
Sample records for evitable entre 1986-2001

  1. Distribución geográfica y evolución temporal de la mortalidad evitable en Cataluña (1986-2001 Geographical distribution and time trends in avoidable mortality in Catalonia, Spain (1986-2001

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    M. Arán Barés


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la evolución temporal y la distribución geográfica por sectores sanitarios de la mortalidad evitable en Cataluña. Material y métodos: Se analizó la mortalidad evitable según la clasificación utilizada en el Departamento de Salud de Cataluña por sectores sanitarios durante el período 1986-2001 y se agruparon las causas en tratables o prevenibles. Se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad estandarizadas por el método directo e indirecto y la razón de mortalidad comparativa para el grupo de tratables y prevenibles y para los 46 sectores sanitarios. También se calculó el promedio de cambio anual ajustado por edad mediante la regresión de Poisson de la mortalidad evitable y general. Resultados: El total de defunciones evitables fue 61.261 (el 7,3% de la mortalidad general. 10.623 (17,34% se clasificaron como tratables y 50.638 (82,65% como prevenibles. El promedio de cambio anual para las causas evitables fue del -2,43% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, -2,60 a -2,26, superior al -1,57% (IC del 95%, -1,61 a -1,52 de la mortalidad general. Las tasas fueron más elevadas para las causas prevenibles que para las tratables, aunque en ambos grupos se apreció un descenso de la mortalidad. El sector sanitario del Segrià destaca por presentar sobremortalidad en los 2 períodos y en los 2 grupos de causas. Cuatro sectores sanitarios presentan un aumento significativo de la mortalidad por causas prevenibles, pero ninguno por causas tratables. Conclusiones: En Cataluña, durante el período 1986-2001 se produce un descenso de la mortalidad evitable, mayor que el de la mortalidad general. La distribución geográfica muestra una gran dispersión, aunque se identifican claramente zonas en las que es necesaria la intervención preventiva.Objectives: To analyze time trends and geographical variation in avoidable mortality by health areas in Catalonia. Material and methods: Avoidable mortality was analyzed according to the

  2. La mortalidad evitable y no evitable: distribución geográfica en áreas pequeñas de España (1990-2001 Avoidable and nonavoidable mortality: geographical distribution in small areas in Spain (1990-2001

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    Montse Vergara Duarte


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La comparación de la mortalidad que puede ser evitada por intervención médica (mortalidad evitable en áreas geográficas pequeñas proporciona una herramienta útil para analizar con detalle la calidad de los servicios sanitarios. No hay estudios que analicen para toda España la distribución geográfica de la mortalidad evitable en áreas pequeñas. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la distribución geográfica de la mortalidad evitable y no evitable en áreas pequeñas según el sexo para el período 1990-2001. Métodos: Se consideraron 2.218 áreas pequeñas formadas por municipios o municipios agregados de todo el territorio español. Se analizaron las muertes evitables producidas en 1990-2001. Se estimó el riesgo relativo de muerte ajustado por edad utilizando un modelo bayesiano empírico. Los riesgos relativos se representaron en mapas para cada grupo de causas de muerte según el sexo. Resultados: La distribución geográfica de la mortalidad evitable en ambos sexos es heterogénea. Se observan áreas de mayor riesgo de mortalidad en el sur y el noroeste de España. Esta distribución se presenta claramente diferenciada, principalmente en hombres, para las causas de hipertensión, enfermedades y enfermedad isquémica del corazón. La distribución geográfica de la mortalidad no evitable, en ambos sexos, es similar a la de las tres causas mencionadas. Conclusiones La descripción de la mortalidad evitable en áreas pequeñas de toda España ha permitido identificar zonas geográficas con una elevada mortalidad. Para determinar los factores asociados a la distribución cerebrales vasculares de la mortalidad evitable se deberían realizar estudios más detallados.Objective: Comparison of mortality amenable to medical intervention (avoidable mortality in small geographical areas provides a useful tool to analyse quality of health care services. Currently there are no studies that analyse avoidable mortality by

  3. Óbitos evitáveis até 48 meses de idade entre as crianças da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas de 2004

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    Luis Ramon Marques da Rocha Gorgot


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever óbitos evitáveis de crianças pertencentes à Coorte de Pelotas, RS, de 2004. MÉTODOS: O óbito de 92 crianças entre 2004-2008 da Coorte de Pelotas 2004 foi identificado e classificado conforme a Lista de Causas de Mortes Evitáveis por Intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde. Os Sistemas de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM municipal e estadual foram rastreados para localizar mortes ocorridas fora de Pelotas e as causas após o primeiro ano vida. O óbito de menores de um ano foi avaliado e comparado entre um subestudo e o SIM. Foram calculados coeficientes de mortalidade: 1.000 nascidos vivos (NV, mortalidade proporcional por causas evitáveis e conforme tipo de unidade básica de saúde (tradicional ou Estratégia Saúde da Família. RESULTADOS: O coeficiente de mortalidade foi de 22,2:1.000 NV, 82 óbitos ocorreram no primeiro ano de vida (19,4:1.000 NV, dos quais 37 (45% na primeira semana. Mais de ¾ dos óbitos (70/92 eram evitáveis. No primeiro ano de vida, a maioria (42/82 das mortes seriam evitadas pela adequada atenção à mulher durante a gestação; de acordo com o SIM, a maioria (n = 32/82, pela adequada atenção ao recém-nascido. Não houve diferença entre o tipo de Unidade Básica de Saúde quanto à proporção de óbitos evitáveis. CONCLUSÕES: É alta a proporção de óbitos infantis que podem ser evitados. Para que os óbitos evitáveis possam ser utilizados como indicadores no monitoramento da qualidade da atenção à saúde materno-infantil, é necessário aprimorar a qualidade dos os registros das Declarações de Óbito.

  4. Diferenciais entre homens e mulheres na mortalidade evitável no Brasil (1983-2005 Gender differences in avoidable mortality in Brazil (1983-2005

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    Daisy Maria Xavier de Abreu


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a mortalidade de homens e mulheres em municípios brasileiros entre 1983 e 2005, segundo três grupamentos de causas de morte evitáveis: evitáveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, evitáveis por melhoria no tratamento e na atenção médica e doença isquêmica do coração. A associação entre a mortalidade evitável e as variáveis selecionadas foi realizada usando-se o modelo de regressão binomial negativa. Avaliou-se a magnitude da incidência das causas evitáveis na esperança de vida por meio da técnica de tábua de mortalidade de múltiplo decremento. Os homens apresentaram um risco maior de morrer em relação às mulheres para os grupos de causas evitáveis estudados, após controle de variáveis selecionadas. O ganho na esperança de vida ao nascer é sempre maior para as mulheres, com um aumento de até 5 anos para elas, ao eliminar as causas evitáveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoce. Deve-se avançar na análise de fatores relacionados à questão de gênero, que podem estar associados ao risco diferenciado de morte entre os sexos.The aim of the article was to analyze gender differences in mortality in 117 Brazilian municipalities from 1983 to 2005, based on three groups of causes of avoidable death: (1 avoidable through early diagnosis and treatment, (2 avoidable by improvements in quality of treatment and medical care, and (3 ischemic heart disease. The association between avoidable mortality and demographic and socioeconomic conditions and healthcare variables was analyzed through negative binomial regression. The multiple decrement technique was used to evaluate the impact of avoidable causes on life expectancy for men and women. Men showed a higher risk of death for all three groups of avoidable causes, after controlling for selected variables. Women would gain more than men, with an increase of up to five years in life expectancy, if avoidable causes were eliminated by

  5. Mortes evitáveis em vítimas com traumatismos Muertes evitables en víctimas con traumatismos Preventable trauma deaths

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    Cristina Helena Costanti Settervall


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever métodos e estimativas de mortalidade proporcional por mortes evitáveis e tipos de não conformidades do atendimento relacionadas a esses eventos. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática de publicações sobre mortes evitáveis em vítimas com traumatismos entre 2000 e 2009. Foi realizada pesquisa nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO e Medline utilizando-se a estratégia de busca com as palavras-chave "trauma", "avoidable", "preventable", "interventions" e "complications", e os descritores em ciências da saúde "death", "cause of death" e "hospitals". RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se 29 artigos publicados no período, com predomínio de estudos retrospectivos (96,5%. Os métodos mais comumente utilizados para definir a evitabilidade do óbito foram painel de especialistas ou pontuação de índices de gravidade, tendo sido empregadas as seguintes categorias: evitável, potencialmente evitável e não evitável. A média da mortalidade proporcional por mortes evitáveis dos estudos foi de 10,7% (dp 11,5%. As não conformidades mais comumente relatadas nas publicações foram sistema inadequado de atendimento ao traumatizado e erro na avaliação e tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: Observaram-se falhas na uniformização dos termos empregados para categorizar as mortes e as não conformidadades encontradas. Portanto, sugere-se a padronização da taxonomia da classificação das mortes e dos tipos de não conformidades observadas.OBJETIVO: Describir métodos y estimativas de mortalidad proporcional por muertes evitables y tipos de no concordancias de la atención relacionadas con tales eventos. MÉTODOS: Revisión sistemática de publicaciones sobre muertes evitables en víctimas con traumatismos entre 2000 y 2009. Se realizó investigación en las bases de datos Lilacs, SciELO y Medline utilizándose la estrategia de búsqueda con las palabras clave "trauma", "avoidable", "preventable", "interventions" y "complications" y los descriptores en

  6. Mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis em uma cidade do Nordeste do Brasil

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    Suelayne Gonçalves do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Estudo de corte transversal que objetivou descrever a ocorrência da mortalidade infantil em Recife (PE entre 2000 e 2009, segundo causas evitáveis. A população foi composta pelos óbitos infantis de mães residentes na cidade do Recife e a classificação de evitabilidade adotou a Lista de causas de mortes evitáveis por intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva. Foi observado decréscimo no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil de 20,4 para 12,1 por 1.000 nascidos vivos. Do total de 3.743 óbitos registrados, 2.861 (76,4% foram classificados como evitáveis. Destacaram-se os óbitos reduzíveis por adequada atenção à mulher na gestação. A abordagem da evitabilidade auxilia nas discussões relacionadas à organização, qualidade e acesso aos serviços de saúde, bem como na identificação dos óbitos que poderiam ter sido prevenidos ou evitados por uma adequada atenção à saúde materno-infantil.

  7. Variación de los indicadores de mortalidad evitable entre comunas chilenas como aproximación a las desigualdades de salud Using different indicators of preventable mortality as an approach to measuring health inequalities in Chilean municipalities

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    Cesar Gattini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS:Analizar variaciones de mortalidad evitable entre comunas, utilizando diversos indicadores, como aproximación operacional para estimar desigualdades de salud. MÉTODOS:Análisis de variación de áreas pequeñas en una muestra de 117 de las 335 comunas chilenas en 1992. Usando datos secundarios, se desarrollaron y analizaron indicadores de mortalidad evitable, tales como los años de vida potencial perdidos (AVPP, la mortalidad evitable (ME (con antecedentes y criterios basados en fuentes publicadas, la mortalidad evitable mediante la atención de salud (MEAS, y la esperanza de vida. También se creó un indicador de desarrollo socioeconómico (IDSE. La amplitud de las variaciones observadas entre indicadores se estimó mediante el coeficiente ponderado de variación, el coeficiente de Gini, la razón entre quintiles extremos del IDSE y la razón entre el quintil con el menor IDSE y el grupo de comunas con IDSE mayores de 0,90 (referencia empírica óptima. El perfil socioeconómico de las variaciones se examinó mediante curvas de concentración y la comparación de quintiles comunales según IDSE. RESULTADOS:Los diversos indicadores de ME usados mostraron una relación inversa estadísticamente significativa con el desarrollo socioeconómico, tendencia también observada en el perfil de los quintiles definidos por IDSE y en la mayoría de las causas específicas de mortalidad evitable. El uso de tres niveles de referencia (promedio, quintil con el mayor IDSE y referencia empírica óptima plantea la medición de distintas brechas que podrían prevenirse. La razón entre el quintil con el menor IDSE y la referencia óptima fue de 2,1 en el caso de la ME, de 2,0 en el caso de los AVPP, de 1,7 en el de la mortalidad infantil y de 1,5 en el de la MEAS. CONCLUSIONES:Los resultados, que coinciden con los hallados en otras fuentes publicadas previamente, ponderan la magnitud y el perfil de las variaciones entre comunas y proveen informaci

  8. Asfixia perinatal associada à mortalidade neonatal precoce: estudo populacional dos óbitos evitáveis Asfixia perinatal asociada a la mortalidad neonatal temprana: estudio de población de los óbitos evitables Perinatal asphyxia associated with early neonatal mortality: populational study of avoidable deaths

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    Mandira Daripa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o perfil epidemiológico dos óbitos neonatais precoces evitáveis associados à asfixia perinatal conforme a região de ocorrência do óbito no Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Coorte populacional constituída por 2.873 óbitos evitáveis até seis dias de vida associados à asfixia perinatal ocorridos entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2003. Considerou-se como asfixia perinatal a presença de hipóxia intraútero, asfixia ao nascer ou síndrome de aspiração de mecônio em qualquer linha da Declaração de Óbito original. Variáveis epidemiológicas também foram extraídas das Declarações de Nascido Vivo. RESULTADOS: No triênio, 1,71 mortes por 1.000 nascidos vivos estavam associadas à asfixia perinatal, correspondendo a 22% dos óbitos neonatais precoces. Dos 2.873 óbitos evitáveis, 761 (27% ocorreram em São Paulo, capital; 640 (22%, na região metropolitana da capital; e 1.472 (51%, no interior do estado. Nas duas primeiras regiões predominaram as mortes em hospitais públicos, recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 37 semanas e peso abaixo de 2500g. No interior, os óbitos foram mais frequentes em entidades beneficentes, recém-nascidos a termo e com peso superior a 2500g. A maioria dos bebês nasceu durante o dia no município de residência materna e evoluiu para óbito no hospital de nascimento até 24 horas após o parto. A síndrome de aspiração de mecônio esteve presente em 18% dos óbitos. CONCLUSÕES: A asfixia perinatal é um contribuinte frequente para a morte neonatal precoce evitável no estado com o maior produto interno bruto per capita do Brasil, evidenciando a necessidade de intervenções específicas com enfoque regionalizado na assistência ao parto e ao nascimento.OBJETIVO: Comparar el perfil epidemiológico de los óbitos neonatales tempranos evitables asociados a la asfixia perinatal conforme a la región de ocurrencia del óbito en la provincia de São Paulo (Brasil. M

  9. Insuficiência Renal Crónica – Casuística de 16 Anos (1986-2001) da Unidade de Nefrologia do Hospital de Dona Estefânia


    Castro, I


    Entre Janeiro 1986 e Dezembro de 2001 foram seguidos na nossa Unidade 100 doentes com Insuficiência Renal Crónica com idade igual ou inferior a 15 anos (M:F = 54:46; idade ≥ 0 ≤15 anos). A idade de detecção da doença foi inferior aos dois anos em 35% dos casos. Cinquenta e nove doentes (59%) atingiram a fase de Insuficiência Renal Terminal no decurso destes 16 anos, tendo sido transplantados 41 (69,5%), encontrando-se no final do estudo 12 (20,3%) doentes em hemodiálise, três (...

  10. Condicoes dentarias entre adultos brasileiros de 1986 a 2010

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    Sergio do Nascimento


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar tendências do padrão da cárie dentária em adultos brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados provenientes de levantamentos epidemiológicos realizados pelo Ministério da Saúde nos anos de 1986, 2003 e 2010. A experiência de cárie, expressa pelo índice CPOD (dentes permanentes cariados, perdidos e obturados, e a saúde dentária, expressa pelo índice OH-D (dentes hígidos + obturados relativo ao número de dentes funcionais, foram comparadas em amostras aleatórias de residentes de 35 a 44 anos de idade em cada região brasileira. As diferenças nas condições dentárias entre os anos foram estimadas por meio da razão dos valores dos índices, empregando-se análise de regressão de Poisson ajustada pela idade. RESULTADOS: Houve reduções no índice CPOD e aumento no índice OH-D em todas as regiões no período de 1986 a 2010. A região Norte, que tinha o pior padrão em 1986, apresentou o maior ganho em termos de dentição funcional. CONCLUSÕES: Tem ocorrido uma transição da saúde bucal para melhor nos adultos brasileiros. É plausível que a adição de flúor à água e ao creme dental, maior incorporação de serviços restauradores e a melhoria nos indicadores de desenvolvimento humano decorrentes de políticas públicas estejam relacionados a essa melhora.

  11. Encuestas nacionales de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitables en Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá, Perú y Uruguay

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    Juan Carlos Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la justificación y metodología usadas en la Evaluación Rápida de Ceguera Evitable empleada para efectuar encuestas a nivel nacional entre 2011 y 2013 en Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá, Perú y Uruguay. MÉTODOS: La encuesta se dirige a personas de 50 años o más, lo que reduce al mínimo los requisitos de tamaño de la muestra, que oscila entre 2 000 y 5 000 personas. Se emplean sistemas simples de muestreo y técnicas de examen; el análisis de datos es automático y no requiere de un experto en estadística. Es relativamente económica, ya que no toma mucho tiempo, no requiere equipos oftalmológicos costosos y puede ser llevada a cabo por el personal local. Los informes son generados mediante el propio programa informático de la evaluación. RESULTADOS: Los indicadores generados son la prevalencia de la ceguera y la deficiencia visual severa y moderada (discriminadas por causas evitables y cataratas; la prevalencia de afaquia o pseudofaquia; la cobertura de la cirugía de cataratas; el resultado visual de las cirugías de cataratas; las causas de resultados malos; las barreras de acceso a la cirugía de cataratas; y los indicadores de servicio de la cirugía de cataratas. Los resultados de cada una de las encuestas serán publicados de manera secuencial en números sucesivos de la revista, y en un artículo final de resumen se hará un análisis de los resultados en su conjunto y comparativo entre las encuestas y con aquellas publicadas anteriormente, que aportará un estado de la situación actual en ese grupo de países. CONCLUSIONES: La Evaluación Rápida de Ceguera Evitable es una metodología sólida, sencilla y económica para determinar la prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual y la cobertura y calidad de los servicios de salud ocular, y representa una herramienta muy valiosa para medir el progreso de los programas de prevención de la ceguera y su impacto en la población.

  12. Diseño y análisis comparativo de un inventario de indicadores de mortalidad evitable adaptado a las condiciones sanitarias de Colombia Design and comparative analysis of an inventory of avoidable mortality indicators specific to health conditions in Colombia

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    Rubén Darío Gómez-Arias


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Elaborar un inventario de indicadores de mortalidad evitable (INIME que permita analizar las fallas en el control de los riesgos de mortalidad predominantes en Colombia y comparar los resultados de su aplicación con los obtenidos mediante dos enfoques ampliamente utilizados. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron los registros oficiales de mortalidad de Colombia de 1985 a 2001; las causas básicas de muerte se clasificaron según la CIE-9. Se seleccionaron los indicadores de mortalidad evitable (ME mediante un algoritmo que combinó las listas de Holland y de Taucher, la definición de Rutstein y colaboradores y el principio de Uemura. Se compararon las proporciones de muertes evitables resultantes de aplicar el INIME y las dos listas de ME a una base de datos con los registros oficiales de defunciones de Colombia de 1993 a 1996. RESULTADOS: De las 680617 defunciones registradas en el período de estudio, se clasificaron como evitables 18,2% según la lista de Holland y 51,3% según la lista de Taucher. La ME según el INIME ascendió a 76,7%. Este patrón se mantuvo relativamente estable entre 1993 y 1996. Las diferencias observadas en la proporción de muertes evitables según el INIME y las dos listas de ME se relacionaron con el perfil epidemiológico local y el enfoque conceptual de cada lista. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferencias entre el INIME y las listas de ME de Holland y de Taucher muestran las consecuencias de usar una u otra clasificación en el contexto colombiano. El INIME puede constituir un recurso valioso para fundamentar y evaluar políticas sanitarias, pero debe ajustarse a la situación específica en que se aplique.OBJECTIVES: To develop a list of indicators of avoidable mortality (LIAM in order to analyze failed efforts to control the mortality risks prevalent in Colombia, and to compare its results to those of two widely-used approaches. METHODS: The official mortality records of Colombia for 1985-2001 were reviewed; the basic

  13. Mortalidad evitable: el caso de la frontera norte de México, 1980-1990

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    Molina Carlos Antonio G.


    Full Text Available Cuando se conciben las causas de muerte como el resultado de procesos mórbidos que pudieron haber sido evitados con distintos tipos de medidas económicas, sociales, de servicios de salud y los avances en el conocimiento científico y tecnológico, queda clara la existencia de una determinación estructural que impide que amplios sectores de la población transiten hacia "perfiles epidemiológicos modernos". Se usaron las bases de datos anuales sobre defunciones, entre 1979 y 1991, generadas por el INEGI/DGESSA para 5 estados fronterizos. Se ajustaron las defunciones según el procedimiento Preston-Coale y se construyeron tablas de vida para 1980/1990. Se encontraron los aportes de los grupos de causas evitables por sexo y edad a las ganancias en la esperanza de vida en el período según el procedimiento de Pollard. Entre los hallazgos se destacan: una discreta ganancia en la esperanza de vida, entre otras razones, debido a la permanencia de una alta contribución de defunciones que pudieron haber sido evitadas (50%. En contra de lo esperado, el género masculino disminuyó la diferencia en la esperanza de vida con respecto a sus congéneres. La sobremortalidad masculina sigue siendo explicada por este tipo de causas, en donde los accidentes y violencias aportan altos porcentajes.

  14. Mortalidad evitable: el caso de la frontera norte de México, 1980-1990

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    Carlos Antonio G. Molina

    Full Text Available Cuando se conciben las causas de muerte como el resultado de procesos mórbidos que pudieron haber sido evitados con distintos tipos de medidas económicas, sociales, de servicios de salud y los avances en el conocimiento científico y tecnológico, queda clara la existencia de una determinación estructural que impide que amplios sectores de la población transiten hacia "perfiles epidemiológicos modernos". Se usaron las bases de datos anuales sobre defunciones, entre 1979 y 1991, generadas por el INEGI/DGESSA para 5 estados fronterizos. Se ajustaron las defunciones según el procedimiento Preston-Coale y se construyeron tablas de vida para 1980/1990. Se encontraron los aportes de los grupos de causas evitables por sexo y edad a las ganancias en la esperanza de vida en el período según el procedimiento de Pollard. Entre los hallazgos se destacan: una discreta ganancia en la esperanza de vida, entre otras razones, debido a la permanencia de una alta contribución de defunciones que pudieron haber sido evitadas (50%. En contra de lo esperado, el género masculino disminuyó la diferencia en la esperanza de vida con respecto a sus congéneres. La sobremortalidad masculina sigue siendo explicada por este tipo de causas, en donde los accidentes y violencias aportan altos porcentajes.

  15. Brazilian energy balance 2002: calendar year 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Brazilian Energy Balance 2002, based on 2001 data, contains the information related to the supply and consumption of the primary and secondary energy sources, provided by data and information of responsible sectors. This version presents important differences in relation to the previous editions, new technical concepts were introduced for the treatment of calorific powers of energy sources in the composition and consolidation of data, and also in the structure of its contents. The Balance 2002 was structured in the same way of the last edition, divided in 8 chapters, as follows: summary of the relevant indicators of 2001 and consolidated data of production, consumption and external dependence on energy, and also the sectorial composition of the consumption of the different groups of energy sources - period 1970/2001; energy supply and demand by source - 1986/2001; energy consumption by sector - 1986/2001; energy foreign trading - 1986/2001; transformation centers balances - 1986/2001; energy resources and reserves - 1973/2001; energy and socio-economy - 1986/2001; regional parameters and appendices including: installed capacity, international data, general structure of the balance, information processing, conversion units and consolidated energy balances - 1970/2001,in the 'kcal' unit, calculated in PCI- Inferior Calorific Power. This new model has the intention to approximate the Brazilian Energy Balance to the international methodologies, mainly to the OECD balances

  16. La population de l'Iran en 1986, entre les conflits irakien et afghan

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    Bernard HOURCADE


    Full Text Available Entre 1976 et 1986, l'Iran a gagné 16 millions d'habitants, en raison d'un taux de croissance démographique élevé. Des faits nouveaux apparaissent: l'apport des réfugiés afghans, la croissance périphérique accélérée des villes sur le modèle de Téhéran, une alphabétisation en progrès. Enfin, pour la première fois, la population urbaine dépasse la population rurale.

  17. Óbitos infantis evitáveis em Belo Horizonte: análise de concordância da causa básica, 2010-2011

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    Simone Passos de Castro e Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivos: analisar o perfil dos óbitos infantis evitáveis investigados e a concordância entre a causa básica da declaração de óbito (DO original e da DO após investigação. Métodos: estudo de base populacional com análise dos óbitos infantis e dos óbitos evitáveis investigados pelo Comitê de Prevenção de Óbitos de Belo Horizonte (CMPOFI, em 2010 e 2011. A DO após investigação baseou-se na análise dos dados ambulatorial, hospitalar e domiciliar realizada pelo CMPOFI. As causas de morte foram codificadas segundo a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde - 10º Revisão e a causa básica selecionada. A concordância entre a causa básica da DO original e da DO após investigação, analisada de acordo com lista reduzida de tabulação de causas de mortalidade infantil (LIR-MI, foi determinada pelo índice Kappa. Resultados: o Kappa foi fraco (K=0,389; IC95%: 0,192-05,76 quando avaliado pelos grupos da LIRMI. Houve mudanças relevantes na causa de óbito após investigação, com aumento da proporção de óbitos por asfixia, fatores maternos, infecções da criança, infecções perinatais, causas externas e morte súbita na infância. Conclusões: a investigação de óbitos possibilitou maior esclarecimento sobre as circunstâncias dos óbitos infantis evitáveis e a qualificação da causa básica, passos fundamentais para orientar as ações para sua prevenção.

  18. Increase in the prevalence of rhinitis among Danish children from 1986 to 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Håkansson, K; Thomsen, SF; Ulrik, Charlotte Suppli


    In recent decades, there has been a worldwide increase in the prevalence of atopic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there has been a change in the prevalence of rhinitis among children in Denmark from 1986 to 2001. We compared data from two random population-based samples.......001). The increase was most pronounced among subjects who suffered from non-allergic rhinitis (p disease were...... strong predictors of non-allergic rhinitis, whereas a history of asthma, parental atopic disease, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, eczema, and age at examination were statistically significant predictors of allergic rhinitis. The prevalence of non-allergic rhinitis among Danish children has increased...

  19. Encuesta nacional de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitables en Honduras

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    Doris Alvarado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual en Honduras, sus causas y la respuesta que los servicios de salud están dando a la creciente demanda. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional transversal realizado entre junio y diciembre de 2013 mediante la metodología estándar de evaluación rápida de ceguera evitable. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio en 63 conglomerados de 50 personas de 50 años o más, representativo de todo el país. Se evaluó la agudeza visual (AV mediante una cartilla de Snellen y el estado del cristalino y del polo posterior por oftalmoscopía directa. Se calculó la cobertura de cirugía de catarata y se evaluó su calidad, las causas de tener AV < 20/60 y las barreras para acceder al tratamiento quirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Se examinaron 2 999 personas (95,2% del total previsto. La prevalencia de ceguera fue de 1,9% (intervalo de confianza de 95%: 1,4-2,4% y 82,2% de esos casos era evitable. La catarata no operada fue la causa principal de ceguera (59,2%, seguida del glaucoma (21,1%. Los errores de refracción no corregidos fueron la principal causa de deficiencia visual, tanto severa (19,7% como moderada (58,6%. La cobertura de cirugía de catarata fue de 75,2%. De los ojos operados de catarata, 62,5% alcanzó una AV ≥ 20/60 con la corrección disponible. Las principales barreras para someterse a la cirugía de catarata fueron el costo (27,7% y la falta de disponibilidad o de acceso geográfico al tratamiento (24,6%. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual en Honduras es similar a la de otros países latinoamericanos. Mejorar la capacidad resolutiva de los servicios oftalmológicos, especialmente de cirugía de catarata, desarrollar los servicios ópticos y la atención ocular incorporada en la atención primaria en salud, podrían resolver el 67% de los casos de ceguera.

  20. The Unequal Burden of Weight Gain: An Intersectional Approach to Understanding Social Disparities in BMI Trajectories from 1986 to 2001/2002 (United States)

    Ailshire, Jennifer A.; House, James S.


    The implications of recent weight gain trends for widening social disparities in body weight in the United States are unclear. Using an intersectional approach to studying inequality, and the longitudinal and nationally representative American's Changing Lives study (1986-2001/2002), we examine social disparities in body mass index trajectories…

  1. Evolução da mortalidade por causas evitáveis e expansão dos recursos municipais de saúde em Maringá, Paraná

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    Scochi Maria José


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução do perfil da mortalidade por doenças evitáveis, em Maringá, PR, relacionando-o à qualidade de assistência á saúde. MÉTODOS: A partir da proposição de estudos de resultado da assistência foram selecionadas 11 causas de mortes. À evolução dos óbitos foi associada a evolução dos recursos disponíveis, bem como ao grau de escolarização e saneamento básico, no período de 1983-1993. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os dados revelaram que as taxas de mortalidade da maioria das causas evitáveis tenderam ao declínio, com uma redução de 39%, em contraposição a 16% das demais. Observou-se uma melhora das condições de escolarização e de saneamento. A evolução positiva das condições gerais da população dificulta atribuir imediatamente aos serviços a responsabilidade sobre o declínio das mortes evitáveis, mas a diferença entre estas mortes e as demais permite inferir que, se diante de condições satisfatórias de vida ocorresse um recrudescimento desses indicadores, poder-se-ia constatar uma falta de efetividade dos serviços. A constatação do arrefecimento dos indicadores pode fazer supor que a expansão dos serviços auxiliou no declínio.

  2. Avalik kiri Vladimir Iljaševitšile / Hannes Walter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Walter, Hannes, 1952-2004


    Vastukaja Olev Miili artiklile "Faktid väljamõeldiste vastu" (Õhtuleht, 22. juuni, 1988). Olev Miili pseudonüümi all kirjutas KGB töötaja Vladimir Iljaševitš, kes 1988. aasta aprillis avaldas üleliidulise uudisteagentuuri APN ajakirjas Globus artikli, milles õigustas ja põhjendas nõukogude võimu poolt Eestis sooritatud küüditamisi

  3. A evitabilidade de óbitos entre idosos em São Paulo, Brasil: análise das principais causas de morte La evitabilidad de óbitos entre ancianos en São Paulo, Brasil: análisis de las principales causas de muerte Avoidability of deaths from chronic illnesses in elderly individuals in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Aline Marques


    Full Text Available As causas de morte evitáveis tornaram-se um importante indicador para avaliar os serviços de saúde. São óbitos que não deveriam ocorrer diante de adequadas ações de prevenção, tratamento, diagnóstico precoce e adoção de tecnologias apropriadas. Neste artigo, analisam-se o padrão e a magnitude das causas de morte evitáveis das principais causas de morte entre idosos com até 74 anos, por sexo, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Estimou-se, ainda, o impacto das causas de morte evitáveis sobre a expectativa de vida dos idosos e observou-se que 62,5% dos óbitos entre idosos com até 74 anos, em São Paulo, ocorreram por essas causas. As principais causas de morte evitáveis constituíram 82,6% do total de óbitos evitáveis, destacando-se a hipertensão e os tumores associados ao tabagismo. A expectativa de vida aos 60 anos aumentaria em 20% se esses óbitos não ocorressem. A sobremortalidade masculina foi observada em quase todas as causas de morte evitáveis analisadas, o que pode estar relacionado à maior exposição a fatores de risco e à menor utilização dos serviços de saúde pelos homens. Recomenda-se que as ações de prevenção e promoção de saúde considerem as acentuadas diferenças de sexo e gênero.Las causas de muerte evitables se convirtieron en un importante indicador para evaluar los servicios de salud. Son óbitos que no deberían ocurrir ante adecuadas acciones de prevención, tratamiento, diagnóstico precoz y adopción de tecnologías apropiadas. En este artículo, se analiza el padrón y la magnitud de las causas de muerte evitables entre las principales causas de muerte de ancianos con hasta 74 años, por sexo, en el Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Se estimó, incluso, el impacto de las causas de muerte evitables sobre la expectativa de vida de los ancianos y se observó que un 62,5% de los óbitos entre ancianos con hasta 74 años, en São Paulo, se produjeron por esas causas. Las principales causas de

  4. Análise dos óbitos evitáveis de menores de cinco anos no município de Maringá-PR Análisis de los óbitos evitables en menores de cinco años en Maringá-PR Analysis of preventable deaths in children under five years in Maringá-PR

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    Denise Albieri Jodas


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os óbitos de menores de cinco anos por doenças evitáveis ocorridos em 2008 no município de Maringá, PR. Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, com 41 óbitos. Como instrumento norteador de coleta de dados, utilizou-se o formulário de investigação do Comitê de Prevenção do Óbito Infantil e Fetal. Dos 41 casos encontrados, 65,9% representaram óbitos neonatais, 24,4% pós-neonatais e 9,7%, de criança com mais de um ano; destes, 90,2% óbitos foram considerados evitáveis, sendo 64,9% neonatais, 27,0% pós-neonatais e 8,1% na idade acima de um ano. Quanto às medidas de evitabilidade, percebeu-se que as atividades de prevenção foram as mais encontradas entre as possibilidades de redução do óbito, com 59,5%, seguidas de ações de diagnóstico e tratamento precisos, com 35,1%. Conclui-se que a maioria dos óbitos evitáveis tem relação direta com a assistência à gestante no pré-natal e no parto, demonstrando a necessidade de instituir uma prática efetiva e de qualidade.Analizar las muertes de niños menores de cinco años por enfermedades evitables ocurridas en 2008 en Maringá, PR. Investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, con 41 óbitos. Como instrumento de orientación para la recolección de datos, se utilizó el formulario de investigación de la Comisión de la Prevención de la Mortalidad Infantil y Fetal. De los 41 casos encontrados, un 65,9% representaron óbitos neonatales, 24,4% post-neonatales y 9,7% por encima de un año; de estos 90,2% de las muertes fueron consideradas evitables, siendo un 64,9% neonatales, 27,0% post-neonatales y 8,1% en la edad por encima de un año. Cuanto a las medidas de prevención, se observó que las actividades de prevención se han encontrado con mayor frecuencia entre las posibilidades de reducción de la muerte, dejando a un 59,5%, seguido por las acciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento, con un 35,1%. Conclusión: la mayoría de las muertes evitables

  5. Descriptive epidemiology of anophthalmia and microphthalmia, Hawaii, 1986-2001. (United States)

    Forrester, Mathias B; Merz, Ruth D


    Population-based epidemiologic data on anophthalmia and microphthalmia in the United States are limited and have come mainly from only a few states. The intent of this study was to report on the epidemiology of these eye defects. Cases were derived from a population-based birth defects registry in Hawaii and comprised all infants and fetuses with anophthalmia and microphthalmia who were delivered during 1986-2001. Anophthalmia and microphthalmia rates per 10,000 births were determined for selected factors, and comparisons were made by calculating the rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Ninety-six cases of anophthalmia and microphthalmia were identified, with a rate of 3.21 per 10,000 live births. The eye defects were isolated in 5 cases (5.2%), and 24 cases (25.0%) had confirmed chromosomal abnormalities. The risk of anophthalmia and microphthalmia varied over time and was significantly higher for live-born infants with low birth weights and gestational ages. The anophthalmia and microphthalmia rates also varied by maternal race/ethnicity, sex, and plurality, although these differences were not statistically significant. Anophthalmia and microphthalmia frequently occurred with other birth defects, and the rate was consistent with that found in the literature. The risk of defects differed significantly with time period, birth weight, and gestational age. The impact of many factors on anophthalmia and microphthalmia in Hawaii was frequently consistent with that reported elsewhere. Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  6. From the Angle of Reader 50 Year of TKDB (1952-1986 / TK (1987-2001 Okur Gözüyle TKDB (1952-1986 / TK (1987-2001 Dergisinin 50 Yılı

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    Hasan S. Keseroğlu


    Full Text Available This study deals with the conditions and the medium of the issue of the Bulletin of the Turkish Librarians' Association (TKDB; 1952-1986, which has been named as the Journal of the Turkish Librarianship (TK; 1987-2001 later. Besides, the features of its contents, the changes based on the historical periods and the change itself has been examined closely. This evaluative procedure can be summarized as follows: first, the type and the genre of the writings identified as original, translation, the latest book reviews, citation/quotation, report, letter, law, argumentative essay, interview, competition or news, considering the features obtained from the close study of each number of the TKDB / TK journals within fifty years. Second, after 1980, from the point of scientific method and technique the numerical data have been obtained from the usage of bibliographies, deep notes, and the utility of translations into Turkish in the field of information and documentation, and all the findings have been discussed. Bu çalışmada, Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni (TKDB; 1952-1986 değişen adıyla Türk Kütüphaneciliği (TK; 1987-2001 dergisinin çıkış koşulları ve ortamı anlamaya çalışılmakta; ayrıca TKDB /TK'nin içerik özellikleri, dönemlere bağlı olarak değişimi, bu değişimin irdelenmesi ele alınmaktadır.Bu değerlendirme işlemi, öncesinde TKDB / TK dergilerinin elli yıllık sayılarındaki yazılar tek tek gözden geçirilerek özellikleri tür (telif, çeviri, yayın tanıtım, alıntı/aktarma, rapor, mektup, yasa, tartışma metni, röportaj, yarışma ve haber olarak; 1980 sonrası da bilimsel yöntem ve teknik açısından kaynakça, dipnot kullanma ve bilgi ve belge yönetimi konusunda Türkçeye yapılan çevirilerden yararlanma yönünde sayısal veriler belirlenmiş ve bu veriler tartışılmıştır.

  7. Analgesia for labour pain – analysis of the trends and associations in the Grampian region of Scotland between 1986 and 2001

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    Wang Tao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although intrapartum analgesia has been in use since Victorian times, there have been few attempts to study its usage from routinely collected data. This population based epidemiological study aimed to analyse retrospective data on the distribution of different types of labour analgesia used by women in the Grampian region of Scotland between 1986 and 2001 in order to examine time trends and associations. Methods Data records on all deliveries occurring in the years 1986 to 2001 were extracted from the Aberdeen Maternity and Neonatal Databank. The rates of the use of epidural, opioid and Entonox or no analgesia for pain relief in labour in each year were calculated. Maternal, pregnancy, labour and delivery characteristics were compared among the users of three different analgesics by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results A total of 81,418 deliveries were analysed. Of these, 12,659 (15.5% women had epidural, 33,819 (41.5% had used opioids and 26,974(33.1% received either Entonox or no analgesia at all. The women who received epidural analgesia were younger, shorter and heavier and had larger babies (OR = 1.05, 95% CI 1.01, 1.08. Three quarters of them were primigravidae and had longer periods of gestation. They were also more likely to have suffered pregnancy related complications (OR = 2.11, 95% CI 1.8, 2.4. Labour was more likely to have been induced (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 2.6, 2.9 and to have lasted longer in this group of women. Women in this group were 5 times more likely to have an instrumental delivery (95% CI 4.9, 5.1 and 7 times more likely to have a Caesarean section (95% CI 5.7, 9.3. Conclusion Non epidural analgesia was found to be the most popular choice for pain relief in labour in the Grampian region between 1986 and 2001, although an increase in the uptake of epidural services is starting to occur. The type of labour analgesia used is associated with the epidemiological characteristics of the women

  8. Mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis no Brasil: um estudo ecológico no período 2000-2002 Infant mortality from preventable causes in Brazil: an ecological study in 2000-2002

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    Antonio Fernando Boing


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi testar as associações entre a mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis no Brasil com indicadores sócio-econômicos e de serviços e investimentos em saúde. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, cujas unidades de análise foram os 296 municípios brasileiros com população superior a 80 mil habitantes. Realizaram-se os testes de Kruskall-Wallis e ANOVA para identificar diferenças significativas entre os quartis de mortalidade infantil segundo as variáveis independentes, e foram calculados os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e de Spearman para testar as associações entre todas as variáveis. Os municípios que compuseram os quartis com maior mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis apresentaram também menor Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal, Produto Interno Bruto per capita, pessoas que vivem em domicílios com banheiro e água encanada, despesa total com saúde por habitante e médicos por mil habitantes; e maior coeficiente de Gini. A compreensão do papel protagonista das condições sócio-econômicas e de investimentos em saúde sobre a mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis deve permear as ações que visem à minimização da magnitude e da desigualdade desses óbitos.This study aims to test the associations between infant mortality from preventable causes in Brazil and socioeconomic factors, including those pertaining to health services and investments. This was an ecological study using 296 Brazilian counties (municipalities with more than 80,000 inhabitants each as the analytical units. Kruskall-Wallis and ANOVA tests were performed to compare independent variables according to infant mortality quartile, and Pearson and Spearman's correlation coefficients were computed to test the associations. As the infant mortality quartile from preventable causes increases, there is a gradual decrease in the municipal human development index, per capita gross domestic product, households with

  9. Qualidade da atenção básica mediante internações evitáveis no Sul do Brasil Quality of primary care as measured by preventable hospitalizations in the South of Brazil

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    Juvenal Soares Dias-da-Costa


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo para avaliar mediante taxa de internações hospitalares evitáveis a qualidade dos cuidados oferecidos pela rede básica de saúde em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no período entre 1995 a 2004. Foram consideradas como internações evitáveis: diabetes mellitus, insuficiência cardíaca, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e doenças imunopreveníveis (poliomielite, difteria, tétano, coqueluche, sarampo. Foram incluídos homens e mulheres de 20 a 59 anos. Os percentuais entre as mulheres foram superiores aos encontrados nos homens. Foi observada uma diminuição dos percentuais de internações tanto nos homens como nas mulheres no decorrer do período. Mesmo após a padronização direta revelou-se que as taxas de internação de Pelotas foram inferiores às do Rio Grande do Sul. Os custos das hospitalizações evitáveis acompanharam a queda observada nas taxas de internações. Aparentemente, a diminuição verificada nas taxas de internações evitáveis pode estar relacionada à qualificação dos serviços de atenção básica. Contudo, os resultados podem ser conseqüências do financiamento do sistema de saúde. Os valores de pagamento desses procedimentos são baixos e podem estar direcionando os hospitais a uma diminuição da oferta de leitos.This study assessed the quality of primary care in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through preventable hospitalization rates (1995-2004. Preventable hospitalizations were defined as those related to the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and vaccine-preventable diseases (polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and measles. Men and women from 20 to 59 years of age were included in the study. The proportion of preventable causes among hospital admissions was higher for women than for men. From 1995 to 2004 there was a decrease in preventable

  10. From the Angle of Reader 50 Year of TKDB (1952-1986 / TK (1987-2001

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    Hasan S. Keseroğlu


    Full Text Available This study deals with the conditions and the medium of the issue of the Bulletin of the Turkish Librarians’ Association (TKDB; 1952-1986, which has been na- med as the Journal of the Turkish Librarianship (TK; 1987-2001 later. Besides, the features of it s contents, the changes based on the historical periods and the change it self has been examined closely. This evaluative procedure can be sum- marized as follows: first, the type and the genre of the writings identified as ori- ginal, translation, the latest book reviews, citation/guotation, report, letter, law, argumentative essay, interview,competition or news, considering the features obtained from the close study of each number of t he TKDB / TK j ou mal s within fift.y years. Second, af ter 1980, from the point of scientifi c method and techrıique the numerical data have been obtained fronı the usage of bibliographies, deep rıotes, and the utility of translations into Turkish in the field of Information and documentation, and ali the findings have been discussed.

  11. Diferencias territoriales en la mortalidad prematura y evitable en España

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    Aurora García Ballesteros


    Full Text Available The study of premature mortality and evitable throw indicator of potential years of live, it lost discover important space differences in Spain, that traduce the uneven geography of the risk factors. In this work it have a first approximation of the thematic, that the end of this is the rules supply of the causes that indicated the lost years of potentials live in a country that like Spain have obtained the last phase of epidemic transition.

  12. Mortalidad evitable en los estados de la frontera del norte de México: posibles implicaciones sociales y para los servicios de salud / Avoidable mortality in the border states of northern Mexico: potential implications for social determinants and health services

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    Ana M. López J.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la mortalidad evitable en los estados de la frontera del norte de México entre 1998 y 2007 para indirectamente evaluar la calidad de los servicios de salud en la región. Metodología: se analizó la información sobre mortalidad del Sistema Nacional de Información en Salud (sinais. La unidad de análisis fue la causa básica de la defunción codificada según la décima revisión de la CIE. La mortalidad evitable fue clasificada según el catálogo de causas de muerte propuesto por Gómez. Se hizo un análisis exploratorio de la relación entre la mortalidad evitable y la derechohabiencia y el nivel socioeconómico de los municipios correspondientes a las muertes. Resultados: la tasa de mortalidad evitable global fue de 350,2 muertes por mil habitantes en la región. La mortalidad evitable por diagnóstico y tratamiento médico precoz, violencia y VIH/SIDA tuvo tasas de 223, 60 y 5 por mil habitantes, respectivamente, presentando variaciones de magnitud, sociodemográficas y por derechohabiencia entre estados. Discusión y conclusiones: las poblaciones de los estados de la frontera norte de México se caracterizan por tener una dinámica sociodemográfica y de los servicios de salud muy intensa. Los resultados sugieren que el sistema de salud está siendo rebasado en su respuesta a una alta frecuencia de enfermedades no transmisibles. En el aspecto social existen condiciones estructurales en México que favorecen la presencia de narcotráfico y su consecuente causa de violencia y consumo de drogas ilegales que podrían estar relacionadas con la frecuencia de muertes violentas y en forma subsidiaria con las causadas por el VIH/SIDA. / ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze avoidable mortality between 1998 and 2007 in the border states of Northern Mexico to evaluate, indirectly, the quality of the region's health care services. Methodology: the information on mortality provided by the National Health Information System

  13. Evolución de las coberturas vacunales antigripales entre 1993-2001 en España: Análisis por Comunidades Autónomas

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    Elga Mayo Montero


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La gripe es una enfermedad con una elevada morbilidad y que ocasiona un alto coste sanitario, para la que además se dispone de una vacuna eficaz. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la evolución de las coberturas vacunales antigripales en España por Comunidades Autónomas entre 1993 y 2001. Métodos: Se han analizado un total de 42.123 registros de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS de los años 1993 (n=21.051 y 2001(n=21.072. Todos ellos corresponden a adultos españoles mayores de 15 años no institucionalizados. Ambas encuestas son representativas a nivel de Comunidad Autónoma. Resultados: Para el total de la muestra se estima una cobertura vacunal en 1993 de 17,94% (IC 95% 17,42-18,46 y de 19,30% (18,77-19,83 en 2001. En el modelo de regresión logística, ajustado por edad, género y enfermedad crónica asociada, se observan mejoras significativas en las coberturas del grupo de mayores de 64 años (OR= 1,28 IC 95% 1,10-1,50 para el total de España y para cinco de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas entre 1993 y 2001. Sin embargo, no encontramos cambios significativos en las coberturas para el grupo de menores de 65 años con enfermedad crónica asociada que supone una indicación para la vacunación. Conclusiones: Tanto en España como en la mayoría de las Comunidades Autónomas entre 1993 y 2001 se observa una ligera pero insuficiente mejoría en las coberturas de vacunación en los grupos de riesgo estudiados. Las Comunidades Autónomas muestran coberturas dispares entre sí. Los sujetos menores de 65 años con enfermedades crónicas asociadas que incrementan el riesgo de sufrir las complicaciones de la gripe no han mejorado las coberturas de esta vacuna durante el periodo de estudio. La dificultad para mejorar las coberturas en este tipo de pacientes podría hacernos considerar la opción y el beneficio potencial de rebajar la edad limite de las actuales recomendaciones de indicación de vacuna antigripal en España.

  14. Óbitos infantis evitáveis nas coortes de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grandedo Sul, Brasil, de 1993 e 2004

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    Iná S. Santos


    Full Text Available Comparou-se a mortalidade infantil por causas evitáveis (óbitos reduzíveis por ações de imunoprevenção; por adequada atenção à mulher na gestação e parto e ao recém-nascido; por ações adequadas de diagnóstico e tratamento; e por ações adequadas de promoção à saúde vinculadas às ações adequadas de atenção à saúde nas coortes de nascimentos de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1993 e 2004. Os óbitos foram monitorizados mediante visitas aos hospitais, cartórios, cemitérios, Delegacia Regional de Saúde e rastreio à base de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM do Rio Grande do Sul. Na coorte de 1993, houve 5.249 nascidos vivos e 111 óbitos infantis; na de 2004, 4.231 nascidos vivos e 82 óbitos infantis. O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil evitável foi 15,2:1.000 nascidos vivos em 1993 e 15,4 em 2004. Os coeficientes de mortalidades neonatal e pós-neonatal evitáveis foram, respectivamente, 11,2 e 4,0 em 1993 e 10,9 e 4,5 em 2004. Estratégias que visem à prevenção da prematuridade poderão ajudar a reduzir a mortalidade infantil em nosso meio.

  15. Encuesta de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitable en Panamá

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    Maritza López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de ceguera y deficiencia visual en adultos de 50 años o más de Panamá, identificar sus principales causas y caracterizar la oferta de servicios de salud ocular. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional transversal mediante la metodología estándar de evaluación rápida de ceguera evitable. Se seleccionaron 50 personas de 50 años o más de cada uno de 84 conglomerados escogidos mediante muestreo aleatorio representativo de todo el país. Se evaluó la agudeza visual (AV mediante una cartilla de Snellen y el estado del cristalino y del polo posterior por oftalmoscopía directa. Se calculó la cobertura de cirugía de catarata y se evaluó su calidad, así como las causas de tener AV < 20/60 y las barreras para acceder al tratamiento quirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Se examinaron 4 125 personas (98,2% de la muestra calculada. La prevalencia de ceguera ajustada por la edad y el sexo fue de 3,0% (intervalo de confianza de 95%: 2,3-3,6. La principal causa de ceguera fue la catarata (66,4%, seguida del glaucoma (10,2%. La catarata (69,2% fue la principal causa de deficiencia visual (DV severa y los errores de refracción no corregidos fueron la principal causa de DV moderada (60,7%. La cobertura quirúrgica de catarata en personas fue de 76,3%. De todos los ojos operados de catarata, 58,0% logró una AV < 20/60 con la corrección disponible. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de ceguera en Panamá se ubica en un nivel medio con respecto a la encontrada en otros países de la Región. Es posible disminuir este problema, ya que 76,2% de los casos de ceguera y 85,0% de los casos de DV severa corresponden a causas evitables.

  16. Prevalência de parasitoses intestinais entre os usuários do centro de saúde do Distrito de Sousas, Campinas, SP (1986-1990

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    Ismael Gioia


    Full Text Available A prevalência das parasitoses intestinais foi levantada nos usuários do Centro de Saúde do Distrito de Sousas, Campinas, SP entre 1986 e 1990. Dentre 770 prontuários observados constatou-se 114 casos positivos (14,8% para protozoários, helmintos ou comensais. Ascaris lumbricoides (48,2% seguido de Giardia lamblia (30,7%, Trichuris trichiura (18,4% e Enterobius vermicularis (9,6% foram mais prevalentes na faixa etária dos pré-escolares. Os adultos, em maior número na amostra, apresentam-se pouco parasitados. Os demais parasitos e comensais, concorrem com prevalência proporcional aos inquéritos tradicionais realizados na população brasileira, à exceção da ausência de tenídeos e baixa prevalência de Aneylostomatidae. Sugere-se a realização de exame protoparasitológico de rotina entre os pré-escolares e a utilização de dados dos postos de atendimento primário nos inquéritos parasitológicos.

  17. Pós 11 de setembro de 2.001 (II – Fortalecimento de novo paradigma de encontro entre civilizações na Ásia-Pacífico

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    Paulo Antônio Pereira Pinto


    Full Text Available O presente busca delinear, sob o prisma civilizacional, os rumos das relações entre os países da Ásia-Pacífico a serem tomados após os ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro de 2001.

  18. Contribución de las causas de muerte evitable a la esperanza de vida en el Valle de Aburrá sin Medellín (Colombia Contribuição das causas de morte evitável à esperança de vida no Vale de Aburrá sem Medellín (Colômbia Preventable death causes contribution to life expectancy in the Valle de Aburra without Medellin (Colombia

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    Eliana González Arango


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir la contribución de las causas de muerte evitable a la esperanza de vida en los municipios del Valle de Aburrá sin Medellín entre 1979 y 2004. Metodología. Las causas de muerte se clasificaron según el Inventario de Causas de Mortalidad Evitable. Para el cálculo de la esperanza de vida y su descomposición se estandarizaron las tasas según la población de Colombia 2005 del DANE. En la descomposición de la esperanza de vida se siguió el método de Arriaga. Resultados. En el Valle de Aburrá sin incluir Medellín, la esperanza de vida al nacer para los años 1979-2004 fue de 73.23 años. Para el período 1979- 1995, se perdieron 15.30 años de esperanza de vida, siendo la pérdida de 12.58 años de 1996-2004. Se destacó que las causas de muerte prevenibles relacionadas con la vacunación en las mujeres (0.0105 años fueron relevantes por su aporte negativo a los años de esperanza de vida ganados. Conclusión. La estructura de mortalidad evitable del Valle de la Aburrá sin Medellín se afectó principalmente por las enfermedades constituyentes de los grupos de vacunación o tratamiento preventivo. Es necesario priorizar intervenciones en salud pública en las enfermedades con más alto aporte de los grupos de vacunación o tratamiento preventivo con el fin de evitar un cambio negativo significativo en los perfiles de mortalidad de los municipios y conocer cómo afectan la estructura de la mortalidad por causas y cómo ellas definen perfiles de mortalidad específicos.Objetivo. Descrever a contribuição das causas de morte evitável à esperança de vida nos municípios do Vale de Aburrá sem Medellín entre 1979 e 2004. Metodologia. As causas de morte se classificaram segundo o Inventário de Causas de Mortalidade Evitável. Para o cálculo da esperança de vida e sua decomposição se estandardizaram as taxas segundo a população de Colômbia 2005 do DANE. Na decomposição da esperança de vida se seguiu o m

  19. “Do travestismo às travestilidades”: uma revisão do discurso acadêmico no Brasil entre 2001-2010

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    Marília dos Santos Amaral


    Full Text Available Observa-se por volta dos anos 2000 uma expressiva visibilidade das experiências travestis e transexuais entre os estudos de gênero e sexualidade, despontando como temáticas centrais de diferentes pesquisas brasileiras. Partindo do expressivo interesse acadêmico pelo universo trans, esta revisão crítica de literatura apresenta o panorama das publicações científicas brasileiras produzidas sobre travestis entre os anos 2001-2010. Trata-se de um mapeamento da literatura especializada, buscada em quatro bases de dados virtuais em língua portuguesa. Por meio de 92 trabalhos selecionados são apresentados os modos pelos quais as experiências travestis têm sido abordadas, trazendo à discussão os movimentos políticos e acadêmicos que envolvem terminologias do "travestismo" às "travestilidades"; a expressiva centralidade de trabalhos em temas como aids, transformação corporal e a prostituição das travestis; o reduzido número de escritos sobre envelhecimento, adolescência, educação entre outros, também relevantes e norteadores de políticas públicas, como por exemplo os levantamentos sobre violências sofridas pelas travestis.

  20. Aging phenomena in gaseous detectors - perspectives from the 2001 workshop

    CERN Document Server

    Hohlmann, M; Tesch, N; Titov, M


    High-Energy Physics experiments are currently entering a new era which requires the operation of gaseous particle detectors at unprecedented high rates and integrated particle fluxes. Full functionality of such detectors over the lifetime of an experiment in a harsh radiation environment is of prime concern. New classes of gaseous detectors such as large-scale straw-type detectors, Micro-pattern Gas Detectors, and resistive plate chambers--each with their own specific aging characteristics--have evolved since the first workshop on wire chamber aging was held at LBL, Berkeley in 1986. The 2001 workshop provided a forum to review the progress since 1986 in understanding aging effects and to exchange recent experiences. A summary of the main results reported at the 2001 workshop is presented providing a systematic review of aging effects in state-of-the-art detectors.

  1. Na ilha de Lia, no Barco de Rosa: o papel das interaÃÃes estabelecidas entre a professora de creche e as crianÃas na constituiÃÃo do eu infantil


    Sinara Almeida da Costa


    Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as interaÃÃes estabelecidas entre a professora e um grupo de crianÃas de trÃs anos em uma creche pÃblica municipal de Fortaleza, focalizando a interferÃncia dessas interaÃÃes no processo de individuaÃÃo das crianÃas. A fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi essencialmente, a abordagem Sociointeracionista de Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem Humana, especificamente os estudos de Wallon (1981, 1986, 1989) e de Vigotski (1989; 1996; 2001...

  2. Análise da associação entre saneamento e saúde nos estados Brasileiros: estudo comparativo entre 2001 e 2006 Analysis of the association between sanitation and health in Brazilian states: comparative study in from 2001 to 2006

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    Júlio César Teixeira


    Full Text Available Em um contexto de baixo investimento em saneamento, Teixeira e Guilhermino (2006 estudaram a associação entre as condições de saneamento e os indicadores epidemiológicos nos estados brasileiros, utilizando dados secundários do banco de dados IDB (2003 do Ministério da Saúde. A partir de 2003, os investimentos em saneamento básico no Brasil aumentaram. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo testar a hipótese de que a ampliação da cobertura por serviços de saneamento básico no período entre 2001 e 2006 foi um investimento capaz de melhorar os indicadores de saúde nos estados brasileiros. Concluiu-se que houve melhoria nos indicadores de saúde, porém não-expressiva, sendo fundamental a utilização de indicadores epidemiológicos e de desenvolvimento social na decisão sobre a priorização de investimentos em saneamento no Brasil.In a context of poor investment in sanitation, Teixeira e Guilhermino (2006 studied the association between the sanitation conditions and the epidemiological indicators in the Brazilian states, based on secondary data from the database from IDB (2003 of the Ministry of Health. Since 2003, investments in basic sanitation in Brazil had an expressive increase. Thus, the present paper had as a purpose to test the hypothesis that the improvement in the coverage by basic sanitation services from 2001 to 2006 was an investment capable to improve the studied health indicators in the Brazilian states. It has been concluded that there was an improvement in the health indicators, which is still not expressive, being of the most importance the use of epidemiological and social development indicators in the priority of investments in basic sanitation in Brazil.

  3. [Changes of regional environment quality pattern in China since 1986-2008]. (United States)

    Guan, Wei-Hua; Sun, Ming-Kun; Lu, Yu-Qi


    For further study of regional differences and the pattern of changes in environmental quality in China since 1986-2008, we perform the principal component analysis, standard deviation, Mann-Kendall and cluster analysis on 18 environmental quality indexes in 28 provinces of China in this paper. Those indexes refer to pollutant emission, pollutants treatment capacities and pollutant emission of per unit land area, etc. The paper indicates that regional environmental quality in China has been increased slightly during this period. It can be divided into four stages: 1986-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2005 and 2005-2008. The overall patterns of regional environmental quality is the West is higher than the East in general, while the environmental quality of the eastern part have been changed somewhat. For more details, the regional environmental quality in China in 1986 is composed of two parts, the eastern part and the western part, while in 2000 and 2001 the eastern part, the middle part and the western part appears as the overall pattern. For the year of 2005, the regional environmental quality in the western is higher than that of the eastern; meanwhile, the eastern can be divided into the northern part, the middle part and the southern part, and the environmental quality in northern part is better than that of the southern part, southern part is better than that of the middle part. This pattern hardly changed in 2008, except that the area with poor environment quality region had expanded. Pollutant emission of per unit land area played as a main factor; yet both the pollutant emission and the reuse of pollutants impacted the pattern specifically. In addition, the national macro policies, the regional policies, the regional economic and the industrial structure can be primary reason for the change of regional environmental quality pattern in China as well.

  4. Pautas recientes de la movilidad laboral entre las provincias españolas. Periodo 2001-2006

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    Ángel Mauricio Reyes


    Full Text Available En el trabajo tratamos de caracterizar la movilidad espacial existente en el mercado laboral español, tomando como referencia lo sucedido en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2001 a 2006. Para ello utilizamos datos sobre contratación producidos por el Instituto Nacional de Empleo. El objetivo que inicialmente nos proponemos es caracterizar la estructura espacial que subyace en los datos relativos a migración contratada. El análisis lo ampliamos introduciendo cierto detalle sectorial y sociodemográfico, en busca de singularidades y aspectos de interés. Sin embargo, la estructura espacial que encontramos es débil por lo que, en la segunda parte del trabajo, avanzamos hacia un modelo panel de tipo dinámico. Esta solución nos permite combinar la dimensión espacial, que da soporte físico a los datos, con la secuencia temporal que subyace en los flujos.

  5. Replacing the projected retiring baby boomer nursing cohort 2001 – 2026


    Schofield Deborah J


    Abstract Background The nursing population in Australia is ageing. However, there is little information on the rate and timing of nursing retirement. Methods Specifically designed health workforce extracts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) censuses from 1986 to 2001 are used to estimate the rate of nursing retirement. The 2001 nursing data are then "aged" and retirement of the nursing workforce projected through to 2026. ABS population projections are used to examine the future a...

  6. Relações de trocas e causalidade de Granger entre preços pagos e recebidos pela agricultura brasileira, 1986/2004

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    Nali de Jesus de Souza


    Full Text Available O artigo examina as relações de trocas e a causalidade de Granger entre preços pagos e recebidos pela agropecuária brasileira, entre 1986 e 2004. Neste período, houve valorização das relações de trocas para o conjunto da agropecuária. Grande valorização ocorreu até 1994, com forte deterioração em 1995, mantendo-se relativamente estável até 2004. Essa valorização deveu-se ao conjunto dos produtos das lavouras, já que os produtos animais tiveram grande deterioração de suas relações de trocas. Produtos com grande deterioração foram café em coco, trigo, batata inglesa, frango e suínos. Regionalmente, as piores situações para a agropecuária, após 1994, foram as dos estados do Nordeste, exceto Maranhão e Bahia. Quanto à causalidade de Granger, os preços recebidos não causaram os preços pagos totais, nem antes nem após o Plano Real; porém, eles causaram os preços pagos pelos combustíveis, sementes e serviços antes do Plano Real e dos agrotóxicos, sementes e serviços após 1994. O efeito dos preços pagos sobre os recebidos foi maior no primeiro período do que no segundo. Com a abertura da economia, os preços agrícolas passaram a ser influenciados mais por fatores internacionais do que pelos preços internos dos insumos.This papers examines the terms of trade and Granger causality between prices received and paid by the Brazilian agricultural sector, from 1986 to 2004. During that period, the terms of trade improved for the agricultural sector. The greatest improvement occurred before 1994; in 1995 the terms of trade fell, followed by a relative stabilization until 2004. The valorization in the whole period was due to agricultural products, since animals products had a significant decline in their terms of trade. Products with the greatest losses were coffee, wheat, potatoes, chicken and hogs. Regionally, the greatest losses, after 1994, occurred in the Northeast States, with the exception of Maranhão and

  7. Evolución temporal y distribución geográfica de la mortalidad por suicidio en Cataluña y España (1986-2002 Geographical distribution and time trends of suicide mortality in Catalonia and Spain (1986-2002

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    María Arán Barés


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estudiar la evolución temporal de la mortalidad por suicidio en Cataluña (1986-2002 y España (1986-2001, y analizar su distribución geográfica en esta comunidad autónoma. Métodos: Se calcularon las tasas anuales estandarizadas por edad para ambos sexos por el método directo y el porcentaje de cambio anual mediante un modelo de regresión de Poisson, por sexo y grupos de edad para Cataluña (1986-2002 y España (1986-2001. Para Cataluña, se calculó la razón de mortalidad estandarizada por el método indirecto (RME por sexo, para los 46 sectores sanitarios y para todo el período, y la razón de mortalidad comparativa (RMC y los intervalos de confianza (IC del 95% agrupando los años en período 1 (1986-1994 y período 2 (1995-2002. Resultados: En Cataluña, la mortalidad en hombres es inferior que en España y se aprecia un incremento (no significativo en el período estudiado en ambos territorios; en mujeres, la evolución y la magnitud de las tasas son similares a las del conjunto del Estado, y en los dos lugares se observa un ligero descenso (significativo de las tasas. La evolución según la edad y el sexo muestra patrones diferenciados, destacando el descenso de las tasas en edades avanzadas en ambos sexos y el aumento en jóvenes en España y Cataluña. Los sectores sanitarios de la zona central, noreste y sur de Cataluña presentan una mortalidad superior a la media. Conclusiones: La evolución temporal de la mortalidad por suicidio en Cataluña y España muestra patrones diferentes según la edad y el sexo. En la distribución territorial en Cataluña se observa una progresiva homogeneización por sectores sanitarios.Objective: To analyze time trends in Catalonia (1986-2002 and Spain (1986-2001 in suicide mortality and its geographical variation by health areas in Catalonia. Methods: Standard annual mortality rates were calculated by the direct method for Catalonia (1986-2002 and Spain (1986-2001 (standard

  8. Surveillance of adamantane resistance among influenza A H3 viruses isolated in Argentina between 2001 and 2007 Vigilancia de la resistencia a los adamantanos entre los virus influenza A H3 aislados en Argentina entre 2001 y 2007

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    A. Pontoriero


    Full Text Available A dramatic rise in the frequency of resistance to adamantane drugs by influenza A H3 viruses, associated with a single amino acid replacement in the viral matrix M2 protein, has occurred in multiple countries worldwide in recent years. We investigated the frequency of adamantane-resistant influenza A H3 viruses in Argentina during the period 2001- 2007. We used reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction. The obtained products were sequenced for the detection of mutations of the M2 gene relevant to the resistance phenotypes. The HA1 sequences of the sensitive and resistant strains were also analyzed to clarify whether they had any relevance to the resistant mutations. Twenty out of 55 (36% strains were identified with the resistance-conferring substitution at amino acid 31 (Serine 31 Asparagine. No resistant viruses were detected between 2001 and 2005. All strains isolated in 2006 and four out of five isolates from 2007 were resistant. None of the patients had received previous treatment with amantadine and/or rimantadine. The HA1 analysis showed that there were only two changes (Serine193 Phenylalanine and Aspartic acid 225 Asparagine present in the strains with the M2 substitution at position 31. Our data indicate that since 2006 there has been a significant increase of adamantane-resistant influenza A H3 viruses, which raises concern over the spread of these viruses in Argentina.En los últimos años, se ha detectado un aumento de virus influenza A H3 resistentes a los adamantanos en distintos países, asociados mayoritariamente con el reemplazo de un único aminoácido de la proteína matriz M2. Se investigó la frecuencia de virus influenza A H3 resistentes a los adamantanos en Argentina entre 2001 y 2007. Se utilizó la transcripción reversa seguida de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y de la técnica de secuencia directa para la detección de mutaciones en el gen que codifica para la proteína M2, relevantes para

  9. UCI2001: The updated catalogue of Italy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peresan, A.; Panza, G.F.


    A new updated earthquake catalogue for the Italian territory, named UCI2001, is described here; it consists of an updated and revised version of the CCI1996 catalogue (Peresan et al., 1997). The revision essentially corresponds to the incorporation of data from the NEIC (National Earthquake Information Centre) and ALPOR (Catalogo delle Alpi Orientali) catalogues, while the updating is performed using the NEIC Preliminary Determinations of Epicenters since 1986. A brief overview of the catalogues used for the monitoring of seismicity in the Italian area is provided, together with the essential information about the structure of the UCI2001 catalogue and a description of its format. A complete list of the events, as on May 1 2002, is given in the Appendix. (author)

  10. Tendencias de mortalidad por cáncer de mama en Córdoba, Argentina, 1986-2011: algunas interpretaciones sociohistóricas

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    Natalia Tumas

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar e interpretar las tendencias de mortalidad por cáncer de mama (CM en las últimas décadas en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, en función de los cambios demográficos y características del contexto sociopolítico. MÉTODOS: Se calcularon tasas de mortalidad por CM crudas, estandarizadas (método directo y específicas por edad, para Córdoba, en el período 1986-2011. Mediante la aplicación RiskDiff®, se analizó la variación observada en las tasas crudas entre 1986 y 2011. Se ajustaron modelos de regresión Joinpoint® a las tasas estandarizadas y específicas por grupos etarios. Se consultaron fuentes de datos secundarias (leyes, decretos, programas de salud para obtener información sobre el contexto sociopolítico del período estudiado. RESULTADOS: La tasa cruda de mortalidad por CM aumentó 24,97% entre 1986 y 2011, siendo esto atribuible a un aumento del riesgo de morir (5,22%, a cambios en la estructura (19,75% y al tamaño poblacional (39,66%. La tasa estandarizada de mortalidad por CM presentó tendencia creciente hasta 1996 (porcentaje de cambio anual [PCA] = 1,62%; P < 0,05, y luego comienza a descender (PCA = -2,1%; P < 0,05, advirtiéndose una desaceleración alrededor del año 2001. Para las interpretaciones sociohistóricas, se consideraron como ejes de análisis las transiciones demográfica, epidemiológica y sanitaria, así como hechos socioeconómicos y políticos del período estudiado. CONCLUSIONES: El comportamiento de la mortalidad por CM en este período se asocia a factores de índole contextual (demográficos, históricos, económicos, políticos. Los resultados de este trabajo contribuyen a definir acciones y políticas en torno la problemática del CM y en materia del cuidado de salud de las mujeres.


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    Victoria Ruiz-Romero


    Full Text Available Los ingresos hospitalarios evitables por insuficiencia cardiaca (IC son un problema para los sistemas de salud, consumen recursos, generan morbilidades adicionales y alta mortalidad. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los factores de riesgo de las personas hospitalizadas por insuficiencia cardiaca. Métodos: Se constituyó un grupo con médicos de atención primaria y hospitalaria. Se realizaron auditorías de las historias clínicas de 110 pacien - tes de la poblacion de la comarca del Aljarafe con mayores tasas de ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca y estudio descriptivo y comparativo con T-Student y U-Mann Whitney para cuantitativas y λ 2 y Fisher para cualitativas. Resultados: Los pacientes que ingresaron por IC tenían 78,1 años (SD: 9,56 de media; 73 (66,4% fueron mujeres; un Índice Barthel de 45,0 de media; un 53,5% con grado III de la NYHA y 17 (15,5% institucionaliza - dos. El 70% presentaban 3-5 comorbilidades, hipertensión (87,3%, dislipe - mia (60,0% diabetes (57,3%, enfermedad renal crónica (56,4%, anemia (53,2% o fibrilación auricular (52,7%. Fallecieron al ingreso 23 (20,9% pacientes. Conclusiones: Los ingresos se dieron en personas mayores con múl - tiples enfermedades (hipertensión, diabetes, EPOC, enfermedad renal y escasa capacidad para actividades básicas de la vida diaria. El fallecimiento hospitalario se asoció a edad avanzada, ser mujer, menor uso de betabloqueantes y la no inclusión del paciente en el proceso asistencial.

  12. Natalidad y fecundidad, Colombia, 2001


    León A, Alba Luz; Ocampo A, Leidy Johanna; Spath P, Doris Estella; Agudelo G, Héctor Byron; Grisales R, Hugo


    Se presenta la natalidad, la fecundidad y los nacimientos vivos en Colombia en el año 2001 con base en la totalidad de los registros de nacidos vivos del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (dane) (724.236). La población de Colombia, calculada a mitad de período, se dividió en ocho categorías de municipios de acuerdo con el tamaño poblacional, según la Ley 617/2001. No se presentaron diferencias importantes entre las variables afines a las características del recién nacido po...

  13. La extradición: una herramienta para el fortalecimiento de la imagen estatal colombiana durante las presidencias de Betancourt (1982-1986, Barco (1986-1990, Pastrana (1998-2002 y Uribe (2002-2010

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    Nicolás Cardona Londoño


    Full Text Available Este artículo parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema de la extradición, propone una visión y aporta una herramienta analítica que permite ampliar el debate alrededor de este tema, en el cual, de manera general se encuentran tres posiciones en donde se pueden ubicar a diferentes autores que han abordado esta temática. Se analizan los periodos presidenciales de Betancourt (1982-1986, Barco (1986-1990, Pastrana (1998-2002 y Uribe (2002-2010, se intentará establecer un dialogo entre los discursos que fundamenta la identidad del Estado colombiano.

  14. Evolução temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina, 1986, 1991, 1996 Trends in smoking habits among medical students in 1986, 1991, 1996

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    Ana Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina nos últimos dez anos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal com estudantes do primeiro ao quinto ano do curso de medicina, em 1996. A amostra foi de 449 alunos que responderam a questionário auto-aplicável. Fumante era aquele que fumava um ou mais cigarros por dia há pelo menos um mês; ex-fumantes foram aqueles que, no período da entrevista, não eram fumantes regulares, mas o haviam sido anteriormente. Pesquisa similar foi realizada em 1986 e 1991. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de tabagismo foi de 11%, comparada com 14% em 1991 e 21% em 1986. Apesar da redução do tabagismo nas três séries estudadas, a queda percentual entre 1996 e 1991 foi menor do que aquela observada entre 1991 e 1986. Em 1996, a prevalência do vício de fumar aumentou conforme o ano cursado. Não houve diferenças significativas quanto ao sexo. A maioria dos alunos mostrou-se favorável à proibição do fumo em locais de ensino e assistência e afirmaram que o tema era pouco valorizado no currículo da faculdade.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate trends in smoking habits among medical students in the last ten years. METHODS: In 1996, a cross-sectional survey of smoking habits was carried out among students in the first to the fifth year of medical school. Four hundred and nine students answered the questionnaire. A regular smoker was defined as someone who smokes one or more cigarettes a day at least for one month; former smokers were the ones who used to smoke in the past but not at the moment. Similar researchs were conducted in 1986 and 1991. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Smoking prevalence was 11% compared with 14% in 1991 and 21% in 1986. Although there was a significant reduction of smoking in the last three years, the actual decrease from 1991 to 1996 was less than that observed from 1986 to 1991. In 1961, the prevalence of smoking increased in the last years of medical school. There

  15. Evolução temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina, 1986, 1991, 1996

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    Ana Menezes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina nos últimos dez anos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal com estudantes do primeiro ao quinto ano do curso de medicina, em 1996. A amostra foi de 449 alunos que responderam a questionário auto-aplicável. Fumante era aquele que fumava um ou mais cigarros por dia há pelo menos um mês; ex-fumantes foram aqueles que, no período da entrevista, não eram fumantes regulares, mas o haviam sido anteriormente. Pesquisa similar foi realizada em 1986 e 1991. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de tabagismo foi de 11%, comparada com 14% em 1991 e 21% em 1986. Apesar da redução do tabagismo nas três séries estudadas, a queda percentual entre 1996 e 1991 foi menor do que aquela observada entre 1991 e 1986. Em 1996, a prevalência do vício de fumar aumentou conforme o ano cursado. Não houve diferenças significativas quanto ao sexo. A maioria dos alunos mostrou-se favorável à proibição do fumo em locais de ensino e assistência e afirmaram que o tema era pouco valorizado no currículo da faculdade.

  16. Evolução temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina, 1986, 1991, 1996

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    Menezes Ana


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência temporal do tabagismo em estudantes de medicina nos últimos dez anos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal com estudantes do primeiro ao quinto ano do curso de medicina, em 1996. A amostra foi de 449 alunos que responderam a questionário auto-aplicável. Fumante era aquele que fumava um ou mais cigarros por dia há pelo menos um mês; ex-fumantes foram aqueles que, no período da entrevista, não eram fumantes regulares, mas o haviam sido anteriormente. Pesquisa similar foi realizada em 1986 e 1991. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de tabagismo foi de 11%, comparada com 14% em 1991 e 21% em 1986. Apesar da redução do tabagismo nas três séries estudadas, a queda percentual entre 1996 e 1991 foi menor do que aquela observada entre 1991 e 1986. Em 1996, a prevalência do vício de fumar aumentou conforme o ano cursado. Não houve diferenças significativas quanto ao sexo. A maioria dos alunos mostrou-se favorável à proibição do fumo em locais de ensino e assistência e afirmaram que o tema era pouco valorizado no currículo da faculdade.

  17. Una aproximación empírica a la relación entre el desempleo y las vacantes para Popayán, 2001-2005

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    Jhon James Mora


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta evidencia empírica sobre la relación entre las vacantes y el desempleo, a través de la Curva de Beveridge, para la ciudad de Popayán entre 2001 y 2005, siguiendo un modelo de datos de panel por áreas de desempeño. Los resultados del modelo muestran que la elasticidad del desempleo con respecto a las vacantes es estadísticamente significativa y positiva. Este resultado puede deberse a la existencia de shocks asimétricos en los distintos sectores de la economía payanés, que se estarían reflejando en la dinámica de las áreas de desempeño laboral. De esta forma, se estaría presentando una recomposición de las actividades económicas de la ciudad de Popayán durante el período estudiado.

  18. Musculoskeletal disorders as underlying cause of death in 58 countries, 1986-2011: trend analysis of WHO mortality database. (United States)

    Kiadaliri, Aliasghar A; Woolf, Anthony D; Englund, Martin


    Due to low mortality rate of musculoskeletal disorders (MSK) less attention has been paid to MSK as underlying cause of death in the general population. The aim was to examine trend in MSK as underlying cause of death in 58 countries across globe during 1986-2011. Data on mortality were collected from the WHO mortality database and population data were obtained from the United Nations. Annual sex-specific age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) were calculated by means of direct standardization using the WHO world standard population. We applied joinpoint regression analysis for trend analysis. Between-country disparities were examined using between-country variance and Gini coefficient. The changes in number of MSK deaths between 1986 and 2011 were decomposed using two counterfactual scenarios. The number of MSK deaths increased by 67% between 1986 and 2011 mainly due to population aging. The mean ASMR changed from 17.2 and 26.6 per million in 1986 to 18.1 and 25.1 in 2011 among men and women, respectively (median: 7.3% increase in men and 9.0% reduction in women). Declines in ASMR of 25% or more were observed for men (women) in 13 (19) countries, while corresponding increases were seen for men (women) in 25 (14) countries. In both sexes, ASMR declined during 1986-1997, then increased during 1997-2001 and again declined over 2001-2011. Despite decline over time, there were substantial between-country disparities in MSK mortality and its temporal trend. We found substantial variations in MSK mortality and its trends between countries, regions and also between sex and age groups. Promoted awareness and better management of MSK might partly explain reduction in MSK mortality, but variations across countries warrant further investigations.


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    Fernando Llorca Castro


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Para desarrollar políticas y estrategias orientadas a mitigarlas es fundamental identificar las desigualdades. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las variaciones de la Mortalidad Innecesariamente Prematura y Sanitariamente Evitable (MIPSE para cada uno de los 81 cantones de Costa Rica durante el período 2000-2005. Métodos: Se aplicó la clasificación MIPSE propuesta por miembros del Servicio de Información y Estudios de la Dirección General de Recursos Sanitarios de Catalunya. Mediante el empleo de el Indicador de Desarrollo Socioeconómico (IDSE establecido por economistas de la Universidad de Costa Rica, previa estandarización de la población, se ordenaron los cantones en grupos por quintiles (I el más rico, Vel más pobre. Resultados: Se encontraron como causas principales de mortalidad MIPSE la enfermedad isquémica del corazón (19,55% causas MIPSE, accidentes de tránsito con vehículos a motor (11,60%, enfermedades cerebrovasculares (6,95%, perinatal (6,92% y suicidios (5,14%. Conclusión: La mortalidad por HIVy el Sida, el cáncer de mamá en mujeres, cáncer de cuerpo de útero, cáncer de piel y por hepatitis secundaria al consumo de alcohol, afectan más a los cantones con mayores ingresos. La mortalidad por hiperplasia benigna de próstata, la materna asociada al embarazo, parto o puerperio y la hernia abdominal afectan más a los de menor nivel económico. Se identificaron dos grupos de MIPSE con desigualdad equidistribuida: leucemia y enfermedades cardiovasculares congénitas.

  20. Jorge Luis Borges y Wilhem Ostwald. Notas para una alianza entre la ciencia y las humanidades

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    Lothar Beyer


    Full Text Available Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986 de nacionalidad argentina, fue escritor, poeta y filósofo de fama mundial. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932, de nacionalidad alemana, fue uno de los fundadores de la físicoquímica.También fue filósofo, pintor y premio Nobel de Química (1909. Los dos hombres enriquecieron el diálogo entre ciencia y humanidades gracias a sus obras y sus discursos, a pesar de que nunca se conocieron personalmente.Un simposio en la ciudad de Leipzig, en cuya universidad Wilhelm Ostwald se desempeñó durante 20 años como catedrático principal de físicoquímica, realizado en octubre de 2001, tenía el título: «Jorge Luis Borges. Ciencia y filosofía». A ese simposio el autor de este artículo contribuyó con una conferencia: «Ciencias y humanidades en diálogoconstructivo» dictada en presencia de la viuda María Kodama de Borges.

  1. Desarrollo social y mortalidad infantil, 1977-1986, Cuba: un análisis regional Desenvolvimento social e mortalidade infantil, 1977-1986, Cuba: análise regional Social development and infant mortality, 1977-1986, Cuba: a regional analysis

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    Guillermo Gonzalez Perez


    Full Text Available En Cuba, la tasa de mortalidad infantil (TMI se redujo entre 1970 y 1986 en un 65%. La TMI alcanzada en 1986 -13,6%o - ubica al país a la vanguardia de Latinoamérica en cuanto a salud materno-infantil. Sin embargo, subsisten diferencias interprovinciales en la mortalidad durante el primer año de vida. Mediante el empleo de técnicas de regresión múltiples, se intenta identificar los factores sociodemográficos o relacionados con los servicios de salud que más han incidido en el descenso de la TMI en Cuba y provincias en el decenio estudiado, así como las variables que mejor explican las diferencias interprovinciales en cada año. Son factores sociodemográficos los que mayoritariamente explican la evolución de la TMI; por otra parte, si bien la proporción de nacidos vivos con bajo peso y la tasa bruta de natalidad explican en primera instancia las diferencias interprovinciales en el nivel de la mortalidad infantil en cada año, un análisis más cuidadoso permite establecer que son variables eminentemente socieconómicas las que están detrás de tales diferencias.Em Cuba, entre os anos de 1970 a 1986 a taxa de mortalidade infantil (TMI reduziu em 65%. A TMI obtida em 1986 -13,6%o - foi a mais baixa no contexto lationamericano, embora a nível regional o comportamento da taxa não tem sido homogêneo. Com o emprego da técnica de regressão múltipla, pretendeu-se identificar aqueles fatores socio-demográficos e dos serviços de saúde que mais têm incidido no declínio da mortalidade infantil em Cuba, no período acima descrito, bem como as variáveis que melhor explicam as diferenças inter-regionais do referido indicador. Os fatores socio-demográficos explicam a evolução da TMI em Cuba. Embora a queda da natalidade e a redução da proporção de recém-nascidos com baixo peso ao nascer expliquem - em princípios - as diferenças inter-regionais quanto a TMI, outros fatores socio-econômicos podem explicar tais diferen

  2. Korea's Contribution to Radiological Research Included in Science Citation Index Expanded, 1986-2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ku, You Jin; Yoon, Dae Young; Lim, Kyoung Ja; Baek, Sora; Seo, Young Lan; Yun, Eun Joo; Choi, Chul Soon; Bae, Sang Hoon; Lee, Hyun; Ju, Young Su


    To evaluate scientific papers published by Korean radiologists in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010. The Institute for Scientific Information Web of Knowledge-Web of Science (SCIE) database was searched for all articles published by Korean radiologists, in SCIE radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010. We performed the analysis by typing 'Korea' and 'radiol' in the address section and selecting the subject area of 'Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging' with the use of the general search function of the software. Analyzed parameters included the total number of publications, document types, journals, and institutions. In addition, we analyzed where Korea ranks, compared to other countries, in terms of the number of published articles. All these data were analyzed according to five time periods: 1986-1990, 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005, and 2006-2010. Overall, 4974 papers were published by Korean radiologists, in 99 different SCIE journals, between 1986 and 2010, of which 4237 (85.2%) were article-type papers. Of the total 115395 articles, worldwide, published in radiology journals, Korea's share was 3.7%, with an upward trend over time (p < 0.005). The journal with the highest number of articles was the American Journal of Roentgenology (n 565, 13.3%). The institution which produced the highest number of publications was Seoul National University (n = 932, 22.0%). The number of scientific articles published by Korean radiologists in the SCIE radiology journals has increased significantly between 1986 and 2010. Korea was ranked 4th among countries contributing to radiology research during the last 5 years.

  3. Evolución de la mortalidad por atropellos y colisiones de tránsito en Argentina entre 2001 y 2010

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    Gabriel Escanés


    Full Text Available Resumen En este artículo se analiza la mortalidad vial con el objetivo de medir el impacto que tuvieron los decesos por atropellos y colisiones de tránsito sobre la esperanza de vida de los argentinos entre los trienios 2000-2002 y 2009-2011. Se aplicó el índice de años de esperanza de vida perdidos (AEVP, que sirvió para establecer la cantidad de años que deberían haber vivido las personas que fallecieron por lesiones causadas al transitar por la vía pública, ya sea como peatones, ciclistas, motociclistas u ocupantes de vehículos a motor. Los registros sobre la población segmentada por edad y sexo se tomaron de los dos últimos censos nacionales de población, correspondientes a los años 2001 y 2010. La información sobre las causas de muerte, sexo y edad de los fallecidos se obtuvo de las bases de datos de la Dirección de Estadísticas e Investigación en Salud. Los principales resultados indican que en el trienio 2000-2002 la población argentina perdió 0,59 años (siete meses de esperanza de vida entre el nacimiento y los 80 años como consecuencia de las muertes en el espacio vial, y 0,66 años (ocho meses en el trienio 2009-2011.

  4. [National Congress of American Indians]: Final 1985-1986 progress report, March 1, 1986-October 7, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This quarterly report summarizes the activities of the National Congress of American Indians NCAI Fund program to disseminate information and provide technical assistance to American Indian governments regarding nuclear waste management, site selection and transportation issues. The report covers the grant period March 1, 1986, to October 7, 1986, which includes the no-cost extension granted in March of 1986 and the grant amendment for July 3 to October 3, 1986. During this period, the project held three national meetings of the National Indian Nuclear Waste Policy Committee (NINWPC); monitored the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) program and congressional activity and provided information to the tribes; published five issues of the Sentinel/Bulletin - NCAI News, which included a number of articles on nuclear waste; provided informational mailings to the NINWPC representatives; attended and coordinated meetings between the tribes, Department of Energy (DOE), Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Sandia National Laboratories; and provided speakers to conferences and groups

  5. Licensee contractor and vendor inspection status report: Quarterly report, July 1986-September 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This periodical covers the results of inspections performed by the NRC's Vendor Program Branch that have been distributed to the inspected organizations during the period from July 1986 thru September 1986. Also, included in this issue are the results of certain inspections performed prior to July 1986 that were not previously reported

  6. International Atomic Energy Agency publications. Publications catalogue 1986-1999. Supplement 2000-2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This supplement to the IAEA Publications Catalogue lists all the sales publications issued from January 2000 to September 2001. Some earlier titles which form part of an established series or are still considered of importance are included. The supplement is divided into two parts. The first lists all publications by subject category in alphabetical order. The second part consists of indexes. All indexes list the page(s) on which the publication appears in the firs part. The keyword index lists all publications in alphabetical order as well as under keyword

  7. International Atomic Energy Agency publications. Publications catalogue 1986-1999. Supplement 2000-2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This supplement to the IAEA Publications Catalogue lists all the sales publications issued from January 2000 to September 2001. Some earlier titles which form part of an established series or are still considered of importance are included. The supplement is divided into two parts. The first lists all publications by subject category in alphabetical order. The second part consists of indexes. All indexes list the page(s) on which the publication appears in the firs part. The keyword index lists all publications in alphabetical order as well as under keyword.

  8. Licensee contractor and vendor inspection status report: Quarterly report, October 1986-December 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This periodical covers the results of inspections performed by the NRC's Vendor Program Branch that have been distributed to the inspected organizations during the period from October 1986 through December 1986. Also, included in this issue are the results of certain inspections performed prior to October 1986 that were not included in previous issues of NUREG-0040

  9. Política de Saúde Mental no Brasil: evolução do gasto federal entre 2001 e 2009 Política de Salud Mental en Brasil: evolución del gasto federal entre 2001 y 2009 Mental Health Policy in Brazil: federal expenditure evolution between 2001 and 2009

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    Renata Weber Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução de estimativas do gasto federal com o Programa de Saúde Mental desde a promulgação da lei nacional de saúde mental. MÉTODOS: O gasto federal total do Programa de Saúde Mental e seus componentes de gastos hospitalares e extra-hospitalares foi estimado a partir de 21 categorias de gastos de 2001 a 2009. Os valores dos gastos foram atualizados para valores em reais de 2009 por meio da aplicação do Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo. Foi calculado o valor per capita/ano do gasto federal em saúde mental. RESULTADOS: Observou-se o crescimento real de 51,3% do gasto em saúde mental no período. A desagregação do gasto revelou aumento expressivo do valor extra-hospitalar (404,2% e decréscimo do hospitalar (-39,5%. O gasto per capita teve crescimento real menor, embora expressivo (36,2%. A série histórica do gasto per capita desagregado mostrou que em 2006, pela primeira vez, o gasto extra-hospitalar foi maior que o hospitalar. O valor per capita extra-hospitalar teve o crescimento real de 354,0%; o valor per capita hospitalar decresceu 45,5%. CONCLUSÕES: Houve crescimento real dos recursos federais investidos em saúde mental entre 2001 e 2009 e investimento expressivo nas ações extra-hospitalares. Houve inversão no direcionamento dos recursos, a partir de 2006, na direção dos serviços comunitários. O componente do financiamento teve papel crucial como indutor da mudança de modelo de atenção em saúde mental. O desafio para os próximos anos é sustentar e aumentar os recursos para a saúde mental num contexto de desfinanciamento do Sistema Único de Saúde.OBJETIVO: Analizar la evolución de estimaciones de gasto federal con el Programa de Salud Mental desde la promulgación de la ley nacional de salud mental. MÉTODOS: El gasto federal total del Programa de Salud Mental en Brasil y sus componentes de gastos hospitalarios y extra-hospitalarios fue estimado a partir de 21 categorías de

  10. Violencia sexual en jóvenes de 10 a 19 años. cali, 2001-2006


    Restrepo-Gutiérrez, Ana C.; Salcedo-Cifuentes, Mercedes; Bermúdez-Escobar, Amparo


    Objetivo Caracterizar la violencia sexual denunciada por jóvenes entre 10 a 19 años en Cali durante los años 2001 a 2006.Material y Métodos Se definió como presunta víctima denunciante de delito sexual a los jóvenes entre 10 a 19 años usuarios del servicio de Clínica Forense remitidopor autoridad competente durante los años 2001-2006 y se compararon variables de tiempo, lugar y persona de los delitos sexuales cometidos por un familiar (intrafamiliar) y por conocido no familiar o desconocido (...

  11. Continuity and change in the social stratification of aging and health over the life course: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study from 1986 to 2001/2002 (Americans' Changing Lives Study). (United States)

    House, James S; Lantz, Paula M; Herd, Pamela


    This article overviews previously published and ongoing research from the Americans' Changing Lives (ACL) Study, a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of 3,617 adults aged 25 years and older when first interviewed in 1986, focusing on socioeconomic disparities in the way health changes with age during middle and later life, especially in terms of compression of morbidity/functional limitations. A variety of descriptive and multivariate regression and growth curve analyses are done on the ACL sample, now surveyed over four waves spanning 15.5 years between 1986 and 2001/2002 with continuing mortality ascertainment via the National Death Index, death certificate searches, and informant reports. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses indicate that socioeconomic disparities in health are small in early adulthood, increase through middle and early old age, and then lessen again in later old age. In other terms, compression of morbidity/functional limitations into the later stages of the life course is realized to a much greater degree among the better educated compared with the less educated. Cross-sectional evidence suggests that this reflects differential exposure to or experience of a wide range of psychosocial, environmental, and biomedical risk factors for health (and perhaps their differential impact at different ages and life stages), as well as variations in biological robustness and frailty and also perhaps in the strength of social welfare supports for health at different life stages. Longitudinal analyses reveal several new insights: (a) The flow of causality is much greater from socioeconomic position to health than vice versa; (b) education plays a greater role relative to income in the onset of functional limitations, whereas income has much stronger effects on their progression or course; and (c) educational disparities in the onset and hence of compression of functional limitations over the life course have increased

  12. 2001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act SEC 313

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Pursuant to section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), and Executive Order 13148, Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management, the US Department of Energy has prepared and submitted a Toxic Chemical Release Inventory for the Hanford Site covering activities performed during calendar year 2001. EPCRA Section 313 requires facilities that manufacture, process, or otherwise use listed toxic chemicals in quantities exceeding established threshold levels to report total annual releases of those chemicals. During calendar year 2001, Hanford Site activities resulted in one chemical used in amounts exceeding an activity threshold. Accordingly, the Hanford Site 2001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory, DOE/RL-2002-37, includes total annual amount of lead released to the environment, transferred to offsite locations, and otherwise managed as waste

  13. Urban built environments and trajectories of mobility disability: findings from a national sample of community-dwelling American adults (1986-2001). (United States)

    Clarke, Philippa; Ailshire, Jennifer A; Lantz, Paula


    As people age, they become more dependent on their local communities, especially when they are no longer able to drive. Uneven or discontinuous sidewalks, heavy traffic, and inaccessible public transportation, are just some of the built environment characteristics that can create barriers for outdoor mobility in later adulthood. A small body of literature has been investigating the role of the built environment on disability, but has been limited to cross-sectional analyses. The purpose of this paper is to further advance this area of research by examining the role of the built environment on long-term trajectories of mobility disability in a national sample of American adults (age 45+) followed over a 15-year period. Using multilevel logistic growth curve models with nationally representative data from the Americans' Changing Lives Study (1986-2001), we find that trajectories of mobility disability are steeper in older age groups. Women and those with lower education had a higher odds of mobility disability over time. The presence of just one chronic health condition doubled the odds of mobility disability at each of the four study waves. Among older adults (age 75+), living in neighborhoods characterized by more motorized travel was associated with an odds ratio for mobility disability that was 1.5 times higher in any given year than for older adults living in environments that were more pedestrian friendly. These results suggest that the built environment can exacerbate mobility difficulties for older adults. When considering ways to minimize disability as the population ages, simple changes in the built environment may be easier to implement than efforts to change risk factors at the individual level.

  14. Dengue viruses in Brazil, 1986-2006 Virus del dengue en Brasil, 1986-2006

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    Rita Maria Ribeiro Nogueira


    Full Text Available A total of 4 243 049 dengue cases have been reported in Brazil between 1981 and 2006, including 5 817 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS and a total of 338 fatal cases. Although all Brazilian regions have been affected, the Northeast and Southeast regions have registered the highest number of notifications. DENV-1 and DENV-4 were isolated for the first time in the Amazon region of Brazil in 1981 and 1982. The disease became a nationwide public health problem following outbreaks of DENV-1 and DENV-2 in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 1986 and 1990, respectively. The introduction of DENV-3 in 2000, also in the state of Rio de Janeiro, led to a severe epidemic with 288 245 reported dengue cases, including 91 deaths. Virus strains that were typed during the 2002 epidemic show that DENV-3 has displaced other dengue virus serotypes and entered new areas, a finding that warrants closer evaluation. Unusual clinical symptoms, including central nervous system involvement, have been observed in dengue patients in at least three regions of the country.En Brasil se han notificado 4 243 049 casos de dengue entre 1981 y 2006, de ellos 5 817 casos de dengue hemorrágico/síndrome de choque por dengue (DH/SCD y un total de 338 casos mortales. A pesar de que la enfermedad ha afectado a todas las regiones brasileñas, el mayor número de casos se ha notificado en las regiones nororiental y suroriental. Los virus del dengue (DENV 1 y 4 se aislaron por primera vez en la región amazónica de Brasil en 1981 y 1982. La enfermedad se convirtió en un problema nacional de salud pública después de los brotes de DENV-1 y DENV-2 en el Estado de Río de Janeiro en 1986 y 1990, respectivamente. La introducción del DENV-3 en 2000, también en el Estado de Río de Janeiro, llevó a una grave epidemia con 288 245 casos notificados de dengue y 91 muertes. Las cepas del virus identificadas durante la epidemia de 2002 demostraron que el DENV-3 ha

  15. eVITAL: A Preliminary Taxonomy and Electronic Toolkit of Health-Related Habits and Lifestyle

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    Luis Salvador-Carulla


    Full Text Available Objectives. To create a preliminary taxonomy and related toolkit of health-related habits (HrH following a person-centered approach with a focus on primary care. Methods. From 2003–2009, a working group (n=6 physicians defined the knowledge base, created a framing document, and selected evaluation tools using an iterative process. Multidisciplinary focus groups (n=29 health professionals revised the document and evaluation protocol and participated in a feasibility study and review of the model based on a demonstration study with 11 adult volunteers in Antequera, Spain. Results. The preliminary taxonomy contains 6 domains of HrH and 1 domain of additional health descriptors, 3 subdomains, 43 dimensions, and 141 subdimensions. The evaluation tool was completed by the 11 volunteers. The eVITAL toolkit contains history and examination items for 4 levels of engagement: self-assessment, basic primary care, extended primary care, and specialty care. There was positive feedback from the volunteers and experts, but concern about the length of the evaluation. Conclusions. We present the first taxonomy of HrH, which may aid the development of the new models of care such as the personal contextual factors of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF and the positive and negative components of the multilevel person-centered integrative diagnosis model.

  16. Replacing the projected retiring baby boomer nursing cohort 2001 – 2026

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    Schofield Deborah J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The nursing population in Australia is ageing. However, there is little information on the rate and timing of nursing retirement. Methods Specifically designed health workforce extracts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS censuses from 1986 to 2001 are used to estimate the rate of nursing retirement. The 2001 nursing data are then "aged" and retirement of the nursing workforce projected through to 2026. ABS population projections are used to examine the future age structure of the population and the growth and age distribution of the pool of labour from which future nurses will be drawn. Results Attrition rates for nurses aged 45 and over are projected to be significantly higher between the base year of 2006 and 2026, than they were between 1986 and 2001 (p Between 2006 and 2026 the growth in the labour force aged 20 to 64 is projected to slow from 7.5 per cent every five years to about 2 per cent, and over half of that growth will be in the 50 to 64 year age group. Over this period Australia is projected to lose almost 60 per cent of the current nursing workforce to retirement, an average of 14 per cent of the nursing workforce every five years and a total of about 90,000 nurses. Conclusion The next 20 years will see a large number of nursing vacancies due to retirement, with ageing already impacting on the structure of the nursing workforce. Retirement income policies are likely to be a key driver in the retirement rate of nurses, with some recent changes in Australia having some potential to slow retirement of nurses before the age of 60 years. However, if current trends continue, Australia can expect to have substantially fewer nurses than it needs in 2026.

  17. Korea's Contribution to Radiological Research Included in Science Citation Index Expanded, 1986-2010

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ku, You Jin; Yoon, Dae Young; Lim, Kyoung Ja; Baek, Sora; Seo, Young Lan; Yun, Eun Joo; Choi, Chul Soon; Bae, Sang Hoon [Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Hyun; Ju, Young Su [Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate scientific papers published by Korean radiologists in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010. The Institute for Scientific Information Web of Knowledge-Web of Science (SCIE) database was searched for all articles published by Korean radiologists, in SCIE radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010. We performed the analysis by typing 'Korea' and 'radiol' in the address section and selecting the subject area of 'Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging' with the use of the general search function of the software. Analyzed parameters included the total number of publications, document types, journals, and institutions. In addition, we analyzed where Korea ranks, compared to other countries, in terms of the number of published articles. All these data were analyzed according to five time periods: 1986-1990, 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005, and 2006-2010. Overall, 4974 papers were published by Korean radiologists, in 99 different SCIE journals, between 1986 and 2010, of which 4237 (85.2%) were article-type papers. Of the total 115395 articles, worldwide, published in radiology journals, Korea's share was 3.7%, with an upward trend over time (p < 0.005). The journal with the highest number of articles was the American Journal of Roentgenology (n 565, 13.3%). The institution which produced the highest number of publications was Seoul National University (n = 932, 22.0%). The number of scientific articles published by Korean radiologists in the SCIE radiology journals has increased significantly between 1986 and 2010. Korea was ranked 4th among countries contributing to radiology research during the last 5 years.

  18. Evolução da mortalidade por causas evitáveis e expansão dos recursos municipais de saúde em Maringá, Paraná Evolution of mortality from avoidable causes and expansion of municipal health resources in a Southern Brazilian city

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    Maria José Scochi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução do perfil da mortalidade por doenças evitáveis, em Maringá, PR, relacionando-o à qualidade de assistência á saúde. MÉTODOS: A partir da proposição de estudos de resultado da assistência foram selecionadas 11 causas de mortes. À evolução dos óbitos foi associada a evolução dos recursos disponíveis, bem como ao grau de escolarização e saneamento básico, no período de 1983-1993. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os dados revelaram que as taxas de mortalidade da maioria das causas evitáveis tenderam ao declínio, com uma redução de 39%, em contraposição a 16% das demais. Observou-se uma melhora das condições de escolarização e de saneamento. A evolução positiva das condições gerais da população dificulta atribuir imediatamente aos serviços a responsabilidade sobre o declínio das mortes evitáveis, mas a diferença entre estas mortes e as demais permite inferir que, se diante de condições satisfatórias de vida ocorresse um recrudescimento desses indicadores, poder-se-ia constatar uma falta de efetividade dos serviços. A constatação do arrefecimento dos indicadores pode fazer supor que a expansão dos serviços auxiliou no declínio.OBJECTIVE: An assessment of the evolution of the profile of mortality from avoidable diseases, in the municipality of Maringá, PR (Brazil, 1980 through 1993, as related to the quality of health attendance. METHODS: Based on the proposal to study caregiving results, eleven causes of avoidable deaths were selected. The evolution of resources available, level of schooling and sanitation were associated with the evolution of mortality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The data revealed that the mortality rates for most of the avoidable causes tended to decline faster than those for other causes (a reduction of 39% as against 16%. A significant improvement in schooling and sanitary conditions was also observed over the same period. The positive evolution of the general

  19. Teste da validade da paridade descoberta de juros para o Brasil entre 2001 e 2007.

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    Rodrigo de Sá da Silva


    Full Text Available A paridade descoberta de juros (PDJ afirma que o processo de arbitragem fará com que títulos equivalentes de dois países diferentes tenham o mesmo retorno líquido. Se um título de um país paga uma taxa de juros maior do que a internacional há uma expectativa de depreciação da sua moeda e, assim, espera-se que o retorno real do título convirja para a taxa de juros internacional. Porém, nos últimos anos, os títulos brasileiros têm pagado uma taxa de juros acima da internacional e sua moeda vem se apreciando frente ao dólar, fazendo com que o retorno real dos títulos do país seja maior do que o internacional. Neste trabalho, buscamos testar, então, esta paridade para a economia brasileira durante o período de novembro de 2001 a setembro de 2007 – período no qual o Brasil já adotava o câmbio flutuante. Uma ferramenta para o teste são os mínimos quadrados ordinários, ajustados à possível autocorrelação entre os resíduos. Testa-se se o diferencial de juros é estatisticamente significativo na variação da taxa de câmbio. Além disso, compara-se o processo de formação das expectativas quanto ao câmbio – expectativas racionais e pesquisa do Relatório Focus – na verificação da PDJ.

  20. Mortalidad evitable: el caso de la frontera norte de México, 1980-1990 Avoidable mortality: the case of the North border of Mexico, 1980-1990

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    Carlos Antonio G. Molina


    Full Text Available Cuando se conciben las causas de muerte como el resultado de procesos mórbidos que pudieron haber sido evitados con distintos tipos de medidas económicas, sociales, de servicios de salud y los avances en el conocimiento científico y tecnológico, queda clara la existencia de una determinación estructural que impide que amplios sectores de la población transiten hacia "perfiles epidemiológicos modernos". Se usaron las bases de datos anuales sobre defunciones, entre 1979 y 1991, generadas por el INEGI/DGESSA para 5 estados fronterizos. Se ajustaron las defunciones según el procedimiento Preston-Coale y se construyeron tablas de vida para 1980/1990. Se encontraron los aportes de los grupos de causas evitables por sexo y edad a las ganancias en la esperanza de vida en el período según el procedimiento de Pollard. Entre los hallazgos se destacan: una discreta ganancia en la esperanza de vida, entre otras razones, debido a la permanencia de una alta contribución de defunciones que pudieron haber sido evitadas (50%. En contra de lo esperado, el género masculino disminuyó la diferencia en la esperanza de vida con respecto a sus congéneres. La sobremortalidad masculina sigue siendo explicada por este tipo de causas, en donde los accidentes y violencias aportan altos porcentajes.When the death causes are understood as a result of morbility process that may have been avoided with diferent kinds of economic, social and welfare services policies and the advance of scientific and technologic knowledges, there is clearly a structural determinism so that many population social sectors can't reach the "modern epidemiologycal patterns". This study used annual data bases of register death 1979–1991 bringed by INEGI/DGE‑SSA from five Mexican federal border entities. It were adjusted by Preston‑Coale method and Life Tables were generated in 1980 and 1990. The percentage contributions of avoidable causes' groups by sex and age of the increases in

  1. Metamorfosis, ciencia y horror : en torno a La Mosca, de David Cronenberg (1986)


    Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente


    A diferencia del resurgir animista que orienta buena parte de las películas de terror modernas, La mosca (David Cronenberg, 1986) presenta una convergencia entre los temas que ocupan a la biología y la genética y las fantasías de despedazamiento del cuerpo humano. Utilizando como soporte la idea de metamorfosis, La mosca se revela como fa cara despiadada de esa otra fantasía de cuerpos ligeros y bien formaados de la que nos habla la publicidad. La tesis de este artículo consiste en sostener q...

  2. Relaciones entre estilos de amor y violencia en adolescentes


    Iris Xóchitl Galicia Moyeda; Alejandra Sánchez Velasco; Francisco Javier Robles Ojeda


    De acuerdo a diversas evidencias, la manera en que los y las ado- lescentes establecen sus relaciones amorosas podría estar asociada con la violencia producida y recibida en el noviazgo. Para esclarecer cómo se manifiesta esta relación en una muestra de 105 mujeres y 93 hombres, con una edad entre los 13 y los 15 años, en el Estado de México, se aplicaron dos herramientas: la Escala de Actitudes Amo- rosas (EAA) (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986) y el Cuestionario sobre Violencia en el Noviazgo (CVN...

  3. Trends in the quality of care for elderly people with type 2 diabetes: the need for improvements in safety and quality (the 2001 and 2007 ENTRED Surveys). (United States)

    Pornet, Carole; Bourdel-Marchasson, Isabelle; Lecomte, Pierre; Eschwège, Eveline; Romon, Isabelle; Fosse, Sandrine; Assogba, Frank; Roudier, Candice; Fagot-Campagna, Anne


    This study aimed to characterize the sociodemographic data, health status, quality of care and 6-year trends in elderly people with type 2 diabetes. This study used two French cross-sectional representative surveys of adults of all ages with all types of diabetes (Entred 2001 and 2007), which combined medical claims, and patient and medical provider questionnaires. The 2007 data in patients with type 2 diabetes aged 65 years or over (n=1766) were described and compared with the 2001 data (n=1801). Since 2001, obesity has increased (35% in 2007; +7 points since 2001) while written nutritional advice was less often provided (59%; -6 points). Mean HbA(1c) (7.1%; -0.2%), blood pressure (135/76 mmHg; -4/-3 mmHg) and LDL cholesterol (1.04 g/L; -0.21 g/L) declined, while the use of medication increased: at least two OHAs, 34% (+4 points); OHA(s) and insulin combined, 10% (+4 points); antihypertensive treatment, 83% (+4 points); and statins 48% (+26 points). Severe hypoglycaemia remained frequent (10% had an event at least once a year). The overall prevalence of complications increased. Renal complications were not monitored carefully enough (missing value for albuminuria: 42%; -4.5 points), and 46% of those with a glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m² were taking metformin. Elderly people with type 2 diabetes are receiving better quality of care and have better control of cardiovascular risk factors than before. However, improvement is still required, in particular by performing better screening for complications. In this patient population, it is important to carefully monitor the risks for hypoglycaemia, hypotension, malnutrition and contraindications related to renal function. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Royal Decree-Law 1302/1986 of 28 June 1986 on environmental impact studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Royal Decree-Law (No 1302/1986) of 28th June 1986 was published in the Official Gazette of 30th June 1986. The purpose of this Decree-Law is to provide for assessments of the environmental impact of certain projected installations and activities. The installations and activities requiring environmental impact studies are listed in the Annex to the Decree-Law and include nuclear power plants and other nuclear reactors (excluding those whose thermal power does not exceed 1 kW) as well as installations for the disposal and final storage of radioactive waste (NEA) [fr

  5. Report on Symposium on Pacific Energy Cooperation 2001. Energy Security in Asian Region; Taiheiyo energy kyoryoku kaigi 2001 hokokusho. Asia chiiki no energy anzen hosho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Symposium on Pacific Energy Cooperation (SPEC), which started in 1986 to discuss energy problems and international cooperation on energy in the Pacific region, met for 2001 in Tokyo on February 20 and 21, 2001, to discuss Energy Security in Asian Region. The conference comprised two keynote addresses, four sessions, and a panel discussion. Twenty-four countries and an international organization were represented by a total of 785 participants who actively exchanged views and opinions. With Director Tsutomu Toichi, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, acting as chairman, two keynote addresses were delivered. Minister of Oil Bijan Namdar Zanganeh of Iran reported on The Role of I. R. Iran in Meeting the Growing Oil and Gas Demand in the Asia-Pacific Region and Potential Cooperation with the Region's Consumers. Managing Director Phil Watts of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group reported on Security in Trust - Meeting Asian Energy Needs in the 21st Century. (NEDO)

  6. André Leroi-Gourhan (25 août 1911–19 février 1986)


    Soulier, Philippe


    André Leroi-Gourhan (25th August 1911 – 19th February 1986) A short biography of André Leroi-Gourhan is here presented, beginning in 1927, at the moment of his student years, until his retirement in 1982. It rests on a systematic analysis of his publications and on his personal and professional archives, collected and studied for the first time in 2001 when the author was temporally engaged by the CNRS. Going beyond the pure biography of events, such as those already presented in numerous po...

  7. CaracterÃsticas da comunicaÃÃo nÃo-verbal entre o enfermeiro e o cego


    Cristiana Brasil de Almeida RebouÃas


    Pesquisa sobre as caracterÃsticas da comunicaÃÃo nÃo-verbal entre o enfermeiro e o cego, cujos objetivos sÃo os seguintes: analisar a comunicaÃÃo nÃo-verbal do enfermeiro com o cego durante a consulta de enfermagem; testar o Ãndice de confiabilidade entre os juÃzes da anÃlise da comunicaÃÃo nÃo-verbal; classificar os sinais nÃo-verbais, segundo o referencial de Hall (1986); verificar a associaÃÃo entre as filmagens e os fatores de comunicaÃÃo nÃo-verbal; e identificar as barreiras da comunica...

  8. Características dos óbitos infantis em um munícipio de médio porte da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    Maria Nice Dutra de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Introdução: A mortalidade infantil é um importante indicador de saúde e desenvolvimento dos municípios, revelando importantes aspectos da organização da assistência à saúde. Objetivo: Descrever as características dos óbitos infantis em um munícipio de médio porte da região Nordeste do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, utilizando dados da Declaração de Óbito de crianças com idade de 0 a 364 dias, classificados segundo os critérios de evitabilidade, referentes ao município Jequié, Bahia, entre os anos 2007 a 2012. A análise estatística consistiu no cálculo de frequências absolutas e relativas. Resultados: Entre 2007 e 2012, foram notificados 286 óbitos infantis, dos quais 64,7% foram considerados evitáveis. Entre os 185 óbitos infantis evitáveis, 38,4% se caracterizavam como redutíveis por ações de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento precoce. As caraterísticas relacionadas aos óbitos infantis evidenciaram que, entre os óbitos, 53,6% nasceram com baixo peso, 42,1%, prematuros e 63,1% morreram no período neonatal precoce. Conclusões: Os óbitos infantis, especialmente aqueles considerados evitáveis, ainda representam um grave problema de saúde pública. Nesse contexto, analisar os óbitos, quanto aos critérios de evitabilidade, constituiu-se em um instrumento importante na avaliação da qualidade da atenção à saúde materno-infantil, colaborando na elaboração de estratégias de políticas públicas específicas regionais.

  9. Relação entre preço e custo marginal na indústria brasileira


    Leandro Garcia Meyer


    A relação entre preço e custo marginal pode ser utilizada para evidenciar características das indústrias, com destaque para aspectos relacionados à concorrência. Uma das formas de estimar esta relação, definida como mark up, é a análise da relação entre insumos e produtos. Na presente pesquisa, este tipo de estudo foi realizado por meio da análise do resíduo de Solow, como em Hall (1986), e a partir da estimação da função de produção, conforme proposto por Loecker e Warzynski (2009). As carac...

  10. Enfrentar a Reagan y a la Contra: los intelectuales, opinión pública costarricense y la discusión por la paz en Centroamérica (1986-1987

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    David Díaz Arias


    Full Text Available Este artículo explora la construcción de una opinión pública en Costa Rica acerca de la guerra en Nicaragua entre los sandinistas y la Contra en 1986-1987 y sobre la política internacional de Costa Rica frente a ese conflicto y frente a los propósitos de expansión de la guerra del presidente estadounidense Ronald Reagan. Se revisan las opiniones emitidas por varios intelectuales costarricenses acerca del plan de paz de Óscar Arias y la construcción que hicieron de su imagen entre 1986 y 1987. Queda en evidencia que, en su afán de producir un total apoyo al plan de paz, los intelectuales costarricenses promovieron acríticamente a Arias como un héroe nacional, regional y casi mundial.

  11. Gasoline sales post minimal gain in 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Despite the continuing emphasis on conservation and the growing trend to smaller sized automobiles, sales of motor gasoline across Canada posted a gain of 0.4% in 1986. Figures are included in this survey for Canadian motor gasoline sales categorized by province, type of gasoline, and months of 1985 and 1986. Sales of refiners' diesel fuel oil are also categorized by province and by months of 1985 and 1986. Motor gasoline disposition for 1983-1986 is categorized into retail pump sales, road and urban transport, agriculture, public administration, and commercial and other institutional markets. Also included are figures for refiners' propane sales for 1983-1986 by province.

  12. Política de Saúde Mental no Brasil: evolução do gasto federal entre 2001 e 2009

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    Renata Weber Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução de estimativas do gasto federal com o Programa de Saúde Mental desde a promulgação da lei nacional de saúde mental. MÉTODOS: O gasto federal total do Programa de Saúde Mental e seus componentes de gastos hospitalares e extra-hospitalares foi estimado a partir de 21 categorias de gastos de 2001 a 2009. Os valores dos gastos foram atualizados para valores em reais de 2009 por meio da aplicação do Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo. Foi calculado o valor per capita/ano do gasto federal em saúde mental. RESULTADOS: Observou-se o crescimento real de 51,3% do gasto em saúde mental no período. A desagregação do gasto revelou aumento expressivo do valor extra-hospitalar (404,2% e decréscimo do hospitalar (-39,5%. O gasto per capita teve crescimento real menor, embora expressivo (36,2%. A série histórica do gasto per capita desagregado mostrou que em 2006, pela primeira vez, o gasto extra-hospitalar foi maior que o hospitalar. O valor per capita extra-hospitalar teve o crescimento real de 354,0%; o valor per capita hospitalar decresceu 45,5%. CONCLUSÕES: Houve crescimento real dos recursos federais investidos em saúde mental entre 2001 e 2009 e investimento expressivo nas ações extra-hospitalares. Houve inversão no direcionamento dos recursos, a partir de 2006, na direção dos serviços comunitários. O componente do financiamento teve papel crucial como indutor da mudança de modelo de atenção em saúde mental. O desafio para os próximos anos é sustentar e aumentar os recursos para a saúde mental num contexto de desfinanciamento do Sistema Único de Saúde.

  13. Ontario Hydro annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ontario Hydro's annual report of the financial position and activities for the year 1986 consists of their financial highlights; corporate profile; customer service and satisfaction; message from Chairman; message from President; 1986 in review; financial section; management report; five-year summary of financial statistics; and comparative statistics

  14. Crescimento pró-pobre: análise dos estados brasileiros entre 1995 e 2007 Pro-poor growth: an analysis of the Brazilian states between 1995 and 2007

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    Mauricio Silveira Pinto


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o crescimento pró-pobre nas 27 unidades federativas do Brasil entre 1995 e 2007. Inicialmente, examina-se a literatura recente sobre o tema e apresentam-se três indicadores para mensurar a relação entre crescimento, desigualdade e pobreza. Em seguida, calcula-se, através de dados de painel, a elasticidade renda-pobreza para o Brasil e suas 27 UFs. Finalmente, estimam-se curvas de incidência do crescimento (GIC e taxas de crescimento pró-pobre (RPPG para cada estado nos períodos 1995-2007, 1995-2001 e 2001-2007. Os resultados demonstram que a pobreza caiu rapidamente no Brasil desde 2001, mas ainda existe grande discrepância entre estados e regiões. Ademais, demonstra-se a diferença entre extensão e profundidade da pobreza.This article analyzes the pro-poor growth in the 27 Brazilian states between 1995 and 2007. Initially, it examines the recent literature about the subject and presents three indicators to quantify the relationship among growth, inequality and poverty. Following, it calculates, through panel data analysis, the growth elasticity of poverty in Brazil and across its states. Finally, it estimates growth incidence curves (GIC and rates of pro-poor growth (RPPG for three periods: 1995-2007, 1995-2001 and 2001-2007. The results show that poverty has been rapidly diminishing in Brazil since 2001, but there is still a huge discrepancy among some states and regions. Moreover, there comes up a clear difference between the headcount index and the "deepness" of poverty.

  15. Ontario Hydro annual report 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Ontario Hydro`s annual report of the financial position and activities for the year 1986 consists of their financial highlights; corporate profile; customer service and satisfaction; message from Chairman; message from President; 1986 in review; financial section; management report; five-year summary of financial statistics; and comparative statistics.

  16. KWO annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koerner, C.


    The Obrigheim nuclear power station was operated at full load during the year 1986; 7869 operating hours procuded electrical energy of 2795 GWh. This is the best annual result during Obrigheim's operating period. Since commissioning in October 1968, 131595 hours of operation have generated 44074 GWh (gross) and from test operation in March 1969 until the end of 1986, 131179 hours of operation have generated 43,962 GWh. This is an availability of power of 81.5% in this period and a time availability of 83.9%. In 1986, the plant was shut down for 807 hours for the 17th refueling including refurbishing, inspection and repair work. Apart from refueling, the plant had a good time availability and therefore contributed 5% to the safe, economical and environmentally acceptable electricity supply of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg. (orig./HP) [de



    Danilo Pérez Zumbado


    Este artículo es una suerte de reflexión abierta, en la que se conjugan lúdicamente fundamentos teóricos, experiencias personales y proyecciones. El predominio de un racionalismo obtuso, en muchas ocasiones, trastrocó las posibilidades de combinar fecundamente las dimensiones de la razón y la prospección; es decir, evitó, a manera de recreación cinematográfica, "el encuentro entre Rimbaud y Marx, entre Vida e Historia" (Kalfon, P1997: 15). Pero los encuentros se repiten, sea entre personajes ...

  18. The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001 Estudo de coorte de nascimentos em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, 1982-2001

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    Cesar G. Victora


    Full Text Available Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed.Em função do reconhecimento crescente do enfoque do ciclo vital na determinação de doenças crônicas, estudos de coorte de nascimentos são cada vez mais importantes. Este artigo descreve a metodologia do estudo de coorte de nascidos em Pelotas, em 1982, um dos maiores e mais longos estudos de coorte em países em desenvolvimento. Todos os 5.914 nascimentos hospitalares (mais de 99% de todos os nascimentos ocorridos em 1982 foram estudados prospectivamente. As principais fases do estudo foram realizadas em 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000 e 2001. Mais de duas mil variáveis estão disponíveis para sujeitos incluídos em todas as fases do estudo. As fases recentes


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    Raphael Mendonça GUIMARÃES


    Full Text Available Context Several international studies have observed a correlation between the improvement of socio-demographic indicators and rates of incidence and mortality from cancer of the colon and rectum. Objective The objective of this study is to estimate the correlation between average per capita income and the rate of colorectal cancer mortality in Brazil between 2001 and 2009. Methods We obtained data on income inequality (Gini index, population with low incomes (½ infer the minimum wage/month, average family income, per capita ICP and mortality from colon cancer and straight between 2001-2009 by DATASUS. A trend analysis was performed using linear regression, and correlation between variables by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results There was a declining trend in poverty and income inequality, and growth in ICP per capita and median family income and standardized mortality rate for colorectal cancer in Brazil. There was also strong positive correlation between mortality from this site of cancer and inequality (men r = -0.30, P = 0.06, women r = -0.33, P = 0.05 income low income (men r = -0.80, P Contexto Diversos estudos internacionais têm observado uma correlação entre a melhora dos indicadores sociodemográficos e as taxas de incidência e mortalidade por câncer de cólon e reto. Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é estimar a correlação entre renda média per capita e a taxa de mortalidade por câncer colorretal no Brasil entre 2001 e 2009. Métodos Obteve-se os dados de desigualdade de renda (índice de Gini, população que vive com baixa renda (inferir a ½ salário mínimo/mês, renda média familiar, PIB per capita e taxa de mortalidade por câncer de cólon e reto entre 2001 e 2009 através do DATASUS. A análise de tendência foi realizada através do método de regressão linear, e a correlação entre as variáveis através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Resultados Observou-se tendência ao declínio da

  20. AIDS e grau de escolaridade no Brasil: evolução temporal de 1986 a 1996

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    Maria Goretti Fonseca

    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a evolução temporal dos casos de AIDS por grau de escolaridade como variável identificadora do nível sócio-econômico do caso. Todos os casos de AIDS em indivíduos com idades entre 20 e 69 anos, notificados até 29 de maio de 1999, diagnosticados entre 1986 e 1996, foram incluídos no estudo. As taxas de incidência para ambos os sexos foram calculadas segundo dois graus de escolaridade - "grau 1" (casos com até oito anos de estudo e "grau 2" (com mais de oito anos de estudo -, por região e ano de diagnóstico. Entre os homens, as taxas de incidência de AIDS para aqueles com menor escolaridade ultrapassam (sendo mais evidente na Região Sudeste ou se aproximam das taxas dos homens com maior escolaridade. Para as mulheres, a evolução temporal das taxas mostrou maior ritmo de crescimento entre as mulheres de menor escolaridade para todas as regiões, sendo que, na Sudeste, as taxas entre as mulheres com menor escolaridade ultrapassa as taxas daquelas com maior escolaridade em anos anteriores a 1989. Concluindo, a presente análise mostra, de forma consistente, que a epidemia de AIDS no Brasil se iniciou nos estratos sociais de maior escolaridade, com progressiva disseminação para os estratos sociais de menor escolaridade.

  1. Evolución de la prevalencia de tabaquismo entre las médicas y enfermeras de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Fernández Ruiz M.L.


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En España la prevalencia de tabaquismo es elevada y se está incrementando entre las mujeres. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es estudiar la evolución de la prevalencia de tabaquismo entre las médicas y enfermeras de la Comunidad de Madrid, sus conocimientos y conductas al respecto, así como la existencia de espacios libres de humo en los centros sanitarios. Métodos: Se han realizado, en 1998 y 2001, estudios descriptivos transversales entre las médicas y enfermeras de la Comunidad de Madrid mediante una encuesta sobre hábito tabáquico, en muestreos polietápicos por conglomerados. Resultados: En 1998 se estudió a 1.235 profesionales (435 médicas y 800 enfermeras y en 2001 a 1.000 (400 médicas y 600 enfermeras. Eran fumadoras el 43,1% en 1998 y el 43% en 2001, y en ambos años el tabaquismo fue más frecuente entre las enfermeras (el 47,6 y el 47%, respectivamente que entre las médicas (el 34,7 y el 37%, y entre quienes trabajan en atención especializada (el 46,6 y el 46,7% respecto a las que lo hacen en atención primaria (el 35,3 y el 37,3%. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la prevalencia de tabaquismo según la profesión, comparando ambos años. En las dos encuestas las médicas más jóvenes (< 30 años presentaban la menor prevalencia de tabaquismo (el 22,9 y el 23,6%, y una situación similar se encontró en 2001 entre las enfermeras (el 43,8% de prevalencia en el grupo menor de 30 años. El porcentaje de ex fumadoras fue mayor en 2001 (el 18,8 frente al 27,8%. El porcentaje de las que fumaban delante de los pacientes disminuyó (el 2,9 frente al 1% así como el de quienes creían que se debía permitir fumar en las salas de espera (el 14,9 frente al 7,4%. Disminuyó el porcentaje de quienes señalaron que se fumaba habitualmente en las salas de uso común (el 90,6 frente al 87,1% y se incrementó el de quienes señalaron que en su centro de trabajo existía un lugar específico para fumar (el 30

  2. A América Latina e os Estados Unidos desde o 11 de setembro de 2001

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    Paulo Roberto Almeida


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca analisar as mudanças ocorridas nas políticas externas e nas relações entre os países latinos e os Estados Unidos desde o atentado terrorista de 11 de setembro de 2001.

  3. The annual report for 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The total installed nuclear power-generating capacity in the world increased by about 8.9% during 1986, reaching 273.7 GW(e) by the end of the year. Nuclear power plants accounted for more than 15% of the world's electricity generation in 1986, at the end of which there were 397 nuclear power plants in operation, representing an accumulated operating experience of more than 4200 reactor years. The most important event in 1986 in the nuclear power field was the Chernobyl accident. The overall effects of this accident on the nuclear power programmes of Member States have yet to be seen. It produced an expected immediate upsurge in public and political opposition to nuclear power in many countries, but it did not cause the cancellation of any nuclear power programmes. The delays in some nuclear power projects and the slowing down of some programmes may be attributable, at least partly, to the accident. The only power reactor permanently shut down during 1986 was the Chernobyl No. 4 unit. During the year, 23 new plants came on line (in Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States), while the construction of two reactors (in the United States) was cancelled and that of one (Philippines) suspended. There was still no general upturn in the ordering of new nuclear plants nor in construction starts. Regarding advanced nuclear systems, the highlight in 1986 was the grid connection of the 1200-MW(e) Super Phenix fast breeder reactor in France. Efforts to help strengthen developing Member States infrastructures for the planning, implementation and operation of nuclear power projects continued through interregional and national training courses, technical co-operation projects, advisory missions and guidebooks. A senior expert group was established to study mechanisms to assist developing countries in the promotion and financing of their nuclear power programmes and held two meetings during 1986

  4. Argonne National Laboratory 1986 publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopta, J.A.; Springer, C.J.


    This report is a bibliography of scientific and technical 1986 publications of Argonne National Laboratory. Some are ANL contributions to outside organizations' reports published in 1986. This compilation, prepared by the Technical Information Services Technical Publications Section (TPS), lists all nonrestricted 1986 publications submitted to TPS by the Laboratory's Divisions. Author indexes list ANL authors only. If a first author is not an ANL employee, an asterisk in the bibliographic citation indicates the first ANL author. The report is divided into seven parts: Journal Articles -- Listed by first author; ANL Reports -- Listed by report number; ANL and non-ANL Unnumbered Reports -- Listed by report number; Non-ANL Numbered Reports -- Listed by report number; Books and Book Chapters -- Listed by first author; Conference Papers -- Listed by first author; and Complete Author Index

  5. Argonne National Laboratory 1986 publications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kopta, J.A.; Springer, C.J.


    This report is a bibliography of scientific and technical 1986 publications of Argonne National Laboratory. Some are ANL contributions to outside organizations' reports published in 1986. This compilation, prepared by the Technical Information Services Technical Publications Section (TPS), lists all nonrestricted 1986 publications submitted to TPS by the Laboratory's Divisions. Author indexes list ANL authors only. If a first author is not an ANL employee, an asterisk in the bibliographic citation indicates the first ANL author. The report is divided into seven parts: Journal Articles -- Listed by first author; ANL Reports -- Listed by report number; ANL and non-ANL Unnumbered Reports -- Listed by report number; Non-ANL Numbered Reports -- Listed by report number; Books and Book Chapters -- Listed by first author; Conference Papers -- Listed by first author; and Complete Author Index.

  6. Pouvoir et sexualité. Le discours féministe sur la prostitution en France (1968-1986.

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    Damien Simonin


    Full Text Available Cette recherche porte sur les discours sur la prostitution dans la presse féministe, entre 1968 et 1986 en France. Durant cette période, le mouvement féministe est composé de courants conflictuels (courants réformistes et révolutionnaires, différentialistes et universalistes et il porte des discours hétérogènes (informations sur la prostitution, analyses théoriques et politiques, témoignages de prostituées. Pourtant, ces discours s'accordent sur la revendication d'une libération des rapport...

  7. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F.; Lavie, J.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  8. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F; Lavie, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  9. Regional integration of developing countries. Interview with Amr Moussa, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States (2001-2011

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    E M Savicheva


    Full Text Available Amr Mussa is one of the most experienced diplomats with rich experience in international organizations. In 1958 Mr. Moussa joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, where he worked in several departments and Egyptian missions including Egypt’s UN mission (1985-1972. In 1974-1977 Amr Moussa was an Assistant and Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt. In 1977-1981 and 1986-1990 he held office of the Department of International Organizations as the Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt. In 1981-1983 Mr. Moussa was an Alternate Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations in New York. In 1983-1986 he worked as Ambassador to India. Amr Moussa worked as Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations in 1990-1991. In 1991-2001 he was a head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt. In 2001-2011 he worked as Secretary General of the League of Arab States. In his interview, Mr. Amr Moussa talks about the role of international organizations in the developing world, the peculiarities of regional political and economic integration of developing countries. Particular attention is paid to the problems of peacekeeping activities at the regional level.

  10. Relación entre la planificación urbana y fenómeno de variabilidad climática en la costa caribe colombiana: estudio de caso: fenómeno de la niña en Cartagena 2001-2011


    Covelli Garrido, Cristina Isabel


    El presente trabajo de grado tiene como fin evidenciar las relaciones entre los instrumentos de planificación y los impactos de fenómenos de variabilidad climática en territorios vulnerables. Se analizan los factores de vulnerabilidad, amenaza y riesgo en la Ciénaga de la Virgen en Cartagena así como algunas de las decisiones de planificación tomadas durante el periodo estudiado (2001-2011) para finalmente identificar aquellos retos que deben ser tenidos en cuenta por futuros ejercicios de pl...

  11. Earthquakes in the Federal Republic of Germany 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A summary is given on the seismic events in the Federal Republic of Germany in the year 1986. Further articles deal with statistics on the earthquakes in the period from 1974 to 1986, reports on single regions as well as a list of the earthquakes world-wide and the damages resulting in the year 1986. (orig./HP) With 12 figs., 5 tabs [de

  12. Relaciones entre matutinidad-vespertinidad y estilos de personalidad


    Díaz Morales, Juan Francisco; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia


    El propósito de este estudio es analizar los perfiles diferenciales de personalidad según la tipología circadiana en un grupo de 189 personas, a los que se aplicó la Escala Compuesta de Matutinidad (Smith, Reilly y Midkniff, 1989), traducida y adaptada a la población española por Díaz Ramiro (2000) y el Inventario Millon de Estilos de Personalidad (Millon, 1994), traducido y adaptado a la población española (Millon, 2001). Se han estudiado las relaciones entre ...

  13. The uranium market: 1986-2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lewiner, C.; Walton, D.; Sinclair-Smith, D.


    This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the 1986 supply and demand report of the Uranium Institute. The probable nuclear generating capacity is estimated for 1986-2000. Previous capacity forecasts (1981-1986) are compared with actual generating capacity. When looking at demand, a distinction has to be made between what reactor operators require to fuel reactors (reactor requirements) and what they intend to purchase (uranium procurements). This distinction is defined and discussed. The interaction between supply and demand is shown and factors affecting trade (eg government policies) are discussed. 1985 was the first year when uranium production was less than reactor requirements. This shortfall will continue for a number of years with the current excess in consumer inventories supplying the difference between reactor requirements and uranium procurements. Uranium demand should exceed production by 1988 but additional capacity should be available from planned and possible restart and possible new facilities. (U.K.)

  14. Radiological effluent and onsite area monitoring report for the Nevada Test Site (January 1986-December 1986)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, D.A.


    This report documents the environmental surveillance program at the Nevada Test Site as conducted by the Department of Energy (DOE) onsite radiological safety contractor from January 1986 through December 1986. It presents results and evaluations of radioactivity measurements in air and water, and of direct gamma radiation exposure rates. It establishes relevant correlations between the data recorded and DOE concentration guides (CG's). External gamma exposure levels and radioactivity in air and water on the Nevada Test Site were low compared to DOE guidelines. The highest average gross beta concentration in air was 0.005% of the DOE concentration guide (CG). The highest average Pu-239 concentration was 7.7% of the standard. The highest average tritium concentration was 0.39% of the standard. Kr-85 concentrations increased slightly from CY-1985 to CY-1986. Xe-133 remained nondetectable with some exceptions. The highest average gross beta concentration in potable water remained within the applicable standard for drinking water. The highest average Pu-239 concentration from contaminated waters was 0.0005% of the concentration guide. The highest average tritium concentration in noncontaminated water was 6% of the level for drinking water required by the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulation. The amounts of tritium-bearing effluent released to contaminated waste ponds was calculated and reported to DOE Headquarters. Gamma radiation measurements were roughly the same in CY-1986 relative to the previous year. All surveillance results from the Radioactive Waste Management Site (RWMS) indicate that no detectable releases of radioactive materials occurred in that network in 1986. 29 refs., 14 figs., 23 tabs

  15. Trends in incidence and in short term survival following a subarachnoid haemorrhage in Scotland, 1986-2005: a retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Macpherson, Karen J; Lewsey, James D; Jhund, Pardeep S; Gillies, Michelle; Chalmers, Jim W T; Redpath, Adam; Briggs, Andrew; Walters, Matthew; Langhorne, Peter; Capewell, Simon; McMurray, John J V; MacIntyre, Kate


    To examine age and sex specific incidence and 30 day case fatality for subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in Scotland over a 20 year period. A retrospective cohort study using routine hospital discharge data linked to death records. Between 1986 and 2005, 12,056 individuals experienced an incident SAH. Of these 10,113 (84%) survived to reach hospital. Overall age-standardised incidence rates were greater in women than men and remained relatively stable over the study period. In 2005, incidence in women was 12.8 (95% CI 11.5 to 14.2) and in men 7.9 (95% CI 6.9 to 9.1). 30 day case fatality in individuals hospitalised with SAH declined substantially, falling from 30.0% in men and 33.9% in women in 1986-1990 to 24.5% in men and 29.1% in women in 2001-2005. For both men and women, the largest reductions were observed in those aged between 40 to 59 years. After adjustment for age, socio-economic status and co-morbidity, the odds of death at 30 days in 2005 compared to odds of death in 1986 was 0.64 (0.54 to 0.76), p p = 0.4 in those 70 years and above. Incidence rates for SAH remained stable between 1986 and 2005 suggesting that a better understanding of SAH risk factors and their reduction is needed. 30 day case fatality rates have declined substantially, particularly in middle-age. However, they remain high and it is important to ensure that this is not due to under-diagnosis or under-treatment.

  16. Trends in incidence and in short term survival following a subarachnoid haemorrhage in Scotland, 1986 - 2005: a retrospective cohort study

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    Walters Matthew


    Full Text Available Abstract Background To examine age and sex specific incidence and 30 day case fatality for subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH in Scotland over a 20 year period. Methods A retrospective cohort study using routine hospital discharge data linked to death records. Results Between 1986 and 2005, 12,056 individuals experienced an incident SAH. Of these 10,113 (84% survived to reach hospital. Overall age-standardised incidence rates were greater in women than men and remained relatively stable over the study period. In 2005, incidence in women was 12.8 (95% CI 11.5 to 14.2 and in men 7.9 (95% CI 6.9 to 9.1. 30 day case fatality in individuals hospitalised with SAH declined substantially, falling from 30.0% in men and 33.9% in women in 1986-1990 to 24.5% in men and 29.1% in women in 2001-2005. For both men and women, the largest reductions were observed in those aged between 40 to 59 years. After adjustment for age, socio-economic status and co-morbidity, the odds of death at 30 days in 2005 compared to odds of death in 1986 was 0.64 (0.54 to 0.76, p Conclusions Incidence rates for SAH remained stable between 1986 and 2005 suggesting that a better understanding of SAH risk factors and their reduction is needed. 30 day case fatality rates have declined substantially, particularly in middle-age. However, they remain high and it is important to ensure that this is not due to under-diagnosis or under-treatment.

  17. 1986 environmental monitoring report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miltenberger, R.P.; Royce, B.A.; Naidu, J.R.


    The environmental levels of radioactivity and other pollutants found in the vicinity of BNL during 1986 are summarized in this report. The environmental data include external radiation levels; radioactive air particulates and halogens; tritium concentrations; the amounts and concentrations of radioactivity in and the water quality of the stream into which liquid effluents are released; the organics, radioactivity, and water quality of the potable supply wells; the concentrations of radioactivity in biota from the stream; and the concentrations of organics, radioactivity, and the water quality of ground waters underlying the Laboratory. In 1986, the results of the surveillance program demonstrated that the Laboratory has operated within the applicable environmental standards

  18. Ionic composition and levels of acidity in rainfall in Maracaibo, Venezuela, between 1989 and 2001; Composicion ionica y niveles de acidez de las lluvias en Maracaibo, Venezuela, entre 1989 y 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez, Ligbel; Morales, Jose; Velasquez, Harvi; Portillo, Dennis; Cano, Yulixis; Montilla, Brinolfo; Iriarte, Nelkis, Mesa, Johan [Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo (Venezuela)]. E-mail:


    de emision naturales y antropicas, se incorporan en las gotas de lluvia a traves de varios procesos fisicoquimicos durante los eventos de precipitacion. El conocimiento de la composicion quimica de las precipitaciones es critico para el entendimiento de la contaminacion regional y local y sus efectos sobre los ecosistemas. Entre las sustancias acidas o potencialmente acidas envueltas en la formacion de la lluvia acida, se puede senalar los compuestos de azufre, nitrogeno y cloro. Un factor importante en las caracteristicas acido-base de la lluvia es la emision de materiales alcalinos como carbonato de calcio, magnesio y amoniaco, que se encuentran generalmente como un vapor capaz de neutralizar los acidos sulfurico y nitrico. Los datos de la quimica de las lluvias, en este trabajo, provienen de varios sitios de la ciudad de Maracaibo, las muestras de agua de lluvia fueron recolectadas en tres periodos repartidos entre los anos 1989 y 2001, con equipos de muestreo manuales y automaticos. Para los diferentes analisis realizados se utilizaron un espectrometro de absorcion atomica modalidad llama, Perkin-Elmer 3110 y un cromatografo ionico con detector de conductividad, marca Dionex 2000i/SP. El pH-PPV en la lluvia de Maracaibo es 4.8, indicativo de una atmosfera ligeramente acida e influenciada por: SO{sub 4}{sup -2}, Cl{sup -} y NO{sub 3}{sup -} en 86 %. La especie neutralizante mas importante es el NH{sub 3}, aunque las concentraciones de Ca{sup +2} y Mg{sup +2} son aportes adicionales al proceso de neutralizacion atmosferica. El mayor flujo de depositacion humeda fue exhibido por: NH{sub 4}{sup +}, SO{sub 4}{sup -2}, Cl{sup -} y NO{sub 3}{sup -} con 67.5 %. Estadisticamente, se evidencio una alta correlacion entre SO4{sup *}, Cl{sup *} y NO{sub 3}{sup -} con el ion H{sup +} (p<0.05), ratificando su influencia en la acidez de las lluvias de Maracaibo. Se concluye que solo una pequena fraccion de los iones potencialmente acidos contribuyen a la acidez libre de las

  19. Cancer incidence in Gipuzkoa, Spain (1998-2002, and time trends from 1986 Incidencia del cáncer en Guipúzcoa (1998-2002 y tendencias desde 1986

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    Nerea Larrañaga


    Full Text Available Objectives: To determine the cancer incidence in Gipuzkoa (Spain from 1998 to 2002 and describe time trends since 1986. Methods: The annual incidence of cancer in Gipuzkoa from 1998 to 2002 was estimated as a rate per 100,000 inhabitants. Incidence trends for the period 1986-2002 were studied for all cancers and for the main cancer sites using Poisson regression and Joinpoint regression for prostate tumours. Results: On average, one in 3 men and one in 5 women would probably be diagnosed with cancer at some time during their life (0-74 years. Among men, prostate surpassed lung as the most frequent cancer site. Among women, breast cancer represented approximately 30% of all cases of cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers. There was an annual increase in the incidence of cancer of 1.5% (95% CI, 1.1-1.8 in men and 0.9% (95% CI, 0.5-1.3 in women. The incidence of prostate cancer in men increased over the study period, and especially between 1996 and 1999, with an annual increase of 34.7% (95% CI, 5.9-71.5. The incidence of lung cancer in women presented an annual increase of 5.2% (95% CI, 3.4-7.1. In contrast, the incidence of stomach cancer decreased during the study period. Conclusions: Cancer incidence in Gipuzkoa increased during the study period. This increase was particularly marked in lung cancer and skin melanoma, for which preventive strategies are fundamental.Objetivos: Conocer la incidencia de cáncer en Guipúzcoa entre 1998 y 2002, y su evolución desde 1986. Métodos: Se realizan estimaciones de incidencia anual del cáncer en el período 1998-2002, para Guipúzcoa, en tasas por 100.000 habitantes. Se analiza su evolución entre 1986 y 2002 en el conjunto de localizaciones y en las más frecuentes, mediante el modelo de regresión de Poisson y el modelo de regresión Joinpoint en tumores de próstata. Resultados: Uno de cada 3 varones y una de cada 5 mujeres de Guipúzcoa tienen la probabilidad de desarrollar cáncer a lo largo de

  20. Freqüência de anemia infecciosa em eqüinos no Acre, 1986 a 1996

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    Santos R.M.L.


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas as fichas de 9.963 eqüídeos do Acre, submetidos ao teste de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA para anemia infecciosa eqüina (AIE, no período de 1986 a 1996. As regiões sócio-ecológicas da Bacia do Alto Juruá, Alto Acre e Alta Bacia do Purus apresentaram os maiores índices da doença, o que caracteriza a associação entre região e positividade. Essas áreas são fronteiriças com o Peru, Bolívia e o Estado do Amazonas, são distantes de Rio Branco, capital do Estado, onde muitas vezes é difícil o acesso pelas estradas, revelando serem áreas de risco. As regiões Oriental e Rio Branco apresentaram baixos índices de positividade. Não se observou diferença estatística entre animais positivos e negativos quanto à espécie, sexo, raça e idade.

  1. Deuda pública de Argentina: de la última dictadura militar al default de 2001

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    María Emilia Val


    Full Text Available La problemática de la deuda pública constituye uno de los temas centrales para comprender la historia argentina de las últimas décadas. Los recientes episodios relacionados con la deuda (la crisis y cesación de pagos de 2001, los canjes de 2005 y 2010, el conflicto con los llamados fondos buitre, entre otros no se pueden entender sin atender al proceso de endeudamiento y la dinámica de relaciones asociadas, del que son consecuencia. Específicamente, el crecimiento exponencial del endeudamiento soberano externo desde mediados de los años setenta hasta la crisis de pago de 2001 tuvo importantes derivaciones en el plano económico, financiero, político y social: la acumulación de niveles de deuda insostenibles, la injerencia creciente de los acreedores sobre los lineamientos de la política económica local y la transferencia de una enorme masa de recursos para su pago explican en gran medida el deterioro de las cuentas fiscales, de las condiciones de vida de amplias franjas de la población, los desequilibrios económicos y las persistentes trabas al desarrollo. En este sentido, el objetivo de este artículo es reconstruir el derrotero histórico de la deuda soberana argentina, describiendo su evolución y principales transformaciones en las diferentes etapas comprendidas entre 1976 y 2001.

  2. A Relação Entre o Retorno das Ações Ordinárias, Métricas de Desempenho e Fatores Econômicos: Um Estudo dos três Principais Bancos Brasileiros entre 2001 e 2010

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    Wilton Moisés Modro


    Full Text Available O presente estudo analisa se os principais indicadores contábeis, métricas de valor e fatores econômicos são relevantes para a explicação do desempenho do retorno das ações ordinárias dos três principais bancos brasileiros, no período entre 2001 e 2010. As análises de correlação e regressão múltiplas, aplicadas sobre a variação acumulada do retorno das ações ordinárias e das variáveis independentes, indicaram o índice preço/lucro (P/L como principal variável explicativa estatisticamente significante do retorno das ações ordinárias, com r2 de 77,7%, 69,8% e 64,3%. Outras variáveis apresentaram relevante poder explicativo, como os índices de eficiência operacional e empréstimos/depósitos e a inflação. Com base nesses resultados, pode-se concluir que, para o período e empresas analisados, o índice P/L contribuiu fortemente para o retorno das ações ordinárias, confirmando sua importância como parâmetro nas decisões de investimento.

  3. RB research nuclear reactor - Annual report for 1986, I - III; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RB (Izvestaj o radu u 1986. godini), I-III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markovic, H; Pesic, M; Vranic, S; Petronijevic, M; Jevremovic, M; Ilic, I [Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    This report includes data concerning the RB reactor operation in 1986, state of the reactor components, data about the employed personnel and the database of experimental and other reactor related devices. It is made of 3 parts: Engineering description and operation of the RB reactor including dosimetry, reactor staff data and financial report; Reactor facility components and maintenance; RB reactor operation and utilization in 1986. Izvestaj pokazuje podatke o radu reaktora RB u toku 1986. godine, stanje reaktorske opreme, podatke o angazovanom osoblju na reaktoru i datoteku sa podacima o eksperimentalnoj i drugoj opremi reaktora RB. Sastoji se od 3 dela: tehnicki opis, pogon i rad reaktora, oprema postrojenja i njeno odrzavanje, koriscenje reaktora u 1986. godini.

  4. Tendência da epidemia de casos de aids no Sul do Brasil no período de 1986 a 2008

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    Flaviane Mello Lazarini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência dos casos de aids por sexo e faixa etária de 1986 a 2008. MÉTODOS: Foi analisada a tendência da aids por faixa etária e por sexo, em Londrina, PR, em dois períodos: 1986-1995 e 1996-2008. Dentre os modelos polinomiais, o de primeiro grau explicou melhor a tendência da epidemia da aids nos dois períodos. Foram calculadas as taxas de incidência para homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH, usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI, homens heterossexuais e mulheres. RESULTADOS: No primeiro período, de 1986 a 1995, houve incremento das taxas de incidência em quase todas as faixas etárias e crescimento da epidemia em ambos os sexos (p < 0,001, mais acentuado em homens de 14 a 39 anos. O segundo período (1996-2008 não apresentou incremento estatístico positivo ou negativo, indicando estabilização da epidemia. Verificou-se que ocorreu queda significativa na faixa de 14 a 29 anos no sexo masculino, com incremento de 0,88 no primeiro período e 0,87 no segundo. Mulheres de 50 anos e mais apresentaram aumento significativo (p = 0,019. Os grupos UDI e HSH predominaram como categorias de exposição e HSH ultrapassou UDI no último triênio do estudo. A partir de 2000, a taxa de incidência entre mulheres de 15 a 49 anos superou a de homens heterossexuais. CONCLUSÕES: Houve queda nas taxas de incidência nas faixas etárias mais jovens e estabilização nas demais idades. O aumento da proporção de mulheres e do predomínio de HSH entre as categorias de exposição aponta para necessidade de estratégias diferenciadas para atingir grupos com características diversas.

  5. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

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    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, p<0.0001. El intervalo entre reanidaciones fue de =10.7±1.32 días. La frecuencia de anidación se calculó en =1.71±1.6 veces por hembra. El número de hembras estimadas varió entre =373±12.5 para 2001 y =1 669±56.1 para 2008 (ANOVA F(5.6gl=89.42, p<0.0001. La tendencia es significativa (r=0.842, p=0.036. Los resultados indican que el número de hembras que anidan en Isla de Aves ha aumentado, y se sugiere que más de 30 años de protección del área de reproducción está resultando en un creciente número de hembras.

  6. Evolución del potencial atlético en la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina durante los años 1973 - 2001 = The evolution of athletic potential in the province of Mendoza from 1973 to 2001

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    Ana María Destefanis


    Full Text Available Estudio exploratorio descriptivo con diseño no experimental, longitudinal, retrospectivo que analiza los cambios producidos en el potencial atlético mendocino desde 1973 hasta 2001. Los resultados obtenidos por la aplicación de la prueba estadística “t” student, significativamente inferiores entre la media del potencial atlético entre el 2000-2001, respecto de la década del 80 (prueba “t” 80/00 = 0,0423. No sucedió lo mismo al compararlos con las décadas del 70 y 90 que registraron entre sí valores similares en sus rendimientos atléticos (“t” 70/00 = 0,3995 y “t” 90/00 = 0,2013. Se concluyó que la diferencia significativa en el rendimiento atlético provincial se produjo al comparar la década del 80 con los años 2000 y 2001. Por lo tanto se rechazó la Hi y se aceptó la H alternativa. Se midieron las variables que influyeron sobre la evolución de este potencial, concluyendo que su disminución tiene relación con el estado que presentan las pistas en uso, insuficientes elementos atléticos, escasa cantidad de profesores especialistas, déficit en la administración de recursos físicos y humanos de los responsables del atletismo federado y falta de proyectos que canalicen la cantidad de jóvenes que compiten en instancias escolares y no ingresan al circuito federado.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Descriptive exploratory study with non experimental longitudinal retrospective design that analyzes the changes in the athletic potential of Mendoza’s population from 1973 to 2001. The results obtained by the application of the "t" student statistic test are significantly lower for the average athletic potential between 2000 and 2001, compared with the decade of the 80s (t-test 80/00 = 0.0423. It was not the same when compared to the decades of 1970 and 1990, which showed similar values to each other in their athletic performance ("t" 70/00 = 0.3995 and t = 0.2013 90/00. The

  7. CSIR Annual report 1986

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1986. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial statements are also presented in the report....

  8. Argonne National Laboratory, High Energy Physics Division: Semiannual report of research activities, July 1, 1986-December 31, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This paper discusses the research activity of the High Energy Physics Division at the Argonne National Laboratory for the period, July 1986-December 1986. Some of the topics included in this report are: high resolution spectrometers, computational physics, spin physics, string theories, lattice gauge theory, proton decay, symmetry breaking, heavy flavor production, massive lepton pair production, collider physics, field theories, proton sources, and facility development

  9. La construcción de la confianza en el trabajo de campo. Los límites de la entrevista dirigida

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    del Olmo, Margarita


    Full Text Available This article deals with the topic of the open interview as a field method in Anthropology. The author explores the advantages and also the limits of the tecnique by comparing two different fieldworks: one carried out among the Spanish people who converts to Islam, between 1998 and 2001, and the other among the Argentinian exiles to Spain during the military rule in Argentina, which was carried out between 1986 and 1999.

    El artículo está dedicado a explorar el tema de la entrevista dirigida desde una perspectiva comparativa; ya que contrasta las dificultades y los problemas surgidos en el empleo de esta estrategia metodológica en un trabajo de campo realizado entre los conversos españoles al Islam (1998-2001, con un trabajo de campo anterior (1986 y 1989, con exiliados argentinos a España durante la dictadura militar en su país. El análisis comparativo permite extraer una serie de conclusiones acerca del alcance del empleo de esta metodología antropológica.

  10. 2001 annual report; Rapport annuel 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document is the 2001 annual report of the French union of the petroleum industry (UFIP). It summarizes the highlights of the petroleum industry activity in France in 2001 and gives some additional information about the production, refining and distribution of petroleum products in the rest of the world. (J.S.)

  11. Forest statistics for Southeast Texas counties - 1986 (United States)

    William H. McWilliams; Daniel F. Bertelson


    These tables were derived from data obtained during a 1986 inventory of 22 counties comprising the Southeast Unit of Texas (fig. 1). Grimes, Leon, Madison, and Waller counties have been added to the Southeastern Unit since the previous inventory if 1975. All comparisons of the 1975 and 1986 forest statistics made in this Bulletin account for this change. The data on...

  12. Análise direcional do crescimento urbano da região metropolitana de São Paulo entre 1905 e 2001, utilizando-se a dimensão fractal

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    Mara Lúcia Marques


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como propósito principal compreender o processo de expansão do aglomerado urbano da região metropolitana de São Paulo no período 1905 a 2001. Para tanto, foi empregada uma metodologia baseada em análise fractal, para a identificação dos fatores que influenciaram a forma urbana ao longo do tempo e determinaram a distribuição espacial das estruturas e da densidade de ocupação de áreas urbanizadas. Este estudo foi realizado a partir de mapas temáticos e imagens orbitais relativos ao período 1905-2001. Partindo-se da associação dos métodos de círculos concêntricos e contagem de células, foi realizada a estimativa da dimensão fractal por densidade de preenchimento (Dd. Os resultados mostraram que o aglomerado urbano apresentou, no período analisado, valores médios Dd (1,755 ou tendência de adensamento heterogêneo por área construída, entre os círculos centrais e periféricos do aglomerado urbano. A análise fractal multidirecional de crescimento foi realizada em oito setores radiais de expansão urbana, cujos valores médios do parâmetro Dd para cada setor, no período 1905-2001, são abaixo mencionados: (I Cantareira =1,829; (II Zona Leste=1,898; (III Mauá=1,848; (IV Ipiranga=1,852; (V Billings=1,858; (VI Santo Amaro/Interlagos=1,848; (VII Castelo Branco/Anhangüera=1,859; e (VIII Anhangüera/Bandeirantes=1,863. Dentre os fatores que influenciaram o comportamento fractal desses setores, destacam-se: a ocupação fragmentada pela topografia, hidrografia e restrições jurídico-ambientais nos setores I, III, IV, V, VI e VIII; já nos setores II, III, IV, VI e VII, o maior adensamento foi impulsionado por incentivos públicos e de infra-estrutura, que contribuíram para a concentração industrial e de serviços.

  13. Tendência da epidemia de casos de aids no Sul do Brasil no período de 1986 a 2008 Tendencia de la epidemia de casos de sida en el Sur de Brasil en el período de 1986 a 2008 Trends in the epidemic of Aids cases in Southern Brazil from 1986 to 2008

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    Flaviane Mello Lazarini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência dos casos de aids por sexo e faixa etária de 1986 a 2008. MÉTODOS: Foi analisada a tendência da aids por faixa etária e por sexo, em Londrina, PR, em dois períodos: 1986-1995 e 1996-2008. Dentre os modelos polinomiais, o de primeiro grau explicou melhor a tendência da epidemia da aids nos dois períodos. Foram calculadas as taxas de incidência para homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH, usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI, homens heterossexuais e mulheres. RESULTADOS: No primeiro período, de 1986 a 1995, houve incremento das taxas de incidência em quase todas as faixas etárias e crescimento da epidemia em ambos os sexos (p OBJETIVO: Describir la tendencia de los casos de sida por sexo y grupo etario de 1986 a 2008. MÉTODOS: Se analizó la tendencia de sida por grupo etario y por sexo, en Londrina, PR, Brasil, en dos períodos: 1986-1995 y 1996-2008. Entre los modelos polinomiales, o de primer grado explicó mejor la tendencia de la epidemia de sida en los dos períodos. Se calcularon las tasas de incidencia para hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH, usuarios de drogas inyectables (UDI, hombres heterosexuales y mujeres. RESULTADOS: En el primer período, de 1986 a 1995, hubo incremento de las tasas de incidencia en casi todas los grupos etarios y crecimiento de la epidemia en ambos sexos (p OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in the incidence of Aids cases according to age and gender from 1986 to 2008. METHODS: Analyses of Aids trends according to age group and to gender was carried out Londrina, Southern Brazil. The timeframe was divided into two periods (1986-1995 and 1996-2008. Of the polynomial models, it was the first-degree polynomial model which best explained the Aids epidemic within the two periods. The incidence rate of Aids among men who have sex with other men (MSM, injecting drug users (IDU, heterosexual men and women was calculated. RESULTS: During the first period, from 1986 to 1995, there

  14. Pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS em Florianópolis/SC, Brasil: ocupação e status socioeconômico ocupacional (1986-2006

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    Janelice de Azevedo Neves Bastiani


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a distribuição das pessoas adultas que vivem com a Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Humana Adquirida (AIDS em Florianópolis/SC, entre 1986 e 2006. Estudo histórico de 3.209 casos de AIDS, com dados coletados no Setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, entre março e abril de 2010. A análise dos dados aborda ocupação no mercado de trabalho e sexo; condição socioeconômica dos casos com idade entre 20 e 49 anos; categoria de exposição e sexo. A AIDS afeta subgrupos e vulneráveis potenciais. Mulheres ocupam a Categoria Não Ocupada nos Afazeres Domésticos e homens ocupam a Categoria Não Ocupado como Estudantes e Aposentados/Pensionistas. Quanto ao Status Socioeconômico Ocupacional, as mulheres se encontram entre o 4º e 5°, e os homens entre o 1º e 5º. Os resultados sugerem que as ações de prevenção ao HIV/AIDS devem ser planejadas para atendimento dos subgrupos com vulnerabilidade potencial.

  15. Developments in uranium in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chenoweth, W.L.


    Imported uranium and low prices continued to plague the domestic uranium industry and, as a result, the Secretary of Energy declared the domestic industry to be nonviable for the second straight year. Uranium exploration expenditures in the US declined for the eighth consecutive year. In 1986, an estimated $19 million was spent on uranium exploration, including 1.9 million ft of surface drilling. This drilling was done mainly in producing areas and in areas of recent discoveries. Production of uranium concentrate increased in 1986, when 13.8 million lb of uranium oxide (U 3 O 8 ) were produced, a 22% increase over 1985. Uranium produced as the result of solution mining and as the by-product of phosphoric acid production accounted for about 37% of the total production in the US. At the end of 1986, only 6 uranium mills were operating in the US. Canada continued to dominate the world market. The development under way at the huge Olympic Dam deposit in Australia will increase that country's production. US uranium production is expected to show a small decrease in 1987. 3 figures, 2 tables

  16. Nuclear Safety Project. Annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report 1986 is a detailed description of work within the Nuclear Safety Project performed in 1986 in the nuclear safety field by KfK institutes and departments and by external institutes on behalf of KfK. It includes individual research activities on dynamic loads and strains of reactor components under accident conditions, fuel behaviour under accident conditions, investigation and control of LWR core-meltdown accidents, improvement of fission product retention and reduction of radiation exposure, and on behaviour, impact and removal of released pollutants. (DG)

  17. Outlook 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    ABARE's Executive Director, Brian Fisher in his address at the annual assembly of economists and commodity producers (Outlook 2001) indicated that the world economic growth, which is of critical importance to the direction of world commodity prices, is assumed to ease in 2001 but to strengthen in 2002. Yet despite the slower world economic growth he forecast that Australia's commodity exports would rise to be worth $86 billion in 2000-2001 and $89 billion in 2001 - 2002 reflecting a relatively low Australian dollar. The value of commodity exports is then forecast to trend downwards in real terms for the remainder of the outlook period to 2005-2006. In preparing commodity projections ABARE assumed world economic growth to moderate to around 3.4% in 2001, and then strengthen to 3.9%, in 2002 supported by lower interest rates in key economies. Activity in the Australian economy is assumed to remain reasonably firm in the short term. While growth in domestic demand is likely to moderate, export performance is expected to remain strong. There has been a remarkable improvement in Australia's trade performance during the last year. This improvement is expected to continue in the short term. For energy commodities, export earnings are forecast to increase from $18.4 billion in 1999-2000 to $25.1 billion in 2000-2001 before declining to $24.4 billion in 2001-2002

  18. NRC safety research in support of regulation, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is the second in a series of annual reports responding to congressional inquiries as to the utilization of nuclear regulatory research. NUREG-1175, ''NRC Safety Research in Support of Regulation,'' published in May 1986, reported major research accomplishments between about FY 1980 and FY 1985. This report narrates the accomplishments of FY 1986 and does not restate earlier accomplishments. Earlier research results are mentioned in the context of current results in the interest of continuity. Both the direct contributions to scientific and technical knowledge and their regulatory applications, when there has been a definite regulatory outcome during FY 1986, have been described

  19. EMERGO : The Dutch flood risk system since 1986

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rijcken, T.


    PART I | A RESEARCH AND DESIGN PROJECT ABOUT FLOOD RISK POLICY SINCE 1986 The period between the Dutch flood disaster of 1953 and the year 2016 can be divided into two eras, separated by the year 1986, when the famous Eastern Scheldt barrier was completed. The perspective of water professionals on

  20. National Energy Balance - 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The National Energy Balance - 1986 shows energy fluxes of several primary and secondary energy sources, since the production to the final consumption in the main economic sectors, since 1970 to 1985. The incorporation of a new brazilian information is done. (E.G.) [pt

  1. Occupational radiation dose in Indonesia 1981-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiswara, E.; Ismono, A.


    Occupational radiation dose in Indonesia 1981-1986. This paper presents the occupational radiation dose in Indonesia during the period of 1981-1986. The highest collective dose accurated in 1983 was calculated to be 2.68 man-Sv, with the maximum mean dose per worker, who received dose more than zero, was around 11.07 mSv in the same year. In 1985, a relative collective dose from medical occupations of 1.88 man mSv for 10 6 population was estimated based on its total collective dose of 0.31 man-mSv. The total number of workers who received annual collective dose less than 5 mSv varied from 97.0% in 1981 to 99.5% in 1986. As a group, the industrial occupations has considerably higher risk in receiving a dose than others. (authors). 11 refs., 7 tabs

  2. Toxic Hazards Research Unit Annual Report: 1986 (United States)


    mediated hemolysis by mercapto compounds. Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 6, Number 5, pages 336-370, 1986. Hydrophobic tributyltin ( TBT ...7 ~OF~ AAMRL-TR-87-020 NMRI-87-2 ’~LRES 4 Iq 1986 TOXIC HAZARDS RESEARCH UNIT ANNUAL REPORT WILLIAM E. HOUSTON, Ph.D. RAYMOND S. KUTZMAN, Ph.D...and is approved for publication. FOR THE COMMANDElRi BRUCE 0. STUART, Ph.D. Director, Toxic Hazards Division Harry G. Armstrong Aerospace Medical

  3. Annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report gives the 1986 research activity balance of the Department of Research on Controlled fusion and of the Research Group of the Euratom-CEA association. At the end of the year, the whole department and the whole group is working on the new program principally centered on Tore Supra. The last results on TFR and Petula are also described [fr

  4. Energy research and development projects in the Nordic countries. Directory 1986. Energiforskningsprojekter i Norden. Katalog 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the fourth directory of research, development and demonstration projects in the Nordic countries within the field of energy. The 1986 directory includes projects running in 1986. 2172 projects are described and all of them are financed through special public funds (i.e. external funding). The energy research organisation in each Nordic country is briefly reviewed in the appendixes, and a list of relevant newsletters are given. The directory is published at the request if the Nordic Council of Ministers and a special Energy Reseach Committee set up by the Nordic energy ministers in order to coordinate and promote Nordic information sharing in the energy field. (author)

  5. Análise da associação entre saneamento e saúde nos estados Brasileiros: estudo comparativo entre 2001 e 2006


    Teixeira,Júlio César; Gomes,Maria Helena Rodrigues; Souza,Janaina Azevedo de


    Em um contexto de baixo investimento em saneamento, Teixeira e Guilhermino (2006) estudaram a associação entre as condições de saneamento e os indicadores epidemiológicos nos estados brasileiros, utilizando dados secundários do banco de dados IDB (2003) do Ministério da Saúde. A partir de 2003, os investimentos em saneamento básico no Brasil aumentaram. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo testar a hipótese de que a ampliação da cobertura por serviços de saneamento básico no período ...

  6. Movilidad y dispersión espacial en las regiones españolas, 1986-2003

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    María Hierro Franco


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la movilidad y la dispersión espacial de las migraciones interiores y su relación con el proceso de convergencia. El estudio de movilidad se realiza mediante dos medidas basadas en una cadena de Markov y pertenecientes a una familia general de medidas de movilidad, que se apoyan en la distancia entre localizaciones de origen y destino. Para el estudio de la dispersión espacial se plantea una medida procedente de la interpretación de la dispersión espacial a partir del concepto de entropía. La aplicación de estas medidas a la secuencia de matrices de flujos migratorios con desagregación regional para 1986-2003 muestra que las migraciones interiores no han actuado de mecanismo corrector de las desigualdades regionales en renta per capita.

  7. Summaries of Research 1986 (United States)



  8. OMS Annual Report, 1986. (United States)

    Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. Office of Management Studies.

    This report describes the following 1986 Office of Management Studies (OMS) programs and services: (1) the Academic Library Program, which includes the Management Review and Analysis Program, the Public Services Study, the Planning Program for Small Academic Libraries, the Collection Analysis Project, the Leadership Development Program, the…

  9. Poverty Monitor 2001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Original title: Armoedemonitor 2001. The Poverty Monitor 2001 (Armoedemonitor 2001) contains the most up-to-date figures on poverty in the Netherlands. The data were collected and analysed by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research/SCP and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The extent of and

  10. Tuberculosis along the United States-Mexico border, 1993-2001 La tuberculosis en la frontera mexicanoestadounidense

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    Eileen Schneider


    Estados Unidos que tienen frontera con México: 1 describir la situación epidemiológica de la tuberculosis, 2 identificar los factores de riesgo de contraer la enfermedad y 3 examinar las estrategias aplicadas en los programas antituberculosos. MÉTODOS: Analizamos las notificaciones de casos de tuberculosis recogidas entre 1993 y 2001 por el sistema estadounidense para la vigilancia de la tuberculosis. Con esos datos se compararon los casos de tuberculosis detectados en tres grupos principalmente: 1 personas nacidas en México que vivían en uno de los cuatro estados fronterizos de Estados Unidos (Arizona, California, Nuevo México y Texas; 2 residentes de esos cuatro estados que habían nacido en los Estados Unidos, y 3 personas nacidas en México con residencia en cualquiera de los otros 46 estados de Estados Unidos que no tienen frontera con México. RESULTADOS: Durante el período de 1993 a 2001, 12 450 (76,7% de los 16 223 casos de tuberculosis en residentes de Estados Unidos nacidos en México se notificaron en Arizona, California, Nuevo México y Texas. En esos cuatro estados en general, la incidencia de tuberculosis en 2001 en personas nacidas en México fue 5,0 veces mayor que en personas nacidas en Estados Unidos. En dichos estados hay 23 condados que tienen frontera con México, y en ellos la razón observada fue de 5,8. Las probabilidades de que se notificaran seropositividad a VIH, abuso de alcohol, desempleo y encarcelamiento fueron menores, en grado significativo, entre pacientes tuberculosos nacidos en México con residencian en los cuatro estados fronterizos y en los otros estados que entre pacientes nacidos en Estados Unidos con residencia en los cuatro estados fronterizos (P < 0,001. Según el análisis multifactorial, en pacientes tuberculosos entre las edades de 18 y 64 años que vivían en los cuatro estados fronterizos las probabilidades de tener resistencia por lo menos a la isoniacida y la rifampicina (es decir, multirresistencia medicamentosa

  11. OSART good practices: 1986-1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The IAEA Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) programme provides advice and assistance to Member States for enhancing the operational safety of nuclear power plants (NPP). OSART teams started to identify good practices (GP), as examples of excellence in NPP operation, in 1986. This report is the first of its kind and summarizes GP for the period January 1986 to June 1989. The information in the report is presented in three different ways to facilitate access: The table of contents which present the GP at the NPP visited by OSART teams in the order of visits; the listing of the GP according to the eight standard areas of review, giving the NPP concerned and the relevant report page; the permutated index of the titles of the GP. 1 tab

  12. Environmental radioactivity in Canada 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The radiological surveillance program of the Department of National Health and Welfare is conducted for the purpose of determining levels of environmental radioactivity in Canada and assessing the resulting population exposures. During 1986 the program was strongly influenced by radioactive fallout on Canada resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident on April 26, 1986 in the Soviet Ukraine. The Environmental Radiation Hazards Division (ERHD) increased its frequency of analyses of environmental samples immediately following the accident. Interim screening limits for foodstuffs were developed. A measurement program for radioactivity in domestic and imported foods was implemented. The ERHD measurement program was supplemented by additional measurements conducted by many other private and government laboratories. Radiation doses to Canadian from Chernobyl fallout were extremely low with no group in the population receiving more than 10 microsieverts

  13. ENDF/B-5 modifications 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, P.K.


    This document summarizes the modifications made to the ENDF/B-5 evaluated neutron data files in 1986. The new versions of the files are available from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section upon request, costfree, on magnetic tape. (author)

  14. Current meter components and other data from FIXED PLATFORMS from Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai) from 10 January 1986 to 30 June 1986 (NODC Accession 8800190) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Current meter components data were collected from FIXED PLATFORMS in the Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai) from 10 January 1986 to 30 June 1986. Data were collected by Florida...

  15. Annual report 1986 - IFE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    At present Norwegian nuclear energy research is centered around the international OECD Halden Reactor Project which has participants from 40 organisations in 10 countries, including the Nordic countries and most major nuclear power countries within OECD. The research programme is concentrated on nuclear fuel and safety technology, and on computerbased methods for operation and supervision of power reactors. The paramount objective of fuel research at Halden is to produce experimental data that will increase insight into the fundamental factors affecting the reliability of the fuel under various operational conditions, and to obtain data for developing and qualifying analytical/empirical calculation models of fuel behaviour. Joint programme activities are increasingly being directed towards defining long-term effects that may influence the fuel's operational reliability. To follow up these progress trends, a special loop was installed in the reactor in 1986 for studying conditions affecting corrosion of fuel rods. Of prime significance in the development work is the advanced experimental control room which is connected to a full-scale simulator of a nuclear power plant of the PWR type. In 1986 the experimental control room was used for comparative studies of alarm systems based on conventional alarm displays and an advanced system developed by the Halden Project which are based on a colour screen display. The latter system eliminates alarms that are irrelevant to the current plant status, so reducing the volume of information reaching the operator. In 1986 work was also done on a major computerized system designed to assist operators under irregular operating conditions. The Project developed a module for early detection of irregularities, an expert diagnosis system to find causes, and a module whereby the operator is led through the procedures that must be followed in order to bring the process back to an acceptable state

  16. La causalidad entre el crecimiento economico y la expansion del transporte aereo: un analisis empirico para Chile

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    Martin Alberto Rodriguez-Brindis


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza los efectos a largo plazo entre la demanda de transporte aéreo y el crecimiento económico en Chile. Utilizando datos trimestrales de 1986 (T1 a 2014 (T29, el estudio investiga la posible relación de causalidad entre el pib real y el número de pasajeros aéreos que llegan y salen de los aeropuertos chilenos. Por medio de la cointegración de Johansen, se muestra la existencia de un vector de cointegración en el que las correspondientes elasticidades son positivas. El estudio muestra que la relación de causalidad es positiva y bidireccional. A su vez, el análisis de impulso-respuesta, muestra que un incremento en la magnitud del movimiento de pasajeros produce un efecto positivo en el crecimiento económico en el país.

  17. The Pelotas birth cohort study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001

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    Victora Cesar G.


    Full Text Available Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed.

  18. The Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1982-2001 (United States)


    Given the growing recognition of the importance of the life course approach for the determination of chronic diseases, birth cohort studies are becoming increasingly important. This paper describes the methods used in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study, one of the largest and longest studies of this type in developing countries. All 5,914 hospital births occurring in Pelotas in 1982 (over 99% of all deliveries) were studied prospectively. The main stages of the study took place in 1983, 1984, 1986, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001. More than two thousand variables are available for each subject who participated in all stages of the study. Recent phases of the study included the examination of 2,250 males when presenting for the army recruitment exam in 2000, the study of a 27% sample of men and women in 2001 through household visits, and the study of over 400 children born to the cohort women. Follow-up rates in the recent stages of the cohort were 78.9% for the army examination and 69.0% for the household visits. Ethnographic and oral health studies were conducted in sub-samples. Some recent results on blood pressure, adolescent pregnancy, and asthma are presented as examples of utilization of the data. Suggestions on lessons learned for other cohort studies are proposed. PMID:14666206

  19. NEA activities in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the main features of the Agency work during 1986. It deals with the response of NEA to the Chernobyl Accident; trends in Nuclear Power; Nuclear development and the fuel cycle; Nuclear safety research and licensing; radiation protection and waste management; legal affairs, nuclear science; joint undertakings and other NEA joint projects; information programmes; organization and administration

  20. Availability of thermal power plants 1977-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitsch, D.; Schmitz, H.


    To get a picture of power plant availability and its influencing factors, availability data have been acquired and evaluated by VGB according to different design and operation parameters since 1970. The present volume is the 16th annual statistics since 1970. It covers the decade of 1977 to 1986 and contains availability data of 384 power plants in Germany and abroad, with a total of 94.896 MW and 3.768 plant years. Data are presented on fossil-fuelled units, units with a combined gas/steam cycle, nuclear power plants and gas turbine systems, with further sub-categories according to unit size, fuel, type, years of operation, and operating regime. German plants are reviewed separately. All power data are gross data measured at the generator terminals. For a comparative evaluation, the data of 1986 are supplemented by yearly averages since 1977 and averages for the decade from 1977 to 1986. Since 1978, nonavailability data are categorized as 'unscheduled' and 'scheduled' nonavailabilities. For availability data of 1970 to 1976, see the VGB publication 'Availability of thermal power plants, 1970 to 1981'. (orig./UA) [de

  1. Õigusrikkumised [2001] = Violation of jurisdiction

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tabelid. Registreeritud kuriteod, 2001, kuritegevuse tase 10 000 elaniku kohta, 1993-2001, kuriteod liikide lõikes, 2001, narkokuriteod, 2000-2001, tapmisi 10 000 elaniku kohta, 1996-2001, Tallinna avaliku korra rikkumised, 1992-2001, väljasõidud, 2001, hukkunud, vigastatud ja päästetud tulekahjudes, 2001, kuritegevus ja selle avastamine Tallinnas, 2001. - Rööptekst ing. keeles

  2. 60 años de políticas económicas y su impacto en los salarios en Argentina, de Perón al siglo XXI (1943-2001

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    Eduardo Martín Cuesta


    Full Text Available Desde la llegada del peronismo al poder en 1943, la segunda mitad del siglo XX fue testigo de la alternancia entre políticas económicas ortodoxas y heterodoxas. Este trabajo se apoya en la propuesta de que entre 1943 y 1975 existió un fuerte consenso en la sociedad civil y política acerca de los beneficios del mercadointernismo (políticas heterodoxas que privilegian la industrialización con base a la demanda interna, y que entre 1976 y 2001 el consenso privilegió la apertura económica (políticas ortodoxas, de liberación de la economía y apertura al mercado mundial. Siguiendo esta interpretación, se podría explicar el período siguiente (iniciado con la crisis de 2001 como mercado internista. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, tanto las políticas ortodoxas como las heterodoxas influyeron en el nivel de los salarios reales y, al mismo tiempo, implicaron modificaciones en los diferenciales por capacitación (Skill Premium.

  3. Entre normas e fatos: desafios e dilemas da ordem internacional

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    Cruz Sebastião C. Velasco e


    Full Text Available Examinam-se os limites e o significado da controvérsia entre "realistas" que invocam fatos e "cosmopolitas" que invocam normas, com referência às perspectivas da ordem internacional após 11 de setembro de 2001. Contra a idéia da retomada pelos EUA do multilateralismo, ou do seu oposto, a idéia dos EUA como sede de um verdadeiro império mundial, propõe-se um "cenário de transição", marcado por turbulências inter- e intra-estatais, sem prejuízo da possibilidade real de uma configuração mais equilibrada no futuro.

  4. Gender Trait Stereotypes: A Comparison of 1978 and 1986. (United States)

    Griffin, Betsy Q.; Babbitt, Brian C.

    This study examined stability and change in gender role stereotypes by comparing responses to items on the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) for the typical woman and man in 1978 and in 1986. Subjects were college students enrolled in an introductory psychology course in 1978 (N=85) and in 1986 (N=219). Subjects rated the typical man or typical woman…

  5. Tendencias de la mortalidad por agresiones en mujeres de países seleccionados de América Latina, 2001-2011

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    Florencia Molinatti

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la tendencia temporal de las muertes por agresiones en mujeres en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México entre 2001 y 2011. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo. Se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad por agresiones y eventos de intención no determinada, ajustadas por la edad, según el método directo y la población estándar de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se utilizaron modelos joinpoint para identificar los cambios estadísticamente significativos. Se comparó la razón hombre:mujer de mortalidad y se calcularon las tendencias de las tasas ajustadas para cada una de las dos causas de muerte y las tasas específicas de mortalidad por agresiones en mujeres por grupos de edad. RESULTADOS: En Brasil se registraron las mayores tasas de agresiones en mujeres, seguido por Colombia, México, Argentina y Chile. Entre 2001 y 2011, en Argentina y Colombia se constataron disminuciones, en Brasil y México hubo incrementos y en Chile las tasas se mantuvieron estables. Las mayores tasas específicas se encontraron en mujeres jóvenes (15-29 años y adultas (30-44 y 45-59 años. En Colombia las tasas disminuyeron en todos los grupos, mientras que en México se incrementaron en mujeres de 15 a 59 años. Solo Colombia evidenció una reducción en las tasas de mortalidad por eventos de intención no determinada; en Argentina y México hubo una disminución al principio del período con un aumento posterior; en Brasil no se observaron variaciones. CONCLUSIONES: Las tasas de mortalidad por agresiones en mujeres de Brasil, Colombia y México entre 2001 y 2011 resultaron superiores al promedio mundial y al promedio de América Latina; en Argentina y Chile fueron más bajas y con menores diferencias entre los sexos. Se debe avanzar en la visualización de las relaciones de poder que subyacen en los asesinatos de mujeres e incluir el feminicidio en las legislaciones penales nacionales.


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    Jorge Szot Meza


    Full Text Available Fundamento:En Chile se ha modificado de manera significativa la estructura demográfica y las causas de morbilidad y de mortalidad de la población en un período relativamente breve de tiempo. Estas variaciones se enmarcan dentro de los procesos denominados transición demográfica y transición epidemiológica respectivamente. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar la transición demográfica y la transición epidemiológica ocurridas en el país entre 1960 y 2001. Método: Se trata de un estudio de series temporales que recoge información demográfica y de mortalidad de Chile entre los años 1960 y 2001. Los datos fueron obtenidos de los Anuarios de Demografía del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE, de información producida por el Departamento de Estudios Prospectivos del Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación y del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Resultados: En 1960 un 39,6% de la población tenía menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad era de 36,3 por 1000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 12,3 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 120 por 1.000. El 44% de la mortalidad general se generaba en causas infecciosas y perinatales. En el año 2001 un 28% de la población tiene menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad es de 18,3 por 1.000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 5,4 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 8,9 por 1000. El 68% de la mortalidad general se produce por enfermedades crónicas. Conclusiones: En base a los resultados, es posible afirmar que Chile se encuentra en una fase tardía tanto de transición demográfica como de transición epidemiológica. Conocer la realidad de Chile aportará información a aquellos países de América Latina que se encuentren en fases más tempranas de este tipo de transiciones.

  7. Annual Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document describes the research and development projects carried out at CIEMAT in the areas that form the basis of our activities; energy and environment, along with the objectives, scope and most significant results; information on human resources, as well as direct and indirect expenditures and cost of personnel is included for each project in order to given an idea of its real dimensions. The results complied here correspond to 2001 achievements. Finally, the predicted dedication of personnel with degrees presented in the general data for each project corresponds to the year 2001. We hope that this information will be of use to persons and institutions interested in CIEMAT activities and that it will stimulate collaboration with other researchers, technology centres and companies interested in the same and related subjects. Annex I and II compile some general data on CIEMAT for 2001: A flowchart, 2001 collaboration, financial and human resources and a bibliography of articles published in national and international journals during 2001. (Author)


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    Rafael Borim de Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar um quadro de análise que contemplasse o relacionamento entre paradigmas, metanarrativas, pontos de interseção e segmentações teóricas relacionados aos estudos organizacionais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e bibliográfica. Para que a viabilidade de realização do estudo fosse garantida foram adotados como referências os paradigmas apresentados por Burrell e Morgan (1979, as metanarrativas e os pontos de interseção defendidos por Reed (2007 e a segmentação teórica proposta por Marsden e Townley (2001. Foi possível observar que os pontos de interseção propostos por Reed (2007 confluem de uma segmentação teórica defendida por Marsden e Townley (2001 entre teorias organizacionais normais e teorias organizacionais contranormais, as quais englobam todas as metanarrativas interpretativas de Reed (2007, que por sua vez são compreendidas pelos paradigmas de Burrell e Morgan (1979.

  9. Fundamental plan of atomic energy development and utilization in fiscal year 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Prime Minister made the fundamental plan of atomic energy development and utilization in fiscal year 1986 based on the decision of Nuclear Safety Commission on March 13, 1986, and the decision of Atomic Energy Commission on March 18, 1986, in conformity with the law concerning Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, and asked the opinion of Nuclear Safety Commission. After the deliberation, the Nuclear Safety Commission made the report same as the original draft on March 27, 1986. The outline of the measures taken in fiscal year 1986 is as follows. The strengthening of the measures for ensuring safety, the promotion of nuclear power generation, the establishment of nuclear fuel cycle, the development of the reactors of new types, the research on nuclear fusion, the research and development of nuclear-powered ships, the promotion of the utilization of radiation, the strengthening of the base for atomic energy development and utilization, the promotion of international cooperation, and the strengthening of safeguard measures and the countermeasures for the protection of nuclear substances. The total budget related to atomic energy for fiscal year 1986 is 357.3 billion yen. (Kako, I.)

  10. Mol - Research Division Report 1986 - 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbarre, J.


    This report covers the research activities carried out at the SCK-CEN, Mol during the second semester of 1986. It deals with chemistry, chemical engineering, biology, nuclear metrology, analytical chemistry. (MCB)

  11. Variabilidad de la abundancia de zooplancton en Bahía Magdalena Baja California Sur, México (1997-2001 Zooplankton abundance variability in Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico (1997-2001

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    Sergio Hernández-Trujillo


    Full Text Available Se analizaron muestras de zooplancton de 16 campañas oceanógraficas, efectuadas en Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México, entre agosto de 1997 y marzo de 2001. Se identificó un total de 26 grupos taxonómicos, de los cuales los más abundantes y frecuentes fueron copépodos y quetognatos; en 2000-2001 se observó una tendencia a disminuir entre 10 y 20 el número de grupos de zooplancton. La biomasa zooplanctónica y abundancia de copépodos disminuyeron en el periodo de estudio, en contraste con los quetognatos que tuvieron un ligero aumento. Las fluctuaciones de abundancia de zooplancton no estuvieron relacionadas con la concentración de clorofila-α, a diferencia de los máximos de abundancia de zooplancton, que estuvieron asociados a los cambios de la temperatura superficial del mar. El ciclo estacional de la abundancia del zooplancton en Bahía Magdalena, indicó que en invierno el promedió fue mayor de 65.000 ind 100 m-3 , valor que aumentó en primavera a más de 99.000 ind 100 m-3 , se mantuvo en verano alrededor de 100.000 ind 100 m-3 y en otoño descendió rápidamente a casi 40.000 ind 100 m-3.Zooplankton were studied from 16 oceanographic surveys carried out in Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico, between August 1997 and March 2001. Twenty-six taxonomic groups were identified, the most abundant and frequent of which were copepods and chaetognaths. In 2000-2001, the number of zooplankton groups tended to decrease by 10 to 20. Both zooplankton biomass and copepod abundance declined, unlike chaetognaths, which increased slightly. Fluctuations in zooplankton abundance were independent of the chlorophyll-a concentration, whereas the maximum zooplankton abundances were associated with changes in the sea surface temperature. The seasonal zooplankton abundance cycle in Magdalena Bay indicated that, in winter, the averaged was than 65,000 ind 100 m-3 , a value that increased to more than 99,000 ind 100 m-3 in spring

  12. Comparative study of drug use among undergraduate students at the University of São Paulo: São Paulo campus in 1996 and 2001 Estudo comparativo entre 1996 e 2001 do uso de drogas por alunos da graduação da Universidade de São Paulo: Campus São Paulo

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    Vladimir de Andrade Stempliuk


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare the rate of drug use prevalence and to investigate opinions regarding such use among undergraduate students at the University of São Paulo - São Paulo campus in 1996 and again in 2001. METHODS: Both studies followed the same procedures of sampling and data collection. A random sample of undergraduate students, divided into the areas Humanities, Exact Sciences and Biologic Sciences, responded to an anonymous and self-report survey regarding the use of licit and illicit drugs within the last 30 days, within the last 12 months and over the lifetime of the subject. The two surveys were compared through the construction of (95% confidence intervals for the prevalence differences for each substance by area and by total number of students. The Wald test for homogeneity was applied in order to compare the prevalences. RESULTS: High approval of regularly trying and using cocaine, crack, amphetamines and inhalants was observed. The drugs that showed statistic significant increasing were:lifetime use: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, inhalants, hallucinogens, amphetamines, anticholines, barbiturics and any illicit drug;last-12-month use: marijuana, inhalants, amphetamines, hallucinogens and any illicit drug;last-30-day use: marijuana, inhalants, amphetamines and any illicit drug. DISCUSSON: The observed difference in the use of some drugs between the two surveys appears to be a consequence of the higher rates of favorable opinions regarding trying and regularly using some psychoactive substances, a finding that mirrors global trends in drug use.OBJETIVO: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar as prevalências de uso de diversas drogas e as opiniões sobre esses usos entre estudantes de graduação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP nos anos de 1996 e 2001. MÉTODOS: Os dois estudos seguiram as mesmas metodologias de amostragem e coleta de dados. Os alunos foram randomicamente selecionados de acordo com suas áreas de estudo (Biol

  13. A produção científica brasileira sobre a gestão de recursos humanos entre 2001 e 2010.

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    Pedro Paulo Murce Meneses


    Full Text Available Em 1990, conforme revisão de literatura empreendida na área de gestão de recursos humanos, prevaleciam os estudos de caso como método de pesquisa. Desde então, a exemplo da gestão por competências, novos modelos, sistemas e tecnologias passaram a integrar o rol de prescrições da área. Considerando que o estudo de caso tem reduzido potencial de validade externa, questiona-se até que ponto, mantida a tradição metodológica das pesquisas notada na referida década, há suporte empírico para toda a sorte de normativos que imperam nas vias profissionais, e mesmo acadêmicas, da área de gestão de pessoas. É nesse sentido que o presente estudo caracteriza a produção nacional sobre a gestão de pessoas, entre 2001 e 2010, veiculada em todos os 121 periódicos nacionais, das áreas de administração, ciências contábeis e turismo, classificados entre A1 e B4 pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes e cujas linhas editoriais abarcavam temáticas relacionadas direta e indiretamente com o foco proposto. Com a utilização de filtros arbitrados por 18 juízes especialmente treinados para a tarefa, foram analisados 197 artigos cujas temáticas centrais versavam sobre modelos, sistemas, tecnologias e políticas e práticas de recursos humanos. Os resultados evidenciaram um campo marcado por estudos teórico--empíricos que descrevem facetas da gestão de funções de recursos humanos, sobretudo a da avaliação, a partir da percepção de públicos diversos amostrados de modo não probabilístico em uma organização por vez, cujo acesso transversal se deu por levantamentos de opinião e estudos de casos operados por questionários e entrevistas que resultaram no uso prevalente de técnicas estatísticas e de análise de conteúdo. Assim, considera-se que o conhecimento acumulado não permite as devidas generalizações que recorrentemente se constatam nas obras técnico-científicas da área. Observa

  14. List of publications 1981-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This list includes all the scientific and technical publications of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - reports, reprints of journal articles, and translations - issued from 1981 April to 1986 March. The titles and other bibliographic information are arranged in several categories, each devoted to a broad subject area

  15. The AMHCA Journal: 1983-1986. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda


    Presents results of an analysis of manuscripts submitted to the American Mental Health Counselors Association Journal from 1983 through 1986. Provides information on authors, types of manuscripts received, and disposition of manuscripts. Cites several topics of particular relevance and reader interest, including marriage and family counseling,…

  16. Relación biogeográfica entre cangrejos dulceacuícolas y acociles a lo largo de la zona mexicana de transición: revaluación de la hipótesis de Rodríguez (1986 Biogeographic relationship of freshwater crabs and crayfish along the Mexican transition zone: reevaluating Rodríguez (1986 hypothesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Álvarez


    Full Text Available A partir de la hipótesis planteada por Rodríguez (1986 sobre una posible exclusión biogeográfica entre acociles de la familia Cambaridae y cangrejos de agua dulce de la familia Pseudothelphusidae a lo largo del centro y sur de México, se han hecho varios estudios que toman en cuenta este patrón. Sin embargo, no se han examinado los patrones de distribución de estos grupos ni cuáles son las zonas ni a qué grado se da el traslape o contacto de las 2 distribuciones. Se construyeron 2 bases de datos, una con más de 1 400 registros de las especies de la familia Cambaridae y otra con más de 400 registros de cangrejos de la familia Pseudothelphusidae. Se construyeron mapas de distribución y se identificaron 3 regiones donde el contacto es evidente: el eje neovolcánico, la región de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz y el estado de Chiapas. Los resultados muestran grandes zonas de contacto en las cuales tanto acociles como cangrejos pueden estar en la misma localidad y en el mismo cuerpo de agua o pueden estar en 2 localidades muy cercanas pero con una diferencia altitudinal. En general, los acociles tienden a distribuirse a mayores altitudes que los cangrejos. Aunado a los patrones de distribución, se discute que aunque los 2 grupos estén presentes en la misma localidad y en el mismo cuerpo de agua, el microhábitat que ocupa cada uno es distinto, por lo que se sugiere que la interferencia entre ellos será poca o nula.After Rodríguez (1986 hypothesis on the possible biogeographic exclusion between crayfish of the family Cambaridae and freshwater crabs of the family Pseudothelphusidae throughout central and southern Mexico, several studies have considered it as a real pattern. However, the distribution patterns of both groups have not been examined, nor in what areas and to what extent the overlap of the 2 distributions occurs. Two data bases were compiled, one with more than 1 400 records of the species of the family Cambaridae and a second one

  17. Steam Digest 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Steam Digest 2001 chronicles BestPractices Program's contributions to the industrial trade press for 2001, and presents articles that cover technical, financial and managerial aspects of steam optimization.

  18. The construction of child malnutrition in Argentine print media during the 2001 crisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavia Demonte


    Full Text Available En la Argentina de 2001, en diferentes ámbitos (político-técnicos, académicos, mediáticos se temía sobre el impacto que la situación de crisis podía tener en el estado nutricional de la población en situación de pobreza. Los medios de comunicación se erigieron como los actores protagónicos en el proceso de construcción del problema en ese contexto. En este artículo se analiza la construcción de la malnutrición infantil entre diciembre de 2001 y diciembre 2002, identificando las representaciones que sobre la misma organizaron el discurso de la prensa escrita en tanto actor representativo del espacio público. Metodológicamente, se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo y un tipo de investigación exploratoria-descriptiva. La técnica de recolección de la información fue la documental y el procesamiento y análisis se realizó bajo la metodología del análisis del discurso. Los principales resultados evidencian la persistencia de ciertas representaciones ligadas al problema, aun en contra de los datos epidemiológicos producidos durante el mismo período. Las representaciones identificadas, estructuradoras de las estrategias de intervención, dan cuenta de los sentidos que adquieren la alimentación, la enfermedad y el cuerpo enfermo, las medidas necesarias para "resolverla", el lugar de los actores en el espacio social y la interacción entre Estado y sociedad.

  19. Entre/Plantas


    Montoro Coso, Ricardo; Sonntag, Franca Alexandra


    La palabra Inter-és proviene etimológicamente de las palabras latinas inter y esse; y significa “lo que está-entre dos o más personas, o sea lo que las une pero también las separa”. Los prefijos inter- y entre-, en la mayor parte de los casos, describen estados o acciones ambiguas de los términos que preceden. De esta operación aditiva surgen maclas de vocablos; el inter-sticio como la “hendidura o espacio que media entre dos cuerpos o entre dos partes de un mismo cuerpo”; y así sucesivamente...

  20. Activities of ENEA in 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colombo, U.


    Activities of ENEA in the years 1985 and 1986 are described in detail, specifying the results obtained in all the centers. In addition, the operational structure of ENEA and its budget are also mentioned

  1. Uranium market 1986-2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The report on the uranium market describes the technical and economic factors influencing the nuclear fuel industry in mid-1986. The contents of the report includes a discussion of: the nuclear generating capacity, the demand for uranium (requirements and procurements), supplies of uranium, and the interaction between supply and demand. The report does not study in depth the effects of the Chernobyl accident on the uranium market.

  2. Particle physics experiments 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stuart, G.W.


    The paper presents research work carried out in 1986 on 52 elementary particle experiments approved by the Particle Physics Experiments Selection Panel. Most of the experiments were collaborative and involved research groups from different countries. About half of the experiments were conducted at CERN, the remaining experiments employed the accelerators: LAMPT, LEP, PETRA, SLAC, and HERA. The contents consist of unedited contributions from each experiment. (U.K.)

  3. Naval Research Laboratory 1986 Review (United States)


    probabil- infinitesimal impedance elements cannot be dep- ity density, icted .) If PR (r. 1 is the joint probability den- sity function for r and 1, a...Dynamics. 1-5 Sept. 1986, finse Research. Medellin , Colombia. % Rosenblum, L.J., Chairperson, IEEE Computer Saks, N.S., Coorganizer and lecturer, IEEE

  4. La influencia del crimen organizado transnacional en el proceso de formulación de políticas públicas. Estudio de caso: Argentina 2001-2013


    Marín Osorio, Iván Felipe


    Este estudio de caso analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de seguridad en Argentina entre 2001 y 2013. En contraste con otros estudios, se considera que la relación de estos dos fenómenos debe recoger aspectos fundamentales de un enfoque de seguridad integral y multidimensional. En el caso de Argentina, durante 2001 el Crimen Organizado Transnacional ocupó el primer lugar en la agenda pública, lo cual derivó en una serie de acciones...


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    Everton Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a representação da cidade no jornalismo cultural, examinando como a editoria de cultura do jornal Diário do Sul (grupo GzM ofereceu uma perspectiva de Porto Alegre entre 1986 e 1988. O percurso analítico sintetiza boa parte dos resultados de pesquisa conduzida por meio de análise do conteúdo e técnicas de história oral temática.Ancorada na positividade, percebeu-se que a cobertura constrói a cidade como local do consumo, da novidade, da atualização e do movimento contínuo de fluxos externos. Revela a centralização geográfica do circuito, investimentos na institucionalização da cultura e na renovação da infraestrutura da capital.Na tensão entre as referências que criam pertencimento e as que expandem o território, o jornalismo representa a urbe como o centro do espetáculo, inserindo-se em um fenômeno das últimas décadas, quando as cidades se constituíram em agentes decisivos da esfera da cultura.

  6. Thaksin Shinawatra y el sistema político tailandés, 2001-2006


    Toledo Beltrán, J. Daniel


    La irrupción de Thaksin Shinawatra en el máximo escenario político nacional, al triunfar en las elecciones generales de enero de 2001, representó un verdadero hito en la historia política contemporánea de Tailandia, no sólo porque ejemplifica una combinación exitosa entre negocios y política, tan propia de Tailandia, sino sobre todo porque, por la vía de la institucionalidad y cronograma democrático, impulsó una "Agenda Nacional" que, por un lado, generó amplias expectativas y apoyo de parte ...

  7. Pulpwood production in the North Central Region by county, 1986. (United States)

    James E. Blyth; W. Brad Smith


    Discusses production and receipts for 1986 and production for recent years in the Lake and Central States. Shows Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin production by species for each county and compares production by Forest Survey Unit with that of previous years. Presents 1986 production and receipts data for Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri, and shows four...

  8. Avaliação do património vegetal natural do Alto Douro Vinhateiro 2001 -2012

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    Paulo Farinha-Marques


    Full Text Available O Alto Douro Vinhateiro é uma paisagem cultural evolutiva viva, património mundial desde 2001. Dez anos após a distinção foi feito um estudo multidisciplinar sobre o seu estado de conservação. No trabalho que aqui se apresenta avalia-se a evolução, entre 2001 e 2012, das classes de uso do solo que codificam o património natural do ADV: Matos e Matas, Pinhais e Galerias Ripícolas. A avaliação foi feita com base em quatro locais de amostragem associados a paisagens de referência. Discute-se a incidência das transformações detetadas e as suas implicações na manutenção do caráter de mosaico da paisagem e na diversidade sensorial e ecológica.

  9. Análise de Convergência da Renda em Santa Catarina entre 2001 e 2012: PIB per capita, Espacialidade, Renda Pessoal e Demografia

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    Krisley Mendes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a convergência absoluta e condicional da renda em Santa Catarina. Primeiramente, com base no PIB per capita, analisando a dependência espacial entre os 293 municípios do estado. Posteriormente, com base em microdados da PNAD, analisando a dinâmica da desigualdade entre gerações. O modelo teórico provém de Solow (1956 e Jones (1997 e os instrumentos derivam das ferramentas da econometria espacial e da análise de dados em painel, utilizando as correções para amostras complexas. Os resultados mostram que há convergência de renda entre os municípios de Santa Catarina, podendo levar cerca de 20 anos para que a desigualdade se extinga. A análise espacial não apontou dependência espacial. Entre as gerações também há convergência, sendo fortemente impulsionada por políticas educacionais e de treinamento do trabalhador. Cada ano de estudo adicional acrescenta 20% no diferencial de renda e cada ano de experiência 7%.

  10. 1986 Annual report on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management progress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the progress of states and compact regions without low-level waste disposal sites (non-sited compact regions and nonmember states) in 1986 in siting new low-level waste disposal facilities. It also reports the volume of low-level waste received for disposal in 1986 by commercially operated low-level waste disposal facilities. 6 figs., 7 tabs

  11. Annual report 1986-87

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The paper presents the annual report 1986-87 of the Universities Research Reactor, United Kingdom. The reactor and associated laboratories were well utilised during the year. The demand for radioactive isotopes has increased over previous years, with 5592 samples irradiated in the 12 month period. The contents of the report contains a description of: the research programme, activation analysis service, teaching programme, and reactor operation and safety arrangements. (U.K.)

  12. Silicon ribbon technology assessment 1978-1986 - A computer-assisted analysis using PECAN (United States)

    Kran, A.


    The paper presents a 1978-1986 economic outlook for silicon ribbon technology based on the capillary action shaping technique. The outlook is presented within the framework of two sets of scenarios, which develop strategy for approaching the 1986 national energy capacity cost objective of $0.50/WE peak. The PECAN (Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Analysis) simulation technique is used to develop a 1986 sheet material price ($50/sq m) which apparently can be attained without further scientific breakthrough.

  13. Pobreza no nordeste do Brasil: uma análise multidimensional para o período 2001 - 2009


    Alencar, Paulo Luciano Ayres de


    Este trabalho apresenta evidências a respeito da evolução da pobreza multidimensional no nordeste brasileiro a partir dos microdados da PNAD de 2001 e 2009. Especificamente, a pesquisa procura construir os indicadores de pobreza multidimensional para o nordeste brasileiro a partir dos seis fatores multidimensionais coletados através de informações reunidas na PNAD, seguindo a sugestão de Barros et al. (2003). Os resultados mostram grandes disparidades de desempenho entre as ...

  14. South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty Act 1986 - No. 140 of 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this Act is to give effect to Australia's obligations as a Party to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty of 6 August 1985. The Act is supplemented by the provisions of the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 as amended in 1986 as regards dumping of radioactive material into the sea. The Act repeats the substantive provisions of the Treaty and lays down prohibitions in relation to nuclear explosive devices. (NEA) [fr

  15. Mol - Research Division Report 1986 - 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbarre, J.; Assche, P. van


    This report covers the research activities carried out at the SCK-CEN, Mol from the middle of 1985 till mid 1986. It deals with materials science, metallurgy, ceramics, nuclear chemistry, chemical engineering, biology, nuclear meteorology and analytical chemistry. (MCB)


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    María Clara Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar objetivamente si existen algunas tendencias en los juicios arbitrales del fútbol costarricense, específicamente en cuanto a amonestaciones y expulsiones, se analizaron 575 partidos de primera y segunda división jugados durante los años 2001 y 2002, a partir de los informes arbitrales oficiales. Se confirmó la hipótesis de la ventaja para el equipo local, así como la tendencia a compensar las sanciones entre los equipos contrincantes, especialmente con respecto a las expulsiones; no hubo diferencias en función del nivel de los árbitros, ni se evidenciaron sesgos en función de los equipos. Se hallaron diferencias significativas individuales entre los árbitros. También se encontraron diferencias significativas para tarjetas rojas (TA y tarjetas amarillas (TR entre primer y segundo tiempo, y con relación al número total de goles marcados. En conclusión, se observó mayor discriminación en las decisiones arbitrales frente a las TR y mayor homogeneidad frente a las TA.

  17. RA Research reactor, Annual report 1986; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA - Izvestaj za 1986. godinu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Research reactor RA Annual report for year 1985 is divided into two main parts to cover: (1) operation and maintenance and (2) activities related to radiation protection. [Serbo-Croat] Godisnji izvestaj po projektu 'Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA' za 1986 godinu sastoji se od dva dela: prvi deo obuhvata pogon i odzavanje reaktora RA, a drugi poslove zastite od zracenja na reaktoru RA.

  18. Algunos aspectos de la Reforma al Código de Procedimiento Laboral (Ley 712 de 2001

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    Armando Rojas


    Full Text Available El pasado 9 de junio entró en vigencia la ley 712 del 2001, ley quereformó algunos aspectos del código procesal del trabajo que ahora sellama código procesal del trabajo y de la seguridad social. La razón desu creación obedeció a la necesidad de actualizar un estatuto procesal demás de cincuenta años a la práctica procesal de la actualidad, necesitadade la urgente descongestión de los procesos en los despachos judiciales

  19. Relaciones entre estilos de amor y violencia en adolescentes

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    Iris Xóchitl Galicia Moyeda


    Full Text Available De acuerdo a diversas evidencias, la manera en que los y las ado- lescentes establecen sus relaciones amorosas podría estar asociada con la violencia producida y recibida en el noviazgo. Para esclarecer cómo se manifiesta esta relación en una muestra de 105 mujeres y 93 hombres, con una edad entre los 13 y los 15 años, en el Estado de México, se aplicaron dos herramientas: la Escala de Actitudes Amo- rosas (EAA (Hendrick & Hendrick, 1986 y el Cuestionario sobre Violencia en el Noviazgo (CVN. La evidencia indica que los estilos amorosos predominantes fueron el Storge y el Eros. Los hombres cuyo estilo es Ludus tienen más posibilidades de recibir violencia,en tanto que las mujeres cuyo estilo predominante es el Ágape reciben y ejercen más violencia en sus relaciones amorosas. Dado que este estilo es poco frecuente, se sugiere que en las instituciones educativas se promuevan relaciones de noviazgo más igualitarias.

  20. Radioactivity in plants and foodstuffs in Lapland 1979-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rissanen, K.; Rahola, T.; Illukka, E.


    Radionuclides originating from nuclear weapons tests in the 1950s and '60s were enriched more efficiently in the foodchains of Lapland than in the foodchains of southern Finland. The special foodchains of Lapland were studied by measuring samples of ground and arboreal lichens and of other plants, of reindeer meat, game, fich and berries sporadically from 1979 to 1986. Of artificial radionuclides only 137 Cs activity was detected in these samples, the 137 Cs concentration showing a decreasing trend until April, 1986. In 1983 when 91 lichen samples of Cladonia sp. were collected the 137 Cs concentration was on the average 230 Bq kg r-1 dry weight, the variation being 74-450 Bq kg -1 . In other fodder plants the 137 Cs concentration varied from 5 to 970 Bq kg -1 dry weight. The material of most importance in the intake of 137 Cs for Lapps was reindeer meat. This meat contained 137 Cs on average 300 Bq kg -1 fresh weight in February to April, 1986. The 137 Cs concentration in fish varied from 9 to 87 Bq kg -1 fresh weight during the whole investigation period 1979-1986, the concentration in berries being about half the concentration in fish. These results must be taken into account when analysing the situation after the accident at Chernobyl

  1. 2001: AN OVERVIEW

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    M Biggiogera


    Full Text Available Among the papers published in the European Journal of Histochemistry in 2001, several deal with plant cells. Personally, as a cell biologist mainly working with animal cells, I have always been fascinated by plant cells: the images of those beautiful nuclei are not only something to look at and marvel at. In the past few years, important indications of cell structure and function have come from plant cytology and cytochemistry (see e.g. Medina et al., 2000. Along this line, Lingua and coworkers (2001 described the changes that occur after arbuscular mychorizal fungi colonization, which can induce a strong increase in metabolism. Nuclear changes can also be induced by pathogens, as in Licopersicon esculentum (Lingua et al., 2001. In the same issue, we find other interesting papers: Balestrazzi et al. (2001 have studied the expression of DNA topoisomerase I in Daucus carota: the elucidation of the expression pattern of this gene is important in the evaluation of its physiological functions. In another paper, Bianciotto et al. (2001 studied the association of arbuscular mychorrizal fungi with rhizobacteria, which are commonly used as biopesticides and biofertilizers: the anchoring between fungi and bacteria occurs by means of extracellular polysaccharides. This could be of relevance for the production of inocula with a stable fugus-bacteria association.

  2. Research on Evaluation Use: A Review of the Empirical Literature from 1986 to 2005 (United States)

    Johnson, Kelli; Greenseid, Lija O.; Toal, Stacie A.; King, Jean A.; Lawrenz, Frances; Volkov, Boris


    This paper reviews empirical research on the use of evaluation from 1986 to 2005 using Cousins and Leithwood's 1986 framework for categorizing empirical studies of evaluation use conducted since that time. The literature review located 41 empirical studies of evaluation use conducted between 1986 and 2005 that met minimum quality standards. The…

  3. Annual report 1986 chemistry department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funck, J.; Larsen, E.; Nielsen, O.J.


    This report contains a brief survey of the main activities in the Chemistry Department. All articles and reports published and lectures given in 1986 are presented. The facilities and equipment are mentioned briefly. The activities are divided into the following groups: radioisotope chemistry, analytical- and organic chemistry, environmental chemistry, polymer chemistry, radical chemistral, mineral processing, and general. (author)

  4. RB research nuclear reactor - Annual report for 1986, I - III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markovic, H.; Pesic, M.; Vranic, S.; Petronijevic, M.; Jevremovic, M.; Ilic, I.


    This report includes data concerning the RB reactor operation in 1986, state of the reactor components, data about the employed personnel and the database of experimental and other reactor related devices. It is made of 3 parts: Engineering description and operation of the RB reactor including dosimetry, reactor staff data and financial report; Reactor facility components and maintenance; RB reactor operation and utilization in 1986 [sr

  5. Environmental monitoring at Hanford for 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Environmental monitoring at the Hanford Site is conducted by the Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division, as part of its contract to operate the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) for the US Department of Energy. The data collected provide a historical record of the levels of radionuclides and radiation attributable to natural causes, worldwide fallout, and Hanford operations. Data are also collected to monitor the status of chemical materials on the Site and in the Columbia River. This report represents a single, comprehensive source of environmental monitoring data collected during 1986 by PNL's Environmental monitoring Group in the offsite and onsite environments. Appendix A contains data and data summaries for results obtained during 1986 that include statistical estimates of variation. Information in Appendix A is intended for readers with a scientific interest or for those who wish to evaluate results in a manner not included here. 71 refs., 66 figs., 17 tabs

  6. La transición demográfico-epidemiológica en Chile, 1960-2001


    Szot Meza Jorge


    Fundamento: En Chile se ha modificado de manera significativa la estructura demográfica y las causas de morbilidad y de mortalidad de la población en un período relativamente breve de tiempo. Estas variaciones se enmarcan dentro de los procesos denominados transición demográfica y transición epidemiológica respectivamente. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar la transición demográfica y la transición epidemiológica ocurridas en el país entre 1960 y 2001. Método: Se trata de un estudio d...

  7. La violencia y los movimientos sociales en el gobierno de Vicente Fox, 2001-2002

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    Mario Alberto Velázquez García


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el movimiento social contra la construcción del aeropuerto en San Salvador Atenco entre 2001 y 2002. Este movimiento es la primera movilización social que enfrenta el presidente Vicente Fox. Se examinan los recursos utilizados en sus acciones, lo que incluye la utilización de la violencia y las consecuencias que tuvo para la imagen presidencial; se emplea la teoría de movilización de recursos para observar las formas de manifestación utilizadas frente al Estado.

  8. International nuclear power status 2001; International kernekraftstatus 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauritzen, B.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Oelgaard, P.L. (eds.)


    This report is the eighth in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power with special emphasis on reactor safety. For 2001, the report contains: 1) General trends in the development of nuclear power; 2) Nuclear terrorism; 3) Statistical information on nuclear power production (in 2000); 4) An overview of safety-relevant incidents in 2001; 5) The development in West Europe; 6) The development in East Europe; 7) The development in the rest of the world; 8) Development of reactor types; 9) The nuclear fuel cycle; 10) International nuclear organisations. (au)

  9. Isaias Alves e as aproximações entre a psicologia educacional e a educação matemática

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    Rafaela Silva Rabelo


    Full Text Available Resumo Partindo do relatório de viagem aos Estados Unidos do educador baiano Isaias Alves, o presente artigo tem como objetivo explorar as aproximações entre a psicologia educacional e a educação matemática na década de 1930, e de que forma a primeira promoveu a circulação de teorias/autores na última, principalmente no que diz respeito ao intercâmbio entre Brasil e Estados Unidos. Enquanto aproximação teórico-metodológica, alguns dos conceitos operados são apropriação, circulação (de ideias/objetos/sujeitos e discurso autorizado, com base em autores como Roger Chartier (1990, 2002, 2009, Serge Gruzinski (2001a, 2001b e Michel de Certeau (2012. Além do relatório de viagem, outras fontes mobilizadas foram publicações de Isaias (livros e artigos, programas de ensino dos Institutos de Educação do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, manuais pedagógicos e jornais disponíveis no acervo da Hemeroteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional. Entre as constatações, percebe-se que o relatório de viagem de Isaias Alves deu visibilidade às discussões e publicações do psicólogo estadunidense Edward Lee Thorndike voltadas à educação matemática. Ainda, que o diálogo estabelecido entre a psicologia educacional e a educação matemática estava fortemente vinculado às discussões sobre testes e que a forma como Isaias Alves lia e dava a ler a educação matemática ocorria a partir do viés psicológico.

  10. Acidentes de trabalho no Brasil entre 1994 e 2004: uma revisão Work-related accidents in Brazil from 1994 to 2004: an overview

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    Vilma Santana


    Full Text Available Neste estudo sintetizam-se achados epidemiológicos sobre acidentes de trabalho fatais e não-fatais para populações brasileiras, entre 1994 e 2004, período pós II Conferência Nacional de Saúde do Trabalhador. Os estudos foram identificados em pesquisa nas bases Scielo e Medline, limitando-se a trabalhos completos disponíveis. Verificou-se que embora o coeficiente de mortalidade por acidentes de trabalho seja elevado, entre 1990 e 2003 caiu 56,5%. Todavia, a letalidade aumentou (0,18% em 1970 para 1,07% até 1999, quando passou a declinar (0,70% em 2003. A incidência cumulativa anual de acidentes de trabalho não-fatais também vem reduzindo, mas discretamente, em especial, para os menos graves. Não houve alteração para os acidentes incapacitantes. Pesquisas populacionais mostram que a incidência cumulativa anual varia entre 3% e 6%. Trabalhadores rurais têm o dobro do risco do que os de área urbana. A construção civil, indústria da celulose, serviços domésticos estão entre os grupos de maior risco para acidentes não-fatais. A subnotificação de óbitos se concentrou entre 70% e 90%. Indica-se a necessidade de uma redefinição das políticas de proteção ao trabalhador tomando como base o conhecimento produzido sobre este evitável problema de saúde.This study summarizes epidemiological findings about fatal and nonfatal occupational accidents in Brazilian populations, from 1994 to 2004, period after the 2nd National Conference of Workers’ Health. The studies were identified in the Scielo and Medline, limited to full-text publications. The occupational accidents mortality is high, but from 1990 to 2003 it decreased 56.5%. However, the letality elevated from 0.18% in 1970 to 1.07% in 1999, when started to decline (0.70% in 2003. The annual cumulative incidence of nonfatal work-related accidents, CI, is also decreasing in this period, although less dramatically, particularly for those of minor severity. No temporal

  11. Análise da variação da produtividade dos serviços de água portugueses entre 1994 e 2001 usando a abordagem de malmquist

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    Rui Cunha Marques


    Full Text Available A produtividade de uma organização pode ser definida como a relação entre os produtos (outputs e os factores de produção consumidos (inputs. Este artigo discute e aplica uma técnica fronteira de natureza não paramétrica de cálculo da produtividade baseada no índice de produtividade de Malmquist (IPM. Pretende-se, através de um caso prático de aplicação ao sector da água em Portugal, evidenciar as potencialidades dos IPM, que assumem um relevo particular na regulação económica das indústrias de rede. O estudo da produtividade envolve 45 entidades gestoras, abrangendo cerca de 48 % da população portuguesa, e é efectuado para o período 1994-2001. Verifica-se que a evolução da produtividade foi negativa neste período, sobretudo devido à variação da tecnologia de produção e, em menor dimensão, à variação da eficiência de escala. Pelo contrário, a variação da eficiência técnica foi positiva e a variação da eficiência de sobreutilização apresentou um contributo insignificante.A decision-making unit productivity can be defined as the relationship between the products (outputs and the production factors consumed (inputs. This article discusses and applies a non-parametric frontier technique to measure productivity based on the Malmquist productivity index (MPI. By means of a case-study applied to the water sector in Portugal, we intend to stress the MPI strengths which are particularly relevant to the economic regulation of the network industries. The productivity study consists of 45 water services comprising around 48 % of the Portuguese population and it covers the period 1994-2001. We noticed that the productivity change was negative during this period, particularly due to the production technology change and to the scale efficiency change to a less extent. Conversely, the technical efficiency change was positive and the congestion efficiency change presented an insignificant value.

  12. 'Wildlife 2001: Populations', an International Conference on Population Dynamics and Management of Vertebrates

    CERN Document Server

    Barrett, Reginald


    In 1984, a conference called Wildlife 2000: Modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates, was held at Stanford Sierra Camp at Fallen Leaf Lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. The conference was well-received, and the published volume (Verner, J. , M. L. Morrison, and C. J. Ralph, editors. 1986. Wildlife 2000: modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) proved to be a landmark publication that received a book award by The Wildlife Society. Wildlife 2001: populations was a followup conference with emphasis on the other major biological field of wildlife conservation and management, populations. It was held on July 29-31, 1991, at the Oakland Airport Hilton Hotel in Oakland, California, in accordance with our intent that this conference have a much stronger international representation than did Wildlife 2000. The goal of the conference was to bring together an international group of specialists to address the state ...

  13. Trends with corticosteroid use in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy born 1982-2001. (United States)

    Fox, Deborah J; Kumar, Anil; West, Nancy A; DiRienzo, A Gregory; James, Katherine A; Oleszek, Joyce


    This study examines trends in corticosteroid use for males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy by birth year, race/ethnicity, and knowledge of Duchenne muscular dystrophy family history. Firstborn males (n = 521) selected from a population-based surveillance system of Duchenne muscular dystrophy were analyzed using Kaplan Meier and regression methods. Comparing males born 1982 to 1986 with males born 1997 to 2001, steroid use increased from 54% to 72% and mean age at steroid initiation decreased from 8.2 to 7.1 years. Hispanics and non-Hispanic Black males used steroids less frequently and delayed initiation compared to white males. Compared to males without a Duchenne muscular dystrophy family history, males with known family history were half as likely to use steroids. Duration of steroid use increased over time and age at initiation decreased. Racial/ethnic disparities exist for steroid use and should be addressed to improve outcome and quality of life for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. © The Author(s) 2014.

  14. A profile of patients treated at a national leprosy outpatient referral clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1986-2007 Perfil de los enfermos tratados en un servicio nacional de remisión de pacientes ambulatorios con lepra en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1986-2007

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    Mariana A. Hacker


    metropolitana de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, durante más de dos decenios, y el subgrupo de casos de lepra registrados a nivel nacional de la misma zona de residencia, así como todos los casos registrados a nivel estatal. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un análisis observacional y descriptivo de los pacientes tratados desde 1986 a 2007 en el servicio ambulatorio Souza Araújo (ASA, un centro de remisión nacional para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la lepra en la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, que atiende a pacientes de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro y de otros municipios de la zona metropolitana del Estado de Río de Janeiro. También se analizaron los datos demográficos y clínicos del subgrupo de casos de lepra registrados con el Sistema Nacional de Notificación de Enfermedades del Brasil (SINAN entre el 2001 y el 2007 residentes en los mismos municipios que los pacientes atendidos en el ASA, y de todos los casos registrados a nivel estatal. RESULTADOS: En los pacientes atendidos en el ASA hubo una disminución en los ingresos familiares promedio (de 3,9 a 2,7 veces el sueldo mínimo entre los períodos 1998-2002 y 2003-2007, en la proporción de pacientes multibacilares (de 52,7% a 46,9%, y en la proporción de pacientes menores de 15 años de edad (de 12,8% a 8,7%. En los pacientes multibacilares, los índices baciloscópicos promedio inicial y final fueron significativamente mayores en el período 2003-2007. En comparación con los casos del SINAN, en el ASA hubo más casos con discapacidad y en menores de 15 años de edad. CONCLUSIONES: Los pacientes con lepra de la zona metropolitana del Estado de Río de Janeiro pertenecen al estrato social más bajo y no se han beneficiado con el mejoramiento general de la situación socioeconómica en el Brasil.

  15. Prevenção da mortalidade materna: desafio para o enfermeiro Prevención de la mortalidad materna: un desafío para la enfermera Maternal mortality prevention: a challenge for nurses

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    Patrícia Santos Barbastefano


    Full Text Available Neste artigo analisamos os principais aspectos sobre a mortalidade materna, tendo como objetivo a promoção de ações preventivas para a morte materna evitável. Verifica-se que entidades como a ADVOCACY têm significativa participação nos projetos visando redução das taxas de mortalidade materna e o ajustamento de condutas de proteção aos direitos da mulher. Observa-se ainda que a SES, através das Resoluções nº 1.052/95 e nº 1.642/2001, expressa a política estadual para redução do problema. Conclui-se que há indícios de vontade política nas propostas e projetos para redução das taxas de mortalidade materna evitável, porém não há cobrança da sua efetividade. Profissionais da saúde como o enfermeiro, precisam reunir esforços, conscientização e sensibilização em suas ações preventivas.En este artículo se analizan los aspectos principales sobre mortalidad maternal que tiene como objetivo la promoción de acciones preventivas para la muerte materna evitable. Se verifica que las entidades como la ADVOCACY tienen participación significante en los proyectos que buscan la reducción de la tasa de mortalidad materna y el ajuste de procedimientos de protección de los derechos de la mujer. También se observa que la Secretaria Estatal de Salud, a través de las Resoluciones nº 1.052/95 y nº1.642/2001, expresa las políticas estatales para la reducción del problema. Se concluye que hay indicaciones de voluntad política sobre las propuestas y proyectos para reducir las tasas de mortalidad materna evitables. Sin embargo no hay demandas sobre su efectividad. Los profesionales de salud como enfermeras necesitan recoger los esfuerzos, y también una actitud de comprensión y sensibilidad en sus acciones preventivas.In this article theprincipal aspects about maternal mortality are analyzed, with the objective the promotion of preventive actions for the avoidable maternal death. It is verified that entities as ADVOCACY have

  16. National Radiological Protection Board accounts 1986-87

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1986-87 accounts of the Radiological Protection Board are presented in accordance with the Radiological Protection Act 1970. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General is also given. (U.K.)

  17. National Radiological Protection Board accounts 1986-87

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The 1986-87 accounts of the Radiological Protection Board are presented in accordance with the Radiological Protection Act 1970. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General is also given. (U.K.).

  18. 2001 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is the 2001 annual report of the French union of the petroleum industry (UFIP). It summarizes the highlights of the petroleum industry activity in France in 2001 and gives some additional information about the production, refining and distribution of petroleum products in the rest of the world. (J.S.)

  19. Gas centrifuge bibliography 1983-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lowe, G.E.; McLeod, D.F.; Roberts, P.


    A bibliography is presented of the gas centrifuge literature published from 1983-1986 inclusive. It supplements PG Information Series 25(CA), BNFL Information Series 15(CA), BNFL Information Series 23 (CA), and BNFL Information Series 27(CA), which together cover the period 1895-1982. The main arrangement is chronological and there are author, report number, and subject indexes. (U.K.)

  20. 48 CFR 2001.301 - Policy. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Policy. 2001.301 Section 2001.301 Federal Acquisition Regulations System NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION GENERAL NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ACQUISITION REGULATION SYSTEM Agency Acquisition Regulations 2001.301 Policy. Policy...

  1. Report on the Elderly 2001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.M.Y. de Klerk


    Original title: Rapportage ouderen 2001. The Report on the Elderly 2001 (Rapportage ouderen 2001) presents a broad picture of the social position of the elderly in the Netherlands. Central themes addressed are participation in education and the labour market, financial position,

  2. Mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil no município de São Paulo (Brasil, 1986: II-Mortes por causas maternas Mortality in women of reproductive age in S. Paulo City (Brazil, 1986: II - Deaths by maternal causes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruy Laurenti


    Full Text Available Dando seqüência ao projeto de investigação de fidedignidade da certificação da causa básica de morte de mulheres em idade fértil (10-49 anos residentes no Município de São Paulo, em 1986, foram comparados os atestados de óbito "originais" com os "refeitos" com base em informações adicionais. O coeficiente de mortalidade materna elevou-se de 44,5 por 100.000 nascidos vivos (n.v. para 99,6 por 100.000 n.v., alto valor quando comparado com o de outros locais. Comparando-se estes dados com outros anteriores que usaram a mesma metodologia, notou-se que a mortalidade ascendeu no período de 1962/4 a 1974/5, para decrescer em 1986. As principais causas de morte materna foram: hipertensão complicando a gravidez, outras afecções da mãe que complicam a gravidez e complicações do puerpério. Discutem-se ainda a necessidade de ampliação do período de 42 dias da definição de mortes maternas e a relação existente entre condições vistas como não-maternas (câncer, violências e o ciclo gravídico-puerperal.In continuation to the research project on the accuracy of the certification of the underlying causes of death in women of child-bearing age (10-49, resident in the Municipality of S. Paulo, Brazil, in 1986, "original" death certificates were compared with "revised" death certificates (including additional information. The maternal mortality rate rose from 44.5 per 100,000 live births (l.b. to 99.6 per 100,000 l.b., a high rate when compared with that of other places. When these data were compared with those of previous, similar investigations in the same city, the maternal mortality rate rose in the period 1962/4 through 1972/4 and fell in 1986. The main causes of death were: hypertension complicating pregnancy, other conditions of the mother which complicated pregnancy and puerperal complications. The need to extend the 42-day period related to the concept of maternal death, as well as the relationship between the non

  3. Radioactivity of people in Finland after the Chernobyl accident in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahola, T.; Suomela, M.; Illukka, E.; Puhakainen, M.; Pusa, S.


    After the reactor accident at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 radioactive fallout was carried by air currents to most parts of Europe. The radioactive air currents reached Finland on April 27. Immediately after the arrival of such air in Finland, contamination of people by radioactive nuclides began via inhalation of this air. The ingestion route become important later, when radionuclides were transported via different foodchains to man. To determine the level of radionuclides in the body and to estimate the internal radiation doses caused by the Chernobyl accident, whole-body counting measurements were performed. The results of whole-body counting of six different groups of Finnish people measured during 1986 after the accident at Chernobyl are reported. Three were reference groups measured routinely once or twice annually, two groups were comprised of workers at nuclear power stations and one group consisted of 262 persons not belonging to any other group. The total number of whole-body counting measurements of persons in these groups in 1986 from the end of April to the end of December was 624. In April and May small amounts of 131 I were detected in the thyroid. In June the first signs of 134 Cs in the body were noticed. At the end of 1986 the mean 134 Cs body burden for women and men in the Helsinki reference group was 730 Bq. The mean 137 Cs body burden in women and men increased from 150 Bq in June to 1500 Bq in December. The differences in the deposition levels in the five fallout regions into which Finland was divided were reflected in the activity levels of the measured people. The weighted annual mean body burden for people in Finland at the end of 1986 was 370 Bq 134 Cs and 820 Bq 137 Cs. The maximum body burdens of 134 Cs and 137 Cs found in Finns in 1986 were 6300 Bq and 13000 Bq, respectively. The mean internal committed effective dose equivalent 0.06 mSv from 134 Cs and 137 Cs in the body of Finnish people in 1986 was calculated using the whole

  4. ??ndice H de las revistas espa??olas de Ciencias Sociales seg??n Google Scholar (2001-2010)


    Delgado L??pez-C??zar, Emilio; Marcos Cartagena, Diego; Cabezas-Clavijo, ??lvaro; Jim??nez-Contreras, Evaristo; Ruiz-P??rez, Rafael


    Se presentan los ??ndices de impacto de las revistas espa??olas de Ciencias Sociales que figuran en IN-RECS (??ndice de Impacto de las Revistas Espa??olas de Ciencias Sociales) calculados a partir de Google Scholar. A partir de una b??squeda de las distintas variantes de t??tulo de las revistas se ordenan de acuerdo con su ??ndice H y G. Las b??squedas se realizaron en julio de 2011 y se midi?? el impacto de la revista a partir de los art??culos publicados entre 2001 y 2010

  5. Shippingport Station Decommissioning Project: FY 1986 annual progress report, October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents progress on the Shippingport Station Decommissioning Project for FY 1986. There are two main topics: Project Management and Decommissioning Project Activities. Changes from technical and managerial concepts developed in the original Decommissioning Plan are presented with the related technical, economic, or schedule considerations. 9 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  6. Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the environmental surveillance program conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory during 1986. Routine monitoring for radiation and radioactive or chemical materials is conducted on the Laboratory site as well as in the surrounding region. Monitoring results are used to determine compliance with appropriate standards and to permit eartly identification of potentially undesirable trends. Results and interpertation of data for 1986 cover: external penetrating radiation; quantities of airborne emissions and liquid effluents; concentrations of chemicals and radionuclides in ambient air, surface and ground waters, municipal water supply, soils and sediments, and foodstuffs; and environmental compliance. Comparison with appropriate standards, regulations, and backgound levels provide the basis for concluding that environmental effects from Laboratory operations are insignificant and do not impact the public, Laboratory employees, or the environment. 52 refs., 32 figs., 117 tabs

  7. Materials Science Division progress report 1986-1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, Vijay; Vasumathi, D.; Chandra Sekhar, N.V.


    This is a report on the various Research and Developmental (R and D) activities carried out in the Materials Science Division during the period 1986-88. Most contributions have been presented in the form of abstracts and wherever possible results of several contributions on a related problem have been consolidated into one. The R and D activities covered the following areas: (1) quasicrystalline phase, (2) high temperature superconducting behaviour in metal oxides, (3) physics of colloidal suspensions, (4) behaviour of materials under high pressure, (5) radiation effects in complex alloy systems, (6) inert gas behaviour in metals, and production of crystals, particularly of volatile semiconducting compounds. The lists of publications by the members of the Division and seminars held during 1986-88 are given at the end of the report. (a uthor)

  8. Redução da desigualdade da distribuição de renda entre 2001 e 2006 nas macrorregiões brasileiras: tendência ou fenômeno transitório? 2001-2006 income distribution decreasing in the Brazilian regions: tendency or transitory phenomena?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cristina Cacciamali


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é contribuir para o debate sobre a queda da desigualdade na distribuição domiciliar de renda no Brasil no início do século XXI. Assim, nessa diminuição, analisamos a participação relativa de três fontes de renda (trabalho, aposentadorias e pensões e transferências públicas nas cinco macrorregiões brasileiras - Norte (urbana, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul, entre os anos de 2001 e 2006. Para atingir os propósitos, estruturamos o texto em três seções. A primeira seção apresenta aspectos selecionados da literatura especializada brasileira sobre as causas da variação da desigualdade de renda. A segunda apresenta a técnica matemática de decomposição utilizada. Finalmente, na terceira seção, analisam-se os resultados empíricos para Brasil e cinco macrorregiões selecionadas. À guisa de conclusão, destacamos, dentre os resultados, a importância das transferências públicas de renda e, principalmente, as mudanças nos mercados de trabalho regionais para a diminuição do grau de desigualdade.The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on the decrease of the concentration degree of the family's income distribution in Brazil in the first five years of the XXI Century. On this purpose, we approach the phenomenon analyzing the importance of five types of income ( labor, property rents, donation, retirement and public cash transference in the five macro regions in Brazil - North, Northeast, Middle-West, Southeast, South, during the period 2001-2006.To reach the purposes, the text was structured in three parts. The first one highlights stylized facts on this decreasing from the Brazilian specialized literature. The second section presents the mathematical technique used to build the decomposition. Finally, in the third section we analyze the results obtained for the five macro regions. We detached, specially, the magnitude of the employment's creation and, secondarily, the public cash

  9. International Centre for Theoretical Physics: Scientific activities in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A review of the scientific activities of the Centre in 1986, including workshops, research and training-for-research is presented. The scientific program consists of eight main fields: Physics and Energy, Fundamental Physics, Physics of Condensed Matter, Applied Physics, Mathematics, Physics of the Environment and of National Resources, Physics of the Living State, Physics and Development. In addition to a brief description of each workshop, symposium, college and meeting, tables summarizing the participation of ICTP activities are given. A list of preprints and internal reports issued in 1986 is included

  10. Annual report 1986-1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitley, J.E.


    The paper presents the Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre Annual Report 1986-7. The contents contain the Director's Report, Reactor and Associated activities, and research activities. The reactor studies are described with respect to the reactor operations, isotope production and computing. The research work includes: environmental radioactivity, neutron activation analysis, particle track analysis, body composition studies, isotope traces in biology, nuclear physics, thermoluminescence dosimetry, gamma-ray irradiation processing, radiation effects on electrical insulation, isotopic geology, and NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory. (U.K.)

  11. Fatores associados ao consumo de álcool e drogas entre estudantes universitários

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    Leonardo V E Rueda Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudos recentes mostram o uso preocupante de álcool e drogas entre universitários. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar o grau de associação entre o estilo de vida e situação socioeconômica e o uso de álcool, tabaco, medicamentos e "drogas ilícitas" nos últimos 12 meses entre universitários. MÉTODOS: A amostra compreendeu 926 alunos da área de Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade do Município de São Paulo, os quais responderam a questionário anônimo e de auto-preenchimento em 2000 e 2001. Foram utilizados os testes de análise de variância e qui-quadrado para verificar a correlação entre o uso de substâncias e as variáveis estudadas. RESULTADOS: Entre os alunos com alguma religião, o consumo de álcool foi de 83,1%, o de tabaco, 20,7% e o de "drogas ilícitas", 24,6%, nesse período. Entre os alunos que não possuíam religião, o consumo nas três categorias foi superior nos últimos 12 meses: álcool (89,3%, tabaco (27,7% e "drogas ilícitas" (37,7%. A renda familiar mensal mostrou-se relacionada ao uso de álcool e "drogas ilícitas" (p<0,001 para ambos. Os alunos que utilizaram tabaco e "drogas ilícitas" apresentavam mais horas livres nos dias úteis do que os alunos que não fumavam no período analisado (p=0,033 e p=0,008, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de substâncias psicoativas entre os alunos estudados foi comum, indicando a necessidade de implementação de medidas para reduzir tal consumo. Alunos com renda familiar alta e sem religião podem ser considerados com maior risco de consumo de drogas nessa população.

  12. Mortalidade materna e incidência de dengue na Região Sudeste do Brasil: estudo ecológico no período 2001-2005 Maternal mortality and impact of dengue in Southeast Brazil: an ecological study, 2001-2005

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    Anne Karin Madureira da Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi explorar a distribuição de efeitos reprodutivos em decorrência da infecção por dengue durante a gestação, entre 2001 e 2005. Foi realizado estudo epidemiológico com delineamento ecológico cujas unidades de análise foram municípios com mais de 80 mil habitantes na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Nestes, foi determinada a correlação entre a incidência de dengue em mulheres de 15 a 39 anos e indicadores selecionados de mortalidade (materna, fetal, perinatal, neonatal, neonatal precoce e infantil, por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Foi observada a presença de forte correlação positiva entre as medianas das taxas de incidência de dengue em mulheres de 15 a 39 anos e as medianas da taxas de mortalidade materna (r = 0,88; IC95%: 0,51; 1,00, com coeficiente de determinação R² = 0,78. A magnitude da correlação observada entre a incidência de dengue e a mortalidade materna na Região Sudeste é sugestiva de que a ocorrência da infecção durante a gravidez possa impactar negativamente a evolução desta, com repercussões para a mortalidade materna.The aim of this study was to explore the distribution of reproductive outcomes following dengue virus infection during pregnancy (2001-2005. An ecological epidemiological study was conducted in all counties with more than 80,000 inhabitants in Southeast Brazil. The study explored the correlation between dengue incidence rates in women 15-39 years of age and selected mortality indicators (maternal, fetal, perinatal, neonatal, early neonatal, and infant in these counties, and Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated. A positive correlation was observed between median dengue incidence in women 15-39 years of age and median maternal mortality (r = 0.88; 95%CI: 0.51; 1.00, with a determination coefficient R² = 0.78. The correlation between dengue incidence in childbearing-age women and reproductive outcomes in Southeast Brazil suggests that

  13. 15 CFR 2001.2 - Organization. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Organization. 2001.2 Section 2001.2 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade Agreements OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE CREATION, ORGANIZATION, AND FUNCTIONS § 2001.2 Organization. (a) The Office is...

  14. Perfil epidemiológico da hanseníase no município de Teresina, no período de 2001-2008 Epidemiologic profile of the leprosy of the city of Teresina, in the period of 2001-2008

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    Elizane Viana Eduardo Pereira


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa que pode levar a incapacidade física e funcional. É um importante problema de saúde pública em algumas regiões, sendo necessário o conhecimento das variações epidemiológicas para subsidiar estratégias de controle da doença. OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico do município de Teresina de 2001-2008. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dados de hanseníase de Teresina entre 2001-2008, presentes no banco de dados oficial do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, da Fundação Municipal de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Os dados revelam um coeficiente de detecção de casos novos com média de 96,21 casos por 100.000 hab. Entre os menores que 15 anos, houve um pico de 40 casos em 100.000 hab. em 2003. O grau de incapacidade II avaliado no momento do diagnóstico variou de 5%-7% e no momento da alta de 2,77%- 0,14%. A prevalência é alta, variando entre 8-11 casos em 10.000 hab. Em relação à forma clínica no final da série há uma predominância das formas I com 30% dos casos e D com 28% dos casos. Quanto à classificação operacional a média é de 62% de casos paucibacilares e 37,86% multibacilares. Entre os casos registrados há uma discreta predominância no sexo feminino no final da série. CONCLUSÃO: A hanseníase é hiperendêmica em Teresina e pode levar à inatividade pessoas em idade produtiva.BACKGROUND: Leprosy is an infectious disease that can lead to functional and physical disability. It is a major public health problem in some regions, requiring knowledge of its epidemiological variations so that strategies for disease control can be subsidized. OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile of the city of Teresina from 2001 to 2008. METHODS: Data on leprosy in the city of Teresina from 2001 to 2008, which were present on the official database of the Information System for Notifiable Diseases of the City Health Foundation, were analyzed. RESULTS: The

  15. 2001 Annual report: synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This synthesis of the Annual Report 2001 presents information of the main activities on the scope of the radiation protection and nuclear safety of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) of the Argentina during 2001

  16. Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments, Number 85, September - October 1986. (United States)


    Deposit, no. 4205-V86, 10 June 1986. (IVUFA, no. 10, 1986, 128). 60. Gordiyets, B.F.; Panchenko, V.Ya. (FIAN; NITsTLAN). Gas lasers with solar excitation...rupture site of a lightguide in an optical communication line. Sistema i sredstva peredachi informatsii po kanalam svyazi. Leningrad, 1985, 40-44. (RZRAB...dielektricheskikh materialov. MIREA. Moskva, 1985, 215 p. (RZFZA, 86/9N779). 864. Saidov, M.S. 0. Photosensitive structures and solar elements based on gallium

  17. La formación de la pareja entre marroquíes en España

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    Albert Esteve Palós


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar las pautas de formación de la pareja del colectivo marroquí en España. En concreto, se exploran los factores asociados con el hecho de tener y/o residir con la pareja en el mismo hogar y, entre los que tienen pareja, los factores relacionados con tener un cónyuge o pareja de un colectivo distinto al marroquí (exogamia. Se han utilizado datos de la muestra de microdatos del Censo de 2001 (n = 8.934 y utilizado modelos de regresión logística multinivel para variables de respuesta binaria. Entre las variables independientes se han incluido como variables contextuales el tamaño del grupo y la relación de masculinidad y como variables individuales la antigüedad en España y el nivel de instrucción. Los resultados muestran que las características del mercado matrimonial tienen una influencia escasa sobre el comportamiento de los marroquíes en España, especialmente entre los hombres. Esto sugiere el carácter binacional (Marruecos-España de su mercado matrimonial. Entre las variables individuales, la antigüedad y el nivel de instrucción están asociados positivamente con una mayor exogamia para los hombres y las mujeres. Un mayor nivel de educación aumenta las posibilidades de convivir con la pareja en España entre los hombres y las reduce entre las mujeres. Las mujeres con estudios universitarios rompen con el perfil tradicional de la mujer marroquí en España, mayoritariamente asociado a una migración de tipo familiar

  18. reproductiva entre los adolescentes de Oaxaca de Juárez

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    Matthew C. Gutmann


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo explora la salud sexual adolescente en Oaxaca. Basado en un trabajo de campo etnográfico que se ha venido realizando desde el año 2001 sobre las sexualidades adolescentes, examina los sentidos de la iniciación sexual, las creencias tanto populares como biomédicas asociadas con la distinción entre sexualidades masculinas y femeninas, la naturalización de la sexualidad adolescente varonil en general y las implicaciones para la prevención y tratamiento del sida y otras infecciones transmitidas sexualmente. En particular, en este ensayo se comparan, por un lado, los discursos medicalizados relacionados a las nociones de la modernidad y la sexualidad y, por el otro, las ideas tan difundidas de las particularidades culturales de los varones adolescentes en México y en regiones específicas de Oaxaca. Los y las jóvenes en Oaxaca nacen dentro de sistemas ya establecidos de salud reproductiva, cortejo y sexualidades. Estos adolescentes entienden que sus sexualidades están limitadas por factores materiales y culturales e, incluso, por los discursos modernos sobre la sexualidad y las ideas falsas sobre los continuos viriles que establecen que los deseos y comportamientos sexuales son, naturalmente, diferentes entre los varones y las mujeres.

  19. Annual report 1986-87

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report issued by the Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) covers the two-year period 1986-1987. It describs the research and development carried out in the following fields: nuclear power plants; supplies to nuclear power plants; radioisotopes and radiations; radiological protection and nuclear safety; research and development. In the item general aspects other activities performed by CNEA are included, and in the associated firms with CNEA information on the technological development, and goods and services production is provided. (M.E.L.) [es

  20. Magnetic resonance annual 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kressel, H.Y.


    This book contains papers written on magnetic resonance during 1986. Topics include: musculosketetal magnetic resonance imaging; imaging of the spine; magnetic resonance chemical shift imaging; magnetic resonance imaging in the central nervous system; comparison to computed tomography; high resolution magnetic resonance imaging using surface coils; magnetic resonance imaging of the chest; magnetic resonance imaging of the breast; magnetic resonance imaging of the liver; magnetic resonance spectroscopy of neoplasms; blood flow effects in magnetic resonance imaging; and current and potential applications of clinical sodium magnetic resonance imaging

  1. CLC2000 land cover database of the Netherlands; monitoring land cover changes between 1986 and 2000


    Hazeu, G.W.


    The 1986 CORINE land cover database of the Netherlands was revised and updated on basis of Landsat satellite images and ancillary data. Interpretation of satellite images from 1986 and 2000 resulted in the CLC2000, CLC1986rev and CLCchange databases. A standard European legend and production methodology was applied. Thirty land cover classes were discerned. Most extended land cover types were pastures (231), arable land (211) and complex cultivation patterns (242). Between 1986 and 2000 aroun...

  2. Sobre a relação entre estética e ética em Rorty e Adorno

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    Douglas Garcia Alves Júnior


    Full Text Available Este artigo propõe uma análise das relações entre ética e estética nas obras de Richard Rorty e Theodor W. Adorno. Trata-se de mostrar como os dois autores abordam as origens estéticas e afetivas da moral. A hipótese proposta é a de uma primazia do prático no projeto filosófico de ambos os autores. Um breve comentário de Inteligência artificial> (EUA, 2001, de Steven Spielberg, é esboçado, para ajudar a discernir as diferenças entre as posições filosóficas discutidas, que remetem aos conceitos de “representação do sofrimento” e de “belo” (Rorty e de “expressão do sofrimento” e de “sublime” (Adorno.

  3. Distribución y tendencia de la tuberculosis por grupos de edades y por municipios en Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba (1986-1998

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    Borroto Gutiérrez Susana


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La provincia Ciudad de la Habana, capital de Cuba y con la mayor densidad poblacional, aporta alrededor del 27% de los casos nuevos de tuberculosis. El presente artículo propone describir la distribución y tendencia de las tasas de incidencia de tuberculosis (1986-1998 por municipios y edades en la provincia Ciudad de la Habana. Método: Se calcularon las tasas y el porcentaje de variación total de las tasas, así como el promedio anual de variación en dos etapas y entre ellas (1986-93 y 1994-98. Las tendencias se calcularon mediante regresión lineal simple. Resultados: De 1986 a 1993 la tasa de incidencia provincial ascendió un 6%. De 1994 a 1998 decreció en 7.3%. Los 3 municipios con mayor densidad poblacional mostraron mayor incremento en las tasas. De los 15 municipios sólo en el de La Lisa disminuyeron las tasas durante todo el período. Las tasas por edades fueron similares en todos los municipios, más altas en sujetos ³65 años. El 0.6% de los casos notificados correspondían a personas menores de 15 años. Las tasas de tuberculosis infantil fueron muy bajas en el período estudiado. Conclusiones: Las diferencias en los municipios requieren de acciones diferenciadas para lograr mayor impacto y repercusión en el país. El descenso de las tasas observado en los últimos 3 años denota el control de la epidemia y la recuperación del programa nacional de control de la tuberculosis.

  4. Systems analysis department annual progress report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grohnheit, P.E.; Larsen, H.; Vestergaard, N.K.


    The report describes the work of the Systems Analysis Department at Risoe National Laboratory during 1986. The activities may be classified as energy systems analysis and risk and reliability analysis. The report includes a list of staff members. (author)

  5. Agrice 2001. Activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    AGRICE was created in 1994 to support research on new renewable plant-based products other than foodstuffs, to open up new markets for agriculture, and to take action on today's environmental challenges: fighting the greenhouse effect, curbing pollution (VOCs, effluents, etc.), eco-toxics, preservation of health, and depletion of fossil energy supplies. The scope of AGRICE's activity covers primarily the industrial conversion of crop production to chemicals (lubricants, surfactants, solvents, etc.), energy (liquid and solid biofuels) and materials (agro-materials, biopolymers). AGRICE's brief is to stimulate applied technological research. The consortium first tackled work aimed at substituting plant-based products for products derived from fossil resources. This strategy has been progressively widened to take into account the inherent characteristics of plant-based products in order to meet new needs. In addition to research focusing on industrial products and processes, this action spans the study of agronomic improvements, project economics, markets, and energy and environmental assessments. This report presents: 1 - the AGRICE profile, scope of activity (Biofuels (vehicles and non-vehicles), Biomolecules, Biomaterials), structure and Operations, and sectors of focus; 2 - the year 2001: Toward a new golden age of renewable plant based resources?, Financial Report and Applications, Noteworthy Achievements in 2001, Events in 2001, European Joint Undertakings; 3 - appendixes: Breakdown of AGRICE grants by sector 1994-2001, Financial report 1994-2001, Partners, The ADEME / AGRICE team, Projects initiated and completed in 2001

  6. U.K. nuclear data progress report January-December 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sene, M.R.; Cookson, J.A.


    The paper is the United Kingdom Nuclear Data (UKND) progress report, and summarises nuclear data research in the UK between January and December 1986. The contents of the report contains nuclear data work presented by:- UKAEA Harwell, UKAEA Winfrith, National Physical Laboratory, and the Universities of Birmingham, Edinburgh and Oxford. Included in these contributions are collaborative studies involving institutions in Holland, Italy, West Germany and the United States. The report also contains contributions on Chemical Nuclear Data, as well as the summaries of three invited lectures presented at the 19th UK Nuclear Data Form, Harwell Laboratory, 1986. (U.K.)

  7. Atomic Energy Authority Act 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Under this Act the UKAEA is given power to borrow so that it can finance its capital expenditure programme, and will undertake a debt to the Secretary of State for Energy representing its assets. Power is given for the Government to guarantee such borrowing. The UKAEA has been organised financially on the basis of a trading fund. The Act came into force on 1 April 1986. (NEA) [fr

  8. Photonuclear data index 1986-1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varlamov, V A; Stepanov, M E; Sapunenko, V V [Moscow State University, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Centre for Photonuclear Experimental Data, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    This issue presents a bibliographic index to experimental photonuclear data published in periodical scientific literature during the years 1986-1990. The main tabulation is sorted by nucleus and reaction. It is supplemented by a reference index, an author index, explanatory tables of terms and abbreviations used, and a table of isotopic abundances and nucleon separation energies. The index is in English with an introduction in Russian and English. (author)

  9. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report FY 1986, October 1985-September 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heiken, J.H.


    This report describes progress in the major research and development programs carried out in FY 1986 by the Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division. The report includes articles on radiochemical diagnostics and weapons tests; weapons radiochemical diagnostics research and development; other unclassified weapons research; stable and radioactive isotope production and separation; chemical biology and nuclear medicine; element and isotope transport and fixation; actinide and transition metal chemistry; structural chemistry, spectroscopy, and applications; nuclear structure and reactions; irradiation facilities; advanced concepts and technology; and atmospheric chemistry

  10. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division annual report FY 1986, October 1985-September 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heiken, J.H. (ed.)


    This report describes progress in the major research and development programs carried out in FY 1986 by the Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division. The report includes articles on radiochemical diagnostics and weapons tests; weapons radiochemical diagnostics research and development; other unclassified weapons research; stable and radioactive isotope production and separation; chemical biology and nuclear medicine; element and isotope transport and fixation; actinide and transition metal chemistry; structural chemistry, spectroscopy, and applications; nuclear structure and reactions; irradiation facilities; advanced concepts and technology; and atmospheric chemistry.

  11. La transición demográfico-epidemiológica en Chile, 1960-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Szot Meza Jorge


    Full Text Available Fundamento: En Chile se ha modificado de manera significativa la estructura demográfica y las causas de morbilidad y de mortalidad de la población en un período relativamente breve de tiempo. Estas variaciones se enmarcan dentro de los procesos denominados transición demográfica y transición epidemiológica respectivamente. El propósito de este trabajo es evidenciar la transición demográfica y la transición epidemiológica ocurridas en el país entre 1960 y 2001. Método: Se trata de un estudio de series temporales que recoge información demográfica y de mortalidad de Chile entre los años 1960 y 2001. Los datos fueron obtenidos de los Anuarios de Demografía del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE, de información producida por el Departamento de Estudios Prospectivos del Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación y del Ministerio de Salud de Chile. Resultados: En 1960 un 39,6% de la población tenía menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad era de 36,3 por 1000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 12,3 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 120 por 1.000. El 44% de la mortalidad general se generaba en causas infecciosas y perinatales. En el año 2001 un 28% de la población tiene menos de 14 años, la tasa de natalidad es de 18,3 por 1.000, la tasa de mortalidad general de 5,4 por 1.000 y la tasa de mortalidad infantil de 8,9 por 1000. El 68% de la mortalidad general se produce por enfermedades crónicas. Conclusiones: En base a los resultados, es posible afirmar que Chile se encuentra en una fase tardía tanto de transición demográfica como de transición epidemiológica. Conocer la realidad de Chile aportará información a aquellos países de América Latina que se encuentren en fases más tempranas de este tipo de transiciones.

  12. CLC2000 land cover database of the Netherlands; monitoring land cover changes between 1986 and 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hazeu, G.W.


    The 1986 CORINE land cover database of the Netherlands was revised and updated on basis of Landsat satellite images and ancillary data. Interpretation of satellite images from 1986 and 2000 resulted in the CLC2000, CLC1986rev and CLCchange databases. A standard European legend and production

  13. Risø annual report 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    In this annual report, we present a small selection of Risø’s achievements in 2001. A more detailed review of Risø’s projects can be found in the Risø Annual Accounts for 2001 as well as in the annual progress reports prepared by the individual researchdepartments.......In this annual report, we present a small selection of Risø’s achievements in 2001. A more detailed review of Risø’s projects can be found in the Risø Annual Accounts for 2001 as well as in the annual progress reports prepared by the individual researchdepartments....

  14. Inmigración y propiedad de la vivienda: los casos de California y España, 2001-2006




    En los últimos años California y España, dos contextos donde predomina la tenencia de la vivienda en propiedad, han recibido un gran volumen de inmigrantes y han experimentado una burbuja inmobiliaria que ha acabado por desinflarse. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la propiedad de la vivienda de los extranjeros en ambos contextos entre 2001 y 2006, considerándola como un indicador de integración de los inmigrantes en las sociedades de acogida. Otros objetivos, derivados del anterior, ...

  15. Physics Division activities report, 1986--1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the research activities of the Physics Division for the years 1986 and 1987. Areas of research discussed in this paper are: research on e + e/sup /minus// interactions; research on p/bar p/ interactions; experiment at TRIUMF; double beta decay; high energy astrophysics; interdisciplinary research; and advanced technology development and the SSC

  16. Physics Division activities report, 1986--1987

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report summarizes the research activities of the Physics Division for the years 1986 and 1987. Areas of research discussed in this paper are: research on e/sup +/e/sup /minus// interactions; research on p/bar p/ interactions; experiment at TRIUMF; double beta decay; high energy astrophysics; interdisciplinary research; and advanced technology development and the SSC.

  17. Alarma activada por control remoto selectivo.


    Eguíluz Morán, Luis Ignacio; Lara Santillán, Pedro María; Mañana Canteli, Mario


    La finalidad de esta invención consiste en disponer de una alarma que bien evite el robo de objetos ligeros y portátiles por el procedimiento que se conoce como "del tirón" --es decir, arrebatar algo y salir corriendo--, bien permita identificar un equipaje entre otros. La originalidad del dispositivo reside en la activación/desactivación del dispositivo de sonido por control remoto, así como la posibilidad de seleccionar el sonido de salida dependiendo de su finalidad. Se reivindica como de ...

  18. Chief Constable's annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The nature of the UKAEA constabulary, its personnel, administration and training, are all covered in this report. The crimes recorded at the UKAEA and BNFL sites are analysed. Traffic problems, transport and communications are covered. Miscellaneous police functions (eg lost property), the constabulary social activities and visitors to nuclear establishments are mentioned. The report ends with a policy statement on the aims and objectives of the constabulary. The report covers 1986. (U.K.)

  19. Environmental taxes 1991 - 2001 (2002)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The statistics presents statements of environmental taxes for the period 1991-2001 (and budget figure for 2002). Environmental taxes are a concept for pollution, energy, transportation and resource related taxes. Income of the government from environmental taxes have increased from 30,0 billions DDK in 1991 to 62,2 billions DDK in 2001 - a little more than a doubling. The environmental taxes' part of the total taxes' part og the total taxes has increased from 7,5% in 1991 to 9,4% in 2001. In 2001 the energy taxes are 57%, the transportation taxes 36% and the pollution and resource taxes 7% of the environmental taxes. (LN)

  20. Historical Study (1986-2014): Improvements in nutritional status of dialysis patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koefoed, Mette; Kromann, Charles Boy; Hvidtfeldt, Danni


    OBJECTIVE: Malnutrition is common in dialysis patients and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Despite an increased focus on improved nutrition in dialysis patients, it is claimed that the prevalence of malnutrition in this group of patients has not changed during the last decades. Direct......: Relative body weight, triceps skinfold, MAMC, body mass index, and prevalence of protein-caloric malnutrition as defined in the original study from 1986. RESULTS: Average relative body weight, triceps skinfold, MAMC, and body mass index were significantly higher in 2014 compared with 1986. The prevalence...... of protein-caloric malnutrition was significantly lower in 2014 (18%) compared with 1986 (52%). CONCLUSIONS: The nutritional status of maintenance dialysis patients has improved during the last 3 decades. The reason for this improvement could not be identified in the present study, but the most likely...

  1. Contexto macroeconómico colombiano, mercado laboral urbano y retos para una política de empleo

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    Hugo Lopez Castaño


    Full Text Available Después de que la crisis de la primera mitad de los años ochentas afectara enormemente la situación laboral en las ciudades colombianas, esta mejoró sustancialmente a partir de 1986-1987. A pesar de que la mayor inflación redujo –moderadamente- los ingresos reales de los trabajadores, el empleo se multiplicó y dio señales de modernizarse. La política de apertura no ha generado todavía, como se esperaba, una aceleración de la tasa de crecimiento económico y sin embargo y a pesar del modesto crecimiento aquellos logros se consolidaron entre 1990 y 1992. Subsisten, con todo, grandes desafíos para el futuro inmediato y para el mediano y largo plazo. El primero es reducir la tasa de inflación (para permitir una recuperación del poder de compra de los trabajadores. El segundo es hacerlo manteniendo, a la vez, una tasa de crecimiento económico adecuada que evite la reaparición del desempleo cíclico. Ello resulta prioritario, en especial porque algunas señales rojas han comenzado a encenderse recientemente: el empleo urbano prácticamente se estancó entre junio de 1992 y junio de 1993; la situación laboral en las zonas cafeteras y bananeras se ha venido deteriorando marcadamente. El tercero es atacar el desempleo estructural (en especial el que afecta a las mujeres y a los jóvenes. El cuarto es mejorar la calidad del empleo: el asalariado sigue siendo muy inestable; el independiente exhibe niveles de productividad muy bajos e ingresos precarios. El presente estudio pretende ocuparse de algunos de estos temas.

  2. France at CERN, 11-14 March 1986. CERN Courier, May 1986, v. 26(4)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    More firms participated in the 1986 'France at CERN' Exhibition than in the previous exhibition in 1983. This year 55 firms, including three Chambers of Commerce and Industry, took part in the exhibition which comprised 34 stands. The choice of firms was approved by the official with responsibility for CERN at the Scientific and Technical Mission of the Ministry of Research and Technology, thereby ensuring that the exhibits corresponded to CERN's immediate needs and in particular to those of LEP.

  3. END-OF-YEAR-CLOSURE 2000/2001

    CERN Document Server

    Human Resources Division


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin Nº 3/2000, the Laboratory will be closed from Saturday 23 December 2000 to Sunday 7 January 2001 inclusive. This period consists of 16 days: 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2000 and 1 January 2001; 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e. 27, 28 and 29 December 2000 and 3, 4 and 5 January 2001; 3 Saturdays, i.e. 23 and 30 December 2000 and 6 January 2001; 2 days, 26 December 2000 to compensate for 24 December 2000 and 2 January 2001 to compensate for 31 December 2000 (Article R II 4.33 of the Staff Regulations); 1 Sunday, i.e. 7 January 2001. The first working day in the New Year will be Monday 8 January 2001. Further information will be available from Division Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period.

  4. Homicidios en la población menor de cinco años en México, 1992-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfonso S. González Cervera


    Full Text Available El objetivo central de este estudio fue analizar la información disponible sobre los homicidios de niños menores de cinco años de edad en México. Se utilizaron las bases de datos de mortalidad de los diez años más recientes al momento de iniciar el estudio (1992 -2001. Los resultados indican que la tasa por homicidios en la niñez disminuyó en 38 por ciento durante el periodo analizado; aun así, la tasa de infanticidio en 2001 (3.81 por 100 mil y la de homicidio en niños de 1 a 4 años (1.37 por 100 mil están entre las más altas si se comparan con las de otros países occidentales, excepto Estados Unidos; invariablemente los homicidios de niños fueron más frecuentes que los de niñas (la relación niños/niñas fue 1.13 en 2001. Sobresale el hecho de que, durante todo el periodo, al menos 45 por ciento de todos los homicidios de niños de cero a cuatro años se registraron en el estado de México.

  5. UK review of radio science, 1984-1986. Ionosphere and magnetosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rishbeth, H.; Jones, D.


    The paper contains the United Kingdom (U.K.) review of Radio Science, 1984-1986, covering ionospheric and magnetospheric science. This is the current UK contribution towards an international review published by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). The UK review is divided into topics prescribed by URSI and covers work that is actually published within the period October 1983 - Sept. 1986, also as prescribed by URSI. The topics discussed in the review include: incoherent and coherent scatter, probing the magnetosphere, plasma instabilities, ionospheric modification, composition, ionization and chemistry and ionospheric dynamics. (U.K.)

  6. Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory. Overview of the investigations 1986-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanfors, R.; Erlstroem, M.; Markstroem, I.


    In order to prepare for the siting and licensing of a spent fuel repository SKB has decided to construct a new underground research laboratory. The pre-investigations for the Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory started in late 1986. This report gives a comprehensive compilation of the different investigations performed during the pre-investigation phase (1986-1990). The information is mainly compiled in CAD-generated maps and illustrations in which the reader can gather information concerning the scope of work as well as references to more detailed reports for further study. (au)

  7. 32 CFR 2001.15 - Classification guides. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Classification guides. 2001.15 Section 2001.15..., NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Classification § 2001.15 Classification guides. (a) Preparation of classification guides. Originators of classification...

  8. Licensee contractor and vendor inspection status report. Quarterly report, April-June 1986. Volume 10, No. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This periodical covers the results of inspections performed by the NRC's Vendor Program Branch that have been distributed to the inspected organizations during the period from April 1986 through June 1986. Also, included in this issue are the results of certain inspections performed prior to April 1986 that were not included in previous issues of NUREG-0040

  9. The 1986 ARI (Army Research Institute) Survey of U.S. Army Recruits: Survey (United States)


    on 6 Aug and 4 Dec 1986), the Director of Military Personnel Management (ODCSPER) (on 5 Dec 1986), and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (on 12...primary training approach, which consisted of lecture, group discussion, and study of pertinent documents. Trainees who are less knowledeable and less

  10. Mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos no estado de Mato Grosso, 1986 a 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleber Nascimento do Carmo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução temporal da mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo com delineamento ecológico de séries temporais realizado no estado do Mato Grosso, de 1986 a 2006. Foram utilizados dados sobre doenças dos aparelhos respiratório e circulatório obtidos do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Modelos de regressão linear simples foram ajustados para avaliar a tendência das taxas específicas de mortalidade por grupos específicos de idade (60 a 69, 70 a 79 e 80 ou mais anos e sexo. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento na proporção de óbitos por doenças respiratórias e diminuição por doenças cardiovasculares. Na comparação de taxas entre os sexos, as mulheres apresentaram taxas 15% menores para as causas cardiovasculares e taxas similares ao sexo masculino para as causas respiratórias. Foi observada taxa elevada de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos. Em idosos com idade > 80 anos o aumento anual médio na taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias foi de 1,99 óbitos e de 3,43 por doenças do aparelho circulatório. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de Mato Grosso apresenta elevada taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares em idosos, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos.

  11. END-OF-YEAR-CLOSURE 2001/2002

    CERN Document Server

    Human Resources Division


    As announced in Weekly Bulletin Nº 4/2001, the Laboratory will be closed from Saturday, 22 December 2001 to Sunday, 6 January 2002 inclusive. This period consists of 16 days : 4 days' official holiday, i.e. 24, 25 and 31 December 2001 and 1 January 2002; 6 days' special paid leave in accordance with Article R II 4.34 of the Staff Regulations, i.e. 26, 27 and 28 December 2001 and 2, 3 and 4 January 2002; 3 Saturdays, i.e. 22 and 29 December 2001 and 5 January 2002; 3 Sundays, i.e. 23 and 30 December 2001 and 6 January 2002. The first working day in the New Year will be Monday, 7 January 2002. Further information will be available from Division Secretariats, specifically concerning the conditions applicable to members of the personnel who are required to work during this period.

  12. Análisis bibliométrico del trastorno bipolar (1995-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Begoña Callejón Aliaga


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ex post facto retrospectivo es describir el trastorno bipolar mediante un análisis bibliométrico del periodo 1995-2001 a partir de las bases de datos Medline y PsycInfo. Durante dicho periodo se han publicado 1259 artículos en dichas bases de datos. El número de publicaciones sobre el trastorno bipolar creció desde 1995 a 2000 de forma progresiva, mientras que en el año 2001 se observa una caída importante en el número de publicaciones. En el trabajo se muestran los autores más productivos (Mc Elroy, Keck y Craddock, los países con mayor número de publicaciones (Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Noruega y Canadá y las revistas más especializadas en dicha problemática. Dentro de este periodo destacan los artículos centrados en investigaciones clínicas con distintos tratamientos, seguidos por aquellos centrados en la etiología del trastorno y en los estudios longitudinales. Se informa igualmente de la relación existente entre el trastorno bipolar y otros trastornos mentales. Al analizar las técnicas de tratamiento se observa que las investigaciones más recientes sugieren la combinación del tratamiento farmacológico con la terapia psicológica.


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    Adrián Piva


    Full Text Available En este artículo pretendemos abordar el nexo entre rechazo de la política y antipopulismo en las protestas de los “sectores medios” a la luz de la crisis de representación de 2001/2002 y de la posterior recomposición neo populista del consenso. Se trata, por lo tanto, de aproximarnos a una interpretación de la protesta de los “sectores medios” desde 2003, en particular desde 2006/2007, a partir del problema planteado. Ello nos exigirá extender el análisis al impacto de las transformaciones estructurales en las “clases medias” y a los modos de la protesta durante los años ’90, en particular en la crisis de 2001.  

  14. Óbitos infantis evitáveis em hospital de referência estadual do Nordeste brasileiro Avoidable infant deaths at a reference hospital in Northeast Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suely Arruda Vidal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: classificar os óbitos de menores de um ano ocorridos de janeiro a dezembro de 2000, em hospital de referência em Pernambuco, segundo critérios de evitabilidade da causa básica. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de corte transversal, utilizando-se como fonte de dados o Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade, processado na instituição. As causas básicas presentes nas Declarações de Óbitos, corrigidas a partir do prontuário médico e codificadas segundo as regras da 10 revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças, foram agrupadas segundo os critérios de evitabilidade de óbitos propostos pela Fundação SEADE em 1991. Calculou-se o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil hospitalar. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos óbitos estava classificada entre as causas reduzíveis por medidas de atenção à saúde, com mortalidade proporcional de 77,4% (infantil, 75,3% (neonatal e 60,1% (pós-neonatal representando um coeficiente de mortalidade infantil hospitalar de 103,7 óbitos por 1.000 internações. Quase metade era neonatos, desses, 31% eram reduzíveis por diagnóstico e tratamento precoces. No grupo pós-neonatal, 44% foram causadas principalmente pelas doenças infecciosas intestinais e do aparelho respiratório. CONCLUSÕES: os altos percentuais de mortes por causas evitáveis, sugerem problemas de acesso aos serviços de saúde, cobertura e/ou na qualidade da assistência prestada.OBJECTIVES: to classify deaths of children under one year old from January to December 2000, at a public Hospital of Pernambuco, according to avoidable basic causes of death. METHODS: descriptive cross sectional study using data from the Information System on Mortality processed at the Hospital. The basic causes stated in Death Certificates collected from the medical records and codified under the rules of the Tenth International Disease Classification were grouped according to the criteria proposed by the SEADE Foundation (1991. The coefficient of

  15. France at CERN, 11-14 March 1986. CERN Courier, May 1986, v. 26(4)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    More firms participated in the 1986 'France at CERN' Exhibition than in the previous exhibition in 1983. This year 55 firms, including three Chambers of Commerce and Industry, took part in the exhibition which comprised 34 stands. The choice of firms was approved by the official with responsibility for CERN at the Scientific and Technical Mission of the Ministry of Research and Technology, thereby ensuring that the exhibits corresponded to CERN's immediate needs and in particular to those of LEP


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    Diego Amaya Villabona


    Full Text Available En el avance del uso de teledetección como método para determinar la dinámica de incendios en el país y como complemento a trabajos desarrollados a nivel nacional, se analizó la distribución temporal y espacial de incendios y coberturas vegetales del departamento de Cundinamarca, la ciudad de Bogotá D.C y en las diferentes categorías de conservación y manejo, en los últimos 10 años. A partir de datos procesados por FIRMS  y analizados en ArcGIS 10 y PSAW Stadistics 18, se encontró que los incendios en el área de estudio se mantienen dentro del patrón nacional, destacando además que la incidencia es causada por la poca precipitación y la intervención del hombre en espacios naturales. Las poblaciones más afectadas son Caparrapí 159 incendios, Bogotá 152 incendios y Guaduas 101 incendios. Bogotá registra la mayoría de sus incendios en la parte sur, en la localidad de Sumapaz. En cuanto a áreas protegidas del departamento el  Parque Nacional Natural Sumapaz con 84 registros encabeza, seguido por el Distrito de Manejo Integrado Cuchilla de San Antonio con 21 registros y la Reserva Forestal Protectora Paramo Grande con 9 nueve registros. Entre la vegetación afectada se destacan los pastos, arbustos, matorrales y sus mosaicos, resaltando alto valores de incidencia sobre la vegetación de paramo y subpáramo. Las partes centro y noroccidentales, sur y surorientales, del departamento, son las que presentan más conflagraciones, y que en su mayoría se ubican entre los 0 a 1000 msnm y 3000 a 4000 msnm.

  17. 32 CFR 2001.21 - Original classification. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Original classification. 2001.21 Section 2001.21... Markings § 2001.21 Original classification. (a) Primary markings. At the time of original classification... authority. The name and position, or personal identifier, of the original classification authority shall...

  18. Análisis Comparativo de Datos de Desempleo en los Años 2001 y 2003: Aplicación de un Modelo Loglineal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mª Carmen Sánchez Sellero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se inicia haciendo un breve resumen de las cifras publicadas por el INE en lo que se refiere a la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA correspondiente al primer trimestre de 2001 y al primer trimestre de 2003, con la finalidad de poder encuadrar mejor el estudio de los datos de desempleo que se desarrollará a continuación. Posteriormente, utilizamos una tabla de múltiple entrada cuya fuente es la EPA (primer trimestre de 2001 y de 2003; las variables analizadas son tiempo de búsqueda de empleo, sexo y sector económico; el objetivo es encontrar posibles relaciones entre estas variables, utilizando para ello un modelo loglineal y realizando la comparativa de los resultados obtenidos en ambos periodos.

  19. Componentes Principales (C.P. de los sistemas de calculo del IPC base 92 y sistema IPC base 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Pallas González


    Full Text Available Nueve años después de que se adoptara un cambio de base en el cálculo del IPC para el Estado Español, asistimos a un cambio de sistema en el cálculo del mismo, naciendo el sistema de índices de precios, base 2001. A lo largo de este trabajo y utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS, se tratará de realizar un análisis multivariante, sobre las distintas variables que componen el IPC base 92, del estado español, y las del índice, atendiendo al nuevo sistema base 2001, que entró en vigor en enero de 2002. De todas las técnicas multivariantes susceptibles de ser aplicadas en este trabajo, se utilizaran el análisis de componentes principales y el análisis factorial, con el fin de obtener factores no observables que permitan explicar, perdiendo la mínima información, las variables originales que representan.

  20. Relaciones entre el derecho internacional y el derecho interno: Nuevas perspectivas doctrinales y jurisprudenciales en el ámbito americano

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    Aníbal Quiroga León


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la protección de los derechos fundamentales en el marco de las relaciones entre derecho internacional y derecho interno, teniendo como punto central el sistema interamericano y sus órganos de aplicación, La Comisión y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, considerando aspectos procedimentales y la adopción de medidas cautelares por esta última. Finalmente, se analiza la superioridad del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos sobre el derecho interno, teniendo como fundamento los casos "Barrios Altos" (Chumbipoma Aguirre y otros, cuya sentencia es del 14 de marzo del 2001 y el caso "La última tentación de Cristo" (Olmedo Bustos y otros cuya sentencia es del 05 de febrero del 2001.This article analyzes the protection of fundamental rights within the framework of the relationship between international and internal law. The core of our analysis is the Inter-American system, and its bodies of application: the Inter- American Human Rights Commission and Court. We consider procedural dimensions as well as precautionary measures pertaining to the latter. Finally, we examine the preeminence of the international law of human rights over internal law, on grounds of the "Barrios Altos" case (Chumbipoma Aguirre et al., decided on March, 2001 y the "La última tentación de Cristo" case (Olmedo Bustos et al. decided on February 5, 2001.

  1. Environmental monitoring report for Pantex Plant covering 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laseter, W.A.


    This report summarizes the environmental monitoring program at Pantex Plant for 1986. It has been prepared in accordance with the US Department of Energy Order 5484.1. This report presents monitoring data for both radioactive and nonradioactive species in the local environment. Plant activities involve the handling of significant quantities of uranium, plutonium and tritium in the form of completed parts received from other DOE facilities, resulting in a very low potential for release of these radionuclides to the atmosphere. In 1986 only small releases of depleted uranium (depleted in the isotope U-235) and tritium occurred which could have affected the local environment. Monitoring data indicate that concentrations of these nuclides in the environment are below established criteria for air and water and therefore should not present a health hazard either to employees or to the public

  2. Mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos no estado de Mato Grosso, 1986 a 2006 Mortalidad por enfermedades cardiorrespiratorias en ancianos en el Estado de Mato Grosso, 1996 a 2006 Mortality due to cardiorespiratory diseases in elderly people in Mato Grosso state, 1986 to 2006

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    Cleber Nascimento do Carmo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução temporal da mortalidade por doenças cardiorrespiratórias em idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo com delineamento ecológico de séries temporais realizado no estado do Mato Grosso, de 1986 a 2006. Foram utilizados dados sobre doenças dos aparelhos respiratório e circulatório obtidos do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Modelos de regressão linear simples foram ajustados para avaliar a tendência das taxas específicas de mortalidade por grupos específicos de idade (60 a 69, 70 a 79 e 80 ou mais anos e sexo. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento na proporção de óbitos por doenças respiratórias e diminuição por doenças cardiovasculares. Na comparação de taxas entre os sexos, as mulheres apresentaram taxas 15% menores para as causas cardiovasculares e taxas similares ao sexo masculino para as causas respiratórias. Foi observada taxa elevada de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos. Em idosos com idade > 80 anos o aumento anual médio na taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias foi de 1,99 óbitos e de 3,43 por doenças do aparelho circulatório. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de Mato Grosso apresenta elevada taxa de mortalidade por doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares em idosos, com importante tendência de incremento entre os grupos mais longevos.OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución temporal de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiorrespiratorias en ancianos. MÉTODOS: Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con delineamiento ecológico de series temporales realizado en el Estado de Mato Grosso, Centro-Oeste de Brasil, de 1986 a 2006. Se utilizaron datos sobre enfermedades de los aparatos respiratorio y circulatorio obtenidos del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad del Ministerio de la Salud. Modelos de regresión lineal simple fueron ajustados para evaluar la

  3. 1986 Annual Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report describes the reasearch activity carried out during 1986 by the Fusion Department of the Italian Commision for Nuclear and Alternative Energy Sources (ENEA). The report outlines the main results obtained by the three major projects of the Fusion Department (Fusion Physics, Frascati Tokamak Upgrade, and Fusion Reactor Engineering), plus the divisional project Inertial Confinement mentioned separately because of its particular scientific content. Most of the research work was performed by the Fusion Department at its location at the ENEA Frascati Energy Research Center, but some work was also done elsewhere, or with recourse to other ENEA departments. The research activity described in this annual report was carried out with the frame of the Association Euratom-ENEA on Fusion, with the exception of some minor activities

  4. Review of JT-60 experiment (March 1986)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Results of JT-60 experiment with ohmic heating in March 1986 are summarized. A maximum plasma current of 2 MA, an average plasma density of 5.7 x 10 19 m -3 and energy confinement time of 0.4 - 0.5 sec were obtained. Detailed characteristics of ohmic plasmas are discussed. (author)

  5. GKSS scientific-technical reports of the year 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The survey lists authors and titles of all external reports published in 1986 by the GKSS (E-reports). Following the list, all publications are characterised by an abstract and/or bibliographic data, except for reprints of journal articles. (orig./GG) [de

  6. Annual report 1986-1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority operates seen sites: the Harwell Laboratory, Nuclear Power Development Establishments at Risley, Dounreay, Springfields and Windscale, the Winfrith Atomic Establishment and the Culham Laboratory. These are supported by Central Services of finance, administration, safety, etc. 1986/87 was the UKAEA's first year of financial operation as a Trading Fund and the accounts are, therefore, an important part of this report. The General Report includes information on finance, members, organisation, staff and information services. The Technical Report covers the UKAEA's interests in advanced gas-cooled reactors, water cooled-reactors, fast reactors, safety, fusion, underlying research and industrial and environmental technology. (U.K.)

  7. Immigration and homeownership: the cases of California and Spain, Inmigración y propiedad de la vivienda: los casos de California y España, 2001-2006

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    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of foreign homeownership in Spain between 2001 and 2006, seen as an indicator of integration of migrants in host countries. Other goals, derived from the former, are to determine the influence of nationality in the homeownership and to quantify the likelihood of foreigners to live under this form of tenure. Having modelled the socio-demographic variables between the years 2001 and 2006, the results show a lower propensity of foreign born people to live through ownership than nationals and, what is most important, that the Spanish residential system demands more efforts for foreigners so as to live in property than the Californian system.En los últimos años California y España, dos contextos donde predomina la tenencia de la vivienda en propiedad, han recibido un gran volumen de inmigrantes y han experimentado una burbuja inmobiliaria que ha acabado por desinflarse. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la propiedad de la vivienda de los extranjeros en ambos contextos entre 2001 y 2006, considerándola como un indicador de integración de los inmigrantes en las sociedades de acogida. Otros objetivos, derivados del anterior, son determinar la influencia de la nacionalidad en la propiedad de la vivienda y analizar cómo influyen los factores sociodemográficos para que nacionales y extranjeros vivan en propiedad. La modelización de las variables sociodemográficas muestra que entre 2001 y 2006 la propensión a vivir en propiedad de los extranjeros es inferior a la de los nacionales y, lo que es más importante, que el sistema residencial español les exige más esfuerzo que el californiano para vivir en propiedad.

  8. CEA Annual progress report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents the general organization of the CEA, the international relations and politics in nuclear field, the activities (military application, nuclear applied research, ANDRA (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management), nuclear safety and protection, fundamental research, applied research other than nuclear), the industrial group; among topics about men and means, the budget execution of the public establishment of research. In annex, the nuclear power plants around the world and the principal legislative texts related to CEA or atomic energy published in 1986 [fr

  9. Ural-Tweed Bighorn Sheep Wildlife Mitigation Project, 1986 Annual Report.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yde, Chris A. (Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Helena, MT); Summerfield, Bob; Young, Lewis (Kootenai National Forest, Libby, MT)


    This report summarizes the results of the project activities from September 1, 1984 to December 31, 1986. To date, habitat treatments have been initiated on eight areas. The treatments include selective slash and burn, prescribed fire and fertilization. Inclement weather precluded the completion of the prescribed burns scheduled during fall 1985 and fall 1986. The lower Stonehill prescribed fire was rescheduled from fall 1985 to spring 1986 with the burn accomplished, producing varied results. Extensive pretreatment vegetative information has been collected from all units scheduled for habitat manipulations. Additionally, future projects have been delineated for other areas frequented by bighorn sheep. Ten adult bighorn sheep (5 ewes and 5 rams) have been fitted with radio transmitters. Systematic aerial and ground surveys were utilized to monitor the movements and seasonal habitat preferences of the instrumented sheep. Age and sex information was gathered whenever possible to aid in the development of a population model, Monthly pallet group collections were initiated in May 1985 to provide samples for 2.6 diaminopimetic acid (DAPA), food habits and lungworm larvae analysis. The majority of the data analysis is ongoing and will be presented in later reports.

  10. Nutrients data from bottle casts in the Bering Sea from the R/V ALPHA HELIX as part of the Inner Shelf Transport and Recycling Project 04 July 1986 to 25 September 1986 (NODC Accession 0000293) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, and other data were collected from the R/V ALPHA HELIX from July 4, 1986 to September 25, 1986. Data were submitted by...

  11. Baden-Wuerttemberg energy report 1985/1986. Baden-Wuerttemberg Energiebericht 1985/1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The 1985/86 energy report submitted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Technology shows that primary energy consumption has been experiencing its second considerable increase since 1979. However, even increasingly slumping oil prices observed since 1986 have not been ringing in a turn and new trend towards an increasing energy consumption. The increase mainly roots in market and weather conditions and does also include considerable quantities of stored heating oils. The energy report informs about the 1985 energy supply of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Both internationally and nationally it does also report on the country's present energy policy which was determined by the slump in oil prices and by the Chernobyl reactor accident. The accident has been stimulating the Baden-Wuerttemberg government to reflect upon the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

  12. Reference document 2001. A (AREVA) for..; Document de reference 2001. A (AREVA) comme..

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This reference document 2001, on the group Areva, provides data and information on the Areva emerges, overview of operations, sustainable development policy, research and development programs, nuclear power activities (front-end, reactors and services back-end divisions), components (connectors division and STMicroelectronics, human resources, share data and financial information (financial report 2001, financial report first-half 2002). (A.L.B.)

  13. El Caso del Dinero Desaparecido Chile 1984-1986


    Felipe Larraín; Aníbal Larraín


    Between the third quarter of 1984 and the second one of 1986, Chile's real money balances (seasonally adjusted, real MI) decreased by 11%. In the same period, Gross Domestic Product grew by 12.3% and the effective short-term interest rate systematically d

  14. Risø årsberetning 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    I denne årsberetning præsenteres et lille udpluk af Risøs resultater i 2001. En mere detaljeret gennemgang af Risøs projekter findes i Risøs Virksomhedsregnskab for 2001 samt i forskningsafdelingernes egne årsberetninger....

  15. Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg. Research Report 1986-1988. Universitaet der Bundeswehr Hamburg. Forschungsbericht 1986-1988

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strauch, P.; Dietrich, B. (comps.)


    The report covers the years 1986/87/88. It reports on R and D results from four faculties: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, pedagogics, and economic and industrial organization sciences. Beyond the obligation to report, the research report is also part of a general concept which is to foster the transfer of know-how and technology between university and industry. It is made known that in 1987 Artificial Intelligence and Computer Integrated Manufacturing were taken up as focal points, the chairs cooperating on an interdisciplinary basis. (orig./RHM).

  16. Efectos de las intervenciones diseñadas para prevenir las muertes de motociclistas en Cali, Colombia (1993-2001 Impact of interventions directed toward motorcyclist death prevention in Cali, Colombia: 1993-2001

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    Victoria Espitia-Hardeman


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudio se ideó para describir el efecto de las intervenciones dirigidas a disminuir las muertes de los motociclistas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron las variaciones en la mortalidad de motociclistas en Cali, al momento de aplicarse las intervenciones, y el significado estadístico de dichos cambios, entre 1993 y 2001. RESULTADOS: La tasa de muerte de motociclistas por cada 100 000 habitantes se redujo de 9.7 en 1995 a 3.6 en 2001. La mayor reducción se observó después de la introducción del uso del casco protector en 1996 (12.3%. Otras medidas como la obligatoriedad del casco para los pasajeros, el uso del chaleco reflectivo, la prohibición de usar motocicletas en días de diciembre y la exigencia de cursos para infractores redujeron en su conjunto aún más la mortalidad, mientras que el debilitamiento de la vigilancia la incrementó. CONCLUSIONES: La implantación y ejecución de medidas combinadas de prevención resultan más efectivas que las medidas individuales o desarticuladas.OBJECTIVE: Describe the impact of interventions focused on decreasing deaths by motorcycle crash. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed variations in deaths by motorcycle crash in Cali when the interventions were implemented and the statistical significance of changes between 1993 and 2001. RESULTS: The rate of motorcyclist deaths per 100 000 inhabitants decreased from 9.7 in 1995 to 3.6 in 2001. The greatest reduction was observed after the introduction of the helmet law for motorcycle drivers in 1996 (12.3%. Other interventions-such as a helmet law for passengers, a reflective safety vest, a circulation ban for motorcyclists in December, and compulsory courses for all motorcyclists-produced a greater decrease in mortality; meanwhile, a lack of law enforcement increased it. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment and implementation of a combination of prevention strategies was more effective than a single or non-articulated strategy.

  17. Caernarvon 2001 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Sampled marshes and ponds along two transects within the intermediate and brackish marsh zones of Breton Sound, Louisiana, from May 7-11, 2001. Sampling followed...

  18. Report on the Elderly 2001

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.M.Y. de Klerk; J.M. Timmermans


    (Full translation from the Dutch: Rapportage Ouderen 2001) Report on the Elderly 2001 presents an overview of the position of the elderly in Dutch society. The central themes of the Report are participation in education and the labour market, financial status, housing situation,

  19. Drug use in college students: a 13-year trend Uso de drogas entre alumnos universitarios: tendencias en 13 años Uso de drogas entre alunos universitários: tendências em 13 anos

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    Gabriela Arantes Wagner


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze drug use trends among college students in 1996, 2001 and 2009. METHODS: A cross-sectional epidemiological study with a multistage stratified cluster sample with 9,974 college students was conducted in the city of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on drug use assessed in lifetime, the preceding 12 months and the preceding 30 days. The Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons of drug use rates between surveys. RESULTS: There were changes in the lifetime use of tobacco and some other drugs (hallucinogens [6.1% to 8.8%], amphetamines [4.6% to 8.7%], and tranquilizers [5.7% to 8.2%] from 1996 to 2009. Differences in the use of other drugs over the 12 months preceding the survey were also seen: reduced use of inhalants [9.0% to 4.8%] and increased use of amphetamines [2.4% to 4.8%]. There was a reduction in alcohol [72.9% to 62.1%], tobacco [21.3% to 17.2%] and marijuana [15.0% to 11.5%] use and an increase in amphetamine use [1.9% to 3.3%] in the preceeding 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Over the 13-year study period, there was an increase in lifetime use of tobacco, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and tranquilizers. There was an increase in amphetamine use and a reduction in alcohol use during the preceding 12 months. There was an increase in amphetamine use during the preceding 30 days.OBJETIVO: Analizar la tendencia del uso de drogas entre universitarios en 1996, 2001 y 2009. MÉTODOS: estudio epidemiológico transversal con 9.974 universitarios del municipio de Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil, cuya muestra fue seleccionada por estratificación y conglomerados. Se adoptó instrumento de investigación de auto llenado, anónimo, que caracterizó el uso de drogas por tres medidas: uso en la vida, en los últimos 12 meses y en los últimos 30 días. Para comparar las frecuencias de uso de drogas entre las investigaciones, se utilizó la metodología de

  20. Photometry and polarimetry of Nova Andromedae 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, Sen; Mikami, Yoshitaka; Kondo, Masayuki


    We have carried out photometry of Nova Andromedae 1986 and find that it should be classified as a fast nova. We have also made polarimetry simultaneously at six wavelengths between 0.36-0.70 The polarization increased between 2 and 22 days after the light maximum showing that dust formation was associated with the nova explosion.

  1. ANSTO Tritium list no. 1: 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calf, G.E.; Stokes, R.C.


    Details are given of the concentration of the environmental radioisotope, tritium, in monthly precipitation samples taken during the period 1985-1986, at eleven stations throughout Australia. Tritium levels in Australian rainfall have been estimated for seventeen years and published first as reports of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission and now of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

  2. Report of Activities 1986-1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pham Duy Hien; Tran Ha Anh; Ton That Con; Nguyen Gia Viet Hoa


    The significant progresses reached by the Nuclear research Institute (Dalat) in the period 1986-1990 are presented. Three important areas of activities which have been carried out simultaneously are: 1/to build up suitable infrastructure and laboratories for full exploitation of the newly reconstructed nuclear research reactor (put into operation in 1984); 2/to develop practical application of nuclear techniques related to using the reactor and the Co-60 irradiator; 3/to stimulate and to support the establishment of nationwide laboratories and centres for application of radioisotopes and nuclear techniques. (N.H.A)


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    Liliana Pérez Mendoza


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se abordan los cambios y estrategias de supervivencia de la PYME cartagenera, en cuento al modelo gerencial y la gestión social del talento humano, desde la experiencia empresarial, en el marco de la situación económica dada entre 1999 – 2001, elementos que sustentan los lineamientos para una propuesta de gestión organizacional que contribuya al crecimiento, desarrollo y competitividad de la PYME. En esta edición, se presenta una breve descripción de los cambios ocurridos al exterior de la PYME y de las estrategias asumidas para poder mantenerse en el contexto, se expone la concepción que se tiene sobre la gestión del talento humano y se exponen los servicios sociales que la PYME cartagenera brinda a sus empleados.

  4. High prevalence of hepatitis B virus among female sex workers in Nigeria Alta prevalência de hepatite pelo vírus B entre trabalhadoras do sexo feminino na Nigéria

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    J. C. Forbi


    Full Text Available Hepatitis B virus (HBV infection is endemic in Nigeria and constitutes a public health menace. The prevalence of HBV infection in many professional groups has been described in Nigeria. However, literature on HBV infection among female sex workers (FSW in Nigeria is scanty. FSW in Nigeria are not subjected to a preventive control of HBV infection. This study assesses the extent of spread of HBV among FSW in Nigeria. Seven hundred and twenty (n = 720 FSW (mean age = 26.7 years were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg by a double antibody sandwich ELISA method. The overall HBV prevalence among the FSW was 17.1%. FSWs between the ages of 31-35 year (20.5% and those with 'age-at-first-sex' below 10 years of age (28% were most affected. This high prevalence of a vaccine preventable disease is unacceptable, therefore, vaccination of this high risk HBV reservoir group should be considered worthwhile.A hepatite pelo vírus B (HBV é infecção endêmica na Nigéria e constitui problema de saúde pública. A prevalência da infecção HBV em muitos grupos profissionais foi descrito na Nigéria. No entanto, a literatura da infecção HBV entre trabalhadoras do sexo feminino (FSW na Nigéria é escasso. FSW na Nigéria não são submetidas a um controle preventivo de infecção de HBV. Este estudo avalia a extensão da disseminação de HBV entre FSW na Nigéria. Setecentos e vinte (n = 720 FSW (média de idade = 26,7 anos foram testadas para antígeno de superfície da hepatite B (HBsAg pelo método ELISA usando sandwich de duplos anticorpos. A prevalência total de HBV entre o FSW foi 17,1%. FSWs entre as idades de 31-35 anos (20,5% e abaixo de 10 anos de idade (28% foram mais afetadas. Esta alta prevalência de doença evitável pela vacinação é inaceitável, portanto, vacinação deste grupo de alto risco de HBV deve ser considerada fundamental.

  5. Fuel performance annual report for 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailey, W.J.; Wu, S.


    This annual report, the ninth in a series, provides a brief description of fuel performance during 1986 in commercial nuclear power plants and an indication of trends. Brief summaries of fuel design changes, fuel surveillance programs, fuel operating experience, fuel problems, high-burnup fuel experience, and items of general significance are provided. References to more detailed information and related U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission evaluations are included. 550 refs., 12 figs., 31 tabs

  6. Nuclear power plant construction activity, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Cost estimates, chronological data on construction progress, and the physical characteristics of nuclear units in commercial operation and units in the construction pipeline as of December 31, 1986, are presented. This report, which is updated annually, was prepared to provide an overview of the nuclear power plant construction industry. The report contains information on the status of nuclear generating units, average construction costs and lead-times, and construction milestones for individual reactors


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    LM Villafañe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar in vivo la interacción entre bacterias comensales aisladas de faringe de niños sanos y S. pneumoniae, en un modelo animal (Chinchilla laniger de otitis media. Metodos: estudio experimental Intervenciones: Suspensiones de los serotipos 18A y 9V de Spn fueron inyectados intra-peritonealmente en dos chinchillas y luego recuperados mediante cultivo de órganos y sangre de las mismas. Empleando suspensiones de las cepas animalizadas se inocularon intranasalmente cuatro chinchillas, y solo a dos de ellas se le inoculo una mezcla de las bacterias comensales (Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus parasanguinis. Con un otoscopio se examinó la evolución de la infección a los 7 y 14 días. Se sacrificaron los animales y se tomaron muestras de los oídos para un examen histológico. Resultados: Mediante otoscopia, se observó al día 14 que todos presentaron una membrana timpánica hiperémica sin efusión, presentándose con mayor intensidad en aquellos que recibieron el tratamiento. La histología confirmó que la administración del tratamiento no evitó que la infección evolucionara, advirtiéndose que las infectadas con el serotipo 8A y tratadas fueron las que presentaron el tejido epitelial menos comprometido respecto al resto. Conclusiones: Spn y las bacterias comensales podrían establecer una relación competitiva, y el efecto moderador en la progresión de la infección de otitis media dependería del serotipo involucrado.

  8. Grade 12 Diploma Examination: Biology 30. June 1986. = Examen en vue du Diplome Douzieme Annee: Biologie 30. Juin 1986. (United States)

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton.

    Biology 30 is a twelfth-grade biology course for students in Alberta, Canada. This document is a final test for the course. Both English and French versions of the test are provided. Intended for administration during June 1986, it contains 80 multiple-choice questions and six written-response problems. Two-and-one-half hours are allowed for…

  9. Grade 12 Diploma Examination: Chemistry 30. June 1986. = Examen en vue du Diplome Douzieme Annee: Chimie 30. Juin 1986. (United States)

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton.

    Chemistry 30 is a twelfth-grade chemistry course for students in Alberta, Canada. This document is a final test for the course. Both English and French versions of the test are provided. Intended for administration during June 1986, it contains 56 multiple-choice questions and three written-response problems. Two-and-one-half hours are allowed for…

  10. Savannah River Interim Waste Management Program Plan - FY 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document provides the program plan as requested by the Savannah River Operations Office of the Department of Energy. The plan was developed to provide a working knowledge of the nature and extent of the interim waste management programs being undertaken by Savannah River (SR) contractors for the Fiscal Year 1986. In addition, the document projects activities for several years beyond 1986 to adequately plan for safe handling and storage of radioactive wastes generated at Savannah River and for developing technology for improved management of low-level solid wastes. A revised plan will be issued prior to the beginning of the first quarter of each fiscal year. In this document, work descriptions and milestone schedules are current as of the date of publication. Budgets are based on available information as of May 1985

  11. Conversão do conhecimento é fonte de Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável? uma análise empírica sob a perspectiva da Resource-based View Is knowledge conversion a source of Competitive Sustainable Advantage? an empirical analysis based from a Resource-based View perspective

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    Silvio Popadiuk


    Full Text Available Distinções entre Vantagem Competitiva (VC e Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável (VCS, apresentadas por Wernerfelt (1984, 1995, Barney (1986a, 1986b, 1991 e Barney e Arikan (2001, indicam que a VCS tende a resistir às tentativas de duplicação. Com o presente estudo, foi analisado se o modelo SECI de conversão do conhecimento (NONAKA; TAKEUCHI, 2004 é avaliado pelos gestores organizacionais como uma fonte de VCS, segundo a perspectiva da Resource-based View (RBV. Por meio de estudo de campo, mediante a aplicação de um questionário estruturado fechado junto a 200 gestores, concluiu-se que a visão do gestor é divergente dos indicadores conceituais que qualificam o modelo SECI como vetor de Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável na perspectiva da RBV. Em outras palavras, enquanto a literatura afirma que o modelo SECI é gerador VCS, no presente estudo identificou-se que a opinião dos gestores não converge para essa afirmação, sugerindo que, na prática, a teoria é outra.The distinction between competitive advantage and competitive sustainable advantage (CSA as presented by Wernerfelt (1984, 1995, Barney (1986a, 1986b, 1991, and Barney and Arikan (2001 indicates that CSA tends to resist duplication. The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the SECI model (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 2004 has been evaluated by managers as a CSA source using from a Resource-based View perspective (RBV. A structured questionnaire with closed questions was administered to 200 managers. The questionnaire allowed the analysis of the manager´s view about the indicators that qualify the SECI model as a CSA source according to a RBV perspective. In other words, while the literature supports the idea that the SECI model develops CSA, the present study identified that the managers have a divergent view. This suggests that practices differ from theory.

  12. Estrés, ansiedad y rendimiento en el deporte de alta competición


    Hidalgo Arranz, Sara


    El aprendizaje y la consecución de un estado de ánimo positivo y constructivo debe alcanzarse mediante el entrenamiento psicológico adecuado, evitando todos los elementos que producen interferencia en la ejecución deportiva, entre ellos los más frecuentes son la ansiedad y el estrés. La capacidad de los deportistas de élite, para centrar la atención en lo que la tarea y la situación requieren, debe practicarse antes, durante y después de la competición deportiva, buscando estrategias que evit...

  13. Failed surgery in primary hyperparathyroidism - what has changed with time. (United States)

    Wirowski, D; Goretzki, P E; Schwarz, K; Lammers, B J; Dotzenrath, C; Röher, H-D


    Advanced preoperative imaging of parathyroid adenomas and intraoperative parathyroid hormone determination optimized the results in the surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism patients. We asked, whether reasons for failure have changed during the last 25 years.We retrospectively analyzed operations for persistent primary hyperparathyroidism in our department between 2001 and 2011 (n=67), and compared these results to our experience between 1986 and 2001 (n=80).From 2001 to 2011, 765 primary hyperparathyroidism patients were operated on at our department. All but 4 patients were cured (761/765, 99.5%). 67 operations were performed for persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. Main reasons for failure were a misdiagnosed sporadic multiple gland disease in our own patients (18/29, 62.1%), and an undetected solitary adenoma in patients referred to us after -initial operation in another hospital (22/38, 57.9%) (statistically significant). From 1986 to 2001 (1 105 primary hyperparathyroidism patients), main indications for re-operation due to persistent disease were an undiagnosed sporadic multiple gland disease in our own patients (15/24, 62.5%), and a missed solitary adenoma in patients being operated on primarily somewhere else (38/56, 67.9%) (statistically significant).Comparing our experience in 147 patients with persistent primary hyperparathyroidism being operated on between 2001-2011 and 1986-2001, not much has changed with the modern armamentarium of improved preoperative imaging or intraoperative biochemical control. Whereas sporadic multiple gland disease was the most common reason for unsuccessful surgery in experienced hands, other units mainly failed due to an undetected solitary adenoma. Re-operations for persistent primary hyperparathyroidism performed by us were successful in 93.8% (2001-2011) and 96.0% (1986-2001), respectively. © J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  14. Biomedical Computing Technology Information Center (BCTIC): Final progress report, March 1, 1986-September 30, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During this time, BCTIC packaged and disseminated computing technology and honored all requests made before September 1, 1986. The final month of operation was devoted to completing code requests, returning submitted codes, and sending out notices of BCTIC's termination of services on September 30th. Final BCTIC library listings were distributed to members of the active mailing list. Also included in the library listing are names and addresses of program authors and contributors in order that users may have continued support of their programs. The BCTIC library list is attached

  15. Summary and Outlook of the International Workshop on Aging Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors (DESY, Hamburg, October, 2001)

    CERN Document Server

    Titov, M L; Padilla, C; Tesch, N


    High Energy Physics experiments are currently entering a new era which requires the operation of gaseous particle detectors at unprecedented high rates and integrated particle fluxes. Full functionality of such detectors over the lifetime of an experiment in a harsh radiation environment is of prime concern to the involved experimenters. New classes of gaseous detectors such as large-scale straw-type detectors, Micro-pattern Gas Detectors and related detector types with their own specific aging effects have evolved since the first workshop on wire chamber aging was held at LBL, Berkeley in 1986. In light of these developments and as detector aging is a notoriously complex field, the goal of the workshop was to provide a forum for interested experimentalists to review the progress in understanding of aging effects and to exchange recent experiences. A brief summary of the main results and experiences reported at the 2001 workshop is presented, with the goal of providing a systematic review of aging effects in ...

  16. The Agency's Technical Co-operation activities in 1986. Report by the Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During 1986, a total of 854 projects were operational and 71 training courses were held. These activities involved 1930 expert assignments. In addition, 937 persons received training under the fellowship programme. Performance indicators (non-financial) are given in Part II of this report (Sections B and C) in order to provide some impression of the increase in implementation actions related to the delivery of a growing programme. Although total resources were higher in 1986 than in previous years, the overall growth rate declined further while new obligations and disbursements increased steeply. The near-stagnation in the net expenditure rate for Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund (TACF) resources which occurred in 1985 prompted close monitoring and follow-up measures in 1986. These actions led to an all-time high TACF net expenditure rate, namely 75.7%, in 1986. As the TACF represented 71% of all technical co-operation resources, overall programme performance in terms of net expenditure reached 67.6%, which is also the highest rate ever recorded. TACF resources increased by 11%. Pledges and miscellaneous income covered 92.7% of the target. The percentage attainment of the target has been declining since 1983. As actual disbursements against the TACF increased at a much higher rate than new resources, the unobligated balance decreased to the extent that striving for even higher net expenditure rates would no longer be consistent with judicious resource management. The share of extrabudgetary funds in the programme declined: they accounted for 14.5% of the resources and 12.6% of the disbursements in 1986. The Federal Republic of Germany became the largest contributor of extrabudgetary funds. Special attention will be given to the utilization of these resources so that delivery rates can be improved. As anticipated, UNDP's share in resources and disbursements increased and several new large-scale projects were approved. In-kind assistance continued to play a

  17. Coal mining in Spain: first half year 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Statistical data from the first half of 1986 on coal mining in Spain. These figures cover anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite both nationally and for the coal-producing regions of Leon, Asturias, Palencia, Teruel and La Coruna. Special attention is paid to absenteeism and its causes.

  18. 1998-2001 Scientific Technological Report; Informe Cientifico Tecnologico 1998-2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gayoso C, C; Ezpinoza Z, M; Prado C, A; Robles N, A [eds.


    IPEN has elaborated the 1998-2001 Scientific-Technological Report as a result of several research and development works within the fields of production and services, and related with mining, archaeology, agriculture, biology, industry and medicine as well with tracer techniques in industry, welding quality control, speed and underground waters flows, direction, water treatment, environmental pollution, geothermy, production and calibration of radioactive sources, X-rays equipment quality control, neutron physics, neutron radiography, neutron activation analysis, water traces analysis, crystal growth and building of nuclear equipment. The 1998-2001 Scientific-Technological Report includes 148 papers divided in 8 subject matters: Nuclear and Reactor Physics, Nuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, Materials, Nuclear Safety, Protection and Radiological Safety, Nuclear Applications, and Rules and Regulation.

  19. 1986-2006 Türkiye Ekonomisinin Performans Değerlendirmesi(Performance Analysis of Turkish Economy Between 1986-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali ELEREN


    Full Text Available When national and internetional competition are mentioned what firstly comes to mind has an economic competition. That is why critics on governments focus especially on economy politics and its results. In this study, the performance of Turkey’s economy between 1986-2006 is analyzed by TOPSIS method which is one of the multi-criterion decision methods. This method has an advantage for letting to analyze all criteria together with considering spesific points.

  20. 32 CFR 2001.1 - Purpose and scope. (United States)


    ... Telecommunications, automated information systems, and network security 4.1, 4.2 2001.51 Technical security 4.1 2001... National Defense Other Regulations Relating to National Defense INFORMATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT OFFICE, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Scope of Part § 2001...

  1. Adesão ao tratamento e hospitalizações entre pacientes que realizam aplicações de Flufenazina Depot Adhesión al tratamiento y hospitalización entre pacientes que realizan aplicaciones de Flufenazina Depot Compliance with treatment and hospitalization among patients using Flufenazine Depot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Menna Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Os autores revisam a bibliografia sobre medicação depot e apresentam dados referentes à adesão ao tratamento e hospitalizações entre os pacientes que realizam aplicações de enantato de flufenazina em regime ambulatorial no Hospital Espírita de Pelotas. MÉTODO: Analisaram-se os prontuários de pacientes que foram incluídos no regime depot anteriormente a maio de 2001 e que realizaram pelo menos uma aplicação entre maio de 2001 e junho de 2002, quanto à adesão ao tratamento e eventuais hospitalizações. RESULTADOS: De um total de 100 pacientes, 66 permaneciam em regime depot ao término do período estudado. Destes, 40 (61% apresentavam boa adesão ao tratamento, enquanto 26 (39% apresentavam má adesão. Houve um total de 25 pacientes que sofreram hospitalizações, entre os quais a maioria não estava em tratamento no término do estudo ou apresentava má adesão. Entre os pacientes procedentes do mesmo bairro em que se situa o hospital, 10 (67% apresentavam boa adesão em comparação com 30 pacientes (59% procedentes de bairros distintos. DISCUSSÃO: O número de hospitalizações variou visivelmente, conforme a permanência ou não em tratamento e a adesão ao mesmo. Pacientes provenientes de bairros distantes do hospital tenderam a apresentar pior adesão ao tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: É possível que pacientes em regime de aplicação depot residentes próximos ao local de aplicação beneficiem-se mais do tratamento que aqueles residentes em locais distantes. São necessários mais estudos comparando administrações depot com VO em termos de adesão e investigando fatores preditores de boa adesão ao tratamento.OBJETIVOS: Los autores revisan la bibliografía sobre medicación depot y presentan datos referentes a la adhesión al tratamiento y hospitalizaciones entre los pacientes que realizan aplicaciones de enantato de flufenazina en régimen ambulatorio en el Hospital Espiritista de Pelotas. MÉTODO: Fueron

  2. Earthworm populations in soils contaminated by the Chernobyl atomic power station accident, 1986-1988

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krivolutzkii, D.A.; Pokarzhevskii, A.D.; Viktorov, A.G.


    A study of earthworm populations in the 30 km zone around the Chernobyl atomic power station was carried out in 1986-1988. Significant differences in earthworm population numbers were found between highly contaminated and control plots in summer and autumn 1986 and in April 1987. But in the autumn of 1988 the earthworm population numbers in contaminated plots were higher than in the control plots. The ratio of mature to immature specimens was higher in 1986 in the contaminated plots in comparison with the control plots. Only one species of earthworms, Dendrobaena octahedra, was found in contaminated forest plots during the first 2 yr following the accident but in the control forest plots Apporectodea caliginosa was also found. (author)

  3. Partial pine sterility in 1986 and 1987 within the zone of Chernobyl accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khromova, L.V.; Romanovskij, M.G.; Dukharev, V.A.


    Reproductive potency of Pinus silvestris was studied in 1986 and 1987 within the zone of Chernobyl accident by the estimates of the survival rate of seed-buds during the gametophyte and embryonal development. At the radiation level of 4 Gy a partial female pine sterility was manifested by the decreased gametophyte survival rate of seedbuds, pollinated in 1986, and by the diminished embryonal survival rate of seed-buds pollinated in 1985

  4. Metallurgy Department progress report for the period 1 January to 31 December 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder Pedersen, A.; Bilde-Soerensen, J.B.


    The activities of the Metallurgy Department at Risoe during 1986 are described. The work is presented in four chapters: General Materials Research, Technology and Materials Development, Chemical and Electrochemical Energy Research and Development, and Fuel Elements. A survey is given of the Department's participation in international collaboration and of its activities within education and training. A list (with abstracts) of publications and lectures by the staff during 1986 is included. (editors)

  5. Nuclear safety in France in 2001; La surete nucleaire en France en 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This press dossier summarizes the highlights of nuclear safety in France in 2001: the point-of-view of A.C. Lacoste, director of the French authority of nuclear safety (ASN), the new organisation of the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection, the ASN's policy of transparency, the evolutions of nuclear fuels and the consistency of the fuel cycle, the necessary evolutions of the nuclear crisis management, the harmonizing work of safety approaches carried out by the WENRA association. The following documents are attached in appendixes: the decrees relative to the reformation of the nuclear control in France, the missions of the ASN, the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France, the organization of ASN in March 2000, the incidents notified in 2001, the inspections performed in 2001, and the list of the main French nuclear sites. (J.S.)

  6. Summary report of Japan-US joint project. JUPITER-II. FuY 2001 - 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, K.; Kohyama, A.; Tanaka, S.; Muroga, T.; Namba, C.; Sze, D.K.


    This report summarizes the scientific accomplishments achieved through the JUPITER-II Japan-US Collaboration Program. The JUPITER-II collaboration (Japan-USA Program of Irradiation/Integration Test for Fusion Research -II) has been carried out through six years (2001-2006) under Phase 4 of the collaboration implemented by Amendment 4 of Annex I to the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)-DOE (United States Department of Energy) Cooperation. This program followed the RTNS-II Program (Phase 1: 1982-1986), the FFTF/MOTA Program (Phase 2: 1987-1994) and the JUPITER Program (Phase 3: 1995-2000). The JUPITER-II collaboration was established to provide the scientific foundations for understanding the integrated behavior of blanket materials combinations operating under conditions characteristic of fusion reactors, including interactive neutron irradiation effects, high temperature coolant flow phenomena, heat and mass transport in blanket materials, and coolant chemistry and its interactions with surrounding materials. The scientific concept of this program is to study the key technology in macroscopic system integration for advanced blanket based on an understanding of the relevant mechanics at the microscopic level. The 44 of the presented papers are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  7. Evolución de la mortalidad por enfermedad isquémica del corazón e infarto agudo del miocardio en Costa Rica, 1970-2001 Trends in mortality from ischemic heart disease and acute myocardial infarction in Costa Rica, 1970-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlene Roselló Araya


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la evolución epidemiológica de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV, enfermedad isquémica del corazón (EIC e infarto agudo del miocardio (IAM en Costa Rica, según el sexo y la región geográfica, entre los años 1970 y 2001. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de la mortalidad por ECV, EIC e IAM en Costa Rica entre 1970 y 2001. La información se obtuvo de la base de datos del Centro Centroamericano de Población. Los datos de mortalidad por EIC e IAM entre 1970 y 2001 se analizaron según la revisión mas actualizada de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE. El territorio costarricense se dividió en: región metropolitana (8 cantones, región semiurbana Valle Central (18 cantones, región rural Valle Central (17 cantones, región semiurbana bajura (12 cantones y región rural bajura (26 cantones. La tendencia de la mortalidad se analizó por quinquenios (entre 1970 y 1999 y el bienio de 2000 - 2001 mediante las tasas brutas de mortalidad por 100 000 habitantes para cada causa o grupo de causas, según la edad, el sexo y el año de fallecimiento. Las tasas se ajustaron por edad, sexo, año de fallecimiento y región geográfica mediante el método directo, usando como población estándar la de América Latina en 1960. RESULTADOS: La mortalidad por ECV disminuyó 33% en promedio (46,6% en mujeres y 20,2% en hombres, mientras que la mortalidad por EIC aumentó un promedio de 18,4% (6,1% mujeres y 28,4% hombres. La tasa ajustada de mortalidad por IAM en hombres aumentó 12,8% en el período de estudio, con un ligero descenso de 4,4% en mujeres. La mortalidad por ECV, EIC e IAM fue mayor en hombres que en mujeres durante todo el período de estudio. Las tasas de mortalidad por EIC e IAM se elevaron en las regiones semiurbanas y rurales, especialmente en la región rural bajura, donde aumentaron con respecto al quinquenio de 1995 - 1999 en 123,9% y 76,9%, respectivamente

  8. Intellektika 2001 - Tartu "Teeviit" / Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juurak, Raivo


    16.-17. veebr. 2001 toimus Tartus haridus- ja teadusmess "Intellektika 2001", kus osales 291 hariduse ja teadusega seotud organisatsiooni. Kuna osalejate seas oli rohkesti õppeasutusi, nimetati messi ka Tartu "Teeviidaks"

  9. Validade, confiabilidade e evitabilidade da causa básica dos óbitos neonatais ocorridos em unidade de cuidados intensivos da Rede Norte-Nordeste de Saúde Perinatal Validez, confiabilidad y evitabilidad de la causa básica de óbitos neonatales ocurridos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Red Norte-Nordeste de Salud Perinatal Validity and reliability of data and avoidability of the underlying cause of neonatal deaths in the intensive care unit of the North-Northeast Perinatal Care Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Marlúcia Lopes Moreira de Almeida


    Full Text Available Analisar a validade e confiabilidade da causa básica e a evitabilidade dos óbitos neonatais ocorridos em unidade de cuidados intensivos da Rede Norte-Nordeste de Saúde Perinatal (RENOSPE. A amostra foi de 53 óbitos neonatais contidos no banco de dados da RENOSPE e ocorridos em maternidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. A validade foi feita comparando-se as causas da Rede com as obtidas dos prontuários, sendo calculado kappa, sensibilidade e valor preditivo positivo (VPP. Na análise da evitabilidade, foi utilizada a Lista Brasileira de Causas de Mortes Evitáveis. Quando comparadas as causas de óbitos entre RENOSPE e prontuários, o kappa foi de 47,6% para causas maternas e 73,9% para malformações congênitas, sensibilidade de 95% e 83,3%, e VPP de 88,9% e 85,7%, respectivamente. O percentual de óbitos evitáveis na RENOSPE foi elevado, sendo por adequada atenção à mulher na gestação em 72% dos casos. As causas classificadas como malformações congênitas foram válidas, e os óbitos evitáveis apontam para necessidade do controle da gravidez.Analizar la validez y confiabilidad de la causa básica de los óbitos neonatales y su evitabilidad, ocurridos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de la Red Norte-Nordeste de Salud Perinatal (RENOSPE. La muestra fue de 53 óbitos neonatales, incluidos en el banco de datos de la RENOSPE y ocurridos en la maternidad de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. La validez fue realizada comparándose las causas de la red, con las obtenidas de los historiales médicos, calculándose kappa, sensibilidad y valor predictivo positivo (VPP. En el análisis de la evitabilidad, se utilizó la lista brasileña de causas de muertes evitables. Resultados: cuando se comparan las causas de óbitos entre RENOSPE y los historiales, el kappa fue de un 47,6% con respecto a causas maternas y un 73,9% para malformaciones congénitas, sensibilidad de un 95% y un 83,3%, y VPP de un 88,9% y un 85,7%, respectivamente. El porcentaje de

  10. The Corporations Act 2001


    Bostock, Tom


    The author outlines reforms made in Australia in the area of company law with an analysis of the Corporations Act 2001, which along with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 comprises Corporations legislation in Australia. Article by Tom Bostock (a partner in the law firm Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Melbourne, Australia). Published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by...

  11. Airline Quality Rating 2001


    Bowen, Brent D.; Headley, Dean E.


    The Airline Quality Rating (AQR) was developed and first announced in early 1991 as an objective method of comparing airline quality on combined multiple performance criteria. This current report, Airline Quality Rating 2001, reflects monthly Airline Quality Rating scores for 2000. AQR scores for the calendar year 2000 are based on 15 elements that focus on airline performance areas important to air travel consumers. The Airline Quality Rating 2001 is a summary of month-by-month quality ra...

  12. Temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from the KNORR in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1986-04-24 to 1986-05-18 (NODC Accession 0117678) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0117678 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from KNORR in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1986-04-24 to 1986-05-18...

  13. IPEN scientific and technical publications 1984-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN (Energy Research Institute) from Sao Paulo, Brazil, was founded in 1956. Since its foundation, the main objectives of IPEN has been to undertake research and development into the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to train scientific personnel to post-graduate level. The IPEN Scientific and Technical Publication - IPEN/STP, is a system developed at IPEN. Its purpose has been to generate a data base identifying the technical and scientific literature produced by IPEN staff members, published either in the Institute's series or in others brazilian and foreign publications. Documents cited in this 1984-1986 supplement include those in which IPEN staff members were authors or co-authors; document published by foreign research visitors while working at IPEN facilities; theses prepared by IPEN staff and reports in which IPEN is a corporate author. The IPEN technical publications reflect the main fields of research persuaded by the Institute, namely nuclear physics radiochemistry, chemical engineering, nuclear metallurgy and engineering and finally medical and industrial applications of radioisotopes. In this 1984-1986 supplement 458 document published by IPEN staff are cited, following the main subject heading of INIS Subject Categories. (author)

  14. Bibliography of Finnish biomass and peat literature 1986-1987. Biomassa- ja turvebibliografia 1986-1987

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alakangas, E; Luoma, H


    This bibliography is a collection of citations from Finnish literature dealing with energy use of peat and biomass, collected during 1986 and 1987. The citations have been made in English because they were abstracted for international databases, such as BIOMASS, NEI (Nordic Energy Index) and DOE ENERGY. Collection of citations is a part of information service of International Energy Agency's (IEA) Biomass Conversion Technical Information Service (BCTIS). dissemination of information relating to all aspects of biomass energy including cultivation, harvesting, materials handling, conversion techniques and environmental and economic aspects. The bibliography contain 226 references. The citations contain bibliographic information and abstract. The keyword index is included.

  15. Computer Courseware Evaluations, June 1985 to March 1986. (United States)

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Curriculum Branch.

    The fifth in a series, this report reviews Apple microcomputer courseware--and some IBM computer courseware--authorized by Alberta Education from June 1985 to March 1986. It provides detailed evaluations of 97 authorized programs in business education (11), business education/math (1), computer literacy (4), computer literacy/math/problem solving…

  16. International Atomic Energy Agency Publications. Catalogue 1986-1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This catalogue lists all sales publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency issued from 1986 up to the end of 1999 and still available. Some earlier titles which form part of an established series or are still considered important have also been included. The catalogue is in CD-ROM format

  17. RA Research reactor, Part 1, Operation and maintenance of the RA nuclear reactor for 1986; Istrazivacki nuklearni reaktor RA, deo 1, pogon i odrzavanje nukleanog reaktora RA u 1986. godini

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sotic, O; Martinc, R; Cupac, S; Sulem, B; Badrljica, R; Majstorovic, D; Sanovic, V [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    In order to enable future reliable operation of the RA reactor, according to new licensing regulations, three major tasks started in 1984 were fulfilled: building of the new emergency system, reconstruction of the existing ventilation system, and reconstruction of the power supply system. Simultaneously in 1985/1986 renewal of the instrumentation and reconstruction of the system for handling and storage of the spent fuel in the reactor building have started. Design projects for these tasks are almost finished and the reconstruction of both systems is expected to be finished until 1988 and mid 1989 respectively. RA reactor Safety report was finished according to the recommendations of the IAEA. Investments in 1986 were used for 8000 kg of heavy water, maintenance of reactor systems and supply of new components, reconstruction of reactor systems. This report includes 8 annexes concerning reactor operation, activities of services and financial issues. [Serbo-Croat] Sa ciljem da se obezbedi pouzdan rad reaktora RA a u skladu sa zakonskim propisima, zavrsena su tri velika zahvata zapoceta 1984: izgradnja novog sistema za udesno hladjenje, rekonstrukcija postojeceg sistema za ventilaciju, i modernizacija reaktorske instrumentacije. Istovremeno tokom 1985/1986. zapoceta je modernizacija instrumentacije i rekonstrukcija sistema za rukovanje i skladistenje iskoriscenog goriva u zgradi reaktora. Projekti za navedene radove su vec zavrseni ili su u zavrsnoj fazi, a ocekuje se da ce rekonstrukcija oba sistema biti zavrsena do kraja 1988. odnosno sredine 1989. godine. Izrada izvestaja o sigurnosti reaktora RA, prema preporukama MAAE zavrsena je 1986. Investiciona ulaganja na reaktoru Ra u 1986. iskoriscena su za: nabavku 8000 kg teske vode, za investiciono odrzavanje reaktorskih sistema i nabavku opreme, za rekonstrukciju reaktorskih sistema. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi 8 priloga koji opisuju rad reaktora, rad strucnih sluzbi i finansiranje.

  18. Yearly energy balance sheets 2000-2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The total supply of energy during the year 2001 rose by 7 per cent compared with the year 2000, from 588 TWh to 630 TWh. The supply of nuclear power increased by 27 per cent, whereas electricity from waterpower has remained still at approximately 80 TWh. During the year 2001 Sweden exported 18,5 TWh electricity and the import was 11,1 TWh. The use of petroleum products for electricity production was nearly the same, 3,5 TWh during 2001 compared with 3,6 TWh during 2000. The production of heat from petroleum products increased from 3,2 TWh 2000 to 4,3 TWh 2001. The explanation to that is mainly the large increasing of heavy fuel oil in district heating plants. The use of energy during the year 2001 increased by nearly 1 per cent compared with the year 2000, from 391 TWh to 394 TWh. The use of coal, coke, biomass fuels and petroleum products decreased a little between the years, whereas the use of gases, district heating and electricity rises. The industrial sectors energy use decreases a bit from 156 TWh for the year 2000 to 152 TWh the year 2001. An increasing use of gases and district heating can nevertheless be seen. The energy use within transport sector rises from 87 TWh to 88 TWh. Within the household sector there is an increasing use of energy between the years with a total of 3 TWh, from 91 TWh to 94 TWh. The households continue to reduce their use of petroleum products. The use of electricity and district heating increases, by 6 per cent and 15 per cent respectively, between year 2000 and 2001

  19. Annual report 2001; Rapport annuel 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document presents the activities and important subjects on researches and developments, of the CEA over the year 2001. The first part deals with the contribution of the CEA to the national defence, the development of the nuclear energy in a sustainable development context, the transfer of the technological innovation to the economical competition, the important programs in fundamental research, the environmental and radiation protection and the human resources. The second part presents the financial report. (A.L.B.)

  20. Eddy current seminar, 24-26 Mar 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emson, C.R.I.


    The paper concerns the Eddy Current Seminars, held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom, March 1986. Twenty two papers were presented on eddy current phenomena, and two of the papers are indexed separately. The first deals with a finite difference scheme for time dependent eddy currents in Tokamaks, the second is an analysis of the FELIX experiments with cantilevered beams and hollow cylinders. (UK)

  1. FY 1986 report on the committee of the Coal Gasification Committee; 1986 nendo sekitan gaska iinkai hon'iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported on activities of the committee of the Coal Gasification Committee in FY 1986. In the 1st Committee Meeting, after selecting the chairperson, report/discussion were made about the outline of the FY 1986 coal gasification technology development plan. The distributed data were the outline of the development of an entrained bed coal gasification power plant, outline of the development of a 40t/d fluidized bed coal gasification plant, outline of the design of a 1,000t/d 100,000KW-class demonstrative plant, outline of the development of coal utilization hydrogen production technology, and outline of the development of high-calorie gas production technology. In the 2nd Committee Meeting, report/discussion were made about activities of each section of the committee and the state of progress of the development of coal gasification technology. The distributed data were those on the development of an entrained bed coal gasification power plant, development of a 40t/d fluidized bed coal gasification plant, design of a 1,000t/d 100,000KW-class demonstrative plant, and development of coal utilization hydrogen production technology (design/construction of pilot plant, study using small equipment). (NEDO)

  2. Solar-Geophysical Data Number 514, June 1987. Part 2 (comprehensive reports). Data for December 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffey, H.E.; McKinnon, J.A.


    Contents include: Detailed index for 1986-1987; Data for December 1986--Meudon carte synoptique; Solar flares, Solar radio bursts at fixed frequencies, Solar x-ray radiation from GOES satellite graphs, Mass ejections from the sun, Active prominences and filaments, Miscellaneous data--Chinese solar-geophysical data (CSGD) (Explanation of Data Reports)

  3. Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - State of Art 2001

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr


    Roč. 24, - (2003), s. 71-89 ISSN 0103-9059. [WOLLIC'2001. Brasília, 31.07.2001-03.08.2001] R&D Projects: GA MŠk LN00A056 Keywords : fuzzy logic * many valued logic * basic fuzzy logic BL Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  4. Surveillance of maritime deaths on board Danish merchant ships, 1986-2009. (United States)

    Borch, Daniel F; Hansen, Henrik L; Burr, Hermann; Jepsen, Jørgen R


    A previous study demonstrated a high death rate among seafarers signed on Danish ships during the years 1986-1993. This study aimed to examine and analyse the subsequent development until 2009. A total of 356 fatalities were identified from data supplied from the Danish Maritime Authority, an insurance company, and other sources. Maritime deaths among seafarers signed on Danish ships comprise deaths from 1) accidents, suicides and homicides; and 2) disease on board. Deaths due to 2) occurring ashore within 30 days after signing off were included. The overall and mode-specific death rates were calculated for three eight-year observation periods. The rates for work-related fatal accidents were compared with the rates for land-based trades. All categories of maritime deaths were significantly reduced from 1986 to 2009 - in particular during the last eight-year period (Accidents 1986-1993: 66.6 per 100,000 person years, 2002-2009: 27.0 per 100,000 person years, diseases 49.5-26.1, suicides 14.4-7.8). In spite of the remarkable improvement since 1986, seafarers remain in 2002-2009 more than six times more likely to die from occupational accidents (including shipwrecks) than do workers ashore. The favourable trend of maritime deaths in the Danish merchant fleet may be due to 1) preventive measures - e.g. interventions relating to vessel safety, work environment, and improved medical care on board - and to 2) technological and organizational changes - e.g. newer and larger vessels in the Danish merchant fleet, changed composition of the workforce, and reduced shore leaves. The persisting excess risk warrants further preventive actions.

  5. Monthly results of measurements, October 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This October 1986 report of the SCPRI exposes an interpretation of the principal results concerning the routine monitoring of environmental radioactivity in France: atmospheric dusts, rainwater, surface water, underground water, sewage water, drinking water, food chain (milk, vegetables, fishes), sea water around nuclear plant sites and other sites. The activities of various radioisotopes are presented in tables. This report exposes also the results of special radiation measurements resulting from the Chernobyl accident, with an exceptional control of migratory birds [fr

  6. Fuels. Deliveries and consumption of fuels during 4th quarter 2001 and during 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The total volume of oil product deliveries (excluded lubricants, bitumen etc.) from the oil companies was 3 per cent higher during 2001 compared with 2000. The deliveries of motor gasoline and diesel oil increased by 1 per cent. Domestic heating oil decreased by 2 per cent and heavy fuel oils increased by 17 per cent, all compared with 2000. Under the forth quarter 2001 the deliveries of oil products (excluded lubricants bitumen etc.) was 5 per cent higher compared with the same quarter 2000. The deliveries of domestic heating oil and heavy fuel oils increased by 4 per cent and 28 per cent respectively. Motor gasoline increased by 3 per cent while the deliveries of diesel oil decreased by 1 per cent. The consumption of fuels in mining and manufacturing decreased by 5 per cent during 2001 compared with 2000. Most of the reduction came from the lower use of domestic fuel in manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products, printing and publishing. The total consumption in mining and manufacturing was unchanged during the 4 th quarter 2001 compared with the same period 2000. The consumption of domestic fuels decreased by 6 per cent and the oil consumption increased by 11 per cent. Higher consumption of fuels in electricity, gas and district heating services. The consumption of fuels in electricity, gas and district heating services increased by 14 per cent 2001 compared with 2000. The consumption of domestic fuels raised with 12 per cent and the use of fossil fuels raised with 17 per cent. The highest increasing, 27 per cent, was found within the use of oil. Electricity, gas and district heating services increased there fuel consumption with 29 per cent during the 0 quarter 2001 compared with the same period 2000. The raise can be explained with the fact that the 4th quarter 2000 was unusually warm. The increasing is found both in the use of domestic and fossil fuels

  7. The Danish Dispersal Policy on Refugee Immigrants 1986-1998: A Natural Experiment?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damm, Anna Piil

    This paper investigates whether the Danish Dispersal Policy on new refugee immigrants carried out from 1986 to 1998 can be regarded as a natural experiment. Were refugees randomly assigned to a location? The main findings are as follows. First, around 90% of new refugees were assigned to a location....... Second, the dispersal policy successfully distributed new refugees equally across locations relative to the number of inhabitants in a location. Third, the actual settlement may have been influenced by six refugee characteristics. I conclude that the initial location of new refugees 1986-1998 may...

  8. Risøs virksomhedsregnskab 2001. Opfølgning på planerne for året 2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Risøs Virksomhedsregnskab 2001 er en opfølgning på planerne for Risøs virksomhed i 2001. Risøs bestyrelse skal som led i resultatkontrakten med Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling aflægge årlige rapporter om opfyldelsen af de fastlagteresultatkrav. Nærværende rapport indeholder data...

  9. Caracterización limnológica de la laguna de Cashibococha (UcayaliPerú durante el año 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Riofrío


    Full Text Available Durante el año 2001 se realizaron muestreos bimensuales en tres estaciones fijas en la laguna de Cashibococha (Ucayali, Perú. Cashibococha presenta aguas de color verdoso a café oscuro, con pH entre 6 a 6,8, Conductividad entre 10 y 30µ −1 , Transparencia de 21 a 59 cm y Alcalinidad Total entre 14 y 22 mg CaCO3 / L . La temperatura superficial del agua osciló entre 24,4 y 37 ºC y el Oxígeno Disuelto entre 1,3 y 7,4 mg/ L. Los análisis bacteriológicos registraron recuentos de aerobios mesófilos entre 350 y 3600 UFC/ mL. Los coliformes totales oscilaron entre 3 y 43 NMP/ 100 mL. Se diferenciaron 47 especies pertenecientes a 20 familias de macrófitas acuáticas; el mayor número de especies se reportó durante la época de Transición − Creciente (octubre − noviembre, debido a la inundación del bosque. Fueron identificadas 52 especies de fitoplancton, la División Chlorophyta fue la mas dominante. La comunidad fitoplanctónica está dominada por las especies Actinastrum hantzschi, Spirogyra sp., Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum y Closterium kuetzingui. Se diferenciaron 54 especies de Zooplancton. Los rotíferos fue el taxa dominante. La densidad de zooplancton está dominada por Brachionus patulus macracanthus y Polyarthra vulgaris. Fueron identificadas 66 especies de peces, pertenecientes a 55 géneros, 11 familias y 4 órdenes. El orden dominante en diversidad y abundancia fue el de Characiformes, Curimata vittata fue la especie dominante en la comunidad de peces en éstas áreas litorales. Los índices de diversidad fueron superiores a 3,0 bits. ind –1 , en todas las estaciones y lugares de muestreo. De igual manera los valores de equitabilidad fueron superiores a 0,8 en todas las estaciones y lugares de muestreo.

  10. VT National Land Cover Dataset - 2001 (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) The NLCD2001 layer available from VCGI is a subset of the the National Land Cover Database 2001 land cover layer for mapping zone 65 was produced...

  11. Monthly results of measurements, September 1986, with supplement related to the three months, July, August, September 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report of the SCPRI exposes an interpretation of the principal results concerning the routine monitoring of environmental radioactivity in France: atmospheric dusts, rainwater, surface water, underground water, sewage water, drinking water, food chain (milk, vegetables, fishes) seawater around nuclear plant sites and other sites. The activities of various radioisotopes are presented in tables. This report exposes also the results of special radiation measurements resulting from the Chernobyl accident and complementary results related to the three months July, August, September 1986 [fr

  12. Seroepidemiological profile of pregnant women after inadvertent rubella vaccination in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001-2002 Perfil seroepidemiológico de embarazadas después de recibir inadvertidamente la vacuna antirrubeólica, estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2001-2002

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Regina da Silva e Sá


    embarazadas de 15 a 29 años de edad que fueron vacunadas contra la rubéola y el sarampión entre noviembre de 2001 y marzo de 2002 y que no sabían que estaban embarazadas en ese momento o que concibieron en el transcurso de los siguientes 30 días. Se les aplicaron las pruebas detectoras de inmunoglobulina M (IgM e inmunoglobulina G (IgG contra el virus de la rubéola y se les clasificó de inmunes si se obtenían resultados negativos a IgM y positivos a IgG al aplicar las pruebas en un lapso no mayor de 30 días después de la vacunación; de susceptibles si se obtenía un resultado positivo a IgM después de la vacunación, o indefinido si se obtenían resultados negativos a IgM y positivos a IgG tras un intervalo mayor de 30 días entre la vacunación y la aplicación de las pruebas serológicas. RESULTADOS: De 2 292 mujeres, 288 (12,6% se mostraron susceptibles; 316 (13,8% se mostraron inmunes; 1 576 (68,8% tuvieron resultados indefinidos; 8 (0,3% tuvieron resultados ilegibles y 104 (4,5% no tuvieron seguimiento. La seropositividad a IgM, según el intervalo transcurrido entre la vacunación y la aplicación de las pruebas serológicas, fue de 16,1% (< 30 días, 15,4% (31-60 días, y 14,2% (61-90 días. En lo respectivo a la edad de las personas a las que se dirigió la campaña, se encontró que el grupo de 20 a 24 años tenía la mayor proporción de personas susceptibles a la rubéola (14,8% y representaba a 42,4% (122/288 de todas las mujeres susceptibles. En 75% de las embarazadas susceptibles, la edad gestacional fue de 5 semanas o menos en el momento de la vacunación. CONCLUSIONES: Se justificó la vacunación poblacional de todas las mujeres en edad fecunda sobre la base de datos epidemiológicos y serológicos. Durante el seguimiento de las embarazadas no se observó ningún caso de síndrome de rubéola congénita ocasionado por la vacuna antirrubeólica. No obstante, el porcentaje de infección congénita observado refuerza la recomendación de que se evite

  13. Annual Report 2001; Aarsrapport 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the annual report 2001 for the TotalFinaElf oil company. This concern operates in more than 100 countries and covers all aspects of the energy industry, from oil- and gas exploration and production to refining and marketing of refined products and international trade with both unrefined and refined products. Through the Atofina division the concern is also a major player in the chemicals markets. The demonstrated reserves of TotalFinaElf has been calculated to more than ten billion barrels of oil equivalents. At a rate of 2.1 million barrels a day this ensures 14 years of production.

  14. Environmental surveillance data report for the first quarter of 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) within the Environmental and Occupational Safety Division (E and OS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is responsible for environmental surveillance to: (1) assure compliance with all Federal, State, and local standards for the prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution, (2) monitor the adequacy of containment and effluent controls, and (3) assess impacts on the environment of releases from ORNL facilities. During 1986, the Low-Level Counting Facility at ORNL began reporting radionuclide measurements in a manner different from that of previous years. Prior to 1986, data below the minimum detectable limit were reported as ''less than (<)'' the detection limit. This year, results that are negative (samples less than instrument background) are reported. If these data are compared to previous years, it will appear that average values for 1986 have decreased. Apparent decreases may be attributed to the reporting of negative values and the subsequent averaging of this data. Nonradionuclide results that are below the analytical detection limit are expressed as less than (<) the limit. In computing average values, sample results below the limit are assigned the limit, and the resulting average value is expressed as less than the computed value. The Four-Plant Analytical Committee is reviewing the standardization of reporting of less than detectable values. Their recommendations will be incorporated in these reports as they become policy

  15. CTBTO Annual Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On 10 September 2001, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty saw the fifth anniversary of its adoption. This is the annual report of the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization for the same year, which shows significant additional progress made in establishing the verification regime in all its aspects. Since the adoption of the Treaty, the international community has attached a high priority to it and invested significant personnel, financial and technological resources to support it. The intensive work by the staff of the PTS and the cooperation of people working for the Treaty all over the world have brought tangible results. During 2001, considerable achievements were made in the establishment of the International Monitoring System (IMS), which consists of a network of 321 seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide stations and 16 radionuclide laboratories situated in some ninety countries around the world. By the end of the year 84% of the site surveys for the stations had been completed. Altogether 122 stations in all four technologies have been incorporated into the verification system and 104 additional stations are under construction or in the stage of contract negotiation. The build-up of the International Data Centre (IDC), which is responsible for processing, analysing and reporting on the data received from IMS stations, is proceeding according to a seven phase Progressive Commissioning Plan. In 2001 the IDC completed Phase 4, Initial Testing, and began preparations for full scale testing. The third and last package of the IDC applications software coming from the prototype IDC was installed and entered into operational use, allowing IMS data and high quality IDC products to be provided continuously to the 387 currently authorized users from 53 States Signatories. The installation of the Global Communications Infrastructure - a worldwide, secure

  16. 32 CFR 2001.22 - Derivative classification. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Derivative classification. 2001.22 Section 2001.22 National Defense Other Regulations Relating to National Defense INFORMATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT OFFICE, NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION CLASSIFIED NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION...

  17. A Vikingek

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesdahl, Else

    Oversættelse til ungarsk af 'The Vikings', revised ed. 1998 (Penguin books), jfr. Vikingernes verden' (Gyldendal 1986, 7. rev. udgave 2001). Oversigt over vikingetidens arkæologi, historie og kultur i Skandinavien og ude i verden.......Oversættelse til ungarsk af 'The Vikings', revised ed. 1998 (Penguin books), jfr. Vikingernes verden' (Gyldendal 1986, 7. rev. udgave 2001). Oversigt over vikingetidens arkæologi, historie og kultur i Skandinavien og ude i verden....

  18. Translation of selected papers published in Nuclear Constants 4, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document includes the English translation of 7 papers published in the Russian journal Nuclear Constants 4, 1986 and dealing with neutron data evaluations for actinide nuclei and iron. Refs, figs and tab

  19. Interferencia entre bacterias comensales de faringe y patogénesis de oído medio en un modelo animas de otitis media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LM Villafane


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar in vivo la interacción entre bacterias comensales aisladas  de faringe de niños sanos y S. pneumoniae, en un modelo animal (Chinchilla laniger de otitis media. Metodos: estudio experimental Intervenciones: Suspensiones de los serotipos 18A y 9V de Spn fueron inyectados intra-peritonealmente en dos chinchillas y luego recuperados mediante cultivo de órganos y sangre de las mismas. Empleando suspensiones de las cepas animalizadas se inocularon intranasalmente cuatro chinchillas, y solo a dos de ellas se le inoculo una mezcla de las bacterias comensales (Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus parasanguinis. Con un otoscopio se examinó la evolución de la infección a los 7 y 14 días. Se sacrificaron los animales y se tomaron muestras de los oídos para un examen histológico. Resultados: Mediante otoscopia, se observó al día 14 que todos presentaron una membrana timpánica hiperémica sin efusión, presentándose con mayor intensidad en aquellos que recibieron el tratamiento. La histología confirmó que la administración del tratamiento no evitó que la infección evolucionara, advirtiéndose que las infectadas con el serotipo 8A y tratadas fueron las que presentaron el tejido epitelial menos comprometido respecto al resto. Conclusiones: Spn y las bacterias comensales podrían establecer una relación competitiva, y el efecto moderador en la progresión de la infección de otitis media dependería del serotipo involucrado.

  20. Annual report and accounts 1986-1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The chairman's review summarizes the company achievements over the year 1986/7, especially having met all customer requirements by reaching every production target. This also gave improved financial results. Increased public support for nuclear power was also set as one of BNFL's targets. Each main area of operation is looked at: fuel supply, including fuel manufacture at Springfields, enrichment at Capenhurst and spent fuel management at Sellafield. The accounts show an operating profit of Pound 196 million on a turnover of Pound 792 million. (UK)

  1. Report to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) is devoted to the activities performed during calendar year 1986. Comments and observations are provided on operating experience at nuclear power plants and other NRC licensees, including results from selected AEOD studies; summaries of abnormal occurrences involving US nuclear plants; reviews of licensee event reports and their quality, reactor scram experience from 1984 to 1986, engineered safety features actuations, and the trends and patterns analysis program; and assessments of nonreactor and medical misadministration events. In addition, the report provides the year-end status of all recommendations included in AEOD studies, and listings of all AEOD reports issued from 1980 through 1986

  2. Depth, salinity, and other data were collected from the R/V ALPHA HELIX in the Bering Sea as part of the Inner Shelf Transport and Recycling Project (ISHTAR) from 17 September 1986 to 25 September 1986 (NODC Accession 0000275) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Depth, fluorescence, oxygen, salinity, and water temperature data were collected from the R/V ALPHA HELIX from September 17, 1986 to September 25, 1986. Data were...

  3. Mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Finland, 1986-1995

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maasilta, P.; Jokelainen, M.; Löytönen, M.


    Objective - To study the possible changes, between 1986 and 1995, in the mortality due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) among Finnish patients. Materials and methods - A total of 1000 deaths from ALS were extracted from the Finnish Death Certificate Register for the study years. General...

  4. List of publications 1986-1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This list includes all the scientific and technical publications of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - reports, reprints of journal articles, and translations - issued from 1986 April to 1987 December. Together with the earlier cumulative lists (AECL-5000, AECL-5001, AECL-5002, AECL--5003, AECL--5004, AECL--5005), it provides a complete catalogue of publications in the AECL-series. In the future, lists will be produced at twelve month intervals. The titles and other bibliographic information are arranged in several categories, each devoted to a broad subject area. In addition, each document is identified with an AECL number (for example, AECL-12345) which should be used in ordering reports and making enquiries

  5. International chart of the nuclides. 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golashvili, T.V.; Kupriyanov, V.M.; Lbov, A.A.


    The International Chart of Nuclides - 2001 has been developed taking into account the data obtained in 1998-2001. Unlike widespread nuclide charts the present Chart of Nuclides contains EVALUATED values of the main characteristics. These values are supplied with the standard deviations. (author)

  6. Variabilidade do risco do tempo de permanência ajustado para lactentes de muito baixo peso ao nascer entre centros da Neocosur South American Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Marshall


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um modelo de predição para o tempo de permanência hospitalar (TPH em lactentes de muito baixo peso ao nascer (MBPN e comparar esse resultado entre 20 centros de uma rede neonatal, visto que o TPH é utilizado como uma medida da qualidade da assistência em lactentes de MBPN. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos dados coletados prospectivamente de 7.599 lactentes com peso ao nascer entre 500 e 1.500 g no período entre os anos de 2001 a 2008. O modelo de regressão de Cox foi empregado para desenvolver dois modelos de predição: um modelo prévio com dados do nascimento e outro posterior, que acrescenta morbidades relevantes dos primeiros 30 dias de vida. RESULTADOS: A mediana do TPH estimado e ajustado a partir do nascimento foi de 59 dias; 28 dias depois do tempo de sobrevida de 30 dias. Houve uma alta correlação entre os modelos (r = 0,92. O TPH esperado e o TPH observado variaram bastante entre os centros, mesmo depois de correção para as morbidades relevantes após 30 dias. O TPH mediano (variação: 45-70 dias e a idade concepcional na alta hospitalar (variação: 36,4-39,9 semanas refletem uma variabilidade alta entre centros. CONCLUSÃO: Um modelo simples, com fatores apresentados no nascimento, pode predizer o TPH de um lactente de MBPN em uma rede neonatal. Observou-se uma variabilidade nos TPHs considerável entre unidades de terapia intensiva neonatal. Especulamos que os resultados sejam provenientes das diferenças entre as práticas dos centros.

  7. SWFSC/MMTD/ETP: Monitoring of Porpoise Stocks (MOPS) 1986-1990 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — In 1986 the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) initiated a long-term, large-scale research program to monitor trends in the abundance of dolphin...

  8. Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from EVERGREEN in the Greenland Sea from 1986-04-26 to 1986-05-14 (NODC Accession 8700182) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains CTD data taken during the International Ice Patrol's cruise IIP-1-86 on a front south of the Flemish Cap during April-May 1986. The data were...

  9. Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, 1986. (United States)


    F-Yiuang, WL,, PK Rhattacharva, UDas, A Chin , IJlackson and D L Persechini 417 -422 High quality lattice matched lnGaAs/InP heterostructures prepared...Sci. Technol. B3 1162. Schwartz G. P. 1983 Thin solid Films 103 3. Spicer W. E., Lindau I., Skeath P. R., Su C Y. and Chye P. W. 19R0 Phys. Rev. Lett... Chin R, Nakano K, and Milano R A 1981 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QEJJ7, 275. Murgatroyd I J, Norman A G, and Booker G R 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett


    CERN Document Server

    Human Resources Division


    (Application of Articles R II 4.33 and R II ;4.34 of the Staff Regulations) Official holidays in 2001 (in addition to the end-of-year holidays) : Friday, 13th April (Good Friday) Monday, 16th April (Easter Monday) Tuesday, 1st May Thursday, 24th May (Ascension Day) Monday, 4th June (Whit Monday) Thursday, 6th September (Jeûne genevois) Annual closure of the site of the Organization and day of special leave granted by the Director-General : The Laboratory will be closed from Saturday, 22nd December 2001 to Sunday, 6th January 2002 inclusive (without deduction of annual leave). The first working day in the New Year will be Monday, 7th January 2002.

  11. Progress report 1986-1987 Department of Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This progress report 1986-1987 deals with the first two years operation of the TANDAR electrostatic accelerator and also describes the research work in the following fields: nuclear physics (nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, intermediate energies, applied nuclear physics); solid state physics (crystallography and phase transitions, Mossbauer spectroscopy, condensed matter theory, crystals growth, instrumentation); atomic physics and computational physics. Finally, the staff, a list of publications and activities related to international agencies is included [es

  12. Special conference on thermal energy 'Yugoslavia 1986'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume contains various papers held at the conference 'Thermoenergetica 1986'. The papers cover subjects ranging from the development of thermal energy in Yugoslavia via fluidized-bed combustion and experience gained with the construction and operation of coal-fuelled plants to the grinding and combustion of coals rich in inerts, pollution problems, fouling and slag formation, service life, stress-induced crack corrosions, and to the planning, construction and operation of nuclear power plants. (HAG) [de

  13. 89Sr and 90Sr in atmospheric precipitations in May 1986 in Bucharest-Magurele area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paunescu, N.; Vata, I.


    Sr-89 and Sr-90 were determined in the fallout of May 1986. The maximum values of 335 Bq/(m 2 * 6 hours) and 110 Bq/(m 2 * 6 hours) were observed at May 2 and 5. Throughout May 1986 a quantity of 860 Bq/m 2 of Sr-90 deposited from the fallout in the Bucharest -Magurele area was determined. (authors)

  14. Effets Josephson generalises entre antiferroaimants et entre supraconducteurs antiferromagnetiques (United States)

    Chasse, Dominique

    L'effet Josephson est generalement presente comme le resultat de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires de Cooper a travers une jonction tunnel entre deux supraconducteurs, mais il est possible de l'expliquer dans un contexte plus general. Par exemple, Esposito & al. ont recemment demontre que l'effet Josephson DC peut etre decrit a l'aide du boson pseudo-Goldstone de deux systemes couples brisant chacun la symetrie abelienne U(1). Puisque cette description se generalise de facon naturelle a des brisures de symetries continues non-abeliennes, l'equivalent de l'effet Josephson devrait donc exister pour des types d'ordre a longue portee differents de la supraconductivite. Le cas de deux ferroaimants itinerants (brisure de symetrie 0(3)) couples a travers une jonction tunnel a deja ete traite dans la litterature Afin de mettre en evidence la generalite du phenomene et dans le but de faire des predictions a partir d'un modele realiste, nous etudions le cas d'une jonction tunnel entre deux antiferroaimants itinerants. En adoptant une approche Similaire a celle d'Ambegaokar & Baratoff pour une jonction Josephson, nous trouvons un courant d'aimantation alternee a travers la jonction qui est proportionnel a sG x sD ou fG et sD sont les vecteurs de Neel de part et d'autre de la jonction. La fonction sinus caracteristique du courant Josephson standard est donc remplacee.ici par un produit vectoriel. Nous montrons que, d'un point de vue microscopique, ce phenomene resulte de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires particule-trou de spin 1 et de vecteur d'onde net egal au vecteur d'onde antiferromagnetique Q. Nous trouvons egalement la dependance en temperature de l'analogue du courant critique. En presence d'un champ magnetique externe, nous obtenons l'analogue de l'effet Josephson AC et la description complete que nous en donnons s'applique aussi au cas d'une jonction tunnel entre ferroaimants (dans ce dernier cas, les traitements anterieurs de cet effet AC s'averent incomplets). Nous

  15. Avaliando o efeito contágio entre economias durante crises financeiras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Finotti Cordeiro Perobelli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho, a partir das metodologias sugeridas por Forbes e Rigobon (2002 e Corsetti, Pericoli e Sbracia (2005, é verificar indícios de efeito contágio entre quinze economias em oito episódios de crises financeiras. Conclui-se que o modelo de Corsetti, Pericoli e Sbracia (2005, como esperado, apresentou-se mais eficiente em encontrar indícios de efeito contágio, uma vez que abrange variações nas componentes dos retornos não consideradas pelo modelo de Forbes e Rigobon (2002. Os resultados, corroborados por testes de robustez, indicam a crise asiática de 1997 como a mais contagiosa, seguida pelo ataque terrorista de 11 de setembro de 2001, crise brasileira de 1999, bolha da internet de 2000 e crise do Subprime. Os outros episódios não apresentaram indícios de contágio, o que indica choques restritos ao país de origem da crise.

  16. Communiquer entre soignants : l'imaginaire linguistique des professionnels d'un réseau suisse romand de soins psychiatriques.


    Schaffter, Manuel


    En 2001, l'opportunité a été offerte [à l'auteur] de participer à une recherche pluridisciplinaire menée à Lausanne sur mandat de l'Association " Réseau de la communauté sanitaire de la région lausannoise ".(ARCOS). Conçu dans les termes d'une Recherche-Action, le projet en question a été conduit conjointement par des professionnels de la santé et des sociolinguistes réunis afin d'étudier et de favoriser la coopération entre les différents partenaires de la filière psychiatrique du réseau de ...

  17. Recursos administrativos en materia de propiedad industrial en la República Argentina, 2001 - 2012 : análisis estadístico, encuadre legal y criterios de resolución


    Siniscalchi, Mariana


    La presente tesis por objetivo analizar las particularidades de los recursos administrativos interpuestos entre los años 2001 y 2012 contra actos dictados por el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI) de la República Argentina en solicitudes de derechos de propiedad industrial: marcas, patentes de invención, modelos de utilidad, modelos y diseños industriales; y en solicitudes de registro de contratos de transferencia de tecnología.

  18. Fault system and thermal regime in the vicinity of site NGHP-01-10, Krishna-Godavari basin, Bay of Bengal

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Dewangan, P.; Srirama, G.; Ramprasad, T.; Ramana, M.V.; Jaiswal, P.

    driven (Milkov and Sassen, 2002). In structural accumulation gases are transported to the GHSZ through features such as faults and mud 3 volcanoes, e.g. northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Brooks et al., 1986; MacDonald et al., 1994; Milkov and Sassen, 2000... horizons, e.g., Blake ridge (Xu and Ruppel, 1999; Dickens et al., 1997), Gulf of Mexico minibasins (Milkov and Sassen, 2001; Pflaum et al., 1986), Nankai trough (Matsumoto et al., 2001), and Mallik (Dallimore et al., 1999). A combination of both...

  19. The Genesis of the 1986 National Policy on Education. (United States)

    Ghosh, Suresh Chandra

    This paper discusses India's 1986 National Policy on Education and describes the policy's emphasis on the essential characteristics of a national educational system that provides opportunities for equal access to education irrespective of class, caste, creed, sex, or geographic location. The development of Indian education is featured, and the…

  20. Climate Assessment For 2001 (United States)

    Waple, A. M.; Lawrimore, J. H.; Lyon, B.; Halpert, M. S.; Gleason, K. L.; Menne, M. J.; Schnell, R. C.; Thiaw, W.; Wright, W. J.; Alexander, L.; Salinger, M. J.; Bell, G. D.; Higgins, R. W.; Stone, R. S.


    It is the twelfth year that the Climate Assessment has been written to summarize the state of the Earth's climate, and the second year that the National Climatic Data Center has taken the lead in its production. It is a cooperative effort that includes contributions from scientists around the country and the world. The long-running La Nina episode finally came to an end in 2001. The weak La Nina, which began in mid-1998 persisted through the first half of the year but gave way to neutral ENSO conditions for the latter half. Global temperatures in 2001 were 0.51C (0.92F) above the long-term (1880-2000) average, which places 2001 as the second warmest year on record. Land temperatures were 0.75C (1.35F) above average and ocean temperatures were 0.40C (0.72F) above the 1880-2000 mean. This ranks them as 2nd and 3rd warmest on record respectively. The Northern Hemisphere temperature continues to average near record levels in 2001 at 0.60C (1.08F) above the long-term average. The Southern Hemisphere also reflects the globally warmer conditions, with a positive anomaly of 0.43C (0.77F). Annual anomalies in excess of 1.0C (1.8F) were widespread across North America and much of Europe and the Middle East, while significantly cooler than average conditions were confined to Western Australia the Northeast and Northwest Pacific Ocean, and the far southeastern region of the Pacific, near coastal Chile. Although no hurricanes made landfall in the United States for the second consecutive year, it was nonetheless an extremely active Atlantic hurricane season, the fourth most active on record. Tropical Storm Allison became the costliest tropical storm on record when it caused around five billion US dollars worth of damage in southern and southeastern USA. The season was slow to start but quickly escalated in the last three months of the season and it was the first time in recorded history that three hurricanes have formed in the Atlantic in the month of November. Other notable

  1. La mortalidad por suicidios: México 1990-2001 Mortality from suicides: Mexico, 1990-2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esteban Puentes-Rosas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la mortalidad por suicidios en México en 2001, así como los principales cambios en los métodos de suicidio y en la estructura por edades y sexos que se han presentado desde 1990, tanto a escala nacional como por entidad federativa. MÉTODOS: Para este estudio descriptivo se utilizaron como fuentes de informaci��n los registros oficiales de mortalidad del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática para el período de 1990 a 2001. Para calcular las tasas de mortalidad se usaron las poblaciones estimadas por el Consejo Nacional de Población en 2002. Se describieron la mortalidad por sexo, por grupo de edad y por entidad federativa, así como los cambios observados en el período de 1990­ 2001 en las tasas y los métodos de suicidio. Para estandarizar las tasas se empleó el método directo, y como estándar se tomaron los datos de población del año 2000. Las comparaciones estadísticas de las tendencias según el grupo de edad y el sexo se llevaron a cabo mediante una prueba de paralelismo utilizando el estadígrafo F. El nivel de significación estadística de las diferencias en los métodos de suicidio se determinó mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado. RESULTADOS: Durante el año 2001 se registraron 3 784 suicidios (3 110 de ellos en hombres y 674 en mujeres, lo que representa una tasa de 3,72 muertes por suicidios por cada 100 000 habitantes, en una población total nacional de 101,8 millones de habitantes. Los estados con mayor mortalidad por suicidios fueron Campeche y Tabasco (9,68 y 8,47 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente. Las menores tasas se observaron en Chiapas y el Estado de México (1,03 y 1,99 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente. En 2001, la mortalidad por suicidios por 100 000 habitantes fue de 6,14 en hombres y de 1,32 en mujeres. El mayor incremento por grupo de edad se observó en las mujeres de 11­19 años (de 0,8 en 1990 a 2,27 por 100 000 personas en 2001. En los

  2. Steam Digest 2001: Office of Industrial Technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    None, None


    Steam Digest 2001 chronicles Best Practices Program's contributions to the industrial trade press for 2001, and presents articles that cover technical, financial and managerial aspects of steam optimization.

  3. LULI 2001 activity report; LULI rapport annuel 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathers the main results obtained by scientists from the LULI (laboratory for the use of intense lasers) unit in 2001. It is made up of 39 short articles and is organized into 6 topics: 1) laser-matter interaction, 2) hydrodynamics, shocks, equations of state, 3) atom physics, X-ray lasers, 4) material treatment, 5) progress in optics for power lasers, and 6) instrumentation.

  4. Annual report of JMTR, No.16. FY2001. April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    During the FY2001 (April 2001 to March 2002), the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) was operated in 5 operation cycles (113 days) for irradiation studies on the IASCC of the LWR materials, development of fusion blanket materials, radioisotope productions, and so on. The total number of capsules and hydraulic rabbits irradiated were 105 and 59, respectively. Technology development programs were conducted in the following fields. As concerning to the IASCC studies, an advanced water control system and saturation temperature capsules' were developed and installed in the JMTR, and the performance tests were carried out. Also a crack growth testing device for irradiated specimens was developed and installed in the hot laboratories. An efficient recycle process of {sup 6}Li was developed for the production of pebble type tritium breeder material, and the properties of beryllides were examined, both for the development of fusion reactor blanket. This report summarizes these activities performed in the department of JMTR during the FY2001. (author)

  5. Proyectos urbanos en mataderos: persistencias y rupturas en las propuestas sobre un barrio industrial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luján Menazzi


    Full Text Available Los planes y proyectos urbanos condensan miradas sobre la ciudad real y la ciudad deseada. Sugieren formas de intervenir y pensar la ciudad, refieren a modos de gestión y postulan ciertas transformaciones como deseables. Definen además, relaciones entre saberes y prácticas, entre lo público y lo privado y entre el estado y la sociedad. El presente trabajo se propone analizar una serie de proyecciones urbanas realizadas para el barrio de Mataderos, barrio industrial de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se trata de planes, ideas o proyectos, pensadas para el predio que quedaría luego del traslado del Mercado de Hacienda. Tomaré el concurso “Veinte ideas urbano-arquitectónicas para Buenos Aires” de 1986; el “Plan Urbano Ambiental” confeccionado entre 1997 y 2008; y el “Concurso Nacional de Ideas Urbanísticas del Área Sur” convocado en 2001. El eje de la reflexión será los posibles destinos que se ensayan para este sector de la ciudad y el perfil de ciudad que estos proyectos proponen. También se reflexionará acerca de los modos en que se propone operar sobre el barrio y los cambios en las modalidades de hacer y pensar la ciudad en contextos históricos, políticos y sociales diversos.

  6. Infections in British clinical laboratories, 1986-87.


    Grist, N R; Emslie, J A


    During 1986-87 this continuing survey showed 15 specific infections in the staff of 235 laboratories, representing 28,524 person years of exposure. The community was the probable source of four of the five cases of tuberculosis and one of the five cases of salmonellosis. Occupational exposure was the probable cause of four infections by Shigella flexneri, three by Salmonella typhimurium, and one by S typhi, all affecting medical laboratory scientific officers (MLSOs) in microbiology. Occupati...

  7. Progress report 1986-1987 Basic Research Department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A report is presented of the activities performed by the Basic Research Department of the Bariloche Atomic Center during the period 1986-1987. In this report, works on different subjects related to physics are grouped: atomic collisions, low temperatures, magnetic resonance, metals, neutrons and reactors and theoretical physics (computational, elementary particles, nuclear physics and solid states). In addition, Appendix I and II regarding the staff and visiting scientists, respectively, and publications and conferences are included [es

  8. Environmental monitoring at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: 1986 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holland, R.C.; Buddemeier, R.W.; Brekke, D.D.


    This report documents the results of the environmental monitoring program at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) for 1986. To evaluate the effect of LLNL operations on the local environment, measurements of direct radiation and a variety of radionuclides and chemical pollutants in ambient air, soil, surface water, groundwater, vegetation, milk, foodstuff, and sewage effluents were made at both the Livermore site and nearby Site 300. This report was prepared to meet the requirements of DOE Order 5484.1. Evaluations are made of LLNL's compliance with all applicable guides, standards, and limits for radiological and nonradiological releases to the environment. The data indicate that no releases in excess of the applicable standards were made during 1986, and that LLNL operations had no adverse environmental impact

  9. METROPOLIZACIÓN Y DESMETROPOLIZACIÓN: tendencias y cambios en el sistema urbano argentino (2001-2010

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Gómez Lende


    Full Text Available Originado en los nexos y relaciones entabladas entre las ciudades, y entre éstas y el campo, el sistema urbano aparece como un componente-clave del territorio, articulado en función de las necesidades modernas de producción y del intercambio geográficamente próximo. Si bien la urbanización conoció su fase de esplendor durante el auge del medio técnico y el centro de gravedad de la metamorfosis del espacio recientemente se ha desplazado hacia las áreas rurales -que son renovadas por la ciencia y la información con más rapidez y plasticidad (con menos rigidez y resistencia que las ciudades-, entender la economía de un país aún requiere aprehender el fenómeno urbano como un sistema. Es en las cidades donde las funciones de comando del territorio se concentran y superponen, donde la producción industrial, los servicios especializados y las finanzas prosperan, y desde donde operan los vectores articuladores de las economías regionales; así, las ciudades son puntos de intersección y superposición de verticalidades y horizontalidades, o sea, puentes entre lo global y lo local. En este trabajo, se aborda el estudio de la red urbana argentina durante el período 2001-2010, a nivel nacional y provincial, analizando los fenómenos de metropolización (metrópolis nacionales, secundarias y regionales y de desmetropolización (urbanización concentrada -ciudades medias- y aglomerada, para explicar las continuidades, rupturas, tendencias y cambios verificados en la evolución de los sistemas de ciudades.

  10. Aespoe HRL - Geoscientific evaluation 1997/1. Overview of site characterization 1986-1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanfors, R.; Erlstroem, M.; Markstroem, I.


    Geological investigations for the Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory in the region around Aespoe began in 1986. Aespoe was selected as the laboratory site in 1988 and construction of the underground facility started in october 1990. Construction of the laboratory was completed in the summer of 1995. This report gives a comprehensive compilation of the different investigations performed during the pre-investigation phase 1986-1990 and the excavation phase 1990-1995. The information is mainly compiled in CAD-generated maps, tables and illustrations in which the reader can gather information concerning the scope of work as well as references to more detailed reports for further study. 325 refs., 85 figs

  11. Factores de riesgo para infección respiratoria aguda baja grave en Bogotá, 2001.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Belén Jaimes


    Full Text Available La gravedad de la infección respiratoria aguda (IRA es mayor en países en desarrollo, sobre todo entre grupos social y económicamente pobres. Las neumonías virales son las más comunes, especialmente en niños. Con el fin de medir algunos factores asociados con formas graves de infección respiratoria baja realizamos un estudio de casos y controles prospectivo y de base hospitalaria en Bogotá entre noviembre de 2000 y agosto de 2001. Los casos fueron niños entre 2 meses y 5 años que llenaban los criterios de la OMS para IRA grave o muy grave. Los controles eran niños con IRA en el mismo rango de edad, que consultaban al mismo hospital y que no presentaban tirajes. Se estudiaron 638 niños entre los 2 meses y los 5 años de edad (277 casos y 361 controles. Los factores más importantes fueron: vivienda en préstamo (OR=2,7; IC95%: 1,06-7,07, compartir la cama (OR=1,88; IC95%: 1,0-3,7, más de 9 personas en la misma casa (OR=1,82; IC95%: 1,0-3,51 y fumadores en la vivienda (OR=1,4; IC95%: 1,0-2,05. Se tomaron 114 muestras nasofaríngeas (niños con 3 días de haber iniciado síntomas y se obtuvieron virus en 98 de ellas, y se identificó el virus sincitial respiratorio en 41,8%, virus influenza A en 3,1% y virus influenza B en 1%. El 100% de los aislamientos positivos para influenza A y B fueron enviados al CDC en Atlanta, donde fueron clasificados como influenza A/PANAMA/2007/99-like e influenza B/SICHUAN/379/99-like, respectivamente.

  12. Savannah River solid radioactive waste forecast, FY 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, S.D.


    The 1986 Solid Waste Forecast considers two types of waste: nonretrievable and retrievable (transuranic) waste. The effect of new facilities (DWPF, Naval Fuels, etc.) beginning operation coupled with plant-wide efforts to compact or reduce the volume of waste sent to 643-7G will tend to stabilize the solid waste generation rate over the forecast period (CY 1986--1995). Volume reduction by incineration and compaction, which is expected to increase during the forecast period, could reduce the volume of nonretrievable waste requiring burial by 50%. The volume of transuranic (TRU) waste generated each year is expected to increase to approximately 32,000 ft 3 /yr in 1987 and then decrease and stabilize at 17,000 ft 3 /yr TRU during the forecast period. A program is underway to process and dispose of all retrievably stored TRU waste and newly generated waste over approximately a 16-year period beginning in 1993. This program will reduce the amount of waste that must be shipped to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for permanent disposal and process that waste which is not certifiable for the WIPP. 9 figs., 7 tabs

  13. 2001 OE 84

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pravec, Petr; Kušnirák, Peter

    č. 7735 (2001), s. 1 ISSN 0081-0304 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/99/0255 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1003909 Keywords : asteroids * monoliths * photometry Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

  14. IFLA General Conference, 1986. Bibliographic Control Division. Section: Bibliography. Papers. (United States)

    International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague (Netherlands).

    Papers on bibliographic control presented at the 1986 International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference include: (1) "Bibliographic Interchange/Coordination in Southeast Asia (Huck Tee Lim, Malaysia); (2) "Project for 'Chinese National Bibliography' and Its Progress" (Huang Jungui, China); (3) "Subject…

  15. Annual environmental monitoring report of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schleimer, G.E.


    The Environmental Monitoring Program of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is described. Data for 1986 are presented and general trends are discussed. Topics include radiation monitoring, wastewater discharge monitoring, dose distribution estimates, and ground water monitoring. 9 refs., 8 figs., 20 tabs

  16. Evaluación del impacto de la Reforma Mexicana de salud 2001-2006: un informe inicial Assessing the effect of the 2001-06 Mexican health reform: an interim report card

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuela Gakidou


    Full Text Available A partir de 2001 se inicia en México un proceso de diseño, legislación e implementación de la Reforma Mexicana de Salud. Un componente clave de ésta fue la creación del Seguro Popular, que pretende extender la cobertura de aseguramiento médico por siete años a la población que no cuenta con seguridad social, la cual constituía en ese momento casi la mitad de la población total. La reforma incluyó cinco acciones: modificar la ley para garantizar el derecho a la protección a la salud para las familias afiliadas, lo cual al ser implantado completamente incrementará el gasto público en salud entre 0.8 y 1.0% del PIB; la creación de un paquete de servicios de salud explícito; la asignación de recursos a secretarías estatales de salud descentralizadas, proporcional al número de familias incorporadas; la división de los recursos federales destinados a los estados en fondos independientes para servicios de salud personales y no personales; así como la creación de un fondo para garantizar recursos cuando se presentan eventos catastróficos en salud. Mediante el uso del marco conceptual de los sistemas de salud de la OMS, se han examinado diversos conjuntos de datos para evaluar el impacto de esta reforma en distintas dimensiones del sistema de salud. Entre los principales hallazgos clave se encuentran que: la afiliación alcanza de manera preferente a las comunidades pobres y marginadas; el gasto federal no correspondiente a la seguridad social aumentó 38% de 2000 a 2005 en términos reales; ha mejorado la equidad del gasto público entre los estados; los afiliados al Seguro Popular presentan una mayor utilización de servicios, tanto a nivel ambulatorio como para pacientes externos y pacientes hospitalarios en comparación con los no asegurados; la cobertura efectiva de 11 intervenciones en salud ha mejorado entre 2000 y 2005; han disminuido las desigualdades en cobertura efectiva durante este periodo en todos los estados y

  17. The industrial energy consumption in 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Danish industrial energy consumption in 2001 is presented in tables. The tables include: the development in the energy consumption, the amount of employees in each of the main branches, fuel consumption, the fuel and energy consumption in 2001 based on each group of branches and energy category, and the emission of CO 2 . (LN)

  18. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008 Reproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, pReproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008. The second major nesting-site for green turtles in the Caribbean is Isla de Aves, an island protected as a wildlife refuge since 1972, located at 650km Northeast from La Guaira, Venezuela. In this island, the nesting population monitoring started in 1972 and in a more continuous way after 1978, when a Scientific-Naval Station was established and scientific observations started. Since historical data show that female captures had severely affected population levels in this island before 1978, this study aim to describe recent reproductive activities. For this, during the nesting seasons of 2001-2002 and 2005-2008, nesting females were measured and tagged using metal flipper tags. A total of 458 nights were sampled observing 5 154 female emergences, with a maximum of 53 in a single night. Non-observed emergences were calculated fitting the temporal distribution of observed emergences to a normal curve

  19. Year 2001 Tropical Cyclones of the World (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Year 2001 Tropical Cyclones of the World poster. During calendar year 2001, fifty tropical cyclones with sustained surface winds of at least 64 knots were observed...

  20. 2001 activity report; Rapport d'activite 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Managing radioactive waste for a better control in the future. The Quadrennial State/Andra contract, the double ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 140001 (environment) certification and three diversified missions: industry, research and information. Those are the highlights of the activity report where the reader will be able to learn more about the Agency's major achievements in 2001. An appendix contains the management report of the Agency.

  1. Qualidade da vinculação e modelo interno de funcionamento do Self, em crianças vítimas de queimaduras Calidad de la vinculación y modelo interno de funcionamiento del Self, en niños víctimas de quemaduras Quality of attachment and internal working model of Self in a group of child burn victims

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iara G. Silva


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar a relação entre o modelo interno de funcionamento do Self e a qualidade da vinculação num grupo de crianças vítimas de queimaduras. A amostra foi constituída por cinquenta crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 62 e os 95 meses. Utilizamos o Desenho Infantil da Família (Kaplan e Main, 1986 para avaliar a representação que a criança tem da qualidade da vinculação e Puppet Interview (Cassidy, 1988 para avaliar o modelo interno de funcionamento do Self. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de uma relação entre a qualidade da vinculação estabelecida entre a mãe e a criança e a organização do modelo interno de funcionamento do Self positivo. Neste sentido, concluímos que a qualidade da vinculação pode influenciar a forma como a criança se adapta a uma imagem corporal alterada, depois de ter sofrido um acidente por queimadura.El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre el modelo interno de funcionamiento del Self y la calidad del apego en un grupo de niños víctimas de quemaduras. La muestra fue constituida por cincuenta niños, con edades comprendidas entre 62 y 95 meses. Utilizamos el Dibujo Infantil de la Familia (Kaplan y Main, 1986, traducido por Veríssimo y Santos, 2001, para evaluar la representación que el niño tiene de la calidad del apego y Puppet Interview (Cassidy, 1988, para evaluar el modelo interno del funcionamiento del Self. Los resultados revelan la existencia de una relación entre la calidad del apego establecido entre madre e hijo y la organización del modelo interno del funcionamiento del Self positivo. En este sentido, podemos concluir que la calidad del apego puede influir en el modo como el niño se adapta a una imagen corporal modificada, tras haber sufrido un accidente por quemadura.The aims of the present study are to analyse the relationship between quality of attachment to mother and internal models of the self in

  2. Endostatin (EntreMed). (United States)

    Grosios, K


    EntreMed has licensed the worldwide rights to the angiogenesis inhibitor Endostatin, a 20 kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, from the Children's Hospital of Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. It is being developed as a potential cancer treatment and may also be useful in certain types of blindness and arthritis [227427]. EntreMed filed an IND for Endostatin in June 1999 [334125] and as of September 1999, phase I trials were underway [341462]. As of April 2000, the company had initiated plans for testing low doses of Endostatin in cancer patients using continuous infusion and sc administration in a further phase I study to be conducted in Europe [361594]. A phase I trial of Endostatin which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Endostatin at a range of doses in no more than 100 cancer patients has been initiated. The trial will take place at the University of Texas MD Anderson Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Madison. The National Cancer Center will be sponsoring the trial, which is expected to be completed in late 2000. As of March 2000, there had been no serious adverse events attributable to Endostatin administration. The first report from this trial is expected in autumn 2000 [341462], [366312]. The mechanism of action for Endostatin remains unclear, although reports from the 91st AACR Meeting in April 2000 showed that recombinant human endostatin bound to a number of tropomyosin cDNAs in a library screen [362039]. In preclinical studies, repeated administration of Endostatin consistently shrank primary tumors and did not produce any drug resistance. In mice, a variety of tumors which had progressed to 1 to 2% of total body weight, regressed to microscopic, dormant lesions following Endostatin treatment [231418], [231470], [270673]. Types of cancers which respond to Endostatin include lung, skin, vascular and fibrosarcomas. Toxicology studies in cynomolgus monkeys showed that bolus injections of

  3. Radioactive fallout in air and rain: results for 1985 and 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cambray, R.S.; Playford, K.; Lewis, G.N.J.; Burton, P.J.


    Samples of atmospheric particulate and rainwater have been collected from the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Results are presented of analyses of these samples for various fission products and certain other radionuclides. The average concentrations of long-lived fission products in air and rain in the United Kingdom in 1985 were near to or below the limit of detection and lower than at any time since measurements began in 1953. The Chernobyl accident of 26 April 1986 produced a sharp increase in the concentrations of caesium-137 in air and rain in the northern hemisphere. Levels of Cs-137 in some parts of the United Kingdom were greater than any previously recorded. Plutonium concentrations in air and rainwater were a very small fraction of the NRPB's Generalised Derived Limit for members of the public. There was negligible contribution from the Chernobyl accident. Strontium-90 deposited in the United Kingdom in 1985 was below the limit of detection. The deposits in 1986 were generally about 2% of that from Cs-137. The estimated cumulative worldwide deposit of Cs-137 at the end of 1986 is about 10% greater than at the end of 1985. This increase is attributable to the Chernobyl accident. The gamma and beta-ray dose rates from fallout at Chilton are estimated from the observed deposition. (author)

  4. Interim report on fallout situation in Finland from April 26 to May 4 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As known, a reactor unit of type RBMK 1000 ignited on April 26, 1986, approximately at 5 am Finnish time in the reactor site in Chernobyl, some 130 kilometers from the city of Kiev in the USSR. The Soviet authorities gave an official announcement saying that the reactor fire had ended on May 5 and the reaction had stopped. This report presents results from external radiation measurements and analysis of environmental samples in Finland from April 26 to May 4, 1986. (L.K)

  5. La mortalidad por suicidios: México 1990-2001 Mortality from suicides: Mexico, 1990-2001


    Esteban Puentes-Rosas; Leopoldo López-Nieto; Tania Martínez-Monroy


    OBJETIVO: Describir la mortalidad por suicidios en México en 2001, así como los principales cambios en los métodos de suicidio y en la estructura por edades y sexos que se han presentado desde 1990, tanto a escala nacional como por entidad federativa. MÉTODOS: Para este estudio descriptivo se utilizaron como fuentes de informaci��n los registros oficiales de mortalidad del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática para el período de 1990 a 2001. Para calcular las tasas de mor...

  6. EFFE 2001 konverents Tallinnas / Tiiu Kuurme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuurme, Tiiu, 1953-


    24.- 27. maini 2001 toimub Tallinnas EFFE 2001 (European Forum for Freedom in Education) konverents "Haridus tänases kodanikuühiskonnas". Konverentsi korraldavad Sirje Priimägi ja Tiiu Kuurme. Arutatakse lapse, lapsevanema, õpetaja ja kooli vabaduse teemat. European Forum for Freedom in Education ehk EFFE on üleeuroopaline organisatsioon, mis ühendab alternatiivpedagoogiliste ja humanistlike liikumiste esindajaid

  7. Nuclear reactor and materials science research: Technical report, May 1, 1985-September 30, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Throughout the 17-month period of its grant, May 1, 1985-September 30, 1986, the MIT Research Reactor (MITR-II) was operated in support of research and academic programs in the physical and life sciences and in related engineering fields. The reactor was operated 4115 hours during FY 1986 and for 6080 hours during the entire 17-month period, an average of 82 hours per week. Utilization of the reactor during that period may be classified as follows: neutron beam tube research; nuclear materials research and development; radiochemistry and trace analysis; nuclear medicine; radiation health physics; computer control of reactors; dose reduction in nuclear power reactors; reactor irradiations and services for groups outside MIT; MIT Research Reactor. Data on the above utilization for FY 1986 show that the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL) engaged in joint activities with nine academic departments and interdepartmental laboratories at MIT, the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, and 22 other universities and nonprofit research institutions, such as teaching hospitals

  8. International Laboratory of Marine Radioactivity: Biennial report 1985-1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A review of the scientific activities of the ILMR in 1985-1986 is presented. The scientific programs of the Radiobiology Laboratory, Radiochemistry-Geochemistry Laboratory and Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory are briefly described. In addition lists of the visiting consultants/experts, trainees/fellows, publications/meetings, Committee/Expert group membership, courses and research/technical contracts are given

  9. Nuclear safety review for the year 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2001 reports on worldwide efforts to strengthen nuclear and radiation safety, including radioactive waste safety. It is in three parts. Part 1 describes those events in 2001 that have, or may have, significance for nuclear, radiation and waste safety worldwide. It includes developments such as new initiatives in international cooperation, events of safety significance and events that may be indicative of trends in safety. Part 2 describes some of the IAEA's efforts to strengthen international co-operation in nuclear, radiation and waste safety during 2001. It covers legally binding international agreements, non-binding safety standards, and provisions for the application of safety standards. This is done in a very brief manner, because these issues are addressed in more detail in the Agency's Annual Report for 2001. Part 3 presents a brief look ahead to some issues that are likely to be prominent in the coming year(s). The topics covered were selected by the IAEA Secretariat on the basis of trends observed in recent years, account being taken of planned or expected future developments. A draft of the Nuclear Safety Review for the Year 2001 was presented to the March 2002 session of IAEA's Board of Governors. This final version has been prepared taking account of the discussion in the Board. In some places, information has been added to describe developments early in 2002 that were considered pertinent to the discussion of events during 2001

  10. Radioactivity of game meat in Finland after the Chernobyl accident in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rantavaara, A.; Hyvoenen, T.


    Radioactive substances in game meat were studied in summer and early autumn 1986 by the Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety in cooperation with the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute. The concentrations of radioactive cesium and other gamma-emitting nuclides were determined on meat of moose and other cervids and also on small game in various parts of the country before or in the beginning of the hunting season. The most important radionuclides found in the samples were 134 Cs and 137 Cs. In addition to these, 131 I was detected in the first moose meat samples in the spring. None of them was significant as far as the dietary intake of radionuclides is concerned. The transfer of fallout radiocesium to game meat was most efficient in the case of the arctic hare and inland waterfowl; terrestrial game birds and the brown hare belonged to the same category as moose. In 1986 the mean dietary intake via game meat was for 131 Cs 47 Bq per person and for 137 Cs 106 Bq per person. In 1987 the corresponding values were 69 Bq per person for 134 Cs and 180 Bq per person for 137 Cs. The contribution of cervids to the total dietary intake of radiocesium via game meat was 3/4, which was slightly less than their contribution to the annual game bag. On the basis of the preliminary results of this study it was concluded in autumn 1986 that there was no need to restrict hunting in the year 1986/1987. The radiocesium found in the meat of terrestrial game animals did not necessitate any recommendations on their use. As regards the meat of waterfowl caught in the main inland fallout area, it was recommended not to eat more than 20 kg per person

  11. Savannah River Site. Environmental report for 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arnett, Margaret W. [Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River Site. ed; Mamatey, Albert R. [Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC (United States). Savannah River Site. ed


    The goal of the Savannah River Site (SRS)—and that of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)—is positive environmental stewardship and full regulatory compliance, with zero violations. The site’s employees maintained progress toward achievement of this goal in 2001, as demonstrated by examples in this chapter. The site’s compliance efforts were near-perfect again in 2001. No notices of violation (NOVs) were issued in 2001 under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), or the Clean Water Act (CWA). Two NOVs were issued to SRS during 2001—one, associated with permit requirement compliance, was issued under the Clean Air Act (CAA); the other, related to an oil release, was issued under the South Carolina Pollution Control Act. Under the CWA, the site’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance rate was 99.6 percent. Also, 274 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews of newly proposed actions were conducted and formally documented in 2001, and only one of the year’s 799 Site Item Reportability and Issues Management (SIRIM) program-reportable events was categorized as environmental; it was classified as an off-normal event.

  12. Dissolved inorganic carbon, pH, alkalinity, temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from the LANCE in the Barents Sea from 1986-07-19 to 1986-07-26 (NODC Accession 0113910) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — NODC Accession 0113910 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from LANCE in the Barents Sea from 1986-07-19 to 1986-07-26 and...

  13. International labour migration in Nigeria 1976-1986: employment, nationality and ethnicity. (United States)

    Swindell, K


    International migration trends associated with the oil boom and bust that occurred in Nigeria between 1976 and 1986 are analyzed. "Large numbers came from Ghana..., [and] Niger, Chad and Togo, whose countries were suffering from a mixture of drought, political instability and stagnant economies. The resultant labour market became segmented according to job skills, nationality and ethnicity...." The decline in the oil industry led to the expulsion of some two million aliens between 1983 and 1986, causing considerable friction between Nigeria and its neighbors. The author concludes that "the rise and fall of migrant labour in Nigeria and the political situation within the country were embedded in the changing regional political economy of West Africa and its linkages to the larger world capitalist economy." (SUMMARY IN GER) excerpt

  14. Industry and the environment: Chief executive officer attitudes, 1976 and 1986 (United States)

    Bowman, James S.; Davis, Charles


    This research considers the question of changing environmental values within the leadership of firms responsible for the management of pollution as an unwanted byproduct. Information was obtained from a pair of surveys mailed to the chief executive officers (CEOs) of the 50 largest firms listed within the mining and manufacturing directories of Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming in 1976 and again in 1986. The authors found that industry CEOs were more supportive of environmental concerns in 1986 than 1976, suggesting that ecological values have become institutionalized to some extent. Yet, there is little indication that this attitudinal shift in environmental concern among CEOs has been accompanied by a willingness to spend a larger proportion of the company budget on pollution control or to improve working relationships with federal regulatory officials.

  15. Annual report and balance 2001; Memoria y balance 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A summary of the research, development, services and production activities of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina is given as well as details of management resources together with the evolution of the budget. The activities of the CNEA related companies during 2001 are also outlined. A special mention is made of the activities of the three CNEA educational and training institutes.

  16. 1986 CERN School of Computing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verkerk, C.


    These proceedings contain written versions of lectures delivered at the 1986 CERN School of Computing. Two lecture series treated trends in computer architecture and architectural requirements for high-energy physics. Three other courses concentrated on object-oriented programming, on objects in Ada, and on modularization and re-usability. Expert systems, their applications, and knowledge engineering for graphics were treated by three lectures. The programme of the School covered, in addition, practical aspects of networks, buses for high-energy physics, the design of data-acquisition systems, and examples of on-line systems for particle physics experiments. Optical storage methods, software for distributed systems, symbolic formula manipulation, and solid modelling and rendering were also covered. Experience with transputers was the subject of an unscheduled presentation. (orig.)

  17. VEW AG - annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    VEW electricity supplies to customers in the Land Westphalia have been going back in 1986 by 1.3 p.c. to 24 thousand millions kWh. This figure must be corrected, however, by taking into account the in-house electricity generation of former VEW customers in the chemicals industry, so that electricity supplies actually have slightly risen. Gas supplies for the first time have not been rising but stayed at the high last-year level of 26.7 thousand million kWh. Energy consumption all in all has been almost the same as last year, despite economic growth and the sharp dip in prices on the fuel markets, which clearly indicates an energy-conserving behaviour of consumers. (orig./HSCH) [de

  18. Reference document 2001. A (AREVA) for.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reference document 2001, on the group Areva, provides data and information on the Areva emerges, overview of operations, sustainable development policy, research and development programs, nuclear power activities (front-end, reactors and services back-end divisions), components (connectors division and STMicroelectronics, human resources, share data and financial information (financial report 2001, financial report first-half 2002). (A.L.B.)

  19. Annual Statistical Supplement, 2001 (United States)

    Social Security Administration — The Annual Statistical Supplement, 2001 includes the most comprehensive data available on the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs. More than...

  20. The Indigenous World, 2001-2002 = El Mundo Indigena, 2001-2002. (United States)

    Vinding, Diana, Ed.; Wessendorff, Kathrin, Ed.; Parellada, Alejandro, Ed.; Erni, Christian, Ed.; Jensen, Marianne, Ed.; Garcia-Alix, Lola, Ed.

    This document contains the English and Spanish texts of an annual publication which examines political, social, environmental, and educational issues concerning indigenous peoples around the world in 2001-02. Part 1 describes current situations and events in 11 world regions: the Arctic; North America; Mexico and Central America; South America;…

  1. Análise da frequência e da intensidade das chuvas em Ponta Grossa, Estado do Paraná, no período entre 1954 E 2001 - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i1.6957

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maysa de Lima Leite


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar uma avaliação da frequência e da intensidade da precipitação pluvial em Ponta Grossa, Estado do Paraná, no período de 1954 a 2001, utilizando técnicas estatísticas de análise exploratória de dados com o auxílio dos softwares Microsoft Office Excel e Microcal Origin. A média dos totais anuais de precipitação para a série analisada foi de 1.546,2 mm, revelando tendência a aumentar com o passar dos anos. O mês com maior total médio de precipitação foi janeiro com o mês de agosto sendo o de menor total médio. Para todos os meses do ano foi observada assimetria positiva na distribuição de frequência dos dados, e nos meses mais secos essa tendência se mostrou mais acentuada. Em relação à intensidade de precipitação acumulada diariamente, os totais foram classificados como chuvisco, chuva fraca, chuva moderada, chuva forte e chuva extrema. O intervalo de precipitação predominante para a maioria dos meses foi o de chuva fraca, entre 2,5 e 10,0 mm.

  2. Associação entre incidência de dengue e variáveis climáticas Association between dengue incidence and climatic factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andressa F Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a ocorrência de casos de dengue autóctone segundo sexo, faixa etária e local provável de infecção e sua relação com variáveis climatológicas. MÉTODOS: Os registros de casos autóctones em São Sebastião, SP, de 2001 a 2002, e confirmados laboratorialmente foram estudados. A densidade larval foi verificada pelos índices de predial, recipientes e Breteau. A relação entre dados de pluviosidade, temperatura e número de casos foi analisada pela correlação de Spearman utilizando-se o conceito time-lag. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de incidência anuais para 2001 e 2002 foram de 80,31 e 211,1 por 10.000 habitantes, respectivamente. A maioria dos casos de dengue (n=1.091; 65% foi registrada na área central do município. O sexo feminino foi o mais acometido (n=969; 60% e ambos os sexos nas faixas etárias entre 20 e 29 e 30 e 39 anos. Não foi observada correlação entre variáveis climatológicas e número de casos do mesmo mês, entretanto, esta associação ocorre a partir do segundo mês estendendo-se até o quarto mês. CONCLUSÕES: A associação entre o número de casos de dengue e fatores abióticos identificou o intervalo de tempo em que a chuva e a temperatura contribuíram na geração de novos casos. Tais aspectos, associados à vulnerabilidade turística da região litorânea, propiciaram condições para ocorrência da doença. A urbanização sem a devida estrutura de saneamento possivelmente influenciou na densidade de mosquitos e na incidência de dengue. Esses fatores podem ter contribuído para a dispersão do mosquito e disseminação dos vários sorotipos da doença.OBJECTIVE: To describe the occurrence of autochthonous dengue cases according to sex, age, suspected infection site and its relation with climatic variables. METHODS: Autochthonous dengue cases reported in São Sebastião, Southern Brazil, from 2001 to 2002 and confirmed in laboratory were studied. Larval density was verified by

  3. IHEP 2001 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    IHEP's focal points of research encompass high energy physics experiment and theory, cosmic ray and high energy astrophysics, theory of nuclear physics, nuclear detector and nuclear electronics, accelerator physics and technology, synchrotron radiation technology and application, nuclear analytical technique and application, free electron laser, computer and network application, radiation projection, etc. In 2001, IHEP further compacted its scientific goal by defining three key fields of high energy physics, research and development of advanced accelerator technologies, and advanced synchrotron radiation technologies and applications, as well as 10 relevant major research orientations. The plentiful results on scientific research, operation and upgrading of BEPC/BES/BSRF and other branches of work in 2001 are given in this annual report

  4. Activities of the Entomology Unit. Report No. 2, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This semi-annual report describes the activities carried out by the staff of the Entomology Unit at the Agency's Laboratories, Seibersdorf, between 1 July and 31 December 1986. This report includes preliminary results of research not sufficiently complete to justify general release. Such findings, when adequately confirmed, will be released through established channels. Figs and tabs

  5. Chernobyl radioactivity in grain produced in Greece in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominici, G.; Malvicini, A.; Panetsos, F.


    The Chernobyl radioactive cloud reached Greece in the first days of May 1986. During this period, the gain was in maximum growth; therefore, in absorbing the radionuclides it has become an excellent indicator of the deposited radioactivity. Measurements carried out in grain samples which were obtained from Greece are reported and some conclusions regarding population doses are presented

  6. School and University in Soviet Cinema of "Perestroika" (1986-1991) (United States)

    Fedorov, Alexander; Levitskaya, Anastasia; Gorbatkova, Olga; Mamadaliev, Anvar


    Films of the "perestroika" period (1986-1991) related to school/university theme showed that: - the educational / upbringing process has lost the previous strict storylines and in many respects has lost its communist landmarks;--both school and university have acute problem areas (crisis, disappointment and fatigue, professional…

  7. IFLA General Conference, 1986. Bibliographic Control Division. Section: Cataloguing. Papers. (United States)

    International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague (Netherlands).

    Papers on cataloging which were presented at the 1986 International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference include: (1) "Cataloging of Government Documents in the Age of Automation" (Chong Y. Yoon, United States), which discusses the use of MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) formats to integrate government documents into…


    CERN Multimedia

    Human Resources Division


    1. General Following the recent Council decision that 1 September 2001 will be the date of entry into force of the new Career Structure conditions, the 2001 annual advancement exercise will be conducted on the same basis as in previous years. The practical details of the implementation of the new Career Structure conditions from 1 September 2001 and for future annual advancement exercises are presently subject to concertation between the Management and the Staff Association and will be communicated to the staff in due course. In the meantime, therefore, this year's exercise will take place within the present Staff Rules and Regulations, and following the procedures of the present Administrative Circular No. 26 (rev. 2). The effective date of decisions will be 1 July 2001. The Guidelines will be as described last year in CERN Bulletin 10/2000, of which the main aspects are summarised below. 2. Advancement guidelines The budget allocation for advancement in 2001 as a percentage of the basic salary cost is the s...

  9. Proceedings of the 2001 ASCUE Summer Conference (34th, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, June 10-14, 2001). (United States)

    Smith, Peter, Ed.

    This 2001 Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE) conference proceedings briefly describes ASCUE and its listserver, lists the 2000-2001 ASCUE Board Members, and provides abstracts of the pre-conference workshops. The conference papers and abstracts of papers that follow include: "Microsoft Project 2000--Keeping Projects on Time…

  10. People and things. CERN Courier, Mar 1986, v. 26(2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The article reports on achievements of various people, staff changes and position opportunities within the CERN organization and contains news updates on upcoming or past events. The second Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics will be held from 26-31 May at Lake Louise, Canada. An international workshop on Constraint Theory and Relativistic Mechanics will be held in the Physics Department of the University of Florence from 28-30 May. A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Super Field Theories will be held from 25 July to 6 August at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. The 1986 CERN School of Physics will be held from 8-21 June at Sandhamn, an island east of Stockholm, and organized in collaboration with the University of Stockholm. The 1986 CERN School of Computing, organized this year in collaboration with NIKHEF-H, Amsterdam, and Nijmegen, will be held from 31 August to 13 September at Renesse, Netherlands

  11. People and things. CERN Courier, Mar 1986, v. 26(2)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The article reports on achievements of various people, staff changes and position opportunities within the CERN organization and contains news updates on upcoming or past events. The second Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics will be held from 26-31 May at Lake Louise, Canada. An international workshop on Constraint Theory and Relativistic Mechanics will be held in the Physics Department of the University of Florence from 28-30 May. A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Super Field Theories will be held from 25 July to 6 August at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. The 1986 CERN School of Physics will be held from 8-21 June at Sandhamn, an island east of Stockholm, and organized in collaboration with the University of Stockholm. The 1986 CERN School of Computing, organized this year in collaboration with NIKHEF-H, Amsterdam, and Nijmegen, will be held from 31 August to 13 September at Renesse, Netherlands.

  12. Swiss energy statistics 2001; Schweizerische Gesamtenergiestatistik 2001/Statistique globale suisse de l'energie 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This comprehensive report presents the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's statistics on energy production and consumption in Switzerland in 2001. Facts and figures are presented in tables and diagrams. First of all, a general overview of Swiss energy consumption is presented that includes details on the shares taken by the various energy carriers involved and their development during the period reviewed. The article also includes graphical representations of energy usage in various sectors such as households, trade and industry, transport and the services sector. Also, economic data on energy consumption is presented. A second chapter takes a look at energy flows from producers to consumers and presents an energy balance for Switzerland in the form of tables and an energy-flow diagram. The individual energy sources and the import, export and storage of energy carriers are discussed as is the conversion between various forms and categories of energy. Details on the consumption of energy, its growth over the years up to 2001 and energy use in various sectors are presented. Finally, the Swiss energy balance with reference to the use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy, biomass, wastes and ambient heat is discussed and figures are presented on the contribution of renewables to heating and the generation of electrical power.

  13. YouthCaN 2001 / Sirje Janikson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Janikson, Sirje


    Aprillis 2001 toimus keskkonnateemaline õpilaskonverents YouthCaN 2001 Ameerika Loodusajaloo Muuseumis New Yorkìs. 35 seminarist ühe viis läbi Tartu Noorte Loodusmaja geoloogia ja keskkonnaringi esindus, tutvustati loodusmaja keskkonnaprojekte ja räägiti keskkonnaalaste veebilehtede koostamise kogemustest. YouthCaN (Youth Communicating and Networking) on rahvusvaheline noorte organisatsioon, mis vahendab kogemusi ja uusi ideid elukeskkonnast huvitatud noorte hulgas

  14. International nuclear power status 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, B.; Majborn, B.; Nonboel, E.; Oelgaard, P.L.


    This report is the eighth in a series of annual reports on the international development of nuclear power with special emphasis on reactor safety. For 2001, the report contains: 1) General trends in the development of nuclear power; 2) Nuclear terrorism; 3) Statistical information on nuclear power production (in 2000); 4) An overview of safety-relevant incidents in 2001; 5) The development in West Europe; 6) The development in East Europe; 7) The development in the rest of the world; 8) Development of reactor types; 9) The nuclear fuel cycle; 10) International nuclear organisations. (au)

  15. Activity report 2001; Rapport annuel d'activite 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The DED, Department of the Wastes Studies, part of the Direction of the Nuclear Energy of the CEA, regroups knowledge in the domain of the chemistry, the biochemistry, the process measures and simulation engineering applied to the radioactive wastes management. This annual report presents for the year 2001 the missions, the organization, the scientific collaborations, the research programs and the publications of the Department. (A.L.B.)

  16. Perfis de mortalidade neonatal precoce: um estudo para uma Maternidade Pública de Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001-2006 Profiles of early neonatal deaths: a study for a Public Maternity Hospital of Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001 - 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heloísa Maria de Assis


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo seccional, com base em dados secundários, com o objetivo de traçar o perfil dos óbitos neonatais precoces ocorridos em uma Maternidade Pública de referência no Estado de Minas Gerais (Maternidade Odete Valadares, Belo Horizonte, no período de 2001 a 2006. Foram utilizadas variáveis relacionadas ao recém-nascido (período de ocorrência do óbito, idade ao óbito, sexo, idade gestacional e peso ao nascer, à mãe (tipo de gravidez, tipo de parto, idade, parturição e número de nascidos mortos, bem como causas múltiplas de mortalidade categorizadas. Obtiveram-se três perfis de óbitos neonatais precoces por meio do método Grade of Membership, que possibilitou também encontrar a prevalência destes perfis. O Perfil 1 foi caracterizado por óbitos de difícil redução e teve prevalência de 41,4%; o Perfil 2, pelos óbitos passíveis de redução (prevalência de 28,3%; e o Perfil 3, pelos óbitos redutíveis (prevalência de 30,4%. Estes perfis possibilitaram a compreensão da mortalidade neonatal precoce na Maternidade Odete Valadares e a análise da sua relação com a história reprodutiva e obstétrica materna, bem como com as condições do recém-nascido. Chama a atenção a elevada prevalência de óbitos evitáveis, realidade que deve ser enfrentada pelos profissionais e pela rede pública de saúde.This is a cross-sectional study with the aim of describing the early neonatal deaths that took place at a Public Maternity Hospital, Maternidade Odete Valadares in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. It used variables related to the newborn (period the death took place, age at death, gender, gestational age, and birth weight, to the mother (type of pregnancy, type of delivery, age, parity, and number of stillborn children, and to the multiple causes of death. Three profiles of early neonatal death were obtained through the Grade of Membership method (GoM, which also made it possible to find

  17. Inflation in the Universe, circa 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, M.S.; Chicago Univ., IL


    The status of the 'Inflationary Paradigm', Circa 1986 is reviewed. At present essentially all inflationary models involve a very weakly-coupled scalar field which is displaced from the minimum of its potential. Regions of the Universe where the scalar field is initially displaced from its minimum undergo inflation as the scalar field relaxes, resulting in a Universe today which resembles ours in regions much larger than our present Hubble volume (≅ 10 28 cm), but which on very largescales (>> 10 28 cm) may be highly irregular. Some other unresolved issues facing inflation, including the confrontation between the predictions of inflation and observational data, are also reviewed. (author) 113 refs.; 4 figs

  18. A stalled revolution? Gender role attitudes in Australia, 1986-2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Egmond, M.; Baxter, J.; Buchler, S.; Western, M.


    This paper examines trends over time in attitudes to gender equality in Australia. We use data from repeated cross-sectional surveys in Australia to investigate trends in beliefs about men's and women's work and family roles between 1986 and 2005. We find that men are consistently more conservative

  19. Environment, 1986-1997. International Atomic Energy Agency publications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This catalogue lists all sales publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency dealing with Environment and issued during the period of 1986-1997. Some earlier titles which form part of an established series or are still considered of importance have been included. Most publications are in English. Proceedings of conferences, symposia and panels of experts may contain papers in languages other than English, but all of these papers have abstracts in English

  20. Fusion reactor design and technology 1986. V. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The first volume of the Proceedings of the Fourth Technical Committee Meeting and Workshop on Fusion Reactor Design and Technology organized by the IAEA (Yalta, 26 May - 6 June 1986) includes 36 papers devoted to the following topics: fusion programmes (3 papers), tokamaks (15 papers), non-tokamak reactors and open systems (9 papers), inertial confinement concepts (5 papers), fission-fusion hybrids (4 papers). Each of these papers has a separate abstract. Refs, figs and tabs

  1. Redução das internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Brasil entre 1998-2009 Reducción de las internaciones por condiciones susceptibles a atención primaria en Brasil entre 1998-2009 Reduction of ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Brazil between 1998 and 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Fernando Boing


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência de hospitalizações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária entre 1998 e 2009 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados secundários referentes às internações hospitalares por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Sistema Único de Saúde. Os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares. As taxas de internações por 10.000 habitantes foram padronizadas por faixa etária e sexo, considerando a população brasileira masculina recenseada em 2000 como padrão. A análise de tendência da série histórica foi realizada por regressão linear generalizada pelo método de Prais-Winsten. RESULTADOS: Houve redução média anual de internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária de 3,7% entre homens (IC95% -2,3;-5,1 e mulheres (IC95% -2,5;-5,6 entre 1998 e 2009. A tendência variou em cada unidade federativa, porém em nenhuma houve aumento das internações. No sexo masculino e feminino as maiores reduções foram observadas nas internações por úlceras gastrintestinais (-11,7% ao ano e -12,1%, respectivamente, condições evitáveis (-8,8% e -8,9% e doenças das vias aéreas inferiores (-8,0% e -8,1%. Angina (homens, infecção no rim e trato urinário (homens e mulheres e condições relacionadas ao pré-natal e parto (mulheres apresentaram aumento nas internações. Os três grupos de doenças que mais ocasionaram internações foram gastrenterites infecciosas e complicações, internações por insuficiência cardíaca e asma. CONCLUSÕES: Houve redução substancial nas internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Brasil entre 1998 e 2009, porém algumas doenças apresentaram estabilidade ou acréscimo, exigindo atenção do setor saúde.OBJETIVO: Describir la tendencia de hospitalizaciones por condiciones susceptibles a atención primaria entre 1998 y 2009 en Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudio ecológico de series

  2. 32 CFR 2001.11 - Original classification authority. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 6 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Original classification authority. 2001.11... Classification § 2001.11 Original classification authority. (a) General. Agencies shall establish a training program for original classifiers in accordance with subpart G of this part. (b) Requests for original...

  3. A compilation of reports of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards: 1986 annual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation contains 58 ACRS reports submitted to the Commission or to the Executive Director for Operations during calendar year 1986. All reports have been made available to the public through the NRC Public Document Room and the US Library of Congress. No classified or other controlled information was prepared in 1986. The reports are divided into two groups: Part 1: ACRS Reports on Project Reviews, and Part 2: ACRS Reports on Generic Subjects. Part 1 contains ACRS reports alphabetized by project name and within project name by chronological order. Part 2 categorizes the reports by the most appropriate generic subject area and within subject area by chronological order

  4. Scientific Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual scientific report gives an overview of the R and D activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2001. The report discusses progress and main achievements in four principal areas: Radiation Protection, Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety and the BR2 Reactor

  5. Scientific Report 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual scientific report gives an overview of the R and D activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2001. The report discusses progress and main achievements in four principal areas: Radiation Protection, Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety and the BR2 Reactor.

  6. The radiological research accelerator facility: Progress report for the period December 1, 1986-November 30, 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Experiments performed at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility (RARAF) during the period of July 1986 through April 1987 are listed, as well as experiments run prior to that period and expected to eventually resume. The experiments run since July 1, 1986 or expected to run before November 30, 1987 are briefly described. Accelerator use and operation is summarized, as well as facilities development and activities of the Scientific Advisory Committee

  7. Development and demonstration of indoor radon-reduction measures for 10 homes in Clinton, New Jersey. Final report, April 1986-January 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaels, L.D.; Brennan, T.; Viner, A.S.; Mattes, A.; Turner, W.


    This report discusses the development and demonstration of indoor radon reduction methods for 10 houses in Clinton, New Jersey, where (in the spring of 1986) the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) located a cluster of houses with extremely high radon levels. The work was to be completed before the 1986-87 winter heating season began. The demonstration houses were selected from 56 in the Clinton Knolls subdivision. All of these houses had shown radon concentrations in excess of 64 pCi/1 when monitored in the spring of 1986. Each house was inspected, and 10 representative houses were selected for the radon-reduction demonstration project. Following intensive diagnostic work and monitoring in each house, house-specific radon-reduction plans were developed. With the agreement of the homeowners, radon-reduction systems were installed during the summer of 1986. All 10 of the houses had radon concentrations reduced significantly by the fall of 1986. The average cost of radon reduction was $3127

  8. JAERI tandem annual report 2001. April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takeuchi, Suehiro; Ikezoe, Hiroshi; Chiba, Satoshi; Nagame, Yuichiro; Sataka, Masao; Iwamoto, Akira (eds.) [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    This annual report describes research activities which have been performed with the JAERI tandem accelerator and the Van de Graaff accelerator from April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. Summary reports of 48 papers, and lists of publication, personnel and cooperative research with universities are contained. (author)

  9. Mortaliteten hos multitraumatiserede trafiktilskadekomne. Deskriptiv undersøgelse 1986-1990

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, M S; Jørgensen, H R


    In the period 1986-1990, 16,307 patients were injured in road traffic accidents in the city of Odense, Denmark. 251 had multiple injuries according to the definition: AIS > or = 3 in at least two body regions. Overall mortality was 41%, while the mortality in hospital was 20%. 19 patients died...

  10. JAERI Tandem, LINAC and V.D.G. annual report 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report describes research activities which have been performed with the JAERI tandem accelerator, the electron linear accelerator and the Van de Graaff accelerator from April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987. Summary reports of 55 papers, and list of publications, personnel and cooperative researches with universities are contained. (author)

  11. NLCD 2001 - Tree Canopy (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — The National Land Cover Database 2001 tree canopy layer for Minnesota (mapping zones 39-42, 50-51) was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the...

  12. Environmental report 2001 - Verbund Austria Power Grid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A balance of the environmental activities performed by Verbund Austria Power Grid during 2001 is presented. It comprises which measures were taken to reach their environmental objectives: certification of an environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and EMAS, environmental protection, policies, water and thermoelectric power generation status ( CO 2 , SO 2 , NO x emission monitoring, energy efficiency, replacement of old equipment), reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions and nature conservation. The report is divided in 8 sections: power grid, environmental policy, environmental management, power grid layout, environmental status of the system, introduction of new technologies for environmental monitoring, environmental objectives 2001 - 2002, and data and facts 2001. (nevyjel)

  13. The political-economic transition and the building of the welfare state in Spain (1975-1986

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente


    Full Text Available This article analyses the economic policy in Spain during the govern- ments of the Spanish political transition from 1975 to 1986. It considers the different areas of economic policy with special emphasis on the development of welfare state issues in this period. Taking into account the difficult economic and political situation in 1975, there were some important advances in social policy and progressive taxation during the period. The transition to democracy in Spain changed the role and size of the public sector above all from 1975 to 1986. The social demands over the political system were possible improvements in the progressive and redistributive policies in education, health, and social programs. Spain’s transition to democracy and the first period of welfare state show a mutually reinforcing and its consequences were the modernization of the Spanish economy. However, from 1986 the economic develop- ment and the progress of welfare state have had a different growth.Key words: Welfare state, Economic transition, Spain.

  14. Nuclear safety in France in 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This press dossier summarizes the highlights of nuclear safety in France in 2001: the point-of-view of A.C. Lacoste, director of the French authority of nuclear safety (ASN), the new organisation of the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection, the ASN's policy of transparency, the evolutions of nuclear fuels and the consistency of the fuel cycle, the necessary evolutions of the nuclear crisis management, the harmonizing work of safety approaches carried out by the WENRA association. The following documents are attached in appendixes: the decrees relative to the reformation of the nuclear control in France, the missions of the ASN, the control of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France, the organization of ASN in March 2000, the incidents notified in 2001, the inspections performed in 2001, and the list of the main French nuclear sites. (J.S.)

  15. La accessibilidad de las webs de las universidades españolas. Balance 2001-2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ribera, Mireia


    forma complementaria, también analiza el nivel de seguimiento de los indicadores de la norma 508 de Estados Unidos y de otros 5 indicadores adicionales de usabilidad. En cuanto al cumplimiento de la norma 508, no obligatoria en España, ninguna universidad logra el 100 % de cumplimiento. Respecto a los otros indicadores el cumplimiento es de un 65 %. Como resultado global se constata que el nivel de accesibilidad sigue en niveles bajos, similar al del año 2001, y con grandes diferencias entre centros; estos resultados indican un nivel de cumplimiento menor del que cabría esperar por los cambios aplicados en la legislación española a favor de la accesibilidad de los sitios web.

  16. Dosimetry system 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woolson, William A.; Egbert, Stephen D.; Gritzner, Michael L.


    the new dosimetry. The experience gained by the use of this prototype paved the way for an improved system called Dosimetry System 1986 (DS86), which incorporated further developments in dosimetry and treated a more extensive set of survivors in the RERF data base. The fourth joint US-Japan dosimetry workshop, held in Hiroshima on 16 and 17 March 1986, reviewed the results and findings of the research to assess the A-bomb dose estimates and their incorporation into DS86. As a result, the US-Japan A-bomb radiation dosimetry committees formally approved replacement of T65D with DS86 for use by RERF for computation of doses to A-bomb survivors. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a description of DS86

  17. Safeguards implementation at US facilities during 1986 and 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wredberg, L.


    Safeguards procedures were implemented at three nuclear facilities in the United States during 1986 and 1987, namely, the Westinghouse fuel fabrication plant in Columbia, South Carolina; the Salem No. 1 light water reactor (LWR) in New Jersey; and the Turkey Point No. 4 LWR in Florida. These three facilities have been under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards since early 1986 in accordance with the voluntary offer agreement between the IAEA and the United States, which went into force in 1980. Because of limited manpower and budget resources allocated to safeguards in nuclear weapon states, only a limited number of facilities can be under IAEA safeguards inspections at a time. Facilities are, therefore, subject to inspection only during a 2-yr period in the case of the United States. After that period other facilities are selected for another 2-yr period from the list of facilities subject to safeguards under the agreement. The facilities have been selected so that they form a fuel cycle, i.e., the inspected reactors are fueled with fuel assemblies manufactured by the inspected fabrication plant. The IAEA applies full scope safeguards at the selected facilities based upon established implementation practice for the facility types

  18. British Coal Corporation. Report and accounts 1986/87

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report reviews the accounts for British Coal from March 30, 1986 to March 28, 1987 with respect to the coal industry in the United Kingdom. The dramatic increases in production and decreases in manpower and collieries have led to many changes and these are discussed. Areas covered include: objectives and relations with public bodies; finance; production; markets; personnel; organization; British Coal Enterprise Limited; research and development; environmental issues; and annual statistics. The full company accounts are also presented.

  19. Gestualidad y vacilación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Jursich Durán


    Full Text Available Entre el silencio de un pensamiento... Bernardo Camacho. Editorial Oveja Negra, Bogotá, 1986,69 páginas. Lluvia de vientos. Jaime León Castaño. Editorial La Tecla, Bogotá, 1986, 83 páginas

  20. Measurements of radioactive and xenobiotic substances in the biological environment in the Netherlands 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A brief survey of the results of detailed radioactivity measurements performed in the Netherlands during the period immediately after the Chernobylsk accident, and the risk analyses made on the basis of these results, are presented. The increase of the airborne radioactivity and the activity concentrations in surface water during the first week of May 1986 is demonstrated graphically. The radiation dose in 1986 due to artificial radioactivity has been calculated to be about 60 μSv for adults, 70 μSv for ten-year-old children and 110 μSv for one-year-old children. 54 figs.; 32 tabs

  1. Gamma ray spectra recorded from the fallout collected in May 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cristu, M.I.


    An analysis of the gamma ray spectra recorded from the fallout collective in Bucharest and Brasov in May, 1986 was carried out. Relative activities of the assigned radionuclides were computed and the duration of the 235 U fuel irradiation has been deduced. (author)

  2. Radioactivity of vegetables and mushrooms in Finland after the Chernobyl accident in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rantavaara, Aino.


    The Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety determined gamma-emitting radionuclides in vegetables, fruit and mushrooms in the growing season of 1986. About 780 samples of the most common species were collected during six months in locations which represent different fallout areas of radioactivity. The samples were analysed for the gamma-emitting substances by semiconductor-spectrometry. 89 Sr and 90 Sr were determined radiochemically in a limited number of vegetable and berry samples. Early in May 1986, 131 I and other short-lived radionuclides were dominating. Later in the sampling season, the most important substances detected were 134 Cs and 137 Cs. The lowest concentrations of 137 Cs were measured in leafy and fruit vegetables, root crops and potatoes, 0.3 - 8 Bq kg -1 on an average, depending on the species. In garden berries the nationwide mean 137 Cs concentrations were 10 - 30 Bq kg -1 and in wild berries 80 - 120 Bq kg -1 . The average concentrations of 137 Cs in different types of mushrooms varied from 220 to 1100 Bq kg -1 . The contents of 90 Sr in vegetables and berries were about the same or slightly higher than in the previous years. The daily intake of 137 Cs via the products studied was estimated using nationwide production-weighted mean contents of 137 Cs in different species and data on the average consumption of foodstuffs. Fruit and vegetables of the season 1986 contributed 3.4 Bq d -1 to the dietary intake and mushrooms about 1 Bq d -1 . The effects of processing on vegetables and fruits were not taken into account in the intake calculations. The dietary intake of radionuclides other than 134 Cs and 137 Cs via the produce of season 1986 was very small

  3. 2001 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2001. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report attest to the concerted efforts of the PNRI personnel to harness the unique capabilities and advantages of nuclear science and technology in supporting national development programs

  4. 2001 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2001. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report attest to the concerted efforts of the PNRI personnel to harness the unique capabilities and advantages of nuclear science and technology in supporting national development programs.

  5. Exploration update : first half of 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harrington, P.


    New wells and land sales in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin reached record levels during the first half of 2001, but new trends are developing which cast some doubt about the future of exploration activity in the area. The main trend was that product prices softened for both oil and natural gas, with oil prices falling from about $50.00 CDN to $40.00 CDN in the first six months of 2001. The drop in heavy oil prices was even greater in the last quarter of 2000. The heavy oil differential increased from a historical average of $4.00 to $8.00 CDN, up to a record high of $23.52 on October 31, 2000. The differential remained high during the first half of 2001, but showed signs of narrowing late in the first quarter. Heavy oil prices fluctuated between $25.00 and $30.00 CDN during the first six months of 2001. Natural gas prices fell significantly through the first half of 2001. Canadian gas prices are expected to average about $5.00 per Mcf during the next 3 to 5 years until significant new supplies from the high Arctic or the East Coast of Canada can be brought into the marketplace, or until there are readily available supplies of liquefied natural gas from overseas. High prices for oil and natural gas meant high prices for producing property acquisitions. Production in the first quarter of 2001 sold for $44,000/boe/day compared to $28,000 during 2000. The first half of 2001 saw many takeovers as American companies renewed their interest in Canadian oil and gas companies. These included Conoco's purchase of Gulf Canada, Anadarko's takeover of Berkley, Calpine's acquisition of Encal and Prime West's acquisition of Cypress. The affect that these takeovers will have on the ongoing level of exploration in Western Canada is yet to be seen. Drilling activity during the first 6 months of 2001 set new records, as did land sale activity with the most dramatic increases being in British Columbia in the Ojay/Grizzly/Hiding Creek area. Other major land sales included the

  6. The Aggregate and Distributional Effects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on Firm Valuation.


    Givoly, Dan; Hayn, Carla


    The authors examine the aggregate and distributional effects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on equity values of publicly traded corporations. The results show that the effect of the act on the aggregate equity value of corporations was consistent with the present value of the projected added tax collection from the corporate sector. The cross-sectional variation in the magnitude and direction of the stock price response to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 was a function of both the direct and indire...

  7. Concordância na determinação da causa básica de óbito em menores de um ano na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, 1986 Agreement as to the determination of the basic cause of death among children of under one year of age in Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1986

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcia Lázaro de Carvalho


    Full Text Available No âmbito de um estudo sobre a qualidade do preenchimento da Declaração de Óbito, avaliou-se a concordância na determinação da causa básica da morte entre o médico que atestou o óbito e a equipe de médicos que avaliou informações do prontuário hospitalar. Estudou-se uma amostra de óbitos de menores de um ano ocorridos na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil, de maio de 1986 a abril de 1987. Para os óbitos neonatais, as causas perinatais concentraram a maior parte dos óbitos e apesar das mudanças observadas, a composição entre os principais grupos não se alterou de modo importante. No interior do grupo de causas perinatais, conseguimos reduzir as causas classificadas de maneira genérica ou mal definidas em cerca de 50% com o preenchimento do novo atestado. Para os óbitos pós-neonatais, foram encontradas alterações significativas, em especial para os óbitos causados por pneumonia e desnutrição. Dado o grande inter-relacionamento observado entre as principais causas de morte neste grupo (pneumonia, diarréia, desnutrição, considerou-se que a apuração das causas múltiplas de morte daria uma idéia mais ampla e correta do processo que resultou na morte, permitindo uma visão mais globalizante da questão.An evaluation was undertaken, during the assessment of the quality of the filling up of death certificates, with the purpose of evaluating the agreement, in the determination of the basic cause of death, between the physician who certified the death and a medical team which examined the information provided by hospital records. This survey included the analysis of a sample of deaths among children under one year of age which occurred in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil in the period from May 1986 to April 1987. As regards neonatal deaths, the greatest concentration of causes of death is perinatal and, despite the changes that have been observed, the composition of the main groups of

  8. Onderzoek naar de radioactiviteit van neerslag. Resultaten over 1986

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vaas LH; Mattern FCM; Drost RMS; Glastra P; Koolwijk AC; Ockhuizen A


    De belangrijkste gamma-emitters in 1986 door "Tsjernobyl" te Bilthoven gedeponeerd , waren: Mo-99/mTc-99 (1040 Bq/m2), Ru-103 (8300 Bq/m2), Ru-106 (4100 Bq/m2), I-131 (19000 Bq/m2), Te-132/I-132 (14000 Bq/m2), Cs-134 (1530 Bq/m2), Cs-136 (620 Bq/m2), Cs-137 (3360 Bq/m2) en

  9. Accelerator and Fusion Research Division: Summary of activities, 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains a summary of activities at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Accelerator and Fusion Research Division for the year 1986. Topics and facilities investigated in individual papers are: 1-2 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source, the Center for X-Ray Optics, Accelerator Operations, High-Energy Physics Technology, Heavy-Ion Fusion Accelerator Research and Magnetic Fusion Energy. Six individual papers have been indexed separately

  10. National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD01) (United States)

    LaMotte, Andrew E.


    This 30-meter data set represents land use and land cover for the conterminous United States for the 2001 time period. The data have been arranged into four tiles to facilitate timely display and manipulation within a Geographic Information System (see The National Land Cover Data Set for 2001 was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. The MRLC Consortium is a partnership of Federal agencies (, consisting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the National Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). One of the primary goals of the project is to generate a current, consistent, seamless, and accurate National Land Cover Database (NLCD) circa 2001 for the United States at medium spatial resolution. For a detailed definition and discussion on MRLC and the NLCD 2001 products, refer to Homer and others (2004), (see: The NLCD 2001 was created by partitioning the United States into mapping zones. A total of 68 mapping zones (see, were delineated within the conterminous United States based on ecoregion and geographical characteristics, edge-matching features, and the size requirement of Landsat mosaics. Mapping zones encompass the whole or parts of several states. Questions about the NLCD mapping zones can be directed to the NLCD 2001 Land Cover Mapping Team at the USGS/EROS, Sioux Falls, SD (605) 594-6151 or

  11. The New 2001-2002 Term. Supreme Court Roundup. (United States)

    Williams, Charles F.


    Discusses the issues addressed during the 2001-2002 term of the U.S. Supreme Court, which convened on October 1, 2001: (1) school vouchers; (2) affirmative action; (3) online pornography; and (4) the death penalty. (CMK)

  12. Nuclear energy policy for fiscal 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aoki, Masahiro


    In Japan with little energy resources, about 80 % of the total energy consumption is imported ; of which the petroleum is about 60 %. Nuclear power generation has advantages of the supply security and the high economy. It is the nucleus of petroleum substitute. The role of nuclear power should further increase in the future. Under this situation, the realization of nuclear fuel cycle, the advancement of LWR power plants and the development of advanced type reactors must be pursued positively. In tables are given the nuclear-power-relation budget estimates for fiscal 1986 in general account and in special accounts power source siting and diversification and also the treasury investments and loans, itemized in the respective subjects. (Mori, K.)

  13. Os desafios da alteridade: considerações sobre gênero e sexualidade entre militantes de uma ONG/Aids carioca The challenges of otherness: thoughts on gender and sexuality among activists from a Rio de Janeiro Aids NGO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula V. Zaquieu


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as experiências de um grupo de ativistas do movimento de luta contra a Aids que atuaram numa ONG/Aids carioca entre 1989 e 2001. Nosso objetivo é examinar os desdobramentos do encontro entre os discursos que orientaram a atuação das ONGs perante o avanço da doença e a discriminação dos doentes: eqüidade entre os gêneros, liberdade sexual e experiências relatadas pelos militantes da instituição, no que se refere a sexualidade, gênero e Aids. Foram realizadas treze entrevistas com militantes, sendo nove soropositivos, da ONG Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ. Os entrevistados são oito mulheres, dois heterossexuais masculinos, dois homossexuais masculinos e um bissexual.The article analyzes the experiences of a group of activists in the AIDS movement who belonged to an AIDS NGO in Rio de Janeiro between 1989 and 2001. It examines the encounter between the various discourses that guided the action of NGOs in their battles against the advance of the disease and against the discrimination of AIDS victims: gender equity, sexual freedom, and experiences with sexuality, gender, and AIDS recounted by the institute's activists. Interviews were conducted with thirteen activists from the NGO known as Grupo Pela Vidda-RJ, nine of whom were HIV-positive. Interviewees comprised eight women, two male heterosexuals, two male homosexuals, and one male bisexual.

  14. The Community's research and development programme on decommissioning of nuclear installations. Second annual progress report (year 1986)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the second annual progress report of the European Community's programme (1984-88) of research on the decommissioning of nuclear installations. It shows the status of the programme on 31 December 1986. This second progress report describes the objectives, scope and work programme of the 58 research contracts concluded, as well as the progress of work achieved and the results obtained in 1986

  15. Elasticidades de Armington para o Brasil: 1986-2002

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Octávio Augusto Fontes Tourinho


    Full Text Available Estimamos a elasticidade de Armington para os 28 setores industriais da matriz insumo-produto brasileira, no período 1986-2002. A metodologia empregada leva em conta as propriedades estocásticas das séries de dados e os efeitos da liberalização do comercio exterior brasileiro ocorrida em 1990. Obtemos elasticidades significativamente diferentes de zero para 24 setores, cujos valores estimados se situam no intervalo de 0,2 a 3,6 e uma média ponderada de 0,9. Para três setores a elasticidade estimada não é significativamente diferente de zero e para um setor encontramos uma elasticidade significativa, porém com sinal incorreto.We estimate the Armington elasticity for the 28 industrial sectors of the Brazilian input-output table, for the period 1986-2002. The methodology we use takes into account the stochastic properties of the data series, and the effects of the Brazilian foreign trade liberalization that occurred in 1990. We obtain statistically significant estimates of the elasticities for 24 sectors, and their estimated values are in the interval 0.2 to 3.6, with a weighted average of 0.9. For tree sectors the estimated elasticity is not significantly different from zero, and for one sector we find a significant elasticity, but it has the wrong sign.

  16. Pacific Northwest Laboratory: Annual report for 1986 to the DOE Office of Energy Research: Part 3, Atmospheric sciences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elderkin, C.E.


    The goals of atmospheric research at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) are to describe and predict the nature and fate of atmospheric contaminants and to develop an understanding of the atmospheric processes contributing to their distribution on local, regional, and continental scales. In 1986, atmospheric research examined the transport and diffusion of atmospheric contaminants in areas of complex terrain and participated in a large, multilaboratory program to assess the precipitation scavenging processes important to the transformation and wet deposition of chemicals composing ''acid rain.'' In addition, during 1986, a special opportunity for measuring the transport and removal of radioactivity occurred after the Chernobyl reactor accident in April 1986. Separate abstracts were prepared for individual projects.

  17. Pacific Northwest Laboratory: Annual report for 1986 to the DOE Office of Energy Research: Part 3, Atmospheric sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elderkin, C.E.


    The goals of atmospheric research at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) are to describe and predict the nature and fate of atmospheric contaminants and to develop an understanding of the atmospheric processes contributing to their distribution on local, regional, and continental scales. In 1986, atmospheric research examined the transport and diffusion of atmospheric contaminants in areas of complex terrain and participated in a large, multilaboratory program to assess the precipitation scavenging processes important to the transformation and wet deposition of chemicals composing ''acid rain.'' In addition, during 1986, a special opportunity for measuring the transport and removal of radioactivity occurred after the Chernobyl reactor accident in April 1986. Separate abstracts were prepared for individual projects

  18. Using Technology to Enhance an Automotive Program (United States)

    Ashton, Denis


    Denis Ashton uses technology in his automotive technology program at East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) to positively impact student outcomes. Ashton, the department chair for the automotive programs at EVIT, in Mesa, Arizona, says that using an interactive PowerPoint curriculum makes learning fun for students and provides immediate…

  19. INIS Progress and Activity Report 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Highlights of INIS Activities 2001: The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) collects and distributes scientific information in all areas of nuclear science and technology published in Member States, including bibliographic data and the full text of documents - reports, dissertations, etc. - which are not readily available through commercial channels (the non-conventional literature, NCL). Membership: In 2001, the number of participating members was 122 and included 103 countries and 19 international organisations. Bibliographic Database: INIS was able to augment the level and maintain the quality of input into the Bibliographic Database in 2001. A total of 69 391 records were added to the database, an increase of 3 677 records from 2000. There are now 2 283 882 records in the INIS database. This includes 6 170 bibliographic records prepared as voluntary contribution by INIS Members2 (including electronic journals and 657 records of British Library NCL) and 8 111 records prepared by the INIS Secretariat (3 929 IAEA and UN documents, along with 4 182 electronic records and NCL documents from the British Library). The Agency signed an agreement with Elsevier Science BV for the acquisition of electronic bibliographic records. These records will be upgraded to INIS standards and added to the collection of articles from core scientific journals. INIS Members from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the USA and Ireland directly funded this project. Data has been delivered in December 2001, and processing started in 2002. As of the end of 2001, there were a total of 128 paid and free subscriptions to the INIS Database on the Internet, for a total of 70 068 authorised users. This is a significant increase from last year. The INIS Database on CD-ROM had 438 paid and free subscriptions.

  20. INIS Progress and Activity Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Highlights of INIS Activities 2001: The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) collects and distributes scientific information in all areas of nuclear science and technology published in Member States, including bibliographic data and the full text of documents - reports, dissertations, etc. - which are not readily available through commercial channels (the non-conventional literature, NCL). Membership: In 2001, the number of participating members was 122 and included 103 countries and 19 international organisations. Bibliographic Database: INIS was able to augment the level and maintain the quality of input into the Bibliographic Database in 2001. A total of 69 391 records were added to the database, an increase of 3 677 records from 2000. There are now 2 283 882 records in the INIS database. This includes 6 170 bibliographic records prepared as voluntary contribution by INIS Members2 (including electronic journals and 657 records of British Library NCL) and 8 111 records prepared by the INIS Secretariat (3 929 IAEA and UN documents, along with 4 182 electronic records and NCL documents from the British Library). The Agency signed an agreement with Elsevier Science BV for the acquisition of electronic bibliographic records. These records will be upgraded to INIS standards and added to the collection of articles from core scientific journals. INIS Members from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the USA and Ireland directly funded this project. Data has been delivered in December 2001, and processing started in 2002. As of the end of 2001, there were a total of 128 paid and free subscriptions to the INIS Database on the Internet, for a total of 70 068 authorised users. This is a significant increase from last year. The INIS Database on CD-ROM had 438 paid and free subscriptions

  1. Retrospective study (1998-2001 on canine ehrlichiosis in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Estudo retrospectivo (1998 a 2001 da erliquiose canina em Belo Horizonte

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    S.M. Moreira


    Full Text Available The present work describes a retrospective study of clinical cases of ehrlichiosis in dogs examined from March 1998 to September 2001. From the clinical records with laboratorial confirmation of Ehrlichia canis or E. platys infections, the following parameters were analyzed: demographic aspects (age, race, sex, period of the year and origin, clinical characteristics (body temperature, exposure to ticks and clinical signs, and hematological characteristics (blood cell counts and type of infected cell. A total of 194 clinical records were analyzed, from which 31 animals were infected with E. canis and 21 animals with E. platys. The number of cases of canine ehrlichiosis increased considerably from the year 2000 onwards, and 24.4% of the cases occurred in 13- to 24-month-old animals, in different urban and per-urban regions of the municipality of Belo Horizonte. The most frequent symptoms were fever, anorexia, apathy, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy and dispnea. Regarding hematological alterations, 70.3% of the animals presented anemia, 50% presented thrombocytopenia and 30% leukopenia, and most E. canis morulae were seen in monocytes. The results point to the importance of canine ehrlichiosis, as 35.9% of the dogs with suspected hemoparasitic diseases were infected with Ehrlichia canis or E. platys.O presente trabalho descreve um estudo retrospectivo da casuística clínica de erliquiose em cães atendidos entre março de 1998 e setembro de 2001. Foram analisadas 194 fichas clínicas de animais com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, nas quais 31 cães foram diagnosticados com Ehrlichia canis e 21 com Ehrlichia platys, por meio de exame parasitológico direto de esfregaços sangüíneos. Foram considerados alguns aspectos demográficos (idade, raça, sexo, época do ano e região de origem, características clínicas (temperatura corporal, presença e/ou histórico de carrapatos e sinais clínicos e hematológicas (hemograma completo e célula parasitada

  2. 30 anos de encontros nacionais de docentes de terapia ocupacional: 1986-2016 / 30 years of National Meetings of Occupational Therapy Lecturers: 1986-2016

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Selma Hahn


    Full Text Available A equipe do Grupo de Pesquisa Terapia Ocupacional: Memórias, Histórias e Fundamentos (CNPq, 2015 vem trabalhando para organizar e sistematizar materiais e documentos que integrem a história da terapia ocupacional brasileira, ampliando fontes primárias e secundárias nesse âmbito, a fim de apreender, dentre outros objetivos, o processo de institucionalização acadêmica da terapia ocupacional no Brasil. Entre 2015 e 2016, uma parte dessas atividades se voltou para os percursos em torno do evento Encontro Nacional de Docentes de Terapia Ocupacional – ENDTO, que, em linhas gerais, vem promovendo a discussão coletiva do ensino de terapia ocupacional no país e, portanto, reverbera parte da história da referida institucionalização. Em 2016, por ocasião do preparo de uma conferência a ser realizada no XV ENDTO, as autoras se debruçaram sobre os documentos, materiais de divulgação, fotos, textos publicados reunidos e, também, apoiando-se na narrativa de uma história da qual participaram de diversas maneiras e em momentos diferentes, perseguiram o objetivo de contar e registar a trajetória dos 30 anos desde a realização do I ENDTO, em 1986. Neste texto, expõe-se uma narrativa dessa trajetória e o registro imagético de parte das fontes reunidas. Trata-se de um patrimônio coletivo da área de terapia ocupacional no Brasil a ser documentado e partilhado com os que fizeram e com os que continuam fazendo essa história. AbstractThe team of the research group “Occupational Therapy: Memories, Histories and Foundations” (CNPq, 2015 has been working to organize and systematize materials and documents that integrate the Brazilian occupational therapy story, expanding primary and secondary sources. Among other objectives the aim is to comprehend the occupational therapy academic institutionalization in Brazil. Part of the activities, between 2015 and 2016, has been directed to the event “The National Meeting of Occupational Therapy

  3. Comet 2001 Q2

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pravec, Petr; Kušnirák, Peter; Bouma, R. J.; Raymundo, P. M.

    č. 7687 (2001), s. 1 ISSN 0081-0304 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/99/0255 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1003909 Keywords : comet s * astrometry Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

  4. Quality assurance for health and environmental chemistry: 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautier, M.A.; Gladney, E.S.; Moss, W.D.; Phillips, M.B.; O'Malley, B.T.


    This report documents the continuing quality assurance efforts of the Health and Environmental Chemistry Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The philosophy, methodology, and computing resources used by the quality assurance program to encompass the diversity of analytical chemistry practiced in the group are described. Included in the report are all quality assurance reference materials used, along with their certified or consensus concentrations, and all analytical chemistry quality assurance measurements made by HSE-9 during 1986. 27 refs., 3 figs

  5. An Evaluation of the Pearsonian Type I Curve of Fertility for Aboriginal Populations in Canada, 1996 to 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verma, Ravi B.P.


    Recensement du Canada de 2001. Cet article évalue la qualité del’ajustement entre le taux de fécondité par âge développé selon la courbe de Type I et le tauxde fécondité par âge estimé des groupes d’identité autochtone pour la période 1996 à 2001 au Canada dans les régions de forte et de basse fécondité. Les tests de validité de la courbede Type I indiquent que cette méthode est appropriée à l’estimation/projection du nombre denaissances des populations autochtones.

  6. AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for August 2001 (United States)

    Vaughan, J. K.; Lamb, B. K.; Westberg, H. H.; Fritz, B. G.; Bamesberger, L.; Bowman, C.; Figueroa-Kaminsky, C.; Otterson, S.; Wilson, R.; Arnold, J. R.; Mass, C.; Albright, M.; Jaffe, D. A.; Barrie, L. A.; Barchet, W. R.; Fast, J. D.; Jobson, B. T.


    The AIRPACT air-quality forecasting system was operational during the month of August, 2001, and provided daily forecasts of ozone and associated species throughout the PNW2001 period. The AIRPACT (air indicator report for public awareness and community tracking) project was supported by the U.S. EPA through the EMPACT program. The modeling effort within this project resulted in the assembly of a highly automated air quality forecasting system using MM5 meteorology coupled with a regional emissions sub-system, which both drove the CALMET-CALGRID Eulerian air-quality model. Results were posted to the project web-site and distributed via ftp each morning before operations decisions were finalized. Modeling outputs included 24-hour animations of estimated gridded area emissions and predicted gridded hourly average mixing ratios for ozone, among other species. A verification system for comparing AIRPACT results against the Washington Department of Ecology telemetered surface monitor data was in development during PNW2001. The various measurement components of PNW2001, in combination with the Ecology monitoring network, provided an excellent opportunity to compare AIRPACT ozone predictions with ozone observations from multiple measurement schemes, including surface monitors, aircraft sampling, and ozonesondes. The AIRPACT prediction verification against surface monitors at six downwind sites near Seattle, WA for August 2001 resulted in a normalized bias of 15% and a normalized gross error of 51%. Comparisons of AIRPACT predictions against ozonesondes and aircraft measurements are presented graphically in this poster.

  7. Department of energy technology annual progress report 1 January - 31 December 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Micheelsen, B.; List, F.


    The general development of the Department of Energy Technology at Risoe during 1986 is presented, and the activities within the major subject fields are described in some detail. Lists of staff and publications are included. (author)

  8. Mida toob meile uus majandusaasta 2001? / Lembo Tanning

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tanning, Lembo


    Vaadeldakse maailma riikide majandusprognoose. Diagrammid: valitud riikide ja regioonide SKP osakaal 1999; arenenud maade SKP kasv 1982-2001; maailma valitud riikide ja regioonide kogutoodangu ning väliskaubanduse kasv; maailma kaupade ja teenuste ekspordi dünaamika 1982-2001

  9. 47 CFR 32.2001 - Telecommunications plant in service. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Telecommunications plant in service. 32.2001 Section 32.2001 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES Instructions for Balance Sheet Accounts § 32...

  10. National Register of research projects, 1986/1987: Part 3, Human sciences: Social sciences. Nasionale Register van navorsingsprojekte, 1986/1987: Deel III, Geesteswetenskappe: Sosiale wetenskappe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This Register is intended to serve as a source of information on research which is being conducted in all fields (both natural and human sciences) in the Republic of South Africa. New and current research projects that were commenced or modified during 1986--1987, on which information was received by the compilers until January 1988, are included, with the exception of confidential projects.

  11. Site-specific cancer risk in the Baltic cohort of Chernobyl cleanup workers, 1986-2007. (United States)

    Rahu, Kaja; Hakulinen, Timo; Smailyte, Giedre; Stengrevics, Aivars; Auvinen, Anssi; Inskip, Peter D; Boice, John D; Rahu, Mati


    To assess site-specific cancer risk in the Baltic cohort of Chernobyl cleanup workers, 1986-2007. The Baltic cohort includes 17,040 men from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania who participated in the environmental cleanup after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in 1986-1991 and who were followed up for cancer incidence until the end of 2007. Cancer cases diagnosed in the cohort and in the male population of each country were identified from the respective national cancer registers. The proportional incidence ratio (PIR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was used to estimate the site-specific cancer risk in the cohort. For comparison and as it was possible, the site-specific standardised incidence ratio (SIR) was calculated for the Estonian sub-cohort, which was not feasible for the other countries. Overall, 756 cancer cases were reported during 1986-2007. A higher proportion of thyroid cancers in relation to the male population was found (PIR=2.76; 95%CI 1.63-4.36), especially among those who started their mission shortly after the accident, in April-May 1986 (PIR=6.38; 95%CI 2.34-13.89). Also, an excess of oesophageal cancers was noted (PIR=1.52; 95% CI 1.06-2.11). No increased PIRs for leukaemia or radiation-related cancer sites combined were observed. PIRs and SIRs for the Estonian sub-cohort demonstrated the same site-specific cancer risk pattern. Consistent evidence of an increase in radiation-related cancers in the Baltic cohort was not observed with the possible exception of thyroid cancer, where conclusions are hampered by known medical examination including thyroid screening among cleanup workers. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Economic Indicators of the Farm Sector. Costs of Production, 1986. (United States)

    Economic Research Service (USDA), Washington, DC.

    This report contains 121 tables that estimate the costs of production of various commodities on United States farms in 1986. The report first assesses costs and returns on a per-unit basis, such as one acre or one animal, under three sections of a budget: cash receipts, cash expenses, and economic costs. The budgets are based on national…

  13. Overzicht van de onderzoekresultaten van kroketten, bitterballen en frikandellen van 1986

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cazemier, G.; Veen, van der N.G.


    In 1986 werden in opdracht van de AID 54 monsters frikandellen en 237 monsters kroketten en bitterballen door het RIKILT onderzocht op de eisen, zoals die zijn vastgelegd in de Kwaliteitsverordening Kroketten, Bitterballen en Frika(n)dellen. In dit verslag zijn de analyseresultaten van deze monsters

  14. The Next Generation of Technicians Prepare for Their Future (United States)

    Wise, Jennifer


    For Phoenix's East Valley Institute of Technology's (EVIT) automotive technology program, a unique partnership with local industry leaders is a key to success. Due to a highly successful partnership with Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES), EVIT has been named the number one high school automotive program in the United States for placement…

  15. ¿El dinero importa? Relación entre el presupuesto de la biblioteca y la productividad investigadora de la Universitat Politècnica de València

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    Fernández, Sergio


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a significant correlation between the library budget allocated to information resources and the scientific output at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV. This situation was studied from 2001 to 2012, taking into account different variables: budget, collection size, number of research staff, research output, and use of the collection. In addition, full-text citations in the scientific output of the UPV from 2008 to 2011 were analysed to attempt to study the correlation with the budget and the use of the collection. A correlation was not observed between the budget allocated to information resources and scientific output, with the correlation being strong between the budget for electronic resources and scientific output. Finally, it was not possible to determine a causeeffect relationship between the budget and scientific output.El objetivo del artículo es determinar si existe una correlación significativa entre el presupuesto de la biblioteca asignado a recursos de información y la productividad investigadora en la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV. Se ha estudiado esta situación desde el año 2001 al 2012 teniendo en cuenta diferentes variables: presupuesto, tamaño de la colección, número de Personal Docente Investigador (PDI, producción de la investigación y uso de la colección. Además se ha analizado la disponibilidad de información en el proceso de investigación de los investigadores de la UPV desde el 2008 al 2012 para intentar estudiar su correlación con el presupuesto y el uso de la colección. No se ha observado una correlación entre el presupuesto asignado a recursos de información y la productividad investigadora, pero sí existe una fuerte correlación entre el presupuesto para recursos en formato electrónico y la productividad investigadora. Finalmente no se ha podido determinar una relación de causa-efecto entre el presupuesto y la productividad

  16. Energy situation. January 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report makes a status of the French energy consumption, demand, import and export since January 1998 and up to January 2001. Details are given separately for primary energy, solid mineral fuels, petroleum products, natural gas and electric power. (J.S.)

  17. The petroleum industry in 2001; L'industrie petroliere en 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This economic analysis presents the 2001 highlights and key-data of the world petroleum industry: evolution of crude prices, exploration and production worldwide, petroleum exploration and production in France, para-petroleum industry, hydrocarbon supplies, refining activity, evolution of quality of products and fuel substitutes, domestic transports, storage, consumption, fiscality, prices and distribution of petroleum products. (J.S.)

  18. Silicon-controlled rectifier failure investigation report, April 11 and May 7, 1986, Type A occurrence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As a result of the April 11, 1986 failure and subsequent property damage of the silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) device used to provide dc power to the motor driven construction and salt handling (CandSH) hoist at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), the Project Manager, WIPP Project Office, appointed an Accident Investigation Board on April 14, 1986. The Board was tasked to investigate, to determine the cause or causes of the SCR failure, and to make appropriate recommendations to prevent a recurrence. Subsequently, the scope of the investigation was expanded on April 22, 1986, to include a series of failures that occurred after the initial failure. This occurrence came after the SCR had been released by the Board, repaired, modified, and returned to use. The investigation included a review of the engineering, procurement, operations, and maintenance programs of the Management and Operating Contractor (MOC), along with a detailed investigation of the hardware involved in the failure. Analytical techniques included use of the Management Oversight Risk Tree (MORT) and Events and Causal Factors Sequence Charting. 15 figs

  19. Radioactivity of milk, meat, cereals and other agricultural products in Finland after the Chernobyl accident in 1986

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rantavaara, A.; Haukka, S.


    The paper describes the surveillance of radioactive substances in agricultural products in Finland after the end of April 1986. The main objective was to assess the dietary intake of fallout radionuclides via milk, meat, cereals and eggs in Finland during the period May-December 1986. In spring 1986 the sampling programmes were extended on the basis of the continuous surveys carried out earlier. The sampling of different types of produce covered a considerable part of the main production areas. The frequency of the sampling was greatly increased from that in previous years, specially in spring and summer, in order to follow the temporal variation in the contents of radionuclides in milk and meat. Gamma-emitting radionuclides, especially ''1''3''1I, ''1''3''4Cs and ''1''3''7Cs, were measured on all samples. ''8''9Sr and ''9''0Sr were determined on the milk and cereal samples used for nationwide assessments. The mean dietary intakes of radionuclides in May-December 1986, calculated from the average consumption of foodstuffs in Finland and the nationwide production-weighted mean mean contents of radionuclides. Contamination of agricultural products due to fallout radionuclides did not cause any restrictions for their use in Finland

  20. Hanseníase em menores de quinze anos no município de Paracatu, MG (1994 a 2001 Leprosy in patients under fifteen years of age in the city of Paracatu-MG (1994 to 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isaias Nery Ferreira


    Full Text Available O Município de Paracatu-MG é considerado prioritário para ações de controle da hanseníase devido às suas taxas de detecção e prevalência desta nosologia, sobretudo em menores de quinze anos. Nos anos de 1998 e 1999, realizou-se um trabalho de esclarecimento sobre sinais e sintomas da doença para uma população de cerca de oito mil escolares, o que contribuiu para o incremento da taxa de detecção da doença em menores de quinze anos, sendo o município classificado como hiperendêmico entre os anos de 1997 e 2001. Realizou-se também um trabalho de desenho descritivo de quarenta e cinco pacientes diagnosticados e tratados no município de Paracatu entre 1994 e 2001. Cinqüenta e três por cento dos diagnósticos foram em crianças do sexo masculino, 75,5% dos casos se situavam entre dez e catorze anos de idade e a escolaridade da população deste estudo está defasada em relação à idade, sendo que 84% da clientela morava em zona urbana. Todos os inscritos (100% foram casos novos, 56,0% de forma multibacilar, forma clínica Dimorfa, e 44% de formas paucibacilares, como a forma clinica Indeterminada (30,8% e a Tuberculóide (13,2%. Todos foram tratados segundo esquema padrão, com 100% de cura. Vinte e quatro por cento dos doentes apresentaram reações no diagnóstico e durante o tratamento, e 9% apresentaram reações no pós-alta. Vinte e dois por cento dos doentes apresentavam algum grau de incapacidade no diagnóstico e 13% apresentavam algum grau de incapacidade na alta (índice considerado alto. Verificou-se que 62% dos pacientes tinham contatos intradomiciliares portadores de hanseníase, sendo que somente em 15,5% destes contatos foram verificadas as duas cicatrizes da vacina BCG. A hanseníase é um sério problema de saúde pública no município estudado, e o trabalho realizado com escolares foi fundamental para o aumento da detecção dos casos.The city of Paracatu-MG is considered a priority for leprosy control