
Sample records for facoltativo ma il

  1. Il laser

    CERN Document Server

    Smith, William V


    Verso il 1960, il laser era ancora "una soluzione alla ricerca di un problema", ma fin dagli anni immediatamente successivi si è rivelato uno strumento insostituibile per le applicazioni più svariate.

  2. Il libro di fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Asimov, Isaac


    Isaac Asimov, illustre studioso e brillante divulgatore scientifico, ma anche grandissimo scrittore di science fiction, ha costruito questa volta una vera e propria «biografia delle scienze fisiche». Il presente volume, che nel mondo anglosassone è diventato una «bibbia della fisica», ci introduce, in forma semplice ma rigorosa, ai segreti dei quasar e dei buchi neri, dei quark e degli acceleratori di particelle, dell'intelligenza artificiale e delle fonti di energia, sia essa quella «sporca» sia quella «pulita». Un vero, completo manuale, ma anche un «romanzo» affascinante sia per il profano sia per l'uomo di scienza.

  3. Synergistic cooperation between methamphetamine and HIV-1 gsp120 through the P13K/Akt pathway induces IL-6 but not IL-8 expression in astrocytes.

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    Ankit Shah

    Full Text Available HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 has been extensively studied for neurotoxic effects that have been attributed to the increased expression of various proinflammatory cytokines in the CNS. Recently we have shown that methamphetamine (MA also increases expression of proinflammatory cytokines in astrocytes. However, combined effect of gp120 and MA is not known. The present study was undertaken to determine cumulative effect and the mechanism(s/pathways involved in the functional interaction between gp120 and MA in SVGA astrocytes. Our results clearly suggest that gp120 and MA affect IL-6 but not IL-8 in a synergistic manner and this synergy was mediated by PI3K/Akt and NF-κB pathways. Inhibition of either of these pathways could abrogate the increased expression of IL-6 due to MA or gp120 alone, as well as the increased expression of IL-6 when the astrocytes were treated with both gp120 and MA. These results were confirmed by both, using chemical inhibitors/siRNA as well as western blotting. This study therefore provides novel information regarding the interaction between MA and gp120 in terms of the expression of IL-6 and the mechanisms underlying potential synergy between MA and gp120 in astrocytes.

  4. Il muro come galleria

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    Duccio Dogheria


    Full Text Available Il muro, nel suo grigio rigore formale, nella sua fredda geometria, nel suo intento divisorio, nasconde spesso il cielo. Sovente il linguaggio dell’arte, ma non di meno quello della comunicazione, hanno interferito con le sue algide barriere. In molti casi, beninteso, non è che il potere in altre forme, che interferisce con se stesso: pensiamo ai bandi affissi agli angoli delle città, o le lettere d’indulgenza papali -spesso impreziosite da miniature al punto da poterle considerare antenate dal manifesto- che nel corso del medioevo venivano affisse sulle porte delle chiese.

  5. Il gioco le leggi naturali governano il caso

    CERN Document Server

    Eigen, Manfred


    Manfred Eigen, Premio Nobel per la chimica nel 1967, e la sua collaboratrice Ruthild Winkler hanno voluto con questo libro uscire allo scoperto, esponendo in una trattazione complessa ma comprensibile per ogni lettore veramente interessato una teoria molto audace, basata su ricerche e scoperte di Eigen stesso e di altri (come per esempio Thom e Prigogine) che in questi ultimi anni sono al centro dell’attenzione degli scienziati, anche se non sempre sono filtrate al di fuori della loro cerchia. Questa teoria ha come perno la nozione di gioco: e non già in una o più delle innumerevoli accezioni della parola, ma in tutte, con l’aggiunta di una ulteriore accezione che sottende tutte le altre: il gioco come struttura intelligibile emergente dal divenire caotico, quindi come fenomeno «che ha guidato fin dall’inizio il corso dell’Universo». Gioco, in questo libro, è dunque un «fenomeno naturale», non specificamente umano. I giochi che noi tutti giochiamo sono soltanto la schiuma variegata di un flutto...

  6. Il paesaggio dell’architettura

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    Paolo Zermani


    Full Text Available l saggio si articola come un’itinerario tra alcuni progetti italiani proposti come “occasioni di applicazione di un modo d’intendere l’architettura nel rapporto con il paesaggio smarrito, che cambia, ma potrebbe custodire ancora i valori di ciò che Heidegger definiva il “soggiorno”: la riconoscibilità intesa come misura”. Le architetture, come strumenti di conoscenza dello spazio, entrano nel paesaggio per diventarne speciali “misuratori”.Partendo dai luoghi del paesaggio padano, Noceto, con il Nuovo Municipio, con la minimale Cappella della Madonna, con il Padiglione privato, e Varano, con la Casa dal grande occhio spalancato sul bosco, alle terre umbre, con la Chiesa ed il Centro Parrocchiale di Perugia ed il Cimitero di Sansepolcro, si propone un percorso di ricerca di una identità dell’architettura italiana contemporanea nella dimensione paesaggistica. 

  7. Il Raffrescamento per Ventilazione

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perino, Marco; Heiselberg, Per Kvols


    termicamente e sempre più a tenuta d'aria. Tali misure hanno consentito indubbiamente di ridurre la domanda energetica per il riscaldamento invernale, ma hanno determinato delle crescenti problematiche di surriscaldamento dell'ambiente interno. Molti degli edifici ad alta efficienza energeti-ca di nuova...

  8. Il marketing del nuovo millennio


    M. Addis


    Con la consueta maestria, Kolter, supportato da Keller, mette a disposizione dei suoi numerosi lettori uno strumento di grande efficacia, dalla struttura estremamente agile, che potrà essere apprezzato da coloro che il marketing lo insegnano e dai professionisti che cercano un'opera di riferimento autorevole e aggiornata ma al contempo di facile consultazione, che possa accompagnarli nello svolgimento delle attività quotidiane. Il testo è una guida essenziale alla disciplina del marketing,...

  9. Sinergetica il segreto del successo della natura

    CERN Document Server

    Haken, Hermann


    Introduzione e sommario ; il disordine cresce sempre? la morte termica dell'universo ; i cristalli : strutture ordinate, ma morte ; strutture ordinate nei liquidi e nelle nubi e formazioni geologiche ; fiat lux! la luce del laser ; configurazioni chimiche ; l'evoluzione biologica e la sopravvivenza del migliore ; sopravvivi anche senza essere il migliore : specializzati, scavati una nicchia ecologica ; come si formano gli organismi biologici ; talvolta i conflitti sono ineluttabili ; il caos, il caso e la concezione meccanicistica del mondo ; gli effetti sinergetici nell'economia ; si possono prevedere le rivoluzioni ? ; le allucinazioni comprovano le teorie sul cervello.

  10. Il programma dell'universo

    CERN Document Server

    Lloyd, Seth


    Da quando l'universo ha avuto inizio, ha cominciato a calcolare il proprio comportamento. All'inizio il computer-universo produceva strutture semplici, particelle elementari e leggi elementari della fisica; col passare del tempo ha processato "informazioni" sempre più complesse, producendo strutture sempre più intricate (galassie, stelle, pianeti), ma sempre secondo leggi semplici. Ogni cosa deve quindi la propria esistenza alla capacità intrinseca della materia e dell'energia di processare informazione. Se si decifrasse fino in fondo si potrebbe, con un computer quantistico di dimensioni ridotte, comprendere l'universo nel suo insieme.

  11. Il Gioco

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    David Beronio


    Full Text Available Chi si occupa di teatro incontra il gioco innanzitutto come una categoria estetica insita nei processi che caratterizzano l’atto teatrale. Ma dall’approfondimento di tali meccanismi emerge anche la potenzialità conoscitiva del gioco, come condizione umana di profonda consapevolezza di sé. Attraverso un percorso che passa attraverso Breton, Platone, Huizinga, e Alessandro Fersen, viene qui proposta una lettura del gioco come carattere fondamentale dell’arte e della conoscenza.

  12. ImpersoNations: cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elsaesser, T.


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une

  13. Voix-off et commentaire dans le cinéma documentaire et ethnographique

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    Silvia Paggi


    Full Text Available Une analyse de la voix-off dans le cinéma documentaire – dont la fonction est avant tout le commentaire – où la relation texte/image est considérée comme fondamentale dans la genèse de la signification. Avec l’avènement du sonore, le commentaire occupe dans le cinéma documentaire « classique » une place prédominante, jusqu’à la fin des années Cinquante lorsque commence à s’affirmer la nouvelle stratégie de mise en scène du cinéma direct. Foncièrement critique envers le commentaire qu’il considérait comme trop chargé d’autorité, le cinéma direct instaure alors une autre relation avec le réel, restituant la parole aux protagonistes des actions représentées. L’analyse de la voix-off et du commentaire s’appuie sur des exemples cinématographiques – dont Flaherty, Buñuel, Ivens, Resnais, Marker, Rouch. De ce dernier, on analyse ensuite le commentaire mytho-poétique du film ethnographique Le Dama d’Ambara, considéré comme un exemple de la délicate quête d’équilibre entre l’expression artistique de la cinématographie et la communication scientifique de l’anthropologie.Un’analisi della voce-off nel cinema documentario, dove assicura innanzitutto una funzione di commento, prendendo come fondamentale nella produzione di significato la relazione testo/immagine. Con l’avvento del cinema sonoro, il commento assume nel documentario « classico » un’importanza predominante, fino alla fine degli anni cinquanta, quando comincia ad affermarsi la nuova strategia di realizzazione del cinema diretto. Fondamentalmente critico verso il commento che considera troppo carico d’autorità, ma anche della musica di sottofondo, il cinema diretto instaura una diversa relazione con il reale, restituendo la parola ai protagonisti dell’azione rappresentata. L’analisi della voce-off e del commento si appoggia su alcuni esempi cinematografici – tra cui Flaherty, Buñuel, Ivens, Resnais, Marker, Rouch. Di


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    Chiara Fiaccadori


    Full Text Available Il presente articolo è un tentativo di fornire la lista completa degli scritti di Aldo Noseda (Milano, 1853-Stresa, 1916 come critico musicale. Fu un erudito conoscitore d’arte e appassionato collezionista, ma la quasi totalità dei suoi scritti sono dedicati alla scena musicale italiana. Prese parte all’infiammato dibattito a proposito della musica strumentale divenendo membro della Società del Quartetto e fondando la Società orchestrale della Scala a Milano. Dal 1876 al 1894, sotto lo pseudonimo de Il Misovulgo fu tra gli editorialisti militanti di importanti periodici come «La Gazzetta musicale di Milano», il «Corriere della Sera» e «Il Caffè», contribuendovi con una serie di appassionate recensioni dei contemporanei eventi musicali milanesi.

  15. Il dottor Freud a proposito dell'arte (1925

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    Clive Bell


    Full Text Available Clive Bell (1881-1964, critico d’arte inglese appartenente al Gruppo di Bloomsbury, fu tra i fautori più decisi del formalismo in estetica. In questo articolo critica qui con ironica asprezza, la concezione dell’arte espressa da Freud in un noto passo dell’Introduzione alla Psicoanalisi, in cui l’artista viene descritto come una persona insoddisfatta che compensa attraverso l’arte i suoi bisogni pulsionali. Secondo Clive Bell il piacere dell’arte non nasce dall’appagamento di desiderio ma da una speciale emozione che riguarda solo la “Forma Significante”. “L’artista– scrive – non è alle prese… con la “sublimazione” delle sue normali brame, perché è alle prese con un problema totalmente al di fuori dell’esperienza normale. Il suo obbiettivo è creare una forma che debba corrispondere a un’idea estetica, non creare una forma che debba soddisfare le voglie inappagate del dottor Freud.” Conclude poi dicendo: “A me pare che il dottor Freud possa essere un eccellente psicoanalista; ma l’arte, sono certo, farebbe meglio a lasciarla stare.”

  16. Il cielo sopra Roma I luoghi dell’astronomia

    CERN Document Server

    Buonanno, Roberto


    L’astronomia a Roma c’è sempre stata, ma un po’ nascosta: era nei palazzi, nelle chiese o, meglio, sopra le chiese, specole disseminate lungo un percorso che oramai conoscono in pochi. I romani hanno assistito, incuriositi ed impauriti, al rogo di Giordano Bruno in un angolo di Campo de' Fiori a loro familiare, ma probabilmente non capirono bene di quale colpa fosse accusato. Non pensarono certo che si trattasse di un filosofo e di uno scienziato che aveva cercato di immaginare in che modo era fatto il mondo. Chi era questo Galileo, di cui si celebrava il processo a S. Maria sopra Minerva? Era un uomo che voleva cambiare la prospettiva del mondo e che, per questo, era stato ammonito da Roberto Bellarmino. E chi era questo gesuita, Secchi, che nel 1870 costringeva gli Italiani a privare Roma del suo Osservatorio Astronomico, visto che il Direttore non riconosceva lo Stato Italiano? Come è possibile che dopo la visita di Hitler a Mussolini alla vigilia della Guerra, la Germania decise di regalare all’...

  17. Schéma directeur des Systèmes d'information 2012-2016


    Institut National de Recherche Agronomique UAR 0776 Administration du siège


    Le schéma directeur des systèmes d’information de l’inra est le premier Schéma directeur dont l’institut se dote dans le champ des systèmes D’information. Il couvre la période 2012‐2016 du contrat d’objectifs Et s’inscrit dans les perspectives scientifiques dressées par le document D’orientation 2010‐2020

  18. Antonio Costa, La mela di Cézanne e l’accendino di Hitchcock. Il senso delle cose nei film

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    Beatrice Seligardi


    Full Text Available «Sono diecimila persone, forse, che non hanno dimenticato la mela di Cézanne ma sono un miliardo gli spettatori che si ricorderanno dell’accendino di Delitto per delitto» (5. Così Godard recitava all’interno delle Histoire(s du cinéma, e così si apre il saggio di Antonio Costa, prendendone spunto anche per il titolo.

  19. « ImpersoNations » : cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen


    Elsaesser, Thomas


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma ? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une symbiose très particulière entre le corps, la gestuelle, la voix et l’intonation, les amateurs de cinéma ne peuvent se passer des films tournés dans leur propre langue. A l’instar du son, qui revê...

  20. Spontaneous atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in a/a ma ft/ma ft/J flaky tail mice appear early after birth.

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    Magdalini Kypriotou

    Full Text Available Loss-of-function mutations in human profilaggrin gene have been identified as the cause of ichthyosis vulgaris (IV, and as a major predisposition factor for atopic dermatitis (AD. Similarly, flaky tail (a/a ma ft/ma ft/J mice were described as a model for IV, and shown to be predisposed to eczema. The aim of this study was to correlate the flaky tail mouse phenotype with human IV and AD, in order to dissect early molecular events leading to atopic dermatitis in mice and men, suffering from filaggrin deficiency. Thus, 5-days old flaky tail pups were analyzed histologically, expression of cytokines was measured in skin and signaling pathways were investigated by protein analysis. Human biopsies of IV and AD patients were analyzed histologically and by real time PCR assays. Our data show acanthosis and hyperproliferation in flaky tail epidermis, associated with increased IL1β and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP expression, and Th2-polarization. Consequently, NFκB and Stat pathways were activated, and IL6 mRNA levels were increased. Further, quantitative analysis of late epidermal differentiation markers revealed increased Small proline-rich protein 2A (Sprr2a synthesis. Th2-polarization and Sprr2a increase may result from high TSLP expression, as shown after analysis of 5-days old K14-TSLP tg mouse skin biopsies. Our findings in the flaky tail mouse correlate with data obtained from patient biopsies of AD, but not IV. We propose that proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for acanthosis in flaky tail epidermis, and together with the Th2-derived cytokines lead to morphological changes. Accordingly, the a/a ma ft/ma ft/J mouse model can be used as an appropriate model to study early AD onset associated with profilaggrin deficiency.

  1. Le forze della natura il nuovo orizzonte della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Davies, Paul C W


    Vero "cavallo di razza" della divulgazione scientifica, Paul Davies è uno dei rari fisici che sanno farsi seguire dal lettore comune anche quando affrontano argomenti difficili. Ne è una prova il presente volume, una delle migliori illustrazioni disponibili del microcosmo atomico e dell'incredibile fauna che lo abita : non solo la familiare triade protone-elettrone-neutrone, ma le ben più intriganti realtà che vanno sotto il nome di "colore", "incanto", stranezza".

  2. Il campo dell'arte: regole e valori dell'istituzione letteraria

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    Paola Avella


    Full Text Available Si considera in questo articolo il campo artistico, descritto da Pierre Bourdieu, come il teatro di una lotta per la conquista del monopolio della legittimità letteraria tra (disposizioni sociali, a cui corrispondono precise strategie simboliche, concorrenti. Viene, così, messo in discussione il mito della gratuità e del disinteresse del lavoro intellettuale insieme a quello dell’esperienza estetica come identificazione immediata e contemplazione dell’opera. Le istanze di legittimazione interne al campo, infatti, determinano i modi della produzione, ma anche quelli dell’appropriazione. Solo un fruitore dotato della competenza adeguata sarà in grado di riconoscere il valore esemplificazionale inscritto nel testo.

  3. Il fantasma dell'universo che cos'è il neutrino

    CERN Document Server

    Votano, Lucia


    Ben prima della luce, a un decimillesimo di secondo dal Big Bang, i neutrini sono apparsi nell'universo. Dopo un secondo il brodo primordiale si era raffreddato abbastanza da consentire loro di muoversi liberi e ancora oggi, dopo quasi quattordici miliardi di anni, sono numerosissimi. Ma che cosa sono i neutrini? Elusivi come fantasmi, camaleontici, viaggiano indenni attraverso la materia arrivando dritti sino a noi dagli angoli più remoti e nascosti dell'universo. Per saperne di più seguiremo i fisici che li studiano in laboratori sotterranei o in luoghi estremi come i ghiacciai polari o le profondità marine.

  4. Tribunale di Piacenza- sezione lavoro Ord. 16 gennaio 2013, dr Picciau RCC contro MB s.r.l.

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    Calogero Massimo Cammalleri


    Full Text Available Lavoro (controversie – impugnazione di licenziamento – nuovo rito ex l. n. 92 del 2012– facoltatività – esclusione- rinuncia alla fase sommaria – ammissibilità.* Lavoro (controversie – impugnazione di licenziamento – nuovo rito ex l. n. 92 del 2012– rinuncia alla fase sommaria – conseguenze – applicazione analogica art. 4 del d. lgs n. 150 del 2011 (semplificazione dei riti – integrazione degli atti – separazione delle doman­de.* Benché il rito previsto dalla legge Fornero non sia facoltativo, non sussistono limiti di ordi­ne legale, nell'ambito dello stesso rito, alla rinuncia alla fase sommaria, attesocchè l'interesse di entrambe le parti del rapporto di lavoro ad una sollecita definizione del processo inerente ai licenziamenti con tutela ex art. 18 st. lav. e quello pubblico alla sollecita definizione di tali processi non viene menomato. * Nel caso di rinuncia concorde alla fase sommaria del giudizio introdotto con il nuovo rito dei licenziamenti e di compresenza di domande diverse il giudice deve separare i processi e contestualmente fissare distinte udienze ex art. 420 c.p.c.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    del “Corriere”, ma al quale vuole confessare una strana storia iniziata all'epoca del suo apprendistato giornalistico. Il flashback, costellato da ..... pirandelliani anche della realtà primitiva della Sicilia, la storia che narra è una storia emblematica di un individuo maledetto, di un essere soggiogato dalle mani di un destino ...

  6. Il Novecentismo: »Un’impresa contro il diavolo«. Note sul progetto culturale ed estetico bontempelliano

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    Patrizia Farinelli


    Full Text Available Nel presente contributo, sulla scorta degli interventi teorici e polemici raccolti ne L’avventura novecentista (1938 si ripercorrono le posizioni di Bontempelli legate al progetto di rinnovamento culturale (il Novecentismo di cui questo intellettuale fu promotore negli anni Venti. Vi si segnalano le battaglie difese e la lungimiranza delle vedute, ma anche i nodi problematici o piuttosto le sfide che quel progetto lanciava. E qui rientrano l’utopica battaglia contro il relativismo, la difesa dell’autonomia dell’arte assieme alla contemporanea richiesta di una sua apertura alle esigenze del proprio tempo, la ricerca di conciliare un fare estetico orientato alla rottura di norme e attese con un concetto di arte e letteratura popolari.

  7. Rock et cinéma : quelques éléments sur une relation durable


    Ribac, François


    Générique d’ouverture Le numéro de Volume ! que vous allez lire est consacré aux relations entre le rock et le cinéma. Il est publié au moment où s’ouvre la deuxième édition du Festival Paris-Cinéma. Celui-ci comprend un cycle « rock et cinéma » présenté au cinéma l’Entrepôt, à Paris, du 30 juin au 13 juillet 2004. Si l’on cherche à établir des relations entre les mondes du rock et ceux du cinéma, en voici une première illustration, puisque ce numéro est en effet coproduit par un festival de ...

  8. Original Paper Production et qualité nutritionnelle des épis de maïs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (richesse en amidon, présence de protéines, bonne matière grasse) et économiques (culture facile et peu coûteuse) qu'il offre (Adégbola et al., 2011). La production nationale de maïs a été estimée en 2012 à 1175 000 tonnes au. Bénin (FAO, 2013). Le niveau moyen de consommation de maïs est estimé à plus de 85.

  9. Clay Shirky, Internet e il collegio invisibile

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    Maria Chiara Pievatolo


    Full Text Available Come Internet sta cambiando il nostro modo di pensare? Fra le 172 risposte presentate da Edge, Clay Shirky ne propone una particolarmente interessante per i ricercatori di professione. Internet, scrive Shirky, ha aumentato straordinariamente la capacità espressiva dell’umanità. Ma che una risorsa divenga abbondante, da scarsa che era, è una sfortuna, almeno per chi su [...

  10. Genetic characterization of interleukins (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12A, IL-12B, IL-15 and IL-18) with relevant biological roles in lagomorphs (United States)

    Neves, Fabiana; Abrantes, Joana; Almeida, Tereza; de Matos, Ana Lemos; Costa, Paulo P


    ILs, as essential innate immune modulators, are involved in an array of biological processes. In the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12A, IL-12B, IL-15 and IL-18 have been implicated in inflammatory processes and in the immune response against rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus and myxoma virus infections. In this study we characterized these ILs in six Lagomorpha species (European rabbit, pygmy rabbit, two cottontail rabbit species, European brown hare and American pika). Overall, these ILs are conserved between lagomorphs, including in their exon/intron structure. Most differences were observed between leporids and American pika. Indeed, when comparing both, some relevant differences were observed in American pika, such as the location of the stop codon in IL-1α and IL-2, the existence of a different transcript in IL8 and the number of cysteine residues in IL-1β. Changes at N-glycosylation motifs were also detected in IL-1, IL-10, IL-12B and IL-15. IL-1α is the protein that presents the highest evolutionary distances, which is in contrast to IL-12A where the distances between lagomorphs are the lowest. For all these ILs, sequences of human and European rabbit are more closely related than between human and mouse or European rabbit and mouse. PMID:26395994

  11. Aladağlar’da [Orta Toroslar (Yahyalı-Kayseri)] iki fosil mağara: Zindan-ı Köşk–1 ve Zindan-ı Köşk-2 mağaraları


    Kopar, İbrahim


    Zindan-ı Köşk-1 ve Zindan-ı Köşk-2 Mağaraları, jeomorfolojik olarak Toros Dağları’nın Orta Toros Bölümü’nün doğusundaki Aladağlarda (en yüksek tepesi 3756 m) yer almaktadır. İdari bakımdan ise Kayseri İlinin Yahyalı ilçesi sınırlarında yer alan mağaralar, naplı yapıya sahip Permiyen kalkerler içinde gelişmiştir. Zindan Deresi’nin 500 metreden fazla yardığı adinin güney yamacında 2095 m ve 2115 metrede giriş ağızları olan mağaralardan üstteki Zindan-ı Köşk-1 Mağarası dikey gelişmiş bir mağara ...

  12. Il rumore elettrico Dalla fisica alla progettazione

    CERN Document Server

    Pallottino, Giovanni Vittorio


    L’opera fornisce una trattazione chiara, agile ed essenziale, ma completa, del rumore elettrico, argomento considerato generalmente oscuro e specialistico. Molto più breve (circa 275mila battute) dei testi attualmente disponibili. Il contenuto copre gli aspetti essenziali della matematica e della fisica del rumore (termico, shot. 1/f, …), e della sua rappresentazione nei circuiti. Discute quindi il rumore nei dispositivi passivi e attivi, e introduce i criteri di progettazione a basso rumore. Affronta infine brevemente questioni quali l’estrazione del segnale dal rumore e gli impieghi utili del rumore. L’attenzione è generalmente rivolta alla strumentazione fisica a bassa frequenza, in relazione alla pluridecennale esperienza specifica dell’autore. Si tratta di una estensione delle dispense, utilizzate per anni, di un corso universitario. Pertanto la trattazione è fortemente didattica, con particolare attenzione a rimuovere ambiguità e incertezze, discutendo il materiale in termini fisici intuit...

  13. Il mondo dentro il mondo

    CERN Document Server

    Barrow, John D


    Davvero esistono “lì fuori” leggi di natura, che stanno in attesa di essere scoperte, indipendenti dal nostro modo di pensare, o esse rappresentano soltanto la descrizione più conveniente di ciò che abbiamo visto? Come è nata l’idea stessa di “leggi di natura”? Queste costituiscono la realtà profonda o sono soltanto pezzi di un regolamento che ci siamo dati per organizzare meglio la nostra conoscenza del mondo? o semplici paletti che piantiamo e ci lasciamo alle spalle come segnali via via che procediamo nella giungla dell’esperienza? È possibile che non esistano affatto leggi di natura? Forse esse, e anche l’universo che da esse sembra regolato, sono del tutto creazioni della nostra mente: un’illusione che scompare appena cessiamo di pensarvi. Ma allora, che cosa accadrebbe, se non ci fossero osservatori dell’universo?». Interrogativi di questo genere, che incontriamo sulla soglia del Mondo dentro il mondo, sarebbero suonati eccentrici fino a qualche anno fa. Oggi, al contrario, circ...

  14. Il popolo tra realtà politica e finzione ideologica

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    Roberto Gatti


    Full Text Available Ci si può chiedere quale sia il motivo che spinge ad affrontare la non facile prova consistente nel delineare un percorso di riflessione in chiave filosofica intorno al concetto di “popolo” prendendo in esame il periodo che va dalla prima alla tarda modernità, sino a sfiorare (almeno l’epoca della quale noi, uomini e donne del presente, siamo protagonisti, il più delle volte molto perplessi e parecchio disorientati.Il perché sta nel tentativo di mostrare che, per quanto questo lungo periodo sia, a proposito del nostro argomento, parecchio complesso e contraddistinto da un esteso pluralismo di punti di vista, presenta però, a mio avviso, almeno una caratteristica unitaria. Si tratta della difficoltà di articolare teoreticamente un concetto di “popolo” sul quale non gravino quei limiti sui quali vorrei concentrare l’attenzione: limiti ovviamente non secondari, ma tali da compromettere gravemente il concetto in questione.In tutto il tragitto che proverò a tracciare, non vorrei semplicemente procedere prendendo nota dei punti oscuri rinvenibili in questa o quella concezione di “popolo”, e così mettere in atto una sorta d’incolore e, tutto sommato, ridondante elenco che collochi uno dopo l’altro gli autori come in una galleria dei nobili fallimenti della filosofia politica dal ‘500 a oggi. La posta in gioco è ben diversa. La presento, per ora molto concisamente, come segue.Nel De republica di Cicerone – importante sintesi di una già consolidata tradizione – è evidente la corrispondenza concettuale tra “res publica” e “populus”: la società politica si dà solo in presenza di un’associazione tenuta insieme “per accordo nell’osservare la giustizia” e “per comunanza di interessi”. Il popolo, che si forma a causa della “naturale inclinazione a vivere bene” presente in ogni essere umano, esprime, nella sua unità etico-giuridica, il senso propriamente politico insito nel condurre un

  15. Diavolo di una particella perchè il bosone di Higgs cambierà la nostra vita

    CERN Document Server

    Menasce, Dario


    Lo scienziato del Cern Dario Menasce ha partecipato direttamente agli esperimenti che hanno condotto alla scoperta del Bosone di Higgs, ma , prima di condurre il lettore all'interno dell'LHC e dei suoi misteri, con coinvolgimento e grande serietà guida il lettore attraverso i momenti più importanti delle ricerche della fisica tramite l'intervento dei grandi scienziati del passato e del presente, che hanno infine permesso di arrivare a definire il Modello Standard delle particelle, il primo passo verso l'ipotetica Teoria del Tutto. Un testo molto utile per chi vuole sondare il mondo dell'ultrasottile, che riprendo in più occasioni anche come manuale di consultazione e approfondimento.

  16. Oriente within, Nord without: il meridionismo e i romantici inglesi

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    Luigi Cazzato


    Full Text Available Per Voltaire (1773 prima ed Hegel (2010 poi, la storia del progresso del mondo ha viaggiato seguendo il percorso geo-politico e climatico aristotelico 1: dal dispotico Oriente verso il libero Occidente; mentre per Montesquieu (1994 essa ha viaggiato anche dai paesi caldi del Sud, timorosi come i vecchi, verso i paesi freddi del Nord, coraggiosi come i giovani. L’Europa non si è vista solo come l’altro rispetto all’Oriente, ma anche come l’altro rispetto al suo Meridione: il presente moderno del Nord di contro al passato antico del Sud. Nella seconda metà del Settecento, il secolo della nascita dell’orientalismo come sapere organico all’impresa coloniale dell’Occidente, vennero gettati anche i semi della pianta del meridionismo, sapere organico all’impresa della costruzione della moderna identità europea. I romantici inglesi coltivarono questa pianta.

  17. Conoscere il patrimonio architettonico: il DARDUS dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche

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    Eva Savina Malinverni


    Full Text Available E’ in questa ottica che all’interno del Dipartimento collaborano docenti e ricercatori di vari settori scientificodisciplinari. Nella panoramica che viene qui presentata verrà posto l’accento maggiormente su due filoni di attività che sono anche più inerenti al contesto divulgativo di GEOmedia: il rilievo ed i sistemi informativi. Tematiche sulle quali il gruppo di ricerca del DARDUS ha avviato varie iniziative che verranno di seguito illustrate. Le dinamiche di collaborazione e di ricerca inerenti i temi del rilievo e della documentazione in banche datigeoreferenziate sviluppate nelle sale del Dipartimento riguardano non solo l’ambito architettonico ma anche quello ambientale. Queste attività sono svolte all’interno di laboratori debitamente attrezzati, nei quali docenti, ricercatori e tecnici istruiscono dottorandi, laureandi etirocinanti in stretta collaborazione e produttiva sinergia portando a sviluppare e collaudare nuove procedure e sistemi integrati di acquisizione e gestione dei dati raccoltinella varie esperienze di studio.

  18. Il Toyota way e la crisi. Tornare alle origini del lean management per sopravvivere e prosperare


    A. Camuffo; D. Weber


    Nel settore automobilistico gli occhi sono tutti puntati sui bailouts delle Big Three americane e sugli interventi statali a supporto dei produttori europei, oltre che sulla scommessa rappresentata dall’operazione FIAT-Chrysler. Ma la domanda più importante per capire dove andrà il settore auto è cosa accadrà a Toyota. È questa la vera domanda che ci si deve porre, perché il Toyota Way è importante, al di là del suo destino individuale, per il destino del settore automobi...

  19. Anti-Ma and anti-Ma2-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. (United States)

    Ortega Suero, G; Sola-Valls, N; Escudero, D; Saiz, A; Graus, F

    Analyse the clinical profile, associated tumour types, and response to treatment of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes associated with antibodies against Ma proteins. A retrospective study of patients with antibodies against Ma proteins identified in a neuroimmunology laboratory of reference. Of the 32 patients identified, 20 showed reactivity against Ma2 only (anti-Ma2 antibodies), 11 against Ma1 and Ma2 (anti-Ma antibodies), and 1 with reactivity against Ma1 only (anti-Ma1 antibodies). The most common clinical presentations were limbic encephalopathy, diencephalic dysfunction, or brainstem encephalopathy, frequently appearing as a combination of these features. Three patients had isolated cerebellar dysfunction with anti-Ma antibodies, and 2 exhibited peripheral nervous system syndrome with anti-Ma2 antibodies. Testicular tumours were the most common neoplasms (40%) in the anti-Ma2 cases. In the group associated with anti-Ma1 antibodies, the most common were lung tumours (36%), followed by testicular tumours. All idiopathic cases were reactive to Ma2. The clinical outcome was significantly better in the anti-Ma2 group. The patient with anti-Ma1 presented with limbic encephalitis and brainstem dysfunction associated with lymphoepithelioma of the bladder. Specifically determining the different reactivities of anti-Ma protein antibodies in order to differentiate between Ma1 and Ma2 antibodies is important because anti-Ma2-associated paraneoplastic syndromes have a better outcome. Lastly, this study is the first to confirm that there may be cases that react exclusively to antibodies against Ma1. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Il bosone di Higgs l'invenzione e la scoperta della "particella di Dio"

    CERN Document Server

    Baggott, Jim


    Tra i tanti oggetti pervasivi ed elusivi che affollano la dimensione invisibile del mondo subatomico, il "bosone di Higgs" è stato il più pervasivo ed elusivo: quella particella era l'elemento cruciale che mancava a completare il puzzle del Modello Standard, perché conferiva massa a tutte le altre particelle elementari, un enigma rimasto altrimenti insoluto. Quando finalmente il 4 luglio 2012 il CERN ne ha annunciato la verifica sperimentale, la "particella di Dio" (come un fisico l'ha temerariamente denominata) ha attirato su di sé i riflettori dell'attenzione mediatica mondiale. Affrontando l'intera questione con un rigore che ne acuisce la densità intellettuale e la vertigine tecnologica, Jim Baggott segue due percorsi paralleli. Non solo, infatti, ne ricostruisce la genesi teorica, ma ripercorre tutte le stazioni di avvicinamento all'eclatante risultato di Ginevra: il legame tra i primi acceleratori degli anni Venti e le collisioni di particelle nei raggi cosmici; la messa a punto del ciclotrone da p...

  1. Anti-Ma2 antibody related paraneoplastic limbic/brain stem encephalitis associated with breast cancer expressing Ma1, Ma2, and Ma3 mRNAs. (United States)

    Sahashi, K; Sakai, K; Mano, K; Hirose, G


    A 69 year old woman presented with cognitive impairment and supranuclear gaze palsy caused by paraneoplastic limbic/brain stem encephalitis associated with atypical medullary breast carcinoma. The cerebrospinal fluid from the patient harboured an anti-neuronal cell antibody against Ma2 antigen, but not against Ma1 or Ma3 antigen. Despite the antibody being restricted to the Ma2 antigen, the patient's cancer tissue expressed Ma1, Ma2, and Ma3 mRNAs. These results, and the expression of Ma2 mRNA in an atypical medullar breast carcinoma in another patient without paraneoplastic encephalitis, indicate that the induction of anti-Ma2 antibody depends on host immunoreponsiveness and not on the presence of the antigen itself in the cancer.

  2. Il fascino oscuro dell’inflazione alla scoperta della storia dell’universo

    CERN Document Server

    Fré, Pietro


    È dalla più remota antichità che l’uomo si interroga sulla struttura dell’Universo e sulle leggi che lo governano. Ma il progresso compiuto all’inizio del XX secolo non ha paragoni rispetto a quello di tutti i secoli precedenti: nel 1915 fu formulata la relatività generale, indispensabile per inquadrare tutti i fenomeni cosmici e astrofisici; tra il 1920 e il 1930 furono determinate le reali dimensioni dell’Universo visibile e fu scoperta la sua costante espansione. La cosmologia ha poi fatto un grande salto di qualità a cavallo tra la fine del XX secolo e l’inizio del XXI, quando una serie di osservazioni ha confermato che: L’Universo è spazialmente "piatto", in seguito all’inflazione cosmica che, una frazione di secondo dopo il Big Bang, ne ha gonfiato le dimensioni di decine o centinaia di miliardi di volte. L’Universo è costituito al 70% da energia oscura e al 24% da materia oscura: la materia visibile, cioè stelle e galassie, rappresenta solo il 6% del totale. Attualmente l’espa...

  3. Il mito della precarietà: quando la precarietà è un valore che decostruisce l’immaginario della precarietà

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    Antonio Casillo


    Full Text Available Oggi la ricerca del posto “fisso” sembra essere il sogno irraggiungibile di molti giovani precari e la “flessibilità”, una parola d’ordine con cui si aspirava a riformare il mondo del lavoro e che tanto in voga sembrava essere negli anni ’90, è diventata sinonimo di incertezza, precarietà, se non addirittura sfruttamento. Ma c’era chi proprio nel lavoro che oggi definiremo precario, vedeva l’unica possibilità per restare libero dalle leggi di mercato e dai potenti poteri editoriali Newyorkesi. In questo articolo proviamo a gettare uno sguardo al mito letterario con cui, il rifiutare un posto fisso, significava rivendicare la propria libertà, un mito romantico certo, e sicuramente distante dalla realtà, ma che ha affascinato un’intera generazione di scrittori, poeti, musicisti. Da Jack London, passando attraverso la San Francisco Renaissance e la Beat Generation, fino ad arrivare al fenomeno della così detta generazione Hippy, il sogno americano sembrava essere quello di una frontiera mobile in cui, la strada, sembrava non avere mai fine.

  4. Il bilinguismo disegnato

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    Graziella Favaro


    Full Text Available Il tema della diversità linguistica e del riconoscimento e della valorizzazione delle forme di bilinguismo dei bambini e dei ragazzi è cruciale nella scuola multiculturale e plurilingue. Ma quale rappresentazione della “mente bilingue” hanno i parlanti una o più lingue? Come immaginano la testa di chi e bilingue e dove collocano le diverse parole? Abbiamo chiesto agli alunni, piccoli e grandi, di alcune scuole di “disegnare il bilinguismo”: emergono in maniera vivida i “posti” diversi in cui le lingue si installano, i dubbi e le spiegazioni dei bambini, la necessità del controllo e la coloritura affettiva dell’uno e dell’altro idioma.  Drawing bilingualism The theme of linguistic diversity and the recognition and appreciation of forms of bilingualism in children and young people is crucial in a multilingual, multicultural school environment. But how do speakers of one or more languages imagine a “bilingual mind”? How do they imagine a bilingual person’s head and where are the different words located? We asked school children to “draw bilingualism”. The “placement” of the different languages, the children’s doubts and explanations and their need to check and the affective coloring of one and the other language emerged.

  5. Des banques de gènes de maïs aident les petits agriculteurs à ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 oct. 2010 ... Des banques de gènes de maïs aident les petits agriculteurs à ... On a ensuite permis aux agriculteurs d'avoir accès aux variétés provenant de ces banques de gènes, et ils ont ainsi pu produire par ... Articles connexes ...

  6. Il valore dell'eBook

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    Nicola Cavalli


    Full Text Available ItQuanto vale un e-book? Quale valore percepisce chi compra e usa gli e-book? Comprare un libro o un e-book è una scelta che i lettori oggi si trovano a fare quotidianamente: la diffusione degli e-book reader a prezzi accessibili e la proposta sempre più varia dei piccoli e grandi editori sta cambiando la percezione del valore commerciale dell'oggetto libro e del valore attribuito dal consumatore finale al lavoro di intermediazione delle case editrici e della distribuzione. Sorgono sistemi "alternativi" di condivisione dei testi digitali, che sfruttano la rete Internet, celebrati come democratici o demonizzati come pirateria illegale, ma sicuramente rispondenti a quello che è il cambio di prospettiva, di percezione, di abitudini di consumo del lettore. Quanto si può parlare, dunque, di pirateria nel mercato degli e-book? E quanto, invece, è importante che l'industria editoriale tenga in considerazione la risposta del consumatore? La presente ricerca si è posta l’obiettivo di svolgere una indagine esplorativa su questi temi, che stanno assumendo un rilievo sempre maggiore all’interno dell’opinione pubblica, e che sono destinati in futuro ad incidere in modo sempre più diretto sull’evoluzione economica e professionale dell’intero settore editoriale. L’indagine ha visto, in questa prima fase, l’utilizzo di un questionario diffuso online sui social network, in siti e forum dedicati alla lettura, attraverso mailing list di gruppi di interesse, con il primo obiettivo di precisare il profilo di quell’avanguardia di lettori forti e che si muovono agilmente tra il cartaceo e il digitale, raccogliere informazioni rispetto alle loro abitudini di ricerca di nuove letture e descriverne le dinamiche di matchmaking preliminari all’acquisto. In aggiunta, si è indagata la consistenza di pratiche di prestito e condivisione dei libri, l’appoggio a sistemi tradizionali, come quello bibliotecario, o la decisa svolta verso sistemi di

  7. Proteste ed emancipazione alla frontiera europea. Il caso di Lampedusa

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    Annalisa Lendaro

    Full Text Available Riassunto Questo articolo si propone di approfondire a livello teorico i legami tra proteste ed emancipazione dei migranti senza status legale, che si trovano in situazione di detenzione amministrativa sull’isola italiana di Lampedusa. Il presente contributo mette in evidenza il fatto che l’agency dei migranti, seppur privi di libertà e di uno status legale, è determinante per sbloccare una situazione di crisi in un contesto simile allo stato di eccezione descritto da Agamben. Più precisamente, la protesta dei migranti di Lampedusa mostra in che modo la sospensione dello stato di diritto apra degli spiragli per, non solo denunciare l’ingiustizia di alcune norme, ma anche per agire.

  8. Negare l'acqua. La strategia dello Stato islamico per il controllo delle risorse idriche e il diritto all’acqua delle donne nel Vicino Oriente

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    Desirée A.L. Quagliarotti


    Full Text Available In un contesto di ineguale distribuzione delle risorse idriche, di crescita demografica e di sviluppo economico, l’acqua assume sempre più il ruolo divariabile strategica in grado di alterare gli equilibri geopolitici soprattutto in quelle aree in cui le fonti idriche sono condivise tra più paesi. Obiettivo dell’articolo è quello di analizzare il contenzioso idrico del bacino del Tigri e dell’Eufrate dove la storica disputa per la gestione e l’accaparramento delle acque condivise tra Turchia, Siria e Iraq è acuita dall’effetto del cambiamento climatico e dall’ingresso di nuovi attori nel controllo della risorsa. L’aumento della frequenza e dell’intensità dei periodi di siccità amplifica il gap tra domanda e offerta idrica mentre il nuovo ordine idropolitico disegnato dall’espansione dello Stato Islamico, limita l’accesso alla risorsa da parte delle fasce più deboli delle popolazioni. Particolarmente penalizzate sono le donne a cui viene quotidianamente affidato l’arduo compito di gestire le scarse risorse idriche e di allocarle tra i diversi usi. Il controllo da parte dello Stato islamico delle grandi dighe lungo il corso dei due fiumi, l’utilizzo dell’acqua come strumento di pressione e il conseguente deterioramento qualitativo e quantitativo della risorsa, non solo aumentano la quantità di lavoro che le donne devono impiegare per la raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua ma minacciano la sicurezza alimentare e la salute loro e delle loro famiglie.

  9. Du « national » appliqué au cinéma


    Tortajada, Maria


    La parution de l’Histoire du cinéma suisse, 1966-2000, dont l’auteur est co-éditrice avec Hervé Dumont, est l’occasion de reposer la question du « cinéma national » pour la confronter à celle « d’identité ». L’ambition encyclopédique de l’ouvrage qui recense tous les longs-métrages sortis en salle pour la période donnée, impose des limites au « national », en opérant certains choix de corpus. À partir de quels critères ? D’autre part ce corpus se révèle particulièrement hétérogène dès qu’il s...

  10. 33 CFR 80.135 - Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. (United States)


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. 80... INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Atlantic Coast § 80.135 Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. (a... the east coast of Massachusetts from the easternmost radio tower at Hull, charted in approximate...

  11. Spazi di gioco nella tragedia: il mondo “altro” in attesa dell’orrore

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    Marina Cavalli


    Full Text Available Già il pensiero antico aveva identificato l’attitudine elementare al gioco come necessità primaria di incanalare l’energia fisica esuberante e disordinata, che caratterizza ogni creatura giovane. L’impulso all’agitazione, al movimento scomposto, eccessivo e improvvisato, si traduce in un infantile contatto col mondo basato su attività destrutturate e prive di scopo, in cui l’essenziale è il movimento stesso, l’azione in sé, ben più che non l’effettivo giungere a un risultato dell’azione. Proprio dall’obbligo di contenere e normare questo flusso incontrollato della fisicità infantile nascono, secondo Aristotele, le diverse forme di controllo pedagogico: «I fanciulli devono avere qualcosa da fare, e per questo è perfetto il sonaglio di Archita, che si dà ai più piccoli perché, occupati con esso, non rompano niente delle cose di casa: i bambini infatti non possono stare mai fermi. Per i più grandicelli, il sonaglio di Archita è l’educazione» (Politica, 8, 6, 1340b, 23-31. Ed è questa necessità incontenibile di movimento che già Platone aveva posto come origine prima non solo di ogni atto coreutico, ma anche della gioia stessa dello spettatore (Leggi, 2, 653d-657d: «Ogni creatura giovane non può star ferma col corpo o in silenzio con la voce, e sempre ha l’istinto di muoversi e gridare […] ma per noi anziani è più decoroso starli a guardare, i giovani, lieti del loro gioco e della festa, perché la nostra agilità ormai è perduta. E non è forse per nostalgia di quella agilità, che mettiamo in palio premi per chi meglio risveglia in noi il ricordo della giovinezza?».

  12. Nuove prospettive di ricerca: il 'dentro' e il 'fuori' delle narrazioni

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    Maria Ermelinda De Carlo


    Full Text Available Tra le righe di uno scritto, attraverso le rappresentazioni e le interpretazioni, è possibile ritrovare schegge di un originale smarrito, ma non si può ricostruire oggettivamente e interamente la vita veramente vissuta. La scelta sintagmatica e paradigmatica, consapevole e/o inconsapevole, nasce infatti da un’impalcatura, da schemi mentali con cui l’uomo convive da sempre. Una storia e una frase dicono molto di più di quel che dicono. La densità di significazione e tutti i mondi che ci sono dietro ad alcuni sostantivi, verbi, avverbi, aggettivi restano il più delle volte un segreto. Il punto di vista narrativo si pone, dunque, come potenziale chiave euristica ed ermeneutica in grado di esplorare e recuperare patrimoni di esperienze di vita dei soggetti. La scrittura consente al soggetto di raccontarsi e di raccontare un io nascosto e rappresenta un tentativo di strapparsi quella ‘maschera di ferro’ che nasconde le emozioni, di andare ‘oltre la soglia’, di dare sfogo ad un’identità più o meno autentica, di comprendere orientamenti e percorsi di senso. Essa è l’esito di chi narra che, uscito dalla polarità dello schema lineare della vita, affianca se stesso in modo tale da avere uno sguardo sul sistema di insieme di cui è parte.

  13. 42 CFR 495.202 - Identification of qualifying MA organizations, MA-EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals. (United States)


    ... qualifying MA-affiliated eligible hospitals under the MA EHR incentive program are required to identify...-EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals. 495.202 Section 495.202 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE... STANDARDS FOR THE ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD TECHNOLOGY INCENTIVE PROGRAM Requirements Specific to Medicare...

  14. La politica ottimale per il Mezzogiorno:un commento a Moro

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    Bert Jossa


    Full Text Available In uno scritto recente ho sostenuto la tesi che la politica ottimale per il Mezzogiorno non è il laissez faire, né l’intervento diretto dello stato nell’economia, ma un intervento pubblico, anche “massiccio”, realizzato mediante leggi generali e astratte, che per loro natura sono di tipo non discrezionale.La necessità di un intervento generalizzato a favore di una zona meno sviluppata si giustifica con l’esistenza delle “diseconomie esterne”, che frenano lo sviluppo di tutte le imprese che operano in quella zona. Ha destato, perciò, in me meraviglia leggere l’articolo scritto contemporaneamente da Beniamino Moro (2001 e pubblicato nel numero 215 di questa rivista, che raggiunge lo stesso risultato con argomentazioni di segno opposto.

  15. Ma

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    Ingrid Berthon-Moine


    Full Text Available Ma (2009 is a single channel video of a mother and child walking together side by side, holding hands. The title is reminiscent of the affectionate nickname for a mother, 'Ma', but also a concealed way to convey maternal ambivalence. Maternal ambivalence is the result of the tension between the idealisation of motherhood and women’s lived experience of mothering. The maternal struggle finds its source in the difficulty of identifying with the ideological representation of the mother. This image still conveys an idealistic and nostalgic, patriarchal image of maternal love bounded by culture and history.

  16. Il concetto di Natura nella filosofia di Denis Diderot

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    Francesco Consiglio


    Full Text Available L’immagine della Natura che emerge dalla lettura delle opere di Diderot, è quella di una sorta di organismo in cui tutto risulta legato da una rete di forze inquadrate in un ordine omogeneo e dinamico. Le leggi di quest’ordine sono riscontrabili in tutti gli eventi naturali ed ogni fenomeno non è mai frutto del caso, ma ordinato deterministicamente. Allo spinozismo di quest’ordine geometrico si coniuga un atomismo di matrice epicurea, speci camente nella versione lucreziana del De Rerum Natura: gli atomi che costituiscono la materia si combinano da sempre e all’in nito in un continuo divenire di forme normate da leggi intrinseche, e gli individui nascono dal cozzare e dall’ammassarsi di questi atomi. Non esiste uno stadio culmine di questa “evoluzione”, piuttosto esistono in nite varianti, nel tempo e nello spazio, di un unico modello prototipico che, secondo Diderot, evolve in una specie o in un'altra in maniera totalmente a- nalistica, sebbene assolutamente determinis- tica. La regolarità dell’ordine (per no nell’apparente caos di un turbine di pol- vere e il continuo farsi e rifarsi delle forme si connettono al principio di conti- nuità della natura: la natura non fa salti, tutto è connesso come in una ragnatela e la materia continua muta la sua disposizione in grumi di atomi che, secondo il principio dell’epigenesi, giungono a formare gli individui. Le opere in cui Diderot elabora in maniera più organica e precisa la sua concezione della natura sono particolarmente due: L’interpretazione della natura (1753 e Il sogno di d’Alembert (1769. In mezzo a queste stanno gli scritti sui Sa- lons, tra i quali è particolarmente saliente, per il discorso sulla natura, quello del 1767, in cui, con la Promenade Vernet, molti di questi temi vengono a rontati o ripresi nel pittoricismo della narrazione, attraverso limpide metafore. Natura e arte, in Diderot, sono strettamente connesse. La seconda imita la prima, ma non tenta

  17. IL-22R Ligands IL-20, IL-22, and IL-24 Promote Wound Healing in Diabetic db/db Mice. (United States)

    Kolumam, Ganesh; Wu, Xiumin; Lee, Wyne P; Hackney, Jason A; Zavala-Solorio, Jose; Gandham, Vineela; Danilenko, Dimitry M; Arora, Puneet; Wang, Xiaoting; Ouyang, Wenjun


    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are one of the major complications in type II diabetes patients and can result in amputation and morbidity. Although multiple approaches are used clinically to help wound closure, many patients still lack adequate treatment. Here we show that IL-20 subfamily cytokines are upregulated during normal wound healing. While there is a redundant role for each individual cytokine in this subfamily in wound healing, mice deficient in IL-22R, the common receptor chain for IL-20, IL-22, and IL-24, display a significant delay in wound healing. Furthermore, IL-20, IL-22 and IL-24 are all able to promote wound healing in type II diabetic db/db mice. Mechanistically, when compared to other growth factors such as VEGF and PDGF that accelerate wound healing in this model, IL-22 uniquely induced genes involved in reepithelialization, tissue remodeling and innate host defense mechanisms from wounded skin. Interestingly, IL-22 treatment showed superior efficacy compared to PDGF or VEGF in an infectious diabetic wound model. Taken together, our data suggest that IL-20 subfamily cytokines, particularly IL-20, IL-22, and IL-24, might provide therapeutic benefit for patients with DFU.

  18. Agricoltura, paesaggio e territorio tra conservazione e innovazione: il ruolo della ricerca

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    Zeno Varanini

    Full Text Available Il paesaggio è un’entità spaziale complessa, nella quale troviamo registrate, sedimentate nel tempo, le trasformazioni di genere naturale e culturale, espresse con un linguaggio universalmente comprensibile in un testo unico e fragile. A questa concezione matura del paesaggio si può riferire il suo riconoscimento come indicatore di sintesi dello stato dell’ambiente, che l’ex Agenzia nazionale per la protezione dell’ambiente proponeva sul finire degli anni Novanta, indicando pertanto una possibile via, non semplice, né esaustiva, ma chiara e praticabile, per l’analisi e il progetto della sostenibilità dello sviluppo territoriale. La stessa definizione olistica che la Convenzione europea attribuisce al paesaggio costituisce una conferma ed un rafforzamento del suo significato quale esito primario delle modalità di sviluppo territoriale e pertanto della sua valenza di termine di valutazione delle relative condizioni di sostenibilità.

  19. Cholesterol negatively regulates IL-9-producing CD8+ T cell differentiation and antitumor activity. (United States)

    Ma, Xingzhe; Bi, Enguang; Huang, Chunjian; Lu, Yong; Xue, Gang; Guo, Xing; Wang, Aibo; Yang, Maojie; Qian, Jianfei; Dong, Chen; Yi, Qing


    CD8 + T cells can be polarized into IL-9-secreting (Tc9) cells. We previously showed that adoptive therapy using tumor-specific Tc9 cells generated stronger antitumor responses in mouse melanoma than classical Tc1 cells. To understand why Tc9 cells exert stronger antitumor responses, we used gene profiling to compare Tc9 and Tc1 cells. Tc9 cells expressed different levels of cholesterol synthesis and efflux genes and possessed significantly lower cholesterol content than Tc1 cells. Unique to Tc9, but not other CD8 + or CD4 + T cell subsets, manipulating cholesterol content in polarizing Tc9 cells significantly affected IL-9 expression and Tc9 differentiation and antitumor response in vivo. Mechanistic studies showed that IL-9 was indispensable for Tc9 cell persistence and antitumor effects, and cholesterol or its derivatives inhibited IL-9 expression by activating liver X receptors (LXRs), leading to LXR Sumoylation and reduced p65 binding to Il9 promoter. Our study identifies cholesterol as a critical regulator of Tc9 cell differentiation and function. © 2018 Ma et al.

  20. Fuga dalla modernità (fuga verso il mito. L’Escape nelle opere di Tolkien

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    Clara Assoni


    Full Text Available The Lord of The Rings non è un romanzo per ragazzi o una saga fantasy di pura evasione, ma è un racconto epico di sopravvivenza alle ‘brutture’ del mondo moderno. In On Fairy-Stories Tolkien chiarisce il concetto di escape come molla propulsiva per la sub-creation, momento salvifico per l’essere umano, il cui prodotto è la creazione di un mondo alternativo, improntato alla Bellezza, collocato in un tempo mitico ed eterno. La fantasia ha per Tolkien tre funzioni: recovery, escape e consolation, tra loro indissolubilmente intrecciate. Tale fantasia ristoratrice permette all’essere umano di evadere dal carcere di una vita limitata da menzogne, vuote formalità e condizionamenti. E attraverso di essa l’uomo può ritrovare una freschezza della visione della realtà, depurata dalle scorie contingenti e immersa in un’aurea mitica; l’escape avvia un processo che si adempie e sublima nell’eucatastrophe, oramai non più solo semplice lieto fine delle favole, ma eco dell’Evangelium nel mondo reale.

  1. Th-17 regulatory cytokines IL-21, IL-23, and IL-6 enhance neutrophil production of IL-17 cytokines during asthma. (United States)

    Halwani, Rabih; Sultana, Asma; Vazquez-Tello, Alejandro; Jamhawi, Amer; Al-Masri, Abeer A; Al-Muhsen, Saleh


    In a subset of severe asthma patients, chronic airway inflammation is associated with infiltration of neutrophils, Th-17 cells and elevated expression of Th-17-derived cytokines (e.g., interleukin [IL]-17, IL-21, IL-22). Peripheral neutrophils from allergic asthmatics are known to express higher IL-17 cytokine levels than those from healthy subjects, but the regulatory mechanisms involved are not well understood. We hypothesize that Th-17 regulatory cytokines could modulate IL-17 expression in neutrophils. Peripheral blood neutrophils isolated from asthmatics were stimulated with IL-21, IL-23, and IL-6 cytokines and their ability to produce IL-17A and IL-17F was determined relative to healthy controls. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation levels were measured in stimulated neutrophil using flow cytometry. The requirement for STAT3 phosphorylation was determined by blocking its activation using a specific chemical inhibitor. Stimulating asthmatic neutrophils with IL-21, 23, and 6 enhanced the production of IL-17A and IL-17F at significantly higher levels comparatively to healthy controls. Stimulating neutrophils with IL-21, IL-23, and IL-6 cytokines enhanced STAT3 phosphorylation, in all cases. Interestingly, inhibiting STAT3 phosphorylation using a specific chemical inhibitor dramatically blocked the ability of neutrophils to produce IL-17, demonstrating that STAT3 activation is the major factor mediating IL-17 gene expression. These findings suggest that neutrophil infiltration in lungs of severe asthmatics may represent an important source of pro-inflammatory IL-17A and -F cytokines, a production enhanced by Th-17 regulatory cytokines, and thus providing a feedback mechanism that sustains inflammation. Our results suggest that STAT3 pathway could be a potential target for regulating neutrophilic inflammation during severe asthma.

  2. E. Biasin - G. Maina - F. Zecca (eds., Il porno espanso. Dal cinema ai nuovi media

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    Mirko Lino


    Full Text Available I contributi di studiosi italiani e stranieri che compongono Il porno espanso hanno il merito di ricordare come la pornografia da fenomeno relegato alla semantica dell’osceno si sia emancipata a categoria da considerare «non più come un “problema sociale” (da combattere ma anche (e soprattutto come una “pratica culturale” (da comprendere». La pornografia, utilizzando la terminologia di Linda Williams, fondatrice in ambito accademico dei Porn Studies, dal “fuori scena” (ob/scenity si ricolloca “dentro la scena” (on/scenity, invadendo tutti gli scenari della cultura contemporanea.

  3. Sartre, en l’année de son centenaire : mauvais maître ou boussole éthique ?

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    Annie Cohen-Solal


    Full Text Available En France, peu de centenaires ont fait l’objet, comme celui de Sartre en 2005, d’une aussi négative unanimité. Hormis Les Temps Modernes et Libération (dont il fut le fondateur, pratiquement toute la presse colporta les mêmes clichés, en le stigmatisant en mauvais maître, en penseur démodé ou encore en imposteur. Le magazine L’Histoire reprit de vieilles insinuations, sans fondement scientifique, sur les occupations du philosophe pendant l’occupation nazie. Le Nouvel Observateur poursuivit la salve, avec le titre accrocheur de « Faut‐il brûler Sartre ? »



    Matarese, Vera


    Quando, nel 1935, venne pubblicato il famoso articolo chiamato poi “EPR Paper” per le iniziali dei suoi autori - Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen -, la comunità scientifica dovette confrontarsi non solo con le manifeste provocazioni che il suo argomento voleva mostrare, ma anche con latenti problemi che sarebbero sbocciati più avanti in tutti i loro stridenti contrasti. L’incompletezza della meccanica quantistica, che l’“articolo EPR” si proponeva di dimostrare, poggiava infatti su un principio molt...

  5. IL-6/IL-12 Cytokine Receptor Shuffling of Extra- and Intracellular Domains Reveals Canonical STAT Activation via Synthetic IL-35 and IL-39 Signaling. (United States)

    Floss, D M; Schönberg, M; Franke, M; Horstmeier, F C; Engelowski, E; Schneider, A; Rosenfeldt, E M; Scheller, J


    IL-35 and IL-39 are recently discovered shared members of the IL-6- and IL-12-type cytokine family with immune-suppressive capacity. IL-35 has been reported to induce the formation of four different receptor complexes: gp130:IL-12β2, gp130:gp130, IL-12β2:IL-12β2, and IL-12β2:WSX-1. IL-39 was proposed to form a gp130:IL-23R receptor complex. IL-35, but not IL-39, has been reported to activate non-conventional STAT signaling, depending on the receptor complex and target cell. Analyses of IL-35 and IL-39 are, however, hampered by the lack of biologically active recombinant IL-35 and IL-39 proteins. Therefore, we engineered chimeric cytokine receptors to accomplish synthetic IL-35 and IL- 39 signaling by shuffling the extra- and intracellular domains of IL-6/IL-12-type cytokine receptors, resulting in biological activity for all previously described IL-35 receptor complexes. Moreover, we found that the proposed IL-39 receptor complex is biologically active and discovered two additional biologically active synthetic receptor combinations, gp130/IL-12Rβ1 and IL-23R/IL-12Rβ2. Surprisingly, synthetic IL-35 activation led to more canonical STAT signaling of all receptor complexes. In summary, our receptor shuffling approach highlights an interchangeable, modular domain structure among IL-6- and IL-12-type cytokine receptors and enabled synthetic IL-35 and IL-39 signaling.

  6. Il disegno gotico di San Giovanni Valdarno

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    Maria Teresa Bartoli


    Full Text Available San Giovanni Valdarno è una città del Valdarno di Sopra, il cui attuale centro storico fu la prima delle terre nuove della Repubblica Fiorentina, fondata alla fine del XIII secolo. Le vicende storiche della trasformazione del nucleo murato originario sono state oggetto di molti studi, ma la logica del suo particolare disegno non è stata molto investigata. L’approccio archeologico è quindi giustificato dal fatto che, per ciò che riguarda la forma del progetto urbano originario, gli studi finora pubblicati non vanno molto oltre la definizione di «progettazione ortogonale», data da David Friedman, suo maggiore studioso. I giudizi su di essa si sono quindi attestati sulla generica attribuzione di virtù e difetti che la tradizione storiografica annette alla città medievale, applicando formule basate su paradigmi convenzionali.Volendo condurre la ricerca di una descrizione significativa del tessuto materiale della città attingendo a paradigmi appartenenti al momento della sua realizzazione, è stato condotto uno studio metrico sulla forma della città storica, con riferimento al sistema del braccio fiorentino, considerato come parametro di riferimento fondamentale per la comprensione di un manufatto di dimensione urbana. L’aspetto archeologico della ricerca consiste quindi nella ricostruzione complessa di un paradigma dimenticato dall’attuale tradizione storiografica, alla luce del quale emergono negli oggetti storici significati e valori caduti dalla memoria trasmessa.L’analisi, condotta sulla planimetria digitale con il supporto di documenti storici del ‘200 e del ‘500, ha fatto emergere l’ordine logico e continuo del disegno geometrico della città fondata, replicabile a mente (e perciò memorabile, messo in opera nella pianta urbana, rendendo esplicita la sua logica e le sue connessioni sia con la cultura scientifica del tempo, sia con la tradizione storica precedente, risalendo a Vitruvio. Ai fini di interpretare

  7. Informative management system for administrative management; Il sistema informativo per il reporting e il controllo di gestione di un ente complesso. Realizzazione di un prototipo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Onofrio, M G; Minelle, F [Rome Univ. La Sapienza, Rome (Italy). Fac. di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali; Di Marco, R A [ENEA, Sede Centrale, Rome (Italy). Funzione Centrale Informatica


    funzione del Sistema Informativo Gestionale che deve assicurare, in modo realistico, qualificato ed efficace, un valido sostegno a tutte le attivita' che puo' agevolare, non solo il normale funzionamento, ma anche il perseguimento degli obiettivi programmatici. Nel contesto attuale, dove l'evoluzione della tecnologia spesso supera quella delle strutture organizzative, e' opportuno ridisegnare il Sistema Informativo Gestionale, considerando il fatto che spesso le procedure informatiche gestionali risultano obsolescenti. L'impostazione del lavoro svolto si basa sull'osservazione del processo di gestione aziendale: al fine di raggiungere i suoi obiettivi, l'Azienda trasforma delle risorse, ciascuna con il proprio ciclo di vita, attraverso fasi di gestione classificabili in valutazione, decisione, esecuzione e controllo. Tali fasi sono attuate attraverso il trattamento delle informazioni che rappresentano il legame tra esse nonche' la risorsa principale dell'intera organizzazione e il cardine del Sistema Informativo Gestionale. Considerare l'informazione come elemento caratterizzante l'azienda, in quanto derivata da un sistema complesso che comprende l'organizzazione, i processi e la rappresentazione delle altre risorse utilizzate, fornisce un valore aggiunto che permette di affermare che l'attuazione di una gestione efficace ed efficiente, dipende in larga misura dalla sua capacita' di saper utilizzare l'informazione.

  8. Enhancing MA transmutation by irradiation of (MA, Zr)Hx in FBR blanket region - 5383

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konashi, K.; Ikeda, K.; Itoh, K.; Hirai, M.; Koyama, T.; Kurosaki, K.


    Minor actinide (MA) hydride is proposed as transmutation target in sodium-cooled mixed oxide fuelled fast reactor. Preliminarily calculations have been done to check the transmutation efficiency of MA hydride targets. Three different types of MA target, MA-Zr alloy, (MA, Zr)O 2 and (MA, Zr)H x , have been compared on MA transmutation rate. The targets are assumed to be loaded around an active core in a 280 MWe sodium-cooled reactor; 54 MA target assemblies are respectively arranged in a row in the radial blanket zone. They are supposed to be irradiated for one year and then be cooled for 60 days. The transmuted mass has been evaluated by three-dimensional diffusion calculation to be 25, 15, 61 kg/EFPY for the alloy, the oxide and the hydride respectively, where production of MA in the active core is taken into account. The transmutation mass by (MA, Zr)H x is much larger than those by the other types of targets, while the core characteristics remain sound by locating MA targets outside of the active core. On top of that, two kinds of (MA, Zr)O 2 targets which are combined with ZrH x (x=1.7) pins have been calculated. Major Research/Development items are selected to establish the MA hydride transmutation method by reviewing technologies applicable to the transmutation system. The practical use of the MA hydride transmutation method is not far ahead technically, since this method can be developed by the extension of existing technologies. (authors)

  9. Architecture, cinéma et utopie. Pierre Kast sur Claude-Nicolas Ledoux et Le Corbusier


    Denis, Sébastien


    La fin des années 40 et les années 50 sont celles de l’émergence du film d’art, et les courts métrages de Pierre Kast (1920-1984) qu’on analysera ici, produits au milieu des années 50, s’intègrent dans ce mouvement plus large dont Claude-Jean Philippe, dans son Encyclopédie filmée, a pu dire que, loin d’être des « films au passé », ils montrent un « présent à vif, dont le cinéma capte et condense l’intensité ». Ces années sont justement celles de la montée vers la « libération » du cinéma lui...

  10. SiMA: A simplified migration assay for analyzing neutrophil migration. (United States)

    Weckmann, Markus; Becker, Tim; Nissen, Gyde; Pech, Martin; Kopp, Matthias V


    three non-asthmatic patients gives a first hint to the capability of SiMA assay in the context of migration based diagnostics. Using SiMA we were able to identify typical migration profiles of the chemoattractants IL-8, fMLP, and LTB 4 , the effect of the matrices FN versus HEM as well as the response to different medications, that is, Prednisolone induced a change of direction of migrating neutrophils in FN but no such effect was observed in human placental matrix. In addition, neutrophils of asthmatic individuals showed an increased proportion of cells migrating toward the vehicle. With the SiMA platform we presented a simplified but yet flexible platform for cost-effective tracking and quantification of neutrophil migration. The introduced method is based on a simple microscopic video stage, standardized, commercially available, µ-fluidic migration chambers and automated image analysis, and track validation software. © 2017 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry. © 2017 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry.

  11. Radon risk in the house; Il rischio radon nelle abitazioni

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bressa, G. [Padua Univ., Padua (Italy). Dipt. di Farmacologia e Anestesiologia, Lab. di Tossicologia


    Radon was discovered in 1900, but its potential dangerousness for man was fully understood only in 1950. Being a radioactive natural gas - and therefore particularly dangerous - radon results from the long decay chain of radionuclides, such as thorium and radium. Some igneous rocks (granite, tufa and lava) as well as coal are considered to be the main sources of this radionuclide. A number of epidemiologic studies have shown the carcinogenicity of this element, particularly among miners and workers subjected to high level exposure in confined spaces such as basements, garages, cellars, etc. There are, however, some techniques to remove radon in order to reduce exposure to minimum values. [Italian] Il radon fu scoperto nel 1900, ma solo nel 1950 si comprese la sua potenziale pericolosita' per l'uomo. Il radon e' particolarmente pericoloso essendo un gas naturale radioattivo. Esso proviene dalla lunga catena di decadimento di radionuclidi come il torio e di radio. Sorgenti di tale radionuclide sono da considerarsi principalmente alcune rocce ignee (graniti, tufi e lave) e il carbone. Diversi studi epidemiologici hanno evidenziato la cancerogenicita' di tale elemento, specie tra i minatori e soggetti esposti ad alti livelli in ambienti confinati quali scantinati, garage sotterranei, ecc.. Esistono comunque tecniche di intervento per la rimozione del gas radon in modo tale da ridurre l'esposizione a valori minimi.

  12. I nomi del tempo la seconda rivoluzione scientifica e il mito della freccia temporale

    CERN Document Server

    Bellone, Enrico


    Ogni persona colloca i fatti ordinandoli lungo una freccia psicologica del tempo e così distingue tra il passato e il futuro. La distinzione è netta, poiché i fatti disposti nel passato non sono modificabili, mentre quelli che si verificheranno sono, in linea di massima, solo prevedibili: non possiamo esercitare alcuna influenza sugli eventi passati, ma possiamo nutrire la speranza di condizionare, almeno in parte, quelli che non si sono ancora verificati. La questione della freccia psicologica è collegata alla circostanza per cui l'individuo ha coscienza d'essere sempre situato in un «qui e ora», così da ricordare solo certi fatti del passato e da non avere alcuna memoria del futuro. Questo stato di cose, pur manifestandosi in modo del tutto naturale, presenta però analogie con quel particolare stato di cose grazie al quale ciascuno di noi parla di oggetti che si trovano «in alto» o «in basso», sulla base di una distinzione che non è poi dissimile da quella che riguarda il «prima» e il «dopo�...

  13. Vie femminili di liberazione. Il movimento transnazionale delle bhikkunī nel Sudest asiatico

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    Alessandra Chiricosta


    Full Text Available La lotta per il riconoscimento dell’ordinazione delle bhikkunī nell’ambito del Buddhismo theravāda, come sostiene Tanaporn Pichitsakulachai, può essere interpretata come una forma di femminismo religioso. Il movimento per la “rifondazione” del monachesimo femminile nei paesi del Sud e Sudest Asiatico e’ una realta’ fluida e policentrica, che cerca non solo di rinegoziare i ruoli tradizionalmente imposti alle donne, ma sfida i principi stessi su cui il concetto di “tradizione” viene costruito. La questione della rifondazione dell’ordine delle bhikkunī viene qui letta come spazio di movimento di network interculturali di donne, che riflettono la filosofia del Socially Engaged Buddhis (SEB. La dimensione relazionale e transnazionale che tali network pongono in essere puo’ offrire una differente prospettiva in grado di fornire una via di superamento delle dicotomie politiche e teoretiche che hanno a lungo guidato la lettura di fenomeni connessi all’ agency delle donne in contesti post coloniali.


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    Georgiana MEDREA


    Full Text Available Avant même d’aborder la nature des films français importés en Roumanie dans l’entre-deux-guerres, il convient de situer cette production cinématographique dans l’ensemble de celles présentes sur le marché roumain, ce que permettent documents et articles critiques contemporains. La diversité des mises en scène et des acteurs, la variété des sujets traités plaisent à un large public. La plus grande place que connaît le cinéma français en Roumanie dans les années trente est sans doute due,également, à la présence, dans le monde cinématographique français, d’artistes roumains qui manifestent un souci d’intégration dans une culture d’accueil qu’ils admirent. Les exemplesde coopérations franco-roumaines sont nombreuses, jusqu’à se manifester parfois sous la forme de coproductions

  15. IL-6 enhances plasma IL-1ra, IL-10, and cortisol in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steensberg, Adam; Fischer, Christian Philip; Keller, Charlotte


    compared with saline infusion. In addition, C-reactive protein increased 3 h post-rhIL-6 infusion and was further elevated 16 h later compared with saline infusion. rhIL-6 induced increased levels of plasma cortisol and, consequently, an increase in circulating neutrophils and a decrease in the lymphocyte......-alpha, enhances the levels not only of IL-1ra but also of IL-10. Furthermore, IL-6 induces an increase in cortisol and, consequently, in neutrocytosis and late lymphopenia to the same magnitude and with the same kinetics as during exercise, suggesting that muscle-derived IL-6 has a central role in exercise...

  16. Il Fuoco or the fatal portrait : the XIXth century in the Italian silent cinema

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blom, I.L.


    Dans les années dix de notre siècle, un genre nouveau de film s'installe en Italie aux côtés des grandes productions historiques : le cinéma des divas dont l'histoire-type tourne autour des drames d'un "ménage à trois". Il Fuoco (Giovanni Pastrone, 1915) serait, selon l'auteur, un film moderne qui,

  17. Internalization of interleukin 1 (IL 1) correlates with IL 1-induced IL 2 receptor expression and IL 2 secretion of EL4 thymoma cells


    Von Hoegen, I.; Falk, Werner; Kojouharoff, G.; Krammer, P. H.


    The cytokine interleukin 1 (IL 1) plays an important role in the induction of IL 2 secretion and high-affinity IL 2 receptor (IL 2R) expression by T cells. The events that follow binding of IL 1 to IL 1R, however, are still unknown. In this study we describe two variants of the murine thymoma EL4 (5D3 and D6/76) that express comparable numbers of cell surface IL 1 receptors and bind IL 1 with the same affinity, but show distinct IL 1-dependent IL 2 secretion and IL 2R expression. In the prese...

  18. Includere fa la differenza? Il punto alla luce delle evidenze empiriche

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    Lucia Donata Nepi


    Full Text Available Il dibattito sull’educazione inclusiva ruota, tipicamente, intorno a due argomenti: i principi e le evidenze empiriche. Sul piano dei principi l’inclusione concerne il diritto di tutti gli studenti, compresi quanti sperimentano difficoltà di diversa natura, di avere accesso all’istruzione all’interno della scuola ordinaria. Ma una scuola che include è anche una scuola efficace? Che impatto ha l’inclusione sul rendimento degli studenti con bisogni speciali e dei loro compagni a sviluppo tipico? Qual è l’impatto sulla partecipazione sociale di tutti gli studenti? Ad oggi sappiamo che sul piano delle evidenze empiriche le risposte a queste domande sono molto lontane da risposte definitive. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è presentare lo stato dell’arte della ricerca internazionale sull’educazione inclusiva attraverso i risultati delle indagini più recenti.

  19. Zhigang Ma

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. Zhigang Ma. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 35 Issue 4 August 2012 pp 575-578. Degradation and miscibility of poly(DL-lactic acid)/poly(glycolic acid) composite films: Effect of poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) · Zhigang Ma Na Zhao Chengdong Xiong.

  20. Informative management system for administrative management; Il sistema informativo per il reporting e il controllo di gestione di un ente complesso. Realizzazione di un prototipo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D' Onofrio, M.G.; Minelle, F. [Rome Univ. La Sapienza, Rome (Italy). Fac. di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali; Di Marco, R.A. [ENEA, Sede Centrale, Rome (Italy). Funzione Centrale Informatica


    notevole importanza la funzione del Sistema Informativo Gestionale che deve assicurare, in modo realistico, qualificato ed efficace, un valido sostegno a tutte le attivita' che puo' agevolare, non solo il normale funzionamento, ma anche il perseguimento degli obiettivi programmatici. Nel contesto attuale, dove l'evoluzione della tecnologia spesso supera quella delle strutture organizzative, e' opportuno ridisegnare il Sistema Informativo Gestionale, considerando il fatto che spesso le procedure informatiche gestionali risultano obsolescenti. L'impostazione del lavoro svolto si basa sull'osservazione del processo di gestione aziendale: al fine di raggiungere i suoi obiettivi, l'Azienda trasforma delle risorse, ciascuna con il proprio ciclo di vita, attraverso fasi di gestione classificabili in valutazione, decisione, esecuzione e controllo. Tali fasi sono attuate attraverso il trattamento delle informazioni che rappresentano il legame tra esse nonche' la risorsa principale dell'intera organizzazione e il cardine del Sistema Informativo Gestionale. Considerare l'informazione come elemento caratterizzante l'azienda, in quanto derivata da un sistema complesso che comprende l'organizzazione, i processi e la rappresentazione delle altre risorse utilizzate, fornisce un valore aggiunto che permette di affermare che l'attuazione di una gestione efficace ed efficiente, dipende in larga misura dalla sua capacita' di saper utilizzare l'informazione.

  1. Clinical significance of determination of changes of serum IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-18 levels after treatment in patients with chronic renal diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Congjiang; Li Fen; Zhang Lei; Liu Jianhua


    Objective: To explore the changes of serum IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-18 levels after treatment in patients with chronic renal diseases. Methods: Serum IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 levels were determined with RIA and IL-18 levels with ELISA in 32 patients with chronic renal diseases both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment the serum IL -6, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-18 levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P<0.01). After 6 months of treatment, the levels though dropped markedly remained significantly higher (P<0.05). Conclusion: Levels of serum IL-6, IL- 8, IL-10 and IL-18 increased significantly in patients with chronic renal diseases, especially in those advanced cases. (authors)

  2. Respuesta de IFN-y e Il-4 en ratones inoculados con una proteína G recombinante del virus de la rabia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edith Rojas-Anaya


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el comportamiento de IFN-  e IL-4 en ratones inoculados con proteína G recombinante del virus de la rabia, que se expresa en maíz transgénico o baculovirus. Para este pr opósito, grupos de ratones se inocularon de la siguiente manera: Grupo 1, vacuna contra el virus de la rabia inactivado vía im; Grupo 2, proteína G recombinante deri vada de plantas por vía oral; Grupo 3, proteína G expresada en baculovirus vía im; Grupo 4, proteína G expresada en baculovirus por vía oral; Grupo 5, maíz no tran sformado por vía oral. Los niveles de IFN-  e IL-4 y los anticuerpos específicos se evaluaron cada 15 días. El desafío se realizó a los 60 días post inoculación (pi. Los grupos 1 y 3 promovieron un a mejor respuesta humoral. Por otro lado, los resultados demostraron que los mismos grupos mostraron los mejores niveles de IFN -  en el día 10 pi; mientras que la IL-4 se detectó en el día 15 pi. Para el estudio de supervivencia, el 83 % de los ratones inmunizados con vacuna inactivada, maíz y los inoculados im con extractos de baculovirus sob revivieron la infección viral. La proteína G de la rabia recombinante expresada en baculovirus promovió IFN-  y los anticuerpos de una manera similar a la vacuna de rabia inactivada. A pesar de esto los ratones alime ntados con maíz transgénico sobrevivieron al desafío en el mismo porcentaje que el grupo 3.

  3. IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-13 modulate responsiveness of human airway smooth muscle cells to IL-13

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michoud Marie-Claire


    Full Text Available Abstract Background IL-13 is a critical mediator of allergic asthma and associated airway hyperresponsiveness. IL-13 acts through a receptor complex comprised of IL-13Rα1 and IL-4Rα subunits with subsequent activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6. The IL-13Rα2 receptor may act as a decoy receptor. In human airway smooth muscle (HASM cells, IL-13 enhances cellular proliferation, calcium responses to agonists and induces eotaxin production. We investigated the effects of pre-treatment with IL-4, IL-13 and IFN-γ on the responses of HASM cells to IL-13. Methods Cultured HASM were examined for expression of IL-13 receptor subunits using polymerase chain reaction, immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Effects of cytokine pre-treatment on IL-13-induced cell responses were assessed by looking at STAT6 phosphorylation using Western blot, eotaxin secretion and calcium responses to histamine. Results IL-13Rα1, IL-4Rα and IL-13Rα2 subunits were expressed on HASM cells. IL-13 induced phosphorylation of STAT6 which reached a maximum by 30 minutes. Pre-treatment with IL-4, IL-13 and, to a lesser degree, IFN-γ reduced peak STAT6 phosphorylation in response to IL-13. IL-13, but not IFN-γ, pre-treatment abrogated IL-13-induced eotaxin secretion. Pre-treatment with IL-4 or IL-13 abrogated IL-13-induced augmentation of the calcium transient evoked by histamine. Cytokine pre-treatment did not affect expression of IL-13Rα1 and IL-4Rα but increased expression of IL-13Rα2. An anti-IL-13Rα2 neutralizing antibody did not prevent the cytokine pre-treatment effects on STAT6 phosphorylation. Cytokine pre-treatment increased SOCS-1, but not SOCS-3, mRNA expression which was not associated with significant increases in protein expression. Conclusion Pre-treatment with IL-4 and IL-13, but not IFN-γ, induced desensitization of the HASM cells to IL-13 as measured by eotaxin secretion and calcium transients to histamine

  4. Il commercio dei captivi nel Mediterraneo di età moderna (secc. XVI - XVIII. Orientamenti e prospettive attuali di ricerca

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    Bosco, Michele


    Full Text Available Da oltre un ventennio, il tema della guerra da corsa e quello del commercio dei captivi nel Mediterraneo di età moderna, ad esso strettamente connesso, sono oggetto di rinnovato interesse da parte della storiografia internazionale. Soprattutto in Italia, Spagna e Francia (ma anche altrove, ricerche sistematiche hanno permesso di ricostruire diversi aspetti della schiavitù nel Mediterraneo di età moderna: modalità della cattura, condizioni di vita dei prigionieri, riscatti, conversioni. Non solo storici, ma anche antropologi, economisti, storici delle religioni e del diritto hanno dato il loro contributo alla ricerca, tradottosi in raccolte di saggi o in volumi monografici; tale abbondante produzione ha innanzitutto mostrato chiaramente come la guerra da corsa e il commercio dei captivi abbiano rappresentato a lungo un elemento cruciale della storia dei paesi che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo, dal medioevo all’età moderna, giungendo fino ai primi decenni del secolo XIX. Nelle prossime pagine proveremo a ricostruire, a grandi linee, l’evoluzione del dibattito storiografico sull’argomento, in modo da far emergere le questioni ancora aperte e di individuare nuovi possibili percorsi di indagine, che sfruttino in particolare le serie documentarie ancora scarsamente utilizzate o meritevoli di ulteriori ricerche.

  5. IL-33 Enhanced the Proliferation and Constitutive Production of IL-13 and IL-5 by Fibrocytes

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    Hisako Hayashi


    Full Text Available Interleukin-33 appears to play important roles in the induction of allergic airway inflammation. However, whether IL-33 is involved in airway remodeling remains unclear. Because fibrocytes contribute to tissue remodeling in the setting of chronic inflammation, we examined the effects of IL-33 on fibrocyte functions. Fibrocytes were generated in vitro from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by culturing in the presence of platelet derived growth factors and the cells were stimulated with IL-33. IL-33 enhanced cell proliferation, α-SMA expression, and pro-MMP-9 activity by the fibrocytes without increasing endogenous transforming growth factor-β1 production. Fibrocytes constitutively expressed IL-13 and IL-5, and their production was augmented by stimulation with IL-33. Dexamethasone inhibited the functions of fibrocytes, but IL-33 made fibrocytes slightly refractory to the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone in terms of IL-13 production. Montelukast suppressed IL-13 production by nonstimulated fibrocytes but not those stimulated by IL-33. These findings suggest that IL-33 is involved in the airway remodeling process through its modulation of fibrocyte function independent of antigen stimulation. IL-33 might partially reduce the therapeutic effects of glucocorticoid and cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist on fibrocyte-mediated Th2 responses.

  6. IL-1 and IL-23 mediate early IL-17A production in pulmonary inflammation leading to late fibrosis.

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    Paméla Gasse

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a devastating as yet untreatable disease. We demonstrated recently the predominant role of the NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β expression in the establishment of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in mice. METHODS: The contribution of IL-23 or IL-17 in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis was assessed using the bleomycin model in deficient mice. RESULTS: We show that bleomycin or IL-1β-induced lung injury leads to increased expression of early IL-23p19, and IL-17A or IL-17F expression. Early IL-23p19 and IL-17A, but not IL-17F, and IL-17RA signaling are required for inflammatory response to BLM as shown with gene deficient mice or mice treated with neutralizing antibodies. Using FACS analysis, we show a very early IL-17A and IL-17F expression by RORγt(+ γδ T cells and to a lesser extent by CD4αβ(+ T cells, but not by iNKT cells, 24 hrs after BLM administration. Moreover, IL-23p19 and IL-17A expressions or IL-17RA signaling are necessary to pulmonary TGF-β1 production, collagen deposition and evolution to fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the existence of an early IL-1β-IL-23-IL-17A axis leading to pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis and identify innate IL-23 and IL-17A as interesting drug targets for IL-1β driven lung pathology.

  7. Differential intracellular calcium influx, nitric oxide production, ICAM-1 and IL8 expression in primary bovine endothelial cells exposed to nonesterified fatty acids. (United States)

    Loaiza, Anitsi; Carretta, María D; Taubert, Anja; Hermosilla, Carlos; Hidalgo, María A; Burgos, Rafael A


    Nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) are involved in proinflammatory processes in cattle, including in the increased expression of adhesion molecules in endothelial cells. However, the mechanisms underlying these effects are still unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of NEFAs on the intracellular calcium (Ca(2+) i) influx, nitric oxide production, and ICAM-1 and IL-8 expression in primary bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells (BUVECs). Myristic (MA), palmitic (PA), stearic (SA), oleic (OA) and linoleic acid (LA) rapidly increased Ca(2+) i. The calcium response to all tested NEFAs showed an extracellular calcium dependence and only the LA response was significantly inhibited until the intracellular calcium was chelated. The EC50 values for MA and LA were 125 μM and 37 μM, respectively, and the MA and LA effects were dependent on calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum stores and on the L-type calcium channels. Only the calcium response to MA was significantly reduced by GW1100, a selective G-protein-coupled free fatty acid receptor (GPR40) antagonist. We also detected a functional FFAR1/GPR40 protein in BUVECs by using western blotting and the FFAR1/GPR40 agonist TAK-875. Only LA increased the cellular nitric oxide levels in a calcium-dependent manner. LA stimulation but not MA stimulation increased ICAM-1 and IL-8-expression in BUVECs. This effect was inhibited by GW1100, an antagonist of FFAR1/GPR40, but not by U-73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor. These findings strongly suggest that each individual NEFA stimulates endothelial cells in a different way, with clearly different effects on intracellular calcium mobilization, NO production, and IL-8 and ICAM-1 expression in primary BUVECs. These findings not only extend our understanding of NEFA-mediated diseases in ruminants, but also provide new insight into the different molecular mechanisms involved during endothelial cell activation by NEFAs.

  8. Quantitative Contribution of IL2Rγ to the Dynamic Formation of IL2-IL2R Complexes.

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    Luis F Ponce

    Full Text Available Interleukin-2 (IL2 is a growth factor for several immune cells and its function depends on its binding to IL2Rs in the cell membrane. The most accepted model for the assembling of IL2-IL2R complexes in the cell membrane is the Affinity Conversion Model (ACM. This model postulates that IL2R receptor association is sequential and dependent on ligand binding. Most likely free IL2 binds first to IL2Rα, and then this complex binds to IL2Rβ, and finally to IL2Rγ (γc. However, in previous mathematical models representing this process, the binding of γc has not been taken into account. In this work, the quantitative contribution of the number of IL2Rγ chain to the IL2-IL2R apparent binding affinity and signaling is studied. A mathematical model of the affinity conversion process including the γ chain in the dynamic, has been formulated. The model was calibrated by fitting it to experimental data, specifically, Scatchard plots obtained using human cell lines. This paper demonstrates how the model correctly explains available experimental observations. It was estimated, for the first time, the value of the kinetic coefficients of IL2-IL2R complexes interaction in the cell membrane. Moreover, the number of IL2R components in different cell lines was also estimated. It was obtained a variable distribution in the number of IL2R components depending on the cell type and the activation state. Of most significance, the study predicts that not only the number of IL2Rα and IL2Rβ, but also the number of γc determine the capacity of the cell to capture and retain IL2 in signalling complexes. Moreover, it is also showed that different cells might use different pathways to bind IL2 as consequence of its IL2R components distribution in the membrane.

  9. The changes of IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and IgE in serum of patients with asthma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chao; Liu Deyi; Hou Guihua; Wang Haodan


    To evaluate the relationship and the clinical significance between the serum IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and IgE in patients with asthma, the serum IL-8, IL-10 are measured by radioimmunoassay method and the serum IL-12, IgE by ELISA in 55 patients with asthma. The level of serum IL-8, IgE at stage of episode are significantly higher than that at stage of remission (P<0.01); the level of serum IL-10, IL-12 at stage of episode are significantly lower than that at stage of remission (P<0.01). Linear regression shows that the decrease of IL-12 relate to the increase of IgE. The results suggests that the change of the level of serum IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and IgE could be a maker for the aggravation of asthma

  10. Cytokines (interleukin-9, IL-17, IL-22, IL-25 and IL-33 and asthma

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    Rahim Farahani


    Full Text Available Asthma is a reversible airway obstruction that is characterized by constriction of airway smooth muscle, hyper secretion of mucus, edema and airway hyper responsiveness (AHR, mucus secretion and thickening of the basement membrane underlying the airway epithelium. During the process of airway inflammation, complex interactions of innate and adaptive immune cells as well as structural cells and their cytokines have many important roles. It was believed that airway inflammation is orchestrated by allergen specific T helper (Th 2 cells, which recruit and accumulate in the lungs and produce a range of different effector cytokines. However, more recent studies have revealed the potential collaboration of other helper T cells and their cytokines in this process. Th17 cell may have a role in severe asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD. Interleukin (IL-9-producing subset called Th9 cell, Th22 cells which primarily secrete IL-22, IL-13 and tumor necrosis factor-α and Th25 cells via producing IL-25 are believed to be important for initiating allergic reactions and developing airway inflammation. Cytokines are important in asthma and play a critical role in orchestrating the allergic inflammatory response, although the precise role of each cytokine remains to be determined. The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge about the possible roles of newly identified helper T cells derived cytokines (IL-9, 17, 22, 25 and IL-33 in asthma. The potential therapeutic applications emerging from the roles of these cytokines will be discussed as well.

  11. The dichotomous pattern of IL-12r and IL-23R expression elucidates the role of IL-12 and IL-23 in inflammation.

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    Gaëlle Chognard

    Full Text Available IL-12 and IL-23 cytokines respectively drive Th1 and Th17 type responses. Yet, little is known regarding the biology of these receptors. As the IL-12 and IL-23 receptors share a common subunit, it has been assumed that these receptors are co-expressed. Surprisingly, we find that the expression of each of these receptors is restricted to specific cell types, in both mouse and human. Indeed, although IL-12Rβ2 is expressed by NK cells and a subset of γδ T cells, the expression of IL-23R is restricted to specific T cell subsets, a small number of B cells and innate lymphoid cells. By exploiting an IL-12- and IL-23-dependent mouse model of innate inflammation, we demonstrate an intricate interplay between IL-12Rβ2 NK cells and IL-23R innate lymphoid cells with respectively dominant roles in the regulation of systemic versus local inflammatory responses. Together, these findings support an unforeseen lineage-specific dichotomy in the in vivo role of both the IL-12 and IL-23 pathways in pathological inflammatory states, which may allow more accurate dissection of the roles of these receptors in chronic inflammatory diseases in humans.

  12. Il Padrino nell'immagine turistica di Savoca / “The Godfather” in the touristic image of Savoca

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    Sonia Gambino


    Full Text Available Il cinema riesce a rappresentare in modo suggestivo lo spazio geografico e le sue trasformazioni divenendo un forte elemento di costruzione dell’identità di un luogo. A Savoca, l’esperienza cinematografica de Il Padrino ha portato il borgo medievale della Valle d’Agrò ad una rinomanza mondiale. Una città d’arte, forse poco conosciuta, una parte di Sicilia un po’ nascosta e fuori dai soliti itinerari, ma la bellezza e la particolarità di questo luogo, hanno colpito anche il regista Francis Ford Coppola che nel 1972 girò alcune scene del film Il padrino, interpretato da Al Pacino. The film manages to be so evocative geographical space and its transformations, becoming a strong building element of the identity of a place. In Savoca, the cinematic experience of "the godfather" brought medieval d'Agro Valley a world renown. A city of art, perhaps, a little-known part of Sicily and outside from the usual routes, but the beauty and uniqueness of this place, have also impressed the Director Francis Ford Coppola who in 1972 turned some scenes from the film The godfather starring Al Pacino.

  13. Role of periostin, FENO, IL-13, lebrikzumab, other IL-13 antagonist and dual IL-4/IL-13 antagonist in asthma. (United States)

    Agrawal, Swati; Townley, Robert G


    Asthma markedly diminishes quality of life due to limited activity, absences from work or school and hospitalizations. Patients with severe asthma which are not controlled despite taking effective therapy are most in need of new treatment approaches. IL-13 was demonstrated as 'central mediator of allergic asthma'. IL-13 has been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and COPD. IL-13 levels in the sputum and bronchial biopsy samples remain elevated in severe asthma despite the use of inhaled and systemic corticosteroids. Thus, IL-13 is a mediator involved in corticosteroid resistance. Periostin enhances profibrotic TGF-β signaling in subepithelial fibrosis associated with asthma. IL-13 induces bronchial epithelial cells to secrete periostin. Periostin may be a biomarker for Th2 induced airway inflammation. Lebrikizumab is a monoclonal antibody against IL-13. Lebrikizumab improved lung function in asthmatics who were symptomatic despite treatment with long acting beta agonist and inhaled corticosteroids and provided benefit in the treatment of severe uncontrolled asthma. Lebrikizumab block IL-13 signaling through the IL-13Rα1/IL-4Rα receptor. There was a larger reduction in FENO in the high periostin subgroup than in the low periostin subgroup (34.4 vs 4.3%). Serum CCL17, CCL13 and total IgE levels decreased in the lebrikizumab group.

  14. Il lungo freddo storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, lo scienziato che scelse l'URSS

    CERN Document Server

    Mafai, Miriam


    Nelle parole della grande giornalista recentemente scomparsa, la documentata narrazione della storia di Bruno Pontecorvo, fisico nucleare di fama mondiale che, nel pieno della Guerra fredda, scelse di abbandonare l'Occidente e di lavorare e vivere nell'Unione Sovietica. Grazie alla capacità della Mafai nel ricostruire gli eventi cruciali della vita di Pontecorvo in un nuovo quadro rivelatore, "Il lungo freddo" non offre solo un'inedita prospettiva sulla drammatica corsa alla bomba atomica - dalle decisive scoperte del Progetto Manhattan alla tragica esplosione di Hiroshima, dalla prima atomica sovietica alla bomba all'idrogeno - ma rappresenta soprattutto la memoria collettiva di una generazione che ha posto la politica al centro delle proprie scelte di vita. E svela i drammi umani di un conflitto che per più di quarant'anni ha diviso il mondo.

  15. Scaling of X pinches from 1 MA to 6 MA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bland, Simon Nicholas; McBride, Ryan D.; Wenger, David Franklin; Sinars, Daniel Brian; Chittenden, Jeremy Paul; Pikuz, Sergei A.; Harding, Eric; Jennings, Christopher A.; Ampleford, David J.; Yu, Edmund P.; Cuneo, Michael Edward; Shelkovenko, Tatiana A.; Hansen, Stephanie B.


    This final report for Project 117863 summarizes progress made toward understanding how X-pinch load designs scale to high currents. The X-pinch load geometry was conceived in 1982 as a method to study the formation and properties of bright x-ray spots in z-pinch plasmas. X-pinch plasmas driven by 0.2 MA currents were found to have source sizes of 1 micron, temperatures >1 keV, lifetimes of 10-100 ps, and densities >0.1 times solid density. These conditions are believed to result from the direct magnetic compression of matter. Physical models that capture the behavior of 0.2 MA X pinches predict more extreme parameters at currents >1 MA. This project developed load designs for up to 6 MA on the SATURN facility and attempted to measure the resulting plasma parameters. Source sizes of 5-8 microns were observed in some cases along with evidence for high temperatures (several keV) and short time durations (<500 ps).

  16. IL-5 and IL-5 receptor in asthma

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    ATC Kotsimbos


    Full Text Available Eosinophils, along with mast cells are key cells involved in the innate immune response against parasitic infection whereas the adaptive immune response is largely dependent on lymphocytes. In chronic parasitic disease and in chronic allergic disease, IL-5 is predominantly a T cell derived cytokine which is particularly important for the terminal differentiation, activation and survival of committed eosinophil precursors. The human IL-5 gene is located on chromosome 5 in a gene cluster that contains the evolutionary related IL-4 family of cytokine genes. The human IL-5 receptor complex is a heterodimer consisting of a unique a subunit (predominantly expressed on eosinophils and a beta subunit which is shared between the receptors for IL-3 & GM-CSF (more widely expressed. The a subunit is required for ligand-specific binding whereas association with the beta subunit results in increased binding affinity. The alternative splicing of the alphaIL-5R gene which contains 14 exons can yield several alphaIL-5R isoforms including a membrane-anchored isoform (alphaIL-5Rm and a soluble isoform (alphaIL-5Rs. Cytokines such as IL-5 produce specific and non-specific cellular responses through specific cell membrane receptor mediated activation of intracellular signal transduction pathways which, to a large part, regulate gene expression. The major intracellular signal transduction mechanism is activation of non-receptor associated tyrosine kinases including JAK and MAP kinases which can then transduce signals via a novel family of transcriptional factors named signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATS. JAK2, STAT1 and STAT 5 appear to be particularly important in IL-5 mediated eosinophil responses. Asthma is characterized by episodic airways obstruction, increased bronchial responsiveness, and airway inflammation. Several studies have shown an association between the number of activated T cells and eosinophils in the airways and abnormalities

  17. Il sapore dell’ italia: i nomi delle marche alimentari pseudoitaliane in Germania

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    Marie A. Rieger


    Full Text Available La cucina italiana è famosa e apprezzata in tutto il mondo. Per molti, la sua varietà e leggerezza sono l’espressione tangibile della proverbiale gioia di vivere degli italiani, per altri evoca il sole, il mare e le vacanze. Sicuramente tutti concordano sul fatto che la cucina italiana sia sinonimo di bontà e qualità. In Germania, in particolare, la gastronomia italiana può vantare quasi sessant’anni di storia e un fatturato annuale che supera i tre miliardi di Euro. Il successo del mangiare all’italiana si rispecchia anche sugli scaffali dei supermercati che sono pieni di prodotti alimentari tipici della cucina italiana. Ma accanto alle marche BARILLA, BUITONI e LAVAZZA si possono trovare anche gli spaghetti COMBINO, la pizza RIGGANO e il caffè BELLAROM. A differenza dei primi tre nomi, tutte marche tradizionali italiane, gli ultimi tre sono marche commerciali tedesche che hanno l’evidente obiettivo di suggerire l’origine italiana dei rispettivi prodotti. Poiché l’origine italiana è garante di bontà e qualità, anche aziende tedesche cercano di sfruttare il cosiddetto country-of-origin effect. L’analisi linguistica di un corpus di 41 nomi di marche tedesche italianizzanti dimostra che le naming strategies possono essere ricondotte a pochi modelli formativi, il che sembrerebbe violare l’imperativo dell’innovazione e della diversità imposto dalle strategie del marketing. Eppure, i nomi sono perfettamente funzionali: dal momento che corrispondono all’idea che i tedeschi hanno della lingua italiana, come dimostrano degli studi empirici condotti da me, tali nomi sono percepiti come italiani e ai rispettivi prodotti viene attribuita un’origine italiana che funge, a sua volta, da marchio di qualità.

  18. Allergic Rhinitis and Its Relationship with IL-10, IL-17, TGF-β, IFN-γ, IL 22, and IL-35

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    P. Bayrak Degirmenci


    Full Text Available Background. We aimed in our study to research the role of new cytokines such as IL-35, IL-22, and IL-17 that may form a target for novel treatment approaches. Methods. IL-10, IL-17, TGF-β, IFN-γ, IL-22, and IL-35 serum levels of allergic rhinitis (AR patients were measured using ELISA method. Allergic sensitization was demonstrated by the skin prick test. Patients only with olive tree sensitivity were evaluated for seasonal AR (SAR. Patients only with mite sensitivity were included in the study for perennial AR (PAR. AR clinic severity was demonstrated by the nasal symptom scores (NSS. Results. In total, 65 AR patients (patient group, having 31 PAR and 34 SAR patients, and 31 healthy individuals (control group participated in the study. Cytokine levels between the patient group and the control group were compared; IL-17 (p=0.038, IL-22 (p=0.001, and TGF-β (p=0.031 were detected as high in the patient group, and IFN-γ (p<0.001 was detected as low in the patient group. When correlation analysis was made between age, gender, prick test result, NSS, AR duration, and cytokine levels in the patient group, a negative correlation was detected only between IFN-γ (p=0.032/r=−0.266 level and NSS. Conclusions. Accompanied by the literature information, these results made us think that T cell subgroups and cytokines have an important role in AR immunopathogenesis. It is thought that future studies to be conducted relating to this subject will form new targets in treatment.

  19. Discovery and utilization of sorghum genes (Ma5/Ma6) (United States)

    Mullet, John E; Rooney, William L; Klein, Patricia E; Morishige, Daryl; Murphy, Rebecca; Brady, Jeff A


    Methods and composition for the production of non-flowering or late flowering sorghum hybrid. For example, in certain aspects methods for use of molecular markers that constitute the Ma5/Ma6 pathway to modulate photoperiod sensitivity are described. The invention allows the production of plants having improved productivity and biomass generation.

  20. Il nucleo terrestre: il cuore magnetico della Terra


    De Santis, A.


    Il campo magnetico terrestre è una proprietà intrinseca del nostro pianeta e di altri oggetti del sistema solare. Il Sole stesso possiede un forte campo magnetico che si inverte quasi ciclicamente ogni 10-11 anni; tale comportamento è visibile attraverso la medesima ciclicità delle macchie solari che denotano sulla superficie l’intensa attività magnetica della nostra stella. Il campo magnetico terrestre è importantissimo per la vita sulla Terra. Esso protegge il pianeta dalle p...

  1. IL-17A, IL-17RC polymorphisms and IL17 plasma levels in Tunisian patients with rheumatoid arthritis (United States)

    Chahbi, Mayssa; Haouami, Youssra; Sfar, Imen; Abdelmoula, Leila; Ben Abdallah, Taieb; Gorgi, Yousr


    Background Interleukin-17 (IL-17), a cytokine mainly secreted by Th17 cells, seems to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Functional genetic polymorphisms in IL-17 and its receptor genes can influence either qualitatively or quantitatively their functions. Therefore, we aimed to study the impact of IL17-A and IL17RC polymorphisms on plasma level of IL-17 and RA susceptibility and severity. Methods In this context, IL-17A*rs2275913 and IL-17RC*rs708567 polymorphisms were investigated together with the quantification of IL17 plasma level in 115 RA patients and 91 healthy control subjects matched in age, sex and ethnic origin. Results There were no statistically significant associations between IL-17A and IL-17RC studied polymorphisms and RA susceptibility. In contrast, IL-17A plasma levels were significantly higher in patients (55.07 pg/ml) comparatively to controls (4.75 pg/ml), p<10E-12. A ROC curve was used to evaluate the performance of plasma IL-17 in detecting RA. Given 100% specificity, the highest sensitivity of plasma IL-17A was 61.7% at a cut-off value of 18.25 pg/ml; p < 10E-21, CI = [0.849–0.939]. Analytic results showed that the IgM-rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP antibodies were significantly less frequent in patients with the IL-17RC*A/A genotype than those carrying *G/G and *G/A genotypes; p = 0.013 and p = 0.015, respectively. Otherwise, IL-17 plasma levels’ analysis showed a significant association with the activity of RA (DAS28≥5.1 = 74.71 pg/ml vs. DAS28<5.1 = 11.96 pg/ml), p<10E-6. Conclusion IL-17A*rs2275913 (G/A) and IL-17RC*rs708567 (G/A) polymorphisms did not seem to influence RA susceptibility in Tunisian population. This result agrees with those reported previously. Plasma IL-17A level seems to be predictive of severe RA occurrence. PMID:29584788

  2. Genetic polymorphism of interleukin-1A (IL-1A), IL-1B, and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) and prostate cancer risk. (United States)

    Xu, Hua; Ding, Qiang; Jiang, Hao-Wen


    We aimed to investigate the associations between polymorphisms of interleukin-1A (IL-1A), IL-1B, and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) and prostate cancer (PCa) risk. A comprehensive search for articles of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and bibliographies of retrieved articles published up to August 3, 2014 was performed. Methodological quality assessment of the trials was based on a standard quality scoring system. The meta-analysis was performed using STATA 12.0. We included 9 studies (1 study for IL-1A, 5 studies for IL-1B, and 3 studies for IL-1RN), and significant association was found between polymorphisms of IL-1B-511 (rs16944) as well as IL-1B-31 (rs1143627) and PCa risk. IL-1B-511 (rs16944) polymorphism was significantly associated with PCa risk in homozygote and recessive models, as well as allele contrast (TT vs CC: OR, 0.74; 95%CI, 0.58-0.94; P=0.012; TT vs TC+CC; OR, 0.79; 95%CI, 0.63-0.98; P=0.033; T vs C: OR, 0.86; 95%CI, 0.77-0.96; P=0.008). The association between IL-1B-31 (rs1143627) polymorphism and PCa risk was weakly significant under a heterozygote model (OR, 1.35; 95%CI, 1.00-1.80; P=0.047). Sequence variants in IL-1B-511 (rs16944) and IL-1B-31 (rs1143627) are significantly associated with PCa risk, which provides additional novel evidence that proinflammatory cytokines and inflammation play an important role in the etiology of PCa.

  3. Cord Blood Cells Responses to IL2, IL7 and IL15 Cytokines for mTOR Expression

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    Anahita Mohammadian


    Full Text Available Purpose: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTORis important in hematopoiesis and affect cell growth,differentiation and survival. Although previous studies were identified the effect of cytokines on the mononuclear cells development however the cytokines effect on mTOR in cord blood mononuclear cells was unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate mTOR expression in cord blood mononuclear and cord blood stem cells (CD34+ cells in culture conditions for lymphoid cell development. Methods: Isolation of The mononuclear cells (MNCs from umbilical cord blood were done with use of Ficollpaque density gradient. We evaluated cultured cord blood mononuclear and CD34+ cells in presece of IL2, IL7 and IL15 at distinct time points during 21 days by using flow cytometry. In this study, we presented the role of IL2, IL7 and IL15 on the expression of mTOR in cord blood cells. Results: mTOR expression were increased in peresence of IL2, IL7 and IL15 in day 14 and afterword reduced. However in persence of IL2 and IL15 expression of mTOR significantly reduced. mTOR expression in CD34+ cells decreased significantly from day7 to day 21 in culture. Conclusion: cytokines play important role in mTOR expression during hematopoiesis and development of cord blood mononuclear cells.

  4. Pour une conception hybride de la fiction : l’adaptation de L’Amérique de Kafka entre littérature et cinéma

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    Alessandro Leiduan


    Full Text Available Lorsqu’il porte à l’écran, dans son film Intervista (1987, quelques épisodes du roman L’Amérique de Kafka (1927, Fellini réalise une adaptation qui a peu d’équivalents dans l’histoire du cinéma : les scènes inspirées du roman de Kafka sont tournées à partir des essais que le réalisateur fait passer à des acteurs non-professionnels pour tester leur aptitude à faire partie du casting (scènes que le jargon des cinéastes appelle « bouts d’essai ». Expérimentale au cinéma, cette démarche est très courante en littérature : innombrables sont les fictions qui essaient de passer pour ce qu’elles ne sont pas (romans se présentant sous la forme d’un recueil de lettres, d’un journal intime, d’un récit de voyage. Notre article plaide en faveur d’un réexamen des rapports entre le cinéma de Fellini et la littérature à l’aune d’une perspective attentive, non seulement aux similitudes repérables au niveau du sujet, mais aussi, et surtout, au niveau de la forme.Quando porta sullo schermo, nel film Intervista (1987, alcuni episodi del romanzo L’America di Kafka (1927, Fellini realizza un adattamento cinematografico che ha pochi eguali nella storia del cinema: le scene ispirate al romanzo di Kafka sono girate a partire da provini che il regista fa passare ad attori non-professionisti per vedere se sono idonei o no a far parte del casting (scene che, nel gergo cinematografico francese, si chiamano: “bouts d’essai”. Sperimentale al cinema, questa prassi è assai corrente in letteratura: innumerevoli sono le opere letterarie che si fanno passare per ciò che non sono (romanzi che si presentano come una raccolta di lettere, come un diario autobiografico, come un resoconto di viaggio. Il nostro articolo vorrebbe gettare le basi per un riesame dei rapporti tra il cinema di Fellini e la letteratura alla luce di una prospettiva capace di cogliere le similitudini che intercorrono tra l’universo felliniano

  5. Interfacce e tecnologie visual 3D per conoscere, condividere e valorizzare il patrimonio culturale

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    Elena Ippoliti


    Full Text Available L’articolo illustra gli esiti della ricerca “Modelli informativi integrati per conoscere, valorizzare e condividere il patrimonio urbano e ambientale. Sperimentare interfacce 3D per oggetti culturali geografici: l'architettura delle informazioni e l'architettura informatica” che si è posta come principale obiettivo quello di dilatare il concetto di “modello informativo integrato”, approfondendolo, attraverso integrazioni e sovrapposizioni con diversi ambienti, nelle direzioni sia dello spazio geografico (3D-GIS e dello spazio Web (3D-WEB e 3D-GIS-WEB, sia della Realtà Aumentata e del Virtuale Aumentato. La ricerca ha mirato ad individuare sistemi tecnologici, procedurali e operativi, diversamente articolati in relazione a casi individuati, privilegiando anche tecnologie basate su strumentazioni di facile uso, a basso costo e/o open source, ma sempre affidabili relativamente alla qualità dei dati elaborati. In tale contesto si sono condotte differenti sperimentazioni, secondo vari percorsi/scale di lettura e corrispondenti organizzazioni dei dati, scegliendo come ambito privilegiato delle applicazioni il centro storico di Ascoli Piceno.

  6. Operazioni topografiche per il collaudo di una passerella ciclo - pedonale

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    Giorgio Bezoari


    Full Text Available Di norma, il collaudo di ponti, viadotti, cavalcavia, strutture quasi sempre in cemento armato (spesso presollecitato oppure in acciaio (a travi reticolari od a travate piene viene fatto con la ben nota livellazione geometrica di precisione ma se si desidera una analisi dei movimenti 3D si può procedere in altri modi.Surveying for testing a cycle– pedestrian bridgeAs a rule, the testing of bridges, viaducts, overpasses, almost always reinforced concrete structures (often prestressed or steel (trussgirders or in full is done with the well-known high precision geometric leveling butif you want a 3D movements analysis this can be achieved in other ways.

  7. Aloin Inhibits Interleukin (IL)-1β-Stimulated IL-8 Production in KB Cells. (United States)

    Na, Hee Sam; Song, Yu Ri; Kim, Seyeon; Heo, Jun-Young; Chung, Hae-Young; Chung, Jin


    Interleukin (IL)-1β, which is elevated in oral diseases including gingivitis, stimulates epithelial cells to produce IL-8 and perpetuate inflammatory responses. This study investigates stimulatory effects of salivary IL-1β in IL-8 production and determines if aloin inhibits IL-1β-stimulated IL-8 production in epithelial cells. Saliva was collected from volunteers to determine IL-1β and IL-8 levels. Samples from volunteers were divided into two groups: those with low and those with high IL-1β levels. KB cells were stimulated with IL-1β or saliva with or without IL-1 receptor agonist or specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors. IL-8 production was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). MAPK protein expression involved in IL-1β-induced IL-8 secretion was detected by Western blot. KB cells were pretreated with aloin, and its effect on IL-1β-induced IL-8 production was examined by ELISA and Western blot analysis. Saliva with high IL-1β strongly stimulated IL-8 production in KB cells, and IL-1 receptor agonist significantly inhibited IL-8 production. Low IL-1β-containing saliva did not increase IL-8 production. IL-1β treatment of KB cells induced activation of MAPK signaling molecules as well as nuclear factor-kappa B. IL-1β-induced IL-8 production was decreased by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor treatment. Aloin pretreatment inhibited IL-1β-induced IL-8 production in a dose-dependent manner and inhibited activation of the p38 and ERK signaling pathway. Finally, aloin pretreatment also inhibited saliva-induced IL-8 production. Results indicated that IL-1β in saliva stimulates epithelial cells to produce IL-8 and that aloin effectively inhibits salivary IL-1β-induced IL-8 production by mitigating the p38 and ERK pathway. Therefore, aloin may be a good candidate for modulating oral inflammatory diseases.

  8. IL-1 family members IL-18 and IL-33 upregulate the inflammatory potential of differentiated human Th1 and Th2 cultures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blom, Lars; Poulsen, Lars K.


    The IL-1 family members IL-1ß, IL-18, and IL-33 are potent cytokines in relationship to amplifying the CD4(+) T cell cytokine production. To evaluate their impact on in vitro-differentiated human Th1 and Th2 cultures, such cultures were established from naive T cells, purified from healthy blood...... donors, and reactivated in the presence of IL-1ß, IL-18, or IL-33. Interestingly, we observe modifying responses in Th1 and Th2 cultures induced by IL-18 or IL-33 but not by IL-1ß, both contributing to amplify production of IL-5, IL-13, and IFN-¿. IL-18 or IL-33 stimulation of Th1 cultures resulted...... in increased IFN-¿ and IL-13 production concurrent with reduced IL-10 gene transcription and secretion even though Th1 cultures, in contrast to IL-18Ra, had low ST2L expression. Furthermore, adding IL-18 to Th1 cultures promoted Tbet mRNA expression and production. Th2 cultures stimulated with IL-18 or IL-33...

  9. Morotochoerus from Uganda (17.5 Ma and Kenyapotamus from Kenya (13-11 Ma: implications for hippopotamid origins

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pickford, M.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to describe and interpret suiform teeth from Moroto, Uganda, and Ngorora, Kenya, which contribute to the debate about hippo-anthracothere-whale relationships. The early stages of hippopotamid evolution are relatively poorly known on account of the paucity of their fossil record older than 7 Ma. New specimens of Morotochoerus from Uganda reveal that it is not closely related to Hippopotamidae; the superficial resemblances of the cheek teeth to those of hippos represent convergences and not homologies. Restricted samples of Palaeopotamus ternani are available from the Middle Miocene of Kenya {Maboko, ca 16 Ma; Muruyur, ca 14.5 Ma; Fort Ternan, ca 13.7 Ma} while from the base of the late Miocene, Kenyapotamus coryndonae is known from Kenya {Ngerngerwa, ca 10.5-10 Ma; Nakali, ca 10.5 Ma; Samburu Hills, ca 9.5 Ma}, Ethiopia {Ch’orora, ca 10.5 Ma} and Tunisia {Beglia Formation ca 11-10 Ma}. The recovery of specimens of Kenyapotamus from the Ngorora Formation, Kenya, aged ca 11 Ma, is of interest because it includes well preserved teeth, including an m/3 in good condition. These specimens support the hypothesis that hippopotamids descended from palaeochoerids and not from anthracotheres.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir e interpretar los dientes suiformes de Moroto, Uganda, y Ngorora, Kenia, que contribuyen al debate sobre las relaciones hipo-anthracothere-whale. Las primeras etapas de la evolución de los hipopotámidos son relativamente poco conocidas a causa de la escasez de su registro fósil en edades superiors a los 7 Ma. Nuevos ejemplares de Morotochoerus en Uganda revelan que no están estrechamente relacionados con Hippopotamidae, las semejanzas superficiales de los dientes de la mandíbula con los de los hipopótamos representan convergencias y no homologías. Algunas muestras de Palaeopotamus ternani aparecen en el Medio Mioceno de Kenia {Maboko, ca 16 Ma; Muruyur, ca 14.5 Ma; Fort Ternan, ca 13.7 Ma

  10. Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the IL-20-IL-20R1-IL-20R2 complex

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Logsdon, Naomi J.; Allen, Christopher E.; Rajashankar, Kanagalaghatta R.; Walter, Mark R. (Cornell); (UAB)


    Interleukin-20 (IL-20) is an IL-10-family cytokine that regulates innate and adaptive immunity in skin and other tissues. In addition to protecting the host from various external pathogens, dysregulated IL-20 signaling has been shown to contribute to the pathogenesis of human psoriasis. IL-20 signals through two cell-surface receptor heterodimers, IL-20R1-IL-20R2 and IL-22R1-IL-20R2. In this report, crystals of the IL-20-IL-20R1-IL-20R2 ternary complex have been grown from polyethylene glycol solutions. The crystals belonged to space group P4{sub 1}2{sub 1}2 or P4{sub 3}2{sub 1}2, with unit-cell parameters a = 111, c = 135 {angstrom}, and diffracted X-rays to 3 {angstrom} resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains one IL-20-IL-20R1-IL-20R2 complex, corresponding to a solvent content of approximately 54%.

  11. Study on the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF levels in patients with diabetic nephrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Wenjing


    Objective: To investigate the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF levels in patients with diabetic nephrosis. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF levels were measured with RIA in 38 patients with diabetic nephrosis and 36 controls. Results: Serum levels of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF were significantly higher in patients with diabetic nephrosis than those in controls (P<0.01), but serum IL-2 levels were significantly lower in the patients (P<0.01). Conclusion: These cytokines participated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephrosis. Monitoring the changes of their serum levels was helpful for the management of the disease. (authors)

  12. Discorso globale e contesti locali. Quale futuro per il programma di riforma agraria in Ruanda?

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    Johan Pottier


    Full Text Available La maggior parte degli sforzi per trasformare l’economia sub-sahariana negli anni Ottanta e Novanta faceva seguito ai cosiddetti “accordi di Washington”; questi sforzi avevano l’obiettivo di ridimensionare il ruolo dello Stato e liberalizzare i prezzi agricoli. La strategia prescritta funzionò per alcuni, ma non per la maggioranza dei produttori agricoli; all’inizio del XXI secolo è necessario, ancora una volta, un “momento di ripensamento”. I responsabili delle politiche agricole suggeriscono ora che,per indurre un cambiamento efficace, il nuovo modo di pensare deve fare i conti con modelli inappropriati di coltivazione, cogliere le dimensioni sociali e politiche dei cambiamenti indotti dalle moderne tecniche di coltivazione e venire a patti con i locali modi di comprensione dei contesti complessi (Scoones, Devereux, Haddad 2005, p. 3.

  13. Expression of IL-18, IL-18 Binding Protein, and IL-18 Receptor by Normal and Cancerous Human Ovarian Tissues: Possible Implication of IL-18 in the Pathogenesis of Ovarian Carcinoma

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    Liat Medina


    Full Text Available Proinflammatory cytokine IL-18 has been shown to be elevated in the sera of ovarian carcinoma patients. The aim of the study was to examine the levels and cellular origin of IL-18, IL-18 binding protein, and IL-18 receptor in normal and cancerous ovarian tissues. Ovarian tissue samples were examined by immunohistochemical staining for IL-18, IL-18BP, and IL-18R and mRNA of these cytokines was analyzed with semiquantitative PT-PCR. IL-18 levels were significantly higher in cancerous ovarian tissues (P=0.0007, IL-18BP levels were significantly higher in normal ovarian tissues (P=0.04, and the ratio of IL-18/IL-18BP was significantly higher in cancerous ovarian tissues (P=0.036. Cancerous ovarian tissues expressed significantly higher IL-18 mRNA levels (P=0.025, while there was no difference in the expression of IL-18BP mRNA and IL-18R mRNA between cancerous and normal ovarian tissues. IL-18 and IL-18BP were expressed dominantly in the epithelial cells of both cancerous and normal ovarian tissues, while IL-18R was expressed dominantly in the epithelial cells of cancerous ovarian tissues but expressed similarly in the epithelial and stromal cells of normal cancerous tissues. This study indicates a possible role of IL-18, IL-18BP, and IL-18R in the pathogenesis of epithelial ovarian carcinoma.

  14. National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Lake Gardner Dam (MA 00152), Merrimack River Basin, Amesbury, Massachusetts. Phase I Inspection Report. (United States)


    Amesbury. MA Contract No. DACW-33-78-C-0301 Gentlemen-’ On 24 Mfay 1278. Mr. Peter L. LeCount and Mr. John W. Critcfield of this office attended an on-site...Critchfleid Peter L. LeCount JWC/Pt.L/mcI’ Enclosure B- 52 APPENDIX C SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROJECT LOCATION PLAN Page No. 5 Site Plan Sketch PHOTOGRA PHS No...LIENT AAOa ALIB D NOEa -2 En~m u -40jec" . ::EC D r - Somm. MaIL OFTAI.L A~ ’: ;.-rcD S =&Q 3o, 2-ri dx -5 V’ Z’ -L71 M, ; . ZEc C7"",- D-2 a

  15. Model for Analysis of the Energy Demand (MAED) users' manual for version MAED-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual is organized in two major parts. The first part includes eight main sections describing how to use the MAED-1 computer program and the second one consists of five appendices giving some additional information about the program. Concerning the main sections of the manual, Section 1 gives a summary description and some background information about the MAED-1 model. Section 2 extends the description of the MAED-1 model in more detail. Section 3 introduces some concepts, mainly related to the computer requirements imposed by the program, that are used throughout this document. Sections 4 to 7 describe how to execute each of the various programs (or modules) of the MAED-1 package. The description for each module shows the user how to prepare the control and data cards needed to execute the module and how to interpret the printed output produced. Section 8 recapitulates about the use of MAED-1 for carrying out energy and electricity planning studies, describes the several phases normally involved in this type of study and provides the user with practical hints about the most important aspects that need to be verified at each phase while executing the various MAED modules

  16. Clinical significance of changes of levels of serum IL-2, IL-8, IL-10 and gastrin in patients with chronic eczema

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Haifeng; Bi Mingye; Shi Hejian


    Objective: To study the significance of changes of serum IL-2, IL-8, IL-10 and Gastrin levels in patients with chronic eczema. Methods: Serum levels of IL-2, IL-8, IL-10 and Gastrin were determined with RIA in 30 patients with chronic eczema and 30 controls. Results: The levels of serum IL-2 were significantly lower in the eczema patients than those in controls (P 0.05). Both serum IL-10 and Gastrin levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: Determination of serum IL-2, IL-8, IL-10 and Gastrin levels in patients with chronic eczema would be of help in monitoring the disease process and outcome prediction. (authors)

  17. Clinical significance of determination of some serum cytokines (IL-8, IL-10, IL-18, M-CSF) levels in patients with periodontitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Dong; Zhang Xiaolei; Yang Chunxiu; Chen Guanghua


    Objective: To explore the significance of changes of serum IL-8, IL-10, IL-18 and M-CSF levels in patients with periodontitis. Methods: Serum levels of IL-8, IL-10, M-CSF (with RIA) and IL-18 (with ELISA) were measured in 55 patients with periodontitis both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, serum levels of IL-8, IL-10, IL-18 and M-CSF were significantly higher in the patients than those in the controls (P<0.01). After one month of treatment, the serum IL-8, IL-10, IL-18 and M-CSF levels decreased somewhat, but were still significantly higher than those in controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: There was disturbance of immunomodulation in patients with periodontitis as expressed by the changes of several cytokines levels in the eourse of the diseases. (authors)

  18. Relations Between Serum Essential Fatty Acids, Cytokines (IL-6 & IL ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to investigate the relations between free radical generation, interleukins (IL-6 & IL-8), apoptotic marker soluble Fas (sFas), and the level of ... IL-6, IL-8 and sFas whereas serum fatty acid revealed that Linoleicacid (LA) and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) were significantly decreased in the studied cases .

  19. Identification and Characterization of a Novel IL-4 Receptor α Chain (IL-4Rα Antagonist to Inhibit IL-4 Signalling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nayyar Ahmed


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: In recent times, allergy has become a financial, physical and psychological burden to the society as a whole. In allergic cascades, cytokine IL-4 binds to IL-4 receptor (IL-4R, consequently producing allergen-specific IgE antibodies by B cells. In addition, among other functions, IL-4 is also responsible for B and T cell proliferation and differentiation. Hence, characterization of novel antagonists that inhibit IL-4 signalling forms the overall aim of this study. Methods: Phage display was used to screen a random 12-mer synthetic peptide library with a human IL-4Rα to identify peptide candidates. Once identified, the peptides were commercially synthesized and used for in vitro immunoassays. Results: We have successfully used phage display to identify M13 phage clones that demonstrated specific binding to IL-4Rα. The peptide N1 was synthesized for use in ELISA, demonstrating significant binding to IL-4Rα and inhibiting interaction with cytokine IL-4. Furthermore, the peptide was tested in a transfected HEK-Blue IL-4 reporter cell line model, which produces alkaline phosphatase (AP. QUANTI-Blue, a substrate, breaks down in the presence of AP producing a blue coloration. Using this colorimetric analysis, >50% inhibition of IL-4 signalling was achieved. Conclusion: We have successfully identified and characterised a synthetic peptide antagonist against IL-4Rα, which effectively inhibits IL-4 interaction with the IL-4Rα in vitro. Since IL-4 interaction with IL-4Rα is a common pathway for many allergies, a prophylactic treatment can be devised by inhibiting this interaction for future treatment of allergies.

  20. [Herbological studies on Chinese crude drug Ma-huang. Part 1-On the botanical origin of Ma-huang in ancient China and the origin of Japanese Ma-huang]. (United States)

    Yoshizawa, Chieko; Kitade, Makiko; Mikage, Masayuki


    The botanical origin of a Chinese crude drug Ma-huang in ancient China and the origin of Japanese Ma-huang were herbologically studied. The results showed that the plants of Ephedra sinica Stapf, E. intermedia Schrenk & C. A. Meyer and E. equisetina Bunge were used as Ma-huang in China, and the first species was considered to be of high quality. The characters of Mao-zhou Ma-huang and Tong-zhou Ma-huang printed in Tu-jing-ben-cao, published in the Song Dynasty in China, were identified as E. likiangensis Florin and E. intermedia, respectively, and both species were recognized as excellent Ma-huang in the Ming Dynasty. The word origin of Katsune-kusa, the Japanese name for Ma-huang in the Heian Era, was etymologically considered as meaning the plant having reddish brown roots. In Japan, the plant of Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. var.japonicum Milde, of the family Equisetaceae, was substituted for Ma-huang in the middle of Edo Era, and it was designated that this action was based on the confusion of Ephedra plants and Equisetum plants those days in China.

  1. Modello predittivo di idoneità ambientale per il cervo nell'Appennino centrale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Opramolla


    Full Text Available In un?area di studio ampia ca. 250 km², situata tra il Parco Nazionale d?Abruzzo e quello della Majella, è stata studiata la densità del cervo in 84 unità di campionamento (ampiezza = 1 km² selezionate in maniera sistematica partendo dal reticolato geografico UTM. In ogni unità di campionamento sono stati individuati tre transetti paralleli orientati da Est a Ovest (lunghezza= 1 km/transetto e 33 plot circolari, ogni 100 m lungo i transetti. La presenza del cervo è stata rilevata tramite segni di presenza e avvistamenti. Sono stati effettuati tre campionamenti: giugno ? agosto 1999, settembre-ottobre 1999 e maggio - luglio 2000. Il cervo è risultato essere presente in 39 unità di campionamento e assente in 35. Sono state calcolate dalla cartografia numerica tramite GIS 69 variabili ambientali. La relazione tra variabili ambientali e presenza/assenza del cervo è stata analizzata con l?analisi della varianza univariata (anova e con l?analisi di regressione logistica dicotomica (rld. Sono state riscontrate differenze significative (anova tra le aree in cui è stata riscontrata la presenza del cervo ed aree in cui il cervo è risultato assente per le variabili relative alle attività antropiche, superficie delle radure, quota, esposizione, estensione delle colture, estensione e struttura del bosco e presenza di pecore al pascolo. Il modello di regressione logistica ha selezionato solo 3 variabili: superficie del bosco di latifoglie, indice medio della forma dei poligoni di bosco, superficie delle aree esposte a sud-ovest. Il modello spiega il 76% della varianza della variabile indipendente, e tutti i coefficienti di regressione sono correlati significativemente e positivamente alla probabilità di presenza del cervo. Il modello ha classificato correttamente il 91% dei casi in cui il cervo è risultato assente e il 92% dei casi in cui è risultato presente (percentuale media di classificazione= 91,9%. L?importanza del bosco nel condizionare

  2. Functional Implications of the IL-23/IL-17 Immune Axis in Schizophrenia. (United States)

    Debnath, Monojit; Berk, Michael


    The aetiology of schizophrenia seems to stem from complex interactions amongst environmental, genetic, metabolic, immunologic and oxidative components. Chronic low-grade inflammation has been persistently linked to schizophrenia, and this has primarily been based on the findings derived from Th1/Th2 cytokine balance. While the IL-23/IL-17 axis plays crucial role in the pathogenesis of several immune-mediated disorders, it has remained relatively unexplored in neuropsychiatric disorders. Altered levels of cytokines related to IL-23/IL-17 axis have been observed in schizophrenia patients in a few studies. In addition, other indirect factors known to confer schizophrenia risk like complement activation and altered gut microbiota are shown to modulate the IL-23/IL-17 axis. These preliminary observations provide crucial clues about the functional implications of IL-23/IL-17 axis in schizophrenia. In this review, an attempt has been made to highlight the biology of IL-23/IL-17 axis and its relevance to schizophrenia risk and pathogenesis. Given the pathogenic potential of the IL-23/IL-17 axis, therapeutic targeting of this axis may be a promising approach to benefit patients suffering from this devastating disorder.

  3. Psoriasis is not associated with IL-12p70/IL-12p40 production and IL12B promoter polymorphism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Litjens, Nicolle H R; van der Plas, Mariena J A; Ravensbergen, Bep


    Psoriasis is a type-1 T cell-mediated, chronic inflammatory disease. Since interleukin (IL)-12p70 promotes the development of type-1 T cells, we investigated whether psoriasis is associated with an increased production of this cyctokine by blood cells. Results revealed that the production of IL-12p....... The frequencies of the various genotypes for the promoter region of the gene encoding IL-12p40 (IL12B) did not differ between psoriasis patients and controls. No association was observed between the various IL12B promoter genotypes and the LPS-stimulated production of IL-12p70 or IL-12p40 by blood cells. Together......, psoriasis is not associated with a promoter polymorphism in the IL12B gene nor with the production of IL-12p70 by LPS-stimulated blood cells....

  4. Il telerilevamento per la qualità dell'aria L'esperienza SENSORER

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Folegani


    Full Text Available Il monitoraggio della qualità dell'aria con tecniche di telerilevamento è noto da tempo negli ambienti scientifici ma considerato ancora con prudenza e perplessità dalle strutture istituzionali sia per il livello "accademico" delle applicazioni sia per la mancanza di una forte motivazione normativa nell'adottare nuovi metodi di monitoraggio. L'esperienza SENSORER ha l'ambizione di mostrare come si possono superare entrambe queste barriere. The remote sensing for air quality monitoring The SENSORER project.The satellite observations have proven their capabilities for re-mote sensing of atmospheric pollutants such as the Particulate Matter. But the advantage of global coverage, homogeneous quality and a relative good spatial resolution are counterbalanced by the limited temporal resolution and the cloud cover-age. The SENSORER project is just the last example of a web platform that thanks to a combination of satellite data with information from ground based sensors and models overcomes the limitations of each single observation method to provide better pollution maps to make better decisions.

  5. Fasting induces IL-1 resistance and free fatty acid-mediated up-regulation of IL-1R2 and IL-1RA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    jenifer j joesting


    Full Text Available Objective: Weight loss is a near societal obsession and many diet programs use significant calorie restriction (CR including fasting/short term starvation to generate rapid effects. Fasting is also a well-recognized cause of immunosuppression especially within the innate immune system. In this study, we sought to determine if the IL-1 arm of the neuroimmune system was down-regulated by a 24 hr fast and how fasting might generate this effect. Design: Mice were allowed ad libitum access to food or had food withheld for 24 hrs. Expression of the endogenous IL-1 antagonists IL-1 receptor type 2 (IL-1R2 and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA were determined as were sickness behaviors before and after IL-1 administration.Results: Fasting markedly increased gene expression of IL-1R2 (83-fold in adipose tissue, 9.5-fold in liver and IL-1RA (68-fold in liver. Fasted mice were protected from IL-1-induced weight loss, hypoglycemia, loss of locomotor and social anxiety. These protections were coupled to a large positive interaction of fasting and IL-1 on IL-1R2 gene expression in adipose tissue and liver (2.6-fold and 1.6-fold, respectively. Fasting not only increased IL-1RA and IL-1R2 protein 2.5-fold and 3.2-fold, respectively, in liver; but also increased IL-1R2 1.8-fold in adipose tissue. Fasting, in turn, triggered a 2.4-fold increase in plasma free-fatty acids (FFAs and a 2.1-fold increase in plasma corticosterone. Inhibition, of glucocorticoid action with mifepristone did not impact fasting-dependent IL-1R2 or IL-1RA gene expression. Administration of the FFA, palmitate, to mice increased liver IL-1R2 and IL-1RA gene expression by 14-fold and 11-fold, respectively. Conclusion: These findings indicate that fasting augments expression of endogenous IL-1 antagonists inducing IL-1 resistance. Fasting-induced increases in plasma FFAs appears to be a signal that drives immunosuppression during fasting/short term starvation.

  6. Clinical significance of measurement of changes of serum IL-6, IL-18 and IL-1β levels after treatment in patients with endometriosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chunyan; Zhang Shumin; Zhou Dongxia; Wang Enbo


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum IL-6, IL-18 and IL-1β levels after treatment in patients with endometriosis. Methods: Serum IL-6 (with RIA) and IL-18, IL-1β (with ELISA) levels were determined in 38 patients with endometriosis both before and after treatment as well as 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, the serum IL-6, IL- 18 and IL-1β levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum IL-6, IL-18 and IL- 1β levels might reflect the progress of diseases in patients with endometriosis. (authors)

  7. Seasonal influenza A/H3N2 virus infection and IL-1Β, IL-10, IL-17, and IL-28 polymorphisms in Iranian population. (United States)

    Rogo, Lawal Dahiru; Rezaei, Farhad; Marashi, Seyed Mahdi; Yekaninejad, Mir Saeed; Naseri, Maryam; Ghavami, Nastaran; Mokhtari-Azad, Talat


    Increased blood cytokines is the main immunopathological process that were attributed to severe clinical outcomes in cases of influenza A/H3N2 virus infection. The study was aimed to investigate the polymorphisms of IL-1β, IL-10, IL-17, and IL-28 genes to find the possibility of their association with the clinical outcome of influenza A/H3N2 virus infection among the infected patients in Iran. This is a Case-Control study in which influenza A/H3N2 virus positive confirmed with real-time PCR were the cases. DNA samples from groups were genotyped for polymorphisms in rs16944 (IL-1β), rs1800872 (IL-10), rs2275913 (IL-17), and rs8099917 (IL-28). Confidence interval (95%CI) and Odds ratio (OR) were calculated. IL-17 rs2275913 (GG and AG) were associated with risk of infection with that were statistically significant (P rs16944) (GG) was associated with reduced risk of infection (P < 0.01, OR = 0.46). Genotype GG and GT of IL-10 (rs1800872) were associated with increased risk of infection with influenza A/H3N2 virus (P < 0.05, OR = 2.04-2.58). In addition, IL-28 (rs8099917) genotypes GG (P < 0.05, OR = 0.49) and TG (P < 0.05, OR = 0.59) were associated with reduced risk of ILI symptom while genotype TT (P < 0.01, OR = 4.31) was associated with increased risk of ILI symptom. The results of this study demonstrated that polymorphisms of genes involved in the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory process affect the outcome of disease caused by influenza A/H3N2 virus. Thorough insight on host immune response at the time of influenza A virus infection is required to ensure adequate patient care in the case of feature outbreaks. J. Med. Virol. 88:2078-2084, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Book review. Un veterinario a spasso per il mondo tra guerre, colonialismo e apartheid. Attilio Pini

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Attilio Pini, classe 1930, dai tre ai sedici anni ha vissuto in Somalia dove la sua famiglia si trasferì a seguito della malattia della madre Anna. Rientrato in Italia si è laureato in Medicina Veterinaria all'Università di Torino, città nella quale era stato mandato a finire il Liceo. È stato per un po' all'IZS del Piemonte ma poco dopo ha abbandonato la comodità del posto fisso e nel 1962 è tornato in Africa per andare a lavorare al Veterinary Research Laboratory di Kabete, in Kenya, dove è nata nel 1967 la sua a prima figlia Barbara. Si è poi spostato in Sudafrica, dove nel 1971 è nato il secondo figlio Stefano, all'Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute di Pretoria di cui è diventato in seguito vice direttore. A causa delle tensioni politiche e razziali, spinto anche dalla moglie Ilaria (da cui si separerà poco dopo decise di rientrare in Italia, a Ventimiglia, ritrovandosi suo malgrado a cambiare completamente vita e finire a gestire un campeggio. Sarà il prof. Adriano Mantovani a recuperarlo alla professione convincendolo ad andare in Zambia per lavorare a un progetto di cooperazione finanziato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Dopo quell'esperienza seguiranno altre missioni in Bangladesh, ancora in Zambia, in Salvador ed Eritrea. Sul finire degli anni '80 Attilio Pini è tornato definitivamente in Italia dove ha collaborato con l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, si è risposato con Nadia e, nel 1989, ha iniziato a lavorare per l'IZS di Teramo dove tuttora presta servizio. In questo agile libro è racchiusa l'avvincente storia di un "uomo senza radici e senza consuetudini" narrata in prima persona, senza filtri, con una capacità di sintesi rara. Tanti gli aneddoti sulla sua famiglia della media borghesia che aveva "la tipica servitù dei paesi coloniali": la figura dell'amata madre che "non aveva molta simpatia per i fascisti", del padre Ugo, Capo di Stato Maggiore in Somalia ma anch'egli molto critico verso il regime

  9. Pregnancy, but not the allergic status, influences spontaneous and induced interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 responses. (United States)

    Amoudruz, Petra; Minang, Jacob Taku; Sundström, Yvonne; Nilsson, Caroline; Lilja, Gunnar; Troye-Blomberg, Marita; Sverremark-Ekström, Eva


    In this study, we investigated how pregnancy influences cytokine production in response to stimulation of the innate and the adaptive immune system, respectively. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from allergic (n = 44) and non-allergic (n = 36) women were collected at three time-points: during the third trimester, at delivery and at a non-pregnant state 2 years after delivery. The production of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISPOT). The spontaneous cytokine production, and the response following stimulation with agents that primarily activate the adaptive part of the immune system [phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), allergen extracts from cat and birch], or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that activate innate immunity was measured in vitro. There was a significantly higher spontaneous in vitro production of IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-10 by PBMCs during pregnancy than 2 years after pregnancy, and this was not affected by the allergic status of the women. Conversely, in PHA-stimulated cell cultures there was a lower production of IL-10 and IL-12 during pregnancy than 2 years after pregnancy. LPS-induced IL-6 levels were significantly lower in PBMCs obtained during pregnancy than at 2 years after pregnancy. In addition, we made the interesting observation that in allergic women total immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels were significantly lower 2 years after pregnancy compared to the levels during pregnancy. Taken together, our results indicate that while atopic allergy in women does not have a substantial effect on cytokine production, pregnancy has an obvious effect on the immune system in terms of cytokine production as well as on the total IgE levels.

  10. Structure of IL-22 Bound to Its High-Affinity IL-22R1 Chain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jones, B.C.; Logsdon, N.J.; Walter, M.R. (UAB)


    IL-22 is an IL-10 family cytokine that initiates innate immune responses against bacterial pathogens and contributes to immune disease. IL-22 biological activity is initiated by binding to a cell-surface complex composed of IL-22R1 and IL-10R2 receptor chains and further regulated by interactions with a soluble binding protein, IL-22BP, which shares sequence similarity with an extracellular region of IL-22R1 (sIL-22R1). IL-22R1 also pairs with the IL-20R2 chain to induce IL-20 and IL-24 signaling. To define the molecular basis of these diverse interactions, we have determined the structure of the IL-22/sIL-22R1 complex. The structure, combined with homology modeling and surface plasmon resonance studies, defines the molecular basis for the distinct affinities and specificities of IL-22 and IL-10 receptor chains that regulate cellular targeting and signal transduction to elicit effective immune responses.

  11. Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer Patients: Rise in Interleukin 6 (IL-6) but not IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, Tumor Necrosis Factor-{alpha}, MIP-1-{alpha}, and LIF Levels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira Lopes, Carlos [Universidade do Vale do Paraiba, Centro de Oncologia Radioterapica do Vale do Paraiba, Universidade do Vale do Paraiba Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Paraiba, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Callera, Fernando, E-mail: [Centro de Hematologia Onco-hematologia e Transplantes de Medula Ossea do Vale do Paraiba, Sao Paulo (Brazil)


    Purpose: To investigate the effect of radiotherapy (RT) on serum levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-{alpha}), macrophage inflammatory protein-1-alpha (MIP-1-{alpha}) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in patients with prostate cancer. Methods and Materials: Forty eight patients with prostate cancer received three-dimensional conformal blocking radiation therapy with a linear accelerator. IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, TNF-{alpha}, MIP-1-{alpha}, and LIF levels were measured by the related immunoassay kit 1 day before the beginning of RT and during RT at days 15 and 30. Results: The mean IL-2 values were elevated before and during the RT in contrast with those of IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, TNF-{alpha}, MIP-1-{alpha}, and LIF, which were within the normal range under the same conditions. Regarding markers IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, TNF-{alpha}, MIP-1-{alpha}, and LIF, comparisons among the three groups (before treatment and 15 and 30 days during RT) did not show significant differences. Although values were within the normal range, there was a significant rise in IL-6 levels at day 15 of RT (p = 0.0049) and a decline at day 30 to levels that were similar to those observed before RT. Conclusions: IL-6 appeared to peak after 15 days of RT before returning to pre-RT levels. In contrast, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, TNF-{alpha}, MIP-1-{alpha}, and LIF levels were not sensitive to irradiation. The increased levels of IL-6 following RT without the concurrent elevation of other cytokines involved in the acute phase reaction did not suggest a classical inflammatory response to radiation exposure. Further studies should be designed to elucidate the role of IL-6 levels in patients with prostate cancer treated with RT.

  12. IL-4 function can be transferred to the IL-2 receptor by tyrosine containing sequences found in the IL-4 receptor alpha chain. (United States)

    Wang, H Y; Paul, W E; Keegan, A D


    IL-4 binds to a cell surface receptor complex that consists of the IL-4 binding protein (IL-4R alpha) and the gamma chain of the IL-2 receptor complex (gamma c). The receptors for IL-4 and IL-2 have several features in common; both use the gamma c as a receptor component, and both activate the Janus kinases JAK-1 and JAK-3. In spite of these similarities, IL-4 evokes specific responses, including the tyrosine phosphorylation of 4PS/IRS-2 and the induction of CD23. To determine whether sequences within the cytoplasmic domain of the IL-4R alpha specify these IL-4-specific responses, we transplanted the insulin IL-4 receptor motif (I4R motif) of the huIL-4R alpha to the cytoplasmic domain of a truncated IL-2R beta. In addition, we transplanted a region that contains peptide sequences shown to block Stat6 binding to DNA. We analyzed the ability of cells expressing these IL-2R-IL-4R chimeric constructs to respond to IL-2. We found that IL-4 function could be transplanted to the IL-2 receptor by these regions and that proliferative and differentiative functions can be induced by different receptor sequences.

  13. Increased IL-10 mRNA and IL-23 mRNA expression in multiple sclerosis: interferon-beta treatment increases IL-10 mRNA expression while reducing IL-23 mRNA expression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krakauer, M.; Sorensen, P.; Khademi, M.


    volunteers served to confirm initial findings. mRNA was analyzed by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: We found elevated expression of interleukin (IL)-23 and IL-10 in untreated MS patients. IFN-beta therapy increased IL-10 and decreased IL-23 expression independently...... of the regulatory cytokine IL-10. The elevated IL-23 mRNA levels in MS patients are noteworthy in view of the newly discovered IL-23-driven Th17 T-cell subset, which is crucial in animal models of MS. Since IFN-beta therapy resulted in decreased IL-23 mRNA levels, the Th17 axis could be another target of IFN...

  14. IL6 and IL10 are genetic susceptibility factors of periodontal disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luca Scapoli


    Conclusions: The present investigation indicated that polymorphisms of IL6 and IL10 constitute risk factors for chronic periodontitis, while there was no evidence implicating a specific IL1A or IL1B genotype.

  15. IL-8 dictates glycosaminoglycan binding and stability of IL-18 in cystic fibrosis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Reeves, Emer P


    Dysregulation of airway inflammation contributes to lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF). Inflammation is mediated by inflammatory cytokines, including IL-8, which illustrates an increase in biological half-life and proinflammatory activity when bound to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The aim of this project was to compare IL-8 and IL-18 for their relative stability, activity, and interaction with GAGs, including chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and heparan sulfate, present in high quantities in the lungs of patients with CF. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was collected from patients with CF (n = 28), non-CF controls (n = 14), and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 12). Increased levels of IL-8 and reduced concentrations of IL-18 were detected in bronchial samples obtained from CF individuals. The low level of IL-18 was not a defect in IL-18 production, as the pro- and mature forms of the molecule were expressed and produced by CF epithelial cells and monocytes. There was, however, a marked competition between IL-8 and IL-18 for binding to GAGs. A pronounced loss of IL-18 binding capacity occurred in the presence of IL-8, which displaced IL-18 from these anionic-matrices, rendering the cytokine susceptible to proteolytic degradation by neutrophil elastase. As a biological consequence of IL-18 degradation, reduced levels of IL-2 were secreted by Jurkat T lymphocytes. In conclusion, a novel mechanism has been identified highlighting the potential of IL-8 to determine the fate of other inflammatory molecules, such as IL-18, within the inflammatory milieu of the CF lung.

  16. Study on the changes of serum TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in patients with coronary cardiac heart diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Xiaozhuo; Yu Xian


    Objective: To study the role TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 played in the pathogenesis of coronary cardiac heart diseases. Methods: Serum levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 levels were determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay in 32 patients with stable angina, 39 patients with acute myocardial infarction and 36 controls. Results: Serum TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in all patients were higher than those in controls. Remarkably increased level were seen in acute myocardial infarction group. Difference between control and patient groups were: stable angina group TNF-α, p<0.05, IL-6, p<0.01 and IL-8, p<0.05; acute myocardial infarction group TNF-α, p<0.01, IL-1β, p<0.05, IL-6, p<0.001 and IL-8, p<0.001. Conclusion: There is close relationship between serum TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 levels and development of coronary cardiac heart disease. They play an important role in the pathogenesis through mutual induction and synergistic actions

  17. The secreted form of the p40 subunit of interleukin (IL)-12 inhibits IL-23 functions and abrogates IL-23-mediated antitumour effects (United States)

    Shimozato, Osamu; Ugai, Shin-ichi; Chiyo, Masako; Takenobu, Hisanori; Nagakawa, Hiroyasu; Wada, Akihiko; Kawamura, Kiyoko; Yamamoto, Hiroshi; Tagawa, Masatoshi


    Interleukin (IL)-23 is a heterodimeric cytokine consisting of a novel p19 molecule and the p40 subunit of IL-12. Since secreted p40 can act as an antagonist for IL-12, we investigated whether p40 also inhibited IL-23-mediated immunological functions. p40 did not induce interferon (IFN)-γ or IL-17 production from splenocytes but impaired IL-23-induced cytokine production by competitive binding to the IL-23 receptors. Furthermore, a mixed population of murine colon carcinoma Colon 26 cells transduced with the p40 gene and those transduced with the IL-23 gene developed tumours in syngenic mice, whereas the IL-23-expressing Colon 26 cells were completely rejected. p40 also suppressed IFN-γ production of antigen-stimulated splenocytes and IL-23-mediated cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activities in the mice that rejected Colon 26 cells expressing IL-23. p40 can thereby antagonize IL-23 and is a possible therapeutic agent for suppression of IL-23 functions. PMID:16423037

  18. IL22/IL-22R pathway induces cell survival in human glioblastoma cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hussein Akil

    Full Text Available Interleukin-22 (IL-22 is a member of the IL-10 cytokine family that binds to a heterodimeric receptor consisting of IL-22 receptor 1 (IL-22R1 and IL-10R2. IL-22R expression was initially characterized on epithelial cells, and plays an essential role in a number of inflammatory diseases. Recently, a functional receptor was detected on cancer cells such as hepatocarcinoma and lung carcinoma, but its presence was not reported in glioblastoma (GBM. Two GBM cell lines and 10 primary cell lines established from patients undergoing surgery for malignant GBM were used to investigate the expression of IL-22 and IL-22R by using quantitative RT-PCR, western blotting and confocal microscopy studies. The role of IL-22 in proliferation and survival of GBM cell lines was investigated in vitro by BrdU and ELISA cell death assays. We report herein that the two subunits of the IL-22R complex are expressed on human GBM cells. Their activation, depending on exogenous IL-22, induced antiapoptotic effect and cell proliferation. IL-22 treatment of GBM cells resulted in increased levels of phosphorylated Akt, STAT3 signaling protein and its downstream antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL and decreased level of phosphorylated ERK1/2. In addition, IL-22R subunits were expressed in all the 10 tested primary cell lines established from GBM tumors. Our results showed that IL-22R is expressed on GBM established and primary cell lines. Depending on STAT3, ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt pathways, IL-22 induced GBM cell survival. These data are consistent with a potential role of IL-22R in tumorigenesis of GBM. Since endogenous IL-22 was not detected in all studied GBM cells, we hypothesize that IL-22R could be activated by immune microenvironmental IL-22 producing cells.

  19. IL-28 and IL-29 as protective markers in subject with dengue fever. (United States)

    Hung, Chih-Hsing; Huang, Chung-Hao; Wang, Lin; Huang, Chun-Chi; Wu, Meng-Chieh; Chin, Yi-Ying; Lin, Chun-Yu; Chang, Ko; Wu, Deng-Chyang; Chen, Yen-Hsu


    About 400 million people every year are estimated to contract dengue virus infection, which causes prolonged morbidity and sometimes mortality. Interleukin (IL)-28 and IL-29 are relatively newly discovered cytokines and play an important role in our immune defense against pathogens, especially for viral infection. In the present study, we investigated serum IL-28 and IL-29 expression and the relationship to clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with dengue virus infection. Adult patients with dengue (n = 45) and control group (n = 24) were included prospectively. Clinical symptoms and laboratory data were collected from every patient. We investigated IL-28 and IL-29 levels in serum by ELISA. The concentrations of serum IL-28 and IL-29 were significantly higher in subjects with dengue when compared to those of control group. The patients with higher serum IL-28 and IL-29 levels had significantly lower ALAT and peripheral blood neutrophil percentage, but higher peripheral platelet, total white blood cell (WBC), monocyte, and lymphocyte counts. Patients with higher serum IL-28 and IL-29 levels also had more flu-like symptoms, but less vomiting. Increased level of IL-28 and IL-29 was associated with better liver function, platelet and WBC numbers and clinical symptom in subjects with dengue and could potentially serve as a protective marker.

  20. Anti Ma2-associated myeloradiculopathy: expanding the phenotype of anti-Ma2 associated paraneoplastic syndromes


    Murphy, Sinead M; Khan, Usman; Alifrangis, Constantine; Hazell, Steven; Hrouda, David; Blake, Julian; Ball, Joanna; Gabriel, Carolyn; Markarian, Pierre; Rees, Jeremy; Karim, Abid; Seckl, Michael J; Lunn, Michael P; Reilly, Mary M


    Anti-Ma2 associated paraneoplastic syndrome usually presents as limbic encephalitis in association with testicular tumours.1, 2 Only four patients have been reported with involvement outside the CNS, two of whom also had limbic or brainstem encephalitis.2, 3 We report a man with anti- Ma2 associated myeloradiculopathy and previous testicular cancer whose neurological syndrome stabilised and anti-Ma2 titres fell following orchidectomy of a microscopically normal testis.

  1. Il-legitimacy in the eyes of the il-legitimated

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerstroem, Anna


    The financial crisis has brought il-legitimacy to the center of organizational life in the banking industry. It is unfortunate that little is known about how organizational il-legitimacy is experienced and handled by the people who spend most of their wakening hours at work within...... these organizations. The purpose of this paper is to address this gap of knowledge by exploring how members of a bankrupted bank experience and handle attributions of organizational il-legitimacy: to investigate the phenomenon from an inside perspective - in the eyes of the people who undergo it. The paper has...... an inductive approach and offers an explorative analysis based on an in-depth study of qualitative interviews with 20 members of a bankrupted bank. The analysis shows that in bankers’ narrations, (il)legitimacy is central: as a problem and as a solution. The paper contributes to extant knowledge on (il...

  2. Recombinant human growth-regulated oncogene-alpha induces T lymphocyte chemotaxis. A process regulated via IL-8 receptors by IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jinquan, T; Frydenberg, Jane; Mukaida, N


    receptors on the cells. This process can be augmented by IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, and inhibited by IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13. In addition, we also document that on T lymphocytes there exist IL-8 receptors that can be up-regulated by IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-2. Our results demonstrate that rhGRO-alpha gene...

  3. Interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-36γ but not IL-36Ra are related to acrosyringia in pustule formation associated with palmoplantar pustulosis. (United States)

    Xiaoling, Y; Chao, W; Wenming, W; Feng, L; Hongzhong, J


    Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) is a refractory, nonbacterial impetigo confined to the palms and soles. Its pathogenesis is still obscure, but it may be associated with the large eccrine sweat glands and pores of palmoplantar skin. PPP is considered to be a localized pustular psoriasis. Interleukin (IL)-8, IL-36γ and IL-36Ra play important roles in the pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis, but their role in PPP is unclear. To evaluate IL-8, IL-36γ and IL-36Ra expression in PPP, and their relationship with acrosyringia and pustule formation. mRNA expression was quantified in skin samples from patients with PPP (n = 7), patients with psoriasis vulgaris (PSV; n = 8) and healthy controls (HCs) (n = 6) by reverse-transcription-real-time PCR. Protein expression was characterized by immunohistochemistry (PPP, n = 17; PSV, n = 14; HCs, n = 12). Sweat ducts, including acrosyringia, were stained for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). IL-8 mRNA and protein were markedly increased in PPP lesions compared with PSV lesions or HC skin. IL-36γ mRNA and protein were significantly more abundant in PPP lesions than in HC skin. IL-36Ra mRNA was significantly overexpressed in PPP lesions compared with HC skin, but there was no difference in IL-36Ra protein between PPP, PSV and HCs. IL-8 was abundantly expressed by neutrophils in PPP pustules, while IL36Ra was localized in the keratinocytes of PPP, PSV and HC skin. IL-36γ and EMA were colocalized in cells surrounding PPP pustules, and IL-36γ was also expressed in sweat duct cells in the dermis. IL-8, IL-36γ and IL-36Ra are overexpressed in PPP lesions. IL-8, IL-36γ and acrosyringia, rather than IL-36Ra, are associated with pustule formation in PPP. © 2018 British Association of Dermatologists.

  4. Genome-wide association study of genetic variants in LPS-stimulated IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1ra and TNF-α cytokine response in a Danish Cohort

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Margit Hørup; Albrechtsen, Anders; Thørner, Lise Wegner


    Cytokine response plays a vital role in various human lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infectious and inflammatory diseases. This study aimed to find genetic variants that might affect the levels of LPS-induced interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1ra and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α cytokine production....

  5. Il danno alla persona del lavoratore: il mobbing orizzontale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riccardo Gentile


    Full Text Available Sommario:1. Il mobbing tra diritto civile e diritto del lavoro – 2. Il fenomeno mobbing: gli studi iniziali e la definizione – 3. Le concrete condotte integranti fattispecie di mobbing – 4. Onere della prova – 5. Il mobbing orizzontale – 6. L’elemento soggettivo di colpevolezza del da­tore di lavoro nella responsabilità ex art. 2087 c.c. per mobbing orizzontale

  6. Associations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF gene and cytokine (IL-1B, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNFA genes combinations with type 2 diabetes mellitus in women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir Iosifovich Konenkov


    Full Text Available Aim. To study the association between vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF and cytokine (IL1B, IL4, IL6, IL10 and TNFAgene polymorphism combinations with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM in women. Materials and methods. 374 Caucasian women without carbohydrate metabolism disorders from 23 to 68 years of age and 212 womenwith T2DM from 28 to 69 years of age were included in the study. The combinations of polymorphism А-2578С, С+936Т in VEGFgene with polymorphism in IL1B С-31Т, IL4 С-590Т, IL6 G-174C, IL10 A-592C and А-1082G, TNFA А-238G, A-308G and A-863Cwere studied. Results. Analysis revealed 52 combined genetic variations with different rate of occurrence between diabetic and control groups(р

  7. I sei numeri dell'universo le forze profonde che spiegano il cosmo

    CERN Document Server

    Rees, Martin


    È possibile che sei semplici numeri, sei costanti universali, diano conto dell'infinita varietà e della stupefacente complessità del cosmo? L'astrofisico Martin Rees ci mostra che non soltano ciò è possibile, ma in quei sei numeri sono scritti la storia, la struttura e il futuro dell'universo, e che perfino la comparsa della vita sulla terra, e dunque la nostra stessa esistenza, non sarebbe concepibile se uno solo di quei valori numerici, definiti nell'istante che segnò la nascita del mondo, fosse differente. I sei numeri dell'universo ci introducono così ad alcune delle questioni più profonde su cui si interroga oggi la scienza.

  8. The role of genetic variation across IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, and BDNF in antipsychotic-induced weight gain. (United States)

    Fonseka, Trehani M; Tiwari, Arun K; Gonçalves, Vanessa F; Lieberman, Jeffrey A; Meltzer, Herbert Y; Goldstein, Benjamin I; Kennedy, James L; Kennedy, Sidney H; Müller, Daniel J


    Antipsychotics with high weight gain-inducing propensities influence the expression of immune and neurotrophin genes, which have been independently related to obesity indices. Thus, we investigated whether variants in the genes encoding interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-2, and IL-6 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met are associated with antipsychotic-induced weight gain (AIWG). Nineteen polymorphisms were genotyped using Taqman(®) assays in 188 schizophrenia patients on antipsychotic treatment for up to 14 weeks. Mean weight change (%) from baseline was compared across genotypic groups using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Epistatic effects between cytokine polymorphisms and BDNF Val66Met were tested using Model-Based Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction. In European patients, IL-1β rs16944*GA (P = 0.013, Pcorrected = 0.182), IL-1β rs1143634*G (P = 0.001, Pcorrected = 0.014), and BDNF Val66Met (Val/Val, P = 0.004, Pcorrected = 0.056) were associated with greater AIWG, as were IL-1β rs4849127*A (P = 0.049, Pcorrected = 0.784), and IL-1β rs16944*GA (P = 0.012, Pcorrected = 0.192) in African Americans. BDNF Val66Met interacted with both IL-1β rs13032029 (Val/Met+ TT, PPerm = 0.029), and IL-6 rs2069837 (Val/Val+ AA, PPerm = 0.021) in Europeans, in addition to IL-1β rs16944 (Val/Val+ GA, PPerm = 0.006) in African Americans. SNPs across IL-1β and BDNF Val66Met may influence AIWG. Replication of these findings in larger, independent samples is warranted.

  9. In vitro secretion profiles of interleukin (IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and TNF alpha after selective infection with Escherichia coli in human fetal membranes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maida-Claros Rolando


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chorioamniotic membranes infection is a pathologic condition in which an abnormal secretion of proinflammatory cytokines halts fetal immune tolerance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the functional response of human chorioamniotic membranes, as well as the individual contribution of the amnion and choriodecidua after stimulation with Escherichia coli, a pathogen associated with preterm labor. Methods Explants of chorioamniotic membranes from 10 women (37–40 weeks of gestation were mounted and cultured in a Transwell system, which allowed us to test the amnion and choriodecidua compartments independently. Escherichia coli (1 × 10 6 CFU/mL was added to either the amniotic or the choriodecidual regions or both; after a 24-h incubation, the secretion of IL-1beta, IL-6, TNFalpha, IL-8, and IL-10 in both compartments was measured using a specific ELISA. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance. Results After stimulation with Escherichia coli, the choriodecidua compartment showed an increase in the secretion of IL-1beta (21-fold, IL-6 (2-fold, IL-8 (6-fold, and IL-10 (37-fold, regardless of which side of the membrane was stimulated; TNFalpha secretion augmented (22-fold also but only when the stimulus was applied simultaneously to both sides. When the amnion was stimulated directly, the level of IL-1beta (13-fold rose significantly; however, the increase in IL-8 secretion was larger (20-fold, regardless of the primary site of infection. TNFalpha secretion in the amnion compartment rose markedly only when Escherichia coli was simultaneously applied to both sides. Conclusion Selective stimulation of fetal membranes with Escherichia coli results in a differential production of IL-1beta, IL-6, TNFalpha, IL-8, and IL-10. These tissues were less responsive when the amnion side was stimulated. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that the choriodecidua may play a primary role during an ascending

  10. Curcumin blocks interleukin (IL)-2 signaling in T-lymphocytes by inhibiting IL-2 synthesis, CD25 expression, and IL-2 receptor signaling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forward, Nicholas A.; Conrad, David M.; Power Coombs, Melanie R.; Doucette, Carolyn D.; Furlong, Suzanne J.; Lin, Tong-Jun; Hoskin, David W.


    Highlights: → Curcumin inhibits CD4 + T-lymphocyte proliferation. → Curcumin inhibits interleukin-2 (IL-2) synthesis and CD25 expression by CD4 + T-lymphocytes. → Curcumin interferes with IL-2 receptor signaling by inhibiting JAK3 and STAT5 phosphorylation. → IL-2-dependent regulatory T-lymphocyte function and Foxp3 expression is downregulated by curcumin. -- Abstract: Curcumin (diferulomethane) is the principal curcuminoid in the spice tumeric and a potent inhibitor of activation-induced T-lymphocyte proliferation; however, the molecular basis of this immunosuppressive effect has not been well studied. Here we show that micromolar concentrations of curcumin inhibited DNA synthesis by mouse CD4 + T-lymphocytes, as well as interleukin-2 (IL-2) and CD25 (α chain of the high affinity IL-2 receptor) expression in response to antibody-mediated cross-linking of CD3 and CD28. Curcumin acted downstream of protein kinase C activation and intracellular Ca 2+ release to inhibit IκB phosphorylation, which is required for nuclear translocation of the transcription factor NFκB. In addition, IL-2-dependent DNA synthesis by mouse CTLL-2 cells, but not constitutive CD25 expression, was impaired in the presence of curcumin, which demonstrated an inhibitory effect on IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) signaling. IL-2-induced phosphorylation of STAT5A and JAK3, but not JAK1, was diminished in the presence of curcumin, indicating inhibition of critical proximal events in IL-2R signaling. In line with the inhibitory action of curcumin on IL-2R signaling, pretreatment of CD4 + CD25 + regulatory T-cells with curcumin downregulated suppressor function, as well as forkhead box p3 (Foxp3) expression. We conclude that curcumin inhibits IL-2 signaling by reducing available IL-2 and high affinity IL-2R, as well as interfering with IL-2R signaling.

  11. Structural Characterisation Reveals Mechanism of IL-13-Neutralising Monoclonal Antibody Tralokinumab as Inhibition of Binding to IL-13Rα1 and IL-13Rα2. (United States)

    Popovic, B; Breed, J; Rees, D G; Gardener, M J; Vinall, L M K; Kemp, B; Spooner, J; Keen, J; Minter, R; Uddin, F; Colice, G; Wilkinson, T; Vaughan, T; May, R D


    Interleukin (IL)-13 is a pleiotropic T helper type 2 cytokine frequently associated with asthma and atopic dermatitis. IL-13-mediated signalling is initiated by binding to IL-13Rα1, which then recruits IL-4Rα to form a heterodimeric receptor complex. IL-13 also binds to IL-13Rα2, considered as either a decoy or a key mediator of fibrosis. IL-13-neutralising antibodies act by preventing IL-13 binding to IL-13Rα1, IL-4Rα and/or IL-13Rα2. Tralokinumab (CAT-354) is an IL-13-neutralising human IgG4 monoclonal antibody that has shown clinical benefit in patients with asthma. To decipher how tralokinumab inhibits the effects of IL-13, we determined the structure of tralokinumab Fab in complex with human IL-13 to 2 Å resolution. The structure analysis reveals that tralokinumab prevents IL-13 from binding to both IL-13Rα1 and IL-13Rα2. This is supported by biochemical ligand-receptor interaction assay data. The tralokinumab epitope is mainly composed of residues in helices D and A of IL-13. It is mostly light chain complementarity-determining regions that are driving paratope interactions; the variable light complementarity-determining region 2 plays a key role by providing residue contacts for a network of hydrogen bonds and a salt bridge in the core of binding. The key residues within the paratope contributing to binding were identified as Asp50, Asp51, Ser30 and Lys31. This study demonstrates that tralokinumab prevents the IL-13 pharmacodynamic effect by binding to IL-13 helices A and D, thus preventing IL-13 from interacting with IL-13Rα1 and IL-13Rα2. Copyright © 2016 AstraZeneca. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Association study of IL10 and IL23R-IL12RB2 in Iranian patients with Behçet's disease. (United States)

    Xavier, Joana M; Shahram, Farhad; Davatchi, Fereydoun; Rosa, Alexandra; Crespo, Jorge; Abdollahi, Bahar Sadeghi; Nadji, Abdolhadi; Jesus, Gorete; Barcelos, Filipe; Patto, José Vaz; Shafiee, Niloofar Mojarad; Ghaderibarim, Fahmida; Oliveira, Sofia A


    Independent replication of the findings from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) remains the gold standard for results validation. Our aim was to test the association of Behçet's disease (BD) with the interleukin-10 gene (IL10) and the IL-23 receptor-IL-12 receptor β2 (IL23R-IL12RB2) locus, each of which has been previously identified as a risk factor for BD in 2 different GWAS. Six haplotype-tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IL10 and 42 in IL23R-IL12RB2 were genotyped in 973 Iranian patients with BD and 637 non-BD controls. Population stratification was assessed using a panel of 86 ancestry-informative markers. Subtle evidence of population stratification was found in our data set. In IL10, rs1518111 was nominally associated with BD before and after adjustment for population stratification (odds ratio [OR] for T allele 1.20, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.02-1.40, unadjusted P [P(unadj) ] = 2.53 × 10(-2) ; adjusted P [P(adj) ] = 1.43 × 10(-2) ), and rs1554286 demonstrated a trend toward association (P(unadj) = 6.14 × 10(-2) ; P(adj) = 3.21 × 10(-2) ). Six SNPs in IL23R-IL12RB2 were found to be associated with BD after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, the most significant of which were rs17375018 (OR for G allele 1.51, 95% CI 1.27-1.78, P(unadj) = 1.93 × 10(-6) ), rs7517847 (OR for T allele 1.48, 95% CI 1.26-1.74, P(unadj) = 1.23 × 10(-6) ), and rs924080 (OR for T allele 1.29, 95% CI 1.20-1.39, P = 1.78 × 10(-5) ). SNPs rs10489629, rs1343151, and rs1495965 were also significantly associated with BD in all tests performed. Results of meta-analyses of our data combined with data from other populations further confirmed the role of rs1518111, rs17375018, rs7517847, and rs924080 in the risk of BD, but no epistatic interactions between IL10 and IL23R-IL12RB2 were detected. Results of imputation analysis highlighted the importance of IL23R regulatory regions in the susceptibility to BD. These findings independently confirm

  13. Clinical significance of determination of changes in serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-18 levels after treatment in patients with acute conjunctivitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jun


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of changes of serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-18 levels in patients with acute conjunctivitis after treatment. Methods: Serum IL-6, IL-10 (with RIA) hs-CRP (with Immuno-turbidity) and IL-18 (with ELISA) levels were measured in 38 patients with acute conjunctivitis both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: The serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-18 levels in the patients before treatment were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Measurement of the changes of serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-18 levels after treatment might be inportant for outcome prediction in patients with acute conjunctivitis. (authors)

  14. IL-17 mediates immunopathology in the absence of IL-10 following Leishmania major infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Gonzalez-Lombana


    Full Text Available Leishmaniasis, resulting from infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania, consists of a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, from healing cutaneous lesions to fatal visceral infections. A particularly severe form of cutaneous leishmaniasis, termed mucosal leishmaniasis, exhibits decreased IL-10 levels and an exaggerated inflammatory response that perpetuates the disease. Using a mouse model of leishmaniasis, we investigated what cytokines contribute to increased pathology when IL-10-mediated regulation is absent. Leishmania major infected C57BL/6 mice lacking IL-10 regulation developed larger lesions than controls, but fewer parasites. Both IFN-γ and IL-17 levels were substantially elevated in mice lacking the capacity to respond to IL-10. IFN-γ promoted an increased infiltration of monocytes, while IL-17 contributed to an increase in neutrophils. Surprisingly, however, we found that IFN-γ did not contribute to increased pathology, but instead regulated the IL-17 response. Thus, blocking IFN-γ led to a significant increase in IL-17, neutrophils and disease. Similarly, the production of IL-17 by cells from leishmaniasis patients was also regulated by IL-10 and IFN-γ. Additional studies found that the IL-1 receptor was required for both the IL-17 response and increased pathology. Therefore, we propose that regulating IL-17, possibly by downregulating IL-1β, may be a useful approach for controlling immunopathology in leishmaniasis.

  15. Interleukin-33 (IL-33): A nuclear cytokine from the IL-1 family. (United States)

    Cayrol, Corinne; Girard, Jean-Philippe


    Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a tissue-derived nuclear cytokine from the IL-1 family abundantly expressed in endothelial cells, epithelial cells and fibroblast-like cells, both during homeostasis and inflammation. It functions as an alarm signal (alarmin) released upon cell injury or tissue damage to alert immune cells expressing the ST2 receptor (IL-1RL1). The major targets of IL-33 in vivo are tissue-resident immune cells such as mast cells, group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) and regulatory T cells (Tregs). Other cellular targets include T helper 2 (Th2) cells, eosinophils, basophils, dendritic cells, Th1 cells, CD8 + T cells, NK cells, iNKT cells, B cells, neutrophils and macrophages. IL-33 is thus emerging as a crucial immune modulator with pleiotropic activities in type-2, type-1 and regulatory immune responses, and important roles in allergic, fibrotic, infectious, and chronic inflammatory diseases. The critical function of IL-33/ST2 signaling in allergic inflammation is illustrated by the fact that IL33 and IL1RL1 are among the most highly replicated susceptibility loci for asthma. In this review, we highlight 15 years of discoveries on IL-33 protein, including its molecular characteristics, nuclear localization, bioactive forms, cellular sources, mechanisms of release and regulation by proteases. Importantly, we emphasize data that have been validated using IL-33-deficient cells. © 2017 The Authors. Immunological Reviews Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. A Brief History of IL-1 and IL-1 Ra in Rheumatology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Michel Dayer


    Full Text Available The history of what, in 1979, was called interleukin-1 (IL-1, orchestrator of leukocyte inter-communication, began many years before then, initially by the observation of fever induction via the endogenous pyrogen (EP (1974 and then in rheumatology on the role in tissue destruction in rheumatoid diseases via the induction of collagenase and PGE2 in human synovial cells by a mononuclear cell factor (MCF (1977. Since then, the family has exploded to presently 11 members as well as many membrane-bound and soluble receptor forms. The discovery of a natural Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra in human biological fluids has highlighted the importance of IL-1 and IL-1Ra in human diseases. Evidence delineating its role in autoinflammatory syndromes and the elucidation of the macromolecular complex referred to as “inflammasome” have been instrumental to our understanding of the link with IL-1. At present, the IL-1blockade as therapeutic approach is crucial for many hereditary autoinflammatory diseases, as well as for adult-onset Still’s disease, crystal-induced arthropathies, certain skin diseases including neutrophil-triggered skin diseases, Behçet’s disease and deficiency of IL-1Ra and other rare fever syndromes. Its role is only marginally important in rheumatoid arthritis and is still under debate with regard to osteoarthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This brief historical review focuses on some aspects of IL-1, mainly IL-1β and IL-Ra, in rheumatology. There are many excellent reviews focusing on the IL-1 family in general or with regard to specific diseases or biological discoveries.

  17. Hepatitis B virus induces IL-23 production in antigen presenting cells and causes liver damage via the IL-23/IL-17 axis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qinghong Wang

    Full Text Available IL-23 regulates myriad processes in the innate and adaptive immune systems, and is a critical mediator of the proinflammatory effects exerted by Th17 cells in many diseases. In this study, we investigated whether and how hepatitis B virus (HBV causes liver damage directly through the IL-23 signaling pathway. In biopsied liver tissues from HBV-infected patients, expression of both IL-23 and IL-23R was remarkably elevated. In vivo observations also indicated that the main sources of IL-23 were myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs and macrophages. Analysis of in vitro differentiated immature DCs and macrophages isolated from healthy donors revealed that the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg efficiently induces IL-23 secretion in a mannose receptor (MR-dependent manner. Culture with an endosomal acidification inhibitor and the dynamin inhibitor showed that, upon binding to the MR, the HBsAg is taken up by mDCs and macrophages through an endocytosis mechanism. In contrast, although the HBV core antigen (HBcAg can also stimulate IL-23 secretion from mDCs, the process was MR- and endocytosis-independent. In addition, IL-23 was shown to be indispensible for HBsAg-stimulated differentiation of naïve CD4(+ T cells into Th17 cells, which were determined to be the primary source of IL-17 in HBV-infected livers. The cognate receptor, IL-17R, was found to exist on the hepatic stellate cells and mDCs, both of which might represent the potential target cells of IL-17 in hepatitis B disease. These data provide novel insights into a yet unrecognized mechanism of HBV-induced hepatitis, by which increases in IL-23 expression, through an MR/endocytosis-dependent or -independent manner, produce liver damage through the IL-23/IL-17 axis.

  18. IL-25 or IL-17E protects against high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis in mice dependent upon IL-13 activation of STAT6 (United States)

    IL-25 is a member of IL-17 cytokine family and has immune-modulating activities. The role of IL-25 in maintaining lipid metabolic homeostasis remains unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of exogenous IL-25 or deficiency of IL-25 on lipid accumulation in the liver. Mice were injected with IL-25...

  19. The IL-17F/IL-17RC Axis Promotes Respiratory Allergy in the Proximal Airways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonella De Luca


    Full Text Available The interleukin 17 (IL-17 cytokine and receptor family is central to antimicrobial resistance and inflammation in the lung. Mice lacking IL-17A, IL-17F, or the IL-17RA subunit were compared with wild-type mice for susceptibility to airway inflammation in models of infection and allergy. Signaling through IL-17RA was required for efficient microbial clearance and prevention of allergy; in the absence of IL-17RA, signaling through IL-17RC on epithelial cells, predominantly by IL-17F, significantly exacerbated lower airway Aspergillus or Pseudomonas infection and allergic airway inflammation. In contrast, following infection with the upper respiratory pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, the IL-17F/IL-17RC axis mediated protection. Thus, IL-17A and IL-17F exert distinct biological effects during pulmonary infection; the IL-17F/IL-17RC signaling axis has the potential to significantly worsen pathogen-associated inflammation of the lower respiratory tract in particular, and should be investigated further as a therapeutic target for treating pathological inflammation in the lung.

  20. Il colorito linguistico della «Commedia». Una questione da riaprire?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angelo Eugenio Mecca


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta il problema dell’aspetto linguistico della Commedia nella prospettiva dell’edizione critica del poema. Si sostiene che la soluzione piú economica resta quella di scegliere, come manoscritto-base di riferimento, un codice di area fiorentina, contro le ipotesi avanzate da alcuni studiosi (Sanguineti, Trovato di adottare la veste formale dell’Urbinate lat. 366 (= Urb, di area emiliano-romagnola. Al contempo, però, si dichiara di abbandonare il canone del Trivulziano 1080 (= Triv, esemplato da Francesco di ser Nardo da Barberino nel 1337, fino ad oggi considerato dalla gran parte degli editori della Commedia (Vandelli, Casella, Petrocchi, Lanza, Inglese, il testimone piú affidabile per la lingua di Dante; e si additano, come modelli alternativi, superiori a Triv, i codici Parm (soprattutto o Fior. Pal. 319, rientranti nei limiti cronologici dell’antica vulgata di Petrocchi (ma il secondo non rientra fra i codici-base dello studioso.  The paper focuses on the linguistic features of Dante’s Comedy. To this aim, the most economical solution is to choose a Florentine codex as a reference manuscript, in contrast to some scholars (Sanguineti, Trovato who suggested adopting the formal aspect of the Urbinate lat. 366 (= Urb from Emilia-Romagna. However, the paper states that the canon of Trivulziano 1080 (= Triv, a manuscript copied by Francesco di Ser Nardo da Barberino in 1337 is abandoned, that is the manuscript that so far most editors of Dante’s Comedy (Vandelli, Casella, Petrocchi, Lanza, Inglese have considered the most reliable witness as far as Dante’s language is concerned. Moreover, manuscripts Parm (particularly or Fior. Pal. 319 are singled out as alternative models, better than Triv. They belong to the same periods as Petrocchi’s antica vulgata (but the se- cond manuscript is not listed among the base-codices used by the editor.

  1. Curcumin blocks interleukin (IL)-2 signaling in T-lymphocytes by inhibiting IL-2 synthesis, CD25 expression, and IL-2 receptor signaling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forward, Nicholas A.; Conrad, David M. [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Power Coombs, Melanie R.; Doucette, Carolyn D. [Department of Pathology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Furlong, Suzanne J. [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Lin, Tong-Jun [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Hoskin, David W., E-mail: [Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Department of Pathology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada); Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada)


    Highlights: {yields} Curcumin inhibits CD4{sup +} T-lymphocyte proliferation. {yields} Curcumin inhibits interleukin-2 (IL-2) synthesis and CD25 expression by CD4{sup +} T-lymphocytes. {yields} Curcumin interferes with IL-2 receptor signaling by inhibiting JAK3 and STAT5 phosphorylation. {yields} IL-2-dependent regulatory T-lymphocyte function and Foxp3 expression is downregulated by curcumin. -- Abstract: Curcumin (diferulomethane) is the principal curcuminoid in the spice tumeric and a potent inhibitor of activation-induced T-lymphocyte proliferation; however, the molecular basis of this immunosuppressive effect has not been well studied. Here we show that micromolar concentrations of curcumin inhibited DNA synthesis by mouse CD4{sup +} T-lymphocytes, as well as interleukin-2 (IL-2) and CD25 ({alpha} chain of the high affinity IL-2 receptor) expression in response to antibody-mediated cross-linking of CD3 and CD28. Curcumin acted downstream of protein kinase C activation and intracellular Ca{sup 2+} release to inhibit I{kappa}B phosphorylation, which is required for nuclear translocation of the transcription factor NF{kappa}B. In addition, IL-2-dependent DNA synthesis by mouse CTLL-2 cells, but not constitutive CD25 expression, was impaired in the presence of curcumin, which demonstrated an inhibitory effect on IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) signaling. IL-2-induced phosphorylation of STAT5A and JAK3, but not JAK1, was diminished in the presence of curcumin, indicating inhibition of critical proximal events in IL-2R signaling. In line with the inhibitory action of curcumin on IL-2R signaling, pretreatment of CD4{sup +}CD25{sup +} regulatory T-cells with curcumin downregulated suppressor function, as well as forkhead box p3 (Foxp3) expression. We conclude that curcumin inhibits IL-2 signaling by reducing available IL-2 and high affinity IL-2R, as well as interfering with IL-2R signaling.

  2. Lacrimal gland-derived IL-22 regulates IL-17-mediated ocular mucosal inflammation (United States)

    Ji, Yong Woo; Mittal, Sharad K.; Hwang, Ho Sik; Chang, Eun-Ju; Lee, Joon H.; Seo, Yuri; Yeo, Areum; Noh, Hyemi; Lee, Hye Sun; Chauhan, Sunil K.; Lee, Hyung Keun


    Inflammatory damage of mucosal surface of the eye is a hallmark of dry eye disease (DED), and in severe cases can lead to significant discomfort, visual impairment, and blindness. DED is a multifactorial autoimmune disorder with a largely unknown pathogenesis. Using a cross-sectional patient study and a well-characterized murine model of DED, herein we investigated the immunoregulatory function of interleukin-22 (IL-22) in the pathogenesis of DED. We found that IL-22 levels were elevated in lacrimal fluids of DED patients and inversely correlated with severity of disease. Acinar cells of the lacrimal glands, not inflammatory immune cells, are the primary source of IL-22, which suppresses inflammation in ocular surface epithelial cells upon desiccating stress. Moreover, loss of function analyses using IL-22 knock-out mice demonstrated that IL-22 is essential for suppression of ocular surface infiltration of Th17 cells and inhibition of DED induction. Our novel findings elucidate immunoregulatory function of lacrimal gland-derived IL-22 in inhibiting IL-17-mediated ocular surface epitheliopathy in DED thus making IL-22 a new relevant therapeutic target. PMID:28051088

  3. Extracellular Neutrophil Proteases Are Efficient Regulators of IL-1, IL-33, and IL-36 Cytokine Activity but Poor Effectors of Microbial Killing. (United States)

    Clancy, Danielle M; Sullivan, Graeme P; Moran, Hannah B T; Henry, Conor M; Reeves, Emer P; McElvaney, Noel G; Lavelle, Ed C; Martin, Seamus J


    Neutrophil granule proteases are thought to function as anti-microbial effectors, cooperatively hydrolyzing microorganisms within phagosomes, or upon deployment into the extracellular space. However, evidence also suggests that neutrophil proteases play an important role in the coordination and escalation of inflammatory reactions, but how this is achieved has been obscure. IL-1 family cytokines are important initiators of inflammation and are typically released via necrosis but require proteolytic processing for activation. Here, we show that proteases liberated from activated neutrophils can positively or negatively regulate the activity of six IL-1 family cytokines (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-33, IL-36α, IL-36β, and IL-36γ) with exquisite sensitivity. In contrast, extracellular neutrophil proteases displayed very poor bactericidal activity, exhibiting 100-fold greater potency toward cytokine processing than bacterial killing. Thus, in addition to their classical role as phagocytes, neutrophils play an important immunoregulatory role through deployment of their granule proteases into the extracellular space to process multiple IL-1 family cytokines. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. The role of CD40L, IL-10 and IL-17 in radioprotection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Ting


    CD40L/CD40 interaction is central to the control of thymus-dependent humoral immunity and cell mediated immune responses. IL-17 has been shown to induce the production of IL-6 and G-CSF, which can induce proliferation and differentiation of CD34 + hematopoietic progenitors. IL-10 can interfere with up-regulation of costimulatory molecules, thus suppressing the production of costimulatory cytokines, such as IL-12. IL-10 has been implicated as an essential mediator in the induction of systemic immune suppression following ultraviolet (UV) exposure. Treating UV-irradiated mice with anti-IL-10 blocks the induction of immune suppression

  5. Identification and characterization of novel NuMA isoforms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Jin, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Cell Proliferation and Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing (China); Xu, Zhe [Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing (China); Core Laboratory for Clinical Medical Research, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing (China); He, Dacheng [Key Laboratory for Cell Proliferation and Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing (China); Lu, Guanting, E-mail: [Beijing DnaLead Science and Technology Co., LTD, Beijing (China)


    Highlights: • Seven NuMA isoforms generated by alternative splicing were categorized into 3 groups: long, middle and short. • Both exons 15 and 16 in long NuMA were “hotspot” for alternative splicing. • Lower expression of short NuMA was observed in cancer cells compared with nonneoplastic controls. • Distinct localization pattern of short isoforms indicated different function from that of long and middle NuMA. - Abstract: The large nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) has been investigated for over 30 years with functions related to the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles during mitosis. However, the existence and functions of NuMA isoforms generated by alternative splicing remains unclear. In the present work, we show that at least seven NuMA isoforms (categorized into long, middle and short groups) generated by alternative splicing from a common NuMA mRNA precursor were discovered in HeLa cells and these isoforms differ mainly at the carboxyl terminus and the coiled-coil domains. Two “hotspot” exons with molecular mass of 3366-nt and 42-nt tend to be spliced during alternative splicing in long and middle groups. Furthermore, full-length coding sequences of long and middle NuMA obtained by using fusion PCR were constructed into GFP-tagged vector to illustrate their cellular localization. Long NuMA mainly localized in the nucleus with absence from nucleoli during interphase and translocated to the spindle poles in mitosis. Middle NuMA displayed the similar cell cycle-dependent distribution pattern as long NuMA. However, expression of NuMA short isoforms revealed a distinct subcellular localization. Short NuMA were present in the cytosol during the whole cycle, without colocalization with mitotic apparatus. These results have allowed us tentatively to explore a new research direction for NuMA’s various functions.

  6. Role of the IL-12/IL-35 balance in patients with Sjögren syndrome. (United States)

    Fogel, Olivier; Rivière, Elodie; Seror, Raphaèle; Nocturne, Gaetane; Boudaoud, Saida; Ly, Bineta; Gottenberg, Jacques-Eric; Le Guern, Véronique; Dubost, Jean-Jacques; Nititham, Joanne; Taylor, Kimberly E; Chanson, Philippe; Dieudé, Philippe; Criswell, Lindsey A; Jagla, Bernd; Thai, Alice; Mingueneau, Michael; Mariette, Xavier; Miceli-Richard, Corinne


    An interferon signature is involved in the pathogenesis of primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), but whether the signature is type 1 or type 2 remains controversial. Mouse models and genetic studies suggest the involvement of T H 1 and type 2 interferon pathways. Likewise, polymorphisms of the IL-12A gene (IL12A), which encodes for IL-12p35, have been associated with pSS. The IL-12p35 subunit is shared by 2 heterodimers: IL-12 and IL-35. We sought to confirm genetic association of the IL12A polymorphism and pSS and elucidate involvement of the IL-12/IL-35 balance in patients with pSS by using functional studies. The genetic study involved 673 patients with pSS from 2 French pSS cohorts and 585 healthy French control subjects. Functional studies were performed on sorted monocytes, irrespective of whether they were stimulated. IL12A mRNA expression and IL-12 and IL-35 protein levels were assessed by using quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA and a multiplex kit for IL-35 and IL-12, respectively. We confirmed association of the IL12A rs485497 polymorphism and pSS and found an increased serum protein level of IL-12p70 in patients with pSS carrying the risk allele (P = .016). Serum levels of IL-12p70 were greater in patients than control subjects (P = .0001), especially in patients with more active disease (P = .05); conversely, IL-35 levels were decreased in patients (P = .0001), especially in patients with more active disease (P = .05). In blood cellular subsets both IL12p35 and EBV-induced gene protein 3 (EBI3) mRNAs were detected only in B cells, with a trend toward a lower level among patients with pSS. Our findings emphasize involvement of the IL-12/IL-35 balance in the pathogenesis of pSS. Serum IL-35 levels were associated with low disease activity, in contrast with serum IL-12p70 levels, which were associated with more active disease. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. IL-2 absorption affects IFN-gamma and IL-5, but not IL-4 producing memory T cells in double color cytokine ELISPOT assays. (United States)

    Quast, Stefan; Zhang, Wenji; Shive, Carey; Kovalovski, Damian; Ott, Patrick A; Herzog, Bernhard A; Boehm, Bernhard O; Tary-Lehmann, Magdalena; Karulin, Alexey Y; Lehmann, Paul V


    Cytokine assays are gaining increasing importance for human immune monitoring because they reliably detect antigen-specific T cells in primary PBMC, even at low clonal sizes. Double color ELISPOT assays permit the simultaneous visualization of cells producing two different cytokines. Permitting the simultaneous assessment of type 1 and 2 immunity and due to the limited numbers of PBMC available from human study subjects, double color assays should be particularly attractive for clinical trials. Since the performance of double color assays has not yet been validated, we set out to compare them to single color measurements. Testing the recall antigen-induced cytokine response of PBMC, we found that double color assays regularly provided lower numbers of IFN-gamma and IL-5 spots than single color measurements when IL-2 detection was part of the double color assay. We showed that the inhibitory effect resulted from IL-2 absorption and could be overcome by either antibody free preactivation cultures or by inclusion of anti-CD28 antibody. In contrast, the simultaneous detection of IL-2 did not affect the numbers of IL-4 spots. Therefore, unlike IL-2/IL-4 and IFN-gamma/IL-5 assays, IL-2/IFN-gamma, and IL-2/IL-5 assays require compensation for the IL-2 capture to provide accurate numbers for the frequencies of cytokine producing memory T cells.

  8. Clinical significance of determination of semen plasma IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α contents in infertile males

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Baoyi; Li Jun; Zhang Jiyun


    Objective: To explore the influence of high semen plasma contents of the cytokines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α) on male fertility. Methods: Semen plasma levels of IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α were determined with RIA in 126 infertile and 20 fertile males. Results: Semen plasma contents of the 4 cytokines in infertile subjects were significantly higher than those in fertile ones (p 4/HP, n=15) had significantly higher contents of cytokines than those without leucocytospermia (WBC<4/HP, n=111). Besides, TNF-α contents in subjects with lower sperm activity and less motility rate as well as IL-8 contents in subjects with less sperm motility rate were both significantly higher than those in subjects with more normal sperms (p<0.01, p<0.05). Conclusion: High semen plasma cytokines contents represent existing local infection and enhanced auto-immune status, both damaging to sperms. Infertility would be the inevitable consequence. Monitoring of changes of the cytokine contents should be a part of fertility studies

  9. Increased IL-20 and IL-24 target osteoblasts and synovial monocytes in spondyloarthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragstrup, Tue Wenzel; Andersen, Morten Nørgaard; Schiøttz-Christensen, Berit


    The pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis (SpA) involves activation of the innate immune system, inflammation and new bone formation. The two cytokines interleukin (IL)-20 and IL-24 have been shown to link innate immune activation and tissue homeostasis. We hypothesized that these two cytokines...... are secreted as part of activation of the innate immune system and affect bone homeostasis in SpA. IL-20 and IL-24 were measured in plasma from axial SpA patients (n = 83). Peripheral SpA patients (n = 16) were included for in-vitro cell culture studies. The plasma IL-20 and IL-24 levels were increased in Sp...

  10. [Correlation of serum IL-16, IL-18 levels and immunoglobulins in children with asthma]. (United States)

    Xue, Yi-Nan; Zou, Xian-De; Wu, Jia-Ling


    This study examined the changes of serum levels of interleukin (IL)-16, IL-18 and immunoglobulins and the correlation of serum IL-16, IL-18 levels and immunoglobulins in children with asthma and aimed to explore the role of IL-16, IL-18 and immunoglobulins in the pathogenesis of asthma. Thirty-four children with asthma and 21 age and gender-matched healthy children were enrolled in this study. The levels of IL-16, IL-18 and immunoglobulin E (IgE) were determined using ELISA. Immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) were detected by immunoturbidimetry. The levels of IL-16, IL-18 and IgE in patients with asthma at both acute attack and convalescence stages were significantly higher than those in healthy controls. An increased IgG and a decreased IgA levels were found in asthmatic patients at the acute attack stage. There was a positive correlation between the IL-16 and IL-18 levels at both acute attack and convalescence stages of asthma (r=0.70, P attack stage of asthma (r=0.624, P asthma. The immunologic imbalance exists in children with asthma at both acute attack and convalescence stages. Anti-allergic therapy should be administered through the acute attack to the convalescence stages of asthma.

  11. Il razzismo: il riconoscimento negato (Renate Siebert

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Bachis


    Full Text Available Consacreremo la prima parte di quest'articolo alle manifestazioni corporee dell'emozione. La psicologia sperimentale, insieme alla neuro-biologia, hanno evidenziato le differenti risposte corporee più o meno percettibili. Ma al di là di queste manifestazioni puramente oggettive le cui percentuali e oscillazioni possono essere valutate, misurate ... E' l'aspetto soggettivo e le loro ripercussioni che c'interessa. Quali significati possono avere le emozioni per la persona che le prova? Questi temi saranno l'oggetto della seconda parte. Ci situiamo in quanto ricercatori che interrogano altri soggetti, ma è evidente che non possiamo fare astrazione delle nostre passioni.

  12. Commensal bacteria and MAMPs are necessary for stress-induced increases in IL-1β and IL-18 but not IL-6, IL-10 or MCP-1.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Maslanik

    Full Text Available Regular interactions between commensal bacteria and the enteric mucosal immune environment are necessary for normal immunity. Alterations of the commensal bacterial communities or mucosal barrier can disrupt immune function. Chronic stress interferes with bacterial community structure (specifically, α-diversity and the integrity of the intestinal barrier. These interferences can contribute to chronic stress-induced increases in systemic IL-6 and TNF-α. Chronic stress, however, produces many physiological changes that could indirectly influence immune activity. In addition to IL-6 and TNF-α, exposure to acute stressors upregulates a plethora of inflammatory proteins, each having unique synthesis and release mechanisms. We therefore tested the hypothesis that acute stress-induced inflammatory protein responses are dependent on the commensal bacteria, and more specifically, lipopolysaccharide (LPS shed from Gram-negative intestinal commensal bacteria. We present evidence that both reducing commensal bacteria using antibiotics and neutralizing LPS using endotoxin inhibitor (EI attenuates increases in some (inflammasome dependent, IL-1 and IL-18, but not all (inflammasome independent, IL-6, IL-10, and MCP-1 inflammatory proteins in the blood of male F344 rats exposed to an acute tail shock stressor. Acute stress did not impact α- or β- diversity measured using 16S rRNA diversity analyses, but selectively reduced the relative abundance of Prevotella. These findings indicate that commensal bacteria contribute to acute stress-induced inflammatory protein responses, and support the presence of LPS-mediated signaling in stress-evoked cytokine and chemokine production. The selectivity of the commensal bacteria in stress-evoked IL-1β and IL-18 responses may implicate the inflammasome in this response.

  13. Influence of the IL-1Ra gene polymorphism on in vivo synthesis of IL-1Ra and IL-1beta after live yellow fever vaccination. (United States)

    Hacker, U T; Erhardt, S; Tschöp, K; Jelinek, T; Endres, S


    The inflammatory response in infectious and autoimmune diseases is regulated by the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The IL-1 complex contains polymorphic genes coding for IL-1alpha, IL-1beta and IL-1Ra. The IL-1Ra (variable number of tanden repeat) VNTR polymorphism has been shown to influence the capacity to produce IL-1beta and IL-1Ra after in vitro stimulation. Allele 2 of this polymorphism is associated with a number of inflammatory diseases. To determine the impact of the IL-1Ra polymorphism on in vivo human cytokine synthesis, we used a yellow fever vaccination model for the induction of cytokine synthesis in healthy volunteers. Two different yellow fever vaccines were used. After administration of the RKI vaccine (34 volunteers), plasma TNF-alpha concentration increased from 13.4 +/- 0.9 pg/ml to 23.3 +/- 1.1 pg/ml (P < 0.001), and plasma IL-1Ra concentration increased from 308 +/- 25 pg/ml to 1019 +/- 111 pg/ml (P < 0.001), on day 2. Using Stamaril vaccine, no increase in the plasma concentrations of either TNF-alpha or IL-1Ra could be detected (n = 17). Only the RKI vaccine induced TNF-alpha synthesis after in vitro stimulation of MNC. Carriers of allele 2 of the IL-1Ra polymorphism had increased baseline concentrations of IL-1Ra (350 +/- 32 pg/ml) compared with non-carriers (222 +/- 18 pg/ml, P < 0.001), and decreased concentrations of IL-1beta (0.9 +/- 0.2 pg/ml for carriers versus 2.8 +/- 0.7 pg/ml for non-carriers, P = 0.017). After yellow fever vaccination (RKI vaccine), no significant differences in the increase of IL-1Ra plasma levels were detected between carriers and non-carriers of allele 2 of the IL-1Ra gene polymorphism. This is the first study to examine the influence of this genetic polymorphism on in vivo-induced human IL-1beta and IL-1Ra synthesis. Baseline concentrations of IL-1Ra and IL-1beta were significantly influenced by the IL-1Ra polymorphism. No influence of the IL-1Ra polymorphism on the in vivo

  14. IL-15 deficient tax mice reveal a role for IL-1α in tumor immunity.

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    Daniel A Rauch

    Full Text Available IL-15 is recognized as a promising candidate for tumor immunotherapy and has been described as both a promoter of cancer and a promoter of anti-cancer immunity. IL-15 was discovered in cells transformed by HTLV-1, the etiologic agent of adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL and the human retrovirus that carries the Tax oncogene. We have developed the TAX-LUC mouse model of ATL in which Tax expression drives both malignant transformation and luciferase expression, enabling non-invasive imaging of tumorigenesis in real time. To identify the role of IL-15 in spontaneous development of lymphoma in vivo, an IL-15(-/- TAX-LUC strain was developed and examined. The absence of IL-15 resulted in aggressive tumor growth and accelerated mortality and demonstrated that IL-15 was not required for Tax-mediated lymphoma but was essential for anti-tumor immunity. Further analysis revealed a unique transcriptional profile in tumor cells that arise in the absence of IL-15 that included a significant increase in the expression of IL-1α and IL-1α-regulated cytokines. Moreover, anti-IL-1α antibodies and an IL-1 receptor antagonist (Anakinra were used to interrogate the potential of IL-1α targeted therapies in this model. Taken together, these findings identify IL-15 and IL-1α as therapeutic targets in lymphoma.

  15. Il crowdfunding finalizzato al co-finanziamento di progetti di valorizzazione di complessi di elevato valore storico architettonico: il caso di “Torino Esposizioni”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Marinò


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta il tema del finanziamento degli interventi di restauro e riuso delle grandi architetture del ‘900, in un momento storico in cui le risorse finanziarie pubbliche sono sempre più scarse e difficili da reperire. La ricerca affronta la possibilità di ricorrere al crowdfunding attraverso il caso studio del progetto di “Torino Esposizioni”, un’architettura del ‘900, parzialmente utilizzata, in stato di degrado, nonostante sia riconosciuta dalla critica internazionale come un’opera di eccezionale valore. A partire dal Master Plan, messo a punto dal Politecnico di Torino in collaborazione con la Città di Torino, è stata simulata l’applicabilità del crowdfunding attraverso un’indagine che valuta la disponibilità a contribuire da parte dei potenziali fruitori del complesso di “Torino Esposizioni” e, quindi, a comprendere l’interesse dei cittadini nei confronti del valore storico del complesso di “Torino Esposizioni” e del progetto di riuso che dovrebbe valorizzarlo. Gli esiti della ricerca, nell’evidenziare un’inattesa scarsa disponibilità a contribuire al finanziamento collettivo del progetto, hanno messo in evidenza, non solo la scarsa conoscenza del crowdfunding come strumento di finanziamento, ma anche la scarsa consapevolezza del valore storico architettonico del patrimonio moderno della città di Torino, di cui “Torino Esposizioni” rappresenta un esempio eccezionale, seppur non l’unico.

  16. Pro-inflammatory signaling by IL-10 and IL-22: bad habit stirred up by interferons ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heiko eMühl


    Full Text Available Interleukin (IL-10 and IL-22 are key members of the IL-10 cytokine family that share characteristic properties such as defined structural features, usage of IL-10R2 as one receptor chain, and activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT-3 as dominant signaling mode. IL-10, formerly known as cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor, is key to deactivation of monocytes/macrophages and dendritic cells. Accordingly, pre-clinical studies document its anti-inflammatory capacity. However, the outcome of clinical trials assessing the therapeutic potential of IL-10 in prototypic inflammatory disorders has been disappointing. In contrast to IL-10, IL-22 acts primarily on non-leukocytic cells, in particular epithelial cells of intestine, skin, liver, and lung. STAT3-driven proliferation, anti-apoptosis, and anti-microbial tissue protection is regarded a principal function of IL-22 at host/environment interfaces. In this hypothesis article, hidden/underappreciated pro-inflammatory characteristics of IL-10 and IL-22 are outlined and related to cellular priming by type I interferon. It is tempting to speculate that an inherent inflammatory potential of IL-10 and IL-22 confines their usage in tissue protective therapy and beyond that determines in some patients efficacy of type I interferon treatment.

  17. Expression of IL-8, IL-6 and IL-1β in Tears as a Main Characteristic of the Immune Response in Human Microbial Keratitis (United States)

    Santacruz, Concepcion; Linares, Marisela; Garfias, Yonathan; Loustaunau, Luisa M.; Pavon, Lenin; Perez-Tapia, Sonia Mayra; Jimenez-Martinez, Maria C.


    Corneal infections are frequent and potentially vision-threatening diseases, and despite the significance of the immunological response in animal models of microbial keratitis (MK), it remains unclear in humans. The aim of this study was to describe the cytokine profile of tears in patients with MK. Characteristics of ocular lesions such as size of the epithelial defect, stromal infiltration, and hypopyon were analyzed. Immunological evaluation included determination of interleukine (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in tear samples obtained from infected eyes of 28 patients with MK and compared with their contralateral non-infected eyes. Additionally, frequency of CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ and CD3−CD56+ cells was also determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with MK, and compared with 48 healthy controls. Non-significant differences were observed in the size of the epithelial defect, stromal infiltration, and hypopyon. Nevertheless, we found an immunological profile apparently related to MK etiology. IL-8 > IL-6 in patients with bacterial keratitis; IL-8 > IL-6 > IL-1β and increased frequency of circulating CD3−CD56+ NK cells in patients with gram-negative keratitis; and IL-8 = IL-6 > IL-1β in patients with fungal keratitis. Characterization of tear cytokines from patients with MK could aid our understanding of the immune pathophysiological mechanisms underlying corneal damage in humans. PMID:25741769

  18. IL-10 and IL-27 producing dendritic cells capable of enhancing IL-10 production of T cells are induced in oral tolerance. (United States)

    Shiokawa, Aya; Tanabe, Kosuke; Tsuji, Noriko M; Sato, Ryuichiro; Hachimura, Satoshi


    Oral tolerance is a key feature of intestinal immunity, generating systemic tolerance to ingested antigens (Ag). Dendritic cells (DC) have been revealed as important immune regulators, however, the precise role of DC in oral tolerance induction remains unclear. We investigated the characteristics of DC in spleen, mesenteric lymph node (MLN), and Peyer's patch (PP) after oral Ag administration in a TCR-transgenic mouse model. DC from PP and MLN of tolerized mice induced IL-10 production but not Foxp3 expression in cocultured T cells. IL-10 production was markedly increased after 5-7-day Ag administration especially in PP DC. On the other hand, IL-27 production was increased after 2-5-day Ag administration. CD11b(+) DC, which increased after ingestion of Ag, prominently expressed IL-10 and IL-27 compared with CD11b(-) DC. These results suggest that IL-10 and IL-27 producing DC are increased by interaction with antigen specific T cells in PP, and these DC act as an inducer of IL-10 producing T cells in oral tolerance.

  19. IL-7 Induces an Epitope Masking of γc Protein in IL-7 Receptor Signaling Complex

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tae Sik Goh


    Full Text Available IL-7 signaling via IL-7Rα and common γ-chain (γc is necessary for the development and homeostasis of T cells. Although the delicate mechanism in which IL-7Rα downregulation allows the homeostasis of T cell with limited IL-7 has been well known, the exact mechanism behind the interaction between IL-7Rα and γc in the absence or presence of IL-7 remains unclear. Additionally, we are still uncertain as to how only IL-7Rα is separately downregulated by the binding of IL-7 from the IL-7Rα/γc complex. We demonstrate here that 4G3, TUGm2, and 3E12 epitope masking of γc protein are induced in the presence of IL-7, indicating that the epitope alteration is induced by IL-7 binding to the preassembled receptor core. Moreover, the epitope masking of γc protein is inversely correlated with the expression of IL-7Rα upon IL-7 binding, implying that the structural alteration of γc might be involved in the regulation of IL-7Rα expression. The conformational change in γc upon IL-7 binding may contribute not only to forming the functional IL-7 signaling complex but also to optimally regulating the expression of IL-7Rα.

  20. IL-7 Induces an Epitope Masking of γc Protein in IL-7 Receptor Signaling Complex (United States)

    Goh, Tae Sik; Jo, Yuna; Lee, Byunghyuk; Kim, Geona; Hwang, Hyunju; Ko, Eunhee; Kang, Seung Wan; Oh, Sae-Ock; Baek, Sun-Yong; Yoon, Sik; Lee, Jung Sub


    IL-7 signaling via IL-7Rα and common γ-chain (γc) is necessary for the development and homeostasis of T cells. Although the delicate mechanism in which IL-7Rα downregulation allows the homeostasis of T cell with limited IL-7 has been well known, the exact mechanism behind the interaction between IL-7Rα and γc in the absence or presence of IL-7 remains unclear. Additionally, we are still uncertain as to how only IL-7Rα is separately downregulated by the binding of IL-7 from the IL-7Rα/γc complex. We demonstrate here that 4G3, TUGm2, and 3E12 epitope masking of γc protein are induced in the presence of IL-7, indicating that the epitope alteration is induced by IL-7 binding to the preassembled receptor core. Moreover, the epitope masking of γc protein is inversely correlated with the expression of IL-7Rα upon IL-7 binding, implying that the structural alteration of γc might be involved in the regulation of IL-7Rα expression. The conformational change in γc upon IL-7 binding may contribute not only to forming the functional IL-7 signaling complex but also to optimally regulating the expression of IL-7Rα. PMID:28127156

  1. IL-17-producing NKT cells depend exclusively on IL-7 for homeostasis and survival. (United States)

    Webster, K E; Kim, H-O; Kyparissoudis, K; Corpuz, T M; Pinget, G V; Uldrich, A P; Brink, R; Belz, G T; Cho, J-H; Godfrey, D I; Sprent, J


    Natural killer T (NKT) cells are innate-like T cells that rapidly recognize pathogens and produce cytokines that shape the ensuing immune response. IL-17-producing NKT cells are enriched in barrier tissues, such as the lung, skin, and peripheral lymph nodes, and the factors that maintain this population in the periphery have not been elucidated. Here we show that NKT17 cells deviate from other NKT cells in their survival requirements. In contrast to conventional NKT cells that are maintained by IL-15, RORγt(+) NKT cells are IL-15 independent and instead rely completely on IL-7. IL-7 initiates a T-cell receptor-independent (TCR-independent) expansion of NKT17 cells, thus supporting their homeostasis. Without IL-7, survival is dramatically impaired, yet residual cells remain lineage committed with no downregulation of RORγt evident. Their preferential response to IL-7 does not reflect enhanced signaling through STAT proteins, but instead is modulated via the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. The ability to compete for IL-7 is dependent on high-density IL-7 receptor expression, which would promote uptake of low levels of IL-7 produced in the non-lymphoid sites of lung and skin. This dependence on IL-7 is also reported for RORγt(+) innate lymphoid cells and CD4(+) Th17 cells, and suggests common survival requirements for functionally similar cells.

  2. The (mis)Measurement of M&A Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meglio, Olimpia; Risberg, Annette


    This paper seeks to further the understanding of the variety of meanings M&A scholars attach to the label “M&A performance” by providing an alternative way to interpret the claimed inconsistency of M&A research findings. While many scholars contend that the problem stems from the multiplicity of M......&A performance measures, we believe the problem rests in trying to compare different measures as if they were measuring the same feature of the organization. Through our narrative review of empirical research we analyze factors shaping the M&A – as well as the organizational – performance measurement process....... The conclusion is that it is not possible to talk about M&A performance as if it was a universal construct....

  3. Maïs beperkt nitraatverlies van gras

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verloop, J.; Boumans, L.


    Maïs staat bekend als een gewas dat veel nitraat naar het grondwater lekt. Maar maïs heeft ook goeie kanten. Nieuw in dit rijtje is dat maïs, in vruchtwisseling met gras, ook het nitraatverlies van grasland beperkt. Dit blijkt uit de metingen van het RIVM op De Marke.

  4. Il Bosone di Higgs

    CERN Multimedia

    Hemmer, Sabine


    Poster di ATLAS sul bosone di Higgs indirizzato al pubblico generico, che spiega il meccanismo di Brout-Englert-Higgs e la sua importanza. Spiega anche il ruolo del Bosone di Higgs, come viene cercato, il percorso della sua scoperta e cosa viene dopo la scoperta. Disponibile anche in Francese ( e Inglese ( Non esitate a utilizzarlo nelle sedi dei vostri Istituti e negli eventi divulgativi! Il poster è in formato A0. Cliccate sull'immagine per scaricare il .pdf ad alta qualità e stamparlo dove preferite. Per qualisasi domanda o commento potete contattare

  5. Aspirin induces IL-4 production: augmented IL-4 production in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (United States)

    Kong, Su-Kang; Soo Kim, Byung; Gi Uhm, Tae; Soo Chang, Hun; Sook Park, Jong; Woo Park, Sung; Park, Choon-Sik; Chung, Il Yup


    Aspirin hypersensitivity is a hallmark of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), a clinical syndrome characterized by the severe inflammation of the respiratory tract after ingestion of cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitors. We investigated the capacity of aspirin to induce interleukin-4 (IL-4) production in inflammatory cells relevant to AERD pathogenesis and examined the associated biochemical and molecular pathways. We also compared IL-4 production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with AERD vs aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA) upon exposure to aspirin. Aspirin induced IL-4 expression and activated the IL-4 promoter in a report assay. The capacity of aspirin to induce IL-4 expression correlated with its activity to activate mitogen-activated protein kinases, to form DNA–protein complexes on P elements in the IL-4 promoter and to synthesize nuclear factor of activated T cells, critical transcription factors for IL-4 transcription. Of clinical importance, aspirin upregulated IL-4 production twice as much in PBMCs from patients with AERD compared with PBMCs from patients with ATA. Our results suggest that IL-4 is an inflammatory component mediating intolerance reactions to aspirin, and thus is crucial for AERD pathogenesis. PMID:27534531

  6. IL-6 Improves Energy and Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity via Enhanced Central IL-6 trans-Signaling. (United States)

    Timper, Katharina; Denson, Jesse Lee; Steculorum, Sophie Marie; Heilinger, Christian; Engström-Ruud, Linda; Wunderlich, Claudia Maria; Rose-John, Stefan; Wunderlich, F Thomas; Brüning, Jens Claus


    Interleukin (IL)-6 engages similar signaling mechanisms to leptin. Here, we find that central application of IL-6 in mice suppresses feeding and improves glucose tolerance. In contrast to leptin, whose action is attenuated in obesity, the ability of IL-6 to suppress feeding is enhanced in obese mice. IL-6 suppresses feeding in the absence of neuronal IL-6-receptor (IL-6R) expression in hypothalamic or all forebrain neurons of mice. Conversely, obese mice exhibit increased soluble IL-6R levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. Blocking IL-6 trans-signaling in the CNS abrogates the ability of IL-6 to suppress feeding. Furthermore, gp130 expression is enhanced in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH) of obese mice, and deletion of gp130 in the PVH attenuates the beneficial central IL-6 effects on metabolism. Collectively, these experiments indicate that IL-6 trans-signaling is enhanced in the CNS of obese mice, allowing IL-6 to exert its beneficial metabolic effects even under conditions of leptin resistance. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. IL-6 Improves Energy and Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity via Enhanced Central IL-6 trans-Signaling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katharina Timper


    Full Text Available Interleukin (IL-6 engages similar signaling mechanisms to leptin. Here, we find that central application of IL-6 in mice suppresses feeding and improves glucose tolerance. In contrast to leptin, whose action is attenuated in obesity, the ability of IL-6 to suppress feeding is enhanced in obese mice. IL-6 suppresses feeding in the absence of neuronal IL-6-receptor (IL-6R expression in hypothalamic or all forebrain neurons of mice. Conversely, obese mice exhibit increased soluble IL-6R levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. Blocking IL-6 trans-signaling in the CNS abrogates the ability of IL-6 to suppress feeding. Furthermore, gp130 expression is enhanced in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH of obese mice, and deletion of gp130 in the PVH attenuates the beneficial central IL-6 effects on metabolism. Collectively, these experiments indicate that IL-6 trans-signaling is enhanced in the CNS of obese mice, allowing IL-6 to exert its beneficial metabolic effects even under conditions of leptin resistance.

  8. L’interconnessione dei registri europei della proprietà immobiliare: il caso italiano e spagnolo a confronto

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    Agostina Lodde


    Full Text Available La necessità che le informazioni detenute dai Registri Immobiliari possano liberamente circolare all’interno dello spazio dell’Unione rappresenta un obiettivo prioritario nell’ambito della strategia delineata dal Consiglio UE in materia di giustizia elettronica europea 2014-2018, la quale prevede di incentrare l’azione “sulla interconnessione dei registri che presentino un interesse per i cittadini, le imprese, gli operatori della giustizia e i magistrati”. Pertanto, si afferma che “si dovrebbero assicurare i presupposti tecnici e giuridici necessari per rendere possibile tale interconnessione”. La realizzazione dei “presupposti tecnici” di cui si parla, grazie agli sviluppi straordinari delle tecnologie informatiche, rappresenta il traguardo meno difficile da raggiungere, mentre è di gran lunga più complicato risolvere le difficoltà giuridiche derivanti dalla storica diversità dei Registri, tenendo anche in considerazione il limite posto dall’art. 345 del Trattato sul Funzionamento dell’Unione Europea, secondo il quale “I trattati lasciano del tutto impregiudicato il regime di proprietà esistente negli Stati membri”. Per meglio comprendere le suddette diversità e facendo seguito alla panoramica sui diversi sistemi europei di registrazione immobiliare illustrata da Lodde (2016, si è cercato di fornire un quadro comparato dei sistemi di registrazione italiano e spagnolo, sistemi che poggiano su tradizioni giuridiche comuni (quelle di civil law ma che, per diversi percorsi evolutivi, sono pervenuti a una regolamentazione completamente differente dei rispettivi Registri.

  9. Diagnostic value of combined determination of serum and chest fluid adenosine deaminase (ADA), IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 contents for differentiation of tuberculous from malignant pleural effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Jiaming; Wang Limin


    Objective: To investigate the possible diagnostic value of combined determination of serum and chest fluid contents of ADA, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 in patients with tuberculous and malignant pleural effusion. Methods: Serum and chest fluid ADA (with biochemical method), IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 (with ELISA) contents were measured in 56 patients with tuberculosis pleural effusion, 53 patients with malignant effusion and 30 controls (in serum only). The receiving operative characteristic (ROC) curve for each parameter was analyzed for study of respective area under curse (Auc). Results: The serum IL-6 levels in both groups of patients were significantly higher than those in the controls (P<0.05). The chest fluid contents of ADA, IL-2, IL-6 and IL-10 in patients with tuberculous effusion were all significantly higher than those in patients with malignancies (P<0.05). The Auc in the ROC was largest in the case of ADA, followed by IL-10, IL-6 with IL-2 the least. Conclusion: Determination of chest fluid ADA, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 contents was helpful in the differentiation of tuberculous from malignant pleural effusion. Combined determination of chest fluid ADA and IL-10 provided the highest accuracy rate for differentional diagnosis. (authors)

  10. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, IL-31, and IL-33 in Children with Allergic Disease of the Airways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Bonanno


    Full Text Available Low vitamin D is involved in allergic asthma and rhinitis. IL-31 and IL-33 correlate with Th2-associated cytokines in allergic disease. We investigated whether low vitamin D is linked with circulating IL-31 and IL-33 in children with allergic disease of the airways. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH Vit D], IL-31, and IL-33 plasma levels were measured in 28 controls (HC, 11 allergic rhinitis (AR patients, and 35 allergic asthma with rhinitis (AAR patients. We found significant lower levels of 25(OH Vit D in AR and in AAR than in HC. IL-31 and IL-33 plasma levels significantly increased in AAR than HC. IL-31 and IL-33 positively correlated in AR and AAR. 25(OH Vit D deficient AAR had higher levels of blood eosinophils, exacerbations, disease duration, and total IgE than patients with insufficient or sufficient 25(OH Vit D. In AAR 25(OH Vit D levels inversely correlated with total allergen sIgE score and total atopy index. IL-31 and IL-33 did not correlate with 25(OH Vit D in AR and AAR. In conclusion, low levels of 25(OH Vit D might represent a risk factor for the development of concomitant asthma and rhinitis in children with allergic disease of the airways independently of IL-31/IL-33 Th2 activity.

  11. Il colore delle cose

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    Vincenzo Vitiello


    Full Text Available Tema di questo saggio è l’operare della riflessione. Vitiello, dopo essersi soffermato sulla «frattura» tra la riflessione (il «vedersi» e il suo operare in Valéry, si concentra sul processo, descritto da Hegel nella Fenomenologia dello spirito, dell’esperienza della coscienza che s’eleva a coscienza dell’esperienza. La conclusione è fortemente critica: Hegel fallisce la mèta nel punto stesso in cui la raggiunge. Infatti nel sapere assoluto, nella visione compiuta, perfetta di sé, della luce che vede luce, viene meno proprio l’esperienza della coscienza, il suo divenire, la sua «imperfezione». La critica a Hegel, passando attraverso Nietzsche, si amplia a critica del linguaggio, in particolare del linguaggio dell’«essere» e  dell’«è», e delle tautologie heideggeriane quali «das Ereignis ereignet», «das Ding dingt», «die Welt weltet». Un importante passaggio del testo è quello sul linguaggio teatrale in cui la parola sembra riacquistare il legame originale tra la voce e il gesto, che tuttavia restano divisi, perché proprio il medio che li lega, il «colore» della parola, è «fuori» della parola e del gesto. Resta la parola dell’agire, dei pragmata, in cui il fare si espone nella sua modalità più propria: nell’immediatezza del patire: il grido di dolore; o nella mediatezza riflessiva dell’imperativo morale: Handle! I due opposti «colori» delle cose.

  12. Counterbalancing of TH2-driven allergic airway inflammation by IL-12 does not require IL-10. (United States)

    Tournoy, K G; Kips, J C; Pauwels, R A


    Asthma is characterized by allergen-induced airway inflammation orchestrated by TH2 cells. The TH1-promoting cytokine IL-12 is capable of inhibiting the TH2-driven allergen-induced airway changes in mice and is therefore regarded as an interesting strategy for treating asthma. The antiallergic effects of IL-12 are only partially dependent of IFN-gamma. Because IL-12 is a potent inducer of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, the aim of the present study was to investigate in vivo whether the antiallergic effects of IL-12 are mediated through IL-10. C57BL/6J-IL-10 knock-out (IL-10(-/-)) mice were sensitized intraperitoneally to ovalbumin (OVA) and subsequently exposed from day 14 to day 21 to aerosolized OVA (1%). IL-12 was administered intraperitoneally during sensitization, subsequent OVA exposure, or both. IL-12 inhibited the OVA-induced airway eosinophilia, despite the absence of IL-10. Moreover, a shift from a TH2 inflammatory pattern toward a TH1 reaction was observed, with concomitant pronounced mononuclear peribronchial inflammation after IL-12 treatment. Allergen-specific IgE synthesis was completely suppressed only when IL-12 was administered along with the allergen sensitization. Furthermore, treating the animals with IL-12 at the time of the secondary allergen challenge resulted not only in a significant suppression of the airway responsiveness but also in an important IFN-gamma-associated toxicity. These results indicate that IL-12 is able to inhibit allergen-induced airway changes, even in the absence of IL-10. In addition, our results raise concerns regarding the redirection of TH2 inflammation by TH1-inducing therapies because treatment with IL-12 resulted not only in a disappearance of the TH2 inflammation but also in a TH1-driven inflammatory pulmonary pathology.

  13. [Cytokines and malaria. A study of TNF-alpha, IL1-beta, IL6 and IL2R in 28 patients]. (United States)

    Nicolas, P; Hovette, P; Merouze, F; Touze, J E; Martet, G


    Authors have studied TNF alpha, IL1 bêta, IL6 and RIL2s in 28 malaria illness patients. Increased levels of TNF, IL1 bêta and RIL2s in serum, are observed on admission to hospital. These cytokine levels are decreased, eight days later, after patients are treated. In discussion, TNF levels as a prognosis component is evocated.

  14. Profile of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IFN- ? , TNF- ? and KC-like cytokines in pregnant bitches

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    M.A.R. Feliciano


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the profile of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IFN-γ, and TNF-α cytokines and KC-like cells (natural killer in pregnant bitches, unpublished values for the species. A total of 27 females of the Shi Tzu, Pug, English Bulldog and French breeds, weighing 4-20kg and aged 4-6 years were used. Blood samples were collected from bitches during the anestrous and on the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th week of pregnancy. Serum levels of cytokines were measured by panel MILLIPLEX MAP (CCYTO-90K, MILLIPORE, Billerica, Massachusetts, USA validated for dogs. Twenty four females showed physiological pregnancy and three bitches showed pathological pregnancy. There was no difference between cytokine values during anestrous and gestational weeks of bitches (P>0.05. However, it was possible to verify the physiological behavior of serum levels during modulation of immune response in the gestational process of animals. In animals with gestational disorders, abnormal values for IL-2, IL-4 and INF-y were noted. It was concluded that serum levels of cytokines evaluated in pregnant bitches can help the better understanding of physiological and pathological gestational processes and correlated immunology in this species.

  15. De Louis Delluc à Caligari... L'introduction du cinéma allemand en France

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    Marc Lavastrou


    Full Text Available Dès 1919, le boycott du cinéma allemand interdit toute confrontation avec les réalisations de l'ennemi héréditaire. Cette négation inquiète Louis Delluc qui réagit en publiant deux articles sur la situation du cinéma allemand. Ces chroniques proposent un premier état des lieux mais, sans film distribué, ces analyses restent lettre morte et ne font que souligner ce manque. Il faut attendre 1921 et la création de la revue Cinéa pour que Delluc organise la première projection du Cabinet du docteur Caligari. Cet événement prend vite une ampleur nationale. Le succès mondial de ce film démontre la possibilité d'un équilibre entre industrie mondialisée et spécificité nationale. Dès lors, le cinéma allemand peut servir de modèle pour la recherche d'une telle unité au sein du cinéma français dont la crise structurelle démontre son incapacité à s'adapter aux nouvelles exigences du marché global. Louis Delluc parvient donc à imposer les productions allemandes en France, mais il ne réussit cependant pas à effectuer la transition entre artisanat anarchique et industrie cinématographique rationalisée. Ainsi, une autre unité voit-elle le jour, dépassant les cadres nationaux pour s'inscrire sur le vaste espace européen ouvrant ainsi la voie à des échanges culturels et techniques franco-allemands.Seit 1919 verhindert das Verbot des deutschen Kinos in Frankreich jegliche Konfrontation mit den Produktionen des Erzfeindes. Diese Ablehnung des deutschen Films beschäftigt und beunruhigt Louis Delluc, der daraufhin zwei Artikel über die Situation des deutschen Films veröffentlicht. Seine Artikel zeigen einen ersten Stand der Dinge auf, der aber in Anbetracht fehlender deutscher Filmvorführungen keine weitere Beachtung findet. Erst im Jahr 1921 wird mit der Revue Cinéa, deren Gründer Delluc ist, eine erste Aufführung des Kabinett des Dr. Caligari organisiert. Dieses Ereignis nimmt schnell nationale Dimensionen an. Der

  16. Cytokine vaccination: neutralising IL-1alpha autoantibodies induced by immunisation with homologous IL-1alpha

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenson, M; Hansen, M B; Thomsen, Allan Randrup


    with IL-1alpha coupled to purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD). Both unprimed and primed animals developed IgG aAb to IL-1alpha. These aAb persisted at high levels more than 100 days after vaccination and did not cross-react with murine IL-1beta. The induced anti-IL-1alpha aAb inhibited binding...... in mice by vaccination with recombinant murine IL-1alpha conjugated to PPD. Studies of the effects of IL-1alpha aAb in such animals may help clarify the importance of naturally occurring IL-1alpha aAb in humans and permit the evaluation of future therapies with cytokine aAb in patients...

  17. Clinical value of determination of changes of serum Gas, IL-2, IL-10 and IL-18 levels after transfusion of Red blood cells in patients with peptic ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Tingting; Li Xinghua


    Objective: To investigation the changes of serum Gas, IL-2, IL-10 and IL-18 contents after transfusion of red blood cells in patients with peptic ulcer. Methods: Serum Gas, IL-2, IL-10 (with RIA), serum IL-18 (with ELISA) levels were measured in 31 patients with peptic ulcer and 35 controls. Results: Before transfusion,the serum IL-2 level in the patients was significantly lower than that in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum Gas, IL-2, IL-10 and IL-18 levels is clinically useful for monitoring progress and favourable prognosis of patients with peptic ulcer possess important clinical value. (authors)

  18. Isolation of MA-ACS Gene Family and Expression Study of MA-ACS1 Gene in Musa acuminata Cultivar Pisang Ambon Lumut

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    Full Text Available Musa acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut is a native climacteric fruit from Indonesia. Climacteric fruit ripening process is triggered by the gaseous plant hormone ethylene. The rate limiting enzyme involved in ethylene biosynthesis is ACC synthase (ACS which is encoded by ACS gene family. The objective of this study is to identify MA-ACS gene family in M. acuminata cultivar pisang ambon lumut and to study the MA-ACS1 gene expression. The result showed that there were nine M. acuminata ACS gene family members called MA-ACS1–9. Two of them (MA-ACS1 and MA-ACS2 were assessed using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR for gene expression study and it was only MA-ACS1 correlated with fruit ripening. The MA-ACS1 gene fragment has been successfully isolated and characterized and it has three introns, four exons, and one stop codon. It also shows highest homology with MACS1 gene from M. acuminata cultivar Hsian Jien Chiao (GenBank accession number AF056164. Expression analysis of MA-ACS1 using quantitative PCR (qPCR showed that MA-ACS1 gene expression increased significantly in the third day, reached maximum at the fifth day, and then decreased in the seventh day after harvesting. The qPCR expression analysis result correlated with the result of physical analysis during fruit ripening.

  19. Clinical significance of determination of changes of EPS IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 and LDH5/LDH1 levels in patients with chronic prostatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yongchang


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the changes of expressed prostatic secretion IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 and LDH5/LDH1 levels in patients with chronic prostatitis. Methods: Expressed prostatic secretion IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 (with Radioimmunoassay) and LDH5/LDH1 (with cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis) levels were determined in 32 patients with chronic prostatitis and 35 controls. These 32 patients were of 3 groups: 1)chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP, n=10) 2) chronic pelvic pain syndrome IIIA (CPPS IIIA n=9) 3) CPPSIIIB n=13. Results: Expressed prostatic secretion levels of IL-1β, IL-2 and LDH5/LDH1 were significantly higher in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP) groups than those in controls (all P 0.05). But the expressed prostatic secretion levels of IL-10 were still significantly lower in patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome(CPPSIIIB) groups than those in controls (all P<0.05). Conclusion: There were changes of expressed prostatic secretion IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 and LDH5/LDH1 levels in patients with chronic prostatitis. Combined determination of the expressed prostatic secretion 4 markers levels is valuable for the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis and CPPSIII and for differentiation of CPPSIII types. (authors)

  20. Endogenous IL-1 in cognitive function and anxiety: a study in IL-1RI-/- mice.

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    Carol L Murray

    Full Text Available Interleukin-1 (IL-1 is a key pro-inflammatory cytokine, produced predominantly by peripheral immune cells but also by glia and some neuronal populations within the brain. Its signalling is mediated via the binding of IL-1α or IL-1β to the interleukin-1 type one receptor (IL-1RI. IL-1 plays a key role in inflammation-induced sickness behaviour, resulting in depressed locomotor activity, decreased exploration, reduced food and water intake and acute cognitive deficits. Conversely, IL-1 has also been suggested to facilitate hippocampal-dependent learning and memory: IL-1RI(-/- mice have been reported to show deficits on tasks of visuospatial learning and memory. We sought to investigate whether there is a generalised hippocampal deficit in IL-1RI(-/- animals. Therefore, in the current study we compared wildtype (WT mice to IL-1RI(-/- mice using a variety of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory tasks, as well as tests of anxiety and locomotor activity. We found no difference in performance of the IL-1RI(-/- mice compared to WT mice in a T-maze working memory task. In addition, the IL-1RI(-/- mice showed normal learning in various spatial reference memory tasks including the Y-maze and Morris mater maze, although there was a subtle deficit in choice behaviour in a spatial discrimination, beacon watermaze task. IL-1RI(-/- mice also showed normal memory for visuospatial context in the contextual fear conditioning paradigm. In the open field, IL-1RI(-/- mice showed a significant increase in distance travelled and rearing behaviour compared to the WT mice and in the elevated plus-maze spent more time in the open arms than did the WT animals. The data suggest that, contrary to prior studies, IL-1RI(-/- mice are not robustly impaired on hippocampal-dependent memory and learning but do display open field hyperactivity and decreased anxiety compared to WT mice. The results argue for a careful evaluation of the roles of endogenous IL-1 in hippocampal

  1. Elevated levels of circulating IL-18BP and perturbed regulation of IL-18 in schizophrenia

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    Palladino Ilaria


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The pleiotropic pro-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin (IL-18 has been proposed to play a role in schizophrenia, since elevated circulating levels of its protein and altered frequencies of genetic variants in its molecular system are reported in schizophrenic patients. Methods We analyzed 77 patients with schizophrenia diagnosis (SCZ and 77 healthy control subjects (HC for serum concentration of both IL-18 and its natural inhibitor, the IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP. Results We confirmed that serum levels of total IL-18 are significantly increased in SCZ, as compared to HC. However, due to a highly significant increase in levels of circulating IL-18BP in SCZ, as compared to HC, the levels of free, bioactive IL-18 are not significantly different between the two groups. In addition, the relationships between the levels of IL-18 and its inhibitor, as well as between the two molecules and age appear dissimilar for SCZ and HC. In particular, the elevated levels of IL-18BP, likely a consequence of the body’s attempt to counteract the early prominent inflammation which characterizes schizophrenia, are maintained in earlier and later stages of the disease. However, the IL-18BP elevation appears ineffective to balance the IL-18 system in younger SCZ patients, while in older patients the levels of circulating bioactive IL-18 are comparable to those of HC, if not lower. Conclusions In conclusion, these findings indicate that the IL-18 system is perturbed in schizophrenia, supporting the idea that this pro-inflammatory cytokine might be part of a pathway of genetic and environmental components for vulnerability to the disease.

  2. IL-36γ Is a Strong Inducer of IL-23 in Psoriatic Cells and Activates Angiogenesis

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    Charlie Bridgewood


    Full Text Available The IL-1 family member cytokine IL-36γ is recognised as key mediator in the immunopathology of psoriasis, hallmarks of which involve the activation of both resident and infiltrating inflammatory myeloid cells and aberrant angiogenesis. This research demonstrates a role for IL-36γ in both myeloid activation and angiogenesis. We show that IL-36γ induces the production of psoriasis-associated cytokines from macrophages (IL-23 and TNFα and that this response is enhanced in macrophages from psoriasis patients. This effect is specific for IL-36γ and could not be mimicked by other IL-1 family cytokines such as IL-1α. IL-36γ was also demonstrated to induce endothelial tube formation and branching, in a VEGF-A-dependent manner. Furthermore, IL-36γ-stimulated macrophages potently activated endothelial cells and led to increased adherence of monocytes, effects that were markedly more pronounced for psoriatic macrophages. Interestingly, regardless of stimulus, psoriasis monocytes showed increased adherence to both the stimulated and unstimulated endothelium when compared with monocytes from healthy individuals. Collectively, these findings show that IL-36γ has the potential to enhance endothelium directed leucocyte infiltration into the skin and strengthen the IL-23/IL-17 pathway adding to the growing evidence of pathogenetic roles for IL-36γ in psoriatic responses. Our findings also point to a cellular response, which could potentially explain cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriasis in the form of endothelial activation and increased monocyte adherence.

  3. IL-36γ Is a Strong Inducer of IL-23 in Psoriatic Cells and Activates Angiogenesis. (United States)

    Bridgewood, Charlie; Fearnley, Gareth W; Berekmeri, Anna; Laws, Philip; Macleod, Tom; Ponnambalam, Sreenivasan; Stacey, Martin; Graham, Anne; Wittmann, Miriam


    The IL-1 family member cytokine IL-36γ is recognised as key mediator in the immunopathology of psoriasis, hallmarks of which involve the activation of both resident and infiltrating inflammatory myeloid cells and aberrant angiogenesis. This research demonstrates a role for IL-36γ in both myeloid activation and angiogenesis. We show that IL-36γ induces the production of psoriasis-associated cytokines from macrophages (IL-23 and TNFα) and that this response is enhanced in macrophages from psoriasis patients. This effect is specific for IL-36γ and could not be mimicked by other IL-1 family cytokines such as IL-1α. IL-36γ was also demonstrated to induce endothelial tube formation and branching, in a VEGF-A-dependent manner. Furthermore, IL-36γ-stimulated macrophages potently activated endothelial cells and led to increased adherence of monocytes, effects that were markedly more pronounced for psoriatic macrophages. Interestingly, regardless of stimulus, psoriasis monocytes showed increased adherence to both the stimulated and unstimulated endothelium when compared with monocytes from healthy individuals. Collectively, these findings show that IL-36γ has the potential to enhance endothelium directed leucocyte infiltration into the skin and strengthen the IL-23/IL-17 pathway adding to the growing evidence of pathogenetic roles for IL-36γ in psoriatic responses. Our findings also point to a cellular response, which could potentially explain cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriasis in the form of endothelial activation and increased monocyte adherence.

  4. IL-2/anti-IL-2 mAb immunocomplexes: A renascence of IL-2 in cancer immunotherapy?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tomala, Jakub; Kovář, Marek


    Roč. 5, č. 3 (2016), e1102829 ISSN 2162-402X R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-12885S; GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0109 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : Anti-IL-2 mAb * cancer immunotherapy * IL-2 Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 7.719, year: 2016

  5. A comparison of blood and cerebrospinal fluid cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-18, TNF-α in neonates with perinatal hypoxia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darinka Šumanović-Glamuzina


    Full Text Available Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia is a specific and important pathological event in neonatal care practice. The data on relationship between the concentrations of cytokines in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF and perinatal brain injury are scarce. The aim of this study is to evaluate changes in interleukin (IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-18 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α levels in newborns with perinatal hypoxia (PNH. CSF and serum samples of 35 term and near-term (35-40 weeks newborns with PNH, at the age of 3-96 hours, were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Control group consisted of 25 non-asphyxic/non-hypoxic infants of the same age sampled for clinically suspected perinatal meningitis, but proven negative and healthy otherwise. The cytokine values in CSF and serum samples were determined in relation to initial hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE staged according the Sarnat/Sarnat method, and compared with neurological outcome at 12 months of age estimated using Amiel-Tison procedure. The concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α in serum of PNH patients were significantly higher compared to control group (p = 0.0407 and p = 0.023, respectively. No significant difference between average values of cytokines in relation to the stage of HIE was observed. Significantly higher levels of IL-6 and IL-18 corresponded to a mildly abnormal neurological outcome, while higher levels of IL-6 and TNF-α corresponded to a severely abnormal neurological outcome, at 12 months of age. Elevated serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α better corresponded with hypoxia/ischemia compared to CSF values, within 96 hours of birth. Also, higher serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-18 corresponded better with abnormal neurological outcome at 12 months of age, compared to CSF values.

  6. Blood concentrations of the cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma during experimentally induced swine dysentery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jensen-Waern Marianne


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Knowledge of the cytokine response at infection with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae can help understanding disease mechanisme involved during swine dysentery. Since this knowledge is still limited the aim of the present study was to induce dysentery experimentally in pigs and to monitor the development of important immunoregulatory cytokines in blood collected at various stages of the disease. Methods Ten conventional pigs (~23 kg were orally inoculated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae B204T. Eight animals developed muco-haemorrhagic diarrhoea with impaired general body condition. Blood was sampled before inoculation and repeatedly during acute dysentery and recovery periods and cytokine levels of IL-1β, IL-6, Il-10, TNF-α and IFN-γ were measured by ELISA. Results IL-1β was increased at the beginning of the dysentery period and coincided with the appearance of Serum amyloid A and clinical signs of disease. TNF-α increased in all animals after inoculation, with a peak during dysentery, and IL-6 was found in 3 animals during dysentery and in the 2 animals that did not develop clinical signs of disease. IL-10 was found in all sick animals during the recovery period. IFN-γ was not detected on any occasion. Conclusion B. hyodysenteriae inoculation induced production of systemic levels of IL-1β during the dysentery period and increased levels of IL-10 coincided with recovery from dysentery.

  7. Il secondo principio

    CERN Document Server

    Atkins, Peter W


    L'asimmetria della Natura ; l'indicatore di una trasformazione ; scivolando verso il caos ; la quantificazione del caos ; la potenzialità del caos ; le trasformazioni del caos ; il dominio della temperatura ; caos costtrutivo ; le strutture del caos.

  8. Il corpo narratore

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    Ivano Gamelli


    Full Text Available Sapere cosa provo attraverso il mio corpo di fronte all’altro mi permette non solo di capire cosa l'altro prova, soprattutto di generare naturalmente un’effettiva sintonizzazione, di evidenziare e nominare emozioni e sentimenti che in-formano la relazione con quel particolare bambino, adolescente o adulto che sia. Il rapporto con il linguaggio del corpo, prima ancora di divenire pratica psicopedagogica, è una 'pedagogia dell'esistenza'. Una pratica della nostra quotidianità che possiamo affinare oltre e prima che essa diventi pratica psicopedagogica.

  9. Targeting the IL-17/IL-6 axis can alter growth of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in vivo/in vitro. (United States)

    Zhu, Fang; McCaw, Lindsay; Spaner, David E; Gorczynski, Reginald M


    The tumor microenvironment (TME) is critical to the longevity of tumor B cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) and the cytokines they produce including IL-6 are important components of the TME in CLL. We found BMMSCs supported the survival of CLL cells in vitro through an IL-6 dependent mechanism. IL-17 which induces IL-6 generation in a variety of cells increased production of IL-6 both in CLL cells and BMMSCs in vitro. In a xenograft CLL mouse model, BMMSCs and the culture supernatant of BMMSCs increased engraftment of CLL cells through an IL-6 mediated mechanism with human recombinant IL-6 showing similar effects in vivo. Human recombinant IL-17 treatment also increased CLL engraftment in mice through an IL-6 mediated mechanism. Plasma of CLL patients showed elevated levels of both IL-6 and IL-17 by ELISA compared with healthy controls, with levels of IL-6 linearly correlated with IL-17 levels. CLL patients requiring fludarabine based chemotherapy expressed higher levels of IL-6 and IL-17, while CLL patients with the lowest levels of IgA/IgM had higher levels of IL-6, but not IL-17. These data imply an important role for the IL-17/IL-6 axis in CLL which could be therapeutic targets. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Il Sole, il genoma e Internet strumenti delle revoluzioni scientifiche

    CERN Document Server

    Dyson, Freeman J


    In queste appassionate conferenze «di soglia» Dyson si sporge sul domani con la visionarietà di un Verne o di un Wells, consapevole però di abbozzare «solo uno dei corsi possibili, tra i milioni di altri che il futuro potrà riservarci». Il nuovo trivio di forze rivoluzionarie che, secondo il modello di Dyson, muoverà lo sviluppo ha nomi noti a tutti, e disputati da molti: energia solare, ingegneria genetica, rete di comunicazione globale. Un loro utilizzo flessibile e sinergico arriverebbe a ridisegnare il paesaggio sociale del pianeta, facendo affluire verso aree depresse risorse ora concentrate in pochi paesi, e ridando vita ovunque all'economia di villaggio. La raccolta di energia da una fonte equidistribuita come la luce solare potrebbe infatti avvenire attraverso coltivazioni arboree manipolate genetica mente allo scopo, con costi sostenibili e senza pregiudizio della ecodiversità. Sia che guardi al prossimo futuro terrestre sia che contempli la prospettiva non troppo lontana di insediamenti uma...

  11. IL-15/IL-15 receptor biology: a guided tour through an expanding universe. (United States)

    Budagian, Vadim; Bulanova, Elena; Paus, Ralf; Bulfone-Paus, Silvia


    The cytokine interleukin-15 (IL-15) has a key role in promoting survival, proliferation and activation of natural killer (NK) and CD8+ T cells. Despite its functional similarities to IL-2, IL-15 affects a wider range of target cell populations and utilizes different mechanisms of signaling. Here, we review recent advances in the IL-15-mediated signaling, and in the functional properties on cells besides T lymphocytes and NK cells. These are discussed in the context of their potential clinical and therapeutic relevance.

  12. The Banana Fruit SINA Ubiquitin Ligase MaSINA1 Regulates the Stability of MaICE1 to be Negatively Involved in Cold Stress Response. (United States)

    Fan, Zhong-Qi; Chen, Jian-Ye; Kuang, Jian-Fei; Lu, Wang-Jin; Shan, Wei


    The regulation of ICE1 protein stability is important to ensure effective cold stress response, and is extensively studied in Arabidopsis . Currently, how ICE1 stability in fruits under cold stress is controlled remains largely unknown. Here, we reported the possible involvement of a SEVEN IN ABSENTIA (SINA) ubiquitin ligase MaSINA1 from banana fruit in affecting MaICE1 stability. MaSINA1 was identified based on a yeast two-hybrid screening using MaICE1 as bait. Further yeast two-hybrid, pull-down, bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) and co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) assays confirmed that MaSINA1 interacted with MaICE1. The expression of MaSINA1 was repressed by cold stress. Subcellular localization analysis in tobacco leaves showed that MaSINA1 was localized predominantly in the nucleus. In vitro ubiquitination assay showed that MaSINA1 possessed E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. More importantly, in vitro and semi- in vivo experiments indicated that MaSINA1 can ubiquitinate MaICE1 for the 26S proteasome-dependent degradation, and therefore suppressed the transcriptional activation of MaICE1 to MaNAC1, an important regulator of cold stress response of banana fruit. Collectively, our data reveal a mechanism in banana fruit for control of the stability of ICE1 and for the negative regulation of cold stress response by a SINA E3 ligase via the ubiquitin proteasome system.

  13. Adole, MA

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Adole, MA. Vol 4, No 1 (2011) - Articles Effects of Groundnut Husk Ash-blended Cement on Chemical Resistance of Concrete Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1596-6035. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners · Terms and ...

  14. Signaling through IL-17C/IL-17RE is dispensable for immunity to systemic, oral and cutaneous candidiasis. (United States)

    Conti, Heather R; Whibley, Natasha; Coleman, Bianca M; Garg, Abhishek V; Jaycox, Jillian R; Gaffen, Sarah L


    Candida albicans is a commensal fungal microbe of the human orogastrointestinal tract and skin. C. albicans causes multiple forms of disease in immunocompromised patients, including oral, vaginal, dermal and disseminated candidiasis. The cytokine IL-17 (IL-17A) and its receptor subunits, IL-17RA and IL-17RC, are required for protection to most forms of candidiasis. The importance of the IL-17R pathway has been observed not only in knockout mouse models, but also in humans with rare genetic mutations that impact generation of Th17 cells or the IL-17 signaling pathway, including Hyper-IgE Syndrome (STAT3 or TYK2 mutations) or IL17RA or ACT1 gene deficiency. The IL-17 family of cytokines is a distinct subclass of cytokines with unique structural and signaling properties. IL-17A is the best-characterized member of the IL-17 family to date, but far less is known about other IL-17-related cytokines. In this study, we sought to determine the role of a related IL-17 cytokine, IL-17C, in protection against oral, dermal and disseminated forms of C. albicans infection. IL-17C signals through a heterodimeric receptor composed of the IL-17RA and IL-17RE subunits. We observed that IL-17C mRNA was induced following oral C. albicans infection. However, mice lacking IL-17C or IL-17RE cleared C. albicans infections in the oral mucosa, skin and bloodstream at rates similar to WT littermate controls. Moreover, these mice demonstrated similar gene transcription profiles and recovery kinetics as WT animals. These findings indicate that IL-17C and IL-17RE are dispensable for immunity to the forms of candidiasis evaluated, and illustrate a surprisingly limited specificity of the IL-17 family of cytokines with respect to systemic, oral and cutaneous Candida infections.

  15. Signaling through IL-17C/IL-17RE Is Dispensable for Immunity to Systemic, Oral and Cutaneous Candidiasis (United States)

    Conti, Heather R.; Whibley, Natasha; Coleman, Bianca M.; Garg, Abhishek V.; Jaycox, Jillian R.; Gaffen, Sarah L.


    Candida albicans is a commensal fungal microbe of the human orogastrointestinal tract and skin. C. albicans causes multiple forms of disease in immunocompromised patients, including oral, vaginal, dermal and disseminated candidiasis. The cytokine IL-17 (IL-17A) and its receptor subunits, IL-17RA and IL-17RC, are required for protection to most forms of candidiasis. The importance of the IL-17R pathway has been observed not only in knockout mouse models, but also in humans with rare genetic mutations that impact generation of Th17 cells or the IL-17 signaling pathway, including Hyper-IgE Syndrome (STAT3 or TYK2 mutations) or IL17RA or ACT1 gene deficiency. The IL-17 family of cytokines is a distinct subclass of cytokines with unique structural and signaling properties. IL-17A is the best-characterized member of the IL-17 family to date, but far less is known about other IL-17-related cytokines. In this study, we sought to determine the role of a related IL-17 cytokine, IL-17C, in protection against oral, dermal and disseminated forms of C. albicans infection. IL-17C signals through a heterodimeric receptor composed of the IL-17RA and IL-17RE subunits. We observed that IL-17C mRNA was induced following oral C. albicans infection. However, mice lacking IL-17C or IL-17RE cleared C. albicans infections in the oral mucosa, skin and bloodstream at rates similar to WT littermate controls. Moreover, these mice demonstrated similar gene transcription profiles and recovery kinetics as WT animals. These findings indicate that IL-17C and IL-17RE are dispensable for immunity to the forms of candidiasis evaluated, and illustrate a surprisingly limited specificity of the IL-17 family of cytokines with respect to systemic, oral and cutaneous Candida infections. PMID:25849644

  16. The role of interleukin-5 (IL-5 in vivo: studies with IL-5 deficient mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaus I Matthaei


    Full Text Available Eosinophil recruitment is a characteristic feature of a number of pathological conditions and was the topic of the recent International Symposium on allergic inflammation, asthma, parasitic and infectious diseases (Rio de Janeiro, June 3-5, 1996. Since interleukin5 (IL5 is believed to regulate the growth, differentiation and activation of eosinophils (Coffman et al. 1989, Sanderson 1992, the role of eosinophils and IL5 are closely linked. Although IL5 specifically regulates eosinophilia in vivo and this is its most well established activity, it is becoming clear that IL5 also has other biological effects. The recent derivation of an IL5 deficient mouse (Kopf et al. 1996, provides a model for exploring not only the role of IL5 and eosinophils but also other novel activities of IL5. Of note is that although the IL5 deficient mice cannot elicit a pronounced eosinophilia in response to inflammatory stimulation following aeroallergen challenge or parasite infection they still produce basal levels of eosinophils that appear to be morphologically and functionally normal. However, the basal levels of eosinophils appear insufficient for normal host defence as IL5 deficiency has now been shown to compromise defence against several helminth infections. In addition, IL5 deficient mice appear to have functional deficiencies in B-1 B lymphocytes and in IgA production.

  17. Predictive value of IL-35 and IL-17 in diagnosis of childhood asthma. (United States)

    Mansour, Amira Ibrahim; Abd Almonaem, Eman Rateb; Behairy, Ola Galal; Gouda, Tahany Mahmoud


    This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between serum levels of IL-17 and IL-35 and the presence and severity of childhood asthma. The study was performed on 60 diagnosed asthmatic children, who were further classified into four groups according to the Global Initiative for Asthma Guidelines for Asthma Severity and Control (GINA) 2016, plus 30 age- and sex-matched apparently healthy children. All participants were subjected to full medical history, clinical examination, pulmonary function tests and laboratory evaluation in the form of complete blood count (CBC), serum total IgE, IL-17 and IL-35 by ELISA. Our results revealed that eosinophils count, IgE and IL-17 were significantly higher in the asthmatic group than the control group (p 13.1 pg/mL; this value could predict childhood asthma with sensitivity of 81.7% and 83.3%, and specificity of 76.7% and 70%, respectively. A combination of both cytokines yielded an increase in sensitivity to 95%. In conclusion, in the current study, IL-17 is upregulated while IL-35 is downregulated in childhood asthma with a significant negative correlation between both. These results suggest that both may play an important role in the pathogenesis of childhood asthma.

  18. Interleukin (IL)-23 mediates Toxoplasma gondii-induced immunopathology in the gut via matrixmetalloproteinase-2 and IL-22 but independent of IL-17

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muñoz, Melba; Heimesaat, Markus M; Danker, Kerstin


    Peroral infection with Toxoplasma gondii leads to the development of small intestinal inflammation dependent on Th1 cytokines. The role of Th17 cells in ileitis is unknown. We report interleukin (IL)-23-mediated gelatinase A (matrixmetalloproteinase [MMP]-2) up-regulation in the ileum of infected...... mice. MMP-2 deficiency as well as therapeutic or prophylactic selective gelatinase blockage protected mice from the development of T. gondii-induced immunopathology. Moreover, IL-23-dependent up-regulation of IL-22 was essential for the development of ileitis, whereas IL-17 was down...

  19. Genetic regulation of IL1RL1 methylation and IL1RL1-a protein levels in asthma. (United States)

    Dijk, F Nicole; Xu, Chengjian; Melén, Erik; Carsin, Anne-Elie; Kumar, Asish; Nolte, Ilja M; Gruzieva, Olena; Pershagen, Goran; Grotenboer, Neomi S; Savenije, Olga E M; Antó, Josep Maria; Lavi, Iris; Dobaño, Carlota; Bousquet, Jean; van der Vlies, Pieter; van der Valk, Ralf J P; de Jongste, Johan C; Nawijn, Martijn C; Guerra, Stefano; Postma, Dirkje S; Koppelman, Gerard H


    Interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 ( IL1RL1 ) is an important asthma gene. (Epi)genetic regulation of IL1RL1 protein expression has not been established. We assessed the association between IL1RL1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), IL1RL1 methylation and serum IL1RL1-a protein levels, and aimed to identify causal pathways in asthma.Associations of IL1RL1 SNPs with asthma were determined in the Dutch Asthma Genome-wide Association Study cohort and three European birth cohorts, BAMSE (Children/Barn, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, an Epidemiological survey), INMA (Infancia y Medio Ambiente) and PIAMA (Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy), participating in the Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy study. We performed blood DNA IL1RL1 methylation quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis (n=496) and (epi)genome-wide protein QTL analysis on serum IL1RL1-a levels (n=1462). We investigated the association of IL1RL1 CpG methylation with asthma (n=632) and IL1RL1-a levels (n=548), with subsequent causal inference testing. Finally, we determined the association of IL1RL1-a levels with asthma and its clinical characteristics (n=1101). IL1RL1 asthma-risk SNPs strongly associated with IL1RL1 methylation (rs1420101; p=3.7×10 -16 ) and serum IL1RL1-a levels (p=2.8×10 -56 ). IL1RL1 methylation was not associated with asthma or IL1RL1-a levels. IL1RL1-a levels negatively correlated with blood eosinophil counts, whereas there was no association between IL1RL1-a levels and asthma.In conclusion, asthma-associated IL1RL1 SNPs strongly regulate IL1RL1 methylation and serum IL1RL1-a levels, yet neither these IL1RL1- methylation CpG sites nor IL1RL1-a levels are associated with asthma. Copyright ©ERS 2018.

  20. Regulation of IL-6 and IL-8 production by reciprocal cell-to-cell interactions between tumor cells and stromal fibroblasts through IL-1α in ameloblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuchigami, Takao; Kibe, Toshiro; Koyama, Hirofumi; Kishida, Shosei; Iijima, Mikio; Nishizawa, Yoshiaki; Hijioka, Hiroshi; Fujii, Tomomi; Ueda, Masahiro; Nakamura, Norifumi; Kiyono, Tohru; Kishida, Michiko


    Highlights: • We studied the interaction between tumor cells and fibroblasts in ameloblastoma. • AM-3 ameloblastoma cells secreted significantly high IL-1α levels. • IL-1α derived from AM-3 cells promoted IL-6 and IL-8 secretion of fibroblasts. • IL-6 and IL-8 activated the cellular motility and proliferation of AM-3 cells. - Abstract: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic benign tumor that occurs in the jawbone, which invades bone and reoccurs locally. This tumor is treated by wide surgical excision and causes various problems, including changes in facial countenance and mastication disorders. Ameloblastomas have abundant tumor stroma, including fibroblasts and immune cells. Although cell-to-cell interactions are considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases, intercellular communications in ameloblastoma have not been fully investigated. In this study, we examined interactions between tumor cells and stromal fibroblasts via soluble factors in ameloblastoma. We used a human ameloblastoma cell line (AM-3 ameloblastoma cells), human fibroblasts (HFF-2 fibroblasts), and primary-cultured fibroblasts from human ameloblastoma tissues, and analyzed the effect of ameloblastoma-associated cell-to-cell communications on gene expression, cytokine secretion, cellular motility and proliferation. AM-3 ameloblastoma cells secreted higher levels of interleukin (IL)-1α than HFF-2 fibroblasts. Treatment with conditioned medium from AM-3 ameloblastoma cells upregulated gene expression and secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 of HFF-2 fibroblasts and primary-cultured fibroblast cells from ameloblastoma tissues. The AM3-stimulated production of IL-6 and IL-8 in fibroblasts was neutralized by pretreatment of AM-3 cells with anti-IL-1α antibody and IL-1 receptor antagonist. Reciprocally, cellular motility of AM-3 ameloblastoma cells was stimulated by HFF-2 fibroblasts in IL-6 and IL-8 dependent manner. In conclusion, ameloblastoma cells and stromal fibroblasts behave

  1. Regulation of IL-6 and IL-8 production by reciprocal cell-to-cell interactions between tumor cells and stromal fibroblasts through IL-1α in ameloblastoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuchigami, Takao [Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Kibe, Toshiro [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Koyama, Hirofumi; Kishida, Shosei; Iijima, Mikio [Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Nishizawa, Yoshiaki [Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Hijioka, Hiroshi; Fujii, Tomomi [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Ueda, Masahiro [Natural Science Centre for Research and Education, Kagoshima University, 1-21-24 Koorimoto, Kagoshima 890-8580 (Japan); Nakamura, Norifumi [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan); Kiyono, Tohru [Department of Virology, National Cancer Center Research Institute, 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuouku, Tokyo 104-0045 (Japan); Kishida, Michiko, E-mail: [Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544 (Japan)


    Highlights: • We studied the interaction between tumor cells and fibroblasts in ameloblastoma. • AM-3 ameloblastoma cells secreted significantly high IL-1α levels. • IL-1α derived from AM-3 cells promoted IL-6 and IL-8 secretion of fibroblasts. • IL-6 and IL-8 activated the cellular motility and proliferation of AM-3 cells. - Abstract: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic benign tumor that occurs in the jawbone, which invades bone and reoccurs locally. This tumor is treated by wide surgical excision and causes various problems, including changes in facial countenance and mastication disorders. Ameloblastomas have abundant tumor stroma, including fibroblasts and immune cells. Although cell-to-cell interactions are considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases, intercellular communications in ameloblastoma have not been fully investigated. In this study, we examined interactions between tumor cells and stromal fibroblasts via soluble factors in ameloblastoma. We used a human ameloblastoma cell line (AM-3 ameloblastoma cells), human fibroblasts (HFF-2 fibroblasts), and primary-cultured fibroblasts from human ameloblastoma tissues, and analyzed the effect of ameloblastoma-associated cell-to-cell communications on gene expression, cytokine secretion, cellular motility and proliferation. AM-3 ameloblastoma cells secreted higher levels of interleukin (IL)-1α than HFF-2 fibroblasts. Treatment with conditioned medium from AM-3 ameloblastoma cells upregulated gene expression and secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 of HFF-2 fibroblasts and primary-cultured fibroblast cells from ameloblastoma tissues. The AM3-stimulated production of IL-6 and IL-8 in fibroblasts was neutralized by pretreatment of AM-3 cells with anti-IL-1α antibody and IL-1 receptor antagonist. Reciprocally, cellular motility of AM-3 ameloblastoma cells was stimulated by HFF-2 fibroblasts in IL-6 and IL-8 dependent manner. In conclusion, ameloblastoma cells and stromal fibroblasts behave

  2. Increasing the biological activity of IL-2 and IL-15 through complexing with anti-IL-2 mAbs and Il-15Ralfa-Fc chimera

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Votavová, Petra; Tomala, Jakub; Kovář, Marek


    Roč. 195, č. 1 (2014), s. 1-10 ISSN 0165-2478 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP301/11/0325; GA MŠk(CZ) ED1.1.00/02.0109; GA ČR GA13-12885S Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : IL-2 * IL-15 * chimera Subject RIV: EC - Immunology Impact factor: 2.512, year: 2014

  3. Targeting the IL-33/IL-13 Axis for Respiratory Viral Infections. (United States)

    Donovan, Chantal; Bourke, Jane E; Vlahos, Ross


    Lung diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are highly prevalent worldwide. One of the major factors that limits the efficacy of current medication in these patients are viral infections, leading to exacerbations of symptoms and decreased quality of life. Current pharmacological strategies targeting virus-induced lung disease are problematic due to antiviral resistance and the requirement for strain-specific vaccination. Thus, new therapeutic strategies are urgently required. In this Opinion article, we provide state-of-the-art evidence from humans and preclinical animal models implicating the interleukin (IL)-33/IL-13 axis in virus-induced lung disease. Thus, targeting the IL-33/IL-13 axis may be a feasible way to overcome the limitations of current therapy used to treat virus-induced exacerbations of lung disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 ameliorates IL-1β-induced IL-8 in human gastric cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lian, Sen; Xia, Yong; Ung, Trong Thuan; Khoi, Pham Ngoc; Yoon, Hyun Joong; Kim, Nam Ho; Kim, Kyung Keun; Jung, Young Do


    Carbon monoxide (CO), a byproduct of heme oxygenase (HO), presents antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. Accumulating evidence supports that interleukin (IL)-8 contribute to the vascularity of human gastric cancer. However, the inhibition of IL-8 expression by CO is yet to be elucidated. Here, we utilized CO releasing molecule-2 (CORM-2) to investigate the effect of CO on IL-1β-induced IL-8 expression and the underlying molecular mechanisms in human gastric cancer AGS cells. CORM-2 dose-dependently suppressed IL-1β-induced IL-8 mRNA and protein expression as well as IL-8 promoter activity. IL-1β induced the translocation of p47 phox to activate reactive oxygen species (ROS)-producing NADPH oxidase (NOX). Moreover, IL-1β activated MAPKs (Erk1/2, JNK1/2, and p38 MAPK) and promoted nuclear factor (NF)-kB and activator protein (AP)-1 binding activities. Pharmacological inhibition and mutagenesis studies indicated that NOX, ROS, Erk1/2, and p38 MAPK are involved in IL-1β-induced IL-8 expression. Transient transfection of deletion mutant constructs of the IL-8 promoter in cells suggested that NF-kB and AP-1 are critical for IL-1β-induced IL-8 transcription. NOX-derived ROS and MAPKs (Erk1/2 and p38 MAPK) functioned as upstream activators of NF-κB and AP-1, respectively. CORM-2 pretreatment significantly mitigated IL-1β-induced activation of ROS/NF-kB and Erk1/2/AP-1 cascades, blocking IL-8 expression and thus significantly reducing endothelial cell proliferation in the tumor microenvironment.

  5. IL-4 and IL-13 Compromise the Sinonasal Epithelial Barrier and Perturb Intercellular Junction Protein Expression (United States)

    Wise, Sarah K.; Laury, Adrienne M.; Katz, Elizabeth H.; Den Beste, Kyle A.; Parkos, Charles A.; Nusrat, Asma


    Introduction Altered expression of epithelial intercellular junction proteins has been observed in sinonasal biopsies from nasal polyps and epithelial layers cultured from nasal polyp patients. These alterations comprise a “leaky” epithelial barrier phenotype. We hypothesize that Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 modulate epithelial junction proteins thereby contributing to the leaky epithelial barrier. Methods Differentiated primary sinonasal epithelial layers cultured at the air-liquid interface were exposed to IL-4, IL-13, and controls for 24 hours at 37°C. Epithelial resistance measurements were taken every 4 hours during cytokine exposure. Western blot and immunofluorescence staining/confocal microscopy were used to assess changes in a panel of tight and adherens junction proteins. Western blot densitometry was quantified with image analysis. Results IL-4 and IL-13 exposure resulted in a mean decrease in transepithelial resistance at 24 hours to 51.6% (n=6) and 68.6% (n=8) of baseline, respectively. Tight junction protein JAM-A expression decreased 42.2% with IL-4 exposure (n=9) and 37.5% with IL-13 exposure (n=9). Adherens junction protein E-cadherin expression decreased 35.3% with IL-4 exposure (n=9) and 32.9% with IL-13 exposure (n=9). Tight junction protein claudin-2 showed more variability but had a trend toward higher expression with Th2 cytokine exposure. There were no appreciable changes in claudin-1, occludin, or ZO-1 with IL-4 or IL-13 exposure. Conclusion Sinonasal epithelial exposure to Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 results in alterations in intercellular junction proteins, reflecting increased epithelial permeability. Such changes may explain some of the phenotypic manifestations of Th2-mediated sinonasal disease, such as edema, nasal discharge, and environmental reactivity. PMID:24510479

  6. Comparison of IL-6, IL-8 Concentrations in H. pylori- and non-H. pylori-associated Gastritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gontar Alamsyah Siregar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a non-invasive microorganism causing intense gastric mucosal inflammatory and immune reaction. The gastric mucosal levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Interleukin 6 (IL-6 and IL-8 have been reported to be increased in H. pylori infection, but the serum levels in H. pylori infection is still controversial. The purpose of this study was to investigate the serum levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in H. pylori infection. METHODS: A cross sectional study was done on eighty consecutive gastritis patients admitted to endoscopy units at Adam Malik General Hospital and Permata Bunda Hospital, Medan, Indonesia from May-October 2014. Histopathology was performed for the diagnosis of gastritis. Rapid urease test for diagnosis of H. pylori infection. Serum samples were obtained to determine circulating IL-6 and IL-8. Univariate and bivariate analysis (independent t test were done. RESULTS: There were 41.25% patients infected with H. pylori. Circulatory IL-6 levels were significantly higher in H. pylori-infected patients compared to H. pylori negative, but there were no differences between serum levels of IL-8 in H. pylori positive and negative patients. CONCLUSIONS: The immune response to H. pylori promotes systemic inflammation, which was reflected in an increased level of serum IL-6. Serum levels of IL-8 were not significantly different between H. pylori positive and negative. KEYWORDS: Helicobacter pylori, gastritis, IL-6, IL-8, cytokine.

  7. FuSuMaTech workshop

    CERN Multimedia

    Olofsson, Simon


    The goal of the FuSuMaTecH IP workshop, organised at CERN Ideaquare 19-20 April, was to educate superconductivity and magnet experts about intellectual property. About 30 participants from multiple institutes and companies worked together in this two day interactive program which was facilitated by CERN Knowledge Transfer. Great progress was made in shaping the FuSuMaTech industrial demonstrator projects as well as the R&D&I subjects.

  8. Signaling through IL-17C/IL-17RE is dispensable for immunity to systemic, oral and cutaneous candidiasis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heather R Conti

    Full Text Available Candida albicans is a commensal fungal microbe of the human orogastrointestinal tract and skin. C. albicans causes multiple forms of disease in immunocompromised patients, including oral, vaginal, dermal and disseminated candidiasis. The cytokine IL-17 (IL-17A and its receptor subunits, IL-17RA and IL-17RC, are required for protection to most forms of candidiasis. The importance of the IL-17R pathway has been observed not only in knockout mouse models, but also in humans with rare genetic mutations that impact generation of Th17 cells or the IL-17 signaling pathway, including Hyper-IgE Syndrome (STAT3 or TYK2 mutations or IL17RA or ACT1 gene deficiency. The IL-17 family of cytokines is a distinct subclass of cytokines with unique structural and signaling properties. IL-17A is the best-characterized member of the IL-17 family to date, but far less is known about other IL-17-related cytokines. In this study, we sought to determine the role of a related IL-17 cytokine, IL-17C, in protection against oral, dermal and disseminated forms of C. albicans infection. IL-17C signals through a heterodimeric receptor composed of the IL-17RA and IL-17RE subunits. We observed that IL-17C mRNA was induced following oral C. albicans infection. However, mice lacking IL-17C or IL-17RE cleared C. albicans infections in the oral mucosa, skin and bloodstream at rates similar to WT littermate controls. Moreover, these mice demonstrated similar gene transcription profiles and recovery kinetics as WT animals. These findings indicate that IL-17C and IL-17RE are dispensable for immunity to the forms of candidiasis evaluated, and illustrate a surprisingly limited specificity of the IL-17 family of cytokines with respect to systemic, oral and cutaneous Candida infections.

  9. IL-17 Induction by ArtinM is Due to Stimulation of IL-23 and IL-1 Release and/or Interaction with CD3 in CD4+ T Cells. (United States)

    da Silva, Thiago Aparecido; Mariano, Vania Sammartino; Sardinha-Silva, Aline; de Souza, Maria Aparecida; Mineo, Tiago Wilson Patriarca; Roque-Barreira, Maria Cristina


    ArtinM is a D-mannose-binding lectin extracted from the seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus that interacts with TLR2 N-glycans and activates antigen-presenting cells (APCs), as manifested by IL-12 production. In vivo ArtinM administration induces Th1 immunity and confers protection against infection with several intracellular pathogens. In the murine model of Candida albicans infection, it was verified that, in addition to Th1, ArtinM induces Th17 immunity manifested by high IL-17 levels in the treated animals. Herein, we investigated the mechanisms accounting for the ArtinM-induced IL-17 production. We found that ArtinM stimulates the IL-17 production by spleen cells in BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice, a response that was significantly reduced in the absence of IL-23, MyD88, or IL-1R. Furthermore, we showed that ArtinM directly induced the IL-23 mRNA expression and the IL-1 production by macrophages. Consistently, in cell suspensions depleted of macrophages, the IL-17 production stimulated by ArtinM was reduced by 53% and the exogenous IL-23 acted synergistically with ArtinM in promoting IL-17 production by spleen cell suspensions. We verified that the absence of IL-23, IL-1R, or MyD88 inhibited, but did not block, the IL-17 production by ArtinM-stimulated spleen cells. Therefore, we investigated whether ArtinM exerts a direct effect on CD4+ T cells in promoting IL-17 production. Indeed, spleen cell suspensions depleted of CD4+ T cells responded to ArtinM with very low levels of IL-17 release. Likewise, isolated CD4+ T cells under ArtinM stimulus augmented the expression of TGF-β mRNA and released high levels of IL-17. Considering the observed synergism between IL-23 and ArtinM, we used cells from IL-23 KO mice to assess the direct effect of lectin on CD4+ T cells. We verified that ArtinM increased the IL-17 production significantly, a response that was inhibited when the CD4+ T cells were pre-incubated with anti-CD3 antibody. In conclusion, ArtinM stimulates the production

  10. IL-17 Induction by ArtinM is Due to Stimulation of IL-23 and IL-1 Release and/or Interaction with CD3 in CD4+ T Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Aparecido da Silva

    Full Text Available ArtinM is a D-mannose-binding lectin extracted from the seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus that interacts with TLR2 N-glycans and activates antigen-presenting cells (APCs, as manifested by IL-12 production. In vivo ArtinM administration induces Th1 immunity and confers protection against infection with several intracellular pathogens. In the murine model of Candida albicans infection, it was verified that, in addition to Th1, ArtinM induces Th17 immunity manifested by high IL-17 levels in the treated animals. Herein, we investigated the mechanisms accounting for the ArtinM-induced IL-17 production. We found that ArtinM stimulates the IL-17 production by spleen cells in BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice, a response that was significantly reduced in the absence of IL-23, MyD88, or IL-1R. Furthermore, we showed that ArtinM directly induced the IL-23 mRNA expression and the IL-1 production by macrophages. Consistently, in cell suspensions depleted of macrophages, the IL-17 production stimulated by ArtinM was reduced by 53% and the exogenous IL-23 acted synergistically with ArtinM in promoting IL-17 production by spleen cell suspensions. We verified that the absence of IL-23, IL-1R, or MyD88 inhibited, but did not block, the IL-17 production by ArtinM-stimulated spleen cells. Therefore, we investigated whether ArtinM exerts a direct effect on CD4+ T cells in promoting IL-17 production. Indeed, spleen cell suspensions depleted of CD4+ T cells responded to ArtinM with very low levels of IL-17 release. Likewise, isolated CD4+ T cells under ArtinM stimulus augmented the expression of TGF-β mRNA and released high levels of IL-17. Considering the observed synergism between IL-23 and ArtinM, we used cells from IL-23 KO mice to assess the direct effect of lectin on CD4+ T cells. We verified that ArtinM increased the IL-17 production significantly, a response that was inhibited when the CD4+ T cells were pre-incubated with anti-CD3 antibody. In conclusion, Artin

  11. Dall’economia della cultura al management per il patrimonio culturale: presupposti di lavoro e ricerca / From cultural economics to cultural heritage management: work and research assumptions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mara Cerquetti


    Full Text Available Dopo aver indagato le possibili ragioni e gli equivoci che ancora oggi continuano troppo spesso a tenere l’economia lontana dal “tempio” della cultura, il presente contributo cerca in primis di chiarire il significato di alcuni termini oggetto degli studi (cultura ed economia, ma anche marketing ed azienda, focalizzandosi sulle differenze tra le arti (visual arts e performing arts e il patrimonio culturale, per poi prendere in esame l’approccio che gli studi economici hanno avuto con il tema. Lungi dal voler effettuare un’esaustiva ricognizione della letteratura sull’argomento, verranno analizzati i principali topics e i nodi del dibattito a livello internazionale e nazionale, individuando i progressi fatti, ma senza tacere gli argomenti di studio e discussione ancora scarsamente indagati, affinché le scienze manageriali possano contribuire utilmente alla tutela e alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale italiano e alla soluzione delle difficoltà incontrate nella gestione ordinaria. After analysing the possible reasons and misunderstandings which still today leave the economics outside the “temple” of culture, this paper tries to clarify the meaning of some terms which are the object of study (culture and economics, marketing and business. We will focus on differences between arts (visual arts and performing arts and cultural heritage, in order to examine the economical approach to culture. We will not make an exhaustive reconnaissance of the literature on this matter, but analyse the topics and problems that scholars have dealt with and cruxes of the debate on an international and national level. We will identify progresses, without neglecting topics of study and discussion which have not been sufficiently investigated. Therefore business economics could usefully contribute to the preservation and enhancement of Italia cultural heritage and to the solution of management needs .

  12. Differential expression of IL-6/IL-6R and MAO-A regulates invasion/angiogenesis in breast cancer. (United States)

    Bharti, Rashmi; Dey, Goutam; Das, Anjan Kumar; Mandal, Mahitosh


    Monoamine oxidases (MAO) are mitochondrial enzymes functioning in oxidative metabolism of monoamines. The action of MAO-A has been typically described in neuro-pharmacological domains. Here, we have established a co-relation between IL-6/IL-6R and MAO-A and their regulation in hypoxia induced invasion/angiogenesis. We employed various in-vitro and in-vivo techniques and clinical samples. We studied a co-relation among MAO-A and IL-6/IL-6R and tumour angiogenesis/invasion in hypoxic environment in breast cancer model. Activation of IL-6/IL-6R and its downstream was found in hypoxic cancer cells. This elevation of IL-6/IL-6R caused sustained inhibition of MAO-A in hypoxic environment. Inhibition of IL-6R signalling or IL-6R siRNA increased MAO-A activity and inhibited tumour angiogenesis and invasion significantly in different models. Further, elevation of MAO-A with 5-azacytidine (5-Aza) modulated IL-6 mediated angiogenesis and invasive signatures including VEGF, MMPs and EMT in hypoxic breast cancer. High grade invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) clinical specimen displayed elevated level of IL-6R and depleted MAO-A expression. Expression of VEGF and HIF-1α was unregulated and loss of E-Cadherin was observed in high grade IDC tissue specimen. Suppression of MAO-A by IL-6/IL-6R activation promotes tumour angiogenesis and invasion in hypoxic breast cancer environment.

  13. Upbeat nystagmus in anti-Ma2 encephalitis. (United States)

    Garcia-Reitboeck, Pablo; Thompson, Graham; Johns, Paul; Al Wahab, Yasir; Omer, Salah; Griffin, Colette


    Anti-Ma2 encephalitis is a paraneoplastic disorder characterised by brainstem and/or limbic involvement. Eye movement abnormalities can occur in this condition, often with confusion or somnolence. We describe a patient with progressive oscillopsia (with upbeat nystagmus) and unsteadiness, followed by acute pancreatitis. She did not respond to immunomodulatory treatment and subsequently died of complications related to pancreatitis and sepsis. There was no tumour identified at autopsy, but the anti-Ma2 antibodies in her serum and the discovery of a brainstem-predominant inflammatory infiltrate at autopsy strongly suggest a paraneoplastic disorder. Our case illustrates that upbeat nystagmus can be a predominant feature in anti-Ma2 encephalitis; clinicians should consider testing for anti-Ma2 antibodies in patients with upbeat nystagmus of unknown cause.

  14. The distribution of IL-13 receptor alpha1 expression on B cells, T cells and monocytes and its regulation by IL-13 and IL-4. (United States)

    Graber, P; Gretener, D; Herren, S; Aubry, J P; Elson, G; Poudrier, J; Lecoanet-Henchoz, S; Alouani, S; Losberger, C; Bonnefoy, J Y; Kosco-Vilbois, M H; Gauchat, J F


    To study the expression of IL-13 receptor alpha1 (IL-13Ralpha1), specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were generated. Surface expression of the IL-13Ralpha1 on B cells, monocytes and T cells was assessed by flow cytometry using these specific mAb. Among tonsillar B cells, the expression was the highest on the IgD+ CD38- B cell subpopulation which is believed to represent naive B cells. Expression was also detectable on a large fraction of the IgD-CD38- B cells but not on CD38+ B cells. Activation under conditions which promote B cell Ig class switching up-regulated the expression of the receptor. However, the same stimuli had an opposite effect for IL-13Ralpha1 expression levels on monocytes. While IL-13Ralpha1 mRNA was clearly detectable in T cell preparations, no surface expression was detected. However, permeabilization of the T cells showed a clear intracellular expression of the receptor. A soluble form of the receptor was immunoprecipitated from the supernatant of activated peripheral T cells, suggesting that T cell IL-13Ralpha1 might have functions unrelated to the capacity to form a type II IL-4/IL-13R with IL-4Ralpha.


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    Vera Matarese


    Full Text Available Quando, nel 1935, venne pubblicato il famoso articolo chiamato poi “EPR Paper” per le iniziali dei suoi autori - Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen -, la comunità scientifica dovette confrontarsi non solo con le manifeste provocazioni che il suo argomento voleva mostrare, ma anche con latenti problemi che sarebbero sbocciati più avanti in tutti i loro stridenti contrasti. L’incompletezza della meccanica quantistica, che l’“articolo EPR” si proponeva di dimostrare, poggiava infatti su un principio molto problematico, quello della località, che sarebbe esploso nell’esperimento prima concettuale di Bohm e poi sperimentale di Aspect. Ciò che questo articolo vuole delineare è lo sviluppo del problema della nonlocalità, dai suoi albori fino alla prova della sua effettiva esistenza nel mondo quantistico, dove, come ben ha dimostrato Bell, nulla possono fare le variabili nascoste per dissolvere la realtà nonlocale di alcuni fenomeni.

  16. The early IL-6 and IL-10 response in trauma is correlated with injury severity and mortality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stensballe, J; Christiansen, M; Tønnesen, E


    BACKGROUND: Trauma has previously been shown to influence interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 levels, but the association of injury severity and mortality with IL-6 and IL-10 responses in the early phase of accidental trauma remains to be investigated. We wished to describe serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10...... in the first 24 h after trauma and to assess the relationship with severity of injury and mortality. METHODS: Prospective, descriptive cohort study in a Level 1 trauma centre, Copenhagen, Denmark. We included 265 consecutive adult trauma patients admitted directly from the accident scene during an 18-month...... period. Serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were measured upon arrival and at 6, 12, and 24 h after admittance using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Correlation analysis was used to assess the relationship between Injury Severity Score (ISS) and levels of IL-6 and IL-10. Analysis of variance was used...

  17. Molecular and clinical diversity in paraneoplastic immunity to Ma proteins. (United States)

    Rosenfeld, M R; Eichen, J G; Wade, D F; Posner, J B; Dalmau, J


    Antibodies to Ma1 and Ma2 proteins identify a paraneoplastic disorder that affects the limbic system, brain stem, and cerebellum. Preliminary studies suggested the existence of other Ma proteins and different patterns of immune response associated with distinct neurologic symptoms and cancers. In this study, our aim was to isolate the full-length sequence of Ma2 and new family members, identify the major autoantigen of the disorder, and extend the dinical-immunological analysis to 29 patients. Sera from selected patients were used to probe a brainstem cDNA library and isolate the entire Ma2 gene and a new family member, Ma3. Ma3 mRNA is ubiquitously expressed in brain, testis, and several systemic tissues. The variable cellular expression of Ma proteins and analysis of protein motifs suggest that these proteins play roles in the biogenesis of mRNA. Immunoblot studies identify Ma2 as the major autoantigen with unique epitopes recognized by all patients' sera. Eighteen patients had antibodies limited to Ma2: they developed limbic, hypothalamic, and brainstem encephalitis, and 78% had germ-cell tumors of the testis. Eleven patients had antibodies to Ma2 and additional antibodies to Ma1 and/or Ma3; they usually developed additional cerebellar symptoms and more intense brainstem dysfunction, and 82% of these patients had tumors other than germ-cell neoplasms. Overall, 17 of 24 patients (71%) with brain magnetic resonance imaging studies had abnormalities within or outside the temporal lobes, some as contrast-enhancing nodular lesions. A remarkable finding of immunity to Ma proteins is that neurologic symptoms may improve or resolve. This improvement segregated to a group of patients with antibodies limited to Ma2.

  18. Association analysis of IL10, TNF-α and IL23R-IL12RB2 SNPs with Behçet's disease risk in Western Algeria

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    Ouahiba eKhaib Dit Naib


    Full Text Available Objective: We have conducted the first study of the association of interleukin (IL-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α and IL23R-IL12RB2 regionSNPswith Behçet's disease (BD in Western Algeria. Methods: A total of 51 BD patients and 96 unrelated controls from West region of Algeria were genotyped by direct sequencing for 11 SNPs including 2 SNPsfrom the IL10 promoter [c.-819T>C (rs1800871, c.-592A>C (rs1800872], 6 SNPs from the TNF-α promoter [c.-1211T>C (rs1799964, c.-1043C>A (rs1800630, c.-1037C>T (rs1799724, c.-556G>A (rs1800750, c.-488G>A (rs1800629 and c.-418G>A (rs361525], and 3 SNPs from the IL23R-IL12RB2 region [g.67747415A>C (rs12119179, g.67740092G>A (rs11209032 and g.67760140T>C (rs924080]. Results: The minor alleles c.-819T and c.-592A were significantly associated with BD (OR= 2.18; 95% CI 1.28-3.73, p = 0.003; whereas, there was weaker association between TNF-αpromoter SNPs or IL23R-IL12RB2 region and disease risk.Conclusion: Unlike the TNF-αand the IL23R-IL12RB2 region SNPs, the two IL10 SNPs were strongly associated with BD. The -819T, and -592A alleles and the -819TT, -819CT, and -592AA and -592CA genotypes seem to be highly involved in the risk of developing of BD in the population of Western Algeria.

  19. Ėtude sur l’alimentation du poulet de chaire à base du maïs Zenata et Ain kebira




    Résume L’aliment représente 70% du cout de production dans l’élevage de poulet de chair, il est donc important d’accorder une attention particulière à ce paramètre. Ce dernier est le premier poste intervenant dans le prix de revient du poulet de chair. La supplémentation de l’aliment du poulet en 2 5% de maïs durant le démarrage et croissance permet aussi de réduire le cout d’élevage et d’améliorer le poids a l’abattage. Study chair of chicken feed made of corn Summ...

  20. In vitro progesterone modulation on bacterial endotoxin-induced production of IL-1β, TNFα, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, MIP-1α, and MMP-9 in pre-labor human term placenta. (United States)

    Garcia-Ruíz, G; Flores-Espinosa, P; Preciado-Martínez, E; Bermejo-Martínez, L; Espejel-Nuñez, A; Estrada-Gutierrez, G; Maida-Claros, R; Flores-Pliego, A; Zaga-Clavellina, Veronica


    During human pregnancy, infection/inflammation represents an important factor that increases the risk of developing preterm labor. The purpose of this study was to determine if pre-treatment with progesterone has an immunomodulatory effect on human placenta production of endotoxin-induced inflammation and degradation of extracellular matrix markers. Placentas were obtained under sterile conditions from pregnancies delivered at term before the onset of labor by cesarean section. Explants from central cotyledons of 10 human placentas were pre-treated with different concentrations of progesterone (0.01, 01, 1.0 μM) and then stimulated with 1000 ng/mL of LPS of Escherichia coli. Cytokines TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1α, IL-10 concentrations in the culture medium were then measured by specific ELISA. Secretion profile of MMP-9 was evaluated by ELISA and zymogram. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA followed by the appropriate ad hoc test; P progesterone significantly blunted (73, 56, 56, 75, 25, 48 %) the secretion of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1α, IL-10, respectively. The MMP-9 induced by LPS treatment was inhibited only with the highest concentration of progesterone. Mifepristone (RU486) blocked the immunosuppressive effect of progesterone. The present results support the concept that progesterone could be part of the compensatory mechanism that limits the inflammation-induced cytotoxic effects associated with an infection process during gestation.

  1. IL-13 and the IL-13 receptor as therapeutic targets for asthma and allergic disease. (United States)

    Mitchell, Jesse; Dimov, Vesselin; Townley, Robert G


    It is widely accepted that T-helper 2 cell (Th2) cytokines play an important role in the maintenance of asthma and allergy. Emerging evidence has highlighted the role of IL-13 in the pathogenesis of these diseases. In particular, IL-13 is involved in the regulation of IgE synthesis, mucus hypersecretion, subepithelial fibrosis and eosinophil infiltration, and has been associated with the regulation of certain chemokine receptors, notably CCR5. Thus, targeting IL-13 and its associated receptors may be a therapeutic approach to the treatment of asthma and/or allergy. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are researching various strategies, based on this approach, aimed at binding IL-13, increasing the level of the IL-13 decoy receptor, IL-13Ralpha2, or blocking the effect of the chemokine receptor CCR5. This review focuses on the therapeutic potential of anti-IL-13 agents and their role in the treatment of asthma and allergy.

  2. IL26 gene inactivation in Equidae. (United States)

    Shakhsi-Niaei, M; Drögemüller, M; Jagannathan, V; Gerber, V; Leeb, T


    Interleukin-26 (IL26) is a member of the IL10 cytokine family. The IL26 gene is located between two other well-known cytokines genes of this family encoding interferon-gamma (IFNG) and IL22 in an evolutionary conserved gene cluster. In contrast to humans and most other mammals, mice lack a functional Il26 gene. We analyzed the genome sequences of other vertebrates for the presence or absence of functional IL26 orthologs and found that the IL26 gene has also become inactivated in several equid species. We detected a one-base pair frameshift deletion in exon 2 of the IL26 gene in the domestic horse (Equus caballus), Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii) and donkey (Equus asinus). The remnant IL26 gene in the horse is still transcribed and gives rise to at least five alternative transcripts. None of these transcripts share a conserved open reading frame with the human IL26 gene. A comparative analysis across diverse vertebrates revealed that the IL26 gene has also independently been inactivated in a few other mammals, including the African elephant and the European hedgehog. The IL26 gene thus appears to be highly variable, and the conserved open reading frame has been lost several times during mammalian evolution. © 2013 The Authors, Animal Genetics © 2013 Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics.

  3. Direct regulation of IL-2 by curcumin. (United States)

    Oh, Jin-Gyo; Hwang, Da-Jeong; Heo, Tae-Hwe


    Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a crucial growth factor for both regulatory and effector T cells. Thus, IL-2 plays a critical role in the stimulation and suppression of immune responses. Recently, anti-IL-2 antibodies (Abs) have been shown to possess strong IL-2 modulatory activities by affecting the interaction between IL-2 and IL-2 receptors. In this study, we screened an herbal library to identify a compound that regulates IL-2, which resulted in the identification of curcumin as a direct binder and inhibitor of IL-2. Curcumin is a phytochemical with well-known anti-cancer properties. In this study, curcumin mimicked or altered the binding pattern of anti-IL-2 Abs against IL-2 and remarkably inhibited the interaction of recombinant IL-2 with the IL-2 receptor α, CD25. Interestingly, curcumin neutralized the biological activities of IL-2 both in vitro and in vivo. In this report, we elucidated the unsolved mechanism of the anti-cancer effect of curcumin by identifying IL-2 as a direct molecular target. Curcumin, as a small molecule IL-2 modulator, has the potential to be used to treat IL-2 related pathologic conditions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Increased Circulating Th17 Cells, Serum IL-17A, and IL-23 in Takayasu Arteritis. (United States)

    Misra, Durga Prasanna; Chaurasia, Smriti; Misra, Ramnath


    Introduction. Th17, γδT, NK, and NKT cells in peripheral blood and serum IL-17 and IL-23 in Takayasu arteritis (TA) were measured and correlated with disease activity. Methods. Th17 (anti-CD3APC, CD4PECy7, and IL-17PE), NKT, NK (anti-CD3APC, CD56FITC), and γδT (anti-CD3FITC and γδTCRAPC) cells were enumerated by flow cytometry in peripheral blood of 30 patients with TA (ACR1990 criteria) and 20 healthy controls, serum IL-17 and IL-23 measured by ELISA. Relation with disease activity (NIH criteria, ITAS2010) was analyzed (using nonparametric tests, median with interquartile range). Results. Mean age of patients was 33.47 ± 11.78 years (25 females); mean symptom duration was 7.1 ± 5.3 years. 13 were not on immunosuppressants; 12 were active (ITAS2010 ≥ 4). The percentage of Th17 cells was significantly expanded in TA (patients 2.1 (1.5-3.2) versus controls 0.75 (0.32-1.2); p < 0.0001) with no differences in other cell populations. Serum IL-17 and IL-23 (pg/mL) in patients (6.2 (4.6-8.5) and 15 (14.9-26.5), resp.) were significantly higher (p < 0.001) than controls (3.9 (3.9-7.3) and undetectable median value, resp.). Subgroup analysis revealed no correlation of Th17 cells, serum IL-17, and IL-23 with disease activity or medications, nor any significant difference before and after medication. Conclusions. There is significant expansion of Th17 cells and elevated serum IL-17 and IL-23 levels in TA patients compared to healthy controls.

  5. Macrophages as IL-25/IL-33-responsive cells play an important role in the induction of type 2 immunity.

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    Zhonghan Yang

    Full Text Available Type 2 immunity is essential for host protection against nematode infection but is detrimental in allergic inflammation or asthma. There is a major research focus on the effector molecules and specific cell types involved in the initiation of type 2 immunity. Recent work has implicated an important role of epithelial-derived cytokines, IL-25 and IL-33, acting on innate immune cells that are believed to be the initial sources of type 2 cytokines IL-4/IL-5/IL-13. The identities of the cell types that mediate the effects of IL-25/IL-33, however, remain to be fully elucidated. In the present study, we demonstrate that macrophages as IL-25/IL-33-responsive cells play an important role in inducing type 2 immunity using both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Macrophages produced type 2 cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 in response to the stimulation of IL-25/IL-33 in vitro, or were the IL-13-producing cells in mice administrated with exogenous IL-33 or infected with Heligmosomoides bakeri. In addition, IL-33 induced alternative activation of macrophages primarily through autocrine IL-13 activating the IL-4Rα-STAT6 pathway. Moreover, depletion of macrophages attenuated the IL-25/IL-33-induced type 2 immunity in mice, while adoptive transfer of IL-33-activated macrophages into mice with a chronic Heligmosomoides bakeri infection induced worm expulsion accompanied by a potent type 2 protective immune response. Thus, macrophages represent a unique population of the innate immune cells pivotal to type 2 immunity and a potential therapeutic target in controlling type 2 immunity-mediated inflammatory pathologies.

  6. Association between genes encoding components of the IL-4/IL-4 receptor pathway and dermatitis in children. (United States)

    Hussein, Yousri M; Shalaby, Sally M; Nassar, Amani; Alzahrani, Saad S; Alharbi, Ayman S; Nouh, Maha


    To determine whether IL-4, IL-4Rα and STAT6 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to dermatitis in Egyptian children. We genotyped three groups of children, consisting of 106 atopic dermatitis (AD) children, 95 non-AD children, and 100 of healthy controls, for IL-4 (-590 C/T), (-33 C/T), IL-4Rα (I50V), (Q576R) and STAT6 (2964 G/A), (2892 C/T) gene polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP assay. Total serum IgE and serum IL-4 levels were detected by ELISA. There was a non-significant association of IL-4 -590 C/T, -33 C/T polymorphisms in the children with non-AD or those with AD when compared with the controls. We identified a significant association between IL-4Rα I50V, Q576R polymorphisms and dermatitis susceptibility in AD (p=0.002, dermatitis was found. Patients who were carriers of IL4 -590C, IL-4Rα I50V G, STAT6 2964 A and STAT6 2892 T had an increased risk of AD [OR and 95% CI: 3.2 (2.5-4.2), p=0.005]. Furthermore, there was no relation between each polymorphism and serum IL-4 level (p>0.05 for each) while homozygosity for the risk alleles of IL-4, IL-4Rα and STAT6 SNPs were significantly associated with increased total IgE levels in all subjects. In Egyptian children, the IL-4Rα and the STAT6 polymorphism may play a role in susceptibility to AD. In addition, gene-gene interaction between the IL-4, the IL-4Rα and the STAT6 significantly increases an individual's susceptibility to AD. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. IFN-gamma Impairs Release of IL-8 by IL-1beta-stimulated A549 Lung Carcinoma Cells

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    Pfeilschifter Josef


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Production of interferon (IFN-γ is key to efficient anti-tumor immunity. The present study was set out to investigate effects of IFNγ on the release of the potent pro-angiogenic mediator IL-8 by human A549 lung carcinoma cells. Methods A549 cells were cultured and stimulated with interleukin (IL-1β alone or in combination with IFNγ. IL-8 production by these cells was analyzed with enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA. mRNA-expression was analyzed by real-time PCR and RNase protection assay (RPA, respectively. Expression of inhibitor-κ Bα, cellular IL-8, and cyclooxygenase-2 was analyzed by Western blot analysis. Results Here we demonstrate that IFNγ efficiently reduced IL-8 secretion under the influence of IL-1β. Surprisingly, real-time PCR analysis and RPA revealed that the inhibitory effect of IFNγ on IL-8 was not associated with significant changes in mRNA levels. These observations concurred with lack of a modulatory activity of IFNγ on IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation as assessed by cellular IκB levels. Moreover, analysis of intracellular IL-8 suggests that IFNγ modulated IL-8 secretion by action on the posttranslational level. In contrast to IL-8, IL-1β-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression and release of IL-6 were not affected by IFNγ indicating that modulation of IL-1β action by this cytokine displays specificity. Conclusion Data presented herein agree with an angiostatic role of IFNγ as seen in rodent models of solid tumors and suggest that increasing T helper type 1 (Th1-like functions in lung cancer patients e.g. by local delivery of IFNγ may mediate therapeutic benefit via mechanisms that potentially include modulation of pro-angiogenic IL-8.

  8. Evaluating ESWL-induced renal injury based on urinary TNF-α, IL-1α, and IL-6 levels. (United States)

    Goktas, Cemal; Coskun, Abdurrahman; Bicik, Zerrin; Horuz, Rahim; Unsal, Ibrahim; Serteser, Mustafa; Albayrak, Selami; Sarıca, Kemal


    Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) has dramatically changed the treatment of urinary lithiasis and has been the first treatment option for the majority of patients for more than two decades. Despite its significant benefits, it induces acute renal injury that extends from the papilla to the outer cortex. We evaluated the severity of the inflammatory response to ESWL by measuring the urinary excretion of the cytokines TNF-α, IL-1α, and IL-6. The study included 21 selected patients and 14 control subjects. All patients underwent the same ESWL procedure (2,500 shockwaves at 100 shockwaves/min and 0.039 J from the lithotripter). Urine TNF-α, IL-1α, and IL-6 levels were measured using standard ELISA kits. In the study population (patients and controls), we did not detect TNF-α in the urine samples. The levels of both IL-1α (2.5 pg/ml) and IL-6 (3.8 pg/ml) measured before ESWL were not significantly different from the control group (2.5 and 5.2 pg/ml, respectively; p > 0.05). Twenty-four hours after ESWL, in contrast to IL-1α (4 pg/ml), urine IL-6 (19.7 pg/ml) increased significantly (p ESWL, IL-1α increased to 5 pg/ml, while IL-6 (7 pg/ml) decreased to the control level. Urine cytokine levels may be used to evaluate the inflammatory response to ESWL. After ESWL, IL-6 levels increased in the early phase, while IL-1α levels increased later. These two markers may be used to measure the severity of inflammation. In contrast to IL-1α and IL-6, urine TNF-α excretion was not increased by ESWL. We believe that the inflammatory response to ESWL can be detected by the urinary excretion of IL-1α for up to 14 days.

  9. Evaluation of IL-4, IL-17, and IFN-γ Levels in PatientsWith Breast Cancer

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    Mina Rohani Borj


    Full Text Available Introduction: Tumor growth depends on intrinsic properties of malignant tumor and tumor microenvironment. Cytokines are secreted substances of the tumor microenvironment which are widely produced by tumor and immune cells. The aim of this research was to evaluate concentrations of interleukin 4 (IL-4, interleukin 7 (IL-17 and interferon gamma (IFN-γ in the breast cancer microenvironment. Methods: One hundred sixteen women between 18-73 years of age (61.15 ± 24.39 were enrolled in this study. Based on pathologic diagnostic assessment, patients were divided into 2 categories: those affected with benign breast tumor, and the subjects suffering from malignant breast tumors. Biopsy specimens were collected. Following homogenization, IFN-γ, IL-17, and IL-4 concentrations were determined in tumor tissues, adjacent tissues of the tumor, and blood serum samples of these 2 groups of patients by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA method. Results: Concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-17, and IL-4 were measured in tumor tissue samples, adjacent tissues of the tumor, and blood serum samples in both groups. Malignant breast tumor samples had significantly higher concentrations of IL-4 and IL-17 compared with benign breast tumor samples. And also the concentration of IFN-γ in adjacent tissues of the tumor and in blood serums in patients with malignant breast tumors was significantly higher than that in the benign breast tumor samples. However, there was no significant difference between the concentration of IFN-γ in neoplastic breast tumor tissues and that in the benign breast tumor tissues (P > 0. 05. Conclusion: Our data indicated that IL-17 and IL-4 cytokines but not IFN-γ had higher concentrations in the subjects with malignant tumor compared with those with benign tumor. The present findings indicated that the concentrations of IL-4 and IL-17 in tumor tissues may be associated with the severity of breast malignancy.

  10. A preliminary study on the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of interleukin 4 (IL4, IL13, IL4 receptor alpha (IL4Rα & Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 genes with asthma in Indian adults

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    Parisa Davoodi


    Full Text Available Background & objectives: Interleukin 4 (IL4 and IL13 genes are believed to be responsible for inflammation of the airways in asthmatics. These share a common receptor component called IL4Rα which is another potentially important candidate gene linked to asthma phenotypes. Another gene Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 might affect the incidence or progression of asthma through the expression of proinflammatory genes. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in IL4, IL13, IL4Rα and TLR4 have been reported to be linked to asthma or related phenotypes in several ethnic populations using linkage studies and association studies. However, the results have not been consistent. We investigated five SNPs (C-589T and C-33T of IL4, G+2044A of IL13, A+1902G of IL4Rα, and A+896G of TLR4 in patients with adult onset asthma to evaluate their role in manifestation and severity of asthma. Methods: Adult (>18 yr of age patients with asthma (n=100 and healthy controls (n=50 were included in the study. Genotyping was performed using sequenom MassARRAY technology. Results: The mutant alleles of the C-589T and C-33T SNPs in the promoter region of IL4 were present in 4 per cent patients with asthma but absent from the control group suggesting that the variations in IL4 may contribute to asthma occurrence. The SNPs of other genes were seen in both controls and patients. Interpretation & conclusions: The results suggest the possible association between the genetic distribution of C-589T and C-33T SNPs of IL4 with asthma in Indian adults.

  11. IL-17 for therapy. (United States)

    Kurschus, Florian C; Moos, Sonja


    The cytokine IL-17 is now a target for an array of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies supposed to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases. The forerunner Secukinumab, an IL-17A neutralizing antibody, is meanwhile approved as first-line treatments for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, and as second-line treatment for psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Ixekizumab and Brodalumab, both also targeting the IL-17 pathway, were also recently approved by the FDA for plaque psoriasis. Using mice overexpressing IL-17A in a tissue of choice, we showed that the ectopic expression of this cytokine in keratinocytes resulted in a spontaneous and very strong form of psoriasis-like dermatitis. Interestingly, this model showed some typical comorbidities found in humans with psoriasis. In this review, we will discuss why IL-17 is a good target especially in psoriasis and what we learned from mouse models about its functions in pathological situations. Copyright © 2017 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Endogenous IL-1 in Cognitive Function and Anxiety: A Study in IL-1RI−/− Mice (United States)

    Murray, Carol L.; Obiang, Pauline; Bannerman, David; Cunningham, Colm


    Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a key pro-inflammatory cytokine, produced predominantly by peripheral immune cells but also by glia and some neuronal populations within the brain. Its signalling is mediated via the binding of IL-1α or IL-1β to the interleukin-1 type one receptor (IL-1RI). IL-1 plays a key role in inflammation-induced sickness behaviour, resulting in depressed locomotor activity, decreased exploration, reduced food and water intake and acute cognitive deficits. Conversely, IL-1 has also been suggested to facilitate hippocampal-dependent learning and memory: IL-1RI−/− mice have been reported to show deficits on tasks of visuospatial learning and memory. We sought to investigate whether there is a generalised hippocampal deficit in IL-1RI−/− animals. Therefore, in the current study we compared wildtype (WT) mice to IL-1RI−/− mice using a variety of hippocampal-dependent learning and memory tasks, as well as tests of anxiety and locomotor activity. We found no difference in performance of the IL-1RI−/− mice compared to WT mice in a T-maze working memory task. In addition, the IL-1RI−/− mice showed normal learning in various spatial reference memory tasks including the Y-maze and Morris mater maze, although there was a subtle deficit in choice behaviour in a spatial discrimination, beacon watermaze task. IL-1RI−/− mice also showed normal memory for visuospatial context in the contextual fear conditioning paradigm. In the open field, IL-1RI−/− mice showed a significant increase in distance travelled and rearing behaviour compared to the WT mice and in the elevated plus-maze spent more time in the open arms than did the WT animals. The data suggest that, contrary to prior studies, IL-1RI−/− mice are not robustly impaired on hippocampal-dependent memory and learning but do display open field hyperactivity and decreased anxiety compared to WT mice. The results argue for a careful evaluation of the roles of endogenous IL-1 in

  13. Preferential binding to Elk-1 by SLE-associated IL10 risk allele upregulates IL10 expression.

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    Daisuke Sakurai

    Full Text Available Immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10 is elevated in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE correlating with disease activity. The established association of IL10 with SLE and other autoimmune diseases led us to fine map causal variant(s and to explore underlying mechanisms. We assessed 19 tag SNPs, covering the IL10 gene cluster including IL19, IL20 and IL24, for association with SLE in 15,533 case and control subjects from four ancestries. The previously reported IL10 variant, rs3024505 located at 1 kb downstream of IL10, exhibited the strongest association signal and was confirmed for association with SLE in European American (EA (P = 2.7×10⁻⁸, OR = 1.30, but not in non-EA ancestries. SNP imputation conducted in EA dataset identified three additional SLE-associated SNPs tagged by rs3024505 (rs3122605, rs3024493 and rs3024495 located at 9.2 kb upstream, intron 3 and 4 of IL10, respectively, and SLE-risk alleles of these SNPs were dose-dependently associated with elevated levels of IL10 mRNA in PBMCs and circulating IL-10 protein in SLE patients and controls. Using nuclear extracts of peripheral blood cells from SLE patients for electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we identified specific binding of transcription factor Elk-1 to oligodeoxynucleotides containing the risk (G allele of rs3122605, suggesting rs3122605 as the most likely causal variant regulating IL10 expression. Elk-1 is known to be activated by phosphorylation and nuclear localization to induce transcription. Of interest, phosphorylated Elk-1 (p-Elk-1 detected only in nuclear extracts of SLE PBMCs appeared to increase with disease activity. Co-expression levels of p-Elk-1 and IL-10 were elevated in SLE T, B cells and monocytes, associated with increased disease activity in SLE B cells, and were best downregulated by ERK inhibitor. Taken together, our data suggest that preferential binding of activated Elk-1 to the IL10 rs3122605-G allele

  14. IL-4 enhances IL-10 production in Th1 cells: implications for Th1 and Th2 regulation. (United States)

    Mitchell, Ruth E; Hassan, Masriana; Burton, Bronwen R; Britton, Graham; Hill, Elaine V; Verhagen, Johan; Wraith, David C


    IL-10 is an immunomodulatory cytokine with a critical role in limiting inflammation in immune-mediated pathologies. The mechanisms leading to IL-10 expression by CD4 + T cells are being elucidated, with several cytokines implicated. We explored the effect of IL-4 on the natural phenomenon of IL-10 production by a chronically stimulated antigen-specific population of differentiated Th1 cells. In vitro, IL-4 blockade inhibited while addition of exogenous IL-4 to Th1 cultures enhanced IL-10 production. In the in vivo setting of peptide immunotherapy leading to a chronically stimulated Th1 phenotype, lack of IL-4Rα inhibited the induction of IL-10. Exploring the interplay of Th1 and Th2 cells through co-culture, Th2-derived IL-4 promoted IL-10 expression by Th1 cultures, reducing their pathogenicity in vivo. Co-culture led to upregulated c-Maf expression with no decrease in the proportion of T-bet + cells in these cultures. Addition of IL-4 also reduced the encephalitogenic capacity of Th1 cultures. These data demonstrate that IL-4 contributes to IL-10 production and that Th2 cells modulate Th1 cultures towards a self-regulatory phenotype, contributing to the cross-regulation of Th1 and Th2 cells. These findings are important in the context of Th1 driven diseases since they reveal how the Th1 phenotype and function can be modulated by IL-4.

  15. Studi d'idoneità ambientale su grande scala a fini conservazionistici: il caso del Capriolo italico nel P.N. del Pollino

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    Alessandro Massolo


    Full Text Available Nonostante la loro grande diffusione negli ultimi decenni, i modelli di valutazione ambientale (MVA trovano tuttoggi scarsa applicazione pratica. Molte difficoltà s?incontrano non solo nel loro concreto utilizzo, ma anche nella validazione e applicazione. Spesso, il problema fondamentale consiste nella difficoltà di reperire dati biologici e geografici su grande scala che siano attendibili e omogenei. La gestione spesso però richiede valutazioni su grande scala e il problema diventa quindi rilevante. Nel presente lavoro sono descritte alcune procedure di modellizzazione e verifica a partire dai risultati di uno studio condotto sul capriolo nel Parco Nazionale del Pollino. A tale scopo, sono state utilizzate due delle più diffuse tecniche statistiche multivariate (Analisi della Funzione Discriminante e Regressione Logistica, confrontando modelli formulati con e senza l?uso di indici di complessità del paesaggio come variabili predittive. L?analisi è stata condotta a grande scala compatibilmente con le stime delle dimensioni degli home range della specie. Lo sviluppo di più modelli ha permesso di verificare l?adeguatezza delle tecniche utilizzate e l?efficacia dei più comuni indici di paesaggio, nel predire la distribuzione della specie. Le analisi ambientali sono state effettuate mediante l?uso di ArcView 3.2 e della sua estensione Patch Analyst, a partire da cartografia informatizzata come la carta di uso del suolo Corine Land Cover e i punti quotati IGMI. I modelli sono stati formulati da un set di dati provenienti dell?Appennino centro-settentrionale e validati con un set di dati locali (area di distribuzione e avvistamenti diretti, raccolti tra il 2001 e il 2003. Il confronto tra i modelli si è basato sulle loro capacità di classificazione (sensitività e sensibilità. Gli indici di paesaggio sono risultati critici nel predire correttamente la distribuzione della specie. Nella fase di validazione sui dati di partenza 3 dei 4 modelli

  16. Marketing; Il marketing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muscigna, M [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione


    The report discusses marketing strategies oriented to the organizations and analyzes its critical factors, which determine the success of the organization activity. [Italian] Il rapporto analizza i caratteri delle strategie del marketing orientato all'impresa. Vengono infine analizzati i fattori critici che determinano il successo o l'insuccesso delle scelte aziendali.

  17. Construction of an expression system for bioactive IL-18 and generation of recombinant canine distemper virus expressing IL-18. (United States)

    Liu, Yuxiu; Sato, Hiroki; Hamana, Masahiro; Moonan, Navita Anisia; Yoneda, Misako; Xia, Xianzhu; Kai, Chieko


    Interleukin 18 (IL-18) plays an important role in the T-helper-cell type 1 immune response against intracellular parasites, bacteria and viral infections. It has been widely used as an adjuvant for vaccines and as an anticancer agent. However, IL-18 protein lacks a typical signal sequence and requires cleavage into its mature active form by caspase 1. In this study, we constructed mammalian expression vectors carrying cDNA encoding mature canine IL-18 (cIL-18) or mouse IL-18 (mIL-18) fused to the human IL-2 (hIL-2) signal sequence. The expressed proIL-18 proteins were processed to their mature forms in the cells. The supernatants of cells transfected with these plasmids induced high interferon-γ production in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells or mouse splenocytes, respectively, indicating the secretion of bioactive IL-18. Using reverse genetics, we also generated a recombinant canine distemper virus that expresses cIL-18 or mIL-18 fused to the hIL-2 signal sequence. As expected, both recombinant viruses produced mature IL-18 in the infected cells, which secreted bioactive IL-18. These results indicate that the signal sequence from hIL-2 is suitable for the secretion of mature IL-18. These recombinant viruses can also potentially be used as immunoadjuvants and agents for anticancer therapies in vivo.

  18. The role of IL-17 in psoriasis. (United States)

    Malakouti, Mona; Brown, Gabrielle Elena; Wang, Eva; Koo, John; Levin, Ethan C


    Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition traditionally believed to involve the Th1 pathway. Recently, the IL-23/Th17/IL-17 pathway has been highlighted in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and other autoimmune inflammatory conditions. From a clinician's perspective, we sought to review the basic science data relevant to IL-17's role in psoriasis pathogenesis. We performed a Pubmed and Web of Knowledge search for English articles starting from 1990 that discussed the Th17 pathway. Search terms such as "IL-17" and "psoriasis" were utilized. The IL-17 pathway is regulated by IL-23, a cytokine that is vital for the expansion and maintenance of the Th17 cell population. Th17 derived cytokines (IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-17A/F and IL-22) were elevated in both psoriasis-like murine models and human psoriatic lesional biopsies. Ixekizumab (anti-IL-17A) treatment of psoriasis was found to normalize levels of IL-17 downstream gene products. Both preclinical and clinical studies support the central role of IL-17 in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.

  19. Plasma cytokine profile in tropical endomyocardial fibrosis: predominance of TNF-a, IL-4 and IL-10.

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    Aline S Bossa

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The participation of immune/inflammatory mechanisms in the pathogenesis of tropical endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF has been suggested by the finding of early blood and myocardial eosinophilia. However, the inflammatory activation status of late-stage EMF patients is still unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We evaluated pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in plasma samples from late stage EMF patients. Cytokine levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-α, Interferon (IFN-γ, Interleukin (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 were assayed in plasma samples from 27 EMF patients and compared with those of healthy control subjects. All EMF patients displayed detectable plasma levels of at least one of the cytokines tested. We found that TNF-α, IL-6, IL-4, and IL-10 were each detected in at least 74% of tested sera, and plasma levels of IL-10, IL-4, and TNF-α were significantly higher than those of controls. Plasma levels of such cytokines positively correlated with each other. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The mixed pro- and anti-inflammatory/Th2circulating cytokine profile in EMF is consistent with the presence of a persistent inflammatory stimulus. On the other hand, the detection of increased levels of TNF-α may be secondary to the cardiovascular involvement observed in these patients, whereas IL-4 and IL-10 may have been upregulated as a homeostatic mechanism to buffer both production and deleterious cardiovascular effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Further studies might establish whether these findings play a role in disease pathogenesis.

  20. IL17eScan: A Tool for the Identification of Peptides Inducing IL-17 Response

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    Sudheer Gupta


    Full Text Available IL-17 cytokines are pro-inflammatory cytokines and are crucial in host defense against various microbes. Induction of these cytokines by microbial antigens has been investigated in the case of ischemic brain injury, gingivitis, candidiasis, autoimmune myocarditis, etc. In this study, we have investigated the ability of amino acid sequence of antigens to induce IL-17 response using machine-learning approaches. A total of 338 IL-17-inducing and 984 IL-17 non-inducing peptides were retrieved from Immune Epitope Database. 80% of the data were randomly selected as training dataset and rest 20% as validation dataset. To predict the IL-17-inducing ability of peptides/protein antigens, different sequence-based machine-learning models were developed. The performance of support vector machine (SVM and random forest (RF was compared with different parameters to predict IL-17-inducing epitopes (IIEs. The dipeptide composition-based SVM-model displayed an accuracy of 82.4% with Matthews correlation coefficient = 0.62 at polynomial (t = 1 kernel on 10-fold cross-validation and outperformed RF. Amino acid residues Leu, Ser, Arg, Asn, and Phe and dipeptides LL, SL, LK, IL, LI, NL, LR, FK, SF, and LE are abundant in IIEs. The present tool helps in the identification of IIEs using machine-learning approaches. The induction of IL-17 plays an important role in several inflammatory diseases, and identification of such epitopes would be of great help to the immunologists. It is freely available at and

  1. IL-1 receptor-antagonist (IL-1Ra) knockout mice show anxiety-like behavior by aging. (United States)

    Wakabayashi, Chisato; Numakawa, Tadahiro; Odaka, Haruki; Ooshima, Yoshiko; Kiyama, Yuji; Manabe, Toshiya; Kunugi, Hiroshi; Iwakura, Yoichiro


    Interleukin 1 (IL-1) plays a critical role in stress responses, and its mRNA is induced in the brain by restraint stress. Previously, we reported that IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) knockout (KO) mice, which lacked IL-1Ra molecules that antagonize the IL-1 receptor, showed anti-depression-like behavior via adrenergic modulation at the age of 8 weeks. Here, we report that IL-1Ra KO mice display an anxiety-like phenotype that is induced spontaneously by aging in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test. This anxiety-like phenotype was improved by the administration of diazepam. The expression of the anxiety-related molecule glucocorticoid receptor (GR) was significantly reduced in 20-week-old but not in 11-week-old IL-1Ra KO mice compared to wild-type (WT) littermates. The expression of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) was not altered between IL-1Ra KO mice and WT littermates at either 11 or 20 weeks old. Analysis of monoamine concentration in the hippocampus revealed that tryptophan, the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA), and the dopamine metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) were significantly increased in 20-week-old IL-1Ra KO mice compared to littermate WT mice. These findings strongly suggest that the anxiety-like behavior observed in older mice was caused by the complicated alteration of monoamine metabolism and/or GR expression in the hippocampus. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Marketing; Il marketing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muscigna, M. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione


    The report discusses marketing strategies oriented to the organizations and analyzes its critical factors, which determine the success of the organization activity. [Italian] Il rapporto analizza i caratteri delle strategie del marketing orientato all'impresa. Vengono infine analizzati i fattori critici che determinano il successo o l'insuccesso delle scelte aziendali.

  3. Viva il GIS Day!

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    Redazione Redazione


    Full Text Available Il GIS Day è sponsorizzato oltre che da ESRI, dalla National Geographic Society, dalla Association of American Geographers, dalla UCGIS (University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, dalla United States Geological Survey e dalla Library of Congress. Il tutto nasce nel corso della Geography Awareness Week, terza settimana di novembre che nel 1987 il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Ronald Reagan stabilì dovesse essere dedicata alla diffusione della cultura geografica.

  4. Il commercio estero dei paesi est europei e dell'URSS negli anni ottanta.(The foreign trade of Eastern European and USSR countries in the 1980s

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    Full Text Available Il commercio dei paesi europei e URSS orientale è caratterizzato da una fondamentale asimmetria . Da una parte , vi è commercio intra-area ( intra - COMECON che costituisce la parte prevalente ma è tuttavia meno importante per la crescita . D' altra parte, vi è il commercio con i paesi industrializzati ( est-ovest , che , anche se rappresenta una porzione più piccola , attraverso l'importazione di manufatti ad alto contenuto tecnologico , è fondamentale per il processo di accumulazione interna . Il presente lavoro analizza il commercio le due aree negli ultimi dieci anni . L'autore esamina le principali caratteristiche del commercio intra - Comecon , il commercio est-ovest , le riforme del commercio estero e il problema della convertibilità delle valute in Unione Sovietica .The trade of Eastern European and USSR countries is characterised by a fundamental asymmetry. On the one hand, there is intra-area trade (intra-COMECON which constitutes the prevalent part but is, however, less important for growth. On the other hand, there is trade with industrialised countries (east-west which, although it represents a smaller portion, through the importation of highly technological manufactured goods, is crucial to the process of internal accumulation. The present work analyses the trade to the two areas over the past decade. The author looks at the principal characteristics of intra-COMECON trade, east-west trade, foreign trade reforms and the problem of currency convertibility in the Soviet Union. JEL: F14, P23

  5. Analysis of IL-6, IL-10 and NF-κB Gene Polymorphisms in Aggressive and Chronic Periodontitis. (United States)

    Toker, Hülya; Görgün, Emine Pirim; Korkmaz, Ertan Mahir


    Pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6), demonstrated to be suppressed by interleukin-10 (IL-10) are known to be regulated by the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB). The aim of this study was to ascertain the association between genetic polymorphism of these genes (IL-6(-174), IL-10(-597) and NF-κB1-94ins/del)) and chronic/aggressive periodontitis. Forty-five patients with chronic periodontitis (CP), 58 patients with aggressive periodontitis (AP) and 38 periodontally healthy subjects were included in this study. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood samples. The NF-κB, IL-6, and IL-10 polymorphisms were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Among subjects for the ins/ins genotypes of NF-κB1 gene, the AA genotypes of IL-10 presented a higher frequency in chronic periodontitis group than in healthy controls (p=0.023). A statistically significant difference in genotyping frequencies between AP group and healthy controls was observed for the IL-6 gene. The AA genotype of IL-10 was overrepresented in CP and AP groups compared to healthy controls (OR=9.93, 95% CI: 2.11-46.7, OR=5.7, 95% CI: 1.22-26.89, respectively). Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that the IL-10 (-597) AA genotype is associated with susceptibility to chronic/aggressive periodontitis and IL-6 (-174) GG genotypes and G allele seems to be associated with aggressive periodontitis. Clinical relevance: The results of the current study indicate that IL-6 and IL-10 genotypes seem to be associated with aggressive periodontitis. Also, the AA genotypes of IL-10 presented a higher frequency in chronic periodontitis subjects with carrying NF-κB1 ins/ins genotypes. Copyright© by the National Institute of Public Health, Prague 2017

  6. IL-12 and IL-23 modulate plasticity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human Leprosy. (United States)

    Tarique, Mohd; Saini, Chaman; Naqvi, Raza Ali; Khanna, Neena; Sharma, Alpana; Rao, D N


    Leprosy is a bacterial disease caused by M. leprae. Its clinical spectrum reflects the host's immune response to the M. leprae and provide an ideal model to investigate the host pathogen interaction and immunological dysregulation. Tregs are high in leprosy patients and responsible for immune suppression of the host by producing IL-10 and TGF-β cytokines. In leprosy, plasticity of Tregs remain unstudied. This is the first study describing the conversion of Tregs into Th1-like and Th17-like cells using in vitro cytokine therapy in leprosy patients. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from leprosy patients were isolated and stimulated with M. leprae antigen (MLCwA), rIL-12 and rIL-23 for 48h. Expression of FoxP3 in CD4 + CD25 + Tregs, intracellular cytokines IFN-γ, TGF-β, IL-10 and IL-17 in Tregs cells were evaluated by flow cytometry (FACS) after stimulation. rIL-12 treatment increases the levels of pStat4 in Tregs and IFN-γ production. In the presence of rIL-23, pStat3 + and IL-17A + cells increase. rIL-12 and r-IL-23 treatment downregulated the FoxP3 expression, IL-10 and TGF-β production by Tregs and enhances the expression of co-stimulatory molecules (CD80, CD86). In conclusion rIL-12 converts Tregs into IFN-γ producing cells through STAT-4 signaling while rIL-23 converts Tregs into IL-17 producing cells through STAT-3 signaling in leprosy patients. This study may helpful to provide a new avenue to overcome the immunosuprression in leprosy patients using in vitro cytokine. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. IL-27 Activates Human Trophoblasts to Express IP-10 and IL-6: Implications in the Immunopathophysiology of Preeclampsia

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    Nanlin Yin


    Full Text Available Purpose. To investigate the effects of IL-27 on human trophoblasts and the underlying regulatory signaling mechanisms in preeclampsia. Methods. The expression of IL-27 and IL-27 receptor (WSX-1 was studied in the placenta or sera from patients with preeclampsia. In vitro, we investigated the effects of IL-27 alone or in combination with inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α on the proinflammatory activation of human trophoblast cells (HTR-8/SVneo and the underlying intracellular signaling molecules. Results. The expression of IL-27 and IL-27 receptor α (WSX-1 was significantly elevated in the trophoblastic cells from the placenta of patients with preeclampsia compared with control specimens. In vitro, IL-27 could induce the expression of inflammatory factors IFN-γ-inducible protein 10 (CXCL10/IP-10 and IL-6 in trophoblasts, and a synergistic effect was observed in the combined treatment of IL-27 and TNF-α on the release of IP-10 and IL-6. Furthermore, the production of IP-10 and IL-6 stimulated by IL-27 was differentially regulated by intracellular activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-OH kinase-AKT, p38MAPK, and JAK/STAT pathways. Conclusions. These results provide a new insight into the IL-27-activated immunopathological effects mediated by distinct intracellular signal transduction molecules in preeclampsia.

  8. Expressions of TNF-α, IL-1α and IL-6 in bronchiolar epithelium after thoracic irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Kunyu; Hu Yu; Ruebe Claudia; Ruebe Christian


    Objective: To investigate temporal and spatial releases of proinflam matory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1α and IL-6 in the lung tissue after thoracic irradiation in C57BL/6J mice. Methods: Mice were irradiated with 12 Gy to whole lungs, and control mice were sham-irradiated. Mice were sacrificed at hours 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 and weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 after thoracic irradiation or sham-irradiation. Expressions of TNF-a and IL-1α, IL-6 proteins were detected with immuno-histochemistry. Results: At hour 6 after thoracic irradiation, the expression of TNF-α protein increased significantly, and at hour 12 after thoracic irradiation, the expressions of IL-1α and IL-6 proteins increased significantly, too. The bronchiolar epithelium was the most prominent source of these inflammatory cytokines in the first hours. During the stage of acute pneumonitis, the bronchiolar epithelium, as well as inflammatory cells in the lung interstitium, produced high amounts of TNF-α, IL-1α and IL-6. Conclusions: It was demonstrated that immediate expressions of TNF-α, IL-1α and IL-6 occurred in the bronchiolar epithelium after lung irradiation, and a long-lasting release by the bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium, and inflammatory cells during acute pneumonitis. Therefore, the bronchiolar epithelium is a significant source of proinflammatory cytokines capable of promoting inflammation through recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells after lung irradiation. (authors)

  9. Neanche sbagliata il fallimento della teoria delle stringhe e la corsa all'unificazione delle leggi della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Woit, Peter


    La teoria delle stringhe, "eterna promessa" della fisica teorica, sembra oggi giunta alla resa dei conti, e molti studiosi si stanno da tempo interrogando sulla sua reale validità. Un certo malcontento già serpeggiava nei corridoi delle università e in alcuni scritti quasi clandestini ma ora giunge dagli Stati Uniti la voce di Peter Woit, ferma e decisa nel lanciare un messaggio chiaro: questa presunta "teoria del tutto" che pretendeva di unificare le leggi della fisica, si è rivelata alla fine una "teoria del niente", incapace di dimostrare anche uno solo dei suoi enunciati. Dopo una dettagliata panoramica sugli sviluppi della fisica che hanno portato, nella metà degli anni Settanta, alla nascita e al successo del Modello standard, Woit giunge quindi al cuore del suo libro. L'accusa è pesante: non solo i teorici delle stringhe non fanno scienza, ma hanno goduto di un predominio eccessivo per vent'anni, monopolizzando il reperimento dei fondi economici pubblici e privati e impedendo di fatto un sano pro...

  10. Distinct licensing of IL-18 and IL-1β secretion in response to NLRP3 inflammasome activation.

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    Rebecca L Schmidt

    Full Text Available Inflammasome activation permits processing of interleukins (IL-1β and 18 and elicits cell death (pyroptosis. Whether these responses are independently licensed or are "hard-wired" consequences of caspase-1 (casp1 activity has not been clear. Here, we show that that each of these responses is independently regulated following activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes by a "non-canonical" stimulus, the secreted Listeria monocytogenes (Lm p60 protein. Primed murine dendritic cells (DCs responded to p60 stimulation with reactive oxygen species (ROS production and secretion of IL-1β and IL-18 but not pyroptosis. Inhibitors of ROS production inhibited secretion of IL-1β, but did not impair IL-18 secretion. Furthermore, DCs from caspase-11 (casp11-deficient 129S6 mice failed to secrete IL-1β in response to p60 but were fully responsive for IL-18 secretion. These findings reveal that there are distinct licensing requirements for processing of IL-18 versus IL-1β by NLRP3 inflammasomes.

  11. Increase in physical activities in kindergarten children with cerebral palsy by employing MaKey-MaKey-based task systems. (United States)

    Lin, Chien-Yu; Chang, Yu-Ming


    In this study, we employed Flash- and Scratch-based multimedia by using a MaKey-MaKey-based task system to increase the motivation level of children with cerebral palsy to perform physical activities. MaKey MaKey is a circuit board that converts physical touch to a digital signal, which is interpreted by a computer as a keyboard message. In this study, we used conductive materials to control this interaction. This study followed single-case design using ABAB models in which A indicated the baseline and B indicated the intervention. The experiment period comprised 1 month and a half. The experimental results demonstrated that in the case of two kindergarten children with cerebral palsy, their scores were considerably increased during the intervention phrases. The developmental applications of the results are also discussed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Il bizzarro mondo dei quanti

    CERN Document Server

    Camejo, Silvia Arroyo


    Scritto prima dell'esame di maturità da una giovane di eccezionale talento, questo libro colma il vuoto esistente tra la letteratura divulgativa sulla fisica quantistica, che normalmente evita ogni formula matematica, e la letteratura specialistica, ben farcita, invece, di matematica avanzata. L'autrice, appena diciannovenne, con l'ausilio della sola matematica della scuola superiore, introduce il lettore ai principi della fisica dei quanti. Se ne ricava uno sguardo profondo sul microcosmo, il regno affascinante delle particelle elementari: oggetti il cui comportamento si distingue in modo drastico e fondamentale da tutto ciò a cui è avvezzo il nostro umano buonsenso. "Un libro... che avrei desiderato avere a 17 anni". Silvia Arroyo Camejo "In modo assolutamente preciso dal punto di vista fisico, l'autrice spiega con grande passione e divertimento i fondamenti della moderna fisica quantistica ... " Prof. Reinhold A. Bertlmann "Un libro stupefacente di un'autrice straordinaria! Si avverte il suo entusiasmo ...

  13. Polymorphic variations in IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 genes, their circulating serum levels and breast cancer risk in Indian women. (United States)

    Pooja, Singh; Chaudhary, Preeti; Nayak, Lakshma V; Rajender, Singh; Saini, Karan Singh; Deol, Debashish; Kumar, Sandeep; Bid, Hemant Kumar; Konwar, Rituraj


    Cytokines are known as important regulators of the entire gamut of cancer from initiation, invasion and metastasis. This fact and plethora of gene polymorphism data prompted us to investigate cytokine gene polymorphisms in breast cancer (BC) patients. Selected polymorphisms in the IL-1β [-511 T>C (rs16944) and +3954 C>T (rs1143634)]; IL-6 [-174 G>C (rs1800795)]; IL-10 [-1082 A>G (rs1800896), -819 T>C (rs1800871) and -592 A>C (rs1800872)] genes were genotyped in 200 BC patients and 200 healthy volunteers in a case-control study using PCR-RFLP and direct DNA sequencing techniques. Peripheral cytokine levels were measured using ELISA. Allele and genotype data were analyzed for significance of differences between cases and controls using Chi-Square [χ(2)] test. Two sided P-values of less than 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Peripheral level of all three cytokines did not show any significant difference between cases and controls. Allele and genotype frequency of IL-1β [-511 T>C (rs16944)] did not show any difference between cases and controls. On the other hand mutant allele and genotype at IL-1β [+3954 C>T (rs1143634)] associated with increased risk of BC. This was also true for pre-menopausal cases and for mutant genotype in post-menopausal cases. Mutant allele and genotypes at IL-6 [-174 G>C (rs1800795)] appeared to be protective in nature such that controls had a higher frequency of both mutant alleles and genotypes. None of the three SNPs in IL-10 gene associated with risk of BC, except significant association of mutant allele and genotypes of -1082 A>G (rs1800896) polymorphism with postmenopausal BC. Mutant allele and genotype at IL-1β [+3954 C>T (rs1143634)] site associated with increased BC risk, while mutant allele and genotypes at IL-6 [-174 G>C (rs1800795)] polymorphism appeared to be protective. Also, there was significant association of mutant allele and genotypes of IL-10 [-1082 A>G (rs1800896)] with postmenopausal BC. None of

  14. Interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17F and asthma in Saudi Arabia: mRNA ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    IL17A and IL17F were significantly higher in asthma patients compared to controls [IL17A: 1.112 (2.088) vs 0.938 ... Asthma is a frequently encountered chronic airway in- ... transcription was performed, in 20 μl reaction volume using the.

  15. Il fiore e la pietra


    Hirsch, Debora


    Il fiore e la pietra è un progetto di scultura urbana per una piazza della città di Torino. Il tema trae la sua prima ispirazione dal fumetto B.C. di Johnny Hart: un fragile fiore dialoga con una pietra. Lʼambiguità tra solidità e fragilità è simbolicamente accostata alla situazione avversa in cui si trova lʼindustria torinese per eccellenza, FIAT, e al problema dei quartieri dormitori. Il contesto nel quale venne realizzato il progetto è tuttora sintomatico di una situazione ...


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    Massimo Prada


    Full Text Available L'articolo illustra le caratteristiche del LIPSI, il lessico di frequenza dell'italiano parlato in Svizzera.  Il LIPSI, elaborato con metodi di linguistica computazionale sulla base di  materiali linguistici raccolti sul campo, è il risultato di una ricerca durata quattro anni realizzata nell'ambito dei progetti dell' OLSI (Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, istituito per la promozione della lingua e della cultura del Cantone Ticino.  Il LIPSI non solo fornisce la lista di frequenza di circa 13.000 parole dell'italiano parlato nel Cantone Ticino e nelle Valli Grigioni italiane, ma la confronta con quella del LIP e di altri strumenti di statistica linguistica  apparsi in Italia, e approfondisce alcuni aspetti che chiariscono meglio i contorni dell'italiano "statale" svizzero. Tale denominazione  si fonda su ragioni di natura sia geografica-politica-amministrativa sia interne alla varietà e propone una considerazione dell'italiano come una lingua pluricentrica, una lingua cioè che presenta accanto al tradizionale centro metropolitano italiano, imperniato sul modello fiorentino assorbito nella lingua letteraria con apporti di altre varietà, un altro centro almeno parzialmente autonomo di irradiazione e di sviluppo, quello della Svizzera italiana. Il LIPSI si configura inoltre come strumento metodologico importante per la ricerca e la didattica nell'ambito dell'italiano L1/L2.   This article illustrates the characteristics of LIPSI, the frequency lexicon of Italian spoken in Switzerland. LIPSI was compiled using computational linguistics methods based on materials collected in the field. It is the result of a four-year study carried out as part of OLSI (Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, an institution which promotes the language and culture of Canton Ticino. LIPSI not only supplies a frequency list of about 13,000 Italian words spoken in Canton Ticino and the Italian Grigioni Valley, but it also compares this

  17. Type I IL-1 Receptor (IL-1RI as Potential New Therapeutic Target for Bronchial Asthma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jyh-Hong Lee


    Full Text Available The IL-1R/TLR family has been receiving considerable attention as potential regulators of inflammation through their ability to act as either activators or suppressors of inflammation. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness, allergic inflammation, elevated serum total, allergen-specific IgE levels, and increased Th2 cytokine production. The discovery that the IL-1RI–IL-1 and ST2–IL-33 pathways are crucial for allergic inflammation has raised interest in these receptors as potential targets for developing new therapeutic strategies for bronchial asthma. This paper discusses the current use of neutralizing mAb or soluble receptor constructs to deplete cytokines, the use of neutralizing mAb or recombinant receptor antagonists to block cytokine receptors, and gene therapy from experimental studies in asthma. Targeting IL-1RI–IL-1 as well as ST2–IL-33 pathways may promise a disease-modifying approach in the future.

  18. Serum IL-10, IL-17 and IL-23 levels as "bioumoral bridges" between dyslipidemia and atopy. (United States)

    Manti, S; Leonardi, S; Panasiti, I; Arrigo, T; Salpietro, C; Cuppari, C


    Although several studies suggest a possible link between dyslipidemia and atopy, literature findings are still unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between dyslipidemia and atopy in a pediatric population affected by dyslipidemia or dyslipidemia/atopic predisposition. Children with dyslipidemia, dyslipidemia and atopy as well as healthy children were recruited. Serum total IgE, IL-10, IL-17, and IL-23 levels as well as fasting lipid values (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides) were performed on all enrolled children. The present study evaluated 23 patients affected by dyslipidemia, 26 patients affected by atopy and dyslipidemia and, 22healthy children. Serum total IgE levels significantly related also with serum cholesterol levels: positively with total cholesterol (pdyslipidemia than patients with dyslipidemia (pdyslipidemia than patients with dyslipidemia (pdyslipidemia and atopic predisposition share the same immune pathways as well as they offer new insights in the complex crosstalk between hyperlipidemia and atopy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    K. A. Yurova


    Full Text Available Effect of γс-cytokines (IL-2, IL-7 и IL-15 upon maturation and differentiation of cytotoxic and helper CD45RО+ Tcell population was studied in the homeostatic in vitro culture conditions. We have found that IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 mediate maturation and differentiation of CD8 T cells central memory, replenishing the population of cells that exhibit effector functions. Action of IL-2 on CD4+ central memory T cells is accociated with generation of effector memory cells by reducing the number of immature effectors (CD62L–CD27+, whereas IL-7 promotes the formation of immature (CD62L–CD27+ effectors. IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 initiate formation of terminally-differentiated cells in a subpopulation of CD8+CD45RO+ lymphocytes, providing a stable immunological memory to a pathogen reinfestation. 


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. A. Yurova


    Full Text Available Effect of γс-cytokines (IL-2, IL-7 и IL-15 upon maturation and differentiation of cytotoxic and helper CD45RО+ Tcell population was studied in the homeostatic in vitro culture conditions. We have found that IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 mediate maturation and differentiation of CD8 T cells central memory, replenishing the population of cells that exhibit effector functions. Action of IL-2 on CD4+ central memory T cells is accociated with generation of effector memory cells by reducing the number of immature effectors (CD62L–CD27+, whereas IL-7 promotes the formation of immature (CD62L–CD27+ effectors. IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 initiate formation of terminally-differentiated cells in a subpopulation of CD8+CD45RO+ lymphocytes, providing a stable immunological memory to a pathogen reinfestation.

  1. MaRIE Undulator & XFEL Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, Dinh Cong [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Marksteiner, Quinn R. [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Anisimov, Petr Mikhaylovich [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Buechler, Cynthia Eileen [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The 22 slides in this presentation treat the subject under the following headings: MaRIE XFEL Performance Parameters, Input Electron Beam Parameters, Undulator Design, Genesis Simulations, Risks, and Summary It is concluded that time-dependent Genesis simulations show the MaRIE XFEL can deliver the number of photons within the required bandwidth, provided a number of assumptions are met; the highest risks are associated with the electron beam driving the XFEL undulator; and risks associated with the undulator and/or distributed seeding technique may be evaluated or retired by performing early validation experiments.

  2. [Plasma IL-18 levels are related to insulin and are modulated by IL-18 gene polymorphisms]. (United States)

    Martinez-Hervas, Sergio; Martínez-Barquero, Vanesa; Nuñez Savall, Ester; Lendínez, Verónica; Olivares, Laura; Benito, Esther; Real, Jose T; Chaves, F Javier; Ascaso, Juan F


    Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory chronic disease influenced by multiple factors. Different prospective studies have shown that plasmatic levels of inflammatory markers were related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. To evaluate whether plasmatic levels of interleukin 18 (IL-18) are modulated by SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) of the IL 18 gene and its possible association with insulin levels and other cardiovascular risk factors. 746 individuals were studied for a period of two years by opportunistic selection in the metropolitan area of Valencia. Parameters of lipid and glucose metabolism were analyzed by standard methodology. IL-18 was measured by ELISA. Individuals with insulin resistance showed significant higher levels of IL-18. IL 18 was significantly correlated with insulin levels and other cardiovascular risk factors. The CC genotype of the rs1834481 SNP was significantly associated with lower levels of IL-18. However, the GG genotype of the rs7559479 was associated with significant higher levels of IL-18. IL-18 is associated with insulin resistance and other cardiovascular risk factors, being those levels genetically regulated. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  3. IL-1Ra (recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: the efficacy

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    L. Cozzi


    Full Text Available Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra is a naturally occurring IL-1 inhibitor, acting as a “receptor antagonist”, which blocks IL-1 mediated signal transduction. In 1990 IL-1Ra was cloned and later on, a large numbers of studies led to disclosure of the crucial importance of the imbalance between IL-1 and IL-1Ra in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA. In 1991, almost 8 years after the initial isolation of IL-1, recombinant IL-1Ra (IL-1ra, Kineret was introduced in clinical trials involving patients with RA. Between 2001 and 2002 IL-1ra was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and by the European Agency for the Evaluation of the Medicinal Products and in 2003 it was registered in Italy, too. In RA recombinant IL-1ra has been evaluated in 5 randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials involving more than 2900 patients. Two of the trials involved the use of IL-1ra as monotherapy versus placebo and two trials in combination with methotrexate (MTX; the last trial explored the use of a fixed 100 mg/day IL-1ra dosage in a RA patient population including a wide array of co-morbid conditions as well as concomitant medications. The studies confirmed both the efficacy and the safety of IL-1ra in patients with active and severe RA. 43% of patients receiving 150 mg/day IL-1ra achieved a 20% response according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20, compared to 27% in the placebo group. In the MTX combination therapy study, 42% of the patients receiving 1 mg/Kg/day of IL-1ra achieved an ACR20, 24% an ACR50 and 10% an ACR70. In each study, significant improvements in the Health Assessment Questionnaire scores (HAQ were observed. There were rapid gains in the number of days at work or domestic activity in the treated patients, and the increases in productivity were dose related. At early 24 weeks, there was significant reduction of both the score for progression of joint space narrowing (JSN and the Total modified

  4. Tra il mediterraneo e il fonte battesimale: Musulmani a Napoli nel XVI secolo


    Varriale, Gennaro


    Il saggio analizza la presenza di musulmani a Napoli durante il Cinquecento, quando la capitale vive una profonda trasformazione urbanistica, che è vincolata alla immigrazione di comunità esogene e al conflitto contro il Turco. Le ostilità tra la Casa d’Austria e la Sublime Porta condizionano inevitabilmente la vita dei maomettani, che appartengono a tre grandi categorie: schiavi, franchi o esuli. Secondo la propria condizione gli islamici occupano diversi spazi cittadini. I musulmani di Napo...

  5. [Ma2 antibody and multiple mononeuropathies]. (United States)

    Ayrignac, X; Castelnovo, G; Landrault, E; Fayolle, H; Pers, Y-M; Honnorat, J; Campello, C; Figarella-Branger, D; Labauge, P


    Anti-Ma2 antibodies belong to a family of onconeuronal antibodies that target proteins expressed in brain, testis and several tumors. Previously observed in patients presenting with limbic encephalitis, they seem to be associated with several other paraneoplastic syndromes. We report the case of a 73-year-old woman presenting sensory and motor neuropathy associated with non-small-cell lung cancer who had Ma2-antibodies.

  6. Dopo la rivoluzione francese, non il diluvio, ma il contratto congreganista

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    Stefano Testa Bappenheim


    Full Text Available Relazione destinata agli Atti del convegno “La Chiesa e l’Europa”, 28-29 ottobre 2005, organizzato dalla cattedra di diritto ecclesiastico della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (Prof. Leziroli Università di Ferrara.

  7. IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, and nutritional status in pediatric patients with biliary atresia. (United States)

    Wilasco, Maria Ines de Albuquerque; Uribe-Cruz, Carolina; Santetti, Daniele; Fries, Gabriel Rodrigo; Dornelles, Cristina Toscani Leal; Silveira, Themis Reverbel da

    The objective of the present study is to evaluate whether IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10 are associated with nutritional status in patients with cirrhosis secondary to biliary atresia and compare to healthy controls. The parameters used for nutritional assessment were the standard deviation scores of height-for-age and of triceps skinfold thickness-for-age. The severity of cirrhosis was evaluated using the Child-Pugh score and PELD/MELD. Serum cytokines were measured using Cytometric Bead Array flow cytometry. IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 were significantly higher in the cirrhosis group when compared with the control group (2.4 vs. 0.24 (patresia, IL-6 could be used as a possible supporting biomarker of deficient nutritional status and elevated IL-10 levels could be used as a possible early-stage supporting biomarker of deteriorating nutritional status. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Association between the IL1B (-511), IL1B (+3954), IL1RN (VNTR) polymorphisms and Graves' disease risk: a meta-analysis of 11 case-control studies. (United States)

    Chen, Min-Li; Liao, Ning; Zhao, Hua; Huang, Jian; Xie, Zheng-Fu


    Data on the association between the interleukin-1 (IL-1) gene polymorphisms and Graves' disease (GD) risk were conflicting. A meta-analysis was undertaken to assess this association. We searched for case-control studies investigating the association between the IL1B (-511), IL1B (+3954), IL1RN (VNTR) polymorphisms and GD risk. We extracted data using standardized forms and calculated odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). A total of 11 case-control studies were included in this meta-analysis. Available data indicated that the IL1B (-511) polymorphism was associated with GD risk in the overall populations (Caucasians and Asians) in homozygote model (TT vs. CC, OR = 0.86, 95% CI: 0.76-0.97, Pz  = 0.015), but not in dominant and recessive models (TT+TC vs. CC: OR = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.81-1.12, Pz  =  0.553 and TT vs. TC+CC: OR = 0.82, 95% CI: 0.60-1.12, Pz  =  0.205, respectively). No association between the IL1B (+3954), IL1RN (VNTR) polymorphisms and GD risk was found in the overall populations in any of the genetic models. In subgroup analyses according to ethnicity, the IL1B (-511) polymorphism was associated with GD risk in Asians in recessive and homozygote models (TT vs. TC+CC: OR =  0.68, 95% CI: 0.55-0.84, Pz VNTR) polymorphisms and GD risk was indicated in Asians, and we found no association between the IL1B (-511), IL1B (+3954), IL1RN (VNTR) polymorphisms and GD risk in Caucasians in any of the genetic models. The IL1B (-511) polymorphism, but not the IL1B (+3954) and IL1RN (VNTR) polymorphisms was associated with GD risk in Asians. There was no association between these polymorphisms and GD risk in Caucasians.

  9. Serum concentration of IL-6, IL-2, TNF-α, and IFNγ in Vitiligo patients

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    Suman Singh


    Full Text Available Background: Vitiligo is an acquired depigmenting disorder characterized by the loss of functional melanocytes from the epidermis. Although the etiology of vitiligo is unknown, over the last few years, substantial data from clinical research has greatly supported the ′Autoimmune theory′ and this is supported by the frequent association of vitiligo with disorders that have an autoimmune origin, including Hashimoto′s thyroiditis, Graves disease, type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and Addison′s disease. As cytokines are important mediators of immunity, there is evidence to suggest that they play a major role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Aim: Keeping this in view we have assayed sera for cytokine IL-6, IL-2, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α, and IFNγ in 80 cases of vitiligo and compared it with healthy subjects, in order to find out whether they play a role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo or not. Materials and Methods: Serum IL-6, IL-2, TNF-α, and IFNγ were done by the indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Results: The mean serum IL-6 and IL-2 levels in the patient group were significantly higher when compared with those of the normal controls. The mean serum IFNγ level in patients with vitiligo was significantly lower than that in the control group. There was no significant difference in the serum level of TNF-α between vitiligo and healthy controls. Conclusion : An increase in the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-2 in vitiligo patients may play an important role in melanocytic cytotoxicity. Thus, we speculate that the cytokine production of epidermal microenvironment may be involved in vitiligo.

  10. GM-CSF and IL-4 produced by NKT cells inversely regulate IL-1β production by macrophages. (United States)

    Ahn, Sehee; Jeong, Dongjin; Oh, Sae Jin; Ahn, Jiye; Lee, Seung Hyo; Chung, Doo Hyun


    Natural Killer T (NKT) cells are distinct T cell subset that link innate and adaptive immune responses. IL-1β, produced by various immune cells, plays a key role in the regulation of innate immunity in vivo. However, it is unclear whether NKT cells regulate IL-1β production by macrophages. To address this, we co-cultured NKT cells and peritoneal macrophages in the presence of TCR stimulation and inflammasome activators. Among cytokines secreted from NKT cells, GM-CSF enhanced IL-1β production by macrophages via regulating LPS-mediated pro-IL-1β expression and NLRP3-dependent inflammasome activation, whereas IL-4 enhanced M2-differentiation of macrophages and decreased IL-1β production. Together, our findings suggest the NKT cells have double-sided effects on IL-1β-mediated innate immune responses by producing IL-4 and GM-CSF. These findings may be helpful for a comprehensive understanding of NKT cell-mediated regulatory mechanisms of the pro-inflammatory effects of IL-1β in inflammatory diseases in vivo. Copyright © 2017 European Federation of Immunological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Vaccination with IL-6 analogues induces autoantibodies to IL-6 and influences experimentally induced inflammation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galle, Pia; Jensen, Lene; Andersson, Christina


    ; yet they appear healthy and do not exhibit overt clinical or laboratory abnormalities. We induced comparable levels of aAb-IL-6 in different mouse strains by vaccination with immunogenic IL-6 analogues. We observed that the induced aAb-IL-6 protected against collagen-induced arthritis and experimental...

  12. [Anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis and paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis]. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Tomotaka; Tsuji, Shoji


    Anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis (or anti-Ma2 encephalitis) is a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS) characterized by isolated or combined limbic, diencephalic, or brainstem dysfunction. Anti-Ma2 antibodies detected in the serum or cerebrospinal fluid of patients are highly specific for this disease entity and belong to a group of well-characterized onconeuronal antibodies (or classical antibodies). The corresponding antigen, Ma2 is selectively expressed intracellularly in neurons and tumors as is the case with other onconeuronal antigens targeted by classical antibodies. However, in most cases the clinical pictures are different from those of classical PNS and this creates a potential risk of underdiagnosis. Although limbic dysfunction is the most common manifestation in patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis which is one of the major causes of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (LE), it has been reported that less than 30% of the patients with anti-Ma2 LE exhibit clinical presentations typical of the classical description of LE. Of the remaining, many exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness, vertical ophthalmoparesis, or both associated with LE, because of frequent involvement of the diencephalon and/or upper brainstem. Anti-Ma2 LE can also be manifested as a pure psychiatric disturbance such as obsessive-compulsive disorder in a few cases. Some patients develop mesodiencephalic encephalitis with minor involvement of the limbic system, and some may manifest severe hypokinesis. About 40% of the patients with anti-Ma2 antibodies also have antibodies against different epitopes on Ma1, a homologue of Ma2. These patients may have predominant cerebellar and/or brainstem dysfunctions due to more extensive involvement of subtentorial structures. Anti-Ma2 encephalitis is outstanding among other PNS associated with classical antibodies in that the response rate to treatment is relatively high. While it can cause severe neurological deficits or death in a substantial

  13. Anti-IL-39 (IL-23p19/Ebi3) polyclonal antibodies ameliorate autoimmune symptoms in lupus-like mice (United States)

    Wang, Xiaoqian; Zhang, Yu; Wang, Zhiding; Liu, Xiaoling; Zhu, Gaizhi; Han, Gencheng; Chen, Guojiang; Hou, Chunmei; Wang, Tianxiao; Shen, Beifen; Li, Yan; Xiao, He; Ma, Ning; Wang, Renxi


    The interleukin (IL)-12 family cytokines have been examined as therapeutic targets in the treatment of several autoimmune diseases. Our previous study showed that a novel IL-12 family cytokine, IL-39 (IL-23p19/Ebi3) mediates inflammation in lupus-like mice. In the present study, the effect of anti-mouse IL-39 polyclonal antibodies on autoimmune symptoms in lupus-like mice was investigated. Rabbit anti-mouse IL-39 polyclonal antibodies were produced by immunization with recombinant mouse IL-39, and purified using protein A chromatography. These antibodies were subsequently used to treat lupus-like mice. Flow cytometry, captured images, ELISA and H&E staining were used to determine the effect of anti-IL-39 polyclonal antibodies on inflammatory cells, autoantibody titers, proteinuria, infiltrating inflammatory cells and the structure of the glomerular region. The anti-IL-39 polyclonal antibodies effectively reduced the numbers of inflammatory cells, splenomegaly, autoantibody titers, proteinuria, infiltrating inflammatory cells, and restored the structure of the glomerular region in MRL/lpr mice. Taken together, these results suggested that anti-IL-39 polyclonal antibodies ameliorated autoimmune symptoms in lupus-like mice. Therefore, IL-39 may be used as a possible target for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. PMID:29138852

  14. Hypocretin-1 CSF levels in anti-Ma2 associated encephalitis. (United States)

    Overeem, S; Dalmau, J; Bataller, L; Nishino, S; Mignot, E; Verschuuren, J; Lammers, G J


    Idiopathic narcolepsy is associated with deficient hypocretin transmission. Narcoleptic symptoms have recently been described in paraneoplastic encephalitis with anti-Ma2 antibodies. The authors measured CSF hypocretin-1 levels in six patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis, and screened for anti-Ma antibodies in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy. Anti-Ma autoantibodies were not detected in patients with idiopathic narcolepsy. Four patients with anti-Ma2 encephalitis had excessive daytime sleepiness; hypocretin-1 was not detectable in their cerebrospinal fluid, suggesting an immune-mediated hypocretin dysfunction.

  15. Genetic variants in IL-6 and IL-10 genes and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV infected patients. (United States)

    Sghaier, Ikram; Mouelhi, Leila; Rabia, Noor A; Alsaleh, Bano R; Ghazoueni, Ezzedine; Almawi, Wassim Y; Loueslati, Besma Yacoubi


    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a common primary liver malignancy, and the third leading cause of cancer-related death. The HCC risk increases with the severity of liver inflammation, and the clinical course of HCV infection depends on a balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The former includes interleukin (IL)-6, while the latter includes IL-10. However, the exact pathogenic mechanisms underlying IL-6 and IL-10 effects remain unclear. The present study evaluated 174 chronic HCV Tunisian patients. Polymorphisms of IL-6 (rs1880242, rs1474847, rs2069840, rs1800797, rs1800796, rs2069845, rs2069827, rs1474348, rs1800795), and IL-10 (rs1800896, rs1800871, rs1800872, rs1554286, rs1878672, rs1518111) were determined by real-time PCR. Notable differences between chronic HCV-infected patients and HCC patients were observed for the three IL-10 SNPs; rs1800871 (-819T/C), rs1800872 (-592A/C), and rs1878672. Carriage of IL-6 rs1800796 G/G genotype, IL-6 rs1474358 C-allele, and IL-6 rs1800797 A-allele was more frequent in chronic HCV-infected patients than in HCC patients. On the other hand, IL-6 rs1474358 GG genotype had a favourable factor for HCC establishment. IL-10 and IL-6 SNPs markedly influence the clinical outcomes of HCV infection. These SNPs could be used as biomarkers for early detection and molecular therapy for preventing HCC, and prognostic factors for predicting the clinical outcomes of HCC. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Il caso Lautsi contro l’Italia

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    Grégor Puppinck


    SOMMARIO: 1. Premesse – 2. Il ragionamento della Seconda Sezione - 2.1. La ridefinizione dalla finalità del sistema educativo pubblico - 2.2. Il pluralismo educativo come finalità – 2.3. Sintesi del ragionamento della Sezione – 2.4.  Una sentenza contestata - 3.  Il ragionamento sviluppato dalla Grande Camera - 3.1. La sussidiarietà e il margine di apprezzamento – 3.2.  Il laicismo è una convinzione filosofica non neutra – 3.3. La neutralità si applica all’ “agire” e non all' "essere” dello  Stato – 3.4.  Democrazia, neutralità confessionale e laicità – 3.5.  L’educazione pubblica  nel senso della Grande Camera – 3.6.  Il crocefisso: un simbolo passivo – 3.7.  L’assenza d’ingerenza dello Stato - 4.  Gli sviluppi supplementari alla sentenza della Grande Camera – 4.1.  Il crocefisso e il velo islamico – 4.2.  La libertà negativa di religione dei non credenti – 4.3. La falsa soluzione bavarese – 4.4.  La tradizione – 4.5. La religione maggioritaria – 4.6.  Il dibattito religioso e politico – 4.7. Le conseguenze del caso Lautsi.

  17. PuMA: the Porous Microstructure Analysis software (United States)

    Ferguson, Joseph C.; Panerai, Francesco; Borner, Arnaud; Mansour, Nagi N.


    The Porous Microstructure Analysis (PuMA) software has been developed in order to compute effective material properties and perform material response simulations on digitized microstructures of porous media. PuMA is able to import digital three-dimensional images obtained from X-ray microtomography or to generate artificial microstructures. PuMA also provides a module for interactive 3D visualizations. Version 2.1 includes modules to compute porosity, volume fractions, and surface area. Two finite difference Laplace solvers have been implemented to compute the continuum tortuosity factor, effective thermal conductivity, and effective electrical conductivity. A random method has been developed to compute tortuosity factors from the continuum to rarefied regimes. Representative elementary volume analysis can be performed on each property. The software also includes a time-dependent, particle-based model for the oxidation of fibrous materials. PuMA was developed for Linux operating systems and is available as a NASA software under a US & Foreign release.

  18. [Effects of canine IL-2 and IL-7 genes on enhancing immunogenicity of canine parvovirus VP2 gene vaccine in mice]. (United States)

    Chen, Huihui; Zhong, Fei; Li, Xiujin; Wang, Lu; Sun, Yan; Neng, Changai; Zhang, Kao; Li, Wenyan; Wen, Jiexia


    To investigate the effects of canine interleukin-2 (cIL-2) and cIL-7 genes on enhancing the immunogenicity of canine parvovirus (CPV) VP2 DNA vaccine. The bicistronic vectors of cIL-2 and cIL-7 genes were constructed using the eukaryotic expression vector containing internal ribosome entry site (IRES). The cIL-2/ cIL-7 dicistronic vector plus previously constructed vectors, including CPV VP2 DNA vaccine vector, cIL-2 vector and cIL-7 vector, were used to co-immunize mice with different combinations, consisting of VP2 alone, VP2 + cIL-2, VP2 + cIL-7 and VP2 + cIL-2/cIL-7. The VP2-specific antibody levels in immunized mice were measured by ELISA at different time post-immunization. The proliferation indices and interferon-gamma expression were measured by lymphocyte proliferation assay and ELISA, respectively. The cIL-2/cIL-7 bicistronic vector was correct and could mediate cIL-2 and cIL-7 gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Immunization results revealed that the antibody titers and the neutralizing antibody levels of the mice co-immunized with VP2 + cIL-7/cIL-2 vectors were significantly higher than that with either VP2 + cIL-2 vectors or VP2 + cIL-7 vectors (P vaccine.

  19. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  20. Lemongrass effects on IL-1beta and IL-6 production by macrophages. (United States)

    Sforcin, J M; Amaral, J T; Fernandes, A; Sousa, J P B; Bastos, J K


    Cymbopogon citratus has been widely recognised for its ethnobotanical and medicinal usefulness. Its insecticidal, antimicrobial and therapeutic properties have been reported, but little is known about its effect on the immune system. This work aimed to investigate the in vivo effect of a water extract of lemongrass on pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL-1beta and IL-6) production by macrophages of BALB/c mice. The action of lemongrass essential oil on cytokine production by macrophages was also analysed in vitro. The chemical composition of the extract and the oil was also investigated. Treatment of mice with water extract of lemongrass inhibited macrophages to produce IL-1beta but induced IL-6 production by these cells. Lemongrass essential oil inhibited the cytokine production in vitro. Linalool oxide and epoxy-linalool oxide were found to be the major components of lemongrass water extract, and neral and geranial were the major compounds of its essential oil. Taken together, these data suggest an anti-inflammatory action of this natural product.

  1. Role of IL-1 beta and COX2 in silica-induced IL-6 release and loss of pneumocytes in co-cultures. (United States)

    Herseth, Jan I; Refsnes, Magne; Låg, Marit; Schwarze, Per E


    The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6 are of great importance in the development of silica-induced lung damage and repair. In this study we investigated the role of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and COX2 in silica-induced regulation of IL-6 release and pneumocyte loss in various mono- and co-cultures of monocytes, pneumocytes and endothelial cells. All co-cultures with monocytes, and especially cultures including endothelial cells, showed an increase of silica-induced release of IL-6 compared to the respective monocultures. Treatment with the antagonist IL-1 ra strongly decreased IL-1 beta and IL-6 release in contact co-cultures of monocytes and pneumocytes. COX2 up-regulation by silica and IL-1 beta was eliminated by IL-1 ra. Inhibition of COX2 markedly reduced both IL-1 beta and IL-6 release. IL-1 ra was more effective than COX2-inhibition in reduction of IL-6, but not of IL-1 beta. Silica-induced pneumocyte loss was reduced by IL-1 beta, but this effect was not counteracted by the IL-1 receptor antagonist. Our findings suggest that silica-induced IL-6 release from pneumocytes is mainly mediated via IL-1 beta release from the monocytes, via both COX2-dependent and -independent pathways. Notably, COX2-derived mediators seem crucial for a positive feed-back regulation of IL-1 beta release from the monocytes. In contrast to silica-induced IL-6, the reduction in pneumocyte loss by IL-1 beta does not seem to be regulated through an IL-1R1-dependent mechanism.

  2. Il corpo della strega

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    Georges Bertin


    Full Text Available Come già evidenziato a proposito di altre pratiche, il sabba, attività ludica profana, religiosa, conferiva a ciascuno la possibilità di giocare efficacemente con la dinamica di un mondo da cui emergeva una figura archetipica, la strega, principale attore di questa danza in tondo. Il sabba era, dunque, uno dei luoghi ove si cristallizzavano le figure del proibito, questo per il suo carattere sacro, per la violenza istituzionale che presiedeva alla formazione dei rapporti sociali, e conferiva anche, per le caratteristiche di protesta che rivela, un'immagine sempre esaltante della capacità delle società a resistere. Il problema della nostra epoca ove rifioriscono le streghe nelle più svariate forme è, forse, quello di riallacciarsi con la dimensione gruppale dei nostri svaghi, nelle loro differenti forme e, contemporaneamente, con perdita di energia, a quanto presiedeva ai sabba e alla loro risoluzione sacrificale. In contro-corrente ai modelli meccanici che assegnano dei limiti precisi e funzionali ai corpi asserviti ad un ideale di controllo, il corpo sabbatico con la sua enfasi sulle posizioni limite (ciò che si rimproverava d'altronde alle streghe, era veramente corpo mistico.

  3. IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, and nutritional status in pediatric patients with biliary atresia,

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    Maria Ines de Albuquerque Wilasco

    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives: The objective of the present study is to evaluate whether IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10 are associated with nutritional status in patients with cirrhosis secondary to biliary atresia and compare to healthy controls. Methods: The parameters used for nutritional assessment were the standard deviation scores of height-for-age and of triceps skinfold thickness-for-age. The severity of cirrhosis was evaluated using the Child–Pugh score and PELD/MELD. Serum cytokines were measured using Cytometric Bead Array flow cytometry. Results: IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 were significantly higher in the cirrhosis group when compared with the control group (2.4 vs. 0.24 (p < 0.001, 0.21 vs. 0.14 (p = 0.007, and 0.65 vs. 0.36 (p = 0.004, respectively. IL-6 and IL-10 were positively correlated with disease severity (0.450 [p = 0.001] and 0.410; [p = 0.002], respectively. TNF-α did not show a significant correlation with disease severity (0.100; p = 0.478. Regarding nutritional evaluation, IL-6 was negatively correlated with the standard deviation score of height-for-age (−0.493; p < 0.001 and of triceps skinfold thickness-for-age (−0.503; p < 0.001, respectively. IL-10 exhibited a negative correlation with the standard deviation score of height-for-age (−0.476; p < 0.001 and the standard deviation score of triceps skinfold thickness-for-age (−0.388; p = 0.004. TNF-α did not show any significance in both anthropometric parameters (−0.083 (p = 0.555 and −0.161 (p = 0.253. Conclusion: The authors suggest that, in patients with cirrhosis secondary to biliary atresia, IL-6 could be used as a possible supporting biomarker of deficient nutritional status and elevated IL-10 levels could be used as a possible early-stage supporting biomarker of deteriorating nutritional status.

  4. Biological significance of soluble IL-2 receptor

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    Calogero Caruso


    Full Text Available A NUMBER of receptors for growth factors and differentiation antigens have been found to be secreted or released by cells. Following mononuclear cell (MNC activation and interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R expression, a soluble form of the Alpha;-chain of IL-2R (sIL-2R is released. The sIL-2R has been shown to be present in the culture supernatants of activated MNCs as well as in normal sera and, in higher amounts, in sera from subjects affected by several diseases including neoplastic, infectious and autoimmune ones, and in sera from transplanted patients suffering allograft rejection. The blood sIL-2R levels depend on the number of producing cells and the number of molecules per cell, so that sIL-2R blood values may represent an index of the number and the functional state of producing cells, both normal and neoplastic. Thus, monitoring of the immune system, mostly T-cells and haematological malignancies might be targets for the measurement of sIL-2R. Since many conditions may influence sIL-2R production, little diagnostic use may result from these measurements. However, since blood sIL-2R levels may correlate with disease progression and/or response to therapy, their measurement may be a useful index of activity and extent of disease. The precise biological role of the soluble form of the IL-2R is still a matter of debate. However, we know that increased sIL-2R levels may be observed in association with several immunological abnormalities and that sIL-2R is able to bind IL-2. It is conceivable then that in these conditions the excess sIL-2R released in vivo by activated lymphoid cells or by neoplastic cells may somehow regulate IL-2-dependent processes. On the other hand, it cannot exclude that sIL-2R is a by-product without biological significance. Finally, it is puzzling that in many conditions in which an increase of blood sIL-2R values has been observed, MNCs display a decreased in vitro capacity to produce sIL-2R. These seemingly contrasting

  5. Clinical significance of measurement of serum NO, IL-6 and IL-8 levels after treatment in patients with schizophrenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Wanqin


    Objective: To study the significance of changes of serum NO, IL-6 and IL-8 levels after treatment in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Serum IL-6, IL-8 (with RIA) and NO (with bio-chemistry) levels were determined in 37 patients with schizophrenia both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, the serum IL-6, IL-8 levels in the patients were significantly higher than those in controls (P<0.01). While the serum NO levels were significantly lower (P<0.01). After six weeks' treatment, the levels of IL-6, IL-8 in the patients, though dropped markedly still remained significantly higher (P<0.05) than those in controls. The serum NO levels, though markedly increased after treatment, were still remained significantly lower than those in the controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: Serum NO, IL-6 and IL-8 levels were closely related to the diseases process of schizophrenia and were of prognostic values. (authors)

  6. Clinical significance of the changes of serum IL-8 and IL-12 levels in pediatric patients with anaphylactoid purpura (AP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang Zhenming; Liu Xia


    Objective: To explore the role of IL-8 and IL-12 in the pathogenesis of anaphylactoid purpura (AP) and anaphylactoid purpura nephritis (APN). Methods: Serum IL-8 (with RIA) and IL-12 (with ELISA) levels were measured in 32 pediatric patients with anaphylactoid purpura (AP), 11 pediatric patients with anaphylactoid purpura nephritis (APN) and 15 controls. Results: During acute stage, serum IL-8 and IL-12 levels in both the AP and APN patients were significantly higher than those in controls and remained higher during convalescence. IL-8 and IL-12 levels were mutually positively correlated in acute stage. Conclusion: IL-8 and IL-12 participated in the pathogenesis of AP and APN. Theoretically, antagonist to those cytokines might be of clinical benefits. (authors)

  7. Cinéma en France

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    Michel VIGOUROUX


    Full Text Available Le cinéma est l’objet de bases de données exhaustives sur les équipements et les fréquentations. Les données sur les salles permettent d’identifier le phénomène de concentration de propriété et d’exploitation. La perspective dynamique peut être observée sur 45 ans. À l’échelle régionale, on peut apprécier le dynamisme du cinéma en haute montagne alpine et la différence de réseaux sur le territoire (France de l’Ouest.

  8. Echt und modern? Diskurse über Männlichkeit

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    Florian Kahofer


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit Repräsentationen von Männlichkeit im österreichischen Lifestyle-Magazin für Männer Wiener. Durch eine korpusbasierte Diskursanalyse wird ein umfassendes Korpus aller Ausgaben des Wieners von Anfang 2002 bis Ende 2012 untersucht. Auf theoretischer Ebene wird dabei eine Verbindung von Kritischer Männlichkeitsforschung (KMF und Feministisch Kritischer Diskursanalyse (FCDA unternommen. Es werden aktuelle Veröffentlichungen zu Kritischer Diskursanalyse und Männlichkeit vorgestellt und diskutiert. Durch den Einsatz einer Konkordanzsoftware werden Konkordanzen des Nomens MANN analysiert. Diese werden allerdings insofern eingeschränkt betrachtet, als nur Nominationen in der Form der häufigsten Adjektiv-Konstruktionen untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass neben den Diskursen über Krise und Neue Männlichkeit Themen wie Alter, Körper oder Beziehung auftauchen. Männlichkeit wird als ambivalent und vielfältig dargestellt. Deutungskämpfe um Männlichkeit lassen sich ausmachen.

  9. IL-1α Up-Regulates IL-6 Expression in Bovine Granulosa Cells via MAPKs and NF-κB Signaling Pathways

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meng Yang


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: IL-6 is one of the main cytokines in regulating ovarian follicular development and ovulation. However, the factors that regulate IL-6 expression in follicles are still unclear. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the effect of IL-1α on IL-6 expression in granulosa cells. Methods: IL-6 expression after IL-1α with/without inhibitors treatment was analyzed by RT-qPCR and ELISA. The phosphorylation of proteins induced by IL-1α was analyzed by western blot. The intracellular cAMP level was assayed by immunoassay kit. Results: IL-1α has a dose-dependent effect on IL-6 expression in granulosa cells. This promoting effect can be significantly attenuated by Erk, c-Jun, p38 and IκB proteins inhibitors, respectively. Moreover, the phosphorylation levels of Erk, c-Jun, p38 and IκBα proteins were significantly increased after IL-1α treatment. In addition, we also found that IL-1α not only reversed the cAMP attenuated IL-6 expression, but also increased IL-1α mRNA expression in granulosa cells. Conclusion: The regulation of IL-1α on IL-6 expression is mediated by activation of MAPKs and NF-κB signaling pathways. Moreover,IL-1α may regulate the ovulation-related genes expression in granulosa cells by an autocrine and/or paracrine manner.

  10. Il degrado abusivo e il "degrado legale" del territorio: gli ecomostri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna Cicchetti


    Full Text Available Il fenomeno di una urbanizzazione senza criteri né misure, collegata a ragioni turistiche, molto spesso opportunistiche, è affrontato dalla giurisprudenza nella sua azione di controllo del territorio: ne sono un caso esemplare gli “ecomostri”, ormai comunemente e tristemente sono conosciuti dalla società civile. Queste costruzioni di grande impatto territoriale, ambientale e paesaggistico, in alcuni casi sono legittimati da interventi normativi non bene soppesati e in altri avvengono in maniera c.d. abusiva, con l’unica conseguenza, in entrambe le ipotesi, di deturpare l’ambiente circostante sotto molteplici profili, non ultimo quello incidente su località turistiche. Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di contribuire ad una politica turistica attenta al profilo ambientale: occorre individuare una maggiore cogenza e conoscenza normativa a favore di una pianificazione urbanistica e politica del paesaggio, in grado di sostenere il recupero, la riqualificazione e valorizzazione delle bellezze naturali presenti sul territorio. Solo il coinvolgimento e la necessaria collaborazione di tutti i soggetti del territorio per una programmazione orientata a realizzare uno «sviluppo capace di rispondere ai bisogni delle generazioni attuali, senza compromettere la capacità delle generazioni future di rispondere ai propri».

  11. Treatment of anti-Ma2/Ta paraneoplastic syndrome. (United States)

    Kraker, Jessica


    The paraneoplastic syndrome caused by Ma2/Ta antibodies alone (not in conjunction with Ma1 or Ma3 antibodies) varies in presentation from classic limbic encephalitis. The Ma2 syndrome may present with symptoms referable to the brainstem, diencephalon, and limbic system. These clinical symptoms are accompanied by MRI changes and abnormal electroencephalographic findings. It is important to recognize when the encephalitic syndrome is secondary to Ma2 paraneoplastic antibodies, as the patients improve or stabilize most often when the underlying carcinoma is treated. Treatment of the paraneoplastic syndrome begins with recognition of the symptoms, such as memory impairment, seizures, sleep disturbances, bradykinesia or hypokinesia, and eye movement abnormalities. If a primary tumor is discovered during the workup, it should be removed and treated with the most up-to-date oncologic treatment available. In addition to oncologic treatment, the syndrome may be treated with an immunosuppressant regimen to optimize the neurologic outcome. Leaving the patient untreated will result in decline and eventual death from the cancer itself or from complications of the paraneoplastic syndrome.

  12. Andrographolide presents therapeutic effect on ulcerative colitis through the inhibition of IL-23/IL-17 axis. (United States)

    Zhu, Qin; Zheng, Peifen; Chen, Xinyu; Zhou, Feng; He, Qiaona; Yang, Yuefeng


    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic and nonspecific intestinal inflammatory disease, which may increase the risk of colon cancer. Andrographolide is a main active component of Andrographis paniculata . The anti-inflammatory ability of andrographolide suggested its potential therapeutic effect against UC. In the present study, elevated serum concentrations of proinflammatory factors, including (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and IL-23, as well as increased percentages of Th17 cells (IL-17+CD4+ cells) in CD4+ cells were detected in UC patients compared to that in healthy donors. These data suggested that Th17 immune responses may involve in the pathogenesis of UC. Experimental colitis mouse model was then established. The results of hematoxylin and eosin staining demonstrated the therapeutic effect of andrographolide on colitis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry and western blotting analyses showed that andrographolide could decreased the levels of proinflammatory factors TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-17A in the serum and in the colon tissues, reduced the percentages of Th17 cells in CD4+ cells, and suppressed the levels of IL-23, IL-17A, ROR-γt (key transcription factor of Th17 cells) and p-STAT3 in the colon tissues. Further, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from UC patients and treated with various concentrations of andrographolide (0, 10, 20 and 30 μg/ml). Andrographolide also showed inhibitory effects on the levels of proinflammatory factors, the percentages of Th17 cells and the expression of relative proteins. Similar results were obtained in lipopolysaccharide-treated normal PBMCs. These data suggested that andrographolide may inhibit Th17 immune response via STAT3 signaling. In conclusion, we demonstrated that andrographolide inhibited the activity of IL-23/IL-17 axis and down-stream pro-inflammatory factors so as to suppress inflammation response, resulting in the relieving of UC.

  13. Interleukin 1 β (IL-1B) and IL-1 antagonist receptor (IL-1RN) gene polymorphisms are associated with the genetic susceptibility and steroid dependence in patients with ulcerative colitis. (United States)

    Yamamoto-Furusho, Jesús K; Santiago-Hernández, Jean J; Pérez-Hernández, Nonanzit; Ramírez-Fuentes, Silvestre; Fragoso, José Manuel; Vargas-Alarcón, Gilberto


    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Among cytokines induced in UC, interleukin 1 antagonist (IL-1ra) and interleukin 1 β (IL-1β) seems to have a central role because of its immunoregulatory and proinflammatory activities. To determine the association between IL-1RA and IL-1B gene polymorphisms and the clinical features of UC in the Mexican Mestizo population. Five polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster members IL-1B (rs16944), IL1F10 (rs3811058), and IL-1RN (rs419598, rs315952, and rs315951) were genotyped by 5' exonuclease TaqMan genotyping assays in a group of 200 Mexican patients with UC and 248 ethnically matched unrelated healthy controls. We found a significant increased frequencies of IL-1RN6/1 TC (rs315952) and RN6/2 CC (rs315951) and decreased frequency of IL-1B-511 TC (rs16944) genotypes in UC patients as compared with healthy controls. In the subgroup analysis, we found a significant association between the RN6/2 GG (rs315951) and IL-1B-511 CC (rs16944) genotypes and the presence of steroid-dependence in UC patients (pC=00001, OR=15.6 and pC=0.008, OR=4.09, respectively). Patients with UC showed increased frequencies of IL-1RN "CTC" and "TCG" haplotypes when compared with healthy controls (P=0.019, OR=1.43 and P<10(-7), OR=2.63, respectively). Two haplotypes (TTG and CTG) showed decreased frequency in patients when compared with healthy controls (P=9×10(-7), OR=0.11 and P=8×10(-6), OR=0.11, respectively). IL-1 RN and IL-1B polymorphisms were associated with the genetic susceptibility to develop UC and might be associated with the presence of steroid-dependence in UC patients.

  14. Study on the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with psoriasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie Chuntao


    Objective: To investigate the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with psoriasis. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were measured with KIA in 38 patients with psoriasis and 35 controls. Results: Serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly higher in patients with psoriasis than those in controls (P<0.01), but serum IL-2 levels were significantly lower (P<0.01). Conclusion: These cytokines participated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Monitoring the changes of their serum levels was helpful for the management of the diseases. (authors)

  15. The lysine deacetylase inhibitor givinostat inhibits ß-cell IL-1ß induced IL-1ß transcription and processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahllöf, Mattias Salling; Christensen, Dan P; Lundh, Morten


    . Further, IL-1R antagonism improves normoglycemia and ß-cell function in type 2 diabetic patients. Inhibition of lysine deacetylases (KDACi) counteracts ß-cell toxicity induced by the combination of IL-1 and IFN¿ and reduces diabetes incidence in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. We hypothesized that KDACi......Aims: Pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, in particular IL-1ß, IFN¿, and CXCL10, contribute to ß-cell failure and loss in DM via IL-1R, IFN¿R, and TLR4 signaling. IL-1 signaling deficiency reduces diabetes incidence, islet IL-1ß secretion, and hyperglycemia in animal models of diabetes...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svenson, Morten; Nedergaard, Susanne; Heegaard, Peter M. H.


    antagonist (IL-1ra). Recombinant soluble human IL-1RI expressed in COS cells (sIL-1RI) consists of the extracellular part of the receptor and binds all three known IL-1 species but preferentially to IL-1ra. We further characterized the sizes and binding of IL-1raBF and sIL-1RI to IL-1ra by polyacrylamide gel...... electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate, ligand binding interference analyses, N-glycosidase treatment, concanavalin A affinity chromatography, and with the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to human recombinant IL-1ra. We also evaluated the binding of IL-1ra to cellular IL-1RI on MRC5...... binding of both molecules to IL-1ra. Both factors blocked binding of IL-1ra to cellular IL-1RI, as did mAb to IL-1ra, but the sites on IL-1ra which bound to the mAb, and to IL-1raBF and sIL-1RI, differed. We conclude that there are important differences between the natural and recombinant forms of soluble...

  17. The role of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and IL-8 receptors in platinum response in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma. (United States)

    Stronach, Euan A; Cunnea, Paula; Turner, Christina; Guney, Tankut; Aiyappa, Radhika; Jeyapalan, Senthuran; de Sousa, Camila H; Browne, Alacoque; Magdy, Nesreen; Studd, James B; Sriraksa, Ruethairat; Gabra, Hani; El-Bahrawy, Mona


    Platinum based drugs are the cornerstone of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, however the development of chemoresistance hinders its success. IL-8 is involved in regulating several pro-survival pathways in cancer. We studied the expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptors in platinum sensitive and resistant cell lines. Using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, both platinum sensitive (PEA1, PEO14) and resistant (PEA2, PEO23) show increased expression of IL-8 and IL-8 receptors. IL-8RA shows nuclear and cytoplasmic expression, whilst IL-8RB is present solely in the cytoplasm. Knockdown of IL-8 increased sensitivity to cisplatin in platinum sensitive and reversed platinum resistance in resistant cell lines, decreased the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and decreased inhibitory phosphorylation of pro-apoptotic Bad. IL-8 receptor antagonist treatment also enhanced platinum sensitivity. Nuclear localisation of IL-8RA was only detected in platinum resistant tumours. Inhibition of IL-8 signalling can enhance response in platinum sensitive and resistant disease. Nuclear IL-8RA may have potential as a biomarker of resistant disease.

  18. Oral Escherichia coli Colonization Factor Antigen I (CFA/I) Fimbriae Ameliorate Arthritis via IL-35, not IL-27 (United States)

    Kochetkova, Irina; Thornburg, Theresa; Callis, Gayle; Holderness, Kathryn; Maddaloni, Massimo; Pascual, David W.


    A Salmonella therapeutic expressing enterotoxigenic E. coli colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) fimbriae protects against collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) by eliciting two regulatory T cell (Treg) subsets: TGF-β-producing Foxp3−CD39+CD4+ and IL-10-producing Foxp3+CD39+CD4+ T cells. However, it is unclear if CFA/I fimbriae alone are protective, and if other regulatory cytokines are involved especially in the context for the EBI3-sharing cytokines, Treg-derived IL-35 and APC-derived IL-27, both capable of suppressing Th17 cells and regulating autoimmune diseases. Subsequent evaluation revealed that a single oral dose of purified, soluble CFA/I fimbriae protected against CIA as effectively as Salmonella-CFA/I, and found Foxp3+CD39+CD4+ T cells as the source of secreted IL-35, whereas IL-27 production by CD11c+ cells was inhibited. Inquiring into their relevance, CFA/I fimbriae-treated IL-27 receptor-deficient (WSX-1−/−) mice were equally protected against CIA as wild-type mice suggesting a limited role for IL-27. In contrast, CFA/I fimbriae-mediated protection was abated in EBI3−/− mice accompanied by the loss of TGF-β- and IL-10-producing Tregs. Adoptive transfer of B6 CD39+CD4+ T cells to EBI3−/− mice with concurrent CFA/I plus IL-35 treatment effectively stimulated Tregs suppressing proinflammatory CII-specific Th cells. Opposingly, recipients co-transferred with B6 and EBI3−/− CD39+CD4+ T cells and treated with CFA/I plus IL-35 failed in protecting mice implicating the importance for endogenous IL-35 to confer CFA/I-mediated protection. Thus, CFA/I fimbriae stimulate IL-35 required for the co-induction of TGF-β and IL-10. PMID:24337375

  19. IL-33 and IgE stimulate mast cell production of IL-2 and regulatory T cell expansion in allergic dermatitis. (United States)

    Salamon, P; Shefler, I; Moshkovits, I; Munitz, A; Horwitz Klotzman, D; Mekori, Y A; Hershko, A Y


    We have previously shown that mast cells (MCs) suppress chronic allergic dermatitis in mice. The underlying mechanism involves MC-derived IL-2, which supports regulatory T cell (Treg) response at the site of inflammation. However, it is not clear what are the factors that drive MCs to produce IL-2. To understand the mechanisms that lead to IL-2 production from MCs in chronic allergic dermatitis. Isolated murine bone marrow-derived MCs (BMMCs) were incubated with various stimulators, and IL-2 production was assessed by RT-PCR and ELISA. The response of signalling pathways was evaluated by MAPK inhibitors and Western blot analysis. The effect of MC-IL-2 on Tregs was studied by incubation of splenic T cells with conditioned media obtained from activated BMMCs. Dermatitis was elicited by repeated exposures of mouse ears to oxazolone. MCs in mouse and human skin samples were evaluated by immunostaining. BMMCs released IL-2 in response to IL-33, and IL-2 production was further enhanced by concomitant FcεRI activation. The effect of IL-33 was mediated by activation of the MAPK family members. IL-2 in conditioned media from IL-33 and IgE-stimulated BMMCs led to considerable expansion of Tregs in vitro. IL-33 levels were elevated in oxazolone-challenged ears along with increased numbers of IL-2-expressing MCs. Human skin with chronic inflammation also contained IL-2-expressing MCs that colocalized with IL-33 staining in the dermis. IL-33, in collaboration with IgE, is critical for MC-IL-2 production in allergic skin disease, thus leading to Treg stimulation and suppression of allergic dermatitis. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Compter mes jours : recherche explorant l'espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable


    Picard, Julie


    Cette recherche propose d’investiguer l’espace entre ma pratique artistique et ma pratique comptable à travers une approche qui déploie des activités de recherches théoriques sur l’art, des activités de recherches théoriques en comptabilité, la réalisation d’un protocole de création en atelier, et la prestation d’une conférence. L’approche flexible, multifocale et exploratoire adoptée se situe en affinité avec Intermedia, développé par Dick Higgins. Partant de ces deux figures type d’oppositi...

  1. Targeting IL-17 AND IL-17D receptors of rheumatoid arthritis using phytocompounds: A Molecular Docking study (United States)

    Thabitha, A.; Thoufic Ali, A. M. Mohamed; Shweta Kumari, Singh; Rakhi; Swami, Varsha; Mohana Priya, A.; Sajitha Lulu, S.


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune condition of the connective tissue in synovial joints, characterized by inflammation which can lead to bone and cartilage destruction. IL-17 and IL-17D cytokines produced by a number of cell types, primarily promote pro-inflammatory immune responses and negative regulator in fibroblast growth factor signalling. Thus, the promising therapeutic strategies focus on targeting these cytokines, which has led to the identification of effective inhibitors. However, several studies focused on identifying the anti-arthritic potential of natural compounds. Therefore, in the present study we undertook in silico investigations to decipher the anti-inflammatory prospective of phytocompounds by targeting IL-17 and IL-17D cytokines using Patch Dock algorithm. Additionally, IL-17 and IL-17D proteins structure were modelled and validated for molecular docking study. Further, phytocompounds based on anti-inflammatory property were subjected to Lipinski filter and ADMET properties indicated that all of these compounds showed desirable drug-like criteria. The outcome of this investigation sheds light on the anti-inflammatory mechanism of phytocompounds by targeting IL-17 and IL-D for effective treatment of RA.

  2. Gene variation in IL-7 receptor (IL-7R)α affects IL-7R response in CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartling, Hans Jakob; Ryder, Lars P.; Ullum, Henrik


    Optimal CD4+ T cell recovery after initiating combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) in HIV infection reduces risk of morbidity and mortality. T-allele homozygosity (‘TT’) in the single nucleotide polymorphism, rs6897932(C/T), in the IL-7 receptor α (IL-7RA) is associated with faster CD4+ T...... cell recovery after cART initiation compared to C-allele homozygosity in rs6897932 (‘CC’). However, underlying mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to examine potential mechanisms explaining the association between rs6897932 and CD4+ T cell recovery. Ten ‘TT’ and 10 ‘CC’ HIV-infected individuals matched...... on gender, age, and nadir and current CD4+ T cell counts were included in a cross-sectional study. ‘TT’ individuals had higher proportion of CD4+ T cells expressing pSTAT5 compared to ‘CC’ individuals after stimulating with IL-7, especially when co-stimulated with soluble IL7-RA (sIL-7RA). Furthermore, ‘TT...

  3. Clinical significance of determination of levels of several cytokines (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 and TNF) in expressed prostatic fluid (EPS) from patients with various types of chronic prostatitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Juxing; Zhang Jiyun


    Objective: To investigate the levels of several cytokines in EPS from patients with different types of chronic prostatitis. Methods: The EPS levels of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-10 and TNF were determined with RIA in 86 patients with various types of chronic prostatitis as well as in 30 controls. Results: The EPS levels of IL-1β, IL-2 and TNF in all the 86 patients with various types of chronic prostatitis were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 10/HP, lecithin body < + +) (n=31) were significantly higher than those in patients with CPPS IIIB (WRC < 10/HP, lecithin body normal, n=29)(P<0.05 or P<0.01 ), while the IL-10 levels were significantly lower (P<0.01). Conclusion: EPS levels of the cytokines IL-β, IL-2, TNF and IL-10 might be of value for diagnosis and classification of chronic prostatitis. (authors)

  4. IL-32 promotes angiogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nold-Petry, C.A.; Rudloff, I.; Baumer, Y.; Ruvo, M.; Marasco, D.; Botti, P.; Farkas, L.; Cho, S.X.; Zepp, J.A.; Azam, T.; Dinkel, H.; Palmer, B.E.; Boisvert, W.A.; Cool, C.D.; Taraseviciene-Stewart, L.; Heinhuis, B.; Joosten, L.A.; Dinarello, C.A.; Voelkel, N.F.; Nold, M.F.


    IL-32 is a multifaceted cytokine with a role in infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancer, and it exerts diverse functions, including aggravation of inflammation and inhibition of virus propagation. We previously identified IL-32 as a critical regulator of endothelial cell (EC) functions, and we

  5. Synthesis of 9,9,9-trideutero-1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (d3-DHN-MA), a useful internal standard for DHN-MA urinalysis. (United States)

    Chantegrel, B; Deshayes, C; Doutheau, A; Steghens, J P


    Racemic 1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (DHN-MA) and 9,9,9-trideutero-1,4-dihydroxynonane mercapturic acid (d3-DHN-MA) are synthesized on a 400-mg scale (overall yield approximately 40%) by a two-step sequence involving Michael addition of N-acetyl-L-cysteine to methyl 4-hydroxynon-2(E)-enoate or methyl 9,9,9-trideutero-4-hydroxynon-2 (E)-enoate, followed by reduction of the intermediate adducts with lithium borohydride. The requisite starting methyl esters are obtained, respectively, from heptanal or 7,7,7-trideuteroheptanal and methyl 4-chlorophenylsulfinylacetate via a sulfoxide piperidine and carbonyl reaction described in the literature. The 7,7,7-trideuteroheptanal is easily prepared by classical methods in four steps from 6-bromo-1-hexanol. 13C NMR data indicate that DHN-MA as well as d3-DHN-MA are obtained as mixtures of four diastereomers. Preliminary results show that d3-DHN-MA could be used as an internal standard for mass spectrometric quantification of DHN-MA in human urine.

  6. Maternal Genetic Variants of IL4/IL13 Pathway Genes on IgE With "Western or Eastern Environments/Lifestyles". (United States)

    Zhang, Guicheng; Khoo, Siew-Kim; Mäkelä, Mika J; Candelaria, Pierre; Hayden, Catherine M; von Hertzen, Leena; Laatikainen, Tiina; Vartiainen, Erkki; Goldblatt, Jack; Haahtela, Tari; LeSouëf, Peter N


    We investigated maternal genetic effects of four IL-4/IL-13 pathway genes as well as their interactions with the "Western or Eastern lifestyles/environments" on IgE in Karelian children. This study included 609 children and their mothers. Total IgE levels in children and mothers were measured and 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IL-4, IL-4Ra, IL-13, and STAT6 were genotyped in mothers and their children. The maternal G allele of IL-13 130 (rs20541) was significantly (P=0.001) associated with decreased IgE in children in the Karelian population (Pooling Finnish and Russian children), as well as in Finnish (P=0.030) and Russian children (P=0.018). The IgE levels were significantly (P=0.001) higher in Russian children whose mothers were homozygous for the G allele of the IL-4Ra 50 (rs1805010) SNP than that in Russian children of mothers who were AG heterozygotes or AA homozygotes. After accounting for children's genotypes, we observed interactive effects on children's IgE for maternal IL-13 130 genotypes (P=0.014) and maternal IL-4Ra 50 genotypes (P=0.0003) with "Western or Eastern" lifestyles/environments. With the adjustment for multiple comparisons using a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.05, the interactive effect of the maternal IL-4Ra50 SNP was significant. Maternal genetic variants in IL-4/IL-13 pathway genes, such as IL-13 130 and IL-4Ra50, influenced IgE levels in school children that were independent of the children's genetic effects. These effects differ in "Western or Eastern" environments.


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    Fulvio Šuran


    Full Text Available In questa prima parte del saggio ci soff ermeremo in modo particolare al periodo che intercorre tra la seconda metà del XV secolo e la prima metà del XVI secolo, in quanto è in questo lasso di tempo che si trovano serie e chiare testimonianze riguardanti la questione del duello. E questo sia nelle opere letterarie che in quelle riguardanti la precettistica. Per quanto riguarda quelle di precettistica, oltre al gran numero di trattati, è da tener presente anche il gran numero delle loro riedizioni, specialmente di quelli più famosi. Dove, oltre all'immancabile comunanza d’interessi fra poeti epici e trattatisti del duello, si noterà anche una sostanziale identità terminologica - per esempio sia i poeti sia i trattatisti ritengono che il duello sia una ‘prova’ di giudizio fi nale. Questo non comporta, nel contempo, una convergenza di convinzioni fi losofi che, in quanto, come si vedrà, il duello letterario diff erisce da quello reale proprio per la sua diversa comprensione fi losofi ca del combattere. Pertanto con la presente relazione si cercherà di dispiegare la problematica che questo istituto di per sé ha comportato nel periodo storico preso in considerazione. Il duello infatti si configurava come una questione sociale tutt'altro che irrilevante per la sua connotazione ambivalente di ordalia – quale forma particolare di rapporto fra uomo e sacro – e di inculpata tutela – quale forma particolare di ricorso alla violenza privata a tutela di un fondamentale diritto naturale. In tutti e due i casi si tratta di una forma di onore, sia individuale sia nobiliare, del quale il Patrizi ne discuterà la fondatezza interpretandolo specialmente in qualità di virtù. In questa defi nizione dell'onore – che il Patrizi aff ronta con un gusto platonico – si possono scorgere questioni di alta portata politica, che ponevano sotto varia forma la questione dei rapporti tra individuo e Stato. In tal modo il duello d’onore assumeva un

  8. Identification of contact and respiratory sensitizers according to IL-4 receptor α expression and IL-2 production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goutet, Michèle, E-mail:; Pépin, Elsa; Langonné, Isabelle; Huguet, Nelly; Ban, Masarin


    Identification of allergenic chemicals is an important occupational safety issue. While several methods exist to identify contact sensitizers, there is currently no validated model to predict the potential of chemicals to act as respiratory sensitizers. Previously, we reported that cytometry analysis of the local immune responses induced in mice dermally exposed to the respiratory sensitizer trimellitic anhydride (TMA 10%) and contact sensitizer dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB 1%) could identify divergent expression of several immune parameters. The present study confirms, first, that IgE-positive B cells, MHC class II molecules, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4 and IL-4Rα can differentiate the allergic reactions caused by high doses of strong respiratory (TMA, phthalic anhydride and toluene diisocyanate) and contact sensitizers (DNCB, dinitrofluorobenzene and oxazolone). The second part of the study was designed to test the robustness of these markers when classing the weakly immunogenic chemicals most often encountered. Six respiratory allergens, including TMA (2.5%), five contact allergens, including DNCB (0.25%), and two irritants were compared at doses of equivalent immunogenicity. The results indicated that IL-4Rα and IL-2 can be reliably used to discriminate sensitizers. Respiratory sensitizers induced markedly higher IL-4Rα levels than contact allergens, while irritants had no effect on this parameter. Inversely, contact allergens tended to induce higher percentages of IL-2{sup +}CD8{sup +} cells than respiratory allergens. In contrast, the markers MHC-II, IgE and IL-4 were not able to classify chemicals with low immunogenic potential. In conclusion, IL-4Rα and IL-2 have the potential to be used in classifying a variety of chemical allergens. -- Highlights: ► Identification of chemical allergens is an important occupational safety issue. ► There is currently no model to predict the potential of chemicals to induce asthma. ► We analyze immune responses induced

  9. Identification of contact and respiratory sensitizers according to IL-4 receptor α expression and IL-2 production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goutet, Michèle; Pépin, Elsa; Langonné, Isabelle; Huguet, Nelly; Ban, Masarin


    Identification of allergenic chemicals is an important occupational safety issue. While several methods exist to identify contact sensitizers, there is currently no validated model to predict the potential of chemicals to act as respiratory sensitizers. Previously, we reported that cytometry analysis of the local immune responses induced in mice dermally exposed to the respiratory sensitizer trimellitic anhydride (TMA 10%) and contact sensitizer dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB 1%) could identify divergent expression of several immune parameters. The present study confirms, first, that IgE-positive B cells, MHC class II molecules, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4 and IL-4Rα can differentiate the allergic reactions caused by high doses of strong respiratory (TMA, phthalic anhydride and toluene diisocyanate) and contact sensitizers (DNCB, dinitrofluorobenzene and oxazolone). The second part of the study was designed to test the robustness of these markers when classing the weakly immunogenic chemicals most often encountered. Six respiratory allergens, including TMA (2.5%), five contact allergens, including DNCB (0.25%), and two irritants were compared at doses of equivalent immunogenicity. The results indicated that IL-4Rα and IL-2 can be reliably used to discriminate sensitizers. Respiratory sensitizers induced markedly higher IL-4Rα levels than contact allergens, while irritants had no effect on this parameter. Inversely, contact allergens tended to induce higher percentages of IL-2 + CD8 + cells than respiratory allergens. In contrast, the markers MHC-II, IgE and IL-4 were not able to classify chemicals with low immunogenic potential. In conclusion, IL-4Rα and IL-2 have the potential to be used in classifying a variety of chemical allergens. -- Highlights: ► Identification of chemical allergens is an important occupational safety issue. ► There is currently no model to predict the potential of chemicals to induce asthma. ► We analyze immune responses induced in mice


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    Full Text Available Questo lavoro non è un trattato sul campo geomagnetico e nemmeno
    una rassegna sull'argomento, almeno nel significato che normalmente
    si attribuisce al termine « rassegna »; esso è semplicemente
    un tentativo di condensare in termini comprensibili agli studiosi non
    specializzati ciò che oggi si sa o si ipotizza sul magnetismo terrestre
    e sulle sue cause. Chi scrive si è sempre trovato a disagio di fronte
    alle richieste di una spiegazione sull'origine del campo magnetico
    terrestre: o si cerca di cavarsela con poche parole (« si tratta di correnti
    elettriche indotte nell'interno della Terra » che possono forse accontentare
    chi non si occupa in modo particolare di problemi scientifici
    ma non possono soddisfare un fisico, oppure ci si sente obbligati a
    tentare faticosamente di approfondire, sia per capirli personalmente
    che per poterli poi spiegare agli altri, argomenti e ragionamenti che
    sono in realtà accessibili solo a un fisico teorico ben preparato. Apparentemente
    non esiste una via di mezzo, come del resto in molti altri
    campi della fisica contemporanea.
    La presente monografia rappresenta appunto il tentativo di trovare
    questa via di mezzo: nel terzo capitolo, dedicato alle teorie sull'origine
    del campo geomagnetico, si cerca di descrivere qualitativamente
    i principali processi fisici proposti come sorgenti del campo,
    dopo un accenno ai fondamenti fisici e matematici sui quali sono state
    elaborate le varie teorie. Senza farmi soverchie illusioni di essere riuscito
    nell'intento, mi dichiarerei tuttavia soddisfatto se questo lavoro
    destasse sull'argomento l'interesse di qualche giovane ricercatore, incoraggiandolo
    ad un approfondimento.

  11. IL-21 Receptor Expression in Human Tendinopathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abigail L. Campbell


    Full Text Available The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying tendinopathy remain unclear, with much debate as to whether inflammation or degradation has the prominent role. Increasing evidence points toward an early inflammatory infiltrate and associated inflammatory cytokine production in human and animal models of tendon disease. The IL-21/IL-21R axis is a proinflammatory cytokine complex that has been associated with chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. This project aimed to investigate the role and expression of the cytokine/receptor pair IL-21/IL-21R in human tendinopathy. We found significantly elevated expression of IL-21 receptor message and protein in human tendon samples but found no convincing evidence of the presence of IL-21 at message or protein level. The level of expression of IL-21R message/protein in human tenocytes was significantly upregulated by proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα/IL-1β in vitro. These findings demonstrate that IL-21R is present in early human tendinopathy mainly expressed by tenocytes and macrophages. Despite a lack of IL-21 expression, these data again suggest that early tendinopathy has an inflammatory/cytokine phenotype, which may provide novel translational targets in the treatment of tendinopathy.

  12. IL web tutorials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyldegård, Jette; Lund, Haakon


    The paper presents the results from a study on information literacy in a higher education (HE) context based on a larger research project evaluating 3 Norwegian IL web tutorials at 6 universities and colleges in Norway. The aim was to evaluate how the 3 web tutorials served students’ information...... seeking and writing process in an study context and to identify barriers to the employment and use of the IL web tutorials, hence to the underlying information literacy intentions by the developer. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. A clear mismatch was found between intention...... and use of the web tutorials. In addition, usability only played a minor role compared to relevance. It is concluded that the positive expectations of the IL web tutorials tend to be overrated by the developers. Suggestions for further research are presented....

  13. MA-burners efficiency parameters allowing for the duration of transmutation process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gulevich, A.; Zemskov, E.; Kalugin, A.; Ponomarev, L.; Seliverstov, V.; Seregin, M.


    Transmutation of minor actinides (MA) means their transforming into the fission products. Usually, MA-burner's transmutation efficiency is characterized by the static parameters only, such as the number of neutrons absorbed and the rate of MA feeding. However, the proper characterization of MA-burner's efficiency additionally requires the consideration of parameters allowing for the duration of the MA transmutation process. Two parameters of that kind are proposed: a) transmutation time τ - mean time period from the moment a mass of MA is loaded into the burner's fuel cycle to be transmuted to the moment this mass is completely transmuted; b) number of reprocessing cycles n rep - effective number of reprocessing cycles a mass of loaded MA has to undergo before being completely transmuted. Some of MA-burners' types have been analyzed from the point of view of these parameters. It turned out that all of them have the value of parameters too high from the practical point of view. It appears that some new approaches to MA-burner's design have to be used to significantly reduce the value of these parameters in order to make the large-scale MA transmutation process practically reasonable. Some of such approaches are proposed and their potential efficiency is discussed. (authors)

  14. Occupational Exposure to Trichloroethylene and Serum Concentrations of IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha (United States)

    Bassig, Bryan A.; Zhang, Luoping; Tang, Xiaojiang; Vermeulen, Roel; Shen, Min; Smith, Martyn T.; Qiu, Chuangyi; Ge, Yichen; Ji, Zhiying; Reiss, Boris; Hosgood, H. Dean; Liu, Songwang; Bagni, Rachel; Guo, Weihong; Purdue, Mark; Hu, Wei; Yue, Fei; Li, Laiyu; Huang, Hanlin; Rothman, Nathaniel; Lan, Qing


    To evaluate the immunotoxicity of trichloroethylene (TCE), we conducted a cross-sectional molecular epidemiology study in China of workers exposed to TCE. We measured serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α, which play a critical role in regulating various components of the immune system, in 71 exposed workers and 78 unexposed control workers. Repeated personal exposure measurements were taken in workers before blood collection using 3 M organic vapor monitoring badges. Compared to unexposed workers, the serum concentration of IL-10 in workers exposed to TCE was decreased by 70% (P = 0.001) after adjusting for potential confounders. Further, the magnitude of decline in IL-10 was >60% and statistically significant in workers exposed to <12 ppm as well as in workers with exposures ≥ 12 ppm of TCE, compared to unexposed workers. No significant differences in levels of IL-6 or TNF-α were observed among workers exposed to TCE compared to unexposed controls. Given that IL-10 plays an important role in immunologic processes, including mediating the Th1/Th2 balance, our findings provide additional evidence that TCE is immunotoxic in humans. PMID:23798002

  15. Ginger Extract Reduces the Expression of IL-17 and IL-23 in the Sera and Central Nervous System of EAE Mice. (United States)

    Jafarzadeh, Abdollah; Azizi, Sayyed-Vahab; Nemati, Maryam; Khoramdel-Azad, Hossain; Shamsizadeh, Ali; Ayoobi, Fatemeh; Taghipour, Zahra; Hassan, Zuhair Mohammad


    IL-17/IL-23 axis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and multiple sclerosis (MS). The immunomodulatory properties of ginger are reported in previous studies. To evaluate the effects of ginger extract on the expression of IL-17 and IL-23 in a model of EAE. EAE was induced in C57BL/6 mice by immunization with myelin oligodendroglial glycoprotein and then treated with PBS or ginger extracts, from day +3 to +30. At day 31, mice were scarificed and the expression of IL-17 and IL-23 mRNA in spinal cord were determined by using real time-PCR. The serum levels of cytokines were measured by ELISA. The mRNA expression of IL-17, IL-23 P19 and IL-23 P40 in CNS and serum levels of IL-17 and IL-23 were significantly higher in PBS-treated EAE mice than non-EAE group (pginger-treated EAE mice the mRNA expression of IL-17, P19 and P40 in CNS and serum IL-23 levels were significantly decreased as compared to PBS-treated EAE mice (pginger-treated EAE group had significantly lower expression of IL-17, P19 and P40 in CNS and lower serum IL-17 and IL-23 levels than PBS-treated EAE group (pGinger extract reduces the expression of IL-17 and IL-23 in EAE mice. The therapeutic potential of ginger for treatment of MS could be considered in further studies.

  16. Clinical significance of changes of serum gas, IL-6 and IL-10 levels after treatment in patients with peptic ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Yuexian


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum Gas, Interleukin-6(IL-6) and Interleukin-10(IL-10) levels in patients with peptic ulcer. Methods: Serum Gas, IL-6 and IL-10 (with RIA) levels were determined in 61 patients with peptic ulcer both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment the serum Gas, IL-6 and IL-10 levels were significantly higher in the patients with peptic ulcer than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Serum Gas, IL-6 and IL-10 levels were closely related to the diseases process of peptic ulcer and were of prognostic values. (authors)

  17. IL-36 cytokines in autoimmunity and inflammatory disease. (United States)

    Ding, Liping; Wang, Xiaohui; Hong, Xiaoping; Lu, Liwei; Liu, Dongzhou


    The inteleukin-36 (IL-36) cytokines include IL-36α, IL-36β, IL-36γ and IL-36Ra, which belong to the IL-1 family and exert pro-inflammatory effects on various target cells such as keratinocytes, synoviocytes, dendritic cells and T cells. Emerging evidence has suggested a role of IL-36 in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases. Here, we provide a brief review on the activation of IL-36 family cytokines and their involvement in autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases, which will provide further insights in understanding the functions of IL-36 family cytokines in the pathophysiology of autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases.

  18. Evaluation of IL-1β, IL-1ra, and IL-10 levels and outcome of periodontal therapy in chronic periodontitis with familial Mediterranean fever. (United States)

    Bostanci, Vildan; Toker, Hulya; Senel, Soner; Poyraz, Omer; Akpinar, Aysun; Görgün, Emine Pirim; Bakar, Olcay


    This study aimed to examine the IL-1β, IL-1ra, and IL-10 cytokine levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and serum of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) and chronic periodontitis (CP) patients, and their response to nonsurgical periodontal therapy. A total of 50 patients, 15 FMF patients with generalized chronic periodontitis (FMF-CP), 15 systemically healthy patients with generalized chronic periodontitis (CP), ten systemically and periodontal healthy controls (HC), and ten periodontally healthy FMF patients (FMF-HC) were enrolled in the study. The cytokine levels in GCF and serum were determined by ELISA. Probing depth, clinical attachment level, and gingival and plaque indices in each participant were also measured. The GCF and clinical parameters at baseline and 6 weeks were recorded. The study indicated statistically significant healing of the clinical parameters in both FMF-CP and CP groups after periodontal treatment. GCF IL-1β levels at 6 weeks in FMF-CP group were significantly lower than the CP group (p  0.05). The results of our study suggested that there was a positive correlation between gingival inflammation and serum cytokine levels in FMF patients and also colchicine treatment showed protective effects on GCF cytokine levels in FMF-CP group. Following treatment, GCF IL-1β and GCF IL-1ra levels were decreased in FMF-CP group. GCF IL-10 levels were increased in FMF-CP group compared to other groups. Also, the serum cytokine levels associated with periodontal inflammation in FMF patients.

  19. Efficacy of melatonin, IL-25 and siIL-17B in tumorigenesis-associated properties of breast cancer cell lines. (United States)

    Gelaleti, Gabriela Bottaro; Borin, Thaiz Ferraz; Maschio-Signorini, Larissa Bazela; Moschetta, Marina Gobbe; Jardim-Perassi, Bruna Victorasso; Calvinho, Guilherme Berto; Facchini, Mariana Castilho; Viloria-Petit, Alicia M; de Campos Zuccari, Debora Aparecida Pires


    Mammary tumorigenesis can be modulated by melatonin, which has oncostatic action mediated by multiple mechanisms, including the inhibition of the activity of transcription factors such as NF-κB and modulation of interleukins (ILs) expression. IL-25 is an active cytokine that induces apoptosis in tumor cells due to differential expression of its receptor (IL-17RB). IL-17B competes with IL-25 for binding to IL-17RB in tumor cells, promoting tumorigenesis. This study purpose is to address the possibility of engaging IL-25/IL-17RB signaling to enhance the effect of melatonin on breast cancer cells. Breast cancer cell lines were cultured monolayers and 3D structures and treated with melatonin, IL-25, siIL-17B, each alone or in combination. Cell viability, gene and protein expression of caspase-3, cleaved caspase-3 and VEGF-A were performed by qPCR and immunofluorescence. In addition, an apoptosis membrane array was performed in metastatic cells. Treatments with melatonin and IL-25 significantly reduced tumor cells viability at 1mM and 1ng/mL, respectively, but did not alter cell viability of a non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line (MCF-10A). All treatments, alone and combined, significantly increased cleaved caspase-3 in tumor cells grown as monolayers and 3D structures (pmelatonin treatment. All treatments reduced VEGF-A protein expression in tumor cells (pmelatonin and IL-25-driven signaling in breast cancer cells. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Intensive cytokine induction in pandemic H1N1 influenza virus infection accompanied by robust production of IL-10 and IL-6. (United States)

    Yu, Xuelian; Zhang, Xi; Zhao, Baihui; Wang, Jiayu; Zhu, Zhaokui; Teng, Zheng; Shao, Junjie; Shen, Jiaren; Gao, Ye; Yuan, Zhengan; Wu, Fan


    The innate immune system is the first line of defense against viruses by inducing expression of cytokines and chemokines. Many pandemic influenza H1N1 virus [P(H1N1)] infected severe cases occur in young adults under 18 years old who were rarely seriously affected by seasonal influenza. Results regarding host cytokine profiles of P(H1N1) are ambivalent. In the present study we investigated host cytokine profiles in P(H1N1) patients and identified cytokines related to disease severity. We retrieved 77, 59, 26 and 26 sera samples from P(H1N1) and non-flu influenza like illness (non-ILIs) cases with mild symptoms (mild patients), P(H1N1) vaccinees and healthy individuals, respectively. Nine and 16 sera were from hospitalized P(H1N1) and non-ILIs patients with severe symptoms (severe patients). Cytokines of IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ and TNF-α were assayed by cytokine bead array, IL-17 and IL-23 measured with ELISA. Mild P(H1N1) patients produced significantly elevated IL-2, IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-5, IL-10, IL-17 and IL-23 versus to healthy controls. While an overwhelming IL-6 and IL-10 production were observed in severe P(H1N1) patients. Higher IL-10 secretion in P(H1N1) vaccinees confirmed our observation that highly increased level of sera IL-6 and IL-10 in P(H1N1) patients may lead to disease progression. A comprehensive innate immune response was activated at the early stage of P(H1N1) infection with a combine Th1/Th2/Th3 cytokines production. As disease progression, a systemic production of IL-6 and IL-10 were observed in severe P(H1N1) patients. Further analysis found a strong correlation between IL-6 and IL-10 production in the severe P(H1N1) patients. IL-6 may be served as a mediator to induce IL-10 production. Highly elevated level of sera IL-6 and IL-10 in P(H1N1) patients may lead to disease progression, but the underlying mechanism awaits further detailed investigations.

  1. Intensive cytokine induction in pandemic H1N1 influenza virus infection accompanied by robust production of IL-10 and IL-6.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xuelian Yu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The innate immune system is the first line of defense against viruses by inducing expression of cytokines and chemokines. Many pandemic influenza H1N1 virus [P(H1N1] infected severe cases occur in young adults under 18 years old who were rarely seriously affected by seasonal influenza. Results regarding host cytokine profiles of P(H1N1 are ambivalent. In the present study we investigated host cytokine profiles in P(H1N1 patients and identified cytokines related to disease severity. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We retrieved 77, 59, 26 and 26 sera samples from P(H1N1 and non-flu influenza like illness (non-ILIs cases with mild symptoms (mild patients, P(H1N1 vaccinees and healthy individuals, respectively. Nine and 16 sera were from hospitalized P(H1N1 and non-ILIs patients with severe symptoms (severe patients. Cytokines of IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ and TNF-α were assayed by cytokine bead array, IL-17 and IL-23 measured with ELISA. Mild P(H1N1 patients produced significantly elevated IL-2, IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-5, IL-10, IL-17 and IL-23 versus to healthy controls. While an overwhelming IL-6 and IL-10 production were observed in severe P(H1N1 patients. Higher IL-10 secretion in P(H1N1 vaccinees confirmed our observation that highly increased level of sera IL-6 and IL-10 in P(H1N1 patients may lead to disease progression. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: A comprehensive innate immune response was activated at the early stage of P(H1N1 infection with a combine Th1/Th2/Th3 cytokines production. As disease progression, a systemic production of IL-6 and IL-10 were observed in severe P(H1N1 patients. Further analysis found a strong correlation between IL-6 and IL-10 production in the severe P(H1N1 patients. IL-6 may be served as a mediator to induce IL-10 production. Highly elevated level of sera IL-6 and IL-10 in P(H1N1 patients may lead to disease progression, but the underlying mechanism awaits

  2. Synthesis, Biodistribution and In vitro Evaluation of Brain Permeable High Affinity Type 2 Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3. (United States)

    Ahamed, Muneer; van Veghel, Daisy; Ullmer, Christoph; Van Laere, Koen; Verbruggen, Alfons; Bormans, Guy M


    The type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2) is a member of the endocannabinoid system and is known for its important role in (neuro)inflammation. A PET-imaging agent that allows in vivo visualization of CB2 expression may thus allow quantification of neuroinflammation. In this paper, we report the synthesis, radiosynthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of a carbon-11 ([ 11 C]MA2) and a fluorine-18 ([ 18 F]MA3) labeled analog of a highly potent N -arylamide oxadiazole CB2 agonist (EC 50 = 0.015 nM). MA2 and MA3 behaved as potent CB2 agonist (EC 50 : 3 nM and 0.1 nM, respectively) and their in vitro binding affinity for h CB2 was found to be 87 nM and 0.8 nM, respectively. Also MA3 (substituted with a fluoro ethyl group) was found to have higher binding affinity and EC 50 values when compared to the originally reported trifluoromethyl analog 12 . [ 11 C]MA2 and [ 18 F]MA3 were successfully synthesized with good radiochemical yield, high radiochemical purity and high specific activity. In mice, both tracers were efficiently cleared from blood and all major organs by the hepatobiliary pathway and importantly these compounds showed high brain uptake. In conclusion, [ 11 C]MA2 and [ 18 F]MA3 are shown to be high potent CB2 agonists with good brain uptake, these favorable characteristics makes them potential PET probes for in vivo imaging of brain CB2 receptors. However, in view of its higher affinity and selectivity, further detailed evaluation of MA3 as a PET tracer for CB2 is warranted.

  3. Microblogging: quale valore per l’educazione? Presentazione per il pubblico italiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filippo Bruni


    Full Text Available Questo numero di Form@re raccoglie, come indicato dall’editoriale di Carmen Holotescu e Gabriela Grosseck, sei interventi, tutti relativi al microblogging, in cui si documenta come a livello europeo esistano una serie di esperienze e di risorse da un lato consolidate, dall’altro in forte evoluzione. In relazione al contesto italiano, quale tipo di pratiche e di osservazioni è possibile presentare? E quali stimoli è possibile trarre per ulteriori sperimentazioni? Il prossimo numero di Form@re offrirà una versione in lingua italiana dei contributi qui proposti, ma vorrebbe essere anche l’occasione per un’ulteriore riflessione attenta alle esperienze e ai dibattiti legati al contesto italiano. In tal senso i contributi presenti in questo numero aprono e offrono delle prime risposte a tutta una serie di questioni. Provando, sia pure con una modalità fin troppo sintetica, a individuare i punti essenziali, possono essere segnalate tre domande.

  4. CD4(+) T cells producing interleukin (IL)-17, IL-22 and interferon-? are major effector T cells in nickel allergy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyring Andersen, Beatrice; Skov, Lone; Løvendorf, Marianne B


    the frequencies of CD4(+) , CD8(+) and γδ T cells producing IL-17, IL-22 and interferon (IFN)-γ in the blood and skin from nickel-allergic patients. Patients/materials/methods Blood samples were collected from 14 patients and 17 controls, and analysed by flow cytometry. Biopsies were taken from 5 patients and 6......-allergic patients, there was massive cellular infiltration dominated by CD4(+) T cells producing IL-17, IL-22 and IFN-γ in nickel-challenged skin but not in vehicle-challenged skin. Conclusion CD4(+) T cells producing IL-17, IL-22 and IFN-γ are important effector cells in the eczematous reactions of nickel......Background It has been suggested that interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-22 play important roles in the elicitation of human allergic contact dermatitis; however, the frequencies of T cell subtypes producing IL-17 and IL-22 in human allergic contact dermatitis are unknown. Objectives To determine...

  5. Tempi che cambiano, luoghi che si trasformano: i mutamenti nei nuraghi fra l’età del Bronzo ed il Primo Ferro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Perra


    Full Text Available Riassunto: Il lungo percorso della Civiltà Nuragica, compreso fra XVII e X-IX secolo a.C., si caratterizza come un’epoca di grandi trasformazioni che si susseguono nel tempo e lasciano visibili tracce in un paesaggio mutevole, come in un succedersi di macroscopiche unità stratigrafiche. Si trasformano profondamente così non solo i monumenti ed il paesaggio, ma anche le stesse strutture sociali e politiche delle comunità nuragiche fino alla trasfigurazione del ricordo in mito nei centri cerimoniali o santuari. Abstract: The long trajectory of the Nuragic civilisation (17th - 10th/9th centuries B.C. is characterised by a succession of dramatic changes leaving visible traces in a varying landscape, like stratigraphy on a regional scale. These changes affect not only the Nuragic monuments and landscape but also the social and political institutions of Nuragic communities, culminating in a transfiguration of memory and a new mythology apparent in ceremonial centres and sanctuaries.

  6. MA-burners efficiency parameters allowing for the duration of transmutation process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gulevich, A.; Zemskov, E. [Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Bondarenko Square 1, Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249020 (Russian Federation); Kalugin, A.; Ponomarev, L. [Russian Research Center ' ' Kurchatov Institute' ' Kurchatov Square 1, Moscow 123182 (Russian Federation); Seliverstov, V. [Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics ul.B. Cheremushkinskaya 25, Moscow 117259 (Russian Federation); Seregin, M. [Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology Kashirskoe Shosse 33, Moscow 115230 (Russian Federation)


    Transmutation of minor actinides (MA) means their transforming into the fission products. Usually, MA-burner's transmutation efficiency is characterized by the static parameters only, such as the number of neutrons absorbed and the rate of MA feeding. However, the proper characterization of MA-burner's efficiency additionally requires the consideration of parameters allowing for the duration of the MA transmutation process. Two parameters of that kind are proposed: a) transmutation time {tau} - mean time period from the moment a mass of MA is loaded into the burner's fuel cycle to be transmuted to the moment this mass is completely transmuted; b) number of reprocessing cycles n{sub rep} - effective number of reprocessing cycles a mass of loaded MA has to undergo before being completely transmuted. Some of MA-burners' types have been analyzed from the point of view of these parameters. It turned out that all of them have the value of parameters too high from the practical point of view. It appears that some new approaches to MA-burner's design have to be used to significantly reduce the value of these parameters in order to make the large-scale MA transmutation process practically reasonable. Some of such approaches are proposed and their potential efficiency is discussed. (authors)

  7. New insight to IL-23/IL-17 axis in Iranian infected adult patients with gastritis: effects of genes polymorphisms on expression of cytokines. (United States)

    Shirzad, H; Bagheri, N; Azadegan-Dehkordi, F; Zamanzad, B; Izadpanah, E; Abdi, M; Ramazani, G; Sanei, M H; Ayoubian, H; Ahmadi, A; Jamalzehi, S; Aslani, P; Zandi, F


    Chronic inflammation is the hallmark of the pathogenesis of H. pylori-induced gastric cancer. IL-17A and IL-17F are inflammatory cytokines expressed by a novel subset of CD4+Th cells and play critical function in inflammation. We evaluated the relationship between IL-17A G197A, IL-17F A7488G and IL23R+2199 A/C polymorphisms with IL-6, IL-17, IL-21, IL-23 and TGF-β1 mRNAs expression in regard to H. pylori infection with chronic gastritis. Total RNA and genomic DNA were extracted from gastric biopsies of 58 H. pylori-infected patient with gastritis. Afterward, mucosal IL-6, IL-17, IL-21, IL-23 and TGF-β1 mRNAs expression and polymorphisms in IL-17A G197A, IL-17F A7488G and IL-23R +2199A/Cin gastric biopsies were determined by real-time PCR and PCR-RFLP. Our results show that IL-17A G197A, IL-17F A7488G andIL23R +2199A/C polymorphisms have no effect on mucosal expression of IL-6, IL-17, IL-21 and TGF-β1 mRNAs expression in H. pylori-infected patients with chronic gastritis. These results suggest that IL-17A G197A, IL-17F A7488G and IL23R +2199A/C polymorphisms no alter mucosal cytokine pattern in Iranian patients with H. pylori-associated gastritis diseases. © Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica.

  8. Raised IL-6 Levels

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Cardiovascular Associated Complications in HIV. Positive Zambians before ... compare plasma levels of IL-6 in HIV positive and. HIV negative .... cancer. Results from this study showed that IL-6 levels in. HIV positive ART naive individuals were significantly higher than in the HIV positive individuals on ART. Our findings ...

  9. High IL-17E and low IL-17C dermal expression identifies a fibrosis-specific motif common to morphea and systemic sclerosis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Adele Lonati

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: High interleukin (IL-17A levels are characteristically found in the skin of systemic sclerosis (SSc individuals. Our aim was to investigate whether the dermal expression of IL-17A and related IL-17 family members (i.e. IL-17C, IL-17E and IL-17F could distinguish fibrotic from healthy skin and could show similarities in SSc and morphea, two disorders with presumed distinct pathogenesis, but characterized by skin fibrosis. METHODS: Biopsies were obtained from the involved skin of 14 SSc, 5 morphea and 8 healthy donors (HD undergoing plastic surgery. Immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence techniques were coupled to a semi-automated imaging quantification approach to determine the presence of the IL-17 family members in the skin. The in vitro effects induced by the IL-17 family members on fibroblasts from normal and SSc individuals were assessed by ELISA and RIA. RESULTS: Positive cells for each of the IL-17 isoforms investigated were present in the dermis of all the individuals tested, though with variable frequencies. SSc individuals had increased frequency of IL-17A+ (p = 0.0237 and decreased frequency of IL-17F+ (p = 0.0127 and IL-17C+ cells (p = 0.0008 when compared to HD. Similarly, morphea individuals had less frequent IL-17C+ cells (p = 0.0186 in their skin but showed similar number of IL-17A+ and IL-17F+ cells when compared to HD. Finally, IL-17E+ cells were more numerous in morphea (p = 0.0109 and tended to be more frequent in SSc than in HD. Fibroblast production of IL-6, MMP-1 and MCP-1 was enhanced in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of IL-17E and IL-17F, but not in the presence of IL-17C. None of the cytokine tested had significant effect on type I collagen production. Of interest, in SSc the frequency of both IL-17A and IL-17F positive cells increased with disease duration. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of IL-17A and IL-17F distinguish SSc to morphea individuals while dermal expression of IL-17C (low and IL-17E (high

  10. IL-21: an executor of B cell fate. (United States)

    Konforte, Danijela; Simard, Nathalie; Paige, Christopher J


    IL-21 is a type I cytokine that shares the common receptor gamma-chain with IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15. B cells are one of the lymphoid cell types whose development and function are regulated by IL-21. Depending on the interplay with costimulatory signals and on the developmental stage of a B cell, IL-21 can induce proliferation, differentiation into Ig-producing plasma cells, or apoptosis in both mice and humans. Alone and in combination with Th cell-derived cytokines IL-21 can regulate class switch recombination to IgG, IgA, or IgE isotypes, indicating its important role in shaping the effector function of B cells. This review highlights the role of IL-21 in B cell development, function, and disease and provides some perspectives on the future studies in this area.

  11. Il discreto e il continuo complementarita in matematica

    CERN Document Server

    Kuyk, Willem


    Nato dall'esperienza didattica dell'autore, il libro si presenta come un testo interdisciplinare di matematica e di filosofia, inteso a fornire un quadro complessivo dello stato attuale dei fondamenti della matematica.

  12. Effect of long-term inhalation of glucocorticoids on the level of leptin, IL-13 and IL-2 in bronchial asthmatic children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Jiongwei


    Objective: To determine the effect of long-term inhalation of glucocorticoids on the level of leptin, IL-13, and IL-2 in bronchial asthmatic patient. Methods: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect the serum IL-13 and IL-2 level in 60 healthy persons (normal control group) and 70 bronchial asthma patients untreated and 3, 6, 12 months post-treatment, meanwhile leptin was determined by radio immunoassay. Results: The serum levels of leptin, Il-13, and IL-2 in were significantly increased in patient with bronchial asthma compared with that in the normal control group. The serum levels of leptin, IL-13, and IL-2 in children with asthma were decreased gradually after inhaling glucocorticoids for 3 months (P<0.05). The treatment of inhaled glucocorticoids for 6 and 12 months can attenuate the elevation of leptin, IL-13, and IL-2 compared with that before the treatment. Conclusion: Long-term inhaled glucocorticoid is an important means for asthma, and the effects are related to the decrease of level of leptin, IL-13, and IL-2. (authors)

  13. Synthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of brain permeable high affinity type 2 cannabinoid receptor agonists [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muneer Ahamed


    Full Text Available Abstract The type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2 is a member of the endocannabinoid system and is known for its important role in (neuroinflammation. A PET-imaging agent that allows in vivo visualization of CB2 expression may thus allow quantification of neuroinflammation. In this paper, we report the synthesis, radiosynthesis, biodistribution and in vitro evaluation of a carbon-11 ([11C]MA2 and a fluorine-18 ([18F]MA3 labeled analogue of a highly potent N-arylamide oxadiazole CB2 agonist (EC50 = 0.015 nM. MA2 and MA3 behaved as potent CB2 agonist (EC50: 3 nM and 0.1 nM, respectively and their in vitro binding affinity for hCB2 was found to be 87 nM and 0.8 nM, respectively. Also MA3 (substituted with a fluoro ethyl group was found to have higher binding affinity and EC50 values when compared to the originally reported trifluoromethyl analogue 12. [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3 were successfully synthesized with good radiochemical yield, high radiochemical purity and high specific activity. In mice, both tracers were efficiently cleared from blood and all major organs by the hepatobiliary pathway and importantly these compounds showed high brain uptake. In conclusion, [11C]MA2 and [18F]MA3 are shown to be high potent CB2 agonists with good brain uptake, these favorable characteristics makes them potential PET probes for in vivo imaging of brain CB2 receptors. However in view of its higher affinity and selectivity, further detailed evaluation of MA3 as a PET tracer for CB2 is warranted.

  14. IL-1Ra: its role in rheumatoid arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Cutolo


    Full Text Available Interleukin-1 (IL-1 is one of the pivotal cytokines in initiating and driving the processes of rheumatoid arthritis (RA, and the body’s natural response, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra, has been shown conclusively to block its effects. IL-1 mediate several clinical symptoms of the inflammatory reaction (i.e. fever, pain, sleep disturbances. IL-1 is considered a key mediator in RA joint damage because of its greater capacity (greater than TNF of increasing matrix degradation by inducing the production of MMPs and PGE2 in synovial cells, as well by its role as mediator of bone and cartilage destruction. In addition, IL-1 decreases the repair process by suppressing matrix synthesis and shows a strong synergism with TNF in inducing many inflammatory genes at both local and systemic level. The induced endogenous production of IL-1Ra, in presence of the RA synovitis, is too low to contrast the high affinity of IL-1 for the cell receptors. Therefore, IL-1Ra presence should result in very effective prevention of IL-1 signal transduction particularly in the inflammatory site. In laboratory and animal studies inhibition of IL-1 by either antibodies to IL-1 or IL-1Ra proved beneficial to the outcome. IL-1Ra is a member of the IL-1 superfamily. The effects of different DMARDs on IL-1Ra levels in RA patients support the important role that selected anticytokine treatments might exert in the pathophysiology of the disease. However, since anti TNFα therapy it is not effective in all RA patients, nor does it fully control the arthritic process in affected joints of good responders and complete TNF suppression should be avoided, the combined treatment with intermediate doses of TNF and IL-1 blockers, reaching synergistic suppression of arthritis, seems warranted in RA.

  15. Influence of IL1B, IL6 and IL10 gene variants and plasma fatty acid interaction on metabolic syndrome risk in a cross-sectional population-based study. (United States)

    Maintinguer Norde, Marina; Oki, Erica; Ferreira Carioca, Antonio Augusto; Teixeira Damasceno, Nágila Raquel; Fisberg, Regina Mara; Lobo Marchioni, Dirce Maria; Rogero, Marcelo Macedo


    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of interrelated risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease, with underlying inflammatory pathophysiology. Genetic variations and diet are well-known risk factor for MetS, but the interaction between these two factors is less explored. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of interaction between SNP of inflammatory genes (encoding interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β and IL-10) and plasma fatty acids on the odds of MetS, in a population-based cross-sectional study. Among participants of the Health Survey - São Paulo, 301 adults (19-59 y) from whom a blood sample was collected were included. Individuals with and without MetS were compared according to their plasma inflammatory biomarkers, fatty acid profile, and genotype frequency of the IL1B (rs16944, rs1143623, rs1143627, rs1143634 and rs1143643), IL6 (rs1800795, rs1800796 and rs1800797) and IL10 (rs1554286, rs1800871, rs1800872, rs1800890 and rs3024490) genes SNP. The influence of gene-fatty acids interaction on MetS risk was investigated. IL6 gene SNP rs1800795 G allele was associated with higher odds for MetS (OR = 1.88; p = 0.017). Gene-fatty acid interaction was found between the IL1B gene SNP rs116944 and stearic acid (p inter = 0.043), and between rs1143634 and EPA (p inter = 0.017). For the IL10 gene SNP rs1800896, an interaction was found for arachidonic acid (p inter = 0.007) and estimated D5D activity (p inter = 0.019). The IL6 gene SNP rs1800795 G allele is associated with increased odds for MetS. Plasma fatty acid profile interacts with the IL1B and IL10 gene variants to modulate the odds for MetS. This and other interactions of risk factors can account for the unexplained heritability of MetS, and their elucidation can lead to new strategies for genome-customized prevention of MetS. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  16. Changes of serum IL-1 and sIL-2R levels after intravenous photo-coagulation in patients with varicose greater saphenous vein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Li'na; Gu Ying; Liu Fanguang


    Objective: To determine the changes of serum interleukin 2 (IL-2) and soluble interleukin 2 receptor (sIL-2R) levels in patients with varicose greater saphenous vein after intravenous photocoagulation. Methods: Fifty patients with varicose greater saphenous vein were divided into two groups (mild and severe) according to their clinical symptoms. Serum IL-2 and sIL-2R levels were determined with RIA and ELISA respectively in these patients and 30 controls. Results: Serum levels of IL-2 and sIL-2R in patients of the mild group were about the same as those in the controls. In patients of the severe group, levels of IL-2 decreased and levels of sIL-2R increased significantly. After photocoagulation, the IL-2 levels dropped at first but gradually rose; the reverse was true for the sIL-2R levels. The final levels of IL-2 and sIL-2R approached those before treatment in the mild group. In the severe group, the final IL-2 levels were higher and sIL-2R levels lower than those before photocoagulation. Conclusion: Determination of serum IL-2 and sIL-2R levels revealed information about the immune status of the patients and could be applied for judgement of the treatment effect

  17. DMPD: Differential responses of human monocytes and macrophages to IL-4 and IL-13. [Dynamic Macrophage Pathway CSML Database

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 10534111 Differential responses of human monocytes and macrophages to IL-4 and IL-1...):575-8. (.png) (.svg) (.html) (.csml) Show Differential responses of human monocytes and macrophages to IL-...4 and IL-13. PubmedID 10534111 Title Differential responses of human monocytes an

  18. Association of IL1A and IL1B loci with primary open angle glaucoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mukhopadhyay Indranil


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent studies suggest that glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease in which secondary degenerative losses occur after primary insult by raised Intraocular pressure (IOP or by other associated factors. It has been reported that polymorphisms in the IL1A and IL1B genes are associated with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG. The purpose of our study was to investigate the role of these polymorphisms in eastern Indian POAG patients. Methods The study involved 315 unrelated POAG patients, consisting of 116 High Tension Glaucoma (HTG patients with intra ocular pressure (IOP > 21 mmHg and 199 non-HTG patients (presenting IOP IL1A (-889C/T; rs1800587, IL1B (-511C/T; rs16944 and IL1B (3953C/T; rs1143634. Haplotype frequency was determined by Haploview 4.1 software. The association of individual SNPs and major haplotypes was evaluated using chi-square statistics. The p-value was corrected for multiple tests by Bonferroni method. Results No significant difference was observed in the allele and genotype frequencies for IL1A and IL1B SNPs between total pool of POAG patients and controls. However, on segregating the patient pool to HTG and non-HTG groups, weak association was observed for IL1A polymorphism (-889C/T where -889C allele was found to portray risk (OR = 1.380; 95% CI = 1.041-1.830; p = 0.025 for non-HTG patients. Similarly, 3953T allele of IL1B polymorphism (+3953C/T was observed to confer risk to HTG group (OR = 1.561; 95% CI = 1.022-2.385; p = 0.039. On haplotype analysis it was observed that TTC was significantly underrepresented in non-HTG patients (OR = 0.538; 95% CI = 0.356- 0.815; p = 0.003 while TCT haplotype was overrepresented in HTG patients (OR = 1.784; 95% CI = 1.084- 2.937; p = 0.022 compared to control pool. However, after correction for multiple tests by Bonferroni method, an association of only TTC haplotype with non-HTG cases sustained (pcorrected = 0.015 and expected to confer protection. Conclusion The study

  19. Expression of TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 and IL-10 cytokines in irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells 'In vitro'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amaral, Ademir de Jesus; Leite, Lidía Lúcia Bezerra; Nascimento, Ayala Gomes do; Diniz, Ewerton Clementino; Silva, Gicielne Freitas da; Fernandes, Thiago de Salazar e; Silva, Edvane Borges da; Cavalcanti, Mariana Brayner; Veras, Robson Cavalcante; Medeiros, Isac Almeida de


    The aim of the present study was to determine and to compare the profile of cytokines produced by non-irradiated and irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the possible application of this analysis as a biomarker of individual radiosensitivity. For this, peripheral blood (PB) samples were collected from seven healthy volunteers, and each sample divided in two aliquots: one aliquot was irradiated with a dose of 2 Gy (from a 6MV Linear Accelerator) and while the other one was kept non irradiated. All PBMCs were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% Bovine Fetal Serum for 48 hours at 37°C and 5% CO2. The cytokines TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 and IL-10 were measured by flow cytometry. Wilcoxon test was performed with the level of significance of 95%. In the irradiated samples it was observed a slight increase of the median of the level of cytokines TNF, IL-4 and IL-10 (from 1040.9 to 1196.1 pg/mL, from 127.3 to 138 pg/mL, and from 99.9 to 120.8 pg/mL, respectively) and a slight decrease in median of cytokines IL- 17A (from 841.1 to 799.4 pg/mL). In addition to this evidence, there was a high inter-individual variability of cytokine concentrations in response to irradiation. It was observed that some individuals are more responsive to the expression of some inflammatory proteins after exposure to X-rays. Although further studies are necessary, the hypothesis that raises is that these biomarkers could be predictor of future individual responses to ionizing radiation exposure. (author)

  20. The HectoMAP Cluster Survey. I. redMaPPer Clusters (United States)

    Sohn, Jubee; Geller, Margaret J.; Rines, Kenneth J.; Hwang, Ho Seong; Utsumi, Yousuke; Diaferio, Antonaldo


    We use the dense HectoMAP redshift survey to explore the properties of 104 redMaPPer cluster candidates. The redMaPPer systems in HectoMAP cover the full range of richness and redshift (0.08 systems included in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam public data release are bona fide clusters. The median number of spectroscopic members per cluster is ∼20. We include redshifts of 3547 member candidates listed in the redMaPPer catalog whether they are cluster members or not. We evaluate the redMaPPer membership probability spectroscopically. The purity (number of real systems) in redMaPPer exceeds 90% even at the lowest richness. Three massive galaxy clusters (M ∼ 2 × 1013 M ⊙) associated with X-ray emission in the HectoMAP region are not included in the public redMaPPer catalog with λ rich > 20, because they lie outside the cuts for this catalog.

  1. Association study of IL10, IL1beta, and IL1RN and schizophrenia using tag SNPs from a comprehensive database: suggestive association with rs16944 at IL1beta. (United States)

    Shirts, Brian H; Wood, Joel; Yolken, Robert H; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit L


    Genetic association studies of several candidate cytokine genes have been motivated by evidence of immune dysfunction among patients with schizophrenia. Intriguing but inconsistent associations have been reported with polymorphisms of three positional candidate genes, namely IL1beta, IL1RN, and IL10. We used comprehensive sequencing data from the Seattle SNPs database to select tag SNPs that represent all common polymorphisms in the Caucasian population at these loci. Associations with 28 tag SNPs were evaluated in 478 cases and 501 unscreened control individuals, while accounting for population sub-structure using the genomic control method. The samples were also stratified by gender, diagnostic category, and exposure to infectious agents. Significant association was not detected after correcting for multiple comparisons. However, meta-analysis of our data combined with previously published association studies of rs16944 (IL1beta -511) suggests that the C allele confers modest risk for schizophrenia among individuals reporting Caucasian ancestry, but not Asians (Caucasians, n=819 cases, 1292 controls; p=0.0013, OR=1.24, 95% CI 1.09, 1.41).

  2. IL-2 induction of IL-1 beta mRNA expression in monocytes. Regulation by agents that block second messenger pathways

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kovacs, E J; Brock, B; Varesio, L


    We have previously shown that in mixed cultures of PBL incubation with human rIL-2 induces the rapid expression of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta mRNA. Because studies have demonstrated that IL-2R can be expressed on the surface of human peripheral blood monocytes, we chose to investigate whether IL-1 ...

  3. Higher proliferation of peritumoral endothelial cells to IL-6/sIL-6R than tumoral endothelial cells in hepatocellular carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang, Peng-Yuan; Wang, Jian-Dong; Tang, Zhao-Hui; Zhou, Xue-Ping; Quan, Zhi-Wei; Liu, Ying-Bin; Shen, Jun


    This study aimed to explore the responses to the interleukin-6 (IL-6)/soluble interleukin-6 receptor (sIL-6R) complex in peritumoral endothelial cells (PECs) and tumor endothelial cells (TECs), as well as determine the signaling pathways in the angiogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The expression of IL-6, IL-6R, gp130, CD68, HIF-1α, and microvessel density (MVD) were assessed with an orthotopic xenograft model in nude mice. ECs were incubated under hypoxic conditions to detect IL-6 and gp130. The proliferation of PECs and TECs in the presence of IL-6 and sIL-6R, as well as the expression of gp130, JAK2/STAT3, PI3K/AKT in endothelial cells were measured. Peritumoral IL-6, IL-6R, gp130, CD68, and HIF-1α expression, as well as MVD, gradually increased during tumor growth. Hypoxia could directly induce IL-6 expression, but not gp130 in PECs. The co-culture of IL-6/sIL-6R induced much higher PEC proliferation and gp130 expression, as well as the elevated phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT3, however not the phosphorylation of PI3K and AKT. PECs exhibited higher proliferation in response to IL-6/sIL-6R co-treatment compared with TECs in HCC via the up-regulation of gp130 /JAK2/STAT3. PEC and its associated peritumoral angiogenesis microenvironment may be a potential novel target for anti-angiogenic treatment. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12885-015-1763-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

  4. Peripheral blood MDSCs, IL-10 and IL-12 in children with asthma and their importance in asthma development. (United States)

    Zhang, Yan-Li; Luan, Bin; Wang, Xiu-Fang; Qiao, Jun-Ying; Song, Li; Lei, Rui-Rui; Gao, Wei-Xia; Liu, Ying


    To investigate myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) accumulation and interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interleukin 12 (IL-12) levels during the onset of asthma in both pediatric patients and mouse models, as well as their possible roles in the development of asthma. Peripheral blood samples were gathered from children with asthma attacks (attack group) and alleviated asthma (alleviated group), as well as two control groups, children with pneumonia and healthy children. The pathological characteristics of asthma in asthmatic mice, budesonide-treated asthmatic mice, and normal control mice were also evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. MDSC accumulation and serum IL-10 levels were significantly elevated in the children with asthma compared with the budesonide-treated alleviated group, normal healthy controls, and pneumonia controls (p0.05). The level of serum IL-12 in the asthmatic children was drastically reduced compared to the budesonide-treated alleviated group, healthy controls, and pneumonia controls (pasthma was positively correlated with the level of serum IL-10 and negatively correlated with the level of serum IL-12. The levels of MDSCs and IL-10 in asthmatic mice were significantly higher than those in the normal control mice (both pasthma, the accumulation of MDSCs and the level of serum IL-10 increase, while the level of IL-12 decreases. These fluctuations may play an important role in the development of asthma.

  5. Mass and Reliability System (MaRS) (United States)

    Barnes, Sarah


    The Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Directorate is responsible for mitigating risk, providing system safety, and lowering risk for space programs from ground to space. The S&MA is divided into 4 divisions: The Space Exploration Division (NC), the International Space Station Division (NE), the Safety & Test Operations Division (NS), and the Quality and Flight Equipment Division (NT). The interns, myself and Arun Aruljothi, will be working with the Risk & Reliability Analysis Branch under the NC Division's. The mission of this division is to identify, characterize, diminish, and communicate risk by implementing an efficient and effective assurance model. The team utilizes Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) to ensure decisions concerning risks are informed, vehicles are safe and reliable, and program/project requirements are realistic and realized. This project pertains to the Orion mission, so it is geared toward a long duration Human Space Flight Program(s). For space missions, payload is a critical concept; balancing what hardware can be replaced by components verse by Orbital Replacement Units (ORU) or subassemblies is key. For this effort a database was created that combines mass and reliability data, called Mass and Reliability System or MaRS. The U.S. International Space Station (ISS) components are used as reference parts in the MaRS database. Using ISS components as a platform is beneficial because of the historical context and the environment similarities to a space flight mission. MaRS uses a combination of systems: International Space Station PART for failure data, Vehicle Master Database (VMDB) for ORU & components, Maintenance & Analysis Data Set (MADS) for operation hours and other pertinent data, & Hardware History Retrieval System (HHRS) for unit weights. MaRS is populated using a Visual Basic Application. Once populated, the excel spreadsheet is comprised of information on ISS components including

  6. Peripheral blood MDSCs, IL-10 and IL-12 in children with asthma and their importance in asthma development.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan-Li Zhang

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC accumulation and interleukin 10 (IL-10 and interleukin 12 (IL-12 levels during the onset of asthma in both pediatric patients and mouse models, as well as their possible roles in the development of asthma. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were gathered from children with asthma attacks (attack group and alleviated asthma (alleviated group, as well as two control groups, children with pneumonia and healthy children. The pathological characteristics of asthma in asthmatic mice, budesonide-treated asthmatic mice, and normal control mice were also evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E staining. RESULTS: MDSC accumulation and serum IL-10 levels were significantly elevated in the children with asthma compared with the budesonide-treated alleviated group, normal healthy controls, and pneumonia controls (p0.05. The level of serum IL-12 in the asthmatic children was drastically reduced compared to the budesonide-treated alleviated group, healthy controls, and pneumonia controls (p<0.05, whereas the latter three groups showed no significant differences in their serum IL-12 levels. The percentage of MDSCs in children with asthma was positively correlated with the level of serum IL-10 and negatively correlated with the level of serum IL-12. The levels of MDSCs and IL-10 in asthmatic mice were significantly higher than those in the normal control mice (both p<0.05 and were reduced after budesonide treatment (both p<0.05. IL-12 expression in the asthmatic mice was significantly lower than the control and was increased upon budesonide treatment (both p<0.05. CONCLUSION: During the onset of asthma, the accumulation of MDSCs and the level of serum IL-10 increase, while the level of IL-12 decreases. These fluctuations may play an important role in the development of asthma.

  7. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Ecosystems (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Ecosystems provides data and information on the extent and classification of ecosystems circa 2000, including coastal,...

  8. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Biodiversity (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Biodiversity provides data and information on amphibians, disease agents (extent and distribution of infectious and parasitic...

  9. Membrane-bound IL-12 and IL-23 serve as potent mucosal adjuvants when co-presented on whole inactivated influenza vaccines. (United States)

    Khan, Tila; Heffron, Connie L; High, Kevin P; Roberts, Paul C


    Potent and safe adjuvants are needed to improve the efficacy of parenteral and mucosal vaccines. Cytokines, chemokines and growth factors have all proven to be effective immunomodulatory adjuvants when administered with a variety of antigens. We have previously evaluated the efficacy of membrane-anchored interleukins (IL) such as IL-2 and IL-4 co-presented as Cytokine-bearing Influenza Vaccines (CYT-IVACs) using a mouse model of influenza challenge. Here, we describe studies evaluating the parenteral and mucosal adjuvanticity of membrane-bound IL-12 and IL-23 CYT-IVACs in young adult mice. Mucosal immunization using IL-12 and IL-23 bearing whole influenza virus vaccine (WIV) was more effective at eliciting virus-specific nasal IgA and reducing viral lung burden following challenge compared to control WIV vaccinated animals. Both IL-12 and IL-23 bearing WIV elicited the highest anti-viral IgA levels in serum and nasal washes. This study highlights for the first time the mucosal adjuvant potential of IL-12 and IL-23 CYT-IVAC formulations in eliciting mucosal immune responses and reducing viral lung burden. The co-presentation of immunomodulators in direct context with viral antigen in whole inactivated viral vaccines may provide a means to significantly lower the dose of vaccine required for protection.

  10. Dynamic monitoring of serum IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-6 contents in patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou Jianwen; Li Weiguo


    Objective: To investigate the possible role of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6) in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease. Methods: Serum FT 3 , FT 4 , TSH (with CLIA), IL-2, IL-6 (with RIA) and IFN-γ (with ELISA) contents were measured in the following subjects: (1) 42 patients with Graves' disease before any treatment, (2) 40 patients in remission after successful treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATD), (3) 25 patients in relapse (around 6 months after cessation of two years' ATD treatment, (4) 40 controls. Results: The serum IFN-γ and IL-6 contents in the patients before treatment and patients in relapse were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 3 , FT 4 levels while the serum IL-2 contents were linearly negatively correlated with FT 3 , FT 4 levels before treatment. Conclusion: Contents of these cytokines fluctuated dynamically along with the status of Graves' disease and might be related to the pathogenesis in some way. (authors)

  11. Role of IL-38 and Its Related Cytokines in Inflammation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xianli Yuan


    Full Text Available Interleukin- (IL- 38 is a recently discovered cytokine and is the tenth member of the IL-1 cytokine family. IL-38 shares structural features with IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra and IL-36Ra. IL-36R is the specific receptor of IL-38, a partial receptor antagonist of IL-36. IL-38 inhibits the production of T-cell cytokines IL-17 and IL-22. IL-38 also inhibits the production of IL-8 induced by IL-36γ, thus inhibiting inflammatory responses. IL-38-related cytokines, including IL-1Ra and IL-36Ra, are involved in the regulation of inflammation and immune responses. The study of IL-38 and IL-38-related cytokines might provide new insights for developing anti-inflammatory treatments in the near future.

  12. IL-6 and mouse oocyte spindle.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jashoman Banerjee

    Full Text Available Interleukin 6 (IL-6 is considered a major indicator of the acute-phase inflammatory response. Endometriosis and pelvic inflammation, diseases that manifest elevated levels of IL-6, are commonly associated with higher infertility. However, the mechanistic link between elevated levels of IL-6 and poor oocyte quality is still unclear. In this work, we explored the direct role of this cytokine as a possible mediator for impaired oocyte spindle and chromosomal structure, which is a critical hurdle in the management of infertility. Metaphase-II mouse oocytes were exposed to recombinant mouse IL-6 (50, 100 and 200 ng/mL for 30 minutes and subjected to indirect immunofluorescent staining to identify alterations in the microtubule and chromosomal alignment compared to untreated controls. The deterioration in microtubule and chromosomal alignment were evaluated utilizing both fluorescence and confocal microscopy, and were quantitated with a previously reported scoring system. Our results showed that IL-6 caused a dose-dependent deterioration in microtubule and chromosomal alignment in the treated oocytes as compared to the untreated group. Indeed, IL-6 at a concentration as low as 50 ng/mL caused deterioration in the spindle structure in 60% of the oocytes, which increased significantly (P<0.0001 as IL-6 concentration was increased. In conclusion, elevated levels of IL-6 associated with endometriosis and pelvic inflammation may reduce the fertilizing capacity of human oocyte through a mechanism that involves impairment of the microtubule and chromosomal structure.

  13. La mostra “Pietro Porcinai (1910-1986. Il lavoro di un paesaggista italiano nelle immagini e nei disegni dell’archivio fiesolano”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tessa Matteini


    Full Text Available La Mostra, inaugurata all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Colonia il 3 marzo 20041 e riproposta, nella stessa città, nel settembre successivo alla Kölnmesse, colma una lacuna importante per la conoscenza della figura e delle opere di uno dei maggiori paesaggisti del Novecento. La vicenda umana e professionale di Pietro Porcinai viene presentata per la prima volta al di fuori dei confini nazionali, attraverso i documenti e le immagini fotografiche conservati nell’Archivio di Villa Rondinelli a Fiesole, atelier del paesaggista, laboratorio culturale e centro operativo per lo studio e la creazione di giardini e paesaggi. L’esposizione, curata da Luigi Latini2 con la collaborazione di Tessa Matteini e Marco Cei, è suddivisa in tre parti. La prima si occupa di delineare la figura di Pietro Porcinai, analizzando la sua formazione ed il contesto culturale in cui si è mosso, tra tradizione e modernità; la seconda indaga sullo sviluppo della complessa macchina professionale che gli ha consentito l’invenzione di alcuni tra i più straordinari paesaggi italiani del dopoguerra; la terza infine é dedicata allo studio di cinque progetti esemplari, diversi per ubicazione, tematiche, cronologia, disegno e materia, ma uniti dall’intima ed etica coerenza che pervade tutto il lavoro di Porcinai. 

  14. Changes of serum IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ levels after treatment with 131I-17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin in VX2 rabbit models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Wen; Liu Lu; Zhou Yun


    Objective: To study the influence of 131 I-17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin( 131 I-17-AAG) therapy on immune function in VX2 rabbit models with transplanted liver cancer. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ levels were measured with RIA in 8 VX2 rabbit models with transplanted liver cancer 1-2 weeks after 10mCi 131 I-17-AAG treatment as well as in 8 controls rabbits (models with tumor but without treatment). Results: 1 week after 10mCi 131 I treatment, the serum IL - 2 and IFN-γ levels were significantly lower in the treated rabbits than those in controls (P 0.05). Serum IL-4 and IL-10 levels in the treated rabbits (both at 1 and 2 week) were not significantly different from those in controls (P>0.05). Conclusion: 131 I-17-AAG treatment had transient effects on cellular immunity with no influence on humoral immunity. As a whole, it is a safe to treat VX2 rabbit models with this preparation. (authors)

  15. Autocrine IL-6 mediates pituitary tumor senescence (United States)

    Fuertes, Mariana; Ajler, Pablo; Carrizo, Guillermo; Cervio, Andrés; Sevlever, Gustavo; Stalla, Günter K.; Arzt, Eduardo


    Cellular senescence is a stable proliferative arrest state. Pituitary adenomas are frequent and mostly benign, but the mechanism for this remains unknown. IL-6 is involved in pituitary tumor progression and is produced by the tumoral cells. In a cell autonomous fashion, IL-6 participates in oncogene-induced senescence in transduced human melanocytes. Here we prove that autocrine IL-6 participates in pituitary tumor senescence. Endogenous IL-6 inhibition in somatotroph MtT/S shRNA stable clones results in decreased SA-β-gal activity and p16INK4a but increased pRb, proliferation and invasion. Nude mice injected with IL-6 silenced clones develop tumors contrary to MtT/S wild type that do not, demonstrating that clones that escape senescence are capable of becoming tumorigenic. When endogenous IL-6 is silenced, cell cultures derived from positive SA-β-gal human tumor samples decrease the expression of the senescence marker. Our results establish that IL-6 contributes to maintain senescence by its autocrine action, providing a natural model of IL-6 mediated benign adenoma senescence. PMID:27902467

  16. 46 CFR 308.545 - Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Facultative cargo policy, Form MA-316. 308.545 Section 308.545 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK... policy, Form MA-316. The standard form of War Risk Facultative Cargo Policy, Form MA-316, may be obtained...

  17. M&A information technology best practices

    CERN Document Server

    Roehl-Anderson, Janice M


    Add value to your organization via the mergers & acquisitions IT function  As part of Deloitte Consulting, one of the largest mergers and acquisitions (M&A) consulting practice in the world, author Janice Roehl-Anderson reveals in M&A Information Technology Best Practices how companies can effectively and efficiently address the IT aspects of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. Filled with best practices for implementing and maintaining systems, this book helps financial and technology executives in every field to add value to their mergers, acquisitions, and/or divestitures via the IT

  18. 42 CFR 422.4 - Types of MA plans. (United States)


    ... availability, service area, and quality. (ii) Coordinated care plans may include mechanisms to control... requirements of sections 138 and 220 of the Internal Revenue Code. (3) MA private fee-for-service plan. An MA... Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED...

  19. Short-term exposure to oleandrin enhances responses to IL-8 by increasing cell surface IL-8 receptors (United States)

    Raviprakash, Nune; Manna, Sunil Kumar


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE One of the first steps in host defence is the migration of leukocytes. IL-8 and its receptors are a chemokine system essential to such migration. Up-regulation of these receptors would be a viable strategy to treat dysfunctional host defence. Here, we studied the effects of the plant glycoside oleandrin on responses to IL-8 in a human monocytic cell line. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH U937 cells were incubated with oleandrin (1-200 ng mL−1) for either 1 h (pulse) or for 24 h (non-pulse). Apoptosis; activation of NF-κB, AP-1 and NFAT; calcineurin activity and IL-8 receptors (CXCR1 and CXCR2) were measured using Western blotting, RT-PCR and reporter gene assays. KEY RESULTS Pulse exposure to oleandrin did not induce apoptosis or cytoxicity as observed after non-pulse exposure. Pulse exposure enhanced activation of NF-κB induced by IL-8 but not that induced by TNF-α, IL-1, EGF or LPS. Exposure to other apoptosis-inducing compounds (azadirachtin, resveratrol, thiadiazolidine, or benzofuran) did not enhance activation of NF-κB. Pulse exposure to oleandrin increased expression of IL-8 receptors and chemotaxis, release of enzymes and activation of NF-κB, NFAT and AP-1 along with increased IL-8-mediated calcineurin activation, and wound healing. Pulse exposure increased numbers of cell surface IL-8 receptors. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Short-term (1 h; pulse) exposure to a toxic glycoside oleandrin, enhanced biological responses to IL-8 in monocytic cells, without cytoxicity. Pulse exposure to oleandrin could provide a viable therapy for those conditions where leukocyte migration is defective. PMID:24172227

  20. Ma(d)skulinitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leer, Jonatan

    Når tv-kokke som Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay og brødrene Price toner frem på skærmen, laver de ikke kun mad. De mixer også maskulinitet. For når en mand laver mad, laver maden også manden. Det mener postdoc Jonatan Leer, der i Ma(ds)kulinitet. Kønskamp i tv-køkkenet præsenterer, hvordan og hvorfor...

  1. IL10-Deficiency in CD4+ T Cells Exacerbates the IFNγ and IL17 Response During Bacteria Induced Colitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginia Seiffart


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: IL10 is a key inhibitor of effector T cell activation and a mediator of intestinal homeostasis. In addition, IL10 has emerged as a key immunoregulator during infection with various pathogens, ameliorating the excessive T-cell responses that are responsible for much of the immunopathology associated with the infection. Because IL10 plays an important role in both intestinal homeostasis and infection, we studied the function of IL10 in infection-associated intestinal inflammation. Methods: Wildtype mice and mice deficient in CD4+ T cell-derived or regulatory T cells-derived IL10 were infected with the enteric pathogen Citrobacter (C. rodentium and analyzed for the specific immune response and pathogloy in the colon. Results: We found that IL10 expression is upregulated in colonic tissue after infection with C. rodentium, especially in CD4+ T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Whereas the deletion of IL10 in regulatory T cells had no effect on C. rodentium induced colitis, infection of mice deficient in CD4+ T cell-derived IL10 exhibited faster clearance of the bacterial burden but worse colitis, crypt hyperplasia, and pathology than did WT mice. In addition, the depletion of CD4+ T cell-derived IL10 in infected animals was accompanied by an accelerated IFNγ and IL17 response in the colon. Conclusion: Thus, we conclude that CD4+ T cell-derived IL10 is strongly involved in the control of C. rodentium-induced colitis. Interference with this network could have implications for the treatment of infection-associated intestinal inflammation.

  2. [Brd3 promotes IL-6 production via enhancing acetylase CBP recruitment and histone 3 acetylation within IL6 promoter]. (United States)

    Ren, Wenhui; Sun, Donghao; Wang, Chunmei; Li, Nan


    Objective To investigate the role of bromodomain containing 3 (Brd3) in LPS-triggered interleukin-6 (IL-6) production in macrophages and the underlying mechanism. Methods CRISPR-Cas9 technology was used to screen an RAW264.7 cell line with Brd3 knockout (Brd3 -/- ). The Brd3 -/- cells were used as an experimental group, and the parential cells expressing wide-type Brd3 as a control group. The IL-6 level in cell culture supernatant was detected by ELISA after 100 ng/mL LPS challenging. Effect of Brd3 knockout on the expression and activation of signal pathways involved in IL-6 expression, including the NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways were examined by Western blot analysis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay was used to evaluate the recruitment of acetylase CREB-binding protein (CBP) to IL6 gene promoter and the acetylation level of histone 3 within IL6 gene promoter. Results LPS treatment significantly downregulated Brd3 expression in mouse peritoneal macrophages. LPS-induced production of IL-6 was significantly inhibited in Brd3 -/- macrophages. The expressions and activation of signal molecules within NF-κB and MAPK pathways were barely affected. Brd3 knockout significantly decreased the recruitment of acetylase CBP to IL6 gene promoter, and the acetylation level of histone3 within IL6 gene promoter was also repressed. Conclusion Brd3 promotes LPS-triggered IL-6 production via promoting the recruitment of CBP to IL6 promoter and enhancing the acetylation level of histone 3 within IL6 promoter.

  3. RNA-Seq Analysis of IL-1B and IL-36 Responses in Epidermal Keratinocytes Identifies a Shared MyD88-Dependent Gene Signature. (United States)

    Swindell, William R; Beamer, Maria A; Sarkar, Mrinal K; Loftus, Shannon; Fullmer, Joseph; Xing, Xianying; Ward, Nicole L; Tsoi, Lam C; Kahlenberg, Michelle J; Liang, Yun; Gudjonsson, Johann E


    IL-36 cytokines have recently emerged as mediators of inflammation in autoimmune conditions including psoriasis vulgaris (PsV) and generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP). This study used RNA-seq to profile the transcriptome of primary epidermal keratinocytes (KCs) treated with IL-1B, IL-36A, IL-36B, or IL-36G. We identified some early IL-1B-specific responses (8 h posttreatment), but nearly all late IL-1B responses were replicated by IL-36 cytokines (24 h posttreatment). Type I and II interferon genes exhibited time-dependent response patterns, with early induction (8 h) followed by no response or repression (24 h). Altogether, we identified 225 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with shared responses to all 4 cytokines at both time points (8 and 24 h). These involved upregulation of ligands ( IL1A, IL1B , and IL36G ) and activating proteases ( CTSS ) but also upregulation of inhibitors such as IL1RN and IL36RN . Shared IL-1B/IL-36 DEGs overlapped significantly with genes altered in PsV and GPP skin lesions, as well as genes near GWAS loci linked to autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases (e.g., PsV, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and primary biliary cholangitis). Inactivation of MyD88 adapter protein using CRISPR/Cas9 completely abolished expression responses of such DEGs to IL-1B and IL-36G stimulation. These results provide a global view of IL-1B and IL-36 expression responses in epidermal KCs with fine-scale characterization of time-dependent and cytokine-specific response patterns. Our findings support an important role for IL-1B and IL-36 in autoimmune or autoinflammatory conditions and show that MyD88 adaptor protein mediates shared IL-1B/IL-36 responses.

  4. HoCaMA: Home Care Hybrid Multiagent Architecture (United States)

    Fraile, Juan A.; Bajo, Javier; Abraham, Ajith; Corchado, Juan M.

    Home Care is one of the main objectives of Ambient Intelligence. Nowadays, the disabled and elderly population, which represents a significant part of our society, requires novel solutions for providing home care in an effective way. In this chapter, we present HoCaMA, a hybrid multiagent architecture that facilitates remote monitoring and care services for disabled patients at their homes. HoCaMA combines multiagent systems and Web services to facilitate the communication and integration with multiple health care systems. In addition, HoCaMA focuses on the design of reactive agents capable of interacting with different sensors present in the environment, and incorporates a system of alerts through SMS and MMS mobile technologies. Finally, it uses Radio Frequency IDentification and JavaCard technologies to provide advanced location and identification systems, as well as automatic access control facilities. HoCaMA has been implemented in a real environment and the results obtained are presented within this chapter.

  5. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons reciprocally regulate IL-22 and IL-17 cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from both healthy and asthmatic subjects.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coline Plé

    Full Text Available Pollution, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH, may contribute to increased prevalence of asthma. PAH can bind to the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR, a transcription factor involved in Th17/Th22 type polarization. These cells produce IL17A and IL-22, which allow neutrophil recruitment, airway smooth muscle proliferation and tissue repair and remodeling. Increased IL-17 and IL-22 productions have been associated with asthma. We hypothesized that PAH might affect, through their effects on AhR, IL-17 and IL-22 production in allergic asthmatics. Activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs from 16 nonallergic nonasthmatic (NA and 16 intermittent allergic asthmatic (AA subjects were incubated with PAH, and IL-17 and IL-22 productions were assessed. At baseline, activated PBMCs from AA exhibited an increased IL-17/IL-22 profile compared with NA subjects. Diesel exhaust particle (DEP-PAH and Benzo[a]Pyrene (B[a]P stimulation further increased IL-22 but decreased IL-17A production in both groups. The PAH-induced IL-22 levels in asthmatic patients were significantly higher than in healthy subjects. Among PBMCs, PAH-induced IL-22 expression originated principally from single IL-22- but not from IL-17- expressing CD4 T cells. The Th17 transcription factors RORA and RORC were down regulated, whereas AhR target gene CYP1A1 was upregulated. IL-22 induction by DEP-PAH was mainly dependent upon AhR whereas IL-22 induction by B[a]P was dependent upon activation of PI3K and JNK. Altogether, these data suggest that DEP-PAH and B[a]P may contribute to increased IL22 production in both healthy and asthmatic subjects through mechanisms involving both AhR -dependent and -independent pathways.

  6. Central Role of IL-23 and IL-17 Producing Eosinophils as Immunomodulatory Effector Cells in Acute Pulmonary Aspergillosis and Allergic Asthma. (United States)

    Guerra, Evelyn Santos; Lee, Chrono K; Specht, Charles A; Yadav, Bhawna; Huang, Haibin; Akalin, Ali; Huh, Jun R; Mueller, Christian; Levitz, Stuart M


    Aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive pulmonary disease in immunocompromised hosts and allergic asthma in atopic individuals. We studied the contribution of lung eosinophils to these fungal diseases. By in vivo intracellular cytokine staining and confocal microscopy, we observed that eosinophils act as local sources of IL-23 and IL-17. Remarkably, mice lacking eosinophils had a >95% reduction in the percentage of lung IL-23p19+ cells as well as markedly reduced IL-23 heterodimer in lung lavage fluid. Eosinophils killed A. fumigatus conidia in vivo. Eosinopenic mice had higher mortality rates, decreased recruitment of inflammatory monocytes, and decreased expansion of lung macrophages after challenge with conidia. All of these functions underscore a potential protective role for eosinophils in acute aspergillosis. Given the postulated role for IL-17 in asthma pathogenesis, we assessed whether eosinophils could act as sources of IL-23 and IL-17 in models where mice were sensitized to either A. fumigatus antigens or ovalbumin (OVA). We found IL-23p19+ IL-17AF+ eosinophils in both allergic models. Moreover, close to 95% of IL-23p19+ cells and >90% of IL-17AF+ cells were identified as eosinophils. These data establish a new paradigm in acute and allergic aspergillosis whereby eosinophils act not only as effector cells but also as immunomodulatory cells driving the IL-23/IL-17 axis and contributing to inflammatory cell recruitment.

  7. The English translation of Umberto Eco’s Il Cimitero di Praga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Richard Dixon


    Full Text Available Abstract - The translation of Umberto Eco’s latest novel raised various practical considerations. First, historical context: all of the main characters, except the protagonist, actually exist; most of the events around which the story is told actually happened; this means that the story must not only sound right, but it has to be right. Second, the action in the novel moves between Piedmont, Sicily and Paris, and involves negotiating between three languages: the cultural context suggests that certain words should be left in Italian, while others were better translated into French. Third, the story is told mainly through diaries written in the last years of the 19th century: the vocabulary in the target language therefore had to be appropriate for that period. Fourth, to place the English reader in the same position as the Italian reader, particularly in understanding Latin expressions, a little help could occasionally be given. Fifth, it was important to render the diversity of the three different voices of the Narrator, Simone Simonini and Abbé Della Piccola, as well as changes in pace and style. The task of the translator, in the end, is to try to produce the same effect for an English reader as the author has tried to produce for an Italian reader. It involves working on sound and rhythm – it involves trying to find the voice of the author. Riassunto -La traduzione dell’ultimo romanzo di Umberto Eco ha posto varie considerazioni di natura pratica. In primo luogo, il contesto storico: tutti i personaggi principali, eccetto il protagonista, esistono realmente; la maggior parte degli eventi attorno ai quali si evolve la storia sono realmente avvenuti; ciò significa che la storia non solo deve sembrare veritiera, ma deve essere veritiera. In secondo luogo, l’azione del romanzo si svolge tra Piemonte, Sicilia e Parigi, e ciò implica una negoziazione tra tre lingue: il contesto culturale suggerisce che certe parole dovrebbero essere

  8. Expression of TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 and IL-10 cytokines in irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells 'In vitro'; Expressão das citocinas TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 e IL-10 em células mononucleares do sangue periférico irradiadas 'in vitro'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amaral, Ademir de Jesus; Leite, Lidía Lúcia Bezerra; Nascimento, Ayala Gomes do; Diniz, Ewerton Clementino; Silva, Gicielne Freitas da; Fernandes, Thiago de Salazar e; Silva, Edvane Borges da; Cavalcanti, Mariana Brayner, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (GERAR/DEN/UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Grupo de Estudos em Radioproteção e Radioecologia; Dantas, Samuel César [Instituto de Medicina Integrada Prof. Antônio Figueira (IMIP), PE (Brazil); Veras, Robson Cavalcante; Medeiros, Isac Almeida de [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (DCF/UFPB), PB (Brazil). Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas


    The aim of the present study was to determine and to compare the profile of cytokines produced by non-irradiated and irradiated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the possible application of this analysis as a biomarker of individual radiosensitivity. For this, peripheral blood (PB) samples were collected from seven healthy volunteers, and each sample divided in two aliquots: one aliquot was irradiated with a dose of 2 Gy (from a 6MV Linear Accelerator) and while the other one was kept non irradiated. All PBMCs were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% Bovine Fetal Serum for 48 hours at 37°C and 5% CO2. The cytokines TNF, IL-17A, IL-4 and IL-10 were measured by flow cytometry. Wilcoxon test was performed with the level of significance of 95%. In the irradiated samples it was observed a slight increase of the median of the level of cytokines TNF, IL-4 and IL-10 (from 1040.9 to 1196.1 pg/mL, from 127.3 to 138 pg/mL, and from 99.9 to 120.8 pg/mL, respectively) and a slight decrease in median of cytokines IL- 17A (from 841.1 to 799.4 pg/mL). In addition to this evidence, there was a high inter-individual variability of cytokine concentrations in response to irradiation. It was observed that some individuals are more responsive to the expression of some inflammatory proteins after exposure to X-rays. Although further studies are necessary, the hypothesis that raises is that these biomarkers could be predictor of future individual responses to ionizing radiation exposure. (author)

  9. Clinical significance of measurement of serum IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α levels after treatment in patients with periodontitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Tongwu


    Objective: To explore the significance of changes of serum IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α levels after treatment in patients with periodontitis. Methods: Serum IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α(with RIA) levels were determined in 36 patients with periodontitis both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, serum IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum IL-8, IL-1β and TNF-α levels might reflect the progress of disease in patients with periodontitis and might be of important clinical value. (authors)

  10. Effects of flurbiprofen axetil on postoperative serum IL-2 and IL-6 levels in patients with colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Jiang, W W; Wang, Q H; Peng, P; Liao, Y J; Duan, H X; Xu, M; Li, Y; Zhang, P B


    We explored the effects of flurbiprofen axetil on interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-6 levels in postoperative patients with colorectal cancer. A total of 120 patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists I and II) scheduled to undergo colorectal cancer surgery were randomly divided into 3 groups (N = 40 in each group): flurbiprofen axetil group (group F), morphine group (group M), and tramadol group (group T). Group M received 0.1 mg/kg morphine, group T received 1.5 mg/kg tramadol, and group F received 1.5 mg/kg flurbiprofen axetil. Patients in the 3 groups were administered treatments through intravenous injection 10 min before surgery. Serum IL-2 and IL-6 levels were detected. Postoperative adverse reactions were recorded, such as nausea, vomiting, and pruritus. The serum IL-6 level of the 3 groups increased 3 h after surgery. Compared with group M, IL-6 level was higher in group T and group F at 1 day after the surgery, and the differences between group M and the other groups were significant (P Flurbiprofen axetil promoted the secretion of IL-2 and inhibited IL-6; additionally, flurbiprofen axetil may have a lower incidence of adverse reactions compared to other treatments.

  11. Modulation of pulmonary fibrosis by IL-13Rα2. (United States)

    Lumsden, Robert V; Worrell, Julie C; Boylan, Denise; Walsh, Sinead M; Cramton, Jennifer; Counihan, Ian; O'Beirne, Sarah; Medina, Maria Fe; Gauldie, Jack; Fabre, Aurelie; Donnelly, Seamas C; Kane, Rosemary; Keane, Michael P


    Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive and fatal disease that involves the remodeling of the distal airspace and the lung parenchyma, which results in compromised gas exchange. The median survival time once diagnosed is less than three years. Interleukin (IL)-13 has been shown to play a role in a number of inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. IL-13 modulates its effector functions via a complex receptor system that includes the IL-4 receptor (R) α, IL-13Rα1, and the IL-13Rα2. IL-13Rα1 binds IL-13 with low affinity, yet, when it forms a complex with IL-4α, it binds with much higher affinity, inducing the effector functions of IL-13. IL-13Rα2 binds IL-13 with high affinity but has a short cytoplasmic tail and has been shown to act as a nonsignaling decoy receptor. Transfection of fibroblasts and epithelial cells with IL-13Rα2 inhibited the IL-13 induction of soluble collagen, TGF-β, and CCL17. Adenoviral overexpression of IL-13Rα2 in the lung reduced bleomycin-induced fibrosis. Our work shows that overexpression of IL-13Rα2 inhibits the IL-13 induction of fibrotic markers in vitro and inhibits bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. In summary our study highlights the antifibrotic nature of IL-13Ra2. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  12. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor/IL-6 fusion protein (Hyper IL-6) effects on the neonatal mouse brain: possible role for IL-6 trans-signaling in brain development and functional neurobehavioral outcomes. (United States)

    Brunssen, Susan H; Moy, Sheryl S; Toews, Arrel D; McPherson, Christopher A; Harry, G Jean


    Adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes are linked to perinatal production of inflammatory mediators, including interleukin 6 (IL-6). While a pivotal role for maternal elevation in IL-6 has been established in determining neurobehavioral outcomes in the offspring and considered the primary target mediating the fetal inflammatory response, questions remain as to the specific actions of IL-6 on the developing brain. CD-1 male mice received a subdural injection of the bioactive fusion protein, hyper IL-6 (HIL-6) on postnatal-day (PND)4 and assessed from preweaning until adulthood. Immunohistochemical evaluation of astrocytes and microglia and mRNA levels for pro-inflammatory cytokines and host response genes indicated no evidence of an acute neuroinflammatory injury response. HIL-6 accelerated motor development and increased reactivity to stimulation and number of entries in a light/dark chamber, decreased ability to learn to withhold a response in passive avoidance, and effected deficits in social novelty behavior. No changes were observed in motor activity, pre-pulse startle inhibition, or learning and memory in the Morris water maze or radial arm maze, as have been reported for models of more severe developmental neuroinflammation. In young animals, mRNA levels for MBP and PLP/DM20 decreased and less complexity of MBP processes in the cortex was evident by immunohistochemistry. The non-hydroxy cerebroside fraction of cerebral lipids was increased. These results provide evidence for selective effects of IL-6 signaling, particularly trans-signaling, in the developing brain in the absence of a general neuroinflammatory response. These data contribute to our further understanding of the multiple aspects of IL-6 signaling in the developing brain. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Estrogen and progesterone decrease let-7f microRNA expression and increase IL-23/IL-23 receptor signaling and IL-17A production in patients with severe asthma. (United States)

    Newcomb, Dawn C; Cephus, Jacqueline Yvonne; Boswell, Madison G; Fahrenholz, John M; Langley, Emily W; Feldman, Amy S; Zhou, Weisong; Dulek, Daniel E; Goleniewska, Kasia; Woodward, Kimberly B; Sevin, Carla M; Hamilton, Robert G; Kolls, Jay K; Peebles, R Stokes


    Women have an increased prevalence of severe asthma compared with men. IL-17A is associated with severe asthma and requires IL-23 receptor (IL-23R) signaling, which is negatively regulated by let-7f microRNA. We sought to Determine the mechanism by which 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) increase IL-17A production. IL-17A production was determined by using flow cytometry in TH17 cells from women (n = 14) and men (n = 15) with severe asthma. Cytokine levels were measured by using ELISA, and IL-23R and let-7f expression was measured by using quantitative PCR in TH17-differentiated cells from healthy women (n = 13) and men (n = 14). In sham-operated or ovariectomized female mice, 17β-E2, P4, 17β-E2+P4, or vehicle pellets were administered for 3 weeks before ex vivo TH17 cell differentiation. Airway neutrophil infiltration and CXCL1 (KC) expression were also determined in ovalbumin (OVA)-challenged wild-type female recipient mice with an adoptive transfer of OVA-specific TH17 cells from female and male mice. In patients with severe asthma and healthy control subjects, IL-17A production was increased in TH17 cells from women compared with men. IL-23R expression was increased and let-7f expression was decreased in TH17-differentiated cells from women compared with men. In ovariectomized mice IL-17A and IL-23R expression was increased and Let-7f expression was decreased in TH17 cells from mice administered 17β-E2+P4 compared with those administered vehicle. Furthermore, transfer of female OVA-specific TH17 cells increased acute neutrophil infiltration in the lungs of OVA-challenged recipient mice compared with transfer of male OVA-specific TH17 cells. 17β-E2+P4 increased IL-17A production from TH17 cells, providing a potential mechanism for the increased prevalence of severe asthma in women compared with men. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of IL23R and IL17 with ulcerative colitis risk in a Chinese Han population.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pengli Yu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Previous studies implicated that IL23R and IL17 genes play an important role in autoimmune inflammation. Genome-wide association studies have also identified multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in the IL23R gene region associated with inflammatory bowel diseases. This study examined the association of IL23R and IL17A gene SNPs with ulcerative colitis susceptibility in a population in China. METHODOLOGY: A total of 270 ulcerative colitis and 268 healthy controls were recruited for the analyses of 23 SNPs in the IL23R and IL17A regions. Genomic DNA was extracted and analysis of these 23 SNPs using ligase detection reaction allelic (LDR technology. Genotype and allele associations were calculated using SPSS 13.0 software package. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Compared to the healthy controls, the variant alleles IL23R rs7530511, and rs11805303 showed a statistically significant difference for ulcerative colitis susceptibility (0.7% vs 3.3%, P = 0.002; 60.4% vs 53.2%, P = 0.0017, respectively. The linkage disequilibrium (LD patterns of these SNPs were measured and three LD blocks from the SNPs of IL23R and one block from those of IL17A were identified. A novel association with ulcerative colitis susceptibility occurred in haplotypes of IL23R (Block1 H3 P = 0.02; Block2 H2 P = 0.019; Block3 H4 P = 0.029 and IL17A (H4 P = 0.034. Pair-wise analyses showed an interaction between the risk haplotypes in IL23R and IL17A (P = 0.014. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that rs7530511, and rs11805303 of IL23R were significantly associated with ulcerative colitis susceptibility in the Chinese population. The most noticeable finding was the linkage of IL23R and IL17A gene region to ulcerative colitis risk due to the gene-gene interaction.

  15. IL-20 gene expression is induced by IL-1beta through mitogen-activated protein kinase and NF-kappaB-dependent mechanisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Otkjaer, Kristian; Kragballe, Knud; Johansen, Claus


    IL-20 is a novel member of the IL-10 cytokine family with pleiotropic effects. Current knowledge of what triggers and regulates IL-20 gene expression is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the regulation of IL-20 expression in cultured normal human keratinocytes. The expression of IL...

  16. TNF, IL-1 and IL-6 in circulating blood after total-body and localized irradiation in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haveman, J.; Geerdink, A. G.; Rodermond, H. M.


    The levels of TNF, IL-1 and IL-6 in circulating blood of female WAG/Rij rats were assessed both after total-body irradiation (TBI) and localized irradiation of the right hind leg. The results show that enhanced levels of IL-1 in the circulation reflect a stress situation presumably resulting from

  17. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Population (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: MA Population data sets provide baseline population information as one of the drivers of ecosystem change. The data helped in...

  18. The interleukin (IL-1a precursor is biologically active and is likely a key alarmin in the IL-1 family of cytokines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Busun eKim


    Full Text Available Among the eleven members of the IL-1 family cytokines, the precursors of IL-1a, IL-1b, and IL-33 have relatively long N-terminal pro-sequences of approximately one hundred amino acid residues prior to the N-terminus of the mature forms. Compared to the mature forms secreted from the cell, 80-90% of the primary translation product is in the intracellular compartment in the precursor form. However, the precursors are readily released from cells during infections but also with non-infectious conditions such a hypoxia and trauma. In this setting, the precursors act rapidly as alarmins in the absence of a processing mechanism to remove the pro-sequence and generate a mature form. In the case of IL-1a, the release of the precursor activates adjacent cells via receptor-mediated signaling. However, there are no data comparing the specific activity of the IL-1a precursor to the mature form. In the present study, we compared the precursor and mature forms of recombinant human IL-1a, IL-1b and IL-33 proteins on the induction of cytokines from A549 cells as well as from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC. Similar to the mature form, the IL-1a precursor was active in inducing IL 6 and TNFa, whereas the precursor forms of IL 1b and IL-33 were not active. On PBMC, precursor and mature IL-1a at 0.04 and 0.2 nano-mole were equally active in inducing IL-6. Given the fact that during necrotic cell death, the IL-1a precursor is released intact and triggers IL-1 receptors on tissue macrophages, these data identify the precursor form of IL-1a as a key player in sterile inflammation.

  19. Microcap M&A: An Exploratory Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keith Turpie


    Full Text Available A substantial body of accounting and finance literature has been devoted to the study of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As dominated by discussions relating to the gains and losses that accrue from transactions involving large public companies. This paper makes a unique contribution to the literature by investigating the M&A experience of microcap businesses. Transactions involving microcap M&A are substantially different to those involving large companies on a number of dimensions. This paper explores the determinants of microcap M&A success and pitfalls and problems from an integration perspective. Due to the paucity of research in the area an exploratory research design is employed, conducting interviews with five CEOs of companies that had each managed multiple transactions. We find microcap M&As are successful when measured against identified goals but generally take longer and cost more than expected. Further, culture and communication are key issues in determining success/failure. We also find the in-house management of integration aspects is problematic for these businesses and suggest this warrants further study.

  20. 46 CFR 308.517 - Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. 308.517 Section 308.517... Risk Cargo Insurance Ii-Open Policy War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.517 Open Cargo Policy, Form MA-300. The standard form of War Risk Open Cargo, Form MA-300, may be obtained from the American War Risk...

  1. Transgenic Expression of IL15 Improves Antiglioma Activity of IL13Rα2-CAR T Cells but Results in Antigen Loss Variants. (United States)

    Krenciute, Giedre; Prinzing, Brooke L; Yi, Zhongzhen; Wu, Meng-Fen; Liu, Hao; Dotti, Gianpietro; Balyasnikova, Irina V; Gottschalk, Stephen


    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor in adults and is virtually incurable with conventional therapies. Immunotherapy with T cells expressing GBM-specific chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) is an attractive approach to improve outcomes. Although CAR T cells targeting GBM antigens, such as IL13 receptor subunit α2 (IL13Rα2), HER2, and EGFR variant III (EGFRvIII), have had antitumor activity in preclinical models, early-phase clinical testing has demonstrated limited antiglioma activity. Transgenic expression of IL15 is an appealing strategy to enhance CAR T-cell effector function. We tested this approach in our IL13Rα2-positive glioma model in which limited IL13Rα2-CAR T-cell persistence results in recurrence of antigen-positive gliomas. T cells were genetically modified with retroviral vectors encoding IL13Rα2-CARs or IL15 (IL13Rα2-CAR.IL15 T cells). IL13Rα2-CAR.IL15 T cells recognized glioma cells in an antigen-dependent fashion, had greater proliferative capacity, and produced more cytokines after repeated stimulations in comparison with IL13Rα2-CAR T cells. No autonomous IL13Rα2-CAR.IL15 T-cell proliferation was observed; however, IL15 expression increased IL13Rα2-CAR T-cell viability in the absence of exogenous cytokines or antigen. In vivo , IL13Rα2-CAR.IL15 T cells persisted longer and had greater antiglioma activity than IL13Rα2-CAR T cells, resulting in a survival advantage. Gliomas recurring after 40 days after T-cell injection had downregulated IL13Rα2 expression, indicating that antigen loss variants occur in the setting of improved T-cell persistence. Thus, CAR T cells for GBM should not only be genetically modified to improve their proliferation and persistence, but also to target multiple antigens. Summary: Glioblastoma responds imperfectly to immunotherapy. Transgenic expression of IL15 in T cells expressing CARs improved their proliferative capacity, persistence, and cytokine production. The emergence of antigen

  2. DMPD: Signaling by IL-12 and IL-23 and the immunoregulatory roles of STAT4. [Dynamic Macrophage Pathway CSML Database

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 15546391 Signaling by IL-12 and IL-23 and the immunoregulatory roles of STAT4. Watf...ord WT, Hissong BD, Bream JH, Kanno Y, Muul L, O'Shea JJ. Immunol Rev. 2004 Dec;202:139-56. (.png) (.svg) (....html) (.csml) Show Signaling by IL-12 and IL-23 and the immunoregulatory roles of STAT4. PubmedID 15546391 T...itle Signaling by IL-12 and IL-23 and the immunoregulatory roles of STAT4. Author...s Watford WT, Hissong BD, Bream JH, Kanno Y, Muul L, O'Shea JJ. Publication Immunol Rev. 2004 Dec;202:139-56

  3. Study on the aqueous humor contents of IL-1β and IL-6 in rabbits after extracapsular extraction of lens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Jun


    Objective: To explore the relationship between the development of posterior capsular opacification and the aqueous humor contents of IL-1β and IL-6 after extracapsular extraction of lens in rabbits. Methods: Extracapsular extraction of lens was performed in 30 New Zealand rabbits. Aqueous humor contents of IL-1β and IL-6 were repeatedly determined with RIA and ophthal-moscopic as well as slit-lamp examination were repeatedly performed to detect any posterior capsular opacification developed on dl, d3, 1w, 2w, 1 month, 3 month posteperatively. Results: The aqueous humor contents of IL-1β and IL-6 increased gradually after operation, reached the peak on d7-d14, then gradually returned to within normal range by 2nd or 3rd month. Beginning from one month post-operatively, posterior capsular opacification was observed in some rabbits. By the end of 3rd month, Grade I opacification was developed in 5 rabbits, Grade H in 9 rabbits with Grade III (fundus view obliterated) in 14 rabbits. Peak IL-1β and IL- 6 content values were positively correlated with grading of future opacification. Conclusion: IL-1β and IL-6 might play important roles in the development of posterior capsular opacification after lens extraction in rabbits. (authors)

  4. Combination of IL-6, IL-10, and MCP-1 with traditional serum tumor markers in lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis. (United States)

    Pan, Y W; Zhou, Z G; Wang, M; Dong, J Q; Du, K P; Li, S; Liu, Y L; Lv, P J; Gao, J B


    Early detection and treatment is critically important for lung cancer patients. Inflammatory mediators such as IL-6, IL-10, and MCP-1 participate in lung cancer regulation. CEA, CA125, and ProGRP are commonly used serum tumor markers for lung cancer. In this study, we assessed the sensitivity and specificity of CEA, CA125, and ProGRP when used in combination with IL-6, IL-10, and MCP in lung cancer diagnosis. Serum from three different groups (healthy controls, individuals with high risk for lung cancer, and lung cancer patients) was collected. Electrochemiluminescence was used to detect expressions of CEA, CA125, and ProGRP; ELISA was used to examine serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, and MCP-1. Specificity and sensitivity of single as well as combination markers in lung cancer diagnosis were determined. Results indicated that CEA, CA125, ProGRP, and MCP-1 were significantly up-regulated in lung cancer patients as compared to those in controls and high risk individuals. Higher IL-6 and IL-10 levels were observed in both lung cancer patients and high-risk individuals as compared to those in controls. Highest sensitivity (95.2%) in cancer diagnosis was achieved when all six markers were used. This was followed by a combination of IL-6, IL-10, CEA, CA125, and ProGRP (92.6%). The most sensitive (88.6%). Four-marker combination was composed of IL-6, CEA, CA125, and ProGRP. As the combined usage of CEA, CA125, ProGRP, IL-6, IL-10, and MCP-1 significantly improved sensitivity of lung cancer detection; this biomarker arrangement may be beneficial for early diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of lung cancer.

  5. Changing the S and MA [Safety and Mission Assurance] Paradigm (United States)

    Malone, Roy W., Jr.


    Objectives: 1) Optimize S&MA organization to best facilitate Shuttle transition in 2010, successfully support Ares developmental responsibilities, and minimize the impacts of the gap between last Shuttle flight and start of Ares V Project. 2) Improve leveraging of critical skills and experience between Shuttle and Ares. 3) Split technical and supervisory functions to facilitate technical penetration. 4) Create Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer (CSO) stand-alone position for successfully implementation of S&MA Technical Authority. 5) Minimize disruption to customers. 6) Provide early involvement of S&MA leadership team and frequent/open communications with S&MA team members and steak-holders.

  6. IL-11, IL-1α, IL-6, and TNF-α are induced by solar radiation in vitro and may be involved in facial subcutaneous fat loss in vivo. (United States)

    Li, Wen-Hwa; Pappas, Apostolos; Zhang, Li; Ruvolo, Eduardo; Cavender, Druie


    The loss of subcutaneous (sc) fat is associated with aging. Inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 α (IL-1α), interleukin-11 (IL-11) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), are known to inhibit the differentiation of preadipocytes. This study investigated the potential role of inflammatory cytokines in solar-radiation-induced facial fat loss. Cultured fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and skin equivalents were exposed to various doses of radiation from a solar simulator. Inflammatory cytokines' mRNA production and protein secretion were examined by qRT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. In some experiments, epidermal-dermal equivalents were pretreated topically with a broad-spectrum sunscreen prior to solar simulated radiation (SSR). Human facial preadipocytes treated with recombinant IL-11 or with conditioned media from solar-irradiated equivalents were evaluated for the level of adipocyte differentiation by image analyses, Oil red O staining, and the expression of adipocyte differentiation markers. IL-11, IL-1α, IL-6, and TNF-α protein secretion were induced from epidermal-dermal equivalents by exposure to SSR. A sunscreen prevented SSR-induced inflammatory cytokines production from such equivalents. Exposure of facial preadipocytes to conditioned medium from solar-irradiated epidermal-dermal equivalents inhibited their differentiation into mature adipocytes. Consequently, conditioned medium from sunscreen-pretreated, solar-irradiated equivalents did not inhibit differentiation of preadipocytes. A cocktail of neutralizing antibodies to IL-11, IL-1α, IL-6 and TNF-α significantly reduced the SSR-induced inhibition of preadipocyte differentiation. These results support the hypothesis that SSR-induced inflammatory cytokine may be involved in the photoaging-induced loss of facial subcutaneous fat. Inhibition of this process, e.g. by sunscreens, might slow or prevent photoaging-induced changes in facial contouring. Copyright © 2013 Japanese Society for Investigative



    ÖZTÜRK, Serdar


    Yabancılaşma konusu genellikle iktisadi, sosyolojik ve psikoloji boyutlarıyla tartışılmıştır. Oysa bir anlam paylaşımı olarak iletişim, yabancılaşmayla doğrudan ilişkilidir. Buna karşın iletişim ile yabancılaşma ilişkisini, analize filmleri de katarak inceleyen çok az çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, yabancılaşma kavramını tartışarak, yabancılaşmanın iletişim ile ilişkisini incelemektedir. Buna göre insanın kendi ürettiği sembollerine, medyanın üretim bölgesinde üretilen sembollere yabancıl...

  8. IL-23 (Interleukin-23)-Producing Conventional Dendritic Cells Control the Detrimental IL-17 (Interleukin-17) Response in Stroke. (United States)

    Gelderblom, Mathias; Gallizioli, Mattia; Ludewig, Peter; Thom, Vivien; Arunachalam, Priyadharshini; Rissiek, Björn; Bernreuther, Christian; Glatzel, Markus; Korn, Thomas; Arumugam, Thiruma Valavan; Sedlacik, Jan; Gerloff, Christian; Tolosa, Eva; Planas, Anna M; Magnus, Tim


    Inflammatory mechanisms can exacerbate ischemic tissue damage and worsen clinical outcome in patients with stroke. Both αβ and γδ T cells are established mediators of tissue damage in stroke, and the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in inducing the early events of T cell activation and differentiation in stroke is not well understood. In a murine model of experimental stroke, we defined the immune phenotype of infiltrating DC subsets based on flow cytometry of surface markers, the expression of ontogenetic markers, and cytokine levels. We used conditional DC depletion, bone marrow chimeric mice, and IL-23 (interleukin-23) receptor-deficient mice to further explore the functional role of DCs. We show that the ischemic brain was rapidly infiltrated by IRF4 + /CD172a + conventional type 2 DCs and that conventional type 2 DCs were the most abundant subset in comparison with all other DC subsets. Twenty-four hours after ischemia onset, conventional type 2 DCs became the major source of IL-23, promoting neutrophil infiltration by induction of IL-17 (interleukin-17) in γδ T cells. Functionally, the depletion of CD11c + cells or the genetic disruption of the IL-23 signaling abrogated both IL-17 production in γδ T cells and neutrophil infiltration. Interruption of the IL-23/IL-17 cascade decreased infarct size and improved neurological outcome after stroke. Our results suggest a central role for interferon regulatory factor 4-positive IL-23-producing conventional DCs in the IL-17-dependent secondary tissue damage in stroke. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  9. Study on the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie Jianping; Feng Jiangchao; Zhang Guoyuan; Xiong Gang; Tu Lirong; Xia Chengyun


    Objective: To investigate the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis of various types and stages. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were measured with RIA in 71 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and 36 controls. Results: 1) Serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly higher in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis than those in controls (p<0.01) but serum IL-2 levels were significantly lower in the patients (p<0.01). 2)Serum IL-6 and TNF-α levels were positively correlated to BUN levels (p<0.01). 3)There were no significant differences of these cytokines levels among the different types of patients (i.e. general type n=18, nephrotic type n=33 and hypertensive type n=20). Conclusion: These cytokines participated in the pathogenesis of chronic glomerulonephritis. Monitoring the changes of their serum levels was helpful for the management of the disease

  10. Clinical significance of changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels after treatment in patients with periodontitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Dong


    Objective: To investigate the changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels after one month of comprehensive treatment in patients with periodontitis. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were measured with RIA in 48 patients with periodontitis both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, serum levels of IL-6, TNF- α in the patients were significantly higher and IL-2 levels were significantly lower than those in the controls (both P 0.05). However, the IL-2 levels were still significantly lower than those in controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: There was disturbance of immuno-modulation in patients with periodontitis as expressed by the changes of cytokines levels in the course of the disease. (authors)

  11. Intrathymic radioresistant stem cells follow an IL-2/IL-2R pathway during thymic regeneration after sublethal irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zuniga-Pfluecker, J.C.K.; Kruisbeek, A.M.


    Sublethally irradiated mice undergo thymic regeneration which follows a phenotypic pattern of events similar to that observed during normal fetal development. Thymic regeneration after irradiation is the product of a limited pool of intrathymic radioresistant stem cells undergoing simultaneous differentiation. We show that in this model of T cell development, thymic regeneration follows a pathway in which the IL-2R is transiently expressed on CD4-/CD8- cells. IL-2R expression occurred during the exponential growth period of thymic regeneration, and IL-2R blocking prevented this explosive growth. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the IL-2R blockade affected primarily the development of the immature CD3-/CD4-/CD8- (triple negative) cells and their ability to generate CD3+/CD4+/CD8+ or CD3+/CD4+/CD8- and CD3+/CD4-/CD8+ thymocytes. Thus, our findings demonstrate that blocking of the IL-2R resulted in an arrest in proliferation and differentiation by intrathymic radioresistant stem cells, indicating that the IL-2/IL-2R pathway is necessary for the expansion of immature triple negative T cells

  12. Il teatro degli spiriti.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chiara Pussetti


    Full Text Available Questo saggio è dedicato a un culto di possessione, in cui tutte ledonne, investite dagli spiriti degli uomini morti prima dell’iniziazione, compiono un percorso iniziatico parallelo a quello maschile, consentendo a queste anime, potenzialmente pericolose, di completare il cammino che non hanno potuto percorrere da vivi e quindi di raggiungere serenamente il mondo dei morti, come antenati protettori del villaggio

  13. Clinical significance of measurement of plasma leptin and serum IL-6, IL-18 levels after treatment in patients with children nephrotic syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaoyan


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of plasma leptin and serum IL-6, IL-18 levels after treatment in patients with children nephrotic syndrome. Methods: Plasma leptin (with RIA) serum IL-6, IL-18 (with ELISA) levels were measured in 31 patients with children nephrotic syndrome both before and after treatment as well as in 30 controls. Results: Before treatment,the plasma leptin and serum IL-6, IL-18 levels were significantly higher than those in controls(P <0.01). After treatment for 3 months, the levels in patients though dropped markedly remained significantly higher than those in controls (P<0.05). Plasma leptin levels were positively correlated with IL-6, IL-18 levels (r=0.6138, 0.5784, P<0.01). Conclusion: Changes of plasma leptin and serum IL-6, IL-18 levels after treatment might be of prognostic importance in patients with children nephrotic syndrome. (authors)

  14. IL-12 and IL-18 Induction and Subsequent NKT Activation Effects of the Japanese Botanical Medicine Juzentaihoto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Taniguchi


    Full Text Available In this study, we first measured some cytokine concentrations in the serum of patients treated with Juzentaihoto (JTT. Of the cytokines measured interleukin (IL -18 was the most prominently up-regulated cytokine in the serum of patients under long term JTT administration. We next evaluated the effects of JTT in mice, focusing especially on natural killer T (NKT cell induction. Mice fed JTT were compared to control group ones. After sacrifice, the liver was fixed, embedded and stained. Transmission electron microscope (TEM observations were performed. Although the mice receiving the herbal medicine had same appearance, their livers were infiltrated with massive mononuclear cells, some of which were aggregated to form clusters. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that there was abundant cytokine expression of IL-12 and IL-18 in the liver of JTT treated mice. To clarify what the key molecules that induce immunological restoration with JTT might be, we next examined in vitro lymphocyte cultures. Mononuclear cells isolated and prepared from healthy volunteers were cultured with and without JTT. Within 24 hours, JTT induced the IL-12 and IL-18 production and later (72 hours induction of interferon (IFN-gamma. Oral administration of JTT may induce the expression of IL-12 in the early stage, and IL-18 in the chronic stage, followed by NKT induction. Their activation, following immunological restoration could contribute to anti-tumor effects.

  15. IL-12 and IL-18 induction and subsequent NKT activation effects of the Japanese botanical medicine Juzentaihoto. (United States)

    Fujiki, Kazuhiko; Nakamura, Masanori; Matsuda, Takako; Isogai, Mariko; Ikeda, Minako; Yamamoto, Yutaka; Kitamura, Mari; Sazaki, Naoko; Yakushiji, Fumiatsu; Suzuki, Shinji; Tomiyama, Junji; Uchida, Takashi; Taniguchi, Ken


    In this study, we first measured some cytokine concentrations in the serum of patients treated with Juzentaihoto (JTT). Of the cytokines measured interleukin (IL) -18 was the most prominently up-regulated cytokine in the serum of patients under long term JTT administration. We next evaluated the effects of JTT in mice, focusing especially on natural killer T (NKT) cell induction. Mice fed JTT were compared to control group ones. After sacrifice, the liver was fixed, embedded and stained. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations were performed. Although the mice receiving the herbal medicine had same appearance, their livers were infiltrated with massive mononuclear cells, some of which were aggregated to form clusters. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that there was abundant cytokine expression of IL-12 and IL-18 in the liver of JTT treated mice. To clarify what the key molecules that induce immunological restoration with JTT might be, we next examined in vitro lymphocyte cultures. Mononuclear cells isolated and prepared from healthy volunteers were cultured with and without JTT. Within 24 hours, JTT induced the IL-12 and IL-18 production and later (72 hours) induction of interferon (IFN)-gamma. Oral administration of JTT may induce the expression of IL-12 in the early stage, and IL-18 in the chronic stage, followed by NKT induction. Their activation, following immunological restoration could contribute to anti-tumor effects.

  16. Alumni careers : MA Comparative European Social Studies Zuyd University


    Riga, Albert


    In the preparation of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the MA CESS all alumni were invited to participate in an alumni survey. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly investigate the professional activities of MA CESS alumni and the way they build an alumni community. Another reason for starting the project is that it may play a part in maintaining and enhancing a mutually beneficial relationship between MA CESS and its alumni. All over Europe there are graduates working in the ...

  17. Elevated levels of IL-6 and IL-18 in manic and hypomanic states in rapid cycling bipolar disorder patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munkholm, Klaus; Weikop, Pia; Kessing, Lars Vedel


    obtained in affective states of varying polarity during 6-12 months in 37 rapid cycling bipolar disorder patients and compared with repeated measurements in 40 age- and gender matched healthy control subjects, using rigorous laboratory-, clinical- and statistical methodology. Adjusting for demographical...... were to assess alterations of peripheral cytokine levels between affective states in rapid cycling bipolar disorder patients and to compare these with levels in healthy control subjects. In a longitudinal design, repeated measurements of plasma levels of IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, IL-1β and TNF-α were......, clinical- and lifestyle factors, levels of IL-6 (prapid cycling bipolar disorder patients in a manic/hypomanic state, compared with a depressed and a euthymic state. Compared with healthy control subjects, unadjusted levels of IL-6 (p

  18. Comparative analysis of the lambda-interferons IL-28A and IL-29 regarding their transcriptome and their antiviral properties against hepatitis C virus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Diegelmann

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Specific differences in signaling and antiviral properties between the different Lambda-interferons, a novel group of interferons composed of IL-28A, IL-28B and IL-29, are currently unknown. This is the first study comparatively investigating the transcriptome and the antiviral properties of the Lambda-interferons IL-28A and IL-29. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Expression studies were performed by microarray analysis, quantitative PCR (qPCR, reporter gene assays and immunoluminometric assays. Signaling was analyzed by Western blot. HCV replication was measured in Huh-7 cells expressing subgenomic HCV replicon. All hepatic cell lines investigated as well as primary hepatocytes expressed both IFN-λ receptor subunits IL-10R2 and IFN-λR1. Both, IL-28A and IL-29 activated STAT1 signaling. As revealed by microarray analysis, similar genes were induced by both cytokines in Huh-7 cells (IL-28A: 117 genes; IL-29: 111 genes, many of them playing a role in antiviral immunity. However, only IL-28A was able to significantly down-regulate gene expression (n = 272 down-regulated genes. Both cytokines significantly decreased HCV replication in Huh-7 cells. In comparison to liver biopsies of patients with non-viral liver disease, liver biopsies of patients with HCV showed significantly increased mRNA expression of IL-28A and IL-29. Moreover, IL-28A serum protein levels were elevated in HCV patients. In a murine model of viral hepatitis, IL-28 expression was significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: IL-28A and IL-29 are up-regulated in HCV patients and are similarly effective in inducing antiviral genes and inhibiting HCV replication. In contrast to IL-29, IL-28A is a potent gene repressor. Both IFN-λs may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of chronic HCV.

  19. Increased Parenchymal Damage and Steatohepatitis in Caucasian Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients with Common IL1B and IL6 Polymorphisms (United States)

    Nelson, James E.; Handa, Priya; Aouizerat, Bradley; Wilson, Laura; Vemulakonda, L Akhila; Yeh, Matthew M.; Kowdley, Kris V.


    Background Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a complex, multifactorial disease affected by diet, lifestyle and genetics. Proinflammatory cytokines like IL-1β and IL-6 have been shown to be elevated in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between IL1B and IL6 gene polymorphisms and histologic features of NAFLD in the NASH CRN cohort. Methods 604 adult (≥18 yrs) non-Hispanic Caucasians with biopsy-proven NAFLD were genotyped for the following SNPs: IL1B, rs16944, rs1143634; IL6, rs1800795, rs10499563. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between genotype and a definitive diagnosis and advanced histological features of NASH after controlling for the following variables selected a priori: age, sex, diabetes, obesity and HOMA-IR level. Results The IL6 rs10499563 C allele was independently associated with the presence of definitive NASH, and increased ballooning and Mallory bodies. The IL1B rs1143634 TT genotype was associated with advanced fibrosis and increased Mallory bodies. The IL6 rs1800795 C allele was associated with increased risk for severe steatosis, >66% but also decreased risk for advanced fibrosis and lobular inflammation and Mallory body formation. Conclusions These results suggest that common variants in the IL6 and IL1B genes may increase susceptibility for NASH and confer a higher risk of hepatic parenchymal damage including increased ballooning, increased Mallory bodies, and bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis. In contrast, the IL6 rs1800795 C allele may confer a higher risk for steatosis, but less parenchymal damage. Our findings support the development of therapeutics aimed at IL-1β and IL-6 suppression. PMID:27730688

  20. Effects of Shugan Jieyuling self-made on behavior and levels of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol in depression models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Qiubo; Yao Di; Zhang Ping; Li Youtian; Xu Dan; Jiang Sailin; Xu Caiyun


    Objective: To study the effects of Shugan Jieyuling self-made (SJSM) on behavior, levels of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol in depression model mice. Methods: The adult mice separately raised and treated with chronic unpredictable middle stress stimulus were used to establish depression models. The curative effect of SJSM was observed in depression model mice. The changes of weight and behavior were detected in a period. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to examine the contents of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol levels. Results: The increased weights of the depression model mice were declined compared with the normal mice before administration. The mental state and behavior of the depression mice were changed. The mice were starling, dreadful, helpless and immobile. At the same time the contents of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol were obviously lower than those of the normal mice. SJSM (large and low doses) and Baiyoujie changed the increased weights and behaviors of the depression after administration for 21 d. The mental state was meliorated simultaneously, and the serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol levels in the depression model mice were decreased significantly compared with normal mice. Conclusion: The levels of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol may be the guideline for the diagnosis of depression disease. SJSM can obviously improve both the symptoms of the depression models and the levels of serum IL-2, IL-6 and cortisol. (authors)

  1. Mutual enhancement of IL-2 and IL-7 on DNA vaccine immunogenicity mainly involves regulations on their receptor expression and receptor-expressing lymphocyte generation. (United States)

    Zhang, Yonghong; Liang, Shuang; Li, Xiujin; Wang, Liyue; Zhang, Jianlou; Xu, Jian; Huo, Shanshan; Cao, Xuebin; Zhong, Zhenyu; Zhong, Fei


    Our previous study showed that IL-2 and IL-7 could mutually enhance the immunogenicity of canine parvovirus VP2 DNA vaccine, although the underlying mechanism remained unknown. Here, we used the OVA gene as a DNA vaccine in a mouse model to test their enhancement on DNA vaccine immunogenicity and to explore the molecular mechanism. Results showed that both IL-2 and IL-7 genes significantly increased the immunogenicity of OVA DNA vaccine in mice. Co-administration of IL-2 and IL-7 genes with OVA DNA significantly increased OVA-specific antibody titers, T cell proliferation and IFN-γ production compared with IL-2 or IL-7 alone, confirming that IL-2 and IL-7 mutually enhanced DNA vaccine immunogenicity. Mechanistically, we have shown that IL-2 significantly stimulated generation of IL-7 receptor-expressing lymphocytes, and that IL-7 significantly induced IL-2 receptor expression. These results contribute to an explanation of the mechanism of the mutual effects of IL-2 and IL-7 on enhancing DNA vaccine immunogenicity and provided a basis for further investigation on their mutual effects on adjuvant activity and immune regulation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Genetic variants in the region harbouring IL2/IL21 associated with ulcerative colitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Festen, E. A. M.; Goyette, P.; Scott, R.; Annese, V.; Zhernakova, A.; Lian, J.; Lefebvre, C.; Brant, S. R.; Cho, J. H.; Silverberg, M. S.; Taylor, K. D.; de Jong, D. J.; Stokkers, P. C.; Mcgovern, D.; Palmieri, O.; Achkar, J-P; Xavier, R. J.; Daly, M. J.; Duerr, R. H.; Wijmenga, C.; Weersma, R. K.; Rioux, J. D.

    Objectives: Genetic susceptibility is known to play a large part in the predisposition to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) known as Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The IL2/IL21 locus on 4q27 is known to be a common risk locus for inflammatory disease (shown in coeliac

  3. Genetic variants in the region harbouring IL2/IL21 associated with ulcerative colitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Festen, E.A.M.; Goyette, P.; Scott, R.; Annese, V.; Zhernakova, A.; Lian, J.; Lefèbvre, C.; Brant, S.R.; Cho, J.H.; Silverberg, M.S.; Taylor, K.D.; de Jong, D.J.; Stokkers, P.C.; Mcgovern, D.; Palmieri, O.; Achkar, J.P.; Xavier, R.J.; Daly, M.J.; Duerr, R.H.; Wijmenga, C.; Weersma, R.K.; Rioux, J.D.


    Objectives: Genetic susceptibility is known to play a large part in the predisposition to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) known as Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The IL2/IL21 locus on 4q27 is known to be a common risk locus for inflammatory disease (shown in coeliac

  4. Genetic variants in the region harbouring IL2/IL21 associated with ulcerative colitis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Festen, E.A.; Goyette, P.; Scott, R.; Annese, V.; Zhernakova, A.; Lian, J.; Lefebvre, C.; Brant, S.R.; Cho, J.H.; Silverberg, M.S.; Taylor, K.D.; Jong, D.J. de; Stokkers, P.C.; Mcgovern, D.; Palmieri, O.; Achkar, J.P.; Xavier, R.J.; Daly, M.J.; Duerr, R.H.; Wijmenga, C.; Weersma, R.K.; Rioux, J.D.


    OBJECTIVES: Genetic susceptibility is known to play a large part in the predisposition to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) known as Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The IL2/IL21 locus on 4q27 is known to be a common risk locus for inflammatory disease (shown in coeliac

  5. Interaction of IL1B and IL1RN polymorphisms, smoking habit, gender, and ethnicity with aggressive and chronic periodontitis susceptibility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magali Silveira Monteiro Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Background: Although the interleukin-1 (IL-1 plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, associations between IL1 gene cluster polymorphisms and the disease remains unclear. Aims: To investigate the importance of IL1B-511C>T (rs16944, IL1B +3954C>T (rs1143634, and IL1RN intron 2 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR (rs2234663 polymorphisms, individually or in combination, as the risk factors of periodontitis in a Southeastern Brazilian population with a high degree of miscegenation. Subjects and Methods: A total of 145 individuals, with aggressive (aggressive periodontitis [AgP], n = 43 and chronic (chronic periodontitis [CP], n = 52 periodontitis, and controls (n = 50 were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR (IL1RN intron 2 VNTR or PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP (IL1B-511 C>T and IL1B + 3954C>T techniques. Statistical Analysis: The independent t-test, Chi-square, and Fisher′s exact tests were used. The SNPStats program was used for haplotype estimation and multiplicative interaction analyses. Results: The IL1B +3954T allele represented risk for CP (odds ratio [OR] = 2.84, particularly in smokers (OR = 4.43 and females (OR = 6.00. The minor alleles IL1RNFNx012 and FNx013 increased the risk of AgP (OR = 2.18, especially the IL1RNFNx012FNx012 genotype among  white Brazilians (OR = 7.80. Individuals with the combinations of the IL1B + 3954T and IL1RNFNx012 or FNx013-containing genotypes were at increased risk of developing CP (OR = 4.50. Considering the three polymorphisms (rs16944, rs1143634, and rs2234663, the haplotypes TC2 and CT1 represented risk for AgP (OR = 3.41 and CP (OR = 6.39, respectively. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the IL1B +3954C>T and IL1RN intron 2 VNTR polymorphisms are potential candidates for genetic biomarkers of periodontitis, particularly in specific groups of individuals.

  6. Interaction of IL1B and IL1RN polymorphisms, smoking habit, gender, and ethnicity with aggressive and chronic periodontitis susceptibility. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Magali Silveira Monteiro; Pacheco, Renata Botelho Antunes; Fischer, Ricardo Guimarães; Macedo, Jacyara Maria Brito


    Although the interleukin-1 (IL-1) plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, associations between IL1 gene cluster polymorphisms and the disease remains unclear. To investigate the importance of IL1B-511C>T (rs16944), IL1B +3954C>T (rs1143634), and IL1RN intron 2 variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) (rs2234663) polymorphisms, individually or in combination, as the risk factors of periodontitis in a Southeastern Brazilian population with a high degree of miscegenation. A total of 145 individuals, with aggressive (aggressive periodontitis [AgP], n = 43) and chronic (chronic periodontitis [CP], n = 52) periodontitis, and controls (n = 50) were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (IL1RN intron 2 VNTR) or PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) (IL1B-511 C>T and IL1B + 3954C>T) techniques. The independent t-test, Chi-square, and Fisher's exact tests were used. The SNPStats program was used for haplotype estimation and multiplicative interaction analyses. The IL1B +3954T allele represented risk for CP (odds ratio [OR] = 2.84), particularly in smokers (OR = 4.43) and females (OR = 6.00). The minor alleles IL1RN*2 and *3 increased the risk of AgP (OR = 2.18), especially the IL1RN*2*2 genotype among  white Brazilians (OR = 7.80). Individuals with the combinations of the IL1B + 3954T and IL1RN*2 or *3-containing genotypes were at increased risk of developing CP (OR = 4.50). Considering the three polymorphisms (rs16944, rs1143634, and rs2234663), the haplotypes TC2 and CT1 represented risk for AgP (OR = 3.41) and CP (OR = 6.39), respectively. Our data suggest that the IL1B +3954C>T and IL1RN intron 2 VNTR polymorphisms are potential candidates for genetic biomarkers of periodontitis, particularly in specific groups of individuals.

  7. Cell cycle-dependent SUMO-1 conjugation to nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Jae Sung; Kim, Ha Na; Kim, Sun-Jick; Bang, Jiyoung; Kim, Eun-A; Sung, Ki Sa [Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Hyun-Joo [TissueGene Inc. 9605 Medical Center Dr., Rockville, MD 20850 (United States); Yoo, Hae Yong [Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences and Technology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul 135-710 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Cheol Yong, E-mail: [Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: •NuMA is modified by SUMO-1 in a cell cycle-dependent manner. •NuMA lysine 1766 is the primary target site for SUMOylation. •SUMOylation-deficient NuMA induces multiple spindle poles during mitosis. •SUMOylated NuMA induces microtubule bundling. -- Abstract: Covalent conjugation of proteins with small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO-1) plays a critical role in a variety of cellular functions including cell cycle control, replication, and transcriptional regulation. Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) localizes to spindle poles during mitosis, and is an essential component in the formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles. Here we show that NuMA is a target for covalent conjugation to SUMO-1. We find that the lysine 1766 residue is the primary NuMA acceptor site for SUMO-1 conjugation. Interestingly, SUMO modification of endogenous NuMA occurs at the entry into mitosis and this modification is reversed after exiting from mitosis. Knockdown of Ubc9 or forced expression of SENP1 results in impairment of the localization of NuMA to mitotic spindle poles during mitosis. The SUMOylation-deficient NuMA mutant is defective in microtubule bundling, and multiple spindles are induced during mitosis. The mitosis-dependent dynamic SUMO-1 modification of NuMA might contribute to NuMA-mediated formation and maintenance of mitotic spindle poles during mitosis.

  8. TCR-independent functions of Th17 cells mediated by the synergistic actions of cytokines of the IL-12 and IL-1 families.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yun Kyung Lee

    Full Text Available The development of Th17 cells is accompanied by the acquisition of responsiveness to both IL-12 and IL-23, cytokines with established roles in the development and/or function of Th1 and Th17 cells, respectively. IL-12 signaling promotes antigen-dependent Th1 differentiation but, in combination with IL-18, allows the antigen-independent perpetuation of Th1 responses. On the other hand, while IL-23 is dispensable for initial commitment to the Th17 lineage, it promotes the pathogenic function of the Th17 cells. In this study, we have examined the overlap between Th1 and Th17 cells in their responsiveness to common pro-inflammatory cytokines and how this affects the antigen-independent cytokine responses of Th17 cells. We found that in addition to the IL-1 receptor, developing Th17 cells also up-regulate the IL-18 receptor. Consequently, in the presence of IL-1β or IL-18, and in the absence of TCR activation, Th17 cells produce Th17 lineage cytokines in a STAT3-dependent manner when stimulated with IL-23, and IFN© via a STAT4-dependent mechanism when stimulated with IL-12. Thus, building on previous findings of antigen-induced plasticity of Th17 cells, our results indicate that this potential of Th17 cells extends to their cytokine-dependent antigen-independent responses. Collectively, our data suggest a model whereby signaling via either IL-1β or IL-18 allows for bystander responses of Th17 cells to pathogens or pathogen products that differentially activate innate cell production of IL-12 or IL-23.

  9. Role of IL-33 in inflammation and disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miller Ashley M


    Full Text Available Abstract Interleukin (IL-33 is a new member of the IL-1 superfamily of cytokines that is expressed by mainly stromal cells, such as epithelial and endothelial cells, and its expression is upregulated following pro-inflammatory stimulation. IL-33 can function both as a traditional cytokine and as a nuclear factor regulating gene transcription. It is thought to function as an 'alarmin' released following cell necrosis to alerting the immune system to tissue damage or stress. It mediates its biological effects via interaction with the receptors ST2 (IL-1RL1 and IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP, both of which are widely expressed, particularly by innate immune cells and T helper 2 (Th2 cells. IL-33 strongly induces Th2 cytokine production from these cells and can promote the pathogenesis of Th2-related disease such as asthma, atopic dermatitis and anaphylaxis. However, IL-33 has shown various protective effects in cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiac remodeling. Thus, the effects of IL-33 are either pro- or anti-inflammatory depending on the disease and the model. In this review the role of IL-33 in the inflammation of several disease pathologies will be discussed, with particular emphasis on recent advances.

  10. Polymorphisms of ST2-IL18R1-IL18RAP gene cluster: a new risk for autoimmune thyroid diseases. (United States)

    Wang, X; Zhu, Y F; Li, D M; Qin, Q; Wang, Q; Muhali, F S; Jiang, W J; Zhang, J A


    Interleukin 33 (IL33) / ST2 pathway and ST2-interlukin18 receptor1-interlukin18 receptor accessory protein (ST2-IL18R1-IL18RAP) gene cluster have been involved in many autoimmune diseases but few report in autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). In this study, we investigated whether polymorphisms of IL33, ST2, IL18R1, and IL18RAP are associated with Graves' disease (GD) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), two major forms of AITD, among a Chinese population. A total of 11 SNPs were explored in a case-control study including 417 patients with GD, 250 HT patients and 301 controls, including rs1929992, rs10975519, rs10208293, rs6543116, rs1041973, rs3732127, rs11465597, rs1035130, rs2293225, rs1035127, rs917997 of IL 33, ST2-IL18R1-IL18RAP gene cluster. Genotyping of these SNPs was performed using matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF-MS) platform from Sequenom. The frequencies of allele A and AA+AG genotype of rs6543116 (ST2) in HT patients were significantly increased compared with those of the controls (P = 0.029/0.021, OR = 1.31/1.62). And in another SNP rs917997, AA+AG genotype presented an increased frequency in HT subjects compared with controls (P = 0.046, OR = 1.53). Furthermore, the haplotype GAGCCCG from ST2-IL18R1-IL18RAP gene cluster (rs6543116, rs1041973, rs1035130, rs3732127, rs1035127, rs2293225, rs917997) was associated with increased susceptibility to GD with an OR of 2.03 (P = 0.022, 95% CI = 1.07-3.86). Some SNPs of ST2-IL18R1-IL18RAP gene cluster might increase the risk of susceptibility of HT and GD in Chinese Han population. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Assemblare il genere nello sport: il caso controverso di Caster Semenya

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serena Naim


    Full Text Available Questa ricerca mira a indagare le strategie di gestione delle “anomalie” di genere in contesti di forte segregazione tra i sessi. In particolare, il tema che ci interessa trattare in queste pagine riguarda il modo in cui il mondo sportivo affronta, sia in termini tecnico-scientifici sia in termini narrativi, i casi di atlete che, per caratteristiche fisiche di vario tipo, non rientrano negli standard pensati per chi compete nelle categorie femminili. Cercheremo di capire in che modo l'approccio narrativo si intreccia a quello tecnico-scientifico, e quali saranno le possibili soluzioni al problema. Lo sport si rivela in questo senso un terreno estremamente favorevole allo svolgimento di questa ricerca, per tre caratteristiche particolari: in primo luogo, come dicevamo, vige una stretta separazione tra uomini e donne; in secondo luogo, è oggetto di grande interesse mediatico e dunque di una florida produzione narrativa; infine, è un ambito fortemente medicalizzato, sia per questioni di salute psico-fisica degli atleti, sia per questioni di controllo del doping.

  12. Les catholiques français devant le cinéma entre désir et impuissance French Catholics face to cinema: between desire and powerlessness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corinne Bonafoux


    Full Text Available Durant la période de l’entre-deux-guerres qui correspond à un mouvement de réhabilitation du cinéma par diverses autorités religieuses, les catholiques mettent en place de nombreux organismes consacrés au cinéma. Ils tentent d’agir à la fois sur la production, la distribution et la formation du public. C’est ce troisième moyen qui est le plus développé car le public catholique est compris comme un puissant moyen d’influer, en amont, sur la production et la distribution.This paper focuses on the interwar years during which different religious authorities started a movement of rehabilitation of the film industry. In this perspective, the Catholics created several organizations dedicated to the cinema. They tried to influence the production and the distribution processes, as well as the audience education. The latter was the most developed since the catholic audience was understood as a powerful lever to act upstream on both the production and the distribution processes.

  13. IL-7 splicing variant IL-7δ5 induces human breast cancer cell proliferation via activation of PI3K/Akt pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan, Deshun; Liu, Bing; Jin, Xiaobao; Zhu, Jiayong


    Highlights: ► This study confirms the role of IL-7δ5 in breast cancer cell proliferation. ► IL-7δ5 promotes breast cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. ► IL-7δ5 promotes cell proliferation via activation of PI3K/Akt pathway. -- Abstract: Various tumor cells express interleukin 7 (IL-7) and IL-7 variants. IL-7 has been confirmed to stimulate solid tumor cell proliferation. However, the effect of IL-7 variants on tumor cell proliferation remains unclear. In this study, we evaluated the role of IL-7δ5 (an IL-7 variant lacking exon 5) on proliferation and cell cycle progression of human MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The results showed that IL-7δ5 promoted cell proliferation and cell cycle progression from G1 phase to G2/M phase, associated with upregulation of cyclin D1 expression and the downregulation of p27 kip1 expression. Mechanistically, we found that IL-7δ5 induced the activation of Akt. Inhibition of PI3K/Akt pathway by LY294002 reversed the proliferation and cell cycle progression of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells induced by IL-7δ5. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that IL-7δ5 variant induces human breast cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle progression via activation of PI3K/Akt pathway. Thus, IL-7δ5 may be a potential target for human breast cancer therapeutics intervention.

  14. Genetic variants in the region harbouring IL2/IL21 associated with ulcerative colitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Festen, E. A. M.; Goyette, P.; Scott, R.; Annese, V.; Zhernakova, A.; Lian, J.; Lefèbvre, C.; Brant, S. R.; Cho, J. H.; Silverberg, M. S.; Taylor, K. D.; de Jong, D. J.; Stokkers, P. C.; Mcgovern, D.; Palmieri, O.; Achkar, J.-P.; Xavier, R. J.; Daly, M. J.; Duerr, R. H.; Wijmenga, C.; Weersma, R. K.; Rioux, J. D.


    Genetic susceptibility is known to play a large part in the predisposition to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) known as Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). The IL2/IL21 locus on 4q27 is known to be a common risk locus for inflammatory disease (shown in coeliac disease, type 1

  15. MaGate Simulator: A Simulation Environment for a Decentralized Grid Scheduler (United States)

    Huang, Ye; Brocco, Amos; Courant, Michele; Hirsbrunner, Beat; Kuonen, Pierre

    This paper presents a simulator for of a decentralized modular grid scheduler named MaGate. MaGate’s design emphasizes scheduler interoperability by providing intelligent scheduling serving the grid community as a whole. Each MaGate scheduler instance is able to deal with dynamic scheduling conditions, with continuously arriving grid jobs. Received jobs are either allocated on local resources, or delegated to other MaGates for remote execution. The proposed MaGate simulator is based on GridSim toolkit and Alea simulator, and abstracts the features and behaviors of complex fundamental grid elements, such as grid jobs, grid resources, and grid users. Simulation of scheduling tasks is supported by a grid network overlay simulator executing distributed ant-based swarm intelligence algorithms to provide services such as group communication and resource discovery. For evaluation, a comparison of behaviors of different collaborative policies among a community of MaGates is provided. Results support the use of the proposed approach as a functional ready grid scheduler simulator.

  16. Clinical significance of changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and gastrin levels before and after treatment in patients with chronic eczema

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mou Xudong; Ren Hong


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and gastrin levels after treatment in patients with chronic eczema. Methods: Serum IL-2, IL-6 and gastin were detected with RIA both before and after treatment in 38 patients with chronic eczema and 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, serum IL-2 levels in the patients were significantly lower than those in the controls (P 0.05), however, the IL-2 levels were still significantly lower than those in controls (P>0.05). Conclusion: Serum IL-2, IL-6 and gastrin levels in the patients with chronic eczema were closely related to the severity of the diseases process and could be taken as indicator of treatment efficacy. (authors)

  17. IL-34 Upregulated Th17 Production through Increased IL-6 Expression by Rheumatoid Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes


    Wang, Bing; Ma, Zijian; Wang, Miaomiao; Sun, Xiaotong; Tang, Yawei; Li, Ming; Zhang, Yan; Li, Fang; Li, Xia


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease which is characterized by synovial inflammation and cartilage damage for which causes articular dysfunction. Activation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) is a critical step that promotes disease progression. In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of interleukin-34 (IL-34) on RA FLS as a proinflammatory factor and IL-34-stimulated FLS on the production of Th17. We found that serum IL-34 levels were increased compared to those...

  18. Chronic administration of recombinant IL-6 upregulates lipogenic enzyme expression and aggravates high-fat-diet-induced steatosis in IL-6-deficient mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Vida


    Full Text Available Interleukin-6 (IL-6 has emerged as an important mediator of fatty acid metabolism with paradoxical effects in the liver. Administration of IL-6 has been reported to confer protection against steatosis, but plasma and tissue IL-6 concentrations are elevated in chronic liver diseases, including fatty liver diseases associated with obesity and alcoholic ingestion. In this study, we further investigated the role of IL-6 on steatosis induced through a high-fat diet (HFD in wild-type (WT and IL-6-deficient (IL-6−/− mice. Additionally, HFD-fed IL-6−/− mice were also chronically treated with recombinant IL-6 (rIL-6. Obesity in WT mice fed a HFD associated with elevated serum IL-6 levels, fatty liver, upregulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1 and signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3, increased AMP kinase phosphorylation (p-AMPK, and downregulation of the hepatic lipogenic enzymes fatty acid synthase (FAS and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1. The HFD-fed IL-6−/− mice showed severe steatosis, no changes in CPT1 levels or AMPK activity, no increase in STAT3 amounts, inactivated STAT3, and marked downregulation of the expression of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCα/β, FAS and SCD1. The IL-6 chronic replacement in HFD-fed IL-6−/− mice restored hepatic STAT3 and AMPK activation but also increased the expression of the lipogenic enzymes ACCα/β, FAS and SCD1. Furthermore, rIL-6 administration was associated with aggravated steatosis and elevated fat content in the liver. We conclude that, in the context of HFD-induced obesity, the administration of rIL-6 might contribute to the aggravation of fatty liver disease through increasing lipogenesis.

  19. A late IL-33 response after exposure to Schistosoma haematobium antigen is associated with an up-regulation of IL-13 in human eosinophils

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilson, S.; Jones, F. M.; Fofana, H. K. M.


    IL-33, a proposed alarmin, stimulates innate immune cells and Th2 cells to produce IL-13 and is rapidly upregulated upon antigen exposure in murine helminth infection. The human IL-33 response to helminth antigen was analysed in Malians infected with Schistosoma haematobium by disrupting parasite...... integrity via chemotherapy. Plasma IL-33 was measured pretreatment, and 24 h and 9 weeks post-treatment. At 24 h post-treatment, IL-33 levels were low. Nine week post-treatment IL-33 levels were elevated and were associated with an increase in intracellular IL-13 in eosinophils. Up......-regulation of intracellular IL-13 in eosinophils was also associated with eosinophil expression of ST2L, the IL-33 receptor. IL-33 may play an important downstream role in the human response to schistosome adult worm antigen exposure....

  20. Family based association analysis of the IL2 and IL15 genes in allergic disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Ulla; Haagerup, Annette; Binderup, Helle


    ) identified in a family based association study of two Danish samples comprising a total of 235 families with allergic diseases. None of the IL15 SNPs showed significant association and the haplotype analysis yielded inconsistent results in the two samples. In contrast, the two IL2 SNPs showed association...... both separately and in haplotypes with several atopic phenotypes, most significantly with IgE-mediated allergy. (single SNP P-value 0.0005 for positive skin prick test, haplotype P-value 0.019 for positive RAST test). To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting association between IL2 and Ig...

  1. Promoter Variation and Expression Levels of Inflammatory Genes IL1A, IL1B, IL6 and TNF in Blood of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3) Patients. (United States)

    Raposo, Mafalda; Bettencourt, Conceição; Ramos, Amanda; Kazachkova, Nadiya; Vasconcelos, João; Kay, Teresa; Bruges-Armas, Jácome; Lima, Manuela


    Age at onset in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3/MJD) is incompletely explained by the size of the CAG tract at the ATXN3 gene, implying the existence of genetic modifiers. A role of inflammation in SCA3 has been postulated, involving altered cytokines levels; promoter variants leading to alterations in cytokines expression could influence onset. Using blood from 86 SCA3 patients and 106 controls, this work aimed to analyse promoter variation of four cytokines (IL1A, IL1B, IL6 and TNF) and to investigate the association between variants detected and their transcript levels, evaluated by quantitative PCR. Moreover, the effect of APOE isoforms, known to modulate cytokines, was investigated. Correlations between cytokine variants and onset were tested; the cumulative modifier effects of cytokines and APOE were analysed. Patients carrying the IL6*C allele had a significant earlier onset (4 years in average) than patients carrying the G allele, in agreement with lower mRNA levels produced by IL6*C carriers. The presence of APOE*ɛ2 allele seems to anticipate onset in average 10 years in patients carrying the IL6*C allele; a larger number of patients will be needed to confirm this result. These results highlight the pertinence of conducting further research on the role of cytokines as SCA3 modulators, pointing to the presence of shared mechanisms involving IL6 and APOE.

  2. Unbalanced plasma TNF-α and IL-12/IL-10 profile in women with migraine is associated with psychological and physiological outcomes. (United States)

    Oliveira, Arão Belitardo; Bachi, André Luis Lacerda; Ribeiro, Reinaldo Teixeira; Mello, Marco Tulio; Tufik, Sergio; Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto


    Increased plasma pro-inflammatory and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in physiological and behavioural aspects of mood- and pain-related disorders, including migraine. In this case-control study, we assessed mood scores, cardiorespiratory fitness (VO 2Peak ), and plasma concentrations of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12p70 interictally in women with episodic migraine with/without aura (ICHD-II), taking no preventive medicine, and in healthy women recruited from São Paulo Hospital and local community, respectively. Thirty-seven participants (mean±SD age=34±10 and BMI=26.5±4.9) were assessed. Groups (Control, n=17; Migraine, n=20) showed no differences in age, BMI, and VO 2Peak . Migraine patients showed higher tension (p=0.019) and anxiety scores (p=0.046), TNF-α (pmigraine was positively associated with TNF-α and IL-12p70, and negatively associated with IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10. Anxiety scores were positively associated with IL-12p70, and VO 2Peak was negatively associated with TNF-α. In conclusion, an exaggeratedly skewed cytokine profile, in particular the TNF-α and 12p70/IL-10 balance may be related to migraine pathomechanisms, and its psychiatric comorbidities and functional capacity. Additional studies are needed to confirm these results. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. High IL-17E and Low IL-17C Dermal Expression Identifies a Fibrosis-Specific Motif Common to Morphea and Systemic Sclerosis


    Lonati, Paola Adele; Brembilla, Nicolò Costantino; Montanari, Elisa; Fontao, Lionel; Gabrielli, Armando; Vettori, Serena; Valentini, Gabriele; Laffitte, Emmanuel; Kaya, Gurkan; Meroni, Pier-Luigi; Chizzolini, Carlo


    BACKGROUND: High interleukin (IL)-17A levels are characteristically found in the skin of systemic sclerosis (SSc) individuals. Our aim was to investigate whether the dermal expression of IL-17A and related IL-17 family members (i.e. IL-17C, IL-17E and IL-17F) could distinguish fibrotic from healthy skin and could show similarities in SSc and morphea, two disorders with presumed distinct pathogenesis, but characterized by skin fibrosis. METHODS: Biopsies were obtained from the involved skin of...

  4. Il fuoco della fusione termonucleare controllata

    CERN Document Server

    Caldirola, Piero; Sindoni, Elio


    Per realizzare la fusione termonucleare controllata, cioè catturare e dominare il fuoco che accende gli astri, e ottenere così una nuova fonte di energia praticamente illimitata e a basso costo, si richiede uno sforzo collettivo e unitario globale: non esiste infatti nazione al mondo che sia in grado, singolarmente presa, di affrontare il problema, sia per le risorse finanziarie necessarie all'impresa sia per il numero dei ricercatori che dovranno dedicarvisi.

  5. Il viaggio gastronomico di Paolo Monelli.


    Salarelli, Alberto


    Il ghiottone errante di Paolo Monelli, pubblicato nel 1935, rappresenta uno dei primi esempi di narrativa di viaggio in tema di enogastronomia, un genere destinato a grande successo nel secondo dopoguerra. In questo articolo, oltre a ripercorrere la vicenda biografica di Monelli, si sottolineano le relazioni tra Il ghiottone e la cultura gastronomica del regime fascista, e si evidenziano alcuni tratti caratteristici del suo stile di scrittura. Paolo Monelli‟s Il ghiottone errante (The Wand...

  6. Changes of serum levels of some relevant cytokine (IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α) after antithyroid treatment in patients with graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren Xiaohua; Jiang Boyong


    Objective: To study the effect of antithyroid treatment on the changes of serum levels of IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum levels of IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α were measured with RIA in 30 patients with Graves' disease (both before and after treatment with antithyroid drug) and 30 controls. Results: Before treatment serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in the patients were significantly higher than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels might be important in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease. (authors)

  7. Experimental Physical Sciences Vistas: MaRIE (draft)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shlachter, Jack [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    To achieve breakthrough scientific discoveries in the 21st century, a convergence and integration of world-leading experimental facilities and capabilities with theory, modeling, and simulation is necessary. In this issue of Experimental Physical Sciences Vistas, I am excited to present our plans for Los Alamos National Laboratory's future flagship experimental facility, MaRIE (Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes). MaRIE is a facility that will provide transformational understanding of matter in extreme conditions required to reduce or resolve key weapons performance uncertainties, develop the materials needed for advanced energy systems, and transform our ability to create materials by design. Our unique role in materials science starting with the Manhattan Project has positioned us well to develop a contemporary materials strategy pushing the frontiers of controlled functionality - the design and tailoring of a material for the unique demands of a specific application. Controlled functionality requires improvement in understanding of the structure and properties of materials in order to synthesize and process materials with unique characteristics. In the nuclear weapons program today, improving data and models to increase confidence in the stockpile can take years from concept to new knowledge. Our goal with MaRIE is to accelerate this process by enhancing predictive capability - the ability to compute a priori the observables of an experiment or test and pertinent confidence intervals using verified and validated simulation tools. It is a science-based approach that includes the use of advanced experimental tools, theoretical models, and multi-physics codes, simultaneously dealing with multiple aspects of physical operation of a system that are needed to develop an increasingly mature predictive capability. This same approach is needed to accelerate improvements to other systems such as nuclear reactors. MaRIE will be valuable to many national

  8. Clinical significance of determination of changes of serum GM-CSF, IL-8, IL-6 levels after treatment in pediatric patients with bronchial asthma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xue Hongfeng


    Objective: To investigate the changes of serum GM-CSF, IL-8 and IL-6 levels both before and after treatment in pediatric patients with bronchial asthma. Methods: Serum GM-CSF, IL-8 and IL-6 levels were measured with RIA in 32 pediatric patients with bronchial asthma both before and after treatment as well as in 30 controls. Results: Before treatment, the serum GM-CSF, IL-8, IL-6 levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in the controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Abnormal high serum GM-CSF, IL-8, IL-6 levels played important role in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma in children. (authors)

  9. IL-2 and IL-15 regulate CD154 expression on activated CD4 T cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, S; Bonyhadi, M; Odum, Niels


    The cellular and humoral immune system is critically dependent upon CD40-CD154 (CD40 ligand) interactions between CD40 expressed on B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, and CD154 expressed primarily on CD4 T cells. Previous studies have shown that CD154 is transiently expressed on CD4 T cells...... after T cell receptor engagement in vitro. However, we found that stimulation of PBLs with maximal CD28 costimulation, using beads coupled to Abs against CD3 and CD28, led to a very prolonged expression of CD154 on CD4 cells (>4 days) that was dependent upon autocrine IL-2 production. Previously...... activated CD4 T cells could respond to IL-2, or the related cytokine IL-15, by de novo CD154 production and expression without requiring an additional signal from CD3 and CD28. These results provide evidence that CD28 costimulation of CD4 T cells, through autocrine IL-2 production, maintains high levels...

  10. IL-7 treatment augments and prolongs sepsis-induced expansion of IL-10-producing B lymphocytes and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Upasana; Herrmenau, Christoph; Win, Stephanie J; Bauer, Michael; Kamradt, Thomas


    Immunological dysregulation in sepsis is associated with often lethal secondary infections. Loss of effector cells and an expansion of immunoregulatory cell populations both contribute to sepsis-induced immunosuppression. The extent and duration of this immunosuppression are unknown. Interleukin 7 (IL-7) is important for the maintenance of lymphocytes and can accelerate the reconstitution of effector lymphocytes in sepsis. How IL-7 influences immunosuppressive cell populations is unknown. We have used the mouse model of peritoneal contamination and infection (PCI) to investigate the expansion of immunoregulatory cells as long-term sequelae of sepsis with or without IL-7 treatment. We analysed the frequencies and numbers of regulatory T cells (Tregs), double negative T cells, IL-10 producing B cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) for 3.5 months after sepsis induction. Sepsis induced an increase in IL-10+ B cells, which was enhanced and prolonged by IL-7 treatment. An increased frequency of MDSCs in the spleen was still detectable 3.5 months after sepsis induction and this was more pronounced in IL-7-treated mice. MDSCs from septic mice were more potent at suppressing T cell proliferation than MDSCs from control mice. Our data reveal that sepsis induces a long lasting increase in IL-10+ B cells and MDSCs. Late-onset IL-7 treatment augments this increase, which should be relevant for clinical interventions.

  11. Conditional IL-2 gene deletion: consequences for T cell proliferation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kendall A Smith


    Full Text Available To explore the role of interleukin-2 (IL-2 in T cell proliferation, and to circumvent the IL-2 deficiency autoimmune syndrome of conventional il2 gene deletion, mice were created to allow conditional il2 gene deletion when treated with the estrogen analogue, tamoxifen (TAM as adults. Splenocytes from four different mouse strains, C57Bl/6 wild type (WT, conventional IL-2 (-/-, TAM-treated Cre recombinase negative (Cre-/IL2fl/fl, and Cre+/IL-2fl/fl (Cre+, were activated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28, and monitored for CD4+ and CD8+ T cell lymphocyte blastogenesis, aerobic glycolysis, BrdU incorporation into newly synthesized DNA, and CFSE dye dilution to monitor cell division. IL-2 production was monitored by quantitative ELISA and multiple additional cytokines were monitored by protein-bead arrays. Splenocytes from conventional IL-2 (-/- and TAM-treated Cre+ mice resulted in undetectable IL-2 production, so that both strains were IL-2 deficient. As monitored by flow cytometry, activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from WT, Cre+ and Cre- mice all underwent blastogenesis, whereas far fewer cells from conventional IL-2 (-/- mice did so. By comparison, only cells from IL-2 sufficient WT and Cre- switched to aerobic glycolysis as evidenced by a drop in media pH. Blastogenesis was mirrored by BrdU incorporation and CFSE dye dilution by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from WT, Cre+ and Cre- mice, which were all equivalent, while proliferation of cells from conventional IL-2 (-/- mice was compromised. Splenocytes from IL-2 deficient conventional IL-2 (-/- mice produced low or undetectable other γc-chain cytokines (IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-13, IL-15, and IL-21, whereas production of these γc-chain cytokines from IL-2-deficient conditional IL-2 (-/- Cre+ mice were comparable with WT and Cre- mice. These results indicate that CD4+ and CD8+ T cell blastogenesis cannot be attributable to IL-2 alone, but a switch to aerobic glycolysis is attributable to IL-2, and proliferation

  12. Increased midgestational IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-5 in women bearing a child with autism: A case-control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goines Paula E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Immune anomalies have been documented in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs and their family members. It is unknown whether the maternal immune profile during pregnancy is associated with the risk of bearing a child with ASD or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Methods Using Luminex technology, levels of 17 cytokines and chemokines were measured in banked serum collected from women at 15 to 19 weeks of gestation who gave birth to a child ultimately diagnosed with (1 ASD (n = 84, (2 a developmental delay (DD but not autism (n = 49 or (3 no known developmental disability (general population (GP; n = 159. ASD and DD risk associated with maternal cytokine and chemokine levels was estimated by using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results Elevated concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-5 in midgestation maternal serum were significantly associated with a 50% increased risk of ASD, regardless of ASD onset type and the presence of intellectual disability. By contrast, elevated concentrations of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6 were significantly associated with an increased risk of DD without autism. Conclusion The profile of elevated serum IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-5 was more common in women who gave birth to a child subsequently diagnosed with ASD. An alternative profile of increased IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6 was more common for women who gave birth to a child subsequently diagnosed with DD without autism. Further investigation is needed to characterize the relationship between these divergent maternal immunological phenotypes and to evaluate their effect on neurodevelopment.

  13. Focal adhesion kinase-mediated activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β regulates IL-33 receptor internalization and IL-33 signaling. (United States)

    Zhao, Jing; Wei, Jianxin; Bowser, Rachel K; Traister, Russell S; Fan, Ming-Hui; Zhao, Yutong


    IL-33, a relatively new member of the IL-1 cytokine family, plays a crucial role in allergic inflammation and acute lung injury. Long form ST2 (ST2L), the receptor for IL-33, is expressed on immune effector cells and lung epithelia and plays a critical role in triggering inflammation. We have previously shown that ST2L stability is regulated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system; however, its upstream internalization has not been studied. In this study, we demonstrate that glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) regulates ST2L internalization and IL-33 signaling. IL-33 treatment induced ST2L internalization, and an effect was attenuated by inhibition or downregulation of GSK3β. GSK3β was found to interact with ST2L on serine residue 446 in response to IL-33 treatment. GSK3β binding site mutant (ST2L(S446A)) and phosphorylation site mutant (ST2L(S442A)) are resistant to IL-33-induced ST2L internalization. We also found that IL-33 activated focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Inhibition of FAK impaired IL-33-induced GSK3β activation and ST2L internalization. Furthermore, inhibition of ST2L internalization enhanced IL-33-induced cytokine release in lung epithelial cells. These results suggest that modulation of the ST2L internalization by FAK/GSK3β might serve as a unique strategy to lessen pulmonary inflammation. Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  14. Texture and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of MA14 and MA2-1 alloys produced by granular metallurgy (United States)

    Betsofen, S. Ya.; Konkevich, V. Yu.; Osintsev, O. E.; Avdyukhina, A. A.; Voskresenskaya, I. I.; Grushin, I. A.


    The contribution of texture to the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of semifinished products from MA14 and MA2-1 alloys prepared by capsule-free pressing of granules is quantitatively evaluated using inverse pole figures and calculated Taylor orientation factors for basal slip. It is shown that the texture intensity and the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the pressed semiproducts are lower than those of the semiproducts from an ingot and the compressive yield strength is substantially higher.

  15. Expression level and clinical significance of IL-2, IL-6 and TGF-β in elderly patients with goiter and hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Lv, L-F; Jia, H-Y; Zhang, H-F; Hu, Y-X


    To investigate the level of expression and the clinical significance of IL-2 (interleukin-2), IL-6 (interleukin-6) and TGF-β (transforming growth factor-β) in elderly patients with goiter and hyperthyroidism. Gender, age, course of disease, BMI (Body Mass Index), serum FT3 (Free triiodothyronine-3), FT4 (Free triiodothyronine-4), TT3 (Total triiodothyronine-3), TT4 (Total triiodothyronine-4), TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and clinical manifestations on admission and other general clinical data and laboratory examination results were collected and statistically analyzed as case group in 128 elderly patients with goiter and hyperthyroidism. Additional 128 over 60-year-old patients with hyperthyroidism were selected as control group. The thyroid tissue of these patients and the control group were examined by fine needle aspiration biopsy. The expressions of IL-2, IL-6, TGF-β of the thyroid tissue in all patients were detected by immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR (Real-time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) and Western blot method respectively, and the statistical analysis was carried out. p hyperthyroidism and thyroid enlargement (p hyperthyroidism, and symptoms of exophthalmos, the level of expression of IL-6 was significantly higher than that of patients without exophthalmos (p hyperthyroidism and symptoms of exophthalmos, and the patients with goiter, hyperthyroidism without symptoms of exophthalmos, IL-2 and TGF-β expression level were not different (p > 0.05). The expression levels of IL-2, IL-6, and TGF-β were significantly increased in the patients with senile goiter and hyperthyroidism, but in the senile patients with goiter, hyperthyroidism and exophthalmos symptoms, IL-6 levels were significantly higher than those without exophthalmos. The use of IL-2, IL-6, and TGF-β is of great significance in the diagnosis of goiter with hyperthyroidism, especially for elderly patients with atypical clinical symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

  16. L’intertexte entre le réel et l’imaginaire dans le cinéma de Wim Wenders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Coura Guimarães Castro


    Full Text Available Cet article interroge la façon dont le cinéma représente à l’écran la frontière qui existe entre le monde imaginaire des personnages et celui qu’on appelle «monde réel». Afin de vérifier la figuration à l’écran de cette relation parfois contradictoire, voir complémentaire, on fera une brève étude du film l’Etat des Choses (1982, de Wim Wenders. Le cinéaste est né en Allemagne, en 1945. Initialement, Wenders a étudié médicine et philosophie pendant deux ans, mais, en 1967, il a changé d’avis afin de poursuivre ses études dans l’audiovisuel. A partir de là, le réalisateur s’est fait connaître comme un des représentants les plus célèbres du «nouveau cinéma allemand». En 1978, il a été invité par Francis Ford Coppola pour participer au tournage du film Hammett. Ainsi, son cinéma a été toujours marqué par cette intersection culturelle entre l’Amérique et l’Europe. Notre objectif, dans cet article, est celui de mette en évidence les croisements du cinéma avec l’art, la relation des sujets avec l’espace, ainsi que les influences d’un sur l’autre dans les représentations cinématographiques. Notre référentiel théorique sera fondé, surtout, sur les notions de «fiction» et de «documentaire» chez François Niney. Nous espérons, à partir de cette réflexion, pouvoir comprendre plus en profondeur la façon dont Wenders travaille dans son film la métaphorisation de la lumière dans les mises en scènes, en proposant, en quelque sorte, un dialogue entre les concepts de «clarté» et d’«ombre», en ayant comme arrière-plan l’idée de fiction.This article shows the way that the cinema represents on the screen the boundaries between the imaginary world of the characters and the one that we used to call “real world”. In order to verify the representation on the screen of this contradictory relationship, sometimes complementary, we will do a brief study of the movie The State

  17. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2). User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  18. Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2). User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA has been supporting its Member States in the area of energy planning for sustainable development. Development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and their computer codes are important parts of this support. This manual has been produced to facilitate the use of the MAED model: Model for Analysis of Energy Demand. The methodology of the MAED model was originally developed by. B. Chateau and B. Lapillonne of the Institute Economique et Juridique de l'Energie (IEJE) of the University of Grenoble, France, and was presented as the MEDEE model. Since then the MEDEE model has been developed and adopted to be appropriate for modelling of various energy demand system. The IAEA adopted MEDEE-2 model and incorporated important modifications to make it more suitable for application in the developing countries, and it was named as the MAED model. The first version of the MAED model was designed for the DOS based system, which was later on converted for the Windows system. This manual presents the latest version of the MAED model. The most prominent feature of this version is its flexibility for representing structure of energy consumption. The model now allows country-specific representations of energy consumption patterns using the MAED methodology. The user can now disaggregate energy consumption according to the needs and/or data availability in her/his country. As such, MAED has now become a powerful tool for modelling widely diverse energy consumption patterns. This manual presents the model in details and provides guidelines for its application

  19. IL17/IL17RA as a Novel Signaling Axis Driving Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapeutic Function in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Kurte


    Full Text Available The therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs in multiple sclerosis (MS and the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE model has been well described. This effect is, in part, mediated through the inhibition of IL17-producing cells and the generation of regulatory T cells. While proinflammatory cytokines such as IFNγ, TNFα, and IL1β have been shown to enhance MSCs immunosuppressive function, the role of IL17 remains poorly elucidated. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate the role of the IL17/IL17R pathway on MSCs immunoregulatory effects focusing on Th17 cell generation in vitro and on Th17-mediated EAE pathogenesis in vivo. In vitro, we showed that the immunosuppressive effect of MSCs on Th17 cell proliferation and differentiation is partially dependent on IL17RA expression. This was associated with a reduced expression level of MSCs immunosuppressive mediators such as VCAM1, ICAM1, and PD-L1 in IL17RA−/− MSCs as compared to wild-type (WT MSCs. In the EAE model, we demonstrated that while WT MSCs significantly reduced the clinical scores of the disease, IL17RA−/− MSCs injected mice exhibited a clinical worsening of the disease. The disability of IL17RA−/− MSCs to reduce the progression of the disease paralleled the inability of these cells to reduce the frequency of Th17 cells in the draining lymph node of the mice as compared to WT MSCs. Moreover, we showed that the therapeutic effect of MSCs was correlated with the generation of classical Treg bearing the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ signature in an IL17RA-dependent manner. Our findings reveal a novel role of IL17RA on MSCs immunosuppressive and therapeutic potential in EAE and suggest that the modulation of IL17RA in MSCs could represent a novel method to enhance their therapeutic effect in MS.

  20. LPS-induced release of IL-6 from glia modulates production of IL-1beta in a JAK2-dependent manner

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Minogue, Aedín M


    AbstractBackgroundCompelling evidence has implicated neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative conditions. Chronic activation of both astrocytes and microglia leads to excessive secretion of proinflammatory molecules such as TNFα, IL-6 and IL-1β with potentially deleterious consequences for neuronal viability. Many signaling pathways involving the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), nuclear factor κB (NFκB) complex and the Janus kinases (JAKs)\\/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT)-1 have been implicated in the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines from glia. We sought to identify signaling kinases responsible for cytokine production and to delineate the complex interactions which govern time-related responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS).MethodsWe examined the time-related changes in certain signaling events and the release of proinflammatory cytokines from LPS-stimulated co-cultures of astrocytes and microglia isolated from neonatal rats.ResultsTNFα was detected in the supernatant approximately 1 to 2 hours after LPS treatment while IL-1β and IL-6 were detected after 2 to 3 and 4 to 6 hours, respectively. Interestingly, activation of NFκB signaling preceded release of all cytokines while phosphorylation of STAT1 was evident only after 2 hours, indicating that activation of JAK\\/STAT may be important in the up-regulation of IL-6 production. Additionally, incubation of glia with TNFα induced both phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT1 and the interaction of JAK2 with the TNFα receptor (TNFR1). Co-treatment of glia with LPS and recombinant IL-6 protein attenuated the LPS-induced release of both TNFα and IL-1β while potentiating the effect of LPS on suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)3 expression and IL-10 release.ConclusionsThese data indicate that TNFα may regulate IL-6 production through activation of JAK\\/STAT signaling and that the subsequent production of IL-6 may impact on the release of

  1. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF. (United States)

    Langstraat, Kirsten; Knijnenberg, Alwin; Edelman, Gerda; van de Merwe, Linda; van Loon, Annelies; Dik, Joris; van Asten, Arian


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces like blood, semen, saliva, sweat and urine on fabric on the basis of Fe, Zn, K, Cl and Ca elemental signatures. With MA-XRF a new chemical contrast is introduced for human stain detection and this can provide a valuable alternative when the evidence item is challenging for conventional techniques. MA-XRF was also successfully employed for the chemical imaging and classification of gunshot residues (GSR). The full and non-invasive elemental mapping (Pb, Ba, Sr, K and Cl) of intact pieces of clothing allows for a detailed shooting incident reconstruction linking firearms and ammunition to point of impact and providing information on the shooting angle. In high resolution mode MA-XRF can even be used to provide information on the shooting order of different ammunition types. Finally, by using the surface penetration of X-rays we demonstrate that the lead signature of a bullet impact can be easily detected even if covered by multiple layers of wall paint or human blood.

  2. Establishment of IL-7 Expression Reporter Human Cell Lines, and Their Feasibility for High-Throughput Screening of IL-7-Upregulating Chemicals.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeon Sook Cho

    Full Text Available Interleukin-7 (IL-7 is a cytokine essential for T cell homeostasis, and is clinically important. However, the regulatory mechanism of IL-7 gene expression is not well known, and a systematic approach to screen chemicals that regulate IL-7 expression has not yet been developed. In this study, we attempted to develop human reporter cell lines using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing technology. For this purpose, we designed donor DNA that contains an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP gene, drug selection cassette, and modified homologous arms which are considered to enhance the translation of the eGFP reporter transcript, and also a highly efficient single-guide RNA with a minimal off-target effect to target the IL-7 start codon region. By applying this system, we established IL-7 eGFP reporter cell lines that could report IL-7 gene transcription based on the eGFP protein signal. Furthermore, we utilized the cells to run a pilot screen campaign for IL-7-upregulating chemicals in a high-throughput format, and identified a chemical that can up-regulate IL-7 gene transcription. Collectively, these results suggest that our IL-7 reporter system can be utilized in large-scale chemical library screening to reveal novel IL-7 regulatory pathways and to identify potential drugs for development of new treatments in immunodeficiency disease.

  3. Blocking IL-17A Alleviates Diabetic Retinopathy in Rodents. (United States)

    Qiu, Ao-Wang; Liu, Qing-Huai; Wang, Jun-Ling


    Interleukin (IL)-17A, a proinflammatory cytokine, has been implicated in several autoimmune diseases. However, it is unclear whether IL-17A is involved in diabetic retinopathy (DR), one of the most serious complications of autoimmune diabetes. This study aimed to demonstrate that IL-17A exacerbates DR by affecting retinal Müller cell function. High glucose (HG)-treated rat Müller cell line (rMC-1) was exposed to IL-17A, anti-IL-17A-neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mAb) or/and anti-IL-17 receptor (R)A-neutralizing mAb for 24 h. For in vivo study, DR was induced by intraperitoneal injections of streptozotocin (STZ). DR model mice were treated with anti-IL-17A mAb or anti-IL-17RA mAb in the vitreous cavity. Mice that were prepared for retinal angiography were sacrificed two weeks after intravitreal injection, while the rest were sacrificed two days after intravitreal injection. IL-17A production and IL-17RA expression were increased in both HG-treated rMC-1 and DR retina. HG induced rMC-1 activation and dysfunction, as determined by the increased GFAP, VEGF and glutamate levels as well as the downregulated GS and EAAT1 expression. IL-17A exacerbated the HG-induced rMC-1 functional disorders, whereas either anti-IL-17A mAb or anti-IL-17RA mAb alleviated the HG-induced rMC-1 disorders. Intravitreal injections with anti-IL-17A mAb or anti-IL-17RA mAb in DR model mice reduced Müller cell dysfunction, vascular leukostasis, vascular leakage, tight junction protein downregulation and ganglion cell apoptosis in the retina. IL-17A aggravates DR-like pathology at least partly by impairing retinal Müller cell function. Blocking IL-17A is a potential therapeutic strategy for DR. © 2017 The Author(s)Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Increased parenchymal damage and steatohepatitis in Caucasian non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients with common IL1B and IL6 polymorphisms. (United States)

    Nelson, J E; Handa, P; Aouizerat, B; Wilson, L; Vemulakonda, L A; Yeh, M M; Kowdley, K V


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a complex, multifactorial disease affected by diet, lifestyle and genetics. Proinflammatory cytokines like IL-1β and IL-6 have been shown to be elevated in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). To investigate the relationship between IL1B and IL6 gene polymorphisms and histological features of NAFLD in the NASH CRN cohort. A total of 604 adult (≥18 years) non-Hispanic Caucasians with biopsy-proven NAFLD were genotyped for the following SNPs: IL1B, rs16944, rs1143634; IL6, rs1800795, rs10499563. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between genotype and a definitive diagnosis and advanced histological features of NASH after controlling for the following variables selected a priori: age, sex, diabetes, obesity and HOMA-IR level. The IL6 rs10499563 C allele was independently associated with the presence of definitive NASH, and increased ballooning and Mallory bodies. The IL1B rs1143634 TT genotype was associated with advanced fibrosis and increased Mallory bodies. The IL6 rs1800795 C allele was associated with not only increased risk for severe steatosis, >66% but also decreased risk for advanced fibrosis and lobular inflammation and Mallory body formation. These results suggest that common variants in the IL6 and IL1B genes may increase susceptibility for NASH and confer a higher risk of hepatic parenchymal damage including increased ballooning, increased Mallory bodies, and bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis. In contrast, the IL6 rs1800795 C allele may confer a higher risk for steatosis, but less parenchymal damage. Our findings support the development of therapeutics aimed at IL-1β and IL-6 suppression. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. The association of IL1α and IL1β polymorphisms with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wang, Bin; Zhu, Ji-Min; Fan, Yin-Guang; Feng, Chen-Chen; Chen, Gui-Mei; Chen, Hong; Pan, Hai-Feng; Ye, Dong-Qing


    Many epidemiological studies have investigated IL1α and IL1β polymorphisms with SLE risk, but no conclusions are available because of conflicting results. This meta-analysis was performed to more precisely estimate the relationships. The databases of PubMed updated to September 1st, 2012 were retrieved. Odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI) as effect size were calculated by a fixed- or random-effect model. In total, six case-control studies for IL1β-511C/T, four studies for IL1β+3953C/T, three studies for IL1α-889C/T and three studies for IL1α+4845G/T were involved in this analysis. The results indicated that for IL1α-889C/T polymorphism T allele was associated with decreased risk of SLE (OR (95% CI)) (T vs. C: 0.802 (0.679-0.949); TT+CT vs. CC: 0.615 (0.380-0.995); TT vs. CC: 0.679 (0.466-0.989)). However, when analysis for TT vs. CT+CC was conducted, the result indicated that IL1α-889C/T polymorphism was not associated with SLE (OR (95% CI): 0.847 (0.595-1.205)). Combined analysis indicated that IL1β-511C/T polymorphism was not overall associated with risk of SLE (OR (95% CI)) (T vs. C: 1.113 (0.954-1.298); TT vs. CT+CC: 1.146 (0.889-1.447); TT+CT vs. CC: 1.145 (0.903-1.452); TT vs. CC: 1.255 (0.928-1.698)). When subgroup analysis for Asian ethnicity was conducted, the results indicated that IL1β-511C/T polymorphism was associated with SLE only for TT vs. CT+CC (OR (95% CI): 1.468 (1.001-2.152)), but was not associated for T vs. C (OR (95% CI): 1.214 (0.955-1.544)), TT+CT vs. CC (OR (95% CI): 1.112 (0.765-1.615)) and TT vs.CC (OR (95% CI): 1.411 (0.896-2.222)). In addition, overall analyses indicated that IL1β+3953C/T and IL1α+4845G/C polymorphisms were also not associated with risk of SLE (OR (95% CI)) (for IL1β+3953C/T T vs. C: 0.996 (0.610-1.626), TT vs. CT+CC: 0.658 (0.318-1.358), TT+CT vs. CC: 1.021 (0.618-1.687), TT vs. CC: 0.640 (0.309-1.325); for IL1α+4845G/T T vs. G: 1.067 (0.791-1.440), TT+GT vs. GG: 0.934 (0

  6. IL-6-induced Bcl6 variant 2 supports IL-6-dependent myeloma cell proliferation and survival through STAT3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuyama, Naohiro; Danjoh, Inaho; Otsuyama, Ken-ichiro; Obata, Masanori; Tahara, Hidetoshi; Ohta, Tsutomu; Ishikawa, Hideaki


    IL-6 is a growth and survival factor for myeloma cells, although the mechanism by which it induces myeloma cell proliferation through gene expression is largely unknown. Microarray analysis showed that some B-cell lymphoma-associated oncogenes such as Bcl6, which is absent in normal plasma cells, were upregulated by IL-6 in IL-6-dependent myeloma cell lines. We found that Bcl6 variant 2 was upregulated by STAT3. ChIP assay and EMSA showed that STAT3 bound to the upstream region of variant 2 DNA. Expression of p53, a direct target gene of Bcl6, was downregulated in the IL-6-stimulated cells, and this process was impaired by an HDAC inhibitor. Bcl6 was knocked down by introducing small hairpin RNA, resulting in decreased proliferation and increased sensitivity to a DNA damaging agent. Thus, STAT3-inducible Bcl6 variant 2 appears to generate an important IL-6 signal that supports proliferation and survival of IL-6-dependent myeloma cells

  7. Altered promoter methylation of PDK4, IL1 B, IL6, and TNF after Roux-en Y gastric bypass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirchner, Henriette; Nylen, Carolina; Laber, Samantha


    methylation of selected promoter regions was measured in whole blood before and after VLCD. A subgroup of seven patients was studied 1–2 days and 12± 3 months after RYGB. Promoter methylation was measured using methylated DNA capture and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results VLCD....... The objective of this study was to test whether promoter methylation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PPARGC1 A), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isozyme-4 (PDK4), transcription factor A (TFAM), interleukin-1 beta (IL1 B), interleukin-6 (IL6) and tumor necrosis factor...... decreased promoter methylation of PPARGC1 A. Methylation of PPARGC1 A, TFAM, IL1 B, IL6, and TNF promoters was changed two days after RYGB. Similar changes were also seen on day one after cholecystectomy. Moreover, methylation increased in PDK4, IL1 B, IL6, and TNF promoters 12 months after RYGB. Conclusion...

  8. Structural basis for IL-1α recognition by a modified DNA aptamer that specifically inhibits IL-1α signaling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ren, Xiaoming; Gelinas, Amy D.; von Carlowitz, Ira; Janjic, Nebojsa; Pyle, Anna Marie (Yale); (SomaLogic)


    IL-1α is an essential cytokine that contributes to inflammatory responses and is implicated in various forms of pathogenesis and cancer. Here we report a naphthyl modified DNA aptamer that specifically binds IL-1α and inhibits its signaling pathway. By solving the crystal structure of the IL-1α/aptamer, we provide a high-resolution structure of this critical cytokine and we reveal its functional interaction interface with high-affinity ligands. The non-helical aptamer, which represents a highly compact nucleic acid structure, contains a wealth of new conformational features, including an unknown form of G-quadruplex. The IL-1α/aptamer interface is composed of unusual polar and hydrophobic elements, along with an elaborate hydrogen bonding network that is mediated by sodium ion. IL-1α uses the same interface to interact with both the aptamer and its cognate receptor IL-1RI, thereby suggesting a novel route to immunomodulatory therapeutics.

  9. IL1 receptor antagonist gene IL1-RN variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism and cancer risk: a literature review and meta-analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying Zhang

    Full Text Available IL1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA and IL1beta (IL1β, members of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL1 family, play a potential role against infection and in the pathogenesis of cancers. The variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR polymorphism in the second intron of the IL1 receptor antagonist gene (IL1-RN and a polymorphism in exon 5 of IL1B (IL1B+3954C>T, rs1143634 have been suggested in predisposition to cancer risk. However, studies have shown inconsistent results. To validate any association, a meta-analysis was performed with 14,854 cases and 19,337 controls from 71 published case-control studies for IL1-RN VNTR and 33 eligible studies contained 7,847 cases and 8917 controls for IL1B +3954. Odds ratios (ORs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs were calculated from comparisons to assess the strength of the association. There was significant association between the IL1-RN VNTR polymorphism and the risk of cancer for any overall comparison. Furthermore, cancer type stratification analysis revealed that there were significantly increased risks of gastric cancer, bladder cancer and other cancer groups. Infection status analysis indicated that the H. pylori or HBV/HCV infection and IL1-RN VNTR genotypes were independent factors for developing gastric or hepatocellular cancers. In addition, a borderline significant association was observed between IL1B+3954 polymorphism and the increased cancer risk. Although some modest bias could not be eliminated, this meta-analysis suggested that the IL1-RN VNTR polymorphisms may contribute to genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer. More studies are needed to further evaluate the role of the IL1B+3954 polymorphism in the etiology of cancer.

  10. A glorious, yet almost forgotten, mathematical theory, and some possibly new applications of it to physics; Una gloriosa ma quasi dimenticata teoria matematica e certe sue inedite applicazioni alla fisica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lo Surdo, C. [ENEA, Divisione Fusione Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    Hardly the role and the importance of Classical-Invariant Theory is the history of mathematics (say, between - 1850 and - 1920) can be fully appreciated by a nonspecialist. In this study, it was firstly purposed to provide a compact sketch of its foundations starting from (and keeping the framework of) some very basic ideas in the equation theory; and then, after reviewing a couple of classical examples, to illustrate a number of (presumably new) applications to physics, with special reference to constitutive relations in continuous material media. As a significant example of the latter type (amongst other ones), it shall be completely worked out the problem of the a priori structure of linear viscous-stress tensor in a magnetoplasma. [Italian] Non e' facile, da parte del non-specialista, apprezzare pienamente il ruolo e l'importanza della Teoria degli Invarianti Classici nella storia della matematica (diciamo all'incirca tra il 1850 e il 1920). In questo studio, il lettore trova anzitutto una rassegna, succinta ma largamente improntata alla generalita', dei suoi fondamenti a partire da poche idee di base della teoria delle equazioni, oltre ad un breve inquadramento storico e alla illustrazione di un paio di esempi classici. Seguono poi alcune applicazion - presuntivamente nuove - alla fisica matematica, con particolare riferimento alle relazioni costitutive in mezzi materiali continui. Come significativo esempio di applicazione di quest'ultimo tipo, e' infine completamente sviluppato il calcolo della struttura a priori del tensore di viscosita' lineare in un magnetoplasma.

  11. Clinical significance of determination of changes of serum IGF-II, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α levels after treatment in children with bronchopneumonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Yue


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum IGF-II, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α levels after treatment in children with bronchopneumonia. Methods: Serum IGF-II, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α levels with RIA were detected both before and after treatment in 33 patients with children bronchopneumonia as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, serum IGF-II, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in the controls (P 0.05). Conclusions: Serum IGF-II, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α could take part in the pathogenesis of children bronchopneumonia in various ways and determination of these levels was clinically important. (authors)

  12. Clinical significance of measurement of changes of serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8 M-CSF levels after treatment in patients with endometriosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Xiaochao; Zhou Dongxia; Zhang Limin; Liu Hongshu


    Objective: To explore the significance of changes of serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8 and M-CSF levels after treatment in patients with endometriosis. Methods: Serum IL-6, IL-8, M -CSF(with RIA), hs-CRP(with immuneturbidity method)levels were determined in 33 patients with endometriosis both before and after treatment as well as in 35 controls. Results: Before treatment, the serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8 and M-CSF levels were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Detection of serum hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8 and M-CSF levels might reflect the progress of diseases in patients with endometriosis. (authors)

  13. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Langstraat, K.; Knijnenberg, A.; Edelman, G.; van de Merwe, L.; van Loon, A.; Dik, J.; van Asten, A.


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces

  14. Large area imaging of forensic evidence with MA-XRF

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Langstraat, Kirsten; Knijnenberg, Alwin; Edelman, Gerda; Van De Merwe, Linda; van Loon, A.; Dik, J.; van Asten, Arian C.


    This study introduces the use of macroscopic X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the detection, classification and imaging of forensic traces over large object areas such as entire pieces of clothing and wall paneling. MA-XRF was sufficiently sensitive and selective to detect human biological traces

  15. IL-33-induced alterations in murine intestinal function and cytokine responses are MyD88, STAT6, and IL-13-dependent (United States)

    IL-33 is a recently identified cytokine member of the IL-1 family. The biological activities of IL-33 are associated with promotion of Th2 and inhibition of Th1/Th17 immune responses. Exogenous IL-33 induces a typical “type 2” immune response in the gastrointestinal tract, yet the underlying mechani...

  16. Autocrine role of vascular IL-15 in intimal thickening

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cercek, Miha; Matsumoto, Michiaki; Li, Hongyan; Chyu, K.-Y.; Peter, Ashok; Shah, Prediman K.; Dimayuga, Paul C.


    Interleukin 15 (IL-15) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that modulates T cell recruitment and activation, independent of antigen. It has been detected in human atherosclerotic plaques and atherosclerotic plaques of apoE-/- mice. IL-15 regulates fractalkine (FKN)-CX3CR1 chemokine signaling which is involved in atherogenesis and promotes SMC proliferation. We investigated the role of IL-15 in intimal thickening after arterial injury. Treatment of serum-stimulated SMC with IL-15 in vitro attenuated proliferation and suppressed CX3CR1 and FKN mRNA expression. The role of endogenous IL-15 in vivo was investigated in injured carotid arteries of mice. Periadventitial arterial injury resulted in increased IL-15 expression in the media and neointima, paralleled by increased IL-15 receptor α expression. Blockade of endogenous IL-15 increased intimal thickening. FKN and CX3CR1 expression increased after injury and were further augmented after IL-15 blockade. These data suggest that endogenous IL-15 attenuated intimal thickening after arterial injury. The potential mechanism of action is suppression of CX3CR1 signaling

  17. Determinants of IL-6 levels during HIV infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borges, Alvaro H; O'Connor, Jemma L; Phillips, Andrew N


    . MATERIAL AND METHODS: Participants in three international HIV trials (SMART, ESPRIT and SILCAAT) with IL-6 plasma levels measured at baseline were included (N=9864). Factors independently associated with log2-transformed IL-6 level were identified by multivariate linear regression; exponentiated estimates......INTRODUCTION: Elevated IL-6 levels have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and death. Compared to the general population, treated HIV+ persons have 50-100% higher IL-6 levels, but few data on the determinants of IL-6 levels during HIV infection currently exist...

  18. Comparison and relationship of thyroid hormones, IL-6, IL-10 and albumin as mortality predictors in case-mix critically ill patients. (United States)

    Quispe E, Álvaro; Li, Xiang-Min; Yi, Hong


    To compare the ability of thyroid hormones, IL-6, IL-10, and albumin to predict mortality, and to assess their relationship in case-mix acute critically ill patients. APACHE II scores and serum thyroid hormones (FT3, FT4, and TSH), IL-6, IL-10, and albumin were obtained at EICU admission for 79 cases of mix acute critically ill patients without previous history of thyroid disease. Patients were followed for 28 days with patient's death as the primary outcome. All mean values were compared, correlations assessed with Pearson' test, and mortality prediction assessed by multivariate logistic regression and ROC. Non survivors were older, with higher APACHE II score (p=0.000), IL-6 (p<0.05), IL-10 (p=0.000) levels, and lower albumin (p=0.000) levels compared to survivors at 28 days. IL-6 and IL-10 had significant negative correlation with albumin (p=0.001) and FT3 (p ⩽ 0.05) respectively, while low albumin had a direct correlation with FT3 (p<0.05). In the mortality prediction assessment, IL-10, albumin and APACHE II were independent morality predictors and showed to have a good (0.70-0.79) AUC-ROC (p<0.05). Despite that the entire cohort showed low FT3 serum levels (p=0.000), there was not statistical difference between survivors and non-survivors; neither showed any significance as mortality predictor. IL-6 and IL-10 are correlated with Low FT3 and hypoalbuminemia. Thyroid hormones assessed at EICU admission did not have any predictive value in our study. And finally, high levels of IL-6 and IL-10 in conjunction with albumin could improve our ability to evaluate disease's severity and predict mortality in the critically ill patients. When use in combination with APACHE II scores, our model showed improved mortality prediction. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  19. IL-4 deficiency is associated with mechanical hypersensitivity in mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurcan Üçeyler

    Full Text Available Interleukin-4 (IL-4 is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokine that induces opioid receptor transcription. We investigated IL-4 knockout (ko mice to characterize their pain behavior before and after chronic constriction injury (CCI of the sciatic nerve as a model for neuropathic pain. We investigated opioid responsivity and measured cytokine and opioid receptor gene expression in the peripheral and central nervous system (PNS, CNS of IL-4 ko mice in comparison with wildtype (wt mice. Naïve IL-4 ko mice displayed tactile allodynia (wt: 0.45 g; ko: 0.18 g; p<0.001, while responses to heat and cold stimuli and to muscle pressure were not different. No compensatory changes in the gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF, IL-1β, IL-10, and IL-13 were found in the PNS and CNS of naïve IL-4 ko mice. However, IL-1β gene expression was stronger in the sciatic nerve of IL-4 ko mice (p<0.001 28 days after CCI and only IL-4 ko mice had elevated IL-10 gene expression (p = 0.014. Remarkably, CCI induced TNF (p<0.01, IL-1β (p<0.05, IL-10 (p<0.05, and IL-13 (p<0.001 gene expression exclusively in the ipsilateral spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice. The compensatory overexpression of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokines IL-10 and IL-13 in the spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice may explain the lack of genotype differences for pain behavior after CCI. Additionally, CCI induced gene expression of μ, κ, and δ opioid receptors in the contralateral cortex and thalamus of IL-4 ko mice, paralleled by fast onset of morphine analgesia, but not in wt mice. We conclude that a lack of IL-4 leads to mechanical sensitivity; the compensatory hyperexpression of analgesic cytokines and opioid receptors after CCI, in turn, protects IL-4 ko mice from enhanced pain behavior after nerve lesion.

  20. Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the IL-18 Gene with Production of IL-18 Protein by Mononuclear Cells from Healthy Donors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khripko Olga Pavlovna


    Full Text Available IL-18 has proinflammatory effects and participates in both innate and adaptive cellular and humoral immunity. A number of SNPs that influence IL-18 production are found in the gene promoter region. We investigated the association of SNPs in the IL-18 promoter at −607 and −137 with the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors from Southwestern Siberia. The genetic distribution of these SNPs in the promoter site was established by PCR. IL-18 protein production was determined by ELISA. Our results showed that PBMC from donors carrying allele 137C have lower levels of both spontaneous and LPS-stimulated IL-18 production. In contrast, PBMC from donors carrying allele 607A showed significant increases in spontaneous and stimulated IL-18 production compared to wild type. Our study suggests that the SNPs −607 and −137 in the promoter region of the IL-18 gene influence the level of IL-18 protein production by PBMC from healthy donors in Southwestern Siberia.

  1. Release of IL-1β via IL-1β-Converting Enzyme in a Skin Dendritic Cell Line Exposed to 2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa J. Matos


    increased IL-1β receptor immunoreactivity. The rapid effect of DNFB on the release of mature IL-1β, without inducing an increase of IL-1β mRNA in FSDC, suggests a posttranslational modification of pro-IL-1β by ICE activity.

  2. Cloning of Interleukin-10 from African Clawed Frog (Xenopus tropicalis, with the Finding of IL-19/20 Homologue in the IL-10 Locus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhitao Qi


    Full Text Available Interleukin-10 (IL-10 is a pleiotropic cytokine that plays an important role in immune system. In the present study, the IL-10 gene of African clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis was first cloned, and its expression pattern and 3D structure were also analyzed. The frog IL-10 mRNA encoded 172 amino acids which possessed several conserved features found in IL-10s from other species, including five-exon/four-intron genomic structure, conserved four cysteine residues, IL-10 family motif, and six α-helices. Real-time PCR showed that frog IL-10 mRNA was ubiquitous expressed in all examined tissues, highly in some immune related tissues including kidney, spleen, and intestine and lowly in heart, stomach, and liver. The frog IL-10 mRNA was upregulated at 24 h after LPS stimulation, indicating that it plays a part in the host immune response to bacterial infection. Another IL, termed as IL-20, was identified from the frog IL-10 locus, which might be the homologue of mammalian IL-19/20 according to the analysis results of the phylogenetic tree and the sequence identities.

  3. Separation of minor actinides from a genuine MA/LN fraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satmark, B.; Courson, O.; Malmbeck, R.; Pagliosa, G.; Romer, K.; Glatz, J.P.


    Separation of the trivalent Minor Actinides (MA), Am and Cm, has been performed from a genuine MA(III) + Ln(III) solution using Bis-Triazine-Pyridine (BTP) as organic extractant. The representative MA/Ln fraction was obtained from a dissolved commercial LWR fuel (45.2 GWd/tM) submitted subsequently too a PUREX process followed by a DIAMEX process. A centrifugal extractor set-up (16-stages), working in a continuous counter-current mode, was used for the liquid-liquid separation. In the nPr-BTP process, feed decontamination factors for Am and Cm above 96 and 65, respectively were achieved. The back-extraction was more efficient for Am (99.1% recovery) than for Cm (97.5%). This experiment, using the Bis-Triazine-Pyridine molecule is the first successful demonstration of the separation of MA from lanthanides in a genuine MA/Ln fraction with a nitric acid concentration of ca. 1 M. It represents an important break through in the difficult field of minor actinide partitioning of high level liquid waste. (author)

  4. Diet of Theropithecus from 4 to 1 Ma in Kenya. (United States)

    Cerling, Thure E; Chritz, Kendra L; Jablonski, Nina G; Leakey, Meave G; Manthi, Fredrick Kyalo


    Theropithecus was a common large-bodied primate that co-occurred with hominins in many Plio-Pleistocene deposits in East and South Africa. Stable isotope analyses of tooth enamel from T. brumpti (4.0-2.5 Ma) and T. oswaldi (2.0-1.0 Ma) in Kenya show that the earliest Theropithecus at 4 Ma had a diet dominated by C4 resources. Progressively, this genus increased the proportion of C4-derived resources in its diet and by 1.0 Ma, had a diet that was nearly 100% C4-derived. It is likely that this diet was comprised of grasses or sedges; stable isotopes cannot, by themselves, give an indication of the relative importance of leaves, seeds, or underground storage organs to the diet of this primate. Theropithecus throughout the 4- to 1-Ma time range has a diet that is more C4-based than contemporaneous hominins of the genera Australopithecus, Kenyanthropus, and Homo; however, Theropithecus and Paranthropus have similar proportions of C4-based resources in their respective diets.

  5. Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Instruct Monocytes Towards an IL10-producing Phenotype by Secreting IL6 and HGF. (United States)

    Deng, Yinan; Zhang, Yingcai; Ye, Linsen; Zhang, Tong; Cheng, Jintao; Chen, Guihua; Zhang, Qi; Yang, Yang


    Human UC-MSCs are regarded as an attractive alternative to BM-MSCs for clinical applications due to their easy preparation, higher proliferation and lower immunogenicity. However, the mechanisms underlying immune suppression by UC-MSCs are still unclear. We studied the mechanism of inhibition by UC-MSCs during the differentiation of monocytes into DCs and focused on the specific source and the role of the involved cytokines. We found that UC-MSCs suppressed monocyte differentiation into DCs and instructed monocytes towards other cell types, with clear decreases in the expression of co-stimulatory molecules, in the secretion of inflammatory factors and in allostimulatory capacity. IL6, HGF and IL10 might be involved in this process because they were detected at higher levels in a coculture system. UC-MSCs produce IL-6 and HGF, and neutralization of IL-6 and HGF reversed the suppressive effect of UC-MSCs. IL10 was not produced by UC-MSCs but was exclusively produced by monocytes after exposure to UC-MSCs, IL-6 or HGF. In summary, we found that the UC-MSC-mediated inhibitory effect was dependent on IL6 and HGF secreted by UC-MSCs and that this effect induced monocyte-derived cells to produce IL10, which might indirectly strengthen the suppressive effect of UC-MSCs.

  6. Increased IL-35 producing Tregs and CD19+IL-35+ cells are associated with disease progression in leprosy patients. (United States)

    Tarique, Mohd; Saini, Chaman; Naqvi, Raza Ali; Khanna, Neena; Rao, D N


    The clinical forms of leprosy consist of a spectrum that reflects the host's immune response to the M. leprae; it provides an ideal model to study the host pathogen interaction and immunological dysregulation in humans. IL-10 and TGF-β producing Tregs are high in leprosy patients and responsible for immune suppression and M. leprae specific T cells anergy. In leprosy, involvement of IL-35 producing Tregs and Bregs remain unstudied. To study the role of IL-35 producing Tregs and Bregs in the human leprosy. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from leprosy patients were isolated and stimulated with M. leprae antigen (MLCwA) for 48h. Intracellular cytokine IL-35 was evaluated in CD4 + CD25 + Tregs, CD19 + cells by FACS. Expression of PD-1 on CD4 + CD25 + Tregs, CD19 + cells and its ligand (PD-L1) on B cells, CD11c cells were evaluated by flow cytometry (FACS). Serum IL-35 level was estimated by ELISA. The frequency of IL-35 producing Tregs and Bregs cells were found to be high in leprosy patients (pleprosy patients. This study point out a shift in our understanding of the immunological features that mediate and regulate the immune suppression and the disease progression in leprosy patients with a new paradigm (IL-35 producing Tregs and Bregs) that is beyond TGF-β and IL-10 producing Treg cells. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Clinical significance of determination of serum IL-2, IL-6 and GM-CSF levels after treatment in pediatric patients with bronchial asthma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhuo; Sun Jin; Yao Li


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum IL-2, IL-6 and GM-CSF levels after treatment in pediatric patients with bronchial asthma. Methods: Serum levels of IL-2, IL-6 and GM-CSF were measured with RIA in 36 pediatric patients with bronchiol asthma and 30 controls. Results: Before treatment, the serum levels of IL-6, GM-CSF were significantly higher in the patients than those in controls (P 0.05), Serum IL-2 levels were negatively correlated with the IL-6 and GM-CSF levels (r=-0.5846, -0.6018, P<0.01). Conclusion: These cytokines participated in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma in pediatric patients. Mornitoring the changes of their serum levels was helpful for the management of the diseases. (authors)

  8. IL-4/IL-13 Heteroreceptor Influences Th17 Cell Conversion and Sensitivity to Regulatory T Cell Suppression To Restrain Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis. (United States)

    Barik, Subhasis; Ellis, Jason S; Cascio, Jason A; Miller, Mindy M; Ukah, Tobechukwu K; Cattin-Roy, Alexis N; Zaghouani, Habib


    IL-4 and IL-13 have been defined as anti-inflammatory cytokines that can counter myelin-reactive T cells and modulate experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. However, it is not known whether endogenous IL-4 and IL-13 contribute to the maintenance of peripheral tolerance and whether their function is coordinated with T regulatory cells (Tregs). In this study, we used mice in which the common cytokine receptor for IL-4 and IL-13, namely the IL-4Rα/IL-13Rα1 (13R) heteroreceptor (HR), is compromised and determined whether the lack of signaling by endogenous IL-4 and IL-13 through the HR influences the function of effector Th1 and Th17 cells in a Treg-dependent fashion. The findings indicate that mice-deficient for the HR (13R -/- ) are more susceptible to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis than mice sufficient for the HR (13R +/+ ) and develop early onset and more severe disease. Moreover, Th17 cells from 13R -/- mice had reduced ability to convert to Th1 cells and displayed reduced sensitivity to suppression by Tregs relative to Th17 effectors from 13R +/+ mice. These observations suggest that IL-4 and IL-13 likely operate through the HR and influence Th17 cells to convert to Th1 cells and to acquire increased sensitivity to suppression, leading to control of immune-mediated CNS inflammation. These previously unrecognized findings shed light on the intricacies underlying the contribution of cytokines to peripheral tolerance and control of autoimmunity. Copyright © 2017 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  9. Avatares tántricos de Râma


    Muñoz, Adrián


    Si bien el poema épico del Râmâyana es considerado como uno de los pilares literarios del hinduismo, no se trata de un texto fijo, pues la trama ha generado diversas versiones alternas en el sur y el sureste asiáticos. Al mismo tiempo, aunque Râma representa ideales sociales fundamentales para la ortodoxia hinduista, otras corrientes religiosas no ortodoxas han recurrido a y adaptado la figura de Râma. Este ensayo busca valorar en particular las manifestaciones tántricas y pseudo-tántrica...

  10. Interleukin (IL)-1 in rat parturition: IL-1 receptors 1 and 2 and accessory proteins abundance in pregnant rat uterus at term - regulation by progesterone. (United States)

    Ishiguro, Tomohito; Takeda, Jun; Fang, Xin; Bronson, Heather; Olson, David M


    The role of interleukin-1 (IL-1), a pro-inflammatory cytokine, in parturition is typically noted by changes in its concentrations. Studying the expression of its receptor family, IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) 1, IL-1R2, IL-1R accessory protein (IL-1RAcP), and its predominantly brain isoform, IL-1RAcPb, during late gestation in the uterus in the Long-Evans rat is another. We assessed changes in their mRNA and protein relative abundance in the uterus and compared IL-1RAcP and IL-1RAcPb mRNA abundance in uterus, cervix, ovaries, placenta, and whole blood of Long-Evans rats during late gestation or in RU486 and progesterone-treated dams using quantitative real-time PCR and western immunoblotting. IL-1R1, IL-1RAcP, and IL-1RAcPb mRNA abundance significantly increased in the uterus at delivery whereas IL-1R2 mRNA abundance significantly decreased. IL-1R1 protein increased at term and IL-1R2 protein decreased at term compared to nonpregnant uteri. IL1-RAcPb mRNA abundance was less than IL-1RAcP, but in the lower uterine segment it was the highest of all tissues examined. RU486 stimulated preterm delivery and an increase in IL-1R1 mRNA abundance whereas progesterone administration extended pregnancy and suppressed the increase in IL-1R1. These data suggest that changes in uterine sensitivity to IL-1 occur during late gestation and suggest another level of regulation for the control of delivery. The roles for IL-1RAcP and IL-1RAcPb need to be determined, but may relate to different intracellular signaling pathways. © 2016 The Authors. Physiological Reports published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American Physiological Society and The Physiological Society.

  11. BaMa / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo, 1949-


    Eesti ülikoolide üleminekust 3+2 süsteemile. Lühend BaMa on tulnud kasutusele seoses Euroopa ülikoolide õppekavade reformimisega ning tähistab õppekava, kus esimese astme läbimise järel omandatakse bakalaureuse- ja teise järel magistrikraad. Õppekavade tüüpidest Eesti ja Euroopa Liidu kõrgkoolides ning Bologna deklaratsioonist

  12. Single administration of recombinant IL-6 restores the gene expression of lipogenic enzymes in liver of fasting IL-6-deficient mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gavito, A L; Cabello, R; Suarez, J


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Lipogenesis is intimately controlled by hormones and cytokines as well as nutritional conditions. IL-6 participates in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in the liver. We investigated the role of IL-6 in mediating fasting/re-feeding changes in the expression of hepatic...... lipogenic enzymes. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Gene and protein expression of lipogenic enzymes were examined in livers of wild-type (WT) and IL-6-deficient (IL-6(-/-) ) mice during fasting and re-feeding conditions. Effects of exogenous IL-6 administration on gene expression of these enzymes were evaluated...

  13. Grain dust induces IL-8 production from bronchial epithelial cells: the effect of dexamethasone on IL-8 production. (United States)

    Park, H S; Suh, J H; Kim, H Y; Kwon, O J; Choi, D C


    Recent publications have suggested an active participation of neutrophils to induce bronchoconstriction after inhalation of grain dust (GD). To further understand the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of GD-induced asthma, this investigation was designed to determine whether human bronchial epithelial cells could produce IL-8 production and to observe the effect of dexamethasone on IL-8 production. We cultured Beas-2B, a bronchial epithelial cell line. To observe GD-induced responses, four concentrations (1 to 200 microg/mL) of GD were incubated for 24 hours and compared with those without incubation of GD. To evaluate the effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines on IL-8 production, epithelial cells were incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture supernatant, which was derived from the culture of PBMC from a GD-induced asthmatic subject under the exposure to 10 microg/mL of GD, and compared with those cultured without addition of PBMC supernatant. The level of released IL-8 in the supernatant was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To evaluate the effect of dexamethasone on IL-8 production, four concentrations (5 to 5000 ng/mL) of dexamethasone were pre-incubated for 24 hours and the same experiments were repeated. There was significant production of IL-8 from bronchial epithelial cells with additions of GD in a dose-dependent manner (P < .05), which was significantly augmented with additions of PBMC supernatant (P < .05) at each concentration. Compared with the untreated sample, pretreatment of dexamethasone could induced a remarkable inhibitions (15% to 55%) of IL-8 production from bronchial epithelial cells in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that IL-8 production from bronchial epithelial cells may contribute to neutrophil recruitment occurring in GD-induced airway inflammation. The downregulation of IL-8 production by dexamethasone from bronchial epithelial cells may contribute to the efficacy of this compound in

  14. An Epstein-Barr Virus MicroRNA Blocks Interleukin-1 (IL-1) Signaling by Targeting IL-1 Receptor 1. (United States)

    Skinner, Camille M; Ivanov, Nikita S; Barr, Sarah A; Chen, Yan; Skalsky, Rebecca L


    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) encodes >44 viral microRNAs (miRNAs) that are differentially expressed throughout infection, can be detected in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive tumors, and manipulate several biological processes, including cell proliferation, apoptosis, and immune responses. Here, we show that EBV BHRF1-2 miRNAs block NF-κB activation following treatment with proinflammatory cytokines, specifically interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Analysis of EBV PAR-CLIP miRNA targetome data sets combined with pathway analysis revealed multiple BHRF1-2 miRNA targets involved in interleukin signaling pathways. By further analyzing changes in cellular gene expression patterns, we identified the IL-1 receptor 1 (IL1R1) as a direct target of miR-BHRF1-2-5p. Targeting the IL1R1 3' untranslated region (UTR) by EBV miR-BHRF1-2-5p was confirmed using 3'-UTR luciferase reporter assays and Western blot assays. Manipulation of EBV BHRF1-2 miRNA activity in latently infected B cells altered steady-state cytokine levels and disrupted IL-1β responsiveness. These studies demonstrate functionally relevant BHRF1-2 miRNA interactions during EBV infection, which is an important step in understanding their roles in pathogenesis. IMPORTANCE IL-1 signaling plays an important role in inflammation and early activation of host innate immune responses following virus infection. Here, we demonstrate that a viral miRNA downregulates the IL-1 receptor 1 during EBV infection, which consequently alters the responsiveness of cells to IL-1 stimuli and changes the cytokine expression levels within infected cell populations. We postulate that this viral miRNA activity not only disrupts IL-1 autocrine and paracrine signaling loops that can alert effector cells to sites of infection but also provides a survival advantage by dampening excessive inflammation that may be detrimental to the infected cell. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  15. 78 FR 5800 - Clean Water Act Class II: Proposed Administrative Settlement, Penalty Assessment and Opportunity... (United States)


    ... P110. 2 IL-52R 5201 Rose Street...... Chicago IL. 3 MA-SUM 1 Summer Street....... Boston MA. 4 PA-401... Commission (LEPC), the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), and/or the fire department with...

  16. Impact of M&A on the Employment in Japanese Companies


    Hiroyuki Taguchi; Taichi Yanagawa; Masashi Harita


    With utilizing Financial Statements Statistics of Corporation by Industry, we analyzed the impact of M&A on the employment in Japanese companies. In this study, the impact of M&A on the employment was extracted by developing panel data for fiscal year 1995 to 2008 targeting 9,880 sample companies including 3,697 cases of M&A to estimate a labor demand model. Major findings of the study are described below. First, dynamically positive effect was confirmed mainly in the manufacturing industry a...

  17. Convective removal of the Tibetan Plateau mantle lithosphere by 26 Ma (United States)

    Lu, Haijian; Tian, Xiaobo; Yun, Kun; Li, Haibing


    During the late Oligocene-early Miocene there were several major geological events in and around the Tibetan Plateau (TP). First, crustal shortening deformation ceased completely within the TP before 25 Ma and instead adakitic rocks and potassic-ultrapotassic volcanics were emplaced in the Lhasa terrane since 26-25 Ma. Several recent paleoelevation reconstructions suggest an Oligocene-early Miocene uplift of 1500-3000 m for the Qiangtang (QT) and Songpan-Ganzi (SG) terranes, although the exact timing is unclear. As a possible response to this uplift, significant desertification occurred in the vicinity of the TP at 26-22 Ma, and convergence between India and Eurasia slowed considerably at 26-20 Ma. Subsequently, E-W extension was initiated no later than 18 Ma in the Lhasa and QT terranes. In contrast, the tectonic deformation around the TP was dominated by radial expansion of shortening deformation since 25-22 Ma. The plateau-wide near-synchroneity of these events calls for an internally consistent model which can be best described as convective removal of the lower mantle lithosphere. Geophysical and petrochemical evidence further confirms that this extensive removal occurred beneath the QT and SG terranes. The present review concludes that, other than plate boundary stress, the internal stress within the TP lithosphere could have contributed to rapid wholesale uplift and a series of concomitant tectonic events, accompanied by major aridification, since 26 Ma.

  18. IL-12 Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide Stimulated Osteoclastogenesis in Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masako Yoshimatsu


    Full Text Available Lipopolysaccharide (LPS is related to osteoclastogenesis in osteolytic diseases. Interleukin- (IL- 12 is an inflammatory cytokine that plays a critical role in host defense. In this study, we investigated the effects of IL-12 on LPS-induced osteoclastogenesis. LPS was administered with or without IL-12 into the supracalvariae of mice, and alterations in the calvarial suture were evaluated histochemically. The number of osteoclasts in the calvarial suture and the mRNA level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP, an osteoclast marker, were lower in mice administered LPS with IL-12 than in mice administered LPS alone. The serum level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b, a bone resorption marker, was also lower in mice administered LPS with IL-12 than in mice administered LPS alone. These results revealed that IL-12 might inhibit LPS-induced osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. In TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL assays, apoptotic changes in cells were recognized in the calvarial suture in mice administered LPS with IL-12. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of both Fas and FasL were increased in mice administered LPS with IL-12. Taken together, the findings demonstrate that LPS-induced osteoclastogenesis is inhibited by IL-12 and that this might arise through apoptotic changes in osteoclastogenesis-related cells induced by Fas/FasL interactions.

  19. Alumni careers : MA Comparative European Social Studies Zuyd University

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Albert Riga


    In the preparation of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the MA CESS all alumni were invited to participate in an alumni survey. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly investigate the professional activities of MA CESS alumni and the way they build an alumni community. Another reason

  20. 42 CFR 422.2268 - Standards for MA organization marketing. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standards for MA organization marketing. 422.2268 Section 422.2268 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICARE PROGRAM MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM Medicare Advantage Marketing Requirements § 422.2268 Standards for MA organizatio...