
Sample records for evitar grandes erros

  1. Recomendações para se evitar grandes erros de dose em tratamentos radioterapêuticos Recommendations to avoid gross errors of dose in radiotherapeutic treatments

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    Cleber Nogueira de Souza


    Full Text Available Erros humanos são uma importante fonte de falhas em todos os passos do planejamento e do tratamento radioterapêutico. Com o objetivo de reduzir este grau de incerteza, várias organizações especializadas recomendam minuciosos programas de garantia da qualidade. No Brasil, programas deste tipo vêm tendo sua exigência intensificada, e a maioria dos serviços de radioterapia vem se orientando neste sentido, tanto em relação aos equipamentos de radiação e dosimetria, quanto em relação à verificação dos cálculos de dose em pacientes e das revisões das fichas de planejamento. Como uma contribuição a este esforço de qualidade, apresentam-se algumas recomendações para se evitar falhas de tratamento devidas a erros na dose de radiação recebida pelo paciente, como redundância nas verificações dos cálculos feitos manualmente ou por computador, e, também, a verificação da dose acumulada para cada paciente sob tratamento, semanalmente, além de se evitar a possibilidade de acesso a qualquer sistema de segurança do equipamento ao pessoal técnico treinado para apenas o operar. Além disso, deve-se considerar a possibilidade de se empregar um sistema computadorizado de verificação e registro do tratamento, dessa maneira prevenindo-se erros durante a aplicação diária devidos à seleção indevida dos diferentes parâmetros do tratamento. Reportam-se quatro incidentes radioativos recentes ocorridos no mundo, com injúrias em pacientes, e algumas ocorrências de erros grandes de dose.Human mistakes are an important source of errors in radiotherapy and may occur at every step of the radiotherapeutic planning and treatment. To reduce this level of uncertainties, several specialized organizations have recommended a comprehensive quality assurance program. In Brazil, the requirement for these programs has been strongly stressed, and most radiotherapy services have pursued this goal regarding radiation units and dosimetry equipment

  2. Prevalência de erros refrativos em escolares da primeira série do ensino fundamental da região Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul Prevalence of refractive errors in first grade school children of elementary schools of Northeast region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Paulo Estacia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever e analisar a prevalência de erros refrativos em estudantes de primeira série das escolas estaduais de Passo Fundo, cidade pólo da região Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de 1608 alunos da primeira série do ensino fundamental de 26 escolas estaduais de Passo Fundo, atendidas em 2004. Os dados foram coletados no CEAE (Centro Especializado de Assistência ao Educando, que fez a triagem nas escolas, e no serviço especializado, para onde foram encaminhados aqueles com testes alterados. RESULTADOS: Da amostra total, 172 (10,88% apresentaram baixa de acuidade visual ou algum sintoma de problema visual, recebendo encaminhamento para atendimento oftalmológico. Apenas 88 (51,16% dos encaminhados compareceram à consulta. A média de idade foi de 7,10 anos (DP= 1,38. Entre as crianças examinadas, 70,46% possuíam algum erro refracional, sendo a hipermetropia e o astigmatismo os mais comuns (encontrado em 45,45% e 10,23% dos alunos examinados, respectivamente. A miopia foi o erro refracional menos prevalente, presente em 10,23% dos escolares atendidos. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou prevalência de 3,92% de erros refrativos na população de escolares estudada, embora a abstenção elevada possa estar subestimando esse percentual. Percebe-se a necessidade da realização de programas que enfoquem uma maior adesão dos alunos ao encaminhamento, na tentativa de evitar o não diagnóstico de problemas oculares facilmente tratáveis na infância.OBJECTIVES: To describe and analyze the prevalence of refractive errors among first-graders in state schools of Passo Fundo, main city of the northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul State. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 1608 first-graders in 26 elementary state schools of Passo Fundo, evaluated in 2004. The data were collected by the CEAE (Specialized Center for Student Assistance, which was in charge of the screening at the schools, and by the specialized service

  3. Erro médico em pacientes hospitalizados Medical errors in hospitalized patients

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    Manoel de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivo: o presente artigo tem por objetivo revisar a literatura e discutir a questão do erro médico em pacientes hospitalizados, enfocando sua conceituação, incidência, fatores predisponentes e mecanismos de prevenção. Aborda, em especial, erros e eventos adversos com drogas envolvendo recém-nascidos e pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: revisão bibliográfica utilizando banco de dados Medline, selecionando-se aqueles com informações atuais e relevantes. Resultados:mesmo assumindo que a notificação do erro médico não ocorre em um grande número de eventos, é importante notar que sua incidência é muito maior do que julgamos. Só nos EUA, cerca de um milhão de pacientes por ano são vítimas de erros médicos e eventos adversos com drogas. Segundo recente metanálise, esta é, hoje, a quarta causa de morte nos EUA. Em unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal e pediátrica, nas quais é grande a complexidade e a freqüência de procedimentos, a ocorrência de erros é maior. Estima-se que quinze por cento das internações em unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal sejam acompanhadas de erro médico. A maioria destes erros acontece durante o período noturno, e envolve administração incorreta de droga (35% e erro na interpretação da prescrição (26%. Fatores ambientais (barulho, calor, psicológicos (tédio, ansiedade, estresse e fisiológicos (fadiga, sono contribuem para a ocorrência de erros. Recente estudo revela que após um plantão de 24 horas, sem dormir, o desempenho psicomotor de um profissional de saúde é semelhante ao de um indivíduo legalmente bêbado (nível sérico alcoólico maior ou igual a 0,08%! Conclusões: mesmo em profissionais conscientes, erros são acompanhantes inevitáveis da condição humana. A prevenção de erros deve basear-se na busca de causas reais, que geralmente incluem erros no sistema de organização e implementação do serviço. Erros devem ser aceitos como evidência de falha no


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    Stefanie Von Randow de Souza

    Full Text Available Os sensores inerciais MEMS de baixo custo apresentam grandes vantagens para diversas aplicações em navegação, porém estes dispositivos são caracterizados por diversos tipos de erros. Através de procedimentos específicos como a calibração é possível obter resultados com melhor acurácia. Neste artigo utilizou-se o Método de Calibração Multi-Posições Modificado, que permite determinar erros sistemáticos, tais como deriva, erro de fator de escala e de não-ortogonalidade. O método, o procedimento e as equações desta calibração são brevemente descritos. Primeiramente foi realizada a calibração com diferentes acelerômetros. O desempenho dos parâmetros de calibração foi verificado por meio de um teste em campo, comparando as trajetórias calculadas pelas acelerações antes e após as correções. Após a correção das acelerações com os parâmetros de calibração, foram verificadas algumas discrepâncias nas trajetórias. Ainda assim houve uma melhora significativa na solução final. A vantagem deste método consiste no fato de que este não requer o uso de equipamentos especiais ou de um preciso alinhamento dos sensores, podendo ser aplicado em campo antes da utilização dos sensores.

  5. Erros de medicação em hospitais: uma análise bioética dos aspectos jurídicos e de saúde

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    Gabriela Souza Schumacher


    Full Text Available Introdução: O tema dos erros de medicação envolve vários aspectos - éticos, morais, jurídicos, sociais, profissionais, assistenciais, entre outros - merecendo uma reflexão abrangente. Os aspectos éticos referem-se principalmente à adequação das ações frente aos erros e os aspectos jurídicos estão relacionados diretamente com a aferição da responsabilidade civil nos casos da ocorrência de danos. Este estudo busca estabelecer relações entre o Direito, a Saúde e a Bioética, em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, por meio da avaliação dos acórdãos referentes a erros de medicação em hospitais na jurisprudência do Rio Grande do Sul. Materiais e Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, de análise de conteúdo documental, em acórdãos colhidos na base de dados eletrônica do Tribunal de Justiça do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O descritor utilizado para busca foi: erro de medicação em hospitais. Resultados e Discussão: foram localizados 43 acórdãos na base de dados no período de 1995 a 2011. Destes, apenas 6 acórdãos referem-se a erros de medicação especificamente, sendo que 2 não estão disponíveis na íntegra. Foram analisados os quatro acórdãos envolvendo erros de medicação. Nos 4 acórdãos os demandados foram: 3 hospitais, 1 município e 1 médico. Todas as decisões foram favoráveis aos demandantes. Considerações Finais: O conceito de erro de medicação, embora utilizado na área da saúde e por órgãos oficiais, não tem sido utilizado no Poder Judiciário, o que demonstra que uma maior aproximação das áreas envolvidas, incluindo uma melhor comunicação, é necessária para uma adequada compreensão do tema.

  6. Systematic and random erros in lattice parameter determinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nascimento, E.M.


    A new method is proposed for evaluation of diffraction data used in precise determination of lattice parameters. The method is based on separation and systematic erros on the diffraction angles level, where the randon part of erros is independent on the 0 angle. The separation is enable by assumption that the systematic part of erros depends on the 0 angle linearly. In that situation the high precision in lattice parameters determination is related more to reducing the randon errors content that to the presence of unremoved systematic errors. (Author) [pt


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    Tiago Aparecido Maschio de LIMA


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo exploratório com objetivo de verificar a taxa de erros em prescrições médicas coletadas em uma drogaria privada. Durante 30 dias foram coletadas 120 prescrições e analisadas as variáveis legibilidade, identificação do prescritor e paciente, dose e posologia, abreviaturas, e adequação à legislação. No total, foram identificados 426 erros. Os erros mais frequentes foram prescrições ilegíveis ou pouco legíveis 68,33%, identificação do prescritor incompleta ou omissa 10%, identificação do paciente incompleta ou omissa 42,5%, posologia incompleta ou omissa 40%, dose incompleta ou omissa 45%, presença de abreviaturas 84,17%, e 65% das prescrições não cumpriram de forma adequada com a legislação. Foi observada elevada taxa de erros nas prescrições analisadas, demonstrando a necessidade da avaliação do farmacêutico para a detecção destes erros, solicitação de correções e prevenção do risco de exposição do paciente aos problemas ocasionados por esses erros tais como reações adversas, interações medicamentosas, intoxicações, agravamento de doenças ou óbito. Ademais, é necessária a conscientização para o cumprimento das boas práticas de prescrição e sugere-se a realização de estudos para elaborar estratégias que minimizem a ocorrência de erros de prescrição.

  8. Acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais entre escolares da Rede Pública de Ensino

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    Rodrigo Caldeira Nunes Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo propõe-se a identificar a prevalência do acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais entre escolares da rede pública de ensino, assim como os fatores associados a este acesso. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e analítico conduzido entre escolares de 12 anos de idade de um município brasileiro de grande porte populacional. Os exames foram realizados por 24 cirurgiões-dentistas treinados e calibrados com auxilio de 24 anotadores. A coleta de dados ocorreu em 36 escolas sorteadas das 89 escolas públicas do município. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, univariadas e múltiplas. Dos 2510 escolares incluídos no estudo, 2211 relataram já ter recebido informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais. O acesso a tais informações foi maior entre os que utilizaram serviços odontológicos privado/convênio; e menor entre aqueles que utilizaram o serviço para tratamento, os que avaliaram o serviço como regular ou ruim/péssimo, os que utilizam como meio de higiene bucal somente escova dente/escova dente e higienização a língua e os que relataram não estarem satisfeitos com a aparência de seus dentes. Conclui-se que a maioria dos escolares teve acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais, o qual esteve associado a características dos serviços de saúde, comportamentos e desfechos de saúde.

  9. Um estudo sobre o erro no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de hidrostática a partir de uma sequência de atividades investigativas

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    Francarlos Martins de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O erro manifestado pelos estudantes ao longo do processo de ensino-aprendizagem é, por vezes, considerado algo negativo e, como consequência, algo a ser evitado. Com isso, o estudante poderá ficar inibido a participar ativamente das aulas ou qualquer outra atividade pedagógica por medo de errar e sofrer as punições que são atribuídas à manifestação do erro. Quando se trata dos momentos deavaliação da aprendizagem esse medo de errar torna-se ainda mais intenso, uma vez que um baixo rendimento nestas ocasiões poderá levar o estudante à reprovação. De um modo geral, percebe-se que o erro assumi o papel de vilão na vida do estudante, tendo um caráter excludente, o que é antagônico, já que o erro é natural do ser humano e deveria ser encarado como um aliado ao processo de aprendizagem. O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre essa dimensão benéfica do erro, buscando analisar as contribuições que um olhar diferenciado para ele pode trazer tanto para o estudante como para o professor. No entanto, torna-se importante que o professor tenha conhecimento sobre algumas características dos erros que podem se manifestar ao longo das aulas, tais como, seus diferentes tipos (sistemáticos, construtivos e procedimentais e as causas que levaram à sua manifestação (obstáculos da aprendizagem de natureza didática, epistemológica ou ontogênica. Com base no entendimento sobre esses fatores o professor poderá encaminhar de forma mais bem-sucedida as ações que levem os estudantes à correção desses erros, caracterizando momentos de aprendizagem. Para tanto, acreditamos que a perspectiva de Ensino de Ciências Baseado na Investigação (ECBI possaser de grande ajuda neste processo, uma vez que esta pode possibilitara promoção de momentos em que o erro possa ser identificado, analisado e classificado, tanto quanto aos seus diferentes tipos como também quanto às causas de sua manifestação. Além do mais, esta perspectiva de

  10. A conduta médica e a caracterização do erro

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    Graziela Gobbato


    Full Text Available This article discerns a theoretic idea about the medical conduct and the mistake features on this profession, so that the recognition of the mistake itself happens though submitting the service acts to the patient; where disciplinary competent specialists perform. The medical mistake is faced by juridical means, through the gathering of proof; refining of the factors that caused the eventual mistake, damage or injury to the patient. Theoretically, techniques, methods, conscience and scientific knowledge used to achieve the success of the performance exempt the professional from eventual medical mistakes; however, with the occurrence and evidence of unskilfulness, imprudence and negligence the probability of confirming the mistake is able to make the professional civilly responsible for the patient's unexpected results, what might imply in re-execution or indemnity.Este artigo vislumbra uma apreciação teórica sobre a conduta médica e a caracterização do erro no exercício da profissão de medicina, modo pelo qual, o reconhecimento do erro propriamente dito, dá-se através da submissão aos atos de prestação de serviços ao paciente, onde especialistas com competência disciplinar atuam. O confronte do erro médico ocorre juridicamente, através da junção de provas, do refinamento dos fatores que causaram o eventual erro, dano ou lesão ao paciente. Teoricamente, técnicas, métodos, consciência e conhecimento científico utilizados para o sucesso do trabalho, isentam o profissional de eventuais erros médicos, porém, na ocorrência e comprovação de imperícia, imprudência e negligência, a probabilidade de confirmação do erro torna-se capaz de responsabilizar o profissional civilmente por resultados não esperados pelo paciente atendido, o que poderá transformar-se em reexecução ou indenização.

  11. Erros medicamentosos em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal Medication errors in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    Renata Bandeira de Melo Escovedo Lerner


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a incidência e o tipo de erros médicos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal e a relação entre o erro e o estado clínico do paciente. MÉTODOS: Revisamos os prontuários médicos, durante os primeiros 7 dias de hospitalização, de todos os recém-nascidos de alto risco admitidos por um período de 3 meses. RESULTADOS: Setenta e três pacientes foram admitidos durante o período de estudo. A média de peso de nascimento foi de 2.140 g (640-5.020 g, e a idade gestacional média foi de 34 semanas (25-40 semanas. Dos 73 prontuários analisados, 40 (55% apresentaram um ou mais erros. Um total de 365 dias de hospitalização foi analisado, e 95 erros médicos foram detectados (um erro por 3,9 dias de hospitalização. O erro mais freqüente esteve associado com uso de medicamentos (84,2%. Uso de procedimentos terapêuticos (medicamentos, fototerapia, etc. sem prescrição adequada no prontuário do paciente (erro de comissão representou 7,4% dos erros, e a incidência de erros de omissão foi de 8,4%. A incidência de erros médicos foi significativamente maior em recém-nascidos com idade gestacional menor. CONCLUSÕES: A incidência de erros no cuidado de recém-nascidos de alto risco é elevada. Deve-se incentivar estratégias para melhorar a educação de profissionais da saúde envolvidos no cuidado e o desenvolvimento da cultura local, divulgando algoritmos claros e acessíveis para orientar o comportamento quando há ocorrência de erros.OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and type of medical errors in a newborn intensive care unit and the relationship between the error and the patient's clinical status. METHODS: We reviewed the medical charts, during the first 7 days of hospitalization, of all high-risk newborn infants admitted for a period of 3 months. RESULTS: Seventy-three patients were admitted during the study period. Their mean birth weight was 2,140 g (640-5,020 g and mean gestational age was 34


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    Denis Pontes Coelho


    Full Text Available Partindo de estudos sobre sucesso e fracasso empresarial o tema perfil empreendedor toma seu lugar de importância, mais especificamente sobre a capacidade de aprender com os próprios erros. Considerando o fator Aprendizagem por erros como um fator pouco estudado academicamente e então de pouca importância no perfil do empreendedor, a pesquisa se propõe a responder o problema de partida; De quais aprendizados por erros são relatados pelos empresários, assim como sua postura em relação aos erros. De cunho qualitativo e exploratório, a pesquisa se concentrou em investigar os empreendedores do ramo de restaurantes da zona gastronômica de Fortaleza, no que se refere aos seus aprendizados e se conseguem aprender com os erros. Teve como base a teoria de M. Frese de Orientação por Erros e da Aprendizagem Significativa de D. Ausubel. Os resultados mostraram que eles têm uma postura de Orientação por erros e de aprendizados relacionados nas áreas de Gestão de Pessoas e atendimento ao cliente. Palavras-chave: Aprendizados; orientação por erros; perfil do Empreendedor; sucesso empresarial.   Based on studies of success and business failure the entrepreneurial subject takes its place of importance, specifically on the ability to learn from mistakes. Considering the learning factor by errors as academically understudied factor and then of little importance in the entrepreneurial profile, the research aims to answer the starting problem: which learnings from errors are reported by the entrepreneurs as well as their attitude towards mistakes. Qualitative and exploratory nature, the research focused on investigating the entrepreneurs of the restaurant business at the gastronomic area of Fortaleza, in regard to their learning capacity and potential from mistakes. It was based on the theory of M. Frese about orientation after Errors and the Significant Learning by D. Ausubel. The results showed that they have a Guidance posture after mistakes

  13. Caracterización estacional del hábitat fluvial del río Erro (Navarra

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    P.M. Leunda, R. Miranda, M.C. Escala


    Full Text Available Se presenta la descripción de catorce tramos representativos del río Erro (Navarra a partir de la caracterización del hábitat fluvial llevada a cabo en invierno, verano y otoño de 2002. Para este estudio se han considerado parámetros tanto del hábitat físico (profundidad, anchura del cauce, pendiente de las orillas, velocidad del agua, tipo de sustrato, vegetación acuática y sombreado como físico-químicos del agua (temperatura, pH, conductividad, sólicos disueltos y oxigeno disuelto. El análisis de las caracteristicas del rio Erro permite considerar su estado general como bueno, aunque se detecta la presencia de un tramo sensible aguas abajo de la localidad de Erro. Si bien este tramo sensible presenta niveles de conservación aceptables, es susceptible de deteriorarse si no de adoptan las medidas oportunas para su conservación. Se sugiere su inclusión en el Lugar de Interés Comunitario (Red Natura 2000 de Navarra de los "Sistemas Fluviales de lis Ríos Irati, Urrobi y Erro".

  14. Auto-relato de erros em tarefas de leitura: efeitos de um treino de correspondência.


    Camila Domeniconi


    Quando crianças com história de fracasso escolar relatam seus resultados em leitura de palavras, a maioria delas tende a relatar a maior parte as respostas como corretas, mesmo que tenham cometido erros. Este estudo investigou as variáveis que influenciam a fidedignidade desses relatos e tentou treinar a correspondência para assegurar relatos correspondentes de erros, bem como de acertos. As sessões experimentais apresentaram diversas palavras em uma tela do computador. O compu...

  15. O erro médico na imprensa portuguesa: quando os pacientes fazem parte da notícia

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    Sandra Marinho


    Full Text Available Esta investigação aborda a qualidade da produção noticiosa sobre o erro médico, como um fator essencial na construção do conhecimento público sobre o tema, com o objetivo de compreender que características definem tal produção e até que ponto poderão ser explicadas pela periodicidade e orientação editorial dos jornais; que conceito de erro médico é veiculado pela produção noticiosa sobre o tema; e quais são os protagonistas no discurso jornalístico sobre o erro médico. Foram analisadas as edições de três jornais portugueses, de 2008 a 2011, resultando num corpus de 266 (4,2% artigos, que foram classificados de acordo com as seguintes variáveis: as fontes de informação citadas (o seu estatuto e especialidade, no caso dos médicos; os temas que são tratados; as características de enquadramento da informação publicada (tom, género jornalístico; e a presença e número de fontes de informação. Pela análise de conteúdo quantitativa, apurou-se que esse tema está em crescimento, essencialmente com notícias de tom negativo e fontes de informação habitualmente identificadas. Não há evidência para afirmar que a periodicidade e a orientação editorial expliquem as variações dessas características, a não ser relativamente ao número de fontes citadas. Vigoram as notícias centradas nos resultados dos erros (mortes ou lesões, provocados por "erros de omissão" e por "erros de comissão", envolvendo uma diversidade de protagonistas: são, tal como acontece na informação sobre saúde em geral, fontes oficiais e especializadas do campo da saúde. Destacam-se os médicos e os juristas e é dado relevo aos pacientes.

  16. Drug-dispensing errors in the hospital pharmacy Erros de dispensação de medicamentos em farmácia hospitalar

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    Tânia Azevedo Anacleto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the dispensing error rate and to identify factors associated with them, and to propose prevention actions. METHODS: A cross-sectional study focusing on the occurrence of dispensing errors in a general hospital in Belo Horizonte that uses a mixed system (a combination of multidose and unit dose systems of collective and individualized dosing. RESULTS: A total of 422 prescription order forms were analyzed, registering 81.8% with at least 1 dispensing error. Opportunities for errors were higher in the pretyped prescription order forms (odds ratio = 4.5; P OBJETIVO: Determinar a taxa de erros de dispensação e identificar fatores associados, propondo ações de prevenção. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal investigou-se a ocorrência de erros de dispensação em um hospital geral de Belo Horizonte que emprega um sistema misto de dose coletiva e individualizada. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 422 prescrições, registrando em 81,8% destas pelo menos um erro de dispensação. Oportunidades de erros foram maiores nas prescrições pré-digitadas (Odds Ratio=4,5; p<0,001, naquelas com nove ou mais medicamentos (Odds Ratio=4,0; p<0,001 e com os injetáveis (Odds Ratio=5,0; p<0,001. Uma das equipes de profissionais apresentou maior chance de erros (Odds Ratio=2,0; p=0,02. A análise multivariada ratifica estes resultados. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que o sistema de dispensação da farmácia apresenta muitas falhas latentes e poucas defesas, com diversas condições que predispõe a ocorrência de erros, contribuindo para a elevada taxa registrada.

  17. Estimativa de área de soja por classificação de imagens normalizada pela matriz de erros

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    João Francisco Gonçalves Antunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a área plantada com soja por meio da normalização da matriz de erros gerada a partir da classificação supervisionada de imagens TM/Landsat‑5. Foram avaliados oito municípios no Estado do Paraná, com dados referentes à safra de 2003/2004. As classificações foram realizadas por meio dos métodos paralelepípedo e máxima verossimilhança, dando origem à "máscara de soja". Os valores do índice Kappa dos oito municípios ficaram acima de 0,6. As estimativas de área de soja, corrigidas por matriz de erros, apresentaram alta correlação com as estimativas oficiais do estado e com as estimativas geradas a partir de um método alternativo denominado "expansão direta". A estimativa de área de soja por meio da normalização da matriz de erros apresenta menor custo e pode subsidiar métodos convencionais na estimativa menos subjetiva de safras.

  18. Uma comparação entre técnicas de propagação de erros em astrofísica: Monte Carlo x Bootstrap (United States)

    Waelkens, A. H.; Janot Pacheco, E.


    Recentemente Dhillon & Watson (2001) criticaram o procedimento de determinação de erros via simulações de Monte Carlo no caso do imageamento indireto de estrelas, por introduzir ruído nos dados e resultar em erros superestimados. Estes autores propuseram a utilização alternativa do método de Bootstrap como uma técnica superior para a estimativa de erros. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de um estudo comparativo da performance das técnicas de simulação por Monte Carlo e por Bootstrap para a determinação de erros em duas situações de interesse: (i) ajuste de modelos a espectros observados e (ii) imageamento indireto de discos de acréscimo com técnicas de mapeamento por eclipse. No caso (i), os dados de entrada são espectros de emissão simples de hidrogênio aos quais é adicionado ruído gaussiano de amplitude selecionada. No caso (ii), são produzidas curvas de luz do eclipse de uma distribuição de brilho seguindo a lei TµR-3/4 para discos estacionários cuja taxa de acréscimo varia ao longo do eclipse segundo uma distribuição gaussiana de amplitude selecionada, simulando o ruído. A avaliação da performance é feita com o auxílio de um diagrama do erro relativo na grandeza ajustada, conforme obtido por cada método, versus o erro relativo (ruído/sinal) dos dados de entrada. O estudo mostra que as duas técnicas produzem resultados semelhantes nos dois casos, e que a suposta superioridade do método de Bootstrap não se confirma.

  19. Prescription errors in a primary care university unit: urgency of pharmaceutical care in Mexico Erros de prescrição no Centro de Saúde de uma Universidade: urgência de implementar Atenção Farmacêutica no México

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    Miriam Zavaleta-Bustos


    ísticamente representativa do total de consultas médicas realizadas no período de um ano. A validade da prescrição médica foi feita utilizando as seguintes variáveis: indicação, doses recomendada, via de administração, contra-indicações, interações, duplicação de medicamentos, medicamentos desnecessários ou faltantes. As prescrições médicas foram classificadas como: apropriada (se não foram encontrados erros nas prescrições ou inapropriada (se foram encontradas ao menos um erro na prescrição. A razão risco-beneficio foi calculada para cada prescrição médica. O estudo revelou alta incidência de prescrições inapropriadas no Centro de Saúde da Universidade do México (58%, causada pelos erros nas doses recomendadas e na seleção do medicamento relacionado com a necessidade do paciente. Como resultado da análise chi2 , foi encontrado que as variáveis fármaco-terapêuticas escolhidas neste estudo para avaliar a prescrição médica, foram determinantes para classificar as prescrições como apropriadas. Nimesulide, ciprofloxacin, ranitidine, ketorolac e paracetamol representaram o maior número de medicamentos prescritos assim como a maior causa de erros encontradas nas prescrições. É importante que um farmacêutico valide os medicamentos prescritos no Centro de Saúde. Este estudo justifica o papel que os farmacêuticos mexicanos deveriam desempenhar para evitar erros na prescrição, como parte importante da equipe médica, assim como a urgência de implementar os cuidados farmacêuticos em todos os estabelecimentos dos Centros de Saúde no México.

  20. Qualidade dos ensaios de competição de cultivares de milho no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul Quality of cultivar competition experiments with corn in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

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    Daniela Giffoni Marques


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a proporção de ensaios com significância para efeito de blocos, cultivares e do atendimento às pressuposições de normalidade e aleatoriedade do erro, homogeneidade das variâncias do erro entre cultivares e a aditividade do modelo necessárias para os testes de hipótese. Também foi objetivo a quantificação do efeito do não atendimento das pressuposições sobre a diferença mínima significativa (DMS, obtida pelo teste de Tukey em nível de 5% de probabilidade. Foram analisados 307 ensaios da rede estadual de competição de cultivares de milho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 1993 e 1996. Dos ensaios de competição de cultivares de milho, 85,67% apresentaram efeito significativo para cultivares e, nestes, a média da DMS era igual a 30,28%. O não atendimento às pressuposições para os testes de hipótese ocorreu em baixa freqüência e aumentou a DMS. A falta de aditividade no modelo ocorreu em 8,75% dos ensaios e não modificou a DMS, sendo a transformação indicada ineficiente para a redução da DMS. A causa da falta de aleatoriedade dos erros em 9,88% dos ensaios foi a variabilidade entre as unidades experimentais e/ou o bloqueamento em posição inadequada à variabilidade espacial da fertilidade no local do ensaio.This study aimed to quantify the proportion of experiments with statistical difference for blocks, cultivar and the F test assumption (additivity, normal distribution, random error, and error variance homogeneity among cultivars observance. Also, the effects on the least significant difference (LSD based on Tukey test (P=0.05 were quantified when some assumption was not observed. The statistical analysis was based upon 307 sets of experimental cultivar competition data carried out from 1993 to 1996 in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Among the experiments with significant differences in treatments (cultivars, 85.67% had an average LSD equal to 30.28%. Low

  1. Versão eletrônica de questionário e o controle de erros de resposta Electronic version of a questionnaire and control of answer errors

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    Sadao Omote


    Full Text Available O artigo relata a análise de erros cometidos em questionário impresso e a aplicabilidade de uma versão eletrônica do mesmo questionário para o controle desses erros. Sessenta estudantes de pós-graduação em Educação responderam à versão eletrônica programada em Visual Basice outros 52 responderam à versão impressa. No questionário impresso, foram cometidos 95 erros, dos quais 28 não invalidam as respostas. Os demais erros podem levar à exclusão dos participantes que os cometeram, se todos os itens forem analisados rigorosamente de acordo com as instruções. Os erros cometidos na versão impressa podem ser controlados na versão eletrônica mediante adequada programação. Nenhuma dificuldade para responder a versão eletrônica foi identificada. As vantagens apontadas pelos respondentes e a possibilidade de controle total dos erros de resposta, aliadas à eliminação de erro de tabulação mediante a inserção automática das respostas em banco de dados, recomendam o uso de versão eletrônica de questionário.The article reports the analysis of errors made in a printed questionnaire and the possibility of using an electronic version of the same questionnaire aiming to control those errors. Sixty Education graduate students answered an electronic version, programmed in Visual Basic, and another 52 answered a printed version. In the printed questionnaire, 95 errors were made of which 28 errors may be ignored. The other errors may cause the exclusion of respondents that made them, if all items were analyzed strictly in agreement with the instructions. The errors made in the printed version may be controlled in an electronic version by means of appropriate programming. No difficulty in answering the electronic version was reported. The advantages pointed out by the respondents and the possibility of total control of answer errors, allied with the elimination of tabulation errors by means of automatic database insertion of the


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    J. L. SOSA


    Full Text Available Los dispositivos intravaginales son utilizados para la inducción y sincronización de celos. Los mismos pueden producir adherencia en las paredes de la vagina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue probar la efi ciencia de la aplicación de antibióticos y corticoide conjuntamente con los dispositivos para evitar adherencias. La experiencia se realizó con 45 ovejas distribuidas en tres grupos: GC dispositivo sin tratamiento, T1 dispositivo más tetraciclina y T2 dispositivo más tetraciclina y corticoide. Siguiendo el protocolo se procedió al retiro de los mismos a los 12 días. Se realizó un test χ2 para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las ovejas del T2 no presentaron adherencias. En cambio, se observaron distintos grados de adherencias: en el T1 (53 % y en el GC (46 %. Se puede inferir que la utilización de Tetracicilina más hidrocortisona es efi ciente para evitar la vaginitis y por ende la adherencia de los dispositivos y pérdida por disminución de preñeces posteriores al retiro de los dispositivos.

  3. Análise do erro médico em processos ético-profissionais: implicações na educação médica

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    Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as características dos Processos Ético-Profissionais (PEP com denúncia de infração por erro médico e discutir a importância da educação médica na sua prevenção. O principal artigo do Código de Ética Médica que caracteriza o erro médico é o artigo 29. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em que foi feita uma revisão de todos os PEP julgados no Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado da Bahia (Cremeb de 2000 a 2004. Dos 372 médicos processados no Cremeb no período, 42,7% (n = 159 foram denunciados no artigo 29. Destes, a maioria (78,6% era do gênero masculino, e a idade média era de 44 anos. As especialidades mais freqüentes foram: Ginecologia-Obstetrícia (24,8%, Cirurgia Geral (9,4% e Anestesia (7,4%. A maioria das denúncias de erro médico se deu em atendimento público (80,1%, n = 109 e relacionada a atos cirúrgicos (66%, n = 97. Foi identificada negligência em 67,3% (n = 107 das denúncias, imprudência em 23,3% (n = 37 e imperícia em 8,8% (n = 14. Apenas 23,9% (n = 38 foram considerados culpados, enquanto 31,4% (n = 50 foram absolvidos por falta de provas e 44% (n = 70 por comprovada inocência. Conclui-se que o erro médico é uma freqüente causa de denúncias contra médicos no Cremeb, sendo a maioria por negligência, o que justifica a necessidade de discutir e valorizar este tema cada vez mais na graduação médica.

  4. Validação da Prescrição Oncológica: o papel do farmacêutico na prevenção de erros de medicação

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    Livia Oliboni


    Full Text Available Erros de medicação são constantemente relatados na literatura médico-científica. Há casos clínicos em que a administração inadequada de doses altas de alguns citostáticos tem como consequência a toxicidade grave e a morte do paciente. As não conformidades presentes nas prescrições aos pacientes oncológicos podem ser catastróficas em função da estreita margem terapêutica dos medicamentos antineoplásicos. Prevenir erros de medicação torna-se uma prioridade na melhora do processo farmacoterapêutico em pacientes da oncologia. A multidisciplinaridade é um fator essencial de alerta aos erros de medicação de antineoplásicos e às maneiras de preveni-los Os farmacêuticos e todos os profissionais que constituem uma equipe multidisciplinar de saúde contribuem para garantia do uso seguro dos medicamentos, o que auxilia no aprimoramento de uma assistência qualificada. Para isso, além das atividades já bem estabelecidas, esses profissionais devem (i implantar um sistema de validação farmacêutica bem como (ii estabelecer um sistema de verificação da prescrição médica, o qual consiste em diferentes etapas. O objetivo dessa revisão é relatar a validação da prescrição médica, considerando-se os erros de medicação na quimioterapia e o papel do farmacêutico na prevenção desses erros. São medidas que visam a melhorar a qualidade da assistência prestada aos pacientes oncológicos.

  5. Análise de erros ortográficos em diferentes problemas de aprendizagem Analyzing typical orthographic mistakes related to different learning problems

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    Jaime Luiz Zorzi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever achados ortográficos em problemas de aprendizagem, verificar se os erros produzidos são aqueles encontrados na aprendizagem normal e analisar se predominam problemas de natureza ortográfica ou fonológica. MÉTODOS: examinou-se a escrita de 64 sujeitos avaliados pelo Laboratório de Distúrbios de Aprendizagem do Departamento de Neurologia da UNICAMP, diagnosticados com algum problema de aprendizagem: Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (28; Dificuldades de Aprendizagem (13; Distúrbio de Aprendizagem (7; Dislexia (3; Distúrbios Associados (5 e Diagnóstico inconclusivo (9. As idades variaram entre 8;2 e 13;4 anos, média 10;6 anos. Foram incluídos sujeitos alfabetizados, sem rebaixamento intelectual. Os erros foram classificados em 11 categorias e quantificados para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: os erros correspondem àqueles observados em crianças sem queixa de aprendizagem. Os erros por Representações Múltiplas, Omissão de Letras e Oralidade, são respectivamente, os três tipos mais frequentes nos casos de Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, Dificuldades Escolares, Distúrbios Associados e Diagnóstico Desconhecido. No Distúrbio de Aprendizagem a sequência é de Representações Múltiplas, Omissão, Outras Alterações e Surdas-sonoras. Na dislexia observa-se a sequência de Representações Múltiplas, Oralidade, Omissão e Outras Alterações. Existe uma tendência geral de predomínio das alterações ortográficas, embora sem diferença significante em relação aos erros de natureza fonológica. CONCLUSÃO: os erros de natureza ortográfica são os mais frequentes em relação aos de natureza fonológica. Com tendência contrária, os erros visuo-espaciais têm baixa ocorrência em geral, o que mostra que a dificuldade de todos os grupos é fundamentalmente de origem linguística e não perceptual.PURPOSE: to describe the orthographic findings in several types of

  6. Entendimento do Tribunal de Justiça do Pará sobre o erro médico na esfera penal

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    Isabel de Fátima Alvim Braga


    Full Text Available Introdução: O processo por erro médico costuma ter impacto profundo tanto na vida profissional como na vida pessoal do médico. Entretanto, como a judicialização da medicina é recente, carece de estudos com análise dos fatos a partir da dupla perspectiva da Medicina e do Direito. Objetivo: Analisar os processos da esfera penal do Tribunal de Justiça do Pará. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa por palavra-chave no site do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Pará (TJPA com o termo de pesquisa: “erro médico”. Resultados: Foram encontrados 42 julgados jurisprudenciais. Desses, 24 foram excluídos, pois: 4 eram repetições; 19 eram crimes não cometidos por médicos e 1 por tratar de difamação. Ocorreu uma prescrição e três processos ainda não haviam sido julgados na primeira instância. Dos 14 processos julgados, houve 6 condenações e 8 absolvições. A distribuição por especialidades se deu da seguinte maneira: 8 na ginecologia-obstetrícia (GO; 4 na emergência clínica; 2 na cirurgia geral; 1 em anestesiologia/cirurgia plástica; 1 em oftalmologia; 1 em ortopedia; e 1 em radiologia. Conclusão: Os casos de acusação de supostos erros cometidos por médicos no exercício de suas especialidades ainda são raros no panorama geral do Pará. As especialidades ligadas à cirurgia e às situações de emergência, principalmente GO, foram as principais envolvidas nesse tipo de processo.

  7. Reflexões sobre erro e educação médica em Minas Gerais

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    Wesllay Carlos Ribeiro

    Full Text Available A temática relacionada a imperícia, imprudência e negligência na ética médica adquire os contornos previstos na noção de responsabilidade legal, de onde resulta a inferência de que o erro médico tem tripla acepção, fundada na noção de responsabilidade com bases patrimoniais, penais e éticas. Este estudo analisa 18 das 26 matrizes curriculares dos cursos de Medicina, autorizados ou reconhecidos pelo Ministério da Educação, oferecidos pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES situadas no Estado de Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de perscrutar a oferta de disciplinas relacionadas a responsabilidade civil médica, ética, bioética e deontologia. Desses cursos, oito não disponibilizam as matrizes curriculares para acesso público, nos moldes da Portaria nº 2.864, de 24 de agosto de agosto de 2005, do Ministério da Educação, e seis não têm nenhuma disciplina específica sobre ética, bioética ou responsabilidade civil. Apenas nove cursos oferecem a disciplina de ética, oito a de bioética, e apenas três a disciplina de deontologia. Nenhuma das matrizes curriculares analisadas oferece a disciplina de responsabilidade civil médica, embora os casos de erro médico estejam aumentando consideravelmente.

  8. Crianças bilíngües Alemão-Português: erros na escrita e características do ambiente familiar Bilingual German-Portuguese children: handwriting mistakes and characteristics of the familiar environment

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    Simone Raquel Sbrissa Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relacionar erros na escrita em português, características do ambiente familiar, idade e sexo de crianças bilíngües Alemão-Português. MÉTODOS: Vinte crianças bilíngües alemão/português realizaram ditado balanceado, e seus pais responderam a um questionário. Os tipos de erros na escrita em Português foram classificados e quantificados, e posteriormente relacionados às respostas dos pais no questionário aplicado. RESULTADOS: Houve menos erros relacionados à troca, substituição aleatória, inversão, transposição, omissão e adição de grafemas, e mais erros relacionados às irregularidades da língua portuguesa. A maioria dos pais possuía material escrito em casa; quando mais de uma pessoa lia em casa e quanto maior a escolaridade paterna, maior o número de crianças com menos erros na escrita; quanto menor a escolaridade materna, maior o número de estudantes com mais erros na escrita. Quanto mais novas as crianças, mais erros de todos os tipos. Os meninos apresentaram mais erros na escrita do que as meninas. CONCLUSÕES: Mesmo sendo os participantes deste estudo todos bilíngües, a maioria dos achados foi compatível com os encontrados em outras pesquisas com crianças monolíngües do Português Brasileiro.PURPOSE: To relate mistakes in Portuguese writing, characteristics of the familiar environment, age and gender of bilingual German-Portuguese children. METHODS: Twenty bilingual children were submitted to balanced dictation, and their parents answered a questionnaire. The analysis classified and quantified the types of errors in Portuguese writing, which was later related to their parents' answers on the questionnaire. RESULTS: There were fewer errors related to change, random substitution, inversion, transposition, omission and adding of graphemes, and more errors associated with Portuguese irregularities. Most parents had written material at home; when more than one person used to read at home and the

  9. Comparação dos erros ortográficos de alunos com desempenho inferior em escrita e alunos com desempenho médio nesta habilidade A comparison study of the orthographics mistakes of students with inferior and students with average writing performance

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    Patrícia Aparecida Zuanetti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar se crianças com baixo desempenho em escrita cometem mais erros ortográficos que crianças da mesma série com desempenho satisfatório nesta tarefa, e quais os tipos de erros ortográficos mais freqüentes. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 24 crianças da 2ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, avaliadas individualmente. O teste aplicado foi o subteste de escrita do Teste de Desempenho Escolar, composto por 34 palavras que são ditadas aos alunos. RESULTADOS: Os alunos com desempenho inferior em escrita cometeram significativamente mais erros ortográficos que o grupo com desempenho satisfatório. Os erros que tiveram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos foram erros do tipo hipercorreção, dificuldade com marcadores de nasalização, relação fonografêmica irregular, omissões de sílabas e erros por troca de letras. Também houve correlação fortemente negativa entre erros ortográficos e desempenho em escrita. CONCLUSÕES: Quanto melhor o desempenho em escrita, menos erros ortográficos possui a elaboração gráfica do aluno. Os erros mais freqüentes no grupo com desempenho baixo, que os difere do outro grupo, dizem respeito aos erros de relação fonografêmica irregular, omissões de sílabas, dificuldade no uso de marcadores de nasalização, hipercorreção e erros por troca de letras. Com o avanço da capacidade de aprendizagem da criança, o desempenho ortográfico tende a melhorar.PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to verify whether children with poor writing performances make more orthographic mistakes than children of the same school grade with average performances, and what are the most frequent types of orthographic mistakes. METHODS: Twenty-four second grade children from a public school were individually analyzed in this study. The test used was the writing subtest of the School Performance Test, which is composed by 34 words that

  10. Prevalence of refractive errors in students in Northeastern Brazil Prevalência dos erros refrativos em estudantes do Nordeste Brasileiro

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    Carlos Alexandre de Amorim Garcia


    mostraram discordância com a maioria dos trabalhos internacionais, principalmente os orientais, que apontam a miopia como o erro refrativo mais comum e corrobora os nacionais, com a grande parte sendo hipermétropes.


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    F Pachón


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se enmarca dentro de la caracterización del sistema de producción bovina del municipio de Utica (Cundinamarca y dentro de los problemas más importantes que lo afectan. Como resultado, el estudio identificó la escasez de alimento de buena calidad en épocas secas como la principal limitante del productor bovino del municipio. Aprovechando una ventaja presente en la zona, como es la elaboración de panela (proceso a través del cual resultan algunos subproductos, como bagazo y melote, que pueden ser utilizados como alternativa alimenticia para los bovinos en cualquier época del año, se planteó un experimento en el que se elaboraron bloques multinutricionales con base en dichos subproductos. El experimento se adelantó en una finca de un productor y se utilizaron 57 novillos cebús con edades entre los 11 y los 24 meses y pesos entre los 124 y los 463 kilogramos. Los animales se dividieron dos grupos que se mantuvieron en pasturas no manejadas. Al grupo experimental se le ofrecieron adicionalmente bloques multinutricionales. Los animales fueron examinados para comprobar su estado fisiológico, con el fin de determinar posibles inconvenientes sanitarios que pudieran afectar el ensayo. Se realizaron pesajes para medir las ganancias de peso en los dos grupos. Los resultados mostraron promedios de ganancias diarias de peso similares a Pr < 5%, donde fueron ligeramente superiores las del grupo alimentado con los bloques multinutricionales (0,848 vs. 0,769 kg animal/día. Los aportes más importantes del experimento fueron, primero, brindar una opción para que el productor pueda alimentar a sus animales en épocas de escasez y evitar que tenga que venderlos a bajos precios. El segundo aporte fue abrir la posibilidad de usar los productos de la elaboración de la panela, que en muchas ocasiones se convierten en desechos que no son usados y que contaminan las fuentes de agua, de una forma económicamente viable.

  12. Tratamento de erros inatos do metabolismo Treatment of inborn errors of metabolism

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    Ida Vanessa Schwartz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Esta revisão teve por objetivo abordar a situação atual do tratamento dos distúrbios do metabolismo intermediário (principalmente dos aminoácidos, ciclo da uréia e ácidos orgânicos e das doenças relacionadas a duas organelas subcelulares (lisossomos e peroxissomos. FONTES DOS DADOS: Na abordagem do tratamento dos distúrbios do metabolismo intermediário, foi dada prioridade às principais formas de manejo da intoxicação, em virtude da importância para o pediatra do tratamento de quadros agudos e com risco de vida. O artigo apresenta também uma visão geral do tratamento das doenças lisossômicas e peroxissômicas, com ênfase na terapia de reposição enzimática, uma modalidade de tratamento de uso crescente com a qual o pediatra deve se familiarizar. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: As principais medidas para manejo da intoxicação presente em muitos erros inatos do metabolismo intermediário foram apresentadas (restrição de aporte de substrato através da dieta ou através de inibição enzimática, remoção do produto tóxico, estímulo da atividade enzimática residual, reposição do produto deficiente. O material elaborado sobre terapia para doenças lisossômicas e peroxissômicas inclui tabelas informativas sobre os tratamentos disponíveis. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento dos erros inatos do metabolismo é uma situação complexa e que deve ser abordada por uma equipe multidisciplinar, na qual o pediatra é peça-chave. Este capítulo contém informações práticas relativas ao manejo de alguns erros inatos do metabolismo e proporciona ao pediatra uma visão geral dos desenvolvimentos recentes ocorrido nessa área da medicina.OBJECTIVE: To describe the current state of treatment for disorders of intermediate metabolism (primarily of amino acids, urea cycle and organic acids and for diseases related to two subcellular organelles (lysosomes and peroxisomes. SOURCES: In covering the treatment of disorders of intermediate


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    Eta S Berner


    Full Text Available This article discusses the ethical issues involved in consumer health informatics -specifically those issues surrounding the provision of medical information for patients on the World Wide Web. The discussion includes concerns and suggestions relating to: quality control and error avoidance, Internet governance and Web site responsibility, and intellectual property and control. These issues are argued to be of exceptional importance in the developing world, including Latin America and the CaribbeanEste artículo discute los temas éticos involucrados en la información en salud, específicamente aquéllos en torno a la entrega de información médica a los pacientes que ingresen a la World Wide Web. La discusión abarca preocupaciones y sugerencias en relación con el control de calidad, evitar los errores, el gobierno de Internet, la responsabilidad del sitio Web y el registro de la propiedad intelectual. Se argumenta que estos temas tienen gran importancia en el mundo en desarrollo, incluyendo a Latinoamérica y el CaribeEste artigo discute os temas éticos envolvidos na informação em saúde, especificamente no fornecimento de informação médica aos pacientes que ingressam na World Wide Web. A discussão envolve preocupações e sugestões em relação ao controle de qualidade, evitar os erros, o governo de Internet, a responsabilidade do site Web e o registro da propriedade intelectual. Argumenta-se sobre questões e temas de grande importância no mundo em desenvolvimento, incluindo a América Latina e o Caribe

  14. Previsão do preço dos principais grãos produzidos no Rio Grande do Sul Forcasting the price of major grains produced in Rio Grande do Sul

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    Analice Marchezan


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se realizar previsões para o ano de 2007, referente ao preço das principais culturas das lavouras temporárias desenvolvidas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados-base da quantidade produzida dos principais grãos analisados foram a média anual, de 1995 a 2006, as previsões de preços, de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2006. Para realização das previsões do preço das culturas de soja, arroz e milho no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul foi utilizada Metodologia Box & Jenkins. Para as culturas destacadas, a metodologia captou vários modelos significativos, mas por meiodos Critérios Penalizadores, AIC, SBC e Erro Quadrado Médio, escolheu-se o melhor modelo para cada série, sendo ideal o modelo ARIMA (0,1,2(0,1,0 para a soja; o modelo SARIMA(1,1,0(1,0,1 para o arroz e o modelo ARIMA (2,1,1(0,1,0 para o milho.The aim of this research was to make predictions for 2007, referring to the price of temporary crops developed in the Rio Grande do Sul state. The data-base of the amout produced of the major grain analyzed were the annual average1995 to 2006 and price produced, from January 1995 to December 2006. To accomplish the forecasts in relation to prices of soybean, rice and sweetcorn in RS state, it was used the Box & Jenkins methodology. To such cultivations, the methodoly showed many significant models, however, through the penalizing criterias, AIC e SBC, in addition to the square average error, it was possible to choose the best model for each serie, being the model ARIMA (0,1,2(0,1,0 to soybean; the model SARIMA (1,1,0(1,0,1 to rice and the model ARIMA (2,1,1(0,1,0 to sweetcorn.

  15. Promoção da saúde ocular na escola: percepções de professores sobre erros de refração

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    Armond Jane de Eston


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar percepções de professores do sistema público de ensino, em relação aos erros de refração manifestados na idade escolar, a fim de subsidiar programas de treinamento para docentes, visando à detecção e posterior assistência a problemas oftálmicos de escolares. Métodos: Estudo transversal em população de professores de primeira série do ensino fundamental, de todas as escolas públicas da região sul do município de São Paulo. Aplicou-se questionário estruturado com base em estudo exploratório. Resultados: Foi obtida uma população de 545 sujeitos, distribuídos em 120 escolas. A população apresentou média de idade de 37,8 anos e média de tempo de magistério de 13,2 anos. A maioria (67,4% não recebeu orientação sobre saúde ocular nos últimos três anos. Os professores distinguiram mais corretamente os sinais de miopia (70,8% do que os de hipermetropia (42,9% e astigmatismo (40,9%. Proporção significativa (48,5% apontou sinais e comportamentos indicativos da presença de miopia no escolar; 40,9% apontaram dificuldades na leitura e na escrita, para a criança hipermétrope sem correção óptica. Na criança astigmata as manifestações mais mencionadas foram "vista embaçada" (45,4% e desinteresse por atividades que exigem esforço visual (40,9%. Os professores classificaram todos os erros de refração como agravos muito graves. Conclusão: Foram evidenciados conhecimentos distorcidos e/ou insuficientes entre professores do ensino fundamental, a respeito de erros de refração manifestados na idade escolar.


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    Ailo Valmir Saccol


    Full Text Available O presente estudo utilizou os dados de rendimento de 21 cultivares de soja, em 28 ambientes do Rio Grande do Sul, para uma análise de estabilidade pelo modelo bi-segmentado descontínuo (STORCK, 1989, com correções devido a erros nas variáveis. As principais conclusões foram; 1 O método mostrou-se adequado para o estudo da estabilidade fenotípica de cultivares de soja, porque houve uma boa variação ambiental e um bom ajustamento dos dados ao modelo; 2 O grupo de cultivares estudado pode ser classificado em: a Indesejáveis (Hill, IAS-2, Paraná, Prata, Sel. Foscarin, Louisiana, Hardee, Bienville, Industrial, Santa Rosa, Bossier e Viçoja; b Adaptáveis tanto aos ambientes inferiores como aos superiores, dentro da região estudada (Pérola, Bragg e Jakson; c Adaptáveis à ambientes superiores (Planalto, Hale-7, IAS-5, IAS-1 e IAS-4; d Adaptáveis à ambientes médios (Hood.

  17. Fatores de erros na mensuração da mortalidade infantil Error factors in the measurement of infant mortality

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    Ruy Laurenti


    Full Text Available Dentre os indicadores de saúde tradicionalmente utilizados a mortalidade infantil destaca-se como um dos mais importantes. Frequentemente é utilizada por profissionais de saúde pública na caracterização do nível de saúde e em avaliações de programas. Existem, porém, vários fatores de erros que afetam o seu valor e dentre esses são destacados: a definição dos nascidos vivos e sua aplicação na prática, o sub-registro de óbito e de nascimento, o registro do óbito por local de ocorrência, a definição de nascido vivo no ano e a declaração errada na idade. Existem também erros qualitativos que dizem respeito, principalmente, a declarações erradas da causa de morte. Vários desses fatores foram medidos para São Paulo.Among the traditionally used health indices the infant mortality rate is distinguished as the most important one. Frequently it is used by the public health professionals for health level characterization and for the evaluation of programmes. There are, however, several error factors that affect its value, among which are the live birth definition and its true use; underregistration of deaths and births; the death register by place of occurrence; live birth definition in the year, and the wrong age information. There are also qualitative errors due to wrong information as regards the causes of death. Several of these factors were discussed for S. Paulo.

  18. Raciocínio científico e probabilidade: uma comparação entre o bayesianismo e a estatística do erro

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    Agnaldo Cuoco Portugal


    Full Text Available   O artigo apresenta os principais elementos de dois enfoques alternativos para o uso do cálculo de probabilidades na análise do raciocínio científico: o bayesianismo e a estatística do erro. O debate entre essas correntes é um dos mais relevantes da filosofia da ciência contemporânea e constitui uma continuação do conhecido debate entre Popper e Kuhn. São apresentadas explicações do bayesianismo que outros enfoques têm dificuldade em justificar, especialmente o paradoxo dos corvos. Não obstante seus pontos positivos, o enfoque bayesiano não está imune a críticas, como a de que não soluciona adequadamente o problema de Duhem. A estatística do erro, em particular, propõe a aplicação de métodos estatísticos e do cálculo de probabilidades para explicar o raciocínio científico de forma radicalmente distinta do bayesianismo. Com isso, o debate iniciado por Popper e Kuhn tem uma continuação em termos probabilísticos e está longe de concluído.

  19. La celda Avesta: Un método para evitar problemas de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos electroquímicos de corrosión por picaduras

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    Fosca, C.


    Full Text Available A very common problem, that occurs during the electrochemical pitting corrosion tests of CRAs (corrosion resistant alloys as stainless steels, is the simultaneous occurrence of crevice corrosion that difficults the evaluation of the electrochemical behaviour in presence of pitting corrosion mechanism only. Crevice corrosion appears as a consequence of the formation of crevices during the mountage of the specimen in the electrochemical cell. Several forms have been developed to avoid the presence of crevice during the electrochemical pitting corrosion test, but without satisfactory results. In the present study a relatively new and innovative method to eliminate the risk of crevice corrosion in the electrochemical tests is evaluated the Avesta cell. Anodic polarization electrochemical tests were carried out in a high alloy stainless steel in 3 % NaCl solution. The experimental results obtained using the Avesta cell were more reliable, reproducible and representative of the electrochemical behaviour of the material that those obtained using other methods of samples preparation to avoid the crevice formation.

    Uno de los grandes problemas que suelen presentarse en los ensayos electroquímicos ideados para evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión por picaduras de materiales como los aceros inoxidables es la presencia simultánea de corrosión por resquicios, que suele dificultar e impedir muchas veces la interpretación de los resultados electroquímicos. Este mecanismo de corrosión localizada se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de resquicios en el ensamble de la muestra con la celda electroquímica de ensayo. Se han ideado numerosas formas de evitar este inconveniente, pero ninguna ha resultado completamente satisfactoria. En el presente estudio se evalúa uno de los más nuevos e ingeniosos procedimientos para eliminar el riesgo de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos de corrosión por picaduras: la celda Avesta. Se efectuaron

  20. Avaliação e intervenção da disortografia baseada na semiologia dos erros: revisão da literatura Evaluation and intervention of dysortographia based on error semiology: literature review

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    Amparo Ygual Fernández


    Full Text Available TEMA: avaliação e intervenção na disortografia. OBJETIVO: descrever e discutir os achados encontrados na literatura sobre a disortografia segundo a sua definição, etiologia, classificação da semiologia dos erros, quadro clínico, avaliação e intervenção. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação e a intervenção fonoaudiológica com a disortografia devem estar baseadas na classificação semiológica dos erros, pois desta forma, pode-se compreender cada tipo de erro e os fatores cognitivos ou linguísticos implicados. Isso se associa às orientações aos pais e professores de como enfocar o trabalho com a ortografia, seja em casa ou na escola sem gerar angústia e ansiedade na criança.BACKGROUND: evaluation and intervention in dysortographia. PURPOSE: to describe and discuss findings from researches concerning dysortographia according to its definition, etiology, errors semiology classification, clinical findings, evaluation, and intervention. CONCLUSION: speech language evaluation and intervention should be based on error semiology classification because in this way it is possible to understand each type of error and the linguistic and cognitive factors related to them. This is associated with the orientations to parents and teachers on how to work with orthography at home or at the classroom without causing distress and anxiety to the children.


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    Alexandre da Costa Pereira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo fundamental a discussão sobre a aplicação de características geomorfológicas e pedológicas de solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte relacionadas com comportamentos geotécnicos de interesse particular ao setor da Construção Civil. A metodologia empregada se baseia nos estudos de fatores pedológicos condicionantes de propriedades dos solos importantes para o projeto e construção de obras de engenharia civil, sendo realizada a análise dos distintos tipos pedológicos de solos e de mapas da geomorfologia e pedologia do Estado. Conclue-se que as informações baseadas nos estudos de características pedológicas dos solos podem ser úteis para a análise de macro-zonas com riscos potenciais de erosão, permeabilidade, colapsividade e expansividade de solos. Com o estudo feito, foram elaborados alguns mapas que podem ajudar no planejamento adequado do uso dos solos a fim de se evitar eventuais problemas geotécnicos. Palavras-chave: Construção Civil, Solos, Geomorfologia e Pedologia.

  2. Erros de refração como causas de baixa visual em crianças da rede de escolas públicas da regional de Botucatu - SP Refractive errors as causes of visual impairment in children from public schools of the Botucatu region - SP

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    Claudia Akemi Shiratori de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a ocorrência dos erros refracionais em escolares de nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal avaliando crianças da pré-escola e do ensino básico, quanto ao sexo, tipo de erro refracional, acuidade visual e tratamento realizado. RESULTADOS: Quatro mil seiscentos e vinte e três crianças foram submetidas a exame de acuidade visual, das quais 8,1% apresentaram necessidade de exame oftalmológico completo. Houve 63,2% de portadores de astigmatismo hipermetrópico, 15,7% de astigmatismo miópico, 12,5% de astigmatismo misto, 4,9% de hipermetropia e 3,7% de miopia. Foi indicada a prescrição de lentes corretoras para 48,7% da amostra estudada. A frequência de erros refracionais na população foi de 3,9%. CONCLUSÃO: O astigmatismo hipermetrópico foi o erro de refracional mais frequente, havendo necessidade de tratamento em cerca de 50% das crianças triadas com frequência de 3,9% de erro refracional passível de correção na população de estudo.PURPOSE: To evaluate the refractive errors as cause of visual impairment in school children from the Botucatu region. METHODS: A sectional study was conducted evaluating preschool and elementary school students, according to gender, refractive error, visual acuity and treatment. RESULTS: Four thousand six hundred and twenty-three (4,623 children were submitted to visual acuity evaluation and 8.1% of them were submitted to complete ocular examination. There were 63.2% hyperopic astigmatism, 15.7% myopic astigmatism, 12.5% astigmatism, 4.9% hyperopia and 3.7% myopia. Corrective lenses were prescribed for 48.7% of the evaluated children. CONCLUSION: The most frequent refractive error was hyperopic astigmatism and 50% of the children received treatment. The frequency of refractive errors was 3.9% of the studied population.

  3. Parâmetros de fluência e tipos de erros na leitura de escolares com indicação de dificuldades para ler e escrever Fluency parameters and types of errors in the reading of students with signs of reading and writing difficulties

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    Cinthya Eiko Kawano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o desempenho de escolares com indicação de dificuldades de leitura e escrita, segundo o ano escolar, categorias de erros, parâmetros de fluência leitora e as correlações entre essas variáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 60 crianças (48% meninas, do 3º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental da rede pública. Trinta (dez de cada ano que apresentavam indícios de dificuldades relacionadas ao aprendizado ou desempenho de leitura e escrita, compuseram o Grupo Pesquisa. Trinta, pareadas por idade e ano escolar, indicadas pelos professores como boas leitoras, compuseram o Grupo Controle. Todas leram, oralmente, duas listas de itens isolados (38 palavras e 29 pseudopalavras e um texto. As leituras foram gravadas, transcritas e os parâmetros e erros, analisados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos, com pior desempenho do Grupo Pesquisa em todas as variáveis estudadas. Os tipos de erros de leitura: desrespeito à regra de correspondência independente do contexto, omissões e adições, desrespeito à acentuação, erros complexos e recusas foram mais frequentes nesse grupo. As taxas e valores de fluência mostraram-se mais baixos nos escolares com queixas em relação aos bons leitores. Correlações negativas foram identificadas entre as variáveis de fluência de leitura e os diferentes erros, com diferentes valores para cada grupo e mostraram nessa amostra de escolares, que o número total de erros diminuiu com a progressão da escolaridade. CONCLUSÃO: Os escolares com indicação de dificuldades de leitura e de escrita apresentaram piores desempenhos de fluência na leitura, e maior número de erros em todos os anos escolares estudados. As correlações encontradas evidenciaram a influência do tipo de erro sobre a fluência da leitura, segundo diferentes padrões para cada grupo.PURPOSE: To characterize the performance of students with signs of reading and writing difficulties, according to the

  4. Patologia em paredes de alvenaria de tijolo


    Martins, João Abel Vinagre Correia


    O presente trabalho procurou abordar a patologia mais comum de que “padecem”, mais tarde ou mais cedo, as paredes de alvenaria do tijolo. A construção em alvenaria de tijolo, além de tradicional, e ainda muito usada no nosso país, pelo que, neste trabalho se visa quer as novas construções – de forma a evitar erros de concepção, projecto e de execução, e a minimizar o aparecimento precoce de patologias – quer a recuperação de edificações mais antigas, sobretudo aquelas que se localizam nas ...

  5. Flexibility elements in contracts of logistic outsourcing: the case of a telecommunications company


    Bandeira, Renata Albergaria de Mello; Mello, Luiz Carlos Brasil de Brito; Maçada, Antonio Carlos Gastaud


    O artigo analisa, através da técnica de estudo de caso, a terceirização logística em uma empresa de telecomunicações. Inicialmente, são discutidos os cuidados e a importância do contrato de terceirização, segundo abordagem da economia dos custos de transação. Analisam-se as possíveis causas das falhas na contratação, e sugerem-se providências para evitar repetições em implementações semelhantes. A experiência adquirida indica que um erro primordial, na opinião dos autores, refere-se à falta d...

  6. Influência da resolução e da distância da câmera nas medidas feitas pelo software de avaliação postural (sapo

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    Yomara Lima Mota


    Full Text Available O erro na medida de um sistema de avaliação da postura está relacionado com a digitalização, a resolução da câmera, a distância da câmera em relação ao voluntário estudado, entre outros. Estes erros somam-se no procedimento metodológico e muitos deles não são possíveis evitar, porém devem ser conhecidos e quantificados. OBJETIVO: Quantificar o erro na medida realizada pelo SAPO (Software para avaliação postural em diferentes situações experimentais. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 16 fotos de um manequim de 1,40m articulado nos planos anterior, posterior, lateral direita e lateral esquerda com câmeras de 3,2 e 12,0 megapixels, posicionadas a 3,0m e a 5,0m de distância do manequim. Para a quantificação do erro, foram calculadas as diferenças das medidas obtidas por meio do SAPO com as medidas feitas diretamente no manequim. Apenas um avaliador realizou o registro das imagens, porém a digitalização no software dos pontos demarcados no manequim foi realizada por três digitalizadores, sendo dois inexperientes e um experiente. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios das medidas horizontais, verticais, angulares e de distância são próximos de zero, embora algumas variáveis angulares apresentem valores maiores, como nas medidas de ângulo Q direito e esquerdo. A câmera com resolução de 3,2 megapixels posicionada a 3m apresentou o menor erro. CONCLUSÃO: O SAPO é um método acurado para uso clínico; são necessários estudos para verificar a influência do plano de posicionamento do voluntário em relação à câmera, o efeito do reposicionamento e da palpação nas medidas oferecidas pelo software.

  7. Tipos de erros de fala em crianças com transtorno fonológico em função do histórico de otite média Speech errors in children with speech sound disorders according to otitis media history

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    Haydée Fiszbein Wertzner


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os índices articulatórios quanto aos diferentes tipos de erros e verificar a existência de um tipo de erro preferencial em crianças com transtorno fonológico, em função da presença ou não de histórico de otite média. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo prospectivo e transversal, 21 sujeitos com idade entre 5 anos e 2 meses e 7 anos e 9 meses com diagnóstico de transtorno fonológico. Os sujeitos foram agrupados de acordo com a presença do histórico otite média. O grupo experimental 1 (GE1 foi composto por 14 sujeitos com histórico de otite média e o grupo experimental 2 (GE2 por sete sujeitos que não apresentaram histórico de otite média. Foram calculadas a quantidade de erros de fala (distorções, omissões e substituições e os índices articulatórios. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Os grupos GE1 e GE2 diferiram quanto ao desempenho nos índices na comparação entre as duas provas de fonologia aplicadas. Observou-se em todas as análises que os índices que avaliam as substituições indicaram o tipo de erro mais cometido pelas crianças com transtorno fonológico. CONCLUSÃO: Os índices foram efetivos na indicação da substituição como o erro mais ocorrente em crianças com TF. A maior ocorrência de erros de fala observada na nomeação de figuras em crianças com histórico de otite média indica que tais erros, possivelmente, estão associados à dificuldade na representação fonológica causada pela perda auditiva transitória que vivenciaram.PURPOSE: To describe articulatory indexes for the different speech errors and to verify the existence of a preferred type of error in children with speech sound disorder, according to the presence or absence of otitis media history. METHODS: Participants in this prospective and cross-sectional study were 21 subjects aged between 5 years and 2 months and 7 years and 9 months with speech sound disorder. Subjects were

  8. Avaliação de escrita na dislexia do desenvolvimento: tipos de erros ortográficos em prova de nomeação de figuras por escrita Assessment of writing in developmental dyslexia: types of orthographic errors in the written version of a picture naming test

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    Maria José Cicero Oger Affonso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o padrão de resposta de disléxicos em uma tarefa de nomeação de figuras por escrita, por meio da análise dos tipos de erros ortográficos cometidos. MÉTODOS: o desempenho de um grupo de 15 disléxicos foi comparado ao de dois grupos controles, pareados por idade e por nível de leitura. RESULTADOS: os grupos dislexia e controle por leitura não diferiram quanto ao número de acertos, mas ambos acertaram menos que o grupo controle por idade. Com relação aos tipos de erros, foram observadas diferenças significantes com maior número de erros entre disléxicos para erros de correspondência unívoca grafema-fonema, omissão de segmentos e correspondência fonema-grafema independente de regras. CONCLUSÃO: conclui-se que a análise dos erros ortográficos é útil para a compreensão das estratégias utilizadas e dos processos lingüísticos subjacentes às dificuldades de escrita em indivíduos com dislexia.PURPOSE: to evaluate the response pattern of dyslexic subjects in the written version of a picture naming task, by analyzing the types of orthographic errors committed. METHODS: the performance of a group of 15 dyslexics was compared to two control groups matched by age and by reading level. RESULTS: the dyslexic and the reading control groups did not differ on the number of submitted errors, but both committed more errors than the age control group. Regarding the types of orthographic errors submitted, the most frequent errors within the dyslexic individuals were: errors of univocal grapheme-phoneme correspondence, omission of segments and phoneme-grapheme correspondence regardless of any rule. CONCLUSION: it is concluded that analyzing orthographic errors is useful for understanding the used strategies and the linguistic processes underlying the writing difficulties in dyslexic subjects.

  9. Revelação da ocorrência de erro de medicação em unidade de cuidados intensivos pediátricos Disclosure of medication error in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    Aline Santa Cruz Belela


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a ocorrência de comunicação do erro de medicação à equipe e família em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos pediátricos para atendimento de pacientes oncológicos. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, realizado no período de 1º de março a 31 de maio de 2008. Foi elaborada e implantada na unidade de cuidados intensivos pediátricos uma ficha de notificação de erros de medicação. A ficha deveria ser preenchida pelos profissionais envolvidos no sistema de medicação da unidade no período definido para coleta de dados. . RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 71 fichas coletadas no período de estudo. Após a detecção do erro de medicação, a ocorrência não foi comunicada à equipe em 34 (47,9% situações. Nos 37 casos nos quais os eventos foram comunicados, o médico (48,7% foi aquele que mais recebeu a informação. Em 95,8% dos relatos a ocorrência não foi informada ao paciente e família. CONCLUSÃO: Embora a literatura atual preconize a revelação do erro, tal prática não constitui atividade freqüente na unidade de cuidados intensivos pediátricos estudada.OBJECTIVE: To describe the frequency medication error disclosure to the team and to the family in an oncology pediatric patients' intensive care unit. METHODS: This was a descriptive and exploratory study performed between March 1 and May 31, 2008. A medication error report form was developed and implemented, to be completed by the professionals involved in the unit's medication process. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 71 forms collected over the 92 collection days. After medication error detection, the event was not reported to the pediatric intensive care unit's team in 34 (47.9% cases. In the 37 reported to the team cases, for most of them (48.7% the physician was the professional communicated. The event was not disclosed to the patient/family in 95.8% of medication error reports. CONCLUSIONS: Although the literature recommends

  10. Errors in medicine administration - profile of medicines: knowing and preventing Perfil de medicamentos envueltos en errores de administración: conocer para prevenir Perfil de medicamentos envolvidos com erros de administração: conhecer para prevenir

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    Adriano Max Moreira Reis


    ,2% medicamentos de bajo índice terapéutico. CONCLUSIÓN: El conocimiento del perfil farmacológico puede ser una importante estrategia para prevenir los errores de medicación en las instituciones de salud.OBJETIVOS: Descrever as características farmacológicas dos medicamentos envolvidos em erros de administração e determinar a frequência desses erros com medicamentos potencialmente perigosos e de baixo índice terapêutico em unidades de clínica médica de cinco hospitais de ensino brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo multicêntrico, descritivo/exploratório utilizando a técnica de observação não participante durante a administração de 4958 doses de medicamentos e a classificação anatômica terapêutica química (ATC. RESULTADOS: Dentre esse total, foram identificados 1500 erros de administração de medicamentos (30,3%. A administração dos fármacos dos grupos ATC - sistema cardiovascular, sistema nervoso, trato alimentar e metabolismo e antinfecciosos de uso sistêmico apresentou maior frequência de erros. Em 13,0% dos erros estavam envolvidos medicamentos potencialmente perigosos e em 12,2% medicamentos de baixo índice terapêutico. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento do perfil farmacológico pode ser uma importante estratégia a ser utilizada na prevenção de erros de medicação em instituições de saúde.


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    Paulo Renato Schneider


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, foi estudada a forma de tronco do Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, com base em 261 árvores cubadas, cobrindo diâmetros entre 8,0 cm e 74,0 cm ao nível do dap (diâmetro à altura do peito originadas de florestas de propriedade da Aracruz Celulose S. A., localizadas em hortos florestais da Depressão Central e do Escudo Sul-Riograndense, no Rio Grande do Sul, para a determinação de volume e formação de sortimentos de madeira em duas classes: serraria, compreendendo toras com diâmetro na ponta fina superior a 25,0 cm com casca e com comprimentos de 5,60 metros, 4,20 metros e 2,80 metros, priorizando a formação de sortimentos com o maior comprimento; indústria, para troncos ou porções destes com diâmetros entre 8,0 cm e 25,0 cm com casca. O polinômio do quinto grau, tendo como variável dependente os diâmetros relativos (di/d e independente as alturas relativas (hi/h, foi selecionado para descrever a forma, com estratificação dos dados em três classes de diâmetro à altura do peito: diâmetro até 20,0 cm; entre 20,0 cm e 30,0 cm e maiores que 30,0 cm, com coeficientes de determinação superiores a 0,97 e erro padrão da estimativa inferior a 6,2 %, permitindo estimar o volume absoluto e relativo dos sortimentos por integração da função de forma. O ajuste do modelo para o conjunto de árvores cobrindo toda a amplitude de diâmetros gerou um coeficiente de determinação igual à 0,98 e erro padrão da estimativa igual a 6,54 % permitindo também selecionar o modelo para ajuste da forma e obtenção dos sortimentos.

  12. Erros na administração de medicamentos: divulgação de conhecimentos e identificação do paciente como aspectos relevantes Erros in the administration of medications: the scientific knowledge and the identification of the patient as an important aspects

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    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    Full Text Available A administração de medicamentos é um processo multidisciplinar e um multi-sistema. Erros podem ocorrer em todas as etapas desse processo. Estratégias podem ser utilizadas e devem ser divulgadas para minimizar a ocorrência de erros. Este estudo foi planejado tendo os seguintes objetivos: identificar e analisar em periódicos das áreas de enfermagem, farmácia e hospitalar, publicações com temas ligados a administração de medicamentos e verificar a identificação no leito e no antebraço de pacientes internados em uma instituição hospitalar . Para alcançar o primeiro objetivo realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática em estudo, em três periódicos de maior circulação nacional das áreas descritas, no período de 1987 a 1997. Os artigos identificados foram agrupados em 5 tipos: assistência de enfermagem, ensino, medicamentos, pesquisa e técnica. Identificou-se 19 artigos sobre a temática estudada, sendo 42,1% destes voltados para os aspectos técnicos da administração de medicamentos. Para atingir o segundo objetivo realizou-se uma investigação de um dia, escolhido casualmente, verificando-se os 360 leitos da instituição quanto a identificação nos mesmos e nos pacientes. Destes, 74,7% estavam ocupados e 75,8% devidamente identificados. Observou-se que 23,8% dos pacientes possuíam pulseira de identificação colocada, na maioria dos pacientes, no dia anterior à cirurgia e não no momento da internação. Os resultados evidenciaram a pouca importância tanto do estudo desta temática, quanto na identificação do paciente e do leito por parte da instituição. Há pois necessidade de aumentar a divulgação de estudos e incrementar ações que minimizema ocorrência de erros na medicação.The administration of medications is a multi-system process. Errors can happen in all the stages of that process. Strategies can be used and it should be published to minimize the occurrence of errors. This study had the

  13. Grandes remolques

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available El empleo creciente del material pesado auxiliar en la construcción de obras de ingeniería civil ha motivado la fabricación de grandes plataformas, capaces de transportar toda clase de maquinaria auxiliar. En general, este tipo de maquinaria requiere medios de transporte, pues su circulación por carreteras es lenta, obstructiva y cara, siempre que se trate de grandes distancias, caso presente en la mayoría de ocasiones en que se exige un traslado de esta maquinaria de una a otra obra.

  14. Funções de forma para Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden implantados na depressão central e encosta do sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul Taper of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden established in the central depression and southeast slope of the state of Rio Grande do Sul

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    César Augusto Guimarães Finger


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a forma do tronco do Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden, para estimativas de sortimentos. Os dados foram obtidos pela cubagem de árvores amostras com idades entre 6 e 7 anos, pelo método de Smalian, em quatro hortos florestais localizados na Depressão Central e Encosta do Sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Os valores de diâmetro e altura observados ao longo dos troncos foram ajustados, com o emprego do procedimento Forward de regressão, a modelos matemáticos para descrever a forma das árvores, tendo a seleção dos modelos sido realizada através do coeficiente de determinação (R², do erro padrão da estimativa em percentagem (Syx%, bem como pela análise de resíduos. As melhores estimativas foram obtidas com o modelo: di/d = b0 + b1 (h i/h + b2h i/h² + b3(h i/h³, o qual apresentou R² de 0,9577 e Syx de 8,14 %.The present work had for objective study taper of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden, forassortment estimations. Data was collected in 4 properties of company Riocell S.A distributed along several municipalities of the Central Depression and Southeast Slope of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The trees sampled were 6 to 7 years old, and were cubated by the Smaliam Method. The data was adjusted to a mathematic model to desenhe the trees taper, using the forward regression procedure. In the selection of the mathematic model the statistics coefficient of determination (R², standard error in percentage (Syx % as well as the residue analysis of the models were considered. The best estimation was obtained with the model: d i/ d = b0 + b1(h i/h + b2(h i/h² + b3(h i/h³, with R² = 0.9577 and Syx = 8.14 %.

  15. La importancia de ser grande


    Baisre, J. A.


    Se responde a las preguntas ¿por qué los mamíferos marinos son los animales más grandes del planeta?, ¿Por qué los peces no pueden ser más grandes?. Éstas y otras interrogantes son respondidas de forma sencilla y clara.

  16. Grand unified theories. Pt. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, J.


    The author gives an introduction to the construction of grand unified theories on the base of the SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) model of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. Especially he discusses the proton decay, neutrino masses and oscillations, and cosmological implications in connection with grand unified theories. (orig./HSI)

  17. Método para classificação de tipos de erros humanos: estudo de caso em acidentes em canteiros de obras An algorithm for classifying error types of front-line workers: a case study in accidents in construction sites

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    Tarcisio Abreu Saurin


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal desenvolver melhorias em um método de classificação de tipos de erros humanos de operadores de linha de frente. Tais melhorias foram desenvolvidas com base no teste do método em canteiros de obras, um ambiente no qual ele ainda não havia sido aplicado. Assim, foram investigados 19 acidentes de trabalho ocorridos em uma construtora de pequeno porte, sendo classificados os tipos de erros dos trabalhadores lesionados e de colegas de equipe que se encontravam no cenário do acidente. Os resultados indicaram que não houve nenhum erro em 70,5% das 34 vezes em que o método foi aplicado, evidenciando que as causas dos acidentes estavam fortemente associadas a fatores organizacionais. O estudo apresenta ainda recomendações para a interpretação das perguntas que constituem o método, bem como modificações em algumas dessas perguntas em comparação às versões anteriores.The objective of this study is to propose improvements in the algorithm for classifying error types of front-line workers. The improvements have been identified on the basis of testing the algorithm in construction sites, an environment where it had not been implemented it. To this end, 19 occupational accidents which occurred in a small construction company were investigated, and the error types of both injured workers and team members were classified. The results indicated that there was no error in 70.5% of the 34 times the algorithm was applied, providing evidence that the causes were strongly linked to organizational factors. Moreover, the study presents not only recommendations to facilitate the interpretation of the questions that constitute the algorithm, but also changes in some questions in comparison to the previous versions of the tool.

  18. Albuquerque/Middle Rio Grande Urban Waters Viewer (United States)

    These data have been compiled in support of the Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque Urban Waters Partnership for the region including Albuquerque, New Mexico.The Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque Urban Waters Federal Partnership is co-chaired by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. There are also a number of other federal agencies engaged in projects with Tribal, State, and local officials, and community stakeholders. Like many western river ecosystems, the Middle Rio Grande faces numerous challenges in balancing competing needs within a finite water supply and other resource constrains. Historical practices by our ancestors and immigrants to the Middle Rio Grande have established the conditions that we have inherited. Long-term drought exacerbated by climate change is changing conditions that affect natural and human communities as we strive to improve our precious Rio Grande.The Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque Urban Waters Federal Partnership will reconnect our urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, with the waterway by improving coordination among federal agencies and collaborating with community-led revitalization efforts. Our projects will improve our community water systems and promote their economic, environmental and social benefits. Specifically, the Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque Urban Waters Federal Partnership will support the development of the Valle de Oro

  19. Erros na medicação e conseqüências para profissionais de enfermagem e clientes: um estudo exploratório Errores en la medicación y consecuencias para los profesionales de enfermería y pacientes: un estudio exploratorio Medication errors and consequences for nursing professionals and clients: an exploratory study

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    Viviane Tosta de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as conseqüências de erros ocorridos para os pacientes e profissionais de enfermagem com base em relatos de erros. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital do estado de São Paulo, em 1999. Adotou-se como referencial metodológico a Técnica do Incidente Crítico modificado. Os dados foram extraídos das entrevistas realizadas com 7 enfermeiros, 1 técnico e 23 auxiliares de enfermagem. Na análise foram identificadas conseqüências do erro para o paciente e para o profissional de enfermagem. Conclui-se a necessidade de se notificarem os erros na medicação para que se verifiquem suas causas, índices e conseqüências por parte das instituições hospitalares, uma vez que as taxas de erros na medicação representam matéria - prima para inúmeras investigações e constituem-se em indicadores para a melhoria do sistema hospitalar e da qualidade de assistência.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las consecuencias del los errores ocurridos con base en los relatos de los profesionales de enfermería de un hospital en el interior de Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Fueron entrevistados 7 enfermeros, 1 técnico de enfermería y 23 auxiliares de enfermería. El referencial metodológico adoptado fue la técnica del incidente crítico modificada. Del análisis de relatos se identificaron las consecuencias que fueron divididas en: consecuencias para el paciente y para el profesional de enfermería.This study, which was conducted in a hospital in São Paulo State, Brazil in 1999, aimed at analyzing the consequences of medication errors for patients and nursing professionals based on error reports. The Critical Incident Technique with modifications was adopted as a theoretical frameworkl. Data were collected through interviews with 7 nurses, 4 nursing technicians and 23 nursing auxiliaries. The analysis enabled the identification of consequences for patients and for the nursing professionals involved. It was

  20. Flocculent and grand design spiral galaxies in groups: time scales for the persistence of grand design spiral structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmegreen, B.G.; Elmegreen, D.M.


    Spiral arm classifications were made for 261 low-inclination galaxies in groups listed by Huchra and Geller. The fractional occurrence of grand design spiral structure in nonbarred galaxies was found to increase from approx.0.1 to approx.0.6 and then level off as the group crossing rate or galaxy collision rate in a group increases. A simple model is discussed where the random encounters between galaxies of any type and flocculent galaxies induce transient grand design spirals in the flocculent galaxies. If this grand-design stimulation occurs for binary collisions with impact parameters less than αR 25 , were R 25 is the galactic radius at 25 mag arcsec - 2 , and if the induced grand design spirals persist for an average time equal to #betta# galactic rotations, then the quantity α 2 #betta# equals approximately 3 x 10 4 . If binary collisions are responsible for grand design spirals, then this result implies either that the induced spirals last for many galactic rotations (#betta#>15), or that they can be stimulated by very remote encounters (α>45.) Alternatively, grand design spirals may be stimulated by multiple galaxy encounters, which would be the case for such large α, or by interactions with the potential well of the associated group, rather than by simple binary encounters. Weak correlations between the grand design fraction and the galaxy size, or between this fraction and the total number of galaxies in a group, were also found. Spiral structures of barred galaxies show no correlations with group environment

  1. Grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langacker, P.


    In this talk I discuss the present status of these theories and of their observational and experimental implications. In section II, I briefly review the standard SU 3 sup(c) x SU 2 x U 1 model of the strong and electroweak interactions. Although phenomenologically successful, the standard model leaves many questions unanswered. Some of these questions are addressed by grand unified theories, which are defined and discussed in Section III. The Georgi-Glashow SU 5 model is described, as are theories based on larger groups such as SO 10 , E 6 , or SO 16 . It is emphasized that there are many possible grand unified theories and that it is an experimental problem not only to test the basic ideas but to discriminate between models. (orig./HSI)

  2. 2010 Panel on the Biomaterials Grand Challenges (United States)

    Reichert, William “Monty”; Ratner, Buddy D.; Anderson, James; Coury, Art; Hoffman, Allan S.; Laurencin, Cato T.; Tirrell, David


    In 2009, the National Academy for Engineering issued the Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century comprised of 14 technical challenges that must be addressed to build a healthy, profitable, sustainable, and secure global community ( Although crucial, none of the NEA Grand Challenges adequately addressed the challenges that face the biomaterials community. In response to the NAE Grand Challenges, Monty Reichert of Duke University organized a panel entitled Grand Challenges in Biomaterials at the at the 2010 Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Seattle. Six members of the National Academies—Buddy Ratner, James Anderson, Allan Hoffman, Art Coury, Cato Laurencin, and David Tirrell—were asked to propose a grand challenge to the audience that, if met, would significantly impact the future of biomaterials and medical devices. Successfully meeting these challenges will speed the 60-plus year transition from commodity, off-the-shelf biomaterials to bioengineered chemistries, and biomaterial devices that will significantly advance our ability to address patient needs and also to create new market opportunities. PMID:21171147

  3. Importância do diagnóstico e tratamento da fenilcetonúria

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    Nádia VM de Mira


    Full Text Available A fenilcetonúria (PKU é o mais comum dos erros congênitos do metabolismo de aminoácidos. Resulta da deficiência da fenilalanina hidroxilase, enzima que catalisa a conversão de fenilalanina em tirosina. A introdução de uma dieta com baixo teor de fenilalanina deve ter início nos primeiros meses de vida, de preferência no primeiro mês, para evitar o retardo mental, manifestação clínica mais severa da doença. Foi elaborada revisão sobre essa temática, que aborda desde a PKU clássica até a hiperfenilalaninemia branda, incluindo relato sobre a PKU maternal e os efeitos da exposição do útero a altos níveis de fenilalanina sobre o feto.

  4. Importância do diagnóstico e tratamento da fenilcetonúria

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    Mira Nádia VM de


    Full Text Available A fenilcetonúria (PKU é o mais comum dos erros congênitos do metabolismo de aminoácidos. Resulta da deficiência da fenilalanina hidroxilase, enzima que catalisa a conversão de fenilalanina em tirosina. A introdução de uma dieta com baixo teor de fenilalanina deve ter início nos primeiros meses de vida, de preferência no primeiro mês, para evitar o retardo mental, manifestação clínica mais severa da doença. Foi elaborada revisão sobre essa temática, que aborda desde a PKU clássica até a hiperfenilalaninemia branda, incluindo relato sobre a PKU maternal e os efeitos da exposição do útero a altos níveis de fenilalanina sobre o feto.

  5. Como evitar a formação de substâncias tóxicas durante a absorção de dióxido de carbono pela cal sodada com uso de anestésicos halogenados Como evitar la formación de substancias tóxicas durante la absorción de dióxido de carbono por la cal sodada con uso de anestésicos halogenados Preventing toxic substances production during carbon dioxide absorption by soda lime with halogenate anesthetics

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    Renato Ângelo Saraiva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cal sodada desde o início do seu uso sempre apresentou algumas complicações que resultaram em dificuldade na sua aplicabilidade. No entanto, devido as grandes vantagens que oferecia em relação a redução do fluxo de gases frescos, despoluição da sala de cirurgia e umidificação do sistema de inalação e via aérea, fizeram com que continuassem as pesquisas para que pudesse ser melhorada e corrigida de forma que a continuidade da sua utilização fosse assegurada. Atualmente existe o problema da desidratação com elevação da temperatura e da degradação metabólica dos anestésicos halogenados que necessitam de cuidados especiais para evitar a formação de produtos tóxicos. CONTEÚDO: Existe uma reação em cadeia a partir da cal sodada desidratada ou ressecada com baixos volumes percentuais de água. Há aumento da temperatura, maior absorção de anestésico halogenado para o interior do granulo de cal em seguida maior degradação metabólica das moléculas destes agentes e conseqüentemente a produção de substâncias tóxicas como o Composto A pela reação dos hidróxidos com o sevoflurano. Há também formação de monóxido de carbono produzido da mesma forma pela reação entre os halogenados e as bases fortes da cal. O composto A é nefrotóxico e o monóxido de carbono leva a hipóxia e alterações graves da coagulação do sangue. Além dos cuidados para a hidratação da cal sodada é possível usá-la sem conter as bases fortes como os hidróxidos de potássio e de sódio, contendo apenas hidróxido de cálcio para evitar excessivo aumento da temperatura e grande degradação metabólica dos halogenados sem prejudicar a absorção do dióxido de carbono. CONCLUSÕES: Deve-se ter o cuidado em usar a cal sodada mais recente possível e quando ela fica exposta ao meio ambiente (ar seco por muitas horas como por exemplo em um final de semana (mais de 48 horas é recomendável colocar

  6. Os acordos para evitar a dupla tributação assinados pelo Brasil e as negociações com os Estados Unidos : históricos e desafios


    Carvalho, Marcela Santos de


    O presente trabalho é o resultado de um estudo minucioso sobre os Acordos para Evitar a Dupla Tributação Internacional (ADTs) celebrados pelo Brasil e a relação desses Acordos com a atração de investimentos ao País. Para um melhor entendimento do tema da dupla tributação internacional e dos aspectos técnicos que o norteiam, fez-se necessário estudar os diferentes modelos internacionalmente aceitos de Acordo, como o Modelo da Liga das Nações (1928), o Modelo da Organização das Naçõ...

  7. Grand Mal Seizure (United States)

    ... grand mal seizures include: A family history of seizure disorders Any injury to the brain from trauma, a ... the risk of birth defects. If you have epilepsy and plan to become pregnant, work with your ...

  8. Grand-Bassam

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    l'estuaire du fleuve Comoé (Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire). Kouassi Laurent ADOPO1*, Apie Colette AKOBE1, Etche Mireille AMANI2,. Sylvain MONDE3 et Kouamé AKA3. (1)Laboratoire de Géologie Marine, Sédimentologie et Environnement, Centre de Recherche en Ecologie,. Université Felix Houphouet Boigny Abidjan, ...

  9. A Grande Reportagem no contexto informativo SIC


    Colaço, Vanessa Alexandra Francisco


    Os telespectadores querem ver grandes reportagens? Como evoluíram as audiências da Grande Reportagem SIC? É este o produto premium da estação? Terá este formato um investimento e continuidade garantidas? Estas são algumas das questões formuladas e às quais se procurou dar resposta neste Relatório de Estágio. Neste trabalho traça-se o perfil do programa Grande Reportagem SIC, clarificando a linha editorial que lhe serviu de base, procurando perceber as suas dinâmicas e passando em revista mome...

  10. Supersymmetry and supergravity: Phenomenology and grand unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnowitt, R.; Nath, P.


    A survey is given of supersymmetry and supergravity and their phenomenology. Some of the topics discussed are the basic ideas of global supersymmetry, the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and its phenomenology, the basic ideas of local supersymmetry (supergravity), grand unification, supersymmetry breaking in supergravity grand unified models, radiative breaking of SU(2) x U(1), proton decay, cosmological constraints, and predictions of supergravity grand unified models. While the number of detailed derivations are necessarily limited, a sufficient number of results are given so that a reader can get a working knowledge of this field

  11. Probabilidade do erro do tipo I nas cartas X e S de Shewhart sob não normalidade Probability of type I error in X and S Shewhart Control Charts under non-normality

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    André Luis Korzenowski


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é verificar o comportamento das cartas de média e desvio padrão de Shewhart em relação à probabilidade do erro do tipo I quando da violação da suposição de normalidade. Foi realizada a simulação de uma série de 500.000 amostras (subgrupos de tamanho n = 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 e 25. As amostras foram simuladas a partir das distribuições normal, t de Student, exponencial, qui-quadrado, gamma e Weibull. Verificou-se em dados não normais o aumento na probabilidade de erro do tipo I na carta de médias em todas as distribuições simuladas. O mínimo tamanho da amostra necessário está relacionado ao grau de assimetria da distribuição dos dados, sendo que, em alguns casos, nem mesmo n = 25 apresentou resultados satisfatórios. No gráfico S, o aumento da probabilidade de erro do tipo I é significativamente superior em quase todas as distribuições simuladas e seu comportamento é influenciado não só pelo tipo de distribuição, mas também pelo tamanho da amostra.The purpose of this article was to examine the performance of Shewhart average and standard deviation control charts in relation to the probability of type I error at the occurrence of normality assumption violation. A simulation of a series of 500,000 samples (subgroups of sizes n=3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 25 was performed. The samples were simulated from the following distributions: Normal, Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, Chi-square, Gamma and Weibull. It was possible to find that, in non-normal data, there was an increase in the probability of type I error on the average chart of all simulated distributions. The minimum sample size required is related to the degree of asymmetry of the data distribution and, in some cases, not even n=25 presented satisfactory results. In the S chart, the increased probability of type I error is significantly higher for almost all distributions simulated and its performance is influenced not only by the type of

  12. Notificação espontânea de erros de medicação em hospital universitário pediátrico Notificación espontánea de errores de medicación en un hospital universitario pediátrico Spontaneous reporting of medication errors in pediatric university hospital

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    Michiko Suzuki Yamamoto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os erros de medicação notificados em um hospital universitário pediátrico no Município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo retrospectivo no qual foram analisadas 120 ocorrências de erros de medicação registradas em 115 notificações espontâneas, entre janeiro de 2007 e dezembro de 2008. RESULTADOS: O índice de erros foi o de 1,15 por 1.000 pacientes-dia; 27,5% das notificações envolveram pacientes na faixa etária escolar. A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica (UTIP foi o setor com o maior número de notificações. Predominou o tipo de erro relacionado à velocidade de infusão errada (25%. A dimensão fator humano na categoria desempenho deficiente (54% foi a causa mais frequente para ocorrência do erro. CONCLUSÃO: O índice de erros de medicação foi de 1,15 por 1.000 pacientes-dia, com predomínio na faixa etária escolar (27,5% e na UTI Pediátrica (35%. Diante desses resultados, medidas de melhoria devem ser incorporadas na instituição selecionada, sejam elas relacionadas à revisão do processo de trabalho ou à capacitação da equipe.OBJETIVO: Analizar los errores de medicación notificados en un hospital universitario pediátrico en el Municipio de Sao Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en el cual fueron analizadas 120 ocurrencias de errores de medicación registradas en 115 notificaciones espontáneas, entre enero del 2007 y diciembre del 2008. RESULTADOS: El índice de errores fue de 1,15 por 1.000 pacientes-dia; el 27,5% de las notificaciones involucraron pacientes en el grupo etáreo escolar. La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátrico (UCIP fue el sector con el mayor número de notificaciones. Predominó el tipo de error relacionado a la velocidad de infusión errada (25%. La dimensión factor humano en la categoría desempeño deficiente (54% fue la causa más frecuente para la ocurrencia del error. CONCLUSIÓN: El índice de errores de medicación fue de 1,15 por

  13. Proton hexality in local grand unification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foerste, Stefan; Nilles, Hans Peter [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and Physikalisches Institut; Ramos-Sanchez, Saul [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S. [Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics


    Proton hexality is a discrete symmetry that avoids the problem of too fast proton decay in the supersymmetric extension of the standard model. Unfortunately it is inconsistent with conventional grand unification. We show that proton hexality can be incorporated in the scheme of ''Local Grand Unification'' discussed in the framework of model building in (heterotic) string theory. (orig.)

  14. Las cinco grandes dimensiones de la personalidad

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    Jan ter Laak


    Full Text Available Este artículo revisa las distintas posiciones teóricas sobre las cinco grandes dimensiones de la personalidad, mostrando las semejanzas y diferencias entre las posturas teóricas. Esta contribución presenta lo siguiente: (a la génesis del contenido y la estructura de las cinco dimensiones; (b la fortaleza de las cinco dimensiones; (e la relación de las cinco grandes dimensiones con otros constructos de personalidad; (d discute el valor predictivo de las puntuaciones del perfil de las cinco dimensiones para criterios pertinentes; (e analiza el estatus teórico de las cinco dimensiones; (f discute críticas históricas sobre las cinco grandes dimensiones y se formulan respuestas a estas críticas; (g hace conjeturas para el futuro de las cinco grandes dimensiones; y (h concluye con algunas conclusiones y comentarios.

  15. Análise de causa raiz: avaliação de erros de medicação em um hospital universitário Análisis de causa raíz: evaluación de errores de medicación en un hospital universitario Root cause analysis: evaluation of medication errors at a university hospital

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    Thalyta Cardoso Alux Teixeira


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar e analisar os tipos de erros de medicação observados nas doses de medicamentos que foram preparadas e administradas de forma diferente daquelas prescritas. Estudo descritivo, utilizando o método de análise de causa raiz, que realizou uma análise secundária de dados de um estudo já existente. No estudo, 74 erros de medicação foram identificados, durante o preparo e a administração de medicamentos pela equipe de enfermagem. Erros de dose (24,3%, erros de horário (22,9% e medicamentos não autorizados (13,5% foram os mais frequentes. Assim, a análise de causa raiz foi realizada, identificando múltiplos fatores que contribuíram para a ocorrência dos erros, e estratégias e recomendações foram apresentadas para evitá-los.Los objetivos de este estudio consistieron en identificar y analizar los tipos de errores de medicación observados en las dosis de medicamentos que fueron preparadas y administradas de modo diferente respecto del cual fueron prescriptas. El estudio fue de carácter descriptivo, se utilizó el método de análisis de causa raíz, efectuado en forma secundaria sobre los resultados de un estudio ya existente. En el estudio, 74 errores de medicación fueron identificados durante la preparación y la administración de medicamentos por parte del equipo de Enfermería. Errores de dosis (24,3%, errores de horario (22,9% y medicamentos no autorizados (13,5% fueron los más frecuentes. Así, el análisis de causa raíz fue realizado, identificándose múltiples factores que contribuyeron para la ocurrencia de los errores. Fueron presentadas estrategias y recomendaciones para evitarlos.The objectives of this study were to identify and analyze the types of medication errors observed in doses prepared and administered differently from those prescribed. It is a descriptive study using the root cause analysis method, in which a secondary analysis of data from a previously existing

  16. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (United States)

    Hamill, John F.


    The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, one of the world's most spectacular gorges, is a premier U.S. National Park and a World Heritage Site. The canyon supports a diverse array of distinctive plants and animals and contains cultural resources significant to the region's Native Americans. About 15 miles upstream of Grand Canyon National Park sits Glen Canyon Dam, completed in 1963, which created Lake Powell. The dam provides hydroelectric power for 200 wholesale customers in six western States, but it has also altered the Colorado River's flow, temperature, and sediment-carrying capacity. Over time this has resulted in beach erosion, invasion and expansion of nonnative species, and losses of native fish. Public concern about the effects of Glen Canyon Dam operations prompted the passage of the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to operate the dam 'to protect, mitigate adverse impacts to, and improve values for which Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area were established...' This legislation also required the creation of a long-term monitoring and research program to provide information that could inform decisions related to dam operations and protection of downstream resources.

  17. Next Generation Innovation Policy and Grand Challenges

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuhlmann, Stefan; Rip, Arie


    The paper explores transformative ways to address Grand Challenges, while locating them in a broader diagnosis of ongoing changes. Coping with Grand Challenges is a challenge in its own right, for policy as well as for science, technology, and innovation actors. The paper presents building blocks

  18. 28 milliards d’euros, c’est grand comment ?


    Ozer, Pierre; Salmon, Marc; Theunissen, Yannick


    J’ouvre mon quotidien. Fortis : 28 milliards d’euros de pertes en 2008. Ma fille de sept ans qui commence à lire et pose sans cesse des questions sur tout me lance : « Dis-moi, papa : 28 milliards d’euros, c’est grand comment ? ». Grande question… Je réfléchis et tente de trouver une parade parlante pour un enfant qui, in fine, se pose les mêmes questions que les grandes personnes.

  19. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) (United States)

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  20. Grandes cocinas

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    García de Castro, Emilio


    Full Text Available Se describen en este artículo una serie de aparatos para grandes cocinas, vistos por los autores durante un rápido viaje por Alemania. Aprovechando los datos obtenidos se analizan brevemente las necesidades de una gran cocina moderna, comentando los planos de las instalaciones en varios hoteles o instituciones de todo el mundo. La mayoría de la información.

  1. Grand unification theory and technicolor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rubakov, V.A.; Shaposhnikov, M.E.


    The lecture course can be considered as introduction to the problems concerning grand unification models. The course is incomplete. Such problems as CP-violations in strong interactions and the problem of gravitational interaction inclusion in the scheme of grand unification theory are not touched upon. Models of early unification, in which strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions are compared according to the ''strength'' at energies of about 10 5 -10 6 GeV, are not discussed. Models with horizontal symmetry, considering different generations of quarks and leptons from one viewpoint, are not analyzed. Cosmological applications of supersymmetric unified theories are not considered. Certain problems of standard elementary particle theory, philosophy of the great unification, general properties of the grand unification models and the main principles of the construction of models: the SU(5) model, models on the SO(10) groups, have been considered. The problem of supersymmetric unification hierarchies, supersymmetric generalization of the minimum SU(5) model, supersymmetry violation and the problem of hierarchies, phenomenology of the o.rand unification models, cosmological application and technicolour, are discussed

  2. Results from KASCADE–Grande

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertaina, M.; Apel, W.D.; Arteaga-Velázquez, J.C.; Bekk, K.; Blümer, J.; Bozdog, H.; Brancus, I.M.; Buchholz, P.; Cantoni, E.; Chiavassa, A.; Cossavella, F.


    The KASCADE–Grande experiment, located at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) is a multi-component extensive air-shower experiment devoted to the study of cosmic rays and their interactions at primary energies 10 14 –10 18 eV. Main goals of the experiment are the measurement of the all-particle energy spectrum and mass composition in the 10 16 –10 18 eV range by sampling charged (N ch ) and muon (N μ ) components of the air shower. The method to derive the energy spectrum and its uncertainties, as well as the implications of the obtained result, is discussed. An overview of the analyses performed by KASCADE–Grande to derive the mass composition of the measured high-energy comic rays is presented as well.

  3. Associação entre hiperopia e outros erros refrativos e visuais em crianças

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    Merry Elizabeth Goedert


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a associação da hipermetropia com ambliopia, estrabismo, anisometropia e astigmatismo. Métodos: A hiperopia foi classificada em Grupo 1: maior ou igual a +5.00D; Grupo 2: maior que +3.25D e menor que +5.00D, com diferença de equivalente esférico maior ou igual a 0.50D; Grupo 3: maior que +3.25D e menor que +5.00D, com diferença de equivalente esférico menor que 0.50D e Grupo 4: com equivalente esférico maior e igual a +2.00D. O Grupo controle pertencente ao equivalente esférico menor que +2.00D. Resultados: A presença de hipermetropia maior e igual a SE+2.00D foi significativamente associada à maior proporção de crianças com ambliopia (27,2 vs. 14,8%, OR = 2,150, p<0,001 e estrabismo (70,8 vs. 39,3%, OR = 3,758, p<0,0001. A presença de hipermetropia também foi significativamente associada à maior proporção de anisometropia nos grupos com hipermetropia maior e igual a SE+2.00 (29,1 vs. 9,9%, OR = 3,708, p<0,0001 e astigmatismo (24 vs. 9,9%, OR = 2,859 p<0,0001. Conclusão: A presença e magnitude da hipermetropia entre crianças foram associadas à maior proporção de erros refrativos e visuais, como estrabismo, ambliopia, astigmatismo e anisometropia.

  4. A relação da tarefa de erro intencional com o desempenho ortográfico da criança considerados os aspectos morfossintáticos e contextuais da língua portuguesa The relationship between the intentional misspelling task and children's spelling skills considering the morphosyntactic and contextual rules in Brazilian Portuguese

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisabet Meireles


    Full Text Available Este estudo examina a eficácia da tarefa de erro intencional em predizer o desempenho ortográfico de crianças cursando a 2ª e 4ª séries do ensino fundamental. A tarefa de erro intencional consiste na transgressão proposital que a criança faz sobre sua produção escrita. Com isto seria possível avaliar o nível de conhecimento ortográfico da criança uma vez que para cometer intencionalmente um erro ortográfico seria necessário certo domínio da norma. Três regras ortográficas em Português foram investigadas: uma regra morfossintática (emprego dos sufixos oso, esa e eza e duas regras de contexto (uso do R e do RR; nasalização diante de consoantes. Os resultados indicaram que a escolaridade está relacionada tanto ao desempenho ortográfico das crianças quanto à sua competência em transgredir intencionalmente a norma. A tarefa de erro intencional, por sua vez, fornece informação sobre o nível de conhecimento ortográfico que as crianças possuem nos contextos ortográficos que estas consideram como problemáticos.This study examines the effectiveness of the intentional misspelling task in predicting 2nd and 4th graders' orthographic knowledge. The intentional misspelling task consists in the intentional spelling mistakes made by children in their written production. Therefore it is possible to evaluate children's orthographic knowledge since some knowledge of the orthographic rules is necessary to make intentional spelling mistakes. Three spelling rules in Brazilian Portuguese were investigated: a morphosyntactic rule (the use of the suffixes esa, oso and eza and two contextual rules (the use of R and RR; the nasalization before consonants. The results indicated that schooling is related both to children's spelling skills and to their competence in making intentional spelling errors. On the other hand, the intentional misspelling task gives us useful information about children's orthographic knowledge in the orthographic

  5. Grand Hotel prijutil hudozhnikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Raadioajakirjanik Lea Veelmaa lindistas "Kunstikanali" 2004. a. esimese saate Grand Hotel Viljandis. Saatekülaliseks oli maalikunstnik Andres Tolts. Toltsi kaheksa akrüülmaali on eksponeeritud hotelli fuajees ja restoranis

  6. O gerenciamento do erro em aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira: um estudo com foco na produção oral Error management in efl classes: a study on oral production

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    Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se investigar o gerenciamento do erro em aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira e suas implicações para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Em sua primeira etapa, a investigação buscou (a verificar como os participantes da pesquisa vivenciavam o erro e a correção, (b descrever as principais características das interlínguas dos aprendizes naquele momento. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma proposta de intervenção e tratamento dos erros mais recorrentes, por meio da qual se pretendia implementar ações pedagógicas com foco na forma (FonF que promovessem a negociação de determinados aspectos lingüísticos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, questionários, gravações audiovisuais, observações das aulas, notas de campo transformadas em diários, sessões de visionamento com os aprendizes e de discussão com a professora participante, num processo cíclico e contínuo, a fim de se embasarem as decisões referentes ao processo interventivo. Verificou-se que os movimentos corretivos empregados para promover momentos de negociação da forma se mostraram uma importante ferramenta no tratamento dos erros por ajudarem os aprendizes a perceberem lacunas em suas interlínguas e a se esforçarem para refazer suas produções consideradas imprecisas. Nesse esforço, observou-se a importância do papel do professor ao fornecer os andaimes necessários para que cada aprendiz pudesse se monitorar. Considerou-se, também, a relevância do aspecto complementar entre os dois focos - foco na forma x foco na mensagem para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira por instrução.This study was carried out in order to investigate error management in EFL (English as a foreign language classes and its implications for the teaching and learning process. In its first stage, this investigation aimed at assessing how the participants perceived error and its

  7. The GRANDE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, A.; Bond, R.; Coleman, L.; Rollefson, A.; Wold, D.; Bratton, C.B.; Gurr, H.; Kropp, W.; Nelson, M.; Price, L.R.; Reines, F.; Schultz, J.; Sobel, H.; Svoboda, R.; Yodh, G.; Burnett, T.; Chaloupka, V.; Wilkes, R.J.; Cherry, M.; Ellison, S.B.; Guzik, T.G.; Wefel, J.; Gaidos, J.; Loeffler, F.; Sembroski, G.; Wilson, C.; Goodman, J.; Haines, T.J.; Kielczewska, D.; Lane, C.; Steinberg, R.; Lieber, M.; Nagle, D.; Potter, M.; Tripp, R.


    In this paper we present a detector facility which meets the requirements outlined above for a next-generation instrument. GRANDE (Gamma Ray and Neutrino DEtector) is an imaging, water Cerenkov detector, which combines in one facility an extensive air shower array and a high-energy neutrino detector. (orig.)

  8. Análisis espacial de los accidentes laborales in itinere en veterinarios de grandes animales en la provincia de Santa Fe

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    Ana Inés Molineri


    Full Text Available En la práctica de grandes animales el profesional debe viajar frecuentemente para atender a sus clientes, exponiéndose a los riesgos del tránsito. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: a evaluar la frecuencia de veterinarios que sufrieron accidentes laborales in itinere (Alii en la provincia de Santa Fe y la posible asociación espacial entre los casos detectados y b estimar la percepción de los riesgos y el uso de elementos de protección personal. Se efectuó un estudio observacional sobre profesionales veterinarios que se dedican al manejo y atención de grandes animales en la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. El diseño fue transversal, la unidad de interés el veterinario y la población objetivo los veterinarios rurales santafesinos. La tasa de respuesta a un cuestionario estructurado que respondieron en forma anónima fue del 75,8 % (n= 562. El análisis de los datos incluyó la búsqueda de agrupamientos espaciales para poblaciones de distribución heterogénea utilizando el programa SatScan versión 9.2. La frecuencia de accidentes fue del 14,8 %. Se encontró un agrupamiento espacial (p= 0,017 en el sudeste provincial (riesgo relativo= 0,42. La frecuencia de veterinarios que sufrieron accidentes fue decreciendo desde el norte al sur de la provincia. El tránsito en rutas fue percibido como más riesgoso por una mayor proporción de entrevistados que el tránsito en caminos rurales. Las frecuencias de uso de luz baja durante el día y cinturón de seguridad fueron independientes de las percepciones del riesgo en el tránsito. Dado que la frecuencia de accidentes entre los veterinarios es alta, resulta fundamental diseñar estrategias de educación para evitar daños futuros.

  9. Grand Fir Nutrient Management in the Inland Northwestern USA

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    Dennis R. Parent


    Full Text Available Grand fir (Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don Lindley is widely distributed in the moist forests of the Inland Northwest. It has high potential productivity, its growth being nearly equal to western white pine, the most productive species in the region. There are large standing volumes of grand fir in the region. Nutritionally, the species has higher foliage cation concentrations than associated conifers, especially potassium (K and calcium (Ca. In contrast, it has lower nitrogen (N foliage concentrations, which creates favorable nutrient balance on N-limited sites. Despite concentration differences, grand fir stores proportionally more nutrients per tree than associated species because of greater crown biomass. Although few fertilization trials have examined grand fir specifically, its response is inferred from its occurrence in many monitored mixed conifer stands. Fertilization trials including grand fir either as a major or minor component show that it has a strong diameter and height growth response ranging from 15% to 50% depending in part on site moisture availability and soil geology. Grand fir tends to have a longer response duration than other inland conifers. When executed concurrently with thinning, fertilization often increases the total response. Late rotation application of N provides solid investment returns in carefully selected stands. Although there are still challenges with the post-fertilization effects on tree mortality, grand fir will continue to be an important species with good economic values and beneficial responses to fertilization and nutrient management.

  10. Grand unification and gravity - selected topics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zee, A.


    The material given here was presented in lectures delivered at the 4th Kyoto Summer Institute on Grand Unification and Related Topics. It consists of six sections. The sections are: the family problem, fermion mass hierarchy, maximal local symmetry, operator analysis of new physics, dynamically generated gravity, and Kaluza theory and grand unification. The last section contains a (hopefully) pedagogical introduction to Kaluza theory. For pedagogical completeness, several appendices reviewing some elementary notions of differential geometry have been added

  11. Gamma ray and neutrino detector facility (GRANDE), Task C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sobel, H.W.; Yodh, G.B.


    GRANDE is an imaging, water Cerenkov detector, which combines in one facility an extensive air shower array and a high-energy neutrino detector. We proposed that the detector be constructed in phases, beginning with an active detector area of 31,000 m 2 (GRANDE-I) 2 and expanding to a final size of 100,000--150,00 m 2 . Some of the characteristics of GRANDE-I are discussed in this paper

  12. A perceção dos enfermeiros relacionada com o erro na prática clínica: implicações para o planeamento de cuidados e para a formação


    Abreu, Cidalina da Conceição Ferreira


    Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia, na especialidade de Psicologia da Educação, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra O erro médico consiste numa preocupação a nível global porque acarreta transtornos físicos, psicológicos e sociais para o doente e família para além dos custos nanceiros que poderiam ser evitáveis. No sentido de melhorarmos a segurança do doente emerge a necessidade de obtermos nas instituições de saúde uma cultura...

  13. Results from KASCADE-Grande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertaina, M., E-mail: [Dipartimento di Fisica Generale dell' Universita, Torino (Italy); Apel, W.D. [Institut fuer Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); Arteaga-Velazquez, J.C. [Universidad Michoacana, Instituto de Fisica y Matematicas, Morelia (Mexico); Bekk, K. [Institut fuer Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); Bluemer, J. [Institut fuer Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); Bozdog, H. [Institut fuer Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); Brancus, I.M. [National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest (Romania); Buchholz, P. [Fachbereich Physik, Universitaet Siegen (Germany); Cantoni, E. [Dipartimento di Fisica Generale dell' Universita, Torino (Italy); Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario, INAF Torino (Italy); Chiavassa, A. [Dipartimento di Fisica Generale dell' Universita, Torino (Italy); Cossavella, F. [Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik, KIT - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (Germany); and others


    The KASCADE-Grande experiment, located at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) is a multi-component extensive air-shower experiment devoted to the study of cosmic rays and their interactions at primary energies 10{sup 14}-10{sup 18} eV. Main goals of the experiment are the measurement of the all-particle energy spectrum and mass composition in the 10{sup 16}-10{sup 18} eV range by sampling charged (N{sub ch}) and muon (N{sub {mu}}) components of the air shower. The method to derive the energy spectrum and its uncertainties, as well as the implications of the obtained result, is discussed. An overview of the analyses performed by KASCADE-Grande to derive the mass composition of the measured high-energy comic rays is presented as well.

  14. The Role Of The «Grand Schools» And The «Grand Corps» As Recruitment Channels For French Ministers

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    I. A. Zarankin


    Full Text Available The recruitment of ministers among high-ranking officials, who studied in the «grand schools» and worked in the «grand corps», is one of the typical traits of the Fifth republic. This is a consequence of the traditional interpenetration of French administrative and political elites. However, there is no common view on the actual role of these institutions in the ministers’ recruitment. So, the objective of this paper is to clarify this issue. For this purpose we analyze career trajectories of French ministers from 1981 till 2016. The data on each government include shares of ministers, who passed through the «grand schools» and the «grand corps». The article shows that nowadays the number of ministers with such an experience has decreased. Most government members are professional politicians, who have significant electoral experience and occupy high-ranking party positions. Today there are political parties, not the «grand schools» and the «grand corps», that are the main channels of the ministers’ recruitment. The professionalization of politics and reinforcement of the role of parties in the French political system are the most crucial factors of this tendency. The transformation of gaullists into liberals and conduction of the liberal economic policy, instead of the dirigist one, also contributed to replacement of officials by representatives of the private sector. Despite the fact that political parties serve as a main channel of the ministers’ recruitment, they face internal problems. The future role of political parties in the recruitment will depend on their ability to deal with these challenges.

  15. Environmental Audit of the Grand Junction Projects Office

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) is located in Mesa County, Colorado, immediately south and west of the Grand Junction city limits. The US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) established the Colorado Raw Materials Office at the present-day Grand Junction Projects Office in 1947, to aid in the development of a viable domestic uranium industry. Activities at the site included sampling uranium concentrate; pilot-plant milling research, including testing and processing of uranium ores; and operation of a uranium mill pilot plant from 1954 to 1958. The last shipment of uranium concentrate was sent from GJPO in January, 1975. Since that time the site has been utilized to support various DOE programs, such as the former National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program, the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project (UMTRAP), the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP), and the Technical Measurements Center (TMC). All known contamination at GJPO is believed to be the result of the past uranium milling, analyses, and storage activities. Hazards associated with the wastes impounded at GJPO include surface and ground-water contamination and potential radon and gamma-radiation exposure. This report documents the results of the Baseline Environmental Audit conducted at Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) located in Grand Junction, Colorado. The Grand Junction Baseline Environmental Audit was conducted from May 28 to June 12, 1991, by the Office of Environmental Audit (EH-24). This Audit evaluated environmental programs and activities at GJPO, as well as GJPO activities at the State-Owned Temporary Repository. 4 figs., 12 tabs.

  16. Environmental Audit of the Grand Junction Projects Office

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) is located in Mesa County, Colorado, immediately south and west of the Grand Junction city limits. The US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) established the Colorado Raw Materials Office at the present-day Grand Junction Projects Office in 1947, to aid in the development of a viable domestic uranium industry. Activities at the site included sampling uranium concentrate; pilot-plant milling research, including testing and processing of uranium ores; and operation of a uranium mill pilot plant from 1954 to 1958. The last shipment of uranium concentrate was sent from GJPO in January, 1975. Since that time the site has been utilized to support various DOE programs, such as the former National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program, the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project (UMTRAP), the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP), and the Technical Measurements Center (TMC). All known contamination at GJPO is believed to be the result of the past uranium milling, analyses, and storage activities. Hazards associated with the wastes impounded at GJPO include surface and ground-water contamination and potential radon and gamma-radiation exposure. This report documents the results of the Baseline Environmental Audit conducted at Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) located in Grand Junction, Colorado. The Grand Junction Baseline Environmental Audit was conducted from May 28 to June 12, 1991, by the Office of Environmental Audit (EH-24). This Audit evaluated environmental programs and activities at GJPO, as well as GJPO activities at the State-Owned Temporary Repository. 4 figs., 12 tabs

  17. Fetal Outcomes among Grand Multiparous and Multiparous Women ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To compare fetal outcomes among grand multiparous (para 5-9) and multiparous (para 2-4) delivering in Mulago hospital, Uganda. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Mulago hospital, Uganda. Subjects: One hundred and fifty six grand multiparous and multiparous women were recruited on admission in ...

  18. Asymptotically safe grand unification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bajc, Borut [J. Stefan Institute,1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Sannino, Francesco [CP-Origins & the Danish IAS, University of Southern Denmark,Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M (Denmark); Université de Lyon, France, Université Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, UMR5822 IPNL,F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex (France)


    Phenomenologically appealing supersymmetric grand unified theories have large gauge representations and thus are not asymptotically free. Their ultraviolet validity is limited by the appearance of a Landau pole well before the Planck scale. One could hope that these theories save themselves, before the inclusion of gravity, by generating an interacting ultraviolet fixed point, similar to the one recently discovered in non-supersymmetric gauge-Yukawa theories. Employing a-maximization, a-theorem, unitarity bounds, as well as positivity of other central charges we nonperturbatively rule out this possibility for a broad class of prime candidates of phenomenologically relevant supersymmetric grand unified theories. We also uncover candidates passing these tests, which have either exotic matter or contain one field decoupled from the superpotential. The latter class of theories contains a model with the minimal matter content required by phenomenology.

  19. Unidades de colheita: estratégia para evitar a compactação dos solos florestais

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    Gilson A. Milde


    Full Text Available Solos com umidade ótima de compactação menor que a capacidade de campo e solos com má drenagem são mais propensos a serem compactados nas operações de exploração florestal. O conhecimento dessas variáveis permite classificar os solos quanto à sua suscetibilidade à compactação, no entanto essas determinações demandam tempo, recursos e equipamentos específicos. Utilizando 13 solos florestais com ampla variação textural, das fazendas Ariona e Santa Rosa pertencentes à Cia. Suzano de Papel e Celulose, situadas no Estado de São Paulo, desenvolveu-se um índice, denominado diâmetro médio ponderado de partículas, que permitiu estimar a umidade ótima de compactação, a capacidade de campo e o limite líquido baseado apenas na distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Com base nessas características físicas e no consumo médio diário de água de um plantio de eucalipto, foram estabelecidas unidades de colheita a partir do número de dias de repouso necessários para o teor de água de um solo ficar abaixo da umidade ótima de compactação. Tais unidades agrupam solos que precisam do mesmo número de dias após uma chuva (0 a 10 dias para poderem ser explorados, visando diminuir o impacto da colheita florestal e, em consequência, evitar a necessidade de preparo do solo para diminuir a compactação provocada por essas operações.

  20. Um metodo para modelagem de exceções em desenvolvimento baseado em componentes


    Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito


    Resumo: Devido a grande popularização do Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (DBC), ele vem sendo empregado inclusive no desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais críticos. O emprego do DBC na construção de sistemas confiáveis evidencia a necessidade de se desenvolver componentes de software que sejam robustos e que possuam uma garantia maior do seu funcionamento correto. Tratamento de exceções é uma técnica bastante conhecida para a verificação e tratamento de erros em sistemas de softwa...

  1. Research of the Rio Grande Ecosystem Management Program (United States)

    Deborah M. Finch


    This paper describes the mission, objectives, and preliminary results of the Middle Rio Grande Ecosystem Management Research Program managed at the Rocky Mountain Research Station's Albuquerque laboratory. This program was initiated in 1994 to address growing pressures to effectively manage the limited resources of the middle Rio Grande Basin. The program is...

  2. Grand Prix Eurovision: Eine Fankultur im Medienzeitalter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heinz Moser


    Full Text Available Der Grand Prix Eurovision ist seit Jahrzehnten eine der bekanntesten Unterhaltungssendungen im europäischen Raum. Dennoch erregte es Verwunderung, wenn der Schreibende Bekannten darüber berichtete, daß dies ein Forschungsgegenstand sei. Wurde von Interviews mit Grand Prix-Fans erzählt, so fielen schnell Aussagen wie: „Wie kann man sich nur für so etwas Abseitiges und Triviales wie den Grand Prix interessieren“. Dennoch bin ich der Meinung, daß Fankulturen für die entstehende Mediengesellschaft ein nicht unwichtiges Forschungsthema darstellen. Zwar geht es nicht um eine medienpädagogische Fragestellung im engeren Sinne; die Fans des Grand Prix Eurovision sind dem Jugendalter längst entwachsen. Dennoch handelt es sich bei Fangemeinschaften um Phänomene, die im Rahmen von Jugend- und Kinderkulturen von besonderer Relevanz sind. So meint Winter (1997, daß jugendliche Fanwelten eine bedeutende Rolle als Kristallisationspunkte kultureller Differenzierung spielen: ,Die Zugehörigkeit zu einer Fan weit ist Teil der jugendlichen Lebensbewältigung in der Postmoderne, denn in der Gemeinschaft der Fans können Jugendliche emotionale Allianzen eingehen, außeralltäglichen Beschäftigungen nachgehen, expressive Identitätsmuster gemeinschaftlich realisieren und sich mit ihrer Lebenssituation als Heranwachsende auseinandersetzen“ (Winter 1997, S. 51f..

  3. Perfluoroalkyl substances in waters along the Grand Canal, China. (United States)

    Piao, H T; Jiao, X C; Gai, N; Chen, S; Lu, G H; Yin, X C; Yamazaki, E; Yamashita, N; Tan, K Y; Yang, Y L; Pan, J


    The Grand Canal, also known as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the longest canal in the world. It is an important trunk line of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China. The contamination status and spatial distributions of perfluoroalky substances (PFASs) in waters of the Grand Canal were investigated. The total concentrations of PFASs (∑PFASs) range from 7.8 ng/L to 218.0 ng/L, with high ∑PFASs occurring in the southern part of the Grand Canal which is located in a highly urbanized and economically developed region. The dominance of PFOA showed a decreasing trend toward north while shorter chain homologue proportions increased in the northern part of the Canal which mainly traverses underdeveloped and rural areas in Eastern China. Positive correlations were observed between ∑PFASs and the population density as well as GDP per capita. Intersection with large rivers may affect the contamination levels and composition of PFASs in the water of the Grand Canal near the intersection sites. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Proton decay in grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucha, W.


    Interactions which violate the conservation of baryon and lepton number represent an intrinsic part of all grand unified theories (GUTs) of strong and electroweak interactions. These new interactions - predicted within the framework of GUTs - generate B and L violating four-fermion interactions via the exchange of superheavy particles which cannot be ascribed a well-defined baryon or lepton number. The effective coupling constant of these four-fermion interactions might be large enough to make the proton decay detectable by the present generation of experiments. In this review the basic concepts of conventional as well as supersymmetric GUTs relevant for proton decay are sketched. The baryon number violating sector of grand unified theories is discussed in more detail. Special emphasis is laid on the various selection rules arising as consequences of low-energy gauge invariance and supersymmetry for proton decay. These selection rules already determine the coarse pattern of the resulting decay modes and branching ratios without any reference to or detailed knowledge of the underlying grand unified theory. Finally the numerous theoretical predictions are summarized and confronted with experiment. (Author)

  5. Dificuldades lingüísticas na aquisição da escrita e agressividade

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    Fermino Fernandes Sisto

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa estudou a relação entre dificuldades lingüísticas da escrita e agressividade em estudantes de oito a doze anos. Participaram 834 alunos de escolas estaduais e particulares. Foi aplicada a Escala de Agressividade para Crianças e Jovens, que fornece medidas de agressividade geral e nas situações familiar e escolar e o ADAPE, que consiste em um ditado composto por palavras com dificuldades lingüísticas. As dificuldades lingüísticas e as medidas de agressividade escolar indicaram grandes semelhanças nos resultados das segundas e terceiras séries, fornecendo correlações significativas e positivas, ou seja, conforme aumentaram os erros na escrita, aumentaram também as pontuações em agressividade escolar. Entretanto, com os alunos da quarta série, houve uma nítida diferenciação entre os gêneros. Enquanto que as meninas forneceram coeficientes positivos e alguns muito altos, os meninos registraram correlações negativas, indicando que conforme aumentaram os erros, diminuiu a agressividade escolar.

  6. Democracy and "Grand" Corruption. (United States)

    Rose-Ackerman, Susan


    Defines "grand" corruption as that occurring at the higher levels of a political system and involving large sums of money. Discusses the impact and incentives for this level of corruption as well as various government responses. Identifies multinational corporations as the major malefactors. (MJP)

  7. Triggering the GRANDE array

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, C.L.; Bratton, C.B.; Gurr, J.; Kropp, W.; Nelson, M.; Sobel, H.; Svoboda, R.; Yodh, G.; Burnett, T.; Chaloupka, V.; Wilkes, R.J.; Cherry, M.; Ellison, S.B.; Guzik, T.G.; Wefel, J.; Gaidos, J.; Loeffler, F.; Sembroski, G.; Goodman, J.; Haines, T.J.; Kielczewska, D.; Lane, C.; Steinberg, R.; Lieber, M.; Nagle, D.; Potter, M.; Tripp, R.


    A brief description of the Gamma Ray And Neutrino Detector Experiment (GRANDE) is presented. The detector elements and electronics are described. The trigger logic for the array is then examined. The triggers for the Gamma Ray and the Neutrino portions of the array are treated separately. (orig.)


    CERN Multimedia

    The first endcap disc of CMS being lowered slowly and carefully 100 m underground into the experimental cavern. The disc is one of 15 large pieces to make the grand descent.  The uniquely shaped slice, 16 m high, about 50 cm thick weighs 400 tonnes. The two HF that were lowered earlier in November can also be seen in the foreground and background.  

  9. Previsão de preços futuros de Commodities agrícolas com diferenciações inteira e fracionária, e erros heteroscedásticos

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    Ricardo Chaves Lima


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem como objetivo modelar séries temporais para efeito de previsão com diferenciações inteira e fracionária, utilizando dados de preços futuros de commodities agrícolas. Modelos de séries temporais do tipo ARMA/ARIMA (diferenciação inteira serão estimados como termo de comparação com os modelos do tipo ARFIMA (diferenciação fracionária. Em ambos os casos, os erros dos modelos serão estimados assumindo-se a possibilidade de estimação da volatilidade. O poder de previsão de cada modelo será comparado pelo critério do erro quadrado médio da previsão (EQM. A estimação do termo de diferenciação fracionário (d também será utilizada para examinar as características de longa dependência das séries. Os resultados indicaram que todas as séries de retornos de preços futuros utilizados são estacionárias. O valor do d fracionário da série de açúcar indicou um comportamento de antipersistência a choques, enquanto que esses valores para as demais commodities apresentaram comportamento persistente. Na maioria dos casos os modelos ARFIMA mostraram um melhor poder de previsão.This paper intends to model time series with the aim of perform forecast using integer and fractional differencing for agricultural commodities future’s price. Time series models of the ARMA/ARIMA type (integer differencing will be estimated and compared to ARFIMA type models (fractional differencing. In both cases errors are modeled assuming the occurrence of volatility. The forecast power of each model will be compared using the criterion of the mean squared error (MSE. The estimation of fractional term (d will be also used to examine the long run dependency properties of the series. The results showed that, for all series, returns are stationary. The sugar series, however, showed anti-persistency, while all other series showed to be long memory. The ARFIMA models showed, in general, a better forecasting performance.

  10. Flocculent and grand design spiral arm structure in cluster galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmegreen, D.M.


    A total of 829 spiral galaxies in 22 clusters having redshifts between z = 0.02 and 0.06 were classified according to the appearance of their spiral arm structures. The fraction of galaxies that have a grand design spiral structure was found to be higher among barred galaxies than among non-barred galaxies (at z = 0.02, 95 per cent of strongly barred galaxies have a grand design, compared with 67 per cent of non-barred or weakly barred galaxies). Cluster galaxies and distant non-cluster galaxies have the same fraction of grand design galaxies when resolution effects are considered. The grand design fraction among cluster galaxies is also similar to the fraction observed among nearby galaxies in binary systems and in groups. (author)

  11. Cassini's Grand Finale Science Highlights (United States)

    Spilker, Linda


    After 13 years in orbit, the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn ended in a science-rich blaze of glory. Cassini returned its final bits of unique science data on September 15, 2017, as it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere satisfying planetary protection requirements. Cassini's Grand Finale covered a period of roughly five months and ended with the first time exploration of the region between the rings and planet.The final close flyby of Titan in late April 2017 propelled Cassini across Saturn’s main rings and into its Grand Finale orbits; 22 orbits that repeatedly dove between Saturn’s innermost rings and upper atmosphere making Cassini the first spacecraft to explore this region. The last orbit turned the spacecraft into the first Saturn upper atmospheric probe.The Grand Finale orbits provided highest resolution observations of both the rings and Saturn, and in-situ sampling of the ring particle composition, Saturn's atmosphere, plasma, and innermost radiation belts. The gravitational field was measured to unprecedented accuracy, providing information on the interior structure of the planet, winds in the deeper atmosphere, and mass of the rings. The magnetic field provided insight into the physical nature of the magnetic dynamo and structure of the internal magnetic field. The ion and neutral mass spectrometer sampled the upper atmosphere for molecules that escape the atmosphere in addition to molecules originating from the rings. The cosmic dust analyzer directly sampled the composition from different parts of the main rings for the first time. Fields and particles instruments directly measured the plasma environment between the rings and planet.Science highlights and new mysteries gleaned to date from the Grand Finale orbits will be discussed.The research described in this paper was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Copyright 2017

  12. Meliponiculture in Rio Grande do Norte

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    Ulysses Madureira Maia


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Maia U.M., Jaffe R., Carvalho A.T. & Imperatriz-Fonseca V.L. [Meliponiculture in Rio Grande do Norte.] Meliponicultura no Rio Grande do Norte. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(4:327-333, 2015. Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, Monte Alegre, Ribeirão Preto, SP 14040-901, Brasil. E-mail: This study aimed to assess the current status of stingless bee beekeeping (meliponiculture in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, with the aid of structured questionnaires made during visits to beekeepers. The results were compared with a previous census made in the state and with a similar study from Australia. Meliponiculture in Rio Grande do Norte is still informal and little standardized. The activity has grown in recent years considering the mean number of nests per beekeeper. Most apiaries are formed of up to 50 colonies, usually distributed in the backyards of homes. Twelve species of stingless bees were reared in the state, and the most common was the “Jandaíra” bee (Melipona subnitida, whose honey is considered medicinal. While many beekeepers already know the importance of bees as pollinators, stingless bees are still not used for crop pollination. Compared to a recent analysis of beekeeping in Australia, meliponiculture in Brazil is more traditional, honey is the main product and the number of colonies per beekeeper is much higher. Our results highlight the need to reinforce knowledge about bees and promote specific training aimed at improving and standardizing management practices.

  13. Populating a Control Point Database: A cooperative effort between the USGS, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center and the Grand Canyon Youth Organization (United States)

    Brown, K. M.; Fritzinger, C.; Wharton, E.


    The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center measures the effects of Glen Canyon Dam operations on the resources along the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Mead in support of the Grand Canyon Adaptive Management Program. Control points are integral for geo-referencing the myriad of data collected in the Grand Canyon including aerial photography, topographic and bathymetric data used for classification and change-detection analysis of physical, biologic and cultural resources. The survey department has compiled a list of 870 control points installed by various organizations needing to establish a consistent reference for data collected at field sites along the 240 mile stretch of Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. This list is the foundation for the Control Point Database established primarily for researchers, to locate control points and independently geo-reference collected field data. The database has the potential to be a valuable mapping tool for assisting researchers to easily locate a control point and reduce the occurrance of unknowingly installing new control points within close proximity of an existing control point. The database is missing photographs and accurate site description information. Current site descriptions do not accurately define the location of the point but refer to the project that used the point, or some other interesting fact associated with the point. The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) resolved this problem by turning the data collection effort into an educational exercise for the participants of the Grand Canyon Youth organization. Grand Canyon Youth is a non-profit organization providing experiential education for middle and high school aged youth. GCMRC and the Grand Canyon Youth formed a partnership where GCMRC provided the logistical support, equipment, and training to conduct the field work, and the Grand Canyon Youth provided the time and personnel to complete the field work. Two data



    Barbosa,Antonio Amaral; Ferreira,Charles Martins; Corrêa,Márcio Nunes; Schwegler,Elizabeth; Raimondo,Raquel Fraga e Silva; Pino,Francisco Augusto Burkert Del


    Resumo A laminite subclínica é responsável por grandes prejuízos na pecuária leiteira, sendo o seu diagnóstico de grande relevância para evitar reflexos negativos na produção. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar lesões associadas à laminite subclínica no período de transição de vacas da raça Holandês com a ocorrência ou não de sinais radiográficos vinculados a essa enfermidade. As vacas foram avaliadas durante o período de transição e divididas em dois grupos (com e sem sinais ...

  15. [Grand Banks activity : updates and opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruce, G.


    An overview of the exploration and on-going activities by the petroleum industry on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland was presented. The two offshore oil developments underway are Hibernia and Terra Nova, both located in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin. Current production from Hibernia is 68,000 bopd, expected to rise to 130,000 bopd in 1999. The Terra Nova Field is still under development. Total recoverable reserves from the 17 discoveries made in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin are estimated at 1.6 billion barrels of oil and 4 trillion cubic feet of gas. Industry participants in the area include Amoco, Petro-Canada, Mobil, Chevron, Husky and Norsk Hydro. Petro-Canada believes the Grand Banks represent one of the best opportunities for oil anywhere in the world. There are currently 21 exploration licenses held on the Grand Banks. Major attractions of the area include the large reserve potential, the relatively low finding costs, the size of the pools being discovered, improvements in offshore technology that have substantially lowered development costs, and a profit-sensitive generic royalty regime that ensures reasonable rates of return for investors. figs

  16. Regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners. (United States)

    Hjerpe, Evan E; Kim, Yeon-Su


    Economic impact analysis (EIA) of outdoor recreation can provide critical social information concerning the utilization of natural resources. Outdoor recreation and other non-consumptive uses of resources are viewed as environmentally friendly alternatives to extractive-type industries. While outdoor recreation can be an appropriate use of resources, it generates both beneficial and adverse socioeconomic impacts on rural communities. The authors used EIA to assess the regional economic impacts of rafting in Grand Canyon National Park. The Grand Canyon region of northern Arizona represents a rural US economy that is highly dependent upon tourism and recreational expenditures. The purpose of this research is twofold. The first is to ascertain the previously unknown regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners. The second purpose is to examine attributes of these economic impacts in terms of regional multipliers, leakage, and types of employment created. Most of the literature on economic impacts of outdoor recreation has focused strictly on the positive economic impacts, failing to illuminate the coinciding adverse and constraining economic impacts. Examining the attributes of economic impacts can highlight deficiencies and constraints that limit the economic benefits of recreation and tourism. Regional expenditure information was obtained by surveying non-commercial boaters and commercial outfitters. The authors used IMPLAN input-output modeling to assess direct, indirect, and induced effects of Grand Canyon river runners. Multipliers were calculated for output, employment, and income. Over 22,000 people rafted on the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park in 2001, resulting in an estimated $21,100,000 of regional expenditures to the greater Grand Canyon economy. However, over 50% of all rafting-related expenditures were not captured by the regional economy and many of the jobs created by the rafting industry are lower-wage and seasonal. Policy

  17. A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Lawrie, Ian D


    A unified account of the principles of theoretical physics, A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics, Second Edition stresses the inter-relationships between areas that are usually treated as independent. The profound unifying influence of geometrical ideas, the powerful formal similarities between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, and the ubiquitous role of symmetries in determining the essential structure of physical theories are emphasized throughout.This second edition conducts a grand tour of the fundamental theories that shape our modern understanding of the physical wor

  18. Effective Higgs theories in supersymmetric grand unification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zheng, Sibo [Chongqing University, Department of Physics, Chongqing (China)


    The effective Higgs theories at the TeV scale in supersymmetric SU(5) grand unification models are systematically derived. Restricted to extensions on 5{sub H} containing the Higgs sector we show that only two types of real (vector-like) models and one type of chiral model are found to be consistent with perturbative grand unification. While the chiral model has been excluded by the LHC data, the fate of perturbative unification will be uniquely determined by the two classes of vector-like models. (orig.)

  19. The Nature of Grand Minima and Maxima from Fully Nonlinear Flux Transport Dynamos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Inceoglu, Fadil; Arlt, Rainer [Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482, Potsdam (Germany); Rempel, Matthias, E-mail: [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 (United States)


    We aim to investigate the nature and occurrence characteristics of grand solar minimum and maximum periods, which are observed in the solar proxy records such as {sup 10}Be and {sup 14}C, using a fully nonlinear Babcock–Leighton type flux transport dynamo including momentum and entropy equations. The differential rotation and meridional circulation are generated from the effect of turbulent Reynolds stress and are subjected to back-reaction from the magnetic field. To generate grand minimum- and maximum-like periods in our simulations, we used random fluctuations in the angular momentum transport process, namely the Λ-mechanism, and in the Babcock–Leighton mechanism. To characterize the nature and occurrences of the identified grand minima and maxima in our simulations, we used the waiting time distribution analyses, which reflect whether the underlying distribution arises from a random or a memory-bearing process. The results show that, in the majority of the cases, the distributions of grand minima and maxima reveal that the nature of these events originates from memoryless processes. We also found that in our simulations the meridional circulation speed tends to be smaller during grand maximum, while it is faster during grand minimum periods. The radial differential rotation tends to be larger during grand maxima, while it is smaller during grand minima. The latitudinal differential rotation, on the other hand, is found to be larger during grand minima.

  20. Fatores associados ao atraso no desenvolvimento em crianças, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Factores asociados con retraso en el desarrollo de los niños, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Factors associated with delay in development in children, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Aline Alves Veleda


    Full Text Available Estudo analítico com o objetivo de avaliar os fatores associados ao atraso no desenvolvimento em crianças entre 8 a 12 meses de idade indicadas como de risco ao nascer no município do Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram utilizados como instrumentos o Teste de Triagem de Desenvolvimento de Denver II (TTDD II, a avaliação antropométrica e questionários estruturados. Participaram 220 crianças consideradas de risco ou não ao nascer. Foi encontrada uma prevalência de 20,5% de suspeita de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. As crianças que apresentaram risco de um TTDD II suspeito faziam parte de famílias de mais baixa renda; eram filhos de mães que haviam realizado menos de seis consultas de pré-natal e apresentavam índice peso-idade inadequado. Os dados sugerem a necessidade de um replanejamento das políticas de saúde infantil, visto que outros critérios poderiam ser incluídos nas condições de risco para a criança ao nascer.Estudio analítico con el objetivo de evaluar los factores asociados al atraso en el desarrollo en niños de 8 a 12 meses de edad indicados como riesgo al nacer en el municipio de Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. Fueron utilizadas como herramientas la Prueba de Tamizaje del Desarrollo de Denver II, la evaluación antropométrica y cuestionarios estructurados. Participaron 220 niños considerados de riesgo o no al nacer. Fue encontrada una prevalencia del 20,5% de sospecha de atraso en el desarrollo neuropsicomotor. Los niños que presentaron riesgo de un DDST II sospechoso formaban parte de familias de más baja renta; eran hijos de madres que habían realizado menos de seis consultas de prenatal y presentaban índice peso-edad inadecuado. Los datos sugieren la necesidad de un replanteamiento de las políticas de salud infantil, así como otros criterios podrían ser inclusos en las condiciones de riesgo para el niño al nacer.This analytical study aims to evaluate the factors associated to

  1. Grand Tour: immaginario, territorio e culture digitali

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emiliano Ilardi


    Full Text Available Il Grand Tour può essere recuperato come asset narrativo utile per un intervento strategico di re-branding del viaggio in Italia? Il contributo analizza il contesto e le condizioni per una progettazione di questo livello nell’ambiente culturale dell’epoca digitale. Considerando gli archetipi moderni della mediazione dei luoghi come una grande riserva di senso, da riattivare sia nelle pratiche basate sui format seriali e transmediali che valorizzano i territori nella produzione creativa, sia nella costruzione di infrastrutture digitali e  transluoghi per la valorizzazione degli attrattori culturali.

  2. Constructing 5d orbifold grand unified theories from heterotic strings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Tatsuo; Raby, Stuart; Zhang Renjie


    A three-generation Pati-Salam model is constructed by compactifying the heterotic string on a particular T 6 /Z 6 Abelian symmetric orbifold with two discrete Wilson lines. The compactified space is taken to be the Lie algebra lattice G 2 -bar SU(3)-bar SO(4). When one dimension of the SO(4) lattice is large compared to the string scale, this model reproduces many features of a 5d SO(10) grand unified theory compactified on an S 1 /Z 2 orbifold. (Of course, with two large extra dimensions we can obtain a 6d SO(10) grand unified theory.) We identify the orbifold parities and other ingredients of the orbifold grand unified theories in the string model. Our construction provides a UV completion of orbifold grand unified theories, and gives new insights into both field theoretical and string theoretical constructions

  3. Micetomas actinomicóticos no Rio Grande do Sul: relato de quatro casos Actinomycotic mycetomas in Rio Grande do Sul: report of 4 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto T. Londero


    Full Text Available São relatados quatro casos de micetoma causados por Nocardia brasiliensis, ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul. É revista a literatura rio-grandense-do-sul.Four cases of mycetoma caused by N. brasiliensis, occurring in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil, are reported.

  4. Saturn's Internal Magnetic Field Revealed by Cassini Grand Finale (United States)

    Cao, H.; Dougherty, M. K.; Khurana, K. K.; Hunt, G. J.; Provan, G.; Kellock, S.; Burton, M. E.; Burk, T. A.


    Saturn's internal magnetic field has been puzzling since the first in-situ measurements during the Pioneer 11 Saturn flyby. Cassini magnetometer measurements prior to the Grand Finale phase established 1) the highly axisymmetric nature of Saturn's internal magnetic field with a dipole tilt smaller than 0.06 degrees, 2) at least an order of magnitude slower secular variation rate compared to that of the current geomagnetic field, and 3) expulsion of magnetic fluxes from the equatorial region towards high latitude. The highly axisymmetric nature of Saturn's intrinsic magnetic field not only challenges dynamo theory but also makes an accurate determination of the interior rotation rate of Saturn extremely difficult. The Cassini spacecraft entered the Grand Finale phase in April 2017, during which time the spacecraft dived through the gap between Saturn's atmosphere and the inner edge of the D-ring 22 times before descending into the deep atmosphere of Saturn. The unprecedented proximity to Saturn (reaching 2500 km above the cloud deck) and the highly inclined nature of the Grand Finale orbits provided an ideal opportunity to decode Saturn's internal magnetic field. The fluxgate magnetometer onboard Cassini made precise vector measurements during the Grand Finale phase. Magnetic signals from the interior of the planet, the magnetospheric ring current, the high-latitude field-aligned current (FAC) modulated by the 10.7 hour planetary period oscillation, and low-latitude FACs were observed during the Grand Finale phase. Here we report the magnetometer measurements during the Cassini Grand Finale phase, new features of Saturn's internal magnetic field revealed by these measurements (e.g., the high degree magnetic moments of Saturn, the level of axisymmetry beyond dipole), and implications for the deep interior of Saturn.

  5. El comportamiento animal como escudo para evitar la enfermedad y remedio hacia la salud (algunas bases fisiológicas

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    F. I. Flores


    Full Text Available Los animales viven en ambientes donde está presente, de manera permanente, la amenaza de enfermar. Para evitarlo, se alimentan lejos de las heces y reconocen las plantas o zonas del potrero que deben evitar. Aprenden, también, a ingerir especies o realizar conductas específicas con fines profilácticos. Si esto falla, entonces el animal manifiesta otras conductas y respuestas fisiológicas como: anorexia, inactividad, dolor y fiebre. El dolor obliga al animal a proteger el área dañada, evitando el apoyar una pata herida o inutilizando un músculo dañado, mientras los tejidos son reparados. La fiebre representa un alto costo energético, y para ahorrar energía, el animal tiende a permanecer inmóvil, estrategia de gran utilidad para controlar el crecimiento y reproducción de bacterias patógenas. En el comportamiento de los animales enfermos se han descubierto sustancias involucradas denominadas citocinas, que juegan un papel muy importante en la inducción de este tipo de conductas; por ejemplo, se puede inducir una disminución del consumo de alimento y en la actividad física inyectando sustancias provenientes de paredes celulares de bacterias o determinadas toxinas. El conocimiento de la conducta y sus bases fisiológicas en la lucha contra la enfermedad ofrecen expectativas prometedoras en la investigación para mejorar el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades

  6. Assessing Grand Strategies: How the EU and NATO Rock the Strategic Boat (United States)


    part to constitute the embryos of the European Union and NATO grand strategies briefly illustrated in the extracts presented in the epigraph. These... embryos gestated over time becoming de facto grand strategies for these institutions. Applying the characterization of grand strategy elaborated in...6. Michio Kaku, Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily

  7. Grand Challenges for Environmental Magnetism (United States)

    Verosub, K. L.


    The development of new, inexpensive, and rapid geochemical methods for determining the ages of geologic materials, their elemental composition, and their isotopic ratios over a broad array of elements puts into sharp focus the question: What information can environmental magnetic methods provide that can't be obtained using these other methods? Because iron is ubiquitous in the Earth's crust and because it exists in so many different forms, a discipline that looks in detail at iron-bearing minerals does have the potential to make significant contributions to the study of surficial processes. However, to reach that potential requires the development of new environmental magnetic methods. I would like to put forward three Grand Challenges for environmental magnetism that have the potential to move the field forward to a new level of scientific sophistication and that will allow environmental magnetists to compete successfully in a world increasingly dominated by geochemists. The first Grand Challenge is the development of new techniques that lead to the direct and unambiguous identification of the full suite of magnetic minerals. For many environmental magnetic applications, the key magnetic minerals are not just magnetite and hematite but also iron oxy-hydroxides (goethite, lepidocrocite, akaganeite, ferrihydrite), carbonates (siderite) and sulfides (pyrrhotite and greigite) as well as compounds involving iron and other transition metals (cobalt and nickel). The second Grand Challenge is the development of new analytical methods that provide specific quantitative values for the amount of each magnetic mineral present in a sample. One promising approach to this problem is the application of two- or three-component multivariate analysis to arrays of downcore environmental magnetic parameters. The third Grand Challenge is the development of new ways of determining, not just the average values, but the actual distributions of grain sizes and coercivities of each mineral

  8. Selected topics in grand unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seckel, D.


    This dissertation is a collection of four pieces of research dealing with grand unification. The topics are neutron oscillation, CP violation, magnetic monopole abundance and distribution in neutron stars, and a proposal for an inflationary cosmology driven by stress-energy in domain walls

  9. Coordinated Exploration for Grand Challenges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørding Olsen, Anders; Sofka, Wolfgang; Grimpe, Christoph


    Grand challenges are among the most complex problems for modern societies. Many governments and foundations provide substantial resources to encourage the search for solutions. Due to the significance of these problems, organizations often form partnerships in what we call search consortia to eng...

  10. Water Environment Evolution along the China Grand Canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mao, F; Wu, Y X; Yang, B F; Li, X J


    The China Grand Canal is one of the earliest canals in the world, having lasted for nearly 3000 years. Even its section canals have a rich history, such as the North-South Grand Canal that was established during the Sui Dynasty, whereas the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal was excavated during the Yuan Dynasty and the east line of the South-to-North Water Diversion. As one of the longest in the world, the China Grand Canal's total length is over 3500 kilometers. This length includes the navigable, unnavigable, and underground sections. Making the best use of situations and according to local conditions, the Chinese people harmoniously constructed the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal with nature. Tens of millions of workers took nearly 3000 years to complete the great shipping system. Navigable sections still exist for up to 900 kilometers and the volume of freight traffic is approximately 300 million tons. The canal remains the main logistical channel of the North-to-South Coal Transportation, South-to-North Water Diversion, and resources circulation. To date, China is promoting the success of heritage application. Part of these efforts is the declaration of the China Grand Canal as a World Cultural Heritage by 2014. In addition, the east route of the South-to-North Water Transfer project is planned to be navigable by 2016. The ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal will usher in the new ecological civilization and cultural revival along the canal. This paper presents technical methods of water environment evolution research on the river system, river, and water quality along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal through the integration of historical literature and modern remote sensing image data. The study carried out water environment investigation and analysis along the Beijing-Hangzhou canal by using ETM, SPOT image data, and GPS measurement data. Spatial and temporal evolution characteristics and regulations of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal regional water environment in the span of

  11. Grand Narrative Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Wacana Konflik Sepak Bola di Media Cetak

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    Afdal Makkuraga Putra


    Full Text Available Eradication of corruption has been a grand narrative since the early of reformation era. Mass media became part of the preservation of the grand narrative. Grand narrative is the main narration which becomes basis and universal character since it can be used as standard to measure and assess other narratives. This study analyzes grand narrative of corruption eradication in Indonesia soccer conflict in print media by using critical discourse by Norman Fairclough as research method. The result shows that media preserved grand narrative of corruption eradication through image projection of corruptors as common enemy. The spread of anti-corruption information through mass media carried out continuously and sustainably is a manifestation of the commitment to fight corruption. Information provided by media does not only explains the state’s loss but up to the development of its completion.

  12. Phase transitions at finite chemical potential in grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailin, D.; Love, A.


    We discuss the circumstances in which non-zero chemical potentials might prevent symmetry restoration in phase transitions in the early universe at grand unification or partial unification scales. The general arguments are illustrated by consideration of SO(10) and SU(5) grand unified theories. (orig.)

  13. A Grande Reportagem em Televisão


    Teixeira, Clara Manuela Araújo


    Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Ciências da Comunicação Este projecto de graduação é dedicado ao estudo da elaboração de uma grande reportagem em televisão. As próximas páginas procuram dar a conhecer ao leitor as diferentes fases do processo de realização de uma grande reportagem audiovisual: desde a preparação à investigação feita pelo jornalista, passando pela recolha de informação no terr...

  14. Numerical modeling of the late Cenozoic geomorphic evolution of Grand Canyon, Arizona (United States)

    Pelletier, J. D.


    The late Cenozoic geomorphic evolution of Grand Canyon has been influenced by three primary tectonic and drainage adjustment events. First, incision into the Paleozoic strata of the southwestern margin of the Colorado Plateau began at 16 Ma in response to relief production along the Grand Wash Fault. Second, the ancestral Upper Colorado River reversed drainage and became integrated with the Lower Colorado River basin through Grand Canyon between 5.5 and 6 Ma. Third, the Colorado River was influenced by Plio- Quaternary normal faulting along the Hurricane and Toroweap Faults. Despite the relatively firm constraints available on the timing of these events, the geomorphic evolution of Grand Canyon is still not well constrained and many questions remain. For example, was there a deeply-incised gorge in western Grand Canyon before Colorado River integration? How and where was the Colorado River integrated? How have incision rates varied in space and time? In this paper, I describe the results of a numerical modeling study designed to address these questions. The model integrates the stream power model for bedrock channel erosion with cliff retreat and the flexural-isostatic response to erosion. The model honors the structural geology of the Grand Canyon region, including the variable erodibility of rocks in the Colorado Plateau and the occurrence of Plio-Quaternary normal faulting along the Hurricane-Toroweap Fault system. We present the results of two models designed to bracket the possible drainage architectures of the southwestern margin of the Colorado Plateau in Miocene time. In the first model, we assume a 13,000 km2 drainage basin primarily sourced from the Hualapai and Coconino Plateaux. The results of this model indicate that relief production along the Grand Wash fault initiated the formation of a large (700 m) knickpoint that migrated headward at a rate of 15 km/Myr prior to drainage integration at 6 Ma to form a deep gorge in western Grand Canyon. This model

  15. Análise do emprego do cálculo amostral e do erro do método em pesquisas científicas publicadas na literatura ortodôntica nacional e internacional Analysis of the use of sample size calculation and error of method in researches published in Brazilian and international orthodontic journals

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    David Normando


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: o dimensionamento adequado da amostra estudada e a análise apropriada do erro do método são passos importantes na validação dos dados obtidos em determinado estudo científico, além das questões éticas e econômicas. OBJETIVO: esta investigação tem o objetivo de avaliar, quantitativamente, com que frequência os pesquisadores da ciência ortodôntica têm empregado o cálculo amostral e a análise do erro do método em pesquisas publicadas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. MÉTODOS: dois importantes periódicos, de acordo com a Capes (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, foram analisados, a Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial (Dental Press e o American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJO-DO. Apenas artigos publicados entre os anos de 2005 e 2008 foram analisados. RESULTADOS: a maioria das pesquisas publicadas em ambas as revistas emprega alguma forma de análise do erro do método, quando essa metodologia pode ser aplicada. Porém, apenas um número muito pequeno dos artigos publicados nesses periódicos apresenta qualquer descrição de como foram dimensionadas as amostras estudadas. Essa proporção, já pequena (21,1% na revista editada nos Estados Unidos (AJO-DO, é significativamente menor (p=0,008 na revista editada no Brasil (Dental Press (3,9%. CONCLUSÃO: os pesquisadores e o corpo editorial, de ambas as revistas, deveriam dedicar uma maior atenção ao exame dos erros inerentes à ausência de tais análises na pesquisa científica, em especial aos erros inerentes a um dimensionamento inadequado das amostras.INTRODUCTION: Reliable sample size and an appropriate analysis of error are important steps to validate the data obtained in a scientific study, in addition to the ethical and economic issues. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, quantitatively, how often the researchers of orthodontic science have used the calculation of sample size and evaluated the

  16. The geology of Piz Pian Grand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huber, M.; Staeuble, J.


    Nagra has identified four potential sites for a repository for low- and intermediate-level waste. Exploration work is already underway at Oberbauenstock (UR) and Piz Pian Grand (GR). As part of the investigations in the Piz Pian Grand area, geological surface mapping was carried out between 1984 and 1987. Since the data obtained is still being evaluated, it would be premature to draw any interpretative conclusions at this stage. On the other hand, some of the most significant observations of this work can be summarised here. As a first step, the geological framework in which these investigations are to be seen should be defined. Observations will then be made on the rock content (lithology) and geometric structure (structural geology) of the area. (author) 6 figs

  17. Cosmological implications of grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nanopoulos, D.V.


    These lectures, mainly devoted to the cosmological implications of GUTs, also include the essential ingredients of GUTs and some of their important applications to particle physics. Section 1 contains some basic points concerning the structure of the standard strong and electroweak interactions prior to grand unification. A detailed expose of GUTs is attempted in sect. 2, including their basci principles and their consequences for particle physics. The minimal, simplest GUT, SU 5 is analysed in some detail and it will be used throughout these lectures as the GUT prototype. Finally, sect. 3 contains the most important cosmological implications of GUTs, including baryon number generation in the early Universe (in rather lengthy detail), dissipative processes in the very early Universe, grand unified monopoles, etc. (orig./HSI)

  18. Grandes números primos


    Bang, Thöger


    En las escuelas danesas la teoría de los números se ha ido restringiendo gradualmente hasta no incluir sino la demostración de la descomposición univoca de los números enteros en números primos y la demostración del teorema clásico de EUCLIDES sobre la existencia de un número primo arbitrariamente grande.

  19. Os grandes consumidores de consultas medicas: um estudo de familia

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    M. Pereira Graça


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe un estudio sobre algunas características familiares de sujetos grandes consumidores de servicios de salud. Por un lado, se compara un grupo de grandes consumidores de servicios de salud, a nivel de número de consultas, con un grupo control en términos de funcionamiento familiar y actitudes hacia los médicos y la Medicina; por otro lado, se estudia la relación entre la dinámica familiar y las actitudes hacia la Medicina y los médicos en el grupo de los grandes consumidores. Los resultados muestran que los dos grupos de usuarios son significativamente diferentes; además, en el grupo de grandes consumidores el funcionamiento familiar problemático parece ser un factor intermediario en el desarrollo de actitudes menos negativas hacia los médicos y la Medicina. Se discuten las implicaciones que los resultados tienen a nivel de intervención terapéutica.

  20. Restrictions on SU(5) as a grand unified theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shellard, R.C.


    Some restrictions imposed upon Grand Unified Theories by dynamical symetry breakdown are examined. They are shown that, in particular, theories SU(5) as symmetry group, with 3 or more fermion families undergo dynamical symmetry breakdown, and some of the fermions will acquire mass at the Grand Unified scale. On the other hand, the SO(10) group, with 3 families is free from this problem. (Author) [pt

  1. Plants, arthropods, and birds of the Rio Grande [chapter 7 (United States)

    Deborah M. Finch; Gale L. Wolters; Wang Yong; Mary Jean Mund


    Human populations have increased dramatically along the Rio Grande since European settlement. Human use of water for irrigation and consumption, and human use of land for agriculture, urban centers, livestock grazing, and recreation have changed Rio Grande ecosystems by altering flood cycles, channel geomorphology, upslope processes, and water quality and quantity....

  2. Descriptive summary of the Grande Ronde Basalt type section, Columbia River Basalt Group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camp, V.E.; Price, S.M.; Reidel, S.P.


    The Grande Ronde Basalt type section, located in extreme southeastern Washington, was measured, sampled, and characterized. The section is 800 meters thick and is comprised of 35 Grande Ronde Basalt flows. These flows are divisible into 3 magnetostratiographic units termed, in ascending order, the R 1 , the N 1 , and the R 2 . The R 1 unit is represented by 13 reversely polarized flows; the N 1 unit, by 13 normally polarized flows; and the R 2 , by 9 reversely polarized flows. Chemically, the Grande Ronde Basalt flows are divided into 2 major groups, termed A and B. The compositions of the lower 9 flows, members of Group A, are similar to either the high-Mg Grande Ronde chemical type, the high-Ti Grande Ronde chemical type, or the Pomona chemical type. The compositions of the upper 25 flows, members of Group B, are predominantly similar to the low-Mg Grande Ronde chemical type. Petrographically, the Grande Ronde Basalt flows are generally fine grained and aphyric, and have a intergranular or intersertal micro-texture. Major mineral phases include plagioclase (An/sub 40-60/) and augite; minor mineral phases include pigeonite, orthopyroxene, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, and olivine. Group A flows generally contain more olivine and less pigeonite than do Group B flows. 6 figures, 6 tables

  3. Pequena monografia sobre o Rio Grande do Sul

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    Ana Maria Pinho


    Full Text Available Pequena monografia desenvolvida por membros do Colégio Sevigne, que versa sobre diversos assuntos a respeito do Rio Grande do Sul, divididos em histórico, fronteiras, organização política administrativa, características geográficas, formação geomorfológica, economia, aspectos históricos e geográficos da capital do Estado, generalidades étnicas, e sobre o gaúcho em si. Grande quantidade de ilustrações e poemas enriquecem o artigo.

  4. Chemical stratigraphy of Grande Ronde Basalt, Pasco Basin, south-central Washington

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long, P.E.; Ledgerwood, R.K.; Myers, C.W.; Reidel, S.P.; Landon, R.D.; Hooper, P.R.


    Grande Ronde Basalt in the Pasco Basin, south-central Washington, can be subdivided into three chemical types and two chemical subtypes based on x-ray fluorescence major element analysis of samples from seven deep core holes and three surface sections. These chemical types are: (1) high-Mg Grande Ronde chemical type; (2) low-Mg Grande Ronde chemical type; (3) low-K (very high-Mg.) Grande Ronde chemical type; and (4) Umtanum Grande Ronde chemical subtype. A possible fifth subdivision is the McCoy Canyon Grande Ronde chemical subtype. The Umtanum and the McCoy Canyon subtypes are both single flows which belong to the low Mg and high-Mg chemical types, respectively. These subdivisions are all distinguished on a plot of MgO versus TiO 2 and/or MgO versus P 2 O 5 , but other major and minor elements, as well as trace elements, also reflect consistent chemical differences between the chemical types. Identification of these chemical types in the Pasco Basin subsurface shows that the high-Mg and low-Mg chemical types are ubiquitous, but the low-K chemical type is limited to the central, southern, and eastern parts of the basin. The Umtanum chemical subtype is present throughout the Pasco Basin subsurface, although it thins in the northeastern part of the basin and is apparently absent from surface exposures 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of the basin. The McCoy Canyon chemical subtype is also present throughout the basin

  5. Correlação entre tempo, erro, velocidade e compreensão de leitura em escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem Correlation between time, error, speed and reading comprehension in students with learning disorders

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    Cláudia da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar as variáveis: erros, tempo, velocidade e compreensão de leitura de escolares com distúrbios de aprendizagem e escolares sem dificuldade de aprendizagem. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 40 escolares de 8 a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, de 2ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental Municipal, divididos em GI: composto por 20 escolares sem dificuldade de aprendizagem e GII: composto por 20 escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem. Foram utilizados textos selecionados a partir da indicação de professores da 2ª à 4ª série da Rede Municipal de Ensino, para a realização de leitura oral. A compreensão foi realizada por meio de quatro perguntas apresentadas após a leitura do texto, às quais os escolares deveriam responder oralmente. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre GI e GII no número de erros, velocidade e compreensão de leitura e tempo total de leitura. A correlação entre tempo total de leitura e erros cometidos durante a leitura foi positiva, e entre as variáveis tempo total de leitura e velocidade de leitura foi negativa. Para o grupo GII, houve diferença com correlação negativa entre as variáveis tempo total de leitura e velocidade de leitura. CONCLUSÃO: Para os escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem, o desempenho nas variáveis que foram correlacionadas encontra-se alterado interferindo no desenvolvimento em leitura e, consequentemente, na compreensão do texto lido.PURPOSE: To correlate the variables error, time, speed and reading comprehension of students with learning disorders and students without learning disorders. METHODS: The participants of this study were 40 students, aged from 8 to 12 years old, of both genders, from 2nd to 4th grades of municipal elementary education, divided into GI: comprising 20 students without learning disorders, and GII: comprising 20 students with learning disorders. As procedure we used a selection of texts indicated by teachers of 2nd to 4th grades of

  6. First-Year Students' Attitudes towards the Grand Challenges and Nanotechnology (United States)

    Lakin, Joni M.; Han, Yi; Davis, Edward


    The "Grand Challenges" for Engineering are an effort to portray engineering as a field that has profound impacts on society. This study explores the level of interest first-year engineering students had in various "Grand Challenges" and in nanotechnology topics. We administered a survey to a large sample of students enrolled in…

  7. First report of Phytophthora ramorum infecting grand fir in California (United States)

    K.L. Riley; G.A. Chastagner


    Phytophthora ramorum was detected on grand fir in 2003 and 2005 in a Christmas tree plantation near Los Gatos, CA, in association with infected California bay laurel. Isolates derived from stem lesions were used to inoculate grand fir seedlings in two tests. Isolations from lesions on inoculated plants were positive for P. ramorum...

  8. Achados oculares em crianças de zero a seis anos de idade, residentes na cidade de São Caetano do Sul, SP

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    Beer Sandra Maria Canelas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de erros refrativos, estrabismo, ambliopia e anisometropia nas crianças pertencentes à população em estudo, utilizando dois métodos de rastreamento (triagem na escola e triagem durante o dia da vacinação contra a poliomielite. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 2.640 crianças, residentes da cidade de São Caetano do Sul, entre zero e seis anos de idade, divididas em duas amostras (A e B. A amostra A consistiu de 476 crianças que foram examinadas por dez oftalmologistas e onze técnicos oftálmicos, durante o Dia Nacional de Vacinação (20 de junho de 1998 contra a Poliomielite. A amostra B consistiu de 2.164 crianças que freqüentavam escolas municipais, entre quatro e seis anos de idade e foram examinadas por dois oftalmologistas durante o ano de 1998. RESULTADOS: Na amostra A, a prevalência de estrabismo foi de 3,36% e de anisometropia foi de 1,26%. O principal tipo de erro refrativo encontrado foi a hipermetropia < 2D. Necessitaram de prescrição óptica 14,11% das crianças. Em relação à amostra B, a prevalência de estrabismo foi de 1,43%. Nas crianças que falharam na triagem, a prevalência de ambliopia foi de 1,39%, 2,8% de anisometropia e necessitaram de prescrição óptica, 56,48%. O principal tipo de erro refrativo encontrado foi o astigmatismo hipermetrópico composto. CONCLUSÃO: Embora em município com perfil socioeconômico privilegiado, a prevalência de estrabismo, anisometropia, ambliopia e erro refrativo não foi inferior à relatada na literatura. Com relação à metodologia de rastreamento, o Dia Nacional de Vacinação contra a Poliomielite mostrou-se eficiente ferramenta metodológica já que houve grande participação da população alvo.

  9. Using Grand Challenges to Teach Science: A Biology-Geology Collaboration (United States)

    Lyford, M.; Myers, J. D.


    Three science courses at the University of Wyoming explore the inextricable connections between science and society by centering on grand challenges. Two of these courses are introductory integrated science courses for non-majors while the third is an upper level course for majors and non-majors. Through collaboration, the authors have developed these courses to explore the grand challenges of energy, water and climate. Each course focuses on the fundamental STEM principles required for a citizen to understand each grand challenge. However, the courses also emphasize the non-STEM perspectives (e.g., economics, politics, human well-being, externalities) that underlie each grand challenge and argue that creating equitable, sustainable and just solutions to the grand challenges hinges on an understanding of STEM and non-STEM perspectives. Moreover, the authors also consider the multitude of personal perspectives individuals bring to the classroom (e.g., values, beliefs, empathy misconceptions) that influence any stakeholder's ability to engage in fruitful discussions about grand challenge solutions. Discovering Science (LIFE 1002) focuses on the grand challenges of energy and climate. Students attend three one-hour lectures, one two-hour lab and a one-hour discussion each week. Lectures emphasize the STEM and non-STEM principles underlying each grand challenge. Laboratory activities are designed to be interdisciplinary and engage students in inquiry-driven activities to reinforce concepts from lecture and to model how science is conducted. Labs also expose students to the difficulties often associated with scientific studies, the limits of science, and the inherent uncertainties associated with scientific findings. Discussion sessions provide an opportunity for students to explore the complexity of the grand challenges from STEM and non-STEM perspectives, and expose the multitude of personal perspectives an individual might harbor related to each grand challenge

  10. Alimentos irradiados


    Sendra, E.; Capellas, M.; Guamis, B.


    Not available

    La industria alimentaria y las administraciones públicas realizan grandes esfuerzos para mejorar el mantenimiento de las condiciones higiénicas y evitar la contaminación de alimentos. Pese a estos esfuerzos siguen produciéndose un gran numero de procesos patológicos relacionados con los alimentos. Las buenas prácticas higiénicas pueden reducir el nivel de contaminación, pero algunos microorganismos patógenos resulta imposible eliminarlos, especialmente de aque...

  11. Liberating methodological thinking in human sciences from grand theories

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kharlamov, Nikita; Baldursson, Einar Baldvin


    focus on the necessity of a “grand unified theory” at the expense of any and all alternative perspectives. Properties of grand theories are discussed on the examples of Giddens and Bourdieu. It is argued that grand theories hamper a more productive focus on concrete phenomena. Robert Merton’s focus......Many humanistic and social disciplines are naturally inclined to seek for human-, person-, self- centered focus, and develop a holistic theory of such. Such disciplines continually engage with philosophical, metaphysical and meta-theoretical perspectives. This engagement often leads to a singular...... on “middle range” theories is revisited and its continuing relevance is highlighted. The level of abstraction characteristic of such theories, as well as the way they engage with the empirical social reality, are discussed. The article concludes by considering the paradoxical reductionism that can...

  12. Levantamento etnobotânico de espécies arbóreas no assentamento Tabuleiro Grande, Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte

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    Mônica Costa Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se realizar um levantamento etnobotânico no Projeto de Assentamento Tabuleiro Grande, localizado em Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte, contribuindo para o resgate do conhecimento popular discutindo as implicações do uso da vegetação arbórea na conservação dos recursos florestais. A condução do estudo foi por meio da observação direta e entrevistas semiestruturadas (21 entrevistas. Para análise dos dados foram feitas abordagens qualitativas (acesso a informações subjetivas e quantitativas (Valor de Uso; índices de diversidade de Shannon e de equabilidade de Pielou. Foram mencionadas no levantamento 57 espécies arbóreas, entre nativas e exóticas, distribuídas em 26 famílias e enquadradas nas seguintes categorias de uso: Madeira (móveis e construção, Medicina/Higiene, Apicultura, Lenha, Veterinária Popular, Forragem, Alimentação Humana e Outros. Com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a comunidade estudada possui conhecimento sobre um grande número de espécies arbóreas. No entanto, no que diz respeito a “uso”, poucas espécies são, de fato, utilizadas. De forma geral, o conhecimento popular na comunidade está mantido com uma pequena parcela dos entrevistados e não é repassado, tendendo a tornar-se cada vez mais escasso.Ethnobotanical survey of tree species in the Tabuleiro Grande settlement, Apodi, Rio Grande do NorteAbstract: The aim this study was to realize ethnobotanical survey in Settlement Tabuleiro Grande Project, located in Apodi - RN, to contribute to the rescue of popular knowledge and discuss the implications of the use of trees in the conservation of forest resources. The conduct of the study was through direct observation and semi-structured interviews (21 interviews. Data analysis were made qualitative approaches (access to subjective information and quantitative (use value -VU, Shannon diversity and Pielou evenness indexes. Were mentioned in the survey 57 tree species native and exotic

  13. Landscape Evolution Comparison between Sacra Mensa, Mars and the Grand Mesa, Colorado, USA (United States)

    Chesnutt, J. M.; Wegmann, K. W.; Cole, R. D.; Byrne, P. K.


    The Grand Mesa in Colorado is one of the largest and highest flat-topped mountains on Earth, and as such provides a compelling analog for Mars' Sacra Mensa. Both basalt-capped landforms are morphologically similar, enabling a landscape evolution comparison between the two that considers key differences in locale, composition, and environmental conditions. Sacra Mensa is nearly 50 times the area of Grand Mesa and towers 3 km above the surrounding area. The 1,300 km2 Grand Mesa rises 2 km above Grand Valley, and is bracketed by the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers in much the same way as Sacra Mensa is bounded by braided channels of Kasei Valles. The sustained incision by the Gunnison and Colorado was a key erosive force in the creation of the Grand Mesa, whereas punctuated but voluminous Hesperian glacio-fluvial floods are thought to have carved the Sacra Mensa. The Grand Mesa is undergoing extensive mass wasting, ranging from deadly landslides like the 2014 West Salt Creek rock avalanche to hundreds of slower-moving retrogressive slump blocks calving off the Miocene basalt cap. The genesis and modification of both landforms includes volcanic and fluvial activity, albeit in an inverted sequence. The Grand Mesa basalt cap has preserved the landform during the incision around its sides, whereas Sacra Mensa was likely carved by floods, with those flood channels later modified by lava flows. Recent (2015-2017) LiDAR surveys revealed massive and possible ancient landslides in many stream valleys and extensive earthflows on all sides of the Grand Mesa. In the case of the Grand Mesa, the large landslides are mainly occurring in one stratigraphic unit. In comparison, the western half of Sacra Mensa contains substantial slumping accompanied by landslides and debris flows, whereas the eastern half has relatively few such phenomena. Here, we report on the first Mesa-Mensa landscape evolution analog study. The surficial and bedrock mapping and 14C dating of key features of the

  14. DOE-Grand Junction logging model data synopsis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathews, M.A.; Koizumi, C.J.; Evans, H.B.


    This synopsis provides the available data concerning the logging models at the DoE-Grand Junction facility, to date (1976). Because gamma-ray logs are used in uranium exploration to estimate the grade (percent U 3 O 8 ) and the thickness of uranium ore zones in exploration drill holes, logging models are required to calibrate the gamma-ray logging equipment in order to obtain accuracy, uniformity, standardization, and repeatability during logging. This quality control is essential for accurate ore reserve calculations and for estimates of ore potential. The logging models at the DoE-Grand Junction facility are available for use by private industry in calibrating their gamma-ray logging equipment. 21 figures, 26 tables

  15. Avaliação antropométrica de pacientes com suspeita de erros inatos do metabolismo Anthropometric evaluation of patients with suspected innate errors of metabolism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francilia de Kássia Brito-Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar antropometricamente os pacientes com suspeita de erros inatos do metabolismo (EIM e descrever a prevalência de distúrbios nutricionais (desnutrição, sobrepeso e obesidade. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 55 pacientes de 0 a 10 anos, de acordo com os índices antropométricos (A/I, P/I E P/A e IMC/I, no laboratório de erros inatos do metabolismo (LEIM da Universidade Federal do Pará, através de balança e antropômetro. Os dados foram coletados a partir da ficha de atendimento do LEIM. Para o diagnóstico nutricional foram utilizados os programas Anthro e Anthro Plus e o programa SPSS para a análise estatística. RESULTADOS: os pacientes atendidos pertenciam, na maioria, a faixa etária de sete meses a nove anos. Os principais sintomas foram atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e infecções frequentes. Quanto ao estado nutricional, foi observado déficit de 23,7% no indicador de peso para idade, déficit de 50,9% no indicador de altura para idade, excesso de peso e obesidade de 15,4% para peso para altura, e 25,1% para índice de massa corporal para idade. CONCLUSÕES: os pacientes apresentaram estado nutricional inadequados, o qual na ausência de diagnóstico de EIM, os fatores envolvidos devem ser mais bem averiguados.OBJECTIVES: to provide an anthropometric evaluation of patients suspected of having innate errors of metabolism (IEMs and report the prevalence of nutritional disorders (malnutrition, overweight and obesity. METHODS: fifty-five patients aged between 0 and 10 years were evaluated for anthropometric indices (H/A, W/A and W/H and BMI/A, in the innate errors of metabolism laboratory (LEIM of the Federal University of Pará, using scales and an anthropometer. The data were collected using an LEIM form. Nutritional diagnosis was carried out using the Anthro and Anthro Plus programs and the SPSS statistics package. RESULTS: the patients attended were mostly aged between seven months and nine years. The main

  16. Blaise Cendrars et ses 'Grands Fétiches'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Doubinsky, Sebastien


    Quand l’écrivain Blaise Cendrars fait paraître sa série de poèmes réunis sous le titre Les Grands Fétiches dans la revue bruxelloise Le Disque vert en 1922, il semble participer de la grande mode « Nègre » qui secoue la France en cette période. Co-découvreur des arts dits « primitives » dès 1916...... avec Guillaume Apollinaire, l’écrivain va les insérer dans son travail poétique comme miroirs inversés de la modernité occidentale. Cependant, même s'il utilise certains des clichés racistes de son époque, il se place lui-même dans le camp des « mélanophiles », et va se servir de cet Art Nègre pour...... repousser à l'extrême les frontières de la modernité. La série des Grands Fétiches participe directement de ce désir, et nous tenterons de montrer dans cet article comment ces objets dits primitifs deviennent des objets « instables » qui remettent en question la définition même du poétique....

  17. Biomechanical analysis technique choreographic movements (for example, "grand battman jete"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Batieieva N.P.


    Full Text Available Purpose : biomechanical analysis of the execution of choreographic movement "grand battman jete". Material : the study involved students (n = 7 of the department of classical choreography faculty of choreography. Results : biomechanical analysis of choreographic movement "grand battman jete" (classic exercise, obtained kinematic characteristics (path, velocity, acceleration, force of the center of mass (CM bio parts of the body artist (foot, shin, thigh. Built bio kinematic model (phase. The energy characteristics - mechanical work and kinetic energy units legs when performing choreographic movement "grand battman jete". Conclusions : It was found that the ability of an athlete and coach-choreographer analyze the biomechanics of movement has a positive effect on the improvement of choreographic training of qualified athletes in gymnastics (sport, art, figure skating and dance sports.

  18. "Teine" võitis Prantsusmaal Grand Prix'

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Prantsusmaal Essonne'is toimuval 8. Euroopa filmifestivalil Cinessonne sai üliõpilaste žürii grand prix rahvusvahelises ühistöös valminud tantsufilm "Teine" ("Another") : režissöör Rene Vilbre. Ka teistest festivalidest, kus film osalenud

  19. Mesohabitats, fish assemblage composition, and mesohabitat use of the Rio Grande silvery minnow over a range of seasonal flow regimes in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte, in and near Big Bend National Park, Texas, 2010-11 (United States)

    Moring, J. Bruce; Braun, Christopher L.; Pearson, Daniel K.


    In 2010–11, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, evaluated the physical characteristics and fish assemblage composition of mapped river mesohabitats at four sites on the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte (hereinafter Rio Grande) in and near Big Bend National Park, Texas. The four sites used for the river habitat study were colocated with sites where the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has implemented an experimental reintroduction of the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus), a federally listed endangered species, into part of the historical range of this species. The four sites from upstream to downstream are USGS station 08374340 Rio Grande at Contrabando Canyon near Lajitas, Tex. (hereinafter the Contrabando site), USGS station 290956103363600 Rio Grande at Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, Tex. (hereinafter the Santa Elena site), USGS station 291046102573900 Rio Grande near Ranger Station at Rio Grande Village, Tex. (hereinafter the Rio Grande Village site), and USGS station 292354102491100 Rio Grande above Stillwell Crossing near Big Bend National Park, Tex. (hereinafter the Stillwell Crossing site).

  20. Workshop and conference on Grand Challenges applications and software technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    On May 4--7, 1993, nine federal agencies sponsored a four-day meeting on Grand Challenge applications and software technology. The objective was to bring High-Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Grand Challenge applications research groups supported under the federal HPCC program together with HPCC software technologists to: discuss multidisciplinary computational science research issues and approaches, identify major technology challenges facing users and providers, and refine software technology requirements for Grand Challenge applications research. The first day and a half focused on applications. Presentations were given by speakers from universities, national laboratories, and government agencies actively involved in Grand Challenge research. Five areas of research were covered: environmental and earth sciences; computational physics; computational biology, chemistry, and materials sciences; computational fluid and plasma dynamics; and applications of artificial intelligence. The next day and a half was spent in working groups in which the applications researchers were joined by software technologists. Nine breakout sessions took place: I/0, Data, and File Systems; Parallel Programming Paradigms; Performance Characterization and Evaluation of Massively Parallel Processing Applications; Program Development Tools; Building Multidisciplinary Applications; Algorithm and Libraries I; Algorithms and Libraries II; Graphics and Visualization; and National HPCC Infrastructure.

  1. A report upon the Grand Coulee Fish Maintenance Project 1939-1947 (United States)

    Fish, F.F.; Hanavan, Mitchell G.


    The construction or Grand Coulee Dam, on the upper Columbia River, involved the loss of 1,140 lineal miles of spawning and rearing stream to the production of anadromous fishes. The fact that the annual value of these fish runs to the nation was estimated at $250,000 justified reasonable expenditures to assure their perpetuation. It was found economically infeasible to safely collect and pass adult fish upstream and fingerling fish downstream at the dam because of the tremendous flow of the river and the 320 foot vertical difference in elevation between forebay and tailrace.The Grand Coulee Fish-Maintenance Project, undertaken by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in 1939, consisted in relocating the anadroumous runs of the upper Columbia River to four major tributaries entering below the Grand Coulee damsite. These streams were believed capable of supporting several times their existing, badly depleted, run. The plan was predicated upon the assumption that the relocated runs, in conformity with their "homing tendency", would return to the lower tributaries rather than attempt to reach their ancestral spawning grounds above Grand Coulee Dam. This interim report covers the history and accomplishments of the Grand Coulee Fish-Maintenance Project through the initial period of relocating the rune as well as the first four years of the permanent program. Results obtained to date indicate conclusive success in diverting the upper Columbia fish runs into the accessible lower tributaries. The results also indicate, less conclusively, that - in spite of many existing handicaps - the upper Columbia salmon and steelhead runs may be rehabilitated through the integrated program of natural and artificial propagation incorporated in the Grand Coulee Fish-Maintenance Project.

  2. Introduction to grand unification theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Kyungsik


    We introduce the Georgi-Glashow model based on the minimal gauge group SU(5) as a prototype grand unification theory of the electroweak and strong interactions. Simple estimation of sin 2 thetasub(W) in the symmetry limit and the renormalization corrections at the energy scale of Msub(W) are given along wich other successes of the SU(5) model

  3. The Grand Duchy on the Grand Tour: A Historical Study of Student Migration in Luxembourg (United States)

    Rohstock, Anne; Schreiber, Catherina


    Since Luxembourg became independent in 1839, practically the entire political, economic and intellectual elite of the country has been socialised abroad. It was only in 2003 that the Grand Duchy set up its own university; before then, young Luxembourgers had to study in foreign countries. Over the past 150 years, Luxembourg has thus experienced…

  4. Magalhães Gomes, físico e humanista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ângela Vaz Leão


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem dois objetivos: primeiro apresentar aos leitores da revista Scripta e aos jovens universitários a figura de um grande pesquisador na área da Física que foi também um humanista eminente, o Professor Francisco de Assis Magalhães Gomes; depois, publicar um erudito trabalho seu, de crítica etimológica, intitulado “Um erro etimológico: a origem do vocábulo gallium para designar o elemento 31 da classificação periódica”. Esse trabalho, apenas introduzido no presente artigo, será transcrito no artigo seguinte.

  5. Repensando a saúde. Estratégias para melhorar a qualidade e reduzir os custos. Michael E. Porter e Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg. Tradução de Cristina Bazan. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2007


    Gilberto Caetano


    O sistema de saúde dos Estados Unidos é conhecido pelo seu alto custo, o que os americanos, por tradição, presumem ser o preço de excelência. Parte da assistência à saúde nos Estados Unidos é de fato excelente, mas sabemos que nele também existem sérios problemas de qualidade. Há forte evidência de que grande parte dos tratamentos está bastante aquém da excelência, sendo aplicados em demasia ou em dose insuficiente, e que índices de erro médico continuam alarmantes. Esse livro começa descreve...

  6. Il Canal Grande a Venezia in scansione 3D da natante

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    Caterina Balletti


    Full Text Available L’Università Iuav di Venezia ha testato sul Canal Grande le più innovative tecniche di rilevamento, in collaborazione con Riegl e Microgeo, realizzando la scansione di tutti i prospetti attraverso un sistema di acquisizione integrato da natante. The Grand Canal in Venice by boat 3d laser scanningThe  Iuav  University  in  Venice  realized  a  test  on  the  Canal Grande with the most advanced detection techniques, in col-laboration with Riegl and Microgeo, making the laser scanning of all the elevation  through an acquisition system integrated on a ship.

  7. Il Canal Grande a Venezia in scansione 3D da natante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caterina Balletti


    Full Text Available L’Università Iuav di Venezia ha testato sul Canal Grande le più innovative tecniche di rilevamento, in collaborazione con Riegl e Microgeo, realizzando la scansione di tutti i prospetti attraverso un sistema di acquisizione integrato da natante.   The Grand Canal in Venice by boat 3d laser scanning The  Iuav  University  in  Venice  realized  a  test  on  the  Canal Grande with the most advanced detection techniques, in col-laboration with Riegl and Microgeo, making the laser scanning of all the elevation  through an acquisition system integrated on a ship.

  8. Cassini's Grand Finale Overview (United States)

    Spilker, L. J.


    After 13 years in orbit, the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn ended in a science-rich blaze of glory. Cassini sent back its final bits of unique science data on September 15, 2017, as it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere, vaporizing and satisfying planetary protection requirements. Cassini's final phase covered roughly ten months and ended with the first time exploration of the region between the rings and planet. In late 2016 Cassini transitioned to a series of 20 Ring Grazing orbits with peripases just outside Saturn's F ring, providing close flybys of tiny ring moons, including Pan, Daphnis and Atlas, and high-resolution views of Saturn's A and F rings. A final Titan flyby in late April 2017 propelled Cassini across Saturn's main rings and into its Grand Finale orbits. Comprised of 22 orbits, Cassini repeatedly dove between Saturn's innermost rings and upper atmosphere to answer fundamental questions unattainable earlier in the mission. The last orbit turned the spacecraft into the first Saturn atmosphere probe. The Grand Finale orbits provided highest resolution observations of both the rings and Saturn, and in-situ sampling of the ring particle composition, Saturn's atmosphere, plasma, and innermost radiation belts. The gravitational field was measured to unprecedented accuracy, providing information on the interior structure of the planet, winds in the deeper atmosphere, and mass of the rings. The magnetic field provided insight into the physical nature of the magnetic dynamo and structure of the internal magnetic field. The ion and neutral mass spectrometer sampled the upper atmosphere for molecules that escape the atmosphere in addition to molecules originating from the rings. The cosmic dust analyzer directly sampled the composition from different parts of the main rings for the first time. Fields and particles instruments directly measured the plasma environment between the rings and planet. Science highlights and new mysteries collected in the Grand

  9. Albuquerque/Middle Rio Grande Urban Waters Viewer (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — These data have been compiled in support of the Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque Urban Waters Partnership for the region including Albuquerque, New Mexico.The Middle...

  10. Conseqüências dos erros de medicação em unidades de terapia intensiva e semi-intensiva Consecuencias de los errores de medicaciòn en unidades de cuidados intensivos - semi intensivos Consequences of medical errors in intensive and semi-intensive care units

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cecília Toffoletto


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou caracterizar erros de medicação e avaliar conseqüências na gravidade dos pacientes e carga de trabalho de enfermagem em duas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI e duas Semi-Intensiva (USI de duas instituições hospitalares do município de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 50 pacientes e os dados obtidos por meio do registro de ocorrências e prontuários, retrospectivamente. A gravidade e carga de trabalho de enfermagem foram avaliadas antes e após o erro. Do total de 52 erros, 12 (23,08% ocorreram por omissão de dose, 11 (21,15% e 9 (17,31% por medicamento e dose erradas, respectivamente. Não houve mudança na gravidade dos pacientes (p=0,316, porém houve aumento na carga de trabalho de enfermagem (p=0,009. Quanto ao grupo de medicamentos envolvidos, potencialmente perigosos e não potencialmente perigosos, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes na gravidade (p=0,456 e na carga de trabalho de enfermagem (p=0,264, após o erro de medicação.En el presente estudio se tuvo como objetivo caracterizar errores de medicación y evaluar consecuencias en la gravedad de los pacientes y carga de trabajo de enfermería en dos Unidades de cuidados Intensivos (UCI y dos Semi-Intensivos (USI de dos instituciones hospitalarias del municipio de Sao Paulo. La muestra constituida por 50 pacientes fueron obtenidos por medio del registro de ocurrencias e historias clínicas, retrospectivamente. La gravedad y carga de trabajo de enfermería fueron evaluadas antes y después del error. Del total de 52 errores, 12 (23,08% ocurrieron por omisión de la dosis, 11 (21,15% y 9 (17,31% por medicamento y dosis erradas, respectivamente. No se observó cambio en la gravedad de los pacientes (p=0,316, no obstante hubo aumento en la carga de trabajo de enfermería (p=0,009. En cuanto al grupo de medicamentos involucrados, potencial y no potencialmente peligrosos, no existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en

  11. Raptor Use of the Rio Grande Gorge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ponton, David A. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The Rio Grande Gorge is a 115 km long river canyon located in Southern Colorado (15 km) and Northern New Mexico (100 km). The majority of the canyon is under the administration of the Bureau of Land Management {BLM), and 77 km of the canyon south of the Colorado/New Mexico border are designated Wild River under the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. Visits I have made to the Rio Grande Gorge over the past 15 .years disclosed some raptor utilization. As the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area gained publicity, its similarity to the Rio Grande Gorge became obvious, and I was intrigued by the possibility of a high raptor nesting density in the Gorge. A survey in 1979 of 20 km of the northern end of the canyon revealed a moderately high density of red-tailed hawks and prairie falcons. With the encouragement of that partial survey, and a need to assess the impact of river-running on nesting birds of prey, I made a more comprehensive survey in 1980. The results of my surveys, along with those of a 1978 helicopter survey by the BLM, are presented in this report, as well as general characterization of the area, winter use by raptors, and an assessment of factors influencing the raptor population.

  12. Grand Minima: Is The Sun Going To Sleep? (United States)

    Mcintosh, S. W.; Leamon, R. J.


    We explore recent observational work which indicate that the energetics of the sun's outer atmosphere have been on a steady decline for the past decade and perhaps longer. Futher, we show that new investigations into evolution of the Sun's global magnetic activity appear to demonstrate a path through which the Sun can go into, and exit from, a grand activity minimum without great difficulty while retaining an activity cycle - only losing sunspots. Are we at the begining of a new grand(-ish) minimum? Naturally, only time will tell, but the observational evidence hint that one may not be far off to what impact on the Sun-Earth Connection.

  13. Guidebook to Rio Grande rift in New Mexico (United States)

    Hawley, J.W.


    Discusses the details of geologic features along the rift zone. Included are short papers on topics relative to the overall region. These papers and the road logs are of special interest to any one pursuing further study of the rift. This book is a comprehensive guide to the middle and late Cenozoic geology of the Rio Grande region of Colorado and New Mexico. Though initially used on field trips for the International Symposium on Tectonics and Magmatism of the Rio Grande rift, the guidebook will be useful to anyone interested in the Cenozoic history of the 600-mi-long area extending from central Colorado to El Paso, Texas.

  14. Uma Comparação entre Técnicas de Propagação de Erros em Astrofísica: Monte Carlo x Bootstrap (United States)

    Zabot, Alexandre; Baptista, Raymundo


    Neste trabalho é feito um estudo comparativo entre dois algoritmos numéricos usados para propagação de erros em dados experimentais. Um deles é conhecido por Método de Monte carlo e o outro por Método de Bootstrap. Recentemente, Dhullon & Watson argüiram que a aplicação do método de Monte Carlo introduz ruído nos dados, e propuseram então a utilização do Bootstrap como alternativa capaz de produzir resultados superiores. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a validade dessa afirmação. As duas técnicas foram aplicadas a três problemas diferentes: o ajsute de modelos de emissão LTE simples e atmosfera estelar a espectros estelares observados e o ajuste de curvas de luz de eclipses de Variáveis Cataclísmicas para a detemrinação da distribuição radial de brilho dos seus discos de acréscimo. Os métodos foram testados quanto à sua robusteza, ou seja, a capacidade de prover resultados coerentes enre si. Além disso, as soluções dos métodos foram comparadas. Os resultados indicam que não existe evidência de superioridade de um métodos em relação ao outro.

  15. Carbonaceous aerosol particles from common vegetation in the Grand Canyon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hallock, K.A.; Mazurek, M.A.; Cass, G.R.


    The problem of visibility reduction in the Grand Canyon due to fine organic aerosol particles in the atmosphere has become an area of increased environmental concern. Aerosol particles can be derived from many emission sources. In this report, we focus on identifying organic aerosols derived from common vegetation in the Grand Canyon. These aerosols are expected to be significant contributors to the total atmospheric organic aerosol content. Aerosol samples from living vegetation were collected by resuspension of surface wax and resin components liberated from the leaves of vegetation common to areas of the Grand Canyon. The samples were analyzed using high-resolution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Probable identification of compounds was made by comparison of sample spectra with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mass spectral references and positive identification of compounds was made when possible by comparison with authentic standards as well as NIST references. Using these references, we have been able to positively identify the presence of n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid homolog series in the surface waxes of the vegetation sampled. Several monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes were identified also as possible biogenic aerosols which may contribute to the total organic aerosol abundance leading to visibility reduction in the Grand Canyon

  16. Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denis Alcides-Rezende


    Full Text Available The objective of this work is to analyse the integration of information systems and information technology resources in the municipal planning of 14 small cities of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil. The research methodology consisted of a multiple case study together with a convenient non-probabilistic sample chosen through a research protocol. The results demonstrate the difficulties of these cities to organise the municipal data as well as their struggle for accessibility of information and planning for management and control.

  17. Mitigation measures for the La Grande 1 hydroelectric development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faucher, O.; Gagnon, R.


    Measures to mitigate environmental impacts of the La Grande 1 hydroelectric development are described. An overview is presented of the La Grande 1 project, its surrounding environment, and the principle environmental repercussions of the reservoir, hydrological changes between the dam and river mouth, construction activities and permanent and temporary structures, and presence of workers. Mitigation measures including compensation, corrective measures (deforestation, selective cutting, fish populations, wildlife populations, land rehabilitation, access roads, fisheries, and erosion control), protective measures, enhancement measures, and contract and employment opportunities for the Cree population are described. 10 refs., 2 figs

  18. Comprehensive District Reform: Philadelphia's Grand Experiment. (United States)

    Useem, Elizabeth; Balfanz, Robert


    This report describes "Philadelphia's Grand Experiment" in comprehensive school district reform, from its conception through its initial months of implementation. In 2001, as part of the remedy for low student performance, the governor ordered the state to take over governance of the Philadelphia School District, with a substantial…

  19. Environmental assessment of facility operations at the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has prepared a sitewide environmental assessment (EA) of the proposed action to continue and expand present-day activities on the DOE Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) facility in Grand Junction, Colorado. Because DOE-GJPO regularly proposes and conducts many different on-site activities, DOE decided to evaluate these activities in one sitewide EA rather than in multiple, activity-specific documents. On the basis of the information and analyses presented in the EA, DOE has determined that the proposed action does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, as defined by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Therefore, preparation of an environmental impact statement is not required for facility operations, and DOE is issuing this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

  20. Environmental assessment of facility operations at the U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has prepared a sitewide environmental assessment (EA) of the proposed action to continue and expand present-day activities on the DOE Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) facility in Grand Junction, Colorado. Because DOE-GJPO regularly proposes and conducts many different on-site activities, DOE decided to evaluate these activities in one sitewide EA rather than in multiple, activity-specific documents. On the basis of the information and analyses presented in the EA, DOE has determined that the proposed action does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, as defined by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Therefore, preparation of an environmental impact statement is not required for facility operations, and DOE is issuing this Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

  1. GrandBase: generating actionable knowledge from Big Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiu Susie Fang


    Full Text Available Purpose – This paper aims to propose a system for generating actionable knowledge from Big Data and use this system to construct a comprehensive knowledge base (KB, called GrandBase. Design/methodology/approach – In particular, this study extracts new predicates from four types of data sources, namely, Web texts, Document Object Model (DOM trees, existing KBs and query stream to augment the ontology of the existing KB (i.e. Freebase. In addition, a graph-based approach to conduct better truth discovery for multi-valued predicates is also proposed. Findings – Empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches presented in this study and the potential of GrandBase. The future research directions regarding GrandBase construction and extension has also been discussed. Originality/value – To revolutionize our modern society by using the wisdom of Big Data, considerable KBs have been constructed to feed the massive knowledge-driven applications with Resource Description Framework triples. The important challenges for KB construction include extracting information from large-scale, possibly conflicting and different-structured data sources (i.e. the knowledge extraction problem and reconciling the conflicts that reside in the sources (i.e. the truth discovery problem. Tremendous research efforts have been contributed on both problems. However, the existing KBs are far from being comprehensive and accurate: first, existing knowledge extraction systems retrieve data from limited types of Web sources; second, existing truth discovery approaches commonly assume each predicate has only one true value. In this paper, the focus is on the problem of generating actionable knowledge from Big Data. A system is proposed, which consists of two phases, namely, knowledge extraction and truth discovery, to construct a broader KB, called GrandBase.

  2. Lower Grande Ronde smolt trap monitoring. Annual report 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Setter, A.; Carmichael, R.W.


    The authors sampled downstream migrating salmonids at Boggan's Oasis in the Grande Ronde River with a screw trap during 1995 and a scoop trap during 1996. Sampling began in March and terminated early in June. Wild spring chinook and wild/hatchery steelhead were collected and marked to assess migration patterns and timing. Fish were marked with tags in order to obtain downstream migration data with minimal fish handling. Observations were recorded when a fish swam through an interrogation monitor at hydroelectric facilities downstream. The second year for monitoring smolts leaving the Grande Ronde River was completed in 1995. The authors continued to pursue moving to a permanent location downstream for 1997 because of the limitations for trapping smolts at Boggan's Oasis. This involved reconnaissance surveys of several potential sites near the mouth of the river from 1994--1996. During February of 1996, a water velocity and bottom topography assessment was completed. Results of the assessment were used for siting the anchoring tower structure upstream approximately 1.2 miles from the mouth of the Grande Ronde River

  3. Simulations of Precipitation Variability over the Upper Rio Grande Basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costigan, Keeley R.; Bossert, James E.; Langley, David L.


    In this research, we study Albuquerque's water and how it may be affected by changes in the regional climate, as manifested by variations in Rio Grande water levels. To do this, we rely on the use of coupled atmospheric, runoff, and ground water models. Preliminary work on the project has focused on uncoupled simulations of the aquifer beneath Albuquerque and winter precipitation simulations of the upper Rio Grande Basin. The latter is discussed in this paper

  4. Aplicação de Poka Yoke em processos de caldeiraria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josiel Teixeira Consul


    Full Text Available Como objetivo, este artigo pretende identificar como o método Poka Yoke contribui para evitar erros, corrigindo defeitos na execução de peças caldeiradas. Como justificativa para a escolha desse tema destaca-se que as empresas cada vez mais investem na qualidade de seus processos de produção, sendo o desperdício algo que sinaliza falhas e que os mecanismos de averiguação dos meios de controle necessitam ser cada vez mais aprimorados. A linha de pesquisa utilizada para tal estudo está na sistematização in loco de como se dará o fluxo do processo do método Poka Yoke na sua aplicação em peças caldeiradas. A metodologia será em etapas definidas de controle, incluindo avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa dos erros, identificando-se os processos de falhas, bem como melhorias de produção, bem como avaliando como se dá o retrabalho e de maneira esse se dá no processo de controle de eficácia da linha de produção. Cabe ressaltar que este trabalho destina-se à instrumentalização de que a Engenharia de Produção se apropria e utiliza no que se refere ao desenvolvimento voltado ao processo de gestão, incluindo-se assim o foco principal de formação que a instituição particulariza. Foi visto na pesquisa que o sistema funciona ainda mais quando há uma conscientização dos trabalhadores para a importância da metodologia aplicada nos processos de produção.

  5. Light grand unified theory triplets and Yukawa splitting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rakshit, Subhendu; Shadmi, Yael; Raz, Guy; Roy, Sourov


    Triplet-mediated proton decay in grand unified theories (GUTs) is usually suppressed by arranging a large triplet mass. Here we explore instead a mechanism for suppressing the couplings of the triplets to the first and second generations compared to the Yukawa couplings, so that the triplets can be light. This mechanism is based on a 'triplet symmetry' in the context of product-group GUTs. We study two possibilities. The first possibility, which requires the top Yukawa coupling to arise from a nonrenormalizable operator at the GUT scale, is that all triplet couplings to matter are negligible, so that the triplets can be at the weak scale, giving new evidence for grand unification. The second possibility is that some triplet couplings, and in particular Ttb and Tt-barl-bar, are equal to the corresponding Yukawa couplings. This would give a distinct signature of grand unification if the triplets were sufficiently light. However, we derive a model-independent bound on the triplet mass in this case, which is at least 10 6 GeV. Finally, we construct an explicit viable GUT model based on Yukawa splitting, with the triplets at 10 14 GeV, as required for coupling unification to work. This model requires no additional thresholds below the GUT scale

  6. Grand canonical electronic density-functional theory: Algorithms and applications to electrochemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sundararaman, Ravishankar; Goddard, William A. III; Arias, Tomas A.


    First-principles calculations combining density-functional theory and continuum solvation models enable realistic theoretical modeling and design of electrochemical systems. When a reaction proceeds in such systems, the number of electrons in the portion of the system treated quantum mechanically changes continuously, with a balancing charge appearing in the continuum electrolyte. A grand-canonical ensemble of electrons at a chemical potential set by the electrode potential is therefore the ideal description of such systems that directly mimics the experimental condition. We present two distinct algorithms: a self-consistent field method and a direct variational free energy minimization method using auxiliary Hamiltonians (GC-AuxH), to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of electronic density-functional theory directly in the grand canonical ensemble at fixed potential. Both methods substantially improve performance compared to a sequence of conventional fixed-number calculations targeting the desired potential, with the GC-AuxH method additionally exhibiting reliable and smooth exponential convergence of the grand free energy. Lastly, we apply grand-canonical density-functional theory to the under-potential deposition of copper on platinum from chloride-containing electrolytes and show that chloride desorption, not partial copper monolayer formation, is responsible for the second voltammetric peak.

  7. Grand canonical electronic density-functional theory: Algorithms and applications to electrochemistry (United States)

    Sundararaman, Ravishankar; Goddard, William A.; Arias, Tomas A.


    First-principles calculations combining density-functional theory and continuum solvation models enable realistic theoretical modeling and design of electrochemical systems. When a reaction proceeds in such systems, the number of electrons in the portion of the system treated quantum mechanically changes continuously, with a balancing charge appearing in the continuum electrolyte. A grand-canonical ensemble of electrons at a chemical potential set by the electrode potential is therefore the ideal description of such systems that directly mimics the experimental condition. We present two distinct algorithms: a self-consistent field method and a direct variational free energy minimization method using auxiliary Hamiltonians (GC-AuxH), to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of electronic density-functional theory directly in the grand canonical ensemble at fixed potential. Both methods substantially improve performance compared to a sequence of conventional fixed-number calculations targeting the desired potential, with the GC-AuxH method additionally exhibiting reliable and smooth exponential convergence of the grand free energy. Finally, we apply grand-canonical density-functional theory to the under-potential deposition of copper on platinum from chloride-containing electrolytes and show that chloride desorption, not partial copper monolayer formation, is responsible for the second voltammetric peak.

  8. A Nurse-Led Innovation in Education: Implementing a Collaborative Multidisciplinary Grand Rounds. (United States)

    Matamoros, Lisa; Cook, Michelle


    Multidisciplinary grand rounds provides an opportunity to promote excellence in patient care through scholarly presentations and interdisciplinary collaboration with an innovative approach. In addition, multidisciplinary grand rounds serves to recognize expertise of staff, mentor and support professional development, and provide a collaborative environment across all clinical disciplines and support services. This article describes a process model developed by nurse educators for implementing a multidisciplinary grand rounds program. The components of the process model include topic submissions, coaching presenters, presentations, evaluations, and spreading the work. This model can be easily implemented at any organization. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2017;48(8):353-357. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  9. Birds of the Reserva Biológica do Mato Grande and surroundings, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vizentin-Bugoni, Jeferson; Jacobs, Fernando; Coimbra, Marco Antônio Afonso


    The Reserva Biológica do Mato Grande encompasses 5,161 hectares of wetlands, restinga forests and grasslands in southern Brazil. Aiming to assemble a list of bird species occurring in the reserve, we carried out 21 monthly expeditions from July 2007 to March 2009 and an additional visit on October...

  10. Reisipakkumine - Grand Tour Itaalias / Mai Levin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levin, Mai, 1942-


    Tiina Abeli koostatud ja Urmas Viigi kujundatud näitus "Grand Tour. Eesti kunstnikud Itaalias" Kumu Kunstimuuseumis 05. aprillini. Loetletud eksponeeritud tööde autoreid. Näitus annab ülevaate, kes siinsetest kunstnikest 19. sajandi algusest kuni 1930ndate aastateni Itaalias käisid ja kuidas see nende loomingut mõjutas

  11. Falares: a oralidade como elemento construtor da grande-reportagem


    Alex Criado


    Esta tese discute a incorporação da oralidade de falantes excluídos social e culturalmente na grande-reportagem. O foco desta pesquisa é refletir como a grande-reportagem no Brasil, em sua missão de desvendamento do real, tem lidado com a questão da oralidade. Discute os desafios para a incorporação dos registros orais de pessoas com baixa escolaridade, tendo em vista o preconceito que existe na sociedade em relação aos falantes que se utilizam de modalidades diferentes da língua padrão. Prop...

  12. Sudden transitions and grand variations in the solar dynamo, past and future☆

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    De Jager Cornelis


    Full Text Available The solar dynamo is the exotic dance of the sun’s two major magnetic field components, the poloidal and the toroidal, interacting in anti-phase. On the basis of new data on the geomagnetic aa index, we improve our previous forecast of the properties of the current Schwabe cycle #24. Its maximum will occur in 2013.5 and the maximum sunspot number Rmax will then be 62 ± 12, which is within the bounds of our earlier forecasts. The subsequent analysis, based on a phase diagram, which is a diagram showing the relation between maximum sunspot numbers and minimum geomagnetic aa index values leads to the conclusion that a new Grand Episode in solar activity has started in 2008. From the study of the natural oscillations in the sunspot number time series, as found by an analysis based on suitable wavelet base functions, we predict that this Grand Episode will be of the Regular Oscillations type, which is the kind of oscillations that also occurred between 1724 and 1924. Previous expectations of a Grand (Maunder-type Minimum of solar activity cannot be supported. We stress the significance of the Hallstatt periodicity for determining the character of the forthcoming Grand Episodes. No Grand Minimum is expected to occur during the millennium that has just started.

  13. Nem tudo o que escandaliza é aberração: "error communis facit jus"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Platão Savioli


    Full Text Available

    O tema do certo e do errado em língua, que para os lingüistas é considerado com menosprezo e como uma falsa questão, é o que, na verdade, mais ocupa a atenção dos usuários do idioma em geral. O fundamento desse paradoxo pode provir da duplicidade do ponto de vista com que se considera a língua. Se para a língua, encarada como código, g erro não tem importância, o mesmo não se pode dizer quando ela é abordada do ponto de vista de fato social. O erro é encarado pelo lingüista como uma das virtualidades do sistema; pelo usuário, como causador de vergonha e medo. O silêncio do lingüista abre espaço para vozes menos credenciadas que implantam o medo e estimulam o sentimento de vergonha. Uma abordagem da correção lingüística com método e rigor científico é, pois, um grande serviço para os usuários e um bom negócio para autores e editores.

  14. Nalisis Kinerja Keuangan pada PT. Grand Victoria Hotel di Samarinda


    -, Atmajaya -


    Based on the results of analysis show that the performance of PT. Hotel Grand Victorian is measured using liquidity ratios and profitability ratios decreased from 2010-2012. Performance PT. Grand Victorian is measured using the liquidity ratio has decreased from year 2010-2012 consists of current ratio has decreased, and this is because the total current assets has increased and decreased. Meanwhile, the cash ratio from year 2010-2012 has increased, this is because the total cash and cash equ...

  15. Test of hadronic interaction models with the KASCADE-Grande muon data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schieler H.


    Full Text Available KASCADE-Grande is an air-shower observatory devoted for the detection of cosmic rays with energies in the interval of 1014 – 1018 eV, where the Grande array is responsible for the higher energy range. The experiment comprises different detection systems which allow precise measurements of the charged, electron and muon numbers of extensive air-showers (EAS. These data is employed not only to reconstruct the properties of the primary cosmic-ray particle but also to test hadronic interaction models at high energies. In this contribution, predictions of the muon content of EAS from QGSJET II-2, SIBYLL 2.1 and EPOS 1.99 are confronted with the experimental measurements performed with the KASCADE-Grande experiment in order to test the validity of these hadronic models commonly used in EAS simulations.

  16. LEP constraints on grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarkar, Utpal


    Recent developments on grand unified theories (GUTs) in the context of the LEP measurements of the coupling constants are reviewed. The three coupling constants at the electroweak scale have been measured at LEP quite precisely. One can allow these couplings to evolve with energy following the renormalization group equations for the various groups and find out whether all the coupling constants meet at any energy. It was pointed out that the minimal SU(5) grand unified theory fails to satisfy this test. However, various extensions of the theory are still allowed. These extensions include (i) supersymmetric SU(5) GUT, with some arbitrariness in the susy breaking scale arising from the threshold corrections, (ii) non-susy SU(5) GUTs with additional fermions as well as Higgs multiplets, which has masses of the order of TeV, and (iii) non-renormalizable effect of gravity with a fine tuned relation among the coupling constants at the unification energy. The LEP results also constrain GUTs with an intermediate symmetry breaking scale. By adjusting the intermediate symmetry breaking scale, one usually can have unification, but these theories get constrained. For example, the left-right symmetric theories coming from GUTs can be broken only at energies higher than about ∼10 10 GeV. This implies that if right handed gauge bosons are found at energies lower than this scale, then that will rule out the possibility of grand unification. Another recent interesting development on the subject, namely, low energy unification, is discussed in this context. All the coupling constants are unified at energies of the order of ∼10 8 GeV when they are embedded in an SU(15)GUT, with some particular symmetry breaking pattern. But even in this case the results of the intermediate symmetry breaking scale remain unchanged. (author). 16 refs., 3 figs

  17. Condutas adotadas por técnicos de enfermagem após ocorrência de erros de medicação Conductas adoptadas por técnicos de enfermería después de ocurrir errores de medicación Conducts adopted by nursing technicians after the occurrence of medication errors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jânia Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar e analisar as condutas adotadas por técnicos de enfermagem após a ocorrência de erros de medicação. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 23 técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital de ensino de Goiânia-GO. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas gravadas e analisadas segundo os pressupostos de Bardin. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram duas categorias: tomando condutas relacionadas à comunicação do erro (ao médico, à enfermeira, registrando no prontuário e não comunicando o erro e adotando condutas direcionadas ao paciente (observação do paciente, monitorização e minimização das consequências. CONCLUSÃO: Ressalta-se a necessidade de que as instituições de saúde adotem uma cultura de transparência em relação aos erros de medicação, com a criação de políticas e padronizações para notificação, divulgação e fortalecimento de medidas preventivas.OBJETIVO: Identificar y analizar las conductas adoptadas por técnicos de enfermería después de ocurrir errores de medicación. METODOS: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, realizado en 23 técnicos de enfermería de un hospital de enseñanza, en la ciudad de Goiania, estado de Goiás. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas grabadas y analizadas según los conceptos de Bardin. RESULTADOS: Los resultados evidenciaron dos categorías: tomando conductas relacionadas a la comunicación del error (al médico, a la enfermera, registrando en la ficha y no comunicando el error y, adoptando conductas dirigidas al paciente (observación del paciente, monitorización y minimización de las consecuencias. CONCLUSIÓN: Se resalta la necesidad de que las instituciones de salud adopten una cultura de transparencia en relación a los errores de medicación, con la creación de políticas y la estandarización de las notificaciones, con la

  18. US DOE Grand Challenge in Computational Accelerator Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryne, R.; Habib, S.; Qiang, J.; Ko, K.; Li, Z.; McCandless, B.; Mi, W.; Ng, C.; Saparov, M.; Srinivas, V.; Sun, Y.; Zhan, X.; Decyk, V.; Golub, G.


    Particle accelerators are playing an increasingly important role in basic and applied science, and are enabling new accelerator-driven technologies. But the design of next-generation accelerators, such as linear colliders and high intensity linacs, will require a major advance in numerical modeling capability due to extremely stringent beam control and beam loss requirements, and the presence of highly complex three-dimensional accelerator components. To address this situation, the U.S. Department of Energy has approved a ''Grand Challenge'' in Computational Accelerator Physics, whose primary goal is to develop a parallel modeling capability that will enable high performance, large scale simulations for the design, optimization, and numerical validation of next-generation accelerators. In this paper we report on the status of the Grand Challenge

  19. Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Program, 1995-2002 Summary Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffnagle, Timothy; Carmichael, Richard; Noll, William


    The Grande Ronde Basin once supported large runs of chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and estimated peak escapements in excess of 10,000 occurred as recently as the late 1950's (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1975). Natural escapement declines in the Grande Ronde Basin have been severe and parallel those of other Snake River populations. Reduced productivity has primarily been attributed to increased mortality associated with downstream and upstream migration past eight dams and reservoirs in the Snake and Columbia rivers. Reduced spawner numbers, combined with human manipulation of previously important spawning and rearing habitat in the Grande Ronde Basin, have resulted in decreased spawning distribution and population fragmentation of chinook salmon in the Grande Ronde Basin (Figure 1; Table 1). Escapement of spring/summer chinook salmon in the Snake River basin included 1,799 adults in 1995, less than half of the previous record low of 3,913 adults in 1994. Catherine Creek, Grande Ronde River and Lostine River were historically three of the most productive populations in the Grande Ronde Basin (Carmichael and Boyce 1986). However, productivity of these populations has been poor for recent brood years. Escapement (based on total redd counts) in Catherine Creek and Grande Ronde and Lostine rivers dropped to alarmingly low levels in 1994 and 1995. A total of 11, 3 and 16 redds were observed in 1994 in Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde River and Lostine River, respectively, and 14, 6 and 11 redds were observed in those same streams in 1995. In contrast, the maximum number of redds observed in the past was 505 in Catherine Creek (1971), 304 in the Grande Ronde River (1968) and 261 in 1956 in the Lostine River (Tranquilli et al 2003). Redd counts for index count areas (a standardized portion of the total stream) have also decreased dramatically for most Grande Ronde Basin streams from 1964-2002, dropping to as low as 37 redds in the 119.5 km in the index

  20. Severe accident sequences simulated at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carbajo, J.J.


    Different severe accident sequences employing the MELCOR code, version 1.8.4 QK, have been simulated at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (Grand Gulf). The postulated severe accidents simulated are two low-pressure, short-term, station blackouts; two unmitigated small-break (SB) loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) (SBLOCAs); and one unmitigated large LOCA (LLOCA). The purpose of this study was to calculate best-estimate timings of events and source terms for a wide range of severe accidents and to compare the plant response to these accidents

  1. Panel - Rio Grande restoration: Future directions (United States)

    Deborah M. Finch; Pete V. Domenici; Jeffrey. C. Whitney; Steve Harris; Brian Shields; Clifford S. Crawford


    The purpose of this panel was to discuss historical and current changes to the Rio Grande system, focusing on the middle Basin, and to present and review different individual, organizational, and political perspectives on the future of the system. Invitations were made to panelists based on their past and current interests and activities pertaining to restoration of...

  2. Modelagem de atributos físico-hídricos do solo numa bacia hidrográfica da região do Alto Rio Grande, MG Physical-hydric soil attribute modeling in a watershed in the region of alto Rio Grande, MG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Rogério de Mello


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver modelos para estimativa dos atributos físico-hídricos do solo porosidade drenável (PD e capacidade total de retenção de água (CTA, com base em atributos físicos de fácil e rápida obtenção (textura, argila dispersa em água, volume total de poros, densidade do solo e densidade de partícula e a determinação de matéria orgânica. Os atributos foram coletados na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Marcela, na camada de 0 a 15 cm, obedecendo aos grids de 240 x 240 e 60 x 60 m, totalizando 165 pontos amostrados. Trabalhou-se com regressão múltipla linear, constituindo-se variáveis por meio da combinação dos diferentes atributos entre si e estimando os respectivos coeficientes pelo método dos mínimos quadrados, utilizando-se o programa SAS for Windows. Os modelos gerados para CTA e PD apresentaram boa qualidade estatística, com elevados coeficientes de determinação, baixos erros de estimativa e variáveis significativas, o que permitiu sua aplicação na estimativa desses atributos na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Marcela, representativa do domínio dos Latossolos na região do Alto Rio Grande, fornecendo assim subsídios para implantação de projetos agrícolas e ambientais, especialmente no auxílio à parametrização de modelos de simulação hidrossedimentológica, os quais estão em desenvolvimento para aplicação na região.This study aimed to develop models to estimate the two physical-hydric soil attributes, drainable porosity (PD and water holding capacity (CTA, based on easily and quickly measured physical attributes (particle-size distribution, water dispersible clay, total porosity, bulk density and particle density. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected in the Ribeirão Marcela watershed, from the of 0-15 cm layer, in grids of 240 x 240 and 60 x 60 m, totaling 165 sample points. Linear multiple regression was applied, using variables that combined the

  3. Engineering assessment of inactive uranium mill tailings, Grand Junction site, Grand Junction, Colorado. Phase II, Title I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah Inc. has performed an engineering assessment of the problems resulting from the existence of radioactive uranium mill tailings at Grand Junction, Colorado. The Phase II, Title I services include the preparation of topographic maps, the performance of core drillings and radiometric measurements sufficient to determine areas and volumes of tailings and radiation exposures of individuals and nearby populations, the investigation of site hydrology and meteorology and the evaluation and costing of alternative corrective actions. Radon gas release from the 1.9 million tons of tailings at the Grand Junction site constitutes the most significant environmental impact, although windblown tailings and external gamma radiation are also factors. The eight alternative actions presented range from millsite decontamination (Option I), to adding various depths of stabilization cover material (Options II and III), to removal of the tailings to long-term storage sites and decontamination of the present site (Options IV through VIII). Cost estimates for the eight options range from $470,000 to $18,130,000. Reprocessing the tailings for uranium recovery does not appear to be economically attractive at present.

  4. Engineering assessment of inactive uranium mill tailings, Grand Junction site, Grand Junction, Colorado. Phase II, Title I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah Inc. has performed an engineering assessment of the problems resulting from the existence of radioactive uranium mill tailings at Grand Junction, Colorado. The Phase II, Title I services include the preparation of topographic maps, the performance of core drillings and radiometric measurements sufficient to determine areas and volumes of tailings and radiation exposures of individuals and nearby populations, the investigation of site hydrology and meteorology and the evaluation and costing of alternative corrective actions. Radon gas release from the 1.9 million tons of tailings at the Grand Junction site constitutes the most significant environmental impact, although windblown tailings and external gamma radiation are also factors. The eight alternative actions presented range from millsite decontamination (Option I), to adding various depths of stabilization cover material (Options II and III), to removal of the tailings to long-term storage sites and decontamination of the present site (Options IV through VIII). Cost estimates for the eight options range from $470,000 to $18,130,000. Reprocessing the tailings for uranium recovery does not appear to be economically attractive at present

  5. Microbial contamination and chemical toxicity of the Rio Grande

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valles Adrian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Rio Grande River is the natural boundary between U.S. and Mexico from El Paso, TX to Brownsville, TX. and is one of the major water resources of the area. Agriculture, farming, maquiladora industry, domestic activities, as well as differences in disposal regulations and enforcement increase the contamination potential of water supplies along the border region. Therefore, continuous and accurate assessment of the quality of water supplies is of paramount importance. The objectives of this study were to monitor water quality of the Rio Grande and to determine if any correlations exist between fecal coliforms, E. coli, chemical toxicity as determined by Botsford's assay, H. pylori presence, and environmental parameters. Seven sites along a 112-Km segment of the Rio Grande from Sunland Park, NM to Fort Hancock, TX were sampled on a monthly basis between January 2000 and December 2002. Results The results showed great variability in the number of fecal coliforms, and E. coli on a month-to-month basis. Fecal coliforms ranged between 0–106 CFU/100 ml while E. coli ranged between 6 to > 2419 MPN. H. pylori showed positive detection for all the sites at different times. Toxicity ranged between 0 to 94% of inhibition capacity (IC. Since values above 50% are considered to be toxic, most of the sites displayed significant chemical toxicity at different times of the year. No significant correlations were observed between microbial indicators and chemical toxicity. Conclusion The results of the present study indicate that the 112-Km segment of the Rio Grande river from Sunland Park, NM to Fort Hancock, TX exceeds the standards for contact recreation water on a continuous basis. In addition, the presence of chemical toxicity in most sites along the 112-Km segment indicates that water quality is an area of concern for the bi-national region. The presence of H. pylori adds to the potential health hazards of the Rio Grande. Since no

  6. Estudo numérico-analítico dos efeitos de cargas axiais sobre o comportamento vibratório de pás eólicas


    Oliveira, Fernanda Almeida Leite de


    As turbinas eólicas tiveram um crescimento acentuado em suas dimensões ao longo dos anos. O diâmetro do rotor aumentou quase 10 vezes o seu tamanho da década de 80 ao ano de 2010. As pás eólicas de grande porte são mais flexíveis e estão sujeitas a maiores velocidades do vento devido ao aumento da altura das torres. As causas de acidentes envolvendo as pás estão relacionadas com erros de projeto, defeitos de fabricação, danos causados no transporte ou elevação, falhas na montagem, por esforço...

  7. Educação em serviço: estratégia para a administração segura de medicamentos


    Duarte, Lucélia Maria Carla Paulo da Silva; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra; Correio, Wilton Rodrigues Medeiros; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra; Correio, Quênia Camille Soares Martins; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra


    A insegurança no sistema de medicação é um problema de saúde pública que além dos danos à saúde do paciente, gera prejuízo econômico por custos desnecessários, visto que os erros são evitáveis. Este estudo objetiva descrever a experiência do desenvolvimento de uma oficina de educação permanente para a segurança na administração de medicamentos. Trata-se de um relato de experiência realizado em um hospital universitário do interior do Rio Grande do Norte. O público-alvo foi a equipe de enferma...

  8. Recovery from Maunder-like Grand Minima in a Babcock–Leighton Solar Dynamo Model (United States)

    Karak, Bidya Binay; Miesch, Mark


    The Sun occasionally goes through Maunder-like extended grand minima when its magnetic activity drops considerably from the normal activity level for several decades. Many possible theories have been proposed to explain the origin of these minima. However, how the Sun managed to recover from such inactive phases every time is even more enigmatic. The Babcock–Leighton type dynamos, which are successful in explaining many features of the solar cycle remarkably well, are not expected to operate during grand minima due to the lack of a sufficient number of sunspots. In this Letter, we explore the question of how the Sun could recover from grand minima through the Babcock–Leighton dynamo. In our three-dimensional dynamo model, grand minima are produced spontaneously as a result of random variations in the tilt angle of emerging active regions. We find that the Babcock–Leighton process can still operate during grand minima with only a minimal number of sunspots, and that the model can emerge from such phases without the need for an additional generation mechanism for the poloidal field. The essential ingredient in our model is a downward magnetic pumping, which inhibits the diffusion of the magnetic flux across the solar surface.

  9. Solar Cycle Variability and Grand Minima Induced by Joy's Law Scatter (United States)

    Karak, Bidya Binay; Miesch, Mark S.


    The strength of the solar cycle varies from one cycle to another in an irregular manner and the extreme example of this irregularity is the Maunder minimum when Sun produced only a few spots for several years. We explore the cause of these variabilities using a 3D Babcock--Leighton dynamo. In this model, based on the toroidal flux at the base of the convection zone, bipolar magnetic regions (BMRs) are produced with flux, tilt angle, and time of emergence all obtain from their observed distributions. The dynamo growth is limited by a tilt quenching.The randomnesses in the BMR emergences make the poloidal field unequal and eventually cause an unequal solar cycle. When observed fluctuations of BMR tilts around Joy's law, i.e., a standard deviation of 15 degrees, are considered, our model produces a variation in the solar cycle comparable to the observed solar cycle variability. Tilt scatter also causes occasional Maunder-like grand minima, although the observed scatter does not reproduce correct statistics of grand minima. However, when we double the tilt scatter, we find grand minima consistent with observations. Importantly, our dynamo model can operate even during grand minima with only a few BMRs, without requiring any additional alpha effect.

  10. 76 FR 6517 - San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad-Petition for a Declaratory Order (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. FD 35380] San Luis & Rio... petition filed by San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad (SLRG), the Board instituted a declaratory order... proposed operation of a truck-to-rail transload facility in Antonito, Colorado. See San Luis & Rio Grande R...

  11. Maternal Grand Multiparity and the Risk of Severe Mental Disorders in Adult Offspring.

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    Marius Lahti

    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown that maternal grand multiparity may predict an increased risk of mental disorders in young adult offspring, but whether such effects persist throughout adulthood remains unknown. The current study examined if maternal grand multiparity predicts the risks of severe mental disorders, suicides, suicide attempts and dementias throughout adult life.Our study sample comprised 13243 Helsinki Birth Cohort Study 1934-1944 participants (6905 men and 6338 women. According to hospital birth records, 341 offspring were born to grand multiparous mothers. From Finnish national hospital discharge and causes of death registers, we identified 1682 participants diagnosed with mental disorders during 1969-2010.Maternal grand multiparity predicted significantly increased risks of mood disorders (Hazard Ratio = 1.64, p = 0.03, non-psychotic mood disorders (Hazard Ratio = 2.02, p = 0.002, and suicide attempts (Hazard Ratio = 3.94, p = 0.01 in adult offspring. Furthermore, women born to grand multiparous mothers had significantly increased risks of any severe mental disorder (Hazard Ratio = 1.79, p = 0.01, non-psychotic substance use disorders (Hazard Ratio = 2.77, p = 0.02 schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (Hazard Ratio = 2.40, p = 0.02, mood disorders (Hazard Ratio = 2.40, p = 0.002, non-psychotic mood disorders (Hazard Ratio = 2.91, p<0.001, and suicide attempts (Hazard Ratio = 5.05, p = 0.01 in adulthood. The effects of maternal grand multiparity on offspring psychopathology risk were independent of maternal age and body mass index at childbirth, and of year of birth, sex, childhood socioeconomic position, and birth weight of the offspring. In contrast, no significant effects were found among men.Women born to grand multiparous mothers are at an increased risk of severe mental disorders and suicide attempts across adulthood. Our findings may inform the

  12. 27 CFR 9.119 - Middle Rio Grande Valley. (United States)


    ... Middle Rio Grande Valley. (a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is... 1979. (24) Veguita, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1979. (25) Wind Mesa, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1967. (c...

  13. Nível sócio-econômico como uma variável geradora de erro em estudos de etnia Socioeconomic level as an error generating variable in racial studies

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    A. D. Passos


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a influência do nível sócio-econômico (NSE em variáveis biológicas que apresentam importância em estudos de etnia (peso ao nascer, idade gestacional e número de gestações em 734 crianças normais nascidas em 5 maternidades brasileiras. Os recém-nascidos foram classificados em grupos étnicos de acordo com seus antecedentes raciais. Concluiu-se que o NSE está associado com as variáveis peso ao nascer e número de gestações, funcionando, portanto, como variável geradora de erro em estudos de etnia.The influence of the socio-economic level on biologic variables such as birth-weight, gestational age and birth order was studied in 734 single live-born deliveries at five Brazilian maternities. Live-borns were classified into ethnic groups according to the races of their ancestors. Socio-economic level was found to be associated with birthweight and birth order, acting therefore as an error - generating variable in racial studies.

  14. Upper Rio Grande water operations model: A tool for enhanced system management (United States)

    Gail Stockton; D. Michael Roark


    The Upper Rio Grande Water Operations Model (URGWOM) under development through a multi-agency effort has demonstrated capability to represent the physical river/reservoir system, to track and account for Rio Grande flows and imported San Juan flows, and to forecast flows at various points in the system. Testing of the Rio Chama portion of the water operations model was...

  15. O conservadorismo patronal da grande imprensa brasileira

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    Fonseca Francisco


    Full Text Available Através da análise da opinião dos editoriais dos quatro principais periódicos diários da grande imprensa, isto é, o Jornal do Brasil, O Globo, a Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo - aqui considerados "aparelhos privados de hegemonia" -, este artigo procura desvendar os posicionamentos adotados perante a ordem social na Constituinte de 1987/1988, que também contribuem para compreender a reação à Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho. Observa-se, além do mais, as estratégias utilizadas para sua consecução. Conclui-se que, por mecanismos diversos, a grande imprensa contribuiu decisivamente para a introdução da agenda ideológica neoliberal no país, pois atuou de forma a "divulgar e vulgarizar" as idéias pertinentes a este ideário e de forma militantemente conservadora e patronal.

  16. Final Environmental Assessment: Installation of Digital Airport Surveillance Radar at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota (United States)


    Grand Forks AFB public web site. Notices of Availability were published in the Grand Forks Herald on 10 Mar 2011 and on the Grand Forks AFB web site from...Squadron (319th) FTA Fire Training Area GATR Ground-Air Transmit Receive GFAFB Grand Forks Air Force Base GHG Greenhouse Gas Hz Hertz IEEE Institute of...feet west of the closed/capped ERP Site FT-02, the Fire Training Area/Old Sanitary Landfill Area ( FTA /OSLA), which encompasses 28 acres, five of

  17. Deciphering solar magnetic activity: on grand minima in solar activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McIntosh, Scott W. [High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (United States); Leamon, Robert J., E-mail: [Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (United States)


    The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well- understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism—magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate, and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a “grand minimum”? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(&ish) year solar activity cycle.

  18. Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: On Grand Minima in Solar Activity

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    Scott William Mcintosh


    Full Text Available The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism - magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a grand minimum? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(-ish year solar activity cycle.

  19. Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: On Grand Minima in Solar Activity (United States)

    Mcintosh, Scott; Leamon, Robert


    The Sun provides the energy necessary to sustain our existence. While the Sun provides for us, it is also capable of taking away. The weather and climatic scales of solar evolution and the Sun-Earth connection are not well understood. There has been tremendous progress in the century since the discovery of solar magnetism - magnetism that ultimately drives the electromagnetic, particulate and eruptive forcing of our planetary system. There is contemporary evidence of a decrease in solar magnetism, perhaps even indicators of a significant downward trend, over recent decades. Are we entering a minimum in solar activity that is deeper and longer than a typical solar minimum, a "grand minimum"? How could we tell if we are? What is a grand minimum and how does the Sun recover? These are very pertinent questions for modern civilization. In this paper we present a hypothetical demonstration of entry and exit from grand minimum conditions based on a recent analysis of solar features over the past 20 years and their possible connection to the origins of the 11(-ish) year solar activity cycle.

  20. Grand challenges for integrated USGS science—A workshop report (United States)

    Jenni, Karen E.; Goldhaber, Martin B.; Betancourt, Julio L.; Baron, Jill S.; Bristol, R. Sky; Cantrill, Mary; Exter, Paul E.; Focazio, Michael J.; Haines, John W.; Hay, Lauren E.; Hsu, Leslie; Labson, Victor F.; Lafferty, Kevin D.; Ludwig, Kristin A.; Milly, Paul C. D.; Morelli, Toni L.; Morman, Suzette A.; Nassar, Nedal T.; Newman, Timothy R.; Ostroff, Andrea C.; Read, Jordan S.; Reed, Sasha C.; Shapiro, Carl D.; Smith, Richard A.; Sanford, Ward E.; Sohl, Terry L.; Stets, Edward G.; Terando, Adam J.; Tillitt, Donald E.; Tischler, Michael A.; Toccalino, Patricia L.; Wald, David J.; Waldrop, Mark P.; Wein, Anne; Weltzin, Jake F.; Zimmerman, Christian E.


    Executive SummaryThe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a long history of advancing the traditional Earth science disciplines and identifying opportunities to integrate USGS science across disciplines to address complex societal problems. The USGS science strategy for 2007–2017 laid out key challenges in disciplinary and interdisciplinary arenas, culminating in a call for increased focus on a number of crosscutting science directions. Ten years on, to further the goal of integrated science and at the request of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), a workshop with three dozen invited scientists spanning different disciplines and career stages in the Bureau convened on February 7–10, 2017, at the USGS John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis in Fort Collins, Colorado.The workshop focused on identifying “grand challenges” for integrated USGS science. Individual participants identified nearly 70 potential grand challenges before the workshop and through workshop discussions. After discussion, four overarching grand challenges emerged:Natural resource security,Societal risk from existing and emerging threats,Smart infrastructure development, andAnticipatory science for changing landscapes.Participants also identified a “comprehensive science challenge” that highlights the development of integrative science, data, models, and tools—all interacting in a modular framework—that can be used to address these and other future grand challenges:Earth Monitoring, Analyses, and Projections (EarthMAP)EarthMAP is our long-term vision for an integrated scientific framework that spans traditional scientific boundaries and disciplines, and integrates the full portfolio of USGS science: research, monitoring, assessment, analysis, and information delivery.The Department of Interior, and the Nation in general, have a vast array of information needs. The USGS meets these needs by having a broadly trained and agile scientific workforce. Encouraging and supporting

  1. Maternal and fetal outcome in grand multipara

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qamar, A.; Qamar, S.


    Study Design: Case control study. Place and Duration of Study: Gynecology and Obstetric Unit-I of the Jinnah Post Graduate and Medical Centre Karachi, from February 2009 to January 2010. Patients and Methods: One hundred (100) patients of grand multipara (GMP), (parity = 5) and 100 patients of multipara (MP) (parity 2-4) were included in the study. Pregnant women with known medical conditions including essential hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, primigravidas, women with previous caesarean section and twin pregnancies were excluded. Patients were admitted through antenatal clinic and emergency. A detailed history was taken and a physical examination was done with special emphasis on obstetrical examination. Investigations like blood CP, Urine D/R, blood grouping and sonogram were done. During labour, mother and neonates were managed according to ward protocols. Maternal and fetal outcomes were compared among GMPs and MPs. Results: A high frequency of anaemia (81% vs 20%), pregnancy induced hypertension (45%, vs. 26%) and gestational diabetes (9%, vs1%) were seen in GMP as compared to MP group. Frequency of malpresentations (26% vs 15%), postpartum hemorrhage (15%, vs 10%) and intrauterine deaths (26%, vs 13%) were higher in GMP group along with a high caesarean delivery rate (GMP 21%, MP 14%). A higher maternal mortality (GMP 4%, MP 1%) and low APGAR score (GMP 12%, MP 4%) were observed among babies born to grand multipara group. Conclusion: Grand multiparity is associated with adverse outcome for both mother and fetus. Effort should be directed to reduce high parity in the community through effective family planning initiatives. Specialized antenatal and obstetrical care facilities should be available. (author)

  2. Grand societal challenges in information systems research and education

    CERN Document Server

    vom Brocke, Jan; Hofmann, Sara; Tumbas, Sanja


    This book examines how information systems research and education can play a major role in contributing to solutions to the Societal Grand Challenges formulated in "The Millennium Project" ( Individual chapters focus on specific challenges, review existing approaches and contributions towards solutions in information systems research and outline a research agenda for these challenges. The topics considered in this volume range from climate change, population growth, global ICT availability, breakthroughs in science and technology and energy demand to ethical decision-making, policymaking, gender status and transnational crime prevention. It is the first book to present ideas on how the Information Systems discipline can contribute to the solution on this wide spectrum of grand societal challenges.

  3. Ecologia da paisagem da hantavirose no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul Landscape ecology of hantavirosis in Rio Grande do Sul State

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    Waldir E. Henkes


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a ecologia da paisagem das hantaviroses no Rio Grande do Sul através do mapeamento da ocorrência de casos e sua sobreposição a mapas de vegetação e relevo. A maior parte dos casos ocorre na primavera em regiões serranas com vegetação secundária e atividade agrícola.The aim of this work was to study the landscape ecology of hantavirosis in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. This was achieved through geocoding the occurrence of cases and overlaying onto vegetation and relief maps. The majority of cases occurred during Spring, in highland areas dominated by secondary vegetation and agricultural activity.

  4. Graafikatriennaali grand prix Korea kunstnikule

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna XI graafikatriennaali rahvusvaheline žürii andis grand prix korea kunstnikule Chung¡Sang-Gonile, kolm võrdset preemiat - soome kunstnikele Anita Jensenile ja Tapani Mikkonenile ning jaapani kunstnikule Estuko Obatale. Eesti Kunstimuuseumi preemia - Wendy Swallow. Tallinna linna preemia ja Ivar Luki sponsoripreemia - Walter Jule. Sponsoripreemiad : Paletti Eesti AS preemia - Inga Heamägi; Rannila Profiili preemia - Mojca Zlokarnik; UNDP preemia - Andrea Juan. Rotermanni soolalao arhitektuuri- ja kunstikeskuse diplom - Lis Ingram, Heli Päivikki Kurunsaari, Randi Strand, Wendy Swallow

  5. The Grand Challenges of Nanotechnology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lane, Neal


    Amazing breakthroughs and advances continue to be made in nanoscale science and engineering and the rapidly emerging field of nanotechnology, including near-commercial applications in biomedicine, computing and environmental protection. The National Nanotechnology Initiative, begun by the Clinton Administration has placed nanoscale research on a new funding trajectory. But, many 'grand challenges' must be overcome, technical ones as well as those related to funding, science and technology workforce, and the need for stronger collaboration across discipline, organizations, government agencies and with other countries

  6. Tétano em bovinos no sul do Rio Grande do Sul: estudo de 24 surtos

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    Pedro S. Quevedo


    Full Text Available São descritos vinte e quatro surtos de tétano ocorridos no ano 2009 em bovinos de corte em propriedades situadas na região de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD, sul do Rio Grande de Sul. Todos os rebanhos foram submetidos a procedimentos de vacinação e/ou aplicação de anti-helmíntico entre 8 e 25 dias antes do aparecimento dos primeiros sinais clínicos. O tempo de evolução variou de 12 horas até quatro dias. Os sinais clínicos observados foram: prolapso da terceira pálpebra, andar rígido, dificuldade de flexão dos membros e permanência em decúbito lateral com os membros estendidos e afastados do solo (paralisia espástica, pálpebras muito abertas, sialorréia, hiperexcitabilidade, orelhas eretas, trismo mandibular, acúmulo de alimento na cavidade oral e presença de espuma na boca e narinas em alguns casos. Alguns bovinos apresentavam área de necrose e edema hemorrágico circundada por exsudato purulento nos músculos onde havia sido aplicado algum medicamento. O soro sanguíneo e fragmentos de músculo com lesão de animais afetados foram coletados para posterior inoculação em camundongos. No exame histopatológico não foram evidenciadas alterações. O quadro clínico associado aos dados epidemiológicos e a ausência de lesões histológicas permitiram o diagnóstico de tétano. A infecção, provavelmente ocorreu durante o procedimento de vacinação, através injeções intramusculares utilizando agulhas contaminadas. Apesar do tétano não ser uma clostridiose importante na região fica evidenciado que surtos podem ocorrer em função de condições epidemiológicas adequadas e cuidados devem ser tomados para evitar perdas econômicas importantes como as que ocorreram no ano 2009 na região.

  7. United States Department of Energy, Grand Junction Office

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Grand Junction Office (GJO), US Department of Energy (DOE), develops and administers programs for evaluating domestic uranium resources and the production capability of industry; for developing resource planning information for DOE; and for advancing geologic and geophysical exploration concepts and techniques. In addition, GJO administers the leasing of mineral lands under DOE control, and carries out activities relating to the environmental aspects of uranium mining and milling, including remedial programs. The Office is staffed by administrative and technical program-management personnel. Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (Bendix) is the DOE operating contractor at the Grand Junction, Colorado, Government-owned/contractor-operated (GOCO) facility. The technical staffs of both GJO and Bendix are primarily geoscience-oriented. Specifically during 1980, uranium resource assessment on 135 National Topographic Map Series (NTMS) quadrangles was completed, along with other specific studies, to yield October 1980 national resource estimates. In addition, updated uranium supply analysis and production capability projections were completed. Another key aspect of this successful program was the development of improved geophysical and geochemical equipment and techniques in support of uranium resource assessment. Much of the hardware and know-how developed was turned over to the public and to the uranium industry at large for application to uranium exploration and the assessment of uranium company resources. The Grand Junction Office also participated actively during 1980 in international cooperative research on uranium exploration techniques and on the geology of uranium deposits

  8. The Virtual Grand Tour as Educational Paradigm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Per Skafte; Mouritsen, Lars


    The Virtual Grand Tour as defined here bears some resemblance to its 18th century ancestor: a wide range of individual topics are treated as a whole; a tutor, whether real or simulated, present or remote, is provided; a set of problem solving tools forms an integrated part of the "traveller...

  9. Grand Bank seabed and shallow subsurface geology in relation to subsea engineering design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sonnichsen, G.V.; King, E.L. [Natural Resources Canada, Dartmouth, NS (Canada). Geological Survey of Canada


    An overview of the surficial and subseabed geology of the northeastern section of the Newfoundland Grand Banks was presented with particular reference to the Jeanne d'Arc Basin. The stratigraphy of the upper 100 metres below seafloor has been interpreted from high-resolution seismic reflection data, surficial sediment samples and geotechnical borehole data. This paper described the character and strength properties of nearby seabed sediments and addressed the issue of seabed scour by icebergs, which is the main process threatening subsea facilities. Other potential geohazards such as shallow gas, buried channels and sediment mobility are not considered to be major barriers to offshore development in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin. However, drifting icebergs with large drafts often impact the seabed, producing either linear furrows or circular pits. The constraints to subsea design and construction were identified. It was noted that regional geological characterization is needed to help select the location for offshore platforms as well as routes for excavating trenches for subsea installations for offshore hydrocarbon development. Updated regional surficial and near-seabed stratigraphy is needed to predict foundation conditions beyond ground truth from isolated geotechnical borehole investigations. This paper described the Grand Banks regional setting, regional geology, near-surface sediment in the northeastern Grand Banks, and Quaternary sediments in the northeastern Grand Banks with reference to the Grand Banks Drift, Adolphus Sand, and the Grand Banks Sand and Gravel Formation. Risk assessments have shown that well heads and manifolds should be installed below the seabed in order to avoid damage by seabed-scouring icebergs and that the design scour depth should be re-examined for future subsea development. It was suggested that more emphasis on gathering multibeam bathymetric data and repetitive mapping of the seabed will better define scour risk. 57 refs., 3

  10. Dificuldades com inferências inválidas entre adultos: tentativa de superação

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    Dias Maria da Graça Bompastor Borges


    Full Text Available Estudos entre crianças e adultos demonstram que problemas silogísticos válidos (Modus Ponens e Modus Tollens são de fácil solução, ao contrário daqueles que envolvem formas inválidas (Afirmação do Conseqüente e Negação do Antecedente, nos quais o desempenho dos sujeitos é muito baixo. No presente estudo, tentou-se minimizar o grande número de erros que ocorre nos silogismos inválidos utilizando inclusão de outra alternativa de resposta e contra-exemplo. Sujeitos universitários conseguiram grande número de acertos nessas formas, no entanto, o desempenho decaiu nas formas válidas. Já os adultos com pouca ou nenhuma escolarização parecem não ter sido influenciados pelas variáveis introduzidas, obtendo um melhor nível de desempenho nas formas válidas do que nas inválidas, como ocorreu em outros estudos.

  11. Desempenho de escolares de 1ª série na bateria de identificação de erros de reversão e inversão na escrita: estudo preliminar Performance of students from 1st grade in the inversion and reversion errors in the written identification test: preliminary study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Aparecida Gimenez Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar o desempenho de escolares da 1ª série na bateria de identificação de erros de reversão e inversão na escrita. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 30 escolares de 1ª série de ensino público do município da cidade de Marília-SP, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de 7 anos a 7 anos e 11 meses de idade. Como procedimento foi realizada a adaptação brasileira da bateria de identificação dos erros de reversão e inversão na escrita. Esta bateria é composta por 3 testes: teste de desempenho contínuo, teste de memória de curto prazo e teste de controle de escrita. Cada teste é composto por subtestes que visam identificar a capacidade dos escolares em identificar as inversões e reversões de letras e números isolados e letras e números em sequências. RESULTADOS: os resultados revelaram que os escolares da 1ª série apresentaram desempenho superior para identificação de reversão e inversão de letras dentro de palavras do que isoladamente, identificação da reversão para letras e números com desempenho superior se comparado a inversão de letras na palavra. Além disso, os escolares deste estudo apresentaram menor tempo para identificação de reversão e inversão de letras e números isolados do que em sequência. CONCLUSÃO: a Bateria adaptada para este estudo permitiu conhecer o perfil dos escolares de 1ª série quanto a identificação dos erros de inversão e reversão, entretanto, é necessário novas aplicações para verificar a ocorrência de identificação destes erros em populações de diferentes fase de alfabetização.PURPOSE: to characterize the performance of students from 1st grade in the inversion and reversion errors in the written identification Brazilian Test. METHODS: 30 students from 1st grade of a public school in Marília City, from both genders, ranging from 7 to 7 years and 11 month old took part. As a procedure, we carried out the inversion and reversion errors in the

  12. Casa Grande Ruins National Monument acoustical monitoring 2010 (United States)


    During September 2010, The Volpe Center collected baseline acoustical data at Casa Grande National Monument (CAGR), at one site for 28 days. The baseline data collected during this period will help park managers and planners estimate the effects of f...

  13. Learners' decisions for attending Pediatric Grand Rounds: a qualitative and quantitative study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zuckerman Grace


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although grand rounds plays a major educational role at academic medical centers, there has been little investigation into the factors influencing the learners' decision to attend. Greater awareness of attendees' expectations may allow grand rounds planners to better accommodate the learners' perspective, potentially making continuing education activities more attractive and inviting. Methods We used both qualitative (part A and quantitative (part B techniques to investigate the motivators and barriers to grand rounds attendance. Part A investigated contextual factors influencing attendance as expressed through attendee interviews. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed using grounded theory techniques. We created a concept map linking key factors and their relationships. In part B we quantified the motivators and barriers identified during the initial interviews through a survey of the grand rounds audience. Results Sixteen persons voluntarily took part in the qualitative study (part A by participating in one of seven group interview sessions. Of the 14 themes that emerged from these sessions, the most frequent factors motivating attendance involved competent practice and the need to know. All sessions discussed intellectual stimulation, social interaction, time constraints and convenience, licensure, content and format, and absence of cost for attending sessions. The 59 respondents to the survey (part B identified clinically-useful topics (85%, continuing education credit (46%, cutting-edge research (27%, networking (22%, and refreshments (8% as motivators and non-relevant topics (44% and too busy to attend (56% as barriers. Conclusion Greater understanding of the consumers' perspective can allow planners to tailor the style, content, and logistics to make grand rounds more attractive and inviting.

  14. Bringing Seismology's Grand Challenges to the Undergraduate Classroom (United States)

    Benoit, M. H.; Taber, J.; Hubenthal, M.


    The "Seismological Grand Challenges in Understanding Earth's Dynamic Systems," a community-written long-range science plan for the next decade, poses 10 questions to guide fundamental seismological research. Written in an approachable fashion suitable for policymakers, the broad questions and supporting discussion contained in this document offer an ideal framework for the development of undergraduate curricular materials. Leveraging this document, we have created a collection of inquiry-based classroom modules that utilize authentic data to modernize seismological instruction in 100 and 200 level undergraduate courses. The modules not only introduce undergraduates to the broad questions that the seismological community seeks to answer in the future but also showcase the numerous areas where modern seismological research is actively contributing to our understanding of fundamental Earth processes. To date 6 in-depth explorations that correspond to the Grand Challenges document have been developed. The specific topics for each exploration were selected to showcase modern seismological research while also covering topics commonly included in the curriculum of these introductory classes. Examples of activities that have been created and their corresponding Grand Challenge include: -A guided inquiry that introduces students to episodic tremor and slip and compares the GPS and seismic signatures of ETS with those produced from standard tectonic earthquakes (Grand Challenge "How do faults slip?"). - A laboratory exercise where students engage in b-value mapping of volcanic earthquakes to assess potential eruption hazards (How do magmas ascend and erupt?). - A module that introduce students to glacial earthquakes in Greenland and compares their frequency and spatial distribution to tectonic earthquakes (How do processes in the ocean and atmosphere interact with the solid Earth?). What is the relationship between stress and strain in the lithosphere? - An activity that

  15. Contraceptive choices among grand multiparous women at Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital, Kano. (United States)

    Rabiu, Ayyuba; Abubakar, Idris Sulaiman; Garba, Ibrahim; Haruna, Iman Usman


    Grand multiparity is known to be associated with pregnancy complications. Nigeria with a contraceptive prevalence of women get to grand multiparity early in their obstetric carriers. These women contribute significantly to the bad obstetric performance indices in the country. The present study was to explore the contraceptive choices among grand multiparous women. This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study among grand multiparous women attending an antenatal clinic. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics, contraceptive choices, and factors that influence such choices. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 18. There were 219 respondents. The mean age was 33.05 ± 3.17, and the mean parity was 6.48 ± 1.83. Most of the respondents (208, 95.50%) were aware of modern contraceptive methods, and oral contraceptive was the method of most of the respondents (197, 90.00%). Only 92 (42.00%) were currently using a modern contraceptive method. Being convenient for the lifestyle was the reason for the choice of a contraceptive method by many of the respondents (42, 19.10%). There was high awareness of modern contraceptive methods; however, there was low use prevalence among respondents, and the desire for more pregnancy was the reason for the nonuse.

  16. Genetic progress in sunflower crop in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. (United States)

    Follmann, D N; Cargnelutti Filho, A; Lorentz, L H; Boligon, A A; Caraffa, M; Wartha, C A


    The sunflower has adaptability to growing regions with different climatic and soil characteristics, showing drought tolerance and high-quality oil production. The State of Rio Grande do Sul is the third largest sunflower producer in Brazil, with research related to the sunflower breeding initiated after the decade of 1950. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic progress for grain yield, oil content, and oil yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Data of grain yield, oil content, and oil yield obtained from 58 sunflower cultivar yield trials in 19 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul during the period from 2005 to 2014 were used. Genetic progress was studied according to the methodology proposed by Vencovsky and data from sunflower cultivar yield trials were used. Annual genetic progress of sunflower during the period of 10 years (2005-2014) was 132.46 kg⋅ha -1 ⋅year -1 for grain yield, -0.17%/year for oil content, and 48.11 kg⋅ha -1 ⋅year -1 for oil yield. The sunflower-breeding programs in the State of Rio Grande do Sul were efficient for the traits grain yield and oil yield and presented no efficiency for oil content.

  17. 78 FR 60994 - Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “In Grand Style... (United States)


    ... Determinations: ``In Grand Style: Celebrations in Korean Art During the Joseon Dynasty'' SUMMARY: Notice is... objects to be included in the exhibition ``In Grand Style: Celebrations in Korean Art during the Joseon Dynasty,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural...

  18. Overview of natural gas in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; Panorama do gas natural no Rio Grande do Norte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teixeira, Pedro Helio Gomes [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (GREEN/UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil). Centro de Tecnologia. Grupo de Estudos Energeticos


    This work draws a picture of what the natural gas means to Rio Grande do Norte in its quantitative dimension, expressed in the numbers and reserve indicators, production and structure of consume. In another dimension, it broaches the processes of energetic substitution by the natural gas in the state energetic matrix. (author)

  19. OtimizaÃÃo e ValidaÃÃo de MÃtodos Empregando LC-ESI-MS/MS e Quechers para DeterminaÃÃo de ResÃduos de AgrotÃxicos em CajÃ


    Renata de Oliveira Silva


    O cajueiro (Anarcadium occidentale) Ã uma planta tÃpica da regiÃo do nordeste que responde por mais de 95% da produÃÃo nacional, sendo os estados do CearÃ, PiauÃ, Rio Grande do Norte e Bahia os principais produtores. Com o incremento de Ãreas plantadas com o cajueiro anÃo precoce, verificou-se que esta cultura era susceptÃvel ao ataque de pragas, causando prejuÃzos no desenvolvimento, produÃÃo e qualidade do fruto. Para evitar esses prejuÃzos, estudos foram realizados no sentido de controlar ...

  20. Implementacion de guía tributaria, para el correcto cálculo, pago y utilización del anticipo de impuesto a la renta, para sujetos pasivos, desde la promulgación de la ley reformatoria para la equidad tributaria en el Ecuador


    Lema Vega, María Fernanda


    En esta investigación, basada en los cambios que tuvo el Anticipo de Impuesto a la Renta desde la promulgación de la Ley Reformatoria para la Equidad Tributaria, lo cual significó un cambio en la política tributaria del Ecuador y en su sistema de recaudación de Impuestos, teniendo como eje principal el evitar los grandes perjuicios al Estado que se estaban dando debido a la evasión y elusión que existía. Considerando, esta reforma, se hace una propuesta para la implementación de una guía t...

  1. The canonical and grand canonical models for nuclear ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Many observables seen in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions can be explained on the basis of statistical equilibrium. Calculations based on statistical equilibrium can be implemented in microcanonical ensemble, canonical ensemble or grand canonical ensemble. This paper deals with calculations with canonical ...

  2. Standardized methods for Grand Canyon fisheries research 2015 (United States)

    Persons, William R.; Ward, David L.; Avery, Luke A.


    This document presents protocols and guidelines to persons sampling fishes in the Grand Canyon, to help ensure consistency in fish handling, fish tagging, and data collection among different projects and organizations. Most such research and monitoring projects are conducted under the general umbrella of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program and include studies by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), National Park Service (NPS), the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), various universities, and private contractors. This document is intended to provide guidance to fieldworkers regarding protocols that may vary from year to year depending on specific projects and objectives. We also provide herein documentation of standard methods used in the Grand Canyon that can be cited in scientific publications, as well as a summary of changes in protocols since the document was first created in 2002.

  3. On two-particle N=1 supersymmetric composite grand unified models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pirogov, Yu.F.


    A class of two-particle N=1 supersymmetric composite grand unified models, satisfying the anomaly matching and cancellation conditions, n-independence and survival hypothesis is considered. A unique admissible set of the light states, containing spectator states on a par with the composite ones is found. At low mass scales this set contains exactly four families of ordinary fermions without any additional exotics. The interactions of the light states at distances greater than the compositeness radius are described by the N=1 sypersymmetric chiral grand unified model [SU(6)] 2 (or [SU(8)] 2 with a fixed set of four second-rank tensors as matter fields

  4. VT Built Up Lands in Grand Isle County - 1986 (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) NRCS mapped historical and current-day built-up lands for Grand Isle County, VT using several vintages of aerial photography: 1941, 1962, 1974,...

  5. VT Built Up Lands in Grand Isle County - 1941 (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) NRCS mapped historical and current-day built-up lands for Grand Isle County, VT using several vintages of aerial photography: 1941, 1962, 1974,...

  6. Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs and cats under veterinary care in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Lorenzini


    Full Text Available O parasitismo gastrintestinal é uma das principais causas de doenças em animais domésticos. Para o estudo da prevalência de enteroparasitos foram utilizadas amostras fecais de animais de diferentes áreas da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, as quais foram enviadas ao Laborvet (Laboratório Veterinário Ltda, durante o período de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2004. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de parasitos gastrintestinais em cães e gatos, submetidos aos cuidados de médicos veterinários. Em 1761 amostras examinadas, 1473 (83,6% eram de cães e 288 (16,4% de gatos. Resultados positivos, nos quais foram encontrados pelo menos um parasito, foram de 26,6% (392 para amostras de cães e 20,5% (59 para as de gatos. Em ambos hospedeiros, Ancylostoma spp., Toxocara spp., Isospora spp. e Giardia spp. foram os parasitos mais encontrados. Animais de 0 a 6 meses obtiveram uma alta infecção por parasitos intestinais com 39,5% para cães e 29,5% para gatos. Isospora spp. e Toxocara spp. foram os parasitos mais diagnosticados. O verão foi a estação que apresentou a maior prevalência de parasitos com 30% para cães e 27,6% para gatos. Quando comparou-se o monoparasitismo com o poliparasitismo, a presença de um único parasito foi mais freqüente em cães e gatos (23,8% e 19,4% respectivamente. Nosso estudo demonstrou a prevalência de parasitos intestinais causadores de zoonoses presentes em cães e gatos. É essencial manter animais domésticos sob cuidados do médico veterinário para evitar infecções por parasitos intestinais entre animais de estimação e o homem.

  7. Piccolo tõi Soomest taas grand prix'

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tänavuse Lappeenrantas toimunud rahvusvahelise suupillifestivali võistumängimisel osalesid suupilliklubi Piccolo orkester, kvartett ja noored solistid. Grand prix' ehk suure võidukarika pälvis Piccolo suupillikvartett koosseisus Ilmar Tõnisson, Andrus Haugas, Andres Kokk ja Elmar Trink. Noorte kategooria võitjaks tunnistati Martin Merevits, kolmandad kohad saavutasid Janek Sildvee bluusi- ja Eduard Einmann diatoonilise suupilli kategoorias

  8. Hilbert's Grand Hotel with a series twist (United States)

    Wijeratne, Chanakya; Mamolo, Ami; Zazkis, Rina


    This paper presents a new twist on a familiar paradox, linking seemingly disparate ideas under one roof. Hilbert's Grand Hotel, a paradox which addresses infinite set comparisons is adapted and extended to incorporate ideas from calculus - namely infinite series. We present and resolve several variations, and invite the reader to explore his or her own variations.

  9. Rio Branco, grand strategy and naval power

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Paulo Alsina Jr.


    Full Text Available This article addresses Baron of Rio Branco's grand strategy and the role played by the naval reorganization program (1904-1910 in this context. The ensuing case study determined the domestic and international constraints that affected the program, as well as the worldview of the patron of Brazilian diplomacy regarding military power's instrumentality to foreign policy.

  10. Middle Rio Grande Basin Research Report 2008 (United States)

    Deborah M. Finch; Catherine Dold


    An ecosystem is rarely static. A natural system composed of plants, animals, and microorganisms interacting with an area's physical factors, an ecosystem is always fluctuating and evolving. But sometimes, often at the hands of humans, ecosystems change too much. Such is the case with many of the ecosystems of the Middle Rio Grande Basin of New Mexico.

  11. Impressionismo no Rio Grande do Sul: luz e sombras de Oscar Boeira = Impressionism in Rio Grande do Sul: light and shadows of Oscar Boeira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa, Fernanda Soares da


    Full Text Available Este trabalho busca traçar a trajetória do pintor gaúcho Oscar Boeira (1883-1943 no campo das artes plásticas no Rio Grande do Sul. Importante artista de sua época possui os maiores expoentes de sua carreira inspirados pela arte impressionista. Com obras inovadoras traz um olhar diferenciado e sensível, de relevância, a ser compreendido e estudado. Seu caminho nas artes, suas pinturas de paisagem e retrato, bem como seus desenhos traçam aspectos da sociedade rio-grandense do início do século XX, período este em que ocorrem transformações socioeconômicas significativas para a sociedade gaúcha, sendo que a arte carrega grande influencia de sua época e de seus indivíduos. Vida e obra de Boeira são trazidas para melhor compreendermos sua arte e sua atuação nesse campo. Sua forma de ser e de ver o mundo influencia não só em suas produções, nos reflete peculiaridades desta figura importante para as artes plásticas do Rio Grande do Sul, que até hoje pouco estudado, merece um olhar mais aprofundado em seu legado

  12. Fostering Scientific Literacy: Establishing Social Relevance via the Grand Challenges (United States)

    Lyford, M. E.; Myers, J. D.; Buss, A.


    Numerous studies and polls suggest the general public’s understanding of science and scientific literacy remain woefully inadequate despite repeated calls for improvement over the last 150 years. This inability to improve scientific literacy significantly is a complex problem likely driven by a number of factors. However, we argue that past calls and efforts for improving scientific literacy have failed to: 1) articulate a truly meaningful justification for society to foster a scientifically literate public; 2) provide a rationale that motivates individuals of diverse backgrounds to become scientifically literate; 3) consider the impact of personal perspective, e.g. values, beliefs, attitudes, etc., on learning; and 4) offer a relevant and manageable framework in which to define scientific literacy. For instance, past calls for improving scientific literacy, e.g. the U.S. is behind the Soviets in the space race, U.S students rank below country X in math and science, etc., have lacked justification, personal motivation and a comprehensive framework for defining scientific literacy. In these cases, the primary justification for improving science education and scientific literacy was to regain international dominance in the space race or to advance global standing according to test results. These types of calls also articulate short-term goals that are rendered moot once they have been achieved. At the same time, teaching practices have commonly failed to consider the perspectives students bring to the classroom. Many STEM faculty do not address issues of personal perspective through ignorance or the desire to avoid controversial subjects, e g. evolution, climate change. We propose that the ‘grand challenges’ (e.g., energy, climate change, antibacterial resistance, water, etc.) humankind currently faces provides a compelling framework for developing courses and curricula well-suited for improving scientific literacy. A grand challenge paradigm offers four

  13. Relations of Brand Image Tocustomers Buying Decisionon Grand Inna Muara Hotel Padang


    Zengga, Zengga; Chair, Ira Meirina; Abrian, Youmil


    This study aims to describe the relations between brand image to customers buying decision room in hotel grand inna muara padang. This study is a descriptive correlational study. The study population as many as 1694 consists of guest during stay on grand inna muara hotel padang. The descriptive analysis of the results showed that brand image categorized excellent (56%) and categorized quite good (33%). The descriptive analysis of the result results showed that customers buying decision categ...

  14. Herpetofauna of Núcleo Experimental de Iguaba Grande, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil


    Martins, AR; Bruno, SF.; Navegantes, AQ.


    The Atlantic Rain forest, which is considered the second largest pluvial forest in the American continent, has had an estimated 93% of its original area destroyed. Although studies concerning the herpetofaunal diversity in this biome have been intensified in the past years, its diversity is still underestimated. The Nucleo Experimental de Iguaba Grande (NEIG) is included in an Environmental Protection Area (APA de Sapeatiba) in the Iguaba Grande municipality, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil (22º...

  15. Grand Gulf-prioritization of regulatory requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meisner, M.J.


    As cost pressures mount, Grand Gulf nuclear station (GGNS) is relying increasingly on various prioritization approaches to implement, modify, eliminate, or defer regulatory requirements. Regulatory requirements can be prioritized through the use of three measures: (1) safety (or risk) significance; (2) cost; and (3) public policy (or political) significance. This paper summarizes GGNS' efforts to implement solutions to regulatory issues using these three prioritization schemes to preserve a balance between cost and safety benefit

  16. Comment on “Apatite 4He/3He and (U-Th)/He Evidence for an Ancient Grand Canyon” (United States)

    Karlstrom, Karl E.; Lee, John P.; Kelley, Shari A.; Crow, Ryan S.; Young, Richard A.; Lucchitta, Ivo; Beard, L. Sue; Dorsey, Rebecca; Ricketts, Jason; Dickinson, William R.; Crossey, Laura


    Flowers and Farley (Reports, 21 December 2012, p. 1616; published online 29 November 2012) propose that the Grand Canyon is 70 million years old. Starkly contrasting models for the age of the Grand Canyon—70 versus 6 million years—can be reconciled by a shallow paleocanyon that was carved in the eastern Grand Canyon 25 to 15 million years ago (Ma), negating the proposed 70 Ma and 55 Ma paleocanyons. Cooling models and geologic data are most consistent with a 5 to 6 Ma age for western Grand Canyon and Marble Canyon.

  17. Exórdio para o estudo da pedagogia libertária em Rio Grande


    Vargas, Francisco Furtado Gomes Riet


    Aborda a História da Pedagogia Libertária e suas implicações práticas com ênfase ao Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Brasil. It approaches the History of Libertarian Pedagogy and its practical implications with emphasis to the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil.

  18. On grand and small Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces and some applications to PDEs

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fiorenza, A.; Formica, M. R.; Gogatishvili, Amiran


    Roč. 10, č. 1 (2018), s. 21-46 ISSN 1847-120X R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-14743S Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : grand Lebesgue spaces * small Lebesgue spaces * interpolation Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics OBOR OECD: Pure mathematics

  19. History of mesquite introduction in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Paulo Silva dos Santos


    Full Text Available The mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw DC was established as a successful action of xerophilous introduction in Brazilian Northeast dry region. Its fruits are used in animal feed and the wood may be used as piles, firewood and charcoal. The species was introduced in 1942, spreading in "low areas" in Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia and Piauí States. This article aims to elucidate how mesquite was introduced in Rio Grande do Norte State and to understand how it was spread. It was first introduced in Rio Grande do Norte State by the introduction experiments installed at São Miguel farm in the municipality of Angicos. The enthusiasm of technicians and researchers promoted the distribution of pods and seedlings on farms and cities in the state. In addition, there were government incentives to production, distribution and planting the species. This work aims to establish considerations to be used as historical basis on studies about this species and to consider aspects regarding current situation of this culture in Brazilian Northeast.

  20. Importancia de preparación preclínica previo al uso de sistemas mecanizados por alumnos de pregrado para evitar fracturas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dra. María Leonor Montesdeoca Breilh


    Full Text Available Durante el aprendizaje de la Carrera de Odontología los alumnos deben aprobar la materia de Endodoncia, materia de mucha importancia para mantener las piezas dentales en boca y no llegar a una extracción. Lamentablemente, la enseñanza de esta área resulta un poco compleja para el alumno de pregrado ya que se trabaja en un campo muy reducido y relativamente oscuro, lo que dificultad la visualización de los conductos, sumado a la cantidad de pasos que debe realizar para llegar a su objetivo. Dentro de esta enseñanza está la necesidad de impartir conceptos actuales, al igual que técnicas tradicionales vigentes. En la Endodoncia actual se usan tecnologías de tipo mecanizadas que han hecho que el operador pueda realizar procedimientos más rápidos y de manera correcta, pero lastimosamente son sistemas muy costosos que se pueden llegar a fracturar si no se tiene un entrenamiento preclínico previo, el cual logrará una curva de aprendizaje en el uso correcto de los mismos para evitar este desagradable problema. Esta preparación preclínica de acuerdo a la experiencia de las autoras debe tener algunas etapas antes de la realización del procedimiento en el paciente, para disminuir el número de errores durante el proceso clínico, principalmente la indeseable fractura del instrumento de Níquel-Titanio, los cuales son usados actualmente para la conformación del conducto radicular. Por tal motivo se describe en el presente artículo una dinámica de trabajo preclínico por etapas utilizados en la materia de Endodoncia de la Carrera de Odontología de la UCSG para logar este objetivo.

  1. Eesti nukufilm sai järjekordse grand prix

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    XII Rahvusvaheline animafilmifestival "KROK-2005", mis toimus laeval, mis sõitis Kiievist Odessasse. Rao Heidmets ja Hardi Volmer said festivali karnevalil oma jänese kostüümi eest grand prix. Eesti filmidest olid programmis "Karl ja Marilyn", "Frank ja Wendy", "Barbarid", "Laud" ja "Conkistadoor"

  2. Grande Ronde Basin Supplementation Program; Lostine River, 2000 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onjukka, Sam T. (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR); Harbeck, Jim (Nez Perce Tribe, Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Enterprise, OR)


    The Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC) identified supplementation as a high priority to achieve its goal of increasing runs of anadromous fish in the Columbia Basin. Supplementation activities in the Lostine River and associated monitoring and evaluation conducted by the Nez Perce Tribe relate directly to the needs addressed in the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (NPPC 1994). Measure 7.4L.1 of the Program mandates that appropriate research accompany any proposed supplementation. In addition, measure 7.3B.2 of the Program stresses the need for evaluating supplementation projects to assess their ability to increase production. Finally, Section 7.4D.3 encourages the study of hatchery rearing and release strategies to improve survival and adaptation of cultured fish. In 1997, Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (ODFW) requested a modification of Permit 1011 to allow the take of adult spring chinook salmon. In 1998, the Nez Perce Tribe also requested a permit specific to activities on Lostine River. The permit was issued in 2000. A special condition in the permits required the development of a long term management plan for the spring chinook salmon of the Grande Ronde Basin. The Nez Perce Tribe, ODFW, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) completed a formal long range plan entitled ''Grande Ronde Basin Endemic Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation Program''. The program proposes to increase the survival of spring chinook salmon in the Grand Ronde Basin through hatchery intervention. Adult salmon from the Lostine River, Catherine Creek, and the Upper Grande Ronde River are used for a conventional supplementation program in the basin. The Nez Perce program currently operates under the ESA Section 10 Permit 1149.

  3. Grande Ronde Basin Supplementation Program; Lostine River, 2001 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Onjukka, Sam T. (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR); Harbeck, Jim (Nez Perce Tribe, Department of Fisheries Resource Management, Enterprise, OR)


    The Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC) identified supplementation as a high priority to achieve its goal of increasing runs of anadromous fish in the Columbia Basin. Supplementation activities in the Lostine River and associated monitoring and evaluation conducted by the Nez Perce Tribe relate directly to the needs addressed in the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (NPPC 1994). Measure 7.4L.1 of the Program mandates that appropriate research accompany any proposed supplementation. In addition, measure 7.3B.2 of the Program stresses the need for evaluating supplementation projects to assess their ability to increase production. Finally, Section 7.4D.3 encourages the study of hatchery rearing and release strategies to improve survival and adaptation of cultured fish. In 1997, Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (ODFW) requested a modification of Permit 1011 to allow the take of adult spring chinook salmon. In 1998, the Nez Perce Tribe also requested a permit specific to activities on Lostine River. The permit was issued in 2000. A special condition in the permits required the development of a long term management plan for the spring chinook salmon of the Grande Ronde Basin. The Nez Perce Tribe, ODFW, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) completed a formal long range plan entitled ''Grande Ronde Basin Endemic Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation Program''. The program proposes to increase the survival of spring chinook salmon in the Grand Ronde Basin through hatchery intervention. Adult salmon from the Lostine River, Catherine Creek, and the Upper Grande Ronde River are used for a conventional supplementation program in the basin. The Nez Perce program currently operates under the ESA Section 10 Permit 1149.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    cognition. From this doubtful synthesis, the researcher appears to have constructed a grand theory of how the world without ... problem here is that all of the students (English. Xhosa and ..... accompanying 'earthy music' will contrihute to.

  5. 75 FR 10308 - Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Record of Decision, Grand Canyon... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Park Service Fire Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact... Statement for the Fire Management Plan, Grand Canyon National Park. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National... the Record of Decision for the Fire Management Plan, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. On January...

  6. France's grandes écoles accused of elitism (United States)

    Hellemans, Alexander


    Physicists in France have backed government plans to open up the country's elite grandes écoles to more students from poorer backgrounds. The government wants to allow up to 30% of students to be given free scholarships in an attempt to broaden the social mix of the student body. The physicists say this would not lead to a lowering of standards.

  7. La masa de los grandes impactores (United States)

    Parisi, M. G.; Brunini, A.

    Los planetas han sido formados fundamentalmente acretando masa a través de colisiones con planetesimales sólidos. La masa más grande de la distribución de planetesimales y las masas máxima y mínima de los impactores, han sido calculadas usando los valores actuales del período y de la inclinación de los planetas (Lissauer & Safronov 1991; Parisi & Brunini 1996). Recientes investigaciones han mostrado, que las órbitas de los planetas gigantes no han sufrido variaciones con el tiempo, siendo su movimiento regular durante su evolución a partir de la finalización de la etapa de acreción (Laskar 1990, 1994). Por lo tanto, la eccentricidad actual de los planetas gigantes se puede utilizar para imponer una cota máxima a las masas y velocidades orbitales de los grandes impactores. Mediante un simple modelo dinámico, y considerando lo arriba mencionado, obtenemos la cota superior para la masa del planetesimal más grande que impactó a cada planeta gigante al final de su etapa de acreción. El resultado más importante de este trabajo es la estimación de la masa máxima permitida para impactar a Júpiter, la cúal es ~ 1.136 × 10 -1, siendo en el caso de Neptuno ~ 3.99 × 10 -2 (expresada en unidades de la masa final de cada planeta). Además, fue posible obtener la velocidad orbital máxima permitida para los impactores como una función de su masa, para cada planeta. Las cotas obtenidas para la masa y velocidad de los impactores de Saturno y Urano (en unidades de la masa y velocidad final de cada planeta respectivamente) son casi las mismas que las obtenidas para Júpiter debido a que estos tres planetas poseen similar eccentricidad actual. Nuestros resultados están en buen acuerdo con los obtenidos por Lissauer & Safronov (1991). Estas cotas podrían ser utilizadas para obtener la distribución de planetesimales en el Sistema Solar primitivo.

  8. Jean-Philippe Costes, Les subversifs hollywoodiens. L’esprit critique du cinéma grand public


    Dubois, François-Ronan


    À l’idée largement répandue que le cinéma grand public produit dans les studios d’Hollywood représente une machine de propagande étasunienne ou, à tout le moins, capitaliste, Jean-Philippe Costes entend opposer une lecture à contre-courant d’un corpus cinématographique fait de grands classiques et de grands oubliés. Hollywood, à ses yeux, ne saurait se réduire au véhicule médiatique d’une idéologie uniforme et oppressive qui serait, au gré des analyses, celle du capital, du patriotisme améric...

  9. O "abrasileiramento" das associações esportivas de Teutônia/Estrela no Rio Grande do Sul The "abrasileiramento" of the sports associations from Teutônia/Estrela in Rio Grande do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecília Elisa Kilpp


    Full Text Available As associações esportivas teuto-brasileiras de Teutônia/Estrela no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul sofreram o processo de abrasileiramento no período da Primeira Guerra Mundial (1914-1918 e da Segunda Grande Guerra (1939-1945. Este artigo objetivou identificar os conflitos de identidades culturais nas associações esportivas de Teutônia/Estrela desencadeados pelas ações nacionalizadoras conduzidas pelos interventores do Estado Rio Grande do Sul no período das grandes guerras mundiais. As fontes históricas consultadas revelaram que a prática de esportes tradicionais nas associações teuto-brasileiras enfraqueceu, como no caso do bolão, ao mesmo tempo que outros esportes foram incorporados, principalmente o futebol. A adesão a esta nova prática esportiva significa um movimento na direção do processo de integração às ações nacionalizadoras.The German-Brazilian sport associations of Teutônia/Estrela in the State of Rio Grande do Sul suffered the process of abrasileiramento in the period of the World War I (1914-1918 and of the World War II (1939-1945. This article aimed to identify the conflicts of cultural identities in the sport associations of Teutônia/Estrela developed by the nationalization actions leaded by the intervenors of the Rio Grande do Sul State in the period of the great world wars. Historical sources revealed that the practice of traditional sports in the German-Brazilian sport associations weakened, asthe bolão, while other sports were incorporated, mainly the soccer. The adhesion to this new sport means a movement in the direction of the process of integration in the nationalization actions.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francis Utéza


    Full Text Available Guimarães Rosa insistiu sempre sobre o valor metafísico e religioso de seus escritos. Com base nas chaves que Rosa daria no seu discursode posse na Academia - o Hermetismo da tradição ocidental e o Taoísmo da tradição oriemal, pretende-se analisar o percurso do protagonista de Grande sertão: veredas em função dos três grandes rios de Minas: o São Francisco, o Rio das Velhas e Urucuia. Para além da geografia"realista", decripta-se o substrato transcendental.

  11. Necessity of intermediate mass scales in grand unified theories with spontaneously broken CP invariance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senjanovic, G.


    It is demonstrated that the spontaneous breakdown of CP invariance in grand unified theories requires the presence of intermediate mass scales. The simplest realization is provided by weakly broken left-right symmetry in the context of SU(2)sub(L) x SU(2)sub(R) x U(1)sub(B-L) model embedded in grand unified theories. (author)

  12. Grand-design Spiral Arms in a Young Forming Circumstellar Disk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tomida, Kengo; Lin, Chia Hui [Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043 (Japan); Machida, Masahiro N. [Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395 (Japan); Hosokawa, Takashi [Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 (Japan); Sakurai, Yuya, E-mail: [Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan)


    We study formation and long-term evolution of a circumstellar disk in a collapsing molecular cloud core using a resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulation. While the formed circumstellar disk is initially small, it grows as accretion continues, and its radius becomes as large as 200 au toward the end of the Class-I phase. A pair of grand-design spiral arms form due to gravitational instability in the disk, and they transfer angular momentum in the highly resistive disk. Although the spiral arms disappear in a few rotations as expected in a classical theory, new spiral arms form recurrently as the disk, soon becoming unstable again by gas accretion. Such recurrent spiral arms persist throughout the Class-0 and I phases. We then perform synthetic observations and compare our model with a recent high-resolution observation of a young stellar object Elias 2–27, whose circumstellar disk has grand-design spiral arms. We find good agreement between our theoretical model and the observation. Our model suggests that the grand-design spiral arms around Elias 2–27 are consistent with material arms formed by gravitational instability. If such spiral arms commonly exist in young circumstellar disks, it implies that young circumstellar disks are considerably massive and gravitational instability is the key process of angular momentum transport.

  13. Grand-design Spiral Arms in a Young Forming Circumstellar Disk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomida, Kengo; Lin, Chia Hui; Machida, Masahiro N.; Hosokawa, Takashi; Sakurai, Yuya


    We study formation and long-term evolution of a circumstellar disk in a collapsing molecular cloud core using a resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulation. While the formed circumstellar disk is initially small, it grows as accretion continues, and its radius becomes as large as 200 au toward the end of the Class-I phase. A pair of grand-design spiral arms form due to gravitational instability in the disk, and they transfer angular momentum in the highly resistive disk. Although the spiral arms disappear in a few rotations as expected in a classical theory, new spiral arms form recurrently as the disk, soon becoming unstable again by gas accretion. Such recurrent spiral arms persist throughout the Class-0 and I phases. We then perform synthetic observations and compare our model with a recent high-resolution observation of a young stellar object Elias 2–27, whose circumstellar disk has grand-design spiral arms. We find good agreement between our theoretical model and the observation. Our model suggests that the grand-design spiral arms around Elias 2–27 are consistent with material arms formed by gravitational instability. If such spiral arms commonly exist in young circumstellar disks, it implies that young circumstellar disks are considerably massive and gravitational instability is the key process of angular momentum transport.

  14. A grand-canonical ensemble of randomly triangulated surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jurkiewicz, J.; Krzywicki, A.; Petersson, B.


    An algorithm is presented generating the grand-canonical ensemble of discrete, randomly triangulated Polyakov surfaces. The algorithm is used to calculate the susceptibility exponent, which controls the existence of the continuum limit of the considered model, for the dimensionality of the embedding space ranging from 0 to 20. (orig.)

  15. Single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015 from Grand Bay, Alabama-Mississippi (United States)

    DeWitt, Nancy T.; Stalk, Chelsea A.; Smith, Christopher G.; Locker, Stanley D.; Fredericks, Jake J.; McCloskey, Terrence A.; Wheaton, Cathryn J.


    As part of the Sea-level and Storm Impacts on Estuarine Environments and Shorelines (SSIEES) project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within the estuarine, open-bay, and tidal creek environments of Grand Bay, Alabama-Mississippi, from May to June 2015. The goal of the SSIEES project is to assess the physical controls of sediment and material exchange between wetlands and estuarine environments along the northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically Grand Bay, Alabama-Mississippi; Vermilion Bay, Louisiana; and, along the east coast, within Chincoteague Bay, Virginia-Maryland. The data described in this report provide baseline bathymetric information for future research investigating wetland-marsh evolution, sediment transport, erosion, recent and long-term geomorphic change, and can also support the modeling of changes in response to restoration and storm impacts. The survey area encompasses more than 40 square kilometers of Grand Bay’s waters.

  16. Elastoplasticidad anisotropa de metales en grandes deformaciones (United States)

    Caminero Torija, Miguel Angel

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos y algoritmos numericos que simulen el comportamiento del material bajo estas condiciones en el contexto de programas de elementos finitos, dando como resultado predicciones mas precisas de los procesos de conformado y deformacion plastica en general. Para lograr este objetivo se han desarrollado diversas tareas destinadas a mejorar las predicciones en tres aspectos fundamentales. El primer aspecto consiste en la mejora de la descripcion del endurecimiento cinematico anisotropo en pequenas deformaciones, lo cual se ha realizado a traves de modelos y algoritmos implicitos de superficies multiples. Ha sido estudiada la consistencia de este tipo de modelos tanto si estan basados en una regla implicita similar a la de Mroz o en la regla de Prager. Ademas se han simulado los ensayos de Lamba y Sidebottom, obteniendo, en contra de la creencia general, muy buenas predicciones con la regla de Prager. Dichos modelos podrian ser extendidos de forma relativamente facil para considerar grandes deformaciones a traves de procedimientos en deformaciones logaritmicas, similares a los desarrollados en esta tesis y detallados a continuacion. El segundo aspecto consiste en la descripcion de la anisotropia elastoplastica inicial. Esto se ha conseguido mediante el desarrollo de modelos y algoritmos para plasticidad anisotropa en grandes deformaciones, bien ignorando la posible anisotropia elastica, bien considerandola simultaneamente con la anisotropia plastica. Para ello ha sido necesario desarrollar primero un nuevo algoritmo de elastoplasticidad anisotropa en pequenas deformaciones consistentemente linealizado y sin despreciar ningun termino, de tal forma que se conserve la convergencia cuadratica de los metodos de Newton. Este algoritmo en pequenas deformaciones ha servido para realizar la correccion plastica de dos algoritmos en grandes deformaciones. El primero de estos algoritmos es una variacion del clasico algoritmo de


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    Full Text Available The National Academy for Engineering announced 14 Grand Challenges for the 21st Century engineers to address in order to ensure a sustainable future for the generations to come. These grand challenges are in four broad areas, namely, energy and environment, health, security and learning and computation. This paper reports on a Grand Challenges Scholars’ Programme that is developed to prepare the engineering students to be able to address the grand challenges using the CDIO framework and focusing on five components; research experience, interdisciplinary curriculum, entrepreneurship, global dimension and service learning. The programme is voluntary and the candidates are expected to commit additional learning time. The programme was launched with 16 participants who are expected to graduate in 2016. A preliminary assessment of the programs shows that the participants found the programme useful in developing an array of CDIO skills. The School intends to continue offering this programme with the intention of integrating it with a holistic education approach.

  18. Psicodinâmica da violência de grandes grupos e da violência de massas

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    Vamik D. Volkan

    Full Text Available A partir de Freud, as teorias psicanalistas sobre grandes grupos focalizam, principalmente, as percepções e os significados que, psicologicamente, os indivíduos atribuem a eles. Este texto analisa alguns aspectos sobre a psicologia dos grandes grupos e sua psicodinâmica interna e específica. Toma como referência grupos étnicos, nacionais, religiosos e ideológicos cujo pertencimento dos sujeitos iniciou-se na infância. O autor faz uma comparação entre o processo de luto em indivíduos e o processo de luto em grandes grupos para ilustrar por que é necessário investir no conhecimento da psicologia destes últimos como um objeto específico. O autor descreve, ainda, sinais e sintomas de regressão em grandes grupos. Quando há ameaça à identidade coletiva, pode ocorrer um processo de violência de massas que obviamente influencia a saúde pública.

  19. Bower ratio-energy balance associated errors in vineyards under dripping irrigation Erros associados pela razão de bowen ao balanço de energia em parreirais sob irrigação por gotejamento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Monteiro Soares


    Full Text Available This study was conducted at the Bebedouro Experimental Station in Petrolina-PE, Brazil, to evaluate the errors associated to the application of the Bowen ratio-energy balance in a 3-years old vineyard (Vitis vinifera, L, grown in a trellis system, irrigated by dripping. The field measurements were taken during fruiting cycle (July to November, 2001, which was divided into eigth phenological stages. A micrometeorological tower was mounted in a grape-plants row in which sensors of net radiation, global solar radiation and wind speed were installed at about 1.0 m above the canopy. Also in the tower, two psicometers were installed at two levels (0.5 and 1.8 m above the vineyard canopy. Two soil heat flux plates were buried at 0.02 m beneath the soil surface. All these sensors were connected to a Data logger 21 X of Campbell Scientific Inc., programmed for collecting data once every 5 seconds and storage averages for every 15 minutes. A comparative analysis were made among four Bowen ratio accepting/rejecting rules, according to the methodology proposed by Spano et al. (2000: betar1 - values of beta calculated by Bowen (1926 equation; betar2 - values of beta as proposed by Verma et al. (1978 equation; betar3 - exclusion of the beta values obtained as recommended by Unland et al. (1996 and betar4 - exclusion of the beta values calculated as proposed by Bowen (1926, out of the interval (-0.7 Este estudo foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Bebedouro, Petrolina-PE, Brasil, para avaliar os erros associados com a aplicação do balanço de energia com base na razão de Bowen em um parreiral (Vitis vinifera, L com três anos de idade, conduzido em latada, sob irrigação por gotejamento. As medições foram feitas durante o ciclo produtivo de julho a novembro de 2001, que foi dividido em oito estádios fenológicos. Numa torre micrometeorológica localizada no centro do parreiral, foram instalados a 1,00 m acima do dossel da videira, os seguintes

  20. Grand unification: quo vadis domine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senjanovic, G.


    The present theoretical and experimental situation with grand unification is summarized. The issues of proton decay and the Weinberg angle are addressed, going through the predictions of both the standard SU(5) theory and its supersymmetric extension. The SO(10) theory, which provides a minimal one family model, is then studied. The gravitational characteristics of domain walls and strings are then discussed. It is argued that there is a need to go beyond SO(10) in order to incorporate a unified picture of families. This leads to the prediction of mirror fermions, whose physics is analyzed. 31 refs

  1. Grand Challenges of Enterprise Integration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brosey, W.D; Neal, R.E.; Marks, D.


    Enterprise Integration connects and combines people, processes, systems, and technologies to ensure that the right people and the right processes have the right information and the right resources at the right time. A consensus roadmap for Technologies for Enterprise Integration was created as part of an industry/government/academia partnership in the Integrated Manufacturing Technology Initiative (IMTI). Two of the grand challenges identified by the roadmapping effort will be addressed here--Customer Responsive Enterprises and Totally Connected Enterprises. Each of these challenges is briefly discussed as to the current state of industry and the future vision as developed in the roadmap.

  2. L'aventure du grand collisionneur LHC du big bang au boson de Higgs

    CERN Document Server

    Denegri, Daniel; Hoecker, Andreas; Roos, Lydia; Rubbia, Carlo


    Qu'est-ce que la physique des particules élémentaires, le LHC, et le boson de Higgs ? Ce livre présente de manière simple le monde des quarks, des leptons et de leurs interactions, gouvernées par des symétries fondamentales de la nature, ainsi que le lien entre ce monde de l'infiniment petit et celui de l'infiniment grand. Cette conjonction entre la physique des particules élémentaires et l'évolution de la matière dans les premiers instants de l Univers qui ont suivi le Big-Bang est un des plus beaux acquis de la science de ces cinquante dernières années. Après une description du cadre théorique, le modèle standard, et de son élaboration durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, l'accent est mis sur ses grands succès expérimentaux, mais aussi sur ses faiblesses ou insuffisances telles que nous les percevons aujourd'hui. La passionnante histoire du grand collisionneur de hadrons du CERN, le LHC, le plus grand projet purement scientifique jamais réalisé, est présentée à la fois sous ses...

  3. CTUIR Grande Ronde River Watershed Restoration Program McCoy Creek/McIntyre Creek Road Crossing, 1995-1999 Progress Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Childs, Allen B.


    The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) entered into a contract agreement beginning in 1996 to fund watershed restoration and enhancement actions and contribute to recovery of fish and wildlife resources and water quality in the Grande Ronde River Basin. The CTUIR's habitat program is closely coordinated with the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program and multiple agencies and organizations within the basin. The CTUIR has focused during the past 4 years in the upper portions of the Grande Ronde Subbasin (upstream of LaGrande, Oregon) on several major project areas in the Meadow, McCoy, and McIntyre Creek watersheds and along the mainstem Grande Ronde River. This Annual Report provides an overview of individual projects and accomplishments.

  4. The impact of a simulated grand tour on sleep, mood, and well-being of competitive cyclists. (United States)

    Lastella, M; Roach, G D; Halson, S L; Martin, D T; West, N P; Sargent, C


    Professional cycling is considered one of the most demanding of all endurance sports. The three major professional cycling stages races (i.e. Tour de France, Giro d'Italia and Vuelta a España) require cyclists to compete daily covering between ~150-200 km for three consecutive weeks. Anecdotal evidence indicates that such an event has a significant effect on the sleep, mood, and general well-being of cyclists, particularly during the latter stages of the event. The primary aim of this study was to simulate a grand tour and determine the impact a grand tour has on the sleep, mood, and general well-being of competitive cyclists. Twenty-one male cyclists (M±SD, age 22.2±2.7 years) were examined for 39 days across three phases (i.e. baseline, simulated grand tour, and recovery). Sleep was assessed using sleep diaries and wrist activity monitors. Mood and general well-being were assessed using the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and Visual Analogue Scales (VAS). The amount and quality of sleep as assessed by the wrist activity monitors declined during the simulated grand tour. In contrast, self-reported sleep quality improved throughout the study. Cyclists' mood and general well-being as indicated by vigour, motivation, physical and mental state declined during the simulated tour. Future investigations should examine sleep, mood and well-being during an actual grand tour. Such data could prove instrumental toward understanding the sleep and psychological changes that occur during a grand tour.

  5. Building a Course on Global Sustainability using the grand challenges of Energy-Water-Climate (United States)

    Myers, J. D.


    GEOL1600: Global Sustainability: Managing the Earth's Resources is a lower division integrated science course at the University of Wyoming that fulfills the university's science requirement. Course content and context has been developed using the grand challenge nexus of energy-water-and climate (EWC). The interconnection of these issues, their social relevance and timeliness has provided a framework that gives students an opportunity to recognize why STEM is relevant to their lives regardless of their ultimate professional career choices. The EWC nexus provides the filter to sieve the course's STEM content. It also provides an ideal mechanism by which the non-STEM perspectives important in grand challenge solutions can be seamlessly incorporated in the course. Through a combination of content and context, the relevance of these issues engage students in their own learning. Development of the course followed the Grand Challenge Scientific Literacy (GCSL) model independently developed by the author and two colleagues at the University of Wyoming. This course model stresses science principles centered on the nature of science (e.g., fundamental premises, habits of mind, critical thinking) and unifying scientific concepts (e.g., methods and tools, experimentation, modeling). Grand challenge principles identify the STEM and non-STEM concepts needed to understand the grand challenges, drawing on multiple STEM and non-STEM disciplines and subjects (i.e., economics, politics, unintended consequences, roles of stakeholders). Using the EWC nexus filter and building on the Grand Challenge Principles, specific content included in the course is selected is that most relevant to understanding the Grand Challenges, thereby stressing content depth over breadth. Because quantitative data and reasoning is critical to effectively evaluating challenge solutions, QR is a component of nearly all class activities, while engineering and technology aspects of grand challenges are

  6. Spatial and seasonal variations of the contamination within water body of the Grand Canal, China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, X.L.; Han, Jingyi; Xu, L.G.; Zhang, Q.


    To delineate the character of contaminations in the Grand Canal, China, a three-year study (2004-2006) was conducted to investigate variations the water quality in the canal. Results showed that the variation of water quality within the Grand Canal was of there is remarkable spatial and seasonal

  7. Enterotoxemia em caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul Caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edson M. Colodel


    Full Text Available São descritos surtos de enterotoxemia em caprinos em cinco propriedades no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais afetados eram, normalmente, encontrados mortos ou apresentavam evolução aguda de 2 a 3 horas com acentuada depressão, cólicas abdominais e diarréia profusa com fibrina. Em duas propriedades relataram-se casos com a evolução de até 12 horas. Em treze animais necropsiados observaram-se aumento de líquidos nas cavidades abdominal, torácica e pericárdica, congestão e hiperemia da serosa e mucosa do intestino, conteúdo do cólon líquido com fibrina além de hemorragias de serosa e fibrina. Em um animal constatou-se microangiopatia cerebral caracterizada por acúmulo de material homogêneo e eosinofílico no espaço perivascular. No conteúdo intestinal, colônias com bastonetes morfológica e bioquimicamente sugestivos de Clostridium perfringens foram caracterizadas no estudo bacteriológico. A soroneutralização em camundongos com conteúdo intestinal dos animais afetados, revelou a presença da toxina épsilon. Estes achados evidenciam a enterotoxemia como doença de importância para criação de caprinos no Rio Grande do Sul.Five outbreaks of caprine enterotoxaemia in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were studied. The animals were found dead or had a clinical course that usually lasted 2-3 hours. From two farms a clinical manifestation period of 12 hours was reported. Clinical signs were characterized by depression, marked abdominal discomfort, profuse watery diarrhea with fibrin clots, and death. Thirteen necropsies were performed and hydropericardium, hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum were commonly found. The mucosa and serosa of the colon were congested, and its contents was watery with multiple fibrin clots. Serosal hemorrhages and fibrin clots in the gallbladder were also seen. Fibrinous colitis and thyphilitis were the most frequent histological changes. Cerebral microangiopathy was observed in one case, which was

  8. Confiabilidade intra e interexaminadores e erro da medição no uso do goniômetro e inclinômetro digital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolline Maciel dos Santos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A amplitude de movimento articular (ADM é um importante componente avaliado durante o exame físico; porém, para que essa mensuração possa ser utilizada, é necessário que ela seja confiável e que suas propriedades de medida sejam conhecidas. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a confiabilidade inter e intraexaminadores das medidas realizadas pelo goniômetro e inclinômetro na avaliação da ADM de flexão e extensão de joelho e cotovelo, e determinar o erro padrão da medição (EPM dos instrumentos em questão. MÉTODOS: Foi avaliada ADM de flexão e extensão de cotovelo e joelho, bilateralmente, de uma amostra de indivíduos jovens saudáveis do gênero masculino, com faixa etária entre 18 e 30 anos, utilizando um inclinômetro digital e um goniômetro universal. RESULTADOS: A confiabilidade interexaminador variou de pequena a muito alta para os dois instrumentos, apresentando CCI de 0,24 a 0,96 para as medidas feitas com o goniômetro, e de 0,02 a 0,98 para o inclinômetro. O único movimento que obteve confiabilidade muito alta para ambos os aparelhos e examinadores foi a flexão de joelho. O EPM determinado por meio da goniometria e inclinometria variou entre 0,21 e 12,75 graus. CONCLUSÃO: O inclinômetro digital apresenta melhores índices de confiabilidade que o goniômetro para as medidas de ADM. Apenas quatro medidas obtiveram CCI alto e EPM abaixo de dois graus, e, assim, foram consideradas apropriadas para serem utilizadas clinicamente, todas essas realizadas com o inclinômetro.

  9. UMTRA Project water sampling and analysis plan, Grand Junction, Colorado. Revision 1, Version 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This water sampling and analysis plan describes the planned, routine ground water sampling activities at the Grand Junction US DOE Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project site (GRJ-01) in Grand Junction, Colorado, and at the Cheney Disposal Site (GRJ-03) near Grand Junction. The plan identifies and justifies the sampling locations, analytical parameters, detection limits, and sampling frequencies for the routine monitoring stations at the sites. Regulatory basis is in the US EPA regulations in 40 CFR Part 192 (1994) and EPA ground water quality standards of 1995 (60 FR 2854). This plan summarizes results of past water sampling activities, details water sampling activities planned for the next 2 years, and projects sampling activities for the next 5 years

  10. Porta-enxertos para a tangerineira 'Michal' no Rio Grande do Sul Rootstocks for 'Michal' tangerine in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Cesar Brugnara


    Full Text Available A tangerineira 'Michal' (Citrus clementina x C. tangerina poderá ser uma boa alternativa ao Rio Grande do Sul como cultivar copa para produção de frutos em época precoce. No entanto, há falta de informações sobre seu comportamento em cultivo nas condições ambientais desse Estado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento das plantas, a produção e a qualidade dos frutos da tangerineira 'Michal' enxertada sobre cinco porta-enxertos: citrangeiro 'Troyer', citrumeleiro 'Swingle', limoeiro 'Cravo', tangerineira 'Sunki' e trifoliata 'Flying Dragon', na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: a altura das plantas, a circunferência do tronco, a área de projeção da copa (APC, o número e a massa (MF de frutos produzidos, a relação MF/APC (IP, o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST, a acidez total titulável (ATT e a relação SST/ATT do suco, além do tamanho dos frutos e do rendimento de suco. O citrumeleiro 'Swingle' promoveu bom vigor, boa produção, bom IP, bons níveis de SST e de ATT da 'Michal', enquanto o limoeiro 'Cravo' conferiu bom vigor, boa produção, bom IP e bom tamanho dos frutos, ambos podendo ser indicados como porta-enxertos em pomares de tangerineira 'Michal'.'Michal' tangerine (Citrus clementina x C. tangerina can be a good choice as canopy for early maturing fruit production in Rio Grande do Sul. The limitation is the lack of information about its performance and management. The aim of this research was to evaluate the development, production and fruit quality of 'Michal' tangerine grafted on five rootstocks: 'Troyer' citrange, 'Swingle' citrumelo, 'Cravo' lemon, 'Sunki' tangerine and 'Flying Dragon' trifoliate orange, in the Depressão Central of Rio Grande do Sul. The following variables were evaluated: plant height; trunk circumference; canopy projection area (APC; produced fruit number and weight (MF; MF/APC relation (IP; juice total soluble solids

  11. Grand challenge problems in environmental modeling and remediation: Groundwater contaminant transport. Final project report 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The over-reaching goal of the Groundwater Grand Challenge component of the Partnership in Computational Science (PICS) was to develop and establish the massively parallel approach for the description of groundwater flow and transport and to address the problem of uncertainties in the data and its interpretation. This necessitated the development of innovative algorithms and the implementation of massively parallel computational tools to provide a suite of simulators for groundwater flow and transport in heterogeneous media. This report summarizes the activities and deliverables of the Groundwater Grand Challenge project funded through the High Performance Computing grand challenge program of the Department of Energy from 1995 through 1997

  12. Grand Challenges in Music Information Research


    Goto, Masataka


    This paper discusses some grand challenges in which music information research will impact our daily lives and our society in the future. Here, some fundamental questions are how to provide the best music for each person, how to predict music trends, how to enrich human-music relationships, how to evolve new music, and how to address environmental, energy issues by using music technologies. Our goal is to increase both attractiveness and social impacts of music information research in the fut...

  13. Relations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kazan Khanate (1506–1552

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    Ya.V. Pilipchuk


    Full Text Available This article considers the relationship between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Khanate of Kazan. The aim of this study is to analyze the dynamics and characteristics of the relations of the Kazan Khanate with Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Jagiellonian eastern policy is rightfully considered as one of the most important policy directions of the Polish Kings and Grand Dukes of Lithuania in the 16th century. Researchers have traditionally paid much more attention to the history of relations of the Crimean Khanate with Lithuania and Poland. Relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Kazan Khanate have been considered in the source study articles by D. Mustafina and B. Trepavlov analyzing the content of documents preserved in the Lithuanian State Archives (Lithuanian Methric. The main theme of this article is the military and political history of Eastern Europe in the first half of the 16th century. The author aims to clarify to what extent the European policy of the Kazan Khanate depended on the personalities of Sahib Giray and Safa Giray and their personal relations with Sigismund I the Old. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author is the first to present to the researchers’ attention a complete picture of the Kazan-Lithuanian relations rather than focusing on particular issues of relations between the individual Grand Dukes and khans. The article examines the history of the interaction of the Kazan Tatars with Lithuanians and Poles in the context of relations of Lithuania with the Russian State and Crimean Khanate. Attempts to establish an anti-Russian alliance were undertaken during the first half of the 16th century. Mohammed Amin, from the dynasty of Ulugh Muhammad, expressed interest in the establishment of the union in 1506 only by the fact that it was profitable for him. In 1516–1518, the proposals of Sigismund I the Old to make an alliance did not meet the response in Kazan. In general, the dynasty of Ulugh Muhammad

  14. Cosmological origin of the grand-unification mass scale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brout, R.; Englert, F.; Spindel, P.


    The origin of the universe as a quantum phenomenon leads to a self-consistently generated space-time structure in which the mass of the created particles is O (kappa/sup -1/2/). We interpret the origin of the universe as a phase transition in which the grand unified symmetry is spontaneously broken

  15. Urban Waters and the Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque (New Mexico) (United States)

    Middle Rio Grande/Albuquerque (New Mexico) of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP) reconnects urban communities with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies and collaborating with community-led efforts.

  16. Grande Ronde Basin Chinook Salmon Captive Brood and Conventional Supplementation Programs, 2002 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmichael, Richard W. (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, La Grande, OR)


    Endangered Species Permit Number 1011 (formerly Permit No. 973) authorizes ODFW to take listed spring chinook salmon juveniles from Catherine Creek (CC), Lostine River (LR) and Grande Ronde River (GR) for research and enhancement purposes. Modification 2 of this permit authorizes ODFW to take adults for spawning and the production and release of smolts for the Captive and Conventional broodstock programs. This report satisfies the requirement that an annual report be submitted. Herein we report on activities conducted and provide cursory data analyses for the Grande Ronde spring chinook salmon Captive and Conventional broodstock projects from 1 January-31 December 2002. The Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Project is designed to rapidly increase numbers of salmon in stocks that are in imminent danger of extirpation. Parr are captured in Catherine Creek, upper Grande Ronde River and Lostine River and reared to adulthood in captivity. Upon maturation, they are spawned (within stocks) and their progeny reared to smoltification before being released into the natal stream of their parents. This program is co-managed by ODFW, National Marine Fisheries Service, the Nez Perce Tribe and Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.

  17. Geographic distribution of genetic diversity in populations of Rio Grande Chub Gila pandora (United States)

    Galindo, Rene; Wilson, Wade; Caldwell, Colleen A.


    In the southwestern United States (US), the Rio Grande chub (Gila pandora) is state-listed as a fish species of greatest conservation need and federally listed as sensitive due to habitat alterations and competition with non-native fishes. Characterizing genetic diversity, genetic population structure, and effective number of breeders will assist with conservation efforts by providing a baseline of genetic metrics. Genetic relatedness within and among G. pandora populations throughout New Mexico was characterized using 11 microsatellite loci among 15 populations in three drainage basins (Rio Grande, Pecos, Canadian). Observed heterozygosity (HO) ranged from 0.71–0.87 and was similar to expected heterozygosity (0.75–0.87). Rio Ojo Caliente (Rio Grande) had the highest allelic richness (AR = 15.09), while Upper Rio Bonito (Pecos) had the lowest allelic richness (AR = 6.75). Genetic differentiation existed among all populations with the lowest genetic variation occurring within the Pecos drainage. STRUCTURE analysis revealed seven genetic clusters. Populations of G. pandora within the upper Rio Grande drainage (Rio Ojo Caliente, Rio Vallecitos, Rio Pueblo de Taos) had high levels of admixture with Q-values ranging from 0.30–0.50. In contrast, populations within the Pecos drainage (Pecos River and Upper Rio Bonito) had low levels of admixture (Q = 0.94 and 0.87, respectively). Estimates of effective number of breeders (N b ) varied from 6.1 (Pecos: Upper Rio Bonito) to 109.7 (Rio Grande: Rio Peñasco) indicating that populations in the Pecos drainage are at risk of extirpation. In the event that management actions are deemed necessary to preserve or increase genetic diversity of G. pandora, consideration must be given as to which populations are selected for translocation.

  18. Geomorphic evolution of the San Luis Basin and Rio Grande in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico (United States)

    Ruleman, Chester A.; Machette, Michael; Thompson, Ren A.; Miggins, Dan M; Goehring, Brent M; Paces, James B.


    The San Luis Basin encompasses the largest structural and hydrologic basin of the Rio Grande rift. On this field trip, we will examine the timing of transition of the San Luis Basin from hydrologically closed, aggrading subbasins to a continuous fluvial system that eroded the basin, formed the Rio Grande gorge, and ultimately, integrated the Rio Grande from Colorado to the Gulf of Mexico. Waning Pleistocene neotectonic activity and onset of major glacial episodes, in particular Marine Isotope Stages 11–2 (~420–14 ka), induced basin fill, spillover, and erosion of the southern San Luis Basin. The combined use of new geologic mapping, fluvial geomorphology, reinterpreted surficial geology of the Taos Plateau, pedogenic relative dating studies, 3He surface exposure dating of basalts, and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate supports a sequence of events wherein pluvial Lake Alamosa in the northern San Luis Basin overflowed, and began to drain to the south across the closed Sunshine Valley–Costilla Plain region ≤400 ka. By ~200 ka, erosion had cut through topographic highs at Ute Mountain and the Red River fault zone, and began deep-canyon incision across the southern San Luis Basin. Previous studies indicate that prior to 200 ka, the present Rio Grande terminated into a large bolson complex in the vicinity of El Paso, Texas, and systematic, headward erosional processes had subtly integrated discontinuously connected basins along the eastern flank of the Rio Grande rift and southern Rocky Mountains. We propose that the integration of the entire San Luis Basin into the Rio Grande drainage system (~400–200 ka) was the critical event in the formation of the modern Rio Grande, integrating hinterland basins of the Rio Grande rift from El Paso, Texas, north to the San Luis Basin with the Gulf of Mexico. This event dramatically affected basins southeast of El Paso, Texas, across the Chisos Mountains and southeastern Basin and Range province, including the Rio

  19. Low-energy neutral current phenomenology and grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Del Aguila, F.; Mendez, A.


    We derive necessary and sufficient conditions to be satisfied by any expanded electroweak gauge model in order to reproduce the standard model low-energy neutral current predictions. These conditions imply several constraints on the neutral gauge boson masses and the quantum number assignments for the ordinary fermions. Using these conditions, we prove that the popular grand unified theories based on the gauge groups SO(10) and E6 can only accommodate trivial extensions of the standard model. As a consequence, if any of these grand unified models works at some energy scale, present low-energy neutral current phenomenology implies that the Z-boson must be produced with the expected mass and couplings to the ordinary fermions. Any additional neutral gauge boson (with the possible exception of very heavy ones) could only be produced in hadronic collisions and it would not decay in e + e - . (orig.)

  20. Dynkin weights and global supersymmetry in grand unification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frampton, P.H.; Kephart, T.W.


    The requirement that supersymmetry be unbroken in a supersymmetrized gauge theory is shown to imply vanishing Dynkin weight of the components of the Higgs field representation receiving vacuum expectation values. As a corollary a compact expression is obtained for the Dynkin weights of general SU(N) representations. Examples are given for supersymmetrized grand unified theories

  1. Geomorphology of plutonium in the Northern Rio Grande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Graf, W.L. [Arizona Univ., Tempe, AZ (United States). Dept., of Geography


    Nearly all of the plutonium in the natural environment of the Northern Rio Grande is associated with soils and sediment, and river processes account for most of the mobility of these materials. A composite regional budget for plutonium based on multi-decadal averages for sediment and plutonium movement shows that 90 percent of the plutonium moving into the system is from atmospheric fallout. The remaining 10 percent is from releases at Los Alamos. Annual variation in plutonium flux and storage exceeds 100 percent. The contribution to the plutonium budget from Los Alamos is associated with relatively coarse sediment which often behaves as bedload in the Rio Grande. Infusion of these materials into the main stream were largest in 1951, 1952, 1957, and 1968. Because of the schedule of delivery of plutonium to Los Alamos for experimentation and weapons manufacturing, the latter two years are probably the most important. Although the Los Alamos contribution to the entire plutonium budget was relatively small, in these four critical years it constituted 71--86 percent of the plutonium in bedload immediately downstream from Otowi.

  2. Geomorphology of plutonium in the Northern Rio Grande

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graf, W.L.


    Nearly all of the plutonium in the natural environment of the Northern Rio Grande is associated with soils and sediment, and river processes account for most of the mobility of these materials. A composite regional budget for plutonium based on multi-decadal averages for sediment and plutonium movement shows that 90 percent of the plutonium moving into the system is from atmospheric fallout. The remaining 10 percent is from releases at Los Alamos. Annual variation in plutonium flux and storage exceeds 100 percent. The contribution to the plutonium budget from Los Alamos is associated with relatively coarse sediment which often behaves as bedload in the Rio Grande. Infusion of these materials into the main stream were largest in 1951, 1952, 1957, and 1968. Because of the schedule of delivery of plutonium to Los Alamos for experimentation and weapons manufacturing, the latter two years are probably the most important. Although the Los Alamos contribution to the entire plutonium budget was relatively small, in these four critical years it constituted 71--86 percent of the plutonium in bedload immediately downstream from Otowi

  3. The New Totalitarians: Social Identities and Radical Islamist Political Grand Strategy

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Macdonald, Douglas J


    ... of the ideologically-driven grand political strategy of the Islamist extremists, which represents a totalitarian, transnational, and, in many versions, universalist social revolutionary movement...

  4. Grand Canonical Ensembles in General Relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, David; Yang, Wei-Shih


    We develop a formalism for general relativistic, grand canonical ensembles in space-times with timelike Killing fields. Using that, we derive ideal gas laws, and show how they depend on the geometry of the particular space-times. A systematic method for calculating Newtonian limits is given for a class of these space-times, which is illustrated for Kerr space-time. In addition, we prove uniqueness of the infinite volume Gibbs measure, and absence of phase transitions for a class of interaction potentials in anti-de Sitter space.

  5. Produccion de plantas grandes usando minicontenedores (United States)

    R. Kasten Dumroese; Thomas D. Landis


    En América del Norte hay cada vez más interés por la producción híbrida o mixta. La misma consiste en cultivar plantines en contenedores de pequeño volumen y luego trasplantarlos; el trasplante se puede realizar a canteros en el suelo como en la producción a raíz desnuda o bien a contenedores más grandes. Originalmente se llamaban plantines "plug+", "...

  6. Experiências Urbanas: Migrantes e Modos de Viver e Trabalhar na Periferia de Campina Grande na Década de 1960 * Urban Experiences: Migrants and Ways of Living and Working in the Outskirts of Campina Grande in the 1960s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Resumo: A partir do final da década de 1940 e início de 1950, Campina Grande passa por uma significativa urbanização e expansão, favorecida pelo crescimento econômico. Observamos que trabalhadores do campo migraram da zona rural para a zona urbana de Campina Grande à medida que o trabalho na lavoura estava se tornando inviável em razão das secas e viam no centro urbano de Campina possibilidades outras de trabalhar e ter condições de vida mais dignas. Nosso trabalho intenta refletir sobre como alguns populares migraram para Campina Grande no fim da década de 1950 e década de 1960, modificando suas práticas no mundo do trabalho e alterando as características da malha urbana, já que, concentrando-se na periferia, homens e mulheres outrora lavradores passaram agora a desempenhar funções de vigilantes, pedreiros, lavadeiras, vendedores ambulantes, carroceiros, quebradores de pedra, dentre outras.Palavras-chave: Migração, Campina Grande, Trabalho. Abstract: From the late 1940s and early 1950s, Campina Grande undergoes a significant urbanization and expansion, favored by economic growth. We observed that rural workers migrated from rural to urban area in Campina Grande in so far as the farming activity was becoming unviable due to droughts and they could see, in the urban center of Campina, other possibilities of working and worthier life conditions. Our work attempts to reflect on how some popular migrated to Campina Grande in the late 1950s and 1960s, changing their practices in the workplace and changing the characteristics of the city, because massing in the periphery, men and women who were ploughpeople in past, have now the role of watchers, bricklayers, washerwomen, street vendors, cart drivers, stone breakers, among others.Keywords: Migration – Campina Grande – Work.

  7. Pacing of Paleozoic macroevolutionary rates by Milankovitch grand cycles. (United States)

    Crampton, James S; Meyers, Stephen R; Cooper, Roger A; Sadler, Peter M; Foote, Michael; Harte, David


    Periodic fluctuations in past biodiversity, speciation, and extinction have been proposed, with extremely long periods ranging from 26 to 62 million years, although forcing mechanisms remain speculative. In contrast, well-understood periodic Milankovitch climate forcing represents a viable driver for macroevolutionary fluctuations, although little evidence for such fluctuation exists except during the Late Cenozoic. The reality, magnitude, and drivers of periodic fluctuations in macroevolutionary rates are of interest given long-standing debate surrounding the relative roles of intrinsic biotic interactions vs. extrinsic environmental factors as drivers of biodiversity change. Here, we show that, over a time span of 60 million years, between 9 and 16% of the variance in biological turnover (i.e., speciation probability plus species extinction probability) in a major Early Paleozoic zooplankton group, the graptoloids, can be explained by long-period astronomical cycles (Milankovitch "grand cycles") associated with Earth's orbital eccentricity (2.6 million years) and obliquity (1.3 million years). These grand cycles modulate climate variability, alternating times of relative stability in the environment with times of maximum volatility. We infer that these cycles influenced graptolite speciation and extinction through climate-driven changes to oceanic circulation and structure. Our results confirm the existence of Milankovitch grand cycles in the Early Paleozoic Era and show that known processes related to the mechanics of the Solar System were shaping marine macroevolutionary rates comparatively early in the history of complex life. We present an application of hidden Markov models to macroevolutionary time series and protocols for the evaluation of statistical significance in spectral analysis.

  8. The Grand Challenges Discourse: Transforming Identity Work in Science and Science Policy. (United States)

    Kaldewey, David


    This article analyzes the concept of "grand challenges" as part of a shift in how scientists and policymakers frame and communicate their respective agendas. The history of the grand challenges discourse helps to understand how identity work in science and science policy has been transformed in recent decades. Furthermore, the question is raised whether this discourse is only an indicator, or also a factor in this transformation. Building on conceptual history and historical semantics, the two parts of the article reconstruct two discursive shifts. First, the observation that in scientific communication references to "problems" are increasingly substituted by references to "challenges" indicates a broader cultural trend of how attitudes towards what is problematic have shifted in the last decades. Second, as the grand challenges discourse is rooted in the sphere of sports and competition, it introduces a specific new set of societal values and practices into the spheres of science and technology. The article concludes that this process can be characterized as the sportification of science, which contributes to self-mobilization and, ultimately, to self-optimization of the participating scientists, engineers, and policymakers.

  9. Site observational work plan for the UMTRA Project Site at Grand Junction, Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has prepared this initial site observational work plan (SOWP) for the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project site in Grand Junction, Colorado. This SOWP is one of the first UMTRA Ground Water Project documents developed to select a compliance strategy that meets the UMTRA ground water standards (40 CFR Part 192, as amended by 60 FR 2854) for the Grand Junction site. This SOWP applies information about the Grand Junction site to the compliance strategy selection framework developed in the UMTRA Ground Water Project draft programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS). This risk-based, decision-making framework identifies the decision logic for selecting compliance strategies that could be used to meet the ground water standards. The DOE goal is to use the observational method to implement a cost-effective site strategy that complies with the ground water standards and protects human health and the environment. Based on an evaluation of the site characterization and risk assessment data available for the preparation of this SOWP, DOE proposes that the most likely compliance strategy for the Grand Junction site is no remediation based on the application of supplemental standards. This proposed strategy is based on a conceptual site model that indicates site-related contamination is confined to a limited-use aquifer as defined in the ground water standards

  10. Interplay between grand unification and supersymmetry in SU(5 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    energy MSSM. break the rank, Aulakh and his collaborators [10–12] have showed that R-parity is exact all the way down to low energies. In this case, grand unification tells us something about supersymmetry and even dark matter. In this article ...

  11. 2017 NOAA/OCM Unmanned Aerial System Lidar: Grand Bay NERR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Quantum Spatial (QSI) and PrecisionHawk (PH) collected lidar for test sites within the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) using an unmanned aerial...

  12. Engineering assessment of inactive uranium mill tailings, Grand Junction site, Grand Junction, Colorado. A summary of the Phase II, Title I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ford, Bacon and Davis Utah Inc. has performed an engineering assessment of the problems resulting from the existence of radioactive uranium mill tailings at Grand Junction, Colorado. The Phase II, Title I services include the preparation of topographic maps, the performance of core drillings and radiometric measurements sufficient to determine areas and volumes of tailings and radiation exposures of individuals and nearby populations, the investigation of site hydrology and meteorology, and the evaluation and costing of alternative corrective actions. Radon gas release from the 1.9 million tons of tailings at the Grand Junction site constitutes the most significant environmental impact, although windblown tailings and external gamma radiation are also factors. The eight alternative actions presented range from millsite decontamination (Option I), to adding various depths of stabilization cover material (Options II and III), to removal of the tailings to long-term storage sites and decontamination of the present site (Options IV through VIII). Cost estimates for the eight options range from $470,000 to $18,130,000. Reprocessing the tailings for uranium recovery does not appear to be economically attractive at present

  13. Plutonium and the Rio Grande: Environmental change and contamination in the nuclear age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graf, W.L.


    An attempt is made to analyze questions concerning the issue of plutonium in the Rio Grande. The author describes in great detail how he arrived at the conclusions. The objective has been to produce research that is absolutely transparent, so that its results can be fairly evaluated and duplicated by anyone. The results of this work show that plutonium from Los Alamos National Laboratory and atmospheric fallout has been deposited along the Rio Grande in small, though detectable, quantities in certain predictable places

  14. Clinical Immersion and Biomedical Engineering Design Education: "Engineering Grand Rounds". (United States)

    Walker, Matthew; Churchwell, André L


    Grand Rounds is a ritual of medical education and inpatient care comprised of presenting the medical problems and treatment of a patient to an audience of physicians, residents, and medical students. Traditionally, the patient would be in attendance for the presentation and would answer questions. Grand Rounds has evolved considerably over the years with most sessions being didactic-rarely having a patient present (although, in some instances, an actor will portray the patient). Other members of the team, such as nurses, nurse practitioners, and biomedical engineers, are not traditionally involved in the formal teaching process. In this study we examine the rapid ideation in a clinical setting to forge a system of cross talk between engineers and physicians as a steady state at the praxis of ideation and implementation.

  15. MIdentidade de classe : um olhar sobre os estivadores do porto do Rio Grande/RS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thiago Cedrez da Silva


    Full Text Available This article aims to understand the identity notion that permeates the charaxter of the docker of the Port of Rio Grande / RS in its work universe. Starting from the theoretical framework of class identity, the reflection of documental and oral sources, as well as the existing literature on this subject, the profile of the docker of Rio Grande, between 1931 and 1960, will be analyzed.

  16. Ureteroscopie Retrograde: Expérience de l'Hôpital Général Grand ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L. Niang

    urétéroscopie à l'Hôpital Général Grand Yoff (HOGGY) de. Dakar (Sénégal). Sujets et méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive de 91 urétéroscopies effectuées dans le service d'Urologie de l'Hôpital Général Grand Yoff de janvier 2012 à décembre ...

  17. SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified theories (United States)

    Dermisek, Radovan

    The origin of the fermion mass hierarchy is one of the most challenging problems in elementary particle physics. In the standard model fermion masses and mixing angles are free parameters. Supersymmetric grand unified theories provide a beautiful framework for physics beyond the standard model. In addition to gauge coupling unification these theories provide relations between quark and lepton masses within families, and with additional family symmetry the hierarchy between families can be generated. We present a predictive SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified model with D 3 x U(1) family symmetry. The hierarchy in fermion masses is generated by the family symmetry breaking D 3 x U(1) → ZN → nothing. This model fits the low energy data in the charged fermion sector quite well. We discuss the prediction of this model for the proton lifetime in light of recent SuperKamiokande results and present a clear picture of the allowed spectra of supersymmetric particles. Finally, the detailed discussion of the Yukawa coupling unification of the third generation particles is provided. We find a narrow region is consistent with t, b, tau Yukawa unification for mu > 0 (suggested by b → sgamma and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon) with A0 ˜ -1.9m16, m10 ˜ 1.4m16, m16 ≳ 1200 GeV and mu, M1/2 ˜ 100--500 GeV. Demanding Yukawa unification thus makes definite predictions for Higgs and sparticle masses.

  18. Ocorrência de raiva em ovinos no Rio Grande do Sul Occurrence of rabies in sheep in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel R. Rissi


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a ocorrência de raiva em ovinos na região Central do Rio Grande do Sul em novembro de 2003. Foram afetados dois ovinos de raça mista, um macho de três meses e uma fêmea de 2,5 anos de idade que apresentaram sinais clínicos com evolução de cinco dias e caracterizados por dificuldade de locomoção, tremores musculares, decúbito lateral, convulsões, opistótono e febre. Histologicamente havia mielomeningoencefalite não-supurativa, associada a inclusões eosinofílicas intracitoplasmáticas (corpúsculos de Negri em neurônios nos dois ovinos afetados. Em um ovino em que o gânglio de Gasser foi examinado, havia ganglionite não-supurativa. As lesões concentravam-se predominantemente na substância cinzenta da medula espinhal, no tronco encefálico e no cerebelo. Antígeno viral foi detectado em seções selecionadas de ponte e bulbo submetidas ao teste de imuno-histoquímica utilizando anticorpo policlonal anti-ribonucleoproteína do vírus da raiva. Os casos ocorreram em meio a um surto de raiva bovina transmitida por morcegos e foram considerados, com bases epidemiológicas, como transmitidos da mesma forma, como ocorre na raiva endêmica de bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul.Cases of rabies in sheep occurring in November 2003, in central Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, are described. A 3-month-old male, and a 2.5-month-old female sheep were affected. Clinical signs were characterized by abnormal gait, trembling, lateral recumbency, convulsion, opisthotonus, and fever. Histological findings included a non-suppurative myelomeningoencephalitis associated with intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion (Negri bodies in neurons. Lesions were predominantly observed in gray matter of the spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum. There was non-suppurative Gasserian ganglionitis in one sheep in which this structure was examined. Immunohistochemistry using rabies virus ribonucleoprotein polyclonal antibody yelded positive result in brain

  19. Passeport pour les deux infinis vers l'infiniment grand, vers l'infiniment petit

    CERN Document Server

    Descotes-Genon, Sébastien; Kerhoas-Cavata, Sophie; Paul, Jacques; Robert, Jean-Luc; Royole-Degieux, Perrine


    Où commence l'infiniment grand ? Où finit l'infiniment petit ? Les chercheurs ont identifié le rayonnement fossile émis il y a 13,8 milliards d'année et qui permet de remonter aux origines de l'Univers. A l'opposé, le modèle standard a identifié 12 particules élémentaires et trois forces fondamentales qui permettent de décrire la constitution ultime de la matière. Est-ce à dire que tout est terminé, que plus rien n'est à découvrir ? Certainement pas ! Tandis que les outils d'observation deviennent plus précis, la nécessité d'établir des passerelles entre l'infiniment grand et l'infini petit devient pressante. Dans cette nouvelle édition actualisée, les plus grands spécialistes présentent un panorama des connaissances actuelles des deux infinis.

  20. Grand Junction health experience from use of uranium tailings in building construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franz, L.W.


    This presentation deals with the possible health effects of the Grand Junction, Colorado exposure situation in which uranium mill tailings were used for building purposes from 1952 to 1966. There are no significant differences between the study group and the control groups with reference to length of residence, to health status prior to diagnosis, or the exposure to tailings location. The excess incidence of leukemia in the Grand Junction area is not explained by this study of proximity to tailings structures. These data neither prove nor disprove the safety of long-term exposure at these low levels of gamma rays

  1. Method of collective variables with reference system for the grand canonical ensemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yukhnovskii, I.R.


    A method of collective variables with special reference system for the grand canonical ensemble is presented. An explicit form is obtained for the basis sixth-degree measure density needed to describe the liquid-gas phase transition. Here the author presents the fundamentals of the method, which are as follows: (1) the functional form for the partition function in the grand canonical ensemble; (2) derivation of thermodynamic relations for the coefficients of the Jacobian; (3) transition to the problem on an adequate lattice; and (4) obtaining of the explicit form for the functional of the partition function

  2. Pesquisa sobre tabagismo entre médicos de Rio Grande, RS: prevalência e perfil do fumante Cigarette smoking survey among physicians of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul: prevalence and smoker's profile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available O tabagismo é um grave problema de saúde pública. A luta antitabágica está em grande parte alicerçada nos profissionais da área da saúde, em especial, nos médicos. O médico frente à sua comunidade é um modelo de conduta e como tal deve dar o exemplo de não fumar. Objetivo: Avaliar a magnitude e distribuição do tabagismo na população médica de Rio Grande, RS, e caracterizar o perfil do fumante. Método: Os dados foram obtidos no ano de 1999, através da aplicação e análise de questionário, elaborado segundo modelo proposto pela OMS, entre 333 médicos, sendo 213 (64% homens e 120 (36% mulheres. A média de idade da amostra foi de 43 (± 10,5 anos, com 65,1% no grupo de 30 a 50 anos. Resultados: Constatou-se prevalência de tabagismo atual de 18,3% (15,9% fumantes regulares + 2,4% fumantes ocasionais. A prevalência de tabagismo regular quanto ao gênero foi de 17,8% entre homens e 12,5% entre mulheres, sem diferença estatisticamente significante (p > 0,05. O consumo de cigarros foi, em média, de 24,3 maços/ano, sendo maior no sexo masculino e aumentando com a idade. Verificou-se que 86,8% dos fumantes iniciaram o tabagismo antes dos 20 anos de idade, tendo por motivação, em 63,2% dos casos, a vontade própria e/ou influência dos amigos. Conclusão: Embora a prevalência tabágica entre os médicos rio-grandinos seja inferior à de outros países, ainda é inaceitável, visto que esta categoria tem papel determinante na prevenção e na luta antitabágica, justificando uma campanha contra o fumo entre eles.Smoking is a serious public health problem. The campaign against tobacco is largely supported by health professionals, especially doctors. The physician is a model for the community and therefore should give the example avoiding smoking. Objectives: This work seeks to evaluate the magnitude and the distribution of smoking habit among physicians in Rio Grande, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, and

  3. The Grand Strategy of Charles de Gaulle (United States)


    4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Grand Startegy of Charles de Gaulle 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...dependent on French influence within NATO and the Common Market . De Gaulle frequently used these fora to veto British and American initiatives. As Cook...the reserve currency. Gold would be the basis of international finance and a French-dominated European Common Market would provide the framework

  4. Neutrino mixing in a grand unified theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milton, K.; Tanaka, K.


    Neutrino mixing in a grand unified theory in which the neutrino mass matrix is determined by the Gell-Mann-Ramond-Slansky mechanism was investigated. With an arbitrary real right-handed Majorana mass matrix which incorporates three neutrino mass scales, the effects of the up-quark mass matrix are found to be dominant and as a result no significant mixing of ν/sub e/ occurs, while ν/sub μ/ - ν/sub γ/ mixing can be substantial

  5. Espécies de Adelpha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocco Alfredo Di Mare


    Full Text Available Species of Adelpha Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Based on literature, collections and sampled butterflies, a list of twelve species of Adelpha Hübner occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State is presented, including host plants. Adelpha epizygis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha falcipennis Fruhstorfer, [1916], Adelpha goyama Schaus, 1902 and Adelpha isis (Drury, 1782 are new reports to Rio Grande do Sul. The species are illustrated and keyed.

  6. Wildlife Mitigation and Restoration for Grand Coulee Dam: Blue Creek Project, Phase 1.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merker, Christopher


    This report is a recommendation from the Spokane Tribe to the Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC) for partial mitigation for the extensive wildlife and wildlife habitat losses on the Spokane Indian Reservation caused by the construction of Grand Coulee Dam. NPPC`s interim wildlife goal over the next 7 years for the Columbia hydropower system, is to protect, mitigate and enhance approximately 35% basin wide of the lost habitat units. Grand Coulee Dam had the greatest habitat losses of any Dams of the Wildlife Rule.

  7. 78 FR 16569 - Iowa Pacific Holdings, LLC, Permian Basin Railways, and San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad-Corporate... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. FD 35721] Iowa Pacific Holdings, LLC, Permian Basin Railways, and San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad--Corporate Family Transaction... subsidiaries Permian Basin Railways (PBR) and San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad (SLRG), and Massachusetts Coastal...

  8. Analysis of the mass media coverage of the Gates Foundation grand challenges in global health initiative. (United States)

    Verma, G


    The Grand Challenges were launched in 2003 by the Gates Foundation and other collaborators to address the health needs of developing countries. This paper outlines the current problem with health research and development in the context of inequality as conveyed by the 90/10 divide. The paper then looks at the focus and nature of press reporting of global health issues by analysing how press articles have portrayed the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative. Analysis of the mass media illustrates that the focus of reporting on the Grand Challenges tends to be on utilitarian themes, leaving issues related to justice and equity comparatively under-reported.

  9. Google Earth Grand Tour Themes (United States)

    De Paor, D. G.; Whitmeyer, S. J.; Bentley, C.; Dordevic, M. M.


    As part of an NSF TUES Type 3 project entitled "Google Earth for Onsite and Distance Education (GEODE)," we are assembling a "Grand Tour" of locations on Earth and other terrestrial bodies that every geoscience student should know about and visit at least in virtual reality. Based on feedback from colleagues at previous meetings, we have identified nine Grand Tour themes: "Plates and Plumes," "Rocks and Regions," "Geology Through Time," "The Mapping Challenge*," "U.S. National Parks*," "The Magical Mystery Tour*," "Resources and Hazards," "Planets and Moons," and "Top of the Pops." Themes marked with an asterisk are most developed at this stage and will be demonstrated in real time. The Mapping Challenge invites students to trace geological contacts, measure bedding strike and dip and the plunge, trend, and facing of a fold. There is an advanced tool for modeling periclinal folds. The challenge is presented in a game-like format with an emphasis on puzzle-solving that will appeal to students regardless of gender. For the tour of U.S. national parks, we divided the most geologically important parks into four groups—Western Pacific, West Coast, Rockies, and East Coast. We are combining our own team's GigaPan imagery with imagery already available on the Internet. There is a great deal of imagery just waiting to be annotated for geological education purposes. The Magical Mystery Tour takes students to Google Streetview locations selected by instructors. Students are presented with questions or tasks and are given automatic feedback. Other themes are under development. Within each theme, we are crowd-sourcing contributions from colleagues and inviting colleagues to vote for or against proposed locations and student interactions. The GEODE team includes the authors and: Heather Almquist, Stephen Burgin, Cinzia Cervato, Gene Cooper, Paul Karabinos, Terry Pavlis, Jen Piatek, Bill Richards, Jeff Ryan, Ron Schott, Kristen St. John, and Barb Tewksbury.

  10. Preliminary hydrogeologic assessment near Tassi and Pakoon Springs, western part of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, Arizona (United States)

    Truini, Margot


    Tassi and Pakoon Springs are both in the Grand Wash Trough in the western part of Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument on the Arizona Strip. The monument is jointly managed by the National Park Service (NPS) and the Bureau of Land Management. This study was in response to NPS’s need to better understand the influence from regional increases in groundwater withdrawals near Grand Canyon-Parashant on the groundwater discharge from Tassi and Pakoon Springs. The climate of the Arizona Strip is generally semiarid to arid, and springs in the monument provide the water for the fragile ecosystems that are commonly separated by large areas of dry washes in canyons with pinyon and juniper. Available hydrogeologic data from previous investigations included water levels from the few existing wells, location information for springs, water chemistry from springs, and geologic maps. Available groundwater-elevation data from the wells and springs in the monument indicate that groundwater in the Grand Wash Trough is moving from north to south, discharging to springs and into the Colorado River. Groundwater may also be moving from east to west from Paleozoic rocks in the Grand Wash Cliffs into sedimentary deposits in the Grand Wash Trough. Finally, groundwater may be moving from the northwest in the Mesoproterozoic crystalline rocks of the Virgin Mountains into the northern part of the Grand Wash Trough. Water discharging from Tassi and Pakoon Springs has a major-ion chemistry similar to that of other springs in the western part of Grand Canyon-Parashant. Stable-isotopic signatures for oxygen-18 and hydrogen-2 are depleted in the water from both Tassi and Pakoon Springs in comparison to other springs on the Arizona Strip. Tassi Spring discharges from multiple seeps along the Wheeler Fault, and the depleted isotopic signatures suggest that water may be flowing from multiple places into Lake Mead and seems to have a higher elevation or an older climate source. Elevated water

  11. Sporophyte and gametophyte development of Platycerium coronarium (Koenig) Desv. and P. grande (Fee) C. Presl. (Polypodiaceae) through in vitro propagation. (United States)

    Aspiras, Reyno A


    The sporophyte and gametophyte development of Platycerium coronarium and P. grande were compared through ex situ propagation using in vitro culture technique and under greenhouse and field conditions. The morphology of the sporophyte and gametophyte, type of spore germination and prothallial development of P. coronarium and P. grande were documented. Gametophytes of P. coronarium and P. grande were cultured in vitro using different media. The gametophytes were then transferred and potted in sterile chopped Cyathea spp. (anonotong) roots and garden soil for sporophyte formation. Sporophytes (plantlets) of the two Platycerium species were attached on the slabs of anonotong and on branches and trunks of Swietenia macrophylla (mahogany) under greenhouse and field conditions. Sporophyte morphology of P. coronarium and P. grande varies but not their gametophyte morphology. P. coronarium and P. grande exhibited rapid spore germination and gametophyte development in both spore culture medium and Knudson C culture medium containing 2% glucose. Gametophytes of P. coronarium and P. grande transferred to potting medium produced more number of sporophytes while the gametophytes inside the culture media did not produce sporophytes. Sporophytes of P. grande attached on mahogany branches produced more number of leaves with bigger leaf area than those attached on anonotong slabs. Likewise, sporophytes of P. coronarium attached on mahogany branches and anonotong slabs did not develop new leaves during two weeks monitoring and are still in a period of adjustment to its environment. Sporophytes of P. grande grown or attached on the trunk of mahogany trees in the field and under shaded environment favored their growth.

  12. Seabird data collected by the Grand Banks offshore hydrocarbon industry 1999-2002 : results, limitations and suggestions for improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baillie, S.M.; Robertson, G.J.; Wiese, F.K.


    Offshore oil operations attract and concentrate migratory seabirds through an artificially enhanced food supply and lights. In order to understand the vulnerability of seabirds near offshore oil facilities, the degree of association of seabirds with these sites must be determined. Offshore oil and gas exploration on Newfoundland's Grand Banks began in the early 1980s, with first oil produced in 1997 at the Hibernia fixed platform. Additional production followed in 2002 from the Terra Nova Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel. As the Grand Banks oil industry grows, seismic surveys continue to be conducted and an estimated 30,000 litres of crude oil and synthetic based drilling fluids have been spilled from exploration drilling, development drilling and production oil operations between 1997 and 2002. Most of the spills occurred in winter when the number of seabirds on the Grand Banks are highest and most vulnerable to oil pollution. This report presents an evaluation of the current Grand Banks offshore oil and gas development seabird monitoring programs. It focuses mostly on seabird monitoring on fixed platforms. The objective was to assess the scientific quality of seabird-related industry programs by compiling and summarizing all available spatial and temporal seabird abundance data and deck stranded birds associated with Grand Banks offshore oil platforms from 1997 to 2002. Data on seabird distributions at sea and stranded bird encounters was collected from 8 offshore hydrocarbon sites on the northeastern Grand Banks. It was recommended that a standardized seabird monitoring and observer training program for the offshore operations in the Grand Banks region be implemented. 43 refs., 5 tabs., 16 figs., 3 appendices

  13. Grand unification and supergravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nanopoulos, D.V.

    Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) are very successful, but they suffer from fine-tuning or hierarchy problems. It seems that more symmetry beyond the gauge symmetry is needed and indeed supersymmetric GUTs may provide the correct framework in solving the hierarchy problems. These are reviewed. From the results discussed, it is seen that for the first time in particle physics, gravity seems to play a dominant role. It may be responsible for GUT breaking, SU(2) x U(1) breaking, fermion masses, proton decay and a consistent cosmological picture. Supergravity seems to offer a consistent, effective theory for energies below the Planck scale to N=1 local SUSY but also, in the context of N=8 extended supergravity with a dynamically realized SU(8), there may be a consistent fundamental unified theory of all interactions. (U.K.)

  14. Between two evils: Investors prefer grand corruption!


    Graf Lambsdorff, Johann


    Recent empirical studies claim that, in addition to levels of corruption, investors are deterred by its unpredictability. I claim instead that it is petty corruption that deters investors. I employ seven subcomponents of corruption for a sample of 102 countries that appear in the 2003 Global Competitiveness Report of the WEF. The second principal component of this data depicts a grand, political type, embracing corruption in government policymaking and in judicial decisions as opposed to corr...

  15. [Diversity and bioactivity analysis of actinomycetes isolated from grand Shangri-La soil]. (United States)

    Cao, Yanru; Jiang, Yi; Xu, Lihua


    To obtain new pharmaceuticals and enzymes with high activity,we studied the composition as well as antimicrobial and enzyme activities of actinomycetes in Grand Shangri-La. Using 4 media,we isolated mesophilic and psychrophilic actinomycetes from 220 soil samples collected from areas with different altitudes in Grand Shangri-La. Twenty-five representative isolates were phylogenetically analyzed based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. Antimicrobial activities against four bacteria and seven fungi were tested using agar well diffusion method. Genes encoding type I and II polyketide synthases (PKS I, PKS II), nonribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) and polyene cytochrome P450 hydroxylase (CYP) were screened by PCR. Furthermore,several enzyme activities of psychrophilic actinomycetes were examined. The 25 representative strains belonged to 6 suborders, 12 families and 15 genera of the order Actinomycetals. For NRPS and CYP genes screening, positive strains were 14 and 11, respectively. Among the 111 actinomycetes isolated under low-temperature conditions, 88% were psychrotroph strains, 12% were psychrophilic actinomycetes, and most of them utilized gelatin, cellulose and chitin. Actinomycetes diversity is rich in Grand Shangri-la, and has the potential for conservation and utilization of actinomycetes resources.

  16. Winning in straight sets helps in Grand Slam tennis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goossens, Dries R.; Kempeneers, Jurgen; Koning, Ruud H.; Spieksma, Frits C. R.


    In this contribution, we study whether fatigue resulting from the previous match affects a player's chances of winning his (or her) next match in Grand Slum tennis. We measure relative fatigue levels of two opponents by looking at the difference in number of sets played in their previous match. We

  17. 78 FR 30914 - Grand River Dam Authority Notice of Application for Temporary Variance of License and Soliciting... (United States)


    .... Description of Request: Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) requests a temporary variance, for the year 2013, to... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 1494-416] Grand River Dam Authority Notice of Application for Temporary Variance of License and Soliciting Comments, Motions To...

  18. 78 FR 43850 - Opportunity for Designation in Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande, AZ... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Opportunity for Designation in Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande, AZ; Fargo, ND; Grand Forks, ND and Plainview, TX; Areas; Request for Comments on the Official Agencies Servicing These Areas AGENCY: Grain...

  19. 75 FR 52925 - Opportunity for Designation in the Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Opportunity for Designation in the Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande, AZ; Fargo, ND; Grand Forks, ND; and Plainview, TX Areas; Request for Comments on the Official Agencies Servicing These Areas AGENCY...

  20. Cosmic Ray Physics with the KASCADE-Grande Observatory (United States)

    Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C.; Apel, W. D.; Bekk, K.; Bertaina, M.; Blümer, J.; Bozdog, H.; Brancus, I. M.; Cantoni, E.; Chiavassa, A.; Cossavella, F.; Daumiller, K.; de Souza, V.; Di Pierro, F.; Doll, P.; Engel, R.; Fuhrmann, D.; Gherghel-Lascu, A.; Gils, H. J.; Glasstetter, R.; Grupen, C.; Haungs, A.; Heck, D.; Hörandel, J. R.; Huege, T.; Kampert, K.-H.; Kang, D.; Klages, H. O.; Link, K.; Łuczak, P.; Mathes, H. J.; Mayer, H. J.; Milke, J.; Mitrica, B.; Morello, C.; Oehlschläger, J.; Ostapchenko, S.; Pierog, T.; Rebel, H.; Roth, M.; Schieler, H.; Schoo, S.; Schröder, F. G.; Sima, O.; Toma, G.; Trinchero, G. C.; Ulrich, H.; Weindl, A.; Wochele, J.; Zabierowski, J.

    The existence of a knee at a few PeV in the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum has been well established by several experiments but its physical origin has eluded researches for a long time. It is believed that keys to disentangle the mystery could be found in the spectrum and the composition of cosmic rays between 1 PeV and 1 EeV. A first detailed look into the elemental chemical abundances of cosmic rays in this energy regime was provided by both the KASCADE and the KASCADE-Grande experiments. Their measurements opened the door to a wealth of new data on the subject, which led to the discovery of new structures in the all-particle energy spectrum and the confirmation of knee-like features in the spectra of individual mass groups, as well as the observation of an unexpected ankle-like structure at around 100 PeV in the flux of the light component of cosmic rays. In this contribution, early findings with the KASCADE-Grande experiment will be reviewed and then a short update on the analyses currently performed with the data of the observatory will be presented.

  1. Violation of the Appelquist-Carazzone decoupling in a nonsupersymmetric grand unified theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chankowski, Piotr H.; Wagner, Jakub


    We point out that in nonsupersymmetric grand unified theories, in which the SU(5) gauge symmetry is broken down to the standard model gauge group by a 24 Higgs multiplet the Appelquist-Carazzone decoupling is violated. This is because the SU(2) L Higgs triplet contained in the 24 acquires a dimension-full coupling to the SU(2) L Higgs doublets which is proportional to the grand unified symmetry breaking vacuum expectation value. As a result, at one-loop heavy gauge and Higgs fields contribution to tadpoles generates a vacuum expectation value of the triplet which is not suppressed for V→∞ and violates the custodial symmetry

  2. Modelagem Simplificada Para Estimativa do Balanço de Energia à Superfície em Escala Regional (R-SSEB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Argemiro Lucena de Araújo

    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia simplificada e ajustada a partir de algoritmos existentes a dados de sensores orbitais disponíveis para a região Nordeste do Brasil (NEB com o intuito de operacionalizar a determinação espacial da evapotranspiração (ET apenas com dados de sensoriamento remoto, utilizando dados MODIS/Terra do período de 2002 a 2011. Os resultados obtidos para diversos alvos espalhados pelo NEB foram comparados a dados CLM (Common Land Model e MOD16. Obteve-se erro médio percentual (EMP e erro médio absoluto (EMA da ordem de 23,6% e 181 mm.ano−1, respectivamente, nos valores de ET quando comparados a dados CLM. Avaliou-se a ET obtida pelo algoritmo proposto, com dados de ET do produto MOD16, o que resultou em valores de EMP e EMA de 38,6% e 288 mm.ano−1, respectivamente. Os dados médios anuais da ET variaram de 482 a 1105 mm.ano−1 relativos a áreas de Caatinga e floresta tropical pluvial, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentaram-se condizentes com a literatura e evidenciaram que a metodologia proposta possibilita operacionalizar o cômputo da ET em toda a região Nordeste, não obstante a grande heterogeneidade topográfica e climática da região.

  3. Construction of calibration pads facility, Walker Field, Grand Junction, Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ward, D.L.


    A gamma-ray spectrometer facility was completed at Walker Field Airport, Grand Junction, Colorado, in November 1976. This report describes spectrometers and their calibration, the construction of the spectrometer facility, the radioelement concentrations, procedures for using the facilites, and environmental considerations

  4. Grande Ronde Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Project : 1998 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGowan, Vance R.; Powell, Russ M.


    The primary goal of ''The Grande Ronde Basin Fish Habitat Improvement Project'' is to access, create, improve, protect, and restore reparian and instream habitat for anadromous salmonids, thereby maximizing opportunities for natural fish production within the basin.

  5. Survey of hydrologic models and hydrologic data needs for tracking flow in the Rio Grande, north-central New Mexico, 2010 (United States)

    Tillery, Anne; Eggleston, Jack R.


    The six Middle Rio Grande Pueblos have prior and paramount rights to deliveries of water from the Rio Grande for their use. When the pueblos or the Bureau of Indian Affairs Designated Engineer identifies a need for additional flow on the Rio Grande, the Designated Engineer is tasked with deciding the timing and amount of releases of prior and paramount water from storage at El Vado Reservoir to meet the needs of the pueblos. Over the last three decades, numerous models have been developed by Federal, State, and local agencies in New Mexico to simulate, understand, and (or) manage flows in the Middle Rio Grande upstream from Elephant Butte Reservoir. In 2008, the Coalition of Six Middle Rio Grande Basin Pueblos entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct a comprehensive survey of these hydrologic models and their capacity to quantify and track various components of flow. The survey of hydrologic models provided in this report will help water-resource managers at the pueblos, as well as the Designated Engineer, make informed water-resource-management decisions that affect the prior and paramount water use. Analysis of 4 publicly available surface-water models and 13 publicly available groundwater models shows that, although elements from many models can be helpful in tracking flow in the Rio Grande, numerous data gaps and modeling needs indicate that accurate, consistent, and timely tracking of flow on the Rio Grande could be improved. Deficient or poorly constrained hydrologic variables are sources of uncertainty in hydrologic models that can be reduced with the acquisition of more refined data. Data gaps need to be filled to allow hydrologic models to be run on a real-time basis and thus ensure predictable water deliveries to meet needs for irrigation, domestic, stock, and other water uses. Timeliness of flow-data reporting is necessary to facilitate real-time model simulation, but even daily data are sometimes difficult to


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    Martínez N.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se enmarca dentro de la caracterización del sistema de producción bovina del municipio de Utica (Cundinamarca y dentro de los problemas más importantes que lo afectan. Como resultado, el estudio identificó la escasez de alimento de buena calidad en épocas secas como la principal limitante del productor bovino del municipio. Aprovechando una ventaja presente en la zona, como es la elaboración de panela (proceso a través del cual resultan algunos subproductos, como bagazo y melote, que pueden ser utilizados como alternativa alimenticia para los bovinos en cualquier época del año, se planteó un experimento en el que se elaboraron bloques multinutricionales con base en dichos subproductos. El experimento se adelantó en una finca de un productor y se utilizaron 57 novillos cebús con edades entre los 11 y los 24 meses y pesos entre los 124 y los 463 kilogramos. Los animales se dividieron dos grupos que se mantuvieron en pasturas no manejadas. Al gru¬po experimental se le ofrecieron adicionalmente bloques multinutricionales. Los animales fueron examinados para comprobar su estado fisiológico, con el fin de determinar posibles inconvenientes sanitarios que pudieran afectar el ensayo. Se realizaron pesajes para medir las ganancias de peso en los dos grupos. Los resultados mostraron promedios de ganancias diarias de peso similares a Pr < 5%, donde fueron ligeramente superiores las del grupo alimentado con los bloques multinutricionales (0,848 vs. 0,769 kg animal/día. Los aportes más importantes del experimento fueron, primero, brindar una opción para que el productor pueda alimentar a sus animales en épocas de escasez y evitar que tenga que venderlos a bajos precios. El segundo aporte fue abrir la posibilidad de usar los productos de la elaboración de la panela, que en muchas ocasiones se convierten en desechos que no son usados y que contaminan las fuentes de agua, de una forma económicamente viable.

  7. 76 FR 31678 - San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad-Continuance in Control Exemption-Saratoga and North Creek Railway... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. FD 35499] San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad--Continuance in Control Exemption--Saratoga and North Creek Railway, LLC San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad (SLRG), a Class III rail carrier, has filed a verified notice of exemption to continue in...

  8. Radiative breaking of cosmologically acceptable grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gato, B.; Leon, J.; Quiros, M.


    We present a cosmologically acceptable grand unified model where the breaking of SU(5) proceeds through radiative corrections induced by supergravity soft-breaking terms. The breaking scale is determined by dimensional transmutation. The model is compatible with the radiative breaking of SU(2)sub(L)xU(1)sub(Y) which provides an experimentally accessible low energy particle spectrum and small top quark mass. (orig.)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lockwood, M.; Rouillard, A. P.; Finch, I. D.


    We use geomagnetic activity data to study the rise and fall over the past century of the solar wind flow speed V SW , the interplanetary magnetic field strength B, and the open solar flux F S . Our estimates include allowance for the kinematic effect of longitudinal structure in the solar wind flow speed. As well as solar cycle variations, all three parameters show a long-term rise during the first half of the 20th century followed by peaks around 1955 and 1986 and then a recent decline. Cosmogenic isotope data reveal that this constitutes a grand maximum of solar activity which began in 1920, using the definition that such grand maxima are when 25-year averages of the heliospheric modulation potential exceeds 600 MV. Extrapolating the linear declines seen in all three parameters since 1985, yields predictions that the grand maximum will end in the years 2013, 2014, or 2027 using V SW , F S , or B, respectively. These estimates are consistent with predictions based on the probability distribution of the durations of past grand solar maxima seen in cosmogenic isotope data. The data contradict any suggestions of a floor to the open solar flux: we show that the solar minimum open solar flux, kinematically corrected to allow for the excess flux effect, has halved over the past two solar cycles.

  10. Aprovechamiento de Salto Grande Argentina – Uruguay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bongiovanni, M.


    Full Text Available The power harnessing of Salto Grande will be the first common project carried out by two South American Countries and this will foster greater integration of both countries. The project involves the following: — One 39 m-high dam — Two hydroelectric power plants — One international bridge — One shipping canal The benefits to be obtained from the project include: increase and improvement of the waterway network; increase of electricity production; railways and highway tie-ups between both countries; industrial development; increased availability of irrigation water; new tourist resorts; increase of fishing resources.

    El aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico de Salto Grande será el primer aprovechamiento común a dos países sudamericanos, lo que permitirá una mayor integración entre ellos. Consta de las siguientes obras: _ una presa de 39 m de altura; _ dos centrales hidroeléctricas; _ un puente internacional; _ un canal de navegación, etc. Entre los beneficios que se obtendrán destacan: aumento y mejora de la red de navegación; aumento de la producción eléctrica; enlace de las vías de ferrocarril y carreteras entre los dos países; desarrollo industrial; aumento de la disponibilidad de agua de riego; creación de zonas de turismo, e incremento de la riqueza piscícola.

  11. Innovation in production organic rice systems in Rio Grande do Sul Inovação em sistemas de produção de arroz orgânico no Rio Grande do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa Monks da Silveira


    Full Text Available The Rio Grande do Sul is the largest producer of rice. In the state, rice is conventionally produced in large areas with intensive use of machinery and inputs, which has been associated with environmental impacts. Innovation can help to change this reality. Some initiatives are being developed in recent years trying to adapt the conventional system the global trend of consumption concerned about the environment. An example is the production of organic rice. In this sense, has established itself as objective to identify the groups of organic production in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the innovations associated with these groups. The research was characterized as qualitative. The current stage of research enabled us to identify the group of producers associated with the Center for Environmental Education and Rice Agroecological Management Group, coordinated the Cooperative Central Settlements of Rio Grande do Sul. Have been identified other producers or groups. As for innovations, the results of the group of producers associated with the Center for Environmental Education and Monitoring are under review. Still it was found that new more sustainable alternatives are being adopted by producers and that this type of cultivation has increased in recent seasons.DOI: 10.5902/198346597782O Rio Grande do Sul é o maior produtor brasileiro de arroz. No estado, o arroz é convencionalmente produzido em grandes áreas, com o uso intensivo de máquinas e de insumos, o que tem sido associado a impactos ambientais. A inovação pode contribuir para a mudança dessa realidade. Algumas iniciativas estão sendo desenvolvidas nos últimos anos, buscando adaptar o sistema convencional à tendência mundial de consumo preocupado com o meio ambiente. Um exemplo é a produção de arroz orgânico. Nesse sentido, estabeleceu-se como objetivo identificar os grupos de produção orgânica no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e as inovações associadas a estes grupos. O

  12. Grand Manner Aesthetics in Landscape: From Canvas to Celluloid (United States)

    Auger, Emily E.


    The methods by which environmental issues are aestheticized in late-twentieth-century film is directly and historically related to those established for grand manner painters by Nicholas Poussin (1594-1665) and taught at the French academy from the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. That these fundamentals were part of the training of…

  13. Society and Health in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. (United States)

    Madsen, William

    Shedding light on problems of mental health and illness that have baffled public health workers attempting to improve the health and welfare of Mexican Americans living in the lower Rio Grande Valley, this document reports the folk customs, social organization, medical practices, and beliefs of the Mexican American of this area. Chapters describe…

  14. Heritage landscape structure analysis in surrounding environment of the Grand Canal Yangzhou section (United States)

    Xu, Huan


    The Yangzhou section of the Grand Canal is selected for a case study in this paper. The ZY-3 satellite images of 2016 are adopted as the data source. RS and GIS are used to analyze the landscape classification of the surrounding landscape of the Grand Canal, and the classification results are precisely evaluated. Next, the overall features of the landscape pattern are analyzed. The results showed that the overall accuracy is 82.5% and the Kappa coefficient is 78.17% in the Yangzhou section. The producer’s accuracy of the water landscape is the highest, followed by that of the other landscape, farmland landscape, garden and forest landscape, architectural landscape. The user’s accuracy of different landscape types can be ranked in a descending order, as the water landscape, farmland landscape, road landscape, architectural landscape, other landscape, garden and forest landscape. The farmland landscape and the architectural landscape are the top advantageous landscape types of the heritage site. The research findings can provide basic data for landscape protection, management and sustainable development of the Grand Canal Yangzhou section.

  15. A pedagogia da ilustração e os guarani-missioneiros no Rio Grande de São Pedro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Protásio Paulo Langer


    Full Text Available  O presente trabalho visa abordar o projeto pedagógico do iluminismo português imposto aos guaranis provenientes dos Sete Povos das Missões e estabelecidos na aldeia de Nossa Senhora dos Anjos, entre 1762 e 1801. Consideramos o tema relevante não só por suscitar problemas relativos aos primórdios da implantação da educação oficial no Rio Grande do Sul, mas também pelos resultados obtidos com o programa civilizatório pombalino que objetivava a substituição cultural dos guarani-missioneiros no Rio Grande de São Pedro. Palavras-chave: guarani-missioneiros, iluminismo, Rio Grande de São Pedro. Abstract This paper aims to approach the pedagogical project based on the portuguese iluminism which was imposed upon the Guarani indians of the Sete Povos das Missões (the Seven Peoples of the Missions that lived in the aldeia Nossa Senhora dos Anjos (Our Lady of the Angel's village between 1762 and 1801. This subject is relevant because it raises problems related to the early implementation of the official education in Rio Grande do Sul, as wel as the results obtained through the civilizatory program devised by marquês de Pombal which intended to promote the westernization of the Guarani indians in the Province of the Rio Grande de São Pedro. Keywords:  Guarani indians, iluminism, Rio Grande de São Pedro.


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    Bambang Budi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Grand Design Model of Teacher Professional Education Based on Teacher's Perfor­mace Determinant. One of the crucial factors that determines the quality of education is teachers. Thus, developing teachers' professionalism in carrying out their work is essential. This study aims at developing a grand design model of teacher professional education based on determinant factors of teachers' performance. It is a research and development study (R&D, in which data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correla­tion analysis, and qualitative data analysis. The sample consists of 90 teachers and 28 headmasters selected using quota random sampling. The findings of the study show that the effective model of teacher pro­fessional education is the one conducted through five steps, namely, needs analysis, development of training and supervision programs, implementation of the programs, evaluation of the programs, and follow-ups of the programs. The development of the programs requires coordination among related in­stitutions. The implementation needs to refer to the right principles, approach, and training techniques and be supported by good facilities, media, trainers, and training places. Keywords: training model, teachers' professionalism, teachers' performance Abstrak: Grand Design Model Pembinaan Profesional Guru Berbasis Determinan Kinerja Guru. Salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan mutu pendidikan adalah guru. Untuk itu diperlukan pening­katan profesionalisme guru dalam melaksanakan tugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan grand design model pembinaan profesional guru yang efektif berbasis faktor-faktor determinan kinerja guru. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian pengembangan. Sampel diambil sebesar 90 guru dan 28 kepala sekolah dengan quota random sampling. Data dikumpulan data kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil pengumpulan data dianalisis

  17. Cyber Resilience in de Bestuurskamer : The Grand Conference in Amsterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klaver, M.H.A.


    Op 16 oktober 2012 vond in Amsterdam The Grand Conference plaats. Deze conferentie werd georganiseerd door het Centre for the Protection of National lnfrastructure (CPNI.NL) in nauwe samenwerking met de Europese Commissie, de Europese Networkand Information Security Agency (ENISA), het Amerikaanse

  18. Esclusas de peces en la represa de Salto Grande. Consideraciones acerca de su funcionamiento


    Delfino, R.; Baigún, C.R.M.; Quirós, R.


    Fishlocks at Salto Grande Reservoir. Considerations about its functioning. The Salto Grande dam, has in its structure two Borland type fishlocks. The fish passage efficiency is low, and it is limited by the original system design, the management of the dam and the Uruguay river hidrology. Thus, in the 1984-1986 period, on annual average, the fishlocks were out of service 53 o/o of the time, while in the two periods when higher observed fish accumulation occur, march-april and september-octobe...

  19. Is it possible to give scientific solutions to Grand Challenges? On the idea of grand challenges for life science research. (United States)

    Efstathiou, Sophia


    This paper argues that challenges that are grand in scope such as "lifelong health and wellbeing", "climate action", or "food security" cannot be addressed through scientific research only. Indeed scientific research could inhibit addressing such challenges if scientific analysis constrains the multiple possible understandings of these challenges into already available scientific categories and concepts without translating between these and everyday concerns. This argument builds on work in philosophy of science and race to postulate a process through which non-scientific notions become part of science. My aim is to make this process available to scrutiny: what I call founding everyday ideas in science is both culturally and epistemologically conditioned. Founding transforms a common idea into one or more scientifically relevant ones, which can be articulated into descriptively thicker and evaluatively deflated terms and enable operationalisation and measurement. The risk of founding however is that it can invisibilise or exclude from realms of scientific scrutiny interpretations that are deemed irrelevant, uninteresting or nonsensical in the domain in question-but which may remain salient for addressing grand-in-scope challenges. The paper considers concepts of "wellbeing" in development economics versus in gerontology to illustrate this process. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. La Grande: volver a empezar

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    Julio Premat


    Full Text Available Este texto, borrador de un trabajo más amplio, pretende despejar algunas pistas de lectura de La grande, en tanto que paradójico final de la producción de Saer. Digo “paradójico” porque puede tomársela como una novela de comienzo o de origen : de un volver a empezar, en todos los sentidos del término. En esa perspectiva podrían estudiarse algunos núcleos temáticos (como el retorno o el recuerdo de cara a la construcción del texto, a la relación planteada con la tradición y a la singular historia de su escritura (y al material genético que rodea y completa esta novela a la vez inacabada y póstuma. En esta intervención, la idea es la de comentar tres textos, escenas o frases del texto, y a partir de allí esbozar pistas para un estudio que está en ciernes.Première ébauche d’un travail de plus d’ampleur, ce texte vise à éclairer quelques pistes de lecture de La grande, en tant que fin paradoxale de la production de Saer. Je dis « paradoxale » parce que l’on peut considérer cette œuvre comme un roman des commencements ou des origines : comme un retour aux débuts, dans tous les sens du terme. Dans cette perspective, plusieurs nœuds thématiques (comme le retour ou le souvenir pourraient être étudiés en relation à la construction du texte, à la relation qui s’établit avec la tradition et à la singulière histoire de son écriture (et au matériau génétique qui entoure et complète ce roman, à la fois inachevé et posthume. Il sera question ici de commenter trois textes, scènes ou phrases du texte, et d’ébaucher à partir de là quelques pistes pour une étude à l’état naissant.The objective of this text, a draft for a broader work, is to outline some reading clues for La grande, inasmuch as it constitutes a paradoxical ending of Saer’s production. I say “paradoxical” because we can consider this work a novel of beginnings or of origins: a return to the beginning, in every meaning of the

  1. Grand challenges in technology enhanced learning outcomes of the 3rd Alpine Rendez-Vous

    CERN Document Server

    Fischer, Frank; Sutherland, Rosamund; Zirn, Lena


    This book presents a key piece of the vision and strategy developed in STELLAR. It sets out a new mid-term agenda by defining Grand Challenges for research and development in technology-enhanced learning. Other than mere technology prizes, STELLAR Grand Challenges deal with problems at the interface of social and technical sciences. They pose problems that can be solved only in interdisciplinary collaboration. The descriptions of the Grand Challenge Problems were sent out to a number of stakeholders from industry, academia, and policy-making who responded with insightful, creative and critical comments bringing in their specific perspectives. This book will inspire everyone interested in TEL and its neighboring disciplines in their future projects. All of the listed problems, first hints with respect to the approach, measurable success indicators and funding sources are outlined. The challenges focus on what noted experts regard as important upcoming, pending, and innovative fields of research, the solution o...

  2. 76 FR 15936 - Designation for the Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande, AZ; Fargo, ND... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Designation for the Owensboro, KY; Bloomington, IL; Iowa Falls, IA; Casa Grande, AZ; Fargo, ND; Grand Forks, ND; and Plainview, TX Areas AGENCY: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, USDA. ACTION: Notice...

  3. 2017 NOAA/OCM Unmanned Aerial System Lidar DEM: Grand Bay NERR (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Quantum Spatial (QSI) and PrecisionHawk (PH) collected lidar for test sites within the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) using an unmanned aerial...

  4. Grand Seasonal SST images of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Grand monthly mean Sea Surface Temperature Naming Convention: XXXX_SSSYYYY1YYYY2_GAVGSST.tif XXXX=location (Stell) SSS= season...

  5. Saturn's Magnetic Field from the Cassini Grand Finale orbits (United States)

    Dougherty, M. K.; Cao, H.; Khurana, K. K.; Hunt, G. J.; Provan, G.; Kellock, S.; Burton, M. E.; Burk, T. A.


    The fundamental aims of the Cassini magnetometer investigation during the Cassini Grand Finale orbits were determination of Saturn's internal planetary magnetic field and the rotation rate of the deep interior. The unique geometry of the orbits provided an unprecedented opportunity to measure the intrinsic magnetic field at close distances never before encountered. The surprising close alignment of Saturn's magnetic axis with its spin axis, known about since the days of Pioneer 11, has been a focus of the team's analysis since Cassini Saturn Orbit Insertion. However, the varying northern and southern magnetospheric planetary period oscillations, which fill the magnetosphere, has been a factor in masking the field signals from the interior. Here we describe an overview of the magnetometer results from the Grand Finale orbits, including confirmation of the extreme axisymmetric nature of the planetary magnetic field, implications for knowledge of the rotation rate and the behaviour of external magnetic fields (arising from the ring current, field aligned currents both at high and low latitudes and the modulating effect of the planetary period oscillations).

  6. Histoplasmose pulmonar aguda no Rio Grande do Sul Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Gisela Unis


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A histoplasmose pulmonar aguda depende da inalação de uma grande quantidade de propágulos fúngicos por um paciente hígido. O tempo de exposição determina a gravidade da doença. Uma epidemia é influenciada por fatores que afetam o crescimento e a transmissão do Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum na natureza. OBJETIVO: Identificar os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínico-laboratoriais dos pacientes com histoplasmose pulmonar aguda no Rio Grande do Sul e compará-los com as microepidemias relatadas no Brasil. MÉTODO: Foram revisados 212 prontuários clínicos de pacientes com histoplasmose dos arquivos do Laboratório de Micologia do Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre (RS num período de 25 anos (1977-2002. Foram identificados e incluídos no estudo os casos de histoplasmose pulmonar aguda com cultivo positivo e/ou achado histopatológico compatível. As microepidemias foram diagnosticadas com a comprovação de um caso ou evidência soromicológica com história clínica compatível. Foram revisadas as microepidemias publicadas no Brasil. RESULTADOS: Dezoito de um total de 212 pacientes (8,5% foram incluídos no trabalho. A idade variou de 8 a 63 anos (média de 35,4; mediana de 34,5, e 67% eram do sexo masculino. A história epidemiológica foi sugestiva em 11 pacientes (61%. O tipo primário de histoplasmose pulmonar aguda foi o mais freqüente (17; 95%. Houve predomínio de casos isolados. CONCLUSÃO: O reconhecimento de casos isolados e a presença de microepidemias demonstram a abundância do H. capsulatum no solo, e juntamente com a ocorrência de todas as formas da doença, confirmam o Rio Grande do Sul como hiperendêmico para histoplasmose.BACKGROUND: Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis is a respiratory infection occurring when an otherwise healthy individual inhales a large quantity of fungal propagules. Length of exposure determines disease severity. An epidemic is influenced by factors affecting the

  7. L'espace mondial des grandes manifestations sportives internationales

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    Daniel MATHIEU


    Full Text Available La carte des grandes manifestations sportives mondiales montre une forte concentration des épreuves dans un petit nombre de pays développés, en particulier l'Europe occidentale. L'examen des nations concernées par les tournois majeurs du tennis et par le cyclisme professionnel soulignent, avec les nuances propres à chacun des sports, l'étroitesse des espaces intéressés.

  8. Nuove prospettive storiografiche sulla Grande guerra: violenze, traumi, esperienze

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    Marco Bizzocchi


    Full Text Available Il testo propone, attraverso l’analisi delle recensioni pubblicate sulla rivista internazionale “First World War Studies”, una rassegna su alcuni recenti studi storici sulla Prima guerra mondiale. Dopo la svolta degli anni Settanta-Ottanta, la storiografia sta continuando ad approfondire in particolare il tema dei risvolti sociali e culturali della Grande guerra.


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    Gislene Freitas Ponte


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O presente trabalho avalia algumas metodologias utilizadas na determinação do módulo de deformação cisalhante para a previsão do comportamento dinâmico de fundações superficiais de aerogeradores assentes em solos arenosos. Para avaliar o comportamento dinâmico das fundações de máquinas, deve-se estimar a frequência de vibração do sistema solo-fundação que é calculada em função dos parâmetros dinâmicos do solo. Tal frequência é obtida a partir do módulo de deformação cisalhante (G, que, por sua vez, é função do nível de deformação do solo. Por simplificações, esse parâmetro é normalmente estimado através de ensaios estáticos, com grandes deformações, estando sujeito a imprecisões. No presente trabalho, calcularam-se os parâmetros dinâmicos do solo do campo experimental de fundações da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (UNESP, em Bauru, a partir dos resultados de ensaios anteriormente realizados no local por VITALI (2011. Foi considerado um aerogerador com características idênticas ao aerogerador avaliado por Moura (2007 inserido no solo em análise. Assim, determinaram-se as frequências de vibrações da fundação de tal aerogerador. Tais frequências foram determinadas a partir de estimativas G por meio de ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos. Concluiu-se que as variações obtidas para o módulo cisalhante, com grandes e pequenas deformações, causaram um erro percentual cerca de 40% nas frequências e cerca de 60% nas amplitudes de vibrações. Destacam-se, com tal resultado, as variações das respostas dinâmicas quando são estimados por ensaios de grande e pequena deformação, reafirmando a importância de ensaios de pequena deformação para estimativas de respostas a carregamentos dinâmicos. ABSTRACT: This work evaluates some methodologies used in the determination of shear modulus to predict the dynamic behavior of shallow foundations of wind turbines on sandy soils. To evaluate

  10. 78 FR 25407 - Safety Zones; National Cherry Festival Air Show and Fireworks Display; West Grand Traverse Bay... (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zones; National Cherry Festival Air Show and Fireworks Display; West Grand Traverse Bay... National Cherry Festival in Traverse City, MI will host an air show over the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay. At the conclusion of the National Cherry Festival on July 6, 2013, fireworks will be launched in...

  11. Proposal of procedures to prevent errors in radiotherapy based in learned lessons of accidental expositions; Proposta de procedimentos para evitar erros em radioterapia baseados em licoes aprendidas de exposicoes acidentais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bueno, Giselle Oliveira Vieira


    In order to consider some procedures to prevent errors in radiotherapy based in learned lessons of accidental expositions and in accordance with information contained in international reports elaborated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and of the data base availability by the European group Radiation Oncology Safety Information System (ROSIS) on the events, a research of the occurred errors was performed. For the evaluation of the incidents a data base based in the ROSIS and added plus a parameter was created 'type of error'. All the stored data make possible the evaluation of the 839 incidents in terms of frequency of the type of error, the process of detention, the number of reached patients and the degree of severity. Of the 50 types of found errors, the type of error more frequently was 'incorrect treatment coordinate', confirmed with the data of literature and representing 28,96 por cent of the total of the incidents. The results showed 44,44 por cent are discovered at the moment of the treatment and that the process of verification of the fiche or clinical revision of the patient is a verification more occurred insurance and in 43,33 por cent of the searched events. The results indicated that more than 50 por cent of the incidents the severity degree are void and approximately 62 por cent a patient are affected during the accomplishment of the radiotherapy. This work showed that to analyze the data base according to methodology proposal for Klein et al.; for Reason, and Dunscombe et al. is interesting to insert more characteristic detailed in the data base such as: the number of fractions for affected patient, number of fields of treatment for fraction that was affected, shunting line of the prescribed dose and shunting line of the volume prescribed in all the registered in cadastral map events. Some causes exist that can lead the errors when patient they are submitted to the radiotherapy. Some measures can be taken so that these errors do not occur as: to carry through dosimetry in vivo 'off-axis' with diode to reduce the use of the incorrect direction of the wedge; to use values of the vertical distance with pointer of optic distance (SSD) to prevent error of distance of treatment; to use the system of transference of data DICOM-RT between the stations of work of the planning of treatment and the simulation, being increased the efficiency and accuracy in the treatment; to manually consider the redundancy in the verifications of the calculations carried through for computer or; to use a computerized system of register and verification of the treatment; preventing errors in the which had daily treatments to the incorrect election of the treatment parameters; to implant a magnetic card of identification of the patient with photo, identification number, name of the institution, name of the department, the date of the first emission and responsible doctor to prevent errors of identification and register and could all be used in the process of the treatment. Of this form, these procedures can prevent incident more in radiotherapy and increase the security of the patients. (author)

  12. Proposal of procedures to prevent errors in radiotherapy based in learned lessons of accidental expositions; Proposta de procedimentos para evitar erros em radioterapia baseados em licoes aprendidas de exposicoes acidentais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bueno, Giselle Oliveira Vieira


    In order to consider some procedures to prevent errors in radiotherapy based in learned lessons of accidental expositions and in accordance with information contained in international reports elaborated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and of the data base availability by the European group Radiation Oncology Safety Information System (ROSIS) on the events, a research of the occurred errors was performed. For the evaluation of the incidents a data base based in the ROSIS and added plus a parameter was created 'type of error'. All the stored data make possible the evaluation of the 839 incidents in terms of frequency of the type of error, the process of detention, the number of reached patients and the degree of severity. Of the 50 types of found errors, the type of error more frequently was 'incorrect treatment coordinate', confirmed with the data of literature and representing 28,96 por cent of the total of the incidents. The results showed 44,44 por cent are discovered at the moment of the treatment and that the process of verification of the fiche or clinical revision of the patient is a verification more occurred insurance and in 43,33 por cent of the searched events. The results indicated that more than 50 por cent of the incidents the severity degree are void and approximately 62 por cent a patient are affected during the accomplishment of the radiotherapy. This work showed that to analyze the data base according to methodology proposal for Klein et al.; for Reason, and Dunscombe et al. is interesting to insert more characteristic detailed in the data base such as: the number of fractions for affected patient, number of fields of treatment for fraction that was affected, shunting line of the prescribed dose and shunting line of the volume prescribed in all the registered in cadastral map events. Some causes exist that can lead the errors when patient they are submitted to the radiotherapy. Some measures can be taken so that these errors do not occur as: to carry through dosimetry in vivo 'off-axis' with diode to reduce the use of the incorrect direction of the wedge; to use values of the vertical distance with pointer of optic distance (SSD) to prevent error of distance of treatment; to use the system of transference of data DICOM-RT between the stations of work of the planning of treatment and the simulation, being increased the efficiency and accuracy in the treatment; to manually consider the redundancy in the verifications of the calculations carried through for computer or; to use a computerized system of register and verification of the treatment; preventing errors in the which had daily treatments to the incorrect election of the treatment parameters; to implant a magnetic card of identification of the patient with photo, identification number, name of the institution, name of the department, the date of the first emission and responsible doctor to prevent errors of identification and register and could all be used in the process of the treatment. Of this form, these procedures can prevent incident more in radiotherapy and increase the security of the patients. (author)

  13. Management as a science-based profession: a grand societal challenge

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Romme, A.G.L.


    The purpose of this paper is to explore how the quest for management as a science-based profession, conceived as a grand societal challenge, can be revitalized. A reflective approach is adopted by questioning some of the key assumptions made by management scholars, especially those that undermine

  14. Trace elements and heavy metals in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Reserve in the northern Gulf of Mexico (United States)

    The Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve has the highest biotic diversity of habitats and offer a reserve of food resources and commercially significant species. Rapid human civilization has led to accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements in estuaries. The Grand Bay National Estuarin...

  15. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of Pedras Grandes Suite, southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Andréa R. Jelinek


    Full Text Available Two major magmatic pulses of the granitic Florianópolis Batholith in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, occurred between 613±5Ma and 595±5 Ma, during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano Cycle. These ages were obtained by U-Pb isotopic determinations with the sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe on igneous zircons from Pedras Grandes Suite in Santa Catarina State. Euhedral zircons remained unaltered close to a fluorite vein deposited at 180?C or more. These ages suggest a northern limit for the Pedras Grandes Suite, explaining the spatial relationship between the fluorite veins and the source rock.Dois dos principais pulsos da atividade granítica no Batólito Florianópolis em Santa Catarina ocorreram entre 613 ±5 Ma e 595 ±5 Ma, durante o Neoproterozóico do Ciclo Brasiliano. Estas idades foram obtidas a partir dedeterminações isotópicas U-Pb em cristais de zircão da Suite Pedras Grandes por "Sensitive high-resolution íon microprobe" - SHRIMP II. Os cristais de zircão permaneceram inalterados mesmo mediante condições hidrotermais com temperaturas iguais e, até mesmo, superiores a 180ºC. Estas idades sugerem a delimitação norte do Maciço Pedras Grandes, explicando a relação espacial existente entre os filões de fluorita e a rocha fonte destas mineralizações.

  16. Karl Polanyi e o "Grande Debate" entre substantivistas e formalistas na antropologia econômica Karl Polanyi and the "Great Debate" between the substantivists and formalists in economic anthropology

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    Nuno Miguel Cardoso Machado


    Full Text Available Na raiz do pensamento Polanyiano, encontra-se a distinção entre economia no sentido substantivo e economia no sentido formal. Com efeito, a concepção substantivista - que define a economia como um processo instituído de interação entre o homem e o ambiente natural e social que o rodeia e resulta em contínua oferta de meios para satisfazer as necessidades humanas - constitui a base do método preconizado pelo autor: a análise institucional. Com tal distinção, Polanyi (1977a pretende evitar a "falácia economicista" que consiste na identificação automática da economia com sua forma de mercado. Ao contrário, só na moderna economia capitalista é que um "sistema de mercados formadores de preços" desempenha papel fundamental. Essas questões foram alvo de um "Grande Debate" entre as correntes substantivista - encabeçada por Polanyi - e formalista no contexto da disciplina da Antropologia Econômica.At the root of Polanyian thought, a distinction can be found between the substantive and formal concepts of the economy. In fact, the substantivist conception, that defines the economy as an instituted process of interaction between man and its natural and social environment, which results in a continuous supply of material means to meet human needs, constitutes the basis of the method recommended by the author: institutional analysis. With this distinction, Polanyi intends to avoid the "economistic fallacy", which consists of the automatic identification of the economy in its market form. Only in the modern capitalist economy does a system of "price-making markets" play a fundamental role. These questions were amply discussed in the so-called "Great Debate" between the substantivist and formalist schools of thought in the discipline of Economic Anthropology.

  17. Groundwater Challenges of the Lower Rio Grande: A Case Study of Legal Issues in Texas and New Mexico

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    Elizabeth Wheat


    Full Text Available In 1938, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado signed the Rio Grande Compact, establishing terms of apportionment for some of the water from the Rio Grande for the three states. Following congressional approval in 1939, this compact governs water allocation in a region with a variable climate and frequent drought conditions and established the Rio Grande Compact Commission, comprised of a commissioner from each state and one from the federal government, to enforce the compact. With an increasing population and declining surface water supply, the Compact has been tested among the parties and within the states themselves. In a case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, Texas v. New Mexico and Colorado (2013, Texas claims New Mexico is violating the Compact and Rio Grande Project Act by using water in excess of its apportionment through its allowance of diversions of surface and groundwater. The issue is further compounded by disputes within Texas over separate legal regimes for groundwater and surface water. Combined with growing scarcity issues, the allocation of water in the Lower Rio Grande presents a timely natural resource challenge. This review explores legal issues involved in the case as well as growing challenges of population growth, agricultural development needs, and water shortages.

  18. The Tragedy of Migrants. Gabriele Del Grande's Reportage

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    Luigi Franchi


    Full Text Available L’espressione "Tragedia dei migranti" che ciclicamente compare nei notiziari televisivi, seppur evocando la categoria del tragico, non suscita nessuno dei sentimenti che caratterizzano questa forma di spettacolo. Lo spettatore infatti è portato a considerare i naufragi nel Mediterraneo il frutto di un destino ineluttabile, senza quindi intravedere alcuna possibilità da parte sua di intervenire sulla realtà. Mamadou va a morire e Il mare di mezzo di Gabriele Del Grande dimostrano come i naufragi dei migranti nel Mediterraneo non siano parte del disegno divino di un deus absconditus, ma una delle drammatiche conseguenze della crisi economica della contemporaneità. Esibendo i meccanismi sottesi al fenomeno della migrazione, l’autore mostra i presupposti razionali sui quali questa si fonda e suggerisce come i suoi esiti drammatici possano essere contrastati a livello individuale e collettivo. Questo articolo si propone di dotare di un senso più pieno l’espressione "tragedia dei migranti": per fare ciò si rintraccerà all’interno dei reportage la riemersione di alcuni topoi della tragedia greca. Verrà inoltre individuata tra gli individui incontrati da Del Grande nei suoi viaggi e i personaggi della tragedia greca una serie di analogie in grado di restituire alla condizione del migrante una reale potenzialità tragica.

  19. Multivariable extrapolation of grand canonical free energy landscapes (United States)

    Mahynski, Nathan A.; Errington, Jeffrey R.; Shen, Vincent K.


    We derive an approach for extrapolating the free energy landscape of multicomponent systems in the grand canonical ensemble, obtained from flat-histogram Monte Carlo simulations, from one set of temperature and chemical potentials to another. This is accomplished by expanding the landscape in a Taylor series at each value of the order parameter which defines its macrostate phase space. The coefficients in each Taylor polynomial are known exactly from fluctuation formulas, which may be computed by measuring the appropriate moments of extensive variables that fluctuate in this ensemble. Here we derive the expressions necessary to define these coefficients up to arbitrary order. In principle, this enables a single flat-histogram simulation to provide complete thermodynamic information over a broad range of temperatures and chemical potentials. Using this, we also show how to combine a small number of simulations, each performed at different conditions, in a thermodynamically consistent fashion to accurately compute properties at arbitrary temperatures and chemical potentials. This method may significantly increase the computational efficiency of biased grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, especially for multicomponent mixtures. Although approximate, this approach is amenable to high-throughput and data-intensive investigations where it is preferable to have a large quantity of reasonably accurate simulation data, rather than a smaller amount with a higher accuracy.

  20. Urban Experiences: Migrants and Ways of Living and Working in the Outskirts of Campina Grande in the 1960s




    From the late 1940s and early 1950s, Campina Grande undergoes a significant urbanization and expansion, favored by economic growth. We observed that rural workers migrated from rural to urban area in Campina Grande in so far as the farming activity was becoming unviable due to droughts and they could see, in the urban center of Campina, other possibilities of working and worthier life conditions. Our work attempts to reflect on how some popular migrated to Campina Grande in the late 1950s and...

  1. The Grand Convergence: Closing the Divide between Public Health Funding and Global Health Needs.

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    Mary Moran


    Full Text Available The Global Health 2035 report notes that the "grand convergence"--closure of the infectious, maternal, and child mortality gap between rich and poor countries--is dependent on research and development (R&D of new drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and other health tools. However, this convergence (and the R&D underpinning it will first require an even more fundamental convergence of the different worlds of public health and innovation, where a largely historical gap between global health experts and innovation experts is hindering achievement of the grand convergence in health.

  2. Lie groups and grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gubitoso, M.D.


    This work presents some concepts in group theory and Lie algebras and, at same time, shows a method to study and work with semisimple Lie groups, based on Dynkin diagrams. The aproach taken is not completely formal, but it presents the main points of the elaboration of the method, so its mathematical basis is designed with the purpose of making the reading not so cumbersome to those who are interested only in a general picture of the method and its usefulness. At the end it is shown a brief review of gauge theories and two grand-unification models based on SO(13) and E 7 gauge groups. (author) [pt

  3. Local grand unification and string theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nilles, Hans Peter; Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S.


    The low energy effective action of string theory depends strongly on the process of compactification and the localization of fields in extra dimensions. Explicit string constructions towards the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) reveal interesting results leading to the concept of local grand unification. Properties of the MSSM indicate that we might live at a special location close to an orbifold fixed point rather than a generic point in Calabi-Yau moduli space. We observe an enhancement of (discrete) symmetries that have various implications for the properties of the MSSM such as proton stability as well as solutions to the flavor problem, the m-problem and the strong CP-problem. (orig.)

  4. Pitié pour les grandes villes !

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    Jérôme Monnet


    Full Text Available Roger Caillois disait, en 1938, qu´il existe "une représentation de la grande ville, assez puissante sur les imaginations pour que jamais en pratique ne soit posée la question de son exactitude, créée de toute pièce par le livre, assez répandue néanmoins pour faire partie de l´atmosphère mentale collective et posséder par suite une certaine force de contrainte"(Le mythe et l´homme, p.156 [c´est lui qui souligne]. En 1996, la presse française a consacré dossiers et articles à "Habitat II...

  5. Food and Wine Pairing in Burgundy: The Case of Grands Crus

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    Benoît Lecat


    Full Text Available Burgundy is known both for its wines and its food products but they developed independently from each other. This paper examines the long march towards maximal wine quality which started before the beginning of the Christian era. In the Middle‐Ages, the Cistercian monks brought up the notion of terroir which eventually led to the AOC system (Protected Designation of origin in 1935. Burgundy is also blessed with good farming land. Furthermore, the production of quality vegetables, fruits and meat contributed to the birth of its regional cuisine. However, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Burgundy’s original gastronomy gained recognition. It should be noted that this process was rather laborious. The advent of tourism introduced French and foreign visitors to the region’s lifestyle. With UNESCO’s listing of the vineyards of Côte de Beaune and Côte de Nuits as part of the world’s heritage and the development of wine tourism, Burgundy intends, at long last, to capitalize on its assets. An inventory of wine and food pairing complements this paper. Finally, a brief description of the term terroir will introduce the key contribution of this paper: how and why Burgundy Grand Cru wines pair so well with foods. For each of the 33 Grands Crus, a review of the best wine–food matches will be discussed on the basis of the specificities of each Grand Cru wine.

  6. Grand unification: status report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgi, H.


    Grand unification is reviewed with regard to the flavor puzzle and the hierarchy puzzle. Progress in CP and the PQWWKDFS axion is reviewed. The neutrino mass and B-L research, the understanding and assimilation of the language of effective theories (which divide the momentum scale up into regions), with focus on the models, are surveyed. Various unified models are organized according to whether they address the hierarchy puzzle or the flavor puzzle. SU(5), SO(10), E6, and Higgs are considered simple and explicit models. Global symmetry addresses hierarchy puzzle, but the rules are unclear. In SO (18), with regard to hierarchy, perturbation theory breaks down. SO (14) fails for hierarchy because of GIM, b and t problems. Supersymmetry and technicolor with regard to flavor puzzle are questioned. The CP solution of ETC and Composite C models (addressing both flavor and hierarchy) is a minus. Composite A model has no evident virtues, and the basic idea of ETC model needs checking

  7. Magnetic spectrometer Grand Raiden

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, M.; Akimune, H.; Daito, I.; Fujimura, H.; Fujita, Y.; Hatanaka, K.; Ikegami, H.; Katayama, I.; Nagayama, K.; Matsuoka, N.; Morinobu, S.; Noro, T.; Yoshimura, M.; Sakaguchi, H.; Sakemi, Y.; Tamii, A.; Yosoi, M.


    A high-resolution magnetic spectrometer called 'Grand Raiden' is operated at the RCNP ring cyclotron facility in Osaka for nuclear physics studies at intermediate energies. This magnetic spectrometer has excellent ion-optical properties. In the design of the spectrometer, the second-order dispersion matching condition has been taken into account, and almost all the aberration terms such as (x vertical bar θ 3 ), (x vertical bar θφ 2 ), (x vertical bar θ 2 δ) and (x vertical bar θδ 2 ) in a third-order matrix calculation are optimized. A large magnetic rigidity of the spectrometer (K = 1400 MeV) gives a great advantage to measure the charge-exchange ( 3 He, t) reactions at 450 MeV. The ability of the high-resolution measurement has been demonstrated. Various coincidence measurements are performed to study the nuclear structures of highly excited states through decay properties of nuclear levels following nuclear reactions at intermediate energies


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    Maria de Fatima Alves de Matos


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo numérico Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN com análises comparativas das medidas obtidas a partir dos resultados de modelagem e de medições durante as campanhas de campo em 2010 e 2012 no Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte (NE do Brasil. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi aplicar e validar o modelo numérico SWAN na determinação do clima de ondas, avaliar seus pontos fortes e limitações para a região de interesse. Os dados de campo realizados em dois pontos próximo da costa em profundidades de 3 m (PT_1 e 6 m (PT_2 por meio do uso de dois adcp: AWAC e AQUADOPP. Os dados adquiridos com estes equipamentos foram processados e permitiram a realização de análises espectrais de altura significativa, HS (m, período médio, Tmed (s, e direção média, DIR (º. Para a implementação do modelo SWAN foram empregados para as condições de contorno os dados de agitação a partir do modelo de 3ª geração de escala oceânica Wavewatch III. Para o refinamento e aplicabilidade do modelo, foram introduzidos dados de ventos e maré locais, corrigidos com base no Manual de Engenharia Costeira (CEM, permitindo assim, melhor ajuste dos resultados da modelagem. O domínio de cálculo foi referenciado para as dimensões da carta náutica 720, com três malhas regulares de diferentes dimensões e resolução: externa, intermediária e interna, sendo esta última, utilizada para fornecer os parâmetros de propagação da onda ao longo da costa. As configurações usadas para o SWAN foram as padrões em modo estacionário, com as formulações KOMEN, a dissipação devido à rebentação induzida pelo fundo com atrito de fundo usando a formulação JONSWAP com coeficiente de atrito С = 0.015m2s-3 em condições wind sea, e a formulação whitecapping ou excesso de declividade, as interações entre tríades de ondas e interações onda-onda quádrupla. As estat

  9. História sem causa? A nova história cultural, a grande narrativa e o dilema pós-colonial History without cause? The new cultural History, the grand narrative and the postcolonial dilemma

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    Barbara Weinstein


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina o declínio das grandes narrativas historiográficas norte-americanas, associado ao auge da nova história cultural. A influência da antropologia cultural, com destaque para Clifford Geertz, resultou no privilegiamento da micro-história e no eclipse dos processos de causação e explicação. Ao mesmo tempo, muitos historiadores pós-modernos continuam referendando, ainda que não explicitamente, narrativas eurocêntricas da transição à modernidade. Portanto, as críticas do eurocentrismo - o impulso para "provincializar a Europa" - vêm de duas tendências: a nova história mundial, cujos seguidores estão repensando as grandes narrativas, ainda que utilizem métodos históricos bastante tradicionais; e a teoria pós-colonial, com destaque para Dipesh Chakrabarty. Este autor, um crítico incisivo da historiografia eurocêntrica, não consegue oferecer alternativas justamente por rejeitar toda narrativa "historicista". Em contraste, o historiador da África, Steven Feierman, defende a necessidade de reconstruir grandes narrativas, que propiciem pontos de referência e permitam superar o dilema pós-colonial.This article examines the decline of grand narratives in the North American historiography with the rise of the new cultural history. The influence of cultural anthropology - especially the work of Clifford Geertz - has resulted in a preference for microhistory and the eclipse of causation and explanation. At the same time, many postmodern historians continue to refer (though not explicitly to a Eurocentric narrative of the transition to modernity. In response, criticism of Eurocentrism-the impulse to "provincialize Europe"-has come from two tendencies. One is the new world history, whose proponents are rethinking the grand narratives but with rather traditional methods. The other is postcolonial theory, exemplified by Dipesh Chakrabarty. This last author, although an incisive critic of Eurocentric historiography

  10. On-site evaluation of the suitability of a wetted instream habitat in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico, for the Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) (United States)


    Two in-situ exposure studies were conducted with the federally-listed endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus). One-year-old adults were exposed in cages deployed at three sites in the Middle Rio Grande, N. Mex., for 4 days to assess survival and for 26 days to evaluate survival, growth, overall health, and whole-body elemental composition. The test sites were located on the Pueblo of Isleta in the (1) main channel of the Middle Rio Grande, (2) 240-Wasteway irrigation return drain, and (3) wetted instream habitat created below the outfall of the 240-Wasteway irrigation return drain. During the cage exposures, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity were monitored continuously (15-minute intervals) and common constituents, nutrients, carbons, metals, and pesticides were measured at discrete intervals. In both studies, there were statistical differences in several water-quality parameters among sites; and except for turbidity, these differences were small and were not considered to be biologically significant. The cages used in the 4-day exposure study were ineffective at preventing access to the fish by predators, and survival was highly variable (20 percent to 90 percent) across sites. In the 26-day chronic exposure study, weight and condition factor of caged-exposed fish at all sites were significantly lower than those at test initiation. After 26 days of exposure, there were no significant differences in survival, total length, weight, or condition factor of fish across sites, but absolute weight loss and relative reduction in condition factor were significantly greater in fish at the wetted instream habitat site compared to those at the Middle Rio Grande site. There were no statistical differences in health assessment indices, mesenteric fat indices, or prevalence of abnormalities in cage-exposed fish among sites. Cage-exposed fish had higher health assessment indices and prevalence of fin anomalies and a lower mesenteric


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    İhsan SATIŞ


    Full Text Available The Grand Vizier, who had been responsible to the Sultan for the administration of the country, the security of the subjects, foreign policy and wars up to the 19th century, began to lose prominence as a result of the centrist reforms initiated by Mahmut II. The Sultan appointed the Grand Vizier’s as the Prime Minister and distributed his powers among ministries. The Grand Viziership was rapidly institutionalized in the process of adapting to Europe and its main function became determining the politics. However, Sultan Abdulmecit abolished the practice of prime ministry and appointed Koca Hüsrev Pasha as the Grand Vizier after the death of Mahmut II. In this article, the changes in the institution of Grand Viziership in the first half of the 19th century were investigated. 19. yüzyıla kadar, padişaha karşı ülke yönetiminden, tebaanın güvenliğinden, dış politikadan ve savaşlardan sorumlu olan sadrazam, II. Mahmut’un merkeziyetçi reformları neticesinde yetkileri azalmaya başlamıştır. II. Mahmut, sadrazama bütün vekillerin başı olmak üzere başvekil sanını vererek, yetkilerini nezaretler arasında dağıtmıştır. Avrupa’ya ayak uydurma sürecinde sadrazamlık hızla kurumlaşırken asıl işlevi de siyaseti belirlemek ve uygulamak olmuştur. Lakin II. Mahmut’un ölümünden sonra Sultan Abdülmecit, Koca Hüsrev Paşa’yı sadrazam tayiniyle başvekil unvanı kaldırılarak tekrar sadrazam tabiri kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu makalede, 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısında sadrazamlık kurumundaki değişimler ele alınmıştır.

  12. Z2 vortex strings in grand unified theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olive, D.; Turok, N.


    Spontaneously broken gauge theories may display distinct vortex string solutions for the disconnected components of the exact gauge symmetry group. A type of Higgs mechanism thought to apply in grand unified theories as being responsible for fermion masses yields Z 2 vortex lines, irrespectively of the group. These could seed galaxy formation if the corresponding fermion masses are superheavy. More generally a Higgs mechanism producing Zsub(n) vortex strings is presented. (orig.)

  13. Advanced functions using VBA for the Yacuiba Rio Grande (GASYRG) gas pipeline; Funcoes avancadas usando VBA no gasoduto Yacuiba Rio Grande

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres Vega, Raul [TRANSIERRA S.A., Santa Cruz (Bolivia)


    The Yacuiba - Rio Grande Gas Pipeline is remote operated from the Supervision and Control Center (CSC) located in the offices of Transierra S.A. in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. This operation is made by means of a SCADA system based on satellite communication, it starts off at Yacuiba and finishes in Rio Grande, where it deliveries the export gas to Brazil. An Advanced Functions application was developed at the Transierra's CSC, This application runs under Intellution's iFix (HMI of the SCADA) in a Windows platform. It gathers transportation data in real time and by means of a mathematical process and a steady state simulation it makes the following on line calculations: Line Pack, Leak Detection, Transport Efficiency, Pressure Estimate in intermediate points and gas real velocity in the pipeline. The application was developed using Visual BASIC for Applications (VBA) (included in Intellution's iFix) and by means of an interphase to a historical server (iHistorian, Intellution) it is possible to store the obtained results, this integration also allows for the creation of graphs and trends with a great flexibility and to activate alarm points. With a practically null investment, this application replaces high cost specialized packages that are accessories to simulation or SCADA applications. (author)

  14. Requests and usage of epidural analgesia in grand-grand multiparous and similar-aged women with lesser parity: prospective observational study. (United States)

    Ioscovich, Alexander; Fadeev, Angelika; Rivilis, Alina; Elstein, Deborah


    Epidural analgesia in older and multiparous women has been associated with risks. The aim of this study was to compare epidural analgesia use for labor/delivery in grand-grand multiparous women (GGMP; ≥10 births) relative to that in similar-aged women with lesser parity. This was a prospective observational study of advanced age gravida. All laboring women in a six-month period admitted to a tertiary Israeli center were included if they were advanced age (≥36 years old) with one to two previous births (Low parity; n=128) or four to five previous births (Medium parity; n=181), and all GGMP (any age; n=187). Primary outcome was comparison of requests for and use of epidural analgesia for labor/delivery. There were no significant differences across parity groups in percent of gravida requesting or receiving epidural analgesia (46.5-59.4%). Time from admission to epidural administration (range mean times: 168-187 min) and from advent of epidural to delivery (range mean times: 155-160 min) were comparable across parity groups. Use of other analgesia (5.8-8%) was not significantly different. Requests for and use of epidural analgesia was comparable in older gravida and was not correlated with parity. Mean times from presentation to epidural administration, mean cervical dilatation at epidural initiation, and mean time from performing of epidural to delivery were comparable across groups.

  15. Le Panthéon du sport camerounais : grandes figures et succès marquants

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    Mbolo Alicia


    Full Text Available Le Cameroun est une grande nation sportive africaine grâce à ses résultats et performances lors des grandes compétitions. Il justifie d'un leadership affirmé car ses ressortissants occupent des hautes fonctions exécutives dans des organismes sportifs internationaux. L'émergence des talents sportifs imprègne des faits, l'histoire olympique et sportive camerounaise. Tout le mérite ou l'opprobre ne leur est guère attribué, une victoire sportive étant générée par une équipe. 50 ans après, ils restent des modèles d'où la nécessité d'un sanctuaire, d'un Musée Olympique. Notre réflexion portera sur le Panthéon du sport camerounais : les grandes figures et les résultats marquantsdans sa quintessence et son essence. Nous relèverons leurs actions remarquables dans l'évolution du sport au Cameroun, tout autant que l'examen des concepts, la désignation des grandes figures, le rappel de leurs palmarès, les résultats marquants, leur impact sur la société, les stratégies valorisantes du Panthéon du sport camerounais en constitueront le corpus.

  16. Implementing Patient Family-Centered Care Grand Rounds Using Patient/Family Advisor Narratives

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    Maureen B Fagan DNP, MHA, FNP-BC


    Full Text Available With the emerging trend of patient family–centered care in health care, it is essential that physicians be exposed to patient and family perspectives of care during medical education and training. Grand Rounds provides an ideal format for physicians to learn about patient family–centered care. At Brigham and Women’s Hospital, we sought to bring the voice of the patient to Patient Family–Centered Grand Rounds in order to expose clinicians to rich narratives describing the medical care received by patients/families and to ultimately change physician practice to reflect patient family–centered principles. We conducted a clinician survey and found promising results indicating that patient/family narratives can be effective at educating physicians about patient family–centered care.

  17. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para recuperação e correção de textos digitalizados

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    Marlon Marcon


    Full Text Available Atualmente, há diversas ferramentas computacionais voltadas para identificação e reconhecimento de palavras em arquivos digitais, onde um grande problema tem sido o tratamento de ruídos (falhas de aquisição e erros ortográficos. Estas inconveniências fazem com que os algoritmos de reconhecimento apresentem resultados abaixo do esperado. Este trabalho implementa uma solução para o reconhecimento de palavras com maior qualidade, aplicando algoritmos de remoção de ruído e melhora de contraste, bem como a adoção de um léxico aliado ao módulo de reconhecimento dos caracteres. Os resultados obtidos a partir dos testes de validação e correção das palavras com problemas com taxas de aproveitamento dentro dos limites esperados.

  18. 77 FR 15600 - Special Local Regulation; Emerald Coast Super Boat Grand Prix; Saint Andrew Bay; Panama City, FL (United States)


    ...-AA08 Special Local Regulation; Emerald Coast Super Boat Grand Prix; Saint Andrew Bay; Panama City, FL... navigable waters during the Emerald Coast Super Boat Grand Prix high speed boat races. Entry into... needed to safeguard persons and vessels from safety hazards associated with the Emerald Coast Super Boat...

  19. Erros farmacológicos na prática anestésica: quatro casos de morbidades não fatais Errores de medicación en la práctica de la anestesia: cuatro casos de morbilidad no fatal Drugs errors in anaesthesia practice: four cases of non-fatal morbidity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose LLagunes Herrero


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os anestesistas estão se preocupando mais em garantir segurança aos pacientes, enfatizando o desfecho cirúrgico e qualidade do atendimento no centro cirúrgico e em outras áreas do hospital. Na prática, não existe nenhum aspecto da Anestesiologia que seja mais importante no manuseio seguro dos pacientes do que a administração correta de fármacos. Erros farmacológicos representam uma pequena percentagem dos problemas anestésicos, mas apresentam potencial de morbidade grave e consequências legais. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever quatro casos de erros medicamentosos (EM raros no centro cirúrgico, sem consequências danosas para os pacientes e como sua análise e identificação evitaram o desenvolvimento de danos mais graves. RELATO DOS CASOS: Quatro casos de sobredoses acidentais no centro cirúrgico antes da indução anestésica. A mesma seringa foi usada para preparar e diluir dois medicamentos diferentes. Portanto, esse erro foi causado pela presença do segundo medicamento. A toxicidade se manifestou com depressão respiratória e sedação temporárias, havendo necessidade de ventilação assistida, mas sem desfechos adversos. CONCLUSÕES: Explicou-se como os medicamentos envolvidos e quando o erro cometido foram identificados para melhorar a prática clínica, reduzindo os erros medicamentosos. Enfatizamos a importância da informação e educação dos profissionais de saúde sobre novos medicamentos e seu processo de preparação, pois foi prática inaceitável em 2009.JUSTIFICATIVAS Y OBJETIVOS: Los anestesiólogos están cada vez más preocupados sobre la seguridad de los pacientes, haciendo un gran énfasis en los resultados, en la cualidad de los cuidados en la salud, como también en el quirófano o en cualquier otro lugar dentro del hospital. En la práctica clínica, no existe un aspecto de la anestesia que sea más crucial en el aspecto del cuidado de la seguridad de los pacientes, que

  20. Petrographic aspects of the intrusive complex of Arroyo Marincho and granodiorite of Arroyo Grande.Part I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.


    The epimetamorphis of Arroyo Grande formation (lower Precambrian) are integrated by several granitoid bodies. The Marincho complex represented by;a) main unit integrated by hornoblenditic diorite to mozongranite b) an incomformable belt of porfinoblastic honobledite c) one unit characterized by a two mica granite heterogranular to porphiroic.The petrographic diagrams shows evolutive lines, suggestings differentd origins for the main granodiorite, granodiorite the Arroyo Grande, south granite and the hornoblendites.

  1. Malogro da fortuna: política de créditos, hipotecas e Caixas Econômicas na década de 1930

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    Renato Leite Marcondes


    Full Text Available A Grande Depressão da década de 1930 conduziu o governo brasileiro a modificar a legislação sobre o sistema financeiro, como a lei da usura e do reajustamento econômico. Tais mudanças ajudaram a evitar um aprofundamento da Grande Depressão, porém não permitiram a recuperação do crédito. Verificamos as mudanças do crédito por meio do mercado de hipotecas e da participação dos bancos públicos, principalmente as Caixas Econômicas. Essa instituição expandiu significativamente sua atuação, tanto na captação de depósitos como principalmente na concessão de empréstimos. Notamos uma política anticíclica no mercado financeiro, principalmente por meio de instituições públicas, como os empréstimos hipotecários das Caixas.

  2. Masses of particles in the SO(18) grand unified model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asatryan, G.M.


    The grand unified model based on the orthogonal group SO(18) is treated. The model involves four familiar and four mirror families of fermions. Arising of masses of familiar and mirror particles is studied. The mass of the right-handed Wsub(R) boson interacting via right-handed current way is estimated

  3. Induction of labor in grand multiparous women with previous cesarean delivery: how safe is this? (United States)

    Chibber, Rachana; Al-Harmi, Jehad; Foda, Mohamed; Mohammed K, Zeinab; Al-Saleh, Eyad; Mohammed, Asiya Tasneem


    To compare the outcome of induced and spontaneous labor in grand multiparous women with one previous lower segment cesarean section (CS), so that the safety of labor induction could be assessed. In 102 women (study group), labor was induced and the outcome was compared with 280 women (control group) who went into spontaneous labor. All 382 women were grand multiparous and had one previous CS. There were no significant difference in oxytocin augmentation, CS, scar dehiscence, fetal birth weight or apgar scores between groups. There was one neonatal death, two still births, one early neonatal death and one congenital malformation in the study group and this was not significant. There was no significant difference in vaginal birth in the study (80.9%) and the control group (83.8%). In this moderate-sized study, induction of labor may be a safe option in grand multiparous women, if there is no absolute induction for repeating CS.

  4. Measurement and reproduction accuracy of computer-controlled grand pianos (United States)

    Goebl, Werner; Bresin, Roberto


    The recording and reproducing capabilities of a Yamaha Disklavier grand piano and a Bösendorfer SE290 computer-controlled grand piano were tested, with the goal of examining their reliability for performance research. An experimental setup consisting of accelerometers and a calibrated microphone was used to capture key and hammer movements, as well as the acoustic signal. Five selected keys were played by pianists with two types of touch (``staccato'' and ``legato''). Timing and dynamic differences between the original performance, the corresponding MIDI file recorded by the computer-controlled pianos, and its reproduction were analyzed. The two devices performed quite differently with respect to timing and dynamic accuracy. The Disklavier's onset capturing was slightly more precise (+/-10 ms) than its reproduction (-20 to +30 ms); the Bösendorfer performed generally better, but its timing accuracy was slightly less precise for recording (-10 to 3 ms) than for reproduction (+/-2 ms). Both devices exhibited a systematic (linear) error in recording over time. In the dynamic dimension, the Bösendorfer showed higher consistency over the whole dynamic range, while the Disklavier performed well only in a wide middle range. Neither device was able to capture or reproduce different types of touch.

  5. Haze in the Grand Canyon: An evaluation of the Winter Haze Intensive Tracer Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Grand Canyon is one of the most spectacular natural sights on earth. Approximately 4 million visitors travel to Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) each year to enjoy its majestic geological formations and intensely colored views. However, visibility in GCNP can be impaired by small increases in concentrations of fine suspended particles that scatter and absorb light; the resulting visibility degradation is perceived as haze. Sulfate particles are a major factor in visibility impairment at Grand Canyon in summer and winter. Many wintertime hazes at GCNP are believed to result from the accumulation of emissions from local sources during conditions of air stagnation, which occur more frequently in winter than in summer. In January and February 1987, the National Park Service (NPS) carried out a large-scale experiment known as the Winter Haze Intensive Tracer Experiment (WHITEX) to investigate the causes of wintertime haze in the region of GCNP and Canyonlands National Park. The overall objective of WHITEX was to assess the feasibility of attributing visibility impairment in specific geographic regions to emissions from a single point source. The experiment called for the injection of a tracer, deuterated methane (CD{sub 4}), into one of the stacks of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS), a major coal-fired power plant located 25 km from the GCNP boundary and 110 km northeast of Grand Canyon Village. A network of field stations was established in the vicinity -- mostly to the northeast of GCNP and NGS -- to measure CD{sub 4} concentrations, atmospheric aerosol and optical properties, and other chemical and physical attributes. 19 refs., 3 figs.

  6. Ensemble pour apprendre à s'attaquer à de grandes questions de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 janv. 2011 ... Ensemble pour apprendre à s'attaquer à de grandes questions de santé .... pour reprendre l'image de Martin Forde, de l'Université St. George, à la Grenade ... As the world observed International Youth Day (August 12), IDRC ...

  7. Grande Ronde Basin Chinook Salmon Captive Brood and Conventional Supplementation Program, 2000 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmichael, Richard W. (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, La Grande, OR)


    Endangered Species Permit Number 1011 (formerly Permit No. 973) authorizes ODFW to take listed spring chinook salmon juveniles from Catherine Creek (CC), Lostine River (LR) and Grande Ronde River (GR) for research and enhancement purposes. Modification 2 of this permit authorizes ODFW to take adults for spawning and the production and release of smolts for the Captive and Conventional broodstock programs. This report satisfies the requirement that an annual report be submitted. Herein we report on activities conducted and provide cursory data analyses for the Grande Ronde spring chinook salmon Captive and Conventional broodstock projects from 1 January-31 December 2000.

  8. Grande Ronde Basin Chinook Salmon Captive Brood and Conventional Supplementation Programs, 2001 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carmichael, Richard W. (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, La Grande, OR)


    Endangered Species Permit Number 1011 (formerly Permit No. 973) authorizes ODFW to take listed spring chinook salmon juveniles from Catherine Creek (CC), Lostine River (LR) and Grande Ronde River (GR) for research and enhancement purposes. Modification 2 of this permit authorizes ODFW to take adults for spawning and the production and release of smolts for the Captive and Conventional broodstock programs. This report satisfies the requirement that an annual report be submitted. Herein we report on activities conducted and provide cursory data analyses for the Grande Ronde spring chinook salmon Captive and Conventional broodstock projects from 1 January-31 December 2001.

  9. Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Dan Brand Trust Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Hotel Grand Jatra Pekanbaru


    Yufizar, Adithya Fajar; Restuti, Sri; Rahayu, Deny Danar


    This research aimed to analyze Experiential Marketing, Brand Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, research applied on customer Grand Jatra Hotel in Pekanbaru City. The object of this research was Customer Grand Jatra Hotel in Pekanbaru City. This research consists of four variables: the dependent variable, one intervening variable and two independent variables. They are Customer Loyalty(Y2), Customer Satisfaction (Y1), Brand Trust (X2), and Experintial Marketing (X1). This res...

  10. Patient Safety in Drug Therapy and the Influence of the Prescription in Dose Errors Seguridad del paciente en la terapéutica medicamentosa y la influencia de la prescripción médica en los errores de dosis Segurança do paciente na terapêutica medicamentosa e a influência da prescrição médica nos erros de dose

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    Fernanda Raphael Escobar Gimenes


    ineficiencia del tratamiento, comprometiendo así, la calidad de la asistencia prestada a los pacientes hospitalizados.Os objetivos foram analisar a redação da prescrição médica nos erros de doses, ocorridos em unidades de clínica médica de cinco hospitais brasileiros, e identificar as classes farmacológicas envolvidas nesses erros. Este é estudo descritivo que utilizou dados secundários, obtidos de pesquisa multicêntrica, realizada em 2005. A população foi composta por 1425 erros de medicação e a amostra por 215 erros de doses. Desses, 44,2% ocorreram no hospital E. Verificou-se presença de siglas e/ou abreviaturas em 96,3% das prescrições, ausência do registro do paciente em 54,4%, falta de posologia em 18,1% e omissão da data em 0,9%. Com relação ao tipo de medicamento, 16,8% eram broncodilatadores, 16,3% eram analgésicos, 12,1%, anti-hipertensivos e 8,4% eram antimicrobianos. A ausência da posologia nas prescrições pode favorecer a administração de doses erradas, resultando em ineficiência do tratamento, comprometendo a qualidade da assistência prestada aos pacientes hospitalizados.

  11. Implications of potential future grand solar minimum for ozone layer and climate (United States)

    Arsenovic, Pavle; Rozanov, Eugene; Anet, Julien; Stenke, Andrea; Schmutz, Werner; Peter, Thomas


    Continued anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to cause further global warming throughout the 21st century. Understanding the role of natural forcings and their influence on global warming is thus of great interest. Here we investigate the impact of a recently proposed 21st century grand solar minimum on atmospheric chemistry and climate using the SOCOL3-MPIOM chemistry-climate model with an interactive ocean element. We examine five model simulations for the period 2000-2199, following the greenhouse gas concentration scenario RCP4.5 and a range of different solar forcings. The reference simulation is forced by perpetual repetition of solar cycle 23 until the year 2199. This reference is compared with grand solar minimum simulations, assuming a strong decline in solar activity of 3.5 and 6.5 W m-2, respectively, that last either until 2199 or recover in the 22nd century. Decreased solar activity by 6.5 W m-2 is found to yield up to a doubling of the GHG-induced stratospheric and mesospheric cooling. Under the grand solar minimum scenario, tropospheric temperatures are also projected to decrease compared to the reference. On the global scale a reduced solar forcing compensates for at most 15 % of the expected greenhouse warming at the end of the 21st and around 25 % at the end of the 22nd century. The regional effects are predicted to be significant, in particular in northern high-latitude winter. In the stratosphere, the reduction of around 15 % of incoming ultraviolet radiation leads to a decrease in ozone production by up to 8 %, which overcompensates for the anticipated ozone increase due to reduced stratospheric temperatures and an acceleration of the Brewer-Dobson circulation. This, in turn, leads to a delay in total ozone column recovery from anthropogenic halogen-induced depletion, with a global ozone recovery to the pre-ozone hole values happening only upon completion of the grand solar minimum.

  12. Espécies do gênero Munida Leach (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae coletadas entre Torres (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil e Maldonado (Uruguai pelo Programa Rio Grande do Sul (PRS I-II, GEDIP Species of the genus Munida Leach (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae collected between Torres (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Maldonado (Uruguay, by the Project Rio Grande do Sul (PRS I-II, GEDIP

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    Gustavo A.S. de Melo-Filho


    Full Text Available The project PRS-GEDIP was carried out in the Rio Grande do Sul coast, with some few stations off Maldonado (Uruguay, by means of a convention between Instituto Oceanográfico USP (IOUSP and the Grupo Executivo do Desenvolvimento da Indústria da Pesca (GEDIP of Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this project was the acquisition of data in order to have a better biotic and abiotic characterization of the southern Brazilian coast. Among the Galatheidae, about 1200 specimens of the genus Munida Leach, 1820 were collected, including five species as follows: Munida flinti Benedict, 1902; M. forceps A. Milne Edwards, 1880; M. iris A. Milne Edwards, 1880; M. irrasa A. Milne Edwards. 1880 and M. longipes A. Milne Edwards, 1880. The description, material examined, remarks and maps of the stations where each species was collected are done.

  13. Spatial updating grand canonical Monte Carlo algorithms for fluid simulation: generalization to continuous potentials and parallel implementation. (United States)

    O'Keeffe, C J; Ren, Ruichao; Orkoulas, G


    Spatial updating grand canonical Monte Carlo algorithms are generalizations of random and sequential updating algorithms for lattice systems to continuum fluid models. The elementary steps, insertions or removals, are constructed by generating points in space either at random (random updating) or in a prescribed order (sequential updating). These algorithms have previously been developed only for systems of impenetrable spheres for which no particle overlap occurs. In this work, spatial updating grand canonical algorithms are generalized to continuous, soft-core potentials to account for overlapping configurations. Results on two- and three-dimensional Lennard-Jones fluids indicate that spatial updating grand canonical algorithms, both random and sequential, converge faster than standard grand canonical algorithms. Spatial algorithms based on sequential updating not only exhibit the fastest convergence but also are ideal for parallel implementation due to the absence of strict detailed balance and the nature of the updating that minimizes interprocessor communication. Parallel simulation results for three-dimensional Lennard-Jones fluids show a substantial reduction of simulation time for systems of moderate and large size. The efficiency improvement by parallel processing through domain decomposition is always in addition to the efficiency improvement by sequential updating.

  14. Enabling grand-canonical Monte Carlo: extending the flexibility of GROMACS through the GromPy python interface module. (United States)

    Pool, René; Heringa, Jaap; Hoefling, Martin; Schulz, Roland; Smith, Jeremy C; Feenstra, K Anton


    We report on a python interface to the GROMACS molecular simulation package, GromPy (available at This application programming interface (API) uses the ctypes python module that allows function calls to shared libraries, for example, written in C. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported interface to the GROMACS library that uses direct library calls. GromPy can be used for extending the current GROMACS simulation and analysis modes. In this work, we demonstrate that the interface enables hybrid Monte-Carlo/molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in the grand-canonical ensemble, a simulation mode that is currently not implemented in GROMACS. For this application, the interplay between GromPy and GROMACS requires only minor modifications of the GROMACS source code, not affecting the operation, efficiency, and performance of the GROMACS applications. We validate the grand-canonical application against MD in the canonical ensemble by comparison of equations of state. The results of the grand-canonical simulations are in complete agreement with MD in the canonical ensemble. The python overhead of the grand-canonical scheme is only minimal. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Os Testudines continentais do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: taxonomia, história natural e conservação

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    Clóvis S. Bujes


    Full Text Available O Rio Grande do Sul é o estado mais meridional do Brasil, apresentando fauna e flora peculiares associadas às características morfoclimáticas da região. A diversidade de Testudines do Rio Grande do Sul é representada por seis espécies continentais e cinco marinhas. Este estudo apresenta comentários sobre a diversidade de quelônios continentais do Rio Grande do Sul, através de uma compilação de dados publicados e alguns inéditos sobre sua biologia e estado de conservação.

  16. Wintertime Boundary Layer Structure in the Grand Canyon. (United States)

    Whiteman, C. David; Zhong, Shiyuan; Bian, Xindi


    Wintertime temperature profiles in the Grand Canyon exhibit a neutral to isothermal stratification during both daytime and nighttime, with only rare instances of actual temperature inversions. The canyon warms during daytime and cools during nighttime more or less uniformly through the canyon's entire depth. This weak stability and temperature structure evolution differ from other Rocky Mountain valleys, which develop strong nocturnal inversions and exhibit convective and stable boundary layers that grow upward from the valley floor. Mechanisms that may be responsible for the different behavior of the Grand Canyon are discussed, including the possibility that the canyon atmosphere is frequently mixed to near-neutral stratification when cold air drains into the top of the canyon from the nearby snow-covered Kaibab Plateau. Another feature of canyon temperature profiles is the sharp inversions that often form near the canyon rims. These are generally produced when warm air is advected over the canyon in advance of passing synoptic-scale ridges.Wintertime winds in the main canyon are not classical diurnal along-valley wind systems. Rather, they are driven along the canyon axis by the horizontal synoptic-scale pressure gradient that is superimposed along the canyon's axis by passing synoptic-scale weather disturbances. They may thus bring winds into the canyon from either end at any time of day.The implications of the observed canyon boundary layer structure for air pollution dispersion are discussed.

  17. Purchase policies to fresh fruit and vegetables in supermarkets in Campo Grande, Brazil Formas de compra e procedência de hortaliças na rede de supermercados em Campo Grande (MS

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    Dario de O Lima-Filho


    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze purchase policies to fruits and vegetables in supermarkets in Campo Grande, Brazilian Midwest. Thirteen interviews were conducted with representatives from supermarkets, small, medium and large, responsible for purchasing fresh vegetables. By analyzing the responses obtained through interviews, we can observe that producers make almost the entire supply of fruits and vegetables in large supermarkets from other states, and the small and medium establishments usually buy more with the local producer. For retailers, the fruits and vegetables represent an important factor to create internal circulation of customers in stores and a factor of attraction of clients too, in addition, this products offer high profitability. For the supermarket, the fruits and vegetables locally produced are fresher and have lower comparative cost. However, supply regularity, the volume and variety offered by local producers are considered unsatisfactory.O presente estudo objetiva analisar as formas de compra dos supermercados para o abastecimento de hortaliças em Campo Grande. Foram realizadas treze entrevistas com representantes de supermercados de pequeno, médio e grande porte, responsáveis pelas compras destes produtos. Os resultados revelam que praticamente todo o fornecimento de hortaliças nos grandes supermercados é feito por produtores de outros estados, sendo que os estabelecimentos de pequeno e médio porte ainda conseguem abastecer-se satisfatoriamente com os produtores locais. Para os varejistas, o setor de hortaliças representa importante espaço de geração de tráfego interno de clientes nas lojas, sendo um fator de atração. Pode-se verificar, ainda, que as hortaliças produzidas localmente atendem ao requisito "frescor" e também possuem menor custo comparativo, porém, a regularidade no fornecimento, o volume e a variedade oferecida pelos produtores locais são considerados insatisfatórios.

  18. Ocorrência do ácaro vermelho europeu Panonychus ulmi (Koch (Tetranychidae associado à cultura da videira no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil European red spider mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch (Tetranychidae occurrence of vineyards in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Noeli Juarez Ferla


    Full Text Available Neste artigo é descrita ocorrência e o dano causado pelo ácaro vermelho europeu Panonychus ulmi (Koch associado à cultura da videira. As coletas foram realizadas na safra 2005-2006 em Vitis vinifera L. da cultivar Merlot, nos municípios de Bento Gonçalves e Candiota, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As folhas infestadas apresentaram bronzeamento, com manchas avermelhadas na face adaxial, resultando na queda prematura das mesmas. Esse é o primeiro registro do ácaro vermelho europeu danificando a cultura da videira no Rio Grande do Sul.The occurrence and the damage caused for the European red spider mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch associated to the culture of the grapevine are described. The collections had been carried through in 2005-2006 seasons in Vitis vinifera L. of cultivating Merlot in Bento Gonçalves and Candiota counties, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The infested leaves had presented bronzing, with spots redly in the adaxial face resulting in the premature fall. This is the first register of the European red mite damaging the culture of the grapevine in Rio Grande do Sul.

  19. UMTRA project water sampling and analysis plan, Grand Junction, Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Surface remedial action will be completed at the Grand Junction processing site during the summer of 1994. Results of 1993 water sampling indicate that ground water flow conditions and ground water quality at the processing site have remained relatively constant with time. Uranium concentrations in ground water continue to exceed the maximum concentration limits, providing the best indication of the extent of contaminated ground water. Evaluation of surface water quality of the Colorado River indicate no impact from uranium processing activities. No compliance monitoring at the Cheney disposal site has been proposed because ground water in the Dakota Sandstone (uppermost aquifer) is classified as limited-use (Class 111) and because the disposal cell is hydrogeologically isolated from the uppermost aquifer. The following water sampling and water level monitoring activities are planned for calendar year 1994: (i) Semiannual (early summer and late fall) sampling of six existing monitor wells at the former Grand Junction processing site. Analytical results from this sampling will be used to continue characterizing hydrogeochemical trends in background ground water quality and in the contaminated ground water area resulting from source term (tailings) removal. (ii) Water level monitoring of approximately three proposed monitor wells projected to be installed in the alluvium at the processing site in September 1994. Data loggers will be installed in these wells, and water levels will be electronically monitored six times a day. These long-term, continuous ground water level data will be collected to better understand the relationship between surface and ground water at the site. Water level and water quality data eventually will be used in future ground water modeling to establish boundary conditions in the vicinity of the Grand Junction processing site. Modeling results will be used to help demonstrate and document the potential remedial alternative of natural flushing

  20. Pautas de localización de las sedes de las grandes empresas y entornos metropolitanos

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    Joan-Eugeni Sánchez


    Full Text Available La localización de las sedes de las grandes empresas {headquarter es un tema de interés socioterritorial por cuanto implica relaciones de poder y dependencia entre territorios, con tendencia progresiva a la mundialización. El objetivo principal es detectar algunos de los factores socioterritoriales que intervienen en su localización, sobre la hipótesis de la importancia que tienen los entornos metropolitanos y de capitalidad. El análisis empírico se plantea al nivel de los centros de decisión de las grandes empresas y al nivel de los centros de decisión subsidiaria en naciones secundarias (España. Así la escala mundial de las grandes empresas multinacionales se contrastará con lo que ocurre dentro de un territorio secundario en las lógicas de distribución de las sedes primarias y subsidiarias. Se toma como base las 500 grandes empresas mundiales (Fortune, 2005 y las 1000 mayores empresas en España para los territorios secundarios. La conclusión es que la concentración territorial de poder político, poder económico y vinculación internacional -por este orden de importancia-, son los tres factores fundamentales que explican las decisiones de localización tanto de sedes centrales como subsidiarias, condiciones que de forma casi exclusiva se dan en las áreas metropolitanas, y con especial significación en las capitales de Estado

  1. Kohtunikud asusid end Korbi süüasja arutamiselt taandama / Erik Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalda, Erik, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 14. märts lk. 1. Ida-Viru maakohtu kohtunik Loretta Pikma taandas end Kohtla-Järve linnapea Valeri Korbi ja linnasekretär Ene Erro kriminaalasja arutamisest. Vt. samas: Korbi-Erro kohtusaaga

  2. Site observational work plan for the UMTRA project site at Grand Junction, Colorado

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This site observational work plan (SOWP) is one of the first Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Ground Water Project documents developed to select a compliance strategy that meets the UMTRA ground water standards for the Grand Junction site. This SOWP applies information about the Grand Junction site to the compliance strategy selection framework developed in the UMTRA Ground Water Project draft programmatic environmental impact statement. This risk-based, decision-making framework identifies the decision logic for selecting compliance strategies that could be used to meet the ground water standards. The US Department of Energy (DOE) goal is to implement a cost-effective site strategy that complies with the ground water standards and protects human health and the environment. Based on an evaluation of the site characterization and risk assessment data available for the preparation of this SOWP, DOE proposes that the most likely compliance strategy for the Grand Junction site is no remediation with the application of supplemental standards. This proposed strategy is based on a conceptual site model that indicates site-related contamination is confined to a limited-use aquifer as defined in the ground water standards. The conceptual model demonstrates that the uranium processing-related contamination at the site has affected the unconfined alluvial aquifer, but not the deeper confined aquifer

  3. La réfrigération des grandes machines supraconductrices (United States)

    Gistau, Guy


    The large scale superconducting devices which are now in operation for deviation of heavy particles, acceleration of light particles or plasma confinement need very large powers of refrigeration. After a short survewing of the different functions of refrigerators and the special requirements for large units, the paper describes some existing or envisaged cooling systems which have an equivalent cooling power in the range of 5 kW at 4.5 K. Les grands appareils de physique utilisant les supraconducteurs demandent des puissances cryogéniques de plus en plus importantes. Après un examen des fonctions élémentaires assurées par un réfrigérateur liées au cahier des charges spécifique à chaque utilisation, les spécificités des grosses unités de réfrigération (fiabilité, efficacité, flexibilité, automatisme) sont mises en évidence. Les solutions proposées dans plusieurs grands projets nécessitant des puissances froides supérieures à 5 kW à 4,5 K sont discutées.

  4. Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Program, 2008 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffnagle, Timothy L.; Hair, Donald; Gee, Sally


    The Grande Ronde Basin Spring Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Program is designed to rapidly increase numbers of Chinook salmon in stocks that are in imminent danger of extirpation in Catherine Creek (CC), Lostine River (LR) and upper Grande Ronde River (GR). Natural parr are captured and reared to adulthood in captivity, spawned (within stocks) and their progeny reared to smoltification before being released into the natal stream of their parents. This program is co-managed by ODFW, National Marine Fisheries Service, Nez Perce Tribe and Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Presmolt rearing was initially conducted at Lookingglass Fish Hatchery (LFH) but parr collected in 2003 and later were reared at Wallowa Fish Hatchery (WFH). Post-smolt rearing is conducted at Bonneville Fish Hatchery (BOH - freshwater) and at Manchester Research Station (MRS - saltwater). The CC and LR programs are being terminated, as these populations have achieved the goal of a consistent return of 150 naturally spawning adults, so the 2005 brood year was the last brood year collected for theses populations. The Grande Ronde River program continued with 300 fish collected each year. Currently, we are attempting to collect 150 natural parr and incorporate 150 parr collected as eggs from females with low ELISA levels from the upper Grande Ronde River Conventional Hatchery Program. This is part of a comparison of two methods of obtaining fish for a captive broodstock program: natural fish vs. those spawned in captivity. In August 2007, we collected 152 parr (BY 2006) from the upper Grande Ronde River and also have 155 Grande Ronde River parr (BY 2006) that were hatched from eyed eggs at LFH. During 2008, we were unable to collect natural parr from the upper Grande Ronde River. Therefore, we obtained 300 fish from low ELISA females from the upper Grande Ronde River Conventional Program. In October 2008 we obtained 170 eyed eggs from the upper Grande Ronde river Conventional

  5. Proceedings of the fourth workshop on grand unification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weldon, H.A.; Langacker, P.; Steinhardt, P.J.


    This book compiles the papers presented at the fourth conference of grand unified theories of nuclear physics held in University of Pennsylvania April 1983. The topics covered were proton decay theory; angular distribution and flux of atmospheric neutrinos; atmospheric neutrinos and astrophysical neutrinos in proton decay experiments; review of future nucleon decay experiments; monopole experiments; searches for magnetic monopole; monopoles, gauge, fields and anomalies; darkmatter, galaxies and voids; adiabatic fluctuations; supersymmetry, supergravity, and Kaluza-Klein theories; superstring theory and superunification.

  6. El poder de las grandes empresas petroleras: 19001950


    Jesús Mora Contreras


    Entre 1900 y 1950 las grandes corporaciones petroleras internacionales lograron imponer a los propietarios del recurso natural en el Medio Oriente y en Venezuela las normas y procedimientos que regulaban contractual y legalmente las actividades de exploración y explotación de petróleo. Lograron además crear un cartel interna-cional de empresas productoras para dividirse el mercado entre ellas e imponer a los consumidores un sistema de fijación del precio mundial del crudo.

  7. Leucemia de grandes linfócitos granulares


    Terra,Bruno; Maia,Amanda M.


    O presente estudo tem como objetivo o estabelecimento de fundamentação teórica atualizada baseada em revisão bibliográfica sobre a leucemia de grandes linfócitos granulares (LGLG), doença onco-hematológica, que, devido à sua relativa raridade, é pouco conhecida e subdiagnosticada. A LGLG é caracterizada pela proliferação clonal de linfócitos T ou NK na medula óssea e/ou no sangue periférico. Dentre as manifestações clínico-laboratoriais, podem ocorrer citopenias (anemia e/ou neutropenia e/ou ...

  8. Los milagros de la Mamá Grande


    Palomares Güells, Laura


    Análisis de la figura mítica de Carmen Balcells desde el arquetipo de "la Mamá Grande" con el que se la ha identificado en numerosas ocasiones, para observar la relevancia de Balcells en la memoria editorial colectiva del boom latinoamericano. Anàlisi de la figura mítica de Carmen Balcells des de l'arquetip de la "Mamà Gran" amb el que se l'ha identificat en nombroses ocasions per a observar la rellevància de Balcells en la memòria editorial col·lectiva del boom llatinoamericà.

  9. Development of a Multi-functional Soft Robot (SNUMAX and Performance in RoboSoft Grand Challenge

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    Jun-Young Lee


    Full Text Available This paper introduces SNUMAX, the grand winner of the RoboSoft Grand Challenge. SNUMAX was built to complete all the tasks of the challenge. Completing these tasks required robotic compliant components that could adapt to variable situations and environments and generate enough stiffness to maintain performance. SNUMAX has three key components: transformable origami wheels, a polymer-based variable stiffness manipulator, and an adaptive caging gripper. This paper describes the design of these components and how they worked together to allow the robot to perform the contest’s navigation and manipulation tasks.

  10. Tornado damage at the Grand Gulf, Mississippi nuclear power plant site: aerial and ground surveys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujita, T.T.; McDonald, J.R.


    A tornado struck the Grand Gulf nuclear power generating station, Port Gibson, Mississippi, about 11:30 p.m. on April 17, 1978. Storm damage investigators from the University of Chicago and Texas Tech University were dispatched to survey the damage. The meteorological situation that spawned the Grand Gulf tornado and seven others in the area is discussed. Aerial surveys of the entire damage path and detailed surveys of the plant site are presented. An engineering evaluation of the damage is also presented based primarily on information gained from detailed ground surveys

  11. Diagnóstico da floricultura no Rio Grande do Sul Diagnosis of floriculture in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Atelene Normann Kämpf


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o segmento da produção de flores e plantas ornamentais no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, por meio de um levantamento a campo. O estudo faz parte de um projeto global, apoiado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Floricultura (IBRAFLOR e pelo Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento (MAARA, através do Departamento Nacional de Cooperativismo (DENACOOP. Com base nos formulários preenchidos nas propriedades, foi elaborado um cadastro dos floricultores, com seus endereços e produções. A floricultura gaúcha conta com 257 produtores, que cultivam o total de 304ha em 65 municípios; 30% dessa área é ocupada com flores de corte, 33% com mudas para jardim, 29% com outros produtos da floricultura e 8% com plantas envasadas. O sistema de cultivo predominante é a céu aberto (89%, com baixos investimentos tecnológicos.A survey was conducted to quantify flower and ornamental plant production in the State of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The Brazilian Floriculture Institute (IBRAFLOR and the Agriculture Ministry (MAARA - DENACOOP granted this research. Based on an inventory formulary a catalog including the nurseries, addresses and main crops was elaborated. There are 257 growers in this State with an area of 304ha distributed among 65 counties; 30% of this area are cultivated with cut flowers, 33% with annuals and perennials for garden, 29% with other floriculture products and 8% with potted plants. The main system of cultivation is not protected with low technological investments.


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    Aluisio Paredes Moreira Junior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conhecer as percepções de estudantes e profissionais de saúde sobre erro médico. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, realizado com 92 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos no Campus 1 da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, em João Pessoa. Para coleta utilizou-se um questionário semiestruturado composto por duas partes contemplando o teste de Associação Livre de Palavras com o termo indutor «erro médico». Os dados coletados foram analisados com o auxilio do software Alceste que apontou seis classes. RESULTADOS: Os sujeitos percebem o erro médico a partir do reconhecimento da «impunidade» e associam ao erro médico, «incompetência», «desatenção», «desinteresse» e «despreparo» dos médicos para o exercício da sua profissão. CONCLUSÃO: Tanto estudantes quanto profissionais atribuem Ao erro médico à formação profissional somada a falta de estrutura dos serviços oferecidos e a prepotência dos médicos.

  13. Megatrends and grand challenges of cybercrime and cyberterrorism policy and research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koops, Bert Jaap; Akhgar, Babak; Brewster, Ben


    What are grand challenges of cybercrime and cyberterrorism policy and research for the coming one or two decades? To answer this question, we first need to grasp some major trends that influence the future of cybercrime and cyberterrorism, and the combatting thereof, in fundamental ways. This

  14. Grand slam on cancer. (United States)

    Gartrell, Nanette


    A winner of 59 Grand Slam championships including a record 9 Wimbledon singles titles, Martina Navratilova is the most successful woman tennis player of the modern era. Martina was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame, named "Tour Player of the Year" seven times by the Women's Tennis Association, declared "Female Athlete of the Year" by the Associated Press, and ranked one of the "Top Forty Athletes of All-Time" by Sports Illustrated. Equally accomplished off the court, Martina is an author, philanthropist, TV commentator, and activist who has dedicated her life to educating people about prejudice and stereotypes. After coming out as a lesbian in 1981, Martina became a tireless advocate of equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, and she has contributed generously to the LGBT community. Martina is the author of seven books, including most recently Shape Your Self: My 6-Step Diet and Fitness Plan to Achieve the Best Shape of your Life, an inspiring guide to healthy living and personal fitness. Martina was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010.

  15. Yuntaishan Global Geopark VS Grand Canyon World Heritage Site A Contrast of Yuntai/Grand Canyon Physiognomy (United States)

    Ting, Zhao; Xun, Zhao


    Yuntai/Grand Canyon is a result of long-term historical evolution and a rare natural heritage of the world. With its rich heritages of geological physiognomy, systematic geological record, abundant biological fossil combination, long history of structural evolution, they are of contrastive research values worldwide. The Grand Canyon was declared national natural heritage on eleventh January, and in 1979 it was entitled World Natural Heritage Site. Though the two major sites are separated by tremendous seas, they reached agreements in the protection of natural heritages worldwide on account of the shared ideas of society, demonstrating to our children how can we protect the two scenery sites. Keyword:Geopark, Geoheritage, Yuntai Landform, GrandCanyon Mt. Taihang rises from the central part of north China and extends to the west edge of North China Plain. Towering, and with ragged peaks, precarious cliffs, long strips of walls, deep valleys and shaded streams, Mt. Taihang poses impressive sights with its clear water, dense forest and wonderful sceneries. It is indeed the east slope of Qin-Jin Plateau. Indeed things tend to coincide. On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, along the west edge of north America and on the wide and spacious Colorado Plateau, there is a winding and deep valley where there are layers of rocks, extensive sharp cliffs, intercrossing ravines and forests of peaks; it is totally impressive. Both sceneries are known to the world for their beauty. Identical geological conditions and similar history of evolution left two natural sights that resemble each other so much. Geological changes are infinite, and sedimentation works in similar ways on both sights; and the changing ecological environment gives the world two colorful and comparable geological records. Both sights are merely brief periods in the long history of earth development, but they show us how cradles of human proliferation and social civilization had looked. 1,Comparison of two parks


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    Ni Nyoman Triyuni1


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi customer relationship marketing pada Grand Mirage Resort and Thalasso Bali. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis deskritif kualitatif yang dilakukan melalui pengkategorian. Data disajikan berdasarkan kategori lalu dilaksanakan komparasi data, kemudian penarikan simpulan. Bedasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi customer relationship marketing pada Grand Mirage Resort and Thalasso Bali yaitu menggunakan tiga konsep customer relationship marketing yang terdiri dari attraction, retention, dan enhancement. Attraction merupakan daya tarik andalan yang berupa program-program seperti All Inclusive dan Guest Daily Activities, selain itu penampilan karyawan yang menerapkan pelayanan prima melalui self friendliness, attitude dan attention. Retention merupakan sikap perusahaan untuk menjalankan hubungan dengan pelanggan yang bernilai guna, adapun program yang diterapkan adalah loyalty program repeater guest. Enhancement merupakan kemitraan yang dijalin untuk memperoleh posisi berkelanjutan di pasar dengan menjaga komunikasi dengan tamu, adanya kedekatan dengan para tamu, menumbuhkan hubungan jangka panjang serta dapat menanggulangi keluhan dari tamu.


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    Asep Rijwan


      Abstrak - Masalah yang di teliti adalah bagaimana pendelegasian tugas kepadatraineedi main kitchen, bagaimana standar operasional prosedur pendelegasian tugas kepada trainee di main kitchen, serta bagaimana kesempatan dan peluang dari pendelegasian tugas kepada trainee di main kitchen.  Dalam hal pengolahan data, penulis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, yaitu metode yang berusaha mengumpulkan data dan sesuai dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya, menyajikan serta menganalisanya sehigga dapat memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas atas objek yang diteliti dan kemudian di ambil kesimpulannya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendelegasian tugas kepada trainee di Main Kitchen Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel sudah dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dengan di selesaikannya delegasi tugas dengan baik pula oleh trainee. Standar operasional prosedur pendelegasian kepada trainee di Main Kitchen Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel sudah baik, hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa trainee dapat melaksanakan kegiatan- kegiatan yang ada di main kitchen dengan baik pula. Peluang dari pendelegasian tugas kepada trainee di Main Kitchen Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel menjadikan trainee lebih percaya diri, memiliki pengalaman baru dalam mengolah makanan, lebih meningkatnya skill trainee, dan memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih dari sebelumnya, dan staff pun tidak akan mendapat terlalu banyak beban pekerjaan, karena sebagian dapat dikerjakan oleh trainee dengan baik. Berdasarkan dari hasil observasi dan pembahasan tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa apabila standar operasional prosedur pendelegasian kepada Trainee dijalankan dengan baik, maka selain berdampak baik kepada trainee akan berdampak baik pula kepada staff atau hotel itu sendiri.

  18. National Uranium Resource Evaluation. Bibliographic index of Grand Junction office uranium reports

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, J.B.


    In October 1978, Mesa College entered into subcontract with Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (BFEC) to prepare a bibliographic index of the uranium raw materials reports issued by the Grand Junction Office of the US Department of Energy (DOE). Bendix, prime contractor to the Grand Junction Office, operates the Technical Library at the DOE facility. Since the early 1950s, approximately 2700 reports have been issued by the Grand Junction Office. These reports were the results of uranium investigations conducted by federal agencies and their subcontractors. The majority of the reports cover geology, mineralogy, and metallurgy of uranium and/or thorium. No single, complete list of these reports existed. The purpose of this subcontract was to compile a comprehensive index to these reports. The Mesa College geology faculty worked with the BFEC and DOE staffs to develop the format for the index. Undergraduate geology students from Mesa compiled a master record sheet for each report. All reports issued up to January 1, 1979 were included in the bibliography. The bibliography is in preliminary, unedited form. It is being open-filed at this time, on microfiche, to make the information available to the public on a timely basis. The bibliography is divided into a master record list arranged in alpha-numeric order by report identification number, with separate indices arranged by title, author, state and county, 1/sup 0/ x 2/sup 0/ NTMS quadrangle, key words, and exploration area.

  19. National Uranium Resource Evaluation. Bibliographic index of Grand Junction office uranium reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, J.B.


    In October 1978, Mesa College entered into subcontract with Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (BFEC) to prepare a bibliographic index of the uranium raw materials reports issued by the Grand Junction Office of the US Department of Energy (DOE). Bendix, prime contractor to the Grand Junction Office, operates the Technical Library at the DOE facility. Since the early 1950s, approximately 2700 reports have been issued by the Grand Junction Office. These reports were the results of uranium investigations conducted by federal agencies and their subcontractors. The majority of the reports cover geology, mineralogy, and metallurgy of uranium and/or thorium. No single, complete list of these reports existed. The purpose of this subcontract was to compile a comprehensive index to these reports. The Mesa College geology faculty worked with the BFEC and DOE staffs to develop the format for the index. Undergraduate geology students from Mesa compiled a master record sheet for each report. All reports issued up to January 1, 1979 were included in the bibliography. The bibliography is in preliminary, unedited form. It is being open-filed at this time, on microfiche, to make the information available to the public on a timely basis. The bibliography is divided into a master record list arranged in alpha-numeric order by report identification number, with separate indices arranged by title, author, state and county, 1 0 x 2 0 NTMS quadrangle, key words, and exploration area

  20. Trilha ecológica do Cavalo-Marinho: Ecoturismo em Barra Grande/PI

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    Andrea Geisa Pereira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Na comunidade Barra Grande, localidade do município de Cajueiro da Praia - PI existe uma trilha ecológica muito bem planejada pelos moradores locais da própria comunidade: A Trilha do Cavalo - Marinho. Essa trilha consiste em um passeio ecológico, onde se trabalham comutantemente o turismo, a sustentabilidade e a educação ambiental.  A área de estudo - a localidade Barra Grande - pertence à Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA do Delta do Parnaíba (APA do Delta do Parnaíba, que visa proteger os ecossistemas costeiros, localizados nos estados do Maranhão, Piauí e Ceará. A referente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo inter-relacionar o termo ecoturismo, educação ambiental, sustentabilidade, e a trilha do cavalo marinho, realizado na pequena localidade do Piauí, Barra Grande. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho em estudo foi pesquisa bibliográfica: constituída de um conjunto de obras escritas referente ao turismo, desenvolvimento sustentável, desenvolvimento local sustentável, meio ambiente e educação ambiental e pesquisa de campo não participativa: realizada para obtenção das informações sobre a situação da área de estudo e analisar os aspectos trabalhados pelos moradores tanto na questão de educação ambiental como da sustentabilidade.

  1. Grande Ronde Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Project : 2000 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGowan, Vance R.; Powell, Russ M.; Stennfeld, Scott P.


    On July 1, 1984 the Bonneville Power Administration and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife entered into an agreement to initiate fish habitat enhancement work in the Joseph Creek subbasin of the Grande Ronde River Basin in northeast Oregon. In July of 1985 the Upper and Middle Grande Ronde River, and Catherine Creek subbasins were included in the intergovernmental contract, and on March 1, 1996 the Wallowa River subbasin was added. The primary goal of ''The Grande Ronde Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement Project'' is to access, create, improve, protect, and restore riparian and instream habitat for anadromous salmonids, thereby maximizing opportunities for natural fish production within the basin. This project provided for implementation of Program Measure 703 (C)(1), Action Item 4.2 of the Northwest Power Planning Council's Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (NPPC, 1987), and continues to be implemented as offsite mitigation for mainstem fishery losses caused by the Columbia River hydro-electric system. All work conducted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is on private lands and therefore requires that considerable time be spent developing rapport with landowners to gain acceptance of, and continued cooperation with this program throughout 10-15 year lease periods. This project calls for passive regeneration of habitat, using riparian enclosure fencing as the primary method to restore degraded streams to a normative condition. Active remediation techniques using plantings, off-site water developments, site-specific instream structures, or whole channel alterations are also utilized where applicable. Individual projects contribute to and complement ecosystem and basin-wide watershed restoration efforts that are underway by state, federal, and tribal agencies, and local watershed councils. Work undertaken during 2000 included: (1) Implementing 2 new projects in the Grande Ronde drainage, and retrofitting one old

  2. Os grandes projetos urbanos como estratégia de crescimento econômico

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    Alberto de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os grandes projetos urbanos são apresentados como estratégias de desenvolvimento econômico e social. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar as experiências de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro para mostrar os limites, os custos e as potencialidades dessas estratégias. A investigação mostrou que os resultados obtidos não alcançaram os objetivos desejados pelos defensores dos grandes projetos. As populações socialmente vulneráveis atingidas pelos projetos tiveram perdas. Essas experiências serviram para apontar elementos cruciais que devem ser analisados em projetos importantes em curso no Brasil, especialmente a Copa do Mundo e os Jogos Olímpicos.

  3. Probing the design of grand unification through conservation laws

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pati, J.C.


    The purpose of this talk is to note a few special consequences of gauging ''maximal'' quark-lepton symmetries such as SO(16), which is the maximal symmetry for a single family of fermions. Within these symmetries, violations for B, L and F are spontaneous rather than explicit. Furthermore these symmetries as a rule permit intermediate mass scales approx.(10 3 -10 6 GeV) and (10 8 -10 11 GeV) filling the so-called grand plateau between 10 2 and 10 15 GeV. It has been shown in earlier papers that within these symmetries proton may decay via four alternative models: i.e. proton→one or three leptons or antileptons plus mesons; some of which can coexist. It is now observed that even n-n-bar oscillations can coexist with (B-L) conserving proton-decays of the type p→e + π 0 etc. without posing any conflict with the cosmological generation of baryon-excess; both these processes can possess measurable strengths so as to be amenable to forthcoming searches. Search for alternative decay modes of proton and n-n-bar oscillations, even as processes in second and third generation experiments, would provide valuable information on the question of intermediate mass-scales and thereby on the design of grand unification

  4. Grand Challenges and Chemical Engineering Curriculum--Developments at TU Dortmund University (United States)

    Kockmann, Norbert; Lutze, Philip; Gorak, Andrzej


    Chemical processing industry is progressively focusing their research activities and product placements in the areas of Grand Challenges (or Global Megatrends) such as mobility, energy, communication, or health care and food. Innovation in all these fields requires solving high complex problems, rapid product development as well as dealing with…

  5. Grand challenge problems in environmental modeling and remediation: groundwater contaminant transport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Todd Arbogast; Steve Bryant; Clint N. Dawson; Mary F. Wheeler


    This report describes briefly the work of the Center for Subsurface Modeling (CSM) of the University of Texas at Austin (and Rice University prior to September 1995) on the Partnership in Computational Sciences Consortium (PICS) project entitled Grand Challenge Problems in Environmental Modeling and Remediation: Groundwater Contaminant Transport.

  6. Geology of Santa Rita Coal Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Correa da Silva, Z.C.; Bortoluzzi, C.A.; Cazzulo-Klepzig, M.; Dias-Fabricio, M.E.; Guerra-Sommer, M.; Marques-Toigo, M.; Paim, P.S.G.; Piccoli, A.E.M.; Silva Filho, B.C.


    Data on the sedimentology, stratigraphy, palynology, coal petrography and geochemistry of the Santa Rita Coal Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. The investigations were carried out on samples obtained from drill cores of the sedimentary rocks of Tubarao Supergroup, Lower Permian of Parana Basin. (25 refs.)

  7. Classification of three-family grand unification in string theory. II. The SU(5) and SU(6) models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakushadze, Z.; Tye, S.H.


    Requiring that supersymmetric SU(5) and SU(6) grand unifications in the heterotic string theory must have three chiral families, adjoint (or higher representation) Higgs fields in the grand unified gauge group, and a non-Abelian hidden sector, we construct such string models within the framework of free conformal field theory and asymmetric orbifolds. Within this framework, we construct all such string models via Z 6 asymmetric orbifolds that include a Z 3 outerautomorphism, the latter yielding a level-three current algebra for the grand unification gauge group SU(5) or SU(6). We then classify all such Z 6 asymmetric orbifolds that result in models with a non-Abelian hidden sector. All models classified in this paper have only one adjoint (but no other higher representation) Higgs field in the grand unified gauge group. This Higgs field is neutral under all other gauge symmetries. The list of hidden sectors for three-family SU(6) string models are SU(2), SU(3), and SU(2)circle-times SU(2). In addition to these, three-family SU(5) string models can also have an SU(4) hidden sector. Some of the models have an apparent anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  8. Human migration, railways and the geographic distribution of leprosy in Rio Grande do Norte State – Brazil (United States)

    Nobre, Mauricio Lisboa; Dupnik, Kathryn Margaret; Nobre, Paulo José Lisboa; De Souza, Márcia Célia Freitas; Dűppre, Nádia Cristina; Sarno, Euzenir Nunes; Jerŏnimo, Selma Maria Bezerra


    Summary Introduction Leprosy is a public health problem in Brazil where 31,044 new cases were detected in 2013. Rio Grande do Norte is a small Brazilian state with a rate of leprosy lower than other areas in the same region, for unknown reasons. Objectives We present here a review based on the analysis of a database of registered leprosy cases in Rio Grande do Norte state, comparing leprosy's geographic distribution among municipalities with local socio-economic and public health indicators and with historical documents about human migration in this Brazilian region. Results The current distribution of leprosy in Rio Grande do Norte did not show correlation with socio-economic or public health indicators at the municipal level, but it appears related to economically emerging municipalities 100 years ago, with spread facilitated by railroads and train stations. Drought-related migratory movements which occurred from this state to leprosy endemic areas within the same period may be involved in the introduction of leprosy and with its present distribution within Rio Grande do Norte. Conclusions Leprosy may disseminate slowly, over many decades in certain circumstances, such as in small cities with few cases. This is a very unusual situation currently and a unique opportunity for epidemiologic studies of leprosy as an emerging disease. PMID:26964429

  9. Pitiose cutânea em bovinos na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul Cutaneous pythiosis in cattle in the Southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Fabiane B. Grecco


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a ocorrência de pitiose cutânea em bovinos de corte na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais foram introduzidos em área alagada e desenvolveram lesões cutâneas ulcerativas e úmidas, de tamanhos variados, localizadas na região distal dos membros e no chanfro nasal. Histologicamente, as lesões eram caracterizadas por múltiplos granulomas com hifas intralesionais, melhor observadas pela coloração de metenamina nitrato de prata de Gomori, e circundadas por abundante tecido conjuntivo fibroso. O diagnóstico foi realizado com base na epidemiologia, lesões macroscópicas e histológicas e pela reação imuno-histoquímica positiva com anticorpo policlonal anti-Pythium insidiosum. A morbidade foi de 23,8% e os animais adoeceram 15-90 dias após a introdução na área alagada. Em todos os casos as lesões evoluíram para a cura sem tratamento. Sugere-se que a doença possa ser mais frequente em bovinos do que se supõe, principalmente em áreas alagadas da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.An outbreak of cutaneous pythiosis is described in cattle from southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Cattle were introduced into flooded pastures and developed ulcerative and wet cutaneous lesions on distal limbs and Planum nasale. Histologically, the lesions were characterized by multiple granulomas with intralesional hyphae, better seen in the methenamine silver stain, and surrounded by abundant fibrous tissue. Diagnosis was based on epidemiology, gross and histological lesions, and by positive immuno-histochemical reaction with anti-Pythium insidiosum polyclonal antibody. Morbidity was 23.8% and lesions were observed 15-90 days after cattle were introduced in the flooded area. Affected cattle had spontaneous healing without treatment. It is suggested that the disease is more frequent than what was earlier thought, mainly in flooded areas of the Southern region of the Rio Grande do Sul State.

  10. Supersymmetric grand unified theories and cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lazarides, G.; Shafi, Q.


    By examining the behavior of supersymmetric grand unified theories (GUT's) in the very early universe we find two classes of realistic models. In one of them supersymmetry is broken at or near superheavy GUT scale. The cosmological implications of such models are expected to be similar to those of nonsupersymmetric GUT's. In the second class of models, the superheavy GUT scale is related to the supersymmetry-breaking scale in the manner of Witten. Two types of cosmological scenarios appear possible in this case, either with or without an intermediate (new) inflationary phase. They can be experimentally distinguished, since the former predicts an absence and the latter an observable number density of superheavy monopoles. A mechanism for generating baryon asymmetry in such models is pointed out

  11. Applying the World Water and Agriculture Model to Filling Scenarios for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villa, Daniel L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Tidwell, Vincent C. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Passell, Howard D. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Roberts, Barry L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    The World Water and Agriculture Model has been used to simulate water, hydropower, and food sector effects in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia during the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir. This unique capability allows tradeoffs to be made between filling policies for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam reservoir. This Nile River Basin study is presented to illustrate the capacity to use the World Water and Agriculture Model to simulate regional food security issues while keeping a global perspective. The study uses runoff data from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 and information from the literature in order to establish a reasonable set of hydrological initial conditions. Gross Domestic Product and population growth are modelled exogenously based on a composite projection of United Nations and World Bank data. The effects of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam under various percentages of water withheld are presented.

  12. Asymptotic expansion in the local limit theorem for the particle number in the grand canonical ensemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pogosian, S.


    It is known that in the grand canonical ensemble (for the case of small density of particles) the fluctuations (approximately mod(Λ)sup(1/2)) in the particle number have an asymptotic normal distribution as Λ→infinity. A similar statement holds for the distribution of the particle number in a bounded domain evaluated with respect to the limiting Gibbs distribution. The author obtains an asymptotic expansion in the local limit theorem for the particle number in the grand canonical ensemble, by using the asymptotic expansion of the grand canonical partition function. The coefficients of this expansion are not constants but depend on the form of the domain Λ. More precisely, they are constant up to a correction which is small (for large Λ). The author obtains an explicit form for the second term of the asymptotic expansion in the local limit theorem for the particle number, and also gets the first correction terms for the coefficients of this expansion. (Auth.)

  13. Final audit report of remedial action construction at the UMTRA Project, Grand Junction, Colorado, processing site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This final audit report (FAR) for remedial action at the Grand Junction, Colorado, Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project processing site consists of a summary of the radiological surveillances/ audits, the quality assurance (QA) in-process surveillances, and the QA final close-out inspection performed by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Technical Assistance Contractor (TAC). The FAR also summarizes other surveillances performed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). To summarize, a total of one finding and 127 observations were noted during DOE/TAC audit and surveillance activities. The NRC noted general site-related observations during the OSCRs. Follow-up to responses required from MK-Ferguson for the DOE/TAC finding and observations indicated that all issues related to the Grand Junction processing site were resolved and closed out to the DOE's satisfaction. The NRC OSCRs resulted in no issues related to the Grand Junction processing site requiring a response from MK-Ferguson

  14. Ensino de enfermagem no Rio Grande do Sul apartir de 1950 Enseñanza de enfermería en Rio Grande do Sul a partir del 1950 Teaching of nursing in Rio Grande do Sul in the 1950

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    Valéria Lamb Corbellini


    Full Text Available Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como o ensino de graduação na enfermagem, no Rio Grande do Sul construiu o seu saber, desde o primeiro curso, a partir da década de 1950. O estudo envolveu enfermeiras docentes que vivenciaram esse período da história e, para análise documental, foi utilizada a análise de discurso. Os dados indicam, dentre eles, o currículo mais integrado que busca articular teoria/prática sem fragmentação do saber e a relação ensino-aprendizagem, na qual professor e aluno são sujeitos desse processo.Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar como la enseñanza de la pregrado de Enfermería en Río Grande do Sul construyó su saber, desde el primer curso, a partir de la década de 1950. El estudio integró enfermeras docentes que vivenciaron ese periodo de la historia y, para el análisis documental, fue utilizado el análisis del discurso.Los datos indican, entre ellos, el curriculum más integrado que busca articular teoría y práctica sin fragmentación del saber y la relación enseñanza aprendizaje, en la cuál el profesor y el alumno son sujetos de ese processo.The purpose of this research was to analyze how the undergraduate teaching of nursing in Rio Grande do Sul has constructed its knowledge, since the first course, as of the decade of 1950s. The survey has involved teaching nurses who have lived such period of our history, and the discourse analysis has been utilized for the documental analysis. The information data indicate, among them, the most integrated curriculum that seeks articulating theory/practice without fragmenting the knowledge and the teaching-learning relationship, wherein professors and students are subjects of such procedure.

  15. A new corps of trained Grand-Aides has the potential to extend reach of primary care workforce and save money. (United States)

    Garson, Arthur; Green, Donna M; Rodriguez, Lia; Beech, Richard; Nye, Christopher


    Because the Affordable Care Act will expand health insurance to cover an estimated thirty-two million additional people, new approaches are needed to expand the primary care workforce. One possible solution is Grand-Aides®, who are health care professionals operating under the direct supervision of nurses, and who are trained and equipped to conduct telephone consultations or make primary care home visits to patients who might otherwise be seen in emergency departments and clinics. We conducted pilot tests with Grand-Aides in two pediatric Medicaid settings: an urban federally qualified health center in Houston, Texas, and a semi-rural emergency department in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We estimated that Grand-Aides and their supervisors averted 62 percent of drop-in visits at the Houston clinic and would have eliminated 74 percent of emergency department visits at the Virginia test site. We calculated the cost of the Grand-Aides program to be $16.88 per encounter. That compares with current Medicaid payments of $200 per clinic visit in Houston and $175 per emergency department visit in Harrisonburg. In addition to reducing health care costs, Grand-Aides have the potential to make a substantial impact in reducing congestion in primary care practices and emergency departments.

  16. Estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência em Campina Grande, Paraíba Estimate of reference evapotranspiration in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba state, Brazil

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    Francisco de A. N. Henrique


    Full Text Available Deste trabalho se objetivou estimar, através de uma fórmula empírica, a evapotranspiração de referência diária no município de Campina Grande, PB (EToT, utilizando-se a amplitude térmica diária. Estimou-se, também, a ETo diária usando-se os métodos de FAO-Penman-Monteith (EToPM, Hargreaves (EToH e Linacre (EToL, sendo depois correlacionados com a EToT proposta na pesquisa, por estação do ano; para isto foram coletados valores diários das temperaturas, umidade relativa do ar, radiação solar, precipitação, pressão atmosférica e velocidade do vento a 2 m da Estação Meteorológica Automática, instalada na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG, no período de 1 de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2004. Tais valores foram registrados no intervalo de 10 min. Verificou-se que as correlações da EToT com EToH, obtiveram o melhor ajuste, cujos coeficientes foram: R² = 0,7882 (no ano, R² = 0,9796 (no verão, R² = 0,8253 (no outono, R² = 0,878 (no inverno e R² = 0,914 (na primavera. Conclui-se que os métodos de EToPM e EToL não se ajustaram bem para Campina Grande, PB, o que evidencia que a EToT poderá ser utilizada na forma proposta para estimativa da ETo desta localidade. Das equações propostas, a única restrição é o EToT para o verão caso em que se recomenda o uso da equação anual.The objective of this study was to estimate, using an empiric formula, the daily reference evapotranspiration in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba State, Brazil (EToT, using the daily thermal amplitude. The ETo was also estimated using the methods of FAO-Penman-Monteith (EToPM, Hargreaves (EToH and Linacre (EToL, being correlated later with EToT proposed in this research by season. For that, daily values of temperature, air relative humidity, solar radiation, precipitation, atmospheric pressure and wind speed at 2 m, were taken using the Automatic Meteorological Station installed in the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG

  17. Review of freeboard: Grand Rapids Generating Station

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Groeneveld, J.L.; Harding, W.B.; Bonin, D.V.; Fuchs, D.M. [Acres Manitoba Ltd., Winnipeg, MB (Canada); Warner, B.J. [Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, MB (Canada)


    Constructed during the period 1960-1965, the Grand Rapids Generating Station is a 472 MW hydroelectric station located approximately 400 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the Saskatchewan River. An intake structure, four penstocks, a four-unit plus house unit powerhouse, wing walls, extensive dyke structures and a four-bay spillway are the components of the generating station. A little over ten years ago, the Manitoba Hydro Dam Safety Program was initiated. The program included a detailed dam safety review of the Grand rapids Generating Station. A potential deficiency in the freeboard allowance for several of the earthen dykes was revealed by the review process. The dam safety guidelines sponsored by the Canadian Dam Association were not met. The occurrence of a 1:1000 year wind event from the critical direction when the reservoir was at or near its full supply level was compounded by the analysis. The establishment of a wind and wave monitoring program was included in the deficiency studies commissioned. The objective was to confirm the empirical estimates concerning wave height, the development and usage of a two dimensional numerical wave model, and additional freeboard analyses to refine estimates of the recurrence interval of the current level of protection. A statistical Monte Carlo analysis was performed in the case of the estimates of the recurrence interval to determine the joint probabilities of seasonal variations in wind direction, wind speed, and reservoir level. The estimate of the actual risk of overtopping was therefore refined, and the details pertaining to the methodology and the conclusions of the analysis are all included in the paper. 15 refs., 4 tabs., 9 figs.

  18. Perspective view over the Grand Canyon, Arizona (United States)


    This simulated true color perspective view over the Grand Canyon was created from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data acquired on May 12, 2000. The Grand Canyon Village is in the lower foreground; the Bright Angel Trail crosses the Tonto Platform, before dropping down to the Colorado Village and then to the Phantom Ranch (green area across the river). Bright Angel Canyon and the North Rim dominate the view. At the top center of the image the dark blue area with light blue haze is an active forest fire. ASTER is one of five Earth-observing instruments launched December 18, 1999, on NASA's Terra satellite. The instrument was built by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. A joint U.S./Japan science team is responsible for validation and calibration of the instrument and the data products. The broad spectral coverage and high spectral resolution of ASTER provides scientists in numerous disciplines with critical information for surface mapping, and monitoring of dynamic conditions and temporal change. Example applications are: monitoring glacial advances and retreats; monitoring potentially active volcanoes; identifying crop stress; determining cloud morphology and physical properties; wetlands evaluation; thermal pollution monitoring; coral reef degradation; surface temperature mapping of soils and geology; and measuring surface heat balance. The U.S. science team is located at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The Terra mission is part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate. Size: 5 km in foreground to 40 km Location: 36.3 degrees north latitude, 112 degrees west longitude Orientation: North-northeast at top Original Data Resolution: ASTER 15 meters Dates Acquired: May 12, 2000

  19. Modelo de Negócio na Agroindústria do Leite no Estado do Rio Grande do SulThe Business Model in Agro industry of Milk in the Stare of Rio Grande do SulModelo de Negocio en la Agroindustria Lechera en el Estado de Rio Grande do Sul

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    SANTOS, Alessandra Santos dos


    Full Text Available RESUMOA Cadeia Produtiva do leite no Rio Grande do Sul, onde este produto se mostra como principal fonte de renda é representada por um grande número de pequenos e médios produtores. A eficiência dessas empresas reflete no desenvolvimento de suas regiões. Sendo assim, buscou-se verificar neste estudo como algumas agroindústrias de leite praticam a gestão de seus recursos para responder as demandas ambientais desse setor. Os resultados encontrados refletiram uma preocupação maior com os recursos físicos, entretanto estes não são sustentados pela imobilidade e pela heterogeneidade, podendo comprometer a sustentabilidade dos negócios no longo prazo.ABSTRACTThe Productive Chain of milk in the Rio Grande do Sul is represented by a small number of and medium producers, where this product is the main source of income. The efficiency of these companies reflects in the development of its regions. The goal of this research was to verify how some milk agro industry coordinates the resources to respond for the environment demand in this sector. The results showed a major attention with the physical resource. However, it is not sustainable due to its immobility and heterogeneity fact that can compromise sustainability of business in long run.RESUMENLa cadena productiva de la leche en Rio Grande del Sur, está representada por gran número de pequeños y medios productores, que tienen en este producto su principal fuente de ingresos. La eficiencia de estas empresas se manifiesta en el desarrollo de sus regiones. Por este motivo, este estudio trató de analizar, cómo algunas agroindustrias lecheras practican la gestión de sus recursos para responder a las demandas ambientales de ese sector. Los resultados encontrados demostraron que la principal preocupación radicaba en los recursos físicos, que aunque no se apoyan en la inmovilidad ni en la heterogeneidad, pueden perjudicar el desarrollo sostenible de los negocios a largo plazo.

  20. First record of Phaethornis pretrei (Birds, Trochilidae in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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    Rodrigo Vargas Damiani


    Full Text Available There are 18 species of the genus Phaethornis, Swainson 1827 (Trochilidae in Brazil. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, to date, only Phaethornis eurynome (Lesson, 1832 has been found. This work presents the first record of Phaethornis pretrei (Lesson & Delattre, 1839 in Rio Grande do Sul. The record was made in the urban perimeter of the town of Campinas do Sul. The species was documented in three ways by use of photography, video, and the recording of a spontaneous call.

  1. General structure of the GRAND program for analysis of the data from a neutrino detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhigunov, V.P.; Kulikov, V.A.; Mukhin, S.A.; Naumov, V.L.; Platonov, V.G.; Spiridonov, A.A.


    The general structure of the GRAND (Global Result Analysis for Neutrino Detector) program used for geometrical and kinematic reconstruction of events recorded by a neutrino detector is considered. The detector consists of a calorimeter-target, a shower electron and γ detector and a magnetic spectrometer. While developing the GRAND program the multivariance (different types of the computers used), availability of various algorithms for solving the same problem, solution of separate particlular problems within the frames of one program are taken into account. The KERNLIB library and the HBOOK, ZBOOK, EPIO and FFREAD subroutine packages are used while creating the program as basic libraries

  2. Invisible Success: Problems with the Grand Technological Innovation in Higher Education (United States)

    Whitworth, Andrew


    This paper investigates a "grand" educational technology innovation through theoretical lenses inspired by Cervero and Wilson's (1994, 1998) work. Through taking this approach it is possible to show how ideas about the form of the innovation and perceptions of its ultimate "success" or "failure", varied between stakeholder groups. The project was…

  3. Grand Challenges and Great Potential in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (United States)

    Hlas, Anne Cummings


    This article argues for the field of foreign languages to begin to identify and define our Grand Challenges, which are difficult yet solvable problems facing our field. Seeking answers to these challenges can provide new opportunities for collaboration and can spur new directions and innovation within language learning and teaching. Researchable…

  4. Moraceae da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Moraceae of Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro Cardoso PEDERNEIRAS


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento florístico das espécies nativas de Moraceae ocorrentes na Ilha Grande, município de Angra dos Reis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Com base na análise de coleções científicas, revisão da literatura e excursões a campo, foram registradas 11 espécies nativas: Brosimum guianense, Dorstenia arifolia, Ficus adhatodifolia, F. arpazusa, F. cyclophylla, F. gomelleira, F. nevesiae, F. organensis, F. pulchella, Sorocea hilarii, S. guilleminiana. Apresentamos, também, a chave de identificação para os táxons, descrições, ilustrações, informações sobre a distribuição geográfica e comentários sobre as espécies. This work presents a floristic survey of native species of Moraceae occurring in Ilha Grande, municipality of Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. It was based on analysis of herbarium collections, literature review and the field excursions, resulting in 11 native species: Brosimum guianense, Dorstenia arifolia, Ficus adhatodifolia, F. arpazusa, F. cyclophylla, F. gomelleira, F. nevesiae, F. organensis, F. pulchella, Sorocea hilarii, S. guilleminiana. We also present the identification key to the taxa, descriptions, illustrations, information about geographic distribution and comments on these species that enriched the results.

  5. Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda (United States)

    Semken, S. C.; St John, K. K.; Teasdale, R.; Ryker, K.; Riggs, E. M.; Pyle, E. J.; Petcovic, H. L.; McNeal, K.; McDaris, J. R.; Macdonald, H.; Kastens, K.; Cervato, C.


    Fourteen ago the Wingspread Project helped establish geoscience education research (GER) as an important research field and highlighted major research questions for GER at the time. More recently, the growth and interest in GER is evident from the increase in geoscience education research articles, the establishment of the NAGT GER Division, the creation of the GER Toolbox, an increase in GER graduate programs, and the growth of tenure-eligible GER faculty positions. As an emerging STEM education research field, the GER community is examining the current state of their research and considering the best course forward so that it can have the greatest collective impact on advancing teaching and learning in the geosciences. As part of an NSF-funded effort to meet this need, 45 researchers drafted priority research questions, or "Grand Challenges", that span 10 geoscience education research themes. These include research on: students' conceptual understanding of the solid and the fluid Earth, K-12 teacher preparation, teaching about Earth in the context of societal problems, access and success of underrepresented groups in the geosciences, spatial and temporal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and use of models, instructional strategies to improve geoscience learning, students' self-regulated learning, and faculty professional development and institutional change. For each theme, several Grand Challenges have been proposed; these have undergone one round of peer-review and are now ready for the AGU community to critically examine the proposed Grand Challenges and make suggestions on strategies for addressing them: We seek perspectives from geoscience education researchers, scholars, and reflective educators. It is our vision that the final outcomes of this community-grounded process will be a published guiding framework to (1) focus future GER on questions of high interest to the geoscience education


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    We show examples of a new technique we have devised to compare star formation efficiencies in the arms and discs of spirals. First results show striking evidence of the presence and influence of density wave systems of star formation in grand design galaxies.

  7. Monocyclic supracrustals at far west of Rio Grande do Norte, in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sa, E.F.J. de; Macedo, M.H.F.; Sa, J.M.


    A geochronological study of supracrustals and intrusive rocks from Rio Grande do Norte, in Brazil, is presented. Leucogranites and felsic metavolcanics were dated by Rb-Sr method. A summary of geologic relationship is given to supply the geochronological interpretation. (M.C.K.) [pt

  8. Caracterização geral do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Amneris Morschheiser Cortazzi


    Full Text Available Constitui-se de informações referentes à posição geográfica, área, população, relevo, clima, vegetação, hidrografia, entre outros elementos, referentes ao Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.


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    Helio Tonini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de selecionar uma equação de volume, com o uso de variáveis dummy para povoamentos de Acacia mearnsii De Wild, na região da Depressão Central no Rio Grande do Sul. No estudo, foram amostradas 750 árvores, distribuídas proporcionalmente em três locais, em idades variando de 3,5 a 7,5 anos. Os parâmetros estatísticos utilizados indicaram o modelo de Stoate como o de melhor precisão. O ajuste dessa equação com a utilização de variáveis dummy se mostrou eficiente, pois permitiu identificar diferenças de crescimento das árvores entre locais, o que indicou a necessidade de ajustar equações de volume em separado para cada local minimizando erros de estimativa de volume.

  10. Predictive Temperature Equations for Three Sites at the Grand Canyon (United States)

    McLaughlin, Katrina Marie Neitzel

    Climate data collected at a number of automated weather stations were used to create a series of predictive equations spanning from December 2009 to May 2010 in order to better predict the temperatures along hiking trails within the Grand Canyon. The central focus of this project is how atmospheric variables interact and can be combined to predict the weather in the Grand Canyon at the Indian Gardens, Phantom Ranch, and Bright Angel sites. Through the use of statistical analysis software and data regression, predictive equations were determined. The predictive equations are simple or multivariable best fits that reflect the curvilinear nature of the data. With data analysis software curves resulting from the predictive equations were plotted along with the observed data. Each equation's reduced chi2 was determined to aid the visual examination of the predictive equations' ability to reproduce the observed data. From this information an equation or pair of equations was determined to be the best of the predictive equations. Although a best predictive equation for each month and season was determined for each site, future work may refine equations to result in a more accurate predictive equation.

  11. In vitro multiplication of banana (Musa sp.) cv. Grand Naine | Ahmed ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A micropropagation method is described for banana (Musa Spp.) Cv. Grand Naine. Suckers were surface sterilized with HgCl2 (0.1%) for 6 min which gave minimum contamination with maximum culture establishment. Of various treatment combinations, Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium + BAP 4.00 mg/l with IAA 2.00 ...

  12. 76 FR 17541 - Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Mermentau River, Grand Chenier, LA (United States)


    ... temporary deviation from the regulation governing the operation of the SR 82 swing span bridge across the... from the operating schedule of the swing span bridge across the Mermentau River at mile 7.1 in Grand... Sea Level. Vessels are able to transit under the bridge during operations. There is an alternate...

  13. Transplante cardíaco em Campo Grande - MS. Redução significativa de lesão coronária pós transplante: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Vinícius R. P. CALDAS


    Full Text Available No Serviço de Cirurgia Cardíaca da Santa Casa de Campo Grande/MS - foi realizado, em 23 de setembro de 1994, um transplante cardíaco ortotópico no paciente C.A.D., 27 anos, portador de miocardiopatia dilatada idiopática, o qual transcorreu sem anormalidades. O paciente recebeu alta da UTI com 7 dias e alta hospitalar no 40º dia de pós-operatório, recebendo ciclosporina, azatioprina e prednisona para manutenção do enxerto, captopril, furosemida e aspirina. Apresentou no 1º ano de seguimento 2 episódios de rejeição, leve e moderada, sendo modificada a posologia dos imunossupressores. Em setembro de 1995, nos exames de seguimento, foi detectada, na coronariografia, lesão obstrutiva de 50% em artéria coronária direita. Decidiu-se modificar a terapêutica do paciente, iniciando diltiazen substituindo o captopril, e associando-se complexo vitamínico (betacaroteno, C e E mais selênio, na tentativa de evitar progressão da lesão obstrutiva. Foi também realizada orientação dietética por nutricionista. Após 12 meses com a nova terapêutica, a coronariografia mostrou redução significativa da lesão obstrutiva em artéria coronária direita. Durante todo o período de seguimento o paciente apresentou níveis normais no lipidograma. Hoje o paciente encontra-se no terceiro ano de seguimento, assintomático e tendo suas atividades habituais sem intercorrências.The Cardiac Surgery Service of Campo Grande, Santa Casa/MS performed on September 23 rd, 1994 an orthotopic cardiac transplantation in a 27 year-old man with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, which elapsed without abnormalities. The patient left the ICU in 7 days and was discharged at 40 th postoperative day, receiving cyclosporine, azathioprine and prednisone for graft support; captopril, furosemide and aspirin. Presented at one year follow-up, 2 rejection episodes, mil and moderate, when the immunesupressivet herapy dose was modified. On September 1995, at follow up, an

  14. RiSA: A Science Festival for the Bilingual and Bicultural Rio Grande Valley (United States)

    Key, Joey Shapiro; Torres, Cristina; Stone, Robert


    The Rio Grande Science and Arts (RiSA) Festival organized by the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy (CGWA) at the University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) will use a wide variety of artforms to bring physics and science topics to the bilingual and bicultural population of the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. The science and art faculty at UTB will partner with art and education professionals to create an annual community event celebrating science though art. Music, dance, poetry, and visual arts will headline the festival activities. Festival events and products will be produced in both English and Spanish to attract and inform the bilingual local community. The RiSA Festival is supported by the Science Festival Alliance and the Sloan Foundation. Supported by the Science Festival Alliance and the Sloan Foundation.

  15. US Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office Remedial Action Project, final report of the decontamination and decommissioning of Building 36 at the Grand Junction Projects Office Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Widdop, M.R.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) occupies a 61.7-acre facility along the Gunnison River near Grand Junction, Colorado. This site was contaminated with uranium ore and mill tailings during uranium refining activities of the Manhattan Engineer District and during pilot milling experiments conducted for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's domestic uranium procurement program. The DOE Defense Decontamination and Decommissioning Program established the GJPO Remedial Action Project to clean up and restore the facility lands, improvements, and the underlying aquifer. The site contractor for the facility, Rust Geotech, also is the remedial action contractor. Building 36 was found to be radiologically contaminated and was demolished in 1996. The soil beneath the building was remediated in accordance with identified standards and can be released for unlimited exposure and unrestricted use. This document was prepared in response to a DOE request for an individual final report for each contaminated GJPO building

  16. US Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office Remedial Action Project. Final report of the decontamination and decommissioning of Building 52 at the Grand Junction Projects Office Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krabacher, J.E.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) occupies a 61.7-acre facility along the Gunnison River near Grand Junction, Colorado. This site was contaminated with uranium ore and mill tailings during uranium refining activities of the Manhattan Engineer District and during pilot milling experiments conducted for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's domestic uranium procurement program. The DOE Defense Decontamination and Decommissioning Program established the GJPO Remedial Action Project to clean up and restore the facility lands, improvements, and the underlying aquifer. The site contractor for the facility, Rust Geotech, also was the remedial action contractor. Building 52 was found to be radiologically contaminated and was demolished in 1994. The soil area within the footprint of the building has been remediated in accordance with the identified standards and the area can be released for unlimited exposure and unrestricted use. This document was prepared in response to a DOE request for an individual final report for each contaminated GJPO building

  17. Ecosystem level assessment of the Grand Calumet Lagoons, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stewart, P.M. [National Biological Service, Porter, IN (United States)


    The Grand Calumet Lagoons make up the eastern section of the Grand Calumet River (GCR), Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal and nearshore Lake Michigan Area of Concern (AOC). The GCR AOC is the only one of the 42 Great Lakes Areas of Concern identified by the International Joint Commission with all 14 designated uses classified as impaired. Included within the boundaries of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (INDU), is the central section of the Grand Calumet Lagoons. A number of biotic and abiotic factors were tested to determine the effects of an industrial landfill that borders the lagoons to assess the potential impact on park resources. Analysis included water quality testing, assessments of macroinvertebrate, fish, algae and aquatic plant communities and contaminant concentrations in water, sediment and plant and fish tissue. Surface water testing found very few contaminants, but significantly higher nutrient levels were found in the water column closest to the landfill. Macroinvertebrate, aquatic plant and fish communities all showed significant impairment in relationship to their proximity to the landfill. Aquatic plant growth habit became limited next to the landfill with certain growth habits disappearing entirely. Aquatic plants collected close to the landfill had high concentrations of several heavy metals in their stems and shoots. Using the index of biotic integrity (IBI), fish community assessment indicated impairment in the areas adjacent to the landfill. Sediments tested at one site had over 12% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) collected from this site had whole fish tissue concentrations over 1 mg/kg PAH.

  18. Monitoring Fine Sediment; Grande Ronde and John Day Rivers, 2000 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rhodes, Jonathan J.; Greene, M. Jonas; Purser, Michael D. (Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Portland, OR)


    Fine sediment in spawning substrate has a major effect on salmon survival from egg to smolt. Basin-wide restoration plans have established targets for fine sediment levels in spawning habitat. The project was initiated to monitor surface fine sediment levels and overwinter intrusion of fine sediment in spring chinook salmon spawning habitat in the North Fork John Day (NFJDR) and Grande Ronde Rivers, for five years. The project is also investigating the potential relationship between surface fine levels and overwinter sedimentation. It will provide data to assess trends in substrate conditions in monitored reaches and whether trends are consistent with efforts to improve salmon habitat conditions. The data on the magnitude of overwinter sedimentation will also be used to estimate salmon survival from egg to emergence. In Sept. 1998, 1999, and Aug. 2000, sites for monitoring overwinter sedimentation were established in salmon spawning habitat in the upper Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek (a Grande Ronde tributary), the North Fork John Day River (NFJDR), and Granite Creek (a NFJDR tributary). Surface fine sediment levels were measured in these reaches via the grid method and visually estimated to test the relative accuracy of these two methods. In 1999 and 2000, surface fine sediment was also estimated via pebble counts at selected reaches to allow comparison of results among the methods. Overwintering substrate samples were collected in April 1999 and April-May 2000 to estimate the amount of overwinter sedimentation in clean gravels in spawning habitat. Monitoring methods and locations are described.

  19. Magnetostratigraphy of the Grande Ronde Basalt Pasco Basin, Washington

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Packer, D.R.; Petty, M.H.


    The paleomagnetic measurements of samples from the holes sampled have shown that there are four magnetic correlation lines, between adjacent flows in holes that have distinctly different mean stratigraphic inclinations, and two magnetic polarity boundaries that can be used for magnetic correlation in the Grande Ronde Basalt in the Pasco Basin. The results of paleomagnetic measurements of samples from the Wanapum Basalt and Saddle Mountains Basalt indicate that the potential for magnetostratigraphic correlation in these sequences is also good

  20. Bols Grand Prix 2014 selgitas parima baarmenite võistkonna ja parima Bols kokteili

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    12. veebruaril ööklubis Venus Club toimunud 17. Bols Grand Prix võistkondliku võistluse võitis Butterfly Lounge'i võistkond Tallinnast ja parima Bols kokteili tiitli sai Getter Laur Tartust Kivi baarist

  1. Isoline curves obtained from vertical aerophotos


    Barros, Zacarias Xavier de; Campos, Sérgio; Cardoso, Lincoln Gehring; Pollo, Ronaldo Alberto


    Objetiva-se, com este trabalho, obter curvas de nível a partir de fotografias aéreas verticais, utilizando-se de gráfico linear de correção, em áreas com diferentes classes de declividade. A análise estatística dos dados foi efetuada por meio de regressões múltiplas das variáveis, erro horizontal e erro vertical, em função das variáveis independentes: altitude; altitude e declividade. Os erros médios horizontais e verticais pouco dependem da altitude, bem como da altitude e declividade, induz...

  2. Curvas de nível obtidas de aerofotos verticais


    Barros,Zacarias Xavier de; Campos,Sérgio; Cardoso,Lincoln Gehring; Pollo,Ronaldo Alberto


    Objetiva-se, com este trabalho, obter curvas de nível a partir de fotografias aéreas verticais, utilizando-se de gráfico linear de correção, em áreas com diferentes classes de declividade. A análise estatística dos dados foi efetuada por meio de regressões múltiplas das variáveis, erro horizontal e erro vertical, em função das variáveis independentes: altitude; altitude e declividade. Os erros médios horizontais e verticais pouco dependem da altitude, bem como da altitude e declividade, induz...

  3. Dermatofitoses humanas no interior do Rio Grande do Sul no período 1988-1992 Human dermatophytoscs in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil: 1988-1992

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge O. Lopes


    Full Text Available O espectro dos dermatófitos na região central do Rio Grande do Sul demonstrou importante variação na frequência das espécies no período 1988-1992. As espécies antropofilicas Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale e Epidermophyton floccosum diminuíram em frequência, enquanto as espécies zoofílicas Microsporum canis e T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes apresentaram sensível aumento. São comentadas as alterações na relação parasita/hospedeiro em função das alterações na morfología dos agentes e a dificuldade do isolamento destes agentes em cultivo.The relative frequency of the dermatophytes in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, have changed during a survey carried out from 1988-1992. The frequency of the antropophilic species T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale and E.floccosum have decreased in comparison with the zoophilic species M. canis and T. mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes. The relationship host/parasite and the low rate growth of dermatophytes in culture are discussed.

  4. Differential compaction mechanism for earth fissures near Casa Grande, Arizona. (United States)

    Jachens, R.C.; Holzer, T.L.


    Precise gravity measurements indicate that earth fissures or tension cracks caused by ground-water withdrawal within a 10km2 area SE of Casa Grande are associated with relief on the buried interface between the alluvial aquifer and underlying bedrock. These relations suggest that the fissures are forming in response to localized differential compaction caused by localized variations of aquifer-system thickness. -from Authors

  5. Flood disaster preparedness: a retrospect from Grand Forks, North Dakota. (United States)

    Siders, C; Jacobson, R


    Natural disasters often come without warning. The clinical, financial, and business risks can be enormous. Grand Forks' (ND) healthcare systems experienced a flooding disaster of unprecedented proportions in April of 1997. Planned and practiced disaster and evacuation procedures can significantly reduce a healthcare facilities' risk to life, health, and safety. This article retrospectively analyzes disaster preparation and the complete evacuation of the facilities' patients.

  6. Introduction to Grand Unified Theories. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wali, K.C.


    This chapter presents an introduction into Grand Unified Theories. After a discussion of the general features to be expected in any such theory, and of the motivations for them, a detailed presentation of SU(5) theory is given. The group structures, particle multiplets, gauge and Higgs bosons are explained. The two stages of spontaneous symmetry breaking via the Higgs model, are calculated individually and in combination. Fermion mass matrices and relations between quark and lepton masses are derived. predictions of SU(5) theory, calculated using renormalization group methods, are derived. The chapter ends with discussions that bring together particle physics and cosmology, including the baryon asymmetry problem, phase transitions in the very early universe, and singularities like domain walls, vortex lines and monopoles. (author). 9 refs.; 4 figs.; 5 tabs

  7. Protein fraction and digestibility of marandu, xaraes and campo grande grasses in monocropping and intercropping systems under different sowing methods - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i1.15134

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Welma Santos Crunivel


    Full Text Available A study was carried out to evaluate the protein fraction and in vitro dry matter digestibility of marandu, xaraes grasses and campo grande in monocropping and intercropping systems under different planting methods, for a period of two years. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replications. The treatments consisted of the following crop systems: campo grande in monocropping; xaraés grass in monocropping; marandu grass in monocropping; xaraés intercropped with campo grande in rows; xaraés intercropped with campo grande, broadcast; marandu grass intercropped with campo grande in rows; and marandu intercropped with campo grand, broadcast. The evaluations were conducted for two years, consisting of seasonal evaluations (autumn, winter, spring and summer in the same plots, with repeated measurements over time. The results showed that xaraes and marandu grasses were similar between crop systems, indicating that both can be intercropped with campo grande. The intercropping of campo grande with Brachiaria brizantha cultivars improved the protein fraction and digestibility. The row method of planting provided better protein fractions and in vitro dry matter digestibility.

  8. De Grande Mosquée de Paris tussen eerbetoon en propaganda

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spaan, S.J.


    In het hart van Parijs, tegenover de Jardin des Plantes, staat de Grande Mosquée de Paris, geopend in 1926. In elke toeristische gids staat dat de muntthee en baklava in het café heerlijk zijn en dat de moskee bedoeld was als eerbetoon aan de islamitische soldaten die in de Eerste Wereldoorlog hun

  9. The Colorado River and its deposits downstream from Grand Canyon in Arizona, California, and Nevada (United States)

    Crow, Ryan S.; Block, Debra L.; Felger, Tracey J.; House, P. Kyle; Pearthree, Philip A.; Gootee, Brian F.; Youberg, Ann M.; Howard, Keith A.; Beard, L. Sue


    Understanding the evolution of the Colorado River system has direct implications for (1) the processes and timing of continental-scale river system integration, (2) the formation of iconic landscapes like those in and around Grand Canyon, and (3) the availability of groundwater resources. Spatial patterns in the position and type of Colorado River deposits, only discernible through geologic mapping, can be used to test models related to Colorado River evolution. This is particularly true downstream from Grand Canyon where ancestral Colorado River deposits are well-exposed. We are principally interested in (1) regional patterns in the minimum and maximum elevation of each depositional unit, which are affected by depositional mechanism and postdepositional deformation; and (2) the volume of each unit, which reflects regional changes in erosion, transport efficiency, and accommodation space. The volume of Colorado River deposits below Grand Canyon has implications for groundwater resources, as the primary regional aquifer there is composed of those deposits. To this end, we are presently mapping Colorado River deposits and compiling and updating older mapping. This preliminary data release shows the current status of our mapping and compilation efforts. We plan to update it at regular intervals in conjunction with ongoing mapping.

  10. Grande Sertão: Veredas – literatura e memória

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcio Henrique Muraca


    Full Text Available Muito já se escreveu sobre Grande Sertão: Veredas, sobretudo a respeito do conceito de sertão como microcosmo, bem como, em termos de linguagem, da técnica narrativa do monólogo-diálogo. Neste artigo, pretende-se investigar os elementos de memória presentes na obra. O produto da tentativa do narrador-protagonista Riobaldo de entender o sentido de sua vida ao rememorar eventos tem como resultado um tipo de relato memorialístico. Ainda que tais eventos sejam ficção, Guimarães Rosa os situa em um plano temporal e espacial concretos, o que permite revelar um enquadramento social a partir dessa “memória individual” de Riobaldo enlaçada à memória coletiva do sertão. O diálogo teórico abarca dois textos básicos, o de Eduardo F. Coutinho, sobre Grande Sertão: Veredas, e os estudos de Marina Maluf sobre memória.

  11. Scientific Grand Challenges: Crosscutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale - February 2-4, 2010, Washington, D.C.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khaleel, Mohammad A.


    The goal of the "Scientific Grand Challenges - Crosscutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale" workshop in February 2010, jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and the National Nuclear Security Administration, was to identify the elements of a research and development agenda that will address these challenges and create a comprehensive exascale computing environment. This exascale computing environment will enable the science applications identified in the eight previously held Scientific Grand Challenges Workshop Series.

  12. Salinity Trends in the Upper Colorado River Basin Upstream From the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit, Colorado, 1986-2003 (United States)

    Leib, Kenneth J.; Bauch, Nancy J.


    In 1974, the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act was passed into law. This law was enacted to address concerns regarding the salinity content of the Colorado River. The law authorized various construction projects in selected areas or 'units' of the Colorado River Basin intended to reduce the salinity load in the Colorado River. One such area was the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit in western Colorado. The U. S. Geological Survey has done extensive studies and research in the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit that provide information to aid the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Natural Resources Conservation Service in determining where salinity-control work may provide the best results, and to what extent salinity-control work was effective in reducing salinity concentrations and loads in the Colorado River. Previous studies have indicated that salinity concentrations and loads have been decreasing downstream from the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit, and that the decreases are likely the result of salinity control work in these areas. Several of these reports; however, also document decreasing salinity loads upstream from the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit. This finding was important because only a small amount of salinity-control work was being done in areas upstream from the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit at the time the findings were reported (late 1990?s). As a result of those previous findings, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Geological Survey to investigate salinity trends in selected areas bracketing the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit and regions upstream from the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit. The results of the study indicate that salinity loads were decreasing upstream from the Grand Valley Salinity Control Unit from 1986 through 2003, but the rates of decrease have slowed during the last 10 years. The average rate of decrease in salinity load upstream from the Grand Valley

  13. Grande Ronde Endemic Spring Chinook Project - ODFW, 2008 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patterson, Scott


    Core activities of the Grande Ronde Endemic Spring Chinook Supplementation Program (GRESCSP) are funded through the authority of the Lower Snake River Fish and Wildlife Compensation Plan (LSRCP). The LSRCP program was approved by the Water Resources Development Act of 1976, PL 94-587, Section 102, 94th Congress substantially in accordance with the Special Report, LSRCP, June 1975 on file with the Chief of Engineers. The LSRCP was prepared and submitted in compliance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, PL 85-624, 85th Congress, August 12, 1958 to mitigate for the losses of fish and wildlife caused by the construction of dams on lower Snake River. The GRESCSP is an artificial propagation program that was initiated by Bonneville Power Administrations Fish and Wildlife program in the mid 1990's. The intent of this program was to change the mitigation aspect of the LSRCP program (harvest mitigation) to an integrated supplementation program; inasmuch as, hatchery produced fish could be experimentally used as a recovery tool and fish surplus to mitigation would be available for in-place and in-kind harvest. Fish production is still authorized by the LSRCP with the original mitigation return goal of 5,860 adult spring Chinook to the project area. The GRESCSP was developed with two primary components: (1) conventional broodstock (projects 199800702; 199800703; 199800704) and (2) captive brood (projects 199801001; 199801006). The GRESCSP relies on cooperative M&E efforts from the LSRCP including setting aside the Wenaha and Minam tributaries as natural production reserves components used for reference streams. The GRESCSP, coordinated with federal and tribal partners, identifies production levels for both propagation components and weir management strategies for each of the three supplemented tributary areas within the Grande Ronde Sub-basin. The three supplemented areas are Catherine Creek, Lostine River, and upper Grande Ronde River. Lookingglass

  14. Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae poisoning in Murrah buffaloes in Rio Grande do Sul Intoxicação natural por Senecio brasiliensis (Asteraceae em bubalinos no Rio Grande do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André M.R. Corrêa


    Full Text Available Thirteen (14.4% out of 90 Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis became ill after con-sumption of Senecio brasiliensis, and 11 (12.2% of them died. The buffaloes were kept in a highly Senecio brasiliensis infested area. The poisoning occurred in June-August 2006 on a farm in the county of Nova Prata, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Clinical signs included weakness, apathy, progressive weight loss, permanent decubitus, and diarrhea. Necropsy was performed in 2 of the 11 buffaloes that died. The pathological findings were typical of poisoning by pyrrolizidine alkaloids. High infestation of pastures with S. brasiliensis, severe drought, and consequent starvation were the main epidemiological factors associated with the poisoning here described.Descreve-se a ocorrência de um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis em búfalos Murrah (Bubalus bubalis em uma propriedade localizada no município de Nova Prata, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de junho a agosto de 2006. De um total de 90 búfalos, 13 adoeceram e 11 morreram. Os animais eram mantidos em áreas de pastoreio altamente infestadas por S. brasiliensis. Os principais sinais clínicos relatados foram letargia, apatia, emagrecimento progressivo, diarréia e decúbito permanente. Necropsia foi feita em dois dos 11 animais mortos. As lesões foram características de intoxicações por alcalóides pirrolizidínicos. A grande quantidade da planta, forte estiagem e desnutrição conseqüente foram os principais achados epidemiológicos associados com a mortalidade.

  15. Ground-water conditions in the Grand County area, Utah, with emphasis on the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area (United States)

    Blanchard, Paul J.


    The Grand County area includes all of Grand County, the Mill Creek and Pack Creek drainages in San Juan County, and the area between the Colorado and Green Rivers in San Juan County. The Grand County area includes about 3,980 square miles, and the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area includes about 44 square miles. The three principal consolidated-rock aquifers in the Grand County area are the Entrada, Navajo, and Wingate aquifers in the Entrada Sandstone, the Navajo Sandstone, and the Wingate Sandstone, and the principal consolidated-rock aquifer in the Mill Creek-Spanish Valley area is the Glen Canyon aquifer in the Glen Canyon Group, comprised of the Navajo Sandstone, the Kayenta Formation, and the Wingate Sandstone.Recharge to the Entrada, Navajo, and Glen Canyon aquifers typically occurs where the formations containing the aquifers crop out or are overlain by unconsolidated sand deposits. Recharge is enhanced where the sand deposits are saturated at a depth of more than about 6 feet below the land surface, and the effects of evaporation begin to decrease rapidly with depth. Recharge to the Wingate aquifer typically occurs by downward movement of water from the Navajo aquifer through the Kayenta Formation, and primarily occurs where the Navajo Sandstone, Kayenta Formation, and the Wingate Sandstone are fractured.

  16. La république en Grande-Bretagne aujourd’hui : une idée anglaise

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    Antoine MIOCHE


    Full Text Available Il peut paraître y avoir un paradoxe à parler de république aujourd’hui en Grande-Bretagne en ceci que seule ou presque la Grande-Bretagne, de ce qui fut le vaste Empire britannique, est demeurée une monarchie. Des États-Unis à la Rhodésie, en passant par l’Inde et l’Irlande (à l’exception importante du nord de l’île, les anciens territoires britanniques ont opté majoritairement pour un régime parlementaire non monarchique, l’Australie, le Canada et la Nouvelle-Zélande étant d’intéressantes ...

  17. U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office site environmental report for calendar year 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents information pertaining to environmental activities conducted during calendar year 1995 at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) facility in Grand Junction, Colorado. Environmental activities conducted at the GJPO facility during 1995 were associated with mixed-waste treatment, site remediation, off-site dose modeling, and radiological and nonradiological monitoring. As part of the GJPO Mixed-Waste Treatment Program, on-site treatability studies were conducted in 1995 that made use of pilot-scale evaporative-oxidation and thermal-desorption units and bench-scale stabilization. DOE-GJPO used some of its own mixed-waste as well as samples received from other DOE sites for these treatability studies. These studies are expected to conclude in 1996. Removal of radiologically contaminated materials from GJPO facility buildings was conducted under the provisions of the Grand Junction Projects Office Remedial Action Project. Remediation activities included the removal of 394 metric tons of contaminated material from Buildings 18 and 28 and revegetation activities on the GJPO site; remediation was conducted in compliance with applicable permits

  18. Reinterpretando o acervo arquitetônico do bairro da Praia Grande através dos lugares de memoria

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    Karoliny Diniz Carvalho


    Full Text Available The paper analyzes the existing places of memory in the district of Praia Grande, São Luís, Maranhão, seeking to refl ect on its importance in the composition of the tourist city. The study is a qualitative approach, relating to urban issues, cultural heritage and memory, to analyze the meanings, practices and social relations that involve the dynamics of the district of Praia Grande. Through semi-structured interviews with residents, it is concluded that the landmarks of the Praia Grande are enunciators feelings of belonging and identity and can become elements of cultural tourism boosters site. The study highlights the need to incorporate different sociability present in the material and symbolic spaces where social interactions take place in the development of tourism, to contribute to the enhancement of cultural heritage.

  19. The subgroup structure of grand unified theories with application to the fermion mass matrix in 0(10)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldman, G.; Fulton, T.


    A technique, using the orthonormal basis for roots and weights of compact Lie groups, introduced by Van der Waerden and developed by Dynkin (Am. Math. Soc. Transl.; 17: (1950) and Sec 2,6:111 (1957)) provides a convenient framework for discussing mass relations in grand unification theories. The structure constants Nsub(αβ) for SU(R + 1), O(2R + 1), Sp(2R), O(2R) and G(2) are obtained in an appendix, using an approach arising from this basis. The method for obtaining generators of non-regular subalgebras, in terms of generators of the original algebras, is discussed in terms of the basis. It is necessary to know this structure in order to trace the history of particles, originally in some grand unification group, through the various chains of decompositions into subgroups. As an illustration, the methods are applied to finding the minimal, non-trivial, mass relations for fermions in the O(10) grand unification scheme. (author)

  20. Recent records of birds of conservation concern in the extreme north of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Marcelo Fischer Barcellos dos Santos


    Full Text Available Our goal is to communicate the occurrence of conservation concern bird species in an Atlantic Forest area of Rio Grande do Sul, in the town of Iraí (27°11’49”S, 53°14’32”W. Compositional data was collected from September 2006 to September 2008 through 364h of field work effort. We registered 23 bird species of conservation interest: sixteen are threatened with extinction in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, four are Near Threatened worldwide (including two regionally threatened, other four are near threatened regionally, and one species is uncommon in the state with poor records. Bird composition in the area shows the importance of conservation and restoration of forests in Iraí, as well as others located in the extreme north of Rio Grande do Sul, since these areas could represent one of the last remaining refuges for a great number of threatened bird species in that region.