
Sample records for expansion determinacao da

  1. Métodos cromatográficos para determinar aminas biogênicas em alimentos de origem animal

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    César Aquiles Lázaro de la Torre


    Full Text Available Aminas biogenicas sao formadas como resultado da descarboxilacao de aminoacidos livres especificos. A analise desses metabolitos e de grande importancia na determinacao da qualidade e monitoramento de biogenicas como histamina e tiramina relacionadas com episodios de intoxicacao em humanos. A cromatografia e uma tecnica de separacao química usada para caracterizar aminas biogenicas. Variacoes da tecnica (cromatografia liquida, em camada delgada e gasosa tem sido amplamente usadas, porem a complexidade da matriz alimentar faz com que sejam realizadas mudancas nos processos de extracao, derivatizacao e deteccao em concordancia com cada grupo de alimento. A cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia (CLAE e o metodo mais utilizado na determinacao de aminas biogenicas em alimentos. Contudo, devido a importancia das aminas biogenicas no controle da qualidade e a seguranca do consumidor, os pesquisadores tentam desenvolver novos metodos com o intuito de uma analise mais rapida e precisa para o controle de alimentos no mercado. O objetivo da revisao e apresentar algumas tecnicas cromatograficas aplicadas no monitoramento de aminas biogenicas em produtos de origem animal.

  2. Avaliação da expansão rápida da maxila por meio da tomografia computadorizada: relato de um caso Computed tomography evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion: a case report

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    Daniela Gamba Garib


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve os efeitos dentoesqueléticos e periodontais da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM, avaliados por meio da tomografia computadorizada (TC, em uma jovem de 11,6 anos de idade com má oclusão de Classe I e mordida cruzada posterior unilateral funcional. Durante a fase ativa da ERM, o expansor dentossuportado com parafuso Hyrax foi ativado 7mm. A paciente submeteu-se ao exame de TC helicoidal, antes da expansão e após a remoção do aparelho expansor, findo o período de três meses de contenção. Realizaram-se cortes axiais, de um milímetro de espessura, paralelamente ao plano palatino, englobando as regiões dentoalveolar e basal da maxila, até o terço inferior da cavidade nasal. Utilizando-se o recurso de reconstruções multiplanares, mensuraram-se pelo método computadorizado: as dimensões transversas maxilares, a inclinação dos dentes posteriores, a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, e o nível da crista óssea alveolar vestibular. A expansão rápida da maaxila ocasionou um significante aumento transverso em todas as regiões aferidas, com magnitude decrescente do arco dentário para a base óssea. Os dentes posteriores foram movimentados para vestibular, com um componente de inclinação e translação associados. Tal efeito ortodôntico ocasionou uma redução na espessura da tábua óssea vestibular, e um concomitante aumento na espessura da tábua óssea lingual. Após a expansão, observou-se o desenvolvimento de deiscências ósseas por vestibular dos dentes de ancoragem.This paper presents a computed tomography (CT evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion dentoskeletal and periodontal effects, in a 11.6 year-old girl presenting Class I malocclusion with posterior unilateral crossbite. The tooth-borne expander with Hyrax screw was activated 7-mm. The patient was submitted to helicoidal CT scan before expansion and after the three-month retention period when the expander was removed. Axial

  3. Avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila (ECAM Clinical evaluation of surgically assisted maxillary expansion (SAME

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    Paulo Domingos Ribeiro Jr.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliados 10 pacientes tratados através da expansão ortopédica com auxílio cirúrgico, conhecida como expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila (ECAM. Avaliou-se a efetividade deste procedimento cirúrgico no auxílio à expansão transversal da maxila proporcionada através de aparelho do tipo Hyrax, a estabilidade desta expansão, as ocorrências pós-operatórias, a quantidade e qualidade da expansão conseguida e alterações estéticas deste procedimento. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se, com um acompanhamento a longo prazo, que a ECAM trata-se de um procedimento eficiente, estável, que proporciona mudanças funcionais e pouca alteração estética facial.AIM: clinical evaluation of surgically assisted maxillary expansion. METHODS: the present study evaluated 10 patients who underwent surgically assisted maxillary expansion. The efficacy of the surgical procedure helping transverse maxillary expansion given by the Hyrax, expansion stability, post-operatory discomfort during the activation of the device, the quantity and quality of the expansion achieved, the age of the patients, nasal base alteration, and nasal breathing were analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: from the results, it was possible to observe that surgically assisted maxillary expansion is an efficient and stable treatment, which offers functional changes and minimal aesthetic alterations.

  4. Avaliação cefalométrica da estabilidade pós-expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente Cephalometric evaluation of the post surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion stability

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    Pedro Luis Scattaregi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as possíveis alterações e a estabilidade dentária e esquelética no sentido transversal, bem como as possíveis alterações verticais da face (AFAI, produzidas pela Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERMAC. MÉTODOS: a amostra selecionada para este estudo retrospectivo foi composta por 60 telerradiografias em norma frontal, de 15 pacientes, sendo 6 do gênero masculino e 9 do gênero feminino, com média de idades de 23 anos e 3 meses. O disjuntor Hyrax foi instalado e o procedimento cirúrgico adotado envolveu a separação da sutura palatina mediana e não-abordagem da sutura pterigomaxilar. A ativação foi realizada do terceiro dias após a cirurgia até o término da expansão, determinada por critérios clínicos. Todos os pacientes foram radiografados nas fases pré-expansão (T1; pós-expansão imediata (T2; 3 meses pós-expansão, com o próprio disjuntor como contenção (T3; e 6 meses pós-expansão, com a placa removível de acrílico como contenção (T4. Medidas lineares foram obtidas a partir dos traçados cefalométricos gerados por um programa computadorizado (Radiocef Studio 2 e analisadas estatisticamente pelos testes de variância (ANOVA e Tukey ao nível de 5% de significância. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se que a ERMAC produziu aumentos estatisticamente significativos da cavidade nasal, da largura maxilar e da distância intermolares superiores, de T1 para T2, os quais se mantiveram em T3 e T4. A largura facial e as distâncias intermolares inferiores não apresentaram alterações após a ERMAC. Avaliando o comportamento vertical da face, notou-se um aumento da AFAI nas fases T1 para T2, que diminuiu após a contenção de 3 meses (T3 e permaneceu estável em T4, embora aumentada se comparada com T1.AIM: This study evaluated the stability of the dental and skeletal changes produced by the Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion (SARME in transversal and vertical

  5. Expansão rápida da maxila ancorada em implantes: uma nova proposta para expansão ortopédica na dentadura permanente Rapid maxillary expansion anchored by implants: a new proposal to orthopedic expansion in the permanent dentition

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    Daniela Gamba Garib


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: este trabalho apresenta um método para expansão ortopédica da maxila, na dentadura permanente, utilizando implantes como ancoragem. METODOLOGIA: detalharam-se os procedimentos cirúrgicos e laboratoriais da confecção de um expansor com ancoragem dento-óssea em crânio seco humano. Dois implantes de titânio foram colocados na região anterior do palato, e o parafuso Hyrax adaptado de modo que a expansão ancorou-se nos implantes e nos primeiros molares permanentes. RESULTADOS: o experimento laboratorial em crânio seco mostrou que o procedimento apresenta-se anatômica e operacionalmente viável. Os implantes suportaram a força gerada pela ativação do parafuso expansor, redundando na separação transversal das hemimaxilas. CONCLUSÕES: vislumbra-se que a expansão rápida da maxila ancorada em implantes (ERMAI poderá potencializar a eficiência da expansão ortopédica, assim como reduzir o custo periodontal dos procedimentos convencionais de expansão. Futuros estudos clínicos são necessários para testar essas hipóteses.AIM: This study presents a method for maxillary orthopedic expansion, in the permanent dentition, using implants as anchorage. METHODS: Surgical and laboratorial procedures for the construction of a tooth-bone-borne expansor was detailed in a human dry skull. Two titanium implants were placed in the anterior region of the palate and a Hyrax screw was adapted in a way that the expansion was anchored both on the palatal implants and on permanent first molars. RESULTS: The laboratorial experiment in dry skull showed that the procedure is operationally and anatomically possible. The implants supported the force generated by the expansion screw activation and the maxilla halves were transversally split. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid maxillary expansion anchored on implants can increase the efficiency of orthopedic expansion and decrease the periodontal sequela caused by conventional RME. Further clinical studies are

  6. Ossificação da sutura palatina mediana após o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila: estudo radiográfico Midpalatal suture ossification post rapid palatal expansion: a radiographic study

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    Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho tem como objetivo acompanhar radiograficamente a evolução da ossificação da sutura palatina mediana em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila, bem como comprovar a validade de se avaliar a neoformação óssea através deste exame complementar de diagnóstico. METODOLOGIA: a amostra constou de 38 pacientes no estágio de dentadura mista que se submeteram ao protocolo de expansão rápida da maxila, sendo 2/4 de volta pela manhã e 2/4 de volta à noite, totalizando 1 volta completa por dia, compreendendo um período de 7 dias. RESULTADOS: radiografias oclusais de maxila tomadas no pós-tratamento evidenciaram uma variação individual quanto ao período necessário para a completa neoformação óssea da sutura palatina mediana. A imagem radiográfica apresentou-se como um método confiável para a determinação da época correta de remoção do aparelho expansor. Tendo em vista a estabilidade pós-tratamento a longo prazo, o aparelho expansor deve ser removido somente após a completa ossificação da sutura. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados revelaram que são necessários mais de três meses para que o processo de ossificação e reorganização sutural se processe após o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila.OBJECTIVE: the current study aims at following up radiographically the evolution of the midpalatal suture during the expansion procedure since the opening of the suture until bone formation. METHODS: the sample comprised 38 patients in the mixed dentition stage submitted to the rapid palatal expansion protocol of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies. RESULTS: it was observed an individual variation on the period of bone ossification of the midpalatal suture, which justifies the radiographic follow-up as determinant for the appliance removal. Due to long-term post-treatment stability, the expander should be removed after the new suture is completely formed. CONCLUSIONS

  7. Studies on magnetocaloric and magnetic coupling effects = (United States)

    Amaral, Joao Cunha de Sequeira

    O presente trabalho apresenta novas metodologias desenvolvidas para a analise das propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas de materiais, sustentadas em consideracoes teoricas a partir de modelos, nomeadamente a teoria de transicoes de fase de Landau, o modelo de campo medio molecular e a teoria de fenomeno critico. Sao propostos novos metodos de escala, permitindo a interpretacao de dados de magnetizacao de materiais numa perspectiva de campo medio molecular ou teoria de fenomeno critico. E apresentado um metodo de estimar a magnetizacao espontanea de um material ferromagnetico a partir de relacoes entropia/magnetizacao estabelecidas pelo modelo de campo medio molecular. A termodinamica das transicoes de fase magneticas de primeira ordem e estudada usando a teoria de Landau e de campo medio molecular (modelo de Bean-Rodbell), avaliando os efeitos de fenomenos fora de equilibrio e de condicoes de mistura de fase em estimativas do efeito magnetocalorico a partir de medidas magneticas. Efeitos de desordem, interpretados como uma distribuicao na interaccao magnetica entre ioes, estabelecem os efeitos de distribuicoes quimicas/estruturais nas propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas de materiais com transicoes de fase de segunda e de primeira ordem. O uso das metodologias apresentadas na interpretacao das propriedades magneticas de variados materiais ferromagneticos permitiu obter: 1) uma analise quantitativa da variacao de spin por iao Gadolinio devido a transicao estrutural do composto Gd5Si2Ge2, 2) a descricao da configuracao de cluster magnetico de ioes Mn na fase ferromagnetica em manganites da familia La-Sr e La-Ca, 3) a determinacao dos expoentes criticos β e δ do Niquel por metodos de escala, 4) a descricao do efeito da pressao nas propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas do composto LaFe11.5Si1.5 atraves do modelo de Bean-Rodbell, 5) uma estimativa da desordem em manganites ferromagneticas com transicoes de segunda e primeira ordem, 6) uma descricao de

  8. Avaliação do efeito da expansão rápida da maxila na via aérea superior, por meio da nasofibroscopia: descrição da técnica e relato de caso Evaluation of the effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the upper airway using nasofibroscopy: case report and description of the technique

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    Edmilsson Pedro Jorge


    Full Text Available A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM na via aérea superior. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e com comprometimento da função naso-respiratória podem beneficiar-se com a ERM. Para entender melhor as alterações morfológicas decorrentes do paciente com problemas respiratórios, deve-se conhecer a anatomia e a fisiologia do sistema respiratório. Entretanto, não se pode esquecer que o tratamento deste paciente é multidisciplinar, envolvendo o ortodontista, otorrinolaringologista e a fonoaudióloga.The aim of the present investigation is to evaluate the effect of rapid maxillary expansion (RME on the upper airway. A clinical case is presented to describe how patients with atresic maxilla and reduced naso-respiratory function can have benefits from rapid maxillary expansion. In order to better understand the morphological alterations present in patients with respiratory disorders, it is necessary to understand the respiratory system's anatomy and physiology. However, it is relevant to mention that this patient undergoes a multidisciplinary treatment, involving the orthodontist, the otorhinolaryngologist and the phonoaudiologist.

  9. Estudo cefalométrico de alterações induzidas por expansão lenta da maxila em adultos Cephalometric study of alterations induced by maxillary slow expansion in adults

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    Almiro José Machado Júnior


    Full Text Available A expansão da maxila é um procedimento que objetiva o aumento do arco dental maxilar para correção de desvios oclusais. Amplamente empregada em crianças, há controvérsias sobre sua eficácia em adultos, quando o crescimento crânio-facial já atingiu sua maturidade óssea. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar modificações cefalométricas decorrentes da expansão da maxila em pacientes adultos, observando as seguintes medidas lineares: largura facial, largura nasal, altura nasal, largura maxilar, largura mandibular e largura molar-maxilar. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A amostra constituiu-se de 24 telerradiografias frontais, tomadas antes e imediatamente após as expansões, obtidas de 12 pacientes, ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 anos e dois meses e 37 anos e oito meses. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à expansão lenta dos ossos maxilares com o uso do aparelho expansor da técnica denominada "reabilitação dinâmica e funcional dos maxilares". Foi utilizado teste estatístico de Wilcoxon pareado, para amostras relacionadas e nível de significância 5%. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu aumento médio de 1,92mm na largura nasal e altura nasal 2,5mm. Nas medidas lineares largura maxilar e largura mandibular o aumento médio foi de 2,42mm e 1,92mm respectivamente. Para largura facial encontrou-se aumento médio de 1,41mm e largura molar-maxilar 2,0mm, sendo tais alterações estatisticamente significativas, obtidas em um tempo médio de 5,3 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado nos resultados obtidos conclui-se que o uso da expansão maxilar induz o aumento das medidas faciais estudadas em adultos.Maxilla expansion is a procedure that aims at increasing the maxillary dental arch to correct occlusal disharmony. Largely used in children, its efficacy in adults, when craniofacial growth has attained bone maturity, is controversial. AIM: The present study has the objective of evaluating cephalometric modifications resulting from maxilla expansion

  10. Educação, ampliação da cidadania e participação Education, expansion of citizenship and participation

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    Pedro Roberto Jacobi


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre educação e as possibilidades de ampliação da cidadania e da participação, considerando especialmente as condições em que está se construindo um espaço público no Brasil, assim como os alcances e limites do processo de consolidação de engenharias institucionais inovadoras na gestão da coisa pública. Os dados foram colhidos em pesquisa realizada em quatro municípios paulistas São Paulo, Santo André, Itu e Botucatu com a finalidade de examinar em que medida e de que forma se dá a participação na gestão da educação. Os resultados permitem avaliar as possibilidades e impossibilidades de viabilização de dinâmicas inovadoras na relação gestão local/população usuária. Dada a diversidade de formas de ação, foi possível analisar o papel dos diversos atores intervenientes, num contexto em que ainda convivem formas tradicionais de gestão e experiências inovadoras que começam a se legitimar aos olhos da população. O argumento que está no centro da reflexão sustenta que a participação encontra-se em estreita vinculação com o processo de descentralização e pode ser um mecanismo essencial para a democratização do poder público, além de constituir um espaço vital para o fortalecimento de uma cidadania ativa e para o processo de democratização da ação do Estado e das suas práticas institucionalizadoras. O tema articulador tem em vista a participação popular na gestão pública e as transformações qualitativas na relação Estado/Sociedade Civil, consideradas como referência de um ponto de inflexão e reforço das políticas públicas centradas na ampliação da cidadania ativa.This article presents a reflection on education and the possibilities of the expansion of citizenship and participation, taking into account the conditions under which a public space is being built in Brazil, the reach and limits of the consolidation process of innovative institutional


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    Dayse Mysmar Tavares Rodrigues


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    The objective of this study was to identify factors that may explain the development of cattle raising in Central Brazil, starting from middles of the decade of 1970, concomitant with the expansion of agricultural frontiers. Through an innovative theoretical model, it is possible to identify the fundamental variables of that process: location, topography and fertility. Data analyses allowed verifying that the ";location"; variable best explains the development of cattle raising in Goiás State.

    KEY-WORDS: Agricultural frontier; agricultural modernization; technological change.

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar fatores que possam explicar a espacialização da atividade pecuária na região central do Brasil, a partir de meados da década de 1970, com a expansão da fronteira agrícola. Para tanto, é estudado o caso do Estado de Goiás. Por meio de um inovador modelo baseado na teoria da renda fundiária, é possível identificar as variáveis fundamentais desse processo: localização, topografia e fertilidade. A análise dos dados permitiu constatar que a variável "localização" é a que melhor explica a espacialização da agropecuária nesse Estado.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Fronteira agrícola; modernização da agropecuária; mudança tecnológica.

  12. Impactos do avanço da soja no balanço de radiação no leste da Amazônia Impacts of soybean expansion on radiation balance in eastern Amazon

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    Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Ponte de Souza


    Full Text Available O desmatamento da Amazônia, em especial para o uso da pecuária, tem sido explorado por diversos pesquisadores, os quais têm apontado como conseqüência, sérios problemas ambientais. O contínuo avanço da fronteira agrícola sobre as áreas de pecuária na Amazônia, e mesmo sobre áreas nativas, merece atenção pelo fato de poucos estudos terem sido realizados com o intuito de investigar quais os prováveis impactos ambientais da presença da monocultura da soja na região. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os impactos nos componentes do balanço de radiação devido à nova mudança no uso da terra em uma área de avanço da fronteira agrícola no leste da Amazônia. Realizaram-se experimentos micrometeorológicos no município de Paragominas-PA em uma área de cultivo de soja (Glycine max (L. Merrill e em uma área do ecossistema florestal localizada na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã em Melgaço-PA nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Durante o ciclo da soja o impacto médio encontrado representou uma redução 17,9% no saldo de radiação em relação ao ecossistema de floresta natural. Durante a entressafra observou-se um impacto negativo no saldo de radiação de 15,5%. Os principais forçantes deste impacto foram o maior albedo da soja e a perda de radiação de onda longa em relação à cobertura original. Ressalta-se que apesar do maior impacto ocorrer durante o ciclo da cultura, o tempo de ocorrência deste impacto negativo restringe-se a apenas 1/3 do ano, o que, implica em maior impacto da entressafra no saldo de energia em termos cumulativos.The deforestation of the Amazon, especially for pasture use, has been explored by several researchers who have pointed out as a consequence, serious environmental problems. The continuous expansion of agriculture on areas of cattle ranching in the Amazon, as well as on native areas, must be seen with caution since few studies have been conducted in order to investigate which probable

  13. Expansão espacial da leishmaniose visceral americana em São Luis, Maranhão, Brasil Space expansion of the American visceral leishmaniasis in São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil

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    Wellington da Silva Mendes


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a ocupação espacial no município de São Luis e a expansão da leishmaniose visceral americana(LVA na mesma. Foram analisadas as fichas de registro de atendimento de casos de leishmaniose visceral da Diretoria Regional da Fundação Nacional de Saúde do Maranhão no período de setembro de 1982 a dezembro de 1996, assim como documentos oficiais sobre a ocupação espacial do município. Foi observado que os casos de LVA ao longo da evolução da epidemia em São Luis apresentaram distribuição espacial e concentração semelhantes a apresentada pelo fluxo migratório na cidade no mesmo período.The space occupation and the expansion of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL were described in the municipality of São Luis, Maranhão, Northeast Brazil. AVL medical notes from the Fundação Nacional de Saúde as well as official documents about the space occupation were analyzed from September 1982 to December 1996. AVL cases were more likely to occur in recently settled suburbs and tended to follow the same spatial pattern observed for land occupations secondary to migratory fluxes.

  14. A computational model for determining the minimal cost expansion alternatives in transmission systems planning; Um modelo computacional para determinacao de alternativas de expansao de custo minimo em planejamento de sistemas de transmissao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinto, L M.V.G.; Pereira, M V.F. [Pontificia Univ. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Nunes, A [ELETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    A computational model for determining an economical transmission expansion plan, based in the decomposition techniques is presented. The algorithm was used in the Brazilian South System and was able to find an optimal solution, with a low computational resource. Some expansions of this methodology are been investigated: the probabilistic one and the expansion with financier restriction. (C.G.C.). 4 refs, 7 figs.

  15. Cultura da Convergência

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    Rogério Christofoletti


    Full Text Available Three ideas would suffice for the reading of “Cultura da Convergência” (Culture of Convergence by Henry Jenkins to be of interest to journalists and researchers in the area: media convergence as a cultural process; the strengthening of an emotional economy which guides consumers of symbolic goods and media creators; the expansion of trans-media narrative forms.

  16. Cultura da Convergência

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    Rogério Christofoletti


    Full Text Available Three ideas would suffice for the reading of “Cultura da Convergência” (Culture of Convergence by Henry Jenkins to be of interest to journalists and researchers in the area: media convergence as a cultural process; the strengthening of an emotional economy which guides consumers of symbolic goods and media creators; the expansion of trans-media narrative forms.

  17. Expansão rápida da maxila: análise da densidade radiográfica da sutura palatina mediana e sua correlação nos estágios de neoformação óssea, por meio de imagem digitalizada Rapid maxillary expansion: radiographic analysis of the midpalatal suture density and its correlation in the osteogenesis stages by digital image

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    Milleni Campos Fernandes Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a neoformação óssea da sutura palatina mediana em diferentes fases do procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila por meio de imagem digitalizada e comparar a densidade radiográfica das diferentes áreas selecionadas ao longo dessa sutura nos períodos estabelecidos. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi constituída por 23 indivíduos, na faixa etária de 9 a 12 anos, que foram submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila de acordo com um protocolo que consistiu, inicialmente, em uma volta completa no parafuso, seguida por ¼ de volta pela manhã e ¼ de volta à noite, durante duas semanas. Foram obtidas 69 radiografias oclusais em diferentes momentos do procedimento, as quais passaram pelo processo de digitalização via scanner e, posteriormente, foram submetidas ao programa Digora for Windows 5.6, para a realização das leituras de densidade radiográfica. RESULTADOS: em todas as fases do procedimento, os valores obtidos dos níveis de cinza foram, em média, diferentes entre si, comprovando uma recuperação óssea parcial da sutura palatina mediana. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados revelaram que são necessários mais de três meses para a completa recuperação sutural após a expansão rápida da maxila e que o método utilizado para a leitura das densidades mostrou-se fiel, devido à sua capacidade de exibir detalhes. Portanto, conclui-se que o expansor deve ser removido somente após a total recuperação óssea sutural, a fim de evitar as recidivas.AIM: To evaluate the new bone formation of the midpalatal suture in different phases of the rapid maxillary expansion procedure by means of the scanned image and to compare the radiographic density of the different selected areas along this suture in predetermined periods. METHODS: The sample consisted of 23 individuals, aged from 9 to 12 years who underwent rapid maxillary expansion in accordance with a protocol which consisted initially of a full turn on the screw, followed by ¼ turn by

  18. Avaliação cefalométrica radiográfica da posição craniocervical de pacientes orientados em posição natural da cabeça pré e pós-expansão rápida da maxila Cephalometric radiographic evaluation of the craniocervical position of patients oriented in natural head position before and after the rapid maxillary expansion

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    Belini Augusto Villalba Freire-Maia


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eventual alteração na posição craniocervical de pacientes orientados na Posição Natural da Cabeça (PNC, após o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila (ERM. Utilizaram-se telerradiografias em norma lateral, selecionadas do acervo de documentação da Clínica de Ortodontia Preventiva da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, de 20 pacientes, com idades entre 5 a 11 anos (média de 9,0 anos, sendo 7 do gênero masculino e 13 do feminino, obtidas no início do tratamento e imediatamente após a fase ativa da expansão da maxila. Os pacientes eram portadores de atresia da maxila e foram tratados com aparelho disjuntor tipo Biederman modificado. A partir dos cefalogramas pré e pós-ERM foram obtidas as grandezas angulares craniovertical (SN.VER, craniocervical (OPT.SN e CVT.SN, cervicohorizontal (OPT.HOR, CVT.HOR e o ângulo da curvatura cervical (OPT.CVT. Após análise estatística e interpretação dos resultados obtidos concluímos que a posição da cabeça não apresentou alteração estatisticamente significativa. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os gêneros quando comparadas as fases pré e pós-ERM para as grandezas estudadas. O método de obtenção de telerradiografias laterais em Orientação Natural da Cabeça mostrou-se confiável e reproduzível na amostra estudada, mesmo na presença de intervenção ortodôntica-ortopédica entre as séries de radiografias.The aim of this study was to evaluate the eventual alteration in the craniocervical position of patients, oriented in the Natural Head Position (NHP, after the rapid maxillary expansion (RME procedure. We have used lateral radiographs, selected from the documentation file of the Preventive Orthodontics Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. Our sample consisted of 20 patients (7M:13F, with ages ranging from 5.08 up to 11.08 years (mean of 9,0. The

  19. Avaliação transversal e vertical da maxila, após expansão rápida, utilizando um método de padronização das radiografias póstero-anteriores Transversal and vertical maxillary evaluation, after rapid expansion, using a standardization method for posteroanterior radiographs

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    Gustavo Mattos Barreto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: na presente pesquisa utilizou-se o aparelho Hyrax tendo como objetivo avaliar as alterações transversais e verticais da maxila. Foram selecionados 20 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, entre 7 e 11 anos de idade, que apresentavam mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral. METODOLOGIA: foram realizadas telerradiografias em norma frontal (PA antes e após a expansão. A fim de evitar que a falta de padronização dessas radiografias pudesse influenciar nos resultados, idealizou-se um método de padronização para tais radiografias. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados mostraram que a correção da mordida cruzada posterior com o aparelho Hyrax, que ocorreu em todos os casos, foi em função tanto da abertura da sutura palatina mediana como também da inclinação dos molares. A medida JgE-JgD relacionada com a expansão maxilar aumentou significantemente em todos os casos tratados. Nas avaliações dentárias, as medidas verticais não apresentaram diferenças significantes, ao contrário das medidas transversais (FTE-FTD; FBE-FBD; LO.BTE; LO.BTD; BTE.BTD. A largura da cavidade nasal também aumentou significantemente (CNE-CND. O método de padronização proposto permite, portanto, utilizar as medidas que avaliam a expansão rápida da maxila, através das radiografias póstero-anteriores, com segurança, também no sentido vertical.AIM: in the atresia maxillary cases, the most indicated treatment is rapid maxillary expansion that can be achieved by different therapies. In the present research the Hyrax appliance was used in order to evaluate the transverse and vertical outcomes in maxillary base. METHODS: twenty patients of both gender, from 7 to 11 years old, presenting uni or bilateral posterior crossbite were selected. Posteroanterior radiographs were performed before and after expansion. These radiographs were standardized in order to avoid that problems with lack of standardization influence the results. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION

  20. Avaliação das alterações dentárias na maxila em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente sem o envolvimento da sutura pterigomaxilar Assessment of maxillary dental changes in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion with no involvement of pterygoid blade

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    Paulo Roberto Pelucio Camara


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as alterações nos arcos dentários superiores no sentido transversal e a quantidade de inclinações nos dentes de apoio do aparelho de expansão tipo Hyrax em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente (ERMAC e a efetividade dessa técnica cirúrgica utilizada. A amostra foi composta por 34 pares de modelos de gesso de 17 pacientes, sendo 6 do gênero masculino e 11 do gênero feminino. MÉTODOS: as medidas foram realizadas em modelos de gesso por meio de medição das alterações nos planos vertical e transversal. O procedimento cirúrgico adotado foi uma osteotomia nas paredes laterais da maxila sem o envolvimento da lâmina pterigoide, osteotomia da espinha nasal à linha média dentária (incisivos centrais anteriores, separação da sutura palatina mediana por meio de cinzel e separação do septo nasal. O início das ativações ocorreu no terceiro dia pós-operatório, sendo uma pela manhã e uma à noite. RESULTADOS: houve expansão significativa estatisticamente na região dos caninos, primeiros e segundos pré-molares, primeiros e segundos molares, respectivamente de 6,03mm, 9,82mm, 8,66mm, 9,72mm e 5,67mm. Avaliando o comportamento dos dentes de apoio do disjuntor quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, notou-se que ocorreu uma vestibularização assimétrica, pois para os primeiros molares os valores encontrados foram 6,89º (direito e 9,56º (esquerdo, e para os primeiros pré-molares os valores obtidos foram 4,74º (esquerdo e 3,26º (direito, sendo esse considerado estatisticamente não-significativo. CONCLUSÕES: a técnica cirúrgica empregada para esta pesquisa mostrou ser eficiente para se obter alteração transversal maxilar, ocorrendo inclinação dentoalveolar dos dentes de apoio do disjuntor.AIM: To assess the changes to the superior dental arches, in the transversal direction, and the amount of inclinations in the support teeth of the Hyrax expansion

  1. The generation expansion planning of the Brazilian electric sector employing genetic algorithms; O planejamento da expansao da geracao do setor eletrico brasileiro utilizando os algoritmos geneticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kazay, Heloisa Firmo


    The generation expansion-planning problem is a non-linear large-scale optimisation problem, which is even larger when it refers to the Brazilian system, and when one considers the multiple intervening uncertainty sources. To handle the complexity of the problem, decomposition schemes have been used. Usually, such schemes divide the expansion problem into two sub-problems: one related to the construction of new plants (investment sub-problem) and another dealing with the task of operating the system (operation sub-problem). This thesis proposes a genetic algorithm to solve the investment sub-problem. Initially, an analysis of the state of the art on the generation expansion planning and the field of the genetic algorithms are presented. Then follows a practical application of the proposed algorithm in a model of generation expansion planning under uncertainty. Finally, the results obtained in two case studies are presented and analysed. These results indicate that the proposed genetic algorithm is an effective alternative to the solution of the investment sub-problem. (author)

  2. Determination of calcium, copper, chromium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc in ethanol by atomic absorption spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandes, E.A.N.


    The direct determinacao of calcium, copper, chomium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc in ethanol by atomic absorption spectrometry with, air-acetylene flame is proposed. Effects of fuel/oxidant ratio, burner height and water content in the samples were investigated in detail. The method allows the determition of the elements with good precision (r.s.d. -1 for the elements tested. (author) [pt

  3. Determination of {sup 210} Pb in mineral spring waters of Aguas da Prata city; Determinacao de {sup 210} Pb em aguas minerais da cidade de Aguas da Prata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moreira, S R.D.


    Concentration levels of {sup 210} Pb have been analyzed in 12 mineral spring waters of Aguas da Prata city. The {sup 210} Pb concentration was determined through {sup 210} Bi, by measuring the gross beta activity of the {sup 210} Pb Cr O{sub 4} precipitate after separation from interfering elements by complexation with nitrile tri acetic acid at basic pH. The {sup 210} Bi beta activity was carried out in a low background gas flow proportional counter. Concentrations ranging from lower limit of detection to 1240 mBq/L were observed for {sup 210} Pb. The radiochemical procedure adopted presented a chemical yield around 85% and a lower limit of detection of 4,9 mBq/L. Dose calculations were performed in order to evaluate the importance of this radionuclide to the radiation exposure due to the ingestion of these waters. Based upon measured concentrations, committed effective doses up to 1,1 mSv/y and committed doses to the bone up to 1.7 x 10{sup 1} mSv/y were observed for {sup 210} Pb. (author). 64 refs, 6 figs, 7 tabs.

  4. Expressão de TGFβ1 mRNA nas fases iniciais de expansão da sutura palatina mediana The expression of TGFβ1 mRNA in the early stage of the midpalatal suture cartilage expansion

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    Emilia Teruko Kobayashi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a expansão da maxila induz a formação de novo osso na sutura palatina mediana por um processo de proliferação e diferenciação celular. A força de expansão pode estimular, nas células progenitoras, a produção de citocinas com atividade osteoindutiva, tais como o transforming growth factor β1(TGFβ1. OBJETIVOS: o principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a função dessa citocina nos estágios iniciais de expansão da sutura palatina mediana. MÉTODOS: um aparelho ortodôntico foi instalado entre os molares superiores direito e esquerdo de ratos com 4 semanas de idade. A força de expansão inicial foi de 50g. Os grupos controle e experimental foram sacrificados nos dias 0, 2 e 5. Cortes bucais de 6µm foram obtidos e sujeitos à técnica de hibridização in-situ. RESULTADOS: dois dias após a aplicação de força, as células osteocondroprogenitoras, distribuídas no lado interno do tecido cartilaginoso, exibiram altos níveis de transcrição de transforming growth factor β1. No dia 5, o nível de transcrição de TGFβ1 foi observado nos osteócitos e nas células osteoblásticas, na superfície do novo osso. A atividade osteoblástica foi confirmada por meio de um estudo imunohistoquímico utilizando-se Osteocalcina-Pro (OC-Pro. CONCLUSÕES: os dados sugerem que a expansão da sutura palatina induz a diferenciação de células osteocondroprogenitoras em osteoblastos, estimuladas pela produção de citocinasINTRODUCTION: The application of an orthodontic expansion force induces bone formation at the midpalatal suture because of cell proliferation and differentiation. Expansion forces may stimulate the production of osteoinductive cytokines, such as transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1, in the progenitor cells. OBJECTIVES: This study determined the role of TGFβ1 in the early stage of midpalatal suture cartilage expansion. METHODS: A rectangular orthodontic appliance was placed between the right and left


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    José Renato Bez de Gregório


    Full Text Available This article is based on the theoretical contributions of Florestan Fernandes seeking to analyze the structural and cyclical features of Brazilian higher education, in order to understand to what extent these features constitute the pattern-dependent learning, the historic brand dependent capitalist insertion of Brazil in the global economy and cultural heteronomy associated with it. We assume that such theoretical foundation helps us understand some aspects of the redesign of higher education underway in Brazil conducted by governments Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, particularly the Program of Support to the Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities (REUNI. Thus, presenting some data expansion in the two largest public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro in order to demonstrate the extent to which this process is indicating the precariousness / intensification of teaching and a deep reconfiguration of Brazilian public university.

  6. Thermal expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, Y.


    Thermal expansion of fuel pellet is an important property which limits the lifetime of the fuels in reactors, because it affects both the pellet and cladding mechanical interaction and the gap conductivity. By fitting a number of available measured data, recommended equations have been presented and successfully used to estimate thermal expansion coefficient of the nuclear fuel pellet. However, due to large scatter of the measured data, non-consensus data have been omitted in formulating the equations. Also, the equation is strongly governed by the lack of appropriate experimental data. For those reasons, it is important to develop theoretical methodologies to better describe thermal expansion behaviour of nuclear fuel. In particular, first-principles and molecular dynamics simulations have been certainly contributed to predict reliable thermal expansion without fitting the measured data. Furthermore, the two theoretical techniques have improved on understanding the change of fuel dimension by describing the atomic-scale processes associated with lattice expansion in the fuels. (author)

  7. Low-temperature thermal expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collings, E.W.


    This chapter discusses the thermal expansion of insulators and metals. Harmonicity and anharmonicity in thermal expansion are examined. The electronic, magnetic, an other contributions to low temperature thermal expansion are analyzed. The thermodynamics of the Debye isotropic continuum, the lattice-dynamical approach, and the thermal expansion of metals are discussed. Relative linear expansion at low temperatures is reviewed and further calculations of the electronic thermal expansion coefficient are given. Thermal expansions are given for Cu, Al and Ti. Phenomenologic thermodynamic relationships are also discussed

  8. Expansão maxilar em adultos e adolescentes com maturação esquelética avançada Maxillary expansion in adults and adolescents with advanced skeletal maturation

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    Rowdley Robert Pereira Rossi


    Full Text Available A deficiência transversa da maxila é um fator agravante e complicador do tratamento ortodôntico em adultos. Sua correção ainda gera dúvidas e controvérsias entre clínicos e pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e discutir fatores determinantes para o planejamento da expansão maxilar em adultos e adolescentes com maturação esquelética avançada. Ausências dentárias múltiplas, grandes inclinações dentoalveolares para vestibular, recessão gengival, perda óssea alveolar e mobilidade dos dentes posterossuperiores contraindicam a realização de expansão rápida da maxila em indivíduos adultos ou com maturação esquelética avançada. No entanto, esses fatores não devem ser considerados isoladamente para a escolha do método de expansão palatal nesses pacientes. Nessas situações, a Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERMAC pode ser uma opção, entretanto, a escolha por essa técnica deve basear-se principalmente na idade do paciente, no grau de maturação esquelética, na localização da deficiência transversa da maxila e nas estruturas anatômicas que oferecem maior resistência à expansão maxilar. O Hyrax é o aparelho mais indicado para indivíduos que vão se submeter à ERMAC.The transverse maxillary deficiency is a complication factor in adults' orthodontic treatment. Its correction still generates doubts and controversies between clinicians and researchers. The aim of this paper is to discuss the determinative factors in planning maxillary expansion in adults and adolescents with advanced skeletal maturation. Multiple dental absences, several dentoalveolar buccal inclination, gingival recession, alveolar bone loss and mobility of posterosuperior teeth contraindicate the rapid maxillary expansion in adults or patients with advanced skeletal maturation. However, these factors should not be considered separately when choosing the method for palatal expansion in adults. In these

  9. Negative thermal expansion materials: technological key for control of thermal expansion


    Koshi Takenaka


    Most materials expand upon heating. However, although rare, some materials contract upon heating. Such negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials have enormous industrial merit because they can control the thermal expansion of materials. Recent progress in materials research enables us to obtain materials exhibiting negative coefficients of linear thermal expansion over −30 ppm K−1. Such giant NTE is opening a new phase of control of thermal expansion in composites. Specifically examining pra...

  10. Following Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion, Do Tooth-Borne or Bone-Borne Appliances Provide More Skeletal Expansion and Dental Expansion? (United States)

    Hamedi-Sangsari, Adrien; Chinipardaz, Zahra; Carrasco, Lee


    The aim of this study was to compare outcome measurements of skeletal and dental expansion with bone-borne (BB) versus tooth-borne (TB) appliances after surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). This study was performed to provide quantitative measurements that will help the oral surgeon and orthodontist in selecting the appliance with, on average, the greatest amount of skeletal expansion and the least amount of dental expansion. A computerized database search was performed using PubMed, EBSCO, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar on publications in reputable oral surgery and orthodontic journals. A systematic review and meta-analysis was completed with the predictor variable of expansion appliance (TB vs BB) and outcome measurement of expansion (in millimeters). Of 487 articles retrieved from the 6 databases, 5 articles were included, 4 with cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) data and 1 with non-CBCT 3-dimensional cast data. There was a significant difference in skeletal expansion (standardized mean difference [SMD], 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.54-1.30; P appliances. However, there was no significant difference in dental expansion (SMD, 0.05; 95% CI, -0.24 to 0.34; P = .03). According to the literature, to achieve more effective skeletal expansion and minimize dental expansion after SARPE, a BB appliance should be favored. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Influência da expansão por umidade no comportamento mecânico de argilas para uso em blocos de cerâmica vermelha - revisão Influence of moisture expansion on the mechanical behavior of structural clay materials for use in ceramic bricks - review

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    R. A. Andrade


    Full Text Available O fenômeno da expansão por umidade (EPU resulta da ação da água e seus vapores causando a expansão dos materiais cerâmicos, podendo provocar danos no material e prejudicar sua vida útil. Na literatura existe muita ênfase nos problemas gerados pela EPU e nas tensões resultantes dessa expansão, porém até o presente não há dados relativos ao comportamento mecânico dos materiais cerâmicos após ação da EPU. Trabalhos recentemente desenvolvidos na UFCG tratam especificamente desse problema em blocos cerâmicos de vedação. Inicialmente verificou-se que, no caso de massas cerâmicas para uso em cerâmica vermelha queimadas em diversas temperaturas na faixa de 700 a 1100 ºC, e com a EPU induzida por imersão, fervura e autoclavagem, a EPU tem correlação com o comportamento mecânico dos corpos queimados, observando-se redução no módulo de ruptura à flexão à medida que a EPU aumenta. Trabalhos desenvolvidos com massas para uso em cerâmica vermelha aditivadas com carbonato de cálcio e carbonato de magnésio e queimadas entre 850 e 1000 ºC, evidenciaram o efeito benéfico do carbonato de cálcio na redução da EPU e aumento da resistência à flexão, sendo observada correlação entre EPU e módulo de ruptura à flexão, mas, no entanto, não foi observada correlação entre a EPU e o módulo quando da utilização do carbonato de magnésio. Pesquisas efetuadas com massas para cerâmica vermelha aditivadas com quartzo fino, visando o desenvolvimento de fases vítreas, não mostraram correlações bem definidas entre EPU e módulo de ruptura, sendo observado que adições de 10 e 20% de quartzo melhoram a resistência mecânica dos corpos cerâmicos após autoclavagem e que a adição de 30% de quartzo reduz seu módulo de ruptura.Moisture expansion (ME phenomenon results from the action of water and water vapors causing the expansion of ceramic materials, which may damage the material damage and jeopardize its useful life

  12. Negative thermal expansion materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.S.O.


    The recent discovery of negative thermal expansion over an unprecedented temperature range in ZrW 2 O 8 (which contracts continuously on warming from below 2 K to above 1000 K) has stimulated considerable interest in this unusual phenomenon. Negative and low thermal expansion materials have a number of important potential uses in ceramic, optical and electronic applications. We have now found negative thermal expansion in a large new family of materials with the general formula A 2 (MO 4 ) 3 . Chemical substitution dramatically influences the thermal expansion properties of these materials allowing the production of ceramics with negative, positive or zero coefficients of thermal expansion, with the potential to control other important materials properties such as refractive index and dielectric constant. The mechanism of negative thermal expansion and the phase transitions exhibited by this important new class of low-expansion materials will be discussed. (orig.)

  13. Expansão pentecostal no Brasil: o caso da Igreja Universal

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    Ricardo Mariano


    Full Text Available O ARTIGO discorre inicialmente sobre o crescimento pentecostal e a evolução desse movimento religioso no Brasil. Em seguida, analisa a expansão da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, priorizando a investigação da organização eclesiástica, do trabalho pastoral, da capacidade de arrecadação e administração dos recursos coletados, do evangelismo eletrônico, da oferta sistemática de serviços mágico-religiosos e do sincretismo deliberado com a religiosidade popular.THIS ESSAY deals initially with the growth of the Pentecostal movement and its evolution in Brazil. It also analyzes the expansion of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, prioritizing the study of its ecclesiastical organization, pastoral work, collection capabilities and management of resources thus obtained, electronic evangelism, the systematic offering of magical/religious services, and the deliberate syncretism with popular religiousness.

  14. Negative thermal expansion materials: technological key for control of thermal expansion. (United States)

    Takenaka, Koshi


    Most materials expand upon heating. However, although rare, some materials contract upon heating. Such negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials have enormous industrial merit because they can control the thermal expansion of materials. Recent progress in materials research enables us to obtain materials exhibiting negative coefficients of linear thermal expansion over -30 ppm K -1 . Such giant NTE is opening a new phase of control of thermal expansion in composites. Specifically examining practical aspects, this review briefly summarizes materials and mechanisms of NTE as well as composites containing NTE materials, based mainly on activities of the last decade.

  15. Negative thermal expansion materials: technological key for control of thermal expansion

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    Koshi Takenaka


    Full Text Available Most materials expand upon heating. However, although rare, some materials contract upon heating. Such negative thermal expansion (NTE materials have enormous industrial merit because they can control the thermal expansion of materials. Recent progress in materials research enables us to obtain materials exhibiting negative coefficients of linear thermal expansion over −30 ppm K−1. Such giant NTE is opening a new phase of control of thermal expansion in composites. Specifically examining practical aspects, this review briefly summarizes materials and mechanisms of NTE as well as composites containing NTE materials, based mainly on activities of the last decade.

  16. Negative thermal expansion materials: technological key for control of thermal expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takenaka, Koshi


    Most materials expand upon heating. However, although rare, some materials contract upon heating. Such negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials have enormous industrial merit because they can control the thermal expansion of materials. Recent progress in materials research enables us to obtain materials exhibiting negative coefficients of linear thermal expansion over −30 ppm K −1 . Such giant NTE is opening a new phase of control of thermal expansion in composites. Specifically examining practical aspects, this review briefly summarizes materials and mechanisms of NTE as well as composites containing NTE materials, based mainly on activities of the last decade. (topical review)

  17. Long expansion planning of electrical power availability in Brazil under the real options theoretical approach; Planejamento de longo prazo da expansao da oferta de energia eletrica no Brasil sob uma perspectiva da teoria das opcoes reais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marreco, Juliana de Moraes


    This thesis considers uncertainty on the long term generation expansion planning in the Brazilian Electric System, under a Real Options Approach . First, Real Options Theory is used to demonstrate the importance of thermo power plants insertion in Brazil, through a flexibility valuation on hydrothermal system. This is the first objective of this thesis. In the second part a Real Options Model is proposed to support long term expansion studies, based in a levelized costs analysis. The adequacy of proposed models to real problem is illustrated by a case study of the Brazilian Power System. The results show the importance of the energetic matrix diversification on the Long Term Planning. In the expansion model proposed, results are in favor of higher participation of biomass, nuclear power and coal in Brazilian electricity generation matrix. (author)

  18. Thermal expansion of coking coals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orlik, M.; Klimek, J. (Vyzkumny a Zkusebni Ustav Nova Hut, Ostrava (Czechoslovakia))


    Analyzes expansion of coal mixtures in coke ovens during coking. Methods for measuring coal expansion on both a laboratory and pilot plant scale are comparatively evaluated. The method, developed, tested and patented in Poland by the Institute for Chemical Coal Processing in Zabrze (Polish standard PN-73/G-04522), is discussed. A laboratory device developed by the Institute for measuring coal expansion is characterized. Expansion of black coal from 10 underground mines in the Ostrava-Karvina coal district and from 9 coal mines in the Upper Silesia basin in Poland is comparatively evaluated. Investigations show that coal expansion reaches a maximum for coal types with a volatile matter ranging from 20 to 25%. With increasing volatile matter in coal, its expansion decreases. Coal expansion increases with increasing swelling index. Coal expansion corresponds with coal dilatation. With increasing coal density its expansion increases. Coal mixtures should be selected in such a way that their expansion does not cause a pressure exceeding 40 MPa. 11 refs.

  19. Virial Expansion Bounds (United States)

    Tate, Stephen James


    In the 1960s, the technique of using cluster expansion bounds in order to achieve bounds on the virial expansion was developed by Lebowitz and Penrose (J. Math. Phys. 5:841, 1964) and Ruelle (Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results. Benjamin, Elmsford, 1969). This technique is generalised to more recent cluster expansion bounds by Poghosyan and Ueltschi (J. Math. Phys. 50:053509, 2009), which are related to the work of Procacci (J. Stat. Phys. 129:171, 2007) and the tree-graph identity, detailed by Brydges (Phénomènes Critiques, Systèmes Aléatoires, Théories de Jauge. Les Houches 1984, pp. 129-183, 1986). The bounds achieved by Lebowitz and Penrose can also be sharpened by doing the actual optimisation and achieving expressions in terms of the Lambert W-function. The different bound from the cluster expansion shows some improvements for bounds on the convergence of the virial expansion in the case of positive potentials, which are allowed to have a hard core.

  20. Oxidação dos amidos de mandioca e de milho comum fermentados: desenvolvimento da propriedade de expansão Oxidation of fermented cassava and corn starches: development of the expansion property

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alvaro Renato Guerra Dias


    Full Text Available Amidos de mandioca e de milho comum foram fermentados em laboratório a 20 °C, sendo uma fração seca ao sol e outra oxidada com peróxido de hidrogênio e secada artificialmente, visando o desenvolvimento da propriedade de expansão. Estudou-se a fermentação em 0, 10, 30 e 50 dias, sendo a propriedade de expansão no forneamento avaliada pelo teste do biscoito e o comportamento viscoamilográfico pelo RVA. Verificou-se que a fermentação promove modificação que auxilia na oxidação dos amidos de mandioca e de milho elevando a acidez titulável do produto. O amido de mandioca fermentado oxidado com exposição solar ou com peróxido de hidrogênio pode desenvolver a propriedade de expansão, já o amido de milho comum nessas condições não tem essa capacidade. Os melhores resultados para a propriedade de expansão foram no amido de mandioca oxidado com peróxido de hidrogênio aos 50 dias de fermentação.Cassava and corn starches were fermented in the laboratory at 20 °C, and a fraction was in the sun while another fraction was oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and dried artificially to develop the expansion property. Fermentation in 0, 10, 30 and 50 days was checked and the expansion property was evaluated by the baking test and viscoamilograph behavior (RVA. Fermentation was found to cause changes that help the oxidation of cassava and corn starches, increasing the product's titrable acidity. The fermented cassava starch, oxidized by exposure to sunlight or hydrogen peroxide, may develop the expansion property, but the corn starch did not display that ability under these conditions. The best results for the expansion property were obtained with cassava starch oxidized with hydrogen peroxide after 50 days of fermentation.

  1. Ultra-low thermal expansion realized in giant negative thermal expansion materials through self-compensation (United States)

    Shen, Fei-Ran; Kuang, Hao; Hu, Feng-Xia; Wu, Hui; Huang, Qing-Zhen; Liang, Fei-Xiang; Qiao, Kai-Ming; Li, Jia; Wang, Jing; Liu, Yao; Zhang, Lei; He, Min; Zhang, Ying; Zuo, Wen-Liang; Sun, Ji-Rong; Shen, Bao-Gen


    Materials with zero thermal expansion (ZTE) or precisely tailored thermal expansion are in urgent demand of modern industries. However, the overwhelming majority of materials show positive thermal expansion. To develop ZTE or negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials as compensators has become an important challenge. Here, we present the evidence for the realization of ultra-low thermal expansion in Mn-Co-Ge-In particles. The bulk with the Ni2In-type hexagonal structure undergoes giant NTE owing to a martensitic magnetostructural transition. The major finding is that the thermal expansion behavior can be totally controlled by modulating the crystallinity degree and phase transition from atomic scale. Self-compensation effect leads to ultra-low thermal expansion with a linear expansion coefficient as small as +0.68 × 10-6/K over a wide temperature range around room temperature. The present study opens an avenue to reach ZTE particularly from the large class of giant NTE materials based on phase transition.

  2. Ultra-low thermal expansion realized in giant negative thermal expansion materials through self-compensation

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    Fei-Ran Shen


    Full Text Available Materials with zero thermal expansion (ZTE or precisely tailored thermal expansion are in urgent demand of modern industries. However, the overwhelming majority of materials show positive thermal expansion. To develop ZTE or negative thermal expansion (NTE materials as compensators has become an important challenge. Here, we present the evidence for the realization of ultra-low thermal expansion in Mn–Co–Ge–In particles. The bulk with the Ni2In-type hexagonal structure undergoes giant NTE owing to a martensitic magnetostructural transition. The major finding is that the thermal expansion behavior can be totally controlled by modulating the crystallinity degree and phase transition from atomic scale. Self-compensation effect leads to ultra-low thermal expansion with a linear expansion coefficient as small as +0.68 × 10−6/K over a wide temperature range around room temperature. The present study opens an avenue to reach ZTE particularly from the large class of giant NTE materials based on phase transition.

  3. Os primeiros tempos da pesquisa em sociologia da educação na USP The early period of research in sociology of education at USP

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    Celso de Rui Beisiegel


    Full Text Available O artigo fundamenta-se na participação do autor como aluno de graduação e pós-graduação no curso de Ciências Sociais da antiga Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo (FFCL-USP. Considera também informações e experiências por ele acumuladas como pesquisador do Centro Regional de Pesquisas Educacionais (CRPE de São Paulo (a partir de 1957 e como professor da disciplina Sociologia da Educação, após a criação da Faculdade de Educação no âmbito da reforma universitária de 1970. Situa a importância da visão de conjunto dos problemas colocados à disciplina no livro Sociologia educacional, concluído em 1940 por Fernando de Azevedo, e encontra em Florestan Fernandes e, especialmente, em Antonio Candido os pontos de partida para a investigação sistemática da educação sob uma perspectiva sociológica. Nesse sentido, o autor apresenta os primeiros trabalhos de Luiz Pereira, hoje clássicos na disciplina, como admiravelmente embasados nas orientações então encontradas em seus mestres Antonio Candido e Florestan Fernandes. Em seguida, examina a crescente ampliação do número de pesquisadores e das bases institucionais de promoção da pesquisa em sociologia da educação, ampliação esta que sugere amplo elenco de questões sobre a situação atual da investigação sociológica no campo da educação.The article draws from the author’s experience as an undergraduate and later as a graduate student of the course on Social Sciences at the old Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of São Paulo (FFCL-USP. It also incorporates information and experiences accumulated as a researcher at the Regional Center for Education Research (CRPE in São Paulo (from 1957 onwards and as a professor in the discipline of Sociology of Education after the establishment of the Faculty of Education within the scope of the 1970 university reform. It situates the importance of the group

  4. Ultra-low thermal expansion realized in giant negative thermal expansion materials through self-compensation


    Fei-Ran Shen; Hao Kuang; Feng-Xia Hu; Hui Wu; Qing-Zhen Huang; Fei-Xiang Liang; Kai-Ming Qiao; Jia Li; Jing Wang; Yao Liu; Lei Zhang; Min He; Ying Zhang; Wen-Liang Zuo; Ji-Rong Sun


    Materials with zero thermal expansion (ZTE) or precisely tailored thermal expansion are in urgent demand of modern industries. However, the overwhelming majority of materials show positive thermal expansion. To develop ZTE or negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials as compensators has become an important challenge. Here, we present the evidence for the realization of ultra-low thermal expansion in Mn–Co–Ge–In particles. The bulk with the Ni2In-type hexagonal structure undergoes giant NTE o...

  5. Thermal expansion of granite rocks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stephansson, O.


    The thermal expansion of rocks is strongly controlled by the thermal expansion of the minerals. The theoretical thermal expansion of the Stripa Granite is gound to be 21 . 10 -6 [deg C] -1 at 25 deg C and 38 . 10 -6 [deg C] -1 at 400 deg C. The difference in expansion for the rock forming minerals causes micro cracking at heating. The expansion due to micro cracks is found to be of the same order as the mineral expansion. Most of the micro cracks will close at pressures of the order of 10 - 20 MPa. The thermal expansion of a rock mass including the effect of joints is determined in the pilot heater test in the Stripa Mine

  6. Resonant state expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lind, P.


    The completeness properties of the discrete set of bound state, virtual states and resonances characterizing the system of a single nonrelativistic particle moving in a central cutoff potential is investigated. From a completeness relation in terms of these discrete states and complex scattering states one can derive several Resonant State Expansions (RSE). It is interesting to obtain purely discrete expansion which, if valid, would significantly simplify the treatment of the continuum. Such expansions can be derived using Mittag-Leffler (ML) theory for a cutoff potential and it would be nice to see if one can obtain the same expansions starting from an eigenfunction theory that is not restricted to a finite sphere. The RSE of Greens functions is especially important, e.g. in the continuum RPA (CRPA) method of treating giant resonances in nuclear physics. The convergence of RSE is studied in simple cases using square well wavefunctions in order to achieve high numerical accuracy. Several expansions can be derived from each other by using the theory of analytic functions and one can the see how to obtain a natural discretization of the continuum. Since the resonance wavefunctions are oscillating with an exponentially increasing amplitude, and therefore have to be interpreted through some regularization procedure, every statement made about quantities involving such states is checked by numerical calculations.Realistic nuclear wavefunctions, generated by a Wood-Saxon potential, are used to test also the usefulness of RSE in a realistic nuclear calculation. There are some fundamental differences between different symmetries of the integral contour that defines the continuum in RSE. One kind of symmetry is necessary to have an expansion of the unity operator that is idempotent. Another symmetry must be used if we want purely discrete expansions. These are found to be of the same form as given by ML. (29 refs.)

  7. Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion Metamaterials. (United States)

    Wu, Lingling; Li, Bo; Zhou, Ji


    Negative thermal expansion materials are important and desirable in science and engineering applications. However, natural materials with isotropic negative thermal expansion are rare and usually unsatisfied in performance. Here, we propose a novel method to achieve two- and three-dimensional negative thermal expansion metamaterials via antichiral structures. The two-dimensional metamaterial is constructed with unit cells that combine bimaterial strips and antichiral structures, while the three-dimensional metamaterial is fabricated by a multimaterial 3D printing process. Both experimental and simulation results display isotropic negative thermal expansion property of the samples. The effective coefficient of negative thermal expansion of the proposed models is demonstrated to be dependent on the difference between the thermal expansion coefficient of the component materials, as well as on the circular node radius and the ligament length in the antichiral structures. The measured value of the linear negative thermal expansion coefficient of the three-dimensional sample is among the largest achieved in experiments to date. Our findings provide an easy and practical approach to obtaining materials with tunable negative thermal expansion on any scale.

  8. Ultrasound-guided intrapleural positioning of pleural catheters: influence on immediate lung expansion and pleurodesis in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. (United States)

    Araujo, Pedro Henrique Xavier Nabuco de; Terra, Ricardo Mingarini; Santos, Thiago da Silva; Chate, Rodrigo Caruso; Paiva, Antonio Fernando Lins de; Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel


    To evaluate the role of intrapleural positioning of a pleural catheter in early lung expansion and pleurodesis success in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE). This was a retrospective study nested into a larger prospective cohort study including patients with RMPE recruited from a tertiary university teaching hospital between June of 2009 and September of 2014. The patients underwent pleural catheter insertion followed by bedside pleurodesis. Chest CT scans were performed twice: immediately before pleurodesis (iCT) and 30 days after pleurodesis (CT30). Catheter positioning was categorized based on iCT scans as posterolateral, anterior, fissural, and subpulmonary. We used the pleural volume on iCT scans to estimate early lung expansion and the difference between the pleural volumes on CT30 and iCT scans to evaluate radiological success of pleurodesis. Clinical pleurodesis success was defined as no need for any other pleural procedure. Of the 131 eligible patients from the original study, 85 were included in this nested study (64 women; mean age: 60.74 years). Catheter tip positioning was subpulmonary in 35 patients (41%), anterior in 23 (27%), posterolateral in 17 (20%), and fissural in 10 (12%). No significant differences were found among the groups regarding early lung expansion (median residual pleural cavity = 377 mL; interquartile range: 171-722 mL; p = 0.645), radiological success of pleurodesis (median volume = 33 mL; interquartile range: -225 to 257 mL; p = 0.923), and clinical success of pleurodesis (85.8%; p = 0.676). Our results suggest that the position of the tip of the pleural catheter influences neither early lung expansion nor bedside pleurodesis success in patients with RMPE. Avaliar o papel do posicionamento intrapleural do cateter pleural na expansão pulmonar precoce e no sucesso da pleurodese em pacientes com derrame pleural maligno recorrente (DPMR). Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo aninhado em um estudo prospectivo de

  9. Does query expansion limit our learning? A comparison of social-based expansion to content-based expansion for medical queries on the internet. (United States)

    Pentoney, Christopher; Harwell, Jeff; Leroy, Gondy


    Searching for medical information online is a common activity. While it has been shown that forming good queries is difficult, Google's query suggestion tool, a type of query expansion, aims to facilitate query formation. However, it is unknown how this expansion, which is based on what others searched for, affects the information gathering of the online community. To measure the impact of social-based query expansion, this study compared it with content-based expansion, i.e., what is really in the text. We used 138,906 medical queries from the AOL User Session Collection and expanded them using Google's Autocomplete method (social-based) and the content of the Google Web Corpus (content-based). We evaluated the specificity and ambiguity of the expansion terms for trigram queries. We also looked at the impact on the actual results using domain diversity and expansion edit distance. Results showed that the social-based method provided more precise expansion terms as well as terms that were less ambiguous. Expanded queries do not differ significantly in diversity when expanded using the social-based method (6.72 different domains returned in the first ten results, on average) vs. content-based method (6.73 different domains, on average).

  10. Planning of the energy generation system expansion taking into account transmission lines; Planejamento da expansao do sistema de geracao considerando redes de transmissao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucio, Joao Carlos Martins


    This work presents the proposal of a methodology which, by exploring the interaction between generation and transmission systems expansion studies, aims for an Integrated Planning of Power Systems. It intends to emphasize the Integrated Planning importance so as to improve the utilization of the available resources in the electric sector and to reduce the expansion and operational costs. The work describes a procedure to consider explicitly the network for the determination of a generation system construction schedule. It considers that the transmission lines construction costs have a significant weight so that it can modify the initial generation expansion plan with the anticipation of some investments and the postponement of others, decreasing the global expansion costs. The generation and transmission systems expansion is made in an optimal way using a Graph Search Algorithm. Finally the best Integrated Plan is obtained from a final algorithm that generates a sequence of integrated plans from combination of generation and transmission algorithms. These plans are compared from a global cost point of view until a convergence criterion has been satisfied. (author) 18 refs., 5 figs., 28 tabs.

  11. Planning of the energy generation system expansion taking into account transmission lines; Planejamento da expansao do sistema de geracao considerando redes de transmissao

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucio, Joao Carlos Martins


    This work presents the proposal of a methodology which, by exploring the interaction between generation and transmission systems expansion studies, aims for an Integrated Planning of Power Systems. It intends to emphasize the Integrated Planning importance so as to improve the utilization of the available resources in the electric sector and to reduce the expansion and operational costs. The work describes a procedure to consider explicitly the network for the determination of a generation system construction schedule. It considers that the transmission lines construction costs have a significant weight so that it can modify the initial generation expansion plan with the anticipation of some investments and the postponement of others, decreasing the global expansion costs. The generation and transmission systems expansion is made in an optimal way using a Graph Search Algorithm. Finally the best Integrated Plan is obtained from a final algorithm that generates a sequence of integrated plans from combination of generation and transmission algorithms. These plans are compared from a global cost point of view until a convergence criterion has been satisfied. (author) 18 refs., 5 figs., 28 tabs.

  12. Esquistossomose: reprodução e expansão da endemia no Estado de Pernambuco no Brasil Schistosomiasis: reproduction and expansion of the endemic region in Brazil

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    Constança Simões Barbosa


    Full Text Available A esquistossomose continua a ser um problema de saúde pública no Nordeste do Brasil embora o emprego, em larga escala, da quimioterapia venha sendo apontado como um dos fatores responsáveis pela redução das formas graves. O Estado de Pernambuco vem apresentando taxas crescentes de infecção humana para esquistossomose com perfil epidemiológico de prevalências crônicas (até 80% na região rural e casos recentes de infecção aguda no litoral. Discute-se a reprodução e expansão da esquistossomose a partir de uma concepção estrutural e histórica de causas, onde se inserem fatores não só de ordem biológica mas também sociais, políticos e culturais que vêm contribuindo para a formação dos quadros endêmicos: a forma de ocupação e do uso da terra, desemprego, desnutrição, migração e outros. Questionam-se as crescentes dificuldades para o controle da doença e o papel da investigação epidemiológica na compreensão da essência social do processo saúde/doença.Schistosomiasis mansoni can be considered an important public health problem in Northeastern Brazil, in spite of the reduction in the prevalence of the hepatosplenic clinical forms which have been attributed to the large scale use of chemotherapy in this country. However, the rise in the prevalence rates and the spread of this endemic disease to new areas show that schistosomiasis is assuming its must cruel expression: less lethal but more greatly incapacitating in terms of irreversible physical and moral damage to human beings. The state of Pernambuco presents growing rates for schistosomiasis infection in humans. The epidemiological profile of this disease displays high and consistent prevalence rates (up to 80% in rural areas, and new cases of acute infection on the coast, where schistosomiasis has recently been introduced. The reproduction and expansion of this endemic disease can be better understood on the basic of a conception of structural and historical

  13. Emigração e desenvolvimento da previdência social em Portugal Emigration and the development of social welfare in Portugal

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    Victor Pereira


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a política social do final dos anos 60 e inícios dos anos 70. Demonstra que o alargamento da previdência social corresponde a uma tentativa de ajustamento do governo face à emigração que se iniciou no fim da década de 50. Este alargamento resultou também da acção no seio do Estado de uma corrente de altos funcionários inspirados pela doutrina social da Igreja renovada pelo Vaticano II, da inserção de alguns agentes administrativos nas comunidades epistémicas internacionais ligadas às políticas sociais e de uma tentativa de legitimação do poder de Marcelo Caetano.This article analyses social policy in the 1960s and early 1970s. It shows that the expansion of the social welfare system was an attempt by the government to adapt to the emigration which began in the late 1950s. Other factors behind the expansion of the system were measures taken within the government by a group of senior officials who were inspired by the new life given to the Church's social doctrines arising from Vatican II, the membership of some administrative officials in international communities of experts on social policy, and the attempt to legitimize the Marcelo Caetano regime.

  14. Demofobia ipanemense: O medo da copacabanização

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    Fernanda Huguenin


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute algumas representações sociais de moradores de Ipanema acerca da chegada do metrô ao bairro carioca. A partir de entrevistas e da etnografia de duas situações, analiso a perspectiva nativa quanto à expansão da malha metroviária da cidade e suas possíveis implicações na caracterização do cosmopolitismo e da sofisticação associados a Ipanema. O comportamento reativo à popularização é evidenciado como postura demofóbica à chegada do Outro. Pretende-se refletir sobre diferentes significados do direito à cidade, sobretudo quanto ao uso e ao pertencimento ao bairro, tendo em vista conflitos decorrentes da mudança no transporte coletivo em curso. The article Ipanemense’s Demophobia: The Fear of ‘Copacabanization’ discusses some social representations of local residents of Ipanema, or Ipanemenses, regarding the metro underground rail system being extended to the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood. Based on interviews and an ethnographic study of two situations, I analyze the natives’ points of view on the expansion of the city’s metro and its potential implications for the cosmopolitan and upmarket characteristics associated with Ipanema. A reactive attitude is demonstrated as a demophobic posture against the arrival of the Other. The study aims to reflect on different meanings attributed to the right to the city, bearing in mind the conflicts resulting from ongoing changes in public transport. Key words: Ipanema, social representations, belonging,demophobia, right to the city.

  15. Determinação de ferro (III em produtos farmacêuticos por titulação fotométrica = Determination of iron (III in pharmaceutical products by photometric titration

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    Airton Vicente Pereira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve a montagem de um sistema de titulacao fotometrica simples e de baixo custo para a determinacao de ferro (III em produtos farmaceuticos. O sistema de titulacao fotometrica foi construido utilizando-se a bomba peristaltica de um espectrofotometro convencional. O procedimento e baseado na titulacao de ferro (III com EDTA e acido salicilico como indicador. A absorcao do complexo ferro (III-acido salicilico foi monitorada espectrofotometricamente em 525 nm. O limite de quantificacao foi de 5 ƒÝg de ferro (III. O procedimento de titulacao fotometrica foi aplicado para a determinacao de ferro (III em amostras contendo sulfato ferroso e hidroxido ferrico polimaltosado. O procedimento mostrou sensibilidade, reprodutibilidade e precisao para a utilizacao em analise rotineira de ferro (III em produtos farmaceuticos.This paper describes a simple, precise and low-cost photometrictitration method for iron (III determination in pharmaceutical preparations. The photometric titration system was constructed using the peristaltic pump of a conventional spectrophotometer. The method is based on titration of iron (III with EDTA using salicylic acid as indicator. The absorption of the iron (III-salicylic acid complex wasmonitored spectrophotometrically at 525 nm. The limit of quantification was 5 ƒÝg of iron (III. The photometric titration procedure was applied for the determination of iron (III in samples of ferrous sulfate and ferric hydroxide polymaltose complex. The procedure showed sensibility, reproducibility and accuracy for use as a method for the routine analysis of iron (III in pharmaceutical formulations.

  16. Energy expansion planning by considering electrical and thermal expansion simultaneously

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbasi, Ali Reza; Seifi, Ali Reza


    Highlights: • This paper focused on the expansion planning optimization of energy systems. • Employing two form of energy: the expansion of electrical and thermal energies. • The main objective is to minimize the costs. • A new Modified Honey Bee Mating Optimization (MHBMO) algorithm is applied. - Abstract: This study focused on the expansion planning optimization of energy systems employing two forms of energy: the expansion of electrical and thermal energies simultaneously. The main objective of this investigation is confirming network adequacy by adding new equipment to the network, over a given planning horizon. The main objective of the energy expansion planning (EEP) is to minimize the real energy loss, voltage deviation and the total cost of installation equipments. Since the objectives are different and incommensurable, it is difficult to solve the problem by the conventional approaches that may optimize a single objective. So, the meta-heuristic algorithm is applied to this problem. Here, Honey Bee Mating Optimization algorithm (HBMO) as a new evolutionary optimization algorithm is utilized. In order to improve the total ability of HBMO for the global search and exploration, a new modification process is suggested such a way that the algorithm will search the total search space globally. Also, regarding the uncertainties of the new complicated energy systems, in this paper for the first time, the EEP problem is investigated in a stochastic environment by the use of probabilistic load flow technique based on Point Estimate Method (PEM). In order to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, two modified test systems are used as case studies

  17. Expansion joints for LMFBR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzenus, M.; Hundhausen, W.; Jansing, W.


    This discourse recounts efforts put into the SNR-2 project; specifically the development of compensation devices. The various prototypes of these compensation devices are described and the state of the development reviewed. Large Na (sodium)-heat transfer systems require a lot of valuable space if the component lay-out does not include compensation devices. So, in order to condense the spatial requirement as much as possible, expansion joints must be integrated into the pipe system. There are two basic types to suit the purpose: axial expansion joints and angular expansion joints. The expansion joints were developed on the basis of specific design criteria whereby differentiation is made between expansion joints of small and large nominal diameter. Expansion joints for installation in the sodium-filled primary piping are equipped with safety bellows in addition to the actual working bellows. Expansion joints must be designed and mounted in a manner to completely withstand seismic forces. The design must exclude any damage to the bellows during intermittent operations, that is, when sodium is drained the bellows' folds must be completely empty; otherwise residual solidified sodium could destroy the bellows when restarting. The expansion joints must be engineered on the basis of the following design data for the secondary system of the SNR project: working pressure: 16 bar; failure mode pressure: 5 events; failure mode: 5 sec., 28.5 bar, 520 deg. C; working temperature: 520 deg. C; temperature transients: 30 deg. C/sec.; service life: 200,000 h; number of load cycles: 10 4 ; material: 1.4948 or 1.4919; layer thickness of folds: 0.5 mm; angular deflection (DN 800): +3 deg. C or; axial expansion absorption (DN 600): ±80 mm; calculation: ASME class. The bellows' development work is not handled within this scope. The bellows are supplied by leading manufacturers, and warrant highest quality. Multiple bellows were selected on the basis of maximum elasticity - a property

  18. Expansion joints for LMFBR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dzenus, M.; Hundhausen, W.; Jansing, W.


    This discourse recounts efforts put into the SNR-2 project; specifically the development of compensation devices. The various prototypes of these compensation devices are described and the state of development reviewed. The expansion joints were developed on the basis of specific design criteria whereby differentiation is made between expansion joints of small and large nominal diameter. Expansion joints for installation in the sodium-filled primary piping are equipped with safety bellows in addition to the actual working bellows.

  19. Expansions for Coulomb wave functions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boersma, J.


    In this paper we derive a number of expansions for Whittaker functions, regular and irregular Coulomb wave functions. The main result consists of a new expansion for the irregular Coulomb wave functions of orders zero and one in terms of regular Coulomb wave functions. The latter expansions are

  20. Metodologia de pesquisa da história da arte para o estudo de obras de Salões de Arte da década de 1960

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    Nelyane Gonçalves Santos


    Full Text Available Na tendência de estudos acerca dos salões na história da arte no Brasil é necessário o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia pautada na análise das obras que compuseram esses eventos. A constituição dos circuitos artísticos a partir da efervescência que os salões geravam entre artistas, críticos e público, nos chama a atenção sobre a necessidade de ampliarmos a compreensão das propostas artísticas vistas a partir da materialidade e visualidade das obras. Isto porque, o estabelecimento de marcos definidores de uma arte brasileira na transição do moderno ao contemporâneo, afastou os discursos históricos das obras e os aproximou da interpretação de fontes documentais, forçosamente associadas aos movimentos de arte em esfera internacional. Assim, a proposta metodológica que aqui se apresenta, coloca o desafio da interpretação das obras a partir de seus próprios vestígios e sentidos, sem desconsiderar a ampliação da pesquisa por meio de fontes documentais que esclareçam, mas não “profetizem” uma revelação de significado para a arte no Brasil da década de 1960. ABSTRACT The trend of studies on the salons in Brazil's art history is necessary to develop a guided methodology in the analysis of the works that made up those events. The constitution of the artistic circuit from the effervescence that the halls generated among artists, critics and the public draws our attention on the need to broaden the understanding of artistic proposals views from the visual and materiality of the works. This is because the establishment of the defining landmarks of Brazilian art in the transition from modern to contemporary, away from the historical discourse of the works and approached the interpretation of documentary sources, necessarily associated with art movements in the international sphere. Thus, the methodological proposal presented here, puts the challenge of interpretation of works from its own traces and directions

  1. Marketing plan of the enterprise "Domótica DaVinci"


    Ugarte Longás, Ana


    ¿Can you imagine living in an apartment or house that improves your quality of life? The company Domótica DaVinci is recognized by its experience offering home automation products and services assuring comfort at home and at work. It is recognized for its projects, products and services in terms of quality, innovation, sustainability and adaptation to the needs of today's society. One of the great advantages they have is their international expansion. After doing a good analysis of the com...

  2. Conformal expansions and renormalons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathsman, J.


    The coefficients in perturbative expansions in gauge theories are factorially increasing, predominantly due to renormalons. This type of factorial increase is not expected in conformal theories. In QCD conformal relations between observables can be defined in the presence of a perturbative infrared fixed-point. Using the Banks-Zaks expansion the authors study the effect of the large-order behavior of the perturbative series on the conformal coefficients. The authors find that in general these coefficients become factorially increasing. However, when the factorial behavior genuinely originates in a renormalon integral, as implied by a postulated skeleton expansion, it does not affect the conformal coefficients. As a consequence, the conformal coefficients will indeed be free of renormalon divergence, in accordance with previous observations concerning the smallness of these coefficients for specific observables. The authors further show that the correspondence of the BLM method with the skeleton expansion implies a unique scale-setting procedure. The BLM coefficients can be interpreted as the conformal coefficients in the series relating the fixed-point value of the observable with that of the skeleton effective charge. Through the skeleton expansion the relevance of renormalon-free conformal coefficients extends to real-world QCD.

  3. Bearing-Mounting Concept Accommodates Thermal Expansion (United States)

    Nespodzany, Robert; Davis, Toren S.


    Pins or splines allow radial expansion without slippage. Design concept for mounting rotary bearing accommodates differential thermal expansion between bearing and any structure(s) to which bearing connected. Prevents buildup of thermal stresses by allowing thermal expansion to occur freely but accommodating expansion in such way not to introduce looseness. Pin-in-slot configuration also maintains concentricity.

  4. Vacuum solutions admitting a geodesic null congruence with shear proportional to expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kupeli, A.H.


    Algebraically general, nontwisting solutions for the vacuum to vacuum generalized Kerr--Schild (GKS) transformation are obtained. These solutions admit a geodesic null congruence with shear proportional to expansion. In the Newman--Penrose formalism, if l/sup μ/ is chosen to be the null vector of the GKS transformation, this property is stated as σ = arho and Da = 0. It is assumed that a is a constant, and the background is chosen as a pp-wave solution. For generic values of a, the GKS metrics consist of the Kasner solutions. For a = +- (1 +- (2)/sup 1/2/), there are solutions with less symmetries including special cases of the Kota--Perjes and Lukacs solutions

  5. δ expansion applied to quantum electrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bender, C.M.; Boettcher, S.; Milton, K.A.


    A recently proposed technique known as the δ expansion provides a nonperturbative treatment of a quantum field theory. The δ-expansion approach can be applied to electrodynamics in such a way that local gauge invariance is preserved. In this paper it is shown that for electrodynamic processes involving only external photon lines and no external electron lines the δ expansion is equivalent to a fermion loop expansion. That is, the coefficient of δ n in the δ expansion is precisely the sum of all n-electron-loop Feynman diagrams in a conventional weak-coupling approximation. This equivalence does not extend to processes having external electron lines. When external electron lines are present, the δ expansion is truly nonperturbative and does not have a simple interpretation as a resummation of conventional Feynman diagrams. To illustrate the nonperturbative character of the δ expansion we perform a speculative calculation of the fermion condensate in the massive Schwinger model in the limit of large coupling constant

  6. Accelerating the loop expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ingermanson, R.


    This thesis introduces a new non-perturbative technique into quantum field theory. To illustrate the method, I analyze the much-studied phi 4 theory in two dimensions. As a prelude, I first show that the Hartree approximation is easy to obtain from the calculation of the one-loop effective potential by a simple modification of the propagator that does not affect the perturbative renormalization procedure. A further modification then susggests itself, which has the same nice property, and which automatically yields a convex effective potential. I then show that both of these modifications extend naturally to higher orders in the derivative expansion of the effective action and to higher orders in the loop-expansion. The net effect is to re-sum the perturbation series for the effective action as a systematic ''accelerated'' non-perturbative expansion. Each term in the accelerated expansion corresponds to an infinite number of terms in the original series. Each term can be computed explicitly, albeit numerically. Many numerical graphs of the various approximations to the first two terms in the derivative expansion are given. I discuss the reliability of the results and the problem of spontaneous symmetry-breaking, as well as some potential applications to more interesting field theories. 40 refs

  7. Thermal expansion data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, D.


    This paper gives regression data for a modified second order polynomial fitted to the expansion data of, and percentage expansions for dioxides with (a) the fluorite and antifluorite structure: AmO 2 , BkO 2 , CeO 2 , CmO 2 , HfO 2 , Li 2 O, NpO 2 , PrO 2 , PuO 2 , ThO 2 , UO 2 , ZrO 2 , and (b) the rutile structure: CrO 2 , GeO 2 , IrO 2 , MnO 2 , NbO 2 , PbO 2 , SiO 2 , SnO 2 , TeO 2 , TiO 2 and VO 2 . Reduced expansion curves for the dioxides showed only partial grouping into iso-electronic series for the fluorite structures and showed that the 'law of corresponding states' did not apply to the rutile structures. (author)

  8. Thermal expansion of beryllium oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solodukhin, A.V.; Kruzhalov, A.V.; Mazurenko, V.G.; Maslov, V.A.; Medvedev, V.A.; Polupanova, T.I.


    Precise measurements of temperature dependence of the coefficient of linear expansion in the 22-320 K temperature range on beryllium oxide monocrystals are conducted. A model of thermal expansion is suggested; the range of temperature dependence minimum of the coefficient of thermal expansion is well described within the frames of this model. The results of the experiment may be used for investigation of thermal stresses in crystals

  9. Novel materials based on chitosan, its derivatives and cellulose fibres (United States)

    Fernandes, Susana Cristina de Matos

    O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais baseados em quitosano, seus derivados e celulose, na forma de nanofibras ou de papel. Em primeiro lugar procedeu-se a purificacao das amostras comerciais de quitosano e a sua caracterizacao exaustiva em termos morfologicos e fisicoquimicos. Devido a valores contraditorios encontrados na literatura relativamente a energia de superficie do quitosano, e tendo em conta a sua utilizacao como precursor de modificacoes quimicas e a sua aplicacao em misturas com outros materiais, realizou-se tambem um estudo sistematico da determinacao da energia de superficie do quitosano, da quitina e seus respectivos homologos monomericos, por medicao de ângulos de contacto Em todas as amostras comerciais destes polimeros identificaram-se impurezas nao polares que estao associadas a erros na determinacao da componente polar da energia de superficie. Apos a remocao destas impurezas, o valor da energia total de superficie (gs), e em particular da sua componente polar, aumentou consideravelmente. Depois de purificadas e caracterizadas, algumas das amostras de quitosano foram entao usadas na preparacao de filmes nanocompositos, nomeadamente dois quitosanos com diferentes graus de polimerizacao, correspondentes derivados soluveis em agua (cloreto de N-(3-(N,N,N-trimetilamonio)-2- hidroxipropilo) de quitosano) e nanofibras de celulose como reforco (celulose nanofibrilada (NFC) e celulose bacteriana (BC). Estes filmes transparentes foram preparados atraves de um processo simples e com conotacao 'verde' pela dispersao homogenea de diferentes teores de NFC (ate 60%) e BC (ate 40%) nas solucoes de quitosano (1.5% w/v) seguida da evaporacao do solvente. Os filmes obtidos foram depois caracterizados por diversas tecnicas, tais como SEM, AFM, difraccao de raio-X, TGA, DMA, ensaios de traccao e espectroscopia no visivel. Estes filmes sao altamente transparentes e apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e maior

  10. Avaliação cefalométrica das alterações verticais e anteroposteriores associadas ao uso do expansor maxilar com cobertura oclusal Cephalometric evaluation of vertical and anteroposterior changes associated with the use of bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moara De Rossi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: os aparelhos expansores maxilares com cobertura oclusal têm sido sugeridos para controlar o aumento na dimensão vertical da face após a expansão rápida da maxila, porém ainda não há um consenso na literatura sobre seus reais efeitos. OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações cefalométricas verticais e anteroposteriores associadas à expansão da maxila realizada com o aparelho expansor com cobertura oclusal. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi composta por 25 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 6 e 10 anos, portadoras de mordida cruzada posterior esquelética. Após a expansão maxilar, o próprio aparelho expansor foi utilizado como contenção fixa. Foram analisadas telerradiografias em norma lateral tomadas antes do início do tratamento e após a remoção do aparelho expansor. CONCLUSÃO: com base nos resultados, pôde-se concluir que o uso do aparelho expansor com cobertura oclusal não alterou significativamente as medidas cefalométricas verticais e anteroposteriores das crianças.INTRODUCTION: Bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliances have been suggested to control increases in the vertical dimension of the face after rapid maxillary expansion but there is still no consensus in the literature concerning its actual effectiveness. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the vertical and anteroposterior cephalometric changes associated with maxillary expansion performed using bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliances. METHODS: The sample consisted of 25 children of both genders, aged between 6 and 10 years old, with skeletal posterior crossbite. After maxillary expansion, the expansion appliance itself was used for fixed retention. Were analyzed lateral teleradiographs taken prior to treatment onset and after removal of the expansion appliance. CONCLUSION: Based on the results, it can be concluded that the use of bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance did not significantly

  11. Expansão da agricultura e sua vinculação com o processo de urbanização na Região Nordeste/Brasil (1990-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Humberto Miranda


    Full Text Available O processo de urbanização brasileiro tem se modificado nos últimos vinte anos. Os estudos em economia regional têm apontado para a forte influência da expansão da agricultura de exportação em territórios de fronteira como um dos principais determinantes da nova dinâmica urbana no período 1990-2010. Utilizam-se dados estatísticos para, primeiro, descrever a expansão da agricultura na área do bioma do cerrado na Região Nordeste do Brasil e, segundo, para analisar os possíveis efeitos que ela teve sobre o processo de urbanização no período. A análise dos efeitos sobre a urbanização em decorrência da expansão da agricultura é consequência do crescimento do plantio da soja para exportação nas áreas adjacentes dos Estados da Bahia (oeste baiano, Maranhão (sul maranhense e Piauí (sudoeste piauiense. Conclui-se que o padrão de urbanização na Região Nordeste caracteriza-se por uma dinâmica urbana periférica devido ao aprofundamento das heterogeneidades socioespacias em anos recentes.The process of Brazilian urbanization has changed in the last twenty years. Studies in the regional economy have pointed to the strong influence of the expansion of export agriculture in areas of the border as a major determinant of the new urban dynamics in the period 1990-2008. Statistics are used to describe the expansion of agriculture in the area of Savannah in northeastern Brazil, and to examine the possible effects it had on the process of urbanization in the period. The analysis of the effects of urbanization due to the expansion of agriculture is a consequence of growth for soybean exports to adjacent areas of the provinces of Bahia (western Bahia, Maranhão (south Maranhão and Piauí (southern Piauí. We conclude that the pattern of urbanization in the Northeast is characterized by a dynamic urban peripheral consequence of deepening social and spatial heterogeneity in recent years.

  12. Convergence of mayer expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brydges, D.C.


    The tree graph bound of Battle and Federbush is extended and used to provide a simple criterion for the convergence of (iterated) Mayer expansions. As an application estimates on the radius of convergence of the Mayer expansion for the two-dimensional Yukawa gas (nonstable interaction) are obtained

  13. $\\delta$-Expansion at Finite Temperature


    Ramos, Rudnei O.


    We apply the $\\delta$-expansion perturbation scheme to the $\\lambda \\phi^{4}$ self-interacting scalar field theory in 3+1 D at finite temperature. In the $\\delta$-expansion the interaction term is written as $\\lambda (\\phi^{2})^{ 1 + \\delta}$ and $\\delta$ is considered as the perturbation parameter. We compute within this perturbative approach the renormalized mass at finite temperature at a finite order in $\\delta$. The results are compared with the usual loop-expansion at finite temperature.

  14. Electrical Resistance Alloys and Low-Expansion Alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjer, Torben


    The article gives an overview of electrical resistance alloys and alloys with low thermal expansion. The electrical resistance alloys comprise resistance alloys, heating alloys and thermostat alloys. The low expansion alloys comprise alloys with very low expansion coefficients, alloys with very low...... thermoelastic coefficients and age hardenable low expansion alloys....

  15. Disjoint sum expansion method in FTA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruan Keqiang


    An expansion formula for transforming boolean algebraic expressions into disjoint form was proved. Based on this expansion formula, a method for transforming system failure function into disjoint form was devised. The fact that the expansion can be done for several elements simulatneously makes the method flexible and fast. Some examples from fault tree analysis (FTA) and network analysis were examined by the new method to show its algorithm and its merit. Besides, by means of the proved expansion formula some boolean algebraic relations can proved very easily

  16. Maxwell superalgebras and Abelian semigroup expansion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P.K. Concha


    Full Text Available The Abelian semigroup expansion is a powerful and simple method to derive new Lie algebras from a given one. Recently it was shown that the S-expansion of so(3,2 leads us to the Maxwell algebra M. In this paper we extend this result to superalgebras, by proving that different choices of abelian semigroups S lead to interesting D=4 Maxwell Superalgebras. In particular, the minimal Maxwell superalgebra sM and the N-extended Maxwell superalgebra sM(N recently found by the Maurer–Cartan expansion procedure, are derived alternatively as an S-expansion of osp(4|N. Moreover, we show that new minimal Maxwell superalgebras type sMm+2 and their N-extended generalization can be obtained using the S-expansion procedure.

  17. Maxwell superalgebras and Abelian semigroup expansion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Concha, P.K.; Rodríguez, E.K. [Departamento de Física, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción (Chile); Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (DISAT), Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (Italy); Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria, 1, 10125 Torino (Italy)


    The Abelian semigroup expansion is a powerful and simple method to derive new Lie algebras from a given one. Recently it was shown that the S-expansion of so(3,2) leads us to the Maxwell algebra M. In this paper we extend this result to superalgebras, by proving that different choices of abelian semigroups S lead to interesting D=4 Maxwell Superalgebras. In particular, the minimal Maxwell superalgebra sM and the N-extended Maxwell superalgebra sM{sup (N)} recently found by the Maurer–Cartan expansion procedure, are derived alternatively as an S-expansion of osp(4|N). Moreover, we show that new minimal Maxwell superalgebras type sM{sub m+2} and their N-extended generalization can be obtained using the S-expansion procedure.

  18. Ex Vivo Expansion of Functional Human UCB-HSCs/HPCs by Coculture with AFT024-hkirre Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muti ur Rehman Khan


    Full Text Available Kiaa1867 (human Kirre, hKirre has a critical role in brain development and/or maintenance of the glomerular slit diaphragm in kidneys. Murine homolog of this gene, mKirre expressed in OP9 and AFT024 cells could support hematopoietic stem cells/hematopoietic progenitor cells (HSC/HPC expansion in vitro. HKirre is also expressed in human FBMOB-hTERT cell line and fetal liver fibroblast-like cells but its function has remained unclear. In this paper, we cloned a hKirre gene from human fetal liver fibroblast-like cells and established a stably overexpressing hKirre-AFT024 cell line. Resultant cells could promote self-renewal and ex vivo expansion of HSCs/HPCs significantly higher than AFT024-control cells transformed with mock plasmid. The Expanded human umbilical cord blood (hUCB CD34+ cells retained the capacity of multipotent differentiation as long as 8 weeks and successfully repopulated the bone marrow of sublethally irradiated NOD/SCID mice, which demonstrated the expansion of long-term primitive transplantable HSCs/HPCs. Importantly, hkirre could upregulate the expressions of Wnt-5A, BMP4, and SDF-1 and downregulate TGF-β with other hematopoietic growth factors. By SDS-PAGE and Western Blot analysis, a ~89 kDa protein in total lysate of AFT024-hKirre was identified. Supernatants from AFT024-hkirre could also support CD34+CD38− cells expansion. These results demonstrated that the AFT024-hKirre cells have the ability to efficiently expand HSCs/HPCs.

  19. Uniform gradient expansions

    CERN Document Server

    Giovannini, Massimo


    Cosmological singularities are often discussed by means of a gradient expansion that can also describe, during a quasi-de Sitter phase, the progressive suppression of curvature inhomogeneities. While the inflationary event horizon is being formed the two mentioned regimes coexist and a uniform expansion can be conceived and applied to the evolution of spatial gradients across the protoinflationary boundary. It is argued that conventional arguments addressing the preinflationary initial conditions are necessary but generally not sufficient to guarantee a homogeneous onset of the conventional inflationary stage.

  20. Thin foil expansion into a vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mora, P.


    Plasma expansion into a vacuum is an old problem which has been renewed recently in various contexts: expansion of ultra-cold plasmas, cluster expansion, of dust grains, expansion of thin foils. In this presentation I will first discuss the physics of the expansion of a thin foil irradiated by an ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulse. The expansion results in the formation of high energy ions. For an infinitely steep plasma-vacuum interface the fastest ions are located in the outer part of the expansion and their velocity is given by ν m ax∼ 2 C s (In ω p it) where c s (Zk B T e /m i )''1/2 is the ion-acoustic velocity ω p i=(n e 0Ze''2/m i e 0 )''1/2 is the ion plasma frequency, n e 0 is the electron density in the unperturbed plasma, Z is the ion charge number. In the above expression, t is either the pulse duration or the effective acceleration time (in particular t∼L/2c s , where L is the width of the foil, when the electron cooling is taken into account). A salient characteristic of the expansion is the occurrence of a double layer structure and a peak of the accelerating electric field at the ion front. I will explain the origin of the peak and predict its temporal behavior. This peak has been diagnosed in recent experiments. I will also discuss the effect of a 2-temperatures electron distribution function on the expansion, showing the dominant role of the hot electron component. Finally I will discuss the occurrence of ion spikes in the expansion when the initial density profile is smooth. The ion spike is due to a wave breaking which cannot be handled in a satisfactory way by a fluid code and requires a kinetic description. A. simple collisionless particle code has been used to treat the evolution of the spike after the wave breaking and the results will be shown. (Author)

  1. Filosofia da análise da estabilidade da liquidez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Antônio Chaves da Silva


    Full Text Available A informação foi considerada finalidade de nosso conhecimento, até o período em os pensadores e pesquisadores da contabilidade passaram a raciocinar sobre o conteúdo e o significado dos informes. Nesta busca da razão sobre os estados patrimoniais, surgiu a análise contábil que procura por meio de relações e identidades, o significado da dinâmica expressa da estaticamente na informação. O primeiro aspecto que surgiu no objeto de análise foi o estudo da liquidez, que é um dos principais exercícios do patrimônio. A estabilidade também é outro exercício básico e imprescindível, pois este é que promove o equilíbrio do organismo administrativo. A ciência contábil após a sua dignidade científica passou a trilhar caminhos esplendorosos, amparados em doutrina que permite alcançar os píncaros filosóficos. Os estudos concernentes aos aspectos de interação da estabilidade na liquidez são, complexos e somente com os recursos filosóficos da contabilidade se pode estudá-los com o panorama holístico e sublime. A filosofia da contabilidade não é alheia às suas práticas tecnológicas, podendo buscar pontos sublimes de panoramas abrangentes, para o estudo analítico da liquidez e estabilidade, observando todas as dimensionalidades e essencialidades de acontecimentos, na comprovação e orientação dos estados de ineficácia e eficácia patrimonial.

  2. The Thermal Expansion Of Feldspars (United States)

    Hovis, G. L.; Medford, A.; Conlon, M.


    Hovis and others (1) investigated the thermal expansion of natural and synthetic AlSi3 feldspars and demonstrated that the coefficient of thermal expansion (α) decreases significantly, and linearly, with increasing room-temperature volume (VRT). In all such feldspars, therefore, chemical expansion limits thermal expansion. The scope of this work now has been broadened to include plagioclase and Ba-K feldspar crystalline solutions. X-ray powder diffraction data have been collected between room temperature and 925 °C on six plagioclase specimens ranging in composition from anorthite to oligoclase. When combined with thermal expansion data for albite (2,3,4) a steep linear trend of α as a function of VRT emerges, reflecting how small changes in composition dramatically affect expansion behavior. The thermal expansion data for five synthetic Ba-K feldspars ranging in composition from 20 to 100 mole percent celsian, combined with data for pure K-feldspar (3,4), show α-VRT relationships similar in nature to the plagioclase series, but with a slope and intercept different from the latter. Taken as a group all Al2Si2 feldspars, including anorthite and celsian from the present study along with Sr- (5) and Pb-feldspar (6) from other workers, show very limited thermal expansion that, unlike AlSi3 feldspars, has little dependence on the divalent-ion (or M-) site occupant. This apparently is due to the necessitated alternation of Al and Si in the tetrahedral sites of these minerals (7), which in turn locks the tetrahedral framework and makes the M-site occupant nearly irrelevant to expansion behavior. Indeed, in feldspar series with coupled chemical substitution it is the change away from a 1:1 Al:Si ratio that gives feldspars greater freedom to expand. Overall, the relationships among α, chemical composition, and room-temperature volume provide useful predictive tools for estimating feldspar thermal expansion and give insight into the controls of expansion behavior in

  3. Thermal expansion of L-ascorbic acid (United States)

    Nicolaï, B.; Barrio, M.; Tamarit, J.-Ll.; Céolin, R.; Rietveld, I. B.


    The specific volume of vitamin C has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction as a function of temperature from 110 K up to complete degradation around 440 K. Its thermal expansion is relatively small in comparison with other organic compounds with an expansivity α v of 1.2(3) × 10-4 K-1. The structure consists of strongly bound molecules in the ac plane through a dense network of hydrogen bonds. The thermal expansion is anisotropic. Along the b axis, the expansion has most leeway and is about 10 times larger than in the other directions.

  4. Chemical graph-theoretic cluster expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, D.J.


    A general computationally amenable chemico-graph-theoretic cluster expansion method is suggested as a paradigm for incorporation of chemical structure concepts in a systematic manner. The cluster expansion approach is presented in a formalism general enough to cover a variety of empirical, semiempirical, and even ab initio applications. Formally such approaches for the utilization of chemical structure-related concepts may be viewed as discrete analogues of Taylor series expansions. The efficacy of the chemical structure concepts then is simply bound up in the rate of convergence of the cluster expansions. In many empirical applications, e.g., boiling points, chromatographic separation coefficients, and biological activities, this rate of convergence has been observed to be quite rapid. More note will be made here of quantum chemical applications. Relations to questions concerning size extensivity of energies and size consistency of wave functions are addressed

  5. Defining chemical expansion: the choice of units for the stoichiometric expansion coefficient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marrocchelli, Dario; Chatzichristodoulou, Christodoulos; Bishop, Sean R.


    Chemical expansion refers to the spatial dilation of a material that occurs upon changes in its composition. When this dilation is caused by a gradual, iso-structural increase in the lattice parameter with composition, it is related to the composition change by the stoichiometric expansion coeffi...... are provided for changes in oxygen content in fluorite, perovskite, and Ruddlesden-Popper (K2NiF4) phase materials used in solid oxide fuel cells....

  6. Expansion planning of the electric systems in a competitive environment context; O planejamento da expansao dos sistemas eletricos no contexto de um ambiente competitivo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haffner, Sergio Luis


    An integrated dynamic expansion planning model of electric energy systems model is proposed. Such model can be used by an independent structure of planning, compatible with the current competitive environment of the electric industry. The investments in generation and transmission are obtained simultaneously, taking into account a long term planning horizon that is split in multiple stages. In the proposed model, the entity responsible for the expansion planning, the Independent Expansion Planner, divulges the indicative expansion plan and other information that will be used by the sector agents to guide its investments in that area. Three network models are used (transport, DC load flow and hybrid transport-DC) in an hierarchical algorithm that uses the Benders decomposition to solve the problem of capacity expansion, considering the investment and operation costs. The original problem is separated in a master subproblem (investment) and several slave subproblems (operation). Each stage is represented by an operation subproblem and the master subproblem is solved by an specialized branch-and-bound algorithm. The operation subproblems (LP problems) are solved through the MINOS package. Strategies to improve the performance of the described algorithm are discussed and presented. The efficiency of those strategies is shown through tests using theoretical and realistic electric systems. The developed branch-and-bound algorithm and the selection techniques employed are described in details and illustrated through examples. It is presented, also, the Independent Planner role and its relevance in the current context of the national electric industry is pointed out. (author)

  7. Edgeworth expansion for functionals of continuous diffusion processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Podolskij, Mark; Yoshida, Nakahiro

    This paper presents new results on the Edgeworth expansion for high frequency functionals of continuous diffusion processes. We derive asymptotic expansions for weighted functionals of the Brownian motion and apply them to provide the Edgeworth expansion for power variation of diffusion processes....... Our methodology relies on martingale embedding, Malliavin calculus and stable central limit theorems for semimartingales. Finally, we demonstrate the density expansion for studentized statistics of power variations.......This paper presents new results on the Edgeworth expansion for high frequency functionals of continuous diffusion processes. We derive asymptotic expansions for weighted functionals of the Brownian motion and apply them to provide the Edgeworth expansion for power variation of diffusion processes...

  8. Expansion lyre-shaped tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andro, Jean.


    The invention relates the expansion lyre-shaped tube portions formed in dudgeoned tubular bundles between two bottom plates. An expansion lyre comprises at least two sets of tubes of unequal lengths coplanar and symmetrical with respect to the main tube axis, with connecting portions between the tubes forming said sets. The invention applies to apparatus such as heat exchangers, heaters, superheaters or breeders [fr

  9. Tratamento de aneurismas da parte torácica da aorta pela introdução de "stents" sob visão endoscópica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Honório PALMA


    Full Text Available Tratamento de paciente com dois aneurismas saculares da aorta descendente, utilizando dois "stents" distintos, manufaturados sob medida tanto em comprimento quanto em diâmetro. Inseridos sob visão endoscópica com aparelho da marca "Olimpus" esterilizado com óxido de etileno, através de abertura na croça da aorta. O procedimento foi realizado por esternotomia mediana, com circulação extracorpórea, em hipotermia profunda e parada circulatória total. A manipulação endoscópica da aorta descendente, sem sangue, permitiu a identificação dos dois aneurismas, assim como a visão dos ramos principais da aorta e a inserção com expansão , na posição exata, dos dois "stents". A evolução pós- operatória foi satisfatória, sendo que este procedimento, inédito, abre uma nova perspectiva no tratamento dos aneurismas torácicos, toracoabdominais e abdominais.This is a case report of a patient with two saccular aneurysms in the thoracic descending aorta. Treatment consisted of the positioning, through an opening in the aortic arch under deep hipothermia and total circulatory arrest, of two auto expandable stents, guided an Olympus endoscope. The bloodless field made possible the identification of the main thoracic and abdominal aortic branches facilitating the positioning and expansion of both stents. Immediate postoperative recovery was excellent. This is a previously unreported way of placing stents and could open a new perspective in the treatment of thoraco, abdominal and thoracic abdominal aortic aneurysms.

  10. Conjecturas da Epistemológia Jurídica e Aspectos da Teoria da Linguagem


    Oliveira, Rita de Cássia Cartelli de; Cesumar; Motta, Ivan Dias; Cesumar


    Apresentar-se-ão reflexões em torno da epistemologia jurídica e alguns aspectos da teoria da linguagem; a necessidade de acompanhamento e aprimoramento da linguagem jurídica, para que o direito não se distancie da realidade, mantendo-se apenas como um sistema do status quo; uma breve análise de algumas teorias da ciência do direito e da linguagem; as especificidades dos termos lingüísticos para a análise da ciência do direito, pautada na contemporaneidade sob a perspectiva humanista, buscando...

  11. On the Equisummability of Hermite and Fourier Expansions

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    We prove an equisummability result for the Fourier expansions and Hermite expansions as well as special Hermite expansions. We also prove the uniform boundedness of the Bochner-Riesz means associated to the Hermite expansions for polyradial functions.

  12. Plasma expansion: fundamentals and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Engeln, R; Mazouffre, S; Vankan, P; Bakker, I; Schram, D C


    The study of plasma expansion is interesting from a fundamental point of view as well as from a more applied point of view. We here give a short overview of the way properties like density, velocity and temperature behave in an expanding thermal plasma. Experimental data show that the basic phenomena of plasma expansion are to some extent similar to those of the expansion of a hot neutral gas. From the application point of view, we present first results on the use of an expanding thermal plasma in the plasma-activated catalysis of ammonia, from N 2 -H 2 mixtures

  13. On genus expansion of superpolynomials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mironov, Andrei, E-mail: [Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow 119991 (Russian Federation); ITEP, Moscow 117218 (Russian Federation); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow 115409 (Russian Federation); Morozov, Alexei, E-mail: [ITEP, Moscow 117218 (Russian Federation); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow 115409 (Russian Federation); Sleptsov, Alexei, E-mail: [ITEP, Moscow 117218 (Russian Federation); Laboratory of Quantum Topology, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk 454001 (Russian Federation); KdVI, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands); Smirnov, Andrey, E-mail: [ITEP, Moscow 117218 (Russian Federation); Columbia University, Department of Mathematics, New York (United States)


    Recently it was shown that the (Ooguri–Vafa) generating function of HOMFLY polynomials is the Hurwitz partition function, i.e. that the dependence of the HOMFLY polynomials on representation R is naturally captured by symmetric group characters (cut-and-join eigenvalues). The genus expansion and expansion through Vassiliev invariants explicitly demonstrate this phenomenon. In the present paper we claim that the superpolynomials are not functions of such a type: symmetric group characters do not provide an adequate linear basis for their expansions. Deformation to superpolynomials is, however, straightforward in the multiplicative basis: the Casimir operators are β-deformed to Hamiltonians of the Calogero–Moser–Sutherland system. Applying this trick to the genus and Vassiliev expansions, we observe that the deformation is fully straightforward only for the thin knots. Beyond the family of thin knots additional algebraically independent terms appear in the Vassiliev and genus expansions. This can suggest that the superpolynomials do in fact contain more information about knots than the colored HOMFLY and Kauffman polynomials. However, even for the thin knots the beta-deformation is non-innocent: already in the simplest examples it seems inconsistent with the positivity of colored superpolynomials in non-(anti)symmetric representations, which also happens in I. Cherednik's (DAHA-based) approach to the torus knots.

  14. On summation of perturbation expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horzela, A.


    The problem of the restoration of physical quantities defined by divergent perturbation expansions is analysed. The Pad'e and Borel summability is proved for alternating perturbation expansions with factorially growing coefficients. The proof is based on the methods of the classical moments theory. 17 refs. (author)

  15. OPEC future capacity expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandrea, I.


    This conference presentation examined OPEC future capacity expansions including highlights from 2000-2004 from the supply perspective and actions by OPEC; OPEC spare capacity in 2005/2006; medium-term capacity expansion and investments; long-term scenarios, challenges and opportunities; and upstream policies in member countries. Highlights from the supply perspective included worst than expected non-OPEC supply response; non-OPEC supply affected by a number of accidents and strikes; geopolitical tensions; and higher than expected demand for OPEC crude. OPEC's actions included closer relationship with other producers and consumers; capacity expansions in 2004 and 2005/2006; and OPEC kept the market well supplied with crude in 2004. The presentation also provided data using graphical charts on OPEC net capacity additions until 2005/2006; OPEC production versus spare capacity from 2003 to 2005; OPEC production and capacity to 2010; and change in required OPEC production from 2005-2020. Medium term expansion to 2010 includes over 60 projects. Medium-term risks such as project execution, financing, costs, demand, reserves, depletion, integration of Iraq, and geopolitical tensions were also discussed. The presentation concluded that in the long term, large uncertainties remain; the peak of world supply is not imminent; and continued and enhanced cooperation is essential to market stability. tabs., figs

  16. On Learning Ring-Sum-Expansions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fischer, Paul; Simon, H. -U.


    The problem of learning ring-sum-expansions from examples is studied. Ring-sum-expansions (RSE) are representations of Boolean functions over the base {#123;small infinum, (+), 1}#125;, which reflect arithmetic operations in GF(2). k-RSE is the class of ring-sum-expansions containing only monomials...... of length at most k:. term-RSE is the class of ring-sum-expansions having at most I: monomials. It is shown that k-RSE, k>or=1, is learnable while k-term-RSE, k>2, is not learnable if RPnot=NP. Without using a complexity-theoretical hypothesis, it is proven that k-RSE, k>or=1, and k-term-RSE, k>or=2 cannot...... be learned from positive (negative) examples alone. However, if the restriction that the hypothesis which is output by the learning algorithm is also a k-RSE is suspended, then k-RSE is learnable from positive (negative) examples only. Moreover, it is proved that 2-term-RSE is learnable by a conjunction...

  17. The bootstrap and edgeworth expansion

    CERN Document Server

    Hall, Peter


    This monograph addresses two quite different topics, in the belief that each can shed light on the other. Firstly, it lays the foundation for a particular view of the bootstrap. Secondly, it gives an account of Edgeworth expansion. Chapter 1 is about the bootstrap, witih almost no mention of Edgeworth expansion; Chapter 2 is about Edgeworth expansion, with scarcely a word about the bootstrap; and Chapters 3 and 4 bring these two themes together, using Edgeworth expansion to explore and develop the properites of the bootstrap. The book is aimed a a graduate level audience who has some exposure to the methods of theoretical statistics. However, technical details are delayed until the last chapter (entitled "Details of Mathematical Rogour"), and so a mathematically able reader without knowledge of the rigorous theory of probability will have no trouble understanding the first four-fifths of the book. The book simultaneously fills two gaps in the literature; it provides a very readable graduate level account of t...

  18. Fuel Thermal Expansion (FTHEXP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reymann, G.A.


    A model is presented which deals with dimensional changes in LWR fuel pellets caused by changes in temperature. It is capable of dealing with any combination of UO 2 and PuO 2 in solid, liquid or mixed phase states, and includes expansion due to the solid-liquid phase change. The function FTHEXP models fuel thermal expansion as a function of temperature, fraction of PuO 2 , and the fraction of fuel which is molten

  19. Node-Expansion Operators for the UCT Algorithm (United States)

    Yajima, Takayuki; Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi; Matsui, Toshiki; Hashimoto, Junichi; Spoerer, Kristian

    Recent works on the MCTS and UCT framework in the domain of Go focused on introducing knowledge to the playout and on pruning variations from the tree, but so far node expansion has not been investigated. In this paper we show that delaying expansion according to the number of the siblings delivers a gain of more than 92% when compared to normal expansion. We propose three improvements; one that uses domain knowledge and two that are domain-independent methods. Experimental results show that all advanced operators significantly improve the UCT performance when compared to the basic delaying expansion. From the results we may conclude that the new expansion operators are an appropriate means to improve the UCT algorithm.

  20. Thermal expansion in small metallic particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, A.S.


    An anomalously low thermal expansion observable in small particles is attributed to extending effect of the shell. It is shown that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the oxide-film-coated aluminium particles calculated using elastic constants and coefficients of thermal expansion of massive materials agres well with those measured experimentally. The linear dilatation of the shell, its stress to rupture and the values of the structural tension are estimated vs the temperature

  1. [Tissular expansion in giant congenital nevi treatment]. (United States)

    Nguyen Van Nuoi, V; Francois-Fiquet, C; Diner, P; Sergent, B; Zazurca, F; Franchi, G; Buis, J; Vazquez, M-P; Picard, A; Kadlub, N


    Surgical management of giant melanotic naevi remains a surgical challenge. Tissue expansion provides tissue of the same quality for the repair of defects. The aim of this study is to review tissular expansion for giant melanotic naevi. We conducted a retrospective study from 2000 to 2012. All children patients who underwent a tissular expansion for giant congenital naevi had been included. Epidemiological data, surgical procedure, complication rate and results had been analysed. Thirty-tree patients had been included; they underwent 61 procedures with 79 tissular-expansion prosthesis. Previous surgery, mostly simple excision had been performed before tissular expansion. Complete naevus excision had been performed in 63.3% of the cases. Complications occurred in 45% of the cases, however in 50% of them were minor. Iterative surgery increased the complication rate. Tissular expansion is a valuable option for giant congenital naevus. However, complication rate remained high, especially when iterative surgery is needed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Negative thermal expansion in functional materials: controllable thermal expansion by chemical modifications. (United States)

    Chen, Jun; Hu, Lei; Deng, Jinxia; Xing, Xianran


    Negative thermal expansion (NTE) is an intriguing physical property of solids, which is a consequence of a complex interplay among the lattice, phonons, and electrons. Interestingly, a large number of NTE materials have been found in various types of functional materials. In the last two decades good progress has been achieved to discover new phenomena and mechanisms of NTE. In the present review article, NTE is reviewed in functional materials of ferroelectrics, magnetics, multiferroics, superconductors, temperature-induced electron configuration change and so on. Zero thermal expansion (ZTE) of functional materials is emphasized due to the importance for practical applications. The NTE functional materials present a general physical picture to reveal a strong coupling role between physical properties and NTE. There is a general nature of NTE for both ferroelectrics and magnetics, in which NTE is determined by either ferroelectric order or magnetic one. In NTE functional materials, a multi-way to control thermal expansion can be established through the coupling roles of ferroelectricity-NTE, magnetism-NTE, change of electron configuration-NTE, open-framework-NTE, and so on. Chemical modification has been proved to be an effective method to control thermal expansion. Finally, challenges and questions are discussed for the development of NTE materials. There remains a challenge to discover a "perfect" NTE material for each specific application for chemists. The future studies on NTE functional materials will definitely promote the development of NTE materials.

  3. Assessment for salinized wasteland expansion and land use change using GIS and remote sensing in the west part of northeast China. (United States)

    Li, Xiaoyan; Wang, Zongming; Song, Kaishan; Zhang, Bai; Liu, Dianwei; Guo, Zhixing


    Due to human impact under climatic variations, western part of Northeast China has suffered substantial land degradation during past decades. This paper presents an integrated study of expansion process of salinized wasteland in Da'an County, a typical salt-affected area in Northeast China, by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. The study explores the temporal and spatial characteristics of salinized wasteland expansion from 1954 to 2004, and land use/cover changes during this period. During the past 50 years, the salinized wasteland in study area have increased by 135,995 ha, and in 2004 covers 32.31% of the total area, in the meantime grassland has decreased by 104,697 ha and in 2004 covers only 13.15% of the study area. Grasslands, croplands and swamplands were found the three main land use types converted into salinized wasteland. Land use/cover changes shows that between 1954 and 2004, 48.6% of grasslands, 42.5% of swamplands, and 14.1% of croplands were transformed into salinized wasteland, respectively. Lastly, the major factors influencing salinized wasteland expansion and land use/cover changes were also explored. In general, climatic factors supplied a potential environment for soil salinization. Human-related factors, such as policy, population, overgrazing, and intensified and unreasonable utilization of land and water resources are the main causes of salinized wasteland expansion.

  4. Applications of the large mass expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleischer, J.; Kotikov, A.V.; ); Veretin, O.L.


    The method of the large mass expansion (LME) is investigated for selfenergy and vertex functions in two-loop order. It has the technical advantage that in many cases the expansion coefficients can be expressed analytically. As long as only one non-zero external momentum squared, q 2 , is involved also the Taylor expansion (TE) w.r.t. small q 2 yields high precision results in a domain sufficient for most applications. In the case of only one non-zero mass M and only one external momentum squared, the expansion w.r.t. q 2 /M 2 is identical for the TE and the LME. In this case the combined techniques yield analytic expressions for many diagrams, which are quite easy to handle numerically. (author)

  5. Judicialização da política externa e direitos humanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estêvão Ferreira Couto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é fornecer uma base teórica para a compreensão da "judicialização da política externa", tomando como ponto de partida as elaborações clássicas de Locke e Montesquieu que conferiam ao Executivo uma grande dose de discricionariedade na condução das relações exteriores, gradualmente contrabalançada pelo Legislativo e pelo Judiciário. Revisitando a literatura sobre "judicialização da política" e as deturpações a que foi submetida, o autor procura aplicar o conceito para a política externa e analisa cinco casos da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos.The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical basis for the application of judicial proceedings (judicialização in the foreign policy. The starting point is the classical conceptions of Locke and Montesquieu which conferred a great deal of discretion to the Executive for managing foreign relations, what was gradually counterbalanced by the Legislative and the Judiciary. Approaching the Brazilian literature on the expansion of judicial power to the politics and subsequent misrepresentations, the author tries to apply the concept to the foreign policy and analyses five cases of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

  6. Hematoma Expansion Following Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage (United States)

    Brouwers, H. Bart; Greenberg, Steven M.


    Intracerebral hemorrhage, the most devastating form of stroke, has no specific therapy proven to improve outcome by randomized controlled trial. Location and baseline hematoma volume are strong predictors of mortality, but are non-modifiable by the time of diagnosis. Expansion of the initial hematoma is a further marker of poor prognosis that may be at least partly preventable. Several risk factors for hematoma expansion have been identified, including baseline ICH volume, early presentation after symptom onset, anticoagulation, and the CT angiography spot sign. Although the biological mechanisms of hematoma expansion remain unclear, accumulating evidence supports a model of ongoing secondary bleeding from ruptured adjacent vessels surrounding the initial bleeding site. Several large clinical trials testing therapies aimed at preventing hematoma expansion are in progress, including aggressive blood pressure reduction, treatment with recombinant factor VIIa guided by CT angiography findings, and surgical intervention for superficial hematomas without intraventricular extension. Hematoma expansion is so far the only marker of outcome that is amenable to treatment and thus a potentially important therapeutic target. PMID:23466430

  7. The expansion of sugar cane cultivation in the Sao Paulo state, Brazil; A expansao da cultura canavieira no estado de Sao Paulo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coelho, Suani Teixeira [Centro Nacional de Referencia em Biomassa (CENBIO), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Lora, Beatriz Acquaro; Monteiro, Maria Beatriz C.A.


    The present work aimed at analyze the sugar cane culture expansion in substitution to the other cultures in the Sao Paulo state from available georeferred and statistical data. The results had evidenced clear expansion of the sugar cane culture in the state, having totalized a growth of 26.04% in the period from 2003 to 2006, with expressive increase in the regions of President Prudente, Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Barretos and Marilia that had, each one, more than 40% of increase in the period. Concomitantly it had reduction of the maize areas in the studied region and pasture areas stability, followed of a small increase of the cattle heads number. (author)

  8. Renormalization group and mayer expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mack, G.


    Mayer expansions promise to become a powerful tool in exact renormalization group calculations. Iterated Mayer expansions were sucessfully used in the rigorous analysis of 3-dimensional U (1) lattice gauge theory by Gopfert and the author, and it is hoped that they will also be useful in the 2-dimensional nonlinear σ-model, and elsewhere

  9. Prediction of the thermal expansion coefficients of bio diesels from several sources through the application of linear regression; Predicao dos coeficientes de expansao termica de biodieseis de diversas origens atraves da aplicacao da regressa linear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canciam, Cesar Augusto [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Campus Ponta Grossa, PR (Brazil)], e-mail:


    When evaluating the consumption of bio fuels, the knowledge of the density is of great importance for rectify the effect of temperature. The thermal expansion coefficient is a thermodynamic property that provides a measure of the density variation in response to temperature variation, keeping the pressure constant. This study aimed to predict the thermal expansion coefficients of ethyl bio diesels from castor beans, soybeans, sunflower seeds and Mabea fistulifera Mart. oils and of methyl bio diesels from soybeans, sunflower seeds, souari nut, cotton, coconut, castor beans and palm oils, from beef tallow, chicken fat and hydrogenated vegetable fat residual. For this purpose, there was a linear regression analysis of the density of each bio diesel a function of temperature. These data were obtained from other works. The thermal expansion coefficients for bio diesels are between 6.3729x{sup 10-4} and 1.0410x10{sup -3} degree C-1. In all the cases, the correlation coefficients were over 0.99. (author)

  10. Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast elliptic equations

    KAUST Repository

    Calo, Victor M.; Efendiev, Yalchin R.; Galvis, Juan


    In this paper, we present a high-order expansion for elliptic equations in high-contrast media. The background conductivity is taken to be one and we assume the medium contains high (or low) conductivity inclusions. We derive an asymptotic expansion with respect to the contrast and provide a procedure to compute the terms in the expansion. The computation of the expansion does not depend on the contrast which is important for simulations. The latter allows avoiding increased mesh resolution around high conductivity features. This work is partly motivated by our earlier work in [Domain decomposition preconditioners for multiscale flows in high-contrast media, Multiscale Model Simul. 8 (2010) 1461-1483] where we design efficient numerical procedures for solving high-contrast problems. These multiscale approaches require local solutions and our proposed high-order expansion can be used to approximate these local solutions inexpensively. In the case of a large-number of inclusions, the proposed analysis can help to design localization techniques for computing the terms in the expansion. In the paper, we present a rigorous analysis of the proposed high-order expansion and estimate the remainder of it. We consider both high-and low-conductivity inclusions. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.

  11. Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast elliptic equations

    KAUST Repository

    Calo, Victor M.


    In this paper, we present a high-order expansion for elliptic equations in high-contrast media. The background conductivity is taken to be one and we assume the medium contains high (or low) conductivity inclusions. We derive an asymptotic expansion with respect to the contrast and provide a procedure to compute the terms in the expansion. The computation of the expansion does not depend on the contrast which is important for simulations. The latter allows avoiding increased mesh resolution around high conductivity features. This work is partly motivated by our earlier work in [Domain decomposition preconditioners for multiscale flows in high-contrast media, Multiscale Model Simul. 8 (2010) 1461-1483] where we design efficient numerical procedures for solving high-contrast problems. These multiscale approaches require local solutions and our proposed high-order expansion can be used to approximate these local solutions inexpensively. In the case of a large-number of inclusions, the proposed analysis can help to design localization techniques for computing the terms in the expansion. In the paper, we present a rigorous analysis of the proposed high-order expansion and estimate the remainder of it. We consider both high-and low-conductivity inclusions. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.

  12. Crude oil pipeline expansion summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has been working with producers to address issues associated with the development of new pipeline capacity from western Canada. This document presents an assessment of the need for additional oil pipeline capacity given the changing mix of crude oil types and forecasted supply growth. It is of particular interest to crude oil producers and contributes to current available information for market participants. While detailed, the underlying analysis does not account for all the factors that may come into play when individual market participants make choices about which expansions they may support. The key focus is on the importance of timely expansion. It was emphasized that if pipeline expansions lags the crude supply growth, then the consequences would be both significant and unacceptable. Obstacles to timely expansion are also discussed. The report reviews the production and supply forecasts, the existing crude oil pipeline infrastructure, opportunities for new market development, requirements for new pipeline capacity and tolling options for pipeline development. tabs., figs., 1 appendix

  13. Expansion dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knoll, J.


    A quantum dynamical model is suggested which describes the expansion and disassembly phase of highly excited compounds formed in energetic heavy-ion collisions. First applications in two space and one time dimensional model world are discussed and qualitatively compared to standard freeze-out concepts. (orig.)

  14. Spatial Linkage and Urban Expansion: AN Urban Agglomeration View (United States)

    Jiao, L. M.; Tang, X.; Liu, X. P.


    Urban expansion displays different characteristics in each period. From the perspective of the urban agglomeration, studying the spatial and temporal characteristics of urban expansion plays an important role in understanding the complex relationship between urban expansion and network structure of urban agglomeration. We analyze urban expansion in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration (YRD) through accessibility to and spatial interaction intensity from core cities as well as accessibility of road network. Results show that: (1) Correlation between urban expansion intensity and spatial indicators such as location and space syntax variables is remarkable and positive, while it decreases after rapid expansion. (2) Urban expansion velocity displays a positive correlation with spatial indicators mentioned above in the first (1980-1990) and second (1990-2000) period. However, it exhibits a negative relationship in the third period (2000-2010), i.e., cities located in the periphery of urban agglomeration developing more quickly. Consequently, the hypothesis of convergence of urban expansion in rapid expansion stage is put forward. (3) Results of Zipf's law and Gibrat's law show urban expansion in YRD displays a convergent trend in rapid expansion stage, small and medium-sized cities growing faster. This study shows that spatial linkage plays an important but evolving role in urban expansion within the urban agglomeration. In addition, it serves as a reference to the planning of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration and regulation of urban expansion of other urban agglomerations.

  15. Magnetized relativistic electron-ion plasma expansion (United States)

    Benkhelifa, El-Amine; Djebli, Mourad


    The dynamics of relativistic laser-produced plasma expansion across a transverse magnetic field is investigated. Based on a one dimensional two-fluid model that includes pressure, enthalpy, and rest mass energy, the expansion is studied in the limit of λD (Debye length) ≤RL (Larmor radius) for magnetized electrons and ions. Numerical investigation conducted for a quasi-neutral plasma showed that the σ parameter describing the initial plasma magnetization, and the plasma β parameter, which is the ratio of kinetic to magnetic pressure are the key parameters governing the expansion dynamics. For σ ≪ 1, ion's front shows oscillations associated to the break-down of quasi-neutrality. This is due to the strong constraining effect and confinement of the magnetic field, which acts as a retarding medium slowing the plasma expansion.

  16. Renormalization group and Mayer expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mack, G.


    Mayer expansions promise to become a powerful tool in exact renormalization group calculations. Iterated Mayer expansions were sucessfully used in the rigorous analysis of 3-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory by Goepfert and the author, and it is hoped that they will also be useful in the 2-dimensional nonlinear sigma-model, and elsewhere. (orig.)

  17. Implementation of the robustness analysis methodology for decenal planning in the expansion of electric sector; Aplicacao da metodologia de analise de robustez ao planejamento decenal de expansao do setor eletrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Renata de Azevedo Moreira da


    The objective of this dissertation is to develop an application from one of the techniques of 'soft' operational research, the Robustness Analysis, to the problem of decision making under uncertainty, as part of the planning of the electricity expansion planning process in Brazil. Initially are shown desirable characteristics of a methodology that will complement the traditional methods used in determining the expansion of the sector. Departing from the Decenal Plan for Power Expansion (2007/2016), an analysis of the different trends that can occur during the planning process is presented, so as to facilitate the visualization of the consequences of uncertainties that may change the schedule of the planned expansion and also help the interaction between actors working in the expansion planning of electricity generation. (author)

  18. expansion method

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    of a system under investigation is to model the system in terms of some ... The organization of the paper is as follows: In §2, a brief account of the (G /G)- expansion ...... It is interesting to note that from the general results, one can easily recover.

  19. Expansion of Tubular with Elastomers in Multilateral Wells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Md Velden


    Full Text Available The use of solid expandable tubular technology during the last decade has focused on solving many challenges in well drilling and delivery including zonal isolation, deep drilling, conservation of hole sizes, etc. not only as pioneered solution but also providing cost effective and long lasting solutions. Concurrently, the technology was extended for construction of multilateral in typical wells. The process of horizontal tubular expansion is similar to the vertical expansion of expandable tubular in down-hole environment with the addition of uniformly distributed force due to its weight. The expansion is targeted to increase its diameter such that post expansion characteristics remain within allowable limits. In this study a typical expandable tubular of 57.15 mm outer diameter and 6.35 mm wall thickness was used with two different elastomer seals of 5 and 7 mm thickness placed at equal spacing of 200 mm. The developed stress contours during expansion process clearly showed the high stress areas in the vicinity of expansion region which lies around the mandrel. These high stresses may result in excessive wear of the mandrel. It was also found out that the drawing force increases as the mandrel angle, expansion ratio, and friction coefficient increases. A mandrel angle of 20o  requires minimum expansion force and can be considered as an optimum geometrical parameter to lower the power required for expansion.

  20. Adiabatic supernova expansion into the circumstellar medium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Band, D.L.; Liang, E.P.


    We perform one dimensional numerical simulations with a Lagrangian hydrodynamics code of the adiabatic expansion of a supernova into the surrounding medium. The early expansion follows Chevalier's analytic self-similar solution until the reverse shock reaches the ejecta core. We follow the expansion as it evolves towards the adiabatic blast wave phase. Some memory of the earlier phases of expansion is retained in the interior even when the outer regions expand as a blast wave. We find the results are sensitive to the initial configuration of the ejecta and to the placement of gridpoints. 6 refs., 2 figs

  1. Decennial plan of expansion 1994-2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Decennial Plan of Expansion 1994-2003 of Electric sector reproduces the results of the studies occurred during the planning cycle of 1992/93 from the Coordinator Groups of the Electric System Planning. Based in the market forecasting, economic-financier and time for finishing the the works, the Decennial Plan of Expansion presents the schedule of the main generation and transmission works for the next ten years, the annual spend in generation, transmission and distribution, the costs of expansion and the evaluation of attending conditions in electric system in Brazil. (C.G.C.)

  2. Implementation of the robustness analysis methodology for decenal planning in the expansion of electric sector; Aplicacao da metodologia de analise de robustez ao planejamento decenal de expansao do setor eletrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Renata de Azevedo Moreira da


    The objective of this dissertation is to develop an application from one of the techniques of 'soft' operational research, the Robustness Analysis, to the problem of decision making under uncertainty, as part of the planning of the electricity expansion planning process in Brazil. Initially are shown desirable characteristics of a methodology that will complement the traditional methods used in determining the expansion of the sector. Departing from the Decenal Plan for Power Expansion (2007/2016), an analysis of the different trends that can occur during the planning process is presented, so as to facilitate the visualization of the consequences of uncertainties that may change the schedule of the planned expansion and also help the interaction between actors working in the expansion planning of electricity generation. (author)

  3. In vitro evaluation of force-expansion characteristics in a newly designed orthodontic expansion screw compared to conventional screws

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oshagh Morteza


    Full Text Available Objective : Expansion screws like Hyrax, Haas and other types, produce heavy interrupted forces which are unfavorable for dental movement and could be harmful to the tooth and periodontium. The other disadvantage of these screws is the need for patient cooperation for their regular activation. The purpose of this study was to design a screw and compare its force- expansion curve with other types. Materials and Methods : A new screw was designed and fabricated in the same dimension, with conventional types, with the ability of 8 mm expansion (Free wire length: 12 mm, initial compression: 4.5 mm, spring wire diameter: 0.4 mm, spring diameter: 3 mm, number of the coils: n0 ine, material: s0 tainless steel. In this in vitro study, the new screw was placed in an acrylic orthodontic appliance, and after mounting on a stone cast, the force-expansion curve was evaluated by a compression test machine and compared to other screws. Results : Force-expansion curve of designed screw had a flatter inclination compared to other screws. Generally it produced a light continuous force (two to 3.5 pounds for every 4 mm of expansion. Conclusion : In comparison with heavy and interrupted forces of other screws, the newly designed screw created light and continuous forces.

  4. Financing electricity expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hyman, L.S.


    Expansion of electricity supply is associated with economic development. The installation and enlargement of power systems in developing countries entails a huge financial burden, however. Energy consumers in such countries must pay not only for supplies but for the cost of raising the capital for expansion on the international markets. Estimates are presented for the capital expenditure for electricity supply over the period 1990 to 2020 for the major world regions, using approximations for the cost of plant and capital and for the returns earned. These data lead to the conclusion that the five regions with the lowest per capita incomes are those which will need the major part of the capital expenditure and the highest percentage of external finance. (6 tables) (UK)

  5. Preparation of Shrinkage Compensating Concrete with HCSA Expansive Agent (United States)

    Li, Changcheng; Jia, Fujia


    Shrinkage compensating concrete (SCC) has become one of the best effective methods of preventing and reducing concrete cracking. SCC is prepared by HCSA high performance expansive agent for concrete which restrained expansion rate is optimized by 0.057%. Slump, compressive strength, restrained expansion rate and cracking resistance test were carried out on SCC. The results show that the initial slump of fresh SCC was about 220mm-230mm, while slump after 2 hours was 180mm-200mm. The restrained expansion rate of SCC increased with the mixing amount of expansive agent. After cured in water for 14 days, the restrained expansion rate of C35 and C40 SCC were 0.020%-0.032%. With the dosage of expansive agent increasing, restrained expansion rate of SCC increased, maximum compressive stress and cracking stress improved, cracking temperature fell, thus cracking resistance got effectively improvement.

  6. Use of expansion joints in power stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birker; Rommerswinkel.


    The paper discusses the mode of action of different systems of expansion joints. Special regard is given to the problems of expansion of pipelines of high rated diameter as employed in today's large power plant turbines. Due to the limited space available, the important role of the spring rate of the bellows for the reaction forces and moments acting on the connection points is pointed out. Apart from this details are given on the fabrication and materials selection of expansion joint bellows, and problems are discussed which arise in connection with the mechanical or hydraulic deformation of bellows with one or more walls. The non-destructive methods now in use for the testing of expansion pipe joints are mentioned along with experiments to test their behaviour under changing loads. The paper concludes on some remarks concerning proper transport, storage and installation of expansion pipe joints. (orig./AK) [de

  7. Patterns of renal dopamine release to regulate diuresis and natriuresis during volume expansion: Role of renal monoamine-oxidase Perfiles de secreción de dopamina renal en la expansión de volumen para regular diuresis y natriuresis: Rol de la monoaminoxidasa renal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica de Luca Sarobe


    Full Text Available Diuretic and natriuretic effects of renal dopamine (DA are well established. However, in volume expansion the pattern of renal DA release into urine (U DA V and the role of enzymes involved in DA synthesis/degradation have not yet been defined. The objective was to determine the pattern of U DA V during volume expansion and to characterize the involvement of monoamine-oxidase (MAO and aromatic amino-acid decarboxylase (AADC in this response. In this study male Wistar rats were expanded with NaCl 0.9% at a rate of 5% BWt per hour. At the beginning of expansion three groups received a single drug injection as follows: C (vehicle, Control, IMAO (MAO inhibitor Pargyline, 20 mg/kg BWt, i.v. and BNZ (AADC inhibitor Benserazide, 25 mg/kg BWt, i.v.. Results revealed that in C rats U DA V (ng/30 min/100g BWt increased in the first 30 min expansion from 11.5 ± 1.20 to 21.8 ± 3.10 (p La dopamina (DA intrarrenal ejerce efectos diuréticos y natriuréticos. Sin embargo, en los estado de expansión de volumen aún no está bien definido el patrón de liberación de dopamina renal hacia la orina y si cumplen un rol las enzimas involucradas en la síntesis o degradación de la amina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el patrón de excreción urinaria de DA (U DA V durante la expansión de volumen, caracterizando la participación de las enzimas monoaminooxidasa (MAO y decarboxilasa de aminoácidos aromáticos (AADC en esta respuesta. Para ello ratas Wistar macho fueron expandidas de volumen con NaCl 0.9% al 5% del peso corporal por hora durante dos horas y divididas en tres grupos, los que al comienzo de la expansión recibieron: C (vehículo, Control, IMAO (Pargilina, inhibidor de MAO, 20 mg/kg PC, i.v. y BNZ (Benserazida, inhibidor de AADC, 25 mg/kg PC, i.v.. Se observó que en C la U DA V (ng/30min/100gPC aumentó durante los primeros 30 minutos de expansión de 11.5 ± 1.20 a 21.8 ± 3.10 (p < 0.05, disminuyendo posteriormente. IMAO mostr

  8. Chromatic Derivatives, Chromatic Expansions and Associated Spaces


    Ignjatovic, Aleksandar


    This paper presents the basic properties of chromatic derivatives and chromatic expansions and provides an appropriate motivation for introducing these notions. Chromatic derivatives are special, numerically robust linear differential operators which correspond to certain families of orthogonal polynomials. Chromatic expansions are series of the corresponding special functions, which possess the best features of both the Taylor and the Shannon expansions. This makes chromatic derivatives and ...

  9. Warp drive with zero expansion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Natario, Jose [Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Tecnico (Portugal)


    It is commonly believed that Alcubierre's warp drive works by contracting space in front of the warp bubble and expanding the space behind it. We show that this contraction/expansion is but a marginal consequence of the choice made by Alcubierre and explicitly construct a similar spacetime where no contraction/expansion occurs. Global and optical properties of warp-drive spacetimes are also discussed.

  10. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem


    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa; Nilton Soares Formiga; Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira; Marta Miriam Lopes Costa; Maria Júlia Guimarães Oliveira Soares


    RESUMO Objetivo: sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013. Resultados: cinco...

  11. The δ expansion for stochastic quantization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bender, C.M.; Cooper, F.; Milton, K.A.; Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912; Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexic o 87545; Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklaho ma 73019)


    Using a recently proposed perturbation expansion called the δ expansion, we show how to solve the Langevin equation associated with a gphi 4 field theory. We illustrate the technique in zero- and one-dimensional space-time, and then generalize this approach to d dimensions

  12. A meta-analysis of global urban land expansion. (United States)

    Seto, Karen C; Fragkias, Michail; Güneralp, Burak; Reilly, Michael K


    The conversion of Earth's land surface to urban uses is one of the most irreversible human impacts on the global biosphere. It drives the loss of farmland, affects local climate, fragments habitats, and threatens biodiversity. Here we present a meta-analysis of 326 studies that have used remotely sensed images to map urban land conversion. We report a worldwide observed increase in urban land area of 58,000 km(2) from 1970 to 2000. India, China, and Africa have experienced the highest rates of urban land expansion, and the largest change in total urban extent has occurred in North America. Across all regions and for all three decades, urban land expansion rates are higher than or equal to urban population growth rates, suggesting that urban growth is becoming more expansive than compact. Annual growth in GDP per capita drives approximately half of the observed urban land expansion in China but only moderately affects urban expansion in India and Africa, where urban land expansion is driven more by urban population growth. In high income countries, rates of urban land expansion are slower and increasingly related to GDP growth. However, in North America, population growth contributes more to urban expansion than it does in Europe. Much of the observed variation in urban expansion was not captured by either population, GDP, or other variables in the model. This suggests that contemporary urban expansion is related to a variety of factors difficult to observe comprehensively at the global level, including international capital flows, the informal economy, land use policy, and generalized transport costs. Using the results from the global model, we develop forecasts for new urban land cover using SRES Scenarios. Our results show that by 2030, global urban land cover will increase between 430,000 km(2) and 12,568,000 km(2), with an estimate of 1,527,000 km(2) more likely.

  13. Considering FACTS in Optimal Transmission Expansion Planning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Soleimani


    Full Text Available The expansion of power transmission systems is an important part of the expansion of power systems that requires enormous investment costs. Since the construction of new transmission lines is very expensive, it is necessary to choose the most efficient expansion plan that ensures system security with a minimal number of new lines. In this paper, the role of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS devices in the effective operation and expansion planning of transmission systems is examined. Effort was taken to implement a method based on sensitivity analysis to select the optimal number and location of FACTS devices, lines and other elements of the transmission system. Using this method, the transmission expansion plan for a 9 and a 39 bus power system was performed with and without the presence of FACTS with the use of DPL environment in Digsilent software 15.1. Results show that the use of these devices reduces the need for new transmission lines and minimizes the investment cost.

  14. Simulation program for multiple expansion Stirling machines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, G.; Weiss, M.; Fauvel, R.; Reader, G.; Bingham, E.R.


    Multiple expansion Stirling machines have been a topic of interest at the University of Calgary for some years. Recently a second-order computer simulation program with integral graphics package for Stirling cryocoolers with up to four stages of expansion were developed and made available to the Stirling community. Adaptation of the program to multiple expansion Stirling power systems is anticipated. This paper briefly introduces the program and presents a specimen result

  15. Publicidade e ética: um estudo da construção da imagem da mulher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O texto propõe uma reflexão sobre a ética da responsabilidade na publicidade veiculada nas revistas Claudia e Nova. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, resultante da leitura dos anúncios selecionados, subsidiada por teóricos da Análise do Discurso da linha francesa, que busca averiguar como a mulher é representada. Constatou-se que no contexto da sociedade contemporânea o retrato da mulher como sedutora ainda está presente, mesmo que em vários momentos ela apareça como protagonista de sua própria vida.

  16. Controlling Thermal Expansion: A Metal-Organic Frameworks Route. (United States)

    Balestra, Salvador R G; Bueno-Perez, Rocio; Hamad, Said; Dubbeldam, David; Ruiz-Salvador, A Rabdel; Calero, Sofia


    Controlling thermal expansion is an important, not yet resolved, and challenging problem in materials research. A conceptual design is introduced here, for the first time, for the use of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as platforms for controlling thermal expansion devices that can operate in the negative, zero, and positive expansion regimes. A detailed computer simulation study, based on molecular dynamics, is presented to support the targeted application. MOF-5 has been selected as model material, along with three molecules of similar size and known differences in terms of the nature of host-guest interactions. It has been shown that adsorbate molecules can control, in a colligative way, the thermal expansion of the solid, so that changing the adsorbate molecules induces the solid to display positive, zero, or negative thermal expansion. We analyze in depth the distortion mechanisms, beyond the ligand metal junction, to cover the ligand distortions, and the energetic and entropic effect on the thermo-structural behavior. We provide an unprecedented atomistic insight on the effect of adsorbates on the thermal expansion of MOFs as a basic tool toward controlling the thermal expansion.

  17. The Economic Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Pennsylvania. (United States)

    Price, Carter C; Donohue, Julie M; Saltzman, Evan; Woods, Dulani; Eibner, Christine


    The Affordable Care Act is a substantial reform of the U.S. health care insurance system. Using the RAND COMPARE model, researchers assessed the act's potential economic effects on Pennsylvania, factoring in an optional expansion of Medicaid, and found the state would enjoy significant net benefits. With or without the expansion of Medicaid, the act will increase insurance coverage to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians, but the COMPARE model estimates that the expansion of Medicaid eligibility would cover an additional 350,000 people and bring more than $2 billion in federal spending into the state annually than if the state did not expand. Should the state expand Medicaid, the additional spending will add more than $3 billion a year to the state's GDP and support 35,000 jobs. But Medicaid expansion is not without cost for the state; the estimated cumulative effect on Pennsylvania's Medicaid spending will be $180 million higher with the expansion than without between 2014 and 2020. Substantial reductions in uncompensated care costs for hospitals are possible even without expansion, but savings to hospitals for uncompensated care funding are even larger with the Medicaid expansion, amounting to $550 million or more each year.

  18. Controlling Thermal Expansion: A Metal–Organic Frameworks Route (United States)


    Controlling thermal expansion is an important, not yet resolved, and challenging problem in materials research. A conceptual design is introduced here, for the first time, for the use of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) as platforms for controlling thermal expansion devices that can operate in the negative, zero, and positive expansion regimes. A detailed computer simulation study, based on molecular dynamics, is presented to support the targeted application. MOF-5 has been selected as model material, along with three molecules of similar size and known differences in terms of the nature of host–guest interactions. It has been shown that adsorbate molecules can control, in a colligative way, the thermal expansion of the solid, so that changing the adsorbate molecules induces the solid to display positive, zero, or negative thermal expansion. We analyze in depth the distortion mechanisms, beyond the ligand metal junction, to cover the ligand distortions, and the energetic and entropic effect on the thermo-structural behavior. We provide an unprecedented atomistic insight on the effect of adsorbates on the thermal expansion of MOFs as a basic tool toward controlling the thermal expansion. PMID:28190918

  19. Platform Expansion Design as Strategic Choice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Staykova, Kalina S.; Damsgaard, Jan


    In this paper, we address how the strategic choice of platform expansion design impacts the subse-quent platform strategy. We identify two distinct approaches to platform expansion – platform bun-dling and platform constellations, which currently co-exist. The purpose of this paper is to outline...

  20. Thermal expansion behavior in fabricated cellular structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oruganti, R.K.; Ghosh, A.K.; Mazumder, J.


    Thermal expansion behavior of cellular structures is of interest in applications where undesirable deformation and failure are caused by thermal expansion mismatch. This report describes the role of processing-induced effects and metallurgical aspects of melt-processed cellular structures, such as a bi-material structure designed to contract on heating, as well as uni-material structures of regular and stochastic topology. This bi-material structure utilized the principle of internal geometric constraints to alter the expansion behavior of the internal ligaments to create overall contraction of the structure. Homogenization design method was used to design the structure, and fabrication was by direct metal deposition by laser melting of powder in another part of a joint effort. The degree of porosity and grain size in the fabricated structure are characterized and related to the laser deposition parameters. The structure was found to contract upon heating over a short range of temperature subsequent to which normal expansion ensued. Also examined in this report are uni-material cellular structures, in which internal constraints arise from residual stress variations caused by the fabrication process, and thereby alter their expansion characteristics. A simple analysis of thermal strain of this material supports the observed thermal expansion behavior

  1. Secret-key expansion from covert communication (United States)

    Arrazola, Juan Miguel; Amiri, Ryan


    Covert communication allows the transmission of messages in such a way that it is not possible for adversaries to detect that the communication is occurring. This provides protection in situations where knowledge that two parties are talking to each other may be incriminating to them. In this work, we study how covert communication can be used for a different purpose: secret key expansion. First, we show that any message transmitted in a secure covert protocol is also secret and therefore unknown to an adversary. We then propose a covert communication protocol where the amount of key consumed in the protocol is smaller than the transmitted key, thus leading to secure secret key expansion. We derive precise conditions for secret key expansion to occur, showing that it is possible when there are sufficiently low levels of noise for a given security level. We conclude by examining how secret key expansion from covert communication can be performed in a computational security model.

  2. From greedy to lazy expansions and their driving dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dajani, K.; Kraaikamp, C.


    In this paper we study the ergodic properties of non-greedy series expansions to non-integer bases β > 1. It is shown that the so-called 'lazy' expansion is isomorphic to the 'greedy' expansion. Furthermore, a class of expansions to base β > 1, β =2 Z, 'in between' the lazy and the greedy

  3. RTEL1 Inhibits Trinucleotide Repeat Expansions and Fragility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aisling Frizzell


    Full Text Available Human RTEL1 is an essential, multifunctional helicase that maintains telomeres, regulates homologous recombination, and helps prevent bone marrow failure. Here, we show that RTEL1 also blocks trinucleotide repeat expansions, the causal mutation for 17 neurological diseases. Increased expansion frequencies of (CTG⋅CAG repeats occurred in human cells following knockdown of RTEL1, but not the alternative helicase Fbh1, and purified RTEL1 efficiently unwound triplet repeat hairpins in vitro. The expansion-blocking activity of RTEL1 also required Rad18 and HLTF, homologs of yeast Rad18 and Rad5. These findings are reminiscent of budding yeast Srs2, which inhibits expansions, unwinds hairpins, and prevents triplet-repeat-induced chromosome fragility. Accordingly, we found expansions and fragility were suppressed in yeast srs2 mutants expressing RTEL1, but not Fbh1. We propose that RTEL1 serves as a human analog of Srs2 to inhibit (CTG⋅CAG repeat expansions and fragility, likely by unwinding problematic hairpins.

  4. Thermal expansion studies on Hafnium titanate (HfTiO4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panneerselvam, G.; Subramanian, G.G.S.; Antony, M.P.


    The lattice thermal expansion characteristics of hafnium titanate (HfTiO 4 ) have been studied by measuring the lattice parameter as a function of temperature by high temperature X-ray diffraction technique (HT-XRD) in the temperature range 298-1973K. Percentage linear thermal expansion and mean linear thermal expansion coefficients were computed from the lattice parameter data. The thermal expansion of HfTiO 4 is highly anisotropic. The expansivity along 'a' axis is large; as compared to the expansivity along 'b' axis which is negative below 1073 K. The percentage linear thermal expansion in the temperature range 298-1973 K along a, b and c axis are 2.74, 0.901 and 1.49 respectively. Thermal expansion values obtained in the present study are in reasonable agreement with the existing thermal expansion data. (author)

  5. Hypersonic expansion of the Fokker--Planck equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez-Feria, R.


    A systematic study of the hypersonic limit of a heavy species diluted in a much lighter gas is made via the Fokker--Planck equation governing its velocity distribution function. In particular, two different hypersonic expansions of the Fokker--Planck equation are considered, differing from each other in the momentum equation of the heavy gas used as the basis of the expansion: in the first of them, the pressure tensor is neglected in that equation while, in the second expansion, the pressure tensor term is retained. The expansions are valid when the light gas Mach number is O(1) or larger and the difference between the mean velocities of light and heavy components is small compared to the light gas thermal speed. They can be applied away from regions where the spatial gradient of the distribution function is very large, but it is not restricted with respect to the temporal derivative of the distribution function. The hydrodynamic equations corresponding to the lowest order of both expansions constitute two different hypersonic closures of the moment equations. For the subsequent orders in the expansions, closed sets of moment equations (hydrodynamic equations) are given. Special emphasis is made on the order of magnitude of the errors of the lowest-order hydrodynamic quantities. It is shown that if the heat flux vanishes initially, these errors are smaller than one might have expected from the ordinary scaling of the hypersonic closure. Also it is found that the normal solution of both expansions is a Gaussian distribution at the lowest order

  6. 14 CFR 23.969 - Fuel tank expansion space. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fuel tank expansion space. 23.969 Section 23.969 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT....969 Fuel tank expansion space. Each fuel tank must have an expansion space of not less than two...

  7. Research progress on expansive soil cracks under changing environment. (United States)

    Shi, Bei-xiao; Zheng, Cheng-feng; Wu, Jin-kun


    Engineering problems shunned previously rise to the surface gradually with the activities of reforming the natural world in depth, the problem of expansive soil crack under the changing environment becoming a control factor of expansive soil slope stability. The problem of expansive soil crack has gradually become a research hotspot, elaborates the occurrence and development of cracks from the basic properties of expansive soil, and points out the role of controlling the crack of expansive soil strength. We summarize the existing research methods and results of expansive soil crack characteristics. Improving crack measurement and calculation method and researching the crack depth measurement, statistical analysis method, crack depth and surface feature relationship will be the future direction.

  8. Principles of Thermal Expansion in Feldspars (United States)

    Hovis, Guy; Medford, Aaron; Conlon, Maricate; Tether, Allison; Romanoski, Anthony


    Following the recent thermal expansion work of Hovis et al. (1) on AlSi3 feldspars, we have investigated the thermal expansion of plagioclase, Ba-K, and Ca-K feldspar crystalline solutions. X-ray powder diffraction data were collected between room temperature and 925 °C on six natural plagioclase specimens ranging in composition from anorthite to oligoclase, the K-exchanged equivalents of these plagioclase specimens, and five synthetic Ba-K feldspars with compositions ranging from 25 to 99 mol % BaAl2Si2O8. The resulting thermal expansion coefficients (α) for volume have been combined with earlier results for end-member Na- and K-feldspars (2,3). Unlike AlSi3 feldspars, Al2Si2 feldspars, including anorthite and celsian from the present study plus Sr- and Pb-feldspar from other workers (4,5), show essentially constant and very limited thermal expansion, regardless of divalent cation size. In the context of structures where the Lowenstein rule (6) requires Al and Si to alternate among tetrahedra, the proximity of bridging Al-O-Si oxygen ions to divalent neighbors (ranging from 0 to 2) produces short Ca-O (or Ba-O) bonds (7,8) that apparently are the result of local charge-balance requirements (9). Gibbs et al. (10) suggest that short bonds such as these have a partially covalent character. This in turn stiffens the structure. Thus, for feldspar series with coupled substitution the change away from a purely divalent M-site occupant gives the substituting (less strongly bonded) monovalent cations increasingly greater influence on thermal expansion. Overall, then, thermal expansion in the feldspar system is well represented on a plot of α against room-temperature volume, where one sees a quadrilateral bounded by data for (A) AlSi3 feldspars whose expansion behavior is controlled largely by the size of the monovalent alkali-site occupant, (B) Al2Si2 feldspars whose expansion is uniformly limited by partially-covalent bonds between divalent M-site occupants and

  9. Arquitetura da paisagem da cidade e a importância da sistematização da análise do problema projetual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Com este artigo pretende-se levantar os conceitos próprios da atividade da Arquitetura Paisagística encarando-a como disciplina projetual e associando-a ao Design Ambiental, necessitando, assim, de linhas metodológicas específicas para apresentação de soluções coerentes aos problemas paisagísticos. Sob esta ótica, reflexões sobre o uso da vegetação no projeto dos espaços exteriores são apresentadas apontando-se uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto, dentro da abordagem da concepção de uma metodologia projetual em arquitetura paisagística. Também foram analisadas oito vias de circulação da área central de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, exemplificando uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto.

  10. Zirconium titanate: stability and thermal expansion; Titanato de circonio: estabilidad termodinamica y expansion termica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez-Lopez, E.; Moreno, R.; Baudin, C.


    Zirconium titanate is a well known compound in the field of electro ceramics, although it has also been used in catalyst and sensors applications. The crystallographic thermal expansion anisotropy of this compound makes it a potential candidate as constituent of structural components. In general, to assure the structural integrity and microstructural homogeneity of a ceramic piece, relatively low cooling rates from the fabrication temperature are required. This requirement is essential for zirconium titanate because thermal expansion as well as phase distribution is affected by small variations in the composition and cooling rate. This work reviews the available data on the phase equilibrium relationships in the systems ZrO{sub 2}-TiO{sub 2} and ZrO{sub 2}-TiO{sub 2}-Y{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The main discrepancies as well as the possible origins of them are discussed. Additionally, the crystallographic thermal expansion data in the current literature are reviewed. (Author) 56 refs.

  11. Semiclassical expansions on and near caustics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meetz, K.


    We show that the standard WKB expansion can be generalized so that it reproduces the behavior of the wave function on and near a caustic in two-dimensional space time. The expansion is related to the unfolding polynomials of the elementary catastrophes occurring in two dimensions: the fold and the cusp catastrophe. The method determines control parameters and transport coefficients in a self-consistent way from differential equations and does not refer to the asymptotic expansion of Feynman path integrals. The lowest order equations are solved explicitly in terms of the multivalued classical action. The result is a generalized semiclassical approximation on and beyond a caustic. (orig.)

  12. Interbasis expansions for isotropic harmonic oscillator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dong, Shi-Hai, E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Edificio 9, Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos, Mexico D.F. 07738 (Mexico)


    The exact solutions of the isotropic harmonic oscillator are reviewed in Cartesian, cylindrical polar and spherical coordinates. The problem of interbasis expansions of the eigenfunctions is solved completely. The explicit expansion coefficients of the basis for given coordinates in terms of other two coordinates are presented for lower excited states. Such a property is occurred only for those degenerated states for given principal quantum number n. -- Highlights: ► Exact solutions of harmonic oscillator are reviewed in three coordinates. ► Interbasis expansions of the eigenfunctions is solved completely. ► This is occurred only for those degenerated states for given quantum number n.

  13. Cosmic growth history and expansion history

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Linder, Eric V.


    The cosmic expansion history tests the dynamics of the global evolution of the universe and its energy density contents, while the cosmic growth history tests the evolution of the inhomogeneous part of the energy density. Precision comparison of the two histories can distinguish the nature of the physics responsible for the accelerating cosmic expansion: an additional smooth component--dark energy--or a modification of the gravitational field equations. With the aid of a new fitting formula for linear perturbation growth accurate to 0.05%-0.2%, we separate out the growth dependence on the expansion history and introduce a new growth index parameter γ that quantifies the gravitational modification

  14. Correlation expansion: a powerful alternative multiple scattering calculation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Haifeng; Wu Ziyu; Sebilleau, Didier


    We introduce a powerful alternative expansion method to perform multiple scattering calculations. In contrast to standard MS series expansion, where the scattering contributions are grouped in terms of scattering order and may diverge in the low energy region, this expansion, called correlation expansion, partitions the scattering process into contributions from different small atom groups and converges at all energies. It converges faster than MS series expansion when the latter is convergent. Furthermore, it takes less memory than the full MS method so it can be used in the near edge region without any divergence problem, even for large clusters. The correlation expansion framework we derive here is very general and can serve to calculate all the elements of the scattering path operator matrix. Photoelectron diffraction calculations in a cluster containing 23 atoms are presented to test the method and compare it to full MS and standard MS series expansion

  15. Treatment of divergent expansions in scattering theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gersten, A.; Malin, S.


    One of the biggest obstacles in applying quantum field theory to realistic scattering problems are the divergencies of pertubation expansions for large coupling constants and the divergencies of partial wave expansions for massless particles exchanges. There exist, however, methods of summation of the divergent expansions which can lead to significant application in physics. In this paper we treat the problem of summing such expansions using three methods: (i) a generalization of the Pade approximation to the multivariable case. The suggested definition is unique and preserves unitarity. (ii) The summation of divergent partial waves for arbitrary spins. (iii) A successful application of a series inversion to the 3 P 1 nucleon-nucleon phase shift up to 200 MeV. (orig./WL) [de

  16. The loop expansion as a divergent-power-series expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murai, N.


    The loop expansion should be divergent, possibly an asymptotic one, in the Euclidean path integral formulation. This consideration is important in applications of the symmetric and mass-independent renormalization. The [1,1] Pade approximant is calculated in a PHI 4 model. Its classical vacua may be not truely stable for nonzero coupling constant. (author)

  17. The heavy quark expansion of QCD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Falk, A.F. [Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD (United States). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy


    These lectures contain an elementary introduction to heavy quark symmetry and the heavy quark expansion. Applications such as the expansion of heavy meson decay constants and the treatment of inclusive and exclusive semileptonic B decays are included. Heavy hadron production via nonperturbative fragmentation processes is also discussed. 54 refs., 7 figs.

  18. The heavy quark expansion of QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Falk, A.F.


    These lectures contain an elementary introduction to heavy quark symmetry and the heavy quark expansion. Applications such as the expansion of heavy meson decay constants and the treatment of inclusive and exclusive semileptonic B decays are included. Heavy hadron production via nonperturbative fragmentation processes is also discussed. 54 refs., 7 figs

  19. Thermal expansion of doped lanthanum gallates

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Since the components are in intimate mechanical contact, any stress generated due to their thermal expansion mis- match during thermal cycling could lead to catastrophic failure of the cell. The functional materials must have similar thermal expansions to avoid mechanical stresses. Hence it is useful to study the thermal ...

  20. Thermal and hygroscopic expansion characteristics of bamboo


    Huang, Puxi; Chang, Wen-shao; Ansell, Martin P.; Bowen, Chris R.; Chew, John Y. M.; Adamak, Vana i


    The expansion and contraction of bamboo caused by temperature and moisture variations must be evaluated\\ud if bamboo is to be utilised as a building material. However, detailed expansion data, especially data in the ascent and\\ud descent processes of temperature and moisture are unexplored. The aim of this study is to investigate the expansion\\ud characteristics of Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) in ascent and descent processes of temperature and moisture.\\ud The measurement of linear ther...

  1. Semiclassical expansions for confined N fermion systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krivine, H.; Martorell, J.; Casas, M.


    A new derivation of the Wigner Kirkwood expansion for N-fermion systems is presented, showing explicitly the connection to the WKB approximation for a single level. This allows to study separately the two ansatz required to obtain the semiclassical expansions: the asymptotic expansions in powers of ℎ and the smoothing of quantal effects. We discuss the one dimensional and three dimensional, with spherical symmetry, cases. Applications for standard potentials used in nuclear physics are described in detail

  2. Analysis of the influence of the expansion of the South American electric system in emissions of greenhouse gases; Analise da influencia da expansao do sistema eletrico Sul-Americano nas emissoes de gases de efeito estufa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castagna, Annemarlen Gehrke [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Blesl, Markus [Institute of Economics and the Rational Use of Energie (IER), Stuttgart (Germany)


    South America combines economic and population growth with a consequent rapid increase in electricity demand. This can only be covered by building new power plants, use of the remaining renewable potential and expansion of transmission lines. The expansion of supply in all regions, with reliable generation and transmission systems is the greatest challenge for the continent in order to reduce social differences and not to curb economic development. To support the energy planning the application of system models represents useful method. This paper intends to analyze the expansion effect of power plant parks in regard of greenhouse gases emissions using a regionalized model system 'TIMES (The Integrated Markal - EFOM System)'. The model includes 10 South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) with their respective power parks and transmission lines, demand divided in sectors, potential use of renewable energy sources, gas pipelines and possibilities of new interconnections within and between countries. As results are obtained the future installed capacity and generation according the energy use, greenhouse gases emissions, as well as the investments needed to expand the electric system in different scenarios. (author)

  3. Breaking the Link between Environmental Degradation and Oil Palm Expansion: A Method for Enabling Sustainable Oil Palm Expansion (United States)

    Smit, Hans Harmen; Meijaard, Erik; van der Laan, Carina; Mantel, Stephan; Budiman, Arif; Verweij, Pita


    Land degradation is a global concern. In tropical areas it primarily concerns the conversion of forest into non-forest lands and the associated losses of environmental services. Defining such degradation is not straightforward hampering effective reduction in degradation and use of already degraded lands for more productive purposes. To facilitate the processes of avoided degradation and land rehabilitation, we have developed a methodology in which we have used international environmental and social sustainability standards to determine the suitability of lands for sustainable agricultural expansion. The method was developed and tested in one of the frontiers of agricultural expansion, West Kalimantan province in Indonesia. The focus was on oil palm expansion, which is considered as a major driver for deforestation in tropical regions globally. The results suggest that substantial changes in current land-use planning are necessary for most new plantations to comply with international sustainability standards. Through visualizing options for sustainable expansion with our methodology, we demonstrate that the link between oil palm expansion and degradation can be broken. Application of the methodology with criteria and thresholds similar to ours could help the Indonesian government and the industry to achieve its pro-growth, pro-job, pro-poor and pro-environment development goals. For sustainable agricultural production, context specific guidance has to be developed in areas suitable for expansion. Our methodology can serve as a template for designing such commodity and country specific tools and deliver such guidance. PMID:24039700

  4. Mechanism of actuation in conducting polymers: Osmotic expansion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bay, Lasse; Jacobsen, Torben; West, Keld


    Conducting polymers expand or contract when their redox state is changed. This expansion/contraction effect can be separated in an intrinsic part because of changes of the polymer backbone on reduction/oxidation and a part depending on the surrounding electrolyte phase, because of osmotic expansion...... is compared with measurements on PPy(DBS) films. The experiments show that the expansion decreases as the electrolyte concentration is increased. This means that a considerable part of the total expansion is due to the osmotic effect. The osmotic effect should be taken into account when interpreting...

  5. Mapping Brazilian Cropland Expansion, 2000-2013 (United States)

    Zalles, V.; Hansen, M.; Potapov, P.


    Brazil is one of the world's leading producers and exporters of agricultural goods. Despite undergoing significant increases in its cropland area in the last decades, it remains one of the countries with the most potential for further agricultural expansion. Most notably, the expansion in production areas of commodity crops such as soybean, corn, and sugarcane has become the leading cause of land cover conversion in Brazil. Natural land covers, such as the Amazon and Cerrado forests, have been negatively affected by this agricultural expansion, causing carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, altered water cycles, and many other disturbances to ecosystem services. Monitoring of change in cropland area extent can provide relevant information to decision makers seeking to understand and manage land cover change drivers and their impacts. In this study, the freely-available Landsat archive was leveraged to produce a large-scale, methodologically consistent map of cropland cover at 30 m. resolution for the entire Brazilian territory in the year 2000. Additionally, we mapped cropland expansion from 2000 to 2013, and used statistical sampling techniques to accurately estimate cropland area per Brazilian state. Using the Global Forest Change product produced by Hansen et al. (2013), we can disaggregate forest cover loss due to cropland expansion by year, revealing spatiotemporal trends that could advance our understanding of the drivers of forest loss.

  6. Thermal expansion of fibre-reinforced composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, B.


    The integral thermal expansion and the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of carbon and Kevlar fibre-reinforced composites were measured with high accuracy from 5 K to room temperature. For this, a laser dilatometer and a sophisticated measuring procedure were used. CTE dependence on the orientation angle ω of angle-ply laminates was determined for samples with 5 different fibre alignments (UD 0deg, +/-30deg, +/-45deg, +/-60deg and UD 90deg). A high variability of the CTE with the orientation angle was shown. At angles of approximately +/-30deg even negative CTEs were found. With suitable reinforcing fibres being selected, their absolute values rose up to 30-100% of the positive CTEs of metals. Hence, composites of this type would be suitable as compensating materials in metal constructions where little thermal expansion is desired. To check the lamination theory, theoretical computations of the CTE- ω -dependence were compared with the measured values. An excellent agreement was found. Using the lamination theory, predictions about the expansion behaviour of angle-ply laminates can be made now, if the thermal and mechanical properties of the unidirectional (UD) laminate are known. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out simulation computations aimed at investigating the influence of a single parameter of the UD-laminate (e.g. shear modulus) on the expansion of the angle-ply laminate. (orig.) [de

  7. On equivalence of high temperature series expansion and coupling parameter series expansion in thermodynamic perturbation theory of fluids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sai Venkata Ramana, A.


    The coupling parameter series expansion and the high temperature series expansion in the thermodynamic perturbation theory of fluids are shown to be equivalent if the interaction potential is pairwise additive. As a consequence, for the class of fluids with the potential having a hardcore repulsion, if the hard-sphere fluid is chosen as reference system, the terms of coupling parameter series expansion for radial distribution function, direct correlation function, and Helmholtz free energy follow a scaling law with temperature. The scaling law is confirmed by application to square-well fluids

  8. Aplicabilidade da programação matemática multiobjetivo no planejamento da expansão de longo prazo da geração no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Lins de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available O trabalho evidencia a aplicabilidade da Programação Linear Multiobjetivo no planejamento da expansão de longo prazo da geração do sistema elétrico brasileiro. Para melhor viabilizar a utilização da programação linear multiobjetivo no contexto em sistemas fortemente hidrelétricos, como o do Brasil, é explorada uma abordagem gráfica e proposto um procedimento. Por meio deste, permite-se encontrar a composição ótima de um sistema hidrotérmico para atender montantes projetados de energia elétrica no futuro, a qual se beneficie, também, das hidrologias favoráveis e de maior probabilidade de ocorrência, adotando-se, todavia, proteção contra períodos de vazões reduzidas com o uso de usinas térmicas de segurança flexíveis e de forma econômica. Como resultado deste trabalho, conclui-se que a metodologia de programação linear multiobjetivo tem amplo campo de utilização no contexto do novo modelo institucional do setor elétrico brasileiro, no qual o planejamento da expansão, coordenado pelo Governo Federal, será, naturalmente, foco de naturais e até conflitantes pressões e de objetivos a se considerar.The paper shows the application of Multiobjective Linear Programming with regard to the long-term planning of expanding the generation of electricity in Brazil. In order to apply linear multiobjective programming better in the context of powerful hydroelectric systems as has been occurring in Brazil, an approach is explored and a procedure considered which will allow the optimal composition of hydro-thermal systems to be found for supplying the electric energy requirements projected, for the future, which will benefit favorable flows and the greater probability of this occurring. However, at the same time there is a need to adopt protective measures against a period of reduced out-flow due to the use of thermo-electricity stations, for security and economic reasons. The results of this paper lead to the conclusion that

  9. Estimates of expansion time scales

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, E.M.


    Monte Carlo simulations of the expansion of a spacefaring civilization show that descendants of that civilization should be found near virtually every useful star in the Galaxy in a time much less than the current age of the Galaxy. Only extreme assumptions about local population growth rates, emigration rates, or ship ranges can slow or halt an expansion. The apparent absence of extraterrestrials from the solar system suggests that no such civilization has arisen in the Galaxy. 1 figure

  10. Strategic Complexity and Global Expansion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oladottir, Asta Dis; Hobdari, Bersant; Papanastassiou, Marina


    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the determinants of global expansion strategies of newcomer Multinational Corporations (MNCs) by focusing on Iceland, Israel and Ireland. We argue that newcomer MNCs from small open economies pursue complex global expansion strategies (CGES). We distinguish....... The empirical evidence suggests that newcomer MNCs move away from simplistic dualities in the formulation of their strategic choices towards more complex options as a means of maintaining and enhancing their global competitiveness....

  11. Range expansion of heterogeneous populations. (United States)

    Reiter, Matthias; Rulands, Steffen; Frey, Erwin


    Risk spreading in bacterial populations is generally regarded as a strategy to maximize survival. Here, we study its role during range expansion of a genetically diverse population where growth and motility are two alternative traits. We find that during the initial expansion phase fast-growing cells do have a selective advantage. By contrast, asymptotically, generalists balancing motility and reproduction are evolutionarily most successful. These findings are rationalized by a set of coupled Fisher equations complemented by stochastic simulations.

  12. Low Thermal Expansion Glass Ceramics

    CERN Document Server

    Bach, Hans


    This book appears in the authoritative series reporting the international research and development activities conducted by the Schott group of companies. This series provides an overview of Schott's activities for scientists, engineers, and managers from all branches of industry worldwide in which glasses and glass ceramics are of interest. Each volume begins with a chapter providing a general idea of the current problems, results, and trends relating to the subjects treated. This new extended edition describes the fundamental principles, the manufacturing process, and applications of low thermal expansion glass ceramics. The composition, structure, and stability of polycrystalline materials having a low thermal expansion are described, and it is shown how low thermal expansion glass ceramics can be manufactured from appropriately chosen glass compositions. Examples illustrate the formation of this type of glass ceramic by utilizing normal production processes together with controlled crystallization. Thus g...

  13. Low thermal expansion glass ceramics

    CERN Document Server


    This book is one of a series reporting on international research and development activities conducted by the Schott group of companies With the series, Schott aims to provide an overview of its activities for scientists, engineers, and managers from all branches of industry worldwide where glasses and glass ceramics are of interest Each volume begins with a chapter providing a general idea of the current problems, results, and trends relating to the subjects treated This volume describes the fundamental principles, the manufacturing process, and applications of low thermal expansion glass ceramics The composition, structure, and stability of polycrystalline materials having a low thermal expansion are described, and it is shown how low thermal expansion glass ceramics can be manufactured from appropriately chosen glass compositions Examples illustrate the formation of this type of glass ceramic by utilizing normal production processes together with controlled crystallization Thus glass ceramics with thermal c...

  14. Regulation of gas infrastructure expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Joode, J.


    The topic of this dissertation is the regulation of gas infrastructure expansion in the European Union (EU). While the gas market has been liberalised, the gas infrastructure has largely remained in the regulated domain. However, not necessarily all gas infrastructure facilities - such as gas storage facilities, LNG import terminals and certain gas transmission pipelines - need to be regulated, as there may be scope for competition. In practice, the choice of regulation of gas infrastructure expansion varies among different types of gas infrastructure facilities and across EU Member States. Based on a review of economic literature and on a series of in-depth case studies, this study explains these differences in choices of regulation from differences in policy objectives, differences in local circumstances and differences in the intrinsic characteristics of the infrastructure projects. An important conclusion is that there is potential for a larger role for competition in gas infrastructure expansion.

  15. RTEL1 inhibits trinucleotide repeat expansions and fragility. (United States)

    Frizzell, Aisling; Nguyen, Jennifer H G; Petalcorin, Mark I R; Turner, Katherine D; Boulton, Simon J; Freudenreich, Catherine H; Lahue, Robert S


    Human RTEL1 is an essential, multifunctional helicase that maintains telomeres, regulates homologous recombination, and helps prevent bone marrow failure. Here, we show that RTEL1 also blocks trinucleotide repeat expansions, the causal mutation for 17 neurological diseases. Increased expansion frequencies of (CTG⋅CAG) repeats occurred in human cells following knockdown of RTEL1, but not the alternative helicase Fbh1, and purified RTEL1 efficiently unwound triplet repeat hairpins in vitro. The expansion-blocking activity of RTEL1 also required Rad18 and HLTF, homologs of yeast Rad18 and Rad5. These findings are reminiscent of budding yeast Srs2, which inhibits expansions, unwinds hairpins, and prevents triplet-repeat-induced chromosome fragility. Accordingly, we found expansions and fragility were suppressed in yeast srs2 mutants expressing RTEL1, but not Fbh1. We propose that RTEL1 serves as a human analog of Srs2 to inhibit (CTG⋅CAG) repeat expansions and fragility, likely by unwinding problematic hairpins. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Defining the association of TMEM106B variants among frontotemporal lobar degeneration patients with GRN mutations and C9orf72 repeat expansions. (United States)

    Lattante, Serena; Le Ber, Isabelle; Galimberti, Daniela; Serpente, Maria; Rivaud-Péchoux, Sophie; Camuzat, Agnès; Clot, Fabienne; Fenoglio, Chiara; Scarpini, Elio; Brice, Alexis; Kabashi, Edor


    TMEM106B was identified as a risk factor for frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTD) with TAR DNA-binding protein 43 kDa inclusions. It has been reported that variants in this gene are genetic modifiers of the disease and that this association is stronger in patients carrying a GRN mutation or a pathogenic expansion in chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72) gene. Here, we investigated the contribution of TMEM106B polymorphisms in cohorts of FTD and FTD with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients from France and Italy. Patients carrying the C9orf72 expansion (n = 145) and patients with GRN mutations (n = 76) were compared with a group of FTD patients (n = 384) negative for mutations and to a group of healthy controls (n = 552). In our cohorts, the presence of the C9orf72 expansion did not correlate with TMEM106B genotypes but the association was very strong in individuals with pathogenic GRN mutations (p = 9.54 × 10(-6)). Our data suggest that TMEM106B genotypes differ in FTD patient cohorts and strengthen the protective role of TMEM106B in GRN carriers. Further studies are needed to determine whether TMEM106B polymorphisms are associated with other genetic causes for FTD, including C9orf72 repeat expansions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Longitudinal expansion of field line dipolarization (United States)

    Saka, O.; Hayashi, K.


    We examine the substorm expansions that started at 1155 UT 10 August 1994 in the midnight sector focusing on the longitudinal (eastward) expansion of field line dipolarization in the auroral zone. Eastward expansion of the dipolarization region was observed in all of the H, D, and Z components. The dipolarization that started at 1155 UT (0027 MLT) from 260° of geomagnetic longitude (CMO) expanded to 351°(PBQ) in about 48 min. The expansion velocity was 0.03-0.04°/s, or 1.9 km/s at 62°N of geomagnetic latitude. The dipolarization region expanding to the east was accompanied by a bipolar event at the leading edge of the expansion in latitudes equatorward of the westward electrojet (WEJ). In the midnight sector at the onset meridian, the Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MAP) on board geosynchronous satellite L9 measured electrons and ions between 10 eV and 40 keV. We conclude from the satellite observations that this dipolarization was characterized by the evolution of temperature anisotropies, an increase of the electron and ion temperatures, and a rapid change in the symmetry axis of the temperature tensor. The field line dipolarization and its longitudinal expansion were interpreted in terms of the slow MHD mode triggered by the current disruption. We propose a new magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (MI-coupling) mechanism based on the scenario that transmitted westward electric fields from the magnetosphere in association with expanding dipolarization produced electrostatic potential (negative) in the ionosphere through differences in the mobility of collisional ions and collisionless electrons. The field-aligned currents that emerged from the negative potential region are arranged in a concentric pattern around the negative potential region, upward toward the center and downward on the peripheral.

  18. Wilson expansion in the minimal subtraction scheme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smirnov, V.A.


    The small distance expansion of the product of composite fields is constructed for an arbitrary renormalization procedure of the type of minimal subtraction scheme. Coefficient functions of the expansion are expressed explicitly through the Green functions of composite fields. The expansion has the explicity finite form: the ultraviolet (UV) divergences of the coefficient functions and composite fields are removed by the initial renormalization procedure while the infrared (IR) divergences in massless diagrams with nonvanishing contribution into the coefficient functions are removed by the R-operation which is the IR part of the R-operation. The latter is the generalization of the dimensional renormalization in the case when both UV and IR divergences are present. To derive the expansion, a ''pre-subtracting operator'' is introduced and formulas of the counter-term technique are exploited

  19. Thermal Expansion Anomaly Regulated by Entropy (United States)

    Liu, Zi-Kui; Wang, Yi; Shang, Shunli


    Thermal expansion, defined as the temperature dependence of volume under constant pressure, is a common phenomenon in nature and originates from anharmonic lattice dynamics. However, it has been poorly understood how thermal expansion can show anomalies such as colossal positive, zero, or negative thermal expansion (CPTE, ZTE, or NTE), especially in quantitative terms. Here we show that changes in configurational entropy due to metastable micro(scopic)states can lead to quantitative prediction of these anomalies. We integrate the Maxwell relation, statistic mechanics, and first-principles calculations to demonstrate that when the entropy is increased by pressure, NTE occurs such as in Invar alloy (Fe3Pt, for example), silicon, ice, and water, and when the entropy is decreased dramatically by pressure, CPTE is expected such as in anti-Invar cerium, ice and water. Our findings provide a theoretic framework to understand and predict a broad range of anomalies in nature in addition to thermal expansion, which may include gigantic electrocaloric and electromechanical responses, anomalously reduced thermal conductivity, and spin distributions.

  20. Territorial expansion and primary state formation. (United States)

    Spencer, Charles S


    A major research problem in anthropology is the origin of the state and its bureaucratic form of governance. Of particular importance for evaluating theories of state origins are cases of primary state formation, whereby a first-generation state evolves without contact with any preexisting states. A general model of this process, the territorial-expansion model, is presented and assessed with archaeological data from six areas where primary states emerged in antiquity: Mesoamerica, Peru, Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and China. In each case, the evidence shows a close correspondence in time between the first appearance of state institutions and the earliest expansion of the state's political-economic control to regions lying more than a day's round-trip from the capital. Although additional research will add detail and clarity to the empirical record, the results to date are consistent with the territorial-expansion model, which argues that the success of such long-distance expansion not only demanded the bureaucratization of central authority but also helped provide the resources necessary to underwrite this administrative transformation.

  1. Thermal expansion of quaternary nitride coatings (United States)

    Tasnádi, Ferenc; Wang, Fei; Odén, Magnus; Abrikosov, Igor A.


    The thermal expansion coefficient of technologically relevant multicomponent cubic nitride alloys are predicted using the Debye model with ab initio elastic constants calculated at 0 K and an isotropic approximation for the Grüneisen parameter. Our method is benchmarked against measured thermal expansion of TiN and Ti(1-x)Al x N as well as against results of molecular dynamics simulations. We show that the thermal expansion coefficients of Ti(1-x-y)X y Al x N (X  =  Zr, Hf, Nb, V, Ta) solid solutions monotonously increase with the amount of alloying element X at all temperatures except for Zr and Hf, for which they instead decrease for y≳ 0.5 .

  2. Thermal and Hygric Expansion of High Performance Concrete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Toman


    Full Text Available The linear thermal expansion coefficient of two types of high performance concrete was measured in the temperature range from 20 °C to 1000 °C, and the linear hygric expansion coefficient was determined in the moisture range from dry material to saturation water content. Comparative methods were applied for measurements of both coefficients. The experimental results show that both the effect of temperature on the values of linear thermal expansion coefficients and the effect of moisture on the values of linear hygric expansion coefficients are very significant and cannot be neglected in practical applications.

  3. Parabolic cyclinder functions : examples of error bounds for asymptotic expansions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Vidunas; N.M. Temme (Nico)


    textabstractSeveral asymptotic expansions of parabolic cylinder functions are discussedand error bounds for remainders in the expansions are presented. Inparticular Poincaré-type expansions for large values of the argument$z$ and uniform expansions for large values of the parameter areconsidered.

  4. A unification of boson expansion theories. (III) Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobaczewski, J.


    A general scheme of constructing boson expansions that was proposed in earlier work is applied to a number or examples. The Fukutome expansion is obtained by considering the spinor representation of the SO(2N+1) group. Its hermitian, Holstein-Primakofr-type version is also derived. The generalized Dyson expansions for even and odd fermion systems are given in terms of two spinor representations of the SO(2N) group. For fixed fermion number systems the relevant boson expansions are obtained by considering the fundamental representations of SU(N) while for fixed seniority those of Sp(N) are concerned. The collective boson expansions corresponding to the Ginocchio model, the interacting boson model of Arima and Iachello and the Elliot model are given for the symmetric representations of SO(8) and SU(1+1) and any representation of SU(3)

  5. Discrete expansions of continuum functions. General concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bang, J.; Ershov, S.N.; Gareev, F.A.; Kazacha, G.S.


    Different discrete expansions of the continuum wave functions are considered: pole expansion (according to the Mittag-Lefler theorem), Weinberg states. The general property of these groups of states is their completeness in the finite region of space. They satisfy the Schroedinger type equations and are matched with free solutions of the Schroedinger equation at the boundary. Convergence of expansions for the S matrix, the Green functions and the continuous-spectrum wave functions is studied. A new group of states possessing the best convergence is introduced

  6. Edgeworth expansion for the pre-averaging estimator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Podolskij, Mark; Veliyev, Bezirgen; Yoshida, Nakahiro

    In this paper, we study the Edgeworth expansion for a pre-averaging estimator of quadratic variation in the framework of continuous diffusion models observed with noise. More specifically, we obtain a second order expansion for the joint density of the estimators of quadratic variation and its...... asymptotic variance. Our approach is based on martingale embedding, Malliavin calculus and stable central limit theorems for continuous diffusions. Moreover, we derive the density expansion for the studentized statistic, which might be applied to construct asymptotic confidence regions....

  7. Oblique photon expansion of QED structure functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chahine, C.


    In the oblique photon expansion, the collinear part of photon emission is summed up to all orders in perturbation theory. The number of oblique or non-collinear photons is the expansion order. Unlike in perturbation theory, every term of the expansion is both infrared finite and gauge invariant. The zero oblique photon contribution to the electromagnetic structure tensor in QED is computed in detail. The behaviors of the structure functions F1 and F2 are discussed in the soft and ultra-soft limits

  8. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem.Método:revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013.Resultados:cinco artigos fizeram alusão à Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, quatro citaram Ausubel como autor dessa teoria e apenas dois seguiram a estrutura para a aplicação da teoria completamente. Há escassez de estudos sobre o tema e os que o abordam não o correlacionam com a teoria de Ausubel.Conclusão:faz-se necessário romper com a dicotomia entre teoria e prática e promover a articulação dos conteúdos com a ação, introduzindo o aluno como autor de seu próprio conhecimento.

  9. AUTO-EXPANSIVE FLOW (United States)

    Physics suggests that the interplay of momentum, continuity, and geometry in outward radial flow must produce density and concomitant pressure reductions. In other words, this flow is intrinsically auto-expansive. It has been proposed that this process is the key to understanding...

  10. A discussion about the agricultural expansion and production of biofuels; Uma discussao sobre a expansao da fronteira agricola e a producao de biocombustiveis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Firmino, Rafaelle Gomes; Fonseca, Marcia Batista da [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), Joao Pessoa, PB (Brazil)


    This work is a survey about the environmental impacts caused by the increasing expansion of productive activity and in particular agriculture, before any alarm world in search of renewable energy. The purpose of this study is to discuss the sources of resources that are considered clean energy, the constant demand for biofuels in international trade and the effect on the environment created by the increasing expansion of agriculture. The research is descriptive and qualitative data are analyzed. Clearly that is to expand cultivation of sugar cane, maize, castor bean, sunflower, soybean, peanut and others for the use of renewable fuels are often forgotten their devastating effects on soil wear and the down of forests that attack the entire ecosystem, and even the replacement of biofuel production by the agricultural production of food. (author)

  11. Studies of Expansive Learning: Foundations, Findings and Future Challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yrjö Engeström


    Full Text Available The paper examines studies based on the theory of expansive learning, formulated in 1987. In recent years the theory has been used in a wide variety of studies and interventions. The theory builds on foundational ideas put forward by Vygotsky, Leont’ev, Il’enkov, and Davydov, key figures in the Russian school of cultural-historical activity theory. Studies based on the theory are reviewed in six sections: expansive learning as transformation of the object, expansive learning as movement in the zone of proximal development, expansive learning as cycles of learning actions, expansive learning as boundary crossing and network building, expansive learning as distributed and discontinuous movement, and formative interventions.A separate section is devoted to critiques of expansive learning. It is concluded that the ultimate test of learning theories is how they help practitioners to generate learning that grasps pressing issues the humankind is facing. The theory of expansive learning currently expands its analyses both up and down, outward and inward. Moving up and outward, it tackles learning in fields or networks of interconnected activity systems with their partially shared and often contested objects. Moving down and inward, it tackles issues of subjectivity, experiencing, personal sense, emotion, embodiment, identity, and moral commitment.

  12. A Power Series Expansion and Its Applications (United States)

    Chen, Hongwei


    Using the power series solution of a differential equation and the computation of a parametric integral, two elementary proofs are given for the power series expansion of (arcsin x)[squared], as well as some applications of this expansion.

  13. Expansion Under Climate Change: The Genetic Consequences. (United States)

    Garnier, Jimmy; Lewis, Mark A


    Range expansion and range shifts are crucial population responses to climate change. Genetic consequences are not well understood but are clearly coupled to ecological dynamics that, in turn, are driven by shifting climate conditions. We model a population with a deterministic reaction-diffusion model coupled to a heterogeneous environment that develops in time due to climate change. We decompose the resulting travelling wave solution into neutral genetic components to analyse the spatio-temporal dynamics of its genetic structure. Our analysis shows that range expansions and range shifts under slow climate change preserve genetic diversity. This is because slow climate change creates range boundaries that promote spatial mixing of genetic components. Mathematically, the mixing leads to so-called pushed travelling wave solutions. This mixing phenomenon is not seen in spatially homogeneous environments, where range expansion reduces genetic diversity through gene surfing arising from pulled travelling wave solutions. However, the preservation of diversity is diminished when climate change occurs too quickly. Using diversity indices, we show that fast expansions and range shifts erode genetic diversity more than slow range expansions and range shifts. Our study provides analytical insight into the dynamics of travelling wave solutions in heterogeneous environments.

  14. Improvement of Expansive Soils Using Chemical Stabilizers (United States)

    Ikizler, S. B.; Senol, A.; Khosrowshahi, S. K.; Hatipoğlu, M.


    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of two chemical stabilizers on the swelling potential of expansive soil. A high plasticity sodium bentonite was used as the expansive soil. The additive materials including fly ash (FA) and lime (L) were evaluated as potential stabilizers to decrease the swelling pressure of bentonite. Depending on the type of additive materials, they were blended with bentonite in different percentages to assess the optimum state and approch the maximum swell pressure reduction. According to the results of swell pressure test, both fly ash and lime reduce the swelling potential of bentonite but the maximum improvement occurs using bentonite-lime mixture while the swelling pressure reduction approaches to 49%. The results reveal a significant reduction of swelling potential of expansive soil using chemical stabilizers. Keywords: Expansive soil; swell pressure; chemical stabilization; fly ash; lime

  15. Thermal expansion: Metallic elements and alloys. [Handbook (United States)

    Touloukian, Y. S.; Kirby, R. K.; Taylor, R. E.; Desai, P. D.


    The introductory sections of the work are devoted to the theory of thermal expansion of solids and to methods for the measurement of the linear thermal expansion of solids (X-ray methods, high speed methods, interferometry, push-rod dilatometry, etc.). The bulk of the work is devoted to numerical data on the thermal linear expansion of all the metallic elements, a large number of intermetallics, and a large number of binary alloy systems and multiple alloy systems. A comprehensive bibliography is provided along with an index to the materials examined.

  16. Some Improved Nonperturbative Bounds for Fermionic Expansions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lohmann, Martin, E-mail: [Universita di Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Matematica (Italy)


    We reconsider the Gram-Hadamard bound as it is used in constructive quantum field theory and many body physics to prove convergence of Fermionic perturbative expansions. Our approach uses a recursion for the amplitudes of the expansion, discovered in a model problem by Djokic (2013). It explains the standard way to bound the expansion from a new point of view, and for some of the amplitudes provides new bounds, which avoid the use of Fourier transform, and are therefore superior to the standard bounds for models like the cold interacting Fermi gas.

  17. A expansão internacional da China através da compra de terras no Brasil e no mundo = The China international expansion through acquisition of lands in Brazil and in the world

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nakatani, Paulo


    Full Text Available Grande parte das abordagens acerca da China trata de maneira insuficiente as suas estratégias internas de desenvolvimento, apenas conferindo a este país diferentes papéis no âmbito do capitalismo mundial. Este artigo busca identificar uma estratégia específica da China, a aquisição de terras pelo mundo, refletindo acerca dos possíveis motivos inter nos para essa atuação, bem como a abrangência deste fenômeno no plano mundial e, de maneira ilustrativa, considerando alguns impactos dessa ação sobre o Brasil

  18. A non-uniform expansion mechanical safety model of the stent. (United States)

    Yang, J; Huang, N; Du, Q


    Stents have a serial unstable structure that readily leads to non-uniform expansion. Non-uniform expansion in turn creates a stent safety problem. We explain how a stent may be simplified to a serial unstable structure, and present a method to calculate the non-uniform expansion of the stent on the basis of the serial unstable structure. We propose a safety criterion based on the expansion displacement instead of the strain, and explain that the parameter Rd, the ratio of the maximum displacement of the elements to normal displacement, is meaningful to assess the safety level of the stent. We also examine how laser cutting influences non-uniform expansion. The examples illustrate how to calculate the parameter Rd to assess non-uniform expansion of the stent, and demonstrate how the laser cutting offset and strengthening coefficient of the material influence the stent expansion behaviour. The methods are valuable for assessing stent safety due to non-uniform expansion.

  19. Gestões do desenvolvimento e desenvolvimentos da gestão: da unilateralidade reificada à dialogicidade da simbiose homem/natureza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Justen

    Full Text Available Este artigo, ao situar culturalmente os fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento, em sua concepção tradicional, no projeto da modernidade e ao identificar o predomínio da unilateralidade reificada na interface entre gestão e desenvolvimento - a primeira vista como instrumento técnico submisso à via clássica do segundo - almeja evidenciar as potencialidades da compreensão e da construção de alternativas, tanto para a gestão como para o desenvolvimento, a partir da ressignificação dessa interface. Para tanto, o esforço foi direcionado ao resgate do que é comum aos fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento - os substratos antropológico e ecológico -, nucleados nos princípios da reciprocidade dialógica, concretizadora da condição antropológica, e da finitude, caracterizadora da condição ecológica. Ao final, são apresentadas oito potenciais contribuições advindas da exploração renovada da interface entre a gestão e o desenvolvimento. Propôs-se, ainda, a substituição da lógica instrumental da eficiência financeira, comum à concepção tradicional dos fenômenos estudados, pela lógica da simbiose dialógica homem/natureza, uma vez que, como fenômenos sociais, desenvolvimento e gestão, mediados pelo meio, também são ecológicos em sua essência.

  20. Synthesis, microstructure and thermal expansion studies

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. We report on the synthesis, microstructure and thermal expansion studies on Ca0.5+/2Sr0.5+/2Zr4P6−2Si2O24 ( = 0.00 to 1.00) system which belongs to NZP family of low thermal expansion ceramics. The ceramics synthesized by co-precipitation method at lower calcination and the sintering temperatures ...

  1. Operator expansion in quantum chromodynamics beyond perturbation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novikov, V.A.; Shifman, M.A.; Vainshtejn, A.I.; Zakharov, V.I.


    The status of operator expansion at short distances is descussed within the frameworks of nonperturbatue QCD. The question of instanton effects is investigated in various aspects. Two-point functions induced by the gluonic currents are considered. It is shown that certain gluonic correlations vanish in the field of definite duality. It is proved that there does exist a very special relation between the expansion coefficients required by consistancy between instanton calculations and the general operator expansion. At last a certain modification of the naive version of operator expansion is proposed, which allows one to go beyond the critical power and construct, if necessary, an infinite series

  2. Studying medium effects with the optimized δ expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krein, G.; Menezes, D.P.; Nielsen, M.; Pinto, M.B.


    The possibility of using the optimized δ expansion for studying medium effects on hadronic properties in quark or nuclear matter is investigated. The δ expansion is employed to study density effects with two commonly used models in hadron and nuclear physics, the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and the Walecka model for the equation of state of nuclear matter. The results obtained with the δ expansion are compared to those obtained with the traditional Hartree-Fock approximation. Perspectives for using the δ expansion in other field theoretic models in hadron and nuclear physics are discussed. (author). 17 refs, 9 figs

  3. Studying medium effects with the optimized {delta} expansion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krein, G [Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Menezes, D P [Santa Catarina Univ., Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Fisica; Nielsen, M [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica; Pinto, M B [Montpellier-2 Univ., 34 (France). Lab. de Physique Mathematique


    The possibility of using the optimized {delta} expansion for studying medium effects on hadronic properties in quark or nuclear matter is investigated. The {delta} expansion is employed to study density effects with two commonly used models in hadron and nuclear physics, the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and the Walecka model for the equation of state of nuclear matter. The results obtained with the {delta} expansion are compared to those obtained with the traditional Hartree-Fock approximation. Perspectives for using the {delta} expansion in other field theoretic models in hadron and nuclear physics are discussed. (author). 17 refs, 9 figs.

  4. Origami structures for tunable thermal expansion (United States)

    Boatti, Elisa; Bertoldi, Katia

    Materials with engineered thermal expansion, capable of achieving targeted and extreme area/volume changes in response to variations in temperature, are important for a number of aerospace, optical, energy, and microelectronic applications. While most of the proposed structures with tunable coefficient of thermal expansion consist of bi-material 2D or 3D lattices, here we propose a periodic metastructure based on a bilayer Miura-Ori origami fold. We combine experiments and simulations to demonstrate that by tuning the geometrical and mechanical parameters an extremely broad range of thermal expansion coefficients can be obtained, spanning both negative and positive values. Additionally, the thermal properties along different directions can be adjusted independently. Differently from all previously reported systems, the proposed structure is non-porous.

  5. Anisotropic thermal expansion in flexible materials (United States)

    Romao, Carl P.


    A definition of the Grüneisen parameters for anisotropic materials is derived based on the response of phonon frequencies to uniaxial stress perturbations. This Grüneisen model relates the thermal expansion in a given direction (αi i) to one element of the elastic compliance tensor, which corresponds to the Young's modulus in that direction (Yi i). The model is tested through ab initio prediction of thermal expansion in zinc, graphite, and calcite using density functional perturbation theory, indicating that it could lead to increased accuracy for structurally complex systems. The direct dependence of αi i on Yi i suggests that materials which are flexible along their principal axes but rigid in other directions will generally display both positive and negative thermal expansion.

  6. Cluster expansion of the wavefunction. Symmetry-adapted-cluster expansion, its variational determination, and extension of open-shell orbital theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakatsuji, H.; Hirao, K.


    The symmetry-adapted-cluster (SAC) expansion of an exact wavefunction is given. It is constructed from the generators of the symmetry-adapted excited configurations having the symmetry under consideration, and includes their higher-order effect and self-consistency effect. It is different from the conventional cluster expansions in several important points, and is suitable for applications to open-shell systems as well as closed-shell systems. The variational equation for the SAC wavefunction has a form similar to the generalized Brillouin theorem in accordance with the inclusion of the higher-order effect and the self-consistency effect. We have expressed some existing open-shell orbital theories equivalently in the conventional cluster expansion formulas, and on this basis, we have given the pseudo-orbital theory which is an extension of open-shell orbital theory in the SAC expansion formula

  7. O sentido da espiritualidade na transitoriedade da vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Cristina de Oliveira Arrieira

    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Compreender o sentido da espiritualidade para a pessoa em cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada na fenomenologia existencialista e referencial de Viktor Frankl. Os participantes foram nove pessoas em cuidados paliativos atendidas no domicílio. Informações coletadas por meio da observação e de entrevista realizadas no período de junho a outubro de 2014, gravadas, transcritas e transformadas em texto interpretado com a abordagem fenomenológica hermenêutica. Resultados: Surgiram as seguintes categorias: sentido de continuidade da vida; sentido de alívio do sofrimento; sentido de naturalidade da morte e sentido de valorização do viver. Conclusão: Para a integralidade da atenção faz-se necessário a inclusão da espiritualidade na prática do cuidado em saúde. A espiritualidade proporciona o encontro existencial entre a pessoa em cuidados paliativos e os profissionais que a cuidam em sua integralidade.

  8. Elastic-plastic analysis of tube expansion in tubesheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasraie, B.; O'Donnell, W.J.; Porowski, J.S.; Selz, A.


    Conditions for expansion of tubes in tubesheets are often determined by the test. The tightness of the joint and pull out force are used as criteria for evaluation of the results. For closely spaced tubes, it is also necessary to control development of the plastic regions in the ligaments surrounding the tube being expanded. High local strains may occur and excessive distortion may result if the expansion of the tube is continued beyond the admissible limits. Elastic-plastic finite element analyses are performed herein in order to establish conditions for rolling of the tubes in tubesheets of low ligament efficiency. Such penetration patterns are often required in the design of tubular reactors for catalytic processes. The model considered includes individual tube expansion in tubesheets with triangular penetration patterns. The effect of prior expansion of the neighboring tubes is also evaluated. Gap elements are used to model the initial clearance of the tube in the hole. Development of the plastic zones and distortion of the ligaments is monitored during radial expansion of the tube diameter. The residual stresses between the tube and the hole surface and the history of gap closing after removal of the expansion tool are determined. The effect of axial extension of the tube on the tube thinning is determined. Tube thinning is often used as a measure of tube expansion in manufacturing processes. For the analyzed ligament efficiency, reliable joints are obtained for a thinning range within 2% to 3%

  9. Instability of a planar expansion wave. (United States)

    Velikovich, A L; Zalesak, S T; Metzler, N; Wouchuk, J G


    An expansion wave is produced when an incident shock wave interacts with a surface separating a fluid from a vacuum. Such an interaction starts the feedout process that transfers perturbations from the rippled inner (rear) to the outer (front) surface of a target in inertial confinement fusion. Being essentially a standing sonic wave superimposed on a centered expansion wave, a rippled expansion wave in an ideal gas, like a rippled shock wave, typically produces decaying oscillations of all fluid variables. Its behavior, however, is different at large and small values of the adiabatic exponent gamma. At gamma > 3, the mass modulation amplitude delta(m) in a rippled expansion wave exhibits a power-law growth with time alpha(t)beta, where beta = (gamma - 3)/(gamma - 1). This is the only example of a hydrodynamic instability whose law of growth, dependent on the equation of state, is expressed in a closed analytical form. The growth is shown to be driven by a physical mechanism similar to that of a classical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. In the opposite extreme gamma - 1 gas with low . Exact analytical expressions for the growth rates are derived for both cases and favorably compared to hydrodynamic simulation results.

  10. Thermal expansion absorbing structure for pipeline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagata, Takashi; Yamashita, Takuya.


    A thermal expansion absorbing structure for a pipeline is disposed to the end of pipelines to form a U-shaped cross section connecting a semi-circular torus shell and a short double-walled cylindrical tube. The U-shaped longitudinal cross-section is deformed in accordance with the shrinking deformation of the pipeline and absorbs thermal expansion. Namely, since the central lines of the outer and inner tubes of the double-walled cylindrical tube deform so as to incline, when the pipeline is deformed by thermal expansion, thermal expansion can be absorbed by a simple configuration thereby enabling to contribute to ensure the safety. Then, the entire length of the pipeline can greatly be shortened by applying it to the pipeline disposed in a high temperature state compared with a method of laying around a pipeline using only elbows, which has been conducted so far. Especially, when it is applied to a pipeline for an FBR-type reactor, the cost for the construction of a facility of a primary systems can greater be reduced. In addition, it can be applied to a pipeline for usual chemical plants and any other structures requiring absorption of deformation. (N.H.)

  11. The {β}-expansion formalism in perturbative QCD and its extension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kataev, A.L. [Institute for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of Russia,60th October Anniversary Prospect 7a, 117312, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,Institutskii per. 9, 141700, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region (Russian Federation); Mikhailov, S.V. [Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR,Joliot-Curie 6, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation)


    We discuss the {β}-expansion for renormalization group invariant quantities tracing this expansion to the different contractions of the corresponding incomplete BPHZ R-operation. All of the coupling renormalizations, which follow from these contractions, should be taken into account for the {β}-expansion. We illustrate this feature considering the nonsinglet Adler function D{sup NS} in the third order of perturbation. We propose a generalization of the {β}-expansion for the renormalization group covariant quantities — the {β,γ}-expansion.

  12. Temperature expansions for magnetic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cangemi, D.; Dunne, G.


    We derive finite temperature expansions for relativistic fermion systems in the presence of background magnetic fields, and with nonzero chemical potential. We use the imaginary-time formalism for the finite temperature effects, the proper-time method for the background field effects, and zeta function regularization for developing the expansions. We emphasize the essential difference between even and odd dimensions, focusing on 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. We concentrate on the high temperature limit, but we also discuss the T=0 limit with nonzero chemical potential. Copyright copyright 1996 Academic Press, Inc

  13. Processos da construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Leite Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Investigou-se os processos de construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS, pela análise de três documentos produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde entre 2002 e 2005 e do texto final da PNPS. Foram entrevistados cinco sujeitos que participaram da construção da PNPS, dos quais três eram gestores do Ministério da Saúde e dois pesquisadores. Os documentos foram explorados com a Análise do Discurso. O artigo contribui para aprofundar os debates sobre o processo de construção da PNPS. A promoção da saúde revelou seus antagonismos, o que motivou a demora de sua aprovação final. A indução internacional via financiamento demonstrou ser o elemento crucial para a definição da forma final da PNPS, trazendo de volta a criticada ênfase na mudança de estilos de vida em suas "Ações". Destaca-se o processo de produção negociada de consenso, que culminou com a criação do Comitê Gestor da PNPS, com a participação de diversos subsetores, estrutura inovadora no Ministério da Saúde.

  14. Thermal expansion data of (Th,U)O2 fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sengupta, A.K.; Banerjee, J.; Bhagat, R.K.; Ramachandran, R.; Majumdar, S.; Purushotham, D.S.C.


    Thermal expansion data for sintered ThO 2 and ThO 2 containing 2, 4, 6, 10 and 20% UO 2 pellets were measured using a high temperature dilatometer in the temperature range from ambient to 1773 K. The dilatometer was first calibrated using a standard graphite sample as reference material. The reproducibility of the dilatometer was tested by measuring the coefficient of expansion of tungsten (NBS SRM 737) and comparing the data with that recommended by National Bureau of Standard. It was observed that there is close agreement between the experimental and reported data. The coefficient of expansion data of (Th,U)O 2 fuel indicate that out of all the six compositions, ThO 2 +2%UO 2 showed the maximum expansion of around 1.75% at 1773 K. However, the expansion data for all the compositions were very close to each other. Empirical equation correlating thermal expansion and temperature for all six compositions have been generated and reported. (author)

  15. Ring-Expansion/Contraction Radical Crossover Reactions of Cyclic Alkoxyamines: A Mechanism for Ring Expansion-Controlled Radical Polymerization

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    Atsushi Narumi


    Full Text Available Macrocyclic polymers present an important class of macromolecules, displaying the reduced radius of gyration or impossibility to entangle. A rare approach for their synthesis is the ring expansion-controlled radical “vinyl” polymerization, starting from a cyclic alkoxyamine. We here describe ring-expansion radical crossover reactions of cyclic alkoxyamines which run in parallel to chain-propagation reactions in the polymerization system. The radical crossover reactions extensively occurred at 105–125 °C, eventually producing high molecular weight polymers with multiple inherent dynamic covalent bonds (NOC bonds. A subsequent ring-contraction radical crossover reaction and the second ring-expansion radical crossover reaction are also described. The major products for the respective three stages were shown to possess cyclic morphologies by the molecular weight profiles and the residual ratios for the NOC bonds (φ in %. In particular, the high φ values ranging from ca. 80% to 98% were achieved for this cyclic alkoxyamine system. This result verifies the high availability of this system as a tool demonstrating the ring-expansion “vinyl” polymerization that allows them to produce macrocyclic polymers via a one-step vinyl polymerization.

  16. Supersonic expansion of argon into vacuum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Habets, A H.M.


    A theoretical description of a free supersonic expansion process is given. Three distinct regions in the expansion are discussed, namely the continuum region, the gradual transition to the collisionless regime, and the free-molecular-flow stage. Important topics are the peaking-factor formalism, the thermal-conduction model, and the virtual-source formalism. The formation of the molecular beam from the expansion and condensation phenomena occurring in the expanding gas are discussed. The molecular beam machine used in the measurements is described and special attention is given to the cryopumps used in the supersonic sources as well as to the time-of-flight analysis of the molecular beam velocity distributions. Finally, the processing of experimental data is discussed, particularly the least-squares determination of best-fit representations of the measurements.

  17. Radial expansion for spinning conformal blocks

    CERN Document Server

    Costa, Miguel S.; Penedones, João; Trevisani, Emilio


    This paper develops a method to compute any bosonic conformal block as a series expansion in the optimal radial coordinate introduced by Hogervorst and Rychkov. The method reduces to the known result when the external operators are all the same scalar operator, but it allows to compute conformal blocks for external operators with spin. Moreover, we explain how to write closed form recursion relations for the coefficients of the expansions. We study three examples of four point functions in detail: one vector and three scalars; two vectors and two scalars; two spin 2 tensors and two scalars. Finally, for the case of two external vectors, we also provide a more efficient way to generate the series expansion using the analytic structure of the blocks as a function of the scaling dimension of the exchanged operator.

  18. Supersonic expansion of argon into vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habets, A.H.M.


    A theoretical description of a free supersonic expansion process is given. Three distinct regions in the expansion are discussed, namely the continuum region, the gradual transition to the collisionless regime, and the free-molecular-flow stage. Important topics are the peaking-factor formalism, the thermal-conduction model, and the virtual-source formalism. The formation of the molecular beam from the expansion and condensation phenomena occurring in the expanding gas are discussed. The molecular beam machine used in the measurements is described and special attention is given to the cryopumps used in the supersonic sources as well as to the time-of-flight analysis of the molecular beam velocity distributions. Finally, the processing of experimental data is discussed, particularly the least-squares determination of best-fit representations of the measurements

  19. The relevance of grid expansion under zonal markets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertsch, Joachim; Hagspiel, Simeon; Just, Lisa [ewi Energy Research and Scenarios gGmbH, Cologne (Germany); Cologne Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Economics; Brown, Tom [Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies (Germany)


    The European electricity market design is based on zonal markets with uniform prices. Locational price signals within these zones - necessary to ensure long-term efficiency - are not provided. Specifically, if intra-zonal congestion occurs due to missing grid expansion, the market design is revealed as inherently incomplete. This might lead to severe, unwanted distortions of the electricity market, both in the short- and in the long-term. In this paper, we study these distortions with a specific focus on the impact of restricted grid expansion under zonal markets. For this, we use a long term fundamental dispatch and investment model of the European electricity system and gradually restrict the allowed expansion of the transmission grid per decade. We find that the combination of an incomplete market design and restricted grid expansion leads to a misallocation of generation capacities and the inability to transport electricity to where it is needed. Consequences are severe and lead to load curtailment of up to 2-3 %. Moreover, missing grid expansion makes it difficult and costly to reach envisaged energy targets in the power sector. Hence, we argue that in the likely event of restricted grid expansion, either administrative measures or - presumably more efficient - an adaptation of the current market design to include locational signals will become necessary.

  20. The relevance of grid expansion under zonal markets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertsch, Joachim; Hagspiel, Simeon; Just, Lisa


    The European electricity market design is based on zonal markets with uniform prices. Locational price signals within these zones - necessary to ensure long-term efficiency - are not provided. Specifically, if intra-zonal congestion occurs due to missing grid expansion, the market design is revealed as inherently incomplete. This might lead to severe, unwanted distortions of the electricity market, both in the short- and in the long-term. In this paper, we study these distortions with a specific focus on the impact of restricted grid expansion under zonal markets. For this, we use a long term fundamental dispatch and investment model of the European electricity system and gradually restrict the allowed expansion of the transmission grid per decade. We find that the combination of an incomplete market design and restricted grid expansion leads to a misallocation of generation capacities and the inability to transport electricity to where it is needed. Consequences are severe and lead to load curtailment of up to 2-3 %. Moreover, missing grid expansion makes it difficult and costly to reach envisaged energy targets in the power sector. Hence, we argue that in the likely event of restricted grid expansion, either administrative measures or - presumably more efficient - an adaptation of the current market design to include locational signals will become necessary.

  1. Controlled Thermal Expansion Alloys (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — There has always been a need for controlled thermal expansion alloys suitable for mounting optics and detectors in spacecraft applications.  These alloys help...

  2. Teoria da adequação econômica da conduta: significado econômico da conduta em face da tutela penal antitruste


    Luiz da Silva, Ivan


    Essa tese tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento da teoria da adequação econômica da conduta no direito penal econômico. Vale-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar abrangendo a Economia, o direito econômico e o direito penal. Para alcançar o desiderato a investigação analisou a intervenção do direito penal em face da atividade econômica e, em especial, os fundamentos da tutela penal antitruste, para fins de estabelecer os contornos teóricos necessários à aplicação das premissas fund...

  3. O mito da serpente em D. H. Lawrence = The serpent myth in D. H. Lawrence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria Leal Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe um estudo do mito da serpente, na obra A serpenteemplumada, de D. H. Lawrence, baseado na trajetória mítica do herói, estabelecida por Joseph Campbell e na crítica junguiana da cultura. Kate, a protagonista, empreende uma busca de renascimento psicológico e espiritual, ao chegar à terra primitiva do México. Tal busca simboliza um retorno ao mundo primitivo da Grande Mãe, entendido, do ponto de vista psicológico, como o inconsciente. Assim como o processo de individuação, descrito por Jung, essa personagem enfrenta rompimentos e dificuldades no decorrer da expansão da consciência. Neste sentido, a serpente simboliza tanto o que é viperino na natureza humana, quanto à sabedoria do corpo e dos instintos.This paper proposes a study on the myth of the serpent in D. H. Lawrence’s The Plumed Serpent, based on Joseph Campbell’s mythical map of the hero’s journey and Jungian criticism. Kate, the femaleprotagonist, embarks on a quest for spiritual-psychological rebirth in the primitive lands of Mexico. Following the pattern of Jung’s individuation process and exploring many recurrent symbols in the narrative, we intend to show how Kate faces ruptures anduncertainties as her consciousness is getting into a process of expansion. According to our analysis, the serpent illustrates the Self’s paradoxical aspect, representing both the viper sideof the human being as well as its knowledge.

  4. Influência da temperatura e do teor de humidade do solo na área foliar e acumulação de matéria seca durante o estabelecimento da ervilha, do milho e do girassol Influence of temperature and soil moisture on leaf area and dry matter accumulation during establishment of pea, maize and sunflower

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. A. Andrade


    Full Text Available O crescimento foliar e a acumulação de matéria seca durante o estabelecimento da ervilha (Pisum sativum L., var. Ballet, do milho (Zea mays L., var. Lorena e do girassol (Helianthus annuus L., var. Flora-sol foram estudados em função da temperatura e do teor de água num solo Pmg(Évora e num Cb (Lisboa, entre Junho de 1995 e Novembro de 1996. Mediu-se a temperatura do solo a 2 e 4 cm de profundidade, a temperatura do ar e a humidade do solo. A área foliar das plântulas foi estimada a partir de medições do comprimento e da largura de cada folha. A acumulação de matéria seca foi avaliada pela pesagem da parte aérea das plântulas após secagem em estufa. Os dados foram analisados com base no conceito de tempo térmico. Para teores de humidade superiores a 50% da capacidade utilizável de cada solo, a área foliar durante o estabelecimento da ervilha e do milho aumentou linearmente com a temperatura acumulada, enquanto que a do girassol aumentou exponencialmente durante o mesmo período. A relação entre a acumulação de matéria seca de qualquer das culturas e a temperatura acumulada foi exponencial. O tipo de solo influenciou significativamente o “início da expansão foliar” da ervilha e do girassol, a “taxa térmica de expansão foliar” do milho e a acumulação de matéria seca da ervilha e do milho. O “início da expansão foliar” da ervilha ocorreu mais cedo no solo Cb enquanto que o do girassol ocorreu mais cedo no solo Pmg. A expansão foliar do milho foi mais rápida no solo Pmg. A acumulação de matéria seca da ervilha foi mais rápida no solo Cb, enquanto que a do girassol foi mais rápida no solo Pmg. Em ambos os solos, baixos teores de humidade afectaram negativamente a expansão da área foliar e a acumulação de matéria seca.Leaf area expansion and accumulation of dry matter during the establishment of pea (Pisum sativum L., var. Ballet, maize (Zea mays L., var. Lorena and sunflower (Helianthus annuus

  5. Controlling Thermal Expansion: A Metal?Organic Frameworks Route


    Balestra, Salvador R. G.; Bueno-Perez, Rocio; Hamad, Said; Dubbeldam, David; Ruiz-Salvador, A. Rabdel; Calero, Sofia


    Controlling thermal expansion is an important, not yet resolved, and challenging problem in materials research. A conceptual design is introduced here, for the first time, for the use of metal?organic frameworks (MOFs) as platforms for controlling thermal expansion devices that can operate in the negative, zero, and positive expansion regimes. A detailed computer simulation study, based on molecular dynamics, is presented to support the targeted application. MOF-5 has been selected as model m...

  6. Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion in adults. (United States)

    Pogrel, M A; Kaban, L B; Vargervik, K; Baumrind, S


    Twelve adults with maxillary width discrepancy of greater than 5 mm were treated by surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion. The procedure consisted of bilateral zygomatic buttress and midpalatal osteotomies combined with the use of a tooth-borne orthopedic device postoperatively. Mean palatal expansion of 7.5 mm (range of 6 to 13 mm), measured in the first molar region, was achieved within 3 weeks in all patients. Expansion remained stable during the 12-month study period, with a mean relapse for the entire group of 0.88 +/- 0.48 mm. Morbidity was limited to mild postoperative discomfort. The results of this preliminary study indicated that surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion is a safe, simple, and reliable procedure for achieving a permanent increase in skeletal maxillary width in adults. Further study is necessary to document the three-dimensional movements of the maxillary segments and long-term stability of the skeletal and dental changes.

  7. Perturbation Expansion in Dynamical Nuclear Field Theory and Its Relation with Boson Expansion Theory : Nuclear Physics


    Teruo, KISHIMOTO; Tetsuo, KAMMURI; Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba; Department of Physics, Osaka University


    With the Dynamical Nuclear Field Theory (DNFT) in the Tamm-Dancoff representation we examine higher order corrections in the vibrational mode of a spherical nuclear system. Due to the effects of bubble diagrams, the perturbation expansion in terms of the unrenormalized coupling strength and boson energy fails at full self-consistency. On the other hand, it becomes applicable in the form of linked-cluster expansion when we use thses constants renormalized by the effect of bubble diagrams, in t...

  8. Eta-Expansion Does The Trick

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier; Malmkjær, Karoline; Palsberg, Jens


    Partial-evaluation folklore has it that massaging one's source programs can make them specialize better. In Jones, Gomard, and Sestoft's recent textbook, a whole chapter is dedicated to listing such “binding-time improvements”: nonstandard use of continuation-passing style, eta-expansion, and a p......Partial-evaluation folklore has it that massaging one's source programs can make them specialize better. In Jones, Gomard, and Sestoft's recent textbook, a whole chapter is dedicated to listing such “binding-time improvements”: nonstandard use of continuation-passing style, eta...... across dynamic case expressions. This requirement precisely accounts for the nonstandard use of continuation-passing style encountered in partial evaluation. Eta-expansion thus acts as a uniform binding-time coercion between values and contexts, be they of function type, product type, or disjoint......-expansion, and a popular transformation called “The Trick.” We provide a unified view of these binding-time improvements, from a typing perspective. Just as a proper treatment of product values in partial evaluation requires partially static values, a proper treatment of disjoint sums requires moving static contexts...

  9. Cluster expansion for vacuum confining fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simonov, Yu.A.


    Colored particle Green functions in vacuum background random fields are written as path integrals. Averaging over random fields is done using the cluster (cumulant) expansion. The existence of a finite correlation length for vacuum background fields is shown to produce the linear confinement, in agreement with the results, obtained with the help of averaged Hamiltonians. A modified form of cluster expansion for nonabelian fields is introduced using the path-ordered cumulants

  10. Stochastic quantization and 1/N expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brunelli, J.C.; Mendes, R.S.


    We study the 1/N expansion of field theories in the stochastic quantization method of Parisi and Wu using the supersymmetric functional approach. This formulation provides a systematic procedure to implement the 1/N expansion which resembles the ones used in the equilibrium. The 1/N perturbation theory for the non linear sigma model in two dimensions is worked out as an example. (author). 19 refs., 5 figs

  11. Ocorrência da ferrugem da videira em Minas Gerais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adelica Aparecida Xavier


    Full Text Available A ferrugem da videira causada por Phakopsora euvitis Ono constitui-se numa ameaça às regiões produtoras de uva em função do potencial destrutivo da planta. A doença foi detectada no Brasil, pela primeira vez, em 2001. Atualmente, ela ocorre no Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Espírito Santo e Santa Catarina. Em abril de 2010, observaram-se na estação experimental da Unimontes, Janaúba, Minas Gerais, plantas da cv. Niágara rosada com sintomas típicos da doença. A análise dos sintomas e a caracterização dos urediniósporos sésseis, levemente equinulados, com formato oval, ou elipsoide formado em urédias subepidérmicas na origem, inrompentes e com paráfises circundantes dorsalmente, levaram à diagnose de Phakopsora euvitis como o agente causal da doença. Este é o primeiro relato da doença no Estado de Minas Gerais.

  12. Comparison among Magnus/Floquet/Fer expansion schemes in solid-state NMR (United States)

    Takegoshi, K.; Miyazawa, Norihiro; Sharma, Kshama; Madhu, P. K.


    We here revisit expansion schemes used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for the calculation of effective Hamiltonians and propagators, namely, Magnus, Floquet, and Fer expansions. While all the expansion schemes are powerful methods there are subtle differences among them. To understand the differences, we performed explicit calculation for heteronuclear dipolar decoupling, cross-polarization, and rotary-resonance experiments in solid-state NMR. As the propagator from the Fer expansion takes the form of a product of sub-propagators, it enables us to appreciate effects of time-evolution under Hamiltonians with different orders separately. While 0th-order average Hamiltonian is the same for the three expansion schemes with the three cases examined, there is a case that the 2nd-order term for the Magnus/Floquet expansion is different from that obtained with the Fer expansion. The difference arises due to the separation of the 0th-order term in the Fer expansion. The separation enables us to appreciate time-evolution under the 0th-order average Hamiltonian, however, for that purpose, we use a so-called left-running Fer expansion. Comparison between the left-running Fer expansion and the Magnus expansion indicates that the sign of the odd orders in Magnus may better be reversed if one would like to consider its effect in order.

  13. Comparison among Magnus/Floquet/Fer expansion schemes in solid-state NMR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takegoshi, K.; Miyazawa, Norihiro; Sharma, Kshama; Madhu, P. K.


    We here revisit expansion schemes used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for the calculation of effective Hamiltonians and propagators, namely, Magnus, Floquet, and Fer expansions. While all the expansion schemes are powerful methods there are subtle differences among them. To understand the differences, we performed explicit calculation for heteronuclear dipolar decoupling, cross-polarization, and rotary-resonance experiments in solid-state NMR. As the propagator from the Fer expansion takes the form of a product of sub-propagators, it enables us to appreciate effects of time-evolution under Hamiltonians with different orders separately. While 0th-order average Hamiltonian is the same for the three expansion schemes with the three cases examined, there is a case that the 2nd-order term for the Magnus/Floquet expansion is different from that obtained with the Fer expansion. The difference arises due to the separation of the 0th-order term in the Fer expansion. The separation enables us to appreciate time-evolution under the 0th-order average Hamiltonian, however, for that purpose, we use a so-called left-running Fer expansion. Comparison between the left-running Fer expansion and the Magnus expansion indicates that the sign of the odd orders in Magnus may better be reversed if one would like to consider its effect in order

  14. Comparison among Magnus/Floquet/Fer expansion schemes in solid-state NMR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takegoshi, K., E-mail:; Miyazawa, Norihiro [Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 606-8502 Kyoto (Japan); Sharma, Kshama [TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500 075 (India); Madhu, P. K. [TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500 075 (India); Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 (India)


    We here revisit expansion schemes used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for the calculation of effective Hamiltonians and propagators, namely, Magnus, Floquet, and Fer expansions. While all the expansion schemes are powerful methods there are subtle differences among them. To understand the differences, we performed explicit calculation for heteronuclear dipolar decoupling, cross-polarization, and rotary-resonance experiments in solid-state NMR. As the propagator from the Fer expansion takes the form of a product of sub-propagators, it enables us to appreciate effects of time-evolution under Hamiltonians with different orders separately. While 0th-order average Hamiltonian is the same for the three expansion schemes with the three cases examined, there is a case that the 2nd-order term for the Magnus/Floquet expansion is different from that obtained with the Fer expansion. The difference arises due to the separation of the 0th-order term in the Fer expansion. The separation enables us to appreciate time-evolution under the 0th-order average Hamiltonian, however, for that purpose, we use a so-called left-running Fer expansion. Comparison between the left-running Fer expansion and the Magnus expansion indicates that the sign of the odd orders in Magnus may better be reversed if one would like to consider its effect in order.

  15. A CPMI da Violência Contra a Mulher e a Implementação da Lei Maria Da Penha

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as conclusões da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito da Violência contra a Mulher, criada pelo Congresso Nacional Brasileiro em 2012, no que tange à aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. Após um ano e meio de trabalho, o relatório da CPMI apontou a fragilidade das políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra mulheres e os obstáculos na implementação da Lei Maria da Penha, dentre os quais, destacam-se: a precariedade da rede de serviços e o reduzido número de juizados especializados em atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar; o descumprimento da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que proíbe a aplicação da suspensão condicional do processo; a resistência de operadores/as do direito em entender a proposta da nova lei e romper com a lógica familista e o insuficiente orçamento para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção das políticas públicas de enfrentamento a essas situações de violência. A análise do relatório da CPMI permite concluir que os estados brasileiros investem muito pouco em políticas públicas específicas e que a implementação integral da Lei Maria da Penha depende de uma nova compreensão jurídica, da articulação entre os poderes públicos e de uma política orçamentária de gênero.

  16. A summation procedure for expansions in orthogonal polynomials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garibotti, C.R.; Grinstein, F.F.


    Approximants to functions defined by formal series expansions in orthogonal polynomials are introduced. They are shown to be convergent even out of the elliptical domain where the original expansion converges

  17. A sustentabilidade econômico-financeira da Estratégia Saúde da Família em municípios de grande porte The economic-financial sustainability of the Family Health Strategy in large municipalities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Zoio Portela


    Full Text Available A universalização da Atenção Básica e o compromisso orçamentário do Ministério da Saúde com a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF através de novos incentivos sistemáticos de financiamento têm se destacado no cenário da política de saúde brasileira. Um dos grandes problemas é a expansão da estratégia para os grandes centros urbanos. Este artigo estuda a sustentabilidade econômico-financeira do ESF em municípios brasileiros com mais de 100 mil habitantes segundo indicadores selecionados, considerando a região geográfica a que pertencem, porte populacional e a participação no Projeto de Expansão e Consolidação Saúde da Família (Proesf. Os municípios da região Sudeste, mais desenvolvida do país, apresentam em média melhores desempenhos econômico-financeiros, porém valores médios de cobertura de ESF mais baixos. Os municípios das regiões Norte e Nordeste, com as menores médias para indicadores de sustentabilidade econômico-financeira, são os que mais fizeram esforço de evolução no período. Assim, observamos a dinâmica entre maior capacidade fiscal e de comprometimento orçamentário com o setor saúde para os municípios de maior porte e de regiões mais desenvolvidas economicamente, e maior vulnerabilidade e dependência de transferências federativas para os municípios de menor porte e em áreas menos desenvolvidas.The universalization of basic care and commitment budget of the Ministry of Health with the Family Health Strategy (ESF through new systematic financing incentives have been highlighted in the Brazilian health policy scenario. One of the great problems observed is the expansion of the strategy for large urban centres. This paper studies the economic-financial sustainability of ESF in Brazilian municipalities of more than 100 thousand inhabitants according to some selected indicators, considering the geographical region to which they belong, their population size and participation in Project

  18. Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands. (United States)

    Bren d'Amour, Christopher; Reitsma, Femke; Baiocchi, Giovanni; Barthel, Stephan; Güneralp, Burak; Erb, Karl-Heinz; Haberl, Helmut; Creutzig, Felix; Seto, Karen C


    Urban expansion often occurs on croplands. However, there is little scientific understanding of how global patterns of future urban expansion will affect the world's cultivated areas. Here, we combine spatially explicit projections of urban expansion with datasets on global croplands and crop yields. Our results show that urban expansion will result in a 1.8-2.4% loss of global croplands by 2030, with substantial regional disparities. About 80% of global cropland loss from urban expansion will take place in Asia and Africa. In both Asia and Africa, much of the cropland that will be lost is more than twice as productive as national averages. Asia will experience the highest absolute loss in cropland, whereas African countries will experience the highest percentage loss of cropland. Globally, the croplands that are likely to be lost were responsible for 3-4% of worldwide crop production in 2000. Urban expansion is expected to take place on cropland that is 1.77 times more productive than the global average. The loss of cropland is likely to be accompanied by other sustainability risks and threatens livelihoods, with diverging characteristics for different megaurban regions. Governance of urban area expansion thus emerges as a key area for securing livelihoods in the agrarian economies of the Global South.

  19. Evolution of density-dependent movement during experimental range expansions. (United States)

    Fronhofer, E A; Gut, S; Altermatt, F


    Range expansions and biological invasions are prime examples of transient processes that are likely impacted by rapid evolutionary changes. As a spatial process, range expansions are driven by dispersal and movement behaviour. Although it is widely accepted that dispersal and movement may be context-dependent, for instance density-dependent, and best represented by reaction norms, the evolution of density-dependent movement during range expansions has received little experimental attention. We therefore tested current theory predicting the evolution of increased movement at low densities at range margins using highly replicated and controlled range expansion experiments across multiple genotypes of the protist model system Tetrahymena thermophila. Although rare, we found evolutionary changes during range expansions even in the absence of initial standing genetic variation. Range expansions led to the evolution of negatively density-dependent movement at range margins. In addition, we report the evolution of increased intrastrain competitive ability and concurrently decreased population growth rates in range cores. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding movement and dispersal as evolving reaction norms and plastic life-history traits of central relevance for range expansions, biological invasions and the dynamics of spatially structured systems in general. © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2017 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  20. Edgeworth Expansion Based Model for the Convolutional Noise pdf

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    Yonatan Rivlin


    Full Text Available Recently, the Edgeworth expansion up to order 4 was used to represent the convolutional noise probability density function (pdf in the conditional expectation calculations where the source pdf was modeled with the maximum entropy density approximation technique. However, the applied Lagrange multipliers were not the appropriate ones for the chosen model for the convolutional noise pdf. In this paper we use the Edgeworth expansion up to order 4 and up to order 6 to model the convolutional noise pdf. We derive the appropriate Lagrange multipliers, thus obtaining new closed-form approximated expressions for the conditional expectation and mean square error (MSE as a byproduct. Simulation results indicate hardly any equalization improvement with Edgeworth expansion up to order 4 when using optimal Lagrange multipliers over a nonoptimal set. In addition, there is no justification for using the Edgeworth expansion up to order 6 over the Edgeworth expansion up to order 4 for the 16QAM and easy channel case. However, Edgeworth expansion up to order 6 leads to improved equalization performance compared to the Edgeworth expansion up to order 4 for the 16QAM and hard channel case as well as for the case where the 64QAM is sent via an easy channel.

  1. Thermal and Hygric Expansion of High Performance Concrete


    J. Toman; R. Černý


    The linear thermal expansion coefficient of two types of high performance concrete was measured in the temperature range from 20 °C to 1000 °C, and the linear hygric expansion coefficient was determined in the moisture range from dry material to saturation water content. Comparative methods were applied for measurements of both coefficients. The experimental results show that both the effect of temperature on the values of linear thermal expansion coefficients and the effect of moisture on th...

  2. Cycle expansions: From maps to turbulence (United States)

    Lan, Y.


    We present a derivation, a physical explanation and applications of cycle expansions in different dynamical systems, ranging from simple one-dimensional maps to turbulence in fluids. Cycle expansion is a newly devised powerful tool for computing averages of physical observables in nonlinear chaotic systems which combines many innovative ideas developed in dynamical systems, such as hyperbolicity, invariant manifolds, symbolic dynamics, measure theory and thermodynamic formalism. The concept of cycle expansion has a deep root in theoretical physics, bearing a close analogy to cumulant expansion in statistical physics and effective action functional in quantum field theory, the essence of which is to represent a physical system in a hierarchical way by utilizing certain multiplicative structures such that the dominant parts of physical observables are captured by compact, maneuverable objects while minor detailed variations are described by objects with a larger space and time scale. The technique has been successfully applied to many low-dimensional dynamical systems and much effort has recently been made to extend its use to spatially extended systems. For one-dimensional systems such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the method turns out to be very effective while for more complex real-world systems including the Navier-Stokes equation, the method is only starting to yield its first fruits and much more work is needed to enable practical computations. However, the experience and knowledge accumulated so far is already very useful to a large set of research problems. Several such applications are briefly described in what follows. As more research effort is devoted to the study of complex dynamics of nonlinear systems, cycle expansion will undergo a fast development and find wide applications.

  3. Lessons from Early Medicaid Expansions Under Health Reform.. (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Lessons from Early Medicaid Expansions Under Health Reform, Interviews with Medicaid Officials In a new study entitled Lessons from Early Medicaid Expansions Under...



    Nunes, Denise Silva; UFSM; Tybusch, Jerônimo Siqueira; UFSM


    O bioimperialismo configura-se como uma característica da geopolítica da atualidade, com alicerces nas estruturas da globalização e do capitalismo. Nesse contexto, a problemática da pesquisa consiste na violação dos direitos dos povos locais e a exploração do meio ambiente, em que o atual sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual contribui para a biopirataria dos recursos naturais, por meio da infiltração, em áreas ricas em diversidade biológica, das grandes corporações, multinacionais...

  5. A dignidade da pessoa humana na doutrina social da igreja

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    Manzone, Gianni


    Full Text Available O texto faz uma análise panorâmica sobre a compreensão da dignidade humana nos diversos textos da Doutrina Social da Igreja, mostrando o entendimento da mesma nos diversos documentos dos Papas, notadamente Leão XII, Pio XI, Pio XII e João Paulo II, além de apontar aspectos históricos e culturais que influenciaram cada pronunciamento, o que foi determinante para a evolução do pensamento do Magistério na questão social. O ponto de partida é a visão antropológica da Doutrina Social da Igreja, resumida em termos de “homem criado por Deus a sua imagem e resgatado pelo sangue de Jesus Cristo” (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 29. A partir daí, há a defesa do primado do ser humano sobre o social e reivindicações totalitaristas que perpassaram a história recente da humanidade, embora a pessoa seja sempre um ser-em-relação e situado em uma sociedade determinada

  6. Thermal expansion accompanying the glass-liquid transition and crystallization

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    M. Q. Jiang


    Full Text Available We report the linear thermal expansion behaviors of a Zr-based (Vitreloy 1 bulk metallic glass in its as-cast, annealed and crystallized states. Accompanying the glass-liquid transition, the as-cast Vitreloy 1 shows a continuous decrease in the thermal expansivity, whereas the annealed glass shows a sudden increase. The crystallized Vitreloy 1 exhibits an almost unchanged thermal expansivity prior to its melting. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the nucleation of crystalline phases can induce a significant thermal shrinkage of the supercooled liquid, but with the growth of these nuclei, the thermal expansion again dominates. These results are explained in the framework of the potential energy landscape, advocating that the configurational and vibrational contributions to the thermal expansion of the glass depend on both, structure and temperature.

  7. Thermal expansion model for multiphase electronic packaging materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allred, B.E.; Warren, W.E.


    Control of thermal expansion is often necessary in the design and selection of electronic packages. In some instances, it is desirable to have a coefficient of thermal expansion intermediate between values readily attainable with single or two phase materials. The addition of a third phase in the form of fillers, whiskers, or fibers can be used to attain intermediate expansions. To help design the thermal expansion of multiphase materials for specific applications, a closed form model has been developed that accurately predicts the effective elastic properties of isotropic filled materials and transversely isotropic lamina. Properties of filled matrix materials are used as inputs to the lamina model to obtain the composite elastic properties as a function of the volume fraction of each phase. Hybrid composites with two or more fiber types are easily handled with this model. This paper reports that results for glass, quartz, and Kevlar fibers with beta-eucryptite filled polymer matrices show good agreement with experimental results for X, Y, and Z thermal expansion coefficients

  8. Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast linear elasticity

    KAUST Repository

    Poveda, Leonardo A.; Huepo, Sebastian; Calo, Victor M.; Galvis, Juan


    We study linear elasticity problems with high contrast in the coefficients using asymptotic limits recently introduced. We derive an asymptotic expansion to solve heterogeneous elasticity problems in terms of the contrast in the coefficients. We study the convergence of the expansion in the H1 norm. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.

  9. Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast linear elasticity

    KAUST Repository

    Poveda, Leonardo A.


    We study linear elasticity problems with high contrast in the coefficients using asymptotic limits recently introduced. We derive an asymptotic expansion to solve heterogeneous elasticity problems in terms of the contrast in the coefficients. We study the convergence of the expansion in the H1 norm. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.

  10. As causas imediatas do crescimento da renda, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza na Bahia, no Nordeste e no Brasil entre 2003 e 2011


    de Souza, Pedro H. G. F.


    O objetivo deste trabalho é explicar as causas imediatas do crescimento da renda domiciliar per capita, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza para cinco recortes geográficos – Brasil, Nordeste, Bahia, Região Metropolitana (RM) de Salvador e Bahia não metropolitana – durante o período recente de crescimento pró-pobre (2003-2011). Com base em decomposições dinâmicas dos três aspectos, este texto procura verificar se as mudanças dos últimos anos seguem ou não um mesmo padrão g...

  11. Evapotranspiração da cultura da cebola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. M. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A determinação da quantidade de água necessária para as culturas é um dos principais fatores para o correto planejamento, dimensionamento e manejo de qualquer sistema de irrigação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, comparar medida da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc da cebola com estimativa obtida a partir da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo determinada por diferentes métodos e Kc proposto na literatura. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental do Departamento de Tecnologia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, em Juazeiro, no período de junho a setembro de 2011. As medidas da ETc foram obtidas em evapotranspirômetros e as estimativas, a partir de ETo determinada pelos métodos: Penman-Monteith (padrão FAO, Penman-Monteith modificado por Villa Nova et al. (2004, Hargreaves & Samani, Makkink e Jensen & Haise e Kc proposto por Marouelli et al. (2005, para a cultura da cebola. É fundamental a avaliação de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência antes de sua aplicação, pois erros consideráveis podem ser cometidos na determinação da quantidade de água a ser aplicada a uma cultura, o que repercutirá certamente, na produtividade.Evapotranspiration crop onionAbstract: The determination of the amount of water needed for crops is a major factor for the correct planning, sizing and management of any irrigation system. This study aimed to compare measure of crop evapotranspiration (ETc onion with estimates obtained from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo determined by different methods and Kc proposed in the literature. The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Department of Technology and Social Sciences, University of the State of Bahia, in Juazeiro, from June to September 2011. The ETc measurements were obtained in evapotranspirometers and estimates, from ETo determined by the methods: Penman-Monteith (FAO standard, Penman-Monteith modified

  12. PEG-albumin plasma expansion increases expression of MCP-1 evidencing increased circulatory wall shear stress: an experimental study.

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    C Makena Hightower

    Full Text Available Treatment of blood loss with plasma expanders lowers blood viscosity, increasing cardiac output. However, increased flow velocity by conventional plasma expanders does not compensate for decreased viscosity in maintaining vessel wall shear stress (WSS, decreasing endothelial nitric oxide (NO production. A new type of plasma expander using polyethylene glycol conjugate albumin (PEG-Alb causes supra-perfusion when used in extreme hemodilution and is effective in treating hemorrhagic shock, although it is minimally viscogenic. An acute 40% hemodilution/exchange-transfusion protocol was used to compare 4% PEG-Alb to Ringer's lactate, Dextran 70 kDa and 6% Hetastarch (670 kDa in unanesthetized CD-1 mice. Serum cytokine analysis showed that PEG-Alb elevates monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1, a member of a small inducible gene family, as well as expression of MIP-1α, and MIP-2. MCP-1 is specific to increased WSS. Given the direct link between increased WSS and production of NO, the beneficial resuscitation effects due to PEG-Alb plasma expansion appear to be due to increased WSS through increased perfusion and blood flow rather than blood viscosity.

  13. The critical thermal expansion of gadolinium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, K.; Lanchester, P.C.


    Measurements have been made of the critical thermal expansion of single crystals of gadolinium, prepared by solid state electrotransport processing. Although the expansion data can be fitted to a simple power law with exponents lambda + =-0.25, lambda - =-0.33, these values are not predicted by theory and a discontinuity remains at Tsub(c)=293.620 K. It is suggested that the results relate to a region of crossover to uniaxial dipolar behaviour. (Auth.)

  14. Foundations on Expansive Soils; A Review


    Behzad Kalantari


    This study describes various types of foundation designs to be considered for structural engineering projects when the subsoil foundation consists of expansive or swelling soils. Among civil and architectural engineers expansive soils are known to be difficult foundation materials and problematic. These type of soils swell when they are subjected to moistures and shrink due to moisture loss. Because of this different behaviour upon wetting and drying, they cause minor to major structural dama...

  15. Preliminary thermal expansion screening data for tuffs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lappin, A.R.


    A major variable in evaluating the potential of silicic tuffs for use in geologic disposal of heat-producing nuclear wastes is thermal expansion. Results of ambient-pressure linear expansion measurements on a group of tuffs that vary treatly in porosity and mineralogy are presente here. Thermal expansion of devitrified welded tuffs is generally linear with increasing temperature and independent of both porosity and heating rate. Mineralogic factors affecting behavior of these tuffs are limited to the presence or absence of cristobalite and altered biotite. The presence of cristobalite results in markedly nonlinear expansion above 200 0 C. If biotite in biotite-hearing rocks alters even slightly to expandable clays, the behavior of these tuffs near the boiling point of water can be dominated by contraction of the expandable phase. Expansion of both high- and low-porosity tuffs containing hydrated silicic glass and/or expandable clays is complex. The behavior of these rocks appears to be completely dominated by dehydration of hydrous phases and, hence, should be critically dependent on fluid pressure. Valid extrapolation of the ambient-pressure results presented here to depths of interest for construction of a nuclear-waste repository will depend on a good understanding of the interaction of dehydration rates and fluid pressures, and of the effects of both micro- and macrofractures on the response of tuff masss

  16. Electric Grid Expansion Planning with High Levels of Variable Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadley, Stanton W. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); You, Shutang [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Shankar, Mallikarjun [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Liu, Yilu [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Renewables are taking a large proportion of generation capacity in U.S. power grids. As their randomness has increasing influence on power system operation, it is necessary to consider their impact on system expansion planning. To this end, this project studies the generation and transmission expansion co-optimization problem of the US Eastern Interconnection (EI) power grid with a high wind power penetration rate. In this project, the generation and transmission expansion problem for the EI system is modeled as a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem. This study analyzed a time series creation method to capture the diversity of load and wind power across balancing regions in the EI system. The obtained time series can be easily introduced into the MIP co-optimization problem and then solved robustly through available MIP solvers. Simulation results show that the proposed time series generation method and the expansion co-optimization model and can improve the expansion result significantly after considering the diversity of wind and load across EI regions. The improved expansion plan that combines generation and transmission will aid system planners and policy makers to maximize the social welfare. This study shows that modelling load and wind variations and diversities across balancing regions will produce significantly different expansion result compared with former studies. For example, if wind is modeled in more details (by increasing the number of wind output levels) so that more wind blocks are considered in expansion planning, transmission expansion will be larger and the expansion timing will be earlier. Regarding generation expansion, more wind scenarios will slightly reduce wind generation expansion in the EI system and increase the expansion of other generation such as gas. Also, adopting detailed wind scenarios will reveal that it may be uneconomic to expand transmission networks for transmitting a large amount of wind power through a long distance

  17. Dynamical effects in the Colomb expansion following nuclear fragmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, K.C.; Donangelo, R.J.; Schechter, H.


    The effects of the Colomb expansion on the fragment Kinetic energy spectrum for a fragmentating hot nuclear system is investigated. In particular, 12 C fragment spectra are calculated and compared with those predicted by the uniform expansion approximation. The results indicate that energy spectra of fragments are quite sensitive to the details of the Coulomb expansion treatment. (Author) [pt

  18. Hadronic mass-relations from topological expansion and string model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaidalov, A.B.


    Hadronic mass-relations from topological expansion and string model are derived. For this purpose the space- time picture of hadron interactions at high energies corresponding to planar diagrams of topological expansion is considered. Simple relations between intercepts and slopes of Regge trajectories based on the topological expansion and q anti q-string picture of hadrons are obtained [ru

  19. Thermal expansion of Ti-substituted barium hexaferrite

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hernandez-Gomez, P.; Francisco, de C.; Brabers, V.A.M.; Dalderop, J.H.J.


    Thermal expansion measurements in the range of 20–500 °C were carried out on both poly- and single crystalline samples of the hexagonal magnetoplumbite ferrite with composition BaTiFe11O19. The continuous scanning of the thermal expansion reveals the existence of a -type anomaly near the Curie

  20. 76 FR 27861 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...

  1. O sujeito cerebral e o movimento da neurodiversidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Ortega


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o movimento da neurodiversidade organizado basicamente por autistas chamados de alto funcionamento que consideram que o autismo não é uma doença a ser tratada, mas uma diferença humana, a qual deve ser respeitada como outras diferenças. O movimento da "neurodiversidade" deve ser inserido em um marco sociocultural e histórico mais amplo que incorpore o impacto crescente no imaginário cultural dos saberes e das práticas neurocientíficas com o paradigma do sujeito cerebral e a expansão da neurocultura. No contexto do sujeito cerebral, o cérebro responde por tudo o que outrora costumávamos atribuir à pessoa e vem se tornando um critério biossocial de agrupamento fundamental. O artigo mostra como uma ideologia solipsista, reducionista e cientificista - o sujeito cerebral - pode servir de base para a formação de identidade e de redes de sociabilidade e comunidade.This article analyzes the neurodiversity movement, organized mostly by so-called high-functioning autists, who consider that autism is not a disease to be treated, but rather a human difference that should be respected alongside other differences. The "neurodiversity" movement must be set within a wider sociocultural and historical field that incorporates the growing impact of neuroscientific knowledge and practices in the cultural imagination with the paradigm of the cerebral subject and the expansion of neuroculture. In the context of the cerebral subject, the brain accounts for all that we used to attribute to the person, and it is becoming a fundamental criterion for biosocial grouping. The article shows how a solipsist, reductionist and scientificist ideology - the cerebral subject - can act as the basis for the formation of identity and networks of sociability and community.


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    Alfram Roberto Rodrigues de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Expõe-se o estado atual da disciplina Arquitetura da Informação quanto a problemática terminológica da definição do campo de estudo, apresentando-se argumentos para uma definição de Arquitetura da Informação de uma forma ampla na qual os usos correntes dessa expressão sejam vistos como especializações. Defende-se uma definição com a utilização de um conjunto de propriedades mínimas cujas interações levam a uma terminologia formal e cuja abstração leva a uma definição formal do conceito que emprega a linguagem de morfismos da Teoria das Categorias. Trata-se de um recorte de alguns dos resultados obtidos na tese de doutoramento de um dos autores, defendida em setembro de 2010. O contexto da pesquisa é exposto e alguns dos resultados obtidos são delineados.

  3. 76 FR 12627 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...

  4. Finnish Higher Education Expansion and Regional Policy (United States)

    Saarivirta, Toni


    This paper concentrates on the expansion of Finnish higher education between the 1960s and 1970s, exposes its background in the light of the policy decisions that were made, compares the unique features of this expansion with those of certain other countries, discusses the impact of the controlled "top down" governance of higher…

  5. Spherical-wave expansions of piston-radiator fields. (United States)

    Wittmann, R C; Yaghjian, A D


    Simple spherical-wave expansions of the continuous-wave fields of a circular piston radiator in a rigid baffle are derived. These expansions are valid throughout the illuminated half-space and are useful for efficient numerical computation in the near-field region. Multipole coefficients are given by closed-form expressions which can be evaluated recursively.

  6. Series expansion of the modified Einstein Procedure (United States)

    Seema Chandrakant Shah-Fairbank


    This study examines calculating total sediment discharge based on the Modified Einstein Procedure (MEP). A new procedure based on the Series Expansion of the Modified Einstein Procedure (SEMEP) has been developed. This procedure contains four main modifications to MEP. First, SEMEP solves the Einstein integrals quickly and accurately based on a series expansion. Next,...

  7. A inclusão da subjetividade no ensino da Psicopatologia

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    Octavio Domont de Serpa Junior


    Full Text Available O estudo da Psicopatologia tem sido freqüentemente apresentado em sua dimensão descritiva. Apesar da relevância para o ensino - auxiliar o aluno a reconhecer a dimensão sintomatológica dos quadros psicopatológicos -, exclui a dimensão subjetiva da experiência do adoecimento e seus aspectos relacionais. Partindo da tradição antropológico-existencial, apresentamos uma experiência de ensino de Psicopatologia que considera tais dimensões relevantes para a compreensão do sofrimento mental. Trabalhando com estudo de caso descritivo, são apresentadas duas novas modalidades de práticas na disciplina Psicopatologia Especial I, oferecida para alunos do curso de Psicologia da UFRJ. A proposta é ampliar o ensino prático, tradicionalmente centrado no modelo da extensa entrevista clínica, realizada diante de um grande grupo de alunos que a tudo assistem passivamente. Pretendemos aproximar o ensino e a prática da Psicopatologia dos ideais da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira, que concebe o adoecimento mental como fenômeno complexo, envolvendo a relação do sujeito com o mundo.

  8. Autocorrelation descriptor improvements for QSAR: 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign (United States)

    Sliwoski, Gregory; Mendenhall, Jeffrey; Meiler, Jens


    Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is a branch of computer aided drug discovery that relates chemical structures to biological activity. Two well established and related QSAR descriptors are two- and three-dimensional autocorrelation (2DA and 3DA). These descriptors encode the relative position of atoms or atom properties by calculating the separation between atom pairs in terms of number of bonds (2DA) or Euclidean distance (3DA). The sums of all values computed for a given small molecule are collected in a histogram. Atom properties can be added with a coefficient that is the product of atom properties for each pair. This procedure can lead to information loss when signed atom properties are considered such as partial charge. For example, the product of two positive charges is indistinguishable from the product of two equivalent negative charges. In this paper, we present variations of 2DA and 3DA called 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign that avoid information loss by splitting unique sign pairs into individual histograms. We evaluate these variations with models trained on nine datasets spanning a range of drug target classes. Both 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign significantly increase model performance across all datasets when compared with traditional 2DA and 3DA. Lastly, we find that limiting 3DA_Sign to maximum atom pair distances of 6 Å instead of 12 Å further increases model performance, suggesting that conformational flexibility may hinder performance with longer 3DA descriptors. Consistent with this finding, limiting the number of bonds in 2DA_Sign from 11 to 5 fails to improve performance.

  9. Parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada correlacionados com as perdas de solo de um luvissolo

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    A. W. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as correlações lineares simples, múltiplas e não-lineares entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num Luvissolo. Os dados correspondentes ao período de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. Para determinar os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada, foram analisadas chuvas individuais registradas em 136 pluviogramas. O volume de enxurrada isolado ou em combinação com características da chuva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para melhorar a estimativa das perdas de solo de chuvas individuais. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva-enxurrada a(Vu α I30b; a(Vu α I5b; a(EIAb e da enxurrada a(Vub foram os melhores estimadores das perdas de solo para chuvas individuais. Dentre os parâmetros da erosividade da chuva, os que melhor se correlacionaram com as perdas de solo foram aqueles que incluíram o produto do volume da chuva pela intensidade máxima em trinta minutos a(VrI30.

  10. Rapid replacement of bridge deck expansion joints study - phase I. (United States)


    Bridge deck expansion joints are used to allow for movement of the bridge deck due to thermal expansion, dynamics loading, and : other factors. More recently, expansion joints have also been utilized to prevent the passage of winter de-icing chemical...

  11. Global operator expansions in conformally invariant relativistic quantum field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoer, B.; Swieca, J.A.; Voelkel, A.H.


    A global conformal operator expansions in the Minkowski region in several models and their formulation in the general theory is presented. Whereas the vacuum expansions are termwise manisfestly conformal invariant, the expansions away from the vacuum do not share this property

  12. Expansion reduction of clayey soils through Surcharge application and Lime Treatment

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    T. López-Lara


    Full Text Available Expansive clayey soils produce heaving and cracking of floor slabs and walls. Expansive soils owe their characteristics to the presence of swelling clay minerals. This soil expands and contracts due to changes in the moisture content of the soil. In this study the surcharge required to counteract soil expansion was measured in natural expansive soils (untreated soils and lime treated soils starting at 19.61 kPa (2 Ton/m2 and continuing with increments of 19.61 kPa. Additionaly in lime treated soils the amount of lime was determined under different surcharges in order to reduce the expansion. The test results indicated that the surcharges applied to untreated soils were not proportional to the decrease of expansion which is probably due to the increase of soil density. In fact, only the initial surcharge of 19.61 kPa significantly decreased the expansion. According to the results, the soil expansion was considerably reduced (1.54% with the surcharge of 78.45 kPa, therefore this surcharge can be considered as the Swelling pressure. On the other hand the soil tested (high compressibility clay was stabilized with 6% of lime (without surcharges which was determined with the lowest value of liquid limit and plastic index as well as expansion test. After the application of surcharges and lime treatment to expansive soil, the surcharges of 39.22 kPa and 58.84 kPa decreased expansion and increased their resistance. This was concluded by similar low values of expansion (without settlements under both surcharges of each treated soil tested (2, 4 and 6% of lime. It can be concluded that the surcharge contributed to the decrease of soil expansion due to the decrease of the amount of lime required (6% without surcharge. So, 4% of lime was enough for the surcharge of 19.61 kPa and 2% of lime required the surcharge minimum of 39.22 kPa. This shows that the surcharge of a house on expansive soil reduces soil expansion and therefore reduces costs of any

  13. Expansion patterns and parallaxes for planetary nebulae (United States)

    Schönberner, D.; Balick, B.; Jacob, R.


    Aims: We aim to determine individual distances to a small number of rather round, quite regularly shaped planetary nebulae by combining their angular expansion in the plane of the sky with a spectroscopically measured expansion along the line of sight. Methods: We combined up to three epochs of Hubble Space Telescope imaging data and determined the angular proper motions of rim and shell edges and of other features. These results are combined with measured expansion speeds to determine individual distances by assuming that line of sight and sky-plane expansions are equal. We employed 1D radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of nebular evolution to correct for the difference between the spectroscopically measured expansion velocities of rim and shell and of their respective shock fronts. Results: Rim and shell are two independently expanding entities, driven by different physical mechanisms, although their model-based expansion timescales are quite similar. We derive good individual distances for 15 objects, and the main results are as follows: (i) distances derived from rim and shell agree well; (ii) comparison with the statistical distances in the literature gives reasonable agreement; (iii) our distances disagree with those derived by spectroscopic methods; (iv) central-star "plateau" luminosities range from about 2000 L⊙ to well below 10 000 L⊙, with a mean value at about 5000 L⊙, in excellent agreement with other samples of known distance (Galactic bulge, Magellanic Clouds, and K648 in the globular cluster M 15); (v) the central-star mass range is rather restricted: from about 0.53 to about 0.56 M⊙, with a mean value of 0.55 M⊙. Conclusions: The expansion measurements of nebular rim and shell edges confirm the predictions of radiation-hydrodynamics simulations and offer a reliable method for the evaluation of distances to suited objects. Results of this paper are based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope in Cycle 16 (GO11122

  14. On the comparsion of the Spherical Wave Expansion-to-Plane Wave Expansion and the Sources Reconstruction Method for Antenna Diagnostics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alvarez, Yuri; Cappellin, Cecilia; Las-Heras, Fernando


    A comparison between two recently developed methods for antenna diagnostics is presented. On one hand, the Spherical Wave Expansion-to-Plane Wave Expansion (SWE-PWE), based on the relationship between spherical and planar wave modes. On the other hand, the Sources Reconstruction Method (SRM), based...


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    André Filipe Fonseca


    Full Text Available A cadeia da Arrábida resulta da interação de processos tectónicos e erosivos ao longo de um período de tempo alargado, situado entre o Miocénico médio e a atualidade. O desmantelamento da cadeia processou-se em função da componente de movimentação tectónica, da posição da linha de costa e dos processos erosivos a ela associados, desempenhando a rede hidrográfica um papel fundamental no restabelecimento do equilíbrio dinâmico entre processos endógenos e exógenos. Esta relação está expressa no escalonamento altitudinal de formas erosivas aplanadas e suspensas sobre a rede de drenagem atual, evidenciando uma evolução policíclica do relevo controlada pelo levantamento da Serra da Arrábida, pela subsidência do Sinclinal de Albufeira e pelas oscilações do nível do mar no decorrer do período plio-quaternário. Sobrepõe-se a este processo o rejogo vertical de falhas de orientação NNE-SSW a NE-SW evidenciando um aumento progressivo da deformação de oeste para leste. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da geomorfologia da cadeia da Arrábida recorrendo a técnicas de geomorfometria para a extração semiautomática e análise de formas de relevo. Dado o contexto morfotectónico, é dada particular atenção à interferência da tectónica na evolução do relevo.

  16. A matched expansion approach to practical self-force calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, Warren G; Wiseman, Alan G


    We discuss a practical method of computing the self-force on a particle moving through a curved spacetime. This method involves two expansions to calculate the self-force, one arising from the particle's immediate past and the other from the more distant past. The expansion in the immediate past is a covariant Taylor series and can be carried out for all geometries. The more distant expansion is a mode sum, and may be carried out in those cases where the wave equation for the field mediating the self-force admits a mode expansion of the solution. In particular, this method can be used to calculate the gravitational self-force for a particle of mass μ orbiting a black hole of mass M to order μ 2 , provided μ/M << 1. We discuss how to use these two expansions to construct a full self-force, and in particular investigate criteria for matching the two expansions. As with all methods of computing self-forces for particles moving in black hole spacetimes, one encounters considerable technical difficulty in applying this method; nevertheless, it appears that the convergence of each series is good enough that a practical implementation may be plausible

  17. Instability of a planar expansion wave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velikovich, A.L.; Zalesak, S.T.; Metzler, N.; Wouchuk, J.G.


    An expansion wave is produced when an incident shock wave interacts with a surface separating a fluid from a vacuum. Such an interaction starts the feedout process that transfers perturbations from the rippled inner (rear) to the outer (front) surface of a target in inertial confinement fusion. Being essentially a standing sonic wave superimposed on a centered expansion wave, a rippled expansion wave in an ideal gas, like a rippled shock wave, typically produces decaying oscillations of all fluid variables. Its behavior, however, is different at large and small values of the adiabatic exponent γ. At γ>3, the mass modulation amplitude δm in a rippled expansion wave exhibits a power-law growth with time ∝t β , where β=(γ-3)/(γ-1). This is the only example of a hydrodynamic instability whose law of growth, dependent on the equation of state, is expressed in a closed analytical form. The growth is shown to be driven by a physical mechanism similar to that of a classical Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. In the opposite extreme γ-1 -1/2 , and then starts to decrease. The mechanism driving the growth is the same as that of Vishniac's instability of a blast wave in a gas with low γ. Exact analytical expressions for the growth rates are derived for both cases and favorably compared to hydrodynamic simulation results

  18. Cosmological expansion and local physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faraoni, Valerio; Jacques, Audrey


    The interplay between cosmological expansion and local attraction in a gravitationally bound system is revisited in various regimes. First, weakly gravitating Newtonian systems are considered, followed by various exact solutions describing a relativistic central object embedded in a Friedmann universe. It is shown that the 'all or nothing' behavior recently discovered (i.e., weakly coupled systems are comoving while strongly coupled ones resist the cosmic expansion) is limited to the de Sitter background. New exact solutions are presented which describe black holes perfectly comoving with a generic Friedmann universe. The possibility of violating cosmic censorship for a black hole approaching the big rip is also discussed

  19. Expansion of all multitrace tree level EYM amplitudes (United States)

    Du, Yi-Jian; Feng, Bo; Teng, Fei


    In this paper, we investigate the expansion of tree level multitrace Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) amplitudes. First, we propose two types of recursive expansions of tree level EYM amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons, gravitons and traces by those amplitudes with fewer traces or/and gravitons. Then we give many support evidence, including proofs using the Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) formula and Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) recursive relation. As a byproduct, two types of generalized BCJ relations for multitrace EYM are further proposed, which will be useful in the BCFW proof. After one applies the recursive expansions repeatedly, any multitrace EYM amplitudes can be given in the Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) basis of tree level color ordered Yang-Mills (YM) amplitudes. Thus the Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) numerators, as the expansion coefficients, for all multitrace EYM amplitudes are naturally constructed.

  20. Expansive cements for the manufacture of the concrete protective bandages (United States)

    Yakymechko, Yaroslav; Voloshynets, Vladyslav


    One of the promising directions of the use of expansive cements is making the protective bandages for the maintenance of pipelines. Bandages expansive application of the compositions of the pipeline reinforce the damaged area and reduce stress due to compressive stress in the cylindrical area. Such requirements are best suited for expansive compositions obtained from portland cement and modified quicklime. The article presents the results of expansive cements based on quick lime in order to implement protective bandages pipelines.

  1. Off-diagonal series expansion for quantum partition functions (United States)

    Hen, Itay


    We derive an integral-free thermodynamic perturbation series expansion for quantum partition functions which enables an analytical term-by-term calculation of the series. The expansion is carried out around the partition function of the classical component of the Hamiltonian with the expansion parameter being the strength of the off-diagonal, or quantum, portion. To demonstrate the usefulness of the technique we analytically compute to third order the partition functions of the 1D Ising model with longitudinal and transverse fields, and the quantum 1D Heisenberg model.

  2. Expansion at Olympic Dam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewis, C.


    The Olympic Dam orebody is the 6th largest copper and the single largest uranium orebody in the world. Mine production commenced in June 1988, at an annual production rate of around 45,000 tonnes of copper and 1,000 tonnes of uranium. Western Mining Corporation announced in 1996 a proposed $1.25 billion expansion of the Olympic Dam operation to raise the annual production capacity of the mine to 200,000 tonnes of copper, approximately 3,700 tonnes of uranium, 75,000 ounces of gold and 950,000 ounces of silver by 2001. Further optimisation work has identified a faster track expansion route, with an increase in the capital cost to $1.487 billion but improved investment outcome, a new target completion date of end 1999, and a new uranium output of 4,600 tonnes per annum from that date

  3. O uso da aromaterapia na melhora da autoestima

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    Juliana Rizzo Gnatta


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se a inalação dos óleos essenciais de rosa e de ylang-ylang alteram a percepção da autoestima e comparar a eficácia dos mesmos. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital da Universidade de São Paulo. Participaram 43 funcionários dos setores de Higienização e da Central de Materiais e Esterilização durante os meses de maio a julho de 2009. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em três grupos: dois que receberem os óleos essenciais e outro que recebeu placebo (essência de rosa. A avaliação da autoestima foi feita através de uma escala já validada no Brasil, sendo aplicada antes do uso dos aromas, depois de 30 dias de uso e ao completar 60 dias. Dentre os resultados, verificou-se que a amostra era constituída por 88,6% de indivíduos com média e alta autoestima e que os óleos essenciais em questão não alteraram de forma significativa a percepção da autoestima.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    expansive soils which depends on the stress and ... been employed to curb or reduce the severity of the damages caused by ... work is collected from Addis Ababa, Bole Sub. City at 8º 59' ..... Construction of flexible Pavements in Expansive ...

  5. Da onda da gestão da qualidade a uma filosofia da qualidade da gestão: Balanced Scorecard promovendo mudanças

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    Andréa Cavalcanti Correia Lima


    Full Text Available No final da década de 80 a Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT era apresentada como capaz de resolver todos os problemas e atender a todas as necessidades da gestão das organizações. Buscando solucionar problemas de gestão não equacionados pela GQT, muitas organizações começam a adotar o Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Uma questão ainda não discutida com profundidade no mundo acadêmico é a viabilidade de integração desses dois modelos. O presente artigo discute a possibilidade de integração dessas duas ferramentas, verificando as melhorias que podem alcançar, principalmente no gerenciamento da estratégia da organização. Assim sendo, realizou-se estudo de caso no Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza (CPHF, empresa que vêm adotando com sucesso os dois modelos. A pesquisa revela que é possível integrar os princípios da GQT com os do BSC, à medida que os fundamentos de ambos se complementam, sendo assim a utilização conjunta das ferramentas propicia melhor gerenciamento da estratégia da organização.In recent years, many organizations have been managed according to the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM, which became known around the globe in the 1980's, when looking for explanations for the so-called "Japanese miracle". TQM was presented as being capable of solving all problems and attending to all company management needs, a stage that seems outdated now. In the search for a model that would allow them to analyze and follow up the implementation of organizational strategies, without remaining limited to Quality indicators, many companies started to adopt the Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Companies using TQM question whether it is viable together with the BSC. In order to contribute to a solution to this question, this article discusses the possibility of aligning these two tools. Therefore, a case study was carried out at the Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza, a company that implanted TQM in 1997 and started to adopt the BSC in 2000. The

  6. On the stress-free lattice expansion of porous cordierite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruno, Giovanni; Efremov, Alexander M.; Clausen, Bjorn; Balagurov, Anatoly M.; Simkin, Valeriy N.; Wheaton, Bryan R.; Webb, James E.; Brown, Donald W.


    An extensive investigation of the lattice expansion (up to 1200 deg. C) of porous synthetic cordierite (obtained by firing a mixture of talc, clay, alumina and silica) was carried out using time-of-flight neutron diffraction at LANSCE, Los Alamos, NM, USA and FNLP, Dubna, Russia. An extruded rod and several powders, with different particle size (dispersity), were studied, with the aim of monitoring the variation of the (lattice) micro-strain as a function of temperature and its influence on the microscopic and macroscopic thermal expansion. Results show a different expansion of the a- and b-axes of the orthorhombic cell (in the rod above 800 deg. C). While the finest powder seems to contract more along the c-axis, thus hinting at the presence of smaller stress, the integral peak width increases as a function of temperature in the intermediate range (300-700 deg. C). This could be explained by the integrity factor modeling in terms of micro-cracking. In polycrystalline cordierite, the model implies tension along the a- and b-axes (positive thermal expansion) accompanied by compression along the c-axis (negative thermal expansion) and a stress release upon cooling, via a thermal micro-cracking mechanism. The calculations of the cordierite macroscopic thermal expansion having as input crystal axial expansions assumed to be stress-free allowed us to conclude that even a fine powder (5 μm particle size) cannot be considered completely stress-free. This conclusion is supported by microstructural observations.

  7. Investigation of Thermal Expansion of a Glass Ceramic Material with an Extra-Low Thermal Linear Expansion Coefficient (United States)

    Kompan, T. A.; Korenev, A. S.; Lukin, A. Ya.


    The artificial material sitall CO-115M was developed purposely as a material with an extra-low thermal expansion. The controlled crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass melt leads to the formation of a mixture of β-spodumen, β-eucryptite, and β-silica anisotropic microcrystals in a matrix of residual glass. Due to the small size of the microcrystals, the material is homogeneous and transparent. Specific lattice anharmonism of these microcrystal materials results in close to zero average thermal linear expansion coefficient (TLEC) of the sitall material. The thermal expansion coefficient of this material was measured using an interferometric method in line with the classical approach of Fizeau. To obtain the highest accuracy, the registration of light intensity of the total interference field was used. Then, the parameters of the interference pattern were calculated. Due to the large amount of information in the interference pattern, the error of the calculated fringe position was less than the size of a pixel of the optical registration system. The thermal expansion coefficient of the sitall CO-115M and its temperature dependence were measured. The TLEC value of about 3 × 10-8 K-1 to 5 × 10-8 K-1 in the temperature interval from -20 °C to +60 °C was obtained. A special investigation was carried out to show the homogeneity of the material.

  8. Toward convergence of the variational mass expansion in asymptotically free theories

    CERN Document Server

    Kneur, J L


    We re-examine a modification of perturbative expansions, valid for asymptotically free theories, producing "variationally improved" expansions of physical quantities relevant to dynamical (chiral) symmetry breaking. The large order behaviour of this expansion is shown to be drastically improved, for reasons analogous to the convergence properties of the delta-expansion of the anharmonic oscillator.

  9. Trace expansions for mixed boundary problems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seeley, Robert T


    We discuss the heat trace expansion for a mixed boundary problem for the Laplace operator acting on sections of some bundle V over a manifold M of dimension d. The boundary is divided in two parts N{sub D} and N{sub N}, intersecting in a smooth submanifold {sigma}. Dirichlet conditions are imposed on N{sub D} - {sigma}, and Neumann conditions on N{sub N} - {sigma}. It turns out that it is also necessary to impose a condition along {sigma}. We then obtain an expansion of the trace of the heat operator with these boundary conditions, containing integrals of the usual terms over the interior and the two parts of the boundary, together with integrals over {sigma} of terms that are 'global' in certain operators on a semicircle. The first nonzero such term is computed; it involves the zeta function of an operator on the semicircle, and depends on the boundary condition along {sigma}. We find that no logarithmic terms occur in the expansion.

  10. Desenvolvimento e dignidade humana: complementaridade de duas dimensões da linguagem

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    Giana Diesel Sebastiany


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o conceito de desenvolvimento como liberdade e suas implicações na ampliação da dignidade da vida humana, especialmente no que se refere às escolhas possíveis, a partir de dois economistas contemporâneos que, com dimensões distintas da linguagem, se complementam na interpretação do tema. Amartya Sen e Sebastião Salgado se debruçam sobre o mesmo contexto histórico, procurando apreender as muitas faces do desenvolvimento e suas repercussões na vida das pessoas. Conhecendo um pouco a trajetória de ambos, o desafio desse texto é compreender a complementaridade entre as palavras e as fotografias utilizadas pelos autores. Ao utilizarmos as imagens produzidas por Sebastião Salgado, estamos considerando-as como fontes históricas de abrangência multidisciplinar, que possibilitam novas abordagens de análise a partir de seus registros, assim como as palavras de Amartya Sen nos induzem a múltiplas reflexões. Os autores referidos retratam a saúde, a educação e a seguridade social como relações instrumentais fundamentais para a existência digna da humanidade. Entretanto, a provisão das mesmas não constitui um fim por si só; essa provisão só adquire um real sentido quando tem como meta a expansão das capacidades e das liberdades das pessoas que, assim, passam a exercer a condição de agentes de mudanças.Abstract The article approaches the concept of development as freedom and its implications in the expansion of human life dignity, especially when it refers to possible choices, based on the theories of two contemporary economists who, with different dimensions of language, agree on the interpretation of the subject. Amartya Sen and Sebastião Salgado study the same historical context, where they try to understand the many meanings of the development and its repercussions in people's life. Knowing a little about their academic life, the main goal of this paper understands the complementarity among words and

  11. Genetic evidence for a Paleolithic human population expansion in Africa (United States)

    Reich, David E.; Goldstein, David B.


    Human populations have undergone dramatic expansions in size, but other than the growth associated with agriculture, the dates and magnitudes of those expansions have never been resolved. Here, we introduce two new statistical tests for population expansion, which use variation at a number of unlinked genetic markers to study the demographic histories of natural populations. By analyzing genetic variation in various aboriginal populations from throughout the world, we show highly significant evidence for a major human population expansion in Africa, but no evidence of expansion outside of Africa. The inferred African expansion is estimated to have occurred between 49,000 and 640,000 years ago, certainly before the Neolithic expansions, and probably before the splitting of African and non-African populations. In showing a significant difference between African and non-African populations, our analysis supports the unique role of Africa in human evolutionary history, as has been suggested by most other genetic work. In addition, the missing signal in non-African populations may be the result of a population bottleneck associated with the emergence of these populations from Africa, as postulated in the “Out of Africa” model of modern human origins. PMID:9653150

  12. Thermal expansion of epoxy-fiberglass composite specimens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McElroy, D.L.; Weaver, F.J.; Bridgman, C.


    The thermal expansion behavior of three epoxy-fiberglass composite specimens was measured from 20 to 120 0 C (70 to 250 0 F) using a fused quartz push-rod dilatometer. Billets produced by vacuum impregnating layers of two types of fiberglass cloth with an epoxy resin were core-drilled to produce cylindrical specimens. These were used to study expansion perpendicular and parallel to the fiberglass layers. The dilatometer is held at a preselected temperature until steady-state is indicated by stable length and temperature data. Before testing the composite specimens, a reliability check of the dilatometer was performed using a copper secondary standard. This indicated thermal expansion coefficient (α) values within +-2% of expected values from 20 to 200 0 C

  13. A topological expansion for high energy hadronic collisions. I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciafaloni, M.; Marchesini, G.; Veneziano, G.


    In this and in a companion paper a 'topological expansion' for high-energy hadronic processes is proposed and discussed. In the first paper the general properties of the expansion and its connection with Gribov's reggeon calculus are presented. The topological expansion is first defined mathematically for a large class of theories and is shown to be equivalent to a 'large N expansion' in some theories which include planar dual models and non-Abelaian gauge theories. Next, the definition of the bare parameters is given in terms of graphs on a sphere. The bare pomeron pole and its couplings are thus introduced. The (inclusive) form of s-channel unitarity and its consequences for the above couplings are recalled. It is then shown how the expansion in the number of 'handles' of the graph can be related to Gribov's reggeon calculus and how, with the aid of discontinuity equations in the J-plane, scaling solutions can be obtained and critical indices can be computed to yield known results. (Auth.)

  14. Vida e construção do conhecimento na Pedagogia da Alternância. Life and knowledge construction in the Pedagogy of Alternation

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    Sobreira, Milene Francisca Coelho


    Full Text Available A Pedagogia da Alternância tem se destacado nas últimas décadas no Brasil, principalmente no interior do movimento de Educação do Campo. Apesar de sua importância e seu uso em expansão, ainda são escassas as pesquisas que enfocam a temática da construção do conhecimento na dinâmica pedagógica da alternância. É, neste contexto, que o presente trabalho tem, como objetivo, iniciar uma discussão sobre a centralidade da vida na Pedagogia da Alternância e como esta centralidade reflete num modo novo de compreensão do processo de construção do conhecimento. Na operacionalização deste propósito, realizamos um resgate histórico da origem e da expansão da Pedagogia da Alternância, destacando em sua gênese e, principalmente, nas experiências brasileiras de formação por alternância, a dinâmica como com a qual o conhecimento vem sendo proposto nessa prática pedagógica. Nossas análises indicam que a realidade e a vida são elementos desencadeadores na constituição da Pedagogia da Alternância e de sua forma de compreensão do processo de construção do conhecimento. Particularmente na sociedade brasileira, o diálogo das experiências de formação por alternância com os ideais pedagógicos de Paulo Freire e do movimento da Educação do Campo tem gerado inúmeras e diferentes experiências educativas que, como elemento comum, assumem uma perspectiva de que o conhecimento deve ser construído a partir da vida, na relação dialética entre ação e reflexão. The Pedagogy of Alternation has emerged in Brazil in recent decades, mainly within the movement of Field Education. Despite its importance and use in expansion, there is still little research focusing on the thematic of knowledge construction in the dynamics of pedagogical alternation. In this context, the present study aims to initiate a discussion on the centrality of life in the Pedagogy of Alternation and how this centrality reflects a new way of understanding

  15. A Lei Maria da Penha sob a perspectiva da ética da vingança / Maria da Penha law unde the ethics of revenge approach


    Nunes, Thaísa Silva de Oliveira; Faculdade de Direito de Vitória


    RESUMO: Analisa-se a lei 11.340/2006, conhecida como Lei Maria da Penha, sob a perspectiva da ética da vingança, considerando-se a situação de seu uso de forma equivocada. Nesse sentido, argui-se que o judiciário deve tomar um cuidado maior ao julgar casos de violência doméstica. Aborda-se também a possibilidade de uma mulher abandonada ou ultrajada pelo seu companheiro reagir de forma a resgatar a confiança em si, ao invés de se utilizar da prática da vingança permitida pelos mecanismos jurí...

  16. Modeling of Viscosity and Thermal Expansion of Bioactive Glasses


    Farid, Saad B. H.


    The behaviors of viscosity and thermal expansion for different compositions of bioactive glasses have been studied. The effect of phosphorous pentoxide as a second glass former in addition to silica was investigated. Consequently, the nonlinear behaviors of viscosity and thermal expansion with respect to the oxide composition have been modeled. The modeling uses published data on bioactive glass compositions with viscosity and thermal expansion. -regression optimization technique has been uti...


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    Fábio Carlos Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available Mais que um meio de comunicação, as tecnologias da comunicação, em especial a TV, transmitem valores, ideias e atitudes, ou seja, todo um conteúdo atitudinal e procedimental. O presente texto discute o papel da mídia televisiva e da internet na transmissão de valores culturais, atendo-se principalmente na questão do consumo. Analisamos propagandas oriundas do ambiente televisivo e também a veiculada pela internet a partir da qual objetivamos, à luz do conceito de Cultura e Ideologia investigar e assinalar o condicionamento dos consumidores ao ato de consumo.

  18. Colossal negative thermal expansion in reduced layered ruthenate. (United States)

    Takenaka, Koshi; Okamoto, Yoshihiko; Shinoda, Tsubasa; Katayama, Naoyuki; Sakai, Yuki


    Large negative thermal expansion (NTE) has been discovered during the last decade in materials of various kinds, particularly materials associated with a magnetic, ferroelectric or charge-transfer phase transition. Such NTE materials have attracted considerable attention for use as thermal-expansion compensators. Here, we report the discovery of giant NTE for reduced layered ruthenate. The total volume change related to NTE reaches 6.7% in dilatometry, a value twice as large as the largest volume change reported to date. We observed a giant negative coefficient of linear thermal expansion α=-115 × 10 -6  K -1 over 200 K interval below 345 K. This dilatometric NTE is too large to be attributable to the crystallographic unit-cell volume variation with temperature. The highly anisotropic thermal expansion of the crystal grains might underlie giant bulk NTE via microstructural effects consuming open spaces in the sintered body on heating.

  19. Ergodic model for the expansion of spherical nanoplasmas. (United States)

    Peano, F; Coppa, G; Peinetti, F; Mulas, R; Silva, L O


    Recently, the collisionless expansion of spherical nanoplasmas has been analyzed with a new ergodic model, clarifying the transition from hydrodynamiclike to Coulomb-explosion regimes, and providing accurate laws for the relevant features of the phenomenon. A complete derivation of the model is presented here. The important issue of the self-consistent initial conditions is addressed by analyzing the initial charging transient due to the electron expansion, in the approximation of immobile ions. A comparison among different kinetic models for the expansion is presented, showing that the ergodic model provides a simplified description, which retains the essential information on the electron distribution, in particular, the energy spectrum. Results are presented for a wide range of initial conditions (determined from a single dimensionless parameter), in excellent agreement with calculations from the exact Vlasov-Poisson theory, thus providing a complete and detailed characterization of all the stages of the expansion.

  20. Photographic assessment of nasal morphology following rapid maxillary expansion in children (United States)

    da SILVA FILHO, Omar Gabriel; LARA, Tulio Silva; AYUB, Priscila Vaz; OHASHI, Amanda Sayuri Cardoso; BERTOZ, Francisco Antônio


    Objective The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. Material and Methods Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexaminer and interexaminer agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. Results From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsum of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. Conclusion RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis. PMID:21986660

  1. A simulation environment for dry-expansion evaporators with application to the design of autotuning control algorithms for electronic expansion valves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beghi, Alessandro [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell' Informazione, Universita di Padova, via Gradenigo 6/B, I-35131 Padova (Italy); Cecchinato, Luca [Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica, Universita di Padova, via Venezia 1, I-35131 Padova (Italy)


    In this paper some results of a research project aimed at deriving high-performance, adaptive control algorithms for electronic expansion valves (EEVs) to be used in finned-coiled, dry-expansion evaporators for refrigeration systems are reported. With the aim of developing a software environment that can be used for controller design, rapid prototyping, optimization of data collection and test design, virtual prototyping approach to design was adopted. The development of a distributed dynamic simulation model of the evaporator coupled with an electronic expansion valve, and its use for deriving autotuning PID control algorithms is described. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of this kind of approach. (author)

  2. Spherical harmonic expansion of short-range screened Coulomb interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angyan, Janos G [Laboratoire de Cristallographie et de Modelisation des Materiaux Mineraux et Biologiques, UMR 7036, CNRS-Universite Henri Poincare, BP 239, F-54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); Gerber, Iann [Laboratoire de Cristallographie et de Modelisation des Materiaux Mineraux et Biologiques, UMR 7036, CNRS-Universite Henri Poincare, BP 239, F-54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (France); Marsman, Martijn [Institut fuer Materialphysik and Center for Computational Materials Science, Universitaet Wien, Sensengasse 8, A-1090, Vienna (Austria)


    Spherical harmonic expansions of the screened Coulomb interaction kernel involving the complementary error function are required in various problems in atomic, molecular and solid state physics, like for the evaluation of Ewald-type lattice sums or for range-separated hybrid density functionals. A general analytical expression is derived for the kernel, which is non-separable in the radial variables. With the help of series expansions a separable approximate form is proposed, which is in close analogy with the conventional multipole expansion of the Coulomb kernel in spherical harmonics. The convergence behaviour of these expansions is studied and illustrated by the electrostatic potential of an elementary charge distribution formed by products of Slater-type atomic orbitals.


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    Diego Pautasso


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o lugar da África na construção da Nova Rota da Seda Marítima. Este é justamente um dos vetores do ambicioso projeto chinês de integração da Ásia, Europa e África, lançada em 2013 sob título de Iniciativa OBOR (One Belt, One Road. Na medida que os desafios da reconstrução nacional são superados, a China torna-se mais assertiva e dá forma à sua estratégia de inserção mundial. Nesse sentido, a Nova Rota da Seda agrega os objetivos centrais da diplomacia da China para o século XXI, reservando à África a condição de trampolim para que o projeto se torne global.


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    João Marcelo Pitiá Barreto


    Full Text Available A Controladoria tem sido alvo de estudos e destaque de análises e reflexões dos estudiosos das ciências que têm como foco o campo gerencial das organizações como a da Administração e Contabilidade. É importante observar a contribuição da Controladoria à governança pública, fundamento de uma gestão democrática e participativa. Nesse contexto, insere-se o objetivo deste estudo, refletir sobre atuação da controladoria pública da cidade de Salvador, observando a contribuição efetiva na governança nesse município. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos na Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ do município a quem Controladoria vincula-se. Com caráter exploratório, essa investigação descritiva envolveu pesquisa de campo, análise de documentos e relatórios emitidos pela SEFAZ e pelo Tribunal de Contas do Município (TCM. Verificou-se o organograma da SEFAZ, seu orçamento e os pareceres do TCM. Os resultados expressam a importância da Controladoria e denotam a impressão de que, na instituição estudada, essa área não esteja cumprindo bem seu papel. 


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    Crislaine Carvalho


    Full Text Available A qualidade é uma das principais preocupações presentes dentro das organizações, e estas estão sempre à procura de ferramentas que possam auxiliar nesse processo. A influência da gestão de pessoas no desempenho do trabalhador pode ser um diferencial para as empresas no mercado competitivo. Este trabalho tem a finalidade de apresentar o relacionamento entre a gestão de pessoas e a gestão da qualidade e seus reflexos no processo de melhoria contínua. Nesse contexto, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica da evolução histórica da qualidade e os reflexos da gestão de pessoas nesse processo. Foi estudado também uma evolução do termo Gestão de Pessoas e suas diversas nomenclaturas adotadas ao longo do tempo, e as influências dessas nomenclaturas no relacionamento com os funcionários. Essa pesquisa trouxe resultados positivos a respeito da influência da gestão de pessoas na melhoria da qualidade, mostrando que os interesses da empresa e dos funcionários podem sim caminhar juntos, desde que ambos os lados estejam satisfeitos, o que confirmou a hipótese inicial desse trabalho.

  6. Radial expansion and multifragmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angelique, J.C.; Bizard, G.; Bougault, R.; Brou, R.; Buta, A.; Colin, J.; Cussol, D.; Durand, D.; Kerambrun, A.; Le Brun, C.; Lecolley, J.F.; Lopez, O.; Louvel, M.; Meslin, C.; Nakagawa, T.; Patry, J.P.; Peter, J.; Popescu, R.; Regimbart, R.; Steckmeyer, J.C.; Tamain, B.; Vient, E.; Yuasa-Nakagawa, K.; Wieloch, A.


    The light systems 36 Ar + 27 Al and 64 Zn + nat Ti were measured at several bombarding energies between ∼ 35 and 95 MeV/nucleon. It was found that the predominant part of the cross section is due to binary collisions. In this paper the focus is placed on the properties of the quasi-projectile nuclei. In the central collisions the excitation energies of the quasi-projectile reach values exceeding largely 10 MeV/nucleon. The slope of the high energy part of the distribution can give only an upper limit of the apparent temperature (the average temperature along the decay chain). The highly excited quasi-projectile may get rapidly fragmented rather than sequentially. The heavy fragments are excited and can emit light particles (n, p, d, t, 3 He, α,...) what perturbs additionally the spectrum of these particles. Concerning the expansion energy, one can determine the average kinetic energies of the product (in the quasi-projectile-framework) and compare with simulation values. To fit the experimental data an additional radial expansion energy is to be considered. The average expansion energy depends slightly on the impact parameter but it increases with E * / A, ranging from 0.4 to 1,2 MeV/nucleon for an excitation energy increasing from 7 to 10.5 MeV/nucleon. This collective radial energy seems to be independent of the fragment mass, what is possibly valid for the case of larger quasi-projectile masses. The origin of the expansion is to be determined. It may be due to a compression in the interaction zone at the initial stage of the collision, which propagates in the quasi-projectile and quasi-target, or else, may be due, simply, to the increase of thermal energy leading to a rapid fragment emission. The sequential de-excitation calculation overestimates light particle emission and consequently heavy residues, particularly, at higher excitation energies. This disagreement indicates that a sequential process can not account for the di-excitation of very hot nuclei

  7. Impacto do polimorfismo genetico da enzima conversora da angiotensina no remodelamento cardiaco

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    Felipe Neves de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Fundamento: O papel dos polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina na insuficiência cardíaca, como preditor de desfechos ecocardiográficos, ainda não está estabelecido. é necessário identificar o perfil local para observar o impacto desses genótipos na população brasileira, sendo inédito o estudo da insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia exclusivamente não isquêmica em seguimento mais longo que 5 anos. Objetivo: Determinar a distribuição das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina e sua relação com a evolução ecocardiográfica de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia não isquêmica. Métodos: Análise secundária de prontuários de 111 pacientes e identificação das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, classificadas como DD (Deleção/Deleção, DI (Deleção/Inserção ou II (Inserção/Inserção. Resultados: As médias da coorte foram: seguimento de 64,9 meses, idade de 59,5 anos, 60,4% eram homens, 51,4% eram brancos, 98,2% faziam uso de betabloqueadores e 89,2% de inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina ou de bloqueador do receptor da angiotensina. A distribuição do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina foi: 51,4% de DD; 44,1% de DI; e 4,5% de II. Não se observou nenhuma diferença das características clínicas ou de tratamento entre os grupos. O diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo final foi a única variável ecocardiográfica isolada significativamente diferente entre os polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina: 59,2 ± 1,8 para DD versus 52,3 ± 1,9 para DI versus 59,2 ± 5,2 para II (p = 0,029. No seguimento ecocardiográfico, todas as variáveis (diferença entre a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira consulta; diferença entre o diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira

  8. Expansion of a function about a displaced centre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rashid, M.A.


    We review the progress recently made in obtaining closed form expressions for the expansion of general orbitals about a displaced centre and establish the equivalence between different expansions. We also examine how these expressions do have the desired limit as the displacement approaches zero. (author)

  9. "Geografia da Fome": da lógica regional à universalidade

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    Arruda Bertoldo Kruse Grande de


    Full Text Available Geografia da Fome revela a associação harmoniosa da capacidade de argumentar com a segurança científica, um novo modo de pensar e de agir frente à realidade alimentar e nutricional e também uma abordagem pioneira no dimensionamento da fome coletiva como um fenômeno geograficamente universal. Admitiu, com base nas especificidades regionais, que as contribuições parciais poderiam compor um mapeamento caracterizador da universalidade do problema, permitindo construir uma imagem diferente do Brasil e do mundo, possibilitando a estruturação de um plano universal de combate à fome, abrindo novos caminhos para aqueles que buscam a correção de desequilíbrios regionais e a eliminação do subdesenvolvimento. Nesse livro-manifesto, Josué de Castro reinterpretou o papel da geografia clássica, incorporando uma das dimensões explicativas mais importantes, que é a da análise política, para desvendar a significação e conseqüências do desenvolvimento espacial desigual. A releitura de Geografia da Fome mostra que seus delineamentos conceituais e propositivos continuam vivos e constituem instrumentos indispensáveis para repensar criticamente a realidade brasileira e, em particular, a nordestina. Geografia da Fome, no seu cinqüentenário, torna-se um livro atual pela sua mensagem estimuladora e perturbadora.

  10. "Geografia da Fome": da lógica regional à universalidade

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    Bertoldo Kruse Grande de Arruda


    Full Text Available Geografia da Fome revela a associação harmoniosa da capacidade de argumentar com a segurança científica, um novo modo de pensar e de agir frente à realidade alimentar e nutricional e também uma abordagem pioneira no dimensionamento da fome coletiva como um fenômeno geograficamente universal. Admitiu, com base nas especificidades regionais, que as contribuições parciais poderiam compor um mapeamento caracterizador da universalidade do problema, permitindo construir uma imagem diferente do Brasil e do mundo, possibilitando a estruturação de um plano universal de combate à fome, abrindo novos caminhos para aqueles que buscam a correção de desequilíbrios regionais e a eliminação do subdesenvolvimento. Nesse livro-manifesto, Josué de Castro reinterpretou o papel da geografia clássica, incorporando uma das dimensões explicativas mais importantes, que é a da análise política, para desvendar a significação e conseqüências do desenvolvimento espacial desigual. A releitura de Geografia da Fome mostra que seus delineamentos conceituais e propositivos continuam vivos e constituem instrumentos indispensáveis para repensar criticamente a realidade brasileira e, em particular, a nordestina. Geografia da Fome, no seu cinqüentenário, torna-se um livro atual pela sua mensagem estimuladora e perturbadora.

  11. Simplified Technique for Predicting Offshore Pipeline Expansion (United States)

    Seo, J. H.; Kim, D. K.; Choi, H. S.; Yu, S. Y.; Park, K. S.


    In this study, we propose a method for estimating the amount of expansion that occurs in subsea pipelines, which could be applied in the design of robust structures that transport oil and gas from offshore wells. We begin with a literature review and general discussion of existing estimation methods and terminologies with respect to subsea pipelines. Due to the effects of high pressure and high temperature, the production of fluid from offshore wells is typically caused by physical deformation of subsea structures, e.g., expansion and contraction during the transportation process. In severe cases, vertical and lateral buckling occurs, which causes a significant negative impact on structural safety, and which is related to on-bottom stability, free-span, structural collapse, and many other factors. In addition, these factors may affect the production rate with respect to flow assurance, wax, and hydration, to name a few. In this study, we developed a simple and efficient method for generating a reliable pipe expansion design in the early stage, which can lead to savings in both cost and computation time. As such, in this paper, we propose an applicable diagram, which we call the standard dimensionless ratio (SDR) versus virtual anchor length (L A ) diagram, that utilizes an efficient procedure for estimating subsea pipeline expansion based on applied reliable scenarios. With this user guideline, offshore pipeline structural designers can reliably determine the amount of subsea pipeline expansion and the obtained results will also be useful for the installation, design, and maintenance of the subsea pipeline.

  12. 216-B-3 expansion ponds closure plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document describes the activities for clean closure under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) of the 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds. The 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds are operated by the US Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) and co-operated by Westinghouse Hanford Company (Westinghouse Hanford). The 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds consists of a series of three earthen, unlined, interconnected ponds that receive waste water from various 200 East Area operating facilities. The 3A, 3B, and 3C ponds are referred to as Expansion Ponds because they expanded the capability of the B Pond System. Waste water (primarily cooling water, steam condensate, and sanitary water) from various 200 East Area facilities is discharged to the Bypass pipe (Project X-009). Water discharged to the Bypass pipe flows directly into the 216-B-3C Pond. The ponds were operated in a cascade mode, where the Main Pond overflowed into the 3A Pond and the 3A Pond overflowed into the 3C Pond. The 3B Pond has not received waste water since May 1985; however, when in operation, the 3B Pond received overflow from the 3A Pond. In the past, waste water discharges to the Expansion Ponds had the potential to have contained mixed waste (radioactive waste and dangerous waste). The radioactive portion of mixed waste has been interpreted by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to be regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954; the dangerous waste portion of mixed waste is regulated under RCRA

  13. 216-B-3 expansion ponds closure plan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This document describes the activities for clean closure under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) of the 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds. The 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds are operated by the US Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) and co-operated by Westinghouse Hanford Company (Westinghouse Hanford). The 216-B-3 Expansion Ponds consists of a series of three earthen, unlined, interconnected ponds that receive waste water from various 200 East Area operating facilities. The 3A, 3B, and 3C ponds are referred to as Expansion Ponds because they expanded the capability of the B Pond System. Waste water (primarily cooling water, steam condensate, and sanitary water) from various 200 East Area facilities is discharged to the Bypass pipe (Project X-009). Water discharged to the Bypass pipe flows directly into the 216-B-3C Pond. The ponds were operated in a cascade mode, where the Main Pond overflowed into the 3A Pond and the 3A Pond overflowed into the 3C Pond. The 3B Pond has not received waste water since May 1985; however, when in operation, the 3B Pond received overflow from the 3A Pond. In the past, waste water discharges to the Expansion Ponds had the potential to have contained mixed waste (radioactive waste and dangerous waste). The radioactive portion of mixed waste has been interpreted by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to be regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954; the dangerous waste portion of mixed waste is regulated under RCRA.

  14. Local behaviour of negative thermal expansion materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornasini, P.; Dalba, G.; Grisenti, R.; Purans, J.; Vaccari, M.; Rocca, F.; Sanson, A.


    EXAFS can represent a powerful probe of the local behaviour of negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials, thanks to the possibility of measuring the expansion of selected inter-atomic bonds and the perpendicular relative atomic displacements. The effectiveness of EXAFS for NTE studies is illustrated by a comparison of results recently obtained on germanium, CuCl and the cuprites Cu 2 O and Ag 2 O

  15. Medicaid expansion and access to care among cancer survivors: a baseline overview. (United States)

    Tarazi, Wafa W; Bradley, Cathy J; Harless, David W; Bear, Harry D; Sabik, Lindsay M


    Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act facilitates access to care among vulnerable populations, but 21 states have not yet expanded the program. Medicaid expansions may provide increased access to care for cancer survivors, a growing population with chronic conditions. We compare access to health care services among cancer survivors living in non-expansion states to those living in expansion states, prior to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act. We use the 2012 and 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to estimate multiple logistic regression models to compare inability to see a doctor because of cost, having a personal doctor, and receiving an annual checkup in the past year between cancer survivors who lived in non-expansion states and survivors who lived in expansion states. Cancer survivors in non-expansion states had statistically significantly lower odds of having a personal doctor (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.76, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.63-0.92, p Medicaid could potentially leave many cancer survivors with limited access to routine care. Existing disparities in access to care are likely to widen between cancer survivors in Medicaid non-expansion and expansion states.

  16. Influência da nutrição mineral foliar sobre doenças da parte aérea da cultura do trigo

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available A utilização de fungicida para o controle de doenças foliares na cultura do trigo é prática comum entre os triticultores. Contudo, devido ao impacto ambiental provocado pelo seu uso generalizado, buscam-se alternativas para controle dos fitopatógenos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da nutrição mineral foliar sobre as doenças foliares do trigo, bem como seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento da planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e quatro tratamentos: 1- testemunha; 2- adubação foliar aos 30 dias após a emergência (DAE e aos 75 DAE; 3- fungicida aos 30 e 75 DAE; e 4- adubação foliar aos 30 DAE e adubação foliar mais fungicida aos 75 DAE. Foram realizadas nove avaliações da incidência e da severidade do oídio, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo das áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença; três avaliações da severidade da ferrugem e da mancha da gluma; e duas avaliações da mancha amarela. Foram determinadas a massa de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e a produtividade da cultura. Foi observada redução da incidência e da severidade de oídio em função da adubação foliar, apenas na primeira avaliação de incidência e nas segunda e quinta avaliações de severidade da doença. O efeito complementar dos nutrientes com o fungicida para redução das doenças foi observado apenas para a mancha amarela, com redução de aproximadamente 11,16 % da severidade. Os maiores valores de produtividade foram observados para os tratamentos apenas com fungicida e, com fungicida mais nutrientes. A adubação foliar proporcionou aumento da massa fresca de raízes e massa seca de raízes. Apesar disso, não houve aumento da massa fresca da parte aérea em função da adubação foliar.

  17. A aplicação dos recursos da seguridade social, a partir da perspectiva da teoria dos sistemas, da teoria comunicacional e do caos


    Júnior, Dávio Antonio Prado Zarzana


    Este trabalho, focalizando o custeio da Seguridade Social, pretende realizar três verificações: a primeira, a existência ou não de desvios na aplicação dos recursos arrecadados para este financiamento, inclusive a partir da formulação de um conceito de desvio. A segunda, examinar os desequilíbrios que esses possíveis desvios produziriam, sob a ótica da Teoria dos Sistemas, utilizando-se, em adição, terminologia própria da Teoria Comunicacional. E a terceira, perscrutar a pos...

  18. Origin of the DA and non-DA white dwarf stars (United States)

    Shipman, Harry L.


    Various proposals for the bifurcation of the white dwarf cooling sequence are reviewed. 'Primordial' theories, in which the basic bifurcation of the white dwarf sequence is rooted in events predating the white dwarf stage of stellar evolution, are discussed, along with the competing 'mixing' theories in which processes occurring during the white dwarf stage are responsible for the existence of DA or non-DA stars. A new proposal is suggested, representing a two-channel scenario. In the DA channel, some process reduces the hydrogen layer mass to the value of less than 10 to the -7th. The non-DA channel is similar to that in the primordial scenario. These considerations suggest that some mechanism operates in both channels to reduce the thickness of the outermost layer of the white dwarf. It is also noted that accretion from the interstellar medium has little to do with whether a particular white dwarf becomes a DA or a non-DA star.

  19. Generalized approach to the non-backtracking lace expansion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fitzner, R.; van der Hofstad, R.W.


    The lace expansion is a powerful perturbative technique to analyze the critical behavior of random spatial processes such as the self-avoiding walk, percolation and lattice trees and animals. The non-backtracking lace expansion (NoBLE) is a modification that allows us to improve its applicability in

  20. 14 CFR 27.969 - Fuel tank expansion space. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fuel tank expansion space. 27.969 Section 27.969 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Powerplant Fuel System § 27.969 Fuel tank expansion space...

  1. 14 CFR 25.969 - Fuel tank expansion space. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fuel tank expansion space. 25.969 Section 25.969 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Powerplant Fuel System § 25.969 Fuel tank expansion space...

  2. 14 CFR 29.969 - Fuel tank expansion space. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fuel tank expansion space. 29.969 Section 29.969 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Powerplant Fuel System § 29.969 Fuel tank expansion space...

  3. Várias Marias: efeitos da Lei Maria da Penha nas delegacias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute os dados qualitativos da pesquisa “Violência Doméstica perpetrada contra a mulher no município de Montes Claros: um recorte possível”, financiada pelo CNPq e pela FAPEMIG. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar quantitativamente e qualitativamente os atos violentos contra as mulheres na cidade de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. A vertente qualitativa pretendia conhecer o sentido da violência para as mulheres envolvidas e seus reflexos na família, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas que não se efetivaram. A partir da Análise Institucional de René Lourau analisamos essa inviabilidade como dado qualitativo, examinando o cotidiano da delegacia após a lei Maria da Penha. Concluímos que a intervenção judicial não é suficiente para a inibição da violência contra a mulher, pois em certos casos afasta da delegacia mulheres com outras demandas acerca da violência, que sofrem e que não podem contar com a ajuda policial para a resolução dos seus conflitos.

  4. Back Reaction And Local Cosmological Expansion Rate

    CERN Document Server

    Geshnizjani, G; Geshnizjani, Ghazal; Brandenberger, Robert


    We calculate the back reaction of cosmological perturbations on a general relativistic variable which measures the local expansion rate of the Universe. Specifically, we consider a cosmological model in which matter is described by a single field. We analyze back reaction both in a matter dominated Universe and in a phase of scalar field-driven chaotic inflation. In both cases, we find that the leading infrared terms contributing to the back reaction vanish when the local expansion rate is measured at a fixed value of the matter field which is used as a clock, whereas they do not appear to vanish if the expansion rate is evaluated at a fixed value of the background time. We discuss possible implications for more realistic models with a more complicated matter sector.

  5. Effects of emergency department expansion on emergency department patient flow. (United States)

    Mumma, Bryn E; McCue, James Y; Li, Chin-Shang; Holmes, James F


    Emergency department (ED) crowding is an increasing problem associated with adverse patient outcomes. ED expansion is one method advocated to reduce ED crowding. The objective of this analysis was to determine the effect of ED expansion on measures of ED crowding. This was a retrospective study using administrative data from two 11-month periods before and after the expansion of an ED from 33 to 53 adult beds in an academic medical center. ED volume, staffing, and hospital admission and occupancy data were obtained either from the electronic health record (EHR) or from administrative records. The primary outcome was the rate of patients who left without being treated (LWBT), and the secondary outcome was total ED boarding time for admitted patients. A multivariable robust linear regression model was used to determine whether ED expansion was associated with the outcome measures. The mean (±SD) daily adult volume was 128 (±14) patients before expansion and 145 (±17) patients after. The percentage of patients who LWBT was unchanged: 9.0% before expansion versus 8.3% after expansion (difference = 0.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = -0.16% to 1.4%). Total ED boarding time increased from 160 to 180 hours/day (difference = 20 hours, 95% CI = 8 to 32 hours). After daily ED volume, low-acuity area volume, daily wait time, daily boarding hours, and nurse staffing were adjusted for, the percentage of patients who LWBT was not independently associated with ED expansion (p = 0.053). After ED admissions, ED intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, elective surgical admissions, hospital occupancy rate, ICU occupancy rate, and number of operational ICU beds were adjusted for, the increase in ED boarding hours was independently associated with the ED expansion (p = 0.005). An increase in ED bed capacity was associated with no significant change in the percentage of patients who LWBT, but had an unintended consequence of an increase in ED boarding hours. ED expansion alone does

  6. Implicações da visibilidade da enfermagem no exercício profissional

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    Liziani Iturriet Avila

    Full Text Available A construção da imagem da Enfermagem é permeada por aspectos históricos, socioeconômicos e culturais. Ao explorar esta temática, objetivou-se conhecer a percepção dos enfermeiros acerca da visibilidade do cotidiano de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem. Pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória, com 30 enfermeiros de um hospital universitário do sul do país. Os dados foram coletados, de julho a outubro de 2012, através de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetidos à análise textual discursiva. Os resultados apontam que a visibilidade da Enfermagem está relacionada à trajetória histórica da profissão, à falta de reconhecimento da cientificidade da Enfermagem, à veiculação errônea na mídia, aos comportamentos inadequados perante a equipe e, ainda, à sobrecarga de trabalho. Assim, a desmistificação da imagem da profissão inclui uma busca de maior visibilidade midiática, realização de marketing pessoal, comportamento adequado perante a equipe de saúde e demonstração de autonomia profissional, desafios estes que deverão ser superados pela Enfermagem.

  7. Thermal expansion and phase transitions of α-AlF{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morelock, Cody R.; Hancock, Justin C. [School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0400 (United States); Wilkinson, Angus P., E-mail: [School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0400 (United States); School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245 (United States)


    ReO{sub 3}-type materials are of interest for their potential low or negative thermal expansion. Many metal trifluorides MF{sub 3} adopt the cubic form of this structure at elevated temperatures, which rhombohedrally distorts upon cooling. The rhombohedral form displays strong positive volume thermal expansion, but cubic MF{sub 3} display much lower and sometimes negative thermal expansion. The expansion behavior of α-AlF{sub 3} was characterized via synchrotron powder diffraction between 323 and 1177 K. α-AlF{sub 3} is rhombohedral at ambient conditions and displays strongly anisotropic thermal expansion. The volume coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), α{sub V}, at 500 K is ∼86 ppm K{sup −1}, but the linear CTE along the c-axis, α{sub c}, is close to zero. α-AlF{sub 3} becomes cubic on heating to ∼713 K and continues to show positive thermal expansion above the phase transition (α{sub V}(900 K) ∼25 ppm K{sup −1}). - Graphical abstract: α-AlF{sub 3} has a rhombohedrally distorted ReO{sub 3}-type structure at ambient conditions and displays strongly positive volume thermal expansion that is highly anisotropic; the material becomes cubic on heating above ∼713 K and continues to show positive thermal expansion. - Highlights: • ReO{sub 3}-type α-AlF{sub 3} displays strongly anisotropic thermal expansion below 713 K. • α-AlF{sub 3} is cubic above 713 K and maintains positive (isotropic) thermal expansion. • The volume CTE changes from ∼86 to ∼25 ppm K{sup −1} on heating from 500 to 900 K. • The PTE of cubic α-AlF{sub 3} may be due to the presence of local octahedral tilts.

  8. The 1/ N Expansion of Tensor Models Beyond Perturbation Theory (United States)

    Gurau, Razvan


    We analyze in full mathematical rigor the most general quartically perturbed invariant probability measure for a random tensor. Using a version of the Loop Vertex Expansion (which we call the mixed expansion) we show that the cumulants write as explicit series in 1/ N plus bounded rest terms. The mixed expansion recasts the problem of determining the subleading corrections in 1/ N into a simple combinatorial problem of counting trees decorated by a finite number of loop edges. As an aside, we use the mixed expansion to show that the (divergent) perturbative expansion of the tensor models is Borel summable and to prove that the cumulants respect an uniform scaling bound. In particular the quartically perturbed measures fall, in the N→ ∞ limit, in the universality class of Gaussian tensor models.

  9. Surgical Splint Design Influences Transverse Expansion in Segmental Maxillary Osteotomies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stokbro, Kasper; Aagaard, Esben; Torkov, Peter


    splint designs on achieving the planned transverse expansion in bimaxillary surgery with segmental maxillary procedures. Materials and Methods: Forty-two participants were included in a retrospective observational study. All participants had completed virtually planned bimaxillary surgery with 3-piece......Purpose: In segmental maxillary procedures, it is imperative to obtain as much of the planned expansion as possible. Lack of obtained expansion, in addition to late relapse after splint removal, can result in relapse of the posterior crossbite. This study investigated the influence of 2 surgical...... maxillary segmentation. The primary outcome variable was the transverse expansion obtained, measured as the expansion between the maxillary first molars on preoperative and postoperative cone-beam computed tomograms. The postoperative scan was performed 1 week after surgery with the splint still in place...

  10. Ensino superior privado: expansão das cooperativas de mão de obra docente Private higher education: the expansion of teacher's labor cooperatives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolfo Ignacio Calderón


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a terceirização de professores por meio de cooperativas de mão de obra no âmbito do ensino superior privado, fenômeno educacional que surgiu na metade da presente década, enquadrado como prática ilegal que fere os princípios do cooperativismo quando visa fraudar a legislação trabalhista brasileira. Tem por objetivo compreender a expansão desse fenômeno por meio da reconstrução da cronologia dos fatos, da identificação dos momentos históricos do seu entendimento legal e do mapeamento da sua expansão geográfica, a partir da identificação de casos concretos que envolveram a atuação da Justiça do Trabalho, do Ministério Público do Trabalho e outros órgãos do Poder Público. Apoiando-se em pesquisa qualitativa, são identificados quatro momentos claramente definidos que vão desde o surgimento dos primeiros casos até a punição das instituições de ensino superior que adotaram o sistema contratual em questão.The present article deals with the outsourcing of professors of private higher education through labor cooperatives. This educational phenomenon appeared in the middle of the decade. The matter was considered an illegal practice violating cooperative principles and defrauding labor laws. The objective of the article is to understand the expansion of this phenomenon, supported by a chronological reconstruction of the facts, the identification of historical moments aiming to provide a legal framework based on concrete cases involving the Labor Justice and the Public Ministry. Qualitative research allowed the identification of four moments: since the appearance of the first cases, until the punishments of the higher education institutions who adopted this contractual system.

  11. Hanna Krall e os caminhos tortos da memória e da identidade


    Piotr Kilanowski


    Neste artigo apresentamos a escritora polonesa de origem judaica Hanna Krall por meio da análise literária do seu romance Sublokatorka (A sublocatária).  O romance, com elementos autobiográficos, apresenta a personalidade cindida de uma menina sobrevivente do Holocausto e discute o tema da identidade polonesa, judaica e judaico-polonesa. Através da observação da memória e do processo de criação da memória, a autora mostra a construção da identidade falsa e a repressão da verdadeira, o comport...

  12. A two-parameter family of double-power-law biorthonormal potential-density expansions (United States)

    Lilley, Edward J.; Sanders, Jason L.; Evans, N. Wyn


    We present a two-parameter family of biorthonormal double-power-law potential-density expansions. Both the potential and density are given in closed analytic form and may be rapidly computed via recurrence relations. We show that this family encompasses all the known analytic biorthonormal expansions: the Zhao expansions (themselves generalizations of ones found earlier by Hernquist & Ostriker and by Clutton-Brock) and the recently discovered Lilley et al. (2017a) expansion. Our new two-parameter family includes expansions based around many familiar spherical density profiles as zeroth-order models, including the γ models and the Jaffe model. It also contains a basis expansion that reproduces the famous Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile at zeroth order. The new basis expansions have been found via a systematic methodology which has wide applications in finding other new expansions. In the process, we also uncovered a novel integral transform solution to Poisson's equation.

  13. Evaluating expansion strategies for startup European Union dairy farm businesses. (United States)

    McDonald, R; Shalloo, L; Pierce, K M; Horan, B


    A stochastic whole-farm simulation model was used to examine alternative strategies for new entrant dairy farmers to grow and develop dairy farm businesses in the context of European Union (EU) milk quota abolition in 2015. Six alternative strategies were compared: remain static, natural growth expansion, waiting until after EU milk quota abolition to expand, a full-scale expansion strategy without milk quotas and not incurring super levy penalties, a full-scale expansion strategy with milk quotas and incurring super levy penalties, and once-a-day milking until EU milk quota abolition, followed by full-scale expansion. Each discrete whole farm investment strategy was evaluated over a 15-yr period (2013-2027) using multiple financial stability and risk indicators, including overall discounted farm business profitability, net worth change, return on investment, and financial risk. The results of this study indicate that, although associated with increased risk, dairy farm expansion will ensure the future profitability of the farm business. Within the context of EU milk quotas until 2015, the most attractive expansion strategy is to increase cow numbers while avoiding super levy fines using once-a-day milking techniques, increasing to the full capacity of the dairy farm once milk quotas are removed. In contrast, the results also indicate that dairy farms that remain static will experience a significant reduction in farm profitability in the coming year due to production cost inflation. Cash flow deficits were observed during the initial year of expansion and, therefore, rapidly expanding dairy farm businesses require a significant cash reserve to alleviate business risk during the initial year of expansion. The results of this analysis also indicate that dairy farm businesses that expand using lower cost capital investments and avoid milk quota super levy fines significantly reduce the financial risks associated with expansion. Copyright © 2013 American Dairy Science

  14. Genetic traces of east-to-west human expansion waves in Eurasia. (United States)

    Chaix, Raphaëlle; Austerlitz, Frédéric; Hegay, Tatyana; Quintana-Murci, Lluís; Heyer, Evelyne


    In this study, we describe the landscape of human demographic expansions in Eurasia using a large continental Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA dataset. Variation at these two uniparentally-inherited genetic systems retraces expansions that occurred in the past 60 ky, and shows a clear decrease of expansion ages from east to west Eurasia. To investigate the demographic events at the origin of this westward decrease of expansion ages, the estimated divergence ages between Eurasian populations are compared with the estimated expansion ages within each population. Both markers suggest that the demographic expansion diffused from east to west in Eurasia in a demic way, i.e., through migrations of individuals (and not just through diffusion of new technologies), highlighting the prominent role of eastern regions within Eurasia during Palaeolithic times. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  15. Direito à palavra: interrogações acerca da proposta da justiça restaurativa

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    Edson Luiz André de Sousa

    Full Text Available Partindo da constatação da necessidade de alternativas ao sistema de Justiça atual, o presente artigo objetiva dar voz a uma das propostas que vem ganhando força no cenário jurídico mundial: a Justiça Restaurativa. Para tanto, este artigo explora essa proposta, promovendo uma análise crítica amparada em autores da psicanálise (freudo-lacaniana e da Filosofia (com F. Ost e J. Derrida. Através da Justiça Restaurativa, é possível questionar a potência da circulação da palavra, característica que promove o tensionamento entre psicanálise e Direito. Além disso, a questão da Lei e das leis, da performatividade dos atos da fala, da posição do Juiz, da experiência do encontro restaurativo e da função das utopias são os principais vieses que compõem esta análise. Mais voltado para a possibilidade de anunciar questionamentos sobre essa proposta tão nova no contexto brasileiro do que de encontrar respostas satisfatórias, este artigo mantém em suspenso várias conclusões, embora assuma a constatação da importante função utópica da Justiça Restaurativa.

  16. Cruzeiros marítimos: realidade da oferta e da demanda no mercado brasileiro

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    Carlos Eduardo de Almeida Ramoa


    Full Text Available O turismo marítimo apresenta uma demanda crescente e constante nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. No Brasil, esse mercado vinha se destacando com crescimento exponencial da demanda, no entanto, a partir da temporada 2011/2012 a taxa de crescimento tem apresentado queda. Este estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo utiliza o método de procedimento matemático e tem como objetivo geral identificar a realidade da oferta e da demanda no mercado brasileiro de cruzeiros marítimos. Para atingi-lo foram identificados os históricos da oferta e da demanda, no período de 2004 a 2013, e da situação atual da infraestrutura portuária, através da utilização de técnicas de documentação indireta, procedimento documental e bibliográfico. Para se comparar a taxa de crescimento do mercado brasileiro com os principais mercados foi realizado cálculo da extrapolação matemática exponencial. Os resultados apresentados indicam que o Brasil é o único país entre os dez maiores mercados de cruzeiros marítimos, que possui taxa de crescimento negativo, indicando haver uma crise no segmento de cruzeiros marítimos, cujo motivo aponta para os problemas estruturais como sendo uma das causas da queda da oferta e da demanda no mercado brasileiro.

  17. Setting time and thermal expansion of two endodontic cements. (United States)

    Santos, Alailson D; Araújo, Eudes B; Yukimitu, Keizo; Barbosa, José C; Moraes, João C S


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the setting time and the thermal expansion coefficient of 2 endodontic cements, MTA-Angelus and a novel cement called CER. The setting time was determined in accordance to ANSI/ADA specifications no. 57. Three samples of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared for each cement. The thermal expansion measurements were performed by strain gauge technique. Four samples of each cement were prepared using silicone rings of 5 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness. The data were analyzed statistically using the Student t test. The setting time obtained for the MTA-Angelus and CER cements was 15 (SD 1) min and 7 (SD 1) min, respectively. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion was 8.86 (SD 0.28) microstrain/ degrees C for MTA-Angelus and 11.76 (SD 1.20) microstrain/ degrees C for CER. The statistical analysis showed significant difference (P linear coefficient of thermal expansion between the 2 cements. The CER cement has a coefficient of expansion similar to dentin, which could contribute to a decrease of microleakage degree.

  18. Advanced methodology for generation expansion planning including interconnected systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, M; Yokoyama, R; Yasuda, K [Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Japan); Sasaki, H [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan); Ogimoto, K [Electric Power Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper reviews advanced methodology for generation expansion planning including interconnected systems developed in Japan, putting focus on flexibility and efficiency in a practical application. First, criteria for evaluating flexibility of generation planning considering uncertainties are introduced. Secondly, the flexible generation mix problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization with more than two objective functions. The multi-objective optimization problem is then transformed into a single objective problem by using the weighting method, to obtain the Pareto optimal solution, and solved by a dynamics programming technique. Thirdly, a new approach for electric generation expansion planning of interconnected systems is presented, based on the Benders Decomposition technique. That is, large scale generation problem constituted by the general economic load dispatch problem, and several sub problems which are composed of smaller scale isolated system generation expansion plans. Finally, the generation expansion plan solved by an artificial neural network is presented. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of this method from the viewpoint of flexibility and applicability to practical generation expansion planning are presented. (author) 29 refs., 10 figs., 4 tabs.

  19. Urban Land Expansion and Spatial Dynamics in Globalizing Shanghai

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    Han Li


    Full Text Available Urban land expansion in China has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, more work is needed to apply spatial modeling to understanding the mechanisms of urban growth from both institutional and physical perspectives. This paper analyzes urban expansion in Shanghai and its development zones (DZs. We find that, as nodes of global-local interface, the DZs are the most significant components of urban growth in Shanghai, and major spatial patterns of urban expansion in Shanghai are infilling and edge expansion. We apply logistic regression, geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR and spatial regime regression to investigate the determinants of urban land expansion including physical conditions, state policy and land development. Regressions reveal that, though the market has been an important driving force in urban growth, the state has played a predominant role through the implementation of urban planning and the establishment of DZs to fully capitalize on globalization. We also find that differences in urban growth dynamics exist between the areas inside and outside of the DZs. Finally, this paper discusses policies to promote sustainable development in Shanghai.

  20. Separable pole expansions in four-nucleon bound state calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sofianos, S.A.; Fiedeldey, H.; Haberzettl, H.; Sandhas, W.


    We compare the utility of the Generalized Unitary Pole Expansion (GUPE) and the Energy-Dependent Pole Expansion (EDPE) for the three-body subsystem amplitudes in four-body state calculations for a variety of separable and local nucleon-nucleon interactions. It is found that, with the EDPE, the four-body binding energy is well reproduced with only two terms each for the (2+2)- and the (3+1)-subsystem, respectively, while the GUPE requires three terms for the (3+1)-channel and four terms for the (2+2)-channel. We thus conclude that pole dominance is of greater importance for the GUPE than for EDPE, which works equally well for both types of subsystems. It is found that both methods, in particular the EDPE, converge more rapidly with increasing repulsion in the two-body interaction, i.e. the more realistic the interaction becomes. Both expansions require similar computing times for a converged calculation and are about 15-20 times faster than the widely used Hilbert-Schmidt Expansion (HSE). The respective merits of the two pole expansions are discussed and compared with the HSE. (orig.)

  1. A pedagogical approach to the Magnus expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanes, S; Casas, F; Oteo, J A; Ros, J


    Time-dependent perturbation theory as a tool to compute approximate solutions of the Schroedinger equation does not preserve unitarity. Here we present, in a simple way, how the Magnus expansion (also known as exponential perturbation theory) provides such unitary approximate solutions. The purpose is to illustrate the importance and consequences of such a property. We suggest that the Magnus expansion may be introduced to students in advanced courses of quantum mechanics.


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    Maria Cristina Franco Ferraz


    Full Text Available A exploração do estatuto paradoxal da pele - interface dentro/fora - permite ultrapassar a dicotomia metafísica superfície/profundidade, problematizando a tendência atual, também expressa na teoria, a um elogio das superfícies e a um horror por oposições dicotômicas. Possibilta avaliar as implicações do fechamento da porosidade da pele em formas de sociabilidade estimuladas na cultura da imagem, da exibição, do espetáculo, bem expressas pelo material inorgânico teflon. Sendo Poros, na visão grega, pai de Eros, a investigação acerca do estatuto paradoxal da pele convida a uma retomada do tema do erotismo. Partindo de perspectivas oferecidas por Agamben acerca da pornografia, ligada ao valor de exibição nas sociedades de espetáculo e de consumo, e relacionando-as a diversas reflexões de José Gil acerca do corpo e da pele, discute-se e convoca-se a abertura da porosidade da pele.

  3. Anisotropic thermal expansion behaviors of copper matrix in β-eucryptite/copper composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Lidong; Xue Zongwei; Qiao Yingjie; Fei, W.D.


    Highlights: ► The thermal expansion behaviors of Cu matrix were studied by in situ XRD. ► The expansion of Cu{1 1 1} plane is linear, that of Cu{2 0 0} is nonlinear. ► The anisotropic thermal expansion of Cu is related to the twinning of Cu matrix. ► The twinning of Cu matrix makes the CTE of the composite increasing. - Abstract: A β-eucryptite/copper composite was fabricated by spark plasma sintering process. The thermal expansion behaviors of Cu matrix of the composite were studied by in situ X-ray diffraction during heating process. The results show that Cu matrix exhibits anisotropic thermal expansion behaviors for different crystallographic directions, the expansion of Cu{1 1 1} plane is linear in the temperature range from 20 °C to 300 °C and the expansion of Cu{2 0 0} is nonlinear with a inflection at about 180 °C. The microstructures of Cu matrix before and after thermal expansion testing were investigated using transmission electronic microscope. The anisotropic thermal expansion behavior is related to the deformation twinning formed in the matrix during heating process. At the same time, the deformation twinning of Cu matrix makes the average coefficient of thermal expansion of the composite increase.


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    Maria Eugênia Bruck de Moraes


    Full Text Available O estudo da fragmentação da paisagem em uma bacia é de extrema importância por avaliar o status de conservação da vegetação, um recurso essencial para a manutenção da qualidade da água. O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise da fragmentação da paisagem na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Almada, localizada no sul da Bahia, abrangendo 9 municípios parcialmente abastecidos pela água desta bacia. Foi realizado o mapeamento dos fragmentos florestais que apresentaram área mínima de 3ha, com base na interpretação da Carta de Uso e Cobertura do Solo elaborada através da classificação supervisionada de imagens Landsat. Para a análise dos fragmentos foram adotadas 5 métricas da paisagem: tamanho, formato, efeito de borda, isolamento e conectividade. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a BHRA ainda abriga fragmentos bastante representativos, visto que dos 58 fragmentos identificados, 8 têm área acima de 300ha, 20 entre 100 e 300ha, 21 entre 30 e 100ha e 9 entre 3 e 30ha. Com relação ao formato dos fragmentos, constatou-se que apenas 10% dos mesmos apresentam forma circular, indicando que os 90% restantes encontram-se susceptíveis ao efeito de borda, sendo que os mais alongados estão localizados no interior da bacia, provavelmente em função do avanço da pecuária extensiva nessa direção. E quanto ao isolamento dos fragmentos, a análise da conectividade com borda expandida, através de simulações, permitiu identificar que a partir da distância de 200m, 31 dos fragmentos poderiam ser conectados. Assim, pôde-se concluir que o somatório destes fragmentos, caso fossem devidamente conectados, representaria uma área de significativo valor para a conservação de espécies típicas da mata atlântica e, consequentemente, para a manutenção da qualidade da água desta bacia.

  5. Fission gas retention and axial expansion of irradiated metallic fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fenske, G.R.; Emerson, J.E.; Savoie, F.E.; Johanson, E.W.


    Out-of-reactor experiments utilizing direct electrical heating and infrared heating techniques were performed on irradiated metallic fuel. The results indicate accelerated expansion can occur during thermal transients and that the accelerated expansion is driven by retained fission gases. The results also demonstrate gas retention and, hence, expansion behavior is a function of axial position within the pin



    CARMO, F. C. A.


    CARMO, Flávio Cipriano de Assis. Análise operacional da colheita florestal no sul da Bahia. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Jerônimo Monteiro-ES. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Nilton César Fiedler. Coorientador: Profª. Drª. Elizabeth Neire da Silva Oliveira de Paula. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa realizar uma análise operacional das atividades de colheita florestal em plantios de eucalipto no sul da Bahia. No estudo foram avaliados os ...

  7. Negative thermal expansion induced by intermetallic charge transfer. (United States)

    Azuma, Masaki; Oka, Kengo; Nabetani, Koichiro


    Suppression of thermal expansion is of great importance for industry. Negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials which shrink on heating and expand on cooling are therefore attracting keen attention. Here we provide a brief overview of NTE induced by intermetallic charge transfer in A-site ordered double perovskites SaCu 3 Fe 4 O 12 and LaCu 3 Fe 4- x Mn x O 12 , as well as in Bi or Ni substituted BiNiO 3 . The last compound shows a colossal dilatometric linear thermal expansion coefficient exceeding -70 × 10 -6 K -1 near room temperature, in the temperature range which can be controlled by substitution.

  8. Cryogenic expansion joint for large superconducting magnet structures (United States)

    Brown, Robert L.


    An expansion joint is provided that accommodates dimensional changes occurring during the cooldown and warm-up of large cryogenic devices such as superconducting magnet coils. Flattened tubes containing a refrigerant such as gaseous nitrogen (N.sub.2) are inserted into expansion spaces in the structure. The gaseous N.sub.2 is circulated under pressure and aids in the cooldown process while providing its primary function of accommodating differential thermal contraction and expansion in the structure. After lower temperatures are reached and the greater part of the contraction has occured, the N.sub.2 liquefies then solidifies to provide a completely rigid structure at the cryogenic operating temperatures of the device.

  9. Going Up? The Pros and Cons of Vertical Expansion. (United States)

    Myler, Patricia A.; Boggs, Richard C.


    Describes the advantages and disadvantages of the vertical expansion of school buildings. Considers such factors as fire protection, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and cost. Discusses alternatives to vertical expansion. (PKP)

  10. Topological charges and convergence of the cluster expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simonov, Yu.A.


    Cluster expansion of Wilson loops is shown to diverge for the QCD vacuum populated by topological objects (instantons, magnetic monopoles). Using simple models the total sum of the cluster expansion for the string tension is calculated and found to be zero for instantons and nonzero for magnetic monopoles. 14 refs


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    Philippe Maillard, Priscilla S. Costa-Pereira


    Full Text Available Nas regiões em que a rede de monitoramento hidrossedimentológico é precária ou inexistente, a utilização de modelos hidrológicos, de base física que proporcionem estimativas da geração de escoamento superficial e a perda de solo, se torna muito útil para fins de planejamento das bacias hidrográficas. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do modelo hidrossedimentológico “Soil And Water Assessment Tool” nas Sub-Bacias 2 e 1 da Bacia Experimental de São João do Cariri. O modelo com a interface ArcSWAT, que se une ao SIG, necessita da entrada de “Modelo Digital de Elevação” (MDE da bacia e as simulações foram realizadas utilizando dois MDEs para fins de análise comparativa: um originado a partir da interpolação de dados de campo e outro obtido através de sensoriamento remoto. Com isto foi possível verificar a confiabilidade do uso de MDE obtido por sensoriamento remoto. Em nível das sub-bacias experimentais, foi realizada a parametrização, na Sub-Bacia 2, e a validação, na Sub-Bacia 1. O desempenho do modelo, para a geração da lâmina escoada, foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de determinação (R² e do fator da eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe. Os resultados mostram desempenho satisfatório para ambos os MDEs, mostrando a pouca sensibilidade da topografia da geração de lâmina simulada em pequenas bacias. Por outro lado, a produção de sedimentos apresentou resultados insatisfatórios, além do que foi significativa a discrepância da distribuição da erosão do solo na superfície da bacia pelos dois MDEs utilizados.

  12. Bigravity from gradient expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamashita, Yasuho; Tanaka, Takahiro


    We discuss how the ghost-free bigravity coupled with a single scalar field can be derived from a braneworld setup. We consider DGP two-brane model without radion stabilization. The bulk configuration is solved for given boundary metrics, and it is substituted back into the action to obtain the effective four-dimensional action. In order to obtain the ghost-free bigravity, we consider the gradient expansion in which the brane separation is supposed to be sufficiently small so that two boundary metrics are almost identical. The obtained effective theory is shown to be ghost free as expected, however, the interaction between two gravitons takes the Fierz-Pauli form at the leading order of the gradient expansion, even though we do not use the approximation of linear perturbation. We also find that the radion remains as a scalar field in the four-dimensional effective theory, but its coupling to the metrics is non-trivial.

  13. Expansion of magnetic clouds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suess, S.T.


    Magnetic clouds are a carefully defined subclass of all interplanetary signatures of coronal mass ejections whose geometry is thought to be that of a cylinder embedded in a plane. It has been found that the total magnetic pressure inside the clouds is higher than the ion pressure outside, and that the clouds are expanding at 1 AU at about half the local Alfven speed. The geometry of the clouds is such that even though the magnetic pressure inside is larger than the total pressure outside, expansion will not occur because the pressure is balanced by magnetic tension - the pinch effect. The evidence for expansion of clouds at 1 AU is nevertheless quite strong so another reason for its existence must be found. It is demonstrated that the observations can be reproduced by taking into account the effects of geometrical distortion of the low plasma beta clouds as they move away from the Sun


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    Anderson de Oliveira Reis


    Full Text Available O processo de descentralização consolidado pela constituição de 1988 mudou a dinâmica do federalismo brasileiro aumentando as receitas disponíveis e também as responsabilidades do fornecimento de serviços para os municípios, que em termos financeiros são muito dependentes das transferências governamentais. Diante da importância dos municípios na Administração Pública como entes federativos, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, a partir da classificação em grupos, a mudança no perfil da arrecadação tributária própria dos municípios da Zona da Mata Mineira tendo por base os períodos de 2005 e 2010. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa em que se utilizou as metodologias de Análise de Cluster e Teste t para amostras emparelhadas. Os resultados apontam para formação de 4 grupos de acordo com o esforço fiscal (baixo, médio e alto. Em média observa-se uma evolução positiva na arrecadação própria dos municípios que foi confirmada pelo Teste t. Conclui-se que apesar da dependência dos recursos de transferências, os municípios têm realizados esforços para aumentar a arrecadação própria e consequentemente suas receitas disponíveis.

  15. Thermal Expansion of Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Coatings (United States)

    Raj, S V.; Palczer, A. R.


    Metallic Cu-8%Cr, Cu-26%Cr, Cu-8%Cr-1%Al, NiAl and NiCrAlY monolithic coatings were fabricated by vacuum plasma spray deposition processes for thermal expansion property measurements between 293 and 1223 K. The corrected thermal expansion, (DL/L(sub 0) varies with the absolute temperature, T, as (DL/L(sub 0) = A(T - 293)(sup 3) + BIT - 293)(sup 2) + C(T - 293) + D, where, A, B, C and D are thermal, regression constants. Excellent reproducibility was observed for all of the coatings except for data obtained on the Cu-8%Cr and Cu-26%Cr coatings in the first heat-up cycle, which deviated from those determined in the subsequent cycles. This deviation is attributed to the presence of residual stresses developed during the spraying of the coatings, which are relieved after the first heat-up cycle. In the cases of Cu-8%Cr and NiAl, the thermal expansion data were observed to be reproducible for three specimens. The linear expansion data for Cu-8% Cr and Cu-26%Cr agree extremely well with rule of mixture (ROM) predictions. Comparison of the data for the Cu-8%Cr coating with literature data for Cr and Cu revealed that the thermal expansion behavior of this alloy is determined by the Cu-rich matrix. The data for NiAl and NiCrAlY are in excellent agreement with published results irrespective of composition and the methods used for processing the materials. The implications of these results on coating GRCop-84 copper alloy combustor liners for reusable launch vehicles are discussed.

  16. Production expansion continues to accelerate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper reports that Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi Aramco) is continuing its accelerated Crude Oil Expansion Program initiated in 1989 that aims at achieving a 10 million bpd productive capacity by 1995. In addition to major engineering, construction and renovation work related to production expansion, Saudi Aramco drilling and workover operations have been markedly expanded. Since January 1991, rig activity has doubled. As an indication of aging of Saudi production, projects include modernizing current injection water treatment facilities, installing a new seawater injection plant on the Persian Gulf, installing dewatering facilities in a number of locations and installing a pilot gas lift project. In addition, equipment orders indicate the new discoveries south of Riyadh may also need the assistance of water injection from inception of production

  17. Dolomite addition effects on the thermal expansion of ceramic tiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marino, Luis Fernando Bruno; Boschi, Anselmo Ortega


    The thermal expansion of ceramic tiles is of greater importance in engineering applications because the ceramics are relatively brittle and cannot tolerate large internal strain imposed by thermal expansion. When ceramic bodies are produced for glazed ties the compatibility of this property of the components should be considered to avoid damage in the final products. Carbonates are an important constituent of ceramic wall-title bodies and its presence in formulations and the reactions that occur between them and other components modify body properties. The influence in expansivity by additions of calcium magnesium carbonate in a composition of wall tile bodies has been investigated. The relative content of mineralogical components was determined by X-ray diffraction and thermal expansion by dilatometric measurements. The results was indicated that with the effect of calcium-magnesium phases and porosity on thermal expansion of wall tile bodies. (author)

  18. Cropland expansion in Brazil, 2000 to 2014 (United States)

    Zalles, V.; Hansen, M.; Potapov, P.; Stehman, S. V.; Tyukavina, A.; Pickens, A. H.; Okpa, C.; Aguilar, R.; John, N.; Chavez, S.


    Brazil has become a global leader in the production of commodity row crops such as soybean, sugarcane, cotton, and corn. Here, we employ 30m spatial resolution Landsat data to estimate cropland extent in the year 2000 and its subsequent expansion through 2014. A probability-based sample of reference data allows us to report unbiased estimates of national, biome, and state-scale area of crop expansion with associated uncertainties. We find an increase in Brazilian cropland extent from 26.0 Mha in 2000 to 46.1 Mha in 2014. The cropland frontier states of Maranhao, Tocantins, Piaui, Bahia (MATOPIBA), Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Para all more than doubled in cropland extent. The states of Goias, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo experienced >50% increases. The vast majority of expansion, 79%, occurred on repurposed pasture lands, and 20% from the conversion of natural vegetation. Area of converted Cerrado savannas was nearly 2.5 times that of Amazon forests, and accounted for over half of new cropland in MATOPIBA. Spatio-temporal dynamics of cropland expansion are reflected in market conditions, land use policies, and other factors. Continued extensification of cropland is a viable option across Brazil with attendant benefits for and challenges to development.

  19. Evaluations of the criterion for lateral expansion of steels for nuclear components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Susukida, H.; Satoh, M.; Fukuhara, A.


    The Charpy V notch impact tests were performed on Japanese made ferritic steels for nuclear components and their lateral expansions were investigated. The correlations of lateral expansion and absorbed energy with yield strength, and the correlation between lateral expansion and fracture toughness were also studied. The correlation at each lateral expansion level between absorbed energy and yield strength almost agreed with that published by the US PVRC. It was confirmed that lateral expansion could be used as a criterion for the toughness of the steels corresponding to changes in their yield strength, and that the lateral expansion criterion adopted in the ASME Code Section III was appropriate. Further, the correlation between fracture toughness and lateral expansion and that between fracture toughness and absorbed energy, were evaluated, and respective equations of correlation were proposed. (author)

  20. Hubble expansion in a Euclidean framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfven, H.


    There now seems to be strong evidence for a non-cosmological interpretation of the QSO redshift - in any case, so strong that it is of interest to investigate the consequences. The purpose of this paper is to construct a model of the Hubble expansion which is as far as possible from the conventional Big Bang model without coming in conflict with any well-established observational results (while introducing no new laws of physics). This leads to an essentially Euclidean metagalactic model (see Table I) with very little mass outside one-third or half of the Hubble radius. The total kinetic energy of the Hubble expansion need only to be about 5% of the rest mass energy. Present observations support backwards in time extrapolation of the Hubble expansion to a 'minimum size galaxy' Rsub(m), which may have any value in 0 26 cm. Other arguments speak in favor of a size close to the upper value, say Rsub(m) = 10 26 cm (Table II). As this size is probably about 100 times the Schwarzschild limit, an essentially Euclidean description is allowed. The kinetic energy of the Hubble expansion may derive from an intense QSO-like activity in the minimum size metagalaxy, with an energy release corresponding to the annihilation of a few solar masses per galaxy per year. Some of the conclusions based on the Big Bang hypothesis are criticized and in several cases alternative interpretations are suggested. A comparison between the Euclidean and the conventional models is given in Table III. (orig.)


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    Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco


    Full Text Available O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar o impacto da análise V-A-T da Teoria das Restrições na gestão estratégica de materiais à luz da Matriz de Posicionamento Estratégico dos Materiais (MPEM. A partir de dois estudos de caso, buscou-se verificar: i em qual classificação cada empresa se enquadrava dentro da lógica V-A-T, e ii se a gestão estratégica de materiais a partir da abordagem da MPEM pode ser considerada semelhante ou não nos casos investigados. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que a classificação V-A-T no caso da empresa S é do tipo A e no caso da empresa K é do tipo V. Já a análise da gestão estratégica de materiais a partir da MPEM, evidenciou que no caso S pertence ao quadrante não crítico e no caso K pertence ao quadrante estratégico. Identificou-se que a classificação V-A-T tende a impactar na gestão de materiais e no controle de estoques.

  2. Influência da idade da planta e da maturação dos frutos no momento da colheita na qualidade do café


    Borges,Fernanda Barbosa; Jorge,José Tadeu; Noronha,Regina


    São de grande importância os cuidados no preparo do café desde a colheita até o consumo e o estudo de parâmetros que possam influenciar na classificação comercial do grão e na qualidade da bebida. Teve-se como objetivos analisar a influência da idade das plantas, pertencentes à mesma variedade, e dos estágios de maturação dos grãos (secos, cerejas e verdes) no resultado da classificação comercial e na qualidade da bebida. Realizou-se a colheita, por derriça no pano, de uma área com café arábi...

  3. 34 CFR 361.35 - Innovation and expansion activities. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Innovation and expansion activities. 361.35 Section 361... Innovation and expansion activities. (a) The State plan must assure that the State will reserve and use a...) To support the funding of— (i) The State Rehabilitation Council, if the State has a Council...

  4. A decomposição do Estado e o protagonismo da sociedade civil no enfrentamento da questão social no Brasil: os dilemas da cidadania e da democracia na contemporaneidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freire, Silene de Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo foi elaborado a partir de preocupações profissionais voltadas para desvelar a presença e o enfrentamento, por parte do Estado e da sociedade civil, da questão social no cenário histórico-cultural da sociedade brasileira, evidenciado a partir da década de noventa, sobretudo, quando observamos a guinada do Estado brasileiro para a “mentalidade privatizante” que as reformas estruturais de cunho neoliberal promoveram. No caso brasileiro, tal projeto reafirma uma das particularidades de nossa cultura política: o moderno se constitui por meio do “arcaico”, recriando nossa herança histórica ao atualizar aspectos persistentes e, ao mesmo tempo, transformando-os no contexto da globalização. Pretendemos, assim, discutir de que modo a permanência histórica da desigualdade social, dos limites da cidadania e da democracia serviram como elemento facilitador para a implementação da agenda neoliberal no Brasil

  5. Rocket nozzle expansion ratio analysis for dual-fuel earth-to-orbit vehicles (United States)

    Martin, James A.


    Results are reported from a recent study of the effects of Space Shuttle Main Engine expansion ratio modifications, in the cases of both single-stage and two-stage systems. Two-position nozzles were employed; after varying the lower expansion ratio while the higher was held constant at 120, the lower expansion ratio was held constant at 40 or 60 while the higher expansion ratio was varied. The expansion ratios for minimum vehicle dry mass are different for single-stage and two-stage systems. For two-stage systems, a single expansion ratio of 77.5 provides a lower dry mass than any two-position nozzle.

  6. Operator expansion at short distance in QCD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubschmid, W [Bern Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Mallik, S [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Theoretische Kernphysik


    We present a method of calculating coefficients of gluon operators in the operator product expansion of two-point functions at short distance. It is based on a short-distance expansion of the singular part of the quark propagator in the gluon field, the latter being treated as external. We verify in full generality that the spin zero, gluon operator of dimension six does not contribute to the two-point functions of quark bilinears.

  7. Resolution of hydrodynamical equations for transverse expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hama, Y.; Pottag, F.W.


    The three-dimensional hydrodynamical expansion is treated with a method similar to that of Milekhin, but more explicit. Although in the final stage one have to appeal to numerical calculation, the partial differential equations governing the transverse expansions are treated without transforming them into ordinary equations with an introduction of averaged quantities. It is only concerned with the formalism and the numerical results will be given in the next paper. (Author) [pt

  8. Resolution of hydrodynamical equations for transverse expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hama, Y.; Pottag, F.W.


    The three-dimensional hydrodynamical expansion is treated with a method similar to that of Milekhin, but more explicit. Although in the final stage we have to appeal to numerical calculation, the partial differential equations governing the transverse expansions are treated without transforming them into ordinary equations with an introduction of averaged quantities. The present paper is concerned with the formalism and the numerical results will be reported in another paper. (Author) [pt

  9. Aspectos macroepidemiológicos da esquistossomose mansônica: análise da relação da irrigação no perfil espacial da endemia no Estado da Bahia, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martins Jr. Davi Félix


    Full Text Available Estudos na África, de forma enfática, têm mostrado a associação entre a implantação de perímetros de irrigação e o aumento ou expansão da ocorrência esquistossomose mansônica ou hematóbica. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a associação entre a prática de irrigação no território do Estado da Bahia e a ocorrência e a difusão da infecção pelo Schistosoma mansoni. O desenvolvimento da irrigação no Estado da Bahia assume duas formas: a primeira é intensiva em capital e mecanizada, voltada para produção agrícola de exportação e necessitando de pouca mão-de-obra. Na segunda forma, caracteriza-se pelo baixo grau de mecanização e utilização intensiva de mão-de-obra. O estudo mostrou que os municípios com as maiores áreas irrigadas não são aqueles que registram as mais altas taxas de prevalência da infecção. Na maior parte desses municípios a irrigação é intensiva em termos de capital e tecnologia. Os achados concluem que diferentemente do observado na África, no Estado da Bahia, a irrigação tem tido pequena influência na definição do perfil espacial da endemia.

  10. Lace expansion for dummies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bolthausen, Erwin; Van Der Hofstad, Remco; Kozma, Gady


    We show Green's function asymptotic upper bound for the two-point function of weakly self-Avoiding walk in d >4, revisiting a classic problem. Our proof relies on Banach algebras to analyse the lace-expansion fixed point equation and is simpler than previous approaches in that it avoids Fourier

  11. On Fourier re-expansions


    Liflyand, E.


    We study an extension to Fourier transforms of the old problem on absolute convergence of the re-expansion in the sine (cosine) Fourier series of an absolutely convergent cosine (sine) Fourier series. The results are obtained by revealing certain relations between the Fourier transforms and their Hilbert transforms.

  12. Da possibilidade de uma Teoria Pura da Ciência da Informação: reflexões iniciais entre a Ciência da Informação e a Ciência do Direito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Max Cirino de Mattos

    Full Text Available O artigo discute a fragilidade epistemológica da Ciência da Informação, a partir da adoção de um termo polissêmico, como objeto científico, e a similaridade dessa situação com o contexto da criação da Teoria Pura do Direito de Hans Kelsen. Após a apresentação de algumas definições sobre o objeto da Ciência da Informação, discutem-se alguns reflexos relacionados à identidade científica e à fundamentação teórica derivadas de um objeto polissêmico. Apresenta-se uma breve introdução à Teoria Pura do Direito e algumas reflexões sobre a possibilidade de uma Teoria Pura da Ciência da Informação.

  13. Near threshold expansion of Feynman diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendels, E.


    The near threshold expansion of Feynman diagrams is derived from their configuration space representation, by performing all x integrations. The general scalar Feynman diagram is considered, with an arbitrary number of external momenta, an arbitrary number of internal lines and an arbitrary number of loops, in n dimensions and all masses may be different. The expansions are considered both below and above threshold. Rules, giving real and imaginary part, are derived. Unitarity of a sunset diagram with I internal lines is checked in a direct way by showing that its imaginary part is equal to the phase space integral of I particles

  14. Eigenfunction expansion for fractional Brownian motions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maccone, C.


    The fractional Brownian motions, a class of nonstationary stochastic processes defined as the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral/derivative of the Brownian motion, are studied. It is shown that these processes can be regarded as the output of a suitable linear system of which the input is the white noise. Their autocorrelation is then derived with a study of their standard-deviation curves. Their power spectra are found by resorting to the nonstationary spectral theory. And finally their eigenfunction expansion (Karhunen-Loeve expansion) is obtained: the eigenfunctions are proved to be suitable Bessel functions and the eigenvalues zeros of the Bessel functions. (author)

  15. Strategic Expansion Models in Academic Radiology. (United States)

    Natesan, Rajni; Yang, Wei T; Tannir, Habib; Parikh, Jay


    In response to economic pressures, academic institutions in the United States and their radiology practices, are expanding into the community to build a larger network, thereby driving growth and achieving economies of scale. These economies of scale are being achieved variously via brick-and-mortar construction, community practice acquisition, and partnership-based network expansion. We describe and compare these three expansion models within a 4-part framework of: (1) upfront investment; (2) profitability impact; (3) brand impact; and (4) risk of execution. Copyright © 2016 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Expansions for model-independent analyses of inelastic electron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, D.F.; Hilton, J.M.; Roberts, A.C.M.


    It is noted that the commonly-used Fourier-Bessel expansion for the transition density for inelastic electron scattering depends sensitively on an arbitrary parameter and is not realistic at large distances. Alternative expansions are suggested. (author)

  17. Strain expansion-reduction approach (United States)

    Baqersad, Javad; Bharadwaj, Kedar


    Validating numerical models are one of the main aspects of engineering design. However, correlating million degrees of freedom of numerical models to the few degrees of freedom of test models is challenging. Reduction/expansion approaches have been traditionally used to match these degrees of freedom. However, the conventional reduction/expansion approaches are only limited to displacement, velocity or acceleration data. While in many cases only strain data are accessible (e.g. when a structure is monitored using strain-gages), the conventional approaches are not capable of expanding strain data. To bridge this gap, the current paper outlines a reduction/expansion technique to reduce/expand strain data. In the proposed approach, strain mode shapes of a structure are extracted using the finite element method or the digital image correlation technique. The strain mode shapes are used to generate a transformation matrix that can expand the limited set of measurement data. The proposed approach can be used to correlate experimental and analytical strain data. Furthermore, the proposed technique can be used to expand real-time operating data for structural health monitoring (SHM). In order to verify the accuracy of the approach, the proposed technique was used to expand the limited set of real-time operating data in a numerical model of a cantilever beam subjected to various types of excitations. The proposed technique was also applied to expand real-time operating data measured using a few strain gages mounted to an aluminum beam. It was shown that the proposed approach can effectively expand the strain data at limited locations to accurately predict the strain at locations where no sensors were placed.


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    Marcelo de Morais


    Full Text Available A gramática da forma constitui uma importante ferramenta que pode dar suporte para futuros estudos e melhor qualidade em conjuntos habitacionais. A utilização de sistemas generativos de projeto pode aperfeiçoar uma série de rotinas de projeto, potencializando seu uso com outras ferramentas de informática. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de estudo exploratório com um sistema generativo de projeto em processo de simulação e imersão, por meio do qual se pode avaliar o desenvolvimento e as alterações do projeto de implantação de conjunto habitacional social, ocasionadas pela variação das regras nos algoritmos criados. Inicialmente, se realizou a leitura Analítica da Gramática da Forma de um Conjunto Habitacional específico e, posteriormente, simulou-se em ferramenta computacional a Gramática da Forma Paramétrica, para futuros estudos de melhorias em conjuntos habitacionais similares. Tal ferramenta visa desenvolver soluções inovadoras em tecnologia da informação e comunicação aplicadas à construção e arquitetura. Os resultados demonstram a potencialidade do uso da Gramática da Forma, permitindo a inserção de novos parâmetros a cada momento, criando a perspectiva de flexibilidade na concepção e gerando diversas possibilidades que podem ser analisadas e comparadas durante o processo de tomada de decisão do projeto.

  19. A Sintaxe da Janela

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    Luís Antônio Jorge


    Full Text Available A preocupação fundamenta! do trabalho é de caráter ontológico: esboçar o problema das significações apriorísticas e autônomas dos elementos que compõem a sintaxe arquitetônica. O trabalho elege um desses elementos: a janela. Este artigo parte da aproximação histórica entre a janela e a secção da pirâmide visual, construção imaginária da teoria da perspectiva renascentista. A consideração da janela na linguagem arquitetônica implica reconhecer uma ambigüidade essencial: a janela deve inserir-se ordenadamente no plano da parede - raciocínio típico da modenatura - mas também relacionar-se com a imagem vista através dela, que extrapola o plano, ressaltando a tridimensionalidade - herança da perspectiva renascentista, fundamentada no espaço euclidiano. Ver janela ou ver através da janela são alternativas que se colocam tanto ao observador interno ao edifício, quanto ao externo. Texto de duplaface, a sintaxe da janela versa sobre o relacionamento desses dois lados

  20. Dimensional expansion for the Ising limit of quantum field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bender, C.M.; Boettcher, S.


    A recently proposed technique, called dimensional expansion, uses the space-time dimension D as an expansion parameter to extract nonperturbative results in quantum field theory. Here we apply dimensional-expansion methods to examine the Ising limit of a self-interacting scalar field theory. We compute the first few coefficients in the dimensional expansion of γ 2n , the renormalized 2n-point Green's function at zero momentum, for n=2, 3, 4, and 5. Because the exact results for γ 2n are known at D=1 we can compare the predictions of the dimensional expansion at this value of D. We find typical accuracies of less than 5%. The radius of convergence of the dimensional expansion for γ 2n appears to be 2n/(n-1). As a function of the space-time dimension D, γ 2n appears to rise monotonically with increasing D and we conjecture that it becomes infinite at D=2n/(n-1). We presume that for values of D greater than this critical value γ 2n vanishes identically because the corresponding φ 2n scalar quantum field theory is free for D>2n/(n-1)

  1. Decenal plan of electric energy expansion - 2006-2015

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is divided into seven chapters and presents: 1) Introduction - a brief description of the institutional context of the study and the decenal planning role in this context; 2) electric power market - the evolution of market and economy conjuncture of electric power and the basic premises for the market projections, including the considered macroeconomic scenery description; 3) electric power generation - considered premises, methodology and criteria for the formulation and adjustment of generation expansion alternatives of electric power; 4) electric power transmission - main aspects which guided the evolution of the interlinked system reference configuration in the decenal period and a description of the main result of transmission system expansion analysis, consolidated by SIN geoelectric region and by each state of these regions; 5) socioenvironmental analysis - adopted methodology and the results of the socioenvironmental analysis for the foreseen business in the decenal horizon; 6) expansion indicators of the electric system - synthesizes the main indicators referring to the decenal period as far the market evolution, generation expansion and transmission is concerned; 7)bibliographic references

  2. Decenal plan of electric energy expansion - 2006-2015

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is divided into seven chapters and presents: 1) Introduction - a brief description of the institutional context of the study and the decenal planning role in this context; 2) electric power market - the evolution of market and economy conjuncture of electric power and the basic premises for the market projections, including the considered macroeconomic scenery description; 3) electric power generation - considered premises, methodology and criteria for the formulation and adjustment of generation expansion alternatives of electric power; 4) electric power transmission - main aspects which guided the evolution of the interlinked system reference configuration in the decenal period and a description of the main result of transmission system expansion analysis, consolidated by SIN geoelectric region and by each state of these regions; 5) socioenvironmental analysis - adopted methodology and the results of the socioenvironmental analysis for the foreseen business in the decenal horizon; 6) expansion indicators of the electric system - synthesizes the main indicators referring to the decenal period as far the market evolution, generation expansion and transmission is concerned; 7)bibliographic references

  3. A Model for the Expansion of the Universe

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    Silva N. P.


    Full Text Available One introduces an ansatz for the expansion factor a ( t = e ( H ( t t or our Universe in the spirit of the FLRW model; is a constant to be determined. Considering that the ingredients acting on the Universe expansion ( t > 4 10 12 s 1 : 3 10 are mainly matter (baryons plus dark matter and dark energy, one uses the current mea- sured values of Hubble constant H 0 , the Universe current age T 0 , matter density param- eter Ω m ( T 0 and dark energy parameter Ω ( T 0 together with the Friedmann equations to find = 0 : 5804 and that our Universe may have had a negative expansion accelera- tion up to the age T ⋆ = 3 : 214 G y r ( matter era and positive after that ( dark energy era , leading to an eternal expansion. An interaction between matter and dark energy is found to exist. The deceleration q ( t has been found to be q ( T ⋆ = 0 and q ( T 0 = -0.570.

  4. Transmission pricing and expansion methodology: lessons from Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, K.P.; McCarthy, A.


    This paper focuses on the pricing of electric transmission service in Argentina and on the mechanisms for expanding the transmission system as of late 1998. We also discuss the pricing of energy and generating capacity, since locational differences in their prices constitute charges for transmission service. We find that the methods in place for pricing transmission service are, in the main, consistent with the principles of efficient pricing but that the incentives and mechanisms established for expanding transmission are deficient in some respects. Most notable is the failure to provide for transmission rights, given the system's heavy reliance on user-driven expansion. We find that Argentina can improve upon its pioneering effort to implement user-driven expansion and indeed is exploring ways to do so. The most important tasks are to investigate (a) whether a system of financial transmission rights can be made to work as part of the process of user-driven expansion and (b) whether a backstop role for centrally planned expansion can be preserved without inhibiting or preempting the user-driven process. (author)

  5. Low temperature thermal expansion of liquid Helium-4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berthold, J.E.


    Results of a measurement of the thermal expansion of liquid He-4 are presented along the saturated vapor pressure curve at low temperatures (0.1 - 0.6 0 K). The thermal expansion is related to the low momentum region of the He-4 excitation spectrum, and the results of this measurement are analyzed to gain information concerning deviations from linearity in the phonon region of the spectrum. The data is also compared with theoretical predictions of Alrich and Bhatt and McMillan and with the thermal expansion measurement of Van Degrift. In addition a discussion of previous experimental evidence on the shape of the low momentum region of the dispersion relation is presented

  6. Thermal expansion of coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatayama, Nobukuni; Konno, Rikio


    The temperature dependence of thermal expansion of coexistence of ferromag-netism and superconductivity below the superconducting transition temperature T cu of a majority spin conduction band is investigated. Majority spin and minority spin superconducting gaps exist in the coexistent state. We assume that the Curie temperature is much larger than the superconducting transition temperatures. The free energy that Linder et al. [Phys. Rev. B76, 054511 (2007)] derived is used. The thermal expansion of coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity is derived by the application of the method of Takahashi and Nakano [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 521 (2006)]. We find that we have the anomalies of the thermal expansion in the vicinity of the superconducting transition temperatures.

  7. Three-dimensional static and dynamic reactor calculations by the nodal expansion method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christensen, B.


    This report reviews various method for the calculation of the neutron-flux- and power distribution in an nuclear reactor. The nodal expansion method (NEM) is especially described in much detail. The nodal expansion method solves the diffusion equation. In this method the reactor core is divided into nodes, typically 10 to 20 cm in each direction, and the average flux in each node is calculated. To obtain the coupling between the nodes the local flux inside each node is expressed by use of a polynomial expansion. The expansion is one-dimensional, so inside each node such three expansions occur. To calculate the expansion coefficients it is necessary that the polynomial expansion is a solution to the one-dimensional diffusion equation. When the one-dimensional diffusion equation is established a term with the transversal leakage occur, and this term is expanded after the same polynomials. The resulting equation system with the expansion coefficients as the unknowns is solved with weigthed residual technique. The nodal expansion method is built into a computer program (also called NEM), which is divided into two parts, one part for steady-state calculations and one part for dynamic calculations. It is possible to take advantage of symmetry properties of the reactor core. The program is very flexible with regard to the number of energy groups, the node size, the flux expansion order and the transverse leakage expansion order. The boundary of the core is described by albedos. The program and input to it are described. The program is tested on a number of examples extending from small theoretical one up to realistic reactor cores. Many calculations are done on the wellknown IAEA benchmark case. The calculations have tested the accuracy and the computing time for various node sizes and polynomial expansions. In the dynamic examples various strategies for variation of the time step-length have been tested. (author)

  8. Modelling The Effects of Aggregate Size on Alkali Aggregate Reaction Expansion

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    N. Z. Sekrane


    Full Text Available This work aims at developing models to predict the potential expansion of concrete containing alkali-reactive aggregates. The paper gives measurements in order to provide experimental data concerning the effect of particle size of an alkali-reactive siliceous limestone on mortar expansion. Results show that no expansion was measured on the mortars using small particles (0.5-1.0 mm while the particles (1.0–2.0 mm gave the largest expansions (0.217%. Two models are proposed, the first one studies the correlations between the measured expansions and the size of aggregates, the second one calculates the thickness of the porous zone necessary to take again all the volume of the gel created.


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    Antonio Luiz Pereira de Siqueira Campos


    Full Text Available Trabalhos recentes têm estudado características do meio elétrico para a transmissão de dados, ruídos e técnicas empregadas na comunicação pela rede elétrica. A maioria dos trabalhos limita-se a fazer testes de desempenho do protocolo. Diversos pesquisadores têm se preocupado com a influência das transmissões de dados na rede elétrica sobre as comunicações sem fio, mas ninguém tem se preocupado com a influência dessas transmissões na qualidade da energia elétrica. Este trabalho apresenta resultados preliminares sobre o efeito produzido por redes de computadores que utilizam a tecnologia Homeplug 1.0 na qualidade da energia elétrica. Para isso, foram escolhidos parâmetros apropriados para análise da qualidade da energia elétrica, bem como, foram definidas as formas de se obter esses parâmetros. Foi montada uma rede de computadores, com modem’s PLC, no CEFET-RN e realizados testes iniciais para medição da qualidade de energia elétrica. Resultados numéricos são apresentados.

  10. O panorama das Drogas no México: da margem da sociedade ao centro da cultura

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    Diana Palaversich


    Full Text Available O artigo destaca o percurso das manifestações culturais ligadas ao tráfico de drogas no México, de um lugar marginal, de subcultura, na sociedade mexicana das décadas de 1970 e 1980, expressas principalmente através dos narcocorridos e do narcocine, para um lugar no mainstream cultural mexicano, desde o início do século 21, com destaque especial para a narcoliteratura. O aumento da violência, provocado pela guerra ao narcotráfico, produz uma proliferação da temática nos meios de comunicação e se reflete em áreas da cultura como as artes plásticas e a literatura, produzindo um novo tipo de expressão artística ou narrativa, que tanto pode ser oportunista e contribuir para a banalização da violência do narcotráfico como ser crítica e narrar o impacto individual e coletivo do tráfico de drogas, narrar a desenfreada e violenta realidade mexicana sem cair no estilo da imprensa marrom, do folclore ou dos lugares comuns dos romances de ação.

  11. An Arabidopsis kinase cascade influences auxin-responsive cell expansion. (United States)

    Enders, Tara A; Frick, Elizabeth M; Strader, Lucia C


    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MPK) cascades are conserved mechanisms of signal transduction across eukaryotes. Despite the importance of MPK proteins in signaling events, specific roles for many Arabidopsis MPK proteins remain unknown. Multiple studies have suggested roles for MPK signaling in a variety of auxin-related processes. To identify MPK proteins with roles in auxin response, we screened mpk insertional alleles and identified mpk1-1 as a mutant that displays hypersensitivity in auxin-responsive cell expansion assays. Further, mutants defective in the upstream MAP kinase kinase MKK3 also display hypersensitivity in auxin-responsive cell expansion assays, suggesting that this MPK cascade affects auxin-influenced cell expansion. We found that MPK1 interacts with and phosphorylates ROP BINDING PROTEIN KINASE 1 (RBK1), a protein kinase that interacts with members of the Rho-like GTPases from Plants (ROP) small GTPase family. Similar to mpk1-1 and mkk3-1 mutants, rbk1 insertional mutants display auxin hypersensitivity, consistent with a possible role for RBK1 downstream of MPK1 in influencing auxin-responsive cell expansion. We found that RBK1 directly phosphorylates ROP4 and ROP6, supporting the possibility that RBK1 effects on auxin-responsive cell expansion are mediated through phosphorylation-dependent modulation of ROP activity. Our data suggest a MKK3 • MPK1 • RBK1 phosphorylation cascade that may provide a dynamic module for altering cell expansion. © 2017 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Glass ceramics for sealing to high-thermal-expansion metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilder, J.A. Jr.


    Glass ceramics were studied, formulated in the Na 2 O CaO.P 2 O 5 , Na 2 O.BaOP 2 O 5 , Na 2 O.Al 2 O 3 .P 2 O 5 , and Li 2 O.BaO.P 2 O 5 systems to establish their suitability for sealing to high thermal expansion metals, e.g. aluminum, copper, and 300 series stainless steels. Glass ceramics in Na 2 O.CaO.P 2 O 5 and Na 2 O.BaO.P 2 O 5 systems have coefficients of thermal expansion in the range 140 x 10 -1 per 0 C less than or equal to α less than or equal to 225 x 10 -7 per 0 C and fracture toughness values generally greater than those of phosphate glasses; they are suitable for fabricating seals to high thermal expansion metals. Crystal phases include NaPo 3 , (NaPO 3 ) 3 , NaBa(PO 3 ) 3 , and NaCa(PO 3 ) 3 . Glass ceramics formed in the Na 2 O.Al 2 O 3 .P 2 O 5 systems have coefficients of thermal expansion greater than 240 x 10 -7 per 0 C, but they have extensive microcracking. Due to their low thermal expansion values (α less than or equal to 120 x 10 -7 per 0 C), glass ceramics in the Li 2 O.BaO.P 2 O 5 system are unsuitable for sealing to high thermal expansion metals

  13. Depressão e ansiedade em profissionais da educação das regiões da Amerios e da AMEOSC

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    Roque Strieder


    Full Text Available Estudos anteriores evidenciaram a existência de baixa autoestima em profissionais da educação. Esta, aliada ao sentimento de pessimismo, sensação de fracasso, culpa e autodepreciação, torna temeroso o sucesso de ações educacionais. São sentimentos que conduzem a atitudes de indecisão e irritabilidade; podem prejudicar o processo educacional e aprendente. Com o uso de escalas oficiais, da psicologia, propõe-se dimensionar a propensão a sintomas de depressão e ansiedade em professores das regiões da Amerios e da AMEOSC, como forma de contribuir com a tomada de decisões tanto em relação à qualificação quanto de ajuda a ser prestada aos professores. Foram envolvidos na pesquisa, aproximadamente, 20% dos professores da rede estadual e municipal das duas regiões. Eles responderam às questões dos formulários: Inventário de Depressão de Beck (depressão e Escala de Avaliação de Hamilton (ansiedade. Os resultados mostram que os professores pesquisados da rede estadual apresentam tendências a estados depressivos e de ansiedade superiores aos da rede municipal. Conclui-se que, para além da necessária qualificação profissional, os professores necessitam de outras formas de ajuda, como melhor compreensão do ambiente de trabalho, das formas inter-relacionais da atualidade, das formas de fortalecimento da autoestima e confiança, do reconhecimento humano, social e econômico; também, é importante elaborar estratégias de ação que impeçam a perda da autoestima; por último, reconhece-se que os professores precisam de atenção, ajuda e valorização.

  14. Thermal expansion of two-dimensional itinerant nearly ferromagnetic metal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konno, R; Hatayama, N; Takahashi, Y; Nakano, H


    Thermal expansion of two-dimensional itinerant nearly ferromagnetic metal is investigated according to the recent theoretical development of magneto-volume effect for the three-dimensional weak ferromagnets. We particularly focus on the T 2 -linear thermal expansion of magnetic origin at low temperatures, so far disregarded by conventional theories. As the effect of thermal spin fluctuations we have found that the T-linear thermal expansion coefficient shows strong enhancement by assuming the double Lorentzian form of the non-interacting dynamical susceptibility justified in the small wave-number and low frequency region. It grows faster in proportional to y -1/2 as we approach the magnetic instability point than two-dimensional nearly antiferromagnetic metals with ln(1/y s ) dependence, where y and y s are the inverses of the reduced uniform and staggered magnetic susceptibilities, respectively. Our result is consistent with the Grueneisen's relation between the thermal expansion coefficient and the specific heat at low temperatures. In 2-dimensional electron gas we find that the thermal expansion coefficient is divergent with a finite y when the higher order term of non-interacting dynamical susceptibility is taken into account.

  15. Cost of Incremental Expansion of an Existing Family Medicine Residency Program. (United States)

    Ashkin, Evan A; Newton, Warren P; Toomey, Brian; Lingley, Ronald; Page, Cristen P


    Expanding residency training programs to address shortages in the primary care workforce is challenged by the present graduate medical education (GME) environment. The Medicare funding cap on new GME positions and reductions in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Teaching Health Center (THC) GME program require innovative solutions to support primary care residency expansion. Sparse literature exists to assist in predicting the actual cost of incremental expansion of a family medicine residency program without federal or state GME support. In 2011 a collaboration to develop a community health center (CHC) academic medical partnership (CHAMP), was formed and created a THC as a training site for expansion of an existing family medicine residency program. The cost of expansion was a critical factor as no Federal GME funding or HRSA THC GME program support was available. Initial start-up costs were supported by a federal grant and local foundations. Careful financial analysis of the expansion has provided actual costs per resident of the incremental expansion of the residencyRESULTS: The CHAMP created a new THC and expanded the residency from eight to ten residents per year. The cost of expansion was approximately $72,000 per resident per year. The cost of incremental expansion of our residency program in the CHAMP model was more than 50% less than that of the recently reported cost of training in the HRSA THC GME program.

  16. External Volume Expansion in Irradiated Tissue: Effects on the Recipient Site. (United States)

    Chin, Michael S; Lujan-Hernandez, Jorge; Babchenko, Oksana; Bannon, Elizabeth; Perry, Dylan J; Chappell, Ava G; Lo, Yuan-Chyuan; Fitzgerald, Thomas J; Lalikos, Janice F


    External volume expansion prepares recipient sites to improve outcomes of fat grafting. For patients receiving radiotherapy after mastectomy, results with external volume expansion vary, and the relationship between radiotherapy and expansion remains unexplored. Thus, the authors developed a new translational model to investigate the effects in chronic skin fibrosis after radiation exposure. Twenty-four SKH1-E mice received 50 Gy of β-radiation to each flank and were monitored until fibrosis developed (8 weeks). External volume expansion was then applied at -25 mmHg to one side for 6 hours for 5 days. The opposite side served as the control. Perfusion changes were assessed with hyperspectral imaging. Mice were euthanized at 5 (n = 12) and 15 days (n = 12) after the last expansion application. Tissue samples were analyzed with immunohistochemistry for CD31 and Ki67, Masson trichrome for skin thickness, and picrosirius red to analyze collagen composition. All animals developed skin fibrosis 8 weeks after radiotherapy and became hypoperfused based on hyperspectral imaging. Expansion induced edema on treated sides after stimulation. Perfusion was decreased by 13 percent on the expansion side (p External volume expansion temporarily reduces perfusion, likely because of transient ischemia or edema. Together with mechanotransduction, these effects encourage a proangiogenic and proliferative environment in fibrotic tissue after radiotherapy in the authors' mouse model. Further studies are needed to assess these changes in fat graft retention.

  17. Provincial hydro expansions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Froschauer, K J


    A study of the development of five provincial hydroelectric utilities in Canada indicates that power companies and the state invited manufacturers to use hydroelectricity and natural resources in order to diversify provincial economies. These hydro expansions also show that utilities and government designed hydro projects to serve continental requirements; serving both objectives became problematic. It is argued that when the Canadian state and firms such as utilities use hydro expansions to serve both continentalism and industrialization, then at best they foster dependent industrialization and staple processing. At worst, they overbuild the infrastructure to generate provincial surplus energy for continental, rather than national, integration. Hydro developments became subject to state intervention in Canada mainly through the failures of private utilities to provide power for the less-lucrative industrial markets within provincial subregions. Although the state and utilities invited foreign firms to manufacture hydro equipment within the provinces and others to use electricity to diversify production beyond resource processing, such a diversification did not occur. Since 1962, ca 80% of industrial energy was used to semi-process wood-derived products, chemicals, and metals. The idea for a national power network became undermined by interprovincial political-economic factors and since 1963, the federal national/continential power policy prevailed. 187 refs., 6 figs., 52 tabs.

  18. Prediction of shrinkage cracking age of concrete with and without expansive additive

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    Dung Tien Nguyen


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to propose a model for predicting cracking age of concrete due to restrained shrinkage. Thisstudy focuses on analyzing shrinkage and expansion mechanisms in the expansive concrete to formulate a model that can beemployed to predict whether shrinkage cracking occurs or not. In case of conventional (non-expansive concrete, this modelcan be applied by neglecting the early expansion due to expansive additive. Parameters considered in this model are restrainedexpansion, free shrinkage, cracking strain that can be experimentally measured by experiment and tensile creep which isderived by back calculation. The model was verified by test results of expansive concrete mixtures as well as normal concretemixtures both with and without fly ash.

  19. Teoria para o trabalho de expansão aplicada às brisas do nordeste Brasileiro Theory for expansion work applied to breezes of Northeast of Brazil

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    Clênia R. Alcântara


    Full Text Available Neste artigo investiga-se numericamente a interação entre brisas marítima-terrestre e de vale-montanha, que ocorrem no nordeste brasileiro devido à presença do Planalto da Borborema, aplicando o trabalho de expansão associado ao ramo inferior das circulações. Resultados da teoria da máquina térmica são comparados aos resultados 3D, obtidos com a versão brasileira do modelo RAMS. Os resultados indicaram que o efeito do contraste de temperatura no trabalho ligado às circulações (Wa, isoladamente, contribui para a formação de brisas marítimas mais intensas e de brisas terrestres menos intensas. Na realidade, o que se observa são brisas terrestres com intensidades iguais ou até maiores que das brisas marítimas. Assim, a contribuição da montanha para a intensidade das circulações de brisa no período noturno mostra-se extremamente não-linear. O trabalho de expansão que realmente está ligado às circulações, contribui em apenas 7% para o trabalho total. Dessa forma, a maior parte do trabalho total está associada ao trabalho de compressão que a atmosfera realiza para compensar a perda por resfriamento radiativo, e muito da energia disponibilizada para as circulações é gasta para vencer os processos dissipativos.The purpose of this work is to further understand the interactions between sea-land breeze and valley-mountain breeze that occur at the coast of Northeast Brazil due to the presence of the Borborema plateau, using the associated expansion work at the lower branch of these circulations. Results of the thermal machine theory are compared to the 3D results obtained from the Brazilian RAMS model version. The results indicate that the sole effect of temperature contrast on the work associated with circulations (Wa is more intense sea breezes and weaker land breezes. Actually, one can observe land breezes whose intensities are equal or even larger than sea breezes. Thus, the mountain contribution for the intensity of

  20. Multiple pathways of commodity crop expansion in tropical forest landscapes (United States)

    Meyfroidt, Patrick; Carlson, Kimberly M.; Fagan, Matthew E.; Gutiérrez-Vélez, Victor H.; Macedo, Marcia N.; Curran, Lisa M.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Dyer, George A.; Gibbs, Holly K.; Lambin, Eric F.; Morton, Douglas C.; Robiglio, Valentina


    Commodity crop expansion, for both global and domestic urban markets, follows multiple land change pathways entailing direct and indirect deforestation, and results in various social and environmental impacts. Here we compare six published case studies of rapid commodity crop expansion within forested tropical regions. Across cases, between 1.7% and 89.5% of new commodity cropland was sourced from forestlands. Four main factors controlled pathways of commodity crop expansion: (i) the availability of suitable forestland, which is determined by forest area, agroecological or accessibility constraints, and land use policies, (ii) economic and technical characteristics of agricultural systems, (iii) differences in constraints and strategies between small-scale and large-scale actors, and (iv) variable costs and benefits of forest clearing. When remaining forests were unsuitable for agriculture and/or policies restricted forest encroachment, a larger share of commodity crop expansion occurred by conversion of existing agricultural lands, and land use displacement was smaller. Expansion strategies of large-scale actors emerge from context-specific balances between the search for suitable lands; transaction costs or conflicts associated with expanding into forests or other state-owned lands versus smallholder lands; net benefits of forest clearing; and greater access to infrastructure in already-cleared lands. We propose five hypotheses to be tested in further studies: (i) land availability mediates expansion pathways and the likelihood that land use is displaced to distant, rather than to local places; (ii) use of already-cleared lands is favored when commodity crops require access to infrastructure; (iii) in proportion to total agricultural expansion, large-scale actors generate more clearing of mature forests than smallholders; (iv) property rights and land tenure security influence the actors participating in commodity crop expansion, the form of land use displacement

  1. Multiple pathways of commodity crop expansion in tropical forest landscapes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyfroidt, Patrick; Lambin, Eric F; Carlson, Kimberly M; Fagan, Matthew E; DeFries, Ruth S; Gutiérrez-Vélez, Victor H; Macedo, Marcia N; Curran, Lisa M; Dyer, George A; Gibbs, Holly K; Morton, Douglas C; Robiglio, Valentina


    Commodity crop expansion, for both global and domestic urban markets, follows multiple land change pathways entailing direct and indirect deforestation, and results in various social and environmental impacts. Here we compare six published case studies of rapid commodity crop expansion within forested tropical regions. Across cases, between 1.7% and 89.5% of new commodity cropland was sourced from forestlands. Four main factors controlled pathways of commodity crop expansion: (i) the availability of suitable forestland, which is determined by forest area, agroecological or accessibility constraints, and land use policies, (ii) economic and technical characteristics of agricultural systems, (iii) differences in constraints and strategies between small-scale and large-scale actors, and (iv) variable costs and benefits of forest clearing. When remaining forests were unsuitable for agriculture and/or policies restricted forest encroachment, a larger share of commodity crop expansion occurred by conversion of existing agricultural lands, and land use displacement was smaller. Expansion strategies of large-scale actors emerge from context-specific balances between the search for suitable lands; transaction costs or conflicts associated with expanding into forests or other state-owned lands versus smallholder lands; net benefits of forest clearing; and greater access to infrastructure in already-cleared lands. We propose five hypotheses to be tested in further studies: (i) land availability mediates expansion pathways and the likelihood that land use is displaced to distant, rather than to local places; (ii) use of already-cleared lands is favored when commodity crops require access to infrastructure; (iii) in proportion to total agricultural expansion, large-scale actors generate more clearing of mature forests than smallholders; (iv) property rights and land tenure security influence the actors participating in commodity crop expansion, the form of land use displacement

  2. Composite asymptotic expansions and scaling wall turbulence. (United States)

    Panton, Ronald L


    In this article, the assumptions and reasoning that yield composite asymptotic expansions for wall turbulence are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the scaling quantities that are used to render the variables non-dimensional and of order one. An asymptotic expansion is proposed for the streamwise Reynolds stress that accounts for the active and inactive turbulence by using different scalings. The idea is tested with the data from the channel flows and appears to have merit.

  3. Loop vertex expansion for higher-order interactions (United States)

    Rivasseau, Vincent


    This note provides an extension of the constructive loop vertex expansion to stable interactions of arbitrarily high order, opening the way to many applications. We treat in detail the example of the (\\bar{φ } φ )^p field theory in zero dimension. We find that the important feature to extend the loop vertex expansion is not to use an intermediate field representation, but rather to force integration of exactly one particular field per vertex of the initial action.

  4. Did the Higgs boson drive the universe's expansion?

    CERN Multimedia


    The Higgs boson has been moonlighting. Not content with its day job of giving other particles their mass, it may also have driven the expansion of the early universe, given a little tinkering, according to two separate studies. Soon after the big bang the early universe is believed to have undergone a period of rapid expansion, known as inflation.

  5. Acoustic waves in shock tunnels and expansion tubes (United States)

    Paull, A.; Stalker, R. J.


    It is shown that disturbances in shock and expansion tubes can be modelled as lateral acoustic waves. The ratio of sound speed across the driver-test gas interface is shown to govern the quantity of noise in the test gas. Frequency 'focusing' which is fundamental to centered unsteady expansions is discussed and displayed in centerline pitot pressure measurements.

  6. Isotropic cosmic expansion and the Rubin-Ford effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fall, S.M.; Jones, B.J.T.


    It is shown that the Rubin-Ford data (Astrophys. J. Lett. 183:L111 (1973)), often taken as evidence for large scale anisotropic cosmic expansion, probably only reflect the inhomogeneous distribution of galaxies in the region of the sample. The data presented are consistent with isotropic expansion, an unperturbed galaxy velocity field, and hence a low density Universe. (author)

  7. Semiclassical expansions of the nuclear relativistic Hartree-Fock theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weigel, M.K.; Haddad, S.


    Semiclassical expansions for Green functions, self-energy, phase-space density and density are given and discussed. The many-body problem was treated in the relativistic Hartree-Fock approximation with a Lagrangian with a standard OBE potential structure including the possibility of space-dependent couplings. The expansions are obtained by formulating the many-body problem in the mixed position-momentum (Wigner) representation and application of the (h/2π)-Wigner-Kirkwood expansion scheme. The resulting self-consistency problems for the zeroth and second order are formulated in three versions. (author)

  8. Cumulants in perturbation expansions for non-equilibrium field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fauser, R.


    The formulation of perturbation expansions for a quantum field theory of strongly interacting systems in a general non-equilibrium state is discussed. Non-vanishing initial correlations are included in the formulation of the perturbation expansion in terms of cumulants. The cumulants are shown to be the suitable candidate for summing up the perturbation expansion. Also a linked-cluster theorem for the perturbation series with cumulants is presented. Finally a generating functional of the perturbation series with initial correlations is studied. We apply the methods to a simple model of a fermion-boson system. (orig.)

  9. Critical experiment tests of bowing and expansion reactivity calculations for LMRS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, R.W.


    Experiments done in several LMR-type critical assemblies simulated core axial expansion, core radial expansion and bowing, coolant expansion, and control driveline expansion. For the most part new experimental techniques were developed to do these experiments. Calculations of the experiments basically used design-level methods, except when it was necessary to investigate complexities peculiar to the experiments. It was found that these feedback reactivities generally are overpredicted, but the predictions are within 30% of the experimental values. 14 refs., 2 figs., 4 tabs

  10. Thermal expansion studies on europium titanate (Eu2TiO5)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panneerselvam, G.; Subramanian, G.G.S.; Antony, M.P.


    The lattice thermal expansion characteristics of europium titanate (Eu 2 TiO 5 ) have been studied by measuring the lattice parameter by high temperature X-ray diffraction technique (HT-XRD) in the temperature range 298-1573K. Percentage linear thermal expansion and mean linear thermal expansion coefficients were computed from the lattice parameter data. The percentage linear thermal expansion in the temperature range 298-1573 K along a, b and c axes are 1.05, 1.15 and 0.95 respectively. (author)

  11. Fresnel: O formulador matemático da teoria ondulatória da luz


    Bassalo, José Maria Filardo


    Neste artigo, apresentamos alguns aspectos da vida de Fresnel, engenheiro e físico francês que se notabilizou pela formulação matemática da teoria ondulatória da luz, e cujo bicentenário de nascimento transcorre neste ano de 1988. Realçamos, neste trabalho, suas principais pesquisas relacionadas com o estudo da difração, dupla-refração e reflexão da luz, nas quais utilizou a idéia revolucionária de transversalidade da onda luminosa para deduzir equações, as quais explicaram alg...


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    Sílvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza


    Full Text Available O resgate da história da Fábrica de Chapéus Sarkis foi retratado neste estudo. Buscou-se analisar as influências da referida fábrica no município de Itapira, principalmente na organização e produção do centro urbano e no cotidiano dos citadinos. Seu fechamento foi entendido a partir das mudanças da moda mundial e de seus reflexos no lugar Itapira – SP, Brasil. Este estudo contempla uma análise regressiva do período (décadas de 1920 a 1960 em que o chapéu era um acessório indispensável na vida cotidiana das pessoas. Reencontrando o presente, procurou-se entender o conteúdo da forma espacial que hoje se encontra em vestígios. O estudo é singular por identificar no espaço geográfico itapirense atual a peculiaridade da transformação da tradição da fábrica em mercadoria.

  13. Eta-expansion does The Trick

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier; Malmkjær, Karoline; Palsberg, Jens


    Partial-evaluation folklore has it that massaging one's source programs can make them specialize better. In Jones, Gomard, and Sestoft's recent textbook, a whole chapter is dedicated to listing such “binding-time improvements”: nonstandard use of continuation-passing style, eta-expansion, and a p......Partial-evaluation folklore has it that massaging one's source programs can make them specialize better. In Jones, Gomard, and Sestoft's recent textbook, a whole chapter is dedicated to listing such “binding-time improvements”: nonstandard use of continuation-passing style, eta...... across dynamic case expressions. This requirement precisely accounts for the nonstandard use of continuation-passing style encountered in partial evaluation. Eta-expansion thus acts as a uniform binding-time coercion between values and contexts, be they of function type, product type, or disjoint...

  14. Effect of rolling motion on the expansion and contraction loss coefficients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, B.H.; Gu, H.Y.


    Highlights: ► The expansion and contraction loss coefficients in rolling motion are analyzed. ► Effects of rolling motion on the expansion and contraction loss coefficients are different. ► The spanwise and transverse additional forces contribute slightly to the local loss. ► The oscillations of loss coefficients increase as the strengthening of rolling motion. - Abstract: The sudden expansion and sudden contraction loss coefficients in rolling motion are investigated with CFD code FLUENT. The calculation results are validated with experimental and theoretical results in steady state. The effects of rolling motion on the expansion and contraction loss coefficients are different. The effects of spanwise and transverse additional forces on the expansion and contraction loss coefficients are weak. The effect of velocity oscillation on the contraction loss coefficient is more significant than that on the expansion loss coefficient. The oscillation of local loss coefficient also becomes more and more irregular as the strengthening of rolling motion

  15. Didáctica da física e didáctica da química : experimentação no ensino da física e da química


    Pereira, Alda


    Formação - Professores A componente experimental no ensino da Física e da Química. Experimentação na sala de aula e alguns exemplos. Disciplina “Didáctica da Física e da Química”, do Curso de Profissionalização em Exercício.

  16. Graph approach to the gradient expansion of density functionals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlowski, P.M.; Nalewajski, R.F.


    A graph representation of terms in the gradient expansion of the kinetic energy density functional is presented. They briefly discuss the implications of the virial theorem for the graph structure and relations between possible graphs at a given order of expansion

  17. A Revisit of Query Expansion with Different Semantic Levels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhang, Ce; Cui, Bin; Cong, Gao


    Query expansion has received extensive attention in information retrieval community. Although semantic based query expansion appears to be promising in improving retrieval performance, previous research has shown that it cannot consistently improve retrieval performance. It is a tricky problem to...

  18. IKEA's International Expansion


    Harapiak, Clayton


    This case concerns a global retailing firm that is dealing with strategic management and marketing issues. Applying a scenario of international expansion, this case provides a thorough analysis of the current business environment for IKEA. Utilizing a variety of methods (e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, McKinsey Matrix) the overall objective is to provide students with the opportunity to apply their research skills and knowledge regarding a highly competitive industry to develop strategic marketing strateg...

  19. The major histocompatibility complex genes impact pain response in DA and DA.1U rats. (United States)

    Guo, Yuan; Yao, Fan-Rong; Cao, Dong-Yuan; Li, Li; Wang, Hui-Sheng; Xie, Wen; Zhao, Yan


    Our recent studies have shown that the difference in basal pain sensitivity to mechanical and thermal stimulation between Dark-Agouti (DA) rats and a novel congenic DA.1U rats is major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes dependent. In the present study, we further used DA and DA.1U rats to investigate the role of MHC genes in formalin-induced pain model by behavioral, electrophysiological and immunohistochemical methods. Behavioral results showed biphasic nociceptive behaviors increased significantly following the intraplantar injection of formalin in the hindpaw of DA and DA.1U rats. The main nociceptive behaviors were lifting and licking, especially in DA rats (PDA rats were significantly higher than those in DA.1U rats in both phases of the formalin test (PDA rats was significantly higher than that of DA.1U rats (PDA was greater than that in DA.1U rats (PDA rats was significantly higher than that in DA.1U rats in the respective experimental group (PDA and DA.1U rats exhibited nociceptive responses in formalin-induced pain model and DA rats were more sensitive to noxious chemical stimulus than DA.1U rats, indicating that MHC genes might contribute to the difference in pain sensitivity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Hole expansion test of third generation steels (United States)

    Agirre, Julen; Mendiguren, Joseba; Galdos, Lander; de Argandoña, Eneko Sáenz


    The trend towards the implementation of new materials in the chassis of the automobiles is considerably making more complex the manufacturing of the components that built it up. In this scenario materials with higher strengths and lower formabilities are daily faced by tool makers and component producers what reduces the process windows and makes the forming processes to be in the limits of the materials. One of the concerns that tool makers must face during the definition of the tools is the expansion ratios that the holes in the sheet may reach before producing a breakage due to the stretching of the material (also known as edge cracks). For the characterization of such limits, a standard test, the hole expansion test, can be applied so that the limits of the material are known. At the present study, hole expansion tests of a third generation steel, Fortiform1050 with a thickness of 1.2 millimeters have been carried out and compared them to a mild steel, DX54D with a thickness of 0.6 millimeters. A comparison for each material in terms of technology used to punch the hole, mechanical punching vs laser cutting has also been conducted. In addition, the measurement technique (online measurement vs offline measurement) followed in the Hole Expansion Ratio (HER) identification has also been analyzed. Finally, differences between both materials and techniques are presented.


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    Fabiane Oliveira


    Full Text Available Considera-se o contexto dos processos de inovação e desenvolvimento no mundo moderno, a preocupação socioambiental e a tecnologia desenvolvida em função da agroindústria. Destaca-se a crescente importância conferida à biotecnologia na sociedade contemporânea. Reflete-se criticamente o estudo da propriedade intelectual no âmbito da biotecnologia em face do Estado e da inovação e do desenvolvimento. Busca-se, primeiramente, apresentar definição, origem e aspecto relevante da biotecnologia, a fim de tornar a sapiência desta ciência mais pragmática. Posto isso, elucida-se sobre a área de abrangência da proteção da propriedade intelectual nesse ramo da ciência. Nesse viés, ocupa-se também de demonstrar a Lei de Propriedade Intelectual mediante a problemática das patentes no setor biotecnológico. Observa-se, a seguir, o estudo da Lei de Cultivares em função da utilização do mecanismo de prospecção de patentes. Demonstra-se os aspectos importantes e o impacto da Lei de Cultivares no âmbito da propriedade intelectual. Exemplifica-se as cultivares protegidas. Apresenta-se a problemática da licença compulsória no âmbito da propriedade intelectual no ramo da biotecnologia. Objetiva-se demonstrar a situação desse ramo da ciência sob o prisma da propriedade intelectual, do fortalecimento e da padronização desses direitos. Expõe-se, por último, a importância da proteção dessa ciência para o desenvolvimento e para a inovação no país. Para isso, recorta-se a analise atual da Biotecnologia e da Propriedade Intelectual no Brasil sob o enfoque da legislação especifica e da hipótese da licença compulsória. Utiliza-se de pesquisa bibliográfica na área de biotecnologia, economia e direito, sob o enfoque da propriedade intelectual, inovação e do desenvolvimento.

  2. Specific heat of Ginzburg-Landau fields in the n-1 expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bray, A.J.


    The n -1 expansion for the specific heat C/subv/ of the n-component Ginzburg-Landau model is discussed in terms of an n -1 expansion for the irreducible polarization. In the low-temperature limit, each successive term of the latter expansion diverges more strongly than the last, invalidating a truncation of this series at any finite order in 1/n. The most divergent terms in each order are identified and summed. The results provide justification for the usual truncated expansions for C/subv/


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    Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve algumas características da Ciência da Informação como área do conhecimento e apresenta o Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIB como o evento seminal da área. Busca-se criar a memória do ENANCIB, promovido pela Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ANCIB, desde a sua criação em 1994, ao longo de suas quinze edições. O ENANCIB congrega pesquisadores e programas de pós-graduação nacionais, além de propiciar um fórum para discussão dos temas de pesquisa da área. Em 2014, o XV ENANCIB tem lugar em Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais e é organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI da Escola de Ciência da Informação (ECI da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais de Minas Gerais (UFMG. No âmbito do PPGCI, nasceu a percepção de que o evento deveria propor a discussão sobre como as mais recentes tecnologias da informação e da comunicação têm alterado a sociedade e a forma de interagir das pessoas, bem como o papel relevante da Ciência da Informação nesse contexto. Os dispositivos móveis, nuvens, big data, linked data, dentre outras formas de interagir com a informação têm causado transformações em vários âmbitos e exigido novas abordagens para os estudos em CI. O tema do XV ENANCIB “Além das `nuvens´: expandindo as fronteiras da Ciência da Informação”, proporciona a oportunidade para refletir sobre essas mudanças que impactam na interação humana com a informação, bem como sobre suas implicações para o futuro da CI.

  4. Hausdorff dimension of unique beta expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kong, Derong; Li, Wenxia


    Given an integer N ⩾ 2 and a real number β > 1, let Γ β, N be the set of all x=∑ i=1 ∞ d i /β i with d i  ∈ {0, 1, ···, N − 1} for all i ⩾ 1. The infinite sequence (d i ) is called a β-expansion of x. Let U β,N be the set of all x's in Γ β,N which have unique β-expansions. We give explicit formula of the Hausdorff dimension of U β,N for β in any admissible interval [β L , β U ], where β L is a purely Parry number while β U is a transcendental number whose quasi-greedy expansion of 1 is related to the classical Thue–Morse sequence. This allows us to calculate the Hausdorff dimension of U β,N for almost every β > 1. In particular, this improves the main results of Gábor Kallós (1999, 2001). Moreover, we find that the dimension function f(β) = dim H U β,N fluctuates frequently for β ∈ (1, N). (paper)

  5. Leptodermous expansion of finite-nucleus incompressibility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nayak, R.C.


    We consider the influence of higher-order terms in the leptodermous expansion used to extract the incompressibility K v of infinite nuclear matter from data on the breathing mode of finite nuclei. The terms we calculate are the curvature term K cv A -2/3 , the surface-symmetry term K ss I 2 A -1/3 , the quartic volume-symmetry term K 4 I 4 , and a Coulomb-exchange term. Working within the framework of the scaling model we derive expressions for their coefficients in terms of quantities that are defined for infinite and semi-infinite nuclear matter. We calculate these coefficients for four different Skyrme-type forces, using the extended Thomas-Fermi (ETF) approximation. With the same forces we also calculate the incompressibility K (A, I) for a number of finite nuclei, fit the results to the leptodermous expansion, and thereby extract new results for the same coefficients. The comparison of the two calculations shows that the leptodermous expansion is converging rapidly. Of the new terms, the term K 4 I 4 is quite negligible, the curvature term should be included, and we discuss to what extent the other higher-order terms are significant. (orig.)

  6. 2D XXZ model ground state properties using an analytic Lanczos expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witte, N.S.; Hollenberg, L.C.L.; Weihong Zheng


    A formalism was developed for calculating arbitrary expectation values for any extensive lattice Hamiltonian system using a new analytic Lanczos expansion, or plaquette expansion, and a recently proved exact theorem for ground state energies. The ground state energy, staggered magnetisation and the excited state gap of the 2D anisotropic antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model are then calculated using this expansion for a range of anisotropy parameters and compared to other moment based techniques, such as the t-expansion, and spin-wave theory and series expansion methods. It was found that far from the isotropic point all moment methods give essentially very similar results, but near the isotopic point the plaquette expansion is generally better than the others. 20 refs., 6 tabs



    Gisela Cabral Malheiros


    A Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hill., conhecida popularmente como erva-mate, é uma espécie nativa da região subtropical da América do Sul, a qual é matéria-prima para o produto ervamate, utilizado principalmente no preparo da bebida chimarrão. Dentre os atributos sensoriais da erva-mate tipo chimarrão, a cor constitui o primeiro critério utilizado pelo consumidor para sua aceitabilidade. A cor verde da erva-mate deve-se à presença de clorofila. Ocorrem perdas expressivas de clorofila no proc...

  8. Contribution of future urbanisation expansion to flood risk changes (United States)

    Bruwier, Martin; Mustafa, Ahmed; Archambeau, Pierre; Erpicum, Sébastien; Pirotton, Michel; Teller, Jacques; Dewals, Benjamin


    The flood risk is expected to increase in the future due to climate change and urban development. Climate change modifies flood hazard and urban development influences exposure and vulnerability to floods. While the influence of climate change on flood risk has been studied widely, the impact of urban development also needs to be considered in a sustainable flood risk management approach. The main goal of this study is the determination of the sensitivity of future flood risk to different urban development scenarios at a relatively short-time horizon in the River Meuse basin in Wallonia (Belgium). From the different scenarios, the expected impact of urban development on flood risk is assessed. Three urban expansion scenarios are developed up to 2030 based on a coupled cellular automata (CA) and agent-based (AB) urban expansion model: (i) business-as-usual, (ii) restrictive and (iii) extreme expansion scenarios. The main factor controlling these scenarios is the future urban land demand. Each urban expansion scenario is developed by considering or not high and/or medium flood hazard zones as a constraint for urban development. To assess the model's performance, it is calibrated for the Meuse River valley (Belgium) to simulate urban expansion between 1990 and 2000. Calibration results are then assessed by comparing the 2000 simulated land-use map and the actual 2000 land-use map. The flood damage estimation for each urban expansion scenario is determined for five flood discharges by overlaying the inundation map resulting from a hydraulic computation and the urban expansion map and by using damage curves and specific prices. The hydraulic model Wolf2D has been extensively validated by comparisons between observations and computational results during flood event .This study focuses only on mobile and immobile prices for urban lands, which are associated to the most severe damages caused by floods along the River Meuse. These findings of this study offers tools to


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lettis, William [William Lettis & Associates, Inc.


    This report presents the findings of a fault hazard investigation for the C-746-U landfill's proposed expansion located at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP), in Paducah, Kentucky. The planned expansion is located directly north of the present-day C-746-U landfill. Previous geophysical studies within the PGDP site vicinity interpret possible northeast-striking faults beneath the proposed landfill expansion, although prior to this investigation the existence, locations, and ages of these inferred faults have not been confirmed through independent subsurface exploration. The purpose of this investigation is to assess whether or not Holocene-active fault displacement is present beneath the footprint of the proposed landfill expansion.

  10. The thermal expansion of austenitic manganese and manganese-chromium steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Richter, F.


    The linear coefficient of thermal expansion was determined by dilatometer for 5 Mn steels and 6 Mn-Cr steels between -196 and +500 0 C. Because of the antiferromagnetic properties, the thermal expansion of austenitic Mn and Mn-Cr steels is determined by the position of the magnetic changeover temperature (Neel temperature), which depends on the chemical composition of the steel. Below the Neel temperature, the thermal coefficient of expansion is greatly reduced by volumetric magnetostriction (Invar effect). For this reason, one can only give approximate values for thermal expansion for all Mn and Mn-Cr steels in the temperature range of -100 0 C to about +100 0 C. (GSC) [de


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    Isabela Fernanda Moraes de Paula


    Full Text Available A presença da cobertura vegetal nas cidades tem sido considerada por diversos pesquisadores uma variável importante, devido aos diversos benefícios que proporcionam ao homem e ao equilíbrio ambiental. Nesse contexto este artigo objetiva contribuir para o conhecimento do verde urbano da área central do município de Juiz de Fora, calculando índices de cobertura vegetal e aplicando a metodologia proposta por Jim (1989, na análise da forma e espacialização da cobertura vegetal. Nesse sentido, os resultados alcançados demonstram que grande parte das regiões da área central da cidade de Juiz de Fora encontram-se abaixo do desejável em cobertura vegetal, necessitando de investimentos, principalmente, nos espaços de integração urbana, cujo percentual de áreas cobertas por vegetação em relação à totalidade abrange apenas 2%. Destaca-se que quanto maior a densidade demográfica, menor foi o percentual de cobertura vegetal, pode-se afirmar que a cobertura vegetal da área central da cidade de Juiz de Fora é fragmentada, descontínua e apresenta muitos “espaços vazios”. No mapeamento realizado foi encontrado 15,401% de áreas cobertas por vegetação arbórea, cerca de 1,694% de vegetação arbustiva e 8,59% de vegetação rasteira. As maiores extensões de manchas verdes encontram-se dispersas no meio, espalhadas por toda a área e desconectas uma com as outras. Logo, sua mensuração, classificação e distribuição espacial são de suma importância, pois tornam-se base essenciais para melhorias e planejamentos, no contexto das áreas urbanas. ABSTRACT The presence of vegetation cover in the cities has been considered by many researchers an important variable, due to the many benefits they provide to humans and the environmental balance. In this context, this article aims to contribute to the knowledge of green urban central area of the city of Juiz de Fora, calculating vegetation cover ratios and applying the methodology

  12. Testing the isotropy of the Hubble expansion


    Migkas, K.; Plionis, M.


    Abstract: We have used the Union2.1 SNIa compilation to search for possible Hubble expansion anisotropies, dividing the sky in 9 solid angles containing roughly the same number of SNIa, as well as in two Galactic hemispheres. We identified only one sky region, containing 82 SNIa (~15% of total sample with z > 0.02), that indeed appears to share a Hubble expansion significantly different from the rest of the sample. However, this behaviour can be attributed to the joint "erratic" behaviour of ...

  13. Expansion program is a challenging project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, G.L.


    This paper reports that construction is set to begin on the $1.5 billion PGT-PG and E Pipeline Expansion Project. It will consist of 691 miles of 42-in pipeline and 110 miles of 36-in. pipeline, to be built over 2 years. The project, which will transport additional supplies of natural gas to US West Coast markets, has its US regulatory approval in hand. On Oct. 16, 1991, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorized Pacific Gas Transmission Co. to construct its Pacific Northwest segment of the expansion. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. received approval to build its California segment in late 1990 from the California Public Utilities Commission

  14. Short interval expansion of Rényi entropy on torus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Bin [Department of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology,Peking University,5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter,5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871 (China); Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University,5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871 (China); Wu, Jun-Bao [Theoretical Physics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,19B Yuquan Rd, Beijing 100049 (China); Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, Chinese Academy of Sciences,19B Yuquan Rd, Beijing 100049 (China); Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University,5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871 (China); Zhang, Jia-ju [Theoretical Physics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,19B Yuquan Rd, Beijing 100049 (China); Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, Chinese Academy of Sciences,19B Yuquan Rd, Beijing 100049 (China)


    We investigate the short interval expansion of the Rényi entropy for two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) on a torus. We require the length of the interval ℓ to be small with respect to the spatial and temporal sizes of the torus. The operator product expansion of the twist operators allows us to compute the short interval expansion of the Rényi entropy at any temperature. In particular, we pay special attention to the large c CFTs dual to the AdS{sub 3} gravity and its cousins. At both low and high temperature limits, we read the Rényi entropies to order ℓ{sup 6}, and find good agreements with holographic results. Moreover, the expansion allows us to read 1/c contribution, which is hard to get by expanding the thermal density matrix. We generalize the study to the case with the chemical potential as well.

  15. The free-jet expansion from a capillary source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.R.; Fineman, M.A.; Murphy, H.


    This paper presents a comparison of the free-jet expansions originating from an orifice and a capillary by measuring the terminal gas properties. Time-of-flight and intensity data are reported for pure gases (He, Ar, CO 2 ) and mixtures of CO 2 /He, together with condensed dimer intensities for Ar and Co 2 . Pitot tube data are reported for N 2 . The results suggest that the free-jet expansions are nearly the same, provided the capillary is modeled as a non-isentropic Fanno flow process. The Fanno flow is slightly non-adiabatic, which complicates the analysis. Only the condensation kinetics appear strongly sensitive to the differences in the initial conditions for the supersonic expansion; any kinetic process relaxing near the capillary orifice exit would be affected

  16. TDHF simulation of the expansion of abraded nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacroix, D.; Chomaz, Ph.


    A recent interpretation of the caloric curve based on the expansion of the abraded spectator nuclear is re-analysed in the framework of the Time Dependent Hartree Fock (TDHF) evolution. It is shown that the TDHF dynamics can not be reduced to a single monopolar collective motion at moderate energy. The inclusion of other important collective degrees of freedom may lead to the dynamical creation of hollow structure. Then, low density regions could be locally reached after a long time by the creation of these exotic density profiles. The TDHF simulations do not confirm conclusions made when using an monopolar isentropic expansion. In particular the systematic of the minimum density reached during the expansion (the so-called turning points) appears to be different. (author)

  17. Magnetic susceptibilities and thermal expansion of artificial graphites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cornuault, P.; Herpin, A.; Hering, H.; Seguin, M.; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saclay


    Starting from measurements of the magnetic susceptibility made in the two principal directions of a graphite bar, the distribution function of the normals to the carbon planes in the crystallites has been evaluated. The effect of different variation in the manufacturing process on this crystalline anisotropy has been studied. From this crystalline anisotropy we have calculated the thermal expansion coefficient possessed by a compact mass of crystallites having exactly the same orientational anisotropy as the porous body consideration. The difference between this and the observed expansion coefficient leads to the determination of the expansion of the non-graphitic part of the mass which turns out to have a negative value and is also anisotropic. We have attempted to draw some conclusions from this result. (author) [fr

  18. Cathode plasma expansion in diode with explosive emission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zuo Yinghong; Fan Ruyu; Wang Jianguo; Zhu Jinhui


    The evolution characteristics of the cathode plasma in a planar diode with explosive emission were analyzed. Be- sides the axial expansion which can reduce the effective anode-cathode gap, the radial expansion of the cathode plasma which can affect the effective emitting area was also taken into account. According to the Child-Langmuir law and the experimental data of current and voltage with a electron vacuum diode under four-pulse mode, the dynamics of the cathode plasma was investigated, on the assumption that the radial speeds of the cathode plasma was approximately equal to the axial speed. The results show that the radial and axial expansion speeds of the cathode plasma are 0.9-2.8 cm/μs. (authors)

  19. Análise das necessidades hídricas da vegetação Tamarisk através da razão de Bowen e do modelo SEBAL Water demand analysis of the Tamarisk vegetation through of the Bowen ratio and SEBAL model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Antonio Costa dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a evapotranspiração real diária (ETr da vegetação tamarisk utilizando dados micrometeorológicos e o modelo SEBAL. Foram utilizados dados provenientes do método da razão de Bowen, além do modelo SEBAL aplicado a imagens do Landsat 5 - TM, na obtenção da ETr diária da vegetação tamarisk do Baixo Rio Colorado, CA/EUA. Na obtenção da evapotranspiração de referência (ET0 foi utilizado o método da FAO/Penman-Monteith. Os resultados mostram características de forte advecção de ar, e que a radiação solar é o componente de maior influência na obtenção da ET0. Verifica-se também, que a vegetação tamarisk tem alto consumo hídrico e a sua rápida expansão poderá trazer impactos negativos para os rios da região. As estimativas da ETr pelo modelo SEBAL são similares aos valores medidos na torre micrometeorológica pelo método da razão de Bowen, demonstrando a aplicabilidade do modelo SEBAL na obtenção da distribuição espacial da evapotranspiração real diária.The objective of this study was to determine the daily actual evapotranspiration (ETr of the tamarisk vegetation using micrometeorological data and SEBAL model. Data originating from the Bowen ratio method were used, besides the SEBAL model applied to TM Landsat 5 image for obtaining the daily ETr of the tamarisk vegetation of Lower Colorado River, CA/USA. For obtaining the reference evapotranspiration (ET0 the FAO/Penman-Monteith method was used. The results show characteristics of strong air advection and that the solar radiation has the largest influence in obtaining ET0, as well as, that the tamarisk vegetation has high water demand and its fast expansion can bring negative impacts for the rivers of the area. The estimates of ETr through the SEBAL model are similar to the measured values on the micrometeorological tower by the Bowen ratio method, demonstrating the applicability of the SEBAL model to obtain the spatial

  20. On a generalized oscillator system: interbasis expansions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kibler, M [Lyon-1 Univ., 69 - Villeurbanne (France). Inst. de Physique Nucleaire; Mardoyan, L G; Pogosyan, G S [Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation). Lab. of Theoretical Physics


    This article deals with a nonrelativistic quantum mechanical study of a dynamical system which generalizes the isotropic harmonic oscillator system in three dimensions. The Schroedinger equation for this generalized oscillator system is separable in spherical, cylindrical, and spheroidal (prolate and oblate) coordinates. The quantum mechanical spectrum of this system is worked out in some details. The problem of interbasis expansions of the wave functions is completely solved. The coefficients for the expansion of the cylindrical basis in terms of the spherical basis, and vice-versa, are found to be analytic continuations (to real values of their arguments) of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the group SU(2). The interbasis expansion coefficients for the prolate and oblate spheroidal bases in terms of the spherical or the cylindrical bases are shown to satisfy three-term recursion relations. Finally, a connection between the generalized oscillator system (projected on the z-line) and the Morse system (in one dimension) are discussed. 41 refs.,.

  1. On a generalized oscillator system: interbasis expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kibler, M.; Mardoyan, L.G.; Pogosyan, G.S.


    This article deals with a nonrelativistic quantum mechanical study of a dynamical system which generalizes the isotropic harmonic oscillator system in three dimensions. The Schroedinger equation for this generalized oscillator system is separable in spherical, cylindrical, and spheroidal (prolate and oblate) coordinates. The quantum mechanical spectrum of this system is worked out in some details. The problem of interbasis expansions of the wave functions is completely solved. The coefficients for the expansion of the cylindrical basis in terms of the spherical basis, and vice-versa, are found to be analytic continuations (to real values of their arguments) of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the group SU(2). The interbasis expansion coefficients for the prolate and oblate spheroidal bases in terms of the spherical or the cylindrical bases are shown to satisfy three-term recursion relations. Finally, a connection between the generalized oscillator system (projected on the z-line) and the Morse system (in one dimension) are discussed. 41 refs.,


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    Frederico Alves Costa

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta como foco o debate sobre dificuldades na construção da luta política na contemporaneidade brasileira, mais especificamente nos últimos anos do governo do Presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Objetiva-se, a partir do diálogo entre a Teoria Democrática Radical e Plural - desenvolvida por Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe - e posicionamentos de representantes de diferentes grupos de movimentos sociais brasileiros, discutir dois modos de resistência da hegemonia a alternativas de democratização da sociedade. Esses modos, concebidos como artimanhas da hegemonia, são denominados expansão hegemônica e expurgo à diferença. O debate contribui para a análise sobre estratégias políticas no campo da psicologia social.

  3. Responsabilidade Social das empresas: a contraface da sociedade civil e da cidadania

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    Simionatto, Ivete


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objeto o estudo das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil e sua manifestação específica nas propostas articuladas em torno da responsabilidade social das empresas. Parte-se da hipótese de que estas práticas vêm contribuindo para a formação de consensos que fortalecem a hegemonia do capital na atualidade, mediante a redução do papel do Estado e o fortalecimento da esfera privada como setor de regulação social. Este cenário indica mudanças nas relações entre Estado e sociedade civil, uma vez que a responsabilidade social das empresas manifesta-se como uma nova proposta de sociabilidade e de resposta às expressões da questão social. Por fim, identifica-se que os serviços sociais oferecidos através da responsabilidade social fortalecem o campo do voluntariado, da solidariedade e das instituições do terceiro setor, precarizam o trabalho do Assistente Social com rebatimentos na esfera da cidadania e dos demais valores e princípios que sustentam o projeto ético-político da profissão

  4. Thermal expansion of UO2 and simulated DUPIC fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho Kang, Kweon; Jin Ryu, Ho; Chan Song, Kee; Seung Yang, Myung


    The lattice parameters of simulated DUPIC fuel and UO 2 were measured from room temperature to 1273 K using neutron diffraction to investigate the thermal expansion and density variation with temperature. The lattice parameter of simulated DUPIC fuel is lower than that of UO 2 , and the linear thermal expansion of simulated DUPIC fuel is higher than that of UO 2 . For the temperature range from 298 to 1273 K, the average linear thermal expansion coefficients for UO 2 and simulated DUPIC fuel are 10.471x10 -6 and 10.751x10 -6 K -1 , respectively

  5. A new separable expansion for the two-body problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haberzettl, H.


    We derive a new separable expansion of the two-body T matrix which represents the T matrix as a series of diagonal separable terms. The representation is exact half-on-shell at all energies even when truncated to one single term; moreover, the truncated expansion satisfies the full off-shell unitarity relation. The approach does not take recourse to some complete set of functions but rather uses properties of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation itself to arrive at the expansion. It is based on the W-matrix representation of the two-body T matrix introduced by Bartnik, Haberzettl, and Sandhas. That representation provides a splitting of the T matrix in one single separable term which contains all bound state poles and scatttering cuts and in a nonsingular, real remainder which vanishes half-on-shell. The method presented here yields a separable expansion of this remainder in which all its properties are preserved term by term. Any given n-term approximation can easily be refined to an (n+1)-term expansion by simply adding a new term. At each stage the amount of additional numerical work is constant. The method is applicable to any kind of short range potential, local, nonlocal or energy dependent. (orig.)

  6. Symmetric eikonal expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuki, Takayuki


    Symmetric eikonal expansion for the scattering amplitude is formulated for nonrelativistic and relativistic potential scatterings and also for the quantum field theory. The first approximations coincide with those of Levy and Sucher. The obtained scattering amplitudes are time reversal invariant for all cases and are crossing symmetric for the quantum field theory in each order of approximation. The improved eikonal phase introduced by Levy and Sucher is also derived from the different approximation scheme from the above. (auth.)

  7. An extension of PPLS-DA for classification and comparison to ordinary PLS-DA.

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    Anna Telaar

    Full Text Available Classification studies are widely applied, e.g. in biomedical research to classify objects/patients into predefined groups. The goal is to find a classification function/rule which assigns each object/patient to a unique group with the greatest possible accuracy (classification error. Especially in gene expression experiments often a lot of variables (genes are measured for only few objects/patients. A suitable approach is the well-known method PLS-DA, which searches for a transformation to a lower dimensional space. Resulting new components are linear combinations of the original variables. An advancement of PLS-DA leads to PPLS-DA, introducing a so called 'power parameter', which is maximized towards the correlation between the components and the group-membership. We introduce an extension of PPLS-DA for optimizing this power parameter towards the final aim, namely towards a minimal classification error. We compare this new extension with the original PPLS-DA and also with the ordinary PLS-DA using simulated and experimental datasets. For the investigated data sets with weak linear dependency between features/variables, no improvement is shown for PPLS-DA and for the extensions compared to PLS-DA. A very weak linear dependency, a low proportion of differentially expressed genes for simulated data, does not lead to an improvement of PPLS-DA over PLS-DA, but our extension shows a lower prediction error. On the contrary, for the data set with strong between-feature collinearity and a low proportion of differentially expressed genes and a large total number of genes, the prediction error of PPLS-DA and the extensions is clearly lower than for PLS-DA. Moreover we compare these prediction results with results of support vector machines with linear kernel and linear discriminant analysis.

  8. A treatment of expansive soil using different additives

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    Bestun J. Nareeman


    Full Text Available There are many factors that govern the expansion behavior of soil. The primary factors are a change in water contentand the amount and type of clay size particles in the soil. Other important factors affecting the expansion behavior include the typeof soil (natural or fill, condition of the soil in terms of dry density and moisture content, magnitude of the surcharge pressure,and amount of no expansive material such as gravel or cobble size particles.In this paper, a swelling soil from the site Hamamuk earth dam, which is located in Koya town north of Iraq, is treated by fourtypes of additives; cement, steel fibers, gasoline fuel and injection by cement grout.The treatment of the expansive soil with 5 % of cement or steel fibers or the injection with cement grout revealed a betterimprovement while 4 % of gasoline oil is sufficient to reveal the optimum treatment by this material. The angle of internal friction is notaffected by the treatment while the cohesion between particles is slightly affected by these additives due to a change in the adhesionbetween the additive and soil particles.

  9. Zero thermal expansion in NaZn13-type La(Fe,Si)13 compounds. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Huang, Rongjin; Li, Wen; Tan, Jie; Zhao, Yuqiang; Li, Shaopeng; Huang, Chuanjun; Li, Laifeng


    A zero thermal expansion material in a pure form of NaZn13-type La(Fe,Si)13 was fabricated. Through optimizing the chemical composition, an isotropic zero thermal expansion material is achieved. The obtained materials exhibit a low expansion of |α| linear thermal expansion) over a broad temperature range (15-150 K). The present study indicates that the thermal expansion behavior of the NaZn13-type La(Fe,Si)13 compounds depends mainly on the content of Si element. This new material is desirable in many fields of industry as a reliable and low-cost zero thermal expansion material.

  10. Study of phosphors determination in biological samples; Estudo da determinacao de fosforo em amostras biologicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Rosangela Magda de


    In this paper, phosphors determination by neutron activation analysis in milk and bone samples was studied employing both instrumental and radiochemical separation methods. The analysis with radiochemistry separation consisted of the simultaneous irradiation of the samples and standards during 30 minutes, dissolution of the samples, hold back carrier, addition precipitation of phosphorus with ammonium phosphomolibdate (A.M.P.) and phosphorus-32 by counting by using Geiger-Mueller detector. The instrumental analysis consisted of the simultaneous irradiation of the samples and standards during 30 minutes, transfer of the samples into a counting planchet and measurement of the beta radiation emitted by phosphorus-32, after a suitable decay period. After the phosphorus analysis methods were established they were applied to both commercial milk and animal bone samples, and data obtained in the instrumental and radiochemical separation methods for each sample, were compared between themselves. In this work, it became possible to obtain analysis methods for phosphorus that can be applied independently of the sample quantity available, and the phosphorus content in the samples or interference that can be present in them. (author). 51 refs., 7 figs., 4 tabs.

  11. Determination of operation time function for activimeters; Determinacao da funcao tempo de operacao para ativimetros

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sousa, C.H.S.; Peixoto, J.G.P. [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Araujo, G.; Padilha, L.G. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), RJ (Brazil)


    Radiation detectors must pass periodically recommended quality control tests and standardized to certify the quality of measurements, however, many studies have shown that several parameters can influence the results, however, some instrument components that can not be adjusted during calibrations may have significant importance in measurement results over the operating time. This study sought to determine the influence of the use of time in the activity measurements. The results show a trend of decreased activity measured for equipment with detectors with more operating time. (author)

  12. Exponential Expansion in Evolutionary Economics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Peter; Jagtfelt, Tue


    This article attempts to solve current problems of conceptual fragmentation within the field of evolutionary economics. One of the problems, as noted by a number of observers, is that the field suffers from an assemblage of fragmented and scattered concepts (Boschma and Martin 2010). A solution...... to this problem is proposed in the form of a model of exponential expansion. The model outlines the overall structure and function of the economy as exponential expansion. The pictographic model describes four axiomatic concepts and their exponential nature. The interactive, directional, emerging and expanding...... concepts are described in detail. Taken together it provides the rudimentary aspects of an economic system within an analytical perspective. It is argued that the main dynamic processes of the evolutionary perspective can be reduced to these four concepts. The model and concepts are evaluated in the light...

  13. Shrub expansion in SW Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Rasmus Halfdan

    Arctic regions have experienced higher temperatures in recent decades, and the warming trend is projected to continue in the coming years. Arctic ecosystems are considered to be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Expansion of shrubs has been observed widely in tundra areas across the Arctic......, and has a range of ecosystem effects where it occurs. Shrub expansion has to a large extend been attributed to increasing temperatures over the past century, while grazing and human disturbance have received less attention. Alnus viridis ssp. crispa is a common arctic species that contributes...... to increasing shrub cover. Despite this, there is only limited experimental evidence that growth of the species responds to warming. Plant populations in fragmented and isolated locations could face problems adapting to a warming climate due to limited genetic variation and restricted migration from southern...

  14. O clássico e o emergente: desafios da produção, da divulgação e da utilização do conhecimento da Enfermagem

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    Márcia de Assunção Ferreira


    Full Text Available Reflexão sobre os paradigmas da ciência e os desafios contemporâneos da produção, divulgação e utilização do conhecimento. Abordam-se os desafios relativos à pesquisa do cuidado de enfermagem, os recursos e as estratégias políticas da área para superá-los. Os argumentos se amparam na Enfermagem como disciplina prática e na tríade ensinar-cuidar-pesquisar voltada às demandas dos usuários, com vistas à promoção da saúde e bem-estar, dentro de um paradigma de cuidado. Articular os modelos de ciência, ampliar os recursos humanos, materiais e financeiros, investir nos mestrados profissionais, na ampliação dos programas de pós-graduação acadêmicos e na formação de redes de cooperação são alguns dos desafios e estratégias apontados para que a área enfrente as lutas do campo hegemônico da saúde, da ciência e da tecnologia para se manter no sistema.

  15. Dimensão da maturidade à luz da logoterapia

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    Libardi, Tadeu Antonio


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o tema da maturidade humana à luz da logoterapia, fundada por Viktor Emil Frankl. Nos dias de hoje, existe a frustração existencial, não mais a sexual, como analisada por Freud. Cada ser humano, como pessoa livre e responsável e tendo como meta a busca da maturidade, vai percorrendo seu próprio caminho, que o leva à ceitação de si, de seus limites e potencialidades e ao relacionamento social e religioso, capacitando-o ao confronto com o sofrimento humano

  16. A metodologia de projecto na aprendizagem da biodiversidade e geodiversidade na praia da concha


    Rosa, Marina Maria Filipe


    Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia e de Geologia, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Terra e ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida Este trabalho consistiu na implementação e avaliação da metodologia de projeto no estudo da Biodiversidade e Geodiversidade na Praia da Concha, Portugal Central, dando ênfase ao trabalho prático, através de uma aula de campo e de aulas laboratoriais. O trabalho foi realizado numa escola da Marinha Grande, com 11 alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade. Sendo a...

  17. Improved wave functions for large-N expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imbo, T.; Sukhatme, U.


    Existing large-N expansions of radial wave functions phi/sub n/,l(r) are only accurate near the minimum of the effective potential. Within the framework of the shifted 1/N expansion, we use known analytic results to motivate a simple modification so that the improved wave functions are accurate over a wide range of r and any choice of quantum numbers n and l. It is shown that these wave functions yield simple and accurate analytic expressions for certain quantities of interest in quarkonium physics

  18. New dynamic system suggested for earth expansion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fitzpatrick, J [Asuncion Nacional Univ. (Paraguay). Inst. de Ciencias


    It is here suggested that there may have been much more radioactive materials in the deep interior of the earth than bitherto supposed. Trapped heat being generated in the interior would provide a mechanism for earth expansion. An assumption of heat generation in the deep interior of the earth of the order of 0,5 X 10-13 calories per second, per cubic centimeter, would provide sufficient thermal expansion to account for approximately 0.1 mm. change in the radius of the earth per year.

  19. Influência da idade da planta e da maturação dos frutos no momento da colheita na qualidade do café

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    Borges Fernanda Barbosa


    Full Text Available São de grande importância os cuidados no preparo do café desde a colheita até o consumo e o estudo de parâmetros que possam influenciar na classificação comercial do grão e na qualidade da bebida. Teve-se como objetivos analisar a influência da idade das plantas, pertencentes à mesma variedade, e dos estágios de maturação dos grãos (secos, cerejas e verdes no resultado da classificação comercial e na qualidade da bebida. Realizou-se a colheita, por derriça no pano, de uma área com café arábica variedade Catuaí de 12 anos e de outra de 3 anos. Constituiu-se, para cada idade das plantas, os seguintes lotes: 100% cereja, 60% cereja e 40% verde, 80% cereja e 20% verde, 60% cereja e 40% seco, 80% cereja e 20% seco, e composição obtida na colheita. Na classificação comercial, obedeceu-se as normas estabelecidas pela Tabela Oficial Brasileira de Classificação (tipo, peneira, aspecto, cor e seca. Na classificação da bebida, optou-se por utilizar consumidores como provadores, com o objetivo de analisar a aceitabilidade da bebida pelo mercado consumidor. Como resultados, obteve-se, na classificação por tamanho e determinação de peneira média que os lotes de 12 anos apresentaram-se, com peneira média 15, resultado inferior aos lotes de 3 anos, com peneira média 16. Na classificação comercial e na da bebida, os resultados foram melhores, em geral, para os lotes de 3 anos em diferentes misturas, sem influência dos diferentes estágios de maturação.

  20. Estudos organizacionais, (descolonialidade e estudos da dependência: as contribuições da Cepal

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    Sergio Wanderley

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é (revisitar o conceito de dependência como categoria de investigação da (e a partir da América Latina, por meio de uma perspectiva histórica crítica descolonial, a fim de ampliar o espaço de debates em estudos organizacionais e promover alternativas à ordem neoliberal. Este ensaio terá como foco os estudos da dependência realizados pela Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (Cepal durante a década de 1950 e o início dos anos 1960. A perspectiva descolonial é um constructo teórico de autores latino-americanos que se consideram herdeiros da longa tradição do pensamento social crítico da região, na qual a teoria da dependência está inserida. As propostas dos autores da dependência confrontaram as principais teorias ortodoxas do Norte produzidas à época. A partir do conceito de centro-periferia, da denúncia de assimetrias nas relações entre essas regiões, do reconhecimento da interdependência entre desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento, o conceito de dependência foi sendo (reelaborado nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 por diversos autores latino-americanos como uma categoria de investigação da realidade da (e a partir da região. Essas investigações tinham por objetivo não somente elaborar constructos teóricos, mas, também, transformar a realidade por meio da criação de diversas organizações e instituições que deveriam servir ao propósito de superar o subdesenvolvimento. A denúncia da historicidade da situação de subdesenvolvimento desnudou o caráter de neutralidade do economicismo das teorias produzidas no Norte e promoveu um encontro teórico entre economia e política que muito tem a contribuir com a área dos estudos organizacionais.

  1. On the meaning of perturbation expansions in quantum field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burdik, C.; Chyla, J.


    We reformulate perturbation expansions in renormalized quantum field theories in a way that allows straightforward handling of situations when in the conventional approach (i.e. in fixed renormalization scheme) these expansions are divergent. In our approach the results of perturbation calculations of physical quantities appear in the form of (under certain circumstances) convergent expansions in powers of a free parameter χ, characterising the procedure involved. This inherent ambiguity of perturbative calculations is conjectures to be an expression of the underlaying ambiguity in the separation of the full theory into its perturbative and nonperturbative parts. The close connection of our results with the Borel summation technique is demonstrated and their relation to conventional perturbation expansions in fixed renormalization scheme is clarified

  2. Inclusion of environmental costs on a long-term expansion model of hydrothermal generation systems; Insercao dos custos ambientais em um modelo de expansao da geracao a longo prazo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos Henrique Luz


    This dissertation presents the development of a mathematical model to be used in the hydrothermal generation expansion planning taking into account uncertainties, the guarantee of energy supply and issues related to the social and environmental problems caused by the power sector. Named 'MELP Ambiental', it is a version of MELP, a model developed by Machado Junior (2000). The environmental valuation was based on results of previous studies. The analysis of the environmental costs scenarios showed that the inclusion of a variable linked to externalities implies in changes on the investment schedule. These changes decrease the total cost (economic and environmental) related to long-term power supply expansion. (author)

  3. Modified Hermitian treatment of Dyson boson expansion theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kajiyama, Atsushi


    The Hermitian treatment of the Dyson-type boson expansion theory is reinvestigated with the aid of small-parameter expansion. A naive application of the Hermitization formula sometimes yields an unrealistic phase that spoils the conventional treatment. The complementary use of another formula having the form of the arithmetic mean can avoid that problem. This modification will improve the accuracy of the Hermitian treatment. (author)

  4. Integrating agricultural expansion into conservation biogeography: conflicts and priorities

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    Ricardo Dobrovolski


    Full Text Available Increasing food production without compromising biodiversity is one of the great challenges for humanity. The aims of my thesis were to define spatial priorities for biodiversity conservation and to evaluate conservation conflicts considering agricultural expansion in the 21st century. I also tested the effect of globalizing conservation efforts on both food production and biodiversity conservation. I found spatial conflicts between biodiversity conservation and agricultural expansion. However, incorporating agricultural expansion data into the spatial prioritization process can significantly alleviate conservation conflicts, by reducing spatial correlation between the areas under high impact of agriculture and the priority areas for conservation. Moreover, developing conservation blueprints at the global scale, instead of the usual approach based on national boundaries, can benefit both food production and biodiversity. Based on these findings I conclude that the incorporation of agricultural expansion as a key component for defining global conservation strategies should be added to the list of solutions for our cultivated planet.

  5. Negative thermal expansion near two structural quantum phase transitions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Occhialini, Connor A.; Handunkanda, Sahan U.; Said, Ayman; Trivedi, Sudhir; Guzmán-Verri, G. G.; Hancock, Jason N.


    Recent experimental work has revealed that the unusually strong, isotropic structural negative thermal expansion in cubic perovskite ionic insulator ScF3 occurs in excited states above a ground state tuned very near a structural quantum phase transition, posing a question of fundamental interest as to whether this special circumstance is related to the anomalous behavior. To test this hypothesis, we report an elastic and inelastic x-ray scattering study of a second system Hg2I2 also tuned near a structural quantum phase transition while retaining stoichiometric composition and high crystallinity. We find similar behavior and significant negative thermal expansion below 100 K for dimensions along the body-centered-tetragonal c axis, bolstering the connection between negative thermal expansion and zero-temperature structural transitions.We identify the common traits between these systems and propose a set of materials design principles that can guide discovery of newmaterials exhibiting negative thermal expansion

  6. Negative thermal expansion in Sc2(WO4)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.S.O.; Mary, T.A.; Sleight, A.W.


    Sc 2 (WO 4 ) 3 has been found to show the highly unusual property of negative thermal expansion over a temperature range of 10 to 1,073 K. Powder neutron diffraction data from 10 to 450 K shows an essentially linear decrease in cell volume as a function of temperature. The intrinsic linear coefficient of thermal expansion from this data is -2.2 x 10 -6 K -1 . The linear coefficient of thermal expansion measured on a ceramic bar of Sc 2 (WO 4 ) 3 can be as negative as -11 x 10 -6 K -1 due to microstructure changes as a function of temperature. Rietveld refinement as a function of temperature suggests that the intrinsic negative thermal expansion can be related to transverse vibrations of bridging oxygen atoms in the structure. The anharmonic nature of these vibrations leads to a coupled tilting of the quasi-rigid framework polyhedra. This tilting in turn causes the structure to become more dense with increasing temperature

  7. Glass transition and thermal expansivity of polystyrene thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, R.; Kanaya, T.; Miyazaki, T.; Nishida, K.; Tsukushi, I.; Shibata, K.


    We have studied glass transition temperature and thermal expansivity of polystyrene thin films supported on silicon substrate using X-ray reflectivity and inelastic neutron scattering techniques. In annealing experiments, we have found that the reported apparent negative expansivity of polymer thin films is caused by unrelaxed structure due to insufficient annealing. Using well-annealed films, we have evaluated glass transition temperature T g and thermal expansivity as a function of film thickness. The glass transition temperature decreases with film thickness and is constant below about 10 nm, suggesting the surface glass transition temperature of 355 K, which is lower than that in bulk. We have also found that the thermal expansivity in the glassy state decreases with film thickness even after annealing. The decrease has been attributed to hardening of harmonic force constant arising from chain confinement in a thin film. This idea has been confirmed in the inelastic neutron scattering measurements

  8. Glass transition and thermal expansivity of polystyrene thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inoue, R. [Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto-fu 611-0011 (Japan); Kanaya, T. [Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto-fu 611-0011 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Miyazaki, T. [Nitto Denko Corporation, 1-1-2 Shimohozumi, Ibaraki, Osaka-fu 567-8680 (Japan); Nishida, K. [Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto-fu 611-0011 (Japan); Tsukushi, I. [Chiba Institute of Technology, Narashino, Chiba-ken 275-0023 (Japan); Shibata, K. [Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195 (Japan)


    We have studied glass transition temperature and thermal expansivity of polystyrene thin films supported on silicon substrate using X-ray reflectivity and inelastic neutron scattering techniques. In annealing experiments, we have found that the reported apparent negative expansivity of polymer thin films is caused by unrelaxed structure due to insufficient annealing. Using well-annealed films, we have evaluated glass transition temperature T {sub g} and thermal expansivity as a function of film thickness. The glass transition temperature decreases with film thickness and is constant below about 10 nm, suggesting the surface glass transition temperature of 355 K, which is lower than that in bulk. We have also found that the thermal expansivity in the glassy state decreases with film thickness even after annealing. The decrease has been attributed to hardening of harmonic force constant arising from chain confinement in a thin film. This idea has been confirmed in the inelastic neutron scattering measurements.

  9. Influence of electron evaporative cooling on ultracold plasma expansion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, Truman; Chen, Wei-Ting; Roberts, Jacob


    The expansion of ultracold neutral plasmas (UCP) is driven primarily by the thermal pressure of the electron component and is therefore sensitive to the electron temperature. For typical UCP spatial extents, evaporative cooling has a significant influence on the UCP expansion rate at lower densities (less than 10 8 /cm 3 ). We studied the effect of electron evaporation in this density range. Owing to the low density, the effects of three-body recombination were negligible. We modeled the expansion by taking into account the change in electron temperature owing to evaporation as well as adiabatic expansion and found good agreement with our data. We also developed a simple model for initial evaporation over a range of ultracold plasma densities, sizes, and electron temperatures to determine over what parameter range electron evaporation is expected to have a significant effect. We also report on a signal calibration technique, which relates the signal at our detector to the total number of ions and electrons in the ultracold plasma

  10. Tube Expansion Under Various Down-Hole End Conditions

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    FJ Sanchez


    Full Text Available Fossil hydrocarbons are indispensables commodities that motorize the global economy, and oil and gas are two of those conventional fuels that have been extracted and processed for over a century. During last decade, operators face challenges discovering and developing reservoirs commonly found up to several kilometers underground, for which advanced technologies are developed through different research programs. In order to optimize the current processes to drill and construct oil/gas wells, a large number of mechanical technologies discovered centuries ago by diverse sectors are implemented by well engineers. In petroleum industry, the ancient tube forming manufacturing process founds an application once well engineers intend to produce from reservoirs that cannot be reached unless previous and shallower troublesome formations are isolated. Solid expandable tubular is, for instance, one of those technologies developed to mitigate drilling problems and optimize the well delivery process. It consists of in-situ expansion of a steel-based tube that is attained by pushing/pulling a solid mandrel, which permanently enlarge its diameters. This non-linear expansion process is strongly affected by the material properties of the tubular, its geometry, and the pipe/mandrel contact surface. The anticipated force required to deform long sections of the pipe in an uncontrollable expansion environment, might jeopardize mechanical properties of the pipe and the well structural integrity. Scientific-based solutions, that depend on sound theoretical formulation and are validated through experiments, will help to understand possible tubular failure mechanisms during its operational life. This work is aimed to study the effect of different loading/boundary conditions on mechanical/physical properties of the pipe after expansion. First, full-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the geometrical and behavioral changes. Second, simulation of deformation

  11. Negative thermal expansion of lithium aluminosilicate ceramics at cryogenic temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Moreno, Olga; Fernandez, Adolfo; Khainakov, Sergei; Torrecillas, Ramon


    Five lithium aluminosilicate compositions of the LAS system have been synthesized and sintered. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the sintered samples has been studied down to cryogenic conditions. The data presented here under cryogenic conditions will be of value in the future design of new composite materials with very low thermal expansion values. The variation in thermal expansion properties with composition and sintering temperature was studied and is discussed in relation to composition and crystal structure.

  12. Prediction and observation of post-admission hematoma expansion in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ovesen, Christian; Havsteen, Inger; Rosenbaum, Sverre


    within the hematoma along with the hematoma-size is reported to be predictive of hematoma expansion and outcome. Because patients tend to arrive earlier to the hospital, a larger fraction of acute ICH-patients must be expected to undergo hematoma expansion. This renders observation and radiological......Post-admission hematoma expansion in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) comprises a simultaneous major clinical problem and a possible target for medical intervention. In any case, the ability to predict and observe hematoma expansion is of great clinical importance. We review...... radiological concepts in predicting and observing post-admission hematoma expansion. Hematoma expansion can be observed within the first 24 h after symptom onset, but predominantly occurs in the early hours. Thus capturing markers of on-going bleeding on imaging techniques could predict hematoma expansion...

  13. Estatuto da cidade e juridificação da reforma urbana no Brasil


    Ana Paula Soares Carvalho


    O início da década passada foi marcado por um importante evento relacionado ao tratamento das questões urbanas no Brasil. Em dez de julho de 2001, foi promulgada a Lei Federal n 10.257, conhecida como Estatuto da Cidade, que regulamenta o capítulo da política urbana da Constituição de 1988. O Estatuto da Cidade provê suporte legal consistente para aquelas municipalidades comprometidas com o enfrentamento dos problemas sociais e urbanos que afetam diariamente as condições de vida dos habitante...

  14. Evolução da mortalidade por causas evitáveis e expansão dos recursos municipais de saúde em Maringá, Paraná Evolution of mortality from avoidable causes and expansion of municipal health resources in a Southern Brazilian city

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria José Scochi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução do perfil da mortalidade por doenças evitáveis, em Maringá, PR, relacionando-o à qualidade de assistência á saúde. MÉTODOS: A partir da proposição de estudos de resultado da assistência foram selecionadas 11 causas de mortes. À evolução dos óbitos foi associada a evolução dos recursos disponíveis, bem como ao grau de escolarização e saneamento básico, no período de 1983-1993. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os dados revelaram que as taxas de mortalidade da maioria das causas evitáveis tenderam ao declínio, com uma redução de 39%, em contraposição a 16% das demais. Observou-se uma melhora das condições de escolarização e de saneamento. A evolução positiva das condições gerais da população dificulta atribuir imediatamente aos serviços a responsabilidade sobre o declínio das mortes evitáveis, mas a diferença entre estas mortes e as demais permite inferir que, se diante de condições satisfatórias de vida ocorresse um recrudescimento desses indicadores, poder-se-ia constatar uma falta de efetividade dos serviços. A constatação do arrefecimento dos indicadores pode fazer supor que a expansão dos serviços auxiliou no declínio.OBJECTIVE: An assessment of the evolution of the profile of mortality from avoidable diseases, in the municipality of Maringá, PR (Brazil, 1980 through 1993, as related to the quality of health attendance. METHODS: Based on the proposal to study caregiving results, eleven causes of avoidable deaths were selected. The evolution of resources available, level of schooling and sanitation were associated with the evolution of mortality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The data revealed that the mortality rates for most of the avoidable causes tended to decline faster than those for other causes (a reduction of 39% as against 16%. A significant improvement in schooling and sanitary conditions was also observed over the same period. The positive evolution of the general

  15. A identidade à flor da pele: etnografia da prática da tatuagem na contemporaneidade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Lissett Pérez


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, realiza-se uma descrição etnográfica da prática da tatuagem na contemporaneidade, a partir de uma perspectiva que prioriza as noções da prática, das interações e das experiências vividas durante o processo de ser tatuado. A reflexão tenta reconstruir uma visão total da prática da tatuagem que abrange o mundo subjetivo e as dinâmicas sociais como partes constitutivas desse ato. Entre as idéias conclusivas estão, de um lado, o surgimento de uma nova normalidade estética e vivencial no seio da sociedade ocidental e, de outro, a configuração de uma nova subjetividade, a dos "tatuados", como um processo interativo, inovador, emotivo e reflexivo, em que o corpo se converte em uma forma de expressão e construção do sujeito.This article provides a descriptive account of contemporary tattooing, based on a perspective that prioritizes the notion of practice, as well as the interactions and experiences involved in the process of being tattooed. The analysis attempts to rebuild a holistic view of tattooing, combining subjective processes and social dynamics as equally constitutive parts of this activity. Among the conclusions reached are: (a the emergence of tattooing as a new aesthetic norm and a lived experience at the heart of the western society; and (b the configuration of a new subjectivity, the ‘tattooed,’ as an interactive, innovative, emotional and reflexive process in which the body is converted into a form of expressing and constructing the subject.

  16. Bosonization of fermion operators as linked-cluster expansions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishimoto, T.; Tamura, T.


    In order for a boson-expansion theory to be useful for practical purposes, it must satisfy at least two requirements: It must be in the form of a linked-cluster expansion, and the pure (ideal) boson states must be usable as basis states. Previously, we constructed such a boson theory and used it successfully for many realistic calculations. This construction, however, lacked mathematical rigor. In the present paper, we develop an entirely new approach, which results in the same boson expansions obtained earlier, but now in a mathematically rigorous fashion. The achievement of the new formalism goes beyond this. Its framework is much more general and flexible than was that of the earlier formalism, and it allows us to extend the calculations beyond what had been done in the past

  17. Back reaction and the local cosmological expansion rate

    CERN Document Server

    Geshnizjani, G


    We calculate the back reaction of cosmological perturbations on a general relativistic variable which measures the local expansion rate of the Universe. Specifically, we consider a cosmological model in which matter is described by a single field. We analyze back reaction both in a matter-dominated Universe and in a phase of scalar field-driven chaotic inflation. In both cases, we find that the leading infrared terms contributing to the back reaction vanish when the local expansion rate is measured at a fixed value of the matter field which is used as a clock, whereas they do not appear to vanish if the expansion rate is evaluated at a fixed value of the background time. We discuss possible implications for more realistic models with a more complicated matter sector.

  18. Potential areas for the expansion of the sugar cane production; Areas potenciais para a expansao da producao de cana-de-acucar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The evaluation of the potential areas for the expansion of the sugar cane cultivation was based on the estimation of the agricultural productivity aptitude as function of the soil and climate characteristics using maps with geo referred in scales of 1/5,000,000. Areas had been discarded which integrate of three large biomass of the country: Amazonia, Pantanal and Mata Atlantica, and all the areas with some type of restriction, such as environmental reservations, national parks, indigenous, military and urban areas. Were not considered areas with crop mechanization essential for the environmental and social sustainability with declivity more than 12%.

  19. Investigation on the reliability of expansion joint for piping with probabilistic method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Y.; Kambe, M.


    The reduction of the plant size is necessitated as one of the major targets in LMFBR design. Usually, piping work system is extensively used to absorb thermal expansion between two components anywhere. Besides above, expansion joint for piping seems to be attractive lately for the same object. This paper describes the significance of expansion joint with multiple boundaries, breakdown probability of expansion joint assembly and partly the bellows by introducing several hypothetical conditions in connection with piping. Also, an importance of in-service inspection (ISI) for expansion joint was discussed using a comparative table and probabilities on reliability from partly broken to full penetration. In conclusion, the expansion joint with ISI should be manufactured with excellent reliability in order to cope with piping work system; several conditions of the practical application for piping systems are suggested. (author)

  20. Investigation on the reliability of expansion joint for piping with probabilistic method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishii, Y; Kambe, M


    The reduction of the plant size is necessitated as one of the major targets in LMFBR design. Usually, piping work system is extensively used to absorb thermal expansion between two components anywhere. Besides above, expansion joint for piping seems to be attractive lately for the same object. This paper describes the significance of expansion joint with multiple boundaries, breakdown probability of expansion joint assembly and partly the bellows by introducing several hypothetical conditions in connection with piping. Also, an importance of in-service inspection (ISI) for expansion joint was discussed using a comparative table and probabilities on reliability from partly broken to full penetration. In conclusion, the expansion joint with ISI should be manufactured with excellent reliability in order to cope with piping work system; several conditions of the practical application for piping systems are suggested. (author)

  1. Investigation on the reliability of expansion joint for piping with probabilistic method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, Yoichiro; Kambe, Mitsuru.


    The reduction of the plant size if necessitated as one of the major target in LMFBR design. Usually, piping work system is extensively used to absorb thermal expansion between two components anywhere. Besides above, expansion joint for piping seems to be attractive lately for the same object. This paper describes about the significance of expansion joint with multiple boundaries, breakdown probability of expansion joint assembly and partly the bellows by introducing several hypothetical conditions in connection with piping. Also, an importance of inservice inspection (ISI) for expansion joint was discussed using by comparative table and probabilities on reliability from partly broken to full penetration. In the conclusion, the expansion joint with ISI should be manufactured with excellent reliability in order to cope with piping work system, and several conditions of the practical application for piping systems are suggested. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luiz Contador


    Full Text Available Este trabalho examina teoricamente os fatores determinantes da competitividade do produto e do negócio, imprescindíveis à elaboração de estratégias competitivas que visam à obtenção e sustentação de vantagens competitivas. Esse tema é objeto tanto da área de marketing estratégico quanto da de estratégia empresarial. Nas duas áreas, há um ponto de consenso que afirma que a empresa deve diferenciar sua oferta para conquistar e manter vantagem competitiva. Mas, os estudos conduzidos por meio do modelo de Campos e Armas da Competição revelaram que a empresa pode diferenciar seu produto e/ou serviço de modo mais amplo, levando em consideração, na formulação da sua estratégia competitiva, também o campo da competição, quer do produto, quer dela própria. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é evidenciar que, para a empresa ser competitiva, além de diferenciar seu produto e/ou seu serviço no sentido tradicional, ela precisa: 1 diferenciar seu produto incluindo a definição em quais campos vai competir em cada segmento; e 2 escolher as armas da competição que irá utilizar e definir a intensidade de cada arma. Para atingir tal objetivo, foram necessários vários conceitos do modelo de Campos e Armas da Competição: campo da competição, arma da competição, tese do modelo, configuração dos campos da competição, campo coadjuvante, produto coadjuvante e par produto-mercado. Como uma proposta inovadora sempre desperta dúvida, é mostrado o processo de validação do modelo de Campos e Armas da Competição e são discutidas sua universalidade, consistência e completude.

  3. Multipole expansion of acoustical Bessel beams with arbitrary order and location. (United States)

    Gong, Zhixiong; Marston, Philip L; Li, Wei; Chai, Yingbin


    An exact solution of expansion coefficients for a T-matrix method interacting with acoustic scattering of arbitrary order Bessel beams from an obstacle of arbitrary location is derived analytically. Because of the failure of the addition theorem for spherical harmonics for expansion coefficients of helicoidal Bessel beams, an addition theorem for cylindrical Bessel functions is introduced. Meanwhile, an analytical expression for the integral of products including Bessel and associated Legendre functions is applied to eliminate the integration over the polar angle. Note that this multipole expansion may also benefit other scattering methods and expansions of incident waves, for instance, partial-wave series solutions.

  4. Estudo da Concentração de Mercado ao Longo da Cadeia Produtiva da Soja no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilson Luiz Costa


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi mensurar a concentração de mercado ao longo da cadeia produtiva da soja. A partir dessas informações tornou-se possível avaliar se as estratégias para manter e ampliar o poder de mercado e a governança ao longo da cadeia produtiva da soja resultam em sucesso, captação do excedente do produtor rural de soja e competitividade da agroindústria processadora do grão. Neste contexto, foram calculados o Market Share, a Relação de Concentração e do Índice de Herfindahl-Hirschmann. Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o mercado que fornece insumos para os produtores rurais de soja está altamente concentrado. A hipótese de elevada concentração no segmento de aquisição e processamento da soja também foi confirmada.  Concluiu-se que o produtor rural de soja encontra-se em situação de fragilidade econômica, pois: a adquire insumos em mercado oligopolizado e vende a produção em mercado oligopsonizado; b as empresas dominantes estão protegidas por barreiras à entrada. Diante deste cenário e das análises realizadas, cabe ao Estado brasileiro definir a forma de inserção dos agentes nacionais, em especial do produtor rural: se será caracterizado como um instrumento de acumulação do capital internacional ou se participará dos ganhos e se constituirá como agente de desenvolvimento regional. 

  5. Large momentum expansion of two-loop self-energy diagrams with arbitrary masses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davydychev, A.I.; Smirnov, V.A.; Tausk, J.B.


    For two-loop two-point diagrams with arbitrary masses, an algorithm to derive the asymptotic expansion at large external momentum squared is constructed. By using a general theorem on asymptotic expansions of Feynman diagrams, the coefficients of the expansion are calculated analytically. For some two-loop diagrams occurring in the Standard Model, comparison with results of numerical integration shows that our expansion works well in the region above the highest physical threshold. (orig.)

  6. Intrinsic thermal expansion of crystal defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganne, J.-P.


    Although the phenomenon of thermal expansion has long been known, the intrinsic thermal expansion coefficient (ITEC) βsub(d) of a point defect, derived from its formation volume vsub(d), has never been measured directly. The differential dilatometer by interferometry built by ASTY and GILDER is described. It has allowed βsub(d) to be measured for several defects. Vacancies and small interstitial loops were produced in aluminium by low temperature (20 K) fast neutron irradiation followed by an anneal up to the beginning of stage III (160 K). The very high value of the measured ratio βsub(d)/β 0 (12+-4) is comparable with a lattice statics calculated (42) value (11.5 0 [fr

  7. Association Between the 2014 Medicaid Expansion and US Hospital Finances. (United States)

    Blavin, Fredric


    The Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid eligibility for millions of low-income adults. The choice for states to expand Medicaid could affect the financial health of hospitals by decreasing the proportion of patient volume and unreimbursed expenses attributable to uninsured patients while increasing revenue from newly covered patients. To estimate the association between the Medicaid expansion in 2014 and hospital finances by assessing differences between hospitals in states that expanded Medicaid and in those states that did not expand Medicaid. Observational study with analysis of data for nonfederal general medical or surgical hospitals in fiscal years 2011 through 2014, using data from the American Hospital Association Annual Survey and the Health Care Cost Report Information System from the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Multivariable difference-in-difference regression analyses were used to compare states with Medicaid expansion with states without Medicaid expansion. Hospitals in states that expanded Medicaid eligibility before January 2014 were excluded. Medicaid expansion in 2014, accounting for variation in fiscal year start dates. Hospital-reported information on uncompensated care, uncompensated care as a percentage of total hospital expenses, Medicaid revenue, Medicaid as a percentage of total revenue, operating margins, and excess margins. The sample included between 1200 and 1400 hospitals per fiscal year in 19 states with Medicaid expansion and between 2200 and 2400 hospitals per fiscal year in 25 states without Medicaid expansion (with sample size varying depending on the outcome measured). Expansion of Medicaid was associated with a decline of $2.8 million (95% CI, -$4.1 to -$1.6 million; P policy change on hospitals' overall finances.

  8. Expansion of the whole wheat flour extrusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cheng, Hongyuan; Friis, Alan


    A new model framework is proposed to describe the expansion of extrudates with extruder operating conditions based on dimensional analysis principle. The Buckingham pi dimensional analysis method is applied to form the basic structure of the model from extrusion process operational parameters. Us....... Using the Central Composite Design (CCD) method, whole wheat flour was processed in a twin-screw extruder with 16 trials. The proposed model can well correlate the expansion of the 16 trials using 3 regression parameters. The average deviation of the correlation is 5.9%....

  9. Gramsci e o debate em torno da filosofia da prÃxis


    Jecson GirÃo Lopes


    A presente dissertaÃÃo margeia em torno da discussÃo sobre a maneira pela qual Gramsci debate com os autores de seu tempo, principalmente com Nicolai BukhÃrin, defensor, segundo Gramsci, de um marxismo vulgar, devido sua compreensÃo mecanicista (economicista), fatalista, pelo uso do positivismo na filosofia da prÃxis, marxismo, (materialismo vulgar) e Benedetto Croce, a partir de sua ideia revisionista da filosofia da prÃxis (neo-idealismo: historicismo idealista, conforme Gramsci), como send...

  10. LED phototherapy on midpalatal suture after rapid maxilla expansion: a Raman spectroscopic study (United States)

    Rosa, Cristiane B.; Habib, Fernando Antonio L.; de Araújo, Telma M.; dos Santos, Jean N.; Cangussu, Maria Cristina T.; Barbosa, Artur Felipe S.; de Castro, Isabele Cardoso V.; Soares, Luiz Guilherme P.; Pinheiro, Antonio L. B.


    A quick bone formation after maxillary expansion would reduce treatment timeand the biomodulating effects of LED light could contribute for it. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of LED phototherapy on the acceleration of bone formation at the midpalatal suture after maxilla expansion. Thirty rats divided into 6 groups were used on the study at 2 time points - 7 days: Control; Expansion; and Expansion + LED; and 14 days: Expansion; Expansion + LED in the first week; Expansion and LED in the first and second weeks. LED irradiation occurred at every 48 h during 2 weeks. Expansion was accomplished using a spatula and maintained with a triple helicoid of 0.020" stainless steel orthodontic wire. A LED light (λ850 ± 10nm, 150mW ± 10mW, spot of 0.5cm2, t=120 sec, SAEF of 18J/cm2) was applied in one point in the midpalatal suture immediately behind the upper incisors. Near infrared Raman spectroscopic analysis of the suture region was carried and data submitted to statistical analyzes (p≤0.05). Raman spectrum analysis demonstrated that irradiation increased hydroxyapatite in the midpalatal suture after expansion. The results of this indicate that LED irradiation; have a positive biomodulation contributing to the acceleration of bone formation in the midpalatal suture after expansion procedure.

  11. Expansion analyses of strategic petroleum reserve in Bayou Choctaw : revised locations.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ehgartner, Brian L.; Park, Byoung Yoon


    This report summarizes a series of three-dimensional simulations for the Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. Department of Energy plans to leach two new caverns and convert one of the existing caverns within the Bayou Choctaw salt dome to expand its petroleum reserve storage capacity. An existing finite element mesh from previous analyses is modified by changing the locations of two caverns. The structural integrity of the three expansion caverns and the interaction between all the caverns in the dome are investigated. The impacts of the expansion on underground creep closure, surface subsidence, infrastructure, and well integrity are quantified. Two scenarios were used for the duration and timing of workover conditions where wellhead pressures are temporarily reduced to atmospheric pressure. The three expansion caverns are predicted to be structurally stable against tensile failure for both scenarios. Dilatant failure is not expected within the vicinity of the expansion caverns. Damage to surface structures is not predicted and there is not a marked increase in surface strains due to the presence of the three expansion caverns. The wells into the caverns should not undergo yield. The results show that from a structural viewpoint, the locations of the two newly proposed expansion caverns are acceptable, and all three expansion caverns can be safely constructed and operated.

  12. Analysis of failure events for expansion joints in nuclear power plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Masahiro [Institute of Nuclear Safety System Inc., Mihama, Fukui (Japan)


    Although a large number of expansion joints are used in nuclear power plants with light water reactors, their failure events have not been paid as much attention as those of vessels and pipes. However, as the operation period of nuclear power plants becomes longer, it is necessary to pay attention to their failure events as well as those of vessels and pipes, because aging problems and latent troubles originated in design or fabrication of expansion joints may appear during their long period operation. In this work, we investigated failure event reports of expansion joints in nuclear power plants both in Japan and in U.S.A. and analyzed (1) the influence to output power level, (2) the position and (3) the cause of each failure. It is revealed that the failure events of expansion joints have continuously occurred, some of which have exerted influence upon power level and have caused fatal or injury accidents of personnel, and hence the importance of corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of such events is pointed out. The importance of countermeasures to the following individual events is also pointed out: (1) corrosion of expansion joints in service water systems, (2) degradation of rubber expansion joints in main condensers, (3) vibration and fatigue of expansion joints in extraction steam lines and (4) transgranular stress corrosion cracking of penetration bellows of containments. (author)

  13. Estado da arte da S.C.I.E. desde 1951 a 2008 e a sua aplicação como especialidade da engenharia


    Borges, Carlos Avelino Ferreira


    No âmbito da dissertação apresentada à Universidade da Madeira para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa na área da Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios, abreviadamente designada por SCIE, desde 1951 a 2008 e a sua aplicação como especialidade da Engenharia, designadamente ao nível da fenomenologia da combustão, no que concerne à evolução histórica dos organismos, legislação, normas técnicas e factos his...

  14. Uniaxial negative thermal expansion facilitated by weak host-guest interactions. (United States)

    Engel, Emile R; Smith, Vincent J; Bezuidenhout, Charl X; Barbour, Leonard J


    A nitromethane solvate of 18-crown-6 was investigated by means of variable-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction in response to a report of abnormal unit cell contraction. Exceptionally large positive thermal expansion in two axial directions and negative thermal expansion along the third was confirmed. The underlying mechanism relies exclusively on weak electrostatic interactions to yield a linear thermal expansion coefficient of -129 × 10(-6) K(-1), the largest negative value yet observed for an organic inclusion compound.

  15. Thermal expansion at low temperatures of glass-ceramics and glasses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, G K [National Measurement Lab., Sydney (Australia)


    The linear thermal expansion coefficient, ..cap alpha.., has been measured from 2 to 32 K and from 55 to 90 K for a machineable glass-ceramic, an 'ultra-low expansion' titanium silicate glass (Corning ULE), and ceramic glasses (Cer-Vit and Zerodur), and for glassy carbon. ..cap alpha.. is negative for the ultra-low expansion materials below 100 K, as for pure vitreous silica. Comparative data are reported for ..cap alpha..-quartz , ..cap alpha..-cristobalite, common opal, and vitreous silica.

  16. Expansive Learning in Construction Projects - a Contradiction in terms?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitgaard, Anne; Nissen, Søren Bülow; Beck, Frederikke


    This research is a preliminary study performed as part of a primary research into expansive learning in interorganizational network set up to solve a construction project. The construction industry has long had issues about productivity, which can be an indication of lack of learning. A case study...... acquisition and participation but not by expansive learning. The construction industry needs to accept that the learning generated from projects will be limited to learning by acquisition and participation. The interorganizational network cannot facilitate expansive learning while working on object......-fixed projects. Research in construction management fails to generate and document knowledge because of the limitations of case studies....


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    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação, baseados em frações da evaporação do Tanque Classe A (ECA (0,25; 0,50; 0,75 e 1,00 sobre o comportamento produtivo da cultura da alface, variedade "Mesa 659" (tipo americana, cultivada em uma estufa plástica e irrigada por gotejamento, foi conduzido um experimento durante o período de julho a setembro de 1993. O comportamento produtivo foi avaliado através da determinação da matéria fresca (MFP, produtividade (PROD e eficiência do uso de água (EUA. Os resultados de MFP e PROD mostraram resposta quadrática, indicando acréscimo em ambos à medida que aumentaram as lâminas de irrigação aplicadas até o nível 0,75 da ECA, apresentando valores máximos de 818,72 g e 90,97 t.ha-1, respectivamente. Os dados relativos à EUA revelaram resposta linear decrescente, significando que à medida que os níveis de irrigação aumentam ocorre uma diminuição na EUA.

  18. Dynamics of plasma expansion in the pulsed laser material interaction

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    at different ambient gas pressures using an adiabatic expansion model. ... Pulsed laser; plasma expansion; plasma ionization; plume dimension. 1. ...... De A, Shakhatov V A, Pascale De O 2001 Optical emission spectroscopy and modeling of.

  19. Medicaid Participation among Liver Transplant Candidates after the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion. (United States)

    Tumin, Dmitry; Beal, Eliza W; Mumtaz, Khalid; Hayes, Don; Tobias, Joseph D; Pawlik, Timothy M; Washburn, W Kenneth; Black, Sylvester M


    The 2014 Medicaid expansion in participating states increased insurance coverage among people with chronic health conditions, but its implications for access to surgical care remain unclear. We investigated how Medicaid expansion influenced the insurance status of candidates for liver transplantation (LT) and transplant center payor mix. Data on LT candidates aged 18 to 64 years, in 2012 to 2013 (pre-expansion) and 2014 to 2015 (post-expansion), were obtained from the United Network for Organ Sharing registry. Change between the 2 periods in the percent of LT candidates using Medicaid was compared between expansion and nonexpansion states. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine how Medicaid expansion influenced individual LT candidates' likelihood of using Medicaid insurance. The study included 33,017 LT candidates, of whom 29,666 had complete data for multivariable analysis. Medicaid enrollment increased by 4% after Medicaid expansion in participating states. One-quarter of the transplant centers in these states experienced ≥10% increase in the proportion of LT candidates using Medicaid insurance. Multivariable analysis confirmed that Medicaid expansion was associated with increased odds of LT candidates using Medicaid insurance (odds ratio 1.49; 95% CI 1.34, 1.66; p Medicaid expansion states during the post-expansion period. Candidates for LT became more likely to use Medicaid after the 2014 Medicaid expansion policy came into effect. Enactment of this policy did not appear to increase access to LT or address socioeconomic and demographic disparities in access to the LT wait list. Copyright © 2017 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Model of clinker capacity expansion

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Stylianides, T


    Full Text Available This paper describes a model which has been applied in practice to determine an optimal plan for clinker capacity expansion. The problem was formulated as an integer linear program aiming to determine the optimal number, size and location of kilns...