’ordre de 15%, dont en moyenne moins de la moitié concernent des prévalences présentes. La salinité des baies et des estuaires semble donc pouvoir préserver de la contamination les populations d’anguilles côtières dont la gestion devient un enjeu prioritaire pour le stock d’anguilles.

  8. Profil des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique: étude multicentrique au Maroc (United States)

    Kabbali, Nadia; Mikou, Souad; El Pardiya, Nada Tazi; El Bardai, Ghita; Arrayhani, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    Introduction Le diabète représente la première cause de mortalité par insuffisance rénale au Maroc. Sa prévalence selon l'Enquête Nationale sur la Population et la Santé Familiale de 2011 est de 3,3% [1]. Le but de ce travail est de déterminer la prévalence et d’étudier le profil clinique des diabétiques en hémodialyse chronique au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale multicentrique incluant 2066 hémodialysés chroniques dans les 39 centres d'hémodialyse de quatre régions marocaines. Résultats La prévalence du diabète en hémodialyse est 21,6%. L’âge moyen 59±13,2 ans (26-87). Le sex-ratio est de 1,9. L'IMC moyen est de 24,5 ± 4,4 kg/m2 (15-41). 42 patients sont porteurs d′une hépatite virale. La durée moyenne en HD est 39,3± 67 mois. 57% des patients gardent une diurèse résiduelle versus 43% chez les non diabétiques. Par rapport à ces derniers, nous avons noté plus d'HTA (64% versus 45%), plus de complications cardiovasculaires (23% versus 12%), un âge plus avancé à l'initiation de l'hémodialyse (55,5 versus 47 ans) et un taux de FAV proximales plus important. Conclusion La prévalence des diabétiques en hémodialyse est relativement élevée au Maroc sans tenir compte des patients qui ne bénéficient pas d’épuration extra-rénale pour des raisons socio-économiques. Le taux élevé de mortalité est imputable au retard et/ou à l'absence de la prise en charge néphrologique des diabétiques. Dans nos régions où le système sanitaire dispose de faible moyen, l'accent doit être mis sur le dépistage précoce de la néphropathie chez le diabétique. PMID:25374630

  9. SuDS for managing surface water in Diepsloot informal settlement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) imitate natural water management processes in catchments that have been degraded due to urbanisation. The aim is to reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff and improve water quality. Management of rainwater in the informal settlement of Diepsloot in Johannesburg is ...

  10. Redefining the "Normal" Worker: Law and Policy Choices for Work-Family Balance in Canada: Redéfinir le 'travailleur normal': Regard sur les choix législatifs et de politiques publiques en matière de conciliation travail-famille au Canada. (United States)

    Bernstein, Stéphanie; Valentini, Mathilde


    While the need to reconcile work and family life has been recognized in discrete ways in legislation and policy over the years, there has not been a substantial shift away from the archetype of the "unencumbered" (male) worker to a new model of the "normal" worker. In Canada and elsewhere, legislative protection does not allow women or men to effectively reconcile work and family responsibilities over the life cycle. This paper examines the different ways in which work-family balance is regulated, with a focus on the Canadian federal jurisdiction and the province of Quebec, and underlines the need for coherent labor and social policy. The paper also explores the development of multi-stakeholder initiatives on work-family balance, including the development of voluntary standards and a proposal for a work-family "framework" law to ensure coherence among different laws and programs affecting work-family balance. The paper concludes by confirming the need to move away from an individualized approach toward a more mainstreamed and collectivized approach to work-family balance. Résumé Bien que la nécessité de concilier travail et vie familiale ait fait l'objet d'une reconnaissance timide dans la législation et les politiques publiques au fil des ans, il n'y a pas eu de changement substantiel de l'archétype du travailleur « sans engagements » (homme) vers un nouveau modèle de « travailleur normal ». Au Canada et ailleurs, la protection législative ne permet pas aux femmes ou aux hommes d'arrimer efficacement leurs responsabilités professionnelles et familiales au cours de leur vie. Cet article examine les différentes façons dont la conciliation travail-famille est réglementée, particulièrement en droit fédéral canadien et dans la province de Québec, et souligne la nécessité d'une politique sociale et de travail cohérente. Le texte explore également le développement d'initiatives multipartites, y compris l'élaboration de normes volontaires de

  11. Les migrantes, la sécurité économique et le défi de la réintégration ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet portera sur la réintégration de Philippines revenant au pays après leur passage dans les importants centres d'activités de Hong Kong, Taïwan et Singapour. La recherche sera dirigée par aidha, un organisme à but non lucratif qui offre aux travailleuses migrantes, en particulier aux aides familiales, des formations ...

  12. Sud du Sahara | Page 144 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    flexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layout. Sud du Sahara. The Kenya National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), in collaboration with IDRC, launched Kenya's first Research Chair on March 31, 2015 in Nairobi. Professor ...

  13. Influence de l’anthropisation sur la végétation locale et l’abondance des tsé-tsé au sud du Burkina Faso*

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayaissé J.B.


    Full Text Available Des enquêtes entomologiques couplées à une analyse phytosociologique ont été menées dans la zone de Folonzo au sud du Burkina Faso sur la rivière Comoé. L’étude avait pour objectif de comparer l’abondance et la diversité des espèces de glossines dans une zone protégée et une zone non protégée, grâce à des transects perpendiculaires au cours d’eau. Des pièges ont été posés le long de ces transects depuis la rivière Comoé jusqu’à la savane en passant par la galerie forestière. Une analyse diachronique de la zone entre 1980 et 2008 a également été menée par comparaison d’images satellites Landsat et à partir de l’évolution des densités de tsé-tsé. Sur chacun des transects, une description de la flore a été faite, incluant toutes les espèces situées dans un rayon de 10 m autour de chaque piège. Il existe une très grande homogénéité floristique entre les transects, particulièrement pour la forêt-galerie, en revanche la savane montre une relative hétérogénéité. L’enquête entomologique révèle la présence de quatre espèces de glossines qui sont Glossina tachinoides (74 %, G. morsitans submorsitans (20 %, G. palpalis gambiensis (4 % et G. medicorum (2 %. Une différence nette s’observe entre la zone non protégée et la zone protégée, avec une densité moyenne de tsé-tsé quatre fois inférieure dans la première. Cette différence est particulièrement importante pour G. m. submorsitans, dont les densités sont divisées par neuf dans la zone non protégée. Cette régression s’explique par la diminution de la faune sauvage hors de la zone protégée, et ceci est extrapolable à l’ensemble du pays où cette espèce de glossine est en net recul. L’évolution du terroir de Folonzo montre une augmentation impressionnante des densités humaines et des surfaces cultivées, qui n’a pas (encore d’impact visible sur la composition floristique des lieux d’analyse, mais qui

  14. La mediazione familiare nei casi di affido dei figli/e e violenza domestica: contesto legale, pratiche dei servizi ed esperienze delle donne in Italia / Family mediation in child custody cases and domestic violence: legal context, logic of services and women's experiences in Italy / La médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants et la violence conjugale : le contexte juridique, les pratiques au sein des services et les expériences des femmes en Italie

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    Mariachiara Feresin


    Full Text Available L’applicabilità della mediazione familiare in contesto di violenza domestica (VD è oggetto di discussione. Scopo della ricerca è esplorare il ruolo della mediazione familiare nella gestione degli affidi dei figli in situazione di VD, analizzando le esperienze, conoscenze e significati di differenti attori sociali, quali avvocati, assistenti sociali e donne separate con figli, vittime di VD, e la documentazione inerente. I risultati mostrano che la VD viene occultata durante la mediazione. I professionisti spesso ignorano la VD e di conseguenza applicano la mediazione; ex-coniugi e genitori vengono presentati come distinti; i pattern di potere e controllo agiti dal partner violento durante la relazione continuano in queste occasioni. La mediazione, che dovrebbe essere centrata sul miglior interesse del bambino, si focalizza sul miglior interesse dei padri. I professionisti non conoscono la Convenzione di Istanbul. La sicurezza di donne e bambini/e viene messa a rischio. Le recours à la médiation familiale dans le domaine de la violence conjugale (VC fait l’objet de débats. Cette recherche a pour but d’examiner le rôle de la médiation familiale dans les cas de garde d’enfants en situation de VC, analysant les expériences, les connaissances, les valeurs de différents acteurs sociaux (par exemple, avocats, travailleurs sociaux, femmes séparées avec enfants, victimes de VC ainsi que des documents ad hoc. Les résultats montrent que la VC est dissimulée pendant la médiation. Les professionnels souvent ignorent la VC et par conséquent utilisent la médiation ; ex-conjoints et parents sont par ailleurs présentés sous la forme de deux entités distinctes ; les modèles de pouvoir et de contrôle appliqués par le conjoint violent dans la vie familiale continuent d’être utilisés durant ces occasions. La médiation, qui devrait protéger avant tout l'intérêt de l'enfant, s’adresse au contraire à l’intérêt des p

  15. Analyse sédimentologique des 'Couches Rouges' du bassin intramontagneux de Sicuani (Sud du Pérou

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    Full Text Available Le bassin des 'Couches Rouges' de Sicuani (sud du Pérou est un bassin continental intramontagneux dont le fonctionnement débute dès les premiers mouvements tectoniques andins du Sénonien. La sédimentation est essentiellement d'origine fluviatile. Les termes les plus proximaux sont représentés par les rivières en tresse à galets et les plus distaux par la plaine d'inondation à chenaux divagants. Le sens constant des apports sédimentaires implique une paléopente régionale inclinée vers le nord. A cette époque, la principale source des sédiments n'est donc pas représentée par la Cordillère orientale mais plutôt par les reliefs situés au sud-ouest des affleurements. Le taux de sédimentation relativement élevé, le guidage des transits sédimentaires par d'anciennes failles majeures et l'existence de structures de déformation synsédimentaire compressives font du bassin de Sicuani un bassin tectoniquement actif, comparable à celui de Cuzco. La première phase tectonique andine ne correspond donc plus à un événement ponctuel mais bien au contraire à un continuum tectonique en compression au cours duquel se développe la sédimentation des 'Couches Rouges' sud péruviennes. Ce continuum tectonique est associé à une activité volcanique intermittente, en partie responsable de l'alimentation des bassins. La cuenca de las 'Capas Rojas' de Sicuani (sur del Perú es una cuenca continental intramontañosa cuyo funcionamiento empezó desde los primeros movimientos tectónicos andinos del Senoniano. La sedimentación tiene un origen fundamentalmente fluviátil. Los términos más proximales corresponden a ríos en trenza con cantos y los más distales a la llanura de inundación con canales divagantes. La permanencia del sentido de los aportes sedimentarios implica la existencia de una paleopendiente regional inclinada hacia el norte. Es así como, en esta época, la fuente principal de los sedimentos no estuvo representada por

  16. Les porphyres luganais entre le Lac de Lugano et la Valganna

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sitter, de L.U.


    Le terrain exploré est limité au Nord par une ligne droite, qui va de Ghirla en passant par Marzio à Brusimpiano. La limite Est est formée par le lago di Lugano et par la vallée de Porto Ceresio jusqu’à Pogliana. La limite Sud est plus irrégulière; elle passe au Sud de Pogliana vers le sommet de la

  17. La educación en medios en Sudáfrica: Objetivos y herramientas

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    Ibrahim Saleh


    Full Text Available El gobierno de Sudáfrica ha realizado recientemente un enorme esfuerzo en la expansión del papel de la educación en medios, con el objeto de ofrecer un acceso equitativo y de calidad a toda la población, especialmente hacia los grupos desfavorecidos. Sin embargo, este proceso requiere tiempo y recursos ingentes y constantes, además de la necesaria colaboración de otras instituciones. Actualmente, existe en Sudáfrica escasa investigación sobre las causas de las desigualdades de acceso a la tecnología o los obstáculos que existen para la difusión y puesta en marcha de la alfabetización mediática en Sudáfrica. No es sorprendente, por ello, que entre los múltiples problemas que existen hoy en África todavía la alfabetización mediática e informacional no sea una prioridad. Siguen existiendo muchos maestros con escasos conocimientos en esta materia, la capacitación de formadores es muy pobre y su incorporación en programas de alfabetización muy anecdótica. El Currículum UNESCO MIL de Alfabetización Mediática es un reto para ayudar a superar esta brecha digital y promover la inclusión social. Con este objetivo, este estudio analiza algunas cuestiones relacionadas con la alfabetización mediática a partir de una muestra de estudiantes de la Universidad de Cape Town, proponiendo algunas soluciones prácticas sobre cómo ayudar a mejorar los niveles de alfabetización mediática e informacional en las sociedades menos favorecidas, como es el caso de Sudáfrica.

  18. Compte rendu de la mission effectuée en Corée du 22 novembre au 6 décembre 1980


    Perez, Rene


    Sur invitation de la Fishery Research and Development Agency, le responsable du laboratoire d'Algologie Appliquée de l'Institut Scientifique et Technique des Pêches Maritimes a effectué une mission d'études en Corée du sud du 23 novembre au 6 décembre 1980. Le but de cette mission était de s'informer sur les techniques de culture intensive d'algues à vocation alimentaire et sur les modes de conditionnement, ainsi que de définir les intentions de la Corée en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des a...

  19. Néotoponymie contestée à Potchefstroom / Tlokwe (Province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud

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    Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch


    Full Text Available Illustration 1 - Extrait du site de la municipalité de Potchefstroom / TlokweSource : 2- Potchefstroom (Afrique du SudAuteur : Béatrice Obry-Guyot, début décembre 2007.Illustration 3 - Extrait du plan Google Map de PotchefstroomSource : Google Map.La question toponymique en Afrique du Sud sur la longue durée porte sur deux thèmes essentiels porteurs de controverses : le plurilinguisme et le marquage symbolique et mémoriel du te...

  20. Asie du sud | Page 31 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Seed Alliance). Langue English. Read more about Parer aux menaces en matière de biosécurité provenant de maladies infectieuses à fort potentiel pandémique en Asie du Sud-Est. Langue French. Read more about La transformation ...

  1. Use of geological mapping tools to improve the hydraulic performance of SuDS. (United States)

    Bockhorn, Britta; Klint, Knud Erik Strøyberg; Jensen, Marina Bergen; Møller, Ingelise


    Most cities in Denmark are situated on low permeable clay rich deposits. These sediments are of glacial origin and range among the most heterogeneous, with hydraulic conductivities spanning several orders of magnitude. This heterogeneity has obvious consequences for the sizing of sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS). We have tested methods to reveal geological heterogeneity at field scale to identify the most suitable sites for the placement of infiltration elements and to minimize their required size. We assessed the geological heterogeneity of a clay till plain in Eastern Jutland, Denmark measuring the shallow subsurface resistivity with a geoelectrical multi-electrode system. To confirm the resistivity data we conducted a spear auger mapping. The exposed sediments ranged from clay tills over sandy clay tills to sandy tills and correspond well to the geoelectrical data. To verify the value of geological information for placement of infiltration elements we carried out a number of infiltration tests on geologically different areas across the field, and we observed infiltration rates two times higher in the sandy till area than in the clay till area, thus demonstrating that the hydraulic performance of SuDS can be increased considerably and oversizing avoided if field geological heterogeneity is revealed before placing SuDS.

  2. Energy recovery in SUDS towards smart water grids: A case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos, Helena M.; Teyssier, Charlotte; Samora, Irene; Schleiss, Anton J.


    The development of a methodology for urban flood adaptation and energy recovery solutions is resting on the concept of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) as a measure to reduce risks of urban flooding while fully utilizing the available resources. Flood drainage systems are infrastructures essential in urban areas, which include retention ponds that can be used as water storage volumes to damp floods and simultaneously to produce energy, constituting innovative solutions to be integrated in future smart water grid′s designs. The consideration of urban flooding as a problem caused by excess water that can be harvested and re-used is expected to provide a comprehensive representation of a water-energy nexus for future urban areas. The study comprises an optimization of energy recovery in SUDS of a small district area of Lisbon down-town through the use of a low-head hydropower converter. The status-quo solution based on a basin catchment for the average expected runoff is analysed, with influence of the tidal backwater effect of the Atlantic Ocean which causes difficulties to the drainage of excess flow. The methodology used to reach the flow damping and the optimized solution for energy production is presented. -- Highlights: •An innovative solution for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). •Use of retention ponds to reduce risks of urban flooding while producing energy. •Use of recently developed hydropower converters for low heads. •Solution to be integrated in future smart water networks for increasing efficiency. •Water and energy nexus for sustainable operation towards future smart cities

  3. Sud du Sahara | Page 272 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Sud du Sahara. Read more about Decentralization, Local Politics and the Construction of Women's Citizenship (Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania) - Phase I. Langue English. Read more ... Read more about Monitoring Progress Toward the Information Society : Digital Divide Index. Langue English. Read more about Réforme ...

  4. 66 Le remplissage sédimentaire du bassin de Timgad et aquifères ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La seconde coupe située plus à l'Est, traversant l'extrémité sud de Djebel Amrane (Figure 3b) montre une structure plissée monoclinal recoupée par un accident, soulevant le substratum crétacé calcaire au nord et affaissant la partie néogène gréseuse au sud (210 Ohm-m). Les deux coupes transversales effectuées dans ...

  5. Making Space for Water: A review of SUstainable Drainage systems (SUDs) in a rural/urban area of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. (United States)

    Quinn, Paul; Tellier, Sebastien; Wilkinson, Mark


    Expansion of the city of Newcastle included a new development of over 3000 houses and an associated commercial area on agricultural land. The development firmly signed up to the notion that the new estate should adhere to full SUDs design and implementation. In essence there should be no loss of floodplain capacity, the total runoff from the new housing should not increase flood risk downstream and benefits to ecology, recreation and amenity should be fully maximised. Credit must be given to Newcastle City Council, the Environment Agency, the local water company and the developers themselves as a full set of large scale SUDs now exist and they are clearly an asset to the city. However, such a large scale landscape engineering endeavour has not been without direct and indirect problems. This paper reviews some of the experiences, problems and lessons learnt from SUDs implementation, the function of SUDs during flood events and the perception of SUDs by the public. During the life of the project several older estates close to the new development suffered from two major flood events; including foul water inundation, the drowning out of sewer overflows and intense flash flooding. These floods at first gave rise to the public perception that the new development had caused the flooding. During a research project entitled 'making space for water', the instrumentation of the river in the area and the SUDs took place. The hydrological data this produced has given rise to a mixture of positive and negative aspects of SUDs implementation. The cause of one flood was due to the drowning out of key sewer overflows by locally generated by urban flood flow arising from an upstream estate. The second flood was caused by a 48 hour storm event giving rise to high runoff from the rural area again drowning out key sewer overflows. The SUDs were found to perform well during storm events and do not increase runoff from the new estates. The main fundamental complaint is that despite such

  6. Désagrarisation de l’économie paysanne et « refonctionnalisation » de la localité rurale au Mexique


    Léonard, Éric; Palma, Rafael


    Le travail présenté ici se propose d’analyser les modalités de recomposition des espaces ruraux mexicains dans le cadre de la ratification du Traité de libre-échange avec les États-Unis et le Canada (Alena). On assiste ainsi à la recomposition et à la mise en réseau de certains territoires autour des filières de production, conditionnement et mise en marché de produits frais à forte intensité en travail et capital. L’enquête porte plus particulièrement sur la région des Tuxtlas, au sud de l’É...

  7. L'Asie du Sud peut-elle éliminer les obstacles au travail rémunéré ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 janv. 2018 ... Il est donc prioritaire d'élaborer et de mettre en place des politiques ... à la vie économique et qui reconnaissent et valorisent les soins non ... par semaine aux activités professionnelles et non professionnelles ... par le CRDI au Bangladesh a révélé qu'une combinaison de formation, ... Tous droits réservés.

  8. Roles of a forest corridor between Marojejy, Anjana- haribe-Sud and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ABSTRACT. Site-based conservation is widely recognized as a fundamental re- quirement for the maintenance of biodiversity. We carried out a rapid biological assessment from 17 March to 14 May 2011 in the southwestern part of the provisionally protected rainforest corri- dor between Marojejy, Anjanaharibe-Sud and ...

  9. El conjunto rupestre de Otjompaue Sud, Africa del Sudoeste (Namibia

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    Ramón VIÑAS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La campaña para el estudio del arte rupestre en el Macizo del Erongo (Africa del Sudoeste, Namibia, se desarrolló en 1976 en las zonas de las granjas de Etemba, Anibib y Omandumba West y en el sistema montañoso del Khomas Hochland: Otjompaue Sud, Onduno y Hochfelds. En esta ultima region, objeto de este trabajo, se catalogaron 14 abrigos con pinturas, la mayoría de los cuales situados en la granja de Otjompaue Sud. El arte rupestre de esta zona está en vías de desaparición a causa de la alteración de las losas que forman los abrigos, a pesar de ello se han podido verificar escenas de caza, lucha enfermedad o vejez, pastoreo y danza, junto a grupos de animales salvajes y domésticos, realizados en un estilo naturalista y combinando a menudo dos colores, blanco y rojo, en una misma figura. La falta de trabajos arqueológicos hace prácticamente imposible datar las pinturas aunque parece intuirse una cronología del período Wilton con cerámica, es decir, dentro del primer milenio a. C.RÉSUMÉ: La campagne pour l'étude de l'art rupestre aux montagnes de l'Erongo (Afrique du Sudouest, Namibia, fut réalisée en 1976 dans les terrains des fermes d'Etemba, Anibib et Omandumba West et dans le système montagneux du Khomas Hochland: des fermes d'Otjompaue Sud, Onduno et Hochfelds. Dans cette dernière région du Khomas Hochland on a catalogué 14 abris contenant des peintures rupestres, dont la plupart ont été localisées dans la ferme d'Otjompaue Sud. L'art rupestre de cette zone est en train de disparaître à cause de la grave altération des dalles qui forment les abris. Malgré tout, on a vérifié l'existence de scènes de chasse, lutte, pasteurs, danse, maladie ou vieillesse, auprès d'ensembles d'animaux sauvages et domestiques, réalisés dans un style naturaliste et combinant souvent dans une même figure la couleur blanche et rouge. La datation de ces peintures est presque impossible pour le manque d'études arch

  10. Magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au and Fe-Au alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohno, S.; Shimakura, H. [Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Higashijima, Akiha-ku, Niigata 956-8603 (Japan); Tahara, S. [Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa 903-0213 (Japan); Okada, T. [Niigata College of Technology, Kamishin’eicho, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2076 (Japan)


    The magnetic susceptibility of liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, Fe-Au and Cu-Au alloys was investigated as a function of temperature and composition. Liquid Cr{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.5 ≤ c and Mn{sub 1-c}Au{sub c} with 0.3≤c obeyed the Curie-Weiss law with regard to their dependence of χ on temperature. The magnetic susceptibilities of liquid Fe-Au alloys also exhibited Curie-Weiss behavior with a reasonable value for the effective number of Bohr magneton. On the Au-rich side, the composition dependence of χ for liquid TM-Au (TM=Cr, Mn, Fe) alloys increased rapidly with increasing TM content, respectively. Additionally, the composition dependences of χ for liquid Cr-Au, Mn-Au, and Fe-Au alloys had maxima at compositions of 50 at% Cr, 70 at% Mn, and 85 at% Fe, respectively. We compared the composition dependences of χ{sub 3d} due to 3d electrons for liquid binary TM-M (M=Au, Al, Si, Sb), and investigated the relationship between χ{sub 3d} and E{sub F} in liquid binary TM-M alloys at a composition of 50 at% TM.

  11. Tracer sa route, en toute intransparence numérique ?

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    Philippe Vidal


    Full Text Available « Comme l’intransparence des vitres ferait tache dans une habitation et l’attristerait en obstruant le passage du regard, on a dû chercher au moyen de voir au travers sans être vu, et l’on a inventé le verre mousseline. » L’expression « tracer sa route » est souvent utilisée dans un sens familier. Elle signifie, ordinairement, partir à l’aventure, sans se soucier des éventuelles contraintes et conséquences d’un tel choix, qu’elles soient sociales, matérielles ou familiales. A l’image des trav...

  12. Integrated and Holistic Treatment Approach to PTSD and SUD: A Synergy (United States)

    Weis, Melanie


    Individuals living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction experience a complex and dynamic interaction of symptoms from both diagnoses. However, heretofore, each diagnosis has been approached as if it were a separate treatment consideration. Therefore, an individual may be treated for either a substance use disorder (SUD) or PTSD,…

  13. Promotion de la recherche sur l'entrepreneuriat en Asie du Sud-Est ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    en Malaisie) assurera la coordination du projet, auquel participeront également la Chambre de commerce et de l'industrie du Vietnam, ... En Asie du Sud, la plupart des travailleurs ont un emploi mal rémunéré n'offrant aucune protection sociale.

  14. Le rapport a l'eau de l'art post-paléolithique. L'exemple des gravures et des peintures néolithiques du sud de la France

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    Philippe HAMEAU


    Full Text Available RÉSUMÉ: Les Préhistoriques choisissent les abris et les rochers à orner en fonction de plusieurs critères naturels: le site doit dominer le paysage, il doit être orienté au sud, ses parois doivent être rouges et l'eau doit périodiquement couler. Bien sûr, aucun abri ou rocher n'est identique aux autres et la circulation de l'eau revêt de multiples formes qui sont présentées ici.ABSTRACT: Prehistoric people choose shelters and rockproper to decorate following various natural criteria: the site must dominate the landscape, have a south directed orientation, its walls coloured in red and periodically humidified by water outlets. Nevertheless, there is no rock or shelter exactly similar to the others and water circulation can take various forms which we present in this paper

  15. Haha


    Agabi, C.


    Entre Essaouira au Nord et Agadir au Sud, s’étend le vaste pays haha peuplé de Berbères en partie arabisés. Cette région voit s’affaisser les dernières pentes du Haut Atlas occidental qui tombe assez brusquement dans l’Océan, entre le cap Ghir et les hauteurs qui dominent le port d’Agadir. Le pays haha est un vaste plateau qui verrouille au Sud-Ouest le Haouz* de Marrakech. Il est partout profondément raviné par des oueds généralement à sec ou qui écoulent rapidement les eaux de pluie qui n’o...

  16. Monothéisme en Arabie du Sud préislamique

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    Iwona Gajda


    Full Text Available A la fin du IVe siècle de l'ère chrétienne, l'Arabie du Sud abandonne les cultes polythéistes et adopte le monothéisme. Dès lors, les inscriptions monothéistes se multiplient. Un certain nombre d'entre elles sont juives ou judaïsantes alors qu'aucune inscription royale n'est explicitement juive. Cet article présente une courte synthèse de nos connaissances sur le monothéisme en Arabie du Sud avant l'islam. L'accent est mis sur la dimension politique et non uniquement religieuse des conflits du VIe siècle qui opposèrent le roi juif Yûsuf aux Ethiopiens chrétiens essayant de conquérir l'Arabie du Sud et leurs alliées, les chrétiens /himyarites. Le caractère de la religion officielle avant les conflits du VIe siècle est discuté en fin de l'article. L'auteur suggère d'y voir un monothéisme judaïsant plutôt que le judaïsme.Monotheism in pre-Islamic South Arabia. South Arabia abandoned polytheistic cults and adopted monotheism at the end of the 4th century AD, after which time monotheistic inscriptions become more common. Some of these inscriptions are Jewish or `judaizing', although no royal inscription is explicitly Jewish. This article brief summarizes our knowledge of monotheism in pre-Islamic South Arabia, with emphasis on the political, not merely doctrinal, dimensions of the conflicts in the 6th century AD between the Jewish king Yûsuf and the Ethiopian Christians, who were trying to conquer South Arabia, and their Christian allies the Himyarites. The author proposes to interpret as `judaizing' monotheism, rather than Judaism as such, the official religion prior to these 6th century conflicts.

  17. Ce que nous faisons | Page 130 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Envois de fonds vers les zones de conflit - le cas de la diaspora soudanaise au Caire. Très peu de recherches ont été réalisées sur les envois de fonds Sud-Sud, par exemple les envois entre le pays d'origine et des pays voisins se trouvant hors de la zone de conflit. Égypte, Soudan, Nord Du Sahara, Sud Du Sahara.

  18. Sud du Sahara | Page 129 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans un nouveau documentaire fascinant, des chercheurs du Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation font part de leurs observations sur la façon dont un programme d'emploi public de l'Afrique du Sud contribue à rendre les villes plus sécuritaires et inclusives. Read more about Un documentaire démontre ...

  19. Sud du Sahara | Page 282 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans un nouveau documentaire fascinant, des chercheurs du Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation font part de leurs observations sur la façon dont un programme d'emploi public de l'Afrique du Sud contribue à rendre les villes plus sécuritaires et inclusives. Read more about Un documentaire démontre ...

  20. Sud du Sahara | Page 280 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans un nouveau documentaire fascinant, des chercheurs du Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation font part de leurs observations sur la façon dont un programme d'emploi public de l'Afrique du Sud contribue à rendre les villes plus sécuritaires et inclusives. Read more about Un documentaire démontre ...

  1. Sud du Sahara | Page 78 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    flexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layout. Sud du Sahara. La persistance de la pauvreté en Afrique subsaharienne, dans le contexte de progression rapide de la mondialisation et de la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux des deux dernières décennies, a suscité énormément de débats en ...

  2. Sud du Sahara | Page 65 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    flexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layoutflexible layout. Sud du Sahara. La persistance de la pauvreté en Afrique subsaharienne, dans le contexte de progression rapide de la mondialisation et de la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux des deux dernières décennies, a suscité énormément de débats en ...

  3. South of Sahara | Page 49 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - Phase I. Language French. Read more about Kenya-Malawi Health Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative - Inception Phase. Language English.

  4. Prise en charge d’un proche âgé dépendant à domicile en Corée du Sud : recherche sur les aidantes principales de la génération du baby-boom


    Oh, Yoonji


    Cadre de la recherche : Si le care (soin) relève du souci de l’autre, ce rôle est le plus souvent considéré comme une qualité féminine. En Corée du Sud, la belle-fille devient souvent l’aidante principale lorsque ses proches âgés ont besoin de soins de longue durée. Objectifs : La présente recherche a pour objectif de montrer le vécu des belles-filles aidantes principales à domicile de leurs proches âgés dépendants (surtout leur belle-mère), et de constater l’invisibilité de leur travail au ...

  5. Parrains et voisins? Espace et parrainage en banlieue parisienne au XIXe siècle

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    Vincent Gourdon


    Full Text Available Située à proximité de Paris, Aubervilliers, au cours du XIXe siècle, connaît une forte croissance de sa population et une transformation de son tissu social avec l’arrivée de migrants et l’orientation des activités économiques vers l’industrie au détriment de l’agriculture traditionnelle. Dans le cadre d’une réfl exion générale concernant la place du parrainage dans la construction des liens sociaux et particulièrement de la sociabilité communautaire à l’échelle locale, la distribution spatiale des parrains et marraines des enfants baptisés dans l’unique église paroissiale de la localité a été analysée sur trois siècles, afi n de montrer la fi n progressive du parrainage entre voisins appartenant à une même communauté, la paroisse, entre XVIIIe siècle et XIXe siècle, et l’élargissement du bassin de recrutement des parents spirituels, celui-ci témoignant du recul de l’esprit communautaire ancien. Au XIXe siècle, quand les choix dans la parenté n’amènent pas à aller quérir des parrains loin d’Aubervilliers, d’autres types de parrains voisins apparaissent: les gens du quartier, voire les voisins d’immeuble, prennent alors une place importante, notamment dans le quartier ouvrier peuplé de migrants de Quatre Chemins-Champ Blanc, au sud de la commune. Il ressort ainsi de l’analyse détaillée des baptêmes de 1881 que l’espace de la banlieue était loin d’être uniforme. Par beaucoup d’aspects dont le parrainage, Aubervilliers était bien une «périphérie» de Paris (cf. la proportion de parrains et marraines vivant dans la capitale, mais en son sein plusieurs quartiers, où des logiques de choix diff érentes étaient mises en oeuvre au moment des baptêmes, coexistaient.

  6. Communication Sud-Sud au service de la recherche sur les politiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Communication for Policy Research Africa (CPRafrica) (South-South in contract) : final technical and financial report. Studies. Internet presence of telecom researchers : measures and messages relevant to CPRsouth. Reports. Internet presence of telecom researchers : measures and messages relevant to CPRsouth.

  7. De l’émancipation à l’institutionnalisation : santé sexuelle et droits sexuels


    Giami, Alain


    Le concept de santé sexuelle est apparu au début des années 1970 dans le cadre de l’OMS dans le but de formuler une conception positive de la vie sexuelle ancrée dans le champ de la santé et fondée sur le bien-être, le plaisir et le respect de l’autre. Au cours de la même période, les organisations liées à l’ONU ont commencé à inclure les questions de planification familiale et la lutte contre les violences envers les femmes dans l’univers des droits de l’homme. La convergence de ces deux lig...

  8. Les Township tours au KwaZulu-Natal (Afrique du Sud : d’une réappropriation historique et identitaire à l’avènement d’un socio-tourisme

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    Fabrice Folio


    Full Text Available Des processus de réappropriation identitaire et historique, à finalité économique, sont à l’œuvre à l’heure actuelle en Afrique du Sud. Un type de tourisme au caractère authentique et interactif connaît notamment un certain engouement : les Township tours. Il assume un épisode médiatisé de l’histoire du pays, soit l’apartheid urbain, en tentant d’inverser l’image répulsive qui lui est associée. L’attirance pour les townships se nourrit d’un désir de compréhension de la ségrégation raciale institutionnalisée et de la mise à bas d’une politique inique. Paradoxalement, la réputation de dangerosité, de pauvreté et « d’informalité » accolée à ces quartiers noirs semble aussi agir comme un produit d’appel. A travers l’exemple de la province du KwaZulu-Natal, il sera vu que cette activité socio-touristique s’oriente à présent vers un multiculturalisme prudent, porté par des icônes (internationales, avec en toile de fond les velléités de développement local.Processes of identity and historical appropriation, rooted in economic purpose, are today arising in South Africa. A tourism activity, based on authenticity and interaction, becomes particularly popular: the Township tours. It assumes an episode of the country history, i.e. urban segregation, which was given a lot of media coverage. In the meantime, it tries to invert the repulsive image that is commonly associated with apartheid. The attraction for township areas has to be linked to the wish of understanding the institutionalized racial discrimination in South Africa, as well as its pacific end. Paradoxically, the reputation of dangerousness, poverty and informality of those former black urban areas seems to act as a loss leader. Through the example of the province of KwaZulu-Natal, it will be seen that this new socio-tourist activity is now playing a multiculturalism card carried by popular icons, with the local development target in

  9. pakistan : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, au Pakistan, aux Maldives et ...

  10. Pakistan : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Réseau sud-asiatique pour le développement et l'économie environnementale (SANDEE) aspire à renforcer les capacités de recherche dans les sphères de la pauvreté, du développement économique et des changements environnementaux au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, en Inde, au Népal, au Pakistan, aux Maldives et ...

  11. Etat Du Magnesium Dans Quelques Sols Sales Du Sud Et Du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    étude a été réalisée sur 86 échantillons de sols provenant du Centre et du Sud de l´Irak. L\\'expérimentation a consisté, d´une part, à calculer les différents sels dominants dans les sols salés par la méthode de combinaison hypothétique et, ...

  12. Adapter les établissements sud-africains aux répercussions des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'équipe du projet élaborera des lignes directrices visant la planification et la conception, appelées le Livre vert, pour mettre en lumière les risques climatiques et déterminer les solutions d'adaptation appropriées pour les différents établissements urbains. À l'heure actuelle, le Livre rouge de l'Afrique du Sud fournit des ...

  13. South Asia | Page 95 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South Asia. Asie du sud. Read more about Soutien au Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur les racines, tubercules et bananes. Language French. Read more about Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l'aquaculture et des jardins potagers domestiques (FCRSAI). Language French. Read more about ...

  14. Dock Sud's environmental pollution: Spatial representations, space representation and spatial practices in peripheral neighborhoods

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    Sandra Valeria Ursino


    Full Text Available In this article, we present some of the results and argumentative lines used in the analysis of the field work carried out in the neighborhoods of Porst, Danubio and Villa Inflamable, in the Dock Sud area, located in the district of Avellaneda, province de Buenos Aires, during 2010 and 2011. Within this framework, we observed and recorded the inhabitants' usual routes around the neighborhood, which is environmentally polluted but which has also been symbolically appropriated. Along these lines then, our general aim was to learn about social representations, representation spaces and the spatial practices of the inhabitants of the most affected neighborhoods of Dock Sud due to the area's environmental issues. To this end, there was a reconstruction of the subjects' practices in the neighborhood, of the hegemonic discourse about the pollution in this place and, finally, the population's conflict and struggle practices

  15. Asie du sud | Page 7 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    L'éducation dans l'hémisphère sud est confrontée à plusieurs importants défis interdépendants dont la solution semble reposer sur les ressources éducatives libres (REL). Ces défis comprennent l'accès inégal à l'éducation, la qualité variable des ressources éducatives, de l'enseignement et du rendement des étudiants, ...

  16. South of Sahara | Page 2 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about La législation sur le salaire minimum, son application et la situation sur le marché du travail en Afrique du Sud, en Argentine et au Costa Rica. Language French. Read more about Mozambique Science, Technology and Innovation Review. Language English. Read more ...

  17. Kamchatka

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    Alessandra Russo


    Full Text Available Photo prise de : « La péninsule du Kamchatka est située à l’extrême frontière orientale de la Fédération de Russie, au nord du Japon et au Sud-Ouest de l’Alaska. Celle-ci s’étire sur 1500 km du nord au sud et 470 km dans sa plus grande largeur entre les latitudes 50°51’N (hauteur de Bruxelles et 64°50’N». Qu’est-ce que tout cela a à voir avec le déchaînement de la dictature argentine ? En 1976 une famille porteña se voi...

  18. Cluster-to-cluster transformation among Au6, Au8 and Au11 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Ren, Xiuqing; Fu, Junhong; Lin, Xinzhang; Fu, Xuemei; Yan, Jinghui; Wu, Ren'an; Liu, Chao; Huang, Jiahui


    We present the cluster-to-cluster transformations among three gold nanoclusters, [Au6(dppp)4]2+ (Au6), [Au8(dppp)4Cl2]2+ (Au8) and [Au11(dppp)5]3+ (Au11). The conversion process follows a rule that states that the transformation of a small cluster to a large cluster is achieved through an oxidation process with an oxidizing agent (H2O2) or with heating, while the conversion of a large cluster to a small one occurs through a reduction process with a reducing agent (NaBH4). All the reactions were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and ESI-MS. This work may provide an alternative approach to the synthesis of novel gold nanoclusters and a further understanding of the structural transformation relationship of gold nanoclusters.

  19. Evaluation des Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations des districts sanitaires de Benoye, Laoukassy, Moundou et N?Djam?na Sud sur la rage canine au Tchad


    Mindekem, Rolande; Lechenne, Monique; Alfaroukh, Idriss Oumar; Moto, Daugla Doumagoum; Zinsstag, Jakob; Ouedraogo, Laurent Tinoaga; Salifou, Sahidou


    Introduction La rage canine demeure une pr?occupation en Afrique comme au Tchad. La pr?sente ?tude vise ? ?valuer les Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations pour la prise en charge appropri?e des personnes expos?es et une lutte efficace. M?thodes C??tait une ?tude transversale descriptive r?alis?e en juillet et septembre dans quatre districts sanitaires au Tchad en 2015. Les donn?es ont ?t? collect?es ? l?aide d?un questionnaire aupr?s des m?nages recrut?s suivant un sondage al?ato...

  20. Due South special research 2002; Plein sud special recherche 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gives a general overview of the research works carried out in the different laboratories belonging to Paris Sud University which cover a wide range of disciplines like pharmacy (Chatenay-Malabry univ.), astrophysics, sport science, neuro-biology, theoretical and particle physics, molecular catalysis, physical chemistry, mathematics, electronics, computer science (Orsay univ.), medicine and surgery (Kremlin-Bicetre), public law and economics (Sceaux). One article deals with the BaBar collaboration and the first results obtained on CP violation at the linear accelerator laboratory of Orsay. (J.S.)

  1. L'Afrique du Sud à la veille d'une consultation décisive

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bayart, Jean François; Ellis, S.D.K.; Hibou, Béatrice


    En dépit de ses succès, le modèle démocratique sud-africain traverse une phase délicate. La succession du président Nelson Mandela annonce une possible crispation du pouvoir, en raison notamment des tendances autoritaires de Thabo Mbeki. Incapable de s'affirmer sur la scène continentale comme une

  2. Attualità e prospettive della “Rete per l’Identità” - Argentina/Sud America/Europa

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    Roberta Murroni


    Full Text Available Attualità e prospettive della “Rete per l’Identità” - Argentina/Sud America/Europa
    (13-14 Novembre 2010, Centro di Documentazione Mastinu- Marras Tresnuraghes -OR-
    di Roberta Murroni

  3. Le détritisme carbonate profond dans le Crétacé inférieur du Sud-Est français. Ses rapports avec l'eustatisme


    Ferry , Serge


    Mémoire HS n° 13 - Géologie Alpine : Le détritisme dans le Sud-Est de la France - Colloque Association des Géologues du Sud-est - Grenoble 11-12 décembre 1986; 10 cycles eustatiques sont définis dans le Crétacé inférieur du Sud-Est français. Sur les plates-formes carbonatées, ils correspondent aux principales séquences "klupféliennes" de comblement, pour lesquelles le moteur tectonique (à-coups de subsidence) est mis en doute. Ces cycles ne sont repérables dans les séries de bassin que si l'a...

  4. La lutte antitabac en Afrique du Sud : une stratégie gagnante | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    15 juil. 2011 ... L'Afrique du Sud, où l'usage du tabac est le deuxième facteur en ... tabac, qui exige la publication de mises en garde contre les dangers de la cigarette ... Une étude effectuée la même année par Van Walbeek a révélé que le ...

  5. Hommage

    CERN Multimedia



    Christian Roy nous a quitté le 31 janvier dernier. Il avait 79 ans. Sa disparition a profondément touché tous ceux, très nombreux, qui l’ont côtoyé et fréquenté au cours de sa très longue carrière au CERN. Ses proches collègues et ses chefs connaissaient bien ses qualités professionnelles et son extrême dévouement au service de l’Organisation. Mais c’est à ses qualités d’homme que nous pensons aujourd’hui, celles qu'il a mises au service de l’Association. En effet, Christian Roy a fait partie du petit nombre de délégués du personnel qui, pendant de longues années, ont sacrifié une part importante de leur temps de loisir et de leur vie familiale pour travailler à l’amélioration des co...

  6. Chiral magnetic effect search in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Zhao, Jie


    Metastable domains of fluctuating topological charges can change the chirality of quarks and induce local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics. This can lead to observable charge separation along the direction of the strong magnetic field produced by spectator protons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a phenomenon called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). A major background source for CME measurements using the charge-dependent azimuthal correlator (Δϒ) is the intrinsic particle correlations (such as resonance decays) coupled with the azimuthal elliptical anisotropy (v2). In heavy-ion collisions, the magnetic field direction and event plane angle are correlated, thus the CME and the v2-induced background are entangled. In this report, we present two studies from STAR to shed further lights on the background issue. (1) The Δϒ should be all background in small system p+Au and d+Au collisions, because the event plane angles are dominated by geometry fluctuations uncorrelated to the magnetic field direction. However, significant Δϒ is observed, comparable to the peripheral Au+Au data, suggesting a background dominance in the latter, and likely also in the mid-central Au+Au collisions where the multiplicity and v2 scaled correlator is similar. (2) A new approach is devised to study Δϒ as a function of the particle pair invariant mass (minv) to identify the resonance backgrounds and hence to extract the possible CME signal. Signal is consistent with zero within uncertainties at high minv. Signal at low minv, extracted from a two-component model assuming smooth mass dependence, is consistent with zero within uncertainties.

  7. Report of visiting Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, Universite Paris-Sud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, J.L.


    The activities carried out by identification mission to the Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (LPGP) of Paris-Sud University are related. The mission is part of the project of Study on Plasma wave and Plasma turbulence which is part of international agreement between CAPES and COFECUB in France. (M.C.K.)

  8. Comprendre la transition démographique et sanitaire dans les pays ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... en Asie, en Amérique latine et en Océanie, données qui s'échelonnent sur plusieurs années, voire des décennies. Cette subvention permettra aux chercheurs de quatre postes - Agincourt (en Afrique du Sud), Navrongo (au Ghana), Matlab (au Bangladesh) et Filabavi (au Vietnam) - de déterminer la nature de la transition ...

  9. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Afrique du Sud : Chances égales de concurrence

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    14 déc. 2010 ... Selon Genesis, une société d'experts-conseils sud-africaine qui a participé à une recherche sur la politique de la concurrence appuyée par le CRDI, ... profit des nouvelles possibilités d'exportation qu'offrait la levée des sanctions économiques anti-apartheid imposées par la communauté internationale.

  10. Recherche pour le développement — Pays du cône Sud | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    5 janv. 2011 ... Dans les années 1970, les pays du cône Sud de l'Amérique latine subissaient presque tous les pratiques dévastatrices de leurs gouvernements dictatoriaux : meurtres, tortures, répressions des mouvement politiques démocratiques, purges dans les universités — et disparitions terrifiantes. Les chercheurs ...

  11. Ce que nous faisons | Page 52 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chiffrer le travail des femmes - économie sexiste sur le marché et au foyer. Les femmes ont accompli de grands progrès dans les sphères de l'économie et de la politique, mais elles n'ont pas encore rejoint les hommes. Sud Du Sahara, Asie Centrale, Asie Du Sud, Extrême-Orient, Antilles, Amérique Nord Et Centrale, ...

  12. Successful synthesis and thermal stability of immiscible metal Au-Rh, Au-Ir andAu-Ir-Rh nanoalloys (United States)

    Shubin, Yury; Plyusnin, Pavel; Sharafutdinov, Marat; Makotchenko, Evgenia; Korenev, Sergey


    We successfully prepared face-centred cubic nanoalloys in systems of Au-Ir, Au-Rh and Au-Ir-Rh, with large bulk miscibility gaps, in one-run reactions under thermal decomposition of specially synthesised single-source precursors, namely, [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6], [AuEn2][Ir(NO2)6] х [Rh(NO2)6]1-х and [AuEn2][Rh(NO2)6]. The precursors employed contain all desired metals ‘mixed’ at the atomic level, thus providing significant advantages for obtaining alloys. The observations using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that the nanoalloy structures are composed of well-dispersed aggregates of crystalline domains with a mean size of 5 ± 3 nm. Еnergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements confirm the formation of AuIr, AuRh, AuIr0.75Rh0.25, AuIr0.50Rh0.50 and AuIr0.25Rh0.75 metastable solid solutions. In situ high-temperature synchrotron XRD (HTXRD) was used to study the formation mechanism of nanoalloys. The observed transformations are described by the ‘conversion chemistry’ mechanism characterised by the primary development of particles comprising atoms of only one type, followed by a chemical reaction resulting in the final formation of a nanoalloy. The obtained metastable nanoalloys exhibit essential thermal stability. Exposure to 180 °C for 30 h does not cause any dealloying process.

  13. Ports et commerce maritime dans l’Arabie du Sud préislamique Ports & Maritime Trade in Pre-Islamic Southern Arabia

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    Jérémie Schiettecatte


    Full Text Available L’Arabie du Sud, au début de l’ère chrétienne, connaît des changements significatifs. Parmi ceux-ci, le développement du commerce maritime au détriment de l’ancienne voie caravanière. Ce changement est souvent décrit comme brusque et débouchant sur une situation pérenne durant les siècles suivants.Nous avons choisi de reprendre ce dossier en réunissant, dans un premier temps, l’ensemble des données épigraphiques et historiques relatives aux ports préislamiques de la mer Rouge et du golfe d’Aden depuis leur fondation jusqu’au viie siècle. Ces synthèses nous permettent de décrire, dans un second temps, l’évolution de l’économie maritime au cours des premiers siècles de l’ère chrétienne, la nature des espaces d’échanges et le rôle du pouvoir politique dans le contrôle de cette nouvelle économie.Ceci nous amène à conclure que le commerce maritime ne se développe pas aussi brusquement qu’il n’y paraît : la mise en place des réseaux et des ports majeurs s’étale sur plusieurs siècles. Ce commerce ne fut le moteur économique des royaumes sudarabiques qu’au cours d’une période limitée, du milieu du ier siècle au début du iiie siècle. Les ports connurent ensuite une activité irrégulière, conditionnée par l’évolution politique et économique des royaumes sudarabiques, des pays voisins et du bassin méditerranéen.By the dawn of the Christian era, Southern Arabia is undergoing major changes; among these, the expansion of maritime trade at the expense of the old caravan route.  This change is often described as something sudden, leading to a more perennial situation the ensuing centuries.We have chosen to take a new look at this case by first gathering all the epigraphic and historic data having to do with pre-Islamic ports in the Red Sea and the Aden Gulf, from when they were first founded 'till the 7th century.  This global outline then has then allowed us to describe the

  14. Synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates from hexagonal-close-packed Au square sheets

    KAUST Repository

    Fan, Zhanxi


    The synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic (fcc) Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates is reported through the epitaxial growth of Pt on hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) Au square sheets (AuSSs). The Pt-layer growth results in a hcp-to-fcc phase transformation of the AuSSs under ambient conditions. Interestingly, the obtained fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplates demonstrate a unique (101)f orientation with the same atomic arrangement extending from the Au core to the Pt shell. Importantly, this method can be extended to the epitaxial growth of Pd on hcp AuSSs, resulting in the unprecedented formation of fcc Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates with (101)f orientation. Additionally, a small amount of fcc (100)f-oriented Au@Pt and Au@Pd square nanoplates are obtained with the Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates, respectively. We believe that these findings will shed new light on the synthesis of novel noble bimetallic nanostructures. Phase change: Ultrathin Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates were prepared from Au square sheets. A phase transformation from hexagonal close-packed (hcp) to face-centered cubic (fcc) is observed upon coating the hcp Au square sheets with Pt or Pd under ambient conditions. The prepared fcc Au@Pt and Au@Pd rhombic nanoplates demonstrate unique (101)f orientation (picture shows a typical fcc Au@Pt rhombic nanoplate). © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Research aspects in the Paris-Sud University, in 1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Some of the research works developed in the Paris-Sud University, in 1988, are reported. In this second volume, the following research papers are presented: the antiprogesterone; the English Channel Tunnel; the individual will concerning filiation; the glycannic variations of the α 1; the molecular phylogenies; the adrenergetical transmission and the β receptors; the organical phases and crystallogenesis in the carbonaceous biomineralizations; the quarks electric charge determination; the X-imagery; the regulation of the enzymatic activities by light in the superior vegetals; the chemical reaction dynamical analysis; the experiment report concerning heavy ions - high density plasma interactions; the 13 C/ 12 C isotopic splitting during photosynthesis; the articular prothesis methodology; and the public authorities and commerce in France [fr

  16. The Electronic Properties and L3 XANES of Au and Nano-Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yiu, Y.M.; Zhang, P.; Sham, T.K.


    The electronic properties of Au crystal and nano Au have been investigated by theory and experiment. Molecularly capped nano-Au was synthesized using the two-phase method. Au nano-particles have been characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). They retain the fcc crystal structure. Their sizes have been determined to be in a range from 5.5 nm to 1.7 nm. The L3 X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) of nano-Au and Au foil have been recorded using synchrotron radiation, and examined by theoretical calculation based on the first principles. Both theory and experiment show that the nano-Au particles have essentially all the Au L3 XANES features of bulk Au in the near edge region with less pronounced resonance peaks. It is also shown that nano Au exhibits lower 4f binding energy than bulk Au in good agreement with quantum confined Au systems reported previously.

  17. Justice Project en Asie du Sud | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Justice Project réunit des documentaristes de renom, des chercheurs chevronnés et des praticiens afin de documenter l'état de la justice dans la région. Seront produits, au Bangladesh, au Népal, au Pakistan, au Sri Lanka et en Inde, des documents de recherche et cinq films qui exploreront les thèmes suivants : les ...

  18. 100-MeV proton beam intensity measurement by Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mokhtari Oranj, Leila [Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Jung, Nam-Suk; Oh, Joo-Hee [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Hee-Seock, E-mail: [Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 37673 (Korea, Republic of)


    The proton beam intensity of a 100-MeV proton linac at the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC) was measured by an Au activation analysis using {sup 197}Au(p, pn){sup 196}Au and {sup 197}Au(p, p3n){sup 194}Au reactions to determine the accuracy and precision of beam intensity measurement using Gafchromic film dosimetry method. The target, irradiated by 100-MeV protons, was arranged in a stack consisting of Au, Al foils and Pb plates. The yields of produced radio-nuclei in Au foils were obtained by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The FLUKA code was employed to calculate the energy spectrum of protons onto the front surface of Au foils located at three different depth points of the target and also to investigate the condition of incident beam on the target. A good agreement was found between the beam intensity measurements using the activation analysis method at three different depth points of the target. An excellent agreement was also observed between the beam intensity measurements using the Au activation analysis method and the dosimetry method using Gafchromic film.

  19. Utiliser le capital religieux pour réduire la pauvreté ? Une étude de cas de la migration transfrontalière dans le sud de la Chine

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    Sam Wong


    Full Text Available La notion de capital religieux de Laurence Iannaccone met en relief la capacité des individus à puiser des ressources dans les pratiques religieuses ou fondées sur la foi, puis à convertir ce capital religieux en capital humain, social et financier. Les processus d’accumulation et de conversion du capital ont d’importantes incidences sur la réduction de la pauvreté. Cependant, cet article sur les expériences transfrontalières vécues par des migrantes chinoises pauvres dans le sud de la Chine donne à penser que le capital religieux est réparti de manière très inégale au sein des communautés de migrants. La pratique religieuse requiert à la fois du temps et des ressources, si bien que chez les personnes très pauvres, d’importantes contraintes entravent l’accès au capital religieux. L’article révèle certains signes de conversion du capital religieux chez les migrants, mais les causes profondes de la pauvreté, comme les discriminations sociales, n’ont pas été abordées comme il se doit. Pire encore, les membres de la classe dirigeante utilisent les symboles et les rituels religieux pour renforcer leur domination. L’article montre qu’il faut accorder plus d’importance à l’effet distributionnel du capital religieux pour que les pauvres puissent mieux en bénéficier.

  20. Promotion des droits de la personne et de la justice du point de vue ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Promotion des droits de la personne et de la justice du point de vue des pays du Sud. À l'heure où des pouvoirs émergents comme la Chine, l'Inde et le Brésil prennent du gallon sur les plans économique et politique, dans les pays du Sud, les organismes de la base s'unissent pour veiller au respect des droits de la ...

  1. High-p$_{T}$ Tomography of d+Au and Au+Au at SPS, RHIC, and LHC

    CERN Document Server

    Vitev, I; Vitev, Ivan; Gyulassy, Miklos


    The interplay of nuclear effects on the p_T > 2 GeV inclusive hadron spectra in d+Au and Au+Au reactions at root(s) = 17, 200, 5500 GeV is compared to leading order perturbative QCD calculations for elementary p+p (p-bar+p) collisions. The competition between nuclear shadowing, Cronin effect, and jet energy loss due to medium-induced gluon radiation is predicted to lead to a striking energy dependence of the nuclear suppression/enhancement pattern in A+A reactions. We show that future d+Au data can used to disentangle the initial and final state effects.

  2. Trouver la bonne distance : étrangère, marginale, ethnologue et parente en Corée du Sud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Élise Prébin


    Full Text Available Trouver la bonne distance : étrangère, marginale, ethnologue et parente en Corée du Sud. Cet article a pour sujet ma relation à la société sud-coréenne, non seulement en tant qu’anthropologue mais aussi en tant que personne adoptée d’origine coréenne. Il relate la manière dont plusieurs sortes de relations ont dû être gérées pendant le terrain. Il a fallu d’un côté me rapprocher de mes informateurs pour pouvoir mener un terrain classique dans une société inconnue, comprendre une culture autre et traiter un sujet relevant des sciences sociales : le retour des adoptés étrangers dans leur pays d’origine. De l’autre, il a fallu établir une bonne distance avec ma famille biologique coréenne en m’en éloignant momentanément. Ma relation avec elle était en effet instable du fait qu’elle reposait sur une contradiction : mon statut d’étrangère en dépit de l’intimité que supposaient les liens du sang. Pourtant, cette relation continue entre ma famille biologique et moi-même a éclairé certaines ambiguïtés relatives au statut des adoptés dans la société sud-coréenne que le temps limité du terrain n’avait pas permis de saisir. Cet article ébauche donc une réflexion épistémologique sur la pertinence d’éléments biographiques dans le traitement anthropologique de certains sujets. Je montre en l’occurrence comment le don en mariage d’une fille biologique adoptée conjure de manière satisfaisante un don en adoption toujours problématique.Finding the right distance: stranger, marginal, ethnologist and relative in south Korea. The topic of this article is my relation to the South Korean society, not only as a social anthropologist but also as a Korean adoptee. I relate the way I had to manage contrasted relations while conducting fieldwork. On one hand, I endeavoured to get closer to my informants in order to conduct classic fieldwork in an unknown society, to understand a different culture

  3. South of Sahara | Page 85 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Soutien institutionnel au Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA). Language French. Read more about Soutien institutionnel au Groupe de recherche en économie appliquée et théorique (GREAT) (Mali). Language French. Read more about Institutional ...

  4. Local structure of disordered Au-Cu and Au-Ag alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frenkel, A. I.; Machavariani, V. Sh.; Rubshtein, A.; Rosenberg, Yu.; Voronel, A.; Stern, E. A.


    X-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) and x-ray-diffraction (XRD) measurements of disordered alloys Au x Cu 1-x and Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 prepared by melt spinning were performed. In the Au 0.5 Ag 0.5 alloy, no significant local deviations of the atoms from the average fcc lattice were detected while in Au x Cu 1-x alloys, significant deviations of atoms from the average fcc lattice were found. Mean-square vibrations of the Cu-Cu distances revealed by the XAFS in Au x Cu 1-x alloys indicate the weakening of contact between Cu atoms in the dilute limit. Our computer simulation for Au x Cu 1-x clusters of 10 5 atoms reproduces the main features of both the XAFS and XRD data

  5. Augmentation de la production de petits mils en Asie du Sud | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La production de petits mils, en dépit des vertus nutritionnelles de cette céréale, de sa capacité de croître dans des conditions difficiles et de sa facilité de stockage, a toujours été négligée par les politiques agricoles déployées en Asie du Sud. Ces dernières, en effet, ont privilégié les cultures de rente et les céréales comme ...

  6. Outil d'évaluation de l'application des lois sur l'accès à l'information ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des essais pilotes de l'IAT ont été réalisés en Afrique du Sud, au Bangladesh et au Mexique, avec l'appui de la Fondation William et Flora Hewlett. Ce financement permettra de réaliser d'autres essais dans jusqu'à sept pays, y compris les trois pays pilotes. Dans les sept pays, on fera appel au commissaire à l'information ...

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 25 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'approche d'avant-garde adoptée dans le cadre de cette étude vise à renforcer la compréhension et la capacité d'intervention à l'égard de la violence urbaine qui sévit dans deux villes : le Cap (en Afrique du Sud) et Rio de Ja. Projet. Des institutions au service de villes sûres et inclusives au Venezuela. Caracas, au ...

  8. Résultats de recherche | Page 65 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Accès sécurisé des femmes au foncier dans la communauté rurale de Mbane : une condition à la sécurité alimentaire. La famine continue d''être un fléau au niveau mondial. Si certains pays sont parvenus à y faire face, d''autres, surtout dans le Sud, continuent d''en souffrir. Le Sénégal fait partie de ce lot. Dossiers.

  9. Nuclear spin of 185Au and hyperfine structure of 188Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekstroem, C.; Ingelman, S.; Wannberg, G.


    The nuclear spin of 185 Au, I = 5/2, and the hyperfine separation of 188 Au, Δγ = +- 2992(30) MHz, have been measured with the atomic-beam magnetic resonance method. The spin of 185 Au indicates a deformed nuclear shape in the ground state. The small magnetic moment of 188 Au is close in value to those of the heavier I = 1 gold isotopes 190 192 194 Au, being located in a typical transition region. (Auth.)

  10. Evidence of final-state suppression of high-p{_ T} hadrons in Au + Au collisions using d + Au measurements at RHIC (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.

    Transverse momentum spectra of charged hadrons with pT 2 GeV/c). In contrast, the d + Au nuclear modification factor exhibits no suppression of the high-pT yields. These measurements suggest a large energy loss of the high-pT particles in the highly interacting medium created in the central Au + Au collisions. The lack of suppression in d + Au collisions suggests that it is unlikely that initial state effects can explain the suppression in the central Au + Au collisions. PACS: 25.75.-q

  11. Comparative efficiencies of photothermal destruction of malignant cells using antibody-coated silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheng, Fong-Yu; Chen, Chen-Tai; Yeh, Chen-Sheng, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (China)


    Three Au-based nanomaterials (silica-Au nanoshells, hollow Au/Ag nanospheres and Au nanorods) were evaluated for their comparative photothermal efficiencies at killing three types of malignant cells (A549 lung cancer cells, HeLa cervix cancer cells and TCC bladder cancer cells) using a CW NIR laser. Photodestructive efficiency was evaluated as a function of the number of nanoparticles required to destroy the cancer cells under 808 nm laser wavelength at fixed laser power. Of the three nanomaterials, silica/Au nanoshells needed the minimum number of particles to produce effective photodestruction, whereas Au nanorods needed the largest number of particles. Together with the calculated photothermal conversion efficiency, the photothermal efficiency rankings are silica-Au nanoshells > hollow Au/Ag nanospheres > Au nanorods. Additionally, we found that HeLa cells seem to present better heat tolerance than the other two cancer cell lines.

  12. South of Sahara | Page 113 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Femmes, migration et droits au Mali et au Sénégal. Language French. Read more about Capacity Building in Open Medical Record System (OpenMRS) in Rwanda. Language English. Read more about Renforcement des capacités relatives à l'Open Medical Records ...

  13. Épidémiologie de la bilharziose urinaire et des geohelminthiases ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2013 ... lacustres de la commune de So-Ava, sud-Bénin. Ibikounlé Moudachirou1,* ..... travaux de Etard et al., (1995) au Niger où les enfants âgés de 7-14 ans sont 7 fois ... garçons(p=0,023) et au Burkina-Faso (Zongo et al.,. 2012).

  14. Šilauogių (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) uogų antocianų kokybinės ir kiekybinės sudėties tyrimas


    Nikolajevas, Laurynas


    Tirta šilauogės (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) vaisių biologiškai aktyvių junginių (antocianų) kiekinė ir kokybinė sudėtis. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti Lietuvoje introdukuotų šilauogių (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) veislių uogų kokybinę ir kiekybinę sudėtį, bei įvertinti uogų, uogos luobelių, minkštimo ir išspaudų ekstraktų antioksidacinį poveikį. Sodinių šilauogių kultūra sukurta XX amžiaus pradžioje JAV. Į Lietuvą pirmosios Šilauogės įvežtos 1969-aisiais metais ir iki šiol tyrinėjamos Lietuvos mokslinin...

  15. Synthesis of nir-sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids for drug delivery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ren, L.; Chow, G.M


    Near IR (NIR) sensitive Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids were prepared by mixing HAuCl{sub 4} and Na{sub 2}S in aqueous solutions. An anti-tumor drug, cis-platin, was adsorbed onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticle surface via the 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) layers. The results show that the degree of adsorption of cis-platin onto Au-Au{sub 2}S nanoparticles was controlled by the solution pH value, and the drug release was sensitive to near-infrared irradiation. The cis-platin-loaded Au-Au{sub 2}S nanocolloids can be potentially applied as NIR activated drug delivery carrier.

  16. Re-Organizing Cultural Values: Vers le Sud by Laurent Cantet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith Michelmann


    Full Text Available Cantet's movie “Vers le sud/ Heading South“ (2005 explores cultural stereotypes and values without being moralizing in a common sense. His drama deals with female sex tourism, political and social violence, power and money in such a way that people are tempted to judge the protagonists: Their desire for young black men is called “embarrassing“, they are seen as corrupting and as actors in a new kind of imperialism. In fact the images in the film organize characters in a certain kind of dualism which leads easily to these argumentations. But having a look at the cultural values that produce the disgust, we see that they are all open to question.

  17. Planches



    Fig. 2 - Karşi kilise, vue générale vers l’ouest Fig. 3 - Le panneau des donatrices (mur ouest) Fig. 4 - Le panneau des donateurs (mur nord) Fig. 5 - Partie nord-est du naos ; de haut en bas : Myrophores au sépulcre et Anastasis ; Paradis ; saint Artémios et le panneau des donateurs Fig. 6 - Mur sud : Constantin et Hélène, avec l’invocation de Michel Plakidas Fig. 7 - Vue vers le sud-est Fig. 8 - Voûte du naos, versant sud : Cène, Trahison de Judas, Baptême ; Dormition de la Vierge, Jeu...

  18. English for au pairs the au pair's guide to learning English

    CERN Document Server

    Curtis, Lucy


    English for Au Pairs has interlinked stories about a group of au pairs new to England. Marta, an 18-year-old from Poland arrives in the UK to work as an au pair. Throughout her year-long stay she has many different experiences - some bad, some good - but with the support of her host family she finds new friends and improves her English. English for Au Pairs offers insight into the joys and difficulties of being an au pair while at the same time reinforcing English language learning through grammar explanations and exercises.

  19. Electron diffraction on amorphous and crystalline AuAl2 , AuGa2 and AuIn2 thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohorquez, A.


    Experimental (in situ) measurements of electron diffraction and resistivity of amorphous and crystalline AuAl 2 , AuGa 2 and AuIn 2 thin films were performed. Thin films were produced by quench condensation. Interference and atomic distribution functions were analyzed assuming the same short range order for the three systems in the amorphous phase. The experimental results do not agree with this assumption, giving evidence that the short range order is not the same for the three amorphous systems. Further discussion of interference and atomic distribution functions shows a more evident tendency in amorphous AuIn 2 where short order of AuIn 2 and In can be inferred. (Author)

  20. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Vol 19, No 2 (2017): Special Issue, Gestion participative de la fertilite de sol en culture biologique d'Ananas comosus ((L.) Merrill) au Sud de la Republique du Benin ... Vol 17, No 2 (2015), Habiletes manageriales et de leadership et la performance des unites de soins primaires du district des Lacs au Togo Leadership and ...

  1. South of Sahara | Page 43 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Approches novatrices pour la création d'emplois pour les jeunes et leur intégration au marché du travail en Afrique de l'Est. Language French. Read more about Soutien au Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur les racines, tubercules et bananes. Language French.

  2. Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Culture du bambou : diversification des moyens de subsistance des petits producteurs de tabac du sud de la province de Nyanza, au Kenya - phase II. Au cours de la première phase du projet (projet no 103765), les chercheurs ont effectué une analyse de marché pour le bambou et les produits du bambou, comparé les ...

  3. Chapitre 6: Le cas de l'Afrique du Sud

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    examiné un paiement fait par Sports and Recreation South Africa au tournoi de football de la Coupe d'Afrique des. Nations 2002, au ..... pays africains portent sur de l'aide relative aux technologies en place plutôt que sur la recherche .... en Afrique du Science and Technology Europe Africa Project (ST-EAP) qui favorise la.

  4. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Bai, X.; Bairathi, V.; Banerjee, A.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Bouchet, J.; Brandenburg, D.; Brandin, A. V.; Bunzarov, I.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Campbell, J. M.; Cebra, D.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chakaberia, I.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. H.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Christie, W.; Contin, G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, S.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Esha, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Federic, P.; Fedorisin, J.; Feng, Z.; Filip, P.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Fulek, L.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, S.; Gupta, A.; Guryn, W.; Hamad, A.; Hamed, A.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; He, L.; Heppelmann, S.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, T.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Jia, J.; Jiang, K.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikoła, D. P.; Kisiel, A.; Kochenda, L.; Koetke, D. D.; Kosarzewski, L. K.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kumar, L.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; Li, X.; Li, W.; Li, Z. M.; Li, Y.; Li, C.; Li, X.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Ma, R.; Ma, L.; Magdy, N.; Majka, R.; Manion, A.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; Meehan, K.; Mei, J. C.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mishra, D.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Niida, T.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Okorokov, V.; Olvitt, D.; Page, B. S.; Pak, R.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peterson, A.; Pile, P.; Pluta, J.; Poniatowska, K.; Porter, J.; Posik, M.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Sharma, M. K.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Sikora, R.; Simko, M.; Singha, S.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, N.; Smirnov, D.; Song, L.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stepanov, M.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Summa, B.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, X.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Tawfik, A.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Todoroki, T.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Tripathy, S. K.; Tsai, O. D.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Upsal, I.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Varma, R.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S. A.; Vossen, A.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, F.; Wang, H.; Wang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Wen, L.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Wu; Xiao, Z. G.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, Z.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y. F.; Xu, N.; Yang, S.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  5. Solidarité

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Pierre Lagnaux, Secrétaire général


    Éducation et Libération   Vente de printemps au bénéfice des populations sinistrées du Togo et du Bénin Mercredi 13 et jeudi 14 avril Bâtiment principal   A l’automne 2010, le sud du Togo et du Bénin a été submergé par des pluies exceptionnellement fortes. Éducation et Libération soutient dans le sud de ces deux pays, des programmes de formation scolaire et professionnelle qui ont subi les effets dévastateurs de ces pluies. Ces programmes comportent aussi un volet agricole par la mise en valeur de 13 hectares plantés en maïs, manioc et ananas bio au Bénin et par l’élevage de lapins dans les deux pays et de poules pondeuses au Togo. Écoles, ateliers, champs ont subi des dégâts mais aussi les habitations des familles, les chemins et les routes. Votre ...

  6. Solidarity

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Pierre Lagnaux, Secrétaire général


    Éducation et libération Vente au bénéfice des populations du Togo et du Bénin Lundi 14 et mardi 15 novembre Bâtiment principal Il y a un an, le sud du Togo et du Bénin a été submergé par des pluies exceptionnellement fortes. Éducation et Libération soutient dans le sud de ces deux pays, des programmes de formation scolaire et professionnelle qui ont subi les effets dévastateurs de ces pluies. Ces programmes comportent aussi un volet agricole par la mise en valeur de 13 hectares plantés en maïs, manioc et ananas bio au Bénin et par l’élevage de lapins dans les deux pays et de poules pondeuses au Togo. Écoles, ateliers, champs ont subi des dégâts mais aussi les habitations des familles, les chemins et les routes. Votre appui sera précieux pour que nos amis puissent retrouve...

  7. Solidarité

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Vente de Noël au bénéfice des populations sinistrées du Togo et du Bénin    Appel d’Éducation et Libération Mardi 23 et Mercredi 24 novembre Depuis septembre, le sud du Togo et du Bénin est submergé par des pluies exceptionnellement fortes. Éducation et Libération soutient dans le sud de ces deux pays, des programmes de formation scolaire et professionnelle qui subissent les effets dévastateurs de ces pluies. Ces programmes comportent aussi un volet agricole par la mise en valeur de 13 hectares plantés en maïs, manioc et ananas bio au Bénin et par l’élevage de lapins dans les deux pays et de poules pondeuses au Togo. Écoles, ateliers, champs ont subi des dégâts mais aussi les habitations des familles, les chemins et les routes. Votre appui sera précieux...

  8. Facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala au Cameroun (United States)

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Abessolo, Stéphanie Abo'o; Angwafo, Fru; Muna, Walinjom


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les facteurs de risque de l'infection par le VIH dans le district de santé de Meyomessala (Région du Sud) au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique qui s'est déroulée de Février à Mai 2011. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats L’échantillon était constitué de 315 participants dont 181 (57,46%) hommes et 134 (42,54%) femmes. L’âge moyen était de 24,5±8ans (extrême: 15-45ans). Quarante personnes (40) étaient séropositifs, soit une prévalence de l'infection par le VIH de 12,7%. Cette prévalence augmentait significativement (p = 0) avec le nombre de partenaires occasionnels au cours des douze derniers mois, allant de 2,7% chez ceux n'ayant eu aucun partenaire occasionnel à 21,25% chez ceux ayant plus de trois partenaires occasionnels (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; P = 0,03). le fait d’être âgé entre 20 et 24 ans (RC = 4,88; IC = 1,74-13,67; p = 0), avoir plus de trois partenaires sexuels au cours des douze derniers mois (RC = 9,72; IC = 1,27-74,14; p = 0,03), avoir les rapports sexuels avec les prostitués (RC = 2,86; IC = 1,42-5,76; p = 0), avoir eu le chlamydia (RC = 3,00; IC = 1,07-8,39; p = 0,04), avoir eu la syphilis (RC = 3,35; IC = 1,57-7,14; p = 0), avoir des avantages sociaux lors du premier rapport sexuel (RC = 2,57; IC = 1,03-6,43; p = 0,04) constituaient des potentiels facteurs de risque du VIH. Conclusion Il apparait urgent d'intensifier les campagnes de sensibilisation au risque d'infection par le VIH et les maladies sexuellement transmissibles dans le district de santé de Meyomessala PMID:25419299

  9. Ce que nous faisons | Page 103 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Outils cliniques simplifiés et stratégie de formation à l'intention des travailleurs de la santé. Des outils simplifiés élaborés en Afrique du Sud se sont révélés aptes à améliorer les résultats obtenus au regard du VIH, de la tuberculose et des soins primaires et à accroître la satisfaction et la confiance du personnel. Sud Du ...

  10. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au+Au and d+Au collisions at STAR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Adamczyk


    Full Text Available The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au+Au and minimum-bias d+Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au+Au data with respect to the d+Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  11. Di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV Au + Au and d + Au collisions at STAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, JK; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, MM; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, EC; Averichev, GS; Bai, X; Bairathi, V; Banerjee, A; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, AK; Bhattarai, P; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, LC; Bordyuzhin, IG; Bouchet, J; Brandenburg, D; Brandin, AV; Bunzarov, I; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Campbell, JM; Cebra, D; Cervantes, MC; Chakaberia, I; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, X; Chen, JH; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Christie, W; Contin, G; Crawford, HJ; Das, S; De Silva, LC; Debbe, RR; Dedovich, TG; Deng, J; Derevschikov, AA; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Dong, X; Drachenberg, JL; Draper, JE; Du, CM; Dunkelberger, LE; Dunlop, JC; Efimov, LG; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Esha, R; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Federic, P; Fedorisin, J; Feng, Z; Filip, P; Fisyak, Y; Flores, CE; Fulek, L; Gagliardi, CA; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, DS; Guo, Y; Gupta, S; Gupta, A; Guryn, W; Hamad, A; Hamed, A; Haque, R; Harris, JW; He, L; Heppelmann, S; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, GW; Hofman, DJ; Horvat, S; Huang, T; Huang, B; Huang, HZ; Huang, X; Huck, P


    The STAR Collaboration presents for the first time two-dimensional di-hadron correlations with identified leading hadrons in 200 GeV central Au + Au and minimum-bias d + Au collisions to explore hadronization mechanisms in the quark gluon plasma. The enhancement of the jet-like yield for leading pions in Au + Au data with respect to the d + Au reference and the absence of such an enhancement for leading non-pions (protons and kaons) are discussed within the context of a quark recombination scenario. The correlated yield at large angles, specifically in the ridge region, is found to be significantly higher for leading non-pions than pions. The consistencies of the constituent quark scaling, azimuthal harmonic model and a mini-jet modification model description of the data are tested, providing further constraints on hadronization.

  12. Decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Europe and the experience of TUV SUD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hummel, Lothar; Kim, Duill; Ha, Taegun; Yang, Kyunghwa


    Many commercial nuclear facilities of the first generation will be taken out of operation in the near future. As of January 2012, total 19 prototype and commercial nuclear reactors have been decommissioned or are under dismantling in Germany. Most of decommissioning projects were successfully performed and a great deal of experience has been accumulated. Selecting a decommissioning strategy is a very important step at the beginning of the decision making process. According to IAEA requirements immediate dismantling is chosen as a preferred option in many countries today. It is associated with less uncertainty, positive political and social effect, and it can make use of existing operational experience and know-how. The availability of funds and final repository is of high importance for a decommissioning strategy selection. The time frame for the dismantling of nuclear facilities depends on the type, size and complexity of the individual project. TUV SUD, which is supervising most of nuclear power plants in Germany, has accumulated lots of experience by taking parts in decommissioning projects. It direct dismantling is chosen, actual light water reactor in Germany decommissioned to green field in approx. 10 years. The activities of TUV SUD cover from establishing the decommissioning concept to the clearance of the sites. This provides an overview of decommissioning projects of nuclear facilities in Europe, including a detail illustration of the German situation. Finally, some recommendations are suggested for the first decommissioning project based on the lessons and experiences derived from many decommissioning works in Europe

  13. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La législation sur le salaire minimum, son application et la situation sur le marché du travail en Afrique du Sud, en Argentine et au Costa Rica. Les règlements ayant trait au marché du travail, particulièrement les politiques de salaire minimum, demeurent un sujet délicat et incompris, dans les milieux savants comme dans ...

  14. L’agriculture en Arabie du Sud avant l’Islam South Arabian Pre-Islamic Agriculture: Piecing Together Ancient Landscapes & Agricultural Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julien Charbonnier


    Full Text Available Le présent article vise à reconstituer les différents systèmes de culture d’Arabie du sud antique. Pour ce faire, les études archéobotaniques sont mises en perspective avec les recherches sur les paysages et les techniques de culture anciennes. Il apparaît ainsi, qu’entre l’âge du Bronze et la période sudarabique, le Yémen n’a cessé de s’enrichir de l’arrivée de nouvelles plantes, en provenance de Proche-Orient, de l’Afrique et du Monde indien. Leurs capacités propres et les nouvelles combinaisons dont elles offraient l’opportunité ont permis à l’homme de diversifier les systèmes de culture afin de tirer au maximum parti des terres et d’être plus flexible face aux altérations du climat et de l’environnement.This paper aims at recognizing and understanding the various agro-systems of the ancient South Arabia. Archaeobotanical data are confronted with studies concerning pre-Islamic landscapes and agricultural techniques. It appears that, during the Bronze Age and the South Arabian period, new cultivars, coming from the Near-East, Africa and India, have regularly reached the region. Because of their own specificities and of the new associations they permitted, these plants have allowed Man to enrich agro-systems and to be more flexible in order to cope with climatic and environmental changes.

  15. Three-particle correlations from parton cascades in Au+Au collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, G.L.; Ma, Y.G.; Zhang, S.; Cai, X.Z.; Chen, J.H.; He, Z.J.; Huang, H.Z.; Long, J.L.; Shen, W.Q.; Shi, X.H.; Zhong, C.; Zuo, J.X.


    We present a study of three-particle correlations among a trigger particle and two associated particles in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV using a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) with both partonic and hadronic interactions. We found that three-particle correlation densities in different angular directions with respect to the triggered particle ('center', 'cone', 'deflected', 'near' and 'near-away') increase with the number of participants. The ratio of 'deflected' to 'cone' density approaches to 1.0 with the increasing of number of participants, which indicates that partonic Mach-like shock waves can be produced by strong parton cascades in central Au+Au collisions

  16. Solvent extraction of Au(III) for preparation of a carrier-free multitracer and an Au tracer from an Au target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weginwar, R.G.; Kobayashi, Y.; Ambe, S.; Liu, B.; Enomoto, S.; Ambe, F.


    Separation of Au(III) and various carrier-free radionuclides by solvent extraction was investigated using an Au target irradiated by an energetic heavy-ion beam. Percentage extraction of Au(III) and coextraction of the radionuclides were determined with varying parameters such as kinds of solvent, molarity of HCl or pH, and Au concentration. Under the conditions where Au(III) was effectively extracted, namely extraction with ethyl acetate or isobutyl methyl ketone from 3 mol*dm -3 HCl, carrier-free radionuclides of many elements were found to be more or less coextracted. Coextraction of radionuclides of some elements was found to increase with an increase in the concentration of Au(III). This finding is ascribed to the formation of strong association of the complex of these elements with chloroauric acid. In order to avoid serious loss of these elements by the extraction, lowering of the Au(III) concentration or the use of a masking agent such as sodium citrate is necessary. Gold(III) was shown to be effectively back extracted with a 0.1 mol*dm -3 aqueous solution of 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol. Thus, a radiochemical procedure has been established for preparing a carrier-free multitracer and an Au tracer with carrier form from an Au target irradiated with a heavy-ion beam. Both tracers are now used individually for chemical and biological experiments. (author). 22 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  17. Fermi surfaces properties of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the CaF2-type cubic structure (United States)

    Nishimura, K.; Kakihana, M.; Suzuki, F.; Yara, T.; Hedo, M.; Nakama, T.; Ōnuki, Y.; Harima, H.


    We grew high-quality single crystals of AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2 with the fluorite (CaF2)-type cubic structure and determined the Fermi surface properties by the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) experiments using full-potential LAPW bad calculations. The Fermi surface and optical properties for three compounds were once studied from an interest of colors because AuAl2 has a striking bright reddish-purple color, whereas AuGa2 and AuIn2 are, respectively, neutral and bluish. The detected dHvA frequencies in the present study are found to be in a wide range of (0.1-13)×107 Oe. The main dHvA branches for three compounds are in excellent agreement with the theoretical ones, but some dHvA branches with small dHvA frequencies are slightly deviated from the theoretical ones, especially in AuGa2 and AuIn2.

  18. Seed-mediated growth and manipulation of Au nanorods via size-controlled synthesis of Au seeds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Juncheng; Duggan, Jennifer N.; Morgan, Joshua; Roberts, Christopher B.


    Seed-mediated growth of gold (Au) nanorods with highly controllable length, width, and aspect ratio was accomplished via carefully size-controlled synthesis of the original Au seeds. A slow dynamic growth of Au nanoparticle seeds was observed after reduction of the Au salt (i.e., hydrogen tetrachloroaurate (III) hydrate) by sodium borohydride (NaBH 4 ) in the presence of cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). As such, the size of the Au nanoparticle seeds can therefore be manipulated through control over the duration of the reaction period (i.e., aging times of 2, 8, 48, 72, and 144 h were used in this study). These differently sized Au nanoparticles were subsequently used as seeds for the growth of Au nanorods, where the additions of Au salt, CTAB, AgNO 3 , and ascorbic acid were employed. Smaller Au nanoparticle seeds obtained via short growth/aging time resulted in Au nanorods with higher aspect ratio and thus longer longitudinal surface plasmon wavelength (LSPW). The larger Au nanoparticle seeds obtained via longer growth/aging time resulted in Au nanorods with lower aspect ratio and shorter LSPW.

  19. Lutter contre l'obésité en Afrique du Sud à l'aide des politiques fiscales

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 nov. 2016 ... En 2008, le fardeau total des maladies non transmissibles en Afrique du Sud était estimé à 40 %, et ne cessait de croître. L'obésité est un facteur de risque de plusieurs maladies non transmissibles, dont les cardiopathies, l'hypertension, le diabète et le cancer.

  20. Incidencia del conflicto armado de Darfur en las relaciones políticas entre Sudán y Chad durante el período 2005-2009.


    España Feria, Olga Patricia


    Las relaciones políticas entre Sudán y Chad en el período 2005-2009 se vieron afectadas por el conflicto armado de Darfur, que trajo consigo consecuencias graves para ambos países. La configuración étnica similar, los antecedentes históricos que muestran fuertes vínculos entre Sudán y Chad y las continuas acusaciones entre Omar Al-Bashir e Idriss Déby, hicieron que las tensiones entre los dos gobiernos llamaran la atención de la comunidad internacional y causara preocupación por una posible d...

  1. Controlled Synthesis of Au@AgAu Yolk-Shell Cuboctahedra with Well-Defined Facets. (United States)

    Londono-Calderon, Alejandra; Bahena, Daniel; Yacaman, Miguel J


    The synthesis of Au@AgAu yolk-shell cuboctahedra nanoparticles formed by galvanic replacement in a seed-mediated method is described. Initially, single-crystal Au seeds are used for the formation of Au@Ag core-shell nanocubes, which serve as the template material for the deposition of an external Au layer. The well-controlled synthesis yields the formation of cuboctahedra nanoparticles with smooth inner and outer Au/Ag surfaces. The deposition/oxidation process is described to understand the formation of cuboctahedra and octahedra nanoparticles. The Au core maintains the initial morphology of the seed and remains static at the center of the yolk-shell because of residual Ag. Structural analysis of the shell indicates intrinsic stacking faults (SFs) near the surface. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) compositional analysis show an Au-Ag nonordered alloy forming the shell. The three-dimensional structure of the nanoparticles presented open facets on the [111] as observed by electron tomography SIRT reconstruction over a stack of high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) images. The geometrical model was validated by analyzing the direction of streaks in coherent nanobeam diffraction (NBD). The catalytic activity was evaluated using a model reaction based on the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NTP) by NaBH4 in the presence of Au@AgAu yolk-shell nanoparticles.

  2. Controlled synthesis of PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers and cap-like Au nanoparticles (United States)

    Zhao, Nana; Li, Lianshan; Huang, Teng; Qi, Limin


    Uniform PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers consisting of one Au nanoparticle grown on one horn of a well-defined six-horn PbS nanostar were prepared using the PbS nanostars as growth substrates for the selective deposition of Au nanoparticles. The size of the Au nanoparticles on the horns of the PbS nanostars could be readily adjusted by changing the PbS concentration for the deposition of Au nanoparticles. An optimum cetyltrimethylammonium bromide concentration and temperature were essential for the selective deposition of uniform Au nanoparticles on single horns of the PbS nanostars. Unusual PbS-Au nanoframe-nanoparticle heterodimers were obtained by etching the PbS-Au nanostar-nanoparticle heterodimers with oxalic acid while novel cap-like Au nanoparticles were obtained by etching with hydrochloric acid. The obtained heterodimeric nanostructures and cap-like nanoparticles are promising candidates for anisotropic nanoscale building blocks for the controllable assembly of useful, complex architectures.

  3. How Does Amino Acid Ligand Modulate Au Core Structure and Characteristics in Peptide Coated Au Nanocluster? (United States)

    Li, Nan; Li, Xu; Zhao, Hongkang; Zhao, Lina


    The atomic structures and the corresponding physicochemical properties of peptide coated Au nanoclusters determine their distinctive biological targeting applications. To learn the modulation of amino acid ligand on the atomic structure and electronic characteristics of coated Au core is the fundamental knowledge for peptide coated Au nanocluster design and construction. Based on our recent coated Au nanocluster configuration study (Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11454), we built the typically simplified Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) system to more clearly learn the basic modulation information of amino acid ligand on Au core by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. There are two isomers as ligand adjacent bonding (Iso1) and diagonal bonding (Iso2) to Au13 cores. The geometry optimizations indicate the adjacent bonding Iso1 is more stable than Iso2. More important, the Au13 core of Iso1 distorts much more significantly than that of Iso2 by Cys-Au-Cys bonding through the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) analysis, which modulate their electronic characteristics in different ways. In addition, the frontier molecular orbital results of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) isomers confirm that the Au cores mainly determine the blue shifts of Au13(Cys-Au-Cys) systems versus the original Au13 core in their UV-visible absorption spectrum studies. The configuration of Au13 core performs deformation under Cys-Au-Cys ligand modulation to reach new stability with distinct atomic structure and electronic properties, which could be the theory basis for peptide coated AuNCs design and construction.

  4. Agro-fuels: southern impacts; Agrocarburants: impacts au Sud

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duterme, B.


    At a time of controversies about global warming, agro-fuels production is often presented as a future solution for automotive fuels and as a new way of development for southern countries. However, in Asia, South America and Africa, it very often takes the form of huge mono-culture areas of sugar cane, palm oil and soy bean in the hands of multinational companies of the agriculture and food industry. The consequences of these land, social and environmental impacts in Southern countries is an increase of disequilibria and a threat for the diet of local populations by changing the appropriation of lands. Deforestation, private monopolization of lands, concentration of profits, soils and water pollution, biodiversity impoverishment, exploitation of vulnerable manpower, populations migration, violation of human rights are today the consequences of mass production of agro-fuels in Southern countries. To what conditions a fair re-appropriation and a sustainable development of agro-fuels production and consumption is foreseeable? The solutions require a re-shaping of economical and agricultural politics. The book gathers testimonies and analyses from specialists who have evaluated locally the consequences of these energy choices. (J.S.)

  5. Hydrochimie des eaux de surface de la région d'Adiaké (sud-est ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 mars 2014 ... RESUMÉ. Objectif : Évaluer la qualité physicochimique des eaux de surface de la région d'Adiaké (sud-est côtier de la. Côte d'Ivoire) et expliquer les phénomènes à l'origine de la minéralisation de ces eaux. Méthodologie and résultats : Dix-sept paramètres physico-chimiques sont déterminés pour chacun ...

  6. Au pair trajectories

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Karina Märcher


    pair-sending families in the Philippines, this dissertation examines the long-term trajectories of these young Filipinas. It shows how the au pairs’ local and transnational family relations develop over time and greatly influence their life trajectories. A focal point of the study is how au pairs...... that Filipina au pairs see their stay abroad as an avenue of personal development and social recognition, I examine how the au pairs re-position themselves within their families at home through migration, and how they navigate between the often conflicting expectations of participation in the sociality......Since 2000, thousands of young Filipino migrants have come to Denmark as au pairs. Officially, they are there to “broaden their cultural horizons” by living temporarily with a Danish host family, but they also conduct domestic labor in exchange for food and money, which allows them to send...

  7. Theoretical prediction of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Ab initio calculations were carried out to investigate the structures and the stability of the noble gas complexes HeAuF and NeAuF through MP2 and CCSD(T) methods.The HeAuF was predicted to have a linear structure with weak He-Au covalent bonding,the distance of which is closer to the covalent limit in comparison with the corresponding van der Waals limit.The dissociation energy with respect to He + AuF was found to be 24 and 26 kJ·mol-1 at the CCSD(T)/basis set B and B’ levels,respectively.However,similar calculations for NeAuF indicate that NeAuF is not a stable species.

  8. The extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from Au concentrate by thiourea solution (United States)

    Kim, Bongju; Cho, Kanghee; On, Hyunsung; Choi, Nagchoul; Park, Cheonyoung


    The cyanidation process has been used commercially for the past 100 years, there are ores that are not amenable to treatment by cyanide. Interest in alternative lixiviants, such as thiourea, halogens, thiosulfate and malononitrile, has been revived as a result of a major increase in gold price, which has stimulated new developments in extraction technology, combined with environmental concern. The Au extraction process using the thiourea solvent has many advantages over the cyanidation process, including higher leaching rates, faster extraction time and less than toxicity. The purpose of this study was investigated to the extraction characteristic of Au-Ag from two different Au concentrate (sulfuric acid washing and roasting) under various experiment conditions (thiourea concentration, pH of solvent, temperature) by thiourea solvent. The result of extraction experiment showed that the Au-Ag extraction was a fast extraction process, reaching equilibrium (maximum extraction rate) within 30 min. The Au-Ag extraction rate was higher in the roasted concentrate than in the sulfuric acid washing. The higher the Au-Ag extraction rate (Au - 70.87%, Ag - 98.12%) from roasted concentrate was found when the more concentration of thiourea increased, pH decreased and extraction temperature increased. This study informs extraction method basic knowledge when thiourea was a possibility to eco-/economic resources of Au-Ag utilization studies including the hydrometallurgy.

  9. Multifragmentation in Au + Au collisions studied with AMD-V

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ono, Akira [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Science


    AMD-V is an optimum model for calculation of multifragmentation in Au + Au collisions. AMD-V consider anti-symmetry of incident nucleus, target nucleus and fragments, furthermore, it treat the quantum effect to exist many channels in the intermediate and final state. 150 and 250 MeV/nucleon incident energy were used in the experiments. The data of multifragment atom in {sup 197}Au + {sup 197}Au collisions was reproduced by AMD-V calculation using Gognny force, corresponding to the imcompressibility of nuclear substance K = 228 MeV and its mean field depend on momentum. When other interaction (SKG 2 force, corresponding to K = 373 KeV) was used an mean field does not depend on momentum, the calculation results could not reproduce the experimental values, because nucleus and deuteron were estimated too large and {alpha}-particle and intermediate fragments estimated too small. (S.Y.)

  10. Synthesis of ultrathin face-centered-cubic Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates from hexagonal-close-packed Au square sheets

    KAUST Repository

    Fan, Zhanxi; Zhu, Yihan; Huang, Xiao; Han, Yu; Wang, Qingxiao; Liu, Qing; Huang, Ying; Gan, Chee Lip; Zhang, Hua


    @Pd rhombic nanoplates, respectively. We believe that these findings will shed new light on the synthesis of novel noble bimetallic nanostructures. Phase change: Ultrathin Au@Pt and Au@Pd core-shell nanoplates were prepared from Au square sheets. A phase

  11. El deporte en el campo diplomático: el caso de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica 2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Carreño Lara


    Full Text Available Por más de cuarenta años, el fútbol fue considerado en Sudáfrica un importante escenario en la lucha por la libertad. Así, el movimiento anti-apartheid obtuvo simbólicos y cruciales logros en este campo cuando la federación local fue suspendida por la Federación Internacional de Fútbol Asociado (FIFA de todas las competencias internacionales hasta 1992. Ya en democracia, el fútbol -como otras disciplinas deportivas- ha sido considerado una instancia de encuentro y reconciliación en una sociedad marcada por clivajes raciales, por lo cual la adjudicación de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA fue aclamada por los sudafricanos y por todo el continente africano como una gran victoria que hacía crecer las expectativas en torno a los beneficios de este evento para mejorar la calidad de vida de millones de personas. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar las motivaciones políticas, económicas y sociales tras la organización de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica 2010. Es un estudio explicativo sustentado en la revisión de fuentes secundarias e información oficial entregada por el gobierno de Sudáfrica tendiente a estimar las implicancias diplomáticas de un evento que claramente sobrepasó lo netamente deportivo.

  12. Gouvernance de l'eau, désertification et changements climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Araucanie est une vaste région du sud du Chili qui est le territoire traditionnel des Mapuche, un peuple autochtone. Au cours des dernières décennies, les vastes plantations d'arbres destinés au bois d'oeuvre et les exploitations agricoles de taille moyenne où l'on pratique l'agriculture intensive ont remplacé la forêt ...

  13. Impact de la variabilité climatique sur le régime des cours d'eau du ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... pluies de la “saison sèche” d'été (juillet et août) sont plus élevées depuis quelques décennies, ce qui entretient vraisemblablement une humidité du sol plus élevée favorable au ruissellement au début de la crue d'automne. Mots clefs : changement climatique ; climat équatorial ; séries chronologiques ; Sud Cameroun.

  14. Trimestre Dates Endroit Objet Transport Hébergement, repas et frais ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chantal Taylor

    Transport. Hébergement, repas et frais divers. Accueil. Total des dépenses. Trimestre 1 les 23 et 24 avril 2012. Washington, États-Unis. Réunions du 5 au 9 juin 2012. Rome, Italie. Réunions. 16 308,20. 2 468,26. 18 776,46 du 15 au 23 juin 2012. Le Cap, Afrique du Sud. Réunions. Trimestre 2 les 5 et 6 septembre 2012.

  15. Résultats de recherche | Page 64 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    À l'heure où des pouvoirs émergents comme la Chine, l'Inde et le Brésil prennent du gallon sur les plans économique et politique, dans les pays du Sud, les organismes de la base s'unissent pour veiller au respect des droits de la pe. Projet. -. Insécurité alimentaire et sous-alimentation au Guatemala. Le Guatemala est aux ...

  16. Résultats de recherche | Page 13 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'épidémie de tabagisme qui se profile à l'horizon et la menace qu'elle fait planer sur le développement ont poussé la plupart des gouvernements d'Afrique subsaharienne à ratifier la Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac (CC. Projet. -. Tabac et pauvreté au Niger. La majorité des pays africains sud du Sahara sont au ...

  17. Se servir de la psychologie pour réduire la violence en Afrique du Sud

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 févr. 2015 ... Comment une approche en matière de santé publique visant à réduire la violence en Afrique du Sud peut-elle être améliorée ? Dans un récent article publié par des chercheurs qui mènent des travaux dans le cadre de l'initiative Villes sûres et inclusives, on soutient que l'intégration et la compréhension ...

  18. Évaluation de l'application par l'Afrique du Sud d'une taxe d'accise ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les maladies non transmissibles, qui contribuent de façon marquée à la charge de morbidité de l'Afrique du Sud sont largement causées par l'obésité et les maladies associées. La prévalence de l'obésité a augmenté de 30 % pendant la dernière décennie, tandis que la consommation d'aliments à haute teneur en énergie ...

  19. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV (United States)

    Roland, Christof; PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The evolution of the spectra for transverse momenta p_T from 0.25 to 5GeV/c is studied as a function of collision centrality over a range from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at the highest p_T exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  20. Central Asia | Page 73 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    innovation au service du développement inclusif en Asie du Sud-Est. Language French. Read more about Health Rights and Equity-oriented Health System Change in Maharashtra, India. Language English. Read more about Renforcement des ...

  1. Water. Unresolved emergency of the Southern hemisphere; Acqua. Istanza irrisolta del Sud del mondo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lotti, C. [Associazione Idrotecnica Italiana, Padua (Italy)


    Among the serious dramas in the Southern hemisphere, the most serious relates to health, and the most serious health problem is dysentery among the rural population, caused by the lack of unpolluted water. Bad management frustrates much of the aid sent to this part of the world, including projects to help the water crisis. In view of the success, it would appear that a concrete solution could be found within a decade, at a cost that can easily be sustained by the rich world, so long as funds are managed honestly. Much more ambitious and, at least for the moment, beyond all concrete possibility, is the project to provide a barrel of water per head to each person in the southern hemisphere. Providing unpolluted water and facilitating farming development through minor irrigation and family cattle-raising schemes is an idea that appears entirely Utopian. The conclusion provides a critical analysis of the major hydraulic works essential for true development, but effective only if the human environment is ready to receive them, whereas minor works are useful in any case - at village level - to resolve the thirst of the southern hemisphere. [Italian] Fra i gravi drammi del Sud del Mondo certamente il piu' grave e' quello sanitario; ed in quello sanitario la dissenteria causata dalla mancanza di acque non inquinate a gran parte della popolazione rurale. I molti aiuti destinati a questa parte del mondo sono stati vanificati dalla loro cattiva gestione: fra di essi gli interventi a favore dell'acqua. Da alcuni interventi ad esito positivo si puo' pervenire ad una soluzione concreta nel giro di un decennio. Molto piu' ambizioso ed -almeno per ora- fuori da ogni ipotesi concreta e' quello di rifornire di un barile di acqua pro capite ogni individuo del Sud del Mondo: per dare acqua non inquinata e favorire lo sviluppo alimentare attraverso piccole irrigazioni e familiari allevamenti di bestiame: cio' appare, comunque relegato allo scenario

  2. Quo Vadis: el español y el Hispanismo en Sudáfrica


    Maree, Cathy; Sánchez Martín, Carmen


    Not available

    Nuestro objetivo en este ensayo es presentar la situación del español y del hispanismo en el complejo mundo que ha sido y sigue siendo Sudáfrica. Con el fin de entender el papel que desempeña el español en el África austral, se traza la historia socio-lingüística sudafricana, la remota y la reciente, como base indispensable para el posterior análisis comparativo del español y las otras lenguas y culturas extranjeras estudiadas en el país. El enfoque entonces p...

  3. Influence of Au Nanoparticle Shape on Au@Cu2O Heterostructures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jie Zhu


    Full Text Available Synthesis of metal-semiconductor heterostructures may allow the combination of function of the corresponding components and/or the enhanced performance resulting from the interactions between all the components. In this paper, Au@Cu2O core-shell heterostructures are prepared by a seed-growth method, using different-shaped Au nanocrystals as the seeds such as nanorods, octahedra, decahedra, dots, and nanocubes. The results revealed that the final structure of Au@Cu2O was greatly influenced by the shape of the seeds used. Exposure of Cu2O{111} and Cu2O{001} favored when the overgrowth happened on Au{111} and Au{001} surface, respectively. The size of the product can also be tuned by the amount of the seeds. The results reported here provide a thinking clue to modulate the shape and size of core-shell nanocrystals, which is useful in developing new materials with desired performance.

  4. Au/ZnO nanoarchitectures with Au as both supporter and antenna of visible-light

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Tianyu; Chen, Wei; Hua, Yuxiang; Liu, Xiaoheng, E-mail:


    Highlights: • An inversed Au/ZnO nanostructure was fabricated with ZnO loaded onto Au. • The Au/ZnO nanocomposites showed enhanced properties in visible-light photocatalysis. • The SPR effect of Au was considered important for visible-light photocatalysis. - Abstract: In this paper, we fabricate Au/ZnO nanostructure with smaller ZnO nanoparticles loaded onto bigger gold nanoparticles via combining seed-mediated method and sol-gel method. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposites exhibit excellent properties in photocatalysis process like methyl orange (MO) degradation and oxidative conversion of methanol into formaldehyde under visible light irradiation. The enhanced properties were ascribed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect of Au nanoparticles, which could contribute to the separation of photo-excited electrons and holes and facilitate the process of absorbing visible light. This paper contributes to the emergence of multi-functional nanocomposites with possible applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and makes the Au/ZnO photocatalyst an exceptional choice for practical applications such as environmental purification of organic pollutants in aqueous solution and the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates.

  5. Au/ZnO nanoarchitectures with Au as both supporter and antenna of visible-light

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Tianyu; Chen, Wei; Hua, Yuxiang; Liu, Xiaoheng


    Highlights: • An inversed Au/ZnO nanostructure was fabricated with ZnO loaded onto Au. • The Au/ZnO nanocomposites showed enhanced properties in visible-light photocatalysis. • The SPR effect of Au was considered important for visible-light photocatalysis. - Abstract: In this paper, we fabricate Au/ZnO nanostructure with smaller ZnO nanoparticles loaded onto bigger gold nanoparticles via combining seed-mediated method and sol-gel method. The obtained Au/ZnO nanocomposites exhibit excellent properties in photocatalysis process like methyl orange (MO) degradation and oxidative conversion of methanol into formaldehyde under visible light irradiation. The enhanced properties were ascribed to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect of Au nanoparticles, which could contribute to the separation of photo-excited electrons and holes and facilitate the process of absorbing visible light. This paper contributes to the emergence of multi-functional nanocomposites with possible applications in visible-light driven photocatalysts and makes the Au/ZnO photocatalyst an exceptional choice for practical applications such as environmental purification of organic pollutants in aqueous solution and the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates.

  6. Catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Britt Hvolbæk; Janssens, Ton V.W.; Clausen, Bjerne


    Au is usually viewed as an inert metal, but surprisingly it has been found that Au nanoparticles less than 3–5 nm in diameter are catalytically active for several chemical reactions. We discuss the origin of this effect, focusing on the way in which the chemical activity of Au may change with par......Au is usually viewed as an inert metal, but surprisingly it has been found that Au nanoparticles less than 3–5 nm in diameter are catalytically active for several chemical reactions. We discuss the origin of this effect, focusing on the way in which the chemical activity of Au may change...... with particle size. We find that the fraction of low-coordinated Au atoms scales approximately with the catalytic activity, suggesting that atoms on the corners and edges of Au nanoparticles are the active sites. This effect is explained using density functional calculations....

  7. Fabricating a Homogeneously Alloyed AuAg Shell on Au Nanorods to Achieve Strong, Stable, and Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonances

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Colloidal metal nanocrystals with strong, stable, and tunable localized surface plasmon resonances (SPRs) can be useful in a corrosive environment for many applications including field-enhanced spectroscopies, plasmon-mediated catalysis, etc. Here, a new synthetic strategy is reported that enables the epitaxial growth of a homogeneously alloyed AuAg shell on Au nanorod seeds, circumventing the phase segregation of Au and Ag encountered in conventional synthesis. The resulting core–shell structured bimetallic nanorods (AuNR@AuAg) have well-mixed Au and Ag atoms in their shell without discernible domains. This degree of mixing allows AuNR@AuAg to combine the high stability of Au with the superior plasmonic activity of Ag, thus outperforming seemingly similar nanostructures with monometallic shells (e.g., Ag-coated Au NRs (AuNR@Ag) and Au-coated Au NRs (AuNR@Au)). AuNR@AuAg is comparable to AuNR@Ag in plasmonic activity, but that it is markedly more stable toward oxidative treatment. Specifically, AuNR@AuAg and AuNR@Ag exhibit similarly strong signals in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy that are some 30-fold higher than that of AuNR@Au. When incubated with a H2O2 solution (0.5 m), the plasmonic activity of AuNR@Ag immediately and severely decayed, whereas AuNR@AuAg retained its activity intact. Moreover, the longitudinal SPR frequency of AuNR@AuAg can be tuned throughout the red wavelengths (≈620–690 nm) by controlling the thickness of the AuAg alloy shell. The synthetic strategy is versatile to fabricate AuAg alloyed shells on different shaped Au, with prospects for new possibilities in the synthesis and application of plasmonic nanocrystals.

  8. Charged particle density distributions in Au + Au collisions at ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Charged particle pseudorapidity distributions have been measured in Au + Au collisions using the BRAHMS detector at RHIC. The results are presented as a function of the collision centrality and the center of mass energy. They are compared to the predictions of different parton scattering models and the important role of ...

  9. Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Amélioration de la nutrition au Cambodge au moyen de l'aquaculture et des jardins potagers domestiques (FCRSAI). Si l'on produit au Cambodge suffisamment de riz pour nourrir la population, la sous-alimentation maternelle et infantile y demeure quand même élevée en raison de la faible diversification des cultures et du ...

  10. [Hyp-Au-Sn9(Hyp)3-Au-Sn9(Hyp)3-Au-Hyp]-: the longest intermetalloid chain compound of tin. (United States)

    Binder, Mareike; Schrenk, Claudio; Block, Theresa; Pöttgen, Rainer; Schnepf, Andreas


    The reaction of the metalloid tin cluster [Sn 10 (Hyp) 4 ] 2- with (Ph 3 P)Au-SHyp (Hyp = Si(SiMe 3 ) 3 ) gave an intermetalloid cluster [Au 3 Sn 18 (Hyp) 8 ] - 1, which is the longest intermetalloid chain compound of tin to date. 1 shows a structural resemblance to binary AuSn phases, which is expected for intermetalloid clusters.

  11. Hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation reactions

    KAUST Repository

    Song, Hyon Min


    Hybrid alloys among gold, palladium and platinum become a new category of catalysts primarily due to their enhanced catalytic effects. Enhancement means not only their effectiveness, but also their uniqueness as catalysts for the reactions that individual metals may not catalyze. Here, preparation of hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) and their use as electrocatalysts are reported. Galvanic displacement with Ag NPs is used to obtain hollow NPs, and higher reduction potential of Au compared to Ag, Pd, and Pt helps to produce hollow Au cores first, followed by Pd or Pt shell growth. Continuous and highly crystalline shell growth was observed in Au@Pd core-shell NPs, but the sporadic and porous-like structure was observed in Au@Pt core-shell NPs. Along with hollow core-shell NPs, hollow porous Pt and hollow Au NPs are also prepared from Ag seed NPs. Twin boundaries which are typically observed in large size (>20 nm) Au NPs were not observed in hollow Au NPs. This absence is believed to be due to the role of the hollows, which significantly reduce the strain energy of edges where the two lattice planes meet. In ethanol oxidation reactions in alkaline medium, hollow Au@Pd core-shell NPs show highest current density in forward scan. Hollow Au@Pt core-shell NPs maintain better catalytic activities than metallic Pt, which is thought to be due to the better crystallinity of Pt shells as well as the alloy effect of Au cores. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  12. Evidence from d+Au measurements for final-state suppression of high-p(T) hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. (United States)

    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Rykov, V; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    We report measurements of single-particle inclusive spectra and two-particle azimuthal distributions of charged hadrons at high transverse momentum (high p(T)) in minimum bias and central d+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The inclusive yield is enhanced in d+Au collisions relative to binary-scaled p+p collisions, while the two-particle azimuthal distributions are very similar to those observed in p+p collisions. These results demonstrate that the strong suppression of the inclusive yield and back-to-back correlations at high p(T) previously observed in central Au+Au collisions are due to final-state interactions with the dense medium generated in such collisions.

  13. Influence of Au Nanoparticle Shape on Au@Cu2O Heterostructures


    Zhu, Jie; Lu, Na; Chen, Wei; Kong, Lina; Yang, Yun; Ma, Dekun; Huang, Shaoming


    Synthesis of metal-semiconductor heterostructures may allow the combination of function of the corresponding components and/or the enhanced performance resulting from the interactions between all the components. In this paper, Au@Cu2O core-shell heterostructures are prepared by a seed-growth method, using different-shaped Au nanocrystals as the seeds such as nanorods, octahedra, decahedra, dots, and nanocubes. The results revealed that the final structure of Au@Cu2O was greatly influenced by ...

  14. Flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Belt Tonjes, Marguerite; the PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wozniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The study of flow can provide information on the initial state dynamics and the degree of equilibration attained in heavy-ion collisions. This contribution presents results for both elliptic and directed flow as determined from data recorded by the PHOBOS experiment in Au+Au runs at RHIC at \\sqrt{sNN} = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV. The PHOBOS detector provides a unique coverage in pseudorapidity for measuring flow at RHIC. The systematic dependence of flow on pseudorapidity, transverse momentum, centrality and energy is discussed.

  15. India | Page 107 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Il y a plus de vingt ans, Charlie Mayer, exploitant d'un ranch dans le sud du Manitoba et également ministre fédéral de l'Agriculture, est rentré au Canada troublé par ce qu'il avait entendu au cours d'une réunion de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), à Rome. Read more about Cap ...

  16. Sexospécificités | Page 176 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Il y a plus de vingt ans, Charlie Mayer, exploitant d'un ranch dans le sud du Manitoba et également ministre fédéral de l'Agriculture, est rentré au Canada troublé par ce qu'il avait entendu au cours d'une réunion de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), à Rome. Read more about Cap ...

  17. Santé génésique, maternelle, néonatale, infantile et des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Santé génésique, maternelle, néonatale, infantile et des adolescents en situation de conflit : études de cas pour éclairer la mise en œuvre d'interven. Ce projet de recherche renforcera les données tirées de quatre études de cas en Syrie, au Soudan du Sud, au Mali, en Colombie ou en République démocratique du Congo ...

  18. Le numérique pour stopper le moulin à rumeurs | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 sept. 2016 ... Au sud-est du Kenya, une information erronée peut se révéler mortelle, mais une organisation canadienne oeuvre à la prevention des conflits. Un projet financé par le CRDI mise sur la technologie des textos pour lutter contre la désinformation et à sauver des vies au Kenya. Cet article fait partie d'une série ...

  19. Augmentation de l'égalité entre les sexes chez les producteurs de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    le fait que la culture en incombe principalement aux femmes explique aussi le peu d'importance qui leur est accordée. De 2011 à 2014, le projet Revalorisation des petits mils en Asie du Sud (dont le sigle en anglais est RESMISA) a été mené dans six emplacements en Inde, un au Népal et un au Sri Lanka. L'objectif visé ...

  20. La recherche-action participative appliquée aux systèmes de santé ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 déc. 2014 ... Une nouvelle publication, intitulée Participatory Action Research in Health Systems: a methods reader, a été lancée à l'occasion du troisième Symposium mondial sur la recherche sur les systèmes de santé, qui s'est tenu au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2014. Ce guide des ...

  1. Cap sur l'Ouest : les Prairies canadiennes, élément essentiel de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 mai 2014 ... Il y a plus de vingt ans, Charlie Mayer, exploitant d'un ranch dans le sud du Manitoba et également ministre fédéral de l'Agriculture, est rentré au Canada troublé par ce qu'il avait entendu au cours d'une réunion de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), à Rome.

  2. Maximizing Effectiveness Trials in PTSD and SUD Through Secondary Analysis: Benefits and Limitations Using the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network "Women and Trauma" Study as a Case Example. (United States)

    Hien, Denise A; Campbell, Aimee N C; Ruglass, Lesia M; Saavedra, Lissette; Mathews, Abigail G; Kiriakos, Grace; Morgan-Lopez, Antonio


    Recent federal legislation and a renewed focus on integrative care models underscore the need for economical, effective, and science-based behavioral health care treatment. As such, maximizing the impact and reach of treatment research is of great concern. Behavioral health issues, including the frequent co-occurrence of substance use disorders (SUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are often complex, with a myriad of factors contributing to the success of interventions. Although treatment guides for comorbid SUD/PTSD exist, most patients continue to suffer symptoms following the prescribed treatment course. Further, the study of efficacious treatments has been hampered by methodological challenges (e.g., overreliance on "superiority" designs (i.e., designs structured to test whether or not one treatment statistically surpasses another in terms of effect sizes) and short term interventions). Secondary analyses of randomized controlled clinical trials offer potential benefits to enhance understanding of findings and increase the personalization of treatment. This paper offers a description of the limits of randomized controlled trials as related to SUD/PTSD populations, highlights the benefits and potential pitfalls of secondary analytic techniques, and uses a case example of one of the largest effectiveness trials of behavioral treatment for co-occurring SUD/PTSD conducted within the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (NIDA CTN) and producing 19 publications. The paper concludes with implications of this secondary analytic approach to improve addiction researchers' ability to identify best practices for community-based treatment of these disorders. Innovative methods are needed to maximize the benefits of clinical studies and better support SUD/PTSD treatment options for both specialty and non-specialty healthcare settings. Moving forward, planning for and description of secondary analyses in randomized trials should be given equal

  3. Fabrico da broa caseira.


    Barreira Martins , Teresa; Gonçalo Barreira , Maria; Barreira Martins , Maria; Barboff , Mouette; de Pablo , Elisabeth; Stockinger , Peter; Fillon , Richard


    Corpus PCM (Peuples et Cultures du Monde); A BROA CASEIRA (le pain de maïs domestique)Maria (veuve) vit avec ses deux filles et son petit-fils. Le mari de sa fille aînée a émigré en France et ne revient que rarement au pays.A 84 ans, Maria estime que ses filles ne sont pas aptes à faire le pain : « Avec elles, le pain n’aigrit pas assez », dit-elle. C’est pourquoi elle pétrit encore la fournée familiale, même si ce travail lui coûte physiquement. Lors de notre visite en juin 2008, elle tenait...

  4. Ce que nous faisons | Page 80 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Prévention du crime grâce aux pratiques communautaires au Guatemala. Le Guatemala est un des pays les plus violents de la planète. Guatemala, Amérique Nord Et Centrale, Amérique Du Sud. PROJECT ...

  5. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  6. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Porites in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Porites in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  7. Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation as SERS substrates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Vinod


    Full Text Available Chemically pure colloidal suspensions of gold and silver nanoparticles were synthesized using pulsed laser ablation. The dependence of laser fluence on the surface plasmon characteristics of the nanoparticles was investigated. Au:Ag colloidal suspensions were prepared by mixing highly monodisperse Au and Ag nanocolloids. The plasmon band of these mixtures was found to be highly sensitive to Au:Ag concentration ratio and wavelength of the laser beam used in the ablation process. The Au:Ag mixture consists of almost spherical shaped nanostructures with a tendency to join with adjacent ones. The surface enhanced Raman scattering activity of the Au, Ag and Au:Ag colloidal suspensions was tested using crystal violet as probe molecules. Enhancement in Raman signal obtained with Au:Ag substrates was found to be promising and strongly depends on its plasmon characteristics.

  8. Charged hadron transverse momentum distributions in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Lee, J. W.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The spectra were measured for transverse momenta pT from 0.25 to 4.5 GeV/c in a pseudorapidity range of 0.2<η<1.4. The evolution of the spectra is studied as a function of collision centrality, from 65 to 344 participating nucleons. The results are compared to data from proton-antiproton collisions and Au+Au collisions at lower RHIC energies. We find a significant change of the spectral shape between proton-antiproton and semi-peripheral Au+Au collisions. Comparing semi-peripheral to central Au+Au collisions, we find that the yields at high pT exhibit approximate scaling with the number of participating nucleons, rather than scaling with the number of binary collisions.

  9. La Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilità nell’area Balcanica


    Massari, Saverio Francesco


    Il lavoro cerca di valutare il possibile ruolo della Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilita’ nell’area Balcanica. Il Trattato fondativo della Comunita’ assegna a questa l’obiettivo di condurre una cooperazione in campo energetico al fine diffondere istituzioni e normative condivise, quali elementi di superamento del conflitto: tuttavia, sono molti gli ostacoli posti su questo cammino sia di natura interna alla regione che esterna, per l’influenza di fattori e poter...

  10. Toward hybrid Au nanorods @ M (Au, Ag, Pd and Pt) core-shell heterostructures for ultrasensitive SERS probes (United States)

    Xie, Xiaobin; Gao, Guanhui; Kang, Shendong; Lei, Yanhua; Pan, Zhengyin; Shibayama, Tamaki; Cai, Lintao


    Being able to precisely control the morphologies of noble metallic nanostructures is of essential significance for promoting the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect. Herein, we demonstrate an overgrowth strategy for synthesizing Au @ M (M = Au, Ag, Pd, Pt) core-shell heterogeneous nanocrystals with an orientated structural evolution and highly improved properties by using Au nanorods as seeds. With the same reaction condition system applied, we obtain four well-designed heterostructures with diverse shapes, including Au concave nanocuboids (Au CNs), Au @ Ag crystalizing face central cube nanopeanuts, Au @ Pd porous nanocuboids and Au @ Pt nanotrepangs. Subsequently, the exact overgrowth mechanism of the above heterostructural building blocks is further analysed via the systematic optimiziation of a series of fabrications. Remarkably, the well-defined Au CNs and Au @ Ag nanopeanuts both exhibit highly promoted SERS activity. We expect to be able to supply a facile strategy for the fabrication of multimetallic heterogeneous nanostructures, exploring the high SERS effect and catalytic activities.

  11. Le Brésil et sa généreuse diplomatie : un dragon amical ou un tigre de papier ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Muggah


    Full Text Available Jouissant d’une démocratie stable et d’une croissance économique vertigineuse, le Brésil est en passe de devenir une puissance mondiale. Le pays s’attelle aujourd’hui à renforcer ses relations multilatérales et bilatérales en vue de promouvoir le commerce et de réduire sa vulnérabilité à l’étranger et au niveau national. Cet article montre comment le Brésil a progressivement aligné sa politique étrangère sur la coopération Sud-Sud (CSS dans le but d’atteindre ces objectifs parallèles. Si les priorités politiques du Brésil en matière de commerce ont retenu l’attention, il en est tout autrement de ses politiques et de ses pratiques en matière d’aide au développement. En outre, il est surprenant de constater que le lien explicite entre ces deux piliers de la politique étrangère brésilienne que sont le commerce et l’aide ne suscite guère de débat. Le présent article cherche à démontrer que le nouveau programme d’aide du Brésil repose fondamentalement sur des considérations commerciales. Au cours des dix dernières années, le Brésil s’est en effet attaché à positionner son programme de politique étrangère de manière à remodeler les termes mondiaux de l’échange en sa faveur et à diminuer sa dépendance aux niveaux international et national. Les attributions relativement modestes de l’aide au développement du Brésil augmentent avec l’effort plus général de faire progresser le commerce, l’investissement étranger direct et le transfert technologique. En cherchant de nouveaux marchés pour ses produits, services et investissements, le Brésil escompte que sa position en faveur de la coopération pour le développement Sud-Sud (CDSS l’aidera à renforcer son influence dans les organisations bilatérales et multilatérales, y compris au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC et du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU.

  12. Sud du Sahara | Page 76 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Read more about Remittances to Conflict Zones : the Sudanese Diaspora in Cairo - Phase II. Langue English. Read more about Envois de fonds vers les zones de conflit - le cas de la diaspora soudanaise au Caire - phase II. Langue French. Read more about Intégration systématique de l'évaluation (théorie et pratique) au ...

  13. Enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays. (United States)

    Xiao, Gongli; Yao, Xiang; Ji, Xinming; Zhou, Jia; Bao, Zongming; Huang, Yiping


    The enhanced middle-infrared light transmission through Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au aperture arrays by changing the refractive index and the thickness of a dielectric layer was studied experimentally. The results indicated that the transmission spectra was highly dependent on the refractive index and the thickness of SiO(x)N(y). We found that the transmission peaks redshifted regularly along with the refractive index from 1.6 to 1.8, owing to the role of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) coupling in the Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure. Simultaneously, a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO2.1N0.3/Au cascaded metallic structure with small refractive index (1.6) than in Au/SiO0.6N1/Au cascaded metallic structure with large refractive index (1.8). When the thickness of SiO(x)N(y) changes from 0.2 to 0.4 microm, the shape of transmission spectra exhibits a large change. It was found that a higher transmission efficiency and narrower transmission peak was obtained in Au/SiO(x)N(y)/Au cascaded metallic structure with a thin dielectric film (0.2 microm), with the increase of SiO(x)N(y) film's thickness, the transmission peak gradually widened and disappeared finally. This effect is useful in applications of biochemical sensing and tunable integrated plasmonic devices in the middle-infrared region.

  14. Au 38 (SPh) 24 : Au 38 Protected with Aromatic Thiolate Ligands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rambukwella, Milan; Burrage, Shayna; Neubrander, Marie; Baseggio, Oscar; Aprà, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Dass, Amala


    Au38(SR)24 is one of the most extensively investigated gold nanomolecules along with Au25(SR)18 and Au144(SR)60. However, so far it has only been prepared using aliphatic-like ligands, where R = –SC6H13, -SC12H25 and –SCH2CH2Ph. Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 when reacted with HSPh undergoes core-size conversion to Au36(SPh)24, and existing literature suggest that Au38(SPh)24 cannot be synthesized. Here, contrary to prevailing knowledge, we demonstrate that Au38(SPh)24 can be prepared if the ligand exchanged conditions are optimized, without any formation of Au36(SPh)24. Conclusive evidence is presented in the form of MALDI-MS, ESI-MS characterization, and optical spectra of Au38(SPh)24 in a solid glass form showing distinct differences from that of Au38(S-aliphatic)24. Theoretical analysis confirms experimental assignment of the optical spectrum and shows that the stability of Au38(SPh)24 is comparable to that of its aliphatic analogues, but results from different physical origins, with a significant component of ligand-ligand attractive interactions.

  15. Preferential Au precipitation at deformation-induced defects in Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, S., E-mail: [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Langelaan, G. [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Brouwer, J.C.; Sloof, W.G. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft (Netherlands); Brück, E. [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands); Zwaag, S. van der [Novel Aerospace Materials Group, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft (Netherlands); Dijk, N.H. van [Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft (Netherlands)


    Highlights: • Fe–Au–B–N forms a good model alloy system for self healing of deformation damage. • Solute Au atoms exclusively precipitate at grain boundaries, cracks and cavities. • XPS indicates a strong tendency for Au segregation on free surfaces at 550 °C. • Interstitial B and N form hexagonal BN on free surfaces at 550 °C. • Selective Au precipitation at open volume defects can cause autonomous repair. -- Abstract: The influence of deformation-induced defects on the isothermal precipitation of Au was studied in high-purity Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys. Preferential Au precipitation upon annealing at 550 °C is observed at local plastic indentations. In fractured Fe–Au–B–N, solute Au atoms were found to heterogeneously precipitate at grain boundaries and local micro-cracks. This is supported by in-situ creep tests that showed a strong tendency for Au precipitation at cracks and cavities also formed during creep loading at 550 °C. Complementary X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments indicate a strong tendency of Au, B and N segregation onto free surface during aging. The observed site-specific precipitation of Au holds interesting opportunities for defect healing in steels subjected to creep deformation.

  16. Jet-Hadron Correlations in √sNN =200 GeV p +p and Central Au +Au Collisions (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anson, C. D.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Banerjee, A.; Beavis, D. R.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bichsel, H.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Borowski, W.; Bouchet, J.; Brandin, A. V.; Brovko, S. G.; Bültmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H. F.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, L.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Chwastowski, J.; Codrington, M. J. M.; Contin, G.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Cui, X.; Das, S.; Davila Leyva, A.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Derradi de Souza, R.; Dhamija, S.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Ding, F.; Djawotho, P.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Engle, K. S.; Eppley, G.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Fedorisin, J.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangadharan, D. R.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Gliske, S.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.-X.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kesich, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikola, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Koetke, D. D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Kotchenda, L.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulakov, I.; Kumar, L.; Kycia, R. A.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; LeVine, M. J.; Li, C.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z. M.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Madagodagettige Don, D. M. M. D.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T. S.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J. M.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Ohlson, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E. W.; Olvitt, D. L., Jr.; Pachr, M.; Page, B. S.; Pal, S. K.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Pluta, J.; Poljak, N.; Porter, J.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Pujahari, P. R.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Riley, C. K.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Ross, J. F.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Singaraju, R. N.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, D.; Smirnov, N.; Solanki, D.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stevens, J. R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Sun, X.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Symons, T. J. M.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Turnau, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Vanfossen, J. A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G. M. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Vossen, A.; Wada, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, X. L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Xiao, Z.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Yan, W.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zawisza, Y.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y. H.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    Azimuthal angular correlations of charged hadrons with respect to the axis of a reconstructed (trigger) jet in Au +Au and p +p collisions at √sNN =200 GeV in STAR are presented. The trigger jet population in Au +Au collisions is biased toward jets that have not interacted with the medium, allowing easier matching of jet energies between Au +Au and p +p collisions while enhancing medium effects on the recoil jet. The associated hadron yield of the recoil jet is significantly suppressed at high transverse momentum (pTassoc) and enhanced at low pTassoc in 0%-20% central Au +Au collisions compared to p +p collisions, which is indicative of medium-induced parton energy loss in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  17. Study of Au+Au relativistic collisions with the Fopi-Phase I detector; Etude des collisions relativistes Au+Au avec le detecteur Fopi-Phase I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dupieux, P


    Au+Au relativistic collisions, in a 100-1000 MeV energy domain per nucleon, are described. Experiments have been carried out with the SIS accelerator at GSI/Darmstadt. Data are analysed with the FOPI-phase I detector. These data are compared with IQMD model (Isospin Quantum Molecular Dynamics) Predictions. (S.G). 80 refs., 77 figs., 5 tabs.

  18. Violence sexuelle et impunité en Asie du Sud | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Même si le recours répété au viol ne fait pas de doute, le tribunal international pour les crimes de guerre établi au Bangladesh en 2009 n'en a fait aucune ... IDRC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of India that enables Canada to continue supporting important research in India.

  19. 225-IJBCS-Article-Dr A Toguyeni

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mots clés: Diversité ichtyologique, dynamique des populations, bassin de la Comoé, Burkina Faso. INTRODUCTION ... projet Gestion de la Pêche dans le Sud-Ouest. (GPSO) a .... contrôle des ressources piscicoles au regard de la législation ...

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 417 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Asie et du Sud-Est,auraient pu, en principe, partir de la Chine pour se rendre à Singapouren se balançant d'arbre en arbre. Au cours des cinquante dernièresannées. Publication Date. 1 janvier 1997. Livres ...

  1. 2232-IJBCS-Article-Dr A Déla Mondedji

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ... botaniques dans la gestion des insectes ravageurs des cultures maraîchères au Sud du Togo .... synthèse dans le contrôle des insectes ravageurs ... performance du questionnaire d'enquête. ..... maraîchers ne prennent aucune mesure de.

  2. An SFG and DFG investigation of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bozzini, Benedetto; Busson, Bertrand; De Gaudenzi, Gian Pietro; Mele, Claudio; Tadjeddine, Abderrahmane


    In this paper, the behaviour of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu (Cu 25%) and Au-Ag-Cu (Ag 10%, Cu 15%) electrodes in contact with neutral aqueous solutions of KCN has been studied as a function of potential by means of in situ sum frequency generation (SFG) and difference frequency generation (DFG) spectroscopies. The potential-dependent spectra have been analysed quantitatively with a model for the second-order non-linear susceptibility accounting for vibrational and electronic effects. The potential-dependence of the CN - stretching band position and of the free-electron contribution to the real part of the non-resonant component of the second-order susceptibility have been accounted for. Spectroelectrochemical results were complemented by cyclic voltammetric measurements. The chief stress in this work has been placed on systematising and quantifying the interaction between the vibrational and electronic structures of the electrodic interfaces studied. The effects of adsorbates on the electronic structure of the adsorbing electrode, as a function of electrode alloy composition and applied potential are particularly critical for the understanding of Au-alloy electrochemistry in the presence of cyanide and cyanocomplexes. The systematic comparison of SFG and DFG spectra measured under the same electrochemical conditions for Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes discloses a rich phenomenology related to the electronic structure of the interface

  3. An SFG and DFG investigation of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes in contact with aqueous solutions containing KCN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bozzini, Benedetto [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy)]. E-mail:; Busson, Bertrand [CLIO-LCP, Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex (France); De Gaudenzi, Gian Pietro [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy); Mele, Claudio [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Innovazione, Universita di Lecce, v. Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce (Italy); Tadjeddine, Abderrahmane [UDIL-CNRS, Bat. 201, Centre Universitaire Paris-Sud, BP 34, 91898 Orsay Cedex (France)


    In this paper, the behaviour of polycrystalline Au, Au-Cu (Cu 25%) and Au-Ag-Cu (Ag 10%, Cu 15%) electrodes in contact with neutral aqueous solutions of KCN has been studied as a function of potential by means of in situ sum frequency generation (SFG) and difference frequency generation (DFG) spectroscopies. The potential-dependent spectra have been analysed quantitatively with a model for the second-order non-linear susceptibility accounting for vibrational and electronic effects. The potential-dependence of the CN{sup -} stretching band position and of the free-electron contribution to the real part of the non-resonant component of the second-order susceptibility have been accounted for. Spectroelectrochemical results were complemented by cyclic voltammetric measurements. The chief stress in this work has been placed on systematising and quantifying the interaction between the vibrational and electronic structures of the electrodic interfaces studied. The effects of adsorbates on the electronic structure of the adsorbing electrode, as a function of electrode alloy composition and applied potential are particularly critical for the understanding of Au-alloy electrochemistry in the presence of cyanide and cyanocomplexes. The systematic comparison of SFG and DFG spectra measured under the same electrochemical conditions for Au, Au-Cu and Au-Ag-Cu electrodes discloses a rich phenomenology related to the electronic structure of the interface.

  4. 1916-IJBCS-Article-Traoré Mohamed

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    paramètres agrophysiologiques et de sensibilité à l'encoche sèche d'Hevea brasiliensis au sud-est de la Côte d'Ivoire : cas des clones PB 235 et PB 260 de la classe d'activité ...... (1985), ce type d'encoche sèche est dit encoche sèche induite par ... la coagulation du latex au sein des laticifères, entraîne l'arrêt de ...

  5. 2158-IJBCS-Article-Kouhété Philippe

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La présente étude taxinomique, effectuée au microscope photonique, porte sur des prélèvements effectués au filet à plancton de 20 µm de vide de maille dans les rivières Agnéby et Bia, dans le Sud de la Côte d'Ivoire. Elle fait suite aux cinquante-huit taxons du même genre Trachelomonas Ehr. (Euglenophyta) déjà.

  6. Balance functions from Au+Au, d+Au, and p+p collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alakhverdyants, A. V.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G. S.; Balewski, J.; Barnby, L. S.; Baumgart, S.; Beavis, D.R.; Bellwied, R.; Betancourt, M.J.; Betts, R. R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Bielčík, Jaroslav; Bielčíková, Jana; Biritz, B.; Bland, L.C.; Bonner, B.E.; Bouchet, J.; Braidot, E.; Brandin, A.V.; Bridgeman, A.; Bruna, E.; Bueltmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Sanchez, M.C.D.; Catu, O.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M.C.; Chajecki, Z.; Chaloupka, Petr; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, J.H.; Chen, J.Y.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Choi, K.E.; Christie, W.; Chung, P.; Clarke, R.F.; Codrington, M.J.M.; Corliss, R.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, D.; Dash, S.; Leyva, A.D.; De Silva, L.C.; Debbe, R.R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Derevschikov, A.A.; de Souza, R.D.; Didenko, L.; Djawotho, P.; Dogra, S.M.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J.L.; Draper, J. E.; Dunlop, J.C.; Mazumdar, M.R.D.; Efimov, L.G.; Elhalhuli, E.; Elnimr, M.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Fachini, P.; Fatemi, R.; Fedorisin, J.; Fersch, R.G.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fine, V.; Fisyak, Y.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangaharan, D.R.; Ganti, M. S.; Garcia-Solis, E.J.; Geromitsos, A.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gorbunov, Y.N.; Gordon, A.; Grebenyuk, O.; Grosnick, D.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, N.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.X.; Harris, J.W.; Hays-Wehle, J.P.; Heinz, M.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, A.M.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Hofman, D.J.; Horner, M.J.; Huang, B.; Huang, H.Z.; Humanic, T.J.; Huo, L.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Jena, C.; Jin, F.; Jones, C.L.; Jones, P.G.; Joseph, J.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kajimoto, K.; Kang, K.; Kapitán, Jan; Kauder, K.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kettler, D.; Kikola, D.P.; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klein, S.R.; Knospe, A.G.; Kocoloski, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Koroleva, L.; Korsch, W.; Kotchenda, L.; Kushpil, Vasilij; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Krus, M.; Kumar, L.; Kurnadi, P.; Lamont, M.A.C.; Landgraf, J.M.; LaPointe, S. (ed.); Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednický, Richard; Lee, Ch.; Lee, J.H.; Leight, W.; LeVine, M.J.; Li, C.; Li, L.; Li, N.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.M.; Lin, G.; Lindenbaum, S.J.; Lisa, M.A.; Liu, F.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W.J.; Longacre, R.S.; Love, W.A.; Lu, Y.; Luo, X.; Ma, G.L.; Ma, Y.G.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Mall, O.I.; Mangotra, L.K.; Manweiler, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H.S.; Matulenko, Yu.A.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T.S.; Meschanin, A.; Milner, R.; Minaev, N.G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mischke, A.; Mitrovski, M.K.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M.M.; Morozov, B.; Morozov, D.A.; Munhoz, M. G.; Nandi, B.K.; Nattrass, C.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J.M.; Netrakanti, P.K.; Ng, M.J.; Nogach, L.V.; Nurushev, S.B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E.W.; Olson, D.; Pachr, M.; Page, B.S.; Pal, S.K.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Yu.; Pawlak, T.; Peitzmann, T.; Perevoztchikov, V.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Phatak, S.C.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Ploskon, M.A.; Pluta, J.; Plyku, D.; Poljak, N.; Poskanzer, A.M.; Potukuchi, B.V.K.S.; Powell, C.B.; Prindle, D.; Pruneau, C.; Pruthi, N.K.; Pujahari, P.R.; Putschke, J.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R.L.; Redwine, R.; Reed, R.; Ritter, H.G.; Roberts, J.B.; Rogachevskiy, O.V.; Romero, J.L.; Rose, A.; Roy, C.; Ruan, L.; Sahoo, R.; Sakai, S.; Sakrejda, I.; Sakuma, T.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R.P.; Schmitz, N.; Schuster, T.R.; Seele, J.; Seger, J.; Selyuzhenkov, I.; Seyboth, P.; Shahaliev, E.; Shao, M.; Sharma, M.; Shi, S.S.; Sichtermann, E.P.; Simon, F.; Singaraju, R.N.; Skoby, M.J.; Smirnov, N.; Sorensen, P.; Sowinski, J.; Spinka, H.M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T.D.S.; Staszak, D.; Stevens, J.R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Suarez, M.C.; Subba, N.L.; Šumbera, Michal; Sun, X.M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D.N.; Symons, T.J.M.; de Toledo, A. S.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A.H.; Tang, Z.; Tarini, L.H.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thein, D.; Thomas, J.H.; Tian, J.; Timmins, A.R.; Timoshenko, S.; Tlustý, David; Tokarev, M. V.; Trainor, T.A.; Tram, V.N.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tsai, O.D.; Ulery, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D.G.; Van Buren, G.; van Leeuwen, M.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vanfossen, J.A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G.M.S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Videbaek, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S.A.; Wada, M.; Walker, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.S.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Westfall, G.D.; Whitten, C.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S.W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y.F.; Xie, W.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q.H.; Xu, W.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Xue, L.; Yang, Y.; Yepes, P.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.K.; Yue, Q.; Zawisza, M.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zhan, W.; Zhang, J.B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W.M.; Zhang, X.P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.P.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y.H.; Zoulkarneev, R.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    Roč. 82, č. 2 (2010), 024905/1-024905/16 ISSN 0556-2813 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505; CEZ:AV0Z10100502 Keywords : HEAVY-ION COLLISIONS * AU-AU COLLISIONS * TIME PROJECTION CHAMBER Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 3.416, year: 2010


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francis, Véronique


    Full Text Available Cet article examine les écritures parentales autour de la naissance et de la prime enfance. Bribes biographiques ou énoncés développés accompagnant ou non la photographie, ces écrits peuvent s’insérer dans les rubriques d’un journal de naissance du secteur de l’édition, être archivés dans un cahier au nom de l’enfant ou s’afficher sur Internet grâce au support électronique du blog. Plusieurs études qualitatives (FRANCIS, 2006, 2007, 2010 ont permis de croiser différents types de données : la structure et l’organisation de journaux de naissance, les textes réalisés par les futurs parents et parents, ainsi que des entretiens réalisés auprès des familles - parents et enfants - ayant pour objectif d’aborder les pratiques familiales autour de ces objets. Les résultats montrent que les écritures parentales donnent à voir des représentations sur la famille, l’enfance et le rôle du parent. A la frontière des « écritures du moi » et des « écrits pour autrui » (SIMONET-TENANT, 2001 ; LEJEUNE et BOGAERT, 2006 les journaux de naissance peuvent être définis comme des objets à connotation mémorielle. Ils sont l’occasion d’activités langagières qui cherchent, dans un premier temps, à fixer par l’écrit et l’image l’histoire familiale puis, dans un second temps, à évoquer et transmettre la mémoire familiale. Si l’étude des pratiques familiales autour des blogs et journaux de naissance souligne les figures du parent biographe (FRANCIS, 2006 et le rôle de l’enfant, elle situe également l’activité biographique du parent dans son ampleur socialisatrice.This paper examines the parental writings about birth and infancy. Biographic fragments or texts, with or without photographies, can fit into the sections of a baby record book. They can also be archived in babies’ diaries or on the Internet, in the family’s blog. Several qualitative researches (FRANCIS, 2006, 2007, 2010 cross various

  8. Factors affecting the hydraulic performance of infiltration based SUDS in clay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bockhorn, B.; Klint, K.E.S.; Locatelli, Luca


    The influence of small scale soil heterogeneity on the hydraulic performance of infiltration based SUDS was studied using field data from a clayey glacial till and groundwater simulations with the integrated surface water and groundwater model HydroGeoSphere. Simulations of homogeneous soil blocks...... with hydraulic properties ranging from sand to clay showed that infiltration capacities vary greatly for the different soil types observed in glacial till. The inclusion of heterogeneities dramatically increased infiltration volume by a factor of 22 for a soil with structural changes above and below the CaC03...... boundary. Infiltration increased further by 8% if tectonic fractures were included and by another 61% if earthworm burrows were added. Comparison of HydroGeoSphere infiltration hydrographs with a simple soakaway model (Roldin et al. 2012) showed similar results for homogenous soils but indicated...

  9. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Montipora Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Montipora in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  10. Predicted Habitat Suitability for Leptoseris Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for Leptoseris in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to create this...

  11. Filipino au pairs on the move

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Karina Märcher


    Most Filipina au pairs in Denmark send remittances back home, and for many, au pairing forms part of longer-term migration trajectories. This article explores how Filipina au pairs try to carve out a future for themselves abroad. It shows that they navigate within tight webs of financial interdep......Most Filipina au pairs in Denmark send remittances back home, and for many, au pairing forms part of longer-term migration trajectories. This article explores how Filipina au pairs try to carve out a future for themselves abroad. It shows that they navigate within tight webs of financial...

  12. Gold(I) Complexes with N-Donor Ligands. 2.(1) Reactions of Ammonium Salts with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] To Give [Au(NH(3))L](+), [(AuL)(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))](+), [(AuL)(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)](+), or [(AuL)(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+). A New and Facile Synthesis of [Au(NH(3))(2)](+) Salts. Crystal Structure of [{AuP(C(6)H(4)OMe-4)(3)}(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]CF(3)SO(3). (United States)

    Vicente, José; Chicote, María-Teresa; Guerrero, Rita; Jones, Peter G.; Ramírez De Arellano, M. Carmen


    The complexes [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (acac = acetylacetonate, R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) react with (NH(4))ClO(4) to give amminegold(I), [Au(NH(3))(PR(3))]ClO(4), amidogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(2)(&mgr;(2)-NH(2))]ClO(4), or nitridogold(I), [(AuPR(3))(4)(&mgr;(4)-N)]ClO(4), complexes, depending on the reaction conditions. Similarly, [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PPh(3))] reacts with (NH(3)R')OTf (OTf = CF(3)SO(3)) (1:1) or with [H(3)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)]OTf (1:1) to give (amine)gold(I) complexes [Au(NH(2)R')(PPh(3))]OTf (R' = Me, C(6)H(4)NO(2)-4) or [(AuPPh(3))(2){&mgr;(2)-H(2)N(CH(2))(2)NH(2)}](OTf)(2), respectively. The ammonium salts (NH(2)R'(2))OTf (R' = Et, Ph) react with [Au(acac-kappaC(2))(PR(3))] (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4) (1:2) to give, after hydrolysis, the oxonium salts [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf (R = Ph, C(6)H(4)OMe-4). When NH(3) is bubbled through a solution of [AuCl(tht)] (tht = tetrahydrothiophene), the complex [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl precipitates. Addition of [Au(NH(3))(2)]Cl to a solution of AgClO(4) or TlOTf leads to the isolation of [Au(NH(3))(2)]ClO(4) or [Au(NH(3))(2)]OTf, respectively. The crystal structure of [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)]OTf.Me(2)CO (R = C(6)H(4)OMe-4) has been determined: triclinic, space group P&onemacr;, a = 14.884(3) Å, b = 15.828(3) Å, c = 16.061(3) Å, alpha = 83.39(3) degrees, beta = 86.28(3) degrees, gamma = 65.54(3) degrees, R1 (wR2) = 0.0370 (0.0788). The [(AuPR(3))(3)(&mgr;(3)-O)](+) cation shows an essentially trigonal pyramidal array of three gold atoms and one oxygen atom with O-Au-P bond angles of ca. 175 degrees and Au.Au contacts in the range 2.9585(7)-3.0505(14) Å. These cations are linked into centrosymmetric dimers through two short Au.Au [2.9585(7), 3.0919(9) Å] contacts. The gold atoms of the dimer form a six-membered ring with a chair conformation.

  13. φ meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G.S.; Badyal, S.K.; Balewski, J.; Barannikova, O.; Barnby, L.S.; Baudot, J.; Bekele, S.; Belaga, V.V.; Bellwied, R.; Berger, J.; Bezverkhny, B.I.; Bhardwaj, S.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Billmeier, A.; Bland, L.C.; Blyth, C.O.; Bonner, B.E.; Botje, M.; Boucham, A.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Cadman, R.V.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, M.; Carroll, J.; Castillo, J.; Cebra, D.; Chaloupka, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, Y.; Chernenko, S.P.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Coffin, J.P.; Cormier, T.M.; Cramer, J.G.; Crawford, H.J.; Das, D.; Das, S.; Derevschikov, A.A.; Didenko, L.; Dietel, T.; Dong, W.J.; Dong, X.; Draper, J.E.; Du, F.; Dubey, A.K.; Dunin, V.B.; Dunlop, J.C.; Dutta Majumdar, M.R.; Eckardt, V.; Efimov, L.G.; Emelianov, V.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Fachini, P.; Faine, V.; Faivre, J.; Fatemi, R.; Filimonov, K.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flierl, D.; Foley, K.J.; Fu, J.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Gagunashvili, N.; Gans, J.; Ganti, M.S.; Gaudichet, L.; Germain, M.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Grachov, O.; Grebenyuk, O.; Gronstal, S.; Grosnick, D.; Guedon, M.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gutierrez, T.D.; Hallman, T.J.; Hamed, A.; Hardtke, D.; Harris, J.W.; Heinz, M.; Henry, T.W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hippolyte, B.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Horsley, M.; Huang, H.Z.; Huang, S.L.; Hughes, E.; Humanic, T.J.; Igo, G.; Ishihara, A.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Janik, M.; Johnson, I.; Jones, P.G.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kaplan, M.; Keane, D.; Khodyrev; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J.; Klein, S.R.; Klyachko, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Kopytine, S.M.; Kotchenda, L.; Kovalenko, A.D.; Kramer, M.; Kravtsov, P.; Kravstov, V.I.; Krueger, K.; Kuhn, C.; Kulikov, A.I.; Kumar, A.; Kunde, G.J.; Kunz, C.L.; Kutuev, R.Kh.


    We report the STAR measurement of ψ meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the ψ spectra and yields are obtained at midrapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the ψ transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that ψ production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaled by the number of binary collisions ( bin >). The systematics of T > versus centrality and the constant ψ/K - ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for ψ production

  14. Cancer du sein au Cameroun, profil histo-épidémiologique: à propos de 3044 cas (United States)

    Engbang, Jean Paul Ndamba; Essome, Henri; Koh, Valère Mve; Simo, Godefroy; Essam, Jean Daniel Sime; Mouelle, Albert Sone; Essame, Jean Louis Oyono


    Décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et histo-pathologiques des tumeurs malignes du sein au Cameroun. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive portant sur les tumeurs malignes du sein, colligées, dans les registres des différents laboratoires d'Anatomie Pathologique publiques et privés repartis dans cinq régions (centre, littoral, Ouest, Nord-ouest, Sud-ouest), pendant une période de 10 ans (2004-2013). Les paramètres étudiés étaient la fréquence, l’âge, le sexe, la localisation, le type et le grade histologique, et les récepteurs hormonaux. Un total de 3044 cas de cancers du sein a été recensé, soit une fréquence annuelle de 304,4 cas en moyenne. Le sexe féminin était le plus représenté avec 2971 cas (97,60%) et les hommes avec 73 cas (2,40%), soit un sexe ratio (H/F) de 0,02. L’âge moyen des patients était de 46±15,87 ans, avec des extrêmes de 13 et 95 ans. Selon la localisation, le sein gauche était atteint dans 1244 cas (52%) et le sein droit dans 1115 cas (47%). Au plan histologique, on retrouvait essentiellement des carcinomes avec 96,50% des cas, des sarcomes 1,39%, des lymphomes 1,07% et la maladie de Paget du mamelon, 1,03%. Les tumeurs épithéliales étaient infiltrantes dans 2049 cas (84,46%), avec une prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant (1870 cas) et non infiltrantes dans 377 cas (15,54%). Le grade histo-pronostic de SBR avait révélé une prédominance du grade II dans 66% des cas. Les cancers du sein restent une pathologie fréquente au Cameroun et atteignent principalement la population féminine en âge de procréer. Ils sont caractérisés par la prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant. PMID:26523182

  15. Sud du Sahara | Page 131 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En août 2013, iHub Research a publié les résultats d'une étude subventionnée par le CRDI qui a porté sur la mise au point d'un cadre d'impartition à grande échelle (collecte d'information auprès des citoyens au moyen de plateformes en ligne telles que Twitter, Facebook et les messageries texte) pour suivre une ...

  16. Sud du Sahara | Page 284 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En août 2013, iHub Research a publié les résultats d'une étude subventionnée par le CRDI qui a porté sur la mise au point d'un cadre d'impartition à grande échelle (collecte d'information auprès des citoyens au moyen de plateformes en ligne telles que Twitter, Facebook et les messageries texte) pour suivre une ...

  17. Synthesis of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24, Au36(SPh-tBu)24, and Au30(S-tBu)18 Nanomolecules from a Common Precursor Mixture. (United States)

    Rambukwella, Milan; Dass, Amala


    Phenylethanethiol protected nanomolecules such as Au 25 , Au 38 , and Au 144 are widely studied by a broad range of scientists in the community, owing primarily to the availability of simple synthetic protocols. However, synthetic methods are not available for other ligands, such as aromatic thiol and bulky ligands, impeding progress. Here we report the facile synthesis of three distinct nanomolecules, Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , exclusively, starting from a common Au n (glutathione) m (where n and m are number of gold atoms and glutathiolate ligands) starting material upon reaction with HSCH 2 CH 2 Ph, HSPh-tBu, and HStBu, respectively. The systematic synthetic approach involves two steps: (i) synthesis of kinetically controlled Au n (glutathione) m crude nanocluster mixture with 1:4 gold to thiol molar ratio and (ii) thermochemical treatment of the purified nanocluster mixture with excess thiols to obtain thermodynamically stable nanomolecules. Thermochemical reactions with physicochemically different ligands formed highly monodispersed, exclusively three different core-size nanomolecules, suggesting a ligand induced core-size conversion and structural transformation. The purpose of this work is to make available a facile and simple synthetic method for the preparation of Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 , Au 36 (SPh-tBu) 24 , and Au 30 (S-tBu) 18 , to nonspecialists and the broader scientific community. The central idea of simple synthetic method was demonstrated with other ligand systems such as cyclopentanethiol (HSC 5 H 9 ), cyclohexanethiol(HSC 6 H 11 ), para-methylbenzenethiol(pMBT), 1-pentanethiol(HSC 5 H 11 ), 1-hexanethiol(HSC 6 H 13 ), where Au 36 (SC 5 H 9 ) 24 , Au 36 (SC 6 H 11 ) 24 , Au 36 (pMBT) 24 , Au 38 (SC 5 H 11 ) 24 , and Au 38 (SC 6 H 13 ) 24 were obtained, respectively.

  18. Résultats de recherche | Page 36 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Recherche sur l'environnement alimentaire urbain obésogène, ses facteurs et les leviers politiques potentiels en Afrique du Sud et au Ghana. Plusieurs pays en développement d'Afrique connaissent une détérioration de l'environnement alimentaire. Projet.

  19. Hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation reactions

    KAUST Repository

    Song, Hyon Min; Anjum, Dalaver H.; Sougrat, Rachid; Hedhili, Mohamed N.; Khashab, Niveen M.


    that individual metals may not catalyze. Here, preparation of hollow Au@Pd and Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) and their use as electrocatalysts are reported. Galvanic displacement with Ag NPs is used to obtain hollow NPs, and higher reduction potential of Au

  20. Transverse expansion in 197 Au + 197 Au collisions at RHIC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Y.; Liu, F.; Liu, K.; Schweda, K.; Xu, N.


    Using the RQMD model, transverse momentum distributions and particle ratios are studied for 197 Au + 197 Au collisions at √s NN = 200 GeV. In particular, they present results on the mean transverse momentum of charged pions, charged kaons, protons and anti-protons and compare with experimental measurements. They discuss an approach to study early partonic collectivity in high energy nuclear collisions

  1. Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films (United States)

    Liao, Hongbo; Wen, Weijia; Wong, George K.


    Au:oxide composite multilayer films with Au nanoparticles sandwiched by oxide layers (such as SiO2, ZnO, and TiO2) were prepared in a magnetron sputtering system. Their photoluminescence (PL) spectra were investigated by employing a micro-Raman system in which an Argon laser with a wavelength of 514 nm was used as the pumping light. Distinct PL peaks located at a wavelength range between 590 and 680 nm were observed in most of our samples, with Au particle size varying from several to hundreds of nanometers. It was found that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in these composites exerted a strong influence on the position of the PL peaks but had little effect on the PL intensity.

  2. Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao Hongbo; Wen Weijia; Wong, George K. L.


    Au:oxide composite multilayer films with Au nanoparticles sandwiched by oxide layers (such as SiO 2 , ZnO, and TiO 2 ) were prepared in a magnetron sputtering system. Their photoluminescence (PL) spectra were investigated by employing a micro-Raman system in which an Argon laser with a wavelength of 514 nm was used as the pumping light. Distinct PL peaks located at a wavelength range between 590 and 680 nm were observed in most of our samples, with Au particle size varying from several to hundreds of nanometers. It was found that the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in these composites exerted a strong influence on the position of the PL peaks but had little effect on the PL intensity

  3. The effect of Au amount on size uniformity of self-assembled Au nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, S-H; Wang, D-C; Chen, G-Y; Chen, K-Y [Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (China)


    The self-assembled fabrication of nanostructure, a dreaming approach in the area of fabrication engineering, is the ultimate goal of this research. A finding was proved through previous research that the size of the self-assembled gold nanoparticles could be controlled with the mole ratio between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol. In this study, the moles of Au were fixed, only the moles of thiol were adjusted. Five different mole ratios of Au/S with their effect on size uniformity were investigated. The mole ratios were 1:1/16, 1:1/8, 1:1, 1:8, 1:16, respectively. The size distributions of the gold nanoparticles were analyzed by Mac-View analysis software. HR-TEM was used to derive images of self-assembled gold nanoparticles. The result reached was also the higher the mole ratio between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol the bigger the self-assembled gold nanoparticles. Under the condition of moles of Au fixed, the most homogeneous nanoparticles in size distribution derived with the mole ratio of 1:1/8 between AuCl{sub 4}{sup -} and thiol. The obtained nanoparticles could be used, for example, in uniform surface nanofabrication, leading to the fabrication of ordered array of quantum dots.

  4. Gold chloride clusters with Au(III) and Au(I) probed by FT-ICR mass spectrometry and MP2 theory. (United States)

    Lemke, Kono H


    Microsolvated clusters of gold chloride are probed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and scalar relativistic electronic structure calculations. Electrospray ionization of aqueous AuCl3 leads to mononuclear clusters of types [AuCl2](+)(H2O)n (n = 0-4), [AuOHCl](+)(H2O)n (n = 0-1) and [AuCl2](+)(HCl)2(H2O)n (n = 0-4). In addition, strong ion signals due to dinuclear [Au2Cl5-xOHx](+)(H2O)n (x = 0-1) are present in ESI mass spectra of aqueous AuCl3, with the abundance of individual dinuclear species controlled by the concentration-dependent variation of the precursor complexes [AuCl2-xOHx](+)(H2O)n and AuCl3. Equilibrium structures, energies and thermodynamic properties of mono- and dinuclear gold clusters have been predicted using MP2 and CCSD(T) theory, and these data have been applied to examine the influence of microsolvation on cluster stability. Specifically, results from CCSD(T) calculations indicate that non-covalently bound ion-neutral complexes Au(+)(Cl2)(H2O)n, with formal Au(I), are the dominant forms of mononuclear gold with n = 0-2, while higher hydrates (n > 2) are covalently bound [AuCl2](+)(H2O)n complexes in which gold exists as Au(III). MP2 calculations show that the lowest energy structure of dinuclear gold is an ion-molecule cluster [Au2Cl(Cl2)2](+) consisting of a single-bridged digold-chloronium ion bound end-on to two dichlorine ligands, with two higher energy isomers, single-bridged [Au2Cl3(Cl2)](+) and double-bridged [Au2Cl5](+) clusters. Finally, AuAu interactions in the singly-bridged clusters [Au2Cl(Cl2)2](+)(H2O)n and [Au2Cl3(Cl2)](+)(H2O)n are examined employing a wide range of computational tools, including natural bond order (NBO) analysis and localized orbital locator (LOL) profiles.

  5. Mise au point

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    31 mai 2013 ... traités au service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale et chirurgie plastique de l'hôpital ... qui est la fracture simple isolée du corps, on a inclut ce type de fracture ... sion latérale au niveau de la queue du sourcil. La voie vestibulaire ...

  6. Colloidal Au and Au-alloy catalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells: Electrocatalysis and fuel cell performance (United States)

    Atwan, Mohammed H.; Macdonald, Charles L. B.; Northwood, Derek O.; Gyenge, Elod L.

    Supported colloidal Au and Au-alloys (Au-Pt and Au-Pd, 1:1 atomic ratio) on Vulcan XC-72 (with 20 wt% metal load) were prepared by the Bönneman method. The electrocatalytic activity of the colloidal metals with respect to borohydride electro-oxidation for fuel cell applications was investigated by voltammetry on static and rotating electrodes, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and fuel cell experiments. The fundamental electrochemical techniques showed that alloying Au, a metal that leads to the maximum eight-electron oxidation of BH 4 -, with Pd or Pt, well-known catalysts of dehydrogenation reactions, improved the electrode kinetics of BH 4 - oxidation. Fuel cell experiments corroborated the kinetic studies. Using 5 mg cm -2 colloidal metal load on the anode, it was found that Au-Pt was the most active catalyst giving a cell voltage of 0.47 V at 100 mA cm -2 and 333 K, while under identical conditions the cell voltage using colloidal Au was 0.17 V.

  7. Colloidal Au and Au-alloy catalysts for direct borohydride fuel cells: Electrocatalysis and fuel cell performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atwan, Mohammed H.; Northwood, Derek O. [Department of Mechanical, Auto and Materials Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor (Canada N9B 3P4); Macdonald, Charles L.B. [Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor, Windsor (Canada N9B 3P4); Gyenge, Elod L. [Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (Canada V6T 1Z4)


    Supported colloidal Au and Au-alloys (Au-Pt and Au-Pd, 1:1 atomic ratio) on Vulcan XC-72 (with 20wt% metal load) were prepared by the Bonneman method. The electrocatalytic activity of the colloidal metals with respect to borohydride electro-oxidation for fuel cell applications was investigated by voltammetry on static and rotating electrodes, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and fuel cell experiments. The fundamental electrochemical techniques showed that alloying Au, a metal that leads to the maximum eight-electron oxidation of BH{sub 4}{sup -}, with Pd or Pt, well-known catalysts of dehydrogenation reactions, improved the electrode kinetics of BH{sub 4}{sup -} oxidation. Fuel cell experiments corroborated the kinetic studies. Using 5mgcm{sup -2} colloidal metal load on the anode, it was found that Au-Pt was the most active catalyst giving a cell voltage of 0.47V at 100mAcm{sup -2} and 333K, while under identical conditions the cell voltage using colloidal Au was 0.17V. (author)

  8. High-temperature stability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu surface finishes (United States)

    Ho, C. E.; Hsieh, W. Z.; Lee, P. T.; Huang, Y. H.; Kuo, T. T.


    Thermal reliability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(4-6 wt.% P)/Cu trilayers in the isothermal annealing at 180 °C were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The pure Pd film possessed a nanocrystalline structure with numerous grain boundaries, thereby facilitating the interdiffusion between Au and Cu. Out-diffusion of Cu through Pd and Au grain boundaries yielded a significant amount of Cu oxides (CuO and Cu2O) over the Au surface and gave rise to void formation in the Cu film. By contrast, the Pd(P) film was amorphous and served as a good diffusion barrier against Cu diffusion. The results of this study indicated that amorphous Pd(P) possessed better oxidation resistance and thermal reliability than crystalline Pd.

  9. The SUD1 gene encodes a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase and is a positive regulator of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase activity in Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Doblas, Verónica G; Amorim-Silva, Vítor; Posé, David; Rosado, Abel; Esteban, Alicia; Arró, Montserrat; Azevedo, Herlander; Bombarely, Aureliano; Borsani, Omar; Valpuesta, Victoriano; Ferrer, Albert; Tavares, Rui M; Botella, Miguel A


    The 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) enzyme catalyzes the major rate-limiting step of the mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway from which sterols and other isoprenoids are synthesized. In contrast with our extensive knowledge of the regulation of HMGR in yeast and animals, little is known about this process in plants. To identify regulatory components of the MVA pathway in plants, we performed a genetic screen for second-site suppressor mutations of the Arabidopsis thaliana highly drought-sensitive drought hypersensitive2 (dry2) mutant that shows decreased squalene epoxidase activity. We show that mutations in SUPPRESSOR OF DRY2 DEFECTS1 (SUD1) gene recover most developmental defects in dry2 through changes in HMGR activity. SUD1 encodes a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that shows sequence and structural similarity to yeast Degradation of α factor (Doα10) and human TEB4, components of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation C (ERAD-C) pathway. While in yeast and animals, the alternative ERAD-L/ERAD-M pathway regulates HMGR activity by controlling protein stability, SUD1 regulates HMGR activity without apparent changes in protein content. These results highlight similarities, as well as important mechanistic differences, among the components involved in HMGR regulation in plants, yeast, and animals.

  10. Défense d'y voir: la politisation de la protection de la nature


    Ellis, S.


    Certains éléments des forces de sécurité sud-africaines ont mis en exploitation les ressources naturelles au profit de leurs stratégies de déstabilisation politique et d'enrichissement. Ils ont ainsi réussi à établir des réseaux très développés de contrebande de produits naturels de valeur (ivoire, gemmes, cornes de rhinocéros, drogue), servant à financer les aides militaires livrées par l'Afrique du Sud aux mouvements contra-révolutionnaires en Afrique australe et sont parvenus à infiltrer e...

  11. L’apprentissage au cern

    CERN Multimedia


    pour les professions d’électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L’apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l’examen de fin d’apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat fédéral de capacité suisse (CFC). 6 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L’apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l’apprentissage ; avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9e du Cycle d’orientation genevois (3e en France) ; être ressortissant d’un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, République tchèque, République slovaque , Suède, Suisse) ; pour les résidents en Suisse : être ressortissant su...

  12. Petanque club

    CERN Multimedia

    Club de Pétanque


    Le Challenge Pierre Lecossec se déroulait pour la vingt deuxième année le jeudi 12 octobre au boulodrome de Saint-Genis-Pouilly. Vingt-deux concurrents participaient à cette rencontre Claude Jouve qui officiait à la table de marque devait déclarer vainqueur notre ami André Domeniconi dit le Bon Gamin. Les autres résultats sont les suivants : 2ème : Bernard Clerc qui revient en forme ; 3ème : Rocco nouvel adhérent ; 1ère féminine : Cathia Baigue, toujours habituée au podium. La soirée se terminait avec un succulent repas préparé par Françoise et Michel Vuillier que nous remercions infiniment. Un grand merci aussi à notre ami Pierrot sans oublier son épouse. Pour des obligations familiales ils ne pouvaient pas être présents mai...

  13. Au@AuPt nanoparticles embedded in B-doped graphene: A superior electrocatalyst for determination of rutin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Xianlan; Yang, Guangming; Feng, Shaoping; Shi, Ling; Huang, Zhaolong [School of Science, Honghe University (China); Key Laboratory of Natural Pharamaceutical & Chemical Biology of Yunnan Province Mengzi, Yunnan 661100 (China); Pan, Haibo [Fujian Key Lab of Medical Instrument & Pharmaceutical Technology, Yishan Campus, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 (China); Liu, Wei, E-mail: [School of Science, Honghe University (China); Key Laboratory of Natural Pharamaceutical & Chemical Biology of Yunnan Province Mengzi, Yunnan 661100 (China)


    Highlights: • The formation of B-doped graphene (BG) with high content of a total B species use hydrothermal method with B{sub 2}O{sub 3} as reducing agent and boron source. • BG was exfoliated into monolayer nanosheet impregnated by Au@AuPt NPs because B atom creates a net positive charge to facilitate NPs adsorption. • The dispersed carboxyl units of BG can form hydrogen bonding with the phenolic hydroxyl groups of rutin, making more rutin participate in reaction. • Au@AuPt NPs can form charge accumulation or valence change on prominent part of the surface, improving the catalytic effect to rutin. • More electroactive sites were generated by doping B atoms into graphene structures, which act as multidimensional electron transport pathways. - Abstract: A hydrothermal approach was used to prepare B-doped graphene with B{sub 2}O{sub 3} as reductant and boron source. Results reveal that the boron atoms have been successfully embedded into graphene with a high content of a total B species (2.85 at.%). Then, B-doped graphene was exfoliated further into monolayer nanosheet by impregnating Au@AuPt core-shell nanoparticles (Au@AuPt NPs) because boron atom creates a net positive charge, which facilitates Au@AuPt NPs adsorption to form Au@AuPt NPs/B-doped graphene hybrid nanocatalysts. After that, the Au@AuPt NPs/B-doped hybrid suspension was dropped on glassy carbon electrode for sensing rutin. In this way, the dispersed carboxyl units of B-doped graphene can form hydrogen bonding with the phenolic hydroxyl groups of rutin, making rutin enrich easily on modified electrode surface to enhance the electrochemical response. At the same time, its electrochemical mechanism on the modified electrode was elucidated using cyclic voltammetry. It was found that its electrochemical behavior on modified electrode surface was a surface-controlled quasi-reversible process, and the charge transfer coefficient (α) and electron transfer number (n) were 0.296 and 2, respectively

  14. Etude linguistique chez les Baráshi/Banyaambo du Rwanda

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ont quitté le Nkóle et ont gagné le Mutára, puis le Mubarí qui est une large bande frontalière située au nord du lac Ihema jouxtant la région tanzanienne de Karágwe. Puis le mouvement s'est poursuivi vers le sud, ce qui explique donc la présence aujourd'hui d'une communauté Baráshi/Banyaambo au. Gisaká autour des ...

  15. Effect of Au Precursor and Support on the Catalytic Activity of the Nano-Au-Catalysts for Propane Complete Oxidation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arshid M. Ali


    Full Text Available Catalytic activity of nano-Au-catalyst(s for the complete propane oxidation was investigated. The results showed that the nature of both Au precursor and support strongly influences catalytic activity of the Au-catalyst(s for the propane oxidation. Oxidation state, size, and dispersion of Au nanoparticles in the Au-catalysts, surface area, crystallinity, phase structure, and redox property of the support are the key aspects for the complete propane oxidation. Among the studied Au-catalysts, the AuHAuCl4-Ce catalyst is found to be the most active catalyst.

  16. Resonance production and exotic clusters in Au+Au, d+Au and p+p collisions at √(s) = 200 AGeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besliu, Calin; Jipa, Alexandru; Lungescu, Andrea; Zgura, Sorin


    The resonance production in Au+Au, d+Au and p+p collisions at √(s) = 200 AGeV are presented. The resonances are used as a sensitive tool to examine the collision dynamics in the hadronic medium through their decay and regeneration. The modification of resonance mass, width, and shape due to phase space and dynamical effects are also discussed. The measurement of resonances provides an important tool for studying the dynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions by probing the time evolution of the source from chemical to kinetic freeze-out and the hadronic interactions at later stages

  17. Charge transport through O-deficient Au-MgO-Au junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Fadlallah, M. M.; Eckern, Ulrich; Rungger, Ivan; Schuster, Cosima; Schwingenschlö gl, Udo


    Metal-oxide heterostructures have been attracting considerable attention in recent years due to various technological applications. We present results of electronic structure and transport calculations for the Au-MgO-Au (metal-insulator-metal) heterostructure based on density-functional theory and the nonequilibrium Green’s functions method. The dependence of the conductance of the heterostructure on the thickness of the MgO interlayer and the interface spacing is studied. In addition, we address the effects of O vacancies. We observe deviations from an exponentially suppressed conductance with growing interlayer thickness caused by Au-O chemical bonds. Electronic states tracing back to O vacancies can increase the conductance. Furthermore, this effect can be enhanced by enlarging the interface spacing as the vacancy induced Mg states are shifted toward the Fermi energy.

  18. Charge transport through O-deficient Au-MgO-Au junctions

    KAUST Repository

    Fadlallah, M. M.


    Metal-oxide heterostructures have been attracting considerable attention in recent years due to various technological applications. We present results of electronic structure and transport calculations for the Au-MgO-Au (metal-insulator-metal) heterostructure based on density-functional theory and the nonequilibrium Green’s functions method. The dependence of the conductance of the heterostructure on the thickness of the MgO interlayer and the interface spacing is studied. In addition, we address the effects of O vacancies. We observe deviations from an exponentially suppressed conductance with growing interlayer thickness caused by Au-O chemical bonds. Electronic states tracing back to O vacancies can increase the conductance. Furthermore, this effect can be enhanced by enlarging the interface spacing as the vacancy induced Mg states are shifted toward the Fermi energy.

  19. Unravelling Thiol’s Role in Directing Asymmetric Growth of Au Nanorod–Au Nanoparticle Dimers

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Asymmetric nanocrystals have practical significance in nanotechnologies but present fundamental synthetic challenges. Thiol ligands have proven effective in breaking the symmetric growth of metallic nanocrystals but their exact roles in the synthesis remain elusive. Here, we synthesized an unprecedented Au nanorod-Au nanoparticle (AuNR-AuNP) dimer structure with the assistance of a thiol ligand. On the basis of our experimental observations, we unraveled for the first time that the thiol could cause an inhomogeneous distribution of surface strains on the seed crystals as well as a modulated reduction rate of metal precursors, which jointly induced the asymmetric growth of monometallic dimers. © 2015 American Chemical Society.

  20. Au70S20(PPh3)12: an intermediate sized metalloid gold cluster stabilized by the Au4S4 ring motif and Au-PPh3 groups. (United States)

    Kenzler, Sebastian; Schrenk, Claudio; Frojd, Andrew R; Häkkinen, Hannu; Clayborne, Andre Z; Schnepf, Andreas


    Reducing (Ph 3 P)AuSC(SiMe 3 ) 3 with l-Selectride® gives the medium-sized metalloid gold cluster Au 70 S 20 (PPh 3 ) 12 . Computational studies show that the phosphine bound Au-atoms not only stabilize the electronic structure of Au 70 S 20 (PPh 3 ) 12 , but also behave as electron acceptors leading to auride-like gold atoms on the exterior.

  1. South of Sahara | Page 14 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Renforcement des connaissances économiques et de la capacité d'adaptation face aux changements climatiques au Bénin. Language French. Read more about Strengthening Economic Skills and Climate Change Adaptive Capacity in Bénin. Language English.

  2. Intersectoral Municipal Leadership for Health in Latin America ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The project is expected to generate new knowledge on factors affecting policy ... Le CRDI et le Global AMR Innovation Fund du Royaume-Uni, qui sera géré par le ... et de production des vaccins pour le bétail au profit des agriculteurs du Sud.

  3. Lille, place financière intermédiaire sous la Révolution et l’Empire


    De Oliveira, Matthieu


    Dernière grande place négociante et financière avant la frontière septentrionale, Lille joue pleinement son rôle d’intermédiaire entre les marchés parisiens au Sud et belgo-hollandais au Nord sous la Révolution et l’Empire. La déclaration de guerre en 1792 puis la départementalisation des territoires conquis ne font que renforcer la position nodale des acteurs économiques et financiers de la place. Au premier rang d’entre eux, François Briansiaux mobilise efficacement son important réseau de ...

  4. {phi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN}=200 GeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, J.; Adler, C.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G.S.; Badyal, S.K.; Balewski, J.; Barannikova, O.; Barnby, L.S.; Baudot, J.; Bekele, S.; Belaga, V.V.; Bellwied, R.; Berger, J.; Bezverkhny, B.I.; Bhardwaj, S.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Billmeier, A.; Bland, L.C.; Blyth, C.O.; Bonner, B.E.; Botje, M.; Boucham, A.; Brandin, A.; Bravar, A.; Cadman, R.V.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, M.; Carroll, J.; Castillo, J.; Cebra, D.; Chaloupka, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, Y.; Chernenko, S.P.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Coffin, J.P.; Cormier, T.M.; Cramer, J.G.; Crawford, H.J.; Das, D.; Das, S.; Derevschikov, A.A.; Didenko, L.; Dietel, T.; Dong, W.J.; Dong, X.; Draper, J.E.; Du, F.; Dubey, A.K.; Dunin, V.B.; Dunlop, J.C.; Dutta Majumdar, M.R.; Eckardt, V.; Efimov, L.G.; Emelianov, V.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Fachini, P.; Faine, V.; Faivre, J.; Fatemi, R.; Filimonov, K.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flierl, D.; Foley, K.J.; Fu, J.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Gagunashvili, N.; Gans, J.; Ganti, M.S.; Gaudichet, L.; Germain, M.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Grachov, O.; Grebenyuk, O.; Gronstal, S.; Grosnick, D.; Guedon, M.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gutierrez, T.D.; Hallman, T.J.; Hamed, A.; Hardtke, D.; Harris, J.W.; Heinz, M.; Henry, T.W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hippolyte, B.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Horsley, M.; Huang, H.Z.; Huang, S.L.; Hughes, E.; Humanic, T.J.; Igo, G.; Ishihara, A.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Janik, M.; Johnson, I.; Jones, P.G.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kaplan, M.; Keane, D.; Khodyrev; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J.; Klein, S.R.; Klyachko, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Kopytine, S.M.; Kotchenda, L.; Kovalenko, A.D.; Kramer, M.; Kravtsov, P.; Kravstov, V.I.; Krueger, K.; Kuhn, C.; Kulikov, A.I.; Kumar, A.; Kunde, G.J.; Kunz, C.L.; Kutuev, R.Kh.; et al.


    We report the STAR measurement of {psi} meson production in Au + Au and p + p collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. Using the event mixing technique, the {psi} spectra and yields are obtained at midrapidity for five centrality bins in Au+Au collisions and for non-singly-diffractive p+p collisions. It is found that the {psi} transverse momentum distributions from Au+Au collisions are better fitted with a single-exponential while the p+p spectrum is better described by a double-exponential distribution. The measured nuclear modification factors indicate that {psi} production in central Au+Au collisions is suppressed relative to peripheral collisions when scaled by the number of binary collisions (). The systematics of versus centrality and the constant {psi}/K{sup -} ratio versus beam species, centrality, and collision energy rule out kaon coalescence as the dominant mechanism for {psi} production.

  5. L’acceptabilité sociale de l’usage de congés légaux pour raisons parentales : le point de vue des cadres d’une grande entreprise The Social Acceptability of Availing oneself of Legal Parental Leave : the Viewpoint of Staff in a Major Enterprise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Fusulier


    Full Text Available En Belgique, différentes mesures visant à faciliter l’articulation vie professionnelle/vie familiale ont été instituées. Elles ne sont en général contraignantes ni pour les travailleurs, ni pour les employeurs. De nombreuses variables ont un impact sur le choix des parents dans la (non-prise des congés attachés à la vie familiale. Entre les mesures institutionnelles et l’attitude des individus, il existe donc un espace pluriel de médiation. Cet article se concentre sur le rôle que joue le milieu du travail. Ainsi, nous constatons que le fait d’être père au travail fait encore l’objet d’un manque de reconnaissance et de légitimité. En général, le mode de gestion d’une entreprise suppose que les implications familiales émanent souvent d’un choix privé et renvoient à une responsabilité féminine. Aussi, la culture organisationnelle de l’entreprise est-elle importante, notamment dans la définition de la légitimité accordée à l’usage des congés attachés à la vie familiale. Cette question est ici explorée en analysant la manière dont 137 cadres d’une grande entreprise wallonne perçoivent cette légitimité.In Belgium, various measures have been enacted aimed at facilitating the combining of professional life/family life. In general, they are in no way obligatory, either for workers or for employers. A number of variables have an impact on parents' choices in taking or not taking leaves attached to family life. Between institutional measures and individual attitudes, a range of options thus exists. This article concentrates on the role played by the workplace. We thus observe that the fact of being a working father remains subject to a lack of recognition and legitimacy. In general, an enterprise's management style presupposes that familial commitments often result from private choices and are a woman's responsibility. Additionally, the enterprise's organizational culture counts, notably in defining

  6. Optimizing the planar structure of (1 1 1) Au/Co/Au trilayers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumah, D P; Cebollada, A; Clavero, C; Garcia-MartIn, J M; Skuza, J R; Lukaszew, R A; Clarke, R


    Au/Co/Au trilayers are interesting for a range of applications which exploit their unusual optical and electronic transport behaviour in a magnetic field. Here we present a comprehensive structural and morphological study of a series of trilayers with 0-7 nm Co layer thickness fabricated on glass by ultrahigh vacuum vapour deposition. We use a combination of in situ electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy and x-ray scattering to determine the optimum deposition conditions for highly textured, flat and continuous layered structures. The 16 nm Au-on-glass buffer layer, deposited at ambient temperature, is found to develop a smooth (1 1 1) texture on annealing at 350 deg. C for 10 min. Subsequent growth of the Co layer at 150 deg. C produces a (1 1 1) textured film with lateral grain size of ∼150 nm in the 7 nm-thick Co layer. A simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane Co lattice expansion is observed for the thinnest Co layers, converging to bulk values for the thickest films. The roughness of the Co layer is similar to that of the Au buffer layer, indicative of conformal growth. The 6 nm Au capping layer smoothens the trilayer surface, resulting in a surface roughness independent of the Co layer thickness

  7. Identified particles in Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV (United States)

    Phobos Collaboration; Wosiek, Barbara; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Ballintijn, M.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    The yields of identified particles have been measured at RHIC for Au+Au collisions at S=200 GeV using the PHOBOS spectrometer. The ratios of antiparticle to particle yields near mid-rapidity are presented. The first measurements of the invariant yields of charged pions, kaons and protons at very low transverse momenta are also shown.

  8. Search for hyperheavy toroidal nuclear structures formed in Au + Au collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sochocka, A.; Planeta, R.; Starypan, Z.; Benisz, A.; Hachaj, P.; Nicolis, N.G.


    We study the feasibility of an experimental observation of toroidal breakup configurations in Au+Au collisions using the CHIMERA multidetector system. BUU simulations indicate that the threshold energy for toroidal configuration is around 23 MeV/nucleon. The simulations of decay process using the ETNA code indicate the sensitivity of some observables to different studied break-up geometries. (author)

  9. Predicted Habitat Suitability for All Mesophotic Corals in the Au'au Channel Region (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This raster denotes predicted habitat suitability for all mesophotic corals in the Au'au Channel region. Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling software was used to...

  10. Verrerie de Passavant-la-Rochère/faïencerie de Salins


    Barbe, Noël


    Le travail du verre est présent dès le Moyen Age à Passavant-la-Rochère. A Salins, la production céramique date du début du xviiie siècle. Sur chacun de ces sites subsiste une unité de production représentant par ailleurs la dernière activité de ce type dans la région administrative constituée par la Franche-Comté. La verrerie de Passavant-la-Rochère est une entreprise familiale employant 250 ouvriers. La faïencerie de Salins est aujourd'hui intégrée au groupe Sarreguemines-Digoin dont elle c...

  11. pH-Induced transformation of ligated Au25 to brighter Au23 nanoclusters. (United States)

    Waszkielewicz, Magdalena; Olesiak-Banska, Joanna; Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Bertorelle, Franck; Dagany, Xavier; Bansal, Ashu K; Sajjad, Muhammad T; Samuel, Ifor D W; Sanader, Zeljka; Rozycka, Miroslawa; Wojtas, Magdalena; Matczyszyn, Katarzyna; Bonacic-Koutecky, Vlasta; Antoine, Rodolphe; Ozyhar, Andrzej; Samoc, Marek


    Thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters have recently attracted considerable attention due to their size-dependent luminescence characterized by a long lifetime and large Stokes shift. However, the optimization of nanocluster properties such as the luminescence quantum yield is still a challenge. We report here the transformation of Au25Capt18 (Capt labels captopril) nanoclusters occurring at low pH and yielding a product with a much increased luminescence quantum yield which we have identified as Au23Capt17. We applied a simple method of treatment with HCl to accomplish this transformation and we characterized the absorption and emission of the newly created ligated nanoclusters as well as their morphology. Based on DFT calculations we show which Au nanocluster size transformations can lead to highly luminescent species such as Au23Capt17.

  12. Jet-hadron correlations in √[s(NN)]=200  GeV p+p and central Au+Au collisions. (United States)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, J K; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Alford, J; Anson, C D; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, E C; Averichev, G S; Banerjee, A; Beavis, D R; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bhattarai, P; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Bordyuzhin, I G; Borowski, W; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Brovko, S G; Bültmann, S; Bunzarov, I; Burton, T P; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cebra, D; Cendejas, R; Cervantes, M C; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, L; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chwastowski, J; Codrington, M J M; Contin, G; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Cui, X; Das, S; Davila Leyva, A; De Silva, L C; Debbe, R R; Dedovich, T G; Deng, J; Derevschikov, A A; Derradi de Souza, R; Dhamija, S; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Ding, F; Djawotho, P; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, C M; Dunkelberger, L E; Dunlop, J C; Efimov, L G; Engelage, J; Engle, K S; Eppley, G; Eun, L; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Fedorisin, J; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flores, C E; Gagliardi, C A; Gangadharan, D R; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Gliske, S; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, D S; Guo, Y; Gupta, A; Gupta, S; Guryn, W; Haag, B; Hamed, A; Han, L-X; Haque, R; Harris, J W; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D J; Horvat, S; Huang, B; Huang, H Z; Huang, X; Huck, P; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, W W; Jang, H; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kalinkin, D; Kang, K; Kauder, K; Ke, H W; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kesich, A; Khan, Z H; Kikola, D P; Kisel, I; Kisiel, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konzer, J; Koralt, I; Kotchenda, L; Kraishan, A F; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kulakov, I; Kumar, L; Kycia, R A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Landry, K D; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, J H; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, W; Li, X; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, Z M; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Lomnitz, M; Longacre, R S; Luo, X; Ma, G L; Ma, Y G; Madagodagettige Don, D M M D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Masui, H; Matis, H S; McDonald, D; McShane, T S; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mohanty, B; Mondal, M M; Morozov, D A; Mustafa, M K; Nandi, B K; Nasim, Md; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nigmatkulov, G; Nogach, L V; Noh, S Y; Novak, J; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Oh, K; Ohlson, A; Okorokov, V; Oldag, E W; Olvitt, D L; Pachr, M; Page, B S; Pal, S K; Pan, Y X; Pandit, Y; Panebratsev, Y; Pawlak, T; Pawlik, B; Pei, H; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Pile, P; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Pruthi, N K; Przybycien, M; Pujahari, P R; Putschke, J; Qiu, H; Quintero, A; Ramachandran, S; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Riley, C K; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Ross, J F; Roy, A; Ruan, L; Rusnak, J; Rusnakova, O; Sahoo, N R; Sahu, P K; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sangaline, E; Sarkar, A; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmah, A M; Schmidke, W B; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shah, N; Shahaliev, E; Shanmuganathan, P V; Shao, M; Sharma, B; Shen, W Q; Shi, S S; Shou, Q Y; Sichtermann, E P; Singaraju, R N; Skoby, M J; Smirnov, D; Smirnov, N; Solanki, D; Sorensen, P; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stevens, J R; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Sumbera, M; Sun, X; Sun, X M; Sun, Y; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Svirida, D N; Symons, T J M; Szelezniak, M A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tang, Z; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Tlusty, D; Tokarev, M; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tribedy, P; Trzeciak, B A; Tsai, O D; Turnau, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van Nieuwenhuizen, G; Vandenbroucke, M; Vanfossen, J A; Varma, R; Vasconcelos, G M S; Vasiliev, A N; Vertesi, R; Videbæk, F; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Vossen, A; Wada, M; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, H; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Y; Webb, G; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, Y F; Xiao, Z; Xie, W; Xin, K; Xu, H; Xu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yan, W; Yang, C; Yang, Y; Yang, Y; Ye, Z; Yepes, P; Yi, L; Yip, K; Yoo, I-K; Yu, N; Zawisza, Y; Zbroszczyk, H; Zha, W; Zhang, J B; Zhang, J L; Zhang, S; Zhang, X P; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, F; Zhao, J; Zhong, C; Zhu, X; Zhu, Y H; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zyzak, M


    Azimuthal angular correlations of charged hadrons with respect to the axis of a reconstructed (trigger) jet in Au+Au and p+p collisions at √[s(NN)]=200  GeV in STAR are presented. The trigger jet population in Au+Au collisions is biased toward jets that have not interacted with the medium, allowing easier matching of jet energies between Au+Au and p+p collisions while enhancing medium effects on the recoil jet. The associated hadron yield of the recoil jet is significantly suppressed at high transverse momentum (pTassoc) and enhanced at low pTassoc in 0%-20% central Au+Au collisions compared to p+p collisions, which is indicative of medium-induced parton energy loss in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.

  13. Objectif : les zones cruciales au regard des changements climatiques

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ruissellement et les phénomènes climatiques extrêmes constituent des menaces pour les deltas en. Afrique et en Asie du Sud, où sont situées quelques-unes des plus grandes villes de la planète. Des centaines de millions de personnes sont exposées, et tout particulièrement celles qui vivent dans des établissements.

  14. The Gelechiidae of the Longarini salt marsh in the “Pantani della Sicilia Sud-Orientale” nature reserve in southeastern Sicily, Italy (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bella, S.; Karsholt, Ole


    The authors report the results of field research on Gelechiidae from the “Pantano Longarini” salt marsh (southeastern Sicily). The area is located inland to the “Pantani della Sicilia Sud-Orientale” regional nature reserve. A total of twenty-four species are recognized; among the recorded taxa...

  15. Measurements of mass-dependent azimuthal anisotropy in central p + Au, d + Au, and 3He + Au collisions at √{sN N}=200 GeV (United States)

    Adare, A.; Aidala, C.; Ajitanand, N. N.; Akiba, Y.; Alfred, M.; Andrieux, V.; Apadula, N.; Asano, H.; Azmoun, B.; Babintsev, V.; Bagoly, A.; Bai, M.; Bandara, N. S.; Bannier, B.; Barish, K. N.; Bathe, S.; Bazilevsky, A.; Beaumier, M.; Beckman, S.; Belmont, R.; Berdnikov, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Blau, D. S.; Boer, M.; Bok, J. S.; Boyle, K.; Brooks, M. L.; Bryslawskyj, J.; Bumazhnov, V.; Campbell, S.; Canoa Roman, V.; Cervantes, R.; Chen, C.-H.; Chi, C. Y.; Chiu, M.; Choi, I. J.; Choi, J. B.; Chujo, T.; Citron, Z.; Connors, M.; Cronin, N.; Csanád, M.; Csörgő, T.; Danley, T. W.; Datta, A.; Daugherity, M. S.; David, G.; Deblasio, K.; Dehmelt, K.; Denisov, A.; Deshpande, A.; Desmond, E. J.; Dion, A.; Diss, P. B.; Dixit, D.; Do, J. H.; Drees, A.; Drees, K. A.; Durham, J. M.; Durum, A.; Enokizono, A.; En'yo, H.; Esumi, S.; Fadem, B.; Fan, W.; Feege, N.; Fields, D. E.; Finger, M.; Finger, M.; Fokin, S. L.; Frantz, J. E.; Franz, A.; Frawley, A. D.; Fukuda, Y.; Gal, C.; Gallus, P.; Garg, P.; Ge, H.; Giordano, F.; Glenn, A.; Goto, Y.; Grau, N.; Greene, S. V.; Grosse Perdekamp, M.; Gunji, T.; Guragain, H.; Hachiya, T.; Haggerty, J. S.; Hahn, K. I.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamilton, H. F.; Han, S. Y.; Hanks, J.; Hasegawa, S.; Haseler, T. O. S.; Hashimoto, K.; He, X.; Hemmick, T. K.; Hill, J. C.; Hill, K.; Hodges, A.; Hollis, R. S.; Homma, K.; Hong, B.; Hoshino, T.; Hotvedt, N.; Huang, J.; Huang, S.; Imai, K.; Imrek, J.; Inaba, M.; Iordanova, A.; Isenhower, D.; Ivanishchev, D.; Jacak, B. V.; Jezghani, M.; Ji, Z.; Jia, J.; Jiang, X.; Johnson, B. M.; Jorjadze, V.; Jouan, D.; Jumper, D. S.; Kanda, S.; Kang, J. H.; Kapukchyan, D.; Karthas, S.; Kawall, D.; Kazantsev, A. V.; Key, J. A.; Khachatryan, V.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E.-J.; Kim, G. W.; Kim, M.; Kim, M. H.; Kimelman, B.; Kincses, D.; Kistenev, E.; Kitamura, R.; Klatsky, J.; Kleinjan, D.; Kline, P.; Koblesky, T.; Komkov, B.; Kotov, D.; Kudo, S.; Kurgyis, B.; Kurita, K.; Kurosawa, M.; Kwon, Y.; Lacey, R.; Lajoie, J. G.; Lebedev, A.; Lee, S.; Lee, S. H.; Leitch, M. J.; Leung, Y. H.; Lewis, N. A.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Lim, S. H.; Liu, M. X.; Loggins, V.-R.; Lökös, S.; Lovasz, K.; Lynch, D.; Majoros, T.; Makdisi, Y. I.; Makek, M.; Manion, A.; Manko, V. I.; Mannel, E.; Masuda, H.; McCumber, M.; McGaughey, P. L.; McGlinchey, D.; McKinney, C.; Meles, A.; Mendoza, M.; Metzger, W. J.; Mignerey, A. C.; Mihalik, D. E.; Milov, A.; Mishra, D. K.; Mitchell, J. T.; Mitsuka, G.; Miyasaka, S.; Mizuno, S.; Mohanty, A. K.; Montuenga, P.; Moon, T.; Morrison, D. P.; Morrow, S. I.; Moukhanova, T. V.; Murakami, T.; Murata, J.; Mwai, A.; Nagai, K.; Nagashima, K.; Nagashima, T.; Nagle, J. L.; Nagy, M. I.; Nakagawa, I.; Nakagomi, H.; Nakano, K.; Nattrass, C.; Netrakanti, P. K.; Niida, T.; Nishimura, S.; Nouicer, R.; Novák, T.; Novitzky, N.; Nyanin, A. S.; O'Brien, E.; Ogilvie, C. A.; Orjuela Koop, J. D.; Osborn, J. D.; Oskarsson, A.; Ottino, G. J.; Ozawa, K.; Pak, R.; Pantuev, V.; Papavassiliou, V.; Park, J. S.; Park, S.; Pate, S. F.; Patel, M.; Peng, J.-C.; Peng, W.; Perepelitsa, D. V.; Perera, G. D. N.; Peressounko, D. Yu.; Perezlara, C. E.; Perry, J.; Petti, R.; Phipps, M.; Pinkenburg, C.; Pinson, R.; Pisani, R. P.; Pun, A.; Purschke, M. L.; Radzevich, P. V.; Rak, J.; Ramson, B. J.; Ravinovich, I.; Read, K. F.; Reynolds, D.; Riabov, V.; Riabov, Y.; Richford, D.; Rinn, T.; Rolnick, S. D.; Rosati, M.; Rowan, Z.; Rubin, J. G.; Runchey, J.; Safonov, A. S.; Sahlmueller, B.; Saito, N.; Sakaguchi, T.; Sako, H.; Samsonov, V.; Sarsour, M.; Sato, K.; Sato, S.; Schaefer, B.; Schmoll, B. K.; Sedgwick, K.; Seidl, R.; Sen, A.; Seto, R.; Sett, P.; Sexton, A.; Sharma, D.; Shein, I.; Shibata, T.-A.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shioya, T.; Shukla, P.; Sickles, A.; Silva, C. L.; Silvermyr, D.; Singh, B. K.; Singh, C. P.; Singh, V.; Skoby, M. J.; Slunečka, M.; Snowball, M.; Soltz, R. A.; Sondheim, W. E.; Sorensen, S. P.; Sourikova, I. V.; Stankus, P. W.; Stepanov, M.; Stoll, S. P.; Sugitate, T.; Sukhanov, A.; Sumita, T.; Sun, J.; Sziklai, J.; Takeda, A.; Taketani, A.; Tanida, K.; Tannenbaum, M. J.; Tarafdar, S.; Taranenko, A.; Tarnai, G.; Tieulent, R.; Timilsina, A.; Todoroki, T.; Tomášek, M.; Towell, C. L.; Towell, R.; Towell, R. S.; Tserruya, I.; Ueda, Y.; Ujvari, B.; van Hecke, H. W.; Vazquez-Carson, S.; Velkovska, J.; Virius, M.; Vrba, V.; Vukman, N.; Wang, X. R.; Wang, Z.; Watanabe, Y.; Watanabe, Y. S.; Wei, F.; White, A. S.; Wong, C. P.; Woody, C. L.; Wysocki, M.; Xia, B.; Xu, C.; Xu, Q.; Xue, L.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y. L.; Yamamoto, H.; Yanovich, A.; Yin, P.; Yoo, J. H.; Yoon, I.; Yu, H.; Yushmanov, I. E.; Zajc, W. A.; Zelenski, A.; Zharko, S.; Zhou, S.; Zou, L.; Phenix Collaboration


    We present measurements of the transverse-momentum dependence of elliptic flow v2 for identified pions and (anti)protons at midrapidity (|η |<0.35 ), in 0%-5% central p +Au and 3He+Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV. When taken together with previously published measurements in d +Au collisions at √{sNN}=200 GeV, the results cover a broad range of small-collision-system multiplicities and intrinsic initial geometries. We observe a clear mass-dependent splitting of v2(pT) in d +Au and 3He+Au collisions, just as in large nucleus-nucleus (A +A ) collisions, and a smaller splitting in p +Au collisions. Both hydrodynamic and transport model calculations successfully describe the data at low pT (<1.5 GeV /c ), but fail to describe various features at higher pT. In all systems, the v2 values follow an approximate quark-number scaling as a function of the hadron transverse kinetic energy per constituent quark (K ET/nq ), which was also seen previously in A +A collisions.

  16. Développement d'une culture durable de laitue de transformation en sol minéral


    Ramirez, Julio Cesar


    La laitue est l’un des cinq légumes les plus consommés au Canada et le plus cultivé au Québec. Des 3400 hectares de laitue produite au Canada, environ 80% sont cultivés dans les sols organiques du Sud du Québec, soit 2800 ha. L’industrie de la laitue au Québec fait face à un problème grandissant qui la rend vulnérable. En effet, la concentration de cette culture, dans une seule région, augmente les risques d’interruption de l’approvisionnement causés par des événements météorologiques défavor...

  17. Synthesis and characterization in AuCu–Si nanostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novelo, T.E.; Amézaga-Madrid, P.; Maldonado, R.D.; Oliva, A.I.; Alonzo-Medina, G.M.


    Au/Cu bilayers with different Au:Cu concentrations (25:75, 50:50 and 75:25 at.%) were deposited on Si(100) substrates by thermal evaporation. The thicknesses of all Au/Cu bilayers were 150 nm. The alloys were prepared by thermal diffusion into a vacuum oven with argon atmosphere at 690 K during 1 h. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed different phases of AuCu and CuSi alloys in the samples after annealing process. CuSi alloys were mainly obtained for 25:75 at.% samples, meanwhile the AuCuII phase dominates for samples prepared with 50:50 at.%. Additionally, the Au:Cu alloys with 75:25 at.%, produce Au 2 Cu 3 and Au 3 Cu phases. The formed alloys were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to study the morphology and the elemental concentration of the formed alloys. - Highlights: • AuCu/Si alloy thin films were prepared by thermal diffusion. • Alloys prepared with 50 at.% of Au produce the AuCuII phase. • Alloys prepared with 75 at.% of Au produce Au 3 Cu and Au 2 Cu 3 phases. • All alloys present diffusion of Si and Cu through the CuSi alloy formation

  18. South of Sahara | Page 125 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Exemption communautaire du paiement des services de santé au Burkina Faso. Language French. Read more about Études par pays dans le cadre du HIV/AIDS Monitor. Language French. Read more about HIV/AIDS Monitor Country Studies. Language English.

  19. Qui représente qui ? Choix organisationnels, identités sociales et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    16 sept. 2006 ... recherche effectué au Sud-Cameroun depuis trois ans. .... secteur forestier sont passées par exemple en moins d'une décennie de 10 milliards de .... 1974, la Loi forestière n° 81/13 du 27 novembre 1981, et de nombreux pas-.

  20. Agronomie Africaine - Vol 26, No 2 (2014)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Influence du système de logement sur quelques performances zootechniques et économiques des poules pondeuses au Sud-Bénin · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. ML Tossou, CAAM Chrysostome, MF Houndonougbo, A Missohou, FA Abiola, 147- ...

  1. Au Kenya, des oiseaux nuisent à une culture adaptée au climat ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 août 2013 ... Selon Evans Kituyi, spécialiste de programme principal au Centre de ... principal au Gadam Sorghum Production and Marketing Project. Si les graines occupent une place de premier plan dans l'alimentation des oiseaux, ...

  2. Electrosynthesis and characterization of polypyrrole/Au nanocomposite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Wei [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Li, C.M. [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore)]. E-mail:; Chen Peng [School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Sun, C.Q. [School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore)


    Polypyrrole films containing gold nanoparticles (PPy/Au) were electrosynthesized on a glassy carbon electrode. This was done by applying a constant current of 1.43 mA cm{sup -2} in solutions containing colloidal Au particles and pyrrole monomer. A chloroaurate medium with a citrate/tannic acid reducing/protection agent was employed for generating the Au colloids. The PPy/Au films were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Also, electrochemical behaviors of the PPy/Au films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and AC impedance measurements. Experimental results demonstrate that PPy/Au has greater conductivity and better stability than PPy. The effect of incorporated Au nanoparticles in PPy matrix was studied and the mechanism was suggested.

  3. Chemical and electrical characteristics of annealed Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au contacts on AlGaN

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ngoepe, P.N.M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028 (South Africa); Meyer, W.E.; Auret, F.D.; Omotoso, E.; Diale, M. [Department of Physics, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028 (South Africa); Swart, H.C.; Duvenhage, M.M.; Coetsee, E. [Department of Physics, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300 (South Africa)


    The evolution of Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au metal contacts deposited on AlGaN was investigated at different annealing temperatures. The samples were studied with electrical and chemical composition techniques. I–V characteristics of the Schottky diodes were optimum after 500 and 600 °C annealing for Ni/Au and Ni/Ir/Au based diodes, respectively. The depth profiles of the contacts were measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. These chemical composition techniques were used to examine the evolution of the metal contacts in order to verify the influence the metals have on the electrical properties of the diodes. The insertion of Ir as a diffusion barrier between Ni and Au effected the electrical properties, improving the stability of the contacts at high temperatures. Gold diffused into the AlGaN film, degrading the electrical properties of the Ni/Au diode. At 500 °C, the insertion of Ir, however, prevented the in-diffusion of Au into the AlGaN substrate.

  4. Uptake of Au(III) Ions by Aluminum Hydroxide and Their Spontaneous Reduction to Elemental Gold (Au(0)). (United States)

    Yokoyama; Matsukado; Uchida; Motomura; Watanabe; Izawa


    The behavior of AuCl(4)(-) ions during the formation of aluminum hydroxide at pH 6 was examined. With an increase in NaCl concentration, the content of gold taken up by aluminum hydroxide decreased, suggesting that chloro-hydroxy complexes of Au(III) ion were taken up due to the formation of Al-O-Au bonds. It was found unexpectedly that the Au(III) ions taken up were spontaneously reduced to elemental gold without addition of a specific reducing reagent and then colloidal gold particles were formed. The mechanisms for the uptake of Au(III) ions by aluminum hydroxide and for their spontaneous reduction are discussed. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  5. Addressing Flooding and SuDS when Improving Drainage and Sewerage Systems—A Comparative Study of Selected Scandinavian Cities

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    Geir Torgersen


    Full Text Available Pluvial flooding already challenges the capacity of drainage and sewerage system in urban areas in Scandinavia. For system owners this requires a stricter prioritization when improving the systems. Experts seem to agree that a regime shift from improving old combined sewers by piped solutions to more sustainable drainage systems (SuDS, must take place. In this paper results from an investigation amongst the largest cities in Norway, Denmark and Sweden concerning drivers and preferred methods for improving the old system are presented. The results indicate that Norway ranks flood prevention lower than the other Scandinavian countries. During the last decades, Norwegian authorities have had a strong focus on pollution from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP. The attention to drainage and sewerage system regarding flooding, water leaks, infiltration or pollution has been neglected. Renewal or rate of investment in relation to existing drainage and sewerage system is easy to register, and provides a measure of the activity. In order to optimize flood prevention, and may be promoting the use of SuDS, the cities should be required to measure the efficiency, either by monitoring or modeling the impact of stormwater to the system. Lack of such requirements from Norwegian authorities seem to be a plausible explanation to why Norwegian cities are less focused on flood prevention compared to Swedish and Danish cities.

  6. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bosnian artisanal dry fermented sausage (sudžuk during fermentation

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    Čolo Josip


    Full Text Available Bosnian sudžuk is a dry fermented sausage produced in a rural household near the town of Visoko in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. This kind of sausage was manufactured only from beef and spices in a traditional way without the addition of a starter cultures. To identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB, a total number of 160 Lstrains were isolated from five samples of Bosnian sudžuk collected over 28 days of fermentation. Preliminary identification by phenotypic tests and 16S rDNA sequencing were performed for all 160 of the Lisolates. Identification of Lstrains from traditionally produced Bosnian sausage at the species level revealed the presence of six genera: Lactococcus sp., Enterococcus sp., Leuconostoc sp., Lactobacillus sp., Pediococcus sp. and Weissella sp.. Among the 15 distinct species identified, the species Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus durans were present throughout the entire process of fermentation. Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis prevailed, with 21.8%, 19.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of total Lstrains during the entire fermentation process. Significant negative correlations (r = 0.892 and r = 0.829, respectively between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactobacillus sp., and between the presence of Weissella sp. and Lactococcus sp. were recorded. Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus durans and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were the best producers of aromogenic compounds while 32.3% of Lactobacillus plantarum and 28.6% of Leuconostoc mesenteroides were produced exopolysaccharides. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173019

  7. Typologie des élevages de cobayes (Cavia porcellus) au Bénin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A cet effet, une enquête conduite suivant la méthode en boule de neige a ... du Sud et du Nord. Quatre types d'élevage ont été identifiés avec des ... les performances de ce petit herbivore ..... l'organisation de la commercialisation des produits ...

  8. Substrate-dependent Au{sub x} cluster: A new insight into Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, Kong-Jie; Yang, Yan-Ju [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Lang, Jia-Jian [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315201 (China); Teng, Bo-Tao, E-mail: [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Wu, Feng-Min [School of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 (China); Du, Shi-Yu [Engineering Laboratory of Specialty Fibers and Nuclear Energy Materials, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315201 (China); Wen, Xiao-Dong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001 (China)


    Graphical abstract: 2D Au{sub x} (x < 10) on CeO{sub 2}(110) are more stable than 3D ones, while the stability trend changes for x ≥ 10; Au{sub x} (x ≤ 4) prefer to monatomically disperse on CeO{sub 2}(100) and aggregate to 3D clusters for x > 4. - Highlights: • The stable structures of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2} are dependent of index surfaces of CeO{sub 2}. • Au{sub x} prefers to monatomically disperse on CeO{sub 2}(100) at low coverage. • Au{sub x} aggregates to 3D clusters on CeO{sub 2}(100) at high coverage. • 2D Au{sub x} (x < 10) are more stable than the 3D ones on CeO{sub 2}(110). • The effects on the stability of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2} are systematically discussed. - Abstract: To theoretically study the structures of metal clusters on oxides is very important and becomes one of the most challenging works in computational heterogeneous catalysis since many factors affect their structures and lead to various possibilities. In this work, it is very interesting to find that the stable structures and stability evolution of Au{sub x} clusters on ceria are varied with different index surfaces of CeO{sub 2}. The corresponding reasons in chemical, geometric and electronic properties are systematically explored. Au{sub x} (x = 1–4) clusters prefer to separately disperse at the O-O bridge sites on CeO{sub 2}(100) due to the low coordination number of surface O; while aggregate due to the strong Au–Au attractions when x is larger than 4. Owing to the uniform distribution of O-O bridge sites on CeO{sub 2}(111) and (100), the most stable configurations of Au{sub x} are 3D structures with bottom atoms more than top ones when x is larger than 4. However, 2D configurations of Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}(110) (x < 10) are more stable than the corresponding 3D structures due to the particular O-O arrangement on CeO{sub 2}(110). 3D Au{sub x} clusters across O-O-Y lines are suggested as the most stable configurations for Au{sub x}/CeO{sub 2}(110) (x ≥ 10). The present

  9. Thiol ligand-induced transformation of Au38(SC2H4Ph)24 to Au36(SPh-t-Bu)24. (United States)

    Zeng, Chenjie; Liu, Chunyan; Pei, Yong; Jin, Rongchao


    We report a disproportionation mechanism identified in the transformation of rod-like biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to tetrahedral Au36(TBBT)24 nanoclusters. Time-dependent mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy analyses unambiguously map out the detailed size-conversion pathway. The ligand exchange of Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 with bulkier 4-tert-butylbenzenethiol (TBBT) until a certain extent starts to trigger structural distortion of the initial biicosahedral Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 structure, leading to the release of two Au atoms and eventually the Au36(TBBT)24 nanocluster with a tetrahedral structure, in which process the number of ligands is interestingly preserved. The other product of the disproportionation process, i.e., Au40(TBBT)m+2(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m, was concurrently observed as an intermediate, which was the result of addition of two Au atoms and two TBBT ligands to Au38(TBBT)m(SCH2CH2Ph)24-m. The reaction kinetics on the Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24 to Au36(TBBT)24 conversion process was also performed, and the activation energies of the structural distortion and disproportionation steps were estimated to be 76 and 94 kJ/mol, respectively. The optical absorption features of Au36(TBBT)24 are interpreted on the basis of density functional theory simulations.

  10. La conquête du littoral « indien » d’Afrique du Sud 

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    Sylvain Guyot


    Full Text Available Le littoral « indien » en Afrique du Sud représente un véritable « front pionnier côtier », dont la conquête, l’appropriation territoriale et la valorisation économique (portuaire, industrielle, touristique, environnementale, agricole sont stratégiques pour différents groupes de populations (Anglophones, Afrikaner, Zulus, Xhosas…, à différentes périodes temporelles (précolonial, colonial, apartheid et postapartheid. Ces différents modes de valorisation ainsi que les différents groupes en jeu entrent régulièrement en conflit tout en se recomposant au fil des temps. Dans cet article, à l’aide d’exemples croisant temporalités, acteurs et modes de valorisation littorale, nous caractérisons les différentes phases de cette conquête littorale, toujours d’actualité depuis la fin de l’apartheid en raison de la connexion de l’ensemble des zones côtières aux processus de globalisation. La conquête de cette ultime « frontière australe de l’Afrique » par des forces essentiellement exogènes présente un certain nombre de limites, comme la difficile intégration des populations locales, la privatisation de l’espace côtier et une durabilité environnementale mal maîtrisée.The “Indian” south African coastline can be understood as a frontier. Its conquest is strategic for different groups (English-speaking, Afrikaners, Zulus, Xhosas etc. and implies specific economic valorisations (seaports, industries, tourism, nature conservation, agriculture grounded in time (pre-colonial, colonial, apartheid and post-apartheid and space (different modes of territorial appropriation. Opposed types of coastal valorisation and various stakeholders open the way to hard conflicts. Different phases of this seafront conquest, with particular reference to the current post-apartheid connection to globalisation dynamics, are enlightened by examples linking history, stakeholders and various coastal development options. The

  11. Diffusion of 1,4-butanedithiol radicals on Au(111) and Au(100): A DFT-based comparison

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franke, Andreas; Pehlke, Eckhard [Institut fuer Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universitaet Kiel, 24098 Kiel (Germany)


    Organic molecules chemisorbed on surfaces hold the perspective of surface functionalization. The 1,4-butanedithiol radical chemisorbed at the Au(111) or Au(100) surface serves as a model system for the S-Au molecule-substrate bond. Density functional total-energy calculations have been carried out for the chemisorption of the radical on the unreconstructed Au surfaces, which are both known to be stabilized under electrochemical conditions. Local minima with close-by energies indicate multi-valley potential-energy surfaces, which originate from the interplay between the two S-Au adsorbate-substrate bonds and the internal degrees of freedom of the butanedithiol radical. Diffusion paths of the radical on both Au surfaces have been calculated within DFT using VASP. The diffusion barriers for translation and rotation of the radical differ. They can be fine-tuned by varying the applied potential in the electrochemical cell. This is considered theoretically by inspecting the variation of the dipole moment along the reaction paths. Consequences for the dynamics of succeeding diffusion hops are discussed.

  12. Flow and bose-einstein correlations in Au-Au collisions at RHIC (United States)

    Phobos Collaboration; Manly, Steven; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyinski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    Argonne flow and Bose-Einstein correlations have been measured in Au-Au collisions at S=130 and 200 GeV using the PHOBOS detector at RHIC. The systematic dependencies of the flow signal on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and centrality of the collision, as well as the beam energy are shown. In addition, results of a 3-dimensional analysis of two-pion correlations in the 200 GeV data are presented.

  13. Transverse velocity scaling in 197Au+197Au fragmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lukasik, J.; Hudan, S.; Lavaud, F.


    Invariant transverse-velocity spectra of intermediate-mass fragments were measured with the 4π multi-detector system INDRA for collisions of 197 Au on 197 Au at incident energies between 40 and 150 MeV per nucleon. Their scaling properties as a function of incident energy and atomic number Z are used to distinguish and characterize the emissions in (i) peripheral collisions at the projectile and target rapidities, and in (ii) central and (iii) peripheral collisions near mid-rapidity. The importance of dynamical effects is evident in all three cases and their origin is discussed. (orig.)

  14. Apprentissages techniques : L'apprentissage au CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    APPRENTISSAGES TECHNIQUES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU PERSONNEL HR/PMD L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour les professions d'électronicien(ne) et de laborantin(e) en physique L'apprentissage au CERN est régi par les lois, règlements et contrats en vigueur dans le Canton de Genève. En cas de réussite à l'examen de fin d'apprentissage, les apprentis obtiennent le Certificat Fédéral de Capacité Suisse (CFC). 7 places au total sont ouvertes au recrutement pour les deux professions. L'apprentissage dure 4 ans. Minima requis pour faire acte de candidature : • avoir au moins 15 ans et moins de 21 ans à la date de début de l'apprentissage • avoir terminé la scolarité obligatoire, au minimum 9ème du Cycle d'orientation genevois (3ème en France) • être ressortissant d'un pays membre du CERN (Allemagne, Autriche, Belgiqu...

  15. Photoinduced Glycerol Oxidation over Plasmonic Au and AuM (M = Pt, Pd and Bi) Nanoparticle-Decorated TiO2 Photocatalysts (United States)

    Jedsukontorn, Trin; Saito, Nagahiro; Hunsom, Mali


    In this study, sol-immobilization was used to prepare gold nanoparticle (Au NP)-decorated titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysts at different Au weight % (wt. %) loading (Aux/TiO2, where x is the Au wt. %) and Au–M NP-decorated TiO2 photocatalysts (Au3M3/TiO2), where M is bismuth (Bi), platinum (Pt) or palladium (Pd) at 3 wt. %. The Aux/TiO2 photocatalysts exhibited a stronger visible light absorption than the parent TiO2 due to the localized surface plasmon resonance effect. Increasing the Au content from 1 wt. % to 7 wt. % led to increased visible light absorption due to the increasing presence of defective structures that were capable of enhancing the photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared catalyst. The addition of Pt and Pd coupled with the Au3/TiO2 to form Au3M3/TiO2 improved the photocatalytic activity of the Au3/TiO2 photocatalyst by maximizing their light-absorption property. The Au3/TiO2, Au3Pt3/TiO2 and Au3Pd3/TiO2 photocatalysts promoted the formation of glyceraldehyde from glycerol as the principle product, while Au3Bi3/TiO2 facilitated glycolaldehyde formation as the major product. Among all the prepared photocatalysts, Au3Pd3/TiO2 exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity with a 98.75% glycerol conversion at 24 h of reaction time. PMID:29690645

  16. Near-infrared-responsive, superparamagnetic Au@Co nanochains

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    Varadee Vittur


    Full Text Available This manuscript describes a new type of nanomaterial, namely superparamagnetic Au@Co nanochains with optical extinctions in the near infrared (NIR. The Au@Co nanochains were synthesized via a one-pot galvanic replacement route involving a redox-transmetalation process in aqueous medium, where Au salt was reduced to form Au shells on Co seed templates, affording hollow Au@Co nanochains. The Au shells serve not only as a protective coating for the Co nanochain cores, but also to give rise to the optical properties of these unique nanostructures. Importantly, these bifunctional, magneto-optical Au@Co nanochains combine the advantages of nanophotonics (extinction at ca. 900 nm and nanomagnetism (superparamagnetism and provide a potentially useful new nanoarchitecture for biomedical or catalytic applications that can benefit from both activation by light and manipulation using an external magnetic field.

  17. South of Sahara | Page 35 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Approfondissement des connaissances et renforcement des capacités en matière de sexospécificités au sein du programme ACACIA. Language French. Read more about Acacia Gender Learning and Capacity Strengthening. Language English. Read more about Soutien ...

  18. South Asia | Page 63 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Asie du sud. Read more about Arab Reform Initiative. Language English. Read more about Governance, Reform and Islamism in the Middle East and North Africa. Language English. Read more about Gouvernance, réformes et islamisme au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Language French. Read more about ...

  19. Microstructural evolution of Au/TiO{sub 2} nanocomposite films: The influence of Au concentration and thermal annealing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, J., E-mail: [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal); Kubart, T.; Kumar, S.; Leifer, K. [Solid-State Electronics, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 534, Uppsala SE-751 21 (Sweden); Rodrigues, M.S. [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal); Duarte, N.; Martins, B.; Dias, J.P. [Instituto Pedro Nunes, Laboratório de Ensaios, Desgaste e Materiais, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra (Portugal); Cavaleiro, A. [SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Vaz, F. [SEG-CEMUC, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, 3030-788 Coimbra (Portugal); Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga (Portugal)


    Nanocomposite thin films consisting of a dielectric matrix, such as titanium oxide (TiO{sub 2}), with embedded gold (Au) nanoparticles were prepared and will be analysed and discussed in detail in the present work. The evolution of morphological and structural features was studied for a wide range of Au concentrations and for annealing treatments in air, for temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Major findings revealed that for low Au atomic concentrations (at.%), there are only traces of clustering, and just for relatively high annealing temperatures, T ≥ 500 °C. Furthermore, the number of Au nanoparticles is extremely low, even for the highest annealing temperature, T = 800 °C. It is noteworthy that the TiO{sub 2} matrix also crystallizes in the anatase phase for annealing temperatures above 300 °C. For intermediate Au contents (5 at.% ≤ C{sub Au} ≤ 15 at.%), the formation of gold nanoclusters was much more evident, beginning at lower annealing temperatures (T ≥ 200 °C) with sizes ranging from 2 to 25 nm as the temperature increased. A change in the matrix crystallization from anatase to rutile was also observed in this intermediate range of compositions. For the highest Au concentrations (> 20 at.%), the films tended to form relatively larger clusters, with sizes above 20 nm (for T ≥ 400 °C). It is demonstrated that the structural and morphological characteristics of the films are strongly affected by the annealing temperature, as well as by the particular amounts, size and distribution of the Au nanoparticles dispersed in the TiO{sub 2} matrix. - Highlights: • Au:TiO{sub 2} films were produced by magnetron sputtering and post-deposition annealing. • The Au concentration in the films increases with the Au pellet area. • Annealing induced microstructural changes in the films. • The nanoparticle size evolution with temperature depends on the Au concentration.

  20. Epitaxial growth of zigzag PtAu alloy surface on Au nano-pentagrams with enhanced Pt utilization and electrocatalytic performance toward ethanol oxidation reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du, Cheng; Gao, Xiaohui; Zhuang, Zhihua; Cheng, Chunfeng; Zheng, Fuqin; Li, Xiaokun; Chen, Wei


    Highlights: • PtAu nanoalloy surface is heteroepitaxially grown on the pre-synthesized Au nano-pentagrams. • The PtAu/Au nano-pentagrams exhibit excellent electrocatalytic activity for ethanol oxidation. • The charge transfer resistance of PtAu/Au is lower than that of commercial Pt/C. • The durability and anti-poisoning ability of PtAu/Au is much better than those of commercial Pt/C - Abstract: Improving Pt utilization is of fundamental importance for many significant processes in energy conversion, which is strongly dependent on the surface structure of used catalysts. Based on the traditional Pt-on-Au system which has been proved to be an ideal nanostructure for improving the catalytic activity and stability of Pt, and the recent follow-up studies on this system, we introduce here a new strategy for fabricating Pt surface with high-index facets over the Pt-on-Au system. To achieve this goal, we elaborately designed and fabricated a unique zigzag PtAu alloy nanosurface on Au nano-pentagrams (PtAu/Au NPs) through epitaxial growth of Pt along the high-index facets on the pre-synthesized Au nano-pentagrams. Owing to the surface electronic interaction between Au and Pt and the exposed high-index facets from the unique morphology of zigzag PtAu alloy nanosurface, the as-prepared PtAu/Au NPs exhibited excellent electrocatalytic performance toward ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) in alkaline condition. The specific activity (8.3 mA cm"−"2) and mass activity (4.4 A mg"−"1) obtained from PtAu/Au NPs are about 5.2 and 5.5 times, respectively, higher than those from commercial Pt/C for EOR.

  1. Observation of D0 meson nuclear modifications in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV. (United States)

    Adamczyk, L; Adkins, J K; Agakishiev, G; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Alekseev, I; Alford, J; Anson, C D; Aparin, A; Arkhipkin, D; Aschenauer, E C; Averichev, G S; Banerjee, A; Beavis, D R; Bellwied, R; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bhattarai, P; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Bordyuzhin, I G; Borowski, W; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Brovko, S G; Bültmann, S; Bunzarov, I; Burton, T P; Butterworth, J; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cebra, D; Cendejas, R; Cervantes, M C; Chaloupka, P; Chang, Z; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Chen, L; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Chwastowski, J; Codrington, M J M; Contin, G; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Cui, X; Das, S; Davila Leyva, A; De Silva, L C; Debbe, R R; Dedovich, T G; Deng, J; Derevschikov, A A; Derradi de Souza, R; Dhamija, S; di Ruzza, B; Didenko, L; Dilks, C; Ding, F; Djawotho, P; Dong, X; Drachenberg, J L; Draper, J E; Du, C M; Dunkelberger, L E; Dunlop, J C; Efimov, L G; Engelage, J; Engle, K S; Eppley, G; Eun, L; Evdokimov, O; Eyser, O; Fatemi, R; Fazio, S; Fedorisin, J; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flores, C E; Gagliardi, C A; Gangadharan, D R; Garand, D; Geurts, F; Gibson, A; Girard, M; Gliske, S; Greiner, L; Grosnick, D; Gunarathne, D S; Guo, Y; Gupta, A; Gupta, S; Guryn, W; Haag, B; Hamed, A; Han, L-X; Haque, R; Harris, J W; Heppelmann, S; Hirsch, A; Hoffmann, G W; Hofman, D J; Horvat, S; Huang, B; Huang, H Z; Huang, X; Huck, P; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, W W; Jang, H; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kalinkin, D; Kang, K; Kauder, K; Ke, H W; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Kesich, A; Khan, Z H; Kikola, D P; Kisel, I; Kisiel, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konzer, J; Koralt, I; Kotchenda, L; Kraishan, A F; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kulakov, I; Kumar, L; Kycia, R A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Landry, K D; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, J H; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, W; Li, X; Li, X; Li, Y; Li, Z M; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Lomnitz, M; Longacre, R S; Luo, X; Ma, G L; Ma, Y G; Madagodagettige Don, D M M D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Masui, H; Matis, H S; McDonald, D; McShane, T S; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mohanty, B; Mondal, M M; Morozov, D A; Mustafa, M K; Nandi, B K; Nasim, Md; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nigmatkulov, G; Nogach, L V; Noh, S Y; Novak, J; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Oh, K; Ohlson, A; Okorokov, V; Oldag, E W; Olvitt, D L; Pachr, M; Page, B S; Pal, S K; Pan, Y X; Pandit, Y; Panebratsev, Y; Pawlak, T; Pawlik, B; Pei, H; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Pile, P; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Pruthi, N K; Przybycien, M; Pujahari, P R; Putschke, J; Qiu, H; Quintero, A; Ramachandran, S; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Riley, C K; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Ross, J F; Roy, A; Ruan, L; Rusnak, J; Rusnakova, O; Sahoo, N R; Sahu, P K; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sangaline, E; Sarkar, A; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmah, A M; Schmidke, W B; Schmitz, N; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shah, N; Shahaliev, E; Shanmuganathan, P V; Shao, M; Sharma, B; Shen, W Q; Shi, S S; Shou, Q Y; Sichtermann, E P; Singaraju, R N; Skoby, M J; Smirnov, D; Smirnov, N; Solanki, D; Sorensen, P; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stevens, J R; Stock, R; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Sumbera, M; Sun, X; Sun, X M; Sun, Y; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Svirida, D N; Symons, T J M; Szelezniak, M A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tang, Z; Tarnowsky, T; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Tlusty, D; Tokarev, M; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tribedy, P; Trzeciak, B A; Tsai, O D; Turnau, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; van Nieuwenhuizen, G; Vandenbroucke, M; Vanfossen, J A; Varma, R; Vasconcelos, G M S; Vasiliev, A N; Vertesi, R; Videbæk, F; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Vossen, A; Wada, M; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, H; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Y; Webb, G; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wu, Y F; Xiao, Z; Xie, W; Xin, K; Xu, H; Xu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yan, W; Yang, C; Yang, Y; Yang, Y; Ye, Z; Yepes, P; Yi, L; Yip, K; Yoo, I-K; Yu, N; Zawisza, Y; Zbroszczyk, H; Zha, W; Zhang, J B; Zhang, J L; Zhang, S; Zhang, X P; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, F; Zhao, J; Zhong, C; Zhu, X; Zhu, Y H; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zyzak, M


    We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D(0)) production via the hadronic decay channel (D(0) → K(-) + π(+)) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N(bin), from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D(0) meson yields in central Au + Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N(bin), for transverse momenta p(T) > 3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p(T) is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.

  2. Observation of D0 Meson Nuclear Modifications in Au +Au Collisions at √sNN =200 GeV (United States)

    Adamczyk, L.; Adkins, J. K.; Agakishiev, G.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anson, C. D.; Aparin, A.; Arkhipkin, D.; Aschenauer, E. C.; Averichev, G. S.; Banerjee, A.; Beavis, D. R.; Bellwied, R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A. K.; Bhattarai, P.; Bichsel, H.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bland, L. C.; Bordyuzhin, I. G.; Borowski, W.; Bouchet, J.; Brandin, A. V.; Brovko, S. G.; Bültmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Butterworth, J.; Caines, H.; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M. C.; Chaloupka, P.; Chang, Z.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H. F.; Chen, J. H.; Chen, L.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Chwastowski, J.; Codrington, M. J. M.; Contin, G.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Cui, X.; Das, S.; Davila Leyva, A.; De Silva, L. C.; Debbe, R. R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Deng, J.; Derevschikov, A. A.; Derradi de Souza, R.; Dhamija, S.; di Ruzza, B.; Didenko, L.; Dilks, C.; Ding, F.; Djawotho, P.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J. L.; Draper, J. E.; Du, C. M.; Dunkelberger, L. E.; Dunlop, J. C.; Efimov, L. G.; Engelage, J.; Engle, K. S.; Eppley, G.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Eyser, O.; Fatemi, R.; Fazio, S.; Fedorisin, J.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fisyak, Y.; Flores, C. E.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangadharan, D. R.; Garand, D.; Geurts, F.; Gibson, A.; Girard, M.; Gliske, S.; Greiner, L.; Grosnick, D.; Gunarathne, D. S.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, S.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.-X.; Haque, R.; Harris, J. W.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hoffmann, G. W.; Hofman, D. J.; Horvat, S.; Huang, B.; Huang, H. Z.; Huang, X.; Huck, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, W. W.; Jang, H.; Judd, E. G.; Kabana, S.; Kalinkin, D.; Kang, K.; Kauder, K.; Ke, H. W.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kesich, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Kikola, D. P.; Kisel, I.; Kisiel, A.; Koetke, D. D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Kotchenda, L.; Kraishan, A. F.; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Kulakov, I.; Kumar, L.; Kycia, R. A.; Lamont, M. A. C.; Landgraf, J. M.; Landry, K. D.; Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednicky, R.; Lee, J. H.; LeVine, M. J.; Li, C.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z. M.; Lisa, M. A.; Liu, F.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W. J.; Lomnitz, M.; Longacre, R. S.; Luo, X.; Ma, G. L.; Ma, Y. G.; Madagodagettige Don, D. M. M. D.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H. S.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T. S.; Minaev, N. G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M. M.; Morozov, D. A.; Mustafa, M. K.; Nandi, B. K.; Nasim, Md.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J. M.; Nigmatkulov, G.; Nogach, L. V.; Noh, S. Y.; Novak, J.; Nurushev, S. B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Oh, K.; Ohlson, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E. W.; Olvitt, D. L.; Pachr, M.; Page, B. S.; Pal, S. K.; Pan, Y. X.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Y.; Pawlak, T.; Pawlik, B.; Pei, H.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Pluta, J.; Poljak, N.; Porter, J.; Poskanzer, A. M.; Pruthi, N. K.; Przybycien, M.; Pujahari, P. R.; Putschke, J.; Qiu, H.; Quintero, A.; Ramachandran, S.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R. L.; Riley, C. K.; Ritter, H. G.; Roberts, J. B.; Rogachevskiy, O. V.; Romero, J. L.; Ross, J. F.; Roy, A.; Ruan, L.; Rusnak, J.; Rusnakova, O.; Sahoo, N. R.; Sahu, P. K.; Sakrejda, I.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Sarkar, A.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R. P.; Schmah, A. M.; Schmidke, W. B.; Schmitz, N.; Seger, J.; Seyboth, P.; Shah, N.; Shahaliev, E.; Shanmuganathan, P. V.; Shao, M.; Sharma, B.; Shen, W. Q.; Shi, S. S.; Shou, Q. Y.; Sichtermann, E. P.; Singaraju, R. N.; Skoby, M. J.; Smirnov, D.; Smirnov, N.; Solanki, D.; Sorensen, P.; Spinka, H. M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T. D. S.; Stevens, J. R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Sumbera, M.; Sun, X.; Sun, X. M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D. N.; Symons, T. J. M.; Szelezniak, M. A.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A. H.; Tang, Z.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thomas, J. H.; Timmins, A. R.; Tlusty, D.; Tokarev, M.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tribedy, P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsai, O. D.; Turnau, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D. G.; Van Buren, G.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vandenbroucke, M.; Vanfossen, J. A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G. M. S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Vertesi, R.; Videbæk, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Vossen, A.; Wada, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J. S.; Wang, X. L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Webb, J. C.; Westfall, G. D.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S. W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y. F.; Xiao, Z.; Xie, W.; Xin, K.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q. H.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Yan, W.; Yang, C.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Ye, Z.; Yepes, P.; Yi, L.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.-K.; Yu, N.; Zawisza, Y.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zha, W.; Zhang, J. B.; Zhang, J. L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z. P.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y. H.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.; Zyzak, M.; STAR Collaboration


    We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D0) production via the hadronic decay channel (D0→K-+π+) in Au +Au collisions at √sNN =200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, Nbin, from p +p to central Au +Au collisions. The D0 meson yields in central Au +Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by Nbin, for transverse momenta pT>3 GeV /c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate pT is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.

  3. Fluorescent probe for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine by ensemble of AuNCs and polymer protected AuNPs. (United States)

    Xu, Xiaozhe; Qiao, Juan; Li, Nan; Qi, Li; Zhang, Shufeng


    A new fluorescent probe based on ensemble of gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) and polymer protected gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for turn-on sensing of L-cysteine was designed and prepared. The AuNCs were protected by bovine serum albumin and had strong fluorescence. The polymer protected AuNPs were synthesized by a facile in situ strategy at room temperature and could quench the fluorescence of AuNCs due to the Förster resonance energy transfer. Interestingly, it has been observed that the quenched fluorescence of AuNCs was recovered by L-cysteine, which could induce the aggregation of polymer protected AuNPs by sulfur group. Then the prepared fluorescent probe was successfully used for determination of L-Cys in human urines, which would have an evolving aspect and promote the subsequent exploration. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Au-nanoparticles grafted on plasma treated PE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svorcik, V.; Chaloupka, A.; Rezanka, P.; Slepicka, P.; Kolska, Z.; Kasalkova, N.; Hubacek, T.; Siegel, J.


    Polyethylene (PE) surface was treated with Ar plasma. Activated surface was grafted from methanol solution of 1,2-ethanedithiol. Then the sample was immersed into freshly prepared colloid solution of Au-nanoparticles. Finally Au layer was sputtered on the samples. Properties of the modified PE were studied using various methods: AFM, EPR, RBS and nanoindentation. It was shown that the plasma treatment results in degradation of polymer chain (AFM) and creation of free radicals by EPR. After grafting with dithiol, the concentration of free radicals declines. The presence of Au and S in the surface layer after the coating with Au-nanoparticles was proved by RBS. Plasma treatment changes PE surface morphology and increases surface roughness, too. Another significant change in surface morphology and roughness was observed after deposition of Au-nanoparticles. Nanoindentation measurements show that the grafting with Au-nanoparticles increases adhesion of subsequently sputtered Au layer.

  5. Search for toroidal and bubble nuclei formed in the Au + Au reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Planeta, R.; Brzychczyk, J.; Majka, Z. [M.Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow (Poland); Blicharska, J.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Zipper, W.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalski, S. [Silesian University, Institute of Physics, Katowice (Poland); Cibor, J. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow (Poland); Hachaj, P. [Cracow Univ. of Technology, Krakow (Poland); Nicolis, N. [Ioannina Univ. (Greece)


    In this contribution we present the feasibility study for the experimental observation of toroidal and bubble nuclei. This search is based on data collected by the CHIMERA collaboration for the Au + Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon. The beam time needed to achieve this goal is calculated for events with at least 5 heavy fragments. We found that the fraction of such events among the accumulated data is equal to 8*10{sup -4}. Assuming the Au beam intensity is 0.03 pnA and target thickness equals 0.3 mg/cm{sup 2} we estimated that 450 hours of beam time is needed to record 10{sup 6} multifragment events. Present status of the Monte-Carlo simulation predictions is shortly discussed. (A.C.)

  6. Search for toroidal and bubble nuclei formed in the Au + Au reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Planeta, R.; Brzychczyk, J.; Majka, Z.; Blicharska, J.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Zipper, W.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalski, S.; Cibor, J.; Hachaj, P.; Nicolis, N.


    In this contribution we present the feasibility study for the experimental observation of toroidal and bubble nuclei. This search is based on data collected by the CHIMERA collaboration for the Au + Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon. The beam time needed to achieve this goal is calculated for events with at least 5 heavy fragments. We found that the fraction of such events among the accumulated data is equal to 8*10 -4 . Assuming the Au beam intensity is 0.03 pnA and target thickness equals 0.3 mg/cm 2 we estimated that 450 hours of beam time is needed to record 10 6 multifragment events. Present status of the Monte-Carlo simulation predictions is shortly discussed. (A.C.)

  7. Half-life measurements in doubly-odd sup(186,188,190)Au nuclei and the 188Hg -> Au decay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abreu, M.C.; Berg, V.; Fransson, K.; Hoeglund, A.; Oms, J.; Porquet, M.G.


    A level scheme has been established for 188 Hg -> Au decay which was studied with the online isotope separator ISOCELE. Precise conversion-electron measurements were performed with a semicircular magnetic spectrograph. The half-lives of the 16.0, 82.7 and 114.8 keV levels in 188 Au were measured with a lens electron spectrometer and reduced transition rates were deduced. Similarly the half-lives of the 36.1, 113.9, 227.7, 251.5, 288.0 and 363.6 keV levels in 186 Au and of the 28.9 and 171.5 keV levels in 190 Au were measured. Comparison of the reduced e.m. transition rates shows that a 1 + and a 2 - state have respectively the same structure in sup(186,) sup(188,) sup(190,) 192 Au, the same conclusion holding for the 1 - sub(g.s.) of sup(188,) sup(190,) 192 Au. Additional measurements in 189 , 191 Hg and 185 , 187 Au together with data from the literature enable us to interpret them as a coupling of certain quasiparticle states of neighbouring odd-A nuclei corresponding to oblate shapes. Indications are given that some other negative- and positive-parity states in 188 Au also belong to an oblate system. The nucleus 188 Au appears as the last of a series of doubly-odd gold nuclei where no shape coexistence has, as yet, been observed. (orig.)

  8. Au/SiO2 nanocomposite film substrates with a high number density of Au nanoparticles for molecular conductance measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dae-Gun; Koyama, Emiko; Kikkawa, Yoshihiro; Kirihara, Kazuhiro; Naitoh, Yasuhisa; Kim, Deok-Soo; Tokuhisa, Hideo; Kanesato, Masatoshi; Koshizaki, Naoto


    Au/SiO 2 nanocomposite films consisting of an extremely high number density of Au nanoparticles dispersed in a SiO 2 matrix a few nanometres thick were deposited by a co-sputtering method, and employed for molecular conductance measurement by immobilizing and bridging conjugated biphenyl molecules on dispersed Au nanoparticles. The number density of Au nanoparticles in the insulating SiO 2 matrix was approximately 14 000 μm 2 , and the average interparticle distance from their neighbours was about 8 nm. The current increased considerably up to the range of nanoamperes after the immobilization of the conjugated biphenyl molecules, 10 5 times larger than without molecules before immobilization. Although the Au nanoparticles can be connected to only 30% of all combinations of neighbouring Au nanoparticles by biphenyl molecules 2.4 nm long from the topological analysis, the biphenyl molecules can bridge most of the Au nanoparticles, and their bridging continuity is over 100 nm in length. Thus the measured current is suggested to come from the continuously bridged molecules between the Au nanoparticles. Furthermore the I-V data of the whole Au/SiO 2 nanocomposite film immobilized with conjugated molecules are confirmed to be in a reasonable range in comparison with the scanning tunnelling spectroscopy data of similar conjugated molecules

  9. Visible light photoactivity of TiO{sub 2} loaded with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gołąbiewska, Anna, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland); Lisowski, Wojciech [Mazovia Center for Surface Analysis, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-224 Warsaw (Poland); Jarek, Marcin; Nowaczyk, Grzegorz [NanoBioMedical Center, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznań (Poland); Zielińska-Jurek, Anna; Zaleska, Adriana [Department of Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdańsk (Poland)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • Au/Pt nanoparticles enhanced TiO{sub 2} photocatalytic activity under visible irradiation. • Higher photoactivity of Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2} resulted from smaller Au/Pt particles. • Intermetallic state of AuPt favors charge transfer between the metals. • TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis seems to be best matrix for Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2}. - Abstract: TiO{sub 2} modified with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles have been prepared using a water-in-oil microemulsion system (water/AOT/cyclohexane) followed by calcination step. The effect of metal ratio, reducing agent type (NaBH{sub 4} or N{sub 2}H{sub 4}), TiO{sub 2} matrix type (P-25, ST-01, TiO-5, TiO{sub 2} nanotubes or TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis) as well as calcination temperature (from 350 to 650 °C) were systematically investigated. Obtained photocatalysts were characterized by UV–vis diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), BET surface area measurements, scanning transmission microscopy (STEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Photocatalytic activity under visible light (λ > 420 nm) has been estimated in phenol degradation reaction in aqueous phase. The results showed that phenol degradation rate under visible light in the presence of TiO{sub 2} loaded with Au/Pt nanoparticles differed from 0.7 to 2.2 μmol dm{sup −3} min{sup −1} for samples prepared using different reducing agent. Sodium borohydride (NaBH{sub 4}) favors formation of smaller Au/Pt nanoparticles and higher amount gold in Au/Pt is in the form of electronegative species (Au{sup δ−}) resulted in higher photoactivity. TiO{sub 2} obtained by TIP hydrolysis in microemulsion system seems to be the best support for Au/Pt nanoparticles from all among investigated matrix. It was also observed that enhancement of calcination temperature from 450 to 650 °C resulted in rapid drop of Au/Pt-TiO{sub 2} photoactivity under visible light

  10. Energy Dependence of Particle Multiplicities in Central Au+Au Collisions (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Corbo, J.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Henderson, C.; Hicks, D.; Hofman, D.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Michałowski, J.; Mignerey, A.; Mülmenstädt, J.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Rafelski, M.; Rbeiz, M.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steadman, S. G.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S.; Stodulski, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J.-L.; Teng, R.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    We present the first measurement of the pseudorapidity density of primary charged particles in Au+Au collisions at (sNN) = 200 GeV. For the 6% most central collisions, we obtain dNch/dη\\|\\|η\\|<1 = 650+/-35(syst). Compared to collisions at (sNN) = 130 GeV, the highest energy studied previously, an increase by a factor of 1.14+/-0.05 at 90% confidence level, is found. The energy dependence of the pseudorapidity density is discussed in comparison with data from proton-induced collisions and theoretical predictions.

  11. Al-Ghâlibûn Le Hezbollah et la mise en récit de la « société de la résistance » au Liban

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erminia Chiara Calabrese


    Full Text Available Après la libération du Sud Liban en 2000, la prise de conscience par le Hezbollah de l’importance de l’audiovisuel, bien plus que du cinéma, a conduit la direction du parti à placer, plus que jamais, la télévision au centre de son dispositif d’intervention pour influencer l’opinion publique. La télévision devait mobiliser la communauté chiite libanaise pour adhérer à ce que le parti appelle la « société de la résistance ». C’est dans ce contexte qui s’inscrit la réalisation de la série Al-Ghâlibûn [Les Victorieux] qui retrace les premières années de la résistance islamique (1982-1985 contre l’occupant israélien au Liban. Notre article propose une analyse de la dimension symbolique et sociopolitique de la série qui participe à l’entretien des mythes fédérateurs du Hezbollah. Plusieurs thèmes évoqués dans les différents épisodes de la série mettent en scène un choix de vie alternative proposé par le parti où la résistance contre l’occupant israélien devient une mission, une cause.

  12. Prevalence of Tuberculosis among patients attending two ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    . Cette étude a été menée afin d'examiner le taux d'infections à Mycobacteriumtuberculosi schez les individus suivis à la clinique externe de deux hôpitaux de métropole de Abeokuta au Sud-ouest du Nigéria. Sur les 132 individus examinés, ...

  13. South of Sahara | Page 33 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Hybrid Security Arrangements in Africa: Exploring the Implications for State-building. Language English. Read more about Chiffrer le travail des femmes - économie sexiste sur le marché et au foyer. Language French. Read more about Implications des mécanismes de ...

  14. 1459-IJBCS-Article-Ben Moussa Ali

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'Oued Khoumane est un cours d'eau traversant du sud-est à l'ouest la ville de Moulay Idriss Zerhoun. L'intérêt porté à ce .... Oxygène, Demande Biologique en Oxygène et les matières en ..... agriculture et au fumier (Dumontier et al.,. 1995).

  15. South of Sahara | Page 78 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Gestion des milieux humides en vue d'une plus grande sécurité alimentaire en Ouganda. Language French. Read more about Moving Zimbabwe Forward : an Evidence Based Policy Dialogue. Language English. Read more about De l'avant au Zimbabwe : dialogue sur ...

  16. Central Asia | Page 105 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Asie centrale. Read more about Sécurité hydrique dans les régions périurbaines de l'Asie du Sud - adaptation aux changements climatiques et urbanisation. Language French. Read more about Innovations for Inclusive Knowledge-based Economies in Asia - Phase II. Language English. Read more about L'innovation au ...

  17. Central Au on Au collisions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alard, J.P.; Amouroux, V. [Labo de Phys. Corp., IN2P3-CRNS, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Fd. (France); Basrak, Z. [Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia)] [and others; FOPI-Collaboration


    In nucleus-nucleus collisions the initial relative kinetic energy of target and projectile is available for internal excitation of the interacting system; it is however still not well established to what extent local equilibrium and thermalisation occur. Local equilibrium is of interest to derive, within the formalism of transport equations and of the equation of state, (EOS), general properties of compressed and excited nuclear matter. Such approach describes in relatively simple terms the complex many body interactions occuring within extended baryonic and hadronic (or quark) matter. For a basic microscopic understanding it is highly desirable to investigate the elementary in-medium interactions in relation to the free elementary processes. Excitation function measurements of central collisions between the heaviest available nuclei (like Au on Au), supply the best ground for such studies: the highest degree of thermalisation and compression is expected for such reactions. The consideration presented here of energy thermalisation and of an expanding system clusterizing at freeze-out in a situation close to the liquid gas phase transition can be of interest to astrophysics as well as to the quark gluon plasma deconfinement studied in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the higher energy regime of CERN and Brookhaven. (orig.).

  18. Centrality, Rapidity And Transverse-Momentum Dependence of Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/Psi Production in D Au, Cu Cu And Au Au Collisions at S(NN)**(1/2)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreiro, E.G.; /Santiago de Compostela U.; Fleuret, F.; /Ecole Polytechnique; Lansberg, J.P.; /Ecole Polytechnique /SLAC; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; /SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay


    We have carried out a wide study of Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) effects on J/{Psi} = production in dAu, CuCu and AuAu collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. We have studied the effects of three different gluon-shadowing parameterizations, using the usual simplified kinematics for which the momentum of the gluon recoiling against the J/{Psi} is neglected as well as an exact kinematics for a 2 {yields} 2 process, namely g + g {yields} J/{psi} + g as expected from LO pQCD. We have shown that the rapidity distribution of the nuclear modification factor R{sub dAu}, and particularly its anti-shadowing peak, is systematically shifted toward larger rapidities in the 2 {yields} 2 kinematics, irrespective of which shadowing parameterization is used. In turn, we have noted differences in the effective final-state nuclear absorption needed to fit the PHENIX dAu data. Taking advantage of our implementation of a 2 {yields} 2 kinematics, we have also computed the transverse momentum dependence of the nuclear modification factor, which cannot be predicted with the usual simplified kinematics. All the corresponding observables have been computed for CuCu and AuAu collisions and compared to the PHENIX and STAR data. Finally, we have extracted the effective nuclear absorption from the recent measurements of RCP in dAu collisions by the PHENIX collaboration.

  19. Fabrication of Au-Pd Core-shell Nanoparticles using Au Thin-Film Dewetting at High Temperature and Chemical Synthesis Methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Min-Gyu; Lee, Hye-Jung; Oh, Yong-Jun [Hanbat National Univ., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Au-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) have received a lot of attention in the fields of catalysts and hydrogen sensors. In this study, Au-Pd core-shell NP arrays were successfully fabricated using two steps: formation of the ordered array of Au NPs cores via solid-state dewetting of a Au thin film on a topographic silica substrate, and Pd shell formation via chemical synthesis using two different surfactants (CTAB and CTAC). Using the CTAB surfactant in particular, a 2-D composite structure comprised of an ordered array of Au-Pd NPs, with smaller Pd NPs on the nanoscopic gaps between the Au-Pd NPs, could be formed. This structure is expected to have potential application in resistance-base hydrogen sensors.

  20. Disappearance of back-to-back high-pT hadron correlations in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s NN ] =200 GeV. (United States)

    Adler, C; Ahammed, Z; Allgower, C; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Averichev, G S; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Cardenas, A; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Corral, M M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Draper, J E; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Guedon, M; Gushin, E; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Ivanshin, Yu I; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lakehal-Ayat, L; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; LoCurto, G; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Magestro, D; Majka, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mitchell, J; Moore, C F; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potrebenikova, E; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Rykov, V; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schüttauf, A; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stephenson, E J; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Thompson, M; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vigdor, S E; Voloshin, S A; Wang, F; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zoulkarneev, R; Zubarev, A N


    Azimuthal correlations for large transverse momentum charged hadrons have been measured over a wide pseudorapidity range and full azimuth in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The small-angle correlations observed in p+p collisions and at all centralities of Au+Au collisions are characteristic of hard-scattering processes previously observed in high-energy collisions. A strong back-to-back correlation exists for p+p and peripheral Au+Au. In contrast, the back-to-back correlations are reduced considerably in the most central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial interaction as the hard-scattered partons or their fragmentation products traverse the medium.

  1. Growth and structure of Co/Au magnetic thin films; Croissance et structure des couches minces magnetiques Co/Au

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marsot, N


    We have studied the growth and the crystallographic structure of magnetic ultra thin cobalt/gold films (Co/Au), in order to investigate the correlations between their magnetic and structural properties. Room temperature (R.T.) Co growth on Au (111) proceeds in three stages. Up to 2 Co monolayers (ML), a bilayer island growth mode is observed. Between 2 and 5 ML, coalescence of the islands occurs, covering the substrate surface and a Co/Au mixing is observed resulting from the de-construction of the Herringbone reconstruction. Finally, beyond 5 ML, the CoAu mixing is buried and the Co growth continues in a 3-D growth. Annealing studies at 600 K on this system show a smoothing effect of the Co film, and at the same time, segregation of Au atoms. The quality of the Co/Au interface (sharpness) is not enhanced by the annealing. The local order was studied by SEXAFS and the long range order by GIXRD showing that the Co film has a hexagonal close packed structure, with an easy magnetization axis perpendicular to the surface. From a local order point of view, the Co grows with an incoherent epitaxy and keeps its own bulk parameters. The GIXRD analysis shows a residual strain in the Co film of 4%. The difference observed between the local order analysis and the long range order results is explained in terms of the low dimensions of the diffracting domains. The evolution of film strains, as a function of the Co coverage, shows a marked deviation from the elastic strain theory. Modification of the strain field in the Co film as a function of the Au coverage is studied by GIXRD analysis. The Au growth study, at R.T., shows no evidence of a Au/Co mixing in the case of the Au/Co interface. The Au overlayer adopts a twinned face centred cubic structure on the rough Co film surface. (author)

  2. Identified particle distributions in pp and Au+Au collisions at square root of (sNN)=200 GeV. (United States)

    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gutierrez, T D; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; de Toledo, A Szanto; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons, and antiprotons are reported for square root of [sNN]=200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at Relativistic Heary Ion Collider (RHIC). Chemical and kinetic equilibrium model fits to our data reveal strong radial flow and long duration from chemical to kinetic freeze-out in central Au+Au collisions. The chemical freeze-out temperature appears to be independent of initial conditions at RHIC energies.

  3. Etude géologique de la Serrania del Interior Oriental (Venezuela sur le transect Cariaco-Maturin Geological Survey of the Serrania Del Interior Oriental in Venezuela on the Cariaco-Maturin Transect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernandez G.


    Full Text Available La Serrania del Interior Oriental, située au nord-est du Venezuela, constitue l'avant-pays plissé de la chaîne Caraïbes qui appartient à la zone frontière entre plaques Caraïbes et Amérique du Sud. Elle est limitée au Nord par le décrochement dextre est-ouest de El Pilar et s'ennoie au Sud sous les séries post-tectoniques du bassin de Maturin. L'étude stratigraphique et structurale, réalisée sur un transect nord-sud normal aux structures, s'appuie sur des données de terrain et de sub-surface; elle a permis de définir deux grandes périodes : - Du Néocomien(?-Barrémien au Miocène inférieur basal, le secteur correspond à une vaste plate-forme continentale, marquée par la concurrence des faciès marins au Nord et des sédiments terrigènes issus du craton guyanais au Sud. La sédimentation enregistre les variations eustatiques (en particulier la grande transgression du Crétace supérieur et la régression de l'Eocène superieur-Oligocène ainsi que des mouvements épirogéniques (Aptien supérieur, Sénonien supérieur, Eocène inférieur et moyen, mais aucun bouleversement paléogéographique. - A partir du Miocène inférieur terminal, le soulèvement de la bordure septentrionale de la région (début de tectonisation de la Serrania del Interior Oriental limite la sédimentation marine à un sillon méridional très subsident (foreland basin : le futur bassin de Maturin. Jusqu'au Miocène moyen terminal, son flanc nord sera progressivement incorporé à l'édifice structural au cours de trois pulsations tectoniques rapprochées; parallèlement, seront repoussés vers le Sud les dépocentres successifs du bassin toujours très subsident. Ce dernier sera ensuite comblé (et repoussé vers l'Est par des sédiments marins peu profonds puis continentaux. L'organisation structurale de la Serrania est caractérisée par un système de plis de direction N 70, souvent coffrés, disposés en échelon par rapport à la faille

  4. Collective flow measurements with HADES in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV (United States)

    Kardan, Behruz; Hades Collaboration


    HADES has a large acceptance combined with a good mass-resolution and therefore allows the study of dielectron and hadron production in heavy-ion collisions with unprecedented precision. With the statistics of seven billion Au-Au collisions at 1.23A GeV recorded in 2012, the investigation of higher-order flow harmonics is possible. At the BEVALAC and SIS18 directed and elliptic flow has been measured for pions, charged kaons, protons, neutrons and fragments, but higher-order harmonics have not yet been studied. They provide additional important information on the properties of the dense hadronic medium produced in heavy-ion collisions. We present here a high-statistics, multidifferential measurement of v1 and v2 for protons in Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV.

  5. Photoswitchable Faraday effect in EuS-Au nanosystems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawashima, Akira; Nakanishi, Takayuki; Kitagawa, Yuichi; Fushimi, Koji; Hasegawa, Yasuchika [Division of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, North-13 West-8, Kita-ku, 060-8628, Sapporo (Japan)


    Effective photoswitchable europium sulfide nanocrystals with gold nanoparticles using dithiol (DDT: 1,10-decanedithiol) joint molecules, EuS-Au nanosystems, are demonstrated. The TEM image indicates the formation of EuS-Au nanosystems composed of cube-shaped EuS nanocrystals and spherical Au nanoparticles. Under visible-light irradiation, a drastic change of absorption band of EuS-Au nanosystems at around 600 nm was observed. The Faraday effects of EuS-Au nanosystems were estimated using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) measurements. The effective change of the MCD spectra of EuS-Au nanosystems under visible-light irradiation was successfully observed at around 670 nm for the first time. The effective reversible changes in MCD spectra with the alternative irradiation cycles of visible light (>440 nm) and dark are also presented. The decrease rate of rotation angle at 670 nm of EuS-Au nanosystems is larger than that of absorbance. These results indicate that the effective change of MCD spectra of EuS-Au nanosystems would be dominated not only by a drastic change of absorption band related to enhanced LSPR of Au nanoparticles but also by specific interaction between EuS and Au in nanosystem under irradiation. Illustration of photoswitch and TEM image of EuS-Au nanosystems. (copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  6. Preparation of Au/Y2O3 and Au/NiO catalysts by co-precipitation and their oxidation activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sreethawong, Thammanoon; Sitthiwechvijit, Norsit; Rattanachatchai, Apiwat; Ouraipryvan, Piya; Schwank, Johannes W.; Chavadej, Sumaeth


    Research highlights: → The catalytic activity of Au catalysts supported on Y 2 O 3 and NiO prepared by co-precipitation was investigated for CO and methanol oxidation. → The phase transformation of yttrium support greatly affected the CO oxidation activity. → The Au/Y 2 O 3 exhibited the same activity as Au/NiO for the methanol oxidation while the Au/NiO gave higher activity for CO oxidation. - Abstract: The objective of this work was to investigate the catalytic activity of gold catalysts supported on two metal oxides, yttrium oxide and nickel oxide, prepared by co-precipitation for CO and methanol oxidation reactions. The TGA and XRD results confirmed that yttrium hydroxide (Y(OH) 3 ) was formed at calcination temperature below 300 deg. C. When it was calcined at 400 deg. C, the Y(OH) 3 was transformed to yttrium oxide hydroxide (YOOH). Finally, when calcination temperature was raised to 600 deg. C, the YOOH was completely transformed to yttrium oxide (Y 2 O 3 ). Interestingly, the gold loaded on YOOH calcined at 400 deg. C and gold loaded on Y 2 O 3 calcined at 500 deg. C comparatively showed the highest catalytic activity for complete CO oxidation at a reaction temperature of 300 deg. C. The 0.12% Au/Y 2 O 3 catalyst calcined at 500 deg. C was employed for both CO and methanol oxidation studies. For complete CO oxidation, the reaction temperatures of Au/Y 2 O 3 and Au/NiO catalysts were 325 deg. C and 250 deg. C, respectively. The light-off temperatures of Au/Y 2 O 3 and Au/NiO catalysts for methanol oxidation were 210 deg. C and 205 deg. C, respectively. Conclusively, the Au/Y 2 O 3 clearly exhibited the same activity as that of Au/NiO for methanol oxidation while the Au/NiO gave higher activity for CO oxidation.

  7. Light Fragment Production and Power Law Behavior in Au + Au Collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, S.; Albergo, S.; Bieser, F.; Brady, F.P.; Caccia, Z.; Cebra, D.A.; Chacon, A.D.; Chance, J.L.; Choi, Y.; Costa, S.; Elliott, J.B.; Gilkes, M.L.; Hauger, J.A.; Hirsch, A.S.; Hjort, E.L.; Insolia, A.; Justice, M.; Keane, D.; Kintner, J.; Lisa, M.A.; Matis, H.S.; McMahan, M.; McParland, C.; Olson, D.L.; Partlan, M.D.; Porile, N.T.; Potenza, R.; Rai, G.; Rasmussen, J.; Ritter, H.G.; Romanski, J.; Romero, J.L.; Russo, G.V.; Scharenberg, R.P.; Scott, A.; Shao, Y.; Srivastava, B.K.; Symons, T.J.M.; Tincknell, M.L.; Tuve, C.; Warren, P.G.; Weerasundara, D.; Wieman, H.H.; Wolf, K.L.


    Using charged-particle-exclusive measurements of Au+Au collisions in the LBL Bevalac's EOS time projection chamber, we investigate momentum-space densities of fragments up to 4 He as a function of fragment transverse momentum, azimuth relative to the reaction plane, rapidity, multiplicity, and beam energy. Most features of these densities above a transverse momentum threshold are consistent with momentum-space coalescence, and, in particular, the increase in sideward flow with fragment mass is generally well described by a momentum-space power law

  8. Magnetic holes in the solar wind between 0.3 AU and 17 AU

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Sperveslage


    Full Text Available Magnetic holes (MHs are depressions of the magnetic field magnitude. Turner et al. (1977 identified the first MHs in the solar wind and determined an occurrence rate of 1.5 MHs/d. Winterhalter et al. (1994 developed an automatic identification criterion to search for MHs in Ulysses data in the solar wind between 1 AU and 5.4 AU. We adopt their criterion to expand the search to the heliocentric distances down to 0.3 AU using data from Helios 1 and 2 and up to 17 AU using data from Voyager 2. We relate our observations to two theoretical approaches which describe the so-called linear MHs in which the magnetic vector varies in magnitude rather than direction. Therefore we focus on such linear MHs with a directional change less than 10º. With our observations of about 850 MHs we present the following results: Approximately 30% of all the identified MHs are linear. The maximum angle between the initial magnetic field vector and any vector inside the MH is 20º in average and shows a weak relation to the depth of the MHs. The angle between the initial magnetic field and the minimum variance direction of those structures is large and very probably close to 90º. The MHs are placed in a high β environment even though the average solar wind shows a smaller β. The widths decrease from about 50 proton inertial length in a region between 0.3 AU and 0.4 AU heliocentric distance to about 15 proton inertial length at distances larger than 10 AU. This quantity is correlated with the β of the MH environments with respect to the heliocentric distance. There is a clear preference for the occurrence of depressions instead of compressions. We discuss these results with regard to the main theories of MHs, the mirror instability and the alternative soliton approach. Although our observational results are more consistent with the soliton theory we favour a combination of both. MHs might be the remnants of initial mirror mode structures which can be described as

  9. Strange baryon resonance production in sqrt s NN=200 GeV p+p and Au+Au collisions. (United States)

    Abelev, B I; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Bai, Y; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A; Bellwied, R; Benedosso, F; Bhardwaj, S; Bhasin, A; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bland, L C; Blyth, S-L; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Bouchet, J; Brandin, A V; Bravar, A; Burton, T P; Bystersky, M; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Castillo, J; Catu, O; Cebra, D; Chajecki, Z; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, J H; Cheng, J; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cosentino, M R; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Dash, S; Daugherity, M; de Moura, M M; Dedovich, T G; DePhillips, M; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Djawotho, P; Dogra, S M; Dong, W J; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Mazumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Edwards, W R; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Fatemi, R; Fedorisin, J; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fine, V; Fisyak, Y; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gaillard, L; Ganti, M S; Gaudichet, L; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Gorbunov, Y G; Gos, H; Grebenyuk, O; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Guimaraes, K S F F; Gupta, N; Gutierrez, T D; Haag, B; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Harris, J W; He, W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Hepplemann, S; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffman, A M; Hoffmann, G W; Horner, M J; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Hughes, E W; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Jakl, P; Jia, F; Jiang, H; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kang, K; Kapitan, J; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kechechyan, A; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kim, B C; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Kislov, E M; Klein, S R; Kocoloski, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kouchpil, V; Kowalik, K L; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; LaPointe, S; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednicky, R; Lee, C-H; Lehocka, S; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Li, Y; Lin, G; Lin, X; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, H; Liu, J; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Love, W A; Lu, Y; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, G L; Ma, J G; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Mangotra, L K; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Millane, J; Miller, M L; Minaev, N G; Mioduszewski, S; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mishra, D K; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Morozov, D A; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nattrass, C; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Netrakanti, P K; Nogach, L V; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Pachr, M; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Poljak, N; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reinnarth, J; Relyea, D; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevskiy, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L; Russcher, M J; Sahoo, R; Sakuma, T; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Sarsour, M; Sazhin, P S; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Selyuzhenkov, I; Seyboth, P; Shabetai, A; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shen, W Q; Shimanskiy, S S; Sichtermann, E; Simon, F; Singaraju, R N; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stadnik, A; Stanislaus, T D S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Sumbera, M; Sun, Z; Surrow, B; Swanger, M; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Tarnowsky, T; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Timmins, A R; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O D; Ulery, J; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Buren, G Van; van der Kolk, N; van Leeuwen, M; Molen, A M Vander; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I M; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Vokal, S; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W T; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, J S; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Westfall, G D; Wetzler, A; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Q H; Xu, Z; Yepes, P; Yoo, I-K; Yurevich, V I; Zhan, W; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z P; Zhao, Y; Zhong, C; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, Y; Zubarev, A N; Zuo, J X


    We report the measurements of Sigma(1385) and Lambda(1520) production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s{NN}]=200 GeV from the STAR Collaboration. The yields and the p(T) spectra are presented and discussed in terms of chemical and thermal freeze-out conditions and compared to model predictions. Thermal and microscopic models do not adequately describe the yields of all the resonances produced in central Au+Au collisions. Our results indicate that there may be a time span between chemical and thermal freeze-out during which elastic hadronic interactions occur.

  10. Surface chemistry of 2-butanol and furfural on Cu, Au and Cu/Au single crystals


    Megginson, Rory


    In this study, the adsorption of 2-butanol and furfural was investigated on Au (111), Cu (111) and Cu/Au (111) surfaces. It was hoped that by studying how these species adsorbed on these surfaces , insight would be provided into the roles of Cu and Au in the “hydrogen free” hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol. This is a valuable process as currently furfuryl alcohol is derived from crude oil but it is possible to derive furfural from corn husk making it a greener process...

  11. Enhanced absorption in Au nanoparticles/a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells exploiting Au surface plasmon resonance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Losurdo, Maria; Giangregorio, Maria M.; Bianco, Giuseppe V.; Sacchetti, Alberto; Capezzuto, Pio; Bruno, Giovanni [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and of Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy)


    Au nanoparticles (NPs)/(n-type)a-Si:H/(p-type)c-Si heterojunctions have been deposited combining plasma-enhanced chemical-vapour deposition (PECVD) with Au sputtering. We demonstrate that a density of {proportional_to}1.3 x 10{sup 11} cm{sup -2} of Au nanoparticles with an approximately 20 nm diameter deposited onto (n-type)a-Si:H/(p-type)c-Si heterojunctions enhance performance exploiting the improved absorption of light by the surface plasmon resonance of Au NPs. In particular, Au NPs/(n-type)a-Si:H/(p-type)c-Si show an enhancement of 20% in the short-circuit current, J{sub SC}, 25% in the power output, P{sub max} and 3% in the fill factor, FF, compared to heterojunctions without Au NPs. Structures have been characterized by spectroscopic ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy and current-voltage (I-V) measurements to correlate the plasmon resonance-induced enhanced absorption of light with photovoltaic performance. (author)

  12. Magnetic properties and microstructure study of high coercivity Au/FePt/Au trilayer thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.K.; Yuan, F.T.; Liao, W.M.; Hsu, C.W.; Horng, Lance


    High-coercivity Au(60 nm)/FePt(δ nm)/Au(60 nm) trilayer samples were prepared by sputtering at room temperature, followed by post annealing at different temperatures. For the sample with δ=60 nm, L1 ordering transformation occurs at 500 deg. C. Coercivity (H c ) is increased with the annealing temperature in the studied range 400-800 deg. C. The H c value of the trilayer films is also varied with thickness of FePt intermediate layer (δ), from 27 kOe for δ=60 nm to a maximum value of 33.5 kOe for δ=20 nm. X-ray diffraction data indicate that the diffusion of Au atoms into the FePt L1 lattice is negligible even after a high-temperature (800 deg. C) annealing process. Furthermore, ordering parameter is almost unchanged as δ is reduced from 60 to 15 nm. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) photos indicate that small FePt Ll particles are dispersed amid the large-grained Au. We believe that the high coercivity of the trilayer sample is attributed to the small and uniform grain sizes of the highly ordered FePt particles which have perfect phase separation with Au matrix

  13. Configuration dependent deformation in 183Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, P.; Kumar, A.; Govil, I.M.; Mukherjee, G.; Singh, R.P.; Muralithar, S.; Bhowmik, R.K.


    The lifetime measurements in 183 Au nucleus were carried in order to probe the deformation properties of the band built on the i 3/2 and h 9/2 configurations. The nucleus of 183 Au was populated using a reaction 28 Si( 159 Tb,4n) 183 Au at a beam energy of 140 MeV. Lifetime measurements were carried out using Recoil Distance Measurements (RDM) method

  14. Variabilité climatique et production maraîchère dans la plaine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cependant, dans les pays au Sud du Sahara, la variabilité climatique représente une grande menace pour la croissance et le développement durable. ... le maraîchage se traduisent entre autres par les inondations, les sécheresses, la baisse des rendements agricoles et le bouleversement du calendrier agricole classique.

  15. Résultats de recherche | Page 144 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Innovation scientifique et technologique au service des groupes à la " base de la pyramide " - Asie du Sud-Est. Quelque quatre milliards d'habitants de la planète vivotent à la base de la pyramide sociale et économique, alors qu'à peine 75 à 100 millions de personnes se trouvent à son sommet. Projet.

  16. IDRC Bulletin CRDI #110

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Appel de cas : Interactions entre les secteurs public et privé visant la ... Étendre la protection de la loi aux populations à risque au Canada et dans le monde ... en Asie du Sud a été brisé grâce à un projet de trois ans financé par le CRDI.

  17. Philippines : tous les projets | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Argentina, South America, Brazil, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Nepal, Far East Asia, Philippines, Uruguay, South Africa, North of Sahara, South of Sahara, ... Le projet Innovation scientifique et technologique au service des groupes à la " base de la pyramide " - Asie du Sud-Est (no 104904) que finançait le CRDI et qui ...

  18. South of Sahara | Page 122 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Enquête sur l'utilisation du téléphone mobile pour le développement des petites et microentreprises au Ghana. Language French. Read more about Eau, santé et adaptation aux changements climatiques en Afrique. Language French. Read more about Programme ...

  19. South of Sahara | Page 48 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Enquête sur l'utilisation du téléphone mobile pour le développement des petites et microentreprises au Ghana. Language French. Read more about Survey on the Use of Mobile Telephone for Micro and Small Business Development in Ghana. Language English.

  20. Production of φ mesons in Au-Au collisions at the AGS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Back, B. B.; Betts, R. R.; Chang, J.; Gillitzer, A.; Henning, W. F.; Hofman, D. J.; Nanal, V.; Seto, R.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Xiang, H.


    The first measurements of φ meson production in Au-Au collisions at AGS energies are presented via the decay to K + K - . A measurement of the centrality dependence of the yield shows an increase similar to that seen for the K - with a spectral shape consistent with a relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution within the statistical errors of the present data set. Future analysis using the full data set with 4 times the statistics will allow a more accurate determination of the yields, slopes and spectral shapes

  1. Highly Stable [C60AuC60]+/- Dumbbells. (United States)

    Goulart, Marcelo; Kuhn, Martin; Martini, Paul; Chen, Lei; Hagelberg, Frank; Kaiser, Alexander; Scheier, Paul; Ellis, Andrew M


    Ionic complexes between gold and C 60 have been observed for the first time. Cations and anions of the type [Au(C 60 ) 2 ] +/- are shown to have particular stability. Calculations suggest that these ions adopt a C 60 -Au-C 60 sandwich-like (dumbbell) structure, which is reminiscent of [XAuX] +/- ions previously observed for much smaller ligands. The [Au(C 60 ) 2 ] +/- ions can be regarded as Au(I) complexes, regardless of whether the net charge is positive or negative, but in both cases, the charge transfer between the Au and C 60 is incomplete, most likely because of a covalent contribution to the Au-C 60 binding. The C 60 -Au-C 60 dumbbell structure represents a new architecture in fullerene chemistry that might be replicable in synthetic nanostructures.

  2. L'hybridation dans les populations naturelles de salmonidés dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Europe et en milieu expérimental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BEALL E.


    Full Text Available L'hybridation interspécifique entre le saumon atlantique et la truite commune dans la nature a été mise en évidence dans différents pays d'Europe et au Canada. Une étude a été entreprise pour examiner son incidence dans des populations de salmonidés de certaines rivières des Asturies (nord de l'Espagne et du sud-ouest de la France. Elle a été complétée par des expériences en milieu contrôlé pour déterminer les causes et les conditions de la disparition des barrières comportementales permettant le maintien de l'isolement reproducteur. Les hypothèses de travail étaient que l'hybridation pouvait être favorisée par le comportement de «sneaker» des tacons mâles précoces et par les repeuplements en juvéniles des deux espèces. Les résultats obtenus confirment que l'hybridation entre la truite et le saumon est un phénomène répandu, qui peut affecter localement des fractions significatives des populations (9,4 % sur la rivière Narcea dans les Asturies. Dans l'aire originelle de distribution des deux espèces, le croisement s'effectue dans le sens femelle saumon x mâle truite. Dans les conditions normales de sympatrie, les barrières d'isolement reproducteur pré-appariement paraissent solides en raison du comportement agressif du mâle conspécifique dominant qui parvient à écarter efficacement les mâles compétiteurs hétérospécifiques. En l'absence de mâle conspécifique, l'hybridation peut avoir lieu. Cependant, les femelles modifient leur comportement, ralentissent leur activité de frai et le succès reproducteur, particulièrement chez la truite, diminue. Par ailleurs, les hypothèses de travail ne sont pas vérifiées. Pour éviter l'hybridation, il est recommandé au gestionnaire de veiller à la qualité et à la quantité des zones de reproduction, de maintenir l'équilibre des populations de géniteurs et de limiter les repeuplements en sujets non autochtones.

  3. Heterojunction metal-oxide-metal Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au single nanowire device for spintronics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reddy, K. M., E-mail:; Punnoose, Alex; Hanna, Charles [Department of Physics, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725 (United States); Padture, Nitin P. [School of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912 (United States)


    In this report, we present the synthesis of heterojunction magnetite nanowires in alumina template and describe magnetic and electrical properties from a single nanowire device for spintronics applications. Heterojunction Au-Fe-Au nanowire arrays were electrodeposited in porous aluminum oxide templates, and an extensive and controlled heat treatment process converted Fe segment to nanocrystalline cubic magnetite phase with well-defined Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} interfaces as confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic measurements revealed Verwey transition shoulder around 120 K and a room temperature coercive field of 90 Oe. Current–voltage (I-V) characteristics of a single Au-Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}-Au nanowire have exhibited Ohmic behavior. Anomalous positive magnetoresistance of about 0.5% is observed on a single nanowire, which is attributed to the high spin polarization in nanowire device with pure Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} phase and nanocontact barrier. This work demonstrates the ability to preserve the pristine Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} and well defined electrode contact metal (Au)–magnetite interface, which helps in attaining high spin polarized current.

  4. Chelles (Seine-et-Marne). 10-18, rue Sainte-Bathilde.


    Paccard, Nathalie


    Après un diagnostic réalisé en 2011, une fouille a été menée durant l’été 2013 sur une emprise de près de 2 000 m2, au sud du centre historique de Chelles. Ce secteur, qui est la zone d’investigation la plus méridionale du bourg médiéval, est encore très mal connu. Il s’agit au xviiie s. d’un espace dévolu au jardin de l’abbaye. La fouille a porté essentiellement sur une aire empierrée, reconnue sur près de 1 000 m2 au sein de l’espace décapé, mais qui se poursuit au-delà des limites d’empris...

  5. L’impact environnemental de l’usine hydroélectrique de Porto Primavera (Brésil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jailton Dias


    Full Text Available L’implantation de l’usine hydroélectrique de Porto Primavera sur le cours du haut Paraná, au Centre-Sud du Brésil, a entraîné de grandes transformations de l’environnement et de l’organisation de l’espace. L’ampleur et la rapidité des modifications se prêtent à un suivi par télédétection. Les images Landsat™ démontrent que la construction du barrage a donné une nouvelle impulsion au développement économique régional.

  6. Excitation functions for 197Au (d, p)198Au, 197Au(d, 2n)197mHg, 197Au(d, 2n)197Hg and 197Au(d, p2n)196Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long Xianguan; Peng Xiufeng; He Fuqing


    By using activation method and stack-foil technique, the excitation functions for d + 197 Au reaction in 6.6-13.1 MeV energy range are measured. The measured values are compared with previous results and theoretical calculations

  7. Correlated Production of Protons and Antiprotons in Au + Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Correlations between p and (anti p) at transverse momenta typical of enhanced baryon production in Au + Au collisions are reported. The PHENIX experiment has measured same and opposite sign baryon pairs in Au + Au collisions at √(ovr S NN ) = 200 GeV. Correlated production of proton and (anti p) with the trigger particle from the range 2.5 T T T range rises with increasing centrality, except for the most central collisions, where baryons show a significantly smaller number of associated mesons. These data are consistent with a picture in which hard scattered partons produce correlated p and (anti p) in the p T region of the baryon excess.

  8. Le chantier médiéval dans le Sud-Est de la France: regard sur les techniques de construction et l’organisation du chantier à partir de quelques exemples (XIe-XIVe siècles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esquieu, Yves


    Full Text Available The present article illustrates several aspects of the archaeological research on mediaeval construction in south-eastern France (11th-14th cent. by studies in building archaeology led by the authors in various architectural and scientific contexts. It focuses on questions such as the know-how and its transfer, changes in the architectural project, the organization of the building process and its techniques and strategies, by analyzing the masonry and structure of the edifice and, in the case of the pope’s palace in Avignon, by combined research on the architecture and the written sources.Le présent article illustre différents aspects de la recherche sur la construction du XIe au XIVe siècle dans le Sud-Est de la France à l’exemple d’études monumentales menées par ses deux auteurs dans différents contextes architecturaux et scientifiques. Il aborde les questions du savoir-faire et de sa transmission, des changements de projet, et l’organisation du chantier, à partir des indices de la lecture des élévations et, dans le cas de la construction du palais des papes d’Avignon, de l’étude conjointe des sources écrites.

  9. Ethanol Sensing Properties of Au-functionalized NiO Nanoparticles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sunghoon; Kheel, Hyejoon; Sun, Gun-Joo; Hyun, Soong Keun; Park, Sang Eon; Lee, Chongmu


    Pristine and Au-functionalized nickel oxide (NiO) nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple solvo thermal route and the ethanol sensing properties of multiple-networked Au-doped and undoped NiO nanoparticle sensors were examined. The pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensor showed responses of 442 and 273%, respectively, to 1000 ppm of ethanol at 325 .deg. C. The Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensor showed faster response than the pristine NiO counterpart, whereas the recovery time of the former was similar to that of the latter. The optimal operating temperature of the pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticles was 325 and 350 .deg. C, respectively, by Au-doping. Both the pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensors showed selectivity for ethanol gas over methanol, acetone, benzene, and toluene gases. The underlying mechanism of the enhanced sensing performance of the Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticles toward ethanol might be due to modulation of the depletion layer formed around Au particles and the Schottky barriers formed at the Au-NiO junction accompanying ethanol adsorption and desorption, the spill-over effect and high catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles and the smaller diameter of the particles in the Au-functionalized NiO sensor.

  10. Ethanol Sensing Properties of Au-functionalized NiO Nanoparticles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sunghoon; Kheel, Hyejoon; Sun, Gun-Joo; Hyun, Soong Keun; Park, Sang Eon; Lee, Chongmu [Inha University, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Pristine and Au-functionalized nickel oxide (NiO) nanoparticles were synthesized via a simple solvo thermal route and the ethanol sensing properties of multiple-networked Au-doped and undoped NiO nanoparticle sensors were examined. The pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensor showed responses of 442 and 273%, respectively, to 1000 ppm of ethanol at 325 .deg. C. The Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensor showed faster response than the pristine NiO counterpart, whereas the recovery time of the former was similar to that of the latter. The optimal operating temperature of the pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticles was 325 and 350 .deg. C, respectively, by Au-doping. Both the pristine and Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticle sensors showed selectivity for ethanol gas over methanol, acetone, benzene, and toluene gases. The underlying mechanism of the enhanced sensing performance of the Au-functionalized NiO nanoparticles toward ethanol might be due to modulation of the depletion layer formed around Au particles and the Schottky barriers formed at the Au-NiO junction accompanying ethanol adsorption and desorption, the spill-over effect and high catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles and the smaller diameter of the particles in the Au-functionalized NiO sensor.

  11. Facile Synthesis of Quasi-One-Dimensional Au/PtAu Heterojunction Nanotubes and Their Application as Catalysts in an Oxygen-Reduction Reaction. (United States)

    Cai, Kai; Liu, Jiawei; Zhang, Huan; Huang, Zhao; Lu, Zhicheng; Foda, Mohamed F; Li, Tingting; Han, Heyou


    An intermediate-template-directed method has been developed for the synthesis of quasi-one-dimensional Au/PtAu heterojunction nanotubes by the heterogeneous nucleation and growth of Au on Te/Pt core-shell nanostructures in aqueous solution. The synthesized porous Au/PtAu bimetallic nanotubes (PABNTs) consist of porous tubular framework and attached Au nanoparticles (AuNPs). The reaction intermediates played an important role in the preparation, which fabricated the framework and provided a localized reducing agent for the reduction of the Au and Pt precursors. The Pt7 Au PABNTs showed higher electrocatalytic activity and durability in the oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) in 0.1 M HClO4 than porous Pt nanotubes (PtNTs) and commercially available Pt/C. The mass activity of PABNTs was 218 % that of commercial Pt/C after an accelerated durability test. This study demonstrates the potential of PABNTs as highly efficient electrocatalysts. In addition, this method provides a facile strategy for the synthesis of desirable hetero-nanostructures with controlled size and shape by utilizing an intermediate template. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Identified hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au collisions at sNN=62.4 GeV (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. Van; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.


    Transverse momentum spectra of pions, kaons, protons, and antiprotons from Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62.4 GeV have been measured by the PHOBOS experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The identification of particles relies on three different methods: low momentum particles stopping in the first detector layers; the specific energy loss (dE/dx) in the silicon spectrometer, and time-of-flight measurement. These methods cover the transverse momentum ranges 0.03 0.2, 0.2 1.0, and 0.5 3.0 GeV/c, respectively. Baryons are found to have substantially harder transverse momentum spectra than mesons. The pT region in which the proton to pion ratio reaches unity in central Au+Au collisions at sNN = 62.4 GeV fits into a smooth trend as a function of collision energy. At low transverse mass, the spectra of various species exhibit a significant deviation from transverse mass scaling. The observed particle yields at very low pT are comparable to extrapolations from higher pT for kaons, protons and antiprotons. By comparing our results to Au+Au collisions at sNN = 200 GeV, we conclude that the net proton yield at midrapidity is proportional to the number of participant nucleons in the collision.

  13. Electrical investigation of the Au/n+–GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saghrouni, H.; Hannachi, R.; Jomni, S.; Beji, L.


    The electrical properties of Au/n + –GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs metal–semiconductor structures were investigated using room temperature current–voltage I(V) and capacitance–voltage C(V) measurements. The electrical parameters of these structures such as ideality factor, barrier height potential, series resistance have been calculated. The obtained parameters of Au/n-porous GaAs structure were discussed and compared to those of Au/n + –GaAs structure. The series resistances and ideality factors of the two structures were seen to have approximately the same values. Furthermore, the shunt resistance and the barrier height potential values for the Au/n-porous GaAs structure were found to be different than the ones of Au/n + –GaAs structure. Furthermore the two structures showed a non-ideal I(V) behavior with an ideality factor greater than unity. Such non ideal behavior was suggested to be due to the existence of high density of trap and the forward I(V) characteristics which were governed by space charge limited conductivity, characterized by single and exponential trapping levels in both structures (SCLC). A model based upon TFE tunneling of carriers at reverse current was used to explain the non-saturation of reverse current of the structures. The high frequency C(V) characteristics of the structure reveal the presence of an anomalous behavior at the forward bias. Though the capacitance reaches a peak, it remarkably decreases with an increasing bias voltage suggested by the presence of interface states. Furthermore, the energy distribution of interface density in the structures was determined by the forward bias C(V) measurement as well as using ideality factor and barrier height potential values obtained from forward bias I(V) and reverse bias C −2 (V) characteristics, respectively. An estimated energy band diagram for the Au/n + –GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs structures are presented

  14. Pondération de la base juridique du droit au logement au Zimbabwe ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2016 ... La criminalité et la pauvreté au Ghana urbain. La manière dont la criminalité et la pauvreté interagissent a été étudiée et débattue dans la littérature de recherche occidentale, mais on sait pe. Voir davantageLa criminalité et la pauvreté au Ghana urbain ...

  15. CO oxidation on Alsbnd Au nano-composite systems (United States)

    Rajesh, C.; Majumder, C.


    Using first principles method we report the CO oxidation behaviour of Alsbnd Au nano-composites in three different size ranges: Al6Au8, Al13Au42 and a periodic slab of Alsbnd Au(1 1 1) surface. The clusters prefer enclosed structures with alternating arrangement of Al and Au atoms, maximising Auδ-sbnd Alδ+ bonds. Charge distribution analysis suggests the charge transfer from Al to Au atoms, corroborated by the red shift in the density of states spectrum. Further, CO oxidation on these nano-composite systems was investigated through both Eley - Rideal and Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism. While, these clusters interact with O2 non-dissociatively with an elongation of the Osbnd O bond, further interaction with CO led to formation of CO2 spontaneously. On contrary, the CO2 evolution by co-adsorption of O2 and CO molecules has a transition state barrier. On the basis of the results it is inferred that nano-composite material of Alsbnd Au shows significant promise toward effective oxidative catalysis.

  16. Magnetic order of Au nanoparticle with clean surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Ryuju; Ishikawa, Soichiro; Sato, Hiroyuki; Sato, Tetsuya, E-mail:


    Au nanoparticles, which are kept in vacuum after the preparation by gas evaporation method, show ferromagnetism even in 1.7 nm in diameter. The intrinsic magnetism is examined by detecting the disappearance of spontaneous magnetization in Au bulk prepared by heating the nanoparticles without exposure to the air. The temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization is not monotonic and the increase in magnetization is observed after Au nanoparticles are exposed to the air. The magnetic behavior can be interpreted by the ferrimagnetic-like core–shell structure with shell thickness of 0.16±0.01 nm and magnetic moment of (1.5±0.1)×10{sup −2} μ{sub B}/Au atom, respectively. - Highlights: • Au nanoparticles with clean surface were prepared by the gas evaporation method. • The spontaneous magnetization was observed in Au nanoparticles. • Temperature dependent spontaneous magnetization of smaller Au particles was not monotonic. • The magnetic behavior was interpreted by the ferrimagnetic-like core–shell model. • The shell thickness and the magnetic moment per Au atom were estimated.

  17. Electronic and photovoltaic properties of Au/pyronine G(Y)/p-GaAs/Au:Zn heterojunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soliman, H.S.; Farag, A.A.M.; Khosifan, N.M.; Solami, T.S.


    Highlights: ► The electrical and photovoltaic properties of thermally evaporated pyronine PYR(G) films on GaAs single crystal have been investigated. ► The photovoltaic properties of Au/PYR/GaAs/Au:Zn were investigated under illumination (20 mW/cm 2 ) through the finger mesh gold electrode. - Abstract: The electrical and photovoltaic properties of thermally vacuum deposited pyronine G(Y), PYR(G), thin films on GaAs single crystal were investigated. The current–voltage (I–V) characteristic of Au/PYR(G)/GaAs/Au:Zn heterojunction diode under dark condition was measured at different temperatures in the range 298–373 K. The device exhibits a rectifying property. The current in the prepared heterojunction was found to obey the thermionic emission model assisted by tunneling in the voltage range (0 s , shunt resistance, R sh , ideality factor, n, and the barrier height, Φ b . The variation of 1/C 2 with voltage shows a straight line at high frequency that indicates the formation of barrier between PYR(G) and GaAs and the potential barrier height is found to be 0.82 eV at room temperature (298 K). The photovoltaic properties of Au/PYR(G)/GaAs/Au:Zn heterojunction were investigated under illumination by using light intensity of 20 mW/cm 2 through the finger mesh gold electrode. The short circuit current (I sc ), open circuit voltages (V oc ), fill factor (FF) and the power conversion efficiency (η) of the device were evaluated from the I–V characteristics under illumination.

  18. In-situ STM study of phosphate adsorption on Cu(111), Au(111) and Cu/Au(111) electrodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schlaup, Christian; Horch, Sebastian


    The interaction of Cu(111), Au(111) and Cu-covered Au(111) electrodes with a neutral phosphate buffer solution has been studied by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM). Under low potential conditions, both the Cu(111) and the Au(111......) surface appear apparently adsorbate free, indicated by the presence of a (4×4) structure and the herringbone surface reconstruction, respectively. Upon potential increase, phosphate anions adsorb on both surfaces and for Cu(111) the formation of a (√3×√3)R30° structure is found, whereas on Au(111) a "(√3......×√7)" structure is formed. For a Cu-submonolayer on Au(111), coadsorption of phosphate anions leads to the formation of a (2×2) vacancy structure within an assumed pseudomorphic structure of the Cu-submonolayer with the phosphate anions occupying the vacancies. When desorbing the phosphate anions at low...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Koshan


    Full Text Available In August, 2011, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights released its decision in Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales v United States, a case concerning states’ obligations to use due diligence in responding to domestic violence. The IACHR found that the United States had breached several articles of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man for failing to protect Lenahan and her children from domestic violence, and made wide-reaching recommendations at both the individual and systemic level. This comment will discuss the IACHR decision in Lenahan and analyze its implications for Canada’s compliance with its international obligations towards domestic violence in the judicial, legislative and policy spheres. Focusing on the concept of access to justice as articulated by the IACHR, the analysis will show that Canada may be in violation of its obligations for failing to provide access to justice in the context of domestic violence, and otherwise in violation of its due diligence obligations under international law. En août 2011, la Commission interaméricaine des droits de l’homme [CIDH] rendait sa décision dans l’affaire Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales c. les États-Unis, cas ayant trait à l’obligation des États de faire preuve d’une diligence raisonnable dans ses interventions en matière de violence familiale. La CIDH a conclu que les États-Unis avaient contrevenu à plusieurs articles de la Déclaration américaine des droits et devoirs de l’homme, étant donné qu’ils n’avaient pas protégé Mme Lenahan et ses enfants contre des actes de violence familiale. Elle a formulé des recommandations d’une grande portée tant au plan individuel que systémique. Le présent commentaire porte sur la décision de la CIDH dans l’affaire Lenahan et présente une analyse des répercussions de cette décision en ce qui concerne le respect par le Canada de ses obligations internationales à l’égard de la violence familiale

  20. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Combined with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Elucidates Differential Substitution Pathways of Au(I) and Au(III) with Zinc Fingers. (United States)

    Abbehausen, Camilla; de Paiva, Raphael Enoque Ferraz; Bjornsson, Ragnar; Gomes, Saulo Quintana; Du, Zhifeng; Corbi, Pedro Paulo; Lima, Frederico Alves; Farrell, Nicholas


    A combination of two elements' (Au, Zn) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) allowed the elucidation of differential substitution pathways of Au(I) and Au(III) compounds reacting with biologically relevant zinc fingers (ZnFs). Gold L 3 -edge XAS probed the interaction of gold and the C-terminal Cys 2 HisCys finger of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein NCp7, and the Cys 2 His 2 human transcription factor Sp1. The use of model compounds helped assign oxidation states and the identity of the gold-bound ligands. The computational studies accurately reproduced the experimental XAS spectra and allowed the proposition of structural models for the interaction products at early time points. The direct electrophilic attack on the ZnF by the highly thiophilic Au(I) resulted in a linear P-Au-Cys coordination sphere after zinc ejection whereas for the Sp1, loss of PEt 3 results in linear Cys-Au-Cys or Cys-Au-His arrangements. Reactions with Au(III) compounds, on the other hand, showed multiple binding modes. Prompt reaction between [AuCl(dien)] 2+ and [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ with Sp1 showed a partially reduced Au center and a final linear His-Au-His coordination. Differently, in the presence of NCp7, [AuCl(dien)] 2+ readily reduces to Au(I) and changes from square-planar to linear geometry with Cys-Au-His coordination, while [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ initially maintains its Au(III) oxidation state and square-planar geometry and the same first coordination sphere. The latter is the first observation of a "noncovalent" interaction of a Au(III) complex with a zinc finger and confirms early hypotheses that stabilization of Au(III) occurs with N-donor ligands. Modification of the zinc coordination sphere, suggesting full or partial zinc ejection, is observed in all cases, and for [Au(dien)(DMAP)] 3+ this represents a novel mechanism for nucleocapsid inactivation. The combination of XAS and TD-DFT presents the first direct experimental

  1. Dépendance économique aux produits forestiers non ligneux : cas des ménages riverains des forêts de Boulon et de Koflandé au Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mathieu Ouédraogo


    Full Text Available Dépendance économique aux produits forestiers non ligneux : cas des ménages riverains des forêts de Boulon et de Koflandé au Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso Résumé Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la dépendance économique des ménages riverains des forêts de Boulon et de Koflandé aux produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL et d’identifier les déterminants de cette dépendance. Des enquêtes ont été menées auprès de 583 ménages de 14 villages riverains de ces forêts. Les résultats montrent que le revenu moyen annuel par ménage est de 846 800 F CFA avec une contribution de 60% du revenu des cultures et 12% du revenu d’élevage. Les PFNL procurent en moyenne 72 479 F CFA par ménage et par an à près de 93% des ménages enquêtés. La dépendance économique des ménages aux PFNL est estimée à 12%. Elle diminue avec le revenu, traduisant une plus grande dépendance des ménages pauvres des PFNL. Par ailleurs, les hommes sont économiquement moins dépendants des PFNL que les femmes. Les principaux déterminants de la dépendance aux PFNL sont le statut d’autochtone, la taille du ménage, la superficie forestière et la densité de population du département qui affectent positivement la dépendance aux PFNL. Dans le cadre d’une politique de réduction de la pauvreté en milieu rural, il faut prendre des mesures qui favorisent l’accès durable des ménages les plus pauvres aux ressources forestières. Mots clés : Produits forestiers non ligneux, dépendance économique, modélisation économétrique, Burkina Faso.   Economic dependence on non-timber forest products: case of households living near the Forests of Boulon and Koflande, in the south-western of Burkina Faso Abstract This study aims at assessing the household economic dependence on non-timber forest products (NTFPs in Boulon and Koflande Forest area and the main determinants of that dependence. The data have been collected with a sample of 583

  2. Evidence of significant covalent bonding in Au(CN)(2)(-). (United States)

    Wang, Xue-Bin; Wang, Yi-Lei; Yang, Jie; Xing, Xiao-Peng; Li, Jun; Wang, Lai-Sheng


    The Au(CN)(2)(-) ion is the most stable Au compound known for centuries, yet a detailed understanding of its chemical bonding is still lacking. Here we report direct experimental evidence of significant covalent bonding character in the Au-C bonds in Au(CN)(2)(-) using photoelectron spectroscopy and comparisons with its lighter congeners, Ag(CN)(2)(-) and Cu(CN)(2)(-). Vibrational progressions in the Au-C stretching mode were observed for all detachment transitions for Au(CN)(2)(-), in contrast to the atomic-like transitions for Cu(CN)(2)(-), revealing the Au-C covalent bonding character. In addition, rich electronic structural information was obtained for Au(CN)(2)(-) by employing 118 nm detachment photons. Density functional theory and high-level ab initio calculations were carried out to understand the photoelectron spectra and obtain insight into the nature of the chemical bonding in the M(CN)(2)(-) complexes. Significant covalent character in the Au-C bonding due to the strong relativistic effects was revealed in Au(CN)(2)(-), consistent with its high stability.

  3. Parton interactions and two particle transverse momentum correlations in Au + Au collisions at √SNN=130 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Qingjun; Guo Liqun; Piao Xingliang


    Partonic effects on two-particle transverse momentum correlations are studied for Au + Au collisions at √S NN =130 GeV in the Monte Carlo model, AMPT. This study demonstrates that in these collisions partonic interactions contribute significantly to the correlations. Additionally, model calculations are compared with data of the two-particle transverse momentum correlations measured by the STAR Collaboration at RHIC, and it is found that AMPT with string melting can well reproduce the measured centrality dependence of the two-particle transverse momentum correlations in Au + Au collisions at √S NN =130 GeV. (authors)

  4. Fatores familiares e desempenho escolar: uma abordagem multidimensional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Teresa Gonzaga Alves


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, on présente les conclusions d'une enquête sur l'influence des conditions et des dynamiques familiales sur les résultats scolaires d'élèves de l'enseignement fondamental (entre 6 et 14 ans public et privé à Belo Horizonte. Les données proviennent d'un sondage sur 299 familles et de tests de compétence réalisés par le Projet Geres. On a construit des facteurs se référant aux variables familiales et ajusté divers modèles de régression linéaire multiple, à partir d'un modèle de base dans lequel la variable réponse est la connaissance du portugais, ayant comme variables-contrôle le niveau socioéconomique des familles et le type d'école. La plupart des facteurs, de façon isolée, s'est montrée positivement associée aux performances scolaires. Les variables de contrôle et les facteurs associés au capital culturel des familles ont prévalu quand tous ont été analysés simultanément. On souligne l'effet du type d'école sur les compétences scolaires, ce qui confirme l'aspect pervers des inégalités internes du système d'éducation brésilien.

  5. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effets des formes d'uree et le schema de repiquage sur le rendement et la rentabilite du riz en culture irriguee dans la valee de zio au Sud Togo Abstract · Vol 19, No 2 (2017): Special Issue - Articles Gestion efficiente des nutriments en riziculture irriguee dans la vallee de Zio avec differentes formes d'engrais mineraux

  6. Caractérisation physico-chimique d'un système lotique en région ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 mai 2017 ... région tropicale : la rivière Sô au Sud-Bénin, Afrique de l'Ouest. ... la mise en place d'un plan de gestion durable de la rivière et son bassin ...... système qui contrôle et traite les eaux usées avant leur ... Étude dynamique des.

  7. Inondations, sécheresses et agriculture dans les plaines de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La Pampa argentine et le Chaco paraguayen comptent parmi les plus grands fournisseurs mondiaux de grains en Amérique du Sud. L'expansion rapide des cultures au détriment des pâturages (Pampa) et des forêts (Chaco) ainsi que les changements climatiques et la topographie extrêmement plate font en sorte que ces ...

  8. Distribution des Glossines vecteurs de la Trypanosomose humaine ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    28 févr. 2015 ... RESUME. Objectifs : Dans le but de connaitre la densité apparente et la composition spécifique des glossines dans un ancien foyer de la Trypanosome humaine africaine au Gabon, une enquête entomologique a été menée dans deux biotopes du Parc National de Moukalaba Doudou (Sud Gabon) : le ...

  9. South of Sahara | Page 105 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Droit des femmes à l'eau à usage agricole au Sahel (Mauritanie, Niger, Sénégal). Language French. Read more about Women's Right to Water for Agricultural Use in the Sahel (Mauritanie, Niger, Sénégal). Language English. Read more about Because Gender Matters ...

  10. South of Sahara | Page 105 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Étude de la dynamique de la pauvreté et de la dégradation des sols au Sahel, en Afrique de l'Ouest. Language French. Read more about Dynamics of Poverty and Land Degradation in the Sahel (West Africa). Language English. Read more about Passage à grande ...

  11. South of Sahara | Page 75 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Suivre et contrer la circulation de l'information erronée dans le delta du fleuve Tana, au Kenya. Language French. Read more about Mapping and Countering the Flow of Misinformation in the Tana Delta of Kenya. Language English. Read more about TanZamBo Capacity ...

  12. South of Sahara | Page 30 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    South of Sahara. Sud du Sahara. Read more about Infection aiguë et précoce par le VIH-1 chez les femmes durant la grossesse et la période post-partum en Tanzanie, en Zambie et au Botswana. Language French. Read more about Acute and Early HIV1 Infection in Childbearing Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum ...

  13. Synthesis and crystal structure of a new Cu3Au-type ternary phase in the Au-In-Pd system: distribution of atoms over crystallographic positions. (United States)

    Ptashkina, Evgeniya A; Kabanova, Elizaveta G; Tursina, Anna I; Yatsenko, Alexandr V; Kuznetsov, Victor N


    A new Cu 3 Au-type ternary phase (τ phase) is found in the AuPd-rich part of the Au-In-Pd system. It has a broad homogeneity range based on extensive (Pd,Au) and (In,Au) replacement, with the composition varying between Au 17.7 In 25.3 Pd 57.0 and Au 50.8 In 16.2 Pd 33.0 . The occupancies of the crystallographic positions were studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction for three samples of different composition. The sites with m-3m symmetry are occupied by atoms with a smaller scattering power than the atoms located on 4/mmm sites. Two extreme structure models were refined. Within the first, the occupation type changes from (Au,In,Pd) 3 (Pd,In) to (Au,Pd) 3 (In,Pd,Au) with an increase in the Au gross content. For the second model, the occupation type (Au,In,Pd) 3 (Pd,Au) remains essentially unchanged for all Au concentrations. Although the diffraction data do not allow the choice of one of these models, the latter model, where Au substitutes In on 4/mmm sites, seems to be preferable, since it agrees with the fact that the homogeneity range of the τ phase is inclined to the Au corner and provides the same occupation type for all the studied samples of different compositions.

  14. Interplanetary shock phenomena beyond 1 AU

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, E.J.


    Attention is given to spatial dependences exhibited by spacecraft measurements obtained between 1 and 30 AU, together with temporal variations occurring between solar activity cycle maxima and minima. At 1-3 AU radial distances, shocks develop in association with the corotating solar wind streams characterizing solar minimum and accelerate solar wind evolution with distance while heating the solar wind and generating waves and turbulence. At solar maximum, shocks are observed more frequently at 1 AU but still in association with transient solar events; acceleration leading to energetic storm particles is observed both within and beyond 1 AU. The superimposed effect of large numbers of intense shocks may be responsible for the solar cycle modulation of galactic cosmic rays. 77 references

  15. Conductive Au nanowires regulated by silk fibroin nanofibers (United States)

    Dong, Bo-Ju; Lu, Qiang


    Conductive Au-biopolymer composites have promising applications in tissue engineering such as nerve tissue regeneration. In this study, silk fibroin nanofibers were formed in aqueous solution by regulating silk self-assembly process and then used as template for Au nanowire fabrication. We performed the synthesis of Au seeds by repeating the seeding cycles for several times in order to increase the density of Au seeds on the nanofibers. After electroless plating, densely decorated Au seeds grew into irregularly shaped particles following silk nanofiber to fill the gaps between particles and finally form uniform continuous nanowires. The conductive property of the Au-silk fibroin nanowires was studied with current-voltage ( I-V) measurement. A typical ohmic behavior was observed, which highlighted their potential applications in nerve tissue regeneration.

  16. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction (United States)

    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611} high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H2PtCl6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells.

  17. Synthesis of Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with concave Au nanocuboids as seeds and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties in the ethanol oxidation reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Lingyu; Li, Lidong; Peng, Yi; Guo, Lin


    Herein, a new type of uniform and well-structured Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) with highly active concave Au nanocuboids (NCs) as seeds was successfully synthesized by using the classic seed-mediated method. Electrochemical measurements were conducted to demonstrate their greatly enhanced catalytic performance in the ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). It was found that the electrochemical performance for Au@Pt BNPs with the concave Au NCs as seeds, which were enclosed by {611}high-index facets, could be seven times higher than that of the Au@Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with regular spherical Au NPs as seeds. Furthermore, our findings show that the morphology and electrocatalytic activity of the Au@Pt BNPs can be tuned simply by changing the compositional ratios of the growth solution. The lower the amount of H_2PtCl_6 used in the growth solution, the thinner the Pt shell grew, and the more high-index facets of concave Au NCs seeds were exposed in Au@Pt BNPs, leading to higher electrochemical activity. These as-prepared concave Au@Pt BNPs will open up new strategies for improving catalytic efficiency and reducing the use of the expensive and scarce resource of platinum in the ethanol oxidation reaction, and are potentially applicable as electrochemical catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells. (paper)

  18. Azimuthal di-hadron correlations in d plus Au and Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV measured at the STAR detector

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Aggarwal, M. M.; Ahammed, Z.; Alakhverdyants, A. V.; Alekseev, I.; Alford, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G. S.; Balewski, J.; Barnby, L. S.; Baumgart, S.; Beavis, D.R.; Bellwied, R.; Betancourt, M.J.; Betts, R. R.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A.K.; Bichsel, H.; Bielčík, Jaroslav; Bielčíková, Jana; Biritz, B.; Bland, L.C.; Bonner, B.E.; Bouchet, J.; Braidot, E.; Brandin, A.V.; Bridgeman, A.; Bruna, E.; Bueltmann, S.; Bunzarov, I.; Burton, T. P.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Sanchez, M.C.D.; Catu, O.; Cebra, D.; Cendejas, R.; Cervantes, M.C.; Chajecki, Z.; Chaloupka, Petr; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, J.H.; Chen, J.Y.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Choi, K.E.; Christie, W.; Chung, P.; Clarke, R.F.; Codrington, M.J.M.; Corliss, R.; Cramer, J. G.; Crawford, H. J.; Das, D.; Dash, S.; Leyva, A.D.; De Silva, L.C.; Debbe, R.R.; Dedovich, T. G.; Derevschikov, A.A.; de Souza, R.D.; Didenko, L.; Djawotho, P.; Dogra, S.M.; Dong, X.; Drachenberg, J.L.; Draper, J. E.; Dunlop, J.C.; Mazumdar, M.R.D.; Efimov, L.G.; Elhalhuli, E.; Elnimr, M.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Eun, L.; Evdokimov, O.; Fachini, P.; Fatemi, R.; Fedorisin, J.; Fersch, R.G.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fine, V.; Fisyak, Y.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Gangaharan, D.R.; Ganti, M. S.; Garcia-Solis, E.J.; Geromitsos, A.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gorbunov, Y.N.; Gordon, A.; Grebenyuk, O.; Grosnick, D.; Guertin, S.M.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, N.; Guryn, W.; Haag, B.; Hamed, A.; Han, L.X.; Harris, J.W.; Hays-Wehle, J.P.; Heinz, M.; Heppelmann, S.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, A.M.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Hofman, D.J.; Horner, M.J.; Huang, B.; Huang, H.Z.; Humanic, T.J.; Huo, L.; Igo, G.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Jena, C.; Jin, F.; Jones, C.L.; Jones, P.G.; Joseph, J.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kajimoto, K.; Kang, K.; Kapitán, Jan; Kauder, K.; Keane, D.; Kechechyan, A.; Kettler, D.; Kikola, D.P.; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Klein, S.R.; Knospe, A.G.; Kocoloski, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Konzer, J.; Koralt, I.; Koroleva, L.; Korsch, W.; Kotchenda, L.; Kushpil, Vasilij; Kravtsov, P.; Krueger, K.; Krus, M.; Kumar, L.; Kurnadi, P.; Lamont, M.A.C.; Landgraf, J.M.; LaPointe, S. (ed.); Lauret, J.; Lebedev, A.; Lednický, Richard; Lee, Ch.; Lee, J.H.; Leight, W.; LeVine, M.J.; Li, C.; Li, L.; Li, N.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.M.; Lin, G.; Lindenbaum, S.J.; Lisa, M.A.; Liu, F.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Ljubicic, T.; Llope, W.J.; Longacre, R.S.; Love, W.A.; Lu, Y.; Luo, X.; Ma, G.L.; Ma, Y.G.; Mahapatra, D. P.; Majka, R.; Mall, O.I.; Mangotra, L.K.; Manweiler, R.; Margetis, S.; Markert, C.; Masui, H.; Matis, H.S.; Matulenko, Yu.A.; McDonald, D.; McShane, T.S.; Meschanin, A.; Milner, R.; Minaev, N.G.; Mioduszewski, S.; Mischke, A.; Mitrovski, M.K.; Mohanty, B.; Mondal, M.M.; Morozov, B.; Morozov, D.A.; Munhoz, M. G.; Nandi, B.K.; Nattrass, C.; Nayak, T. K.; Nelson, J.M.; Netrakanti, P.K.; Ng, M.J.; Nogach, L.V.; Nurushev, S.B.; Odyniec, G.; Ogawa, A.; Okorokov, V.; Oldag, E.W.; Olson, D.; Pachr, M.; Page, B.S.; Pal, S.K.; Pandit, Y.; Panebratsev, Yu.; Pawlak, T.; Peitzmann, T.; Perevoztchikov, V.; Perkins, C.; Peryt, W.; Phatak, S.C.; Pile, P.; Planinic, M.; Ploskon, M.A.; Pluta, J.; Plyku, D.; Poljak, N.; Poskanzer, A.M.; Potukuchi, B.V.K.S.; Powell, C.B.; Prindle, D.; Pruneau, C.; Pruthi, N.K.; Pujahari, P.R.; Putschke, J.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Ray, R.L.; Redwine, R.; Reed, R.; Ritter, H.G.; Roberts, J.B.; Rogachevskiy, O.V.; Romero, J.L.; Rose, A.; Roy, C.; Ruan, L.; Sahoo, R.; Sakai, S.; Sakrejda, I.; Sakuma, T.; Salur, S.; Sandweiss, J.; Sangaline, E.; Schambach, J.; Scharenberg, R.P.; Schmitz, N.; Schuster, T.R.; Seele, J.; Seger, J.; Selyuzhenkov, I.; Seyboth, P.; Shahaliev, E.; Shao, M.; Sharma, M.; Shi, S.S.; Sichtermann, E.P.; Simon, F.; Singaraju, R.N.; Skoby, M.J.; Smirnov, N.; Sorensen, P.; Sowinski, J.; Spinka, H.M.; Srivastava, B.; Stanislaus, T.D.S.; Staszak, D.; Stevens, J.R.; Stock, R.; Strikhanov, M.; Stringfellow, B.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Suarez, M.C.; Subba, N.L.; Šumbera, Michal; Sun, X.M.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Z.; Surrow, B.; Svirida, D.N.; Symons, T.J.M.; de Toledo, A. S.; Takahashi, J.; Tang, A.H.; Tang, Z.; Tarini, L.H.; Tarnowsky, T.; Thein, D.; Thomas, J.H.; Tian, J.; Timmins, A.R.; Timoshenko, S.; Tlustý, David; Tokarev, M. V.; Trainor, T.A.; Tram, V.N.; Trentalange, S.; Tribble, R. E.; Tsai, O.D.; Ulery, J.; Ullrich, T.; Underwood, D.G.; Van Buren, G.; van Leeuwen, M.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G.; Vanfossen, J.A.; Varma, R.; Vasconcelos, G.M.S.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Videbaek, F.; Viyogi, Y. P.; Vokal, S.; Voloshin, S.A.; Wada, M.; Walker, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.S.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.L.; Wang, Y.; Webb, G.; Westfall, G.D.; Whitten, C.; Wieman, H.; Wissink, S.W.; Witt, R.; Wu, Y.F.; Xie, W.; Xu, N.; Xu, Q.H.; Xu, W.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Xue, L.; Yang, Y.; Yepes, P.; Yip, K.; Yoo, I.K.; Yue, Q.; Zawisza, M.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zhan, W.; Zhang, J.B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W.M.; Zhang, X.P.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.P.; Zhao, J.; Zhong, C.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, Y.H.; Zoulkarneev, R.; Zoulkarneeva, Y.


    Roč. 82, č. 2 (2010), 024912/1-024912/14 ISSN 0556-2813 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505; CEZ:AV0Z10100502 Keywords : AU+AU COLLISIONS * RADIATION * PLASMA Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 3.416, year: 2010

  19. AU-EU “Strategic Partnership”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodt, Annemarie Peen; Okeke, Jide


    This article appraises strategic partnership between the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU). It examines the context and nature of AU and EU security relations and explores the conditions under which partnership has a positive impact in this regard. This includes an evaluation...... of convergence between the two organizations and its effect or lack thereof on African security. The article concludes that events leading up to and initiatives following the 2007 Joint Africa–European Union Strategy have produced a degree of AU and EU convergence, which has had limited impact on the efficacy...... of the African security regime, the level of which remains mediocre at best....

  20. L'Amérique du Sud ou l'émergence d'un nouveau théâtre des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    24 juin 2015 ... division du travail, ou encore les politiques restrictives au Nord. En Europe .... de recruter des candidats. Ceux-là œuvrent ..... stratégie d'inclusion au marché international, au moment où les dictatures s'effacent pour laisser la ...

  1. Amperometric Immunosensor for Carbofuran Detection Based on MWCNTs/GS-PEI-Au and AuNPs-Antibody Conjugate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiangyou Wang


    Full Text Available In this paper, an amperometric immunosensor for the detection of carbofuran was developed. Firstly, multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs and graphene sheets-ethyleneimine polymer-Au (GS-PEI-Au nanocomposites were modified onto the surface of a glass carbon electrode (GCE via self-assembly. The nanocomposites can increase the surface area of the GCE to capture a large amount of antibody, as well as produce a synergistic effect in the electrochemical performance. Then the modified electrode was coated with gold nanoparticles-antibody conjugate (AuNPs-Ab and blocked with BSA. The monoclonal antibody against carbofuran was covalently immobilized on the AuNPs with glutathione as a spacer arm. The morphologies of the GS-PEI-Au nanocomposites and the fabrication process of the immunosensor were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, respectively. Under optimal conditions, the immunosensor showed a wide linear range, from 0.5 to 500 ng/mL, with a detection limit of 0.03 ng/mL (S/N = 3. The as-constructed immunosensor exhibited notable performance features such as high specificity, good reproducibility, acceptable stability and regeneration performance. The results are mainly due to the excellent properties of MWCNTs, GS-PEI-Au nanocomposites and the covalent immobilization of Ab with free hapten binding sites for further immunoreaction. It provides a new avenue for amperometric immunosensor fabrication.

  2. Stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters for enhanced photoredox catalysis. (United States)

    Weng, Bo; Lu, Kang-Qiang; Tang, Zichao; Chen, Hao Ming; Xu, Yi-Jun


    Recently, loading ligand-protected gold (Au) clusters as visible light photosensitizers onto various supports for photoredox catalysis has attracted considerable attention. However, the efficient control of long-term photostability of Au clusters on the metal-support interface remains challenging. Herein, we report a simple and efficient method for enhancing the photostability of glutathione-protected Au clusters (Au GSH clusters) loaded on the surface of SiO 2 sphere by utilizing multifunctional branched poly-ethylenimine (BPEI) as a surface charge modifying, reducing and stabilizing agent. The sequential coating of thickness controlled TiO 2 shells can further significantly improve the photocatalytic efficiency, while such structurally designed core-shell SiO 2 -Au GSH clusters-BPEI@TiO 2 composites maintain high photostability during longtime light illumination conditions. This joint strategy via interfacial modification and composition engineering provides a facile guideline for stabilizing ultrasmall Au clusters and rational design of Au clusters-based composites with improved activity toward targeting applications in photoredox catalysis.

  3. Probing the electronic structure and Au—C chemical bonding in AuCn− and AuCnH− (n = 2, 4, and 6) using high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    León, Iker; Ruipérez, Fernando; Ugalde, Jesus M.; Wang, Lai-Sheng


    We report a joint photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical study on AuC 4 − , AuC 6 − , and AuC n H − (n = 2, 4, and 6) using high-resolution photoelectron imaging and ab initio calculations. The ground state of AuC 2 H − , AuC 4 H − , and AuC 6 H − is found to be linear, while that of AuC 4 − and AuC 6 − is bent. All the species are found to be linear in their neutral ground states. The electron affinities (EAs) are measured to be 3.366(1) and 3.593(1) eV for AuC 4 and AuC 6 , respectively. Both bending and stretching frequencies are resolved in the spectra of AuC 4 − and AuC 6 − . High-resolution data of AuC n H − reveal major vibrational progressions in the Au—C stretching and bending modes. AuC 2 H − has a ground state stretching frequency of 445(10) cm −1 and a bending frequency of 260(10) cm −1 ; AuC 4 H − has a ground state stretching frequency of 340(10) cm −1 ; AuC 6 H − has a ground state stretching frequency of 260(10) cm −1 and a bending frequency of 55(10) cm −1 . The EAs are measured to be 1.475(1), 1.778(1), and 1.962(1) eV for AuC 2 H, AuC 4 H, and AuC 6 H, respectively. The strength of the Au—C bond decreases as the number of carbon atoms increases. The current study provides a wealth of electronic structure information about AuC 4 − , AuC 6 − , and AuC n H − (n = 2, 4, and 6) and their corresponding neutrals.

  4. Mechanical properties and grindability of experimental Ti-Au alloys. (United States)

    Takahashi, Masatoshi; Kikuchi, Masafumi; Okuno, Osamu


    Experimental Ti-Au alloys (5, 10, 20 and 40 mass% Au) were made. Mechanical properties and grindability of the castings of the Ti-Au alloys were examined. As the concentration of gold increased to 20%, the yield strength and the tensile strength of the Ti-Au alloys became higher without markedly deteriorating their ductility. This higher strength can be explained by the solid-solution strengthening of the a titanium. The Ti-40%Au alloy became brittle because the intermetallic compound Ti3Au precipitated intensively near the grain boundaries. There was no significant difference in the grinding rate and grinding ratio among all the Ti-Au alloys and the pure titanium at any speed.

  5. Transverse-momentum dependent modification of dynamic texture in central Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, J.; Aggarwal, M.M.; Ahammed, Z.; Amonett, J.; Anderson, B.D.; Arkhipkin, D.; Averichev, G.S.; Badyal, S.K.; Bai, Y.; Balewski, J.; Barannikova, O.; Barnby, L.S.; Baudot, J.; Bekele, S.; Belaga, V.V.; Bellwied, R.; Berger, J.; Bezverkhny, B.I.; Bharadwaj, S.; Bhasin, A.; Bhati, A.K.; Bhatia, V.S.; Bichsel, H.; Billmeier, A.; Bland, L.C.; Blyth, C.O.; Bonner, B.E.; Botje, M.; Boucham, A.; Brandin, A.V.; Bravar, A.; Bystersky, M.; Cadman, R.V.; Cai, X.Z.; Caines, H.; Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, M.; Castillo, J.; Cebra, D.; Chajecki, Z.; Chaloupka, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, H.F.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, J.; Cherney, M.; Chikanian, A.; Christie, W.; Coffin, J.P.; Cormier, T.M.; Cramer, J.G.; Crawford, H.J.; Das, D.; Das, S.; Moura, M.M. de; Derevschikov, A.A.; Didenko, L.; Dietel, T.; Dogra, S.M.; Dong, W.J.; Dong, X.; Draper, J.E.; Du, F.; Dubey, A.K.; Dunin, V.B.; Dunlop, J.C.; Dutta Mazumdar, M.R.; Eckardt, V.; Edwards, W.R.; Efimov, L.G.; Emelianov, V.; Engelage, J.; Eppley, G.; Erazmus, B.; Estienne, M.; Fachini, P.; Faivre, J.; Fatemi, R.; Fedorisin, J.; Filimonov, K.; Filip, P.; Finch, E.; Fine, V.; Fisyak, Y.; Fomenko, K.; Fu, J.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Gans, J.; Ganti, M.S.; Gaudichet, L.; Geurts, F.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Ghosh, P.; Gonzalez, J.E.; Grachov, O.; Grebenyuk, O.; Grosnick, D.; Guertin, S.M.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, A.; Gutierrez, T.D.; Hallman, T.J.; Hamed, A.; Hardtke, D.; Harris, J.W.; Heinz, M.; Henry, T.W.; Hepplemann, S.; Hippolyte, B.; Hirsch, A.; Hjort, E.; Hoffmann, G.W.; Huang, H.Z.; Huang, S.L.; Hughes, E.W.; Humanic, T.J.; Igo, G.; Ishihara, A.; Jacobs, P.; Jacobs, W.W.; Janik, M.; Jiang, H.; Jones, P.G.; Judd, E.G.; Kabana, S.; Kang, K.; Kaplan, M.; Keane, D.; Khodyrev, V.Yu.; Kiryluk, J.; Kisiel, A.; Kislov, E.M.; Klay, J.; Klein, S.R.; Klyachko, A.; Koetke, D.D.; Kollegger, T.; Kopytine, S.M.; Kotchenda, L.; Kramer, M.; Kravtsov, P.; Kravtsov, V.I.; Krueger, K.; Kuhn, C.; Kulikov, A.I.; Kumar, A.; Kutuev, R.Kh.


    Correlations in the hadron distributions produced in relativistic Au+Au collisions are studied in the discrete wavelet expansion method. The analysis is performed in the space of pseudorapidity (|η| (le) 1) and azimuth (full 2π) in bins of transverse momentum (p t ) from 0.14 (le) p t (le) 2.1 GeV/c. In peripheral Au+Au collisions a correlation structure ascribed to minijet fragmentation is observed. It evolves with collision centrality and p t in a way not seen before which suggests strong dissipation of minijet fragmentation in the longitudinally-expanding medium


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bougault, R.; Bocage, F.; Durand, D.; Lopez, O.; Steckmeyer, J.C.; Tamain, B.; Vient, E. [Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire, Caen Univ., 14 (France); Collaboration INDRA: IPN-Orsay, DAPNIA-Saclay, SUBATECH-Nantes, IPN- Lyon, GANIL-Caen


    In connection to the decision of installing the INDRA detector by the SIS synchrocyclotron at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) the report presents the tasks taken into account by the LPC-Caen. These refer to the detector displacement and (mechanical) installation at GSI, the tests before beam (i.e. electronics acquisition software, detectors, etc.) as well as the data acquisition and processing. The physical pro-arguments mention the possibility of disposing of heavy ion beams in a range from 50 MeV to several GeV/nucleon so extending the study of multifragmentation done at GANIL between 30 and 90 MeV/nucleon. More specific, the scientific program of INDRA at GSI inserts studies between those done at around Fermi energy, were the reaction mechanisms are of type of deep inelastic scattering/incomplete fusion, and the studies in the relativistic energy domain where the individual properties of nucleons and transparency of nuclear matter implies mechanisms of the participant-spectator type (fire-ball creation). Also mentioned as fields of extensive studies are: the multifragmentation and its fundamental relation with the nuclear matter equation of state, the role of reaction dynamics in the appearance of collective effects of the radial flow type and its relations with the nuclear compressibility and phase transitions and the thermodynamics of nuclear matter. It appeared that the heavy systems Xe + Sn and Au + Au are the best compromise for the different topics to be approached. The bombarding energies extend from 50 to 150 MeV/nucleon. The report ends with the table giving for six heavy systems (Xe + Sn, Au + Au, C + Au, Ar + Au and P + Au) the required bombarding energies 15 refs.

  7. Defect-induced Au precipitation in Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys studied by in situ small-angle neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, S.; Kohlbrecher, J.; Tichelaar, F.D.; Langelaan, G.; Brück, E.; Zwaag, S. van der; Dijk, N.H. van


    Nanoscale Au precipitation in high-purity Fe–Au and Fe–Au–B–N alloys has been studied by in situ small-angle neutron scattering during isothermal aging at 550 °C and complementary ex situ transmission electron microscopy. The high temperature precipitation behavior in samples having received different degrees of cold deformation has been studied to explore the potential self-healing of deformation-induced defects by Au precipitation. It is found that dislocations induced by prior plastic deformation strongly facilitate the formation of Au precipitates, as no significant precipitation is observed for undeformed samples. Defect-induced Au precipitates are formed both at dislocations and along grain boundaries where the defect density is high. The fact that the Au atoms only precipitate on deformation-induced defects demonstrates that solute gold atoms act as efficient self-healing agents in the ferrous matrix. The addition of B and N is found to retard the Au precipitation

  8. Preparation of Pt Au/C and Pt Au Bi/C electrocatalysts using electron beam irradiation for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Dionisio F.; Geraldes, Adriana N.; Cardoso, Elisangela S.Z.; Gomes, Thiago B.; Linardi, Marcelo; Oliveira Neto, Almir; Spinace, Estevam V.


    Pt Au/C (50:50) and PtAuBi/C electrocatalysts with Pt:Au:Bi atomic ratios of 50:40:10, 50:30:20 and 50:10:40 were prepared in water/2-propanol using electron beam irradiation. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the electro-oxidation of ethanol was studied by chronoamperometry at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction measurements for all electrocatalysts prepared showed four peaks, which are associated with the planes of the face-centered cubic (fcc) structure characteristic of Pt and Pt alloys. For PtAuBi/C it was also observed the presence of a mixture of BiPt alloys and bismuth phases. The average crystallite sizes for Pt/C, PtAu/C, PtAuBi/C (50:40:10), PtAuBi/C (50:30:20) and PtAuBi/C (50:10:40) were in the range of 2.0 - 4.0 nm. The activity of the electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium showed that PtAuBi/C (50:40:10) had a higher performance for ethanol oxidation compared to others electrocatalysts prepared. (author)

  9. Preparation of Pt Au/C and Pt Au Bi/C electrocatalysts using electron beam irradiation for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Dionisio F.; Geraldes, Adriana N.; Cardoso, Elisangela S.Z.; Gomes, Thiago B.; Linardi, Marcelo; Oliveira Neto, Almir; Spinace, Estevam V., E-mail: dfsilva@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Pt Au/C (50:50) and PtAuBi/C electrocatalysts with Pt:Au:Bi atomic ratios of 50:40:10, 50:30:20 and 50:10:40 were prepared in water/2-propanol using electron beam irradiation. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the electro-oxidation of ethanol was studied by chronoamperometry at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction measurements for all electrocatalysts prepared showed four peaks, which are associated with the planes of the face-centered cubic (fcc) structure characteristic of Pt and Pt alloys. For PtAuBi/C it was also observed the presence of a mixture of BiPt alloys and bismuth phases. The average crystallite sizes for Pt/C, PtAu/C, PtAuBi/C (50:40:10), PtAuBi/C (50:30:20) and PtAuBi/C (50:10:40) were in the range of 2.0 - 4.0 nm. The activity of the electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium showed that PtAuBi/C (50:40:10) had a higher performance for ethanol oxidation compared to others electrocatalysts prepared. (author)

  10. First results on d+Au collisions from PHOBOS (United States)

    Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Becker, B.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harrington, A. S.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Noell, A.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Sedykh, I.; Skulski, W.; Smith, C. E.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Teng, R.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Wadsworth, B.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.; Zhang, J.


    We have measured transverse momentum distributions of charged hadrons produced in d+Au collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV, in the range 0.25 < pT < 6.0 GeV/c. With increasing collision centrality, the yield at high transverse momenta increases more rapidly than the overall particle density, leading to a strong modification of the spectral shape. This change in spectral shape is qualitatively different from observations in Au+Au collisions at the same energy. The results provide important information for discriminating between different models for the suppression of high-pT hadrons observed in Au+Au collisions.

  11. Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at the AGS: recent results from E917

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, W.-C.; Back, B.B.; Betts, R.R.; Britt, H.C.; Chang, W.C.; Gillitzer, A.; Henning, W.F.; Hofman, D.J.; Holzman, B.; Nanal, V.; Wuosmaa, A.H.


    Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions has been measured via the yields of K + , K - at 6, 8 AGeV and of bar Λ at 10.8 AGeV beam kinetic energy in experiment E917. By varying the collision centrally and beam energy, a systematic search for indications of new phenomena and in-medium effects under high baryon density is undertaken

  12. Deep sub-threshold ϕ production in Au+Au collisions (United States)

    Adamczewski-Musch, J.; Arnold, O.; Behnke, C.; Belounnas, A.; Belyaev, A.; Berger-Chen, J. C.; Biernat, J.; Blanco, A.; Blume, C.; Böhmer, M.; Bordalo, P.; Chernenko, S.; Chlad, L.; Deveaux, C.; Dreyer, J.; Dybczak, A.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Filip, P.; Fonte, P.; Franco, C.; Friese, J.; Fröhlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J. A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Golubeva, M.; Greifenhagen, R.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Harabasz, S.; Heinz, T.; Hennino, T.; Hlavac, S.; Höhne, C.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Ivashkin, A.; Kämpfer, B.; Karavicheva, T.; Kardan, B.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Korcyl, G.; Kornakov, G.; Kotte, R.; Kühn, W.; Kugler, A.; Kunz, T.; Kurepin, A.; Kurilkin, A.; Kurilkin, P.; Ladygin, V.; Lalik, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lebedev, A.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Maurus, S.; Metag, V.; Michel, J.; Mihaylov, D. M.; Morozov, S.; Müntz, C.; Münzer, R.; Naumann, L.; Nowakowski, K. N.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Y.; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Petukhov, O.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramos, S.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Rodriguez-Ramos, P.; Rosier, P.; Rost, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Salabura, P.; Scheib, T.; Schuldes, H.; Schwab, E.; Scozzi, F.; Seck, F.; Sellheim, P.; Siebenson, J.; Silva, L.; Sobolev, Yu. G.; Spataro, S.; Ströbele, H.; Stroth, J.; Strzempek, P.; Sturm, C.; Svoboda, O.; Szala, M.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Tsertos, H.; Usenko, E.; Wagner, V.; Wendisch, C.; Wiebusch, M. G.; Wirth, J.; Zanevsky, Y.; Zumbruch, P.; Hades Collaboration


    We present data on charged kaons (K±) and ϕ mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K- and ϕ mesons in central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy of 10A GeV. The ϕ /K- multiplicity ratio is found to be surprisingly high with a value of 0.52 ± 0.16 and shows no dependence on the centrality of the collision. Consequently, the different slopes of the K+ and K- transverse-mass spectra can be explained solely by feed-down, which substantially softens the spectra of K- mesons. Hence, in contrast to the commonly adapted argumentation in literature, the different slopes do not necessarily imply diverging freeze-out temperatures of K+ and K- mesons caused by different couplings to baryons.

  13. Surface structure and morphology of Cu-free and Cu-covered Au(100) and Au(111) electrodes in alkaline solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlaup, Christian [Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics, Fysikvey, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby (Denmark); Friebel, Daniel [Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (United States); Wandelt, Klaus [University of Bonn, Institute for Physical und Theoretical Chemistry, Wegelerstr. 12, D-53115 Bonn (Germany)


    For both Cu-free Au-electrodes three different phases were observed as a function of the applied electrode potential. While at low potentials the onset of surface reconstruction points towards an apparently adsorbate free surface and, thus, a weak interaction with species from the electrolyte, a Au-hydroxide and a Au-oxide phase are formed subsequently during potential increase. A similar phase behavior was also found for Cu-covered Au-electrodes, while at low potentials an apparently adsorbate free Cu layer is observed, a Cu-hydroxide coadsorbate phase and a Cu-oxide phase are formed under increased potential conditions. In addition the apparently adsorbate free Cu-film tends to form a Cu-Au alloy phase while keeping the electrode for a sufficient long time at low potential conditions.

  14. A simple approach for facile synthesis of Ag, anisotropic Au and bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoparticles using cruciferous vegetable extracts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacob, Jasmine; Mukherjee, Tulsi; Kapoor, Sudhir, E-mail:


    We present a simple and straightforward approach for the synthesis and stabilization of relatively monodisperse Ag, Au and bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoparticles by using cruciferous vegetable (green/red) extracts by simply adjusting the pH environment in the aqueous medium. The vegetable extracts act both as reducing and capping agents. The monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles of Ag and Au so obtained were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that red cabbage extract can be used for the preparation of anisotropic Au nanoparticles. The formation of Au anisotropic nanoparticles was found to depend on a number of environmental factors, such as the pH of the reaction medium, reaction time, and initial reactant concentrations. Additionally, it is shown that these extract-stabilized Au and Ag nanoparticles can be used as a seed for preparation of bimetallic Au/Ag nanoparticles. For bimetallic alloy nanoparticles the absorption peak was observed between the two maxima of the corresponding metallic particles. The surface plasmon absorption maxima for bimetallic nanoparticles changed linearly with increasing Au mole ratio content in various alloy compositions. It has been shown that the formation of hollow Au spheres depends on the experimental conditions. - Graphical abstract: TEM image of gold nanoparticles at pH 3.27 formed by red cabbage extract. Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer First report on the reactivity of the extracts toward metal ions using a spectrophotometric technique. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Red cabbage extract has better reducing properties than green cabbage extract. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Red cabbage extract can reduce metal ions at any pH. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Reduction of metal ions can have important consequences in the study of soil chemistry.

  15. A simple approach for facile synthesis of Ag, anisotropic Au and bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoparticles using cruciferous vegetable extracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacob, Jasmine; Mukherjee, Tulsi; Kapoor, Sudhir


    We present a simple and straightforward approach for the synthesis and stabilization of relatively monodisperse Ag, Au and bimetallic (Ag/Au) nanoparticles by using cruciferous vegetable (green/red) extracts by simply adjusting the pH environment in the aqueous medium. The vegetable extracts act both as reducing and capping agents. The monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles of Ag and Au so obtained were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It is shown that red cabbage extract can be used for the preparation of anisotropic Au nanoparticles. The formation of Au anisotropic nanoparticles was found to depend on a number of environmental factors, such as the pH of the reaction medium, reaction time, and initial reactant concentrations. Additionally, it is shown that these extract-stabilized Au and Ag nanoparticles can be used as a seed for preparation of bimetallic Au/Ag nanoparticles. For bimetallic alloy nanoparticles the absorption peak was observed between the two maxima of the corresponding metallic particles. The surface plasmon absorption maxima for bimetallic nanoparticles changed linearly with increasing Au mole ratio content in various alloy compositions. It has been shown that the formation of hollow Au spheres depends on the experimental conditions. - Graphical abstract: TEM image of gold nanoparticles at pH 3.27 formed by red cabbage extract. Highlights: ► First report on the reactivity of the extracts toward metal ions using a spectrophotometric technique. ► Red cabbage extract has better reducing properties than green cabbage extract. ► Red cabbage extract can reduce metal ions at any pH. ► Reduction of metal ions can have important consequences in the study of soil chemistry.

  16. Yémen : le Sud sur la voie de la sécession ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franck Mermier


    Full Text Available Depuis la guerre inter-yéménite de 1994, le ressentiment des populations du sud du pays face à la mainmise du pouvoir de Sanaa est amplifié par la gravité de la crise économique, une inflation galopante et un chômage élevé. Cette situation de désespoir social est un terreau particulièrement fertile sur lequel croît la revendication séparatiste ou fédéraliste.Since Yemen's internal war of 1994, the growing resentment of the populations of the South towards the power stronghold of Sanaa has been aggravated by a severe economic crisis, a galloping inflation and a high rate of unemployment. All of which have contributed to a situation of social despair that is now fertile grounds for separatist or federalist claims.

  17. Developing an aqueous approach for synthesizing Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars with plasmonic properties (United States)

    Du, Jingshan; Yu, Junjie; Xiong, Yalin; Lin, Zhuoqing; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Deren

    Anisotropic Au nanoparticles show unique localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties, which make it attractive in optical, sensing, and biomedical applications. In this contribution, we report a general and facile strategy towards aqueous synthesis of Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars by reducing HAuCl4 with ethanolamine in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). According to electron microscopic observation and spectral monitoring, we found that the layered epitaxial growth mode (i.e., Frank-van der Merwe mechanism) contributes to the enlargement of the core, while, the random attachment of Au nanoclusters onto the cores accounts for the formation of the branches. Both of them are indispensable for the formation of the nanostars. The LSPR properties of the Au nanoparticles have been well investigated with morphology control via precursor amount and growth temperature. The Au nanostars showed improved surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) performance for rhodamine 6G due to their sharp edges and tips, which were therefore confirmed as good SERS substrate to detect trace amount of molecules.

  18. L’apprentissage au CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    En 1961, sur la base du constat que l’évolution du marché du travail nécessitait un besoin croissant de personnel qualifié, le 1er accord entre la République et canton de Genève et le CERN fut signé. Cet accord avait notamment pour objet la formation professionnelle de jeunes électroniciens et techniciens de laboratoires en physique. Le CERN, acteur local économique d’importance, soulignait par cet accord sa volonté de participer au développement économique et social local. Le 1er apprenti arriva au CERN en 1965. En 1971, le centre d’apprentissage fut créé ; il accueille aujourd’hui plus d’une vingtaine d’apprentis au total, à raison d’environ six nouveaux apprentis chaque année. Cet apprentissage est dédié aux jeunes âgés e...

  19. Everyday life consequences of substance use in adult patients with a substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a patient's perspective. (United States)

    Kronenberg, Linda M; Slager-Visscher, Karin; Goossens, Peter J J; van den Brink, Wim; van Achterberg, Theo


    Although the prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) with co-occurring attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is relatively high in adult patients, there is hardly any knowledge about these dual diagnoses. A recent study reported met- and unmet needs for several life domains regarding these patient groups. To improve treatment, it is necessary to identify the everyday life consequences of SUD and co-occurring ADHD or ASD in adult patients. Qualitative study using in-depth interviews. 11 SUD + ADHD and 12 SUD + ASD patients participated in the study. The interview transcripts were coded and analysed according to the seven steps for descriptive phenomenology by Colaizzi. Both patients with ADHD and patients with ASD can get caught in a jumble of thoughts and emotions which can often lead to agitation and impulsivity in the case of ADHD or passivity and melancholia in the case of ASD with co-occurring SUD in both cases. Initially substance use ameliorates the symptoms and related problems, but both patient groups can later experience even greater problems: difficulties with the structuring of daily life due to a lack of planning (SUD + ADHD) or due to a lack of initiative (SUD + ASD). Both groups indicate that structure helps them function better. They also recognize that substance use disorganizes their lives and that an absence of structure contributes to substance use in what becomes a vicious circle which needs to be broken for effective treatment and care. This study provides insight into the daily life consequences of SUD with a co-occurring ADHD or ASD. Substance use is reported to solve some ADHD- or ASD-related problems in the short run but have negative consequences in the long run (i.e., contribute to already impaired cognitive functioning). Insight is provided into what clinicians can do to break this vicious circle and thus help ADHD patients to refrain from action and ASD patients to take

  20. Bi-functional Au/FeS (Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4}) composite for in situ SERS monitoring and degradation of organic pollutants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma, Shuzhen; Cai, Qian; Lu, Kailing; Liao, Fan, E-mail:; Shao, Mingwang, E-mail: [Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials and Devices & Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University (China)


    The bi-functional Au/FeS (Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4}) composite was fabricated by in situ reducing Au nanoparticles onto the surface of FeS (Co{sub 3}O{sub 4}). The as-prepared FeS possessed a multi-structure composed of plenty of nanoplates, which were coated by Au nanoparticles with an average size of ∼47.5 nm. While the Co{sub 3}O{sub 4} showed a thin hexagonal sheet containing Au nanoparticles on its surface with an average size of ∼79.0 nm. Both the as-prepared Au/FeS and Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4} composites exhibited excellent SERS performance, capable of enhancing the Raman signals of R6G molecules with the enhancement factor up to 1.81 × 10{sup 6} and 7.60 × 10{sup 4}, respectively. Moreover, Au/FeS (Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4}) composite also has been verified to have intrinsic peroxidase-like activity, which could decompose H{sub 2}O{sub 2} into hydroxyl radicals and then degrade organic pollutants into small molecules. Therefore, SERS can be used to real-time and in situ monitoring the degradation process of R6G molecules, employing the Au/FeS (Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4}) composite both as SERS substrate and catalyst. Graphical abstract: SERS was used to real-time and in situ monitoring the degradation of R6G, employing the Au/FeS and Au/Co{sub 3}O{sub 4} composites both as SERS substrates and catalysts.

  1. Promotion of Phenol Photodecomposition over TiO2 Using Au, Pd, and AuPd Nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Su, Ren; Tiruvalam, Ramchandra; He, Qian


    Noble metal nanoparticles (Au, Pd, AuPd alloys) with a narrow size distribution supported on nanocrystalline TiO2 (M/TiO2) have been synthesized via a sol-immobilization route. The effect of metal identity and size on the photocatalytic performance of M/TiO2 has been systematically investigated u...

  2. Electrical investigation of the Au/n{sup +}–GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saghrouni, H.; Hannachi, R. [Université de Sousse. Laboratoire Energie-Matériaux. Equipe de recherche caractérisations optoélectronique et spectroscopique des matériaux et nanomatériaux pour les télécommunications et capteurs, ISITCOM, 4011 Hammam Sousse (Tunisia); Jomni, S. [Laboratoire Matériaux, Organization et Propriétés, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis (Tunisia); Beji, L., E-mail: [Université de Sousse. Laboratoire Energie-Matériaux. Equipe de recherche caractérisations optoélectronique et spectroscopique des matériaux et nanomatériaux pour les télécommunications et capteurs, ISITCOM, 4011 Hammam Sousse (Tunisia)


    The electrical properties of Au/n{sup +}–GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs metal–semiconductor structures were investigated using room temperature current–voltage I(V) and capacitance–voltage C(V) measurements. The electrical parameters of these structures such as ideality factor, barrier height potential, series resistance have been calculated. The obtained parameters of Au/n-porous GaAs structure were discussed and compared to those of Au/n{sup +}–GaAs structure. The series resistances and ideality factors of the two structures were seen to have approximately the same values. Furthermore, the shunt resistance and the barrier height potential values for the Au/n-porous GaAs structure were found to be different than the ones of Au/n{sup +}–GaAs structure. Furthermore the two structures showed a non-ideal I(V) behavior with an ideality factor greater than unity. Such non ideal behavior was suggested to be due to the existence of high density of trap and the forward I(V) characteristics which were governed by space charge limited conductivity, characterized by single and exponential trapping levels in both structures (SCLC). A model based upon TFE tunneling of carriers at reverse current was used to explain the non-saturation of reverse current of the structures. The high frequency C(V) characteristics of the structure reveal the presence of an anomalous behavior at the forward bias. Though the capacitance reaches a peak, it remarkably decreases with an increasing bias voltage suggested by the presence of interface states. Furthermore, the energy distribution of interface density in the structures was determined by the forward bias C(V) measurement as well as using ideality factor and barrier height potential values obtained from forward bias I(V) and reverse bias C{sup −2}(V) characteristics, respectively. An estimated energy band diagram for the Au/n{sup +}–GaAs and Au/n-porous GaAs structures are presented.

  3. The electric dipole moments in the ground states of gold oxide, AuO, and gold sulfide, AuS. (United States)

    Zhang, Ruohan; Yu, Yuanqin; Steimle, Timothy C; Cheng, Lan


    The B 2 Σ - - X 2 Π 3/2 (0,0) bands of a cold molecular beam sample of gold monoxide, AuO, and gold monosulfide, AuS, have been recorded at high resolution both field free and in the presence of a static electric field. The observed electric field induced splittings and shifts were analyzed to produce permanent electric dipole moments, μ→ el , of 2.94±0.06 D and 2.22±0.05 D for the X 2 Π 3/2 (v = 0) states of AuO and AuS, respectively. A molecular orbital correlation diagram is used to rationalize the trend in ground state μ→ el values for AuX (X = F, Cl, O, and S) molecules. The experimentally determined μ→ el are compared to those computed at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) level augmented with a perturbative inclusion of triple excitations (CCSD(T)) level of theory.

  4. Une Nouvelle Forme d’Autobiographie dans Les Années d’Annie Ernaux: Autobiographie Impersonnelle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seçil Yücedağ


    Full Text Available Annie Ernaux, considérée comme l’une des femmes écrivaines les plus célèbres du XXIe siècle, a exprimé l’angoisse commune de son âge et de son passé en rédigeant Les Années. Elle n’avait pas non seulement le but de décrire sa vie, mais aussi d’esquisser l’histoire de la société française à laquelle elle appartient. Lorsqu’elle est venue au monde en 1940, le monde était au seuil de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Etant élevée dans cette atmosphère chaotique, elle a appris beaucoup de choses de sa société, de sa famille et de son environnement. Annie Ernaux a découvert le monde comme une jeune fille, une mère, une épouse et une grand-mère. Ses expériences sociales et familiales l’ont beaucoup mûrie et elle a commencé à rédiger ses pensées. Ses souvenirs ont fait partie de ses écritures autobiographiques. Dans Les Années, Annie Ernaux a profité de toutes ses expériences personnelles et sociales avec de différents moyens. Elle a essayé d’établir des liens entre l’histoire de sa vie et celle de la société. Elle a accordé une importance à la vie sociale plutôt que sa propre vie dans Les Années. Elle y a développé des propres techniques d’écriture en se servant des photos familiales et personnelles, d’un film, d’une vidéo, des marques de publicité, des chansons, d’un tableau, des notes de journal ainsi que des événements sociologiques et historiques. Elle a ainsi créé une nouvelle forme d’autobiographie : autobiographie impersonnelle.

  5. Silence et divulgation dans des familles d’adolescents vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance : une exploration qualitative (United States)

    Proulx-Boucher, Karène; Blais, Martin; Fernet, Mylène; Richard, Marie-Ève; Otis, Joanne; Josy Lévy, Joseph; Samson, Johanne; Lapointe, Normand; Morin, Guylaine; Thériault, Jocelyne; Trottier, Germain


    OBJECTIF : Les études ciblant les enfants nés avec le VIH se sont principalement intéressées à la période précédant l’annonce du diagnostic à l’enfant. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer les dynamiques de communication intrafamiliale suivant l’annonce du diagnostic. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Vingt-neuf jeunes (de dix à 18 ans) vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance ont accordé des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées portant sur : 1) le dévoilement du statut sérologique, 2) leurs relations familiales et 3) l’éducation sexuelle en milieu familial. Les témoignages ont fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu. RÉSULTATS : Les jeunes ont appris en moyenne à l’âge de 11 ans leur diagnostic VIH+. La dynamique qui s’installe après cette annonce apparaît régie par le silence : les échanges qui s’ensuivent portent en majorité sur des questions relatives à la médication et à la prévention d’une transmission sexuelle du virus. Ce silence préserverait l’équilibre familial en occupant trois fonctions : protéger la mère d’un sentiment de culpabilité à l’égard de la transmission, assurer l’harmonie familiale, se sentir normal face aux autres. Le diagnostic de l’adolescent n’est généralement pas révélé à la famille élargie, préservant ainsi leur intégration au sein de la famille en les protégeant du rejet, de la trahison et du jugement. EXPOSÉ : Les fonctions du silence et du secret occupent une place stabilisatrice importante au sein de la famille. Toutefois, elles contribuent à isoler les adolescents d’une forme de soutien affectif dont ils ont pourtant besoin. Des pistes d’intervention sont suggérées. PMID:22851894

  6. Transformation of Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 to Au133(SPh-tBu)52 Nanomolecules: Theoretical and Experimental Study. (United States)

    Nimmala, Praneeth Reddy; Theivendran, Shevanuja; Barcaro, Giovanni; Sementa, Luca; Kumara, Chanaka; Jupally, Vijay Reddy; Apra, Edoardo; Stener, Mauro; Fortunelli, Alessandro; Dass, Amala


    Ultrastable gold nanomolecule Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)60 upon etching with excess tert-butylbenzenethiol undergoes a core-size conversion and compositional change to form an entirely new core of Au133(SPh-tBu)52. This conversion was studied using high-resolution electrospray mass spectrometry which shows that the core size conversion is initiated after 22 ligand exchanges, suggesting a relatively high stability of the Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)38(SPh-tBu)22 intermediate. The Au144 → Au133 core size conversion is surprisingly different from the Au144 → Au99 core conversion reported in the case of thiophenol, -SPh. Theoretical analysis and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations show that rigid p-tBu groups play a crucial role by reducing the cluster structural freedom, and protecting the cluster from adsorption of exogenous and reactive species, thus rationalizing the kinetic factors that stabilize the Au133 core size. This 144-atom to 133-atom nanomolecule's compositional change is reflected in optical spectroscopy and electrochemistry.

  7. On ternary intermetallic aurides. CaAu{sub 2}Al{sub 2}, SrAu{sub 2-x}Al{sub 2+x} and Ba{sub 3}Au{sub 5+x}Al{sub 6-x}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stegemann, Frank [Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Benndorf, Christopher [Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Institut fuer Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Materialwissenschaften, Universitaet Leipzig (Germany); Zhang, Yuemei; Fokwa, Boniface P.T. [Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, CA (United States); Bartsch, Manfred; Zacharias, Helmut [Physikalisches Institut, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Eckert, Hellmut [Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, SP (Brazil); Janka, Oliver [Institut fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Germany); Institut fuer Chemie, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg (Germany)


    The intermetallic compound CaAu{sub 2}Al{sub 2}, and the members of the solid solutions SrAu{sub 2-x}Al{sub 2+x} (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.33) and Ba{sub 3}Au{sub 5+x}Al{sub 6-x} (x = 0, 0.14, 0.49) were synthesized from the elements in sealed tantalum ampoules. The Ca compound crystallizes with the orthorhombic ThRu{sub 2}P{sub 2} type structure, whereas the targeted SrAu{sub 2}Al{sub 2} was found to form a solid solution according to SrAu{sub 2-x}Al{sub 2+x}. For the Ba system no ''BaAu{sub 2}Al{sub 2}'' was found, however, Ba{sub 3}Au{sub 5+x}Al{sub 6-x} was discovered to crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/c with its own structure type. The samples were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction and their crystal structures were refined on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. All compounds were characterized furthermore by susceptibility measurements. The crystallographic aluminum sites of CaAu{sub 2}Al{sub 2} and Ba{sub 3}Au{sub 5}Al{sub 6} can be differentiated by {sup 27}Al solid state NMR spectra on the basis of their different electric field gradients, in agreement with theoretical calculations. The electron transfer from the alkaline earth metals and the aluminum atoms onto the gold atoms was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) classifying these intermetallics as aurides, in full agreement with the calculated Bader charges. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  8. Non-flow correlations and elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV (United States)

    Alver, B.; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Hauer, M.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Li, W.; Lin, W. T.; Loizides, C.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Reed, C.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Walters, P.; Wenger, E.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Woźniak, K.; Wysłouch, B.


    This article presents results on event-by-event elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at sNN= 200 GeV, where the contribution from non-flow correlations has been subtracted. An analysis method is introduced to measure non-flow correlations, relying on the assumption that non-flow correlations are most prominent at short ranges (|Δη|2), relative elliptic flow fluctuations of approximately 30-40% are observed. These results are consistent with predictions based on spatial fluctuations of the participating nucleons in the initial nuclear overlap region. It is found that the long-range non-flow correlations in Au+Au collisions would have to be more than an order of magnitude stronger compared to the p+p data to lead to the observed azimuthal anisotropy fluctuations with no intrinsic elliptic flow fluctuations.

  9. La population des villes sudarabiques préislamiques : entre ‘aṣabiyya et ḥaḍarî

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    Jérémie Schiettecatte


    Full Text Available L’identité des populations d’Arabie du Sud préislamique est traitée par le biais des données épigraphiques. Ces dernières donnent un aperçu de la manière dont se définissent les populations urbaines. Dans un premier temps (viiie-iie s. av. J.‑C., celles-ci se définissent par le lien de parenté. Au tournant de l’ère chrétienne en revanche, à travers toute l’Arabie du Sud, l’identité se décline progressivement par un rattachement à la ville d’appartenance, au sol. Cette évolution chronologique nous amène à relativiser l’ancienne dichotomie selon laquelle l’identité des populations des Hautes-Terres se définit par le lien au sol et celle des Basses-Terres par le lien du sang. Par ailleurs, cette évolution semble aller de pair avec une transformation profonde de la société où le domaine de la parenté fait place à de nouvelles formes de hiérarchie dans les relations de dominance et d’appropriation des ressources. Cette transformation pourrait avoir été le moteur de cette évolution de l’identité des populations urbaines sudarabiques.

  10. Tuning SPT-3G Transition-Edge-Sensor Electrical Properties with a Four-Layer Ti-Au-Ti-Au Thin-Film Stack (United States)

    Carter, F. W.; Ade, P. A. R.; Ahmed, Z.; Anderson, A. J.; Austermann, J. E.; Avva, J. S.; Thakur, R. Basu; Bender, A. N.; Benson, B. A.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Cecil, T.; Chang, C. L.; Cliche, J. F.; Cukierman, A.; Denison, E. V.; de Haan, T.; Ding, J.; Divan, R.; Dobbs, M. A.; Dutcher, D.; Everett, W.; Foster, A.; Gannon, R. N.; Gilbert, A.; Groh, J. C.; Halverson, N. W.; Harke-Hosemann, A. H.; Harrington, N. L.; Henning, J. W.; Hilton, G. C.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Huang, N.; Irwin, K. D.; Jeong, O. B.; Jonas, M.; Khaire, T.; Kofman, A. M.; Korman, M.; Kubik, D.; Kuhlmann, S.; Kuo, C. L.; Kutepova, V.; Lee, A. T.; Lowitz, A. E.; Meyer, S. S.; Michalik, D.; Miller, C. S.; Montgomery, J.; Nadolski, A.; Natoli, T.; Nguyen, H.; Noble, G. I.; Novosad, V.; Padin, S.; Pan, Z.; Pearson, J.; Posada, C. M.; Rahlin, A.; Ruhl, J. E.; Saunders, L. J.; Sayre, J. T.; Shirley, I.; Shirokoff, E.; Smecher, G.; Sobrin, J. A.; Stan, L.; Stark, A. A.; Story, K. T.; Suzuki, A.; Tang, Q. Y.; Thompson, K. L.; Tucker, C.; Vale, L. R.; Vanderlinde, K.; Vieira, J. D.; Wang, G.; Whitehorn, N.; Yefremenko, V.; Yoon, K. W.; Young, M. R.


    We have developed superconducting Ti transition-edge sensors with Au protection layers on the top and bottom for the South Pole Telescope's third-generation receiver (a cosmic microwave background polarimeter, due to be upgraded this austral summer of 2017/2018). The base Au layer (deposited on a thin Ti glue layer) isolates the Ti from any substrate effects; the top Au layer protects the Ti from oxidation during processing and subsequent use of the sensors. We control the transition temperature and normal resistance of the sensors by varying the sensor width and the relative thicknesses of the Ti and Au layers. The transition temperature is roughly six times more sensitive to the thickness of the base Au layer than to that of the top Au layer. The normal resistance is inversely proportional to sensor width for any given film configuration. For widths greater than five micrometers, the critical temperature is independent of width.

  11. Centrality and collision system dependence of antiproton production from p+A to Au+Au collisions at AGS energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sako, H.; Ahle, L.; Akiba, Y.


    Antiproton production in heavy ion collisions reflects subtle interplay between initial production and absorption by nucleons. Because the AGS energies (10--20 A·GeV/c) are close to the antiproton production threshold, antiproton may be sensitive to cooperative processes such as QGP and hadronic multi-step processes. On the other hand, antiproton has been proposed as a probe of baryon density due to large N anti N annihilation cross sections. Cascade models predict the maximum baryon density reaches about 10 times the normal nucleus density in central Au+Au collisions, where the strong antiproton absorption is expected. In this paper, the authors show systematic studies of antiproton production from p+A to Au+Au collisions


    Back, B. B.; Alver, B.; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Chetluru, V.; Decowski, M. P.; Garcia, E.; Gburek, T.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Harnarine, I.; Hauer, M.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Holynski, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Khan, N.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Li, W.; Lin, W. T.; Loizides, C.; Manly, S.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Reed, C.; Richardson, E.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Sagerer, J.; Seals, H.; Sedykh, I.; Smith, C. E.; Stankiewicz, M. A.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Szostak, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; Vannieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Vaurynovich, S. S.; Verdier, R.; Veres, G. I.; Walters, P.; Wenger, E.; Willhelm, D.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wozniak, K.; Wyngaardt, S.; Wyslouch, B.

    The PHOBOS collaboration has carried out a systematic study of charged particle multiplicities in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. A unique feature of the PHOBOS detector is its ability to measure charged particles over a very wide angular range from 0.5° to 179.5° corresponding to |η| <5.4. The general features of the charged particle multiplicity distributions as a function of pseudo-rapidity, collision energy and centrality, as well as system size, are discussed.

  13. Alternating voltage-induced electrochemical synthesis of colloidal Au nanoicosahedra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McCann, Kevin; Cloud, Jacqueline E.; Yang, Yongan, E-mail: [Colorado School of Mines, Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry (United States)


    A simple method of alternating voltage-induced electrochemical synthesis has been developed to synthesize highly dispersed colloidal Au nanoicosahedra of 14 ± 3 nm in size. This simple and effective method uses a common transformer to apply a zero-offset alternating voltage to a pair of identical Au electrodes that are immersed in an electrolyte solution containing ligands. The obtained Au nanoicosahedra in this work are among the smallest Au icosahedra synthesized in aqueous solutions. A series of experimental conditions have been studied, such as voltage, the electrolyte identity and concentration, stabilizer identity and concentration, and reaction temperature. The mechanistic study indicates that Au nanoicosahedra are produced on electrode surfaces through an intermediate state of AuO{sub x}. The kinetic rate constant of these Au icosahedra in catalyzing the reduction of 4-nitrophenol with sodium borohydride is found much larger than the literature values of similar Au nanocrystals. In addition, the synthesis of Au–Pd-alloyed NCs has also been attempted.Graphical Abstract.

  14. Au3+/Au0 Supported on Chromium(III Terephthalate Metal Organic Framework (MIL-101 as an Efficient Heterogeneous Catalystfor Three-Component Coupling Synthesis of Propargylamines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lili Liu


    Full Text Available Post-synthesis modification is a useful method for the functionalization of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs. A novel catalyst Au@MIL-101-ED-SA (ED = ethylenediamine, SA = salicylaldehyde, containing coexisting Au3+ ions and Au0 nanoparticles, was prepared successfully by post-synthesis modification with ethylenediamine, salicylaldehyde and gold. Gold nanoparticles supported on MIL-101 (Au@MIL-101 were prepared successfully by the impregnation method. Au@MIL-101-ED-SA and Au@MIL-101 were characterized by N2 adsorption–desorption, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Au@MIL-101-ED-SA and Au@MIL-101 were applied as environmentally friendly catalysts in the three-component coupling reaction of aldehydes, amines, and alkynes for the preparation of diverse propargylamines. Au@MIL-101-ED-SA contained a fraction of cationic gold (Au3+/Au0 = 0.9 and showed higher catalytic activity than Au@MIL-101, which was prepared by the impregnation method. Furthermore, the reactions were performed under heterogeneous conditions and the novel catalyst was successfully recycled for four consecutive runs.

  15. Distributions of charged hadrons associated with high transverse momentum particles in pp and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV. (United States)

    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, W J; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Estienne, M; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Ganti, M S; Gaudichet, L; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grebenyuk, O; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hamed, A; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Hughes, E; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Jiang, H; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Khodyrev, V Yu; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Koetke, D D; Kollegger, T; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Kravtsov, V I; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Levine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McClain, C J; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mischke, A; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, D A; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Netrakanti, P K; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Perkins, C; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Shao, W; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Speltz, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, T D S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Timoshenko, S; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; Vandermolen, A M; Varma, R; Vasilevski, I; Vasiliev, A N; Vernet, R; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Vznuzdaev, M; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Y; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Webb, J C; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yamamoto, E; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Yuting, B; Zanevski, Y V; Zhang, H; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zhaomin, Z P; Zizong, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    Charged hadrons in [EQUATION: SEE TEXT] associated with particles of [EQUATION: SEE TEXT] are reconstructed in pp and Au+Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV. The associated multiplicity and p magnitude sum are found to increase from pp to central Au+Au collisions. The associated p distributions, while similar in shape on the nearside, are significantly softened on the awayside in central Au+Au relative to pp and not much harder than that of inclusive hadrons. The results, consistent with jet quenching, suggest that the awayside fragments approach equilibration with the medium traversed.

  16. Autopistas: AU-1 25 de Mayo y AU-6 Perito Moreno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available Highways AU-1 and AU-6, approximately 17 km. long, were constructed for the purpose of solving the serious traffic problems in Buenos Aires, a city of nine million inhabitants and an evergrowing number of cars. A computer program was created for the design based on the geometric shape of the highway and the position of the supports. Using this, all elements composing the structure were calculated and the framework was sized. This programme made it possible to complete a stretch of 150 metres per week. The very rapid construction was carried out through self-supporting arches made of metallic beams held in place by brackets. The brackets were fitted in specially designed grooves in the major supports of the highway.

    Las autopistas AU-1 y AU-6, con una longitud aproximada de 17 km, se realizaron con objeto de resolver el grave problema de infraestructura vial del Municipio de Buenos Aires, ciudad de nueve millones de habitantes y con un parque de vehículos en rápido crecimiento. Para el proyecto se creó un programa de ordenador con el que, partiendo de la definición geométrica de la autopista y de la posición de las pilas, se calculan todos los elementos que componen la estructura y se dimensionan las armaduras. Este programa permitió proyectar un tramo (150 m por semana. La construcción, a un ritmo muy rápido, se llevó a cabo mediante cimbras autoportantes compuestas por vigas metálicas apoyadas sobre ménsulas, las cuales a su vez apoyan en unos nichos dejados en las pilas.


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    Noelia Aymara Padilla


    Full Text Available La investigación presenta estrategias para repoblar una playa, con la inclusión de distintas obras de defensa costera. A partir de ello analiza el caso específico de la localidad de Mar del Sud, donde sus playas evidencian la presencia de grandes afloramientos rocosos producto de la pérdida vertical de arena principalmente por la actividad minera. En base al conocimiento de sus condiciones físico-naturales y de los procesos históricos urbano-turísticos que influyeron en la reducción de sedimentos se prepone analizar qué estrategia pueden aplicarse en la localidad con el fin de reducir y/o mitigar la problemática que ponen en riesgo la sustentabilidad del destino. Basó su desarrollo en los métodos: cualitativo, geo-histórico y comprensivo-explicativo, obteniendo como resultados principales las estrategias de repoblamiento que pueden aplicarse al área de estudio.

  18. Synthesis of Pd-Au bimetallic nanocrystals via controlled overgrowth. (United States)

    Lim, Byungkwon; Kobayashi, Hirokazu; Yu, Taekyung; Wang, Jinguo; Kim, Moon J; Li, Zhi-Yuan; Rycenga, Matthew; Xia, Younan


    This paper describes the synthesis of Pd-Au bimetallic nanocrystals with controlled morphologies via a one-step seeded-growth method. Two different reducing agents, namely, L-ascorbic acid and citric acid, were utilized for the reduction of HAuCl(4) in an aqueous solution to control the overgrowth of Au on cubic Pd seeds. When L-ascorbic acid was used as the reducing agent, conformal overgrowth of Au on the Pd nanocubes led to the formation of Pd-Au nanocrystals with a core-shell structure. On the contrary, localized overgrowth of Au was observed when citric acid was used as the reducing agent, producing Pd-Au bimetallic dimers. Through this morphological control, we were able to tune the localized surface plasmon resonance peaks of Pd-Au bimetallic nanostructures in the visible region.

  19. Low-temperature Au/a-Si wafer bonding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jing, Errong; Xiong, Bin; Wang, Yuelin


    The Si/SiO 2 /Ti/Au–Au/Ti/a-Si/SiO 2 /Si bonding structure, which can also be used for the bonding of non-silicon material, was investigated for the first time in this paper. The bond quality test showed that the bond yield, bond repeatability and average shear strength are higher for this bonding structure. The interfacial microstructure analysis indicated that the Au-induced crystallization of the amorphous silicon process leads to big Si grains extending across the bond interface and Au filling the other regions of the bond interface, which result into a strong and void-free bond interface. In addition, the Au-induced crystallization reaction leads to a change in the IR images of the bond interface. Therefore, the IR microscope can be used to evaluate and compare the different bond strengths qualitatively. Furthermore, in order to verify the superiority of the bonding structure, the Si/SiO 2 /Ti/Au–a-Si/SiO 2 /Si (i.e. no Ti/Au layer on the a-Si surface) and Si/SiO 2 /Ti/Au–Au/Ti/SiO 2 /Si bonding structures (i.e. Au thermocompression bonding) were also investigated. For the Si/SiO 2 /Ti/Au–a-Si/SiO 2 /Si bonding structure, the poor bond quality is due to the native oxide layer on the a-Si surface, and for the Si/SiO 2 /Ti/Au–Au/Ti/SiO 2 /Si bonding structure, the poor bond quality is caused by the wafer surface roughness which prevents intimate contact and limits the interdiffusion at the bond interface.

  20. Sud du Sahara | Page 136 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    IDRC-supported researchers at the University of Ghana investigated why ... show that unregulated population growth — averaging 10 births per woman ... est une organisation non gouvernementale à vocation internationale sise au Sénégal.

  1. Electrocrystallization of Au nanoparticles on glassy carbon from HClO4 solution containing [AuCl4]-

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komsiyska, L.; Staikov, G.


    The mechanism and kinetics of electrocrystallization of Au nanoparticles on glassy carbon (GC) were investigated in the system GC/1 mM KAuCl 4 + 0.1 M HClO 4 . Experimental results show that the gold electrodeposition follows the so-called Volmer-Weber growth mechanism involving formation and growth of 3D Au nanoparticles on an unmodified GC substrate. The analysis of current transients shows that at relatively positive electrode potentials (E ≥ 0.84 V) the deposition kinetics corresponds to the theoretical model for progressive nucleation and diffusion-controlled 3D growth of Au nanoparticles. The potential dependence of the nucleation rate extracted from the current transients is in agreement with the atomistic theory of nucleation. At sufficiently negative electrode potentials (E ≤ 0.64 V) the nucleation frequency becomes very high and the nucleation occurs instantaneously. Based on this behaviour is applied a potentiostatic double-pulse routine, which allows controlled electrodeposition of Au nanoparticles with a relatively narrow size distribution

  2. Appui au réseautage et au renforcement des télécentres ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En Afrique de l'Ouest francophone, les télécentres luttent pour atteindre la viabilité financière tout en demeurant au diapason des collectivités, une situation qui tient au fait qu'ils ont accès à un moins grand nombre de ressources en ligne et à une communauté d'utilisateurs plus restreinte que les télécentres anglophones.

  3. Cross section of the 197Au(n,2n196Au reaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kalamara A.


    Full Text Available The 197Au(n,2n196Au reaction cross section has been measured at two energies, namely at 17.1 MeV and 20.9 MeV, by means of the activation technique, relative to the 27Al(n,α24Na reference reaction cross section. Quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams were produced at the 5.5 MV Tandem T11/25 accelerator laboratory of NCSR “Demokritos”, by means of the 3H(d,n4He reaction, implementing a new Ti-tritiated target of ∼ 400 GBq activity. The induced γ-ray activity at the targets and reference foils has been measured with HPGe detectors. The cross section for the population of the second isomeric (12− state m2 of 196Au was independently determined. Auxiliary Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the MCNP code. The present results are in agreement with previous experimental data and with theoretical calculations of the measured reaction cross sections, which were carried out with the use of the EMPIRE code.

  4. Study on antibacterial activity of chemically synthesized PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boomi, Pandi [Department of Industrial Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 003, Tamil Nadu (India); Prabu, Halliah Gurumallesh, E-mail: [Department of Industrial Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 003, Tamil Nadu (India); Manisankar, Paramasivam [Department of Industrial Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630 003, Tamil Nadu (India); Ravikumar, Sundaram [Department of Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies, School of Marine Sciences, Alagappa University, Thondi Campus 623 409, Tamil Nadu (India)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • New method of synthesizing PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposite. • Surface Plasmon resonance and formation of composite at nano level were analyzed. • HR-TEM study revealed uniform distribution of nanoparticles. • PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposite exhibited good antibacterial activity. - Abstract: Pristine polyaniline (PANI), PANI-Ag, PANI-Au and PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposites have been successfully synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization method using aniline as monomer, ammonium persulphate as oxidant and metal (Ag, Au and Ag-Au) colloids. UV-Vis analysis exhibited surface Plasmon resonances of Ag, Au, Ag-Au nanoparticles. FT-IR spectra revealed the shift in peak position of N-H stretching. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results confirm the presence of Ag, Au and Au-Ag nanoparticles. HR-TEM images show nanosizes of Ag, Au, Ag-Au and the incorporation of such nanoparticles into the PANI matrix. Pristine PANI, PANI-Ag, PANI-Au and PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposites were tested for antibacterial activity by agar well diffusion method. PANI-Ag-Au nanocomposite exhibited higher antibacterial activity against both gram-positive [Streptococcus sp. (MTCC 890), Staphylococcus sp. (MTCC 96)] and gram-negative bacteria [Escherichia coli (MTCC 1671) and Klebsiella sp. (MTCC 7407)] when compared with PANI-Ag nanocomposite, PANI-Au nanocomposite and pristine PANI. The novelty of this study is the polymer-bimetal synthesis and its antibacterial potential.

  5. Les entreprises familiales à l’épreuve de la « loi des trois générations » Family companies put to the test of the « Three Generations Law».

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernadette Angleraud


    Full Text Available L'histoire des entreprises renvoie à la notion de génération comme maillon d'une chaîne dynastique qui assure le devenir de la firme. À partir du cas de grandes entreprises familiales qui s'implantent à Lyon à la fin du XIXe siècle, il s'agit d'étudier le rôle assumé par chacune des trois premières générations dans le développement de ces sociétés qui s'imposent dans l'économie locale et nationale. Loin de répondre à un principe qui voudrait que la première génération crée l'entreprise, la seconde la développe et la troisième la ruine, on constate que la réussite et la pérennité de la firme dépendent de la complémentarité entre ces trois premiers maillons de la chaîne dynastique. La génération des fondateurs allie inventivité et intuition économique mais manque d'assise technique, la génération des héritiers apporte à l'édifice un savoir-faire technicien qui permet à la firme de se développer dans un contexte plus concurrentiel la troisième génération, quant à elle, fait bénéficier l'affaire familiale de ses compétences scientifiques et d'un réseau relationnel qui permettent d'imposer la dynastie entrepreneuriale sur un plan tant économique que social.Company history refers to the idea that generations are the links in the dynastic chain that guarantee a firm’s destiny. By examining large family firms estahlished in Lyons at the end of the nineteenth-century, we study the role played by each of the first three generations in the development of these companies, which were essential to the local and national economies. Contrary to the pattern that assumes that the first generation creates a firm, the second develops it, and the third brings if to ruine, we argue that the success and longevity of these firms depended on the fact that those first three links vere complementary. The founding generation combined inventiveness with economic intuition but lacked a technical basis. Their heirs

  6. Molecules on vicinal Au surfaces studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroeger, J; Neel, N; Jensen, H; Berndt, R; Rurali, R; Lorente, N


    Using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy we investigated the adsorption characteristics of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride and fullerenes on Au(788), Au(433), and Au(778). On Au(788) and Au(778), 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride exhibits three coexisting superstructures, which do not reflect the periodicity of the hosting substrate. The adsorption on Au(433) leads to the formation of molecule chains along the step edges after annealing the sample. Fullerene molecules on Au(788) arrange in a mesh of islands, which extends over several hundreds of nanometres with an extraordinarily high periodicity. A combination of fullerene adsorption and annealing leads to facetting of Au(433) and the formation of extraordinarily long fullerene stripes

  7. Programme d'immersion du Sustainable Development Policy ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Grâce à cette subvention, le Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SPDI) sera en mesure de former un groupe de diplômés et de jeunes professionnels afin qu'ils puissent réaliser des recherches en sciences sociales au Pakistan et en Asie du Sud. Le programme comportera un volet théorique et des travaux pratiques ...

  8. Canada : tous les projets | Page 13 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Perception du risque et vulnérabilité des milieux humides sur la côte atlantique de l'Amérique du Sud. Projet ... Programme: Climate Change ... Les entrepreneurs migrants représentent une force appréciable au sein du secteur non structuré en Afrique australe; or, leur rôle demeure bien souvent invisible aux yeux des ...

  9. Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du tabac en Argentine, en Bolivie et au Chili. Partout en Amérique du Sud, les adultes et les enfants font une grande ... New website will help record vital life events to improve access to services for all. A new website and resource library will help improve ...

  10. Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) - phase III | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Établi en 1996, le réseau de chercheurs de l'organisme Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) souhaite fournir au gouvernement de l'Afrique du Sud, à la société civile et à la région des conseils impartiaux en matière de politiques économiques, particulièrement celles portant sur les questions commerciales et ...

  11. 1193-IJBCS-Article-Martin pepin Aina

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La protection des écosystèmes aquatiques est indispensable à l'équilibre écologique des espèces halieutiques et à une saine alimentation des populations locales. Le lac Nokoué situé au Sud du Bénin est sous l'influence de plusieurs formes de pollution qui résultent pour la plupart des activités anthropiques. Ce travail.

  12. Everest

    CERN Multimedia



    Chris Bonington, est né à Hampstead et a fait des études à University Collège School à Londres et au Royal Military Academy à Sundhorst. Il est un alpiniste mondialement connu qui a fait un grand nombre de premiers ascensions, comme celle de la face sud-ouest de l'Everest avec une équipe de 70 hommes en septembre 1975

  13. Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Incidence des prix et des taxes sur la consommation de produits du tabac en Argentine, en Bolivie et au Chili. Partout en Amérique du Sud, les adultes et les enfants font une grande consommation de tabac. Un nouveau projet de recherche se penchera sur les avantages et les limites des stratégies de fixation des prix et de ...

  14. Augmentation de l'égalité entre les sexes chez les producteurs de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... La baisse de la production de petits mils est attribuable, entre autres, au fait que leur transformation nécessite de longs et pénibles travaux qui incombent habituellement aux femmes. Le projet Revalorisation des petits mils en Asie du Sud, axé sur les femmes, vise à accroître leur rôle dans la recherche ...

  15. Site-specific growth of Au-Pd alloy horns on Au nanorods: A platform for highly sensitive monitoring of catalytic reactions by surface enhancement raman spectroscopy

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a highly sensitive probe for molecular detection. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient platform for investigating the kinetics of catalytic reactions with SERS. To achieve this, we synthesized a novel Au-Pd bimetallic nanostructure (HIF-AuNR@AuPd) through site-specific epitaxial growth of Au-Pd alloy horns as catalytic sites at the ends of Au nanorods. Using high-resolution electron microscopy and tomography, we successfully reconstructed the complex three-dimensional morphology of HIF-AuNR@AuPd and identified that the horns are bound with high-index {11l} (0.25 < l < 0.43) facets. With an electron beam probe, we visualized the distribution of surface plasmon over the HIF-AuNR@AuPd nanorods, finding that strong longitudinal surface plasmon resonance concentrated at the rod ends. This unique crystal morphology led to the coupling of high catalytic activity with a strong SERS effect at the rod ends, making HIF-AuNR@AuPd an excellent bifunctional platform for in situ monitoring of surface catalytic reactions. Using the hydrogenation of 4-nitrothiophenol as a model reaction, we demonstrated that its first-order reaction kinetics could be accurately determined from this platform. Moreover, we clearly identified the superior catalytic activity of the rod ends relative to that of the rod bodies, owing to the different SERS activities at the two positions. In comparison with other reported Au-Pd bimetallic nanostructures, HIF-AuNR@AuPd offered both higher catalytic activity and greater detection sensitivity. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

  16. Electronic Absorption and MCD Spectra for Pd(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+), Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+), and Related Platinum-Centered Gold Cluster Complexes. (United States)

    Adrowski, Michael J.; Mason, W. Roy


    Electronic absorption and 7.0 T magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra in the UV-vis region, 1.6 to approximately 4.0 &mgr;m(-)(1) (1 &mgr;m(-)(1) = 10(4) cm(-)(1)) are reported for [Pd(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2) and [Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2) in acetonitrile solutions at room temperature. The MCD spectra are better resolved than the absorption spectra and consist of both A and B terms. The spectra are interpreted in terms of D(4)(d)() skeletal geometry and MO's that are approximated by 5s and 6s orbitals for Pd and Pt/Au atoms, respectively. The lowest energy excited configurations and states are attributed to intraframework (IF) Au(8)(2+) transitions. Evidence is also presented for Pt 5d --> Au 6s transitions in the MCD spectra for Pt(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+). Acetonitrile solution absorption and MCD spectra for the related Pt-centered cluster complexes [Pt(CO)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(AuP(p-tolyl)(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(CuCl)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(AgNO(3))(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(Hg)(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](NO(3))(2), [Pt(HgCl)(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](BF(4))(2), and [Pt(HgNO(3))(2)(AuPPh(3))(8)](BF(4))(2) are also reported and interpreted within the context of the model developed for the M(AuPPh(3))(8)(2+) complexes.

  17. Jalons pour une anthropologie de l’éthique entrepreneuriale en Asie du Sud-Est Groundwork for an Anthropology of Entrepreneurial Ethics in South-East Asia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghislaine Gallenga


    Full Text Available L’éthique entrepreneuriale est une notion largement mobilisée dans le milieu des affaires et des entreprises en Asie du Sud-Est où elle est présentée le plus souvent comme un ensemble de préceptes moraux, idéologiques ou religieux que les acteurs locaux rassemblent sous le vocable « valeurs asiatiques ». L’objet de cette introduction est de replacer ces valeurs dans le contexte de l’entreprise à partir de quelques travaux fondateurs de ce sujet en Asie du Sud-Est. Nous verrons que le plus souvent ils oscillent entre deux pôles : d’une part la sociologie wébérienne du capitalisme industriel par le prisme de l’éthique religieuse et d’autre part l’approche substantiviste de Polanyi. Si les grilles d’analyse nées de ces débats ont été appliquées en majorité aux entrepreneurs issus de la diaspora chinoise, c’est la question de l’idéologie des entrepreneurs qui prédomine à travers le prisme des courants philosophiques et religieux qui leur servent de repères. Comment des valeurs et des idéologies sont-elles perpétuées, adaptées ou transposées par les directions d’entreprise ? Comment s’insèrent-elles également dans les micro-stratégies des acteurs locaux ? Comment l’éthique entrepreneuriale se décline-t-elle dans des établissements de statuts divers et dans des familles d’entrepreneurs ? Quelles images ces dernières construisent-elles et quelles sont les valeurs (morales, religieuses, etc. qui participent à la construction de cette éthique ? En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’observer des pratiques qui ont cours dans cette partie du monde et d’en comprendre les logiques au travers d’analyses anthropologiques. Ainsi, les contributions présentées dans ce numéro apportent à la fois des éléments de réponse et ouvrent d’autres pistes de réflexion pour concourir à esquisser ce que « éthique entrepreneuriale » peut recouvrir dans cette région du Sud-Est asiatique

  18. 24 années d’épidémie de sida dans l’archipel indonésien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurence Husson


    Full Text Available L’ONUSIDA dans son bilan 2007 estimait le nombre de personnes infectées par le VIH dans le monde à 33 millions, avec 2,7 millions de nouvelles contaminations et 2 millions de décès dans l’année. Si l’Afrique subsaharienne était de loin la région du monde la plus durement touchée avec 22 millions de personnes infectées, l’Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est était aussi très concernée avec 4,2 millions de personnes porteuses du virus. Au sein de cette Asie, l’Indonésie, avec 240 millions d’habitants en 2...

  19. Semiconducting La2AuP3, the metallic conductor Ce2AuP3, and other rare-earth gold phosphides Ln2AuP3 with two closely related crystal structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eschen, M.; Kotzyba, G.; Kuennen, B.; Jeitschko, W.


    The compounds Ln 2 AuP 3 were synthesized by reaction of the elemental components in evacuated silica tubes. Their crystal structures were determined from single-crystal diffractometer data. The compounds with Ln = La, Ce, and Pr crystallize with an orthorhombic U 2 NiC 3 type structure (Pnma, Z = 4). The structure refinement for Ce 2 AuP 3 resulted in a = 774.14(6) pm, b = 421.11(4) pm, c = 1612.3(1) pm, R = 0.019 for 1410 structure factors and 38 variable parameters. For Pr 2 AuP 3 a residual of R = 0.024 was obtained. Nd 2 AuP 3 crystallizes with a monoclinic distortion of this structure: P2 1 /c, Z = 4, a = 416.14(4) pm, b = 768.87(6) pm, c = 1647.1(2) pm, β = 104.06(1) , R = 0.022 for 1361 F values and 56 variables. The near-neighbor coordinations of the two structures are nearly the same. In both structures the gold and phosphorus atoms form two-dimensionally infinite nets, where the gold atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated by phosphorus atoms with Au-P distances varying between 245.8 and 284.2 pm. Two thirds of the phosphorus atoms form pairs with single-bond distances varying between 217.7 and 218.9 pm. Thus, using oxidation numbers the structures can be rationalized with the formulas (Ln +3 ) 2 [AuP 3 ] -6 and (Ln +3 ) 2 Au +1 (P 2 ) -4 P -3 . Accordingly, La 2 AuP 3 is a diamagnetic semiconductor. Pr 2 AuP 3 is semi-conducting with an antiferromagnetic ground state, showing metamagnetism with a critical field of B c = 0.5(±0.1) T. In contrast, the cerium compound is a metallic conductor, even though its cell volume indicates that the cerium atoms are essentially trivalent, as is also suggested by the ferro- or ferrimagnetic behavior of the compound. (orig.)

  20. Charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV (United States)

    Wozniak, Krzysztof; the PHOBOS Collaboration; Back, B. B.; Baker, M. D.; Ballintijn, M.; Barton, D. S.; Betts, R. R.; Bickley, A. A.; Bindel, R.; Budzanowski, A.; Busza, W.; Carroll, A.; Chai, Z.; Decowski, M. P.; García, E.; George, N.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gushue, S.; Halliwell, C.; Hamblen, J.; Heintzelman, G. A.; Henderson, C.; Hofman, D. J.; Hollis, R. S.; Hołyński, R.; Holzman, B.; Iordanova, A.; Johnson, E.; Kane, J. L.; Katzy, J.; Khan, N.; Kucewicz, W.; Kulinich, P.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W. T.; Manly, S.; McLeod, D.; Mignerey, A. C.; Nouicer, R.; Olszewski, A.; Pak, R.; Park, I. C.; Pernegger, H.; Reed, C.; Remsberg, L. P.; Reuter, M.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rosenberg, L.; Sagerer, J.; Sarin, P.; Sawicki, P.; Skulski, W.; Steinberg, P.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Sukhanov, A.; Tang, J. L.; Trzupek, A.; Vale, C.; van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J.; Verdier, R.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Wosiek, B.; Wuosmaa, A. H.; Wysłouch, B.


    This paper presents the first PHOBOS results on charged particle multiplicity fluctuations measured for Au+Au collisions at the highest RHIC energy within a wide pseudorapidity range of |η| < 3. The dependence on collision geometry is removed in the analysis by using the normalized difference between the number of particles in separate η bins. We compare our data to HIJING model predictions.

  1. Wetting - Dewetting Transitions of Au/Ni Bilayer Films (United States)

    Cen, Xi

    Thin films deposited at low temperatures are often kinetically constrained and will dewet the underlying substrate when annealed. Solid state dewetting is driven by the minimization of the total free energy of thin film-substrate interface and free surface, and mostly occurs through surface diffusion. Dewetting is a serious concern in microelectronics reliability. However, it can also be utilized for the self-assembly of nanostructures with potentials in storage, catalysis, or transistors. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the dewetting behavior of thin metal films is critical for improving the thermal stability of microelectronics and controlling the order of self-assembled nanostructures. Mechanisms for dewetting of single layer films have been studied extensively. However little work has been reported on multilayer or alloyed thin films. In the thesis, the solid state dewetting of Au/Ni bilayer films deposited on SiO2/Si substrates was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and aberration corrected scanning TEM (STEM). Ex-situ SEM and TEM studies were performed with in-situ TEM heating characterization to identify the mechanisms during the dewetting process of Au/Ni bilayer films. The solid state dewetting of Au/Ni bilayer films from SiO2/Si substrates exhibits both homogeneous and localized dewetting of Ni and long-edge retraction for Au under isothermal annealing condition. The top Au layer retracts up to 1 mm from the edge of the substrate wafer to reduce the energetically unfavored Au/Ni interface. In contrast, Ni dewets and agglomerates locally due to its limited diffusivity compared to Au. Film morphology and local chemical composition varies significantly across hundreds of microns along the direction normal to the retracting edge. Besides long range edge receding, localized dewetting shows significant changes in film morphology and chemical distribution. Both Au and Ni shows texturing. Despite

  2. Asie du sud | Page 99 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au Bangladesh, les jeunes jouent un rôle central dans le passage d'une économie ... The country's booming garment industry has created urban employment for ... First Secretary, Political and Economic Affairs, High Commission of Canada in ...

  3. Au and AuCu Nanoparticles Supported on SBA-15 Ordered Mesoporous Titania-Silica as Catalysts for Methylene Blue Photodegradation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Barroso-Martín


    Full Text Available The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB dye has been performed under UV irradiation in aqueous suspension, employing photocatalysts based on Au (1.5 wt % and AuCu (Au/Cu = 1, 2.0 wt %, and supported on SBA-15-ordered mesoporous silica, with and without titania (Si/Ti = 3, in order to evaluate the versatility of this mesoporous support in this type of reaction of great impact from the environmental point of view. Samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, N2 adsorption-desorption at −196 °C, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, so as to study their structural, optical, and chemical properties. All the prepared catalysts were found to be active in the test reaction. The bimetallic AuCu-based catalysts attained very high MB degradation values, in particular AuCu/SBA-15 titania-silica sample reached 100% of dye oxidation after the monitored reaction period (120 min.

  4. Novel condensation of Au-centered trigonal prisms in rare-earth-metal-rich tellurides: Er7Au2Te2 and Lu7Au2Te2. (United States)

    Gupta, Shalabh; Corbett, John D


    A new monoclinic structure occurs for Er(7)Au(2)Te(2) according to X-ray diffraction analysis of single crystals grown at 1200 degrees C: C2/m, Z = 4, a = 17.8310(9) A, b = 3.9819(5) A, c = 16.9089(9) A, beta = 104.361(4) degrees. The isostructural Lu(7)Au(2)Te(2) also exists according to X-ray powder pattern means, a = 17.536(4) A, b = 3.9719(4) A, c = 16.695(2) A, beta = 104.33(1) degrees. The structure contains zigzag chains of condensed, Au-centered tricapped trigonal prisms (TCTP) of Er along c that also share basal faces along b to generate puckered sheets. Further bi-face-capping Er atoms between these generate the three dimensional network along a, with tellurium in cavities outlined by augmented trigonal prismatic Er polyhedra. Bonding analysis via LMTO-DFT methods reveal very significant Er-Au bonding interactions, as quantified by their energy-weighted Hamilton overlap populations (-ICOHP), approximately 49% of the total for all interactions. These and similar Er-Te contributions sharply contrast with the small Er-Er population, only approximately 14% of the total in spite of the high proportion of Er-Er contacts. The strong polar bonding of Er to the electronegative Au and Te leaves Er relatively oxidized, with many of its 5d states falling above the Fermi level and empty. The contradiction with customary representations of structures that highlight rare-earth metal clusters is manifest. The large Er-Au Hamilton overlap population is in accord with the strong bonding between early and late transition metals first noted by Brewer in 1973. The relationship of this structure to the more distorted orthorhombic (Imm2) structure type of neighboring Dy(7)Ir(2)Te(2) is considered.

  5. Structure and Mobility of Metal Clusters in MOFs: Au, Pd, and AuPd Clusters in MOF-74

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vilhelmsen, Lasse; Walton, Krista S.; Sholl, David S.


    is just as important for nanocluster adsorption as open Zn or Mg metal sites. Using the large number of clusters generated by the GA, we developed a systematic method for predicting the mobility of adsorbed clusters. Through the investigation of diffusion paths a relationship between the cluster......Understanding the adsorption and mobility of metal–organic framework (MOF)-supported metal nanoclusters is critical to the development of these catalytic materials. We present the first theoretical investigation of Au-, Pd-, and AuPd-supported clusters in a MOF, namely MOF-74. We combine density...... functional theory (DFT) calculations with a genetic algorithm (GA) to reliably predict the structure of the adsorbed clusters. This approach allows comparison of hundreds of adsorbed configurations for each cluster. From the investigation of Au8, Pd8, and Au4Pd4 we find that the organic part of the MOF...

  6. Evaluation des Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations des districts sanitaires de Benoye, Laoukassy, Moundou et N’Djaména Sud sur la rage canine au Tchad (United States)

    Mindekem, Rolande; Lechenne, Monique; Alfaroukh, Idriss Oumar; Moto, Daugla Doumagoum; Zinsstag, Jakob; Ouedraogo, Laurent Tinoaga; Salifou, Sahidou


    Introduction La rage canine demeure une préoccupation en Afrique comme au Tchad. La présente étude vise à évaluer les Connaissances-Attitudes-Pratiques des populations pour la prise en charge appropriée des personnes exposées et une lutte efficace. Méthodes C’était une étude transversale descriptive réalisée en juillet et septembre dans quatre districts sanitaires au Tchad en 2015. Les données ont été collectées à l’aide d’un questionnaire auprès des ménages recrutés suivant un sondage aléatoire à 3 degrés. Résultats C’était 2428 personnes enquêtées avec un niveau maximum primaire (54,12%). L’âge moyen était de 36 ± 13,50 ans. Ils étaient cultivateurs (35,17%), commerçants (18,04%), ménagères (12,81%). La rage était définie comme une maladie transmise du chien à l’homme (41,43%), une altération du cerveau (41,27%), une sous-alimentation (10,26%). Le chat était faiblement connu réservoir (13,84%) et vecteur (19,77%) ainsi que la griffure comme moyen de transmission (4,61%) et la vaccination du chat comme mesure préventive (0,49%). Les premiers soins en cas de morsure à domicile étaient les pratiques traditionnelles (47,69%), le lavage des plaies (19,48%) ou aucune action entreprise (20,43%). Les ménages consultaient la santé humaine (78,50%), la santé animale (5,35%) et les guérisseurs traditionnels (27%). Conclusion La communication en rapport avec des premiers soins à la maison en cas de morsure, la connaissance du chat comme réservoir et vecteur, celle de la griffure comme moyen de transmission et la promotion de la consultation des services vétérinaires en cas de morsure sont nécessaires. PMID:28761600

  7. Crozant – Château de Crozant


    Chaillou, Mélanie


    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 2785 Date de l'opération : 2007 - 2008 (SP) Inventeur(s) : Chaillou Mélanie (HADES) La porterie du château de Crozant fait l’objet d’un chantier de consolidation depuis septembre 2007. Cette partie de la forteresse est composée de quatre grands ensembles : la tour E à l’ouest (déjà en partie fouillée par Julien Denis en 2004), séparée de la tour C au sud-est par la culée du pont qui donnait accès au château (passage A), et enfin la tour D flanquée au...

  8. Alternatives Sud, “L’offensive des marchés sur l’université. Points de vue du Sud”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Émile Charlier


    Full Text Available Un nouvel ordre mondial de l’enseignement supérieur est de toute évidence en gestation, le processus de Bologne en est une manifestation parmi beaucoup d’autres. Les analyses de ce phénomène restent trop rares, l’initiative d’Alternatives Sud arrive donc à point nommé. Le numéro est introduit par N. Hirtt, dont les thèses sur l’influence que la table ronde des industriels (ERT exerce sur l’évolution de nos systèmes éducatifs sont connues. Dans son éditorial fort bien documenté, il dresse le ...

  9. Enhanced magneto-plasmonic effect in Au/Co/Au multilayers caused by exciton–plasmon strong coupling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamidi, S.M., E-mail:; Ghaebi, O.


    In this paper, we have investigated magneto optical Kerr rotation using the strong coupling of exciton–plasmon. For this purpose, we have demonstrated strong coupling phenomenon using reflectometry measurements. These measurements revealed the formation of two split polaritonic extrema in reflectometry as a function of wavelength. Then we have shown exciton–plasmon coupling in dispersion diagram which presented an anti-crossing between the polaritonic branches. To assure the readers of strong coupling, we have shown an enhanced magneto-optical Kerr rotation by comparing the reflectometry results of strong coupling of surface Plasmon polariton of Au/Co/Au multilayer and R6G excitons with surface Plasmon polariton magneto-optical kerr effect experimental setup. - Highlights: • The magneto optical Kerr rotation has been investigated by using the strong coupling of exciton–plasmon. • We have shown exciton–plasmon coupling in dispersion diagram which presented an anti-crossing between the polaritonic branches. • Strong coupling of surface plasmon polariton and exciton have been yielded to the enhanced magneto-optical Kerr effect. • Plasmons in Au/Co/Au multilayer and exciton in R6G have been coupled to enhance magneto-optical activity.

  10. Transverse-momentum and collision-energy dependence of high-pT hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at ultrarelativistic energies. (United States)

    Adams, J; Adler, C; Aggarwal, M M; Ahammed, Z; Amonett, J; Anderson, B D; Anderson, M; Arkhipkin, D; Averichev, G S; Badyal, S K; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; Barnby, L S; Baudot, J; Bekele, S; Belaga, V V; Bellwied, R; Berger, J; Bezverkhny, B I; Bhardwaj, S; Bhaskar, P; Bhati, A K; Bichsel, H; Billmeier, A; Bland, L C; Blyth, C O; Bonner, B E; Botje, M; Boucham, A; Brandin, A; Bravar, A; Cadman, R V; Cai, X Z; Caines, H; Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M; Carroll, J; Castillo, J; Castro, M; Cebra, D; Chaloupka, P; Chattopadhyay, S; Chen, H F; Chen, Y; Chernenko, S P; Cherney, M; Chikanian, A; Choi, B; Christie, W; Coffin, J P; Cormier, T M; Cramer, J G; Crawford, H J; Das, D; Das, S; Derevschikov, A A; Didenko, L; Dietel, T; Dong, X; Draper, J E; Drees, K A; Du, F; Dubey, A K; Dunin, V B; Dunlop, J C; Dutta Majumdar, M R; Eckardt, V; Efimov, L G; Emelianov, V; Engelage, J; Eppley, G; Erazmus, B; Fachini, P; Faine, V; Faivre, J; Fatemi, R; Filimonov, K; Filip, P; Finch, E; Fisyak, Y; Flierl, D; Foley, K J; Fu, J; Gagliardi, C A; Ganti, M S; Gagunashvili, N; Gans, J; Gaudichet, L; Germain, M; Geurts, F; Ghazikhanian, V; Ghosh, P; Gonzalez, J E; Grachov, O; Grigoriev, V; Gronstal, S; Grosnick, D; Guedon, M; Guertin, S M; Gupta, A; Gushin, E; Gutierrez, T D; Hallman, T J; Hardtke, D; Harris, J W; Heinz, M; Henry, T W; Heppelmann, S; Herston, T; Hippolyte, B; Hirsch, A; Hjort, E; Hoffmann, G W; Horsley, M; Huang, H Z; Huang, S L; Humanic, T J; Igo, G; Ishihara, A; Jacobs, P; Jacobs, W W; Janik, M; Johnson, I; Jones, P G; Judd, E G; Kabana, S; Kaneta, M; Kaplan, M; Keane, D; Kiryluk, J; Kisiel, A; Klay, J; Klein, S R; Klyachko, A; Kollegger, T; Konstantinov, A S; Kopytine, M; Kotchenda, L; Kovalenko, A D; Kramer, M; Kravtsov, P; Krueger, K; Kuhn, C; Kulikov, A I; Kumar, A; Kunde, G J; Kunz, C L; Kutuev, R Kh; Kuznetsov, A A; Lamont, M A C; Landgraf, J M; Lange, S; Lansdell, C P; Lasiuk, B; Laue, F; Lauret, J; Lebedev, A; Lednický, R; Leontiev, V M; LeVine, M J; Li, C; Li, Q; Lindenbaum, S J; Lisa, M A; Liu, F; Liu, L; Liu, Z; Liu, Q J; Ljubicic, T; Llope, W J; Long, H; Longacre, R S; Lopez-Noriega, M; Love, W A; Ludlam, T; Lynn, D; Ma, J; Ma, Y G; Magestro, D; Mahajan, S; Mangotra, L K; Mahapatra, D P; Majka, R; Manweiler, R; Margetis, S; Markert, C; Martin, L; Marx, J; Matis, H S; Matulenko, Yu A; McShane, T S; Meissner, F; Melnick, Yu; Meschanin, A; Messer, M; Miller, M L; Milosevich, Z; Minaev, N G; Mironov, C; Mishra, D; Mitchell, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Moore, C F; Mora-Corral, M J; Morozov, V; de Moura, M M; Munhoz, M G; Nandi, B K; Nayak, S K; Nayak, T K; Nelson, J M; Nevski, P; Nikitin, V A; Nogach, L V; Norman, B; Nurushev, S B; Odyniec, G; Ogawa, A; Okorokov, V; Oldenburg, M; Olson, D; Paic, G; Pandey, S U; Pal, S K; Panebratsev, Y; Panitkin, S Y; Pavlinov, A I; Pawlak, T; Perevoztchikov, V; Peryt, W; Petrov, V A; Phatak, S C; Picha, R; Planinic, M; Pluta, J; Porile, N; Porter, J; Poskanzer, A M; Potekhin, M; Potrebenikova, E; Potukuchi, B V K S; Prindle, D; Pruneau, C; Putschke, J; Rai, G; Rakness, G; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Ravel, O; Ray, R L; Razin, S V; Reichhold, D; Reid, J G; Renault, G; Retiere, F; Ridiger, A; Ritter, H G; Roberts, J B; Rogachevski, O V; Romero, J L; Rose, A; Roy, C; Ruan, L J; Rykov, V; Sahoo, R; Sakrejda, I; Salur, S; Sandweiss, J; Savin, I; Schambach, J; Scharenberg, R P; Schmitz, N; Schroeder, L S; Schweda, K; Seger, J; Seliverstov, D; Seyboth, P; Shahaliev, E; Shao, M; Sharma, M; Shestermanov, K E; Shimanskii, S S; Singaraju, R N; Simon, F; Skoro, G; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Sood, G; Sorensen, P; Sowinski, J; Spinka, H M; Srivastava, B; Stanislaus, S; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, A; Strikhanov, M; Stringfellow, B; Struck, C; Suaide, A A P; Sugarbaker, E; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Surrow, B; Symons, T J M; Szanto de Toledo, A; Szarwas, P; Tai, A; Takahashi, J; Tang, A H; Thein, D; Thomas, J H; Tikhomirov, V; Tokarev, M; Tonjes, M B; Trainor, T A; Trentalange, S; Tribble, R E; Trivedi, M D; Trofimov, V; Tsai, O; Ullrich, T; Underwood, D G; Van Buren, G; VanderMolen, A M; Vasiliev, A N; Vasiliev, M; Vigdor, S E; Viyogi, Y P; Voloshin, S A; Waggoner, W; Wang, F; Wang, G; Wang, X L; Wang, Z M; Ward, H; Watson, J W; Wells, R; Westfall, G D; Whitten, C; Wieman, H; Willson, R; Wissink, S W; Witt, R; Wood, J; Wu, J; Xu, N; Xu, Z; Xu, Z Z; Yakutin, A E; Yamamoto, E; Yang, J; Yepes, P; Yurevich, V I; Zanevski, Y V; Zborovský, I; Zhang, H; Zhang, H Y; Zhang, W M; Zhang, Z P; Zołnierczuk, P A; Zoulkarneev, R; Zoulkarneeva, J; Zubarev, A N


    We report high statistics measurements of inclusive charged hadron production in Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV. A large, approximately constant hadron suppression is observed in central Au+Au collisions for 5

  11. Sud du Sahara | Page 223 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    . Langue French. Read more about Pauvreté et vulnérabilité environnementale dans les bidonvilles en pleine croissance en Angola. Langue French. Read more about Les SIG-P au service d'une gestion durable des ressources naturelles et ...

  12. Sud du Sahara | Page 293 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French ... Au Burkina Faso, les pratiques de culture et d'élevage perdent de leur efficacité en raison de l'augmentation ... In Benin, extreme climate variability has threatened the food security of rural populations, with agricultural yields ...

  13. Becoming independent through au pair migration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalgas, Karina Märcher


    . This article argues that, despite this critique, au pairing does play an important formative role for young Filipinas because it opens up for experiences abroad that enable them to be recognised as independent adults in Philippine society. Rather than autonomy, however, au pairs define their independence...

  14. Theoretical studies of acrolein hydrogenation on Au20 nanoparticle (United States)

    Li, Zhe; Chen, Zhao-Xu; He, Xiang; Kang, Guo-Jun


    Gold nanoparticles play a key role in catalytic processes. We investigated the kinetics of stepwise hydrogenation of acrolein on Au20 cluster model and compared with that on Au(110) surface. The rate-limiting step barrier of CC reduction is about 0.5 eV higher than that of CO hydrogenation on Au(110) surface. On Au20 nanoparticle, however, the energy barrier of the rate-determining step for CC hydrogenation turns out to be slightly lower than the value for the CO reduction. The selectivity difference on the two substrate models are attributed to different adsorption modes of acrolein: via the CC on Au20, compared to through both CC and CO on Au(110). The preference switch implies that the predicted selectivity of competitive hydrogenation depends on substrate model sensitively, and particles with more low-coordinated Au atoms than flat surfaces are favorable for CC hydrogenation, which is in agreement with experimental result.

  15. Ordered arrays of Au catalysts by FIB assisted heterogeneous dewetting. (United States)

    Benkouider, A; Ronda, A; David, T; Favre, L; Abbarchi, M; Naffouti, M; Osmond, J; Delobbe, A; Sudraud, P; Berbezier, I


    Synthesizing Au0.8Si0.2 nanocatalysts that are homogeneous in size and have controlled position is becoming a challenging and crucial prequisite for the fabrication of ordered semiconductor nanowires. In this study, Au0.8Si0.2 nanocatalysts are synthesized via dewetting of Au layers on Si(111) during thermal annealing in an ultra-high vacuum. In the first part of the paper, the mechanism of homogeneous dewetting is analyzed as a function of the Au-deposited thickness (h Au). We distinguish three different dewetting regimes: (I) for a low thickness ([Formula: see text]), a submonolyer coverage of Au is stabilized and there is no dewetting. (II) For an intermediate thickness ([Formula: see text]), there is both dewetting and Au0.8Si0.2 phase formation. The size and density of the Au0.8Si0.2 clusters are directly related to h Au. When cooling down to room temperature, the clusters decompose and reject the Si at the Au/Si substrate interface. (III) For a large thickness ([Formula: see text]), only dewetting takes place, without forming AuSi clusters. In this regime, the dewetting is kinetically controlled by the self-diffusion of Au (activation energy ∼0.43 eV) without evidence of an Si-alloying effect. As a practical consequence, when relying solely on the homogeneous dewetting of Au/Si(111) to form the Au0.8Si0.2 catalysts (without a supply of Si atoms from vapor), regime II should be used to obtain good size and density control. In the second part of the paper, a process for ordering the catalysts using focused ion beam-(FIB) assisted dewetting (heterogeneous dewetting) is developed. We show that no matter what the FIB milling conditions and the Au nominal thickness are, dewetting is promoted by ion beam irradiation and is accompanied by the formation of Au0.8Si0.2 droplets. The droplets preferentially form on the patterned areas, while in similar annealing conditions, they do not form on the unpatterned areas. This behavior is attributed to the larger Au

  16. Viscoelastic nature of Au nanoparticle–PDMS nanocomposite gels

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A stable gel of Au nanoparticles in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) nanocomposite is prepared by employing the curing agent of PDMS elastomer as a reducing agent for the formation of Au nanoparticles by an in-situ process. The viscoelastic nature of these gels is very sensitive to the Au nanoparticle loading and the ...

  17. Energy Lossand Flow of Heavy Quarks in Au+Au Collisions at root-s=200GeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soltz, R; Klay, J; Enokizono, A; Newby, J; Heffner, M; Hartouni, E


    The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has measured electrons with 0.3 < p{sub rmT} < 9 GeV/c at midrapidity (|y| < 0.35) from heavy flavor (charm and bottom) decays in Au+Au collisions at {radical}s{sub NN} = 200 GeV. The nuclear modification factor R{sub AA} relative to p+p collisions shows a strong suppression in central Au+Au collisions, indicating substantial energy loss of heavy quarks in the medium produced at RHIC energies. A large azimuthal anisotropy, v{sub 2}, with respect to the reaction plane is observed for 0.5 < p{sub rmT} < 5 GeV/c indicating non-zero heavy flavor elliptic flow. A simultaneous description of R{sub AA}(p{sub rmT}) and v{sub 2}(p{sub rmT}) constrains the existing models of heavy-quark rescattering in strongly interacting matter and provides information on the transport properties of the produced medium. In particular, a viscosity to entropy density ratio close to the conjectured quantum lower bound, i.e. near a perfect fluid, is suggested.

  18. Synthesis of Au and Au/Cu alloy nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes by using microwave irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rangari, Vijaya K.; Dey, Sanchita; Jeelani, Shaik


    Gold nanoparticles and gold-copper alloy nanoparticles were synthesized by reduction of chloroauric acid (HAuCl_4.xH_2O) and co-reduction of chloroauric acid (HAuCl_4.xH_2O) and Copper(II) acetate [(CH_3COO)_2Cu.H_2O] by ethylene glycol through microwave irradiation technique. In this reaction ethylene glycol used as a solvent and also reducing agent. The cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) used as surfactant. Au nanoparticles and Au-Cu nanoparticles on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotube also produced by using same procedure. The XRD analysis confirmed the formation of Au and Au-Cu alloy nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes(CNTs). The morphology and size of the particles were examined by the transmission electron microscopy. The EDS analysis on individual particles confirmed that the presence of two metals in a particle in case of alloy nanoparticle. The results presented here show that a variety of well defined metal and metal alloy nanoparticles can be produced by using the microwave polyol process with in a short period of time. (author)

  19. Analysis of the intermediate stage in the heavy ion interactions of 208Pb+197Au and 197Au+197Au

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nasir, Tabassum; Khan, E.U.; Baluch, J.J.; Qureshi, I.E.; Sajid, M.; Shahzad, M.I.


    Two different projectiles 208 Pb and 197 Au at the same energy (11.67MeV/u) have been bombarded on 197 Au target to study heavy ion interactions using mica as a passive detector. In this paper we present results on the study of energy damping and time scale of the existence of di-nuclear composite system in the intermediate reaction step. The plots of Q-values as well as reaction cross sections in various angular bins of scattering angles suggest that K.E. damping was complete and dynamic equilibrium was established between the first and second reaction steps. The time scale of this duration was also determined

  20. Developing an aqueous approach for synthesizing Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars with plasmonic properties


    Du, Jingshan; Yu, Junjie; Xiong, Yalin; Lin, Zhuoqing; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Deren


    Anisotropic Au nanoparticles show unique localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties, which make it attractive in optical, sensing, and biomedical applications. In this contribution, we report a general and facile strategy towards aqueous synthesis of Au and M@Au (M = Pd, CuPt) hybrid nanostars by reducing HAuCl4 with ethanolamine in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). According to electron microscopic observation and spectral monitoring, we found that the layered...