
Sample records for era del dsm

  1. Asignaturas pendientes del DSM-5


    Artigas, Josep, 1948-; Paula Pérez, Isabel, 1970-


    El presente artículo analiza las críticas generadas a partir de la publicación del Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales, quinta edición (DSM-5), ya anunciadas parcialmente durante las últimas fases de su elaboración. Una parte de las críticas se ha centrado en los cambios de los criterios diagnósticos para determinados trastornos y en la incorporación al DSM de nuevas entidades. Sin embargo, otra vertiente crítica va dirigida a la falta de validez de los diagnósticos de...

  2. Validez de constructo de los trastornos de la personalidad del DSM-IV

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    José Luis Besteiro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio cuasi-experimental fue valorar la validez de constructo de los conglomerados de trastornos de la personalidad del DSM-IV y la posible existencia de alguna de las dimensiones propuestas por los modelos factorialesbiológicos de la personalidad. Para ello se analizó la estructura factorial que emerge de un conjunto de medidas clínicas (MCMI-II, de personalidad (BFQ, psicofisiológicas (tasa cardiaca y respuesta dermoeléctrica ante tareas de estrés experimental y neuropsicológicas (tareas informatizadas que evalúan funciones ejecutivas frontales de atención sostenida, flexibilidad mental y formación de conceptos: Stroop, CPT y WCST. Se analizó una muestra de 146 sujetos (68 varones y 78 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre 17 y 65 años, diagnosticados con algún trastorno de la personalidad según criterios del DSM-IV. No se ha encontrado ningún factor que responda a alguna de las dimensiones propuestas por los modelos factoriales-biológicos para explicar los trastornos de la personalidad ni a la estructura de conglomerados del DSM-IV. Los resultados no apoyan la validez de constructo de los trastornos de la personalidad del DSM-IV.

  3. Implicaciones clínicas y asistenciales de la nueva clasificación DSM 5 para trastorno del espectro autistas


    Romero González, Marina


    OBJETIVOS 1. Estudiar el cumplimiento de los nuevos criterios diagnósticos para Trastorno del Espectro Autista recogidos en el DSM 5 en una muestra de pacientes escolarizados y diagnosticados de Trastorno General del Desarrollo del DSM IV-TR. 2. Estudiar la clasificación de los diferentes subtipos en pacientes diagnosticados con Trastorno General del Desarrollo del DSM IV-TR (Autismo, Síndrome de Asperger y Trastorno general no especificado) entre los pacientes que cumplían los crite...

  4. Comorbilidades psiquiátricas en los trastornos del espectro autista: estudio comparativo entre los criterios DSM-IV-TR y DSM-5

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    Marina Romero


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/Objetivo: Los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA incluyen un grupo heterogéneo en cuanto a su presentación clínica, lo que supone un desafío a nivel de caracterización diagnóstica. Por consiguiente, el objetivo principal de la clasificación DSM-5 debería de ser identificar subgrupos de ASD que incluyan severidad y comorbilidades psiquiátricas. El objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar las comorbilidades diagnósticas que pueden ser relevantes como descriptores de fenotipos autistas así como la severidad de los síntomas de autismo y comparar los resultados de las diferentes criterios de clasificación entre el DSM-IV-TR y el DSM-5. Método: Se realiza un estudio comparati - vo de severidad y comorbilidades psiquiátricas entre una muestra con diagnóstico de Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo, según criterios DSM-IV-TR, y una muestra que cumplía también criterios para TEA según la clasificación DSM-5. La muestra fue obtenida en centros educativos ( n =123. Las comorbilidades psiquiátricas y la severidad de los síntomas se evaluaron a través del The Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form , entrevista clínica y el Inventario de Trastorno del Espectro Autista, respectivamente. Las comorbi - lidades estudiadas fueron ansiedad, alteraciones de la conducta alimentaria, auto-agre - sividad, hetero-agresividad, autolesiones, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y déficit de atención e hiperactividad. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente sig - nificativas entre ambos grupos para trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo , alteraciones de la conducta alimentaria y severidad . Conclusiones: Se apoya la hipótesis de que los indivi - duos que cumplen criterios diagnósticos según DSM-5 tienen mayor severidad sintomáti - ca, no sólo con respecto a los síntomas autistas centrales, sino también en relación con comorbilidades psiquiátricas.

  5. Del DSM-IV-TR al DSM-5: análisis de algunos cambios

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    Juan Francisco Rodríguez Testal


    Full Text Available La publicación de la quinta edición del DSM ha avivado un debate iniciado tiempo atrás, desde el anuncio de los cambios en los criterios de diagnóstico propuestos por la APA. En este artículo se analizan algunas de estas modificaciones. Se plantean aspectos interesantes y acertados, como la inclusión de la dimensionalidad, tanto en las clases diagnósticas como en algunos trastornos, la incorporación de un espectro obsesivo-compulsivo o la desaparición de los subtipos de esquizofrenia. También se analizan otros aspectos más controvertidos como la consideración del síndrome de psicosis atenuada, la descripción de un trastorno depresivo persistente, la reordenación en trastornos de síntomas somáticos los clásicos trastornos somatoformes, o el mantenimiento de los tres grandes grupos de trastornos de la personalidad, siempre insatisfactorios, junto con un planteamiento anunciado, pero marginal, de la perspectiva dimensional de las alteraciones de la personalidad. La nueva clasificación del DSM-5 abre numerosos interrogantes acerca de la validez que se pretende mejorar en el diagnóstico, en esta ocasión, asumiendo un planteamiento más cercano a la neurología y la genética que a la psicopatología clínica.

  6. Consistencia interna del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Trastornos del Eje II del DSM-IV*


    Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Díaz-Martínez, Luis Alfonso; Barros-Bermúdez, Jaider Alfonso


    Introducción: Es infrecuente identificar posibles casos de trastornos de personalidad en la población general, debido a la carencia de instrumentos autoadministrados con buena validez y confiabilidad. Hasta la fecha no se ha explorado la confiabilidad del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Diagnósticos del eje II (SDID-II) del DSM-IV en la población colombiana. Objetivo: Determinar la consistencia interna de las subescalas del cuestionario autoadministrad...

  7. El movimiento estudiantil chileno del 2011 en intervenciones discursivas del Presidente Piñera

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    Claudio Araya Seguel


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra evidencia lingüístico-discursiva del intento del Presidente Piñera por acallar las influencias sociales del movimiento estudiantil chileno del año 2011. Desde una mirada crítica se da cuenta del comportamiento discursivo de este hablante en el marco del primer conflicto social que enfrentó el nuevo gobierno de derecha en Chile. El valor teórico-metodológico de este estudio radica en la mirada triangular a las intervenciones discursivas. A través del análisis de un corpus de cuatro intervenciones presidenciales desde las perspectivas de las funciones estratégicas del discurso político, la teoría de la valoración y la lingüística de corpus se observa cómo Piñera deslegitima al movimiento social asociando las demandas referidas a educación con la violencia y el desorden público generado en el contexto de las crecientes marchas a lo largo del país.

  8. DSM 5: Precedents, present and prospects

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    Jordi E. Obiols


    Full Text Available La próxima edición del DSM (DSM 5 aparecerá en Mayo de 2013. Los borradores publicados ya han generado diversas polémicas. Se ha criticado la posible inflación diagnóstica con una previsible epidemia de falsos positivos en nuevos diagnósticos como el "síndrome psicótico atenuado". La propuesta de otros nuevos diagnósticos como el «trastorno cognitivo leve", el "trastorno por atracones" o las "adicciones conductuales", entre otros, se suman a esta polémica. También se han criticado ciertos aspectos metodológicos del proceso, como la exigencia de confidencialidad y la falta de transparencia y los conflictos de intereses. El artículo repasa los antecedentes históricos del proceso DSM, con la revolución en la fiabilidad diagnóstica del DSM-III, los problemas de validez del DSM IV y las dudas que genera el DSM 5 en el supuesto cambio de "paradigma dimensional". Asimismo, se apunta a posibles vías futuras de solución, más allá del DSM 5, en el avance de las ciencias básicas del cerebro y de la conducta.

  9. Bulimia nerviosa ¿Mas allá del DSM-IV?


    Sánchez-Carracedo, David; Mora, Marisol; Raich, Rosa; Torras, Joan


    En el articulo se discuten diversos estudios recientes sobre cada uno de los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-IV sobre la bulimia nerviosa. Se ha puesto una atención especial a aquellos síntomas que pueden formar parte de otro diagnóstico pero que en el marco de la Bulimia Nerviosa pueden presentar una muyor gravedad. También se analizan las posibles repercusiones diagnósticas y terapéuticas que comportarían cambios en las exigencias de algunos criterios.

  10. Los desafíos del marketing en la era del big data

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    Marsy Dayanna Ortiz Morales


    Full Text Available Este escrito plantea cuatro desafíos del marketing a los que se enfrentan las empresas en la era digital teniendo en cuenta el enfoque estratégico, tecnológico y táctico; su objetivo es ayudar a que las organizaciones, en especial los departamentos de marketing, puedan tomar mejores decisiones implementando la analítica de datos. En la primera parte del artículo se presenta la definición y evolución del marketing desde la revolución industrial, con su enfoque en el producto y la producción en masa, hasta el marketing actual, que está centrado en el consumidor y las necesidades del cliente buscando una diferenciación y personalización tanto de productos como de servicios basándose en los avances tecnológicos y los diversos accesos a la información. En la segunda parte se especifica qué es Big Data, los volúmenes de datos, los tipos de datos y sus fuentes; igualmente, se puntualiza qué es la analítica de datos (data analytics. El tercer aporte esboza la descripción del marketing en nuestros días y cómo los servicios de la Web 2.0 (redes sociales, RSS, tecnologías rápidas de mensajería, vídeos, mensajería instantánea, wikis, blogs, etc. y sus bases teóricas ayudan a la captación, fidelización y posicionamiento de marca. Por último, se presentan los cuatro desafíos para las empresas en la actual era digital: el desafío de las 6V (volumen, velocidad, variedad, veracidad, valor y visualización; los retos estratégicos, tecnológicos y operativos en las organizaciones; las tendencias del marketing y la medición del ROMI (return on marketing investment.

  11. Gestión del conocimiento y de la tecnología en la era digital


    García-Peñalvo, Francisco José


    La ponencia “Gestión del conocimiento y de la tecnología en la era digital” fue impartida el 26 de octubre de 2011 en la Academia de Logística del Ejército de Tierra (ACLOG) en Calatayud en el contexto del Curso básico de enseñanza en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La charla se organiza de forma que se introduce la era digital, el conocimiento y el conocimiento digital para centrarse en los aspectos de gestión del conocimiento y gestión de la tecnología.

  12. La producción agropecuaria chilena en la "Era del Salitre" (1880-1930

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    Claudio Robles Ortiz


    Full Text Available Usando una variedad de nuevas series de información estadística para los cultivos mas importantes, este artículo analiza el desempeño del sector agropecuario durante la Era del Salitre (1880-1930, un periodo de rápida expansión y modernización económica en Chile. El trabajo muestra que en esos años, y especialmente después del cambio del siglo XIX, la producción y el valor real del producto agropecuario aumentaron en la mayoría de los cultivos más importantes, así como en la ganadería. Además, hubo importantes mejoras en la productividad de la tierra, las cuales reflejaron el impacto de cambios tecnológicos, como las innovaciones biológicas. En suma, al contrario de las interpretaciones convencionales que popularizaron la noción de "estancamiento agrícola", este trabajo demuestra que la agricultura de la Era del Salitre fue un sector mucho más dinámico de lo que se suponía.Using a variety of new statistical data series for the most important crops, this article analyzes the performance of the agricultural sector during the so-called Nitrate Era (1880-1930, a period of rapid economic expansion and modernization in Chile. The paper shows that throughout that period, and especially after the turn of the nineteenth century, the agricultural production and the real value of the output increased in the most important crops as well as in the livestock sector. In addition, there took place important improvements in land productivity, which reflected the impact of technological changes, such as biological innovations. In short, contrary to conventional accounts that popularized the notion of "agricultural stagnation," this work demonstrates that Nitrate Era agriculture was a far more dynamic sector than generally supposed.

  13. Feeding and eating disorders in the DSM-5 era: a systematic review of prevalence rates in non-clinical male and female samples. (United States)

    Lindvall Dahlgren, Camilla; Wisting, Line; Rø, Øyvind


    The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature on the prevalence of eating disorders (EDs) during the DSM-5 era, and to report rates of point- and lifetime prevalence. A PubMed search was conducted targeting articles on the epidemiology of EDs, in particular, reported rates of prevalence. The review was performed in accordance with PRISMA guidelines, and was limited to DSM-5 based eating disorder diagnoses published between 2012 and 2017. A total of 19 studies fulfilled inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Following the transition to DSM-5, it is evident that the prevalence of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)/other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED) has decreased as intended, and there is preliminary evidence suggesting that rates of anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge eating disorder (BED) have increased. Further, we observed higher rates of BED prevalence among females compared to males, with rates increasing with age. A limitation to the study was the search date, and that none of the included studies investigated the "new" DSM-5 feeding disorders avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), pica or rumination disorder warranting attention in future studies investigating the epidemiology of feeding and eating disorders.

  14. La producción agropecuaria chilena en la "Era del Salitre" (1880-1930)


    Robles Ortiz, Claudio


    Usando una variedad de nuevas series de información estadística para los cultivos mas importantes, este artículo analiza el desempeño del sector agropecuario durante la Era del Salitre (1880-1930), un periodo de rápida expansión y modernización económica en Chile. El trabajo muestra que en esos años, y especialmente después del cambio del siglo XIX, la producción y el valor real del producto agropecuario aumentaron en la mayoría de los cultivos más importantes, así como en la ganadería. Ademá...

  15. The Environmental Acinetobacter baumannii Isolate DSM30011 Reveals Clues into the Preantibiotic Era Genome Diversity, Virulence Potential, and Niche Range of a Predominant Nosocomial Pathogen (United States)

    Viale, Alejandro M.; Borges, Vítor; Cameranesi, María M.; Taib, Najwa; Espariz, Martín; Brochier-Armanet, Céline; Gomes, João Paulo; Salcedo, Suzana P.


    Abstract Acinetobacter baumannii represents nowadays an important nosocomial opportunistic pathogen whose reservoirs outside the clinical setting are obscure. Here, we traced the origins of the collection strain A. baumannii DSM30011 to an isolate first reported in 1944, obtained from the enriched microbiota responsible of the aerobic decomposition of the resinous desert shrub guayule. Whole-genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis based on core genes confirmed DSM30011 affiliation to A. baumannii. Comparative studies with 32 complete A. baumannii genomes revealed the presence of 12 unique accessory chromosomal regions in DSM30011 including five encompassing phage-related genes, five containing toxin genes of the type-6 secretion system, and one with an atypical CRISPRs/cas cluster. No antimicrobial resistance islands were identified in DSM30011 agreeing with a general antimicrobial susceptibility phenotype including folate synthesis inhibitors. The marginal ampicillin resistance of DSM30011 most likely derived from chromosomal ADC-type ampC and blaOXA-51-type genes. Searching for catabolic pathways genes revealed several clusters involved in the degradation of plant defenses including woody tissues and a previously unreported atu locus responsible of aliphatic terpenes degradation, thus suggesting that resinous plants may provide an effective niche for this organism. DSM30011 also harbored most genes and regulatory mechanisms linked to persistence and virulence in pathogenic Acinetobacter species. This strain thus revealed important clues into the genomic diversity, virulence potential, and niche ranges of the preantibiotic era A. baumannii population, and may provide an useful tool for our understanding of the processes that led to the recent evolution of this species toward an opportunistic pathogen of humans. PMID:28934377


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    Hernán Urbina Joiro


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    En un momento extraño el bastón de Asclepio, dios de la medicina, fue cambiado por el caduceo de Mercurio, dios del comercio y también de los ladrones.

    Distintas tradiciones griegas dicen que Asclepio se servía de un bastón y de la serpiente para sanar enfermos, enseñar y resucitar difuntos1,2 y que cuando volvió a la vida a Hipólito, hijo de Teseo, le había restado tantos muertos a Hades, rey de los infiernos, que el propio Hades fue a querellarse ante Zeus, quien convencido de la amenaza que representaría Asclepio para mantener el orden establecido, lo hirió con un rayo3,4. La vara de Asclepio —Esculapio para los romanos— con una serpiente enrollada simbolizó la sanación mediada por el médico5.

    De Hermes —Mercurio para los romanos—, dios griego del comercio, las comunicaciones, la astucia y los ladrones6, la tradición afirma que su caduceo consistía en un bastón de oro con alas y dos serpientes enrolladas, y que le fue regalado por Apolo a cambio de la flauta del dios Pan7. Una práctica anglosajona del siglo XVI, iniciada por el doctor William Butts, médico del rey Enrique VIII, introdujo el caduceo de Mercurio —en lugar de lavara de Asclepio— como símbolo entre médicos británicos8 y de allí pasó a galenos del cuerpo médico del ejército de los Estados Unidos y de diversas otras comunidades médicas. Por cierto, Mrs. Butts aparece en Enrique VIII, de William Shakespeare, como «El doctor Butts, médico del Rey»9.

    Sin embargo, de acuerdo con Michel Foucault, sólo en el siglo XVIII se expresaría en pleno la era de la «economía política»10 como el eje del arte de gobernar y en donde la medicina jugaría un papel central para vigilar a los pueblos, perseguir amenazas como la locura, los descarríos sexuales, las infecciones e incluso a la propia delincuencia11. En La vida de los hombres infames12, Foucault sostiene que fue en la Alemania de finales del siglo XVIII donde surgi

  17. Evoluciones del lenguaje cinematográfico en la era digital

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    Juan Carlos Carrillo Cal y Mayor


    Full Text Available Los códigos estéticos y narrativos del medio audiovisual, instituidos por el cine y luego extendidos a la televisión y los otros formatos audiovisuales, se han visto constantemente innovados a lo largo de la historia a causa de los distintos cambios sociales y tecnológicos, así como de las propias experimentaciones creativas de los autores. La era digital, coincidente con la posmodernidad, ha tenido un modo propio de influir en este desarrollo del lenguaje cinematográfico a partir factores como la cultura visual de los espectadores, los otros medios narrativos y el soporte digital junto con el auge de internet que ha propiciado un cambio significativo en el cine como industria y como arte.

  18. Problematizando la noción de trastorno en el TDAH e influencia del manual DSM

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    Eugenia Bianchi


    niños y niñas. Como parte de la investigación de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (UBA, me enfoco en la concepción y circulación del TDAH como trastorno de la conducta infantil, desde el DSM y desde diferentes fuentes, deteniéndome en algunas características del diagnóstico y tratamiento. La metodología es cualitativa, basada en el análisis de documentos escritos, que abarcan entrevistas a profesionales de la salud y de la educación, revistas y libros especializados en la temática, páginas de Internet y artículos periodísticos. Sigo una perspectiva foucaultiana, centrada en el concepto de problematización.

  19. A importância e as limitações do uso do DSM-IV na prática clínica La importancia y los límites del uso del DSM-IV en la práctica clínica Importance and constraints of the DSM-IV use in the clinical practice

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    Evandro Gomes de Matos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O DSM-IV é um sistema diagnóstico e estatístico de classificação dos transtornos mentais, segundo o modelo categorial, destinado à prática clínica e à pesquisa em psiquiatria. O objetivo do presente estudo foi apresentar as vantagens do uso deste instrumento e suas limitações. METODOLOGIA: Os autores realizaram uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e apresentaram a relevância do tema, como está no momento configurado. Foram apontadas algumas mudanças prováveis, que ocorrerão nas próximas edições, e a discussão entre os modelos diagnósticos - dimensional e categorial. O artigo inclui os seguintes tópicos: histórico, conceito, vantagens e desvantagens da utilização, discussão e conclusão. Apresenta, também, um projeto que será desenvolvido no Núcleo de Atendimento dos Transtornos de Ansiedade (NATA, do Departamento de Psiquiatria da FCM/UNICAMP, aplicando um novo instrumento diagnóstico para o espectro do pânico agorafóbico, segundo o modelo dimensional.INTRODUCCIÓN: El DSM-IV es un sistema diagnóstico y estadístico de clasificación de los trastornos mentales, conforme al modelo categorial, destinado a la práctica clínica y a la investigación en psiquiatría. El objetivo del presente estudio fue presentar las ventajas del uso de este instrumento, así como sus límites. METODOLOGIA: Los autores realizaron una amplia revisión bibliográfica y presentaron la relevancia del tema, tal como se configura en el momento. Señalaron algunos cambios probables, que ocurrirán en las próximas ediciones, y la discusión entre los modelos diagnósticos - dimensional y categorial. El artículo incluye los siguientes tópicos: histórico, concepto, ventajas y desventajas de la utilización, discusión y conclusión. Presenta, además, un proyecto que será desarrollado en el Núcleo de Atendimento dos Transtornos de Ansiedade (NATA, del Departamento de Psiquiatría de la FCM/UNICAMP, aplicando un nuevo


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    Armando Cuesta Santos


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    Dictando un curso a distancia sobre Gestión Empresarial para directivos del primer nivel en una empresa que comprendía el ámbito nacional -impartido desde otro país- realizando una consultoría en otra para determinar los perfiles de competencias para sus integrantes de la alta dirección, e inculcando a todos esos directivos la concepción de organización que aprende, se alcanzó un conjunto de experiencias y reflexiones que, a la luz de una obra de Bill Gates de 1999 acerca de la


    era digital, se quiere exponer. Esta era del conocimiento es, además, la era de la mayor productividad del trabajo, a la cual, quienes no accedan no podrán competir, que equivale a no sobrevivir a los inicios de este siglo XXI.

  1. Predicción de los trastornos de la personalidad del Eje II del DSM-IV-TR a partir de diferentes modelos dimensionales: Costa y McCrae, Zuckerman y Cloninger


    Gallart Masià, Salvador


    Aquest estudi pretén comprovar l’existència o no de diferències estructurals entre la personalitat normal i patològica. D’altra banda, interessa veure la capacitat predictiva dels tests de personalitat normal respecte als trastorns de la personalitat segons els criteris del DSM-IV-TR, en població sana i clínica. S'utilitzen tres instruments psicomètrics (NEO-PI-R, ZKPQ-50-CC i TCI-R), pertanyents als models dimensionals de personalitat de Costa i McCrae (Cinc Grans Factors), Zuckerman (Cinc A...

  2. Problematizando la noción de trastorno en el TDAH e influencia del manual DSM

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    Eugenia Bianchi


    Full Text Available En Argentina, profesionales de la salud y educación infantil con diferentes posturas teóricas y terapéuticas, debaten con agudeza en torno al diagnóstico y tratamiento por TDAH en niños y niñas. Como parte de la investigación de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (UBA, me enfoco en la concepción y circulación del TDAH como trastorno de la conducta infantil, desde el DSM y desde diferentes fuentes, deteniéndome en algunas características del diagnóstico y tratamiento. La metodología es cualitativa, basada en el análisis de documentos escritos, que abarcan entrevistas a profesionales de la salud y de la educación, revistas y libros especializados en la temática, páginas de Internet y artículos periodísticos. Sigo una perspectiva foucaultiana, centrada en el concepto de problematización.

  3. [Cultural components within DSM-5: achievements, hopes, and expectations]. (United States)

    Alarcón, Renato D


    Cultural Psychiatry deals with the description, definition, evaluation and management of psychiatric conditions as a clinical reflection of cultural factors within an integral context, and as an explanatory, interpretative, nosological, therapeutic and preventive attribute in professional practice. This article attempts to analyze that link in the context of the dominant classification in our era, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with emphasis on the development of its latest version, DSM-5. The cultural content of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) of the World Health Organization (WHO) can be the subject of further analysis, even when it can be said that, in general, it seemingly has less reach than the American classification. The author's participation, work and reflections about the DSM-5 Committee, created by the APA at the beginning of this century, constitute the basis of the presentation and discussion of concrete achievements, more or less idealized hopes, and more or less realistic expectations with a view to the future. Conclusions will also try to cover implications of DSM-5 cultural components in the field of Latin American and spanish-speaking psychiatry.

  4. The DSM revision process: needing to keep an eye on the empirical ball. (United States)

    First, M B


    From DSM-III onward, successive DSM editions have strived to ground the diagnostic definitions in empirical evidence. DSM-IV established a three-stage process of empirical review, consisting of comprehensive and systematic literature reviews, secondary analyses of datasets, and field trials to provide reliability and validity data for the most substantial or controversial proposals. DSM-IV Work Group members were required to review the empirical literature to document explicitly the evidence supporting the text and criteria published in DSM-IV. As noted by Kendler and Solomon (2016), in contrast to the emphasis on systematic reviews in medicine which is a manifestation of the evidence-based medicine movement, such systematic evidence-based reviews have not been consistently integrated into the development of DSM-5, raising questions about empirical rigor underlying the DSM-5 revision. It is likely that this regression in terms of anchoring the revision process in a comprehensive review of empirical data stemmed from the emphasis during the DSM-5 revision process on trying to move DSM-5 from its categorical descriptive approach towards a more etiological dimensional approach. Although such a shift ultimately did not occur, the effort spent on trying to achieve a paradigm shift likely came at the expense of the hard work of conducting systematic empirical reviews. For the DSM to continue to remain credible in the current era of evidence-based medicine, it is essential that the developers of future editions of the DSM avoid taking their eye off the empirical ball and insure that the manual remains grounded in solid empirical evidence.


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    Manuel J Santos Alcántara


    Full Text Available El conocimiento obtenido a la fecha acerca del Genoma Humano a través del Proyecto Genoma Humano (PGH, ha impactado profundamente en la medicina. La medicina en la era genómica se va tornando cada vez más preventiva que curativa. El conocimiento obtenido por el PGH ha permitido desarrollar tests de diagnóstico genético que pueden aplicarse a personas ya enfermas o a aquellas que todavía no han desarrollado una particular afección genética (diagnóstico presintomático. También estos tests pueden aplicarse para el diagnóstico antenatal y embrionario preimplantacional de enfermedades genéticas. En la aplicación de estos tests el Consejo Genético, en su calidad de acto médico, tiene un rol esencial. En este artículo se presentará el Proyecto del Genoma Humano, el proceso del Consejo Genético y sus implicancias bioéticas desde una perspectiva principialista y personalistaO conhecimento obtido até hoje acerca do Genoma Humano através do Projeto Genoma Humano (PGH, impactou profundamente na Medicina. A Medicina na era genómica vai se tornando cada vez mais curativa. O conhecimento obtido através do PGH permitiu desenvolver testes de diagnóstico genético, que podem aplicar-se a pessoas já enfermas ou a aquelas que todavia não desenvolveram uma afecção genética particular (diagnóstico pré-sintomático. Estes testes também podem ser aplicados para o diagnóstico pré-natal e embrionário de doenças genéticas. Na aplicação destes testes, o Conselho Genético, na sua qualidade de ato médico, tem um papel essencial. Neste artigo será apresentado o Projeto do Genoma Humano, o Processo do Conselho Genético e suas implicações bioéticas de uma perspectiva principialista e personalistaThe Human Genome Project has had a significant impact in Medicine. Genomic Medicine is becoming more preventive than curative. The knowledge obtained by the Human Genome Project has allowed the development of genetic diagnostic tests for

  6. Del transexualismo a la disforia de género en el DSM. Cambios terminológicos, misma esencia patologizante


    Mas Grau, Jordi


    En el presente artículo se analiza el modo en que se ha conceptuado la transexualidad en el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM). Veremos que los sucesivos cambios de denominación y de criterios diagnósticos obedecen a las presiones recibidas por los redactores del manual por parte de científicos, académicos, organismos políticos y asociaciones por los derechos "trans". Fruto de estas tensiones se ha reconceptualizado la transexualidad en diversas ocasiones, pero ...

  7. Breve historia del cine en el África negra. Cuando el cinc era "africano", pero sólo de nombre.


    Speciale, Alessandra


    Speciale, A. (1999). Breve historia del cine en el África negra. Cuando el cinc era "africano", pero sólo de nombre. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (30):4-19. 4 19 30

  8. DSM-5 Personality Traits and DSM-IV Personality Disorders (United States)

    Hopwood, Christopher J.; Thomas, Katherine M.; Markon, Kristian E.; Wright, Aidan G.C.; Krueger, Robert F.


    Two issues pertinent to the DSM-5 proposal for personality pathology, the recovery of DSM-IV personality disorders (PDs) by proposed DSM-5 traits and the validity of the proposed DSM-5 hybrid model which incorporates both personality pathology symptoms and maladaptive traits, were evaluated in a large undergraduate sample (N = 808). Proposed DSM-5 traits as assessed with the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 explained a substantial proportion of variance in DSM-IV PDs as assessed with the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4+, and trait indicators of the six proposed DSM-5 PDs were mostly specific to those disorders with some exceptions. Regression analyses support the DSM-5 hybrid model in that pathological traits and an indicator of general personality pathology severity provided incremental information about PDs. Findings are discussed in the context of broader issues around the proposed DSM-5 model of personality disorders. PMID:22250660

  9. The diagnosis and management of depression in the era of the DSM-5

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Depressive disorders comprise a range of conditions that can be viewed along many dimensions. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) introduced several changes to the chapter on depressive disorders largely informed by advances in neuroscience, clinical and public health ...

  10. Classification of mood disorders in DSM-V and DSM-VI. (United States)

    Joyce, Peter R


    For any diagnostic system to be clinically useful, and go beyond description, it must provide an understanding that informs about aetiology and/or outcome. DSM-III and DSM-IV have provided reliability; the challenge for DSM-V and DSM-VI will be to provide validity. For DSM-V this will not be achieved. Believers in DSM-III and DSM-IV have impeded progress towards a valid classification system, so DSM-V needs to retain continuity with its predecessors to retain reliability and enhance research, but position itself to inform a valid diagnostic system by DSM-VI. This review examines the features of a diagnostic system and summarizes what is really known about mood disorders. The review also questions whether what are called mood disorders are primarily disorders of mood. Finally, it provides suggestions for DSM-VI.

  11. Verslavingsgedrag van DSM-IV naar DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brink, W.


    The 5th edition of the DSM was published in May, 2013. The new edition incorporates important changes in the classification of addiction. To compare the classification of addictive behaviours presented in DSM-IV with the classification presented in DSM-5 and to comment on the changes introduced into

  12. A proposal for including nomophobia in the new DSM-V

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bragazzi NL


    Full Text Available Nicola Luigi Bragazzi,1,2 Giovanni Del Puente21School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy; 2DINOGMI, Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health, Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa, Genoa, ItalyAbstract: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM is considered to be the gold standard manual for assessing the psychiatric diseases and is currently in its fourth version (DSM-IV, while a fifth (DSM-V has just been released in May 2013. The DSM-V Anxiety Work Group has put forward recommendations to modify the criteria for diagnosing specific phobias. In this manuscript, we propose to consider the inclusion of nomophobia in the DSM-V, and we make a comprehensive overview of the existing literature, discussing the clinical relevance of this pathology, its epidemiological features, the available psychometric scales, and the proposed treatment. Even though nomophobia has not been included in the DSM-V, much more attention is paid to the psychopathological effects of the new media, and the interest in this topic will increase in the near future, together with the attention and caution not to hypercodify as pathological normal behaviors.Keywords: behavioral dependence, mobile phone, social phobia, specific phobia

  13. DSM-5 ¿Qué modificaciones nos esperan?


    Rico Bañón, Darío; Martínez, Beatriz


    La Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA), antes de la publicación definitiva del Manual DSM-5, abrió un periodo de participación donde investigadores, clínicos, pacientes y familias pudieron aportar comentarios sobre la futura clasificación. En este periodo se recibieron más de 15.000 comentarios que han sido tenidos en cuenta por los grupos de trabajo encargados de la elaboración del manual. En este artículo queremos exponer algunos de los cambios propuestos en la nueva ve...

  14. El lenguaje en la era digital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Vergara Silva


    Con base en la interrelación entre lenguaje y pensamiento se plantea el papel fundamental que el lenguaje ocupa en el modelo económico, educativo y cultural generado por la aparición de la era digital o era del conocimiento. en este artículo se evidencian los retos que genera una era marcada por un esquema digital en el desarrollo y uso de habilidades comunicativas tanto en la docencia superior como en el ejercicio profesional eficiente.

  15. Approximating a DSM-5 Diagnosis of PTSD Using DSM-IV Criteria (United States)

    Rosellini, Anthony J.; Stein, Murray B.; Colpe, Lisa J.; Heeringa, Steven G.; Petukhova, Maria V.; Sampson, Nancy A.; Schoenbaum, Michael; Ursano, Robert J.; Kessler, Ronald C.


    Background Diagnostic criteria for DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are in many ways similar to DSM-IV criteria, raising the possibility that it might be possible to closely approximate DSM-5 diagnoses using DSM-IV symptoms. If so, the resulting transformation rules could be used to pool research data based on the two criteria sets. Methods The Pre-Post Deployment Study (PPDS) of the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS) administered a blended 30-day DSM-IV and DSM-5 PTSD symptom assessment based on the civilian PTSD Checklist for DSM-IV (PCL-C) and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). This assessment was completed by 9,193 soldiers from three US Army Brigade Combat Teams approximately three months after returning from Afghanistan. PCL-C items were used to operationalize conservative and broad approximations of DSM-5 PTSD diagnoses. The operating characteristics of these approximations were examined compared to diagnoses based on actual DSM-5 criteria. Results The estimated 30-day prevalence of DSM-5 PTSD based on conservative (4.3%) and broad (4.7%) approximations of DSM-5 criteria using DSM-IV symptom assessments were similar to estimates based on actual DSM-5 criteria (4.6%). Both approximations had excellent sensitivity (92.6-95.5%), specificity (99.6-99.9%), total classification accuracy (99.4-99.6%), and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (0.96-0.98). Conclusions DSM-IV symptoms can be used to approximate DSM-5 diagnoses of PTSD among recently-deployed soldiers, making it possible to recode symptom-level data from earlier DSM-IV studies to draw inferences about DSM-5 PTSD. However, replication is needed in broader trauma-exposed samples to evaluate the external validity of this finding. PMID:25845710

  16. La era de la información

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro Florez Calderón


    Full Text Available La revolución de la información basada en la información tiene como límite las fronteras del conocimiento. La información a diferencia de un bien material es inalienable, acumulativa y no produce los tipos de deterioro ambiental creados por la industria; por lo anterior, algunos especialistas, a la era de la información la denominan era Post-industrial. Si es necio pretender entender los procesos producidos por la revolución industrial, con una mentalidad pastoril, mucho más necio será tratar de comprender la era informacional con una concepción industrial. La nueva era implica formas y estructuras del pensamiento radicalmente diferentes, pues las profundas transformaciones sociales, técnicas, políticas, económicas que conlleva, no conducirán necesariamente por si mismos a un mayor bienestar para la humanidad. En el presente artículo pretendo dar una visión general sobre este apasionante y delicado tema.

  17. Tratamiento del codo de niñera en el primer nivel de atención de salud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Hernández Sandí

    Full Text Available El codo de niñera es una entidad de consulta frecuente en el primer nivel de atención que cubre población pediátrica, por lo tanto, es fundamental para los médicos, así como para el resto del personal de salud, conocer los conceptos actuales sobre el mecanismo de trauma y patología, para poder reconocer apropiadamente, mediante un buen diagnóstico basado en historia clínica, presentación clínica y examen físico, la presencia de una lesión de subluxación de la cabeza del radio por deslizamiento del ligamento anular, para aplicar de forma oportuna las técnicas adecuadas de reducción y valorar la evolución, evitando el uso de radiografías para no exponer innecesariamente a radiación a este tipo de pacientes.

  18. Make room for DSM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meade, W.; Roseman, E.


    This article examines the potential effect of demand side management (DSM) on the economics of the independent power industry. The topics of the article include the contribution of DSM to future resource needs, integrated resource planning, DSM incentives, DSM bidding, measuring DSM success, DSM as a part of future utility planning, and strategic responses to DSM

  19. DSM-V from the perspective of the DSM-IV experience. (United States)

    Walsh, B Timothy


    This article provides a brief overview of the development of the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders in DSM-IV. The process by which DSM-IV was developed is reviewed, including perspectives on what constitutes diagnostic validity and clinical utility, and their importance in assessing proposed changes in diagnostic criteria. The question of whether alterations in diagnostic criteria would clearly improve clinical utility was a major consideration in the DSM-IV process. Because of concerns that changes in diagnostic criteria would be disruptive and might entail loss of established knowledge, the DSM-IV Task Force assumed a generally conservative stance vis-à-vis change. The process of developing DSM-V is just beginning, and it is far from clear what alterations in diagnostic criteria for eating disorders will occur. However, the evolution of DSM-IV may provide a useful perspective on the development of DSM-V. (c) 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. El DSM, del nomenclador a la guía de tratamiento: un comentario crítico a la nosografía americana

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    Ignacio Barreira Alsina


    Full Text Available El Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales lleva ya más de 60 años de vigencia, ha sido objeto de numerosas actualizaciones a lo largo de su historia. El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar cómo evolucionó su propuesta en relación a la tarea diagnóstica del clínico, a fin de comprender sus implicaciones en términos de posibilidades y limitaciones. La línea de análisis de dicha revisión es epistemológica, y hace hincapié en los fundamentos teóricos, conceptuales y científicos del DSM. Abstract This research paper focuses on an epistemological, theoretical, conceptual and scientific review related to a clinical diagnostic understanding of its implications taking into consideration possibilities and limitations based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Guide for Mental Disorders, which is more than sixty years old with many modifications along its history.

  1. Re-evaluating DSM-I. (United States)

    Cooper, R; Blashfield, R K


    The DSM-I is currently viewed as a psychoanalytic classification, and therefore unimportant. There are four reasons to challenge the belief that DSM-I was a psychoanalytic system. First, psychoanalysts were a minority on the committee that created DSM-I. Second, psychoanalysts of the time did not use DSM-I. Third, DSM-I was as infused with Kraepelinian concepts as it was with psychoanalytic concepts. Fourth, contemporary writers who commented on DSM-I did not perceive it as psychoanalytic. The first edition of the DSM arose from a blending of concepts from the Statistical Manual for the Use of Hospitals of Mental Diseases, the military psychiatric classifications developed during World War II, and the International Classification of Diseases (6th edition). As a consensual, clinically oriented classification, DSM-I was popular, leading to 20 printings and international recognition. From the perspective inherent in this paper, the continuities between classifications from the first half of the 20th century and the systems developed in the second half (e.g. DSM-III to DSM-5) become more visible.

  2. Handbook of evaluation of utility DSM programs. [Demand-Side Management (DSM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirst, E.; Reed, J. (eds.); Bronfman, B.; Fitzpatrick, G.; Hicks, E.; Hirst, E.; Hoffman, M.; Keating, K.; Michaels, H.; Nadel, S.; Peters, J.; Reed, J.; Saxonis, W.; Schoen, A.; Violette, D.


    Program evaluation has become a central issue in the world of utility integrated resource planning. The DSM programs that utilities were operating to meet federal requirements or to improve customer relations are now becoming big business. DSM is being considered an important resource in a utility's portfolio of options. In the last five years, the amount of money that utilities have invested in DSM has grown exponentially in most regulatory jurisdictions. Market analysts are now talking about DSM being a $30 billion industry by the end of the decade. If the large volume of DSM-program investments was not enough to highlight the importance of evaluation, then the introduction of regulatory incentives has really focused the spotlight. This handbook was developed through a process that involved many of those people who represent the diverse constituencies of DSM-program evaluation. We have come to recognize the many technical disciplines that must be employed to evaluate DSM programs. An analysis might start out based on the principles of utility load research to find out what happened, but a combination of engineering and statistical methods must be used to triangulate'' an estimate of what would have happened without the program. The difference, of course, is that elusive but prized result of evaluation: what happened as the direct result of the DSM program. Technical performance of DSM measures is not the sole determinant of the answer, either. We also recognize the importance of such behavioral attributes of DSM as persistence and free ridership. Finally, DSM evaluation is meaningless without attention to planning an approach, communicating results to relevant decision-makers, and focusing as much on the process as the impacts of the program. These topics are all covered in this handbook.


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    Stefanía Cuellar Alvira


    Full Text Available El presente documento plantea el abordaje de una idea errónea acerca de la evolución visita de manera unidireccional. La propuesta se realiza en el  marco del trabajo de práctica del seminario de Didáctica II del programa de Licenciatura De Ciencias Naturales Y Educación Ambiental de la Universidad Surcolombiana.  Empleando la estrategia enseñanza de resolución de problemas, partiendo de la pregunta central a resolver ¿cómo evolucionaron los animales y las plantas? Con una secuencia de tres fases: la presentación del problema, plan de solución teniendo en cuenta el uso de los videos The Simpsons – Homer  Evolution” y “La era del hielo 4 - Trailer Oficial Español Latino” para la representación sobre las concepciones unidireccional y multidireccional del concepto de evolución y mecanismos de evolución; con una fase final de conclusiones por medio del planteamiento de situaciones problemas. Propuesta desarrollada a estudiantes del grado noveno de la institución Educativa Ricardo Borrero Álvarez,de la ciudad de Neiva.

  4. Constitución de la Realidad en la era Tecnológica de la Posinformación


    San Segundo Manuel, Rosa


    La nueva era tecnológica en la que entramos reporta un cambio de constitución y conformación de la realidad. Esta nueva era de la información digital, virtual y electrónica va a suceder a la era tipográfica que ha durado durante los últimos cinco siglos en el mundo occidental. La nueva sociedad de la información electrónica ya ha sido sustituida por la sociedad del conocimiento para apuntar hacia la era del conocimiento. El vehículo de la nueva era en la que entramos son los medios tecnológic...

  5. Did the DSM-5 Improve the Traumatic Stressor Criterion?: Association of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criterion A with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. (United States)

    Larsen, Sadie E; Berenbaum, Howard


    A recent meta-analysis found that DSM-III- and DSM-IV-defined traumas were associated with only slightly higher posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than nontraumatic stressors. The current study is the first to examine whether DSM-5-defined traumas were associated with higher levels of PTSD than DSM-IV-defined traumas. Further, we examined theoretically relevant event characteristics to determine whether characteristics other than those outlined in the DSM could predict PTSD symptoms. One hundred six women who had experienced a trauma or significant stressor completed questionnaires assessing PTSD, depression, impairment, and event characteristics. Events were rated for whether they qualified as DSM-IV and DSM-5 trauma. There were no significant differences between DSM-IV-defined traumas and stressors. For DSM-5, effect sizes were slightly larger but still nonsignificant (except for significantly higher hyperarousal following traumas vs. stressors). Self-reported fear for one's life significantly predicted PTSD symptoms. Our results indicate that the current DSM-5 definition of trauma, although a slight improvement from DSM-IV, is not highly predictive of who develops PTSD symptoms. Our study also indicates the importance of individual perception of life threat in the prediction of PTSD. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. Draft Genome Sequences of the Probiotic Enterococcus faecalis Symbioflor 1 Clones DSM16430 and DSM16434


    Fritzenwanker, Moritz; Chakraborty, Anindita; Hain, Torsten; Zimmermann, Kurt; Domann, Eugen


    The probiotic Symbioflor 1 is a historical concoction of 10 isolates of Enterococcus faecalis. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed two groups: one comprising eight identical clones (DSM16430, DSM16432, DSM16433, DSM16435 to DSM16439) and a further two isolates (DSM16431, DSM16434) with marginally different profiles. Here, we report a comparative analysis of the draft genome sequences of representative isolates.

  7. The centrality of DSM and non-DSM depressive symptoms in Han Chinese women with major depression. (United States)

    Kendler, Kenneth S; Aggen, Steven H; Flint, Jonathan; Borsboom, Denny; Fried, Eiko I


    We compared DSM-IV criteria for major depression (MD) with clinically selected non-DSM criteria in their ability to represent clinical features of depression. We conducted network analyses of 19 DSM and non-DSM symptoms of MD assessed at personal interview in 5952 Han Chinese women meeting DSM-IV criteria for recurrent MD. We estimated an Ising model (the state-of-the-art network model for binary data), compared the centrality (interconnectedness) of DSM-IV and non-DSM symptoms, and investigated the community structure (symptoms strongly clustered together). The DSM and non-DSM criteria were intermingled within the same symptom network. In both the DSM-IV and non-DSM criteria sets, some symptoms were central (highly interconnected) while others were more peripheral. The mean centrality of the DSM and non-DSM criteria sets did not significantly differ. In at least two cases, non-DSM criteria were more central than symptomatically related DSM criteria: lowered libido vs. sleep and appetite changes, and hopelessness versus worthlessness. The overall network had three sub-clusters reflecting neurovegetative/mood symptoms, cognitive changes and anxiety/irritability. The sample were severely ill Han Chinese females limiting generalizability. Consistent with prior historical reviews, our results suggest that the DSM-IV criteria for MD reflect one possible sub-set of a larger pool of plausible depressive symptoms and signs. While the DSM criteria on average perform well, they are not unique and may not be optimal in their ability to describe the depressive syndrome. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Method matters: Understanding diagnostic reliability in DSM-IV and DSM-5. (United States)

    Chmielewski, Michael; Clark, Lee Anna; Bagby, R Michael; Watson, David


    Diagnostic reliability is essential for the science and practice of psychology, in part because reliability is necessary for validity. Recently, the DSM-5 field trials documented lower diagnostic reliability than past field trials and the general research literature, resulting in substantial criticism of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Rather than indicating specific problems with DSM-5, however, the field trials may have revealed long-standing diagnostic issues that have been hidden due to a reliance on audio/video recordings for estimating reliability. We estimated the reliability of DSM-IV diagnoses using both the standard audio-recording method and the test-retest method used in the DSM-5 field trials, in which different clinicians conduct separate interviews. Psychiatric patients (N = 339) were diagnosed using the SCID-I/P; 218 were diagnosed a second time by an independent interviewer. Diagnostic reliability using the audio-recording method (N = 49) was "good" to "excellent" (M κ = .80) and comparable to the DSM-IV field trials estimates. Reliability using the test-retest method (N = 218) was "poor" to "fair" (M κ = .47) and similar to DSM-5 field-trials' estimates. Despite low test-retest diagnostic reliability, self-reported symptoms were highly stable. Moreover, there was no association between change in self-report and change in diagnostic status. These results demonstrate the influence of method on estimates of diagnostic reliability. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Somatoform disorders and rheumatic diseases: from DSM-IV to DSM-V. (United States)

    Alciati, A; Atzeni, F; Sgiarovello, P; Sarzi-Puttini, P


    Medically unexplained symptoms are considered 'somatoform disorders' in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). The introduction of this nosographic category has been helpful in drawing attention to a previously neglected area, but has not been successful in promoting an understanding of the disorders' biological basis and treatment implications, probably because of a series of diagnostic shortcomings. The newly proposed DSM-V diagnostic criteria try to overcome the limitations of the DSM-IV definition, which was organised centrally around the concept of medically unexplained symptoms, by emphasising the extent to which a patient's thoughts, feelings and behaviours concerning their somatic symptoms are disproportionate or excessive. This change is supported by a growing body of evidence showing that psychological and behavioural features play a major role in causing patient disability and maintaining high level of health care use. Pain disorders is the sub-category of DSM-IV somatoform disorders that most closely resembles fibromyalgia. Regardless of the diagnostic changes recently brought about by DSM-V, neuroimaging studies have identified important components of the mental processes associated with a DSM- IV diagnosis of pain disorder.

  10. High Quality Draft Genomes of the Type Strains Geobacillus thermocatenulatus DSM 730T, G. uzenensis DSM 23175T And Parageobacillus galactosidasius DSM 18751T. (United States)

    Ramaloko, Winnie Thabisa; Koen, Nadine; Polliack, Shamara; Aliyu, Habibu; Lebre, Pedro Humberto; Mohr, Teresa; Oswald, Florian; Zwick, Michaela; Zeigler, Daniel Ray; Neumann, Anke; Syldatk, Christoph; Cowan, Don Arthur; De Maayer, Pieter


    The thermophilic 'Geobacilli' are important sources of thermostable enzymes and other biotechnologically relevant macromolecules. The present work reports the high quality draft genome sequences of previously unsequenced type strains of Geobacillus uzenensis (DSM 23175 T ), G. thermocatenulatus (DSM 730 T ) and Parageobacillus galactosidasius (DSM 18751 T ). Phylogenomic analyses revealed that DSM 18751 T and DSM 23175 T represent later heterotypic synonyms of P. toebii and G. subterraneus , respectively, while DSM 730 T represents the type strain for the species G. thermocatenulatus . These genome sequences will contribute towards a deeper understanding of the ecological and biological diversity and the biotechnological exploitation of the 'geobacilli'.

  11. Petrología de Madroñera (Cáceres)


    Ruíz García, Casilda


    Las rocas plutónicas que aparecen en la Hoja de Madroñera pertenecen a varios plutones del Batolito de Extremadura Central. El ángulo NO de la Hoja corresponde al borde SE del plutón de Trujillo, constituido por granitoides del grupo C o -granitoides de feldespato calcoalcalino de tendencia alcalinasegún la división en grupos establecida por CASTRO (1984 a) en el batolito de Extremadura Central.

  12. DSM-5 field survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lochner, Christine; Grant, Jon E; Odlaug, Brian Lawrence


    The aim of this multisite field survey was to examine the DSM-IV-TR criteria, proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, as well as a number of possible additional diagnostic criteria, in patients with hair-pulling disorder (HPD, or trichotillomania).......The aim of this multisite field survey was to examine the DSM-IV-TR criteria, proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, as well as a number of possible additional diagnostic criteria, in patients with hair-pulling disorder (HPD, or trichotillomania)....

  13. DSM-IV und DSM-5: Was hat sich tatsächlich verändert?


    Ehret, Anna M.; Berking, Matthias


    Im Mai 2013 ist die fünfte Auflage des Diagnostischen und Statistischen Manuals Psychischer Störungen (DSM-5) der American Psychiatric Association erschienen. Um die Vor- und Nachteile des DSM-5 beurteilen und gegebenenfalls in Forschung und Praxis angemessen berücksichtigen zu können, sollten Wissenschaftler und Praktiker gleichermaßen über die Änderungen gegenüber dem DSM-IV informiert sein. In diesem Beitrag werden die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen dem DSM-IV und DSM-5 beschrieben. Ze...

  14. Reliability and validity of the DSM-IV-TR and proposed DSM-5 criteria for pedophilia: Implications for the ICD-11 and the next DSM. (United States)

    Seto, Michael C; Fedoroff, J Paul; Bradford, John M; Knack, Natasha; Rodrigues, Nicole C; Curry, Susan; Booth, Brad; Gray, Jonathan; Cameron, Colin; Bourget, Dominique; Messina, Sarina; James, Elizabeth; Watson, Diane; Gulati, Sanjiv; Balmaceda, Rufino; Ahmed, Adekunle G

    We tested the inter-rater reliability and criterion-related validity of the DSM-IV-TR pedophilia diagnosis and proposed DSM-5 pedohebephilia diagnosis in a sample of 79 men who had committed child pornography offenses, contact sexual offenses against children, or who were referred because of concerns about whether they had a sexual interest in children. Participants were evaluated by two independent psychiatrists with an interview and questionnaire regarding demographic characteristics, sexual history, and self-reported sexual interests; they also completed phallometric and visual reaction time testing. Kappa was .59 for ever meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for pedophilia and .52 for ever meeting the proposed DSM-5 criteria for pedohebephilia. Ever meeting DSM-IV-TR diagnosis was significantly related to self-reported index of sexual interest in children (highest AUC=.81, 95% CI=.70-.91, pDSM-5 "diagnosis" was similarly related to self-report (AUC=.84, 95% CI=.74-.94, pDSM-5 criteria, we believe these results suggest the revision of DSM-5 and development of ICD-11 could benefit from drawing on the current DSM-5 criteria, which are essentially the same as DSM-IV-TR except for a distinction between having a paraphilia (the interest) and a paraphilic disorder (the paraphilia plus clinically significant distress or impairment). Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. DSM-5

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arendt, Mikkel; Jónsson, Hjalti; Hougaard, Esben


    I maj måned i år udkom den længe ventede opdatering af diagnoselisten DSM-IV. Her følger en gennemgang af indholdet......I maj måned i år udkom den længe ventede opdatering af diagnoselisten DSM-IV. Her følger en gennemgang af indholdet...


    Dawson, Deborah A.; Goldstein, Risë B.; Grant, Bridget F.


    Background Existing information on consequences of the DSM-5 revision for diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (AUD) has gaps, including missing information critical to understanding implications of the revision for clinical practice. Methods Data from Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions were used to compare AUD severity, alcohol consumption and treatment, sociodemographic and health characteristics and psychiatric comorbidity among individuals with DSM-IV abuse versus DSM-5 moderate AUD and DSM-IV dependence versus DSM-5 severe AUD. For each pair of disorders, we additionally compared three mutually exclusive groups: individuals positive solely for the DSM-IV disorder, those positive solely for the DSM-5 disorder and those positive for both. Results Whereas 80.5% of individuals positive for DSM-IV dependence were positive for DSM-5 severe AUD, only 58.0% of those positive for abuse were positive for moderate AUD. The profiles of individuals with DSM-IV dependence and DSM-5 severe AUD were almost identical. The only significant (pDSM-5 moderate AUD and DSM-IV abuse differed substantially. The former endorsed more AUD criteria, had higher rates of physiological dependence, were less likely to be White and male, had lower incomes, were less likely to have private and more likely to have public health insurance, and had higher levels of comorbid anxiety disorders than the latter. Conclusions Similarities between the profiles of DSM-IV and DSM-5 AUD far outweigh differences; however, clinicians may face some changes with respect to appropriate screening and referral for cases at the milder end of the AUD severity spectrum, and the mechanisms through which these will be reimbursed may shift slightly from the private to public sector. PMID:22974144

  17. La era de la información


    Florez Calderón, Mauro


    La revolución de la información basada en la información tiene como límite las fronteras del conocimiento. La información a diferencia de un bien material es inalienable, acumulativa y no produce los tipos de deterioro ambiental creados por la industria; por lo anterior, algunos especialistas, a la era de la información la denominan era Post-industrial. Si es necio pretender entender los procesos producidos por la revolución industrial, con una mentalidad pastoril, mucho más necio será tratar...

  18. Comparing Diagnostic Outcomes of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Criteria. (United States)

    Harstad, Elizabeth B; Fogler, Jason; Sideridis, Georgios; Weas, Sarah; Mauras, Carrie; Barbaresi, William J


    Controversy exists regarding the DSM-5 criteria for ASD. This study tested the psychometric properties of the DSM-5 model and determined how well it performed across different gender, IQ, and DSM-IV-TR sub-type, using clinically collected data on 227 subjects (median age = 3.95 years, majority had IQ > 70). DSM-5 was psychometrically superior to the DSM-IV-TR model (Comparative Fit Index of 0.970 vs 0.879, respectively). Measurement invariance revealed good model fit across gender and IQ. Younger children tended to meet fewer diagnostic criteria. Those with autistic disorder were more likely to meet social communication and repetitive behaviors criteria (p < .001) than those with PDD-NOS. DSM-5 is a robust model but will identify a different, albeit overlapping population of individuals compared to DSM-IV-TR.

  19. [DSM-5: neurodevelopmental disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zinkstok, J.; Buitelaar, J.K.


    BACKGROUND: The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published in May, 2013. AIM: To review the changes in the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD in DSM-5, compared to DSM-IV. METHOD: The diagnostic criteria for ASD and ADHD

  20. La era del youtuber


    Sánchez Arufe, Irene


    En el trabajo se analizan los cambios que ha provocado y la recuperación que ha tenido la red social YouTube en la sociedad actual, poniendo como antecedentes la aparición de Internet y el auge de las nuevas redes sociales. También se examinan la figura del youtuber como la creación de una nueva profesión y los aspectos económicos y sociales de este nuevo trabajo. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

  1. Lo virtual en la era del autismo intelectual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Cardona Cano


    Full Text Available El presente texto ofrece algunas reflexiones teóricas y visiones del autor sobre la relación del hombre de hoy con el fenómeno de la comunicación digital, también conocida como comunicación virtual, a través de Internet, unas reflexiones que aparecen del trabajo investigativo sobre el modelo convergente del canal de televisión pública Telemedellín, y en las que se explora el panorama de las relaciones del hombre con el otro, consigo mismo y con las cosas, desde la mediación de la computadora. Por otro lado, indaga sobre la composición de las redes sociales y su producto, la comunidad virtual, lugar en el que se producen los intercambios e interrelaciones humanas. Y finalmente, intenta mostrar el desasosiego del hombre de la época actual, encontrándolo como un ser solitario que lucha por un lugar en el mundo.

  2. Estudio de los restos óseos de las necrópolis tardorromanas, calle Era y La Molineta, del puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zapata Crespo, Josefina


    Full Text Available The bone remains whose study is presented here come from two Late Roman burial grounds, Calle Era and La Molineta, located in Puerto de Mazarrón and dated to the 4th-6th centuries AD. The sample size is of 218 individuals, 59 from Calle Era (40 adults and 19 juveniles and 159 from La Molineta (93 adults and 66 juveniles. The state of preservation of these remains is rather heterogeneous. In both populations, a majority of individuals had an age at death between 17 and 35. Analysis of oral pathologies suggests a mixed diet, including marine resources and agricultural products. At Calle Era, all cases of caries, fistula (abscess cavity, ante mortem tooth loss and major dental wear come from multiple burial 24, which contained 31 individuals. The diet from this group seems to be distinct, with a higher component of cariogenic products. In the bone remains of both populations no indications (trauma or osteoarticular alterations caused by excessive effort of work activities (mining, fishing or agriculture so intense as to cause skeletal modification. The trace element analysis of the bone remains indicates that, at both sites, bone underwent diagenetic exchange with the burial environment, precluding the utilization of the evidence for dietary reconstruction. The action of inhibitors and the degradation of DNA give a low level of reliability to the results obtained with the amelogenin test used for the determination of sex.Los restos óseos del presente estudio provienen de dos necrópolis tardorromanas. Calle Era y La Molineta, ubicadas en el Puerto de Mazarrón y datadas entre los ss. IV-VI d.C. El tamaño muestral utilizado en el estudio es de 218 individuos, 59 de Calle Era (40 adultos y 19 inmaduros y 159 de La Molineta (93 adultos y 66 inmaduros. El estado de conservación que se observa en los restos óseos de las dos necrópolis es bastante heterogéneo. El máximo de individuos adultos, en ambas poblaciones, se halla entre los intervalos de

  3. Redefining personality disorder: a Jamaican perspective Redefinición del trastorno de la personalidad desde una perspectiva de Jamaica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederick W Hickling


    authority and conflict management.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar y evaluar la estructura factorial de las características fenomenológicas del diagnóstico de trastorno de la personalidad según el DSM-IV en pacientes jamaiquinos, y determinar sus semejanzas con las de los criterios tradicionales, la asociación con la gravedad del trastorno o las relaciones significativas entre las variables con objeto de aportar información al debate actual sobre la relevancia de los diagnósticos establecidos de trastorno de la personalidad. MÉTODOS: Estudio de casos y controles, donde todos los sujetos fueron atendidos en una práctica psiquiátrica privada de 1974 a 2007. Los casos (n = 351 correspondieron a pacientes diagnosticados con un trastorno de la personalidad, (Eje II del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales [DSM-IV, por su sigla en inglés]. El grupo de control estuvo integrado por pacientes con trastornos clínicos del Eje I del DSM-IV, sin diagnóstico de un trastorno de la personalidad, emparejados exactamente en cuanto al sexo y estrechamente en cuanto a la edad y a variables socioeconómicas (n = 351. RESULTADOS: De los 351 individuos del grupo de la muestra del estudio, 166 (47,3% eran varones y 185 (53,7% mujeres; 50 (14,2% eran de raza blanca y 301 (85,8% de raza negra; 293 (83,5% habían nacido y crecido en Jamaica; y 202 (57,6% pertenecían a las clases socioeconómicas I y II. La media de la edad era de 33,92 (desviación estándar 10,236. Cuando se desagregaron las características fenomenológicas, no concordaban con los diagnósticos convencionales de trastorno de la personalidad según el DSM-IV. El análisis factorial de 38 fenómenos clínicos permitió determinar cinco componentes: psicosis, depresión mayor, problemas de manejo del poder, trastornos psicosexuales y dependencia fisiológica. Las pruebas de la t independientes revelaron que los pacientes sin un trastorno de la personalidad obtuvieron puntuaciones medias significativamente

  4. Concordance between DSM-5 and DSM-IV nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis use disorder diagnoses among pediatric patients. (United States)

    Kelly, Sharon M; Gryczynski, Jan; Mitchell, Shannon Gwin; Kirk, Arethusa; O'Grady, Kevin E; Schwartz, Robert P


    The recently published Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5) includes several major revisions to substance use diagnoses. Studies have evaluated the impact of these changes among adult samples but research with adolescent samples is lacking. 525 adolescents (93% African American) awaiting primary care appointments in Baltimore, Maryland were recruited for a study evaluating a substance use screening instrument. Participants were assessed for DSM-5 nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis use disorder, DSM-IV alcohol and cannabis abuse, and DSM-IV dependence for all three substances during the past year using the modified Composite International Diagnostic Interview-2, Substance Abuse Module. Contingency tables examining DSM-5 vs. DSM-IV joint frequency distributions were examined for each substance. Diagnoses were more prevalent using DSM-5 criteria compared with DSM-IV for nicotine (4.0% vs. 2.7%), alcohol (4.6% vs. 3.8%), and cannabis (10.7% vs. 8.2%). Cohen's κ, Somers' d, and Cramer's V ranged from 0.70 to 0.99 for all three substances. Of the adolescents categorized as "diagnostic orphans" under DSM-IV, 7/16 (43.8%), 9/29 (31.0%), and 13/36 (36.1%) met criteria for DSM-5 disorder for nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis, respectively. Additionally, 5/17 (29.4%) and 1/21 (4.8%) adolescents who met criteria for DSM-IV abuse did not meet criteria for a DSM-5 diagnosis for alcohol and cannabis, respectively. Categorizing adolescents using DSM-5 criteria may result in diagnostic net widening-particularly for cannabis use disorders-by capturing adolescents who were considered diagnostic orphans using DSM-IV criteria. Future research examining the validity of DSM-5 substance use disorders with larger and more diverse adolescent samples is needed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. The centrality of DSM and non-DSM depressive symptoms in Han Chinese women with major depression

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kendler, K.S.; Aggen, S.H.; Flint, J.; Borsboom, D.; Fried, E.I.

    Introduction: We compared DSM-IV criteria for major depression (MD) with clinically selected non-DSM criteria in their ability to represent clinical features of depression. Method: We conducted network analyses of 19 DSM and non-DSM symptoms of MD assessed at personal interview in 5952 Han Chinese

  6. Generalized worry disorder: a review of DSM-IV generalized anxiety disorder and options for DSM-V. (United States)

    Andrews, Gavin; Hobbs, Megan J; Borkovec, Thomas D; Beesdo, Katja; Craske, Michelle G; Heimberg, Richard G; Rapee, Ronald M; Ruscio, Ayelet Meron; Stanley, Melinda A


    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has undergone a series of substantial classificatory changes since its first inclusion in DSM-III. The majority of these revisions have been in response to its poor inter-rater reliability and concerns that it may lack diagnostic validity. This article provides options for the revision of the DSM-IV GAD criteria for DSM-V. First, searches were conducted to identify the evidence that previous DSM Work Groups relied upon when revising the DSM-III-R GAD and the overanxious disorder classifications. Second, the literature pertaining to the DSM-IV criteria for GAD was examined. The review presents a number of options to be considered for DSM-V. One option is for GAD to be re-labeled in DSM-V as generalized worry disorder. This would reflect its hallmark feature. Proposed revisions would result in a disorder that is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry generalized to a number of events or activities for 3 months or more. Worry acts as a cognitive coping strategy that manifests in avoidant behaviors. The reliability and validity of the proposed changes could be investigated in DSM-V validity tests and field trials.

  7. Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático según el DSM-5: versión forense (EGS-F

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Echeburúa


    Full Text Available Se presenta la versión forense (EGS-F de la Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT según los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-5. Se analizan la gravedad de los síntomas, así como la probable simulación y exageración de síntomas en víctimas de violencia de género en un contexto forense. La muestra contó con 526 víctimas de violencia familiar o sexual que buscaron ayuda terapéutica y con 74 víctimas del mismo tipo que presentaron una denuncia en el Juzgado. La gravedad en el TEPT fue mayor en el grupo forense que en el clínico. Los ítems de la subescala de simulación discriminaron adecuadamente entre los dos grupos (t = 7.3, g = 0.97. Un punto de corte de 2 es apropiado para clasificar correctamente el 74% de los probables simuladores. Esta escala resulta útil para evaluar el TEPT en víctimas de delitos violentos en el contexto forense.

  8. Bone density, body composition, and psychopathology of anorexia nervosa spectrum disorders in DSM-IV vs DSM-5. (United States)

    Schorr, Melanie; Thomas, Jennifer J; Eddy, Kamryn T; Dichtel, Laura E; Lawson, Elizabeth A; Meenaghan, Erinne; Lederfine Paskal, Margaret; Fazeli, Pouneh K; Faje, Alexander T; Misra, Madhusmita; Klibanski, Anne; Miller, Karen K


    DSM-5 revised the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa (AN) by eliminating the amenorrhea requirement, liberalizing weight and psychological criteria, and adding the formal diagnosis of "atypical AN" for individuals with AN psychological symptoms without low weight. We sought to determine whether bone density (BMD) is impaired in women diagnosed with AN using the new, more liberal, DSM-5 criteria. Cross-sectional study of 168 women, 18 - 45y: (1) AN by DSM-IV (DSM-IV AN) (n = 37), (2) AN by DSM-5 but not DSM-IV criteria (DSM-5 AN) (n = 33), (3) atypical AN (ATYPICAL AN) (n = 77), (4) healthy comparison group (HC) (n = 21). Measurements included dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire, Eating Disorder Inventory-2, Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scales. BMD Z-score DSM-IV, 82% of DSM-5, and 69% of ATYPICAL. Mean Z-scores were comparably low in DSM-IV and DSM-5, intermediate in ATYPICAL, and highest in HC. Lack of prior low weight or amenorrhea was, but history of overweight/obesity was not, protective against bone loss. Mean lean mass and percent fat mass were significantly lower in all AN groups than HC. DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ATYPICAL had comparable psychopathology. Despite liberalizing diagnostic criteria, many women diagnosed with AN and atypical AN using DSM-5 criteria have low BMD. Presence or history of low weight and/or amenorrhea remain important indications for DXA. Loss of lean mass, in addition to fat mass, is present in all AN groups, and may contribute to low BMD. The deleterious effect of eating disorders on BMD extends beyond those with current low weight and amenorrhea. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.(Int J Eat Disord 2017; 50:343-351). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Bone density, body composition, and psychopathology of anorexia nervosa spectrum disorders in DSM-IV vs DSM-5 (United States)

    Schorr, Melanie; Thomas, Jennifer J.; Eddy, Kamryn T.; Dichtel, Laura E.; Lawson, Elizabeth A.; Meenaghan, Erinne; Paskal, Margaret Lederfine; Fazeli, Pouneh K.; Faje, Alexander T.; Misra, Madhusmita; Klibanski, Anne; Miller, Karen K.


    Objective DSM-5 revised diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa (AN) by eliminating the amenorrhea requirement, liberalizing weight and psychological criteria, and adding the formal diagnosis of “atypical AN” for individuals with AN psychological symptoms without low weight. We sought to determine whether bone density (BMD) is impaired in women diagnosed with AN using the new, more liberal DSM-5 criteria. Method Cross-sectional study of 168 women, 18–45y: 1) AN by DSM-IV (DSM-IV)(n=37), 2) AN by DSM-5 but not DSM-IV criteria (DSM-5)(n=33), 3) atypical AN (ATYPICAL)(n=77), 4) healthy comparison group (HC)(n=21). Measurements included dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire, Eating Disorder Inventory-2, Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Rating Scales. Results BMD Z-score DSM-5, and 69% of ATYPICAL. Mean Z-scores were comparably low in DSM-IV and DSM-5, intermediate in ATYPICAL, and highest in HC. Lack of prior low weight or amenorrhea was, but history of overweight/obesity was not, protective against bone loss. Mean lean mass and percent fat mass were significantly lower in all AN groups than HC. DSM-IV, DSM-5 and ATYPICAL had comparable psychopathology. Discussion Despite liberalizing diagnostic criteria, many women diagnosed with AN and atypical AN using DSM-5 criteria have low BMD. Presence or history of low weight and/or amenorrhea remain important indications for DXA. Loss of lean mass, in addition to fat mass, is present in all AN groups, and may contribute to low BMD. The deleterious effect of eating disorders on BMD extends beyond those with current low weight and amenorrhea. PMID:27527115

  10. Significance of the criteria evolution from DSM-IV to DSM-5%DSM-IV到DSM-5早泄诊断标准演变意义的研究

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    陶林; 刘捷; 王春华; 席晓慧



  11. What is a mental/psychiatric disorder? From DSM-IV to DSM-V. (United States)

    Stein, D J; Phillips, K A; Bolton, D; Fulford, K W M; Sadler, J Z; Kendler, K S


    The distinction between normality and psychopathology has long been subject to debate. DSM-III and DSM-IV provided a definition of mental disorder to help clinicians address this distinction. As part of the process of developing DSM-V, researchers have reviewed the concept of mental disorder and emphasized the need for additional work in this area. Here we review the DSM-IV definition of mental disorder and propose some changes. The approach taken here arguably takes a middle course through some of the relevant conceptual debates. We agree with the view that no definition perfectly specifies precise boundaries for the concept of mental/psychiatric disorder, but in line with a view that the nomenclature can improve over time, we aim here for a more scientifically valid and more clinically useful definition.

  12. L’immaginario collettivo nell’era biomediatica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massimiliano Valerii


    Full Text Available Grazie alla diffusione delle tecnologie digitali, nel giro di un decennio la grande trasformazione dei media ha determinato una rivoluzione copernicana, che ha posto l’io-utente al centro del sistema. Questo lavoro prende spunto dal 14° Rapporto sulla comunicazione del Censis per analizzare i processi in corso. In particolare, ci si focalizza sull’ingresso nella cosiddetta era biomediatica, caratterizzata dalla trascrizione virtuale e dalla condivisione telematica in tempo reale delle biografie personali attraverso i social network, che sanciscono il primato dell’io-utente, produttore esso stesso – oltre che fruitore – di contenuti.

  13. Estrés parental e impacto familiar del trastorno del espectro autista: factores psicosociales implicados


    Tijeras Iborra, María Amparo


    El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) constituye un diagnóstico encuadrado en el DSM-5 (APA, 2013) dentro de los trastornos del neurodesarrollo que se caracteriza fundamentalmente por la presencia de dificultades en la comunicación e interacción social, así como por la presencia de patrones repetitivos y restringidos de conductas, actividades e intereses. Tiene su inicio en la infancia, afecta a todas las áreas del desarrollo de la persona y sigue un patrón evolutivo diferente en cada caso,...

  14. Innovacion en servicios en la era del conocimiento.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cruz, R.


    Full Text Available Now a day the world economy is based in knowledge, we are living and making business in an entirely new era with new rules, where services sector is taking a more important place and a more relevant roll than previously were, and the innovation becomes the way this kind of firms can compete, access to new markets and gain long term growing. Usually, innovation research, definitions and typologies developed were done for tangible products, a legacy from an earlier economic age (based on manufacturing industry, however, Services has they own particularities and distinctive characteristics from products. The understanding of this issue is very important to service providers companies, because they could adjust their innovation process more according to a service development model than an adapted product development one. This article points out the characteristics of the new knowledge era, the importance of innovation in services sector in this new economy and the typologies available for services with the purpose to help in the evaluation or adjustment of the firm’s innovation process that fall in this segment.

  15. DSM pocket guidebook

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    It has been estimated that if electricity were used more efficiently with commercially available end-use technologies, 24%--44% of the nation's current demand for electricity could be eliminated. Almost all major electric utilities in the west are investigating such demand-side management (DSM) opportunities. In some service territories, for example, improved efficiency could soon produce as much power as that from new coal-fired plants and produce it at a lower cost. Even utilities that currently have excess capacity are finding that DSM offers an opportunity to build efficient end-use stock to help them meet their future load shape objectives. Utility DSM programs typically consist of several measures designed to modify the utility's load shape (for example, innovative rate structures, direct utility control of loads, promotion of energy-efficient technologies, and customer education). The coordinated implementation of such measures requires planning, analysis of options, engineering, marketing, monitoring, and other coordination activities. This guidebook addresses one facet of an overall DSM program: selection of end-use technologies within the electrical utilities. This guidebook is intended to be a quick reference source both for utility field representatives in their customer interactions and for utility planners in the early stages of developing a DSM program. Finally, this guidebook is directed primarily at small municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives within the Western Area Power Administration (Western) service area.

  16. A Comparison of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Diagnostic Classifications in the Clinical Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. (United States)

    Yaylaci, Ferhat; Miral, Suha


    Aim of this study was to compare children diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) according to DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 diagnostic systems. One hundred fifty children aged between 3 and 15 years diagnosed with PDD by DSM-IV-TR were included. PDD symptoms were reviewed through psychiatric assessment based on DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria. Clinical severity was determined using Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC). A statistically significant decrease (19.3 %) was detected in the diagnostic ratio with DSM-5. Age and symptom severity differed significantly between those who were and were not diagnosed with PDD using DSM-5. B4 criteria in DSM-5 was most common criterion. Results indicate that individuals diagnosed with PDD by DSM-IV-TR criteria may not be diagnosed using DSM-5 criteria.

  17. Network Fault Diagnosis Using DSM

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jiang Hao; Yan Pu-liu; Chen Xiao; Wu Jing


    Difference similitude matrix (DSM) is effective in reducing information system with its higher reduction rate and higher validity. We use DSM method to analyze the fault data of computer networks and obtain the fault diagnosis rules. Through discretizing the relative value of fault data, we get the information system of the fault data. DSM method reduces the information system and gets the diagnosis rules. The simulation with the actual scenario shows that the fault diagnosis based on DSM can obtain few and effective rules.

  18. Concordance of DSM-5 and DSM-IV-TR classifications for autism spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Ohashi, Kei; Mizuno, Yoshifumi; Miyachi, Taishi; Asai, Tomoko; Imaeda, Masayuki; Saitoh, Shinji


    The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was published in May 2013. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been structured for the three subtypes of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), but the number of impairment in social and communication dimension is not stated. The subjects were 68 children who visited the Department of Psychology and Development at Nagoya City University Hospital for the first time between the ages of 6 and 15 years old. We retrospectively re-examined the subjects using DSM-IV-TR criteria and DSM-5 criteria with two rules (two of three and one of three on the social and communication dimension) and examined the concordance rate. Forty subjects were diagnosed with PDD, and 28 were not. The mean PDD subject age was 9.4 years, and mean IQ was 84.0 on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children III or 62.7 on the Tanaka-Binet test. Twenty-seven (68%) of the PDD subjects were classified with ASD using DSM-5 criteria when the two of three rule was applied, while 32 (80%) were classified with ASD when the one of three rule was applied. All subjects without PDD were not diagnosed with ASD on DSM-5 criteria. DSM-5 criteria may exclude high functioning and older subjects from ASD because they tend to be atypical. The diagnostic procedure for DSM-5 criteria is ambiguous, especially in high functioning subjects and those diagnosed at an older age. © 2015 Japan Pediatric Society.

  19. Cognitive and Adaptive Skills in Toddlers Who Meet Criteria for Autism in DSM-IV but Not DSM-5 (United States)

    Jashar, Dasal Tenzin; Brennan, Laura A.; Barton, Marianne L.; Fein, Deborah


    The current study compared adaptive and cognitive skills, and autism severity of toddlers with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis under DSM-IV but not DSM-5 criteria (DSM-IV only group) to those who met autism criteria under both diagnostic systems (DSM-5 group) and to those without ASD (non-ASD group). The toddlers in the DSM-IV only…

  20. DSM-5 under-Identifies PDDNOS: Diagnostic Agreement between the DSM-5, DSM-IV, and Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder (United States)

    Mayes, Susan Dickerson; Black, Amanda; Tierney, Cheryl D.


    Agreement between the DSM-5, DSM-IV, and Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder was assessed in 125 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which included high and low functioning autism (HFA and LFA) and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDDNOS), and children with other clinical disorders (e.g., ADHD, mental…

  1. DSM-IV versus DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder in childhood: Similarities and differences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Steensel, F.J.A.; Bögels, S.M.; de Bruin, E.I.


    Within the light of the DSM-5, the current study examined (1) how many and which children with a DSM-IV classification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) fulfill the DSM-5 symptom-criteria, and (2) whether children who did and did not meet DSM-5 symptom-criteria and children with social anxiety

  2. La isla en peso de Virgilio Piñera: metamorfosis de un tigre que no existe / The Whole Island, by Virgilio Piñera: metamorphosis of a non-existent tiger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María de las Nieves Hernández


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo aborda los tópicos de la cubanidad y la muerte en el poema "La isla en peso" del escritor cubano Virgilio Piñera. Es un ejercicio de lectura que focaliza adrede aspectos temáticos, si bien no excluye acercamientos a los planos formales o compositivos. La estrategia piñeriana enmarca o devela el punto de vista del sujeto lírico, respondiendo a una tensión entre el yo y lo otro que no halla nunca soluciones definitorias, y que constituye el mecanismo discursivo central de lo que aquí llamaremos ‘retorica del silencio’, opuesta y complementaria de otra, la ‘retórica del énfasis’. ABSTRACT: This article deals with the themes of Cuban identity and death in the poem “La isla en peso” by the Cuban writer Virgilio Piñera. It is a reading which deliberately focuses on thematic aspects, though it doesn't exclude approaches to the formal or compositional levels. Piñera's strategy frames or reveals the lyric subject's point of view, responding to a tension between the “self” and the “other” which never finds definitive resolution and represents the central discursive mechanism of what we will call here the 'rhetoric of silence', contrary and complementary to the other, the 'rhetoric of emphasis'.

  3. DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-11: Identifying children with posttraumatic stress disorder after disasters. (United States)

    Danzi, BreAnne A; La Greca, Annette M


    Different criteria for diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been recommended by the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and the proposed 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Although children are vulnerable to PTSD following disasters, little is known about whether these revised criteria are appropriate for preadolescents, as diagnostic revisions have been based primarily on adult research. This study investigated rates of PTSD using DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria, and their associations with symptom severity, impairment, and PTSD risk factors. Children (7-11 years) exposed to Hurricanes Ike (n = 327) or Charley (n = 383) completed measures 8-9 months postdisaster. Using diagnostic algorithms for DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-11, rates of 'probable' PTSD were calculated. Across samples, rates of PTSD were similar. However, there was low agreement across the diagnostic systems, with about a third overlap in identified cases. Children identified only by ICD-11 had higher 'core' symptom severity but lower impairment than children identified only by DSM-IV or DSM-5. ICD-11 was associated with more established risk factors for PTSD than was DSM-5. Findings revealed differences in PTSD diagnosis across major diagnostic systems for preadolescent children, with no clear advantage to any one system. Further research on developmentally sensitive PTSD criteria for preadolescent children is needed. © 2016 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

  4. Surgimiento, evolución y dificultades del diagnóstico de transexualismo


    María Fernández Rodríquez; Elena García-Vega


    Se realiza un recorrido histórico a través de las distintas versiones de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (C.I.E.) y del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (D.S.M.). Se pretende analizar la aparición del diagnóstico de transexualismo y su evolución hasta llegar hasta la clasificación actualmente en vigor (DSM-IV-TR). Por último, se expondrán algunas de las dificultades encontradas en el proceso de diagnóstico.

  5. A Prospective Study of the Concordance of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder. (United States)

    Mazurek, Micah O; Lu, Frances; Symecko, Heather; Butter, Eric; Bing, Nicole M; Hundley, Rachel J; Poulsen, Marie; Kanne, Stephen M; Macklin, Eric A; Handen, Benjamin L


    The transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) sparked considerable concern about the potential implications of these changes. This study was designed to address limitations of prior studies by prospectively examining the concordance of DSM-IV and final DSM-5 criteria on a consecutive sample of 439 children referred for autism diagnostic evaluations. Concordance and discordance were assessed using a consistent diagnostic battery. DSM-5 criteria demonstrated excellent overall specificity and good sensitivity relative to DSM-IV criteria. Sensitivity and specificity were strongest for children meeting DSM-IV criteria for autistic disorder, but poor for those meeting criteria for Asperger's disorder and pervasive developmental disorder. Higher IQ, older age, female sex, and less pronounced ASD symptoms were associated with greater discordance.

  6. [Forensic assessment of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder: a commentary on the transition from DSM-IV-TR (I)]. (United States)

    Stevens, A; Fabra, M


    In May 2013 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has released the latest and fifth edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). Like its predecessor, the DSM-IV-TR, it will have considerable impact on the science of Psychiatry. The DSM-5 describes - actually available in English - the present medical knowledge about mental disorders. In the short run, German medical science and scientific medicolegal expertises will continue to rely on the German version of the DSM-IV-TR, however, they will be difficult to defend without bearing in mind the changes that DSM-5 brings about. This report discusses the transition from DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 with regard to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and provides suggestions, how the criteria might be evaluated.

  7. Comparing Diagnostic Outcomes of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using "DSM-IV-TR" and "DSM-5" Criteria (United States)

    Harstad, Elizabeth B.; Fogler, Jason; Sideridis, Georgios; Weas, Sarah; Mauras, Carrie; Barbaresi, William J.


    Controversy exists regarding the "DSM-5" criteria for ASD. This study tested the psychometric properties of the "DSM-5" model and determined how well it performed across different gender, IQ, and "DSM-IV-TR" sub-type, using clinically collected data on 227 subjects (median age = 3.95 years, majority had IQ > 70).…

  8. Autism Spectrum Disorders According to "DSM-IV-TR" and Comparison with "DSM-5" Draft Criteria: An Epidemiological Study (United States)

    Mattila, Marja-Leena; Kielinen, Marko; Linna, Sirkka-Liisa; Jussila, Katja; Ebeling, Hanna; Bloigu, Risto; Joseph, Robert M.; Moilanen, Irma


    Objective: The latest definitions of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) were specified in "DSM-IV-TR" in 2000. "DSM-5" criteria are planned for 2013. Here, we estimated the prevalence of ASDs and autism according to "DSM-IV-TR," clarified confusion concerning diagnostic criteria, and evaluated "DSM-5" draft…

  9. National Estimates of Exposure to Traumatic Events and PTSD Prevalence Using DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria (United States)

    Kilpatrick, Dean G.; Resnick, Heidi S.; Milanak, Melissa E.; Miller, Mark W.; Keyes, Katherine M.; Friedman, Matthew J.


    Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) defined according to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fifth edition (DSM-5; 2013) and fourth edition (DSM-IV; 1994) was compared in a national sample of U.S. adults (N = 2,953) recruited from an online panel. Exposure to traumatic events, PTSD symptoms, and functional impairment were assessed online using a highly structured, self-administered survey. Traumatic event exposure using DSM-5 criteria was high (89.7%), and exposure to multiple traumatic event types was the norm. PTSD caseness was determined using Same Event (i.e., all symptom criteria met to the same event type) and Composite Event (i.e., symptom criteria met to a combination of event types) definitions. Lifetime, past-12-month, and past 6-month PTSD prevalence using the Same Event definition for DSM-5 was 8.3%, 4.7%, and 3.8% respectively. All 6 DSM-5 prevalence estimates were slightly lower than their DSM-IV counterparts, although only 2 of these differences were statistically significant. DSM-5 PTSD prevalence was higher among women than among men, and prevalence increased with greater traumatic event exposure. Major reasons individuals met DSM-IV criteria, but not DSM-5 criteria were the exclusion of nonaccidental, nonviolent deaths from Criterion A, and the new requirement of at least 1 active avoidance symptom. PMID:24151000

  10. Brief Report: Comparability of DSM-IV and DSM-5 ASD Research Samples (United States)

    Mazefsky, C. A.; McPartland, J. C.; Gastgeb, H. Z.; Minshew, N. J.


    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) criteria for ASD have been criticized for being too restrictive, especially for more cognitively-able individuals. It is unclear, however, if high-functioning individuals deemed eligible for research via standardized diagnostic assessments would meet DSM-5 criteria. This study investigated the impact of…

  11. Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality

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    Jack Drescher


    Full Text Available In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM. This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual. The paper concludes with a discussion of the sociocultural aftermath of that 1973 decision.

  12. Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality. (United States)

    Drescher, Jack


    In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of "homosexuality" from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual. The paper concludes with a discussion of the sociocultural aftermath of that 1973 decision.

  13. DSM-5 en cultuur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, J.T.V.M.


    Achtergrond: Binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg is het diagnostische classificatie-systeem van de Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (vierde editie, dsm-iv) toonaangevend. Waarschijnlijk komt in 2013 de volgende versie, de dsm-5, uit. In de nieuwe versie probeert men rekening

  14. Optimizing clinical thresholds for PTSD: Extending the DSM-5 preschool criteria to school-age children

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    BreAnne A. Danzi


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/Objetivo: Examinar el uso los criterios preescolares del DSM-5 para diagnosticar el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT en ni ̃ nos de edad escolar (7-11 a ̃ nos. Método: Ni ̃ nos expuestos al huracán Ike ( N = 327 fueron evaluados respecto a los síntomas de TEPT, ocho meses después del desastre. Resultados: Aproximadamente el doble de ni ̃ nos fueron diagnosticados con TEPT usando los criterios preescolares del DSM-5 comparado a los de adultos. Los criterios preescolares identificaron todos los ni ̃ nos diagnosticados usando los criterios de adultos y muchos más. Aunque los ni ̃ nos que cumplieron ambos criterios reportaron el mayor deterioro funcional, los ni ̃ nos identificados solamente por los criterios preescolares reportaron más deterioro que los ni ̃ nos no diagnosticados. El efecto de incluir el deterioro en los criterios diagnósticos fue más intenso para los criterios preescolares. Además, el TEPT definido por los criterios preescolares fue asociado significativamente con más factores de riesgo que TEPT definido por los criterios de adultos. El ajuste del modelo fue similar en ambos conjuntos de criterios. Conclusión: Los criterios preescolares pueden ser útiles para detectar el riesgo de TEPT en ni ̃ nos de edad escolar. Se necesitan más investigaciones para optimizar los criterios de TEPT de acuerdo al nivel de desarrollo para los ni ̃ nos en edad escolar.

  15. Autism spectrum disorders according to DSM-IV-TR and comparison with DSM-5 draft criteria: an epidemiological study. (United States)

    Mattila, Marja-Leena; Kielinen, Marko; Linna, Sirkka-Liisa; Jussila, Katja; Ebeling, Hanna; Bloigu, Risto; Joseph, Robert M; Moilanen, Irma


    The latest definitions of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) were specified in DSM-IV-TR in 2000. DSM-5 criteria are planned for 2013. Here, we estimated the prevalence of ASDs and autism according to DSM-IV-TR, clarified confusion concerning diagnostic criteria, and evaluated DSM-5 draft criteria for ASD posted by the American Psychiatry Association (APA) in February 2010. This was an epidemiological study of 5,484 eight-year-old children in Finland, 4,422 (81%) of them rated via the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire by parents and/or teachers, and 110 examined by using a structured interview, semi-structured observation, IQ measurement, school-day observation, and patient records. Diagnoses were assigned according to DSM-IV-TR criteria and DSM-5 draft criteria in children with a full-scale IQ (FSIQ) ≥50. Patient records were evaluated in children with an FSIQ autism 4.1 in 1,000 according to DSM-IV-TR. Of the subjects with ASDs and autism, 65% and 61% were high-functioning (FSIQ ≥70), respectively. The prevalence of pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified was not estimated because of inconsistency in DSM-IV-TR criteria. DSM-5 draft criteria were shown to be less sensitive in regard to identification of subjects with ASDs, particularly those with Asperger's syndrome and some high-functioning subjects with autism. DSM-IV-TR helps with the definition of ASDs only up to a point. We suggest modifications to five details of DSM-5 draft criteria posted by the APA in February 2010. Completing revision of DSM criteria for ASDs is a challenging task. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A Prospective Study of the Concordance of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (United States)

    Mazurek, Micah O.; Lu, Frances; Symecko, Heather; Butter, Eric; Bing, Nicole M.; Hundley, Rachel J.; Poulsen, Marie; Kanne, Stephen M.; Macklin, Eric A.; Handen, Benjamin L.


    The transition from DSM-IV to DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) sparked considerable concern about the potential implications of these changes. This study was designed to address limitations of prior studies by prospectively examining the concordance of DSM-IV and final DSM-5 criteria on a consecutive sample of 439 children…

  17. Prevalence and severity of eating disorders: A comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 among German adolescents. (United States)

    Ernst, Verena; Bürger, Arne; Hammerle, Florian


    Changes in the DSM-5 eating disorders criteria sought to increase the clarity of the diagnostic categories and to decrease the preponderance of nonspecified eating disorders. The first objective of this study was to analyze how these revisions affect threshold and EDNOS/OSFED eating disorder diagnoses in terms of prevalence, sex ratios, and diagnostic distribution in a student sample. Second, we aimed to compare the impairment levels of participants with a threshold, an EDNOS/OSFED and no diagnosis using both DSM-IV and DSM-5. A sample of 1654 7th and 8th grade students completed self-report questionnaires to determine diagnoses and impairment levels in the context of an eating disorder prevention program in nine German secondary schools. Height and weight were measured. The prevalence of threshold disorders increased from .48% (DSM-IV) to 1.15% (DSM-5). EDNOS disorders increased from 2.90 to 6.23% when using OSFED-categories. A higher proportion of girls was found throughout all the diagnostic categories, and the sex ratios remained stable. The effect sizes of DSM-5 group differences regarding impairment levels were equal to or larger than those of the DSM-IV comparisons, ranging from small to medium. We provide an in-depth overview of changes resulting from the revisions of DSM eating disorder criteria in a German adolescent sample. Despite the overall increase in prevalence estimates, the results suggest that the DSM-5 criteria differentiate participants with threshold disorders and OSFED from those no diagnosis as well as or even more distinctly than the DSM-IV criteria. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Reliability of DSM-IV Symptom Ratings of ADHD: Implications for DSM-V (United States)

    Solanto, Mary V.; Alvir, Jose


    Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the intrarater reliability of "DSM-IV" ADHD symptoms. Method: Two-hundred-two children referred for attention problems and 49 comparison children (all 7-12 years) were rated by parents and teachers on the identical "DSM-IV" items presented in two different formats, the…

  19. Validez de un modelo reducido de ítems del DSM-IV según respuesta de padres y profesores en el diagnóstico del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad Combinado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio López-Villalobos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Buscar un modelo reducido de síntomas del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad subtipo Combinado (TDAH-C, que presente adecuada validez de criterio para su diagnóstico. Metodología: Contexto de estudio epidemiológico. Muestra de 1095 casos entre 6 y 16 años [4.38 % TDAH-C]. Selección de casos con primera fase psicométrica de sospecha TDAH-C que requiere que ADHD RS-IV, implementado por padres (PA y profesores (PR, supere el PC 90. Segunda fase: Los casos seleccionados se evalúan mediante entrevista clínica modelo DISC-IV (DSM-IV para confirmar TDAH-C. Se implementa regresión logística para buscar modelo parsimonioso de ítems que permita predecir TDAH-C. Resultados: El modelo de ítems que permite predecir TDAH-C contiene 8 de los 36 ítems del ADHD RS-IV contestados por PA y PR. Considerando las odds ratio del modelo de regresión logística, los ítems del ADHD RS-IV seleccionados son los siguientes 15PR, 1PA, 16PR, 12PA, 17PA, 10PA, 14PA y 4PR. El modelo presenta validez de criterio para TDAH-C clínico (sensibilidad: 97.9 %. Especificidad: 93.8%. Razón de verosimilitud: 16.02. Conclusiones: Es posible reducir la lista de síntomas de TDAH-C con buena validez de criterio, manteniendo los que proporcionan mayor discriminación entre TDAH-C y población general.

  20. Alcoholgerelateerde cognitieve stoornissen in de DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Walvoort, S.J.W.; Wester, A.J.; Doorakkers, M.C.; Kessels, R.P.C.; Egger, J.I.M.


    Achtergrond: Binnen de dsm-iv-tr zijn alcoholgerelateerde cognitieve stoornissen moeilijk onder te brengen, met als gevolg dat deze neurocognitieve stoornissen vaak over het hoofd worden gezien. De komst van de dsm-5 zou hierin uitkomst kunnen bieden. Doel: De dsm-5 vergelijken met de dsm-iv-tr

  1. A comparison of DSM-IV pervasive developmental disorder and DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder prevalence in an epidemiologic sample. (United States)

    Kim, Young Shin; Fombonne, Eric; Koh, Yun-Joo; Kim, Soo-Jeong; Cheon, Keun-Ah; Leventhal, Bennett L


    Changes in autism diagnostic criteria found in DSM-5 may affect autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevalence, research findings, diagnostic processes, and eligibility for clinical and other services. Using our published, total-population Korean prevalence data, we compute DSM-5 ASD and social communication disorder (SCD) prevalence and compare them with DSM-IV pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) prevalence estimates. We also describe individuals previously diagnosed with DSM-IV PDD when diagnoses change with DSM-5 criteria. The target population was all children from 7 to 12 years of age in a South Korean community (N = 55,266), those in regular and special education schools, and a disability registry. We used the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire for systematic, multi-informant screening. Parents of screen-positive children were offered comprehensive assessments using standardized diagnostic procedures, including the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Best-estimate clinical diagnoses were made using DSM-IV PDD and DSM-5 ASD and SCD criteria. DSM-5 ASD estimated prevalence was 2.20% (95% confidence interval = 1.77-3.64). Combined DSM-5 ASD and SCD prevalence was virtually the same as DSM-IV PDD prevalence (2.64%). Most children with autistic disorder (99%), Asperger disorder (92%), and PDD-NOS (63%) met DSM-5 ASD criteria, whereas 1%, 8%, and 32%, respectively, met SCD criteria. All remaining children (2%) had other psychopathology, principally attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorder. Our findings suggest that most individuals with a prior DSM-IV PDD meet DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD and SCD. PDD, ASD or SCD; extant diagnostic criteria identify a large, clinically meaningful group of individuals and families who require evidence-based services. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. DSM-IV and DSM-5 Prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder in a Population Sample of Older People. (United States)

    Karlsson, Björn; Sigström, Robert; Östling, Svante; Waern, Margda; Börjesson-Hanson, Anne; Skoog, Ingmar


    To examine the prevalence of social anxiety disorders (SAD) with (DSM-IV) and without (DSM-5) the person's own assessment that the fear was unreasonable, in a population sample of older adults. Further, to determine whether clinical and sociodemographic correlates of SAD differ depending on the criteria applied. Cross-sectional. General population in Gothenburg, Sweden. A random population-based sample of 75- and 85-year olds (N = 1200) without dementia. Psychiatric research nurses carried out a semi-structured psychiatric examination including the Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale. DSM-IV SAD was diagnosed with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. SAD was diagnosed according to DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria. The 6-month duration criterion in DSM-5 was not applied because of lack of information. Other assessments included the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), the Brief Scale for Anxiety (BSA), and the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). The 1-month prevalence of SAD was 2.5% (N = 30) when the unreasonable fear criterion was defined in accordance with DSM-IV and 5.1% (N = 61) when the DSM-5 criterion was applied. Clinical correlates (GAF, MADRS, and BSA) were worse in SAD cases identified by either procedure compared with all others, and ratings for those reporting unreasonable fear suggested greater (albeit nonsignificant) overall psychopathology. Shifting the judgment of how reasonable the fear was, from the individual to the clinician, doubled the prevalence of SAD. This indicates that the DSM-5 version might increase prevalence rates of SAD in the general population. Further studies strictly applying all DSM-5 criteria are needed in order to confirm these findings. Copyright © 2016 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. A comparison of outcomes according to different diagnostic systems for delirium (DSM-5, DSM-IV, CAM, and DRS-R98). (United States)

    Adamis, Dimitrios; Meagher, David; Rooney, Siobhan; Mulligan, Owen; McCarthy, Geraldine


    ABSTRACTStudies indicate that DSM-5 criteria for delirium are relatively restrictive, and identify different cases of delirium compared with previous systems. We evaluate four outcomes of delirium (mortality, length of hospital stay, institutionalization, and cognitive improvement) in relation to delirium defined by different DSM classification systems.Prospective, longitudinal study of patients aged 70+ admitted to medical wards of a general hospital. Participants were assessed up to a maximum of four times during two weeks, using DSM-5 and DSM-IV criteria, DRS-R98 and CAM scales as proxies for DSM III-R and DSM III.Of the 200 assessed patients (mean age 81.1, SD = 6.5; and 50% female) during hospitalization, delirium was identified in 41 (20.5%) using DSM-5, 45 (22.5%) according to DSM-IV, 46 (23%) with CAM positive, and 37 (18.5%) with DRS-R98 severity score >15. Mortality was significantly associated with delirium according to any classification system, but those identified with DSM-5 were at greater risk. Length of stay was significantly longer for those with DSM-IV delirium. Discharge to a care home was associated only with DRS-R98 defined delirium. Cognitive improvement was only associated with CAM and DSM-IV. Different classification systems for delirium identify populations with different outcomes.

  4. Prevalence of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Alcohol, Cocaine, Opioid, and Cannabis Use Disorders in a Largely Substance Dependent Sample (United States)

    Peer, Kyle; Rennert, Lior; Lynch, Kevin G.; Farrer, Lindsay; Gelernter, Joel; Kranzler, Henry R.


    BACKGROUND The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) will soon replace the DSM-IV, which has existed for nearly two decades. The changes in diagnostic criteria have important implications for research and for the clinical care of individuals with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). METHODS We used the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism to evaluate the lifetime presence of DSM-IV abuse and dependence diagnoses and DSM-5 mild, moderate, or severe SUDs for alcohol, cocaine, opioids, and cannabis in a sample of 7,543 individuals recruited to participate in genetic studies of substance dependence. RESULTS Switches between diagnostic systems consistently resulted in a modestly greater prevalence for DSM-5 SUDs, based largely on the assignment of DSM-5 diagnoses to DSM-IV “diagnostic ophans” (i.e., individuals meeting one or two criteria for dependence and none for abuse, and thus not receiving a DSM-IV SUD diagnosis). The vast majority of these diagnostic switches were attributable to the requirement that only two of 11 criteria be met for a DSM-5 SUD diagnosis. We found evidence to support the omission from DSM-5 of the legal criterion due to its limited diagnostic utility. The addition of craving as a criterion in DSM-5 did not substantially affect the likelihood of an SUD diagnosis. CONCLUSION The greatest advantage of DSM-5 appears to be its ability to capture diagnostic orphans. In this sample, changes reflected in DSM-5 had a minimal impact on the prevalence of SUD diagnoses. PMID:22884164

  5. DSM-III-R and religion. (United States)

    Post, S G


    The interpretation of religion in DSM-III-R contains considerable negative bias and contributes to unfair stereotypes of religious persons. Particularly new religious movements and religious conversion are unfairly interpreted under the DSM-III-R heading, 'Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified'. It is suggested that a more balanced and respectful interpretation of religion is needed in DSM-III-R, since psychiatry through its official nomenclature should not contribute to social intolerance of religious nonconformity.

  6. sA Comparison of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Diagnostic Classifications in the Clinical Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (United States)

    Yaylaci, Ferhat; Miral, Suha


    Aim of this study was to compare children diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) according to DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 diagnostic systems. One hundred fifty children aged between 3 and 15 years diagnosed with PDD by DSM-IV-TR were included. PDD symptoms were reviewed through psychiatric assessment based on DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria.…

  7. La filosofía del derecho mexicana en la era del constitucionalismo

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    Ramón Ortega García


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este trabajo el autor presenta, en un primer momento, las principales características del modelo constitucional mexicano emergente como detonante de importantes cambios a nivel del ordenamiento jurídico, los mismos que demandan una concepción del derecho diferente a las anteriores para dar cuenta de la nueva realidad normativa del país. El autor describe, después, los elementos más destacables de ese virtual enfoque filosófico y sostiene, al final, que éste mantiene mayor cercanía con el llamado constitucionalismo pospositivista o pospositivismo jurídico de autores como Atienza, Alexy, Nino y otros, que con el constitucionalismo iuspositivista de Ferrajoli. ABSTRACT: The author of this paper presents, in the first place, the main features of the new constitutional model that has been rising in the last few years in Mexico and the way it has changed the Mexican legal system. The author claims these changes are in need for a new legal conception different from others in the past and describes its core elements. Then he argues about the connection between this new philosophy and the non-legal positivism approach of modern constitutionalists such as Atienza, Alexy and Nino,

  8. Comparison of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 Criteria in Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders in Singapore. (United States)

    Sung, Min; Goh, Tze Jui; Tan, Bei Lin Joelene; Chan, Jialei Stephanie; Liew, Hwee Sen Alvin


    Our study examines the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) when applied concurrently against the best estimate clinical diagnoses for 110 children (5.1-19.6 years old) referred for diagnostic assessments of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a Singaporean outpatient speciality clinic. DSM-IV-TR performed slightly better, yielding sensitivity of 0.946 and specificity of 0.889, compared to DSM-5 (sensitivity = 0.837; specificity = 0.833). When considering the ASD sub-categories, sensitivity ranged from 0.667 to 0.933, and specificity ranged from 0.900 to 0.975. More participants with a PDD-NOS best estimate clinical diagnosis (40%) were misclassified on DSM-5. Merits and weaknesses to both classification systems, and implications for access to services and policy changes are discussed.

  9. [Mood disorders in the DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spijker, J.; Claes, S.


    BACKGROUND: The DSM-5 was published in May, 2013. AIM: To discuss and comment on the important changes that appear in the sections of DSM-5 dealing with mood disorders. METHOD: The DSM-5 chapters on mood disorders are reviewed. RESULTS: Bipolar disorders and depressive disorders are now dealt with

  10. Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality


    Drescher, Jack


    In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of ?homosexuality? from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alter...

  11. Dimensiones del perfil docente en la era global

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    David E. López Cortés


    Full Text Available En este texto se abordarán las nuevas competencias y retos de los educadores en el ejercicio de su profesión, frente a la globalización en la sociedad del conocimiento, y en el contexto del surgimiento de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC como herramienta didáctica de enseñanza que genere aprendizajes con sentido en el salón de clase; todo lo cual exige docentes que relacionen los conocimientos y las competencias en el entorno cotidiano de los estudiantes, a través de experiencias de aula inmersas en ambientes educativos de aprendizaje, investigación, creatividad, innovación y solución de problemas del entorno natural, social y creado.

  12. DSM-IV: a nosology sold before its time? (United States)

    Zimmerman, M; Jampala, V C; Sierles, F S; Taylor, M A


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether American psychiatrists believe that DSM-IV is being published too soon after DSM-III-R. The authors conducted a mail survey of the attitudes of practicing psychiatrists (N = 454), residency program directors (N = 128), residents (N = 1,331), and researchers (N = 196) toward the scheduled publication of DSM-IV in the early 1990s. They found that the majority of all four groups believed that DSM-IV is being published prematurely. In contrast to respondents who believed that the timing of DSM-IV is appropriate, those who indicated that it is being published too soon had more recently completed their residency training and also believed that DSM-III-R was published prematurely. There was no association between the psychiatrists' responses and their theoretical orientation, Board certification status, ownership of the DSM manuals, the length of time they had used DSM-III, and the diagnostic manual (DSM-III or DSM-III-R) they were currently using. The belief that DSM-IV is being published too soon could contribute to underuse of DSM-IV by substantial numbers of psychiatrists. Thus, to foster compliance with it, APA must preserve in its efforts to demonstrate that the advantages of publishing it in 1993 outweigh the disadvantages of adopting yet another manual.

  13. Understanding the DSM-5: stasis and change. (United States)

    Cooper, Rachel


    This paper aims to understand the DSM-5 through situating it within the context of the historical development of the DSM series. When one looks at the sets of diagnostic criteria, the DSM-5 is strikingly similar to the DSM-IV. I argue that at this level the DSM has become 'locked-in' and difficult to change. At the same time, at the structural, or conceptual, level there have been radical changes, for example in the definition of 'mental disorder', in the role of theory and of values, and in the abandonment of the multiaxial approach to diagnosis. The way that the DSM-5 was constructed means that the overall conceptual framework of the classification only barely constrains the sets of diagnostic criteria it contains.

  14. Can Maitanquis. Un establiment emblemàtic del raval Mariner de Mataró


    Guanyabens i Calvet, Nicolau


    Can Maitanquis era, de d'inicis del segle XX un popular cafè situat a la proa del completament desaparegut raval mariner de Mataró. Conegut pel fet qye tenia obert moltes hores del dia, era el centre neuràlñgic per la gent de mar: calafators, pescadors i mariners. Als anys 90 del segle XX s'expropiaren i s'enderrocaren totes les cases de l'illa a la qual pertanyia l'establiment. El solar es destinà a aparcament, l'actual parking de can Maitanquis.

  15. Fim da era constantiniana: Retrospectiva genealógica de um conceito crítico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastian Pedro Pattin


    Full Text Available El presente documento es una reseña de la obra del Dr. Zamagni, historiador de los conceptos religiosos, referida al "fin de la era constantiniana" a través del analisis de Marie-Dominique Chenu, Friedrich Heer, Étienne Gilson, Emmanuel Mounier, Jacques Maritain, Ernesto Buonaiuti y Erik Peterson.

  16. Application of DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder to three samples of children with DSM-IV diagnoses of pervasive developmental disorders. (United States)

    Huerta, Marisela; Bishop, Somer L; Duncan, Amie; Hus, Vanessa; Lord, Catherine


    Substantial revisions to the DSM-IV criteria for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have been proposed in efforts to increase diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. This study evaluated the proposed DSM-5 criteria for the single diagnostic category of autism spectrum disorder in children with DSM-IV diagnoses of pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) and non-PDD diagnoses. Three data sets included 4,453 children with DSM-IV clinical PDD diagnoses and 690 with non-PDD diagnoses (e.g., language disorder). Items from a parent report measure of ASD symptoms (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised) and clinical observation instrument (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) were matched to DSM-5 criteria and used to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed DSM-5 criteria and current DSM-IV criteria when compared with clinical diagnoses. Based on just parent data, the proposed DSM-5 criteria identified 91% of children with clinical DSM-IV PDD diagnoses. Sensitivity remained high in specific subgroups, including girls and children under 4. The specificity of DSM-5 ASD was 0.53 overall, while the specificity of DSM-IV ranged from 0.24, for clinically diagnosed PDD not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), to 0.53, for autistic disorder. When data were required from both parent and clinical observation, the specificity of the DSM-5 criteria increased to 0.63. These results suggest that most children with DSM-IV PDD diagnoses would remain eligible for an ASD diagnosis under the proposed DSM-5 criteria. Compared with the DSM-IV criteria for Asperger's disorder and PDD-NOS, the DSM-5 ASD criteria have greater specificity, particularly when abnormalities are evident from both parents and clinical observation.

  17. Handbook of evaluation of utility DSM programs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirst, E.; Reed, J. [eds.; Bronfman, B.; Fitzpatrick, G.; Hicks, E.; Hirst, E.; Hoffman, M.; Keating, K.; Michaels, H.; Nadel, S.; Peters, J.; Reed, J.; Saxonis, W.; Schoen, A.; Violette, D.


    Program evaluation has become a central issue in the world of utility integrated resource planning. The DSM programs that utilities were operating to meet federal requirements or to improve customer relations are now becoming big business. DSM is being considered an important resource in a utility`s portfolio of options. In the last five years, the amount of money that utilities have invested in DSM has grown exponentially in most regulatory jurisdictions. Market analysts are now talking about DSM being a $30 billion industry by the end of the decade. If the large volume of DSM-program investments was not enough to highlight the importance of evaluation, then the introduction of regulatory incentives has really focused the spotlight. This handbook was developed through a process that involved many of those people who represent the diverse constituencies of DSM-program evaluation. We have come to recognize the many technical disciplines that must be employed to evaluate DSM programs. An analysis might start out based on the principles of utility load research to find out what happened, but a combination of engineering and statistical methods must be used to ``triangulate`` an estimate of what would have happened without the program. The difference, of course, is that elusive but prized result of evaluation: what happened as the direct result of the DSM program. Technical performance of DSM measures is not the sole determinant of the answer, either. We also recognize the importance of such behavioral attributes of DSM as persistence and free ridership. Finally, DSM evaluation is meaningless without attention to planning an approach, communicating results to relevant decision-makers, and focusing as much on the process as the impacts of the program. These topics are all covered in this handbook.

  18. Comparison of DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for alcohol use disorders in VA primary care patients with frequent heavy drinking enrolled in a trial. (United States)

    Takahashi, Traci; Lapham, Gwen; Chavez, Laura J; Lee, Amy K; Williams, Emily C; Richards, Julie E; Greenberg, Diane; Rubinsky, Anna; Berger, Douglas; Hawkins, Eric J; Merrill, Joseph O; Bradley, Katharine A


    Criteria for alcohol use disorders (AUD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) were intended to result in a similar prevalence of AUD as DSM-IV. We evaluated the prevalence of AUD using DSM-5 and DSM-IV criteria, and compared characteristics of patients who met criteria for: neither DSM-5 nor DSM-IV AUD, DSM-5 alone, DSM-IV alone, or both, among Veterans Administration (VA) outpatients in the Considering Healthier drinking Options In primary CarE (CHOICE) trial. VA primary care patients who reported frequent heavy drinking and enrolled in the CHOICE trial were interviewed at baseline using the DSM-IV Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for AUD, as well as questions about socio-demographics, mental health, alcohol craving, and substance use. We compared characteristics across 4 mutually exclusive groups based on DSM-5 and DSM-IV criteria. Of 304 participants, 13.8% met criteria for neither DSM-5 nor DSM-IV AUD; 12.8% met criteria for DSM-5 alone, and 73.0% met criteria for both DSM-IV and DSM-5. Only 1 patient (0.3%) met criteria for DSM-IV AUD alone. Patients meeting both DSM-5 and DSM-IV criteria had more negative drinking consequences, mental health symptoms and self-reported readiness to change compared with those meeting DSM-5 criteria alone or neither DSM-5 nor DSM-IV criteria. In this sample of primary care patients with frequent heavy drinking, DSM-5 identified 13% more patients with AUD than DSM-IV. This group had a lower mental health symptom burden and less self-reported readiness to change compared to those meeting criteria for both DSM-IV and DSM-5 AUD. Trial Registration NCT01400581. 2011 February 17.

  19. Comparison of DSM-IV versus proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for eating disorders in a Japanese sample. (United States)

    Nakai, Yoshikatsu; Fukushima, Mitsuo; Taniguchi, Ataru; Nin, Kazuko; Teramukai, Satoshi


    The purpose of this study was to compare the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) and the proposed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) diagnostic criteria in terms of the number of cases of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) and to see which diagnostic system can effectively capture variance in psychiatric symptoms in a Japanese sample. One thousand and twenty-nine women with an eating disorder (ED) participated in this study. Assessment methods included structured clinical interviews and administration of the Eating Attitudes Test and the Eating Disorder Inventory. Relaxing the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and recognizing binge ED decreased the proportion of EDNOS (from 45.1% to 26.1%). The DSM-5 categorization of patients was better able to capture variance in psychopathology scales. The proposed revisions to EDs in the DSM-5 partially reduced reliance on EDNOS. The DSM-5 may differentiate ED groups more effectively than the DSM-IV. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.

  20. The usefulness of DSM-IV and DSM-5 conduct disorder subtyping in detained adolescents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colins, O.F.; Vermeiren, R.R.J.M.


    The aim of this study was to test whether the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), and DSM-5 conduct disorder (CD) subtyping approaches identify adolescents with concurrent psychiatric morbidity and an increased risk to reoffend. A diagnostic interview was

  1. Comparison of ICD-10R, DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 in an Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Clinic (United States)

    Wilson, C. Ellie; Gillan, Nicola; Spain, Deborah; Robertson, Dene; Roberts, Gedeon; Murphy, Clodagh M.; Maltezos, Stefanos; Zinkstok, Janneke; Johnston, Katie; Dardani, Christina; Ohlsen, Chris; Deeley, P. Quinton; Craig, Michael; Mendez, Maria A.; Happé, Francesca; Murphy, Declan G. M.


    An Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis is often used to access services. We investigated whether ASD diagnostic outcome varied when DSM-5 was used compared to ICD-10R and DSM-IV-TR in a clinical sample of 150 intellectually able adults. Of those diagnosed with an ASD using ICD-10R, 56% met DSM-5 ASD criteria. A further 19% met DSM-5 (draft)…

  2. The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes. (United States)

    Regier, Darrel A; Kuhl, Emily A; Kupfer, David J


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) marks the first significant revision of the publication since the DSM-IV in 1994. Changes to the DSM were largely informed by advancements in neuroscience, clinical and public health need, and identified problems with the classification system and criteria put forth in the DSM-IV. Much of the decision-making was also driven by a desire to ensure better alignment with the International Classification of Diseases and its upcoming 11th edition (ICD-11). In this paper, we describe select revisions in the DSM-5, with an emphasis on changes projected to have the greatest clinical impact and those that demonstrate efforts to enhance international compatibility, including integration of cultural context with diagnostic criteria and changes that facilitate DSM-ICD harmonization. It is anticipated that this collaborative spirit between the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will continue as the DSM-5 is updated further, bringing the field of psychiatry even closer to a singular, cohesive nosology. Copyright © 2013 World Psychiatric Association.

  3. Consideraciones alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar.

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    MartaLucía Tamayo Fernandez


    Full Text Available

    La doctora MarthaLucía Tamayo comparte muchas inquietudes alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar; de dónde salió ese nombre; de juntar en medicina y en genética a tres escritores como lo son Jorge Luis Borges, Macedonio Fernández y Julio Cortázar. Su conferencia dice así:

    El término almismo fue ideado por Macedonio Fernández porque defendía mucho el ensimismamiento y el pensamiento hacia el interior, mirar hacia adentro; cada uno somos un “sí mismo” que nos hace diferentes aunque al mismo tiempo podemos ser iguales. Todos tenemos esa parte interior que la medicina debe trabajar y que no puede olvidar.

    “El Libro del Almismo, el libro del pensar” nos lleva a replantear y a repensar un poco la medicina que queremos, una medicina vuelta a pensar.

    Quiero contarles la historia de cómo se llegó a este libro y por qué y para qué se sigue trabajando en estos temas: Después de mi internado y de un trabajo un poco triste de rural, volví al Instituto de Genética y a la Universidad Javeriana en donde encontré al doctor Bernal y un espacio que estaba buscando para esa medicina diferente que quería, con un grupo de personas que me permitía no sólo ver la medicina sino ver muchas otras cosas más; había espacio para la literatura, para Mafalda, para hablar de niños, de locos, había incluso tiempo para hablar de medicina dentro del golf, de carros antiguos y de todo eso fui aprendiendo.

    Eso era lo que estaba buscando. Una medicina que diera espacios diferentes, que fuera más humanizada. Rápidamente me ubiqué y me quedé! No me arrepiento en lo absoluto de haberme quedado porque fue, ha sido y sigue siendo, una experiencia enriquecedora, de muchas vivencias importantes. Sabía exactamente dónde estaba y sabía que había que seguir rápido y había que trabajar muchos aspectos de esa medicina que estábamos buscando y de esa genética especial.

    Rápidamente empezamos a trabajar

  4. Diagnóstico diferencial e direção do tratamento na atualidade: do DSM-IV à psicanálise

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    Claudia Henschel de Lima


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to analyze the relevance of the psychoanalysis in the context of an era dominated by the biopolitical model as reference for diagnosis and for direction of the treatment of mental disorders. The DSM-IV uses generic category of disorder to classify the symptoms, reducing them to a behavioral dimension and converting them into monosymptoms. Hence, from the approach of the diagnostic difficulties faced by Freud in the conduction of the case of the Wolf Man, this paper question the current relevance of structural diagnosis in psychoanalysis, showing that the DSM-IV: (i reduces the diagnostic difficulty to the syndrome of the panic; (ii establish the direction of treatment through the monosymptmatic model, suppressing structural elements of the psychosis. Alternatively, the orientation of the diagnosis in the last Lacan to the Wolf Man case will be an ordinary psychosis.

  5. [Specific learning disabilities - from DSM-IV to DSM-5]. (United States)

    Schulte-Körne, Gerd


    The publication of the DSM-5 means changes in the classification and recommendations for diagnosis of specific learning disabilities. Dyslexia and dyscalculia have been reintroduced into the DSM. Three specific learning disorders - impairment in reading, impairment in the written expression, and impairment in mathematics, described by subskills - are now part of the DSM-5. Three subcomponents of the reading disorder are expressly differentiated: word reading accuracy, reading rate, and fluency and reading comprehension. Impaired subskills of the specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression are spelling accuracy, grammar and punctuation accuracy, and clarity and organization of written expression. Four subskills are found in the mathematics disorder: number sense, memorization of arithmetic facts, accurate or fluent calculation, and accurate math reasoning. Each impaired academic domain and subskill should be recorded. A description of the severity degree was also included. The diagnosis is based on a variety of methods, including medical history, clinical interview, school report, teacher evaluation, rating scales, and psychometric tests. The IQ discrepancy criterion was abandoned, though that of age or class discrepancy criterion was retained. The application of a discrepancy is recommended by 1 to 2.5 SD. All three specific developmental disorders are common (prevalence 5 %-15 %), occur early during the first years of formal schooling, and persist into adulthood.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spiegel, David; Loewenstein, Richard J.; Lewis-Fernandez, Roberto; Sar, Vedat; Simeon, Daphne; Vermetten, Eric; Cardena, Etzel; Dell, Paul F.

    Background: We present recommendations for revision of the diagnostic criteria for the Dissociative Disorders (DDs) for DSM-5. The periodic revision of the DSM provides an opportunity to revisit the assumptions underlying specific diagnoses and the empirical support, or lack of it, for the defining

  7. Autism Spectrum Disorders in the DSM-V: Better or Worse than the DSM-IV? (United States)

    Wing, Lorna; Gould, Judith; Gillberg, Christopher


    The DSM-V-committee has recently published proposed diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders. We examine these criteria in some detail. We believe that the DSM-committee has overlooked a number of important issues, including social imagination, diagnosis in infancy and adulthood, and the possibility that girls and women with autism may…

  8. Periodistas para la era digital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Villalobos G.


    Full Text Available La formación de los periodistas del siglo XXI en la era digital se concibe como un reto y el mayor desafío. Los medios digitales demandan especialización y dominio de las nuevas tecnologías. Las universidades, principales gestores de este cambio, en la sociedad del conocimiento, requieren trabajar en la reformulación de nuevos pensum y en tres terrenos fundamentales: el perfil del egresado, el estilo pedagógico y el nuevo modo de relacionarse con el mundo exterior. Se necesita de una oferta académica referida al ciberperiodismo y a la cibercomunicación. La profesión periodística, y específicamente la formación de los comunicadores registra cambios importantes debido a las nuevas tecnologías, ahora el aula es el mundo globalizado e interconectado por la gran autopista de la información, por ello, la formación del comunicador social, demanda renovadas prácticas educativas. Las universidades deben repensar el papel que están obligadas a desempeñar, reformular los pensum académicos y ofertar la cibercomunicación y el ciberperiodismo para estar al día de las grandes transformaciones.

  9. A review of somatoform disorders in DSM-IV and somatic symptom disorders in proposed DSM-V. (United States)

    Ghanizadeh, Ahmad; Firoozabadi, Ali


    Psychiatric care providers should be trained to use current changes in the somatoform disorders criteria. New diagnostic criteria for Somatic Symptom disorders in the proposed DSM-V is discussed and compared with its older counterpart in DSM-IV. A new category called Somatic Syndrome Disorders is suggested. It includes new subcategories such as "Complex Somatic Symptom Disorder" (CSSD) and "Simple Somatic Symptom Disorder" (SSSD). Some of the subcategories of DSM-IV derived disorders are included in CSSD. While there are some changes in diagnostic criteria, there are concerns and limitations about the new classification needed to be more discussed before implementation. Functional somatic disturbance, the counterpart of converion disorder in DSM-IV, can be highly dependet on the developmental level of children. However, the role of developmental level needs to be considered.

  10. Voedings- en eetstoornissen in de DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoek, H W; van Elburg, Annemarie


    BACKGROUND: In the DSM-5, feeding disorders and eating disorders have been integrated into one single category. AIM: To review the rationale for changes in the criteria for feeding and eating disorders in DSM-5. METHOD: The revised criteria were drafted and formulated by a DSM-5 workgroup. Next,

  11. Specific phobia: a review of DSM-IV specific phobia and preliminary recommendations for DSM-V. (United States)

    LeBeau, Richard T; Glenn, Daniel; Liao, Betty; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Beesdo-Baum, Katja; Ollendick, Thomas; Craske, Michelle G


    The present review was conducted in order to evaluate the current diagnostic criteria for specific phobia (SP) in light of the empirical evidence gathered since DSM-IV and to propose changes to DSM-V where change is clearly and reliably indicated by the evidence. In response to questions put forth by the DSM-V Anxiety, OC Spectrum, Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorder Work Group, four primary areas were determined for this review: the accuracy and utility of the current SP type classification system, the validity of test anxiety as a type of SP, the boundary between agoraphobia and SP, and the reliability and utility of the diagnostic criteria for SP. Developmental issues are addressed within each area. Literature reviews examining academic findings published between 1994 and 2009 were carried out and the results are included herein. The review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V. All of these recommendations should be considered tentative as they await the field trials and expert consensus necessary prior to their inclusion in the DSM-V. The present review also reveals a great need for future research in the area of SP and directions for such research is provided.

  12. DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder: Comorbidity, correlates, and overlap with DSM-IV hypochondriasis. (United States)

    Newby, Jill M; Hobbs, Megan J; Mahoney, Alison E J; Wong, Shiu Kelvin; Andrews, Gavin


    To investigate the reliability, validity and utility of DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder (IAD) and somatic symptom disorder (SSD), and explore their overlap with DSM-IV Hypochondriasis in a health anxious sample. Treatment-seeking patients with health anxiety (N=118) completed structured diagnostic interviews to assess DSM-IV Hypochondriasis, DSM-5 IAD, SSD, and comorbid mental disorders, and completed self-report measures of health anxiety, comorbid symptoms, cognitions and behaviours, and service utilization. IAD and SSD were more reliable diagnoses than Hypochondriasis (kappa estimates: IAD: 0.80, SSD: 0.92, Hypochondriasis: 0.60). 45% of patients were diagnosed with SSD, 47% with IAD, and 8% with comorbid IAD/SSD. Most patients with IAD fluctuated between seeking and avoiding care (61%), whereas care-seeking (25%) and care-avoidant subtypes were less common (14%). Half the sample met criteria for DSM-IV Hypochondriasis; of those, 56% met criteria for SSD criteria, 36% for IAD, and 8% for comorbid IAD/SSD. Compared to IAD, SSD was characterized by more severe health anxiety, somatic symptoms, depression, and higher health service use, and higher rates of major depressive disorder, panic disorder and agoraphobia. DSM-5 IAD and SSD classifications reliably detect more cases of clinically significant health anxiety than DSM-IV Hypochondriasis. The differences between IAD and SSD appear to be due to severity. Future research should explore the generalizability of these findings to other samples, and whether diagnostic status predicts treatment response and long-term outcome. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Nosologic Comparisons of DSM-IV and DSM-5 Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions–III (United States)

    Goldstein, Risë B.; Chou, S. Patricia; Smith, Sharon M.; Jung, Jeesun; Zhang, Haitao; Saha, Tulshi D.; Pickering, Roger P.; June Ruan, W.; Huang, Boji; Grant, Bridget F.


    Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine prevalences and concordances between Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), and Fifth Edition (DSM-5) substance use disorders (SUDs) in a newly completed U.S. epidemiologic survey. Method: The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions–III surveyed 36,309 civilian, noninstitutionalized adults. SUDs were assessed using the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule–5. Concordances between DSM-IV and DSM-5 disorders were assessed using kappa statistics. Results: Prevalences of past-year substance-specific DSM-5 disorders (2+ criteria) were modestly higher than those of DSM-IV dependence and abuse combined for alcohol, sedatives/tranquilizers, opioids, and heroin, but lower for cannabis, cocaine, and stimulants. Lifetime prevalences were lower under DSM-5. Prevalences were similar between moderate to severe (4+ criteria) DSM-5 disorders and dependence, whereas prevalences of DSM-5 disorders at 3+ criteria (DSM-5 [3+]) were higher, particularly for cannabis. Past-year concordances were excellent for DSM-IV dependence and abuse combined versus any DSM-5 and DSM-IV dependence versus DSM-5 moderate to severe disorders; lifetime concordances were fair to excellent. Past-year concordances between DSM-IV and DSM-5 (3+) were generally similar to or modestly higher than those with any DSM-5 disorder; lifetime concordances were mostly lower. Conclusions: Findings are consistent with those informing the development of DSM-5. Future research should examine differences in patterns between past-year and lifetime disorders, particularly for cannabis. Other questions warranting investigation include whether different combinations of the same numbers of criteria carry different clinical or nosologic implications, whether changes innosology yield changes in treatment demand, and whether changes in characteristics of individuals with DSM-5 SUDs

  14. Personality disorder in DSM-5: an oral history. (United States)

    Zachar, P; Krueger, R F; Kendler, K S


    As the revision process leading to DSM-5 began, the domain of personality disorder embodied the highest aspirations for major change. After an initial prototype-based proposal failed to gain acceptance, the Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group (P&PDWG) developed a hybrid model containing categorical and dimensional components. A clash of perspectives both within the P&PDWG and between the P&PDWG and DSM-5 oversight committees led to the rejection of this proposal from the main body of DSM-5. Major issues included conflicting ways of conceptualizing validation, differences of opinion from personality disorder experts outside the P&PDWG, divergent concepts of the magnitude of evidence needed to support substantial changes, and the disagreements about clinical utility of the hybrid model. Despite these setbacks, the 'Alternative DSM-5 Model of Personality Disorder' is presented in Section III of the DSM-5. Further research should clarify its performance relative to the DSM-IV criteria reprinted in the main DSM-5 text.

  15. [The DSM-V : An overview]. (United States)

    Loas, G

    The aim of the present article is to present an overview of the recently published 5th version of the DSM. After a brief historic of the different versions of the DSM since the third edition, the main features of the classification were presented followed by the particularities of the fifth version.

  16. From DSM-Ⅳ Somatoform Disorder to DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder%从DSM-Ⅳ躯体形式障碍到DSM-5躯体症状障碍

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    陈子晨; 汪新建



  17. The Social Responsiveness Scale in relation to DSM IV and DSM5 ASD in Korean Children (United States)

    Cheon, Keun-Ah; Park, Jee-In; Koh, Yun-Joo; Song, Jungeun; Hong, Hyun-Joo; Kim, Young-Kee; Lim, Eun-Chung; Kwon, Hojang; Ha, Mina; Lim, Myung-Ho; Paik, Ki-Chung; Constantino, John N.; Leventhal, Bennett; Kim, Young Shin


    LAY ABSTRACT The Social Responsiveness Scale(SRS) is an autism rating scales in widespread use, with over 20 official foreign language translations. It has proven highly feasible for quantitative ascertainment of autistic social impairment in public health settings, however, little is known about the validity of the reinforcement in Asia populations or in references to DSM5. The current study aims to evaluate psychometric properties and cross-cultural aspects of the SRS-Korean version (K-SRS). Our results indicate that the K-SRS exhibits adequate reliability and validity for measuring Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) symptoms in Korean children with DSM IV PDD and DSM5 ASD. Our findings further suggest that it is difficult to distinguish Social Communication Disorder (SCD) from other child psychiatric conditions using the K-SRS. This is the first study to examine the relationship between the SRS subscales and DSM5 based clinical diagnosis. This study provides cross-cultural confirmation of the factor structure of ASD symptoms and traits measured by the SRS. SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT The Social Responsiveness Scale(SRS) is an autism rating scales in widespread use, with over 20 official foreign language translations. It has proven highly feasible for quantitative ascertainment of autistic social impairment in public health settings, however, little is known about the validity of the reinforcement in Asia populations or in references to DSM5. The current study aims to evaluate psychometric properties and cross-cultural aspects of the SRS-Korean version(K-SRS). The study subjects were ascertained from three samples: a general sample from 3 regular education elementary schools(n=790), a clinical sample(n=154) of 6–12-year-olds from four psychiatric clinics, and an epidemiological sample of children with ASD, diagnosed using both DSM IV PDD, DSM5 ASD and SCD criteria(n=151). Their parents completed the K-SRS and the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire(ASSQ). Descriptive

  18. Posttraumatic stress disorder according to DSM-5 and DSM-IV diagnostic criteria: a comparison in a sample of Congolese ex-combatants (United States)

    Schaal, Susanne; Koebach, Anke; Hinkel, Harald; Elbert, Thomas


    Background Compared to DSM-IV, the criteria for diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been modified in DSM-5. Objective The first aim of this study was to examine how these modifications impact rates of PTSD in a sample of Congolese ex-combatants. The second goal of this study was to investigate whether PTSD symptoms were associated with perpetrator-related acts or victim-related traumatic events. Method Ninety-five male ex-combatants in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo were interviewed. Both the DSM-IV and the DSM-5 PTSD symptom criteria were assessed. Results The DSM-5 symptom criteria yielded a PTSD rate of 50% (n=47), whereas the DSM-IV symptom criteria were met by 44% (n=42). If the DSM-5 would be set as the current “gold standard,” then DSM-IV would have produced more false negatives (8%) than false positives (3%). A minority of participants (19%, n=18) indicated an event during which they were involved as a perpetrator as their most stressful event. Results of a regression analysis (R 2=0.40) showed that, after accounting for the number of types of traumatic events, perpetrated violent acts were not associated with the symptom severity of PTSD. Conclusions The findings demonstrate that more diagnostic cases were produced with the DSM-5 diagnostic rules than were dropped resulting in an increase in PTSD rates compared to the DSM-IV system. The missing association between PTSD symptoms and perpetrated violent acts might be explained by a potential fascinating and excited perception of these acts. PMID:25720994

  19. Posttraumatic stress disorder according to DSM-5 and DSM-IV diagnostic criteria: a comparison in a sample of Congolese ex-combatants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susanne Schaal


    Full Text Available Background: Compared to DSM-IV, the criteria for diagnosing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD have been modified in DSM-5. Objective: The first aim of this study was to examine how these modifications impact rates of PTSD in a sample of Congolese ex-combatants. The second goal of this study was to investigate whether PTSD symptoms were associated with perpetrator-related acts or victim-related traumatic events. Method: Ninety-five male ex-combatants in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo were interviewed. Both the DSM-IV and the DSM-5 PTSD symptom criteria were assessed. Results: The DSM-5 symptom criteria yielded a PTSD rate of 50% (n=47, whereas the DSM-IV symptom criteria were met by 44% (n=42. If the DSM-5 would be set as the current “gold standard,” then DSM-IV would have produced more false negatives (8% than false positives (3%. A minority of participants (19%, n=18 indicated an event during which they were involved as a perpetrator as their most stressful event. Results of a regression analysis (R 2=0.40 showed that, after accounting for the number of types of traumatic events, perpetrated violent acts were not associated with the symptom severity of PTSD. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate that more diagnostic cases were produced with the DSM-5 diagnostic rules than were dropped resulting in an increase in PTSD rates compared to the DSM-IV system. The missing association between PTSD symptoms and perpetrated violent acts might be explained by a potential fascinating and excited perception of these acts.

  20. Comparison of DSM-5 and proposed ICD-11 criteria for PTSD with DSM-IV and ICD-10: changes in PTSD prevalence in military personnel. (United States)

    Kuester, Annika; Köhler, Kai; Ehring, Thomas; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Kober, Louisa; Krüger-Gottschalk, Antje; Schäfer, Ingo; Schellong, Julia; Wesemann, Ulrich; Rau, Heinrich


    Background: Recently, changes have been introduced to the diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Objectives: This study investigated the effect of the diagnostic changes made from DSM-IV to DSM-5 and from ICD-10 to the proposed ICD-11. The concordance of provisional PTSD prevalence between the diagnostic criteria was examined in a convenience sample of 100 members of the German Armed Forces. Method: Based on questionnaire measurements, provisional PTSD prevalence was assessed according to DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10, and proposed ICD-11 criteria. Consistency of the diagnostic status across the diagnostic systems was statistically evaluated. Results: Provisional PTSD prevalence was the same for DSM-IV and DSM-5 (both 56%) and comparable under DSM-5 versus ICD-11 proposal (48%). Agreement between DSM-IV and DSM-5, and between DSM-5 and the proposed ICD-11, was high (both p  DSM-IV, DSM-5, and proposed ICD-11. This supports the assumption of a set of PTSD core symptoms as suggested in the ICD-11 proposal, when at the same time a satisfactory concordance between ICD-11 proposal and DSM was given. The finding of increased provisional PTSD prevalence under ICD-11 proposal in contrast to ICD-10 can be of guidance for future epidemiological research on PTSD prevalence, especially concerning further investigations on the impact, appropriateness, and usefulness of the time criterion included in ICD-10 versus the consequences of its deletion as proposed for ICD-11.

  1. Inter-observer reliability of DSM-5 substance use disorders. (United States)

    Denis, Cécile M; Gelernter, Joel; Hart, Amy B; Kranzler, Henry R


    Although studies have examined the impact of changes made in DSM-5 on the estimated prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) diagnoses, there is limited evidence concerning the reliability of DSM-5 SUDs. We evaluated the inter-observer reliability of four DSM-5 SUDs in a sample in which we had previously evaluated the reliability of DSM-IV diagnoses, allowing us to compare the two systems. Two different interviewers each assessed 173 subjects over a 2-week period using the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA). Using the percent agreement and kappa (κ) coefficient, we examined the reliability of DSM-5 lifetime alcohol, opioid, cocaine, and cannabis use disorders, which we compared to that of SSADDA-derived DSM-IV SUD diagnoses. We also assessed the effect of additional lifetime SUD and lifetime mood or anxiety disorder diagnoses on the reliability of the DSM-5 SUD diagnoses. Reliability was good to excellent for the four disorders, with κ values ranging from 0.65 to 0.94. Agreement was consistently lower for SUDs of mild severity than for moderate or severe disorders. DSM-5 SUD diagnoses showed greater reliability than DSM-IV diagnoses of abuse or dependence or dependence only. Co-occurring SUD and lifetime mood or anxiety disorders exerted a modest effect on the reliability of the DSM-5 SUD diagnoses. For alcohol, opioid, cocaine and cannabis use disorders, DSM-5 criteria and diagnoses are at least as reliable as those of DSM-IV. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Inter-Observer Reliability of DSM-5 Substance Use Disorders* (United States)

    Denis, Cécile M.; Gelernter, Joel; Hart, Amy B.; Kranzler, Henry R.


    Aims Although studies have examined the impact of changes made in DSM-5 on the estimated prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) diagnoses, there is limited evidence of the reliability of DSM-5 SUDs. We evaluated the inter-observer reliability of four DSM-5 SUDs in a sample in which we had previously evaluated the reliability of DSM-IV diagnoses, allowing us to compare the two systems. Methods Two different interviewers each assessed 173 subjects over a 2-week period using the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA). Using the percent agreement and kappa (κ) coefficient, we examined the reliability of DSM-5 lifetime alcohol, opioid, cocaine, and cannabis use disorders, which we compared to that of SSADDA-derived DSM-IV SUD diagnoses. We also assessed the effect of additional lifetime SUD and lifetime mood or anxiety disorder diagnoses on the reliability of the DSM-5 SUD diagnoses. Results Reliability was good to excellent for the four disorders, with κ values ranging from 0.65 to 0.94. Agreement was consistently lower for SUDs of mild severity than for moderate or severe disorders. DSM-5 SUD diagnoses showed greater reliability than DSM-IV diagnoses of abuse or dependence or dependence only. Co-occurring SUD and lifetime mood or anxiety disorders exerted a modest effect on the reliability of the DSM-5 SUD diagnoses. Conclusions For alcohol, opioid, cocaine and cannabis use disorders, DSM-5 criteria and diagnoses are at least as reliable as those of DSM-IV. PMID:26048641

  3. DSM Pocket Guidebook: Commercial technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    It has been estimated that if electricity were used more efficiently with commercially available end-use technologies, 24%endash 44% of the nation's current demand for electricity could be eliminated. Almost all major electric utilities in the west are investigating such demand-side management (9DSM) opportunities. In some service territories, for example, improved efficiency could soon produce as much power as that from new coal-fired plants and produce it at a lower cost. Even utilities that currently have excess capacity are finding that DSM offers an opportunity to build efficient end-use stock to help them meet their future load shape objectives. Utility DSM programs typically consist of several measures designed to modify the utility's load shape (for example, innovative rate structures, direct utility control of loads, promotion of energy-efficient technologies, and customer education). The coordinated implementation of such measures requires planning, analysis of options, engineering, marketing, monitoring, and other coordination activities (Figure P1). This guidebook addresses one facet of an overall DSM program: selectrion of end-use technologies within the electrical utilities

  4. Current viewpoints on DSM-5 in Japan. (United States)

    Kuroki, Toshihide; Ishitobi, Makoto; Kamio, Yoko; Sugihara, Genichi; Murai, Toshiya; Motomura, Keisuke; Ogasawara, Kazuyoshi; Kimura, Hiroyuki; Aleksic, Branko; Ozaki, Norio; Nakao, Tomohiro; Yamada, Kazuo; Yoshiuchi, Kazuhiro; Kiriike, Nobuo; Ishikawa, Toshio; Kubo, Chiharu; Matsunaga, Chiaki; Miyata, Hisatsugu; Asada, Takashi; Kanba, Shigenobu


    The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was published in 2013, and its official Japanese version was published in 2014. The Japanese Government uses classifications from the 10th revision of the I nternational C lassification of D iseases (ICD-10) to categorize disorders and determine treatment fees. However, since the publication of the DSM-III, the use of the DSM system has become prevalent in research and educational settings in Japan. In addition to traditional psychiatry, both the ICD and the DSM are taught by many Japanese medical schools, and virtually all clinical research and trials refer to the DSM to define targeted disorders. Amid the current backdrop in which the reputation of the DSM-5 is being established, the editorial board of P sychiatry and C linical N eurosciences has asked Japanese experts across 12 specialties to examine the structure of the DSM-5, including the following categories: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Major Depression, Bipolar Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Somatic Symptom Disorder, Eating Disorders, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, Gender Dysphoria, and Neurocognitive Disorders. Although opinions were only obtained from these selected experts, we believe that we have succeeded, to a certain extent, in presenting views that are representative of each specialty. © 2016 The Authors. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences © 2016 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology.

  5. Electric power market liberalization and demand-side management (DSM); Denryoku shijo jiyuka to DSM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yajima, M. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper explains effects of market liberalization which will lead to introducing competition in electric power business on demand-side management (DSM), by quoting examples mainly in the United States. The paper also describes the future outlook thereon. The DSM program in the United States has expanded for the period between 1989 through 1994. However, during the last few years, the movements of electric power market liberalization have come to force electric power business entities to change their management strategies and reduction in expense. This situation has resulted in reduction in the DSM budget. Future DSM programs are thought to diversify into the following types: a program such as load management which has effect of reducing expenses and investments in investment time periods of 5 to 10 years, a program effective for users such as high-efficiency motors which have effects of reducing expenses and improving efficiency in investment time periods of 3 to 5 years, a program which will be effective enough if market barriers are removed after the market conversions, but requires subsidies and purchase guarantees, and a social program intended for environmental effects and low-income users. 4 refs., 1 tab.

  6. Uruguay: a la espera del beso del príncipe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Roldós


    Full Text Available En Uruguay, la concentración de los medios llega a una situación extrema: la televisión abierta es dueña también del cable, como antes lo era de ls radios de mayor audiencia. El poder del oligopolio condiciona ahora al estrato político que favoreció su crecimiento; desde su posición de fuerza la televisión uruguaya "pone en su lugar al gobierno". Sin embargo, para algunos, este podría ser su último éxito

  7. Medezeggenschap bij DSM: Limburg 1946-2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buitelaar, W.


    "Doing Something Meaningful", zo kenmerkte DSM-bestuursvoorzitter Feike Sijbesma de activiteiten van het concern (NRC, 23 februari 2011). Dat geldt in onderstaande terugblik over de periode 1946-2011 evenzeer voor het werk van de medezeggenschappers van DSM Limburg.

  8. Los tres "autos" del aprendizaje: aprendizaje estratégico en educación a distancia


    Valenzuela González, Jaime R.


    1. Introducción; 2. La era de la información y la era del conocimiento; 3. Aprendizaje estratégico en Programas de Educación a Distancia; 4. Los tres "autos" del aprendizaje; 5. Hacia una taxonomía de estrategias de aprendizaje en la educación a distancia; 6. Agenda de trabajos de investigación; 7. Referencias

  9. Cáncer primitivo del pulmón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge E. Millán Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Sin duda alguna uno de los diagnósticos más importantes que existen en Medicina, es el cáncer primitivo del pulmón. Hace varios años que la confusión era completa, cuando se trataba de elucidar una afección pulmonar que no se acompañaba de una temperatura constante, o bien héctica y era entonces cuando el médico internista, tenía en consideración cierto número de afecciones que, como la gangrena, varios aspectos atípicos de la tuberculosis y aún mismo el kiste hidático del pulmón, le parecían la clave de la patología respiratoria. Raro era, en efecto, el galeno que pensaba en el cáncer primitivo del pulmón y la mayor parte de las veces se dejaba evolucionar, con un abandono verdaderamente criminal; un proceso que llevaba poco a poco a la caquexia y a la muerte. El cáncer primitivo del pulmón no es excepcional; se encuentra frecuentemente en los servicios hospitalarios y de cuyo diagnóstico precoz depende la vida del enfermo. La etiología es completamente desconocida, y sólo se sabe que es más frecuente en el hombre, debido, tal vez, a las condiciones de vida y de trabajo (tabaco y trabajo con ciertos productos en fábricas mal ventiladas y la edad interviene en gran parte, pues es excepcional, el cáncer primitivo del pulmón en las personas jóvenes, anotándose su frecuencia a partir de los 50 años.

  10. Greater Prevalence of Proposed ICD-11 Alcohol and Cannabis Dependence Compared to ICD-10, DSM-IV, and DSM-5 in Treated Adolescents. (United States)

    Chung, Tammy; Cornelius, Jack; Clark, Duncan; Martin, Christopher


    Proposed International Classification of Diseases, 11th edition (ICD-11), criteria for substance use disorder (SUD) radically simplify the algorithm used to diagnose substance dependence. Major differences in case identification across DSM and ICD impact determinations of treatment need and conceptualizations of substance dependence. This study compared the draft algorithm for ICD-11 SUD against DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-10, for alcohol and cannabis. Adolescents (n = 339, ages 14 to 18) admitted to intensive outpatient addictions treatment completed, as part of a research study, a Structured Clinical Interview for DSM SUDs adapted for use with adolescents and which has been used to assess DSM and ICD SUD diagnoses. Analyses examined prevalence across classification systems, diagnostic concordance, and sources of diagnostic disagreement. Prevalence of any past-year proposed ICD-11 alcohol or cannabis use disorder was significantly lower compared to DSM-IV and DSM-5 (ps DSM-5, and ICD-10 (ps DSM-5 SUD diagnoses showed only moderate concordance. For both alcohol and cannabis, youth typically met criteria for an ICD-11 dependence diagnosis by reporting tolerance and much time spent using or recovering from the substance, rather than symptoms indicating impaired control over use. The proposed ICD-11 dependence algorithm appears to "overdiagnose" dependence on alcohol and cannabis relative to DSM-IV and ICD-10 dependence, and DSM-5 moderate/severe use disorder, generating potential "false-positive" cases of dependence. Among youth who met criteria for proposed ICD-11 dependence, few reported impaired control over substance use, highlighting ongoing issues in the conceptualization and diagnosis of SUD. Copyright © 2017 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  11. Cáncer primitivo del pulmón


    Millán Gutiérrez, Jorge E.


    Sin duda alguna uno de los diagnósticos más importantes que existen en Medicina, es el cáncer primitivo del pulmón. Hace varios años que la confusión era completa, cuando se trataba de elucidar una afección pulmonar que no se acompañaba de una temperatura constante, o bien héctica y era entonces cuando el médico internista, tenía en consideración cierto número de afecciones que, como la gangrena, varios aspectos atípicos de la tuberculosis y aún mismo el kiste hidático del pulmón, le parecían...

  12. Comparison of DSM-5 and proposed ICD-11 criteria for PTSD with DSM-IV and ICD-10: changes in PTSD prevalence in military personnel (United States)

    Kuester, Annika; Köhler, Kai; Ehring, Thomas; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Kober, Louisa; Krüger-Gottschalk, Antje; Schäfer, Ingo; Schellong, Julia; Wesemann, Ulrich; Rau, Heinrich


    ABSTRACT Background: Recently, changes have been introduced to the diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Objectives:This study investigated the effect of the diagnostic changes made from DSM-IV to DSM-5 and from ICD-10 to the proposed ICD-11. The concordance of provisional PTSD prevalence between the diagnostic criteria was examined in a convenience sample of 100 members of the German Armed Forces. Method: Based on questionnaire measurements, provisional PTSD prevalence was assessed according to DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10, and proposed ICD-11 criteria. Consistency of the diagnostic status across the diagnostic systems was statistically evaluated. Results: Provisional PTSD prevalence was the same for DSM-IV and DSM-5 (both 56%) and comparable under DSM-5 versus ICD-11 proposal (48%). Agreement between DSM-IV and DSM-5, and between DSM-5 and the proposed ICD-11, was high (both p DSM-5, and proposed ICD-11. This supports the assumption of a set of PTSD core symptoms as suggested in the ICD-11 proposal, when at the same time a satisfactory concordance between ICD-11 proposal and DSM was given. The finding of increased provisional PTSD prevalence under ICD-11 proposal in contrast to ICD-10 can be of guidance for future epidemiological research on PTSD prevalence, especially concerning further investigations on the impact, appropriateness, and usefulness of the time criterion included in ICD-10 versus the consequences of its deletion as proposed for ICD-11. PMID:29163862

  13. Carne y nada más: la configuración del discurso cárnico en La Carne de René de Virgilio Piñera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Antonio Mora Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo hace un análisis de la novela La carne de René , del escritor cubano Virgilio Piñera, desde la construcción del discurso hegemónico –al que llamo cárnico– el cual construye y define los cuerpos de los personajes y, por tanto, sus subjetividades. Así, este trabajo se pregunta por los mecanismos discursivos (como la pa- rodia y las luchas entre poder-conocimiento sobre el cuerpo que configuran el discurso cárnico y cómo este opera en los individuos de este universo literario (especialmente en René, su protagonista para que puedan entenderse como sujetos constituidos de solo carne dispuesta al dolor, sin posibilidad de hacerse una vida espiritual. René, a pesar de ejercer resistencia al discurso cárnico, sucumbe ante este, ya que no logra hacerse una individualidad que esté por fuera del discurso, por lo que no le queda más remedio que aceptar que es un ser hecho de carne y nada más.

  14. A comparison of the capacity of DSM-IV and DSM-5 acute stress disorder definitions to predict posttraumatic stress disorder and related disorders. (United States)

    Bryant, Richard A; Creamer, Mark; O'Donnell, Meaghan; Silove, Derrick; McFarlane, Alexander C; Forbes, David


    This study addresses the extent to which DSM-IV and DSM-5 definitions of acute stress disorder (ASD) predict subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related psychiatric disorders following trauma. Patients with randomized admissions to 5 hospitals across Australia (N = 596) were assessed in hospital and reassessed for PTSD at 3 (n = 508), 12 (n = 426), 24 (n = 439), and 72 (n = 314) months using the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; DSM-IV definition of PTSD was used at each assessment, and DSM-5 definition was used at 72 months. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used at each assessment to assess anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders. Forty-five patients (8%) met DSM-IV criteria, and 80 patients (14%) met DSM-5 criteria for ASD. PTSD was diagnosed in 93 patients (9%) at 3, 82 patients (10%) at 12, 100 patients (12%) at 24, and 26 patients (8%) at 72 months; 19 patients (6%) met DSM-5 criteria for PTSD at 72 months. Comparable proportions of those diagnosed with ASD developed PTSD using DSM-IV (3 months = 46%, 12 months = 39%, 24 months = 32%, and 72 months = 25%) and DSM-5 (43%, 42%, 33%, and 24%) ASD definitions. Sensitivity was improved for DSM-5 relative to DSM-IV for depression (0.18 vs 0.30), panic disorder (0.19 vs 0.41), agoraphobia (0.14 vs 0.40), social phobia (0.12 vs 0.44), specific phobia (0.24 vs 0.58), obsessive-compulsive disorder (0.17 vs 0.47), and generalized anxiety disorder (0.20 vs 0.47). More than half of participants with DSM-5-defined ASD had a subsequent disorder. The DSM-5 criteria for ASD results in better identification of people who will subsequently develop PTSD or another psychiatric disorder relative to the DSM-IV criteria. Although prediction is modest, it suggests that the new ASD diagnosis can serve a useful function in acute trauma settings for triaging those who can benefit from either early intervention or subsequent monitoring. © Copyright 2015 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.

  15. PV-DSM: Policy actions to speed commercialization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoff, T.; Wenger, H.J.; Keane, D.M.


    Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG ampersand E) recently applied Demand-Side Management (DSM) evaluation techniques to photovoltaic (PV) technology to develop the concept of photovoltaics as a Demand-Side Management option (PV-DSM). The analysis demonstrated that PV-DSM has the potential to be economically attractive. Two criticisms in response to that analysis are that the assumptions of 25 year financing and a 25 year evaluation period are unrealistic. This paper responds to those criticisms and documents the mathematical relationships to calculate the value of PV-DSM from a customer's perspective. It demonstrates how regulatory and government agencies could implement policies to resolve both issues and speed PV commercialization

  16. The Relationship Between the Childhood Autism Rating Scale: Second Edition and Clinical Diagnosis Utilizing the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5. (United States)

    Dawkins, Tamara; Meyer, Allison T; Van Bourgondien, Mary E


    The Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS2; 2010) includes two rating scales; the CARS2-Standard Version (CARS2-ST) and the newly developed CARS2-High Functioning Version (CARS2-HF). To assess the diagnostic agreement between the CARS2 and DSM-IV-TR versus DSM-5 criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), clinicians at community based centers of the University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program rated participants seen for a diagnostic evaluation on symptoms of autism using both the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria and either the CARS2-HF or the CARS2-ST. Findings suggest that overall, the diagnostic agreement of the CARS2 remains high across DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for autism.

  17. A cross-national examination of differences in classification of lifetime alcohol use disorder between DSM-IV and DSM-5: Findings from the World Mental Health Survey (United States)

    Slade, Tim; Chiu, Wai-Tat; Glantz, Meyer; Kessler, Ronald C.; Lago, Luise; Sampson, Nancy; Al-Hamzawi, Ali; Florescu, Silvia; Moskalewicz, Jacek; Murphy, Sam; Navarro-Mateu, Fernando; de Galvis, Yolanda Torres; Viana, Maria Carmen; Xavier, Miguel; Degenhardt, Louisa


    Aims To examine the diagnostic overlap in DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder (AUD) and determine the clinical correlates of changing diagnostic status across the two classification systems. Design DSM-IV and DSM-5 definitions of AUD were compared using cross-national community survey data. Setting Nine low-, middle- and high-income countries. Participants/Cases 31,367 respondents to surveys in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Survey Initiative. Measures Composite International Diagnostic Interview, version 3.0 was used to derive DSM-IV and DSM-5 lifetime diagnoses of AUD. Clinical characteristics, also assessed in the surveys, included lifetime DSM-IV anxiety, mood and drug use disorders, lifetime suicidal ideation, plan and attempt, general functional impairment and psychological distress. Findings Compared to DSM-IV AUD (12.3%, SE=0.3%), the DSM-5 definition yielded slightly lower prevalence estimates (10.8%, SE=0.2%). Almost one third (n=802) of all DSM-IV Abuse cases switched to sub-threshold according to DSM-5 and one quarter (n=467) of all DSM-IV diagnostic orphans switched to mild AUD according to DSM-5. New cases of DSM-5 AUD were largely similar to those who maintained their AUD across both classifications. Similarly, new DSM-5 non-cases were similar to those who were sub-threshold across both classifications. The exception to this was with regards to the prevalence of any lifetime drug use disorder. Conclusions In this large cross-national community sample, the prevalence of DSM-5 lifetime AUD was only slightly lower than the prevalence of DSM-IV lifetime AUD. Nonetheless there was considerable diagnostic switching, with a large number of people inconsistently identified across the two DSM classifications. PMID:27426631

  18. ADSL Transceivers Applying DSM and Their Nonstationary Noise Robustness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bostoen Tom


    Full Text Available Dynamic spectrum management (DSM comprises a new set of techniques for multiuser power allocation and/or detection in digital subscriber line (DSL networks. At the Alcatel Research and Innovation Labs, we have recently developed a DSM test bed, which allows the performance of DSM algorithms to be evaluated in practice. With this test bed, we have evaluated the performance of a DSM level-1 algorithm known as iterative water-filling in an ADSL scenario. This paper describes the results of, on the one hand, the performance gains achieved with iterative water-filling, and, on the other hand, the nonstationary noise robustness of DSM-enabled ADSL modems. It will be shown that DSM trades off nonstationary noise robustness for performance improvements. A new bit swap procedure is then introduced to increase the noise robustness when applying DSM.

  19. Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders in DSM-5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gulcan Gulec


    Full Text Available When we compare the categories about alcohol, and substance-related disorders in DSM-IV and DSM-5, the new category, named addictive disorders is the most striking change. Only gambling disorder have been identified currently in this category. This may be the most remarkable change among the changes in the DSM-5. Because the expansion of the existing diagnostic criteria may cause the assessment of and lsquo;normal behavior' as a disorder. Additionally, withdrawal of caffeine and cannabis are defined in the DSM-5. Disorders collected under the title of substance-related disorders in the DSM-IV were collected under the name of substance-related and addictive disorders in the DSM-5. Specific criterias for substance abuse and substance addiction have been combined into the name of "substance use disorders". In substance abuse, "experienced legal problems" criteria was removed and "a strong desire or urge or craving for substance use" criteria has been introduced. Henceforth, substance abuse is defined as a mild form of substance use disorders in the DSM-5. A change in the prevalence of substance use disorders should be investigated by the new researches.

  20. DSM-5 cannabis use disorder, substance use and DSM-5 specific substance-use disorders: Evaluating comorbidity in a population-based sample. (United States)

    Hayley, Amie C; Stough, Con; Downey, Luke A


    Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is frequently associated with concurrent substance use and/or comorbid substance use disorders (SUDs); however there is little specificity with regard to commonly abused individual drug types/classes. This study therefore aimed to provide insight into the degree of these co-occurring relationships across several specific newer and older generation illicit and prescription drugs. 36,309 adults aged 18+ from wave 3 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC-III) were assessed. Weighted cross-tabulations and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate comorbidity between current DSM-5 CUD, substance use and DSM-5 SUD. Current DSM-5 CUD is associated with greater lifetime use of all examined drug classes, and previous 12-month use of several newer-class illicit and prescription stimulant-based substances (all pDSM-5 CUD was similarly associated with increased incidence of a range of DSM-5 SUDs and was independently associated with concurrently reporting current DSM-5; sedative (Adjusted OR= 5.1, 95%CI 2.9-9.0), cocaine (AOR= 9.3, 95%CI 5.6-15.5), stimulant (AOR= 4.3, 95%CI 2.3-7.9), club drug (AOR= 16.1, 95%CI 6.3-40.8), opioid (AOR= 4.6, 95%CI 3.0-6.8) and alcohol-use disorder (AOR= 3.0, 95%CI 2.5-3.7); but not heroin or 'other' drug use disorder (both p>0.05). High comorbidity exists between DSM-5 CUD and many specific DSM-5 SUDs. Newer-class illicit and prescription stimulant-based drug use disorders are overrepresented among those with DSM-5 CUD. These findings underscore the need for tailored treatment programs for those presenting with DSM-5 CUD, and for greater treatment specification where poly-drug use is evident. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

  1. DSM-5 field survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lochner, Christine; Grant, Jon E; Odlaug, Brian Lawrence


    Pathologic skin picking (skin picking disorder [SPD]) is a prevalent and disabling condition, which has received increasing study. It is timely to consider including SPD in DSM-5. The aim of this field survey was to investigate possible diagnostic criteria for SPD.......Pathologic skin picking (skin picking disorder [SPD]) is a prevalent and disabling condition, which has received increasing study. It is timely to consider including SPD in DSM-5. The aim of this field survey was to investigate possible diagnostic criteria for SPD....

  2. Rework of the ERA software system: ERA-8 (United States)

    Pavlov, D.; Skripnichenko, V.


    The software system that has been powering many products of the IAA during decades has undergone a major rework. ERA has capabilities for: processing tables of observations of different kinds, fitting parameters to observations, integrating equations of motion of the Solar system bodies. ERA comprises a domain-specific language called SLON, tailored for astronomical tasks. SLON provides a convenient syntax for reductions of observations, choosing of IAU standards to use, applying rules for filtering observations or selecting parameters for fitting. Also, ERA includes a table editor and a graph plotter. ERA-8 has a number of improvements over previous versions such as: integration of the Solar system and TT xA1 TDB with arbitrary number of asteroids; option to use different ephemeris (including DE and INPOP); integrator with 80-bit floating point. The code of ERA-8 has been completely rewritten from Pascal to C (for numerical computations) and Racket (for running SLON programs and managing data). ERA-8 is portable across major operating systems. The format of tables in ERA-8 is based on SQLite. The SPICE format has been chosen as the main format for ephemeris in ERA-8.

  3. Arte, política y resistencia en la era postmedia


    Kancler, Tjaša


    El inicio de la escritura de la presente tesis doctoral en 2008, titulada Arte, Política y Resistencia en la Era Postmedia, que se inscribe en la línea de investigación en Imagen y Diseño del programa de doctorado Estudios Avanzados en Producciones Artísticas, en la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UB), coincide con el momento del comienzo de la “crisis económica”, en el que surgen una serie de cuestiones en torno a las relaciones que se podrían establecer entre el arte, la política y la resistenci...

  4. Functional cream cheese supplemented with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016 and prebiotics. (United States)

    Speranza, Barbara; Campaniello, Daniela; Monacis, Noemi; Bevilacqua, Antonio; Sinigaglia, Milena; Corbo, Maria Rosaria


    The aim of this study was to develop a functional fresh cream cheese with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 or Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 20016 and prebiotics (inulin, FOS and lactulose). The research was divided into two steps: in vitro evaluation of the effects of prebiotic compounds; validation at laboratory level with production of functional cream mini-cheeses. Prebiotics showed a protective effect: B. animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 cultivability on Petri dishes was positively influenced by lactulose, whereas fructooligosaccharides (FOS) were the prebiotic compounds able to prolong Lb. reuteri DSM 20016 cultivability. At 30 °C, a prolongation of the death time (more than 300 days) was observed, while the controls showed death time values about 100 days. At 45 °C, death time values increased from 32.2 (control) to 33, 35, and 38 days in the samples added with FOS, inulin and lactulose, respectively. Lactulose and FOS were chosen to be added to cream mini-cheeses inoculated with B. animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Lb. reuteri DSM 20016, respectively; the proposed functional cream cheese resulted in a product with favourable conditions for the viability of both probiotics which maintained cultivable cells above the recommended level during 28 days of storage at 4 °C with good sensory characteristics. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Clinical value of DSM IV and DSM 5 criteria for diagnosing the most prevalent somatoform disorders in patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS). (United States)

    van Dessel, Nikki Claassen-; van der Wouden, Johannes C; Dekker, Joost; van der Horst, Henriette E


    This study aimed (1) to describe frequencies of DSM IV somatisation disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder and pain disorder versus DSM 5 somatic symptom disorder (SSD) in a multi-setting population of patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS), (2) to investigate differences in sociodemographic and (psycho)pathological characteristics between these diagnostic groups and (3) to explore the clinical relevance of the distinction between mild and moderate DSM 5 SSD. We used baseline data of a cohort of 325 MUPS patients. Measurements included questionnaires about symptom severity, physical functioning, anxiety, depression, health anxiety and illness perceptions. These questionnaires were used as proxy measures for operationalization of DSM IV and DSM 5 diagnostic criteria. 92.9% of participants fulfilled criteria of a DSM IV somatoform disorder, while 45.5% fulfilled criteria of DSM 5 SSD. Participants fulfilling criteria of DSM 5 SSD suffered from more severe symptoms than those only fulfilling criteria of a DSM IV somatoform disorder(mean PHQ-15 score of 13.98 (SD 5.17) versus 11.23 (SD 4.71), P-valuephysical functioning was significantly lower. Compared to patients with mild SSD, patients with moderate SSD suffered from significantly lower physical functioning and higher levels of depression. Within a population of MUPS patients DSM 5 SSD criteria are more restrictive than DSM IV criteria for somatoform disorders. They are associated with higher symptom severity and lower physical functioning. However, further specification of the positive psychological criteria of DSM 5 SSD may improve utility in research and practice. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Narcissistic pathology as core personality dysfunction: comparing the DSM-IV and the DSM-5 proposal for narcissistic personality disorder. (United States)

    Morey, Leslie C; Stagner, Brian H


    Narcissistic personality disorder and related concepts have a complex history and have been subject to extensive theoretical discourse but relatively little empirical research. An initial proposal for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) that suggested eliminating this disorder as a discrete personality disorder type met with considerable controversy that ultimately led to its reinstatement in subsequent proposals. Nonetheless, the DSM-5 proposal for personality disorders as a whole would involve a significantly different formulation of narcissistic personality from that described in DSM-IV-one that places a greater emphasis on shared deficits among all personality disorders that tap elements thought to fall on the narcissistic spectrum, such as deficits in empathic capacity. This article describes this revised formulation, and presents a case study that illustrates the similarities and differences in the DSM-IV and proposed DSM-5 portrayal of narcissistic issues and related clinical problems over the course of a particular treatment. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. La motivación del alumnado como eje vertebrador en la era Post-MOOC

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    María Dolores Guzmán Franco


    Full Text Available La evolución de MOOC en la última década ha significado una revolución en la formación abierta del alumnado en el contexto universitario. Diversidad de temáticas, experiencias y multitud de equipos multidisciplinares e interuniversitarios trabajan en la planificación, integración y mejora de este recurso con fin formativo en la educación superior. La producción científica sobre esta línea de investigación en el plano de la tecnología y la educación también ha sido muy fructífera en este intervalo temporal de expansión y consolidación, aunque consideramos que queda mucho por avanzar en aportaciones críticas que proyecten y permitan avanzar en la era post-MOOC. El eje central que nos propusimos en este estudio fue conocer las motivaciones que incitan al alumnado a la hora de participar en estas propuestas formativas, su grado de satisfacción y su intención de continuar avanzando en esta línea. Nuestros resultados evidencian que esta modalidad de aprendizaje posee ventajas valoradas muy positivamente por las personas que acceden a ellos y es considerada una experiencia atractiva y amena, que influye en la decisión de volver a cursarlos.


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    J. Avbelj


    Full Text Available Data fusion techniques require a good registration of all the used datasets. In remote sensing, images are usually geo-referenced using the GPS and IMU data. However, if more precise registration is required, image processing techniques can be employed. We propose a method for multi-modal image coregistration between hyperspectral images (HSI and digital surface models (DSM. The method is divided in three parts: object and line detection of the same object in HSI and DSM, line matching and determination of transformation parameters. Homogeneous coordinates are used to implement matching and adjustment of transformation parameters. The common object in HSI and DSM are building boundaries. They have apparent change in height and material, that can be detected in DSM and HSI, respectively. Thus, before the matching and transformation parameter computation, building outlines are detected and adjusted in HSI and DSM. We test the method on a HSI and two DSM, using extracted building outbounds and for comparison also extracted lines with a line detector. The results show that estimated building boundaries provide more line assignments, than using line detector.

  9. Value-based benefit-cost of local DSM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stein, V.


    Value-based benefits and costs of demand-side management (DSM) were discussed in the context of local electricity resource planning in downtown Toronto. The analysis considered the effects on local customer interruption as a result of DSM, and the deferment in need for local transmission and distribution upgrades. The life cycle and cash flow benefits and costs of DSM were discussed from the perspectives of the electric utility, the DSM-participating and non-participating customers, and society as a whole. Cashflow and lifecycle analyses results were reconciled. The Toronto Integrated Electrical Service (TIES) study, the basis for this paper, was described. Two main conclusions were reached, i.e. since the savings in the generationg system as a whole were far greater than the local savings,the value of a specific DSM program would be similar across a utility's service area, and (2) while cashflow analysis illustrated the short and medium term benefits and costs in a way most people intuitively understand, in effect,the lifecycle-cost estimates produce a clearer indicator of long-run economics

  10. Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Considerations for DSM-V (United States)

    Schmidt, Norman B.; Norr, Aaron M.; Korte, Kristina J.


    With the upcoming release of the fifth edition of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-V) there has been a necessary critique of the DSM-IV including questions regarding how to best improve the next iteration of the DSM classification system. The aim of this article is to provide commentary on the probable…

  11. Análisis y solución de avería del acoplamiento del sinfín de fondo de la Bañera de una Planta de Plástico Mixto. // Analysis and solution of the coupling failure of the bottom worm conveyor of the bathtub in a Mixed Plastic Plant.

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    R. Goytisolo Espinosa


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se realizó una investigación para esclarecer las causas de la avería del acoplamiento del sinfín de fondo de labañera de una planta de plástico mixto. En la misma se concluyó que las causas fundamentales de las obstrucciones delsinfín de fondo son el hecho de que el sinfín de elevación de la bañera tiene una capacidad cuatro veces menor que el sinfínde fondo, lo que provoca que el material se acumule en el fondo de la bañera y por otro lado la comunicación entre el sinfínde fondo y el de elevación se produce a través de un tubo vertical de capacidad reducida, que constituye también un cuellode botella. Se modificó la relación de transmisión de la cadena del accionamiento del sinfín de elevación para elevar suvelocidad e igualar la capacidad de transportación de ambos sinfines y se eliminó el tubo de conexión entre los mismos. Elacoplamiento se fabricó de plástico poliamídico, lográndose una adecuada resistencia.Palabras claves: Bañera de plástico, transportadores sinfín, acoplamiento dentado.___________________________________________________________________________Abstract.In this paper is shown the investigation carried out in order to clarify the failure causes of the coupling of the bottom wormconveyor of the bathtub in a Mixed Plastic Plant. In the same was it was concluded that the fundamental causes of theobstructions of the bottom conveyor are the fact that the elevator worm conveyor of the bathtub has a capacity four timesminor that the bottom conveyor, which causes that the material accumulates in the bottom of the bathtub, and on the otherhand the communication between the bottom conveyor and the elevator one takes place through a vertical tube of reducedcapacity that also constitutes a bottle neck. The transmission relationship of the chain of the elevator working conveyor wasmodified in order to elevate their speed and to equal the capacity of transportation of both conveyors, and the

  12. [Bipolar disorders in DSM-5]. (United States)

    Severus, E; Bauer, M


    In spring 2013 the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) edited by the American Psychiatric Association was published. The DSM-5 has also brought some important changes regarding bipolar disorders. The goal of this manuscript is to review the novelties in DSM-5 and to evaluate the implications of these changes. The diagnostic criteria as well as the additional remarks provided in the running text of DSM-5 were carefully appraised. For the first time diagnostic criteria are provided for disorders which up to now have been considered as subthreshold bipolar disorders. Furthermore, mixed episodes were eliminated and instead a mixed specifier was introduced. An increase in goal-directed activity/energy is now one of the obligatory symptoms for a (hypo)manic episode. Diagnostic guidance is provided as to when a (hypo)manic episode that has developed during treatment with an antidepressant has to be judged to be causally related to antidepressants and when this episode has only occurred coincidentally with antidepressant use. While some of the novelties are clearly useful, e.g. addition of increased goal-directed activity/energy as obligatory symptom for (hypo)manic episodes, this remains to be demonstrated for others, such as the definition of various subthreshold bipolar disorders.

  13. Narcissistic personality disorder in DSM-5. (United States)

    Skodol, Andrew E; Bender, Donna S; Morey, Leslie C


    The criteria for personality disorders in Section II of DSM-5 have not changed from those in DSM-IV. Therefore, the diagnosis of Section II narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) will perpetuate all of the well-enumerated shortcomings associated with the diagnosis since DSM-III. In this article, we will briefly review problems associated with Section II NPD and then discuss the evolution of a new model of personality disorder and the place in the model of pathological narcissism and NPD. The new model was intended to be the official approach to the diagnosis of personality pathology in DSM-5, but was ultimately placed as an alternative in Section III for further study. The new model is a categorical-dimensional hybrid based on the assessment of core elements of personality functioning and of pathological personality traits. The specific criteria for NPD were intended to rectify some of the shortcomings of the DSM-IV representation by acknowledging both grandiose and vulnerable aspects, overt and covert presentations, and the dimensionality of narcissism. In addition, criteria were assigned and diagnostic thresholds set based on empirical data. The Section III representation of narcissistic phenomena using dimensions of self and interpersonal functioning and relevant traits offers a significant improvement over Section II NPD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).

  14. On the road to DSM-V and ICD-11. (United States)

    Kupfer, David J; Regier, Darrel A; Kuhl, Emily A


    Development of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) has been ongoing since 1994, though official release will not occur for another 4 years. Potential revisions are being derived from multiple sources, including building on perceived limitations of DSM-IV; broad-based literature reviews; secondary and primary data analyses; and discussions between global members of the mental health community. The current focus on aligning DSM with the International Classification of Diseases-11 (ICD-11) speaks to the importance of creating a unified text that embraces cross-cutting issues of diagnostics, such as developmental, age-related, and cultural phenomena. International discourse is vital to this process and has been fostered by a National Institutes of Health-sponsored conference series on diagnosis-specific topics. From this series, the DSM-V Task Force developed the following set of revision principals to guide the efforts of the DSM-V Work Groups: grounding recommendations in empirical evidence; maintaining continuity with previous editions of DSM; removing a priori limitations on the amount of changes DSM-V may incur; and maintaining DSM's status as a living document. With work group formation complete, members are currently carrying out the research and revision recommendations proposed during the conference series. Ongoing activities include adding specialized advisors to each work group; completing literature reviews and planning data analyses; and forming study groups to discuss integration of cross-cutting issues (e.g., developmental lifespan factors; formation of diagnostic spectra). The road to DSM-V and ICD-11 has been challenging, but members continue to work diligently in their goal of constructing the most harmonious, scientifically sound, and clinically relevant DSM to date.

  15. Gerencia del servicio


    Nancy Peña Acosta


    Estamos en la era de la pirámide invertida donde el cliente es primero por lo que es fundamental incentivar la calidad desde abajo; hacer que el trabajador defina su misión, sienta que es parte de la compañía para que la satisfacción del negocio realizado sea de todos.



    BEDENDI, Maria de Lourdes Alves


    Antiguamente el niño no era visto como un ser que necesita de alimento literario especial para desenvolver su intelecto, pues siempre participaba de la costumbre de la comunidad, contar historias sin preocuparse con la edad del niño, porque estudios históricos dicen que, da Edad Media hasta el siglo XVIII, el niño era un pequeño adulto o mejor era un adulto en miniatura. Así, no era reservado ninguna pedagogía adaptada para su edad: era considerada como un ser ignorante que se diferenciaba de...

  17. [Critical evaluation of the first draft of DSM-V]. (United States)

    Frances, A


    Critical evaluation of DSM-V first draft This is an evaluation of the first DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V) draft from the DSM-IV chairman. First, a brief history of DSM is reported. Then, major reasons for present controversies and the threat they raise to APA leadership in the field are discussed. Third point is careful recollection of the several conflicting aspects of the DSM-V draft, paying attention to drawbacks and their implications for future clinical practice, research and forensic activity. Comment is finally provided about APA (American Psychiatric Association) decisions aimed at reaching more consensus about this basic instrument of American psychiatry.

  18. Reassessment of patients with Eating Disorders after moving from DSM-IV towards DSM-5: a retrospective study in a clinical sample. (United States)

    Gualandi, Malvina; Simoni, Marzia; Manzato, Emilia; Scanelli, Giovanni


    To compare the relative prevalence of eating disorders moving from DSM-IV to DSM-5, and to reassess the overall medical impairment in the revised diagnostic classes. We applied DSM-5 to 206 patients (age 15-56 years) previously studied and classified according to DSM-IV. Medical impairment was classified as low, medium, or high, based on a cumulative score of clinical severity (SCS), computed as the sum of specific weights assigned to different pathological conditions and their ascertained prognostic impact. Application of DSM-5 produced a decrease in Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) by 17 %, an increase in anorexia (AN) by 14 % and bulimia (BN) by 2.4 %; 44.6 % of EDNOS migrated to AN, 8 % to BN, and 30.8 % was reclassified as Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED). Mean SCS was higher in AN than in other diagnoses independent of classification. Differently from EDNOS, no high score was found in OSFED. BMI (OR 0.74, 95 % CI 0.56-0.98) and duration of amenorrhea >1 year (OR 6.63, 95 % CI 1.29-34.16) resulted significantly associated with the risk for medium-high SCS level in AN classified with DSM-5. The results confirmed that DSM-5 reduces the number of EDNOS. DSM-5 seems to better represent the clinical picture in OSFED than in EDNOS. The clinical relevance of BMI and duration of amenorrhea should be considered even more now that they are no longer used as diagnostic hallmarks of AN.

  19. Panic disorder: a review of DSM-IV panic disorder and proposals for DSM-V. (United States)

    Craske, Michelle G; Kircanski, Katharina; Epstein, Alyssa; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Pine, Danny S; Lewis-Fernández, Roberto; Hinton, Devon


    This review covers the literature since the publication of DSM-IV on the diagnostic criteria for panic attacks (PAs) and panic disorder (PD). Specific recommendations are made based on the evidence available. In particular, slight changes are proposed for the wording of the diagnostic criteria for PAs to ease the differentiation between panic and surrounding anxiety; simplification and clarification of the operationalization of types of PAs (expected vs. unexpected) is proposed; and consideration is given to the value of PAs as a specifier for all DSM diagnoses and to the cultural validity of certain symptom profiles. In addition, slight changes are proposed for the wording of the diagnostic criteria to increase clarity and parsimony of the criteria. Finally, based on the available evidence, no changes are proposed with regard to the developmental expression of PAs or PD. This review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V.

  20. Schizoaffective Disorder in the DSM-5. (United States)

    Malaspina, Dolores; Owen, Michael J; Heckers, Stephan; Tandon, Rajiv; Bustillo, Juan; Schultz, Susan; Barch, Deanna M; Gaebel, Wolfgang; Gur, Raquel E; Tsuang, Ming; Van Os, Jim; Carpenter, William


    Characterization of patients with both psychotic and mood symptoms, either concurrently or at different points during their illness, has always posed a nosological challenge and this is reflected in the poor reliability, low diagnostic stability, and questionable validity of DSM-IV Schizoaffective Disorder. The clinical reality of the frequent co-occurrence of psychosis and Mood Episodes has also resulted in over-utilization of a diagnostic category that was originally intended to only rarely be needed. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, an effort is made to improve reliability of this condition by providing more specific criteria and the concept of Schizoaffective Disorder shifts from an episode diagnosis in DSM-IV to a life-course of the illness in DSM-5. When psychotic symptoms occur exclusively during a Mood Episode, DSM-5 indicates that the diagnosis is the appropriate Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features, but when such a psychotic condition includes at least a two-week period of psychosis without prominent mood symptoms, the diagnosis may be either Schizoaffective Disorder or Schizophrenia. In the DSM-5, the diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder can be made only if full Mood Disorder episodes have been present for the majority of the total active and residual course of illness, from the onset of psychotic symptoms up until the current diagnosis. In earlier DSM versions the boundary between Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder was only qualitatively defined, leading to poor reliability. This change will provide a clearer separation between Schizophrenia with mood symptoms from Schizoaffective Disorder and will also likely reduce rates of diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder while increasing the stability of this diagnosis once made. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Seventy years autism:from Kanner to DSM-V%孤独症70年:从Kanner到DSM-V

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    The diagnostic criteria for autism was revised in the 5th edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-Ⅴ) in 2013. This year also marks the 70th anniversary of psychiatrist Leo Kanner’s ifrst clinical description of autism. The great changes in the diagnostic criteria within the 70 years relfect the challenge and dififculty of the diagnostics of autism. In DSM-Ⅴ, autism spectrum disorder is under the category of neurodevelopmental disorder, with the cancellation of the deifnition of pervasive developmental disorder;“persistent impairment in social communication and social interaction”plus“restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior”;the symptoms have to be present in the early development period. Compared with DSM-Ⅳ, DSM-Ⅴis justiifed to remove the“discrete”sub-categories including autistic disorder, Asperger disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified in DSM-Ⅳ, and the deleted ones are absorbed into a single category, autism spectrum disorder;the numbers of general items of diagnostic criteria are reduced to 7, while the number of minimal items for diagnostics are decreased to 5. The concept of DSM-Ⅴdeifning autism spectrum disorder as a single category will profoundly result in changes of prevalence, diagnostics, intervention, prognosis, and other related regions of autism.%2013年美国精神疾病诊断标准(DSM-V)的孤独症诊断标准再次修订,同时今年也是Kanner首次临床描述孤独症的70周年。70年来孤独症诊断标准的变迁折射出孤独症诊断的困难性与挑战性。最新修订的DSM-Ⅴ将孤独症谱系障碍(Autism spectrum disorder)归到神经发育障碍(Nuerodevelopmental disorders

  2. [Feeding and eating disorders in the DSM-5]. (United States)

    Hoek, H W; van Elburg, A A


    In the DSM-5, feeding disorders and eating disorders have been integrated into one single category. To review the rationale for changes in the criteria for feeding and eating disorders in DSM-5. The revised criteria were drafted and formulated by a DSM-5 workgroup. Next, professionals were given the opportunity to react to the proposed revisions by participating in several discussion rounds. The criteria for anorexia nervosa have been reworded and the amenorrhea criterion has been removed. The threshold for the diagnosis of bulimia nervosa has been lowered so that once-a-week binge eating and complementary behaviours are now sufficient for a patient to be diagnosed as having bulimia nervosa. Subtyping of bulimia nervosa has been removed. There are hardly any changes in the criteria for pica and rumination disorder. Two new official feeding and eating disorders have been introduced into DSM-5: avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and binge eating disorder. The definition of and the criteria for feeding and eating disorders given in DSM-5 are an improvement on those used in dsm-iv and should help to reduce the eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS).

  3. The MMPI-2 Restructured Form Personality Psychopathology Five Scales: bridging DSM-5 Section 2 personality disorders and DSM-5 Section 3 personality trait dimensions. (United States)

    Finn, Jacob A; Arbisi, Paul A; Erbes, Christopher R; Polusny, Melissa A; Thuras, Paul


    This study examined in a college sample and a sample of non-treatment-seeking, trauma-exposed veterans the association between the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5) Scales and DSM-5 Section 2 personality disorder (PD) criteria, the same system used in DSM-IV-TR, and the proposed broad personality trait dimensions contained in Section 3 of DSM-5. DSM-5 Section 2 PD symptoms were assessed using the SCID-II-PQ, and applying a replicated rational selection procedure to the SCID-II-PQ item pool, proxies for the DSM-5 Section 3 dimensions and select facets were constructed. The MMPI-2-RF PSY-5 scales demonstrated appropriate convergent and discriminant associations with both Section 2 PDs and Section 3 dimensions in both samples. These findings suggest the MMPI-2-RF PSY-5 scales can serve both conceptually and practically as a bridge between the DSM-5 Section 2 PD criteria and the DSM-5 Section 3 personality features.

  4. Validation of Pleiades Tri-Stereo DSM in Urban Areas

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    Emmanouil Panagiotakis


    Full Text Available We present an accurate digital surface model (DSM derived from high-resolution Pleiades-1B 0.5 m panchromatic tri-stereo images, covering an area of 400 km2 over the Athens Metropolitan Area. Remote sensing and photogrammetry tools were applied, resulting in a 1 m × 1 m posting DSM over the study area. The accuracy of the produced DSM was evaluated against measured elevations by a differential Global Positioning System (d-GPS and a reference DSM provided by the National Cadaster and Mapping Agency S.A. Different combinations of stereo and tri-stereo images were used and tested on the quality of the produced DSM. Results revealed that the DSM produced by the tri-stereo analysis has a root mean square error (RMSE of 1.17 m in elevation, which lies within the best reported in the literature. On the other hand, DSMs derived by standard analysis of stereo-pairs from the same sensor were found to perform worse. Line profile data showed similar patterns between the reference and produced DSM. Pleiades tri-stereo high-quality DSM products have the necessary accuracy to support applications in the domains of urban planning, including climate change mitigation and adaptation, hydrological modelling, and natural hazards, being an important input for simulation models and morphological analysis at local scales.

  5. Del marketing tradicional al marketing experiencial: la era de las experiencias


    Rodríguez Herrero, Alba


    En este trabajo se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica del marketing experiencial, un estilo de marketing conocido por el uso de emociones y experiencias para atraer, conectar y retener al consumidor del siglo XXI de una forma innovadora y eficaz. Durante el mismo, se describe la evolución del marketing tradicional al marketing experiencial y las nuevas tendencias de consumering y neuromarketing sobre las que se sustenta el marketing experiencial. Así mismo se describen las característica...



    Vicario, Beatriz Palacios; Cruz Sánchez Gómez, Mª; López García, Camino; Belén Sánchez García, Ana


    La Era Digital ofrece nuevas oportunidades a las pequeñas empresas de zonas rurales que se han visto afectadas negativamente por la situación de crisis actual y la globalización. El estudio que se presenta es iniciativa del Centro Internacional de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CITA) con el objetivo de establecer un modelo práctico que facilite el impulso a través del uso de las TIC en las Pymes y microPymes del ámbito rural. La metodología es cualitativa y cuantitativa, utilizando la técnica del gru...

  7. Latent Factor Structure of DSM-5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (United States)

    Gentes, Emily; Dennis, Paul A.; Kimbrel, Nathan A.; Kirby, Angela C.; Hair, Lauren P.; Beckham, Jean C.; Calhoun, Patrick S.


    The current study examined the latent factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) based on DSM-5 criteria in a sample of participants (N = 374) recruited for studies on trauma and health. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were used to compare the fit of the previous 3-factor DSM-IV model of PTSD to the 4-factor model specified in DSM-5 as well as to a competing 4-factor “dysphoria” model (Simms, Watson, & Doebbeling, 2002) and a 5-factor (Elhai et al., 2011) model of PTSD. Results indicated that the Elhai 5-factor model (re-experiencing, active avoidance, emotional numbing, dysphoric arousal, anxious arousal) provided the best fit to the data, although substantial support was demonstrated for the DSM-5 4-factor model. Low factor loadings were noted for two of the symptoms in the DSM-5 model (psychogenic amnesia and reckless/self-destructive behavior), which raises questions regarding the adequacy of fit of these symptoms with other core features of the disorder. Overall, the findings from the present research suggest the DSM-5 model of PTSD is a significant improvement over the previous DSM-IV model of PTSD. PMID:26366290

  8. The DSM and Professional Practice: Research, Clinical, and Institutional Perspectives. (United States)

    Halpin, Michael


    How mental illnesses are defined has significant ramifications, given the substantial social and individual repercussions of these conditions. Using actor-network theory, I analyze how mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in their work. Drawing on observations of a neuropsychological laboratory and interviews with 27 professionals (i.e., psychiatrists, psychologists), I investigate how the DSM is used in research, clinical, and institutional work. In research, the DSM influences study design and exclusion/inclusion criteria. In the clinic, the DSM influences how disorders are conceptualized and diagnosed. Institutionally, the DSM aligns the patient-professional encounter to insurance and pharmaceutical interests. I conclude that the DSM operates as multiple, context-specific taxonomies that pervasively influence professional practices, such that all possible actions must orient to DSM criteria, with professionals both a source and an object of institutionalized gaze. © American Sociological Association 2016.

  9. Mediamorfosi del romanzo popolare: dal 'feuilleton' al serial TV

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    Emanuela Piga


    Full Text Available Nel 1964, in Apocalittici e integrati Umberto Eco affermava che se l’errore degli apologeti della cultura di massa era di ritenere che la moltiplicazione dei prodotti dell’industria fosse di per sé buona, al contrario, “l’errore degli apocalittici-aristocratici” era di pensare che la cultura di massa fosse radicalmente cattiva proprio per la sua natura di “fatto industriale”, come se si potesse dare cultura al di fuori del condizionamento industriale. In una prospettiva che guarda all’evoluzione storica dei supporti mediali che accolgono e formano l’espressione dell’immaginazione, l’intento qui è di soffermarsi su un’analogia, da più parti riscontrata, tra le forme narrative del romanzo ottocentesco e alcune contemporanee serie televisive. Senza mirare a definire integralmente il rapporto tra le diverse sfere del letterario e del televisivo, lo scopo di questo contributo è  di riflettere sulle trasformazioni del romanzo popolare attraverso epoche e media, a partire dal romanzo ottocentesco Les Mystères de Paris (Eugène Sue e dal contemporaneo Serial TV Lost (J.J. Abrams, D. Lindelof, J. Lieber, C. Cuse.


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    Full Text Available En esta investigación se estudió la producción de alcohol perílico (AP mediante biotransformación del (R-(+-limoneno utilizando células completas de Aspergillus nigerDSM 821 a escala de laboratorio. Para tal fin se determinóla influencia de diferentes variables sobre la selectividad del microorganismo hacia un producto determinado y el rendimiento de biotransformación. Se evaluó el efecto de la fase del crecimiento del hongo y el efecto inductor del sustrato. De igual forma se incluyeron las siguientes variables: pH, medio de biotransformación y concentración del sustrato. La mayor velocidad específica de crecimientose alcanzó utilizando Agar Extracto Malta(MEA como medio de cultivo a 28°C. Además se obtuvieron 246 mg/L de AP, utilizando 12 mM de (R-(+- limoneno encaldo Malta y Extracto de Levadura (MYB. Esta producción fue 1,9 y 3,1 veces mayor que la obtenida en caldo de Levadura, Extracto de Malta, Peptonay Glucosa (YMPG y Caldo de Extracto de Levadura y Glucosa (YG, respectivamente. Las mayores concentraciones de AP (405 mg/L fueron obtenidas cuando A. nigerDMS 821 fue cultivado en medio suplementado con 50 mL de limoneno durante la fase exponencial (a las 72 h, en MYB a pH 5,0, 28°C, 300 rpm y 6 días de biotransformación. Adicionalmente se obtuvieron otros subproductos: limoneno-1,2-diol, linalol, carvona, fenil etanol y etil ésteres de ácidos palmitico, oleico y linoleico.

  11. Brief Report: An Exploratory Study Comparing Diagnostic Outcomes for Autism Spectrum Disorders under DSM-IV-TR with the Proposed DSM-5 Revision (United States)

    Gibbs, Vicki; Aldridge, Fiona; Chandler, Felicity; Witzlsperger, Ellen; Smith, Karen


    The proposed revision for Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5) represents a shift from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). As the proposed DSM-5 criteria require a higher minimum number of symptoms to be…

  12. Comparison of DSM-IV versus proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for eating disorders: reduction of eating disorder not otherwise specified and validity. (United States)

    Keel, Pamela K; Brown, Tiffany A; Holm-Denoma, Jill; Bodell, Lindsay P


    Revised Eating Disorder (ED) diagnostic criteria have been proposed for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-5 to reduce the preponderance of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) and increase the validity of diagnostic groups. This article compares DSM-IV and proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria on number of EDNOS cases and validity. Participants (N = 397; 91% female) completed structured clinical interviews in a two-stage epidemiological study of EDs. Interviewers did not follow standard skip rules, making it possible to evaluate alternative ED diagnostic criteria. Using DSM-IV versus DSM-5 criteria, 34 (14%) versus 48 (20%) had anorexia nervosa, 43 (18%) versus 44 (18%) had bulimia nervosa, and 163 (68%) had EDNOS versus 20 (8%) had binge eating disorder (BED), and 128 (53%) had EDNOS, respectively, reflecting a significant decrease in EDNOS. Validation analyses supported significant differences among groups with some improvement associated with delineation of BED. Proposed revisions to EDs in the DSM-5 significantly reduced reliance on EDNOS without loss of information. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. DSM shareholder incentives: Current designs and economic theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoft, S.; Eto, J.; Kito, S.


    This report reviews recent DSM shareholder incentive designs and performance at 10 US utilities identifies opportunities for regulators to improve the design of DSM shareholder incentive mechanisms to increase the procurement of cost-effective DSM resources. We develop six recommendations: (1) apply shared-savings incentives to DSM resource programs; (2) use markup incentives for individual programs only when net benefits are difficult to measure, but are known to be positive; (3) set expected incentive payments based on covering a utility's open-quotes hidden costs,close quotes which include some transitional management and risk-adjusted opportunity costs; (4) use higher marginal incentives rates than are currently found in practice, but limit total incentive payments by adding a fixed charge; (5) mitigate risks to regulators and utilities by lowering marginal incentive rates at high and low performance levels; and (6) use an aggregate incentive mechanism for all DSM resource programs, with limited exceptions (e.g., information programs where markups are more appropriate)

  14. Electric-utility DSM programs in a competitive market

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirst, E.


    During the past few years, the costs and effects of utility demand-side management (DSM) programs have grown sharply. In 1989, US electric utilities spent 0.5% of revenues on such programs and cut total electricity consumption by 0.6%. By 1992, these numbers had increased to 1.3% and 1.2%, respectively. Utility projections, as of early 1993, of DSM expenditures and energy savings for 1997 were 1.7% and 2.5%, respectively. Whether this projected growth comes to pass may depend on current debates about deregulation of, and increased competition in, the electric-utility industry. This report examines the factors likely to affect utility DSM programs in a more competitive environment. The electric-utility industry faces two forces that may conflict with each other. One is the pressure to open up both wholesale and retail markets for competition. The net effect of such competition, especially at the retail level, would have much greater emphasis on electricity prices and less emphasis on energy services. Such an outcome would force a sharp reduction in the scale of DSM programs that are funded by customers in general. The second force is increased concern about environmental quality and global warming. Because utilities are major contributors to US carbon dioxide emissions, the Administration`s Climate Change Action Plan calls on utilities to reduce such emissions. DSM programs are one key way to do that and, in the process, to cut customer electric bills and improve economic productivity. This report discusses the forms of competition and how they might affect DSM programs. It examines the important roles that state regulatory commissions could play to affect retail competition and utility DSM programs. The report also considers the effects of DSM programs on retail electricity prices.

  15. DSM-5 Boom o esperanza


    Cuartas Arias, Jorge Mauricio; Psychology faculty, University of San Buenaventura. Medellin, Colombia.; López Jaramillo, Carlos; Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Antioquia. Medellin, Colombia.


    After fourteen years of review, the expected update of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has generated great controversy among psychiatrists and psychologists around the world. So far, it is known that the new version (DSM-5), officially presented for the first time in May 18 of this year as part of the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), will be available in Spanish language at the beginning of 2014. However, the reviews and comments fo...

  16. Concesión del monopolio de juegos de apuestas y azar en elvalle del cauca1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio César Alonso Cifuentes, Ph.D


    Full Text Available La Beneficencia del Valle del Cauca (Colombia contrató con el CIENFI de la Universidad Icesi una consultoría que serviría como base para la licitación por la concesión de las apuestas permanentes en cinco zonas del Valle del Cauca. Uno de los resultados fundamentales del estudio era la proyección de las ventas brutas, que se basa, entre otras cosas, en una medida de tendencia central de la inversión en apuestas permanentes (chance de aquí en adelante por persona en el año. En el caso se presenta información relevante para la toma de decisión sobre la medida de tendencia central pertinente para la proyección de las ventas de chance y por lo tanto del valor de la concesión.

  17. From CBCL to DSM: A Comparison of Two Methods to Screen for DSM-IV Diagnoses Using CBCL Data (United States)

    Krol, Nicole P. C. M.; De Bruyn, Eric E. J.; Coolen, Jolanda C.; van Aarle, Edward J. M.


    The screening efficiency of 2 methods to convert Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) assessment data into Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnoses was compared. The Machine-Aided Diagnosis (MAD) method converts CBCL input data directly into DSM-IV symptom criteria. The…

  18. Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment as a Traumatic Stressor in DSM-IV and DSM-5: Prevalence and Relationship to Mental Health Outcomes. (United States)

    Andrykowski, Michael A; Steffens, Rachel F; Bush, Heather M; Tucker, Thomas C


    Little research has examined how lung cancer survivors whose cancer experience met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) traumatic stressor criterion differ with regard to posttreatment mental health status from survivors whose cancer experience did not. No research of which we are aware has examined the impact of the revised DSM-5 traumatic stressor criterion on this question. Non-small-cell (NSC) lung cancer survivors (N = 189) completed a telephone interview and questionnaire assessing distress and growth/benefit-finding. Survivors were categorized into Trauma and No Trauma groups using both the DSM-IV and DSM-5 stressor criterion. Using the DSM-IV criterion, the Trauma group (n = 70) reported poorer status than the No Trauma group (n = 119) on 10 of 10 distress indices (mean ES = 0.57 SD) and better status on all 7 growth/benefit-finding indices (mean ES = 0.30 SD). Using the DSM-5 stressor criterion, differences between the Trauma (n = 108) and No Trauma (n = 81) groups for indices of distress (mean ES = 0.26 SD) and growth/benefit-finding (mean ES = 0.17 SD) were less pronounced. Those who experience cancer as a traumatic stressor show greater distress and growth/benefit-finding, particularly when the more restrictive DSM-IV stressor criterion defines trauma exposure. Copyright © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company.

  19. ERA`s Ranger uranium mine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davies, W. [Energy Resources of Australia Ltd., Sydney, NSW (Australia)


    Energy Resource of Australia (ERA) is a public company with 68% of its shares owned by the Australian company North Limited. It is currently operating one major production centre - Ranger Mine which is 260 kilometres east of Darwin, extracting and selling uranium from the Ranger Mine in the Northern Territory to nuclear electricity utilities in Japan, South Korea, Europe and North America. The first drum of uranium oxide from Ranger was drummed in August 1981 and operations have continued since that time. ERA is also in the process of working towards obtaining approvals for the development of a second mine - Jabiluka which is located 20 kilometres north of Ranger. The leases of Ranger and Jabiluka adjoin. The Minister for the Environment has advised the Minister for Resources and Energy that there does not appear to be any environmental issue which would prevent the preferred Jabiluka proposal from proceeding. Consent for the development of ERA`s preferred option for the development of Jabiluka is being sought from the Aboriginal Traditional Owners. Ranger is currently the third largest producing uranium mine in the world producing 4,237 tonnes of U{sub 3}O{sub 8} in the year to June 1997.

  20. Should the DSM V drop Asperger syndrome? (United States)

    Ghaziuddin, Mohammad


    The DSM IV defines Asperger syndrome (AS) as a pervasive developmental (autistic spectrum) disorder characterized by social deficits and rigid focused interests in the absence of language impairment and cognitive delay. Since its inclusion in the DSM-IV, there has been a dramatic increase in its recognition both in children and adults. However, because studies have generally failed to demonstrate a clear distinction between AS and autism, some researchers have called for its elimination from the forthcoming DSM V. This report argues for a modification of its diagnostic criteria and its continued retention in the diagnostic manual.

  1. Alcohol Use Disorders in Argentinian Girls and Women 12 Months Before Delivery: Comparison of DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria. (United States)

    López, Mariana B; Conde, Karina; Cremonte, Mariana

    The evidence of important problems related to prenatal alcohol exposure has faced researchers with the problem of understanding and screening alcohol use in this population. Although any alcohol use should be considered risky during pregnancy, identifying alcohol-drinking problems (ADPs) could be especially important because women with ADPs could not benefit from a simple advice of abstinence and because their offsprings are subjected to a higher risk of problems related with prenatal alcohol exposure. In this context, we aim to study the prevalence and characteristics of ADPs in pregnant women, evaluating the performance of different diagnostic systems in this population. The aims of the study were to describe the prevalence of ADPs obtained with the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its fourth (DSM-IV) and fifth edition (DSM-5), and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, in Argentinean females aged 13 to 44 years, 12 months before delivery; to evaluate the level of agreement between these classification systems; and to analyze the performance of each diagnosis criterion in this population. Data were collected through personal interviews of a probability sample of puerperal women (N = 641) in the city of Santa Fe (Argentina), between October 2010 and February 2011. Diagnoses compatible with DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-10 were obtained through the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Agreement among diagnostic systems was measured through Cohen kappa. Diagnosis criteria performance were analyzed considering their prevalence and discriminating ability (D value). Total ADP prevalence was 6.4% for DSM-IV (4.2% abuse and 2.2% dependence), 8.1% for DSM-5 (6.4% mild, 0.8% moderate, and 0.9% severe alcohol use disorder), and 14.1% for the ICD-10 (11.9% harmful use and 2.2% dependence). DSM-5 modifications improved agreement between DSM and ICD. The least prevalent and worst discriminating ability diagnostic

  2. L'universo prima del Big Bang cosmologia e teoria delle stringhe

    CERN Document Server

    Gasperini, Maurizio


    Termini come "universo in espansione", "big bang", "singolarità iniziale" sono ormai entrati a far parte del linguaggio comune. L'idea che l'universo che oggi osserviamo abbia avuto origine da una grossa esplosione (big bang) è ormai ampiamente diffusa e accettata nella moderna cultura popolare, a tutti i libelli. Ma cosa c'era prima del big bang? E ha senso porsi questo interrogativo in un contesto scientifico? I recenti progressi della fisica teoria, e in particolare della cosiddetta teoria delle stringhe, suggeriscono una risposta a questa domanda, fornendo degli strumenti matematici capaci, in linea di principio, di ricostruire la storia dell'universo spingendosi anche oltre l'istante del big bang. Ne emerge un possibile scenario cosmologico nel quale l'universo, anzichè essere "appena nato" al momento del big bang, era piuttosto nel punto di mezzo della sua evoluzione, di durata probabilmente infinita. In questo libro si cerca di illustrare tale scenario usando un linguaggio non troppo tecnico, rivolt...

  3. The 1-month prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder according to DSM-IV, DSM-V, and ICD-10 among nondemented 75-year-olds in Gothenburg, Sweden. (United States)

    Nilsson, Johan; Östling, Svante; Waern, Margda; Karlsson, Björn; Sigström, Robert; Guo, Xinxin; Skoog, Ingmar


    To examine the 1-month prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental, Fifth Edition (DSM-V), and International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), and the overlap between these criteria, in a population sample of 75-year-olds. We also aimed to examine comorbidity between GAD and other psychiatric diagnoses, such as depression. During 2005-2006, a comprehensive semistructured psychiatric interview was conducted by trained nurses in a representative population sample of 75-year-olds without dementia in Gothenburg, Sweden (N = 777; 299 men and 478 women). All psychiatric diagnoses were made according to DSM-IV. GAD was also diagnosed according to ICD-10 and DSM-V. The 1-month prevalence of GAD was 4.1% (N = 32) according to DSM-IV, 4.5% (N = 35) according to DSM-V, and 3.7% (N = 29) according to ICD-10. Only 46.9% of those with DSM-IV GAD fulfilled ICD-10 criteria, and only 51.7% and 44.8% of those with ICD-10 GAD fulfilled DSM-IV/V criteria. Instead, 84.4% and 74.3% of those with DSM-IV/V GAD and 89.7% of those with ICD-10 GAD had depression. Also other psychiatric diagnoses were common in those with ICD-10 and DSM-IV GAD. Only a small minority with GAD, irrespective of criteria, had no other comorbid psychiatric disorder. ICD-10 GAD was related to an increased mortality rate. While GAD was common in 75-year-olds, DSM-IV/V and ICD-10 captured different individuals. Current definitions of GAD may comprise two different expressions of the disease. There was greater congruence between GAD in either classification system and depression than between DSM-IV/V GAD and ICD-10 GAD, emphasizing the close link between these entities. 2012 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

  4. The effect of draft DSM-V criteria on posttraumatic stress disorder prevalence. (United States)

    Calhoun, Patrick S; Hertzberg, Jeffrey S; Kirby, Angela C; Dennis, Michelle F; Hair, Lauren P; Dedert, Eric A; Beckham, Jean C


    This study was designed to examine the concordance of proposed DSM-V posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) criteria with DSM-IV classification rules and examine the impact of the proposed DSM-V PTSD criteria on prevalence. The sample (N = 185) included participants who were recruited for studies focused on trauma and health conducted at an academic medical center and VA medical center in the southeastern United States. The prevalence and concordance between DSM-IV and the proposed DSM-V classifications were calculated based on results from structured clinical interviews. Prevalence rates and diagnostic efficiency indices including sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve (AUC), and Kappa were calculated for each of the possible ways to define DSM-V PTSD. Ninety-five percent of the sample reported an event that met both DSM-IV PTSD Criterion A1 and A2, but only 89% reported a trauma that met Criterion A on DSM-V. Results examining concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-V algorithms indicated that several of the algorithms had AUCs above 0.90. The requirement of two symptoms from both Clusters D and E provided strong concordance to DSM-IV (AUC = 0.93; Kappa = 0.86) and a greater balance between sensitivity and specificity than requiring three symptoms in both Clusters D and E. Despite several significant changes to the diagnostic criteria for PTSD for DSM-V, several possible classification rules provided good concordance with DSM-IV. The magnitude of the impact of DSM-V decision rules on prevalence will be largely affected by the DSM-IV PTSD base rate in the population of interest. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. The Effect of Draft DSM-5 Criteria on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Prevalence (United States)

    Calhoun, Patrick S.; Hertzberg, Jeffrey S.; Kirby, Angela C.; Dennis, Michelle F.; Hair, Lauren P.; Dedert, Eric A.; Beckham, Jean C.


    Background This study was designed to examine the concordance of proposed DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) criteria with DSM-IV classification rules and examine the impact of the proposed DSM-5 PTSD criteria on prevalence. Method The sample (N=185) included participants who were recruited for studies focused on trauma and health conducted at an academic medical center and VA medical center in the southeastern United States. The prevalence and concordance between DSM-IV and the proposed DSM-5 classifications were calculated based on results from structured clinical interviews. Prevalence rates and diagnostic efficiency indices including sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve (AUC), and Kappa were calculated for each of the possible ways to define DSM-5 PTSD. Results Ninety-five percent of the sample reported an event that met both DSM-IV PTSD Criterion A1 and A2, but only 89% reported a trauma that met Criterion A on DSM-5. Results examining concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 algorithms indicated that several of the algorithms had AUCs above .90. The requirement of two symptoms from both Clusters D and E provided strong concordance to DSM-IV (AUC = .93; Kappa = .86) and a greater balance between sensitivity and specificity than requiring three symptoms in both Clusters D and E. Conclusions Despite several significant changes to the diagnostic criteria for PTSD for DSM-5, several possible classification rules provided good concordance with DSM-IV. The magnitude of the impact of DSM-5 decision rules on prevalence will be largely affected by the DSM-IV PTSD base rate in the population of interest. PMID:23109002

  6. Atención a pacientes con trastorno del espectro autista en la unidad de urgencias pediátricas del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid propuesta de protocolo


    Pérez Mateos, Sergio


    Los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo (TEA) constituyen un conjunto amplio de alteraciones graves que afectan al neurodesarrollo, provocando deficiencias en la comunicación e interacción social. El concepto del TEA ha ido variando a lo largo de la historia, hasta su clasificación actual descrita por el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-V), que engloba el Trastorno Autista, el Síndrome de Asperger, el Trastorno Generalizado de la Infancia y el Trastorno Atíp...



    Plata, Ángela María; Ibarra Vega, Danny


    Los problemas ambientales que afectan a las cuencas hidrográficas en Colombia tienen múltiples causas, una de ellas es la ausencia de una cultura ambiental en las comunidades que viven o frecuentan zonas aledañas a las corrientes hídricas. El principal objetivo de este trabajo era recopilar la percepción local sobre el estado ambiental de la cuenca baja del río Manzanares, ubicada en el departamento del Magdalena e incentivar a los pobladores a reflexionar sobre su papel frente a la solución ...

  8. DSM-5-classificatie van persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij ouderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Alphen, S P J; Rossi, G; Dierckx, E; Oude Voshaar, R C


    BACKGROUND: Although it is generally agreed that personality disorders are an important topic in old-age psychiatry, DSM-5 has paid relatively little attention to older persons affected with this severe mental disorder. AIM: To look closely and carefully at several aspects of the way in which DSM-5

  9. Hoarding disorder: a new diagnosis for DSM-V? (United States)

    Mataix-Cols, David; Frost, Randy O; Pertusa, Alberto; Clark, Lee Anna; Saxena, Sanjaya; Leckman, James F; Stein, Dan J; Matsunaga, Hisato; Wilhelm, Sabine


    This article provides a focused review of the literature on compulsive hoarding and presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V. In DSM-IV-TR, hoarding is listed as one of the diagnostic criteria for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). According to DSM-IV-TR, when hoarding is extreme, clinicians should consider a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and may diagnose both OCPD and OCD if the criteria for both are met. However, compulsive hoarding seems to frequently be independent from other neurological and psychiatric disorders, including OCD and OCPD. In this review, we first address whether hoarding should be considered a symptom of OCD and/or a criterion of OCPD. Second, we address whether compulsive hoarding should be classified as a separate disorder in DSM-V, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Finally, we discuss where compulsive hoarding should be classified in DSM-V if included as a separate disorder. We conclude that there is sufficient evidence to recommend the creation of a new disorder, provisionally called hoarding disorder. Given the historical link between hoarding and OCD/OCPD, and the conservative approach adopted by DSM-V, it may make sense to provisionally list it as an obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder. An alternative to our recommendation would be to include it in an Appendix of Criteria Sets Provided for Further Study. The creation of a new diagnosis in DSM-V would likely increase public awareness, improve identification of cases, and stimulate both research and the development of specific treatments for hoarding disorder. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  10. An Introduction to the New DSM-III. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda


    Discusses and clarifies the diagnostic system of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). The DSM-II seeks to provide a detailed description of all categories of mental illness according to five diagnostic axes. Diagnoses are divided into 17 broad categories, each subdivided into specific diagnoses. (JAC)

  11. "DSM IV," "DSM-5," and the Five-Factor Model: the Diagnosis of Personality Disorder with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (United States)

    Lindsay, William R.; Steptoe, Lesley; McVicker, Ronnie; Haut, Fabian; Robertson, Colette


    In "DSM-5" there has been a move to dimensional personality disorder (PD) diagnosis, incorporating personality theory in the form of the five-factor model (FFM). It proposes an alternative assessment system based on diagnostic indicators and the FFM, while retaining "DSM-IV" categorical criteria. Four individuals with…

  12. A systematic literature review of PTSD's latent structure in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV to DSM-5. (United States)

    Armour, Cherie; Műllerová, Jana; Elhai, Jon D


    The factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been widely researched, but consensus regarding the exact number and nature of factors is yet to be reached. The aim of the current study was to systematically review the extant literature on PTSD's latent structure in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in order to identify the best-fitting model. One hundred and twelve research papers published after 1994 using confirmatory factor analysis and DSM-based measures of PTSD were included in the review. In the DSM-IV literature, four-factor models received substantial support, but the five-factor Dysphoric arousal model demonstrated the best fit, regardless of gender, measurement instrument or trauma type. The recently proposed DSM-5 PTSD model was found to be a good representation of PTSD's latent structure, but studies analysing the six- and seven-factor models suggest that the DSM-5 PTSD factor structure may need further alterations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The epistemological significance of possession entering the DSM. (United States)

    Stephenson, Craig


    The discourse of the American Psychiatric Association's DSM reflects the inherently dialogic or contradictory nature of its stated mandate to demonstrate both 'nosological completeness' and cultural 'inclusiveness'. Psychiatry employs the dialogic discourse of the DSM in a one-sided, positivistic manner by identifying what it considers universal mental disease entities stripped of their cultural context. In 1992 the editors of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders proposed to introduce possession into their revisions. A survey of the discussions about introducing 'possession' as a dissociative disorder to be listed in the DSM-IV indicates a missed epistemological break. Subsequently the editors of the DSM-5 politically 'recuperated' possession into its official discourse, without acknowledging the anarchic challenges that possession presents to psychiatry as a cultural practice. © The Author(s) 2015.

  14. Implementación de un plan negocios por el cual las pymes y mypes logren ponderar lo importante del marketing digital dentro de su estructura fundamental, con la finalidad de mejorar su competitividad y desempeño en la era digital


    Abe Chávez, Alejandro Manuel


    Propone la implementación de un plan negocios estratégico por el cual las PYMES y MYPES logren comprender lo importante del Marketing Digital dentro de su estructura fundamental, con la finalidad de mejorar su competitividad y desempeño en la era digital. Paralelamente la empresa Abe Marketing Perú se ira consolidando en el mercado por medio de esta propuesta en la que impartirá los conocimientos estratégicos y el manejo del Marketing Digital con profesionalismo y una estructura adecuada. ...

  15. [Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders in DSM-5: summary of the changes compared to DSM-IV]. (United States)

    Paulzen, M; Schneider, F


    With the introduction of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) numerous changes in the area of the schizophrenia spectrum and psychotic disorders have been implemented. Establishing a metastructure based on the characteristics of the spectrum of psychopathological disturbances should improve clarity. The classical subtypes of schizophrenia were eliminated and specific psychopathological dimensions for the assessment of disease severity were added. The special role of Schneiderian first rank symptoms was abandoned and a higher delineation towards schizoaffective disorders is made. The nosological status of catatonia is clarified and occurs together with a consistent use of catatonic disturbances over all chapters. The attenuated psychosis syndrome is added as a new condition for further study. The shared psychotic disorder in the sense of a folie à deux is no longer maintained. However, the initial goal to integrate more disorder-specific etiopathogenetic information into the reconceptualization could not be achieved. Contemporaneously to the development process of DSM-5 the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) carried out the research domain criteria project (RDoC) attempting to incorporate the current growth in knowledge of genetics, neurocognitive and cognitive sciences in future diagnostic systems. This article gives an overview of the changes that have been made within the revision process from DSM-IV to DSM-5.

  16. Development of methods for DSM and distribution automation planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaerkkaeinen, S.; Kekkonen, V.; Rissanen, P.


    Demand-Side Management (DSM) is usually an utility (or sometimes governmental) activity designed to influence energy demand of customers (both level and load variation). It includes basic options like strategic conservation or load growth, peak clipping. Load shifting and fuel switching. Typical ways to realize DSM are direct load control, innovative tariffs, different types of campaign etc. Restructuring of utility in Finland and increased competition in electricity market have had dramatic influence on the DSM. Traditional ways are impossible due to the conflicting interests of generation, network and supply business and increased competition between different actors in the market. Costs and benefits of DSM are divided to different companies, and different type of utilities are interested only in those activities which are beneficial to them. On the other hand, due to the increased competition the suppliers are diversifying to different types of products and increasing number of customer services partly based on DSM are available. The aim of this project was to develop and assess methods for DSM and distribution automation planning from the utility point of view. The methods were also applied to case studies at utilities

  17. Development of methods for DSM and distribution automation planning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaerkkaeinen, S; Kekkonen, V [VTT Energy, Espoo (Finland); Rissanen, P [Tietosavo Oy (Finland)


    Demand-Side Management (DSM) is usually an utility (or sometimes governmental) activity designed to influence energy demand of customers (both level and load variation). It includes basic options like strategic conservation or load growth, peak clipping. Load shifting and fuel switching. Typical ways to realize DSM are direct load control, innovative tariffs, different types of campaign etc. Restructuring of utility in Finland and increased competition in electricity market have had dramatic influence on the DSM. Traditional ways are impossible due to the conflicting interests of generation, network and supply business and increased competition between different actors in the market. Costs and benefits of DSM are divided to different companies, and different type of utilities are interested only in those activities which are beneficial to them. On the other hand, due to the increased competition the suppliers are diversifying to different types of products and increasing number of customer services partly based on DSM are available. The aim of this project was to develop and assess methods for DSM and distribution automation planning from the utility point of view. The methods were also applied to case studies at utilities

  18. The Clinical Features of Paranoia in the 20th Century and Their Representation in Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-III Through DSM-5 (United States)


    Abstract This review traces, through psychiatric textbooks, the history of the Kraepelinian concept of paranoia in the 20th century and then relates the common reported symptoms and signs to the diagnostic criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder in DSM-III through DSM-5. Clinical descriptions of paranoia appearing in 10 textbooks, published 1899 to 1970, revealed 11 prominent symptoms and signs reported by 5 or more authors. Three symptoms (systematized delusions, minimal hallucinations, and prominent ideas of reference) and 2 signs (chronic course and minimal affective deterioration) were reported by 8 or 9 of the authors. Four textbook authors rejected the Kraepelinian concept of paranoia. A weak relationship was seen between the frequency with which the clinical features were reported and the likelihood of their inclusion in modern DSM manuals. Indeed, the diagnostic criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder shifted substantially from DSM-III to DSM-5. The modern operationalized criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder do not well reflect the symptoms and signs frequently reported by historical experts. In contrast to results of similar reviews for depression, schizophrenia and mania, the clinical construct of paranoia/delusional disorder has been somewhat unstable in Western Psychiatry since the turn of the 20th century as reflected in both textbooks and the DSM editions. PMID:28003468

  19. Are symptoms of spirit possessed patients covered by the DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria for possession trance disorder? A mixed-method explorative study in Uganda. (United States)

    van Duijl, Marjolein; Kleijn, Wim; de Jong, Joop


    As in many cultures, spirit possession is a common idiom of distress in Uganda. The DSM-IV contains experimental research criteria for dissociative and possession trance disorder (DTD and PTD), which are under review for the DSM-5. In the current proposed categories of the DSM-5, PTD is subsumed under dissociative identity disorder (DID) and DTD under dissociative disorders not elsewhere classified. Evaluation of these criteria is currently urgently required. This study explores the match between local symptoms of spirit possession in Uganda and experimental research criteria for PTD in the DSM-IV and proposed criteria for DID in the DSM-5. A mixed-method approach was used combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Local symptoms were explored of 119 spirit possessed patients, using illness narratives and a cultural dissociative symptoms' checklist. Possible meaningful clusters of symptoms were inventoried through multiple correspondence analysis. Finally, local symptoms were compared with experimental criteria for PTD in the DSM-IV and proposed criteria for DID in the DSM-5. Illness narratives revealed different phases of spirit possession, with passive-influence experiences preceding the actual possession states. Multiple correspondence analysis of symptoms revealed two dimensions: 'passive' and 'active' symptoms. Local symptoms, such as changes in consciousness, shaking movements, and talking in a voice attributed to spirits, match with DSM-IV-PTD and DSM-5-DID criteria. Passive-influence experiences, such as feeling influenced or held by powers from outside, strange dreams, and hearing voices, deserve to be more explicitly described in the proposed criteria for DID in the DSM-5. The suggested incorporation of PTD in DID in the DSM-5 and the envisioned separation of DTD and PTD in two distinctive categories have disputable aspects.

  20. Should Relational Aggression Be Included in DSM-V? (United States)

    Keenan, Kate; Coyne, Claire; Lahey, Benjamin B.


    The study examines whether relational aggression should be included in DSM-V disruptive behavior disorders. The results conclude that some additional information is gathered from assessing relational aggression but not enough to be included in DSM-V.

  1. Twenty Years of Diagnosis and the DSM. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda


    The process of diagnosing mental disorders and the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) have been increasingly important for counselors. This article provides information on the hallmarks of this shift. Reviews and discusses the changes form the third and fourth editions of the DSM. Offers predictions as to future…

  2. Genome sequencing and annotation of Amycolatopsis vancoresmycina strain DSM 44592T

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Navjot Kaur


    Full Text Available We report the 9.0-Mb draft genome of Amycolatopsis vancoresmycina strain DSM 44592T, isolated from Indian soil sample; produces antibiotic vancoresmycin. Draft genome of strain DSM44592T consists of 9,037,069 bp with a G+C content of 71.79% and 8340 predicted protein coding genes and 57 RNAs. RAST annotation indicates that strains Streptomyces sp. AA4 (score 521, Saccharomonospora viridis DSM 43017 (score 400 and Actinosynnema mirum DSM 43827 (score 372 are the closest neighbors of the strain DSM 44592T.

  3. A proposal for including nomophobia in the new DSM-V. (United States)

    Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Del Puente, Giovanni


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is considered to be the gold standard manual for assessing the psychiatric diseases and is currently in its fourth version (DSM-IV), while a fifth (DSM-V) has just been released in May 2013. The DSM-V Anxiety Work Group has put forward recommendations to modify the criteria for diagnosing specific phobias. In this manuscript, we propose to consider the inclusion of nomophobia in the DSM-V, and we make a comprehensive overview of the existing literature, discussing the clinical relevance of this pathology, its epidemiological features, the available psychometric scales, and the proposed treatment. Even though nomophobia has not been included in the DSM-V, much more attention is paid to the psychopathological effects of the new media, and the interest in this topic will increase in the near future, together with the attention and caution not to hypercodify as pathological normal behaviors.

  4. Can DSM-IV borderline personality disorder be diagnosed via dimensional personality traits? Implications for the DSM-5 personality disorder proposal. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Morse, Jennifer Q; Nolf, Kimberly; Stepp, Stephanie D; Pilkonis, Paul A


    The proposal for the diagnosis of personality disorders (PDs) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5;American Psychiatric Association, in preparation) involves, in part, the use of elevated scores on dimensional personality traits. For instance, the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in the DSM-5 will require evidence of self- and interpersonal impairment as well as elevated scores on traits of emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity, depressivity, impulsivity, risk taking, and hostility. Using a sample of individuals from the community (N = 134), half of whom were receiving psychiatric treatment, we tested whether the summation of relevant personality trait scores, using data derived from a measure of the Five-Factor Model of personality (FFM), would result in a construct that corresponds to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV, American Psychiatric Association, 2000) BPD construct as scored by expert consensus ratings. The DSM-IV and FFM BPD scores were significantly correlated (r = .60) and generated highly similar patterns of relations (ricc = .84) with key constructs from BPD's nomological network. These data should serve to allay concerns that the DSM-5's new diagnostic approach will be detrimental to the identification of BPD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. A comparison of DSM-5 and DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder in traumatized refugees


    Schnyder, Ulrich; Müller, Julia; Morina, Naser; Schick, Matthis; Bryant, Richard A; Nickerson, Angela


    The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence rate and factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) based on the diagnostic criteria of the fourth and fifth editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, , ) in traumatized refugees. There were 134 adult treatment-seeking, severely and multiply traumatized patients from various refugee backgrounds were assessed in their mother tongue using a computerized...

  6. Implications of DSM-5 for the diagnosis of pediatric eating disorders. (United States)

    Limburg, Karina; Shu, Chloe Y; Watson, Hunna J; Hoiles, Kimberley J; Egan, Sarah J


    The aim of the study was to compare the DSM-IV, DSM-5, and ICD-10 eating disorders (ED) nomenclatures to assess their value in the classification of pediatric eating disorders. We investigated the prevalence of the disorders in accordance with each system's diagnostic criteria, diagnostic concordance between the systems, and interrater reliability. Participants were 1062 children and adolescents assessed at intake to a specialist Eating Disorders Program (91.6% female, mean age 14.5 years, SD = 1.75). Measures were collected from routine intake assessments. DSM-5 categorization led to a lower prevalence of unspecified EDs when compared with DSM-IV. There was almost complete overlap for specified EDs. Kappa values indicated almost excellent agreement between the two coders on all three diagnostic systems, although there was higher interrater reliability for DSM-5 and ICD-10 when compared with DSM-IV. DSM-5 nomenclature is useful in classifying eating disorders in pediatric clinical samples. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Effective electrical energy policies in terms of DSM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, Hyunah


    This paper investigates how well energy policies are adopted and operated. In terms of DSM or the Demand Side Management, ways of modifying energy demand are introduced. Also their effects are showed. Furthermore future plans of DSM are illustrated shortly.

  8. La crisis financiera global y el Derecho del Trabajo

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    Oscar Ermida Uriarte


    Full Text Available Hace tiempo que la frase acuñada por Palomeque, según la cual la crisis económica es "una compañera de viaje histórica del Derecho del trabajo", se convirtió en tópico del Derecho laboral. Mucho antes aún, en 1922, Sinzheimer había señalado que la interferencia Economía-Derecho laboral era inevitable -se podría decir estructural-, por cuanto "corresponde al Derecho del trabajo determinar la forma en que se dispone de los instrumentos y del producto del trabajo". Y siendo el laboral "un Derecho de la distribución" , el cumplimiento de esa función se vuelve más difícil y ríspida en períodos de dificultades económicas, porque si bien no es verdad que inevitablemente la torta deba crecer primero para recién después ser repartida, sí es cierto que la escasez complica y "conflictiviza" la distribución. Por tanto, la emergencia o el simple anuncio de la posibilidad de una crisis económica, produce efectos negativos sobre las relaciones de trabajo.Contenido: Crisis económica y Derecho del trabajo: una relación histórica. La crisis desatada en el ámbito financiero internacional en 2008. Efectos específicos de la crisis sobre el Derecho del trabajo. Algunos ejemplos nacionales concretos. Instrumentos laborales de anticipación o previsión. Conclusiones y sugerencias

  9. Dsm-iv hypochondriasis in primary care


    Escobar, JI; Gara, M; Waitzkin, H; Silver, RC; Holman, A; Compton, W


    The object of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of the DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochondriasis in a primary care setting. A large sample (N = 1456) of primary care users was given a structured interview to make diagnoses of mood, anxiety, and somatoform disorders and estimate levels of disability. The prevalence of hypochondriasis (DSM-IV) was about 3%. Patients with this disorder had higher levels of medically unexplained symptoms (abridged somatization) and were more impair...

  10. Cuadros de Juan del Castillo y Antonio del Castillo en el Ermitage

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    Kagané, L.


    Full Text Available Juan del Castillo y Antonio del Castillo son dos pintores que trabajaron en Andalucía. Hace algún tiempo se consideraba que Antonio era el sobrino de Juan, actualmente es sabido que no es así, aunque no se excluye que fuesen parientes. Al ingresar los cuadros de estos pintores en el Ermitage tuvo lugar una confusión debida al parecido de sus apellidos y las obras de uno de ellos se atribuían en los inventarios al otro. Así ocurrió con el pequeño cuadro Visitación (Fig. 1. Fue adquirido en 1834 a Juan Miguel Páez de la Cadena, embajador de España en San Petersburgo, e incluido en el catálogo manuscrito del museo sin haber indicado el nombre. En el Livret y en todos los posteriores catálogos del Ermitage de antes de la revolución, el cuadro fue asignado bajo el nombre de Antonio del Castillo…

  11. DSM-5 changes enhance parent identification of symptoms in adolescents with ADHD. (United States)

    Sibley, Margaret H; Kuriyan, Aparajita B


    This study evaluates the impact of the DSM-5 ADHD symptom wording changes on symptom endorsement among adolescents with ADHD. Parents of adolescents with systematically diagnosed DSM-IV-TR ADHD (N=78) completed counterbalanced DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 ADHD symptom checklists in a single sitting. General linear models were conducted to evaluate whether the new DSM-5 symptom descriptors influenced the total number of ADHD symptoms and overall ADHD symptom severity endorsed by parents, how demographic factors were associated with noted changes in symptom endorsement when moving to the DSM-5, and which DSM ADHD items displayed notable changes in endorsement rates under the new wording. On average, parents identified 1.15 additional symptoms of ADHD in adolescents when moving from the DSM-IV-TR to the DSM-5. Increased symptom identification was not specific to age, sex, ethnicity, race, or socioeconomic status. Over half of the sample experienced increased symptom endorsement when changing texts (59.0%). Under the new DSM-5 wording, four symptoms had statistically significant endorsement increases (range: 11.2-16.7%): difficulty sustaining attention, easily distracted, difficulty organizing tasks and activities, and does not seem to listen. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Do DSM-5 Eating Disorder Criteria Overpathologize Normative Eating Patterns among Individuals with Obesity?

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    Jennifer J. Thomas


    Full Text Available Background. DSM-5 revisions have been criticized in the popular press for overpathologizing normative eating patterns—particularly among individuals with obesity. To evaluate the evidence for this and other DSM-5 critiques, we compared the point prevalence and interrater reliability of DSM-IV versus DSM-5 eating disorders (EDs among adults seeking weight-loss treatment. Method. Clinicians (n=2 assigned DSM-IV and DSM-5 ED diagnoses to 100 participants via routine clinical interview. Research assessors (n=3 independently conferred ED diagnoses via Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and a DSM-5 checklist. Results. Research assessors diagnosed a similar proportion of participants with EDs under DSM-IV (29% versus DSM-5 (32%. DSM-5 research diagnoses included binge eating disorder (9%, bulimia nervosa (2%, subthreshold binge eating disorder (5%, subthreshold bulimia nervosa (2%, purging disorder (1%, night eating syndrome (6%, and other (7%. Interrater reliability between clinicians and research assessors was “substantial” for both DSM-IV (κ = 0.64, 84% agreement and DSM-5 (κ = 0.63, 83% agreement. Conclusion. DSM-5 ED criteria can be reliably applied in an obesity treatment setting and appear to yield an overall ED point prevalence comparable to DSM-IV.

  13. Do DSM-5 Eating Disorder Criteria Overpathologize Normative Eating Patterns among Individuals with Obesity? (United States)

    Eddy, Kamryn T.; Murray, Helen B.; Gorman, Mark J.


    Background. DSM-5 revisions have been criticized in the popular press for overpathologizing normative eating patterns—particularly among individuals with obesity. To evaluate the evidence for this and other DSM-5 critiques, we compared the point prevalence and interrater reliability of DSM-IV versus DSM-5 eating disorders (EDs) among adults seeking weight-loss treatment. Method. Clinicians (n = 2) assigned DSM-IV and DSM-5 ED diagnoses to 100 participants via routine clinical interview. Research assessors (n = 3) independently conferred ED diagnoses via Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and a DSM-5 checklist. Results. Research assessors diagnosed a similar proportion of participants with EDs under DSM-IV (29%) versus DSM-5 (32%). DSM-5 research diagnoses included binge eating disorder (9%), bulimia nervosa (2%), subthreshold binge eating disorder (5%), subthreshold bulimia nervosa (2%), purging disorder (1%), night eating syndrome (6%), and other (7%). Interrater reliability between clinicians and research assessors was “substantial” for both DSM-IV (κ = 0.64, 84% agreement) and DSM-5 (κ = 0.63, 83% agreement). Conclusion. DSM-5 ED criteria can be reliably applied in an obesity treatment setting and appear to yield an overall ED point prevalence comparable to DSM-IV. PMID:25057413

  14. Il Sistema Gateway nello sviluppo della rete del trasporto combinato in Europa: il caso del terminal di Verona Quadrante Europa


    Grossato, Raffaella


    Il trasporto intermodale ha acquisito un ruolo sempre più importante nello scenario dei trasporti comunitari merci durante gli ultimi quindici anni. La sfida che si era posta a inizi anni novanta in Europa consisteva nello sviluppo di una rete europea di trasporto combinato strada-ferrovia. A questo fine è stata fondamentale la cooperazione tra gli operatori del settore e le istituzioni (comunitarie e nazionali), nonché l’impulso dato dalla liberalizzazione del trasporto ferrov...

  15. OOC in de DSM-Rl. en COO in de OOVo. De uitgelekte DSM-richtlijn en Online Omroepverordening in het kort

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, D.J.G.


    De uitgelekte DSM-richtlijn en Online Omroepverordening in het kort. DSM verwijst niet naar de voormalige Staatsmijnen, noch naar het chemiebedrijf dat daar voor in de plaats kwam. In het auteursrecht is het voortaan de naam van een nieuw richtlijn-voorstel dat het vervolg vormt van een eerdere

  16. Generación Hashtag. Los movimientos juveniles en la era

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    carles Feixa


    Full Text Available El presente texto plantea una reflexión sobre la metamorfosis de los movimientos juveniles en la transición de la era digital a lo que podemos denominar era hiperdigital (es decir, la era de la web social. Dicha transición se sintetiza en un cambio terminológico: Generación @ o Arroba versus Generación # o Hashtag. El artículo se organiza en dos partes. En la primera se retoma lo expuesto en un artículo publicado hace quince años (Feixa, 2000 y se compara las diferencias entre una y otra generación en los siguientes aspectos: historia de los significantes (es decir, de los signos @ y # y el significado de ambos términos. En la segunda, a partir del análisis comparativo de los dilemas de cada generación, se exponen las transiciones y los rasgos teóricos de la actual Generación hiperdigital o Generación #. Los movimientos sociales, protagonizados en muchos casos por jóvenes, son el lugar donde las transiciones aquí teorizadas se manifiestan en todo su esplendor

  17. Potential Impact of DSM-5 Criteria on Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence Estimates (United States)

    Maenner, Matthew J.; Rice, Catherine E.; Arneson, Carrie L.; Cunniff, Christopher; Schieve, Laura A.; Carpenter, Laura A.; Van Naarden Braun, Kim; Kirby, Russell S.; Bakian, Amanda V.; Durkin, Maureen S.


    IMPORTANCE The DSM-5 contains revised diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the DSM-IV-TR. Potential impacts of the new criteria on ASD prevalence are unclear. OBJECTIVE To assess potential effects of the DSM-5 ASD criteria on ASD prevalence estimation by retrospectively applying the new criteria to population-based surveillance data collected for previous ASD prevalence estimation. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Cross-sectional, population-based ASD surveillance based on clinician review of coded behaviors documented in children’s medical and educational evaluations from 14 geographically defined areas in the United States participating in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network in 2006 and 2008. This study included 8-year-old children living in ADDM Network study areas in 2006 or 2008, including 644 883 children under surveillance, of whom 6577 met surveillance ASD case status based on the DSM-IV-TR. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Proportion of children meeting ADDM Network ASD criteria based on the DSM-IV-TR who also met DSM-5 criteria; overall prevalence of ASD using DSM-5 criteria. RESULTS Among the 6577 children classified by the ADDM Network as having ASD based on the DSM-IV-TR, 5339 (81.2%) met DSM-5 ASD criteria. This percentage was similar for boys and girls but higher for those with than without intellectual disability (86.6% and 72.5%, respectively; P DSM-5 ASD criteria but not current ADDM Network ASD case status. Based on these findings, ASD prevalence per 1000 for 2008 would have been 10.0 (95% CI, 9.6–10.3) using DSM-5 criteria compared with the reported prevalence based on DSM-IV-TR criteria of 11.3 (95% CI, 11.0–11.7). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Autism spectrum disorder prevalence estimates will likely be lower under DSM-5 than under DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria, although this effect could be tempered by future adaptation of diagnostic practices and documentation of behaviors to fit the new

  18. Exploring the Proposed DSM-5 Criteria in a Clinical Sample (United States)

    Taheri, Azin; Perry, Adrienne


    The proposed DSM-5 criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) depart substantially from the previous DSM-IV criteria. In this file review study of 131 children aged 2-12, previously diagnosed with either Autistic Disorder or Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), 63% met the new DSM-5 ASD criteria, including 81%…

  19. Diagnostic Distribution of eating disorders: Comparison between DSMIV- TR and DSM-5. (United States)

    Serrano-Troncoso, Eduardo; Cañas, Laura; Carbonell, Xavier; Carulla, Marta; Palma, Carolina; Matalí, Josep; Dolz, Montse


    The fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes a significant revision of Eating Disorders (ED). The objective of this study is to compare the distribution of diagnosis of ED in adolescents according to DSM-VI-TR and DSM-5 criteria. A second objective is to study the psychopathological differences between patients with ED (based on DSM-IV-TR) and those whose diagnosis changed by applying DSM-5 criteria. One hundred and one adolescents diagnosed with ED (mean: 14.68 years; SD: 1.46) were evaluated with clinical interviews and scales for eating psychopathology, perfectionism, anxiety, and depression. Applying the DSM-5 criteria led to a significant decrease in the diagnosed cases of Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) (from 34.7% to 23.8%; p<0.001) and to a significant increase in those of anorexia nervosa (AN) (from 58.4% to 66.3%; p<0.001) and of bulimia nervosa (BN) (from 6.9% to 8.9%; p<0.001). No significant psychopathological differences were found between patients diagnosed with AN and BN based on DSM-IV-TR criteria and those newly diagnosed with AN and BN based on DSM-5 criteria. Using DSM-5 criteria for adolescents with ED leads to a significant decrease in the frequency of an EDNOS diagnosis. As similar psychopathological characteristics were observed between ED patients diagnosed based on DSM-IV-TR and those who were switched from EDNOS to AN or BN based on DSM-5, we conclude that the new criteria for ED in DSM-5 are valid for an adolescent population.

  20. DSM-5 Further Inflates Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Batstra, Laura; Frances, Allen

    Since the publication of DSM-IV in 1994, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prevalence and medication use unexpectedly increased significantly. In this article, we explore the DSM-5 proposals for ADHD that are likely to further increase its prevalence. We also address the possible

  1. [Alcohol-related cognitive impairment and the DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Walvoort, S.J.; Wester, A.J.; Doorakkers, M.C.; Kessels, R.P.C.; Egger, J.I.


    BACKGROUND: It is evident from the dsm-iv-tr that alcohol-related impairment is extremely difficult to classify accurately. As a result, cognitive deficits can easily be overlooked. The dsm-5, however, incorporates a new category, namely 'neurocognitive disorders', which may lead to significant

  2. EDUTEA: A DSM-5 teacher screening questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder and social pragmatic communication disorder

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    Paula Morales-Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/objetivo: La informaci n que ofrecen los maestros sobre los problemas psicol gi- cos suele ser frecuentemente muy til dado que stos pueden comparar el desarrollo del ni ? no con su grupo de iguales. El cuestionario EDUTEA se cre para proporcionar a profesionales del mbito cl nico y de la investigaci n una herramienta para la detecci n de los trastornos del espectro del autismo y de la comunicaci n social pragm tica en el entorno escolar. M todo : Fue dise ado en base a criterios DSM-5 y validado en una muestra de 2.660 escolares espa ? noles. Resultados : Present una estructura bifactorial con una elevada fiabilidad interna, comprendi- endo los factores de Alteraciones de la comunicaci n social ( =0,95 y Patrones restrictivos de comportamiento ( =0,93. El an lisis de curvas ROC indic una elevada predictibilidad del rea bajo la curva (0,90. Se propone utilizar la puntuaci n total de 10 como punto de corte, ya que proporcion altos valores de sensibilidad (87%, especificidad (91,2% y valor predictivo positivo (0,87. El cuestionario mostr correlaciones moderadas con la puntuaci n de severidad de la Escala de Observaci n para el Diagn stico del Autismo (ADOS-2 y la competencia pragm tica evaluada en los ni os. Conclusiones : Consideramos que el EDUTEA puede ser una herramienta til para la detecci n de TEA en las escuelas.

  3. Implications of "DSM"-IV to "DSM"-5 Substance Use Disorder Diagnostic Changes in Adolescents Enrolled in a School-Based Intervention (United States)

    Stewart, David G.; Arlt, Virginia K.; Siebert, Erin C.; Chapman, Meredith K.; Hu, Emily M.


    This study aimed to examine (a) the impact of the change in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" ("DSM") from a categorical to dimensional classification of substance use diagnoses, (b) the elimination of the legal criterion, and (c) the inclusion of a craving criterion in the "DSM"-5.…

  4. Characterization and complete genome sequences of L. rhamnosus DSM 14870 and L. gasseri DSM 14869 contained in the EcoVag® probiotic vaginal capsules. (United States)

    Marcotte, Harold; Krogh Andersen, Kasper; Lin, Yin; Zuo, Fanglei; Zeng, Zhu; Larsson, Per Göran; Brandsborg, Erik; Brønstad, Gunnar; Hammarström, Lennart


    Lactobacillus rhamnosus DSM 14870 and Lactobacillus gasseri DSM 14869 were previously isolated from the vaginal epithelial cells (VEC) of healthy women and selected for the development of the vaginal EcoVag ® probiotic capsules. EcoVag ® was subsequently shown to provide long-term cure and reduce relapse of bacterial vaginosis (BV) as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy. To identify genes potentially involved in probiotic activity, we performed genome sequencing and characterization of the two strains. The complete genome analysis of both strains revealed the presence of genes encoding functions related to adhesion, exopolysaccharide (EPS) biosynthesis, antimicrobial activity, and CRISPR adaptive immunity but absence of antibiotic resistance genes. Interesting features of L. rhamnosus DSM 14870 genome include the presence of the spaCBA-srtC gene encoding spaCBA pili and interruption of the gene cluster encoding long galactose-rich EPS by integrases. Unique to L. gasseri DSM 14869 genome was the presence of a gene encoding a putative (1456 amino acid) new adhesin containing two rib/alpha-like repeats. L. rhamnosus DSM 14870 and L. gasseri DSM 14869 showed acidification of the culture medium (to pH 3.8) and a strong adhesion capability to the Caco-2 cell line and VEC. L. gasseri DSM 14869 could produce a thick (40nm) EPS layer and hydrogen peroxide. L. rhamnosus DSM 14870 was shown to produce SpaCBA pili and a 20nm EPS layer, and could inhibit the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis, a bacterium commonly associated with BV. The genome sequences provide a basis for further elucidation of the molecular basis for their probiotic functions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  5. Evaluación clínica y psicométrica del Trastorno Antisocial de la Personalidad


    Aluja Fabregat, Antón


    Este trabajo se diseñó para evaluar el Trastorno Antisocial de la Personalidad del DSM-III en presos, mediante una entrevista semiestructurada y una escala auto-informada, construida a partir de los criterios del trastorno. El elevado coeficiente de acuerdo interevaluadores (0,80) muestra que los criterios son muy fiables y operativos a efectos del diagnóstico. La escala auto-informada es aceptablemente sensible (88,23%) y específica (89,06%) respecto al trastorno antisocial de la personalida...

  6. Beyond the DSM: trends in psychiatry diagnoses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andre Russowsky Brunoni

    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Although widely used in clinical practice and research, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM diagnoses have low validity: patients with different mental disorders can share similar symptoms, while those with the same diagnosis might have different symptoms. In fact, the DSM diagnostic system has been considered one of the main obstacles for further development of psychiatric research. Recently, it has been proposed that psychiatry nosology should be reframed according to a biologically-based etiology. Objectives: To review present and past endeavors of establishing an etiology-based nosology. Methods: Comprehensive review of articles on the topic. Results: From Hippocrates onwards, multiple attempts have been undertaken aiming to move etiology and nosology closer. The most recent efforts are represented by Developmental Psychopathology (DP and the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC, which presents an operational matrix recommended to be used in clinical research instead of the DSM diagnoses. Discussion: The DSM-based nosology is faulty. RDoC and DP might be interesting alternatives for an etiology-based nosology. However, while DP has already brought promising results, RDoC is a novel proposal, whose advantages and disadvantages should gradually be identified in the upcoming years.

  7. Adult separation anxiety disorder in the DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bögels, S.M.; Knappe, S.; Clark, L.A.


    Unlike other DSM-IV anxiety disorders, separation anxiety disorder (SAD) has been considered a disorder that typically begins in childhood, and could be diagnosed only in adults "if onset is before 18." Moreover, SAD is the only DSM-IV anxiety disorder placed under "Disorders Usually First Diagnosed

  8. The psychometric properties of the personality inventory for DSM-5 in an APA DSM-5 field trial sample. (United States)

    Quilty, Lena C; Ayearst, Lindsay; Chmielewski, Michael; Pollock, Bruce G; Bagby, R Michael


    Section 3 of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes a hybrid model of personality pathology, in which dimensional personality traits are used to derive one of seven categorical personality disorder diagnoses. The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) was developed by the DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders workgroup and their consultants to produce a freely available instrument to assess the personality traits within this new system. To date, the psychometric properties of the PID-5 have been evaluated primarily in undergraduate student and community adult samples. In the current investigation, we extend this line of research to a psychiatric patient sample who participated in the APA DSM-5 Field Trial (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health site). A total of 201 psychiatric patients (102 men, 99 women) completed the PID-5 and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R). The internal consistencies of the PID-5 domain and facet trait scales were acceptable. Results supported the unidimensional structure of all trait scales but one, and the convergence between the PID-5 and analogous NEO PI-R scales. Evidence for discriminant validity was mixed. Overall, the current investigation provides support for the psychometric properties of this diagnostic instrument in psychiatric samples.

  9. Olfactory reference syndrome: issues for DSM-V. (United States)

    Feusner, Jamie D; Phillips, Katharine A; Stein, Dan J


    The published literature on olfactory reference syndrome (ORS) spans more than a century and provides consistent descriptions of its clinical features. The core symptom is preoccupation with the belief that one emits a foul or offensive body odor, which is not perceived by others. This syndrome is associated with substantial distress and disability. DSM-IV and ICD-10 do not explicitly mention ORS, but note convictions about emitting a foul body odor in their description of delusional disorder, somatic type. However, the fact that such symptoms can be nondelusional poses a diagnostic conundrum. Indeed, DSM-IV also mentions fears about the offensiveness of one's body odor in the social phobia text (as a symptom of taijin kyofusho). There also seems to be phenomenological overlap with body dysmorphic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and hypochondriasis. This article provides a focused review of the literature to address issues for DSM-V, including whether ORS should continue to be mentioned as an example of another disorder or should be included as a separate diagnosis. We present a number of options and preliminary recommendations for consideration for DSM-V. Because research is still very limited, it is unclear how ORS should best be classified. Nonetheless, classifying ORS as a type of delusional disorder seems problematic. Given this syndrome's consistent clinical description across cultures for more than a century, substantial morbidity and a small but growing research literature, we make the preliminary recommendation that ORS be included in DSM-Vs Appendix of Criteria Sets Provided for Further Study, and we suggest diagnostic criteria. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  10. DSM and electric utility competitiveness: An Illinois perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, P.W.


    A predominant theme in the current electric utility industry literature is that competitive forces have emerged and may become more prominent. The wholesale bulk power market is alreadly competitive, as non-utility energy service providers already have had a significant impact on that market; this trend was accelerated by the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Although competition at the retail level is much less pervasive, electric utility customers increasingly have greater choice in selecting energy services. These choices may include, depending on the customer, the ability to self-generate, switch fuels, move to a new location, or rely more heavily on demand-side management as a means of controlling electric energy use. This paper explores the subject of how demand-side management (DSM) programs, which are often developed by a utility to satisfy resource requirements as a part of its least-cost planning process, can affect the utility's ability to compete in the energy services marketplace. In this context, the term 'DSM' is used in this paper to refer to those demand-side services and programs which provide resources to the utility's system. Depending on one's perspective, DSM programs (so defined) can be viewed either as an enhancement to the competitive position of a utility by enabling it to provide its customers with a broader menu of energy services, simultaneously satisfying the objectives of the utility as well as those of the customers, or as a detractor to a utility's ability to compete. In the latter case, the concern is with respect to the potential for adverse rate impacts on customers who are not participants in DSM programs. The paper consists of an identification of the pros and cons of DSM as a competitive strategy, the tradeoff which can occur between the cost impacts and rate impacts of DSM, and an examination of alternative strategies for maximizing the utilization of DSM both as a resource and as a competitive strategy

  11. DSM and electric utility competitiveness: An Illinois perspective

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jackson, P.W.


    A predominant theme in the current electric utility industry literature is that competitive forces have emerged and may become more prominent. The wholesale bulk power market is alreadly competitive, as non-utility energy service providers already have had a significant impact on that market; this trend was accelerated by the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Although competition at the retail level is much less pervasive, electric utility customers increasingly have greater choice in selecting energy services. These choices may include, depending on the customer, the ability to self-generate, switch fuels, move to a new location, or rely more heavily on demand-side management as a means of controlling electric energy use. This paper explores the subject of how demand-side management (DSM) programs, which are often developed by a utility to satisfy resource requirements as a part of its least-cost planning process, can affect the utility`s ability to compete in the energy services marketplace. In this context, the term `DSM` is used in this paper to refer to those demand-side services and programs which provide resources to the utility`s system. Depending on one`s perspective, DSM programs (so defined) can be viewed either as an enhancement to the competitive position of a utility by enabling it to provide its customers with a broader menu of energy services, simultaneously satisfying the objectives of the utility as well as those of the customers, or as a detractor to a utility`s ability to compete. In the latter case, the concern is with respect to the potential for adverse rate impacts on customers who are not participants in DSM programs. The paper consists of an identification of the pros and cons of DSM as a competitive strategy, the tradeoff which can occur between the cost impacts and rate impacts of DSM, and an examination of alternative strategies for maximizing the utilization of DSM both as a resource and as a competitive strategy.

  12. Dsm Based Orientation of Large Stereo Satellite Image Blocks (United States)

    d'Angelo, P.; Reinartz, P.


    High resolution stereo satellite imagery is well suited for the creation of digital surface models (DSM). A system for highly automated and operational DSM and orthoimage generation based on CARTOSAT-1 imagery is presented, with emphasis on fully automated georeferencing. The proposed system processes level-1 stereo scenes using the rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) universal sensor model. The RPC are derived from orbit and attitude information and have a much lower accuracy than the ground resolution of approximately 2.5 m. In order to use the images for orthorectification or DSM generation, an affine RPC correction is required. In this paper, GCP are automatically derived from lower resolution reference datasets (Landsat ETM+ Geocover and SRTM DSM). The traditional method of collecting the lateral position from a reference image and interpolating the corresponding height from the DEM ignores the higher lateral accuracy of the SRTM dataset. Our method avoids this drawback by using a RPC correction based on DSM alignment, resulting in improved geolocation of both DSM and ortho images. Scene based method and a bundle block adjustment based correction are developed and evaluated for a test site covering the nothern part of Italy, for which 405 Cartosat-1 Stereopairs are available. Both methods are tested against independent ground truth. Checks against this ground truth indicate a lateral error of 10 meters.

  13. L'influenza del Giappone sulla moda italiana dal XVI al XX secolo


    Dimitrio, Laura


    Questa ricerca ha per oggetto lo studio dell’influenza del Giappone sulla moda italiana, dalla metà del XVI alla fine del XX secolo. Le prime notizie sugli abiti giapponesi giunsero in Italia intorno al 1550, dopo che il Giappone era stato ‘scoperto’ nel 1543 da alcuni mercanti portoghesi naufragati sulle sue coste. Tuttavia i primi timidi influssi giapponesi nella moda italiana si manifestarono solo dopo la seconda metà del XVII secolo, quando i nobiluomini italiani cominciarono a indoss...

  14. The Clinical Features of Paranoia in the 20th Century and Their Representation in Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-III Through DSM-5. (United States)

    Kendler, Kenneth S


    This review traces, through psychiatric textbooks, the history of the Kraepelinian concept of paranoia in the 20th century and then relates the common reported symptoms and signs to the diagnostic criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder in DSM-III through DSM-5. Clinical descriptions of paranoia appearing in 10 textbooks, published 1899 to 1970, revealed 11 prominent symptoms and signs reported by 5 or more authors. Three symptoms (systematized delusions, minimal hallucinations, and prominent ideas of reference) and 2 signs (chronic course and minimal affective deterioration) were reported by 8 or 9 of the authors. Four textbook authors rejected the Kraepelinian concept of paranoia. A weak relationship was seen between the frequency with which the clinical features were reported and the likelihood of their inclusion in modern DSM manuals. Indeed, the diagnostic criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder shifted substantially from DSM-III to DSM-5. The modern operationalized criteria for paranoia/delusional disorder do not well reflect the symptoms and signs frequently reported by historical experts. In contrast to results of similar reviews for depression, schizophrenia and mania, the clinical construct of paranoia/delusional disorder has been somewhat unstable in Western Psychiatry since the turn of the 20th century as reflected in both textbooks and the DSM editions. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  15. Demand-side management (DSM) in the context of China's on-going power sector reform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Sufang; Jiao, Yiqian; Chen, Wenjun


    As an approach to manage power demand-side resources, DSM plays an important role in electric power system. Though DSM was introduced into China in the early 1990s, its benefits have been underutilized. Using literature study, interview methods and three data sources, this paper examines the likely impacts of China's on-going power sector reform on its DSM. It finds that the major constraints to DSM in China are the insufficient and improper market-based DSM mechanism, grid companies’ low motivations for DSM due to their traditional business model, the underdeveloped energy service industry, and electricity end-users’ low motivation for DSM. China's on-going power sector reform will change power transmission and distribution pricing and grid companies’ business model and introduce competition into retail-side. Drawing on these findings, it is concluded that the likely impacts of the new reform on DSM are: governments may attach more importance to DSM; grid companies may have more motivations for DSM investment; electricity end-users’ motivations for DSM may be both enhanced and dampened; electricity retailers’ motivations for DSM may be dampened; demand response application may be enhanced, and more DSM business models may be developed. Finally, policy implications are provided. - Highlights: • Mechanism of and constraints to DSM in China are examined. • China’s on-going power sector reform is overviewed. • DSM is likely to be enhanced under China's on-going power sector reform. • Policy implications are provided.

  16. Survival of Er(a+) red cells in a patient with allo-anti-Era

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, H.W.; Skradski, K.J.; Thoreson, J.R.; Polesky, H.F.


    51 Chromium-labeled Er(a+) red cells survived nearly normally (T1/2 of 21 days) in a patient with allo-anti-Era. Transfusion of Er(a+) blood was without significant reaction and did not affect the anti-Era titer

  17. Violencia contra mujeres embarazadas entre las usuarias del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social: un estudio sobre determinantes, prevalencia y severidad


    Roberto Castro; Gregorio Agustín Ruiz; María de la Luz Arenas Monreal; Sergio Juárez Márquez; Nora Barrios Martínez Rojas


    Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta entre 446 mujeres usuarias de los servicios de salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en Morelos, que se encontraban en su tercer trimestre de embarazo. El objetivo era indagar si la violencia contra mujeres se incrementa durante el embarazo o si, por el contrario, disminuye. Se encontró que la prevalencia no varió en ambos periodos (aproximadamente 15 por ciento, en general). En cambio, la severidad de l...

  18. Should DSM-V include dimensional diagnostic criteria for alcohol use disorders? (United States)

    Helzer, John E; Bucholz, Kathleen K; Bierut, Laura Jean; Regier, Darrel A; Schuckit, Marc A; Guth, Sarah E


    This program calls attention to the upcoming timetable for the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV and the publication of DSM-V. It is vitally important for Research Society of Alcoholism members to be aware of the current discussions of the important scientific questions related to the next DSM revision and to use the opportunity for input. The title of the symposium highlights 1 key question, i.e., whether the DSM definitions should remain strictly categorical as in the past or whether a dimensional component should be included in this revision. Two substantive and 1 conceptual paper are included in this portion of the symposium. The fourth and final presentation detailing the revision timetable and the opportunities for input is by Dr. Darrel Regier. Dr. Regier is the director of American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education the research and education branch of the American Psychiatric Association and the organization within the APA that will oversee the DSM revision. The discussion is by Marc Schuckit, who was chair of the Substance Use disorders (SUD) Committee for DSM-IV and cochair of the international group of experts reviewing the SUD definitions for DSM-V.

  19. The use of old and recent DSM definitions of premature ejaculation in observational studies: a contribution to the present debate for a new classification of PE in the DSM-V. (United States)

    Waldinger, Marcel D; Schweitzer, Dave H


    The DSM-III definition of premature ejaculation (PE) contains the criterion "control" but not that of "ejaculation time." In contrast, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition, Text Revision) (DSM-IV-TR) contains the criterion "short ejaculation time," while it lacks "control." To review the adequacy and consequent use of all criteria of the DSM-IV-TR definition in previously published PE Internet surveys. Reviewing all published cohort studies on PE from 2004 to 2007. MEDLINE and EMBASE computer bibliographies were used. Definitions of DSM-III, DSM-IV-TR, and International Classification of Diseases. Five papers, of which three are original studies, reported inclusion of men with PE according to DSM-IV-TR definition but omitted to apply the required "short ejaculation time" criterion. These studies, which have defined PE according to subjective criteria such as control, actually referred to the DSM-III definition. Using DSM-III-like definitions in three different studies revealed a highly variable prevalence of PE (32.5%, 27.6%, and 13.0%). In contrast, based on studies using a 1-minute cutoff point, being the time that is required to call ejaculation time "short" or using the criterion "persistent occurrence," PE revealed to be far less prevalent (5-6%). Unacceptable discrepancies of PE definitions according to DSM-III (abandoned but still used) and DSM-IV-TR argue strongly in favor of a multidimensional new classification of PE for the DSM-V.

  20. [Generalized anxiety disorder, now and the future: a perspective to the DSM-5]. (United States)

    Otsubo, Tempei


    Generalized, persistent, and free-floating anxiety was first described by Freud in 1894. The diagnostic term generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was not in classification systems until the publication of the diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders, third edition (DSM-III) in 1980. Initially considered as a residual category to be used when no other diagnosis could be made, it is not accepted that GAD represents a distinct diagnostic category yet. Since 1980, revisions to the diagnostic criteria for GAD in the DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and DSM-5 classifications have slightly redefined this disorder. The classification is fluid. The duration criterion has increased to 6 months in DSM-IV, but decreased to 3 months in DSM-5. This article reviews the development of diagnostic criteria for defining GAD from Freud to DSM-5 and compares the DSM-5 criterion with DSM-IV and the tenth revision of the International Classification of Disease. The impact of the changes in diagnostic criteria on research into GAD, and on diagnosis, differential diagnosis, will be discussed.

  1. DSM disorders and their criteria: how should they inter-relate? (United States)

    Kendler, K S


    While the changes in psychiatric diagnosis introduced by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual third edition (DSM-III) have had major benefits to the field of psychiatry, the reification of its diagnostic criteria and the widespread adoption of diagnostic literalism have been problematic. I argue that, at root, these developments can be best understood by contrasting two approaches to the relationship between DSM disorders and their criteria. In a constitutive relationship, criteria definitively define the disorder. Having a disorder is nothing more than meeting the criteria. In an indexical relationship, the criteria are fallible indices of a disorder understood as a hypothetical, tentative diagnostic construct. I trace the origins of the constitutive model to the philosophical theory of operationalism. I then examine a range of historical and empirical results that favor the indexical over the constitutive position including (i) evidence that individual criteria for DSM-III were selected from a broader pool of possible symptoms/signs, (ii) revisions of DSM have implicitly assumed an indexical criteria-disorder relationship, (iii) the indexical position allows DSM criteria to be wrong and misdiagnose patients while such a result is incoherent for a constitutive model, an implausible position, (iv) we assume an indexical criteria-scale relationships for many personality and symptom measures commonly used in psychiatric practice and research, and (v) empirical studies suggesting similar performance for DSM and non-DSM symptoms for major depression. I then review four reasons for the rise of the constitutive position: (i) the 'official' nature of the DSM criteria, (ii) the strong investment psychiatry has had in the DSM manual and its widespread use and success, iii) lack of a clear pathophysiology for our disorders, and (iv) the absence of informative diagnostic signs of minimal clinical importance. I conclude that the constitutive position is premature and reflects a

  2. Should OCD be classified as an anxiety disorder in DSM-V?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stein, Dan J.; Fineberg, Naomi A.; Bienvenu, O. Joseph; Denys, Damiaan; Lochner, Christine; Nestadt, Gerald; Leckman, James F.; Rauch, Scott L.; Phillips, Katharine A.


    In DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was classified as an anxiety disorder. In ICD-10, OCD is classified separately from the anxiety disorders, although within the same larger category as anxiety disorders (as one of the "neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform

  3. Institutional barriers to DSM (demand side management): Reviewing the regulatory bargain

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Warwick, W.M.


    The paper discusses traditional arguments for utility regulation in the context of the current utility environment. It reviews several DSM delivery options using a matrix of key financial considerations for utilities and consumers. The strengths and weaknesses of each option are discussed and an assessment of current prospects for DSM implementation is provided. The premise of the paper is that adoption of DSM by utilities and consumers has lagged because of technical and behavioral uncertainties. In addition, regulatory practices and DSM delivery mechanisms have not provided adequate means to extract the benefits of DSM and allocate the risks in a way that offers clear advantages over generating options. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the potential for value of service approaches to resolve these problems.

  4. The Impact of DSM-5 on Eating Disorder Diagnoses. (United States)

    Vo, Megen; Accurso, Erin C; Goldschmidt, Andrea B; Le Grange, Daniel


    Eating disorder diagnostic criteria were revised from the fourth to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV and -5, respectively). This study examines the impact of these revisions on rates of eating disorder diagnoses in treatment-seeking youth. Participants were 651 youth, ages 7-18 years, presenting to an outpatient eating disorders program who met criteria for a DSM-IV eating disorder diagnosis on intake. Patients completed well-validated semi-structured interviews to assess eating disorder psychopathology and psychiatric comorbidity. Participants were predominantly female (n = 588; 90.3%) with an average age of 15.28 years (SD = 2.21), mean percent of median Body Mass Index (mBMI) of 101.91 (SD = 31.73), and average duration of illness of 16.74 months (SD = 17.63). Cases of DSM-IV Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS), now most consistent with DSM-5 Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, decreased from 47.6% to 39.0%, Anorexia Nervosa increased from 29.6% to 33.5%, and Bulimia Nervosa increased from 22.7% to 24.7%. Consistent with previous studies, and in keeping with the aims of the DSM-5 for eating disorders, the revised diagnostic criteria reduced cases of DSM-IV EDNOS and increased cases of specified eating disorders. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.(Int J Eat Disord 2017; 50:578-581). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Net lost revenue from DSM: State policies that work

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baxter, L.W.


    A key utility regulatory reform undertaken since 1989 allows utilities to recover the lost revenue incurred through successful operation of demand-side management (DSM) programs. Net lost revenue adjustment (NLRA) mechanisms are states preferred approach to lost revenue recovery from DSM programs. This paper examines the experiences states and utilities are having with the NLRA approach. The paper has three objectives: (1) determine whether NLRA is a feasible and effective approach to the lost-revenue disincentive for utility DSM programs, (2) identify the conditions linked to effective implementation of NLRA mechanisms and assess whether NLRA has changed utility investment behavior, and (3) suggest improvements to NLRA mechanisms. Contrary to the concerns raised by some industry analysts, our results indicate NLRA is a feasible approach. Seven of the ten states we studied report no substantial problems with their approach. We observe several conditions linked to effective NLRA implementation. Observed changes in utility investment behavior occur after implementation of DSM rate reforms, which include deployment of NLRA mechanisms. Utilities in states with lost revenue recovery invest more than twice as much in DSM as do utilities in other states.

  6. Antisocial personality disorder in DSM-5: missteps and missed opportunities. (United States)

    Lynam, Donald R; Vachon, David D


    This paper evaluates the proposal for antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-fifth edition (DSM-5). Some aspects of the proposal are appealing: personality disorders will be assessed using trait criteria, and these criteria are similar to trait descriptions of DSM-IV ASPD. Other aspects of the proposal are less appealing. First, the DSM-5 will depend on a newly constructed personality trait system rather than relying on a well validated, widely studied one. Second, the trait profile of ASPD is incomplete; although this profile reflects the traits included in DSM-IV, it maps poorly onto the full personality profile of ASPD. Third, the DSM Workgroup missed an opportunity to finally unify ASPD and psychopathy; history and research suggest that these disorders have diverged mistakenly. Fourth, the newly proposed criteria of impairments in self- and interpersonal functioning are of questionable derivation and utility. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. Textual standardization and the DSM-5 "common language". (United States)

    Kelly, Patty A


    In February 2010, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) launched their DSM-5 website with details about the development of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The APA invited "the general public" to review the draft diagnostic criteria and provide written comments and suggestions. This revision marks the first time the APA has solicited public review of their diagnostic manual. This article analyzes reported speech on the DSM-5 draft diagnostic criteria for the classification Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. It demonstrates how textual standardization facilitates the cultural portability of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria such that a community of speakers beyond the borders of the APA come to be seen as exemplary speakers, writers, and revisers of the professional style. Furthermore, analysis shows how co-authoring practices recontextualize the "voice" and persona of putative patient reported speech on Criterion D2. As a consequence of textual standardization, spoken discourse becomes recontextualized as the product of scientific inquiry and the organization of psychiatric knowledge.

  8. DSM [demand-side management] financing: Risks and incentives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dayton, D.S.


    Opportunities to make investments in demand side management (DSM) are widespread, especially among large, complex, energy-intensive customers. Acceptable economics are found for energy efficiency improvements, new construction or renovation, replacement of failing or obsolete equipment, and retrofit of existing facilities with more efficient equipment and operations. Market imperfections and technical limitations intrude on the DSM investment process. These intrusions are examined from a financial viewpoint by considering the return on investment and risks faced by the three potential investors in DSM opportunities: the customer, the utility, and the third party contractor or financier. These risks are illustrated by examining the cash flow of a typical project depicting a comprehensive energy efficiency installation in a medium to large industrial or institutional facility. The spread between the customer's risk/return ratio and that of the other two investors is shown to be surprisingly large. A utility role in marketing and financing, as opposed to direct subsidizing of customers or direct purchase of DSM resources from third parties, is explored as an efficient response to these realities. 2 figs., 3 tabs

  9. El lenguaje del pensamiento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Andreu Marín


    Full Text Available ¿Somos capaces de interpretar las señales eléctricas que genera nuestro cerebro cuando estamos pensando? Lo que a priori parece ciencia ficción comienza a ser factible gracias a los avances recientes en técnicas de registro cerebral y en aprendizaje automático. Nos encontramos en el inicio de una nueva era en lo que al conocimiento del cerebro se refiere.

  10. DSM-5 and Mental Disorders in Older Individuals: An Overview. (United States)

    Sachdev, Perminder S; Mohan, Adith; Taylor, Lauren; Jeste, Dilip V


    After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to:• Assess the changes in DSM-5 relative to earlier versions.• Evaluate the implications of the DSM-5 for practicing geriatric psychiatrists. About every 20 years, the American Psychiatric Association revises its official classification of mental disorders. The fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was published in 2013, prompting considerable commentary, debate, and criticism. This article briefly describes the process leading up to DSM-5 and the main changes from the previous version (DSM-IV) that would be of interest to a geriatric psychiatrist. The changes in the areas of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders have been many, but the majority of them are minor and unlikely to have major treatment implications. The classification of neurocognitive disorders, however, has seen a major revision and elaboration in comparison to DSM-IV; of special note is the introduction of "mild and major neurocognitive disorders," the latter equated with dementia. A common language has also been introduced for the criteria for the various etiological subtypes of neurocognitive disorders. All physicians treating patients with neurocognitive disorders should familiarize themselves with these criteria. Their use in research has the potential to harmonize the field.

  11. "Diagnostic shift" from eating disorder not otherwise specified to bulimia nervosa using DSM-5 criteria: a clinical comparison with DSM-IV bulimia. (United States)

    MacDonald, Danielle E; McFarlane, Traci L; Olmsted, Marion P


    In the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the diagnostic threshold for binging and compensation in bulimia nervosa (BN) decreased from twice to once weekly for 3 months. This study investigates the validity of this change by examining whether BN patients and those whose diagnoses "shift" to BN with DSM-5 are similar in their psychological functioning. EDNOS patients whose symptoms met DSM-5 BN criteria (n=25) were compared to DSM-IV BN patients (n=146) on clinically relevant variables. No differences were found on: BMI; weight-based self-evaluation; perfectionism; depression and anxiety symptoms; or readiness for change. Differences were found on one Eating Disorder Inventory subscale (i.e., bulimia), with the BN group reporting higher scores, consistent with group definitions. These findings support the modified criteria, suggesting that psychopathology both directly and indirectly related to eating disorders is comparable between those with once weekly versus more frequent bulimic episodes. © 2013.

  12. Hawaii demand-side management resource assessment. Final report: DSM opportunity report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Hawaii Demand-Side Management Resource Assessment was the fourth of seven projects in the Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES) program. HES was designed by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) to produce an integrated energy strategy for the State of Hawaii. The purpose of Project 4 was to develop a comprehensive assessment of Hawaii`s demand-side management (DSM) resources. To meet this objective, the project was divided into two phases. The first phase included development of a DSM technology database and the identification of Hawaii commercial building characteristics through on-site audits. These Phase 1 products were then used in Phase 2 to identify expected energy impacts from DSM measures in typical residential and commercial buildings in Hawaii. The building energy simulation model DOE-2.1E was utilized to identify the DSM energy impacts. More detailed information on the typical buildings and the DOE-2.1E modeling effort is available in Reference Volume 1, ``Building Prototype Analysis``. In addition to the DOE-2.1E analysis, estimates of residential and commercial sector gas and electric DSM potential for the four counties of Honolulu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai through 2014 were forecasted by the new DBEDT DSM Assessment Model. Results from DBEDTs energy forecasting model, ENERGY 2020, were linked with results from DOE-2.1E building energy simulation runs and estimates of DSM measure impacts, costs, lifetime, and anticipated market penetration rates in the DBEDT DSM Model. Through its algorithms, estimates of DSM potential for each forecast year were developed. Using the load shape information from the DOE-2.1E simulation runs, estimates of electric peak demand impacts were developed. 10 figs., 55 tabs.

  13. La búsqueda del cambio social en la era digital: Activismo y expresión pública en Internet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorismilda Flores Márquez


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda la expresión pública de los activistas en Internet, desde contextos locales. El objetivo del texto es dar cuenta de las lógicas de comunicación de los grupos activistas en la era global y discutirlas a partir de tres ejes: las identidades activistas, las lógicas de producción y la relación entre espacios de comunicación —la red, la calle y los medios—. El marco teórico de la investigación se situó en una perspectiva sociocultural de la comunicación, en diálogo con la sociología de movimientos sociales y la filosofía política. Se optó por un enfoque etnográfico. Se analizaron los casos de dos grupos activistas en Aguascalientes, México. Los hallazgos permiten entender la dimensión comunicativa de las identidades activistas, sus lógicas de producción amateur y las relaciones entre Internet, el espacio público urbano y la cobertura mediática local.

  14. Should OCD be classified as an anxiety disorder in DSM-V? (United States)

    Stein, Dan J; Fineberg, Naomi A; Bienvenu, O Joseph; Denys, Damiaan; Lochner, Christine; Nestadt, Gerald; Leckman, James F; Rauch, Scott L; Phillips, Katharine A


    In DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) was classified as an anxiety disorder. In ICD-10, OCD is classified separately from the anxiety disorders, although within the same larger category as anxiety disorders (as one of the "neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders"). Ongoing advances in our understanding of OCD and other anxiety disorders have raised the question of whether OCD should continue to be classified with the anxiety disorders in DSM-V. This review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V. Evidence is reviewed for retaining OCD in the category of anxiety disorders, and for moving OCD to a separate category of obsessive-compulsive (OC)-spectrum disorders, if such a category is included in DSM-V. Our preliminary recommendation is that OCD be retained in the category of anxiety disorders but that this category also includes OC-spectrum disorders along with OCD. If this change is made, the name of this category should be changed to reflect this proposed change. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  15. El patrimonio gastronómico del municipio de Toluca: el caso del pulque y las pulquerías (1841-1920

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgar Rojas Rivas


    Full Text Available Se hace un esbozo de algunos elementos históricos del pulque y las pulquerías del municipio de Toluca en el periodo de 1841-1920, particularmente sobre la producción, comercialización y consumo. El método utilizado fue la microhistoria con información obtenida del Archivo Histórico del Municipio de Toluca y fuentes bibliohemerográficas. Los resultados muestran una producción significativa del pulque, la existencia de un gran número de establecimientos que lo expendían, la importancia del rol de la mujer en la comercialización y cómo el ferrocarril contribuyó a la distribución de la bebida. Se concluye que este patrimonio gastronómico fue importante para el municipio y que el consumo de la bebida era generalizado entre toda la población.

  16. [Neurocognitive disorders in DSM-5: pervasive changes in the diagnostics of dementia]. (United States)

    Maier, W; Barnikol, U B


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) proposes an innovative chapter on neurocognitive disorders (NCD) as a substitute for the dementia, delirium and amnestic disorders chapter in DSM-IV. This NCD chapter promotes a most innovative change compared to DSM-IV. While the term delirium is preserved, the commonly used term dementia does not occur as a diagnostic entity. Neurocognitive disorders are more inclusive than dementias; they also cover early prodromal stages of dementias below the DSM-IV threshold. The diagnosis of NCDs requires essentially neuropsychological testing preferentially with standardized instruments. Special focus is given to etiological subtyping taking former diagnostic consensus processes by expert groups into consideration. The subsequent more extensive concept of NCD also allows the diagnosis of etiological-specific prodromal states of cognitive impairments. The changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5 are critically discussed.

  17. Estudio del propoleos de Santiago del Estero, Argentina Estudo de própolis de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucrecia Lucía Chaillou


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue determinar las características físico-químicas del propóleos de la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Las muestras se recolectaron de colmenas ubicadas en los departamentos Capital, Banda y Robles. Se determinaron: color, olor, sabor consistencia y aspecto. Las muestras por lo general, se presentaron en trozos irregulares con brillo, de estructura homogénea, consistencia dura. El color fue marrón oscuro, olor resinoso aromático y sabor picante. El porcentaje de impurezas mecánicas, cera y resinas se encuentran de valores normales. El índice de oxidación, las concentraciones de compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides y la actividad antibacteriana frente a Staphylococcus aureus permiten concluir que la calidad del propóleos de los departamentos estudiados es buena.O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a determinação das caracteristicas físico-químicas de própolis de Santiago del Estero. As amostras foram coletadas de departamentos Capital, Banda e Robles. A cor, o odor, o sabor, a consistência e a aparência externa foram analisados. As impurezas mecânicas, a cera, a resina, o índice da oxidação, os compostos fenólicos e os flavonóides foram testados. A atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada. As amostras foram apresentadas com estrutura homogênea, em parcelas irregulares brilhantes e a consistência era dura ou pouco macia na maioria dos casos. A cor era marrom-escura e o aroma resinoso aromático e o sabor picante. Porcentagem das impurezas, das ceras, da resina estavam entre valores normais. O índice de oxidação, as concentrações de compostos fenólicos e de flavonóides e a atividade antimicrobiana na Staphylococcus aureus permitam concluir que a qualidade dos própolis de departamentos Capital, Banda e Robles é boa.

  18. DSM - a perspective for the 90's

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazzo, M.A. Jr.


    Demand Side Management (DSM) Programs are becoming important facets in the resource planning activities of many utilities. These programs have made substantial impacts to some utilities during the late 1980's, especially those in the Northeast. They will continue to play major roles in utility activities through the 90's. There are major issues which will be addressed and answered in the 90's in order for DSM to continue to play a role in the 1990's

  19. Dalt del tren

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    Jaume Subirana


    Full Text Available Ens consta que la saviesa popular hi toca més del que a aquest temps d’enquestes, telèfons mòbils i targetes de crèdit li ve de gust admetre, per això em fa gràcia, en veure la pausada però continuada intrusió de la cultura catalana a Internet, recordar les cançons de quan era petit: “Dalt del tren, tots anem-hi dalt del tren, hi ha lloc per tota la gent”, dèiem, i “El tren pinxo de Banyoles és el més bonic que hi ha, ple de llaunes i cassoles i barrets de capellà”. I resulta que per una vegada a la vida hem pujat, efectivament, dalt del tren que passava per l’estació de Catalunya i en cinc anys hem passat de gairebé res a prou pàgines amb un contingut, a més, apreciable i, sobretot, a un petit teixit de persones i institucions que han entès la importància de la revolució comunicativa que Internet representa i que hi teixeixen i projecten webs amb el convenciment dels conversos.

  20. Assessment of net lost revenue adjustment mechanisms for utility DSM programs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baxter, L.W.


    Utility shareholders can lose money on demand-side management (DSM) investments between rate cases. Several industry analysts argue that the revenues lost from utility DSM programs are an important financial disincentive to utility DSM investment. A key utility regulatory reform undertaken since 1989 allows utilities to recover the lost revenues incurred through successful operation of DSM programs. Explicitly defined net lost revenue adjustment (NLRA) mechanisms are states` preferred approach to lost revenue recovery from DSM programs. This report examines the experiences states and utilities are having with the NLRA approach. The report has three objectives. First, we determine whether NLRA is a feasible and successful approach to removing the lost-revenue disincentive to utility operation of DSM programs. Second, we identify the conditions linked to successful implementation of NLRA mechanisms in different states and assess whether NLRA has changed utility investment behavior. Third, we suggest improvements to NLRA mechanisms. We first identify states with NLRA mechanisms where utilities are recovering lost revenues from DSM programs. We interview staff at regulatory agencies in all these states and utility staff in four states. These interviews focus on the status of NLRA, implementation issues, DSM measurement issues, and NLRA results. We also analyze regulatory agency orders on NLRA, as well as associated testimony, reports, and utility lost revenue recovery filings. Finally, we use qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess NLRA`s effectiveness. Contrary to the concerns raised by some industry analysts, our results indicate NLRA is a feasible approach to the lost-revenue disincentive.

  1. El oficio del diseño de interacción


    Crampton-Smith, Gillian


    El objetivo de las dos jornadas del congreso Innovation Forum Interaction Design era centrarse en todos los aspectos del diseño de interfaces y de interacción: teléfonos móviles e interfaces de medios digitales, resolución de problemas y visión de nuevos productos, páginas web y mundos virtuales, arte y comercio, negocio y ciencia. A través de proyectos concretos y conceptos visionarios, distintos expertos internacionales de los sectores del diseño, la investigación y los negocios presentaron...

  2. Review of the Proposed "DSM-5" Substance Use Disorder (United States)

    Jones, K. Dayle; Gill, Carman; Ray, Shannon


    The "DSM-5" Task Force has recommended a new substance use disorder to replace substance abuse and dependence. This article provides an overview of substance abuse and dependence, a description of the "DSM-5" substance use disorder, and implications and potential consequences of this change.

  3. Parricidios en el Juzgado del Crimen del Rosario en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX : Historias de vida, sentencias y atenuantes

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    Carolina Andrea Piazzi


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo se juzgaron los casos de parricidios en el Juzgado del Crimen del Rosario durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX? ¿De qué manera se probaron las condenas? ¿Qué circunstancias determinaron una reducción de la pena? ¿Qué nos dicen los expedientes sobre las formas de vivir y de judicializar esas muertes trágicas? El estudio de estos hechos criminales judicializados en la 2ª Circunscripción Judicial de la provincia de Santa Fe revela que, si bien la condena establecida por ley era la pena de muerte, en la mayoría de los casos existió algún elemento procesal o se consideró alguna circunstancia que determinó una reducción, o absolución, de esta condena. Esto fue un rasgo importante en la definición de la práctica judicial en el proceso de profesionalización de la justicia conocido por la sociedad rosarina del siglo XIX.

  4. [Clinical usefulness of IDEA and CARS: concordance with DSM-IV-TR in children and adolescents with suspicion of PDD]. (United States)

    García-López, C; Narbona, J


    Observational scales are useful to estimate the severity of symptoms in PDD as well as to monitor their evolution. a) To analyze the concordance between diagnoses based on the Autism Spectrum Inventory (Inventario del Espectro Autista, IDEA)) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), compared to DSM-IV-TR criteria, in subjects with a suspicion of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), and b) to study the discrimination power of both scales to differentiate between a clinical diagnosis situated in the autism spectrum. Fifty-six children and adolescents, between 2 and 20 years-old, who attended our Neuropediatric Unit due to suspicion of PDD. Independently, two clinicians evaluated the presence of PDD symptoms; one of them according to DSM-IV-TR criteria and the other one based on the application of IDEA and CARS. The concordance of IDEA and CARS when compared to DSM-IV-TR classification was 73 and 82%, respectively, with a sensitivity of 1 and 0,83 and a specificity of 0,61 and 0,82, respectively. Both scales correctly discriminated between autistic disorder and other clinical diagnoses. Both IDEA and CARS are useful instruments to detect and monitor autism symptoms in the context of routine clinical practice. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  5. [Mixed depression and DSM-5: A critical review]. (United States)

    Weibel, S; Bertschy, G


    Mixed depression is a depressive syndrome characterized by the presence, along with the typical depressive symptoms of depression, of those of over activation and excitation. If sometimes this activation is expressed by classical hypomanic symptoms, it is often observed by means of more subtle expression: inner tension, crowded thoughts, dramatic expression suffering, and unproductive agitation. It is important to identify mixed depression because such patients are particularly at risk of suicidal behaviors, substance abuse and therapeutic resistance. Even if therapeutic strategies continue to be discussed, treatments should rely on mood stabilizers and antipsychotics instead of antidepressants as in pure depression. Even though the concept of mixed depression has been described for more than twenty years, first by Koukopoulos and then by other authors, it had been little studied, especially because it did not appear in international psychiatric classifications. The DSM-IV supported a very narrow conception of the mixed states because the criteria required simultaneous full manic and full depressive syndromes, corresponding only to some dysphoric manias. The recently published DSM-5 proposes modifications in mood and bipolar disorder classifications, and especially introduces the possibility to specify depressive and manic episodes with "mixed features". To diagnose depression with mixed features, a full depressive syndrome has to be present together most of time with three hypomanic symptoms, except symptoms that are considered as overlapping (that can be observed either in mania or in depression), i.e. agitation, irritability and distractibility. Critical analysis of DSM criteria and review of literature. We first analyzed the clinical relevance of the definition of depression with mixed features which could correspond to mixed depression. The problem is that the hypomanic symptoms allowed by the manual lead to symptom associations that are rather illogical (as

  6. Configuración del contexto subjetivo y enfoque socializador del conocimiento inherente al Profesional de la Información

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    Ramón Antonio Piña Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se abordan las categorías asociadas a la Psicología General, las relaciones interpersonales y grupales en las que el Profesional de la Información se desenvuelve e interactúa. Son propuestos proyecciones y rasgos de corte personológico dirigidos a elevar la sinergia grupal, el compromiso y éxito en la implementación de la Gestión del Conocimiento, asumida ésta como forma superior del pensamiento y actuar de las organizaciones. Se enfatiza además, en los roles y status de este actor de la ciencia y el conocimiento, generador y socializador de la necesidad de creación del propio conocimiento, embrión de la "organización que aprende", marco referencial de la titulada "era del conocimiento".

  7. Psychometric analysis of the new ADHD DSM-V derived symptoms. (United States)

    Ghanizadeh, Ahmad


    Following the agreements on the reformulating and revising of ADHD diagnostic criteria, recently, the proposed revision for ADHD added 4 new symptoms to the hyperactivity and Impulsivity aspect in DSM-V. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the proposed ADHD diagnostic criteria. ADHD diagnosis was made according to DSM-IV. The parents completed the screening test of ADHD checklist of Child Symptom Inventory-4 and the 4 items describing the new proposed symptoms in DSM-V. The confirmatory factor analysis of the ADHD DSM-V derived items supports the loading of two factors including inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity. There is a sufficient reliability for the items. However, confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor model is better fitted than the two-factor one. Moreover, the results of the exploratory analysis raised some concerns about the factor loading of the four new items. The current results support the two-factor model of the DSM-V ADHD diagnostic criteria including inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity. However, the four new items can be considered as a third factor.

  8. Harmonisation of ICD-11 and DSM-V: opportunities and challenges. (United States)

    First, Michael B


    Differences in the ICD-10 and DSM-IV definitions for the same disorder impede international communication and research efforts. The forthcoming parallel development of DSM-V and ICD-11 offers an opportunity to harmonise the two classifications. This paper aims to facilitate the harmonisation process by identifying diagnostic differences between the two systems. DSM-IV-TR criteria sets and the ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria for Research were compared and categorised into those with identical definitions, those with conceptually based differences and those in which differences are not conceptually based and appear to be unintentional. Of the 176 criteria sets in both systems, only one, transient tic disorder, is identical. Twenty-one per cent had conceptually based differences and 78% had non-conceptually based differences. Harmonisation of criteria sets, especially those with non-conceptually based differences, should be prioritised in the DSM-V and ICD-11 development process. Prior experience with the DSM-IV and ICD-10 harmonisation effort suggests that for the process to be successful steps should be taken as early as possible.

  9. Los molinos verticales en la industria del cemento

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    Hidalgo de Cisneros Alonso, Juan M.


    Full Text Available Con ocasión de los V Coloquios de Directores y Técnicos de fábricas de cemento tuvimos la oportunidad de exponer a Vds. lo que entonces era una pequeña visión de futuro dentro del marco de la utilización de los molinos verticales o de rodillos para la molienda de crudo de cemento, destinado a la alimentación de hornos de gran producción, y utilizando el calor contenido en los gases de salida para realizar, durante la molienda, y en el interior del molino, el proceso de secado del crudo.

  10. How Voting and Consensus Created the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). (United States)

    Davies, James


    This paper examines how Task Force votes were central to the development of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III and DSM-III-R). Data were obtained through a literature review, investigation of DSM archival material housed at the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and interviews with key Task Force members of DSM-III and DSM-III-R. Such data indicate that Task Force votes played a central role in the making of DSM-III, from establishing diagnostic criteria and diagnostic definitions to settling questions about the inclusion or removal of diagnostic categories. The paper concludes that while the APA represented DSM-III, and the return to descriptive psychiatry it inaugurated, as a triumph of empirically based decision-making, the evidence presented here fails to support that view. Since the DSM is a cumulative project, and as DSM-III lives on through subsequent editions, this paper calls for a more socio-historically informed understanding of DSM's construction to be deployed in how the DSM is taught and implemented in training and clinical settings.

  11. Generalization of the Classic Combination Rules to DSm Hyper-Power Sets

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Daniel, Milan


    Roč. 20, - (2006), s. 50-64 ISSN 1311-1493 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1ET100300419 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : Dempster-Shafer theory * Dempster's rule * Yager's rule * Dubois-Prade's rule * DSm theory * hyper-power set * DSm model * DSm rule of combination Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics


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    X. Qiao


    Full Text Available Compared to the wide use of digital elevation model (DEM, digital surface model (DSM receives less attention because that it is composed by not only terrain surface, but also vegetations and man-made objects which are usually regarded as useless information. Nevertheless, these objects are useful for the identification of obstacles around an aerodrome. The primary objective of the study was to determine the applicability of DSM in obstacle clearance surveying of aerodrome. According to the requirements of obstacle clearance surveying at QT airport, aerial and satellite imagery were used to generate DSM, by means of photogrammetry, which was spatially analyzed with the hypothetical 3D obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS to identify the potential obstacles. Field surveying was then carried out to retrieve the accurate horizontal position and height of the obstacles. The results proved that the application of DSM could make considerable improvement in the efficiency of obstacle clearance surveying of aerodrome.

  13. DSM-5 Gambling Disorder: Prevalence and Characteristics in a Substance Use Disorder Sample (United States)

    Rennert, Lior; Denis, Cécile; Peer, Kyle; Lynch, Kevin G.; Gelernter, Joel; Kranzler, Henry R.


    Background The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) replaced the DSM-IV diagnosis of Pathological Gambling (PG) with Gambling Disorder (GD). GD requires four rather than five criteria for the diagnosis and excludes the “Illegal Acts” criterion. We examined the prevalence of GD and its characteristics and validity in a substance use disorder (SUD) sample. Methods Participants (N=6,613) in genetic studies of substance dependence underwent a semi-structured psychiatric interview. Individuals who reported ever having gambled $10 at least monthly (n = 1,507) were the focus of the analyses. Results Approximately one-third of acknowledged gamblers (n = 563; 8.5% of the total sample) received both PG (DSM-IV) and GD (DSM-5) diagnoses and 678 (10.3% of the total) received a DSM-5 diagnosis, representing an increase of 20.4% relative to DSM-IV. Although the three groups were comparable demographically, the DSM-5-Only group was intermediate between the other two groups on the prevalence of comorbid substance use disorders, the distribution of DSM-IV PG criteria endorsed, and the types of gambling reported. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that the DSM-5-Only group was more likely than the No-Diagnosis group and less likely than the Both-Diagnoses group to acknowledge a gambling problem. Conclusion There was a high prevalence of PG in this SUD sample. Analysis of non-DSM variables suggested that the increased sensitivity of the DSM-5 GD diagnosis successfully identifies a broader set of individuals with clinically significant gambling-related problems. Prospective studies of individuals with GD are needed to validate this finding. PMID:24490711

  14. Nuevas tendencias del marketing: Marketing Experiencial y Street Marketing


    Sánchez Casatejada, Ana Belén


    Ante la saturación de publicidad y marketing intrusivo al que está sometido el consumidor, las empresas deben tomar otra alternativa para promocionar sus productos haciendo uso de las nuevas tendencias del marketing. Dejando atrás el marketing tradicional, donde el eje principal era el producto, en esta nueva era es al consumidor al que hay que posicionar en el eje. El marketing experiencial a través de sus técnicas conecta con el consumidor de una forma emocional, haciéndole partícipe de la ...

  15. Reconstruyendo el itinerario del camino Inca Cajatambo: Pumpu a través del registro arqueológico


    Casaverde Ríos, Guido


    El camino Inca investigado pertenece al Sistema Vial Inca de la sierra central, el cual era parte del ramal que se desprendía muy cerca del sitio Inca de Huamachuco por el norte y recorría por todo el Callejón de Huaylas, se dirigía a las localidades de Mangas, Copa, Puquián, Cajatambo, Oyón hasta Pumpu por el sur. Aquel tramo iba de forma paralela al tramo de camino Inca que unía los asentamientos Inca de Huamachuco, Callejón de Conchucos, Huánuco Pampa y Pumpu.

  16. Clashing Diagnostic Approaches: DSM-ICD versus RDoC (United States)

    Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Treadway, Michael T.


    Since at least the middle of the past century, one overarching model of psychiatric classification, namely, that of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and International Classification of Diseases (DSM-ICD), has reigned supreme. This DSM-ICD approach embraces an Aristotelian view of mental disorders as largely discrete entities that are characterized by distinctive signs, symptoms, and natural histories. Over the past several years, however, a competing vision, namely, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative launched by the National Institute of Mental Health, has emerged in response to accumulating anomalies within the DSM-ICD system. In contrast to DSM-ICD, RDoC embraces a Galilean view of psychopathology as the product of dysfunctions in neural circuitry. RDoC appears to be a valuable endeavor that holds out the long-term promise of an alternative system of mental illness classification. We delineate three sets of pressing challenges – conceptual, methodological, and logistical/pragmatic – that must be addressed for RDoC to realize its scientific potential, and conclude with a call for further research, including investigation of a rapprochement between Aristotelian and Galilean approaches to psychiatric classification. PMID:26845519

  17. Cultura y sociedad en la era global. Entre gregarios y virtuales

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    César Pérez Jiménez


    Full Text Available Los procesos de globalización han transformado el tejido social moderno, determinando en gran medida las prácticas de significación cultural del siglo XXI. Hoy día existe un nuevo orden social definido por la franca separación entre poderosos y desfavorecidos como consecuencia de la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC. Este trabajo cumple con el propósito de analizar la dinámica cultural y social en la era global desde la concepción de la membresía que originan las TIC en los colectivos sociales. Enfatizando sobre la morfología cultural y del espacio social, así como en los valores globales y su impacto en la construcción de las sociedades latinoamericanas democráticas, en el marco de la dialéctica global-local. Para ello se hace énfasis en los aportes del enfoque ciencia-tecnología-y-sociedad (CTS para explicar la vinculación del desarrollo tecnocientífico con las sociedades locales.

  18. Characterizing psychopathy using DSM-5 personality traits. (United States)

    Strickland, Casey M; Drislane, Laura E; Lucy, Megan; Krueger, Robert F; Patrick, Christopher J


    Despite its importance historically and contemporarily, psychopathy is not recognized in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revised (DSM-IV-TR). Its closest counterpart, antisocial personality disorder, includes strong representation of behavioral deviance symptoms but weak representation of affective-interpersonal features considered central to psychopathy. The current study evaluated the extent to which psychopathy and its distinctive facets, indexed by the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure, can be assessed effectively using traits from the dimensional model of personality pathology developed for DSM-5, operationalized by the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Results indicate that (a) facets of psychopathy entailing impulsive externalization and callous aggression are well-represented by traits from the PID-5 considered relevant to antisocial personality disorder, and (b) the boldness facet of psychopathy can be effectively captured using additional PID-5 traits. These findings provide evidence that the dimensional model of personality pathology embodied in the PID-5 provides effective trait-based coverage of psychopathy and its facets.

  19. [DSM-5 classification of personality disorders in older persons

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alphen, S.P. van; Rossi, G.; Dierckx, E.; Oude Voshaar, R.C.


    BACKGROUND: Although it is generally agreed that personality disorders are an important topic in old-age psychiatry, DSM-5 has paid relatively little attention to older persons affected with this severe mental disorder. AIM: To look closely and carefully at several aspects of the way in which DSM-5

  20. Culture and the anxiety disorders: recommendations for DSM-V. (United States)

    Lewis-Fernández, Roberto; Hinton, Devon E; Laria, Amaro J; Patterson, Elissa H; Hofmann, Stefan G; Craske, Michelle G; Stein, Dan J; Asnaani, Anu; Liao, Betty


    The anxiety disorders specified in the fourth edition, text revision, of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR) are identified universally in human societies, and also show substantial cultural particularities in prevalence and symptomatology. Possible explanations for the observed epidemiological variability include lack of measurement equivalence, true differences in prevalence, and limited validity or precision of diagnostic criteria. One central question is whether, through inadvertent "over-specification" of disorders, the post-DSM-III nosology has missed related but somewhat different presentations of the same disorder because they do not exactly fit specified criteria sets. This review canvases the mental health literature for evidence of cross-cultural limitations in DSM-IV-TR anxiety disorder criteria. Searches were conducted of the mental health literature, particularly since 1994, regarding cultural or race/ethnicity-related factors that might limit the universal applicability of the diagnostic criteria for six anxiety disorders. Possible mismatches between the DSM criteria and the local phenomenology of the disorder in specific cultural contexts were found for three anxiety disorders in particular. These involve the unexpectedness and 10-minute crescendo criteria in Panic Disorder; the definition of social anxiety and social reference group in Social Anxiety Disorder; and the priority given to psychological symptoms of worry in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Limited evidence was found throughout, particularly in terms of neurobiological markers, genetic risk factors, treatment response, and other DSM-V validators that could help clarify the cross-cultural applicability of criteria. On the basis of the available data, options and preliminary recommendations for DSM-V are put forth that should be further evaluated and tested.

  1. Relating DSM-5 section III personality traits to section II personality disorder diagnoses. (United States)

    Morey, L C; Benson, K T; Skodol, A E


    The DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group formulated a hybrid dimensional/categorical model that represented personality disorders as combinations of core impairments in personality functioning with specific configurations of problematic personality traits. Specific clusters of traits were selected to serve as indicators for six DSM categorical diagnoses to be retained in this system - antisocial, avoidant, borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive and schizotypal personality disorders. The goal of the current study was to describe the empirical relationships between the DSM-5 section III pathological traits and DSM-IV/DSM-5 section II personality disorder diagnoses. Data were obtained from a sample of 337 clinicians, each of whom rated one of his or her patients on all aspects of the DSM-IV and DSM-5 proposed alternative model. Regression models were constructed to examine trait-disorder relationships, and the incremental validity of core personality dysfunctions (i.e. criterion A features for each disorder) was examined in combination with the specified trait clusters. Findings suggested that the trait assignments specified by the Work Group tended to be substantially associated with corresponding DSM-IV concepts, and the criterion A features provided additional diagnostic information in all but one instance. Although the DSM-5 section III alternative model provided a substantially different taxonomic structure for personality disorders, the associations between this new approach and the traditional personality disorder concepts in DSM-5 section II make it possible to render traditional personality disorder concepts using alternative model traits in combination with core impairments in personality functioning.

  2. El Abasto de Pan en el Madrid del Siglo XVII

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    José Ignacio ANDRÉS UCENDO


    Full Text Available El mercado del pan era el más importante de los mercados de abastos, pero también el que contaba con el más complejo sistema de intervención. Los objetivos de la política de abastos eran asegurar un suministro continuo a precios estables y moderados.Los instrumentos incluían la regulación de los precios del grano y el pan, la provisión directa a través del pósito municipal y, en el caso de la corte, el pan de registro. En este trabajo examinamos la política de tasas, las disposiciones del gobierno y el comportamiento de los precios del pan en Madrid y del trigo en los mercados de origen.

  3. Reconceptualizing personality pathology in DSM-5: limitations in evidence for eliminating dependent personality disorder and other DSM-IV syndromes. (United States)

    Bornstein, Robert F


    The DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders Workgroup proposed that five DSM-IV personality disorders be eliminated as formal diagnostic categories (paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, narcissistic, and dependent), because these syndromes purportedly have low clinical utility and minimal evidence for validity. Scrutiny of studies cited in support of this proposal reveals difficulties in three areas: (1) Inadequate information regarding parameters of the literature search; (2) Mixed empirical support for proposed changes; and (3) Selective attention to certain disorders and not others. Review of validity and clinical utility data related to dependent personality disorder indicates that evidence regarding this syndrome does not differ from that of syndromes proposed for retention in DSM-5. Limitations in the research base cited by the workgroup illuminates gaps in the personality disorder literature, and may serve as a starting point for systematic research on personality pathology so that adequate empirical data are available to decide which syndromes to retain, revise, or remove in future versions of the diagnostic manual.

  4. Analysis of a DSM program using an end use model; End use model wo mochiita DSM program no bunseki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asano, H.; Takahashi, M.; Okada, K. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo (Japan)


    An end use model used in the United States who is advanced in demand-side management (DSM) was used to discuss possibilities of designing and evaluating Japan`s future DSM measures. The end use model assumes energy demand based on such factors as device characteristics, meteorological data, energy prices, user characteristics, market characteristics and DSM measures. The model calculates energy demand amount by end uses basically by multiplying assumptions on device unit requirement, device retention rate, and number of users. A representative tool as an end use model that handles load shapes is the hourly electric load model (HELM). It assumes an annual load curve and predicts a maximum system load. The present discussions have performed estimation on demand for consumer use air conditioners in a day in which a maximum summer load occurs in a reference year, estimation on load in a maximum load day in an estimated year, and estimation on weather sensitivity of loads. 5 refs., 5 figs.

  5. Eating disorders in adolescents: how does the DSM-5 change the diagnosis? (United States)

    Fisher, Martin; Gonzalez, Marisol; Malizio, Joan


    This study aimed to determine the changes in diagnosis that occur in making the transition from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria in an adolescent medicine eating disorder program. During the months of September 2011 through December 2012, a data sheet was completed at the end of each new outpatient eating disorder evaluation listing the patient's gender, age, ethnicity, weight, height, DSM-IV diagnosis, and proposed DSM-5 diagnosis. Distributions were calculated using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon rank sum analyses to determine differences between diagnostic groups. There were 309 patients evaluated during the 16-month period. DSM-IV diagnoses were as follows: anorexia nervosa, 81 patients (26.2%); bulimia nervosa, 29 patients (9.4%); binge eating disorder, 1 patient (0.3%); and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), 198 patients (64.6%). By contrast, DSM-5 diagnoses were as follows: anorexia nervosa, 100 patients; atypical anorexia nervosa, 93 patients; avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, 60 patients; bulimia nervosa, 29 patients; purging disorder, 18 patients; unspecified feeding or eating disorder, 4 patients; subthreshold bulimia nervosa, 2 patients; subthreshold binge eating disorder, 2 patients; and binge eating disorder, 1 patient. Almost two thirds (64.6%) of the 309 patients had a diagnosis of EDNOS based on the DSM-IV criteria. By contrast, only four patients had a diagnosis of unspecified feeding or eating disorder based on the DSM-5 criteria. These data demonstrate that the goal of providing more specific diagnoses for patients with eating disorders has been accomplished very successfully by the new DSM-5 criteria.

  6. Reconceptualising women’s sexual desire and arousal in DSM-5


    Graham, Cynthia A.


    The publication of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in 2013 was the culmination of more than a decade of work by the APA DSM-5 task force and Work Groups. From 2007 to 2013, I served as a member of the Sexual Dysfunctions subworkgroup, part of the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders workgroup. In the area of sexual disorders, some of the most significant changes were made in diagnostic categories for female sexual dysfunction. The DSM-IV ...

  7. The Relationship between the "Childhood Autism Rating Scale: Second Edition" and Clinical Diagnosis Utilizing the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5 (United States)

    Dawkins, Tamara; Meyer, Allison T.; Van Bourgondien, Mary E.


    "The Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition" (CARS2; 2010) includes two rating scales; the CARS2-Standard Version (CARS2-ST) and the newly developed CARS2-High Functioning Version (CARS2-HF). To assess the diagnostic agreement between the CARS2 and DSM-IV-TR versus DSM-5 criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), clinicians at…

  8. Multidimensional perfectionism and the DSM-5 personality traits


    Stoeber, Joachim


    Abstract\\ud Encouraging further research on the dimensional assessment of personality disorders (PDs), Section III of the DSM-5 introduced a hybrid model for the assessment of six PDs employing self-reports on 25 maladaptive personality traits (“DSM-5 personality traits”). Following suggestions that multidimensional perfectionism is an important characteristic across various personality disorders (Ayearst, Flett, & Hewitt, 2012), the present study investigated how personal (self-oriented) and...

  9. How Do DSM-5 Personality Traits Align With Schema Therapy Constructs? (United States)

    Bach, Bo; Lee, Christopher; Mortensen, Erik Lykke; Simonsen, Erik


    DSM-5 offers an alternative model of personality pathology that includes 25 traits. Although personality disorders are mostly treated with psychotherapy, the correspondence between DSM-5 traits and concepts in evidence-based psychotherapy has not yet been evaluated adequately. Suitably, schema therapy was developed for treating personality disorders, and it has achieved promising evidence. The authors examined associations between DSM-5 traits and schema therapy constructs in a mixed sample of 662 adults, including 312 clinical participants. Associations were investigated in terms of factor loadings and regression coefficients in relation to five domains, followed by specific correlations among all constructs. The results indicated conceptually coherent associations, and 15 of 25 traits were strongly related to relevant schema therapy constructs. Conclusively, DSM-5 traits may be considered expressions of schema therapy constructs, which psychotherapists might take advantage of in terms of case formulation and targets of treatment. In turn, schema therapy constructs add theoretical understanding to DSM-5 traits.

  10. Dimensional and Cross-Cutting Assessment in the "DSM-5" (United States)

    Jones, K. Dayle


    A significant proposed change to the 5th edition of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" ("DSM-5") that will significantly affect the way counselors diagnose mental disorders is the addition of dimensional assessments to the categorical diagnoses. The author reviews the current "DSM"'s (4th ed., text rev.; American…

  11. The relation between the patient health questionnaire-15 and DSM somatic diagnoses

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    Shih-Cheng Liao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Our purpose was to examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15 in Taiwan, and to explore its relation to somatoform disorders (DSM-IV and to somatic symptom and related disorders (DSM-5. Methods We recruited 471 individuals, 151 with somatoform disorders and 200 with somatic symptom and related disorders. Subjects completed the Chinese version of the PHQ-15, Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI, and received a DSM-IV- and DSM-5-based diagnostic interview. We performed exploratory factor analysis and assessed test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and correlation with BDI-II/BAI to confirm reliability and validity, and carried out ROC curve analysis to determine suitability for evaluation or screening purposes. PHQ-15 scores were compared between patients with various DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses (such as DSM-IV somatoform disorders, panic disorder, other anxiety/depressive disorders or no DSM-IV diagnosis and patients with DSM-5 somatic symptom and related disorders or no DSM-5 diagnosis. Results The Chinese version identified cardiopulmonary, pain-fatigue, and gastrointestinal as major factors and had good reliability (0.803–0.930, internal consistency (0.637–0.861, and correlation coefficients with BDI-II/BAI (0.407–0.619, 0.536–0.721, respectively. The PHQ-15 scores were similar in patients with somatoform disorders and patients with panic disorder; higher in patients with somatoform disorders and panic disorder than in patients with other anxiety/depressive disorders; and significantly higher in patients with somatic symptom and related disorders than in patients without this diagnosis. The AUC of the PHQ-15 was 0.678 (cutoff 6/7 for screening somatoform disorders (DSM-IV and 0.725 (cutoff 4/5 for screening somatic symptom and related disorders (DSM-5. Conclusions The Chinese version of the PHQ-15 is suitable for

  12. Conceptions of narcissism and the DSM-5 pathological personality traits. (United States)

    Wright, Aidan G C; Pincus, Aaron L; Thomas, Katherine M; Hopwood, Christopher J; Markon, Kristian E; Krueger, Robert F


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5) features two conceptions of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), one based on the retained DSM-IV's categorical diagnosis and the other based on a model that blends impairments in personality functioning with a specific trait profile intended to recapture DSM-IV NPD. Nevertheless, the broader literature contains a richer array of potential conceptualizations of narcissism, including distinguishable perspectives from psychiatric nosology, clinical observation and theory, and social/personality psychology. This raises questions about the most advantageous pattern of traits to use to reflect various conceptions of narcissistic pathology via the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5). In this study, we examine the associations of the Personality Disorder Questionnaire-Narcissistic Personality Disorder scale, Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16, and the Pathological Narcissism Inventory and the PID-5 dimensions and facets in a large sample (N = 1,653) of undergraduate student participants. Results point to strong associations with PID-5 Antagonism scales across narcissism measures, consistent with the DSM-5's proposed representation of NPD. However, additional notable associations emerged with PID-5 Negative Affectivity and Psychoticism scales when considering more clinically relevant narcissism measures.

  13. Explaining "DSM" to Parents (United States)

    Kent, Marcia


    "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" ("DSM") is useful for children and families for three practical reasons: (1) It provides a way to communicate about emotional and behavioral problems of youth in a common language; (2) Parents can get an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for a child if that process…

  14. Errores de comunicación del Presidente Uribe en el referendo.


    López López, Humberto


    Desde mucho antes de ser propuesto, el referendo en Colombia estaba derrotado. Era una colcha de retazos surgida del proceso de comisiones y plenarias que la Constitución exige a cada proyecto para que sea Ley en Colombia. La propuesta inicial del Gobierno, que tenía alguna coherencia, terminó siendo un galimatías, inentendible, ingrato, anti-social, cargado de tinieblas. Con el agravante de que en la historia política del país no existían antecedentes sobre referendo. En 1957 hubo pl...

  15. El Museo del Oro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Efraín Sánchez Cabra


    Full Text Available El 22 de diciembre de 1939 el Banco de la República compró un objeto de oro de 777,7 gramos de peso y 23,5 centímetros de altura que dio origen al Museo del Oro. Era un poporo quimbaya, pieza maestra de la orfebrería prehispánica. Un objeto bello bello que levanta su bruñido vientre globular y su cuello coronado por cuatro cuerpos esféricos sobre una exquisita base de filigrana fundida, y parece flotar en un espacio propio. Quien lo contempla no puede menos que asombrarse, deleitarse y sentir admiración por sus artífices. Detrás de la compra del poporo había una clara preocupación oficial por proteger una riqueza que comenzaba a entenderse como parte del patrimonio nacional. Esta motivación se pone de manifiesto en una serie de documentos relativos a su adquisición.

  16. Introduction to DSmT for Information Fusion

    CERN Document Server

    Dezert, J; The 7th International Conference on Information Fusion


    DSmT (Dezert-Smarandache Theory) is a new alternative to Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) which: 1) proposes a new mathematical framework for information fusion; 2) incorporates any kind of model (free, hybrid DSm models, and/or Shafer's model) for taking into account any integrity constraints of the fusion problem; 3) combines uncertain, high conflicting, and imprecise sources of evidence with a new rule of combination and overcomes limitations of the Dempster's rule; 4) is adapted to static or dynamic fusion applications represented in terms of belief functions based on the same general formalism.

  17. Prevalence and correlates of DSM-5 eating disorders in patients with bipolar disorder. (United States)

    McElroy, Susan L; Crow, Scott; Blom, Thomas J; Biernacka, Joanna M; Winham, Stacey J; Geske, Jennifer; Cuellar-Barboza, Alfredo B; Bobo, William V; Prieto, Miguel L; Veldic, Marin; Mori, Nicole; Seymour, Lisa R; Bond, David J; Frye, Mark A


    To determine prevalence rates and clinical correlates of current DSM-5 eating disorders in patients with bipolar disorder (BP). Prevalence rates of current DSM-5- and DSM-IV-defined binge eating disorder (BED), bulimia nervosa (BN), and anorexia nervosa (AN) were assessed with the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale (EDDS) in 1092 patients with BP. Psychiatric illness burden was evaluated with five proxy measures of BP illness severity. Medical illness burden was evaluated with the Cumulative Index Rating Scale (CIRS). Twenty-seven percent of patients had a current DSM-5 eating disorder: 12% had BED, 15% had BN, and 0.2% had AN. Rates of DSM-5-defined BED and BN were higher than clinical diagnosis rates and rates of DSM-IV-defined BED and BN. Compared with BP patients without an eating disorder, BP patients with a DSM-5 eating disorder were younger and more likely to be women; had an earlier age of onset of BP; had higher EDDS composite scores and higher degrees of suicidality, mood instability, and anxiety disorder comorbidity; and had a higher mean BMI, higher rate of obesity, and higher CIRS total scores. In a logistic regression model controlling for previously identified correlates of an eating disorder, younger age, female gender, and higher BMI remained significantly associated with an eating disorder. The EDDS has not been validated in BP patients. DSM-5-defined BED and BN are common in BP patients, possibly more common than DSM-IV-defined BED and BN, and associated with greater psychiatric and general medical illness burden. Further studies assessing DSM-5 eating disorders in people with BP are greatly needed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Comorbidity of substance use with depression and other mental disorders: from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) to DSM-V. (United States)

    Nunes, Edward V; Rounsaville, Bruce J


    To arrive at recommendations for addressing co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders in the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition (DSM-V) criteria. Synthesis of findings of other papers from a consensus conference and from the literature on diagnosis and treatment of co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders. Most of the relevant studies examine co-occurring depression. The diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric syndromes that co-occur with substance use disorders has been a source of controversy, fueled in part by limitations of pre-DSM-IV nosologies. The DSM-IV scheme of classifying co-occurring disorders as primary (also referred to as independent) or substance-induced has promise in terms of good predictive validity, although pertinent longitudinal and treatment studies are limited. The substance-induced category answers the need of clinicians for a way to categorize patients with clinically significant psychiatric symptoms that occur in the setting of ongoing substance use. DSM-V should retain the primary (independent) and substance-induced categories. In DSM-IV these categories are broadly defined and leave much to clinical judgement. Existing data sets should be brought to bear to refine the criteria, making them more detailed with clearer anchor points and more specificity around particular substances and psychiatric syndromes. More longitudinal studies and clinical trials are also needed. Looking beyond DSM-V, co-occurring psychiatric syndromes are likely to be important in the quest for a nosology founded on pathophysiology.

  19. Brief Report: Should the DSM V Drop Asperger Syndrome? (United States)

    Ghaziuddin, Mohammad


    The DSM IV defines Asperger syndrome (AS) as a pervasive developmental (autistic spectrum) disorder characterized by social deficits and rigid focused interests in the absence of language impairment and cognitive delay. Since its inclusion in the DSM-IV, there has been a dramatic increase in its recognition both in children and adults. However,…

  20. Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98


    Meagher, David J; Morandi, Alessandro; Inouye, Sharon K; Ely, Wes; Adamis, Dimitrios; Maclullich, Alasdair J; Rudolph, James L; Neufeld, Karin; Leonard, Maeve; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Davis, Daniel; Teodorczuk, Andrew; Kriesel, Stefan; Thomas, Christine; Hasemann, Wolfgang


    peer-reviewed Background: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fifth edition (DSM-5) provides new criteria for delirium diagnosis. We examined delirium diagnosis using these new criteria compared with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fourth edition (DSM-IV) in a large dataset of patients assessed for delirium and related presentations. Methods: Patient data (n = 768) from six prospectively collected cohorts, clinically assessed using DSM-IV and the Delirium Rating Scale-R...

  1. Culture and conversion disorder: implications for DSM-5. (United States)

    Brown, Richard J; Lewis-Fernández, Roberto


    The diagnostic criteria and related features of conversion disorder are under revision for DSM-5, including the requirement that psychological factors accompany the symptoms or deficits in question (Criterion B) and whether conversion disorder should be re-labeled as a dissociative, rather than a somatoform, condition. We examined the cross-cultural evidence on the prevalence, characteristics, and associated features of pseudoneurological symptoms more generally, and conversion disorder in particular, in order to inform the ongoing re-evaluation of the conversion disorder category. We also examined the relationship between these constructs and dissociative symptoms and disorders across cultural groups. Searches were conducted of the mental health literature, particularly since 1994, regarding culture, race, or ethnicity factors related to conversion disorder. Many proposed DSM-5 revisions were supported, such as the elimination of Criterion B. We also found cross-cultural variability in predominant symptoms, disorder prevalence, and relationship with cultural syndromes. Additional information that may contribute to DSM-5 includes the elevated rates across cultures of traumatic exposure and psychiatric comorbidity in conversion disorder. Cross-culturally, conversion disorder is associated strongly with both dissociative and somatoform presentations, revealing no clear basis on which to locate the disorder in DSM-5. Careful consideration should be given to the possible alternatives.


    Hess, Shmuel; Zemishlany, Zvi


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a guide for diagnosing psychiatric diseases and enables the alignment of psychiatric diagnoses with those of the psychologists, the social workers, the nursing staff and other mental health professionals. In addition, it helps bring cohesion to research, public health policy, education, the field of insurance and compensation and the legal system. After 14 years of hard work, the updated version of the DSM, the DSM-5, was published on May 2013. The current review aims to update the readers on the essence of the DSM and the methods of psychiatric diagnosing and to present the main changes in the field, as expressed in the 5th edition of the guide. In addition to details of those changes we included discussions of the criticisms brought against them. We hope that the review will contribute to broadening the readers' knowledge, broaden exposure and familiarity with the psychiatric lingo and to strengthening the professional ties between psychiatrists and professionals in other, tangential, medical fields.

  3. [Substance-related and addictive disorders in the DSM-5]. (United States)

    Thomasius, Rainer; Sack, Peter-Michael; Strittmatter, Esther; Kaess, Michael


    This paper concerns the revised classification of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders in the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In DSM-5, substance use disorders are diagnosed on a continuum of severity specified by explicit operationalized diagnostic criteria. "Gambling disorder" is the only behavioral addiction added to the DSM. Furthermore, preliminary criteria for "Caffeine Use Disorder" and "Internet Gaming Disorder" have now been defined in the manual. Adopting the DSM-5 criteria catalogue within the German treatment system for children and adolescents with substance use disorders or at risk for developing substance use disorders would be of great significance. Since the diagnostic threshold is lower, more patients would be eligible for treatment. Thus, early intervention in the area of substance use disorders should be strengthened, a development that appears to be highly desirable from the perspective of child and adolescent psychiatry. The current Section III diagnoses, with their now comprehensive diagnostic criteria, facilitate more internationally compatible research.

  4. Development of planning methods for demand-side management (DSM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaerkkaeinen, S.; Kekkonen, V.; Rissanen, P.


    The interest of utilities and governmental agencies in Demand-side management (IDSM) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) has increased during recent years also in Finland. From the governmental point of view, the main reason for this has been concern about the environmental effects of electricity supply and consumption. Utilities are mainly interested in cost reductions in electricity supply and distribution caused by DSM. Also improved service to the customer due to DSM has increasing value to utilities. In this project, the main target has been to develop and assess methods for DSM planning from the utility point of view. The final goal is to integrate these methods into the strategic planning of electric utilities

  5. Carta del Editor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available Artículo de fondo es un ejemplo de una campaña exitosa de Relaciones Públicas realizada para rescatar a Medellín para el turismo, ahora herida de muerte por el narcotráfico. Reinicia el tema sobre el cine, recordando el aniversario del nacimiento de Luis Buñuel. Y sobre el Nuevo Orden Internacional de la Información, Luis Ramiro Beltrán da respuesta a las múltiples interrogantes planteadas en la controversia surgida alrededor del tema. Se da a conocer cómo era el periódico de ayer, de hoy y del futuro frente al desafío de las nuevas tecnologías. Se señala el camino para hacer publicidad en Internet. El Internet y la radio nuevos actores para un mismo mercado. Y para los interesados en la investigación se trata cómo y cuándo hacer sondeos flash y se cierra con el lenguaje periodístico cuándo el dequeísmo es lícito.

  6. Utilidad del Children's Embedded Figures Test en el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Antonio López Villalobos


    Full Text Available El estudio analiza diferencias entre casos de Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH y controles en su modo global / analítico de procesar la información, buscando el mejor modelo basado en el Children's Embedded Figures Test (CEFT que permita predecir TDAH y analizando la validez de la prueba para el diagnóstico del trastorno. Se estudia una muestra de 100 casos de TDAH (criterios DSM-IV y 100 controles, entre 7 y 11 años, evaluados mediante el CEFT. Los controles fueron reclutados de forma aleatoria y emparejados según edad, sexo y zona sociodemográfica con los casos. Los casos presentan un estilo cognitivo medio significativamente mas dependiente de campo (d = 1.36, reflejando un modo de procesamiento mas global que los controles en todas las edades. El modelo de regresión logística que mejor predice TDAH está formado por edad, sexo y CEFT. La formulación derivada del modelo presenta sensibilidad del 80% y especifidad del 84%, tomando como prueba de referencia criterios DSM-IV para TDAH. Concluimos valorando que el CEFT presenta utilidad y adecuada validez de criterio para TDAH.

  7. Hawaii demand-side management resource assessment. Final report, Reference Volume 3 -- Residential and commercial sector DSM analyses: Detailed results from the DBEDT DSM assessment model; Part 1, Technical potential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Hawaii Demand-Side Management Resource Assessment was the fourth of seven projects in the Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES) program. HES was designed by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) to produce an integrated energy strategy for the State of Hawaii. The purpose of Project 4 was to develop a comprehensive assessment of Hawaii`s demand-side management (DSM) resources. To meet this objective, the project was divided into two phases. The first phase included development of a DSM technology database and the identification of Hawaii commercial building characteristics through on-site audits. These Phase 1 products were then used in Phase 2 to identify expected energy impacts from DSM measures in typical residential and commercial buildings in Hawaii. The building energy simulation model DOE-2.1E was utilized to identify the DSM energy impacts. More detailed information on the typical buildings and the DOE-2.1E modeling effort is available in Reference Volume 1, ``Building Prototype Analysis``. In addition to the DOE-2.1E analysis, estimates of residential and commercial sector gas and electric DSM potential for the four counties of Honolulu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai through 2014 were forecasted by the new DBEDT DSM Assessment Model. Results from DBEDTs energy forecasting model, ENERGY 2020, were linked with results from DOE-2.1E building energy simulation runs and estimates of DSM measure impacts, costs, lifetime, and anticipated market penetration rates in the DBEDT DSM Model. Through its algorithms, estimates of DSM potential for each forecast year were developed. Using the load shape information from the DOE-2.1E simulation runs, estimates of electric peak demand impacts were developed. Numerous tables and figures illustrating the technical potential for demand-side management are included.

  8. DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder in patients with vertigo and dizziness symptoms. (United States)

    Limburg, Karina; Sattel, Heribert; Radziej, Katharina; Lahmann, Claas


    DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder (SSD) could potentially be a highly relevant diagnosis for patients with vertigo and dizziness. The criteria of SSD, particularly the B-criterion with its three components (cognitive, affective, behavioral), have however not yet been investigated in this patient group. We evaluated a large sample (n=399) of outpatients presenting in a neurological setting. Physical examinations and a psychometric assessment (SCID-I) were conducted; patients completed self-report questionnaires. The diagnosis of SSD was assigned retrospectively. The prevalence of SSD, its diagnostic criteria, and its overlap with former DSM-IV somatoform disorders were evaluated; comparisons were drawn between (1) patients fulfilling different components of the B-criterion and (2) patients with diagnoses after DSM-IV vs. DSM-5. SSD was almost twice as common as DSM-IV somatoform disorders. Patients with all three components of the B-criterion reported the highest impairment levels. Patients with both DSM-IV somatoform disorders and DSM-5 SSD were more impaired compared to groups with one of the diagnoses; patients with DSM-IV somatoform disorders only were more impaired than those with SSD only. Our findings demonstrate that SSD is highly prevalent in patients with vertigo and dizziness. The classification of severity based on the number of psychological symptoms appears valid and may assist in finding suitable treatment options according to clinical practice guidelines. Future studies should investigate the overlap of SSD and other psychiatric disorders, this may assist in better defining the diagnostic criteria of SSD. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Social anxiety disorder: questions and answers for the DSM-V

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bogels, S.M.; Stein, M.; Alden, L.; Beidel, D.C.; Clark, L.A.; Pine, D.S.; Stein, M.B.; Voncken, M.


    Background: This review evaluates the DSM-IV criteria of social anxiety disorder (SAD), with a focus on the generalized specifier and alternative specifiers, the considerable overlap between the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for SAD and avoidant personality disorder, and developmental issues. Method: A

  10. Communications technologies for demand side management, DSM, and European utility communications architecture, EurUCA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaerkkaeinen, S.; Kekkonen, V. [VTT Energy, Espoo (Finland); Rissanen, P. [Tietosavo Oy (Finland)


    In this project the main target is to develop and assess methods for DSM (Demand Side Management) and distribution automation planning from the utility`s point of view. The final goal is to integrate these methods for the strategic planning of electric utilities. In practice the project is divided into four main parts: The development and assessment of DSM/IRP planning methods and cost/benefit analysis as a part of international co-operation (IEA DSM Agreement: Annex IV, European Cost/Benefit analysis of DSM, EUBC, and Finnish SAVE-project started in 1995 in co-operation with SRC International and six electric utilities in Finland); Development of PC-based DSM planning and assessment tools at VTT; Development of a decision support system of distribution network planning including DSM options at Tietosavo Oy and Integration of DSM planning and network planning tools in co-operation with VTT Energy and Tietosavo Oy

  11. Tourette's: syndrome, disorder or spectrum? Classificatory challenges and an appraisal of the DSM criteria. (United States)

    Robertson, Mary May; Eapen, Valsamma


    The fifth version of the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) was released in May 2013 after 14 years of development and almost two decades after the last edition DSM-IV was published in 1994. We review the DSM journey with regards to Tourette Syndrome from the original publication of DSM 1 in 1952 till date. In terms of changes in DSM 5, the major shift has come in the placement of Tourette Syndrome under the 'Neurodevelopmental Disorders' alongside other disorders with a developmental origin. This review provides an overview of the changes in DSM-5 highlighting key points for clinical practice and research along with a snap shot of the current use of DSM as a classificatory system in different parts of the world and suggestions for improving the subtyping and the diagnostic confidence. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Communications technologies for demand side management, DSM, and European utility communications architecture, EurUCA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaerkkaeinen, S; Kekkonen, V [VTT Energy, Espoo (Finland); Rissanen, P [Tietosavo Oy (Finland)


    In this project the main target is to develop and assess methods for DSM (Demand Side Management) and distribution automation planning from the utility`s point of view. The final goal is to integrate these methods for the strategic planning of electric utilities. In practice the project is divided into four main parts: The development and assessment of DSM/IRP planning methods and cost/benefit analysis as a part of international co-operation (IEA DSM Agreement: Annex IV, European Cost/Benefit analysis of DSM, EUBC, and Finnish SAVE-project started in 1995 in co-operation with SRC International and six electric utilities in Finland); Development of PC-based DSM planning and assessment tools at VTT; Development of a decision support system of distribution network planning including DSM options at Tietosavo Oy and Integration of DSM planning and network planning tools in co-operation with VTT Energy and Tietosavo Oy

  13. The DSM-5: Hyperbole, Hope or Hypothesis? (United States)

    Berk, Michael


    The furore preceding the release of the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is in contrast to the incremental changes to several diagnostic categories, which are derived from new research since its predecessor's birth in 1990. While many of these changes are indeed controversial, they do reflect the intrinsic ambiguity of the extant literature. Additionally, this may be a mirror of the frustration of the field's limited progress, especially given the false hopes at the dawn of the "decade of the brain". In the absence of a coherent pathophysiology, the DSM remains no more than a set of consensus based operationalized adjectives, albeit with some degree of reliability. It does not cleave nature at its joints, nor does it aim to, but neither does alternate systems. The largest problem with the DSM system is how it's used; sometimes too loosely by clinicians, and too rigidly by regulators, insurers, lawyers and at times researchers, who afford it reference and deference disproportionate to its overt acknowledged limitations.

  14. Modernizarse o descentralizar: la difícil disyuntiva de las finanzas peruanas durante la era del guano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    ístico incubado en la segunda fase, y tras un largo e importante debate optóse, no por el cambio, sino por el continuismo. Este se frustró, sin embargo, con la derrota en la guerra del Pacífico, cerrándose toda una era fiscal que, de alguna manera, había supuesto la subsistencia del modelo colonial. Además de esa labor de ordenamiento de la información de historia fiscal peruana, el artículo explora la idea, ya lanzada para otros países latinoamericanos, de rastrear el pensamiento y las reformas liberales, no en el terreno de las ideas y discursos, sino en el de la reforma del Estado y la política de presupuestos. El desplazamiento de los impuestos indirectos y las rentas de origen patrimonial, por las contribuciones directas y la universalización de la fiscalidad, era claramente el objetivo de los liberales en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Puesto que ellos creían que una íntima relación se establecía entre derechos y deberes ciudadanos y derechos y deberes fiscales. La reforma fiscal era así una manera de construir el estado-nación, dado que el aparato fiscal no fue concebido solamente como una manera de proveer de ingresos al Estado, sino como una herramienta de transformación social y modernización económica. PERUVIAN FISCAL STRUCTURE BETWEEN INDEPENDENCE AND THE WAR OF THE PACIFIC. The topic of the article is the structure of Peruvian State income during the time between its foundation and the start of the Pacific War (1821-1879. It proposes a periodization of those six decades based on two sets of criteria: 1. quantitative, as concerns the evolution of the amount of state incoms and 2. qualitative, as concern the nature of the income. From this perspective, the existence of three phases is posited: 1. between the first years of Independence and 1854 2. between 1855 and 1872, and 3. from 1873 to the Pacific War. The first was characterized by the stagnation of fiscal income and the general persistence of the colonial fiscal structure. The second consists

  15. Test-retest reliability of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnostic criteria (United States)

    Sysko, Robyn; Roberto, Christina A.; Barnes, Rachel D.; Grilo, Carlos M.; Attia, Evelyn; Walsh, B. Timothy


    The proposed DSM-5 classification scheme for eating disorders includes both major and minor changes to the existing DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. It is not known what effect these modifications will have on the ability to make reliable diagnoses. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the short-term test-retest reliability of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnoses: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and feeding and eating conditions not elsewhere classified. Participants completed two independent telephone interviews with research assessors (n=70 Study 1; n=55 Study 2). Fair to substantial agreements (κ= 0.80 and 0.54) were observed across eating disorder diagnoses in Study 1 and Study 2, respectively. Acceptable rates of agreement were identified for the individual eating disorder diagnoses, including DSM-5 anorexia nervosa (κ’s of 0.81 to 0.97), bulimia nervosa (κ=0.84), binge eating disorder (κ’s of 0.75 and 0.61), and feeding and eating disorders not elsewhere classified (κ’s of 0.70 and 0.46). Further, improved short-term test-retest reliability was noted when using the DSM-5, in comparison to DSM-IV, criteria for binge eating disorder. Thus, these studies found that trained interviewers can reliably diagnose eating disorders using the proposed DSM-5 criteria; however, additional data from general practice settings and community samples are needed. PMID:22401974

  16. Recent Reanalysis Activities at ECMWF: Results from ERA-20C and Plans for ERA5 (United States)

    Dragani, R.; Hersbach, H.; Poli, P.; Pebeuy, C.; Hirahara, S.; Simmons, A.; Dee, D.


    This presentation will provide an overview of the most recent reanalysis activities performed at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). A pilot reanalysis of the 20th-century (ERA-20C) has recently been completed. Funded through the European FP7 collaborative project ERA-CLIM, ERA-20C is part of a suite of experiments that also includes a model-only integration (ERA-20CM) and a land-surface reanalysis (ERA-20CL). Its data assimilation system is constrained by only surface observations obtained from ISPD (3.2.6) and ICOADS (2.5.1). Surface boundary conditions are provided by the Hadley Centre (HadISST2.1.0.0) and radiative forcing follows CMIP5 recommended data sets. First-guess uncertainty estimates are based on a 10-member ensemble of Data Assimilations, ERA-20C ensemble, run prior to ERA-20C using ten SST and sea-ice realizations from the Hadley Centre. In November 2014, the European Commission entrusted ECMWF to run on its behalf the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) aiming at producing quality-assured information about the past, current and future states of the climate at both European and global scales. Reanalysis will be one of the main components of the C3S portfolio and the first one to be produced is a global modern era reanalysis (ERA5) covering the period from 1979 onwards. Based on a recent version of the ECMWF data assimilation system, ERA5 will replace the widely used ERA-Interim dataset. This new production will benefit from a much improved model, and better characterized and exploited observations compared to its predecessor. The first part of the presentation will focus on the ERA-20C production, provide an overview of its main characteristics and discuss some of the key results from its assessment. The second part of the talk will give an overview of ERA5, and briefly discuss some of its challenges.

  17. Information Flow Scheduling in Concurrent Multi-Product Development Based on DSM (United States)

    Sun, Qing-Chao; Huang, Wei-Qiang; Jiang, Ying-Jie; Sun, Wei


    Multi-product collaborative development is adopted widely in manufacturing enterprise, while the present multi-project planning models don't take technical/data interactions of multiple products into account. To decrease the influence of technical/data interactions on project progresses, the information flow scheduling models based on the extended DSM is presented. Firstly, information dependencies are divided into four types: series, parallel, coupling and similar. Secondly, different types of dependencies are expressed as DSM units, and the extended DSM model is brought forward, described as a block matrix. Furthermore, the information flow scheduling methods is proposed, which involves four types of operations, where partitioning and clustering algorithm are modified from DSM for ensuring progress of high-priority project, merging and converting is the specific computation of the extended DSM. Finally, the information flow scheduling of two machine tools development is analyzed with example, and different project priorities correspond to different task sequences and total coordination cost. The proposed methodology provides a detailed instruction for information flow scheduling in multi-product development, with specially concerning technical/data interactions.

  18. Automation of Data Traffic Control on DSM Architecture (United States)

    Frumkin, Michael; Jin, Hao-Qiang; Yan, Jerry


    The design of distributed shared memory (DSM) computers liberates users from the duty to distribute data across processors and allows for the incremental development of parallel programs using, for example, OpenMP or Java threads. DSM architecture greatly simplifies the development of parallel programs having good performance on a few processors. However, to achieve a good program scalability on DSM computers requires that the user understand data flow in the application and use various techniques to avoid data traffic congestions. In this paper we discuss a number of such techniques, including data blocking, data placement, data transposition and page size control and evaluate their efficiency on the NAS (NASA Advanced Supercomputing) Parallel Benchmarks. We also present a tool which automates the detection of constructs causing data congestions in Fortran array oriented codes and advises the user on code transformations for improving data traffic in the application.

  19. How should we revise diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders in the DSM-V? (United States)

    Martin, Christopher S; Chung, Tammy; Langenbucher, James W


    This article reviews literature on the validity and performance characteristics of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders (SUDs) and recommends changes in these criteria that should be considered for the next edition of the DSM (DSM-V). Substantial data indicate that DSM-IV substance abuse and substance dependence are not distinct categories and that SUD criteria are best modeled as reflecting a unidimensional continuum of substance-problem severity. The conceptually and empirically problematic substance abuse diagnosis should be abandoned in the DSM-V, with substance dependence defined by a single set of criteria. Data also indicate that various individual SUD criteria should be revised, dropped, or considered for inclusion in the DSM-V. The DSM-V should provide a framework that allows the integration of categorical and dimensional approaches to diagnosis. Important areas for further research are noted. Copyright (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved.

  20. El papel de la enfermería en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista


    Sánchez Pérez, Alba


    Actualmente el Síndrome de Asperger, el autismo, el trastorno desintegrativo infantil y los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo no especificados, se aúnan en el DSM.V y este les define como un único diagnóstico, denominado Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) , de origen aún desconocido y caracterizado por una perturbación socio-comunicativa. Dicho trastorno posee unos niveles de prevalencia que van en aumento, con unos tratamientos y terapias no curativas, pero que pueden mejorar en gran...

  1. The DSM diagnostic criteria for gender identity disorder in children. (United States)

    Zucker, Kenneth J


    In this article, I review the diagnostic criteria for Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in children as they were formulated in the DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV. The article focuses on the cumulative evidence for diagnostic reliability and validity. It does not address the broader conceptual discussion regarding GID as "disorder," as this issue is addressed in a companion article by Meyer-Bahlburg (2009). This article addresses criticisms of the GID criteria for children which, in my view, can be addressed by extant empirical data. Based in part on reanalysis of data, I conclude that the persistent desire to be of the other gender should, in contrast to DSM-IV, be a necessary symptom for the diagnosis. If anything, this would result in a tightening of the diagnostic criteria and may result in a better separation of children with GID from children who display marked gender variance, but without the desire to be of the other gender.

  2. Craving as a DSM-5 Symptom of Alcohol Use Disorder in Non-Treatment Seekers. (United States)

    Hartwell, Emily E; Ray, Lara A


    DSM-5 has added craving as a new criterion and changed the diagnostic structure of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Though craving has long been a target of intervention, less is known about the impact this addition will have on prevalence and factor structure of AUD, particularly in non-treatment seeker with alcohol problems. Non-treatment seeking individuals reporting alcohol-related problems (N = 296) completed a structured clinical interview and the Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS). PACS scores greater than 20 were considered to meet diagnostic criteria for the alcohol craving symptom. This study examined DSM-IV to DSM-5 diagnostic conversion and conducted an exploratory factor analysis to test the factor structure of the DSM-5 symptoms, including craving. The mean PACS score was 13.1 and alcohol craving was strongly correlated with other measures of alcohol use. Using the proposed cut-off score of PACS > 20, 46 participants (16.2%) met criteria for alcohol craving. Craving loaded moderately (0.47) onto the retained DSM symptoms and produced a unidimensional factor structure. The majority of participants who met for a DSM-IV AUD also met for a DSM-5 AUD (98.8%). Craving prevalence using the PACS was relatively low compared to the remaining 10 DSM-5 symptoms, possibly due to the non-treatment seeking nature of the sample. Conversion of DSM-IV to DSM-5 in this sample led to a small increase in overall AUD prevalence. Craving loaded well onto a single factor structure for AUD.

  3. DSM-IV personality disorders in Mexico: results from a general population survey Trastornos de personalidad DSM-IV en México: resultados de una encuesta de población general

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corina Benjet


    últiple para estimar la prevalencia y los correlatos de los trastornos de personalidad en la muestra mexicana proporcionando una prevalencia de 4.6% Grupo A, 1.6% Grupo B, 2.4% Grupo C, y 6.1% cualquier trastorno de personalidad. Todos los grupos de trastornos de personalidad fueron significativamente comórbidos con los trastornos del Eje I del DSM-IV. Una de cada cinco personas con un trastorno de Eje-I en México presenta un trastorno de personalidad comórbido y casi la mitad de aquellos con un trastorno de personalidad presenta un trastorno del Eje I. CONCLUSIONES: Asociaciones modestas de trastornos de personalidad con discapacidad y asociaciones mayores con la utilización de servicios se debe a la comorbidad con el Eje-I. El impacto de los trastornos de personalidad en la salud pública reside en su comorbilidad con los trastornos del Eje-I y no en su impacto directo sobre el funcionamiento o la búsqueda de ayuda.

  4. La crisis de las profesiones en la “sociedad del conocimiento”

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    Jesús Martín-Barbero


    Full Text Available Frente a la transformación de los saberes y el conocimiento y los lugares tradicionales que éstos ocupaban y ante las varias crisis en la identidad y la práctica profesional: del sujeto trabajador, del profesional en la era industrial, este ensayo formula el nuevo lugar de la universidad a través de varias preguntas: ¿está esta institución auscultando, pensando, investigando, la complejidad de las relaciones entre los cambios del saber en la sociedad del conocimiento y los cambios del trabajo en una sociedad de mercado? ¿Deberá la universidad asumir como tarea propia, estructural y estratégica, hoy más que nunca, la de formular y diseñar proyectos sociales y pensar alternativas al modelo hegemónico del mercado?In the face of a transformation of knowledge and the traditional places occupied by it, and of the various crisis in professional identity and practice (the role of the professional in the post-industrial era, the working subject as such, etc. this essay puts forward the question of the new place of the university and asks several questions: Is the university diagnosing, thinking, investigating, the complexity of relations between the changes in the forms of knowledge in the knowledge society and the changes in work in a market society? Sould the university assume as its task, both structurally and strategically, and more urgent that ever, formulating and designing social proyects, and thinking alternatives to the hegemonic model of the market?

  5. Las arquitecturas pintadas, cuando Málaga no era blanca.

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    Eduardo Asenjo Rubio


    Full Text Available Se atribuye a Confucio la cita, Todo tiene belleza, pero no todos la ven, y Rosario Camacho Martínez hace justicia a ese memento filosófico, pues con su magisterio ejercido desde el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Málaga, y su amplio conocimiento sobre las arquitecturas pintadas, hizo que muchas personas e instituciones que no veían más allá de la imperfección e incorrección técnica de este legado cultural comenzaran a valorarlo de forma positiva. Precisamente, el artículo «Cuando Málaga no era blanca: La arquitectura pintada del siglo XVIII», publicado en la revista Boletín de Arte en el año 1993 fue el inicio de muchas cosas positivas que Rosario Camacho ha aportado, no solo al conocimiento científico, sino también a la propia ciudad de Málaga. Desde esa tribuna literaria que tanta satisfacciones personales y académicas le ha dado durante toda su vida explicó su característica forma de abordar este singular patrimonio: rigor científico, análisis del dato, metodología clara y comunicación del conocimiento de forma asequible y comprensible, características ampliamente elogiadas por el desaparecido y añorado maestro Juan Antonio Ramírez, a quien le unía una estrecha amistad y un profundo reconocimiento.

  6. Debating DSM-5: diagnosis and the sociology of critique. (United States)

    Pickersgill, Martyn D


    The development of the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-the DSM-5-has reenergised and driven further forward critical discourse about the place and role of diagnosis in mental health. The DSM-5 has attracted considerable criticism, not least about its role in processes of medicalisation. This paper suggests the need for a sociology of psychiatric critique. Sociological analysis can help map fields of contention, and cast fresh light on the assumptions and nuances of debate around the DSM-5; it underscores the importance of diagnosis to the governance of social and clinical life, as well as the wider discourses critical commentaries connect with and are activated by. More normatively, a sociology of critique can indicate which interests and values are structuring the dialogues being articulated, and just how diverse clinical opinion regarding the DSM can actually be. This has implications for the considerations of health services and policy decision-makers who might look to such debates for guidance. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  7. Binge Eating Disorder: A Review of a New "DSM" Diagnosis (United States)

    Myers, Laura L.; Wiman, Allison M.


    In 1994, binge eating disorder (BED) was introduced as a disorder requiring further study in the "American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders", fourth edition ("DSM-IV"). It is now listed as a distinct eating disorder in the "DSM-5", along with bulimia nervosa and anorexia…

  8. Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM


    Li, Y.; Zhu, L.; Tachibana, K.; Shimamura, H.


    This paper presents a method of reshaping and extraction of markers and masks of the dense houses from the DSM based on mathematical morphology (MM). Houses in a digital surface model (DSM) are almost joined together in high-density housing areas, and most segmentation methods cannot completely separate them. We propose to label the markers of the buildings firstly and segment them into masks by watershed then. To avoid detecting more than one marker for a house or no marker at all d...

  9. DSM [demand-side management] opportunities in Alberta: An economist's perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodward, R.S.


    In Alberta, utility companies are placing increasing attention on demand-side management (DSM) as one option for meeting future demand. Some basic economic principles are provided to yield a guideline on how much a utility should be spending on DSM initiatives. For the case of financial incentives to customers, it is shown that subsidies based on sound economic principles will enable the utility to charge lower overall rates to customers receiving the subsidy without raising other customers' rates. Moving outside of a well-understood market-based system and into a fully centralized planning approach to DSM eliminates a critical link between utilities and their customers. In Alberta, DSM measures appropriate in other regions will not be appropriate due to the province's unique supply and demand characteristics. Most of Alberta's electricity supply comes from low-cost coal-fired plants. On the demand-side, there is a significant concentration of large industrial and commercial consumers, notably in the oil and gas industry, and there is essentially no demand for electric heating in homes since natural gas is very abundant. The Alberta integrated power system currently operates at a load factor of ca 77%, reflecting the large industrial demand and the absence of a winter peaking effect associated with electrical heating requirements. A relatively small difference in embedded and incremental electricity supply costs means that utilities have little to spend on DSM programs. The identification of cost-effective DSM opportunities, most of which are likely to be found in the industrial sector, requires a considerable amount of detailed information on consumer behavior and close collaboration between utility and customer

  10. Financial incentives for DSM [demand-side management]: Theory and practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reid, M.W.


    Recent efforts to provide incentives for electric utilities in the USA to undertake demand-side management (DSM) programs are reviewed. The major need for incentives is seen as the overcoming of disincentives inherent in traditional regulation that affect utilities' interest in, and motivation for, DSM programs. These disincentives include the failure to recover all program costs, loss of revenues, and loss of financial opportunity. In addition, utilities seldom perceive DSM as a low-risk proposition; principal areas of concern include regulatory risk, competitive risk, and balance sheet risk. In view of these disincentives and risks, any DSM program therefore should provide for full and timely recovery of all program costs; adjust for DSM-induced revenue losses; and counterbalance risk and loss of financial opportunity by providing a bonus above cost. Three utility-specific incentive proposals are presented for the case of utilities in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Each of these programs meets the goal of overcoming the disincentives that surround utility DSM programs. The most significant differences across the mechanisms are found in the bonus component. Mechanisms that reduce the utility's uncertainty about the receipt of a bonus by providing it in a lump sum will likely prove more powerful motivators than those that spread the bonus out over a period of years. Use of preapproved per-unit or per-customer impact measurements reduces uncertainty and thus increases the apparent value of the bonus. Annual review of program plans and assumed impacts, supported by continuing evaluation activities, minimizes the risk that the utilities will gamble with the system or receive excessive awards. 6 refs

  11. How to fit demand side management (DSM) into current Chinese electricity system reform?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Yongzhen


    DSM is one of the best and most practical policy tools available to China for balancing environmental protection and economic growth. The new round of electricity system reform provides a good opportunity to consolidate and integrate DSM policy and expedite its development and implementation. DSM policy can be upgraded by incorporating it into the current electricity system reform. Comparing the potential acceleration of electricity price reform with the possibility of imposing a System Benefit Charge (SBC), the author argues that support for a SBC would be much easier to gather among policymakers and stakeholders in a short time and would have a much better policy effect in the current situation. The author discusses three kinds of price discrimination related to the DSM development in China: time-based electricity pricing, electricity price discrimination for industrial structure adjustment in China (Fujian Province as a case), and direct power purchases by large customers and preferential tariff policy. These can be well designed to be combined with DSM and energy efficiency policy. - Highlights: ► Elements of DSM have been in place since 1993, but without even and reinforced policy. ► DSM can be upgraded by fitting it into current Chinese electricity system reform. ► Both electricity price reform and SBC would mean increases in electricity payment. ►Imposing SBC is much easier and better than speeding up electricity price reform. ► Three kinds of price discrimination can be well designed to be combined with DSM.

  12. Classical Belief Conditioning and its Generalization to DSm Theory

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Daniel, Milan


    Roč. 2, č. 4 (2008), s. 267-279 ISSN 1752-8917 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1ET100300419 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : belief functions * Dempster-Shafer theory * belief conditioning * DSm theory * overlapping elements * hyper-power set * DSm model Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  13. How Do DSM-5 Personality Traits Align With Schema Therapy Constructs?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach, Bo; Lee, Christopher; Mortensen, Erik Lykke


    therapy was developed for treating personality disorders, and it has achieved promising evidence. The authors examined associations between DSM-5 traits and schema therapy constructs in a mixed sample of 662 adults, including 312 clinical participants. Associations were investigated in terms of factor......DSM-5 offers an alternative model of personality pathology that includes 25 traits. Although personality disorders are mostly treated with psychotherapy, the correspondence between DSM-5 traits and concepts in evidence-based psychotherapy has not yet been evaluated adequately. Suitably, schema...

  14. [An approach to DSM-5: a breakthrough in psychiatry?]. (United States)

    Heerlein, Andrés L


    One of the main problems of current psychiatry is that its diagnostic classification systems are not precise and reliable, they do not help to identify with certainty a specific type of mental disorder and they frequently overlap two or more diagnoses. This may conduce to over diagnosis and overtreatment, which is the main criticism of the DSM system. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) launched recently the DSM-5, the fifth edition of its diagnostic manual, which provides diagnostic criteria for thousands of psychiatrist, psychologist and researchers and who will be using it in the next coming years. DSM-5, like the preceding editions, placed disorders in discrete categories such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. The problem is that scientists have been unable to find yet a genetic or neurobiological evidence to support the theory of mental disorders as separate categories. Several authors wanted the latest DSM to move away from the category model towards a new "dimensional approach", where disorders can be measured and mental illnesses overlapping can be reduced. Recent findings supports this new dimensional strategy, suggesting that the disorders are a product of shared risk factors that lead to abnormalities in specific drives, which can be measured and used to place persons on one of several spectra. In some parts the DSM-5 entered changes aiming to achieve a greater objectivity. The door for new changes in each category, dimension or criteria has been opened, favoring an evidence-based development of the future versions. DSM-5 is presented as a "living document" that can be updated easily. However, the category model still remains for many disorders. The future research in psychiatric diagnostic systems requires more genetic-molecular and neurophysiological evidence and more objective multinational field trials, in order to confirm the existence of the new diagnostic entities, spectrums or dimensions. This approach may provide us reliable

  15. La gran red: una era nueva entre la ciencia y el mito

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    María del Rosario Contepomi


    Full Text Available El propósito del trabajo es relacionar concepciones en torno al concepto red adoptadas por el movimiento espiritualista "Nueva Era" de la ciudad de Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, con aquellas planteadas por teóricos de la "Era de la Información y Comunicación" en el campo de las ciencias sociales. Dadas la complejidad y amplitud que se atribuye a esta noción, hemos denominado la Gran Red a esa construcción fáctica y virtual a la que se le asignan múltiples denominaciones: interconexión, interrelación, articulación. Estos complejos y heterogéneos vínculos se desarrollan entre elementos, dimensiones y niveles diferentes, tales como materialidad y espiritualidad, hombre y naturaleza, sociedad e individuo. Conforme a ello, nos preguntamos respecto a las creencias religiosas, creaciones ideológicas, producciones científicas o construcciones mitológicas que conforman el mundo-red de la cosmovisión la Nueva Era y la cultura-red de los enfoques socio-antropológicos.The purpose of this work is to relate conceptions around the concept of net adopted by the spiritualist movement "New Era" from the city of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, with those considered by theorists of the "Era of Information and Communication" in the field of Social Sciences. Given the complexity and range that it is attributed to this notion we have designated the Great Net to that factual and virtual construction which is assigned multiple names: interconnection, interrelation, articulation. These complex and heterogeneous links develop among elements, dimensions and different levels, such as material nature and spirituality, man and nature, society and the individual. In accordance with that we ask ourselves regarding religious beliefs, ideological creations, scientific productions or mythological constructions that constitute the world-net of the view of the world of the New Era and the culture-net of the socio-anthropological approaches.

  16. Classification of body dysmorphic disorder - what is the advantage of the new DSM-5 criteria? (United States)

    Schieber, Katharina; Kollei, Ines; de Zwaan, Martina; Martin, Alexandra


    In DSM-5 the diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) has been subjected to two important changes: Firstly, BDD has been assigned to the category of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Secondly, a new criterion has been defined requiring the presence of repetitive behaviors or mental acts in response to appearance concerns. The aims of this study were to report the prevalence rates of BDD based on a DSM-5 diagnosis, and to evaluate the impact of the recently introduced DSM-5 criteria for BDD by comparing the prevalence rates (DSM-5 vs. BDD-criteria (DSM-IV/DSM-5), dysmorphic concerns, and depressive symptoms, were assessed in a representative sample of the German general population (N=2129, aged 18-65years). The association between BDD case identification based on DSM-IV and DSM-5 was strong (Phi=.95, p<.001), although point prevalence of BDD according to DSM-5 was slightly lower (2.9%, n=62 vs. 3.2%, n=68). Approximately one third of the identified BDD (DSM-5) cases reported time-consuming behavioral acts in response to appearance concerns. In detail, 0.8% of the German general population fulfilled the BDD criteria and reported repetitive acts of at least one hour/day. The revised criteria of BDD in DSM-5 do not seem to have an impact on prevalence rates. However, the recently added B-criterion reflects more precisely the clinical symptoms of BDD, and may be useful for distinguishing between various severity levels related to repetitive behaviors/mental acts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. 78 FR 77384 - DSM Nutritional Products; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use) (United States)


    .... FDA-2013-F-1539] DSM Nutritional Products; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use) AGENCY: Food... (FDA) is announcing that DSM Nutritional Products has filed a petition proposing that the food additive... U.S.C. 348(b)(5)), notice is given that a food additive petition (FAP 2276) has been filed by DSM...

  18. Commentary on the Inclusion of Persistent Complex Bereavement-Related Disorder in DSM-5 (United States)

    Boelen, Paul A.; Prigerson, Holly G.


    The DSM-5 Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum, Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorders Work Group has proposed criteria for Persistent Complex Bereavement-Related Disorder (PCBRD) for inclusion in the appendix of DSM-5. The authors feel that it is important that dysfunctional grief will become a formal condition in DSM-5 because that would…

  19. Policy redesign for solving the financial bottleneck in demand side management (DSM) in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Yongzhen


    DSM is one of the best and most practical policy tools for China to balance environmental protection and economic growth. However, the bottleneck lies in the lack of long-term, stable, sufficient and gradually increasing funds to flow into DSM projects. The author redesigns the practical 'system benefit charge (SBC)' policy, which will provide long-term and stable funding for DSM, the policy to facilitate the financial support from banking sector and capital market, and investigates the possibility of DSM funding from CDM projects. SBC is the best way to boost long-term stable and sufficient funding for DSM at present in China. The current low inflation rate and natural resource price are favored to expedite the implementation of SBC and DSM developments. With regard to the uneven development, China needs to design relative policies to offset the impact in different areas, such as tax reduction and fiscal subsides. It is time for China to develop a definite and clear target and timetable to implement DSM, which will give the public and enterprises a definite and clear expectation for the future. The government should publicize a clear and integrated DSM development plan and relative policy outline in the near, medium, and long term. (author)

  20. Utility DSM Programs from 1989 Through 1998: Continuation or Cross-Roads?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hadley, S.


    Over the past five years, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has been collecting data annually from US electric utilities on their demand-side management (DSM) programs, both current and projected. The latest data cover activities for 1993 and projections for 1994 and 1998. In 1993, 991 utilities operated DSM programs. That year, they spent $2.8 billion, a 13% increase over 1992 expenditures. These and earlier DSM programs saved 44,000 GWh of energy and reduced potential peak demand by 40,000 MW, 30% and 22% increases over the 1992 values, respectively. While some people predict the demise of electric-utility DSM programs, the data do not paint so bleak a picture. In most parts of the country, DSM programs grew in 1993 and utilities (as of Spring 1994) projected continued growth through 1998. Expenditures grew from 1.3% of revenues in 1992 to 1.5% in 1993, and are expected to grow 2.5% per year faster than inflation, which is equivalent to revenue growth. Thus, DSM spending is expected to stay constant at 1.5% of revenues through 1998. Because of the cumulative effect of DSM programs, energy savings are expected to grow from 1.2% of sales in 1992 to 1.6% in 1993 and 3.0% in 1998. Potential-peak reductions are expected to increase from 5.9% of peak demand in 1992 to 6.8% in 1993 and 8.9% in 1998. However, the growth in spending is not as rapid as the 8% annual real growth projected a year earlier. Actual expenditures in 1993 were 6.5% lower than projected early that year. Energy savings, on the other hand, were the same as projected earlier. Potential peak reductions were actually 9% higher than previously projected.

  1. Developmental trauma, complex PTSD, and the current proposal of DSM-5

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vedat Sar


    Full Text Available This paper evaluates representation of clinical consequences of developmental psychological trauma in the current proposal of DSM-5. Despite intensive efforts by its proponents for two decades, it is not known yet if Complex PTSD will take a place in the final version of DSM-5. Recognition of dissociative character of several symptom dimensions and introduction of items about negative affects such as shame and guilt imply an indirect improvement toward better coverage of the consequences of developmental trauma in the existing category of PTSD. As disorders with highest prevalence of chronic traumatization in early years of life, dissociative disorders and personality disorder of borderline type are maintained as DSM-5 categories; however, recognition of a separate type of trauma-related personality disorder is unlikely. While a preschooler age variant of PTSD is under consideration, the proposed diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder (child version of Complex PTSD has not secured a place in the DSM-5 yet. We welcome considerations of subsuming Adjustment Disorders, Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD, and Dissociative Disorders under one rubric, i.e., Section of Trauma, Stress, or Event Related Disorders. Given the current conceptualization of DSM-5, this paper proposes Complex PTSD to be a subtype of the DSM-5 PTSD. Composition of a trauma-related disorders section would facilitate integration of knowledge and expertise about interrelated and overlapping consequences of trauma.For the abstract or full text in other languages, please see Supplementary files under Reading Tools online

  2. DSM in restructured jurisdictions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fraser, M.


    The impact of regulatory restructuring on demand side management (DSM) was reviewed, drawing on the experiences gained in Norway, England and New Zealand, with a view to determining alternative motivators for energy efficiency in the absence of regulations. The implications of deregulation were examined. It was found that each of the three countries was forced to return to the question of DSM and energy services programs, and the role of utilities. Evidence seemed to indicate that with the removal of the shielding effect of regulation on the utilities generation market, the difference in investment payback between generators and suppliers was likely to approach the levels that exist in other segment of the economy, thus pricing market failure is likely to be removed. However, other market failures may well remain, such as (1) attention to environmental externalities, (2) consumers` inability to influence the efficiency or use of energy consuming equipment, (3) consumers` difficulty in acquiring information on efficiency measures, and in implementing such measures. In view of the Rio de Janeiro obligations policy makers will have to find market mechanisms to remedy these shortcomings. 16 refs.

  3. Vorrei ma non posso. L'esperienza del non realizzato nella pratica artistica contemporanea. Un'intervista con Luca Trevisani

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    Valentina Rossi


    Full Text Available Le domande in questa intervista seguono e riprendono l’intervento di Luca Trevisani al convegno tenutosi nel novembre del 2013 presso il Museo del Novecento di Milano. Trevisani era stato invitato per “rappresentare” una nuova generazione di artisti, che, nati tra gli anni Settanta e i primi anni Ottanta si sono trovati ad operare proprio all’inizio del nuovo millennio.

  4. Determining optimum levels of DSM [demand-side management] as a supply-side resource

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giles, S.H.; Mitchell, E.D.


    San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDGE) recommends the evaluation of demand-side management as a supply-side resource. The advantages of concurrent economic analysis of DSM options with other traditional sources represents a significant improvement over analysis either before or after the development of a resource plan. The evaluation of utility-sponsored DSM programs that provide system benefits that include deferment of capacity additions and improvements in more efficient system operation should be evaluated side-by-side with traditional resources that provide similar benefits. The utility decision to either provide capital costs to construct a power plant or make demand payments for a power purchase is directly analogous to the decision to provide funding for a DSM program that would defer these same investments. Both types of decision represent utility control over investment decisions that allow the utility to provide reliable, low-cost power to its customers. SDGE has also had experience with using generation expansion scenarios to test different levels of pre-selected packages of DSM programs, attempting to evaluate the total costs of system expansion for each of the different packages. This method was fraught with problems, and the best information that could be gained was if the selection of DSM packages happened to bracket a lower cost scenario, when it could reasonably be assumed that both smaller and larger levels of DSM were not as cost effective as the intermediate level. However, in many cases the selection of DSM programs did not produce this result and the important question of whether individual DSM programs were worthwhile when evaluated individually, or whether the lowest cost scenario would be improved with more or less DSM, could not be answered

  5. 77 FR 71750 - DSM Nutritional Products; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use) (United States)


    .... FDA-2012-F-1100] DSM Nutritional Products; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use) AGENCY: Food... (FDA) is announcing that DSM Nutritional Products has filed a petition proposing that the food additive...) (21 U.S.C. 348(b)(5))), notice is given that a food additive petition (FAP 2273) has been filed by DSM...

  6. An Item Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Conduct Disorder (United States)

    Gelhorn, Heather; Hartman, Christie; Sakai, Joseph; Mikulich-Gilbertson, Susan; Stallings, Michael; Young, Susan; Rhee, Soo; Corley, Robin; Hewitt, John; Hopfer, Christian; Crowley, Thomas


    Interviews with over 3,000 adolescents were made to evaluate the extent to which DSM-IV criteria characterizes the range of severity of adolescent antisocial behavior within and across sex. The DSM-IV conduct disorder (CD) criteria are a useful indicator of severe adolescent antisocial behavior but some CD criteria display sex bias.

  7. How does relaxing the algorithm for autism affect DSM-V prevalence rates? (United States)

    Matson, Johnny L; Hattier, Megan A; Williams, Lindsey W


    Although it is still unclear what causes autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), over time researchers and clinicians have become more precise with detecting and diagnosing ASD. Many diagnoses, however, are based on the criteria established within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); thus, any change in these diagnostic criteria can have a great effect upon children with ASD and their families. It is predicted that the prevalence of ASD diagnoses will dramatically decrease with the adoption of the proposed DSM-5 criteria in 2013. The aim of this current study was to inspect the changes in prevalence first using a diagnostic criteria set which was modified slightly from the DSM-5 criteria (Modified-1 criteria) and again using a set of criteria which was relaxed even a bit more (Modified-2 criteria). Modified-1 resulted in 33.77 % fewer toddlers being diagnosed with ASD compared to the DSM-IV, while Modified-2 resulted in only a 17.98 % decrease in ASD diagnoses. Children diagnosed with the DSM-5 criteria exhibited the greatest levels of autism symptomatology, but the Mod-1, Mod-2, and DSM-IV groups still demonstrated significant impairments. Implications of these findings are discussed.

  8. Sobre la obsolescencia del positivismo jurídico (Una aproximación desde la historia del pensamiento

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    Luis M. Lloredo Alix


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Una de las cuestiones más debatidas en la filosofía del Derecho de los últimos años es la de la obsolescencia del positivismo jurídico: ¿sigue siendo el iuspositivismo una corriente de pensamiento vigente? ¿Hemos trascendido sus fundamentos, entrando así en una nueva era? ¿O bien estamos asistiendo a un momento de quiebra de sus bases, es decir, a caballo entre dos etapas? El objetivo de esta comunicación es encarar esta pregunta desde una aproximación no muy transitada para afrontar este problema en la discusión contemporánea: la historia del pensamiento. Concretamente, veremos cómo la caracterización canónica del positivismo no sirve para dar cuenta de un largo elenco de teorías positivistas decimonónicas y cómo, desde este prisma, se puede iluminar la cuestión acerca de la pretendida obsolescencia que se le achaca en los últimos años. ABSTRACTOne of the most debated questions in contemporary Law’s Philosophy is the problem about the obsolescence of legal positivism: is still legal positivism a valid theory of law? Have we transcended its constitutive basis, stepping into a new era? Or are we rather just watching the moment in which those fundaments sink, that is, at the middle of two different periods? The aim of this paper is to face this question from an unusual approach in the current discussion about legal positivism: the History of Legal Thought. Concretely, we will try to proof how the canonical definition of positivism does not provide an adequate frame to understand a significant number of positivist theories from 19th century. Furthermore we will see how the problem of its pretended obsolescence can be better faced from that point of view.

  9. The myth of DSM's invention of new categories of disorder: Houts's diagnostic discontinuity thesis disconfirmed. (United States)

    Wakefield, J C


    Houts (2001) argues that increases in DSM diagnostic categories are due to the invention of new disorders that are discontinuous with old conceptions of disorder and would not have been previously diagnosed. He maintains that DSM category increases are not comparable in nature to ICD category increases, which are mainly refinements of recognized disorders. I survey categories of disorder introduced after DSM-II and assess whether they are discontinuous with old concepts and categories of disorder. Candidate categories are identified from: Houts and Follette (1998), Mentalism, mechanisms, and medical analogues: Reply to Wakefield. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Kutchins and Kirk (1997) Making us crazy: DSM: The psychiatric bible and the creation of mental disorders. New York: Free Press; and my own list. The result is that virtually none of the candidate categories are invented, discontinuous categories. In almost every case, the newly labeled conditions were considered disorders at the time of DSM-II and would have been diagnosed under DSM-II categories. I also reexamine DSM-IV sleep disorder categories, which Houts claims are discontinuous with past diagnostic conceptions. The result is that all DSM-IV sleep disorders were recognized as disorders at the time of DSM-II, and most were recognized as mental disorders. I conclude that DSM category increases are comparable in nature to ICD category increases, and that the invention-of-disorder account cannot explain the vast majority of such increases.

  10. Características del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad en escolares mexicanos de acuerdo con la percepción de los padres

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    Omar Barrios


    Full Text Available El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH es uno de los trastornos del neurodesarrollo que más se detectan en la infancia. El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la prevalencia del TDAH en una muestra de niños mexicanos de edad escolar. Se estudiaron 6639 alumnos de escuelas públicas de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, a los que se les levantó una encuesta con el informe de los padres en un cuestionario diseñado bajo los criterios que el DSM-IV considera para el diagnóstico de TDAH. Se recuperaron y analizaron 4399 cuestionarios. De acuerdo con el informe de los padres, el 8.9% de los niños tienen un perfil de conductas compatibles con los criterios del DSM-IV para el diagnóstico de TDAH. La proporción masculino:femenino fue de 2:1. La distribución por subtipos fue: 147 escolares con tipo combinado, 132 inatento y 114 del tipo hiperactivo-impulsivo. La prevalencia fue mayor del primero al tercer grado que del cuarto al sexto. La prevalencia de TDAH calculada se encuentra dentro del rango informado en otros países. Los estudios realizados en grandes muestras son útiles para diseñar estrategias de intervención acordes a la población en cuestión.

  11. Operationalization of diagnostic criteria of DSM-5 somatic symptom disorders. (United States)

    Xiong, Nana; Zhang, Yaoyin; Wei, Jing; Leonhart, Rainer; Fritzsche, Kurt; Mewes, Ricarda; Hong, Xia; Cao, Jinya; Li, Tao; Jiang, Jing; Zhao, Xudong; Zhang, Lan; Schaefert, Rainer


    The aim of this study was to test the operationalization of DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder (SSD) psychological criteria among Chinese general hospital outpatients. This multicenter, cross-sectional study enrolled 491 patients from 10 general hospital outpatient departments. The structured clinical "interview about cognitive, affective, and behavioral features associated with somatic complaints" was used to operationalize the SSD criteria B. For comparison, DSM-IV somatoform disorders were assessed with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview plus. Cohen's к scores were given to illustrate the agreement of the diagnoses. A three-structure model of the interview, within which items were classified as respectively assessing the cognitive (B1), affective (B2), and behavioral (B3) features, was examined. According to percentages of screening-positive persons and the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis, a cut-off point of 2 was recommended for each subscale of the interview. With the operationalization, the frequency of DSM-5 SSD was estimated as 36.5% in our sample, and that of DSM-IV somatoform disorders was 8.2%. The agreement between them was small (Cohen's к = 0.152). Comparisons of sociodemographic features of SSD patients with different severity levels (mild, moderate, severe) showed that mild SSD patients were better-off in terms of financial and employment status, and that the severity subtypes were congruent with the level of depression, anxiety, quality of life impairment, and the frequency of doctor visits. The operationalization of the diagnosis and severity specifications of SSD was valid, but the diagnostic agreement between DSM-5 SSD and DSM-IV somatoform disorders was small. The interpretation the SSD criteria should be made cautiously, so that the diagnosis would not became over-inclusive.

  12. De la gestión de la información a la socialización del conocimiento. Reflexiones From the information management to socialization of knowledge. Reflections

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    Yaisel Lorenzo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presentan algunas reflexiones influenciadas por la era de la información tecnológica, de la sociedad de la información y del mundo digital en que vivimos y del cual aprendemos. Se quiere indagar cómo se da la socialización del conocimiento de temas educativos, su relación con las herramientas socializadoras en la era del Web 2.0 y las repercusiones de ese tipo de conocimiento en los sujetos implicados. El siguiente trabajo busca explicar los aportes de las herramientas socializadoras del conocimiento. Se exponen conceptos fundamentales relacionados con la gestión de información, obtención y socialización de conocimientos y algunas consideraciones sobre ciertos elementos claves de este proceso como son: el recurso humano y las intranets.Some reflections are presented which are influenced by the technological information era, by the Information Society and by the digital world in which we live and learn. To ascertain how to teach the socialization of knowledge of educative themes, its relationship with the socializing tools in the Web2.0 era and the repercussions of this kind of knowledge in the individuals enrolled. The present work tries to explain the contributions of the socializing tools of knowledge. The essential concepts related to the information management, the learning and socialization of knowledge are exposed as well as some considerations on certain key elements like manpower and the intranets.

  13. Food Addiction in the Light of DSM-5

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    Adrian Meule


    Full Text Available The idea that specific kind of foods may have an addiction potential and that some forms of overeating may represent an addicted behavior has been discussed for decades. In recent years, the interest in food addiction is growing and research on this topic lead to more precise definitions and assessment methods. For example, the Yale Food Addiction Scale has been developed for the measurement of addiction-like eating behavior based on the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence of the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV. In 2013, diagnostic criteria for substance abuse and—dependence were merged, thereby increasing the number of symptoms for substance use disorders (SUDs in the DSM-5. Moreover, gambling disorder is now included along SUDs as a behavioral addiction. Although a plethora of review articles exist that discuss the applicability of the DSM-IV substance dependence criteria to eating behavior, the transferability of the newly added criteria to eating is unknown. Thus, the current article discusses if and how these new criteria may be translated to overeating. Furthermore, it is examined if the new SUD criteria will impact future research on food addiction, for example, if “diagnosing” food addiction should also be adapted by considering all of the new symptoms. Given the critical response to the revisions in DSM-5, we also discuss if the recent approach of Research Domain Criteria can be helpful in evaluating the concept of food addiction.

  14. Will Forensic Psychiatry survive DSM-5?

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Distorders (DSM-5) will be released in 2013, and if, as anticipated, introduces .... Apart from advertising psychiatry's ... courts, which rely greatly on precedents, but also insurance ... compulsive-impulsive disorders, and on its impact on public.

  15. DSM-5 and mental disorders in older individuals: an overview (United States)

    Sachdev, Perminder S.; Mohan, Adith; Taylor, Lauren; Jeste, Dilip V.


    About every 20 years, the American Psychiatric Association revises its official classification of mental disorders. The fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was published in 2013, exciting considerable commentary, debate and criticism. This article briefly describes the process that led to the DSM-5 and the main changes from the previous version (DSM-IV) that would be of interest to a geriatric psychiatrist. While there have been a number of changes in the areas of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders, the majority of these changes are minor and unlikely to have major treatment implications. The classification of neurocognitive disorders has however seen a major revision and elaboration in comparison with DSM-IV, with the introduction of Mild and Major Neurocognitive Disorders, the latter equated with dementia. A common language is introduced for the criteria of the various etiological subtypes of neurocognitive disorders. All physicians treating patients with neurocognitive disorders should familiarize themselves with these criteria. Their use in research has the potential to harmonize the field. PMID:26332215

  16. Memorias organizacionales en la era del almacenamiento en la nube

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    Javier De la Hoz Freyle


    Full Text Available Diversas investigaciones en el campo de la gestión del conocimiento se han centrado en el estudio de las memorias organizacionales como fórmula para obtener ventajas competitivas. La revolución de la internet ha cambiado la forma en cómo se consumen recursos de tecnologías de información (TI ya sea hardware o software, en parte gracias a la aparición de cloud computing (CC. El almacenamiento en la nube, o cloud storage (CS, es un tipo de servicio en CC que permite la gestión de archivos en internet como si se tratase de un disco duro local, creando una serie de nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo de las memorias organizacionales en el manejo de los recursos de conocimiento. En este artículo se expone una revisión de la literatura de las memorias organizacionales soportadas por CS, realizada mediante una revisión bibliográfica, para exponer sus beneficios, ventajas y dificultades, con el fin de proponer alternativas en el desarrollo de estos artefactos en la elaboración de iniciativas de gestión del conocimiento.

  17. A Test of the Empirical Profile and Coherence of the DSM-5 Psychopathy Specifier. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Lamkin, Joanna; Maples-Keller, Jessica L; Sleep, Chelsea E; Lynam, Donald R


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) introduced a psychopathy specifier (DSM-5 PS) as part of the Section III diagnostic model of antisocial personality disorder. Designed to capture the construct of fearless dominance/boldness, the DSM-5 PS is assessed on the basis of the presence of low scores on traits of withdrawal and anxiousness, and high scores on attention seeking. These constructs have garnered attention in the past decade but are the subject of substantial debate as to their role in the conceptualization and assessment of psychopathy, given their limited relations to the maladaptive outcomes typically associated with this personality disorder. In the current study (N = 340 undergraduates; 170 informants), we examined the DSM-5 PS, both in composite form and its trait subscales, to investigate the degree to which the DSM-5 PS manifested empirical profiles associated with psychopathy and its maladaptive correlates. Consistent with prior fearless dominance/boldness research, the DSM-5 PS manifested limited relations with other components of psychopathy, symptoms of DSM-5 Section II and III antisocial personality disorder, and self- and informant-related impairment scores. When examined at the individual subscale level, the 3 DSM-5 PS subscales manifested only partially overlapping profiles and only 1 of the 3-Attention Seeking-demonstrated an association with maladaptivity (e.g., externalizing behaviors). These findings raise important concerns about the coherence and utility of the DSM-5 PS as a diagnostic specifier included in a psychiatric nosology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. Psychiatry's new manual (DSM-5): ethical and conceptual dimensions. (United States)

    Blumenthal-Barby, J S


    The introduction of the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) in May 2013 is being hailed as the biggest event in psychiatry in the last 10 years. In this paper I examine three important issues that arise from the new manual:(1) Expanding nosology: Psychiatry has again broadened its nosology to include human experiences not previously under its purview (eg, binge eating disorder, internet gaming disorder, caffeine use disorder, hoarding disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder). Consequence-based ethical concerns about this expansion are addressed, along with conceptual concerns about a confusion of "construct validity" and "conceptual validity" and a failure to distinguish between "disorder" and "non disordered conditions for which we help people."(2) The role of claims about societal impact in changes in nosology: Several changes in the DSM-5 involved claims about societal impact in their rationales. This is due in part to a new online open comment period during DSM development. Examples include advancement of science, greater access to treatment, greater public awareness of condition, loss of identify or harm to those with removed disorders, stigmatization, offensiveness, etc. I identify and evaluate four importantly distinct ways in which claims about societal impact might operate in DSM development. (3) Categorisation nosology to spectrum nosology: The move to "degrees of severity" of mental disorders, a major change for DSM-5, raises concerns about conceptual clarity and uniformity concerning what it means to have a severe form of a disorder, and ethical concerns about communication. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  19. Deriving ICD-11 personality disorder domains from dsm-5 traits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach, B; Sellbom, M; Kongerslev, M


    OBJECTIVE: The personality disorder domains proposed for the ICD-11 comprise Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Dissociality, Disinhibition, and Anankastia, which are reasonably concordant with the higher-order trait domains in the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders. METHOD: We...... replication sample (N = 637) completed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). Sixteen PID-5 traits were designated to cover features of the ICD-11 trait domains. RESULTS: Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) analyzes showed that the designated traits were meaningfully organized......-11 personality disorder domains can be accurately described using designated traits from the DSM-5 personality trait system. A scoring algorithm for the ICD-11 personality disorder domains is provided in appendix....

  20. La liberazione del tempo

    CERN Document Server

    Selleri, Franco


    Negli ultimi dieci anni ho lavorato alla descrizione dei fenomeni naturali da parte di osservatori in movimento. E' un problema che molti credono risolto una volta per tutte dalle trasformazioni di Lorentz della teoria della relatività speciale (TRS nel seguito), ma che in realtà era rimasto aperto per una serie di ragioni che esporrò. Sento di dover dire che ho trovato risultati molto importanti, anche se il giudizio finale sul loro valore non può certo essere il mio. Infatti la conclusione di questa ricerca è duplice: una spiegazione dei dati empirici migliore di quella relativistica, e l'eliminazione di quegli aspetti della TRS che fanno a pugni con il buon senso; il tutto grazie alla liberazione del tempo dall'asservimento alle coordinate spaziali cui era stato costretto nello spazio a quattro dimensioni di Minkowski. La faccenda è raccontata con dovizia di particolari in un libro recente [FS]. Nel presente articolo espongo gli aspetti salienti della ricerca lasciando da parte quelli matematici.

  1. The ability of YSR scales to predict DSM/DISC-C psychiatric disorders among incarcerated male adolescents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vreugdenhil, C.; van den Brink, W.; Ferdinand, R.; Wouters, L.; Doreleijers, T.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the empirical or DSM-oriented scales of the Youth Self-Report (YSR) can be used to screen for DSM psychiatric disorders among incarcerated boys. DSM-oriented scales have recently been developed by Achenbach to enhance comparability of YSR results with DSM diagnostic

  2. Genealogía del código pedagógico del entorno

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El Conocimiento del Medio, área que se incorpora al curriculum de la Enseñanza Primaria en el contexto reformista de la LOGSE (Ley Orgánica de Ordenación del Sistema Educativo, tiene tras de sí una larga y compleja genealogía que transciende con mucho las explicaciones de la historiografía idealista y las justificaciones de carácter técnico o psicopedagógico.En este artículo planteo ciertas perspectivas teóricas que orientan una investigación destinada a desvelar la génesis sociohistórica del código pedagógico del entorno. A modo ilustrativo se expone una muestra de los discursos, las prácticas, las normas y otros ingredientes que intervinieron en el largo proceso de codificación de la didáctica del medio o entorno; ingredientes originalmente inventados y sedimentados en contextos pedagógicos en estrecha relación con los modos de educación. Por otra parte, mi indagación, de la que el lector obtendrá aquí una panorámica significativa, responde a un interés intelectual, compartido y socializado en un colectivo que tiene el ambicioso proyecto de contribuir elocuentemente a desvelar los discursos y las prácticas de los sistemas de enseñanza en la era del capitalismo.ABSTRACT: The knowledge of environment, subject incorporated in the curriculum of Primary School in the reforming context of the LOGSE (Organic Law of General Planning of the Educational System, has behind it a long and complex genealogy which by far goes beyond the explanations of the idealistic historiography and the justifications of technical or psychopedagogical nature. In this article I raise certain theoretical prospectives which orientate an investigation meant to unveil the sociohistorical genesis of the pedagogical code of environment. In an illustrative way an example of the discourses, the practices, norms and other ingredients is displayed/shown, which took part in the long process of codification of the environmental didactics

  3. Los problemas del abastecimiento del pan en Extremadura. La ciudad de Trujillo (1550-1610

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    Full Text Available Es evidente que uno de los mayores problemas con los que se enfrentan los municipios castellanos a lo largo del periodo moderno es conseguir las provisiones y alimentos necesarios para atender la demanda social. En efecto, asegurar la subsistencia diaria constituía la principal preocupación de los consumidores, lo cual conllevaba que hubiese una gran «coupure économique entre les biens de subsistance et l'ensemble des autres biens». Coincidimos con J.Y. Grenier que, en el modelo de economía preindustrial, el mercado del trigo era determinante y clave dentro de un mercado mayoritario de subsistencia, a diferencia de la carne y el vestido que suponían mercados con una menor demanda; es decir, mercados de lujo.

  4. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM-5: Controversy, Change, and Conceptual Considerations


    Pai, Anushka; Suris, Alina M.; North, Carol S.


    The criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD have changed considerably with the newest edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Changes to the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV to DSM-5 include: the relocation of PTSD from the anxiety disorders category to a new diagnostic category named “Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders”, the elimination of the subjective component to the definition of trauma, the exp...

  5. Cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento: el estado del arte (United States)

    Yampolsky, Claudio; Bendersky, Damián


    Introducción: La cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. Dividimos su historia en 3 eras: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las tícnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda era. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera era, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) comienza a ser usada en CTC. Resultados: A pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que se más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía son: depresión refractaria, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y síndrome de Tourette. Además, algunos pacientes con agresividad fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. Hay varios blancos estereotácticos descriptos para estos trastornos. La estimulación vagal puede ser usada también para depresión. Conclusión: Los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en varios temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos. PMID:25165612

  6. Are symptoms of spirit possessed patients covered by the DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria for possession trance disorder? A mixed-method explorative study in Uganda

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Duijl, M.; Kleyn, W.; de Jong, J.


    Introduction and aims As in many cultures, spirit possession is a common idiom of distress in Uganda. The DSM-IV contains experimental research criteria for dissociative and possession trance disorder (DTD and PTD), which are under review for the DSM-5. In the current proposed categories of the

  7. Evaluation of the DSM-5 severity indicator for bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Grilo, Carlos M; Ivezaj, Valentina; White, Marney A


    This study examined the DSM-5 severity criterion for bulimia nervosa (BN) based on the frequency of inappropriate weight compensatory behaviors. 199 community volunteers classified with BN were categorized using DSM-5 severity levels and compared on demographic and clinical variables. 77 (39%) participants were categorized as mild, 68 (34%) as moderate, 32 (16%) as severe, and 22 (11%) as extreme. The severity groups did not differ significantly in demographic variables or body mass index. Shape and Weight concerns did not differ significantly across severity groups. Binge eating differed with the extreme group having significantly higher frequency than the severe, moderate, and mild groups, which did not differ from each other. Restraint differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than the mild group. Eating concerns differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than moderate and mild groups. Depression differed with the extreme group having significantly higher levels than severe, moderate, and mild groups, which did not differ from each other. Findings from this non-clinical group provide new, albeit modest, support for DSM-5 severity rating for BN based on frequency of inappropriate weight compensatory behaviors. Statistical findings indicate that differences in collateral clinical variables associated with the DSM-5 severity ratings reflect small effect sizes. Further research is needed with treatment-seeking patient groups with BN to establish the validity of the DSM-5 severity specifier and should include broader clinical and functional validators. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Dimensional indicators of generalized anxiety disorder severity for DSM-V. (United States)

    Niles, Andrea N; Lebeau, Richard T; Liao, Betty; Glenn, Daniel E; Craske, Michelle G


    For DSM-V, simple dimensional measures of disorder severity will accompany diagnostic criteria. The current studies examine convergent validity and test-retest reliability of two potential dimensional indicators of worry severity for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): percent of the day worried and number of worry domains. In study 1, archival data from diagnostic interviews from a community sample of individuals diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorders (n = 233) were used to assess correlations between percent of the day worried and number of worry domains with other measures of worry severity (clinical severity rating (CSR), age of onset, number of comorbid disorders, Penn state worry questionnaire (PSWQ)) and DSM-IV criteria (excessiveness, uncontrollability and number of physical symptoms). Both measures were significantly correlated with CSR and number of comorbid disorders, and with all three DSM-IV criteria. In study 2, test-retest reliability of percent of the day worried and number of worry domains were compared to test-retest reliability of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria in a non-clinical sample of undergraduate students (n = 97) at a large west coast university. All measures had low test-retest reliability except percent of the day worried, which had moderate test-retest reliability. Findings suggest that these two indicators capture worry severity, and percent of the day worried may be the most reliable existing indicator. These measures may be useful as dimensional measures for DSM-V. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Measures of Narcissism and Their Relations to DSM-5 Pathological Traits: A Critical Reappraisal. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Lynam, Donald R; Campbell, W Keith


    There exists substantial debate about how to best assess pathological narcissism with a variety of measures designed to assess grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, as well as the DSM-IV and DSM-5 based conceptualizations of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Wright and colleagues published correlations between several narcissism measures (Narcissistic Personality Inventory [NPI]; Pathological Narcissism Inventory [PNI]; Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire [PDQ] NPD) with the traits comprising the DSM-5 Section III personality trait model. In the current study, we examine the agreement manifested by Wright and colleagues' narcissism-DSM-5 trait profiles with expert ratings of the DSM-5 traits most relevant to descriptions of DSM-IV NPD. Despite concerns regarding the NPI's ability to measure pathological narcissism, its trait profile was strongly correlated with expert ratings, as was PDQ NPD's profile. Conversely, the trait profiles associated with the PNI were primarily uncorrelated with the expert rated NPD profile. The implications of these findings with regard to the assessment of narcissism are discussed. © The Author(s) 2014.

  10. Validity of proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for nicotine use disorder: results from 734 Israeli lifetime smokers (United States)

    Shmulewitz, D.; Wall, M.M.; Aharonovich, E.; Spivak, B.; Weizman, A.; Frisch, A.; Grant, B. F.; Hasin, D.


    Background The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) proposes aligning nicotine use disorder (NUD) criteria with those for other substances, by including the current DSM fourth edition (DSM-IV) nicotine dependence (ND) criteria, three abuse criteria (neglect roles, hazardous use, interpersonal problems) and craving. Although NUD criteria indicate one latent trait, evidence is lacking on: (1) validity of each criterion; (2) validity of the criteria as a set; (3) comparative validity between DSM-5 NUD and DSM-IV ND criterion sets; and (4) NUD prevalence. Method Nicotine criteria (DSM-IV ND, abuse and craving) and external validators (e.g. smoking soon after awakening, number of cigarettes per day) were assessed with a structured interview in 734 lifetime smokers from an Israeli household sample. Regression analysis evaluated the association between validators and each criterion. Receiver operating characteristic analysis assessed the association of the validators with the DSM-5 NUD set (number of criteria endorsed) and tested whether DSM-5 or DSM-IV provided the most discriminating criterion set. Changes in prevalence were examined. Results Each DSM-5 NUD criterion was significantly associated with the validators, with strength of associations similar across the criteria. As a set, DSM-5 criteria were significantly associated with the validators, were significantly more discriminating than DSM-IV ND criteria, and led to increased prevalence of binary NUD (two or more criteria) over ND. Conclusions All findings address previous concerns about the DSM-IV nicotine diagnosis and its criteria and support the proposed changes for DSM-5 NUD, which should result in improved diagnosis of nicotine disorders. PMID:23312475

  11. Valoración de la superficie del dializador en la hemodiafiltración on-line. Elección objetiva de la superficie del dializador

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    Francisco Maduell


    Conclusión: El incremento del 40% y el 80% de la superficie conlleva un aumento del volumen convectivo de un 6 y un 16% respectivamente, aunque se evidenció una reducción en su máximo rendimiento, mostrando mínimas diferencias tanto en el volumen convectivo como en la capacidad depurativa cuando el CUF era superior a 45 ml/h/mmHg. Es recomendable optimizar el rendimiento de los dializadores a la mínima superficie posible adecuando la prescripción de tratamiento.

  12. Psychological factors affecting medical condition: a new proposal for DSM-V. (United States)

    Fava, Giovanni A; Fabbri, Stefania; Sirri, Laura; Wise, Thomas N


    The DSM category of "psychological factors affecting medical condition" had virtually no impact on clinical practice. However, several clinically relevant psychosomatic syndromes have been described in the literature: disease phobia, persistent somatization, conversion symptoms, illness denial, demoralization, and irritable mood. These syndromes, in addition to the DSM definition of hypochondriasis, can yield clinical specification in the category of "psychological factors affecting medical condition" and eliminate the need for the highly criticized DSM classification of somatoform disorders. This new classification is supported by a growing body of research evidence and is in line with psychosomatic medicine as a recognized subspecialty.

  13. Continuity between DSM-5 Categorical Criteria and Traits Criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder. (United States)

    Bach, Bo; Sellbom, Martin


    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) includes a heterogeneous constellation of symptoms operationalized with 9 categorical criteria. As the field of personality disorder (PD) research moves to emphasize dimensional traits in its operationalization, it is important to delineate continuity between the 9 DSM-IV/Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) categorical criteria for BPD and the trait dimensions in DSM-5 Section III. To date, no study has attempted such validation. We examined the associations between the 9 categorical DSM-IV/DSM-5 criteria for BPD and the trait dimensions of the alternative DSM-5 model for PDs in consecutively recruited psychiatric outpatients (N = 142; 68% female; age: mean 29.02, SD 8.38). This was investigated by means of bivariate correlations, followed by multiple logistic regression analysis. The categorical BPD criteria were associated with conceptually related DSM-5 Section III traits (P > 0.001), except for the criterion of chronic feelings of emptiness. Consistent with the proposed traits criteria for BPD in DSM-5 Section III, we found Emotional lability, Anxiousness, Separation insecurity, Depressivity, Impulsivity, Risk taking, and Hostility to capture conceptually coherent BPD categorical criteria, while Suspiciousness was also strongly associated with BPD criteria. At the domain level, this applied to Negative affectivity, Disinhibition, and Psychoticism. Notably, Emotional lability, Impulsivity, and Suspiciousness emerged as unique predictors of BPD (P > 0.05). In addition to the proposed BPD traits criteria, Suspiciousness and features of Psychoticism also augment BPD features. Provided that these findings are replicated in forthcoming research, a modified traits operationalization of BPD is warranted. © The Author(s) 2016.

  14. No se ha demostrado asociación entre la presencia del timerosal en las vacunas y el autismo


    Cabezas Sánchez, César


    El timerosal es un compuesto orgánico que contiene etilmercurio, el cual ha sido usado como preservante de algunas vacunas, sobre todo en la presentación de multidosis desde los años 30. El etilmercurio es diferente del metilmercurio, este último sí se conoce que es neurotóxico; sin embargo, el metabolismo del etilmercurio es diferente del metilmercurio. En realidad se quiso inferir que la toxicidad del metilmercurio era similar al etilmercurio presente en el timerosal.

  15. La arquitectura de ladrillos del siglo XIX: Racionalidad y modernidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adell Argilés, Josep María


    Full Text Available The analysis of brick architectural works in Europe between the middle of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century shows that they already exploted the technical and formal material possibilities and they followed the constructive rationality tendency prevailing in the beginnings of the industrial era. These works reveal enough connections among themselves, so as to be able to assemble them under the common name of “19th Century Brick Architecture”, a name beyond nuances of style characteristic of each region or country. This article analyzes those most significant values of the Brick Architecture which allow it to be understood as a step towards modernity.

    El análisis de las obras de Arquitectura construidas con ladrillo en Europa, entre mediados del siglo XIX y principios del XX, demuestra que explotaban las posibilidades técnicas y formales del material, y seguían la corriente de racionalidad constructiva imperante en los inicios de la era industrial. Estas obras revelan suficientes conexiones entre sí, para poderlas agrupar bajo la denominación común de ''Arquitectura de Ladrillos del siglo XIX", por encima de matices estilísticos propios de cada región o país. En el artículo se analizan aquellos valores más significativos de la Arquitectura de Ladrillos, que permiten entenderla como un paso hacia la modernidad.

  16. The common denominator between DSM and power quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, G.


    As utilities implement programs to push for energy efficiency, one of the results may be an increased population of end-uses that have a propensity to be sensitive to power delivery abnormalities. Some may view this as the price we have to pay for increasing the functionality of bulk 60 Hz power. Others may view this as a good reason to stay away from DSM. The utility industry must view this situation as an important element of their DSM planning and reflect the costs of mitigating potential power quality problems in the overall program. Power quality mitigation costs will not drastically add much to the total DSM bill, but the costs of poor power quality could definitely negate the positive benefits of new technologies. Failure to properly plan for the sensitivities of energy efficient equipment will be a major mistake considering the solutions are fairly well known. Proper understanding, education, design, and protection, using a systems approach to problem solving, will ensure that power quality problems won't force us to abandon beneficial efficiency improvement programs

  17. Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meagher, David J.; Morandi, Alessandro; Inouye, Sharon K.; Ely, Wes; Adamis, Dimitrios; Maclullich, Alasdair J.; Rudolph, James L.; Neufeld, Karin; Leonard, Maeve; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Davis, Daniel; Teodorczuk, Andrew; Kreisel, Stefan; Thomas, Christine; Hasemann, Wolfgang; Timmons, Suzanne; O'Regan, Niamh; Grover, Sandeep; Jabbar, Faiza; Cullen, Walter; Dunne, Colum; Kamholz, Barbara; van Munster, Barbara C.; de Rooij, Sophia E.; de Jonghe, Jos; Trzepacz, Paula T.


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fifth edition (DSM-5) provides new criteria for delirium diagnosis. We examined delirium diagnosis using these new criteria compared with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fourth edition (DSM-IV) in a large dataset of patients assessed for delirium and

  18. The DSM diagnostic criteria for vaginismus. (United States)

    Binik, Yitzchak M


    Vaginal spasm has been considered the defining diagnostic characteristic of vaginismus for approximately 150 years. This remarkable consensus, based primarily on expert clinical opinion, is preserved in the DSM-IV-TR. The available empirical research, however, does not support this definition nor does it support the validity of the DSM-IV-TR distinction between vaginismus and dyspareunia. The small body of research concerning other possible ways or methods of diagnosing vaginismus is critically reviewed. Based on this review, it is proposed that the diagnoses of vaginismus and dyspareunia be collapsed into a single diagnostic entity called "genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder." This diagnostic category is defined according to the following five dimensions: percentage success of vaginal penetration; pain with vaginal penetration; fear of vaginal penetration or of genito-pelvic pain during vaginal penetration; pelvic floor muscle dysfunction; medical co-morbidity.

  19. DSM-IV hypochondriasis in primary care. (United States)

    Escobar, J I; Gara, M; Waitzkin, H; Silver, R C; Holman, A; Compton, W


    The object of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of the DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochondriasis in a primary care setting. A large sample (N = 1456) of primary care users was given a structured interview to make diagnoses of mood, anxiety, and somatoform disorders and estimate levels of disability. The prevalence of hypochondriasis (DSM-IV) was about 3%. Patients with this disorder had higher levels of medically unexplained symptoms (abridged somatization) and were more impaired in their physical functioning than patients without the disorder. Of the various psychopathologies examined, major depressive syndromes were the most frequent among patients with hypochondriasis. Interestingly, unlike somatization disorder, hypochondriasis was not related to any demographic factor. Hypochondriasis is a relatively rare condition in primary care that is largely separable from somatization disorder but seems closely intertwined with the more severe depressive syndromes.

  20. Del Bululú a la varieté. Aproximación a los teatros ambulantes (de repertorio y variedades en la España del siglo XX

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    Juan José Montijano Ruiz


    Full Text Available Vamos a intentar acercar al lector a aquellas manifestaciones parateatrales, que recorrieron, desde el primer tercio del siglo xx, gran parte de las poblaciones españolas, permitiendo llevar el teatro a aquellos lugares en donde la temporada teatral era escasa o prácticamente nula.

  1. A Family Study of the DSM-5 Section III Personality Pathology Model Using the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5). (United States)

    Katz, Andrea C; Hee, Danelle; Hooker, Christine I; Shankman, Stewart A


    In Section III of the DSM-5, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) proposes a pathological personality trait model of personality disorders. The recommended assessment instrument is the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5), an empirically derived scale that assesses personality pathology along five domains and 25 facets. Although the PID-5 demonstrates strong convergent validity with other personality measures, no study has examined whether it identifies traits that run in families, another important step toward validating the DSM-5's dimensional model. Using a family study method, we investigated familial associations of PID-5 domain and facet scores in 195 families, examining associations between parents and offspring and across siblings. The Psychoticism, Antagonism, and Detachment domains showed significant familial aggregation, as did facets of Negative Affect and Disinhibition. Results are discussed in the context of personality pathology and family study methodology. The results also help validate the PID-5, given the familial nature of personality traits.

  2. Sistema de actividades encaminadas a la incorporación de los abuelos al círculo del adulto mayor en el consultorio № 38 delConsejo Popular del Reparto Hermanos Cruz del municipio Pinar del Río

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    Berta Alejandra Junquera Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Es un deber de toda la sociedad y muy especialmente de los relacionados con la Cultura Física garantizarle al Adulto Mayor, la realización sistemática de las actividades físicas, que practicadas de forma regular sean un pilar para mejorar la salud desde los puntos de vista ya que con el proceso de envejecimiento. El Adulto Mayor sufre cambios a nivel físico, psíquico y social. Las actividades físicas tienen un papel fundamental que es el mejoramiento de su salud, el bienestar del  Adulto Mayor  favorece su calidad de vida en los umbrales del Tercer Milenio. En un mundo donde prima la tendencia globalizadora y neoliberal gestada en los centros de poder, que ofrece una imagen virtual del desarrollo, realmente no puede concebirse el desarrollo si no es sostenible y como un proceso integral, en consecuencia, es preciso crear un paradigma totalmente nuevo que coloque al ser humano en el centro de su preocupación El presente trabajo aborda un tema de vital importancia y siempre actual, ya que se relaciona con la incorporación del Adulto Mayor a las actividades físicas, relacionados con la calidad de vida de la población adulta del Consultorio N0. 38 del Consejo Popular Hermanos Cruz, específicamente para aquellos que están en la 3era edad, los cuales se consideran por ellos mismos y por muchas personas de la comunidad como personas acabadas

  3. Study on DSM-based task planning of product cooperative development

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jiang Zengqiang; Liu Mingzhou; Zhao Han; Ge Maogen; Guo Jia


    The results of analyzing the managerial characteristics and complexity of product cooperative development suggest that task planning is an important aspect for process management of product cooperative development and the method for planning tasks should be able to model the dependency between tasks and iterations during the development process. In this paper, a DSM-based method and its corresponding optimization algorithms are developed. At first the coupled task sets and uncoupled task sets are identified, and the tasks are then optimized by the corresponding algorithms. The optimal tasks plan will reduce the development time and cost. Considering the practical requirements in real world, a Multilayer DSM is proposed, and its information communication techniques between DSM and traversing principle are described in details.

  4. El fantasma del abstencionismo y la influencia mediática

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    Lic. Edith Barajas


    Full Text Available Nadie duda, en el inicio de un nuevo milenio, de la influencia y el impacto de los medios masivos de comunicación. La prensa, la radio, la televisión y, contemporáneamente Internet, juegan un papel clave en la nueva era de la humanidad, donde la paradoja es tener información a mansalva para un ser actual dominado por fenómenos como el cortoplacismo, los antimodelos, las guerras, el esoterismo, la hambruna, la religión y la violencia, todo englobado, a su vez, en una economía mundializada que rompe y descarna las fronteras de las naciones, y en donde los futurólogos citan las dos grandes vías: la era digital y la era biológica.En el llamado "control de masas", el medio masivo, especialmente el electrónico, desarrolla un actor importante dentro del mundo global, pues mantiene a la mayoría de la población concentrada en temas que no son precisamente los del orden de mayor interés (en nuestro país, podemos considerar el escándalo Trevi-Andrade como un elemento distractor, sobre los problemas que aquejan al país; es decir, la opinión pública se concentra en ese enfoque, antes de irse a lo medular

  5. Distress, sexual dysfunctions, and DSM: Dialogue at cross purposes?


    Hendrickx, Lies; Gijs, Luk; Enzlin, Paul


    Introduction. A distress criterion was added to the diagnostic criteria of sexual dysfunctions in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition DSM-IV; 1994). This decision was neither based on empirical evidence, nor on an open, academic, or public debate about its necessity. As a result, this decision has been disputed ever since the publication of DSM-IV. Aim. In this article, the necessity to include or exclude the distress criterion from the diagnostic criteria of...

  6. Research the Impacts of Classification Accuracy after Orthorectification with Different Grid Density DSM/DEM%不同格网密度的DSM/DEM对影像分类精度的影响研究

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    刘晓宏; 雷兵; 谭海; 郭建华


    DSM/DEM elevation data are used as assistant data to eliminate or limit deformation of terrain in orthorectification without control points .However , the grid density of DSM/DEM has different effect on subsequent processing , such as image classification . Based on this problem , we apply ChinaDSM 15 m DSM, ASTER GDEM 30 m DEM and SRTM 90 m DEM to do orthorectification on ZY-3 image.Then, classifying the orthorectified image by support vector machines (SVM), and comparing the classification accura-cy.It is shown that the classification accuracy after ChinaDSM 15 m DSM orthorectificated , with the same resample method ,is better than ASTER GDEM 30 m DEM and SRTM 90 m DEM.%在无控制点的卫星影像正射校正中,大多采用DSM/DEM数据作为辅助数据来消除或限制因地形起伏引起的形变,然而经不同格网密度的DSM/DEM正射校正后的影像对后续处理会产生不同程度的影响,如对地物分类精度产生影响.针对这一问题,本文分别采用不同的DSM/DEM数据(ChinaDSM 15 m、ASTER GDEM 30 m和SRTM 90 m)对资源三号影像进行正射校正,然后对正射校正后影像利用支持向量机进行分类,比较正射校正后影像结果的分类精度.结果表明:在相同重采样方法下,影像经ChinaDSM 15 m DSM正射校正后结果的分类精度优于ASTER GDEM 30 m DEM和SRTM 90 m DEM.

  7. Disorders Related to Use of Psychoactive Substances in DSM-5: Changes and Challenges. (United States)

    Bhad, Roshan; Lal, Rakesh; Balhara, Yatan Pal Singh


    In the most recent edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) that is DSM-5 many modifications have been made in substance use disorder section. These include changes in terminology; sections and categories; diagnostic criteria; threshold for diagnosis; severity; and specifier. Additionally, there have been certain additions and omissions from the earlier version. Critical evaluation of the changes made to the section on disorders related to use of psychoactive substances in India context has not been published so far. The current paper presents a critique of the changes made to the substance use disorder section in DSM-5. The rationale for these changes put forth by DSM-5 work group on substance related disorders have been discussed. Additionally, attempt has been made to highlight the possible future challenges consequent to the current nosological revision for substance use disorder category. Overall DSM-5 seems to be promising in fulfilling its goal of DSM-ICD harmonisation and movement towards an internationally compatible and practical diagnostic system for mental health disorders. It has increased the scope of addiction by inclusion of behavioural addiction. It has also tried to balance the categorical and dimensional approach to diagnosis. However, the real test of this newer edition of one of the most commonly used nosological systems will be during clinical care and research. This will help address the debatable issues regarding the changes that DSM-5 brings with it.

  8. Requiring both avoidance and emotional numbing in DSM-V PTSD: will it help? (United States)

    Forbes, David; Fletcher, Susan; Lockwood, Emma; O'Donnell, Meaghan; Creamer, Mark; Bryant, Richard A; McFarlane, Alexander; Silove, Derrick


    The proposed DSM-V criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specifically require both active avoidance and emotional numbing symptoms for a diagnosis. In DSM-IV, since both are included in the same cluster, active avoidance is not essential. Numbing symptoms overlap with depression, which may result in spurious comorbidity or overdiagnosis of PTSD. This paper investigated the impact of requiring both active avoidance and emotional numbing on the rates of PTSD diagnosis and comorbidity with depression. We investigated PTSD and depression in 835 traumatic injury survivors at 3 and 12 months post-injury. We used the DSM-IV criteria but explored the potential impact of DSM-IV and DSM-V approaches to avoidance and numbing using comparison of proportion analyses. The DSM-V requirement of both active avoidance and emotional numbing resulted in significant reductions in PTSD caseness compared with DSM-IV of 22% and 26% respectively at 3 and 12 months posttrauma. By 12 months, the rates of comorbid PTSD in those with depression were significantly lower (44% vs. 34%) using the new criteria, primarily due to the lack of avoidance symptoms. These preliminary data suggest that requiring both active avoidance and numbing as separate clusters offers a useful refinement of the PTSD diagnosis. Requiring active avoidance may help to define the unique aspects of PTSD and reduce spurious diagnoses of PTSD in those with depression. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Clinical consequences of the revised DSM-5 definition of agoraphobia in treatment-seeking anxious youth (United States)

    Cornacchio, Danielle; Chou, Tommy; Sacks, Hayley; Pincus, Donna; Comer, Jonathan


    Background In DSM-5, the agoraphobia core symptom criterion has been revised to require fear about multiple situations from across at least two distinct domains in which escape might be difficult or panic-like symptoms might develop. The present study examined patterns and correlates of the recent change in a sample of anxious youth with symptom presentations consistent with the DSM-IV agoraphobia definition and/or specific phobia (SP) to consider how the recent diagnostic change impacts the prevalence and composition of agoraphobia in children and adolescents. Method Analyses (N=151) evaluated impairment and correlates of agoraphobic youth who no longer meet the DSM-5 agoraphobia criteria relative to agoraphobic youth who do meet the new DSM-5 criteria. Secondary analyses compared agoraphobic youth not meeting DSM-5 criteria to SP youth. Results One-quarter of youth with symptom presentations consistent with the DSM-IV agoraphobia definition no longer met criteria for DSM-5 agoraphobia, but showed comparable severity and impairment across most domains to youth who do meet criteria for DSM-5 agoraphobia. Further, these youth showed higher levels of anxiety sensitivity and internalizing psychopathology relative to youth with SP. Conclusions A substantial proportion of impaired youth with considerable agoraphobic symptom presentations have been left without a specified anxiety diagnosis by the DSM-5, which may affect their ability to receive and/or get coverage for services and their representation in treatment evaluations. Future DSM iterations may do well to include a “circumscribed” agoraphobia specifier that would characterize presentations of fear or anxiety about multiple situations, but that do not span across at least two distinct situational domains. PMID:25845579

  10. The alternative DSM-5 personality disorder traits criterion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bach, Bo; Maples-Keller, Jessica L; Bo, Sune


    The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013a) offers an alternative model for Personality Disorders (PDs) in Section III, which consists in part of a pathological personality traits criterion measured...... with the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5). The PID-5 selfreport instrument currently exists in the original 220-item form, a short 100-item form, and a brief 25-item form. For clinicians and researchers, the choice of a particular PID- 5 form depends on feasibility, but also reliability and validity. The goal...

  11. Cartografía de la frontera bárbara”: las representaciones del Darién a propósito del conflicto entre el Virreinato de Nueva Granada y los Cunas


    Nelson Eduardo Rodríguez Hernández


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las representaciones cartográficas del Darién producidas por los ingenieros militares enviados entre 1760 y 1788. Pretende exponer su relevancia para atender al conflicto entre los indígenas cuna y el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XVIII. La región del Darién era vital para el control administrativo en la América Española, por su ubicación estratégica y la abundancia de recursos, pero la preeminencia de indígenas no s...

  12. Cartografía de la frontera bárbara": las representaciones del Darién a propósito del conflicto entre el Virreinato de Nueva Granada y los Cunas


    Rodríguez Hernández, Nelson Eduardo


    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las representaciones cartográficas del Darién producidas por los ingenieros militares enviados entre 1760 y 1788. Pretende exponer su relevancia para atender al conflicto entre los indígenas cuna y el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XVIII. La región del Darién era vital para el control administrativo en la América Española, por su ubicación estratégica y la abundancia de recursos, pero la preeminencia de indígenas no s...

  13. The diagnostic status of homosexuality in DSM-III: a reformulation of the issues. (United States)

    Spitzer, R L


    In 1973 homosexuality per se was removed from the DSM-II classification of mental disorders and replaced by the category Sexual Orientation Disturbance. This represented a compromise between the view that preferential homosexuality is invariably a mental disorder and the view that it is merely a normal sexual variant. While the 1973 DSM-II controversy was highly public, more recently a related but less public controversy involved what became the DSM-III category of Ego-dystonic Homosexuality. The author presents the DSM-III controversy and a reformulation of the issues involved in the diagnostic status of homosexuality. He argues that what is at issue is a value judgment about heterosexuality, rather than a factual dispute about homosexuality.

  14. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM-5: Controversy, Change, and Conceptual Considerations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anushka Pai


    Full Text Available The criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD have changed considerably with the newest edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5. Changes to the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV to DSM-5 include: the relocation of PTSD from the anxiety disorders category to a new diagnostic category named “Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders”, the elimination of the subjective component to the definition of trauma, the explication and tightening of the definitions of trauma and exposure to it, the increase and rearrangement of the symptoms criteria, and changes in additional criteria and specifiers. This article will explore the nosology of the current diagnosis of PTSD by reviewing the changes made to the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in the DSM-5 and discuss how these changes influence the conceptualization of PTSD.

  15. The New DSM-5 Impairment Criterion: A Challenge to Early Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis? (United States)

    Zander, Eric; Bölte, Sven


    The possible effect of the DSM-5 impairment criterion on diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in young children was examined in 127 children aged 20-47 months with a DSM-IV-TR clinical consensus diagnosis of ASD. The composite score of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) served as a proxy for the DSM-5 impairment criterion. When…

  16. The DSM diagnostic criteria for transvestic fetishism. (United States)

    Blanchard, Ray


    This paper contains the author's report on transvestism, submitted on July 31, 2008, to the work group charged with revising the diagnoses concerning sexual and gender identity disorders for the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In the first part of this report, the author reviews differences among previous editions of the DSM as a convenient way to illustrate problems with the nomenclature and uncertainties in the descriptive pathology of transvestism. He concludes this part by proposing a revised set of diagnostic criteria, including a new set of specifiers. In the second part, he presents a secondary analysis of a pre-existing dataset in order to investigate the utility of the proposed specifiers.

  17. Dimensional structure of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress symptoms: support for a hybrid Anhedonia and Externalizing Behaviors model. (United States)

    Armour, Cherie; Tsai, Jack; Durham, Tory A; Charak, Ruby; Biehn, Tracey L; Elhai, Jon D; Pietrzak, Robert H


    Several revisions to the symptom clusters of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been made in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Central to the focus of this study was the revision of PTSD's tripartite structure in DSM-IV into four symptom clusters in DSM-5. Emerging confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) studies have suggested that DSM-5 PTSD symptoms may be best represented by one of two 6-factor models: (1) an Externalizing Behaviors model characterized by a factor which combines the irritability/anger and self-destructive/reckless behavior items; and (2) an Anhedonia model characterized by items of loss of interest, detachment, and restricted affect. The current study conducted CFAs of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms assessed using the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) in two independent and diverse trauma-exposed samples of a nationally representative sample of 1484 U.S. veterans and a sample of 497 Midwestern U.S. university undergraduate students. Relative fits of the DSM-5 model, the DSM-5 Dysphoria model, the DSM-5 Dysphoric Arousal model, the two 6-factor models, and a newly proposed 7-factor Hybrid model, which consolidates the two 6-factor models, were evaluated. Results revealed that, in both samples, both 6-factor models provided significantly better fit than the 4-factor DSM-5 model, the DSM-5 Dysphoria model and the DSM-5 Dysphoric Arousal model. Further, the 7-factor Hybrid model, which incorporates key features of both 6-factor models and is comprised of re-experiencing, avoidance, negative affect, anhedonia, externalizing behaviors, and anxious and dysphoric arousal symptom clusters, provided superior fit to the data in both samples. Results are discussed in light of theoretical and empirical support for the latent structure of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder: Who Will Get a DSM-5 Diagnosis? (United States)

    Kent, Rachel G.; Carrington, Sarah J.; Le Couteur, Ann; Gould, Judith; Wing, Lorna; Maljaars, Jarymke; Noens, Ilse; Berckelaer-Onnes, Ina; Leekam, Susan R.


    Background: Introduction of proposed criteria for DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has raised concerns that some individuals currently meeting diagnostic criteria for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD; DSM-IV-TR/ICD- 10) will not qualify for a diagnosis under the proposed changes. To date, reports of sensitivity and specificity of the new…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayra Franke


    Full Text Available Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos. Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%. Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8% y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%. Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.

  20. Sensitivity and specificity of proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder. (United States)

    McPartland, James C; Reichow, Brian; Volkmar, Fred R


    This study evaluated the potential impact of proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study focused on a sample of 933 participants evaluated during the DSM-IV field trial; 657 carried a clinical diagnosis of an ASD, and 276 were diagnosed with a non-autistic disorder. Sensitivity and specificity for proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria were evaluated using field trial symptom checklists as follows: individual field trial checklist items (e.g., nonverbal communication); checklist items grouped together as described by a single DSM-5 symptom (e.g., nonverbal and verbal communication); individual DSM-5 criterion (e.g., social-communicative impairment); and overall diagnostic criteria. When applying proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD, 60.6% (95% confidence interval: 57%-64%) of cases with a clinical diagnosis of an ASD met revised DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD. Overall specificity was high, with 94.9% (95% confidence interval: 92%-97%) of individuals accurately excluded from the spectrum. Sensitivity varied by diagnostic subgroup (autistic disorder = 0.76; Asperger's disorder = 0.25; pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified = 0.28) and cognitive ability (IQ criteria could substantially alter the composition of the autism spectrum. Revised criteria improve specificity but exclude a substantial portion of cognitively able individuals and those with ASDs other than autistic disorder. A more stringent diagnostic rubric holds significant public health ramifications regarding service eligibility and compatibility of historical and future research. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Addiction and dependence in DSM-V. (United States)

    O'Brien, Charles


    As preparations for the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are under way, this paper focuses upon changes proposed for the substance use disorders section. It briefly outlines the history behind the current nomenclature, and the selection of the term 'dependence' over 'addiction' in earlier versions of the DSM. The term 'dependence', while used in past decades to refer to uncontrolled drug-seeking behavior, has an alternative meaning--the physiological adaptation that occurs when medications acting on the central nervous system are ingested with rebound when the medication is abruptly discontinued. These dual meanings have led to confusion and may have propagated current clinical practices related to under-treatment of pain, as physicians fear creating an 'addiction' by prescribing opioids. In part to address this problem, a change proposed for DSM-V is to alter the chapter name to 'Addiction and Related Disorders', which will include disordered gambling. The specific substance use disorders may be referred to as 'alcohol use' or 'opioid use' disorders. The criteria for the disorders are likely to remain similar, with the exception of removal of the 'committing illegal acts' criterion and addition of a 'craving' criterion. The other major change relates to the elimination of the abuse/dependence dichotomy, given the lack of data supporting an intermediate stage. These changes are anticipated to improve clarification and diagnosis and treatment of substance use and related disorders. © 2010 The Author, Addiction © 2010 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  2. Multicriteria evaluation of demand side management (DSM) implementation strategies in the Indian power sector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vashishtha, Sanjay [Centre for Renewable Energy and Environmental Development (CREED), BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan 333031 (India); Ramachandran, M. [BITS Pilani Dubai Centre, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)


    In recent years, demand side management (DSM) has emerged as an efficient utility planning strategy for reducing capacity shortages and improving system load factors. The Indian government is adopting various policies to implement DSM programs. DSM implementation involves a variety of interests with conflicting objectives, and a range of possible implementation strategies with varying implications for effectiveness, cost, feasibility, efficiency and stakeholder acceptance. This necessitates a critical comparison of the strategies to determine a preferred strategy or combination of strategies from each specific stakeholder's point of view. The present study evaluates DSM implementation strategies from a multiobjective perspective using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Eight strategies and six criteria were considered. Forty utility, regulator, and consumer stakeholders were surveyed. The most highly ranked strategies involved creating dedicated funds and providing technical support to end users for effective implementation of DSM. (author)

  3. Diagnósticos psiquiátricos infantiles, biomedicalización y DSM: ¿hacia una nueva (a normalidad?

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    Eugenia Bianchi


    Full Text Available Presento resultados de una investigación postdoctoral que aborda el análisis de las transformaciones recientes en los diagnósticos en salud mental infantil, a través del estudio de dos categorías: TDAH (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad y TEA (Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Empleando métodos analítico-interpretativos sobre bibliografía específica, recupero y sistematizo tópicos trabajados desde perspectivas de la medicalización y la biomedicalización, y estudios sobre el riesgo en salud mental, para el análisis de las tipificaciones psiquiátricas mencionadas. Como un aporte a estos campos, desarrollo la hipótesis según la cual las reformulaciones acaecidas en el manual de clasificación psiquiátrica DSM-5 en el TDAH y TEA, pueden entenderse a la luz de las características más amplias de los procesos de medicalización y biomedicalización que recaen con énfasis en las infancias.

  4. Diagnósticos psiquiátricos infantiles, biomedicalización y DSM: ¿hacia una nueva (a normalidad?

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    Eugenia Bianchi


    Full Text Available Presento resultados de una investigación postdoctoral que aborda el análisis de las transformaciones recientes en los diagnósticos en salud mental infantil, a través del estudio de dos categorías: TDAH (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad y TEA (Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Empleando métodos analítico-interpretativos sobre bibliografía específica, recupero y sistematizo tópicos trabajados desde perspectivas de la medicalización y la biomedicalización, y estudios sobre el riesgo en salud mental, para el análisis de las tipificaciones psiquiátricas mencionadas. Como un aporte a estos campos, desarrollo la hipótesis según la cual las reformulaciones acaecidas en el manual de clasificación psiquiátrica DSM-5 en el TDAH y TEA, pueden entenderse a la luz de las características más amplias de los procesos de medicalización y biomedicalización que recaen con énfasis en las infancias.

  5. The Impact of DSM-5 A-Criteria Changes on Parent Ratings of ADHD in Adolescents. (United States)

    Sibley, Margaret H; Yeguez, Carlos E


    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) A-criteria for ADHD were expanded to include new descriptors referencing adolescent and adult symptom manifestations. This study examines the effect of these changes on symptom endorsement in a sample of adolescents with ADHD (N = 259; age range = 10.72-16.70). Parent ratings were collected and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR) and DSM-5 endorsement of ADHD symptoms were compared. Under the DSM-5, there were significant increases in reported inattention, but not hyperactivity/impulsivity (H/I) symptoms, with specific elevations for certain symptoms. The average adolescent met criteria for less than one additional symptom under the DSM-5, but the correlation between ADHD symptoms and impairment was attenuated when using the DSM-5 items. Impulsivity items appeared to represent adolescent deficits better than hyperactivity items. Results were not moderated by demographic factors. In a sample of adolescents with well-diagnosed DSM-IV-TR ADHD, developmental symptom descriptors led parents to endorse slightly more symptoms of inattention, but this elevation is unlikely to be clinically meaningful.

  6. Regulatory frameworks for Natural Gas DSM in Canada : exploring design options, influences and characteristics of success

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simon, J.


    There are 6 natural gas distribution companies in Canada with formal, ratepayer-funded demand side management (DSM) programs. However, the general characteristics and regulatory environment of these companies varies greatly. With the exception of Enbridge Gas and Union Gas, each company is located in a different province, which means that companies face different energy regulations and energy efficiency policies. An introduction to DSM and its regulation in Canada was presented, as well as an overview of common models in Canada, and the general considerations involved in designing a regulatory framework were discussed. Regulatory design options for natural gas demand-side management regulatory frameworks were evaluated. The major factors that influence the frameworks were analyzed, and the characteristics of a successful DSM program were outlined. The research methodology for this paper consisted of telephone interviews with policy-makers, regulators, non-governmental organizations and regulatory affairs personnel from local distribution companies. Results indicated the importance of a clear policy framework that provides direction for DSM designers. The common elements for a successful regulatory framework were considered to be a systems approach to the definition of DSM; clear regulatory rules; a long-term predictable source and level of DSM funding that reflected the maturity of the DSM market; an alignment of government energy policies and DSM regulatory frameworks; and recognition and capturing of the broad range of DSM benefits

  7. I governi di “popolo” e le istituzioni comunali nella seconda metà del secolo XIII

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    Enrico Artifoni


    Full Text Available Nella seconda metà del secolo XIII la cultura politica dei governi popolari si esprime in modo articolato e consapevole attraverso molteplici scelte: l’istituzione di organismi collegiali ristretti, la valorizzazione delle forme associative di quartiere o di rione, la “domanda” rivolta al ceto notarile di elaborare forme documentarie adeguate a un assetto istituzionale complesso qual era quello del comune duecentesco.

  8. A new strategy for DSM and Market Transformation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nilsson, H.


    Demand Side Management (DSM) as a utility instrument has been based on the assumption that supply in itself is well run and managed and that corrections should only be made by adjusting demand to a more appropriate level. The entire energy system, however, needs tuning from both the supply side and the demand side. DSM has to be reshaped to fit both the utilities, in a competitive environment, and more general societal purposes. Market Transformation aims at moving the benchmark for performance of products; focusing customer and supplier interest on high performance, thus getting larger volumes for such equipment; and clearing the market of inferior products. (R.P.)

  9. Psychosocial impairment in DSM-5 intermittent explosive disorder. (United States)

    Rynar, Lauren; Coccaro, Emil F


    The purpose of this study was to document the functional severity of DSM-5 IED in a clinical research sample. IED and control groups were compared on psychosocial functioning, life satisfaction, and on a variety of cognitive and behavioral issues. IED study participants reported significantly worse psychosocial function, quality of life, and higher job dysfunction than both psychiatric and healthy control study participants. The presence of DSM-5 IED is associated with significant psychosocial and functional impairment. Early intervention may aid in minimizing the consequences of impulsive aggressive behavior, and improving psychosocial functioning and quality of life. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. [Anxiety disorders in DSM-5: an overview on changes in structure and content]. (United States)

    Wittchen, H-U; Heinig, I; Beesdo-Baum, K


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5) "anxiety, obsessive-compulsive spectrum, posttraumatic, and dissociative disorders" work group addressed reconceptualization issues regarding all anxiety-related disorders. Based on systematic literature reviews, reanalyses of available data and evaluation of results following the DSM-5 principles it was decided to rearrange the disorder spectrum into separate groupings for the classical anxiety disorders, trauma- and stressor-related disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, and dissociative disorders. Among the classical anxiety disorders DSM-5 now also includes selective mutism and separation anxiety disorder. A major change from DSM-IV is a drastically simplified classification of panic disorder and agoraphobia. Both conditions can be separately coded in DSM-5 and the overlap is disclosed by a comorbid double diagnosis. The anxiety disorder criteria have been generally harmonized regarding content and order. It was assured that criteria are applicable to all age, gender and cultural groups. Furthermore, diagnosis-specific and cross-cutting dimensional anxiety scales have been developed to supplement categorical diagnosis which appears to facilitate assessment of severity and course of treatment.

  11. Should an obsessive-compulsive spectrum grouping of disorders be included in DSM-V? (United States)

    Phillips, Katharine A; Stein, Dan J; Rauch, Scott L; Hollander, Eric; Fallon, Brian A; Barsky, Arthur; Fineberg, Naomi; Mataix-Cols, David; Ferrão, Ygor Arzeno; Saxena, Sanjaya; Wilhelm, Sabine; Kelly, Megan M; Clark, Lee Anna; Pinto, Anthony; Bienvenu, O Joseph; Farrow, Joanne; Leckman, James


    The obsessive-compulsive (OC) spectrum has been discussed in the literature for two decades. Proponents of this concept propose that certain disorders characterized by repetitive thoughts and/or behaviors are related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and suggest that such disorders be grouped together in the same category (i.e. grouping, or "chapter") in DSM. This article addresses this topic and presents options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V. The article builds upon and extends prior reviews of this topic that were prepared for and discussed at a DSM-V Research Planning Conference on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders held in 2006. Our preliminary recommendation is that an OC-spectrum grouping of disorders be included in DSM-V. Furthermore, we preliminarily recommend that consideration be given to including this group of disorders within a larger supraordinate category of "Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders." These preliminary recommendations must be evaluated in light of recommendations for, and constraints upon, the overall structure of DSM-V. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  12. Formas de mirar y de hacer ver: la experiencia visual en el trabajo de campo del topógrafo

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    Carla Lois


    Full Text Available Hacia mediados del siglo XX estaba instalada la idea de que el objetivo de los topógrafos era capturar la morfología del terreno para transcribirla a un lenguaje gráfico estable y “universal”. Este modo de concebir la cartografía se entroncaba con una convicción más generalizada: que todo mapa era el producto de una abstracción intelectual que resultaba de procesos de mensura realizados con “objetividad”. Sin embargo, el trabajo del topógrafo en el terreno consistía en la puesta en acción de formas de percibir y registrar el espacio basadas en experiencias sensibles de observación visual. Esas experiencias eran volcadas en registros visuales que luego serían los insumos utilizados para elaborar el mapa. En este trabajo proponemos conectar la experiencia sensible del terreno y la inscripción cartográfica con la experiencia que un ojo entrenado tiene al observar el mapa.

  13. Expert consensus v. evidence-based approaches in the revision of the DSM. (United States)

    Kendler, K S; Solomon, M


    The development of DSM-III through DSM-5 has relied heavily on expert consensus. In this essay, we provide an historical and critical perspective on this process. Over the last 40 years, medicine has struggled to find appropriate methods for summarizing research results and making clinical recommendations. When such recommendations are issued by authorized organizations, they can have widespread influence (i.e. DSM-III and its successors). In the 1970s, expert consensus conferences, led by the NIH, reviewed research about controversial medical issues and successfully disseminated results. However, these consensus conferences struggled with aggregating the complex available evidence. In the 1990s, the rise of evidence-based medicine cast doubt on the reliability of expert consensus. Since then, medicine has increasingly relied on systematic reviews, as developed by the evidence-based medicine movement, and advocated for their early incorporation in expert consensus efforts. With the partial exception of DSM-IV, such systematic evidence-based reviews have not been consistently integrated into the development of the DSMs, leaving their development out of step with the larger medical field. Like the recommendations made for the NIH consensus conferences, we argue that the DSM process should be modified to require systematic evidence-based reviews before Work Groups make their assessments. Our suggestions - which would require leadership and additional resources to set standards for appropriate evidence hierarchies, carry out systematic reviews, and upgrade the group process - should improve the objectivity of the DSM, increase the validity of its results, and improve the reception of any changes in nosology.

  14. How environmental costs impact DSM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sim, S.R.


    This article examines the impacts of environmental costs of electricity generation into utility planning of demand side management (DSM) programs. The topics include approach and assumptions, overview of spreadsheet approach, results of the analyses, and the application of this approach to other areas of utility management such as new generation projects, sales of new generation capacity, and utility liability and management prudency

  15. Assessing possible DSM-5 ASD subtypes in a sample of victims meeting caseness for DSM-5 ASD based on self-report following multiple forms of traumatic exposure. (United States)

    Hansen, Maj; Armour, Cherie; Wang, Li; Elklit, Ask; Bryant, Richard A


    Acute stress disorder (ASD) was introduced into the DSM-IV to recognize early traumatic responses and as a precursor of PTSD. Although the diagnostic criteria for ASD were altered and structured more similarly to the PTSD definition in DSM-5, only the PTSD diagnosis includes a dissociative subtype. Emerging research has indicated that there also appears to be a highly symptomatic subtype for ASD. However, the specific nature of the subtype is currently unclear. The present study investigates the possible presence of ASD subtypes in a mixed sample of victims meeting caseness for DSM-5 ASD based on self-report following four different types of traumatic exposure (N=472). The results of latent profile analysis revealed a 5-class solution. The highly symptomatic class was marked by high endorsement on avoidance and dissociation compared to the other classes. Findings are discussed in regard to its clinical implications including the implications for the pending the ICD-11 and the recently released DSM-5. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Reliability and Hierarchical Structure of DSM-5 Pathological Traits in a Danish Mixed Sample

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Sune; Bach, Bo; Mortensen, Erik Lykke


    In this study we assessed the DSM-5 trait model in a large Danish sample (n = 1,119) with respect to reliability of the applied Danish version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) self-report form by means of internal consistency and item discrimination. In addition, we tested whether...... the five-factor structure of the DSM-5 trait model can be replicated in a Danish independent sample using the PID-5 self-report form. Finally, we examined the hierarchical structure of DSM-5 traits. In terms of internal consistency and item discrimination, the applied PID-5 scales were generally found...... reliable and functional; our data resembled the five-factor structure of previous findings, and we identified a hierarchical structure from one to five factors that was conceptually reasonable and corresponded with existing findings. These results support the new DSM-5 trait model and suggest that it can...

  17. R.D. Martienssen: "La idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega"


    Trillo de Leyva, Juan Luis


    Reseña del libro de R.D. Martienssen, La idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega. Ediciones Nueva Visión. Buenos Aires, 1967. Edición original: “The idea of space in greek architecture”. Witwartersrand University Press. Johannesburg, 1956. Sé que es difícil creer en estos tiempos en los que la enorme acumulación de datos que solicitan nuestra atención nos llega a bloquear, que hubo épocas en las que obtener un texto crítico o, simplemente datos sobre materias concretas era una tarea co...

  18. An empirical operationalization study of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waldinger, M. D.; Hengeveld, M. W.; Zwinderman, A. H.; Olivier, B.


    The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation remain to be investigated by a clinical study. A prospective study was therefore conducted to investigate the DSM-IV definition and to provide an empirical operationalization of premature ejaculation. In this study 140 men suffering from

  19. The DSM diagnostic criteria for dyspareunia. (United States)

    Binik, Yitzchak M


    The DSM-IV-TR attempted to create a unitary category of dyspareunia based on the criterion of genital pain that interfered with sexual intercourse. This classificatory emphasis of interference with intercourse is reviewed and evaluated from both theoretical and empirical points of view. Neither of these points of view was found to support the notion of dyspareunia as a unitary disorder or its inclusion in the DSM-V as a sexual dysfunction. It seems highly likely that there are different syndromes of dyspareunia and that what is currently termed "superficial dyspareunia" cannot be differentiated reliably from vaginismus. It is proposed that the diagnoses of vaginismus and dyspareunia be collapsed into a single diagnostic entity called genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. This diagnostic category is defined according to five dimensions: percentage success of vaginal penetration; pain with vaginal penetration; fear of vaginal penetration or of genito-pelvic pain during vaginal penetration; pelvic floor muscle dysfunction; medical co-morbidity.


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    Fernando Sánchez Torres


    Full Text Available

    "El hombre, centro de perspectiva, es al propio tiempo centro de construcción del Universo. Por conveniencia. tanto como por necesidad es, pues, hacia él donde hay que orientar finalmente toda ciencia.
    Si realmente ver es ser más, miremos al Hombre y viviremos más intensamente".

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

    Principales apartes de la conferencia dictada en la sesión ordinaria de la Academia el del 31 de julio de 1980.

    Siempre, a través de los tiempos, el hombre ha cavilado acerca de la reproducción de las especies animales, en particular de la suya. El deseo instintivo del apareamiento, de la unión de los sexos, le hizo sospechar que para que se formara un nuevo ser, era necesaria la participación tanto del macho como de la hembra. Pero ¿cuál era la real contribución de aquél y de ésta? ¿Qué cosas sucedían en la intimidad del organismo femenino? ¿Cómo era posible que de la cópula resultara un elemento humano más, tan maravillosamente
    bien formado y capaz, con el paso de los años, de reproducirse también?
    Para todos estos interrogantes tenemos hoy -declinando ya el Siglo XX- la respuesta exacta. Pero no se crea que fue labor fácil descorrer el velo que ocultaba la verdad. Fue menester que transcurrieran muchísimos años y con éstos muchísimas generaciones de hombres para poder conocerla. Precisamente, es este tránsito prolongado, apasionante y duro, el que yo pretendo recorrer con ustedes en unos cuantos minutos. Es natural que en
    tan corto plazo apenas pueda tocar superficialmente aquellos hechos que se constituyen en verdaderos hitos de la historia de la reproducción humana.

    Voy a arrancar desde la época aquella en que el hombre empezó a especular con las ideas, cuando comenzó a amar la verdad, vale decir, cuando comenzó a filosofar, a pensar, a

  1. España y Japón en el siglo XVII: las dos embajadas de la era Keichô (1596-1615

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    Carlos Martínez Shaw


    Full Text Available A principios del siglo XVII, Japón envió dos embajadas a España para entablar una negociación sobre asuntos políticos, económicos y misionales. La que debe ser llamada “primera embajada de la era Keichô” ofreció a los barcos españoles una escala segura en los puertos japoneses a cambio de abrir alguno de esos puertos al comercio con la plaza novohispana de Acapulco, pero el denodado esfuerzo del franciscano Alonso Muñoz ante el Consejo de Indias no consiguió la adhesión de las autoridades hispanas. Por su parte, la que debe ser llamada “segunda embajada de la era Keichô”, que llevaba a su frente a Tsunenaga Hasekura, llegó a Sevilla cuando ya podía considerarse definitivo el fracaso de las negociaciones, pese a lo cual obtuvo en su momento una mayor visualización y hasta ahora una mayor resonancia historiográfica.

  2. Del turismo contemplativo al turismo activo

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    Esther Lidia Machado Chaviano


    Full Text Available La evolución en la forma de consumo ha marcado el nacimiento de una nueva era denominada como Economía y Sociedad de la experiencia, lo cual provoca cambios en la forma de gestionar las empresas, transformando el enfoque de marketing tradicional, hacia un marketing colaborativo o inverso. El perfil y las preferencias del turista también han variado, exigiendo nuevas ideas, siendo éstas a su medida, el turista va en busca de su propia experiencia, cambiado del hecho de viajar para presenciar, a la idea de viajar para efectuar algo. Se plantea entonces un reto para los promotores del viaje, éstos tendrán que crear productos que permitan realizar actividades, faciliten la participación activa del turista consumidor en la elaboración de la experiencia de que disfruta. Por tanto, la clave radica en desarrollar al máximo aquellas ventajas competitivas de un destino o empresa, integrando los diversos atractivos turísticos, ya sean patrimonio monumental, cultural y natural, para conformar una oferta que permita satisfacer necesidades y deseos de los consumidores.

  3. Symptom severity scale of the DSM5 for schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders: diagnostic validity and clinical feasibility. (United States)

    Ritsner, Michael S; Mar, Maria; Arbitman, Marina; Grinshpoon, Alexander


    Innovations in DSM5 include dimensional diagnosis of schizophrenia (SZ) and other psychotic (OP) disorders using the symptom severity scale (SS-DSM5). We evaluated the psychometric properties and diagnostic validity of the SS-DSM5 scale using a cross-sectional design and an unselected convenience unselected sample of 314 inpatients and outpatients with SZ/OP and mood disorders who received standard care in routine clinical practice. The SS-DSM5 scale, the Clinical Global Impression-Severity scale (CGI-S), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (BRMS) were administered. Factor structure, reliability, internal consistency, convergent and diagnostic ability of the DSM5-SS were evaluated. Factor analysis indicated two latent factors underlying the SS-DSM5 (Psychotic and Deficit sub-scales). Cronbach's alpha was >0.70. Convergent validity of the SS-DSM5 was highly significant. Patients with SZ/PO disorders were correctly diagnosed (77.9%) using the SS-DSM5 scale (72% using PANSS). The agreement of the diagnostic decisions between the SS-DSM5 and PANSS was substantial for SZ/PO disorders (Kappa=0.75). Classifying participants with SZ/PO versus mood disorders using SS-DSM5 provided a sensitivity of 95%, and specificity of 34%. Thus, this study suggests that the SS-DSM5 has acceptable psychometric properties and that its use in clinical practice and research is feasible in clinical settings. The dimensional option for the diagnosis of schizophrenia and related disorders using SS-DSM5 is discussed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Sobre la obsolescencia del positivismo jurídico (Una aproximación desde la historia del pensamiento

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    Luis M. Lloredo Alix


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Una de las cuestiones más debatidas en la filosofía del Derecho de los últimos años es la de la obsolescencia del positivismo jurídico: ¿sigue siendo el iuspositivismo una corriente de pensamiento vigente? ¿Hemos trascendido sus fundamentos, entrando así en una nueva era? ¿O bien estamos asistiendo a un momento de quiebra de sus bases, es decir, a caballo entre dos etapas? El objetivo de esta comunicación es encarar esta pregunta desde una aproximación no muy transitada para afrontar este problema en la discusión contemporánea: la historia del pensamiento. Concretamente, veremos cómo la caracterización canónica del positivismo no sirve para dar cuenta de un largo elenco de teorías positivistas decimonónicas y cómo, desde este prisma, se puede iluminar la cuestión acerca de la pretendida obsolescencia que se le achaca en los últimos años.   ABSTRACT One of the most debated questions in contemporary Law’s Philosophy is the problem about the obsolescence of legal positivism: is still legal positivism a valid theory of law? Have we transcended its constitutive basis, stepping into a new era? Or are we rather just watching the moment in which those fundaments sink, that is, at the middle of two different periods? The aim of this paper is to face this question from an unusual approach in the current discussion about legal positivism: the History of Legal Thought. Concretely, we will try to proof how the canonical definition of positivism does not provide an adequate frame to understand a significant number of positivist theories from 19th century. Furthermore we will see how the problem of its pretended obsolescence can be better faced from that point of view.

  5. Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM 19280 as a novel food-grade antifungal agent for bakery products. (United States)

    Ryan, Liam A M; Zannini, Emanuele; Dal Bello, Fabio; Pawlowska, Agata; Koehler, Peter; Arendt, Elke K


    Mould spoilage is the main cause of substantial economic loss in bakery industry and might also cause public health problems due to the production of mycotoxins. The reduction of mould growth in bakery products is thus of crucial importance and there is great interest to develop safe and efficient strategies for this purpose. In this study Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM19280 has been shown to produce a wide spectrum of antifungal compounds active against common bread spoilage fungi. Among the indicator moulds, Aspergillus fumigatus and Fusarium culmorum were the most sensitive organisms. Several antifungal compounds were found to be present in synthetic medium inoculated with L. amylovorus DSM19280 strain, some of them being reported here for the first time. Wheat doughs fermented with L. amylovorus DSM19280 had good rheological properties and the breads thereof were of high quality as shown by rheofermentometer and texture analyser measurements. The results were compared with those obtained with a control non-antifungal L. amylovorus DSM20531(T) strain, a non-acidified and a chemically acidified dough. The quality of sourdough and bread fermented with L. amylovorus DSM 19280 was comparable to that obtained by using L. amylovorus DSM20531 (T). Additionally, breads were evaluated for the ability to retard the growth of Fusarium culmorum FST 4.05, Aspergillus niger FST4.21, Penicillium expansum FST 4.22, Penicillium roqueforti FST 4.11 and fungal flora from the bakery environment. The biological preservation of bread with L. amylovorus DSM 19280 was also compared to the most commonly used antifungal agent Calcium propionate. Breads containing sourdough fermented with L. amylovorus DSM 19280 were more effective in extending the shelf life of bread than the calcium propionate. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Screening for PTSD among detained adolescents: Implications of the changes in the DSM-5. (United States)

    Modrowski, Crosby A; Bennett, Diana C; Chaplo, Shannon D; Kerig, Patricia K


    Screening for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly relevant for youth involved in the juvenile justice system given their high rates of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms. However, to date, no studies have investigated the implications of the recent revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (5th ed., DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) diagnostic criteria for PTSD for screening in this population. To this end, the present study compared PTSD screening rates using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev., DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2013) versus DSM-5 criteria in a group of detained adolescents. Participants included 209 youth (60 girls) aged 13-19 (M = 15.97, SD = 1.24). Youth completed measures of lifetime trauma exposure and past-month posttraumatic stress symptoms. Over 95% of youth in the sample reported exposure to at least 1 type of traumatic event. Approximately 19.60% of the sample screened positive for PTSD according to the DSM-5 compared to 17.70% according to the DSM-IV-TR. Girls were more likely than boys to screen positive for PTSD according to the DSM-IV-TR compared to the DSM-5. The main factors accounting for the differences in screening rates across the versions of PTSD criteria involved the removal of Criterion A2 from the DSM-5, the separation of avoidance symptoms (Criterion C) into their own cluster, the addition of a cluster involving negative alterations in cognitions and mood (Criterion D), and revisions to the cluster of arousal symptoms (Criterion E). Future research should continue to investigate gender differences in PTSD symptoms in youth and consider the implications of these diagnostic changes for the accurate diagnosis and referral to treatment of adolescents who demonstrate posttraumatic stress reactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  7. Examining the Stability of "DSM-IV" and Empirically Derived Eating Disorder Classification: Implications for "DSM-5" (United States)

    Peterson, Carol B.; Crow, Scott J.; Swanson, Sonja A.; Crosby, Ross D.; Wonderlich, Stephen A.; Mitchell, James E.; Agras, W. Stewart; Halmi, Katherine A.


    Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to derive an empirical classification of eating disorder symptoms in a heterogeneous eating disorder sample using latent class analysis (LCA) and to examine the longitudinal stability of these latent classes (LCs) and the stability of DSM-IV eating disorder (ED) diagnoses. Method: A total of 429…

  8. Treatment recommendations for DSM-5-defined mixed features. (United States)

    Rosenblat, Joshua D; McIntyre, Roger S


    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) mixed features specifier provides a less restrictive definition of mixed mood states, compared to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), including mood episodes that manifest with subthreshold symptoms of the opposite mood state. A limited number of studies have assessed the efficacy of treatments specifically for DSM-5-defined mixed features in mood disorders. As such, there is currently an inadequate amount of data to appropriately inform evidence-based treatment guidelines of DSM-5 defined mixed features. However, given the high prevalence and morbidity of mixed features, treatment recommendations based on the currently available evidence along with expert opinion may be of benefit. This article serves to provide these interim treatment recommendations while humbly acknowledging the limited amount of evidence currently available. Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) appear to have the greatest promise in the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD) with mixed features. Conventional mood stabilizing agents (ie, lithium and divalproex) may also be of benefit; however, they have been inadequately studied. In the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) with mixed features, the comparable efficacy of antidepressants versus other treatments, such as SGAs, remains unknown. As such, antidepressants remain first-line treatment of MDD with or without mixed features; however, there are significant safety concerns associated with antidepressant monotherapy when mixed features are present, which merits increased monitoring. Lurasidone is the only SGA monotherapy that has been shown to be efficacious specifically in the treatment of MDD with mixed features. Further research is needed to accurately determine the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of treatments specifically for mood episodes with mixed features to adequately inform

  9. The New Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders: Issues and Controversies (United States)

    Porter, Jeffrey S.; Risler, Edwin


    Purpose: Assess the new alternative "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders", fifth edition (DSM-5) model for personality disorders (PDs) as it is seen by its creators and critics. Method: Follow the DSM revision process by monitoring the American Psychiatric Association website and the publication of pertinent journal…

  10. The cross-cultural validity of posttraumatic stress disorder: implications for DSM-5. (United States)

    Hinton, Devon E; Lewis-Fernández, Roberto


    There is considerable debate about the cross-cultural applicability of the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) category as currently specified. Concerns include the possible status of PTSD as a Western culture-bound disorder and the validity of individual items and criteria thresholds. This review examines various types of cross-cultural validity of the PTSD criteria as defined in DSM-IV-TR, and presents options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-5. Searches were conducted of the mental health literature, particularly since 1994, regarding cultural-, race-, or ethnicity-related factors that might limit the universal applicability of the diagnostic criteria of PTSD in DSM-IV-TR and the possible criteria for DSM-5. Substantial evidence of the cross-cultural validity of PTSD was found. However, evidence of cross-cultural variability in certain areas suggests the need for further research: the relative salience of avoidance/numbing symptoms, the role of the interpretation of trauma-caused symptoms in shaping symptomatology, and the prevalence of somatic symptoms. This review also indicates the need to modify certain criteria, such as the items on distressing dreams and on foreshortened future, to increase their cross-cultural applicability. Text additions are suggested to increase the applicability of the manual across cultural contexts: specifying that cultural syndromes-such as those indicated in the DSM-IV-TR Glossary-may be a prominent part of the trauma response in certain cultures, and that those syndromes may influence PTSD symptom salience and comorbidity. The DSM-IV-TR PTSD category demonstrates various types of validity. Criteria modification and textual clarifications are suggested to further improve its cross-cultural applicability. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  11. Delusional versus nondelusional body dysmorphic disorder: recommendations for DSM-5 (United States)

    Phillips, Katharine A.; Hart, Ashley S.; Simpson, Helen Blair; Stein, Dan J.


    The core feature of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is distressing or impairing preoccupation with nonexistent or slight defects in one’s physical appearance. BDD beliefs are characterized by varying degrees of insight, ranging from good (ie, recognition that one’s BDD beliefs are not true) through “absent insight/delusional” beliefs (ie, complete conviction that one’s BDD beliefs are true). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd ed., rev. (DSM-III-R) and The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV) classified BDD’s nondelusional form in the somatoform section of the manual and its delusional form in the psychosis section, as a type of delusional disorder, somatic type (although DSM-IV allowed double-coding of delusional BDD as both a psychotic disorder and BDD). However, little or no evidence on this issue was available when these editions were published. In this article, we review the classification of BDD’s delusional and nondelusional variants in earlier editions of DSM and the limitations of their approaches. We then review empirical evidence on this topic, which has become available since DSM-IV was developed. Available evidence indicates that across a range of validators, BDD’s delusional and nondelusional variants have many more similarities than differences, including response to pharmacotherapy. Based on these data, we propose that BDD’s delusional and nondelusional forms be classified as the same disorder and that BDD’s diagnostic criteria include an insight specifier that spans a range of insight, including absent insight/delusional BDD beliefs. We hope that this recommendation will improve care for patients with this common and often-severe disorder. This increased understanding of BDD may also have implications for other disorders that have an “absent insight/delusional” form. PMID:23659348

  12. Evaluation of a research diagnostic algorithm for DSM-5 neurocognitive disorders in a population-based cohort of older adults. (United States)

    Eramudugolla, Ranmalee; Mortby, Moyra E; Sachdev, Perminder; Meslin, Chantal; Kumar, Rajeev; Anstey, Kaarin J


    There is little information on the application and impact of revised criteria for diagnosing dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), now termed major and mild neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) in the DSM-5. We evaluate a psychometric algorithm for diagnosing DSM-5 NCDs in a community-dwelling sample, and characterize the neuropsychological and functional profile of expert-diagnosed DSM-5 NCDs relative to DSM-IV dementia and International Working Group criteria for MCI. A population-based sample of 1644 adults aged 72-78 years was assessed. Algorithmic diagnostic criteria used detailed neuropsychological data, medical history, longitudinal cognitive performance, and informant interview. Those meeting all criteria for at least one diagnosis had data reviewed by a neurologist (expert diagnosis) who achieved consensus with a psychiatrist for complex cases. The algorithm accurately classified DSM-5 major NCD (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.92-0.97), DSM-IV dementia (AUC = 0.91, 95% CI 0.85-0.97), DSM-5 mild NCD (AUC = 0.75, 95% CI 0.70-0.80), and MCI (AUC = 0.76, 95% CI 0.72-0.81) when compared to expert diagnosis. Expert diagnosis of dementia using DSM-5 criteria overlapped with 90% of DSM-IV dementia cases, but resulted in a 127% increase in diagnosis relative to DSM-IV. Additional cases had less severe memory, language impairment, and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) impairments compared to cases meeting DSM-IV criteria for dementia. DSM-5 mild NCD overlapped with 83% of MCI cases and resulted in a 19% increase in diagnosis. These additional cases had a subtly different neurocognitive profile to MCI cases, including poorer social cognition. DSM-5 NCD criteria can be operationalized in a psychometric algorithm in a population setting. Expert diagnosis using DSM-5 NCD criteria captured most cases with DSM-IV dementia and MCI in our sample, but included many additional cases suggesting that DSM-5

  13. Performance of the AUDIT in Detecting DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorders in College Students. (United States)

    Hagman, Brett T


    It is critical that our alcohol screening instruments maintain their accuracy at detecting DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) symptomatology. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is one of the most widely used alcohol screening instruments, despite no studies evaluating its performance for detecting DSM-5 AUDs. The present study evaluated the performance of the AUDIT in the screening of DSM-5 AUDs in non-treatment seeking college students. Participants (N = 251) were undergraduate students who had at least one binge drinking occasion in the past 90-days. The AUROC value for DSM-5 AUD status in the overall sample was.779 (SE =.029; 95% CIs =.721 to.837). The AUROC values for the reference groups of any DSM-IV AUD and any binge drinker were.798 (SE =.028; 95% CIs =.742 to.853) and.827 (SE =.03; 95% CIs.768 -.886), respectively. A similar pattern of findings emerged between males and females. Gender differences emerged in the identification of AUDIT cut-off scores. A score of ≥ 8 and ≥ 9 had the best balance of sensitivity and specificity for females and males in college, respectively. Findings indicate that the AUDIT has a reasonable degree of diagnostic proficiency in screening for DSM-5 AUDs in college students.

  14. Alternative models of DSM-5 PTSD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Murphy, Siobhan; Hansen, Maj; Elklit, Ask


    estimated within a confirmatory factor analytic framework using the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Data were analysed from a Malaysian adolescent community sample (n=481) of which 61.7% were female, with a mean age of 17.03 years. The results indicated that all models provided satisfactory model fit...


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    A. Rizaldy


    Full Text Available Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG is government institution in Indonesia which is responsible to provide Topographic Map at several map scale. For medium map scale, e.g. 1:25.000 or 1:50.000, DSM from Radar data is very good solution since Radar is able to penetrate cloud that usually covering tropical area in Indonesia. DSM Radar is produced using Radargrammetry and Interferrometry technique. The conventional method of DTM production is using “stereo-mate”, the stereo image created from DSM Radar and ORRI (Ortho Rectified Radar Image, and human operator will digitizing masspoint and breakline manually using digital stereoplotter workstation. This technique is accurate but very costly and time consuming, also needs large resource of human operator. Since DSMs are already generated, it is possible to filter DSM to DTM using several techniques. This paper will study the possibility of DSM to DTM filtering using technique that usually used in point cloud LIDAR filtering. Accuracy of this method will also be calculated using enough numbers of check points. If the accuracy meets the requirement, this method is very potential to accelerate the production of Topographic Map in Indonesia.

  16. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Some Key Issues for DSM-V (United States)

    Phillips, Katharine A.; Wilhelm, Sabine; Koran, Lorrin M.; Didie, Elizabeth R.; Fallon, Brian A.; Feusner, Jamie; Stein, Dan J.


    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a distressing or impairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance, has been described for more than a century and increasingly studied over the past several decades. This paper provides a focused review of issues pertaining to BDD that are relevant to DSM-V. The review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V: 1) Criterion A may benefit from some rewording, without changing its focus or meaning; 2) Potential disadvantages of adding a new criterion to reflect BDD compulsive behaviors seem to outweigh potential advantages, but adding such a criterion remains an option that can be considered; 3) A clinical significance criterion seems necessary for BDD to differentiate it from normal appearance concerns; 4) BDD and eating disorders have some overlapping features and need to be differentiated; some minor changes to DSM-IV’s criterion C are suggested; 5) BDD should not be broadened to include body integrity identity disorder (apotemnophilia) or olfactory reference syndrome; 6) There is no compelling evidence for including diagnostic features or subtypes that are specific to gender-related, age-related, or cultural manifestations of BDD; 7) Adding muscle dysmorphia as a specifier may have clinical utility; and 8) The ICD-10 criteria for hypochondriacal disorder are not suitable for BDD, and there is no empirical evidence that BDD and hypochondriasis are the same disorder. The issue of how BDD’s delusional variant should be classified in DSM-V is briefly discussed and will be addressed more extensively in a separate paper. PMID:20533368

  17. Body dysmorphic disorder: some key issues for DSM-V. (United States)

    Phillips, Katharine A; Wilhelm, Sabine; Koran, Lorrin M; Didie, Elizabeth R; Fallon, Brian A; Feusner, Jamie; Stein, Dan J


    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a distressing or impairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance, has been described for more than a century and increasingly studied over the past several decades. This article provides a focused review of issues pertaining to BDD that are relevant to DSM-V. The review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V: (1) Criterion A may benefit from some rewording, without changing its focus or meaning; (2) There are both advantages and disadvantages to adding a new criterion to reflect compulsive BDD behaviors; this possible addition requires further consideration; (3) A clinical significance criterion seems necessary for BDD to differentiate it from normal appearance concerns; (4) BDD and eating disorders have some overlapping features and need to be differentiated; some minor changes to DSM-IV's criterion C are suggested; (5) BDD should not be broadened to include body integrity identity disorder (apotemnophilia) or olfactory reference syndrome; (6) There is no compelling evidence for including diagnostic features or subtypes that are specific to gender-related, age-related, or cultural manifestations of BDD; (7) Adding muscle dysmorphia as a specifier may have clinical utility; and (8) The ICD-10 criteria for hypochondriacal disorder are not suitable for BDD, and there is no empirical evidence that BDD and hypochondriasis are the same disorder. The issue of how BDD's delusional variant should be classified in DSM-V is briefly discussed and will be addressed more extensively in a separate article. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Screening for DSM-5 Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder in a Weight-Loss Treatment–Seeking Obese Sample (United States)

    Gorman, Mark J.; Sogg, Stephanie; Lamont, Evan M.; Eddy, Kamryn T.; Becker, Anne E.; Thomas, Jennifer J.


    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of specific self-report questionnaires in detecting DSM-5 eating disorders identified via structured clinical interview in a weight-loss treatment–seeking obese sample, to improve eating disorder recognition in general clinical settings. Method: Individuals were recruited over a 3-month period (November 2, 2011, to January 10, 2012) when initially presenting to a hospital-based weight-management center in the northeastern United States, which offers evaluation and treatment for outpatients who are overweight or obese. Participants (N = 100) completed the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV eating disorder module, a DSM-5 feeding and eating disorders interview, and a battery of self-report questionnaires. Results: Self-reports and interviews agreed substantially in the identification of bulimia nervosa (DSM-IV and DSM-5: tau-b = 0.71, P DSM-5: tau-b = 0.60, P DSM-5]). Discussion: Current self-report assessments are likely to identify full syndrome DSM-5 eating disorders in treatment-seeking obese samples, but unlikely to detect DSM-5 other specified feeding or eating disorders. We propose specific content changes that might enhance clinical utility as suggestions for future evaluation. PMID:25667810

  19. Risk and maintenance factors for young women's DSM-5 eating disorders. (United States)

    Dakanalis, Antonios; Clerici, Massimo; Bartoli, Francesco; Caslini, Manuela; Crocamo, Cristina; Riva, Giuseppe; Carrà, Giuseppe


    Recent research with young women attending colleges, who are at the average age of eating disorder (ED) onset, established that the ED symptoms are not only prevalent but also relatively stable over the college period. Nonetheless, our knowledge regarding the course and modifiable factors associated with both the onset and maintenance of diagnosable (DSM-5) EDs in this population is limited. The objective of this report was to address these key research gaps. Data were examined from 2713 women who completed assessments of potential vulnerability factors and EDs in the autumn semester of the first (baseline) and fourth (follow-up) college years. A total of 13.1% of the sample met DSM-5 criteria for an ED diagnosis at baseline. At 4-year follow-up, 7.6% of the sample met DSM-5 criteria for an ED, with 67.5% of these cases representing women who had maintained an ED diagnosis from baseline, and 32.5% representing new onset EDs. Elevated appearance-ideal internalization, body dissatisfaction, self-objectification, dieting, and negative affectivity at baseline as well as changes in these factors between assessments all predicted onset and maintenance of DSM-5 EDs at 4-year follow-up. Self-objectification (thinking about and monitoring the body's appearance from an external observer's perspective) was the largest contributor to both ED onset and maintenance. In addition to enhancing our knowledge about the course of young women's (DSM-5) EDs during college, this work highlights potentially similar psychological foci for prevention and treatment efforts. Implications for improving existing preventive and treatment approaches are outlined.

  20. DSM-5 Criteria for Substance Use Disorders: Recommendations and Rationale (United States)

    Hasin, Deborah S.; O’Brien, Charles P.; Auriacombe, Marc; Borges, Guilherme; Bucholz, Kathleen; Budney, Alan; Compton, Wilson M.; Crowley, Thomas; Ling, Walter; Petry, Nancy M.; Schuckit, Marc; Grant, Bridget F.


    Since DSM-IV was published in 1994, its approach to substance use disorders has come under scrutiny. Strengths were identified (notably, reliability and validity of dependence), but concerns have also arisen. The DSM-5 Substance-Related Disorders Work Group considered these issues and recommended revisions for DSM-5. General concerns included whether to retain the division into two main disorders (dependence and abuse), whether substance use disorder criteria should be added or removed, and whether an appropriate substance use disorder severity indicator could be identified. Specific issues included possible addition of withdrawal syndromes for several substances, alignment of nicotine criteria with those for other substances, addition of biomarkers, and inclusion of nonsubstance, behavioral addictions. This article presents the major issues and evidence considered by the work group, which included literature reviews and extensive new data analyses. The work group recommendations for DSM-5 revisions included combining abuse and dependence criteria into a single substance use disorder based on consistent findings from over 200,000 study participants, dropping legal problems and adding craving as criteria, adding cannabis and caffeine withdrawal syndromes, aligning tobacco use disorder criteria with other substance use disorders, and moving gambling disorders to the chapter formerly reserved for substance-related disorders. The proposed changes overcome many problems, while further studies will be needed to address issues for which less data were available. PMID:23903334

  1. DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorders: recommendations and rationale. (United States)

    Hasin, Deborah S; O'Brien, Charles P; Auriacombe, Marc; Borges, Guilherme; Bucholz, Kathleen; Budney, Alan; Compton, Wilson M; Crowley, Thomas; Ling, Walter; Petry, Nancy M; Schuckit, Marc; Grant, Bridget F


    Since DSM-IV was published in 1994, its approach to substance use disorders has come under scrutiny. Strengths were identified (notably, reliability and validity of dependence), but concerns have also arisen. The DSM-5 Substance-Related Disorders Work Group considered these issues and recommended revisions for DSM-5. General concerns included whether to retain the division into two main disorders (dependence and abuse), whether substance use disorder criteria should be added or removed, and whether an appropriate substance use disorder severity indicator could be identified. Specific issues included possible addition of withdrawal syndromes for several substances, alignment of nicotine criteria with those for other substances, addition of biomarkers, and inclusion of nonsubstance, behavioral addictions.This article presents the major issues and evidence considered by the work group, which included literature reviews and extensive new data analyses. The work group recommendations for DSM-5 revisions included combining abuse and dependence criteria into a single substance use disorder based on consistent findings from over 200,000 study participants, dropping legal problems and adding craving as criteria, adding cannabis and caffeine withdrawal syndromes, aligning tobacco use disorder criteria with other substance use disorders, and moving gambling disorders to the chapter formerly reserved for substance-related disorders. The proposed changes overcome many problems, while further studies will be needed to address issues for which less data were available.

  2. Relating DSM-5 section II and section III personality disorder diagnostic classification systems to treatment planning. (United States)

    Morey, Leslie C; Benson, Kathryn T


    Beginning with DSM-III, the inclusion of a "personality" axis was designed to encourage awareness of personality disorders and the treatment-related implications of individual differences, but since that time there is little accumulated evidence that the personality disorder categories provide substantial treatment-related guidance. The DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group sought to develop an Alternative Model for personality disorder, and this study examined whether this model is more closely related to clinicians' decision-making processes than the traditional categorical personality disorder diagnoses. A national sample of 337 clinicians provided complete personality disorder diagnostic information and several treatment-related clinical judgments about one of their patients. The dimensional concepts of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for personality disorders demonstrated stronger relationships than categorical DSM-IV/DSM-5 Section II diagnoses to 10 of 11 clinical judgments regarding differential treatment planning, optimal treatment intensity, and long-term prognosis. The constructs of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for personality disorders may provide more clinically useful information for treatment planning than the official categorical personality disorder diagnostic system retained in DSM-5 Section II. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. From distress to disease: a critique of the medicalisation of possession in DSM-5. (United States)

    Padmanabhan, Divya


    This paper critiques the category of possession-form dissociative identity disorder as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5) published in 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The DSM as an index of psychiatry pathologises possession by categorising it as a form of dissociative identity disorder. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork, this paper argues that such a pathologisation medicalises possession, which is understood as a non-pathological condition in other contexts such as by those individuals who manifest possession at a temple in Kerala, South India. Through medicalising and further by creating distinctions between acceptable and pathological possession, the DSM converts a form of distress into a disease. This has both conceptual and pragmatic implications. The temple therefore becomes reduced to a culturally acceptable site for the manifestation of a mental illness in a form that is culturally available and possession is explained solely through a biomedical framework, denying alternative conceptualisations and theories which inform possession. By focussing on the DSM-5 classification of possession and the limitations of such a classification, this paper seeks to posit an alternative conceptualisation of possession by engaging with three primary areas which are significant in the DSM categorisation of possession: the DSM's conceptualisation of self in the singular, the distinction between pathological and non-pathological forms of possession, and the limitations of the DSM's equation of the condition of possession with the manifestation of possession. Finally, the paper briefly highlights alternative conceptualisations of possession, which emerged from the perspective of those seeking to heal possession at the Chottanikkara temple.

  4. Narcissistic personality disorder and the DSM-V. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Widiger, Thomas A; Campbell, W Keith


    We address 3 issues relevant to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and the DSM-V. First, we argue that excluding NPD while retaining other traditional personality disorder constructs (e.g., avoidant) makes little sense given the research literature on NPD and trait narcissism and their association with clinically relevant consequences such as aggression, self-enhancement, distorted self-presentation, failed relationships, cognitive biases, and internalizing and externalizing dysregulation. Second, we argue that the DSM-V must include content (in diagnostic form or within a dimensional trait model) that allows for the assessment of both grandiose and vulnerable variants of narcissism. Finally, we suggest that any dimensional classification of personality disorder should recover all of the important component traits of narcissism and be provided with official recognition in the coding system. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved

  5. DSM-IV Diagnosis of Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Implications and Guidelines for School Mental Health Teams. (United States)

    Atkins, Marc S.; McKay, Mary McKernan; Talbott, Elizabeth; Arvanitis, Patrice


    Reviews the DSM-IV criteria for conduct disorder (CD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), comparing their counterparts in DSM-III-R. Results from DSM-IV field trials indicate interrater and test-retest reliability were only marginally improved compared to prior criteria. Although overlooked in DSM-IV, community factors, gender differences,…

  6. The Bulimia Test--Revised: Validation with "DSM-IV" Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa. (United States)

    Thelen, Mark H.; And Others


    The Bulimia Test--Revised (BULIT-R) was given to 23 female subjects who met the criteria for bulimia in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-IV) and 124 female controls. The BULIT-R appears to be a valid instruction for identifying individuals who meet DSM-IV criteria for bulimia. (SLD)

  7. El San José de Cano y Mena y la abadesa del convento del Ángel Custodio de Granada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García Cueto, David


    Full Text Available Los trabajos de Alonso Cano para la Catedral de Granada, iniciados tras conseguir por mediación regia el cargo de Racionero de ese templo, fueron compaginados por el artista con la realización de encargos de distintos conventos de la misma ciudad; entre éstos, fue el del Ángel Custodio el que más atenciones recibió por parte del maestro, ya que para él diseñó su arquitectura y realizó buena parte de su decoración pictórica y escultórica. Estas obras fueron emprendidas y financiadas por Sor María de Llagas, hija de los marqueses de Camarasa, fundadora y abadesa del Ángel Custodio, quien así cumplió un deseo de su padre, ya que el marqués estimaba que su hija era dama de muy alta posición como para ser religiosa en una fundación ajena…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franz Hinkelammert


    Full Text Available En las ciencias sociales de latinoamericanas, una intensa discusión sobre los procesos de desarrollo,  subdesarrollo, dependencia, imperialismo y otros conceptos similares o relacionados, data desde hace más de 50 años. La teoría de la CEPAL de los años 50 y 60 del pasado siglo introdujo la noción de centro-periferia, como un marco general para su explicación del subdesarrollo. La tradición marxista puso, y sigue poniendo, el énfasis en la extracción y transferencia de excedentes hacia los centros desarrollados, aunque los mecanismos de esta transferencia no han sido del todo aclarados teóricamente (distintas variantes del “intercambio desigual”. Y la llamada escuela de la dependenciallamó la atención sobre la dialéctica entre desarrollo y subdesarrollo, siendo el subdesarrollo de las zonas periféricas un resultado, más o menos mecánico, del desarrollo de los centros; teniendo la virtud de resaltar el carácter global y estructuralmente diferenciado del capitalismo, pero sin lograr explicar esta dialéctica que era su punto de partida.

  9. [Autism Spectrum Disorder in DSM-5 - concept, validity, and reliability, impact on clinical care and future research]. (United States)

    Freitag, Christine M


    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in DSM-5 comprises the former DSM-IV-TR diagnoses of Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder and PDD-nos. The criteria for ASD in DSM-5 were considerably revised from those of ICD-10 and DSM-IV-TR. The present article compares the diagnostic criteria, presents studies on the validity and reliability of ASD, and discusses open questions. It ends with a clinical and research perspective.

  10. Validity of DSM-IV attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom dimensions and subtypes. (United States)

    Willcutt, Erik G; Nigg, Joel T; Pennington, Bruce F; Solanto, Mary V; Rohde, Luis A; Tannock, Rosemary; Loo, Sandra K; Carlson, Caryn L; McBurnett, Keith; Lahey, Benjamin B


    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) specify two dimensions of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms that are used to define three nominal subtypes: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type (ADHD-H), predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I), and combined type (ADHD-C). To aid decision making for DSM-5 and other future diagnostic systems, a comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis of 546 studies was completed to evaluate the validity of the DSM-IV model of ADHD. Results indicated that DSM-IV criteria identify individuals with significant and persistent impairment in social, academic, occupational, and adaptive functioning when intelligence, demographic factors, and concurrent psychopathology are controlled. Available data overwhelmingly support the concurrent, predictive, and discriminant validity of the distinction between inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, and indicate that nearly all differences among the nominal subtypes are consistent with the relative levels of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms that define the subtypes. In contrast, the DSM-IV subtype model is compromised by weak evidence for the validity of ADHD-H after first grade, minimal support for the distinction between ADHD-I and ADHD-C in studies of etiological influences, academic and cognitive functioning, and treatment response, and the marked longitudinal instability of all three subtypes. Overall, we conclude that the DSM-IV ADHD subtypes provide a convenient clinical shorthand to describe the functional and behavioral correlates of current levels of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, but do not identify discrete subgroups with sufficient long-term stability to justify the classification of distinct forms of the disorder. Empirical support is stronger for an alternative model that would replace the subtypes with dimensional

  11. Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ASD and ADHD): DSM-5, ICD-10, and ICD-11. (United States)

    Doernberg, Ellen; Hollander, Eric


    Neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have undergone considerable diagnostic evolution in the past decade. In the United States, the current system in place is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), whereas worldwide, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) serves as a general medical system. This review will examine the differences in neurodevelopmental disorders between these two systems. First, we will review the important revisions made from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) to the DSM-5, with respect to ASD and ADHD. Next, we will cover the similarities and differences between ASD and ADHD classification in the DSM-5 and the ICD-10, and how these differences may have an effect on neurodevelopmental disorder diagnostics and classification. By examining the changes made for the DSM-5 in 2013, and critiquing the current ICD-10 system, we can help to anticipate and advise on the upcoming ICD-11, due to come online in 2017. Overall, this review serves to highlight the importance of progress towards complementary diagnostic classification systems, keeping in mind the difference in tradition and purpose of the DSM and the ICD, and that these systems are dynamic and changing as more is learned about neurodevelopmental disorders and their underlying etiology. Finally this review will discuss alternative diagnostic approaches, such as the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative, which links symptom domains to underlying biological and neurological mechanisms. The incorporation of new diagnostic directions could have a great effect on treatment development and insurance coverage for neurodevelopmental disorders worldwide.

  12. Validity of DSM-IV attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom dimensions and subtypes (United States)

    Willcutt, Erik G.; Nigg, Joel T.; Pennington, Bruce F.; Solanto, Mary V.; Rohde, Luis A.; Tannock, Rosemary; Loo, Sandra K.; Carlson, Caryn L.; McBurnett, Keith; Lahey, Benjamin B.


    DSM-IV criteria for ADHD specify two dimensions of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms that are used to define three nominal subtypes: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type (ADHD-H), predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I), and combined type (ADHD-C). To aid decision-making for DSM-5 and other future diagnostic systems, a comprehensive literature review and meta-analysis of 546 studies was completed to evaluate the validity of the DSM-IV model of ADHD. Results indicated that DSM-IV criteria identify individuals with significant and persistent impairment in social, academic, occupational, and adaptive functioning when intelligence, demographic factors, and concurrent psychopathology are controlled. Available data overwhelmingly support the concurrent, predictive, and discriminant validity of the distinction between inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, and indicate that nearly all differences among the nominal subtypes are consistent with the relative levels of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms that define the subtypes. In contrast, the validity of the DSM-IV subtype model is compromised by weak evidence for the validity of ADHD-H after first grade, minimal support for the distinction between ADHD-I and ADHD-C in studies of etiological influences, academic and cognitive functioning, and treatment response, and the marked longitudinal instability of all three subtypes. Overall, it is concluded that the DSM-IV ADHD subtypes provide a convenient clinical shorthand to describe the functional and behavioral correlates of current levels of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, but do not identify discrete subgroups with sufficient long-term stability to justify the classification of distinct forms of the disorder. Empirical support is stronger for an alternative model that would replace the subtypes with dimensional modifiers that reflect the number of inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms at the

  13. Continuity Between DSM-5 Section II and III Personality Disorders in a Dutch Clinical Sample. (United States)

    Orbons, Irene M J; Rossi, Gina; Verheul, Roel; Schoutrop, Mirjam J A; Derksen, Jan L L; Segal, Daniel L; van Alphen, Sebastiaan P J


    The goal of this study was to evaluate the continuity across the Section II personality disorders (PDs) and the proposed Section III model of PDs in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric Association, 2013a ). More specifically, we analyzed association between the DSM-5 Section III pathological trait facets and Section II PDs among 110 Dutch adults (M age = 35.8 years, range = 19-60 years) receiving mental health care. We administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders to all participants. Participants also completed the self-report Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) as a measure of pathological trait facets. The distributions underlying the dependent variable were modeled as criterion counts, using negative binomial regression. The results provided some support for the validity of the PID-5 and the DSM-5 Section III Alternative Model, although analyses did not show a perfect match. Both at the trait level and the domain level, analyses showed mixed evidence of significant relationships between the PID-5 trait facets and domains with the traditional DSM-IV PDs.

  14. Supply shortage forecast in Ontario: The significance of demand-side management (DSM); its tools and techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saini, S.


    Aspects of the recent report by the Ontario Electricity Conservation and Supply Task Force and Independent Market Operator which forecasts acute power supply shortages in Ontario, are discussed. Immediate action is recommended to avert the problem. The principal recommendation concerns the adoption of Demand Side Management as a tool to reduce the widening gap between supply and demand, citing supply shortage, imports, high prices, deregulated market and environmental concerns as the driving forces which push for the adoption of DSM. It is claimed that DSM, through its tools such as Demand/Load Response Programs and Time-of-Use rates has the capacity to create the necessary balance between supply and demand more efficiently, and in a more timely fashion than supply side management. The demand for adoption of DSM is justified on the basis of a careful examination of the magnitude and significance of each of the driving forces affecting the electricity supply in Ontario, as well as the benefits and techniques of DSM designed to manage power shortages. Energy Conservation and Efficiency and Demand/Load Response Programs are discussed as the principal DSM techniques, while Dynamic/Real Time Pricing, Time-of-Use Rates, Automated /Smart Metering, Web-based/Communication Systems, Reliability-based Programs, Market/Price-based programs, and Types of Load Control are described as the principal tools used by DSM. DSM program approaches and strategies are also reviewed, along with a brief list of successful examples of DSM applications. 3 figs

  15. Supply shortage forecast in Ontario: The significance of demand-side management (DSM); its tools and techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saini, S.


    Aspects of the recent report by the Ontario Electricity Conservation and Supply Task Force and Independent Market Operator which forecasts acute power supply shortages in Ontario, are discussed. Immediate action is recommended to avert the problem. The principal recommendation concerns the adoption of Demand Side Management as a tool to reduce the widening gap between supply and demand, citing supply shortage, imports, high prices, deregulated market and environmental concerns as the driving forces which push for the adoption of DSM. It is claimed that DSM, through its tools such as Demand/Load Response Programs and Time-of-Use rates has the capacity to create the necessary balance between supply and demand more efficiently, and in a more timely fashion than supply side management. The demand for adoption of DSM is justified on the basis of a careful examination of the magnitude and significance of each of the driving forces affecting the electricity supply in Ontario, as well as the benefits and techniques of DSM designed to manage power shortages. Energy Conservation and Efficiency and Demand/Load Response Programs are discussed as the principal DSM techniques, while Dynamic/Real Time Pricing, Time-of-Use Rates, Automated /Smart Metering, Web-based/Communication Systems, Reliability-based Programs, Market/Price-based programs, and Types of Load Control are described as the principal tools used by DSM. DSM program approaches and strategies are also reviewed, along with a brief list of successful examples of DSM applications. 3 figs.

  16. Primer Centro de Incubación de Empresas del país cumple 20 años


    Ferreto Gutiérrez, Eugenia; Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    En el año 1994 la incubación da sus primeros pasos de la mano del Centro de Incubación de Empresas (CIE), por medio de la Escuela de Administración de Empresas del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC). Era esta una propuesta arriesgada al tratarse de un proceso desconocido para la institución y para el país.

  17. DSM-5 Alcohol Use Disorder Severity in Puerto Rico: Prevalence, Criteria Profile, and Correlates. (United States)

    Caetano, Raul; Gruenewald, Paul; Vaeth, Patrice A C; Canino, Glorisa


    Our aim was to examine lifetime criteria profiles and correlates of severity (mild, moderate, severe) of DSM-5 alcohol use disorders (AUD) in Puerto Rico. Data are from a household random sample of individuals 18 to 64 years of age in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The survey response rate was 83%. DSM-5 AUD was identified with the Spanish version of the World Health Organization's Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The analyses also identify correlates of each severity level using an ordered logistic regression model. The prevalence of lifetime DSM-5 AUD among men and women was 38 and 16%, respectively. Mild lifetime DSM-5 AUD was the most prevalent severity level among both men (18%) and women (9%). The most common criteria, independent of gender and severity level, were drinking larger quantities and for longer than planned (men range: 80 to 97%; women range: 78 to 91%) and hazardous use (men range: 56 to 91%; women range: 42 to 74%). Results from ordered logistic regression showed that the adjusted odds ratio for weekly drinking frequency, greater volume of alcohol consumed per drinking occasion, positive attitudes about drinking, drinking norms, and male gender invariantly increased risks across all DSM-5 AUD severity levels (mild, moderate, severe). Greater negative attitudes about drinking, low family cohesion, and Protestant religion were related to greater risks at higher AUD severity levels. AUD prevalence is high in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Prevalence rates for some criteria are equally high across severity levels and poorly differentiate between mild, moderate, or severe DSM-5 AUD. The sociodemographic and alcohol-related risks vary across DSM-5 severity levels. Copyright © 2018 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  18. Research Review: DSM-V Conduct Disorder--Research Needs for an Evidence Base (United States)

    Moffitt, Terrie E.; Arseneault, Louise; Jaffee, Sara R.; Kim-Cohen, Julia; Koenen, Karestan C.; Odgers, Candice L.; Slutske, Wendy S.; Viding, Essi


    This article charts a strategic research course toward an empirical foundation for the diagnosis of conduct disorder in the forthcoming DSM-V. Since the DSM-IV appeared in 1994, an impressive amount of new information about conduct disorder has emerged. As a result of this new knowledge, reasonable rationales have been put forward for adding to…

  19. Personality disorder types proposed for DSM-5

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Skodol, A.E.; Bender, D.S.; Morey, L.C.; Clark, L.A.; Oldham, J.M.; Alarcon, R.D.; Krueger, R.F.; Verheul, R.; Bell, C.C.; Siever, L.J.


    The Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group has proposed five specific personality disorder (PD) types for DSM-5, to be rated on a dimension of fit: antisocial/psychopathic, avoidant, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal. Each type is identified by core impairments in

  20. Aportes del turismo según los habitantes de las comunidades de Playas del Coco, Guanacaste y el Roble, Puntarenas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Bartels Villanueva


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se basa en los artículos titulados “Impacto del Turismo, el caso de: El Roble 2 de Puntarenas” y “Allá en Playas del Coco; donde el turismo no fue amor de temporada”, que se obtuvieron a partir de la investigación realizada por el equipo del proyecto Desarrollo de la investigación INTERSEDES, mediante el estudio y el fortalecimiento del turismo sostenible en las provincias de Limón, Puntarenas y Guanacaste” desarrollado, durante el año 2009 y 2010, en las comunidades de Playas del Coco y el Roble 2 de Puntarenas. El objetivo de la investigación era determinar el impacto del turismo sobre estas comunidades y más específicamente se quería caracterizar a los hogares, conocer la composición de la población económicamente activa, conocer la fuente de los ingresos individuales y familiares y las opiniones que esa población tiene sobre el turismo, la cultura local y el papel de las instituciones locales en el desarrollo de esas comunidades. En nuestro caso queremos comparar esas mismas variables en dos focos de turismo nacional, con características diferentes, para determinar como ven esas comunidades al turismo como actividad de desarrollo local.

  1. DSM-5 intermittent explosive disorder: Relationship with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. (United States)

    Coccaro, Emil F


    This study was designed to estimate how many adults with DSM-5 Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) would also meet diagnostic criteria for Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD). This was done by examining how many individuals with IED would meet the DMDD criterion of being persistently angry in between impulsive aggressive outbursts. The first one-hundred study participants diagnosed with DSM-5 IED in our clinical research program were included in this study. Two questions were added to the IED module from the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (SCID) inquiring about the duration of anger in between impulsive aggressive outbursts in IED study participants. Data regarding aggression, impulsivity, anger expression, and related dysphoric variables were also collected. The proportion of time spent as angry in between impulsive aggressive outbursts was DSM-5 IED. Despite this, persistently-angry (i.e., angry >50% time in between outbursts) IED study participants displayed no differences from not-persistently-angry IED study participants in dysphoric and aggression/impulsivity related variables. These data indicate that inter-outburst anger in those with IED is relatively brief and that such individuals do not generally display the kind of persistent anger that is a diagnostic feature of DMDD. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Endorsement of DSM-IV dependence criteria among caffeine users. (United States)

    Hughes, J R; Oliveto, A H; Liguori, A; Carpenter, J; Howard, T


    The purpose of this article is to determine whether some caffeine users endorse clinical indicators of dependence and abuse. We asked 162 randomly-selected caffeine users generic DSM-IV criteria for dependence, abuse, intoxication and withdrawal pertaining to their caffeine use in the last year via a structured telephone interview. The prevalence of endorsement of dependence items was 56% for strong desire or unsuccessful attempt to stop use, 50% for spending a great deal of time with the drug, 28% for using more than intended, 18% for withdrawal, 14% for using despite knowledge of harm, 8% for tolerance and 1% for foregoing activities to use. Seven percent of users met DSM-IV criteria for caffeine intoxication and, among those who had tried to stop caffeine permanently, 24% met DSM-IV research criteria for caffeine withdrawal. Test-retest interviews for dependency agreed in 29/30 cases (97%). Eight expert substance abuse clinicians agreed with self-endorsed caffeine dependence 91% of the time. Our results replicate earlier work and suggest that a substantial proportion of caffeine users exhibit dependence-like behaviors. Further studies are needed to determine whether such users exhibit a clinically significant syndrome of drug dependence.

  3. Social anxiety disorder: questions and answers for the DSM-V. (United States)

    Bögels, Susan M; Alden, Lynn; Beidel, Deborah C; Clark, Lee Anna; Pine, Daniel S; Stein, Murray B; Voncken, Marisol


    This review evaluates the DSM-IV criteria of social anxiety disorder (SAD), with a focus on the generalized specifier and alternative specifiers, the considerable overlap between the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for SAD and avoidant personality disorder, and developmental issues. A literature review was conducted, using the validators provided by the DSM-V Spectrum Study Group. This review presents a number of options and preliminary recommendations to be considered for DSM-V. Little supporting evidence was found for the current specifier, generalized SAD. Rather, the symptoms of individuals with SAD appear to fall along a continuum of severity based on the number of fears. Available evidence suggested the utility of a specifier indicating a "predominantly performance" variety of SAD. A specifier based on "fear of showing anxiety symptoms" (e.g., blushing) was considered. However, a tendency to show anxiety symptoms is a core fear in SAD, similar to acting or appearing in a certain way. More research is needed before considering subtyping SAD based on core fears. SAD was found to be a valid diagnosis in children and adolescents. Selective mutism could be considered in part as a young child's avoidance response to social fears. Pervasive test anxiety may belong not only to SAD, but also to generalized anxiety disorder. The data are equivocal regarding whether to consider avoidant personality disorder simply a severe form of SAD. Secondary data analyses, field trials, and validity tests are needed to investigate the recommendations and options.

  4. VT Lidar nDSM (2 meter) - 2012 - Bennington (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — (Link to Metadata) This metadata applies to the following collection area(s): Bennington County 2012 2.0m and related "normalized" Digital Surface Model (nDSM)....

  5. Comparing the dependability and associations with functioning of the DSM-5 Section III trait model of personality pathology and the DSM-5 Section II personality disorder model. (United States)

    Chmielewski, Michael; Ruggero, Camilo J; Kotov, Roman; Liu, Keke; Krueger, Robert F


    Two competing models of personality psychopathology are included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-5 ; American Psychiatric Association, 2013); the traditional personality disorder (PD) model included in Section II and an alternative trait-based model included in Section III. Numerous studies have examined the validity of the alternative trait model and its official assessment instrument, the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5; Krueger, Derringer, Markon, Watson, & Skodol, 2012). However, few studies have directly compared the trait-based model to the traditional PD model empirically in the same dataset. Moreover, to our knowledge, only a single study (Suzuki, Griffin, & Samuel, 2015) has examined the dependability of the PID-5, which is an essential component of construct validity for traits (Chmielewski & Watson, 2009; McCrae, Kurtz, Yamagata, & Terracciano, 2011). The current study directly compared the dependability of the DSM-5 traits, as assessed by the PID-5, and the traditional PD model, as assessed by the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4+), in a large undergraduate sample. In addition, it evaluated and compared their associations with functioning, another essential component of personality pathology. In general, our findings indicate that most DSM-5 traits demonstrate high levels of dependability that are superior to the traditional PD model; however, some of the constructs assessed by the PID-5 may be more state like. The models were roughly equivalent in terms of their associations with functioning. The current results provide additional support for the validity of PID-5 and the DSM-5 Section III personality pathology model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Karl Marx, un periodista en la Era del Capital. Apuntes para una investigación

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Espinoza Pino, Mario


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to criticize the traditional representation of Karl Marx’s journalistic works, usually forgotten by a misleading canon that assumes his articles only as a minor work. One of the problems of this traditional conception is that it dissociates his theoretical and economic contributions from the historical development of the author’s thought (and also from its material roots. We will try to point the importance of Karl Marx’s mature journalism in two areas: in the construction of the central concepts of his critic against the capitalist mode of production (surplus value, a multilineal historical perspective, a global description of the world market, etc. and in the production of political cartographies to intervene in the class conflict. This article poses several hypothesis and tentative affirmations about Karl Marx’s journalism that may serve as a point of departure for a critical research.El objetivo de este artículo es criticar la representación tradicional del trabajo periodístico de Karl Marx, habitualmente olvidado por un canon engañoso que sólo asume sus artículos al precio de convertirlos en una obra menor. Uno de los problemas de esta concepción tradicional es que disocia sus contribuciones teóricas y económicas del desarrollo histórico del pensamiento del autor (y también de sus raíces materiales. Intentaremos señalar la importancia del periodismo maduro de Karl Marx en dos áreas: en la construcción de los conceptos centrales de su crítica contra el capitalismo (plusvalor, un enfoque histórico multilineal, una descripción global del mercado mundial, etc. y en la producción de cartografías políticas para intervenir en el conflicto de clases. Este artículo plantea varias hipótesis y afirmaciones tentativas sobre el periodismo de Karl Marx que pueden servir como punto de partida de una investigación crítica.

  7. Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM (United States)

    Li, Y.; Zhu, L.; Tachibana, K.; Shimamura, H.


    This paper presents a method of reshaping and extraction of markers and masks of the dense houses from the DSM based on mathematical morphology (MM). Houses in a digital surface model (DSM) are almost joined together in high-density housing areas, and most segmentation methods cannot completely separate them. We propose to label the markers of the buildings firstly and segment them into masks by watershed then. To avoid detecting more than one marker for a house or no marker at all due to its higher neighbour, the DSM is morphologically reshaped. It is carried out by a MM operation using the certain disk shape SE of the similar size to the houses. The sizes of the houses need to be estimated before reshaping. A granulometry generated by opening-by-reconstruction to the NDSM is proposed to detect the scales of the off-terrain objects. It is a histogram of the global volume of the top hats of the convex objects in the continuous scales. The obvious step change in the profile means that there are many objects of similar sizes occur at this scale. In reshaping procedure, the slices of the object are derived by morphological filtering at the detected continuous scales and reconstructed in pile as the dome. The markers are detected on the basis of the domes.

  8. Diagnostic crossover and outcome predictors in eating disorders according to DSM-IV and DSM-V proposed criteria: a 6-year follow-up study. (United States)

    Castellini, Giovanni; Lo Sauro, Carolina; Mannucci, Edoardo; Ravaldi, Claudia; Rotella, Carlo Maria; Faravelli, Carlo; Ricca, Valdo


    To evaluate in a 6-year follow-up study the course of a large clinical sample of patients with eating disorders (EDs) who were treated with individual cognitive behavior therapy. The diagnostic crossover, recovery, and relapses were assessed, applying both Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) and the DSM-V proposed criteria. Patients with EDs move in and out of illness states over time, display frequent relapses, show a relevant lifetime psychiatric comorbidity, and migrate between different diagnoses. A total of 793 patients (including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and EDs not otherwise specified) were evaluated on the first day of admission, at the end of treatment, 3 years after the end of treatment, and 3 years after the first follow-up. Clinical data were collected through a face-to-face interview; diagnosis was performed by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire was applied. A consistent rate of relapse and crossover between the different diagnoses over time was observed. Mood disorders comorbidity has been found to be an important determinant of diagnostic instability, whereas the severity of shape concern represented a relevant outcome modifier. Using the DSM-V proposed criteria, most patients of EDs not otherwise specified were reclassified, so that the large majority of ED patients seeking treatment would be included in full-blown diagnoses. Among EDs, there are different subgroups of patients displaying various courses and outcomes. The diagnostic instability involves the large majority of patients. An integration of categorical and dimensional approaches could improve the psychopathological investigation and the treatment choices.

  9. Strengthening the DSM: incorporating resilience and cultural competence

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Garcia, Betty; Petrovich, Anne


    "Garcia and Petrovich...provide a balanced overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the DSM, a comprehensive review of the nature, etiology, and treatment of major mental disorders, and most importantly, a perspective...

  10. Impulsivity-related traits and their relation to DSM-5 section II and III personality disorders. (United States)

    Few, Lauren R; Lynam, Donald R; Miller, Joshua D


    Difficulties with impulse control are considered a core feature of personality disorders (PDs) as assessed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Despite this, there has been relatively little examination of the manner in which DSM-5 PDs are characterized by multidimensional models of impulsivity that parse this broad umbrella construct into smaller, more unidimensional constructs. Using the UPPS model and measure of impulsivity (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001), the relations between 4 impulsivity-related traits and interview-rated scores on both DSM-5 Section II and III PDs and PD traits were examined in a community sample of individuals currently receiving psychological or psychiatric care (N = 106). As expected, the UPPS traits manifested correlations with the new Section III trait model that were generally consistent with the assertion that this new DSM-5 trait model reflects a pathological variant of the Five-Factor Model (FFM; e.g., UPPS traits associated with FFM conscientiousness were most strongly related to DSM-5 disinhibition traits). Overall, the UPPS traits accounted best for variance in DSM-5 Section II and III Cluster B PDs, consistent with these PDs being characterized, in part, by emotionally and cognitively based forms of impulsivity. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  11. Three eras of climate change

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huq, Saleemul; Toulmin, Camilla


    Climate change as a global challenge has evolved through a series of stages in the last few decades. We are now on the brink of a new era which will see the terms of the debate shift once again. The different eras are characterised by the scientific evidence, public perceptions, responses and engagement of different groups to address the problem. In the first era, from the late 1980s to 2000, climate change was seen as an “environmental” problem to do with prevention of future impacts on the planet's climate systems over the next fifty to hundred years, through reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases, known as “mitigation”. The second era can be said to have started around the turn of the millennium, with the recognition that there will be some unavoidable impacts from climate change in the near term (over the next decade or two). These impacts must be coped with through “adaptation”, as well as mitigation, to prevent much more severe and possibly catastrophic impacts in the longer term. It has become clear that many of the impacts of climate change in the near term are likely to fall on the poorest countries and communities. The third era, which we are just about to enter, will see the issue change from tackling an environmental or development problem to a question of “global justice”. It will engage with a much wider array of citizens from around the world than previous eras.

  12. Determinación de las causas del rajado del fruto de uchuva (Physalis peruviana L. bajo cubierta. II. Efecto de la oferta de calcio, boro y cobre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cooman Alexander


    Full Text Available

    Se evaluo la incidencia del rajado del fruto de uchuva, cultivada en macetas y bajo invernadero, con presencia y ausencia en la fertilizacion de los elementos calcio, cobre y boro, y sus interacciones. Los rendimientos en cosecha se redujeron por la ausencia de calcio y cobre pero el boro no incidio en este aspecto. El peso de los frutos individuales aumento por la ausencia del boro en la fertilizacion, mientras que la ausencia del calcio produjo frutos de menor peso y el cobre no incidio en este aspecto. En el tratamiento de fertilizacion completa, que incluyo todos los elementos, el rajado fue mas importante en las primeras semanas y menor hacia el final del periodo de cosecha. El rajado del fruto se expreso en funcion de la presencia de calcio y boro en la fertilizacion, con un incremento de 5,5 a 13% de frutos rajados cuando cualquiera de los dos era eliminado de la solucion nutritiva. El cobre no tuvo efecto sobre la incidencia del rajado. El tamano del fruto, aunque significativo, incidio poco sobre la ocurrencia del rajado.

  13. [A version of DSM-IV criteria adapted for adolescents and applied to young smokers]. (United States)

    Clemente Jiménez, M L; Pérez Trullén, A; Rubio Aranda, E; Marrón Tundidor, R; Rodríguez Ibáñez, M L; Herrero Labarga, I


    To evaluate nicotine dependence in adolescent smokers using a version of DSM-IV criteria for nicotine dependence adapted for adolescents (DSM-IVa). To establish its usefulness and the most relevant items for diagnosing adolescent smokers. Two thousand six hundred forty-seven schoolchildren between 10 and 17 years old were surveyed. A sample size was calculated for each year of age, using the finite population equation with the addition of 10% so that the absolute error would not increase at the end of the study if questionnaires were withdrawn. The sample was stratified by sex and type of school for each age group, with allocation to each stratum proportional to the number of individuals. Schools and students were selected using random number tables. The questionnaire collected the most significant personal data and information related to DSM-IVa criteria. Smokers made up 23.1% of the sample, and 63.5% of them smoked daily. According to the DSM-IVa criteria, 70.7% of the smokers were nicotine dependent. The DSM-IVa had a kappa value of 1 and internal consistency was good (Cronbach's alpha: 0.5598). The DSM-IVa is useful in the studied population, although not perfect. According to the criteria, 70.7% of those interviewed were already nicotine dependent. The key questions were those that referred to the presence of nicotine withdrawal syndrome symptoms and the need to spend a large amount of free time obtaining or smoking cigarettes.

  14. eBranding. La creación de marca digital en la era de la conectividad


    Vallet Saavedra, Gemma


    La presente tesis tiene como objeto explorar si las empresas desde sus estrategias de comunicación online y contenidos corporativos y de marcas en la red adaptan o no una clara estrategia de marca digital, si su puesta en escena en la red evoluciona hacia la era de la conectividad. Explora a su vez si las agencias de comunicación convencional o las empresas especializadas en comunicación digital o interactiva conocen las exigencias del nuevo mercado y en qué grado contemplan el eBranding en s...

  15. The psychopathology of James Bond and its implications for the revision of the DSM-(00)7. (United States)

    Alrutz, Anna Stowe; Kool, Bridget; Robinson, Tom; Moyes, Simon; Huggard, Peter; Hoare, Karen; Arroll, Bruce


    To develop a more concise, user-friendly edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The DSM advisory board is probably already hard at work on the DSM-6, so this study is focused on the DSM-(00)7 edition. We conducted an observational study, using a mixed methods approach to analyse the 50th edition boxset of James Bond experiences. James Bond was selected as a suitably complex subject for the basis of a trial of simplifying the DSM. Researchers' televisions and computers from late January to mid-April in Auckland, New Zealand. Following a review of the 23 James Bond video observations, we identified 32 extreme behaviours exhibited by the subject; these could be aggregated into 13 key domains. A Delphi process identified a cluster of eight behaviours that comprise the Bond Adequacy Disorder (BAD). A novel screening scale was then developed, the Bond Additive Descriptors of Anti-Sociality Scale (BADASS), with a binary diagnostic outcome, BAD v Normality Disorder. We propose that these new diagnoses be adopted as the foundation of the DSM-(00)7. The proposed DSM-(00)7 has benefits for both patients and clinicians. Patients will experience reduced stigma, as most individuals will meet the criteria for Normality Disorder. This parsimonious diagnostic approach will also mean clinicians have more time to focus on patient management.

  16. Ecological recovery in ERA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    EFSA Scientific Committee (Scientific Committee); Topping, Christopher John


    knowledge and data retrieved from the literature. Finally, the information presented in this opinion was reviewed by experts from the relevant EFSA Panels, European risk assessment bodies and through an open consultation requesting input from stakeholders. A conceptual framework was developed to address...... recognises the importance of more integrated ERAs considering both the local and landscape scales, as well as the possible co-occurrence of multiple potential stressors that fall under the remit of EFSA, which are important when addressing ecological recovery. In this scientific opinion, the Scientific...... Committee gathered scientific knowledge on the potential for the recovery of non-target organisms for the further development of ERA. Current EFSA guidance documents and opinions were reviewed on how ecological recovery is addressed in ERA schemes. In addition, this scientific opinion is based on expert...

  17. Crisis DSM Generation To Support Refugee Camp Management (United States)

    Gstaiger, Veronika; d'Angelo, Pablo; Schneiderhan, Tobais; Krauss, Thomas


    The extraction of high resolution surface information from satellite data has become an important area of research. One of the numerous fields of application is disaster management. Detailed information about the affected terrain is not only needed for analyses during the emergency relief phase, but also for reconstruction and prevention activities. In this paper the authors present the generation of a Digital Surface Model (DSM) based on three very high resolution optical satellite images. The DSM was produced to supplement a flood mapping activity in Jordan and serves as example for the implementation of scientific results during an emergency request. The flood affected the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan and was mapped by the Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in January 2013 under emergency mapping conditions.

  18. Resultados del estudio de subdetección del meningococo en vacunados en Galicia

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    Alberto Malvar Pintos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A partir la vigilancia activa y el seguimiento de la Enfermedad Meningocócica (EM tras la campaña de vacunación realizada en Galicia, se observó que la proporción de aislamientos del serogrupo responsable de la enfermedad entre los casos de sospechosos de EM (SEM que habían sido vacunados era menor que entre los no vacunados. Ante esta situación se realizó un estudio con el fin de determinar si en el origen de esas SEM sin aislamiento se encontraba la N. Meningitidis del serogrupo C y cuantificar la importancia de esa subdetección. MÉTODOS: Para ello, y durante el período de estudio (desde la semana 26 de 1997 a la semana 14 de 1999, se tomaron muestras de LCR y sangre de las SEM sin aislamiento, para su estudio con PCR para especie y serogrupo. El análisis de las muestras fue realizado por el laboratorio de microbiología del hospital Clínico de Santiago de Compostela. RESULTADOS: De los 120 casos notificados durante el periodo de estudio, se analizaron por PCR 65 (38 vacunados y 27 no vacunados, resultando positivas para N. meningitidis en un 65% (42 muestras, 74% en vacunados y 52% en no vacunados. . Estimando, a partir de los casos estudiados, los resultados para el total, y excluyendo los casos PCR negativo, encontramos que, para el serogrupo C, sólo en el 27% de los casos ocurridos en vacunados se consigue aislarlo, frente al 80% en los no vacunados (p<0.0001. Estos porcentajes son, para el caso del B, del 59 y 71% respectivamente, diferencia estadísticamente no significativa. CONCLUSIONES: La vacuna provocó una verdadera subdetección de meningococos del serogrupo C entre los casos vacunados

  19. Cien años del colorante de Giemsa.

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    José Perea Sasiaín


    Full Text Available Esta es una revisión general de los trabajos previos y subsecuentes al hallazgo del colorante de Giemsa, con énfasis en los azules de metileno policromos. Se presenta un breve bosquejo biográfico de Berthold Gustav Carl Giemsa, así como de la constitución y mecanismo de acción de su colorante y el resultado de análisis únicos por HPLC de su azur II (azul de metileno, 63,6%; azur B, 28,6%; azur A 4, 4%; azur C, 1,4%, y tionina, 1,9%. Por tanto, el azur I no era 'puro' sino una mezcla de tionina y todos sus derivados metilados en los grupos amina 3 y 7, muy probablemente preparada por oxidación del azul de metileno en medio ácido como lo definió Lillie. Se tabulan los usos del colorante de Giemsa informados durante los últimos 32 años.


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    Sutejo K. Widodo


    Full Text Available The moment of Sumpah Pemuda (Young Man Oath took place 84 years ago, reflecting the spirit of nationalism that is still very important in this Reformation era. This paper endeavors to dig deeper meaning of Sumpah Pemuda in its pre-independence era and applying it to our contemporary situation. The method used here is historical research using literature resources, such as articles, books, and other readings in internet. It is then concluded that the spirit of Sumpah Pemuda should be our contemplative materials and valuable Iesson so that Reformation era may succeed in achieving national goals stated in the Constitution, a society that is fair, prosperous, and democratic. Keywords: Sumpah Pemuda, Reformation era, nationalism.