
Sample records for exploration activity modelagem

  1. A modelagem científica vista como um campo conceitual

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    Rafael Vasques Brandão


    Full Text Available Este trabalho defende a tese de que o processo de modelagem científica pode ser visto como um campo conceitual subjacente ao domínio de campos conceituais específicos em Física e possui implicações relevantes para o Ensino de Física e a pesquisa nessa área centrados na estratégia didática da modelagem. Para tanto, apoia-se na visão epistemológica de Mario Bunge sobre modelagem científica e na Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Gérard Vergnaud, levando em conta as ideias de Weil-Barais e Vergnaud sobre concepções em Física.


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    Antonio Neuton da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta o gerenciamento de negócios por processos, suas perspectivas atuais, suas vantagens, o desenvolvimento do projeto Modelagem de Processos utilizando BPMN implementado na Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão, as ferramentas utilizadas no projeto, a metodologia e os resultados obtidos a partir do mesmo. Ainda foi descrito os setores utilizados, a modelagem resultante das pesquisas e entrevistas e as sugestões para as melhorias dos processos modelados.

  3. Efeitos de modelagem do comportamento verbal e de instruções sobre o comportamento de encaixar peças

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    Maria Regina Cavalcante

    Full Text Available Pesquisas têm demonstrado diferenças nos efeitos dos comportamentos verbais modelado e instruído sobre o comportamento verbal e não-verbal. Este estudo investigou efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento verbal (falar sobre encaixar peças e o não-verbal (encaixar peças azuis e vermelhas, grandes e pequenas e quadradas e circulares de 10 crianças, entre 8 e 9 anos de idade. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas condições com cinco participantes. Condição 1: modelagem do comportamento verbal. Condição 2: apresentação de instruções para o comportamento não-verbal. Quando ocorreu a modelagem do comportamento verbal foram observadas mudanças correspondentes no comportamento não-verbal. As instruções produziram imediata adesão do comportamento não-verbal e, na seqüência, o desempenho foi alterado. Esses dados reafirmam a importância de ampliar o conhecimento dos efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento de crianças em jogos como o utilizado nesta pesquisa.

  4. Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF)


    Chong, Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF), pela/o discente: Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing Chong do Centro de Tecnologia e Infraestrutura, curso de Engenharia Civil e Infraestrutura da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (L...


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    Ezequiel Rosa Dias


    Full Text Available Este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa de mestrado que investigou a troca de dados entre diferentes ferramentas BIM utilizadas por um grupo de empresas de Belo Horizonte na elaboração de projetos industriais. As principais fontes da pesquisa exploratória foram entrevistas não estruturadas e análises de documentações. Verificou-se que as empresas utilizam a modelagem 3D principalmente para visualização e verificação de interferências construtivas. As mesmas se encontram focadas na resolução de problemas de interoperabilidade em função da utilização simultânea de ferramentas BIM e de modelagem paramétrica industrial, mescla que pode induzir o uso de novas tecnologias pelo setor AEC à medida que projetos mais complexos são desenvolvidos pelo setor. A interoperabilidade entre os softwares utilizados ocorre preferencialmente por links diretos e padrões proprietários, em virtude de inexistência de definições normativas, fato que requer iniciativas de harmonizações entre padrões como IFC, CIS/2 e ISO-15926. Este estudo mostra que as disciplinas de projeto compõem um modelo digital 3D integrado. Contudo, o modelo integrado não dispõe de características paramétricas suficientes para o emprego de simulações do empreendimento como um todo. Para a gestão da modelagem, as empresas adotam uma ferramenta própria para criação de objetos paramétricos, tradução de modelos entre ferramentas não interoperáveis e gestão de listas de materiais. A pesquisa possibilitou a compilação do fluxo da troca de dados entre softwares, com a discriminação das linguagens utilizadas, das fases de projetos e das equipes envolvidas.


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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência da função log-logística com dois e três parâmetros, γ = dapmin e truncada à direita para a descrição da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos equiâneos, bem como ajustar um modelo de distribuição diamétrica utilizando as funções. A modelagem realizada pela função log-logística foi comparada com a modelagem realizada com a função Weibull. Para isso, utilizaram-se dados de parcelas permanentes de clones de Eucalyptus, mensuradas em seis ocasiões. A aderência das funções aos dados foi comprovada pela aplicação do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S. Os valores médios da estatística do teste K-S foram 0,0901; 0,0997; 0,1297; e 0,0616 para a função com 2P, 3P, α = dapmin e truncada à direita, respectivamente. Para a função Weibull, obteve-se a média de 0,0638 para a estatística do teste K-S. A função log-logística de dois parâmetros pode ser utilizada na modelagem da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos de eucalipto.

  7. Uma compreensão teórica sobre o texto pedagógico do planejamento de modelagem matemática

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    Lilian Aragão da Silva


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a theoretical understanding of the text on the planning of the mathematical modeling environment in the light of Basil Bernstein’s sociological theory. For such, a cross-sectional analysis of the results of three studies by the authors that depict this text in different fields was performed. In the first study, we analyze the constitution of the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment by three teachers of basic education in a continuing training course on mathematical modeling. In the second and third studies, we analyzed the operation of the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment in the classrooms of the three teachers participating in the course. The analysis of the data suggests that the constitution of the pedagogical text of the planning was marked by transformations that produced a proper meaning to the text, and the operationalization was manifested by transformations and resistance to them, which triggered more approximations than distances to the constituted text. The results of these studies point out how the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment was constituted in the field of pedagogical recontextualization and operationalized in the field of reproduction. Thus, we retake such results and sketch that the recontextualization of this text from one field to another has generated theoretical understandings and implications for the school pedagogical practice in the field of mathematical modeling and for teacher training courses. Neste artigo apresentamos uma compreensão teórica sobre o texto do planejamento do ambiente de modelagem matemática à luz da teoria sociológica de Basil Bernstein. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise transversal dos resultados de três estudos das autoras que retratam esse texto em campos diferentes. No primeiro estudo, analisamos a constituição do texto pedagógico do planejamento do ambiente de modelagem por


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    Fillipe Silva Marinho Mota


    Full Text Available Empresas do ramo financeiro possuem uma grande necessidade de uma gestão financeira que permita resguardar a empresa quanto a perdas que possam ser evitadas. Para que essa gestão seja eficiente, deve-se adotar uma análise que leve em consideração critérios que permitam um amplo conhecimento do tomador de crédito. Porém, o processo de tomada de decisão sobre uma avaliação de risco de crédito é frequentemente de uma complexidade muito grande para o julgamento humano, devido à enorme gama de variáveis envolvidas no processo, o que dificulta a análise dos fatores atrelados e suas respectivas inter-relações. Esse artigo tem como finalidade realizar o levantamento de depósitos de patentes a respeito de modelagem de credit score utilizando sistemas computacionais.

  9. A modelagem matemática no Brasil: resultados de uma revisão integrativa de teses e dissertações

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    Rudolph dos Santos Gomes Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados obtidos por meio de uma revisão integrativa de teses e dissertações, com ênfase na Modelagem Matemática na perspectiva da Educação Matemática, defendidas no período de 2010 a 2016, dos programas de pós-graduação avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Nível Superior - CAPES na área de Ensino, com notas 5, 6 e 7. As pesquisas foram analisadas em sua integralidade, com base na região geográfica e nível de escolaridade. Entre os resultados, está a indicação da consolidação da Modelagem Matemática como área de pesquisa da Educação Matemática, a carência de pesquisas nessa temática na região norte e nordeste, e os principais níveis de escolaridade em que as pesquisas são desenvolvidas, bem como a interlocução com diferentes teorias do conhecimento.

  10. Determinação de patologias estruturais usando modelagem numérica e transformadas de wavelet


    Silva, Ramon Saleno Yure Costa


    Nos últimos anos, observa-se grande interesse por parte da comunidade científica nas pesquisas associadas à detecção de danos em estruturas, utilizando métodos numéricos com objetivo de auxiliar as técnicas não destrutivas aplicadas no monitoramento do desempenho, patologia e da saúde de estruturas civis. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o estudo de detecção de danos em estruturas, utilizando modelagem numérica em elementos finitos e transformadas de wavelet. Para is...

  11. Modelagem fuzzy e geoestatística na avaliação da salubridade de trabalhadores


    Schiassi, Leonardo


    O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa foi a avaliação do bem-estar de operadores de máquinas agrícolas com relação aos ambientes térmico e acústico considerando o regime de trabalho e o tipo de atividade desenvolvida. Para tanto, foram coletados dados de temperatura do ar, temperatura de globo negro, umidade relativa e nível de ruído em quatro diferentes máquinas agrícolas. Visando obter uma ferramenta matemática para classificar o ambiente de trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma modelagem utilizando...

  12. Modelagem da qualidade da água do rio Poti em Teresina (PI

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    Antônio Alves de Oliveira Filho


    Full Text Available RESUMO O crescimento desordenado da capital piauiense - marcado, sobretudo, pela ocupação habitacional às margens do rio Poti e pela existência de ligações clandestinas de esgoto bruto nas tubulações de drenagem pluvial - tem contribuído significativamente para a poluição das águas da bacia hidrográfica do rio Parnaíba (região semiárida do Brasil. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar a modelagem matemática da qualidade da água em um trecho de 36,8 km de extensão do rio Poti, com base na plataforma QUAL-UFMG. A pesquisa apresenta-se como o primeiro estudo envolvendo modelagem da qualidade da água no referido rio. Os componentes modelados foram: oxigênio dissolvido (OD, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO e coliformes termotolerantes (CT. Os resultados das medições de campo indicaram desconformidades do parâmetro CT com relação à Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005. A calibração dos coeficientes de decaimento para cada parâmetro resultou em desvios médios entre dados medidos e modelados de até 20% e coeficientes de eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe superiores a 0,75, o que indica que o QUAL-UFMG pode ser utilizado como base para predição da qualidade da água em rios localizados em regiões semiáridas. O modelo calibrado também foi comparado aos dados de campo obtidos na literatura. Finalmente, foram realizadas simulações do modelo para diferentes cenários de vazão (mínimas e máximas, apresentando resultados coerentes e que podem ser utilizados para a gestão dos recursos hídricos do estado do Piauí.



    Christian Luiz da Silveira


    A modelagem e a simulação de processos consistem em um recurso de grande importância para diversos processos químicos e biotecnológicos. A simulação de processos nos permite predizer o comportamento das variáveis de estado do processo, levando-nos a vantagens técnicas e econômicas, como, por exemplo, a prevenção de perdas de tempo e insumos por não conhecer particularidades do processo, a garantia de segurança, a qualidade do produto e, principalmente, a otimização do processo, permitindo est...

  14. SR&GIS: ferramentas de análise e modelagem de povoamentos florestais / SR&GIS: tools of the analysis and modeling forest stands

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    Attilio Antonio Disperati


    Full Text Available Para um planejamento de preservação e uso em regime sustentável há necessidade de manter atualizada uma base da cartografia dos recursos florestais existentes, em níveis local, regional e global. Dessa forma, pode-se: determinar o potencial volumétrico ou de biomassa a ser explorado; determinar as condições da fragmentação de habitat e a perda da diversidade; determinar o impacto da degradação florestal e seus efeitos nas condições hidrológica, edáfica e climática. A tecnologia que envolve as ferramentas de SR&GIS tem demonstrado significativa contribuição com seus produtos aerotransportados ou orbitais e suas técnicas de extração de informações, nas tarefas de mapeamento, inventário, monitoramento e modelagem florestal. Com objetivo de compor a abertura desse número especial da Revista Ambiência, o presente artigo mostra os novos rumos das pesquisas e aplicações nesse campo tecnológico, capazes de subsidiar a avaliação e modelagem dos recursos florestais.

  15. A indústria do petróleo como uma organização complexa: modelagem de negócios e processo decisório Complex organizations' business modeling

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    Angelo Milani Júnior


    Full Text Available Este texto propõe a formulação de modelos de negócios para apoiar o processo decisório em organizações complexas. O processo decisório é estudado, explorando-se os temas da racionalidade limitada, da estruturação de problemas, dos modelos mentais, dos mundos virtuais e da modelagem como apoio à decisão. A dinâmica de sistemas é introduzida como um instrumento para a construção de modelos, a identificação de regras de decisão e sua comunicação. É desenvolvido um modelo de negócios para as atividades do segmento exploração e produção de petróleo. Conclui-se o texto com simulações para uma empresa típica desse segmento.This paper proposes the formulation of business models to support the decision-making process in complex organizations. The decision-making process is studied, being explored the themes of the bounded rationality, of the problems' structuring, of the mental models, of the virtual worlds and of the modeling as support to the decision. The system dynamics is introduced as an instrument for models' construction, the identification of decision's rules and its communication. A businesses model is developed for the activities of exploration and production of the petroleum segment. The paper is concluded with simulations to a typical company of that segment.

  16. Modelagem nos anos iniciais da educação básica: como os estudantes modelam situações-problema?

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    Morgana Scheller

    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste artigo objetiva-se compreender e analisar como estudantes dos Anos Iniciais da Educação Básica, em atividade de Modelagem, resolvem situações-problema que podem requerer domínio algébrico simbólico e que linguagens fazem uso na expressão dos modelos. Os dados empíricos advieram de uma das práticas de Modelagem desenvolvidas com 16 estudantes de escola pública durante 11 horas/aula, no período de junho e julho/2015 e foram obtidos dos materiais produzidos pelos estudantes, gravações de áudio e vídeo e observação realizada durante a prática sobre a numeração do calçado de uma pessoa. No processo os estudantes propuseram modelo estabelecendo relações numéricas entre as variáveis, obtendo generalização e realizando previsões. A análise evidenciou que eles resolvem situação-problema apresentando modelos nas linguagens natural, numérica e tabular, evidenciando domínio algébrico característico do pensamento algébrico anterior à linguagem simbólica, pertinente ao nível de escolaridade, e extrapolam objetivos referentes a realização de previsão a partir do modelo.

  17. Oportunidades e limitações para aplicação de simulação e modelagem como suporte à agricultura de precisão

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    Antonio Odair Santos


    Full Text Available A agricultura de precisão tem sido proposta como manejo estratégico de cultivos agrícolas, em escala menor do que a área total da lavoura, com base na aplicação de informação tecnológica e conhecimento agronômico. O gerenciamento da variação de variáveis de solo e planta se faz necessário para se obter sucesso nesta atividade. Tal fato implica em se lidar com grande número de dados, que devem ser coletados e tratados visando ao desenvolvimento do poder de decisão. A modelagem das interações do complexo solo-clima-desenvolvimento de culturas tende a ser uma escolha natural para a rápida integração e busca por estratégias de manejo. Um experimento foi desenvolvido em Angatuba, Estado de São Paulo (23o33’S; 48o18’W; 670 m, e a cultura do milho foi observada através de duas de estações de crescimento (1999-2000, em duas áreas de cultivo distintas. Foi efetuado o monitoramento de propriedades de solo, relacionadas à produtividade agrícola, além de variáveis de planta. Para uma das áreas análises sítio-específico, foram conduzidas através do uso de modelo de simulação, com base em amostragem esparsa de propriedades de solo. Em uma segunda área, o potencial de implementação desta nova tecnologia, tendo a modelagem e simulação como suporte, foi discutido, com base na estrutura espacial de variáveis de planta e solo, obtidas em amostragem intensiva. Os resultados das observações de campo sugerem que a modelagem de processos físicos é uma ferramenta fundamental para a implementação da agricultura de precisão, tendo por base uma escala de trabalho realística e a utilização de estratégias de amostragem a partir de fontes múltiplas, que devem incluir o sensoriamento remoto. No presente estudo, a malha de amostragem de solo, em uma escala de lavoura, mostrou-se inconsistente com as necessidades da agricultura de precisão, no que se refere à extensão da aplicação de modelagem, baseada em

  18. Modelagem da intrusão da água de um rio com diferentes concentrações de sais

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    Gabriel C. Marino


    Full Text Available Para considerações de intrusão de água em meio subterrâneo a capilaridade, também entendida como força de sucção, é uma grandeza física que influencia a dinâmica do processo. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma investigação do comportamento do escoamento subterrâneo e as interações entre água doce e água salinizada na área de descarga de um rio. Objetivou-se realizar uma modelagem preditiva para identificar e representar o processo de intrusão das águas de um rio meio ao lençol freático comparando diferentes concentrações de sais nas águas do rio e águas subterrâneas. Como modelo conceitual foi definido um rio em região de descarga. A modelagem foi realizada no software SUTRA sendo o método de solução por elementos finitos. Observou-se a formação de uma camada de água doce sobre o lençol freático salinizado quando considerada intrusão de água doce. Para as considerações com intrusão de água salinizada foi identificada a formação de fingers. Os resultados do modelo possibilitaram identificar que a intrusão de água doce no lençol freático salinizado é dificultada pela presença de sais. A intrusão é mais difícil quanto maior a concentração de sais nas águas subterrâneas.

  19. Modelagem de uma unidade de produção para caprinos leiteiros utilizando a dinâmica de sistemas


    Guimarães, Vinicius Pereira


    O trabalho foi desenvolvido buscando abordar as características de dinâmica, complexidade e inter- relacionamento de um sistema de produção de caprinos. Buscou-se, através da metodologia de modelagem e simulação Dinâmica de Sistemas, identificar o impacto na dinâmica e rentabilidade econômica de rebanhos caprinos leiteiros provocados por modificações no manejo reprodutivo, mortalidade, qualidade do alimento e na idade para o início da vida reprodutiva em cabritas. Buscou-se também avaliar a u...

  20. Modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de torres de resfriamento de água acopladas e estudo de casos.


    Rafael Candido de Lima Junior


    Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de uma torre de resfriamento de água e de um sistema de duas torres de resfriamento em série, com temperatura de água de entrada de até 65 ºC. Verificou-se a validade do modelo através de comparação dos resultados previstos com os obtidos em ensaios em uma unidade piloto. Em seguida, através de simulação matemática, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, foi feito o estudo de diversos casos de aplicação. Estudou-se a influência d...

  1. Modelagem e Simulação no Âmbito da Hidrologia

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    Vassiliki Terezinha Galvão Boulomytis


    Full Text Available A modelagem hidrológica pode ser considerada como um conjunto de ferramentas destinadas ao cálculo e à representação de dados que possibilita a previsão de eventos, a realização de projetos, o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos, além de outros tipos de aplicação. No entanto, devido à variabilidade na ocorrência dos processos hidrológicos, escassez e dificuldade na obtenção de dados levantados em campo, os modelos conceituais vêm sendo combinados com os físicos e empíricos, utilizando-se de novas técnicas, entre elas, o sensoriamento remoto e o geoprocessamento para a coleta, processamento, análise e geração de resultados. Neste trabalho será apresentada a base conceitual e a importância do conhecimento do tipo de ferramenta que se deseja utilizar para a implementação ou uso de um modelo hidrológico, para que deste modo seja possível verificar a possibilidade do mesmo ser de fato desenvolvido.

  2. Uranium reserves and exploration activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meehan, R.J.


    The strategy that ERDA plans to employ regarding resource appraisal is outlined. All types of uranium occurrences will be evaluated as sources of domestic ore reserves. Industry's exploration efforts will be compiled. These data will include information on land acquisition and costs, footage drilled and costs, estimates of exploration activities and expenditures, exploration for non-sandstone deposits, exploration in non-established areas, and foreign exploration plans and costs. Typical data in each of these areas are given

  3. Modelagem e simulação virtual de pá para rotor eólico de pequeno porte

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    Julio Cesar Pires


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para aerogerador de pequeno porte projetado para uso residencial. A ênfase está na modelagem e simulação virtual da estrutura das pás em compósito de fibra de vidro. A modelagem foi feita com software para desenho assistido por computador (CAD 3D. Para o projeto, foi escolhido o perfil MH110 que apresenta boa relação entre coeficiente de sustentação e coeficiente de arrasto e facilidade de fabricação. Os parâmetros como o diâmetro do rotor, a corda e a torção da pá, as relações entre velocidades e a aplicação de cargas na estrutura do material utilizado foram definidos segundo bibliografia específica, software para análise de perfil aerodinâmico e simulações pelo método dos elementos finitos. Procurou-se buscar sempre a maior eficiência, segurança e economia. O material foi projetado para resistir às tensões decorrentes de operação em condições consideradas normais e para rajadas de vento. A simulação pelo método dos elementos finitos foi conduzida com ferramenta computacional e levou em conta os limites de falha do material utilizado. A geometria foi simulada sem reforço interno e apresentou baixo deslocamento quando submetida às cargas aerodinâmicas de empuxo e rotacional. Ao realizar simulação com critério de falha, foi possível determinar a espessura mais adequada para o material compósito e verificar seu comportamento de acordo com diferentes velocidades de vento.


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    Julio Cesar Molina


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a estratégia utilizada na modelagem numérica de um corpo-de-prova misto de madeira e concreto, com sistema de conexão metálico, sob carregamento. A modelagem do sistema foi efetuada a partir de um modelo tridimensional, que utiliza o software ANSYS, versão 10.0, que tem como base o Método dos Elementos Finitos, onde foram considerados diferentes modelos de ruptura para os materiais unidos, além de elementos de contato nas interfaces dos mesmos. Os elementos finitos, assim como os materiais utilizados, foram escolhidos em função de suas representatividades perante os comportamentos a serem simulados, para que, dessa forma, fosse possível a consideração de efeitos importantes como plasticidade e ortotropia para os materiais. Os resultados obtidos a partir da modelagem proposta foram comparados com os resultados experimentais de ensaios de cisalhamento, realizados em corpos-de-prova mistos com carregamento aplicado até a ruptura e o erro obtido, neste caso, foi de até 15%. A finalidade deste trabalho é servir de base para a modelagem de sistemas estruturais, presentes em diversas áreas da engenharia, dentre elas, mecânica e civil, onde são utilizados materiais com diferentes comportamentos estruturais. A modelagem proposta possibilita a análise global do modelo assim como a análise dos aspectos localizados de interesse como a concentração de tensões, efeito de difícil quantificação em uma análise experimental.This paper shows the strategy used in the numeric modeling of a composite specimen of wood and concrete, with metallic connection system, with applied cyclical load. The modeling of the system was made starting from a three-dimensional model, using the software ANSYS, version 10.0, that has as base the Method of the Finite Elements, in which different rupture models were considered for the materials, besides contact elements in the interfaces of the materials. The finite elements, as well as the

  5. Modelagem do projeto da cadeia de suprimentos global: considerações teóricas e perspectivas futuras

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    Monize Sâmara Visentini


    Full Text Available Este artigo teórico objetiva apresentar e discutir características de modelos matemáticos de otimização do projeto da cadeia de suprimentos global, a fim de sugerir perspectivas de pesquisas futuras. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nos mais importantes periódicos internacionais de pesquisa operacional, compreendendo, predominantemente, artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2013. Dos 111 artigos selecionados, 22 foram analisados em profundidade, considerando aspectos referentes à modelagem da cadeia de suprimentos global e os fatores internacionais abordados. Através da discussão teórica, identificaram-se questões emergentes, indicando oportunidades e necessidades de desenvolvimento de novos modelos matemáticos e técnicas de solução.

  6. Modelagem e simulação de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente


    Anderson Geraldo Alves de Oliveira


    O sistema solar de aquecimento de água é utilizado principalmente para aquecer água para o banho ou piscina nos setores residencial, industrial e de serviços. Atualmente, a crescente utilização desse sistema tem ajudado, principalmente, a redução do consumo da energia elétrica nas residências familiares e multifamiliares. Neste trabalho foram realizadas a modelagem matemática e a simulação numérica de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente residencial de baixo custo. A ...


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    Fabrício Lopes de MACEDO


    Full Text Available A produção de sedimentos nas bacias hidrográficas constitui um aspecto importante para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo. Modelos matemáticos são ferramentas úteis para a análise do problema fornecendo rapidez, praticidade e flexibilidade as simulações de condições atuais e futuras. Neste artigo foi avaliada uma metodologia para simular a produção de sedimentos em distintos cenários de uso e ocupação do solo utilizando de forma combinada a MUSLE, o modelo hidrológico ABC e um SIG. A modelagem utilizada apresentou bom desempenho para fins de planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, bem como para o planejamento agrícola e ambiental.


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    Vantielen da Silva Silva


    Full Text Available As pesquisas sobre Modelagem Matemática na Educação Matemática têm se ampliado no cenário educacional e apresentado contribuições relevantes para o ensino da matemática nas diferentes etapas da Educação. A partir disso, com o intuito de nos aproximarmos dessas pesquisas, pelo menos em parte, desenvolvemos esse artigo buscando responder ao questionamento: em que níveis de ensino estão focadas as pesquisas brasileiras sobre Modelagem Matemática na Educação Matemática e o que isso revela? Para responder a esse questionamento direcionamos nossa pesquisa aos resumos dos trabalhos stricto sensu disponíveis no Banco de Teses da CAPES. Nesse momento inicial, pudemos compreender que a Modelagem Matemática no âmbito da Educação Matemática apresenta-se como uma tendência que contribui com o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa e com a melhoria da qualidade de Ensino em Matemática. Porém, a maior parte das investigações aponta a sua presença e contribuições para os Anos Finais e Ensino Médio, sendo incipientes as produções ou reflexões sobre a possibilidade de seu uso nos Anos Iniciais, ou seja, entre o 1º e 5º Ano do Ensino Fundamental.Researches on Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education have expanded the educational setting and presented relevant contributions to mathematics teaching in the different stages of education. Hence, in order to approach these surveys, we developed this work seeking for the answer to the question: Which education levels are Brazilian researches about Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education focused on and what does it reveal? To answer this question we directed our research to the abstracts of the post-graduation works that are available in CAPES Theses Database, Brazil. At this initial moment, we understood that Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education presents itself as a trend that contributes to the development of meaningful learning and improves the quality


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    Mario Mollo Neto


    Full Text Available A zootecnia de precisão permite o desenvolvimento de ferramentas automatizadas que fornecem um acompanhamento detalhado do plantel, aumentando a rentabilidade, e protegendo os animais racionalmente. O setor agropecuário brasileiro, em decorrência das intempéries da economia mundial globalizada, vem, de maneira crescente, se adaptando à utilização destas ferramentas automatizadas para suporte à tomada de decisão. A laminite é a patologia de maior custo para o gado de leite confinado. Suas causas incluem condições climáticas, de alojamento, de alimentação e a presença de pisos mais abrasivos. Baseando-se nessas informações é possível, utilizando o algoritmo correto, construir um modelo que permita ao usuário estimar a possibilidade de incidência de laminite em gado leiteiro, a partir de dados históricos ou mesmo de outras variáveis que causam a patologia. Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem, utilizando a Universal Modelling Language (UML, de um sistema especialista com motor de inferência Fuzzy para o diagnóstico preventivo desta patologia que reduza os impactos na produção e no conforto animal. A partir da modelagem realizada ficam disponíveis novas bases para a futura codificação e construção do sistema especialista para mitigar a patologia de casco, reduzir os impactos de perdas de receita relacionados e ampliar o conforto animal. Palavras-chave: Laminite, Sistema Especialista, Suporte a Decisão, Lógica Fuzzy, Diagnóstico Preventivo, Bem-estar animal, Modelagem.

  10. Utilização da função pearson tipo V, Weibull e hiperbólica para modelagem da distribuição de diâmetros

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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência da função log-Pearson tipo V para a descrição da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos equiâneos de eucaliptos, bem como propor um modelo de distribuição diamétrica utilizando essa função. A modelagem realizada pela função log-Pearson tipo V foi comparada com a modelagem realizada com a função Weibull e hiperbólica. Para isso utilizou-se dados de parcelas permanentes de eucalipto, localizadas na região centro oeste do estado de Minas Gerais. A função Pearson tipo V foi testada em três diferentes configurações, com três e dois parâmetros, e tendo o parâmetro de locação substituído pelo diâmetro mínimo da parcela. A aderência das funções aos dados foi comprovada pela aplicação do teste Kolmogorov-Sminorv (K-S. Todos os ajustes apresentaram aderência aos dados pelo teste KS. As funções Weibull e hiperbólica apresentaram desempenho superior ao demonstrado pela função Pearson tipo V.

  11. Modelagem e simulação de reator de leito expandido aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de oleos pesados e residuos de destilação


    João Capistrano Nobre de Abreu


    Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de óleos pesados e resíduos de destilação. Duas reações principais foram consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo, o hidrocraqueamento e a hidrodemetalização tendo sido a primeira considerada como exclusivamente térmica e a segunda como catalítica. O grau de mistura do reator foi representado de duas maneiras distintas. Inicialmente, considerou-se o sistem...

  12. Modelagem numérica de vigas mistas aço-concreto

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    L. R. Marconcin

    Full Text Available A utilização de estruturas mistas está cada vez mais presente nas obras de Engenharia Civil. As vigas mistas, em particular, são estruturas compostas por dois materiais, um perfil metálico, situado em região predominantemente tracionada, e uma seção de concreto, situada em região predominantemente comprimida, ligados entre si através de dispositivos metálicos denominados de conectores de cisalhamento. As funções prin- cipais dos conectores são: permitir o trabalho solidário da laje-viga, restringir o escorregamento longitudinal e o deslocamento vertical na interface dos elementos e, absorver forças de cisalhamento. Nesse contexto, apresentam-se neste trabalho, modelos numéricos tridimensionais de vigas mistas aço-concreto, com a finalidade de simular o seu comportamento estrutural, enfatizando a interface laje-viga. As simulações foram feitas através do software ANSYS versão 10.0, que tem como base o Método de Elementos Finitos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os previstos por norma e com referências encontradas na revisão bibliográfica, verificando-se que a modelagem numérica é uma ferramenta válida para a análise de vigas mistas aço-concreto.

  13. Modelagem hidrológica determinística e estocástica aplicada à região hidrográfica do Xingu- Pará


    Lucas,Edmundo Wallace Monteiro; Sousa,Francisco de Assis Salviano de; Silva,Fabricio Daniel dos Santos; Lucio,Paulo Sergio


    A modelagem hidrológica é uma importante ferramenta no planejamento e gerenciamento de programas de recursos hídricos de bacias hidrográficas. Neste trabalho, foi aplicado o modelo hidrológico determinístico mensal de dois parâmetros e o modelo estocástico, ARIMA, para simular a vazão mensal das sub-bacias da região hidrográfica do Xingu no Estado do Pará. O objetivo principal foi simular a vazão mensal através dos modelos e comparar os seus resultados. O modelo hidrológico determinístico apl...

  14. Modelagem e quantificação da incerteza espacial do potássio disponível no solo por simulações estocásticas

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da simulação sequencial indicatriz (SSI na modelagem da incerteza das predições do K disponível em área de cana-de-açúcar, e comparar as simulações com o método já consagrado de krigagem ordinária (KO. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em área de 200 ha, no Município de Tabapuã, em São Paulo. As simulações reproduziram a variabilidade dos dados amostrais de K disponível, enquanto a KO superestimou os baixos teores de K e subestimou os altos. O mapa de desvio-padrão obtido a partir da KO mostrou menor variação ao longo da área de estudo, quando comparado aos mapas obtidos a partir das simulações. A SSI obteve acurácia 22% superior à obtida pela SSG, na modelagem da função de distribuição condicional do K. As simulações apresentam maior eficiência que a KO para modelar incerteza na distribuição espacial do K. A SSI apresenta melhor desempenho que a SSG na estimativa dos teores de K disponível, em área de cana-de-açúcar.

  15. Modelagem e análise de serviços de saúde baseados em Redes de Petri interpretadas

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    Marisa Mitie Miyagi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho introduz as Redes de Petri para modelagem e análise de sistemas de saúde que além da complexidade de suas atividades, envolve na sua concepção, implementação, operação e tomada de decisões, vários e diferentes profissionais. Os modelos são desenvolvidos em PFS (Production Flow Schema e MFG (Mark Flow Graph que são interpretações de redes de Petri, explicitando os recursos envolvidos e o fluxo de itens (pessoas, equipamentos, informações. Os serviços do Ambulatório do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo são utilizados como estudo de caso para comprovar as vantagens da presente proposta.This paper introduces the Petri net for modelling and analysis of health systems where beyond the complexity of they activities, involves in its conception, implementation, operation and decision making several and differents professionals. The models are developed in PFS (Production Flow Schema and MFC (Mark Flow Graph that are interpretations of Peri nets aiming the explicit identification of resources and flow of itens (material and information. The services of the ambulatory of Clinic Hospital of University of São Paulo is considered in a case study to confirm the advantages of the proposal.

  16. Supporting Human Activities - Exploring Activity-Centered Computing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Henrik Bærbak; Bardram, Jakob


    In this paper we explore an activity-centered computing paradigm that is aimed at supporting work processes that are radically different from the ones known from office work. Our main inspiration is healthcare work that is characterized by an extreme degree of mobility, many interruptions, ad-hoc...


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    Rita Cristina Ferreira


    Full Text Available O uso intensivo de Sistemas de Informação é uma possível solução para a integração das atividades de projeto em AEC, permitindo que decisões sejam tomadas ainda na fase de projeto e, conseqüentemente, evitando-se retrabalhos em obra. Neste sentido, esforços têm sido realizados para padronizar conceitos e terminologias de AEC, permitindo a troca e armazenagem de informações, como a norma ISO 12006-2 e os padrões estabelecidos pelo IFC. Ambas são baseadas na linguagem EXPRESS, assim como é o padrão industrial STEP. Entretanto, as representações de informação usadas na indústria de produtos não são as mais adequadas para a Engenharia de Software, responsável pelo desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação, onde as representações semânticas envolvem não somente a representação estrutural da informação, mas também a representação comportamental. Este artigo contribui com uma visão de implementação em UML da informação de um projeto de AEC e tornam explícitas, sob a ótica do desenvolvimento de software, as relações semânticas existentes. Os resultados desta pesquisa foram obtidos através da realização de um estudo de caso de projeto de produção em CAD 3D dos subsistemas alvenaria e revestimento para um edifício residencial. A partir das observações do estudo de caso foi feita a modelagem em UML dos objetos pertinentes. O principal resultado obtido foi a representação explícita das interfaces entre objetos AEC.

  18. A indústria do petróleo como uma organização complexa: modelagem de negócios e processo decisório


    Milani Júnior,Angelo; Bomtempo,José Vitor; Pinto Júnior,Helder Queiroz


    Este texto propõe a formulação de modelos de negócios para apoiar o processo decisório em organizações complexas. O processo decisório é estudado, explorando-se os temas da racionalidade limitada, da estruturação de problemas, dos modelos mentais, dos mundos virtuais e da modelagem como apoio à decisão. A dinâmica de sistemas é introduzida como um instrumento para a construção de modelos, a identificação de regras de decisão e sua comunicação. É desenvolvido um modelo de negócios para as ativ...

  19. Método para projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na construção civil com uso da modelagem BIM 4D


    Clarissa Notariano Biotto


    As atividades de projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na indústria da construção civil tendem a ser mais complexas em relação à manufatura pelo fato de que o produto (edificação) é fixo no espaço enquanto os recursos transformadores movimentam-se. Além disso, à medida que o empreendimento vai sendo construído, o leiaute é alterado, contribuindo para aumentar a complexidade destas atividades. O presente trabalho propõe o uso de modelagem 4D para a visualização espacial e temporal de ...

  20. Exploring differences among illegal activities in the Ugalla Game ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Exploring differences among illegal activities in the Ugalla Game Reserve of ... This study aimed to explore the differences among various illegal activities occurring in Ugalla Game Reserve, western Tanzania. ... AJOL African Journals Online.


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    Laysa Mabel de Oliveira Fontes


    Full Text Available A aprendizagem baseada em problema (Problem-Based Learning - PBL é um método no qual os estudantes aprendem através da resolução de um problema que, em geral, não possui uma solução trivial e uma única solução correta. A PBL destaca o trabalho em equipe como um dos principais requisitos para o sucesso do processo de aprendizagem, ou seja, a colaboração é essencial. No entanto, a implantação de um método de ensino com base na PBL não é uma tarefa trivial. Em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs, a complexidade de implantação deste método é ainda maior, pois o facilitador nem sempre pode detectar possíveis problemas na colaboração, nem possui todas as informações necessárias para aplicar as técnicas de aprendizagem deste método. Desta forma, este artigo apresenta o processo de modelagem de um Sistema Multiagente (SMA de apoio à PBL. O SMA proposto foi modelado utilizando a metodologia MAS-CommonKADS+, que consiste em uma extensão da metodologia MAS-CommonKADS.

  2. Active Play: Exploring the Influences on Children's School Playground Activities (United States)

    Hyndman, Brendon; Benson, Amanda; Telford, Amanda


    Because children spend so much of their time in schools, their playgrounds offer a good setting for promoting active play in young lives. Teachers, instead of considering active play a taxing demand on their busy day, have begun to develop an informal curriculum for it. The authors review the research on children's active play and explores its…

  3. Modelagem Integrada do Problema de Programação de Tripulantes de Aeronaves

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    Wagner de Paula Gomes


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo trata o Problema de Programação de Tripulantes (PPT, de importância fundamental no planejamento operacional das empresas aéreas. O PPT é normalmente dividido na literatura em dois subproblemas, formulados e resolvidos sequencialmente: Problema de Determinação das Viagens (PDV e Problema de Atribuição de Escalas (PAE. Esta decomposição justifica-se pela sua natureza combinatória, porém deixa de proporcionar um tratamento global ao PPT, em termos de custo e qualidade da solução final. Portanto, o estado da arte envolve a solução integrada do PPT, em que ambos os subproblemas são resolvidos simultaneamente. O problema, no entanto, é NP-Difícil. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma metodologia para modelagem integrada do PPT, através de um Algoritmo Genético Híbrido (AGH associado a um procedimento de busca em profundidade, levando em conta as particularidades da legislação brasileira. A metodologia foi testada, com sucesso, para a solução de instâncias baseadas na malha real de uma empresa aérea brasileira.

  4. Age-related impairments in active learning and strategic visual exploration

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    Kelly L Brandstatt


    Full Text Available Old age could impair memory by disrupting learning strategies used by younger individuals. We tested this possibility by manipulating the ability to use visual-exploration strategies during learning. Subjects controlled visual exploration during active learning, thus permitting the use of strategies, whereas strategies were limited during passive learning via predetermined exploration patterns. Performance on tests of object recognition and object-location recall was matched for younger and older subjects for objects studied passively, when learning strategies were restricted. Active learning improved object recognition similarly for younger and older subjects. However, active learning improved object-location recall for younger subjects, but not older subjects. Exploration patterns were used to identify a learning strategy involving repeat viewing. Older subjects used this strategy less frequently and it provided less memory benefit compared to younger subjects. In previous experiments, we linked hippocampal-prefrontal co-activation to improvements in object-location recall from active learning and to the exploration strategy. Collectively, these findings suggest that age-related memory problems result partly from impaired strategies during learning, potentially due to reduced hippocampal-prefrontal co-engagement.

  5. Age-related impairments in active learning and strategic visual exploration. (United States)

    Brandstatt, Kelly L; Voss, Joel L


    Old age could impair memory by disrupting learning strategies used by younger individuals. We tested this possibility by manipulating the ability to use visual-exploration strategies during learning. Subjects controlled visual exploration during active learning, thus permitting the use of strategies, whereas strategies were limited during passive learning via predetermined exploration patterns. Performance on tests of object recognition and object-location recall was matched for younger and older subjects for objects studied passively, when learning strategies were restricted. Active learning improved object recognition similarly for younger and older subjects. However, active learning improved object-location recall for younger subjects, but not older subjects. Exploration patterns were used to identify a learning strategy involving repeat viewing. Older subjects used this strategy less frequently and it provided less memory benefit compared to younger subjects. In previous experiments, we linked hippocampal-prefrontal co-activation to improvements in object-location recall from active learning and to the exploration strategy. Collectively, these findings suggest that age-related memory problems result partly from impaired strategies during learning, potentially due to reduced hippocampal-prefrontal co-engagement.

  6. Discussão sobre algumas contribuições da modelagem multinível para a investigação de desempenho no trabalho Discussing some multilevel models contributions to investigate performance at work

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    Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior


    Full Text Available O investimento no capital intelectual tornou-se o pilar norteador das ações de gerenciamento de pessoas. A literatura em comportamento organizacional investigada enfatiza o efeito de variáveis de contexto no desempenho dos indivíduos. Faz-se mister compreender como se dá o impacto dessas variáveis segundo seus níveis de análise. O presente artigo discute contribuições potenciais da modelagem multinível na investigação de desempenho no trabalho. Discute, ainda, a aplicação dessa modelagem para compreensão de fenômenos comumente investigados em comportamento organizacional. Tais contribuições poderão favorecer a estruturação de modelos preditivos que poderão melhor capturar o significado da inclusão de variáveis típicas do contexto laboral.Investing on intellectual capital became the guiding pillar for personnel management actions. The organizational behavior literature highlights the effect of contextual variables on the performance of individuals. The impact of these variables, which belong to different levels of analysis, needs a better comprehension. This paper discusses the potential multilevel modeling contributions for investigating predictors of that performance. In addition, it also discusses the application of this modeling for understanding usually studied organizational behavior. These contributions may favor structuring predictive models which may better grasp the meaning of the inclusion of diverse and complex levels of variables from the labor context.

  7. Modelagem Matemática: as discussões técnicas e as experiências prévias de um grupo de alunos

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    Jonson Ney Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar como as experiências prévias dos alunos influenciam a produção de discussões técnicas em um ambiente de modelagem matemática. Por discussão técnica, entendemos como toda tradução de um fenômeno eleito (oriundo do dia-a-dia, do campo das profissões ou de outras áreas da ciência em termos matemáticos. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com um grupo de alunos de um Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, em uma sala de aula de uma universidade pública. A natureza da pesquisa é qualitativa e os dados foram coletados através da observação e entrevistas, a qual foi registrada através da filmagem. Os resultados sugerem que as discussões técnicas seguem uma lógica escolar, mobilizando conhecimentos matemáticos previamente estudados pelos alunos, porém com a incorporação de argumentos externos à sala de aula. Palavras-chave: Modelagem matemática. Interação aluno-aluno. Discussões técnicas. Alunos. Sala de aula. Mathematical Modeling: technical discussions and previous experiences of a group of students Abstract This paper aims to present an analysis of how students´ previous experiences may influence the production of technical discussions in an environment of mathematical modeling. By technical discussion, we mean “all translation of a selected phenomenon (from the daily routine, vocational settings or from other fields of science into mathematical terms. This research was carried out with a group of students of an undergraduate course in mathematics in a classroom of a public university. This research is a qualitative one, and the data were collected through observation and interviews, which have been registered through video recording. The results suggest that technical discussions follow the school logic, mobilizing students’ previous school mathematical experiences but also incorporating in some degree outside arguments into classroom. Keywords: Mathematical

  8. Redução do impacto ambiental: uma abordagem no setor de modelagem em uma empresa calçadista

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    carlos Augusto Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa de caráter exploratório e de natureza aplicada, realizada no setor de modelagem de uma empresa calçadista, com a finalidade de implantar um novo fluxo processual para gestão de resíduos e de materiais sobressalentes. Para a elaboração do projeto empregou-se metodologia DMAIC, ferramentas da qualidade, ecodesign e a ferramenta 3Rs, visando à redução da variação do processo de maneira a incorporar ações sustentáveis, que permitam a diminuição do custo industrial. Como resultado, obteve-se a redução de passivo ambiental do estoque em processo, da baixa eficiência produtiva, das perdas energéticas e maior desempenho econômico-financeiro, por meio da fabricação de calçados, com o uso de resíduos e materiais sobressalentes e de novo material reciclável para a utilização em gabaritos produtivos.

  9. Panorama 2009 - Exploration-production activities and markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After four years of heavy activity, growth on the upstream service and supply markets is slowing. At the end of 2008, the oil and gas price fell subsequent to the decline in demand for petroleum products. This is an indication that exploration-production activity will slow in 2009 and that the price of services - hence sales at service and supply companies - will drop

  10. Modelagem hidrodinâmica do canal do rio Paraná, trecho Porto São José - Porto 18. Parte II: Calibragem do modelo

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    Astrid Meira Martoni


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresenta-se a modelagem hidrodinâmica do trecho de canal entre Porto São José e Porto 18. Esta etapa compreendeu os trabalhos de obtenção de dados históricos, levantamentos de campo de níveis e vazões, obtenção dos parâmetros do modelo e análise da distribuição das vazões através dos canais principais. Para as seções internas da discretização foram feitas leituras de níveis nas seções e medidas de descarga usando o medidor ADCP, o que tornou possível estimar os coeficientes de rugosidade. O modelo calibrado constitui um instrumento eficiente para simular dados de níveis e vazões neste trecho do rio.

  11. O uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino de física : uma abordagem através da modelagem computacional


    Marcelo Esteves de Andrade


    Neste projeto, utilizamos algumas tecnologias da informação e comunicação para desenvolver uma estratégia de ensino de Física para o Ensino Médio abordando o tópico da cinemática. A estratégia contou com a utilização de aulas e testes virtuais e também com atividades de modelagem computacional com o programa Modellus. Todas as atividades foram aplicadas no laboratório de informática e mediadas pelo computador. Esta estratégia foi aplicada em duas turmas do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Inst...

  12. Modelagem em Vídeo para o Ensino de Habilidades de Comunicação a Indivíduos com Autismo: Revisão de Estudos

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    Viviane RODRIGUES

    Full Text Available RESUMO as pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA apresentam limitações específicas nas habilidades de comunicação. A modelagem em vídeo (MV é considerada uma prática baseada em evidências para indivíduos com TEA pelo fato desta população preferir e responder melhor às estratégias de ensino por meio de pistas visuais. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta revisão foi discutir os resultados das intervenções que implementaram a MV para ensinar habilidades de comunicação para indivíduos com TEA. Para tanto, três critérios de inclusão foram estabelecidos, sendo eles: a os estudos deveriam utilizar como variável independente a modelagem em vídeo isoladamente, associada a outra intervenção ou como parte de um pacote de tratamentos; b as habilidades de comunicação deveriam fazer parte da variável dependente, mesmo que estivessem presentes outras habilidades; c todos os estudos deveriam ter participantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Foi utilizado como banco de dados o Portal de Periódico da CAPES, com descritores específicos. O período determinado neste estudo foi de 2010 a 2016. Somente 11 artigos apresentaram os critérios de inclusão determinados neste estudo. Estes estudos enfatizaram os ganhos da pessoa com TEA em suas habilidades de comunicação por meio da MV. Dados os resultados positivos relatados nestes 11 estudos, há evidências suficientes para concluir que a MV é um procedimento indicado para ensinar uma variedade de habilidades comunicativas para crianças com TEA. Conclui-se que este estudo sumarizou intervenções que empregaram a MV para o ensino de habilidades de comunicação, proporcionando direções para pesquisas futuras.

  13. Object texture recognition by dynamic tactile sensing using active exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drimus, Alin; Børlum Petersen, Mikkel; Bilberg, Arne

    with a dynamic tactile transducer based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric film. Different test surfaces are actively explored and the signal from the sensor is used for feature extraction, which is subsequently used for classification. A comparison between the significance of different extracted......For both humans and robots, tactile sensing is important for interaction with the environment: it is the core sensing used for exploration and manipulation of objects. In this paper, we present a method for determining object texture by active exploration with a robotic fingertip equipped...

  14. Modelagem molecular aplicada ao desenvolvimento de moléculas com atividade antioxidante visando ao uso cosmético Molecular modeling applied to the development of molecules with antioxidant activity for cosmetic use

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Scotti


    Full Text Available Várias hipóteses e constantes estudos são realizados com o intuito de elucidar o envelhecimento cutâneo. Para prevenir e contornar este processo torna-se necessário reforçar nossas defesas naturais antioxidantes endógenas. Diversas substâncias antioxidantes exógenas, como vitaminas, extratos vegetais, dentre outras, são utilizadas pela Cosmetologia nos produtos antienvelhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar de que forma a Modelagem Molecular pode ser uma ferramenta útil na pesquisa por novas substâncias cosméticas antioxidantes para combater o envelhecimento cutâneo.Some hypotheses and constants studies are made with intention to elucidate the aging process. To prevent and to attenuate the cutaneous aging it becomes necessary to strengthen our endogenous antioxidant natural defenses. Diverse exogenous antioxidant substances, as vitamins, vegetal extracts and others, have been used by the Cosmetology in antiaging products. The objective of this paper is to show how the Molecular Modeling can be an useful tool in the research for new antioxidant cosmetic substances to face the cutaneous aging.

  15. Modelagem conceitual para identificação de áreas com potencial para geração de energia por fonte renovável

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    Vivian Celestino


    Full Text Available O mundo enfrenta um desafio na busca de alternativas para atender a demanda de energia elétrica de forma sustentável e diminuir os efeitos dos Gases de Efeito Estufa. Uma maneira de minimizar estes efeitos e expandir o parque gerador é incrementar a produção com recurso a fontes renováveis. Mas para que, no momento de instalar um novo empreendimento, seja tomada uma decisão assertiva é necessário realizar a compilação de variáveis que sejam pertinentes ao tema e ao espaço geográfico. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma modelagem conceitual por objetos (de acordo com o padrão OMT-G de forma a identificar áreas potenciais para gerar energia elétrica por fontes renováveis.

  16. Uranium exploration in Egypt past, current and future activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farag, N.


    The Egyptian Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA), is the government body responsible for exploration of the nuclear raw materials in the country. The early NMA U-exploration activities has included training of exploration teams, conduction of airborne, ground follow up and preliminary geological mapping as well as execution of limited exploration drilling. A number of TC projects and expert missions were mainly executed in collaboration with the IAEA for this purpose. These efforts have resulted in the discovery of seven U-potential prospects. NMA has also exercised limited heap leaching on experimental scale and obtained small amounts of U-concentrates, utilized for R & D purposes. However, the exploration activities remained in the preliminary phases and did not succeed to reach either reliable evaluation of the discovered uranium resources or running productive U-exploitation. By the end of the last decade, Egypt has declared the intention to adopt a peaceful program for electric power generation; this implied NMA to implement a twofold plan as described hereafter. Regarding the conventional U-resources, occurring in the Eastern Desert, NMA focus the exploration activities on the younger granites of Pan African type, and the associated inter-mountain basins. The activities will be restricted to the evaluation of U-reserves in at least three of the most promising uranium prospects that still require extensive exploration drilling programs. NMA is now implementing an international bid announcement seeking for partnership of an experienced international firm, to assess the uranium resources in these sites, in addition to receiving relevant IAEA/TC programs. Regarding non-conventional resources, the black sand project is mainly a resource of a titanium and zirconium minerals; however, NMA is now trying to process monazite to obtain mainly Th and minor U by-products. NMA has successfully completed an exploration study and. the Government of Egypt has recently

  17. Modelagem do vento e da fotosfera de AG Carinae (United States)

    Groh, J. H.; Damineli, A.


    A trajetória evolutiva das estrelas de alta massa depende fortemente de suas taxas de perda de massa. Apesar do rápido progresso no estudo destas estrelas, a taxa de perda de massa e outros parâmetros físicos básicos, como a temperatura superficial e a velocidade terminal do vento ainda não estão bem determinados. Isto ocorre devido à presença de ventos irregulares, rápidos e fortes ao redor destas estrelas, tornando a interpretação dos seus espectros uma tarefa difícil. Assim, a modelagem do vento e da fotosfera dessas estrelas está sendo cada vez mais usada para obter tais parâmetros a partir dos espectros. O aumento da taxa de perda de massa durante a fase LBV (Variáveis Luminosas Azuis), comparado com outros tipos de estrelas, tem sido atribuído a instabilidades do tipo S Doradus. Dispomos de uma base de dados espectroscópicos cobrindo 22 anos de observações de AG Carinae, incluindo um ciclo S Doradus completo, com espectros CCD em alta resolução na faixa óptica e infravermelha. Utilizamos o programa desenvolvido por Schmutz (1997) para uma análise preliminar desse ciclo, obtendo a taxa de perda de massa a partir da linha do Ha. Não existe uma correlação clara da taxa de perda de massa com mudanças da temperatura efetiva, do raio da estrela e do fluxo na banda V. A estrela atingiu seu mínimo fotométrico (raio mínimo) em 1990 e o máximo fotométrico (raio máximo) em 1995, enquanto que o fluxo máximo da linha do Ha ocorreu em 1996. Além disso a taxa de perda de massa não segue esse ciclo, contrariamente às idéias correntes. Para fazer um modelo mais realista estamos usando o programa CMFGEN (Hillier & Miller), que trata a fotosfera e o vento estelar de forma consistente, considerando a radiação fora do equilíbrio termodinâmico (NLTE) e com blanketting total de linhas. Simulamos o espectro de AG Carinae em duas épocas extremas do ciclo S Dor para testar os resultados obtidos com o modelo mais simplificado.

  18. Panorama 2011: Exploration-production: activities and markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saniere, A.; Serbutoviez, S.


    After a year of economic crisis in 2009, oil companies saw renewed demand and are reporting increased investment in 2010. Exploration-production activity is resuming, at a pace that varies by sector, but prices for goods and services remain depressed as a result of existing over-capacity. In particular, developments in Brazil and Iraq and growth in unconventional gas are helping to maintain the level of activity. Meanwhile, the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is leading to tighter regulations and safety standards in offshore drilling. (author)

  19. Bayesian spatial modeling applied to environmental monitoring due to the use of different drilling fluids in the maritime exploration activity; Modelagem espacial Bayesiana aplicada ao monitoramento ambiental decorrente do uso de diferentes fluidos de perfuracao na atividade exploratoria maritima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pulgati, Fernando H. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE). Lab. de Modelagem de Bacias (LAB2M); Zouain, Ricardo N.A. [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias. Centro de Estudos de Geologia Costeira e Oceanica; Fachel, Jandyra M.G. [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil). Inst. de Matematica; Landau, Luiz [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-graduacao de Engenharia (COPPE). Lab. de Metodos Computacionais em Engenharia (LAMCE)


    Controlling and monitoring environmental researches have accompanied the development of offshore exploration drill activities aimed at finding oil and gas reserves, as there has been an increase in the environmental demands and restrictions. Three stages of the drilling process were isolated and the effects of different fluids were measured using Bayesian spatial models. The probable impact of the use of non-aqueous fluid (NAF) was measured through changes observed in sea sediments in three different occasions: previous to the activity, one (1) month after the end of the activity, and one (1) year after the end of the activity. BACI (Before-After Control Impact) design, which allows the control of temporal and spatial variation components, was chosen. (author)

  20. Critérios de projeto e benefícios esperados da implantação de técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana para controle de escoamentos na fonte, com base em modelagem computacional aplicada a um estudo de caso na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anaí Floriano Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O processo de urbanização resulta em alterações no ciclo hidrológico prejudiciais à população. Para amenizar esses efeitos, as técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana visam à maior sustentabilidade hidrológica na expansão urbana. Nesse sentido, este artigo teve como objetivos avaliar, por meio de modelagem computacional, o efeito da adoção dessas técnicas na escala de lote e da bacia hidrográfica e avançar com diferentes possibilidades de concepção de projeto. A modelagem foi realizada para diversos cenários, considerando a implantação das técnicas de forma isolada e combinada. Os parâmetros utilizados na modelagem visaram verificar possibilidades extremas de aplicação, de modo a disponibilizar dados para balizamento de projetos reais. As chuvas avaliadas possuem variadas durações e intensidades, facilitando a extrapolação dos resultados deste trabalho para bacias hidrográficas de diferentes escalas. Os resultados das simulações indicam potenciais benefícios na drenagem urbana oriundos do uso dessas técnicas no lote, com mais efetividade para as menores chuvas de projeto. Esse foi o caso dos cenários que avaliaram os jardins rebaixados isoladamente ou combinados em série com um reservatório de lote e os cenários de pavimentos permeáveis na calçada que receberiam o escoamento superficial do lote adjacente. Também foi verificado que a combinação paralela de um reservatório de lote com as dimensões propostas pela legislação municipal e um jardim rebaixado em 0,07 m seria capaz de neutralizar, hidrologicamente, os impactos da ocupação do lote para todas as chuvas de projeto analisadas, entretanto o reservatório proposto pela legislação municipal, quando adotado isoladamente, quase não atuou na escala da bacia..

  1. Active Exploration for Robust Object Detection


    Velez, Javier J.; Hemann, Garrett A.; Huang, Albert S.; Posner, Ingmar; Roy, Nicholas


    Today, mobile robots are increasingly expected to operate in ever more complex and dynamic environments. In order to carry out many of the higher-level tasks envisioned a semantic understanding of a workspace is pivotal. Here our field has benefited significantly from successes in machine learning and vision: applications in robotics of off-the-shelf object detectors are plentiful. This paper outlines an online, any-time planning framework enabling the active exploration of such detections. O...

  2. Report on geologic exploration activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breslin, J.; Laughon, R.B.; Hall, R.J.; Voss, J.W.


    This report provides an overview of the geological exploration activities being carried out as part of the National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) Program, which has been established by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop the technology and provide the facilities for the safe, environmentally acceptable isolation of civilian high-level and transuranic nuclear wastes, including spent fuel elements, for which the Federal government is responsible. The principal programmatic emphasis is on disposal in mined geologic repositories. Explorations are being conducted or planned in various parts of the country to identify potential sites for such repositories. The work is being undertaken by three separate but coordinated NWTS project elements. Under the Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP), basalt formations underlying DOE's Hanford Reservation are being investigated. Granite, tuff, and shale formations at the DOE Nevada Test Site (NTS) are being similarly studied in the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI). The Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation (ONWI) is investigating domed salt formations in several Gulf Coast states and bedded salt formations in Utah and Texas. The ONWI siting studies are being expanded to include areas overlying crystalline rocks, shales, and other geohydrologic systems. The current status of these NWTS efforts, including the projected budgets for FY 1981, is summarized, and the criteria and methodology being employed in the explorations are described. The consistency of the overall effort with the recommendations presented in the Report to the President by the Interagency Review Group on Nuclear Waste Management (IRG), as well as with documents representing the national technical consensus, is discussed

  3. Report on geologic exploration activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report provides an overview of the geological exploration activities being carried out as part of the National Waste Terminal Storage (NWTS) Program, which has been established by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop the technology and provide the facilities for the safe, environmentally acceptable isolation of civilian high-level and transuranic nuclear wastes, including spent fuel elements, for which the Federal government is reponsible. The principal programmatic emphasis is on disposal in mined geologic repositories. Explorations are being conducted or planned in various parts of the country to identify potential sites for such repositories. The work is being undertaken by three separate but coordinated NWTS project elements. Under the Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP), basalt formations underlying DOE's Hanford Reservation are being investigated. Granite, tuff, and shale formations at the DOE Nevada Test Site (NTS) are being similarly studied in the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI). The Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation (ONWI) is investigating domed salt formations in several Gulf Coast states and bedded salt formations in Utah and Texas. Th ONWI siting studies are being expanded to include areas overlying crystalline rocks, shales, and other geohydrologic systems. The current status of these NWTS efforts, including the projected budgets for FY 1981, is summarized, and the criteria and methodology being employed in the explorations are described. The consistency of the overall effort with the recommendations presented in the Report to the President by the Interagency Review Group on Nuclear Waste Management (IRG), as well as with documents representing the national technical consensus, is discussed

  4. Modelagem matemática e difusividade efetiva do processo de secagem do miolo da macambira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julianne Viana Freire Portela


    Full Text Available A macambira (Bromelia laciniosa M. é uma bromélia com grande potencialidade agrícola, energética, mas escasso embasamento científico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar as condições operacionais para a secagem convectiva do miolo da macambira, a fim de gerar um produto seco viável do ponto de vista tecnológico e com possibilidade de aplicação na alimentação humana. A matéria-prima com espessura de 2,5mm e umidade média inicial de 87,20% foi disposta em bandejas no secador de bandejas, utilizando como variáveis do processo a temperatura do ar (43, 49 e 560C e a variável fixa velocidade do ar igual a 1,0m.s-1. Após a execução dos experimentos realizou-se o estudo da cinética de secagem e a modelagem matemática (Fick, Page e empírico de dois parâmetros das curvas experimentais como forma de definir a melhor condição de processo. O aumento da temperatura refletia no incremento dos valores de difusividade efetiva de água, sendo estes com ordem de grandeza de 10-10 m2.s-1 e, tendo o modelo empírico exponencial de dois parâmetros como o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais A temperatura de 560C resultou em secagem mais rápida e mais eficiente com umidade final de 12,61%.

  5. Self-organization via active exploration in robotic applications (United States)

    Ogmen, H.; Prakash, R. V.


    We describe a neural network based robotic system. Unlike traditional robotic systems, our approach focussed on non-stationary problems. We indicate that self-organization capability is necessary for any system to operate successfully in a non-stationary environment. We suggest that self-organization should be based on an active exploration process. We investigated neural architectures having novelty sensitivity, selective attention, reinforcement learning, habit formation, flexible criteria categorization properties and analyzed the resulting behavior (consisting of an intelligent initiation of exploration) by computer simulations. While various computer vision researchers acknowledged recently the importance of active processes (Swain and Stricker, 1991), the proposed approaches within the new framework still suffer from a lack of self-organization (Aloimonos and Bandyopadhyay, 1987; Bajcsy, 1988). A self-organizing, neural network based robot (MAVIN) has been recently proposed (Baloch and Waxman, 1991). This robot has the capability of position, size rotation invariant pattern categorization, recognition and pavlovian conditioning. Our robot does not have initially invariant processing properties. The reason for this is the emphasis we put on active exploration. We maintain the point of view that such invariant properties emerge from an internalization of exploratory sensory-motor activity. Rather than coding the equilibria of such mental capabilities, we are seeking to capture its dynamics to understand on the one hand how the emergence of such invariances is possible and on the other hand the dynamics that lead to these invariances. The second point is crucial for an adaptive robot to acquire new invariances in non-stationary environments, as demonstrated by the inverting glass experiments of Helmholtz. We will introduce Pavlovian conditioning circuits in our future work for the precise objective of achieving the generation, coordination, and internalization

  6. Exploration and production activities and market - Panorama 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Following two banner years for the oil service and supply sector, marked by strong activity and a substantial increase in prices, the Exploration and Production market continued at a frenetic pace in 2007, although certain local markets retreated. In 2008, activity should stay high and prices should start stabilizing. With services in short supply, companies in the sector have been able to shift the balance of power with oil firms in their favor

  7. Exploring Urban Taxi Drivers’ Activity Distribution Based on GPS Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiaowei Hu


    Full Text Available With the rapid development of information communication technology and data mining technology, we can obtain taxi vehicle’s real time operation status through the large-scale taxi GPS trajectories data and explore the drivers’ activity distribution characteristics. Based on the 204 continuous hours of 3198 taxi vehicles’ operation data of Shenzhen, China, this paper analyzed the urban taxi driver’s activity distribution characteristics from different temporal and spatial levels. In the time level, we identified the difference with taxi daily operation pattern (weekday versus weekends, continuous time in one day, passengers in vehicle time, and taxi drivers’ operation frequency; in the space level, we explored the taxi driver’s searching pattern, including searching activity space distribution and the relationship between the pick-up locations and the drop-off locations. This research can be helpful for urban taxi drivers’ operation and behavior pattern identification, as well as the contribution to the geographical activity space analysis.

  8. Effects of Active Exploration and Passive Observation on Spatial Learning in a CAVE


    Melanson, Brian; Kelso, John; Bowman, Doug A.


    This experiment was a modification of Paul N. Wilson's 1999 study entitled "Active Exploration of a Virtual Environment Does Not Promote Orientation or Memory for Objects." It was hoped that changing the immersion level from a standard desktop monitor to a more immersive CAVE environment would change the results of this experiment. All subjects explored a three-dimensional virtual environment in a CAVE. Active subjects were given controls to choose their own path and explore th...

  9. Exploring Preferences of Mentoring Activities among Generational Groups of Registered Nurses in Florida (United States)

    Posey-Goodwin, Patricia Ann


    The purpose of this study was to explore differences in perceptions of mentoring activities from four generations of registered nurses in Florida, using the Alleman Mentoring Activities Questionnaire ® (AMAQ ®). Statistical procedures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed to explore differences among 65 registered nurses in Florida from…

  10. Exploring the Greenhouse Effect through Physics-Oriented Activities (United States)

    Browne, Kerry P.; Laws, Priscilla W.


    We are developing a new activity-based unit on global warming and the environment as part of the "Explorations in Physics Curriculum." We describe the current status of this unit, which focuses on helping students understand the greenhouse effect and its relationship to global warming. We outline several problems encountered in testing the unit…

  11. Consistency in boldness, activity and exploration at different stages of life (United States)


    Background Animals show consistent individual behavioural patterns over time and over situations. This phenomenon has been referred to as animal personality or behavioural syndromes. Little is known about consistency of animal personalities over entire life times. We investigated the repeatability of behaviour in common voles (Microtus arvalis) at different life stages, with different time intervals, and in different situations. Animals were tested using four behavioural tests in three experimental groups: 1. before and after maturation over three months, 2. twice as adults during one week, and 3. twice as adult animals over three months, which resembles a substantial part of their entire adult life span of several months. Results Different behaviours were correlated within and between tests and a cluster analysis showed three possible behavioural syndrome-axes, which we name boldness, exploration and activity. Activity and exploration behaviour in all tests was highly repeatable in adult animals tested over one week. In animals tested over maturation, exploration behaviour was consistent whereas activity was not. Voles that were tested as adults with a three-month interval showed the opposite pattern with stable activity but unstable exploration behaviour. Conclusions The consistency in behaviour over time suggests that common voles do express stable personality over short time. Over longer periods however, behaviour is more flexible and depending on life stage (i.e. tested before/after maturation or as adults) of the tested individual. Level of boldness or activity does not differ between tested groups and maintenance of variation in behavioural traits can therefore not be explained by expected future assets as reported in other studies. PMID:24314274

  12. Exploring Human Activity Patterns Using Taxicab Static Points

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bin Jiang


    Full Text Available This paper explores the patterns of human activities within a geographical space by adopting the taxicab static points which refer to the locations with zero speed along the tracking trajectory. We report the findings from both aggregated and individual aspects. Results from the aggregated level indicate the following: (1 Human activities exhibit an obvious regularity in time, for example, there is a burst of activity during weekend nights and a lull during the week. (2 They show a remarkable spatial drifting pattern, which strengthens our understanding of the activities in any given place. (3 Activities are heterogeneous in space irrespective of their drifting with time. These aggregated results not only help in city planning, but also facilitate traffic control and management. On the other hand, investigations on an individual level suggest that (4 activities witnessed by one taxicab will have different temporal regularity to another, and (5 each regularity implies a high level of prediction with low entropy by applying the Lempel-Ziv algorithm.

  13. Contribuição à obtenção do módulo de elasticidade do concreto utilizando modelagem micromecânica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. H. Barbosa

    Full Text Available Expressões presentes nas normas nacionais e internacionais relacionam o módulo de elasticidade do concreto com a resistência à compressão. O concreto, considerado como material compósito trifásico, tem suas propriedades elásticas diretamente influenciadas pela zona de transição (ITZ, a qual é caracterizada por sua maior porosidade em relação à pasta de cimento. Modelos de micromecânica como os de Mori-Tanaka e esfera de três fases podem ser aplicados com bons resultados quando utilizados para a análise do concreto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento evolutivo do módulo de elasticidade do concreto, tal estudo é feito mediante a aplicação das expressões normativas e de modelos de micromecânica. Comparado-se com os valores experimentais produzidos percebe-se uma boa concordância quando a modelagem micromecânica leva em conta a ITZ. Também é confirmada a qualidade das expressões da NBR 6118:2003 e do CEB-90.

  14. Active explorers show low learning performance in a social insect

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Eve UDINO; Margot PEREZ; Claudio CARERE; Patrizia d'ETTORRE


    An intriguing question in behavioral biology is whether consistent individual differences (called animal personalities) relate to variation in cognitive performance because commonly measured personality traits may be associated with risk-reward trade-offs.Social insects,whose learning abilities have been extensively characterized,show consistent behavioral variability,both at colony and at individual level.We investigated the possible link between personality traits and learning performance in the carpenter ant Camponotus aethiops.Exploratory activity,sociability,and aggression were assessed twice in ant foragers.Behaviors differed among individuals,they were partly repeatable across time and exploratory activity correlated positively with aggression.Learning abilities were quantified by differential conditioning of the maxilla-labium extension response,a task that requires cue perception and information storage.We found that exploratory activity of individual ants significantly predicted learning performance:"active-explorers" were slower in learning the task than "inactive-explorers".The results suggest for the first time a link between a personality trait and cognitive performance in eusocial insects,and that the underlying individual variability could affect colony performance and success.

  15. Active Learning for Autonomous Intelligent Agents: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction


    Lopes, Manuel; Montesano, Luis


    In this survey we present different approaches that allow an intelligent agent to explore autonomous its environment to gather information and learn multiple tasks. Different communities proposed different solutions, that are in many cases, similar and/or complementary. These solutions include active learning, exploration/exploitation, online-learning and social learning. The common aspect of all these approaches is that it is the agent to selects and decides what information to gather next. ...

  16. Exploration and production activities and market - Panorama 2008; Activites et marches en exploration-production - Panorama 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Following two banner years for the oil service and supply sector, marked by strong activity and a substantial increase in prices, the Exploration and Production market continued at a frenetic pace in 2007, although certain local markets retreated. In 2008, activity should stay high and prices should start stabilizing. With services in short supply, companies in the sector have been able to shift the balance of power with oil firms in their favor.

  17. Modelagem da eletro-oxidação de etanol sobre catalisador PtSn/C aplicada a células a combustível de etanol direto do tipo membrana trocadora de prótons (DEPEMFC)


    Piña, Renzo Fabricio Figueroa


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2014 Neste trabalho desenvolve-se a modelagem da reação eletroquímica de oxidação de etanol em células a combustível de etanol direto tipo PEM (DEPEMFC). O modelo da célula DEPEMFC considera a cinética de eletro-oxidação de etanol, o transporte de massa e a resistência elétrica dos diversos materiais que formam a célula a combustível. A reação elet...

  18. International petroleum licensing, exploration activity and fiscal terms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodgshon, S.


    Although there is no decline in current international petroleum licensing activity, attention is drawn to the fact that it is concentrated in certain countries, many of them amongst the less geologically prospective. Among the factors other then geological prospectivity which promote a successful licensing and exploration environment, the most important is the fiscal terms offered. While countries which are highly prospective geologically may stiffen terms and still attract exploration companies because they feel they can make major discoveries, any decline in prospectivity needs to be accompanied by a matching change in fiscal terms to maintain interest. Less prospective countries which, hitherto, have created favourable investment conditions may however find that further declines cannot be reversed by attractive fiscal terms. (7 figures, 3 tables). (UK)

  19. Domestic uranium exploration activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chenoweth, W.L.


    Uranium exploration in the United States reached its alltime high in 1978 when the chief exploration indicator, surface drilling, totaled 47 million feet. In 1979, however, total drilling declined to 41 million feet, and during the first 8 months of 1980 the trend continued, as surface drilling was 27% less than for the same period in 1979. The total drilling for 1980 now is expected to be below 30 million feet, far less than the 39.4 million feet planned by industry at the beginning of the year. Falling uranium prices, the uncertainties of future uranium demand, rising costs, and the possibility of stiff foreign competition are the prime causes for the current reduction in domestic uranium exploration. Uranium exploration in the United States continues to be concentrated in the vicinity of major producing areas such as the San Juan Basin, Wyoming Basins, Texas Coastal Plain, Paradox Basin, and northeastern Washington, and in areas of recent discoveries including the Henry Mountains, Utah, the McDermitt caldera in Nevada and Oregon, and central Colorado. The distributions, by location, of total surface drilling for 1979 and the first half of 1980 are presented

  20. The possible environmental impacts of petroleum exploration activities on the Georges Bank ecosystem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boudreau, P.R.; Gordon, D.C.; Harding, G.C.


    This document contains a description of the Georges Bank ecosystem, the potential environmental impacts from petroleum exploration activities and the scientific information gathered to support a series of recommendations offered by the review panel. Input has been provided by Canadian and US government scientists, external reviewers, representatives of commercial fishing and petroleum industries. The overall consensus is that petroleum exploration activity might affect fish catch rates and spawning behaviour, however, such impacts are likely to be temporary and localized. Exploration drilling would cause a temporary loss of access to some fishing grounds, while seismic activity is likely to lead to some temporary space conflicts with fishing activity, especially during the summer months. Seismic activity could also impact on eggs and larvae of aquatic organisms, the extent depending on time of year and location. Large release of petroleum products from well blowout was considered unlikely. If occurred, it might affect population and ecosystem levels. Environmental impacts from production activities were not included in this assessment, however, they are believed to be substantially different from exploratory activities. Such impacts will be dependent upon the product being produced, the market, and the available technology. 140 refs., tabs., figs

  1. Experiment of exploration using the active-faults exploration system; Katsudanso tansa system wo mochiita chika tansa jikken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mikada, H; Sato, H; Iwasaki, T; Hirata, N [The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan). Earthquake Research Institute; Ikeda, Y [The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan). Faculty of Science; Ikawa, T; Kawabe, Y; Aoki, Y [JAPEX Geoscience Institute, Tokyo (Japan)


    A system for exploration of active-faults by seismic reflection profiling method was introduced at Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo. A test-run was conducted to check the performance of this system at Ranzan, Saitama Prefecture. This paper describes the confirmed performance of mini-VIB as a wide band frequency seismic source, the quality of data obtained using a digital data acquisition system, and problems for data processing of fault exploration in the future. For the test-run at Ranzan, two-dimensional exploration was conducted by the quasi-three-dimensional data acquisition method using three geophones of 8 Hz, 28 Hz, and 40 Hz, simply arranged in parallel on the measurement line. Using an active seismic vibrator, mini-VIB, data acquisition of faults in the wide band frequency was achieved, which would result in the highly accurate imaging. Operation of data acquisition and processing systems is easy, and the system can be also used as a kind of black box. The existing methods are to be used sufficiently as a tool for imaging of faults. Further research for accumulating experience may become necessary toward the extension of the system expected in the future. 5 refs., 6 figs.

  2. Usando splines cúbicas na modelagem matemática da evolução populacional de Pirapora/MG

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    José Sérgio Domingues


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho é obter um modelo matemático para a evolução populacional da cidade de Pirapora/MG, baseando-se apenas nos dados de censos e contagens populacionais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE. Para isso, é utilizada a interpolação por splines cúbicas, pois as técnicas de interpolação linear e polinomial, e também o modelo logístico, não se ajustam bem a essa população. Os dados analisados não são equidistantes, então, utiliza-se como amostra anos separados com passo h de 10 anos. Os valores descartados inicialmente e as estimativas populacionais para esse município, descritos pela Fundação João Pinheiro, serviram para validação do modelo construído, e para a estimativa das diferenças percentuais de previsão, que não ultrapassaram os 2,21%. Ao se considerar que o padrão de evolução populacional de 2000 a 2010 se manterá até 2020, estima-se as populações da cidade de 2011 a 2020, cuja diferença percentual média foi de apenas 0,49%. Conclui-se que o modelo se ajusta muito bem aos dados, e que estimativas populacionais em qualquer ano de 1970 e 2020 são confiáveis. Além disso, o modelo permite a visualização prática de uma aplicação dessa técnica na modelagem populacional, e, portanto, também pode ser utilizada para fins didáticos.Palavras-chave: Splines cúbicas. Interpolação. Modelagem matemática. Evolução populacional. Pirapora.Using cubic splines on mathematical modeling of the population evolution of Pirapora/MGThe main objective of this paper is to obtain a mathematical model for the evolution of the population in Pirapora/MG, based only on data from censuses and population counts from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE. For this, the cubic spline interpolation is used because the technique of linear and polynomial interpolation, and also the logistic model do not fit well with this population. The analyzed data are not equidistant

  3. Exploring Formative Assessment Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory

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    Mandy Asghar


    Full Text Available Formative assessment is a pedagogic practice that has been the subject of much research and debate, as to how it can be used most effectively to deliver enhanced student learning in the higher education setting. Often described as a complex concept it embraces activities that range from facilitating students understanding of assessment standards, to providing formative feedback on their work; from very informal opportunities of engaging in conversations, to the very formal process of submitting drafts of work. This study aims to show how cultural historical activity theory can be used as a qualitative analysis framework to explore the complexities of formative assessment as it is used in higher education. The original data for the research was collected in 2008 by semi structured interviews and analysed using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. For this present paper three selected transcripts were re-examined, using a case study approach that sought to understand and compare the perceptions of five academic staff, from three distinct subject areas taught within a UK university. It is proposed that using activity theory can provide insight into the complexity of such experiences, about what teachers do and why, and the influence of the community in which they are situated. Individually the cases from each subject area were analysed using activity theory exploring how the mediating artefacts of formative assessment were used; the often implicit rules that governed their use and the roles of teachers and students within the local subject community. The analysis also considered the influence each aspect of the unit of activity had on the other in understanding formative assessment practice. Subsequently the three subject cases were compared and contrasted. The findings illuminate a variety of practices, including how students and staff engage together in formative assessment activities and for some, how dialogue is used as one of the key tools

  4. Parametrização do transporte dispersivo de solutos em solos estruturados: heterogeneidade do meio, percurso de transporte e modelagem

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    S. L. Schlindwein


    Full Text Available O transporte dispersivo de solutos no solo é parametrizado por meio de equações difusivas e de modelos que partem da existência de uma relação de causalidade entre as características físicas do meio poroso, da sua condição de umidade e da manifestação macroscópica do processo nele ocorrente. A validade dessa proposição, como critério na elaboração de modelos dos processos que governam o transporte de solutos no solo, é discutida heuristicamente. Com base em índices obtidos a partir de uma análise de momentos de curvas de avanço (BTCs, é possível avaliar objetivamente o vínculo que as características do sistema estabelecem com o atendimento do pressuposto do equilíbrio local e, assim, com o sucesso ou não da adoção de uma abordagem de modelagem. Assim, BTCs assimétricas nada mais são do que a manifestação macroscópica de um processo incompleto, e o alcance de uma distribuição simétrica da concentração de solutos só pode ser garantido com a adoção de um "comprimento mínimo de mistura".


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karla Pocai


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi estudado o efeito da composição de diferentes misturas de polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE virgem, HDPE reciclado e serragem de Pinus sp., nas propriedades físico-mecânicas de placas confeccionadas pelo processo de compressão. As misturas foram homogeneizadas em um misturador tipo Drais, sem controle de temperatura e moldadas por compressão em prensa hidráulica a 150oC. Partindo das placas, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova para ensaios de tração, flexão, impacto e dureza, segundo normas ASTM, e também foram determinadas as densidades médias das placas. A modelagem estatística foi realizada segundo o planejamento centróide simplex, utilizando sete misturas dos três componentes e três repetições de cada mistura. Os resultados mostraram que a resistência à tração, a resistência à flexão, a dureza e a densidade das placas, são explicadas pelo modelo linear, enquanto a resistência ao impacto é explicada pelo modelo quadrático. Não houve diferença significativa nas propriedades físico-mecânicas dos compósitos confeccionados com HDPE virgem, daqueles confeccionados com HDPE reciclado, exceto para resistência ao impacto, no qual o HDPE virgem apresentou maiores valores.

  6. Active Motor Training Has Long-term Effects on Infants’ Object Exploration (United States)

    Wiesen, Sarah E.; Watkins, Rachel M.; Needham, Amy Work


    Long-term changes in infants’ behavior as a result of active motor training were studied. Thirty-two infants completed three visits to the laboratory. At the first visit, infants were 3 months old and completed an object exploration assessment. Then the experimenter demonstrated the motor training procedures appropriate for the infant’s experimental condition, and parents took home custom infant mittens (either sticky or non-sticky) and a bag of lightweight toys to practice with their infants. Over the course of the following 2 weeks, infants participated in 10 sessions of either active (sticky) or passive (non-sticky) mittens training at home with their parents. Infants who participated in active mittens training wore mittens with the palms covered in Velcro, allowing them to pick up and move around small toys. Infants who participated in passive mittens training wore non-sticky mittens, and their parents moved the toys through their visual fields on their behalf. After completing the training, infants returned to the lab for the second visit. At visit two, infants participated in another object exploration assessment as well as a reaching assessment. Parents returned the training materials to the lab at the second visit, and were told not to continue any specific training regimen from this point forward. Two months later, when infants were about 5.5 months of age, they returned to the lab for a third visit. At the third visit, infants completed the same two assessments as during the second visit. The results of this study indicate that infants who participated in active motor training engaged in more sophisticated object exploration when compared to infants who received passive training. These findings are consistent with others in the literature showing that active motor training at 3 months of age facilitates the processes of object exploration and engagement. The current results and others reveal that the effects of early experience can last long after

  7. Oil price sinks drilling : exploration activity drops during third quarter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrington, P.


    The decline in oil and gas exploration activity in Western Canada is discussed. In the third quarter of 1998, a total of 397 exploratory tests were reported compared to 768 during the same period in 1997. Low world oil prices are blamed as the cause of this decline. The declining exploration activity in 1998 was led by Alberta, with 289 new pool wildcat (NPW) announcements along with 25 new field wildcat (NFW) locations. Saskatchewan was in second place with 67 exploratory announcements, but compared to 329 in 1997, this represents an 80 per cent drop. British Columbia had a total of 15 exploratory wells resulting in three oil discoveries and 11 gas completions. Geological features, well characteristics and early production figures from several of the new wells in the Killam fields in southwest Saskatchewan were received special attention. 1 tab., 3 figs

  8. Active Exploration of Large 3D Model Repositories. (United States)

    Gao, Lin; Cao, Yan-Pei; Lai, Yu-Kun; Huang, Hao-Zhi; Kobbelt, Leif; Hu, Shi-Min


    With broader availability of large-scale 3D model repositories, the need for efficient and effective exploration becomes more and more urgent. Existing model retrieval techniques do not scale well with the size of the database since often a large number of very similar objects are returned for a query, and the possibilities to refine the search are quite limited. We propose an interactive approach where the user feeds an active learning procedure by labeling either entire models or parts of them as "like" or "dislike" such that the system can automatically update an active set of recommended models. To provide an intuitive user interface, candidate models are presented based on their estimated relevance for the current query. From the methodological point of view, our main contribution is to exploit not only the similarity between a query and the database models but also the similarities among the database models themselves. We achieve this by an offline pre-processing stage, where global and local shape descriptors are computed for each model and a sparse distance metric is derived that can be evaluated efficiently even for very large databases. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by interactively exploring a repository containing over 100 K models.

  9. Collaborative Human Engineering Work in Space Exploration Extravehicular Activities (EVA) (United States)

    DeSantis, Lena; Whitmore, Mihriban


    A viewgraph presentation on extravehicular activities in space exploration in collaboration with other NASA centers, industries, and universities is shown. The topics include: 1) Concept of Operations for Future EVA activities; 2) Desert Research and Technology Studies (RATS); 3) Advanced EVA Walkback Test; 4) Walkback Subjective Results; 5) Integrated Suit Test 1; 6) Portable Life Support Subsystem (PLSS); 7) Flex PLSS Design Process; and 8) EVA Information System; 9)

  10. Exploration Review (United States)

    Wilburn, D.R.; Stanley, K.A.


    This summary of international mineral exploration activities for 2012 draws upon information from industry sources, published literature and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) specialists. The summary provides data on exploration budgets by region and mineral commodity, identifies significant mineral discoveries and areas of mineral exploration, discusses government programs affecting the mineral exploration industry and presents analyses of exploration activities performed by the mineral industry. Three sources of information are reported and analyzed in this annual review of international exploration for 2012: 1) budgetary statistics expressed in U.S. nominal dollars provided by SNL Metals Economics Group (MEG) of Halifax, Nova Scotia; 2) regional and site-specific exploration activities that took place in 2012 as compiled by the USGS and 3) regional events including economic, social and political conditions that affected exploration activities, which were derived from published sources and unpublished discussions with USGS and industry specialists.

  11. Bidirectional Active Learning: A Two-Way Exploration Into Unlabeled and Labeled Data Set. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiao-Yu; Wang, Shupeng; Yun, Xiaochun


    In practical machine learning applications, human instruction is indispensable for model construction. To utilize the precious labeling effort effectively, active learning queries the user with selective sampling in an interactive way. Traditional active learning techniques merely focus on the unlabeled data set under a unidirectional exploration framework and suffer from model deterioration in the presence of noise. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel bidirectional active learning algorithm that explores into both unlabeled and labeled data sets simultaneously in a two-way process. For the acquisition of new knowledge, forward learning queries the most informative instances from unlabeled data set. For the introspection of learned knowledge, backward learning detects the most suspiciously unreliable instances within the labeled data set. Under the two-way exploration framework, the generalization ability of the learning model can be greatly improved, which is demonstrated by the encouraging experimental results.

  12. Modelagem e simulação de reator trifasico aplicado a oleos pesados com reações de hidrocraqueamento termico e catalitico, desmetalização e deposição de coque na mistura e no catalisador


    Letivan Gonçalves de Mendonça Filho


    Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator tipo ?slurry bubble column? que opera em leito fluidizado trifásico (gás-liquido-solido) com arraste de sólidos para promover a hidroconversão de resíduos de vácuo em condições severas de temperatura e pressão. Nosso objetivo foi reproduzir os fenômenos responsáveis pelas paradas típicas de reatores de hidroconversão de leito fluidizado trifásico, que são separação de fases devido a precipitação ds asfaltenos, a deposição...

  13. Panorama 2010: Activities and markets in exploration-production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saniere, A.; Serbutoviez, S.


    At year-end 2008, a sharp decrease in oil and gas demand coupled with a credit crunch caused the postponement of many exploration-production projects. 2009 was marked by substantial over-capacity in terms of equipment and installations, which drove down the level of activity, the price of services and the income of suppliers. The year is nonetheless perceived as marking a lull in an upward cycle and capital expenditure is expected to rise slightly in 2010. (author)

  14. Hands-on Activities for Exploring the Solar System in K-14 Formal and Informal Education Settings (United States)

    Allen, J. S.; Tobola, K. W.


    Introduction: Activities developed by NASA scientists and teachers focus on integrating Planetary Science activities with existing Earth science, math, and language arts curriculum. Educators may choose activities that fit a particular concept or theme within their curriculum from activities that highlight missions and research pertaining to exploring the solar system. Most of the activities use simple, inexpensive techniques that help students understand the how and why of what scientists are learning about comets, asteroids, meteorites, moons and planets. The web sites for the activities contain current information so students experience recent mission information such as data from Mars rovers or the status of Stardust sample return. The Johnson Space Center Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science education team has compiled a variety of NASA solar system activities to produce an annotated thematic syllabus useful to classroom educators and informal educators as they teach space science. An important aspect of the syllabus is that it highlights appropriate science content information and key science and math concepts so educators can easily identify activities that will enhance curriculum development. The outline contains URLs for the activities and NASA educator guides as well as links to NASA mission science and technology. In the informal setting, educators can use solar system exploration activities to reinforce learning in association with thematic displays, planetarium programs, youth group gatherings, or community events. In both the informal and the primary education levels the activities are appropriately designed to excite interest, arouse curiosity and easily take the participants from pre-awareness to the awareness stage. Middle school educators will find activities that enhance thematic science and encourage students to think about the scientific process of investigation. Some of the activities offered may easily be adapted for the upper

  15. Exploring primary care activities in ACT teams. (United States)

    Vanderlip, Erik R; Williams, Nancy A; Fiedorowicz, Jess G; Katon, Wayne


    People with serious mental illness often receive inadequate primary and preventive care services. Federal healthcare reform endorses team-based care that provides high quality primary and preventive care to at risk populations. Assertive community treatment (ACT) teams offer a proven, standardized treatment approach effective in improving mental health outcomes for the seriously mentally ill. Much is known about the effectiveness of ACT teams in improving mental health outcomes, but the degree to which medical care needs are addressed is not established. The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which ACT teams address the physical health of the population they serve. ACT team leaders were invited to complete an anonymous, web-based survey to explore attitudes and activities involving the primary care needs of their clients. Information was collected regarding the use of health screening tools, physical health assessments, provision of medical care and collaboration with primary care systems. Data was analyzed from 127 team leaders across the country, of which 55 completed the entire survey. Nearly every ACT team leader believed ACT teams have a role in identifying and managing the medical co-morbidities of their clientele. ACT teams report participation in many primary care activities. ACT teams are providing a substantial amount of primary and preventive services to their population. The survey suggests standardization of physical health identification, management or referral processes within ACT teams may result in improved quality of medical care. ACT teams are in a unique position to improve physical health care by virtue of having medically trained staff and frequent, close contact with their clients.

  16. Exploring the Use of Technology for Active Aging and Thriving. (United States)

    Øderud, Tone; Østensen, Elisabeth; Gjevjon, Edith Roth; Moen, Anne


    The study explores how older adults with limited digital experience become users of tablet computers (iPad) with Internet access, and how the tablet computers become part of their daily life facilitating active aging and thriving. Volunteer adolescents were mobilised to teach and follow up the participants regularly.

  17. Venus Mobile Explorer with RPS for Active Cooling: A Feasibility Study (United States)

    Leifer, Stephanie D.; Green, Jacklyn R.; Balint, Tibor S.; Manvi, Ram


    We present our findings from a study to evaluate the feasibility of a radioisotope power system (RPS) combined with active cooling to enable a long-duration Venus surface mission. On-board power with active cooling technology featured prominently in both the National Research Council's Decadal Survey and in the 2006 NASA Solar System Exploration Roadmap as mission-enabling for the exploration of Venus. Power and cooling system options were reviewed and the most promising concepts modeled to develop an assessment tool for Venus mission planners considering a variety of future potential missions to Venus, including a Venus Mobile Explorer (either a balloon or rover concept), a long-lived Venus static lander, or a Venus Geophysical Network. The concepts modeled were based on the integration of General Purpose Heat Source (GPHS) modules with different types of Stirling cycle heat engines for power and cooling. Unlike prior investigations which reported on single point design concepts, this assessment tool allows the user to generate either a point design or parametric curves of approximate power and cooling system mass, power level, and number of GPHS modules needed for a "black box" payload housed in a spherical pressure vessel.

  18. Physical Activity: Exploring Views of Older Russian-Speaking Slavic Immigrants

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    Janet Purath


    Full Text Available Many of the 1.3 million Russian-speaking immigrants in the US have chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and depression. They engage in physical activity less often than other groups, and little is known about their views of physical activity. This qualitative study explored physical activity attitudes, beliefs, motivators, and barriers among older Russian-speaking immigrants. In four focus group interviews, 23 participants discussed physical activity. “Movement is life” was a theme throughout all interviews. Walking was the most frequently mentioned activity. Increased energy and decreased pain were described as health benefits. Motivators for physical activity were maintaining function, improved health, and the support of God and family. Barriers included poor health and environmental safety concerns. Participants suggested community walking groups and church-supported programs as useful methods to promote physical activity. Future research includes developing culturally appropriate interventions that utilize physical activity to prevent and manage chronic illness with ethnic minority older adults.

  19. Oil Exploration and Ethnic Militia activities in the Niger Delta Region ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    dominant source of livelihood of the people in the region. The exploration .... ranging from freedom fighting and Nationalism to activities bordering on criminality. This paper .... a kind of private army whose members are enrolled on military lives ...

  20. Exploring Virtual Enterprises Using Activity Theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronald Beckett


    Full Text Available From joint Industry – University research into the key success factors that sustain Virtual Enterprises (VE’s, it has been observed that conditions for the establishment of a VE do not necessarily sustain it. Transactions that are valued by the participants, a balance between similarity and complementarity attributes of the participants and effective utilisation of time are seen as important sustaining factors. Different communication and ICT tools are utilised in different circumstances, and successful collaborations develop formal or informal “rules” underlying their operation. Considering such attributes helps us understand what happens within a successful VE, but not necessarily how. Two case studies describing long-standing collaborations – one relating to a manufacturing network, and the other to a professional virtual community are presented. A third case study relating to the development of ICT tools to be used in a VE is also presented. Activity Theory is used as a framework for discussion of the organisational attributes associated with these cases and how they operate. It is suggested that exploration of the nature of tools, communities etc is helpful in understanding VE operations, and applied at multiple levels, Activity Theory is also useful in understanding the evolution of those tools, communities etc.

  1. Gamificação: modelagem de conteúdos para programas e aplicativos educativos no ambiente da TV digital interativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Américo


    Full Text Available Com a implantação da TV Digital no Brasil, surge a necessidade de se fomentar a concepção e produção de conteúdos audiovisuais interativos de qualidade que apresentem mensagens educativas a partir do Edutretenimento. Este estudo propõe a aplicação da gamificação como elo comunicacional para incentivar e modificar o comportamento dos usuários, através de uma narrativa que incentive a motivação intrínseca para o entretenimento e o aprendizado nesses meios. Existem poucos modelos de roteiros para a produção de aplicativos, sobretudo educacionais, com aplicações interativas simultâneas para o fluxo televisivo ou para o conteúdo complementar da programação ofertada. Por essa razão, é atribuída uma atenção especial ao roteiro, em virtude de se inserir, em sua construção, os elementos que compõem a mecânica e a dinâmica dos jogos. Como resultado, é apresentado o verbete “Gamificação-TVDI”, bem como o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de modelagem de conteúdo e de processo, apoiada em mapas conceituais, wireframes e roadmaps, fundamentando a concepção e a elaboração de um protótipo de roteiro com elementos de gamificação para programas educativos e seus aplicativos de interação.

  2. Focusing elementary students with active classrooms: exploring teachers’ perceptions of self-initiated practices

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    Christine A. Foran


    Full Text Available The aim of our study was to explore the perceptions of elementary teachers who routinely prioritized physical activity in their classrooms. Researchers are reporting improved student academic test results following physical activity sessions, however, classroom teachers are challenged in balancing curricular and other expectations. Hence, teachers who voluntarily implement physical activity have views that are unique and important for promoting the practice to others. We interviewed seven teachers from grades 1-6, using the qualitative constructivist approach to grounded theory qualitative research. Teachers valued physical activity because it enhanced their students’ focus on classroom activities. Common attributes amongst the teachers were active lifestyles, previous employment experiencesusing physical activity, and a pedagogical approach prioritizing physical activity throughout the day. Additionally, the teachers perceived that belonging to schools with a culture of movement was important. Teachers view physical activity as a teaching asset when they perceive a positive impact on their students’ ability to focus. Specific teacher attributes and a school environment that embraces physical activity may predispose teachers to these views, and represent areas that should be further explored. Pre-service courses could be one way to provide teachers with experience and a repertoire of easy physical activities.

  3. Modelagem matemática na educação básica: uma experiência aplicada na Construção Civil

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    Pedro Elton Weber


    Full Text Available O artigo é resultado de um projeto de modelagem matemática, aplicado a crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem do quarto e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da periferia do Município de Palmas, Paraná, Brasil. O projeto foi desenvolvido com o auxílio de alunos da Licenciatura em Matemática, constituindo-se em uma atividade integrante de sua formação profissional e tendo por objetivo contribuir para a melhoria da aprendizagem de matemática das crianças envolvidas. Foram construídas, sob a orientação dos professores e licenciandos, maquetes de casas planejadas pelos próprios alunos. Foram trabalhados diversos conceitos matemáticos, relacionados a operações básicas, frações, geometria, porcentagens, planejamentos financeiros, entre outros. Além da motivação observada, o trabalho contribuiu com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos e proporcionou aos futuros docentes uma experiência significativa em sua formação.Mathematical modeling in basic education: an experience inspired in constructionAbstractThe paper is the result of a project for mathematical modeling applied to children with learning difficulties in the fourth and fifth years of Fundamental Education at a school on the periphery in the city of Palmas, PR. The project was developed with the help of mathematics undergraduates students, thus becoming an their professional training a activity and taking aim at contributing to improving the math learning of the children involved. They built houses maquettes designed by the students under the teachers and student teachers supervision. We worked many mathematical concepts related to basic operations, fractions, geometry, percentages, financial planning, among others. Besides the motivation observed, the work contributed to the teaching and learning formation of students and provided to prospective teachers a meaningful experience in their training.Keywords: maquettes construction, mathematical

  4. A qualitative study exploring women's beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth. (United States)

    Huberty, Jennifer L; Coleman, Jason; Rolfsmeyer, Katherine; Wu, Serena


    Research provides strong evidence for improvements in depressive symptoms as a result of physical activity participation in many populations including pregnant and post-partum women. Little is known about how women who have experienced stillbirth (defined as fetal death at 20 or more weeks of gestation) feel about physical activity or use physical activity following this experience. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore women's beliefs about physical activity following a stillbirth. This was an exploratory qualitative research study. Participants were English-speaking women between the ages of 19 and 44 years who experienced a stillbirth in the past year from their recruitment date. Interviews were conducted over the phone or in-person based on participants' preferences and location of residence and approximately 30-45 minutes in length. Twenty-four women participated in the study (M age = 33 ± 3.68 years; M time since stillbirth = 6.33 ± 3.06 months). Women's beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth were coded into the following major themes: barriers to physical activity (emotional symptoms and lack of motivation, tired, lack of time, guilt, letting go of a pregnant body, and seeing other babies), benefits to physical activity (feeling better emotionally/mentally, helping women to cope or be therapeutic), importance of physical activity (working through grief, time for self), motivators for physical activity (body shape/weight, health, more children, be a role model, already an exerciser). Health care providers and their role in physical activity participation was also a major theme. This is the first study to qualitatively explore beliefs about physical activity in women after a stillbirth. Women who have experienced stillbirth have unique beliefs about physical activity related to their experience with stillbirth. Findings from this study may help to improve the health and quality of life for women who have experienced stillbirth by

  5. Efficient Active Sensing with Categorized Further Explorations for a Home Behavior-Monitoring Robot

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    Wenwei Yu


    Full Text Available Mobile robotics is a potential solution to home behavior monitoring for the elderly. For a mobile robot in the real world, there are several types of uncertainties for its perceptions, such as the ambiguity between a target object and the surrounding objects and occlusions by furniture. The problem could be more serious for a home behavior-monitoring system, which aims to accurately recognize the activity of a target person, in spite of these uncertainties. It detects irregularities and categorizes situations requiring further explorations, which strategically maximize the information needed for activity recognition while minimizing the costs. Two schemes of active sensing, based on two irregularity detections, namely, heuristic-based and template-matching-based irregularity detections, were implemented and examined for body contour-based activity recognition. Their time cost and accuracy in activity recognition were evaluated through experiments in both a controlled scenario and a home living scenario. Experiment results showed that the categorized further explorations guided the robot system to sense the target person actively. As a result, with the proposed approach, the robot system has achieved higher accuracy of activity recognition.

  6. Principal tools for exploring the brain and mapping its activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazoyer, B.; Mashaal, M.


    The electro-encephalography (EEG), magneto-encephalography (MEG), scanner, positron computed tomography, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and NMR imaging are the main methods used to explore human brain and to do a mapping of its activity. These methods are described into details (principle, visualization, uses, advantages, disadvantages). They can be useful to detect the possible anomalies of the human brain. (O.M.)

  7. Participation Patterns of Korean Adolescents in School-Based Career Exploration Activities (United States)

    Rojewski, Jay W.; Lee, In Heok; Hill, Roger B.


    Variations in the school-based career exploration activities of Korean high school students were examined. Data represented 5,227 Korean adolescents in Grade 11 contained in the Korean Education Longitudinal Study of 2005, a nationally representative longitudinal database administered by the Korean Educational Development Institute. Latent class…

  8. Policy, Pedagogy, and Priorities: Exploring Stakeholder Perspectives on Active Learning in the Maldives (United States)

    Di Biase, Rhonda


    Challenges of implementing active-learning reform have been reported across a range of countries and include the need for greater attention to contextual factors and practical realities in the reform process. This study investigates how teachers enact active-learning pedagogy within the Maldives. Using design-based research, it explores--through…

  9. Neural and sympathetic activity associated with exploration in decision-making: Further evidence for involvement of insula

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hideki eOhira


    Full Text Available We previously reported that sympathetic activity was associated with exploration in decision-making indexed by entropy, which is a concept in information theory and indexes randomness of choices or the degree of deviation from sticking to recent experiences of gains and losses, and that activation of the anterior insula mediated this association. The current study aims to replicate and to expand these findings in a situation where contingency between options and outcomes is manipulated. Sixteen participants performed a stochastic decision-making task in which we manipulated a condition with low uncertainty of gain/loss (contingent-reward condition and a condition with high uncertainty of gain/loss (random-reward condition. Regional cerebral blood flow was measured by 15O-water positron emission tomography (PET, and cardiovascular parameters and catecholamine in the peripheral blood were measured, during the task. In the contingent-reward condition, norepinephrine as an index of sympathetic activity was positively correlated with entropy indicating exploration in decision-making. Norepinephrine was negatively correlated with neural activity in the right posterior insula, rostral anterior cingulate cortex, and dorsal pons, suggesting neural bases for detecting changes of bodily states. Furthermore, right anterior insular activity was negatively correlated with entropy, suggesting influences on exploration in decision-making. By contrast, in the random-reward condition, entropy correlated with activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal and parietal cortices but not with sympathetic activity. These findings suggest that influences of sympathetic activity on exploration in decision-making and its underlying neural mechanisms might be dependent on the degree of uncertainty of situations.

  10. Dinâmica da umidade de um solo da Caatinga em função de sua condutividade térmica


    Silans, Alain M. B. P. de; Werlang, Lovania M.


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  11. Dinâmica da umidade de um solo da Caatinga em função de sua condutividade térmica Soil moisture dynamics of a soil in 'Caatinga' as a function of the thermal conductivity


    Alain M. B. P. de Silans; Lovania M. Werlang


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  12. Soil moisture dynamics of a soil in 'Caatinga' as a function of the thermal conductivity


    Silans, Alain M. B. P. de; Werlang, Lovania M.


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  13. International oil and gas exploration and development activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report is part of an ongoing series of quarterly publications that monitors discoveries of oil and natural gas in foreign countries and provides an analysis of the reserve additions that result. The report is prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the US Department of Energy (DOE) under the Foreign Energy Supply Assessment Program (FESAP). It presents a summary of discoveries and reserve additions that result from recent international exploration and development activities. It is intended for use by petroleum industry analysts, various government agencies, and political leaders in the development, implementation, and evaluation of energy plans, policy, and legislation. 25 refs., 8 figs., 4 tabs.

  14. Toward a dynamic perspective on explorative and exploitative innovation activities: a longitudinal study of innovation in the wind blade industry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Visser, Matthias


    Innovation requires a combination of explorative and exploitative innovation activities. Previous studies have provided valuable insights in the antecedents of investing in explorative and exploitative activities, the structural governance of exploration and exploitation and the performance

  15. Toward a dynamic perspective on explorative and exploitative innovation activities: A longitudinal study of innovation in the wind blade industry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Visser, Matthias; Faems, D.L.M.


    Innovation requires a combination of explorative and exploitative innovation activities. Previous studies have provided valuable insights in the antecedents of investing in explorative and exploitative activities, the structural governance of exploration and exploitation and the performance

  16. Effects of oil exploration on the anatomy and antimicrobial activity of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nigeria flares much natural gas associated with oil exploration like many other countries of the world. A major problem of gas flaring is the release of large amounts of methane, which has the potential to affect medicinal plants. The effects of gas flaring on the anatomy and antimicrobial activities of Annona muricata, used by ...

  17. Dive Activities from Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) for Life on the Edge 2003: Exploring Deep Ocean Habitats - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Information about dive activities were recorded into the Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during...

  18. Exploring factors associated with sexual activity in community-dwelling older adults. (United States)

    Killinger, Kim A; Boura, Judith A; Diokno, Ananias C


    Sexuality is an important, yet often overlooked, aspect of successful aging. The current article explores potential relationships between sexual activity in older adults and marital status, health, mobility, urinary incontinence, and caffeine and alcohol use, as well as sexual desire and erectile function in women and men, respectively. A survey was mailed to community-dwelling older adults 60 and older. Of 242 respondents (79% ages 60 to 74, 53% male), 159 (65.7%) were sexually active. A higher proportion of sexually active adults were married (p = 0.0005), had better health (p = 0.0003), and drank alcohol (p = 0.007). A lower proportion of sexually active adults had urinary incontinence (p = 0.006). Similar proportions of men and women were sexually active (62.8% and 68.2%, respectively; p = 0.38). Sexually active women had better sexual desire scores (p Sexually active men had better mobility (p = 0.012) and erectile function (p sexually active men had incontinence (p sexual health in older adults. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  19. Coaching the exploration and exploitation in active learning for interactive video retrieval. (United States)

    Wei, Xiao-Yong; Yang, Zhen-Qun


    Conventional active learning approaches for interactive video/image retrieval usually assume the query distribution is unknown, as it is difficult to estimate with only a limited number of labeled instances available. Thus, it is easy to put the system in a dilemma whether to explore the feature space in uncertain areas for a better understanding of the query distribution or to harvest in certain areas for more relevant instances. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called coached active learning that makes the query distribution predictable through training and, therefore, avoids the risk of searching on a completely unknown space. The estimated distribution, which provides a more global view of the feature space, can be used to schedule not only the timing but also the step sizes of the exploration and the exploitation in a principled way. The results of the experiments on a large-scale data set from TRECVID 2005-2009 validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach, which demonstrates an encouraging performance when facing domain-shift, outperforms eight conventional active learning methods, and shows superiority to six state-of-the-art interactive video retrieval systems.

  20. Exploring the facilitators and barriers to engagement in physical activity for people with multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Kayes, Nicola M; McPherson, Kathryn M; Schluter, Philip; Taylor, Denise; Leete, Marta; Kolt, Gregory S


    To explore the relationship that cognitive behavioural and other previously identified variables have with physical activity engagement in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). This study adopted a cross-sectional questionnaire design. Participants were 282 individuals with MS. Outcome measures included the Physical Activity Disability Survey--Revised, Cognitive and Behavioural Responses to Symptoms Questionnaire, Barriers to Health Promoting Activities for Disabled Persons Scale, Multiple Sclerosis Self-efficacy Scale, Self-Efficacy for Chronic Diseases Scales and Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire. Multivariable stepwise regression analyses found that greater self-efficacy, greater reported mental fatigue and lower number of perceived barriers to physical activity accounted for a significant proportion of variance in physical activity behaviour, over that accounted for by illness-related variables. Although fear-avoidance beliefs accounted for a significant proportion of variance in the initial analyses, its effect was explained by other factors in the final multivariable analyses. Self-efficacy, mental fatigue and perceived barriers to physical activity are potentially modifiable variables which could be incorporated into interventions designed to improve physical activity engagement. Future research should explore whether a measurement tool tailored to capture beliefs about physical activity identified by people with MS would better predict participation in physical activity.

  1. Exploring Meaning of Active Learning with Millennial Nursing Students: A Phenomenological Study (United States)

    Szoka, Amy


    The purpose of this interpretive, phenomenological study was to explore and understand how millennial nursing students perceived their lived experiences of being active learners in an associate degree program and how it affected student learning outcomes and/or program satisfaction. The research questions guiding this study were based on…

  2. Exploring Connections Between Earth Science and Biology - Interdisciplinary Science Activities for Schools (United States)

    Vd Flier-Keller, E.; Carolsfeld, C.; Bullard, T.


    To increase teaching of Earth science in schools, and to reflect the interdisciplinary nature and interrelatedness of science disciplines in today's world, we are exploring opportunities for linking Earth science and Biology through engaging and innovative hands-on science activities for the classroom. Through the NSERC-funded Pacific CRYSTAL project based at the University of Victoria, scientists, science educators, and teachers at all levels in the school system are collaborating to research ways of enriching the preparation of students in math and science, and improving the quality of science education from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our primary foci are building authentic, engaging science experiences for students, and fostering teacher leadership through teacher professional development and training. Interdisciplinary science activities represent an important way of making student science experiences real, engaging and relevant, and provide opportunities to highlight Earth science related topics within other disciplines, and to expand the Earth science taught in schools. The Earth science and Biology interdisciplinary project builds on results and experiences of existing Earth science education activities, and the Seaquaria project. We are developing curriculum-linked activities and resource materials, and hosting teacher workshops, around two initial areas; soils, and marine life and the fossil record. An example activity for the latter is the hands-on examination of organisms occupying the nearshore marine environment using a saltwater aquarium and touch tank or beach fieldtrip, and relating this to a suite of marine fossils to facilitate student thinking about representation of life in the fossil record e.g. which life forms are typically preserved, and how are they preserved? Literacy activities such as fossil obituaries encourage exploration of paleoenvironments and life habits of fossil organisms. Activities and resources are being tested with teachers

  3. Exploring integral controllers in actively-lubricated tilting-pad journal bearings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salazar, Jorge Andrés González; Santos, Ilmar


    investigation of integral controllers for feedback-controlled lubrication with the aim of: a) presetting the static journal center and consequently exploring the changes of bearing dynamic properties; b) obtaining an integral controller capable of re-positioning the static journal eccentricity for matching......Active tilting-pad journal bearings with radial oil injection combine good stability properties of conventional tilting-pad journal bearings with the capability of improving their dynamic properties even more by control techniques. The main contribution of this work is the experimental...

  4. A qualitative study exploring women’s beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth (United States)


    Background Research provides strong evidence for improvements in depressive symptoms as a result of physical activity participation in many populations including pregnant and post-partum women. Little is known about how women who have experienced stillbirth (defined as fetal death at 20 or more weeks of gestation) feel about physical activity or use physical activity following this experience. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore women’s beliefs about physical activity following a stillbirth. Methods This was an exploratory qualitative research study. Participants were English-speaking women between the ages of 19 and 44 years who experienced a stillbirth in the past year from their recruitment date. Interviews were conducted over the phone or in-person based on participants’ preferences and location of residence and approximately 30–45 minutes in length. Results Twenty-four women participated in the study (M age = 33 ± 3.68 years; M time since stillbirth = 6.33 ± 3.06 months). Women’s beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth were coded into the following major themes: barriers to physical activity (emotional symptoms and lack of motivation, tired, lack of time, guilt, letting go of a pregnant body, and seeing other babies), benefits to physical activity (feeling better emotionally/mentally, helping women to cope or be therapeutic), importance of physical activity (working through grief, time for self), motivators for physical activity (body shape/weight, health, more children, be a role model, already an exerciser). Health care providers and their role in physical activity participation was also a major theme. Conclusions This is the first study to qualitatively explore beliefs about physical activity in women after a stillbirth. Women who have experienced stillbirth have unique beliefs about physical activity related to their experience with stillbirth. Findings from this study may help to improve the health

  5. Trends in exploration and exploration equipment for uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raitz, C.H.


    Uranium exploration once again is in a ''boom'' cycle. The energy needs of the OPEC and non-OPEC countries alike have created a demand for uranium which appears certain to increase in future years. In turn, this demand has stimulated a dramatic rise in both the price of uranium and the exploration activity necessary to discover new reserves. One immediate reaction to the sudden increase in uranium exploration activity has been the evaluation of old exploration methods and equipment. This paper briefly reviews some of the traditional equipment and techniques which currently are being refined and updated. Undoubtedly this equipment, complemented with good exploration planning and judgment, will continue to be relied upon for many years and will lead to the discovery of many new deposits. The paper also covers in greater detail some of the newer, less conventional techniques and equipment now being introduced for uranium exploration. These new methods may be expected to keep this country in the forefront among the uranium producers of the world

  6. Activating Metaphors: Exploring the Embodied Nature of Metaphorical Mapping in Political Discourse (United States)

    Giovanelli, Marcello


    Metaphor is generally understood as the process of understanding one thing in terms of another. The activity described here is designed to make use of the principles of embodied cognition and meaning, and specifically the embodied nature of metaphor, to explore political discourse and communication. With high-school junior or senior students in…

  7. Active Learning for Directed Exploration of Complex Systems (United States)

    Burl, Michael C.; Wang, Esther


    Physics-based simulation codes are widely used in science and engineering to model complex systems that would be infeasible to study otherwise. Such codes provide the highest-fidelity representation of system behavior, but are often so slow to run that insight into the system is limited. For example, conducting an exhaustive sweep over a d-dimensional input parameter space with k-steps along each dimension requires k(sup d) simulation trials (translating into k(sup d) CPU-days for one of our current simulations). An alternative is directed exploration in which the next simulation trials are cleverly chosen at each step. Given the results of previous trials, supervised learning techniques (SVM, KDE, GP) are applied to build up simplified predictive models of system behavior. These models are then used within an active learning framework to identify the most valuable trials to run next. Several active learning strategies are examined including a recently-proposed information-theoretic approach. Performance is evaluated on a set of thirteen synthetic oracles, which serve as surrogates for the more expensive simulations and enable the experiments to be replicated by other researchers.

  8. Exploring the relationship between outdoor recreation activities, community participation, and environmental attitudes (United States)

    Lindsey Barker; Chad Dawson


    The relationship between environmental attitudes (EA) and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) has been the focus of several studies in environmental psychology and recreation research. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between EAs and ERBs at both a general level and at an activity-specific level using a 2009 survey of motorized...

  9. Weekend wanderings: Exploring the role of neighborhood design on leisure physical activity of urban youth (United States)

    Driven largely by concerns over children’s sedentary behavior and high obesity rates, a growing body of literature focuses on the role of the built environment in children’s active commuting trips. Nonetheless, leisure physical activity among youth has been understudied. This paper explores the link...

  10. 78 FR 27427 - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Geological and Geophysical Exploration Activities in the Gulf of... (United States)


    ... timeframe. The activities considered within this PEIS are associated with GOM OCS oil and gas exploration... and NMFS as the PEIS is developed. Background: A variety of G&G techniques are used to characterize... surveys are conducted to: (1) Obtain data for hydrocarbon exploration and production; (2) aid in siting...

  11. An exploration of physical activity and wellbeing in university employees. (United States)

    Cooper, Kay; Barton, Gillian C


    The aim was to explore levels of physical activity (PA) and mental wellbeing in university employees, as well as barriers to and incentives for workplace PA. An electronic survey was distributed to all staff at one UK university. The survey consisted of a PA stages of change questionnaire, an international PA questionnaire (short-form), the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS), questions on perceived barriers to and incentives for workplace PA, questions on methods of enhancing employee wellbeing and demographics. A self-selected sample participated in two focus groups to explore key themes arising from the survey. Descriptive statistics were reported for survey data; associations between PA and wellbeing were tested for using Kruskal-Wallis with post hoc Mann-Whitney. Descriptive, thematic analysis was performed on focus group transcripts. A total of 502 surveys were completed (34% response rate); 13 staff participated in focus groups. In all, 42% of the sample reported PA below the recommended guideline amount. Females were less active than males (p wellbeing. University staff demonstrate PA levels and a relationship between PA and wellbeing similar to the general population. Carefully designed strategies aimed at enhancing PA and wellbeing in university staff are required. The specific cultural and other barriers to workplace PA that exist in this setting should be considered. These results are being used to inform PA and wellbeing interventions whose effectiveness will be evaluated in future research. © Royal Society for Public Health 2015.

  12. A functional MRI Exploration of Hamstring Activation During the Supine Bridge Exercise. (United States)

    Bourne, Matthew; Williams, Morgan; Pizzari, Tania; Shield, Anthony


    The single leg supine bridge (SLB) is a commonly employed strengthening exercise and is used as a clinical test for hamstring function in sports, however, little is known about the patterns of muscle activation in this task. To explore these activation patterns, nine healthy, recreationally active males underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of their thighs at rest and immediately after 5 sets of 10 repetitions of the SLB exercise. Exercise-induced increases in the transverse (T2) relaxation time of the biceps femoris long and short heads, semitendinosus and semimembranosus, were determined via signal intensity changes in pre- and post-exercise images and used as an index of muscle activation. The Bonferroni adjusted alpha was set at phamstring injury prevention and rehabilitation programs. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Barriers for recess physical activity: a gender specific qualitative focus group exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pawlowski, Charlotte Skau; Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Tine; Schipperijn, Jasper

    Background: Many children, in particular girls, do not reach the recommended amount of daily physical activity. School recess provides an opportunity for both boys and girls to be physically active, but barriers to recess physical activity are not well understood. This study explores gender...... (53 boys) from fourth grade, with a mean age of 10.4 years. The focus groups included an open group discussion, go-along group interviews, and a gender segregated post-it note activity. A content analysis of the post-it notes was used to prioritize the children´s perceived barriers. This was verified...... barriers, there were both inter- and intra-gender differences in the children´s perceptions of these barriers. Weather was a barrier for all children, apart from the most active boys. Conflicts were perceived as a barrier particularly for those boys who played ballgames. Girls said they would like to have...

  14. Transgenic mice expressing constitutive active MAPKAPK5 display gender-dependent differences in exploration and activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moens Ugo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The mitogen-activated protein kinases, MAPKs for short, constitute cascades of signalling pathways involved in the regulation of several cellular processes that include cell proliferation, differentiation and motility. They also intervene in neurological processes like fear conditioning and memory. Since little remains known about the MAPK-Activated Protein Kinase, MAPKAPK5, we constructed the first MAPKAPK knockin mouse model, using a constitutive active variant of MAPKAPK5 and analyzed the resulting mice for changes in anxiety-related behaviour. Methods We performed primary SHIRPA observations during background breeding into the C57BL/6 background and assessed the behaviour of the background-bred animals on the elevated plus maze and in the light-dark test. Our results were analyzed using Chi-square tests and homo- and heteroscedatic T-tests. Results Female transgenic mice displayed increased amounts of head dips and open arm time on the maze, compared to littermate controls. In addition, they also explored further into the open arm on the elevated plus maze and were less active in the closed arm compared to littermate controls. Male transgenic mice displayed no differences in anxiety, but their locomotor activity increased compared to non-transgenic littermates. Conclusion Our results revealed anxiety-related traits and locomotor differences between transgenic mice expressing constitutive active MAPKAPK5 and control littermates.

  15. Exploring the Relationship between Self-Determination Theory, Adults' Barriers to Exercise, and Physical Activity (United States)

    Ball, James W.; Bice, Matthew R.; Maljak, Kimberly A.


    Physical activity is a preventative measure that can help decrease obesity trends. However, many individuals struggle to live a physically active lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between Self-Determination Theory, adults' barriers to exercise, and those who have met and have not met the Center for Disease…

  16. Exploring beliefs around physical activity among older adults in rural Canada. (United States)

    Schmidt, Laurie; Rempel, Gwen; Murray, Terra C; McHugh, Tara-Leigh; Vallance, Jeff K


    As physical activity can improve health and reduce the risk of chronic disease, it is important to understand the contributing factors to physical activity engagement among older adults, particularly those living in rural communities to assist in remaining active and healthy as long as possible. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-ecological factors that influence or contribute to physical activity among rural-dwelling older adults in rural Saskatchewan, Canada. This qualitative description explored the perceptions of physical activity among older adults living in two rural communities in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 adults aged 69-94. Using content analysis techniques, transcribed interview data were coded and categorized. Participants identified socio-ecological elements facilitating physical activity such as improved health, independence, and mobility as well as social cohesion and having opportunities for physical activity. The most common perceived environmental barrier to engaging in physical activity was the fear of falling, particularly on the ice during the winter months. Participants also cited adverse weather conditions, aging (e.g., arthritis), and family members (e.g., encouraged to "take it easy") as barriers to physical activity. Hearing directly from older adults who reside in rural Saskatchewan was determined to have the potential to improve awareness of physical activity in rural communities to support the implementation of programs and practices that will facilitate active lifestyles for older adults.

  17. Exploring beliefs around physical activity among older adults in rural Canada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurie Schmidt


    Full Text Available Objective: As physical activity can improve health and reduce the risk of chronic disease, it is important to understand the contributing factors to physical activity engagement among older adults, particularly those living in rural communities to assist in remaining active and healthy as long as possible. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-ecological factors that influence or contribute to physical activity among rural-dwelling older adults in rural Saskatchewan, Canada. Methods: This qualitative description explored the perceptions of physical activity among older adults living in two rural communities in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 adults aged 69–94. Using content analysis techniques, transcribed interview data were coded and categorized. Results: Participants identified socio-ecological elements facilitating physical activity such as improved health, independence, and mobility as well as social cohesion and having opportunities for physical activity. The most common perceived environmental barrier to engaging in physical activity was the fear of falling, particularly on the ice during the winter months. Participants also cited adverse weather conditions, aging (e.g., arthritis, and family members (e.g., encouraged to “take it easy” as barriers to physical activity. Conclusion: Hearing directly from older adults who reside in rural Saskatchewan was determined to have the potential to improve awareness of physical activity in rural communities to support the implementation of programs and practices that will facilitate active lifestyles for older adults.

  18. Advances in Distributed Operations and Mission Activity Planning for Mars Surface Exploration (United States)

    Fox, Jason M.; Norris, Jeffrey S.; Powell, Mark W.; Rabe, Kenneth J.; Shams, Khawaja


    A centralized mission activity planning system for any long-term mission, such as the Mars Exploration Rover Mission (MER), is completely infeasible due to budget and geographic constraints. A distributed operations system is key to addressing these constraints; therefore, future system and software engineers must focus on the problem of how to provide a secure, reliable, and distributed mission activity planning system. We will explain how Maestro, the next generation mission activity planning system, with its heavy emphasis on portability and distributed operations has been able to meet these design challenges. MER has been an excellent proving ground for Maestro's new approach to distributed operations. The backend that has been developed for Maestro could benefit many future missions by reducing the cost of centralized operations system architecture.

  19. When the World Changes in Your Hands: Similarity Ratings of Objects Morphing during Active Exploration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haemy Lee


    Full Text Available View-based theories of object recognition posit that coherent object representations are formed by linking together successive views of an actively explored object. This linking process relies on the assumption that the object does not change during exploration. Here, we test how object representations might be influenced when the shape of the object changes slowly during exploration. In our experiment, participants rated the similarity of two novel, 3D objects, whose shape was parametrically defined. Seventeen participants explored each object for 10 sec on an iPad which afforded natural and efficient interaction. The experiment contained a baseline condition, in which two objects of varying parameter-differences were presented, and a morphing condition, in which the first of the two objects slowly morphed during active exploration, making the objects more similar. Interestingly, no participant was aware of this morphing manipulation. Comparing baseline and morph trials, however, we found significantly higher similarity ratings during morphing [F(1,16 = 84.79, p < .001]. Furthermore, correlations between similarity ratings and differences in object parameters were high for the baseline condition (r = −.64, with smaller parameter differences being perceived as more similar. Interestingly, in the morphing condition correlations were lower for parameter differences after the morph (r = −.22, but remained high for differences before (r = −.47 and during morphing (r = −.50. In conclusion, similarity ratings in the baseline condition captured the complex parameter space well. Although participants did not notice the changing shape, morphing did systematically bias the ratings. Interestingly, similarity judgments correlated better in the initial exploration phase, suggesting a capacity limit for view integration of complex shapes.

  20. Uncovering Students' Environmental Identity: An Exploration of Activities in an Environmental Science Course (United States)

    Blatt, Erica


    This study at a public high school in the Northeastern United States explores how students' environmental identities are affected by various activities in an Environmental Science course. Data was collected as part of an ethnographic study involving an Environmental Science teacher and her tenth-twelfth grade students. The results focus on…

  1. Dive Activities from Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) for Estuary to the Abyss 2004: Exploring Along the Latitude 31-30 Transect - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Information about dive activities were recorded into the Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during...

  2. Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning – Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast Activities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Birgit Phillips


    Full Text Available Podcasts are a useful tool for developing speaking skills in language acquisition settings, particularly within the context of the emerging Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL. While much research has emphasized the effectiveness of teacher-produced podcasts, this study seeks to address the gap in knowledge on student-generated podcasts in language learning. In addition to highlighting some of the main pedagogical considerations of using podcasts in language learning, this paper explores students’ perceptions of podcasts as a learning tool. To this end, this study describes the results of two surveys which were conducted with two different student cohorts over the course of two years. The surveys explored the students’ levels of acceptance and enjoyment of activities in which they had to produce their own podcasts, as well as the perceived learning benefits. The discussion section describes a range of positive learning outcomes and highlights the pedagogical implications of using podcasts in class. The paper concludes with some practical suggestions for the effective use of student-generated podcast activities in the language classroom.

  3. Exploring sets of molecules from patents and relationships to other active compounds in chemical space networks (United States)

    Kunimoto, Ryo; Bajorath, Jürgen


    Patents from medicinal chemistry represent a rich source of novel compounds and activity data that appear only infrequently in the scientific literature. Moreover, patent information provides a primary focal point for drug discovery. Accordingly, text mining and image extraction approaches have become hot topics in patent analysis and repositories of patent data are being established. In this work, we have generated network representations using alternative similarity measures to systematically compare molecules from patents with other bioactive compounds, visualize similarity relationships, explore the chemical neighbourhood of patent molecules, and identify closely related compounds with different activities. The design of network representations that combine patent molecules and other bioactive compounds and view patent information in the context of current bioactive chemical space aids in the analysis of patents and further extends the use of molecular networks to explore structure-activity relationships.

  4. Exploring intercultural competence through an intercultural extracurricular activity in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Kai Li


    Full Text Available This study used interviews to explore how 10 Taiwanese college students' intercultural competence was developed after participating in an intercultural extracurricular activity designed with a purpose to facilitate foreign students’ study in Taiwan and to promote meaningful home-foreign student contacts. In-depth information and narratives from the interviews were collected as evidence of intercultural competence development. The results showed all the interviewees appreciated the experience and felt it to have been of value to them in terms of building international friendships, heightening their intercultural awareness and the benefits of intercultural competence, and having more appreciation and better understanding of Taiwanese culture. Students also realized that a lack of understanding of Taiwanese culture could exacerbate communication difficulties. Students thus became aware of the importance of describing Taiwanese cultural practices in English and realized that more language practice was necessary for smoother communication. Suggestions for both extracurricular activities and language programs improvement in the future were also provided in the conclusion.

  5. Overseas uranium exploration by PNC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagashima, Reiji; Iida, Yoshimasa; Shigeta, Naotaka; Takahashi, Osamu; Yamagishi, Akiko; Miyada, Hatsuho; Kobayashi, Takao


    Japan entirely depends on overseas countries for uranium resources for its nuclear electric power generation due to the lack of domestic resources. In order to secure a steady supply of natural uranium, Japanese government has implemented a long-term procurement policy through purchase contracts by private sectors, subsidizing private sectors' exploration and initial stage exploration outside the reach of private sectors' activity by PNC (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation). The subsequent long slump in the price of uranium, however, led most of Japanese private sectors to discontinue their exploration activity. Upon this situation, PNC has pursued a little more advanced stage exploration in addition to basic research and initial stage exploration and has improved its exploration techniques to enable the discovery of deep-seated uranium ore deposits. As the result, PNC has acquired significant uranium exploration tenements and interests similar to those owned by major uranium companies such as Cameco and Cogema. PNC has also contributed to discovery of new uranium deposits. In this report, the history of PNC's activities and its role in the long-term uranium procurement policy are reviewed and it is also described about the outcome thorough its activities and future exploration trend and the tasks. (author)

  6. Exploring the Use of Activity Patterns for Smart Monitoring of Nuclear Facilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, Karen Ann [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The world is at an inflection point where our ability to collect data now far outpaces our ability to make use of it. LANL has a number of efforts to help us pull more meaningful insights out of our data and target resources to where they will be most impactful. We are exploring an approach to recognizing activity patterns across disparate data streams for a more holistic view of nuclear facility monitoring.

  7. Estudo e modelagem da cinética de desidratação osmótica do mamão formosa (Carica papaya L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El-Aquar Ânoar Abbas


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da cinética e modelagem do processo de desidratação osmótica de cubos de mamão Formosa (Carica papaya L., assim como da qualidade do produto final. O tratamento osmótico foi conduzido a 30ºC, com agitação de 110rpm, utilizando-se dois tipos de soluções de sacarose 70ºBrix: a primeira contendo lactato de sódio 2,4% p/p e ácido láctico 0,1M e a segunda com lactato de sódio 2,4% p/p e ácido cítrico 0,1M. O estudo da cinética de desidratação osmótica mostrou que a solução contendo ácido cítrico apresentou valor de perda de água (WL, ao final de 48 horas de processo, ligeiramente superior ao encontrado para a solução contendo ácido láctico. Comportamento contrário ocorreu para o ganho de sólidos (SG. O ajuste dos dados experimentais foi realizado através do modelo difusional para geometria cúbica, sem considerar encolhimento durante o processo e um modelo empírico de dois parâmetros. Os coeficientes de difusividade efetiva de água (Def variaram de 1,27 a 5,03 x 10-10 m²/s. A qualidade da fruta após processamento foi avaliada através de análises de vitamina C, carotenóides totais, acidez e pH.

  8. Percepção de Valor dos Consumidores de Serviços de Restaurantes: Um Estudo com Modelagem de Equações Estruturais

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    George Bedinelli Rossi Bedinelli Rossi


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetivou a elaboração de um modelo que explicasse a percepção de valor de consumidores em restaurantes freqüentados aos domingos na cidade de São Paulo. Foi realizada em duas fases: uma pesquisa exploratória tipo grupo de foco com dois grupos de oito elementos cada cujo para descobrir as principais variáveis que influem na percepção de valor de consumidores. Gerando-se uma escala do tipo Likert, equilibrada e com ponto neutro, com sete níveis de concordância. Esta foi submetida a cinco especialistas para validação teórica e aplicada em uma amostra não probabilística por julgamento de 360 consumidores. Em seguida (segunda fase, procedeu-se à validação da escala pelo método de Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e à construção e análise de cinco modelos causais pelo método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. O modelo final com melhor ajuste mostrou que é composto por PREÇO como a variável endógena e AMBIENTE, ATENDIMENTO, COMIDA e LIMPEZA como as variáveis exógenas. Tais conclusões indicam a visualização do processo decisório de escolha de restaurante em duas fases: (1 onde escolhe uma com junto de restaurantes e (2 momento em que a variável PREÇO assume o papel de definir o valor entregue por restaurante, o que animará a escolha. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v11i3.2291

  9. Modelagem do sistema de resfriamento por imersão de carcaças de frangos utilizando redes neurais artificiais - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v31i2.3358

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    Túlio Klassen


    Full Text Available A modelagem matemática fenomenológica do processo de resfriamento de carcaças de frango em chillers é complexa pela quantidade de variáveis que interferem no processo, além de tratar de um problema que envolve transferência de calor e de massa em regime transeniente. Uma alternativa para modelar este tipo de sistema é o emprego de Redes Neurais Artificiais. Neste trabalho foram investigadas diversas estruturas de redes com uma camada intermediária para modelar o processo de resfriamento de frangos. Foram testadas diferentes arquiteturas alterando os números de neurônios das camadas de entrada e intermediária. Foram utilizados dados coletados na empresa Sadia–Toledo, Estado do Paraná, para treinamento e validação das redes. As variáveis de entrada da rede eram: massa da carcaça, temperatura antes do resfriamento, temperatura da camisa de propilenoglicol, vazão de água em cada módulo, tempo de residência e temperatura da água de renovação; a temperatura do frango na saída do último tanque de resfriamento era a variável de saída. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as redes representam apropriadamente o processo e que a rede com estrutura 8-24-1 foi a que melhor modelou o sistema investigado.

  10. Social Inequalities in Body Weight and Physical Activity: Exploring the Role of Fitness Centers (United States)

    McLaren, Lindsay; Rock, Melanie J.; McElgunn, Jamie


    Fitness centers are a viable option for physical activity, particularly in climates with significant weather variation. Due to variation in economic and social expressions of exclusivity, fitness centers may have some relation to social inequalities in physical inactivity and related health outcomes; thus, our objective was to explore this…

  11. Sustaining Exploration in Mature Basins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayo, A.


    Exploration is a business like any other business driven by opportunity, resources and expectation of profit. Therefore, exploration will thrive anywhere the opportunities are significant, the resources are available and the outlook for profit (or value creation) is good. To sustain exploration activities anywhere, irrespective of the environment, there must be good understanding of the drivers of these key investment criteria. This paper will examine these investment criteria as they relate to exploration business and address the peculiarity of exploration in mature basin. Mature basins are unique environment that lends themselves a mix of fears, paradigms and realities, particularly with respect to the perception of value. To sustain exploration activities in a mature basin, we need to understand these perceptions relative to the true drivers of profitability. Exploration in the mature basins can be as profitable as exploration in emerging basins if the dynamics of value definition-strategic and fiscal values are understood by operators, regulators and co ventures alike. Some suggestions are made in this presentation on what needs to be done in addressing these dynamic investment parameters and sustaining exploration activities in mature basins

  12. Modelagem matemática de um forno rotativo empregado na produção de clínquer

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    D. C. Q. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Uma das principais etapas do processo de obtenção do cimento é a etapa de clinquerização, que ocorre dentro do forno rotativo. Em pleno funcionamento, o forno rotativo empregado na produção de cimento é alimentado basicamente de matéria-prima, combustível e ar. As vazões de saída são, basicamente, o clínquer e aos gases de combustão. Neste estudo, o processo de produção de clínquer por via seca é analisado, sendo a alimentação composta por 80% a 95% de calcário, 5% a 20% de argila e por pequenas quantidades de minério de ferro. O combustível empregado neste estudo é o carvão mineral. Os principais fenômenos envolvidos na obtenção do clínquer são a evaporação da água livre residual da matéria-prima, a decomposição do carbonato de magnésio, a descarbonatação, a formação da fase líquida do C3A e do C4AF, a formação do silicato dicálcico e a formação do silicato tricálcico. O objetivo principal deste estudo é a proposta de um modelo matemático que descreve o processo de obtenção do clínquer no forno rotativo. O modelo, composto por equações algébricas, foi desenvolvido por meio de balanços de massa e energia do forno. A modelagem foi implementada em linguagem de programação, empregando-se um programa comercial. A condição operacional considerada representa uma condição média adotada na indústria. O modelo proposto se mostrou satisfatório para a descrição do processo de clinquerização, sendo especialmente útil na realização da análise da demanda energética do equipamento.


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    Arnaldo Eugênio Ricobom


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a produção de mapas preditivos, dentro da Cartografia Prospectiva, confeccionados com o auxílio dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG, por intermédio da geração de um modelo têmporo-espacial. Essa modelagem emprega duas técnicas consecutivas, a dos algoritmos da cadeia de Markov de 2ª ordem e a dos Autômatos Celulares (CA. A modelagem dos algoritmos da Cadeia de Markov de 2ª ordem mostra como o sistema evoluirá no tempo, já a modelagem dos Autômatos Celulares (CA mostra qual o espaço (tamanho, forma e direção que um sistema ocupará futuramente. Para o desenvolvimento desta modelagem foi utilizado o software IDRISI - ANDES. A área piloto escolhida foi o perímetro urbano de Paranaguá, para o qual foram confeccionados mapas originais de uso e ocupação da terra, para os anos de 1980, 2003, 2006 e 2009. Os resultados das modelagens foram os mapas preditivos têmporo-espaciais para os anos de 2003, 2006 e 2009. Tais mapas preditivos foram comparados, avaliados e validados com os originais para estas datas. Os resultados demonstraram que as duas técnicas de modelagem aplicadas consecutivamente são eficientes para a geração de mapas preditivos, que mostrem a projeção de dinâmicas têmporo-espaciais, contudo recomenda-se que os resultados também sejam analisados mediante o conhecimento geográfico de cada área.

  14. Frontopolar cortex and decision-making efficiency: comparing brain activity of experts with different professional background during an exploration-exploitation task

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    Daniella eLaureiro-Martínez


    Full Text Available An optimal balance between efficient exploitation of available resources and creative exploration of alternatives is critical for adaptation and survival. Previous studies associated these behavioral drives with, respectively, the dopaminergic mesocorticolimbic system and frontopolar-intraparietal networks. We study the activation of these systems in two age and gender-matched groups of experienced decision-makers differing in prior professional background, with the aim to understand the neural bases of individual differences in decision-making efficiency (performance divided by response time. We compare brain activity of entrepreneurs (who currently manage the organization they founded based on their venture idea and managers (who are constantly involved in making strategic decisions but have no venture experience engaged in a gambling-task assessing exploitative vs. explorative decision-making. Compared with managers, entrepreneurs showed higher decision-making efficiency, and a stronger activation in regions of frontopolar cortex previously associated with explorative choice. Moreover, activity across a network of regions previously linked to explore/exploit tradeoffs explained individual differences in choice efficiency. These results suggest new avenues for the study of individual differences in the neural antecedents of efficient decision-making.

  15. A aplicação da distribuição exponencial geométrica estendida para modelagem de dados pluviométricos

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    Pedro Luiz Ramos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propõem-se o uso da distribuição Exponencial Geométrica Estendida (EGE como um modelo alternativo às distribuições comumente utilizadas tais como Gama, Weibull, Lognormal, entre outras, para a modelagem de dados de precipitação pluvial. Pouco explorada na literatura, a distribuição EGE tem se mostrado eficiente em diversos campos de pesquisa como biologia, demografia, confiabilidade de produtos eletrônicos e pode ser aplicada para analisar fenômenos meteorológicos. Proposta por Adamidis e colaboradores em 2005, uma de suas particularidades é que sua função de risco pode ser crescente ou decrescente. Outra característica importante é a facilidade em se obter diferentes níveis de probabilidade, sem a necessidade de recorrer a métodos numéricos. Testou-se o ajustamento da distribuição EGE para a estimação da precipitação pluvial total mensal de Presidente Prudente-SP. Os resultados mostraram que houve um bom ajuste do modelo para os dados ao serem comparados com outros modelos como Gama, Weibull e Lognormal, de acordo com o critério de informação de Akaike, o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov e o teste Qui-quadrado ao nivel de 5% de significância. A partir do ajustamento da distribuição EGE aos dados, os estimadores dos parâmetros da distribuição foram obtidos através do método de máxima verossimilhança permitindo assim a estimação da precipitação pluvial total mensal para diferentes níveis de probabilidade.

  16. Exploring nutritional status, physical activity and body mass index of Pakistani teens


    Kiran Khan; Nazia Jameel; Rehana Khalil; Saadia Gul


    Background: Obesity is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem in Pakistan, as it has in other developing countries. Childhood obesity poses high cost to the well-being and negatively affects children's health, causes chronic disease as children grow older. The aim of this study was to explore nutritional status, physical activity and body mass index (BMI) of school and college going students of mid and late adolescence age (14 to 19 years) studying in multi-ethnic city of Karachi, Pakista...

  17. Update on the Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE) program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mcentire, R.W.


    The principles involved in the AMPTE mission's active experiments are discussed together with the role of the AMPTE satellites (the Germany's Ion Release Module, IRM, the United Kingdom Subsatellite, and the U.S Charge Composition Explorer, CCE) in and the results of the ion-release experiments. The AMPTE orbit profile is described, with the times of solar-wind and magnetotail ion releases (two barium and two lithium releases were carried out as the IRM precessed through the magnetosheath) shown schematically. In addition to the results on the Van Allen radiation belts obtained through the ion-release experiments, studies of the radiation belts with the new generation of sensors aboard the CCE and IRM are described. 25 references

  18. World uranium exploration, resources, production and related activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanly, A.


    A Nuclear Energy Series publication entitled “World Uranium Exploration, Resources, Production and Related Activities” (WUERPRA) will soon be published by the IAEA. The objective of the publication is to provide a comprehensive compilation of historic uranium exploration, resources, production and related activities based primarily on information from the 1966 to 2009 editions of the publication “Uranium Resources, Production and Demand”, a joint publication of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development commonly known as the ‘Red Book’. This has been supplemented by historic information from other reliable sources. The publications also include, where enough information was available, descriptions of the relative potential for discovery of new uranium resources on a per country basis. To recover complete historic information it is frequently necessary to refer to earlier editions of the Red Book, many of which may not be readily available. This publication aims to provide one comprehensive source for much of this type of information which will reduce the effort required to prepare future editions of the Red Book, as well as make the historic Red Book information, together with select related information from other sources, more readily available to all users with an interest in uranium. WUERPRA comprises 6 volumes containing 164 country reports, each organized by region; Volume 1: Africa (53 countries); Volume 2: Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (25 countries); Volume 3: Southeastern Asia, Pacific, East Asia (18 countries); Volume 4: Western Europe (22 countries); Volume 5: Middle East, Central and Southern Asia (19 countries), and; Volume 6: North America, Central America and South America (27 countries). The report also contains information on countries that have not reported to the Red Book. The poster will summarize select major highlights from each volume

  19. Designing Tools for Ocean Exploration. Galapagos Rifts Expedition--Grades 9-12. Overview: Ocean Exploration. (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC), Rockville, MD.

    This activity teaches about the complexity of ocean exploration, the technological applications and capabilities required for ocean exploration, the importance of teamwork in scientific research projects, and developing abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. The activity provides learning objectives, a list of needed materials, key…

  20. Modelling oil exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padilla, V.R.


    The analysis of oil exploration models in this paper is developed in four parts. The way in which exploration has been dealt with in oil supply models is first described. Five recent models are then looked at, paying particular attention to the explanatory variables used when modelling exploration activities. This is followed by a discussion of the factors which have been shown by several empirical studies to determine exploration in less developed countries. Finally, the interdependence between institutional factors, oil prices and exploration effort is analysed with a view to drawing conclusions for modelling in the future. (UK)

  1. Análise da qualidade superficial e dimensional em peças produzidas por modelagem por deposição de material fundido (FDM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello


    Full Text Available A prototipagem rápida vem crescendo cada vez mais como uma opção na busca de redução do tempo e dos riscos no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Contudo, as peças produzidas por modelagem por deposição de material fundido (FDM podem sofrer variações na rugosidade e precisão dimensional, dependendo de parâmetros como espessura do filete depositado, sentido da orientação da fabricação da peça, tipo de deposição de camada e geometria do corpo de prova. A literatura é rica em trabalhos dessa natureza a respeito de protótipos rápidos produzidos por outras tecnologias de prototipagem, mas o mesmo não acontece com o FDM. Portanto, a presente pesquisa busca analisar a qualidade superficial e dimensional de protótipos rápidos produzidos com a tecnologia de FDM, por meio de um projeto experimental. De acordo com os dados analisados, foi possível afirmar que algumas variáveis selecionadas como fator principal, ou a interação entre elas, tiveram efeito sobre a resposta rugosidade e nenhum efeito sobre a resposta precisão dimensional. Conclui-se que, na produção de protótipos onde o acabamento superficial for importante, cuidados devem ser tomados na especificação dos parâmetros da máquina, uma vez que a rugosidade da peça final prototipada vai depender fortemente da interação entre os mesmos.

  2. Exploring the activity profile of health care assistants and nurses in home nursing. (United States)

    De Vliegher, Kristel; Aertgeerts, Bert; Declercq, Anja; Moons, Philip


    Are home nurses (also known as community nurses) ready for their changing role in primary care? A quantitative study was performed in home nursing in Flanders, Belgium, to explore the activity profile of home nurses and health care assistants, using the 24-hour recall instrument for home nursing. Seven dates were determined, covering each day of the week and the weekend, on which data collection would take place. All the home nurses and health care assistants from the participating organisations across Flanders were invited to participate in the study. All data were measured at nominal level. A total of 2478 home nurses and 277 health care assistants registered 336 128 (47 977 patients) and 36 905 (4558 patients) activities, respectively. Home nurses and health care assistants mainly perform 'self-care facilitation' activities in combination with 'psychosocial care' activities. Health care assistants also support home nurses in the 'selfcare facilitation' of patients who do not have a specific nursing indication.

  3. Project origami activities for exploring mathematics

    CERN Document Server

    Hull, Thomas


    IntroductionActivity 1 Folding Equilateral Triangles in a Square Activity 2 Origami Trigonometry Activity 3 Dividing a Length into Equal Nths: Fujimoto Approximation Activity 4 Dividing a Length into Equal Nths Exactly Activity 5 Origami Helix Activity 6 Folding a Parabola Activity 7 Can Origami Trisect an Angle?Activity 8 Solving Cubic Equations Activity 9 Lill's Method Activity 10 Folding Strips into Knots Activity 11 Haga's ""Origamics"" Activity 12 Modular Star Ring Activity 13 Folding a Butterfly Bomb Activity 14 Molly's Hexahedron Activity 15 Business Card Modulars Activity 16 Five Inter

  4. Exploring ambiguous realms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemensen, Nana


    In Hang'ombe Village in rural Zambia, the relative lack of physical boundaries between the activities of family members allow children to observe the actions and discussions of adults on close hand, exposing them to the ambiguities of daily life. Children explore these ambiguities in their intera...... in their interactions, testing social roles and conventions. This article explores the vigilance and creative agency displayed by Hang'ombe children, in an environment spurring their acquisition of distinct social and discursive skills.......In Hang'ombe Village in rural Zambia, the relative lack of physical boundaries between the activities of family members allow children to observe the actions and discussions of adults on close hand, exposing them to the ambiguities of daily life. Children explore these ambiguities...

  5. Exploring the Effects of Active Learning on High School Students' Outcomes and Teachers' Perceptions of Biotechnology and Genetics Instruction (United States)

    Mueller, Ashley L.; Knobloch, Neil A.; Orvis, Kathryn S.


    Active learning can engage high school students to learn science, yet there is limited understanding if active learning can help students learn challenging science concepts such as genetics and biotechnology. This quasi-experimental study explored the effects of active learning compared to passive learning regarding high school students'…

  6. Flipped Classroom with Problem Based Activities: Exploring Self-Regulated Learning in a Programming Language Course (United States)

    Çakiroglu, Ünal; Öztürk, Mücahit


    This study intended to explore the development of self-regulation in a flipped classroom setting. Problem based learning activities were carried out in flipped classrooms to promote self-regulation. A total of 30 undergraduate students from Mechatronic department participated in the study. Self-regulation skills were discussed through students'…

  7. Dive Activities from Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) for Operation Deep Scope 2005 - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Information about dive activities were recorded into the Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during...

  8. Young (gold deposits and active geothermal systems of the Great Basin: Enigmas, questions, and exploration potential (United States)

    Coolbaugh, Mark F.; Vikre, Peter G.; Faulds, James E.


    remobilized from older gold mineralization? Current research is investigating these and other questions to improve our genetic understanding of these young gold systems, which in turn can lead to improved exploration targeting. The recent rapid growth in resources for both young gold deposits and geothermal systems underscores their underdeveloped exploration potential. Even though many young gold deposits exhibit relatively shallow hot-springs-style mineralization, their young age may preclude exposure by erosion. Uplift along active normal faults has exposed some deposits (e.g., Florida Canyon, Dixie Comstock, Wind Mountain), but in other areas, such as the Walker Lane, where strike-slip faulting is prevalent, the opportunities for exposure can be limited. Many active geothermal systems are also concealed below the surface in that hot springs or steam vents may be absent above areas of thermal groundwater.With sources of energy to support mine production becoming more problematic, the potential advantages of simultaneously exploring for young gold deposits and spatially associated geothermal systems are becoming more apparent. Exploration methods recently proven effective in geothermal exploration that can be adapted to gold exploration include temperature surveys, hyperspectral remote sensing, geophysical surveys, water analyses, and detailed mapping of geothermal-related features and related fault systems.

  9. Exploring resting-state EEG brain oscillatory activity in relation to cognitive functioning in multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Keune, Philipp M; Hansen, Sascha; Weber, Emily; Zapf, Franziska; Habich, Juliane; Muenssinger, Jana; Wolf, Sebastian; Schönenberg, Michael; Oschmann, Patrick


    Neurophysiologic monitoring parameters related to cognition in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are sparse. Previous work reported an association between magnetoencephalographic (MEG) alpha-1 activity and information processing speed. While this remains to be replicated by more available electroencephalographic (EEG) methods, also other established EEG markers, e.g. the slow-wave/fast-wave ratio (theta/beta ratio), remain to be explored in this context. Performance on standard tests addressing information processing speed and attention (Symbol-Digit Modalities Test, SDMT; Test of Attention Performance, TAP) was examined in relation to resting-state EEG alpha-1 and alpha-2 activity and the theta/beta ratio in 25MS patients. Increased global alpha-1 and alpha-2 activity and an increased frontal theta/beta ratio (pronounced slow-wave relative to fast-wave activity) were associated with lower SDMT processing speed. In an exploratory analysis, clinically impaired attention was associated with a significantly increased frontal theta/beta ratio whereas alpha power did not show sensitivity to clinical impairment. EEG global alpha power and the frontal theta/beta ratio were both associated with attention. The theta/beta ratio involved potential clinical sensitivity. Resting-state EEG recordings can be obtained during the routine clinical process. The examined resting-state measures may represent feasible monitoring parameters in MS. This notion should be explored in future intervention studies. Copyright © 2017 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Physical Activity and Telomere Biology: Exploring the Link with Aging-Related Disease Prevention

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    Andrew T. Ludlow


    Full Text Available Physical activity is associated with reduced risk of several age-related diseases as well as with increased longevity in both rodents and humans. Though these associations are well established, evidence of the molecular and cellular factors associated with reduced disease risk and increased longevity resulting from physical activity is sparse. A long-standing hypothesis of aging is the telomere hypothesis: as a cell divides, telomeres shorten resulting eventually in replicative senescence and an aged phenotype. Several reports have recently associated telomeres and telomere-related proteins to diseases associated with physical inactivity and aging including cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and hypertension. Interestingly several reports have also shown that longer telomeres are associated with higher physical activity levels, indicating a potential mechanistic link between physical activity, reduced age-related disease risk, and longevity. The primary purpose of this review is to discuss the potential importance of physical activity in telomere biology in the context of inactivity- and age-related diseases. A secondary purpose is to explore potential mechanisms and important avenues for future research in the field of telomeres and diseases associated with physical inactivity and aging.


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    Maria de Fatima Alves de Matos


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo numérico Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN com análises comparativas das medidas obtidas a partir dos resultados de modelagem e de medições durante as campanhas de campo em 2010 e 2012 no Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte (NE do Brasil. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi aplicar e validar o modelo numérico SWAN na determinação do clima de ondas, avaliar seus pontos fortes e limitações para a região de interesse. Os dados de campo realizados em dois pontos próximo da costa em profundidades de 3 m (PT_1 e 6 m (PT_2 por meio do uso de dois adcp: AWAC e AQUADOPP. Os dados adquiridos com estes equipamentos foram processados e permitiram a realização de análises espectrais de altura significativa, HS (m, período médio, Tmed (s, e direção média, DIR (º. Para a implementação do modelo SWAN foram empregados para as condições de contorno os dados de agitação a partir do modelo de 3ª geração de escala oceânica Wavewatch III. Para o refinamento e aplicabilidade do modelo, foram introduzidos dados de ventos e maré locais, corrigidos com base no Manual de Engenharia Costeira (CEM, permitindo assim, melhor ajuste dos resultados da modelagem. O domínio de cálculo foi referenciado para as dimensões da carta náutica 720, com três malhas regulares de diferentes dimensões e resolução: externa, intermediária e interna, sendo esta última, utilizada para fornecer os parâmetros de propagação da onda ao longo da costa. As configurações usadas para o SWAN foram as padrões em modo estacionário, com as formulações KOMEN, a dissipação devido à rebentação induzida pelo fundo com atrito de fundo usando a formulação JONSWAP com coeficiente de atrito С = 0.015m2s-3 em condições wind sea, e a formulação whitecapping ou excesso de declividade, as interações entre tríades de ondas e interações onda-onda quádrupla. As estat

  12. The Musician as (In)Active Athlete?: Exploring the Association Between Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Complaints in Music Students. (United States)

    Baadjou, Vera A E; Verbunt, Jeanine A M C F; van Eijsden-Besseling, Marjon D F; Huysmans, Stephanie M D; Smeets, Rob J E M


    Musicians are often compared to athletes because of the physical exertion required to play music. The aim of this study was to explore the physical activity level of music students and to study its relationship with musculoskeletal complaints. A second goal was to assess associations between physical activity and pain, quality of life, and disability. This cross-sectional study among third- and fourth-year music students used an electronic survey including measures for physical activity (SQUASH-Short Questionnaire to Assess Health-enhancing physical activity), musculoskeletal complaints (DMQ-Dutch Musculoskeletal Questionnaire), disability (DASH-Disability Arm, Shoulder, Hand questionnaire) and quality of life (Short Form-12). Students were classified as compliers or non-compliers with moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity recommendations. Statistical analysis was done using (non)parametric tests (t-test, Pearson chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U-test) and correlational testing. Participants were 132 students, 63.6% female, with a median age of 23 yrs (range 21.3-25.0). 67% reported musculoskeletal complaints in the past 7 days. Their median physical activity level was 6,390 MET-min/wk, and 62% and 10% of the students accomplished recommendations for moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity physical activity levels, respectively. No significant differences were found in prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints between students who met moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity recommendations and students who did not. Physical activity level was not associated with musculoskeletal complaints (r=0.12, p=0.26). Higher pain intensity was associated with a lower quality of life (r=-0.53 pMusic students are mainly involved in light- to moderate-intensity physical activities and rarely in vigorous-intensity activities. No correlation was found between physical activity level in the past months and musculoskeletal complaints in music students.

  13. Write, draw, show, and tell: a child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert J. Noonan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Research to increase children’s physical activity and inform intervention design has, to date, largely underrepresented children’s voices. Further, research has been limited to singular qualitative methods that overlook children’s varied linguistic ability and interaction preference. The aim of this study was to use a novel combination of qualitative techniques to explore children’s current views, experiences and perceptions of out-of-school physical activity as well as offering formative opinion about future intervention design. Methods Write, draw, show and tell (WDST groups were conducted with 35 children aged 10–11 years from 7 primary schools. Data were analysed through a deductive and inductive process, firstly using the Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model as a thematic framework, and then inductively to enable emergent themes to be further explored. Pen profiles were constructed representing key emergent themes. Results The WDST combination of qualitative techniques generated complimentary interconnected data which both confirmed and uncovered new insights into factors relevant to children’s out-of-school physical activity. Physical activity was most frequently associated with organised sports. Fun, enjoyment, competence, and physical activity provision were all important predictors of children’s out-of-school physical activity. Paradoxically, parents served as both significant enablers (i.e. encouragement and barriers (i.e. restricting participation to physical activity participation. Some of these key findings would have otherwise remained hidden when compared to more traditional singular methods based approaches. Conclusions Parents are in a unique position to promote health promoting behaviours serving as role models, physical activity gatekeepers and choice architects. Given the strong socialising effect parents have on children’s physical activity, family-based physical activity intervention

  14. Write, draw, show, and tell: a child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity. (United States)

    Noonan, Robert J; Boddy, Lynne M; Fairclough, Stuart J; Knowles, Zoe R


    Research to increase children's physical activity and inform intervention design has, to date, largely underrepresented children's voices. Further, research has been limited to singular qualitative methods that overlook children's varied linguistic ability and interaction preference. The aim of this study was to use a novel combination of qualitative techniques to explore children's current views, experiences and perceptions of out-of-school physical activity as well as offering formative opinion about future intervention design. Write, draw, show and tell (WDST) groups were conducted with 35 children aged 10-11 years from 7 primary schools. Data were analysed through a deductive and inductive process, firstly using the Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model as a thematic framework, and then inductively to enable emergent themes to be further explored. Pen profiles were constructed representing key emergent themes. The WDST combination of qualitative techniques generated complimentary interconnected data which both confirmed and uncovered new insights into factors relevant to children's out-of-school physical activity. Physical activity was most frequently associated with organised sports. Fun, enjoyment, competence, and physical activity provision were all important predictors of children's out-of-school physical activity. Paradoxically, parents served as both significant enablers (i.e. encouragement) and barriers (i.e. restricting participation) to physical activity participation. Some of these key findings would have otherwise remained hidden when compared to more traditional singular methods based approaches. Parents are in a unique position to promote health promoting behaviours serving as role models, physical activity gatekeepers and choice architects. Given the strong socialising effect parents have on children's physical activity, family-based physical activity intervention may offer a promising alternative compared to traditional school-based approaches

  15. Marine archaeological explorations off Bet Dwarka (Gujarat), 2002-2003. Reort of the activity under in-house project: "Application of geological and geophysical methods in marine archaeology and underwater explorations."

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    sequence commencing from Proto-historical period to till today. The evidence of maritime activities have been recorded. Previous onshore and offshore explorations have revealed a large number of potsherds related to Indo-Mediterranean contact. Keeping...

  16. Identificação de pontos de controle no ciclo de desenvolvimento de produto por meio de modelagem conceitual e mapeamento da informação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Geraldo de Oliveira Gomes


    Full Text Available A complexidade do sistema produtivo e o conteúdo da informação relacionada a ele são os principais elementos deste trabalho. Traz como fio condutor a tentativa do melhor entendimento desta complexidade e da possibilidade do mapeamento e da representação da informação circulante em um sistema para a otimização de seu gerenciamento. O estudo ganha relevância ao se aproximar das atuais discussões e atitudes emergentes no tocante à sustentabilidade, principalmente nas áreas de desenvolvimento de produtos eco-orientados e no gerenciamento dos ciclos de vida. A proposta fundamenta-se na busca pela forma de representar a complexidade envolvida nos sistemas associados ao desenvolvimento do produto, de maneira a possibilitar a otimização da observação e do controle ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Esta representação, necessariamente de alto nível, deve apresentar diagramas completos com possibilidades de evolução em detrimento das representações gráficas de baixa complexidade comumente utilizados, caracterizadas pelo reducionismo representativo. Procura-se o controle, o mais fino possível, da cadeia produtiva, objetivando maior organização, produtividade e conhecimento detalhado sobre um produto. O mapeamento da complexidade e a identificação dos pontos de controle propiciam um entendimento otimizado do ciclo de vida. Uma possibilidade de tratar a representação deste ciclo de maneira sistêmica, sem o perigo de uma redução em nível crítico da complexidade, está no uso da modelagem conceitual.

  17. Uranium exploration expenditures in 1976 and plans for 1977--78

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A survey of actual and planned uranium exploration activities was made by the Grand Junction Office of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration as part of an overall program to evaluate future supplies of nuclear fuel. The survey covered: land acquired in 1976 for exploration and cost of acquisition; 1976 surface drilling footage and cost; all other exploration expenditures in 1976; estimates of 1977-78 exploration activities and costs; exploration for non-sandstone deposits; exploration in non-established areas; foreign uranium exploration expenditures by U.S. companies; foreign participation in exploration activities in the United States; aerial radiometric exploration activities in the United States, 1972-76; and solution-mining production drilling during 1976. Data from the replies of 108 companies are compiled

  18. Barriers for recess physical activity: a gender specific qualitative focus group exploration. (United States)

    Pawlowski, Charlotte Skau; Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Tine; Schipperijn, Jasper; Troelsen, Jens


    Many children, in particular girls, do not reach the recommended amount of daily physical activity. School recess provides an opportunity for both boys and girls to be physically active, but barriers to recess physical activity are not well understood. This study explores gender differences in children's perceptions of barriers to recess physical activity. Based on the socio-ecological model four types of environmental barriers were distinguished: natural, social, physical and organizational environment. Data were collected through 17 focus groups (at 17 different schools) with in total 111 children (53 boys) from fourth grade, with a mean age of 10.4 years. The focus groups included an open group discussion, go-along group interviews, and a gender segregated post-it note activity. A content analysis of the post-it notes was used to rank the children's perceived barriers. This was verified by a thematic analysis of transcripts from the open discussions and go-along interviews. The most frequently identified barriers for both boys and girls were weather, conflicts, lack of space, lack of play facilities and a newly-found barrier, use of electronic devices. While boys and girls identified the same barriers, there were both inter- and intra-gender differences in the perception of these barriers. Weather was a barrier for all children, apart from the most active boys. Conflicts were perceived as a barrier particularly by those boys who played ballgames. Girls said they would like to have more secluded areas added to the school playground, even in large schoolyards where lack of space was not a barrier. This aligned with girls' requests for more "hanging-out" facilities, whereas boys primarily wanted activity promoting facilities. Based on the results from this study, we recommend promoting recess physical activity through a combination of actions, addressing barriers within the natural, social, physical and organizational environment.

  19. Dive Activities from Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) for Life on the Edge 2005 - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Information about dive activities were recorded into the Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during...

  20. Dive Activities from Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) for Life on the Edge 2004 - Office of Ocean Exploration (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Information about dive activities were recorded into the Cruise Information Management System (CIMS) by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration's data manager during...

  1. Exploiting object constancy: effects of active exploration and shape morphing on similarity judgments of novel objects. (United States)

    Lee, Haemy; Wallraven, Christian


    Humans are experts at shape processing. This expertise has been learned and fine tuned by actively manipulating and perceiving thousands of objects during development. Therefore, shape processing possesses an active component and a perceptual component. Here, we investigate both components in six experiments in which participants view and/or interact with novel, parametrically defined 3D objects using a touch-screen interface. For probing shape processing, we use a similarity rating task. In Experiments 1-3, we show that active manipulation leads to a better perceptual reconstruction of the physical parameter space than judging rotating objects, or passively viewing someone else's exploration pattern. In Experiment 4, we exploit object constancy-the fact that the visual system assumes that objects do not change their identity during manipulation. We show that slow morphing of an object during active manipulation systematically biases similarity ratings-despite the participants being unaware of the morphing. Experiments 5 and 6 investigate the time course of integrating shape information by restricting the morphing to the first and second half of the trial only. Interestingly, the results indicate that participants do not seem to integrate shape information beyond 5 s of exploration time. Finally, Experiment 7 uses a secondary task that suggests that the previous results are not simply due to lack of attention during the later parts of the trial. In summary, our results demonstrate the advantage of active manipulation for shape processing and indicate a continued, perceptual integration of complex shape information within a time window of a few seconds during object interactions.

  2. Estudo numérico do comportamento de estacas carregadas lateralmente


    Rosa González, Jorge de la


    Neste trabalho estuda-se o problema da interação solo-estrutura, vinculado ao comportamento de fundações profundas tipo estaca isolada, carregadas lateralmente de forma monotônica, empregando a Modelagem Numérica e Constitutiva, a Teoria da Plasticidade e o Método dos Elementos Finitos (M.E.F). Consideram-se as principais deficiências que os métodos analíticos não têm conseguido resolver e empregam-se adequados modelos constitutivos tanto para o solo (Modelagem Geotécnica) como para as estaca...

  3. Computação dendrítica : uma abordagem de física estatística


    Lyra Gollo, Leonardo


    No campo da neurociência computacional, a atividade elétrica dos neurônios é tradicionalmente modelada por equações diferenciais não-lineares acopladas, representando a evolução do potencial de membrana e certas variáveis relacionadas às condutâncias iônicas presentes no sistema. Uma tendência recente consiste na extensão desta estratégia de modelagem, detalhando as árvores dendríticas neuronais através da abordagem compartimental. Essa modelagem fina visa examinar a possibilid...

  4. Vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus. II: modelagem e critérios de dimensionamento Concrete beams reinforced with Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo. II: modeling and design criterions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho corresponde à segunda parte de uma publicação sobre o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu, na qual se apresenta e discute a modelagem dessas estruturas para, em seguida, serem apresentadas sugestões e hipóteses para o dimensionamento desses elementos estruturais. Para tanto, utilizou-se um modelo computacional baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos, ao qual foram incorporadas sub-rotinas com as leis constitutivas do bambu e do concreto. Para calibração do modelo lançou-se mão dos dados experimentais de oito vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo computacional foram comparados com os experimentais, observando-se grande concordância. Finalmente, sugerem-se critérios de dimensionamento, os quais foram aplicados em um exemplo prático.This paper corresponds to the second part of a publication concerning the structural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo. Modelling of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint are presented and discussed. In addition, some design suggestions and hypotheses are presented. To perform the study, a Finite Element Program was used and some procedures were programmed and linked to it. The program was calibrated with the experimental data of eight concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint, whose results presented great accuracy. Finally, some design procedures were suggested and a practical example is given.

  5. Exploration of Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs in Relation to Mathematics Teaching Activities in Classroom-Based Setting (United States)

    Kul, Umit; Celik, Sedef


    This paper has been conducted to determine future teachers' mathematical beliefs and to explore the relationship between their mathematical beliefs and initial teaching practice in a classroom setting, in terms of how they design the content of teaching activities, they employed the style of teaching in mathematics, and they engaged with pupils. A…

  6. Modelagem do balanço hídrico em microbacia cultivada com plantio comercial de Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla no leste de Minas Gerais, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Quintão Almeida


    Full Text Available No Brasil, o número de plantios comerciais de espécies florestais de crescimento rápido vem aumentando consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Contudo, os possíveis impactos desse aumento sobre os recursos hídricos ainda são desconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a modelagem do balanço hídrico em uma microbacia cultivada com plantio comercial de híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla no Leste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O trabalho foi realizado em uma microbacia experimental com área total de 40 ha durante o ano hidrológico, compreendido entre outubro de 2009 e setembro de 2010. A principal entrada de água no sistema via precipitação pluvial e os dados meteorológicos foram coletados por uma estação automática instalada no interior da área de estudo. As principais saídas foram estimadas pela equação modificada de Penman-Monteith e pela mensuração do deflúvio gerado na saída da bacia. Do total precipitado (1.123 mm durante o ano, 9% (106 mm retornaram à atmosfera via interceptação, 66% (740 mm via transpiração da cultura e 11% (119 mm pela evaporação do solo, que somados corresponderam à aproximadamente 86% da entrada de água na microbacia. Do deflúvio total gerado (~147 mm, apenas 4,29 mm (0,4% foram convertidos em escoamento superficial. Pode-se concluir que durante o ano hidrológico monitorado o balanço entre as principais entradas e as saídas de água na microbacia foi equalizado, não comprometendo a disponibilidade hídrica natural no curso d'água.

  7. The changing picture of uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duval, B.C.


    The purposes of this paper are: firstly, to analyse the factors determining exploration strategies, special emphasis being given to the task of defining exploration targets as dictated by projected demand, and to discussing the chances of making new discoveries necessary to meet this challenge; secondly, to delineate the main trends apparent in exploration activities across the free world and to interpret them in the light of this analysis; and, thirdly, to show how the exploration activities of an independent company like Minatome specifically illustrate these points. The various aspects covered include: natural uranium requirements for nuclear power reactors on line, 1970 to 2025; cumulative natural uranium requirements for the same period; availability of economic reserves; geological aspects; financial and political factors; exploration techniques. (U.K.)

  8. Solution XAS Analysis for Exploring the Active Species in Homogeneous Vanadium Complex Catalysis (United States)

    Nomura, Kotohiro; Mitsudome, Takato; Tsutsumi, Ken; Yamazoe, Seiji


    Selected examples in V K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) analysis of a series of vanadium complexes containing imido ligands (possessing metal-nitrogen double bond) in toluene solution have been introduced, and their pre-edge and the edge were affected by their structures and nature of ligands. Selected results in exploring the oxidation states of the active species in ethylene dimerization/polymerization using homogeneous vanadium catalysts [consisting of (imido)vanadium(V) complexes and Al cocatalysts] by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) analyses have been introduced. It has been demonstrated that the method should provide more clear information concerning the active species in situ, especially by combination with the other methods (NMR and ESR spectra, X-ray crystallographic analysis, and reaction chemistry), and should be powerful tool for study of catalysis mechanism as well as for the structural analysis in solution.

  9. Exploring the Solar System Activities Outline: Hands-On Planetary Science for Formal Education K-14 and Informal Settings (United States)

    Allen, J. S.; Tobola, K. W.; Lindstrom, M. L.


    Activities by NASA scientists and teachers focus on integrating Planetary Science activities with existing Earth science, math, and language arts curriculum. The wealth of activities that highlight missions and research pertaining to the exploring the solar system allows educators to choose activities that fit a particular concept or theme within their curriculum. Most of the activities use simple, inexpensive techniques that help students understand the how and why of what scientists are learning about comets, asteroids, meteorites, moons and planets. With these NASA developed activities students experience recent mission information about our solar system such as Mars geology and the search for life using Mars meteorites and robotic data. The Johnson Space Center ARES Education team has compiled a variety of NASA solar system activities to produce an annotated thematic outline useful to classroom educators and informal educators as they teach space science. An important aspect of the outline annotation is that it highlights appropriate science content information and key science and math concepts so educators can easily identify activities that will enhance curriculum development. The outline contains URLs for the activities and NASA educator guides as well as links to NASA mission science and technology. In the informal setting educators can use solar system exploration activities to reinforce learning in association with thematic displays, planetarium programs, youth group gatherings, or community events. Within formal education at the primary level some of the activities are appropriately designed to excite interest and arouse curiosity. Middle school educators will find activities that enhance thematic science and encourage students to think about the scientific process of investigation. Some of the activities offered are appropriate for the upper levels of high school and early college in that they require students to use and analyze data.

  10. Exploring the Impact of Role-Playing on Peer Feedback in an Online Case-Based Learning Activity (United States)

    Ching, Yu-Hui


    This study explored the impact of role-playing on the quality of peer feedback and learners' perception of this strategy in a case-based learning activity with VoiceThread in an online course. The findings revealed potential positive impact of role-playing on learners' generation of constructive feedback as role-playing was associated with higher…

  11. Environmental impact monitoring of U exploration activity in river water at Kalan Area West Kalimantan 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AS Soediro; A Dedi; A Djuhara; T Wismawati; A Nugroho; S Widarti


    U exploration at Kalan (Eko Remaja, Lemajung, Semut) will produce the environment impact of flora, fauna and society. The objective monitoring is to detect and measure the environmental change quality component caused by U exploration activity in river water at Kalan area. The monitoring were done by analyze river water sample were taken at the same place previously year. Analysis river water sample such as Ca, Mg, Fe, Ni, Zn, radioactivity U at Eko Remaja, Lemajung, Semut have shown nearly equal to the result of previous years and still below the limited value. Water quality Kalan (that scale 4.9 for Eko Remaja, Lemajung and 4.8 for Semut, it means, that's safe for environment. (author)

  12. Future NASA solar system exploration activities: A framework for international cooperation (United States)

    French, Bevan M.; Ramlose, Terri; Briggs, Geoffrey A.


    The goals and approaches for planetary exploration as defined for the NASA Solar System Exploration Program are discussed. The evolution of the program since the formation of the Solar System Exploration Committee (SSEC) in 1980 is reviewed and the primary missions comprising the program are described.

  13. Exploring the built environment, physical activity and related behaviours of young people attending school, college and those not in employment. (United States)

    Lake, A A; Townshend, T G


    Evidence suggests that environments impact behaviour, including physical activity (PA). The aim was to understand where young people are physically active and the environmental contexts to their activity. To explore how they perceived both barriers to, and enablers for, PA in their environment. Focus groups were conducted with five groups aged 16-20 years (n = 42; 29 male, 13 female) in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England between November 2006 and June 2007. Analysis was an iterative process of looking for broad themes and subthemes across the transcripts. Themes explored included their main environment; perceptions of their environment; PA and where they are active; activity in the past and safety concerns. Emergent themes included working and PA, transport and activity, limitations of the environment to PA and gender differences. Our results suggest PA was distributed across a range of environments, rather than focused in one locale, or setting. Obesity in young people is a major concern and prevention of obesity a high priority. Little is known about the PA behaviours of this age group and the context of these behaviours during this period of transition. Understanding lifestyle behaviours such as PA and context of activity is an important first step in development interventions to encourage greater activity in this transitory age group.

  14. Exploration of Novel Botanical Insecticide Leads: Synthesis and Insecticidal Activity of β-Dihydroagarofuran Derivatives. (United States)

    Zhao, Ximei; Xi, Xin; Hu, Zhan; Wu, Wenjun; Zhang, Jiwen


    The discovery of novel leads and new mechanisms of action is of vital significance to the development of pesticides. To explore lead compounds for botanical insecticides, 77 β-dihydroagarofuran derivatives were designed and synthesized. Their structures were mainly confirmed by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, DEPT-135°, IR, MS, and HRMS. Their insecticidal activity was evaluated against the third-instar larvae of Mythimna separata Walker, and the results indicated that, of these derivatives, eight exhibited more promising insecticidal activity than the positive control, celangulin-V. Particularly, compounds 5.7, 6.6, and 6.7 showed LD50 values of 37.9, 85.1, and 21.1 μg/g, respectively, which were much lower than that of celangulin-V (327.6 μg/g). These results illustrated that β-dihydroagarofuran ketal derivatives can be promising lead compounds for developing novel mechanism-based and highly effective botanical insecticides. Moreover, some newly discovered structure-activity relationships are discussed, which may provide some important guidance for insecticide development.

  15. Modelagem da vida de fadiga e do acúmulo de deformações permanentes em pavimentos asfálticos por meio de um modelo de dano contínuo

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    Victor Ferreira Teixeira


    Full Text Available

    É sabido que as condições das rodovias brasileiras têm grande impacto sobre a economia nacional. Diante disso, nasce a necessidade de uma busca por métodos de análise de pavimentos que possam prever com maior precisão as falhas as quais o pavimento está submetido. Dentre os principais métodos utilizados atualmente, pode-se citar os métodos puramente empíricos e aqueles mecanístico-empíricos que fazem uso da resposta estrutural do pavimento. A aprimoração de técnicas numéricas como o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF ou o Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC tem feito com que os métodos mecanístico-empíricos ganhem cada vez mais espaço e sejam mais usados no dimensionamento de pavimentos. O presente trabalho apresenta um modelo mecanístico que considera a evolução do dano causado pelos carregamentos e, conseqüentemente, possibilita uma melhor simulação da vida de fadiga da camada asfáltica. O modelo também possibilita uma melhor modelagem do acúmulo de deformação permanente nos pavimentos através do uso da Teoria da Viscoelasticidade, permitindo assim avaliar as duas principais falhas dos pavimentos flexíveis.

  16. Using in vitro maturation and cell-free expression to explore [FeFe] hydrogenase activation and protein scaffolding requirements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swartz, James [Stanford Univ., CA (United States)


    Final Project Report describing work to elucidate mechanisms for the activation of [FeFe]-hydrogenases and to explore the impact of the polypeptide scaffolding on the function of the Fe-S redox and catalytic centers with emphasis on improving oxygen tolerance.

  17. Uranium exploration in Ecuador

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Severne, B.; Penaherrera, P.F.; Fiallos, V.S.


    The 600-km segment of the Andean Cordillera in Ecuador includes zones that can be correlated, geologically, with uranium districts elsewhere in the Andes. It is believed that these essentially unexplored zones have the potential for economic uranium mineralization. Exploration activity to date has been limited, although it has involved both geochemical and radiometric techniques to evaluate geological concepts. Minor uranium occurrences (with chemical analyses up to 100 ppm) have been encountered, which provide further incentive to commence large-scale systematic exploration. It is recognized that a very large exploration budget and considerable technical expertise will be required to ensure exploration success. Consequently, participation by groups of proven capability from other countries will be sought for Ecuador's national exploration programme. (author)

  18. Modelagem Estatística para Suportar as Decisões Sobre Eficácia de Mídia: Estudo de Caso em uma Empresa de Telecomunicações

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia Pinheiro Rizzi


    Full Text Available O investimento em publicidade no Brasil cresceu 55% nos últimos entre 2010 e 2014, fortemente puxado pelos meios de comunicação de massa, que seguem uma tendência de queda de audiência sem que haja uma redução correspondente no seu custo. Este comportamento explica-se em grande medida pelo modelo híbrido de remuneração de agências de comunicação no país: parte feita pelo anunciante e outra pelos grandes veículos, em especial os de televisão. Adicionalmente, as métricas tradicionais utilizadas para definição do plano de mídia levam em consideração variáveis como cobertura e frequência, que privilegiam veículos de massa e não levam em consideração o resultado de venda gerado, fator determinante para as empresas. Tomando como base um estudo de caso em uma empresa de banda larga residencial em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, este trabalho objetiva contribuir para o processo de decisão de compra de mídia, identificando os meios e formatos de mídia mais eficazes nos canais de venda receptivos. O estudo apresenta uma modelagem estatística que destaca o resultado incremental de cada meio e seu respectivo custo, demonstrando aqueles que trazem maior retorno de venda ao negócio. Os resultados apontam que os meios e formatos que mais receberam aporte de investimento não tiveram melhor desempenho enquanto outros com investimento menos representativo demonstraram potencial para alavancar o resultado da empresa, ao apresentar melhor custo-benefício. Conclui-se, portanto, que há alternativas mais eficazes para a empresa estudada, por meio de ajuste no mix de mídia.

  19. Exploring the role of physical activity for people diagnosed with serious mental illness in Ireland. (United States)

    Cullen, C; McCann, E


    The aim of the study was to elicit the views and opinions of people diagnosed with serious mental illness in relation to physical activity. Ten people who were attending a community mental health centre participated in semi-structured interviews. The main results showed that participants found physical activity beneficial in terms of psychological and social well-being and perceived clear gains in relation to recovery and quality of life. Physical activity should be routinely included in plans of care and mental health policy guidelines globally should contain physical activity as a key component. Mental health policy guidelines globally should contain physical activity as a key component. The aim of the current study was to explore the subjective experiences of people diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI) in relation to physical activity. The study was conducted using a qualitative exploratory descriptive approach. The participants (n = 10), who were outpatients attending a day centre, were interviewed to elicit their views and opinions about physical activity. The data were thematically analysed using a recognized framework. The main themes that emerged included physical activity as a meaningful activity, physical activity as a mental activity, quality of life and recovery, and perceived challenges to physical activity. The unique perspectives of service users provides fresh insights on the topic and the findings support the justification for the inclusion of physical activity in plans of care and to be contained in global mental health policy directives. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Exploring the impact of high intensity interval training on adolescents' objectively measured physical activity: Findings from a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Costigan, Sarah A; Ridgers, Nicola D; Eather, Narelle; Plotnikoff, Ronald C; Harris, Nigel; Lubans, David R


    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) may be effective for accumulating VPA. However, the contribution of HIIT to overall physical activity is unknown. Our primary aim was to explore the impact of school-based HIIT on physical activity. The secondary aim was to explore within-individual changes in physical activity after participating in HIIT. Participants [n = 65; 15.8(0.6)years] were randomized to a HIIT or control group. Intervention groups participated in three HIIT sessions/week. GENEActiv accelerometers assessed objective physical activity at baseline and week-one, to detect changes in MPA and VPA. Intervention effects were examined using linear mixed models and evidence of a change in physical activity (i.e., compensation) were examined using multilevel linear regression models. The group-by-time interaction effects for MPA and VPA were small and moderate, respectively. Adjusted difference between groups for VPA was 1.70 min/day, 95%CI -1.96 to 5.36; p = 0.354; d = 0.55). Embedding HIIT within the school-day had a moderate effect on VPA compared to controls. Compensation analyses (i.e., individual level) suggested that adolescents were more active on days when they participated in HIIT. Further studies are needed to test the effects of HIIT on adolescents' physical activity over extended time periods.

  1. Uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Voto, R.H.


    This paper is a review of the methodology and technology that are currently being used in varying degrees in uranium exploration activities worldwide. Since uranium is ubiquitous and occurs in trace amounts (0.2 to 5 ppm) in virtually all rocks of the crust of the earth, exploration for uranium is essentially the search of geologic environments in which geologic processes have produced unusual concentrations of uranium. Since the level of concentration of uranium of economic interest is dependent on the present and future price of uranium, it is appropriate here to review briefly the economic realities of uranium-fueled power generation. (author)

  2. Equações discretas no ensino médio: modelos de dinâmicas populacionais


    Maligeri, Glaucía Cristina Alecci Meneghim [UNESP


    As equações discretas fornecem as ferramentas matemáticas básicas para a correta modelagem da dinâmica populacional ao se tomar como hipótese tempos discretos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos a teoria das equações discretas e algumas aplicações no capítulo 01, dando ênfase aos modelos de dinâmica populacional conhecidos como modelo de Malthus e de Verhulst junto com exemplos que evidenciam tais modelos na modelagem de populações reais. No capítulo 02 apresentamos duas propostas didáticas; a prim...

  3. Modelagem de um sistema de informação para rastreabilidade na indústria do vinho baseado em uma arquitetura orientada a serviços Modeling of an information system for wine traceability based on a service oriented architecture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo Gogliano Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se neste trabalho pesquisa científica que levou à modelagem de um sistema de informação para o registro de dados de rastreabilidade destinado à indústria do vinho, segundo os conceitos de uma arquitetura computacional orientada a serviços (service oriented architecture, SOA. Desde 2005, a manutenção de tais registros é obrigatória para todos os produtores que pretendem exportar para países da União Europeia. Ademais, os consumidores finais, inclusive brasileiros, preocupados com a segurança alimentar, apresentam demanda crescente por informações. Buscou-se uma solução que contemple a indústria coletivamente, por meio de consórcios ou associações de produtores, diluindo custos e compartilhando benefícios. A partir do levantamento bibliográfico realizado e de contatos com pesquisadores e representantes do setor produtivo vinícola brasileiro, em Bento Gonçalves -RS, pesquisaram-se tópicos de tecnologia da informação ligados ao tema, além de detalhes sobre o processo produtivo do vinho. A partir de um modelo do processo produtivo do vinho sugerido pelos autores, empregou-se a Unified Modeling Language (UML, para a modelagem do sistema, que utiliza a tecnologia de web services para o tráfego de dados. Com um protótipo funcional, constataram-se a viabilidade do modelo e a possibilidade de sua utilização em outros domínios.The purpose is to present a scientific research that led to the modeling of an information system which aimed at the maintenance of traceability data in the Brazilian wine industry, according to the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA. Since 2005, traceability data maintenance is an obligation for all producers that intend to export to any European Union country. Also, final customers, including the Brazilian ones, have been asking for information about food products. A solution that collectively contemplated the industry was sought in order to permit that producer

  4. An exploration of Early Childhood Education students’ knowledge and preparation to facilitate physical activity for preschoolers: a cross-sectional study


    Martyniuk, Olivia JM; Tucker, Patricia


    Background Early childhood educators play an important role in influencing preschoolers’ physical activity levels. The current study sought to explore Early Childhood Education (ECE) students’ physical activity-related knowledge and educational experience during their formal training in Ontario. Methods A total of 1,113 ECE students from 20 Ontario Colleges completed the study survey (online or on paper), which examined students’ physical activity course content; awareness of physical activit...

  5. Innovative Application of Mechanical Activation for Rare Earth Elements Recovering: Process Optimization and Mechanism Exploration (United States)

    Tan, Quanyin; Deng, Chao; Li, Jinhui


    With the rapidly expanding use of fluorescent lamps (FLs) and increasing interest in conservation and sustainable utilization of critical metals such as rare earth elements (REEs), the recovering of REEs from phosphors in waste FLs is becoming a critical environmental and economic issue. To effectively recycle REEs with metallurgical methods, mechanical activation by ball milling was introduced to pretreat the waste phosphors. This current study put the emphasis on the mechanical activation and leaching processes for REEs, and explored the feasibility of the method from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Results showed physicochemical changes of structural destruction and particle size reduction after mechanical activation, leading to the easy dissolution of REEs in the activated samples. Under optimal conditions, dissolution yields of 89.4%, 93.1% and 94.6% for Tb, Eu and Y, respectively, were achieved from activated waste phosphors using hydrochloric acid as the dissolution agent. The shrinking core model proved to be the most applicable for the leaching procedure, with an apparent activation energy of 10.96 ± 2.79 kJ/mol. This novel process indicates that mechanical activation is an efficient method for recovering REEs from waste phosphors, and it has promising potential for REE recovery with low cost and high efficiency.

  6. Avaliação do modelo J2000/JAMS para modelagem hidrológica em bacias hidrográficas brasileiras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Ribeiro Machado

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A gestão de recursos hídricos no Brasil é prejudicada pela carência de informações hidrológicas, que pode ser suprida pelos modelos hidrológicos que simulam o comportamento das bacias hidrográficas. Entretanto, muitos modelos não geram bons resultados quando executados fora da área de estudo onde foram criados. Por isso, devido à sua adaptabilidade, o modelo J2000 inserido no framework Jena Adaptable Modelling System (JAMS foi avaliado para simulação de duas bacias hidrográficas inseridas na zona de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, a Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão da Onça (BRO e a Microbacia do Córrego Cavalheiro (BCC, nos municípios de Brotas e Analândia, respectivamente, no estado de São Paulo. O framework JAMS apresentou-se como um sistema simplificado para uso, flexível diante das adaptações necessárias para compatibilização com as características climatológicas e hidrológicas das áreas de estudo. O modelo J2000 mostrou-se eficiente na predição da resposta hidrológica das bacias hidrográficas, apresentando um coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE de 0,76 e 0,81, para os períodos de calibração e validação da BRO; e 0,76 e 0,56, para os períodos de calibração e validação da BCC, respectivamente. O erro absoluto, calculado pelo valor da raiz do erro quadrático médio, foi considerado baixo por apresentar valores de 0,14 e 0,18 m³.s-1 para os períodos de calibração e validação da BRO; e 0,02 e 0,03 m³s-1 para os períodos de calibração e validação da BCC, respectivamente. Portanto, o J2000/JAMS mostrou-se como um candidato potencial para modelagem hidrológica de bacias hidrográficas do estado de São Paulo, podendo ser utilizado para estudos sobre as relações entre a localização do uso do solo na bacia hidrográfica e a geração de escoamento.

  7. Exploration through Business Model Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knab, Sebastian; Rohrbeck, René


    With this research we aim to enhance our understanding about how incumbents can explore emerging opportunities through business model innovation. Using a multiple-case, longitudinal research design spanning 2008 to 2014 we investigate exploration activities of the four largest German energy...... utilities in the emerging virtual power plant market. Based on the behavioral theory of the firm, we study how the cognitive and physical elements of an incumbent’s strategy can be changed and how these changes affect its business model innovation activities in the exploration process. Our preliminary...... findings suggest that the use of synergies and probing can lead to changing physical elements and primarily increase business model maturity. CEO change and structural separation can lead to changing cognitive elements and primarily increase business model sophistication....

  8. Stable phase-shift despite quasi-rhythmic movements: a CPG-driven dynamic model of active tactile exploration in an insect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nalin eHarischandra


    Full Text Available An essential component of autonomous and flexible behaviour in animals is active exploration of the environment, allowing for perception-guided planning and control of actions. An important sensory system involved is active touch. Here, we introduce a general modelling framework of Central Pattern Generators (CPGs for movement generation in active tactile exploration behaviour. The CPG consists of two network levels: (i phase-coupled Hopf oscillators for rhythm generation, and (ii pattern formation networks for capturing the frequency and phase characteristics of individual joint oscillations. The model captured the natural, quasi-rhythmic joint kinematics as observed in coordinated antennal movements of walking stick insects. Moreover, it successfully produced tactile exploration behaviour on a three-dimensional skeletal model of the insect antennal system with physically realistic parameters. The effect of proprioceptor ablations could be simulated by changing the amplitude and offset parameters of the joint oscillators, only. As in the animal, the movement of both antennal joints was coupled with a stable phase difference, despite the quasi-rhythmicity of the joint angle time courses. We found that the phase-lead of the distal scape-pedicel joint relative to the proximal head-scape joint was essential for producing the natural tactile exploration behaviour and, thus, for tactile efficiency. For realistic movement patterns, the phase-lead could vary within a limited range of 10 to 30 degrees only. Tests with artificial movement patterns strongly suggest that this phase sensitivity is not a matter of the frequency composition of the natural movement pattern. Based on our modelling results, we propose that a constant phase difference is coded into the CPG of the antennal motor system and that proprioceptors are acting locally to regulate the joint movement amplitude.

  9. Molecular dynamics explorations of active site structure in designed and evolved enzymes. (United States)

    Osuna, Sílvia; Jiménez-Osés, Gonzalo; Noey, Elizabeth L; Houk, K N


    This Account describes the use of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to reveal how mutations alter the structure and organization of enzyme active sites. As proposed by Pauling about 70 years ago and elaborated by many others since then, biocatalysis is efficient when functional groups in the active site of an enzyme are in optimal positions for transition state stabilization. Changes in mechanism and covalent interactions are often critical parts of enzyme catalysis. We describe our explorations of the dynamical preorganization of active sites using MD, studying the fluctuations between active and inactive conformations normally concealed to static crystallography. MD shows how the various arrangements of active site residues influence the free energy of the transition state and relates the populations of the catalytic conformational ensemble to the enzyme activity. This Account is organized around three case studies from our laboratory. We first describe the importance of dynamics in evaluating a series of computationally designed and experimentally evolved enzymes for the Kemp elimination, a popular subject in the enzyme design field. We find that the dynamics of the active site is influenced not only by the original sequence design and subsequent mutations but also by the nature of the ligand present in the active site. In the second example, we show how microsecond MD has been used to uncover the role of remote mutations in the active site dynamics and catalysis of a transesterase, LovD. This enzyme was evolved by Tang at UCLA and Codexis, Inc., and is a useful commercial catalyst for the production of the drug simvastatin. X-ray analysis of inactive and active mutants did not reveal differences in the active sites, but relatively long time scale MD in solution showed that the active site of the wild-type enzyme preorganizes only upon binding of the acyl carrier protein (ACP) that delivers the natural acyl group to the active site. In the absence of bound ACP

  10. Colombia extends its exploration horizon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carta Petrolera


    The Return 1 Contract, currently being awarded under the tender system, faithfully reflects Colombia's new approach to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation. This policy aims to increase reserves and has Ecopetrol assume a more aggressive role in its direct activities by sharing the exploration risks with private partners

  11. Exploring Size. (United States)

    Brand, Judith, Ed.


    "Exploring" is a magazine of science, art, and human perception that communicates ideas museum exhibits cannot demonstrate easily by using experiments and activities for the classroom. This issue concentrates on size, examining it from a variety of viewpoints. The focus allows students to investigate and discuss interconnections among…

  12. Exploring Collaborative Reverse Subtitling for the Enhancement of Written Production Activities in English as a Second Language (United States)

    Talaván, Noa; Ibáñez, Ana; Bárcena, Elena


    This article explores the effects of collaborative reverse subtitling as an activity for the promotion of writing skills in English as a second language. An initial analysis is undertaken of the pros and cons of the role of translation in second language learning historically and the role of information and communication technology in this…

  13. The current uranium exploration activities of the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC), Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyada, H.


    As of November 1996, Japan's total installed commercial nuclear power generation capacity was 42 GW(e), accounting for 34% of total electric energy generation. By 2010, Japan intends to have an installed electricity generation capacity of 70.5 GW(e). This will increase the country's demand for nat Ural uranium from 7,700 t U in 1994 (13% of the world consumption) to 13,800 t U in 2010 (17%-19% of the world projected consumption). However, Japan's known uranium resources at Ningyo-Toge and Tono deposits, are estimated at roughly only 6,600 t U. The Long-term Programme for Research, Development and Utilization of Nuclear Energy (adopted in 1994) calls for diversification through long-term purchasing contracts, independent exploration and involvement in mining vent Ures, with the objective of ensuring independence and stability in Japan's development and utilization of nuclear energy. The Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) has been commissioned to carry out the task of independent exploration. PNC is carrying out exploration projects in Canada, Australia, USA and China targeting unconformity related type deposits with an eye to privatizing them. Currently about 40,000 t U of uranium resources are held by PNC. PNC has been carrying out the following related activities: (1) Reference surveys on uranium resources to delineate the promising areas; (2) Development of uranium exploration technology; (3) Information surveys on the nuclear industries to project long-term supply and demand; (4) International Cooperation programme on uranium exploration with Asian countries. (author)

  14. Uranium exploration expenditures in 1980 and plans for 1981-1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanders, L.R. Jr.


    The Grand Junction Office of the US Department of Energy has conducted annual surveys of actual and planned uranium exploration activities since 1971. This report summarizes the aggregated proprietary information which has been furnished by the industry on a confidential basis. This work is part of an overall program to evaluate future supplies of nuclear fuel. The annual surveys have covered: (1) land acquired for exploration and cost of acquisition (since 1966); (2) surface drilling footage and cost (since 1966); (3) all other exploration expenditures (since 1966); (4) estimates of exploration activities and costs for the next 2 years (since 1971), this year's survey covered estimates for 1981 to 1982; (5) year-end total of lands held for uranium exploration (since 1972); (6) exploration for nonsandstone deposits (since 1974); (7) exploration in nonestablished areas (since 1974); (8) foreign uranium exploration expenditures by US companies (since 1966); (9) foreign participation in exploration activities in the United States (since 1975); (10) aerial radiometric exploration activities (since 1977); and (11) solution mining production drilling (since 1976). This report presents a compilation of data from the replies of 147 companies

  15. Exploring Perceptions of Barriers, Facilitators, and Motivators to Physical Activity Among Female Bariatric Patients: Implications for Physical Activity Programming. (United States)

    Dikareva, A; Harvey, W J; Cicchillitti, M A; Bartlett, S J; Andersen, R E


    To explore barriers, facilitators, and motivators to adopting and maintaining regular physical activity among women with obesity who have undergone bariatric surgery. Individual interviews with women 3 to 24 months post-bariatric surgery. Participants were recruited from a bariatric clinic in Montreal, Canada. Twelve women were recruited (mean age = 47 ± 9 years) using poster advertisements and word of mouth. Participants were on average 15 months postsurgery. Each woman was interviewed once using a semistructured interview protocol. Recruitment was conducted until data saturation (i.e., no new information emerged). The interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Three interrelated themes emerged: the physical body, appraisal of the physical and social self, and the exercise environment. Barriers included weight-restricted mobility, side effects of surgery, body dissatisfaction, compromised psychological health, competing responsibilities, a lack of exercise self-efficacy and social support, reduced access to accommodating facilities, lack of exercise knowledge, and northern climate. Participants reported postsurgical weight loss, weight and health maintenance, enjoyment, body image, and supportive active relationships, as well as access to accommodating facilities and exercise knowledge, as facilitators and motivators. Suggested physical activity programming strategies for health care professionals working with this unique population are discussed. Physical activity and health promotion initiatives can also benefit from a cultural paradigm shift away from weight-based representations of health. © 2016 by American Journal of Health Promotion, Inc.

  16. Modelagem neural e análise estatística do processo de degradação de chorume por foto-Fenton solar

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    Alessandro Sampaio Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available O chorume em estudo é oriundo da cidade de Cachoeira Paulista-SP, apresentando baixa biodegradabilidade, devendo ser pré-tratado por um processo oxidativo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter um modelo neural em conjunto com análises estatísticas que representassem a degradação do chorume in natura pelo processo foto-Fenton solar, em função da redução da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO. Redes neurais apresentam-se como uma alternativa para a modelagem de processos não-lineares como os processos oxidativos avançados, que envolvem um grande número de variáveis de controle e complexas reações envolvidas. O processo fotocatalítico foi otimizado por um planejamento fatorial fracionado (24-1 em duplicata e triplicata no ponto central, sendo as variáveis de entrada em três níveis: pH, radiação solar e concentrações de H2O2 e Fe2+. O sistema de tratamento em escala de bancada utilizou um reator batelada, com volume constante (3 L de chorume, vazão 13 L min-1 e 2-h de reação. A otimização do processo mostrou que o efeito individual de cada variável de entrada deve operar em seu maior nível, sendo que a variável Fe2+ teve significância na forma combinada. A redução percentual de DQO do melhor experimento foi de 88,7 %, sendo esta avaliada em um custo de R$ 126,67 m-3 de chorume. O processo de degradação foi modelado via redes neurais feedforward backpropagation, com coeficientes de correlação linear para os conjuntos de treinamento, validação e teste acima de 0,9, indicando alta predição e generalização do modelo neural proposto. A rede neural proposta mapeou um espaço multidimensional da forma ∆DQO = f(t, pH,[H O ],P ,[Fe ] 2+ 2 2 UV .

  17. Learning from the experts: exploring playground experience and activities using a write and draw technique. (United States)

    Knowles, Zoe Rebecca; Parnell, Daniel; Stratton, Gareth; Ridgers, Nicola Diane


    Qualitative research into the effect of school recess on children's physical activity is currently limited. This study used a write and draw technique to explore children's perceptions of physical activity opportunities during recess. 299 children age 7-11 years from 3 primary schools were enlisted. Children were grouped into Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6 and completed a write and draw task focusing on likes and dislikes. Pen profiles were used to analyze the data. Results indicated 'likes' focused on play, positive social interaction, and games across both age groups but showed an increasing dominance of games with an appreciation for being outdoors with age. 'Dislikes' focused on dysfunctional interactions linked with bullying, membership, equipment, and conflict for playground space. Football was a dominant feature across both age groups and 'likes/dislikes' that caused conflict and dominated the physically active games undertaken. Recess was important for the development of conflict management and social skills and contributed to physical activity engagement. The findings contradict suggestions that time spent in recess should be reduced because of behavioral issues.

  18. Exploring Marine Ecosystems with Elementary School Portuguese Children: Inquiry-Based Project Activities Focused on "Real-Life" Contexts (United States)

    Guilherme, Elsa; Faria, Cláudia; Boaventura, Diana


    The purpose of the study was to investigate how young students engage in an inquiry-based project driven by real-life contexts. Elementary school children were engaged in a small inquiry project centred on marine biodiversity and species adaptations. All activities included the exploration of an out-of-school setting as a learning context. A total…

  19. Scientific Encounters of the Mysterious Sea. Reading Activities That Explore the Mysterious Creatures of the Deep Blue Sea. Grades 4-7. (United States)

    Embry, Lynn

    This activity book presents reading activities for grades 4-7 exploring the mysterious creatures of the deep sea. The creatures include: angel sharks; argonauts; barberfish; comb jelly; croakers; electric rays; flying fish; giganturid; lantern fish; narwhals; northern basket starfish; ocean sunfish; Portuguese man-of-war; sea cucumbers; sea…

  20. Actual Uranium Exploration and Mining Activities in Niger

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kache, Mamane


    Conclusion: Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, many mining companies are not interested in uranium. It leads to the decrease in uranium spot price and the delay of IMOURAREN Project. Only, 47 exploration licenses for 12 mining companies are now valid in Niger.

  1. Reports and recommendations from COSPAR Planetary Exploration Committee (PEX) & International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) (United States)

    Ehrenfreund, Pascale; Foing, Bernard


    In response to the growing importance of space exploration, the objectives of the COSPAR Panel on Exploration (PEX) are to provide high quality, independent science input to support the development of a global space exploration program while working to safeguard the scientific assets of solar system bodies. PEX engages with COSPAR Commissions and Panels, science foundations, IAA, IAF, UN bodies, and IISL to support in particular national and international space exploration working groups and the new era of planetary exploration. COSPAR's input, as gathered by PEX, is intended to express the consensus view of the international scientific community and should ultimately provide a series of guidelines to support future space exploration activities and cooperative efforts, leading to outstanding scientific discoveries, opportunities for innovation, strategic partnerships, technology progression, and inspiration for people of all ages and cultures worldwide. We shall focus on the lunar exploration aspects, where the COSPAR PEX is building on previous COSPAR, ILEWG and community conferences. An updated COSPAR PEX report is published and available online (Ehrenfreund P. et al, COSPAR planetary exploration panel report, We celebrate 20 years after the 1st International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon at Beatenberg in June 1994. The International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) was established the year after in April 1995 at an EGS meeting in Hamburg, Germany. As established in its charter, this working group reports to COSPAR and is charged with developing an international strategy for the exploration of the Moon ( ). It discusses coordination between missions, and a road map for future international lunar exploration and utilisation. It fosters information exchange or potential and real future lunar robotic and human missions, as well as for new scientific and

  2. Gift and care during the time lived with the family A dádiva e o cuidado no tempo do vivido em família

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ítala Paris de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Compreender a modelagem do cuidado familiar ao longo do tempo à idosa que vivencia o Alzheimer, inscrevendo-o no circuito da dádiva. Métodos: Estudo de situação, de abordagem compreensiva, empregando história de vida com entrevista em profundidade e observação junto à idosa e família. Resultados: Apreendemos os laços que unem os entes familiares, possibilitando a modelagem do cuidado “na e para” a vida, ao longo do tempo em família, instaurando o circuito da dádiva, que apresentamos pela imagem da lemniscata. Nessa modelagem evidenciamos o intenso esforço despendido pela família na provisão e gerenciamento dos cuidados à idosa, cada vez mais aprimorados, reatualizando, assim, o dar-receber-retribuir, em tecitura afetiva e laboriosa. Conclusão: Tal compreensão se mostra importante aos profissionais de saúde para que reflitam sobre modos de produzir boas práticas que perdurem no tempo, mobilizando recursos para apoiar a família com o substrato necessário ao seu cuidar.

  3. Write, draw, show, and tell: a child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity


    Noonan, Robert J.; Boddy, Lynne M.; Fairclough, Stuart J.; Knowles, Zoe R.


    Background\\ud Research to increase children’s physical activity and inform intervention design has, to date, largely underrepresented children’s voices. Further, research has been limited to singular qualitative methods that overlook children’s varied linguistic ability and interaction preference. The aim of this study was to use a novel combination of qualitative techniques to explore children’s current views, experiences and perceptions of out-of-school physical activity as well as offering...

  4. Aplicabilidade do modelo MClone na síntese de padrões visuais do reino vegetal


    Ricardo Luís Binsfeld


    Um dos objetivos permanentes da Computação Gráfica é a representação fiel, e por consequência realista, da aparência de objetos e cenas sintetizadas. Para objetos e cenas do Reino Vegetal pode-se dizer que houve um grande avanço nos métodos para modelagem da forma e propriedades de reflexão de elementos individuais, como folhas, e de coleções de elementos, como árvores, vegetação em geral e florestas. Por outro lado, as técnicas para modelagem de padrões visuais presentes em muitos objetos na...

  5. The three R's of petroleum exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, M.L.


    Petroleum exploration comprises a many-faceted activity. It is a complex mix of science and technology, operating in a complex economic and political matrix. In this paper, the authors will review some of the basic aspects of petroleum geology, economics and politics which influence this world-wide activity. The authors hope that such a review may be of some value to some of you, especially in viewing exploration in the context of changing world supplies and demands for petroleum

  6. Exploring the use of research evidence in health-enhancing physical activity policies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hämäläinen, Riitta-Maija; Aro, Arja R.; van de Goor, Ien


    informed by research evidence compared to others. The aims of the present article are to explore the use of research evidence in health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) policies, identify when research evidence was used, and find what other types of evidence were employed in HEPA policymaking. Methods......Background The gaps observed between the use of research evidence and policy have been reported to be based on the different methods of using research evidence in policymaking by researchers and actual policymakers. Some policies and policymaking processes may therefore be particularly well...... Multidisciplinary teams from six EU member states analysed the use of research evidence and other kinds of evidence in 21 HEPA policies and interviewed 86 key policymakers involved in the policies. Qualitative content analysis was conducted on both policy documents and interview data. Results Research evidence...

  7. Explorations in Statistics: The Analysis of Change (United States)

    Curran-Everett, Douglas; Williams, Calvin L.


    Learning about statistics is a lot like learning about science: the learning is more meaningful if you can actively explore. This tenth installment of "Explorations in Statistics" explores the analysis of a potential change in some physiological response. As researchers, we often express absolute change as percent change so we can…

  8. Tonic noradrenergic activity modulates explorative behavior and attentional set shifting: Evidence from pupillometry and gaze pattern analysis. (United States)

    Pajkossy, Péter; Szőllősi, Ágnes; Demeter, Gyula; Racsmány, Mihály


    A constant task for every living organism is to decide whether to exploit rewards associated with current behavior or to explore the environment for more rewarding options. Current empirical evidence indicates that exploitation is related to phasic whereas exploration is related to tonic firing mode of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus. In humans, this exploration-exploitation trade-off is subserved by the ability to flexibly switch attention between task-related and task-irrelevant information. Here, we investigated whether this function, called attentional set shifting, is related to exploration and tonic noradrenergic discharge. We measured pretrial baseline pupil dilation, proved to be strongly correlated with the activity of the locus coeruleus, while human participants took part in well-known tasks of attentional set shifting. Study 1 used the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, whereas in Study 2, the Intra/Extradimensional Set Shifting Task was used. Both tasks require participants to choose between different compound stimuli based on feedback provided for their previous decisions. During the task, stimulus-reward contingencies change periodically, thus participants are repeatedly required to reassess which stimulus features are relevant (i.e., they shift their attentional set). Our results showed that baseline pupil diameter steadily decreased when the stimulus-reward contingencies were stable, whereas they suddenly increased when these contingencies changed. Analysis of looking patterns also confirmed the presence of exploratory behavior during attentional set shifting. Thus, our results suggest that tonic firing mode of noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus is implicated in attentional set shifting, as it regulates the amount of exploration. © 2017 Society for Psychophysiological Research.

  9. Systematic logging utilizing a log sheet designed for drill core descriptions. An example in uranium exploration activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasao, Eiji; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Iida, Yoshimasa


    We describe the log sheets used during uranium exploration activities for unconformity-related uranium deposits by JNC. The purpose of using the logging sheets is to standardize the objects which all geologists must observe and for data quality assurance. The log sheets are a three-part set describing basement lithology, sandstone lithology and geotechnics. We devised our own log sheets to describe both the sandstone and the underlying basement rock when we started exploration in Athabasca Basin, Canada. We modified the sheets to gain a better understanding of the geological features related to uranium mineralization, and made final improvements to satisfy required quality based on the criteria of descriptive objects and accuracy. Use of the log sheets resulted in effective performance of core logging and improvement in the display of data. (author)

  10. Extendable supervised dictionary learning for exploring diverse and concurrent brain activities in task-based fMRI. (United States)

    Zhao, Shijie; Han, Junwei; Hu, Xintao; Jiang, Xi; Lv, Jinglei; Zhang, Tuo; Zhang, Shu; Guo, Lei; Liu, Tianming


    Recently, a growing body of studies have demonstrated the simultaneous existence of diverse brain activities, e.g., task-evoked dominant response activities, delayed response activities and intrinsic brain activities, under specific task conditions. However, current dominant task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (tfMRI) analysis approach, i.e., the general linear model (GLM), might have difficulty in discovering those diverse and concurrent brain responses sufficiently. This subtraction-based model-driven approach focuses on the brain activities evoked directly from the task paradigm, thus likely overlooks other possible concurrent brain activities evoked during the information processing. To deal with this problem, in this paper, we propose a novel hybrid framework, called extendable supervised dictionary learning (E-SDL), to explore diverse and concurrent brain activities under task conditions. A critical difference between E-SDL framework and previous methods is that we systematically extend the basic task paradigm regressor into meaningful regressor groups to account for possible regressor variation during the information processing procedure in the brain. Applications of the proposed framework on five independent and publicly available tfMRI datasets from human connectome project (HCP) simultaneously revealed more meaningful group-wise consistent task-evoked networks and common intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs). These results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed framework in identifying the diversity of concurrent brain activities in tfMRI datasets.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stern, Daniel; Assef, Roberto J.; Eisenhardt, Peter; Benford, Dominic J.; Blain, Andrew; Cutri, Roc; Griffith, Roger L.; Jarrett, T. H.; Masci, Frank; Tsai, Chao-Wei; Yan, Lin; Dey, Arjun; Lake, Sean; Petty, Sara; Wright, E. L.; Stanford, S. A.; Harrison, Fiona; Madsen, Kristin


    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is an extremely capable and efficient black hole finder. We present a simple mid-infrared color criterion, W1 – W2 ≥ 0.8 (i.e., [3.4]–[4.6] ≥0.8, Vega), which identifies 61.9 ± 5.4 active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates per deg 2 to a depth of W2 ∼ 15.0. This implies a much larger census of luminous AGNs than found by typical wide-area surveys, attributable to the fact that mid-infrared selection identifies both unobscured (type 1) and obscured (type 2) AGNs. Optical and soft X-ray surveys alone are highly biased toward only unobscured AGNs, while this simple WISE selection likely identifies even heavily obscured, Compton-thick AGNs. Using deep, public data in the COSMOS field, we explore the properties of WISE-selected AGN candidates. At the mid-infrared depth considered, 160 μJy at 4.6 μm, this simple criterion identifies 78% of Spitzer mid-infrared AGN candidates according to the criteria of Stern et al. and the reliability is 95%. We explore the demographics, multiwavelength properties and redshift distribution of WISE-selected AGN candidates in the COSMOS field.

  12. Regulatory management of NORM wastes from petroleum exploration activities in the Northern Territory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassels, B.; Waite, A.


    During September 1996, history was made with what the authors believe to be the first Australian sub-seafloor disposal of NORM scale resulting from petroleum exploration activities. Approximately 800 kg of scale with a maximum 226 RaT 228 Ra activity concentration of 600 -1 was disposed off via downhole well injection to and concrete capping of a dry exploration well. This scale material was removed from pipework which had measured external surface dose rates in excess of 30 μ -1 . Subsequent disposals have occurred in accordance with strictly applied radiation protection requirements and in accordance with the legislative framework applicable to such activities in the offshore waters regulated by the Northern Territory in conjunction with the Commonwealth Government, which are briefly described. A summary of NORM disposals that have taken place to date in the Northern Territory is also provided. NORM scale accretes in pipework due to changes in the conditions of formation water associated with oil deposits. Radium isotopes and their decay products exist in the formation water of oil reservoirs, particularly in the Middle and Lower Jurassic formations which together account for 70% of the production operations around the world that experience the formation of radioactive scale. During the first major scale removal exercise it was found that scale build up in the pipes ranged between 11 mm and 42 mm reducing the internal diameter from a nominal 203 mm to 120 mm. The average production rate prior to descaling operations was around 1,700 m 3 of crude per day, rising to around 2,500 m 3 per day post-descaling. The effect of scale removal on productivity is the principle driving force for its removal. The Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy and Territory Health Services reviewed all aspects of proposals and reached agreement with the client on all aspects prior to issuing approvals under the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act and the Radiation

  13. Scaling Limits and Generic Bounds for Exploration Processes (United States)

    Bermolen, Paola; Jonckheere, Matthieu; Sanders, Jaron


    We consider exploration algorithms of the random sequential adsorption type both for homogeneous random graphs and random geometric graphs based on spatial Poisson processes. At each step, a vertex of the graph becomes active and its neighboring nodes become blocked. Given an initial number of vertices N growing to infinity, we study statistical properties of the proportion of explored (active or blocked) nodes in time using scaling limits. We obtain exact limits for homogeneous graphs and prove an explicit central limit theorem for the final proportion of active nodes, known as the jamming constant, through a diffusion approximation for the exploration process which can be described as a unidimensional process. We then focus on bounding the trajectories of such exploration processes on random geometric graphs, i.e., random sequential adsorption. As opposed to exploration processes on homogeneous random graphs, these do not allow for such a dimensional reduction. Instead we derive a fundamental relationship between the number of explored nodes and the discovered volume in the spatial process, and we obtain generic bounds for the fluid limit and jamming constant: bounds that are independent of the dimension of space and the detailed shape of the volume associated to the discovered node. Lastly, using coupling techinques, we give trajectorial interpretations of the generic bounds.

  14. Occupational Exposures during the U-Exploration Activities at Seila Area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Razek, Y.A.; Masoud, M.S.; Hanfi, M.Y.; El-Nagdy, M.S.


    Twenty trenches distributed over a shear zone at Seila area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt were chosen to study the occupational exposures during the U-exploration activities in these trenches. The average value of the activity concentration of "2'3"8 U, "2"3"2Th and "4"0K in the studied granites are 866 , 57 and 1380"-"1 respectively. These values are higher than the worldwide average of 33, 45 and 412 Bq/kg. According to these activity concentrations , trenches are divided into the non-regulated and regulated categories. The average value of the annual effective dose due to the terrestrial radionuclides is 0.306 mSv for the non-regulated trenches and 0.958 mSv for the regulated trenches corresponding to the absorbed dose rate 219 nGy.h"-"1 for the non-regulated trenches and 684 nGy.h"-"1 for the regulated trenches. The average measured annual effective dose for non-regulated and regulated trenches is 0.81 and 1.42 mSv respectively. This difference is ascribed to the geometry of the studied trenches. However, the total annual effective dose in the non-regulated and the regulated trenches is lower than the recommended value of 20 mSv

  15. Monotoring of mangrove ecosystem in relation with exploration and production activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alamsyah, C.; Dwistiadi, D.


    From Indonesia`s initial 13 million hectares of mangrove forests, presently only 2.6 million hectares remains which must be certainly protected. Mangrove swamps are of considerable ecological importance not only because of their use as spawning and feeding grounds for a many variety of fish and shrimps but also of economical importance and last but not least as coastal protection. In such a sensitive ecosystem, i.e. in the mangrove swamp area of Mahakam Delta in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, TOTAL Indonesie, an affiliate of the French oil company {open_quotes}TOTAL{close_quotes} and one of the production sharing contractors of PERTAMINA, the Indonesian owned state oil company, has undertaken its E&P operations since 1974. Realizing the sensitivity of the mangrove area, TOTAL Indonesie has undertaken continuous monitoring of the environment as part of its Environmental Management System. This monitoring is very important not only to measure the impact to the mangrove ecosystem in particular due to TOTAL Indonesie activities but also as a feed back for the environmental management. Physicochemical and biological aspects of the environment are monitored and various measurements are taken covering: (1) Hydrology and hydrodynamics of the water streams i.e. the water quality, productivity and flow characteristic of the region (2) Sedimentation and biodegradation (3) The influence of accidental and chronic pollution mangrove ecosystem (3) Sensitivity of the mangroves. The above monitoring has led to the conclusion that after more than 20 years of operation, there has significant adverse impact to the mangrove ecosystem by the exploration and production activities of Indonesie.

  16. Changes in aerobic performance, body composition, and physical activity in polar explorers during a year-long stay at the polar station in the Arctic (United States)

    Maciejczyk, Marcin; Araźny, Andrzej; Opyrchał, Marta


    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in physical activity, aerobic performance, and body composition in polar explorers during a 1-year stay at the polar station. The study group consisted of 10 people, including 8 men and 2 women. Aerobic performance (maximal oxygen uptake), physical activity, body mass, and composition were evaluated for the polar explores of the Polish Polar Station prior to departure, and then during their stay at the station for a period of 1 year. The measurements were performed every 3 months. Compared to the measurements taken before going to the polar station, aerobic performance significantly ( p = 0.02) increased in the first 3 months of residing at the polar station and then remained relatively stable for the following duration of the stay. In the first 3 months of the stay, we also observed the highest level of physical activity in participants. In the polar explorers, no significant ( p > 0.05) body fatness changes were noted. Nonetheless, lean body mass, body mass, and BMI significantly increased compared to the measurements taken before departure to the polar station. The greatest changes in aerobic performance, physical activity, and body composition were observed during the first 3 months after arrival to the Arctic and then, despite changing biometeorological conditions, they remained stable for the next months of the stay. We recommend the introduction of a physical preparation program before departing to the polar station to improve explorers' physical fitness, so that they can meet the physical challenges they are faced with immediately after arrival to the polar station.

  17. Modelagem Sísmica via métodos das diferenças finitas: caso da bacia do Amazonas Seismic Modeling by finites difference method: case of Amazon basin

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    Lindemberg Lima Fernandes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da modelagem sísmica em meios com fortes descontinuidades de propriedades físicas, com ênfase na existência de difrações e múltiplas reflexões, tendo a Bacia do Amazonas como referência à modelagem. As condições de estabilidade e de fronteiras utilizadas no cálculo do campo de ondas sísmicas foram analisadas numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas, visando melhor compreensão e controle da interpretação de dados sísmicos. A geologia da Bacia do Amazonas é constituída por rochas sedimentares depositadas desde o Ordoviciano até o Recente que atingem espessuras da ordem de 5 km. Os corpos de diabásio, presentes entre os sedimentos paleozóicos, estão dispostos na forma de soleiras, alcançam espessuras de centenas de metros e perfazem um volume total de aproximadamente 90000 Km³. A ocorrência de tais estruturas é responsável pela existência de reflexões múltiplas durante a propagação da onda sísmica o que impossibilita melhor interpretação dos horizontes refletores que se encontram abaixo destas soleiras. Para representar situações geológicas desse tipo foram usados um modelo (sintético acústico de velocidades e um código computacional elaborado via método das diferenças finitas com aproximação de quarta ordem no espaço e no tempo da equação da onda. A aplicação dos métodos de diferenças finitas para o estudo de propagação de ondas sísmicas melhorou a compreensão sobre a propagação em meios onde existem heterogeneidades significativas, tendo como resultado boa resolução na interpretação dos eventos de reflexão sísmica em áreas de interesse. Como resultado dos experimentos numéricos realizados em meio de geologia complexa, foi observada a influência significativa das reflexões múltiplas devido à camada de alta velocidade, isto provocou maior perda de energia e dificultou a interpretação dos alvos. Por esta raz

  18. Modeling wave trains in coastal regions; Modelagem de trens de ondas em regioes costeiras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luz, Ana M.S.; Nachbin, A. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Inst. de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)


    Our goal is to present a model that captures how the sea bottom topography or submarine structures can influence the evolution of water wave trains over a varying topography at intermediate depth. To obtain such a model, we consider Euler equations for inviscid fluids and we perform the asymptotic simplification of the nonlinear potential theory equations together with the method of multiple scales to get a reduced model. Such a model is called reduced because it simplifies nonlinear potential theory from two spatial dimensions to one dimension along the free boundary. We consider a varying topography at the bottom and/or the presence of submarine structures together with a free boundary at the surface of the sea. For modeling such a geometry we transform our Cartesian system into curvilinear coordinates through a conformal mapping that maps the original physical domain into a simpler domain (a strip). This modeling strategy allows us to capture and understand the dynamics of water waves in regions where offshore exploration activity already exists or not. Through an efficient model we can get important information regarding the dynamics of waves in coastal regions and also questions on the viability of oil and gas recovery in these regions. (author)

  19. Ethnomathematics: Exploration in Javanese culture (United States)

    Risdiyanti, Irma; Charitas Indra Prahmana, Rully


    This research is the exploration study to indicate the correlation between mathematics and Javanese culture. These studies have a purpose of exploring Javanese culture in Yogyakarta that contains mathematics concept namely Batik. The activity of society in making Batik in all regency at Yogyakarta is the focus of this study. The research use ethnography method. The technic to collection data uses principles in ethnography such as observation, interview, documentation, and field note making with the original ethnography description. The result is exploration ethnomathematics in the several motifs of Yogyakarta batik that contains philosophy, deep cultural value, and mathematics concept, especially geometry transform subject.

  20. Investment in exploration-production and refining 2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hureau, Geoffroy; Serbutoviez, Sylvain; Silva, Constancio; Maisonnier, Guy


    IFPEN analyses in this study the 2014 evolution of global investment in the field of exploration-production and refining: 1 - Changes in oil and gas prices: General background: weak economy and global disorder, Oil prices: fundamentals that could help to relax oil prices?, Gas prices: fall in Europe, stability in Japan, increase in the US; 2 - Exploration and production - Slowdown in growth: moderate rise in investment in 2014, exploration - Discoveries in 2014, Russia: sanctions will have limited short term impact, implications of the reforms to the Mexican energy sector; 3 - Drilling activity and market throughout the world: onshore and offshore drilling (Number of wells drilled throughout the world, Number of onshore wells, Number of offshore wells, Drilling, equipment and well services markets, Onshore drilling market, Offshore drilling market, Fracking market), Geophysical activity and the geophysical market, Offshore construction activity and the offshore construction market (Offshore construction activities, Rig construction activity, Floating Platform Systems (FPS), Sub-sea constructions, Offshore construction market); 4 - Refining - Significant increase in spending: increase in industrial costs, a slowdown in the increase in excess capacity in the future?, A bleak future for the european refining sector

  1. Using dental and activity indicators in order to explore possible sex differences in an adult rural medieval population from Thebes (Greece

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Dimitra Ermioni


    Full Text Available Assessing the subsistence strategies of past populations; through their dietary and occupational patterns; could provide important information regarding social status and possible gender differences, especially in turbulent historical periods, as the one of the Crusader’s occupation in Greece (1204-1460 AD. Therefore, the human sample from Aghia Triada in Thebes (13th-14th c. AD serves as the ideal skeletal material. Diet was explored through two dental indicators; dental caries and tooth wear, while occupational stress was explored through three activity markers; osteoarthritis (OA, spinal facet remodeling and Schmorl’s nodes. The aims of the present study are to assess the dietary and activity patterns of the stated population and explore possible sex differentiations. A total of 126 teeth and 350 vertebrae have been examined. The entire population presents a caries rate of 16.7%, and males present a much higher caries frequency than females (25.5% males vs. 9.9% females. Furthermore, females present significantly higher rates of osteophytes than males, whereas no significant sex differences were found regarding facet remodeling and Schmorl’s nodes. Dental results confirm historical information of medieval Thebes having an agricultural economy and are also in agreement with isotopic data. In addition, our findings suggest very intense physical activity for both sexes, whereas the distribution of facet remodeling along the spine could indicate a possible gender division of labor. Our study proposes two positive correlations; between facet remodeling and osteophytes, and between Schmorl’s nodes and facet remodelling; as activity indicators in past or/and modern populations. Finally, we strongly encourage the inclusion of spinal facet remodelling in studies focusing on occupational stress.

  2. Modelagem da Lagoa da Pampulha: uma ferramenta para avaliar o impacto da bacia hidrográfica na dinâmica do fitoplâncton

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    Talita Fernanda das Graças Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO No processo de urbanização, o aumento na proporção de superfícies impermeabilizadas e as mudanças no uso do solo são responsáveis por maiores volumes e velocidades do escoamento superficial, refletindo em uma maior capacidade de arraste e em um maior aporte de nutrientes nos corpos d'água receptores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar uma ferramenta matemática capaz de reproduzir o impacto de mudanças na bacia hidrográfica sobre a dinâmica do fitoplâncton em um lago urbano. Neste artigo são apresentados o desenvolvimento e os resultados de um modelo integrado constituído de um modelo hidrológico, para simular vazões escoadas em uma bacia hidrográfica, e de um modelo hidrodinâmico e ecológico, para simular a biomassa fitoplanctônica em um corpo d'água urbano. A Lagoa da Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, escolhida como estudo de caso, foi intensamente monitorada, assim como sua bacia de drenagem, entre outubro de 2011 e junho de 2013. Os dados obtidos foram utilizados para calibrar e validar ambos os modelos. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo hidrológico mostraram-se coerentes com as medidas realizadas em campo (o coeficiente de Nash variou entre 0,70 e 0,88. O modelo da lagoa representou corretamente a evolução da comunidade fitoplanctônica (erro médio absoluto normalizado: 0,25-0,42 e o coeficiente de Pearson: 0,82-0,89; p<0,0001. O monitoramento e a modelagem da lagoa mostraram que a proliferação de cianobactérias é bastante perturbada pelas desestratificações térmicas que ocorrem na lagoa em virtude de eventos meteorológicos. A ferramenta de simulação desenvolvida possui potencial para avaliar diferentes cenários de mudança das condições climáticas e das características da bacia, podendo auxiliar na gestão dos corpos d'água situados em meio urbano.

  3. A review exploring biological activities of hydrazones

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    Garima Verma


    Full Text Available The development of novel compounds, hydrazones has shown that they possess a wide variety of biological activities viz. antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiplatelet, antimalarial, anticancer, antifungal, antitubercular, antiviral, cardio protective etc., Hydrazones/azomethines/imines possess-NHN = CH- and constitute an important class of compounds for new drug development. A number of researchers have synthesized and evaluated the biological activities of hydrazones. This review aims at highlighting the diverse biological activities of hydrazones.

  4. Titanic: A Statistical Exploration. (United States)

    Takis, Sandra L.


    Uses the available data about the Titanic's passengers to interest students in exploring categorical data and the chi-square distribution. Describes activities incorporated into a statistics class and gives additional resources for collecting information about the Titanic. (ASK)

  5. Does Concern Motivate Behavior Change?: Exploring the Relationship between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index among Low-Income Housing Residents (United States)

    Tamers, Sara L.; Allen, Jennifer; Yang, May; Stoddard, Anne; Harley, Amy; Sorensen, Glorian


    Objective: To explore relationships between concerns and physical activity and body mass index (BMI) among a racially/ethnically diverse low-income population. Method: A cross-sectional survey documented behavioral risks among racially/ethnically diverse low-income residents in the Boston area (2005-2009). Multivariable logistic regressions were…

  6. Using photovoice to explore nigerian immigrants' eating and physical activity in the United States. (United States)

    Turk, Melanie T; Fapohunda, Abimbola; Zoucha, Rick


    African immigrants are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups to the United States; there is a crucial need to learn about African immigrants' beliefs and lifestyle behaviors that may impact health. The purposes of this study were to (a) explore the perceptions and practices of Nigerian immigrants regarding healthy eating and physical activity in the United States; (b) assess the influence of cultural beliefs of Nigerian immigrants on eating and physical activity; (c) describe the role that healthcare providers can play in helping to promote healthy eating and physical activity; and (d) evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of using Photovoice to collect data on the perceptions and practices of Nigerian immigrants regarding healthy eating and physical activity. Qualitative visual ethnography using Photovoice. Thirteen Nigerian immigrants were recruited. Data were collected using photography and focus group discussions at a church. Photovoice methodology and Leininger's four phases of qualitative analysis were used to analyze photographs, field notes, and focus group transcripts. Four overarching themes emerged from the data: moderation is healthy, Nigerian ways of living are healthy, acquiring American ways is unhealthy, and cultural context is important to promote healthy behaviors. Photovoice was a feasible, effective methodology for collecting data on the perceptions and practices of Nigerian immigrants. Nigerian participants believed that adherence to traditional dietary and activity practices are healthy. Nurses and other healthcare providers must make concerted efforts to communicate with and educate Nigerian immigrants about healthful eating and activity behaviors within their cultural context. The number of African immigrants to the United States has increased dramatically. Photovoice is a creative method to learn about the health beliefs and behaviors of the Nigerian immigrant population. © 2014 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  7. Applied Nanotechnology for Human Space Exploration (United States)

    Yowell, Leonard L.


    A viewgraph presentation describing nanotechnology for human space exploration is shown. The topics include: 1) NASA's Strategic Vision; 2) Exploration Architecture; 3) Future Exploration Mission Requirements Cannot be met with Conventional Materials; 4) Nanomaterials: Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes; 5) Applied Nanotechnology at JSC: Fundamentals to Applications; 6) Technology Readiness Levels (TRL); 7) Growth, Modeling, Diagnostics and Production; 8) Characterization: Purity, Dispersion and Consistency; 9) Processing; 10) Nanoelectronics: Enabling Technologies; 11) Applications for Human Space Exploration; 12) Exploration Life Support: Atmosphere Revitalization System; 13) Advanced and Exploration Life Support: Regenerable CO2 Removal; 14) Exploration Life Support: Water Recovery; 15) Advanced Life Support: Water Disinfection/Recovery; 16) Power and Energy: Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells; 17) Nanomaterials for EMI Shielding; 18) Active Radiation Dosimeter; 19) Advanced Thermal Protection System (TPS) Repair; 20) Thermal Radiation and Impact Protection (TRIPS); 21) Nanotechnology: Astronaut Health Management; 22) JSC Nanomaterials Group Collaborations.

  8. Characterizing and Assessing Co-Curricular Activities for Graduate and Professional-School Students: Exploring the Value of Intentional Assessment Planning and Practice (United States)

    Waryas, Diane E.


    This chapter explores the importance of systematic evaluation of co-curricular activities directed at graduate- and professional- school students. Approaches to assessment and benefits of sound practice are presented along with the critical role that institutional researchers can play.

  9. Survey explores active tectonics in northeastern Caribbean (United States)

    Carbó, A.; Córdoba, D.; Muñoz-Martín, A.; Granja, J.L.; Martín-Dávila, J.; Pazos, A.; Catalán, M.; Gómez, M.; ten Brink, Uri S.; von Hillebrandt, Christa; Payero, J.


    There is renewed interest in studying the active and complex northeastern Caribbean plate boundary to better understand subduction zone processes and for earthquake and tsunami hazard assessments [e.g., ten Brink and Lin, 2004; ten Brink et al., 2004; Grindlay et al., 2005]. To study the active tectonics of this plate boundary, the GEOPRICO-DO (Geological, Puerto Rico-Dominican) marine geophysical cruise, carried out between 28 March and 17 April 2005 (Figure 1), studied the active tectonics of this plate boundary.Initial findings from the cruise have revealed a large underwater landslide, and active faults on the seafloor (Figures 2a and 2c). These findings indicate that the islands within this region face a high risk from tsunami hazards, and that local governments should be alerted in order to develop and coordinate possible mitigation strategies.

  10. Modelagem de redes logísticas com custos de inventário calculados a partir da cobertura de estoque Logistic networks modeling with inventory carrying costs calculated using inventory turnover

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    Ricardo Hamad


    Full Text Available A consideração dos custos de inventário tem se tornado cada vez mais importante na análise dos trade-offs e na tomada de decisões sobre redes logísticas. O artigo propõe uma metodologia para tratamento do custo de inventário a partir da cobertura de estoque esperada em cada instalação, incorporada na modelagem matemática da localização de fábricas e/ou centros de distribuição em redes logísticas com vários elos, representando uma nova versão do modelo apresentado em Hamad e Gualda (2008. As principais contribuições desta metodologia em relação a outros métodos encontrados na literatura são a facilidade de aplicação do método, a inclusão de restrições ligadas à capacidade de armazenagem e a consideração do custo total de inventário, e não apenas do custo relacionado aos produtos modelados.Inventory carrying cost has become very important in the analysis of the trade-offs and an important component to be considered when taking decisions about a logistic network. This paper proposes a methodology incorporated in a multi-echelon sourcing decision model, to be considered as a new version of the model presented in Hamad, Gualda (2008. It treats the carrying costs using the inventory Days-on-hand estimate in each echelon of the chain (plants and/or Distribution Centers. The main contributions of this methodology compared to other options found in the literature are the simplicity of its application, the consideration of all inventory costs (not only the ones related to the products being modeled and, also, the inclusion of constraints related to warehousing capacity.

  11. Investment in exploration-production and refining 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hureau, Geoffroy; Serbutoviez, Sylvain; Silva, Constancio; Maisonnier, Guy


    IFPEN analyses in this study the 2013 evolution of global investment in the field of exploration-production and refining. 1 - Changes in oil and gas prices; 2 - Exploration production: a new year of growth: the increase in investments continues into 2013, exploration - Discoveries in 2013, 1978 - 2012: Investments - Production - Price; 3 - Main markets in the upstream oil equipment and services sector: introduction, drilling (Drilling activity, Number of wells drilled throughout the world, Number of onshore wells, Number of offshore wells, Drilling markets, equipment and services for wells, Onshore drilling market, Offshore drilling market, Fracking market); Geophysical market (Geophysical activity, Geophysical market); Offshore construction (Offshore construction activities, Fixed platforms (Jack-ups), Floating Platform Systems (FPS), Sub-sea constructions, Offshore construction market); Conclusion; 4 - Refining: looking for new equilibriums: falling excess capacity and regional disparities, recovery in capital spending in emerging countries, Asia is still the eldorado for investment in the downstream oil Sector (Continuing overcapacity in the medium-term, Differing investment strategies)

  12. Exploring Representativeness and Informativeness for Active Learning. (United States)

    Du, Bo; Wang, Zengmao; Zhang, Lefei; Zhang, Liangpei; Liu, Wei; Shen, Jialie; Tao, Dacheng


    How can we find a general way to choose the most suitable samples for training a classifier? Even with very limited prior information? Active learning, which can be regarded as an iterative optimization procedure, plays a key role to construct a refined training set to improve the classification performance in a variety of applications, such as text analysis, image recognition, social network modeling, etc. Although combining representativeness and informativeness of samples has been proven promising for active sampling, state-of-the-art methods perform well under certain data structures. Then can we find a way to fuse the two active sampling criteria without any assumption on data? This paper proposes a general active learning framework that effectively fuses the two criteria. Inspired by a two-sample discrepancy problem, triple measures are elaborately designed to guarantee that the query samples not only possess the representativeness of the unlabeled data but also reveal the diversity of the labeled data. Any appropriate similarity measure can be employed to construct the triple measures. Meanwhile, an uncertain measure is leveraged to generate the informativeness criterion, which can be carried out in different ways. Rooted in this framework, a practical active learning algorithm is proposed, which exploits a radial basis function together with the estimated probabilities to construct the triple measures and a modified best-versus-second-best strategy to construct the uncertain measure, respectively. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our algorithm consistently achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art active learning algorithms.

  13. Modelagem da Distribuição da Saturação de Água do Solo em Terrenos Complexos Baseada na Teoria de Similaridade – Proposição de Abordagem Lagrangiana

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    Hugo Abi Karam


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propõe-se uma modelagem lagrangiana da distribuição de saturação de água do solo de terrenos complexos baseada na teoria de similaridade, com destaque para aspectos hidrometeorológicos. A distribuição da água precipitada no terreno é obtida como uma consequência da conservação de massa do escoamento, considerada a similaridade hidrológica ao longo de faixas de drenagem, sob diferentes condições de inclinação topográfica, captação e infiltração. A aplicação desse tipo de modelo de distribuição hidrológica permite uma otimização computacional, tanto na estimativa do deficit de saturação do solo quanto na distribuição da profundidade do lençol freático. A aplicabilidade da proposição lagrangiana é exemplificada para um morro suave e também para discutir qualitativamente a hidrologia da Baixada Fluminense encontrada ao norte da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ, RJ, Brasil. Mostra-se que uma resolução espacial inferior a 90 m deve ser empregada para considerar os detalhes do problema. Os resultados destacaram o papel da topografia complexa, incluindo a hidrologia de planícies fluviais e as modificações antrópicas da superfície (na forma de canais de escoamento urbano e urbanização para a compreensão da hidrometeorologia da RMRJ.

  14. Georeferenced database generation with the purpose of hydrologic molding in reservoirs of the hydrographic basin of Jaguaribe river in the state of Ceará, Brazil Geração de base de dados georreferenciada com finalidade de modelagem hidrológica em reservatórios da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaguaribe, Ceará, Brasil

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    Raimundo A. de O. Leão


    Full Text Available The edafoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region favor the water loss by surface runoff. The state of Ceará, almost completely covered by semiarid, has developed public policies for the construction of dams in order to attend the varied water demand. Several hydrological models were developed to support decisive processes in the complex management of reservoirs. This study aimed to establish a methodology for obtaining a georeferenced database suitable for use as input data in hydrological modeling in the semiarid of Ceará. It was used images of Landsat satellite and SRTM Mission, and soil maps of the state of Ceará. The Landsat images allowed the determination of the land cover and the SRTM Mission images, the automatic delineation of hydrographic basins. The soil type was obtained through the soil map. The database was obtained for Jaguaribe River hydrographic basin, in the state of Ceará, and is applicable to hydrological modeling based on the Curve Number method for estimating the surface runoff.As condições edafoclimáticas do semiárido brasileiro favorecem a perda de água por escoamento superficial. O Estado do Ceará,quase totalmente abrangido pelo semiárido, desenvolveu políticas públicas voltadas para a construção de açudes,a fim de atender à demanda hídrica diversificada. Vários modelos hidrológicos foram desenvolvidos para subsidiar os processos decisórios no complexo manejo dos reservatórios. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer uma metodologia para a obtenção de uma base de dados georreferenciada e adequada para uso como dados de entrada na modelagem hidrológica,no semiárido cearense. Foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Landsat e da missão SRTM, e mapa de solos do Estado do Ceará. As imagens Landsat possibilitaram determinar a cobertura do solo,e as imagens da missão SRTM, a delimitação automática das bacias hidrográficas. O tipo de solo foi obtido por meio do mapa de solos. A

  15. Representações digitais e interação incorporada: um estudo etnográfico de práticas científicas de modelagem computacional

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    Marko Monteiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir como objetos virtuais participam interativamente da produção do conhecimento na prática científica. O artigo baseia-se numa observação etnográfica de uma equipe interdisciplinar de cientistas, cujo trabalho envolve modelagem computacional de transferência de calor na próstata humana. A etnografia constatou que, embora visualizações científicas sejam pensadas como uma forma de "simplificar" a apreensão de dados, há um intenso trabalho interpretativo necessário para alcançar sentidos compartilhados a respeito das imagens. Tais sentidos são construídos a partir de comunicação oral e de interações incorporadas com objetos virtuais no decorrer das interações entre os cientistas. Uma melhor compreensão dessas práticas interpretativas é importante na medida em que o uso de visualizações digitais em 3D e de modelos computacionais ganha importância na ciência contemporânea. Tais técnicas são crescentemente utilizadas não somente para descrever verdades sobre a natureza, mas como ferramentas poderosas de intervenção no mundo.This text discusses how virtual objects participate interactively in the production of knowledge in scientific practice. The article is based on the ethnographic observation of an interdisciplinary team of scientists whose work involves computer modelling of heat transfer in the human prostate. The ethnography found that although scientific imaging may be considered a form of 'simplifying' the apprehension of data, an intense interpretative process is required to achieve shared meanings concerning the images. These meanings are constructed through oral communication and embodied interactions with virtual objects during the interactions between scientists. A better understanding of these interpretative practices is needed given the growing importance of the use of 3D digital imaging and computational models in contemporary science. These techniques are

  16. Mineral exploration trends and developments in 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hood, P.J.


    Mineral exploration activity worldwide in 1981 appeared to be at a slighly higher level than in previous years in spite of the continued generally depressed base metal prices. Uranium exploration activity has fallen in the past four years from a peak in 1976-77. In airborne geophysical surveying, the aeromagnetic and combined airborne electromagnetic/ magnetic techniques continued to be employed particularly in Africa. In-field data processing resulting from the incorporation of microprocessors into ground equipment has continued to increase, and computer systems for base camp use are being introduced

  17. Quantificação e modelagem dos macronutrientes em povoamentos de bracatinga Quantification and modeling of macronutrients in bracatinga stands

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    Andressa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available

    quantificação dos nutrientes em ecossistemas florestais é fundamental para verificação da manutenção do fluxo contínuo entre o que é depositado no solo e o que é assimilado novamente pelas plantas. O uso da área basal como ferramenta prática na medição dos povoamentos florestais, faz com que a modelagem no âmbito dos povoamentos seja facilmente aplicável à quantificação de nutrientes. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar e modelar o peso de macronutrientes por hectare nos diferentes compartimentos aéreos. Os dados utilizados foram coletados em 304 parcelas temporárias com diferentes idades em povoamentos de bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bentham., localizados na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Foram avaliados 23 modelos matemáticos para cada compartimento aéreo, dos quais, apenas um modelo por compartimento para todos os macronutrientes foi selecionado e validado, se mostrando apropriado para estimativa dos nutrientes por hectare. Em ordem decrescente, os valores de macronutrientes encontrados na parte aérea dos bracatingais seguiram a sequência de N > Ca > K > Mg > P. Após a exploração da lenha, restaram na área os resíduos contendo 25% de Ca, 32% de Mg, 37% de N, 45% de P e 18% de K.


    doi: 10.4336/2012.pfb.32.69.29

    Quantification of nutrients in forest ecosystems is fundamental for the verification of the maintenance of continuous flow between what is deposited in the soil and what is re-assimilated by the plants. Using basal area as a practical tool in the measurement of forest stands makes modeling easy at stand level for nutrient quantification. Thus, the present work had as objective to quantify and fit the weight of macronutrients per hectare in different compartments of above ground biomass. The data used in this research came from 304 temporary plots with different ages in Mimosa scabrella Bentham. (bracatinga stands located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba

  18. Modelo hierarquizado: uma proposta de modelagem aplicada à investigação de fatores de risco para diarréia grave Hierarchical model: a proposal for model to be applied in the investigation of risk factors for dehydrating diarrhea

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    Sandra C Fuchs


    Full Text Available Os estudos epidemiológicos de doenças que acometem as crianças geralmente envolvem grande número de variáveis. As associações entre potenciais fatores de risco e doença freqüentemente são avaliadas através de modelagem estatística sem descrição das estratégias empregadas. No estudo realizado apresenta-se uma abordagem hierarquizada aplicada à avaliação de fatores de risco para diarréia grave. As variáveis foram hierarquicamente agrupadas em características socioeconômicas, ambientais, reprodutivas maternas, nutricionais e demográficas. Na análise univariada todas as variáveis associaram-se com diarréia grave. Em cada bloco selecionaram-se fatores de confusão através de um algoritmo, utilizando-se o processo retrógado de seleção, através do módulo em passos, segundo um p=0,10. Os fatores de risco foram avaliados através de regressão logística após o ajuste para fatores de confusão de cada conjunto e para aqueles hierarquicamente superiores. As variáveis incluídas no modelo permitiram identificar corretamente uma proporção elevada de casos (gamma=0,74 e todos os blocos contribuíram significativamente para a modelagem.In epidemiological investigations of infant diseases, data are usually collected on a large set of variables. The associations between presumptive risk factors and the outcome is commonly evaluated through statistical modeling, but the model-building strategies are seldom described. In the project, data collected in a case-control study of risk factors for dehydrating diarrhea in infants have been used to present a hierarchized approach to the assessment of risk factors. The variables were grouped into a hierarchy of categories, ranging from distal determinants to proximate ones. These categories included, in this order, socioeconomic, environmental, reproductive maternal, nutritional and demographic sets. According to the univariate analyses all variables were associated with the outcome. As

  19. Drosophila increase exploration after visually detecting predators.

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    Miguel de la Flor

    Full Text Available Novel stimuli elicit behaviors that are collectively known as specific exploration. These behaviors allow the animal to become more familiar with the novel objects within its environment. Specific exploration is frequently suppressed by defensive reactions to predator cues. Herein, we examine if this suppression occurs in Drosophila melanogaster by measuring the response of these flies to wild harvested predators. The flies used in our experiments have been cultured and had not lived under predator threat for multiple decades. In a circular arena with centrally-caged predators, wild type Drosophila actively avoided the pantropical jumping spider, Plexippus paykulli, and the Texas unicorn mantis, Phyllovates chlorophaena, indicating an innate defensive reaction to these predators. Interestingly, wild type Drosophila males also avoided a centrally-caged mock spider, and the avoidance of the mock spider became exaggerated when it was made to move within the cage. Visually impaired Drosophila failed to detect and avoid the Plexippus paykulli and the moving mock spider, while the broadly anosmic orco2 mutants were fully capable of detecting and avoiding Plexippus paykulli, indicating that these flies principally relied upon vison to perceive the predator stimuli. During early exploration of the arena, exploratory activity increased in the presence of Plexippus paykulli and the moving mock spider. The elevated activity induced by Plexippus paykulli disappeared after the fly had finished exploring, suggesting the flies were capable of habituating the predator cues. Taken together, these results indicate that despite being isolated from predators for decades Drosophila will visually detect these predators, retain innate defensive behaviors, respond by increasing exploratory activity in the arena rather than suppressing activity, and may habituate to normal predator cues.

  20. Exploring the Impact of Role-Playing on Peer Feedback in an Online Case-Based Learning Activity

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    Yu-Hui Ching


    Full Text Available This study explored the impact of role-playing on the quality of peer feedback and learners’ perception of this strategy in a case-based learning activity with VoiceThread in an online course. The findings revealed potential positive impact of role-playing on learners’ generation of constructive feedback as role-playing was associated with higher frequency of problem identification in the peer comments. Sixty percent of learners perceived the role-play strategy useful in assisting them to compose and provide meaningful feedback. Multiple motivations drove learners in making decisions on role choice when responding to their peers, mostly for peer benefits. Finally, 90% of learners reported the peer feedback useful or somewhat useful. Based on the findings of this study, we discussed educational and instructional design implications and future directions to further the line of research using role-play strategy to enhance peer feedback activity.

  1. Exploring Racism through Photography (United States)

    Fey, Cass; Shin, Ryan; Cinquemani, Shana; Marino, Catherine


    Photography is a powerful medium with which to explore social issues and concerns through the intersection of artistic form and concept. Through the discussions of images and suggested activities, students will understand various ways photographers have documented and addressed racism and discrimination. This Instructional Resource presents a…

  2. New Age for Lunar Exploration (United States)

    Taylor, G. J.; Martel, L. M. V.


    Lunar-focused research and plans to return to the lunar surface for science and exploration have reemerged since the Space Policy Directive-1 of December 11, 2017 amended the National Space Policy to include the following, "Lead an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system and to bring back to Earth new knowledge and opportunities. Beginning with missions beyond low-Earth orbit, the United States will lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations." In response to this revision, NASA proposes a Lunar Exploration and Discovery Program in the U.S. fiscal year 2019 Budget Request. It supports NASA's interests in commercial and international partnerships in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO), long-term exploration in Cislunar space beyond LEO, and research and exploration conducted on the Moon to inform future crewed missions, even to destinations beyond the Moon. (Cislunar refers to the volume of space between LEO and the Moon's orbital distance.) The lunar campaign strengthens the integration of human and robotic activities on the lunar surface with NASA's science, technology, and exploration goals.

  3. Indigenous perspectives on active living in remote Australia: a qualitative exploration of the socio-cultural link between health, the environment and economics. (United States)

    Thompson, Sharon L; Chenhall, Richard D; Brimblecombe, Julie K


    The burden of chronic disease in Indigenous Australia is more than double that of non-Indigenous populations and even higher in remote Northern Territory (NT) communities. Sufficient levels of physical activity are known to reduce the risk of chronic disease and improve the health of those already suffering from chronic disease. It has been identified that effective promotion of physical activity in Indigenous settings requires the diverse cultural perspectives and participation of Indigenous people. However, Indigenous concepts of physical activity are not represented in the public health literature and examples of Indigenous involvement in physical activity promotion are scarce. This study aimed to explore and describe local perspectives, experiences and meanings of physical activity in two remote NT Indigenous communities. Qualitative research methods guided by ethnographic and participatory action research principles were used. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 23 purposively selected community members were the main source of data, augmented by five commissioned paintings by community-based artists and observations recorded in a journal by the first author. The findings reveal that in this cultural context the meaning of physical activity is embedded in socially significant and economically necessary physical engagement with the environment. Participants described physical activities associated with Indigenous natural and cultural resource management, customary spaces, seasonal timing and traditional education as creating and protecting health. These activities were viewed not only as culturally appropriate physical activities that contribute to health but as legitimate, physically active forms of social organisation, education and employment that help to build and maintain relationships, wealth, resources and the environment. This different construction of physical activity in remote Indigenous communities highlights the importance of involving

  4. Practical measures to promote exploration in developing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohall, H.M.


    Since 1950, Pakistan has gone through several phases of hydrocarbon exploration, but despite our geologically prospective areas, our discovery and development of substantial reserves, and our existing infrastructure facilities, exploration has been limited. We attribute this limited exploration to the absence of long-term gas-development strategies, to the gas-price formula, and to legislative and contractual frameworks for concession agreements in use for most of our exploration history. This paper examines Pakistan's exploration history and reveals current gas-development strategies. It also discusses the revised pricing formula and legislation to benefit other developing countries that are in similar situations and want to accelerate the pace of their exploration activities

  5. Estudo do Fenômeno da Ilha de Calor na Cidade de Manaus/AM: Um Estudo a Partir de Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto, Modelagem e Estações Meteorológicas

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    Polari Batista Corrêa


    Full Text Available Resumo O fenômeno da ilha de calor (IC na cidade de Manaus foi estudado usando dados de modelagem do clima urbano com o modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF e dados de estações meteorológicas. Foram usados os dados de temperatura da superfície (TS obtidos pelo sensor MODIS do satélite ambiental Aqua, produto MYD11A2 na resolução horizontal de 1 km por um 1 km para o período de 2002 a 2012 na cidade de Manaus para avaliar o processo de urbanização. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com as simulações de TS e de temperatura do ar (TA nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2009 que foram comparadas, respectivamente, com os dados de satélite e de estações meteorológicas. Identificou-se a distribuição espacial da TS na cidade, e as diferenças de TS entre a área urbana e a de floresta e entre a área urbana e de rios foram quantificadas. As diferenças de TS ao longo das faixas de longitude de 60,03° O a 59,97° O e de latitude de 3,09° S a −3,03° S foram analisadas com os dados do modelo WRF e do sensor MODIS. A intensidade da IC estimada com os dados de TA do modelo e de estações meteorológicas foram, em média, respectivamente de 1,87 °C e de 1,80 °C, consistentes com resultados anteriores. Portanto, a TA simulada pode ser usada para fins de estimar a intensidade da IC em Manaus.

  6. Oil and gas exploration and production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babusiaux, D.; Favennec, J.P.; Bauquis, P.R.; Bret-Rouzaut, N.; Guirauden, D.


    The steps that lead to the production of oil and gas are diverse, complex and costly. They are diverse, because the detection of oil and gas involves input from many specialties, ranging from geology to reservoir engineering. They are complex, as shown by the development of the job of the petroleum architect, who coordinates all the operations. They are costly, as the investments for exploration and production represent more than half of all investments in the oil and gas sector. Moreover, exploration is a risky activity, both from the technical and financial viewpoint: only one well in five produces marketable oil. Meanwhile, the areas for exploration and production are spread throughout the world. This book provides a complete overview of the stakes and challenges involved in oil and gas exploration and production. Following a historical review and a survey of the markets, the technical phases are covered, as are the evaluation of reserves, the estimation of investments and costs, the decision-making and control processes, and the accounting, legal and contractual environment for these activities. The book concludes with a discussion of the role of safety, and of environmental and ethical issues. This work, which is designed for readers concerned with the various aspects of the oil and gas upstream sector, is accessible to all. Contents: 1. Petroleum: a strategic product. 2. Oil and gas exploration and production. 3. Hydrocarbon reserves. 4. Investments and costs. 5. Legal, fiscal and contractual framework. 6. Decision-making on exploration and production. 7. Information, accounting and competition analysis. 8. Health, safety, the environment, ethics. Bibliography. Glossary. Index

  7. Investment in exploration-production and refining 2015

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maisonnier, G.; Hureau, G.; Serbutoviez, S.; Silva, C.


    IFPEN analyses in this study the 2015 evolution of global investment in the field of exploration-production and refining: - Changes in oil and gas prices; - Investment in Exploration/Production: the end of an upward cycle; - Drilling and the global drilling market, upstream activities and markets; - 2015, a breath of fresh air for refining

  8. Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for Eco-Feedback Technology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Verdezoto, Nervo

    This position paper explores challenges and opportunities for eco-feedback technology. Drawing on two design cases, I discuss the importance of supporting active participation as well as the articulation of work in everyday practices to facilitate reduction of consumption.......This position paper explores challenges and opportunities for eco-feedback technology. Drawing on two design cases, I discuss the importance of supporting active participation as well as the articulation of work in everyday practices to facilitate reduction of consumption....

  9. Distinct Hippocampal versus Frontoparietal Network Contributions to Retrieval and Memory-guided Exploration. (United States)

    Bridge, Donna J; Cohen, Neal J; Voss, Joel L


    Memory can profoundly influence new learning, presumably because memory optimizes exploration of to-be-learned material. Although hippocampus and frontoparietal networks have been implicated in memory-guided exploration, their specific and interactive roles have not been identified. We examined eye movements during fMRI scanning to identify neural correlates of the influences of memory retrieval on exploration and learning. After retrieval of one object in a multiobject array, viewing was strategically directed away from the retrieved object toward nonretrieved objects, such that exploration was directed toward to-be-learned content. Retrieved objects later served as optimal reminder cues, indicating that exploration caused memory to become structured around the retrieved content. Hippocampal activity was associated with memory retrieval, whereas frontoparietal activity varied with strategic viewing patterns deployed after retrieval, thus providing spatiotemporal dissociation of memory retrieval from memory-guided learning strategies. Time-lagged fMRI connectivity analyses indicated that hippocampal activity predicted frontoparietal activity to a greater extent for a condition in which retrieval guided exploration occurred than for a passive control condition in which exploration was not influenced by retrieval. This demonstrates network-level interaction effects specific to influences of memory on strategic exploration. These findings show how memory guides behavior during learning and demonstrate distinct yet interactive hippocampal-frontoparietal roles in implementing strategic exploration behaviors that determine the fate of evolving memory representations.

  10. Distinct hippocampal versus frontoparietal-network contributions to retrieval and memory-guided exploration (United States)

    Bridge, Donna J.; Cohen, Neal J.; Voss, Joel L.


    Memory can profoundly influence new learning, presumably because memory optimizes exploration of to-be-learned material. Although hippocampus and frontoparietal networks have been implicated in memory-guided exploration, their specific and interactive roles have not been identified. We examined eye movements during fMRI scanning to identify neural correlates of the influences of memory retrieval on exploration and learning. Following retrieval of one object in a multi-object array, viewing was strategically directed away from the retrieved object toward non-retrieved objects, such that exploration was directed towards to-be-learned content. Retrieved objects later served as optimal reminder cues, indicating that exploration caused memory to become structured around the retrieved content. Hippocampal activity was associated with memory retrieval whereas frontoparietal activity varied with strategic viewing patterns deployed following retrieval, thus providing spatiotemporal dissociation of memory retrieval from memory-guided learning strategies. Time-lagged fMRI connectivity analyses indicated that hippocampal activity predicted frontoparietal activity to a greater extent for a condition in which retrieval guided exploration than for a passive control condition in which exploration was not influenced by retrieval. This demonstrates network-level interaction effects specific to influences of memory on strategic exploration. These findings show how memory guides behavior during learning and demonstrate distinct yet interactive hippocampal-frontoparietal roles in implementing strategic exploration behaviors that determine the fate of evolving memory representations. PMID:28471729

  11. Radioisótopo e modelagem matemática na avaliação da suplementação de fitase em dietas para suínos em crescimento

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    L.C. Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de níveis crescentes de enzima fitase em dietas para suínos em fase de crescimento, por meio do uso de modelagem matemática. Foram utilizados dados de 20 leitões mestiços, machos castrados, pesando em média, 26,8kg. Os animais ficaram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais para a coleta de fezes e urina, onde permaneceram por um período de 17 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. A dieta experimental fornecida aos leitões foi à base de milho e farelo de soja, suplementada com cinco níveis crescentes de enzima fitase (0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, correspondendo a 0; 0,01; 0,02; 0,03 e 0,04%, respectivamente. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ingestão, excreção, fluxo e refluxo do P nos compartimentos (trato digestivo, corrente sanguínea, tecidos moles e ossos. A enzima fitase não interferiu no P consumido (P>0,05 (F10, no P excretado na urina (F02, no fluxo e refluxo do P nos ossos (F32 e F23 e nos tecidos moles (F42 e F24, entretanto observou-se redução no P excretado nas fezes (F01 em 8,92%; 26,76%; 22,53% e 28,64% para os níveis 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, respectivamente, e efeito linear positivo para o P endógeno (F12. Pode-se utilizar dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja com 50% de P por fosfato bicálcico, adicionando-se 250UF/kg de dieta para suínos em crescimento, o que reduz em 27% as excreções de P nas fezes.

  12. Exploration of the anti-enterovirus activity of a series of pleconaril/pirodavir-like compounds. (United States)

    Bernard, Angela; Lacroix, Céline; Cabiddu, Maria G; Neyts, Johan; Leyssen, Pieter; Pompei, Raffaello


    The Enterovirus genus of the Picornaviridae is represented by several viral pathogens that are associated with human disease, namely Poliovirus 1, Enterovirus 71 and Rhinoviruses. Enterovirus 71 has been associated with encephalitis, while Rhinoviruses are a major cause of asthma exacerbations and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Based on the structure of both pleconaril and pirodavir, we previously synthesized some original compounds as potential inhibitors of Rhinovirus replication. These compounds were explored for in vitro antiviral potential on other human pathogenic Enteroviruses, namely Enterovirus 71 on rhabdo-myosarcoma cells, Coxsackievirus B3 on Vero cells, Poliovirus 1 and Echovirus 11 on BGM cells. Activity was confirmed for compound against Rhinovirus 14. Furthermore, few compounds showed a cell-protective effect on Enterovirus 71, presented a marked improvement as compared to the reference drug pleconaril for inhibitory activity on both Enterovirus 71 and Poliovirus 1. The most striking observation was the clear cell protective effect for the set of analogues in a virus-cell-based assay for Echovirus 11 with an effective concentration (EC50) as low as 0.3 µM (Selectivity index or SI = 483), and selectivity indexes greater than 857 (EC50 = 0.6 µM) and 1524 (EC50 = 0.33 µM). Some of the evaluated compounds showed potent and selective antiviral activity against several enterovirus species, such as Enterovirus 71 (EV-A), Echovirus 11 (EV-B), and Poliovirus 1 (EV-C). This could be used as a starting point for the development of other pleconaril/pirodavir-like enterovirus inhibitors with broad-spectrum activity and improved effects as compared to the reference drugs. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Exploring Young Children's Understanding about the Concept of Volume through Engineering Design in a STEM Activity: A Case Study (United States)

    Park, Do-Yong; Park, Mi-Hwa; Bates, Alan B.


    This case study explores young children's understanding and application of the concept of volume through the practices of engineering design in a STEM activity. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. However, engineering stands out as a challenging area to implement. In addition, most early engineering education…

  14. A qualitative exploration of barriers and motivators to physical activity participation in women treated for breast cancer. (United States)

    Brunet, Jennifer; Taran, Samantha; Burke, Shaunna; Sabiston, Catherine M


    The adoption and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle among women after breast cancer is an important priority for public health and rehabilitation science. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore breast cancer survivors' perceptions of the factors influencing their ability to maintain a self-directed physical activity program. Nine women participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Data were coded into perceived barriers and motivators to maintenance of physical activity using thematic analysis. Women identified a range of physical (e.g. cancer-related physical symptoms), environmental/organizational (e.g. bad weather, lack of equipment/facilities, lack of knowledge, time constraints) and psychosocial (e.g. lack of motivation, low social support, low confidence/skill) barriers. They also identified perceived physical (e.g. weight management, health improvement or maintenance, increase energy) and psychosocial (e.g. improve body image, experience enjoyment, social support, positive emotions) motivators. These findings are consistent with research on barriers and motivators to physical activity initiation, and can be used to develop self-directed physical activity programs that target active breast cancer survivors to sustain regular engagement. Furthermore, the barriers and motivators identified represent key variables for further investigation. The present study identifies a number of perceived physical, psychosocial and organizational/environmental barriers to naturally occurring physical activity participation among active breast cancer survivors that should be addressed to ensure they maintain a physically active lifestyle This study also provides evidence that comprehensive approaches that address physical and psychosocial motivators to physical activity should be developed to assist women with a history of breast cancer maintain their physical activity levels.

  15. Three essays on the exploration for non-renewable resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadorsky, P.A.


    A new additional motive for exploration activity is proposed in the first essay. When exploration occurs before the resource is extracted, there is an incentive to use exploration activity as a strategic instrument to capture market share and inflict capital losses on rivals. This provides an incentive for governments to use strategic taxation to capture greater rents from the imperfectly competitive world output markets. Analytic expressions for the optimal domestic extraction tax and exploration subsidy are presented. In the second essay, Canadian data are used to estimate a multiple-output translog exploration cost function. A new definition of depletion is introduced and its estimated coefficient is found to be statistically significant. Monte Carlo integration techniques were applied to ensure the estimated cost function satisfies concavity and monotonicity. The fitted cost function parameters are then used to estimate the marginal cost of oil and gas exploration. These estimates are used, along with estimates of exploration rents, to measure resource scarcity. In the third essay, Canadian data are used to estimate a stochastic and dynamic model of oil exploration and extraction in Alberta. The main determinants of current period extraction are one period lagged extraction and one period expected extraction. The main determinants of current period exploration are one period lagged cumulative exploration and a relative price variable. 150 refs., 13 figs., 19 tabs

  16. Facilitating continuity: exploring the role of digital technology in physical rehabilitation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagalkot, Naveen L.; Nazzi, Elena; Sokoler, Tomas


    In this paper we report our early experiences on exploring if, and how, digital technology can help facilitate a stronger sense of continuity in the physical rehabilitation process, as experienced by the therapists and the senior citizens. We recognize four aspects of the design space offered...... by the notion of continuity, and present two design explorations: MagicMirror, exploring the design for self-monitoring and collaborative articulation; and Walky, exploring the design for self-monitoring and the integration of rehab activities with other everyday activities. Taking a research...

  17. Exploring the Potential of Active Learning for Automatic Identification of Marine Oil Spills Using 10-Year (2004–2013 RADARSAT Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongfeng Cao


    Full Text Available This paper intends to find a more cost-effective way for training oil spill classification systems by introducing active learning (AL and exploring its potential, so that satisfying classifiers could be learned with reduced number of labeled samples. The dataset used has 143 oil spills and 124 look-alikes from 198 RADARSAT images covering the east and west coasts of Canada from 2004 to 2013. Six uncertainty-based active sample selecting (ACS methods are designed to choose the most informative samples. A method for reducing information redundancy amongst the selected samples and a method with varying sample preference are considered. Four classifiers (k-nearest neighbor (KNN, support vector machine (SVM, linear discriminant analysis (LDA and decision tree (DT are coupled with ACS methods to explore the interaction and possible preference between classifiers and ACS methods. Three kinds of measures are adopted to highlight different aspect of classification performance of these AL-boosted classifiers. Overall, AL proves its strong potential with 4% to 78% reduction on training samples in different settings. The SVM classifier shows to be the best one for using in the AL frame, with perfect performance evolving curves in different kinds of measures. The exploration and exploitation criterion can further improve the performance of the AL-boosted SVM classifier but not of the other classifiers.

  18. Analysis of exploration expenditure for unconventional gas : how investing in exploration would improve reserves and production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Virine, L.


    This paper described a method for analyzing the efficiency of exploration investment, which can improve corporate planning. Exploration expenditure is held to be a main indicator of economic activities in the oil and gas industry because exploration is supposed to lead to booking more reserves and increased production. A model was developed for analyzing the correlation between exploration expenditure and producer's reserves and production for conventional and unconventional gas plays in the United States. The model was used to quantitatively assess the exploration expenditures production and reserves of different producers for various conventional and unconventional gas plays. Producer's booked reserves, production from public sources, and reserves and production forecasts were incorporated into the model, which was used to analyze different types of exploration expenditure (land, drilling, and seismic) incurred at various times prior to reserves and production being booked. There was an overall positive correlation between exploration expenditure and reserves and production, but there was significant variance in the correlation between various producers operating in different plays. Unproved land acquisition was strongly correlated to the booking of proved reserves, but there was no correlation between unproved land acquisition and exploration expenditure ratio, reserves, or production. A number of companies had a high exploration expenditure to overall expenditure ratio, but the resulting payoffs were inconsistent. 6 refs., 1 tab., 6 figs.

  19. Exploring Sound with Insects (United States)

    Robertson, Laura; Meyer, John R.


    Differences in insect morphology and movement during singing provide a fascinating opportunity for students to investigate insects while learning about the characteristics of sound. In the activities described here, students use a free online computer software program to explore the songs of the major singing insects and experiment with making…

  20. A flooding algorithm for multirobot exploration. (United States)

    Cabrera-Mora, Flavio; Xiao, Jizhong


    In this paper, we present a multirobot exploration algorithm that aims at reducing the exploration time and to minimize the overall traverse distance of the robots by coordinating the movement of the robots performing the exploration. Modeling the environment as a tree, we consider a coordination model that restricts the number of robots allowed to traverse an edge and to enter a vertex during each step. This coordination is achieved in a decentralized manner by the robots using a set of active landmarks that are dropped by them at explored vertices. We mathematically analyze the algorithm on trees, obtaining its main properties and specifying its bounds on the exploration time. We also define three metrics of performance for multirobot algorithms. We simulate and compare the performance of this new algorithm with those of our multirobot depth first search (MR-DFS) approach presented in our recent paper and classic single-robot DFS.

  1. [Exploration on mechanism of anti-influenza virus activity of genus Paeonia based on network pharmacology]. (United States)

    Cai, Ya-Qi; Bao, Ya-Ting; Wang, Hong-Jin; Ren, Xiao-Dong; Huang, Lin-Fang; He, Jie; Liu, Tian-Tian; Zeng, Rui


    This paper aimed to investigate the anti-influenza virus activity of the genus Paeonia, screen potential anti-influenza virus compounds and predict targets of anti-influenza virus to explore the mechanism of anti-influenza virus activity. First of all, a total of 301 compounds of the genus Paeonia were summarized from the literatures in recent ten years. The candidate active ingredients from the genus Paeonia were identified by database such as PubChem and Chemical Book. The ligands were constructed by ChemDraw, Avogadro and Discovery Studio Visualizer. Secondly, 23 potential anti-influenza virus targets were developed by combining the target database and the literatures. Uniprot database was used to find the anti-influenza virus targets, and RCSB was used to identify targets associated with anti-influenza virus activity as docked receptor proteins. QuickVina 2.0 software was used for molecular docking. Finally, the Cytoscape 3.5.1 software was used to map the potential activity compounds of the genus Paeonia against influenza virus and the anti-influenza virus target network. Uniprot online database was used to analyze the target GO enrichment and KEGG metabolic pathways. The results showed that 74 compounds of the genus Paeonia had anti-influenza virus effect and 18 potential anti-influenza virus targets were screened. GO analysis concluded that the mechanism of the genus Paeonia anti-influenza virus is consistent with the mechanism of NA anti-influenza virus in order to stop the sprouting, dispersion and diffusion of virus and reduce the ability of virus to infect, so that the infection can be restricted so as to achieve the anti-influenza virus effect. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.

  2. Exploring a novel environment improves motivation and promotes recall of words

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Judith eSchomaker


    Full Text Available Active exploration of novel environments is known to increase plasticity in animals, promoting long-term potentiation in the hippocampus and enhancing memory formation. These effects can occur during as well as after exploration. In humans novelty’s effects on memory have been investigated with other methods, but never in an active exploration paradigm. We therefore investigated whether active spatial exploration of a novel compared to a previously familiarized virtual environment promotes performance on an unrelated word learning task. Exploration of the novel environment enhanced recall, generally thought to be hippocampus-dependent, but not recognition, believed to rely less on the hippocampus. Recall was better for participants that gave higher presence ratings for their experience in the virtual environment. These ratings were higher for the novel compared to the familiar virtual environment, suggesting that novelty increased attention for the virtual rather than real environment; however, this did not explain the effect of novelty on recall.

  3. Exploring a novel environment improves motivation and promotes recall of words. (United States)

    Schomaker, Judith; van Bronkhorst, Marthe L V; Meeter, Martijn


    Active exploration of novel environments is known to increase plasticity in animals, promoting long-term potentiation in the hippocampus and enhancing memory formation. These effects can occur during as well as after exploration. In humans novelty's effects on memory have been investigated with other methods, but never in an active exploration paradigm. We therefore investigated whether active spatial exploration of a novel compared to a previously familiarized virtual environment promotes performance on an unrelated word learning task. Exploration of the novel environment enhanced recall, generally thought to be hippocampus-dependent, but not recognition, believed to rely less on the hippocampus. Recall was better for participants that gave higher presence ratings for their experience in the virtual environment. These ratings were higher for the novel compared to the familiar virtual environment, suggesting that novelty increased attention for the virtual rather than real environment; however, this did not explain the effect of novelty on recall.

  4. Exploring the Role of Persulfate in the Activation Process: Radical Precursor Versus Electron Acceptor. (United States)

    Yun, Eun-Tae; Yoo, Ha-Young; Bae, Hyokwan; Kim, Hyoung-Il; Lee, Jaesang


    This study elucidates the mechanism behind persulfate activation by exploring the role of various oxyanions (e.g., peroxymonosulfate, periodate, and peracetate) in two activation systems utilizing iron nanoparticle (nFe 0 ) as the reducing agent and single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as electron transfer mediators. Since the tested oxyanions serve as both electron acceptors and radical precursors in most cases, oxidative degradation of organics was achievable through one-electron reduction of oxyanions on nFe 0 (leading to radical-induced oxidation) and electron transfer mediation from organics to oxyanions on CNTs (leading to oxidative decomposition involving no radical formation). A distinction between degradative reaction mechanisms of the nFe 0 /oxyanion and CNT/oxyanion systems was made in terms of the oxyanion consumption efficacy, radical scavenging effect, and EPR spectral analysis. Statistical study of substrate-specificity and product distribution implied that the reaction route induced on nFe 0 varies depending on the oxyanion (i.e., oxyanion-derived radical), whereas the similar reaction pathway initiates organic oxidation in the CNT/oxyanion system irrespective of the oxyanion type. Chronoamperometric measurements further confirmed electron transfer from organics to oxyanions in the presence of CNTs, which was not observed when applying nFe 0 instead.

  5. Fluidodinâmica computacional aplicada ao estudo da flotação de inclusões em aços para a indústria automobilística.


    Marins, Ângelo Máximo Fernandes; Costa Neto, Joaquim Gonçalves; Martins, Wiclef Humberto Vieira; Silva, Carlos Antônio da; Silva, Itavahn Alves da


    A prática de injeção de gás inerte na panela de refino secundário do aço tem como propósito a remoção das inclusões não-metálicas, além da homogeneização térmica e composicional. Pela modelagem física de uma panela de refino secundário, são investigados os efeitos da vazão de gás inerte e número dos plugues porosos, instalados no fundo da panela. O campo de velocidades e a flotação de inclusões não-metálicas são analisados matematicamente via CFD. Os resultados obtidos por modelagem física e ...

  6. Exploration of peptides that fit into the thermally vibrating active site of cathepsin K protease by alternating artificial intelligence and molecular simulation (United States)

    Nishiyama, Katsuhiko


    Eighteen tripeptides that fit into the thermally vibrating active site of cathepsin K were discovered by alternating artificial intelligence and molecular simulation. The 18 tripeptides fit the active site better than the cysteine protease inhibitor E64, and a better inhibitor of cathepsin K could be designed considering these tripeptides. Among the 18 tripeptides, Phe-Arg-Asp and Tyr-Arg-Asp fit the active site the best and their structural similarity should be considered in the design process. Interesting factors emerged from the structure of the decision tree, and its structural information will guide exploration of potential inhibitor molecules for proteases.

  7. Exploring objects for recognition in the real world

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kootstra, Gert; Ypma, Jelmer; de Boer, Bart


    Perception in natural systems is a highly active process. In this paper, we adopt the strategy of natural systems to explore objects for 3D object recognition using robots. The exploration of objects enables the system to learn objects from different viewpoints, which is essential for 3D object

  8. Nanobiomimetic Active Shape Control - Fluidic and Swarm-Intelligence Embodiments for Planetary Exploration (United States)

    Santoli, S.

    The concepts of Active Shape Control ( ASC ) and of Generalized Quantum Holography ( GQH ), respectively embodying a closer approach to biomimicry than the current macrophysics-based attempts at bioinspired robotic systems, and realizing a non-connectionistic, life-like kind of information processing that allows increasingly depths of mimicking of the biological structure-function solidarity, which have been formulated in physical terms in previous papers, are here further investigated for application to bioinspired flying or swimming robots for planetary exploration. It is shown that nano-to-micro integration would give the deepest level of biomimicry, and that both low and very low Reynolds number ( Re ) fluidics would involve GQH and Fiber Bundle Topology ( FBT ) for processing information at the various levels of ASC bioinspired robotics. While very low Re flows lend themselves to geometrization of microrobot dynamics and to FBT design, the general design problem is geometrized through GQH , i.e. made independent of dynamic considerations, thus allowing possible problems of semantic dyscrasias in highly complex hierarchical dynamical chains of sensing information processing actuating to be overcome. A roadmap to near- and medium-term nanostructured and nano-to-micro integration realizations is suggested.

  9. Communication System Architecture for Planetary Exploration (United States)

    Braham, Stephen P.; Alena, Richard; Gilbaugh, Bruce; Glass, Brian; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    Future human missions to Mars will require effective communications supporting exploration activities and scientific field data collection. Constraints on cost, size, weight and power consumption for all communications equipment make optimization of these systems very important. These information and communication systems connect people and systems together into coherent teams performing the difficult and hazardous tasks inherent in planetary exploration. The communication network supporting vehicle telemetry data, mission operations, and scientific collaboration must have excellent reliability, and flexibility.

  10. An analysis of historical data on uranium exploration expenditures and price

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Price, R.R.


    Exploration expenditures (especially in constant dollars) are a good indicator of exploration activity and there is an excellent correlation between them and uranium price with the influence of a price increase in uranium greatest one to two years after the price change. Recent prices, though increasing from all-time lows, still remain relatively low when expressed in constant dollars. This, as yet, modest price increase though can still be expected to stimulate significantly increased exploration activity. However, since the impact can be expected to be seen only one to two years after a price increase, any increases in exploration will still be in progress and will only be fully revealed over the next several years. With reactor requirements to be increasingly met by primary production in coming years, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient new discoveries of uranium are made to permit expansion of production capability as secondary sources decline. Increased exploration activity will be needed to provide the resource base needed to build new or expand existing production capability. An analysis of historical information indicates that past price increases have resulted in increased exploration. Recent price increases, therefore, can be expected to begin the increased exploration needed to support the expansion of uranium production capability

  11. Exploring Power with Object Theatre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryöppy, Merja; Ylirisku, Salu; Knutz, Eva


    This paper explores Object Theatre as an approach to address power in design. We understand power as a relational activity that emerges and is upheld through particular ways of relating (Elias, 1991; Stacey, 2007). The spontaneity in participant actions through Object Theatre exercises renders pr...

  12. NCS-1 dependent learning bonus and behavior outputs of self-directed exploration (United States)

    Mun, Ho-Suk

    Animals explore a new environment and learn about their surroundings. "Exploration" refers to all activities that increase the information obtained from an animal. For this study, I determined a molecule that mediates self-directed exploration, with a particular focus on rearing behavior and vocalization. Rearing can be either self-directed exploration or escape-oriented exploration. Self-directed exploration can be driven by the desire to gather information about environments while escape-oriented exploration can be driven by fear or anxiety. To differentiate between these two concepts, I compared rearing and other behaviors in three different conditions 1) novel dim (safe environment), which induces exploration based rearing; 2) novel bright (fearful environment), which elicits fear driven rearing; and 3) familiar environment as a control. First, I characterized the effects on two distinct types of environment in exploratory behavior and its effect on learning. From this, I determined that self-directed exploration enhances spatial learning while escape-oriented exploration does not produce a learning bonus. Second, I found that NCS-1 is involved in exploration, as well as learning and memory, by testing mice with reduced levels of Ncs-1 by point mutation and also siRNA injection. Finally, I illustrated other behavior outputs and neural substrate activities, which co-occurred during either self-directed or escape-oriented exploration. I found that high-frequency ultrasonic vocalizations occurred during self-directed exploration while low-frequency calls were emitted during escape-oriented exploration. Also, with immediate early gene imaging techniques, I found hippocampus and nucleus accumbens activation in self-directed exploration. This study is the first comprehensive molecular analysis of learning bonus in self-directed exploration. These results may be beneficial for studying underlying mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disease, and also reveal therapeutic

  13. 'But This Isn't School': Exploring Tensions in the Intersection between School and Leisure Activities in Classroom Game Design (United States)

    Øygardslia, Kristine


    While there are several positive outcomes from implementing game design in a formal learning context, there are also challenges that have to be considered in order to improve game-based learning. This is explored in the article, using the concepts of "activity frames" and "stancetaking", focusing on the social organization of…

  14. Explorations in Statistics: The Analysis of Ratios and Normalized Data (United States)

    Curran-Everett, Douglas


    Learning about statistics is a lot like learning about science: the learning is more meaningful if you can actively explore. This ninth installment of "Explorations in Statistics" explores the analysis of ratios and normalized--or standardized--data. As researchers, we compute a ratio--a numerator divided by a denominator--to compute a…

  15. Antenatal physical activity: a qualitative study exploring women's experiences and the acceptability of antenatal walking groups. (United States)

    Currie, Sinéad; Gray, Cindy; Shepherd, Ashley; McInnes, Rhona J


    Regular physical activity (PA) can be beneficial to pregnant women, however, many women do not adhere to current PA guidelines during the antenatal period. Patient and public involvement is essential when designing antenatal PA interventions in order to uncover the reasons for non-adherence and non-engagement with the behaviour, as well as determining what type of intervention would be acceptable. The aim of this research was to explore women's experiences of PA during a recent pregnancy, understand the barriers and determinants of antenatal PA and explore the acceptability of antenatal walking groups for further development. Seven focus groups were undertaken with women who had given birth within the past five years. Focus groups were transcribed and analysed using a grounded theory approach. Relevant and related behaviour change techniques (BCTs), which could be applied to future interventions, were identified using the BCT taxonomy. Women's opinions and experiences of PA during pregnancy were categorised into biological/physical (including tiredness and morning sickness), psychological (fear of harm to baby and self-confidence) and social/environmental issues (including access to facilities). Although antenatal walking groups did not appear popular, women identified some factors which could encourage attendance (e.g. childcare provision) and some which could discourage attendance (e.g. walking being boring). It was clear that the personality of the walk leader would be extremely important in encouraging women to join a walking group and keep attending. Behaviour change technique categories identified as potential intervention components included social support and comparison of outcomes (e.g. considering pros and cons of behaviour). Women's experiences and views provided a range of considerations for future intervention development, including provision of childcare, involvement of a fun and engaging leader and a range of activities rather than just walking

  16. Uranium exploration of the Colorado Plateau: interim staff report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is an issue of the original draft copy of the Interim Staff Report on Uranium Exploration on the Colorado Plateau, dated June 1951. The original draft copy was only recently located and is being published at this time because of the interest in the contained historical content. The table of contents of this report lists: history of uranium mining; geology; proposed program for the geologic investigations section; general activities of industry and government; and future exploration of sedimentary uranium deposits and anticipated results. Under the proposed program section are: future of the copper-uranium deposits as a source of uranium; uraniferous asphaltite deposits; and commission exploration and future possibilities. The section on general activities of industry and government includes: exploratory and development drilling; field investigations and mapping; early geologic investigations and investigations by the US geological survey; and geophysical exploration. Tables are also presented on: uranium production by districts; US Geological survey drilling statistics; Colorado Exploration Branch drilling statistics; summary of drilling projects; and comparative yearly core-drill statistics on the Colorado Plateau

  17. Towards a differentiated understanding of active travel behaviour: using social theory to explore everyday commuting. (United States)

    Guell, C; Panter, J; Jones, N R; Ogilvie, D


    Fostering physical activity is an established public health priority for the primary prevention of a variety of chronic diseases. One promising population approach is to seek to embed physical activity in everyday lives by promoting walking and cycling to and from work ('active commuting') as an alternative to driving. Predominantly quantitative epidemiological studies have investigated travel behaviours, their determinants and how they may be changed towards more active choices. This study aimed to depart from narrow behavioural approaches to travel and investigate the social context of commuting with qualitative social research methods. Within a social practice theory framework, we explored how people describe their commuting experiences and make commuting decisions, and how travel behaviour is embedded in and shaped by commuters' complex social worlds. Forty-nine semi-structured interviews and eighteen photo-elicitation interviews with accompanying field notes were conducted with a subset of the Commuting and Health in Cambridge study cohort, based in the UK. The findings are discussed in terms of three particularly pertinent facets of the commuting experience. Firstly, choice and decisions are shaped by the constantly changing and fluid nature of commuters' social worlds. Secondly, participants express ambiguities in relation to their reasoning, ambitions and identities as commuters. Finally, commuting needs to be understood as an embodied and emotional practice. With this in mind, we suggest that everyday decision-making in commuting requires the tactical negotiation of these complexities. This study can help to explain the limitations of more quantitative and static models and frameworks in predicting travel behaviour and identify future research directions. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Exploring Water Pollution. Part II (United States)

    Rillo, Thomas J.


    This is part two of a three part article related to the science activity of exploring environmental problems. Part one dealt with background information for the classroom teacher. Presented here is a suggested lesson plan on water pollution. Objectives, important concepts and instructional procedures are suggested. (EB)

  19. Integrated Solar System Exploration Education and Public Outreach: Theme, Products and Activities (United States)

    Lowes, Leslie; Lindstrom, Marilyn; Stockman, Stephanie; Scalice, Daniela; Allen, Jaclyn; Tobola, Kay; Klug, Sheri; Harmon, Art


    NASA's Solar System Exploration Program is entering an unprecedented period of exploration and discovery. Its goal is to understand the origin and evolution of the solar system and life within it. SSE missions are operating or in development to study the far reaches of our solar system and beyond. These missions proceed in sequence for each body from reconnaissance flybys through orbiters and landers or rovers to sample returns. SSE research programs develop new instruments, analyze mission data or returned samples, and provide experimental or theoretical models to aid in interpretation.

  20. A perspective on worldwide exploration for minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crowson, P.C.F.


    The objective of this chapter is to provide as firm a factual basis as possible for debate about patterns of mineral exploration spending throughout the world, both geographically and over time. The data compiled for this purpose are presented in the chapter. After describing some of the major problems in gathering, arranging, and utilizing these data, the chapter focuses on a few of the many possible conclusions that can be drawn from them. The section summarize statistics on mineral exploration expenditures, discuss trends in these expenditures, consider aspects of exploration costs such as the relative effectiveness of expenditures in different parts of the world, and describe the roles of public and private organizations that are active in the various stages of exploration

  1. Motives and activities for continuing professional development: An exploration of their relationships by integrating literature and interview data. (United States)

    Pool, Inge A; Poell, Rob F; Berings, Marjolein G M C; Ten Cate, Olle


    To effectively enhance professional development, it is important to understand the motivational factors behind nurses' engagement in particular types of learning activities. Nurses have various motives for professional development and utilise different learning activities. Not much is known about how these relate. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between nurses' motives and activities for continuing professional development, by examining in which types of learning activities nurses engage, with which motives, and whether certain motives are associated with certain learning activities. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. Twenty-one nurses in academic and general Dutch hospitals participated. Interview data on nurses' learning biographies were analysed using a literature-based framework on motives and learning activities for continuing professional development. As recent classifications of nurses' motives for professional development were absent, the literature was reviewed for motives, using three databases. The interview transcripts were analysed for motives, learning activities and their relationships. Nine motives and four categories of learning activities for continuing professional development were delineated. Increasing competence was the primary motive that stimulated nurses to engage in self-directed learning during work, and in formal learning activities. To comply with requirements, they engaged in mandatory courses. To deepen knowledge, they registered for conferences. To develop their careers, they enrolled in postgraduate education. Five other motives were not mentioned as frequently. Specific motives were found to be related to engagement in particular learning activities. Nurses could use these findings to increase their awareness of why and how they develop professionally, and managers and human resource development professionals could develop approaches that would better suit nurses' needs. Copyright © 2016

  2. Measurement of atmospheric pollutants associated with oil and natural gas exploration and production activity in Pennsylvania's Allegheny National Forest. (United States)

    Pekney, Natalie J; Veloski, Garret; Reeder, Matthew; Tamilia, Joseph; Rupp, Erik; Wetzel, Alan


    Oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) activities generate emissions from diesel engines, compressor stations, condensate tanks, leaks and venting of natural gas, construction of well pads, and well access roads that can negatively impact air quality on both local and regional scales. A mobile, autonomous air quality monitoring laboratory was constructed to collect measurements of ambient concentrations of pollutants associated with oil and natural gas E&P activities. This air-monitoring laboratory was deployed to the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) in northwestern Pennsylvania for a campaign that resulted in the collection of approximately 7 months of data split between three monitoring locations between July 2010 and June 2011. The three monitoring locations were the Kane Experimental Forest (KEF) area in Elk County, which is downwind of the Sackett oilfield; the Bradford Ranger Station (BRS) in McKean County, which is downwind of a large area of historic oil and gas productivity; and the U.S. Forest Service Hearts Content campground (HC) in Warren County, which is in an area relatively unimpacted by oil and gas development and which therefore yielded background pollutant concentrations in the ANF. Concentrations of criteria pollutants ozone and NO2 did not vary significantly from site to site; averages were below National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with oil and natural gas (ethane, propane, butane, pentane) were highly correlated. Applying the conditional probability function (CPF) to the ethane data yielded most probable directions of the sources that were coincident with known location of existing wells and activity. Differences between the two impacted and one background site were difficult to discern, suggesting the that the monitoring laboratory was a great enough distance downwind of active areas to allow for sufficient dispersion with background air such that the localized

  3. Investment in Exploration-Production and Refining - 2016

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maisonnier, Guy; Hureau, Geoffroy; Serbutoviez, Sylvain; Silva, Constancio


    IFPEN analyses in this study the 2016 evolution of global investment in the field of exploration-production and refining: - Trends in oil and gas prices; - Investment in exploration/production: in sharp decline for the second consecutive year - the first time this has happened since 1986; - The global drilling market; - Geophysical: global activity and markets; - Offshore construction: market and business; - A significant reduction in refining projects (atmospheric distillation and conversion)

  4. Recent developments in uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barretto, P.M.


    Even in the most experienced and competent hands, mineral exploration is an expensive, risky, and time-consuming business. Uranium exploration is no different from the above, its sole advantage being that the uranium can be detected from afar because it emits gamma radiation. Therefore, radiometric techniques are the most useful exploration methods. In developing countries that are interested in starting or that have started uranium exploration programmes there are other problems as well as those outlined above: Lack of, or difficulty in obtaining, the requisite number of qualified personnel for field and laboratory activities (lack of manpower); Lack of administrative and technological infrastructure needed to support an exploration effort (lack of technology); and Relatively small budget for a multi-year programme (lack of money). In view of the above it is very important that the time and resources available to an exploration programme are utilized wisely. This means selecting optimum methods of obtaining the information needed and avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort by government organizations. Such duplication of effort in exploration is common in developing countries. In some cases three government organizations have been discovered doing geological mapping of the same area. As the amount, quality and availability of geological information vary from place to place, and since the exploration programmes can have different sizes and objectives, following a standard procedure is difficult. The procedures or sequences outlined are suggested for areas that are being prospected for the first time. If carried out systematically, it will be possible to obtain both an inventory of the geology, and an assessment of the mineral potential of a given area with minimum investment and maximum efficiency

  5. Exploring the nanoworld

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cockayne, D.


    Full text: The nanoworld is a real world waiting to be explored and to be exploited, and the key to this world is microscopy. Modem techniques of microscopy reveal not only atoms and molecules, but also how they combine and interact. They allow us to explore not only the natural but also the synthesised nanoworld. Through this exploration, we can discover new natural forms which can act as templates for constructing novel materials of technological and scientific importance, we can obtain knowledge about the nanoworld (eg the structure of macromolecules) which gives us the means to manipulate the natural world, and we can discover how nature uses microstructure to achieve materials properties (eg strength) which we can then mimic. There are many modern forms of microscopy which are used in this exploration. They include not only a variety of microscopes (eg electron, atomic force, scanning tunnelling) but also an increasing range of sophisticated techniques such as electron tomography, image reconstruction, energy loss spectroscopy and high resolution microscopy, in which mathematical manipulation of the data is playing an increasingly important role. Meanwhile developments in aberration correctors and electron energy monochromation are taking microscopy into a new realm of resolution both in imaging and spectroscopy. Research at the nanoscale is causing a convergence between the biological and physical sciences, largely because the tools and techniques they use are becoming increasingly common to both fields. This challenges us to arrange our activities to optimise our efforts and resources. So we see significant developments in shared instrumentation and remote operation, and we see the setting up of nanotechnology institutes where researchers from across the biological, mathematical, materials and medical disciplines explore together. Copyright (2002) Australian Society for Electron Microscopy Inc

  6. 1996 petroleum exploration and production in France; 1996 recherche et production petrolieres en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A detailed analysis and data compilations on petroleum exploration and production activities in France in 1996, are presented. Acreage evolution is decreasing despite a growth of new exploration licenses; a significant rise in the activity of seismic surveying has occurred, while exploration drilling activity (onshore only), equivalent to the previous year, led to two oil discoveries, and the investments in exploration showed a decrease of 28 percent compared to 1995. Production is declining for oil as well as natural gas (15 and 12 percent decrease resp.), while production investments dropped very sharply showing a reduction of 48 percent

  7. 1996 petroleum exploration and production in France; 1996 recherche et production petrolieres en France

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A detailed analysis and data compilations on petroleum exploration and production activities in France in 1996, are presented. Acreage evolution is decreasing despite a growth of new exploration licenses; a significant rise in the activity of seismic surveying has occurred, while exploration drilling activity (onshore only), equivalent to the previous year, led to two oil discoveries, and the investments in exploration showed a decrease of 28 percent compared to 1995. Production is declining for oil as well as natural gas (15 and 12 percent decrease resp.), while production investments dropped very sharply showing a reduction of 48 percent

  8. Explorations in Statistics: Hypothesis Tests and P Values (United States)

    Curran-Everett, Douglas


    Learning about statistics is a lot like learning about science: the learning is more meaningful if you can actively explore. This second installment of "Explorations in Statistics" delves into test statistics and P values, two concepts fundamental to the test of a scientific null hypothesis. The essence of a test statistic is that it compares what…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Galvão de Barba


    , normal asimétrica, t-student, t-student asimétrica, generalizada y generalizada asimétrica. Como resultado del estudio, se constató que hay variación en la  distribución mejor ajustada durante el periodo de crisis para casi todos los países. A variación tanto de las distribuciones cuanto de los significados y magnitudes de los coeficientes puede llevar a creer que periodos de oscilación e instabilidad financiera pueden influenciar en el  modelado de series financieras, alterando la magnitud y significado de coeficientes, y ser decurrentes del efecto contagio.A crise no mercado imobiliário norte-americano, em 2007, atingiu fortemente os mercados de capitais dos EUA e dos países europeus. Crises financeiras com a magnitude da crise de 2007/2008 trazem à tona importantes questões relativas aos mercados financeiros. Este trabalho visa investigar como a especificação da distribuição influenciou a modelagem da volatilidade no período que abrangeu a crise financeira de 2007/2008. Foram utilizados, para a análise,por meio do modelo APARCH,  dados semanais dos índices das principais bolsas do BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e Chi    na e dos Estados Unidos. A modelagem foi realizada em três subdivisões da amostra, supondo-se seis distribuições distintas: normal, normal assimétrica,  tstudent, t-student assimétrica, generalizada e generalizada assimétrica. Como resultado do estudo, constatouse que há variação na distribuição melhor ajustada durante o período de crise para quase todos os países. A variação tanto das distribuições quanto das significâncias e magnitudes dos coeficientes pode levar a crer que períodos de oscilação e instabilidade financeira podem influenciar na modelagem de séries financeiras, alterando a magnitude e significância de coeficientes, e ser decorrentes de efeito contágio.

  10. Influence of gravity compensation on kinematics and muscle activation patterns during reach and retrieval in subjects with cervical spinal cord injury An explorative study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kloosterman, Marieke G. M.; Snoek, Govert J.; Kouwenhoven, Mirjam; Nene, Anand V.; Jannink, Michiel J. A.


    Many interventions in upper-limb rehabilitation after cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI) use arm support (gravity compensation), however, its specific effects on kinematics and muscle activation characteristics in subjects with a CSCI are largely unknown We conducted a cross-sectional explorative

  11. Exploring the smallest active fragment of HsQSOX1b and finding a highly efficient oxidative engine.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenyun Zheng

    Full Text Available Human quiescin-sulfhydryl oxidase 1 isoform b (HsQSOX1b is a highly efficient, multiple-domain enzyme that directly inserts disulfide bonds into client protein. However, previous studies have focused mainly on the catalytic activity of the whole protein rather than its domain structure. In this research, we dissected the structure and function of HsQSOX1b and explored its mechanism as a highly efficient sulfhydryl oxidase by analyzing the truncated variants. The results showed that the first HsQSOX1b thioredoxin domain was essential for thiol oxidase activity. The smallest active fragment (SAQ was identified to consist of a helix-rich region (HRR and an essential for respiration and viability/augmenter of liver regeneration (ERV/ALR domain, which remained highly active to oxidize an artificial non-thiol substrate but not small molecular and protein thiols. Our study clearly demonstrated that SAQ is a highly efficient oxidative engine, which shows high efficiency in the de novo disulfide formation and oxygen reduction and that this more efficient oxidative engine is necessary for the highly efficient catalysis of QSOXs compared to Erv1 and Erv2. This study will help address the roles of different HsQSOX1b domains in de novo disulfide formation and encourage the engineering of more efficient QSOX variants for the in vitro folding of disulfide-containing proteins.

  12. Qualitative study exploring healthy eating practices and physical activity among adolescent girls in rural South Africa. (United States)

    Sedibe, Heather M; Kahn, Kathleen; Edin, Kerstin; Gitau, Tabitha; Ivarsson, Anneli; Norris, Shane A


    Dietary behaviours and physical activity are modifiable risk factors to address increasing levels of obesity among children and adolescents, and consequently to reduce later cardiovascular and metabolic disease. This paper explores perceptions, attitudes, barriers, and facilitators related to healthy eating and physical activity among adolescent girls in rural South Africa. A qualitative study was conducted in the rural Agincourt subdistrict, covered by a health and sociodemographic surveillance system, in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Semistructured "duo-interviews" were carried out with 11 pairs of adolescent female friends aged 16 to 19 years. Thematic content analysis was used. The majority of participants considered locally grown and traditional foods, especially fruits and vegetables, to be healthy. Their consumption was limited by availability, and these foods were often sourced from family or neighbourhood gardens. Female caregivers and school meal programmes facilitated healthy eating practices. Most participants believed in the importance of breakfast, even though for the majority, limited food within the household was a barrier to eating breakfast before going to school. The majority cited limited accessibility as a major barrier to healthy eating, and noted the increasing intake of "convenient and less healthy foods". Girls were aware of the benefits of physical activity and engaged in various physical activities within the home, community, and schools, including household chores, walking long distances to school, traditional dancing, and extramural activities such as netball and soccer. The findings show widespread knowledge about healthy eating and the benefits of consuming locally grown and traditional food items in a population that is undergoing nutrition transition. Limited access and food availability are strong barriers to healthy eating practices. School meal programmes are an important facilitator of healthy eating, and breakfast

  13. Petroleum exploration in Africa from space (United States)

    Gianinetto, Marco; Frassy, Federico; Aiello, Martina; Rota Nodari, Francesco


    Hydrocarbons are nonrenewable resources but today they are the cheaper and easier energy we have access and will remain the main source of energy for this century. Nevertheless, their exploration is extremely high-risk, very expensive and time consuming. In this context, satellite technologies for Earth observation can play a fundamental role by making hydrocarbon exploration more efficient, economical and much more eco-friendly. Complementary to traditional geophysical methods such as gravity and magnetic (gravmag) surveys, satellite remote sensing can be used to detect onshore long-term biochemical and geochemical alterations on the environment produced by invisible small fluxes of light hydrocarbons migrating from the underground deposits to the surface, known as microseepage effect. This paper describes two case studies: one in South Sudan and another in Mozambique. Results show how remote sensing is a powerful technology for detecting active petroleum systems, thus supporting hydrocarbon exploration in remote or hardly accessible areas and without the need of any exploration license.

  14. Circulation of the polar thermosphere during geomagnetically quiet and active times as observed by Dynamics Explorer 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCormac, F.G.; Killeen, T.L.; Thayer, J.P.; Hernandez, G.; Tschan, C.R.; Ponthieu, J.J.; Spencer, N.W.


    Neutral wind measurements obtained by instruments on board the Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE 2) spacecraft have been used to study the effects of geomagnetic activity on the circulation of the high-latitude neutral thermosphere for solar maximum conditions during the periods of November 1981 through January 1982 and November 1982 through January 1983. The data have been sorted and ordered according to the two geophysical indices Kp and (auroral electrojet) AE. Simple expressions have been derived which describe (1) the maximum antisunward wind speed in the geomagnetic polar cap, (2) the maximum sunward wind speeds in the dawn and dusk sectors of the auroral oval, and (3) the latitudinal extent of the polar cap antisunward neutral wind as functions of Kp and AE. The results show a positive correlation between the geomagnetic indices and the three characteristic features of the neutral circulation described above. Averaged vector wind fields in geomagnetic coordinates for Kp ≤ 2 and Kp ≥ 4 in both northern and southern hemispheres for the 6 months have been derived from the data. In doing this, a first-order invariance of the neutral wind circulation in geomagnetic coordinates as a function of universal time (UT) was assumed. The results show a two-cell circulation pattern in the northern winter hemisphere for both quiet and active geomagnetic periods. The cell sizes increase with increasing geomagnetic activity. The dusk cell is always dominant. The southern summer hemisphere averages show only the dusk circulation cell for both quiet and active geomagnetic periods. The cell sizes increase with increasing geomagnetic activity. The dusk cell is always dominant. The southern summer hemisphere averages show only the dusk circulation cell for both quiet and active geomagnetic periods. A diminution of this cell occurs for reduced levels of geomagnetic activity

  15. The application of radon survey by activated carbon in the exploration of sandstone-type uranium deposit in Teguidda, Niger

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shen Zhengxin


    This paper described the application of the method of activated carbon survey in the exploration of sandstone-type uranium deposits in Niger. The survey principle and the measures to ensure the survey quality were also introduced. Through the tests at known deposits, this method shows good response to ground mineralization, deep uranium sources and fault information. Good result had been obtained in the study area which indicated that this method can be used as an important evidence to determine the target area for uranium mineralization. (author)

  16. Exploring Experience of Runners with Sports Tracking Technology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuru, Armagan


    Running has been perceived as an easy way of becoming physically active. Over time, amateur runners start to use technology to keep track of their training and be aware of their improvement. In that sense, this article explores runners’ experience with activity tracking technology. After giving a



    Gregory Rohlf


    Review of: Denise M Glover, Stevan Harrel, Charles F McKhann, and Margaret Byrne Swain (eds). 2011. Explorers and Scientists in China's Borderlands, 1880-1950. Seattle: University of Washington Press. This collection of eight biographical essays from a 2007 symposium makes for engaging reading and holds together well as a book. The authors, mainly anthropologists, examine the lives of ten explorers who were active primarily in the first half of the twentieth century. Some worked for d...

  18. The Arab activity in uranium exploration and recovery: pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banany, Mohamad; Lababidi, M.M.


    This is the second part of a paper given during the third Arab energy conference held in Algeria, 4 - 9 May, 1985. Information concerning uranium resources and exploration in some Arab Countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Lybia is presented. In addition to that, uranium content in phosphate rocks in the world and specially in Arab Countries is discussed. 5 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab

  19. Safely Caring for Animals during Inquiry Investigations: Exploring Microecosystems (United States)

    Marek, Edmund A.; Parker, Chad A.


    "Science is a process of discovering and exploring the natural world. Exploration occurs in the classroom, laboratory or in the field. As part of your science class, you will be doing many activities and investigations that will involve the use of various materials, equipment, and chemicals…" (NSTA, 2010). Safety is always of utmost…

  20. Using PyMOL to Explore the Effects of ph on Noncovalent Interactions between Immunoglobulin G and Protein A: A Guided-Inquiry Biochemistry Activity (United States)

    Roche Allred, Zahilyn D.; Tai, Heeyoung; Bretz, Stacey Lowery; Page, Richard C.


    Students' understandings of foundational concepts such as noncovalent interactions, pH and pK[subscript a] are crucial for success in undergraduate biochemistry courses. We developed a guided-inquiry activity to aid students in making connections between noncovalent interactions and pH/pK[subscript a]. Students explore these concepts by examining…

  1. Consistent inter-individual differences in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) in Boldness-Shyness, Stress-Activity, and Exploration-Avoidance. (United States)

    Šlipogor, Vedrana; Gunhold-de Oliveira, Tina; Tadić, Zoran; Massen, Jorg J M; Bugnyar, Thomas


    The study of animal personality, defined as consistent inter-individual differences in correlated behavioral traits stable throughout time and/or contexts, has recently become one of the fastest growing areas in animal biology, with study species ranging from insects to non-human primates. The latter have, however, only occasionally been tested with standardized experiments. Instead their personality has usually been assessed using questionnaires. Therefore, this study aimed to test 21 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) living in three family groups, in five different experiments, and their corresponding controls. We found that behavioral differences between our animals were not only consistent over time, but also across different contexts. Moreover, the consistent behaviors formed a construct of four major non-social personality components: Boldness-Shyness in Foraging, Boldness-Shyness in Predation, Stress-Activity, and Exploration-Avoidance. We found no sex or age differences in these components, but our results did reveal differences in Exploration-Avoidance between the three family groups. As social environment can have a large influence on behavior of individuals, our results may suggest group-level similarity in personality (i.e., "group personality") in common marmosets, a species living in highly cohesive social groups. Am. J. Primatol. 78:961-973, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Introduction of JAXA Lunar and Planetary Exploration Data Analysis Group: Landing Site Analysis for Future Lunar Polar Exploration Missions (United States)

    Otake, H.; Ohtake, M.; Ishihara, Y.; Masuda, K.; Sato, H.; Inoue, H.; Yamamoto, M.; Hoshino, T.; Wakabayashi, S.; Hashimoto, T.


    JAXA established JAXA Lunar and Planetary Exploration Data Analysis Group (JLPEDA) at 2016. Our group has been analyzing lunar and planetary data for various missions. Here, we introduce one of our activities.

  3. The insulin secretory action of novel polycyclic guanidines: discovery through open innovation phenotypic screening, and exploration of structure-activity relationships. (United States)

    Shaghafi, Michael B; Barrett, David G; Willard, Francis S; Overman, Larry E


    We report the discovery of the glucose-dependent insulin secretogogue activity of a novel class of polycyclic guanidines through phenotypic screening as part of the Lilly Open Innovation Drug Discovery platform. Three compounds from the University of California, Irvine, 1-3, having the 3-arylhexahydropyrrolo[1,2-c]pyrimidin-1-amine scaffold acted as insulin secretagogues under high, but not low, glucose conditions. Exploration of the structure-activity relationship around the scaffold demonstrated the key role of the guanidine moiety, as well as the importance of two lipophilic regions, and led to the identification of 9h, which stimulated insulin secretion in isolated rat pancreatic islets in a glucose-dependent manner. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  4. Noise and vibration levels in artificial polar bear dens as related to selected petroleum exploration and developmental activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blix, A.S.; Lentfer, J.W.


    Petroleum exploration and development are occurring in various locations in the Arctic, where there are important denning sites for polar bears. Petroleum activities usually coincide with winter denning activities by bears, who may abandon dens if subject to prolonged annoyance. A study was carried out to measure noise and vibration levels in artificial polar bear dens at Prudhoe's Bar, Alaska, resulting from seismic testing, drilling and transport. A microphone and an accelerometer were frozen to the floor of the dens, with leads passed through a consolidated snow filled entrance to a truck, tent or helicopter. Tests were carried out on land, sea ice, and next to a drilling tower on an artificial island, which was also used to measure noise levels resulting from a helicopter taking off. It was concluded that the dry and wind-beaten arctic snow muffles both sound and vibration extremely well, and it is unlikely that polar bears in their dens will be disturbed by the type of petroleum-related activities measured, provided they do not take place within 100 m of the dens. 8 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab

  5. TexTile Math: Multicultural Explorations through Patterns. Grades 3-6. (United States)

    Franco, Betsy

    This book features 34 reproducible student activities exploring textile design through a combination of mathematics, art, and multicultural education. Using colorful squares and triangles, students explore geometry, numbers, area, fractions, logic, and discrete mathematics, while incorporating multicultural themes in the study. The teacher page…

  6. Broken Squares: A Simulation Exploring Cooperation and Conflict. (United States)

    Stanford Univ., CA. Stanford Program on International and Cross Cultural Education.

    This simulation activity introduces the concepts of cooperation and competition and exploring positive models for problem solving. The activity can be used with elementary and secondary school participants, as well as with adults. Suggestions for adapting discussion for younger participants are provided. The group task is to form five equal-sized…

  7. Exploring the iron metabolism in multidrug resistant tuberculosis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The iron metabolism plays a key role in the progression of active Tuberculosis. Several studies have shown a link between iron metabolism disorders an active tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to explore the iron metabolism of 100 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treated with second generation ...

  8. Exploring the iron metabolism in multidrug resistant tuberculosis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The iron metabolism plays a key role in the progression of active Tuberculosis. Several studies have shown a link between iron metabolism disorders an active tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to explore the iron metabolism of 100 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. (MDR-TB) treated with second ...

  9. Design of exploration and minerals-data-collection programs in developing areas (United States)

    Attanasi, E.D.


    This paper considers the practical problem of applying economic analysis to designing minerals exploration and data collection strategies for developing countries. Formal decision rules for the design of government exploration and minerals-data-collection programs are derived by using a minerals-industry planning model that has been extended to include an exploration function. Rules derived are applicable to centrally planned minerals industries as well as market-oriented minerals sectors. They pertain to the spatial allocation of exploration effort and to the allocation of activities between government and private concerns for market-oriented economies. Programs characterized by uniform expenditures, uniform information coverage across regions, or uniform-density grid drilling progrmas are shown to be inferior to the strategy derived. Moreover, for market-oriented economies, the economically optimal mix in exploration activities between private and government data collection would require that only private firms assess local sites and that government agencies carry out regional surveys. ?? 1981.


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    Đorđe Nićin


    Full Text Available Nowdays technologies are characterised by the expert specialists. In training technologies there are also coaches-experts for some sports. Aport from governing training technology, thus he performs manager’s work (planning, programing, accomplishing, controlling, correcting the coach also performs the work of an explorer, because the work of the coach is creative, creating, exploring and it is necessary to include innovation into training process, and innovations are nothing but rehearse of someting new, what is but scientific approach to the training. More the coach succeeds in controlling more factors which influence the sport achievement, he will be more successful. To be able to do all that, the coach must observe, follow, control and correct sportist’s reactions on exercises and loads all the time. The coach demonstrates his activity even through marketing, educational psychological, administrative- technical, nutritional and entire useful social role, so his work is interdisciplinary very complex, important, public, and thus it is a subject to critics. In order to be successful, a modern coach must be an exellent expert-specialist, but also an explorer and manager, and before all a creator of training technology

  11. Barrier-beliefs about physical activity in active and inactive adults : an explorative study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouma, Adrie


    Objectives: Perceived barriers are often a reason why people do not start physical activity or relapse to inactivity. From a psychological perspective, barriers can be seen as beliefs about what is obstructing people’s behavior. To understand inactivity and relapse from physical activity, this study

  12. Exploring and explaining low participation in physical activity among children and young people with asthma: a review. (United States)

    Williams, Brian; Powell, Alison; Hoskins, Gaylor; Neville, Ron


    Asthma is the most common chronic illness among children and accounts for 1 in 5 of all child GP consultations. This paper reviews and discusses recent literature outlining the growing problem of physical inactivity among young people with asthma and explores the psychosocial dimensions that may explain inactivity levels and potentially relevant interventions and strategies, and the principles that should underpin them. A narrative review based on an extensive and documented search of search of CinAHL, Embase, Medline, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Library. Children and young people with asthma are generally less active than their non-asthmatic peers. Reduced participation may be influenced by organisational policies, family illness beliefs and behaviours, health care advice, and inaccurate symptom perception and attribution. Schools can be reluctant to encourage children to take part in physical education or normal play activity due to misunderstanding and a lack of clear corporate guidance. Families may accept a child's low level of activity if it is perceived that breathlessness or the need to take extra inhalers is harmful. Many young people themselves appear to accept sub-optimal control of symptoms and frequently misinterpret healthy shortness of breath on exercising with the symptoms of an impending asthma attack. A multi-faceted approach is needed to translate the rhetoric of increasing activity levels in young people to the reality of improved fitness. Physical activity leading to improved fitness should become part of a goal orientated management strategy by schools, families, health care professionals and individuals. Exercise induced asthma should be regarded as a marker of poor control and a need to increase fitness rather as an excuse for inactivity. Individuals' perceptual accuracy deserves further research attention.

  13. Hispanic Vocational Exploration Project. Final Report. (United States)

    Centro De La Comunidad, Inc., New London, CT.

    During its second year, the Hispanic Vocational Exploration Project recruited eighth and ninth grade Hispanic youth for a four-week cycle, after-school, career exploratory program at Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical School, Groton, Connecticut. A series of career education workshops was the other major project activity. Supportive…

  14. Actively Coping with Violation: Exploring Upward Dissent Patterns in Functional, Dysfunctional, and Deserted Psychological Contract End States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    René Schalk


    Full Text Available Recently, scholars have emphasized the importance of examining how employees cope with psychological contract violation and how the coping process contributes to psychological contract violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Recent work points to the important role of problem-focused coping. Yet, to date, problem-focused coping strategies have not been conceptualized on a continuum from constructive to destructive strategies. Consequently, potential differences in the use of specific types of problem-focused coping strategies and the role these different strategies play in the violation resolution process has not been explored. In this study, we stress the importance of focusing on different types of problem-focused coping strategies. We explore how employee upward dissent strategies, conceptualized as different forms of problem-focused coping, contribute to violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Two sources of data were used. In-depth interviews with supervisors of a Dutch car lease company provided 23 case descriptions of employee-supervisor interactions after a psychological contract violation. Moreover, a database with descriptions of Dutch court sentences provided eight case descriptions of employee-organization interactions following a perceived violation. Based on these data sources, we explored the pattern of upward dissent strategies employees used over time following a perceived violation. We distinguished between functional (thriving and reactivation, dysfunctional (impairment and dissolution and deserted psychological contract end states and explored whether different dissent patterns over time differentially contributed to the dissent outcome (i.e., psychological contract end state. The results of our study showed that the use of problem-focused coping is not as straightforward as suggested by the post-violation model. While the post-violation model suggests that problem

  15. Actively Coping with Violation: Exploring Upward Dissent Patterns in Functional, Dysfunctional, and Deserted Psychological Contract End States. (United States)

    Schalk, René; De Ruiter, Melanie; Van Loon, Joost; Kuijpers, Evy; Van Regenmortel, Tine


    Recently, scholars have emphasized the importance of examining how employees cope with psychological contract violation and how the coping process contributes to psychological contract violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Recent work points to the important role of problem-focused coping. Yet, to date, problem-focused coping strategies have not been conceptualized on a continuum from constructive to destructive strategies. Consequently, potential differences in the use of specific types of problem-focused coping strategies and the role these different strategies play in the violation resolution process has not been explored. In this study, we stress the importance of focusing on different types of problem-focused coping strategies. We explore how employee upward dissent strategies, conceptualized as different forms of problem-focused coping, contribute to violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Two sources of data were used. In-depth interviews with supervisors of a Dutch car lease company provided 23 case descriptions of employee-supervisor interactions after a psychological contract violation. Moreover, a database with descriptions of Dutch court sentences provided eight case descriptions of employee-organization interactions following a perceived violation. Based on these data sources, we explored the pattern of upward dissent strategies employees used over time following a perceived violation. We distinguished between functional (thriving and reactivation), dysfunctional (impairment and dissolution) and deserted psychological contract end states and explored whether different dissent patterns over time differentially contributed to the dissent outcome (i.e., psychological contract end state). The results of our study showed that the use of problem-focused coping is not as straightforward as suggested by the post-violation model. While the post-violation model suggests that problem-focused coping will most

  16. Actively Coping with Violation: Exploring Upward Dissent Patterns in Functional, Dysfunctional, and Deserted Psychological Contract End States (United States)

    Schalk, René; De Ruiter, Melanie; Van Loon, Joost; Kuijpers, Evy; Van Regenmortel, Tine


    Recently, scholars have emphasized the importance of examining how employees cope with psychological contract violation and how the coping process contributes to psychological contract violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Recent work points to the important role of problem-focused coping. Yet, to date, problem-focused coping strategies have not been conceptualized on a continuum from constructive to destructive strategies. Consequently, potential differences in the use of specific types of problem-focused coping strategies and the role these different strategies play in the violation resolution process has not been explored. In this study, we stress the importance of focusing on different types of problem-focused coping strategies. We explore how employee upward dissent strategies, conceptualized as different forms of problem-focused coping, contribute to violation resolution and post-violation psychological contracts. Two sources of data were used. In-depth interviews with supervisors of a Dutch car lease company provided 23 case descriptions of employee-supervisor interactions after a psychological contract violation. Moreover, a database with descriptions of Dutch court sentences provided eight case descriptions of employee-organization interactions following a perceived violation. Based on these data sources, we explored the pattern of upward dissent strategies employees used over time following a perceived violation. We distinguished between functional (thriving and reactivation), dysfunctional (impairment and dissolution) and deserted psychological contract end states and explored whether different dissent patterns over time differentially contributed to the dissent outcome (i.e., psychological contract end state). The results of our study showed that the use of problem-focused coping is not as straightforward as suggested by the post-violation model. While the post-violation model suggests that problem-focused coping will most

  17. Geophysical Exploration. New site exploration method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imai, Tsuneo; Otomo, Hideo; Sakayama, Toshihiko


    Geophysical exploration is used for geologic survey to serve purposes in civil engineering. New methods are being developed inside and outside Japan and are used to serve various purposes. This paper discusses recently developed techniques based on the measurement of seismic waves and electric potential. It also explains seismic tomography, radar tomography, and resistivity tomography which are included in the category of geotomography. At present, effort is being made to apply geophysical exploration technology to problems which were considered to be unsuitable for conventional exploration techniques. When such effort proceeds successfully, it is necessary to develop technology for presenting results quickly and exploration equipment which can work in various conditions. (10 figs, 15 refs)

  18. Exploration economics in a regulated petroleum province: The case of the Norwegian Continental Shelf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohn, Klaus; Osmundsen, Petter


    Reserve replacement remains a key challenge for the international oil and gas companies. As market-oriented oil and gas provinces are maturing, exploration activity is shifted towards the resource-rich, regulated regimes outside the OECD. Regulated oil and gas provinces remain under-explored also in econometric terms. In this paper, we specify and estimate an econometric model of exploration and appraisal drilling for the highly regulated Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) over the period 1965 to 2004. Explanatory variables include the oil price, cumulative discoveries and open exploration acreage. Estimated error-correction models account explicitly for sluggishness and short-term adjustments in exploration drilling. We find robust long-term oil price effects on exploration activity, whereas the short-term response is muted. On the other hand, the temporary influence on exploration drilling from licensing rounds for new exploration acreage is significant, and so are the feedback effects from historical exploration success. At the same time, the longer-term impact of these variables is more moderate. (author)

  19. Interaction Challenges in Human-Robot Space Exploration (United States)

    Fong, Terrence; Nourbakhsh, Illah


    In January 2004, NASA established a new, long-term exploration program to fulfill the President's Vision for U.S. Space Exploration. The primary goal of this program is to establish a sustained human presence in space, beginning with robotic missions to the Moon in 2008, followed by extended human expeditions to the Moon as early as 2015. In addition, the program places significant emphasis on the development of joint human-robot systems. A key difference from previous exploration efforts is that future space exploration activities must be sustainable over the long-term. Experience with the space station has shown that cost pressures will keep astronaut teams small. Consequently, care must be taken to extend the effectiveness of these astronauts well beyond their individual human capacity. Thus, in order to reduce human workload, costs, and fatigue-driven error and risk, intelligent robots will have to be an integral part of mission design.

  20. O potencial das redes de Petri em modelagem e análise de processos de negócio The potencial of Petri nets in modeling and analysis of workflow

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sílvia Inês Dallavalle de Pádua


    Full Text Available A tecnologia de gerenciamento workflow procura oferecer uma solução flexível em apoio aos processos de negócios, por meio da facilitação de modificações e da criação de novos processos. Entretanto, a falta de definição bem formalizada no que se refere à sintaxe e à semântica de tais técnicas dificulta análises mais complexas dos modelos. Nesse caso, redes de Petri atuam com excelente potencial, uma vez que possuem representação gráfica, são de fácil aprendizado, funcionam como linguagem de comunicação entre especialistas de diversas áreas, possibilitam descrever aspectos estáticos e dinâmicos do sistema a ser representado e ainda possuem o formalismo matemático necessário para métodos de análise já consagrados. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo, primeiramente, oferecer uma visão atualizada do estado da arte na área de modelagem de workflow baseada em redes de Petri e expor um exemplo de modelo de workflow com parâmetros de tempo e custo associados às transições da rede. O objetivo secundário é apresentar conceitos importantes de redes de Petri, workflow e rotas de processos.Unfortunately these systems and techniques do not have well-defined syntax and semantic, which makes harder the complex analysis of models. In this case, Petri nets have excellent potential to solve the problem, once they present graphic representation and easy understanding. They are used as a communication language among expert people in different areas, and may allow the description of static and dynamic aspects of the systems that have to be represented. Also, they have mathematic formalism, which make possibly the use of the analysis methods. The objective of this work is to present the potential of Petri nets in studies of Enterprise Modelling and Workflow, showing an example of application, with time and cost parameters.

  1. The New National Vision for Space Exploration (United States)

    Sackheim, Robert L.; Geveden, Rex; King, David A.


    From the Apollo landings on the Moon, to robotic surveys of the Sun and the planets, to the compelling images captured by advanced space telescopes, U.S. achievements in space have revolutionized humanity s view of the universe and have inspired Americans and people around the world. These achievements also have led to the development of technologies that have widespread applications to address problems on Earth. As the world enters the second century of powered flight, it is appropriate to articulate a new vision that will define and guide U.S. space exploration activities for the next several decades. Today, humanity has the potential to seek answers to the most fundamental questions posed about the existence of life beyond Earth. Telescopes have found planets around other stars. Robotic probes have identified potential resources on the Moon, and evidence of water - a key ingredient for life - has been found on Mars and the moons of Jupiter. Direct human experience in space has fundamentally altered our perspective of humanity and our place in the universe. Humans have the ability to respond to the unexpected developments inherent in space travel and possess unique skills that enhance discoveries. Just as Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo challenged a generation of Americans, a renewed U.S. space exploration program with a significant human component can inspire us - and our youth - to greater achievements on Earth and in space. The loss of Space Shuttles Challenger and Columbia and their crews are a stark reminder of the inherent risks of space flight and the severity of the challenges posed by space exploration. In preparation for future human exploration, we must advance our ability to live and work safely in space and, at the same time, develop the technologies to extend humanity s reach to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. The new technologies required for further space exploration also will improve the Nation s other space activities and may provide applications that

  2. Exploring cellular memory molecules marking competent and active transcriptions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu De-Pei


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Development in higher eukaryotes involves programmed gene expression. Cell type-specific gene expression is established during this process and is inherited in succeeding cell cycles. Higher eukaryotes have evolved elegant mechanisms by which committed gene-expression states are transmitted through numerous cell divisions. Previous studies have shown that both DNase I-sensitive sites and the basal transcription factor TFIID remain on silenced mitotic chromosomes, suggesting that certain trans-factors might act as bookmarks, maintaining the information and transmitting it to the next generation. Results We used the mouse globin gene clusters as a model system to examine the retention of active information on M-phase chromosomes and its contribution to the persistence of transcriptional competence of these gene clusters in murine erythroleukemia cells. In cells arrested in mitosis, the erythroid-specific activator NF-E2p45 remained associated with its binding sites on the globin gene loci, while the other major erythroid factor, GATA-1, was removed from chromosome. Moreover, despite mitotic chromatin condensation, the distant regulatory regions and promoters of transcriptionally competent globin gene loci are marked by a preserved histone code consisting in active histone modifications such as H3 acetylation, H3-K4 dimethylation and K79 dimethylation. Further analysis showed that other active genes are also locally marked by the preserved active histone code throughout mitotic inactivation of transcription. Conclusion Our results imply that certain kinds of specific protein factors and active histone modifications function as cellular memory markers for both competent and active genes during mitosis, and serve as a reactivated core for the resumption of transcription when the cells exit mitosis.

  3. Modelagem da adsorção de compostos orgânicos voláteis sobre nanotubos de carbono cup-stacked usando o modelo da força motriz linear - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i2.4817

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV são importante classe de poluentes do ar, e a adsorção tem sido largamente empregada no seu tratamento há vários anos. O presente trabalho utilizou metodologias analíticas convencionais para avaliar o nanotubo cup-stacked(CSCNT na purificação de correntes gasosas contaminadas com COV. O CSCNT é constituído de múltiplas camadas de grafeno em formato cônico, apresentando extremidades abertas em sua superfície externa e canais centrais vazios. Foi adotado o Carbotrap como suporte do cup-stacked. O adsorvente-parâmetro de comparação do desempenho desse compósito foi o próprio Carbotrap (sem o nanotubo. Foi avaliada a capacidade de adsorção de cada adsorvente, bem como suas capacidades de saturação para cada uma das concentrações trabalhadas com os dois adsorbatos utilizados (1, 5, 20 e 35 ppm de tolueno e fenol. Na modelagem das curvas massaxtempo, utilizou-se o modelo da força motriz linear (LDF – linear driving force. A metodologia proposta para determinação das curvas massatempo mostrou-se aplicável a análises desta natureza. Em relação ao desempenho dos adsorventes, o compósito obteve clara vantagem em relação ao Carbotrap; os valores das capacidades de saturação para o compósito foram, em média, 67% superiores aos obtidos para o Carbotrap.

  4. Modeling of slab-on-grade heat transfer in EnergyPlus simulation program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Aparecida Caieiro da Costa

    Full Text Available Resumo O fluxo de calor entre o piso e o solo de uma edificação térrea é um dos aspectos mais influentes em seu desempenho térmico e energético. No entanto, há ainda um grande número de incertezas e poucos estudos nessa área. Neste trabalho comparam-se diferentes alternativas de modelagem nos programas EnergyPlus (8.5.0 e Slab (.75 dos parâmetros relacionados à transferência de calor entre o piso e o solo, e sua influência no desempenho térmico de uma edificação térrea naturalmente ventilada, localizada em São Carlos, Brasil. A comparação das alternativas de modelagem indicou grande variação nos resultados. Quando comparado ao Slab, o método KusudaAchenbach do objeto Ground Domain apresentou a maior variação, com diferença de 55,2 % no número de horas de desconforto. Observou-se que mesmo a forma de uso do Slab pode causar diferenças significativas nos resultados; por exemplo, a adoção ou não do procedimento de convergência. A condutividade térmica do solo foi um parâmetro de grande impacto, que implicou diferenças de até 57,5 % no desconforto. Tais resultados fornecem indicações da variabilidade e do impacto de uso das diferentes opções de modelagem desse fluxo de calor no EnergyPlus.

  5. INFUZZY: Ferramenta para desenvolvimento de aplicações de sistemas difusos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ederson Luis Posselt


    Full Text Available A ferramenta de modelagem de sistemas difusos, InFuzzy, foi desenvolvida com o intuito de agir como um facilitador do uso da técnica por parte de estudantes e de profissionais interessados nessa subárea da Inteligência Artificial (IA. A lógica difusa é uma excelente técnica para a solução de problemas que envolvam o uso de dados imprecisos, porém, a sua implementação e o seu entendimento não são fatos triviais. As seguintes etapas foram contempladas: estudo dos conceitos da lógica difusa, softwares existentes no mercado, ergonomia e usabilidade de interfaces, modelagem e desenvolvimento da ferramenta InFuzzy e homologação das suas funcionalidades. Como resultado, apresenta-se a ferramenta desenvolvida, uma interface gráfica para modelagem de aplicações de sistemas difusos, dotada de recursos de simulação e integração com outros softwares por meio do protocolo UDP/IP. Até o momento, muitos usuários instalaram o software InFuzzy, dentre ao quais pesquisadores e alunos de programas de mestrado e de doutorado dos seguintes estados brasileiros: Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo e Distrito Federal.

  6. The specifics of uranium exploration in remote areas of western Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsurikov, N.


    The uranium exploration activity in Western Australia has increased significantly in the last two years. Total currently identified uranium resources are in order of 100,000 tons of U 3 O 8 and it is likely that more uranium deposits will be found in the State. The exploration activity is typically carried out in very remote locations in Western Australia and, frequently, on the land that is subject to the Australian Native Title Act (1993) - in the areas where the potential radiation exposure of the Traditional Land Owners has to be considered. Aboriginal groups are an integral part of dynamic ecosystems, for whom to separate man from nature is a convention with little meaning when dealing with environmental impact, and this needs to be taken into account by uranium exploration companies. Indigenous peoples potential exposure to radiation as a result of uranium exploration cannot be modelled based on common assumptions. Indigenous people may be at a higher risk of radiation exposure at and around uranium exploration sites that may not have been adequately rehabilitated due to, for example: travelling on dusty roads in open vehicles, sitting on the ground, living and sleeping in temporary structures with earth floors, lack of adequate washing facilities, eating local biota and cooking in the ground, recreational activities (particularly by children). The radiation protection regulations in Western Australia are complex and somewhat confusing as there are three State government departments administering different regulations that may be applicable to uranium exploration. The paper discusses the specifics of required radiation monitoring and potential radiation exposure assessments in remote areas of Western Australia. The methods for the co-operation between exploration companies, government departments, and Traditional Owners to ensure safe and successful uranium exploration are also discussed.(Author)

  7. The effect of atomoxetine on random and directed exploration in humans. (United States)

    Warren, Christopher M; Wilson, Robert C; van der Wee, Nic J; Giltay, Eric J; van Noorden, Martijn S; Cohen, Jonathan D; Nieuwenhuis, Sander


    The adaptive regulation of the trade-off between pursuing a known reward (exploitation) and sampling lesser-known options in search of something better (exploration) is critical for optimal performance. Theory and recent empirical work suggest that humans use at least two strategies for solving this dilemma: a directed strategy in which choices are explicitly biased toward information seeking, and a random strategy in which decision noise leads to exploration by chance. Here we examined the hypothesis that random exploration is governed by the neuromodulatory locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system. We administered atomoxetine, a norepinephrine transporter blocker that increases extracellular levels of norepinephrine throughout the cortex, to 22 healthy human participants in a double-blind crossover design. We examined the effect of treatment on performance in a gambling task designed to produce distinct measures of directed exploration and random exploration. In line with our hypothesis we found an effect of atomoxetine on random, but not directed exploration. However, contrary to expectation, atomoxetine reduced rather than increased random exploration. We offer three potential explanations of our findings, involving the non-linear relationship between tonic NE and cognitive performance, the interaction of atomoxetine with other neuromodulators, and the possibility that atomoxetine affected phasic norepinephrine activity more so than tonic norepinephrine activity.

  8. Mission-directed path planning for planetary rover exploration (United States)

    Tompkins, Paul


    Robotic rovers uniquely benefit planetary exploration---they enable regional exploration with the precision of in-situ measurements, a combination impossible from an orbiting spacecraft or fixed lander. Mission planning for planetary rover exploration currently utilizes sophisticated software for activity planning and scheduling, but simplified path planning and execution approaches tailored for localized operations to individual targets. This approach is insufficient for the investigation of multiple, regionally distributed targets in a single command cycle. Path planning tailored for this task must consider the impact of large scale terrain on power, speed and regional access; the effect of route timing on resource availability; the limitations of finite resource capacity and other operational constraints on vehicle range and timing; and the mutual influence between traverses and upstream and downstream stationary activities. Encapsulating this reasoning in an efficient autonomous planner would allow a rover to continue operating rationally despite significant deviations from an initial plan. This research presents mission-directed path planning that enables an autonomous, strategic reasoning capability for robotic explorers. Planning operates in a space of position, time and energy. Unlike previous hierarchical approaches, it treats these dimensions simultaneously to enable globally-optimal solutions. The approach calls on a near incremental search algorithm designed for planning and re-planning under global constraints, in spaces of higher than two dimensions. Solutions under this method specify routes that avoid terrain obstacles, optimize the collection and use of rechargable energy, satisfy local and global mission constraints, and account for the time and energy of interleaved mission activities. Furthermore, the approach efficiently re-plans in response to updates in vehicle state and world models, and is well suited to online operation aboard a robot

  9. The local content approach in activities of exploration and production of oil and gas; Conteudo local nas atividades de exploracao e producao de petroleo e gas natural

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frederice, Jose Carlos [Agencia Nacional do Petroleo, Gas Natural e Biocombustiveis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Coordenadoria de Conteudo Local; Macedo, Marcelo Mafra Borges de [Agencia Nacional do Petroleo, Gas Natural e Biocombustiveis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Regulacao de Petroleo e Derivados


    Breaking the monopoly of PETROBRAS for the activities of exploration and production of oil and natural gas has occurred in Brazil in 1995 by the Constitutional Amendment No 9 followed by the promulgation of the Law 9.478 of 1997, the 'Law of Oil' and the creation of the Agencia Nacional do Petroleo - ANP, with powers to regulate, recruit and monitor the oil and natural gas industry. The new regulatory framework has established the award granted by the State, through bids organized by the ANP, of the oil and gas exploration and production activities. This new model has established that the offers to purchase blocks must be composed by the Signature Bonus, Minimum Exploration Program and percentages of Local Content for the stages of exploration and development of production. As a result of market opening and the completion of bids over these 10 years, there has been a significant expansion of investment in the industry, revealing that the demands of Local Content rightly acted as a strong mechanism inducing the participation of local industry supplier of goods and services. In practical terms, in 1997 the participation of the sector of oil and gas in the Brazilian GDP was approximately 2.5% and now comes to 10.5%, or each R$ 100.00 generated in the country, R$ 10.50 come from the sector of oil and gas. (author)

  10. Exploring IT roles in business process innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gong, Jie; Møller, Charles


    This paper explores the relationships between IT and Business process innovation (BPI) through examining IT roles in the processes of BPI. BPI is an innovative activity in business which has been paying more attention in recent years. However it is often confused with other process......-orientation concepts, such as Business process management (BPM) and Business process reengineering (BPR). The paper aims to find out two research questions: 1) How do we understand the meanings of BPI in the current background of economic globalization? 2) What IT roles are in the process of BPI? Based on finding...... the answer to these two questions, the definition of BPI in academia and the relationships with other popular process-orientation activities in practice are reviewed, then a framework of comprehensive understanding of BPI is put forward, and thereafter the interactions between IT and BPI are explored...

  11. Barriers, facilitators and attitudes influencing health promotion activities in general practice: an explorative pilot study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geense Wytske W


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The number of chronically ill patients increases every year. This is partly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. However, the frequency and quality of (evidence-based health promotion activities conducted by Dutch general practitioners (GPs and practice nurses (PNs are limited. The aim of this pilot study was to explore which lifestyle interventions Dutch GPs and PNs carry out in primary care, which barriers and facilitators can be identified and what main topics are with respect to attitudes towards health promoting activities. These topic areas will be identified for a future, larger scale study. Method This qualitative study consisted of 25 semi-structured interviews with sixteen GPs and nine PNs. ATLAS.ti was used to analyse the transcripts of the interviews. Results All GPs and PNs said they discuss lifestyle with their patients. Next to this, GPs and PNs counsel patients, and/or refer them to other disciplines. Only few said they refer patients to specific lifestyle programs or interventions in their own practice or in the neighbourhood. Several barriers and facilitators were identified. The main topics as barriers are: a lack of patients’ motivation to make lifestyle changes, insufficient reimbursement, a lack of proven effectiveness of interventions and a lack of overview of health promoting programs in their neighbourhood. The most cited facilitators are availability of a PN, collaboration with other disciplines and availability of interventions in their own practice. With respect to attitudes, six different types of GPs were identified reflecting the main topics that relate to attitudes, varying from ‘ignorer’ to ‘nurturer’. The topics relating to PNs attitudes towards health promotion activities, were almost unanimously positive. Conclusion GPs and PNs all say they discuss lifestyle issues with their patients, but the health promotion activities that are organized in their practice vary. Main topics that hinder

  12. Uranium exploration in Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battey, G.C.; Hawkins, B.W.


    As a result of exploration which recommenced in 1966 Australia's uranium reserves increased from 6,200 tonnes in 1967 to 227,000 tonnes uranium by June 1976. Most discoveries in the early 1950's were made by prospectors. The increase in reserves during the past decade is the result of exploration by companies utilising improved technology in areas selected as geologically favourable. These reserves were established at relatively low cost. In the Alligator Rivers Uranium Province the ''vein'' type deposits at Jabiluka, Ranger, Koongarra and Nabarlek contain 17% of the world's reserves. Most of these discoveries resulted from the investigation of airborne radiometric anomalies but cover over the prospective host rocks will necessitate the future use of costlier and more indirect exploration techniques. There was exploration for sandstone type uranium deposits in most of Australia's sedimentary basins. The greatest success was achieved in the Lake Frome Basin in South Australia. Other deposits were found in the Ngalia and Amadeus Basins in Central Australia and in the Westmoreland area, N.W. Queensland. A major uranium deposit was found in an unusual environment at Yeelirrie, Western Australia where carnotite occurs in a caliche and clay host which fills a shallow, ancient drainage channel. Although caliche occurrences are relatively widespread on the Precambrian shield no other economic deposit has been found. Recent discoveries in the Georgetown area of Queensland indicate the presence of another uranium province but it is too early to assess its potential. The ore occurs in clastic sediments at the base of a volcanic sequence overlying a Precambrian basement. Several companies which have established large uranium reserves have a number of additional attractive prospects. Exploration activity in Australia in 1975 was at a lower level than in previous years, but the potential for discovering further deposits is considered to be high

  13. Deep underground exploration in the Asse salt mine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steinberg, S.; Schmidt, M.W.


    The activities reported here under the project task entitled ''Deep underground exploration up to the 925 m level'' opened up depths and salt formations in the Asse salt mine which are intended sites for R and D work for investigating and determining the conditions of radioactive waste disposal in a repository of the Gorleben type. The newly developed experimental levels will thus allow to directly apply research results obtained in the Asse mine to the Gorleben project. The activities reported included among other tasks work for increasing the depth of exploration in the Asse mine 2 down to 950 m, using a newly developed cutting method. The work was performed in cooperation with a mining corporation specializing in this sort of tasks. (orig.) With 18 maps [de

  14. Dynamics Explorer science data processing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, P.H.; Freeman, C.H.; Hoffman, R.A.


    The Dynamics Explorer project has acquired the ground data processing system from the Atmosphere Explorer project to provide a central computer facility for the data processing, data management and data analysis activities of the investigators. Access to this system is via remote terminals at the investigators' facilities, which provide ready access to the data sets derived from groups of instruments on both spacecraft. The original system has been upgraded with both new hardware and enhanced software systems. These new systems include color and grey scale graphics terminals, an augmentation computer, micrographies facility, a versatile data base with a directory and data management system, and graphics display software packages. (orig.)

  15. Identity Exploration: A "Crisis" Which May Go Unnoticed in Gifted Adolescents. (United States)

    Kidwell, Jeannie; And Others


    Correlation of 82 academically gifted adolescents' personality scores with scores for identity exploration revealed that youth who were actively exploring (according to Erik Erikson's ego identity theory) exhibited the following psychological portrait: inner confusion, agitation, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, periodic spells of depression,…

  16. Exploring and explaining low participation in physical activity among children and young people with asthma: a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hoskins Gaylor


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Asthma is the most common chronic illness among children and accounts for 1 in 5 of all child GP consultations. This paper reviews and discusses recent literature outlining the growing problem of physical inactivity among young people with asthma and explores the psychosocial dimensions that may explain inactivity levels and potentially relevant interventions and strategies, and the principles that should underpin them. Methods A narrative review based on an extensive and documented search of search of CinAHL, Embase, Medline, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Library. Results & Discussion Children and young people with asthma are generally less active than their non-asthmatic peers. Reduced participation may be influenced by organisational policies, family illness beliefs and behaviours, health care advice, and inaccurate symptom perception and attribution. Schools can be reluctant to encourage children to take part in physical education or normal play activity due to misunderstanding and a lack of clear corporate guidance. Families may accept a child's low level of activity if it is perceived that breathlessness or the need to take extra inhalers is harmful. Many young people themselves appear to accept sub-optimal control of symptoms and frequently misinterpret healthy shortness of breath on exercising with the symptoms of an impending asthma attack. Conclusion A multi-faceted approach is needed to translate the rhetoric of increasing activity levels in young people to the reality of improved fitness. Physical activity leading to improved fitness should become part of a goal orientated management strategy by schools, families, health care professionals and individuals. Exercise induced asthma should be regarded as a marker of poor control and a need to increase fitness rather as an excuse for inactivity. Individuals' perceptual accuracy deserves further research attention.

  17. First steps toward maturing the shallow gas play - Results of an integrated exploration workflow

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veen, J.H. ten; Verweij, J.M.; Bruin, G. de; Donders, T.


    Recent exploration activities in two of the largest deltas in the world, the still active Nile delta and the Cenozoic Southern North Sea (SNS) deltas, proved the potential of shallow gas resources. Although, previously seen as a hazard or an exploration tool for deeper hydrocarbons, the shallow gas

  18. Low-Impact Exploration for Gold in the Scottish Caledonides. (United States)

    Rice, Samuel; Cuthbert, Simon; Hursthouse, Andrew; Broetto, Gabriele


    The Caledonian orogenic belt of the northern British Isles hosts some significant gold deposits. However, gold mineralization in the region is underexplored. Some of the most prospective areas identified by rich alluvial gold anomalies are environmentally and culturally sensitive. Traditional mineral exploration methods can have a range of negative environmental, social and economic impacts. The regional tourism economy is dependent on outdoor activities, landscape quality, wildlife and industrial heritage and has the potential to be disrupted by mineral resource developments. Low-cost, low-impact exploration strategies are therefore, key to sustainably developing the mineral resource potential. Research currently in progress in part of the Scottish Caledonides aims to develop protocols for more sustainable exploration. We are using a range of geoscience techniques to characterize the mineral system, improve exploration targeting and reduce negative impacts. To do this we targeted an area with a large preexisting dataset (e.g. stream sediment geochemistry, geomorphology, structural geology, petrology, geophysics, mine data) that can be synthesized and analyzed in a GIS. Part of the work aims to develop and test a model for gold dispersion in the surface environment that accounts for climatic and anthropogenic influences in order to locate bedrock sources. This multidisciplinary approach aims to reduce the target areas for subsequent exploration activities such as soil sampling, excavation and drilling.

  19. Recruitment of Foveal Retinotopic Cortex During Haptic Exploration of Shapes and Actions in the Dark. (United States)

    Monaco, Simona; Gallivan, Jason P; Figley, Teresa D; Singhal, Anthony; Culham, Jody C


    The role of the early visual cortex and higher-order occipitotemporal cortex has been studied extensively for visual recognition and to a lesser degree for haptic recognition and visually guided actions. Using a slow event-related fMRI experiment, we investigated whether tactile and visual exploration of objects recruit the same "visual" areas (and in the case of visual cortex, the same retinotopic zones) and if these areas show reactivation during delayed actions in the dark toward haptically explored objects (and if so, whether this reactivation might be due to imagery). We examined activation during visual or haptic exploration of objects and action execution (grasping or reaching) separated by an 18 s delay. Twenty-nine human volunteers (13 females) participated in this study. Participants had their eyes open and fixated on a point in the dark. The objects were placed below the fixation point and accordingly visual exploration activated the cuneus, which processes retinotopic locations in the lower visual field. Strikingly, the occipital pole (OP), representing foveal locations, showed higher activation for tactile than visual exploration, although the stimulus was unseen and location in the visual field was peripheral. Moreover, the lateral occipital tactile-visual area (LOtv) showed comparable activation for tactile and visual exploration. Psychophysiological interaction analysis indicated that the OP showed stronger functional connectivity with anterior intraparietal sulcus and LOtv during the haptic than visual exploration of shapes in the dark. After the delay, the cuneus, OP, and LOtv showed reactivation that was independent of the sensory modality used to explore the object. These results show that haptic actions not only activate "visual" areas during object touch, but also that this information appears to be used in guiding grasping actions toward targets after a delay. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Visual presentation of an object activates shape

  20. The design explorer project: Using a cognitive framework to support knowledge exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pejtersen, A. M.; Sonnenwald, D.H.; Buur, J.


    the 'Design Explorer' research project whose goal is to specify requirements for an information system that will effectively help design team members from different domains and organizational cultures to locate and utilize diverse information sources and interact more effectively throughout the design process....... The project introduces a new approach to support of design; instead of design guidelines, support is given by creating a transparent information environment in which designers can navigate freely according to their individual preferences. The project is based on a framework that structures the dimensions......, and various related task spaces, domain activities, decisionmaking activities, division and coordination of work, and social organization. The framework is the result of a generalization of experiences from field studies in and design of support systems for a variety of modern work domains, such as process...

  1. Adolescent Identity Exploration: A Test of Erikson's Theory of Transitional Crisis. (United States)

    Kidwell, Jeannie S.; And Others


    Investigates Erikson's theory that adolescent identity exploration is associated with a variety of symptoms. Results support Erikson's theory, indicating that adolescents who were actively engaged in identity exploration were more likely to produce a personality pattern characterized by self-doubt, confusion, disturbed thinking, impulsivity,…

  2. Exploration of the wound healing potential of Helichrysum graveolens (Bieb.) Sweet: isolation of apigenin as an active component. (United States)

    Süntar, Ipek; Küpeli Akkol, Esra; Keles, Hikmet; Yesilada, Erdem; Sarker, Satyajit D


    In Turkish traditional medicine, the flowers of Helichrysum graveolens (Bieb.) Sweet (Asteraceae) have been used for the treatment of jaundice, for wound-healing and as a diuretic. In order to find scientific evidence for the traditional utilization of this plant in wound-healing, the effect of the plant extract was investigated by using in vivo and in vitro experimental models. Then through bioassay-guided fractionation procedures active wound-healing component(s) was isolated and its possible role in the wound-healing process was also determined. The linear incision and the circular excision wound models were applied in order to evaluate in vivo wound-healing potential of Helichrysum graveolens. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, which are known to involve in wound-healing process, were also assessed by the Whittle method and the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical-scavenging assay, respectively. The total phenolic content of the crude extract and solvent fractions was estimated to find correlation between the phenolic content and the antioxidant activity. Combined application of the chromatographic separation techniques on sephadex and silica gel columns, and bioassay techniques have yielded the active wound-healing principle of Helichrysum graveolens. Moreover, in vitro inhibitory effect of active principle on hyaluronidase, collagenase and elastase enzymes were investigated to explore the activity pathways. The 85% methanol (MeOH) extract of Helichrysum graveolens flowers displayed significant wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. Then the crude extract was partitioned by successive solvent extractions, in increasing polarity, to give five solvent fractions. Among the solvent fractions, the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) fraction exerted the highest activity. The EtOAc fraction was further subjected to chromatographic separations to yield active constituent and its structure was elucidated to be apigenin by spectrometric

  3. Modelagem de um condicionador de ar de alta precisão para uso em processamento agrícola Modeling of a high precision air conditioner for use in agricultural processing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauri Fortes


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se neste trabalho, estudo detalhado sobre a modelagem de um condicionador de ar com controle acurado de temperatura e umidade relativa. Desenvolveu-se um programa de computador que permite predizer o comportamento do sistema sob diferentes condições psicrométricas e de vazão do ar de entrada. O modelo global físico-matemático inclui equações de balanço de massa e de energia para três diferentes volumes de controle que compõem o condicionador. Modelaram-se os processos de mistura, evaporação (ou condensação simultânea de uma superfície d'água e de uma gota e o aquecimento de corrente de ar, separadamente. Propõem-se expressões semi-empíricas simples para os coeficientes de transferência de calor e massa inerentes ao processo de evaporação sobre uma superfície d'água e um modelo simplificado para o sistema de spray. Construiu-se um condicionador de ar no qual foram feitos testes experimentais para o ajuste das constantes que aparecem nas expressões para os coeficientes de transferência. Os dados obtidos validaram o modelo global, com precisão aceitável para projetos de engenharia.In this work, a detailed procedure for the analysis of an accurately controlled air conditioner is presented. A computer program, that allows predicting the behavior of the system under different psychrometric conditions and different input air mass flow rates, was developed. The global physical-mathematical model includes mass and energy conservation equations for three different control volumes that compose the conditioner. Thus, the processes of mixture of air, simultaneous evaporation (or condensation from a water surface and from a drop, and the air-stream heating are modeled separately. Simple semi-empiric expressions for heat and mass coefficients inherent to the evaporation process on a water surface are proposed as well a simplified model for the spray system. Experimental tests made on an air-conditioner allowed to obtain

  4. Uranium exploration planning and strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, A.Y.; Tauchid, M.


    A country may decide to begin uranium exploration for any of the following three reasons: 1. To meet the needs of a domestic nuclear power programme; 2. To supply uranium as a commodity to the world market in order to earn foreign exchange; 3. To acquire national information on the country's mineral resource planning. In any of these cases, a country must make some basic decisions regarding the means and modes whereby the uranium exploration will be carried out - by national organizations exclusively; by state organizations in joint venture with outside interests by foreign interests under the control of national regulations. Most uranium exploration is carried out following an exploration strategy in which the programme is divided into a series of steps or stages. Each of the phases is designed to eliminate areas of low potential to contain uranium deposits, while focusing attention on areas of higher potential that will be explored in greater detail at higher cost in the subsequent phase. The methods used in each phase are selected to provide the maximum information at the minimum cost so that at the end of each phase a decision can be made whether to continue to the next phase of stop. Because uranium exploration is a high cost high risk activity, governments must make decisions at the outset whether they wish to carry our the work alone and whether they can support the costs involved, or whether they wish to attract foreign investors to help absorb the costs and therefore the risks. In either case, major policy decisions are required to be made to establish the legal and fiscal environment in which the programm will be carried out. (author). 4 refs, 4 figs

  5. International Planning for Subglacial Lake Exploration (United States)

    Kennicutt, M.; Priscu, J.


    As one of the last unexplored frontiers on our planet, subglacial lakes offer a unique and exciting venue for exploration and research. Over the past several years, subglacial lakes have captured the imagination of the scientific community and public, evoking images of potential exotic life forms surviving under some of the most extreme conditions on earth. Various planning activities have recognized that due to the remote and harsh conditions, that a successful subglacial lake exploration program will entail a concerted effort for a number of years. It will also require an international commitment of major financial and human resources. To begin a detailed planning process, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) convened the Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration Group of Specialists (SALEGOS) in Tokyo in 2000. The group was asked to build on previous workshops and meetings to develop a plan to explore subglacial lake environments. Its mandate adopted the guiding principles as agreed in Cambridge in 1999 that the program would be interdisciplinary in scope, be designed for minimum contamination and disturbance of the subglacial lake environment, have as a goal lake entry and sample retrieval, and that the ultimate target of the program should be Lake Vostok exploration. Since its formation SALEGOS has met three times and addressed some of the more intractable issues related to subglacial lake exploration. Topics under discussion include current state-of-the-knowledge of subglacial environments, technological needs, international management and organizational strategies, a portfolio of scientific projects, "clean" requirements, and logistical considerations. In this presentation the actvities of SALEGOS will be summarized and recommendations for an international subglacial lake exploration program discussed.

  6. Exploring Trajectories of Distributed Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Slepniov, Dmitrij; Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum; Niang, Mohamed


    While some firms have successfully turned their global operations into a formidable source of competitive advantage, others have failed to do so. A lot depends on which activities are globally distributed and how they are configured and coordinated. Emerging body of literature and practice suggest...... that not only standardized manufacturing tasks, but also knowledge-intensive and proprietary activities, including research and development (R&D), are increasingly subject to global dispersion. The purpose of this chapter is to explore structural and infrastructural arrangements that take place in industrial...... firms as they globally disperse their development activities. The study employs qualitative methodology and on the basis of two case studies of Danish firms it highlights the challenges of distributed development as well as how these challenges can be dealt with. The chapter outlines a variety...

  7. Elaboração multidisciplinar e participativa de jogos de papéis: uma experiência de modelagem de acompanhamento em torno da gestão dos mananciais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo Multidisciplinary elaboration of and participation in role-playing games: an experiment in companion modeling about catchment management in the metropolitan region of São Paulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raphaèle Ducrot


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento de ferramentas de simulação, como os jogos de papéis, pressupõe a integração das várias representações e conhecimentos, o que garante a sua legitimidade e a possibilidade de os utilizar como plataforma de mediação na discussão dos conflitos socioambientais. Este artigo discute a utilização da abordagem de modelagem de acompanhamento no desenvolvimento de dois jogos de papéis sobre a gestão da água e do solo em mananciais periurbanos da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP.The development of simulation tools like role-playing games require the integration of some knowledge and several representations which guarantee its legitimacy and the possibility to be used as a mediation platform in collective discussions about environmental conflicts. The paper presents and discusses the use of the companion modeling approach in the development of two role-playing games dealing with water and land management in the periurban catchment of the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

  8. Regulatory Framework on Exploration and Exploitation of Croatian Part of Adriatic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mudric, M.


    As the prelude to the regulation of marine exploration and exploitation activities in the Croatian Adriatic waters, the new Mining Act and Act on exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons have provided a general legal framework for the natural resources exploration and exploitation. The latter Act also appropriated the establishment of the independent regulatory body, the Hydrocarbon Agency. It is important to mention the Decree on Fees for exploration and production of hydrocarbons, and the Decree on main technical requirements on safety and security of offshore exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Republic of Croatia, that are of special relevance for the current activities with regard the proposed project of exploration and exploitation of the Croatian waters in search for gas and oil sea-bed deposits. The Hydrocarbon Agency has published the Strategic Study of the Likely Significant Environmental Impact of the Framework Plan and Program of Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons in the Adriatic, a document receiving a lot of criticism from the legal experts and general public. At the same time, the experts tend to support the general idea of sea-bed exploration and exploitation, with the major antagonism still being present in the general public, with several initiatives introducing the possibility of a public referenda to oppose the sea-bed exploration and exploitation. The Government is currently preparing the Act on the Safety of Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Operations, based on the Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorizations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1112/2014 of 13 October 2014 determining a common format for sharing of information on major hazard indicators by the operators and owners of offshore oil and gas installations and a common format

  9. The hippocampus and exploration: dynamically evolving behavior and neural representations (United States)

    Johnson, Adam; Varberg, Zachary; Benhardus, James; Maahs, Anthony; Schrater, Paul


    We develop a normative statistical approach to exploratory behavior called information foraging. Information foraging highlights the specific processes that contribute to active, rather than passive, exploration and learning. We hypothesize that the hippocampus plays a critical role in active exploration through directed information foraging by supporting a set of processes that allow an individual to determine where to sample. By examining these processes, we show how information directed information foraging provides a formal theoretical explanation for the common hippocampal substrates of constructive memory, vicarious trial and error behavior, schema-based facilitation of memory performance, and memory consolidation. PMID:22848196

  10. The hippocampus and exploration: dynamically evolving behavior and neural representations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adam eJohnson


    Full Text Available We develop a normative statistical approach to exploratory behavior called information foraging. Information foraging highlights the specific processes that contribute to active, rather than passive, exploration and learning. We hypothesize that the hippocampus plays a critical role in active exploration through directed information foraging by supporting a set of processes that allow an individual to determine where to sample. By examining these processes, we show how information directed information foraging provides a formal theoretical explanation for the common hippocampal substrates of constructive memory, vicarious trial and error behavior, schema-based facilitation of memory performance, and memory consolidation.

  11. Neighbors Connected; Exploring Recruitment of Dutch Older People for Activities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lezwijn, J.; Vaandrager, L.; Wagemakers, A.; Koelen, M.; Woerkum, van C.


    The recruitment of older people to engage in actions aimed at promoting health is an issue that does not receive much attention within health promotion practice. Many activities for older people are organized; however, less socially active older people do not participate in such activities. The aim

  12. Exploring Science Through Polar Exploration (United States)

    Pfirman, S. L.; Bell, R. E.; Zadoff, L.; Kelsey, R.


    Exploring the Poles is a First Year Seminar course taught at Barnard College, Columbia University. First Year Seminars are required of incoming students and are designed to encourage critical analysis in a small class setting with focused discussion. The class links historical polar exploration with current research in order to: introduce non-scientists to the value of environmental science through polar literature; discuss issues related to venturing into the unknown that are of relevance to any discipline: self-reliance, leadership, preparation, decisions under uncertainty; show students the human face of science; change attitudes about science and scientists; use data to engage students in exploring/understanding the environment and help them learn to draw conclusions from data; integrate research and education. These goals are met by bringing analysis of early exploration efforts together with a modern understanding of the polar environment. To date to class has followed the efforts of Nansen in the Fram, Scott and Amundsen in their race to the pole, and Shackleton's Endurance. As students read turn-of-the-century expedition journals, expedition progress is progressively revealed on an interactive map showing the environmental context. To bring the exploration process to life, students are assigned to expedition teams for specific years and the fates of the student "expeditions" are based on their own decisions. For example, in the Arctic, they navigate coastal sea ice and become frozen into the ice north of Siberia, re-creating Nansen's polar drift. Fates of the teams varied tremendously: some safely emerged at Fram Strait in 4 years, while others nearly became hopelessly lost in the Beaufort Gyre. Students thus learn about variability in the current polar environment through first hand experience, enabling them to appreciate the experiences, decisions, and, in some cases, the luck, of polar explorers. Evaluation by the Columbia Center for New Media, Teaching

  13. Socioeconomic status affects oral and manual exploration across the first year. (United States)

    Clearfield, Melissa W; Bailey, Lillian S; Jenne, Helen K; Stanger, Sarah B; Tacke, Nicholas


    Oral and manual exploration are part of the foundation of problem solving and cognition in infancy. How these develop in an at-risk population, infants in poverty, is unknown. The current study tested exploratory behaviors longitudinally at 6, 9, and 12 months in infants from high- and low-socioeconomic (SES) families. Oral exploration consisted of passive and active mouthing and looks after active mouthing. Manual exploration consisted of frequency of fingering, rotating, and transferring the object. High-SES infants replicated the trajectory previously reported in the literature, showing a decrease in mouthing and fingering and an increase in rotating and transferring (e.g., Palmer, 1989). In contrast, low-SES infants showed no change in any of the manual exploratory behaviors over the first year, thus demonstrating reduced overall levels of exploration as well as a different developmental trajectory. Results are discussed in terms of attention, potential physiological mechanisms, and implications for later problem solving. © 2013 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.

  14. In situ x-ray fluorescence and californium-252 neutron activation analysis for marine and terrestrial mineral exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wogman, N.A.


    Instrumentation has been designed for in situ analysis of marine and terrestrial minerals using the techniques of x-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analysis. The energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analyzer allows more than 20 elements to be quantitatively measured at the 10 ppM level in water depths to 300 m. The analyzer consists of a solid cryogen-cooled Si(Li) detector, a 50 mCi 109 Cd or 57 Co excitation source, and an analyzer-computer system for data storage and manipulation. The neutron activation analysis, which is designed to measure up to 30 elements at parts per hundred to ppM levels, utilizes the man-made element 252 Cf as its neutron activation source. The resulting radioelements which emit characteristic gamma radiation are then analyzed in situ during 2- to 200-s counting intervals with Ge(Li) or NaI(T1) detector systems. An extension of this latter technique, which uses a 252 Cf- 235 U fueled subcritical multiplier, is also being studied. The subcritical facility allows the neutrons from the 252 Cf source to be multiplied, thus providing greater neutron flux. Details of these in situ analysis systems, actual in situ spectra, and recorded data are discussed with respect to the detection of minerals at their varying concentration levels. The system response of each illustrates its usefulness for various rapid environmental mineral exploration studies. These techniques can be utilized on terrestrial surfaces and marine or fresh water sediments. 5 figures, 2 tables

  15. Smart imaging of acute lung injury: exploration of myeloperoxidase activity using in vivo endoscopic confocal fluorescence microscopy. (United States)

    Chagnon, Frédéric; Bourgouin, Alexandra; Lebel, Réjean; Bonin, Marc-André; Marsault, Eric; Lepage, Martin; Lesur, Olivier


    The pathophysiology of acute lung injury (ALI) is well characterized, but its real-time assessment at bedside remains a challenge. When patients do not improve after 1 wk despite supportive therapies, physicians have to consider open lung biopsy (OLB) to identify the process(es) at play. Sustained inflammation and inadequate repair are often observed in this context. OLB is neither easy to perform in a critical setting nor exempt from complications. Herein, we explore intravital endoscopic confocal fluorescence microscopy (ECFM) of the lung in vivo combined with the use of fluorescent smart probe(s) activated by myeloperoxidase (MPO). MPO is a granular enzyme expressed by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and alveolar macrophages (AMs), catalyzing the synthesis of hypoclorous acid, a by-product of hydrogen peroxide. Activation of these probes was first validated in vitro in relevant cells (i.e., AMs and PMNs) and on MPO-non-expressing cells (as negative controls) and then tested in vivo using three rat models of ALI and real-time intravital imaging with ECFM. Semiquantitative image analyses revealed that in vivo probe-related cellular/background fluorescence was associated with corresponding enhanced lung enzymatic activity and was partly prevented by specific MPO inhibition. Additional ex vivo phenotyping was performed, confirming that fluorescent cells were neutrophil elastase(+) (PMNs) or CD68(+) (AMs). This work is a first step toward "virtual biopsy" of ALI without OLB. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  16. Report from ILEWG to the COSPAR Panel on Exploration (United States)

    Foing, Bernard H.

    The International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) was established in April 1995 at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. As established in its charter, this working group reports to COSPAR and is charged with developing an international strategy for the exploration of the Moon. It discusses coordination between missions, and a road map for future international lunar exploration and utilisation. It fosters information exchange or potential and real future lunar robotic and human missions, as well as for new scientific and exploration information about the Moon. ILEWG was used to feed forward results from lunar missions such as SMART1 to the next ones, and we look now to integrate lessons from all recent orbiters and landers, for the upcoming landers, sample return missions, and human activities. We give a report on ILEWG community activities, refer to COSPAR and ILEWG ICEUM and lunar conferences and declarations [1-18], and discuss the follow-up of GLUC/ICEUM11 declaration relevant to COSPAR PEX*. References: [1] 1st International Lunar Workshop, Balsiger H. et al., Editors, European Space Agency, 1994. ESA-SP-1170. [2] 2nd International Lunar Workshop, Kyoto, H. Mizutani, editor, Japan Space Forum Publisher, 1997. [3] 3rd International Lunar Workshop, Moscow 1998, E. Galimov, editor. [4] ICEUM4, ESTEC, 2000, ESA SP-462, B.H. Foing & M. Perry, editors. [5] ICEUM5, Hawaii Nov 2003, Durst S.M. et al, Editors, Vol 108, 1-576 pp, Science and Technology Series, American Astronautical Society, 2004. [6] ICEUM6, Udaipur 2004, Bhandari N., Editor, Journal Earth Sys-tem Science, India, 114, No6, Dec 2005, pp. 573-841. [7] ICEUM7, Toronto Sept 2005, [8] ICEUM8, Beijing July 2006, Journal of Chinese Society of Astronautics, Vol. 28 Sup., 2007, Ji W., Editor. [9] ICEUM9, Sorrento, Italy, Foing B., Espinasse S., Kosters G., Editors., Dec. 2007), [11] Ehrenfreund, P., Foing, B.H., Cellino, A. Editors, The Moon and Near Earth Objects

  17. Exploring the Eastern United States Continental Shelf with the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (United States)

    Glickson, D.; Pomponi, S. A.


    The Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT) serves NOAA priorities in three theme areas: exploring the eastern U.S. continental shelf, improving the understanding of coral and sponge ecosystems, and developing advanced underwater technologies. CIOERT focuses on the exploration and research of ecosystems and habitats along frontier regions of the eastern U.S. continental shelf that are of economic, scientific, or cultural importance or of natural hazards concern. One particular focus is supporting ocean exploration and research through the use of advanced underwater technologies and techniques in order to improve the understanding of vulnerable deep and shallow coral and sponge ecosystems. CIOERT expands the scope and efficiency of exploration and research by developing, testing, and applying new and/or innovative uses of existing technologies to ocean exploration and research activities. In addition, CIOERT is dedicated to expanding ocean literacy and building NOAA's technical and scientific workforce through hands-on, at-sea experiences. A recent CIOERT cruise characterized Gulf of Mexico mesophotic and deepwater reef ecosystems off the west Florida shelf, targeting northern Pulley Ridge. This project created and ground-truthed new sonar maps made with an autonomous underwater vehicle; conducted video and photographic transects of benthic habitat and fish using a remotely operated vehicle; and examined the connectivity of fauna from shallow to deep reef ecosystems. CIOERT was established in 2009 by FAU-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, with University of North Carolina, Wilmington, SRI International, and the University of Miami. The primary NOAA partner is the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.

  18. Moldes de ABS construídos pelo processo de modelagem por fusão e deposição para injeção de PP e PEBD PP and LDPE injection in ABS molds built with fused deposition modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José A. Foggiatto


    Full Text Available Os processos de prototipagem rápida (Rapid Prototyping - RP e ferramental rápido (Rapid Tooling - RT surgiram para reduzir os tempos de desenvolvimento de produtos na fase de projeto diminuindo a necessidade de retrabalhos e, conseqüentemente, antecipando a entrada de novos produtos no mercado. Neste trabalho foi utilizada uma das tecnologias de prototipagem rápida, denominada Modelagem por Fusão e Deposição (FDM, na construção de moldes em ABS com o objetivo de investigar sua aplicação na moldagem por injeção de termoplásticos. Amostras das peças injetadas foram submetidas a ensaios de difração de raios X, dureza Shore D e tração. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade de fabricar pequenos lotes de peças em PEBD e PP com propriedades mecânicas bastante similares às encontradas em peças moldadas em moldes metálicos.Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling are aimed at reducing the development time of products in the design phase by minimizing re-workings and, consequently, reducing the time to launch new products. In this work one of the technologies of rapid prototyping, called Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM, was used in the construction of ABS molds with the objective of investigating its application in the injection molding of thermoplastics. Specimens of the molded parts were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Shore D hardness and tensile tests. The results demonstrated the viability to manufacture small batches of LDPE and PP parts with mechanical properties similar to those molded parts in metallic molds.

  19. Near earth tracking/data exploration (United States)

    Spearing, Robert


    The future challenges facing NASA's data acquisition program are examined, with emphasis on the near-earth exploration activity and the associated data systems. It is noted that the process that is being followed is an evolutionary one: new technologies are being gradually integrated into currently operating systems. For example, advanced handling is already being introduced into such programs as the Space Telescope and the Gamma Ray Source Observatory System.

  20. Modelagem hidrológica em microbacia hidrográfica parte II: teste do modelo HidroBacia Hydrologic modeling of a small watershed part II: HidroBacia model test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sidney S. Zanetti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consistiu na modelagem hidrológica de uma microbacia hidrográfica utilizando-se o modelo HidroBacia, no qual o processo de infiltração da água no solo é representado por meio da equação de Green-Ampt modificada por Mein e Larson. Obtiveram-se, dentre os parâmetros desta equação, o potencial matricial na frente de umedecimento, a condutividade hidráulica e a umidade do solo na zona de transmissão, através de diversos métodos apresentados na literatura; desta forma, foram preparadas e testadas 36 combinações de dados de entrada, visando identificar as que apresentam melhor desempenho nas simulações do hidrograma de escoamento superficial com o modelo e se selecionaram, dentre os eventos de chuva-vazão registrados na microbacia, os 14 mais relevantes para realização das simulações. Das 36 combinações de dados de entrada testadas, seis apresentaram melhor desempenho na estimação dos hidrogramas. O modelo HidroBacia ainda necessita de aprimoramentos, juntamente com análises de sensibilidade, com vista a identificar possíveis incompatibilidades entre os dados de entrada e os respectivos resultados das simulações, uma vez que o modelo apresentou resultados incoerentes em determinadas situações.This work consisted of the hydrologic modeling of a small watershed using the HidroBacia model. The soil water infiltration process is represented by means of the Green-Ampt equation, modified by Mein and Larson, in this model. Among the equation parameters, matric potential in the wetting front, hydraulic conductivity and soil moisture in the "field saturation" were obtained using different methods based on previous scientific literature. Thirty six input data combinations were tested in order to identify those that showed better performance on the runoff hydrograph simulations with the model. Between the rainfall-runoff events registered on watershed, the most relevant (14 of them were selected to perform the

  1. Participatory Exploration of Digitalizing Cultural Content

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodil, Kasper; Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike; Koch Kapuire, Gereon


    This paper describes a joint investigation of a Herero wedding ceremony as a sample of cultural content to be digitalized. We have through participatory exploration scrutinized embodied media bias and representation with Herero elders in Namibia. One finding is that this method has enabled...... the elders to be active agents in the digital portrayal and construction of their culture....

  2. Bioinformatics: Cheap and robust method to explore biomaterial from Indonesia biodiversity (United States)



    Indonesia has a huge amount of biodiversity, which may contain many biomaterials for pharmaceutical application. These resources potency should be explored to discover new drugs for human wealth. However, the bioactive screening using conventional methods is very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, we developed a methodology for screening the potential of natural resources based on bioinformatics. The method is developed based on the fact that organisms in the same taxon will have similar genes, metabolism and secondary metabolites product. Then we employ bioinformatics to explore the potency of biomaterial from Indonesia biodiversity by comparing species with the well-known taxon containing the active compound through published paper or chemical database. Then we analyze drug-likeness, bioactivity and the target proteins of the active compound based on their molecular structure. The target protein was examined their interaction with other proteins in the cell to determine action mechanism of the active compounds in the cellular level, as well as to predict its side effects and toxicity. By using this method, we succeeded to screen anti-cancer, immunomodulators and anti-inflammation from Indonesia biodiversity. For example, we found anticancer from marine invertebrate by employing the method. The anti-cancer was explore based on the isolated compounds of marine invertebrate from published article and database, and then identified the protein target, followed by molecular pathway analysis. The data suggested that the active compound of the invertebrate able to kill cancer cell. Further, we collect and extract the active compound from the invertebrate, and then examined the activity on cancer cell (MCF7). The MTT result showed that the methanol extract of marine invertebrate was highly potent in killing MCF7 cells. Therefore, we concluded that bioinformatics is cheap and robust way to explore bioactive from Indonesia biodiversity for source of drug and another

  3. 3D modeling of material flow and temperature in Friction Stir Welding Modelagem 3D do fluxo de material e da temperatura na soldagem "Friction Stir"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Santiago


    Full Text Available The process of Friction Stir Welding (FSW is a welding method developed by the "The Welding Institute" (TWI of England in 1991. The welding equipment consists of a tool that rotates and progresses along the joint of two restrained sheets. The joint is produced by frictional heating which causes the softening of both components into a viscous-plastic condition and also by the resultant flow between the sheets to be joined. Numerical Modeling of the process can provide realistic prediction of the main variables of the process, reducing the number of experimental tests, thus accelerating the design processes while reducing costs and optimizing the involved technological variables. In this study the friction stir welding process is modeled using a general purpose finite element based program, reproducing the material thermal map and the corresponding mass flow. Numerical thermal results are compared against experimental thermographic maps and numerical material flow results are compared with material flow visualization techniques, with acceptable concordance.O processo denominado "Friction Stir Welding" (FSW é um método de soldagem desenvolvido pelo "The Welding Institute" (TWI na Inglaterra em 1991. O equipamento de soldagem consiste de uma ferramenta que gira e avança ao longo da interface entre duas chapas fixas. A junção é produzida pelo calor gerado por fricção o qual causa o amolecimento de ambos os componentes atingindo uma condição visco-plástica e também pelo escoamento resultante entre as laminas a ser unidas. A modelagem numérica do processo pode fornecer uma predição real das principais variáveis do processo, reduzindo o número de testes experimentais, acelerando, portanto os processos de projeto ao mesmo tempo em que reduz custos e permite a otimização das variáveis tecnológicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, o processo de soldagem por fricção é modelado empregando um programa de propósito geral baseado no m

  4. Exploring physical activity engagement and barriers for asylum seekers in Australia coping with prolonged uncertainty and no right to work. (United States)

    Hartley, Lisa; Fleay, Caroline; Tye, Marian E


    This paper explores the engagement in physical activity as a potential coping strategy for asylum seekers living in the Australian community without the right to work and with prolonged uncertainty, and benefits or barriers to undertaking such activity. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were held with 29 asylum seekers who had arrived to Australia by boat and were living in the community in the cities of Perth, Sydney or Melbourne in July-October 2013 after their release from immigration detention. The ratio of the numbers of men and women interviewed (23 men and 6 women) was comparable to the ratio of men and women who came by boat to Australia seeking asylum in 2012-2013. Nine participants reported that they participated in physical activity as a coping strategy. Seven other participants were so worried about their future and their families that they did not have the mental or physical energy to engage in physical activity. A further six wanted to participate in physical activity but faced a number of barriers to doing so. The seven remaining participants were either not asked about their physical activity engagement because they focused their discussion on other challenges or did not elaborate on why they were not engaging in physical activity. The findings suggest that physical activity, coupled with other coping strategies, are important for some asylum seekers in trying to manage the distress of being denied the right to work and living with prolonged uncertainty. In addition, these findings highlight the critical barrier that government policy plays in disabling engagement in physical activity, which further compounds social exclusion. This includes the lack of welfare support provided, which hinders people's financial ability to access activities and support in the community. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Strategic Map for Exploring the Ocean-World Enceladus (United States)

    Sherwood, Brent


    Among the many "ocean worlds" of our solar system, Enceladus appears unique in its combination of astrobiologically relevant, exploration-worthy attributes: extensive liquid-water ocean with high-temperature hydrothermal activity, containing salts and organics expressed predictably into space. The Enceladus south polar plume allows direct access to telltale molecules, ions, isotopes, and potential cytofragments in space. Plume mass spectroscopy and sample return, in situ investigation of surface fallback deposits, direct vent exploration, and eventually oceanographic exploration can all be envisioned. However, building consensus to fund such ambitious exploration hinges on acquiring key new data. A roadmap is essential. It could start with cost-capped onramps: 1) flythrough analysis of the plume, following up on Cassini measurements with modern instruments; 2) sample return of plume material for analysis on Earth. A methodical mission sequence in which each step depends on emergent results from prior missions would push in situ oceanographic exploration into the second half of this century. Even for this scenario, prioritization by the next planetary Decadal Survey would be pivotal.

  6. Heart rate variability: a tool to explore the sleeping brain?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florian eChouchou


    Full Text Available Sleep is divided into two main sleep stages: 1 non-rapid eye movement sleep (non-REMS, characterized among others by reduced global brain activity; and 2 rapid eye movement sleep (REMS, characterized by global brain activity similar to that of wakefulness. Results of heart rate variability (HRV analysis, which is widely used to explore autonomic modulation, have revealed higher parasympathetic tone during normal non-REMS and a shift toward sympathetic predominance during normal REMS. Moreover, HRV analysis combined with brain imaging has identified close connectivity between autonomic cardiac modulation and activity in brain areas such as the amygdala and insular cortex during REMS, but no connectivity between brain and cardiac activity during non-REMS. There is also some evidence for an association between HRV and dream intensity and emotionality. Following some technical considerations, this review addresses how brain activity during sleep contributes to changes in autonomic cardiac activity, organized into three parts: 1 the knowledge on autonomic cardiac control, 2 differences in brain and autonomic activity between non-REMS and REMS, and 3 the potential of HRV analysis to explore the sleeping brain, and the implications for psychiatric disorders.

  7. Exploration update : first half of 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrington, P.


    New wells and land sales in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin reached record levels during the first half of 2001, but new trends are developing which cast some doubt about the future of exploration activity in the area. The main trend was that product prices softened for both oil and natural gas, with oil prices falling from about $50.00 CDN to $40.00 CDN in the first six months of 2001. The drop in heavy oil prices was even greater in the last quarter of 2000. The heavy oil differential increased from a historical average of $4.00 to $8.00 CDN, up to a record high of $23.52 on October 31, 2000. The differential remained high during the first half of 2001, but showed signs of narrowing late in the first quarter. Heavy oil prices fluctuated between $25.00 and $30.00 CDN during the first six months of 2001. Natural gas prices fell significantly through the first half of 2001. Canadian gas prices are expected to average about $5.00 per Mcf during the next 3 to 5 years until significant new supplies from the high Arctic or the East Coast of Canada can be brought into the marketplace, or until there are readily available supplies of liquefied natural gas from overseas. High prices for oil and natural gas meant high prices for producing property acquisitions. Production in the first quarter of 2001 sold for $44,000/boe/day compared to $28,000 during 2000. The first half of 2001 saw many takeovers as American companies renewed their interest in Canadian oil and gas companies. These included Conoco's purchase of Gulf Canada, Anadarko's takeover of Berkley, Calpine's acquisition of Encal and Prime West's acquisition of Cypress. The affect that these takeovers will have on the ongoing level of exploration in Western Canada is yet to be seen. Drilling activity during the first 6 months of 2001 set new records, as did land sale activity with the most dramatic increases being in British Columbia in the Ojay/Grizzly/Hiding Creek area. Other major land sales included the

  8. Conceptualizing Urban Exploration as Beyond Tourism and as Anti-Tourism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter ROBINSON


    Full Text Available Urban Exploration (U.E., the activity of exploring hidden parts of the city, is increasingly discussed in a range of academic papers, yet the aspects of this activity which are associated with travel and consumption have not been explored. However, there have been a number of related calls for research. This paper identifies that U.E. requires greater critical inquiry. It is noted that U.E. draws common themes with heritage tourism, adventure tourism, otherness, authenticity and risk, yet is a contradiction to the homogenised tourist experience. It is suggested that U.E. can thus be interpreted as a form of tourism which is outside of accepted norms of behaviour, decision making and typologies and which has significant meaning for future research. Thus, the paper proposes a model which identifies opportunities for further research beyond the current spectrum of tourism academia.

  9. Exploring female GPs' perceptions about medical leadership. (United States)

    Price, Karen; Clearihan, Lynette


    Women are increasingly entering the Australian general practice workforce. This study aims to explore female general practitioners' (GPs') perceptions of possible barriers to leadership and professional roles in the workforce. A purposive, convenience sample of 30 female GPs in active practice was approached in February, 2012. An anonymous, pa-per-based, semi-quantitative survey sought to identify participation and leadership confidence within general practice in a number of professional roles. The top two barriers participants identified for after-hours medical meetings were energy to attend and geographical location. For after-hours care, the top two barriers identified were energy and self-motivation. Few participants aspired to 'leadership' activities. 'Medical mentoring' was most likely to attract them into leadership. It is important female GPs' perspectives are explored in general practice. This small survey suggests further studies are needed in the importance of energy limitations and lack of self-confidence in restricting female GPs' capacity to fully engage in professional roles.

  10. Explore Your Future: Careers in the Natural Gas Industry. (United States)

    American Gas Association, Arlington, VA. Educational Services.

    This career awareness booklet provides information and activities to help youth prepare for career and explore jobs in the natural gas industry. Students are exposed to career planning ideas and activities; they learn about a wide variety of industry jobs, what workers say about their jobs, and how the industry operates. Five sections are…

  11. Adaptive bio-inspired navigation for planetary exploration, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Exploration of planetary environments with current robotic technologies relies on human control and power-hungry active sensors to perform even the most elementary...

  12. Proposta de diretrizes para processo criativo para o design virtual de embalagens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suzana Funk


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a sistematização do design virtual de embalagens, utilizando softwares de modelagem 3D como ferramentas de apoio à criação. Com os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis, a criação das embalagens normalmente é feita com o auxílio de softwares, mas com pouca ou sem sistematização do processo criativo. Em virtude disso, apresenta-se um estudo sobre os aspectos teóricos que abordam o processo criativo virtual de embalagens e uma pesquisa com profissionais que possuem experiência em modelagem 3D. É feita uma análise qualitativa e interligação destes dados e, em seguida, são propostas dez diretrizes, organizadas dentro de uma metodologia. O seu diferencial, em relação às demais, está nas fases Criar e Apresentar, que envolvem a criação e apresentação de embalagens utilizando as possibilidades de softwares de modelagem 3D. Para exemplificar a metodologia, faz-se o design de um frasco de perfume. O mesmo é apresentado com foco na geração de alternativas utilizando software. Pode-se observar que as diretrizes contribuem para conduzir as atividades, até a apresentação final do trabalho. A sistematização da criação, utilizando softwares 3D, pode potencializar o design de embalagens, diminuindo o tempo de criação e os custos com a criação de protótipos, além de aperfeiçoar a visualização final do produto.

  13. Redução de incertezas em análise de vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas para Dicksonia sellowiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Brilhante de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo estabelecer predições do impacto das mudanças climáticas em cenários futuros sobre Dicksonia sellowiana (Pres. Hook, por meio de modelos de distribuição de espécies e uso de técnicas que diminuam o grau de incerteza nesse tipo de modelagem. Para a geração dos modelos foram utilizados cinco algoritmos disponíveis no programa Openmodeller. A modelagem incluiu o modelo climático HadCM3, com projeções para o ano 2050, em dois cenários de emissão de CO2: pessimista (A2 e otimista (B2. Todos os algoritmos apresentaram eficiência nas projeções para o clima atual, o que foi validado pelos valores da área sobre a curva ROC e pelo índice de Kappa. Considerando os remanescentes de habitats disponíveis para a espécie, os resultados apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as projeções de área com o clima atual e em relação às áreas em cenários climáticos futuros. Esses modelos indicaram reduções de área potencial superiores a 50% para a espécie. Mesmo considerando os valores bons e excelentes de acurácia com os dados de clima atual, a variabilidade das projeções de distribuição para o clima no futuro indica a necessidade do uso de técnicas de consenso para a redução das incertezas associadas a este tipo de modelagem.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available O caráter odorante de compostos reduzidos de enxofre (TRS, tipicamente emitidos na indústria papeleira, tem gerado grande interesse por parte dessas indústrias em predizer a qualidade do ar nas proximidades de suas fontes emissoras. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto na atmosfera resultante das emissões de TRS de uma fabricante de papel e celulose de grande porte, por meio da modelagem dos compostos gasosos emitidos a partir de duas fontes pontuais (tomadas como as maiores contribuidoras. Para tanto, foi utilizado o “software” AID (Avaliação Instantânea de Dispersão baseado no modelo de Gauss para determinação das concentrações (no ar resultantes dessas emissões. Nessa determinação, foram abordados os principais parâmetros meteorológicos (dos últimos 3 anos e cinéticos de emissão necessários à modelagem. A máxima concentração de TRS obtida após a modelagem foi de 3,84 ppb (somatório das duas fontes avaliadas, ficando bem abaixo dos limites de percepção odorífera (LPO recomendado por órgãos internacionais (o Brasil não possui leis específicas para esse caso. Como os limites de toxicidade quase sempre estão bem acima dos LPO, é seguro afirmar que, no caso avaliado, a concentração máxima estimada não apresenta riscos de toxicidade à população exposta, uma vez, pelo valor obtido, nem o odor pode ser percebido.

  15. An internet survey of the characteristics and physical activity of community-dwelling Australian adults with acquired brain injury: Exploring interest in an internet-delivered self-management program focused on physical activity. (United States)

    Jones, Taryn M; Dean, Catherine M; Dear, Blake F; Hush, Julia M; Titov, Nickolai


    Individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI) are more likely to be physically inactive and experience barriers to accessing services to address inactivity. This study was designed to guide the development of an internet-delivered self-management program to increase physical activity after ABI. The aims of this study were to examine the current physical activity status of community-dwelling Australian adults with ABI, the barriers to physical activity they experience and to explore interest an internet-delivered self-management program aimed at increasing physical activity. An online survey of Australian adults with ABI was used to collect information about demographic characteristics; general health; emotional well-being; mobility and physical activity status, and satisfaction; barriers to physical activity; confidence in overcoming barriers, and; interest in an internet self-management program. Data were analyzed descriptively and correlational analyses examined relationships between variables. Data were analyzed from 59 respondents. Over half were not satisfied with their current physical activity status. The most frequently reported barriers were pain/discomfort, fatigue and fear, and confidence to overcome these barriers was very low. Interest in an internet-delivered self-management program was high (74%) and not related to the amount of physical activity, satisfaction with physical activity and mobility status or total number of barriers. Australian adults with ABI are not satisfied with their activity levels and experience barriers in maintaining their physical activity levels. Participants were interested in accessing an internet-delivered self-management program aimed at improving physical activity levels. Therefore such a program warrants development and evaluation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. [Career consciousness among Japanese female students: relationships between vocational motivation and career exploration]. (United States)

    Adachi, Tomoko


    This questionnaire study investigated career consciousness among 348 Japanese female freshman and sophomore college students. Variables included career consciousness (belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation, passivity, and giving priority to personal interests), vocational motives (self-improvement, interpersonal, status), as well as career decision-making self-efficacy (self-appraisal, gathering occupational information) and career exploration (self and environmental exploration). The results of causal analyses showed that the belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation and passivity had effects on all three vocational motives, but giving priority to personal interests had an effect only on motivation for self-improvement. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were constructed with career exploration as dependent variables, career consciousness as fixed factors, and career decision-making self-efficacy as covariates. The results of the analyses showed that students who had high career decision-making self-efficacy engaged in both self exploration and environmental exploration activities with a higher frequency. Students with a greater passive tendency toward their career engaged in both self and environmental exploration with a lower frequency. Belief in the idea of a best-fit vocation was associated only with differences in frequency of self exploration. Giving priority to personal interests did not produce differences in career exploration activities.

  17. Features of the marketing strategy of oil and gas companies in exploration drilling (United States)

    Sharf, I.; Malanina, V.; Kamynina, L.


    The implementation of national and regional programs for the development of new oil and gas provinces of Eastern Siberia poses the challenge of increasing geological exploration. The current drilling service companies' market structure, as well as the strategic task of search and exploration effectiveness requires qualitatively new approaches for choosing a contractor. The proposed strategy to select a contractor based on comprehensive analysis of certain groups of industrial, financial, infrastructural criteria allows not only to optimize the costs of exploration activities, but also to minimize preventively the risks of a poor geological exploration. The authors' SWOT- analysis of the marketing strategy of "Gazprom neft" for choosing a contractor outlined the problem of imperfection of the Russian legislation in the sphere of activities of service companies in the oil and gas sector.

  18. Environmental impact of atomic minerals exploration and exploitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dwivedy, K.K.


    Terrestrial radiation in the earth's environment is existing since its formation and is shared by all types of rocks, minerals, gases, and water, and to some extent aided by the interstellar radiation. Environmental radiation is ubiquitous and the man and other living beings have been living in such environment for thousands of years. Today they are much concerned about health and environmental risks so that a balance must be achieved between the activities that promote economic growth and the preservation of the natural environment. Atomic minerals are one of the main sources of natural environmental radiation and they are being explored by Atomic Minerals Division (AMD). Mining and milling activities sometimes may cause some radiological impacts but proper monitoring and remedial measures keep them under check. Some of the important aspects related to environmental impacts of uranium exploration and exploitation are presented

  19. Hands-On Nature. Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment with Children. (United States)

    Lingelbach, Jenepher, Ed.

    Developed to provide direct opportunities for children to explore the natural world, this book offers creative new approaches to teaching environmentally. A workshop format is used in this book, which consists of four separate chapters entitled: Adaptations, Habitats, Cycles, and Designs of Nature. Each chapter contains a series of workshops which…

  20. Multinational Exploration of Acquired R&D Activities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard, Jens


    R&D. This paper establishes the connection between amultinational corporation that follows a capability-motivated acquisition strategy and theR&D role new subsidiaries should play in order for the acquired resources to be utilizedcorporation-wide. Statistical findings reveal the need to follow......This paper presents the results of a survey of 54 Danish multinational corporations that haveacquired activities abroad. The role of the acquired R&D units was the focus of the survey,particularly with respect to the schism between basic and applied R&D, and the schismbetween autonomous and network...

  1. Exploring value creation from corporate-foresight activities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohrbeck, René


    This paper looks at value creation from corporate futures research. Through a literature review, potential value creation is identified. This serves as guidance for an empirical investigation in which value creation is observed and linked to methods and practices. Using data from 20 case studies......, three examples of value creation are discussed in detail. In addition, cross-case analysis allowed me to identify four success criteria for corporate foresight activities: (1) foresighters committed to creating value, (2) participation of internal stakeholders, (3) analysis that follows a systemic logic...

  2. Leveraging Virtual Reality for the Benefit of Lunar Exploration (United States)

    McCandless, R. S.; Burke, E. D.; McGinley, V. T.


    Virtual reality (VR) and related technologies will assist scientists with lunar exploration and public engagement. We will present the future exponential impact of VR on lunar activities over the coming decades.

  3. Dive and Explore: An Interactive Web Visualization that Simulates Making an ROV Dive to an Active Submarine Volcano (United States)

    Weiland, C.; Chadwick, W. W.


    Several years ago we created an exciting and engaging multimedia exhibit for the Hatfield Marine Science Center that lets visitors simulate making a dive to the seafloor with the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) named ROPOS. The exhibit immerses the user in an interactive experience that is naturally fun but also educational. The public display is located at the Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center in Newport, Oregon. We are now completing a revision to the project that will make this engaging virtual exploration accessible to a much larger audience. With minor modifications we will be able to put the exhibit onto the world wide web so that any person with internet access can view and learn about exciting volcanic and hydrothermal activity at Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The modifications address some cosmetic and logistic ISSUES confronted in the museum environment, but will mainly involve compressing video clips so they can be delivered more efficiently over the internet. The web version, like the museum version, will allow users to choose from 1 of 3 different dives sites in the caldera of Axial Volcano. The dives are based on real seafloor settings at Axial seamount, an active submarine volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge (NE Pacific) that is also the location of a seafloor observatory called NeMO. Once a dive is chosen, then the user watches ROPOS being deployed and then arrives into a 3-D computer-generated seafloor environment that is based on the real world but is easier to visualize and navigate. Once on the bottom, the user is placed within a 360 degree panorama and can look in all directions by manipulating the computer mouse. By clicking on markers embedded in the scene, the user can then either move to other panorama locations via movies that travel through the 3-D virtual environment, or they can play video clips from actual ROPOS dives specifically related to that scene. Audio accompanying the video clips informs the user where they are

  4. Exploring whether Students' Use of Labelling Depends upon the Type of Activity (United States)

    Bures, Eva Mary; Abrami, Philip C.; Schmid, Richard F.


    This paper explores a labelling feature designed to support higher-level online dialogue. It investigates whether students use labels less often during a structured online dialogue than during an unstructured one, and looks at students' reactions to labelling and to both types of tasks. Participants are from three successive course offerings of a…

  5. Active exploration and keypoint clustering for object recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kootstra, G.W.; Ypma, J; de Boer, B.


    Object recognition is a challenging problem for artificial systems. This is especially true for objects that are placed in cluttered and uncontrolled environments. To challenge this problem, we discuss an active approach to object recognition. Instead of passively observing objects, we use a robot

  6. Petroleum Legislation and Administration: Past, Present, Future and Impact on Exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ofurhie, M. A.


    The need to exploit the vast petroleum resources of the country in an optimally efficient manner demands a versatile, responsive, workable legislation and its administration.Therefore, Government enacted the Mineral Oils Act of 1914, which regulates the right to search and develop mineral oil efficiently. Specifically, Section 6 (1) (a) provided that Shell Darcy, a British company, had the sole right to operate the Nigerian province as its concession thereby disqualifying other non-British companies from exploration opportunities.The 1914 Act was modified in 1958 to accommodate non-British companies to compete for acreage. Thus, exploration activities increased thereby generating more reserves. Furthermore, exploration activities improved in the frontier areas because government granted the operators incentives, which expensed one exploratory and two appraisal wells as an offset against PPT.The Government promulgated the Petroleum Act of 1969 to ensure good management of the abundant petroleum resources found in the Niger Delta basin. The Act vests the ownership and control of all petroleum resources in the state. The marginal fields legislation strives to encourage more participation by indigenous companies, while at the same time boosting national producible reserves through a farm-in arrangement with concessionaires. Legislations on deep-water exploration have encouraged exploration activities in that terrain though it poses a great challenge to technology. Government's desire to eradicate environmental pollution and improve revenue has led it to enact legislations that would properly position Nigerian gas to compete favourably in the world market. Joint studies by government and operators in viable options for utilizing uncommitted gas through projects such as Gas-to Liquid, NGL and IPP are on-going.Although many of the Legislations have not changed by a large margin, their dynamic administration accommodates their reviews to match increasingly difficult safety

  7. Exploring Old Growth Forests: A Teacher's Manual. (United States)

    Lemieux, Chris; Powers, Jennene; Quinby, Peter; Schultz, Caroline; Stabb, Mark

    "Exploring Old Growth Forests" is an Ontario (Canada) program that provides secondary students with hands-on experiences in old growth forests. Activity-based and student-centered, the program aims to develop student awareness of the importance of old growth forests and the need to conserve them. This manual provides teachers with…

  8. Exploring the Sociopolitical Dimensions of Global Warming (United States)

    Sadler, Troy D.; Klosterman, Michelle L.


    The authors present an activity to help high school students conceptualize the sociopolitical complexity of global warming through an exploration of varied perspectives on the issue. They argue that socioscientific issues such as global warming present important contexts for learning science and that the social and political dimensions of these…

  9. Necessities and constraints of petroleum exploration in developing countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fetah, M.


    In spite of the petroleum low prices, persisting since 1986, many developing countries, non-producing petroleum, are facing growing energy problems: fall of petroleum exploration activities, quasi stoppage of projects for energy substitute development, consecutively to the lowering of the crude oil prices. This communication shows the necessity for these countries to resume petroleum exploration and proposes solutions in order to release constraints: international cooperation, fiscal incentives, access to the financial market, etc. Morocco is taken as an example

  10. Exploring the Integration of Disability Awareness into Tertiary Teaching and Learning Activities (United States)

    Hale, Leigh; van der Meer, Jacques; Rutherford, Gill; Clay, Lynne; Janssen, Jessie; Powell, Denise


    A desire to have every student attending our University be aware of, and reflect on, disability in their studies and future careers, initiated our project to explore how to enhance disability awareness within all our University's papers. In this project we systematically reviewed pertinent literature and ran an action research workshop for staff.…

  11. Técnica de modelagem numérica pelo método dos elementos finitos para estudo da resposta acústica veicular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Simão Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este estudo aborda a técnica de modelagem da resposta acústica de um veículo automotor. Esta pesquisa discorre sobre a construção de modelos numéricos em elementos finitos para investigar o efeito da utilização de componentes móveis (capô, portas laterais e tampa do porta malas na resposta acústica de um veículo. Para tanto, foram construídos dois modelos: um que abrange a utilização de todos os componentes móveis, e outro, que substitui cada componente móvel por elementos unidimensionais (1D, contendo apenas a massa e a inércia que representa cada um destes componentes. A resposta obtida em cada uma das etapas da simulação numérica é comparada com os resultados experimentais, a fim de validar o procedimento e compreender a significância da utilização de um modelo numérico simplificado e assim, validar um modelo simplificado capaz de reproduzir computacionalmente e de forma satisfatória a resposta acústica de um veículo. A utilização do referido modelo simplificado possibilita a indústria automotiva realizar estudos sobre a performance acústica de um veículo de forma antecipada, uma vez que não necessita esperar o desenvolvimento destes componentes. Como investigado nesta pesquisa, a influência de componentes móveis sobre a resposta acústica do modelo numérico completo é pequena quando comparado à resposta obtida pelo modelo simplificado.  Por meio de uma segunda análise, “Participação de Painéis”, é visto que a contribuição na resposta acústica final dos componentes móveis somados é inferior a 3dB.Palavras-chave: Método dos Elementos Finitos. Análise Acústica. Participação de Painéis. Acústica Veicular.ABSTRACTNumerical modeling technique using the finite element method in vehicle acoustic response studyThis study examines a modeling technique of the acoustic response in automotive vehicle. This research focuses on the development of numerical models in finite elements that

  12. Exploration Medical System Demonstration (EMSD) Project (United States)

    Chin, Duane


    The Exploration Medical System Demonstration (EMSD) is a project under the Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) element managed by the Human Research Program (HRP). The vision for the EMSD is to utilize ISS as a test bed to show that several medical technologies needed for an exploration mission and medical informatics tools for managing evidence and decision making can be integrated into a single system and used by the on-orbit crew in an efficient and meaningful manner. Objectives: a) Reduce and even possibly eliminate the time required for on-orbit crew and ground personnel (which include Surgeon, Biomedical Engineer (BME) Flight Controller, and Medical Operations Data Specialist) to access and move medical data from one application to another. b) Demonstrate that the on-orbit crew has the ability to access medical data/information using an intuitive and crew-friendly software solution to assist/aid in the treatment of a medical condition. c) Develop a common data management framework and architecture that can be ubiquitously used to automate repetitive data collection, management, and communications tasks for all crew health and life sciences activities.

  13. “We don’t worry about diabetes that much”: A qualitative study exploring perceptions of physical activity among children with Type 1 Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helen Quirk


    Full Text Available Background: Despite the health benefits of physical activity, children across the population are insufficiently active. Physical activity is essential in the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM, therefore its promotion should be a priority, yet little research has explored the experience of physical activity from the viewpoint of children with this condition. This study sought to provide insight into how children with T1DM perceive and participate in physical activity to further the design of initiatives and clinical interventions that promote active lifestyles in this population. Methods: Researchers collected data through in-depth interviews with twelve children aged 9-11 years with T1DM in the UK. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The overarching themes captured: children’s understanding of physical activity; children’s physical activity is motivated by friendship and social interaction; children’s physical activity is motivated by positive perceptions, fun and enjoyment; children describe how their family helps them to be active; school provides children with an opportunity to be active; children’s access to facilities and outdoor space encourages physical activity; children refer to personal mastery and competence in physical activity and; children perceive difficulties that make physical activity harder. Conclusions: This study is the first to distinguish children’s perceptions toward physical activity from other key stakeholders. Listening to children has identified what they believe is important, for example enjoyment and socialisation, which should be considered when developing strategies to promote physical activity in this population.

  14. Features of the marketing strategy of oil and gas companies in exploration drilling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharf, I; Kamynina, L; Malanina, V


    The implementation of national and regional programs for the development of new oil and gas provinces of Eastern Siberia poses the challenge of increasing geological exploration. The current drilling service companies' market structure, as well as the strategic task of search and exploration effectiveness requires qualitatively new approaches for choosing a contractor. The proposed strategy to select a contractor based on comprehensive analysis of certain groups of industrial, financial, infrastructural criteria allows not only to optimize the costs of exploration activities, but also to minimize preventively the risks of a poor geological exploration. The authors' SWOT- analysis of the marketing strategy of ''Gazprom neft'' for choosing a contractor outlined the problem of imperfection of the Russian legislation in the sphere of activities of service companies in the oil and gas sector

  15. Planetary protection in the framework of the Aurora exploration program (United States)

    Kminek, G.

    The Aurora Exploration Program will give ESA new responsibilities in the field of planetary protection. Until now, ESA had only limited exposure to planetary protection from its own missions. With the proposed ExoMars and MSR missions, however, ESA will enter the realm of the highest planetary protection categories. As a consequence, the Aurora Exploration Program has initiated a number of activities in the field of planetary protection. The first and most important step was to establish a Planetary Protection Working Group (PPWG) that is advising the Exploration Program Advisory Committee (EPAC) on all matters concerning planetary protection. The main task of the PPWG is to provide recommendations regarding: Planetary protection for robotic missions to Mars; Planetary protection for a potential human mission to Mars; Review/evaluate standards & procedures for planetary protection; Identify research needs in the field of planetary protection. As a result of the PPWG deliberations, a number of activities have been initiated: Evaluation of the Microbial Diversity in SC Facilities; Working paper on legal issues of planetary protection and astrobiology; Feasibility study on a Mars Sample Return Containment Facility; Research activities on sterilization procedures; Training course on planetary protection (May, 2004); Workshop on sterilization techniques (fall 2004). In parallel to the PPWG, the Aurora Exploration Program has established an Ethical Working Group (EWG). This working group will address ethical issues related to astrobiology, planetary protection, and manned interplanetary missions. The recommendations of the working groups and the results of the R&D activities form the basis for defining planetary protection specification for Aurora mission studies, and for proposing modification and new inputs to the COSPAR planetary protection policy. Close cooperation and free exchange of relevant information with the NASA planetary protection program is strongly

  16. Uranium exploration in Venezuela: Situation at the end of 1978

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pasquali, J.


    Uranium exploration started in Venezuela in 1951. The activities began with enthusiasm but interest waned because of the unfavourable economic conditions of the uranium market. In 1975, with the establishment of the National Council for the Development of the Nuclear Industry, emphasis was once again placed on exploration for radioactive minerals. Systematic exploration began 18 months ago, and so far exploratory targets have been found in phosphate rocks in Tachira state and in Palaeozoic granites at El Baul (Cojedes state); very favourable occurrences have been encountered in the Precambrian in Merida and Bolivar states, and in continental Tertiary rocks in Trujillo state. (author)

  17. An Exploration of Women's Engagement in Makerspaces (United States)

    Bean, Vanessa; Farmer, Nicole M.; Kerr, Barbara A.


    The Maker Movement is an international trend for communities to form around shared tools and workspaces in order to engage in do-it-yourself activities. Women are underrepresented in Makerspaces, and exploration of issues related to their participation may provide directions for future research. Eight women participated in a focus group study of…

  18. Bile Duct Exploration (United States)

    ... Home / Health Library / Diagnostics & Testing / Bile Duct Exploration Bile Duct Exploration Common bile duct exploration is a ... Test Details Results and Follow-Up What is bile, and what is bile duct exploration? Bile is ...

  19. Repository exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pentz, D.L.


    This paper discusses exploration objectives and requirements for a nuclear repository in the U.S.A. The importance of designing the exploration program to meet the system performance objectives is emphasized and some examples of the extent of exploration required before the License Application for Construction Authorization is granted are also discussed

  20. A Situation Awareness Assistant for Human Deep Space Exploration (United States)

    Boy, Guy A.; Platt, Donald


    This paper presents the development and testing of a Virtual Camera (VC) system to improve astronaut and mission operations situation awareness while exploring other planetary bodies. In this embodiment, the VC is implemented using a tablet-based computer system to navigate through inter active database application. It is claimed that the advanced interaction media capability of the VC can improve situation awareness as the distribution of hu man space exploration roles change in deep space exploration. The VC is being developed and tested for usability and capability to improve situation awareness. Work completed thus far as well as what is needed to complete the project will be described. Planned testing will also be described.

  1. Modelagem viscoelastica do fraturamento hidraulico


    Marcos Antonio Rosolen


    Resumo: O fraturamento hidráulico é um processo utilizado na Indústria do Petróleo para a estimulação de poços. Consiste na abertura e consolidação de uma fratura em uma formação rochosa criando um canal de fluxo altamente permeável. O meio físico que possibilita tal tratamento é um fluido de características especiais através do qual se transmite à rocha a potência hidráulica necessária para a realização deste trabalho. Este fluido deve, também, carregar eficientemente o agente granular que s...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delane Botelho


    Full Text Available Clientes podem abandonar uma organização ainda que altos investimentos em prospecção e retenção sejam realizados, o que requer diagnóstico e compreensão. Este artigo objetiva modelar a probabilidade de clientes abandonarem o relacionamento com uma organização, fenômeno conhecido como churn, utilizando dados do histórico de relacionamento cliente/empresa, validar o modelo em uma segunda amostra e descrever as possíveis variáveis que influenciam o abandono/permanência do cliente. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística em uma amostra de calibração de 70.000 clientes que possuíam cartão de crédito próprio de uma grande rede varejista. Dezesseis variáveis explicativas (14 características individuais e duas variáveis comportamentais foram usadas e o modelo foi validado em uma amostra de 30.000 clientes, usando-se o teste de KS (Kolmogorov-Smirnov e a curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic, que demonstraram a boa adequação do modelo à amostra de validação. Implicações da pesquisa e sugestões para futuras investigações são discutidas à luz da gestão do relacionamento com o cliente.

  3. Estudo da poluição pontual e difusa na bacia de contribuição do reservatório da usina hidrelétrica de Funil utilizando modelagem espacialmente distribuída em Sistema de Informação Geográfica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Neves de Souza Lima


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo avaliou o potencial poluidor da bacia de contribuição do reservatório de Funil (BCRF, localizado na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul, considerando a geração da carga de nutrientes, nitrogênio (N e fósforo (P, por fontes pontuais e difusas, a partir de uma modelagem distribuída utilizando Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG. As cargas e concentrações médias anuais desses nutrientes foram geradas a partir do acoplamento de equações empíricas, em SIG, considerando informações espaciais de uso e cobertura do solo, população residente na bacia e vazão média anual de longo período, obtida por equações do tipo chuva vazão. Os resultados indicaram que 80% da carga total de nitrogênio foram provenientes de fontes pontuais e 20% de fontes difusas, enquanto que, da carga total de fósforo, 89,1% foram originadas de fontes pontuais e 10,9% de fontes difusas. As concentrações de nutrientes estimadas pelo modelo empírico apresentaram bons ajustes em relação aos valores observados de fósforo e de nitrogênio no rio Paraíba do Sul, com R²=0,96 (p<0,01 e R²=0,70 (p<0,01, respectivamente. Dessa forma, o modelo foi capaz de detectar, de forma significativa, a tendência das variações nas concentrações de nutrientes ao longo de diferentes trechos da BCRF.

  4. Fabric-circle-slider: Prototype Exploring the Interaction Aesthetic of Contextual Integration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zimmerman, J.; Hurst, A.K.; Peeters, M.M.R.


    Abstract Traditionally, designers have explored the aesthetics of interaction through the relationship between the product form and the activity people use it for. However, in the increasing complexity of interconnected and multi-activity devices in the home, aesthetics have been sacrificed in a

  5. Application of industrial hygiene techniques for work-place exposure assessment protocols related to petro-chemical exploration and production field activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koehn, J.


    Standard industrial hygiene techniques for recognition, evaluation, and control can be directly applied to development of technical protocols for workplace exposure assessment activities for a variety of field site locations. Categories of occupational hazards include chemical and physical agents. Examples of these types of hazards directly related to oil and gas exploration and production workplaces include hydrocarbons, benzene, oil mist, hydrogen sulfide, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), asbestos-containing materials, and noise. Specific components of well process chemicals include potential hazardous chemical substances such as methanol, acrolein, chlorine dioxide, and hydrochloric acid. Other types of exposure hazards may result from non-routine conduct of sandblasting and painting operations

  6. The Application of Architecture Frameworks to Modelling Exploration Operations Costs (United States)

    Shishko, Robert


    Developments in architectural frameworks and system-of-systems thinking have provided useful constructs for systems engineering. DoDAF concepts, language, and formalisms, in particular, provide a natural way of conceptualizing an operations cost model applicable to NASA's space exploration vision. Not all DoDAF products have meaning or apply to a DoDAF inspired operations cost model, but this paper describes how such DoDAF concepts as nodes, systems, and operational activities relate to the development of a model to estimate exploration operations costs. The paper discusses the specific implementation to the Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) operational functions/activities currently being developed and presents an overview of how this powerful representation can apply to robotic space missions as well.

  7. The challenges and benefits of lunar exploration (United States)

    Cohen, Aaron


    Three decades into the Space Age, the United States is experiencing a fundamental shift in space policy with the adoption of a broad national goal to expand human presence and activity beyond Earth orbit and out into the Solar System. These plans mark a turning point in American space exploration, for they entail a shift away from singular forays to a long-term, evolutionary program of exploration and utilization of space. No longer limited to the technical and operational specifics of any one vehicle or any one mission plan, this new approach will involve a fleet of spacecraft and a stable of off-planet research laboratories, industrial facilities, and exploration programs. The challenges inherent in this program are immense, but so too are the benefits. Central to this new space architecture is the concept of using a lunar base for in-situ resource utilization, and for the development of planetary surface exploration systems, applicable to the Moon, Mars, and other planetary bodies in the Solar System. This paper discusses the technical, economic, and political challenges involved in this new approach, and details the latest thinking on the benefits that could come from bold new endeavors on the final frontier.

  8. Urban Space Explorer: A Visual Analytics System for Urban Planning. (United States)

    Karduni, Alireza; Cho, Isaac; Wessel, Ginette; Ribarsky, William; Sauda, Eric; Dou, Wenwen


    Understanding people's behavior is fundamental to many planning professions (including transportation, community development, economic development, and urban design) that rely on data about frequently traveled routes, places, and social and cultural practices. Based on the results of a practitioner survey, the authors designed Urban Space Explorer, a visual analytics system that utilizes mobile social media to enable interactive exploration of public-space-related activity along spatial, temporal, and semantic dimensions.

  9. Exploring Musical Activities and Their Relationship to Emotional Well-Being in Elderly People across Europe: A Study Protocol. (United States)

    Grau-Sánchez, Jennifer; Foley, Meabh; Hlavová, Renata; Muukkonen, Ilkka; Ojinaga-Alfageme, Olatz; Radukic, Andrijana; Spindler, Melanie; Hundevad, Bodil


    Music is a powerful, pleasurable stimulus that can induce positive feelings and can therefore be used for emotional self-regulation. Musical activities such as listening to music, playing an instrument, singing or dancing are also an important source for social contact, promoting interaction and the sense of belonging with others. Recent evidence has suggested that after retirement, other functions of music, such as self-conceptual processing related to autobiographical memories, become more salient. However, few studies have addressed the meaningfulness of music in the elderly. This study aims to investigate elderly people's habits and preferences related to music, study the role music plays in their everyday life, and explore the relationship between musical activities and emotional well-being across different countries of Europe. A survey will be administered to elderly people over the age of 65 from five different European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, Germany, Ireland, and UK) and to a control group. Participants in both groups will be asked about basic sociodemographic information, habits and preferences in their participation in musical activities and emotional well-being. Overall, the aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the role of music in the elderly from a psychological perspective. This advanced knowledge could help to develop therapeutic applications, such as musical recreational programs for healthy older people or elderly in residential care, which are better able to meet their emotional and social needs.

  10. Strategy for the Explorer program for solar and space physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Contents include: executive summary; the Explorer program - background and current status; strategy - level of activity; solar-terrestrial research (solar physics, space plasma physics, and upper atmospheric physics)

  11. Exploration Technology Program plans and directions (United States)

    Aldrich, A.; Rosen, R.; Craig, M.; Mankins, J. C.

    During the first part of the next century, the United States will return to the Moon to create a permanent lunar base, and, before the year 2019, we will send a human mission to Mars. In addition to these human operations, the Space Exploration Initiative will integrally incorporate robotic lunar and Mars missions. In achieving these efforts to expand human presence and activity in space and also exerted and frontiers of human knowledge, the SEI will require an array of new technologies. Mission architecture definition is still underway, but previous studies indicate that the SEI will require developments in areas such as advanced engines for space transportation, in-space assembly and construction to support permanent basing of exploration systems in space, and advanced surface operations capabilities including adequate levels of power and surface roving vehicles, and technologies to support safely long-duration human operations in space. Plans are now being put into place to implement an Exploration Technology Program (ETP) which will develop the major technologies needed for SEI. In close coordination with other ongoing U.S. government research and development efforts, the ETP will provide in the near term clear demonstrations of potential exploration technologies, research results to support SEI architecture decisions, and a foundation of mature technology that is ready to be applied in the first round of SEI missions. In addition to the technology needed for the first round of SEI missions, the ETP will also put in place a foundation of research for longer-term technology needs—ultimately leading the human missions to Mars. The Space Exploration Initiative and the Exploration Technology Program will challenge the best and the brightest minds across government, industry and academia, inspiring students of all ages and making possible future terrestial applications of SEI technologies that may create whole new industries for the future.

  12. The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) (United States)

    Wilson-Hodge, Colleen A.; Gendreau, K.; Arzoumanian, Z.


    The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) is an approved NASA Explorer Mission of Opportunity dedicated to the study of the extraordinary gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear-physics environments embodied by neutron stars. Scheduled to be launched in 2016 as an International Space Station payload, NICER will explore the exotic states of matter, using rotation-resolved spectroscopy of the thermal and non-thermal emissions of neutron stars in the soft (0.2-12 keV) X-ray band. Grazing-incidence "concentrator" optics coupled with silicon drift detectors, actively pointed for a full hemisphere of sky coverage, will provide photon-counting spectroscopy and timing registered to GPS time and position, with high throughput and relatively low background. The NICER project plans to implement a Guest Observer Program, which includes competitively selected user targets after the first year of flight operations. I will describe NICER and discuss ideas for potential Be/X-ray binary science.

  13. Buying versus exploring for reserves in the Canadian oil industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sayer, F.


    The issue of a business strategy for Canadian oil companies focussed on either buying reserves or on exploration is examined. A measurement of the amount of merger and acquisition (M ampersand A) transactions vs the amount of exploration activity shows that the number of M ampersand A transactions has risen from 262 in 1989 to an estimated 1,500 in 1992. This sales activity has partly resulted from major companies selling assets to pay down debt. In the same period, the number of licensed exploration wells has decreased from 2,800 to 1,500. An analysis of statistics on the costs of acquisitions vs cost of finding and development shows acquisitions costs are lower in all cases. In addition, the median acquisition price has been falling steadily. Buying reserves has other advantages, including the fact that reserves can be added more quickly, lower risk, and readily available financing. Exploration, however, has its advantages, including the potential for very large reserve additions, higher tax deductions and incentives available, less competition from the industry, and low input costs. The acquisition vs exploration strategies are illustrated using the stock performance of two companies. If the acquisitions trend continues, there will be increases in the profitability of existing reserves, the number of companies, and tax receipts, However, in the long term there will be a drop in Canadian reserves and a significant reduction in the size of the industry. 14 figs., 2 tabs

  14. Exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lohrenz, J.


    Oil and gas exploration is a unique kind of business. Businesses providing a vast and ever-changing panoply of products to markets are a focus of several disciplines' energetic study and analysis. The product inventory problem is robust, pertinent, and meaningful, and it merits the voluminous and protracted attention received from keen business practitioners. Prototypical business practitioners, be they trained by years of business hurly-burly, or sophisticated MBAs with arrays of mathematical algorithms and computers, are not normally prepared, however, to recognize the unique nature of exploration's inventories. Put together such a business practitioner with an explorationist and misunderstandings, hidden and open, are inevitable and predictably rife. The first purpose of this paper is to articulate the inherited inventory handling paradigms of business practitioners in relation to exploration's inventories. To do so, standard pedagogy in business administration is used and a case study of an exploration venture is presented. A second purpose is to show the burdens that the misunderstandings create. The result is not just business plans that go awry, but public policies that have effects opposite from those intended

  15. ESA strategy for human exploration and the Lunar Lander Mission (United States)

    Gardini, B.

    As part of ESAs Aurora Exploration programme, the Agency has defined, since 2001, a road map for exploration in which, alongside robotic exploration missions, the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon play an essential role on the way to other destinations in the Solar System, ultimately to a human mission to Mars in a more distant future. In the frame of the Human Spaceflight programme the first European Lunar Lander Mission, with a launch date on 2018, has been defined, targeting the lunar South Pole region to capitalize on unique illumination conditions and provide the opportunity to carry out scientific investigations in a region of the Moon not explored so far. The Phase B1 industrial study, recently initiated, will consolidate the mission design and prepare the ground for the approval of the full mission development phase at the 2012 ESA Council at Ministerial. This paper describes the mission options which have been investigated in the past Phase A studies and presents the main activities foreseen in the Phase B1 to consolidate the mission design, including a robust bread-boards and technology development programme. In addition, the approach to overcoming the mission's major technical and environmental challenges and the activities to advance the definition of the payload elements will be described.

  16. Space science--a fountain of exploration and discovery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Yidong


    Space science is a major part of space activities, as well as one of the most active areas in scientific exploration today. This paper gives a brief introduction regarding the main achievements in space science involving solar physics and space physics, space astronomy, moon and planetary science, space geo- science, space life science, and micro- gravity science. At the very frontier of basic research, space science should be developed to spearhead breakthroughs in China's fundamental sciences. (author)

  17. Asteroid exploration and utilization: The Hawking explorer (United States)

    Carlson, Alan; Date, Medha; Duarte, Manny; Erian, Neil; Gafka, George; Kappler, Peter; Patano, Scott; Perez, Martin; Ponce, Edgar; Radovich, Brian


    The Earth is nearing depletion of its natural resources at a time when human beings are rapidly expanding the frontiers of space. The resources which may exist on asteroids could have enormous potential for aiding and enhancing human space exploration as well as life on Earth. With the possibly limitless opportunities that exist, it is clear that asteroids are the next step for human existence in space. This report comprises the efforts of NEW WORLDS, Inc. to develop a comprehensive design for an asteroid exploration/sample return mission. This mission is a precursor to proof-of-concept missions that will investigate the validity of mining and materials processing on an asteroid. Project STONER (Systematic Transfer of Near Earth Resources) is based on two utilization scenarios: (1) moving an asteroid to an advantageous location for use by Earth; and (2) mining an asteroids and transporting raw materials back to Earth. The asteroid explorer/sample return mission is designed in the context of both scenarios and is the first phase of a long range plane for humans to utilize asteroid resources. The report concentrates specifically on the selection of the most promising asteroids for exploration and the development of an exploration scenario. Future utilization as well as subsystem requirements of an asteroid sample return probe are also addressed.

  18. Development of extract library from indonesian biodiversity: exploration of antibacterial activity of mangrove bruguiera cylindrica leaf extracts (United States)

    Audah, K. A.; Amsyir, J.; Almasyhur, F.; Hapsari, A. M.; Sutanto, H.


    Antibacterial drugs derived from natural sources play significant roles in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections since antibiotics have become less effective against many infectious diseases. Mangroves are very potential natural antibacterial sources among great numbers of wild medicinal plants. Bruguiera cylindrica is one of the many mangroves species which spread along Indonesian coastline. The aim of this study was to explore the antibacterial activity of B. cylindrica wet and dried leaf extracts. The wet extracts study was conducted with three different solvents system (water, ethanol, and n-Hexane) against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. While, the dried extracts study was conducted with four different solvents system (water, ethanol, chloroform and n-Hexane) against three types of bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. The study showed that ethanol was the best solvent for extraction of phenolic and flavonoid. Antibacterial actitivity was measured by zone of inhibition which obtained from agar-disk diffusion method. The widest area of zone of inhibition was showed by wet extracts with ethanol against S. aureus and E. coli are 14.30 and 13.30 mm, respectively. While, the zone of inhibition dried extracts with ethanol against S. aureus, S. epidermidis and E. coli are 9.32, 6.59 and 6.20 mm, respectively. In conclusion, both type of extracts showed significant antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria as crude extracts.

  19. High-Rate Laser Communications for Human Exploration and Science (United States)

    Robinson, B. S.; Shih, T.; Khatri, F. I.; King, T.; Seas, A.


    Laser communication links has been successfully demonstrated on recent near-Earth and lunar missions. We present a status of this development work and its relevance to a future Deep Space Gateway supporting human exploration and science activities.

  20. Organização da informação para dar suporte à arquitetura orientada a serviços: reuso da informação nas organizações

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcio de Carvalho Victorino


    Full Text Available Até o fim do século XX as organizações eram predominantemente estruturadas em departamentos e centradas em funções. Porém, com o aumento da competitividade gerado pela globalização, as estruturas organizacionais se tornaram progressivamente mais flexíveis e horizontais, substituindo as tradicionais estruturas funcionais. Nas proximidades da transição do século XX para o século XXI, as empresas começaram a se organizar em torno de seus processos de negócio e, para atingir o máximo de reuso dos mesmos, independente de automação, os processos foram decompostos em conjuntos de unidades bem definidas denominadas “Serviços”. Uma organização para ter o seu negócio modelado segundo esse paradigma precisa de uma arquitetura para dar suporte, denominada “Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços”. Neste ambiente, a demanda por informação é grande e seu tratamento é extremamente complexo. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo geral desenvolver um processo de modelagem da informação para ser empregado, em conjunto com as metodologias de modelagem de processos e as metodologias de engenharia de software utilizadas para a modelagem e o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, nas organizações providas de arquitetura orientada a serviços. A meta desse processo é proporcionar subsídios para o compartilhamento das informações entre os sistemas transacionais, bem como para a utilização das informações geradas por eles em sistemas de apoio à decisão e para a documentação das informações externas de interesse das organizações. O processo disponibilizado é composto de cinco disciplinas (requisitos informacionais, análise da informação, implementação, validação e disponibilização e quatro fases (iniciação, elaboração, construção e transição. A documentação das disciplinas foi materializada por meio da construção de diagramas de atividades da UML. Seus principais elementos são: produto de trabalho

  1. Community Report and Recommendations from International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) (United States)

    Foing, Bernard H.


    The International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) was established in April 1995 at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. As established in its charter, this working group reports to COSPAR and is charged with developing an international strategy for the exploration of the Moon. It discusses coordination between missions, and a road map for future international lunar exploration and utilisation. It fosters information exchange or potential and real future lunar robotic and human missions, as well as for new scientific and exploration information about the Moon. We refer to COSPAR and ILEWG ICEUM and lunar conferences and declarations [1-18], present the GLUC/ICEUM11 declaration and give a report on ongoing relevant ILEWG community activities. ILEWG supported community forums, ILEWG EuroMoonMars field campaigns and technology validation activities, as well as Young Lunar Explorers events, and activities with broad stakeholders. We discuss how lunar missions SMART-1, Kaguya, Chang'E1&2, Chandrayaan-1, LCROSS, LRO, GRAIL, LADEE, Chang'E3 and upcoming missions contribute to lunar exploration objectives & roadmap towards the Moon Village. GLUC/ICEUM11 declaration: "467 International Lunar Explorers, registered delegates from 26 countries, assembled at GLUC Global Lunar Conference including the 11th ILEWG Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon (ICEUM11) in Beijing. The conference engaged scientists, engineers, enthusiast explorers, agencies and organisations in the discussion of recent results and activities and the review of plans for exploration. Space agencies representatives gave the latest reports on their current lunar activities and programmes. GLUC-ICEUM11 was a truly historical meeting that demonstrated the world-wide interest in lunar exploration, discovery, and science. More than 400 abstracts were accepted for oral and poster presentations in the technical sessions, organised in 32 sessions within 4 symposia: Science and Exploration; Technology

  2. Modelagem matemática e parâmetros qualitativos da secagem de folhas de capim-limão [Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf] Mathematical modeling and quality parameters of lemon grass [Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf] leaf drying

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.P. Martinazzo


    Full Text Available A espécie Cymbopogon citratus, conhecida como capim-limão, é amplamente utilizada popularmente para fins medicinais e tem o uso nas indústrias farmacêuticas, alimentícias, de cosméticos e perfumaria. Devido à necessidade de conhecimentos específicos na área de pré-processamento, o presente trabalho tem a finalidade de equacionar e analisar alguns aspectos da secagem, que permitam prever as alterações na qualidade do produto. Folhas da referida espécie foram submetidas a cortes em diferentes comprimentos e à secagem em diferentes temperaturas. Aos dados experimentais, ajustaram-se diferentes equações para a modelagem das curvas de secagem. Realizaram-se também avaliações do produto seco, referentes à cor e ao teor do óleo essencial. Os resultados evidenciam que o modelo de Page Modificado é o que melhor se ajusta aos dados experimentais. A temperatura de 50ºC mostrou-se a mais indicada para a secagem da espécie, resultando em produto com menor perda do óleo essencial e maior preservação da cor verde.The species Cymbopogon citratus, known as lemon grass, is widely used for medicinal purpose and in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and perfumery industries. Due to the need for more specific knowledge of pre-processing management, this work aims to equate and analyze some drying aspects that allow preview the product quality alterations. The leaves from this species were cut at different lengths and dried at different temperatures. Different equations for modeling the drying curves were adjusted to the experimental data. The dried product was also evaluated for color and essential oil content. The results showed that the Modified Page model resulted in the best adjustment for the experimental data. The temperature of 50°C was the best for drying the species leaves, resulting in less essential oil loss and higher green color maintenance.

  3. Application of natural analog studies to exploration for ore deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gustafson, D.L.


    Natural analogs are viewed as similarities in nature and are routinely utilized by exploration geologists in their search for economic mineral deposits. Ore deposit modeling is undertaken by geologists to direct their exploration activities toward favorable geologic environments and, therefore, successful programs. Two types of modeling are presented: (i) empirical model development based on the study of known ore deposit characteristics, and (ii) concept model development based on theoretical considerations and field observations that suggest a new deposit type, not known to exist in nature, may exist and justifies an exploration program. Key elements that are important in empirical model development are described, and examples of successful applications of these natural analogs to exploration are presented. A classical example of successful concept model development, the discovery of the McLaughlin gold mine in California, is presented. The utilization of natural analogs is an important facet of mineral exploration. Natural analogs guide explorationists in their search for new discoveries, increase the probability of success, and may decrease overall exploration expenditure

  4. Economic analysis of hydrocarbon exploration by simulation with geological uncertainties (exploratory wells)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chungcharoen, E.


    A model was developed to help determine the future development of hydrocarbon reserves. The uncertainties of geological parameters were incorporated into the model in an effort to provide an assessment of the distribution of total hydrocarbon discoveries that are expected to be recovered as a result of exploration activity. The economic parameters were also incorporated into the model in an effort to determine the economic worth of multiple-wells exploration activity. The first part of this study included the geological parameters in the initial field size distribution and the number of fields distribution. Dry hole data was also considered to reflect the exploration risk. The distribution of total hydrocarbon discoveries for a selected number of exploratory wells was determined. The second part of the study included the economic parameters such as the price of oil and gas and the cost of exploration, development and production. The distribution of the number of discoveries and the distribution of total hydrocarbon discoveries was compared to produce a probability distribution of the net present value of a proposed exploration program. The offshore Nova Scotia Shelf basin was chosen for testing the methodology. Several scenarios involving changes in economic parameters were shown. This methodology could help in determining future development programs for hydrocarbon reserves. The methodology can also help governments in policy making decisions regarding taxes and royalty regimes for exploration programs

  5. Characterizing Natural Gas Hydrates in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: Applications for Safe Exploration and Production Activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bent, Jimmy


    In 2000 Chevron began a project to learn how to characterize the natural gas hydrate deposits in the deep water portion of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Chevron is an active explorer and operator in the Gulf of Mexico and is aware that natural gas hydrates need to be understood to operate safely in deep water. In August 2000 Chevron worked closely with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and held a workshop in Houston, Texas to define issues concerning the characterization of natural gas hydrate deposits. Specifically, the workshop was meant to clearly show where research, the development of new technologies, and new information sources would be of benefit to the DOE and to the oil and gas industry in defining issues and solving gas hydrate problems in deep water.

  6. Emergent transformation games: exploring social innovation agency and activation through the case of the Belgian electricity blackout threat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bonno Pel


    Full Text Available The persistence of current societal problems has given rise to a quest for transformative social innovations. As social innovation actors seek to become change makers, it has been suggested that they need to play into impactful macrodevelopments or "game-changers". Here, we aim to deepen the understanding of the social innovation agency in these transformation games. We analyze assumptions about the game metaphor, invoking insights from actor-network theory. The very emergence of transformation games is identified as a crucial but easily overlooked issue. As explored through the recent electricity blackout threat in Belgium, some current transformation games are populated with largely passive players. This illustrative case demonstrates that socially innovative agency cannot be presupposed. In some transformation games, the crucial game-changing effect is to start the game by activating the players.

  7. Influence of gravity compensation on kinematics and muscle activation patterns during reach and retrieval in subjects with cervical spinal cord injury: An explorative study


    Marieke G . M. Kloosterman, PT, MSc; Govert J. Snoek, MD, PhD; Mirjam Kouwenhoven, MD; Anand V. Nene, MD, PhD; Michiel J. A. Jannink, PhD


    Many interventions in upper-limb rehabilitation after cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI) use arm support (gravity compensation); however, its specific effects on kinematics and muscle activation characteristics in subjects with a CSCI are largely unknown. We conducted a cross-sectional explorative study to study these effects. Nine subjects with a CSCI performed two goal-directed arm movements (maximal reach, reach and retrieval) with and without gravity compensation. Angles at elbow and shou...

  8. Modelagem geoestatística das incertezas da distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível no solo, em área de cana-de-açúcar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O fósforo destaca-se como um dos nutrientes limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em solos brasileiros. Esse elemento apresenta grande variabilidade espacial, coordenada pelos atributos que regem as reações de adsorção e dessorção. Estimativas espaciais são conduzidas por meio de interpolações geoestatísticas para a caracterização dessa variabilidade. No entanto, tais estimativas apresentam incertezas inerentes ao procedimento que estão associadas à estrutura de variabilidade do atributo em estudo e à configuração amostral da área. Dessa forma, avaliar a incerteza das predições associada à distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível (Plábil é importante para otimizar o uso dos fertilizantes fosfatados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da krigagem ordinária (KO na modelagem da incerteza das predições do fósforo disponível. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em uma área experimental de 200 hectares de cana-de-açúcar no município de Tabapuã, São Paulo. Foram geradas 200 realizações por meio do algoritmo da SSG. As realizações da SSG reproduziram as estatísticas e a distribuição dos dados amostrais. A estatística G (0,81 indicou boa proximidade entre as frações dos valores simulados e as dos observados. As realizações da SSG preservaram a variabilidade espacial do Plábil, sem o efeito de suavização obtido pelo mapa da KO. A acurácia na reprodução do variograma dos dados amostrais, obtida pelas realizações da SSG foi, em média, 240 vezes maior que obtida por meio da KO. O mapa de incertezas, obtido por meio da KO, apresentou menor variação na área de estudo do que por SSG. Dessa forma, a avaliação das incertezas, pela SSG, evidenciou-se mais informativa, podendo ser utilizada para definir e delimitar, de forma mais precisa, as áreas de manejo específico.

  9. Learning and exploration in action-perception loops. (United States)

    Little, Daniel Y; Sommer, Friedrich T


    Discovering the structure underlying observed data is a recurring problem in machine learning with important applications in neuroscience. It is also a primary function of the brain. When data can be actively collected in the context of a closed action-perception loop, behavior becomes a critical determinant of learning efficiency. Psychologists studying exploration and curiosity in humans and animals have long argued that learning itself is a primary motivator of behavior. However, the theoretical basis of learning-driven behavior is not well understood. Previous computational studies of behavior have largely focused on the control problem of maximizing acquisition of rewards and have treated learning the structure of data as a secondary objective. Here, we study exploration in the absence of external reward feedback. Instead, we take the quality of an agent's learned internal model to be the primary objective. In a simple probabilistic framework, we derive a Bayesian estimate for the amount of information about the environment an agent can expect to receive by taking an action, a measure we term the predicted information gain (PIG). We develop exploration strategies that approximately maximize PIG. One strategy based on value-iteration consistently learns faster than previously developed reward-free exploration strategies across a diverse range of environments. Psychologists believe the evolutionary advantage of learning-driven exploration lies in the generalized utility of an accurate internal model. Consistent with this hypothesis, we demonstrate that agents which learn more efficiently during exploration are later better able to accomplish a range of goal-directed tasks. We will conclude by discussing how our work elucidates the explorative behaviors of animals and humans, its relationship to other computational models of behavior, and its potential application to experimental design, such as in closed-loop neurophysiology studies.

  10. Learning and exploration in action-perception loops

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Ying-Jeh Little


    Full Text Available Discovering the structure underlying observed data is a recurring problem in machine learning with important applications in neuroscience. It is also a primary function of the brain. When data can be actively collected in the context of a closed action-perception loop, behavior becomes a critical determinant of learning efficiency. Psychologists studying exploration and curiosity in humans and animals have long argued that learning itself is a primary motivator of behavior. However, the theoretical basis of learning-driven behavior is not well understood. Previous computational studies of behavior have largely focused on the control problem of maximizing acquisition of rewards and have treated learning the structure of data as a secondary objective. Here, we study exploration in the absence of external reward feedback. Instead, we take the quality of an agent's learned internal model to be the primary objective. In a simple probabilistic framework, we derive a Bayesian estimate for the amount of information about the environment an agent can expect to receive by taking an action, a measure we term the predicted information gain (PIG. We develop exploration strategies that approximately maximize PIG. One strategy based on value-iteration consistently learns faster, across a diverse range of environments, than previously developed reward-free exploration strategies. Psychologists believe the evolutionary advantage of learning-driven exploration lies in the generalized utility of an accurate internal model. Consistent with this hypothesis, we demonstrate that agents which learn more efficiently during exploration are later better able to accomplish a range of goal-directed tasks. We will conclude by discussing how our work elucidates the explorative behaviors of animals and humans, its relationship to other computational models of behavior, and its potential application to experimental design, such as in closed-loop neurophysiology studies.

  11. Programação estocástica robusta aplicada ao planejamento agregado de safra em usinas cooperadas do setor sucroenergético Stochastic robust optimization model applied to the aggregate production planning in mill cooperative socities in the sugar-energy sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Piatti Oiticica de Paiva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um modelo de programação estocástica robusta aplicado ao planejamento agregado da produção em usinas cooperadas do setor sucroenergético. Esta modelagem considera a relação hierárquica existente entre o planejamento anual da cooperativa e o planejamento tático de safra das usinas cooperadas, além de contemplar importantes incertezas existentes nos parâmetros de entrada do modelo. Para resolver os problemas de programação linear e programação inteira mista envolvidos, utiliza-se uma linguagem de modelagem algébrica e um software de última geração de programação matemática. Os resultados computacionais obtidos são comparados aos resultados da modelagem determinística PASUC, discutida em Paiva e Morabito (in press, utilizando os mesmos dados do estudo de caso da Usina Santa Clotilde e da Cooperativa Regional dos Produtores de Açúcar e Álcool de Alagoas.This work presents a stochastic robust optimization model applied to the aggregate production planning in mill cooperative societies in the sugar-energy sector This mathematical model is based on a hierarchical relationship between the annual planning of the cooperative and the tactical planning horizon of the sugarcane mills taking into account important uncertainties in several parameters of this model. In order to solve the linear and mixed integer programming problems involved, an optimization modeling language solver was used. Computational results are presented and compared with the deterministic approach PASUC, dicussed by Paiva e Morabito (in press using the same data from the case studies conducted in the Santa Clotilde milling company and in the regional cooperative society of sugar and ethanol producers of Alagoas.

  12. Análise das variações climáticas na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias por influenza em idosos na região metropolitana de João Pessoa – PB / Analysis of climatic variations in the occurrence of Respiratory diseases by influenza in elderly people in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa – PB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jullianna Vitorio Vieira de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das variações sazonais do clima na ocorrência de internações por doenças respiratórias por Influenza e Pneumonia (PI na população idosa da Região Metropolitana de João Pessoa (RMJP no Estado da Paraíba. Para isso, foram usados modelos lineares generalizados a partir da regressão linear de Poisson para relacionar a variável dependente configurada como os registros de internações por causas associadas à influenza e as variáveis independentes (precipitação pluvial, temperatura média do ar e umidade relativa do ar, para análise das relações instituídas pela modelagem foi aplicado o teste de variância ANOVA com nível de significância de 0,05 de probabilidade para determinar que variáveis independentes eram mais significativas na modelagem. Também foram analisados os resíduos gerados pelo ajuste dos modelos no intuito de identificar a distribuição que melhor se ajustasse aos dados. Toda análise estática foi realizada no software R. De forma geral verificou-se que os maiores picos de internações por PI ocorrem no outono e inverno. Portanto, esses resultados sugerem uma associação entre o frio e as internações por PI. A modelagem estatística se apresentou satisfatória para análise dos casos de internações por PI, no entanto, é necessário o aprofundamento dessas análises temporais, visto que o problema de internações é multicausal e não, necessariamente, consequência somente de alterações climáticas.


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    Claudio Alcides Jacoski


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o uso de tecnologias de modelagem de negócios para propor modelos em setores da construção civil. O modelo de negócios representa uma orientação lógica da formação de valor de uma empresa, agregando parceiros, clientes e concorrentes. O método utilizado Canvas tem como características a possibilidade de relação de subsetores da empresa com o mercado, interagindo a partir do modelo e processo do negócio, gerando um fluxo de controle sistêmico. Quatro setores da construção civil foram escolhidos para a modelagem de negócios: construtora, incorporadora, escritório de projetos e empreiteira. Utilizou-se o quadro Canvas para definição do modelo de negócio, baseado nas exigências dos clientes das empresas do macrossetor da construção de edificações. Observou-se que os setores estudados possuem exigência diferenciadas de mercado, tendo necessidade de usarem ferramentas de modelagem dos processos e TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação como propostas de valor e necessidade de relacionamento com seus clientes. Ao estruturar um novo negócio no setor da construção civil, há condições de se estabelecer um padrão inicial de condições apontadas no quadro formulado. Com o quadro Canvas foi possível criar um modelo de empresa integrado entre as interfaces do negócio, estruturando cada empresa/setor de forma sistêmica para satisfação do cliente e definindo de forma estratégica, as melhores condições para atuação competitiva no mercado.

  14. Exploring the efficiency potential for an active magnetic regenerator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Dan; Engelbrecht, Kurt; Haffenden Bahl, Christian Robert


    A novel rotary state of the art active magnetic regenerator refrigeration prototype was used in an experimental investigation with special focus on efficiency. Based on an applied cooling load, measured shaft power, and pumping power applied to the active magnetic regenerator, a maximum second-la...... and replacing the packed spheres with a theoretical parallel plate regenerator. Furthermore, significant potential efficiency improvements through optimized regenerator geometries are estimated and discussed......., especially for the pressure drop, significant improvements can be made to the machine. However, a large part of the losses may be attributed to regenerator irreversibilities. Considering these unchanged, an estimated upper limit to the second-law efficiency of 30% is given by eliminating parasitic losses...

  15. AHP 28: Review: Explorers and Scientists in China's Borderlands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory Rohlf


    Full Text Available This collection of eight biographical essays from a 2007 symposium makes for engaging reading and holds together well as a book. The authors, mainly anthropologists, examine the lives of ten explorers who were active primarily in the first half of the twentieth century. Some worked for decades in the Chinese borderlands. Several became quite well-known and influential figures during their lifetime and after, such as Joseph Rock, but it is likely that most of the explorers featured here will be new to readers. They were active primarily in Sichuan and Yunnan and were North Americans or Europeans with one exception, Ding Wenjiang, who is examined alongside the Swede, Johan Gunnar Andersson. All were men with the exception of Hedwig Weiss, a German who travelled with her diplomat husband, Fritz, in Sichuan and photographed the Yi people of Liangshan.

  16. Exploration, antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic activity of halophilic bacteria communities from saline soils of Howze-Soltan playa in Iran. (United States)

    Jafari, Samaneh; Aghaei, Seyed-Soheil; Afifi-Sabet, Hossein; Shams-Ghahfarokhi, Masoomeh; Jahanshiri, Zahra; Gholami-Shabani, Mohammadhassan; Shafiei-Darabi, Seyedahmad; Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Mehdi


    In the present study, halophilic bacteria communities were explored in saline soils of Howze-Soltan playa in Iran with special attention to their biological activity against an aflatoxigenic Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999. Halophilic bacteria were isolated from a total of 20 saline soils using specific culture media and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing in neighbor-joining tree analysis. Antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic activities of the bacteria were screened by a nor-mutant A. parasiticus NRRL 2999 using visual agar plate assay and confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Among a total of 177 halophilic bacteria belonging to 11 genera, 121 isolates (68.3%) inhibited A. parasiticus growth and/or aflatoxin production. The most potent inhibitory bacteria of the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Staphylococcus were distributed in three main phylogenetic clusters as evidenced by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. A. parasiticus growth was inhibited by 0.7-92.7%, while AFB 1 and AFG 1 productions were suppressed by 15.1-98.9 and 57.0-99.6%, respectively. Taken together, halophilic bacteria identified in this study may be considered as potential sources of novel bioactive metabolites as well as promising candidates to develop new biocontrol agents for managing toxigenic fungi growth and subsequent aflatoxin contamination of food and feed in practice.

  17. Prioritizing Active Learning: An Exploration of Gateway Courses in Political Science (United States)

    Archer, Candace C.; Miller, Melissa K.


    Prior research in political science and other disciplines demonstrates the pedagogical and practical benefits of active learning. Less is known, however, about the extent to which active learning is used in political science classrooms. This study assesses the prioritization of active learning in "gateway" political science courses, paying…

  18. Temporal stability of novelty exploration in mice exposed to different open field tests. (United States)

    Kalueff, Allan V; Keisala, Tiina; Minasyan, Anna; Kuuslahti, Marianne; Tuohimaa, Pentti


    We investigated behavioural activity and temporal distribution (patterning) of mouse exploration in different open field (OF) arenas. Mice of 129S1 (S1) strain were subjected in parallel to three different OF arenas (Experiment 1), two different OF arenas in two trials (Experiment 2) or two trials of the same OF test (Experiment 3). Overall, mice demonstrated a high degree of similarity in the temporal profile of novelty-induced horizontal and vertical exploration (regardless of the size, colour and shape of the OF), which remained stable in subsequent OF exposures. In Experiments 4 and 5, we tested F1 hybrid mice (BALB/c-S1; NMRI-S1), and Vitamin D receptor knockout mice (generated on S1 genetic background), again showing strikingly similar temporal patterns of their OF exploration, despite marked behavioural strain differences in anxiety and activity. These results suggest that mice are characterised by stability of temporal organization of their exploration in different OF novelty situations.

  19. Exploring Potential of Crowdsourced Geographic Information in Studies of Active Travel and Health: Strava Data and Cycling Behaviour (United States)

    Sun, Y.


    In development of sustainable transportation and green city, policymakers encourage people to commute by cycling and walking instead of motor vehicles in cities. One the one hand, cycling and walking enables decrease in air pollution emissions. On the other hand, cycling and walking offer health benefits by increasing people's physical activity. Earlier studies on investigating spatial patterns of active travel (cycling and walking) are limited by lacks of spatially fine-grained data. In recent years, with the development of information and communications technology, GPS-enabled devices are popular and portable. With smart phones or smart watches, people are able to record their cycling or walking GPS traces when they are moving. A large number of cyclists and pedestrians upload their GPS traces to sport social media to share their historical traces with other people. Those sport social media thus become a potential source for spatially fine-grained cycling and walking data. Very recently, Strava Metro offer aggregated cycling and walking data with high spatial granularity. Strava Metro aggregated a large amount of cycling and walking GPS traces of Strava users to streets or intersections across a city. Accordingly, as a kind of crowdsourced geographic information, the aggregated data is useful for investigating spatial patterns of cycling and walking activities, and thus is of high potential in understanding cycling or walking behavior at a large spatial scale. This study is a start of demonstrating usefulness of Strava Metro data for exploring cycling or walking patterns at a large scale.


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    Y. Sun


    Full Text Available In development of sustainable transportation and green city, policymakers encourage people to commute by cycling and walking instead of motor vehicles in cities. One the one hand, cycling and walking enables decrease in air pollution emissions. On the other hand, cycling and walking offer health benefits by increasing people’s physical activity. Earlier studies on investigating spatial patterns of active travel (cycling and walking are limited by lacks of spatially fine-grained data. In recent years, with the development of information and communications technology, GPS-enabled devices are popular and portable. With smart phones or smart watches, people are able to record their cycling or walking GPS traces when they are moving. A large number of cyclists and pedestrians upload their GPS traces to sport social media to share their historical traces with other people. Those sport social media thus become a potential source for spatially fine-grained cycling and walking data. Very recently, Strava Metro offer aggregated cycling and walking data with high spatial granularity. Strava Metro aggregated a large amount of cycling and walking GPS traces of Strava users to streets or intersections across a city. Accordingly, as a kind of crowdsourced geographic information, the aggregated data is useful for investigating spatial patterns of cycling and walking activities, and thus is of high potential in understanding cycling or walking behavior at a large spatial scale. This study is a start of demonstrating usefulness of Strava Metro data for exploring cycling or walking patterns at a large scale.

  1. Marine Mineral Exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    in EEZ areas are fairly unknown; many areas need detailed mapping and mineral exploration, and the majority of coastal or island states with large EEZ areas have little experience in exploration for marine hard minerals. This book describes the systematic steps in marine mineral exploration....... Such exploration requires knowledge of mineral deposits and models of their formation, of geophysical and geochemical exploration methods, and of data evaluation and interpretation methods. These topics are described in detail by an international group of authors. A short description is also given of marine...

  2. Effect of tax laws on mineral exploration in Canada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DeYoung, Jr, J H


    It is concluded that tax law variations, rather than differences in commodity price changes, have been responsible for shifts in mineral exploration from one political region to another. This view is substantiated by the fact that decreasing mineral exploration in certain parts of Canada has coincided with increased mineral exploration in areas of the USA and in other parts of Canada, and with diversification by mining companies into non-mining activities. It is difficult to analyze separately the effect of all the different considerations facing the managers of the exploration budgets. These decision makers are concerned with the possibility of discovering ore deposits by using available methods; with the costs of finding, acquiring, developing, producing, and marketing mineral commodities; and with expected revenues from product sales. Budget-allocation decisions by those engaged in exploration are influenced by many characteristics of a region including: geology, topography, climate, population density, political structure, applicable legislation on zoning, taxation, and environmental controls, and transportation facilities. The decline in mineral exploration in Canada, particularly in British Columbia, which followed increases in taxes for mining companies has provided policymakers with several examples that should be considered in the development of future mineral policies. These examples are discussed.

  3. Small Body Exploration Technologies as Precursors for Interstellar Robotics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Noble, Robert; /SLAC; Sykes, Mark V.; /PSI, Tucson


    The scientific activities undertaken to explore our Solar System will be the same as required someday at other stars. The systematic exploration of primitive small bodies throughout our Solar System requires new technologies for autonomous robotic spacecraft. These diverse celestial bodies contain clues to the early stages of the Solar System's evolution as well as information about the origin and transport of water-rich and organic material, the essential building blocks for life. They will be among the first objects studied at distant star systems. The technologies developed to address small body and outer planet exploration will form much of the technical basis for designing interstellar robotic explorers. The Small Bodies Assessment Group, which reports to NASA, initiated a Technology Forum in 2011 that brought together scientists and technologists to discuss the needs and opportunities for small body robotic exploration in the Solar System. Presentations and discussions occurred in the areas of mission and spacecraft design, electric power, propulsion, avionics, communications, autonomous navigation, remote sensing and surface instruments, sampling, intelligent event recognition, and command and sequencing software. In this paper, the major technology themes from the Technology Forum are reviewed, and suggestions are made for developments that will have the largest impact on realizing autonomous robotic vehicles capable of exploring other star systems.

  4. Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential. (United States)

    Bhadoriya, Santosh Singh; Ganeshpurkar, Aditya; Narwaria, Jitendra; Rai, Gopal; Jain, Alok Pal


    Tamarindus is a monotypic genus and belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae of the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Tamarindus indica L., commonly known as Tamarind tree is one of the most important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species in the Indian subcontinent. Tamarind fruit was at first thought to be produced by an Indian palm, as the name Tamarind comes from a Persian word "Tamar-I-hind," meaning date of India. Its name "Amlika" in Sanskrit indicates its ancient presence in the country. T.indica is used as traditional medicine in India, Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria,and most of the tropical countries. It is used traditionally in abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, helminthes infections, wound healing, malaria and fever, constipation, inflammation, cell cytotoxicity, gonorrhea, and eye diseases. It has numerous chemical values and is rich in phytochemicals, and hence the plant is reported to possess antidiabetic activity, antimicrobial activity, antivenomic activity, antioxidant activity, antimalarial activity, hepatoprotective activity, antiasthmatic activity, laxative activity, and anti-hyperlipidemic activity. Every part of the plant from root to leaf tips is useful for human needs. Thus the aim of the present review is to describe its morphology, and explore the phytochemical constituents, commercial utilization of the parts of the plant, and medicinal and pharmacologic activities so that T. indica's potential as multipurpose tree species can be understood.

  5. Exploration drilling and ecology. A contribution to the MER (Environmental Effect Report) of the NAM (Netherlands Petroleum Company) for the benefit of exploration drilling for natural gas in the Waddenzee and the North Sea coastal area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dankers, N.; Wintermans, G.J.M.


    Within the framework of the title drilling activities the NAM carries out a MER. Several research institutes were asked to contribute to the MER. The authors' institute was asked to describe the ecology of the exploration areas in the Wadden Sea, as well as the possible effects of the exploration drilling on the ecology. In this report only the impact for the Wadden Sea is dealt with. In chapter 1 the ecology of the Wadden Sea is discussed in detail for the subjects primary production (photosynthesis), secondary production (consumption of vegetable organic materials), birds, seals, and societal functions. In chapter 2 specific aspects of specific sites are outlined. In chapter 3 an overview (the so-called factor train) is given of the activities around the exploration drilling of the NAM in the Wadden Sea and the disturbances that can be the result of those activities. In chapter 4 the possible effects of exploration drilling on birds and seals are discussed for each drilling site

  6. Is a Perceived Activity-Friendly Environment Associated with More Physical Activity and Fewer Screen-Based Activities in Adolescents?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kopcakova, Jaroslava; Veselska, Zuzana Dankulincova; Geckova, Andrea Madarasova; Bucksch, Jens; Nalecz, Hanna; Sigmundova, Dagmar; van Dijk, Jitse P.; Reijneveld, Sijmen A.


    Background: The aim of this study is to explore if perception of an activity-friendly environment is associated with more physical activity and fewer screen-based activities among adolescents. Methods: We collected self-reported data in 2014 via the Health Behavior in School-aged Children

  7. Intensity versus duration of physical activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Adam Høgsbro; Kristiansen, Ole P; Marott, Jacob Louis


    To explore the relative importance of leisure time physical activity (LTPA), walking and jogging on risk of developing the metabolic syndrome (MS).......To explore the relative importance of leisure time physical activity (LTPA), walking and jogging on risk of developing the metabolic syndrome (MS)....

  8. Low-Latency Teleoperations for Human Exploration and Evolvable Mars Campaign (United States)

    Lupisella, Mark; Wright, Michael; Arney, Dale; Gershman, Bob; Stillwagen, Fred; Bobskill, Marianne; Johnson, James; Shyface, Hilary; Larman, Kevin; Lewis, Ruthan; hide


    NASA has been analyzing a number of mission concepts and activities that involve low-latency telerobotic (LLT) operations. One mission concept that will be covered in this presentation is Crew-Assisted Sample Return which involves the crew acquiring samples (1) that have already been delivered to space, and or acquiring samples via LLT from orbit to a planetary surface and then launching the samples to space to be captured in space and then returned to the earth with the crew. Both versions of have key roles for low-latency teleoperations. More broadly, the NASA Evolvable Mars Campaign is exploring a number of other activities that involve LLT, such as: (a) human asteroid missions, (b) PhobosDeimos missions, (c) Mars human landing site reconnaissance and site preparation, and (d) Mars sample handling and analysis. Many of these activities could be conducted from Mars orbit and also with the crew on the Mars surface remotely operating assets elsewhere on the surface, e.g. for exploring Mars special regions and or teleoperating a sample analysis laboratory both of which may help address planetary protection concerns. The operational and technology implications of low-latency teleoperations will be explored, including discussion of relevant items in the NASA Technology Roadmap and also how previously deployed robotic assets from any source could subsequently be used by astronauts via LLT.

  9. From physical and functional to continuity with pre-stroke self and participation in valued activities: a qualitative exploration of stroke survivors', carers' and physiotherapists' perceptions of physical activity after stroke. (United States)

    Morris, Jacqui H; Oliver, Tracey; Kroll, Thilo; Joice, Sara; Williams, Brian


    Physical activity (PA) improves fitness, functioning, health and wellbeing after stroke. However, many survivors are inactive. This study explored survivors', carers' and physiotherapists' beliefs about PA to identify how these support or hinder PA participation. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with community dwelling stroke survivors (n = 38); two focus groups involving six carers each; two focus groups, respectively, involving seven and eight stroke rehabilitation physiotherapists from clinical and community settings. Data were audio-recorded and transcribed. Analysis was structured using the Framework Approach to identify themes and a dynamic, conceptual model. Desired outcomes and control over outcome achievement were key concepts. For survivors and carers, PA supported participation in valued activities, providing continuity with pre-stroke sense of self. Carers adopted motivating strategies for PA to support recovery and participation in shared activities. In contrast, physiotherapists prioritised physical and functional outcomes and viewed survivors' control of outcomes as limited which was reflected by the support they provided. Individualised interventions that account for social and environmental influences on behaviour appear vital to enabling survivors to participate in meaningful physical activities. Such interventions should facilitate development of shared perspectives among physiotherapists, carers and survivors of PA and related outcomes and provide tailored strategies to facilitate PA participation. Implications for Rehabilitation Physical activity after stroke rehabilitation is important for fitness, health, functioning and well-being. Reasons for survivors participating or not in physical activity after stroke are complex and varied. Physiotherapists and carers influence survivors' participation in physical activity but their views about how to do this do not always match, or do they always complement the views of survivors. Integrated

  10. Exploring Multiplication: Three-in-a-Row Lucky Numbers (United States)

    Russo, James A.


    Three-in-a-Row Lucky Numbers is an engaging, enjoyable, mathematically meaningful, game-based activity involving dice and a hundred chart, which can be used to introduce students to multiplication. The game provides a mechanism for students to explore the structure of multiplication, experiment with the distributive property, and begin to…

  11. What's Up in the Atmosphere? Exploring How Aerosols Impact Sky Color Through Hands-on Activities with Elementary GLOBE (United States)

    Damadeo, K.; Taylor, J.


    What color is the sky today? The GLOBE Kids - Anita, Simon, and Dennis want to know why the sky isn't always the same shade of blue and sometimes isn't even blue. Through the new Elementary GLOBE Aerosols Storybook and Learning Activities, the GLOBE Kids learn that there's a lot more than air in the atmosphere, which can affect the colors we see in the sky. There are four hands-on activities in this unit: 1) Sky Observers - Students make observations of the sky, record their findings and share their observation reports with their peers. The activity promotes active observation and recording skills to help students observe sky color, and recognize that sky color changes; 2) Why (Not) So Blue? - Students make predictions about how drops of milk will affect color and visibility in cups of water representing the atmosphere to help them understand that aerosols in the atmosphere have an effect on sky conditions, including sky color and visibility. The activity also introduces the classification categories for daytime sky color and visibility; 3) See the Light - Students use prisms and glue sticks to explore the properties of light. The activity demonstrates that white light is made up of seven colors that represent different wavelengths, and illustrates why the sky is blue during the day and red at sunset; 4) Up in the Air - Students work in groups to make an aerosol sampler, a simple adhesive tool that allows students to collect data and estimate the extent of aerosols present at their school, understanding that, in fact, there are particles in the air we breathe. NGSS Alignment includes: Disciplinary Core Ideas- ESS2.D: Weather and Climate, ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems, PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation, ESS3.A: Natural Resources; Science and Engineering Practices- Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Planning and Carrying Out an Investigation, Analyzing and Interpreting Data, Engaging in Argument from Evidence, Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating

  12. Using Persuasive Technology to Increase Physical Activity in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by Encouraging Regular Walking: A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Opinions and Preferences. (United States)

    Bartlett, Yvonne Kiera; Webb, Thomas L; Hawley, Mark S


    People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PwCOPD) often experience breathlessness and fatigue, making physical activity challenging. Although many persuasive technologies (such as mobile phone apps) have been designed to support physical activity among members of the general population, current technologies aimed at PwCOPD are underdeveloped and only use a limited range of persuasive technology design principles. The aim of this study was to explore how acceptable different persuasive technology design principles were considered to be in supporting and encouraging physical activity among PwCOPD. Three prototypes for mobile apps using different persuasive technology design principles as defined by the persuasive systems design (PSD) model-namely, dialogue support, primary task support, and social support-were developed. Opinions of these prototypes were explored through 28 interviews with PwCOPD, carers, and the health care professionals (HCPs) involved in their care and questionnaires completed by 87 PwCOPD. Participants also ranked how likely individual techniques (eg, competition) would be to convince them to use a technology designed to support physical activity. Data were analyzed using framework analysis, Friedman tests, and Wilcoxon signed rank tests and a convergent mixed methods design was used to integrate findings. The prototypes for mobile apps were received positively by participants. The prototype that used a dialogue support approach was identified as the most likely to be used or recommended by those interviewed, and was perceived as more persuasive than both of the other prototypes (Z=-3.06, P=.002; Z=-5.50, Ppersuasive by PwCOPD, carers, and HCPs. In the future, these approaches should be considered when designing apps to encourage physical activity by PwCOPD. ©Yvonne Kiera Bartlett, Thomas L Webb, Mark S Hawley. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 20.04.2017.

  13. Exploration technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roennevik, H.C. [Saga Petroleum A/S, Forus (Norway)


    The paper evaluates exploration technology. Topics discussed are: Visions; the subsurface challenge; the creative tension; the exploration process; seismic; geology; organic geochemistry; seismic resolution; integration; drilling; value creation. 4 refs., 22 figs.

  14. Long-run industry performance in exploration outside North America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bee, A.C.


    Exploration success in the oil and gas business over the long term has not followed a sufficiently consistent pattern to predict the future with any degree of comfort. The study of past industry performance, however, has an important bearing on the future exploration activity. Nationalization of a large part of the major companies' producing assets in the 1970s and 1980s proved to be a turning point for many industry trends, including global finding rates. Supported by a buoyant oil price, the industry moved to explore in the more remote, hostile, and costly environments. This technologically improving exploration is rapidly eating into the accessible acreage. Larger fields are becoming scarcer, and competition to access the most prospective areas is fierce. To meet the anticipated demand for oil and gas, the industry must be increasingly successful in finding large volumes to replace declining reserves from existing giant fields. The successful explorer will not only be measured by annual finding volumes and costs, but also by long-term value creation, which has taken as long as 30-40 years to achieve in any one basin

  15. 75 FR 72781 - Buckhorn Exploration Project 2010, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Okanogan County, WA (United States)


    ... activities, including drill vehicles and heavy trucks, could increase noise, which could impact tourism... an Environmental Impact Statement. SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, in... Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposal by Echo Bay Exploration, Inc. (Echo Bay) to explore their...

  16. Exploration and development at crossroads in Ecuador

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that Ecuador's oil and gas sector has reached a pivotal point in its history. After several years of fairly brisk activity, foreign operators recently began scaling back exploration in Ecuador. They cited results that haven't met expectations and persistent delays in obtaining approval by state owned Petroecuador for development of reserves that have been discovered. Foreign oil companies had anticipated the pace of development would accelerate in Ecuador in early 1992, but major projects generally remained in limbo for most of this year. At presstime, however, there were signs of an encouraging follow-through in promised reforms in the permitting process. Petroecuador in April-May approved two of those projects and a third in June. Of the 13 oil companies or groups that had signed exploration contracts with the state oil company since 1985, several companies have terminated their operations in the country, and only one company, Oryx Energy Co., Dallas, is producing a small volume of oil. Two other companies have been negotiating exploration rights for about 2 years, with contracts yet to be signed

  17. Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis: Exploration Class Simulation Overview and Results (United States)

    DwyerCianciolo, Alicia M.; Davis, Jody L.; Shidner, Jeremy D.; Powell, Richard W.


    NASA senior management commissioned the Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis (EDL-SA) Study in 2008 to identify and roadmap the Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) technology investments that the agency needed to make in order to successfully land large payloads at Mars for both robotic and exploration or human-scale missions. The year one exploration class mission activity considered technologies capable of delivering a 40-mt payload. This paper provides an overview of the exploration class mission study, including technologies considered, models developed and initial simulation results from the EDL-SA year one effort.

  18. Is a Perceived Activity-Friendly Environment Associated with More Physical Activity and Fewer Screen-Based Activities in Adolescents?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaroslava Kopcakova


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of this study is to explore if perception of an activity-friendly environment is associated with more physical activity and fewer screen-based activities among adolescents. Methods: We collected self-reported data in 2014 via the Health Behavior in School-aged Children cross-sectional study from four European countries (n = 13,800, mean age = 14.4, 49.4% boys. We explored the association of perceived environment (e.g., “There are other children nearby home to go out and play with” with physical activity and screen-based activities using a binary logistic regression model adjusted for age, gender, family affluence and country. Results: An environment perceived as activity-friendly was associated with higher odds that adolescents meet recommendations for physical activity (odds ratio (OR for one standard deviation (SD change = 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.05–1.18 and lower odds for excessive screen-based activities (OR for 1 SD better = 0.93, 95% CI 0.88–0.98. Conclusions: Investment into an activity-friendly environment may support the promotion of active life styles in adolescence.

  19. Modelagem do sistema de resfriamento por imersão de carcaças de frangos utilizando redes neurais artificiais = Modeling of the poultry carcass immersion chilling system using artificial neural networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Túlio Klassen


    Full Text Available A modelagem matemática fenomenológica do processo de resfriamento decarcaças de frango em chillers é complexa pela quantidade de variáveis que interferem no processo, além de tratar de um problema que envolve transferência de calor e de massa em regime transeniente. Uma alternativa para modelar este tipo de sistema é o emprego deRedes Neurais Artificiais. Neste trabalho foram investigadas diversas estruturas de redes com uma camada intermediária para modelar o processo de resfriamento de frangos. Foram testadas diferentes arquiteturas alterando os números de neurônios das camadas de entrada e intermediária. Foram utilizados dados coletados na empresa Sadia–Toledo, Estado do Paraná, para treinamento e validação das redes. As variáveis de entrada da rede eram: massa da carcaça, temperatura antes do resfriamento, temperatura da camisa de propilenoglicol,vazão de água em cada módulo, tempo de residência e temperatura da água de renovação; a temperatura do frango na saída do último tanque de resfriamento era a variável de saída. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as redes representam apropriadamente o processo e que arede com estrutura 8-24-1 foi a que melhor modelou o sistema investigado.The process of cooling chicken carcasses by immersing themin mixture of cold water and ice (chillers is complex. It is very difficult to represent it by a transport phenomenon model. In this work, artificial neural networks were used with an intermediary layer in the description and modeling of the cooling process of chickens.Different architectures of the neural network were tested, altering the numbers of input and hidden units. Data supplied by the Sadia-Toledo Company were used for training and validation of the neural networks. The input variables selected for the model were thefollowing: carcass weight, initial temperature, propylene glycol temperature with external circulation, water flow rate of water in each tank, renewal

  20. Exploring Seafloor Volcanoes in Cyberspace: NOAA's "Ocean Explorer" Inspires Inquiry (United States)

    Hjelm, Elizabeth


    Seafloor exploration being done by scientists is an ideal way to introduce students to technology as a tool for inquiry. The same technology that allows scientists to share data in near real time can also provide students the tools to become researchers. NOAA's Ocean Explorer Explorations website is a rich research data bank that can be used by…

  1. Mineral nuclear exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filippov, E.M.


    The information on quantitative determination in rocks of water (humidity), rock-forming chemical elements, and various usefull components are presented. When considering separate chemical elements given are brief information on their content in natural objects, nuclear properties (the main reactions, their cross sections, isotope characteristics etc.). Possibilities of different nuclear methods in determination of chemical element concentrations in ores and rocks are analyzed. The greatest attention is paid to analysis of methods, based on gamma quantum and neutron irradiation. The results of application of laboratory nuclear-physical methods of rapid analysis are briefly considered, whereas the results of different field methods of nuclear exploration are considered in detail: field survey, well logging, inspection of mine roadway walls. In the appendix general information on chemical elements and sensitivity thresholds of certain activation methods are presented

  2. Exploring the Yo-Yo: Filipino Physics Fun (United States)

    Murfin, Brian


    The yo-yo is a scientific toy that has fascinated young and old for thousands of years. According to yo-yo experts, the yo-yo is the second oldest toy in the world, after the doll. Yo-yo activities can be an excellent tool to help students explore many important physics concepts related to energy and motion. The rich history of the yo-yo offers…

  3. Activities for Calculators. (United States)

    Hiatt, Arthur A.


    Ten activities that give learners in grades 5-8 a chance to explore mathematics with calculators are provided. The activity cards involve such topics as odd addends, magic squares, strange projects, and conjecturing rules. (MNS)

  4. Distribuição espacial do risco: modelagem da mortalidade infantil em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Spatial risk distribution: modeling infant mortality in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia E. Shimakura


    Full Text Available Estimação e mapeamento de perfis de risco são interesses da Epidemiologia. Neste trabalho, é analisada a distribuição espacial de casos de mortalidade infantil, comparados a controles de nascidos vivos amostrados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A modelagem adotada neste trabalho baseia-se em um processo pontual espacial, na qual se define uma medida de risco que varia continuamente sobre a região de estudo e estimada por meio de métodos de modelos aditivos generalizados. Essa abordagem possui a vantagem de permitir a incorporação, no modelo, de efeitos de determinantes individuais e ecológicos de risco sob forma simples e de fácil interpretação. Também permite a construção de contornos de tolerância que auxiliam na identificação de áreas de alto/baixo risco e de um teste global da hipótese nula de risco constante relativa à região. A aplicação do método aos dados de mortalidade infantil mostrou variação espacial no risco altamente significativa para mortalidade neonatal e não significativa para mortalidade pós-neonatal.Estimation and mapping of risk profiles are the main concerns of epidemiology. This paper analyzes spatial distribution of infant mortality cases as compared to live-born controls from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The modeling framework adopted in this research work is a spatial point process. Under this structure, a risk measure which continuously varies over the study region is defined and estimated using generalized additive model methods. This approach has the advantage of allowing for risk factors that are simple and easy to interpret. The procedure also allows the construction of tolerance contours which help identify areas of significantly high/low risk and an overall test for the null hypothesis of constant risk over the region. Application of this method to infant mortality data showed a highly significant spatial

  5. The Value of Humans in the Biological Exploration of Space (United States)

    Cockell, C. S.


    Regardless of the discovery of life on Mars, or of "no apparent life" on Mars, the questions that follow will provide a rich future for biological exploration. Extraordinary pattern recognition skills, decadal assimilation of data and experience, and rapid sample acquisition are just three of the characteristics that make humans the best means we have to explore the biological potential of Mars and other planetary surfaces. I make the case that instead of seeing robots as in conflict, or even in support, of human exploration activity, from the point of view of scientific data gathering and analysis, we should view humans as the most powerful robots we have, thus removing the separation that dogs discussions on the exploration of space. The narrow environmental requirements of humans, although imposing constraints on the life support systems required, is more than compensated for by their capabilities in biological exploration. I support this view with an example of the "Christmas present effect," a simple demonstration of human data and pattern recognition capabilities.

  6. College Student Environmental Activism: How Experiences and Identities Influence Environmental Activism Approaches (United States)

    King, Laura A. H.


    College student environmental activism is one way students civically engage in addressing social issues. This study explores the environmental activism of twelve college students and how their experiences outside of college and in college influenced their activism. In addition, how students' identities influenced their approach to activism was…

  7. Dynamic geometry as a context for exploring conjectures (United States)

    Wares, Arsalan


    The purpose of this paper is to provide examples of 'non-traditional' proof-related activities that can explored in a dynamic geometry environment by university and high school students of mathematics. These propositions were encountered in the dynamic geometry environment. The author believes that teachers can ask their students to construct proofs for these propositions.

  8. ExplorOcean H2O SOS: Help Heal the Ocean-Student Operated Solutions: Operation Climate Change (United States)

    Weiss, N.; Wood, J. H.


    The ExplorOcean H2O SOS: Help Heal the Ocean—Student Operated Solutions: Operation Climate Change, teaches middle and high school students about ocean threats related to climate change through hands-on activities and learning experiences in the field. During each session (in-class or after-school as a club), students build an understanding about how climate change impacts our oceans using resources provided by ExplorOcean (hands-on activities, presentations, multi-media). Through a student leadership model, students present lessons to each other, interweaving a deep learning of science, 21st century technology, communication skills, and leadership. After participating in learning experiences and activities related to 6 key climate change concepts: 1) Introduction to climate change, 2) Increased sea temperatures, 3) Ocean acidification, 4) Sea level rise, 5) Feedback mechanisms, and 6) Innovative solutions. H2O SOS- Operation Climate change participants select one focus issue and use it to design a multi-pronged campaign to increase awareness about this issue in their local community. The campaign includes social media, an interactive activity, and a visual component. All participating clubs that meet participation and action goals earn a field trip to ExplorOcean where they dive deeper into their selected issue through hands-on activities, real-world investigations, and interviews or presentations with experts. In addition to self-selected opportunities to showcase their focus issue, teams will participate in one of several key events identified by ExplorOcean, including ExplorOcean's annual World Oceans Day Expo.

  9. Exploring Greenland: science and technology in Cold War settings. (United States)

    Heymann, Matthias; Knudsen, Henrik; Lolck, Maiken L; Nielsen, Henry; Nielsen, Kristian H; Ries, Christopher J


    This paper explores a vacant spot in the Cold War history of science: the development of research activities in the physical environmental sciences and in nuclear science and technology in Greenland. In the post-war period, scientific exploration of the polar areas became a strategically important element in American and Soviet defence policy. Particularly geophysical fields like meteorology, geology, seismology, oceanography, and others profited greatly from military interest. While Denmark maintained formal sovereignty over Greenland, research activities were strongly dominated by U.S. military interests. This paper sets out to summarize the limited current state of knowledge about activities in the environmental physical sciences in Greenland and their entanglement with military, geopolitical, and colonial interests of both the USA and Denmark. We describe geophysical research in the Cold War in Greenland as a multidimensional colonial endeavour. In a period of decolonization after World War II, Greenland, being a Danish colony, became additionally colonized by the American military. Concurrently, in a period of emerging scientific internationalism, the U.S. military "colonized" geophysical research in the Arctic, which increasingly became subject to military directions, culture, and rules.

  10. Exploring Uncertainty Perception as a Driver of Design Activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cash, Philip; Kreye, Melanie


    , and representation action. We bring together prior works on uncertainty perception in the design and management literatures to derive three contributions. First, we describe how uncertainty perception is associated with activity progression, linking all three core actions. Second, we identify characteristic patterns...

  11. NASA's Planned Fuel Cell Development Activities for 2009 and Beyond in Support of the Exploration Vision (United States)

    Hoberecht, Mark A.


    NASA s Energy Storage Project is one of many technology development efforts being implemented as part of the Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP), under the auspices of the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD). The Energy Storage Project is a focused technology development effort to advance lithium-ion battery and proton-exchange-membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) technologies to meet the specific power and energy storage needs of NASA Exploration missions. The fuel cell portion of the project has as its focus the development of both primary fuel cell power systems and regenerative fuel cell (RFC) energy storage systems, and is led by the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) in partnership with the Johnson Space Center (JSC), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), academia, and industrial partners. The development goals are to improve stack electrical performance, reduce system mass and parasitic power requirements, and increase system life and reliability.

  12. Exploring exploration orientation and its determinants : Some empirical evidence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Commandeur, H.R.; Volberda, H.W.; Sidhu, J.S.


    Adopting an information-process perspective, this article conceptualizes exploration orientation in terms of scope of information acquisition. In line with this conceptualization, a multidimensional operational measure of exploration orientation is developed and its internal consistency established.

  13. Explorations in statistics: the log transformation. (United States)

    Curran-Everett, Douglas


    Learning about statistics is a lot like learning about science: the learning is more meaningful if you can actively explore. This thirteenth installment of Explorations in Statistics explores the log transformation, an established technique that rescales the actual observations from an experiment so that the assumptions of some statistical analysis are better met. A general assumption in statistics is that the variability of some response Y is homogeneous across groups or across some predictor variable X. If the variability-the standard deviation-varies in rough proportion to the mean value of Y, a log transformation can equalize the standard deviations. Moreover, if the actual observations from an experiment conform to a skewed distribution, then a log transformation can make the theoretical distribution of the sample mean more consistent with a normal distribution. This is important: the results of a one-sample t test are meaningful only if the theoretical distribution of the sample mean is roughly normal. If we log-transform our observations, then we want to confirm the transformation was useful. We can do this if we use the Box-Cox method, if we bootstrap the sample mean and the statistic t itself, and if we assess the residual plots from the statistical model of the actual and transformed sample observations.

  14. Exploring the Listening Process to Inform the Development of Strategy Awareness-Raising Materials (United States)

    Blanco, Maria; Guisado, Juan J.


    This article reports on a small-scale qualitative study aimed at exploring the listening process in a group of Spanish beginners in a UK higher education context. The specific aim of the study was to inform the development of materials for listening strategy awareness-raising activities. The exploration was focused on identifying (a) strategies…

  15. Development of an image processing system at the Technology Applications Center, UNM: Landsat image processing in mineral exploration and related activities. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budge, T.K.


    This project was a demonstration of the capabilities of Landsat satellite image processing applied to the monitoring of mining activity in New Mexico. Study areas included the Navajo coal surface mine, the Jackpile uranium surface mine, and the potash mining district near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Computer classifications of a number of land use categories in these mines were presented and discussed. A literature review of a number of case studies concerning the use of Landsat image processing in mineral exploration and related activities was prepared. Included in this review is a discussion of the Landsat satellite system and the basics of computer image processing. Topics such as destriping, contrast stretches, atmospheric corrections, ratioing, and classification techniques are addressed. Summaries of the STANSORT II and ELAS software packages and the Technology Application Center's Digital Image Processing System (TDIPS) are presented

  16. DESM: portal for microbial knowledge exploration systems

    KAUST Repository

    Salhi, Adil


    Microorganisms produce an enormous variety of chemical compounds. It is of general interest for microbiology and biotechnology researchers to have means to explore information about molecular and genetic basis of functioning of different microorganisms and their ability for bioproduction. To enable such exploration, we compiled 45 topic-specific knowledgebases (KBs) accessible through DESM portal ( The KBs contain information derived through text-mining of PubMed information and complemented by information data-mined from various other resources (e.g. ChEBI, Entrez Gene, GO, KOBAS, KEGG, UniPathways, BioGrid). All PubMed records were indexed using 4 538 278 concepts from 29 dictionaries, with 1 638 986 records utilized in KBs. Concepts used are normalized whenever possible. Most of the KBs focus on a particular type of microbial activity, such as production of biocatalysts or nutraceuticals. Others are focused on specific categories of microorganisms, e.g. streptomyces or cyanobacteria. KBs are all structured in a uniform manner and have a standardized user interface. Information exploration is enabled through various searches. Users can explore statistically most significant concepts or pairs of concepts, generate hypotheses, create interactive networks of associated concepts and export results. We believe DESM will be a useful complement to the existing resources to benefit microbiology and biotechnology research.

  17. Uranium resources and exploration in the Argentine Republic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navarra, P.R.; Lardone, L.E.M.; Ferreyra, R.E.


    Update estimated uraniumn resources are 11,800 tU at costs less than 130 U$S/kgU to produce. The demand of the operation, building and projected nuclear power plants will be of approximately 10,000 tU before the year 2000. This equilibrium shows the need of developing rapidly new resources because of an increasingly participation of the nuclear energy. The evolution of exploration and the critical needs of developing activities related to it, are briefly explaned. The exploration cost is 8.9 U$S/kgU what is considered acceptable in relation to international experience. Also, some concepts that should be included in the legislation on nuclear minerals are proposed. (Author) [es

  18. Bureau of hydrocarbons exploration-production (BEPH) - Monthly information bulletin. April 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter takes stock of the recent highlights in the domain of hydrocarbons exploration and production in the French territory: mining domain (demands of research permit, allocations of concession), geophysical survey activity, drilling activity (new drillings, advance of existing exploratory and extension-development drillings); production activity (interventions on wells, crude oil, crude gas, commercialized gas, natural gas-derived hydrocarbons, related products, production shares by company in the Paris and Aquitain basins). (J.S.)

  19. PathlinesExplorer — Image-based exploration of large-scale pathline fields

    KAUST Repository

    Nagoor, Omniah H.


    PathlinesExplorer is a novel image-based tool, which has been designed to visualize large scale pathline fields on a single computer [7]. PathlinesExplorer integrates explorable images (EI) technique [4] with order-independent transparency (OIT) method [2]. What makes this method different is that it allows users to handle large data on a single workstation. Although it is a view-dependent method, PathlinesExplorer combines both exploration and modification of visual aspects without re-accessing the original huge data. Our approach is based on constructing a per-pixel linked list data structure in which each pixel contains a list of pathline segments. With this view-dependent method, it is possible to filter, color-code, and explore large-scale flow data in real-time. In addition, optimization techniques such as early-ray termination and deferred shading are applied, which further improves the performance and scalability of our approach.

  20. Exploring the Specific Needs of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis for mHealth Solutions for Physical Activity: Mixed-Methods Study (United States)

    Kool, Jan; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Dorronzoro Zubiete, Enrique


    Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the world’s most common neurologic disorders, with symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive problems, and issues with mobility. Evidence suggests that physical activity (PA) helps people with MS reduce fatigue and improve quality of life. The use of mobile technologies for health has grown in recent years with little involvement from relevant stakeholders. User-centered design (UCD) is a design philosophy with the goal of creating solutions specific to the needs and tasks of the intended users. UCD involves stakeholders early and often in the design process. In a preliminary study, we assessed the landscape of commercially available MS mobile health (mHealth) apps; to our knowledge, no study has explored what persons with MS and their formal care providers think of mHealth solutions for PA. Objective The aim of this study was to (1) explore MS-specific needs for MS mHealth solutions for PA, (2) detect perceived obstacles and facilitators for mHealth solutions from persons with MS and health care professionals, and (3) understand the motivational aspects behind adoption of mHealth solutions for MS. Methods A mixed-methods design study was conducted in Kliniken Valens, Switzerland, a clinic specializing in neurological rehabilitation. We explored persons with MS and health care professionals who work with them separately. The study had a qualitative part comprising focus groups and interviews, and a quantitative part with standardized tools such as satisfaction with life scale and electronic health (eHealth) literacy. Results A total of 12 persons with relapsing-remitting MS and 12 health care professionals from different backgrounds participated in the study. Participants were well-educated with an even distribution between genders. Themes identified during analysis were MS-related barriers and facilitators, mHealth design considerations, and general motivational aspects. The insights generated were used to create MS