
Sample records for etiologia ou nova

  1. Neurogênese e depressão: etiologia ou nova ilusão? Neurogenesis and depression: etiology or new ilusion?

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    Fulvio Alexandre Scorza


    Full Text Available Novos neurônios continuam sendo gerados no cérebro adulto de diversas espécies animais. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado que diversos fatores ambientais, inclusive o estresse, influenciam a proliferação de células hipocampais. Nesse sentido, a diminuição da neurogênese induzida pelo estresse parece ser um importante fator na etiologia da depressão. Nessa revisão, a relação entre neurogênese e depressão é enfatizada.New hippocampal neurons are continuously generated in the adult brain of several animal species. Several studies have demonstrated that a variety of enviromental factors, including stress, influence the proliferation of hippocampal cells. Thus, stress induced decrease of hippocampal neurogenesis seem to be an important factor in the etiology of depression. In this review the relationship between neurogenesis and depression has been emphasized.

  2. Síndrome da boca ardente: etiologia Burning mouth syndrome: etiology

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    Dafne Patrícia Cerchiari


    Full Text Available A Síndrome da Boca Ardente (SBA é caracterizada por dor na cavidade oral, com ou sem sinais inflamatórios, mas sem lesões específicas. Acomete geralmente mulheres na faixa etária entre 40 a 60 anos. A dor é do tipo queimação, de intensidade moderada a severa, sendo a língua o local mais acometido, podendo haver sensação dolorosa também em gengivas, lábios e mucosa jugal. Pode haver piora da intensidade dolorosa no decorrer do dia, nos estados de tensão, fadiga, ao falar muito, à ingestão de alimentos picantes e/ou quentes e melhora com alimentos frios, trabalho e distração. O objetivo desta revisão é contemplar as possíveis etiologias da SBA, agrupando-as em 4 grandes grupos para que melhor possam ser estudados: dor oral de causa local, sistêmica, emocional e idiopática. Sabendo dos diagnósticos diferenciais da síndrome, estabelecemos um protocolo para o manejo destes pacientes. Dentre as etiologias de dor bucal local, deve-se pesquisar as de causa dentária, alérgicas e infecciosas. Para as causas sistêmicas, pesquisar doenças do tecido conectivo, doenças endócrinas, neurológicas, deficiências nutricionais e as alterações das glândulas salivares que levam à xerostomia. A etiologia da SBA pode ser de difícil diagnóstico, muitas vezes com mais de um fator causando dor na boca. A realização de anamnese detalhada, exame físico geral, inspeção minuciosa da cavidade oral e orofaringe, além de exames laboratoriais são de fundamental importância, para evitar que o tratamento dos pacientes com esta síndrome, seja baseado em tentativa e erro.The Burning Month Syndrome (BMS is an oral mucosa pain - with or without inflammatory signs - without any specific lesion. It is mostly observed in women aged 40-60 years. This pain feels like a moderate/severe burning, and it occurs more frequently on the tongue, but it may also be felt at the gingiva, lips and jugal mucosa. It may worsen during the day, during stress

  3. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique: uma nova perspectiva do individualismo moderno na sociedade contemporânea = Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique: a new perspective of modern individualism in contemporary society

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    Jussara da Silva Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Considerado pelo crítico de literatura Ian Watt como um dos ‘mitos do individualismo moderno’, As Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe, de Daniel Defoe (1719, é um livro que exerceu e exerce grande influência no imaginário ocidental. Seu sucesso rendeu-lhe inúmeras reescrituras, conhecidas como ‘robinsoníadas’. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique1, escrito em 1967 pelo francês Michel Tournier, é um dos intertextos mais ricos surgidos desde então. A adoção de uma perspectiva completamente nova rompe com o paradigma do homem branco civilizado e dota o texto de originalidade. Na nova versão, o individualismo de Robinson assume um caráter mais condizente com o pensamento da sociedade contemporânea. Este artigo busca, por meio de uma análise comparativa e de um estudo dos símbolos, ressaltar o potencial de Vendredi como mito do individualismo moderno na sociedade contemporânea.Considered by the critic of literature Ian Watt as one of the ‘myths of modern individualism’, The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (1719 is a book that exerted and exerts great influence in the occidental imagination. Its great success rendered it numerous rewritings, known as robinsonades. Vendredi ou Les Limbes du Pacifique written in 1967 by the French Michel Tournier, is one of the richest intertexts ever emerged since then. The adoption of a completely new perspective breaks with the paradigm of the white civilized man providing the originality of the text. In the new version, the individualism of Robinson gets role more consistent to the contemporary society thought. This article aims to emphasize Vendredi potential as a myth of the modern individualism in contemporary society through its symbols and a comparative analysis.

  4. Enraizamento de estacas de azaléia Rhododendron indicum: cultivar terra nova tratadas com ácido indolbutírico, com o uso ou não de fixador

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    Juliano Tadeu Vilela de Resende


    Full Text Available O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o enraizamento de estacas de Azaléia – cultivar Terra Nova – tratadas com ácido indol-butírico, com o uso ou não de gelatina como fixador. Foram avaliados os tratamentos 1,5 g AIB/L; 1,5 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,0 g AIB/L; 2,0 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,5 g AIB/L; 2,5 g AIB/L e fixador. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas para doses de ácido indol-butírico e uso ou não de fixador para as características de enraizamento avaliadas.

  5. Anoftalmia clínica associada a coloboma e malformações sistêmicas: etiologia e relação oftalmologista-paciente

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    Pedro Ventura


    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente relato refere-se a uma paciente de 2 anos e 9 meses de idade, portadora de anoftalmia clínica à direita associada a coloboma posterior à esquerda e malformações sistêmicas. A mãe foi vacinada contra rubéola três meses antes da concepção e, ao nascimento, os exames laboratoriais mostraram título de anticorpos IgG de 267 UI/mL para rubéola e 3,5 UI/mL para citomegalovírus, sendo o IgM negativo para ambos. As anormalidades encontradas possuem características de síndrome da rubéola congênita (SRC e infecção congênita por citomegalovírus. Também podem constituir alteração genética, decorrer de outras etiologias ou apresentarse sem explicação. A avaliação psicológica da paciente foi normal e a mesma encaminhada para reabilitação visual. A mãe manifestou sintomas depressivos e indicado tratamento especializado. Outros estudos serão necessários para esclarecer a etiologia das malformações oculares congênitas e os cuidados holísticos a serem valorizados durante a relação oftalmologista-paciente.

  6. Por uma 'nova pragmática emancipatória'


    Ferreira,Dina Maria Martins; Alencar,Claudiana Nogueira de


    Neste artigo propomos o modus operandi de uma pragmática contra-hegemônica no que tange às teorias do mainstream, ou seja, as internalistas (auto-suficiência da língua como sistema) e as externalistas (aspecto social aliado à língua e não constitutivo da língua). Para tal, constroem-se dois percursos argumentativos para dar conta de uma nova Pragmática emancipatória: (1) nova, que mostra a incompatibilidade conceitual entre a teoria austiniana e a interpretada por seu discípulo Searle; (2) em...

  7. Que Modelo de Militar para a Nova Arte de Guerra e Paz?


    Vieira, Guilherme Belchior


    A pós-modernidade militar, surgida com o final da Guerra Fria, tem decorrido num ambiente internacional caracterizado pelo declínio das guerras entre estados e o deflagrar de guerras prolongadas no interior dos estados (as “novas guerras”), nomeadamente na África subsariana e no coração da Europa, provocadas por diferenças étnicas, tribais, religiosas ou políticas e deixando na sua esteira populações em situações de extrema carência. As operações de apoio à paz (as “novas missões”) p...



    Fernandes, Ricardo Jorge Lopes; Fernandes, Rui Jorge Gama


    Nos últimos anos, no quadro da nova economia e da emergência de novas tecnologias, temos assistido a um crescimento assinalável da pertinência das questões da gestão da sustentabilidade dos territórios nas suas múltiplas dimensões, implementando-se novas formas de pensar a cidade, acrescentando a dimensão digital e/ou inteligente na valorização do conhecimento e na utilização de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, vistas como pilares e estratégias fulcrais de desenvolvimento. Porém, algu...

  9. Hiperatividade: doença ou essência um enfoque da gestalt-terapia

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    Sheila Antony

    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a hiperatividade considerando a metáfora do corpo da criança e o seu funcionamento psicológico, de forma a esclarecer se a sua expressão constitui doença ou um modo próprio de ser. O transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH tem sido extensivamente investigado em pesquisas que visam aprimorar os critérios diagnósticos e conhecer sua etiologia. Poucos estudos são orientados para elucidar a dimensão psíquica da criança hiperativa. A Gestalt-Terapia é uma abordagem fenomenológico-existencial assentada em teorias holísticas que reconhecem a multidimensionalidade do humano, enfocando a relação (o contato como ontológica à existência humana.

  10. Liquens brasileiros: novas descobertas evidenciam a riqueza no Norte e Nordeste do país

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    Marcela Eugenia da Silva Cáceres


    Full Text Available A maioria das espécies não descritas de fungos é esperada em áreas pouco estudadas, como as florestas tropicais ou habitats pouco explorados como fungos que vivem em insetos, plantas, ou liquens. O Filo Ascomycota apresenta o maior número de espécies dentro do Reino Fungi, sendo que cerca da metade destas espécies são liquenizadas, ou seja, associam-se a algas e/ou cianobactérias e formam os liquens. Estes fungos liquenizados, de maneira geral, têm sido muito pouco estudados no Norte e Nordeste brasileiros, no que diz respeito à sua taxonomia e ecologia. Recentemente, estudos mais completos sobre a diversidade de liquens em remanescente de Mata Atlântica e em algumas áreas da Amazônia resultaram no registro de uma grande quantidade de espécies novas para a ciência, reforçando a importância de uma caracterização mais acurada da biodiversidade de uma área para favorecer à sua conservação. No âmbito do projeto Sisbiota, foi realizado um extenso inventário de espécies de liquens corticícolas crostosos e microfoliosos no estado de Rondônia, representando a Floresta Amazônia, e no estado de Sergipe, que apresenta apenas pequenos remanescentes de Mata Altântica. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a riqueza destas duas áreas, nas suas devidas proporções, visto que em ambas foi encontrado um número significativo de novas espécies para ciência, com 75 espécies publicadas para Rondônia, e 10 espécies novas para Sergipe. Com isso, atualmente, o número de espécies conhecidas para Rondônia passou de 31 para 502, sendo apresentados aqui 104 novos registros para o estado, sendo 10 novos registros para o Brasil e sete para o hemisfério sul.

  11. A Estratégia em Relacionamentos Coopetitivos: um estudo do arranjo produtivo de Nova SerranaStrategy and Coopetitive Relationships: the case of Nova Serrana clusterLa Estrategia en las Relaciones Coopetitivas: el caso del cluster de Nova Serrana

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    LEITE, Ramon Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMOTradicionalmente, a literatura gerencial aborda os efeitos de relacionamentos competitivos ou colaborativos na estratégia organizacional. Entretanto, recentemente, verifica-se o crescimento de uma terceira abordagem, na qual um mesmo relacionamento pode integrar rivalidade e parceria entre concorrentes. Este estudo tem por finalidade fornecer subsídios para essa discussão. Para isso, foi adotado um delineamento qualitativo de pesquisa, no qual foram entrevistados os empresários do arranjo produtivo calçadista de Nova Serrana. Com isso, foram identificados os aspectos que levam as empresas da cidade a adotarem uma postura colaborativa ou competitiva em seus relacionamentos.ABSTRACTTraditionally, the management literature discusses the effects of competitive or collaborative relationships in organizational strategy. However, recently a third approach has emerged, in which a single relationship is seem as a variable that can integrate collaboration and rivalry between competitors. This study aims to provide subsidies for this discussion. For this, a qualitative design was adopted; in which businessmen of the city of Nova Serrana were interviewed. The results indicate that the decision of collaborate or compete is dependent on a set of factors.RESUMENTradicionalmente, la literatura de gestión la analiza los efectos de la competencia o de relaciones de colaboración en las estrategias de la organización. Sin embargo, recientemente, un tercer enfoque ha surgido, en el que una sola relación se parece como una variable que puede integrar la colaboración y la rivalidad entre competidores. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar subsidios para este debate. Por ello, se adoptó un diseño cualitativo en el que los hombres de negocios de la ciudad de Nova Serrana fueron entrevistados. Los resultados indican que la decisión de colaborar o competir depende de una serie de factores.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shara, Michael M.; Mizusawa, Trisha; Zurek, David; Wehinger, Peter; Martin, Christopher D.; Neill, James D.; Forster, Karl; Seibert, Mark


    We are systematically surveying all known and suspected Z Cam-type dwarf novae for classical nova shells. This survey is motivated by the discovery of the largest known classical nova shell, which surrounds the archetypal dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis. The Z Cam shell demonstrates that at least some dwarf novae must have undergone classical nova eruptions in the past, and that at least some classical novae become dwarf novae long after their nova thermonuclear outbursts, in accord with the hibernation scenario of cataclysmic binaries. Here we report the detection of a fragmented 'shell', 3 arcmin in diameter, surrounding the dwarf nova AT Cancri. This second discovery demonstrates that nova shells surrounding Z Cam-type dwarf novae cannot be very rare. The shell geometry is suggestive of bipolar, conical ejection seen nearly pole-on. A spectrum of the brightest AT Cnc shell knot is similar to that of the ejecta of the classical nova GK Per, and of Z Cam, dominated by [N II] emission. Galaxy Evolution Explorer FUV imagery reveals a similar-sized, FUV-emitting shell. We determine a distance of 460 pc to AT Cnc, and an upper limit to its ejecta mass of ∼5 × 10 –5 M ☉ , typical of classical novae.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shara, Michael M.; Mizusawa, Trisha; Zurek, David [Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024-5192 (United States); Wehinger, Peter [Steward Observatory, the University of Arizona, 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Martin, Christopher D.; Neill, James D.; Forster, Karl [Department of Physics, Math and Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, 1200 East California Boulevard, Mail Code 405-47, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Seibert, Mark [Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States)


    We are systematically surveying all known and suspected Z Cam-type dwarf novae for classical nova shells. This survey is motivated by the discovery of the largest known classical nova shell, which surrounds the archetypal dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis. The Z Cam shell demonstrates that at least some dwarf novae must have undergone classical nova eruptions in the past, and that at least some classical novae become dwarf novae long after their nova thermonuclear outbursts, in accord with the hibernation scenario of cataclysmic binaries. Here we report the detection of a fragmented 'shell', 3 arcmin in diameter, surrounding the dwarf nova AT Cancri. This second discovery demonstrates that nova shells surrounding Z Cam-type dwarf novae cannot be very rare. The shell geometry is suggestive of bipolar, conical ejection seen nearly pole-on. A spectrum of the brightest AT Cnc shell knot is similar to that of the ejecta of the classical nova GK Per, and of Z Cam, dominated by [N II] emission. Galaxy Evolution Explorer FUV imagery reveals a similar-sized, FUV-emitting shell. We determine a distance of 460 pc to AT Cnc, and an upper limit to its ejecta mass of {approx}5 Multiplication-Sign 10{sup -5} M {sub Sun }, typical of classical novae.


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    Rosa Maria Farah


    Full Text Available O Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Gerontologia/PUC-SP desenvolve pesquisas em diversificadas linhas algumas das quais têm em comum o acolhimento à questão das novas tecnologias no envelhecimento. São investigações de caráter interdisciplinar que envolvem docentes-pesquisadores, orientandos de mestrado e de iniciação científica. Na área da educação a distância, a PUC-SP inaugura um trabalho em que o idoso interessado em avançar em seus conhecimentos é recebido em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em que pode participar de cursos avançados de aquisição de novas linguagens e de navegação na Internet, cujas consequências são o investimento em uma via mais digna para o envelhecer no sentido de esse idoso sentir-se um ser ligado aos novos tempos em que a interatividade digital traz-lhe possibilidades ilimitadas de contatos com o outro, com o mundo enfim. A pesquisa sobre a inclusão cibersocial do idoso mostra o que significa colocar o idoso em contato com a Internet, quando este recebe, por meio das redes sociais, ofertas de várias ordens, e equipamentos que contornam limitações de ordem física ou motora. Além disso, o registro digital da memória do idoso, de sua história e referências também podem constituir conteudos preciosos para pesquisas. A relação do idoso com a informática pode situá-lo como um ator, produtor e reprodutor no ciberespaço. Isso significa que as vantagens do uso do computador fazem o idoso ganhar novo sentido na vida, na medida em que pode assim preencher o vazio causado pelas perdas que lhe vão ocorrendo, possibilitando que ele redimensione seu olhar para o presente e futuro. Palavras-chave: o sujeito-idoso nas novas tecnologias; novas tecnologias e envelhecimento; o idoso na educação a distância; internet na velhice.

  15. Reflexão à luz da nova evangelização


    Amaral, Miguel


    Neste artigo trataremos do profetismo enquanto momento da transmissão da Palavra de Deus e, portanto, olharemos para a Igreja enquanto encarregada de transmitir o Evangelho de Jesus. Nessa comunicação não estão envolvidos só os membros da hierarquia, os catequistas ou os teólogos, visto que é toda a comunidade eclesial que oferece a Boa Nova da salvação.

  16. Uma nova espécie de Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae da flora do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil A new species of Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Graziela Maciel Barroso


    Full Text Available É descrita uma nova espécie para o gênero Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae, ocorrente na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, município de Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de árvore ou arvoreta do estrato intermediário ou inferior da floresta atlântica que se destaca pela pilosidade densa e rufa de seus raminhos, pecíolos e dorso foliar. Pela sua forma de crescimento com copa pequena e arredondada e beleza de seus ramos esfoliantes, a nova espécie tem aptidão ornamental como arvoreta para áreas sombreadas.Occuring on the Tinguá Biological Reserve in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro state, is described. It is a small tree from the intermediate or inferior layer of the Atlantic forest and is conspicuous because of the dense, reddish indumentum on its branches, petioles and lower blade surface. Due to its architectural form with small rounded canopy and the beauty of its exfoliating branches, the new species may prove useful for ornamental plantings in shady areas.

  17. Nova diagnostics summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slivinsky, V.W.; Drake, R.P.


    The authors intend that Nova be the best diagnosed ICF research facility in operation today. The authors experience in providing advanced diagnostics for previous laser systems will be extended at Nova, and will be challenged by the development of new instrumentation to diagnose the more advanced targets made possible by this powerful laser. Previous experience has shown that to understand target performance, the authors must have as complete a set of diagnostics as possible. The Nova diagnostics are divided into two sets: the basic set required for the initial Nova experiments and the more advanced set for later, generally more complex, experiments. The basic set will be operational for the first Nova shots; it was a Nova line item funded with Nova construction money. This basic set is presented in a table

  18. Transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual revisão: conceito, história, epidemiologia e etiologia Premenstrual dysphoric disorder review: concept, history, epidemiology and etiology

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    Gislene C. Valadares


    Full Text Available Estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que até 80% das mulheres apresentam sintomas físicos e/ou psíquicos no período pré-menstrual e que cerca de 3% a 11% os apresentam de maneira severa, havendo prejuízos sociais, familiares ou profissionais, o que caracteriza o transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual (TDPM. O TDPM apresenta sintomas que aparecem na semana que antecede a menstruação, cessando nos primeiros dias após o início desta. Diversas teorias têm sido propostas para justificar a sua etiologia. Fatores hormonais, psicológicos e ambientais parecem estar envolvidos; no entanto, ainda não há conclusões precisas que justifiquem essa patologia.Epidemiologic studies show that till 80% of the women have physical and/or psychiatric symptoms in the premenstrual period, and in about 3% till 11% of them, this disease has serious consequences, causing familiar or professional damages; characterizing the premenstrual dysphoric disorder. The premenstrual dysphoric symptoms happen in the week before menstruation, stopping in the first days after menstruation beginning. A lot of theories have been proposed to justify its etiology. Hormonals, psychological and environmental factors seem to be involved, however there are no strict conclusions to justify this pathology.

  19. Typical examples of classical novae (United States)

    Hack, Margherita; Selvelli, Pierluigi; Bianchini, Antonio; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.


    Because of the very complicated individualistic behavior of each nova, we think it necessary to review the observations of a few well-observed individuals. We have selected a few objects of different speed classes, which have been extensively observed. They are: V1500 Cygni 1975, a very fast nova; V603 Aql 1918, fast nova; CP Pup 1942, fast nova; GK Per 1901, fast nova; V 1668 Cyg 1979, moderately fast nova; FH Ser 1970, slow nova; DQ Her 1934, slow nova; T Aur 1891, slow nova; RR Pic 1925, slow nova; and HR Del 1967, very slow nova.

  20. Nova outburst modeling and its application to the recurrent nova phenomenon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sparks, W.M.; Starrfield, S.; Truran, J.


    The thermonuclear runaway (TNR) theory for the cause of the common novae is reviewed. Numerical simulations of this theory were performed using an implicit hydrodynamic Lagrangian computer code. Relevant physical phenomena are explained with the simpler envelope-in-place calculations. Next the models that include accretion are discussed. The calculations agree very well with observations of common novae. The observational differences between common novae and recurrent novae are examined. We propose input parameters to the TNR model which can give the outburst characteristics of RS Ophiuchi and discuss the implications. This review is concluded with a brief discussion of two current topics in novae research: shear mixing on the white dwarf and Neon novae. 36 refs., 4 figs

  1. Microcristais biliares na pancreatite aguda idiopática: indício para etiologia biliar oculta subjacente

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    CHEBLI Júlio Maria Fonseca


    ultra-sonográfico durante o seguimento não revelou cálculo biliar em nenhum destes. Concluiu-se que a detecção de microcristais biliares na pancreatite aguda idiopática sugeriu etiologia biliar oculta subjacente. Adicionalmente, intervenção terapêutica específica nos pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática recurrente e microcristais reduziu as recidivas durante o seguimento. Finalmente, pancreatite aguda (particularmente, recurrente não deveria ser rotulada como idiopática antes da análise microscópica da bile visando a detecção ou exclusão da presença de microcristais.

  2. Biodegradabilidade e propriedades mecânicas de novas misturas poliméricas

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    Rosa Derval S.


    Full Text Available O plástico tem sido cada vez mais usado em nosso cotidiano em diversos tipos de produtos: garrafas, embalagens, automóveis, etc. Diversas alternativas têm sido buscadas para minimizar o impacto ambiental causado pelos polímeros convencionais. Uma importante alternativa é o uso de polímeros biodegradáveis, que podem ser degradados pela ação de microorganismos, tais como bactérias, fungos ou algas. As aplicações tecnológicas de polímeros biodegradáveis normalmente requerem melhorias nas suas propriedades mecânicas. Neste contexto, novas misturas poliméricas vêm sendo obtidas para aplicações inovadoras e mais baratas. Neste trabalho, será apresentada a metodologia de preparação de novas misturas poliméricas, contendo diferentes teores de amido, com Policaprolactona (PCL, Polihidróxibutirato (PHB e um copolímero Poli(hidróxibutirato-co-valerato (PHBV. A resistência à tração das blendas com 50% em massa de amido é 35% e 60% menor do que a dos polímeros PCL e PHBV puros, respectivamente. Quando expostas a microorganismos em lodo ativado, as misturas de PCL ou PHBV com maiores dosagens de amido apresentam maiores taxas de degradação.

  3. Divergências convergentes: a nova cultura radiofônica

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    Lilian Zaremba


    Full Text Available Há mais ou menos vinte anos o rádio começou a se transformar na digitalização e sob o impacto da chamada convergência dos massmedia, o computador e a telecomunicação, oferecendo terreno para o aparecimento de formas híbridas: as concepções tradicionais enfrentam o embate no mutante espaço cibernético. Mutatis Mutandis, mudar o que precisa ser mudado, o rádio se desloca no dial encruzilhada das opções. O médium das gigantescas organizações internacionais, o rádio público, comunitário ou pirata, atraídos por este ímã até então estranho da nova media eletrônica, temem ser dissolvidos por ela. A resistência dos padrões sucumbe na pressão comercial tornando urgente a preservação de algum espaço para reflexão. Este trabalho pretendeu operar nesta urgência contribuindo para o debate, vasculhando nas origens deste médium de comunicação a compreensão mesma do que seja e possa talvez continuar a ser, Rádio.

  4. Dor lombar crônica e dor nos membros inferiores em idosas: etiologia em revisão

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    Renata Maraschin

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A relação entre dor lombar crônica, dor nos membros inferiores e dependência funcional em idosos evidencia-se pelo comportamento da dor durante a execução de atividades da vida diária. Permanecer em pé, puxar ou empurrar objetos grandes e caminhar podem desencadear dor e causar grande sofrimento para os idosos. OBJETIVO: Identificar as causas descritas na literatura relativas à dor lombar crônica e à dor nos membros inferiores em idosas. MÉTODO: Realizou-se busca, nas bases de dados Medline e Pubmed, de literatura em inglês publicada entre 1992 e 2008. RESULTADOS: Dos 48 artigos encontrados, 33 foram analisados. Entre as causas não mecânicas de dor, foram mencionadas fraturas vertebrais por compressão relacionadas à osteoporose, estenose espinhal lombar, metástases, malignidade, síndrome da cauda equina, bacteremia, infecções geniturinárias, tuberculose, polimialgia reumática, aneurisma aórtico, Doença de Paget e Doença de Parkinson. Entre as causas mecânicas, prevalentes em idosos e relacionadas ao sistema musculoesquelético, foram encontradas indefinições quanto à relação de causa e efeito estabelecida entre osteoartrite e dor. Em mulheres, a relação entre menopausa, uso de estrogênio e ocorrência de osteoporose-fratura-dor parece ainda pouca esclarecida. Associação entre dor lombar e dor nos membros inferiores pode sugerir causas mecânicas ou outras causas, visto que osteoartrite e distúrbios circulatórios, comuns em idosas, nem sempre são fontes de dor. CONCLUSÃO: Pela análise da literatura concluiu-se que, além da etiologia mencionada, outras possibilidades de causas, ainda não completamente identificadas e compreendidas, podem estar na origem da dor lombar e da dor nos membros inferiores de idosas.

  5. Novas tecnologias aplicadas às embalagens de alimentos

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    Flávia De Floriani Pozza Rebello


    Full Text Available Com o desenvolvimento da indústria de alimentos, as embalagens têm se aperfeiçoado, indo além de sua função básica de proteger o alimento contra danos mecânicos e contaminações químicas e microbiológicas. Elas têm cada vez mais desempenhando papel de destaque, contribuindo ativamente para a venda de um produto. Assim, as indústrias de embalagens têm procurado atender aos consumidores mais exigentes e juntamente aos centros de pesquisa e universidades, têm investido mais em estudos de novas tecnologias, a fim de prolongar as características de qualidade do alimento, conferir melhor aparência, maior proteção mecânica no embarque, transporte, desembarque e nos supermercados, oferecer embalagens mais compactas, que ocupem menos espaço na geladeira, com abertura e fechamento mais fáceis, e que utilizem materiais de fácil reciclagem ou decomposição no ambiente. Com o objetivo de atender às novas expectativas das indústrias de alimentos e dos consumidores, surgem as embalagens ativas e as embalagens inteligentes. As embalagens ativas são aquelas que interagem de alguma forma com o alimento, seja liberando substâncias conservantes ao longo da vida de prateleira do produto, ou “corrigindo” alguns problemas naturais do alimento, como sabor amargo por exemplo, em que algumas enzimas podem ser adicionadas ao material de embalagem, minimizando este problema e tornando o produto mais saboroso. Já as embalagens inteligentes indicam as modificações químicas às quais os alimentos estão passando, como mudanças de pH, por exemplo, indicando alterações na qualidade do produto.

  6. Acne e dieta: verdade ou mito? Acne and diet: truth or myth?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adilson Costa


    Full Text Available Nos últimos 50 anos, foram publicados inúmeros estudos com a finalidade de comprovar se a dieta está relacionada à etiologia da acne. Embora existam estudos antigos, que são bem difundidos entre os dermatologistas e negam a associação entre acne e dieta, seu delineamento científico é pobre. Recentemente, novos artigos demonstraram evidências contrárias às publicações anteriores. Sendo assim, os autores realizaram esta revisão bibliográfica com o intuito de averiguar se a dieta influencia direta ou indiretamente um ou mais dos quatro pilares etiopatogênicos fundamentais da acne: (1 hiperproliferação dos queratinócitos basais, (2 aumento da produção sebácea, (3 colonização pelo Propionibacterium acnes e (4 inflamação.Numerous studies were published over the last 50 years to investigate whether diet is associated with the etiology of acne. Although older studies well known by dermatologists that refute the association between acne and diet exist, their scientific foundation is weak. New articles have recently brought to light evidence contrary to previous findings. Therefore, we would like to investigate whether diet, directly or indirectly, influences one or more of the four fundamental etiopathogenic pillars of acne: (1 hyperproliferation of basal keratinocytes, (2 increase of sebaceous production, (3 colonization by Propionibacterium acnes, and (4 inflammation.

  7. The classical nova outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.G.


    The classical nova outburst occurs on the white dwarf component in a close binary system. Nova systems are members of the general class of cataclysmic variables and other members of the class are the Dwarf Novae, AM Her variables, Intermediate Polars, Recurrent Novae, and some of the Symbiotic variables. Although multiwavelength observations have already provided important information about all of these systems, in this review I will concentrate on the outbursts of the classical and recurrent novae and refer to other members of the class only when necessary. 140 refs., 1 tab

  8. Neon novae, recurrent novae, and type I supernovae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Sparks, W.M.; Truran, J.W.; Shaviv, G.; Illinois Univ., Urbana, IL; Technion-Israel Inst. of Tech., Haifa


    Over the past few years, we have been investigating the effects of accretion onto massive white dwarfs and its implications for their growth in mass toward the Chandrasekhar limit, in attempts to identify a possible relationship between SN I and novae. In our studies we have considered accretion at various mass accretion rates onto a variety of different white dwarf masses. We have found that there is a critical white dwarf mass above which a significant fraction of the accreted mass can remain on the white dwarf after the outburst. Below this value of the white dwarf mass, all of the accreted mass, plus core material dredged up into the envelope, is ejected as a result of the explosion. Our latest results include accretion and boundary layer heating produced by the infalling material. From these studies, we have identified some members of the class of recurrent novae, those involving a thermonuclear runaway, as the novae that are occurring on very massive white dwarfs and evolving toward an SN I explosion. One of the outgrowths of our uv studies of novae in outburst has been the identification of a class of novae which eject material that is very rich in the elements from oxygen to aluminum. We have shown that these outbursts occur on ONeMg white dwarfs, which are necessarily very massive white dwarfs. 11 refs

  9. Symbiotic Novae


    Mikolajewska, Joanna


    The symbiotic novae are thermonuclear novae in symbiotic binary systems -- interacting binaries with evolved red giant donors, and the longest orbital periods. This paper aims at presenting physical characteristics of these objects and discussing their place among the whole family of symbiotic stars.

  10. Anoftalmia bilateral como defeito congênito isolado: uma abordagem etiológica e psicossocial


    Corso,Diego Davi; Bonamigo,Elcio Luiz; Corso,Mário Alberto; Rodrigues,Eduardo Büchele


    A anoftalmia é uma condição oftalmológica rara, caracterizada pela ausência de um ou ambos os olhos, de etiologia não elucidada, podendo ser congênita, adquirida ou associada a outras síndromes sistêmicas. Quanto à etiologia, já foram descritas na literatura aberrações cromossômicas, mutações genéticas e fatores ambientais como responsáveis pelo surgimento da anomalia. Não existe consenso sobre a real incidência da anoftalmia, devido à escassez em dados oficiais, principalmente no Brasil. Nes...

  11. Deve-se extrapolar o tratamento de bronquiectasias em pacientes com fibrose cística para aqueles com bronquiectasias de outras etiologias? Should the bronchiectasis treatment given to cystic fibrosis patients be extrapolated to those with bronchiectasis from other causes?

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    Rodrigo Abensur Athanazio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conhecer o perfil de pacientes adultos com bronquiectasias, comparando portadores de fibrose cística (FC com aqueles com bronquiectasias de outra etiologia, a fim de determinar se é racional extrapolar terapêuticas instituídas em fibrocísticos para aqueles com bronquiectasias de outras etiologias. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários de 87 pacientes adultos com diagnóstico de bronquiectasia em acompanhamento em nosso serviço. Pacientes com doença secundária a infecção por tuberculose corrente ou no passado foram excluídos. Foram avaliados dados clínicos, funcionais e terapêuticos dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: Dos 87 pacientes com bronquiectasias, 38 (43,7% tinham diagnóstico confirmado de FC através de dosagem de sódio e cloro no suor ou análise genética, enquanto 49 (56,3% apresentavam a doença por outra etiologia, 34 (39,0% desses com bronquiectasia idiopática. Os pacientes com FC apresentavam média de idade ao diagnóstico mais baixa (14,2 vs. 24,2 anos; p OBJECTIVE: To profile the characteristics of adult patients with bronchiectasis, drawing comparisons between cystic fibrosis (CF patients and those with bronchiectasis from other causes in order to determine whether it is rational to extrapolate the bronchiectasis treatment given to CF patients to those with bronchiectasis from other causes. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the medical charts of 87 patients diagnosed with bronchiectasis and under follow-up treatment at our outpatient clinic. Patients who had tuberculosis (current or previous were excluded. We evaluated the clinical, functional, and treatment data of the patients. RESULTS: Of the 87 patients with bronchiectasis, 38 (43.7% had been diagnosed with CF, through determination of sweat sodium and chloride concentrations or through genetic analysis, whereas the disease was due to another etiology in 49 (56.3%, of whom 34 (39.0% had been diagnosed with idiopathic bronchiectasis. The mean

  12. A statistical analysis of IUE spectra of dwarf novae and nova-like stars (United States)

    Ladous, Constanze


    First results of a statistical analysis of the IUE International Ultraviolet Explorer archive on dwarf novae and nova like stars are presented. The archive contains approximately 2000 low resolution spectra of somewhat over 100 dwarf novae and nova like stars. Many of these were looked at individually, but so far the collective information content of this set of data has not been explored. The first results of work are reported.

  13. Nova target experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drake, R.P.


    The Nova laser, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, provides unique opportunities for target experiments. It has unprecedented energy on target and significant flexibility. The paper presented by John Hunt described the capabilities and the status of Nova. This paper discusses plans for future experiments using Nova, and the present status of target experiments. We plan to perform high-quality physics experiments that exploit the unique capabilities of Nova. Because this is our goal, we are fielding an extensive array of well-characterized target diagnostics to measure the emissions from the target. The first section of this paper discusses the basic target diagnostics. We are also taking care to quantify the performance of the laser

  14. Radiation of dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruch, A.


    The nature of dwarf novae with their components white dwarf star, cool star, accretion disk, boundary layer and hot spot is investigated. It is shown that very different physical states and processes occur in the components of dwarf novae. Spectroscopical and photometrical observations are carried out. For better understanding the radiation portions of the single dwarf novae components are separated from the total electromagnetic spectrum recieved from the dwarf novae. The model assumptions are compared with the observations and verified

  15. Spectral evolution of Nova V400 Per (1974) and Nova V373 Sct (1975)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosino, L.


    Photographic and spectroscopic observations of the two galactic novae, V400 Per and V373 Sct, which appeared in 1974 and 1975, have been carried out at Asiago. The light curves of the two novae were characterized by the presence of brightness oscillations during the early decline. The spectral evolution was quite normal: the spectra showed at first, over a relatively strong continuum, wide emission bands of moderate excitation, accompanied by blueshifted absorptions, with radial velocities of - 1760 kms -1 (Nova Per) and - 1260 kms -1 (Nova Sct). Later, after the novae entered the nebular stage, the continuum weakened, the absorption disappeared and the novae displayed the usual emission spectrum, with permitted and forbidden lines of high excitation ([O III], N III, He I, He II). Forbidden lines of Fe VI and Fe VII - and in Nova Sct, also Fe X and A X - were present for a time, but they soon disappeared, so that at the end the spectrum was dominated by the [O III] nebular lines, even stronger than Hα. (Auth.)

  16. Novae news

    CERN Document Server


    As announced in the previous Bulletin, Novae has opened a new snack bar on the Flagstaff car park, just a few metres from CERN's reception area (Building 33).   Just a few metres from the CERN Reception, the new Novae snack point welcomes visitors and CERNois. Opening hours Currently: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. From September: Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The snack bar selection includes breakfast, starting at 2.70 CHF, cold dishes from 5 CHF, and hot dishes from 6 CHF.   Novae has also installed a 24-hour-a-day food vending machine in the CERN hostel (Building 39) and in Building 13. You can buy pasta and cooked dishes for 6.50 CHF to 8 CHF. In addition, a groceries vending machine has been installed in the main building, just across from the news kiosk. Nearly 60 different items are available around the clock. Finally, Novae has introduced a new payment system in several buildings on the Meyrin site. It accepts credit ca...

  17. Long-term cycles in old Novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shara, M.M.; Potter, M.; Shara, D.J.


    Three of the oldest recovered novae were monitored with a CCD camera almost nightly for six weeks. The cyclic variability reported by Della Valle and Rosino (1987) for Nova Oph 1848 is confirmed. A similar variability is also suggested for Nova Cyg 1876, though this system exhibits more random flickering than Nova Oph. No secular variability is seen in Nova Sge 1783. 12 refs

  18. Nova frequency conversion and focusing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Summers, M.A.; Seppala, L.G.; Williams, J.D.


    New developments in crystal array technology provided significant improvements in the mechanical design and optical performance of the Nova 2 omega/3 omega array hardware. The final Nova array configuration was tested on the Novette laser and on the first arm of Nova. Ten Nova 2 omega/3 omega crystal arrays were assembled and tested for crystal alignment and wave front distortion before installation on the Nova target chamber. Ten Nova focus lens positioners were assembled and tested last year. The positioning accuracy and repeatability of each assembly were evaluated before installation on the target chamber. A cylindrical focusing system was also developed for installation in the Nova lens positioner assembly. Finally, 10 completed frequency conversion and focusing systems were activated

  19. Cerebrovascular disorders in childhood: etiology, clinical presentation, and neuroimaging findings in a case series study Acidente vascular cerebral na infância: etiologia, apresentação clínica e achados de neuroimagem em um estudo de série de casos

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    André P.C. Matta


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the main etiologies, neurological manifestations and neuro-imaging findings among children with sequelae of cerebrovascular disorders. METHOD: Case series study of children whose diagnosis was stroke sequelae. Variables studied were age at the time of first episode, number of episodes, etiology, motor deficits, epilepsy, and effected vascular territory. RESULTS: Twenty three patients were studied. Average age at first episode was 6.91 (±2.08 years. Fourteen patients were female. The number of stroke events per patient ranged from one to five. The most frequent etiologies were heart disease and sickle cell anemia. The most frequent neurological deficit was right hemiparesis. Nine patients experienced seizures. The left middle cerebral artery was the most affected vascular area. CONCLUSION: Our findings are similar to those described in the literature. Despite a careful investigation, some causes of stroke remain unidentified.OBJETIVO: Descrever as principais etiologias, manifestações neurológicas e achados de neuroimagem entre crianças com seqüela de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC. MÉTODO: Estudo de série de casos de crianças com seqüela de AVC isquêmico ou hemorrágico, analisando-se as variáveis: idade no primeiro episódio, número de eventos, etiologia, déficit motor, epilepsia e território vascular acometido. RESULTADO: Vinte e três pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 14 do sexo feminino. A idade do primeiro episódio foi 6.91 (±2,08 anos. O número de eventos por paciente variou entre 1 e 5. As etiologias mais freqüentes foram cardiopatia e anemia falciforme. O déficit mais encontrado foi a hemiparesia direita. Nove pacientes apresentaram convulsões. A artéria cerebral média esquerda foi o território vascular mais afetado. COCLUSÃO: Os achados deste trabalho estão de acordo com a literatura em geral. Apesar de extensa investigação, alguns casos permanecem sem definição etiológica.

  20. Uranium in Nova Scotia: a background summary for the uranium inquiry, Nova Scotia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Since the mid 1970's Nova Scotia has experienced increased exploration for a number of commodities including uranium. The exploration activity for uranium has resulted in discovery of significant occurrences of the element. It became obvious to the Government of Nova Scotia that a segment of the population of the Province is concerned about the potential hazards associated with the exploration, mining and milling stages of the uranium industry. Public concern has resulted in the appointment of a Commissioner under the Public Inquiries Act of Nova Scotia to inquire and make recommendations to the Governor-in-Council on all aspects of exploration, development, mining, processing, storage, waste management and transportation of uranium in any form. The regulation of mineral exploration and mining activities is carried out by the Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy through the Mineral Resources Act of the Province of Nova Scotia. The regulation of the special radioactive aspects involved in the mining and processing of uranium ore is the responsibility of the federal Atomic Energy Control Board. The purposes of this report is to: outline the history of uranium exploration in Nova Scotia; summarize the results of geological surveys by provincial and federal government agencies, universities and exploration companies which document the natural levels of radioactivity in the Province; briefly outline the physical and chemical characteristics of uranium and thorium which make these elements unique and a potential environmental and health concern; outline chronologically the steps taken by the Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy to monitor and regulate uranium exploration activities; classify the types of uranium deposits known to occur in Nova Scotia and describe their main geological features; outline the role of the Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy in the regulation of mining activities in the Province. The report is written for the interested

  1. The NOvA Technical Design Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayres, D.S.; Drake, G.R.; Goodman, M.C.; Grudzinski, J.J.; Guarino, V.J.; Talaga, R.L.; Zhao, A.; Stamoulis, P.; Stiliaris, E.; Tzanakos, G.; Zois, M.


    Technical Design Report (TDR) describes the preliminary design of the NOvA accelerator upgrades, NOvA detectors, detector halls and detector sites. Compared to the March 2006 and November 2006 NOvA Conceptual Design Reports (CDR), critical value engineering studies have been completed and the alternatives still active in the CDR have been narrowed to achieve a preliminary technical design ready for a Critical Decision 2 review. Many aspects of NOvA described this TDR are complete to a level far beyond a preliminary design. In particular, the access road to the NOvA Far Detector site in Minnesota has an advanced technical design at a level appropriate for a Critical Decision 3a review. Several components of the accelerator upgrade and new neutrino detectors also have advanced technical designs appropriate for a Critical Decision 3a review. Chapter 1 is an Executive Summary with a short description of the NOvA project. Chapter 2 describes how the Fermilab NuMI beam will provide a narrow band beam of neutrinos for NOvA. Chapter 3 gives an updated overview of the scientific basis for the NOvA experiment, focusing on the primary goal to extend the search for ν μ → ν e oscillations and measure the sin 2 (2θ 13 ) parameter. This parameter has not been measured in any previous experiment and NOvA would extend the search by about an order of magnitude beyond the current limit. A secondary goal is to measure the dominant mode oscillation parameters, sin 2 (2θ 23 ) and Δm 32 2 to a more precise level than previous experiments. Additional physics goals for NOvA are also discussed. Chapter 4 describes the Scientific Design Criteria which the Fermilab accelerator complex, NOvA detectors and NOvA detector sites must satisfy to meet the physics goals discussed in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 is an overview of the NOvA project. The changes in the design relative to the NOvA CDR are discussed. Chapter 6 summarizes the NOvA design performance relative to the Design Criteria set out

  2. Climate change in Nova Scotia : a background paper to guide Nova Scotia's climate change action plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Climate change causes changes in the temperature of the earth, the level of the sea, and the frequency of extreme weather conditions. The province of Nova Scotia recently released an act related to environmental goals and sustainable prosperity. Addressing climate change is a key element in achieving Nova Scotia's sustainable prosperity goals outlined in the act. The Nova Scotia Department of Energy is working towards developing both policy and action, to help meet its target of a 10 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases from 1990 levels by the year 2020. Two major plans are underway, notably a climate change action plan and a renewed energy strategy. This report provided background information on Nova Scotia's climate change action plan. It discussed climate change issues affecting Nova Scotia, air pollutants, energy sources in Nova Scotia, energy consumers in the province, and Nova Scotia's approach to climate change. The report also discussed actions underway and funding sources. It was concluded that in order for the climate change action plan to be successful, Nova Scotians must use energy more efficiently; use renewable energy; use cleaner energy; and plan for change. 13 refs., 2 tabs., 6 figs., 4 appendices

  3. Nova espécie de Dasineura Rondani, 1840 (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae em capítulos de Hypochaeris chillensis (Kunth Britton (Asteraceae para o Brasil

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    Alessandre Pereira-Colavite


    Full Text Available Uma nova espécie de Dasineura Rondani, 1840 (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae para o Brasil, Dasineura occulta sp. nov., é descrita associada a Hypochaeris chillensis (Kunth Britton (Asteraceae, uma espécie invasora e característica de ambientes antropizadas. Esta nova espécie foi encontrada ocupando capítulos e não há formação de galhas ou alterações no tecido das inflorescências que possam ser reconhecidas externamente. São apresentados desenhos de caracteres morfológicos de adultos (macho e fêmea, larva e pupa. Pranchas da ocupação do hospedeiro também são incluídas.

  4. The NOvA Technical Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayres, D.S.; Drake, G.R.; Goodman, M.C.; Grudzinski, J.J.; Guarino, V.J.; Talaga, R.L.; Zhao, A.; /Argonne; Stamoulis, P.; Stiliaris, E.; Tzanakos, G.; Zois, M.; /Athens U. /Caltech /UCLA /Fermilab /College de France /Harvard U. /Indiana U. /Lebedev Inst. /Michigan State U. /Minnesota U., Duluth /Minnesota U.


    Technical Design Report (TDR) describes the preliminary design of the NOvA accelerator upgrades, NOvA detectors, detector halls and detector sites. Compared to the March 2006 and November 2006 NOvA Conceptual Design Reports (CDR), critical value engineering studies have been completed and the alternatives still active in the CDR have been narrowed to achieve a preliminary technical design ready for a Critical Decision 2 review. Many aspects of NOvA described this TDR are complete to a level far beyond a preliminary design. In particular, the access road to the NOvA Far Detector site in Minnesota has an advanced technical design at a level appropriate for a Critical Decision 3a review. Several components of the accelerator upgrade and new neutrino detectors also have advanced technical designs appropriate for a Critical Decision 3a review. Chapter 1 is an Executive Summary with a short description of the NOvA project. Chapter 2 describes how the Fermilab NuMI beam will provide a narrow band beam of neutrinos for NOvA. Chapter 3 gives an updated overview of the scientific basis for the NOvA experiment, focusing on the primary goal to extend the search for {nu}{sub {mu}} {yields} {nu}{sub e} oscillations and measure the sin{sup 2}(2{theta}{sub 13}) parameter. This parameter has not been measured in any previous experiment and NOvA would extend the search by about an order of magnitude beyond the current limit. A secondary goal is to measure the dominant mode oscillation parameters, sin{sup 2}(2{theta}{sub 23}) and {Delta}m{sub 32}{sup 2} to a more precise level than previous experiments. Additional physics goals for NOvA are also discussed. Chapter 4 describes the Scientific Design Criteria which the Fermilab accelerator complex, NOvA detectors and NOvA detector sites must satisfy to meet the physics goals discussed in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 is an overview of the NOvA project. The changes in the design relative to the NOvA CDR are discussed. Chapter 6 summarizes the NOvA

  5. Nova laser assurance-management system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levy, A.J.


    In a well managed project, Quality Assurance is an integral part of the management activities performed on a daily basis. Management assures successful performance within budget and on schedule by using all the good business, scientific, engineering, quality assurance, and safety practices available. Quality assurance and safety practices employed on Nova are put in perspective by integrating them into the overall function of good project management. The Nova assurance management system was developed using the quality assurance (QA) approach first implemented at LLNL in early 1978. The LLNL QA program is described as an introduction to the Nova assurance management system. The Nova system is described pictorially through the Nova configuration, subsystems and major components, interjecting the QA techniques which are being pragmatically used to assure the successful completion of the project

  6. School Psychology in Nova Scotia (United States)

    King, Sara; McGonnell, Melissa; Noyes, Amira


    Registration as a psychologist in Nova Scotia can be at the master's or doctoral level; however, the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology has announced a move to the doctoral degree as the entry-level to practice. Many school psychologists in Nova Scotia practice at the master's level; therefore, this change could affect school psychology…

  7. Explosive hydrogen burning in novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiescher, M.; Goerres, J.; Thielemann, F.K.; Ritter, H.


    Recent observations (nova CrA 81 and Aql 82) reported large enhancements of element abundances beyond CNO nuclei in nova ejecta, which still wait for a clear theoretical explanation. Attempts to interprete these findings include scenarios like nova events on a O-Ne-Mg white dwarf or nuclear processing which enables the transfer of CNO material to heavier nuclei. In the present study we included all available nuclear information on proton-rich unstable nuclei, to update thermo-nuclear reaction rates in explosive hydrogen burning. They are applied in a systematic analysis of explosive hydrogen burning for a variety of temperature conditions, appropriate to nova explosions. We find that (a) for temperatures T>2 10 8 K, pre-existing material in Ne, Al, or Mg can be transferred to heavier nuclei following the flow pattern of a r(apid) p(roton-capture) process (b) for T> or approx.3.5 10 8 K CNO matter can be processed to heavier nuclei (in accordance with previous findings). On the basis of these results it seems unlikely that nova Aql 82 (which shows strong carbon and oxygen enrichment together with heavier elements) can be explained by a nova event on a bare O-Ne-Mg white dwarf but is rather a result of burning with T> or approx.3.5 10 8 K. An application to existing nova models shows a reduced 26 Al production, when compared to earlier predictions. Both conclusions, however, have to be verified by complete nova calculations which include the improved nuclear physics input, presented here. (orig.)

  8. Celulares pagos por empregadores: “benefício” ou “malefício”?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia Cipriano

    Full Text Available Ao longo do século XX, os espaços e horários destinados ao trabalho eram isolados daqueles destinados à vida pessoal, familiar ou ao lazer. Na contemporaneidade, no entanto, tornou-se comum atender telefonemas de trabalho nos mais variados locais fora do horário de expediente e até mesmo nas férias. Uma das razões para esse novo tipo de comportamento é a concessão, pelos empregadores, de celulares com contas pagas aos seus funcionários. A presente pesquisa procurou investigar quais são as reações desses funcionários. Para tanto, foram conduzidas entrevistas de perguntas abertas com ocupantes de cargos de níveis gerenciais em empresas particulares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foi possível constatar uma ambivalência generalizada entre os entrevistados. Por um lado, eles consideram tal prática um “benefício”, porque também podem usar o celular da empresa para assuntos pessoais, o que representa uma boa economia. Por outro lado, no entanto, se ressentem da invasão, não remunerada ou previamente acordada, de seu tempo livre. Alguns chegam mesmo a se referir a essa concessão como um “malefício”, ou, ainda mais radicalmente, como uma nova forma de escravidão.

  9. Possíveis etiologias da Síndrome de West: avaliação de 95 pacientes Possible etiologies of West syndrome: evaluation of 95 patients

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    André Palma da Cunha Matta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as etiologias da síndrome de West (SW em um grupo de crianças atendidas no ambiente de um centro de reabilitação. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva, avaliando-se os seguintes itens: gênero, idade por ocasião da definição do diagnóstico da SW e sua etiologia. Esta foi dividida em três categorias: sintomática, criptogênica e idiopática. Os casos sintomáticos foram divididos em pré, peri e pós-natais. RESULTADOS: Noventa e cinco pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 59 do gênero masculino (62%. A idade do diagnóstico variou entre 1 e 24 meses, com média de 4,9 (±5,0 meses. Vinte e cinco casos foram considerados criptogênicos (26,3% e apenas um idiopático (1,1%. Os demais foram classificados com sintomáticos (72,6%, sendo predominantemente casos perinatais. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados se assemelham aos da literatura. Conforme se ampliam o conhecimento acerca da SW e os métodos complementares de diagnóstico, haverá tendência à diminuição dos casos hoje considerados criptogênicos ou idiopáticos.OBJECTIVE: To describe the etiologies of West syndrome (WS among children followed in a rehabilitation center. METHOD: Retrospective study with emphasis in the following items: gender, age at the diagnosis of WS and its etiology. The etiologies were divided into three categories: symptomatic, cryptogenic and idiopathic. Symptomatic cases were classified as follows: pre, post and perinatal. RESULTS: Ninety-five patients were included. Fifty-nine were boys (62%. Mean age at the diagnosis was 4.9 (±5.0 months. There were 25 cryptogenic (26.3%, one idiopathic (1.1% and 69 (72.6% symptomatic cases, most of them of perinatal origin. CONCLUSION: Our findings are in agreement with the literature. In the future, as our knowledge in the field of WS and its diagnostic methods increase, there will be a small number of cryptogenic and idiopathic cases.

  10. Etiologia dos transtornos alimentares: aspectos biológicos, psicológicos e sócio-culturais Etiology of eating disorders: biological, psychological and sociocultural determinants

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    Christina M Morgan


    Full Text Available Os transtornos alimentares possuem uma etiologia multifatorial, composta de predisposições genéticas, socioculturais e vulnerabilidades biológicas e psicológicas. Entre os fatores predisponentes, destacam-se a história de transtorno alimentar e (ou transtorno do humor na família, os padrões de interação presentes no ambiente familiar, o contexto sociocultural, caracterizado pela extrema valorização do corpo magro, disfunções no metabolismo das monoaminas centrais e traços de personalidade. A dieta é o comportamento precursor que geralmente antecede a instalação de um transtorno alimentar. Contudo, a presença isolada da dieta não é suficiente para desencadear o transtorno alimentar, tornando-se necessária uma interação entre os fatores de risco e outros eventos precipitantes. Por último, o curso transitório ou crônico de um transtorno alimentar está relacionado à persistência de distorções cognitivas, à ocorrência de eventos vitais significativos e a alterações secundárias ao estado de desnutrição.Eating disorders have a multifactorial etiology, composed by genetic predisposition, sociocultural factors, and biological and psychological vulnerabilities. Among the predisposing factors, emphasis is given to a history of eating and/or mood disorders, personality traits, patterns of family interaction, alterations in brain monoamines and sociocultural overvalued drive for thinness. Dieting is the most frequently event present at the onset of an eating disorder. Nevertheless, dieting itself is not sufficient to precipitate an eating disorder. An interaction among risk factors and other precipitating events is necessary. Finally, the chronic or transitory course of an eating disorder is related to the persistence of distorted cognitions, to the occurrence of significant vital events, and to starvation-induced psychobiological alterations.

  11. Searching for nova shells around cataclysmic variables (United States)

    Sahman, D. I.; Dhillon, V. S.; Knigge, C.; Marsh, T. R.


    We present the results of a search for nova shells around 101 cataclysmic variables (CVs), using H α images taken with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) and the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope Photometric H α Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS). Both telescopes are located on La Palma. We concentrated our WHT search on nova-like variables, whilst our IPHAS search covered all CVs in the IPHAS footprint. We found one shell out of the 24 nova-like variables we examined. The newly discovered shell is around V1315 Aql and has a radius of ˜2.5 arcmin, indicative of a nova eruption approximately 120 yr ago. This result is consistent with the idea that the high mass-transfer rate exhibited by nova-like variables is due to enhanced irradiation of the secondary by the hot white dwarf following a recent nova eruption. The implications of our observations for the lifetime of the nova-like variable phase are discussed. We also examined four asynchronous polars, but found no new shells around any of them, so we are unable to confirm that a recent nova eruption is the cause of the asynchronicity in the white dwarf spin. We find tentative evidence of a faint shell around the dwarf nova V1363 Cyg. In addition, we find evidence for a light echo around the nova V2275 Cyg, which erupted in 2001, indicative of an earlier nova eruption ˜300 yr ago, making V2275 Cyg a possible recurrent nova.

  12. Indústria fonográfica e a Nova Produção Independente: o futuro da música brasileira?

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    Leonardo De Marchi


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, relaciona-se a rápida consolidação da indústria fonográfica independente no Brasil, ou Nova Produção Independente, às transformações promovidas pelas novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação e pela recente economia do entretenimento. Argumenta-se que o surgimento dessas empresas se dá não por uma “crise” da indústria de música, mas pela complexificação da cadeia produtiva da fonografia, reorganizada pelo surgimento de novas tecnologias e hábitos de consumo de gravações sonoras na era digital. Palavras-chave: Indústria fonográfica brasileira; produção independente; novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação. ABSTRACT In the article, the fast consolidation of the Brazilian phonographic independent industry, or New Independent Production, is related to the transformations promoted by the new information and communication technologies and the new entertainment economy. As argued, the appearance of these companies does not result from a “crisis” of the music industry, but from the complexification of the phonographic productive chain, reorganized by the appearance of new technologies and habits of consumption of sound recordings in the digital era. Keywords: Brazilian phonographic industry; indies; new information and communication technologies.

  13. Relationship of classical novae to other eruptive variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vogt, N.


    Classical novae are characterized by their well known large-amplitude outbursts, accompanied by the ejection of a shell. The same stars, however, apparently pass through much longer quiescent phases whose duration exceeds that of the outburst phase by a factor ∼ 10 5 and that of historical nova records by a factor 10 2 -10 3 . Therefore a large number of variable stars should exist which actually are classical nova systems but whose last outbursts occurred in prehistoric times. We assume that some of these stars are hidden among the so-called 'nova-lies' in the literature. However some eruptive variables and symbiotic stars, i.e. stars which certainly are not nova remnants, are mentioned. Variables related to classical novae can be divided into three main classes: (i) Potential novae which are possibly classical novae in their quiescent state. Potential novae must share the basic configuration and parameters (orbital period, masses) with classical novae; they must be semi-detached cataclysmic binaries with a white dwarf as primary and a Roche-lobe-filling red dwarf on, or near, the mainsequence as secondary. (ii) Stars which share some outburst characteristics with classical novae without having the same binary configuration. For example recurrent novae with giant secondaries, very slow novae (and symbiotic binary stars). (iii) Stars which are evolutionarily related to classical novae, i.e. which possibly are progenitors or successors of novae in their secular evolution, such as binary nuclei of planetary nebulae and close, but detached, white dwarf-red dwarf pairs (e.g. V 471 Tau), both resulting from common-envelope evolution. These three main groups of nova-related stars are discussed. (author)

  14. Observations of classical novae in outburst (United States)

    Starrfield, S.; Stryker, L. L.; Sonneborn, G.; Sparks, Warren M.; Ferland, Gary; Wagner, R. M.; Williams, R. E.; Gehrz, Robert D.; Ney, Edward P.; Kenyon, Scott


    The IUE obtained ultraviolet data on novae in outburst. The characteristics of every one of the outbursts are different. Optical and infrared data on many of the same novae were also obtained. Three members of the carbon-oxygen class of novae are presented.


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    José Aparecido de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, aborda-se a utilização dos espaços de discussão da internet nas eleições presidenciais de 2010 no Brasil, bem como são avaliadas as possibilidades e desafios desse emergente espaço público. A análise fundamentou- se na história dos meios de comunicação, comunicação política, espaço público e marketing político. O suporte histórico baseou-se nos fenômenos da Reforma Protestante e do Movimento Metodista, na Inglaterra do século XVIII. Os resultados permitem inferir que as novas tecnologias de informação (e-mails, spams, redes sociais, sites, etc. constituem desafios para a comunicação institucional ou partidária, além de trazer novas exigências no trato com a comunicação interna e externa.


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    Lisete Barlach


    Full Text Available A atitude empreendedora é um elemento fundamental da carreira, manifestado tanto na criação de novas empresas e negócios quanto na atuação profissional intra-empreendedora pela criação, ou contribuição aos projetos internos das empresas. O presente artigo analisa e discute questões próprias da atitude empreendedora na dinâmica e mudança das carreiras. A paixão e desejo de autonomia energizam a busca de novos empreendimentos que alicerçam o início da mudança na carreira. Em função da demanda cada vez maior por profissionais com perfil empreendedor e da ambidestria organizacional, a principal discussão deste artigo alerta para outros elementos implicados na dinâmica das carreiras, tais como a adaptação das identidades, pela interface com novos círculos sociais e o desenvolvimento de novas habilidades e conhecimentos devido ao cuidado com novos problemas. Nessas mudanças estão os maiores desafios que dão ao empreendedorismo a necessária fertilidade para alimentar as carreiras.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shafter, A. W. [Department of Astronomy, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182 (United States); Henze, M. [European Space Astronomy Centre, P.O. Box 78, E-28692 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid (Spain); Rector, T. A. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alaska Anchorage, 3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508 (United States); Schweizer, F. [Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara St., Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States); Hornoch, K. [Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, CZ-251 65 Ondřejov (Czech Republic); Orio, M. [Astronomical Observatory of Padova (INAF), I-35122 Padova (Italy); Pietsch, W. [Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, P.O. Box 1312, Giessenbachstr., D-85741, Garching (Germany); Darnley, M. J.; Williams, S. C.; Bode, M. F. [Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 5RF (United Kingdom); Bryan, J., E-mail: [McDonald Observatory, Austin, TX 78712 (United States)


    The reported positions of 964 suspected nova eruptions in M31 recorded through the end of calendar year 2013 have been compared in order to identify recurrent nova (RN) candidates. To pass the initial screen and qualify as a RN candidate, two or more eruptions were required to be coincident within 0.′1, although this criterion was relaxed to 0.′15 for novae discovered on early photographic patrols. A total of 118 eruptions from 51 potential RN systems satisfied the screening criterion. To determine what fraction of these novae are indeed recurrent, the original plates and published images of the relevant eruptions have been carefully compared. This procedure has resulted in the elimination of 27 of the 51 progenitor candidates (61 eruptions) from further consideration as RNe, with another 8 systems (17 eruptions) deemed unlikely to be recurrent. Of the remaining 16 systems, 12 candidates (32 eruptions) were judged to be RNe, with an additional 4 systems (8 eruptions) being possibly recurrent. It is estimated that ∼4% of the nova eruptions seen in M31 over the past century are associated with RNe. A Monte Carlo analysis shows that the discovery efficiency for RNe may be as low as 10% that for novae in general, suggesting that as many as one in three nova eruptions observed in M31 arise from progenitor systems having recurrence times ≲100 yr. For plausible system parameters, it appears unlikely that RNe can provide a significant channel for the production of Type Ia supernovae.

  18. Nova-driven winds in globular clusters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, E.H.; Durisen, R.H.


    Recent sensitive searches for Hα emission from ionized intracluster gas in globular clusters have set upper limits that conflict with theoretical predictions. We suggest that nova outbursts heat the gas, producing winds that resolve this discrepancy. The incidence of novae in globular clusters, the conversion of kinetic energy of the nova shell to thermal energy of the intracluster gas, and the characteristics of the resultant winds are discussed. Calculated emission from the nova-driven models does not conflict with any observations to date. Some suggestions are made concerning the most promising approaches for future detection of intracluster gas on the basis of these models. The possible relationship of nova-driven winds of globular cluster X-ray sources is also considered

  19. Novas centralidades na perspectiva da relação centro – periferia / New centralities under the relation town center – periphery perspective

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    Wilson Martins Lopes Junior


    Full Text Available Alterações na organização espacial das cidades expressam o surgimento de novas áreas com atividades comerciais, de serviços e também um fluxo que expressa á centralidade. Neste processo, ocorre a descontinuidade do território da cidade e a criação de novos espaços que representam a relação centro – periferia. A relação centro-periferia torna-se tema relevante no estudo de novas centralidades uma vez que a morfologia urbana é alterada diante da definição de novas centralidades e a formação de outras periferias. Deste modo a cidade através de seu tecido urbano apresenta uma dinâmica contraditória de concentração e descentralização dos espaços urbanos redefinindo a relação centro-periferia, que evidencia as novas centralidades. Portanto, a concentração e descentralização que ocorre no urbano refletem em nova dinâmica no espaço intra-urbano, apresentando novas centralidades atreladas às novas localizações de grupos – empresas de comércio e de serviços, favorecendo a fragmentação espacial. Finalmente tem-se a produção de espaços interiores na cidade com suas funções específicas como: produção, consumo, moradia, e outras que influem no valor destas áreas, de acordo com sua característica ou tipo de atividade. Assim, criam-se vários centros com funções distintas evidenciados primeiramente em metrópoles e grandes cidades e num segundo momento em cidades médias contrapondo-se a antiga cidade (pequena, com centro único.

  20. Mestre ou aprendiz: faces de um narrador

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    Marcelo Antonio Ribas Hauck


    Full Text Available Narrar é, segundo Benjamim, uma forma de intercambiar experiências, e se direcionarmos nosso olhar para o sujeito dessa narrativa, o teremos em duas funções: ora como narrador mestre, ora como narrador aprendiz. Contar estórias é um instrumento útil para evitar o esquecimento e para provocar uma abertura de espaço para a criação. O presente artigo apresenta uma das inúmeras possíveis leituras sobre as estratégias utilizadas por Mia Couto, em Terra sonâmbula, na criação de sujeitos que narram, que contam estórias. Uma busca por esses narradores em trânsito, narradores flutuantes ou nômades. Sujeitos em constante ir e vir, transitando e destransitando entre mundos aparentemente paradoxais, mas que se encontram separados por uma tênue linha, que, a qualquer momento, pode fazer com que mestre e aprendiz troquem de campo e função, ou até mesmo exerçam ambas. Os dois aprendem estórias novas e contam estórias antigas em um ir-evir espaço-temporal. O comportamento desses narradores é marcado por viagens e mutações ininterruptas. Constituinte de uma literatura atravessada por elementos insólitos, em um trabalho minucioso com a linguagem e em constante diálogo com a tradição moçambicana, esse comportamento tornase referencial para a compreensão da história política e cultural do país.Palavras-chave: Narrador; Benjamin; Hibridismo; Oratura; Identidade.

  1. Os alimentos funcionais: a nova fronteira da indústria alimentar análise das estratégias da Danone e da Nestlé no mercado brasileiro de iogurtes


    Raud, Cécile


    Os alimentos funcionais, que prometem ajudar na cura ou na prevenção de doenças, são a nova tendência do poderoso mercado alimentício neste início do século XXI. Iogurtes, margarinas, leites fermentados, cereais, águas minerais etc. prometem ajudar na cura ou na prevenção de doenças como as cardiovasculares, certos tipos de câncer, alergias, problemas intestinais etc. Entre os fatores-chave que explicam o êxito dos alimentos funcionais, há a preocupação crescente pela saúde e pelo bem-estar, ...

  2. Synoptic GNIRS XD Spectra ToO Novae (United States)

    Woodward, Chick; Helton, Andrew; Spitzer/Chandra Team


    Novae are important contributors to galactic chemical enrichment on local scales. NIR spectroscopy of novae provides information about the elemental abundances of the gas and dust in the ejecta dispersing into the ISM as well as kinematic information related to the outburst. We propose to obtain synoptic GNIRS spectra of select Target of Opportunity (ToO) novae in the Magellanic Clouds (MC) and the galaxy to study the dynamics of the ejecta, to determine the temporal evolution of coronal lines and recombination lines (measuring their strength and velocity profiles), and to determine abundances. Being all equidistant, MC nova permit a more robust analysis of distant-dependent physical parameters of outburst than is generally possible for Galactic novae. The GNIRS data will provide critical spectral coverage and synoptic data to complement extant Spitzer and Chandra nova programs. Triggering of the GNIRS program will occur when a nova becomes brighter than V=12 mag, (assuming that adequate PWFS guide stars exist) as reported in the IAUC or CBET.

  3. A evolução do conhecimento sobre as hepatites virais na região amazônica: da epidemiologia e etiologia à prevenção

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    Gilberta Bensabath


    Full Text Available Desde os anos cinqüenta uma doença similar a febre amarela, porém considerada como nova doença, ocorre em áreas dos vales dos Rios Juruá, Purus e Madeira. Temida pelos residentes locais pela alta letalidade, sendo clinicamente uma hepato-encefalopatia de evolução fulminante (média de 5 a 6 dias. Dos que apresentam manifestações neurológicas 90% evoluem a óbito. A doença é popularmente conhecida como febre negra de Lábrea e pelos patologistas como hepatite de Lábrea pela histopatologia hepática mostrar o aspecto vacuolar dos hepatócitos, daí considerarem-na uma nova doença. Incide principalmente em crianças e adolescentes do sexo masculino. O achado do HBsAg e de marcadores de vírus da hepatite D no soro e fígado dos pacientes, levaram os pesquisadores a considerarem a febre negra de Lábrea como uma superinfecção ou coinfecção do HDV. Na falta de vacina específica contra o HDV, a vacinação contra hepatite B aplicada após o nascimento é a prevenção recomendada.

  4. Lei das arqueações de 1684: por uma nova interpretação

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    Salles, Wesley Dartagnan


    Full Text Available Neste artigo propõe-se uma nova maneira de interpretar a “lei das arqueações de 1684”. Acredita-se que sua elaboração esteve imbricada numa série de acontecimentos conseguintes ao fim da União-Ibérica, ou seja, mostra-se o processo de sua elaboração. Dessa forma, ao se seguir esse viés, a pesquisa entra em conflito com as interpretações da lei de 1684, cujo foco principal foi ponderar o caráter humanitário do Estado Português, na medida em que a lei procurou proteger os escravos durante o seu transporte marítimo. Ao se propor uma nova forma de abordá-la não se nega que ela surgiu para proteger os escravos, o que se questiona são os porquês do interesse em proteger os negros no tráfico, sobretudo em 1684. Assim, a pesquisa transcende a análise de uma lei sobre o tráfico negreiro e cria ferramentas para se compreender a maneira que o Estado lusitano pensava a escravidão naquele contexto

  5. Discovery of a New Classical Nova Shell Around a Nova-like Cataclysmic Variable (United States)

    Guerrero, Martín A.; Sabin, Laurence; Tovmassian, Gagik; Santamaría, Edgar; Michel, Raul; Ramos-Larios, Gerardo; Alarie, Alexandre; Morisset, Christophe; Bermúdez Bustamante, Luis C.; González, Chantal P.; Wright, Nick J.


    The morphology and optical spectrum of IPHASX J210204.7+471015, a nebula classified as a possible planetary nebula are, however, strikingly similar to those of AT Cnc, a classical nova shell around a dwarf nova. To investigate its true nature, we have obtained high-resolution narrowband [O III] and [N II] images and deep optical spectra. The nebula shows an arc of [N II]-bright knots notably enriched in nitrogen, while an [O III]-bright bow shock is progressing throughout the ISM. Diagnostic line ratios indicate that shocks are associated with the arc and bow shock. The central star of this nebula has been identified by its photometric variability. Time-resolved photometric and spectroscopic data of this source reveal a period of 4.26 hr, which is attributed to a binary system. The optical spectrum is notably similar to that of RW Sex, a cataclysmic variable star (CV) of the UX UMa nova-like (NL) type. Based on these results, we propose that IPHASX J210204.7 + 471015 is a classical nova shell observed around a CV-NL system in quiescence.

  6. Multivariate supOU processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler; Stelzer, Robert


    Univariate superpositions of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type processes (OU), called supOU processes, provide a class of continuous time processes capable of exhibiting long memory behavior. This paper introduces multivariate supOU processes and gives conditions for their existence and finiteness of moments....... Moreover, the second-order moment structure is explicitly calculated, and examples exhibit the possibility of long-range dependence. Our supOU processes are defined via homogeneous and factorizable Lévy bases. We show that the behavior of supOU processes is particularly nice when the mean reversion...... parameter is restricted to normal matrices and especially to strictly negative definite ones. For finite variation Lévy bases we are able to give conditions for supOU processes to have locally bounded càdlàg paths of finite variation and to show an analogue of the stochastic differential equation of OU...


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    Tiago Estevam Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a formação das novas centralidades em Fortaleza e sua relação com os shopping centers, tendo como shopping em destaque: North Shopping (inaugurado em 1991, localizado na avenida Bezerra de Menezes . No campo metodológico, realizaram-se levantamentos bibliográficos sobre a formação novas centralidades, o processo de produção do espaço urbano fortalezense incentivado pelo setor terciário e shopping center que contribuíram para o entendimento da transformação da cidade, além disso, realizamos visitamos e entrevistas no Norh Shopping. Uma das primeiras áreas centrais a se desenvolver além do Centro tradicional foi a da Aldeota incentivada pelo Center Um (instalado em 1974, na avenida Santos Dumont. Desde a formação das primeiras novas centralidades até o período atual sempre existiu uma relação intrínseca entre estas com os shoppings. Estes equipamentos modernos (shoppings aparecem com novos espaços de consumo ou novos consumos de espaço que cria e recria novas formas para atrair as pessoas ao consumo, considerando o consumir como signo de felicidade. Nesta perspectiva podemos afirmar que as atividades terciárias e os equipamentos modernos de consumo atuam no crescimento e na organização do espaço urbano, assim geram uma dinâmica comercial em Fortaleza.

  8. Etiologia i patomechanizm uszkodzenia ścięgna Achillesa = The etiology and patomechanizm damage to the Achilles tendon


    Strojek, Katarzyna; Piekorz, Zuzanna; Kaźmierczak, Urszula; Strączyńska, Agnieszka; Zukow, Walery


    Strojek Katarzyna, Piekorz Zuzanna, Kaźmierczak Urszula, Strączyńska Agnieszka, Zukow Walery. Etiologia i patomechanizm uszkodzenia ścięgna Achillesa = The etiology and patomechanizm damage to the Achilles tendon. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):147-160. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 poin...

  9. NOVA. (United States)

    WGBH-TV, Boston, MA.

    News clippings, reviews, and feature articles about the Public Broadcasting System science-adventure series "Nova" are collected here. Included are comments from the New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, and TV Guide. Commentaries are primarily favorable and include synopses of various episodes. (DGC)

  10. Recurrent Novae — A Review

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    K. Mukai


    Full Text Available In recent years, recurrent nova eruptions are often observed very intensely in wide range of wavelengths from radio to optical to X-rays. Here I present selected highlights from recent multi-wavelength observations. The enigma of T Pyx is at the heart of this paper. While our current understanding of CV and symbiotic star evolution can explain why certain subset of recurrent novae have high accretion rate, that of T Pyx must be greatly elevated compared to the evolutionary mean. At the same time, we have extensive data to be able to estimate how the nova envelope was ejected in T Pyx, and it turns to be a rather complex tale. One suspects that envelope ejection in recurrent and classical novae in general is more complicated than the textbook descriptions. At the end of the review, I will speculate that these two may be connected.

  11. Identifying and quantifying recurrent novae masquerading as classical novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pagnotta, Ashley; Schaefer, Bradley E.


    Recurrent novae (RNe) are cataclysmic variables with two or more nova eruptions within a century. Classical novae (CNe) are similar systems with only one such eruption. Many of the so-called CNe are actually RNe for which only one eruption has been discovered. Since RNe are candidate Type Ia supernova progenitors, it is important to know whether there are enough in our Galaxy to provide the supernova rate, and therefore to know how many RNe are masquerading as CNe. To quantify this, we collected all available information on the light curves and spectra of a Galactic, time-limited sample of 237 CNe and the 10 known RNe, as well as exhaustive discovery efficiency records. We recognize RNe as having (1) outburst amplitude smaller than 14.5 – 4.5 × log (t 3 ), (2) orbital period >0.6 days, (3) infrared colors of J – H > 0.7 mag and H – K > 0.1 mag, (4) FWHM of Hα > 2000 km s –1 , (5) high excitation lines, such as Fe X or He II near peak, (6) eruption light curves with a plateau, and (7) white dwarf mass greater than 1.2 M ☉ . Using these criteria, we identify V1721 Aql, DE Cir, CP Cru, KT Eri, V838 Her, V2672 Oph, V4160 Sgr, V4643 Sgr, V4739 Sgr, and V477 Sct as strong RN candidates. We evaluate the RN fraction among the known CNe using three methods to get 24% ± 4%, 12% ± 3%, and 35% ± 3%. With roughly a quarter of the 394 known Galactic novae actually being RNe, there should be approximately a hundred such systems masquerading as CNe.

  12. Theory of Nova Outbursts and Type Ia Supernovae

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    M. Kato


    Full Text Available We briefly review the current theoretical understanding of the light curves of novae. These curves exhibit a homologous nature, dubbed the universal decline law, and when time-normalized, they almost follow a single curve independently of the white dwarf (WD mass or chemical composition of the envelope. The optical and near-infrared light curves of novae are reproduced mainly by free-free emission from their optically thick winds. We can estimate the WD mass from multiwavelength observations because the optical, UV, and soft X-ray light curves evolve differently and we can easily resolve the degeneracy of the optical light curves. Recurrent novae and classical novae are a testbed of type Ia supernova scenarios. In the orbital period versus secondary mass diagram, recurrent novae are located in different regions from classical novae and the positions of recurrent novae are consistent with the single degenerate scenario.

  13. A etiologia multifatorial da recessão periodontal The etiologic factors of periodontal recession

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    Karen Ferreira Gazel Yared


    Full Text Available A literatura apresenta vários fatores relacionados na etiologia da recessão periodontal, além do processo inflamatório induzido pelo biofilme bacteriano, os quais incluem fatores externos e anatômicos locais. Por meio deste estudo, revistou-se a literatura sobre tais fatores, cujo conhecimento é de grande importância para o ortodontista, contribuindo durante o diagnóstico, planejamento e tratamento ortodôntico propriamente dito.The literature shows that besides dental plaque, some external and anatomic local factors are still related to gingival recession etiology. This study reviewed the literature about those factors, which knownledge is of great benefit to the orthodontist, contributing during diagnostic, planning and orthodontic treatment.

  14. Pulsed power supply for Nova Upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacon, J.L.; Kajs, J.P.; Walls, A.; Weldon, W.F.; Zowarka, R.C.


    This report describes work carried out at the Center for Electromechanics at The University of Texas at Austin (CEM-UT). A baseline design of the Nova Upgrade has been completed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The Nova Upgrade is an 18 beamline Nd: glass laser design utilizing fully relayed 4x4 30 cm aperture segmented optical components. The laser thus consists of 288 independent beamlets nominally producing 1.5 to 2.0 MJ of 0.35 μm light in a 3 to 5 ns pulse. The laser design is extremely flexible and will allow a wide range of pulses to irradiate ICF targets. This facility will demonstrate ignition/gain and the scientific feasibility of ICF for energy and defense applications. The pulsed power requirements for the Nova Upgrade are given. CEM-UT was contracted to study and develop a design for a homopolar generator/inductor (HPG/inductor) opening switch system which would satisfy the pulsed power supply requirements of the Nova Upgrade. The Nd:glass laser amplifiers used in the Nova Upgrade will be powered by light from xenon flashlamps. The pulsed power supply for the Nova Upgrade powers the xenon flashlamps. This design and study was for a power supply to drive flashlamps

  15. Bossa Nova

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nicoline Jacoby; Bræstrup, Lise

    "Bossa Nova" giver dig de bedste bud på, hvordan du takler den menneskelige dimension i ledelse. Når du bevæger dig ud på gulvet, opstår der konflikter, kærlighed, jalousi og vrede. Pludselig opdager du, at medarbejdere tænker meget anderledes end dig selv, har forskellige behov og af og til......, kriser og meget andet. Her er værdifulde iagttagelser og tips, som enhver leder ? uanset branche ? kan bruge i sin dagligdag. "Bossa Nova" er uundværlig for den, der vil lære mere om, hvordan man får mennesker til at præstere det sublime, så ledelse bliver en dans, hvor alle kan følge takten....

  16. Absolute spectrophotometry of Nova Cygni 1975

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kontizas, E.; Kontizas, M.; Smyth, M.J.


    Radiometric photoelectric spectrophotometry of Nova Cygni 1975 was carried out on 1975 August 31, September 2, 3. α Lyr was used as reference star and its absolute spectral energy distribution was used to reduce the spectrophotometry of the nova to absolute units. Emission strengths of Hα, Hβ, Hγ (in W cm -2 ) were derived. The Balmer decrement Hα:Hβ:Hγ was compared with theory, and found to deviate less than had been reported for an earlier nova. (author)

  17. Multivariate supOU processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler; Stelzer, Robert

    Univariate superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) type processes, called supOU processes, provide a class of continuous time processes capable of exhibiting long memory behaviour. This paper introduces multivariate supOU processes and gives conditions for their existence and finiteness...... of moments. Moreover, the second order moment structure is explicitly calculated, and examples exhibit the possibility of long range dependence. Our supOU processes are defined via homogeneous and factorisable Lévy bases. We show that the behaviour of supOU processes is particularly nice when the mean...... reversion parameter is restricted to normal matrices and especially to strictly negative definite ones.For finite variation Lévy bases we are able to give conditions for supOU processes to have locally bounded càdlàg paths of finite variation and to show an analogue of the stochastic differential equation...

  18. Epidemiologia e etiologia das dermatofitoses em Goiânia, GO, Brasil

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    Costa Milce


    Full Text Available Os dermatófitos são um grupo de fungos taxonomicamente relacionados que têm a capacidade de invadir os tecidos queratinizados (pele, pêlo e unha dos homens e animais produzindo infecções denominadas dermatofitoses. Com o intuito de avaliar a epidemiologia e etiologia das infecções causadas por estes fungos em Goiânia, GO, foram examinadas no Laboratório de Micologia do Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública da Universidade Federal de Goiás, de janeiro a dezembro de 1999, 1.955 amostras de indivíduos com suspeita clínica de dermatofitoses. Foram isolados 445 (22,8% cepas de dermatófitos e identificados principalmente Trichophyton rubrum (49,4%, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (30,8% e Microsporum canis (12,6%. Quanto à localização das lesões, os membros inferiores, unhas dos pés e couro cabeludo foram as regiões mais acometidas. Neste estudo foram avaliados dados correlacionados a sexo, faixa etária, local das lesões e agente etiológico.

  19. NOVA Corporation of Alberta annual report, 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nova Corporation and its related businesses are involved in natural gas production, gas pipelines, consulting services, and upgrading of natural gas into chemicals and plastics. Nova owns Alberta Gas Transmission Division, the primary gas transportation system in Alberta, with 11,400 miles of pipeline and total deliveries in 1992 of 3.4 trillion ft 3 . Nova also owns 50% of Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd., one of Canada's largest carriers of exported gas, and 50% of TQM Pipeline Partnership, which transports natural gas in Quebec. Nova conducts its chemicals business through Novacor Chemicals Ltd., which has plants in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and the USA. Novacor's major petrochemicals are methanol, ethylene, propylene, and styrene and its major plastics are polystyrene, polypropylene, and polyethylene. Nova's gas-producing branch Novalta Resources produced 26 billion ft 3 of natural gas in 1992 and has proven reserves of 334 billion ft 3 . Nova's net income in 1992 was $164 million, compared to only $46 million in 1991. The company's operations, along with management discussion and analysis, are presented for 1992 and financial statements are included. 20 figs., 43 tabs

  20. A Hubble Space Telescope survey for novae in M87 - III. Are novae good standard candles 15 d after maximum brightness? (United States)

    Shara, Michael M.; Doyle, Trisha F.; Pagnotta, Ashley; Garland, James T.; Lauer, Tod R.; Zurek, David; Baltz, Edward A.; Goerl, Ariel; Kovetz, Attay; Machac, Tamara; Madrid, Juan P.; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Neill, J. D.; Prialnik, Dina; Welch, D. L.; Yaron, Ofer


    Ten weeks of daily imaging of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has yielded 41 nova light curves of unprecedented quality for extragalactic cataclysmic variables. We have recently used these light curves to demonstrate that the observational scatter in the so-called maximum-magnitude rate of decline (MMRD) relation for classical novae is so large as to render the nova-MMRD useless as a standard candle. Here, we demonstrate that a modified Buscombe-de Vaucouleurs hypothesis, namely that novae with decline times t2 > 10 d converge to nearly the same absolute magnitude about two weeks after maximum light in a giant elliptical galaxy, is supported by our M87 nova data. For 13 novae with daily sampled light curves, well determined times of maximum light in both the F606W and F814W filters, and decline times t2 > 10 d we find that M87 novae display M606W,15 = -6.37 ± 0.46 and M814W,15 = -6.11 ± 0.43. If very fast novae with decline times t2 < 10 d are excluded, the distances to novae in elliptical galaxies with stellar binary populations similar to those of M87 should be determinable with 1σ accuracies of ± 20 per cent with the above calibrations.

  1. Photometry and polarimetry of Nova Andromedae 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, Sen; Mikami, Yoshitaka; Kondo, Masayuki


    We have carried out photometry of Nova Andromedae 1986 and find that it should be classified as a fast nova. We have also made polarimetry simultaneously at six wavelengths between 0.36-0.70 The polarization increased between 2 and 22 days after the light maximum showing that dust formation was associated with the nova explosion.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mróz, P.; Udalski, A.; Poleski, R.; Soszyński, I.; Szymański, M. K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; Kozłowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Skowron, J., E-mail: [Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa (Poland)


    The population of classical novae in the Magellanic Clouds was poorly known because of a lack of systematic studies. There were some suggestions that nova rates per unit mass in the Magellanic Clouds were higher than in any other galaxy. Here, we present an analysis of data collected over 16 years by the OGLE survey with the aim of characterizing the nova population in the Clouds. We found 20 eruptions of novae, half of which are new discoveries. We robustly measure nova rates of 2.4 ± 0.8 yr{sup −1} (LMC) and 0.9 ± 0.4 yr{sup −1} (SMC) and confirm that the K-band luminosity-specific nova rates in both Clouds are 2–3 times higher than in other galaxies. This can be explained by the star formation history in the Magellanic Clouds, specifically the re-ignition of the star formation rate a few Gyr ago. We also present the discovery of the intriguing system OGLE-MBR133.25.1160, which mimics recurrent nova eruptions.

  3. Magnetic novae (United States)

    Zemko, Polina; Orio, Marina


    We present the results of optical and X-ray observations of two quiescent novae, V2491 Cyg and V4743 Sgr. Our observations suggest the intriguing possibility of localization of hydrogen burning in magnetic novae, in which accretion is streamed to the polar caps. V2491 Cyg was observed with Suzaku more than 2 years after the outburst and V4743 Sgr was observed with XMM Newton 2 and 3.5 years after maximum. In the framework of a monitoring program of novae previously observed as super soft X-ray sources we also obtained optical spectra of V4743 Sgr with the SALT telescope 11.5 years after the eruption and of V2491 Cyg with the 6m Big Azimutal Telescope 4 and 7 years post-outburst. In order to confirm the possible white dwarf spin period of V2491 Cyg measured in the Suzaku observations we obtained photometric data using the 90cm WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak and the 1.2 m telescope in Crimea. We found that V4743 Sgr is an intermediate polar (IP) and V2491 Cyg is a strong IP candidate. Both novae show modulation of their X-ray light curves and have X-ray spectra typical of IPs. The Suzaku and XMM Newton exposures revealed that the spectra of both novae have a very soft blackbody-like component with a temperature close to that of the hydrogen burning white dwarfs in their SSS phases, but with flux by at least two orders of magnitude lower, implying a possible shrinking of emitting regions in the thin atmosphere that is heated by nuclear burning underneath it. In quiescent IPs, independently of the burning, an ultrasoft X-ray flux component originates at times in the polar regions irradiated by the accretion column, but the soft component of V4743 Sgr disappeared in 2006, indicating that the origin may be different from accretion. We suggest it may have been due to an atmospheric temperature gradient on the white dwarf surface, or to continuing localized thermonuclear burning at the bottom of the envelope, before complete turn-off. The optical spectra of V2491 Cyg and V

  4. The UBV Color Evolution of Classical and Symbiotic Novae

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    I. Hachisu


    Full Text Available We identified a general course of classical nova outbursts in the B − V vs. U − B diagram. It has been reported that novae show spectra similar to A–F supergiants near optical light maximum. However, they do not follow the supergiant sequence in the color-color diagram, neither the blackbody nor the main-sequence sequence. Instead, we found that novae evolve along a new sequence in the pre-maximum and near-maximum phases, which we call the nova-giant sequence. This sequence is parallel to but Δ(U − B ≈ −0.2 mag bluer than the supergiant sequence. After optical maximum, its color quickly evolves back blueward along the same nova-giant sequence and reaches the point of free-free emission (B − V = −0.03, U − B = −0.97 and stays there for a while, which is coincident with the intersection of the blackbody sequence and the nova-giant sequence. Then the color evolves leftward (blueward in B − V but almost constant in U − B due mainly to development of strong emission lines. This is the general course of nova outbursts in the color-color diagram, which is deduced from eight well-observed novae including various speed classes. For a nova with unknown extinction, we can determine a reliable value of the color excess by matching the observed track of the target nova with this general course. This is a new and convenient method for obtaining color excesses of classical novae. Using this method, we redetermined the color excesses of nineteen well-observed novae.

  5. Os alimentos funcionais: a nova fronteira da indústria alimentar análise das estratégias da Danone e da Nestlé no mercado brasileiro de iogurtes

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    Cécile Raud


    Full Text Available Os alimentos funcionais, que prometem ajudar na cura ou na prevenção de doenças, são a nova tendência do poderoso mercado alimentício neste início do século XXI. Iogurtes, margarinas, leites fermentados, cereais, águas minerais etc. prometem ajudar na cura ou na prevenção de doenças como as cardiovasculares, certos tipos de câncer, alergias, problemas intestinais etc. Entre os fatores-chave que explicam o êxito dos alimentos funcionais, há a preocupação crescente pela saúde e pelo bem-estar, mudanças na regulamentação dos alimentos e a crescente comprovação científica das relações existentes entre dieta e saúde. Escolhemos analisar e comparar as estratégias de duas multinacionais (Danone e Nestlé que se enfrentam nas gôndolas dos supermercados brasileiros para dominar o mercado dos iogurtes funcionais. O Activia, da Danone, foi lançado com êxito em diversos países europeus, em meados da década de 1990, e no mercado brasileiro, em 2004, levando a uma considerável revitalização do mercado dos produtos lácteos. Em reação, a Nestlé lançou o Nesvita, em junho de 2006. Com base na Nova Sociologia Econômica, verificamos a existência de lutas no mercado, em que a inovação e o lançamento de novos produtos são necessidades para as empresas que pretendem manter ou estabelecer sua liderança. Nesse campo de lutas, o Estado desempenha um papel fundamental, ao definir as regras do jogo entre os parceiros da troca e entre os concorrentes.

  6. O cinema do futuro: Entre novas e tradicionais tecnologias, entre a morte e a reinvenção

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    Julio Bezerra


    Full Text Available O cinema não é mais a experiência audiovisual matriz em nossa “sociedade das imagens”. Essa enorme rede heterogênea que vai se constituindo no terreno da produção e circulação de imagens-sons tem nos mostrado que é preciso mudar a nossa percepção do lugar do cinema entre os demais dispositivos. O objetivo deste texto é pensar o cinema em suas relações com o que vem sendo chamado de novas mídias. Nossa posição se aproxima de certa maneira de Phillipe Dubois: afirmando o cinema como uma espécie de referência fundante para todo o audiovisual sem ressentimentos e/ou opiniões fechadas com relação às novas tecnologias. Neste caminho, passamos invariavelmente por algumas falsas questões, pela melancólica idéia da “morte do cinema”, pelo surgimento de uma novíssima cinefilia digital e rizomática, por um cinema contemporâneo pra lá de impuro.

  7. Transversal escharotomies: a new surgical technique adjuvant in the treatment of chronic ulcers with non-arterial etiology in the lower limbs Escarotomias transversais: uma nova opção cirúrgica adjuvante no tratamento de úlceras crônicas de etiologia não arterial em membros inferiores

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    Mário Augusto Silva Freitas


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Propose a new and alternative surgical procedure in order to aid on treatments of chronic ulcers with non-arterial etiology in the lower limbs, especially those that reoccurs and accomplish of dermatosclerosis and skin contractures determining ankle and foot limits. METHODS: It describes a medical case regarding a female, 54 years old, with a pre-existing ulcer (sixteen years on her left leg. Despite of conventional treatments such as curatives, compressive therapy and surgeries, the ulcer on her leg was not cured for three years. The skin dermatosclerosis on her foot and ankle limited her mobility tremendously. The surgery involved the debridement of the ulcers, local phlebectomies and the correction of her scar contraction by a transversal escharotomies. Conventional procedures were applied in pre and post-surgery. RESULTS: After twelve weeks, the ulcer was completely healed by second intention. Despite the odds, she regained sustainable mobility in her foot and ankle, allowing this patient to wear medical elastic socks. Reoccurrences of the ulcer did not occur during the two years post-surgery. CONCLUSION: The transversal escharotomies may favor the healing of non-arterial chronic ulcers in the lower limbs, impeding perpetual mechanisms of this sort. For example, the ankle and foot limitation determinates in secondary scars, skin contractures, dermatosclerosis that produce the failure in the muscular calf-pump with deterioration in the ascending venous propulsion.OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma nova alternativa cirúrgica para auxiliar o tratamento de úlceras crônicas de etiologia não arterial em membros inferiores, especialmente aquelas com recidivas e complicadas por contraturas de pele, limitando movimentos do pé e tornozelo. MÉTODOS: Descrição de caso de uma paciente portadora de úlcera em perna esquerda com dezesseis anos de evolução, múltiplas recidivas, sem cicatrização há três anos apesar de curativos convencionais

  8. A nova outburst powered by shocks (United States)

    Li, Kwan-Lok; Metzger, Brian D.; Chomiuk, Laura; Vurm, Indrek; Strader, Jay; Finzell, Thomas; Beloborodov, Andrei M.; Nelson, Thomas; Shappee, Benjamin J.; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Prieto, José L.; Kafka, Stella; Holoien, Thomas W.-S.; Thompson, Todd A.; Luckas, Paul J.; Itoh, Hiroshi


    Classical novae are runaway thermonuclear burning events on the surfaces of accreting white dwarfs in close binary star systems, sometimes appearing as new naked-eye sources in the night sky1. The standard model of novae predicts that their optical luminosity derives from energy released near the hot white dwarf, which is reprocessed through the ejected material2-5. Recent studies using the Fermi Large Area Telescope have shown that many classical novae are accompanied by gigaelectronvolt γ-ray emission6,7. This emission likely originates from strong shocks, providing new insights into the properties of nova outflows and allowing them to be used as laboratories for the study of the unknown efficiency of particle acceleration in shocks. Here, we report γ-ray and optical observations of the Milky Way nova ASASSN-16ma, which is among the brightest novae ever detected in γ-rays. The γ-ray and optical light curves show a remarkable correlation, implying that the majority of the optical light comes from reprocessed emission from shocks rather than the white dwarf8. The ratio of γ-ray to optical flux in ASASSN-16ma directly constrains the acceleration efficiency of non-thermal particles to be around 0.005, favouring hadronic models for the γ-ray emission9. The need to accelerate particles up to energies exceeding 100 gigaelectronvolts provides compelling evidence for magnetic field amplification in the shocks.

  9. X-ray Modeling of Classical Novae (United States)

    Nemeth, Peter


    It has been observed and theoretically supported in the last decade that the peak of the spectral energy distribution of classical novae gradually shifts to higher energies at constant bolometric luminosity after a nova event. For this reason, comprehensive evolutionary studies require spectral analysis in multiple spectral bands. After a nova explosion, the white dwarf can maintain stable surface hydrogen burning, the duration of which strongly correlates with the white dwarf mass. During this stage the peak of the luminosity is in the soft X-ray band (15 - 60 Angstroms). By extending the modeling range of TLUSTY/SYNSPEC, I analyse the luminosity and abundance evolution of classical novae. Model atoms required for this work were built using atomic data from NIST/ASD and TOPBASE. The accurate but incomplete set of energy levels and radiative transitions in NIST were completed with calculated data from TOPBASE. Synthetic spectra were then compared to observed data to derive stellar parameters. I show the capabilities and validity of this project on the example of V4743 Sgr. This nova was observed with both Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories and has already been modeled by several scientific groups (PHOENIX, TMAP).

  10. O estado em que o sujeito encontra-se diante das perdas ou desinvestimentos objetais: uma leitura em Freud, Karl Abraham e Ferenczi


    Pereira, Wládia Guimarães


    As afecções clínicas contemporâneas nos levam a investigar as novas formas de sofrimento psíquico, ou seja, as versões que o sujeito da atualidade utiliza para evidenciar o seu mal-estar. Para tanto, tomando como base a relação entre sujeito e objeto, propostas pela psicanálise, esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar como se estabelecem as perdas objetais em nossos dias. Assim apresentamos três tempos subjetivos: a perda, o luto e a melancolia. A perda como um momento em ...

  11. A Hubble Space Telescope Survey for Novae in M87. II. Snuffing out the Maximum Magnitude–Rate of Decline Relation for Novae as a Non-standard Candle, and a Prediction of the Existence of Ultrafast Novae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shara, Michael M.; Doyle, Trisha; Zurek, David [Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and 79th Street, New York, NY 10024-5192 (United States); Lauer, Tod R. [National Optical Astronomy Observatory, P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726 (United States); Baltz, Edward A. [KIPAC, SLAC, 2575 Sand Hill Road, M/S 29, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (United States); Kovetz, Attay [School of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel); Madrid, Juan P. [CSIRO, Astronomy and Space Science, P.O. Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710 (Australia); Mikołajewska, Joanna [N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bartycka 18, PL 00-716 Warsaw (Poland); Neill, J. D. [California Institute of Technology, 1200 East California Boulevard, MC 278-17, Pasadena CA 91125 (United States); Prialnik, Dina [Department of Geosciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978 (Israel); Welch, D. L. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, Hamilton, L8S 4M1, Ontario (Canada); Yaron, Ofer [Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot (Israel)


    The extensive grid of numerical simulations of nova eruptions from the work of Yaron et al. first predicted that some classical novae might significantly deviate from the Maximum Magnitude–Rate of Decline (MMRD) relation, which purports to characterize novae as standard candles. Kasliwal et al. have announced the observational detection of a new class of faint, fast classical novae in the Andromeda galaxy. These objects deviate strongly from the MMRD relationship, as predicted by Yaron et al. Recently, Shara et al. reported the first detections of faint, fast novae in M87. These previously overlooked objects are as common in the giant elliptical galaxy M87 as they are in the giant spiral M31; they comprise about 40% of all classical nova eruptions and greatly increase the observational scatter in the MMRD relation. We use the extensive grid of the nova simulations of Yaron et al. to identify the underlying causes of the existence of faint, fast novae. These are systems that have accreted, and can thus eject, only very low-mass envelopes, of the order of 10{sup −7}–10{sup −8} M {sub ⊙}, on massive white dwarfs. Such binaries include, but are not limited to, the recurrent novae. These same models predict the existence of ultrafast novae that display decline times, t {sub 2,} to be as short as five hours. We outline a strategy for their future detection.

  12. Aprendizagens e novas tecnologias

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    Pedro Demo


    Full Text Available Pretendo aqui, muito preliminarmente, reunir alguns argumentos favoráveis à multiplicidade de oportunidades de aprender que o aluno pode encontrar hoje em ambientes de aprendizagem mediados por novas tecnologias. Centro-me principalmente na desconstrução de algumas resistências pedagógicas (EVANS, 2001 ainda persistentes entre nós como “transmissão de conteúdos”; agarramento a uma única teoria; fixação na aula instrucionista; extirpação/endeusamento de processos avaliativos, etc. Procuro ver, em um vasto âmbito de ofertas teóricas, componentes atualmente ressaltados na discussão tecnológica em vigor, com o objetivo de indicar oportunidades de reconstrução muito aproveitável de autores e clássicos, uma vez que aprender bem não foi algo inventado pelas novas tecnologias; sempre existiu e os grandes pedagogos tiveram consciência disso, insinuando infinitas maneiras de aprender bem (DEMO, 2008. As novas tecnologias proporcionam oportunidades ainda mais ampliadas, em meio também a enormes riscos e desacertos. O que menos interessa aqui é incidir em panaceias tecnológicas, bem a gosto do consumismo neoliberal. Interessa, porém, explorar novas oportunidades de aprendizagem, bem mais centradas na atividade dos alunos, flexíveis, motivadoras e capazes de sustentar processos de autoria e autonomia.


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    Marcelo Barros


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos, as Igrejas cristãs vivem um tempo especial de abertura espiritual e humana. Tudo começou por um profundo diálogo com a humanidade. No caso das Igrejas evangélicas e ortodoxas, reunidas no Conselho Mundial de Igrejas, a sua assembléia geral teve como tema “Faço novas todas as coisas” (Ap 21,5. No caso da Igreja Católica, como mandou o Concílio Vaticano II, ela tem procurado renovar “até costumes veneráveis e ancestrais” para adequar-se à humanidade de hoje. Todos, tanto as pessoas favoráveis a este processo, como as que não concordam, percebem a vitalidade espiritual e o empenho com que toda a Igreja, fieís e pastores, confronta sua vida com o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo e se empenha na missão de testemunhar não a si mesma, mas o Reino de Deus. Nos meios de comunicação, entre as pessoas que são para a humanidade referência de autoridade ética e promotores de solidariedade e da paz estão muitos bispos e pastores dos países pobres do mundo.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czekala, Ian; Berger, E.; Chornock, R.; Marion, G. H.; Margutti, R.; Challis, P.; Pastorello, A.; Botticella, M. T.; Ergon, M.; Sollerman, J.; Smartt, S.; Vinkó, J.; Wheeler, J. C.


    We present observations of the unusual optical transient SN 2010U, including spectra taken 1.03 days to 15.3 days after maximum light that identify it as a fast and luminous Fe II type nova. Our multi-band light curve traces the fast decline (t 2 = 3.5 ± 0.3 days) from maximum light (M V = –10.2 ± 0.1 mag), placing SN 2010U in the top 0.5% of the most luminous novae ever observed. We find typical ejecta velocities of ≈1100 km s –1 and that SN 2010U shares many spectral and photometric characteristics with two other fast and luminous Fe II type novae, including Nova LMC 1991 and M31N-2007-11d. For the extreme luminosity of this nova, the maximum magnitude versus rate of decline relationship indicates a massive white dwarf (WD) progenitor with a low pre-outburst accretion rate. However, this prediction is in conflict with emerging theories of nova populations, which predict that luminous novae from massive WDs should preferentially exhibit an alternate spectral type (He/N) near maximum light.

  15. Copernicus observations of Nova Cygni 1975 (United States)

    Jenkins, E. B.; Snow, T. P.; Upson, W. L.; Anderson, R.; Starrfield, S. G.; Gallagher, J. S.; Friedjung, M.; Linsky, J. L.; Henry, R. C.; Moos, H. W.


    Near-ultraviolet radiation from Nova Cygni 1975 was detected by the Copernicus satellite on five occasions from 1975 September 1 to 1975 September 9. The nova was not seen in the UV after this date. The principal result was the observation of a broad emission feature from the Mg II doublet at 2800 A. The absence of strong UV radiation at shorter wavelengths suggests that these lines are produced by collisional excitation in the outer layers of an expanding shell with electron temperature of approximately 4000 K. The absence of observed emission lines from highly ionized species indicates that the amount of material with log T between 4.4 and 5.7 is less than 0.001 times that which produces the Mg II emission. The continuum flux in the near-UV decreased as the nova evolved, showing that the total luminosity decreased as the nova faded in the visible.

  16. Imaging the Ejecta in Classical Novae (United States)

    Linford, Justin


    A nova outburst results when sufficient mass accretes from a companion star onto the surface of a white dwarf, triggering a thermonuclear explosion. In classical novae the bulk of the emission comes from the warm, expanding ejecta. The prevailing theories assume that the explosion occurs as a single, spherically symmetric ejection event and predict a simple relationship between the white dwarf mass, the accretion rate, and the mass loss and energetics of the explosion. However, observations with modern instruments indicate that nova eruptions are far from simple. There is now evidence for multiple ejection events, common envelopes, non-spherical geometry, and even jet-like structures in the ejecta. Our ENova collaboration combines radio, mm, optical, and X-ray observations and detailed theoretical modelling to study the most common major explosions in the universe. Among our results so far are the direct demonstration of the importance of shocks in novae, including the detection of gamma-ray producing shocks in several sources, and the realization that multiple, long-lived outflows are much more common than previously assumed. Here we propose to continue these highly successful observations with coordinated detailed VLA radio interferometry and HST optical imaging and spectroscropy of several recent novae with substantial VLA monitoring already in progress.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arai, A.; Kawakita, H. [Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Shinnaka, Y. [National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 (Japan); Tajitsu, A., E-mail: [Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 650 North A’ohoku Place, Hilo, Hawaii 96720 (United States)


    We report on high-dispersion spectroscopy results of a classical nova V2659 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2014) that are taken 33.05 days after the V -band maximum. The spectrum shows two distinct blueshifted absorption systems originating from H i, Fe ii, Ca ii, etc. The radial velocities of the absorption systems are −620 km s{sup −1}, and −1100 to −1500 km s{sup −1}. The higher velocity component corresponds to the P-Cygni absorption features frequently observed in low-resolution spectra. Much larger numbers of absorption lines are identified at the lower velocity. These mainly originate from neutral or singly ionized Fe-peak elements (Fe i, Ti ii, Cr ii, etc.). Based on the results of our spectroscopic observations, we discuss the structure of the ejecta of V2659 Cyg. We conclude that the low- and high-velocity components are likely to be produced by the outflow wind and the ballistic nova ejecta, respectively.

  18. Classical and Recurrent Novae as Quintessential Panchromatic Transients (United States)

    Mukai, K.; Nelson, T.; Chomiuk, L.; Finzell, T.; Linford, J.; Mioduszewski, A.; Rupen, M.; Sokoloski, J.; Weston, J.


    In classical and recurrent novae, thermonuclear runaway (TNR) of accreted material on the white dwarf surface results in ejection of 10^{-6} to 10^{-4} solar masses at velocities of order 1000 km s^{-1}. They are routinely detected as transients from X-rays to radio, and 6 novae (so far) have also been detected in GeV gamma-rays with Fermi/LAT. It appears that all the nearby novae are detected with Fermi, suggesting gamma-ray emission to be a universal property of novae, while a few exceptional novae further away are also detected, indicating that the gamma-ray luminosity of novae varies from system to system. Here we present selected results from our multi-wavelength observations of recent classical and recurrent novae and discuss evidence for multiple, discrete mass ejection episodes driven by a single TNR. The collision among these shells create shocks that can be observed through synchrotron radio emission and optically thin, thermal, hard X-ray emission. We do not find obvious correlation between the X-ray flux and the GeV flux, even though the latter must also result from shocks. It is clear that shocks can either be efficient particle accelerator or efficient thermal X-ray emitter, but not necessarily both at the same time.

  19. Nucleosynthesis in nova outbursts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iliadis, C.; Azuma, R.E.; Buchmann, L.


    Astronomical observations have shown that He, CNO material and/or heavy elements are considerably enriched in certain nova ejecta relative to solar matter. The heavy element enrichments can be explained by the dredge-up of matter from an underlying ONeMg white dwarf and subsequent redistribution of the material by the rp-process. The proton capture reactions on 32 S and 36 A r important for hydrogen burning during nova outbursts have been measured experimentally. The derived stellar reaction rates have been incorporated into large-scale network calculations and the astrophysical consequences are discussed. (author)

  20. Time-Dependent Dust Formation in Novae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyung-Won Suh


    Full Text Available The dust formation processes in novae are investigated with close attention to recent infrared observations. Using mainly the classical nucleation theory, we have calculated the time scales of dust formation and growth in the environments of novae. Those time scales roughly resemble the typical observations. We have classified the dust-forming novae into three classes according to their explosion properties and the thermodynamic properties of dust grains. Oxygen grains from much later than carbon grains because of their thermodynamic properties. The effect of grain formation to the efficiency of stellar winds to drive the material outward is tested with newly obtained Planck mean values of dust grains.

  1. Enquête de satisfaction Novae

    CERN Multimedia


    Novae lance une enquête de satisfaction auprès de ses clients. Vous pouvez accéder au questionnaire au sujet des trois restaurants d’entreprise du CERN en utilisant le lien et les codes ci-dessous. Le délai de réponse est fixé au jeudi 29 mai. Voici les codes à introduire (en respectant la casse) pour entrer dans le questionnaire, selon le site : CERN Restaurant n°1 : CERN114 CERN Restaurant n°2 : CERN214 CERN Restaurant n°3 : CERN314   Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que tout questionnaire rempli sera validé. Nous vous prions donc de ne pas utiliser ce lien pour tester le questionnaire. Merci d’avance pour votre collaboration. L'équipe Novae

  2. On Presolar Stardust Grains from CO Classical Novae (United States)

    Iliadis, Christian; Downen, Lori N.; José, Jordi; Nittler, Larry R.; Starrfield, Sumner


    About 30%–40% of classical novae produce dust 20–100 days after the outburst, but no presolar stardust grains from classical novae have been unambiguously identified yet. Although several studies claimed a nova paternity for certain grains, the measured and simulated isotopic ratios could only be reconciled, assuming that the grains condensed after the nova ejecta mixed with a much larger amount of close-to-solar matter. However, the source and mechanism of this potential post-explosion dilution of the ejecta remains a mystery. A major problem with previous studies is the small number of simulations performed and the implied poor exploration of the large nova parameter space. We report the results of a different strategy, based on a Monte Carlo technique, that involves the random sampling over the most important nova model parameters: the white dwarf composition; the mixing of the outer white dwarf layers with the accreted material before the explosion; the peak temperature and density; the explosion timescales; and the possible dilution of the ejecta after the outburst. We discuss and take into account the systematic uncertainties for both the presolar grain measurements and the simulation results. Only those simulations that are consistent with all measured isotopic ratios of a given grain are accepted for further analysis. We also present the numerical results of the model parameters. We identify 18 presolar grains with measured isotopic signatures consistent with a CO nova origin, without assuming any dilution of the ejecta. Among these, the grains G270_2, M11-334-2, G278, M11-347-4, M11-151-4, and Ag26 have the highest probability of a CO nova paternity.

  3. Conhecimento dos moradores da comunidade de Boas Novas, no Lago Janauacá - Amazonas, sobre os hábitos alimentares dos peixes da região Regional fish diet knowledge of the Boas Novas community inhabitants on the lake Janauacá - Amazonas, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Milaré Batistella


    Full Text Available A pesca na Amazônia é uma das atividades mais antigas e importantes; entretanto a atividade pesqueira tem passado por um rápido processo de modernização. Os moradores da comunidade de Boas Novas, no Lago do Janauacá AM são, em sua maioria, pescadores-lavradores. No presente trabalho procedeu-se um levantamento de aspectos etnoictiológicos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com o objetivo de relacionar a dieta das espécies de peixes citadas na literatura e pelos moradores da comunidade de Boas Novas e a forma com que adquiriram tal conhecimento. Houve correlação de 83% entre as informações dos pescadores e as encontradas na literatura. A maioria dos informantes adquiriu esse conhecimento através da observação na natureza, do tipo de isca que se usa para cada espécie, tratando os peixes ou informados por outras pessoas; havendo diferenças entre homens e mulheres.Fishing in Amazônia is one of the oldest and most important activities; however, fishing has undergone a rapid process of modernization. The formers inhabitants of Boas novas community on the Lake of Janauacá - AM are mostly fisherman. In the present work a recording of ethnoichthyologic aspects was conducted through semi-structured interviews aiming to relate the fish diet mentioned in the literature and by community's inhabitants of Boas Novas, and how they acquired such knowledge. There was a correlation of 83% between the fishermen information and the literature. Most of the informants acquired their knowledge through observing nature, bait type used for each species, fish with respect to this preparing or information received from other people; there are differences between men and women knowledge.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kelly, Keegan J.; Iliadis, Christian; Downen, Lori; Champagne, Art [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3255 (United States); José, Jordi [Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, EUETIB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, E-08036 Barcelona (Spain)


    Classical novae are caused by mass transfer episodes from a main-sequence star onto a white dwarf via Roche lobe overflow. This material possesses angular momentum and forms an accretion disk around the white dwarf. Ultimately, a fraction of this material spirals in and piles up on the white dwarf surface under electron-degenerate conditions. The subsequently occurring thermonuclear runaway reaches hundreds of megakelvin and explosively ejects matter into the interstellar medium. The exact peak temperature strongly depends on the underlying white dwarf mass, the accreted mass and metallicity, and the initial white dwarf luminosity. Observations of elemental abundance enrichments in these classical nova events imply that the ejected matter consists not only of processed solar material from the main-sequence partner but also of material from the outer layers of the underlying white dwarf. This indicates that white dwarf and accreted matter mix prior to the thermonuclear runaway. The processes by which this mixing occurs require further investigation to be understood. In this work, we analyze elemental abundances ejected from hydrodynamic nova models in search of elemental abundance ratios that are useful indicators of the total amount of mixing. We identify the abundance ratios ΣCNO/H, Ne/H, Mg/H, Al/H, and Si/H as useful mixing meters in ONe novae. The impact of thermonuclear reaction rate uncertainties on the mixing meters is investigated using Monte Carlo post-processing network calculations with temperature-density evolutions of all mass zones computed by the hydrodynamic models. We find that the current uncertainties in the {sup 30}P(p, γ){sup 31}S rate influence the Si/H abundance ratio, but overall the mixing meters found here are robust against nuclear physics uncertainties. A comparison of our results with observations of ONe novae provides strong constraints for classical nova models.

  5. Nucleosynthesis in nova outbursts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iliadis, C [TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC (Canada); [Univ. of Toronto, McLennan Physical Labs., Toronto, ON (Canada); Azuma, R E [Univ. of Toronto, McLennan Physical Lab., Toronto, ON (Canada); Buchmann, L [TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC (Canada); and others


    Astronomical observations have shown that He, CNO material and/or heavy elements are considerably enriched in certain nova ejecta relative to solar matter. The heavy element enrichments can be explained by the dredge-up of matter from an underlying ONeMg white dwarf and subsequent redistribution of the material by the rp-process. The proton capture reactions on 32{sup S} and 36{sup A}r important for hydrogen burning during nova outbursts have been measured experimentally. The derived stellar reaction rates have been incorporated into large-scale network calculations and the astrophysical consequences are discussed. (author) 17 refs., 2 figs.

  6. Eventos com aparente risco de vida: incidência, etiologia e investigação clínica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nunes, Magda Lahorgue


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência, fatores etiológicos e investigação clínica de pacientes com Evento com Aparente Risco de vida (Apparent life-threatening event – ALTE. Métodos: Revisão da literatura através de pesquisa no banco de dados Medline e LILACS entre 1986- 2006 e publicações da Associação Latinoamericana de Pediatria, selecionados a partir de autores com experiência reconhecida em ALTE. Foram revisados 13 artigos de autores renomados além de 3 consensos: americano sobre apnéia infantil e monitorização domiciliar, consenso latinoamericano sobre ALTE e consenso da sociedade européia para estudo e prevenção de morte infantil. Resultados: A incidência de ALTE descrita foi de 0,6 a 2,27% nos casos revisados. Quanto a etiologia aproximadamente 50% dos casos de ALTE são sintomáticos, sendo mais freqüente doenças do trato gastrointestinal e neurológicas. A investigação deve ser realizada seguindo protocolo padrão e estar direcionada para o diagnóstico da doença de base que definirá o prognóstico do ALTE. Casos recorrentes sem etiologia definida na investigação inicial necessitam de exames complementares, devendo ser considerado o abuso infantil e Munchausen por procuração como diagnóstico diferencial. Conclusão: Como o episódio de ALTE pode ser a manifestação inicial de entidades nosológicas diversas recomenda-se sempre sua investigação diagnóstica direcionada para doença de base.

  7. The distances of the Galactic Novae (United States)

    Ozdonmez, Aykut; Guver, Tolga; Cabrera-Lavers, Antonio; Ak, Tansel


    Using location of the RC stars on the CMDs obtained from the UKIDSS, VISTA and 2MASS photometry, we have derived the reddening-distance relations towards each Galactic nova for which at least one independent reddening measurement exists. We were able to determine the distances of 72 Galactic novae and set lower limits on the distances of 45 systems. The reddening curves of the systems are presented. These curves can be also used to estimate reddening or the distance of any source, whose location is close to the position of the nova in our sample. The distance measurement method in our study can be easily applicable to any source, especially for ones that concentrated along the Galactic plane.

  8. Nova: the laser fusion breakeven experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godwin, R.O.; Glaze, J.A.; Hagen, W.F.; Holzrichter, J.F.; Simmons, W.W.; Trenholme, J.B.


    A new laboratory building is being constructed adjacent to the Shiva laser to house the Phase I $137M ten-beam Nova laser and a target chamber designed for twenty beams. The first ten beams will be operational in early 1980. Following Phase I, it is planned that the Shiva laser will be shut down and upgraded into ten Nova laser beams. These beams will then be combined with Nova Phase I beams to provide the full twenty beams having a minimum output energy of 300 kJ in a 3 nc pulse, or a power capability of 300 terawatts (10 12 watts) in a 100 ps pulse. This paper will describe the Phase I engineering project

  9. Can isolated single black holes produce X-ray novae? (United States)

    Matsumoto, Tatsuya; Teraki, Yuto; Ioka, Kunihito


    Almost all black holes (BHs) and BH candidates in our Galaxy have been discovered as soft X-ray transients, so-called X-ray novae. X-ray novae are usually considered to arise from binary systems. Here, we propose that X-ray novae are also caused by isolated single BHs. We calculate the distribution of the accretion rate from interstellar matter to isolated BHs, and find that BHs in molecular clouds satisfy the condition of the hydrogen-ionization disc instability, which results in X-ray novae. The estimated event rate is consistent with the observed one. We also check an X-ray novae catalogue (Corral-Santana et al.) and find that 16/59 ˜ 0.27 of the observed X-ray novae are potentially powered by isolated BHs. The possible candidates include IGR J17454-2919, XTE J1908-094, and SAX J1711.6-3808. Near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic follow-ups can exclude companion stars for a BH census in our Galaxy.

  10. SN 2010U: A LUMINOUS NOVA IN NGC 4214

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Humphreys, Roberta M.; Helton, L. Andrew; Prieto, Jose L.; Rosenfield, Philip; Williams, Benjamin; Murphy, Jeremiah; Dalcanton, Julianne; Gilbert, Karoline; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Stanek, K. Z.; Khan, Rubab; Szczygiel, Dorota; Mogren, Karen; Fesen, Robert A.; Milisavljevic, Dan


    The luminosity, light curve, post-maximum spectrum, and lack of a progenitor on deep pre-outburst images suggest that SN 2010U was a luminous, fast nova. Its outburst magnitude is consistent with that for a fast nova using the maximum magnitude-rate of decline relationship for classical novae.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shafter, A. W.


    The photometric and spectroscopic properties of the 43 known LMC nova candidates are summarized and reviewed. Of these, photometric data sufficient to establish decline rates are available for 29 novae, while spectroscopic data sufficient to establish the spectroscopic classes are available for 18 systems. Half of the 18 novae belong to the Fe II class, with the remaining nine belonging to either the He/N or the Fe IIb classes. As seen in previous nova studies of M31 and M33, the He/N and Fe IIb novae have on average faster photometric developments than do their Fe II counterparts. Overall, the available photometry confirms earlier studies, and shows conclusively that LMC novae have faster rates of decline than do novae in the Galaxy and M31. It appears that the increased fraction of faster, He/N and Fe IIb novae observed in the LMC compared with M31 is almost certainly the result of differences in the underlying stellar population between the two galaxies. We propose that the younger population seen in the LMC compared with M31's bulge (where most of the novae are found), produces progenitor binaries with higher average white dwarf masses. The higher mean white dwarf mass not only produces a larger fraction of fast, He/N novae compared with M31, but also results in a relatively large recurrent nova population.

  12. Nova Aquilae 1982: the nature of its dust

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longmore, A.J.; Williams, P.M.


    Infrared photometric measurements of Nova Aquilae 1982, covering a period from 37 to 261 days after its discovery, have been obtained. Thermal emission was present even from the first observation. The observations show that the conventional picture of dust forming in the nova ejecta does not apply in this case, and suggest that a re-examination of the infrared modelling of earlier novae would be worthwhile. (U.K.)

  13. Dust formation and ionization in novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Tetsuo; Sato, Shuji; Nariai, Kyoji.


    In order to explain the fact that some novae show the increase of infrared radiation indicating the formation of circumstellar dust grains while some others do not, the theory that the formation of dust in the circumstellar envelope of a nova depends on the intensity of ultraviolet radiation from a central star has been presented. It is known that the central star of a nova emits radiation at nearly constant rate, and its effective temperature rises. It was concluded that the novae with higher emission than a certain value are the poor candidates for dust formation because the whole envelope is ionized before dust is formed. But this conclusion is misleading. The evolution of the ultraviolet radiation emanating from a central star is summarized. The condensation of grains is possible when the partial pressure of the vapor, from which the grains are formed, becomes higher than the saturation vapor pressure. The temperature of grains can be estimated by equating the radiations absorbed and emitted. The grains evaporate if the grain temperature is higher than the condensation temperature. The formation of a Stroemgren sphere in the exploding envelope of a nova is discussed. For the formation of grains, it is necessary that temperature drops below the condensation temperature before the whole envelope is ionized. Hence dust grains do not grow if the grain temperature at a phase is higher than the condensation temperature. (Kako, I.)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shafter, A. W.; Darnley, M. J.; Bode, M. F.; Ciardullo, R.


    We report the initial results from an ongoing multi-year spectroscopic survey of novae in M33. The survey resulted in the spectroscopic classification of six novae (M33N 2006-09a, 2007-09a, 2009-01a, 2010-10a, 2010-11a, and 2011-12a) and a determination of rates of decline (t 2 times) for four of them (2006-09a, 2007-09a, 2009-01a, and 2010-10a). When these data are combined with existing spectroscopic data for two additional M33 novae (2003-09a and 2008-02a), we find that five of the eight novae with available spectroscopic class appear to be members of either the He/N or Fe IIb (hybrid) classes, with only two clear members of the Fe II spectroscopic class. This initial finding is very different from what would be expected based on the results for M31 and the Galaxy where Fe II novae dominate, and the He/N and Fe IIb classes together make up only ∼20% of the total. It is plausible that the increased fraction of He/N and Fe IIb novae observed in M33 thus far may be the result of the younger stellar population that dominates this galaxy, which is expected to produce novae that harbor generally more massive white dwarfs than those typically associated with novae in M31 or the Milky Way.

  15. Assurance management program for the 30 Nova laser fusion project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levy, A.J.


    The Nova assurance management program was developed using the quality assurance (QA) approach first implemented at LLNL in early 1978. The LLNL QA program is described as an introduction to the Nova assurance management program. The Nova system is described pictorially through the Nova configuration, subsystems and major components, interjecting the QA techniques which are being pragmatically used to assure the successful completion of the project

  16. Avaliação de probióticos na dieta de frangos de corte criados em cama nova ou reutilizada Evaluation of probiotics in diets for broilers raised on new or reused litter

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    Ana Beatriz Traldi


    Full Text Available Três experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de probióticos na dieta de frangos de corte sobre as características da cama reutilizada e das lesões de peito, joelho e coxim plantar. Foram utilizados em cada experimento 800 pintos machos de um dia, da linhagem comercial Ross, alojados em 20 boxes, em densidade populacional de 10 aves/m². O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 (cama nova ou reutilizada x rações com ou sem probiótico. O probiótico utilizado nas dietas foi composto por Bacillus subtilis e B. coagulans (2x10(9 e 1x10(7 ufc, respectivamente. Aos 42 dias de idade, quatro aves de cada boxe foram abatidas para análise das lesões de peito, joelho e coxim plantar. A cama de cada boxe foi amostrada para determinação dos teores de MS e nitrogênio, do potencial de volatilização de amônia e do pH. A cama reutilizada apresentou maior teor de MS, maiores valores de pH e potencial de volatilização de amônia e menor teor de nitrogênio. O probiótico usado nas rações resultou em maior potencial de volatilização de amônia. As lesões de coxim plantar e joelho foram maiores quando utilizada cama nova. As camas reutilizadas por dois, três e quatro ciclos causaram menores lesões de joelho e coxim plantar. O probiótico não promoveu efeito benéfico sobre a cama reutilizada.Three experiments were conduced with the purpose of evaluating the effect of the addition of probiotics in the diet of broilers on the characteristics of reused litter and lesions of chest, knee and feet. Eight hundred male chicks, one day old, from Ross Commercial Breeding, were utilized in each experiment. The animals were housed in 20 pens in a populational density of 10 birds/m². The experimental design was completely randomized and the treatments were organized in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (new or reused litter x diet with or without probiotic

  17. Nova Scotia Power : in-stream tidal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meade, K.


    The Government of Nova Scotia, the Government of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia Power and others have funded a feasibility study of North American sites for commercial instream tidal power. In July 2007, Nova Scotia Power received partial funding for a demonstration project. This presentation provided information on a demonstration plant for tidal power run by Nova Scotia Power. It discussed the benefits of the Open Hydro technology for this plant. In this simple design, the generator is on the circumference of the turbine. The design does not involve any power transmission systems or any pitching of blades. In addition, the technology is environmentally sound as it is completely shrouded, has low rotational speed, and a large open centre allows fish to pass through, and it does not require lubricants. The last benefit that was presented was the scale up of 250 kW machine deployed in a European test facility. The presentation also discussed the advantages of developing tidal power at this time. It was concluded that tidal energy has significant potential. Although it is intermittent, it is predictable and bulk power system can be scheduled to accommodate it. figs

  18. Estudo de novas formulações para regeneração óssea em defeitos de dimensão crítica


    Palma, Paulo Jorge Rocha da


    Estudo de novas formulações para regeneração óssea em defeitos de dimensão crítica Paulo Jorge Rocha da Palma Coimbra 2009 Resumo: Regenerar o osso perdido ou reabsorvido, é uma das grandes preocupações e desafios do Médico Dentista, necessitando muitas vezes da aplicação de um Biomaterial que permita uma boa regeneração óssea e tecidular. Com o objectivo de promover modalidades biológicas que possam estimular a regeneração óssea, têm vindo a ser desenhadas várias e...

  19. Characterisation and application of NovaFiber lignin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gosselink, R.J.A.; Snijder, M.H.B.; Kranenbarg, A.; Keijsers, E.R.P.; Jong, de E.; Stigsson, L.L.


    Sulphur-free lignin coming from a novel alkaline-pulping process called NovaFiber, which has been developed by KIRAM AB, has been characterised and evaluated for potential applications. A Kraft lignin has been used for comparison. Considering the characterisation results of a NovaFiber softwood and

  20. Tratamento de rânula pela marsupialização: relato de caso = Treatment of ranula by marsupialization: report of a case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leite Segundo, Airton Vieira


    Full Text Available Rânula é uma lesão de etiologia traumática que normalmente desenvolve-se devido à ruptura de um ou mais ductos das glândulas salivares, resultando num extravasamento ou retenção do muco no assoalho da boca. O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever um caso de rânula acompanhado do seu tratamento por meio da técnica de marsupialização

  1. Big and Little Feet Provincial Profiles: Nova Scotia

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    Sarah Dobson


    Full Text Available This communiqué provides a summary of the production- and consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions accounts for Nova Scotia, as well as their associated trade flows. It is part of a series of communiqués profiling the Canadian provinces and territories.1 In simplest terms, a production-based emissions account measures the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions produced in Nova Scotia. In contrast, a consumption-based emissions account measures the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions generated during the production process for final goods and services that are consumed in Nova Scotia through household purchases, investment by firms and government spending. Trade flows refer to the movement of emissions that are produced in Nova Scotia but which support consumption in a different province, territory or country (and vice versa. For example, emissions at the Port of Halifax that are associated with goods that are subsequently exported to Ontario for sale are recorded as a trade flow from Nova Scotia to Ontario. Moving in the opposite direction, emissions associated with the production of motor gasoline in New Brunswick that is exported to Nova Scotia for sale are recorded as a trade flow from New Brunswick to Nova Scotia. For further details on these results in a national context, the methodology for generating them and their policy implications, please see the companion papers to this communiqué series: (1 Fellows and Dobson (2017; and (2 Dobson and Fellows (2017. Additionally, the consumption emissions and trade flow data for each of the provinces and territories are available at:

  2. Continuum emission from classical nova winds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harkness, R.P.


    The emergent continuum of a slow classical nova during outburst is considered in the quasi-steady optically thick, transonic wind model. Models are presented for various steady mass loss rates and are related to the evolution of slow novae during decline and early post-maximum. The continuum emission is found to depart radically from a blackbody spectrum and to exhibit features common to highly extended stellar atmospheres. (author)

  3. Etiology, antimicrobial susceptibility profile and epidemiological aspects in canine otitis: a retrospective study of 616 casesEtiologia, perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos e aspectos epidemiológicos na otite canina: estudo retrospectivo de 616 casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verônica Baldim de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A retrospective study of etiology, antimicrobial susceptibility profile and multiple drug resistance, and major epidemiological aspects were investigated in 616 cases of canine otitis. Staphylococcus ? hemolitic (26.27%, Malassezia pachydermatis (12.35%, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8.8% were the most common microorganisms identified. The isolates were susceptible mainly to norfloxacin (89.62%, gentamicin (83.25%, and ofloxacin (80.16%. High occurrence of resistance of isolates was observed to neomicin (30.84% and cephalexin (27.63%. Multiple drug resistance to three or more and five or more of antimicrobials tested was observed in 34.9% and 15.5% of isolates, respectively. The cases of canine otitis occurred predominantly in first years of age, in mixed breeds animals, at autumn season. The presence of itch, bad smell, and secretion in ear conduct were the major signs observed at clinical examination. Estudo retrospectivo da etiologia, perfil de sensibilidade microbiana, ocorrência de multirresistência dos isolados e os principais aspectos epidemiológicos foram investigados em 616 casos de otite canina. Staphylococcus ? hemolítico (26,27%, Malassezia pachydermatis (12,35% e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8,8% foram os micro-organismos mais frequentes. Os isolados foram sensíveis “in vitro” principalmente a norfloxacina (89,62%, gentamicina (83,25% e ofloxacina (80,16%. Alta ocorrência de resistência das linhagens foi observada frente à neomicina (30,84% e cefalexina (27,63%. A ocorrência de resistência múltipla a três ou mais e cinco ou mais dos antimicrobianos foi observada em, respectivamente, 34,9% e 15,5% dos isolados. Os casos ocorreram predominantemente nos primeiros anos de idade, em animais sem raça definida, no período do outono. A presença de prurido, mau cheiro e secreção no conduto auditivo foram os principais sinais observados ao exame clínico.

  4. Nova chain design and performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, W.W.; Glaze, J.A.; Trenholme, J.B.; Hagen, W.F.


    During the past year design of the Nova laser has undergone significant change as a result of developments in our laser glass and optical coating evaluation programs. Two notable aspects of the glass development program deserve emphasis. First, vendor qualification for production of fluorophosphate laser glass is progressing satisfactorily. There is a reasonable expectation that vendors can meet fluorophosphate glass specifications within Nova schedule constraints. Secondly, recent gain saturation measurements have shown that the saturation fluence of the fluorophosphate glass is larger than previously supposed (approx. 5.5 J/cm 2 ) and in fact is somewhat larger than Shiva silicate glasses. Hence, performance of Nova for pulses in the 3 ns and longer range should be satisfactory. For pulses in the 1 ns regime, of course, the fluorophosphate chain will have superior performance to that of silicate because of its low nonlinear index of refraction (approx. 30% that of silicate). These and other considerations have led us to choose a chain design based upon the use of fluorophosphate glass in our amplifiers

  5. Slow magnetic monopoles search in NOvA (United States)

    Antoshkin, Alexander; Frank, Martin


    The NOvA far detector is well suited for finding exotic particles due to its technical features (see [1]). One type of those exotic particles is a "slow" magnetic monopole. It is assumed that the energy deposition of such monopoles should be enough to be registered (see [2]). Measurement of the expected signals was performed on the NOvA test bench at JINR (see [3]). Result of this measurement allows us to perform slow monopole's research using NOvA software and hardware with high efficiency. As a whole, the research can lead to a discovery, or it can limit the existence of monopoles in a wide range of parameters, previously unreachable in other experiments (MACRO, SLIM, RICE, IceCube). Several special software tools have been developed. Slow Monopole Trigger has been created and implemented in the NOvA Data-Driven-Trigger system. Also, an online reconstruction algorithm has been developed and tested on 5% of the data. A technical description of these tools and current results of the analysis are presented in this work.

  6. Novae, supernovae, and the island universe hypothesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Den Bergh, S.


    Arguments in Curtis's (1917) paper related to the island universe hypothesis and the existence of novae in spiral nebulae are considered. It is noted that the maximum magnitude versus rate-of-decline relation for novae may be the best tool presently available for the calibration of the extragalactic distance scale. Light curve observations of six novae are used to determine a distance of 18.6 + or - 3.5 MPc to the Virgo cluster. Results suggest that Type Ia supernovae cannot easily be used as standard candles, and that Type II supernovae are unsuitable as distance indicators. Factors other than precursor mass are probably responsible for determining the ultimate fate of evolving stars. 83 references

  7. NOVA: a software to analyze complexome profiling data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Giese, H.; Ackermann, J.; Heide, H.; Bleier, L.; Drose, S.; Wittig, I.; Brandt, U.; Koch, I.


    SUMMARY: We introduce nova, a software for the analysis of complexome profiling data. nova supports the investigation of the composition of complexes, cluster analysis of the experimental data, visual inspection and comparison of experiments and many other features. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION:

  8. Nucleosynthesis and the nova outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.


    A nova outburst is the consequence of the accretion of hydrogen rich material onto a white dwarf and it can be considered as the largest hydrogen bomb in the Universe. The fuel is supplied by a secondary star in a close binary system while the strong degeneracy of the massive white dwarf acts to contain the gas during the early stages of the explosion. The containment allows the temperature in the nuclear burning region to exceed 10 8 K under all circumstances. As a result a major fraction of CNO nuclei in the envelope are transformed into β + -unstable nuclei. We discuss the effects of these nuclei on the evolution. Recent observational studies have shown that there are two compositional classes of novae; one which occurs on carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, and a second class that occurs on oxygen-neon-magnesium white dwarfs. In this review we will concentrate on the latter explosions since they produce the most interesting nucleosynthesis. We report both on the results of new observational determinations of nova abundances and, in addition, new hydrodynamic calculations that examine the consequences of the accretion process on 1.0M circle-dot , 1.25M circle-dot , and 1.35M circle-dot white dwarfs. Our results show that novae can produce 22 Na, 26 Al, and other intermediate mass nuclei in interesting amounts. We will present the results of new calculations, done with updated nuclear reaction rates and opacities, which exhibit quantitative differences with respect to published work

  9. Etiologia e epidemiologia das dermatofitoses em Goiânia, GO, Brasil

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    Costa Théo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available As dermatofitoses são infecções superficiais capazes de produzir lesões em tecidos queratinizados, como pele, pêlo e unhas. Foram examinados 6068 indivíduos procedentes de Goiânia, com suspeita clínica de infecções fúngicas, durante 5 anos (1993-1997, verificando-se a incidência e a etiologia das dermatofitoses nos referidos pacientes. Material coletado de várias regiões corpóreas permitiu caracterizar 1595 dermatófitos em 1345 indivíduos. A identificação dos dermatófitos realizada através de cultivo em ágar Sabouraud e microcultivo em lâmina, permitiu verificar uma maior freqüência de Trichophyton rubrum (37,4%, T. mentagrophytes (36,4% e Microsporum canis (16%. Os dermatófitos foram mais freqüentemente encontrados produzindo lesões nos pés (30,5%, região inguino crural (17,8% e região glabra do corpo (15,5%. Foi analisada a distribuição corporal das lesões de dermatofitoses com os respectivos agentes etiológicos encontrados. Melhores condições higiênicas e diagnóstico precoce da doença são necessários para controlar e diminuir a incidência de dermatofitoses na nossa região.

  10. O lugar de Israel e da Palestina na política externa brasileira: antissemitismo, voto majoritário ou promotor de paz?

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    Guilherme CASARÕES


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o desenvolvimento das relações entre Brasil e Israel, a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, retomando pontos de convergência e divergência no relacionamento bilateral à luz de novas interpretações e dados. A hipótese que sustenta este artigo é a de que as contradições entre Brasil e Israel, em vez de serem vistas como uma rejeição às aspirações israelenses ou alguma incompatibilidade ideológica, devem ser compreendidas a partir de elementos externos às relações israelo-brasileiras: (1 o grau de proximidade, de alinhamento ou de confronto com os Estados Unidos; (2 a visão universalista, visando inserção ampla no mundo; (3 o viés majoritário das políticas multilaterais do Brasil. Tais forças condicionaram, em alguma medida, as preferências do Brasil com relação ao Oriente Médio, em geral, e a Israel, em particular.

  11. A new method of determining the ejected mass of novae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sparks, W.M.


    A new method of determining the ejected mass of novae based on simple, reasonable assumptions is presented. This method assumes that the remnant mass on the white dwarf is the same as that from the previous nova outburst. The hydrogen, helium, and metal abundances of the accreted material from the secondary must also be known or assumed. The white dwarf`s mass has a small effect because the amount of hydrogen consumed during the thermonuclear runaway only depends weakly upon this mass. If the composition of the ejecta and the time of the remnant shell burnout are determined from observations, then the ejected and remnant masses can be deduced. At present only a sharp decrease in the X-rays observed by ROSAT has been attributed to this remnant burnout and only for two novae: GQ Mus and V1974 Cyg. The ejected and remnant masses for these two novae are calculated. If other indicators of nova remnant burnout, such as a rapid decrease in high-ionization lines, can be identified, then this method could be applied to additional novae.

  12. The NOvA software testing framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamsett, M; Group, C


    The NOvA experiment at Fermilab is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to study vε appearance in a vμ beam. NOvA has already produced more than one million Monte Carlo and detector generated files amounting to more than 1 PB in size. This data is divided between a number of parallel streams such as far and near detector beam spills, cosmic ray backgrounds, a number of data-driven triggers and over 20 different Monte Carlo configurations. Each of these data streams must be processed through the appropriate steps of the rapidly evolving, multi-tiered, interdependent NOvA software framework. In total there are greater than 12 individual software tiers, each of which performs a different function and can be configured differently depending on the input stream. In order to regularly test and validate that all of these software stages are working correctly NOvA has designed a powerful, modular testing framework that enables detailed validation and benchmarking to be performed in a fast, efficient and accessible way with minimal expert knowledge. The core of this system is a novel series of python modules which wrap, monitor and handle the underlying C++ software framework and then report the results to a slick front-end web-based interface. This interface utilises modern, cross-platform, visualisation libraries to render the test results in a meaningful way. They are fast and flexible, allowing for the easy addition of new tests and datasets. In total upwards of 14 individual streams are regularly tested amounting to over 70 individual software processes, producing over 25 GB of output files. The rigour enforced through this flexible testing framework enables NOvA to rapidly verify configurations, results and software and thus ensure that data is available for physics analysis in a timely and robust manner. (paper)

  13. Sobre o "ronca", doença de etiologia obscura em bovinos, caracterizada por respiração ruidosa

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    Tokarnia Carlos Hubinger


    Full Text Available São apresentados os resultados de estudos realizados sobre uma doença de evolução crônica em bovinos, de etiologia obscura, cuja caraterística principal é uma respiração ruidosa. Esta doença é conhecida nos Estados do Piauí, Rio de Janeiro e Mato Grosso do Sul, onde a sua ocorrência foi verificada, pelos nomes populares de "ronca", "roncadeira" ou "ronqueira". Os dados mais importantes da doença, baseados nos históricos, em observações próprias, exames clínicos, necropsias de 12 bovinos, complementadas por exames histopatológicos e analises químicas de amostras de fígado para microelementos, são a respiração ruidosa na inspiração, que aparece ou se intensifica a medida que se lida com os animais, irritabilidade, emagrecimento progressivo e morte após alguns meses até dois anos. Exames de sangue, realizados nos estudos no Piauí, revelaram uma condição normo-cítica hipocrômica; esfregaços de sangue não revelaram nada digno de nota. À necropsia se constatou às vezes coloração alaranjada do fígado e coloração alaranjada/marrom dos linfonodos do hilo do fígado. Exames da cavidade nasal, especialmente dos cornetos, e da laringe, não revelaram nenhuma alteração. Os exames histopatológicos evidenciaram como lesão principal hemossiderose acentuada do fígado, sempre presente, bem como do baço e de linfonodos. Análises de amostras de fígado revelaram em todos os animais afetados pela doença, nas três regiões, valores muito baixos de cobre e muito elevados de ferro. Dois bovinos afetados pela doença, transferidos para região indene, continuaram com a respiração ruidosa durante mais de um ano. À necropsia destes animais não foram encontradas lesões, além de alguns achados não relacionáveis com a doença. Nos exames histopatológicos foi constatada hemosside-rose no fígado, baço e em linfonodos, porém menos acentuada que nos casos de "ronca" examinados no local de sua procedência. As an

  14. The assurance management program for the Nova laser fusion project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levy, A.J.


    In a well managed project, Quality Assurance is an integral part of the management activities performed on a daily basis. Management assures successful performance within budget and on schedule by using all the good business, scientific, engineering, quality assurance, and safety practices available. Quality assurance and safety practices employed on Nova are put in perspective by integrating them into the overall function of good project management. The Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) approach is explained in general terms. The laser ICF and magnetic fusion facilities are significantly different in that the laser system is used solely as a highly reliable energy source for performing plasma physics experiments related to fusion target development; by contrast, magnetic fusion facilities are themselves the experiments. The Nova project consists of a 10-beam, 74 cm aperture neodymium-glass laser experimental facility which is being constructed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) for the U.S. Department of Energy. Nova has a total estimated cost of $176M and will become operational in the Fall of 1984. The Nova laser will be used as the high energy driver for studying the regime of ignition for ICF. The Nova assurance management program was developed using the quality assurance (QA) approach first implemented at LLNL in early 1978. The LLNL QA program is described as an introduction to the Nova assurance management program. The Nova system is described pictorially through the Nova configuration, subsystems and major components, interjecting the QA techniques which are being pragmatically used to assure the successful completion of the project

  15. Novas Tecnologias Educacionais: Uma Cultura Emergente na Formação Docente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Augusta Bernardo Marques de Mendon


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi analisar a incorporação da cultura emergente na formação docente, ou seja, compreender como as novas tecnologias, recentemente difundidas nos meios educacionais, vêm sendo tratadas pelos processos de formação continuada e incluídas nas práticas pedagógicas. Na delimitação do estudo, procuramos investigar as dificuldades dos professores com a utilização dos novos recursos tecnológicos, considerando-se os fatores internos e externos que possam estar inviabilizando o sucesso da inclusão digital no ambiente escolar da rede pública estadual. Assim, por meio da pesquisa qualitativa e avaliativa propiciada por um projeto de ação, buscamos entender as interferências que ocorrem na prática docente por meio de observações direcionadas ao desempenho dos professores na utilização dos recursos tecnológicos da sala de informática como instrumentos de desenvolvimento do ensino dos conteúdos escolares. Os resultados obtidos no projeto de ação originaram-se de declarações dos sujeitos e de observações estabelecidas nos módulos de capacitação e de aplicação dos planos de aulas. Esses resultados convergem para os fatores desestimulantes como: excesso de movimentações dos docentes entre as escolas; ausência de pessoas credenciadas na própria escola capazes de coordenar as novas tecnologias educacionais e proporcionar segurança aos docentes; falta de capacitações no próprio ambiente escolar; carência de multiplicadores locais; ausência da previsão de tempo da preparação de aulas com os novos recursos tecnológicos na própria carga horária do professor e a inexistência de regulamentação na gestão administrativa que valorize o certificado da formação continuada. Enfim, as informações analisadas nessa pesquisa pelos aspectos positivos e negativos oferecem espaço para novas investigações dessa natureza.

  16. Radio Observations of Gamma-ray Novae (United States)

    Linford, Justin D.; Chomiuk, L.; Ribeiro, V.; project, E.-Nova


    Recent detection of gamma-ray emission from classical novae by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope surprised many in the astronomical community. We present results from radio observations, obtained using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), of three gamma-ray novae: Mon2012, Sco2012, and Del2013. Radio observations allow for the calculation of ejecta masses, place limits on the distances, and provide information about the gamma-ray emission mechanism for these sources.

  17. ToO Galactic Nova -- Michelle ``Quick Response'' (United States)

    Helton, L. Andrew; Woodward, Chick; Evans, Nye; Geballe, Tom; Spitzer Nova Team


    Stars are the engines of energy production and chemical evolution in our Universe, depositing radiative and mechanical energy into their environments and enriching the ambient ISM with elements synthesized in their interiors and dust grains condensed in their atmospheres. Classical novae (CN) contribute to this cycle of chemical enrichment through explosive nucleosynthesis and the violent ejection of material dredged from the white dwarf progenitor and mixed with the accreted surface layers. We propose to obtain mid-IR spectra of a new galactic CN in outburst to investigate aspects of the CN phenomenon including the in situ formation and mineralogy of nova dust and the elemental abundances resulting from thermonuclear runaway. Synoptic, high S/N Michelle spectra permit: 1) determination of the grain size distribution and mineral composition of nova dust; 2) estimation of chemical abundances of nova ejecta from coronal and other emission line spectroscopy; and 3) measurement of the density and masses of the ejecta. This Gemini `Target of Opportunity' initiative (trigger K=5- 8 mag, assuming adequate PWFS guide stars exist) complements our extensive Spitzer, Chandra, Swift, XMM-Newton CN DDT/ToO programs.

  18. Synoptic Mid-IR Spectra ToO Novae (United States)

    Helton, L. Andrew; Woodward, Chick; Evans, Nye; Geballe, Tom; Spitzer Nova Team


    Stars are the engines of energy production and chemical evolution in our Universe, depositing radiative and mechanical energy into their environments and enriching the ambient ISM with elements synthesized in their interiors and dust grains condensed in their atmospheres. Classical novae (CN) contribute to this cycle of chemical enrichment through explosive nucleosynthesis and the violent ejection of material dredged from the white dwarf progenitor and mixed with the accreted surface layers. We propose to obtain mid-IR spectra of a new galactic CN in outburst to investigate aspects of the CN phenomenon including the in situ formation and mineralogy of nova dust and the elemental abundances resulting from thermonuclear runaway. Synoptic, high S/N Michelle spectra permit: 1) determination of the grain size distribution and mineral composition of nova dust; 2) estimation of chemical abundances of nova ejecta from coronal and other emission line spectroscopy; and 3) measurement of the density and masses of the ejecta. This Gemini `Target of Opportunity' initiative (trigger K=5- 8 mag, assuming adequate PWFS guide stars exist) complements our extensive Spitzer, Chandra, Swift, XMM-Newton CN DDT/ToO programs.

  19. A diferença no currículo ou intervenções para uma pedagogia queer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Rita de Assis César


    Full Text Available Este artigo problematiza os sistemas normativos que aprisionam o corpo, o gênero e a sexualidade. Quatro personagens são chamados a intervir na discussão: Thomas Beatie, Brendan Teena, Bree Osbourn e Agrado, pois compõem narrativas que fazem transbordar o sistema corpo-sexo-gênero. Interrogam-se aqui os processos de captura, tais como patologização, medicalização, exclusão e violência, tendo em vista o dispositivo da sexualidade discutido por Foucault e os processos de naturalização do corpo, do sexo e do gênero. Tendo em vista que a narrativa curricular há tempos flerta com os temas da sexualidade e do gênero, na tentativa de produzir novos processos de captura, pensamos que o cruzamento entre a discussão do currículo e das quatro narrativas contribui para instaurar a diferença, no sentido dado por Deleuze. Novas perguntas, oriundas das teorizações queer ou pedagogia queer, produzem a diferença nas práticas escolares, ao demonstrar os limites do nosso sistema de inteligibilidade quanto aos corpos, ao sexo e às relações de gênero. As quatro personagens/intervenções contêm um potencial reflexivo capaz de afetar a escola pelo (desconhecimento, fazendo-a experimentar o não saber por meio de novas perguntas, capazes de colocar em xeque os sistemas normativos prevalecentes.

  20. Energy distributions of symbiotic novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryan, G.L.; Kwok, S.


    The IRAS low-resolution spectra of three recent symbiotic novae are fitted with a dust continuum radiative transfer model. It is found that the dust shells are detached from the photosphere and that the sizes of the inner radii are correlated with times since outburst. An analysis of the IUE spectra of HM Sge at different epochs suggests that the strength of the 2200 A feature is decreasing with times and the grains responsible for the feature are probably formed in the white dwarf ejecta. A complete accounting of the entire energy budget from radio to X-ray shows that most of the energy is emitted by the cool component in the infrared, and a significant fraction of the flux of the hot component is escaping in the far-ultraviolet. The density-bounded nature of the circumstellar gas nebulae could be the result of a bipolar geometry of the nebulae. Unlike classical novae, the optical outburst of symbiotic novae is due to the ionization of the preexisting envelope of the cool component and is not the result of a sudden ejection by the hot component. 55 refs

  1. Nova Scotia wind integration study : final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An independent study was commissioned by the Nova Scotia Department of Energy to identify and assess the impacts of integrating large scale wind power generation into Nova Scotia's electric power system. The purpose of the study was to help Nova Scotia's efforts towards building its renewable energy supply, in order to secure a local energy resource and to protect the environment. This report provided an overview of Nova Scotia's electric power sector, including organizations involved; existing generation system; existing transmission system; renewable energy standards; Nova Scotia Power integrated resource plan; and 2007 renewable energy request for proposals. The major assumptions for the study that were discussed included system parameters; system capacity reserve requirements; expansion plans to 2020; and allocation of new wind generation by zone. Wind resource data and system dispatch modeling were also presented and transmission system modeling was outlined. This included a discussion of steady state reliability requirements; inputs to the load flow model; load flow study and contingency analysis; intra-province transmission congestion; and potential impacts on system security. The report also presented an approach to impact analysis and mitigation such as the impact on greenhouse gas and other air emissions and the impact of wind energy prices on system costs. It was concluded that one of the most important factors in evaluation of the economic impact of wind power integration is the forecasted fuel prices for the thermal units. If the fuel prices had varied significantly from the forecasted values, the study economic impact results could have been quite different. 55 tabs., 64 figs., 1 appendix

  2. Long-Term Photometry of Very Slow Novae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chochol D.


    Full Text Available Long-term photographic, photoelectric and recent CCD photometry of the classical nova V723 Cas and symbiotic novae V1329 Cyg, PU Vul, V1016 Cyg and HM Sge were used to find their orbital periods. The arguments in favor of the presence of the third components in these systems are given. Physical processes, responsible for the brightness variations, are discussed.

  3. The geographic accessibility of pharmacies in Nova Scotia. (United States)

    Law, Michael R; Heard, Deborah; Fisher, Judith; Douillard, Jay; Muzika, Greg; Sketris, Ingrid S


    Geographic proximity is an important component of access to primary care and the pharmaceutical services of community pharmacies. Variations in access to primary care have been found between rural and urban areas in Canadian and international jurisdictions. We studied access to community pharmacies in the province of Nova Scotia. We used information on the locations of 297 community pharmacies operating in Nova Scotia in June 2011. Population estimates at the census block level and network analysis were used to study the number of Nova Scotia residents living within 800 m (walking) and 2 km and 5 km (driving) distances of a pharmacy. We then simulated the impact of pharmacy closures on geographic access in urban and rural areas. We found that 40.3% of Nova Scotia residents lived within walking distance of a pharmacy; 62.6% and 78.8% lived within 2 km and 5 km, respectively. Differences between urban and rural areas were pronounced: 99.2% of urban residents lived within 5 km of a pharmacy compared with 53.3% of rural residents. Simulated pharmacy closures had a greater impact on geographic access to community pharmacies in rural areas than urban areas. The majority of Nova Scotia residents lived within walking or short driving distance of at least 1 community pharmacy. While overall geographic access appears to be lower than in the province of Ontario, the difference appears to be largely driven by the higher proportion of rural dwellers in Nova Scotia. Further studies should examine how geographic proximity to pharmacies influences patients' access to traditional and specialized pharmacy services, as well as health outcomes and adherence to therapy. Can Pharm J 2013;146:39-46.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarz, Greg J. [American Astronomical Society, 2000 Florida Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009-1231 (United States); Ness, Jan-Uwe [XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, ESAC, Apartado 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid (Spain); Osborne, J. P.; Page, K. L.; Evans, P. A.; Beardmore, A. P. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH (United Kingdom); Walter, Frederick M. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 (United States); Andrew Helton, L. [SOFIA Science Center, USRA, NASA Ames Research Center, M.S. N211-3, Moffett Field, CA 94035 (United States); Woodward, Charles E. [Minnesota Institute of Astrophysics, 116 Church Street S.E., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (United States); Bode, Mike [Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Birkenhead CH41 1LD (United Kingdom); Starrfield, Sumner [School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 871404, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 (United States); Drake, Jeremy J., E-mail: [Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, MS 3, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States)


    The Swift gamma-ray burst satellite is an excellent facility for studying novae. Its rapid response time and sensitive X-ray detector provides an unparalleled opportunity to investigate the previously poorly sampled evolution of novae in the X-ray regime. This paper presents Swift observations of 52 Galactic/Magellanic Cloud novae. We included the X-Ray Telescope (0.3-10 keV) instrument count rates and the UltraViolet and Optical Telescope (1700-8000 A) filter photometry. Also included in the analysis are the publicly available pointed observations of 10 additional novae the X-ray archives. This is the largest X-ray sample of Galactic/Magellanic Cloud novae yet assembled and consists of 26 novae with Super Soft X-ray emission, 19 from Swift observations. The data set shows that the faster novae have an early hard X-ray phase that is usually missing in slower novae. The Super Soft X-ray phase occurs earlier and does not last as long in fast novae compared to slower novae. All the Swift novae with sufficient observations show that novae are highly variable with rapid variability and different periodicities. In the majority of cases, nuclear burning ceases less than three years after the outburst begins. Previous relationships, such as the nuclear burning duration versus t{sub 2} or the expansion velocity of the eject and nuclear burning duration versus the orbital period, are shown to be poorly correlated with the full sample indicating that additional factors beyond the white dwarf mass and binary separation play important roles in the evolution of a nova outburst. Finally, we confirm two optical phenomena that are correlated with strong, soft X-ray emission which can be used to further increase the efficiency of X-ray campaigns.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwarz, Greg J.; Ness, Jan-Uwe; Osborne, J. P.; Page, K. L.; Evans, P. A.; Beardmore, A. P.; Walter, Frederick M.; Andrew Helton, L.; Woodward, Charles E.; Bode, Mike; Starrfield, Sumner; Drake, Jeremy J.


    The Swift gamma-ray burst satellite is an excellent facility for studying novae. Its rapid response time and sensitive X-ray detector provides an unparalleled opportunity to investigate the previously poorly sampled evolution of novae in the X-ray regime. This paper presents Swift observations of 52 Galactic/Magellanic Cloud novae. We included the X-Ray Telescope (0.3-10 keV) instrument count rates and the UltraViolet and Optical Telescope (1700-8000 Å) filter photometry. Also included in the analysis are the publicly available pointed observations of 10 additional novae the X-ray archives. This is the largest X-ray sample of Galactic/Magellanic Cloud novae yet assembled and consists of 26 novae with Super Soft X-ray emission, 19 from Swift observations. The data set shows that the faster novae have an early hard X-ray phase that is usually missing in slower novae. The Super Soft X-ray phase occurs earlier and does not last as long in fast novae compared to slower novae. All the Swift novae with sufficient observations show that novae are highly variable with rapid variability and different periodicities. In the majority of cases, nuclear burning ceases less than three years after the outburst begins. Previous relationships, such as the nuclear burning duration versus t 2 or the expansion velocity of the eject and nuclear burning duration versus the orbital period, are shown to be poorly correlated with the full sample indicating that additional factors beyond the white dwarf mass and binary separation play important roles in the evolution of a nova outburst. Finally, we confirm two optical phenomena that are correlated with strong, soft X-ray emission which can be used to further increase the efficiency of X-ray campaigns.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Maria Barbosa de Moraes


    : Carcass yield, feed conversion, feed intake, weight gain.

    Três experimentos foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte, criados sobre cama nova ou reutilizada, por até quatro ciclos e consumindo rações com ou sem probiótico. Utilizaram-se, em cada experimento, oitocentos pintos de um dia, machos, da linhagem comercial Ross, alojados em vinte boxes, em densidade populacional constante de dez aves/m2. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, obedecendo a esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (cama nova ou reutilizada x rações com ou sem probiótico. O probiótico utilizado nas rações foi composto por Bacillus subtilis e B. coagulans (2x109 e 1x107 UFC, respectivamente. As aves e as sobras de ração foram pesadas aos 21 e 42 dias de idade para determinação do desempenho. Em cada um dos experimentos, aos 42 dias de idade, abateram-se quatro aves de cada boxe para avaliação das características de carcaça. Não houve interação significativa (P>0,05 entre tipo de cama e uso ou ausência de probiótico em nenhum dos ciclos de criação. No experimento com reutilização da cama por dois ciclos, as aves alimentadas com probiótico apresentaram menor ganho de peso e pior conversão alimentar (P<0,05 no período de 1 a 21 dias, porém, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05 para o período de 1 a 42 dias, assim como para os demais experimentos. Também não se observaram diferenças significativas para o rendimento de carcaça e cortes (P>0,05. No experimento com reutilização da cama por três ciclos, as aves apresentaram maior ganho de peso e melhor conversão alimentar, comparadas àquelas criadas sobre cama nova. As aves criadas sobre cama reutilizada por quatro ciclos apresentaram maior ganho de peso. Concluiu-se não haver efeitos benéficos da

  7. Análise crítica dos resultados da reabilitação vestibular em relação à etiologia da tontura Critical analysis of vestibular rehabilitation outcome according to dizziness etiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roseli Saraiva Moreira Bittar


    Full Text Available A reabilitação vestibular (RV é uma ótima opção terapêutica para tratamento dos pacientes vestibulopatas. Contudo, mesmo quando bem conduzida, algumas vezes não surte os efeitos propostos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a resposta de pacientes submetidos à RV em relação às etiologias apresentadas. Forma de Estudo: Retrospectivo descritivo. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Analisamos pacientes que concluíram a RV e tinham diagnóstico entre janeiro de 2002 e dezembro de 2004. Dividimos os pacientes em três grupos, de acordo com a resposta à RV e os comparamos em relação às etiologias. RESULTADOS: Observamos 13 casos sem melhora com a RV, 24 com melhora parcial e 22 com remissão dos sintomas. As etiologias encontradas foram cervical, trauma, metabólica, central, transtornos da ansiedade e do humor, doença auto-imune, intolerância ortostática. A etiologia metabólica apresentou evolução significativamente melhor do que as demais. CONCLUSÃO: Quando associada à adequada correção etiológica, a RV é uma ótima opção no tratamento das vestibulopatias.Vestibular rehabilitation (VR is an excellent therapy for dizziness patients. However, despite well managed, sometimes results are not suitable. AIM: evaluate VR outcome between patients according to dizziness etiology. Study design: Retrospective review of medical records. METHOD: Patients’ records were analyzed between January 2002 and December 2004. As for inclusion criteria, patients should have had finished VR therapy and an established diagnosis. Patients were included in three VR outcome groups and compared according to etiology. RESULTS: according to VR outcome 13 patients had no improvement, 24 had partial improvement and 22 complete improvement. The main etiologies were cervical syndrome, trauma, metabolic disorders, central nervous system disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, autoimmune disease and orthostatic intolerance. Patients with metabolic disorders showed better VR outcome than

  8. Observations and predictions of EUV emission from classical novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Truran, J.W.; Sparks, W.M.; Krautter, J.


    Theoretical modeling of novae in outburst predicts that they should be active emitters of radiation both in the EUV and soft X-ray wavelengths twice during the outburst. The first time is very early in the outburst when only an all sky survey can detect them. This period lasts only a few hours. They again become bright EUV and soft X-ray emitters late in the outburst when the remnant object becomes very hot and is still luminous. The predictions imply both that a nova can remain very hot for months to years and that the peak temperature at this time strongly depends upon the mass of the white dwarf. It is important to observe novae at these late times because a measurement of both the flux and temperature can provide information about the mass of the white dwarf, the tun-off time scale, and the energy budget of the outburst. We review the existing observations of novae in late stages of their outburst and present some newly obtained data for GQ Mus 1983. We then provide results of new hydrodynamic simulations of novae in outburst and compare the predictions to the observations. 43 refs., 6 figs

  9. Eruptions and superhumps in dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patterson, J.


    The existence of two distinct eruption types in dwarf novae is considered. A small subclass of dwarf novae, the SU Ursae Majoris stars, show occasional very bright and long eruptions (''supermaxima''), and during supermaxima, large-amplitude photometric variations (''superhumps'') at a period related to the orbital period are seen. Two new stars showing these effects, AY Lyrae and YZ Cancri, are reported. A third star, WZ Sagittae, is probably also a member of the class. Models for the superhumps are reviewed and found to be unsatisfactory. Observational constraints on a successful model are discussed

  10. Spectral evolution of dwarf nova outbursts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cannizzo, J.K.; Kenyon, S.J.


    The disk instability model for dwarf nova eruptions is investigated by computing the spectral development of the accretion disk through a complete limit cycle. Observed stellar spectra are used to model the radiation emitted by optically thick annuli within the disc. The general findings agree with those of Smak (1984) and Pringle et al. (1986). It is suggested that the dwarf nova oscillations might be a source of information concerning the evolution of the inner disk and that detailed observations of this phenomenon can be used to test various outburst mechanisms. 74 references

  11. Spectroscopy of poorly known northern dwarf novae. Part. I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruch, A.


    Spectroscopic observations of 12 dwarf novae are presented most of which hitherto unknown spectroscopically. The classifications as dwarf novae could be confirmed in most cases. Two objects remain doubtful: CI UMa and MR Per. The latter has the spectrum of a very late type main sequence star with hydrogen emissions and might be a flare star showing extremely slow flares, while the CI UMa spectrum does not contain any emission line above the noise level. In two dwarf novae - DX And and NS Per - absorption lines of the secondary star are newly detected


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moore, Kevin; Bildsten, Lars [Department of Physics, Broida Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (United States)


    We present models of spherically symmetric recurrent nova shells interacting with circumstellar material (CSM) in a symbiotic system composed of a red giant (RG) expelling a wind and a white dwarf accreting from this material. Recurrent nova eruptions periodically eject material at high velocities ({approx}> 10{sup 3} km s{sup -1}) into the RG wind profile, creating a decelerating shock wave as CSM is swept up. High CSM densities cause the shocked wind and ejecta to have very short cooling times of days to weeks. Thus, the late-time evolution of the shell is determined by momentum conservation instead of energy conservation. We compute and show evolutionary tracks of shell deceleration, as well as post-shock structure. After sweeping up all the RG wind, the shell coasts at a velocity {approx}100 km s{sup -1}, depending on system parameters. These velocities are similar to those measured in blueshifted CSM from the symbiotic nova RS Oph, as well as a few Type Ia supernovae that show evidence of CSM, such as 2006X, 2007le, and PTF 11kx. Supernovae occurring in such systems may not show CSM interaction until the inner nova shell gets hit by the supernova ejecta, days to months after the explosion.

  13. Rate of nova production in the Galaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liller, W.; Mayer, B.; PROBLICOM Sky Survey, Los Angeles, CA)


    The ongoing PROBLICOM program in the Southern Hemisphere now makes it possible to derive a reliable value for the overall production rate of Galactic novae. The results, 73 + or - 24/y, indicates that the Galaxy outproduces M 31 by a factor of two or three. It is estimated that the rate of supernova ejecta is one and a half orders of magnitude greater than that of novae in the Galaxy. 15 references

  14. Results of Statewide TerraNova Testing, Fall 1998. (United States)

    La Marca, Paul M.

    This summary provides key findings about state, district, and school level performance on the TerraNova examinations (CTB/McGraw Hill) in Nevada in 1998-1999. The TerraNova tests are used to assess students in grades 4, 8, and 10 as stipulated by Nevada law. Within this summary, a description of performance as measured by national percentile…

  15. The Distance to Nova V959 Mon from VLA Imaging (United States)

    Linford, J. D.; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.; Chomiuk, L.; Nelson, T.; Sokoloski, J. L.; Rupen, M. P.; Mukai, K.; O'Brien, T. J.; Mioduszewski, A. J.; Weston, J.


    Determining reliable distances to classical novae is a challenging but crucial step in deriving their ejected masses and explosion energetics. Here we combine radio expansion measurements from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array with velocities derived from optical spectra to estimate an expansion parallax for nova V959 Mon, the first nova discovered through its γ-ray emission. We spatially resolve the nova at frequencies of 4.5-36.5 GHz in nine different imaging epochs. The first five epochs cover the expansion of the ejecta from 2012 October to 2013 January, while the final four epochs span 2014 February-May. These observations correspond to days 126 through 199 and days 615 through 703 after the first detection of the nova. The images clearly show a non-spherical ejecta geometry. Utilizing ejecta velocities derived from three-dimensional modeling of optical spectroscopy, the radio expansion implies a distance between 0.9 ± 0.2 and 2.2 ± 0.4 kpc, with a most probable distance of 1.4 ± 0.4 kpc. This distance implies a γ-ray luminosity of 0.6× {{10}35} erg s-1, which is much less than the prototype γ-ray-detected nova, V407 Cyg, possibly due to the lack of a red giant companion in the V959 Mon system. V959 Mon also has a much lower γ-ray luminosity than other classical novae detected in γ-rays to date, indicating a range of at least a factor of 10 in the γ-ray luminosities for these explosions.

  16. A Recurrent Nova Super-Remnant in the Andromeda Galaxy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Darnley, M. J.; Hounsell, R.; O'Brien, T. J.


    Here we report that the most rapidly recurring nova, M31N 2008-12a, which erupts annually, is surrounded by a "nova super-remnant" which demonstrates that M31N 2008-12a has erupted with high frequency for millions of years....

  17. Gamma-ray emission from internal shocks in novae (United States)

    Martin, P.; Dubus, G.; Jean, P.; Tatischeff, V.; Dosne, C.


    Context. Gamma-ray emission at energies ≥100 MeV has been detected from nine novae using the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), and can be explained by particle acceleration at shocks in these systems. Eight out of these nine objects are classical novae in which interaction of the ejecta with a tenuous circumbinary material is not expected to generate detectable gamma-ray emission. Aim. We examine whether particle acceleration at internal shocks can account for the gamma-ray emission from these novae. The shocks result from the interaction of a fast wind radiatively-driven by nuclear burning on the white dwarf with material ejected in the initial runaway stage of the nova outburst. Methods: We present a one-dimensional model for the dynamics of a forward and reverse shock system in a nova ejecta, and for the associated time-dependent particle acceleration and high-energy gamma-ray emission. Non-thermal proton and electron spectra are calculated by solving a time-dependent transport equation for particle injection, acceleration, losses, and escape from the shock region. The predicted emission is compared to LAT observations of V407 Cyg, V1324 Sco, V959 Mon, V339 Del, V1369 Cen, and V5668 Sgr. Results: The ≥100 MeV gamma-ray emission arises predominantly from particles accelerated up to 100 GeV at the reverse shock and undergoing hadronic interactions in the dense cooling layer downstream of the shock. The emission rises within days after the onset of the wind, quickly reaches a maximum, and its subsequent decrease reflects mostly the time evolution of the wind properties. Comparison to gamma-ray data points to a typical scenario where an ejecta of mass 10-5-10-4 M⊙ expands in a homologous way with a maximum velocity of 1000-2000 km s-1, followed within a day by a wind with a velocity values of which result in the majority of best-fit models having gamma-ray spectra with a high-energy turnover below 10 GeV. Our typical model is able to account for the main

  18. Efeito dos níveis de concentrado sobre as características de carcaça de ovinos Morada Nova em confinamento Effect of concentrate levels on carcass characteristics of the Morada Nova breed sheep in feedlot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Geovergue Rodrigues de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as características de carcaça e os rendimentos dos cortes medidos in vivo e na carcaça de ovinos Morada Nova terminados em confinamento com dietas contendo diversos níveis de concentrado. Utilizaram-se 32 cordeiros castrados, Morada Nova, com 8,11 ± 1,15 meses de idade e peso inicial de 19,67 ± 2,97 kg, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, cada um com oito repetições. Os animais foram abatidos com 30,0 kg e alimentados com quatro níveis de concentrado (20, 40, 60 ou 80%. Houve efeito linear crescente do nível de concentrado da dieta sobre o peso do corpo vazio e peso e o rendimento da carcaça fria e efeito linear decrescente sobre o conteúdo do trato digestório e o número de dias em confinamento. Os níveis de concentrado tiveram efeito linear crescente sobre o peso e rendimento de pescoço e efeito linear decrescente sobre os rendimentos da paleta e perna, ao passo que o peso do costilhar foi influenciado de forma quadrática pelos tratamentos. Nas medidas in vivo, apenas o perímetro da perna sofreu efeito decrescente. Nas medidas na carcaça, houve efeito linear crescente sobre a largura do tórax e a compacidade, que aumentaram com o nível de concentrado na dieta, enquanto a largura da garupa teve efeito quadrático. O uso de concentrado na dieta eleva os pesos e os rendimentos de carcaça fria, mas não aumenta os pesos e rendimentos dos cortes da carcaça de cordeiros Morada Nova.The in vivo carcass characteristics and the cut yields measured in the carcass of Morada Nova sheep finished in feedlot system fed increasing levels of dietary concentrate were evaluated. Thirty-two castrated Morada Nova lambs with 8.11 ± 1.15 months of age and 19.67 ± 2.97 kg of initial body weight were used in this trial. The experimet was analyzed as a completely randomized block design with eight replicates per treatment. Animals were slaughtered at 30.0 kg BW and fed diets with four concentrate levels: 20, 40, 60 or 80

  19. What does an erupting nova do to its red dwarf companion?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovetz, A.; Prialnik, D.; Shara, M.M.


    During nova eruptions and for decades afterward, the red dwards in cataclysmic binaries are irradiated with hundreds of times more luminosity than they themselves produce. Simulations of the time-dependent irradiation of three red dwarf models (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 solar mass) are presented. The mass transfer rates forced by irradiation after nova eruption are found to be enhanced by two orders of magnitude because of the irradiation. The time scale for irradiation to become unimportant is that of the white dwarf cooling time scale, a few centuries. These two results support the hibernation scenario of novae, which suggests that novae remain bright for a few centuries after eruption because of irradiation-induced mass transfer. After irradiation decreases mass transfer slows, and some very old novae may then become extremely faint. 26 references

  20. Near-infrared and optical studies of the highly obscured nova V1831 Aquilae (Nova Aquilae 2015) (United States)

    Banerjee, D. P. K.; Srivastava, Mudit K.; Ashok, N. M.; Munari, U.; Hambsch, F.-J.; Righetti, G. L.; Maitan, A.


    Near-infrared (NIR) and optical photometry and spectroscopy are presented for the nova V1831 Aquilae, covering the early decline and dust-forming phases during the first ∼90 d after its discovery. The nova is highly reddened due to interstellar extinction. Based solely on the nature of the NIR spectrum, we are able to classify the nova to be of the Fe II class. The distance and extinction to the nova are estimated to be 6.1 ± 0.5 kpc and Av ∼ 9.02, respectively. Lower limits of the electron density, emission measure and ionized ejecta mass are made from a Case B analysis of the NIR Brackett lines, while the neutral gas mass is estimated from the optical [O I] lines. We discuss the cause of the rapid strengthening of the He I 1.0830-μm line during the early stages. V1831 Aql formed a modest amount of dust fairly early (∼19.2 d after discovery); the dust shell is not seen to be optically thick. Estimates of the dust temperature, dust mass and grain size are made. Dust formation commences around day 19.2 at a condensation temperature of 1461 ± 15 K, suggestive of a carbon composition, following which the temperature is seen to decrease gradually to 950 K. The dust mass shows a rapid initial increase, which we interpret as being due to an increase in the number of grains, followed by a period of constancy, suggesting the absence of grain destruction processes during this latter time. A discussion of the evolution of these parameters is made, including certain peculiarities seen in the grain radius evolution.

  1. Eficácia do tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental para o transtorno de ansiedade social Effectiveness of cognitive and/or behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Costa Cabral Mululo


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Avaliar a eficácia do tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental no transtorno de ansiedade social quando comparado a outras intervenções terapêuticas, incluindo farmacoterapia. MÉTODO: Realizamos análise sistemática de todos os ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados envolvendo terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental versus outras formas de tratamento, publicados até março de 2009, indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Registro Cochrane de Ensaios Controlados, LILACS e ISI/Web of Science. RESULTADOS: Os estudos avaliados não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre a terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental e a farmacoterapia. Esses tratamentos combinados não apresentaram maior eficácia do que as intervenções isoladamente. Quando comparada ao grupo controle, a terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental é eficaz na redução dos sintomas de ansiedade social, tanto no seu formato padrão quanto nas novas formas de intervenção. A exceção foi o treino em habilidades sociais, que, isoladamente, não se mostrou eficaz. A terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental também demonstrou ser superior aos outros tipos de psicoterapias. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia cognitiva e/ou comportamental mostrou-se eficaz na redução da ansiedade social em pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade social. No entanto, a heterogeneidade dos estudos avaliados, seja no que diz respeito a aspectos envolvendo o tratamento (duração do tratamento e protocolos utilizados ou os pacientes avaliados (gravidade e forma de recrutamento, dificultaram a comparação dos resultados. Novos estudos de tratamento cognitivo e/ou comportamental e novas revisões envolvendo essas abordagens são necessários para melhor avaliação de nossos achados.INTRODUCTION: To ascertain whether cognitive and/or behavioral treatment of patients with social anxiety disorder is superior in terms of efficacy than other types of therapeutic interventions, including

  2. Late-type components of slow novae and symbiotic stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allen, D A [Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping (Australia); Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (UK))


    It is argued that the various types of symbiotic stars and the slow novae are the same phenomena exhibiting a range of associated time-scales, the slow novae being of intermediate speed. Evidence is summarized showing that both types of object contain normal M giants or mira variables. This fact is at odds with currently fashionable single-star models for slow novae, according to which the M star is totally disrupted before the outburst. Spectral types of the late-type components are presented for nearly 80 symbiotic stars and slow novae, derived from 2 spectroscopy. It is found that both the intensity of the emission spectrum and the electron density of the gas are functions of the spectral type of the late-type star. Explanations for these correlations are given. On the assumption that the late-type components are normal giants, spectroscopic parallaxes are determined; credible distances are derived which indicate that the known symbiotic stars have been sampled as far afield as the Galactic Centre. Hydrogen shell flashes on a white dwarf accreting gas from the late-type components offer an attractive explanation of the phenomena of slow novae and symbiotic stars, and such models are discussed in the concluding section.

  3. Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board annual report, 1992-1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board was established as the agency responsible for the regulation of the hydrocarbon resources in the Nova Scotia offshore. The Board evaluates resource potential, administers petroleum exploration and production rights, approves offshore activities, and approves benefits and development plans. The main activities of the Board in 1992-1993 are summarized and financial statements are presented. Highlights include production of 572,300 m 3 of oil during the first production season of LASMO Nova Scotia Ltd.'s Cohasset development, the first commercial offshore oil production for Canada; four major resource evaluation projects in the Glenelg Field, the Laurentian sub-basin, the Fundy Rift Basin, and the Panuke Field; holding of discussions between Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Canada on the maritime boundary lines between respective offshore petroleum board jurisdictions, in the wake of a June 1992 determination of the disputed maritime boundary around St. Pierre et Miquelon; and amendments of certain safety-related legislation applicable to offshore operations. Employment benefits of the Cohasset project during 1992 totalled ca 470 Nova Scotians and 120 other Canadians. 3 tabs

  4. X-ray novae - what are they

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wennfors, B.


    Ten of the two hundred cosmic X-ray sources exhibit characteristics in their emissions analogous to novae, i.e. after a rapid increase in luminosity, lasting about three days, follows a period of about a month with a slow decrease, and thereafter a rapid decrease to invisibility. The spectra of such sources are discussed in general terms and brief descriptions are given of the five which have been identified with optical objects. Three models for the history of X-ray novae, all based on X-ray emission from a compact object in an orbit very near a larger star, are discussed. (JIW)

  5. Observations and simulations of recurrent novae: U Sco and V394 CrA (United States)

    Starrfield, S.; Sonneborn, G.; Sparks, Warren M.; Shaviv, G.; Williams, R. E.; Heathcote, S.; Ferland, Gary; Gehrz, Robert D.; Ney, Edward P.; Kenyon, Scott


    Observations and analysis of the Aug. 1987 outburst of the recurrent nova V394 CrA are presented. This nova is extremely fast and its outburst characteristics closely resemble those of the recurrent nova U Sco. Hydrodynamic simulations of the outbursts of recurrent novae were performed. Results as applied to the outbursts of V394 CrA and U Sco are summarized.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shara, Michael M.; Mizusawa, Trisha; Zurek, David; Martin, Christopher D.; Neill, James D.; Seibert, Mark


    The dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis is surrounded by the largest known classical nova shell. This shell demonstrates that at least some dwarf novae must have undergone classical nova eruptions in the past, and that at least some classical novae become dwarf novae long after their nova thermonuclear outbursts. The current size of the shell, its known distance, and the largest observed nova ejection velocity set a lower limit to the time since Z Cam's last outburst of 220 years. The radius of the brightest part of Z Cam's shell is currently ∼880 arcsec. No expansion of the radius of the brightest part of the ejecta was detected, with an upper limit of ≤0.17 arcsec yr –1 . This suggests that the last Z Cam eruption occurred ≥5000 years ago. However, including the important effect of deceleration as the ejecta sweeps up interstellar matter in its snowplow phase reduces the lower limit to 1300 years. This is the first strong test of the prediction of nova thermonuclear runaway theory that the interoutburst times of classical novae are longer than 1000 years. The intriguing suggestion that Z Cam was a bright nova, recorded by Chinese imperial astrologers in October-November 77 B.C.E., is consistent with our measurements. If Z Cam was indeed the nova of 77 B.C.E. we predict that its ejecta are currently expanding at 85 km s –1 , or 0.11 arcsec yr –1 . Detection and measurement of this rate of expansion should be possible in just a few years.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helton, L. Andrew; Woodward, Charles E.; Gehrz, Robert D.; Walter, Frederick M.; Vanlandingham, Karen; Schwarz, Greg J.; Evans, Aneurin; Ness, Jan-Uwe; Geballe, Thomas R.; Greenhouse, Matthew; Krautter, Joachim; Liller, William; Lynch, David K.; Rudy, Richard J.; Shore, Steven N.; Starrfield, Sumner; Truran, Jim


    We examine the ejecta evolution of the classical nova V1065 Centauri, constructing a detailed picture of the system based on spectrophotometric observations obtained from 9 to approximately 900 days post-outburst with extensive coverage from optical to mid-infrared wavelengths. We estimate a reddening toward the system of E(B-V) = 0.5 ± 0.1, based upon the B - V color and analysis of the Balmer decrement, and derive a distance estimate of 8.7 +2.8 -2.1 kpc. The optical spectral evolution is classified as P o fe N ne A o according to the CTIO Nova Classification system of Williams et al. Photoionization modeling yields absolute abundance values by number, relative to solar of He/H = 1.6 ± 0.3, N/H = 144 ± 34, O/H = 58 ± 18, and Ne/H = 316 ± 58 for the ejecta. We derive an ejected gas mass of M g = (1.6 ± 0.2) x 10 -4 M sun . The infrared excess at late epochs in the evolution of the nova arises from dust condensed in the ejecta composed primarily of silicate grains. We estimate a total dust mass, M d , of order (0.2-3.7) x 10 -7 M sun , inferred from modeling the spectral energy distribution observed with the Spitzer IRS and Gemini-South GNIRS spectrometers. Based on the speed class, neon abundance, and the predominance of silicate dust, we classify V1065 Cen as an ONe-type classical nova.

  8. Relato de caso: transtorno afetivo bipolar


    Carlos Von Krakauer Hübner; Edson Vinicius Milanello; Maria Fernanda Moro Barbieri; Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira Barcelos; Lucas Augusto Ayres Ribas


    Introdução: O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) é uma doença crônica e grave, marcada pela variância de episódios depressivos com episódios de mania ou hipomania, podendo haver sintomas psicóticos. É classificado em dois tipos, I e II. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas supõe-se que envolva influências genéticas e ambientais, variando a cada indivíduo afetado. As apresentações clínicas do TAB podem variar de episódios leves de depressão ou hipomania até episódios depressivos graves ou mania aco...

  9. Incidência e etiologia de uveítes em Curitiba Incidence and etiology of uveitis in Curitiba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Luis Gehlen


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar a incidência e a etiologia dos casos de uveítes em Curitiba-PR. Métodos: Foram estudados 68 casos de uveítes em Curitiba, PR, atendidos no ambulatório de oftalmologia no período de janeiro a abril de 1998 procurando estabelecer o diagnóstico a partir de ampla investigação clínica e laboratorial. Resultados: Em nosso estudo, constatamos que a uveíte posterior foi a mais encontrada (49%, seguindo-se a panuveíte (29% e, com menor freqüência, a uveíte anterior (22%. A etiologia mais freqüente para as uveítes posteriores foi a toxoplasmose, responsável por 88% dos casos. Entre as panuveítes, novamente a toxoplasmose prevaleceu, com 85% e, dentro das uveítes anteriores, a principal causa foi a espondilite anquilosante com 20%. Conclusão: Em Curitiba, há um predomínio de uveítes posteriores e panuveítes, sendo a causa mais comum a toxoplasmose. No entanto, enfatiza-se que existem outras causas importantes de uveítes que devem ser lembradas pelo oftalmologista na investigação clínica.Purpose: To study the incidence and etiology of uveitis in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Methods: Sixty-eight cases of uveitis were studied in Curitiba, PR between January and April, 1998. Clinical and laboratorial research was performed in order to establish the diagnosis. Results: In this study, we found that posterior uveitis was the most frequent (49%, followed by panuveitis (29%, and, less frequently, anterior uveitis (22%. The major etiology of posterior uveitis was toxoplasmosis, responsible for 88% of the cases; among panuveitis, toxoplasmosis also predomi-nated, representing 85% and, the main cause of anterior uveitis was ankylosing spondilytis with 20%. Conclusions: In Curitiba, posterior uveitis and panuveitis predominate, and the most frequent etiology is toxoplas-mosis. However, its important to emphasize that there are other important causes of uveitis which should be remem-bered by the ophthalmologist during the

  10. Relação materno-filial da raça Morada Nova recebendo dietas com três níveis de energia, ao final da gestação Ewe-lambs relationship in Morada Nova breed under three energy levels at the end of gestation

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    Tobyas Maia de Albuquerque Mariz


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de energia ofertados no terço final da gestação sobre o comportamento materno-filial de animais da raça Morada Nova. O experimento consistiu de três tratamentos - três grupos de oito matrizes, alimentadas com dietas isoprotéicas contendo diferentes níveis energéticos (2,0; 2,4 e 2,8 Mcal EM/kg MS, com oito repetições cada. Observou-se efeito dos tratamentos sobre as variáveis comportamentais maternas avaliadas (vocalização, ato de cheirar e lamber a cria e a posição da ovelha em - pé ou deitada, nas ovelhas, mas não foi observada diferença para os comportamentos filiais (posição da cria, tempo decorrido do nascimento à primeira vez que ficou de pé, tempo decorrido do nascimento à primeira mamada, tempo total de mamadas dos cordeiros. A mobilização de reservas ou o carreamento direto de nutrientes da dieta para o crescimento fetal normal, nos grupos alimentos com dietas contendo 2,0 e 2,4 Mcal EM/kg MS, minimizaram os possíveis efeitos sobre o comportamento filial dos cordeiros. Mesmo sob interferência no relacionamento com as crias, ovelhas Morada Nova conseguiram manter as condições dos cordeiros inalteradas em todos os tratamentos.The present work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effects of different energy levels offered in the final third of gestation on the ewe-lambs behavior of animals from the Morada Nova breed. The experiment was divided into three treatments - three groups of eight ewes, fed isoprotein diets containing different energy levels (2.0, 2.4, and 2.8 Mcal ME/kg DM, with eight replicates each. There was effect of the treatment on the maternal behavior evaluated variables (vocalization, act of smell and lick the lambs and the position of the ewe - stand up or lying, in the ewes, but no difference was observed for the filial behavior (position of animal, time from the birth to the first time that the animal was

  11. Policy statement on gas distribution in Nova Scotia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper presented Nova Scotia's policy related to gas distribution. The government of Nova Scotia views natural gas as an economic enabler and is committed to ensuring that natural gas is available and accessible to Nova Scotians where it is economically feasible. Natural gas will give the province an efficient and clean burning energy supply that will make existing businesses more competitive. The province will support and facilitate the construction and operation of a gas distribution system by the private sector and will ensure that there is regulatory oversight by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board to protect the public interest. The government will also develop a plan for early conversion of government buildings to natural gas. This paper described the province's policy on gas distribution in relation to: (1) a province-wide franchise, (2) a supplemental franchise, (3) cost of service/performance based rates, (4) postage stamp rates, (5) a Maritimes and Northeast lateral policy, (6) direct access/bypass, (7) existing direct access user, (8) bundling of gas sales and other products and services, (9) licensing of gas marketers, (10) benefits, (11), regulatory efficiency, (12) municipal taxes, and (13) municipal operating agreements.

  12. Gilberto Freyre e a nova história Gilberto Freyre and the new history

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    Peter Burke


    Full Text Available O ponto de partida deste artigo é uma série de semelhanças entre a 'nova história' associada aos Annales e a história social, psico-história ou antropologia histórica de Gilberto Freyre; semelhanças que vão desde um interesse pela cultura material (alimentação, vestimenta e habitação até um interesse pelas mentalidades e pela história da infância, tema que preocupou Freyre antes da publicação de Casa-grande & senzala. Estas semelhanças de abordagem foram reconhecidas tanto por Febvre como por Braudel quando descobriram a obra de Freyre no fim dos anos 30. Freyre, no entanto, não estava imitando o Annales e nem Febvre ou Braudel o estavam imitando. Freyre aprendera seu estilo interdisciplinar na Universidade Columbia, um centro do movimento americano da 'nova história' no início do século. Por outro lado, assim como Febvre, Freyre também admirava Michelet. Já a 'história íntima' de Freyre é, em algum grau, devedora da Histoire Intime praticada pelos irmãos Goncourt, uma história cuja importância para a história da historiografia ainda não foi suficientemente reconhecida.The point of departure of this article is a series of similarities between the 'new history' associated with the French journal Annales, and the social history, psycho-history or historical anthropology of Gilberto Freyre; similarities which range from a concern with material culture (food, clothes and housing, to an interest in mentalities and the history of childhood, a theme which preoccupied Freyre in the years before he published Casa-grande & senzala. These similarities of approach were recognized by both Febvre and Braudel when they discovered Freyre's work in the later 1930s. Freyre was not imitating Annales, nor were Febvre and Braudel imitating him. He learned his interdisciplinary style at Columbia, a centre of the American 'new history' movement of the beginning of the century. However, Freyre was, like Febvre, admirer of Michelet. His

  13. V2487 Oph 1998: a post nova in an intermediate polar

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    Hernanz Margarita


    Full Text Available V2487 Oph (Nova Oph 1998 is a classical nova that exploded in 1998. XMM-Newton observations performed between 2 and 9 years after the explosion showed emission related to restablished accretion, and indicative of a magnetic white dwarf. The spectrum looks like that of a cataclysmic variable of the intermediate polar type. Anyway, we don’t have yet a definitive confirmation of the intermediate polar character, through determination of spin and orbital periods. Although it is not the first nova exploding in a magnetic white dwarf, it is always challenging to reach explosive conditions when a standard accretion disk can’t be formed, because of the magnetic field. In addition, V2487 Oph has been the first nova where a detection of X-rays - in the host binary system – has been reported prior to its eruption, in 1990 with the ROSAT satellite. V2487 Oph has been also detected in hard X-rays with INTEGRAL/IBIS and RXTE/PCA. Last but not least, V2487 Oph has been identified as a recurrent nova in 2008, since a prior eruption in 1900 has been reported through analysis of Harvard photographic plates. Therefore, it is expected to host a massive white dwarf and be a candidate for a type Ia supernova explosion. In a recent study of the progenitors of galactic novae, it has been emphasized that V2487 Oph is an important and interesting object, "intermediate" between the "standard" classical novae and other historical and well-known recurrent novae with shorter recurrence periods. It could be that in the end there’s a continuous distribution of recurrence periods, instead of the common understanding up to now that "classical" and "recurrent" novae were quite apart (with recurrence periods of more than 104 years and less than 100years - approximately - respectively. We present the results of our campaign of several observations with XMM-Newton. The consequences for the understanding of such a puzzling object are discussed.

  14. Novas formas organizacionais: a necessidade de superação das perspectivas sobressocializadas e subsocializadas

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    Mariana Baldi

    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como pressuposto que a análise de novas formas organizacionais deve superar tanto perspectivas sobressocializadas quanto perspectivas subsocializadas. Isso quer dizer que é necessário superar, respectivamente, os estudos que reduzem a explicação de formas organizacionais a aspectos de origem puramente cultural, como também aqueles que reduzem sua explicação a aspectos puramente econômicos ou de mercado. As formas organizacionais sociais e econômicas apresentam, simultaneamente, uma dependência e uma autonomia em relação aos quadros cultural e institucional de cada país, estando imbricadas nesses quadros. Numa perspectiva contextualizada, múltiplas identidades se tornam possíveis, as quais não são necessariamente oriundas de uma cultura dominante. De acordo com Clegg (1998, o objeto de análise não deve ser necessariamente as organizações em si, mas os processos e mecanismos que permitem a organização e a desorganização. É proposta a perspectiva do embeddedness como um referencial de análise que supera os limites das abordagens comumente utilizadas para identificar e compreender as novas formas organizacionais. O conceito de embeddedness e seus mecanismos permitem trazer à tona várias narrativas (cultural, política, estrutural e cognitiva, e através delas se compreende como as organizações são formadas e mudadas, possibilitando enfocar questões por uma ótica ainda pouco trabalhada nos estudos organizacionais.

  15. Constraining Calcium Production in Novae (United States)

    Tiwari, Pranjal; C. Fry, C. Wrede Team; A. Chen, J. Liang Collaboration; S. Bishop, T. Faestermann, D. Seiler Collaboration; R. Hertenberger, H. Wirth Collaboration


    Calcium is an element that can be produced by thermonuclear reactions in the hottest classical novae. There are discrepancies between the abundance of Calcium observed in novae and expectations based on astrophysical models. Unbound states 1 MeV above the proton threshold affect the production of Calcium in nova models because they act as resonances in the 38 K(p , γ) 39 Ca reaction present. This work describes an experiment to measure the energies of the excited states of 39 Ca . We will bombard a thin target of 40 Ca with a beam of 22 MeV deuterons, resulting in tritons and 39Ca. We will use a Q3D magnetic spectrograph from the MLL in Garching, Germany to momenta analyze the tritons to observe the excitation energies of the resulting 39 Ca states. Simulations have been run to determine the optimal spectrograph settings. We decided to use a chemically stable target composed of CaF2 , doing so resulted in an extra contaminant, Fluorine, which is dealt with by measuring the background from a LiF target. These simulations have led to settings and targets that will result in the observation of the 39 Ca states of interest with minimal interference from contaminants. Preliminary results from this experiment will be presented. National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and U.S. National Science Foundation.

  16. A deep optical imaging study of the nebular remnants of classical novae (United States)

    Slavin, A. J.; O'Brien, T. J.; Dunlop, J. S.


    An optical imaging study of old nova remnants has revealed previously unobserved features in the shells of 13 classical novae - DQ Her, FH Ser, HR Del, GK Per, V1500 Cyg, T Aur, V533 Her, NQ Vul, V476 Cyg, DK Lac, LV Vul, RW UMi and V450 Cyg. These data indicate a possible correlation between nova speed class and the ellipticity of the resulting remnants - those of faster novae tend to comprise randomly distributed clumps of ejecta superposed on spherically symmetric diffuse material, whilst slower novae produce more structured ellipsoidal remnants with at least one and sometimes several rings of enhanced emission. By measuring the extent of the resolved shells and combining this information with previously published ejection speeds, we use expansion parallax to estimate distances for the 13 novae. Whilst we are able to deduce new information about every nova, it is notable that these observations include the first detections of shells around the old novae V450 Cyg and NQ Vul, and that velocity-resolved images of FH Ser and DQ Her have enabled us to estimate their orbital inclinations. Our observations of DQ Her also show that the main ellipsoidal shell is constricted by three rings and surrounded by a faint halo; this halo contains long tails extending outwards from bright knots, perhaps indicating that during or after outburst a fast inner wind has broken through the fractured principal shell.

  17. As novas tecnologias legais na produção da vida familiar: antropologia, direito e subjetividades = New legal technologies in family life production: anthopology, law and subjectivation

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    Fonseca, Cláudia


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo, exploramos a possível parceria entre a antropologia do direito e a teoria da biopolítica. Formulamos nossa contribuição a partir de uma pesquisa sobre os usos da tecnologia de DNA em investigações de paternidade realizada em diferentes instâncias do sistema judiciário de Rio Grande do Sul. Aproveitamos observações etnográficas nesses espaços institucionais para entender como determinadas situações produzem (reforçando ou modificando sentimentos associados à família. Depois de apresentar uma cena etnográfica inicial em que objetivamos dar cor e vida aos sujeitos que povoam os tribunais, seguimos o roteiro traçado por Rabinow e Rose (2006 para entender a cadeia de influências entre uma nova forma de conhecimento, rearranjos na hierarquia de poder, e novos “modos de subjetivação”. Em outras palavras, propomos mostrar que o sistema legal faz mais do que “solucionar conflitos”. Cria tensões, redefine relações e molda novas subjetividades

  18. Nova Upgrade program: ignition and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storm, E.; Campbell, E.M.; Hogan, W.J.; Lindl, J.D.


    The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Program is addressing the critical physics and technology issues directed toward demonstrating and exploiting ignition and propagating burn to high gain with ICF targets for both defense and civilian applications. Nova is the primary U.S. facility employed in the study of the X-ray-driven (indirect drive) approach to ICF. Nova's principal objective is to demonstrate that laser-driven hohlraums can achieve the conditions of driver-target coupling efficiency, driver irradiation symmetry, driver pulseshaping, target preheat, and hydrodynamic stability required by hot-spot ignition and fuel compression to realize a fusion gain. (author)

  19. New Novae snack point

    CERN Document Server


    Located next to the car park by the flag poles, a few metres from the Main CERN Reception (building 33), a new snack point catered by Novae will open to the public on Wednesday 8 August. More information will be available in the next issue of the Bulletin!

  20. Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase

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    T. Kajikawa


    Full Text Available The spectral evolution of the nova V5587 Sgr has been monitored at Koyama Astronomical Observatory and Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory, Japan, from the early to nebula phase. The nova rebrightened several times. The spectra during the early phase showed emission lines of H α, H β, O I, He I, He II, N II, Fe II. Nova V5587 Sgr is classified into the Fe II type. The helium abundance of the nova is estimated as N(He/N(H = 0.134 ± 0.09. The light curve, the spectral evolution, and the helium abundance in V5587 Sgr are similar to those of the nova PW Vul.

  1. Brasil: nova classe média ou novas formas de superexploração da classe trabalhadora? Brazil: new middle class or new ways of overexploiting the working class?

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    Mathias Seibel Luce


    Full Text Available Com base na categoria da superexploração da força de trabalho, formulada no âmbito da teoria marxista da dependência, apresentamos uma crítica à tese de que o Brasil estaria se tornando 'país de classe média' e sustentamos que um contingente substancial dentre o que vem sendo nomeado de 'nova classe média' consiste, na verdade, de trabalhadores - e suas famílias - vivendo em condições de superexploração. O texto encontra-se dividido em três seções. Na primeira, questionamos os pressupostos básicos da tese Brasil, país de classe média. Na segunda, expomos os fundamentos da categoria da superexploração e demonstramos seu incremento nas relações de produção do capitalismo brasileiro na década de 2000. Na terceira, demonstramos como o acesso da população trabalhadora ao consumo de bens duráveis no período recente, antes que a ascensão de uma suposta 'nova classe média', configura uma forma renovada de superexploração. Por fim, salientamos os nexos entre as condições de trabalho, saúde e direitos da classe trabalhadora no Brasil e as tendências do capitalismo mundial, questionando o falso dilema neoliberalismo e neodesenvolvimentismo no debate atual e colocando a real disjuntiva do ponto de vista da emancipação da classe trabalhadora em relação ao poder despótico do capital.Based on the workforce overexploitation category, formulated in the context of the Marxist Theory of Dependence, we critique the thesis that Brazil is becoming 'a middle class nation' and state that a substantial contingent of what has been named the 'new middle class' is, in fact, one of workers - and their families - living in overexploitation conditions. The article is divided into three sections. In the first, we questioned the basic assumptions of the 'Brazil, a middle class nation' thesis. In the second, we explain the fundamentals of the overexploitation category and show how it increased in Brazilian capitalism production

  2. Multicolour photometry and spectroscopy of the slow nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Chochol, D.; Katysheva, N.A.; Pribulla, T.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Shugarov, S.Yu.; Škoda, Petr; Šlechta, Miroslav; Vittone, A.A.; Volkov, I. M.


    Roč. 6, č. 1 (2006), s. 137-142 ISSN 1009-9271 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10030501 Keywords : cataclysmic variables * circumstellar matter * stars: novae Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 0.746, year: 2006

  3. Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the slow nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Chochol, D.; Katysheva, N.A.; Pribulla, T.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Shugarov, S.Yu.; Škoda, Petr; Šlechta, Miroslav; Vittone, A.A.; Volkov, I. M.


    Roč. 35, č. 2 (2005), s. 107-129 ISSN 1335-1842 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK2043105 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1003909 Keywords : novae * photometry * spectroscopy Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

  4. The progenitor of Nova Cygni 2006 (=V2362 Cyg)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steeghs, D.; Greimel, R.; Drew, J.; Irwin, M.; Gaensicke, B.; Groot, P.J.; Knigge, C.


    We report on the detection of the likely progenitor to Nova Cygni 2006 = V2362 Cyg (IAUC #8697, #8698, ATel #792) using images from the INT Photometric H-Alpha Survey (IPHAS; The field containing the classical nova was observed as part of our galactic plane survey on Aug. 3rd

  5. Raça, genética & hipertensão: nova genética ou velha eugenia? Race, genetics, and hypertension: new genetics or old eugenics?

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    Laguardia Josué


    Full Text Available As estatísticas relativas às condições de saúde de grupos humanos, classificados segundo um determinado recorte racial, são utilizadas para apoiar argumentos científicos que vinculam uma diferença fenotípica a uma essência biológica de raça. Os estudos epidemiológicos sobre hipertensão arterial ilustram a força das hipóteses genéticas na atribuição de um papel causal à raça. Tomando as explicações genéticas para a etiologia da hipertensão, busco, neste trabalho, apontar os pressupostos etiológicos que embasam os argumentos racializadores dessa patologia, as hipóteses alternativas presentes na literatura científica e os aspectos éticos implicados nesses estudos.Statistics on the health conditions of human groups have been classified according to racial group and then used to support scientific arguments linking a difference in phenotype to a biological essential of race. Epidemiological studies on high blood pressure illustrate the strength that genetic hypotheses can have in assigning a causative role to race. Taking these genetic explanations of the etiology of hypertension, I seek to identify: the etiological presuppositions grounding the arguments that racialize this pathology, the alternative hypotheses found in the scientific literature, and the ethical aspects implicit to such studies.

  6. Nova Scotia's new gas distribution regime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    MacIsaac, J.B. [Cox Hanson O' Reilly Matheson, Halifax, NS (Canada)


    The most recent amendments to Nova Scotia's gas distribution regime were described in detail. The amended legislation includes: (1) elimination of mandatory service targets, (2) franchise terms of 25 years, (3) a 10 year prohibition on industrial by-pass, (4) gas sales licenses are now required to market gas in Nova Scotia, (5) distributors can offer bundled services, (6) the elimination of province wide uniform tolls for low volume customers, (7) public utilities are permitted to apply for a distribution franchise and to market natural gas, (8) ex-party filing of interim rates, (9) the Pipeline Act applies to the construction of gas distribution systems, (10) socio-economic studies are required for parties seeking a single-end user franchise outside a franchise area, and (11) regulations for underground gas storage have been removed from the legislation. It was noted that these significant changes to the statutory framework of Nova Scotia's delivery of natural gas are sending encouraging signals to parties considering investing in the distribution network in the province. It was also noted, that as in any industry, success of natural gas distribution in Nova Scotia will depend on economics and not on structural changes. 66 refs.

  7. Cross Check of NOvA Oscillation Probabilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parke, Stephen J. [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States). Dept. of Theoretical Physics; Messier, Mark D. [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States). Dept. of Physics


    In this note we perform a cross check of the programs used by NOvA to calculate the 3-flavor oscillation probabilities with a independent program using a different method. The comparison is performed at 6 significant figures and the agreement, $|\\Delta P|/P$ is better than $10^{-5}$, as good as can be expected with 6 significant figures. In addition, a simple and accurate alternative method to calculate the oscillation probabilities is outlined and compared in the L/E range and matter density relevant for the NOvA experiment.

  8. The Radio Light Curve of the Gamma-Ray Nova in V407 CYG: Thermal Emission from the Ionized Symbiotic Envelope, Devoured from Within by the Nova Blast (United States)

    Chomiuk, Laura; Krauss, Miriam I.; Rupen, Michael P.; Nelson, Thomas; Roy, Nirupam; Sokoloski, Jennifer L.; Mukai, Koji; Munari, Ulisse; Mioduszewski, Amy; Weston, Jeninfer; hide


    We present multi-frequency radio observations of the 2010 nova event in the symbiotic binary V407 Cygni, obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and spanning 1.45 GHz and 17.770 days following discovery. This nova.the first ever detected in gamma rays.shows a radio light curve dominated by the wind of the Mira giant companion, rather than the nova ejecta themselves. The radio luminosity grewas the wind became increasingly ionized by the nova outburst, and faded as the wind was violently heated from within by the nova shock. This study marks the first time that this physical mechanism has been shown to dominate the radio light curve of an astrophysical transient. We do not observe a thermal signature from the nova ejecta or synchrotron emission from the shock, due to the fact that these components were hidden behind the absorbing screen of the Mira wind. We estimate a mass-loss rate for the Mira wind of .Mw approximately equals 10(exp -6) Solar mass yr(exp -1). We also present the only radio detection of V407 Cyg before the 2010 nova, gleaned from unpublished 1993 archival VLA data, which shows that the radio luminosity of the Mira wind varies by a factor of 20 even in quiescence. Although V407 Cyg likely hosts a massive accreting white dwarf, making it a candidate progenitor system for a Type Ia supernova, the dense and radially continuous circumbinary material surrounding V407 Cyg is inconsistent with observational constraints on the environments of most Type Ia supernovae.

  9. Exquisite Nova Light Curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)


    Hounsell, R.; Bode, M. F.; Hick, P. P.; Buffington, A.; Jackson, B. V.; Clover, J. M.; Shafter, A. W.; Darnley, M. J.; Mawson, N. R.; Steele, I. A.; Evans, A.; Eyres, S. P. S.; O'Brien, T. J.


    We present light curves of three classical novae (KT Eridani, V598 Puppis, V1280 Scorpii) and one recurrent nova (RS Ophiuchi) derived from data obtained by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis satellite. SMEI provides near complete sky-map coverage with precision visible-light photometry at 102-minute cadence. The light curves derived from these sky maps offer unprecedented temporal resolution around, and especially before, maximum light, a phase of the nova eruption n...

  10. A sociologia das finanças e a nova geografia do poder no Brasil Sociology of finance and new geography of power in Brazil

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    Roberto Grün


    Full Text Available Os últimos anos assistiram ao desenvolvimento da sociologia das finanças, uma nova especialidade dentro da também nova (ou renovada sociologia econômica. O objetivo do texto é apresentar alguns aspectos da nova área, algumas comparações sobre seu desenvolvimento no espaço de interlocução anglo-saxão com as peculiaridades do seu caminho francês, para depois tentar aplicar alguns desses insights na análise da cena social brasileira contemporânea. Especial atenção é dada à análise da criação simultânea de novos produtos financeiros e novos atores sociais dotados de agendas próprias, não só na esfera econômica, mas também na esfera mais geral de regulação da sociedade.The last years have witnessed the development of Finance Sociology, a new specialty within the also new (or renewed Economic Sociology. The purpose of the text is to present some aspects of the new area, some comparisons on its development within the Anglo-Saxon dialog field together with the French path's peculiarities, in order to apply some of these insights to the analysis of the Brazilian contemporary social scene. Special attention is given to the analysis of the simultaneous creation of new financial products and new social actors endowed with their own agendas, not only in the economic sphere, but also in the more general sphere of society regulation.

  11. Nova Aql 1918: A nude old nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selvelli, P.L.; Cassatella, A.


    IUE observations at high and low resolution of Nova Aql 1918 show neither evidence of outflow nor the presence of nebular lines. This indicates that the shell ejected at the time of the outburst and surrounding the system for many years (Mustel and Boyarchuck, 1970) has by now disappeared. The high excitation spectrum presents rapid variations in the far UV and eclipse effects in the near UV that seem well correlated with the orbital phase. The observations can be interpreted in terms of phenomena occurring in or near the accretion disk surrounding the white dwarf. However, the small inclination of the orbital axis raises serious problems in trying to model the system. (Auth.)

  12. Tourism Development Plan for Nova Lima, MG/BR: A Case Study

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    Porto Aluisio Finazzi


    Full Text Available The project called “Tourism Development Plan of Nova Lima, MG” was a labor required by the city of Nova Lima, through the Secretary of Municipal Tourism. The municipality of Nova Lima has numerous tourist attractions or potential for them attractive, and is developing a work of public policies aimed at structuring this activity. The objective of this project was to offer to its population, as well as the government and the private sector, the assurance of quality activity according to the international, national and state the assumptions referred to in the Municipal Tourism Plan. All work was developed by Scientific and Technical Research Data Collection, which took into consideration the participation of local stakeholders in the development of tourism through public hearings with the Section for Local Tourism, making use of Information from the Current Municipal Development Plan for Nova Lima and its Secretary of Tourism. We also note that the study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines and considerations of the Municipal Tourism Council (COMTUR of Nova Lima.

  13. Spectroscopic observations of Nova Cygni 1975: The coronal line region revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferland, G.J.; Lambert, D.L.; Woodman, J.H.


    A synopsis of the McDonald Observatory spectrophotometric observations of Nova Cyg 1975 (V1500 Cyg) is presented. We present these data in a form in which they can be readily accessed in the future, and also study the continous spectrum during the early nebular phase. We show that (1) the remnant probably maintained a luminosity at or above the Eddington limit for at least a year after outburst, (2) free-free emission from the coronal line region made a significant contribution to the optical continuum, and (3) the coronal line region was probably a significant source of ionizing radiation. The energetics of this nova appear to be dominated by the lift-off energy from the white dwarf and radiation from the coronal line region. Thus the light curve of Nova Cyg may tell more about the cooling of the coronal line region than about the decline of the central object. In appendices we discuss the argon abundance of Nova Cyg (less than 8 times solar) and describe how to obtain copies of the McDonald nova data

  14. UBVJHKLM Photometry and Low-Resolution Spectroscopy of Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Del

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    Burlak M. A.


    Full Text Available We present UBVJHKLM photometric observations of Nova Delphini 2013 that started several hours before maximum light and lasted for 130 nights. Using the obtained data, we derived several photometric parameters of the Nova: the time of maximum light, brightness at maximum, rate of decline, t2 = 11 d. This places Nova Del 2013 among fast novae according to the classification introduced by Payne-Gaposchkin. We estimated the interstellar reddening EB−V = 0.18 using maps of Galactic extinction and the absolute brightness in maximum light via the MMRD relation that allowed us to determine the distance D ≈ 2.7 kpc and height above the Galactic plane z ≈ 440 pc. Low-resolution spectroscopy shows that Nova Del 2013 belongs to the Fe II spectral type of novae. The broad emission feature near 6825 Å observed during 2013 August and September may be the Raman-scattered OVI 1032 Å line.

  15. Tracking the NOvA Detectors' Performance (United States)

    Psihas, Fernanda; NOvA Collaboration


    The NOvA experiment measures long baseline νμ -->νe oscillations in Fermilab's NuMI beam. We employ two detectors equipped with over 10 thousand sets of data-taking electronics; avalanche photo diodes and front end boards which collect and process the scintillation signal from particle interactions within the detectors. These sets of electronics -as well as the systems which power and cool them- must be monitored and maintained at precise working conditions to ensure maximal data-taking uptime, good data quality and a lasting life for our detectors. This poster describes the automated systems used on NOvA to simultaneously monitor our data quality, diagnose hardware issues, track our performance and coordinate maintenance for the detectors.

  16. Um estudo das edições de Ou isto ou aquilo, de Cecília Meireles A study of Cecília Meirelles' Ou isto ou aquilo editions

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    Norma Sandra de Almeida Ferreira


    Full Text Available Localizar em sua materialidade a obra Ou isto ou aquilo, de Cecília Meireles, em suas edições - 1964; 1969; 1977; 1987; 1990; 2002 -; cotejá-las para compreender as formas pelas quais os textos são apresentados aos seus leitores, em diferentes tempos; e indagar como e por que essas formas são pensadas e concretizadas são desafios deste artigo. Esta pesquisa de cunho exploratório, à luz, principalmente, dos estudos da História Cultural, privilegia, no exame das diferentes edições, as partes externas que envolvem os poemas (o texto propriamente dito e suas ilustrações. Identifica e discute a produção de sentidos e valores ligados à educação do leitor, ao reconhecimento de uma escritora consagrada pela tradição literária, à singularidade da linguagem, à importância de uma prática prazerosa da leitura.This article brings the challenges of locating Cecília Meireles' book Ou isto ou aquilo (Either this or that in its materialness, with considerations on its 1964, 1969, 1977, 1987, 1990 and 2002 editions, as well as comparing these editions in order to understand the forms in which texts are presented to their readers at different times, and questioning how and why these forms are conceived and put into practice. In the light of studies on cultural history, in the analysis of the different editions, this exploratory research prioritizes the external parts that involve poems (the texts themselves and their illustrations. It provides identification and a discussion on the production of senses and values related to readers' education, the recognition of a writer who is consecrated by literary tradition, the uniqueness of the language used, and the importance of pleasant reading practice.

  17. Nova Scotia Resources Limited annual report, 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nova Scotia Resources was established in 1981 by the provincial government to invest in and manage Nova Scotia's participation in petroleum, energy, and mineral development. The company and its subsidiaries hold interests in oil and gas discovery areas and producing fields in the Nova Scotia offshore, and owns producing oil and gas interests in western Canada. In June 1992, oil production began from the Cohasset project, representing Canada's first commercial offshore oil production. Nearly 4 million bbl of crude will be sold in the first production season. Work is continuing on additional producing wells; the production life of the Cohasset project is currently estimated at 6 y. Offshore exploration activity is also continuing under four exploration licenses. For the 12 months ending March 31, 1992, net earnings from western oil and gas production were $369,000. Total gross revenues from oil and gas producing properties for the year were ca $4.8 million. Other 1992 activities include active exploration for salt and potash sites with potential for underground storage of natural gas. Financial statements are included. 14 figs., 2 tabs

  18. Exquisite Nova Light Curves from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) (United States)

    Hounsell, R.; Bode, M. F.; Hick, P. P.; Buffington, A.; Jackson, B. V.; Clover, J. M.; Shafter, A. W.; Darnley, M. J.; Mawson, N. R.; Steele, I. A.; Evans, A.; Eyres, S. P. S.; O'Brien, T. J.


    We present light curves of three classical novae (CNe; KT Eridani, V598 Puppis, V1280 Scorpii) and one recurrent nova (RS Ophiuchi) derived from data obtained by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) on board the Coriolis satellite. SMEI provides near complete skymap coverage with precision visible-light photometry at 102 minute cadence. The light curves derived from these skymaps offer unprecedented temporal resolution around, and especially before, maximum light, a phase of the eruption normally not covered by ground-based observations. They allow us to explore fundamental parameters of individual objects including the epoch of the initial explosion, the reality and duration of any pre-maximum halt (found in all three fast novae in our sample), the presence of secondary maxima, speed of decline of the initial light curve, plus precise timing of the onset of dust formation (in V1280 Sco) leading to estimation of the bolometric luminosity, white dwarf mass, and object distance. For KT Eri, Liverpool Telescope SkyCamT data confirm important features of the SMEI light curve and overall our results add weight to the proposed similarities of this object to recurrent rather than to CNe. In RS Oph, comparison with hard X-ray data from the 2006 outburst implies that the onset of the outburst coincides with extensive high-velocity mass loss. It is also noted that two of the four novae we have detected (V598 Pup and KT Eri) were only discovered by ground-based observers weeks or months after maximum light, yet these novae reached peak magnitudes of 3.46 and 5.42, respectively. This emphasizes the fact that many bright novae per year are still overlooked, particularly those of the very fast speed class. Coupled with its ability to observe novae in detail even when relatively close to the Sun in the sky, we estimate that as many as five novae per year may be detectable by SMEI.

  19. First Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sachdev, Kanika [Fermilab


    NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment on the NuMI muon neutrino beam at Fermilab. It consists of two functionally identical, nearly fully-active liquid-scintillator tracking calorimeters. The Near Detector (ND) at Fermilab is used to study the neutrino beam spectrum and composition before oscillations occur. The Far Detector in northern Minnesota, 810 km away, observes the oscillated beam and is used to extract the oscillation parameters. NOvA is designed to observe oscillations in two channels: disappearance channel ( ν μ → ν μ ) and ν e appearance channel ( ν μ → ν e ). This paper reports the measurements of both these channels based on the first NOvA data taken from February 16, 2014 till May 15, 2015

  20. Spectrophotometry of nova Cygni 1975

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panek, R.J.


    Low-resolution spectrophotometry of nova Cygni 1975 is presented for eight nights in September 1975. Representative spectrum scans from 3600 A to 4500 A (10 A bandpass) and from 6350 A to 6750 A (20 A bandpass) also are shown

  1. Franchising in Nova Scotia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffman, G. [Nova Scotia Petroleum Directorate, Halifax, NS (Canada)


    Opportunities for the local distribution of natural gas in Nova Scotia were reviewed, with special emphasis on franchising. Franchising in Nova Scotia began in 1980, made possible by the passage of the Gas Utilities Act and the Pipeline Act which promised western Canadian natural gas to eastern Canada. However, proposals for franchisees to distribute natural gas in the province were abandoned as the hope for natural gas transmission service to the province faded. The plummeting of world oil prices by the mid-1980s was also a contributory factor. Discovery and development of natural gas facilities around Sable Island led to the September 1997 proclamation of the Gas Distribution Act, which also led to the revival of interest in franchising. The Act provides for the competitive marketing of natural gas as a commodity and the regulation of the gas delivery system under a franchise agreement. Competitive applications are expected early in 1998, with awards of franchises in late 1998. Construction and gas delivery services should begin operations late in 1999.

  2. Franchising in Nova Scotia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffman, G.


    Opportunities for the local distribution of natural gas in Nova Scotia were reviewed, with special emphasis on franchising. Franchising in Nova Scotia began in 1980, made possible by the passage of the Gas Utilities Act and the Pipeline Act which promised western Canadian natural gas to eastern Canada. However, proposals for franchisees to distribute natural gas in the province were abandoned as the hope for natural gas transmission service to the province faded. The plummeting of world oil prices by the mid-1980s was also a contributory factor. Discovery and development of natural gas facilities around Sable Island led to the September 1997 proclamation of the Gas Distribution Act, which also led to the revival of interest in franchising. The Act provides for the competitive marketing of natural gas as a commodity and the regulation of the gas delivery system under a franchise agreement. Competitive applications are expected early in 1998, with awards of franchises in late 1998. Construction and gas delivery services should begin operations late in 1999

  3. Optical and Near-infrared Study of Nova V2676 Oph 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raj, A. [Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, 34055 (Korea, Republic of); Das, R. K. [Department of Astrophysics and Cosmology, S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106 (India); Walter, F. M., E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 (United States)


    We present optical spectrophotometric and near-infrared (NIR) photometric observations of the nova V2676 Oph covering the period from 2012 March 29 through 2015 May 8. The optical spectra and photometry of the nova have been taken from SMARTS and Asiago; the NIR photometry was obtained from SMARTS and Mt. Abu. The spectra were dominated by strong H i lines from the Balmer series, Fe ii, N i, and [O i] lines in the initial days, typical of an Fe ii type nova. The measured FWHM for the H β and H α lines was 800–1200 km s{sup −1}. There was pronounced dust formation starting 90 days after the outburst. The J − K color was the largest among recent dust-forming novae.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chomiuk, Laura; Krauss, Miriam I.; Rupen, Michael P.; Roy, Nirupam; Mioduszewski, Amy [National Radio Astronomy Observatory, P.O. Box O, Socorro, NM 87801 (United States); Nelson, Thomas [School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, 116 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (United States); Sokoloski, Jennifer L.; Weston, Jennifer [Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 (United States); Mukai, Koji [CRESST and X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Munari, Ulisse [INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova, I-36012 Asiago (VI) (Italy); O' Brien, Tim J. [Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL (United Kingdom); Eyres, Stewart P. S. [Jeremiah Horrocks Institute, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE (United Kingdom); Bode, Michael F., E-mail: [Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Twelve Quays House, Egerton Wharf, Birkenhead CH41 1LD (United Kingdom)


    We present multi-frequency radio observations of the 2010 nova event in the symbiotic binary V407 Cygni, obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and spanning 1-45 GHz and 17-770 days following discovery. This nova-the first ever detected in gamma rays-shows a radio light curve dominated by the wind of the Mira giant companion, rather than the nova ejecta themselves. The radio luminosity grew as the wind became increasingly ionized by the nova outburst, and faded as the wind was violently heated from within by the nova shock. This study marks the first time that this physical mechanism has been shown to dominate the radio light curve of an astrophysical transient. We do not observe a thermal signature from the nova ejecta or synchrotron emission from the shock, due to the fact that these components were hidden behind the absorbing screen of the Mira wind. We estimate a mass-loss rate for the Mira wind of M-dot{sub w} approx. 10{sup -6} M{sub Sun} yr{sup -1}. We also present the only radio detection of V407 Cyg before the 2010 nova, gleaned from unpublished 1993 archival VLA data, which shows that the radio luminosity of the Mira wind varies by a factor of {approx}>20 even in quiescence. Although V407 Cyg likely hosts a massive accreting white dwarf, making it a candidate progenitor system for a Type Ia supernova, the dense and radially continuous circumbinary material surrounding V407 Cyg is inconsistent with observational constraints on the environments of most Type Ia supernovae.

  5. 5. Neuromarketing: uma nova disciplina acadêmica?


    Eric David Cohen; Gabriela Guimarães Lima; Peter Alexander Bleinroth Schulz


    Através da aplicação de técnicas neurocientíficas, o Neuromarketing busca entender como ocorrem os processos de decisão de compra. Verifica-se que há um grande movimento em torno do Neuromarketing no ambiente empresarial, apontando que o desenvolvimento desta nova área de conhecimento, bem como a sua possível autonomia, estão em desenvolvimento. Por meio de um estudo exploratório, mapeou-se a construção deste campo de conhecimento no tempo, levando à formação de uma possível nova disciplina c...

  6. New studies of nuclear decay γ-rays from novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Truran, J.W.; Wiescher, M.C.; Sparks, W.M.


    The cause of the nova outburst is a thermonuclear runaway (TNR) in hydrogen rich material transferred by a companion onto a white dwarf. Studies of this phenomenon have shown that the TNR produces large concentrations of the short lived positron unstable isotopes of the CNO nuclei which are transported to the surface by convection so that early in the outburst we expect significant numbers of radioactive decays to occur at the surface. The resulting γ-ray emission may be detectable from nearby novae early in their outbursts. The TNR is also expected to produce substantial amounts of 7 Be and 22 Na. Their decays also yield potentially detectable levels of γ-ray emission for relatively nearby novae. We are also interested in the role played by novae in the production of the ∼2M circle-dot of 26 Al found in the galaxy. In order to improve our predictions of this phenomenon, we have performed a new set of calculations of TNR close-quote s on ONeMg and CO white dwarfs with an updated nuclear reaction network and opacities. copyright 1997 American Institute of Physics

  7. Hohlraum drive and implosion experiments on Nova. Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kilkenny, J.D.; Suter, L.J.; Cable, M.D.


    Experiments on Nova have demonstrated hohlraum radiation temperatures up to 300 eV and in lower temperature experiments reproducible time integrated symmetry to 1--2%. Detailed 2-D LASNEX simulations satisfactorily reproduce Nova's drive and symmetry scaling data bases. Hohlraums has been used for implosion experiments achieving convergence ratios (initial capsule radius/final fuel radius) up to 24 with high density glass surrounding a hot gas fill

  8. Infrared and optical observations of Nova Mus 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitelock, P.A.; Carter, B.S.; Feast, M.W.; Glass, I.S.; Laney, D.; Menzies, J.W.


    Extensive optical (UBVRI) and infrared (JHKL) photometry of Nova Mus 1983 obtained over a period of 300 days is tabulated. Infrared and optical spectra are described. Although by classical definition this was a fast nova its later development was slower than for typical objects of this class. Surprisingly the development of infrared thermal dust emission did not occur. Throughout the period covered, the infrared emission was characteristic of a bound-free plus free-free plasma continuum with emission lines. (author)

  9. Preliminary performance and ICF target experiments with Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drake, R.P.


    In December 1984, the Nova facility fired all ten laser arms, converted the output 1.05 micron energy to 0.35 micron light, and focused the 0.35 micron light through a 4 mm pinhole in the ten-beam target chamber. Since that time, a two-beam target chamber has been added, the performance of the laser evaluated, and preparation has been made for target experiments. This paper summarizes the performance of Nova and describes progress and plans for target experiments

  10. SALT high-resolution spectroscopy of nova PNV J15384000-4744500 (United States)

    Aydi, E.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Mohamed, S.; Whitelock, P. A.


    We report on high-resolution spectroscopy of PNV J15384000-4744500 which was reported as a possible nova by Rob Kaufman (Bright, Victoria, Australia; CBAT follow-up: and confirmed as a classical nova by F. Walter (ATel #11681).

  11. Statistical analysis of dwarf nova outbursts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gicger, A.


    Correlation between maximum brightness, outburst width, lengths of preceding and following intervals has been studied for 14 dwarf novae (mostly from southern sky). Significant correlations (ρ ≥ 0.4) occur only in 16 per cent of cases, what confirms earlier results of Szkody and Mattei (1984). Global correlations have also been studied between mean photometric parameters and binary system parameters using a sample including over 30 objects. The most interesting result is the strong correlation (ρ = +0.94) between the orbital period and the outburst duration. It implies that the quantity α(z 0 /r) 2 is approximately constant for all dwarf novae. Using typical estimates for z 0 /r we get α = 0.2. 30 refs., 1 figs., 2 tabs. (author)

  12. Neutrino Oscillation Results from NOvA

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    NOvA is an accelerator long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment optimised to measure electron neutrino appearance in a high-purity beam of muon neutrinos from Fermilab. The exciting discovery of the theta13 neutrino mixing angle in 2012 has opened a door to making multiple new measurements of neutrinos. These include leptonic CP violation, the neutrino mass ordering and the octant of theta23. NOvA with its 810km baseline and higher energy beam has about triple the matter effect of T2K which opens a new window on the neutrino mass ordering. With about 20% of our design beam exposure and significant analysis improvements we have recently released updated results. I will present both our disappearance and appearance measurements.

  13. Effect of Undiagnosed Deep Adenomyosis After Failed NovaSure Endometrial Ablation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mengerink, B.B.; Wurff, A.A. van der; Haar, J.F. ter; Rooij, I.A.L.M. van; Pijnenborg, J.M.


    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of adenomyosis and deep adenomyosis after NovaSure (Hologic Inc., Newark, DE) endometrial ablation in hysterectomy specimens after NovaSure endometrial ablation failure. DESIGN: Prospective observational study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2).

  14. Ten-year literature review of global endometrial ablation with the NovaSure® device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gimpelson RJ


    Full Text Available Richard J Gimpelson Mercy Clinic, Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mercy Hospital St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA Abstract: This review examines the peer-reviewed literature describing prospective studies that report amenorrhea rates, patient satisfaction, and surgical reintervention rates following the NovaSure® endometrial ablation procedure. A search of the English-language literature published from 2000 to 2011 was conducted using PubMed. Ten prospective studies, six single-arm NovaSure trials, and four randomized controlled trials comparing the NovaSure procedure with other global endometrial ablation modalities met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The follow-up periods ranged from 6 to 60 months. Amenorrhea rates for the NovaSure procedure ranged from 30.0% to 75.0%. Patients who reported being satisfied with the NovaSure procedure ranged from 85.0% to 94.0%. In randomized controlled trials with other global endometrial ablation modalities, amenorrhea rates at 12 months with the NovaSure procedure ranged from 43.0% to 56.0%, while other modalities ranged from 8% to 24%. In addition, this manuscript reviews the following: the NovaSure technology; use of the NovaSure procedure in the office setting; intraoperative and postoperative pain; effects on premenstrual syndrome (PMS; dysmenorrhea; special circumstances, including presence of uterine disease, history of cesarean delivery, coagulopathy, or use of anticoagulant medication; post-procedure uterine cavity assessment and cancer risk; contraception and pregnancy; and safety. Keywords: abnormal uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, endometrial ablation, NovaSure®

  15. PANDAS: uma nova doença? PANDAS: a new disease?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheila Knupp Feitosa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar as bases diagnósticas e analisar as evidências que têm sido apontadas para a etiopatogenia, tratamento e profilaxia de PANDAS. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão de literatura científica através do MEDLINE no período de 1989 a 2006. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os critérios diagnósticos para PANDAS foram estabelecidos há quase 10 anos, mas ainda há muita controvérsia sobre a real existência desta nova doença pediátrica. A escolha deste nome para uma nova doença, supostamente de origem pós-estreptocócica, baseia-se no acrônimo de P (pediátrico, porque ocorre em crianças, A (auto-imune, N (neuropsiquiátrico, D (doença, A (associada e S (Streptococcus. Os tiques e os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos são as principais manifestações clínicas da doença e surgem após infecções estreptocócicas, provavelmente por mecanismos auto-imunes. Apesar de estes sintomas neuropsiquiátricos serem comuns na coréia reumática, também de etiologia pós-estreptocócica, em PANDAS faltam os movimentos clássicos da coréia e as outras manifestações de febre reumática. As possibilidades de terapia antimicrobiana e imunológica estão sendo pesquisadas e demonstram viabilidade de uso em alguns casos. CONCLUSÕES: Pesquisas ainda são necessárias para responder à pergunta-título. Enquanto isso não ocorre, a identificação de casos de tiques e transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo em crianças deve considerar a possibilidade de PANDAS, buscando a evidência de infecção estreptocócica precedendo os episódios.OBJECTIVE: To establish the diagnostic criteria for PANDAS and to analyze the existing evidence regarding its etiopathogenesis, treatment and prophylaxis. SOURCES: Review of the scientific literature through a MEDLINE search carried out between 1989 and 2006. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The diagnostic criteria for PANDAS were established nearly 10 years ago, but a lot of controversy still exists over the actual existence of this new

  16. Quasi-periodic luminosity variations in dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, E.L.; Nather, R.E.


    We have identified quasi-periodic oscillations in the light curves of five dwarf novae--U Gem, SS Cyg, RU Peg, KT Per, and VW Hyi-- and in the light curve of the quasi-periodic X-ray source Sco X-1. The mean periods of the quasi-periodic oscillations range from 32 s in SS Cyg to 147 s in KT Per and 165 s in Sco X-l. Their amplitudes are typically 0.005--0.0l mag. The properties of the quasi-periodic oscillations are represented well by a second-order autoregressive process. Use of this representation shows that the length of time over which the quasi-periodic oscillations maintain coherence is very short, typically 3--5 cycles of the oscillations. Thus the quasi-periodic oscillations can be distinguished from the short-period coherent oscillations in dwarf novae, which are usually interpreted as white dwarf pulsations, because t the periods of the quasi-periodic oscillations are 3--4 times longer and their coherence time is much shorter. The quasi-periodic oscillations occur in dwarf novae only during their eruptions and occur in Sco X-l only when the system is bright. The presence of the oscillations does not depend on the subclass to which a dwarf nova belongs or on the morphology of the individual eruptions. We argue that their short periods, their short coherence times, and their presence in Sco X-l require that the quasi-periodic oscillations be produced by the accretion disk, and not by the stars or by the boundary between the a accretion disk and its central star

  17. Hot spot manifestation in eclipsing dwarf nova HT Cassiopeiae


    Bakowska, K.; Olech, A.


    We report the detection of the hot spot in light curves of the eclipsing dwarf nova HT Cassiopeiae during its superoutburst in 2010 November. Analysis of eight reconstructed light curves of the hot spot eclipses showed directly that the brightness of the hot spot was changing significantly during the superoutburst. Thereby, detected hot spot manifestation in HT Cas is the newest observational evidence for the EMT model for dwarf novae.

  18. Multi-wavelength observations of novae in outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ


    This review serves as the introduction to the observational studies of novae and I will mention a number of results that will be emphasized by other reviewers. Therefore, I will try to provide the physical framework for multi-wavelength observations as applied to studies of novae. I divide the outburst into phases based on the physical effects that are occurring at that time. The first phase is the rise to bolometric maximum and occurs on a convective time scale. The second phase is the rise to visual maximum and occurs on the time scale for the envelope to expand to ∼10 12 cm. The third phase is the time when the nova is emitting at constant bolometric luminosity, but declining optical magnitude, and it lasts until most of the accreted material has been either exhausted or eroded from the surface of the white dwarf. The fourth and final phase is the return is the return to quiescence (turn-off phase) and it occurs at the time that nuclear burning is ending. I will discuss each of these phases in turn and end with a discussion. 36 refs

  19. Dynamic testing of NOVA laser switchyard tower

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weaver, H.J.; Pastrnak, J.W.; Fields, D.E.


    NOVA is the latest in a series of powerful laser systems designed to study the feasibility of initiating a controlled fusion reaction by concentrating several laser beams on a small fuel target. The laser components, turning mirrors and target chamber are all mounted on large steel frame structures. These structures were first analyzed via finite element models to access their seismic integrity as well as their overall vibrational stability. When construction was completed, a modal analysis was performed on the structures to verify and improve the finite element models. This report discusses the linking of the analytical and experimental studies for the NOVA switchyard tower structure

  20. Terra Nova breaks new ground for alliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghiselin, D.


    This paper reviews the development of alliances to help develop the Terra Nova oil and gas field in the offshore Atlantic areas of Canada. Largely attributed to BP, the strategic alliance concept got its start in the North Sea and on the North Slope of Alaska. BP saw it as the best way to take advantage of economy-of-scale, mitigate risk, and achieve outsourcing goals while retaining their core competencies. This paper reviews the methods of developing the alliances, the developing of a development plan for the Terra Nova field, and how the alliance plans to maximize the profittability of the operation for all involved

  1. Discovery of a Probable Nova in M81 and Photometry of Three M81 Novae (United States)

    Hornoch, K.; Errmann, R.; Carlisle, Ch.; Vaduvescu, O.


    We report the discovery of a probable nova in M81 on a co-added 1600-s narrow-band H-alpha CCD image taken with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) + WFC at La Palma under ~1.6" seeing on 2015 Jan.

  2. SWSex Stars, Old Novae, and the Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Schmidtobreick


    Full Text Available The population of cataclysmic variables with orbital periods right above the period gap are dominated by systems with extremely high mass transfer rates, the so-called SW Sextantis stars. On the other hand, some old novae in this period range which are expected to show high mass transfer rate instead show photometric and/or spectroscopic resemblance to low mass transfer systems like dwarf novae. We discuss them as candidates for so-called hibernating systems, CVs that changed their mass transfer behaviour due to a previously experienced nova outburst. This paper is designed to provide input for further research and discussion as the results as such are still very preliminary.

  3. a Synoptic Study of AN X-Ray Nova in Outburst (United States)

    McClintock, Jeffrey

    Optical studies of X-ray novae in quiescence have yielded compelling evidence for black holes in binary systems. However, X-ray studies in quiescence are severely constrained by the near absence of high energy emission. Thus, further observational advances in black hole astrophysics require a substantial commitment to observe X-ray novae in outburst in just that spectral range accessible to XTE. We propose an agressive campaign of X-ray observations of the next non-pulsing X-ray nova that rises above 3 Crab at 2-10 keV. We further propose a coordinated and intensive campaign of optical and radio observations covering both hemispheres. The observations will provide a full temporal and spectral view of the outburst cycle.

  4. Status for CASA NOVA konsortiet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonke, Sten


    The report reviews the development projects and the results hitherto achieved by the design and build organisation CASA NOVA which is one of four consortia within the R&D programme "Process and Product Development in Building", financed by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Housing....

  5. Behaviour of high O/U fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, J.H.; Hoshi, E.V.; Zimmerman, D.L.


    Full text: The effect of increased fuel oxygen potential on fuel behaviour has been studied by fabricating and irradiating urania fuel with an average O/U ratio of 2.05. The fuel was fabricated by re-sintering standard urania pellets in a controlled oxygen potential environment and irradiated in a segmented rod bundle in a U.S. BWR. Preirradiation ceramographic characterization of the pellets revealed the well-known Widmanstaetten precipitation of U-409 platelets in the UO 2 matrix. The high O/U fuel pellets were clad in Zircaloy-2 and irradiated to over 20 GWd/MT. Ramp tests were performed in a test reactor and detailed postirradiation examinations of both ramped and nonramped rods have been performed. The cladding inner surface condition, fission gas release and swelling behavior of high O/U fuel have been characterized and compared with standard UO 2 pellets. Although fuel microstructural features in ramp-tested high O/U fuel showed evidence of higher fuel temperatures and/or enhanced transport processes, fission gas release to the fuel rod free space was less than for similarly tested standard UO 2 fuel. However, fuel swelling and cladding strains were significantly greater. In spite of high cladding strains, PCI crack propagation was inhibited in the high O/U fuel I rods. Evidence is presented that the crystallographically oriented etch features often noted in peripheral regions of high burnup fuels are not an indication of higher oxides of uranium. (author)

  6. Non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of Nova Cygni 1992 (United States)

    Hauschildt, P. H.; Starrfield, S.; Austin, S.; Wagner, R. M.; Shore, S. N.; Sonneborn, G.


    We use spherically symmetric non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), line-blanketed, expanding model atmospheres to analyze the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) and optical spectra of Nova Cygni 1992 during the early phases of its outburst. We find that the first IUE spectrum obtained just after discovery on 1992 February 20, is best reproduced by a model atmosphere with a steep density gradient and homologous expansion, whereas the IUE and optical spectra obtained on February 24 show an extended, optically thick, wind structure. Therefore, we distinguish two phases of the early evolution of the nova photosphere: the initial, rapid, 'fireball' phase and the subsequent, much longer, optically thick 'wind' phase. The importance of line-blanketing in nova spectra is demonstrated. Our preliminary abundance analysis implies that hydrogen is depeleted in the ejecta, corresponding to abundance enhancements of Fe by a factor of approximately 2 and of CNO by more than a factor of 10 when compared to solar abundances. The synthetic spectra reproduce both the observed pseudo-continua as well as most of the observed features from the UV to the optical spectral range and demonstrate the importance of obtaining nearly simultaneous UV and optical spectra for performing accurate analyses of expanding stellar atmospheres (for both novae and supernovae).

  7. Nova Ophiuchus 2017 as a Probe of 13C Nucleosynthesis and Carbon Monoxide Formation and Destruction in Classical Novae (United States)

    Joshi, Vishal; Banerjee, D. P. K.; Srivastava, Mudit


    We present a series of near-infrared spectra of Nova Ophiuchus 2017 in the K band that record the evolution of the first overtone CO emission in unprecedented detail. Starting from 11.7 days after maximum, when CO is first detected at great strength, the spectra track the CO emission to +25.6 days by which time it is found to have rapidly declined in strength by almost a factor of ∼35. The cause for the rapid destruction of CO is examined in the framework of different mechanisms for CO destruction, namely, an increase in photoionizating flux, chemical pathways of destruction, or destruction by energetic nonthermal particles created in shocks. From LTE modeling of the CO emission, the 12C/13C ratio is determined to be 1.6 ± 0.3. This is consistent with the expected value of this parameter from nucleosynthesis theory for a nova eruption occuring on a low mass (∼ 0.6 {M}ȯ ) carbon–oxygen core white dwarf. The present 12C/13C estimate constitutes one of the most secure estimates of this ratio in a classical nova.

  8. Soft x-ray emission from classical novae in outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Krautter, J.; MacDonald, J.


    Theoretical modeling of novae in outburst predicts that they should be active emitters of radiation at soft x-ray wavelengths twice during their outburst. The first time occurs very early in the outburst when only a very sensitive all sky survey will be able to detect them. This period lasts only a few hours for the very fastest novae. They again become bright in x-rays late in the outburst when the remnant object becomes very hot and is still luminous. Both simulations and observations show that novae can remain very hot for months to years. It is important to observe them at these late times because a measurement both of the flux and temperature can provide information about the mass of the white dwarf, the turn-off time scale, and the energy budget of the outburst. 8 refs., 2 figs

  9. Nova Era: uma manifestação de fé da contemporaneidade

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    Fabiano Fernandes Serrano Birchal


    Full Text Available O homem contemporâneo vive um mundo de incertezas, onde muitos dos antigos paradigmas que o senso comum considerava como absolutos se desmoronam com incrível velocidade. Esta volatilidade de sentidos é observada com ampla nitidez na busca do sagrado: as religiões tradicionais são deixadas de lado ou misturadas a práticas esotéricas, místicas e ocultas, tentativa humana de explorar o mundo através de um enfoque holístico, que reimprima na vida a magia outrora perdida. Neste contexto de construção de uma nova realidade, a percepção e manifestação do sagrado não desaparecem, mas, seguindo a mentalidade de seu tempo, transformam-se. A religiosidade assume um caráter individualista, imediatista e descompromissado, restaurando conceitos e práticas da antigüidade, em uma tentativa clara de reencantamento do mundo, agora sob a perspectiva da sociedade globalizada. Filosofias orientais invadem a dimensão religiosa do mundo ocidental, numa mistura explicitamente paradoxal. Deste epicentro nasce a cultura da Nova Era, movimento que busca restaurar a tradição sagrada do homem postulando um saber místico, pretendendo conectar o ser humano ao transcendente partindo não de instituições específicas, mas de conhecimentos e práticas do esoterismo, ocultismo e magia.Palavras-chave: Nova Era; Subjetivismo; Consumismo.ABSTRACTContemporary man lives in a world of uncertainties, where many of the old paradigms that common sense used to consider absolute are falling apart with incredible speed. Such volatility of senses is clearly noticed in the search for the sacred: traditional religions are left behind or mingled with esoteric, mystical and occult practices, in a human attempt to explore the world from a holistic viewpoint capable of rescuing life’s lost magic. In that context of construction of a new reality, the perception and manifestation of the sacred do not disappear; they rather change, following the mentality of the times

  10. A multiwavelength study of superoutbursts in dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woerd, H.J. van der.


    Dwarf novae are stellar systems consisting of two stars which orbit around each other within a few hours. In dwarf novae one of the stars, which is a bit smaller and less massive than our sun, loses matter to a very compact and degenerated star: a white dwarf. This white dwarf has nearly the same mass as our sun but its radius is about a hundred times smaller. The process of mass transport was studied on the basis of observations with the Exosat-satelite (European X-ray Observatory satelite). 397 refs.; 50 figs.; 21 tabs

  11. Novas Fontes, Novas Versões: Contribuições do Acervo da Comissão Nacional da Verdade

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    Alessandra Sá Mello Costa


    Full Text Available Na área de estudos organizacionais, o interesse dos pesquisadores em utilizar fontes e acervos históricos em suas pesquisas cresce a cada dia (Rowlinson, Hassard, & Decker, 2014; Yates, 2014. Como forma de enriquecer e aprofundar a discussão sobre esse movimento, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir sobre possíveis contribuições das fontes reunidas, sistematizadas e produzidas pela Comissão Nacional da Verdade (CNV. Instituída para investigar as graves violações dos direitos humanos cometidas no regime da ditadura civil-militar brasileira, a CNV (a partir de seu acervo oferece aos pesquisadores das organizações novas versões dos fatos históricos, o que torna possível não só problematizar e rever versões históricas oficiais hegemônicas, mas também investigar fenômenos organizacionais sob outras perspectivas. Assim, após a descrição do processo de constituição e de composição do seu acervo documental, foram elencadas quatro avenidas de pesquisas iniciais: (a sobre o apoio e a participação da sociedade civil na constituição e manutenção do governo civil-militar brasileiro; (b sobre a formação de redes de agentes sociais envolvidos no processo de criação e de trabalho da CNV; (c sobre as relações de trabalho durante o período, como a atuação dos sindicatos ou as práticas de recursos humanos sob um regime autoritário; e (d sobre o tema da história e memória das empresas.

  12. Remix, Pastiche, Plágio: autorias da nova geração

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Demo


    Full Text Available A querela em torno do plágio parece estar se acalmando um pouco, ainda que o problema permaneça sumamente grave. Não significa que vamos engolir o plágio, mas que precisamos entender razões de sua proliferação e visões diferenciadas de autoria (BLUM, 2009. Dentro da visão puritana (moderna, plágio é nada mais que fraude criminosa, porque se apropria de direitos alheios. Dentro, porém, da visão mais não linear (pós-moderna, além de ser difícil delimitar o que seria plágio iniludivelmente, pode-se perceber que originalidade, em certo sentido, não existe: as ideias são sempre dinâmicas compartilhadas cultural e linguisticamente (WEINBERGER, 2007. O jeito pessoal de reconstruir as ideias talvez seja único, mas não todas as ideias. Se formos excessivamente rigorosos, toda conversa é plágio, inclusive obras científicas. Na célebre alusão de Newton, sua produção matemática representou avanço decisivo no mundo científico, mas a partir de outros autores (usava a expressão: apoiado nos ombros de antecessores. É problema certamente que muitos estudantes, usando a internet, copiem friamente trechos inteiros como se fossem seus ou mesmo "comprem" uma dissertação. Ocorre também que a nova geração apresenta traços de identidade bastante diferentes, em especial com respeito à vida acadêmica e seus códigos de conduta: estudar é importante, mas é apenas um pedaço na vida e, sob pressões extremas, plagiar também é "opção". Neste texto busco analisar preliminarmente metamorfoses da autoria na nova geração.

  13. On the late-type components of slow novae and symbiotic stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, D.A.


    It is argued that the various types of symbiotic stars and the slow novae are the same phenomena exhibiting a range of associated time-scales, the slow novae being of intermediate speed. Evidence is summarized showing that both types of object contain normal M giants or mira variables. This fact is at odds with currently fashionable single-star models for slow novae, according to which the M star is totally disrupted before the outburst. Spectral types of the late-type components are presented for nearly 80 symbiotic stars and slow novae, derived from 2 μm spectroscopy. It is found that both the intensity of the emission spectrum and the electron density of the gas are functions of the spectral type of the late-type star. Explanations for these correlations are given. On the assumption that the late-type components are normal giants, spectroscopic parallaxes are determined; credible distances are derived which indicate that the known symbiotic stars have been sampled as far afield as the Galactic Centre. Hydrogen shell flashes on a white dwarf accreting gas from the late-type components offer an attractive explanation of the phenomena of slow novae and symbiotic stars, and such models are discussed in the concluding section. (author)

  14. O traumático encontro com os outros da educação: a família, a escola e o Estado


    Ruth Helena P. Cohen


    O fracasso escolar desafia psicanalistas e educadores que tentamdizer algo sobre a lógica de seu funcionamento. As dificuldades emprecisar as suas causas, em localizá-lo no aluno, no professor, na escola,no método ou na política educacional sugerem que ele funcionana lógica do indecidível. Se não se tem acesso a toda a verdadesobre a etiologia desse fracasso, ao localizá-lo aqui ou ali, há umaaposta, uma escolha: que ela, sendo indecidível, estará sempre atrelada a uma determinada contingênci...

  15. Primary photosensitization in equidae and ruminants in the Brazilian semi-arid caused by Froelichia humboldtiana (Amaranthaceae)


    Pimentel, Luciano A.; Riet-Correa, Franklin; Guedes, Karla M.R.; Macêdo, Juliana T.S.A.; Medeiros, Rosane M.T.; Dantas, Antônio F.M.


    Fotossensibilização é freqüente em eqüinos no semi-árido da região Nordeste, mas jumentos, mulas, ovinos e bovinos são, também, afetados. A dermatite afeta, principalmente, áreas de pele despigmentadas e os animais se recuperam após serem retirados das pastagens. Para comprovar a etiologia da enfermidade Froelichia humboldtiana (Roem. et Schult.) Seub., coletada no campo foi administrada no mesmo dia da colheita ou após ser mantida em refrigerador por 1-4 dias, por períodos de 30 ou mais dias...

  16. Zumbido pulsátil: tratamento com clonazepan e propranolol Pulsatile tinnitus: treatment with clonazepam and propranolol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Albertino


    Full Text Available O zumbido pulsátil sincrônico com os batimentos cardíacos é pouco freqüente, sendo de etiologia tanto vascular arterial (malformações, fístulas artério-venosas ou venosa (anormalidades do bulbo jugular, tumor glômico jugular ou timpânico. A identificação precoce da etiologia é essencial para que a terapêutica adequada possa ser instituída. A angioressonância possibilita a identificação de alterações vasculares com maior precisão. Relatamos um caso onde, após o diagnóstico de uma alteração vascular arterial, foi instituído o tratamento com propranolol e clonazepam, com melhora da sintomatologia.Pulsatile tinnitus synchronous with heartbeat is rare and normally has vascular origin: arterial (malformation, arterial anatomical variation or venous (aberrant jugular bulb, glomus tumors, tympanic glomus tumor. Early etiology identification is essential for appropriate treatment to be established. Magnetic angioresonance makes the vascular identification possible and precise. We report a case of arterial anatomical variation in which the treatment was propranolol and clonazepam, showing tinnitus improvement.

  17. An Emerging Wine Region in Nova Scotia, Canada: Terroir Trials and Tribulations (United States)

    Cameron, B. I.; Ketter, B. S.; Karakis, S.


    Nova Scotia, strategically located on Canada's east coast, is an emerging wine region, whose distinctive wines are garnering international acclaim. Nova Scotia has a long and rich tradition of growing grapes for wine dating back as far as 1611. Nova Scotia's mesoclimates, glacial soils, and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean form a complex alliance to create a unique and expressive terroir. Tidal Bay is a new appellation wine for Nova Scotia stylistically defined as a fresh, crisp and high-acid blend of white grapes. There are four main wine-growing regions in Nova Scotia, all influenced by the warming effects of the Bay of Fundy and Atlantic Ocean: Malagash Peninsula, Annapolis Valley, Bear River Valley and the South Shore. Nova Scotia currently has 14 producing wineries with many more in the development stage. Nova Scotia grape growers not only have had success developing mature and consistent hybrids, but in recent years several vinifera have flourished in this cool climate area. The white hybrids include L'Acadie Blanc, New York Muscat, Seyval Blanc, and Vidal Blanc. The white vinifera include chardonnay, riesling, pinot gris, and sauvignon blanc. Red hybrids are Baco Noir, Leon Millet, Lucie Kuhlmann, and Marechal Foch, whereas the only red vinifera is pinot noir. Nova Scotia has nearly perfect climatic conditions for making world class icewines and sparkling wines. A preliminary GIS analysis of climate, topographic, geology and soil data helps to define Nova Scotia's terroir. Annual precipiatation varies from 10 to 21.6 cm/year with a vast majority of the wineries located in regions with the lowest rainfall. Daily average temperature ranges from 5.5 to 7.5°C, degree growing days above 5°C from 1382 to 1991, and mean August temperature from 15.6 to 19.3 °C. Wineries cluster in the warmest regions based on these temperature measures to assist grape ripening. Soils in these diverse wine regions can range from silty, sandy and clay loams to more gravel-rich sandy

  18. ASASSN-18gb: Discovery of A Probable Nova in NGC 3109 (United States)

    Brimacombe, J.; Vallely, P.; Stanek, K. Z.; Kochanek, C. S.; Brown, J. S.; Shields, J.; Thompson, T. A.; Shappee, B. J.; Holoien, T. W.-S.; Prieto, J. L.; Bersier, D.; Dong, Subo; Bose, S.; Chen, Ping; Stritzinger, M.; Holmbo, S.


    During the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), using data from the quadruple 14-cm "Payne-Gaposchkin" telescope in Sutherland, South Africa, we discovered a new transient source, most likely a nova, in the Local Group galaxy NGC 3109.

  19. La nueva política en el Chile postdictatorial: ¿Pasividad ciudadana o clientelismo desde abajo? (1990-1996 = A nova política no Chile pós-ditatorial: passividade cidadã ou clientelismo popular? (1990-1996 = The new politics in the post-dictatorship Chile: passivity Citizen or clientelism from below? (1990-1996

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    Alvarez Vallejos, Rolando


    Full Text Available Os governos posteriores a ditadura militar de Pinochet, no Chile, foram avaliados política e institucionalmente como produtos da “engenharia política” de líderes das coalizões de centro-esquerda, da direita política e dos chamados “poderes factuais”. O presente artigo indaga sobre o papel que a cidadania chilena exerceu na configuração dessa política pós-ditatorial. Consideramos que as demandas e preocupações dos cidadãos, longe de permanecerem inativas ou como meras observadoras dos acontecimentos vividos no país, foram fundamentais para a reconfiguração da política chilena. Esta importância se expressou em órgãos de poder local, como os municípios, que se converteram na instância de poder mais próxima da população. Entendemos que a “nova política chilena”, vista aqui como despolitizada e pragmática, surgiu e foi fomentada a partir dos municípios

  20. Measurement of Reactions on 30P for Nova Nucleosynthesis (United States)

    Ma, Z.; Guidry, M. W.; Hix, W. R.; Smith, M. S.


    Replace these paragraphs with your abstract. We encourage you to include a sentence acknowledging your funding agency. In a recent study the 30P(p,gamma)31S rate played a crucial role in the synthesis of heavier nuclear species, from Si to Ca, in nova outbursts on ONe White Dwarfs [1]. The adopted rate of this reaction, based on a Hauser-Feshbach calculation [2], has a large uncertainty and could be as much as a factor of 100 too high or too low [3]. In their study, Jose et al.[1] varied the 30P(p,gamma)31S reaction rate within this uncertainty and found that, when rate is reduced by a factor of 100, the synthesis of elements above Si is lowered by a factor 10 with respect to the values found with the nominal rate. This has important consequences for nova nucleosynthesis, as overproduction of isotopes in the Si to Ca mass region has been observed in the ejecta from some nova explosions (e.g.,[4,5]). While generally valid at higher temperatures, Hauser-Feshbach calculations of the rates at nova temperatures can have large uncertainties. At these temperatures, the rate is more likely dominated by a few individual nuclear resonances. At present there are about 10 31S resonances known above the 30P + p threshold that may contribute to the 30P(p,gamma)31S reaction rate at nova temperatures. The excitation energies of these levels are known but spins and parities (for all but two) are not. We plan to measure the 30P(p,p)30P and 30P(p,gamma)31S reactions at HRIBF to better determine this reaction rate. A detailed description of the experiments will be given. We are also conducting a new nova nucleosynthesis simulation over multiple spatial zones of the exploding envelope to investigate the influence of the 30P(p,gamma)31S reaction rate on nova nucleosynthesis. The results of these calculations will be discussed. 1. Jose , J., Coc, A., Hernanz, M., Astrophys. J., 560, 897(2001). 2. Thielemann, F.-K et al., 1987, Advances in Nuclear Astrophysics, ed. E. Vangioni-Flam ( Gif

  1. Polarimetry and spectroscopy of the "oxygen flaring" DQ Herculis-like nova: V5668 Sagittarii (2015) (United States)

    Harvey, E. J.; Redman, M. P.; Darnley, M. J.; Williams, S. C.; Berdyugin, A.; Piirola, V. E.; Fitzgerald, K. P.; O'Connor, E. G. P.


    Context. Classical novae are eruptions on the surface of a white dwarf in a binary system. The material ejected from the white dwarf surface generally forms an axisymmetric shell of gas and dust around the system. The three-dimensional structure of these shells is difficult to untangle when viewed on the plane of the sky. In this work a geometrical model is developed to explain new observations of the 2015 nova V5668 Sagittarii. Aim. We aim to better understand the early evolution of classical nova shells in the context of the relationship between polarisation, photometry, and spectroscopy in the optical regime. To understand the ionisation structure in terms of the nova shell morphology and estimate the emission distribution directly following the light curve's dust-dip. Methods: High-cadence optical polarimetry and spectroscopy observations of a nova are presented. The ejecta is modelled in terms of morpho-kinematics and photoionisation structure. Results: Initially observational results are presented, including broadband polarimetry and spectroscopy of V5668 Sgr nova during eruption. Variability over these observations provides clues towards the evolving structure of the nova shell. The position angle of the shell is derived from polarimetry, which is attributed to scattering from small dust grains. Shocks in the nova outflow are suggested in the photometry and the effect of these on the nova shell are illustrated with various physical diagnostics. Changes in density and temperature as the super soft source phase of the nova began are discussed. Gas densities are found to be of the order of 109 cm-3 for the nova in its auroral phase. The blackbody temperature of the central stellar system is estimated to be around 2.2 × 105 K at times coincident with the super soft source turn-on. It was found that the blend around 4640 Å commonly called "nitrogen flaring" is more naturally explained as flaring of the O II multiplet (V1) from 4638-4696 Å, i.e. "oxygen flaring

  2. Leucemia Mielóide Crônica: novas drogas em desenvolvimento

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    Cármino A. de Souza

    Full Text Available A LMC é um modelo de investigação biológica e clinica que deve ser seguido nesta nova fase da oncologia moderna. A resposta terapêutica ao uso do imatinibe como droga de primeira linha mudou os conceitos e paradigmas e criou uma expectativa que drogas mais potentes possam ser desenvolvidas no futuro. Infelizmente nem todos conseguem atingir essa situação ideal. Por esta razão, Baccarani M sugeriu que a falência de resposta subótima, precaução ou alerta fossem estudadas no sentido de serem desenvolvidas intervenções terapêuticas diferenciadas mais precoces. A resistência ao imatinibe existe e depende de vários mecanismos. Tanto mais tardia a introdução do imatinibe e mais avançada for a fase evolutiva da doença maior a freqüência de resistência. Do ponto de vista biológico, a superexpressão do BCR-ABL, os defeitos genéticos adicionais e as mutações que podem atingir várias regiões da molécula - a alça de fosfato, a alça de ativação, o domínio da quinase são os mais importantes fatores associados à resistência ao imatinibe. Por esta razão, são necessárias outras opções terapêuticas e hoje há o desenvolvimento de um grande número de drogas para um número maior de alvos. Inicialmente temos o dasatinibe, já aprovado nos EUA, na Europa e também no Brasil; o nilotinibe, em fase avançada de estudos clínicos (inclusive de fase III, e também já aprovado para uso nos EUA; o bosutinibe, o INNO - 406 bem como outras drogas que atuam em alvos como as aurora-quinases ou inibidores de histona-deacetilases.

  3. Upgrade of the LLNL Nova laser for inertial confinement fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murray, J.R.; Trenholme, J.B.; Hunt, J.T.; Frank, D.N.; Lowdermilk, W.H.; Storm, E.


    The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has proposed to construct an upgrade to the Nova glass laser facility to give an output energy of 1.5-2 megajoules at 350 nanometers wavelength in a nominally 3--5 nanosecond shaped pulse. The Nova Upgrade will be suitable for driving inertial fusion targets to ignition. This paper reviews the design proposed for the laser. 14 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab

  4. Optical polarimetry and distance estimate for Nova Cygni 1975

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McLean, I S [Glasgow Univ. (UK). Observatory


    Polarization observations of Nova Cygni 1975 were obtained with several passbands in the wavelength interval lambda lambda 4600 to 6700 A before and after maximum light. Special attention was given to the regions of H..cap alpha.. and H..beta.. emission. On average, a precision of +- 0.04 per cent polarization was obtained in these observations. Statistically significant evidence for the presence of an intrinsically-polarized component in the light from the nova is very weak, but such a component is not completely ruled out. Any variability, however, is likely to be less than 0.18 per cent polarization. The observed polarization (1.38 per cent at lambda 5460), is therefore attributed mainly to scattering in the interstellar medium and the amount of polarization is employed to give a rough estimate of the distance of the nova and its absolute magnitude at maximum brightness, namely 1.14 kpc and -10sup(m).1.

  5. Outbursts of symbiotic novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kenyon, S.J.; Truran, J.W.


    We discuss possible conditions under which thermonuclear burning episodes in the hydrogen-rich envelopes of accreting white dwarfs give rise to outbursts similar in nature to those observed in the symbiotic stars AG Peg, RT Ser, RR Tel, AS 239, V1016 Cyg, V1329 Cyg, and HM Sge. In principle, thermonuclear runaways involving low-luminosity white dwarfs accreting matter at low rates produce configurations that evolve into A--F supergiants at maximum visual light and which resemble the outbursts of RR Tel, RT Ser, and AG peg. Very weak, nondegenerage hydrogen shell flashes on white dwarfs accreting matter at high rates (M> or approx. =10 -8 M/sub sun/ yr -1 ) do not produce cool supergiants at maximum, and may explain the outbursts in V1016 Cyg, V1329 Cyg, and HM Sge. The low accretion rates demanded for systems developing strong hydrogen shell flashes on low-luminsoity white dwarfs are not compatible with observations of ''normal'' quiescent symbiotic stars. The extremely slow outbursts of symbiotic novae appear to be typical of accreting white dwarfs in wide binaries, which suggests that the outbursts of classical novae may be accelerated by the interaction of the expanding white dwarf envelope with its close binary companion

  6. Design e construção de nova interface para a BVS Psicologia (BVS-PSI Brasil e a experiência de criação do protótipo da BVS ULAPSI: facilitando a vida de usuários

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Marcos Amorim


    Full Text Available Relata-se a experiência de atualização da BVS Psicologia Brasil ( e criação do protótipo da BVS ULAPSI (Biblioteca Virtual da União de Entidades Latino-Americanas de Psicologia, ocorrida em 2005, pela Biblioteca do Instituto de Psicologia da USP (SBD/IPUSP como unidade gerenciadora, em parceria com a BIREME e o Fórum das Entidades Brasileiras de Psicologia. Discutiu-se o processo de adoção de ferramentas tecnológicas e outros aspectos relacionados sempre que uma Unidade de Informação intente tal empreitada. As novas tecnologias sejam da metodologia BIREME ou softwares proprietários permitiram maior flexibilidade na inclusão de novas fontes de informação. Os profissionais técnicos e os administradores devem realizar um trabalho cooperativo na tomada de decisões, considerando a rápida introdução de novas interfaces. Assim são evitados problemas no uso de ferramentas em uma assimilação e manutenção pela equipe responsável. Em curto prazo, os profissionais devem prever as dificuldades, pois é quando ocorre o lançamento de uma biblioteca virtual.

  7. NuSTAR Observations of Fermi-detected Novae, V339 Delphini and V5668 Sagitarii (United States)

    Mukai, K.; Nelson, T.; Sokoloski, J.; Chomiuk, L.; Finzell, T.; Linford, J.; Weston, J.; Rupen, M.; Mioduszewski, A.


    Ten Galactic novae have been detected as transient GeV gamma-ray sources with Fermi/LAT to date, presumably due to shock acceleration that produces relativistic particles. This unexpected discovery highlights the complexity of the mass ejection process in novae. It has also added a new class of objects in which particle acceleration can be studied. We can in principle study the same shock in X-rays through their thermal emission and the lower energy extension of the non-thermal emission. Here we present our NuSTAR observations of two Fermi-detected novae, V339 Del and V5668 Sgr, that were carried out while they were being detected with the LAT. We did not detect thermal or non-thermal emissions from these novae. Our results place a tight limit on the properties of the putative shocks in V339 Del and V5668 Sgr. We also compare our results with previous reports of possible detection of non-thermal hard X-rays from novae, and discuss the implications in the context of our current understanding of the complicated process of mass ejection in novae.

  8. High Energy Neutrino Physics with NOvA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coan, Thomas [Southern Methodist Univ. , Dallas, TX (United States)


    Knowledge of the position of energy deposition in “hit” detector cells of the NOvA neutrino detector is required by algorithms for pattern reconstruction and particle identification necessary to interpret the raw data. To increase the accuracy of this process, the majority of NOvA's 350 000 far detector cell shapes, including distortions, were measured as they were constructed. Using a special laser scanning system installed at the site of the NOvA far detector in Ash River, MN, we completed algorithmic development and measured shape parameters for the far detector. The algorithm and the measurements are “published” in NOνA’s document database (doc #10389, “Cell Center Finder for the NOνA Far Detector Modules”).

  9. NOVA[R] Spring 2002 Teacher's Guide. (United States)

    Armstrong, Peter; Ransick, Kristi; Rosene, Dale; Sammons, James

    The guide presents lesson plans from "NOVA" which targets middle school and junior high school students and meet the National Science Education Standards. Lessons include: (1) "Neanderthals on Trial"; (2) "Fireworks"; (3) "Secrets, Lies and Atomic Spies"; (4) "Bioterror"; (5) "The Missing…


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    Regina Garcia de Brito


    Full Text Available Com a inserção das tecnologias digitais nos diferentes cenários do cotidiano e seu uso massivo, principalmente pelas novas gerações – as chamadas gerações y e z, ou ainda os ‘nativos digitais’ –, os quais se caracterizam pela recepção da informação de maneira ágil e rápida, preferem processos randômicos de acesso aos conteúdos, tendem ao imagético em detrimento do textual e à realização de atividades multitarefas e processos paralelos – nota-se a perspectiva de democratização do acesso à informação e ao conhecimento, pois a informação transita não só nos livros e periódicos, mas também em outras mídias e sob diferentes formatos. Tal realidade requer mudanças efetivas nos paradigmas que norteiam os serviços realizados nas bibliotecas e o desenvolvimento de habilidades para o uso das ferramentas digitais, tanto por parte dos usuários quanto da equipe mediadora da informação. Diante disso, a fim de conhecer novas formas de aprendizagem e como lidar com elas em espaços educativos, este trabalho, baseado em uma revisão de literatura como forma de aproximar-se ao tema, trará os seguintes tópicos: a panorama sobre as novas gerações e como estas se comunicam e aprendem; b panorama sobre novos canais e formas de aprendizagem, como Personal Learning Environment (PLE Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS, mobile learning, realidade aumentada, entre outras, e c elencar ideias iniciais sobre a importância do profissional da informação como mediador para o desenvolvimento das competências em informação e midiática necessárias a todos na atualidade.

  11. Theoretical and observational review of results on nova explosions occurring on ONeMg white dwarfs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.


    The nova outburst is the second most violent explosion that occurs in a galaxy. This review presents the recent observational and theoretical studies that have demonstrated that there exist two classes of nova outburst. One type of nova occurs on a CO white dwarf and the other type of nova occurs on an ONeMg white dwarf. The second class of outbursts are much more violent and occur much more frequently then the first class of outbursts. Hydrodynamic simulations of both kinds of outbursts are in excellent agreement with the observations. 51 refs

  12. Discovery of an old nova shell surrounding the cataclysmic variable V1315 Aql (United States)

    Sahman, D. I.; Dhillon, V. S.; Littlefair, S. P.; Hallinan, G.


    Following our tentative discovery of a faint shell around V1315 Aql reported in Sahman et al. (2015), we undertook deep Hα imaging and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of the shell. We find that the shell has its geometric centre located on V1315 Aql. The mass, spectral features and density of the shell are consistent with other nova shells, rather than planetary nebulae or supernova remnants. The radial velocity of the shell is consistent with the systemic velocity of V1315 Aql. We believe this evidence strongly suggests that the shell originates from an earlier nova event. This is the first nova shell discovered around a novalike, and supports the theory of nova-induced cycles in mass transfer rates (hibernation theory) first proposed by Shara et al. (1986).

  13. High density implosion experiments at Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cable, M.D.; Hatchett, S.P.; Nelson, M.B.; Lerche, R.A.; Murphy, T.J.; Ress, D.B.


    Deuterium filled glass microballoons are used as indirectly driven targets for implosion experiments at the Nova Laser Fusion Facility. High levels of laser precision were required to achieve fuel densities and convergences to an ignition scale hot spot. (AIP) copyright 1994 American Institute of Physics

  14. 5. Neuromarketing: uma nova disciplina acadêmica?

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    Eric David Cohen


    Full Text Available Através da aplicação de técnicas neurocientíficas, o Neuromarketing busca entender como ocorrem os processos de decisão de compra. Verifica-se que há um grande movimento em torno do Neuromarketing no ambiente empresarial, apontando que o desenvolvimento desta nova área de conhecimento, bem como a sua possível autonomia, estão em desenvolvimento. Por meio de um estudo exploratório, mapeou-se a construção deste campo de conhecimento no tempo, levando à formação de uma possível nova disciplina científica e acadêmica, assim como verificar a sua origem interdisciplinar. Ademais, apresenta-se a construção de um mapa a partir de dados secundários, de modo a demonstrar a percepção da história e das contribuições potenciais do Neuromarketing, a partir de uma análise da produção científica na área. A partir de um conjunto de dados levantados, conclui-se que existe uma dinâmica de construção do Neuromarketing em torno dos diferentes atores na academia e nos negócios, levando à formulação de hipóteses quanto à maturidade desta nova disciplina acadêmica.

  15. ECONOMIA SOCIAL INCORPORATIVA (e as novas linguagens

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    Welinton dos Santos


    Full Text Available A inovação tecnológica aliada à interação de comunicação sem limites, chamada de “Economia Social Incorporativa”, sendo uma rede integrada e sociável as populações do mundo. Baseada em uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter qualitativo e documental mostrando que a comunicação, informações e tecnologias evoluem surgindo novos materiais em destaque o grafeno, composto por átomos de carbono com alta condutividade térmica e elétrica, flexível e resistente, material que pode substituir o silício e permitir a segunda revolução tecnológica e levando consigo a economia. Com esses feitos tecnológicos a humanidade tende a estar mais do que nunca com uma ligação inseparável das novas tecnologias que vem aparecendo de forma exponencial no mercado estimulando assim mais do que nunca a economia social. O futuro visa uma nova economia que está em transformação, provocando mudanças significativas na política econômica mundial, e por isso, todos os esforços nesta nova dinâmica de conscientização do comportamento social integrativo auxilia numa política estratégica global mais justa e igualitária.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, Bradley E.; Collazzi, Andrew C.


    We identify a new class of novae characterized by the post-eruption quiescent light curve being more than roughly a factor of 10 brighter than the pre-eruption light curve. Eight novae (V723 Cas, V1500 Cyg, V1974 Cyg, GQ Mus, CP Pup, T Pyx, V4633 Sgr, and RW UMi) are separated out as being significantly distinct from other novae. This group shares a suite of uncommon properties, characterized by the post-eruption magnitude being much brighter than before eruption, short orbital periods, long-lasting supersoft emission following the eruption, a highly magnetized white dwarf (WD), and secular declines during the post-eruption quiescence. We present a basic physical picture which shows why all five uncommon properties are causally connected. In general, novae show supersoft emission due to hydrogen burning on the WD in the final portion of the eruption, and this hydrogen burning will be long-lasting if new hydrogen is poured onto the surface at a sufficient rate. Most novae do not have adequate accretion for continuous hydrogen burning, but some can achieve this if the companion star is nearby (with short orbital period) and a magnetic field channels the matter onto a small area on the WD so as to produce a locally high accretion rate. The resultant supersoft flux irradiates the companion star and drives a higher accretion rate (with a brighter post-eruption phase), which serves to keep the hydrogen burning and the supersoft flux going. The feedback loop cannot be perfectly self-sustaining, so the supersoft flux will decline over time, forcing a decline in the accretion rate and the system brightness. We name this new group after the prototype, V1500 Cyg. V1500 Cyg stars are definitely not progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. The V1500 Cyg stars have similar physical mechanisms and appearances as predicted for nova by the hibernation model, but with this group accounting for only 14% of novae.

  17. ASAS-SN Discovery of a Possible Galactic Nova ASASSN-18ix (United States)

    Stanek, K. Z.; Kochanek, C. S.; Shields, J. V.; Thompson, T. A.; Chomiuk, L.; Strader, J.; Shappee, B. J.; Holoien, T. W.-S.; Prieto, J. L.; Dong, Subo; Stritzinger, M.


    During the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), using data from multiple ASAS-SN telescopes, we detect a new bright transient source, possibly a classical nova, but it might also be a young, large amplitude outburst of a cataclysmic variable Object RA (J2000) DEC (J2000) Gal l (deg) Gal b (deg) Disc.

  18. Restablished Accretion in Post-outburst Classical Novae Revealed by X-rays (United States)

    Hernanz, Margarita; Ferri, Carlo; Sala, Glòria


    Classical novae are explosions on accreting white dwarfs (hereinafter WDs) in cataclysmic variables (hereinafter CVs) a hydrogen thermonuclear runaway on top of the WD is responsible for the outburst. X-rays provide a unique way to study the turn-off of H-burning, because super soft X-rays reveal the hot WD photosphere, but also to understand how accretion is established again in the binary system. Observations with XMM-Newton of some post-outburst novae have revealed such a process, but a coverage up to larger energies -as Simbol-X will provide- is fundamental to well understand the characteristics of the binary system and of the nova ejecta. We present a brief summary of our results up to now and prospects for the Simbol-X mission.

  19. New insights from a statistical analysis of IUE spectra of dwarf novae and nova-like stars. I - Inclination effects in lines and continua (United States)

    La Dous, Constanze


    IUE observations of dwarf novae at maximum at quiescence and novalike objects at the high brightness state are analyzed for effects of the inclination angle on the emitted continuum and line radiation. A clear pattern in the continuum flux distribution is exhibited only by dwarf novae at maximum where some 80 percent of the non-double-eclipsing systems show essentially identical distributions. This result is not in disagreement with theoretical expectations. All classes of objects exhibit a clear, but in each case different, dependence of the line radiation on the inclination angle.

  20. Role of thermonuclear instability in recent models of nova stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Secco, L [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia


    In this paper we review models of nova-star explosion based on the original suggestion by Kraft and developed during about ten years (from 1967). We aim at summarizing here the most salient results of those theoretical models and to point out the many aspects of the problems that are still unsettled. In particular, we analyse thermonuclear instabilities both in perfect and electron-degenerate gas, since they seem to be at the base of the nova explosion phenomena.

  1. Detection of Highly-Absorbed X-rays from Nova Mus 2018 with Swift (United States)

    Nelson, Thomas; Kuin, Paul; Mukai, Koji; Page, Kim; Chomiuk, Laura; Kawash, Adam; Sokoloski, J. L.; Linford, Justin; Rupen, Michael P.; Mioduszewski, Amy


    We report the detection of X-rays from Nova Mus 2018 with the Swift XRT instrument. We have been carrying out weekly monitoring of the nova with Swift since its discovery on 2018 Jan 15 (see ATel #11220), and observations up to 2018 Feb 24 yielded X-ray non-detections.

  2. O rap radical e a "nova classe média"

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    Ricardo Indig Teperman


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a recente alteração na posição relativa do rap e dos rappers no campo da produção cultural no Brasil. O grupo Racionais MCs, tão central no campo do rap nacional que acaba por determinar a tendência hegemônica do gênero, vem se afastando do posicionamento revolucionário que marcou seus primeiros anos. Proponho que o aumento do poder de consumo e a democratização do acesso à tecnologia e à educação são aspectos que marcam a experiência da nova geração do rap (a chamada "nova escola", personificada em Emicida, e que provocaram o reposicionamento do Racionais. Recupero uma formulação de Antonio Candido para propor que essa nova posição pode ser considerada "radical".

  3. Province of Nova Scotia Electricity Marketplace Governance Committee First Interim Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the group discussions of the Electricity Marketplace Governance Committee's (EMGC) over the past 6 months regarding the implementation of new rules for power competition in Nova Scotia's electricity market. Emphasis has been placed on external influences, defining the size and form of the short-term competitive portion of the Nova Scotia market, and a detailed consideration of the current transmission system and the changes needed to achieve a sustainable, world class energy sector that would enhance the quality of life for Nova Scotians. The report provides recommendations regarding how competition can be encouraged. The main drivers for electricity restructuring have been energy efficiency, risk-allocation, reliability, environmental impact, and consumer protection. The external influences on the Nova Scotia electricity market include: (1) economics of electricity restructuring, (2) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, (3) New Brunswick and electricity restructuring, and (4) Nova Scotia and the energy strategy. This report described the market scope and basic market model with reference to bilateral contract market, fully competitive wholesale pool market, and a single buyer market. The transmission issues discussed in this report included the importance of transmission, transmission tariff options, transmission services offered, design issues, and congestion management policies. The EMGC was directed to examine market design issues to accommodate an Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). As such, this report identifies some transmission issues that must be resolved to implement tariffs, and conditions of access to the transmission system and its impact on open access market design. The final report is expected to be available in March 2003

  4. Eventos com aparente risco de vida: incidência, etiologia e investigação clínica = Apparent life-threatening events: incidence, etiology and investigation

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    Anjos, Alessandra Marques dos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência, fatores etiológicos e investigação clínica de pacientes com Evento com Aparente Risco de vida (Apparent life-threatening event – ALTE. Métodos: Revisão da literatura através de pesquisa no banco de dados Medline e LILACS entre 1986- 2006 e publicações da Associação Latinoamericana de Pediatria, selecionados a partir de autores com experiência reconhecida em ALTE. Foram revisados 13 artigos de autores renomados além de 3 consensos: americano sobre apnéia infantil e monitorização domiciliar, consenso latinoamericano sobre ALTE e consenso da sociedade européia para estudo e preven- ção de morte infantil. Resultados: A incidência de ALTE descrita foi de 0,6 a 2,27% nos casos revisados. Quanto a etiologia aproximadamente 50% dos casos de ALTE são sintomáticos, sendo mais freqüente doenças do trato gastrointestinal e neurológicas. A investigação deve ser realizada seguindo protocolo padrão e estar direcionada para o diagnóstico da doença de base que definirá o prognóstico do ALTE. Casos recorrentes sem etiologia definida na investigação inicial necessitam de exames complementares, devendo ser considerado o abuso infantil e Munchausen por procura- ção como diagnóstico diferencial. Conclusão: Como o episódio de ALTE pode ser a manifestação inicial de entidades nosológicas diversas recomenda-se sempre sua investigação diagnóstica direcionada para doença de base

  5. Role of thermonuclear instabilities of recent models of nova-stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Secco, L [Padua Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Astronomia


    In this paper, a review models of nova-star explosion based on the original suggestion by Kraft and developed during about ten years (from 1967) is presented. The aim is to summarize the most salient results of those theoretical models and to point out the many aspects of the problems that are still unsettled. In particular, thermonuclear instabilities both in perfect and electron-degenerate gas are analyzed, since they seem to be at the base of the nova explosion phenomena.


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    Martin Maier


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, o olhar dirige-se em primeiro lugar para a situação religiosa da Europa. Em seguida, resumiremos o conceito da nova evangelização de acordo com os últimos papas. O passo seguinte será perguntar o que as igrejas podem oferecer à Europa. A nova evangelização deve acontecer no horizonte do ecumenismo e da globalização. Importante ponto de conexão para a transmissão da fé é a constante sede de espiritualidade e de experiência espiritual, bem como de conhecimento da religião e da fé. Por fim, desenvolveremos algumas chances que podem relacionar-se com a nova evangelização na Europa.  ABSTRACT: In this study, the focus is directed first of ali to the religious situation in Europe. Then we will sum up the concept of the new evangelization according to the recent Popes. The next step will be to ask what the churches can offer to Europe. The new evangelization must happen on the horizon of ecumenism and globalization. An important point of connection to the transmission of the faith is the constant thirst for spirituality and spiritual experience as well as the knowledge of religion and faith. Finally, we will develop some opportunities that can relate to the new evangelization in Europe


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakon, Itsuki; Onaka, Takashi; Usui, Fumihiko [Department of Astronomy, Graduate Schools of Science, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan); Sako, Shigeyuki; Takahashi, Hidenori; Ohsawa, Ryou [Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo, 2-21-1 Ohsawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015 (Japan); Nozawa, Takaya [National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 (Japan); Kimura, Yuki [Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0819 (Japan); Fujiyoshi, Takuya [Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 650 North A’ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720 (United States); Shimonishi, Takashi [Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University, Aramaki aza Aoba 6-3, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 (Japan); Arai, Akira [Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8555 (Japan); Uemura, Makoto [Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center, Hiroshima University, Kagamiyama 1-3-1, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526 (Japan); Nagayama, Takahiro [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University, 1-21-35 Korimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065 (Japan); Koo, Bon-Chul [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University , 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742 (Korea, Republic of); Kozasa, Takashi, E-mail: [Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810 (Japan)


    We present infrared multi-epoch observations of the dust-forming nova V1280 Sco over ∼2000 days from the outburst. The temporal evolution of the infrared spectral energy distributions at 1272, 1616, and 1947 days can be explained by the emissions produced by amorphous carbon dust of mass (6.6–8.7) × 10{sup −8} M{sub ⊙} with a representative grain size of 0.01 μm and astronomical silicate dust of mass (3.4–4.3) × 10{sup −7} M{sub ⊙} with a representative grain size of 0.3–0.5 μm. Both of these dust species travel farther away from the white dwarf without apparent mass evolution throughout those later epochs. The dust formation scenario around V1280 Sco suggested from our analyses is that the amorphous carbon dust is formed in the nova ejecta followed by the formation of silicate dust either in the expanding nova ejecta or as a result of the interaction between the nova wind and the circumstellar medium.

  8. Consultation paper : Nova Scotia's renewed energy strategy and climate change action plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nova Scotia Department of Energy is seeking to create a sustainable and prosperous Nova Scotia that is responsive to climate change. The purpose of this report was to inform public discussion around two upcoming documents, namely the renewed energy strategy focusing on broad energy policy and a climate change action plan for Nova Scotia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report discussed mitigation measures, as it is closely tied with energy use. The consultation process to inform the two documents was to include public forums and direct stakeholder consultation. The report discussed Nova Scotia's strategy for dealing with climate change and the world of energy. Recent changes in energy prices, exploration, awareness, and emerging but uncertain technologies were presented. Long term planning and a review of policy changes were also addressed. The report also presented options for a renewed energy strategy and discussed air quality; energy conservation and efficiency; electricity; natural gas; energy opportunities; government action; and government intervention. Submissions were also sought as input to the discussion paper. refs., tabs., figs., appendices

  9. Perspective : component tracking on the Nova system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacDonald, S.


    The issue of introducing Component Tracking as a service to natural gas producers, shippers and straddle plant operators was discussed. Approximately 39 companies in the industry were contacted by consultants at Nova Gas Transmission in an effort to assess if introducing this service would add value to individual producers. The numerous implications that may have to be dealt with if Component Tracking is introduced were also described. Component Tracking would provide an equitable approach to the allocation of molecules in the gas stream, and could provide producers with the ability to avoid capital outlay in field plants by alternatively contracting for recovery of the liquids at the straddle plants. Component Tracking is to be voluntary and each shipper would be able to decide whether to utilize the service at each of their receipt points onto the Nova system

  10. Uma padre na aldeia global : nova evangelização e novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação


    Aguiar, Américo Manuel Alves


    Nesta dissertação, revemos os últimos cem anos de pronunciamentos dos sucessores de Pedro, do Papa Leão XIII, ao Papa Bento XVI, atestando a atenção e interesse com que a igreja católica sempre olhou para as potencialidades oferecidas pelas novas tecnologias de informação e de comunicação. Olhamos de um ponto de vista comunicacional para a urgência da Nova Evangelização pronunciada pelo Papa João Paulo II, dando continuidade ao já expresso pelo Papa Paulo VI e pelo próprio II ...

  11. Educação tecnológica: uma nova perspectiva pedagógica

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    Rotta, Mariza


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Identificar no contexto escolar a percepção docente de como estão sendo utilizadas às novas tecnologias, discutindo a inclusão da informática na educação, com ênfase aos aspectos de mediação que professores e gestores fazem desses recursos disponíveis, ou seja, de como o conhecimento é tratado em um recurso didático-pedagógico via computador ou outro recurso. Para demonstrar essa relevância os dados levantados por meio da pesquisa aplicada aos professores, gestores e responsáveis da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Núcleo Regional de Educação, do Município de Dois Vizinhos – Paraná, Brasil, serviu de apoio para a análise e reflexão sobre questões relativas à utilização destes recursos educativos, demonstrado a importância desses no meio educativo e na sociedade a partir de uma nova concepção pedagógica e metodológica, tendo em vista a ampliação desta discussão, nas novas relações de conhecimento, cultura, tecnologia e sociedade, como forma de instrumentalização para inovação na aprendizagem.Resumen: Este artículo procura identificar en el contexto escolar la percepción docente sobre cómo están siendo utilizadas las nuevas tecnologías, discutiendo la inclusión de la informática en la educación, con énfasis en los aspectos de mediación que docentes y gestores hacen de estos recursos disponibles, o sea, sobre cómo el conocimiento es tratado en un recurso didáctico-pedagógico vía computadora u otro recurso. Para demostrar esa relevancia, los datos recolectados, por medio de una investigación tipo exploratoria, aplicada a los maestros, gestores y responsables de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación y Núcleo Regional de Educación, del Municipio de Dos Vecinos-Paraná, Brasil, sirvió de apoyo para el análisis y la ponderación sobre cuestiones relativas a la utilización de estos recursos educativos, se demuestra la importancia de estos en el medio educativo y en la sociedad


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    Mauro Marafiga Camozzato


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar a problemática da exclusão digital sob o enfoque do analfabetismo funcional, salientando a importância da inclusão social efetiva como elemento importante na definição dessas terminologias. Também é objetivo do artigo observar esses conceitos quando relacionados com a aceleração das necessidades sociais e econômicas trazidas pela sociedade conectada em rede, notadamente após o advento da Web 2.0. Busca-se questionar – sem responder - se o cenário atual é de desafio desanimador ou de oportunidade para a inclusão digital. Para isso, são analisadas as conceituações trabalhadas antecipadamente, de “analfabetismo funcional” e de “exclusão digital”, em comparação com as novas necessidades e oportunidades sociais surgidas a partir da conexão instantânea oferecida pelas redes sociais e plataformas de colaboração. Para fins de ilustração otimista, são apresentados alguns exemplos de iniciativas de inclusão digital em redes sociais inclusivas, as quais obtiveram resultados satisfatórios. Ao fim, tece-se alguns comentários sobre políticas governamentais aplicadas atualmente, apenas para reflexão quanto a sua utilidade no atual cenário tecnológico.

  13. As novas tecnologias como veículo de transmissão da informação financeira

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    Paula Alexandra Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Reconhecemos que as novas tecnologias da informação alteraram profundamente a sociedade actual. As alterações, de forma mais ou menos profundas, podem ser observadas em quase todas as áreas de actividade. A Contabilidade e a Auditoria não constituem excepções. A ausência de contornos definidos acerca destas tecnologias resulta em controvérsia que vem merecendo a atenção de diversos organismos reguladores e entidades normalizadoras nacionais e internacionais, bem como do mundo académico. Assumindo-se a forma, conteúdo, apresentação e segurança do relato financeiro como as principais fontes de discussão. Num ambiente de mudança, as profissões de contabilista e auditor têm de se adaptar às novas tecnologias, reposicionando-se, com o intuito de liderar os sistemas de informação financeira, pelo que a capacidade de lidar com as tecnologias consiste num requisito essencial à formação destes profissionais.Information technologies have deeply changed society way of life. Those changes can be observed in almost all activities. Accounting and Auditing are not an exception. The non-existence of clear boundaries on this issue is resulting on an increasing controversy. Thus, the way of delivering financial information has been calling several regulators and standard setting boards, as well as academics' attention. Content, presentation, and security are the key points of discussion. On this ever-changing environment, accounting and auditing professionals must continuously re-adjust to emerging technologies, in order to guarantee the financial information systems leadership. Therefore, skills and abilities to deal with those aspects are essential on these professionals education and must be developed.

  14. Data Driven Trigger Design and Analysis for the NOvA Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kurbanov, Serdar [Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (United States)


    This thesis primarily describes analysis related to studying the Moon shadow with cosmic rays, an analysis using upward-going muons trigger data, and other work done as part of MSc thesis work conducted at Fermi National Laboratory. While at Fermilab I made hardware and software contributions to two experiments - NOvA and Mu2e. NOvA is a neutrino experiment with the primary goal of measuring parameters related to neutrino oscillation. This is a running experiment, so it's possible to provide analysis of real beam and cosmic data. Most of this work was related to the Data-Driven Trigger (DDT) system of NOvA. The results of the Upward-Going muon analysis was presented at ICHEP in August 2016. The analysis demonstrates the proof of principle for a low-mass dark matter search. Mu2e is an experiment currently being built at Fermilab. Its primary goal is to detect the hypothetical neutrinoless conversion from a muon into an electron. I contributed to the production and tests of Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) which are required for testing the Cosmic Ray Veto (CRV) system for the experiment. This contribution is described in the last chapter along with a short description of the technical work provided for the DDT system of the NOvA experiment. All of the work described in this thesis will be extended by the next generation of UVA graduate students and postdocs as new data is collected by the experiment. I hope my eorts of have helped lay the foundation for many years of beautiful results from Mu2e and NOvA.

  15. Expanding Pharmacists' Scope of Practice to Include Immunization in Nova Scotia

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    Beth O'Reilly


    Full Text Available On 10 December 2010 An Act to Amend Chapter 36 of the Acts of 2001, the Pharmacy Act (Bill 7 received Royal Assent in Nova Scotia, including an amendment that enabled an expanded scope of pharmacy practice. Expanding pharmacists' scope of practice came about from recommendations by various federal and provincial government bodies as an attempt to improve accessibility to health care and decrease costs. In 2013, pharmacists in Nova Scotia began administering the influenza vaccine as part of the publicly funded program in attempts to improve vaccine coverage rates. Preliminary evaluation in Nova Scotia has shown an increase in influenza vaccination coverage. Although pharmacist administration of influenza vaccination may improve vaccination coverage and reduce demand on physician time, there may be tension created among the professions, which needs to be addressed and managed.

  16. DAQ Software Contributions, Absolute Scale Energy Calibration and Background Evaluation for the NOvA Experiment at Fermilab

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flumerfelt, Eric Lewis [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States)


    The NOvA (NuMI Off-axis ve [nu_e] Appearance) Experiment is a long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiment currently in its second year of operations. NOvA uses the Neutrinos from the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at Fermilab, and there are two main off-axis detectors: a Near Detector at Fermilab and a Far Detector 810 km away at Ash River, MN. The work reported herein is in support of the NOvA Experiment, through contributions to the development of data acquisition software, providing an accurate, absolute-scale energy calibration for electromagnetic showers in NOvA detector elements, crucial to the primary electron neutrino search, and through an initial evaluation of the cosmic background rate in the NOvA Far Detector, which is situated on the surface without significant overburden. Additional support work for the NOvA Experiment is also detailed, including DAQ Server Administration duties and a study of NOvA’s sensitivity to neutrino oscillations into a “sterile” state.

  17. Nova Scotia Energy Strategy : progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Nova Scotia's energy strategy addresses all aspects of energy production and use, from offshore oil and gas to electricity and coal, to climate change and renewable resources. It also encompasses energy conservation and efficiency. This progress report highlights the efforts that the province has made to promote exploration, improve efficiency of regulations and approval processes and promote the oil and natural gas sector. Efforts have also been made to support local businesses, address climate change issues and protect the environment. The strategy demonstrates how new energy resources can be used to build a more prosperous and self-reliant province. The progress report focuses on the following 3 themes: powering the economy; improving the environment; and, securing Nova Scotia's future. The report emphasizes that the growing oil and gas industry brings many opportunities for new jobs and a stronger economy. In the next 12 to 18 months, about 8 to 10 offshore exploration wells will be drilled, which is more than in the last decade. Funding will be provided to extend pipeline systems beyond franchise areas approved by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. In May 2002, the Electricity Marketplace Governance Committee was formed to make recommendations on how competition can be introduced into the province's electricity market. The Department of Energy has been working to implement initiatives to increase the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. In October 2002, new wind turbines began producing electricity in 3 communities on Cape Breton Island. A key priority is to respond to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as emissions of mercury, sulphur, nitrogen, and ozone. The energy strategy also identifies the need to provide competitive taxation regimes.

  18. Strategies of design, development and activation of the Nova control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holloway, F.W.


    Nova and Novette are large complex experimental laser facilities which require extensive and sophisticated control systems for their successful operation. Often, in major controls projects, certain invisible aspects of the project, such as overall strategy, management, resources and historical constraints, have a more profound effect upon success than any specific hardware/software design. The design and performance of the Nova/Novette laser control system will be presented with special emphasis upon these often controversial aspects

  19. Strategies of design, development and activation of the Nova control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holloway, F.W.


    Nova and Novette are large complex experimental laser facilities which require extensive and sophisticated control systems for their successful operation. Often, in major controls projects, certain invisible aspects of the project, such as overall strategy, management, resources and historical constraints, have a more profound effect upon success than any specific hardware/software design. The design and performance of the Nova/Novette laser control system will be presented with special emphasis upon these often controversial aspects.

  20. Do estado da universidade: metida num sarcófago ou no Leito de Procrustes?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Olímpio Bento


    Full Text Available Este ensaio chama a atenção para a grave doença que atingiu a Universidade nos nossos dias. O recurso à metáfora do 'sarcófago' e do 'Leito de Procrustes' visa: acentuar o facto de que a Universidade está a abandonar a sua missão tradicional e a sofrer transformações perigosas; expressar a esperança de que ela se liberte das forças que a constrangem e consiga ressuscitar numa forma nova. Com efeito, a Universidade está sendo capturada pela ideologia, pelo pensamento, pela terminologia e pelos interesses do neoliberalismo e do mercado. Consequentemente, ela perde autonomia e voz e deixa de ter identidade, linguagem e pensamento próprios. Em vez de ser uma instituição ao serviço da Humanidade, da sociedade, da cultura, da democracia e da liberdade, a Universidade torna-se um fator e instrumento de propagação das doutrinas e receitas dos potentados financeiros e 'mercadológicos'. Tudo isto é bem visível no 'reformismo' e nas orientações da sua reorganização e governação, na oferta e no perfil dos seus cursos. Tal como o mercado, a Universidade já não oferece nada; só vende. Assim, a Universidade é cúmplice e corresponsável pela crise civilizacional, cultural, ética, moral e social que grassa no mundo. Em conclusão, a Universidade está a tornar-se uma instituição humana e socialmente irrelevante, sem capacidade de irradiar influências exemplares e positivas. Para reverter a situação, os protagonistas da Universidade têm que a tirar do 'sarcófago' ou do 'Leito de Procrustes', no qual, por ação ou omissão, a deixaram aprisionar.

  1. Isotopic 32S/33S ratio as a diagnostic of presolar grains from novae

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    A. Parikh


    Full Text Available Measurements of sulphur isotopes in presolar grains can help to identify the astrophysical sites in which these grains were formed. A more precise thermonuclear rate of the 33S(p,γ34Cl reaction is required, however, to assess the diagnostic ability of sulphur isotopic ratios. We have studied the 33S(3He,d34Cl proton-transfer reaction at 25 MeV using a high-resolution quadrupole–dipole–dipole–dipole magnetic spectrograph. Deuteron spectra were measured at ten scattering angles between 10° and 55°. Twenty-four levels in 34Cl over Ex=4.6–5.9 MeV were observed, including three levels for the first time. Proton spectroscopic factors were extracted for the first time for levels above the 33S + p threshold, spanning the energy range required for calculations of the thermonuclear 33S(p,γ34Cl rate in classical nova explosions. We have determined a new 33S(p,γ34Cl rate using a Monte Carlo method and have performed new hydrodynamic nova simulations to determine the impact on nova nucleosynthesis of remaining nuclear physics uncertainties in the reaction rate. We find that these uncertainties lead to a factor of ≤5 variation in the 33S(p,γ34Cl rate over typical nova peak temperatures, and variation in the ejected nova yields of SCa isotopes by ≤20%. In particular, the predicted 32S/33S ratio is 110–130 for the nova model considered, compared to 110–440 with previous rate uncertainties. As recent type II supernova models predict ratios of 130–200, the 32S/33S ratio may be used to distinguish between grains of nova and supernova origin.

  2. Novas metodologias na didática da Economia e Contabilidade – caso do Mestrado em Ensino português

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    Ana Luísa Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou analisar o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias, designadamente a aplicação da Formação Ativa, no ensino de disciplinas do Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e de Contabilidade português, tendo em linha de conta as percepções dos futuros professores sobre o que é (ou deverá ser Professor(a de Economia e de Contabilidade. A metodologia de investigação utilizada foi a de estudo de caso, com observação participante, numa abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, suportada na investigação da própria prática, procurando caminhos para a inovação dos processos educativos em face do novo paradigma tecnológico contemporâneo. Foi constatada a aplicabilidade da Formação Ativa e obtidos resultados que verificaram a sua eficácia no ensino da Economia e Contabilidade, com o desenvolvimento de metodologias de aprendizagem ativas, que se pretende que contribuam para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional docente na futura sociedade do conhecimento.

  3. The Convolutional Visual Network for Identification and Reconstruction of NOvA Events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Psihas, Fernanda [Indiana U.


    In 2016 the NOvA experiment released results for the observation of oscillations in the vμ and ve channels as well as ve cross section measurements using neutrinos from Fermilab’s NuMI beam. These and other measurements in progress rely on the accurate identification and reconstruction of the neutrino flavor and energy recorded by our detectors. This presentation describes the first application of convolutional neural network technology for event identification and reconstruction in particle detectors like NOvA. The Convolutional Visual Network (CVN) Algorithm was developed for identification, categorization, and reconstruction of NOvA events. It increased the selection efficiency of the ve appearance signal by 40% and studies show potential impact to the vμ disappearance analysis.

  4. Event Reconstruction in the NOvA Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behera, Biswaranjan [Indian Inst. Tech., Hyderabad; Davies, Gavin [Indiana U.; Psihas, Fernanda [Indiana U.


    The NOvA experiment observes oscillations in two channels (electron-neutrino appearance and muon-neutrino disappearance) using a predominantly muon-neutrino NuMI beam. The Near Detector records multiple overlapping neutrino interactions in each event and the Far Detector has a large background of cosmic rays due to being located on the surface. The oscillation analyses rely on the accurate reconstruction of neutrino interactions in order to precisely measure the neutrino energy and identify the neutrino flavor and interaction mode. Similarly, measurements of neutrino cross sections using the Near Detector require accurate identification of the particle content of each interaction. A series of pattern recognition techniques have been developed to split event records into individual spatially and temporally separated interactions, to estimate the interaction vertex, and to isolate and classify individual particles within the event. This combination of methods to achieve full event reconstruction in the NOvA detectors has discussed.

  5. White dwarf heating and the ultraviolet flux in dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pringle, J.E.


    An investigation is made of the heating of the outer layers of the white dwarf which is likely to occur during a dwarf nova outburst. It is shown that the decline in IUE flux, observed during quiescent intervals in the dwarf novae VW Hydri and WX Hydri, may be due to the outer layers cooling off once the heat source is removed. The calculations here assume uniformity of the heat source over the white dwarf surface. This is unlikely to be realized from disc accretion, and we discuss that further calculations are required. (author)

  6. Further X-ray observations of Nova Del 2013 with Swift (United States)

    Nelson, T.; Mukai, K.; Chomiuk, L.; Sokoloski, J.; Weston, J.; Zheng, Y.; Rupen, M.; Mioduszewski, A.; Linford, J.; Finzell, T.


    We observed Nova Del 2013 (see CBET #3628) with the Swift satellite on 2013-08-18, four days after discovery (see also ATEL #5283). The exposures were carried out between 0.0 and 15.7 UT, and are therefore coincident with the first appearance of gamma-ray emission from this nova as seen with the Fermi-LAT (ATEL #5302). The XRT instrument was operated in Window Timing (WT) in order to mitigate the impact of optical loading on the CCD, and the total exposure time was 4522s.

  7. Saúde e trabalho docente: a escola como produtora de novas formas de vida Teaching and health: the school as producer of new forms of life

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    Maria Elizabeth Barros


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como tema as articulações saúde-trabalho docente. Apresenta uma experiência vivida numa escola municipal da rede de ensino da cidade de Vitória, no Espírito Santo. Pauta-se nas abordagens de G. Canguilhem, na ergonomia de linhagem francesa e na ergologia para realizar o processo de pesquisa-intervenção. Parte do princípio de que o vivido na escola afirma a perspectiva segundo a qual saúde é possibilidade de produzir novas normas, ou seja, novas formas de vida. Nessa direção de análise, buscou criar espaços de diálogo e tensionamento na escola para que outros modos de trabalhar, favorecedores de saúde, pudessem se instituir.This article focuses on the relationship between teaching and health. It presents an experience in a public school in Vitória, Espírito Santo. The intervention research was based on the ideas of G. Canguilhem, on French ergonomics, and on ergology. Its basic premise is that experience at school confirms the concept that health is the possibility of producing new norms, that is, new forms of life. In this sense, the research sought to produce dialogue and tension at school so that other health-promoting modes of work could be implemented.

  8. Etiologia e evolução das meningites bacterianas em centro de pediatria Etiology and evolution of bacterial meningitis in a pediatric center

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    Roberta M.C. Romanelli


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar a prevalência dos agentes etiológicos das meningites bacterianas em serviço de referência, no atendimento de doenças infecciosas para o estado de Minas Gerais, e verificar a resposta ao tratamento utilizado.Métodos: estudo descritivo em que foram incluídas todas as crianças com diagnóstico provável de meningite, admitidas na instituição no período de junho a novembro/99.Resultados: obteve-se 210 casos de meningite, sendo 111 casos de etiologia bacteriana (52,9%. Destes, 52 casos foram diagnósticos prováveis (por alteração do liquor rotina e 59 com diagnósticos de certeza (por cultura e/ou isolamento de antígeno. Os principais agentes isolados foram, em ordem decrescente, H. influenzae, N. meningitidis e S. pneumoniae. O tratamento inicial para a faixa etária de três meses a cinco anos foi ampicilina e cloranfenicol, sendo posteriormente restrito para penicilina em casos de meningococo e pneumococo, e para cloranfenicol nos casos de H. influenzae. A mudança para antimicrobiano de maior espectro foi realizada com base em dados clínicos ou laboratoriais, não havendo isolamento de microorganismo resistente.Conclusões: o acompanhamento do perfil epidemiológico das meningites deve ser contínuo, e cada serviço deve se basear em dados locais para direcionar a terapia antimicrobiana. A monitorização contínua dos agentes prevalentes em cada instituição e de sua resistência é fundamental para a escolha antimicrobiana, atuando com menor interferência na colonização individual, sem contribuir para a crescente resistência dos agentes responsáveis pelas infecções meníngeas.Objective: to establish the prevalence of the etiological agents of bacterial meningitis in a reference center for the treatment of infectious diseases in the state of Minas Gerais. Methods: descriptive study including all children with probable diagnosis of meningitis between June/1999 and November/1999.Results: there were 210

  9. Nova target diagnostics control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Severyn, J.R.


    During the past year the Nova target diagnostics control system was finished and put in service. The diagnostics loft constructed to the north of the target room provides the environmental conditions required to collect reliable target diagnostic data. These improvements include equipment cooling and isolation of the power source with strict control of instrumentation grounds to eliminate data corruption due to electromagnetic pulses from the laser power-conditioning system or from target implosion effects

  10. Tallinna Ülikooli Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli õppehoone Nova = Tallinn University Baltic Film and Media School "Nova"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna Ülikooli Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli õppehoone "Nova" Narva maantee 27, valminud 2012. Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali arhitektuuripreemia 2012 ja Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali sisearhitektuuripreemia 2013. Arhitektid Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Pelle-Sten Viiburg (Salto Arhitektid). Sisearhitektid Ville Lausmäe, Kadi Karmann (VLS). Mööbel Ville Lausmäe, Tõnis Kalve. Konstruktor Jaanus Natka (EA Reng)

  11. Modal testing and analysis of NOVA laser structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burdick, R.B.; Weaver, H.J.; Pastrnak, J.W.


    NOVA, currently the world's most powerful laser system, is an ongoing project at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The project seeks to develop a feasible method of achieving controlled fusion reaction, initiated by multiple laser beams targeted on a tiny fuel pellet. The NOVA system consists of several large steel framed structures, the largest of which is the Target Chamber Tower. In conjunction with design engineers, the tower was first modelled and analyzed by sophisticated finite element techniques. A modal test was then conducted on the tower structure to evaluate its vibrational characteristics and seismic integrity as well as for general comparison to the finite element results. This paper will discuss the procedure used in the experimental modal analysis and the results obtained from that test

  12. A theoretical study of problems in classical nova evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shankar, A.


    Three distinct issues in classical nova evolution are addressed with the aid of one- and two-dimensional numerical hydrodynamics. The effects of convection on nova outbursts are examined within the confines of the mixing length theory. It is found that increasing the efficiency of convection enhances the violence of the thermonuclear runaway (TNR). This also relates to the question of the feasibility of obtaining nova outbursts on magnetic white dwarfs among the AM Her systems. The effects of a strong magnetic field on the TNR are explored. The field interferes with the development of convection during the TNR, which results in lower ejection velocities. However, for field strengths typical of cataclysmic variables, the violence of strong outbursts is affected only moderately. The conditions necessary for the production of strong TNR's in the hibernation model of cataclysmic binary evolution are also examined. The feasibility of obtaining strong nova outbursts is investigated when the accretion rate during hibernation is decreased. It is found that a reduction (by a factor of 100) for periods of longer than a couple thousand years, is sufficient to ensure violent outbursts, even in the presence of large pre-outburst accretion rates. The effects of a common envelope phase (CEP) on the outburst are discussed. The motion of the secondary through an expanding common envelope is resisted by frictional drag. This dissipates both energy and angular momentum from the orbit inducing hydrodynamic motion. Significant departures are found to occur in the manner in which mass is lost when the effects of drag are taken into account. Specifically, a CEP is found to accelerate and enhance mass loss. Ejection is found to be concentrated in the orbital plane, with velocities of a few thousand km/sec

  13. Impacto de eventos traumáticos em aspectos clínicos


    Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari


    A Disforia de Gênero (DG) caracteriza-se pela marcada incongruência entre gênero e sexo atribuído ao nascer. Trata-se de uma condição rara, cuja prevalência varia muito de acordo com o local estudado: na Nova Zelândia, há 27,48 por 100 000 habitantes, enquanto que, no Irã, são 0,68 por 100 000 habitantes. Sua etiologia depende da interação entre fatores biológicos e psicossociais, sendo a herdabilidade estimada de 62%. Indivíduos diagnosticados com DG integram populações sujeitas a maior viol...

  14. Message Correlation Analysis Tool for NOvA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Qiming; Biery, Kurt A; Kowalkowski, James B


    A complex running system, such as the NOvA online data acquisition, consists of a large number of distributed but closely interacting components. This paper describes a generic real-time correlation analysis and event identification engine, named Message Analyzer. Its purpose is to capture run time abnormalities and recognize system failures based on log messages from participating components. The initial design of analysis engine is driven by the data acquisition (DAQ) of the NOvA experiment. The Message Analyzer performs filtering and pattern recognition on the log messages and reacts to system failures identified by associated triggering rules. The tool helps the system maintain a healthy running state and to minimize data corruption. This paper also describes a domain specific language that allows the recognition patterns and correlation rules to be specified in a clear and flexible way. In addition, the engine provides a plugin mechanism for users to implement specialized patterns or rules in generic languages such as C++.

  15. Message Correlation Analysis Tool for NOvA

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    A complex running system, such as the NOvA online data acquisition, consists of a large number of distributed but closely interacting components. This paper describes a generic realtime correlation analysis and event identification engine, named Message Analyzer. Its purpose is to capture run time abnormalities and recognize system failures based on log messages from participating components. The initial design of analysis engine is driven by the DAQ of the NOvA experiment. The Message Analyzer performs filtering and pattern recognition on the log messages and reacts to system failures identified by associated triggering rules. The tool helps the system maintain a healthy running state and to minimize data corruption. This paper also describes a domain specific language that allows the recognition patterns and correlation rules to be specified in a clear and flexible way. In addition, the engine provides a plugin mechanism for users to implement specialized patterns or rules in generic languages such as C++.

  16. Message correlation analysis tool for NOvA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Qiming [Fermilab; Biery, Kurt A. [Fermilab; Kowalkowski, James B. [Fermilab


    A complex running system, such as the NOvA online data acquisition, consists of a large number of distributed but closely interacting components. This paper describes a generic real-time correlation analysis and event identification engine, named Message Analyzer. Its purpose is to capture run time abnormalities and recognize system failures based on log messages from participating components. The initial design of analysis engine is driven by the data acquisition (DAQ) of the NOvA experiment. The Message Analyzer performs filtering and pattern recognition on the log messages and reacts to system failures identified by associated triggering rules. The tool helps the system maintain a healthy running state and to minimize data corruption. This paper also describes a domain specific language that allows the recognition patterns and correlation rules to be specified in a clear and flexible way. In addition, the engine provides a plugin mechanism for users to implement specialized patterns or rules in generic languages such as C++.

  17. Derrame pericárdico: estudo retrospetivo de uma população de cães de Barcelona


    Andrade, Dora Maria Gomes Silva


    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária A doença do pericárdio mais frequente no cão é o derrame pericárdico que consiste numa acumulação anormal de fluído no espaço pericárdico. Em consequência do aumento da pressão intrapericárdica resulta o tamponamento cardíaco que causa insuficiência do sistema cardiocirculatório, podendo originar uma doença subclínica ou ser fatal. A sua etiologia é normalmente de origem neoplásica ou idiopática e os sinais clínicos variam de acordo...

  18. Superoutburst of a New Sub-Period-Minimum Dwarf Nova CSS130418 in Hercules

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    D. Chochol


    Full Text Available Multicolour photometry of a new dwarf nova CSS130418 in Hercules, which underwent superoutburst on April 18, 2013, allow to classified it as a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. The phase light curves for different stages of superoutburst are presented. The early superhumps were used to determine the orbital period Porb = 64.84(1 minutes, which is shorter than the period minimum ~78 minutes for normal hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables. We found the mean period of ordinary superhumps Psh = 65.559(1 minutes. The quiescent spectrum is rich in helium, showing double peaked emissionlines of H I and He I from accretion disk, so the dwarf nova is in a late stage of stellar evolution.

  19. Síndromes do núcleo rubro. A propósito de três casos com etiologia sifilítica, um dos quais associado a mioclonias velofaringolaríngeas

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    Adherbal Tolosa


    Full Text Available Registrando três casos de síndromes do núcleo rubro — dois de síndrome superior e um de síndrome inferior, tipo Claude — os autores revêem a anátomo-fisiologia dessa formação mesencefálica. Ressaltam particularmente as alterações do tono verificadas pela lesão experimental do núcleo vermelho. A destruição da porção parvicelular, superior (neorrubro determina o aparecimento de hipotonia, por liberação da atividade inibidora do tono da porção magnocelular, inferior ( paleorrubro ; a lesão desta última provoca hipertonia, devido à liberação dos núcleos tonígenos romben cefálicos. Os autores, no sentido de correlacionar os fatos experimentais e anátomo-clínicos, lembram o conceito de De Giacomo sôbre a topografia das lesões nas síndromes rúbricas: na de Benedikt, o processo patológico se situaria no paleorrubro, enquanto que, na de Claude e na superior, o neorrubro seria a porção afetada.Os autores discutem também o problema das hipercinesias, destacando o caráter intencional das mesmas; lembram a existência de conexões rubrocorticais recíprocas, diretas e indiretas, e ressaltam o fato de que o núcleo de Stilling é uma estação obrigatória do circuito ideado por Bucy para explicar a fisiopatologia do tremor intencional. Os autores assinalam a raridade das síndromes rúbricas, das quais encontraram o registro de 5 casos na literatura brasileira, sendo que 4 se referemà síndrome de Benedikt. Comentando seus casos, os autores salientam os seguintes pontos: a a etiologia luética das lesões, em um caso do tipo mesenquimal e, em dois. do tipo parenquimatoso; b a existência de acentuada hipotonia em dois casos e de normalidade do tono no outro; c a normalidade do eletrencefalograma em um caso de síndrome superior do núcleo rubro e em um caso de síndrome de Claude; d a desarmonia das reações vestibulares observada em um dos casos; e a existência de distúrbios da regulação térmica no caso 2


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    Ulpiano Várquez Moro


    Full Text Available A temática da relação entre Teologia e Antropologia (formulada em termos de relação entre dois sabores discursivos e autônomos ou duas ciências é, na teologia católica, um assunto relativamente recente. Como veremos a seguir, essa temática surgiu, ou ao menos explodiu, no início da década de sessenta... O que, a dizer verdade, é muito pouco tempo para consolidar um discurso como o discurso teológico cuja elaboração e amadurecimento são ritmados num compasso de séculos. É por isso que a sinceridade me obrigará a confessar desde o início desta aula dois receios ou duas cautelas em relação ao tema que aqui exporei, Observações preliminares, mas que, pela sua importância, fazem já parte do assunto na medida em que por ele estão determinadas.

  1. Quark-Nova Explosion inside a Collapsar: Application to Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Rachid Ouyed


    Full Text Available If a quark-nova occurs inside a collapsar, the interaction between the quark-nova ejecta (relativistic iron-rich chunks and the collapsar envelope leads to features indicative of those observed in Gamma Ray Bursts. The quark-nova ejecta collides with the stellar envelope creating an outward moving cap (Γ∼ 1–10 above the polar funnel. Prompt gamma-ray burst emission from internal shocks in relativistic jets (following accretion onto the quark star becomes visible after the cap becomes optically thin. Model features include (i precursor activity (optical, X-ray, γ-ray, (ii prompt γ-ray emission, and (iii afterglow emission. We discuss SN-less long duration GRBs, short hard GRBs (including association and nonassociation with star forming regions, dark GRBs, the energetic X-ray flares detected in Swift GRBs, and the near-simultaneous optical and γ-ray prompt emission observed in GRBs in the context of our model.

  2. V2676 Oph: Estimating Physical Parameters of a Moderately Fast Nova (United States)

    Raj, A.; Pavana, M.; Kamath, U. S.; Anupama, G. C.; Walter, F. M.


    Using our previously reported observations, we derive some physical parameters of the moderately fast nova V2676 Oph 2012 #1. The best-fit Cloudy model of the nebular spectrum obtained on 2015 May 8 shows a hot white dwarf source with TBB≍1.0×105 K having a luminosity of 1.0×1038 erg/s. Our abundance analysis shows that the ejecta are significantly enhanced relative to solar, He/H=2.14, O/H=2.37, S/H=6.62 and Ar/H=3.25. The ejecta mass is estimated to be 1.42×10-5 M⊙. The nova showed a pronounced dust formation phase after 90 d from discovery. The J-H and H-K colors were very large as compared to other molecule- and dust-forming novae in recent years. The dust temperature and mass at two epochs have been estimated from spectral energy distribution fits to infrared photometry.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woudt, P. A.; Warner, B.; Steeghs, D.; Marsh, T. R.; Karovska, M.; Roelofs, G. H. A.; Groot, P. J.; Nelemans, G.; Nagayama, T.; Smits, D. P.; O'Brien, T.


    From multi-epoch adaptive optics imaging and integral field unit spectroscopy, we report the discovery of an expanding and narrowly confined bipolar shell surrounding the helium nova V445 Puppis (Nova Puppis 2000). An equatorial dust disc obscures the nova remnant, and the outflow is characterized by a large polar outflow velocity of 6720 ± 650 km s -1 and knots moving at even larger velocities of 8450 ± 570 km s -1 . We derive an expansion parallax distance of 8.2 ± 0.5 kpc and deduce a pre-outburst luminosity of the underlying binary of log L/L sun = 4.34 ± 0.36. The derived luminosity suggests that V445 Puppis probably contains a massive white dwarf accreting at high rate from a helium star companion making it part of a population of binary stars that potentially lead to supernova Ia explosions due to accumulation of helium-rich material on the surface of a massive white dwarf.

  4. The Expanding Bipolar Shell of the Helium Nova V445 Puppis (United States)

    Woudt, P. A.; Steeghs, D.; Karovska, M.; Warner, B.; Groot, P. J.; Nelemans, G.; Roelofs, G. H. A.; Marsh, T. R.; Nagayama, T.; Smits, D. P.; O'Brien, T.


    From multi-epoch adaptive optics imaging and integral field unit spectroscopy, we report the discovery of an expanding and narrowly confined bipolar shell surrounding the helium nova V445 Puppis (Nova Puppis 2000). An equatorial dust disc obscures the nova remnant, and the outflow is characterized by a large polar outflow velocity of 6720 ± 650 km s-1 and knots moving at even larger velocities of 8450 ± 570 km s-1. We derive an expansion parallax distance of 8.2 ± 0.5 kpc and deduce a pre-outburst luminosity of the underlying binary of log L/L sun = 4.34 ± 0.36. The derived luminosity suggests that V445 Puppis probably contains a massive white dwarf accreting at high rate from a helium star companion making it part of a population of binary stars that potentially lead to supernova Ia explosions due to accumulation of helium-rich material on the surface of a massive white dwarf.

  5. Deep Convolutional Networks for Event Reconstruction and Particle Tagging on NOvA and DUNE

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely applied in computer vision to solve complex problems in image recognition and analysis. In recent years many efforts have emerged to extend the use of this technology to HEP applications, including the Convolutional Visual Network (CVN), our implementation for identification of neutrino events. In this presentation I will describe the core concepts of CNNs, the details of our particular implementation in the Caffe framework and our application to identify NOvA events. NOvA is a long baseline neutrino experiment whose main goal is the measurement of neutrino oscillations. This relies on the accurate identification and reconstruction of the neutrino flavor in the interactions we observe. In 2016 the NOvA experiment released results for the observation of oscillations in the ν μ → ν e channel, the first HEP result employing CNNs. I will also discuss our approach at event identification on NOvA as well as recent developments in the application of CNN...

  6. Infrared spectroscopy of the remnant of Nova Sco 2014: a symbiotic star with too little circumstellar matter to decelerate the ejecta (United States)

    Munari, U.; Banerjee, D. P. K.


    Pre-outburst 2MASS and WISE photometry of Nova Sco 2014 (V1534 Sco) has suggested the presence of a cool giant at the location of the nova in the sky. The spectral evolution recorded for the nova did not, however, support a direct partnership because no flash-ionized wind and no deceleration of the ejecta were observed, contrary to the behaviour displayed by other novae which erupted within symbiotic binaries like V407 Cyg or RS Oph. We have therefore obtained 0.8-2.5 μm spectra of the remnant of Nova Sco 2014 in order to ascertain if a cool giant is indeed present and if it is physically associated with the nova. The spectrum shows the presence of a M6III giant, reddened by E(B - V) = 1.20, displaying the typical and narrow emission-line spectrum of a symbiotic star, including He I 1.0830 μm with a deep P-Cyg profile. This makes Nova Sco 2014 a new member of the exclusive club of novae that erupt within a symbiotic binary. Nova Sco 2014 shows that a nova erupting within a symbiotic binary does not always come with a deceleration of the ejecta, contrary to the common belief. Many other similar systems may lay hidden in past novae, especially in those that erupted prior to the release of the 2MASS all-sky infrared survey, which could be profitably cross-matched now against them.

  7. Menopausa ou Menopausas?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Belkis Trench

    Full Text Available Na vida das mulheres existem marcos concretos e objetivos que sinalizam diferentes fases ou passagens de suas vidas, tais como a menarca, o rompimento do hímen, a última menstruação. São marcos visíveis no corpo físico e cada cultura os investe de sua rubrica. Na nossa cultura, historicamente, associam-se à menopausa inúmeras afecções (físicas e psíquicas. A partir do trabalho de Robert Wilson, publicado no livro Eternamente Feminina (1966, a menopausa adquire o estatuto de doença e a sua prevenção, tratamento e cura vinculam-se à terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH. Os diferentes discursos que circulam sobre a menopausa em nossa cultura não só contribuem para que tal associação seja mantida, como partem do pressuposto que as questões relacionadas à menopausa e envelhecimentos se apresentam igualitariamente às mulheres, independentemente de sua condição física, psíquica, social, econômica e cultural. O estudo tem como objetivo abordar alguns aspectos da construção da menopausa em nossa cultura e simultaneamente mostrar o quanto este evento deve ser percebido em seu caráter particular e relativo, e não como sendo da ordem do universal ou padronizado.

  8. Optical components for the Nova laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallerstein, E.P.; Baker, P.C.; Brown, N.J.


    In addition to its other characteristics, the Nova Laser Fusion facility may well be the largest precision optical project ever undertaken. Moreover, during the course of construction, concurrent research and development has been successfully conducted, and has resulted in significant advances in various technical areas, including manufacturing efficiency. Although assembly of the first two beams of Nova is just commencing, the optical production, including construction of the special facilities required for many of the components, has been underway for over three years, and many phases of the optical manufacturing program for the first 10 beams will be completed within the next two years. On the other hand, new requirements for second and third harmonic generation have created the need to initiate new research and development. This work has been accomplished through the enormous cooperation DOE/LLNL has received from commercial industry on this project. In many cases, industry, where much of the optical component research and development and virtually all of the manufacturing is being done, has made substantial investment of its own funds in facilities, equipment, and research and development, in addition to those supplied by DOE/LLNL

  9. The Nova-Canton Trough and the Late Cretaceous evolution of the central Pacific (United States)

    Joseph, Devorah; Taylor, Brain; Shor, Alexander N.; Yamazaki, Toshitsugu

    Free-air gravity anomalies derived from satellite altimetry data show that the major Pacific fracture zones, from the Pau to Marquesas, are co-polar about an Euler pole located at 150.5°W, 34.6°S for the period preceding chron 33 and including a large portion of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. They also show continuity of the Clipperton Fracture Zone through the Line Islands to the Nova-Canton ridge and trough; this Canton-Clipperton trend is co-polar to the same pole. Sidescan-sonar and bathymetry data in the Nova-Canton Trough region reveal N140°E-striking abyssal hill topography south of the N70°E-striking structures of the Nova-Canton Trough and crustal fabric striking normal to the trough (N160°E) to the north. We conclude that the Nova-Canton Trough is the Middle Cretaceous extension of the Clipperton Fracture Zone. We propose that the anomalous depths (7000-8400 m) of the trough between 167°30'-168°30'W are the result of a complex plate reorganization. Conjugate magnetic anomaly lineations M1-M3 in the Phoenix lineations between the Central Pacific Fracture Zone and the Phoenix Fracture Zone and the absence of lineations younger than anomaly M3 west of the Phoenix Fracture Zone suggest that spreading may have gradually ceased along the Pacific-Phoenix system from west to east. We infer that the remaining active segment of the Pacific-Phoenix spreading system after anomaly M1 time was the easternmost section of the Phoenix lineations. At ˜M0 time, the Pacific-Phoenix spreading axis stretched from lineated bathymetric depressions lying between 180°W and the Phoenix Islands to ˜168°W and included the western deep of the Nova-Canton Trough. We hypothesize that accretion terminated on the Pacific-Phoenix spreading axis shortly after M0 time and that the absence of an M0 isochron in the region between the eastern Phoenix lineations and the Nova-Canton Trough, or along the Nova-Canton Trough itself, may be due to a decrease in spreading rate prior to

  10. Three-dimensional simulations of Nova capsule implosion experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marinak, M.M.; Tipton, R.E.; Landen, O.L.


    Capsule implosion experiments carried out on the Nova laser are simulated with the three-dimensional HYDRA radiation hydrodynamics code. Simulations of ordered near single mode perturbations indicate that structures which evolve into round spikes can penetrate farthest into the hot spot. Bubble-shaped perturbations can burn through the capsule shell fastest, however, causing even more damage. Simulations of a capsule with multimode perturbations shows spike amplitudes evolving in good agreement with a saturation model during the deceleration phase. The presence of sizable low mode asymmetry, caused either by drive asymmetry or perturbations in the capsule shell, can dramatically affect the manner in which spikes approach the center of the hot spot. Three-dimensional coupling between the low mode shell perturbations intrinsic to Nova capsules and the drive asymmetry brings the simulated yields into closer agreement with the experimental values

  11. Decision 97.02 : Application for approval of the Terra Nova Canada-Newfoundland benefits plan and the Terra Nova development plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Petro-Canada applied to the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (the Board) for approval of its plan for the development of the Terra Nova oil and gas field of the Jeanne d'Arc Formation located about 35 km southeast of the Hibernia oilfield. Petro-Canada also submitted a benefits plan. The Board established the Terra Nova Project Environmental Assessment Panel to conduct a public review of the application and to ensure that the potential effects of the project upon the natural environment would be minimal. The Panel recommended approval of the application, subject to 75 recommendations. The Board considered the recommendations of the Panel and approved the Benefits Plan and the Development Plan subject to certain conditions being met. This document provides the details of the application, the bases for the Board's decision, the conditions imposed, and the 75 recommendations made by the Environmental Assessment Panel. . 6 tabs., 6 figs

  12. Caractéristiques hydro chimiques des eaux de l'oued Seybouse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elle est à dominance domestique dans la majorité des points analysés, d'origine agroalimentaire au niveau de l'Oued Seybouse (Bentabouche) traduisant ainsi une meilleure biodégradabilité et enfin d'origine industrielle au niveau de l'Oued Maiz. Les eaux de l'Oued Seybouse et ses affluents présentent une qualité ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hachisu, Izumi; Kato, Mariko


    On the basis of the recently developed universal decline law of classical novae, we propose prediction formulae for supersoft X-ray on and off times, i.e., t X-on = (10 ± 1.8)t 3 days and t X-off = (5.3 ± 1.4)(t 3 ) 1.5 days for 8 ∼ 3 ∼ 3 is the newly proposed 'intrinsic' decay time during which the brightness drops by 3 mag from optical maximum along our universal decline law fitted with observation. We have determined the absolute magnitude of our free-free emission model light curves and derived maximum magnitude versus rate of decline (MMRD) relations. Our theoretical MMRD relations are governed by two parameters, one is the white dwarf (WD) mass and the other is the initial envelope mass at a nova outburst; this second parameter explains the scatter of MMRD points of individual novae. Our theoretical MMRD relations are also in good agreement with the well-known empirical formulae. We also show another empirical relation of M V (15) ∼ -5.7 ± 0.3 based on the absolute magnitude of our model light curves, i.e., the absolute magnitude at 15 days after optical maximum is almost common among various novae. We analyzed 10 nova light curves, in which a supersoft X-ray phase was detected, and estimated their WD masses. The models best simultaneously reproducing the optical and supersoft X-ray observations are ONeMg WDs with 1.28 ± 0.04 M sun (V598 Pup), 1.23 ± 0.05 M sun (V382 Vel), 1.15 ± 0.06 M sun (V4743 Sgr), 1.13 ± 0.06 M sun (V1281 Sco), 1.2 ± 0.05 M sun (V597 Pup), 1.06 ± 0.07 M sun (V1494 Aql), 1.04 ± 0.07 M sun (V2467 Cyg), 1.07 ± 0.07 M sun (V5116 Sgr), 1.05 ± 0.05 M sun (V574 Pup), and a CO WD with 0.93 ± 0.08 M sun (V458 Vul). The newly proposed relationships are consistent with the emergence or decay epoch of the supersoft X-ray phase of these 10 novae. Finally, we discuss the mechanism of shock-origin hard X-ray component in relation to the emergence of companion star from the WD envelope.


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    Luiz Fernando Coutinho de Oliveira


    Full Text Available

    A importância de mapear as áreas suscetíveis à erosão hídrica nos municípios de Caldas Novas, Nova América e Rio Quente deve-se ao fato de que eles apresentaram os maiores índices de precipitação pluviométrica e pelo potencial que os mesmos representam para o estado de Goiás, principalmente o turístico. Na elaboração desses mapas, estabeleceram-se preliminarmente os planos de informação referentes às classes de solo, à declividade e ao uso do solo através de digitalização, empregando o software SGI/INPE, e a espacialização da intensidade de precipitação com duração de 30 minutos sobre a base cartográfica dos municípios, obtendo assim os mapas temáticos. Através do cruzamento dos mapas temáticos, foram classificadas e mapeadas as áreas suscetíveis à erosão hídrica. A metodologia empregada mostrou-se satisfatória, permitindo gerar os mapas temáticos das áreas suscetíveis à erosão hídrica nos municípios estudados que servirão de orientação para os trabalhos de campo.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Erosão; sistema de informação geográfica; conservação do solo.

    The importance of mapping the erosion susceptible areas of Caldas Novas, Nova América and Rio Quente is that these municipalities present high rainfall rates and the potential they represent for the Goiás state, mostly for tourism. As a preliminary to elaborate these maps the soil type, slope and use of classes information were planned through digitalization using the SGI/INPE software, and a spatialization of the 30 minutes rainfall intensity over the municipalities cartographic base, obtaining the thematic maps. Through thematic maps crossing, the erosion susceptible areas were classified and mapped. The methodology used was considered satisfactory and generated the thematic

  15. Gas distribution regulations (Nova Scotia)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A consolidation of Nova Scotia`s gas distribution regulations made under subsection 42(1) of the Gas Distribution Act S.N.S. 1997, c4 - O.I.C. 1998-576 (November 10, 1998), N.S. Reg. 86/98 are presented. The consolidation is issued for reference purposes only, and while it has no official sanction, it is considered useful in providing an interpretation of the regulation, explaining franchise evaluation, the granting of franchises, and exemptions from application requirements. 1 tab.

  16. Os Saberes tradicionais e o modo de vida camponês como elementos para a compreensão de uma nova forma de organização camponesa : o exemplo de Nova Padua/RS


    Tiago Oliveira Nicoloso


    O presente trabalho busca analisar a importância dos saberes tradicionais e do modo de vida camponês como elementos para a compreensão de uma nova forma de organização camponesa a partir do exemplo de Nova Pádua/RS. Para tanto, é fundamental buscar no processo de colonização italiana no Rio Grande do Sul e, conseqüentemente, na história de formação de Nova Pádua, os fatores que permitem compreender os vínculos culturais com a Itália manifestos ainda hoje de forma tão intensa. Da mesma forma, ...

  17. NuMI Flux Predictions for NOvA and MINERvA (United States)

    Aliaga Soplin, Leonidas; Nova Collaboration; Minerva Collaboration


    The determination of the neutrino flux in any conventional neutrino beam presents a challenge for the current and future short and long baseline neutrino experiments. The uncertainties associated with the production and attenuation of the hadrons in the beamline materials along with those associated with the beam optics have a big effect in the knowledge of the flux. For experiments like MINERvA and NOvA, understanding the flux is crucial since it enters directly into every neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurement. The majority of this work involves predicting the neutrino flux using dedicated hadron production measurements from hadron-nucleus collisions. The predictions at the MINERvA and NOvA near detectors are presented as well as the results of incorporating in-situ MINERvA data that can provide additional constraints. These results have been fully implemented in MINERvA and they are currently use for its cross-section analysis. The implementation for NoVA is underway. The procedure and conclusions of this work will have a big impact on future hadron production experiments and on determining the flux for the upcoming DUNE experiment.

  18. ULF fluctuations at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Meloni


    Full Text Available ULF geomagnetic field measurements in Antarctica are a very important tool for better understanding the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetosphere and its response to the variable solar wind conditions. We review the results obtained in the last few years at the Italian observatory at Terra Nova Bay

  19. Coalfields west half Cumberland County, Nova Scotia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copeland, M J


    A geologic survey of the coal fields of the western half of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia was performed including studies of the structural geology, stratigraphy, and paleontology of the area. One part of this survey included a spectrographic analysis of 55 coals for 23 elements. These analyses are presented in tabular form.

  20. The electrification of Nova Scotia, 1884--1973: Technological modernization as a response to regional disparity (United States)

    King, Lionel Bradley

    This dissertation investigates local attempts to use technology as a force for regional rehabilitation in the economically-depressed Maritime region of Canada. At the time of Confederation in 1867, the Maritime province of Nova Scotia was prosperous, progressive, and cultured. By the end of the 1910s, the province had entered a long period of economic and social decline. Recent historiography has shown that, far from passively accepting their fate, Nova Scotians and other Maritimers, actively resisted marginalization with political, cultural, or social action. The thesis expands upon that literature by exploring technology-based strategies of provincial rehabilitation using Thomas P. Hughes's systems perspective and David E. Nye's semiotic approach. In doing so, it applies methods from the social constructivist school of the history of technology to the larger concerns of Maritime Canadian historiography. In large part, the North American culture of technology determined the ways in which Nova Scotians applied technological solutions to provincial concerns. Technology has long been central to the Western idea of progress. As the "high technology" of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, electricity reinforced that view: its ephemeral nature and silent efficiency led people to endow it with transformative, even mystical, powers. As a result, Nova Scotians, adopted a program of electrical modernization in the late 1910s as a remedy for regional disparity. The Nova Scotia government's first step was the creation of an Ontario-style hydroelectric commission designed to bring order to the province's fragmented and inefficient electrical network. Over the next few decades, the Nova Scotia Power Commission implemented rural electrification, home modernization, and regional system-building models that had already proven successful in Ontario and the United States. The system-building philosophies behind these programs were adapted to local conditions and

  1. New sidescan sonar and gravity evidence that the Nova-Canton Trough is a fracture zone (United States)

    Joseph, Devorah; Taylor, Brian; Shor, Alexander N.


    A 1990 sidescan sonar survey in the eastern region of the Nova-Canton Trough mapped 138°-striking abyssal-hill fabric trending into 70°-striking trough structures. The location and angle of intersection of the abyssal hills with the eastern Nova-Canton Trough effectively disprove a spreading-center origin of this feature. Free-air gravity anomalies derived from satellite altimetry data show continuity, across the Line Islands, of the Nova-Canton Trough with the Clipperton Fracture Zone. The Canton-Clipperton trend is copolar, about a pole at 30°S, 152°W, with other coeval Pacific-Farallon fracture-zone segments, from the Pau to Marquesas fracture zones. This copolarity leads us to postulate a Pacific-Farallon spreading pattern for the magnetic quiet zone region north and east of the Manihiki Plateau, with the Nova-Canton Trough originating as a transform fault in this system.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banerjee, D. P. K.; Joshi, Vishal; Venkataraman, V.; Ashok, N. M.; Raj, A.; Marion, G. H.; Hsiao, E. Y.


    The recurrent nova V745 Scorpii underwent its third known outburst on 2014 February 6. Infrared monitoring of the eruption on an almost daily basis, starting from 1.3 days after discovery, shows the emergence of a powerful blast wave generated by the high velocity nova ejecta exceeding 4000 km s –1 plowing into its surrounding environment. The temperature of the shocked gas is raised to a high value exceeding 10 8 K immediately after outburst commencement. The energetics of the outburst clearly surpass those of similar symbiotic systems like RS Oph and V407 Cyg which have giant secondaries. The shock does not show a free-expansion stage but rather shows a decelerative Sedov-Taylor phase from the beginning. Such strong shock fronts are known to be sites for γ-ray generation. V745 Sco is the latest nova, apart from five other known novae, to show γ-ray emission. It may be an important testbed to resolve the crucial question of whether or not all novae are generically γ-ray emitters by virtue of having a circumbinary reservoir of material that is shocked by the ejecta rather than γ-ray generation being restricted to only symbiotic systems with a shocked red giant (RG) wind. The lack of a free-expansion stage favors V745 Sco to have a density enhancement around the white dwarf (WD), above that contributed by a RG wind. Our analysis also suggests that the WD in V745 Sco is very massive and a potential progenitor for a future SN Ia explosion

  3. Muon Neutrino Disappearance in NOvA with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Classifier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rocco, Dominick Rosario [Minnesota U.


    The NuMI Off-axis Neutrino Appearance Experiment (NOvA) is designed to study neutrino oscillation in the NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) beam. NOvA observes neutrino oscillation using two detectors separated by a baseline of 810 km; a 14 kt Far Detector in Ash River, MN and a functionally identical 0.3 kt Near Detector at Fermilab. The experiment aims to provide new measurements of Δm2 and θ23 and has potential to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy as well as observe CP violation in the neutrino sector. Essential to these analyses is the classification of neutrino interaction events in NOvA detectors. Raw detector output from NOvA is interpretable as a pair of images which provide orthogonal views of particle interactions. A recent advance in the field of computer vision is the advent of convolutional neural networks, which have delivered top results in the latest image recognition contests. This work presents an approach novel to particle physics analysis in which a convolutional neural network is used for classification of particle interactions. The approach has been demonstrated to improve the signal efficiency and purity of the event selection, and thus physics sensitivity. Early NOvA data has been analyzed (2.74×1020 POT, 14 kt equivalent) to provide new best- fit measurements of sin2(θ23) = 0.43 (with a statistically-degenerate compliment near 0.60) and |Δm2 | = 2.48 × 10-3 eV2.

  4. Acidente vascular cerebral de etiologia rara com indicação cirúrgica urgente: caso clínico Stroke of a rare etiology with need of urgent surgery: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Vieira Baptista


    Full Text Available Doente de 19 anos com quadro de febre com 8 dias de evolução e posterior instalação súbita de afasia, hemiparésia esquerda e alterações do comportamento. Aumento das proteínas de fase aguda no estudo analítico. TAC e RMN crânio-encefálicas revelaram lesão isquémica temporo-parietal direita. Ecocardiograma excluiu endocardite. Eco-döppler e angio-TAC carotídeo-vertebrais mostraram formação vegetante, móvel com a pulsação cardíaca, na artéria carótida comum direita. Submetido, de urgência, a cirurgia carotídea. Intraoperatoriamente constatou-se a presença de trombo ligeiramente aderente à artéria carótida comum e na dependência de lesão da íntima subjacente, tendo-se procedido à sua exérese e a arteriorrafia primária. Aponta-se como etiologia mais provável do quadro, uma vasculite secundária a infecção por HSV1 (infecção activa ou por Rickettsia conorii.19 years old patient with fever for 8 days associated with sudden aphasia, left hemiparesis and abnormal behavior. Increased acute phase proteins in the analytical study. Head CT scan and MRI revealed a right temporo-parietal ischemic lesion. An echocardiogram excluded endocarditis. Ultrasound and CT angiography scanning of the extracranial cerebral circulation showed a vegetative formation, mobile with the heartbeat, in the right common carotid artery. Submitted, urgently, to carotid surgery. Intraoperatively, a slightly adherent thrombus to the common carotid artery was found and in the dependence of an underlying injury to the intima. The thrombus was ressected and a primary arteriorrhaphy performed. It is pointed out a vasculitis secondary to HSV1 (active infection or to Rickettsia conorii infection as the most likely etiology of the clinic.

  5. Report on terrestrial biology research and logistics at Baia Terra Nova Station

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satoshi Imura


    Full Text Available From December 4,1998 to January 15,1999,the author stayed at Baia Terra Nova Station (Italy in Antarctica, as an exchange scientist. To compare the biodiversity between Syowa Station and the Baia Terra Nova Station area, many samples of mosses, lichens, algae and micro animals in the soil were collected, and the structure of moss vegetation was studied in various fields around the station. Some characteristic features of logistics at the station were also researched.

  6. Narratiwiteit en die Ou Testament

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    INLEIDING. Die literêre benadering tot die Ou-Testamentiese narratiewe word algemeen as 'n alternatiewe paradigma in die Bybelwetenskappe aanvaar. Oor die filosofiese uit- gangspunte wat hierdie nuwe paradigma ten grondslag lê, bestaan daar egter nog weinig eenstemmigheid. Heelwat probleme van filosofiese en ...

  7. Nova performance at ultra high fluence levels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunt, J.T.


    Nova is a ten beam high power Nd:glass laser used for interial confinement fusion research. It was operated in the high power high energy regime following the completion of construction in December 1984. During this period several interesting nonlinear optical phenomena were observed. These phenomena are discussed in the text. 11 refs., 5 figs

  8. Optical evolution of Nova Ophiuchi 2007 = V2615 Oph (United States)

    Munari, U.; Henden, A.; Valentini, M.; Siviero, A.; Dallaporta, S.; Ochner, P.; Tomasoni, S.


    The moderately fast Nova Oph 2007 reached maximum brightness on 2007 March 28 at V= 8.52, B-V=+1.12, V-RC=+0.76, V-IC=+1.59 and RC-IC=+0.83, after fast initial rise and a pre-maximum halt lasting a week. Decline times were tV2= 26.5, tB2= 30, tV3= 48.5 and tB3= 56.5 d. The distance to the nova is d= 3.7 ± 0.2 kpc, the height above the Galactic plane is z= 215 pc, the reddening is E(B-V) = 0.90 and the absolute magnitude at maximum is MmaxV=-7.2 and MmaxB=-7.0. The spectrum four days before maximum resembled a F6 supergiant, in an agreement with broad-band colours. It later developed into that of a standard `Fe ii'-class nova. Nine days past maximum, the expansion velocity estimated from the width of Hα emission component was ˜730 km s-1, and the displacement from it of the principal and diffuse-enhanced absorption systems was ˜650 and 1380 km s-1, respectively. Dust probably formed and disappeared during the period from 82 to 100 d past maximum, causing (at peak dust concentration) an extinction of ΔB= 1.8 mag and an extra ΔE(B-V) = 0.44 reddening.

  9. Early X- and HE γ-ray emission from the symbiotic recurrent novae V745 Sco & RS Oph. (United States)

    Delgado, L.; Hernanz, M.


    RS Oph was the first nova for which evidence of particle acceleration during its 2006 outburst was found. In recent years, several nova explosions - eight classical and two symbiotic recurrent novae - have been detected by Fermi/LAT at E>100 MeV. In most cases, this emission has been observed early after the explosion, around the optical maximum, and for a short period of time. The high-energy γ-ray emission is a consequence of π^{0} decay and/or Inverse Compton, which are related to particle (p and e^{-}) acceleration in the strong shock between the nova ejecta and the circumstellar matter. Our aim is to understand the acceleration process through the analysis of contemporaneous X-ray emission, and in particular, through the evolution of the shock wave. A deep analysis of early X-ray observations of the symbiotic recurrent novae V745 Sco (2014) by Swift/XRT, Chandra/HETG and NuStar, and RS Oph (2006) by XMM-Newton/EPIC and RGS, Swift/XRT and BAT and RXTE/PCA is presented taking into account the contemporaneous information from the IR and radio observations. This provides for the first time a global view of the early evolution of a nova remnant and its relationship with particle acceleration.

  10. Test bench for measurements of NOvA scintillator properties at JINR (United States)

    Velikanova, D. S.; Antoshkin, A. I.; Anfimov, N. V.; Samoylov, O. B.


    The NOvA experiment was built to study oscillation parameters, mass hierarchy, CP- violation phase in the lepton sector and θ23 octant, via vɛ appearance and vμ disappearance modes in both neutrino and antineutrino beams. These scientific goals require good knowledge about NOvA scintillator basic properties. The new test bench was constructed and upgraded at JINR. The main goal of this bench is to measure scintillator properties (for solid and liquid scintillators), namely α/β discrimination and Birk's coefficients for protons and other hadrons (quenching factors). This knowledge will be crucial for recovering the energy of the hadronic part of neutrino interactions with scintillator nuclei. α/β discrimination was performed on the first version of the bench for LAB-based and NOvA scintillators. It was performed again on the upgraded version of the bench with higher statistic and precision level. Preliminary result of quenching factors for protons was obtained. A technical description of both versions of the bench and current results of the measurements and analysis are presented in this work.

  11. Thermal stress in the edge cladding of Nova glass laser disks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pitts, J.H.; Kong, M.K.; Gerhard, M.A.


    We calculated thermal stresses in Nova glass laser disks having light-absorbing edge cladding glass attached to the periphery with an epoxy adhesive. Our closed-form solutions indicated that, because the epoxy adhesive is only 25 μm across, it does not significantly affect the thermal stress in the disk or cladding glass. Our numerical results showed a peak tensile stress in the cladding glass of 24 MPa when the cladding glass had a uniform absorption coefficient of 7.5 cm -1 . This peak value is reduced to 19 MPa if surface parasitic oscillation heating is eliminated by tilting the disk edges. The peak tensile stresses exceed the typical 7 to 14-MPa working stress for glass; however, we have not observed any disk or cladding glass failures at peak Nova fluences of 20 J/cm 2 . We have observed delamination of the epoxy adhesive bond at fluences several times that which would occur on Nova. Replacement laser disks will incorporate cladding with a reduced absorption coefficient of 4.5 cm -1 . Recent experiments show that this reduced absorption coefficient is satisfactory

  12. A etiologia do sintoma psicossomático: sua relação com a reincidência traumática e o retraimento autista Etiology of psychosomatic symptoms: its relationship with traumatic recurrence and autistic withdrawal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastião Abrão Salim


    Full Text Available A etiologia do sintoma psicossomático continua indefinida, apesar de inúmeros estudos de ciências afins. Apresento a hipótese de que este só se desenvolve em paciente portador de personalidade autista como predisposição, isto é, que tenha barreiras autistas - apego às "formas autistas" e aos "objetos autistas" - em resposta a um trauma no período fetal ou do nascimento, que promova sensação de descontinuidade física. Essas formas e objetos são elementos do próprio corpo, como a saliva, a língua, os dedos e as mãos em contato com suas próprias superfícies sensórias, mais a pele. A soma do registro dessas sensações pela memória implícita incipiente ou em desenvolvimento funciona como um ego biológico sem sujeito cognitivamente interpretante. O paciente portador de personalidade autista, diante de um novo trauma com a mesma sensação de morte, retira-se para o estado de homeostase autista, como se já soubesse o caminho, e aí fica hospedado. Dessa forma, seu corpo se converte em uma "mãe suficientemente boa", conforme conceituada por Winnicott. O sintoma psicossomático é uma representação das defesas biológicas e não um representante de conflitos que têm como base elementos sexuais ou destrutivos reprimidos. Inclui a angústia de morte, de deixar de existir. Os fenômenos psicossomáticos escondem, paradoxalmente, uma luta pela vida e, especialmente, pela sobrevivência psíquica do paciente, segundo MacDougall.Etiology of psychosomatic symptoms remains unclear, in spite of many studies by similar sciences. I present the hypothesis that the patient needs to have an autistic personality as predisposition, i.e., he needs to have autistic barriers - attachment to "autistic forms" and to "autistic objects" - in response to a fetal or postpartum trauma that produces a feeling of physical discontinuity. These forms and objects are elements of the body itself, such as saliva, fingers, tongue, and hands in contact with

  13. Experience with a high order programming language on the development of the Nova distributed control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suski, G.J.; Holloway, F.W.; Duffy, J.M.


    This paper explores the impact of an HOL on the development of the distributed computer control system for Nova laser fusion facility. As the world's most powerful glass laser, Nova will generate 150 trillion watt pulses of infrared light focused onto fusion targets a few millimeters in diameter. It will perform experiments designed to explore the feasibility of fusion as an energy source of the future. Nova will utilize fifty microcomputers and four VAX-11/780's in a distributed process control computer system architecture

  14. Normatividade, tecnicidade e/ou cientificidade da Biblioteconomia


    Carvalho Silva, Jonathas Luiz


    Este trabalho apresenta como problema uma questão que pode ser discutida a partir da seguinte pergunta: como ocorre o processo de construção da normatividade, da tecnicidade e/ou da cientificidade da Biblioteconomia? Discute também a construção de uma normatividade, tecnicidade e/ou cientificidade da Biblioteconomia, contemplando perspectivas em relação à organização e ao tratamento da informação, fontes, recursos e serviços de informação, práticas profissionais e estudos centrados nos usuári...

  15. MASTER-ICATE constraints on the outburst time of OGLE-2012-NOVA-002 (United States)

    Levato, H.; Saffe, C.; Mallamaci, C.; Lopez, C.; Denisenko, F. Podest D.; Gorbovskoy, E.; Lipunov, V.; Balanutsa, P.; Tiurina, N.; Kornilov, V.; Belinski, A.; Shatskiy, N.; Chazov, V.; Kuznetsov, A.; Zimnukhov, D.; Krushinsky, V.; Zalozhnih, I.; Popov, A.; Bourdanov, A.; Punanova, A.; Ivanov, K.; Yazev, S.; Budnev, N.; Konstantinov, E.; Chuvalaev, O.; Poleshchuk, V.; Gress, O.; Parkhomenko, A.; Tlatov, A.; Dormidontov, D.; Senik, V.; Yurkov, V.; Sergienko, Y.; Varda, D.; Sinyakov, E.; Shumkov, V.; Shurpakov, S.; Podvorotny, P.


    MASTER-ICATE very wide field camera (72-mm f/1.2 lens + 11 Mpx CCD) located at Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar (OAFA) near San Juan, Argentina, has observed the position of possible Nova OGLE-2012-NOVA-002 reported by L. Wyrzykowski et al. (ATel #4483) several times before 2012 May 20 and then again after 2012 July 03. MASTER-WFC is continuously imaging the areas of sky (24x16 sq. deg. field of view) with 5-sec unfiltered exposures.

  16. op weg na 'n komprehensiewe geskiedenis van Ou-Israel

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    wee religieuse redes. Hierdie groep mense (gewoonlik gelowige Chris- tene en Jdde) glo dat die volk Israel deur God uitverkies is en dat God dus in 'n besondere sin in Ou-Israel se geskiedenis gewerk het en hom daarin geopenbaar het. Deur Ou-Israel se geskiedenis te bestudeer kom mens meer van God se openbaring ...

  17. O Transito e o Turismo na Cidade de caldas Novas - GO / TRAFFIC AND TOURISM IN THE CALDAS NOVAS CITY - BRAZIL

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    Norma Urban Gomes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo, mostrar a relação intrínseca entre o trânsito e o turismo na cidade de Caldas Novas – GO. Deste modo, para estudarmos o trânsito e seus elementos, bem como todos os fatores positivos e negativos do mesmo na cidade teremos necessariamente que falar a respeito do turismo, pois é partir dessa premissa que se molda a questão da Geografia dos Transportes em Caldas Novas,cidade esta que se destaca pelo apelo turístico de suas águas termais. A Geografia se preocupa com o inter-relacionamento ambiental e humano em um contexto espacial, e Geografia dos Transportes é o estudo dos sistemas de transportes e seus impactos espaciais. Os meios de transporte são essenciais em uma cidade turística, pois o fluxo de pessoas, bens e serviços dependem substancialmente da condição de circulação. Esse trabalho justifica-se pela necessidade de compreender e avaliar a situação do trânsito na cidade de Caldas Novas nos períodos de alta temporada, quando a cidade sofre intensa movimentação turística,causando um grande acumulo de veículos e pessoas nas vias de circulação. Isso dificulta além obviamente da circulação das pessoas como a circulação de bens e serviços essenciais para que a atividade turística se desenvolva satisfatoriamente. O estudo dos transportes é, sobretudo, multidisciplinar por natureza, e algumas vezes também interdisciplinar.

  18. UBV photometry of dwarf novae in the brightness minimum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voloshina, I.B.; Lyutyj, V.M.


    Photoelectric one-night observations of the dwarf novae SS Cyg at minimum light evidence for the existence of eclipses in this system at the moments of conjuctions. The orbital inclination of the system is estimated to be i approximately 70 deg C. The components of this system are low-massive (white and red dwarf stars) and low-luminous objects. As the optical luminosity of the dwarf novae at the minimum light is dependent on the accretion disk and hot spot at its periphery, where the substance jet run out from a nondegenerated component falls, eclipses should be associated with the disk and hot spot. The white dwarf star contributes greatly to the luminosity at the minimum light, but its eclipses are possible only at i approximately 90 deg

  19. Psicologia Positiva: uma nova abordagem para antigas questões

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    Simone dos Santos Paludo


    Full Text Available Historicamente, a Psicologia preocupou-se em investigar patologias, negligenciado os aspectos saudáveis dos seres humanos. Mas, a partir de 1998, assumindo a presidência da American Psychological Association, Seligman iniciou movimento denominado Psicologia Positiva, que visa oferecer nova abordagem às potencialidades e virtudes humanas, estudando as condições e processos que contribuem para a prosperidade dos indivíduos e comunidades. Este artigo apresenta e discute essa nova proposta científica, que promete melhorar a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos e prevenir patologias; também as lacunas existentes nas investigações em Ciências Humanas, as contribuições teóricas e empíricas e as possíveis aplicações desse conhecimento.

  20. Safety and Effectiveness of NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation After Placement of Essure® Micro-Inserts. (United States)

    Basinski, Cindy M; Price, Pamela; Burkhart, Jamie; Johnson, Jamie


    Objective: In-office NovaSure ® after Essure ® is a clinical paradigm for which physicians are seeking information. A PubMed search (July 2011) revealed no peer-reviewed articles describing this treatment sequence. To address the paucity of data on this topic, patients who had undergone Essure followed by NovaSure in a private practice office between July 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 were evaluated. The objective was to evaluate safety and feasibility of in-office NovaSure after Essure, and to determine if the effectiveness of either procedure was altered by this treatment sequence. Design: This was a retrospective cohort study of 117 women (ages 24-52). Methods: Patients underwent Essure followed by NovaSure in two in-office sessions, separated by a median of 14 days. All patients had menorrhagia and desired permanent sterilization. A postprocedure patient questionnaire was administered to assess satisfaction and perceived effectiveness. Results: Among patients who underwent Essure followed by NovaSure, 83/117 (71%) returned for a 3-month hysterosalpingogram (HSG). Satisfactory placement and tubal occlusion were noted in 79/83 (95%) of these patients. Amenorrhea or spotting was observed in 72/97 (74%) of patients, 22/97 (23%) reported a satisfactory decrease in menstrual flow, and 3/97 (3%) reported ablation failure. Essure followed by NovaSure did not decrease the effectiveness of either procedure, and no adverse events were attributed to the combination of the two procedures. Patients reported high levels of satisfaction with both procedures. Conclusions: In women seeking permanent birth control and menorrhagia reduction, in-office Essure followed by NovaSure appeared to be safe, effective, and associated with high patient satisfaction. (J GYNECOL SURG 28:1).

  1. Experience with a high order programming language on the development of the Nova distributed control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suski, G.J.; Holloway, F.W.; Duffy, J.M.


    This paper explores the impact of an HOL on the development of the distributed computer control system for Nova laser fusion facility. As the world's most powerful glass laser, Nova will generate 150 trillion watt pulses of infrared light focused onto fusion targets a few millimeters in diameter. It will perform experiments designed to explore the feasibility of fusion as an energy source of the future. Nova will utilize fifty microcomputers and four VAX-11/780's in a distributed process control computer system architecture.

  2. Impacto na qualidade de vida de um programa educacional para prevenção de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (LERDORT)


    Antonio Cardoso dos Santos


    Introdução: Os Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho (LERDORT) são um grande problema em saúde pública e frequentemente são causas de incapacidade temporária ou permanente. LERDORT constitui uma síndrome que se manifesta por patologias diversas: sinovites, tenossinovites, neurites, síndrome miofascial, epicondilites, tendinites, bursites, que acometem principalmente os membros superiores, coluna, mas também os membros inferiores. São de etiologia multifatorial: ergonômicas, orga...

  3. Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M81 (United States)

    Hornoch, K.; Alfaro, M. Diaz; Ordonez-Etxeberria, I.; Vaduvescu, O.


    We report the discovery of an apparent nova in M81 on a co-added 1600-s narrow-band H-alpha CCD image taken with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) + WFC at La Palma under ~2.4" seeing on 2015 Jan. 15.126 UT.

  4. Nova target chamber decontamination study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An engineering study was performed to determine the most effective method for decontamination of the Nova target chamber. Manual and remote decontamination methods currently being used were surveyed. In addition, a concept that may not require in-situ decontamination was investigated. Based on the presently available information concerning material and system compatibility and particle penetration, it is recommended that a system of removable aluminum shields be considered. It is also recommended that a series of tests be performed to more precisely determine the vacuum compatibility and penetrability of other materials discussed in this report

  5. Novas espécies de Diplusodon Pohl (Lythraceae do Planalto Central e Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil New species of Diplusodon Pohl (Lythraceae from Central Brazil and Minas Gerais State

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    Taciana Barbosa Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available (Novas espécies de Diplusodon Pohl (Lythraceae do Planalto Central e Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Quatro novas espécies são descritas e ilustradas para o gênero Diplusodon, que se somam ao alto número de espécies registradas para este gênero no Cerrado brasileiro, mais especificamente para as montanhas que formam a Serra Geral do Paraná, ou Serra Geral de Goiás, reafirmando a região como centro de diversidade genética do gênero. As seguintes espécies são descritas: Diplusodon capitalensis, do Distrito Federal e Goiás, D. chapadensis e D. grahamae, de Goiás, e D. rupestris, de Minas Gerais.(New species of Diplusodon Pohl (Lythraceae from Central Brazil and Minas Gerais State. Four new species are described and illustrated for the genus Diplusodon. These are added to the already high number of species registered for the Brazilian Cerrado, more precisely in the chain of mountains that form the Serra Geral do Parana or Serra Geral de Goiás, confirming this region as the primary center of genetic diversity of the genus. The following species are described: Diplusodon capitalensis, from the Distrito Federal and Goiás, D. chapadensis and D. grahamae from Goiás, and D. rupestris, from Minas Gerais.

  6. Determining Data Quality for the NOvA Experiment (United States)

    Murphy, Ryan; NOvA Collaboration Collaboration


    NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with two liquid scintillator filled tracking calorimeter detectors separated by 809 km. The detectors are located 14.6 milliradians off-axis of Fermilab's NuMI beam. The NOvA experiment is designed to measure the rate of electron-neutrino appearance out of the almost-pure muon-neutrino NuMI beam, with the data measured at the Near Detector being used to accurately determine the expected rate of the Far Detector. It is therefore very important to have automated and accurate monitoring of the data recorded by the detectors so any hardware, DAQ or beam issues arising in the 0.3 million (20k) channels of the far (near) detector which could effect this extrapolation technique are identified and the affected data removed from the physics analysis data set. This poster will cover the techniques and efficiency of selecting good data, describing the selections placed on different data and hardware levels.

  7. Processos globais e mercado de trabalho: novas dinâmicas no setor automotivo no Brasil - anos 2000

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    Garcia, Sandro Ruduit


    Full Text Available O artigo tenta identificar novas dinâmicas no mercado de trabalho, face aos processos globais, a partir do que vem ocorrendo no setor automotivo brasileiro nos anos 2000, focando particularmente o caso do pólo de Gravataí (RS. O argumento central da análise é de que a constituição de processos globais promove novas dinâmicas em mercados de trabalho regionais. A abertura de mercados de produtos, as composições entre capitais nacionais e estrangeiros e os investimentos em novas plantas industriais expressam processos globais que poderiam criar novas atividades e funções produtivas, empresas e empregos, assim como estimular capacidades e conhecimentos. Por outro lado, a competitividade, instabilidade e interdependência do sistema global reforçariam a seletividade social nos mercados de trabalho regionais, constituindo novos riscos e ansiedades para segmentos econômicos e sociais vulneráveis. Isso tenderia a mobilizar instituições no esforço de tentar reparar distorções face à nova complexidade do mercado de trabalho

  8. Swift observations of Nova Scuti 2017 (United States)

    Kuin, N. P. M.; Page, K. L.; Williams, S. C.; Darnley, M. J.; Nelson, T. J.; Osborne, J.


    Nova Sct 2017 (ASASSN-17hx/ASASSN-17ib) went into eruption on 2017-06-19.41 (hereafter taken as Day 0), as reported on the ASAS SN transient page (see also ATEL #10523,#10524) Spectroscopic confirmation (ATEL #10527,#10542) observed emission in H and He I, and in N II as well as Fe II. The ASASSN light curve data show a peak of V = 8.75 on 2017, July 30, day 40.867.

  9. As TIC, geradoras da nova cultura informática: uso da “Aula Virtual”, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

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    Guisselle Alvarado Martinez


    Full Text Available Os profissionais universitários encarregados dos processos educativos estão conscientes que o uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação tem um impacto significativo no desenvolvimento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes, uma vez que colaboram no fortalecimento de suas competências para a vida e para o trabalho que pretendem realizar nas instituições nas quais se dedicarem ou nos empreendimentos que consigam desenvolver, porque inserir-se na sociedade do conhecimento deve ser uma constante independentemente do nível educativo, área ou disciplina de formação. Os aprendizes devem ser capacitados considerando os aspectos metodológicos e práticos das TIC como ferramenta informática dentro das estruturas curriculares, contempladas como uma nova cultura, razão pela qual é necessário compreender seus principais aspectos: seu conhecimento e seu uso, para conseguir entender como se gera, como se armazena, como se transforma, como se transmite e como se acessa a informação. Para alcançar esta tarefa nos cenários universitários de hoje em dia, os acadêmicos e estudantes da Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica contam com o uso de uma das ferramentas mais inovadoras que tem dado a esta experiência prática um valioso aporte aos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, tal é o caso da plataforma informática “Aula Virtual”, que tem como objetivo propiciar espaços interativos de comunicação tecnológica para o adequado aproveitamento do tempo, espaço e apoio à abordagem da temática proposta na grade curricular dos cursos que, em suas distintas carreiras, são oferecidos nesta casa de ensino.

  10. Leptohyphidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera do estado do Amazonas, Brasil: novos registros, nova combinação, nova espécie e chave de identificação para estágios ninfais

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    Enide Luciana Lima Belmont


    Full Text Available Leptohyphidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil: novos registros, nova combinação, nova espécie e chave de identificação para estágios ninfais. Os seguintes gêneros de Leptohyphidae ocorrem no estado do Amazonas: Amanahyphes Salles & Molineri, Leptohyphes Eaton, Tricorythodes Ulmer e Tricorythopsis Traver. A distribuição das espécies de Leptohyphidae no Estado do Amazonas é apresentada. Uma espécie nova, Tricorythodes yapekuna sp. nov., é descrita e pode ser diferenciada de outros Tricorythodes pelas (1 garras tarsais com um par de dentículos submarginais e sem dentículos marginais; (2 palpo maxilar biarticulado; (3 brânquia opercular uniformemente preta com exceção da margem apical; (4 fórmula branquial 2/3/3/3/2; e (5 margem lateral do abdome expandida nos segmentos III_VI. Uma combinação nova, Tricorythopsis rondoniensis (Dias, Cruz & Ferreira, 2009 comb. nov., é proposta e constitui o primeiro registro dessa espécie para o Estado do Amazonas. Uma chave dicotômica ilustrada para identificar ninfas de gêneros e espécies ocorrentes no Amazonas também é apresentada.

  11. Cijepani litički materijal s prapovijesnog nalazišta Slavča, Nova Gradiška


    Šošić, Rajna; Karavanić, Ivor


    SUMMARY TECHNOLOGICAL AND TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE CHIPPED STONE ARTIFACTS FROM THE PREHISTORIC SITE OF SLAV^A, NOVA GRADI[KA The site of Slav~a is situated on the south flanks of Psunj Mountain, in the town of Nova Gradi{ ka, Western Slavonia. The site has been continuosly excavated since 1997 by the City Museum of Nova Gradi{ka. A total number of 1655 chipped stone artifacts have been analyised, classified to the Sopot, Kostolac and Lasinja cultures, in effect a peri...

  12. Nova pulse power system description and status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holloway, R.W.; Whitham, K.; Merritt, B.T.; Gritton, D.G.; Oicles, J.A.


    The Nova laser system is designed to produce critical data in the nation's inertial confinement fusion effort. It is the world's largest peak power laser and presents various unique pulse power problems. In this paper, pulse power systems for this laser are described, the evolutionary points from prior systems are pointed out, and the current status of the hardware is given


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shara, Michael M.; Zurek, David; Prialnik, Dina; Yaron, Ofer; Kovetz, Attay


    M31-RV was an extraordinarily luminous (∼10 6 L sun ) eruptive variable, displaying very cool temperatures (roughly 1000 K) as it faded. While this object's peak luminosity matched or exceeded those of the brightest known classical novae, its red colors and cool spectra were very different from those of classical novae. The photometric behavior of M31-RV (and several other very red novae, i.e., luminous eruptive red variables) has led to several models of this apparently new class of astrophysical object. We list these models, which predict very red eruptions and very red remnants decades after the eruptions. One of the most detailed models is that of 'mergebursts'. Mergebursts are (hypothetical) mergers of close binary stars, predicted to rival or exceed the brightest classical novae in luminosity, but to be much cooler and redder than classical novae, and to become slowly hotter and bluer as they age. This prediction suggests two stringent and definitive tests of the mergeburst hypothesis. First, there should always be a cool red remnant, and NOT a hot blue remnant at the site of such an outburst. Second, the inflated envelope of a mergeburst event should be slowly contracting; hence, it must display a slowly rising effective temperature. We have searched the location of M31-RV in multiple observatory archives. Our search revealed a luminous, UV-bright object within 0.''4 (1.5σ of the astrometric position) of M31-RV in archival WFPC2 images taken 10 years after the outburst. Recent Hubble imagery, 20 years after the outburst, determines that this object is still hot and fading; it remains much too hot to be a mergeburst. Furthermore, the effective temperature of this object is declining, contrary to the prediction for mergebursts. If we have correctly identified M31-RV's remnant, it cannot be a mergeburst-but its behavior is consistent with theoretical nova models which erupt on a low-mass white dwarf. Future Hubble UV and visible images could determine if the

  14. Early Photometric and Spectral Evolution of Nova Cygni 2014 (V2659 Cyg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burlak M. A.


    Full Text Available We present optical spectroscopic and UBV (RIC photometric observations of Nova Cygni 2014 (V2659 Cyg from its rebrightening to the nebular stage. After the first maximum, the nova underwent several irregular flare-like rebrightenings, with amplitudes up to two magnitudes, accompanied with spectral changes. During the bright state, forbidden lines became weaker; the absorption components of Balmer, He I, Fe II, N I, N II, O I lines strengthened, indicating an increase in the density and mass-loss rate in the form of a wind.

  15. Le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans la construction des stratégies identitaires des jeunes des quartiers populaires d´Istanbul = O papel das novas tecnologias na construção de estratégias identitárias de jovens de jovens de bairros populares de Istambul

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    Ergur, Ali


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa alguns aspectos da articulação de jovens em bairros populares de Istambul com o uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, como resultado de um projeto de pesquisa sobre três tipos diferentes de áreas urbanas periféricas. Nem um toque mágico, nem uma privação total baseada em classe, a experiência tecnológica de jovens possui uma dualidade fundamental, que alcança uma divisão gigantesca entre aqueles que podem acessar individualmente as novas tecnologias e aqueles que não podem. Este é, de fato, uma das principais especificidades do processo de globalização, que provoca nos indivíduos um efeito centrífugo apontando tanto para direções positivas quanto negativas. Este fenômeno foi observado no caso dos jovens que usam mais ou menos tecnologia para superar seus próprios contextos sociais limitados e em parte opressores, quando eles vão do local diretamente ao global, exclusivamente devido ao uso intenso da Internet. Desta maneira, uma nova experiência urbana está surgindo por meio de um isolamento espacial compensado tecnologicamente, através do que chamamos de conexões de saltos transversais, embora alguns outros permanecem excluídos deste processo global

  16. VLBI detection of the internal shocks in nova V959 Mon (United States)

    Yang, J.; Paragi, Z.; O'Brien, T.; Chomiuk, L.; Linford, J. D.

    V959 Mon is a classical nova detected at GeV gamma-ray wavelengths on 2012 June 19. While classical novae are now routinely detected in gamma-rays, the origin of the shocks that produce relativistic particles has remained unknown. We carried out electronic European VLBI Network (e-EVN) observations that revealed a pair of compact synchrotron emission features in V959 Mon on 2012 Sep 18. Since synchrotron emission requires strong shocks as well, we identify these features as the location where the gamma rays were produced. We also detected the extended ejecta in the follow-up EVN observations. They expanded much faster in East-West direction than the compact knots detected in the aforementioned e-EVN measurements. By comparing the VLBI results with lower resolution images obtained using e-MERLIN and the VLA - as reported by Chomiuk et al. (2014) - it appears that 1) influenced by the binary orbit, the nova ejecta was highly asymmetric with a dense and slow outflow in the equatorial plane and low-density and faster ejecta along the poles; and 2) the VLBI knots were related to shocks formed in the interaction region of these outflows.

  17. Genética em transtornos alimentares: ampliando os horizontes de pesquisa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pinheiro Andréa Poyastro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura atual concernente à pesquisa genética em transtornos do comportamento alimentar e discutir questões relevantes ao desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa genética nessa área no Brasil. MÉTODO: A revisão realizada utilizou a base de dados Medline, no período de 1984 a maio de 2005, com os seguintes termos de busca: "anorexia nervosa", "bulimia nervosa", "eating disorders", "binge eating disorder", "family studies", "twin studies", "molecular genetics studies". RESULTADOS: Os dados atuais apontam para uma contribuição relevante dos fatores genéticos na suscetibilidade à anorexia e à bulimia nervosa. A pesquisa genética com populações miscigenadas deve levar em consideração o tamanho da amostra, a densidade de genotipagem e a estratificação populacional. Através de "admixture mapping" é possível estimar a estrutura genética destas populações e localizar genes relacionados à variação étnica de doenças ou traços de interesse. CONCLUSÕES: O desenvolvimento de uma grande iniciativa de colaboração em genética de transtornos alimentares no Brasil e na América Latina viabilizará estudar os fatores genéticos em transtornos do comportamento alimentar no contexto de grupos inter-étnicos, e integrar uma nova perspectiva biológica à etiologia destes distúrbios.

  18. Evaluation of petroleum products pricing regulation in Nova Scotia : a 2 year review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Gasoline price regulation was introduced in Nova Scotia on July 1st, 2006. This report presented the findings and recommendations of a review of the first two years of the gasoline price regulation in Nova Scotia. The regulations had three main objectives. This review examined whether, and to what extent, they were achieved. The objectives were to stabilize price, maintain industry infrastructure, and minimize cost to consumers. The report described the rationale for the regulation, study objectives, and approach taken to gasoline regulation in Nova Scotia, including the objectives and technical aspects of how regulation works. The gasoline market in Nova Scotia was examined, including the market structure and competitive behaviour in an unregulated market. The report also provided some theoretical perspectives on how regulation was likely to affect industry structure and competitive behaviour. The extent to which the regulation was meeting its objectives was then assessed and perspectives on the regulation from consumers, retailers and wholesalers were offered. Last, the report provided a review of the findings in terms of the key elements of regulatory design and set out recommendations for improving the system. It was recommended that in order to improve certainty, particularly given the regulated price differences amongst grades, the regulations should be amended to include grade specifications referencing octane ratings. tabs., figs

  19. Novas tecnologias e novas técnicas no cuidado dos estomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Umbelina Ribeiro Cesaretti


    Full Text Available A atuação competente do enfermeiro, estomaterapeuta ou não, na seleção dos dispositivos utilizados pela pessoa ostomizada, só se torna possível com o respaldo dos avanços tecnológicos alcançados pelos sistemas coletores específicos ao cuidado dos estomas e que estão disponíveis em nosso mercado. Com o avanço tecnológico alcançado e associado à evolução proporcional da técnica, consegue-se imprimir maior qualidade no cuidado dos estomas, o que, em conseqüência, refletirá na qualidade de vida da pessoa ostomizada. Considerando a técnica no cuidado dos estomas, destacamos que o enfermeiro, estomaterapeuta ou não, deve estar familiarizado com os sistemas coletores existentes no mercado para que possa selecioná-los, adequadamente, à pessoa ostomizada.Os avanços tecnológicos bem como a evolução da técnica no cuidado dos estomas respondem pela harmonia na tríade ostomia/pele periestomal/sistema coletor usado,facilitando o autocuidado, melhorando a qualidade de vida e embasando não só a reabilitação física, mas também a psicológica e social da pessoa ostomizada.

  20. The multivariate supOU stochastic volatility model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole; Stelzer, Robert

    Using positive semidefinite supOU (superposition of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type) processes to describe the volatility, we introduce a multivariate stochastic volatility model for financial data which is capable of modelling long range dependence effects. The finiteness of moments and the second order...... structure of the volatility, the log returns, as well as their "squares" are discussed in detail. Moreover, we give several examples in which long memory effects occur and study how the model as well as the simple Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic volatility model behave under linear transformations....... In particular, the models are shown to be preserved under invertible linear transformations. Finally, we discuss how (sup)OU stochastic volatility models can be combined with a factor modelling approach....

  1. Experimental studies of interaction mechanisms and phase transport processes in two-phase flow (NOVA program); Experimentelle Untersuchung von Wechselwirkungsmechanismen und Phasentransportprozessen in Zweiphasenstroemungen (NOVA-Vorhaben)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sauter, H.; Meyder, R.; Philipp, P.; Samstag, M.


    The NOVA program was continued with turbulent, vertical, upward two-phase flow experiments. The development of a local gas distribution along the test section was visualized by X-ray tomography. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lydia Maria Pinto Brito


    Full Text Available Com a reestruturação do capital e a emergência de novos modelos de gestão do trabalho, a educação corporativa passou a ser uma das pautas mais importantes das organizações. O presente ensaio teórico tem como objetivo apresentar alguns elementos para reflexão sobre os programas de educação corporativa individualizada, ou seja, os programas de: “coaching” e “mentoring”, que aliados aos times de aprendizagem e as universidades corporativas vem suprir a necessidade do capital de promover um aprendizado permanente direcionado pelas necessidades específicas de cada empresa. Tem como referencial de análise Mészáros (2005. Verifica-se que a literatura produzida pela Administração sobre o assunto em  questão contém um discurso alinhado com o argumento da necessidade de desenvolvimento de lideranças educadoras na atualidade. Indica a apropriação pela empresa, através da mão-de-obra mais nova e consequentemente mais barata, do saber do trabalhador mais antigo e experiente, detentor do saber tácito da organização, que fica vulnerável ao processo de exclusão.

  3. Cronótopos de uma nação distópica: o nascimento da "dependência" no México porfiriano tardio


    Lomnitz, Claudio


    Este artigo desenvolve uma nova abordagem sobre a antropologia e a história de fronteiras nacionais. Ele propõe uma tipologia e uma caracterização fenomenológica de duas formas de se atravessar a fronteira que surgiram paralelamente a uma nova relação de dependência econômica e política entre o México e os Estados Unidos da América no final do século XIX. Tais novas modalidades de se atravessar a fronteira envolvem o desenvolvimento de novos "cronótopos", ou seja, novas e concorrentes matrize...

  4. Centralized computer-based controls of the Nova Laser Facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krammen, J.


    This article introduces the overall architecture of the computer-based Nova Laser Control System and describes its basic components. Use of standard hardware and software components ensures that the system, while specialized and distributed throughout the facility, is adaptable. 9 references, 6 figures

  5. Etiology of eating disorders: biological, psychological and sociocultural determinants


    Morgan, Christina Marcondes [UNIFESP; Vecchiatti, Ilka Ramalho [UNIFESP; Negrão, André Brooking [UNIFESP


    Os transtornos alimentares possuem uma etiologia multifatorial, composta de predisposições genéticas, socioculturais e vulnerabilidades biológicas e psicológicas. Entre os fatores predisponentes, destacam-se a história de transtorno alimentar e (ou) transtorno do humor na família, os padrões de interação presentes no ambiente familiar, o contexto sociocultural, caracterizado pela extrema valorização do corpo magro, disfunções no metabolismo das monoaminas centrais e traços de personalidade. A...

  6. A wave model for dwarf novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sparks, W.M.; Kutter, G.S.


    The rapid coherent oscillation during a dwarf nova outburst is attributed to an accretion-driven wave going around the white dwarf component of the binary system. The increase and decrease in the period of this oscillation is due to the change in the velocity of the wave as it is first being driven and then damped. Qualitatively, a large number of observations can be explained with such a model. The beginnings of a mathematical representation of this model are developed. (orig.)

  7. Review of the classical nova outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.; Sparks, W.M.


    Observational studies have not only identified a new class of novae but theoretical simulations of this class have been found to be in excellent agreement with the observations. This new class consists of outbursts occurring on ONeMg white dwarfs in close binar systems in contrast to the other outbursts which are occurring on CO white dwarfs. We also review the effects of the β + -unstable nuclei and show how their presence has a major effect on the evolution. 77 refs


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tajitsu, Akito [Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 650 North A’ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720 (United States); Sadakane, Kozo [Astronomical Institute, Osaka Kyoiku University, Asahigaoka, Kashiwara, Osaka 582-8582 (Japan); Naito, Hiroyuki [Nayoro Observatory, 157-1 Nisshin, Nayoro, Hokkaido 096-0066 (Japan); Arai, Akira; Kawakita, Hideyo [Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Aoki, Wako, E-mail: [National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 (Japan)


    We report spectroscopic observations of the resonance lines of singly ionized {sup 7}Be in the blueshifted absorption line systems found in the post-outburst spectra of two classical novae—V5668 Sgr (Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 2) and V2944 Oph (Nova Ophiuchi 2015). The unstable isotope {sup 7}Be should have been created during the thermonuclear runaway (TNR) of these novae and decayed to form {sup 7}Li within a short period (a half-life of 53.22 days). These confirmations of {sup 7}Be are the second and the third ones following the first case found in V339 Del by Tajitsu et al. The blueshifted absorption line systems in both novae are clearly divided into two velocity components, both of which contain {sup 7}Be. This means that the absorbing gases in both velocity components consist of products of TNR. We estimated the amounts of {sup 7}Be produced during the outbursts of both novae and concluded that significant {sup 7}Li should have been created. These findings strongly suggest that the explosive production of {sup 7}Li via the reaction {sup 3}He(α,γ){sup 7}Be and its  subsequent decay to {sup 7}Li occurs frequently among classical novae and contributes to the process of Galactic Li enrichment.

  9. NOvA Event Building, Buffering and Data-Driven Triggering From Within the DAQ System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischler, M; Rechenmacher, R; Green, C; Kowalkowski, J; Norman, A; Paterno, M


    The NOvA experiment is a long baseline neutrino experiment design to make precision probes of the structure of neutrino mixing. The experiment features a unique deadtimeless data acquisition system that is capable acquiring and building an event data stream from the continuous readout of the more than 360,000 far detector channels. In order to achieve its physics goals the experiment must be able to buffer, correlate and extract the data in this stream with the beam-spills that occur that Fermilab. In addition the NOvA experiment seeks to enhance its data collection efficiencies for rare class of event topologies that are valuable for calibration through the use of data driven triggering. The NOvA-DDT is a prototype Data-Driven Triggering system. NOvA-DDT has been developed using the Fermilab artdaq generic DAQ/Event-building toolkit. This toolkit provides the advantages of sharing online software infrastructure with other Intensity Frontier experiments, and of being able to use any offline analysis module-unchanged-as a component of the online triggering decisions. We have measured the performance and overhead of NOvA-DDT framework using a Hough transform based trigger decision module developed for the NOvA detector to identify cosmic rays. The results of these tests which were run on the NOvA prototype near detector, yielded a mean processing time of 98 ms per event, while consuming only 1/16th of the available processing capacity. These results provide a proof of concept that a NOvA-DDT based processing system is a viable strategy for data acquisition and triggering for the NOvA far detector.

  10. Creating Cohesive Community Through Shared Reading: A Case Study of One Book Nova Scotia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alyssa Harder


    Full Text Available One Book Nova Scotia is described on the program’s website as “a province-wide community reading event for adults.” Formally programmed events have included the book announcement and launch, a series of author readings, and book discussions, both face to face and through Twitter. This paper analyzes the success of the One Book Nova Scotia program in achieving its goals of developing a reading culture and community in the province of Nova Scotia based on the findings of a participant survey, distributed in both 2012 and 2013, and an analysis of the 2013 Twitter discussion. This analysis reveals that participants tended to be well-educated females, aged 50-59, and often employed in libraries, bookselling or publishing, or news media. The goal of developing or participating in a reading community was a compelling motivator for many respondents. Although many respondents indicated their desire to be part of a reading community, Twitter was not proven to be an effective forum for fostering conversation or debate related to One Book Nova Scotia. Building on the analysis, the paper concludes with some recommendations to improve the effectiveness of future programs. These recommendations include the selection of a book with strong regional connections, an expansion of publicity methods, an increase in lead time between the announcement of the book title and the start of programming, and a more strategic use of Twitter as a discussion forum. Although these recommendations arise from the specific analysis of the One Book Nova Scotia reading program, they are general enough to apply to other One Book, One Community programs.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prof. Dr. J. Galot


    Full Text Available "Cristologia de cima", "cristologia de baixo": as duas visões cristológicas revelam um problema essencial de método. Deve-se, na elaboração da cristologia, proceder a partir de Deus ou a partir do homem?

  12. Demonstration of efficient full-aperture type I/type II third harmonic conversion on Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wegner, P.J.; Henesian, M.A.; Marchi, F.T.; Speck, D.R.


    The ten arms of the Nova laser system readily deliver 22.5 kJ of third harmonic radiation in 1-ns pulses to targets for fusion experiments. Frequency conversion experiments conducted on a single arm have produced >7.5 kJ of 3ω radiation in longer (2.5-ns) pulses at the output of a Nova crystal array with 15 kJ of 1ω drive. Equivalent on-target energies (40-60 kJ) in 2-3-ns pulses is available at target chamber center when the laser disks in the output section of the Nova amplifier are replaced with new high-damage threshold glass. The remaining issue facing frequency conversion on Nova is to demonstrate similar 3-ω energy (>40 kJ) on-target at shorter (1-ns) pulse lengths with controlled pulse shape at 1→ drive energies up to 9 kJ. Frequency conversion to 40 kJ of 3→ with precisely shaped pulses is required for future experiments. The authors assembled a full-aperture (74-cm) array of these crystals to test on an arm outfitted with the new laser glass. Measurements of conversion efficiency, pulse time history, and optical quality of the converted beam are reported

  13. Estudo morfométrico do efeito do tenoxicam com água bidestilada ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no endotélio venoso, em coelhos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schnaider Taylor Brandão


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar, pela morfometria, se o tenoxicam com água bidestilada (diluente ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9% (NaCl 0,9% provoca alterações no endotélio venoso. Métodos: Foram utilizados 90 coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus, brancos, da linhagem Nova Zelândia, machos, com idade acima de 10 semanas, com peso variando entre 2000 e 3500 gramas, divididos em dois grupos denominados Experimento e Controle, que foram observados nos tempos de 6h, 12h e 24h. Administrou-se nas venae auriculares dextra e sinistra, tenoxicam com seu diluente ou com NaCl 0,9% no grupo Experimento e NaCl 0,9% no grupo Controle. Para análise estatística dos resultados foi aplicada a análise de variância a um critério: a em separado para cada grupo (Tenoxicam/NaCl 0,9%, Tenoxicam/Diluente e NaCl 0,9%, para comparar as medidas médias dos diâmetros dos núcleos das células endoteliais obtidas nos períodos de observação de 6h, 12h e 24h. Resultados: Observou-se que não ocorreram diferenças significantes entre as medidas médias dos diâmetros nucleares encontradas nos períodos de eutanásia de 6, 12 e 24h, em separado para cada grupo. As medidas médias dos diâmetros nucleares do grupo Controle foram significantemente maiores do que as observadas no grupo Experimento. Conclusão: O tenoxicam, com água bidestilada ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9%, reduziu os diâmetros dos núcleos das células endoteliais nas venae em que foi injetado.

  14. Pan-chromatic observations of the remarkable nova Large Magellanic Cloud 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwarz, Greg J. [American Astronomical Society, 2000 Florida Ave., Nw, Suite 300, DC 20009-1231 (United States); Shore, Steven N. [Dipartimento di Fisica “Enrico Fermi,” Universita di Pisa, and INFN-Sezione Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, I-56127, Pisa (Italy); Page, Kim L.; Osborne, Julian P.; Beardmore, Andrew P. [X-Ray and Observational Astronomy Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH (United Kingdom); Walter, Frederick M. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 11794-3800 (United States); Bode, Michael F. [Astrophysics Research Institute, IC2 Liverpool Science Park, 146 Brownlow Hill, L3 5RF (United Kingdom); Drake, Jeremy J. [Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, MS-3, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States); Ness, Jan-Uwe [European Space Astronomy Centre, P.O. Box 78, E-28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid (Spain); Starrfield, Sumner [School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Rossum, Daniel R. Van [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States); Woodward, Charles E., E-mail: [Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics, University of Minnesota, 116 Church S., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (United States)


    We present the results of an intensive multiwavelength campaign on nova LMC 2012. This nova evolved very rapidly in all observed wavelengths. The time to fall two magnitudes in the V band was only 2 days. In X-rays the super soft phase began 13 ± 5 days after discovery and ended around day 50 after discovery. During the super soft phase, the Swift/XRT and Chandra spectra were consistent with the underlying white dwarf (WD) being very hot, ∼1 MK, and luminous, ∼10{sup 38} erg s{sup −1}. The UV, optical, and near-IR photometry showed a periodic variation after the initial and rapid fading had ended. Timing analysis revealed a consistent 19.24 ± 0.03 hr period in all UV, optical, and near-IR bands with amplitudes of ∼0.3 mag which we associate with the orbital period of the central binary. No periods were detected in the corresponding X-ray data sets. A moderately high inclination system, i = 60 ± 10{sup ∘}, was inferred from the early optical emission lines. The HST/STIS UV spectra were highly unusual with only the N v (1240 Å) line present and superposed on a blue continuum. The lack of emission lines and the observed UV and optical continua from four epochs can be fit with a low mass ejection event, ∼10{sup −6} M{sub ⊙}, from a hot and massive WD near the Chandrasekhar limit. The WD, in turn, significantly illuminated its subgiant companion which provided the bulk of the observed UV/optical continuum emission at the later dates. The inferred extreme WD characteristics and low mass ejection event favor nova LMC 2012 being a recurrent nova of the U Sco subclass.

  15. Pan-chromatic observations of the remarkable nova Large Magellanic Cloud 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwarz, Greg J.; Shore, Steven N.; Page, Kim L.; Osborne, Julian P.; Beardmore, Andrew P.; Walter, Frederick M.; Bode, Michael F.; Drake, Jeremy J.; Ness, Jan-Uwe; Starrfield, Sumner; Rossum, Daniel R. Van; Woodward, Charles E.


    We present the results of an intensive multiwavelength campaign on nova LMC 2012. This nova evolved very rapidly in all observed wavelengths. The time to fall two magnitudes in the V band was only 2 days. In X-rays the super soft phase began 13 ± 5 days after discovery and ended around day 50 after discovery. During the super soft phase, the Swift/XRT and Chandra spectra were consistent with the underlying white dwarf (WD) being very hot, ∼1 MK, and luminous, ∼10 38 erg s −1 . The UV, optical, and near-IR photometry showed a periodic variation after the initial and rapid fading had ended. Timing analysis revealed a consistent 19.24 ± 0.03 hr period in all UV, optical, and near-IR bands with amplitudes of ∼0.3 mag which we associate with the orbital period of the central binary. No periods were detected in the corresponding X-ray data sets. A moderately high inclination system, i = 60 ± 10 ∘ , was inferred from the early optical emission lines. The HST/STIS UV spectra were highly unusual with only the N v (1240 Å) line present and superposed on a blue continuum. The lack of emission lines and the observed UV and optical continua from four epochs can be fit with a low mass ejection event, ∼10 −6 M ⊙ , from a hot and massive WD near the Chandrasekhar limit. The WD, in turn, significantly illuminated its subgiant companion which provided the bulk of the observed UV/optical continuum emission at the later dates. The inferred extreme WD characteristics and low mass ejection event favor nova LMC 2012 being a recurrent nova of the U Sco subclass.

  16. The accreting white dwarfs in VY Scl nova-like variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sion, Edward M; Mizusawa, Trisha; Ballouz, Ronald-Louis


    Accurate distances for nova-like variables offer the possibility of extracting information on nova-like accretion rates during high states of optical brightness and on their underlying accretion-heated white dwarfs during intermediate and low brightness states. The modeling technique which is employed is discussed and a representative example, the novalike variable KR Aur, is presented. Although KR Aur was in a fainter high state when its far ultraviolet spectrum was obtained, roughly one-half of its FUV radiation is due to the light of an accretion disk and the other half is contributed by a hot white dwarf with T eff = 29, 000±2, 000K. However, this best-fit solution corresponds to a distance of 180 pc which was an early distance estimate due to Patterson (1984).

  17. Characterization of X-ray streak cameras for use on Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalantar, D.H.; Bell, P.M.; Costa, R.L.; Hammel, B.A.; Landen, O.L.; Orzechowski, T.J.; Hares, J.D.; Dymoke-Bradshaw, A.K.L.


    There are many different types of measurements that require a continuous time history of x-ray emission that can be provided with an x-ray streak camera. In order to properly analyze the images that are recorded with the x-ray streak cameras operated on Nova, it is important to account for the streak characterization of each camera. We have performed a number of calibrations of the streak cameras both on the bench as well as with Nova disk target shots where we use a time modulated laser intensity profile (self-beating of the laser) on the target to generate an x-ray comb. We have measured the streak camera sweep direction and spatial offset, curvature of the electron optics, sweep rate, and magnification and resolution of the electron optics

  18. Fast optical shutters for Nova, a high power fusion laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bradley, L.P.; Gagnon, W.L.; Carder, B.M.


    Preliminary design and performance test results for fast optical shutters intended for use in the Nova high power fusion laser system are briefly described. Both an opening shutter to protect the pellet target from amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), and a closing shutter to protect the laser from light reflected back from the target are discussed. Faraday rotators, synchronized by a 400 Hz oscillator, provide an opening shutter mechanism with an opening time of approximately 10 μs. A plasma closing shutter, employing electrical sublimation of a foil, provide a shutter closing time of 70 ns +- 20 ns. Energy for foil sublimation is provided by discharge of a 42 J capacitor bank. Implementation of these shutter techniques in the Nova system is anticipated to improve laser output power and efficiency

  19. Educational Technology Program for Nova Scotia: Initial Phase. A Report on the Federal-Provincial Study of Educational Technology in Nova Scotia. (United States)

    deVille, Barry, Ed.

    This is a preliminary examination of the present status and future prospects of educational technology in Nova Scotian schools. It is aimed at developing a plan to enhance the quality of educational technology by concentrating on systems which will be conducive to realizing educational goals at a reasonable cost. An overview of the institutional…

  20. Multiwavelength monitoring of the dwarf nova VW Hydri

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pringle, J.E.; Bateson, F.M.; Hassall, B.J.M.


    The results of a prolonged and coordinated set of observations of the dwarf nova VW Hydri spanning optical to X-ray wavelengths are described in this and four subsequent papers. In this paper an overview is given of the data set as a whole, with particular reference to its implications for an understanding of the object. (author)

  1. Novas tecnologias na aula de Matemática


    Ponte, João Pedro da


    As novas tecnologias computacionais (NT) assumiram um papel de primeiro plano no ensino da Matemática na última década. Este artigo ilustra o partido que se pode tirar, em diferentes níveis de ensino, de materiais já perfeitamente testados, largamente disponíveis e susceptíveis de generalizada utilização.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Yun-Wei; Zhang, Bing; Gao, He


    A massive millisecond magnetar may survive the merger of a neutron star (NS) binary, which would continuously power the merger ejecta. We develop a generic dynamic model for the merger ejecta with energy injection from the central magnetar. The ejecta emission (the m erger-nova ) powered by the magnetar peaks in the UV band and the peak of the light curve, progressively shifts to an earlier epoch with increasing frequency. A magnetar-powered merger-nova could have an optical peak brightness comparable to a supernova, which is a few tens or hundreds times brighter than the radioactive-powered merger-novae (the so-called macro-nova or kilo-nova). On the other hand, such a merger-nova would peak earlier and have a significantly shorter duration than that of a supernova. An early collapse of the magnetar could suppress the brightness of the optical emission and shorten its duration. Such millisecond-magnetar-powered merger-novae may be detected from NS-NS merger events without an observed short gamma-ray burst, and could be a bright electromagnetic counterpart for gravitational wave bursts due to NS-NS mergers. If detected, it suggests that the merger leaves behind a massive NS, which has important implications for the equation-of-state of nuclear matter

  3. High resolution time- and 2-dimensional space-resolved x-ray imaging of plasmas at NOVA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Landen, O.L.


    A streaked multiple pinhole camera technique, first used by P. Choi et al. to record time- and 2-D space-resolved soft X-ray images of plasma pinches, has been implemented on laser plasmas at NOVA. The instrument is particularly useful for time-resolved imaging of small sources ( 2.5 key imaging, complementing the existing 1--3 key streaked X-ray microscope capabilities at NOVA

  4. Target area for Nova upgrade: Containing ignition and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tobin, M.T.; Smith, J.R.; Campbell, D.; Wong, D.K.; Sullivan, J.A.; Pendergrass, J.; Weinstein, B.; Klein, M.


    The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is developing a conceptual design for upgrading the Nova laser from ∼ 50 kJ to ∼ 1.8 MJ of laser energy at a wavelength of 351 nm. Anticipated target performance includes achieving ignition and possibly fusion yields to 20 MJ. The target area design represents a unique challenge since it will be operating in a regime where first wall ablation and optics damage are major issues for the first time in an ICF facility. Here we describe potential performance criteria for the facility and anticipated yield-dependent x-ray, neutron, shrapnel, and debris environments. We also briefly describe the different systems that make up the target area and discuss some of the design issues. The insignificant environmental impact Nova Upgrade (NU) operations is anticipated to have on the laboratory and surrounding area is discussed. Finally, alternate design options are described along with their potential benefits

  5. Development Application - Terra Nova Development - Canada-Newfoundland Benefits Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canada-Newfoundland Benefits Plan, part of the overall application to develop the Terra Nova Field off the coast of Newfoundland details the benefits to Canadians, but most particularly to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador that a vibrant petroleum industry is expected to bring. In this document the proponents commit themselves to a course of action designed to enhance the opportunities for Canadian and Newfoundland participation in the development, in accordance with the Atlantic Accord legislation. In terms of this legislation, the project proponents are obliged to perform development functions from Newfoundland, acquire goods and services for the Terra Nova Development on a 'best value' basis, but consistent with the procurement policies and procedures for benefits. The proponents must consider Canadian and, in particular, Newfoundland benefits as one of the factors in the procurement of goods and services, and require contactors and subcontractors to adhere to the development's benefits principles, objectives and commitments. A 7-page glossary is also included

  6. Downy mildew disease of New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) caused by Basidiophora simplex in New York (United States)

    The native perennial New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae; syn.=Aster novae-anglicae) is ubiquitous throughout most of the United States, as they self-seed and are well-adapted to many environments. New England asters are valued for their prominent dense clusters of purple flowers that at...

  7. Art Education, Romantic Idealism, and Work: Comparing Ruskin's Ideas to Those Found in Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia. (United States)

    Amburgy, Patricia; Soucy, Donald


    Examines the relationship between romantic idealism and vocational goals of art education in nineteenth-century Nova Scotia, Canada. Compares these ideas with those of John Ruskin concerning art and morality. Discusses the views of the Nova Scotian educators relative to issues of contemporary art education. (KO)

  8. The SSS classical nova V5116 Sgr (United States)

    Sala, G.; Ness, J.; Greiner, J.; Hernanz, M.


    XMM-Newton observed the nova V5116 Sgr during its supersoft phase (SSS). V5116 Sgr showed a decrease of the flux by a factor around 8 during 2/3 of the orbital period. The broad band EPIC spectra remain unchanged during the different flux phases, suggesting an occultation of the central source in a high inclination system. While the global SED does not change significantly, the RGS spectrum is changing between the high and the low flux phases. The non-occultation phase shows a typical white dwarf atmosphere spectrum, dominated by absorption lines. During the low flux periods an extra component of emission lines is superimposed to the soft X-ray continuum. This supports the picture of V5116 Sgr as the clearest example of a system switching between the SSa class of SSS novae, with spectra dominated by absorption lines, and the SSe class, showing an emission lines component. In addition, the simultaneous OM images allow us to find a phase solution for the X-ray light-curve. A thick rim of the accretion disk as the one developed for the SSSs CAL 87, RX J0019.8, and RX J0513.9 could provide a plausible model both for the optical and the X-ray light curve of V5116 Sgr.

  9. A randomized trial of three copper IUDs (MLCu250, MLCu375 and Nova-T). (United States)

    Bratt, H; Skjeldestad, F E; Cullberg Valentin, K


    A randomized prospective trial of three copper IUDs, Nova-T, MLCu375 and MLCu250, including 200 of each, is presented. Insertion was done at the hospital outpatient clinic on normally menstruating women and on women in puerperio. Follow-up was scheduled after 12, 24 and 36 months. Pregnancy rates were low for all 3 models. Pearl indices after 3 years were 0.5, 0.9 and 0.8 for Nova-T, MLCu375 and MLCu250 respectively (NS). Abnormal bleeding and/or pain was the most frequent termination cause. Minor differences in the termination rates because of abnormal bleeding and/or pain were found and are discussed. The continuation rates based on all medically relevant IUD removals were 74%, 73% and 81% after 3 years for Nova-T, MLCu375 and MLCu250 respectively. No important difference in clinical performance between the three copper IUDs could be demonstrated.

  10. High-energy Emission from Nonrelativistic Radiative Shocks: Application to Gamma-Ray Novae (United States)

    Vurm, Indrek; Metzger, Brian D.


    The observation of GeV gamma-rays from novae by Fermi/LAT demonstrates that the nonrelativistic radiative shocks in these systems can accelerate particles to energies of at least ∼10 GeV. The low-energy extension of the same nonthermal particle distribution inevitably gives rise to emission in the hard X-ray band. Above ≳ 10 {keV}, this radiation can escape the system without significant absorption/attenuation, and can potentially be detected by NuSTAR. We present theoretical models for hard X-ray and gamma-ray emission from radiative shocks in both leptonic and hadronic scenarios, accounting for the rapid evolution of the downstream properties due to the fast cooling of thermal plasma. We find that due to strong Coulomb losses, only a fraction of {10}-4{--}{10}-3 of the gamma-ray luminosity is radiated in the NuSTAR band; nevertheless, this emission could be detectable simultaneously with the LAT emission in bright gamma-ray novae with a ∼50 ks exposure. The spectral slope in hard X-rays is α ≈ 0 for typical nova parameters, thus serving as a testable prediction of the model. Our work demonstrates how combined hard X-ray and gamma-ray observations can be used to constrain properties of the nova outflow (velocity, density, and mass outflow rate) and particle acceleration at the shock. A very low X-ray to gamma-ray luminosity ratio ({L}{{X}}/{L}γ ≲ 5× {10}-4) would disfavor leptonic models for the gamma-ray emission. Our model can also be applied to other astrophysical environments with radiative shocks, including SNe IIn and colliding winds in massive star binaries.

  11. The ambient air quality accounts for the Nova Scotia Genuine Progress Index

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monette, A.; Colman, R.


    The Nova Scotia Genuine Progress Index (GPI) is a measure of sustainable development which provides a complete and accurate picture of our well-being as a society. The GPI assigns explicit values to environmental quality, population health, livelihood security, equity, free time, and educational attainment. The Nova Scotia GPI includes 22 social, economic and environmental components, including ambient air quality. This report investigates Nova Scotia's ambient air concentrations and emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), total particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). The costs of damages caused by the these key air pollutants are also examined. Exposure to these pollutants results in negative impacts on human health, damage to materials, agricultural crops and changes in forest productivity. From 1979 to 1996, national ambient concentrations of each of these pollutants decreased significantly. However, the national average concentration of ground-level ozone increased by 34 per cent during the same time period. In Nova Scotia, concentrations of CO, PM and SO 2 have declined dramatically since 1979, but the trends for NO 2 and ground-level ozone do not show significant declines. On a per capita basis, SOx emissions from electric power generation in the province are more than 8 times the Canadian average. The province also had higher per capita emissions of CO, PM, SOx and VOCs than all reporting OECD countries. Electric power generation is the greatest source of fuel combustion emissions in the province, followed by industrial and transportation sources. This report also described some individual actions that can be taken to reduce air pollutant emissions. 174 refs., 37 tabs., 60 figs

  12. Experimental study of the 22Ne(p,γ)23Na reaction and its implications for novae scenarios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menzel, Marie-Luise


    The 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na reaction belongs to the catalytic neon-sodium cycle and has an important role in the explosive hydrogen burning. The neon-sodium cycle takes place at temperatures of T = 0.1 - 0.5 GK and is assumed to occur in different astrophysical systems: e.g. in novae, in super novae of type Ia and during the shell-burning of red giant branch stars. The implications of 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na and the neon-sodium cycle in a nova scenario have been studied by using the nuclear network code libnucnet at GSI in Darmstadt. A nova is an outburst of matter in a binary system consisting of a white dwarf and a red giant star. It is therefore a representative phenomenon for explosive hydrogen burning. For the calculation of the nucleosynthesis during the nova outburst, the code libnucnet requires the initial mass composition of the novae partners, the temperature and density profiles of the nova explosion and the thermonuclear reaction rates of the participating reactions. In the following, the code determined the flow and the final atomic abundance in the neon-sodium cycle during the entire nova process. Additionally, the influence of the temperature profile of the novae outburst as well as the thermonuclear reaction rate of the 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na reaction on the final atomic abundance in the outburst has been studied. A characteristic measure for the reactions in astrophysical environments is the thermonuclear reaction rate. The reaction rate of 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na has still strong uncertainties in the temperature range of T = 0.03 - 0.3 GK. These uncertainties are based on insufficient upper limits of the resonance strengths as well as the possible existence of tentative states that are populated in the energy range of E lab p = 30 - 300 keV. The research presented in this thesis is dedicated to the experimental study of the 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na reaction for an improved determination of the thermonuclear reaction rate. Furthermore, the implications of 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na and

  13. NOVA integrated alignment/diagnostic sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Under Contract 3772003 to the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Aerojet ElectroSystems Company has investigated a number of alignment system design topics for the NOVA and SHIVA upgrade lasers. Prior reports dealt with the Main Beam Alignment System, and with Multipass Amplifier Alignment Concepts. This report, which completes the contract, examines ways in which the Return Beam Diagnostic (RBD) package and Incident Beam Diagnostic (IBD) packages may be reconfigured to a more integrated package. In particular, the report shows that the RBD optics may be directly integrated in the Pointing Focus and Centering (PFC) sensor, and that the IBD optics may use the same basic common configuration as the PFC/RBD package

  14. Ocean and Coastal Acidification off New England and Nova Scotia (United States)

    New England coastal and adjacent Nova Scotia shelf waters have a reduced buffering capacity because of significant freshwater input, making the region’s waters potentially more vulnerable to coastal acidification. Nutrient loading and heavy precipitation events further acid...

  15. TV review: Nova scienceNOW - Season 2, Episode 4

    CERN Multimedia

    Lasser, Josh


    "Sitting down to watch the fourth episode of the second season of Nova ScienceNOW I'm mainly struck by one thought: why have they only put out four epidoses nearly nine months into their second season? The second story is all about CERN and the LHC. (2 pages)

  16. Mechanical construction of the 22 Nova laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hurley, C.A.; Frick, F.A.; Patton, H.G.; Bradley, G.; Martos, A.


    The Nova laser system for Inertial Confinement Fusion studies at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is under construction and will be completed October 1984 with first operations scheduled for 1985. This system is the largest precision opto-mechanical engineering system ever built. Major engineering and subsystems are mechanical, optical, and electrical power. A series of system technologies include alignment, diagnostics, target, frequency conversion, and controls. This paper will only discuss the mechanical system

  17. Proceedings of Nova Scotia's 2006 energy research and development forum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nova Scotia 2006 energy research and development forum provided a venue for experts from industry, research institutions and government to discuss how research and development will shape the future of energy in the province. The forum was divided into 3 sessions: (1) building knowledge about the marine environment, (2) building knowledge about geoscience, and (3) building knowledge about sustainable energy. A wide ranges of issues related to the Nova Scotia region included whale identification; fisheries mapping; the commercialization of hydrocarbon discoveries; carbon capture and storage and petroleum system analysis and prospect evaluation. Keynote addresses were presented on produced water in Norway; deepwater exploration in Morocco; renewable energy and Canada's role as an energy superpower. The conference featured more than 57 presentations, of which 4 have been catalogued separately for inclusion in this database. refs., tabs., figs

  18. Study of the Quasi-Elastic Scattering in the NOvA Detector Prototype

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Betancourt, Minerba [Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (United States)


    NOvA is a 810 km long base-line neutrino oscillation experiment with two detectors (far 14 KTon and near detector 300 Ton) currently being installed in the NUMI o -axis neutrino beam produced at Fermilab. A 222 Ton prototype NOvA detector (NDOS) was built and operated in the neutrino beam for over a year to understand the response of the detector and its construction. The goal of this thesis is to study the muon neutrino interaction data collected in this test, specifically the identification of quasi-elastic charged-current interactions and measure the behavior of the quasi-elastic muon neutrino cross section.

  19. The Shape of Long Outbursts in U Gem Type Dwarf Novae from AAVSO Data (United States)

    Cannizzo, John K.


    We search the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) archives of the two best studied dwarf novae in an attempt to find light curves for long out bursts that are extremely well-characterized. The systems are U Gem and S8 Cyg. Our goal is to search for embedded precursors such as those that have been found recently in the high fidelity Kepler data for superoutbursts of some members of the 8U UMa subclass of dwarf novae. For the vast majority of AAV80 data, the combination of low data cadence and large errors associated with individual measurements precludes one from making any strong statement about the shape of the long outbursts. However, for a small number of outbursts, extensive long term monitoring with digital photometry yields high fidelity light curves. We report the finding of embedded precursors in two of three candidate long outbursts. This reinforces van Paradijs' finding that long outbursts in dwarf novae above the period gap and superoutbursts in systems below the period gap constitute a unified class. The thermal-tidal instability to account for superoutbursts in the SU UMa stars predicts embedded precursors only for short orbital period dwarf novae, therefore the presence of embedded precursors in long orbital period systems - U Gem and SS Cyg - argues for a more general mechanism to explain long outbursts.

  20. As novas tecnologias da informação e o consumismo em saúde

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Roberto Vasconcellos-Silva


    Full Text Available Uma ampliação dos conceitos de consumo tem se deslocado na direção de processos sociais até agora não contemplados por categorias tradicionais. A presente revisão analisa a aplicação dos conceitos clássicos sobre consumismo às práticas recentemente identificadas no campo da saúde, como o fenômeno da cibercondria. O desafio teórico se refere à dificuldade de extrapolação das perspectivas econômicas do consumismo às questões do auto-cuidado no contexto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs. Procura-se compreender o fenômeno da mercadorização do cuidar-de-si sob o imperativo da auto-responsabilização em saúde. São identificadas e descritas as novas identidades consumidoras em vista das inauditas questões acerca dos aprimoramentos técnicos a modificar a natureza do auto-cuidado. Conclui-se que a saúde é consumida como vitalidade decomposta em artefatos de comercializar no contexto de uma nova bioeconomia - não mais ligada à idéia de emulação e posse, e sim a novas formas de perceber-se e cuidar-se perante múltiplos riscos e novas definições do que é ser humano.

  1. Exercício físico e microRNAs: novas fronteiras na insuficiência cardíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Morita Fernandes-Silva


    Full Text Available Embora recentemente tenha sido questionado o impacto do exercício na sobrevida de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, o treinamento físico melhora a qualidade de vida, a capacidade funcional, a inflamação, a função autonômica e a função endotelial. Nos últimos anos, vem crescendo o interesse em um grupo de pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteína chamados microRNAs. Estudos têm demonstrado que a expressão dessas moléculas se modifica em diversas condições patológicas, como a hipertrofia miocárdica, a isquemia miocárdica e a insuficiência cardíaca, e, quando ocorre melhora clínica, elas parecem se normalizar. Com o potencial de aplicabilidade prática, já foram identificados marcadores que poderão ser úteis na avaliação diagnóstica e prognóstica da insuficiência cardíaca, como o miR-423-5p. Além disso, resultados de estudos experimentais indicam haver possíveis efeitos terapêuticos dos microRNAs. Implicados na regulação da expressão genética durante o desenvolvimento fetal e no indivíduo adulto, os microRNAs aumentam ou diminuem no coração em resposta a estresse fisiológico, injúria ou sobrecarga hemodinâmica. Assim, o estudo do comportamento dessas moléculas no exercício físico vem trazendo informações importantes quanto aos efeitos dessa modalidade terapêutica e representa uma nova era no entendimento da insuficiência cardíaca. Esta revisão tem por objetivo integrar as evidências sobre microRNAs na insuficiência cardíaca com maior relevância no estudo do exercício físico.

  2. Uma nova proposta para o estágio de pratica de ensino em psicologia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary Neide Damico Figueiró


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to propose a new alternative for the Teaching Practicum in Psychology which could provide better experiences for the licentiate student in the Educational field in terms of quality and in regards to the community needs. The methodology of this work consisted of planning, accomplishing and evaluating the extension courses and events of 20 or 30 hours taught by the licentiate students to Primary and Secondary school students, teachers of pre, school and primary school, nursery employees and the community in general. The results showed that in a significantly higher proportion the licentiate students considered, the experience in Teachining Practicum and the contribution of it to his/her professional career to be excellent. The clientele, as a whole, evaluated positively the quality of the courses and the range of the proposed objectives. It was concluded that the new alternative has brought new improvement to the Teaching Practicum, providing an integration of students of Higher Education with the primary and secondary teaching and the community in general" in favor of the knowledge democratization. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi propor uma nova alternativa para os estágios de Prática de Ensino em Psicologia que aprimorasse as experiências do licenciando no campo da Educação, dando mais qualidade a esses estágios, num vínculo com as necessidades da comunidade. A metodologia consistiu no planejamento, execução e avaliação de cursos-evento-extensão de 20 ou 30 horas pelos licenciados junto a alunos de 1° e 2° graus, professores de pré-escola e 1° grau, funcionários de creche e comunidade em geral. Quanto aos resultados, os licenciandos avaliaram, numa proporção significativamente maior, como sendo ótima a experiência em Prática de Ensino e a contribuição do estágio para a sua vida profissional. A clientela, em sua totalidade, avaliou de forma positiva a qualidade dos cursos e o alcance dos

  3. Efficacy and patient satisfaction after NovaSure and Minerva endometrial ablation for treating abnormal uterine bleeding: a retrospective comparative study. (United States)

    Scordalakes, Constantine; delRosario, Robert; Shimer, Andrew; Stankiewicz, Russell


    Compare amenorrhea rate, menstrual symptoms, patient satisfaction, and adverse events in women who underwent endometrial ablation with the NovaSure versus the Minerva radiofrequency ablation systems. We surveyed 189 premenopausal women (mean 40.8±6.2 years old) who underwent endometrial ablation for abnormal uterine bleeding using the NovaSure (n=97) or Minerva (n=92) systems, at four private US gynecology clinics, and whose procedure date was after July 2015 with follow-up ≥3 months. Women were surveyed an average of 11.3±3.9 months (range 137-532 days) after ablation. The subject-reported amenorrhea rate was 52% higher in NovaSure subjects than Minerva subjects (64% and 42%, respectively; p =0.004). Age and bleeding cyclicity did not affect amenorrhea rate in either group. Normal-to-no bleeding was reported by >90% of subjects after either treatment. NovaSure was significantly more effective than Minerva at reducing pad/tampon use in women with any residual bleeding (2.4±5.2 items/day versus 4.7±5.5 items/day, p =0.049). NovaSure was significantly more effective than Minerva at reducing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms ( p =0.019) and menstrual pain ( p =0.003), and more NovaSure subjects (94%) than Minerva subjects (78%) were satisfied with clinical outcomes ( p =0.003). Adverse events did not differ by treatment; three women in each group progressed to hysterectomy. While overall bleeding reduction in premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding was excellent with either endometrial ablation system, NovaSure treatment resulted in a higher patient-reported 1-year amenorrhea rate, and women with residual bleeding used fewer pads and tampons than Minerva-treated women. Additionally, NovaSure subjects reported better menstrual-related life quality and PMS symptom alleviation, and greater satisfaction with outcomes than Minerva-treated women.

  4. Nova história da administração pública brasileira: pressupostos teóricos e fontes alternativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Lustosa da Costa


    Full Text Available Resumo: Nos últimos anos, diversas iniciativas isoladas assinalam a redescoberta da história da administração pública e a utilidade do seu estudo para a compreensão do Estado contemporâneo como ordem social, instituição e representação. Esses trabalhos representam um avanço com relação à produção historiográfica publicada até os anos 1980. Entretanto, ainda persistem fragilidades conceituais e metodológicas que pouco a pouco começam a ser superadas. Além disso, uma das maiores dificuldades dos pesquisadores que se engajam nesse esforço é a identificação e o acesso a fontes mais diversificadas para a elaboração de uma nova história da administração pública, baseada nos avanços da historiografia mais recente. Este artigo se propõe a discutir pressupostos teórico-metodológicos para o desenvolvimento dessa nova história e contribuir para a identificação, apresentação e análise dessas fontes. A partir da indicação desses pressupostos, do estabelecimento de uma periodização da história do Estado brasileiro e da identificação de temas emergentes, foram definidas seis categorias em que as fontes podem, num primeiro momento, ser enquadradas para agrupar temas, acervos ou bases de dados, a saber: repertório das leis sobre organização governamental; falas do trono e mensagens presidenciais; relatórios do TCU; estatísticas; arquivos pessoais; histórias de vida. O levantamento não pretende apresentar fontes totalmente inéditas nem ser exaustivo, mas oferecer pistas para a utilização de materiais ainda muito poucos usuais em estudos sobre história da administração pública.

  5. Afasia global sem hemiparesia: AVC ou transtorno conversivo?


    Negreiros,Daniel Philippi de; Fregni,Felipe; Scalco,Andréia Zavaloni


    CONTEXTO: A realização de diagnóstico neurológico e psiquiátrico em ambiente de emergência hospitalar com freqüência é uma tarefa complexa e exige colaboração interdisciplinar. Um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de doenças neurológicas é o transtorno conversivo, cuja característica principal é a presença de sintomas afetando funções motoras ou sensoriais, que sugerem desordem clínica ou neurológica, porém sem doença orgânica subjacente que explique o quadro. RELATO DE CASO: Os autores relatam o...

  6. Modeling the classical nova outburst. I. Exploring the physics of a new mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutter, G.S.; Sparks, W.M.


    Model calculations were performed to describe a mechanism that produces classical nova outbursts on white dwarfs of 1 solar mass or less and for accretion rates of 4 x 10 to the -10th solar mass/yr or greater, i.e., the parameters corresponding to observed data of nova systems. Calculations point to four factors that can induce nuclear runaways of sufficient strength to eject about 0.0001 solar mass at speeds of several hundred to a few thousand km per second, as is observed in classical novae. These are (1) the effects of storage of angular momentum in the star's envelope during the accretion phase; (2) the reduction of centrifugal forces in the star's outer layers during the early nuclear runaway phase, through the inward transport of angular momentum; (3) the inward movement of the zone of peak nuclear burning through the convectively induced shear instability during the runaway phase; and (4) the mixing of original CO stellar matter and H-rich matter, also through the convectively induced shear instability. 58 refs

  7. Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP): Identificação água e fatores de risco para a presença em amostras de biópsias intestinais


    Braga, Isis de Freitas Espeschit


    Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) é o agente etiológico da doença de Johne ou paratuberculose, enterite granulomatosa crônica caracterizada por diarreia persistente e perda de peso progressiva que acomete ruminantes. Pode também ser isolado a partir de amostras intestinais de pacientes humanos, com doenças intestinais, principalmente portadores da doença de Crohn. Essa é uma doença de etiologia desconhecida, que se caracteriza por inflamação crônica, focal, assimétrica transmura...

  8. Um final feliz: causa rara de hipotonia cervical em lactente


    Sampaio, B; Silva, A; Costa, JA; Pereira, A; Silva, H


    Resumo: A hipotonia é a diminuição do tónus muscular, de forma generalizada ou focal, com uma vasta etiologia. Este é o caso de uma lactente de dois meses de idade referenciada à Consulta Externa de Pediatria por hipotonia cervical, sendo este o único achado ao exame objectivo. Apresentava antecedentes de internamento num outro hospital às três semanas de vida por dois supostos episódios convulsivos em apirexia, tendo sido efectuado estudo metabólico e de enzimas musculares, sendo ambos norma...

  9. Polimorfismos no SNP CGIL4: estudo de associação ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite clinica em vacas holandesas


    Molina, Rachel Dias; Univates; Kich, Débora Mara; Univates; Vendramin, Tatiane; Univates; Souza, Claucia Fernanda Volken de; Univates; Lehn, Daniel Neutzling; Univates; Pozzobon, Adriane; Univates; Bustamante-Filho, Ivan Cunha; Univates


    A mastite bovina é a principal patologia da glândula mamária e a maior causadora de prejuízos na produção leiteira. Sua etiologia é quase sempre relacionada a problemas de manejo sanitário e de ordenha. Entretanto, observa-se a existência de animais com maior ou menor resistência a mastite, mesmo quando fatores ambientais são controlados. Recentemente, alguns marcadores moleculares foram associados ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar se com bas...

  10. Raquitismo carencial: relato de caso = Vitamin D-dependent Rickets: Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Porto, Juliana Antola et al.


    Discussão: Há uma grande variedade nas possíveis etiologias do raquitismo, sendo doenças renais, hepáticas, distúrbios primários ou deficiências no metabolismo do cálcio e fósforo algumas delas. A maioria dessas patologias exige um longo período de investigação e tratamento. O raquitismo carencial, entretanto, é uma condição de relativa facilidade para diagnóstico, manejo, e profilaxia, derivando daí, a importância do artigo.

  11. Nova Mus 2018 (PNV J11261220-6531086) Is Forming Dust (United States)

    Walter, Frederick M.


    Nova Mus 2018 (PNV J11261220-6531086) was discovered by R Kaufman on 2018 Jan 14.486, and reported by P. Schmeer in vsnet-alert 21772. The first detection was 2018 Jan 3.24 (ASAS-SN, reported in the TOCP).

  12. [Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu] / Ago Künnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Künnap, Ago, 1941-


    Arvustus: Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu = Chinese language and languages of northern Europe. Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2008

  13. Aflatoxinas: conceitos sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e seu envolvimento na etiologia do câncer hepático celular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oliveira Carlos Augusto Fernandes de


    Full Text Available Foram revistos os conceitos de maior relevância sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e evidências do envolvimento das aflatoxinas na etiologia do câncer hepático humano. A aflatoxina B1 (AFB1, principal metabólito produzido por fungos do gênero Aspergillus, manifesta seus efeitos tóxicos após conversão hepática em AFB1-epóxido, o qual reage com macromoléculas celulares, incluindo proteínas, RNA (ácido ribonucléico e DNA (ácido desoxirribonucléico. A reação com o DNA ocorre através da ligação com guaninas, ao nível do códon 249, do gene supressor de tumores p53. Em seres humanos, estudos de biomonitoramento individual de derivados AFB1-N7-guanina tem demonstrado que as aflatoxinas constituem importantes fatores de risco, com uma provável interação sinergística com o vírus da hepatite B, para o desenvolvimento do carcinoma hepatocelular em populações expostas. Considerando-se a ocorrência freqüente das aflatoxinas em produtos alimentícios, no Brasil, ressalta-se a necessidade de estudos que avaliem criteriosamente o impacto dos níveis de exposição a estas toxinas sobre a saúde humana.

  14. Aflatoxinas: conceitos sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e seu envolvimento na etiologia do câncer hepático celular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Augusto Fernandes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Foram revistos os conceitos de maior relevância sobre mecanismos de toxicidade e evidências do envolvimento das aflatoxinas na etiologia do câncer hepático humano. A aflatoxina B1 (AFB1, principal metabólito produzido por fungos do gênero Aspergillus, manifesta seus efeitos tóxicos após conversão hepática em AFB1-epóxido, o qual reage com macromoléculas celulares, incluindo proteínas, RNA (ácido ribonucléico e DNA (ácido desoxirribonucléico. A reação com o DNA ocorre através da ligação com guaninas, ao nível do códon 249, do gene supressor de tumores p53. Em seres humanos, estudos de biomonitoramento individual de derivados AFB1-N7-guanina tem demonstrado que as aflatoxinas constituem importantes fatores de risco, com uma provável interação sinergística com o vírus da hepatite B, para o desenvolvimento do carcinoma hepatocelular em populações expostas. Considerando-se a ocorrência freqüente das aflatoxinas em produtos alimentícios, no Brasil, ressalta-se a necessidade de estudos que avaliem criteriosamente o impacto dos níveis de exposição a estas toxinas sobre a saúde humana.

  15. NOvA Short-Baseline Tau Neutrino Appearance Search

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keloth, Rijeesh [Cochin U.; Aurisano, Adam [Cincinnati U.; Sousa, Alexander [Cincinnati U.; Davies, Gavin S [Indiana U.; Suter, Louise [Fermilab; Plunkett, Robert K [Fermilab


    Standard three-flavor neutrino oscillations have well explained by a wide range of neutrino experiments. However, the anomalous results, such as electron-antineutrino excess seen by LSND and MiniBooNE do not fit the three-flavor paradigm. This can be explained by an additional fourth flavor sterile neutrino at a larger scale than the existing three flavor neutrinos. The NOvA experiment consists of two finely segmented, liquid scintillator detectors operating 14 .6 mrad off-axis from the NuMI muon-neutrino beam. The Near Detector is located on the Fermilab campus, 1 km from the NuMI target, while the Far Detector is located at Ash River, MN, 810 km from the NuMI target. The NOvA experiment is primarily designed to measure electron-neutrino appearance at the Far Detector using the Near Detector to control systematic uncertainties; however, the Near Detector is well suited for searching for anomalous short-baseline oscillations. This poster will present a novel method for selecting tau neutrino interactions with high purity at the Near Detector using a convolutional neural network. Using this method, the sensitivity to anomalous short-baseline tau-neutrino appearance due to sterile neutrino oscillations will be presented.

  16. Can households earning minimum wage in Nova Scotia afford a nutritious diet? (United States)

    Williams, Patricia L; Johnson, Christine P; Kratzmann, Meredith L V; Johnson, C Shanthi Jacob; Anderson, Barbara J; Chenhall, Cathy


    To assess the affordability of a nutritious diet for households earning minimum wage in Nova Scotia. Food costing data were collected in 43 randomly selected grocery stores throughout NS in 2002 using the National Nutritious Food Basket (NNFB). To estimate the affordability of a nutritious diet for households earning minimum wage, average monthly costs for essential expenses were subtracted from overall income to see if enough money remained for the cost of the NNFB. This was calculated for three types of household: 1) two parents and two children; 2) lone parent and two children; and 3) single male. Calculations were also made for the proposed 2006 minimum wage increase with expenses adjusted using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The monthly cost of the NNFB priced in 2002 for the three types of household was 572.90 dollars, 351.68 dollars, and 198.73 dollars, respectively. Put into the context of basic living, these data showed that Nova Scotians relying on minimum wage could not afford to purchase a nutritious diet and meet their basic needs, placing their health at risk. These basic expenses do not include other routine costs, such as personal hygiene products, household and laundry cleaners, and prescriptions and costs associated with physical activity, education or savings for unexpected expenses. People working at minimum wage in Nova Scotia have not had adequate income to meet basic needs, including a nutritious diet. The 2006 increase in minimum wage to 7.15 dollars/hr is inadequate to ensure that Nova Scotians working at minimum wage are able to meet these basic needs. Wage increases and supplements, along with supports for expenses such as childcare and transportation, are indicated to address this public health problem.

  17. Síndrome de Turner e polimorfismo genético: uma revisão sistemática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Bernadete Trovó de Marqui


    Full Text Available ResumoObjetivo:Apresentar os principais resultados dos estudos que investigaram polimorfismos genéticos em síndrome de Turner, bem como sua associação com alguns sinais clínicos e etiologia desse distúrbio cromossômico.Fontes de dados:Revisão bibliográfica feita no PubMed, sem limite de período, com os seguintes termos: Turner syndrome and genetic polymorphism. Foram identificados 116 artigos e, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, 17 foram selecionados para leitura.Síntese dos dados:Os polimorfismos investigados em pacientes com síndrome de Turner estavam relacionados com déficit de crescimento, que causou baixa estatura, densidade mineral óssea baixa, autoimunidade e anomalias cardíacas, que podem estar presentes com frequências significativas nas pacientes. Também foi verificado o papel dos polimorfismos de único nucleotídeo (SNPs na etiologia da síndrome de Turner, ou seja, na não disjunção cromossômica.Conclusões:Os polimorfismos genéticos parecem estar associados à síndrome de Turner. Entretanto, por conta dos poucos estudos publicados e dos achados contraditórios, pesquisas em diferentes populações são necessárias para esclarecer o papel dessas variantes genéticas para os sinais clínicos e a etiologia do distúrbio cromossômico.

  18. TV photometry of the Nova Cygni 1975 (V1500 Cyg)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlenko, E.P.


    About 1800 TV pictures of Nova Cygni 1975 during 60 hours were obtained in 1979-1980 at the Crimean Astrophysical observatory. The observations were carried out in V and sometimes - similtaneously in B and V colour systems. The period of brightness Variations 0sUp(d).279226 remains constant after it has stabilized in 1978, but the amplitude and mean brightness of the individual light curves change from cycle to cycle. The mean light curves are asymmetrical. The depth of primary and secondary minima is sporadically increasing from year to year and reached 1sup(m).2 in 1980. The mean curves obtained in V system in 1980 and in continuum in 1976-1977 are similar. It is supposed that 6,7-hour varia. tions of brightness appear as a resUlt of partial eclipses in close binary system Nova Cygni with orbit inclination i=60 deg

  19. Suzaku Observation of the Dwarf Nova V893 Scorpii: The Discovery of a Partial X-Ray Eclipse (United States)

    Mukai, Koji; Zietsman, E.; Still, M.


    V893 Sco is an eclipsing dwarf nova that had attracted little attention from X-ray astronomers until it was proposed as the identification of an RXTE all-sky slew survey (XSS) source. Here we report on the po inted X-ray observations of this object using Suzaku. We confirm V893 Sco to be X-ray bright, whose spectrum is highly absorbed for a dwar f nova. We have also discovered a partial X-ray eclipse in V893 Sco. This is the first time that a partial eclipse is seen in Xray light c urves of a dwarf nova. We have successfully modeled the gross features of the optical and X-ray eclipse light curves using a boundary layer geometry of the X-ray emission region. Future observations may lead to confirmation of this basic picture, and allow us to place tight co nstraints on the size of the X-ray emission region. The partial X-ray eclipse therefore should make V893 Sco a key object in understanding the physics of accretion in quiescent dwarf nova.

  20. Tracking Detector Performance and Data Quality in the NOvA Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Behera, Biswaranjan [Fermilab


    NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses the NuMI beam from Fermilab and two sampling calorimeter detectors located off-axis from the beam. The NOvA experiment measures the rate of electron-neutrino appearance in the almost pure muon-neutrino NuMI beam, with the data measured at the Near Detector being used to accurately determine the expected rate at the Far Detector. It is very important to have automated and accurate monitoring of the data recorded by the detectors so any hardware, DAQ or beam issues arising in the 344k (20k) channels of the Far (Near) detector which could affect the quality of the data taking are determined. This paper will cover the techniques and detector monitoring systems in various stages of data taking.

  1. Hydrodynamic instability experiments on the Nova laser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remington, B.A.; Glendinning, S.G.; Kalantar, D.H.


    Hydrodynamic instabilities in compressible plasmas play a critical role in the fields of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), astrophysics, and high energy-density physics. We are, investigating hydrodynamic instabilities such as the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability, at high compression at the Nova laser in a series of experiments, both in planar and in spherical geometry. In the indirect drive approach, a thermal x-ray drive is generated by focusing the Nova laser beams into a Au cylindrical radiation cavity (hohlraum). Issues in the instability evolution that we are examining are shock propagation and foil compression, RT growth of 2D versus 3D single-mode perturbations, drive pulse shape, perturbation location at the ablation front versus at an embedded interface, and multimode perturbation growth and nonlinear saturation. The effects of convergence on RT growth are being investigated both with hemispherical implosions of packages mounted on the hohlraum wall and with spherical implosions of capsules at the center of the hohlraum. Single-mode perturbations are pre-imposed at the ablation front of these capsules as a seed for the RT growth. In our direct drive experiments, we are investigating the effect of laser imprinting and subsequent RT growth on planar foils, both at λ Laser = 1/3 μm and 1/2 μm. An overview is given describing recent progress in each of these areas

  2. The January 2015 outburst of a red nova in M31

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kurtenkov, A.A.; Pessev, P.; Tomov, T.; Barsukova, E.A.; Fabrika, S.; Vida, K.; Hornoch, Kamil; Ovcharov, E.P.; Goranskij, V.P.; Valeev, A.F.; Molnár, L.; Sárneczky, K.; Kostov, A.; Nedialkov, P.; Valenti, S.; Geier, S.; Wiersema, K.; Henze, M.; Shafter, A.W.; Dimitrova, R.V.M.; Popov, V.N.; Stritzinger, M.


    Roč. 578, June (2015), L10/1-L10/5 ISSN 0004-6361 Institutional support: RVO:67985815 Keywords : novae * cataclysmic variables Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 4.378, year: 2014

  3. Recent Evolution of the Offline Computing Model of the NOvA Experiment (United States)

    Habig, Alec; Norman, A.


    The NOvA experiment at Fermilab is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to study νe appearance in a νμ beam. Over the last few years there has been intense work to streamline the computing infrastructure in preparation for data, which started to flow in from the far detector in Fall 2013. Major accomplishments for this effort include migration to the use of off-site resources through the use of the Open Science Grid and upgrading the file-handling framework from simple disk storage to a tiered system using a comprehensive data management and delivery system to find and access files on either disk or tape storage. NOvA has already produced more than 6.5 million files and more than 1 PB of raw data and Monte Carlo simulation files which are managed under this model. The current system has demonstrated sustained rates of up to 1 TB/hour of file transfer by the data handling system. NOvA pioneered the use of new tools and this paved the way for their use by other Intensity Frontier experiments at Fermilab. Most importantly, the new framework places the experiment's infrastructure on a firm foundation, and is ready to produce the files needed for first physics.

  4. Recent Evolution of the Offline Computing Model of the NOvA Experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habig, Alec; Group, Craig; Norman, A.


    The NOvA experiment at Fermilab is a long-baseline neutrino experiment designed to study νe appearance in a ν μ beam. Over the last few years there has been intense work to streamline the computing infrastructure in preparation for data, which started to flow in from the far detector in Fall 2013. Major accomplishments for this effort include migration to the use of off-site resources through the use of the Open Science Grid and upgrading the file-handling framework from simple disk storage to a tiered system using a comprehensive data management and delivery system to find and access files on either disk or tape storage. NOvA has already produced more than 6.5 million files and more than 1 PB of raw data and Monte Carlo simulation files which are managed under this model. The current system has demonstrated sustained rates of up to 1 TB/hour of file transfer by the data handling system. NOvA pioneered the use of new tools and this paved the way for their use by other Intensity Frontier experiments at Fermilab. Most importantly, the new framework places the experiment's infrastructure on a firm foundation, and is ready to produce the files needed for first physics. (paper)

  5. Eielson Air Force Base OU-1 baseline risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvis, M.T.; Jarvis, T.T.; Van Houten, N.C.; Lewis, R.E.


    This Baseline Risk Assessment report is the second volume in a set of three volumes for operable Unit 1 (OU-1). The companion documents contain the Remedial Investigation and the Feasibility Study. Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) is one of several groups of hazardous waste sites located at Eielson Air Force Base (AFB) near Fairbanks, Alaska. The operable units at Eielson are typically characterized by petroleum, oil, lubricant/solvent contamination, and by the presence of organics floating at the water table. In 1989 and 1990, firms under contract to the Air Force conducted field studies to gather information about the extent of chemical contamination in soil, groundwater, and soil air pore space (soil gas) at the site. This report documents the results of a baseline risk assessment, which uses the 1989 and 1991 site characterization database to quantify the potential human health risk associated with past Base industrial activities in the vicinity of OU-1. Background data collected in 1992 were also used in the preparation of this report

  6. Progress of the Charged Pion Semi-Inclusive Neutrino Charged Current Cross Section in NOvA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsaris, Aristeidis [Fermilab


    The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to measure the rates of electron neutrino appearance and muon neutrino disappearance. The NOvA near detector is located at Fermilab, 800 m from the primary target and provides an excellent platform to measure and study neutrino-nucleus interactions. We present the status of the measurement of the double differential cross section with respect to muon kinematics for interactions involving charged pions in the final state, $\

  7. Sterile Neutrino Search in the NOvA Far Detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edayath, Sijith [Cochin U.; Aurisano, Adam [Cincinnati U.; Sousa, Alexandre [Cincinnati U.; Davies, Gavin [Indiana U.; Suter, Louise [Fermilab; Yang, Shaokai [Cincinnati U.


    The majority of neutrino oscillation experiments have obtained evidence for neutrino oscillations that are compatible with the three-flavor model. Explaining anomalous results from short-baseline experiments, such as LSND and MiniBooNE, in terms of neutrino oscillations requires the existence of sterile neutrinos. The search for sterile neutrino mixing conducted in NOvA uses a long baseline of 810 km between Near Detector (ND) at Fermilab and Far Detector (FD) in Minnesota. The signal for sterile neutrino oscillations is a deficit of neutral-current neutrino interactions at the FD with respect to the ND prediction. In this document, We will present the analysis improvements that we are implementing for future NC sterile neutrino searches with NOvA. These include: improved modelling of our detector response; the inclusion of NC 2p2h interaction modelling; implementing a better energy reconstruction techniques; and including possible oscillation due to sterile neutrinos in the ND . This improvements enable us to do a simultaneous ND-FD shape fit of the NC energy spectrum covering a wider sterile mass range than previous analyses.

  8. Broadband and short (10-ps) pulse generation on Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perry, M.D.; Browning, D.; Bibeau, C.; Patterson, F.G.; Wilcox, R.; Henesian, M.


    The ability to produce high power broadband pulses for purposes of focal spot beam smoothing has recently become an important issue in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). As the first step toward the generation and propagation of such pulses on Nova, the authors have performed a series of experiments with 10-ps pulses. Aside from the inherently broad bandwidth, these short pulses have important applications in ICF experiments and x-ray laser research. The author's experimental results are discussed. The short pulses were produced by diffraction grating pulse compression of chirped pulses formed from self-phase modulation in a single-mode 10-m fused silica fiber. Use of such a short fiber produces a nonlinearly chirped spectrum of 0.74 nm. The central nearly linearly chirped 0.26 nm is selected by polarization discrimination and compressed using 1800-line/mm diffraction gratings to a nearly Gaussian pulse of 10 ps FWHM with an energy contrast ratio of 20:1. This 1-nJ pulse is injected into a Nova amplifier chain with selected amplifiers unfired

  9. Guerra do Golfo: a crise da nova ordem mundial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgílio Caixeta Arraes


    Full Text Available Este artigo, tomando como ponto de partida as Guerras do Golfo, traça o perfil da nova ordem mundial formada com a derrocada da União Soviética e o fim da Guerra Fria, e a ascensão dos Estados Unidos como única superpotência no século XXI. O autor também afirma que a nova ordem mundial, proclamada com vistas à promoção permanente do desenvolvimento e da paz, residiria no binômio político-econômico da democracia neoliberal.This article, taking as a starting point the Gulf Wars, traces the profile of the new world order that took shape with the end of Cold War and the Soviet Union, and the raise of the United States as the major power in the 21st century. The author also affirms that the new world order, proclaimed in order to promote permanent development and peace, combines the economic-politic binomial of the neo-liberal democracy.

  10. Evaluation of the Nova StatSensor® XpressTM Creatinine Point-Of-Care Handheld Analyzer (United States)

    Kosack, Cara Simone; de Kieviet, Wim; Bayrak, Kubra; Milovic, Anastacija; Page, Anne Laure


    Creatinine is a parameter that is required to monitor renal function and is important to follow in patients under treatment with potentially toxic renal drugs, such as the anti-HIV drug Tenofovir. A point of care instrument to measure creatinine would be useful for patients monitoring in resource-limited settings, where more instruments that are sophisticated are not available. The StatSensor Xpress Creatinine (Nova Biomedical Cooperation, Waltham, MA, USA) point of care analyzer was evaluated for its diagnostic performance in indicating drug therapy change. Creatinine was measured in parallel using the Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzer and the Vitros 5,1FS (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc, Rochester, USA), which served as reference standard. The precision (i.e., repeatability and reproducibility) and accuracy of the StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzer were calculated using a panel of specimens with normal, low pathological and high pathological values. Two different Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers were used for the assessment of accuracy using repeated measurements. The coefficient of variation of the StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers ranged from 2.3 to 5.9% for repeatability and from 4.2 to 9.0% for between-run reproducibility. The concordance correlation agreement was good except for high values (>600 µmol/L). The Bland-Altman analysis in high pathological specimens suggests that the Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine test tends to underestimate high creatinine values (i.e., >600 µmol/L). The Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers showed acceptable to good results in terms of repeatability, inter-device reproducibility and between-run reproducibility over time using quality control reagents. The analyzer was found sufficiently accurate for detecting pathological values in patients (age >10 year) and can be used with a moderate risk of misclassification. PMID:25886375

  11. Evaluation of the Nova StatSensor® Xpress(TM) Creatinine point-of-care handheld analyzer. (United States)

    Kosack, Cara Simone; de Kieviet, Wim; Bayrak, Kubra; Milovic, Anastacija; Page, Anne Laure


    Creatinine is a parameter that is required to monitor renal function and is important to follow in patients under treatment with potentially toxic renal drugs, such as the anti-HIV drug Tenofovir. A point of care instrument to measure creatinine would be useful for patients monitoring in resource-limited settings, where more instruments that are sophisticated are not available. The StatSensor Xpress Creatinine (Nova Biomedical Cooperation, Waltham, MA, USA) point of care analyzer was evaluated for its diagnostic performance in indicating drug therapy change. Creatinine was measured in parallel using the Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzer and the Vitros 5,1FS (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc, Rochester, USA), which served as reference standard. The precision (i.e., repeatability and reproducibility) and accuracy of the StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzer were calculated using a panel of specimens with normal, low pathological and high pathological values. Two different Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers were used for the assessment of accuracy using repeated measurements. The coefficient of variation of the StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers ranged from 2.3 to 5.9% for repeatability and from 4.2 to 9.0% for between-run reproducibility. The concordance correlation agreement was good except for high values (>600 µmol/L). The Bland-Altman analysis in high pathological specimens suggests that the Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine test tends to underestimate high creatinine values (i.e., >600 µmol/L). The Nova StatSensor Xpress Creatinine analyzers showed acceptable to good results in terms of repeatability, inter-device reproducibility and between-run reproducibility over time using quality control reagents. The analyzer was found sufficiently accurate for detecting pathological values in patients (age >10 year) and can be used with a moderate risk of misclassification.

  12. Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in the NuMI Beam with the NOvA Experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niner, Evan David [Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN (United States)


    NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that uses two functionally identical detectors separated by 810 kilometers at locations 14 milliradians off-axis from the NuMI muon neutrino beam at Fermilab. At these locations the beam energy peaks at 2 GeV. This baseline is the longest in the world for an accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment, which enhances the sensitivity to the neutrino mass ordering. The experiment studies oscillations of the muon neutrino and anti-neutrino beam that is produced. Both detectors completed commissioning in the summer of 2014 and continue to collect data. One of the primary physics goals of the experiment is the measurement of electron neutrino appearance in the muon neutrino beam which yields measurements of the oscillation parameters sin213, δ , and the neutrino mass ordering within the standard model of neutrino oscillations. This thesis presents the analysis of data collected between February 2014 and May 2015, corresponding to 3.52 X 1020 protons-on-target. In this first analysis NOvA recorded 6 electron neutrino candidates, which is a 3.3σ observation of electron neutrino appearance. The T2K experiment performs the same measurement on a baseline of 295 kilometers and has a 1 σ preference for the normal mass ordering over the inverted ordering over the phase space of the CP violating parameter δ, which is also weakly seen in the NOvA result. By the summer of 2016 NOvA will triple its statistics due to increased beam power and a completed detector. If electron neutrinos continue to be observed at the current rate NOvA will be able to establish a mass ordering preference at a similar confidence level to T2K.

  13. Three-dimensional simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta, accretion disk, and companion star (United States)

    Figueira, Joana; José, Jordi; García-Berro, Enrique; Campbell, Simon W.; García-Senz, Domingo; Mohamed, Shazrene


    Context. Classical novae are thermonuclear explosions hosted by accreting white dwarfs in stellar binary systems. Material piles up on top of the white dwarf star under mildly degenerate conditions, driving a thermonuclear runaway. The energy released by the suite of nuclear processes operating at the envelope, mostly proton-capture reactions and β+-decays, heats the material up to peak temperatures ranging from 100 to 400 MK. In these events, about 10-3-10-7 M⊙, enriched in CNO and, sometimes, other intermediate-mass elements (e.g., Ne, Na, Mg, and Al) are ejected into the interstellar medium. Aims: To date, most of the efforts undertaken in the modeling of classical nova outbursts have focused on the early stages of the explosion and ejection, ignoring the interaction of the ejecta, first with the accretion disk orbiting the white dwarf and ultimately with the secondary star. Methods: A suite of 3D, smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of the interaction between the nova ejecta, accretion disk, and stellar companion were performed to fill this gap; these simulations were aimed at testing the influence of the model parameters—that is, the mass and velocity of the ejecta, mass and the geometry of the accretion disk—on the dynamical and chemical properties of the system. Results: We discuss the conditions that lead to the disruption of the accretion disk and to mass loss from the binary system. In addition, we discuss the likelihood of chemical contamination of the stellar secondary induced by the impact with the nova ejecta and its potential effect on the next nova cycle. Movies showing the full evolution of several models are available online at http:// and at

  14. Melostelis gen. nov., espécies novas e notas complementares sobre Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Apidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danúncia Urban


    Full Text Available Melostelis gen. nov., espécies novas e notas complementares sobre Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Apidae. Melostelis gen. nov. é proposto para um novo Anthidiini cleptoparasita. São descritas e ilustradas duas espécies novas: Melostelis amazonensis sp. nov. de Manaus, Amazonas e Larocanthidium chacoense sp. nov. de Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul. São dados a conhecer os machos de Epanthidium bolivianum Urban, 1995 e Epanthidium araranguense Urban, 2006 e, registrados pela primeira vez no Brasil, na sub-região do chaco, Ketianthidium zanolae Urban, 2000 e Epanthidium bolivianum.

  15. Moudre ou faire bouillir ?


    Rowlands, Mike; Fuller, Dorian Q.


    Moudre ou faire bouillir ? Nourrir les corps et les esprits dans des traditions culinaires et sacrificielles en Asie de l’Ouest, de l’Est et du Sud. Les techniques de préparation alimentaire révélées par l’archéologie pour les différentes régions d’Eurasie, incluant l’utilisation des céramiques, des meules et des plantes domestiques, mettent en évidence des situations contrastées. En Asie de l’Ouest, la mouture, la fabrication du pain et les soles de cuisson en aires ouvertes pour le rôtissag...

  16. Nova isolates noise to quieten stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milner, G.J.; Frank, L.D.


    This paper reviews a technique developed by Nova Corp., to help isolate and measure the acoustic power of individual components in a pipeline compressor and pumping station. The procedure calculates the sound pressure levels of each piece of equipment independently. Based on these measurements, a prediction can be made of the effect of various types of noise treatment techniques on the overall sound levels currently generated or proposed in a future project. This paper describes the equipment to measure the sound levels, techniques for actually measuring the compressor station or equipment area, and techniques used to generate a remediation plan


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, He; Ding, Xuan; Wu, Xue-Feng; Dai, Zi-Gao; Zhang, Bing


    GRB 080503 is a short gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected by Swift and has been classified as a GRB originating from a compact star merger. The soft extended emission and the simultaneous late re-brightening in both the X-ray and optical afterglow light curves raise interesting questions regarding its physical origin. We show that the broadband data of GRB 080503 can be well explained within the framework of the double neutron star merger model, provided that the merger remnant is a rapidly rotating massive neutron star with an extremely high magnetic field (i.e., a millisecond magnetar). We show that the late optical re-brightening is consistent with the emission from a magnetar-powered “merger-nova.” This adds one more case to the growing sample of merger-novae associated with short GRBs. The soft extended emission and the late X-ray excess emission are well connected through a magnetar dipole spin-down luminosity evolution function, suggesting that direct magnetic dissipation is the mechanism to produce these X-rays. The X-ray emission initially leaks from a hole in the merger ejecta pierced by the short GRB jet. The hole subsequently closes after the magnetar spins down and the magnetic pressure drops below ram pressure. The X-ray photons are then trapped behind the merger-nova ejecta until the ejecta becomes optically thin at a later time. This explains the essentially simultaneous re-brightening in both the optical and X-ray light curves. Within this model, future gravitational-wave sources could be associated with a bright X-ray counterpart along with the merger-nova, even if the short GRB jet beams away from Earth

  18. Crédito Carbono: um estudo de caso na empresa NovaGerarCarbon Credit: a Case Study at the NovaGerar CompanyCrédito Carbono: un estudio de caso en la empresa NovaGerar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BITO, Nelson Satio


    Full Text Available RESUMOO Protocolo de Quioto, firmado em dezembro de 1997, é um instrumento importante na diminuição das emissões de gases de efeito estufa e na busca de desenvolvimento sustentável. Os países desenvolvidos que aderiram ao Protocolo assumiram o compromisso de reduzir suas emissões de gases em 5,2% (base 1.990 no período de 2.008 a 2.012. Das três modalidades para a diminuição do custo dos investimentos na redução dos gases, este artigo tem por objeto o estudo do Crédito Carbono previsto no Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo - MDL, voltado para países em desenvolvimento no trato das questões ambientais através do qual são implementados projetos que trazem resultados positivos. O objetivo deste artigo é estudar o Projeto NovaGerar desenvolvido em Nova Iguaçu – RJ, procurando investigar se o incentivo do Crédito Carbono, previsto no MDL, contribuiu para sua viabilidade econômica e, conseqüentemente, reduziu impactos ambientais por meio de reduções de gases do efeito estufa. A análise dos dados demonstrou que o projeto não se mostrou viável, quando enfocou somente a geração de energia elétrica. Agregando-se o Crédito de Carbono, mostrou-se atrativo com a expressiva taxa interna de retorno de 36,19% ao ano.ABSTRACT The Kyoto Protocol, signed on December 1977, is an important instrument for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for pursuing sustainable development. The developed countries that adhered to the Protocol committed themselves to reduce their gas emissions by 5.2% (data-base 1990 during the 2008-2012 period. Of the three modalities for diminishing gas reduction investment costs, this article aims at studying the Carbon Credit instrument foreseen in the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM, which has been designed for handling environmental issues by developing countries, whereby projects that bring positive results are implemented. The purpose of this article is to study the NovaGerar Project developed in

  19. UBVRH/sub. cap alpha. /-photometry and polarimetry of the Nova Cygni 1975= the V 1500 Cyg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kiselev, N N; Narizhnaya, N V


    The results of photometric and polarimetric observations of the Nova Cygni 1975 performed at the Gissarskaya Astronomical Observatory from 30.8.75 to 1.2.76 are given. Some outburst development peculiarities are discussed. Some parameters of the Nova Cygni are estimated: absolute magnitude at maximum brightness Msub(max)=-9.sup(m)7; distance r=1.2 kpc; the photospheric radius at maximum brightness of 390 Sun radii.

  20. Precision operation of the Nova laser for fusion experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caird, J.A.; Ehrlich, R.B.; Hermes, G.L.; Landen, O.L.; Laumann, C.W.; Lerche, R.A.; Miller, J.L.; Murray, J.E.; Nielsen, N.D.; Powell, H.T.; Rushford, M.C.; Saunders, R.L.; Thompson, C.E.; VanArsdall, P.J.; Vann, C.S.; Weiland, T.L.


    The operation of a Neodymium glass laser of a special design for fusion experiments is improved by a better pulse synchronization, the gain stabilization, and the laser diagnostics. We used sensor upgrading and antifriction coating of focusing lenses. The pointing accuracy of the Nova laser meets now our goal for precision operation. (AIP) copyright 1994 American Institute of Physics

  1. A remarkable recurrent nova in M 31: The optical observations

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Darnley, M.J.; Williams, S.C.; Bode, M.F.; Henze, M.; Ness, J.-U.; Shafter, A.W.; Hornoch, Kamil; Votruba, Viktor


    Roč. 563, March (2014), L9/1-L9/4 ISSN 0004-6361 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LG12001 Institutional support: RVO:67985815 Keywords : galaxies: individual: M 31 * novae * cataclysmic variables Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics Impact factor: 4.378, year: 2014

  2. REESTRUTURAÇÃO URBANA E CRIAÇÃO DE NOVAS CENTRALIDADES: considerações sobre os Shopping Centers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lidiane Aparecida Alves


    Full Text Available O espaço urbano, entendido enquanto a condição, meio e produto das ações realizadas pela sociedade ao longo do tempo, apresenta-se em constante reestruturação, segundo as imposições do modo capitalista de produção, que passa por modificações, a fim de assegurar a reprodução do capital. Como resultado do processo de reestruturação produtiva tem-se reestruturação urbana, consubstanciada nas novas centralidades, a exemplo dos Shopping Centers. Essas novas centralidades criam novas dinâmicas econômicas e espaciais (redefinindo as funções em seu entorno e da área central. Diante da relevância dessa temática, através deste estudo busca tecer considerações sobre os Shopping Centers, vistos enquanto resultado das modificações no processo produtivo, cujos reflexos são diretamente sentidos na dinâmica urbana, no âmbito do processo de reestruturação urbana, a partir da criação de novas centralidades. Espera-se a partir das discussões realizadas, contribuir com os estudos de geografia urbana, especificamente com aqueles referentes ao processo de reestruturação urbana, e surgimento de novas centralidades.

  3. High Energy Emission of Symbiotic Recurrent Novae: RS Oph and V407 Cyg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernanz M.


    Full Text Available Recurrent novae occurring in symbiotic binaries are candidate sources of high energy photons, reaching GeV energies. Such emission is a consequence of particle acceleration leading to pion production. the shock between matter ejected by the white dwarf, undergoing a nova explosion, and the wind from the red giant companion are responsible for such a process, which mimics a supernova remnant but with much smaller energetic output and much shorter time scales. Inverse Compton can also be responsible for high energy emission. Recent examples are V407 Cyg, detected by Fermi, and RS Oph, which unfortunately exploded in 2006, before Fermi was launched.

  4. Nova República: a violência patronal rural como prática de classe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno Regina Angela Landim


    Full Text Available Durante a Nova República, disseminou-se junto às associações e sindicatos patronais rurais a certeza de "uma verdadeira guerra no campo" e a "inevitabilidade" da violência como única medida eficaz para conter as ações de ocupação de terras e a demanda por uma reforma agrária. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar, tendo como fonte o debate na grande imprensa, que a defesa e a prática da violência pelos grandes proprietários de terra e empresários rurais é estruturante e reflete um habitus que encadeia o passado e o presente numa mesma realidade. A violência revela-nos o conteúdo das relações de classe e expõe os componentes de velhos e novos padrões de conduta. Nos anos 80, ela funcionou como reforço à solidariedade e ao sentimento de pertencimento e serviu também para fortalecer ainda mais a convicção da superioridade dos proprietários sobre os trabalhadores rurais. Não se trata de um ato individual e esporádico; é uma violência ritualizada e institucionalizada, que implica a formação de milícias, a contratação de capangas, a lista dos marcados para morrer e os massacres. E nesse contexto, pouco se distingue o novo empresário do latifundiário tradicional, ou a voz "civilizada das urbes" da "rudeza dos grotões".

  5. A Radio Emission Analysis of Classical Nova V351 Pup (1991) (United States)

    Wendeln, Carolyn; Chomiuk, Laura; Finzell, Thomas; Linford, Justin D.; Strader, Jay


    Previously, Nova Puppis 1991 (V351 Pup) was measured to host one of the most massive ejections claimed in the literature. Multi-frequency radio detections from one epoch were published for this nova in the 1990's; and yet, the remaining data collected by the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) have remained unpublished. In this paper, we analyze the remaining unpublished data sets for V351 Pup at frequencies of 4.9, 8.4, 14.9, and 22.5 GHz. We fit the resulting light curve to a model of expanding thermal ejecta, under the assumption that the radio emission is dominated by free-free radiation and accounting for high levels of clumping in the ejecta. Images of V351 Pup in both the radio (from the VLA) and Hα+[N II] (from Hubble Space Telescope) exhibit no aspherical structure, strengthening our assumption of spherical symmetry. From expansion parallax methods, we estimate the distance to V351 Pup to be 5.0 ± 1.5 kpc. Our light-curve fit yields a value of {{log}}10({M}{ej})=-5.2+/- 0.7 {M}⊙ for the ejecta mass, implying that V351 Pup is on the low end of expectations for ejecta mass from classical novae. A comparison between our derived ejecta mass and theoretical models gives evidence for a very massive (1.25 {M}⊙ ) white dwarf, which is consistent with spectroscopic evidence for an oxygen-neon white dwarf.

  6. Identidade cultural europeia: idealismo, projecto ou realidade?


    Matias, Joana Maria Santos


    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos sobre a Europa. Europa - as Visões do "Outro", apresentada à Fac. de Letras da Univ. de Coimbra Cada vez mais o espaço a que pertencemos se modifica e expande. Num período de tempo de pouco mais de 50 anos, o projecto europeu abriu os seus horizontes e fronteiras, inserindo no seu espaço novas convivências de realidades culturais. Neste contexto, urge que os cidadãos europeus questionem a forma como olham o Outro, o modo como acolhem os seus t...

  7. Time-scale for turn-off of a nova after the outburst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Starrfield, S.


    Theoretical and observational evidence is reviewed for the remnant from a nova outburst. Its evolution to burnout is described. Finally, the various physical mechanisms which can lead to an extended period of mass loss are discussed. 19 references

  8. Discussão de um sistema de custeio adaptado as exigências da nova competição global


    Tania Henke Kraemer


    Atualmente, uma empresa deve ter sua atenção voltada não somente ao mercado brasileiro, mas também ao mercado internacional. Esta nova forma de postura, denominada “A Nova Competição Global”, vem forçando os empresários à aprimorarem, continuamente, seus processos produtivos. Nesse sentido, as novas formas de organização da produção estão revolucionando o gerenciamento das empresas. Informações geradas por relatórios econômico-financeiros são consideradas como uma das melhores formas de mediç...

  9. SALT confirmation of PNV J17244011-2421463 as a classical nova (United States)

    Aydi, E.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Mohamed, S.; Whitelock, P. A.


    We report on high-resolution spectroscopy of PNV J17244011-2421463 which was reported as a possible nova by T. Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan (CBAT follow-up:

  10. Composite polymer/glass edge claddings for new Nova laser disks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powell, H.T.; Campbell, J.H.; Edwards, G.


    Large Nd:glass laser disks like those used in Nova require an edge cladding which absorbs at 1 μm. This cladding prevents Fresnel reflections from the edges from causing parasitic oscillations which would otherwise reduce the gain. The original Nova disks had a Cu/sup 2+/-doped phosphate glass cladding which was cast at high temperature around the circumference of the disk. Although the performance of this cladding is excellent, it was expensive to produce. Consequently, in parallel with their efforts to develop Pt inclusion-free laser glass, the authors developed a composite polymer/glass edge cladding that can be applied at greatly reduced cost. Laser disks constructed with the new cladding design show identical performance to the previous Nova disks and have been tested for hundreds of shots without degradation. The new cladding consists of absorbing glass strips which are bonded to the edges of polygonal-rather that elliptical-shaped disks. The bond is made by an --25-μm thick clear epoxy adhesive whose index of refraction matches both the laser and absorbing glass. By blending aromatic and aliphatic epoxy constituents, they achieved an index-of-refraction match within approximately +-0.003 between the epoxy and glass. The epoxy was also chosen based on its damage resistance to flashlamp light and its adhesive strength to glass. The present cladding is a major improvement over a previous experimental cladding utilizing silicone rubber as a coupling agent. Early prototypes constructed without using the presented techniques exhibited failures from both mechanisms. Delamination failures occurred which clearly showed both surface and bulk-mode parasitic oscillation. Requirements on the polymer, disk size, and Nd doping to prevent these problems are presented

  11. Nova Event Logging System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calliger, R.J.; Suski, G.J.


    Nova is a 200 terawatt, 10-beam High Energy Glass Laser currently under construction at LLNL. This facility, designed to demonstrate the feasibility of laser driven inertial confinement fusion, contains over 5000 elements requiring coordinated control, data acquisition, and analysis functions. The large amounts of data that will be generated must be maintained over the life of the facility. Often the most useful but inaccessible data is that related to time dependent events associated with, for example, operator actions or experiment activity. We have developed an Event Logging System to synchronously record, maintain, and analyze, in part, this data. We see the system as being particularly useful to the physics and engineering staffs of medium and large facilities in that it is entirely separate from experimental apparatus and control devices. The design criteria, implementation, use, and benefits of such a system will be discussed

  12. 80 anos do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova: questões para debate 80 years of the Manifesto of the Pioneers of Educação Nova: questions for the debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Gonçalves Vidal


    Full Text Available O artigo, produzido no âmbito das comemorações dos 80 anos de publicação do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, interroga-se sobre a atualidade dessa carta. Para tanto, explora as condições históricas de emergência do documento, os significados atribuídos à Escola Nova no Brasil na década de 1930 e as contendas ocorridas na arena educacional no período. Além disso, discorre sobre as especificidades do movimento escolanovista brasileiro, procurando demonstrar que a Escola Nova constituiu-se no país como uma fórmula, com significados múltiplos e distintas apropriações produzidas no entrelaçamento de três vertentes: a pedagógica, a ideológica e a política. No que tange ao primeiro aspecto, a indefinição das fronteiras conceituais permitiu que a expressão Escola Nova aglutinasse diferentes educadores, católicos e liberais, em torno de princípios pedagógicos do ensino ativo. No segundo caso, a fórmula ofereceu-se como meio para a transformação da sociedade, servindo às finalidades divergentes dos grupos em litígio. Já na terceira acepção, tornou-se bandeira política, sendo capturada como signo de renovação do sistema educacional pelo Manifesto e por seus signatários. Assim, o documento emergiu como parte do jogo político pela disputa do controle do Estado e de suas dinâmicas, e, portanto, como elemento de coesão de uma frente de educadores que, a despeito de suas diferenças, articulava-se em torno de alguns objetivos comuns, como laicidade, gratuidade e obrigatoriedade da educação. Ademais, ele também foi representante de um grupo de intelectuais que abraçava um mesmo projeto de nação, ainda que com divergências internas.The article, prepared in the context of the celebrations marking the 80 years of the publication of the Manifesto of the Pioneers of Educação Nova, inquiries into the current value of this charter. For that, it explores the historical conditions of the emergence of this

  13. X-ray and UV observations of Nova Mus 2018 with Swift (United States)

    Nelson, Thomas; Mukai, Koji; Chomiuk, Laura; Li, Kwan-Kok; Kawash, Adam; Sokoloski, J. L.; Rupen, Michael; Linford, Justin; Mioduszewski, Amy


    We observed Nova Mus 2018 (PNV J11261220-6531086) with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory on 2018 January 21, 18 days after the initial rapid rise to V=8.8 on 2018 January 3.24 (see link below for more details).

  14. The White Dwarf Mass and the Accretion Rate of Recurrent Novae: An X-ray Perspective (United States)

    Mukai, Koji; Sokoloski, Jennifer L.; Nelson, Thomas; Luna, Gerardo J. M.


    We present recent results of quiescent X-ray observations of recurrent novae (RNe) and related objects. Several RNe are luminous hard X-ray sources in quiescence, consistent with accretion onto a near Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf. Detection of similar hard X-ray emissions in old novae and other cataclysmic variables may lead to identification of additional RN candidates. On the other hand, other RNe are found to be comparatively hard X-ray faint. We present several scenarios that may explain this dichotomy, which should be explored further.

  15. Publicar ou Perecer: a Esfinge do produtivismo acadêmico

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    Janete Luzia Leite


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata da reestruturação das condições e processos de trabalho dos professores no ensino superior hodiernamente, que introduz a lógica gerencial nas atividades docentes. Mostra como esta nova lógica adoece o professor física e mentalmente. Para tanto, analisa as últimas transformações no mundo do trabalho e como estas influenciaram diretamente a Reforma Universitária empreendida pelos governos do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Investiga também o atendimento existente nas universidades públicas brasileiras (2016, bem como entrevista docentes de vários cursos e universidades (2015-2016 a respeito das transformações ocorridas no seu labor. O resultado demonstra que a intensificação e precarização estão presentes em todo o trabalho acadêmico atualmente e que os professores têm consciência de que seu trabalho, hoje, passou a ser a fonte de agravos à saúde física e mental. Entretanto, recusam-se a procurar auxílio, para não serem estigmatizados por não suportarem as novas formas do trabalho docente nas universidades.

  16. Outra Verdade Inconveniente: a nova geografia política da energia numa perspectiva subalterna


    Porto-Gonçalves, Carlos Walter


    O artigo analisa a nova configuração geopolítica em torno da transição de matriz energética dos fósseis (carvão e petróleo) para a biomassa (os agrocombustíveis etanol e biodiesel). O artigo mostra como o Brasil se coloca como parte do novo bloco de poder técnico-científico-agroindustrial-financeiro-militar-midiático mundial e como os movimentos sociais colocam novas formulações para velhas e atuais questões como a reforma agrária. This article analyzes the new geopolitical configuration a...

  17. The Evolution of NR TrA (Nova TrA 2008) from 2008 through 2017 (United States)

    Walter, Frederick M.; Burwitz, Vadim; Kafka, Stella


    The classical nova NR TrA was discovered as an O-type optically-thick classical nova. There is no evidence that it formed dust. Within four years the envelope became sufficiently thin to reveal an eclipsing accretion disk-dominated system with orbitally-modulated permitted lines of C IV, N V, and O VI. XMM observations reveal a non-eclipsing soft X-ray source and a deeply-eclipsing UV continuum. We will present the first ten years of optical spectral evolution of this system accompanied by ten years of BVRIJHK photometry, with an eye to deciphering the current nature of the system.

  18. Diagnostics of Shiva Nova produced high yield thermonuclear events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahlstrom, H.G.; Banner, D.L.; Boyle, M.J.; Campbell, E.M.; Coleman, L.W.; Koppel, L.N.; Kornblum, H.N. Jr.; Rienecker, F.; Severyn, J.R.; Slivinsky, V.W.


    Experiments with the Shiva Nova laser facility which produce yield levels of scientific breakeven and above will result in neutron, x-ray and particle fluxes which will require specific attention to the survivability of diagnostic instrumentation. These yield levels will also allow the utilization of new diagnotics techniques which can provide detailed information on the state of the imploded fuel and pusher shells

  19. First measurement of electron neutrino appearance in NOvA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Adamson, P.; Ader, C.; Andrews, M.; Lokajíček, Miloš; Zálešák, Jaroslav


    Roč. 116, č. 15 (2016), 1-7, č. článku 151806. ISSN 0031-9007 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LG15047; GA MŠk LM2015068 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : mass: hierarchy * background * NOvA * near detector * far detector * experimental results Subject RIV: BF - Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Impact factor: 8.462, year: 2016

  20. The dwarf novae WX Hyi and V436 Cen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailey, J.


    High speed photometric observations of the dwarf novae WX Hydri and V436 Centauri are presented. WX Hyi was observed during a supermaximum, and showed 'superhumps' repeating with a period of 111 min, similar to those observed in a number of similar systems. Neither WX Hyi nor V436 Cen show any periodic modulation in their quiescent state light curves. (author)

  1. Experimental study of the {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na reaction and its implications for novae scenarios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menzel, Marie-Luise


    The {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na reaction belongs to the catalytic neon-sodium cycle and has an important role in the explosive hydrogen burning. The neon-sodium cycle takes place at temperatures of T = 0.1 - 0.5 GK and is assumed to occur in different astrophysical systems: e.g. in novae, in super novae of type Ia and during the shell-burning of red giant branch stars. The implications of {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na and the neon-sodium cycle in a nova scenario have been studied by using the nuclear network code libnucnet at GSI in Darmstadt. A nova is an outburst of matter in a binary system consisting of a white dwarf and a red giant star. It is therefore a representative phenomenon for explosive hydrogen burning. For the calculation of the nucleosynthesis during the nova outburst, the code libnucnet requires the initial mass composition of the novae partners, the temperature and density profiles of the nova explosion and the thermonuclear reaction rates of the participating reactions. In the following, the code determined the flow and the final atomic abundance in the neon-sodium cycle during the entire nova process. Additionally, the influence of the temperature profile of the novae outburst as well as the thermonuclear reaction rate of the {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na reaction on the final atomic abundance in the outburst has been studied. A characteristic measure for the reactions in astrophysical environments is the thermonuclear reaction rate. The reaction rate of {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na has still strong uncertainties in the temperature range of T = 0.03 - 0.3 GK. These uncertainties are based on insufficient upper limits of the resonance strengths as well as the possible existence of tentative states that are populated in the energy range of E{sup lab}{sub p} = 30 - 300 keV. The research presented in this thesis is dedicated to the experimental study of the {sup 22}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 23}Na reaction for an improved determination of the

  2. Terra Nova tow-out poised as next East Coast event

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reid, W.


    This spring, Newfoundland will send off a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel to the offshore Terra Nova field. The Terra Nova will proceed southeast through Bull Arm, then northeast out of Trinity Bay, then heads southeast to the Jeanne d'Arc Basin on the Grand Banks. The Terra Nova is expected to produce 115,000 barrels of oil per day for six years, when it reaches full capacity. The consortium, headed by Petro-Canada as senior ownership partner and operator, built an environment protection program into every aspect of the project. Some of the features of the environment protection program include glory holes excavated on the ocean floor for the protection of production equipment from icebergs, to a flare stack on the platform, which has four legs to provide stability in rough seas. The FPSO was designed to withstand sea ice, icebergs, and severe winter storms. Flow lines are also protected, and in the event that a line is damaged, sea water will leak rather than oil or gas, since the hydrocarbons can be flushed out of the production lines. Safety was ever present during the design phase, where the engineers studied the designs of other platforms and included the best elements in the design of the Terra Nova. The rig possesses an ice-strengthened double hull, reinforced with 3,000 tonnes of steel. A series of tanks are attached to the inside surface of the outer shell for sea water ballasts, while the inner hull holds the crude oil. In addition, an environmental effects monitoring EEM system is in place to gather information for future reference, to assess and detect changes in the marine climate and the ecosystem. The analysis of the information will assist in the determination of the best course of action in the event that remedial action is required. Baseline information was gathered beginning in 1997. Additional sampling will be performed on an annual basis for the next three years. After this period, sampling will be periodical

  3. Síndrome de alienação parental: da teoria Norte-Americana à nova lei brasileira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Analícia Martins de Sousa

    Full Text Available A síndrome de alienação parental (SAP foi definida, na década de 1980, pelo psiquiatra norteamericano Richard Gardner, como um distúrbio infantil que acometeria crianças e adolescentes envolvidos em situações de disputa de guarda entre os pais. Na visão do autor, a síndrome se desenvolve a partir de programação ou lavagem cerebral realizada por um genitor - nomeado como alienador - para que a criança rejeite o outro responsável. No Brasil, após rápida tramitação no Legislativo, foi sancionada, em agosto de 2010, lei sobre a alienação parental, que prevê sanções ao genitor que causar impedimentos à convivência do(s filho(s com o outro responsável. A nova lei traz determinações quanto à atuação de psicólogos no exame de supostos casos de alienação parental, destacando também os aspectos emocionais observados em tais situações. No presente artigo, tem-se como proposta examinar - à luz dos conhecimentos da Psicologia - os argumentos, ligados a essa área, que fundamentaram a exposição de motivos do projeto de lei sobre a alienação parental, explanando-se também as decisões judiciais proferidas em diferentes países que tomaram por base esse conceito.


    Sion, Edward Michael; Godon, Patrick; Katynski, Marcus; Mikolajewska, Joanna


    We present a far ultraviolet spectroscopic analysis of the slowest known symbiotic nova AG Peg (MIII giant + hot white dwarf; P_orb = 818.4 days) which underwent a nova explosion in 1850 followed by a very slow decline that did not end until ~ 1996, marking the beginning of queiscence. Eight years of quiescence ended in June 2015, when AG Peg exhibited a Z And-type outburst with an optical amplitude of ~ 3 magnitudes. We have carried out accretion disk and WD photosphere synthetic spectral modeling of a FUSE spectrum (Froning et al. 2014) obtained on June 5.618, 2003 during the quiescence intervai ~ 12 years before the 2015 outburst. The spectrum is heavily affected by ISM absorption as well as strong broad emission lines. We de-reddened the FUSE fluxes with E(B-V) = 0.10 which is the maximum galactic reddening in the direction of AG Peg and took the distance of 800 pc (Kenyon et al. 1993) but used a range of white dwarf masses, surface temperatures and disk inclination angles. Our analysis also incororates archival HST FOS spectra obtained in 1996 at the onset of quiescence, 147 years after the 1850 nova explosion. The results of our analysis are presented and implications are discussed.This work is supported in part by NASA ADP grant NNX17AF36G to Villanova University.

  5. The Massive CO White Dwarf in the Symbiotic Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi (United States)

    Mikołajewska, Joanna; Shara, Michael M.


    If accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in binary systems are to produce type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), they must grow to nearly the Chandrasekhar mass and ignite carbon burning. Proving conclusively that a WD has grown substantially since its birth is a challenging task. Slow accretion of hydrogen inevitably leads to the erosion, rather than the growth of WDs. Rapid hydrogen accretion does lead to growth of a helium layer, due to both decreased degeneracy and the inhibition of mixing of the accreted hydrogen with the underlying WD. However, until recently, simulations of helium-accreting WDs all claimed to show the explosive ejection of a helium envelope once it exceeded ˜ {10}-1 {M}⊙ . Because CO WDs cannot be born with masses in excess of ˜ 1.1 {M}⊙ , any such object in excess of ˜ 1.2 {M}⊙ must have grown substantially. We demonstrate that the WD in the symbiotic nova RS Oph is in the mass range 1.2-1.4 M ⊙. We compare UV spectra of RS Oph with those of novae with ONe WDs and with novae erupting on CO WDs. The RS Oph WD is clearly made of CO, demonstrating that it has grown substantially since birth. It is a prime candidate to eventually produce an SN Ia.

  6. A flickering study of nova-like systems KR Aur and UU Aqr (United States)

    Dobrotka, A.; Mineshige, S.; Casares, J.


    We present a study of the flickering activity in two nova-like systems, KR Aur and UU Aqr. We applied a statistical model of flickering simulations in accretion discs based on turbulent angular momentum transport between two adjacent rings with an exponential distribution of the turbulence dimension scale. The model is based on a steady-state disc model, which is satisfied in the case of hot ionized discs of nova-like cataclysmic variables. Our model successfully fits the observed power-density spectrum of KR Aur with the disc parameter α= 0.10-0.40 and an inner-disc truncation radius in the range Rin= 0.88-1.67 × 109 cm. The exact values depend on the mass-transfer rate in the sense that α decreases and Rin increases with mass-transfer rate. In any case, the inner-disc radius found for KR Aur is considerably smaller than those for quiescent dwarf novae, as predicted by the disc instability model. On the other hand, our simulations fail to reproduce the power-density spectrum of UU Aqr. A tantalizing explanation involves the possible presence of spiral waves, which are expected in UU Aqr because of its low mass ratio but not in KR Aur. In general our model predicts the observed concentration of flickering in the central disc. We explain this by the radial dependence of the angular-momentum gradient.

  7. "I feel like I am surviving the health care system": understanding LGBTQ health in Nova Scotia, Canada. (United States)

    Colpitts, Emily; Gahagan, Jacqueline


    Currently, there is a dearth of baseline data on the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) populations in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. Historically, LGBTQ health research has tended to focus on individual-level health risks associated with poor health outcomes among these populations, which has served to obscure the ways in which they maintain their own health and wellness across the life course. As such, there is an urgent need to shift the focus of LGBTQ health research towards strengths-based perspectives that explore the complex and resilient ways in which LGBTQ populations promote their health. This paper discusses the findings of our recent scoping review as well as the qualitative data to emerge from community consultations aimed at developing strengths-based approaches to understanding and advancing LGBTQ pathways to health across Nova Scotia. Our scoping review findings demonstrated the lack of strengths-based research on LGBTQ health in Nova Scotia. Specifically, the studies examined in our scoping review identified a number of health-promoting factors and a wide variety of measurement tools, some of which may prove useful for future strengths-based health research with LGBTQ populations. In addition, our community consultations revealed that many participants had negative experiences with health care systems and services in Nova Scotia. However, participants also shared a number of factors that contribute to LGBTQ health and suggestions for how LGBTQ pathways to health in Nova Scotia can be improved. There is an urgent need to conduct research on the health needs, lived experiences, and outcomes of LGBTQ populations in Nova Scotia to address gaps in our knowledge of their unique health needs. In moving forward, it is important that future health research take an intersectional, strengths-based perspective in an effort to highlight the factors that promote LGBTQ health and wellness across the life course, while taking

  8. Legislating Interprofessional Regulatory Collaboration in Nova Scotia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Lahey


    Full Text Available To shift health professions regulation from traditional to ‘collaborative’ self-regulation, Nova Scotia has adopted legislation which will: make all self-regulating health professions members of the Regulated Health Professions Network; mandate the Network to facilitate voluntary collaboration among its members; and enable regulators to work together on investigations of patient complaints, to adjust scopes of practice on an ongoing basis and to adjudicate appeals of unsuccessful applicants for registration. The goals are to give health professions regulation the capacity to enable and support the functioning of interprofessional teams. The legislation was adopted primarily for two reasons: collaborative development and unanimous support by all of the province’s self-regulating professions; and alignment with the government’s health care reform agenda and its emphasis on collaborative team-based care. Contrary to the approach of several other provinces, the legislation will enable but not require regulators to collaborate on the premise that consensual collaboration is more likely to happen, to be meaningful and to yield tangible benefits. Support for this approach can be taken from the impressive collaborative work on which the legislation is based. Evaluation will be critical, and the five-year review required by the legislation will give Nova Scotia the opportunity to test not only the legislation but the ideas on which it is based. The extent of the legislation’s reliance on voluntary process will prove to be either its greatest strength or its greatest weakness.

  9. Region of Nova Cygni 1975 on the Palomar Sky Survey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beardsley, W.R.; King, M.W.; Russell, J.L.; Stein, J.W.


    Careful superposition of a blue Palomar Sky Survey print onto a sectored photograph of Nova Cygni 1975 obtained with the Thaw 30-inch (76-cm) refractor at the Allegheny Observatory decisively confirms the fact that no star brighter than magnitude 21 appears on the Sky Survey print at that position

  10. A provocação poética dos elementos materiais: novas categorias de análise na abordagem sócio-poética

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    Cláudia Tavares


    Full Text Available Gauthier, Santos (1996 descrevem a sócio-poética como uma abordagem no conhecimento do ser humano e da sociedade, um caminho para a produção do conhecimento, que por meio de práticas diferenciadas de pesquisa e do educar mutual transforma poeticamente o saber para melhor conhecer. Os idealizadores da sócio-poética utilizam os lugares sócio-míticos, como categorias de produção e análise dos dados. Mas estimulam aqueles que trabalham com esta abordagem, a criarem novas técnicas e vivências, que facilitem a produção de dados no grupo pesquisador. Atendendo a este desafio e inspiradas no conceito de Imaginação Material de Gaston Bachelard, na Técnica da Imaginação Ativa de C.G.Jung e nos experimentos de crescimento da gestalt-terapia de John Stevens, criamos novas técnicas e categorias de estudo na abordagem sócio-poética denominando-as de Técnica dos Elementos Materiais. Como os primeiros filósofos gregos, acreditamos que muito das imagens que produzimos provêm da provocação dos 4 elementos materiais (água, terra, fogo e ar. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com diferentes grupos de enfermeiras, professoras de enfermagem, pós-graduandas em enfermagem e equipe de enfermagem de um hospital psiquiátrico. Evidenciou-se que a Técnica dos Elementos Materiais favorece a expressão de conteúdos inconscientes ou silenciados que interferem no cuidado de enfermagem, possibilitando à enfermeira explorar criativamente a si mesma, para inovar sua prática profissional.

  11. Inner Disk Structure of Dwarf Novae in the Light of X-Ray Observations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Balman


    Full Text Available Diversity of the X-ray observations of dwarf nova are still not fully understood. I review the X-ray spectral characteristics of dwarf novae during the quiescence in general explained by cooling flow models and the outburst spectra that show hard X-ray emission dominantly with few sources that reveal soft X-ray/EUV blackbody emission. The nature of aperiodic time variability of brightness of dwarf novae shows band limited noise, which can be adequately described in the framework of the model of propagating fluctuations. The frequency of the break (1-6 mHz indicates inner disk truncation of the optically thick disk with a range of radii (3.0-10.0×109 cm. The RXTE and optical (RTT150 data of SS Cyg in outburst and quiescence reveal that the inner disk radius moves towards the white dwarf and receeds as the outburst declines to quiescence. A preliminary analysis of SU UMa indicates a similar behaviour. In addition, I find that the outburst spectra of WZ Sge shows two component spectrum of only hard X-ray emission, one of which may be fitted with a power law suggesting thermal Comptonization occuring in the system. Cross-correlations between the simultaneous UV and X-ray light curves (XMM −Newton of five DNe in quiescence show time lags in the X-rays of 96-181 sec consistent with travel time of matter from a truncated inner disk to the white dwarf surface. All this suggests that dwarf novae and other plausible nonmagnetic systems have truncated accretion disks indicating that the disks may be partially evaporated and the accretion may occur through hot (coronal flows in the disk.

  12. Tempos modernos, novos partos e novas parteiras: o parto no Japão de 1868 aos Anos 1930

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    Homei Aya


    Full Text Available As shin-sanba, ou 'novas parteiras' medicalizadas, que apareceram durante o período Meiji (1868-1912 no Japão, parecem ter, aos olhos atuais, substituído rapidamente e sem conflito as 'velhas parteiras' (kyû-sanba e as cada vez mais criminalizadas 'parteiras não licenciadas' (mumenkyo-sanba, enquanto a profissão de parteira foi se desenvolvendo progressivamente como profissão médica moderna. Este artigo sugere que a história das parteiras na era moderna foi mais complexa do que aquilo que se imagina atualmente. Primeiro, o surgimento e a prosperidade das shin-sanba estiveram intrinsecamente ligados às contingências do Japão moderno e ao inter-relacionamento de vários grupos de atores históricos - autoridades da higiene, sankai (ginecologistas-obstetras, outras parteiras e 'clientes'. Segundo, ao longo da era moderna, as shin-sanba não substituíram outros tipos de parteiras; na verdade, os diferentes tipos co-existiram. Por fim, a existência e o status das parteiras dependeram em grande parte de um mercado de serviços de saúde marcado pelo laissez-faire, e as realidades desse mercado muitas vezes contradiziam a retórica médica que favorecia as shin-sanba em relação a outros tipos de parteiras.

  13. Psicossomática: historicidade ou atualidade?

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    Rogério Robbe Quintella

    Full Text Available Procuramos aqui abordar a questão da concepção de historicidade em psicanálise, em contraponto ao conceito de neurose “atual”, o qual serve de base para a teorização contemporânea em psicossomática. Realizamos uma revisão crítica da neurose atual, sob o prisma de uma aglutinação neurose atual–psiconeurose, concebendo historicidade e sexualidade articuladas ao nível da linguagem. Finalmente, sugerimos que a neurose atual deve ser abordada a partir desse nível, visto sua ligação com a psiconeurose, o que pode nos fornecer novas bases para pensarmos o fenômeno psicossomático.

  14. Sistema agroflorestal em Nova Olinda, Ceará: Uma experiência de sucesso

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    Terezinha Teixeira da Silva


    Full Text Available Os Sistemas Agroflorestais foram inicialmente utilizados pelos indígenas. Atualmente são desenvolvidos principalmente nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais do planeta. No Nordeste brasileiro começaram com experiências isoladas no sertão. Apresentando resultados positivos, as experiências agroflorestais expandiram-se, ganharam importância, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico de algumas regiões nordestinas, a exemplo da Chapada do Araripe, no Ceará. A primeira experiência de sucesso desenvolvida nessa região foi realizada no município de Nova Olinda. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a importância da implantação de um sistema agroflorestal, através de relato sobre a experiência no Sítio Taboleiro, no município de Nova Olinda, no Cariri cearense, mostrando como o SAF foi introduzido e como o Sr. Zé Arthur vê o desenvolvimento desse sistema na referida região. Utilizou-se entrevista semiestruturada com o proprietário e aplicação de questionário. A entrevista foi gravada com mp3, depois feita a transcrição e análise. Os resultados positivos apresentados pelo SAF do Sr. Zé Arthur revelam que essa prática agroecológica apresentou melhores resultados que a agricultura convencional desenvolvida em outras propriedades no município de Nova Olinda-CE. O agricultor enfatiza que os bons resultados do SAF são frutos de um investimento em mão de obra superior à agricultura convencional. Exemplo de produção sustentável, o SAF do Senhor Zé Arthur vem sendo uma das atrações do roteiro turístico do município de Nova Olinda.         Palavras-chave: Sistema Agroflorestal. Experiência de sucesso. Produção sustentável. Resultados positivos.

  15. The first results from the NOVA experiment

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    The NOvA experiment measures neutrino oscillation phenomena over a baseline of 810 km using a narrow-band muon neutrino beam that has a peak energy near 2 GeV. With this configuration the experiment has sensitivity to the oscillation parameters that are the least known. Installation of the detector began almost 2 years ago and the collaboration has been recording data since then. The collaboration released its first measurements of neutrino oscillation phenomena this summer. The results of those measurements and the future prospects of the experiment will be discussed.

  16. Engineering design of the Nova Laser Facility for inertial-confinement fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, W.W.; Godwin, R.O.; Hurley, C.A.


    The design of the Nova Laser Facility for inertial confinement fusion experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is presented from an engineering perspective. Emphasis is placed upon design-to-performance requirements as they impact the various subsystems that comprise this complex experimental facility

  17. Each Week, A Science Adventure. Settle Down in Front of the TV and See What NOVA Has for You This Time (United States)

    MOSAIC, 1975


    Describes how NOVA filmmakers developed a storyline about San Francisco Bay and captured it on film. Presents the criteria for topic selection by NOVA and the reception the program has had by viewing audiences. (GS)

  18. A spectroscopic study of the deeply eclipsing dwarf nova IP Peg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsh, T.R.


    Spectrophotometry of the dwarf novae IP Peg during quiescence is presented. The spectra have broad, double peaked emission lines on a blue continuum, characteristic of high-inclination dwarf novae. The emission lines are 96 per cent eclipsed and the orbital hump, which is strong in the continuum, is much weaker in the lines. We introduce a method for the analysis of radial velocities of emission lines which corrects for bias caused by disc asymmetries, and we determine the geometrical and physical parameters of IP Peg. The masses of the white dwarf and red star are Msub(W) = 1.09 ± 0.10 solar masses and Msub(R) = 0.64 ± 0.09 solar masses, and the orbital inclination is i = 79.3 ± 0.9 0 . The secondary star which has a radius Rsub(R) 0.49 ± 0.03 solar radii, lies near the main sequence mass-radius relation. (author)

  19. Biologia, conhecimento e consciência: articulações possíveis na construção da aprendizagem = Biology, knowledge and consciousness: possible links in learning construction = Biología, conocimiento y conciencia: posibles conexiones en la construcción del aprendizaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flach, Pâmela Ziliotto Sant'Anna


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma discussão acerca das contribuições da neurobiologia e da epistemologia genética aos processos de construção do conhecimento e da consciência. Discute-se, também, como tais processos se relacionam com os mecanismos de conservação da homeostase dos organismos. Para isso, debruçou-se sobre obras de António Damásio e Jean Piaget na tentativa de compreender as articulações entre organismo e sujeito epistêmico como protagonistas dos atos de manter-se vivo, conhecer e tomar consciência. Seja no âmbito orgânico ou no cognitivo, a manutenção da vida passa pela interação constante e permanente entre organismo e meio. Concebe-se essa interação como fonte de sempre novos desequilíbrios que abrem espaço para novas experiências que, por sua vez, geram novos desenvolvimentos afetivos ou cognitivos. Com isso, são possibilitadas novas aprendizagens, escolares ou não, que concorrem para a sobrevivência em todos os níveis da vida humana


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakita, Hideyo; Arai, Akira; Shinnaka, Yoshiharu [Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Ootsubo, Takafumi [Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 (Japan); Nagashima, Masayoshi, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan)


    The dust-forming nova V2676 Oph is unique in that it was the first nova to provide evidence of C{sub 2} and CN molecules during its near-maximum phase and evidence of CO molecules during its early decline phase. Observations of this nova have revealed the slow evolution of its lightcurves and have also shown low isotopic ratios of carbon ({sup 12}C/{sup 13}C) and nitrogen ({sup 14}N/{sup 15}N) in its envelope. These behaviors indicate that the white dwarf (WD) star hosting V2676 Oph is a CO-rich WD rather than an ONe-rich WD (typically larger in mass than the former). We performed mid-infrared spectroscopic and photometric observations of V2676 Oph in 2013 and 2014 (respectively 452 and 782 days after its discovery). No significant [Ne ii] emission at 12.8 μ m was detected at either epoch. These provided evidence for a CO-rich WD star hosting V2676 Oph. Both carbon-rich and oxygen-rich grains were detected in addition to an unidentified infrared feature at 11.4 μ m originating from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules or hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains in the envelope of V2676 Oph.

  1. Summary of control and data acquisition systems for NOVA experiments (invited)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCauley, E.W.; Campbell, E.M.; Auerbach, J.M.; Montgomery, D.S.; Martin, V.A.; Randolph, J.E.; Shaw, J.G.; Stewart, B.L.; Stone, G.F.


    The NOVA laser has completed its first year of operation. During this period, emphasis has been placed on activation of the facility and of the numerous target and beam diagnostics. Two separate target chambers are in use. NOVA operation is separated into two broad functions: laser operations and experiments. The operations group provides the laser system control, operation, and data acquisition and the experiments group provides experiment definition, diagnostic instrumentation, and overall data processing. On the operations side, VAX 11/780 computers are used to set up diagnostic operating parameters and collect data recorded by the CAMAC and CCD modules. These data are delivered in files by electronic link to the Laser Experiments and Analysis Facility (LEAF) VAX 11/785 of the experiments group for processing. Film data are digitized at LEAF and the film data files are also processed on the LEAF VAX. The LEAF provides collection, processing, analysis, and archiving of the experimental data. The many applications software packages written for LEAF provide the experimental physicists and NOVA operations staff with programs and data bases for interpretation of experimental results. This software makes fundamental use of the ORACLE relational data base management system to both access the required data and archive the obtained results. Post-shot data processing produces sets of scalar values, x, y profiles and x, y, z contour data. The scalar data are stored in the ORACLE DB; the more extensive results are stored in binary files on disk. All data forms are accessed by a comprehensive software system, the electronic SHOTBOOK, developed around the ORACLE DBMS

  2. Construção de noções básicas de geografia física no Ensino Fundamental: linguagens e novas tecnologias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janine Gisèle Le Sann


    Full Text Available No Ensino Fundamental, a estruturação das noções básicas deGeografia Física fica à mercê dos (desconhecimentos de professores leigos. Não é raro ouvir um professor declarar, emsala de aula, “nosso município não apresenta relevo” ou “aserra atravessa a rua”! Numa aula sobre o clima de Belo Horizonte, um professor, após nomear as estações do ano, caracterizou o inverno como “a estação na qual cai neve”! As palavras relevo, serra e clima são de uso comum, porém os conceitos geográficos que trazem são, na maioria das vezes, incompletos ou errôneos. O presente trabalho aponta caminhos paralevar as crianças à construção do saber através do processocientífico de aquisição de conhecimento, respeitando as etapas de levantamento de questionamentos prévios, de hipóteses; a pesquisa do significado dos conceitos geográficos; aobservação sistematizada do espaço real e de suas representa-ções por meio de documentos tais como fotografias aéreas eimagens de satélite; o registro das observações; a organizaçãoem tabelas; a confecção de gráficos, de mapas; a discussão e acomparação dos resultados obtidos; as conclusões pessoais eo registro dos novos conhecimentos; e, finalmente, a elabora-ção de novas hipóteses. Esse trabalho se refere à coleção deAtlas Escolares Municipais Interativos.

  3. Optical and ultraviolet observations of Nova Vul 1987

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Starrfield, S.; Stryker, L.L.; Sonneborn, G.; Sparks, W.M.; Wagner, R.M.; Ferland, G.; Gallagher, J.S.; Wade, R.; Williams, R.E.; Gehrz, R.D.


    We present a brief summary of the outburst for a nova that was discovered in November 1987 and has been followed since that time. Although we were able to observe it with the IUE at maximum, its ultraviolet energy faded rapidly and after the first two weeks we were no longer able to observe it at IUE wavelengths. It was observed to form a thick dust shell and currently is in the nebular stage. 6 figs.

  4. Modelling the structure and kinematics of the Firework nebula: The nature of the GK Persei nova shell and its jet-like feature (United States)

    Harvey, E.; Redman, M. P.; Boumis, P.; Akras, S.


    Aims: The shaping mechanisms of old nova remnants are probes for several important and unexplained processes, such as dust formation and the structure of evolved star nebulae. To gain a more complete understanding of the dynamics of the GK Per (1901) remnant, an examination of symmetry of the nova shell is explored, followed by a kinematical analysis of the previously detected jet-like feature in the context of the surrounding fossil planetary nebula. Methods: Faint-object high-resolution echelle spectroscopic observations and imaging were undertaken covering the knots which comprise the nova shell and the surrounding nebulosity. New imaging from the Aristarchos telescope in Greece and long-slit spectra from the Manchester Echelle Spectrometer instrument at the San Pedro Mártir observatory in Mexico were obtained, supplemented with archival observations from several other optical telescopes. Position-velocity arrays are produced of the shell, and also individual knots, and are then used for morpho-kinematic modelling with the shape code. The overall structure of the old knotty nova shell of GK Per and the planetary nebula in which it is embedded is then analysed. Results: Evidence is found for the interaction of knots with each other and with a wind component, most likely the periodic fast wind emanating from the central binary system. We find that a cylindrical shell with a lower velocity polar structure gives the best model fit to the spectroscopy and imaging. We show in this work that the previously seen jet-like feature is of low velocity. Conclusions: The individual knots have irregular tail shapes; we propose here that they emanate from episodic winds from ongoing dwarf nova outbursts by the central system. The nova shell is cylindrical, not spherical, and the symmetry axis relates to the inclination of the central binary system. Furthermore, the cylinder axis is aligned with the long axis of the bipolar planetary nebula in which it is embedded. Thus, the

  5. First measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance in NOvA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Adamson, P.; Ader, C.; Andrews, M.; Lokajíček, Miloš; Zálešák, Jaroslav


    Roč. 93, č. 5 (2016), 1-8, č. článku 051104. ISSN 2470-0010 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LG15047; GA MŠk LM2015068 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : neutrino: oscillation * neutrino/mu: beam * neutrino * mixing angle * neutrino: mass difference * neutrino * mass: hierarchy * NOvA Subject RIV: BF - Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Impact factor: 4.568, year: 2016

  6. Terapêutica da diabetes mellitus tipo 1


    Antunes, Ana Luisa Lopes


    Introdução: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma doença metabólica de etiologia múltipla caracterizada por hiperglicemia crónica com distúrbios no metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono, lípidos e proteínas, por deficiências na secreção e/ou acção da insulina. A descoberta da insulina em 1921, foi um grande marco na sua terapêutica, aumentando a esperança e qualidade de vida dos doentes, nomeadamente na DM tipo 1. Tornou-se um fármaco salvador de vidas (life saving). A primeira a ser comercializad...

  7. Perfil biopsicossocial de portadores de anoftalmia no sul de Minas Gerais - Brasil


    Cabral,Luiz Gustavo Megda; Martelli Júnior,Hercílio; Leite,Denise Moura; Sabatini Júnior,David; Freitas,Amanda Beatriz Dahdah Aniceto de; Miranda,Roseli Teixeira; Swerts,Mário Sérgio Oliveira; Barros,Letízia Monteiro de


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil biopsicossocial de portadores de anoftalmia, com ênfase no impacto psicológico e funcional da perda ocular e na reintegração social dessa população. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal com 84 pacientes (50 do gênero masculino e 34 do feminino), reabilitados ou em processo de reabilitação com próteses oculares, avaliados por meio de questionário que contemplava dimensões como: etiologia da perda ocular, grau de adaptação à prótese e impacto nas atividades profiss...

  8. Síndrome de Cushing: é possível simplificar e padronizar sua abordagem diagnóstica?


    Rollin, Guilherme A.F.S.; Czepielewski, Mauro A.


    A síndrome de Cushing representa um desafio diagnóstico, requerendo suspeita clínica apurada, conhecimento adequado da regulação hormonal do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal, aplicação precisa de testes funcionais que estimulam ou inibem este eixo e a indicação de exames de imagem resolutivos para as diversas etiologias investigadas. Neste artigo, discutimos a abordagem diagnóstica da síndrome de Cushing, analisando a aplicação dos diversos testes utilizados tanto para o diagnóstico sindrômic...

  9. Síndrome de emagrecimento progressivo dos calitriquídeos - processo de má absorção semelhante à doença celíaca humana - caracterização clínica, laboratorial e anatomopatológica


    Lilian Rose Marques de Sá


    A síndrome de emagrecimento progressivo (SEP) dos calitriquídeos representa importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade de sagüis mantidas em cativeiro. A etiologia dessa síndrome não está estabelecida e suas principais características são emagrecimento progressivo, diarréia, colite, anemia, paralisia dos membros posteriores e alopecia. Com esse estudo pretende-se responder se a síndrome é um processo de má-absorção ou de desnutrição protéico-calórica primária, caracterizar o quadro histológi...

  10. Nova laser alignment control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Arsdall, P.J.; Holloway, F.W.; McGuigan, D.L.; Shelton, R.T.


    Alignment of the Nova laser requires control of hundreds of optical components in the ten beam paths. Extensive application of computer technology makes daily alignment practical. The control system is designed in a manner which provides both centralized and local manual operator controls integrated with automatic closed loop alignment. Menudriven operator consoles using high resolution color graphics displays overlaid with transport touch panels allow laser personnel to interact efficiently with the computer system. Automatic alignment is accomplished by using image analysis techniques to determine beam references points from video images acquired along the laser chain. A major goal of the design is to contribute substantially to rapid experimental turnaround and consistent alignment results. This paper describes the computer-based control structure and the software methods developed for aligning this large laser system

  11. Shell and explosive hydrogen burning. Nuclear reaction rates for hydrogen burning in RGB, AGB and Novae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boeltzig, A. [Gran Sasso Science Institute, L' Aquila (Italy); Bruno, C.G.; Davinson, T. [University of Edinburgh, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Cavanna, F.; Ferraro, F. [Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Genova (Italy); INFN, Genova (Italy); Cristallo, S. [Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, INAF, Teramo (Italy); INFN, Napoli (Italy); Depalo, R. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita di Padova, Padova (Italy); INFN, Padova (Italy); DeBoer, R.J.; Wiescher, M. [University of Notre Dame, Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Notre Dame, Indiana (United States); Di Leva, A.; Imbriani, G. [Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy); INFN, Napoli (Italy); Marigo, P. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita di Padova, Padova (Italy); Terrasi, F. [Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Seconda Universita di Napoli, Caserta (Italy); INFN, Napoli (Italy)


    The nucleosynthesis of light elements, from helium up to silicon, mainly occurs in Red Giant and Asymptotic Giant Branch stars and Novae. The relative abundances of the synthesized nuclides critically depend on the rates of the nuclear processes involved, often through non-trivial reaction chains, combined with complex mixing mechanisms. In this paper, we summarize the contributions made by LUNA experiments in furthering our understanding of nuclear reaction rates necessary for modeling nucleosynthesis in AGB stars and Novae explosions. (orig.)

  12. Observing the Next Galactic Supernova with the NOvA Detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasel, Justin A. [Indiana U.; Sheshukov, Andrey [Dubna, JINR; Habig, Alec [Minnesota U., Duluth


    The next galactic core-collapse supernova will deliver a wealth of neutrinos which for the first time we are well-situated to measure. These explosions produce neutrinos with energies between 10 and 100 MeV over a period of tens of seconds. Galactic supernovae are relatively rare events, occurring with a frequency of just a few per century. It is therefore essential that all neutrino detectors capable of detecting these neutrinos are ready to trigger on this signal when it occurs. This poster describes a data-driven trigger which is designed to detect the neutrino signal from a galactic core-collapse supernova with the NOvA detectors. The trigger analyzes 5ms blocks of detector activity and applies background rejection algorithms to detect the signal time structure over the background. This background reduction is an essential part of the process, as the NOvA detectors are designed to detect neutrinos from Fermilab's NuMI beam which have an average energy of 2GeV--well above the average energy of supernova neutrinos.

  13. Accretion onto hot white dwarfs in relation to symbiotic novae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Livio, M.; Prialnik, D.; Regev, O.


    Numerical calculations are used to study the hydrodynamic evolution of a hot white dwarf with 1 solar mass accreting hydrogen-rich matter at rates between 10 to the -8th and 10 to the -6th solar masses/yr. It is found that for accretion at a rate of about 10 to the -8th solar masses/yr, nova-type outbursts of long duration occur at intervals of about 1500 yr. About half of the accreted envelope is ejected during these outbursts. At a rate of about 10 to the -7th solar masses/yr, the star alternates between comparable periods at a high plateau luminosity and giant dimensions and periods at a low luminosity and white dwarf dimension. At 10 to the -6th solar masses/yr, equilibrium is achieved with a typical red giant luminosity supported by steady hydrogen burning. It is concluded that symbiotic novae are more likely to occur in detached systems involving wind accretors. Thus, the contribution of symbiotic stars to the frequency of type I supernovae is severely constrained. 39 refs

  14. Potenciais tardios ao eletrocardiograma de alta resolução no domínio do tempo em portadores de insuficiência cardíaca de diferentes etiologias Time domain analysis of the signal averaged electrocardiogram to detect late potentials in heart failure patients with different etiologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernani de Sousa Grell


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar freqüência, correlações clínicas e influência prognóstica do potencial tardio no eletrocardiograma de alta resolução, em portadores de insuficiência cardíaca de diferentes etiologias. MÉTODOS: Foi estudado o eletrocardiograma de alta resolução, durante 42 meses, em 288 portadores de insuficiência cardíaca de diferentes etiologias, 215 homens (74,65% e 73 mulheres (25,35, de idades entre 16 e 70 anos (média 51,5, desvio-padrão 11,24. As etiologias da insuficiência cardíaca foram: cardiomiopatia hipertensiva, 78(27,1%; cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática, 73(25,4%; cardiomiopatia isquêmica, 65(22,6%; cardiomiopatia da doença de Chagas, 42(14,6%; cardiomiopatia alcoólica, 9(3,1%; cardiomiopatia periparto, 6(2,1%; valvopatias em 2(4,2% e miocardite viral, 3(1,04%. Foram avaliadas a duração do QRS Standard, duração do QRS filtrado, duração do sinal abaixo de 40µV e a raiz quadrada nos últimos 40ms quanto a idade, sexo, etiologia, achados do eletrocardiograma de repouso de 12 derivações, do ecocardiograma, do eletrocardiograma de longa duração e mortalidade. Para a análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes: exato de Fisher, t de Student, de Man-Whitney, análise de variância, Log-HanK e o método de Kaplan-Meyer. RESULTADOS: O potencial tardio foi diagnosticado em 90 (31,3% pacientes e não houve correlação com as etiologias. Sua presença associou-se a: menor consumo máximo de oxigênio a cicloergoespirometria (p=0,001; taquicardia ventricular sustentada e não sustentada ao Holter (p=0,001, morte súbita e mortalidade (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency, clinical correlations and prognosis influence of late potentials on the of heart failure patients with different etiologies using the signal averaged electrocardiogram. METHODS: A 42 month study of the signal averaged electrocardiograms of 288 heart failure patients with different etiologies was conducted. The group of patients

  15. Fabrication and testing of gas filled targets for large scale plasma experiments on Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stone, G.F.; Spragge, M.; Wallace, R.J.; Rivers, C.J.


    An experimental campaign on the Nova laser was started in July 1993 to study one st of target conditions for the point design of the National Ignition Facility (NIF). The targets were specified to investigate the current NIF target conditions--a plasma of ∼3 keV electron temperature and an electron density of ∼1.0 E + 21 cm -3 . A gas cell target design was chosen to confine as gas of ∼0.01 cm 3 in volume at ∼ 1 atmosphere. This paper will describe the major steps and processes necessary in the fabrication, testing and delivery of these targets for shots on the Nova Laser at LLNL

  16. Understanding the Future Market for NovaSAR-S Flood Mapping Products Using Data Mining and Simulation (United States)

    Lavender, Samantha; Haria, Kajal; Cooksley, Geraint; Farman, Alex; Beaton, Thomas


    The aim was to understand a future market for NovaSAR-S, with a particular focus on flood mapping, through developing a simple Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulator that can be used in advance of NovaSAR-S data becoming available.The return signal was determined from a combination of a terrain or elevation model, Envisat S-Band Radar Altimeter (RA)-2, Landsat and CORINE land cover information; allowing for a simulation of a SAR image that's influenced by both the geometry and surface type. The test sites correspond to data from the 2014 AirSAR campaign, and validation is performed by using AirSAR together with Envisat Advanced (ASAR) and Advanced Land Observing Satellite "Daichi" (ALOS) Phased Array type L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data.It's envisaged that the resulting simulated data, and the simulator, will not only aid early understanding of NovaSAR-S, but will also aid the development of flood mapping applications.

  17. Restauration de Sapho ou Le Chant de Raoul Verlet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucie Courtiade


    Full Text Available L'étude de Sapho ou Le Chant, modèle de fonderie en plâtre élaboré par Raoul Verlet et conservé au Musée d'Angoulême depuis 1926, a permis d'aborder un sujet courant, celui des plâtres fracturés par l'expansion de la corrosion d'armatures internes causée par l'humidité. La principale intervention s'est axée sur le remontage des fragments nécessitant la conception d'une structure de remontage en acier inoxydable. Les interventions  structurelles ont été complétées par des collages simples ou renforcés des fragments de grandes dimensions.The study of Sapho ou Le Chant, a plaster cast foundry created by Raoul Verlet and preserved in the Angoulême Museum since 1926, has allowed to approach a common problematic, that one of split plaster cast by the expansion of steel reinforcements corrosion, caused by high humidity conservation conditions. The main intervention concerned the fragments reconstruction requiring the design and the execution of a stainless steel pedestal. The structural interventions was completed with simple and reinforced stickings of the larger fragments.

  18. Remarks of Honorable Eleanor Norrie, Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources at the 1996 CORE conference

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Norrie, E.


    Speaking notes used by the Nova Scotia Minister of Natural Resources at the 1996 CORE Conference were provided. The presentation focused on the new Sable Offshore Energy Project, an important new offshore gas field being developed by Mobil Oil. The project represents a total investment of $3 billion, the biggest capital project ever undertaken in Nova Scotia, and is completely funded by the private sector. Nearly 4,000 jobs will be created during the offshore and onshore construction phase, as well as future tax revenues for the province, new business opportunities, infrastructure for future projects, and an estimated 11,000 `spin-off` jobs. To expedite the development process, the Government of Nova Scotia has recently established the Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Office to work exclusively on the Sable gas and pipeline project. Future plans include a gas processing plant for Guysborough County. The gas will be transported by pipeline across New Brunswick to the New England market. A proposal by Gaz Metropolitain is also expected which would have some of the gas transported to Quebec.

  19. Novas Cartas Portuguesas: The Making of a Reputation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Margarida Dias Martins


    Full Text Available Novas Cartas Portuguesas (New Portuguese Letters, co-authored by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta, and Maria Velho da Costa, was banned in 1972 in Portugal for exploring sensitive issues such as women's oppression under the Catholic patriarchy. Given that police action against the authors soon became the focus of an international feminist protest in 1972-73, existing discussions of the book's reception often focus almost exclusively on what may be called its political life. I propose to approach the book from a new angle, with the purpose of uncovering its theoretical dimension as a literary-critical text that may have played an important role in helping to shape feminist intellectual directions of the 1970s. Specifically, I analyze how a general insistence on the political life of Novas Cartas contributed to marginalizing the work on a theoretical level, transforming it into a "strange" (Ahmed textual body out of place. In a manner similar to what would later happen to the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector as a result of Hélène Cixous's feminist sponsorship of her work, this marginalization helped define the boundaries of "international feminism" as opposed to "Portuguese anti-fascism," according to a conception of the Lusophone cultural sphere as an anachronistic feminine space for political action, entirely disconnected from the centers where feminist theory is made.

  20. Remarks of Honorable Eleanor Norrie, Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources at the 1996 CORE conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norrie, E.


    Speaking notes used by the Nova Scotia Minister of Natural Resources at the 1996 CORE Conference were provided. The presentation focused on the new Sable Offshore Energy Project, an important new offshore gas field being developed by Mobil Oil. The project represents a total investment of $3 billion, the biggest capital project ever undertaken in Nova Scotia, and is completely funded by the private sector. Nearly 4,000 jobs will be created during the offshore and onshore construction phase, as well as future tax revenues for the province, new business opportunities, infrastructure for future projects, and an estimated 11,000 'spin-off' jobs. To expedite the development process, the Government of Nova Scotia has recently established the Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Office to work exclusively on the Sable gas and pipeline project. Future plans include a gas processing plant for Guysborough County. The gas will be transported by pipeline across New Brunswick to the New England market. A proposal by Gaz Metropolitain is also expected which would have some of the gas transported to Quebec